平 ​A 656443 重 ​= UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SI CUERIS ELMINSULAT. AMON** 1837 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE OUTH GERUNDT TIEDOX 1 CIRCUMSPICE CULIN.W.CUCULUS.D. norint } 5MUI ET MITRINIDHIIII tid manten COLES, ELISHA, the younger. Á dictionary, Anel.j.sh Jatin and Latin English, 16 edition, London, 1742. ) The AUTHOR to the READER. T HE proper Ufe and Deſign of a Latin ferved, in place a choth common and Pro- Dictionary, fuited to Engliſh and ten-per, in an alphabetical Orter which can- der Capacities, is, in brief, the tran- not be blamed by any that consider the great Nating of Latin into Engliſh firſt, as Conveniency of Diſpatch Sere af any being the eafieft; and then the turning of Eng- Thing required. The title of lift into Latin (ſome Grammatical Founda- one upon another, the ma, Pitions tion being preſuppoſed) without the Help of References that were wont other Books. one to another, are all by this V. In Anſwer to this Defign, it ſhould confift But that Method of Calepine, as this of two Parts; one containing all Words, both after him, (who wrote for Men) in placing Appellative and Proper, all Idioms and Phraſes the Derivatives all under their Primitives, is uſed in the Latin Tongue, whit appofite Eng- not in the leaſt to be followed by thoſe who liſ fuited thereunto : The other containing pretend that they condeſcend to the loweft Ca- all kind of Words, Terms of Art, and Phraſes pacities. For they are ſometimes ſo ſtrangely uſed in the Engliſh Tongue, with proper Latin changed, that it puzzles an experienced Judg- ſuited to them, and both in an Alphabetical ment where to look them. Order ; becauſe that is moſt ſuitable to the weakeſt Capacities, and is not in the leaſt pre In the Engliſh Part, the Corrections are ſo judicial to the Atrongeſt. many, and ſo great, as would take up too much Time and Room to relat.. Having therefore, as to the general Deſign, obſerved what is amifs, fuperfluous, and want Thouſands of Words, Particles, Idioms, ing in others, That we have here endeavoured Phraſes, and Proverbs are added : Together to Rectify, Retrench, and Supply. with the whole Body of Proper Names, not only of Men and Women, and Places here in In the Latin Part, many Words and Phrafes England, (ſo far as could be procured, but are much more properly render'd than they alſo the Modern Names of Foreign countries, were in any other; and where a ſingle Word Ilands, Mountains, Cities, Rivers and others could conveniently be had, we choſe it rather noted Places, eſpecially in Europe, as France than a long and tedious Periphrafis. Germany, &c. We have not heaped up Synonyma's, but Some obfolete Words and uncouth Phraſes yet took care that Words (eſpecially the Pri- are among the reft ; becauſe we are to ſuppoſe mitives) ſhould have the whole Variety of the very worft that any one can have Occa- their ſeveral Significations, fion to turn into Latin, without intending the Engliſh for Ule. For as in the Latin Part Such uſeful. Explications, Directions, and only the Engliſh, fo in the Engliſh Pait only References as were wont to be in Latin, are the Latin, is to be propoſed for Imitation. And here in plain and intelligible Engliſh. But ſuch the Want of this Confideration gave Occafion Latin Explications as were afterwards repeated for many Miſtakes in other Works of this again in Engliſh, we judged a needleſs Vanity, Nature. and therefore have omitted them. We have alſo omitted tedious Etymologies, which, for The Engliſ irregular Plurals of Nouns, and the moſt part, depended merely upon Conjec- Preter-Tenſes of Verbs, are here, to our ut- tures, and were of little or no Ufe at all to moſt, obſerved : Together with ſuch Engliſh Children; but have given them where they Subſtantives as are alſo taken and uſed as are plain, and rationally to be deduced. How Adjectives, than which there is hardly any carefully they have been conſidered, and how Thing more common, yt nothing leſs regard- well performed, we refer to the Judgment of ed, or more needful to t: underſtood. the Learned And all in a regular and alphabetical order The Quantities are here made more com-as alſo the Names of Birds, Beaſts, and othe pleat, by being placed over initial Vowels, as Things that were wont to be in particula well as other Syllables. Tables, or many little Di&tionaries within the greater, wuich was far from being ſuited Many Phraſes and proper Names (with the the common Uſe of Schools, or Childrens Ca hardeft of their Genitives) are added from pacities; becauſe it ſuppoſed in them not onl Calepine, Ferrarius, and others. a maoly Judgment, but a judgment philo ſophical ; for unleſs they know beforehan The method alſo of Calepine is here ob- I what the Thing is, or what general Head i A 1 be equalled by any other of the fame Bulk and Price, and which anſwers all the purpoſes of is under, they muſt of Neceſſity ſearch allneſs of the Character, who confiders, that it choſe petty Dictionaries, or, at least, look fo. is intended for young Eyes, in the Peruſal ng till they find, that their patience muſt be of a Word or two, and not to be pored on worn out : So, that a litt! Experience will as a continual Diſcourſe ; but eſpecially con- practically demonſtrate to Uſefulneſs of our fidering how much is compriſed in fó little Method, and all we have done. Room, and that it might be much more port- able, and far leſs chargeable than any other I think there is none can object the Small-Dictionary now extant, The BOOKSELLE RS to the Reader. FTER this Book. had recommended itſelf to the World by the Sale of above 2000 every year ſince its firſt Publication, (Anno 1697) which all the difinterefted Judges of ſuch a Work (we perſuade ourſelves) will allow to be a ſufficient Teſti- mony of its Uſefulneſs and Efteem among thoſe Gentlemen who have had the Tuition of the Youth of theſe Kingdoms in the Latin Sthools, we ſay, after this, we could not but be furprized to find the mercenary Preface-Writer to a late Dictionary gaſconading and raving for Hire againſt ALL Latin-Engliſh Dictionaries ten excant, when at the fame Time he muſt have been onſcious that it could be proved by a Receipt under his own Hand, that he undertook, And received his Share of the Money agreed to be paid for rendering one of them compleat. For a Man entruſted with the forming the Minds and Morals of Youth, to depart from his Duty and Honour at fuch a Rate, is very extraordinary ! But not more extraordinary than what we are prepared to produce and laid before the World, upon the leaſt Intimation, from his accurate Editions of Clavis Homerica, Ariſtophanes, &c. &c. which muſt ever semain ignominious Monuments of his Integrity or judgment in re Literaria, His bumble farvning Pride ſhould not have attempted to ſpurn at the ſuperior Merit of others, nor Thould he Nily have endeavoured to ride himſelf into the good 'Opinion of the Publick; by generouſly beftowing upon himſelf the Epithets of LEARNED and InD US'- TRIO'ÚS. He, in Point of common Prudence, ſhould not have ventured to ſupport bis totter- ing Reputation by invidious Reflexions again & Coles Eatin Di&ionary ; a Diàionary not to a Latin Dictionary for Boys of a lower Claſs, for whom it was principally intended. But to leave this diſagreeable, tho' neceffary Repreſentation of Difingenuity : Whoever he be that claims the Merit of the correcting and improving that Dictionary, he has not ſcrupled to tranſcribe the very Authors he beſpatters ; nor bas he always corrected the Faults which he condemns, but by Arſt diſappointing, and then betraying bis Friends, for the Sake of a ſmall pecuniary Advantage, and to gain an opportunity of gratifying his unpre- cedented Vanity, by puffing bimſelf to the World, he has inoft flagrantly impeached his own Conduct and Integrity. But the Proprietors have endeavoured to render ineffectual all ſuch impotent and difongurable Atempts to impair the Credit of Goles Lotin Dictionary, by the Care taken in this Six- TEENTH Edition, viz. That ſuch Errors as had been over-looked before are now corrected ; that the Citation of the Roman Writers, proper to fix the Authority of ſuch Words, as were ibought neceffary, is added; that fome Defects, which were found among the ſeveral Senſes-of the Latin Words, as alla, that many thouſand Additions, for the Sake of the young Beginner, are ſupplied; belides the Parts of Speech, the Declension of Nouns, Pronouns, and Participles, and the Conjugation of Verbs, which were added to the Latin in the Englifs Part in our lait Edition : And as this laft Particular is either entirely omittcd, of very ſuperficially poted in Ainſwortb, or any other Engliſh-Latin Dictionary now extane, this of Coles ftill juſtly claiins she Efteem it has always held in the Gramirar-Scbools of theſe Kingdoms. ܕ From Welimirfier, July, 1742. A : 3,27 ,. 1 ca. To get above onc, ſupero, are; act. yicld abundant y terre falus pro- А во ABS ABU ex aqua. It is a foot and an To look aħout, allendo; 3. curos. 1. Ablolved, abſolutus, a, um, PA half above ground, extat è terra circumfpicio, 3: Abſolute (adi. ] abſolutus, omnibus niu. fequi pode. * He is above ten Round about (adv.) circumcirca, cir: nier.s perfeftus. years old, driein annos exceflit. cumqugque. Abſolute (not dipònding) jui juris. To be above all [excel] præſlo, arı. ABOUT I go about) it, aggrede. Apſolutely, abplure, plenilime; adv. rë, imper, of aggredior, accingere. Abſoluteaicis, dominatio, onis ; f. o abound, bent. abundo, 1. feateos 2. The fartheſt way about is the near Abſolution, abſolutia, onis ; f. offuo, 3. To abound in nećer. eſt way home, compendia plcruri.gur Abſolutory, cbfoluterius, a, um; ad). farles neceſariis offuare. When difpondia, via triki via tuta. To abſtain, abflineo, cre; n. # To choler abounds, diſcales grow, re. Abraham, Abrabani. &; or Araba: abituin" from plca furc, à voľudsati. dundanta bile mor bi naſcuntur. * mus,. ' ; in.. bus toimperare, volupassius belluna When I saw men abounding in Abraham's balm, or hemp-trces.uitex. indicere placidis adjoincie linis. To theſe, cum viderem bomines his rebus An abricot, prunum Armeniaciuto. abſtain froin meat, cilo vblinere, circumftantes, A Abricot-tres, ma!us. Armeniaca, mariem cor::raberc, vistrike.190.2 in To make to abound, accumulo, are. To abridge (act.] abbrevio, 3. Sillo, direre, '* Desiring they would ab- ABOUT has divers ſignificaricns, are; contraho, čre; in fummam ni ſtain froin murder and fire, preing- and accordingly is diverfly made digeri, in coimpendiura cogere. To les ut cadius & iricendiis.parcereni. in Latin ; sometimes by abridge one's liberty, ieerren, 2.' Abſteinious [ber] ghlein :3, 4.,,um. Ad; præp. cum aceas, * About ten * To abridge one's charges, furnp., Abiterive or abftergent (of cleansing thouſand, Al dezem millia. * A tus minuere. nature] abyle:8611!, seierger, ris ; bout which times, ad quæ tempora, an abridgemeot, compendium, 2. epi part, præi 2ct. Alſo c!ergendi * About fun-ſet, ad folis occafum. tonis, T Syriapfis, 3. kovinienturiolusil vim hiless, or ahlergendi vi reditus, Apud; præp. cum act as, * If he 2. brevis explicatio, fumma negotii, Abilinence, fineniia, continentia. be about ihe market, fi apud forum fumma reruin facies. To abstract [liparaie). abftraho, sem ej. Abroach, terebratus ad promondum. jungo, čre ; agregory Circa, or Circum; præp. cum acc. as, To ſet abroach (or tap) terebrare.. To avſtract or abridge. [vit. a book] * The cities about Capica, urbes | ABROAD; adv. (in the open air, conirat.cis in erilcmen; or in comeone circa Capuam. * They wintered a from home, or not withto (feris; dium redigere, bout Aquileia, circum Aquileiam fub dio, in publico or aperto a34 An abſtract, ezilome, 1. compendiuin, byemabant. * Your heifer's mind * They often ſup abroad, foris lare frugimarjuin, 2. is about the green fields, circu vi renant. There muſt be a lit plaid, Abfraſe (dark) adj. o:cultas, abſiru- rentas eft animus tulæ campos juven taken abroad, idoncus fub dio supilus, a, um, # There are divers opinions mendus locus. He lay 2briad all Aditruſencis, obfeuritis, alis; f. about theſe things, varia circa night, pernotavit in publico. Abſurd (fooliſh] adj. no urdus, ra- hac opinio. * About break of day, ABROAD, adv. (from within, or in. tieni dilluns, or diffentaneus, ineps circa luris' orium, to the open air) foras, in publicum, ius, à raiiine adhortaris. Circiter; præp. cum acr, as, + About or amertum; as, *He cook me by Somewhat abfurd, ſubabſurdis, adj. noon, circiter meridiom. *. About nyfélf abroad with him, me foium Váy abfurd, peratfuerdas, c', un cight-a-clock,cftavamcircitarhoram. feduxit foras. * I koow you do not 'An abſurd ly, abfurditas, atis; f. De; præp. abl. * I caine to you a come abroad, fcio ie in publicum Abſurdly, antidé, inesie; adv. bout your daughter, odii te ec Alia. non prodire. It is not my defire Very abſurdly, Feraburdi, adv. Forme; ady. as, * About the ſame that you ſhould publiſh this work Abundancé, "atindantia, cepia, pu- time, iifdem fermis diebus abroad, hoc opus in apertum ut pro. lentid, 1. ubertis, faridas, 3. A- In; cum abl. * You are long about feras nibil populo. * He codics a. bundance of fruit this year, annus the buſineſs, diu es in hoc negotio. broad, procedit in medium, exuberat pomis. * Abundar.cc of Inflor, adv. cun gen as. * 'Tis about ABROAD.; adv. (all about) palin; Icavcs, luxuria filiorum, Abun- four fingers long, infiar quatuor as, She ſcatters the body abroad dance of straw and fodder, firami- digitorum et. all over the fields, per agros polim nis: Grabuli cffarim. Mi Corn with Plus minùr, adv, as, + About ibilty difpergit corpus. abundance of ears, soe es uboribus & days, dias plùs minùs triginta. ABROAD (foreign parts) perogrè ; crebris ;picis. # An abundance of Quafi ; adv. as, i About the bottom adv. tales, abundè fubularum. of the page, quafi in extrema pagi. That report runs abroad, la fama An abundance Coverplus] corollarium, nâ. * About forty pounds, quafi vagatur. He makes it known i; n. quadraginta mina. * About à foot abroad, vulgo notum facit. There Too much abundance, funerabundan, big, quafi pedalis. go ſo many tales abroad, that no. sia, C; f. nimietas, 3. nimis co- Sub ; præp. cum arce as, * About the body knows what to believe, tot pia, I. ſame time, fub idem tempus. circumferuntur mendacia, ut nejcias Abundant or abounding, (adj.) abun. Super ; præp. cum abl. as, I will quid credendum fit. dans, tis ; copiofus, uber, is, write to you about this matter, hac To abrogate [Wake void] abrogo, are; Abondantly; adv. abundè, copiose, fuper ro scritam ad te. refigo, 3 ubertim. The fruits of the carth ABOUT before an infinitivo mood abrogating, An thews that the ſaid infinitive ſhall abrogation, funduntur nobis * He was abun. be made by the futurc in rus; as, Abrogated, abrogatus, a, um. P.GA. dapıly thankful, cumulat Dimè mibi Being about to fight his laſt bat. To at abrood, incubare ovis. gratiam reddidit. I think I have tle, ultimam prælium initurus, &c. Abrupt (broken off ] præruptus. abundantly satisfied him, puto me To be about [imployed in] in aliqua Abruption, Babruptio , onis ; f. offatiin ſatisfecillo. To abuſe, abusor, 11 ; dep. violo, are ; tare aliquid, * Izm about it now, Abruptly, rapsim, præruprè. ait. convitior, ari; dep. injuriam ibi nunc fum. * You are long a- Abruzzo (a country in Italy] Apru. alicui inferre, or immitiert, calum. bout that affair, nimis diu co nege tium, Samnium, niis onerare, * You ſhall not abuſe tio kcupatús és, Abſalom, Abſalom, indecl. nie in mine own houſe, faxa ſci- Το 80 about [attempt). a thing, ag. Abſence, abſentia, 3. defiderium, 2. atis rion vidure hanc ir ulam eft, gredior, egreffus, 3 dep. foto, 1. Done in abſence, abfentaneus, a, um. To abuſe (carnally ) polluo, ere. To go round for walk round) a place, Abfent, [adj.] abſens, ntis. To abuſe io one's facc, Surror, dep. obambulo, perambulo, 1. To be ablent, abum, abefe. An abuſe, abufio, onis; f. abufus,ůs; To lie scattered about (as men flying To abſent himſelf' [play leaſt in m. convirium, 'ij ai after a battle] difpergor, 3. part. fight) abejo, abdere je, praſmiem sa Abuſed, violatus, abufus, a, uin. To lic about (watching the borders non fiere, ſe loco abflinere, An Abuſes, violator, ludifiraror, cris, or lands, or houſes of any one] To abfolve (acquit] abſolvo, čre. An abuſing or ſpeaking evil of male- circumjaceo, adjaceo; 2. To abſolve in judgment, rium abſol dictio, onis ; f. To take one about the middle, me vere, crimine liberaré, innocentem Abuſive, dicax, acis ; fcurrilis, adj. 3. dium aliquem prehendere. pronunciare, reis eximere. art. maledicus: 3 term. To take one aboot the neck, se ali. To be abſolved, liberari, oranium lon. An abuſive fellow, fcurra, a; m. cujus collo ſufpondere. inntiis abfolui. Abuſively, abufve, Scurrilitèr's adv. AZ Abutiye АСС. A CC A CC.. 1 AN ACCORD (agreement) concor- An accofting, } compellatio, on:s; f. dia nor . Abuſiveneſs, fcurrilitas, atis ; f. Accompanied, comitatus, a, um, weighed according to truth, ex. Full of abuſivencís, feurrilis, le; ad). An accompanier, daduator, oris ; m. veritate caufa pendabit. # Accord Abutich (in Egypt] Abydus. An accompanying, deduftio, onis ; f. ing to appointinent, ex composo, To abut (border upon adjaceo, Ere ; To accompliſh, conjurmo, 1. abſol # Which is inoft.cco ding to sa- collimitar, ari; coniermino, are ; n, 20, 3. adimpleo, 2. conficio, ērs. . ture, quod effè natura maximè. Abuttals, limites, confinia, termini. To accompliſh one's vows, vota * To live according to one's own Abutting, conterminus, a, um , adj. prajara, voti fidem folvert. * To nature, fecunduin naturam fuam vi. An abyis (bottomleſs pit) abyffus, i; f. have one's deſires accompliſhed,vo vere. * Let him have according Aca (in Phænicia, Polemais, idis; f. 10 frui, or potiri ; vori Jui fummam to his deleits, quc meritus fit to An acadcay, ricademia, ei f. confequi. * To accompliſh one's rat, It is according to our wiſh, Academian, 2 adj. Aixdemicus, a, deſtiny, fati ſui finem complere; exi voto convenit res. According to my Academical, Sun. cu defungi. * To accomplish an. tormer cuſtom, meo prillino mare. Academicks, Academici, orum, pl. m. ger or fury upon one, iram vel * According to the eftecor I have To accelerate (haften 1 accelero, art, elum in aliquem confummate.. * of you, pro ro quanii se facio. *Ac. Accelerated, acceleratus, a, um ; par. It ſhall accompliſh that which i cording to their faveral weights, An accent, arcenius, tonus, 2. apex, 3. pleaſe, faciet id quo dele&tor. When pro eo quonium in quibu que fit yen- To accent, accentum apringere. he had accompliſhed thoſe days, dus. According to my power, To accept, accipio, ere; a&. * He ac paradis illis diebus, pro mea zirili. * We muit now cepts my requests and petitions, Accompliſhed, P. & A. conſum go according to the times, nunc poflulata & petitiones fufcipit. Accomplifit, } matus, abſolutur. ſcena ſervicndum eft. To accept of kindly grorum & Allepo * When ſeventy years were ac- ACCORDINGLY, merilo, congruè, tum haberi, aqui & bori confulere, compliſh'd, completis Septuaginta fic puriier; adx.': annis. To accoſt, act. (approach, fet upon) accompliſhing perfeétio, aggredior, congredior, 3. acorior, 4. It will be very acceptable actodo, 3. convenio, 4 to me, id mihi pergratum erit, tio, abſolutio, oni; f. Accoftcd, comcellatus, a, umpart. Acceptat!encfs, gratia, &; f. Acceptably, opie; adv. Accepiance, benevolentia,e; f, If the matter may be brought to To account (RECKON] nunero, Accepted, acceptus, gratus, a, um, an accord, fi ad concordian res fupputo, computo, art, act. He To be accepted, acceptor, ari ; pafl. adduci poteft. There is very accounts of all that is clear gain, An acceſs (coming to) accafus,adi great force in the accord of good omne id depul.t cre in lucro. * Ho tus, ús; m, men, mexima vis eß in conſenſu bo is accounted the next man to the TQ have acceſs 'unto. admiitor, j * The accord of all na. king, ſecundus à raga hatelur. * 1t paſi ad congrelum adir.isi. * No tions is to be accounted the law of muſt be accounted as done by no man can have acceſs to him, nemo nature,, omnium gentium confenfio right, pro eo habendum eft de fi ad eum fpirart fotel, # That I lex nature' putanda eß. nullo jure fu&um vel. * I make may have an caly acceſs to your Of my, thy, his, her, our, your, or account, fort animus, in animo . library, u: mihi tui libri pateant. thçir own ACCORD; adv. ultrò, An account (or reckoning 7 computus, Acceffible (to be come at) expofitus, Sponte, [vsluntate] meâ tuâ, fuâ, calculus, 2, rasio, 3. * To cast ac- a, un ; affabilis, le ; adj. nollra, veflra; as, * You did it of counts with the pen, fcriberdo con. Acceſſion (addition] additamentum, your own accord,ſponse tuâ faciebas. ficere rationes, * To cali one to corollarium, i; n. * He gave it to me of his own account, ad rationem reddendam vo- accord, ultrò mihi dedit. They acceffary, confors conjuratio- To give an account of A acceflory, I nis, finis, popula came of their own accord, fuâ vo one's doings, rationen fazlorumreta ris, ſceleris . confcius, criminis, or luntate venerunt. dere. * Hic is cafting up his ac- facinoris focius, culpæ finis. "They | Of one ACCORD, unanimis, & ; ad). counts, rationes colligir, * You are thonght he was acceffory, 'præbuit With one accordi adv, concorditer, out in your account non relpondet Tufpicionem confcientiæ. unanimitèr, uno animo. * They optioni calculus. You are right Acceſſorily, obiter ; ady. gathered themſelves together with in your account, regiè tutinin sr. The, accidence, Grammatices intro one accord, congregarunt fa pariter It is a clear account, audio. ad pugnandum wo animo. apparet. * Our accounts agree An accident [Sudden cvent) acci- By mutual accord, ex compado, ex very well, lene ratio inter nos c. dens, 3. cafus fortuitus. compofito. Capri et extenf convenit. * They Accidental, contingens, tis ; adj. To accord (agree] confentio, coricordo, are not yet put into the accounts, Accidentally, contingenter ; adv. conucnio; ncut. * 1 accord with in rationem nondum venerunt. Acclamation,, (crying out acclami. you, coniuntio tibi ; convenit mihi make this account, met fic eft ra- rio, 3. publica gratulatio. tecum. * To accord in an opinion, tio. * To give a good account of To accoaſt (land from ica] axpellere concurrere in unnin ſmiantiain. a thing rei coufam probabilem red- portum, To accord in mutual affection, idem dere. "To give an account of a bat- An accoafting, appulfus, Ûs; m. velle Gnolle, unum ludere. tic, pralii dacurfum ordine exponere. To accommodate (fit) accommodo, To accord (mrke to agree) act.com. An accounting, computatio, 3. Calave adopla, are ; at pono, 3. concilio, 1. lites compunere, lario, 3. fubauctio rationum. Acconimodated, infructus, a, um, in gratiam redigerc, in concordiam A little account, computuriuntula, ra. To accommodate (a difference) po. reducere. tiuncula, æ; f. cem redintegrars, controverfiam diri. ACCORDING AS (adv ) pròus, te- Bil!s of account, literæ ratimaria, rindl, ui, prodo ac, pro w int *AC- A book of accounts, diarium, liber To accommodate (furniſh one)fup. cording as every nian's pleaſure aciopli expen!. peditg, are ; act. is, prout cujufque libido efl. Ac- A caſter of accounts, corrputator, col. An accommodation (making up of cording as the opinion of every culator, cris; m. a difference] commoditas, 3. redin. man's manners is, ferinde ut opinio Accountable, raiioni reddenda obnox- tegratia pacis. ef de cujulque moritus. * According jus. To accompany [go with comitor, as I deferve, pro eo ac meteor. .AC-An accountant, logilice or nunerandi ari ; dep. je fosium ilineris dari. cording as the time wou'd ſuffer, peritu. * He accompanies him, ſo illi.com pro eo ul temporis difficultas' tuli!. An accountant's cloſet, amphitholz. mitem exhibet. Many accompa. According as thcrc thall be need, mi, orum. nied him boine, frequentes eum utrunque opus fit. To account {rftecm) afimo, l. fine dede: xerunt domuin. *To accom. ACCORDING TO (præd ) ad, de, cio, pendo, quco, 3. hibeo, 2. ju- pany a corps to church, profequi ex fecundin, pro, &c. * Hc dico, I. funus. [pcaks nothing a.cording to truth, To make a great account of, magni To accompany{keep company with) nihil ad veritatam loquitur # H fuc:o, in descijs' hibeo. * I make amicifini: linul vivere, cum aliquo doth all according 10 his own no grcat cccount of, 'non Mügni afsduus «, or confuetudinem no. mind only, we fuâ unius festenia pendo. * If you niake ſo great bare. gerit omnia. #The cause shrail be account of nie, fi ina kunti yicis, * They cart. nes. rallo ! nitio, 3. A CC ACH ACQ * They made great account of it, A falſe accuſation, Lycophanting ma- j Achterwald [a wood in the Low- in fummo apud illos honore fuit. litiofa & mendax intiinario. countries) Arduinni. To make little or no account of, Accret accuſation, delati, 3. dela. Acid (Tharp in catte) acidus, a, um. parvi aut nibili pendo. * It may Tura, a ; f. Acidity, uciditas, atis f. be you make little account of what of an accuſation, accufatorius, (gum. Adiemo (in Niples. Acarnum. becomes of ac, fu fortaffe quid de The accuſative caſe, cajus accufaridi, To ACKNOWLEDGE (act.) recoga me flat parvi curas. accufativus, or quartus, nofio, 3. ingenuè fateri, palan pre- An account (eſtimation) pretium, i ; To be accuſed, accufandus, 0, Un. dicare, non negare, * To acknow- * Men of no account, ignora Whereby one is accuſed, aacuari ledge himſelf guilty, in fe culpam capita ; homines viles, nibil ; fine vus, a, um ; adj. fufcipere. * I acknowiedge what nomine turba. * To be of ſome or Like an acculer, accufaforiè ; ady. you lay of me, agno:co quod mibi no account, aliquo vel nullo efe Accuſing falny, columniofus, a, um. iribuis, hi To acknowledge that numero. * Authors of good ac- By falle accuſing, calumniosi, frco. he has life by one's courtely, ac- count, clofici fcriptoru. * What phantic ; adv, ceptum referre faizliemjuam olicujus account did Cæſar mako of you? To acculton himſelf, fluefco, 3. con- benevolentiâ. * To acknowledge quem locum apud Cæfarem obtinuifi? fuefco, in conſuetudinem adducere. it owing, aceptum referre. * They are of no account, jacent. To accuſtom himſelt, llueſca, 3. To acknowledge before an officer, He makes no account of plea penitus dare. * So much it is to ac profiteor, ēri; dep. cuin accuſ. fare, voluptatem nullo loco numerat. cuſtom one's fell in youth, udio in Acknowledged, cgnitas, rccognitus, * No ſcholar of any account but teneris confualcore multum el. An acknowledging, lugnition recoga } knows him, nemini ef paulum modo Accuſtomed, (part.] affuefcatus, af- An acknowledgment, humaniori ignotus. Of great ac- furlus, folitus, a, um. Aconite (wolf's-banc) aconitum. count, magni, antiquu. Not accuſtomed '1.part.] inufitatus, an acorn, glans, odis ; f. An account (cauſe or reaſon] cauſa, infolens, infelitus, inſuetus. * Not A little acorn, glandula, glandicula. I. rario, 3. f. On that account, accuſtomed to receive truths, inz. Full of acorns, glandinjus; adi. sa de caufa. * On his account, solens vera accipiendi. To bear acorns (reut.) glandeo, 2. illius ergô, or gratiâ. To be accuſtomed (Reut, pan.) af. glandus fero. Accounted, habitus, affimatus. Juepe, eri ; foleo, 2. * It is accur Bearin; acori's, glandifor, era, eruin. To accouter (drols] apparo, I. in. tomed in many thirgs, inultis in To ACQUAINT [act.j admoneo, 2. Aruo, 3. orno, 1. velio, 4. rehus ufitatum . This kind of nuncio, iniliisg 1. corn:nonefacio, 3. Accoutred, infructus, ornatus. puniſhment is accuſtomed io vile norum facic. *Acquaint ay maſter, Accoutrements, arme, orum ; pl.n. perſons, hoc genus pana in improbos indiciun hero facius meo. * Ho ac- apparalys, tis ; m. ufurpatum eß. This thing our quaints them with his mind, quid An accoutring, apparario, infru&io, anceſtors have long uſed and ac- fierd velit Bendit. * Bå very care- onis ; f. cuſtomed, et hoc mi more pofitum ful to acquaint us, yac nos quàm To accrue, (riſe, grow] accrefco, 3. intitutoque mojorum. diligentilſime certiores. redundo, are ; neut. Accuſtomable, quod ufurpari potefi. Acquaintance (familiarity) familia- To accumulate [heap up) accumulo. Not to be accuitomcd, ai oleo, ēre. ritas, neceffitudo, confuctudo, 3. f. Accumulated, accumulatus, a, um. To begin to be accuftonied, seleco. * Our area!ntance is of no long An accumulating, accumulatio, 3. f. Accuſtomarily, ufirare; -dy. ftanding, nin lor.go orgnitus ufu. * Accurate, accuratus, exaus. An accuſtoming, luefactio, onis ; f. To creep into one's acquaintance, Accurately, ad amuffim; adv. The ace (point) as, jis; m. ad alicuius familigrilaren applicare To accurle, maledico, 3: execror,ari. Ambes-ace, ambo js. je. To get one's acquaintance, Accurſed, maledictus, a, um. The ace-throw, canicula, &; f. amicitiam clicujus fibi conciliarı, * To ACCUSE (act.] accuſo, infellor, The ace (at cards) monas, acis; f. To (crepe acquaintance, ad ali- criminor, poftulo, I. in jus vocari, Acerbity (ſharpnes) acerbicas. quem inbnuuri je. * Upon what diem alicui dicere, reum agere. *Hé Acerenza. (in Naples] Azhorontia. acqua'n:ance ? qua gratis, quo no- accuſes him of treaſon, majeftatis Achamba (an Indian illand] Tapro mine ? * I have no acquaintance occerfit, *He accuſes him of ihings bana. with you, neque le quis fis bomo unlawfully taken, populat cum de An ACHE; dolor, oris ; m. fcio. I have not ihe leaſt ac- repetundis. * He accuſed my friend Thc head-iche, cephalalgia,. capitis quaintance with him, allus an ater of bribery, nomen amici mii de dolor, Jit nefcio. * I have 1:1110 acquain- ambilų detulit. * He might accuſe The tooth-ache, odontalgia, dentium tance with you, uus amicizia locum another of bribery, ipje alterum dolor. mihi parius. ambitus crimine arceforit. An extreme ache of a bile, ukeril An acqua intance (familiar friend) To accuſe (blamc] culpo, I. repre- aſus. notus, familjuris, ris; c, * An ac- hendo, 3. act. *I do not accufe To have an ache, doleo, Tre ; neut. qua!ntance of ininc, motus mihi you, te feciſo non arguo. Acheio (in Thrace] Anchiulus. quidain. An intimate acquain. To accare fallly [act.) calumnior ; The ache-bone, os ccxindicis. iance of mine, unus ex insimis dep. invidiose criminari, fao cri- Ache for ſmallage (herb] apium. mais familiaribus. * Hc is one of · mine infectari. TO ACHIEVE Lact.) pairo, ii ofe my old acquaintance, summu mihi To accuſe ſecretly, defero, orre. quor, čris, qui; dep. compleo, 2. ju cum Bo conſuctudo & familiaritas To be accuſed, in jus vocari, judicio premam manum imponers. then I could perustus eft. * A very great ac- obfringi. not achicve it, id obire n:12 potui. quaintance of his, ſumma cum fa- Accuſed, accufatus, argutus, a, um. * He has achieved his labours, miliaritate illi conjur.cius. Accuſed falſiy, falsò dilatus. perfunétus eft laboribus. Acquainted (adj.) furniliaris, nosus. Accuſed ſecretly, delatus, a, um ; To be achieved [p-fT.) patror. The Acquainted hcfore, præcogniius. part. victory is achleved, vi&oria con. To be acquainted, notesco. *1 am An accufer, accufator, incufator, dela. fe&ta ef. very well acquainted with him, tor, oris ; m. Achieved (part. confeffus, gellus, cum eo fummus eft mibi ulus, co fa. A partaker with an accuſer, fub tranſaflus, a, um. miliariſimè utor. * We have been Scriptor, oris ; m. Ao achiever, confeftor, oris, m. acquainted but a very little while, A falſc accuſer, calumniator, 3. m. An achicver of victories, victoria intar nos nupera of admodum notitia. An accuſer ſuborned, immilarius, i. rum compos. To become acquainted together, no- An accuſer corrupted by the perſon An achieving, confectio, conjumma. titiam inter jo aſciſcere. accuſed, pravaricator, oris ; 3. m. tio, onis ; f. To make acquainted, certiorem fa- * To ſet up againſt himself a cor- Achieving of great matters, magni. ceni. * They make him acquainted rupt accuſer, prævaricatorem fibi : ficentia, a; t. with all their plots, omnia illi cre- opponere: An achievement, praclarum facinus. dunt conflia. * And he never A ſecret accuſer, delator, oris; m. Achicvements (in heraldry) inſignia, made me acquainted what it was, An acculing, accufatio, criminario, um ; n. p!. nec quid id fi mihi certius facit. An accuſation, onis ; f. Achlar (a river) Araxes, Should not I have been made ac- To frame an accuſation, accufatio- Achrida (in Macedonia) Achris, or quainted with it first, nonne mibi nem fufcipere. A:hridus. prius coramunicatum oportuit? * 1'1 ſec ; . divovei, 2. * To addict himſelf to An adminiftration, ratio, o ACT A D D ADM ſed you he made acquainted with dere, intentionem perdert, ofus, a, um ; ad). al, omnia ribi ut nota fint faciam. Active (adj.) agilis, gnarus, Prenuus, An addicting, dicatus, lis ; m. dica- Acquapendente (in Tuſcany) Agula gaivus. tio, onis ; and dicatura, e; f. or Aquila. Actively, Brenuè, Aromptè ; adv. Addic (coming from the 'lees of To acquieſce (reft ſatisfied) acqui. Activity, dexteritas, gnavilas, nitis. wine) arid's viñi fæx; cruſata eſco, ere; ncut. An actor [ftage-player) hifrio, onis. fax doliara, An acquieſcing, offenfio, 3. fe affon. An actreſs, mima, a ; f. Addle, irritus, vacuus; adj. An Jus, us; m. Actual (adj. altuolis, le; art. addle agg.ovum urinum, ſubvenia- Acquieſced in, comprobarus, a, um iActually {adv. }re, reverà, in odlu. nuum Cephyrium... Addic-headed, quo contenlus fum. An actualy, afticarius, i, m. fatuus. * Your brains are addic To acquire [geti acquire, čre, act. To acuminate (Tharpen] acutino, I. non tibi funum eft finciput. Acquired, acquiſtus, a, um ; part. Aculc (Thirp) acutus, a, um; adl: To addonice (ſweeten i edulco, are. An acquiring, adje&io, onis i f. Acute in judgment, fubiilis, le ifa-To addreſs (apply) ngro, I. accingo, Acquiſition, accelio, onis; f.Tucrum, gax, perſpicax, gen. acis ; adj. 3. paro, I. pracingo, öre. An acquist, } 2. fructus, ús; m. Acute in reply, Jalfus, fi, um; adj. To addreſs (direct üritol dirigo, čre. TO ACQUIT (act.) lolvo, 3. abſolvo, An acute (accent) acutus. An addreſs direction] forina dire:- 3. libero, 1. * To acquit in judg. Acutely, ſubrilitèr, fals., adv. tionis. ment, ex reis eximera, literam ja. Adacted driven) adaflus, a, um. An addreſs (petition) lile!lus lupo lutarem firiters, innocentem decla- An adage (proverb] adagium, pro- plox. rare. * To acquit one from blame, verbium, i ; n. An addreſs ſpeaking 'to] coinpellatio, aliquen ex culpus eximio. * He Adam, Adam, a, or Adamus, i; m. onis ; f. was acquitted by cvery one, sm Adan's apple (a tree ſo called) pozi Addresſed unto, ditetas, a, um ; adj. nibus jententiis abſolutus ell. . Wc mium Adami. To be addresſed, accingor, gi, do not deny but they may be ac- Adamant (ioad-Itone) magnes, eris. Adel (a lingdori in Ethiopia] Axır- quitted, quo minus fecundüm' cos lis An adamant (diamond) adamas. nia, «; f. ddur non reuſ mus. *He acquitied Adamanunc, adaminsinus, a, um. Adequate (cquall adæquatus, a, ur. himſelf handſomely in that bad. To adapt (make fit) adaplo, are. Tordhere (cicave un:o) adbærefio. neſs, lautè munus suum adminiftra- Adapted, adaptatus, a, um, part. An adbeient (paitner} purticeps, vir: An adapting, adpeitio, onis ; f. ipis ; c. Acquittal, Acqu’tment, abſolutio, Adazar [å hil in Ajai Caucaſus. An adhering, adhufio, onis; f. onis ; f. TO ADD, or put to [act:) addo. op. Adjacerit flying nearj odjećens, lis; An acquittance for money received, poro, afero, adjicio, adjungo, čre j coitier miniss, a, um, adj. Annettere, cumulum augere, eccejioAdiaphory (indifferencyjadi-phoris, nem magnam facere, increminism indifrieri!ia, ;'f, Acqitcd, folutus, abfolutus, liberatus, referre # To add his judgment, An adiectirc, adjetivum, vi;n; :pait, & adj.; judicium interponere. * Add" fomc- Adieu [farewelj vile ; inpcrative. An acre, jugerum, riiin. thing to cat wiih his breid, ad. To adjon, adjic7so, čre. Acre by Acre juge tin ; adv. pantin aliquid adhibe. To add Adjoined, udjunctis, s. 31in ; past. Adimony (Sharpneſs j virimania. fuel to the fire, olcum addere ca. Adoining, ádjácens, ffinis, cabans, Åcritude, acritudo, : f, mino, finitimus, contiguus, in conjinio pa- An acioítick, acronichis, idis ; f. To adil (io'n to] 2ct. adjungo, 3. Acs [in Gascoigne) Aquæ Turbella, Cornie to, čre. To adiouin (put off] differo, 3. pro- or Augufle. To add (reckon to) annumer). I. lado, 1. comperendirin, arc. Aclar (in Cilic a) Anax?rhus. adftribo, čre. To adjourn the parliament, conven- TO ACT Or DO, ago, čre ; rarilog. To add one to the number, aliquam tuon in aliuin diem rejilere act. To act itage.plays, ludos: in quinerum aggregore. Adjourned, silatus, comperendinsius, ſcenicos agert, biſtrionicam exercere. To add over and above [act.] fuper a, um ; part. & adj. * We are going to act a play, fa. adde, 3. fuperirjicio, čre. An adiourning, 7 dilatio, comferen. bulain afturi fumu!. To add togeiher, coaddo, čre; act. An adjournment, dinntio, onis ; f. To áęt his part, efficio fuo fungi. To add in ſpeaking, Sulpirdico, čre. To adjudec, addico, 3. adjudico, 1. As act or decd..fraum, gelui, i; n. To ic added, addor, dis accedo, čre. dijudico, ari ; act. Ani act or decree, fenriufconfultum, Addd, additus, adjun&us, a, um. cretum feitum, i; n Adjudged, adjudicatus, addiaus. Added to the number of others, ad-An adjudging, adjudicatio, onis ; f. An acs it a play., Elus, î:; m, for pritius, a, um ;-adj, Adjumem (help] adjumentum, 1; n. A noblegact, fic:1218 rodilo. * You A thing addca belide the purpoſe, An adjunct (a thing joined) adjuns- will leave done a great act, Fug. parirgum. fum, i; n. noviris.. An adding, additio, adjedio, acceßio, Adjurátion (an carneſt charging) ad. A wicked cr heinous act, farinus; 3. onis. jurotio, onis, ACIS reiftered, ntin, orum ; n. An addition, additairimtum, 2. op. To adjurs, adjuro, art ; act. An ac!ing, geliculatio, inis ; f. pendix, icis ; f. To adlust' (ſet in order] compóno, 5. An- ACTION, pun, i ja, An adder, vipern, d. coluber. conficie, čr; 2ct. An action in the law, dica, 1. lis, 3. A little adder, cosuberculus, i; m. Adjusted, componius, accommodatus. Sorinula, I. A water adder, hydra, 1. nairix. An adjusting, accommodario, onis ; f. An action perſonal, aatio condictitia, Of or like an adder, vipereks, vipe- An adjutant (helper) adjutor, oris;m. To adic(carn i ſalarium vel præmium An action of treſpaſs , injuriarum an adder's skin, vernatio, exuvia. mareri, formula: * To fue upon action Adder's congue (herb} ophtog lofum, Admcaſuremeni, admenluratio, onis. of tfcipals, injuriam cum aliqua 2. lingun Jerpentina. To adminifter, adminiftro, arc ;: acta agere. Adder's graſs, conoſcochis, idis ; f. To adminiſter phyſick, adhibere me An action of covenant, formula padi Adder wort, hoylarta, & ; f. dicinam. corruenti. An addice (a cooper's tool] barpaga An adminift ator (diſpoſer] adminj. An action withdrawn, saio refiiſoria. dolabra, d;f. Arator, oris ; m. Adians (among.) merchants, peculi- A little addice, dolibella, le; f. An adminiſtratrix, adminißrairix. um, 2. fors, 3. * How go actions ? To addict (give up) act. addico, 3. An adminiftring., quanti valant fortes ? To bring an action, againſt one,di. fome art, artem colere. * To ad. An admirals, thalofiarcha, a; m. To enter an action, 3 cam fcribere,or dict himſelf to live uprightly, fibi claffis preliaus, or legalus. impingere, in jus wicare, triem inten. legem iñinocentiæ indicere. The lord high admiral, maris sum. dors, debitorii inferpellare. # Didit Addicted, addi&tus, deditus, devotus, mus præfeaus. thiqu ever hear an action brought donalui ; part. * In thoſe ſtudies The vico-admiral, faris fummi fram againit me cdo dum un ungurm io which we are both addse ted, bis Jefti legatus. mihi audifti injuriarum fcriptain di. Audiis quitus uterque nefrûn de- The admiral of a ſquadron, claſſia. rius, 21 ro lole his action, like :or causù ca. addicted (carneſtly diſpoſed] Nudi- The admiral of the red, white, G!uc, cladis ز nis; f. cam? f A DO A DV A DV che fis rubro, albo, cæruleo figno infig. To adopt, adopto, I. coopto, 3; fibi opportunitatibus loci defenderunt. nila prefeitura filium eligeri, babere pri juss, håre. To let hip an advantage, occafionem The rear-admiral, qui exiremne cladi dem afcifcare. negorii bene gorendi amittere * To prarf To adopt again, readopts, are ; act. flip one advantage for another An adiniral ſhip, navis præloria. Adopted, adoptatus, adoptitius, a, noi. that is greater, coinmodum aliquod To go admiral, maris præfefturam An adopter, adoptator, oris ; . majoris adipiſcindi commodi causa bibere. An adopting adoptio, edaptasio; præterire. , ofi- The admiralſhip, or admiral's-office, An adopcion, s liatie, onir; f. To give one the advantage, ſuperio. Adoptive, adopsiuks, , um , adj. Yem conditionem cedere. The arniiralty (court) forum thalas. To adore, adero, I. cola, 3. vmeror, 1. To have advantage of, in iplo arti. farchia. Adored, cultus, a, um, ad). culo opprimira. To admire, miror, admirct, proseo Adorable, adorabilis, li; atij. ADVANTAGE (over•meaſure) quc. quor; dep. fufpicio ; act. • Every An adorer, adorator, cultcry.oris ; m. sarium, 2 adaituinontum, 2. corol. one'admires" lim, in hunc oculi An adoration, adoratis, 3.cultusgús; larium, 2. mantifa, ie; f. onnes converfi funt. An adoring, 5m, To advantage (act. ] conduco. 3. pro- fum. * What advantagcth it me? i conduccro, I. exolo, 3 expolio, irs quid mihi prodaj? * What is a To have in admiration, pupeo, 2. politurn reddere, rei decus & veno nian advantageu ? quid prodeſi chia inivor, aris; dep. rim dare. piam? # When he might 'very well adgantage himſcif ten pounds Admirable, inggris ; n. mirandus, Adorned, ornatus, poliius, cxcultus, Suspiciendus, a, um, adj. limatus, comprus; P. & A. * The in gold, cu lucrari inpurà pilit Admirably, infigniièr, adv. banks adorned with green graſs, Auri. pondo deicm. * You were Admiſſion, acinilin, onis ; f. riparam vejlitus vir:citiini. "Adorn- aſraid it would not advantage you, To admit (acı. admit:o 3 adfcribo, ed with garlands and soles, Jertis metuijli me non tibi-bus fænsturei. 3. afiſo, 3. * He admits bim 10 redirgitus & refii. Let' ove for an anvantage, meritorius, , uni. the freedom, adicijcis in civita!ein. An adorning, Ad nit it to be to, 0:10, fas, finge, Aa adornment , fornimentum, ti; n, With advantage, fæneratè ; adv. largir, demus, fiue ita effe, non 1- Adour (a river of Ajuitaine] Aturies, Requited with advantage, fæneratus, pugno. * To be adinitted to coun or Alurrus. a, um ; adj. le, admieri in confilium. * To Adrian [a man's namel Atrianus, Advantageous, commodus, lucrativus, be adiniiled to ordais, initiari ja. The Adriatick Şea, Adriunits , linus 0%, um ; adj. crisi Adriaticus, Advantageously, con modè ; ady. Admittable, admit!cridus, a, um, Adrinza (a province of Af1] Afyria. Advent, udventus, ús; m. To hac adinittance, ndium habere, To advance (lift up)exullo, I alsolio, ! An advental, lorica, a; f. coguis congeniendi bub:16, ad colla- ere ; Act. Adventitious (coming by chance) guiuz smiri. To advance (promote) (ff:r0, 3. tollo, adventitii, a, um ; adj. Adinilicd Linto a coilege or ſuciety) 3. averse. Go oroinivio, 2 escalio, 1. To adventurs [act,) audio, 2 peri- Coupouus, a, um ; P. & A. act * To advance one to honour, clitor, 1. kggredicy, 3. ole.am jacere, Admitted into orders, initiatus ja dignitatem augere, so obfiuritate in periu'un facere, forcunce mardare. crii. slaritule.nl vindiccre, ad imperium * To adventure to learn, vola ventis Admiited, admiſus, aſsitus, a, um. efarre, # He greatly advanced durg. To, adventure his life, An adın:cing, admifio, onis; f. learning, diviłem ingenii preventum prozelere vitam in periiulum. * To Toadın x, admifreo, zre. in uniueriuin orlem effudit. To adventure the hazard of war, for- Ad mixed, admyhus, a, um; part, advance money, paruniain in ante- tun um tolli rentre, * I will ad- Admixtion (mingling) admixtio, a f. celfilm reprueniari, vel an'e lompus venture and lock my fortune, pe- To admoniſh, nonco, 2. certiorem deponere. riclitator fortununi, forlunce me obo reddere. To advance, pregredior, proficifcor, jiciam. Adnioniſhed, admonitus, a, um, procedo, profiiio; acut. An adventure (hazard) periculum, i; An adınonither, admonilor, oris; m. Advanced, elatus, auritus, Queris. n. difcrimen, inis ; n. An adoon:Ming, 2 admonitin, 3.f mo. An-advancing, clario. 3. evellus, iis, An adventure Centerprizc] (ceptum, An admonition, nilus, ûs oufum, i; n. To adnih lite (to bring to noth:cg) 9. fenfus, ús; m. Adventure (chance) cafus, iis; m. adnihilo, are; act. Advantage, lucrum. 2. conmidum, 2. At adventure [adv] iemerè, suju. Adnihilated, ad nibilum reductus. preciozceivi, ; f. utilitas, 3. * IC By adventure, fortè, fortuiiò'; adv. Ados (Air) turb.1, ai fi tumul:us, üs. will bc rid advantage to the com- To he adventured, pudendus, a, um. * To make much adoe, magvas monwealth, è rooublica non eril. He An adventurer, audaculis, m. piridi. con:itare turbas, teinpejlatas excit:re. Tak: that courf which will be tator, oris; in. What adoc he makes ? quantas moſt for your 3.ivant? , qua: tihi An adventuring, fericlitatio, onis ; f. traga.ljas cxcitat? * There will be utiliſiinum cris, is cosililii capias. * Adventurous, audax, gin. acis ; adj. old ad c then, tum illa t:rbre fient, If you ask what advantage it will An?dventurous a&t, aufum. fin. * Why do you keep ſuch adoe? be to you, i roges quid propulwum bc Adventuro: Ny {adv.) audacter, con. quiid ila tumultuaris ? tibi * It is not for our advantage, fidsnièr, temure. Much adoc, , non CA in rem noftram, * It will An adverb, adverbium i; n. non fine mogno be for your advantage, è re fue l'Au adverſary, adverfarius, 2. ania. labore, magno cum conatu. • I had erit. * if it were any advantage goniņa, I. *A great adverſary to much adoc to contain myſe!f, ægrè, to ils, fi ex ufu et noſ.ro, Ha the empire, inimicifimus huic im- me tenui, * I had much adoe to ving the advantage in parc, supe. perio. An adversary that bicars forbear laughing, mingis ægrè rifum rior 10:0. * What advantage then onc ili will; in aliquem malè ani. continui. Se on I had much adoe to hath the Jew? quid ergo amplius matus. get them to come, plurimum nego Judæo el * He ihought it would Adverſary (againſt] adverfarius, 2. lii habui ut cogerem. * They had be good advantage to him, magno To be an adverſary (dep.] adverfor, much adoe to get over the river. fibi ufui fore Broitrabarur.' # To ari; renitor, ii. ægerrimè beneſereruni, ut fluinen make an advantage of the com. Adverſe (croſs) adverfus, adj. * The tranfireni, * There was much adoc monwealth. rempublicam quafui advcrfc party, partes diverſe. to get it done, difiiulter eigur & babere. * This was a mighiy ad- | Advcrſity, adverfi, frum; n. miferis, grè fiebat ;. multuin in co laboratum vantege towards, hæc res maxim. I. Tes adverſe, or iingule. He ef. I had much doc to keep opportune fuit al. Se on Left Satan is in adverſity, offices & jccers, my hands from hiin, nibii ægrius Thouid get an advantage of us, it #To help one in adrerfily; arctisin faftum eß, quàm ut ab illo inanus ne occupemur à Satani. * You Mali rebus open forre, rahus incommodis afflinerentur, ſay you have laid out that kind aliqueni ſublev ire. · ** Few friends Adolescency (youth) adolefientia, i. neſs to a good advantage, Sanera. in adverſity, tempor. fi fuerini nih. Ado'n (in Hungary] Potencians, Sali tum illuc tibi beneficiuin pulchrè di bila, ſolus eris. Advertiiy 1:1c3 They dcfended themſelves friends, in angusis amiii optarone, Adon: flower, fios Adonis, by the advantage of the place, la To luffer advcriity, leuistis foriunie m. With ni uchadoe, adv., vix, agić, num, (24. vim A DV A F F Á FR . vim pati; in turnidis rebus efe. Adulation (Battery] adulario, onis. Moving affection patheticus, a, um, To adrert | mark) aduerlo, drei Adulatory, wodulatorius, a, um, adj. An affectionate ſpeech, orario patheticu. To Advertiſc (give notice ) Commons Adult Lgrown up) adultus, Affectionate, R offellum spirms; facio, serticrem facio, čre ; nonitis Adulterale, 2 adulterinus, a, umni Fu'l of affcátion, omore plenus. erudire * Y muſt advertiſe Adulterated, $ adj. Affectionately, amantêr, cupidè; adv. and tell beforehand, predicanduin To adulteraie (corrupl] interpolo, a Afferers (they that fine offenders in & præmir.ondum eft ribi. dukero, are; act. court.lects] offeratores, um; m. To b: advertiſed (neut.) commonefis, An adultes:ter, interpolator, mango, 3: To AFFIANCE (betroth] Spondre, čri; recircor črs. * So far paft, An adulteraling, interpolatio, onis; dej porzjo. that he will not be advertiſed, ad. An adulterer, adulter, moethus. Affiancé (truſt) fiducia, a; f. monitionibus modum non relinquit. An adulterefs, adulters, wechas a ; f. To hive affiance, confido, ere. Adyertiſed (adj. 1 edofios, certior face Adultery, fiupruin, adulterium, i ; D. Affianced (adj.] de ponfus, defponfatus, lux Advertiſed in all by the * Takes in adu tery, Aupri come câdem pirpe prognatus, Embafadous, 6:08us onnia per le pertus. To be afflanced to one, aliquem coge To como!t adultery, adultero, adula gatos. natione attingere. An advertiſement, monitum, i; n. teror, fiufto, inæshor, rruptias inqui- An affiancer, ſponſor, oris ; m. admonitis, 3. f. To Ican to his nare, iubile alienum femorure, An affiancing, defponfatio, onis ; f. adveit ſements, monitis illius niti. To be defi!id with adultery, adul. Sponfulia, uin, n. I write fure advertiſen:cat, ad teror, temeror. Affinity, e finitas, propinquitas, aris. is exp.oratè feribo. Adulterous, adulterinus, juprofus. To affirm, afirmo, I. Ofero, 3. elle- An auvertiſer, monilor, oris ; m, To adumbrace (Shadow] adumbro, I. vero, 1. otrepor, i. * To affirm be- An advertiſing, or making a thing Adumbrated, adumbratus, a, un. fore a judge, jurejurando offirmare. publick, nun iorio, 3. f. Aduncity (crookedneſs) aduncitas. Affirmablc, offirmabilis, le; adj. ADVICE (counser] confilium, i; n. An advocate (counſeller] advocatus, An affirmation, 2. affirmation ſertio, affirming, offeveralia3. f. but his own, de sua uniks Jensentiã a petly or ally advocate, leguleius, Affirmative, o firmativus, a, um, adj. geril omnia ; m. Affirmatively, affirmativè ; adv. Advice (news) nuncium, i; n. de- An advocate's place, catrocinium 2. To affix (faften to] cfligo, ere. nunciatio, onis, f. novæ res. To plead as an advoca!e, patrocinor, Affixed, offixus, a, um ; P. G A. Done with advice, deliberatus, evigi- ori; dep. An a xing, ofixio, adjunaio, latus, a, um; P. & A. An advocate's pleading, patrocinatio, To affiliat, afligo, 3: premo, 3. cxcru. Done without advice, temerarius, in onis ; f. cio, I. To afflict one's fclf, so confultus. To advow or avow, adve'o, are ; f. mucerare, or macerari. Adviſeab'c, commodus, operæ pretium, An advowce, patrorus Eclefia. Affiliated, Hiftus a, um ; part. conueniens. An adrowion. aduocatio, onis ; f. An afficçr, afliaator, vexator, oris, ÈO advi e, neut. alicui conlulers, Adift (burntj oduſlus, a, um, part. AMatlon, Aiaio ; f. crux, cis; f. give advicc, $ conflium dare. Aduftion, adufio, onis ; f. cruriaius, ús i mi præbere: * I adviſe them to be Aciton (in Berkshire) Aquadunuun. Affluerce (p!chty) copia, a; f. quici; meneo ut quiefcant. * What Acrs [in Muuritavia Quixa. To afford (give or yield) reddo, 3. do you advifc me to do? qüid das Æncasſaman's name] Æneas, a; m. prabao, 2. minißro, 1, * It cannot consilii? Neceſſity forced me to Acrial, } acrius, æthereus, a, um ; adj. be afforded cheaper, non poteft pre- give him advice, me egeſtas impulit Aery, heri minoris. wt id confulerem . You g!ve him Ættival (of fun merl aflivus, a, um. Afforded, præbitus, a, um ; P. & A. good advicc, benè mones. * I am To æftivate, afivo, are. To afforcit, agrum cultum in Saltums not able to adviſe you, conſilii lo- Æton ſin Berkſoire) Ætonio, Q; f. cum non babeo. * I will not adviſe Afar off prorul, adv. longinquus, adj. To iffront, contumeliis laceſere. * To you at all, nihil ego ribi confilii Afdime (in Epirus) Arfindë, put up an affront, injuriam inultam hodiè quicquam dabo. 'Tis no ill Afeard, pavidus, timiaus, a, um; adj. dimitiers, impunitam ferre, inultam advice they give, non malè præci. To be afcard, expaveſco, čre. pari. piunt: Aferat (a river) Eupbrates, tis. Affronted, contumeliis laceflitus. To adviſe [ask or take advice] ad. Affable" (courtsous) adj. effabilis, le; An affroat, -pel , ad , . blandus, fummâ Affronting, Advile with him, huric bumanitate præditus. An affronter, petulans, tis, C. cape conflii focium. * I will take Affablenets, 2 affabilisas, comitas, atis; Afore, ante, præ. Sae before. bis. adviceid, quod mihi dearrisAffability, f. Afreſaid, prædiétus, a, um, part. conflium fiquer, * He defired a Affably, offabilitèr, comitèr; adv. Aforehand, in antarslum. night's time to know what to do; An affair, res ei; f. negosium, i;. A. To affranchiſé (act.] manumitto, 3. nkiem fibi ad deliberandum poffu• To affect (a cuſtom] affeélo, are. donare rivitats. lavis. * They ſent to the augurs To affect (love) diligo, zre; act. An affray, pugna, 1. confifus, tu- to adviſe about that matter, ad To affect" [move affccion] oficio, multus. üs; m. cum rem confuliandam auguros ac ère; act. AFRAID; povidus, timidus, a, um. civer:16. * It behoves us to take Affectation, affectatio, onis; f. Somewh.c'afraid, trepidulus ; adj. advice, conſulto opus eft. Affeded (taken up) affetajus, a, um. Nothing afraid, intrepidus, impavidus, To adviſe (conſider ) delibero, art, Affekted, affcctus, a, um, part. incunculus; adj. To advise beforchand, pramones, 2 Affected (beloved) dile&tus, a, um. To be afraid (ncut.) paveo, 2. timeo, To be adviſed, fapio, čre; ncut. Eaſily affected, flexanimus, a, ur. 2. metuo, 3. formido, verror, formi. Well advifed, fobrius, circumffefius, An affceted word, di&tum accerfitum. dine angi, *I am afraid to ſay it, confideratus, a, um, Malicioudy affected, lividus, maligrius, religio-e,2 dicere. * I am afraid I adviſement, 2 deliberatio, çon. niger, a, um cinnot, vereor ni polint. * Are you Sultanio, onis; f. Too much affected a, um, afraid to do it? num dubiras id fa. Ill adviſed, incautus, ' malè caulus. Somewhat affected, priidiuſculus. cere? # He is afra'd of nothing, ni- Adv ſedly, conſulie, conjultò, cogitate, Affectedly, putidè, ady. bil extimefcit, . He is as much a- To do adv:ſedly, ex cogitatâ ras Affection, offcius, is; m. amor, oris; frald as any of you, non minus quàm rione res componere, nihil temere * To move the affeaions by quivis verium formidat, * Sec how conari. # Whether he did.adviſed ſpeaking, menlos incendera, infium. far I ani from being afraid, vida ly, or turned neceſity into ad mara, allicere, in animos penetrare, quan non orfar midem. * He is a- vice, is doubtcd, conſultò ne id ege lachrymas exprimere. "To br:dic the fraid of everything, omnes um. mt, an errorem in confilium verterit. affections.cupiditates indomitas com bras harret, quicquid incropuit exti. dubium. pelure, affefliones difertas fræniri, rieſcit. Adviſedneſs, caule'a, læ; f. animum vinieri, To be lore afraid (neot. ] expauzo, ex• An adviſer taking advice) delibera. Without affection, apothes. pavarro, exhorreo, pertimco, vehe. tor, conſultor, oris; m. A being without affic on, apathia. munièr conturburi, maximo in mu An adviſee, (giving advice] conſullor, Evil aftreton, cycxutis, ; . sia, entâ mente contremiſco, čre. Autor oris ; m. Evil affcctioned Cucosce us, a, um, He is ſoic afraid, præmelu ubi fitness veriere. vocari. ވެ An n. 1 A FT AGA SA GI GI 7 ! habes cit, cor illi in genua decidit, delirat They were after their time, info- jAGAINST lover against] è rogiins miſer timori, lingua heret metu. riora erant quam illorum atos. i* adverſo, contra. To be afraid beforchond (acut.) pre- AFTER [i. e. behind) pond ; adv. d AGAINST being an adjective) ad- formido, 'l. prærimeo, ēre. furgo. wrfus, a, um, They tread againſt To begin to be afraid, pavefco, ere. The day after, poftridit. you, adverfarvebir urgmt vefigia. To make afraid {act.] perterreo, 2. Aftor two or three days, paucis-inter. To be againſt, obluetor, obnitor, tis terrila, I. torrefacio, 3. terrifico. pofitis diebus. imppugno, impugnio, aduerfor, arij To make hall afraid, ſubirreo, cri.. One after another. alternatim, inoi. repugno. To be half afrald, ſublimeo, ère ; n. uma vicifam ; adv., ** ordins, al. To go againſt, occurro, čre; cun dat. Made afraid, exanimaiks, territus, tornis viribur. Againk the grain, } "adverfo ánimo. A-freſh, de inregro, denuò ; adv. The after-birth, fecundina, arum. Africk. Sec. Africa.; Lat. The afternoon, tempus pormeridianum, Againſt orie's, will or nature, invita, African, l Africanus, Libyrus, a, poll meridirmi invitus, aduerfante repugnante um . After ages, or times, pofteriora fucula. naturâ. *Do nothing againft your The Africans, Afri, Africani, rum. Ao after-clap, laus iteratus. nature, nihil facias invità naiura. To afright, ferreo, 2. territo, 1. in. An after-game, lusúr redintegratio ; * A wiſe man docs nothing againſt geti metu officert, terroribus 014 certamen inftaurativum. his will, fapiens-nihil faut invitus. are, formidine animum opprimere, Agabus (a man's name) Agabus, i, * It was againſt my will that I An afright, rimor, pavor, oris; m. AGAIN, iterum, rurfus, denuo, de in- . threw Flaminius out of the ſenate, confternatio, onis ; i. regre, poj, poſibar, pofiea, contra, in invitus quidem faci ui Flamin wys è Afrighted, territus, conlernatus. virem, mutuo, mutuus, deinde; ady, Senatu sicerem. To be afrighted, Torrior, confernor. * Plays not worth the reading 2- Agamer (in Ireland] Aganetum. Aſt.(a fea term} puppis, is. * Forc gaia, fabula nm fatis dignut qua Agan (an inand in Aja] Agana. and aft, à prora G a puppi. iterunt legantur. * When they had Agarick, Agaricum, ci; n. AFTER (beforc an oblique caſe) is lift up themselves again, rum se Agaſt (amazed) asronitus, fupefa&usg made by à, ab, 1%,. pofi, juxta, rurfus exlul fons, Ntile after A, um ; part. proximè, facundiim, jubi præpof. he'went in again, haud multo pong To be agaft, oblupefio, ēri ;' n. paff. As, . Preſently after the funeral, recepit fe intus denuo. *He is fallen An agaic ſtone, achates, is; m. fatim à funere. He was a little fick again, de integr mncidit in Agatha [a woman's name) Agatha, after their time. rucens ab illarum por burn. • If he ever do ſo again, asale fuit. Nor did I depart fi unquam pofbac. * Whom I had Agde (in Languedoc] Agato, any whither after that day, nec never ſeen before, nor ſhould ever An AGE, alas, atis; f. feculum, li ; virò uſquen difcedebat exit to die. {cc again, qum neque unquam ante n. I know my own age, Scio ego *After his death, poft ejus mortem. videram, nec eram pola vifurus. • guid atatis fum. * There is not Next after God it is in your If the commend his beauty, do hree days difference between their power, juxta Drum in sua manu you commend her's again, flau bges, triduur vion inter sasall clates ei. 'Next after theſe they are dabit bæc illius formam, iu hujus He way for his age, par clatim li. all dear, proximas bus chari. • Next contrà. * Now you have the affairs For ſo many ages, per for after his brother, fecundùm fra of the city, do you again write secula. At fixteen years of age, tren, Preſently after that what's done in the country, annos natus ſoxdecimn. * When he letter, your's was read, fuad ras ines Nrbanas, invicem rufticas foribr. is thirty-ſix years of age, ubi atas (literai) Salim ruitata funt iua. *What is just is honelt, and again, accedit ad annos triginta lex. He AFTER, or after that, is made by what is honeft is jutt, quod juſum - Is at age, ex purrit excefit, adultus polquam, quàm, ubi, rum, ut, poll el homofum ef, viciffimque quod ho af, adolevie, alatom habet. At bàs, adv. #After I thewed them nafturn off juftum eft. Your love this agc, hóc dlaris, tantus natu. your mangers, Aiquam eis morni to me again, tuus erga me mutuus Old age, fonefta, I. Konium, 2. senet, oftendi tuos. • After I was gone amor, We muſt take heed that tus, utis; f. : * Now is my old. la, poßeaquam introij. . After he we ſay not over again what we age, nune exaad etate. was come, he went to the conſul, have ſaid once before, cauendum Under-age [fubfti ininorennium, ; ; ubi is vmit confulon adiit. Af & me id quod femel fupra diximus n. minoritás, atis; f. ter we were fat, cum confidiffimams, doinups * To't again, Under-aye (adj.) winwennis, ne. After I depasted from you, ut no-body comes, nemo na infoquitur Great age, grandavitas, longauitas, abii abs 11. • After the kings were or impellit. Atis ; f. driven out of the city, pulfis ex AGAIN and AGAIN, iterum atque of the same age, cocvus, , um, adj. urbe regibus. • Five days after iterum, etiam asque etiam, &c. * par annis, sub codein afro natus. you had gathered them, quina die It thunders agala and again with of one year's age, amiculus, hornets- quàm ſulluleris. *Then he walked bugerumbling, iterum aique iteram nus, a, um ; adj. on the ſhoar, after that into the fragor interat ingens. I named of the first age, primcavus, a, um. hath, indè ambulavit in littors, paß. him again and again, iterum ac ter- In this age, hodie ; adv. hac in dainrum. The next day tiò nominavi. I intreat you a-Aged (adj.) grandir, grandavus am- after he had killed hima, proximo gain and again, iterum eo fupius se now, maturus, proueétus clare: die quo eum interemerit. rogo. An aged man, fomex, is; c. AFTER 1i. c. according to] by ad,AGAINST, A, ad, adverfus, adurr. An aged woman, anus, As; f. de, in,, 66. prep. Make it after fum, ante, contra, dum, in prater. To become aged, conſenojo, ire. the ſame manner, ad eundem mo #i defend the myrtles againſt the Agedly, adv. Seniliter, vetujie. dum faciro. He calls him after cold, defendo à frigore myrios. *Left Agen (in Aquitain) Agennun, or his own name, fuo dicit de nomine, thou dath thy foot againſt the Aginum. After the faſhion of a garden. ftone, no offendas ad lapidem pedem An agent, procurator, aftor, oris į m. in morem horti. * After my own Hum. * Monics gathered upAn agent (in a foreign country]re. guiſe, or way, ma mode or more. gainſt the commonwealth, prcurie fidens, ntis; m, legasus, tiimi AFTER {i. i. afterwards) exinde, conciliata aduerfus rempublicam. The king's ageot, regis legatus. pelea, poll, poterius, poftmodo ; ady. Be ſure you get it dong against To agglutinate (glcw together ] ago We will conſider of this alter, this night, ante illam vesperam opus glutino, are; 'act. pofteriùs ija videbimus. They will «xpeditum approbato. * He ſtrives to aggravace ( make heavy or have caufe to reloice afterwords, againſt the ſtream, contra tortmiem worfe) aggrava, I. aggere, I. ex. fet ut poftinedo gaudeant. An hour Drachia dirigti. *They made ready aggero, I. accumulo, are; act. after they condemned Gabinius, the preſent against yofoph came, Aggravated, exaggeratus, a, um. hora poft Gabinium condemnaves interia parabani munus scam dam An aggravating, exaggeratio, onis; Tuni. veniret Fofoph. Againſt to-mor-aggrevation, AFTER [being an adjective) poffe row, in craflinum The billows To aggregate (gather together] <* rior, inferior, ws; gen. oris. * Не beat againſt the ſhoar, fiu&us illi- aggero, urt; act. was a little after his time, erat paulò duntur in listus. It fell out to|To aggrieve, meelid antečre. atate pofterior. *Atter-wil, or after against his mind, præter ippus vo- agile inimble] agilis, vegetus 3. adj. thoughis, poſteriores cogitationis. Juntatem cogitationemque arsidir, Agility, agilitas, asis; f. Wita E A G Ř AGU A I M With agVity, dextrà, adv. that they all agreed, 171mes in com a quotidien ague, guaridiana, lensis Agitable (moveable] agitabilis ; adj. fententiain itrune. All ugly things tersiana. · To agitate, agito, arı; act. ſeem to agree to her, winia turpiu A tertian ague, terrimus, trilca, To agitate bugaelo, niingatia gerore. in iftair quludrure videntur, His A quartao agues quariana. Agitated, agitanis, s, um ; part. deeds and his words do not agree, A burning agve; caujon, opisa Agitation, flu&uario, onis i I. fa&a ejus cum dictis difcrepant, # It A cold ague, vonia Agle. (in Lincoln dira) Segeletus, or did agree with chola letters, war sick of an ague, febricitans. Segalogum. confoniqueum:iis literis. * Women To have an ague, fabricitor, febre la Anaglet (a lluile plate of metal] agree beft together, mulier mulieri horura bratina, bradela, a; f. magis congruit. In truth they Having a geartan ague, quartanarius, An aglet (tag of a point) arancije agice very lovingly together, fand The ht of an aguc, prixyfmus. tum ligule illi inter fe congruint concorditer, A ſhivering (ſhaking fitjof an aguc,. Ágmundeshim on Buckinghambra] To agree (bargain) parifeer, tranfigo. borror fibtis.. Agmundebamum. To agrcc in onc tuac, concino, con of an aguc, febrilis, . An agaail (corn) sallus, li ; M. (enlo, art. Aguilh, Fabriculofus. An agnail (whitlo ) perygiun, i, n. To make to agree, compano, črt. 1, Ab! ab ! inter). Agnes (à woman's Dame]. Agnas, e * !!!l make you agree, ego vos in Abab fa man's name) Agab, Indeci. grarium traikun. Ahaſuerus (a man's aame; Ahafurrus. AGO ( before this dimë] abbine; adv. Agrccable [cenvenient) cmjinianuis, Abaz (a man's name) Ahoz, indecli • He came home again two years imgruw, apius, grattes. Ahaziah (a man's name) Abarias, ago, duobus abhins annis dunum.ro. Agreeable [acceptable, plcaling) ju atm. diit. So many years agº, 168 cundus, gratas; acceptusi Ahlazza (in Cilicia) Wa. annis lapfis or prioritis. Gonç To be agreeable or fit, competo, con- Aichſtadt [in Bavaria) Ala, Nariſtas years ago, aliquor. ant. annis. vinio, quadro. Aursun. Aboat eight hundred years ago, Agreeableneſs, conuenientia, corpo. AID, aux.liuti, adjumentum adjuto- ante annos fere et ingentos. Tentia, congruentia, congruias. rium, adminiculum, bfidium, sip- Long ago, jampridem, Agreeabiy, aprsa confianter, compo:in patia. He decrcs his. ald, in- A good while ago, jamdudumia ter, congrumièr. plorat fidim cjui, * He was fent diu, It is not long ago since, To be agreed, concordo, confentide for an aid, fubfidio miffus eft. baud fans diu ei sün. • It is long Agrccd, compofitus, paštws, iranjaaas. The royal aid [tax or fubſidy mo- ago Gące we drank, jam diu fus * A truce agreed on, Julio pugna ncy) cenfus, 4 ól. tributum, quod rum Apoflquam bibimus, . We paffitia. The day is agreed.on: riigi ex plebifrito in fumptus brili,&c. Qurſelves have ſeen almoſt all pacius & conflitutur' el dias. o prapasur. thoſe things long ago, iph nos pri is agreed on by all, confontisur, Ao aid de camp, duris in exercitu dr vidimus eadem fere omnia, inter OMKR. conjas. • They are adjutor. -baud agreed together, omnes conspalt. To aid, auxilior, ari; adjuvo, adju- Not long ago rem agunt. Are you agreed at 10, fuccurri, adminiculer, imbuenio, ago Inco he died, super & mor JA? jam rediiflis in concordiam ? Judlevo, adjunuato , fappetias or tus. *You look fairer now than #Are you two agreed yet I pray!.. dom jerre, adeffe. you d!d 2-while ago, formoser vi jarr pax od inter vos quaſı duos ? To aid together, coadjuvo. deris quam dudum.. . I will have the agreed, paana An aidery, auxilialer, spileradjator. How long ago i quam dudutin? compor volázsa Aigues Mortes (io Linguedo] Aque An agony [anguiſh) agonia, angor. Agreeing, contors, congraus, conſonants, Mortua, Fifa Mariana, Fall of agony, animua ages. confentims, quadraks. Algues Caldes (in Spain) Agua Cal- to be full of agony, kiromis angi Not agreeing, disjun&us, diffontannus, dæ, Aqua Quinting. doloribus, An agreeing, anfaſur, üs, Alguacal fa mountaia in Africa] Afu An agonist (a champlon) aģenija, An agreement, confentio, onis; f. las, muis: @gm, Anggreement. (corenant] pa&um, An fail, alling, morbus, 2. ma- Agont (a river in France) Asutuse fædus. I aildent, A-great, uniurii, conjuntia...To An agreement (reconcil?ng] ratones. To ail, dola, 2. ncat. take work a-great, integrum op#3 liario. What ails you, quidnam ribi dolet? fufcipere. Agreement [in tune] smetua. quid to throat ? guid bij? What Ataker of work a-great, ridinpin. Agreement (proportion) Azzadtria. ails you to be fad? quid the es tri- A taking of work a-grcat, redompiu- Arucles of agicéments passons arti Jin? What ails your eye!. quid Ta, ridapio. culi, conditiones, or capita oculo fakun if tuo? . What ail To agree, Jentior, iri į favn, amua, To be at agreement, comcordon they? quidnın illis. dolnt? * 1 ask- conuenio, crafentio. I do not be To come to an agreement, and som eit what he led to be ſo angry, lleve we ſhall agrec, non conventua cordions adducia quæreba quid. Extanduiſſa. i rum inter nos arbitror. I have a. To make an agreements compunere il this bar ima malè huber. We greed ail nothing, nihil nobis dolas. med. My brother and I cannot an agreement:maker, arbiter, trans- to dirigo , "callimar, ador, fequeftor. in comum, non comuniunt. . No- According to agreements* paan, ** Kulos, jcopas prafov:n, tanquam ad th!ng better agrees with nature, completo. metai. mni. They armed at his nihil eff nature accommodatius. Agrelical, agrupis. deſtruction, exitium ili definarani. They agree together, illis in!er se Agricolation, corivent. * He never agreed with Agriculture, } agriculiwa, • They both atá at Hy ab ambo- bus id deftinaimn. They aim at any for ftipend, me unquam de To agricvc, gravi. high things, magna fiti proponunt. marcedibus, maius eft. If he agrec Agrieving, gradans, I aim at nothing but your fafety with himſelf, fibi ipd.confentiat. Sagrieving, I agree with you, tacun-saniio. nibil toboro nip ut falvus fis, •! gravation. {agrievance, know what you aim aty reio quid. I agree with other writers, conftar Agria {in Hungary), Aprix. Soneris. "What does the man aim mibi cum calmis foriptoribus. *They Agrimony, agrimonia, 'cupatoriu. at? quitm bic vim agit? 1.2m agreed upon a truce' indudas,com: (Aggriomela [a river in Theffaly] greater watters, etiam rajora 'mo- dixiſunt. * One thing they cannot Sparchius. Iror. The more they aimed at agree about, do re una dilidoni, Agrippa [a wan's 'namojgrippa, a. me, the more rexed they were They agrce again, yurune rurfw. The agriot (tart-cbcrrywirajudi izi that they miffed their aim, que me in gratiam. Let them agrec a.. magis pativerunt, wñto mujorum bir mong themſelves, tranfigant inter. Aa ague, fabrid.; f. fruftratio dolorem atulit. Liga lil make you agree, 80 A littic ague, fobricula, An aim, alturii, fapus. All the aim. redigans vor in gratiam, ligesinler AQ agac continuing but one day, w#9 that, nihil aliud quærebatur, um computa. It is ſuch, as thar.it i febris apormem or diarfs. nih ur, I'am quite out of my never can agree with it, ujulasadi: An ague coming by fins, jábris imter. alm, non'ubi terrarum am fcio. if it cobatere nunquam poffit. To mimi: or interuallara, When one is to throw with any An { 1 A LA A L E "ALI atin, qui on-modus & imperus jafflls arina ad arma. An ale-brewer,.cerepiliarius, ; m. fonperandus dirigendufques on. To give an alarum, ad sua vocare. Ale-coit (herb) cafus hortorion. To give 2m, intentionem preins *To Iound an alarum, clasicum Alcgar, acetum erevije rari lupulate. frort, dirigere. cater, tuvâ penan.canone. Ale hoof (herb} bodera terreftris. Aimod at. paiius. He ſaw his To alarum (fright ono) perterrefacio. Alemaye, Germania. brother was aimed at, fratrem de- At78, wh, hau, ehou, bei mibi mifero, Analembeck fill.) alambirus, fornax. Dingri Jinsicbar. hru mor mjerues i inter). A-length, in lor, am. An aimer it, petitor. Alas for thime, prob dedecus, prob Alenzo, (in Normandy) Alonconium, An alming at, collimatio, ad fcopum pudor. Alen'la river in DorleifhiroAlenus. inuenijo. Alis for forrow, proh dolor. Aleppo, [in Syria) Hierapolis. Aindel: Feneb id.ind) Antrar, A late (of late), Rupar, modo. Aicsbury yale in Buchingbamſhire). Air,cë, ëris, ether, aura, column. * Alatri (in Italy) Alatrium, Aletrimeter. Ellauriam vaillis. This air is ſo ill i anu hardly able to alay, m:tige. See Allay.. Aléffandretta (in Cyprus) Arfinoë. to endure it, vix suflinzo gravita- Albagiay (an iſland of Africa] Cornie. Alefraodria [ln Egipi) Aiexandria. tom icli hujus. *1 cannot away Alcan (a man's naice) Albanus, Alct in Languedoc) Altaa, with this air, non co!am.bac.patior. Albania (in Macedonia] dibania, In Alexander (a man's nancy Alexan. * We have ä thick air round a pirus. der, ri. bont us, nobis vërctfusofindicurs Albanopoli fin Masedonia) Alhanopolis. Alexander's-foot (herb} Pyrethium. In the open air; fub dio. Aa albe (2 prieſt'a.white robe under Alexander (herb) olas atrum. Cool evening air, cauri oifportini, thç veit acht) puderis. Alexandrow (in Poland) Alexandro- nides erund. Albeit, temat vium, An air in mulick modulus. Albemarle la family] de Albamarla. An Alferes (Portugurxe for an en- The air of the face, Symmetria onl. Albert (a man's.name) Albertus. ſign):fignifor, rüs, gratia, afpectus decorur. Albſor ſa mountain of Aſia Cawafus, Alfred (a man's name) Alfredus, To air abroad, sprico exponunt. Alburin-colour, color.cx albo & rufo Algarve (k.country in Spain) Algar. To air by the fire, igni exponere. . enixts, subaquilus, bia.. To ale lhects by the fore, bodices Alca.ro . [in Egype] Babylon, Memphis Algebra (the art of figurative non- ed igtuna exfcrure. The Aloigcois (in Franco Albigenfus, bers] nlgebra. Alre [in Scotland.I Vidogaro. Aldia (an :Sland af Æshiopia] Mrue. Algier ein Mauritania] Algeruir, Aire (in Aquituin) Alurum. Alboran (between Africa and Spain) Rufururun. Aire (in Prorim!) Æna, or Hæria. Errmin inſula, Algernoon, (a.man's name] Alger- Aired abroad, ſali expofitus. Alborg (in Danmark) Morgun. 2:17071, oris ; .- Aired by the fire, igni expofisus, Albuquerque in Spain | Albuqurroum. Algezica in Andaluzia] Carthrig. Airy, akrnus, atheraxs, Alcabyr (in Berpil Babylon. Algid (chill) algidus, An alry man, vir latus, wobanus, lo-Alchalys (in Egyp] Berenice. Algidity, algar, oris; m. pidus. The alchoran, adaranum. Aldabas (a province of Africa) E- An airy of hawks, accipitrium calus Alchofan Lin Arabia Felix] Serapi sbiopia. or nidus, dis infula.. Alhallows Barkingparochia Omni . A'ſc (herb) podagraria. Alchymy (the art of tranſnating un Saniflorus de Barking. Aithe (a river in the low-countries] metais.). Akbytia, (bymia, .ars spa. Alhallows Bread-freet, Omnium Axona. gyrica. No alchymy like ſaving. Sandsrum in viro piftorum, Aix (in Provence) Aqua Setia. : tegnum vi&tigal Farbmonia, Alhallows . Honey-lane, Omnium 'Aix la Chapelle in the dukedom of An alchymift: alchimia, a;.02. Sentorum in mollis virule, Juliars] Aquipronum. Alcmacr-Lin Holland) Almaria. Alhallaws Lombard-ſtreet, Omnium To akc, or ach, dolny.condoleo. The Alcyon (klag,ilher) balcyon. Sanctorum in vico Longobardico: My head akes, dolat mihi caput. * Aldberry. [in Haparand pira} Ada or Alhallows Staining, Omnium San&o- The fun makes his head ake, dolet Villa Antigua. I rum pilterum dalieantrum. à file caput ejus. • His head and Aldborough (insYukliri) Ifuriuos, Alballows :00. the wall, Ororium teeth ake, laborat à dolore capitis & Aldeaburg [la Helizin] 'Uibo wows Sandsrum fupra murum. dantium. Braunssa. Alicante (in the kingdom of Valon- An aking, dolor yorit ;. m. An alderman, Senior, Senator, patricia] Alone, Illici. To have an aking tooth at onc, in- cius. To walk an alderman's Alicant-wind, wirus regionis Mici dignor, inſmus ut alirui, pace, letos tofu trahera, Funmi. ana, dicantium. The head-ake, ciphalagia, nuum incedere Alice (2. Woman's namo) Alicia, A The tooth-ake, ndontalgia. Ag alderman's robe, abolla, I. f. dalisca. Akemancheſter (Baib city) Barbo- Ag alderman'a bench, Yonalus, tas, Alicata (in Sicily ] G1851, nia, Alderman-like, finatorid, Patricia. Alicadre [aa illand of Sisily) Pha Aken ( Aix la Chapelle) Aquiler mm. An alder-tree, alnus ; i, f. nisula.; f. An aker, wacze (of ground] juga. Alder: adj. An alien, 7 [ftranger) alimui, ex Of alder, }elnous, a, um. An allant, ternus, peregrinus. Akerhoy's (in Norway) A herufia, A place where alder-trees grow, al. To alien, 7 alime, abaliend, ab. Akerman in Moldavia) Alba. To alicnate, • dico, avoco, difra Akerfondt (an Maud of Norway] A Aldernay (Ornay island) É bodia. ho, alienum facere. cherfumda. Aldred (a man's name) Adredas. To alienate (put to fale) bona fua An aker-ftaff, rulle; infirummtum ALE, cerevifia Ane:lipulis, non lupu profirjbris. ad aratri dontem mundandum. lara, bum, 2. n. Good ale Alicnated, alichus, alienatus. Akhl fin Irland) Achilia. is acat, drink, and cloaths,calida To receive a thing alienated, perli Alabafter, alabefrum, alabaftrites, &; polio vediarius et. mimicipura. New ale, mujan, 20 Alienating, abdicatio, alima. Strong alecorrvisa prima. Alienation, of alabartera d)} alabəfirinus. Smak ale, spreifa fonuis & fecunda Alife (la Italy) Alipba. An alabaſter-box, mubarium. ria, Allgadt, 81 Alicaat: Alacrity [clicarfulneſs) alacritas. Stale ale, amibia vitala. To alight (as a bird) {ubfdor, čres Aladull (a country of Afa) Armenia Gil ale, cerevisia hederacia. To alight from a horſe) deſilio, minor, Aleberry, cravila' cum panu mi- equo defcendere. Alagant, vinum atrum. cide concita, An alighting, defcmus ab aguo. Aligon (a Spaniſh river) Alagmius. An alchouse, caupona, corsvijfarium, Alighcod, delapius. Alais (in France) Aleja. popina. • To baunt aléhopfes, Alike, eque, paritet, perindo. A-la-mode, more novo & deganti, ad habitars popinssi Alike; adv. par, compar, aqualis, formulam concinnam vel comptiorum,. An alehouſe haunter, ganoo, popiso. i Aliment (nouriſhment) alimentum. ex feito culsu, Alchoule ; ad). popina- Alimony (food) alimonium. Alands (an idle of Finland) Oona. Of or belonging to an Š lis; 3. Allander Ilovase) Louificus wulgare, Alan (i man's name) Alanus. art. Alivc An alarum, ar alarm, claficism, ad An alchouſe-keeper, caupo, this. : live, and alive like, viuit atque B. vals. A L 'L ALL ALL ni. t Tumi. valet. • Is he alivejuporaine" all one whether ---nibil interef 4 tigat. The lcmpeſt is allayed, vefcitur aura aberea.... While • It !8 all one to you whe tempeftas refidui. * he was alive, jo vivos. To be ther, tua nihil refert utrun. #It To allay wine with water, vinum saken alive. in poteſtatem bafium was all one to thofc that kuled lymphú morum imperare, lympha venire . * The best philoſopher him what he ſaid, non inuerfuit refringere pocula ardentis falar- this day alive, princeps bujus ætatis occidentium quid diceret, * It is all philofophorum • Hope, kćeps him ose to me, nihil . moror, nihil mea Allayed, fubleuatus, Ionitus, * Han- alive, Spis alit. rofort: non magnapori laboro. ger allayed by banquets, fames Alkakingy (winter cherry) folanum ALL ALONG, pronus, proßratus. See exempta epulis. Wine too much nubruna, along allayed, vinum plus fatis dilutum. Alkanet (orchanet] a!chufa. : All On a ſudden, de improviſa, fei * The grief was allayed, deforbuis Alkymy, alebymia. Su Alchymy. bilo. Soporatus dolor, ALL, Orinis, cunétus, univerſulgu too All the while, per omne tempus. * An allayer, fub quator. fus, integer, ferpes, fumma. All All the while he was a conſul, An allaying, sublevatio, lmimet- all orders, foto conſulasu ſuo, : .- ordinum bominos. . But when - 1 All the while, ufque hoc, ufque ad TO ALLEDGE, allege, cito, profero, had done all. fed cum omnia fuif boc tempus, uſque adhus, iamdiu. cifero, ſubjicio. • Fally to alledge Jom. Theſe things I ſpeak of. We have had ſuch croſs: wca a law andoritatem ementiri. * all la general, hæc loquor de uni. ther all this while, ita uſque ad. Canſt thou alledge any thing why verfs... have not ſeen all this verfâ tempefcie.uß fumus.. thou art not juſtly condemned? day, hsdie toso non vidi die. * Keep Particular phraſes: All is huſht, minguid caufare quin ab judicio ah- it all to yourſelf, integrum tihi ri otium & flintiunt ut. Th.s is Lras iurpilimè. vidjus? forues. *All that while I was at all that's left of the moncy, tan-An allegation, allegatio, onis; f. Naples, ta omni temporis Noapoliijui. tuin reliquum of de argento. *When A foſc aliogation, calumnia. Known all the world over, toto all come to all, ad extremum, tan- | An allegator (beait) crocodilus. ristus in arte. The thing 18 dem, * Giving all for none, tran- Allegiancc, fides, fidelitas. known all Lesbos overy per fet:12 Jeaum di partibus ratus. * All on- The oath of allegiance, facramentum Tu eſ motifina Lesboni: *There I derone, una or sadams opera, smul. fidelitatis erga majefiatet regiam, Tested, all n'ght long, ibi quirúi • She fratters the body all over an allegory, allegoria, nafem ferpetuam. * All my fault is the fields, per agros padira difpergi: Allegorical, allegoricus. that --- fuzme criminis ad quod corpus, . Here and there and all at Allegoriçaily, allegoricè. • But yet that is not all, fodine once; hic & illic fimul. * Is it not. To allegorize, allegorico fermone uti. guaguamn in ipo gune omniz. all a caſc ? non par ratio of, alia Allelujah, alleluja, ALL [when it Agnifies only l. is made caufa ef?. Juſt for all, the world Allelujah, (wood-forrel) oxys, by unus, folus. As, He'is, all as, Smilimeurqur, They are not allemagne, Germonis. Day care, illum curo unum. He all in a tale, non ccharmt. All on The Alleinans, Germ ni. 's all for himſelf, fibi commodutuni a funimer's day, dia quodam eftivo. Allendorf (in Germany) A!lendor- , Aibi solus cavet, fibi duntaxat • All to break his skull, controgir fu, profpicit. Have her all to your cranium * It comes all to onc. Allerton [in Yorkſhire) Catara&o- Telf, bane folur babeld. *They live codem recidit, * All's to no purpoſe, a. pon horrey, mulle fola viukent.wibil agis *All is our own, nolira An aliey (walking place) ambula- The Stoicks werc all the philo omnis lis ej., *All thar lick a diſh, crum. ambulatorius. ſophers that ſaid ſo, Stoici joli ex ů minimo ad maximum. * All the An allcy in a garden, bypotbra, fube eneribus pbiloſopbis dixeruns...... kindneſs you can do then is not diulis ambularis, All. lignifying as much as, ſo much worth a roth, quid benefucius An alley (narrow paſſage) angipor. asy Gr.] quantum unque, quid, pluma levior o gratia. *All is faſc quicquid, quonium, quam. All yet, res adhuc quidem in tuto afl. *All All-good (herh] chryſolaranum. inay, all I can, quinlumcunqur. is well, falva resal, in portu navi. All-hallows-church, omnium fana.. poffim, quantum patero, * fent to go. "All's well that ends well, *xj rum ecclefia. Su Alhallows. the Piators to bring you all the ins alta probat. * All's not right| All heal herb) panax, acis. foldiers they had, ad pradores 'miſi with them, aliquid monßri alune. All-iced Lan herb) atriplex, Sylves- ut militum quot bebarent ad.vos de Al's not won that's put in the tris. durerent. * All the judgment i purſe, fruniam in loro negligere An allie, or ally [by marriage] afi- had, quirguid babyerap judicii: I maximum interdum ef lucrum. nis. I would ſtrive all that ever I All is loft'thal's. put into a riven An ally (of fate) focius. could, quantum maximi pogim con. diſn, pertujua quiquid infunditur To elly, conjungo. tondoren. . Make all the halte in dolium perit. Al.covet all.lore, Alliance (by warriage] afinitas, e- you can, quantum poteris Softinaqui tolum vult . solum perdit. * AU ris; f.: . All that lies or is in mc, quantum is not gold that glitters, fronti Alliance, [in blood) omfanguinitas, in mo srit. He did all he could nulla fides. This is all, tantum aris; f. 10. overthrow the commonwealth, eft. Alliance (of ftatcs } focietas, fer- rerapublicem quantum in ipfo füit All in all, spora & puppis, For dus. Kurtit. Confort her all you can, tunc is a!l in all in th buſineſs, Ailied, ofinis, propinquus, conju. fons quin pores fuc confolari. utramque paginam facil fortuna, tuli. Let them make all the fir they To be all in all with one, plurimum An alligator, crocodilus. pleaſe, turbant porro quàm velint. pole apud aliquam, intima famili- South Allington. Su Maidenhead. ALL AFTER AS li. according, aritare alicui conjungi. To allot, delego, forte afognare. He ly as] pro, exinde ul. As, All At all, omnino, prorſus. As, I do allowed me this burneſs, me buic after as the thing is, pro.conditiene not at all agree to that, nullo modo negocio delrgavit, mihi boc negotium teiAll after as it is in big prorfus fontior. * In truth you impofuit. nefs, pro magnitudine rela; All are aſhamed of nothing at all, To be allotted onto, or have by lot, after as it is in thickneſs, promos nihil te quidem quicquam pudet. fortior, iri. • I am allotted to pu- do craft!udinis. : *All after 29 fod All-Soul's-day, feralia fabrua. niſhment or an office, fortior pee. der is to be had, rxinde ut patuli Allaway (in Scotland) Alguna. nain vel magijiratud. farultas 1. The allay of money, semprramen- An allucinont. affignatio, fortitio. ALL.ONE, perinde, ideo, 36A8, tum, mixtura (jukia legas moneta- TO ALLOW (give) exhibeo, ērr; * This is all one as if I mould rias.) attribuo, præbea. praſa, demetior, fay, bor perinde af tantum ega To alíay, [cafel.sedo. lenio, ire ; ira. I will allow him money, dicam. It is a'l one as if, idem minyo, ère. . He allayed his hun. dubitur à ma. argentuin. Allow ci ac fit. This is all one with ger with leaves, lavavit farnem hm his expences, fumptum illi ihat, boc unum idon el aique frondibus. He allays his-herce Juggere. * I am able to allow it, illud. *They once were all one neſs and ſeverity with courtcaus or unde hai fiunt. * As you are with the academicks. quondam bchaviour, Jeverisalen. Acarbam able to allow, pro 76 tus, jidem grans qui academici, It ip mullis condimentis humanitatis mi. То! . 1 Mus. alinone eleemofynarius, præ. To'lie all along, pioruinbon A L M A LO AL Z TO ALLOW (approve) concedo, pron alminando elecrohnarius . Along with, wà cum; as, * I will go home along with you, unà te- nio ornura, judicio confirmari, *1 al-) To give alos, elemofynam dare, tro cum ibo domum. * He came along 'low of that reaſon: accipio caufum. . - gars, facere, vimdico ftipem porrigere. · with me, meum inà adviatus eft. Who allows not ? quis et qui non To ask alms, mendico. All along, totâ vid, ubique. *All my probes ? nit is allowed of in men of An alm's-man, profouaicus. life long, in imni vita. our years, relaçi notra conceditur, An , ? They would be alowed to do ſo $: Aloof, eminis, longè de longinquo. too, eundem licntiam abi permitti An almouer's lodging, almonarium. Aloit (in Flanders) Aloftum. volunt... Some things are allowed Almighty, omnipotens, cunitiporms.. Aluud, third, clara, or intentâ vols. 10 he tho.ccned; quadium breviarı! Almightineſs, omnipotentia: An alpe (balfinch) rubicilla. permistit ur. *Something is to be al- | An almond, amygdala, nux Graca. The Asps mountains between'France lowed for cuftom, aliquid confuctus An almond-tree, amygdalus. und Italy) Alpes, sum; f. Institut bedome admiten sie abone or onlike almonds , }amygdalinus . Alpha (the firn Greek Letter] alpha ; To allow in :eckoning, decido, ore. The almonds of the cars, glandula: Allowa le{approved), obatus, lauda- ALMOST, fera, forma pene, prope, An alphabet, An alphabet, alphabelun, abeceda- bilis, legatiintus, ucceptabilis, probabilis, propainodum, modo nm, tantum non, rium. Allowable Ljuft] aquus, jujius, legiti. quafi, uſque, juxia. * It is almoft Alphabetical, alphabeticus. night, nox apperit. .Almoſt drunk, Alphabetically, alphabetice. An allowance (approbation) opproba obria proximus. There is not a Alphage [à man's name] Alphagus. tio, comprobatro, 3. f. day, almoſt but he comes, to my Alphen (in Holland) Albiniana cojira, An allowance (gift) donatio, 3. f. houſe, dies fare nullus of quin do- Alphonse [a man's, namc) Alphonfus, domenfum, 2. n.. mum meam uintia. "When now it Already, jam. Allowance (granting or yielding] do : was almost furi-sec, quan jam ad so Alſace (a province in Germany] - ni vel marcedis attributio. lis occafum fu, li is almoſt time fatia. To keep onc at Dhort allowance, that, propi adeffe quun. • It came Alfine (herb) auricula muris, arsta ronimnieque aliquem babere, almost to a fedition, juxta ſeditio. Allo, stem, etiam, quoque, nec non, exiguè fumptum prebera. non veniun . II an almost out pariter, AD, allowance, mjo, demenfuns.. of my wite, vix fur apud me:* Alſo (morcover) prdimran quintiam, Allowance [in reckoning) dedu&um. When he ſaw the Romans almost porro, Allowed (girenl prabitus, exhibijus. encompasſed with the right wing, Altal (a mountain of Sgibia] Imaus. Allowed (approved) probatus, ramus, ubi vidit Romanos tantum non cir. An altare, altwr, is; d. ara, X; f. Allowed in reckoning, fubtralius, cumiri à dextri cornu. Altenburgh (in Germany] Aldenbur. An allowing (giving) rxhibitio. Aldmonbury (in England) Camulo gum. An allowing Lapproving] comproba durum. Altenhofen (in Germany] Arrienum, tiq, approbatio. Alne (a river in Norsbumberland) Vous curia. Aa allowing in reckoning, doduétio, Alannius, TO ALTER, mulo, comuto, immu- Ailoy, as allay. Ainc Cariver in Warwickſhira). Almus. 1o, permuto, vario, varto.. Toal. To allude, alludo. Alalger, o aulniger, iniger, eri ; ter his opinion, de feniratia dorea An ailuding, alluno, parodia. ulator. dori, de proposito reklinn, vila ger- Allum; alumm, inis; n. Aload (a river in Egypr] Nilus. 1er. Roche-allum, alumn potra. A!ocs, aloë, di'; f. Alterable, variabilis, mutabilis. . An-alumincr.(limner) pi&or. The better kind of aloes, aloc fucca- Altered, variatus, würasu, alimatus, TO ALLURE, illicia, allicia, re; • trins, innsvitus, franjatus. allcar, illecto, pollicio, pellente. sali-The groffer kind of alacı, aloë cabal. To bc altered, iwutori * The cito. Exccllcat wits are allured ling. cuftom is. ſomewhat altered, de with praiſe, gloriâ invitantur pre- A ſweet and precious aloes xyloaloë. flexit 'de vid confuetude. There clara ingenja. agallochum, lignuos aloës, argion, si was nothing that I thought fit to Toállár:c forth, prolicio, proleto, ovoco, ALOFT (on high) excelſus, in fu bli be altered in the law, wihil 'ba. To allure with fair promiſes, blan mi, ſublimis, aktus, fupernus, ſuper bui quod putaram novanduz in love dior, delinis.. urbis illecebrofis cap. ni, fupra, surfum. Hoiſe up this gibus. tare, verbis palaratii dutare. fellow sloft, fublimom rape, The Altering, momentaneus, Allured, ellectus, illeaus, attra&us, boughs grow up aloft, in exceifum inefcatus. smicunt rami, The alr is carried An {altering mutatio , innova- alteration, $ rio, variatio. *A An allurer, pallax, illex, allefar, so ·aloft, extmisalus aër fublimè fortur. great alteration of tinc, mira in. dudor, Jolicirator. From aloft, defuper ; adv. peris inclinatio. Alluring, illecebrofus, blandus, To ſet aloit, extollo. ere. Altercation (contention) rixe. An alloring, allétiatio, solicitarlo, il. Alon (a river in Northumberland) Alon. Alternate, lectus, üsim. ALONE, folus, folitarius, unicus, uAlternative Allurlogly, blande, illecebrosè, firmica nus, intornitatus, * You may trúft Alternately, alternatin. An allurement, illecebra, blanditia, him alonc, præfens abſonſqui idam Alternation, viciffitudo, inis ; f. allegatio, illectommium, blondimen mil. You are not alone in it, fo- Although, quanquam, quarnuis, guana tum, incitamentum, illirium. . He cerunt alii fapı, We will do it a libir, aliani, ali, licèt. gave himſelf to the allurements lonc, por nos agemus. * As he was Altitude (highneſs] altitudo, celtudo, of deliciouſneſs, dedit le forum via meditating by himſelf alonc, cum celtas, fafigium, fublimitas; txt- Tiorum illerebris. . He had many aliqua fecum agitaret, mitas, allurements of the city, multa ba- Alone (adv.) folum, solitarid, Altoboſco (in Tonia] Colophon, onis. bebat invitamonta urb.s. All alone, perfolus ; adi. Altogether, omnino, prurfus. An allufion, allufio. Left alone, defalarus, deferims.; adj. An alveary (bec bive) alwari, is; An alluſion to the nuc of a thing, To leave alonc, derelinquo, defero.. .'ncht, agnominatio. To let alonc, mirro, millum facio. Alum, alumin, inis; neat. falfugo An almain (in 'mulck) modulus ala Let us let thoſe things alone, milla ti:ra. mandirus.. hæc fariamus. • Let me but alone, Roche-alum, alumm poire. Almaign, Germania, bno modò. Let me alone with 11, Infc&ted with alum, aluminatus. An almanack, calendarium, ephemeris, quiefcasnogo videro; id mihi dr nigo- Full of allum, aluminojus, Almaz (in Hungary] Amantia. Let me alone, or I'll give Alway, femiper, porperuo, nunquam Almenara (in Africa) Carthago. you darh a in the teeth, cropabunt non, usquequaqur, in auum, in atır. Almeria [in Granata) Almeria, Pure manu mala tibi niſ me cmitiis. nium. He is always at his book, lus inagnus. ALONG, per (or elſe by an ablative copul de sabu.à non tollit, * He is Alms, cinemolina. caic) as, • I will ſend forc along always out at the famic notes.cbor- An alms, Mips. the Thores, per litera amtos dimit. dâ femper oborrat radom. An alıns-dccd, roga. tam. * I was going along the Alzete (in Palefline) Axotus. An alm's-houſe, prochotrophiuns. highway, publica ibam via. I AM, jum. • I 20 herc, coram ad. fum. . 1 }impidi sidia; AMB A ME A M P fuis. I am dear against it, ani, An ambler; equus tullutarixi, An amethyA(a vlolet coloured ſtone) Corsis. Abhorretan an hangared, Ambling horfe, Juis. *1790 dry, fisio, I am. of Jiure Amethyſt purple, amatholinus. Your mind, tatum Sentid, tibi afenAmbleade (in Westmordand] Amber Amiabic, amabilis,, placidus, porpul. Dior, I am opon a journey 10, glanna. cher; vinufus. Bis iter al m...He knows 1.a. Ambo-dexter (Jack on both fides] Amiableneſs, decor, pulchritudo. coming for de adeffe: * As far as ambidexter Amiably, amabiliter, dacord, placide, Iam able, quod qucco. I am abopt Anbolle. Ein France) Ambaria. pulchra, venufi, a trach, tas vera agitur, I am Ambresbury (in England] Ambrofa, Amicabie [friendly) amicus, a, um, above, thirty years old, plus amnis Ambrofi mons. Amid (in Paphlagonia] Anifus. triginta natus fum, I am as you an ambrey [pagtry) cella' pentsa- Amidft, inier, in medio. for men just jog ita fum, fc sum ut rje... Amiens (in Freu] Anbisnum. vides. I am contented with any Ambroſe [a man's name) Ambra Aminadab (a man's pame) Anina- thing, sodi quidvis fat . fius, dab. Aman in Syria): Apavi, Epipha- Ambroſe Cherb] ambrosa. AMISS (not right) prarus, gitiofus. ma. Ambrolia (the dict:of the gods) an #ift will not be amiſs, non mit A-main, uskontor, vald, Srenud.. brofia, ... alianus, It is not amiſs, these Amálo (a Lea-term for Come ion Ambrun [- in Franca ] Ebrodu, ahs-triat. board] gardiu. inner... Amila not rightly) prepà, rould, men. A-main (for the mariners to lower Ambulatory: ( walking ? cambulatee dosè, perperam, vitiosè. *You judge their fails) duquitters wela. riwa amics of theſe things, bar malo To amala (heap op] coeru, eThe.ambary [ln hosſes]. .Opruta judicas, nule. somigiofa fanguine plma: To do amiſs, pacco, delinquo, in fede Amasked, canceruatus. i ambarcade, lift xm admittere. They examine Amaffing, CONCORDANS. Ang ambuilh, impdiazi. pl. what is done amifs, quid in eo An anaffing, coaceruatio. Calamburhment, peccatum fit exquirunt. If you do To amate, Glincourage ] exanimg, ribe To lie or be in ambush, infidior, never ſo little amiſs, S fantuluta somitum redders, into conferriara, arisinfdias alicui Pruere. pocousas. confilii inoperni redders, Laidata jambith, in infidiis pof- Anmel, encauflum. Amated, exanimatus, attonitat. Ammerſham (in England] Agman. TO AMAZE, obfiùpefacio, attonitum A:lier in ambúfa Elf a man:) infidia- défhamun. -seddere, in fuporoma or admirasa-toring 3 mi [if a woman) imidia- Amity [friendſhip) amicitia. mem conjunes Trix., 3... Ammunition, arraorum-upia. Anazca, Juparafial, attonitus. He By ambuſh, iu imidiis. Ammunition ; adj. 1 militarissafir is amazed in body and mind, I Amne). (enad el] incantum. . Of ammunition, f. anime composatorper. The Amclcorn, triticuin amylium, -olpra, Amner, as almoner. horſes are amazed, conferantur. artylioms Amnon (a man's name) Annon. qui sont les city is amazed with Amen. Lfo be le] isa fiat, com'; In. Among sapud in inter: fea, sursslywbata, , . Hence there grew Amazdy aunitas TO AMEND (make, botter] many diſcords among the Abe. Amasadnafsiluparg.sris ; 'n. emendo, corrigo, reficio, refarcia, ite nians. hinc apud Ashenionfas mag. As Lamaze.cat. Internatio ftupefatio.con fauro, reconcinno, ropare. ; i.He na diſcordia orta. • They divi. amends his work, poldiùs himas ded it among them, inter fe divi. An Ambaffader's, allowance, legdri. opis. ferunt, partiti funt. I never To amend grow better) refipifeo, in thought money was to be reckoned An apibarage, :hugasio. malius .profirarı, à vitiis poden re among good things, runquam ego An ambasadors:legmuse- ferre, impurioris vitæ jordas..sb painias in bonis rebui ate nume- To fend on an ambaftage, logo, art ! luirs. randas.duxi. * They are not Uked ingatimnos mandara. To. amond. [in health]: . convalf among the common fort, 'non sana Foto qa an ambalagem logatione co. :: probantur in valgus, Amongit forgi. Amends, compenfatio. He has the friends all things are common, of an ambaffador, Isgasorius. amenda in bis own hands, peribit cornmunia funt amicorum inter ſo Auber, fucina, dečian. inkimus. omnia. Anber; abierto sje&rinu,' fucci. To make amends, 'refliturro; com. Amorous, procok, amäfus, Amatas Of amber, : pinjari, ripandere, duranum refar rius, Arlanguct of amber, langurinn. seine. h He makes amends' for An amorous potion, philtrun. Ambergrcalc, embra, ambayum. his taulti sedimit culpain.præteri Amorousy, amatorid, proacitor, Amberg [hn the Upper Palatinate Amort, frijiria abdu&us. All - Canticbis, Anburga.. Arwended, rimandatus, reftatus, infaumort, quantw quantus tellitia tatu Ambes zce; ambo ofis. - ; ratu," obdufius. Ambient (compalling about] An To be amended, omendabilis. Amos (a man's name) Amol; indec. bia, Not to be amended, inemendabilis. To amove, amoun. Ambiguity. [doubtfulneralaimbiguitar Ad. amender, coridor, emendator, To-amount, trefto, exurgo... The , anpbibologia, botzonymia. comfor,cftigator. {am amounts to thue much, redit Ambiguous, ambiguous, amphibalogul An amerding, reformatio. fumma. equivattu (Amendment, caffigario. Amonra [loves] ammoru. amper, 1 alis ; fo.. ampor, mar. Ambition, om vitio, Ambilus: To amerce (fine) ruları, putrie, Amphibology [doubtful Speech) am. ambitious, ansioſus. wulum dieo or eroge. phibolagia. To be ambitious, honores ambire.bn Amerced, malaatus. An amphitheatre, amphitheatrum. pichis famá fagraro, imperiunde-An amerćement, mulaa, pana. of an amphitheatre, ampbilbestra- tare. A0am:rcer, mulaator. li. Ambitioufy, ombitioso; #y, Am-An amercing, mulaatis. Amphibious (living both by water bixiously to icek prefermont, am Ameren. Ea Beltick ifand] Aufra and land) amphibius. bire dig statiini nia. Ample [large) emplwi For amble, wollenty, glomerari preſus, "America [a fourth part of the world] Ananiple oftimony, plenifimun in numerum collige ungulas, tollu. America. olimonium. tatindrerdere. Americanica . } Americanus. Ampliation (enlargement) amplig. dan doble, incos numero Of America, tio. -An ambling pace, } Jus. Amesbury (in Willfire] Añbrofia, To amplify, amplifco, txaggero. An ambling, tollutasio, glomera. Anbioji burgus. Amplified, implifuatuss - XARgra. tio, An ameſe [a papith preft's ander- Amblingly, Hollwim. moſt linen robe ] examitum, An amplifier, amplificate. Än! ton. Ambiguoudy; ambiguà, ambibolo Amenity Tp'calanmecay amenitas, Ag Lamper 1 An ampliaciunean, } amplificatio 'nikm. maum. Mus... Α Ν C A N D ANA amplifying Ancient demcan, urus regis pastims-t. To ancai' (glaffes] intra. .. Anomonc (flowert anemo,"; f. Ampucación (cutting off} amausa- To grow ancient, irrurierasca, Anent (againſt a regione, jurimi tio, onis ; f. Grown ancient, inustarulus," A.icnt (concerning Ice. Amitel ( 4 river in Holland ] Ám Anciently, oliny. Antiquities, quon- lancw, de integre, denuo. Pola. dam, antiquis temporibus, majorum an angel, angolas, nuntius. Amſterdam ( in Pilland ] Anlerda atau, An evil angel, cacodamon. Ancienneſs, 7 antiquitas, granda- an angel of gold, angelinus, agen An anulet against witchcraft, anh Ancientry, vilas, veuitas, e lotus. lotum, periuptun. tas; f. Aa angel-fith [ſcate) ilqualina. To amuſe (put in the dumps] doti. Anclami (in Pomerania] Anclamunt. Angelet [a woman's pane]. Angsa noo, animus fpeitssculo occupars. The ancic, talus, fura. lette. To anuſc (with words) aliquam ina- The ancle-bone, millelus. Angelica (herb) angelica. nibus verbis ducere, trabere, mirari, Coming down to the anclos, ta laris. Angelical, angelicur.2, un. ludificari. Under the ancle, lubgularis. Angelot (French checkej cafeus Gula Amured, detentus, astupatus. An ancome (felon) furunculus. licus quadrajus. An amufing, detentio, animi A N D , atque, ut, nenor que Anger, ita, indignatio, furor, fatuie An amuſement, serupario. fam; as, # I commend them, and 310, calor, bilir, forrastus. Amwel (in Hertfordfaire] Fms An that deſervedly, ego illos lando, id- Extreme anger, excandefcentia, &;f. nenfis, que meritò. * Initruct our. Lantu- Anger incorredi fima, &, f. Amy [ a woman's damc ) Anicia, lus both in other aris, and eſpe- Aptneſs to anger, iracundia, e; f. Amate. cially in the imitation of yourſelf, To anger, irrico, acerbo, exagito, *** An, ſee the particle a. Lmtulun nafruar num sæinis arti acerdo, excandefacio, incei, incer- An anabaptiſt, anabaptiſa, arahap. bus tuus imprimis imitations sui fac fum dart, animun, alicui' mouretty ta, & im qui homines adulte L. erudias. Homarhum concitars, irá aliquem ac late baptizandos conlel. AND NOT, non autem: fat, neque, tendert. An anchorite ( hermit 1 anachereta, as non, &c. 28 You Shou dre- Angerly: Sr Angrily. @im, qui in folitudine vitam agit. Lieve him, and not rail at him, Angers (in Fron] Andegravur. Anacreontic verſe, verſus trackson oportet to hominem fublevars, nm An angle (corner) anguli. autem jurgiis adoriri. And not an { anglerod, pifcatoria ticus: arundo, PTLAS An anagram (a tranſpoſing the let long aftcr, neque ita longo inter- ters of a namc) anagrarama, atis;f. vallo. * And not without cauſe, To ang's, imefrare, barnum miserre. An analogy (agreement) analogia. nec injuria, . And you cannot but An angler, pifcator, linson's jacients, Analogical, analogus, a, um. know it, nec slam ic eft. • Bring moderatar arundinis, ,, An analyſis (unfolding) analyſis,isz f, home your wife, and do not crois Angleſca Inand, Angleſega, Mua Analytical, } analyticus ; adj. mc, reduc uxorem, et muli adurrſeri An Angleciſm, -jQjitif aus Anglicko Analytic; mibi. * This man if he agree with Anandale (in Scotland] Vallis Anak. himſelf, and be not sometimes An angling, grandinis moderatie. dia. overcome with goodneſs of naturc, An angling-line) , tinim seba. Ananias (a man's name) Ananias,&. bis.fo.bbi confential, cu nori interdum Angouleſme [in Aquitam} Angolif Anarchy i confugon) anarchia. natura bonitata vipeaturi ma, a, f. Anathema (a curſe) anatbema, atis j And for and in} by guod us Abgred or angerod, irritatus, confuse neut, What and if ANGRY, Iratus, a, unt. To anathematize, anatbematic). you shall ſec? Quid igitur À Exceeding angry, rubidui, rabifursa Anathematized, onasbemalizitu. dideritis? But and you will ſoon inconfus irá. An anathematizing, anathendrixatio. forgive, la ausent non remiferitis. * Quickly angry, irac Quickly angry, iracundius, fomechan Abatolia (part of Abe the leſs] ARA Not. and you would have killed Jus, tolicum ihera, mc, non ſi me occidifos. To be angry, irafcat, "furconfer, *** Anatomyi andlemia, fesloton, ; . And withal, fimul. chinderto, offerves, llomashor, - * ! The art of anatomy, anatomia. AND YET, ianın, nh; as, And yet am ſo angry that I am dot py: Anatomical, anatoinicus. all cannot bc Scipios, nec samin ſelf, pra iracundiâ non Tum apud An anatomiſt, anatomifa, &; mi omnes pofunt cti Scipiones, • And ma •He was. angry at it, bocconi. To anatomize, diffi&tio. yet why ſhould I teach you this? mo iracundo tu.it, * He is angry at An anatomizing, difettio. quanquitas li quidem quid' hoc de you now for that is nuno propieren Ancatter [in Lincolnſhire ] Crika fram? * 1 ſuffer for my salhncto, iibi fuccenfet. • They are angry lana. and yet what rashneſs was there with one another, tra iriter nos in Anceſtors, anteceffores, majeru, 'prio- in it'? do penas temeritatis a, stk tercefit. 108, putres. To imitate bh an que fuit illa temeritas ? To be very angry, fumo, sovio, efiro, ceſtors, majorum veftigiis inhecime, AND THEREFORE, Droin, proinde debacchor, irá ander, graviter iras. To excel bis anceftors, familia as, And therefore be as cour ci, graviùs commwri, irarum fimus dignitatem augere. geous as the caſe requires, proinde lis exardeftere. Anceſtors ; . adj. getilitius de fue tanium animum babras quanto To be angry for every tride, de soni Of 2nceitors, vitu, opus ei. umbra altercari, Unlike his anceſtors, degaur. Particular phraſes. Whom his mo- To ceaſe to be angry, defauio, Anceſtry, prefipis, '1, fiemma, atis; n. ther conceived aod bore,quem ma- To anger, bile movint. A Derived of the 2nceftors name, pa- Tor cotcoptum genuit. * He mrdo Make angry; } ligete matter will } truynicas. . me drunk, and put out my cyc, ſerve to make ihem angry, prolon An anchor, anbera. meinebriatum ixracavit, # And you vibus notis iras gerunt. Of or like an anchor, ahoralis. and all, & te quoque viam. . And Angrily, iracunde, irase. To anchor, encboram jat- To caſt anchor, } why ſo ? nam quid Ita? quamobrem Angrily (in look) torvè. · Sandem? How can we go out, Angrily Lin ſpeech) afperd, "To weigh anchor, ancoram fuble and not be ſeen ? quomodo poffumus Anguith, angor, oms, anxistas, tatis ; egredi ui non conypiciamur ? cruciatus, ús; m. At anchor fans in anebris. Andalusia (part of Spain] Vandali- Angular with corners) angularis,ri, To ride at anchor, ad anchoram lare. sia, Angus (part of Scotland) Augufta. An anchoret, 3 anachoreta, eremi- Andernopol Adrianople. [in Angust (narrow) anguftus, a, um. An anchorito," 1A, a; m. Thra:e] Adrianopolis. The freight of Anian, rinianuin for Anchovcs, anirafoboles, fardina. An andiron, andana, andels, fubex, Aaciento antiquu, ortus,' vetuftus, or cani harins focarius. Anility (woma's old age] Anilitas. · prouectus alate, prifcas, Andover [in Himbire) Andovera. Animadverfion (obfervation)animad- An ancient man, fenex. Andres (in Galatia] Androna. verfo, obſervatio. An apeient father, auus. Andrew (a man's name) Andras, a. To animadvert, aduertere animun, An ancient (chfign] Agnifar, vixil St. Andrew's cape (in Scotland.] V. An animal (living creatare] ani- lifor. Tudium, mil, alis ; n. animons, His. то I ncat. n. ANO: Α Ν Τ A N Y To animate (encourage) cohortationi. Another (adj.) alius, a, um. *He is Antachio [in Syria} Antiochia, e ; f. bus jempullore, fudium inflamimers, of another mind, aliser puine. If An antagoniſt' (adverſary) antago mmani ropanare. your caſe were mine, you would ni.., &;m. An animating, cohortatio, onis ; f. be of another mind, t fi hic cles, Antik (in Pamphyli 1) A:talia. Animoſity (heart-borning] Amultas, aliter entires, Leſt he be of an Antap (in Cilicial Augußa, ai f. Atis ; fi inuidia,.Q; F. Pimachus, other mind, ne Jenientiam nuter. The antar&tick (louch] pole, polus ; . * They fand row on one foet auftralis Anjou (in France) Andegavia, . then on another, alternis pedibus An ant-bear (beaft) tomandua. Anlſced, aniſum, aniſe!um, i; n. infunt. .Gaod turns done one. Anteccdet i foregoing) antecedens. Ankle, as ancic, calus, i, m. after another, beneficia uliro citroque An anthem divine tong) antiphona. An ankor, Juanchor, anchora, a; f. data aceptaque, - 'He is of another Anthill (In Bedfurdhiraj Antilia, . Aanals (regiſters) annales, ium; pl, mind now, 'de fententus dedu&tus eft. Anthoin (á man’s, náme) Ansholi- fajti, ruo;m. One after another, ex ordine. * nus, i ; m. An annalift, amalian conditor, fafio He diſperſed them abroad, fome Anthony (a man's name) Antonius, ram ſcriptor. to one place, and come to another, i; m Annates [frit-fruits) primitie, crum; alia alio. dilipavis. St. Anthony's fire, eryſipelas, atis 3 fi: facerdotii vacantis annuus redi- One another, je indicin. To kill tus, jus caduci «x facerdotali pre one another, mutuis iftibus orcidere. Antichrift, antichriftus, ii; m. dio, . Their fociety one with another, To'anticipare (to prevent) Antisips, Anne [a woman's name) Anna, Q; f. folietøs ipforum inter ipſos. ** They 1. occupo, 1. præcipio, čre. To annex (join to) annião, čre ; 3. like one another well, uterque utri- Anticipated, occupatus, a, um; part. Annexed, annexus, a, um ; part. qui eft cordi. * Boys love one an- An ant ciputer, occupator, oris ; m: A thing annexed, appendix, i.is; m. other, pueri amant inter fe or mutuo. Anticipation, anticipatio, ŝ. occupatio, An annexing, oppofitio, onis ; f. They run their heads one against 3. prolapes, 3. f. Anniented [diſapnavedl abrogatus,' another, adverfis concurrune fronts. Anricks in building 7 perſona, pl. DMS. abolitus, a, um; P. VA. 'One miſchief in the neck A mere än tick, ineplus, pantomimus, To annihilatc (bring to nothing) in of another, aliud ex. alio maium. j; m. or ad nib lum redigert, annihilo, are. * They may be a help to one an- To dance anticks, antiquo more duo Annihilated, in nibilum redeaus, other, ulii uliis prodefic poffunt. cere choren, Annik'lating, 2 annibilatio, onis ; At another time or place adv:Jiliàs. Antick, urcbaicus, a, um. Annihuation, f. One while he attempts my fol. The anticor (in horſes) febris pe- Anois, Therb) anniſam, is diers, another time my friends, pilons phlegmate circa 'pectus li. Appiſecd, modo milites mais, modò amicus foli. pat. Anniverſary Tycarly) anniverfarius, citar. To antldate, tempus præcipere, ana- folennis, ; ad). Another man's, olimus, a, um, adj. chroniſmum admittere. An anniverſary (yearly foart) anni-. Free of another's purſe, de af: An ant:date, prohronſaus. verfarium, 2. folenne, is; n. iono liberdir. Antidated, hgnalus cum prachroniſmo. Annotation, annasio, onis; f. Another way, aliorfum ; ady. An antidoie, antidotus, i ; f. Alexi- To annoy, incommodes 1. ledny 3. nf-To anoy, (offend). Ju annoy. pharmacum, ri'; : fondo, cre. Anfelm (a man's name) Anfelmus. An antilope, antelaus, Annoy, incommodum di j TO ANSWER, nfpondeo, 2. fubjicio, Antimony [a purging None found in Annoyance,? noxa, 1. let, 3. of: 3. rifpanda dari. # He anſwers filver mines) Nibium, platyophthal. Annoying, $ fenfio, onis ; f. from the purpoſe, alienuin ruſpondit. Anpoyed, laſus, offenfus, a, un, *He anſwers like for like, par pari Antioch (a city) Antlocha, a; f. Annoyed with cold, algow, a, wm. refert, leze lalionis agit. *Thus 1 Antiochetia (in Cilicia] Antiochia, An 20noyer, incommodator, oris ; m. anſwered what a little before I .; f. Annual [yearly) annuus, folennis. concluded, rationi illi, quam.paulò Antiochus [a man's name) Antio- Annually, quotannis, nc ; adj. antè conclub, accurri chus, shi; m. An annuity, annuilas, 3. annuum, To anſwer[be anſwerable for) praft, Antipathy (a natural contrarcity] 2. pinfo annua. Siri, I. * The father is anſwerable fallidium, ign. An annulet, annulus, li ; w. for the faults of his children.pater To have an antipathy against, odio To andul (make vold) atrogon-1. familiæ prajitare debet ea qua à liberis naturali rfügero, difcordare ad An annulling, abrigatio, onis; f. fiuni, or à patre fumiliæ jure repeti aliquo. To annunciate (bring news] annun. - tur ratio corum quæ faciunt liberi. The antipodes [whoſe feet aro rio, ari; I. To be anſwerable for be ſecurity) againſt ours) antipodes, um ; m. The anunciation (Lady-day) an. ſponſoren je dare,præbere, or refiftere. An ant quary, antiquarius, antiqui. nunciatio Maria. To anſwer again or often, refponfo, datum fludio/w. TO ANOINT, ungo, 3. inungo, 3. refponfto, arc, To antiquate (aboliſh) antiquo ; a&. lina, deling, 3. muo, črt.. To answer again, as an echo, [nent.] Antiquated, antiquarus, a, wina To anoint about, circumungo, 3. cir allono, refono, rofequor. Antiquc, archaicus, archetypur, eine cumlino, čre. To anſwer an action at law, refli letus, a, um, adj. To anoint all over, eblino, purlino, pulor , čre ; ict. To anſwer in law for another, vadi- Antithesis (oppoſition of contrarics] To ano'nt beneath, fubterlino ; 22. monium abire pro aliquo. antichejs, f. To anoint often, und iso, are ; a&. To anſwer objc&ions, adverſarii Antlers (brow anilers) romi primiges To anoint upon, ſuporinungos ſupor- nodos diffolvere. nii cornunm rervi junioris. illine; act. An aniwer, refponfio,'3. 78ſponſum, 2. Antorf (or Antwerp Lin Brabans ] An- Anointed, undur, linitus ; part. An anſwer from God, oraculum,liza. doverpum. Antverpia. Anointed all over, perunetus, circum: A coloarable anſwer, obtendiculum. Antra (in Africa) Bulla rgia, litus, a, um , part, Of or for anſwer, refponforius; adj. An anvil, incus, udis; f. An anointer, undtor, oris ; m, Anſwerable, con fonus, conſentaneus. An anvil's ſtock, .lruncus incudis, al- An anointer of a dead corps, pollins. Aofwcrab c to or for, obligatus,a,um. motheton. dor, oris; m. Anſwerably, paritèr, adv.. To ftrike upon an anvil, incudo,ětı. An anointing, unctio, 3. inun£tio, 3. Anſwered for, is pro quo vadimonium A worker on an aavil, incudo; -m. unflure, @if. obitur. Anxiétv. /olicitudo, inis ; f. anxietas, An anointing-place, unelwarium; n. To anſwer for another, präsyvas,adis..aris; f. cruciatui, ús ; 'm. Anomaluus, Cirregular) anomalus, an anſwering, refponfio, onis ; f. Anxious, anxius, foliciiks"; adj. Ano nalar, 3. a, um, adj. The anſwering an action ac law, ro. ANY jadi. 7 ullus, quilibet, quivis, Anon (ady. Balim; illico, mox, con Populitio, onis ; f. quiſqu.im, quippiam:-. If they hid fejlın, attuiùm, continuò, extem-An anſwerlag for, vidimonium, i; n. any mind. si in animo fer. The plo, è vefigio, protinus, propediem, an ant. (piſmisel formico, a; f. wea:her will not fuffcr them to anque mora, riira morom. A little ant, furmicula, &; f. ge any thing far, ternpolas prodia Anonymous (nameleſs] anonymous, a, Sant-hill, an } caverna formi * lor:giùs non pulitur.' But if un, adj. cola. there be any neceſſity for this, fan 3 A 3 , I Α Ρ Α APP APP hoc ego m. An appealing, sormellatio provocutio, fin quæ necufitas hujus obvenerit. * To stand apart (verb neut.] diffo, cuncts, exprella froleris veſtigis. I ulc him the most of any, dijito, ate. 1 An apparent crime, crimen fagrans. utor uno omnium plurimo, # If you An ape, fimia. * You are you !, To be apparent, pateo, 2. * It is provoke me any more, præter hæc ebs, inepte! apparent, liquidò conſas, res ipfa Ime irritas, * Whilft there was To ape onc, ridicule imitari. loquitur. any trcaty of peace, quoad de pare A llele ape, fintola, la ; f. To mak: apparent, patefacio, 3. om- agarctur... Content with any Apelles (a man's name) Apelles, is. nem ebfcuritatem rollerc, tenebras prince, qualicunque prin;iso conten. The Apennine mount (in Italy] mons difcutere, nullum dubitandi locum tus, *- 1 underſtand not any one A;enninus. relinquere. word, verhum prorfus nullum intel- An aper (filh] aper, ri; m. Made apparent, patefi:&us; part. ligo. * He comes not behind any Apilli, mimirus, a, um, adj. Apparcnily, adv. liquidò perspicuè, for bravery, nemini cædio Splen- Apiſh cricks (the actor of) inimus, i;! manifei. dere. * There was never any Apparentneſs, perfpicuitas, atis ; f. doubl of it, de eo nunquam omnino An apiſh imitation, cocozelia, æ; f. An apparition, apparitio ; f. ſpectrum, dubitatuin it. # He took as much Apiſh!y ; mimice; adv. tri; n. puins as any of you, augue ut wrw;- Apithricís, gefiiculário mimica. An apparitor, liftir, apparitor, cris; 13. quiſque velirim labor.ivit. Aa Aphor:m (choice Mort ſentence] An app.rtment, sortio quædam pulatii Any aquis ? ecquifnam! Ho, is aphor imus. aliini ad hulitande na niliznula. any bidy here? hens, erquis his 'Thc Apocalypfe [revelation] apka. To appay. Ratisfacio, ère; 20. efi? # Whercas you ask whetber lypfis, is, f. To appeach ina.c), cecio, infimulo. There be any hope, quòd quaris The Apocrypha, libri apocryphi. See impeach. esyua Spes for Apocryphal, apocryphus, a, um ; adj. To appcal, cippello, prouoco, arr. Any thing, quicquam, quidpiam, quid 3 poley į in Thracel Conjlantinopolis. An appeal, offellutio, piam, quidvis. Any thing plcaſe: Apologetick, apol.geticus mę, mihi quodvis at ejt. ** If he An apologue (fablc] apologus. Letters of appcal, libelli appellatorii. would have any thing with me, Apollo, Apollo, inis. An appea.cri appellator, prouocator, liquid mne velit. ' *If he offend in a polygy (cxcuſe) apologia. An appeilant, cris ; m. any thing, Aquid percas. * I know To rake any apology for any one, TO APPEAR; n. appareo, 2. compa. he will do any thing you wouid aliquein icripsis defendere, alicujus ro, 2. par., 2. illucefco, 3. #How- .havc him, facturum quæ velles cio detonfonem j-ripsis fufcipere ever he will have Irior ſelf appear elle omnia. Was he any thing Apoihegin (á hort witty tertence] affected, utcunque fe affe&tum videri the richer ! nunquid iop.ofo fair? apophthegma, ats. I unce. * As far as a 'appear by * Think you there will be any Apoplectick, by what is written, quod liioris ex- thing. The i tewer facutes macie' Apopl-Etical, s apople@icus, tür. " I w:l' make it appear to an minus multa fenatuſconſulta fu Anapo lexy [dead palſey) apoplexia, be truc, id verum effe oflendam. * tura putas? He looks not after «; f. It appears by this, illud indicium el. any thing to find fault withal, non Aportacy (revolting) apoiaga, 1. de- T, appcar only, in medio ele, in or- requirit quod reprehendat . In any fcétio, onis ; f.. bis ibeatrum prodire, in lxce verja- thing rather than in this, ubivis An apoſtate, apoftara, ; m. defertor ri; è tenebris erumpere. faciliàs quàm in h:6 ye. facrilegus. To appear Cappear up] n. exorior, man, l quifpiam, quivis. * Is To apoilatize, deſcifo, 3. dofirio, 3. 4 unico, I. furgo,. 3. Any hody, any thing alive more fidei naufragium facere, fidem rco To appear before a ſudge, comparto, fortunate than li s nunciare 2. flere se. quis une vivit hodie fortunatior ? * An apofthome, as imposhume. To appcar (above. ground) exto, I. If any one ask for me, Aquis in An apoſtle, apoſtolus, li ; m. To appcar (above water] emergo, I. querns. Apoſtieſhip, apoßolaius, úl ; m. To appear (for another) vadimoni- Any where (adv.) Wquam, uſpiam Apoftolick, į apoſtolicus, a, um ; um obire. olt were better to live any where, Apoſtolical, s ad). To appear (jet over) prominca, 2. præftontius fuerat ubivis gontium a-An apothecary, pharmacopola, medi fupereminso, zre; neur.. fotom agere. I cannot find a camentarius, unguentarius. To appear, as through a glaſs, trans- penny of money any where, aum- an apothecary's Thor, pharmacopo. porno, ere; neut. mim nuquum reperire argenti quer. lium, pharmacia. To begin to appear, patefco, 3. neut. * Were you any where elſe i tu Apothegm. Set apophthegm. It appears, conjias, liquet, patet, vide- fi alicubi los. Ai apozeme, decoctum, decoctus fue- tur. Any whither ; adv. quequam quopi cus, decoéta rei jus. An appearance, (outward ſhew] . Are you going any whi-To appair (diminiſh) attenu), 1. im- An appearing, 5 Speciel, 5. * A ther ? ituruine quopiam es? minue, 3. labofado, 1. fine navy in appearance, præclara indeed did I go any whither after To appalc [aſtoniſhi] pallorem incu navis in speciem. *All his religion that day, 7: vorò ufquam diftede. confifteth in appearance, omnis il- bao da có đi. Appa!ed, perculfus, a, um ; part. lius pidas in fpecie filtæ fimulationis Any while, aliquandiu ; adv. Appalement, confiernatio, onis ; apparet. He is a good man :D At any time, unquam, quandorun pallor, oris ; m all appearance, his ficciem prafe que ; ady. An apparence. Su appearance. boni viri fert, Any farcher, alteriùs, ampliùs, Apparel, veflis, is t. veftilus, Ûs; m. A great apocarance (concourſe of Any how, quoquomodò. veflimentum; n. apparatus, 4. a. peoplo) concurſus, 4. m. frequentia, Any longer, diariùs, adv. miltus, 4. cultus, 4. habitus, 4. m. Any more, amplius, adv. A ſuit of apparel, indumentum. Appcarance (likelihood] fimilitudo, Aoita [in Piedmoni] Auguſta præto- io apparel, apparo, 1. veſio, 3. web verifimilitudo, 3. f. ria. tom indume. Appearance (in a court of jufice) Apace ; adr, citò, properè, fefinanısr, Apparelled, ami&us, dejlitus; part. ad vadimonium occurſus. curriculò..He runs apace, currit Appareiled gallanuy, concinnatus,ex-Appearance (figure] perſona, 1. *HC gradu incitoto. He roads apace, ornatus ; part. maketh great appearance at court, curfim legit. • He ſpeaks apace, Apparelled meanly, vili veke 14&us. magnificam in aula perfonam fuftiner, precipitat fermonem • The thip Apparelled in mourning, pullasus, An appearance (above water] emer: faits apacc, callis falur cito gur pullo whitu indutus, lugubri babita fio, onis ; f. gite. veflitus. An appearance (viſion) vifo, 3. f. To write apace, currmie calamo fcri- Apparelled handſomely, ; adj. cul Spectrum, 2. umbra, a; f. bere. tus, comptus, politus, a, um A firſt appearance (rifing) exortus, Apaid, contentus ; adj. * Well apaid, Apparelled unbandſomely, incultus, üs ; m. *At the first appearance Jatisfa&us. inomatus, impolitus, a, um. of Cafar, Cælir ubi primuin eluxit. Apart, Jeorfim, Saparatim, sogrogatim, AD apparolling, omiaus, üs; m. ap. A day of appcarance, dies fatus. figillatim; adv. paratio, exornatio, nnis ; f. The laſt day of appearance, lermi. Apart freni (ſeparate) adj: Sejunktus. APPARENT ; adj. manifeſlus, liqui ruus pererkplorius. fecretus, dus, • Apparent cokens of wick- с A de- one, Am. * Nos Tere. @if. APP Α Ρ Ρ ARA а, 1 + A default of appearance, treinodici. An apple-ſeller, pemarius, comprebindore. um, defertum vadimonium. The apple-irce, pomu!, .malus, i; f, Apprehended, perceplus, comprehenſus. To make one's appearance, fa sf The brick or (wcet apple-tree, ma- | An apprehenſion, capsus, is. # OF lomallus. good apprehenſion, acutus, ingenio To be bound for one's appearance, Apple-tree; adj. malinus, } a promittere vadimonium. Jummo præditus. of an apple-tree, m., An apprehenſion (fear] metus, fufpi- TO APPEASE, act. compefco, 3. com- An app:e-yard, pemarium. cio. priño, 3. minuo, 3. compone, 3. r Bcaring apples, ponifer, malifor. Apprehensive, fagax, perſpicax; adj. Aingur 3. remitto, 3. placo, I. fedo, Full of apples, pomojus. 3. 2t. 1. lenio, 4. demulces, 2: palo, . Appleby in Weſtmoreland] Applebeja, Apprchenavely, Jagaciter ; adv. tranquillum fucere, placidum red Abelladı. Apprehenſiveneſs, jagacitas. deri. * To appeare one's wrath, TO APPLY, applico, I. accommodo, 1. An apprentice, tiro, onis; m. irâ furentem mollire.' cdbibeo, 2. iritas, 3. confero. * To An apprenticeſhip, tirocinium. * To To appeaſe by facrifce, expio, s. apply his task, penjum ficurate, serve an apprenticcſhip, sirocinius. placo, 1. liro, 1. propitium reddere. To apply his inind to philoſophy facere, Appealable ; ad). Rlacabilis, le ; inge mentem ad philofophiam appellere. *To approach, appropinquo, I. accedo, njo. flexibilis. He applies his whole courage to 3. apfelo, 3: accelero, I. aduente, Not appearable, implacabilis, le ;'adj. praiſe, in'umbit toto paftore ad lau- 3. art. dom, He applicd his mind 10 To approach acar, prope adelo, pro- Appeaſed ; adj. placatum pacatues, so writing, animum ad fcribendum ap piùs accedere. datus, rimo! Visus, lenitus, propitius, pulit. He applies his book, ju-An approach, accifus, aditus. * A war not to be appealed, inex diis jo totum dit or dedit. To make approaches, promovere ata piable bellum. (effus, urgere appropinquationes, To be appeared, plazor, I.. pomollesco, Applicabic, } applicabilis. Approachable, acceſibilis, 3. mitefce, 3. afſævio, 4. deforues, Applied, applicatus, accommodatus, an approaching, appropinquatio. 2. * He is appeaſed, fervor animi deditus. Approbation, comprobario, onis ; f. reedit. When their anger was An applier, accommodafor. To approperate (haften) opproporo. appcaſed, quum ita con ediflint. An appcafer, placator, pacater, pacis. An application, so pleasantis, acoma-To appropriate ( to take to one's feif) ofumo, approprio, fibi arrogare. calor, onis; m. TO APPOINT, 2ct. Batuo, 3. con li- | Appropriated, arrogatus, o jump!us. an appearing, } fedario, delini- An appeaſement, tuo, 3. inflituo, 3. ligne, 1. defigno, An appropriating, rio, pacificatio, I. condico, 3. *To.appoint where ,Appropriation, , } appropriation 3. onis ; f. a temple ſhall be bu:it, offuri tom. To approve, :pprobo, comprobo. An appellant, } provoczus, nis; An appclour, pla, fiore fana. To appoint a To approve (approve] in acceplum tutor for his children, Isberis (uto ferre, ratum habere. An appellour (of his fellow rogucs] tem fcribere. * To appoint the Approved, approbatus, comprobatus, * Particifum delator. penple to pay tax, tribulum populo An approved author, author claf. Appendant (hanging on) appondensa indirere. Appoint what judge cus. * A man of approved integri- lis; adj, you will, cedo quovis arbitrum. ty. Freasta integritaris vir. An appendix, afpendix, icis; f. To appoint beforc, praſiivo, præfiAn approver, approbator. A (ma'l appendix, appendicula. nio, pralirida, An approving, approbatio, comprobalio. Appennage, redirus natu minoribus To appoint in another's placc, fubfi- Appartenance, appendix, icis; f. fratribus è regiâ pirpe o fignatus. An appurtenance of a lamb, viſcera, To appertsin (belong] Perrinco, 2. To appoint bounds , temiro, I. limi pantires. atlinco, 2. re picio, 3. ſprac, i. , Gre, An apricock, malum præciquum. It appertains, refert, intereſt. Appointed, conflitutur, cous, Batu's, An apr.cock-trce, molus armeniaca. Appertalning, pertincns. con iialus, prajitutus. * It is fu April, Aprilis, is į m. Appetency (caracſt deſirc] appelen. appointed by nature, à natura ita An apron, præcinétorium, grmiale, comoaran. venirale, parizona, codula. An appetite, appetitus, appetitio. Appointed aſſigned] legatus, deng-A tradeſman's apron, semicinetium. To get an appelice, opfonare farver. APT (fit) aptus, idoneus. To have an appetite, curio. Appointed (condemned to a thing] Apt [active] deler, pronus. A good appetite to cat, pere.i. cuftoralus. Apt (to learn] docilis. An appelitc to drink, bibefiu. Appoints to aid another, fulidia - Aptſ to take] capnx, acis ; adj. 3. art. Full of appetite, avidus, gulofus, a, rius. To make apt or fit, aplo, adapto, con- um ; adj. An appointer, præpnitor, confituter, modo, concinno A gluttonous appetite, addephagia, nominator.. To be apt tolllcep, facilè dslubi in An unfatlablc appetite, rixis, is ;'An appointing, profinitio, olignatio, fomnos. ingluvies . conftitutio, uefignatio, præfcriptio. To applaud, opplaude, plaufu appro-' an appoint ncni, mandurum. Aptners, bure. By appointment, juffu, confiturò, ex Apinels to good or evil, indoles. Applauded, plaufus, a, um. profcripto. Apineſs (to learn] docilitas. an applauſe, slaufur, ús, . * Without appointment, injuffu. Aptncis. (activenels) dexteritas. An app auding, There was made to apportion, aqualibus parsibus di. Aptly, apis. a great applauſe, ingenti jonuerunt widze. Aquarius (one of the twelve Sgns] onnia plauu. An apportionment, aqua fundi par Aquarius. Ar APPLE: fomun, malum, i; n. ritið. Aqualile (watery] aguasilis, aquati. *Apples, cggs, and nuts, one may To appole. appono, examini. cat after Nuts. yoina, ova, atque Appoled, exorrin stus. Aquaylte, agua vita. nures, jo det sibi sordids, gues, | An appofer; examinacor. An aqueduct conduit] aquadu&usgús, An apple foon rotien, pomum furgox.' Appolite, oppofitus, aplus. Aquila (a' fifh) aquilit, Alummer applcpræ:04, præroquun. Appoliteiy, appofil, apre. Aquila Liman'aname] Aquila, a; m. A winter apple, Jarolinum, Appofition, Eppifiiio, onis ; f. Arabia (part of Anal Arabia. Alttle app'e, pomum nanum. An 2ppraiſer, agiinilor, exilimator. 3. Arabian, Arabicus, a, um The apple of the eye, oculi pupil'a. A worn appra let, olimor jurrjü- Of Arabia, } adj. Apple of love I hc: b) pomum amoris. rundo fecundum legern conftitutus. An Arabian, Arabs, bis ; m, Mad-apple, malum infanumi An appraiſomini or appraising, æfi-Arabick, Arbicus. Apple thorn, firarmonium In arabick, Arabico. An apple-core, vilva, pomi medium. To'apprehend, prebendo, deprehendo, Alable, Arublis. An app!e-keeper, pomo, onis. capio. Arach (part of Ajia] Paribia, An apple-loft, Fomurium, pomelum. To apprehend, unawares, intercipio, Arach (in Arabia Petrea] Petra. An applc-monger, pamarius. čre act. Arad (à mountain in Aia] Cuuclus. ca apple-mo:lc (cyder) pomarium. To apprehenda matter, percipere rom. Ar gon [a Spaniſh kingdom) Arago- An apple-pye, arloislur. To apprehend a malefactor, rrum Araga mus. Aprired, } apritudo, inis ; f. ! mutro banorka tra. busrus. ARC ARI ARM... Aragon [a Spanib river] Aragonius. epilylium, Ariſtocratical, ariſtocraticus. Aray, ornatus, ús. Archives (ſtore places for old rc- Ariſtolo:by herbl ariſtolochia, Aray.(cloaths] velis, co.dsl archiva, orum: Arithmetick, arithmetica. To array, srno, veftio. An arch.prieſt, archipresbyter, fla. Arithmetical, arithmeticus, a, um. Arayed, indutus, velitu,crnatus. men. An arithmetician (he who profeffeth An aray, difpofitio, compoſitio, ordo. An arch-prieſt's houſe, flaminia. to teach arithmctick] arithmetica To ſet in aray, diſpono, compons, or- An arch-priek's office, flaminjuis. or arithmeticês profesor. dino, Pinuo, inſiruo, dirige aciemi. Arcio (in Ireland) Arclovium. An arithmetician (one well skilled To march in aray, ordine inledare The arctick (northern pole) polus in arithmetick) arithmeticês exirii- Set in aray, compofitus, bine difpofitus. arcticus or borealis, cordo jepuntri. tolus, arithmetice peritus. H A baitle ſet in aray, acies ad onalis, An ark (cheſt or coffer] aria, riſa, i. Plezalny compofita. Ardee [in Ireland) ardracum. f. Out of aray, imcompofitus, inordina. Arden (part of Syrin} Ardracum. Arles [in Proven's] Arelas, 112. tus, fuſus, malè difpofius. Ardency, lase. fervor, ardor, Zalus, } Without aray, incompofiè, indifpofitè. Ardeniness, aius, us, Arlun (in Luxemburgh) Oroleunum. An aray, veflitus, ús. Ardent, forvidus, vsbernens. An arm, brachium * My arm is Carelelnefs (in araying] incullus, îs. Ardently, fervidè. too ſhort, ale moæ pennis 107. hi- To aray [defile) fordid:, fædo, con Ardermouth head (in Scotland) No bent. We muſt put our arm no fpurio. rantum proinontorium. further than our Sleeve will give AM arbalift (croſs bow) arrubaliſa. Ardour (great hcac) ardor, oris. leave, ùt quimus, quando ut volu- Arbella (a woman's namc] Arbella, Ardragh in Ireland) Ardiacum. muis non licet. * By ſtrength of Abella, Ardret lin Picard, ] Ardra. arm, validâ many. Arbitrary, arbitrarius, a, um. Are. Ser I am. A little arm, brachiolum. Arbitrarily, pro libitu or libidine. AIC (2 river in Yorkſbirr] Arus, To take ane in his arms, complelor, To arbitrate (judge between) detido, Argent; ad). argenteus, can ambabus ulnis amploai. ert. Of or lil: Glver, didus. An arm [of the ſea] finus, fraum, An arbitrator, orbiter, ri. Argentan Lin Normandy) Argentoma- An arm (of a tree) ramus. gum, The arm (of a vincl palmus. , Argentine (herb] thaliarum. Of an ară, orachialis, To put to arbitration, compromitto, Argile (part of Scotland] Argashe. To aím, armo, munio, infruo, arms An arbitratrix, arbitra, lia, capero, ſe tulis iisduri, forro accin- Arbois (in Burgundy) Arberoſ.z. Argine (an A:lantick inand) Carne, gere. An aibor, pergula, viridarius, topia-Arglas (in Irslond) Voluntium. To arm at all points, panoplià ar. rium, Argo [Faſon's ſhip) Argo, ús; f. mare, cataphradun inftruere: An arbor-maker, topiarius, Argonauts (Fulon's companions] Ar. An arm-full, manipulus. Arbor-making [the art of ] topiaria, gonduia, arum ; m. pit, An arm-hole. S }ala The arbute fruit, arbutumn, falus ar-Argos (in Peloponnefus) Argos, Argolctiers, 'equires ferentaris or lovi. Of the arm-holc, axillaris, subdald- An arbute-tree, arbutus. for armari. ris. An arſenal, armamentarium. To argue, arguo, difcepto, ingenii.te. An armada, clcilis Hispanica. An arch, arcus, îi ; fornix, icis. lis pugnare, in contrarias pariss dij-Armagh (in Irland) Armacha, A. To arch, arcuo, fornico, in arrum - sere, dinarba. nuare, curvare, arcum compagibus Argued, dif, eptatas. Of Armagh, Armaconfis, Armacka- lapidurn eficers. An argues, difceptator. nus. An arch-roof, camera, laquear. An argument, argummtum, ratio. Armanoth [part of Scotland] Arma. To make an arch-soof, concamırs. An argument [ſubfea] thema, lom. nothia. Arch, vafar, princeps. Armed, armatus, inftru&us, muni- Arched. arcustus, laqueatus, The argument of a comedy, emboli tus, Archwiſc, arcuatim , adv. Armcd all over, cataphra&us, perar- A building archwiſc, loqueatio. A cunning argument elenchus, fophif matus. The arches of a bridge, pensis camMC- Armed with a bockler, ſcutatusa ra or fornices. A firm argument, demonftratio. Armed with darts, pilatus. The arches (court of arches] curia Full of argument, argumentojus. Armed with a sword, enfatul. de arcubus. To hold an argument with onc, dif- Armed with 'a coat of mail, lorica. An archangol, archangelus. putare adverfus aliquet, cadere for tus, paludatus, paludamentatus, Archangel (dead nettle) lamium. mones. Armenza [in Spain) Armentia. An archbiſhop, arcbiepifcopus, metro- Arid (dry) aridus. Armignac (part of Aquitain] Aremea politanus. Aridity, ariditas. mica, An archbiſhoprick, archiepiſcopalus. Arierban, ediflum regis quo omnes & An grming, armatura. Of ao archbiſhop, pontificalis. jus beneficiarii in exercitum conve- Armipotent, armipotens, tis ; adj. An archdeacon, arcbidiaconus. cantur. Armoniack, armoniacum. An archdeaconry, archidiaconatus. Arias la man's name] Arias; m. Armour, armatura, arma, orum; An archduke, archidux, cis. Arles (one of the twelve signs) 4 manenta. Archelaus la man's name] Archelaus, rias. Armour for the thigh, femorale. i; m. Aright, reite. A coat of armour, palaudammtum, An archer, fagittarius, arcitenens, TO ARISE. [urgo, e furgo, exurgo. Zorica, Speculator. To ariſe again, refurgo. An armourer, faber armorum, arma. A cunning archer, arii-potens. To arile as the ſun, orior, exorior. mmiarius, polio, onis. An archer. on horſeback, hippetoxo- To ariſe as waves, undo. An armourer's ſhop, Officina armio To ariſe before,. priefurge, ria. Water-archer (herb) fingittaria. To ariſe before day, antduco, ante- An armoury (blaſonry] grs infgnia An arch herecick, archihæreticus, lucor. gentilitia in fcuto read depingendi. berefarcha, a; m. hæreticorum To ariſe together, conſurgo. An atmoury, armarium, armamenta- antengnanus. To cauſc to ariſe, cxtito, exuſcito. rium, 2. n. Archibald [a man's name] Archibalo Arllen, ercaus. Army (weapons] amma, orum. dus Ariſing upward, acclivus. They are up in arms, in armis The Archipelago, Ageun mare An ariſing, furrectio. ſunt. An architect [inſter-builder) arcbi.An ariſing again, refurreétio. Arms [coat of arms] infignia, jums; tedus, The ariling of a hill, accliviras. n. Architect like, cffrabrè, Aristarchus La man's name] Ariſtar. Deeds of arms, gefta militaria. Architecture, an bitc&ura. chus. To bear arms, arxa ferre, indhore ; An 2.ch:trave (the chapiter of a pi! - Arlftrocracy (government by nobles] in armis ele. lar, the chief bcani in building) arifocratia, To lay down arms, ponere arma. C2 ma. um. ma. 1 * They fortuitos cafus magno anirie (riſlinerea ARR AS AS * They laid down their arms and A broad forked headed arrow, tra. bank of grafs, ut viridonti coro called for quarters, armis pofitis gulr, canledorit herbe. As I ſtood at ad imperatorun fidem confugiunt. An arrow head, ferramentari, mucri, the door. dum ante ofium peti. The A man of arms, vir bellicus. uncinus, humus,culpis sagilld. As I folded up this letter, cum By force of arms, manu, vi, & ar- Arrow-head (herb} sigittaria. complicarem hang miſolam. * AS mis. To ſhoot with an arrow, franijigo. I was going into the nurſery, ubi An army, exercitus. He ſaid the Bearing arrows, Sugitifer, tiferi in gynæceum iriurecpi, # He ſtu- army would be routed; dixit fore of an arrow, Jagitlarini, ai uin; dies as he is yravelling, in itinere ul exercitus pellorelur. adj. Serum ipfe meditatur. Had this To lead an army, agmen durere. Arſchot [in Brabant] Arifcotiun. befallen you as you were at ſup. To alarſhal an army, aciein infirurre, The a fe, pedex, icis; m. per, finier (ſuper) canam boc tibi dirigere. An arfe-foot (a' little diver) me-giz accidifer. And as he few he To raiſe or muſter any army, milites lus. looked down upon the fieids, a- confcritere. The arle-gut, inselinus metum. agrofque voluns defpetsbar. Arnheim (in Guelderland) Area. The aric hole, culus. AS uniwering to fuch) qualis qui. cum, Herengtium. Aricnal (ſtore-houſe of armour and * Such a one as, talis qualis, or Arnhuſen lin Pomerania] Ambu ammunition) armerium, repoflori is qui.. * Should I be ſuch a fool fin. 23 to think? ego cun fin tam Arnold (a man's name Arnoldus. 1rfcnick (rats banc] arenicum, auri fultus ut (orqui] pasem (or puta. Aromatick,-? aromaticui, fuaveo pigmentum ram?). The end of felicity Aromatical, lans, Arſenick colour, Jandix. ſhall bc (ſuch] as it was before, An, arquebus ſa musket1 felopus. Arſeſmart, perſicaria, 1. f. * Codded fimilis erit finis boni atque anica To arraign, potuiars criminis, reum arfefmast, perficaria fliqusta; neli fuerai. agere. 1916 iungere, AS [ having ſo anſwering il] ut, fo- Arra'gned, fofuistus, a, um; part. Arly-vcrly, Suique degue prapes. (113, quemadmodun. * Аз усь Aa arraignment, actie, onis; f. tire, brcw, lo ſhall you bake, ut femen- Arran Inand (Glotta). Arrania. To go arſeward, retrò amluları. fum feceris, ita & metes. As it An arrand, mandatum, i, n. Arfufo [in Paladinc] foppe, is the part of a wiſe man to bear To fend on an errand, ablegare ali-An art, ars, tis ; f. the chances of fortune Itourly, lo quo. An artichoke, cinara. it is the property of a madman to- To deliver ao crrand, mandata per A Jeruſalem artichokc, flos solis py be the cauier of his own bad for- farre. ramidalis. tune, quemadmodum fapimtis si A riceveles errand, futile negotium. An artery pulſe) arteria, &; f. To go on a leevelcís errand, re in- The great artery aorta. ita demeniis ej} ipfam fibi malam feära, redite, operâ abuti. Of thc artcrics, arterialis, lis ; adj. facere fortunan. An arrant whore, proflibulum, fcor- Full of arteries, arferiofus, a, um. AS (anſwering i fo] ui, quomodo. * tuin triotolare, An inciſion of the arteries, Artcrioto . You have ſo made cc conſul, as Arrantadj. mirus, purus putus. mia, a; f. few have been made in this city, Arras (hangings ) tapos, etis; periliro-Arthrliick (loint-gout) arthritis, de- ira ink facefis confulem quomodo mata phrygia or acupiaa, lor, arlbriticus. pauci in hâc civitate fugti ſunt. Figured arras, piaura texilis. Arthur (a man's name) Arthurus, But who is ſo foolim or brutish Arras [in Artois] Airebatur, Nime- ri; m. as to dare to gainſay it! veterium forerna, An article, articulus, 2. conditio, 3. quis pultus aut brulus eft ut audiat Of Arras, Airibaticus. To article, condisimes inire. repugnare? Array (cloaths). veftis; f. vifitus, To draw up articles against one (for As great, santus. Array [order] acies, aj f. trcaſon) poftulare capitis, laſa ma- As great as, quantus. * As great o ut of array, turbatus, a, um ; adj. jefatis infimulare. honour as might be was given to Arrayed, vellitus,' ordinalus. Article by article, arsiaulatim ; adv. the gods, diis quantus maximus Arrearage, reliquatio, onis ; f. Articled, paftusa, um ; P. & A. poterit babitus of honos. * All this, To be in arrearage, reliquor, ari. Articulate, articulatus, a, um, adj. as great as it is, is thinc, 10- Arrears, reliqua, orum ; n. To articulate, articulo, arr. tum hos, quantumcunque all, tuum One in arrearage, rcliquabr. An artifice, artifcium, i; 2. si. To arrcft, in jus trahiri, rapere, 20. An artificer, artifex, 3. opifex, 3. fa- AS (in quality. of } ut tanquam, care, rouns corridere. ber of rarius, misibanicus, 2. m. quà. I wil. purſue him to An arret, Ztrattio in jus, mantis in. Artificial, 'deboratus, technicus, affi death, not as a juſt enemy, but as Arreſting, jutio, prehenfio. brè falius, a, um, adj. & poiſonous murderer, ad inter- An arreſt in parliameat, decretum, Artificial, not natural, faetitiur ; ad). nacionam mihi parfequendus ej, nin plebiſcituds, li; n. . Artificially; adv. affabrè, ad amunim, us jufius hofis, fed ut percufor ve- Arreſted, prihonſus, in jus tradus. ad unguem, ad normam, fcitd, pe neficus * He is not valued as he Arriana (in Africa) Abdilina. risè, grapbicè, futama artı. is any man's ſon, bat as he is a The Arrians, or Arians, Ariani. To forge or work artifically, fabre man, mon quà Alius alicujus, sed Arrighted, ad reum vocatus. facio. quà bore efinata. * I loved An arrival, adventus, arpalſus, us ; Artificialncis, artificium, i ; a. you as my own brother, to in Artillery, machinæ bellica. germani fratris dilexi loco, I To arrive, appello, čre; aduenio, 4. Furniſhed with artillery, machinis came to Amanus with as great Stingo, 3. in portum ageri, tollur bellicis inſiruiius. marches as ever I could, quam potiri. A train of artillery, machinarum ap. posui maximis ilinoribus ad Ams. Arrived, a&us, appulfus, a, um. paratus. num vmi. * Theſe benchits arc An arriving, appuifus, adventus, 4. The artillery-Yard, palafra, not to be accounted as great as Arrogancy; arrogantiri, e ; f.. Artinia (part of Grike} Ætolia. thoſe which, hæc beneficia agus Arrogant, arrogans, audax; adj. arlifox, icis 3 fagna non funt habenda atque ea somewhat arrogant, fubaudax. qua. * I Thought he made 29 Arrogantly, arrogonièr, audader. Astols (one of the Netherlands] Ar- great account of her as of him- Sonicwhat arrogantly, fubaudafter. tefia. leif, quam ego intellixi haud minus Tu arrog:lc (take to anc's ſelf),ar. Arun (a river in Sufex) Anuus. quàm feipfum magni facers. He ngo, fibi fumere. Arundel (in Suflex] Arundelia, A is in as great milcry as he that, A roux (a river in Burgundy] Arre rundelin, Aruntina vallis. nihilo minus in miferia eft quàm fius. Arunde! (the family] Anindelius, ille qui. An arrow, arundo, 3. Sagitta, I. f. Arondellius, De Hirundinu. AS (accordingly, or proportiona- calizmus, 2. O. * As ſwift an Arzerum (part of Aju) Alrria. bly as) ui, uli, frut, velut, por: arrow out of a bow, nique aves, AS [impling tins of a&ion] , indo ut, perinde atque, &c. as, ; neque veil!!.0.0.48. dun, run, abi, injúper, inter. &c. As I wrote to you before, ut A little arrow, Sagilella, leif, a8, A9 he was sning on a grcea fcripfi ad u antai. # He led to An Artiſan + his pro meo. * Ag cam. + AS AS ASH his houſe as to an altar, ficut in uſque ipinr. *As far as it ſhall moximè aptandum, * Add as much aram confugit in hujus domura. be needful, ufque os quo opus eris. as you will thereto, it will keep As it is fit, ita ut aquun ofl. • As far as from beyond the Alar, to its kind, quantumiunique di I loved him as my own, Amavi trans Alpes uſque. * As far as the addideris, in suo genere inanebn. # We have done as much as we As they were able to empire did cxtend, totum denique Follow, prout fequi poterant. As quà patebat imperium. * As far as promiſed and underlook, ferrisfint I ought, pro co ac debui. • He is I remember, ut mia memoria e tum et promiffo meiro ac trepto.am nor hated as he deſerves, quem ne * As far as I gather by his looke, He made as much account of guaquam proinde ac dignuso? ode-. quintum ex vultu ejus intelligo. the good will of the freemen as runt homines. As matter and As far as one could ſee, quà vi. of his own credit, is vc!untasuna time fhall require, ** T & fem. fus erat. municipar cantidem quanti fidan port. * As there ſhall be need of As for, do, &c. S As to. fuam fecit, ſpeaking, utcunque opus fuerit ver- As if, quaſi, perinde quali, porindo | AS MUCH AS EVER, witům miwi- bis. * As one Thall adviſe, de or ach, tanquam, ut , tanquam f, poè, *The houſe is as much haunt- €* alicujus fententia, the As occa juzla ac fi, ita ut ſi, noul frius ar A. ed as ever, domus celebrætur ita ut Gon requires, pro re nata. # They As, * As if they had been far rim muxims. are as very foole, pari pultitia prized by an ambuſh, perinde ac AS OFTEN AS, quotiefcunque, losies; funt. infidiis circunvinii fuiffent. * She qHories. AS(which or which thing[ quod, id fought as if ſhe had no mind to AS SOON AS, ubi, cum, ut, fimul quod. AS, * She did as her mother conquer, ita pugnaret tanquam al, fimul ul, simul atque. bid her, mater quod juaft fua fecit. quæ vincere noliet, I would have foon as may be, quam primin. * But if our country do affcct us, you mind his buſineſs as if it were As ſoon as cver, ubi primùm,ut pri- as it ſhould very much, at fy nos, mtoe own cale, cjui negorium fic min, cùm primùn, fimul se pri- idquod maximè debet nejra patria velim fufcipias, uc cffet res mia, mim, ftatim ks. deleaat, * As if i did not know you were As though, gwaji, &e, See As IF. AS TO, de, ad, quod ad, quatenus willing, quafi nefriam vos ville. • AS WELL as, ti, tim quum, equè ed, quantum ad. A9, As to the This is all one 29 if I ſhould say As, *P'll hear it as well as keeping of our liberty, de liber huc perinde ell tanquam fego di I can, mi potrro feram. *If they tate retinmdâ. *As he for what he * As If you were my own could endurs our vices as well as fpake of religion, quatenus der brother, non fecus ac fi mous frater our comniands, tam vitia no- ligione dicebas. I will do thal efes. They looked as if they fira quamu imperia. forre potuiffont. which as to the ſeverity of it ſhall had run away, faget speciem præbu. *. He thinks no body can do ao be more mild, as to the common erunt. He makcs as though he well as himſelf, nihil niſi quod ipse ſafety more profitable, Jaciam id had not been willing, difimulat faut retum. priar. As well as quod eft ad feueritcten lenius, ad Je voluifs. I, mocum pariter ; agus mecum ; commuñom folutom utilius. • As As it were, Mi cu, quaj, tanquam. juxta moruri .I love thce 28 well for Pomponis, quod ad Pomponian. As little a4. quantulufcunque. *With as myſelf, tom te diligo quam incio- As for your excufing yourfelf as, little troublc es may be, quàm funr. They can scc as wel! by afterwards, in quod te poderiùs pur minima cum moleſtia. * For as litile night as by day, . poftibu aque as you can, quam queas minigo. quom die cerpins. AS BEING, wtpote, quippr, ùt, As long as, quandlu, tamdit, dum, AS YET, adhuc ; adv. filicet. As, * A people that may tanti per dem, tandiu quan, duin, Prov. • As light ag a feather, pluma be numbered as being mall, po quond. * As long as they live, uf- leuior. * As lean as a rake, lapis- pulus numerabilis uspore parvus. que dum vivunt. * 1 gave as long na vivil. As poor as yob, Iro Democritus, as being a learned as I had it, dedi dum fuit. pagperior, "As true as the goſpel, man, thinks the fun to be of a As long again, altero tanto longior. Apollinis refpon.com. great.compaſs, ful Democrito mag- AS MA N Y AS, for, turidem, quora Arababa { a river in Thrifin ). Pen: nus videtur, quippe bomini erudi. quot; quofiunque. As, There are 80. * His brother Lucius, as being 29 many changes of voices & Aſcaunſe, ex aliquo. one that had fought abroad, is the of minds, vocis mutationes taliden To aſcend, afuerido, conferido, alta leading man, Lucius quidem frater funt quot animorum. pulært, furfum tushi, aktiis emer- ejus, uprotè qui peregrè depugna years as he has lived, tot annos vit, familiam ducit. He knew Twice as many as Aſcendant (power Tanfloritas. you would, as being one that un the number of ſervants requires, The aſcendant (of a nativity] horo- derſtood yoa, friebut failuros quip dupiicin quam numerus fervorum ** fcopus, fidus fub quo quis in lucem pe qui vos intellexerat. igit As many as there be, quaTA- venie ſay the man, as being inraged, vis mulii, quotquot erunt. ** As afrenko, 3: afim- anſwered, aiunt hominem, ut erat many ſoldiers as you can get to {accepſion, Brus, ds; m. furiofus, refpondife. # And I, as gether, quotcunque militum sintra-An aſcent gradui, isim. being a very wiſe man, preſents: heri poteritis. To aſcertain, Cartum faure. ly underſtood, ego fcilicet homo As much, tantur. * Though I loſe Aſceriained, lortus faétus.. prudentifimus, fatin intellexi.mobi as much morc, etiamfi alterum tan-An aſcertaining, confirmedio. As bring one to whom great tum pereundum fit. * Who ought An aſcertainer, confirmator. ſorrow came by his death, us ad to uſe theſe things 29 much or To afcribe, afriba, attribna, čri. quem fummus meror morte jua ye. more, quem pariter usi bis decuit, Aſcribed, aforiptii, a, un. nichar. aut ctiam amplius. . Had I known An aſcribing, akriptio. As big as, as bad as, infar. * As as much, id fidem. * I will do Aſebin [in Meſopotamia] Antiochia, big as a book, inftar voluminis. as much for you, reddam vicem; Niſbis. They think it as bad as death, reddetur opera. They are as ASHAMED, confufas, pudefc&us, inflar mortis putant. much to 'blanc, fimili sunt in To be aſhamed (ncut.] erubefco, 3 As big again, altero tanio (or duplo] culpâ, tam sunt in vitio. pudefio, confundor, 3. pudico, 3. * major. As much 29, quantum, non minus I am aſhamed of you, padot me AS FAR AS, wgne ad, quentum, quim # I fhew you as much re #tui, He was aframed to come in quod, quà. As, They went as Ipect as may be, quz polum v your Gght, erubuit ora vefira. Are far as to the works, ad molem uf. neratione maxima se proloquor, * not you aſhamed I ecquid te pudet? · que ponetrabant. * As far as I am Above five times as much as is #1 in aſhamed to teal you, pudor able, quantum poffim, quod quro.' * lawful, quinquies tanto amplius of mibi dicore ; vereor dicere, * I ain As far as it may itind with your quam licitum ft. • As if I were álhamed to have ſuch a trick put health, quod cornmodo valetudinis nat as much concerned in it as upon mc, diſpudet fic mibi dista elle fuæ fat. * As far as it is poffible, you, quafi iAic minus mea res aga virba. * She may be alliamed, quoad cjus fieri poteft. * As far as tor quam tua. # As much as lay from Toolus, ab ufque Tipolo. *AS in you, quod quidam in 16 fuil. To make ashamed (act.) puddfacio, far as.fron Ethiopii, ex Athiopia Which is as much as any plain 3; pudore officio, confundog 3. pue ufque. As far as from thence, tiff can delire, quod eft accufatori darem alicu: iniworo. I'am mris. quor baber. • They An aſcending, , } habeat pudorem. An { affafinating; } immiram, per. An asking of advice, consultatie . A S K ASS A S.S: I am half aſhamed, fubpudel mo. An asker of queſtions, percontator, An alalli:ic, percusſor; cris; m. filca- To be aſhamed of, puedendus, a, um. aris, m. rius, i, m. An alhaning, pudefsaio. A. faucy asket, procix. interfraio per An aſh-trec, fraxinus, i; f. Askew, tranſveram.. , A wild aſh, omus. To look askow, limis oculis or obli cufforem or ex infidis. Ali [the family1 De Fraxinis. quis iniuri. To aſfault, aggredior, adorior, in hof- Afh-bridge Jin Hertfordſhire) Fugun Looking askew at, forviem intuens. . tem rurre. • He alfaults the city , Fraxinium. An asking, rogurio, peritio, pofiu'ario. with high bulwarks,urbem attentat Alh-coloured, cineritius. ** Shall I give h'm h:s asking for or oppugnat celfis mcenibus. * He Alhen, fraxineus. her? tanti quanti poſcit viniemen began t'aitly to belege and aſſault illam? Alhen-keys, fruâus fraxinous, lingua them, obfidione & oppugnationibus avicula, cos premete capit. * To affault a An'aſh-grove, fraxinitum. Alant, obliquè ; adv. town, offultare meen bus, tormentis Ah-wedneſday, cinoralia, dies eine Alleep: foporarus, fortune oppreffus. bellicis aperire muros. rum, carnis privinm. Päft-aseep, sopitus. To go arfault (as bitches] catulio. Alh-weed, berba Gerardi. To be aſleep, dormito. Aſh-well (in Hertfordſhire) Fons in To be aſleep (as one's limbs] torpro. aggredio, oppug- Aa {affaulting, } mesteren impetus, ter fraxinos. To fall aslcep, dormito. curſus militums. Alics, cinis, ērir. Fallen aſleep, foporatys. A general aſſault, oppugnatio genere. Buck-athes, cinis ad lixivium. To lull or lay asleep. fopio. A maker or feller of alhes, cinifo, A lulling or laying allecp, soporatio, To win by affzult, expugno, onis ; m onis F. A winning by aſſault, expugnatio. To burn to alhes, in cineres ridigo. A nogen (in Norway) Alon. Won by affault, expugnatus. Pale 48 aſhes, cinerisins. Allops, obliquà, obliquun. To withſtand an affault, hoftium op Full of athes, cinerulentus. To make aflopc, obliquo. pugn intium audacian frangera. Afhorc, in telurr'*To come alhore, Arna (in Egypti Syene. Arraulted, oppugnatus, Serra Fotiri. Aloph (li Sarmatiz] Zanais. ſ affzuller, Afide, feparatim, feorfim.' An afp, afpis, idis ; f. aggrefor, oppug. An affailer: nator. Afide (awry) obliquè, à latere. * He An afp-tree, alla, 1. f. populus, 2. aſſailant, looks afide proudly, viſus ſuperbos f. trenula, I. f. An ASSAY, Specimen, inis; n. obliquat: aspetum contorguer., * Aſparagus (herb] afperagus. To aſſay (make triall probe, expe- Come aſide hither Sofia, fecede hur An'afpccl, aípectus, us ; m. rior, exploro, tento, periculum fa- Sofia. An aſpen-leaf, populi alba foliolum. cere. To affay what he can do, To ca'l aſide, lauslo Aſpenden (in Hertfordſhiro) Caverna vires fuas pralentare. . It is no To go afide, fecedo. viperina. bard matter to aſſay, difficile non To throw aſide, abjirio. An asper [ Turkiſto coin ) donarius of periclitari. To lay aſide, depono. Turcicus. To affay again, rulento. To A S.K, rogo, interrogo, poco, ex Afperity (roughneſs] afperitas, 3. To affay belorehand, præumts, pre- pofco, pofulo, peto, quero, exquiro, duritas, 3. f. ludo. rogito... A man may ask, rugat Afperoſa (in Thrace) Aidera. To aſſay (taſte firſt) prægulo, pre- quis I would ask you a thing, Aſperſed (blemiſhed] maculatus, in libo. eft quod 'le regem. * I ask you for famuus. To affay privily, fubtento; urnian tl pofco. They An afperfio, , tentatus, ask them the news, quas tes coga putatio, 3. f. B, um, quarunt. It asks the caſt an afperfion onmasu obtain, eo requirit :3 le a, um. ad fe fumdum. When I could maculam inware. An affayer, lantator, probator, come and ask you, ouer habebam an aſpick [ferpent) afpis, 3. f. An affayer of coin, metallorum, pro- tui copian. * As I was asking the An aſpirate, ſpiritus afper. bandorum præfe&us. porters whether any ſhip were aſpiration, An afſaying, tentatio, tentamen, pra- } aſpiratio. come, dum percontor portitores et- aſpiring, lufs, præludiuos. qua navis venerit. * Ask my fel- To aſpire, arnitor, anhelo. Aſicdation, prædiorum regiorum tax- low whether I be a thief, imines To aſpire unto honour, honori vili. atjo. compado rem agunt, quafi in ve ficari; honores ambiri, bonoris file- To ASSEMBLE (act.) congero, con- labro olearii. . You can but ask grare fame. grogo, ConvocD, cogo, * To ademble and havc, quicquid rogaveris inum Alpired anto, ambilus. the ſenate, smatum cogera, ma- 1. Alpodel.Cherb] afphodelus. tum babere.. To asſemble an To ask advice, aliquem confulns, Afpropotamia (a river in Epirus] army, exercitum confları, milites To ask after, requiro. Arbelous. confcribere. To ask again, repoſro, repoftulo, repe- Afquint, transversùm. To affemble (neut. convenio, con- An afa (coxcomb) llolidus, fungus, gyedior, convoro, scio. To ask carneſtly, flagito, efflagiti, pires. He is a very aſs, muló Aſſembled, conclus, colleans, COM UO. etiam atque etiam rogo. calus, frequens. To ask for, quero. They ask for An afs, afinus, As aſembling (aat ] congregatio,' con- nothing, nihil requirunt. If A little aſs, ajellus, afinellus. vorctis. any body asks for mne, fiquis me A Me-afs, afina. An aſſembling (deut.) conuentus. querit, A wild-aſs, onager, ri. An affembly, ralus, 4. m. concio, To ask frequently, requirito. Analo-coli, pullus cfini. 3. f. Iroquintia, i. f. To ask industrioudy, Percontur, pero of an afs, afinarius, a, um. An affembly of divines, Synodus quiro. An aſs-herd, afinarius, ii ; m. theologorum. To ask mournfully, imploro. Like an aſs, afninus , adj. A diſorderly aſſembly, tumultus. To ask the price (to cheapçn)li als-drefier, ogefo, onis;To affent unto, lentior, fententiam An } cilor. aſs-driver, afcribere, confenfuir teſari. To ask the price (as a ſeller) in. To ride on an aſs, inßderi afinum. An affent, afinlus, isim. dico. He asked an hundred fer. Affa-foetida (a trong-ſcented gum) Affentation, aſentatio, onis; f. terces for it, id centum nummis aja.f@lida. Affeo ed untn, cui clenum , de indicavit. Artadib (part of Africa] Csrenaica. gues convenit. To ask ſecretly, suppéto. To affail" [ſet upon) incello, aggra. To affert (maintain) offert. To ask as a woer, proro. dior, invadıSci Affault. An aſiert'on, affertio, onis; f. dogma, Askaunce, forve, transveriè; ady, Afuraback (wild ſpikeriard) afa. alis; n, thefis, is; f. Asked, rogatus, interrogatus, polula Tum. To affcſs [1ax) tributuin imponert. To affart; arborel, extirpars. Affered, cenfüs, a, um, asker affallin, } perrutio, ex ins. An aſciment, cenfus, ûs ; m. fribu- tor, rogator, diis interficio. : iun, i; o. All An { to, čre, 1 + =} , He com- nuam. An {, } , Exy To move at one's heart, for. My ASS A S U A T An affesfor, senfor. Afuredneſs, crtjlude.' AT is anſwered by ſeveral Latin Aflets, omnia defunkti bona persona. An aſſurer, confirmaror. prepoſicions, vixi lia. An affuring, confirmatio. A or ab; as, * l'll begin at Romulus, An affcvcration (earneſt affirming] TO ASSWAGE, mitigo, mulco, incipiam à Romulo. *Nor was all alltueratio. mollio, levo, lenio, placo, conseca quiet at 8:a, nec ab ocoano quies, Affiduity. [diligence) afliduitas: * * Timc ariages grief, des lenit At the door, ab oſlio. Affiduity inafters difficulty, guita dolorem ; doloris vis cum tempore, Ad; as, * At the door, ed forus, cavat lapidon. languefrit. # At the day appointed, ad confli- To aſſicgc, as beſiege. aftwage tum diem. * At thc nace of To alliga [appoint] ligno, are, atiri. Be allwaged, I savio, refideo, lubi Thisle he looked up, ad nom bro, ere. do. detumed, detyrgeo. The for Thisbes oulos erexit. An ign, afignatus, i; m. TOV begins to allwage, dat inter mands the bridge at Genta.to be Affigned, efignatus, a, um. valle relaxat ſi dolor. + That broken down, pontes qui srat ad Saffignation, the fiercencís of tho kind might Gmevain jubet refiinti. . At the An Laflignment Besignatio . afſwage, ut impetus relanguefcat ro pleaſure of a woman, ad arbitrium To aſſimilate (liken] alinilo, are. gis . The fever is affwagęd, fr moulieris. * At the moſt, ad fum- To affimulate (counterfcit) ásimulo, bris conquiefcit. mum. * At laſt, ad ultimun ; ad Afſwaged, ſodatus, mitigatusa extremum. * At latter Lammas, Allin (a river in Scotland) Ilys. Thirſt afſwaged, Stis relevata. ud Grecas calendas, To aflift (aid) adjuvo, opitulor, au-An affwager, mitigator. Anle ; as, * At the gate, ante ja- xilior, Jubfidium forse, alicui fuc- Afwaging, mitigatorjus, currere, manum auxiliarem porrige- An aliwaging, mitigatio , Jedario, pla. Apud ; as, * At Lucca's houſe, apud , se propugnatorem dars, fuppetias catio, delinimentum. Larcom. * Three hundred and fix ire. An aſterisk (mark like a ftar) afia were flain at Cremera, iafi apud Afiftance, auxilium, fubfidium. .HC riſcas, i; m. Cremeram tratenli fex. defires affiftancc, fuppeti is invocar. An alteriím (coſtellation) aflerifmus, Cum; as, * He went away at break An affiftant, collega, a; m. adjutor, i; m. of day, cum diluculo abiit., oris; m. An'aſthma (difficult breathing) ajib. D.; as, * At midnight, de media Affifted, adjutus. ma, atis; n. nodic * He is perfumed at my aſtize, 2 confefus judicum, con Afthmat ck (purly) aſthmaticus. chargc, o'et unguento de meo He keeps the affizes, forum or con obfu;ofacio, confierno, conturbo, ix amere ex animo. ventum agit. Terreo, terrefacio,' rianimatum red-in; as, * At the feaſt, in convivio, A clerk of ibc aſſizis, accan'us. dere. * At ſchool, in fihalâ. * At To afſize weights and meaſures, pon-To be aſtonithed, supeo, siupefio, church, in templo. At Cajeta, dera or menfuras adilitio signo mu obfupe.co, expaveſco, horreo, in Cajoiâ. * At the name of Hela nire. peo. They were aſtoniſhed, ob ter, nomine in Hextorco, I liked Allized, ædilitio figno munitus. torpuerunt animi. * He was aſto it at the very first, jam in principio An aſſizing, fignutio. niſhed at the aght, fpeélu obmu- luit. Afío (in Mengrelia) Surium. is now at an end, in exitu elf jam Affociable, congregabilis. Aſtoniſhed, attonitus, fupefa&us, som mais cori fulatus, , * The memory An aſſociate, familiaris, focius. pitus, percitus, perculfus, perterritus, lies at the bottom of the car, of To aſſociate, focietatem contraho, exanimalus, porturbutus, confierna in aure ima merroric locus. At confo, fibi adjungere, aſsiſtere so- tusi # He fiood aſtoniſhed at bis every word the tears fall, lacbry- ciuti. brother's fight, fratris afpe&u jiu me in fingula verba cadunt. • He To asſociate one's ſelf, congregor. pefadus hæfit. * They ſtood an found him juſt at work, virum in To affociate in war, arma confociare, ſtoniſhed, attonitis hæjere animis, iple opere deprabendit. * At preſent, focia agmina jungere.. * Exceeding ſorrow made me a in præfenti, or in praefentia. Aſſociated, in ſocietatis fædus congre foniſhed, dolor nimius excudit mibi Inter; as, * At the beginning, inter gatus. Senſus. initia. * Had this befallen you at An aſtonithment, exanimatio. tupper time, fi hoc inter cænam ac- aſſociation, Aſtoniſhment, Supor, torpor, pavor, cidifs. To affoil (acquit] abſolvo. * To af- oris ; m. Per; as, * At leiſurc, per sium. foil one of his promiſe, volum roje- Aſtorga (in Spain] Allura, a, Au-Pro28. * At the deor, pro forin gujia. Affoiled, abſolutu. Aſtraddle, varicitùs; adv. • At the coming of the An affoiling, abfolutio. To fit aſtraddle, divaricatis cruribus Roman prctor, fub aduentum pra- To aſſume (take to one's ſelf ] afſu federe, equitare. foris Romani. * At ſun-ſet they mo, arrogo. Aſtray, } errabundus, vagus, ang gave over, sub accafum folis defice- An affumpfit (promiſe) padum ; is Gone aftray, um runt. Sponho, onis. To go aft:ay, ermo, vagor, palor; à Supor; as, * His wickedneſs was the Añ a fumption, affumptio. curſu retto diverteri, variis crrori common talk of all at fupper, de TO ASSURE; cortum reddere, confir- bus duci,, hujus nequitia in commune ompelu- mary, protegere. l affure you, A going aſtray, error, oris. per cena loquebantur. tibi confirmo. * I do affure my An nftri&tion (binding) afri&io.. The propoſition is ſometimes to be underſtood ; as, * At that time, co fic habete. Aftringent tempore, He lives at a large rate, To afure a perſon by promiſe, fide Aitride, varicitùs. profufis fumptibus vivit. • They interpofitâ polliceri. An aſtrolable (a ftar-meaſuring in were provided at a small charge, ſtrument) afrolabium, parvo curata funt. They hold be affured, ri, porſuajum Aſtrologe (hart-wort ) ariſtolochia, certain floors at a great ratc, areas babere: quafdam magni aftimant. What An astarance, caulio, cautela, rouri An aſtrologer, affrologus. Thall I do at Rome? quid Roma fa- sas. fides data, Astrological, oflrologicus. ciam? She dwelt at Rhodes, es To give afſurance, fatifdare, vadimo- Aftrology, afrologia. habitabat Rhodi. * At Canbage, nium præfare. An aſtronomer, afironemus, Carthagine. * At Delpbos, Delpbis. Bad aſſurancc, infirma cautio, Aſtronomical, aprenemicus, * At Jupiter's command I come, To take good asſurance, fatifaccipio, Aſtronomy, afronomia. julie Fovis vmio. When at Sef- Aitute [fubtil] nflutus. rius's intreaty I had bech at bis A taking afſurance, fatiſacceptio. Aſunder, separatim, feorfim, fegrega houſe. cum Sefii rogatu apud som Pound to affure, pignoratus. tim. Tojuncta, ab invicem. fuilfom. * At my inſtance, impulfu Aftured, cortus factus, confirmatus. * To take alunder, in partes tribuere. mao. * At my bidding, mu impr- Be asſured of this, crede har. To cut arunder, diffico, rante, . At the wiil and pleaſure Affurcdly, corte. To put aſunder, ſojungo, Joparo. of God, nuru o arbitrio Dei. At the An { affociation Boreciatio . bus. Sub; as, afiray, } felfcortè feia. • Adure yourſeír, Afringent, }nspsicus . To , are &; f. 78. } To ; . Α' Τ Τ A T T AUD the-firft fight, primo aspettu, At Ito attack, aggredi, oppugnaia, adóri-Alteraciones}pellaz, acis; adj. your peril, periculo tuo. * At the ri, imasius facere. feast, minimum., . What wouldeft Attacked, Apocritur. An attracting, attrattio, onis ; f. thou do at hid? quid illi facias? TO ATTAIN unto, potior, 1. perue-. Ao attraction, illecebrs, e; f. * When he heard what price it nio, 4. confequor; 3. Virtue is the Attra&ively, adv. pellacitor, was af, aydilo pretio, ready way to attain a quiet life, Allrapped, infratus, ornatus. At (for 10; by a d-tioc caſ). as, irenquille vila jemita per virtu: An ATTRIBUTE, attributum, ti 3 * What will find do at me quid Tetra paret. * They cannot attain ficiel gibi ? to that praiſe, ad illam laudern To attribute; act. attribuo,-3. afiri- AT home, or at the houſe, domi. aſpirare non poflunt. * Eaſy ways bo, 3. corifero. * He attributes bis Asy* I'll be at home If you would to attain promotion, aditus ad ca vices to old age, vitia in jeneautem kave any thing with me, doni era Pelandoj honores prompri. conferi. * He attibotes his own fi quid os goles, * He was brought An attainder, convizio, siain, con praiſe to another, laudos ſuas ad up at his houſc, iflius dosi erat s demnatio, onis ; f. ad alterum transfundir. He át- duratus: * Af your houſe, fenes vos. Attained unto, impetratas, a, um, trihutes to me the ſafeguard of the At hand; adv, prælio, propè, ad ma- An attaining unto, impetrolio, conje whole empire, judicat imperio Ro- rur, urs puu, in promptu. sutio, onis ; f. mano & orbi terrarum mi attuliffe At fecond hznd, jocuniâ cusptione.' To attain, evin!o, 3. cortvinco, 31 78 faluban. # He attributçs praiſe to AT ALL, omnino, prorfiis, quiiquam. um agere or peragere. himſelf, laudem fibi fumii,arrogaf. At any time, unquam aclv. To attaint (corrupt] inficio, 3. Attrributed, attributus, a, um. Leit at any timic, ne quando ; ade: Attainted, convictus, a, un ; part. An atributing, attributio, onis i f. Atlait, tundein ; ady. Attainted Acth, caro fubruncida, pu Attrition (rubbing) attritie, onis; f. At no tinc, nunquam ; ady. trida, An attorney, procurator, oris ; m. At the moſt: plurimum ; ady. Atiaincore of blood, fanguinis corrup. The king's a torncy, cognitor regius. Altat t me, tunc temporis ; adv. tis. A knavith attorney, prevaricator. At this time, nunc diorum, jam, ho-An attempt, aufum, inceptum, 2. n. A prating attorney, rabula, le; m. die; 2.dr. conatus, ús; m. *To make a foollſh To make an attorney, I literis datis AT LEAST, adv. füllem, rerle, &c. attempt, inertè aliquid moliri. Appoint an attorney, procurato AS-* If I may not cojoy a good To attempt, copor, 1. molior, 4. inci som latuert. commoawealth, at leait I will be pio, 3 audes; 2. A letter of attorney, liter& procura- without a bid one, li mihi repub- Altenipted, inceptus, a, um. tionis, liâ lioxå frui non H:105!, at careta An attempter, inceptor, molicor ; m. An attorniſhips, procuratio , onis ; mala. # That at least the ſhadow An attempting, wujus, üs; m. of Peter night ove:thºdow fomc TO ATTEND, prafolor. * I'll at-TO AVAIL; neut. profum, es ; veles, of thea, ul Perri vel uniya inun tend you, to monito. 2. juve, i. * What did it avail? brarit fiquein erilin. We are To attend a perſon as a beadle, ap. quid retulit? * It avails nothing to Iwo Kuptred of us at least, fuimus parituram facere, or apparere ali a good life, nibil ad bene vivendum oinnino ad durentos, qui. confort. At length. adv. aliquando, tandem, To attend unto, qufuke, . animo Available, volens, efficax; ad}. 3. art. deixum, imiqui, in Iorum. odefe; aures vacuas dars, It avails (imp.) confert, conducit, ré- At once, fimul, ſemel adv. To attend upon, deduco, 3. comitor, jort, intarit. * It avails little, pa- At ugawards, inopinato'; ady. I. joru o, 4. rum juvar, * It avails much, mul. t::m juval, plwimum prodeft. To alchieve, ad." pagro, perfetra; 1. Attendanges expectatio , onis ; f. . To avail, deprimo, ori. Atchicved, pairatus, 1, x ; part. · Attendance upon busneſs, opora na- Avallon (in Burgundy) Aballo. An alchieving. putratio, onis ; f. 0:311. To avance. See advance. An atchicving præclarum jacinus. An attendance or train, comitatus. Avantaway] apags, abi. * Great at hievements, ll. A great asan's attendance, pompa re- An avant-mure, antemurale. An atchievement (in be: aldry] in galis, turba clientium, coinitaius niu-An avant-peach, perficum prarox, figniit. meroſus, An ayant-currier, prodromus, precur- An archiever, pare.itor, oris; m. An atiendant, ofula, I. emes, 3. m. for. Athe-ſm, arheia, f. arbeifmus, Atrent on, sentium, 2. favor, 3. Avarice (covetouſneſs] avaritia ; f. ni"; m. To procure atiention, auditores, alim- Avaricious, avarus, a, um; ad). An athelft, Athrus, athras. 2. m. tos reddere. Avaſt, ocyus facile, binc & proripe, Athclney (In Somerſcibirej Adalin. Atient ve, attentus, a, um, Auvagnę (in Provmce] Aubania. př. Very atiencive, perottentus. Aubancon (in Picardy ] Abantonia Athern [in Irland] Ahra. To be attentive, adeft animo, ani. Athot (part of Scotland) Aihalia, muis aduerto, aures arrigo. Aube [a river of Compania Belgica) An atom. Slomus, i ; f. To makc atteniive, expe&tatiomem ar- Aba. ATONE; 18. rigere, Aubenas (in Narbonne) Abındcum, Make an aiorcmcdi, I lio, .. Attentively; adv. atimiè, tacitè, ar- Albi Augufta. pluso, I. in gratiam rediga. Teltis auribus. Aubigny, (in Picardy] Albiacum. An alinemirt, conciliatio, reborilia Attentiveneſs, attentio, onis i fo Auburn colour, fufcus, fubniger. rie, onis ;. f. To attenuaic (leflon) attenyo, I. Audacious [bold] adj. audax, impu- An atonement-maker, reconciliator, Attenuation's atlinuatio, onis ; f. dens, improbus. oris ; m. Atier, pus, 3. Fanies, 5. Audaciouſly; adv. andaaàr, improbè. Átriplex (herbs) atriplexuin, atriplex, Atieri ( in Scotland ] . Trimensi Audacity, audario, s. improbitas, 3. icit ; f. Aude ſa river of Narbonne) Aax. Atrocity i fierceneſs) cirositas; 3. f. Toaticft, allekor, ari ;. dep. Audible, fonorus, a, um ; ad). TO ATFACH, atteſtatio. An audience, cetur, 4. concurfus, 4. beredvgi 3. murus in aliquem inji. Attestaton, Audience (hearing) audientia, & f. B. He aithr bed.iny father for Arieſted, teftimonio confirmatus. To get one audience, andimtiam a- debty. Piprioritusel påtrena meum Attsie, ornotus, u: ; m. ornamentum, licui facere, conciliare. on Tore sicknofs attached him, * Cloached in rich attire, To give audionce, oufoulto, aftmdo. mami morius inuafit gravis * When veflitus fumpluclis ornatus. To give ambaffadors audience, lega- The pettenĉc had attached: one or To attirc, orno, are ; act. tos audire, two, um un..in vel alterum rulis Attired, omulus, a, um, part. To have audlence, audiri, Infinitive Perculit: An attirer, ornater, 3. m. ornatrix, of audior. To attach [gcods1 pignorer, I. An judit, computum, ii;.n. Attached, prebenjus, apgrebenfus: An alıfring, ornatio,,onis ; fi To audit accouats, rationes exam. aliaching, The attires of a ft'ag, cornua. Lov An: . mov aitachment, edulta. An auditor. auditor, oris; m. An attack, a preto, oppugnatio,irrup. Tu altract (draw to allicie, čre. An auditory, auditorium, ;; D. 206- tio, onist. Attraclėd, allectus, umpart. Luxus, ús; m. # To ſpeak before a greas 1 . um, I reconci- Km. Za. . 5 3. f. AUL A U T A W A. } icis ; f. 1 .. 1 great auditory; in magnâ frequen. An aulnegger, ulnigeri exorta funt hæc mala, * The chicf dia populi, or apud populum perba An aumbry cella prompiuaria. author, dux fignifer. * To be facere. An aumelet, odorum friſura. the author of one's own harm, as Aa auditor; ratimum cxaminator, ra- Aunceſtors, majores. Sre anceſtors. ciam cruribus fuis il!idere, tionarius. Honage of aunceſtrel, clientela bare. The author of a law, íegijlator. Auditors of the Exchequer, logogra ditaria, The author (contriver) inventor; n. phi, à rationibus publicis. Auncient. Sre ancient. Authority, au&toritas ; f. imperium ; An auditor's clerk, feriptuarius; ... An aunt, amita, e; F. 8. dominatio ; f. jus; n. *L'ws in Audrie [a woman's name) Audria, Aa aunt by the mother's fide, ma war havc no authority, Alene leges Elboldreda. tertera, re;. inter arma. # They were in great Avellino (in Naples) Abrllinum. A great aunt by the mother's side, authority, in republicâ judicii,qur An Ave-Mary [prayer) Ave Miria. promateriera, re; f. plurimum pollebant. He is of Aven ſa river in Scotland Avo, A great aunt by the father's ſide, Such authority that all men obey Aven-liffeſariver in Ireland]Modonus. prosszila, 1æ; f. him, tunio in dominatu locatur, ut Arer-mor | a river in Ireland ] D.-An avocation (lett) impedimentum. vel ejus nidui omnes abiemrerent, brona, TO AVOID (act.} fugio. 3. vito, 1. * He is advanced to the highält To avenge, ulciſcor, lei, 3. talionem devito, I. fugiro, 1. To avoid authority, faftigium sener. * Let redders, par pari referra. danger, ex laqusis a volare, ex malis us rule the people with equal au- Avenged, vindicatus, a, um; P.GA. emergere, cum farcinis snatare; thority, communem hune populum An avenger, ultor, oris ; m. uitrix, To avoid the right of one, alicujus paribus auſpiciis rogamus, .No afpe&um cufugare. To avoid a man was in much greater autho- An adventurc (miſchàncc) cajus, in. blow, idum declinare. rity than another, nemo magnopere fortunium, To avoid excrements, «gero, 3. ma eminebat. * I have authority, licet An avenue, aditus, introilus, cut, I. *eXcerno, 3. mibi. # He does it of his OVO. Aveas ( herb) caryophyllara. Avo:d be gone) abi, facefe: imp. authority, Juo jure ogit. Aveo (in Afia the Left Abydus. To avoid by coughing, extulio. Authority (leave) privilegium, 2. D. To aver: [avorch) afirmo, 1. aſero, An avoidance, evacuatro, onis ; f. licentia, &; t. 3. pisno ari-afirmare. An avoidance of a living, vacatio. Chief authority, primatus, principa. Average [duty of carriage] portorium, Avo ded, evitasus, a, um P. & A. tus, us; m. 2. n. operarum prabitio. Eaſily avoided, evitabilis, devitabilis, One in authority, magißratus, úsz m. Average [equal ſhare] agua njufdem kejadj. 3. art. Chief men in authority: primaits, ope Speciei pörlio, diſtributio, or sollario. Not to be avoided, inevitabilis ; adj. timates, quâoritate pollentes. To put to an average (or arbitration] An avoider; evitator, devitalor. To excel in authority, prepolles, 2. rem arbitrorum judicio permittere, An arolding, evitario, deviratio. prafideo, 2. prafum, es fui, she or sem arbitris difceptandan com- Avoir-du.pols weight, libra fexde. To put in authority, preficio. mittere. cim unciarum, To be in aathority, plurimumpollerei Averment, afcrtio, affirm:lio, onis ; f. Avola (in Sicily] Hihla major. To exerciſe authority, rogno, 1. do- Averſe, øverſus. Avon (a river in Wills and Northamp. minor, 1, To be averíc, abhorreo, ère ; neut. Tonſbire] Avona. To put out, of authority, abdicare Averſion, Avon (in Wilis) Avona, Aannius. aliquem magifrasu, abrogare alcui Avorſation, } averfio, cuit; f. Avondale (or Oundale (in Northamp magiflratum. To avert (turn from) averto, 3. tonſhire) duona vollis. To be put out of authority, abſolvor.. Avery [a man's name) Albericus. To avouch, Olivero, I. offirmo, 1. To authorize, jubeo, 20 autoritatein The king's avery, avinariuin, locus confirmo, I. tribuo, induigere veniam. ubi pabulum regiorum equorum coni. To avouch for another, gliculor, Authorized, licentiatus, jufus, a, um, Juffragore An authorizing, privilegium, 2.li. An auff (fool] fullus, ineplus. Avouchable, offirmabilis, le ; adj. An authorization, } .centia, ci f. Aufen, or Nen la r:ver in Northamp. Avouched, offirmatus, a, um, part. Autumn, autumnus, ni ; n. tor hire) Aufona, Antona, An ayoocher, afirmator, oris ; m. Autumn; ad), To augment (incícaſe) augco, 2. a-An arouching, affirmatio, onis ; f. Of autumn, autumnalis,le; adj. daugao, 2, aggero, 3; To avow, profitror, 2, ofero, 3. Autumnal, To augment (inlarge J amplio, 1, An avowce, patronus aclefia. Auton (lo Burgundy] Augußędunum, - 1 Accrefco, 3. Avowed, palam afirmatus, Hedua. To be augmented, $ neut, An avower, reßificator, prir; m. Auvagdoune [in Ireland) Abadia. Augmented, auctus, a, um ; P.GA. An avowry, vindicatio, onis ; f. Auvergnc (part of France) Alver- Augmenting incrementum, ti ; Avowtry, adulterium. nig. } Augmentation, Adpep in Syria) Heraclia. Aux (!n Aquitain) Augufa Aufcio- An augmenter, amplificator, oris ; m: Auranches ('in Normandy} Abrin- An augre, torebra, terebrum. out. Auxerre (in Burgundy] Autifiodo- A little augre. [whimble) tercbellum. Aurcat, auratus, a, um; adj. rum, Autricum, Vellaunodunum. Augsburgh (in Swedland) Auguf-Auricular, auricularis, re; adl. Auxiliary [helping] auxiliaris, ouxi.. & Vindelicorum, Dimafia, Drujo. Auſpicious (lucky) falik. liarius. magus. Auſtere, Severus, sujerui, a, um. Auxiliary forces, auxilia. An augur-ſoothſayer ] augur, ris. An auftere lork, teruus fpectus. Auxone (in Burgundy] Autona. Augury Beliy Lin Saloy) Belica. Behind my back, ma abiente. * To behoncy, melle condio, ire; act. To belay, prodo, infidior, He rails at bim bihind his back, Bihonied, melle condilus, a, kin. A.b:Ich, retus, ūsa mo: abfeni i male loquitur. * He will Bihoof, commodun, utillitas. To belch, rusto, are. be the ſame before your face and Beboveable, opportunus, a, um, ad). To be!ch often, ruaicon are. behind your back, pralens atsensque It is bchoycable, intereſ ; Imp. To belch out, fru@b, Are;. act. idem gril. *I'll come bchind, ſequar. Bihoveful, commodus,urilis: Beiched, rullatus, a, um ; parf. - To be behlr.d, - to be left behind. It behoves, imp; de:et, expedit, o- A belcker, rullator.s oris ; m. Con iha road].relinqui in via. [in parief, opera pretium eft. A belching, tuetatio, ionis ; f. quantity) relare, fuserelle (amongst Behoving, dezens, tis; part. Given to belching, rufiuojus, a, um. the living) Superjeseli. Bejär Lin Spain ] Bigorra. A beldame, bellons, vetula. Behind (remaining) porro ; adv. reli- Beilfein (in Germany) Billinum. Beldcfert in Warwickſhiri] Bellode. quus, a, um, adj. * Is there any BEING (lignifying effonic] is made fertum, Bellus locus, iņing yet behind? etiamne el guid by clencia, 1. t. exiflentia ; f. na- To bele guer (bclicgelobßdeo, 2.cir- porio ? * Is th:re any more miſchief Iura, 1. f. * Action infers being, cumbico, 2. cir.urvallo, ani;. 2ct. b:hind ? nuxquid eft aliud mili reli. Gentium indicut operatio. A beleagucrer, obleforg-cris;, m. quum? He ſays he has one work Being [rs ſcoing this conj. cùm, A belcaguc:ing, obfidio, onis ;, f. yet behind, fibi memorat unum.fun gucnium, &c. as, + Bring it is 10.Beles (a river in Cútalonia) Subi. porels luborem. What is behind quod cùm ita fit. * Being you come Belgart (in Pomerania ) Belgarlia. will be done within, intus tiarfige not hither, quoniam luc non vmis. Belgiam (in Scythia) Imaus. Lur ſi quid e! quod reflus. *Dearoys * Being I ſee you deGre it, quando Belgick LDuschl Belgicus, a, um, adj. to hear what is behind, cup:dus. te video defiderare. * Being you Belgrade (in Hungary). Albi Græca. ulteriore audiendi. # He is behind can, ſay you can, te poffe tu disito To belie, calumnior, ari ; dep. in paying arreais, reliquatus eft. * quandoquidem pores. Belief, fidas, ci; f. Buhind hand in the world, ad in. Being here, there, or by, præjeni ; To be of little belief; diffide, 3. suf- opiam redulus, are alieno opprefus. adj. prafmtia, 1. f. * Left sny be- picor, ari. * I will not be beh:nd-hand in Ing here ſhould hinder, no mea pia Paft belief, fidem fuperans, incredibi- courteſy officio poterior non ero, non Jentia obat*I believe I ſhall have lis, ke; adj. 3. art. aro impari ad virilitudinem refen no ſettled being any where, commo- Lightneſs of belief, credulitas, atis; f. dondun. He is behind me in raturum me nufquam fanè arbitrer. Light of belief, credulus, a, um; agh. learning, nih: eruditione cedit, or . Pray provide him ſome kind of Hard of beijer, incredulus, a, um, adj. primas jero inter difcipulos.' * He belng, deto à re ut si de habitatione Lack, is behind hand in buſinels, celas. tis ; f, Behold, ecce ! on! interj. fetuling being, homo incarti laris eft. Paft all belief, incredibile diau. Behold him accum! Being is often made by jum, exprer. The belief'( apostles creed] ſymbolum Bchold them ! ccros! ſed or included in another verb, apoftolicuin or apojiolorum, To behold (adr.) aspicio, 3. in picio, 3 : a's, '* There is no being for me at To believe, credo, 3. confido, 3. fidem Spetto, 1. infpitto, r. intueor, confpi Rome, non licet mihi de Rome. dure or aabitere. . I cannot be- cor, 3. animadverto, 3. * Bebold * I believe it will be the.lafest lieve any fuch thing, mihi quidem hs countenance, contuemini os, bcing for you here, se hic futiſimo harclè non fit verifimili. To behold afar off, prospicie, 3. fpe fore puto. *'Tis wrciched being for will believe me fiquei fides. * I culor, ari.. an hopeit aan at Rome, bono viro made you but bel:eve, câ gratia To behold above, Suſpicio, Jufpecto. Roma oft mi'errimum ejl. For fimu:avi.You ſhall never make To bebold or look about, circumjpi. in him we livc, move, and hiva mc believe this tale, nunquam mi- clo, 3. lufro, I. celluftro, 1. perlu. our being, in ipfomnim vivimus, mo hi fidem facies hujus fubulæ. I Dro, I. perſpicio, circumfpe&to, dopps. VAMUS, fumus. * As to your be could not bclicvc, non poiui ani- cio, E. MM fi * If you B E L Β Ε Ν B EN Tun. 1 munt inducere. You are a fool | Troubled with the belly-ach, alvi-| A little bench, abacului, fabellum. to believe him, Aultus es qui buic nus,, a, um ;-adj. A bencher, at for, oris ; m. credas. * Make me believe if you The belly of a late, concauumis teffy- Benches (in a th:p1 juga, trenira. can, perfice puses ut putem. dinis. A bend, plisa, ca, f. It is believed on all hands, palim A belly.god, helluo, onism. gulofu, The bead of a thip, lotrum firma- ciditur. They believe amiſs, , um vorax, acis ; adj. Epicuri mentum, (ervatura. errori fidem adhibent, de grege porcks. To bend, fecto, 3. inclino, I. inten. Believeable, sredibilis, lo; adj. 3 art A belly fall; fatietas; fatias, atis. do, 3. Bind all your wits about Believcd, creditus, fifus, a, un:; adj. A belly-fall's a belly.full, fatis off this, toto animo id age, totam huic Not to be believed, incredibilis, le; quod jufficio. conturie montem. * This is all be adj. 3.-art Ade abfontur', a, um. Full-bellied, Sajur. bends his mind to, huic imi pu- A believer, credens, 3. fidelis, 3. C. A paunchi belly, aqualiculus, wentrio det. He bends himſelf wholly A relieving, fides, ei ;.f. ofus, Deutricos to 'this, omni Audiq ad boc incum- Belikei veritati consonans, verifimilis, Belly.chiebet ; } cibaria, oruum ; ni . bit. See which way theſe le; adi. 3. art. things bead, prospire qui ifa ver- Bciike. ù: vidalur. A belly-worm, lumbricus intilline- gunt, Belingen (io Pi ardy) Belingme cas. To bend back, ad, replico, 1. reli- trum. . To: belong, pertineb, 2. competo, ere. * Bell l for Arstella) Arabella, no, I, reflito, 3. retorqum, 2. What does that belong to me? To bend a bow, arcum tendert, cure Abcll, campana, nola. quid ifuc ad me affinet ? * He dari, Anuare. A little bell, companula, 1. camara. Judged it to belong to them, id To bend like a bow, arcus, sro, nella, 1. f, tintinnabulum, li; n. ifis adjudicavit. To bead his brows, caperare fron- To bear the bell away, primas forre. Bilonging, attinens, lis ; part. tem. A paffing-bell, camsana funebris, Beloved, dile&us, amatus, gratus, To bend forwards, inclino, arı; act. A faint's bell, campanula sacra. Dearly beloved, cbarifinus, a, um, To bend fron), railino, declino, 1.aci. A little clock-bell, tympanum, Well-beloved, perdileflus, a, um, To bend inwards, incurvo,'ari ; act An alarum.bell, tympanum ad fami. BELOW. (when it is an adjedlive) To bend towards, acclino, 1. vergo, 3. liom excitandam. is made by infernus, inferior, as, To bend unto, applico, are ; a&t. To curſe one with bell, book, and So that we could ſee all above, To bend with the courſe of a river, candie, omnibus diris devourri. below, and between, ut omnia fue fecundum naturam fluminis pracum. A low. bell, campi nola, campana pra, infra, media videremus. bere. 45i lucerna ad aurs capiendas, Thore above are fupperleſs, thoſe To bend (neut.) vergo, göre; act. A chuld's bell, tcbyte crepitaculum be'ow have ſupped, ſuperi incænsti To bend i think under a burthen) or crotalumo, funt, cænati inferi. * He was sub fonders nutarr. A bell.clapper, nila mallou. not below his father for warlike Abend (in heraldry) faſcia, &; f. A be!l-founder, fufor cainpanarius. pra:le, balli laude non inferior fuit Abendlet, fafciola, la, f. A.bell-man, preco nocturnus. quàm pater.. Eaſy to bend, Aexilis, le; ad), 3 art. of a beiliman, præconius, a, um; adj, Below (being an adverli] by infro, Benders (muſcles) mufculi digitorum Bll-metal, campanarum mutalium. fublar, deorſum, as, + They that flexoris, rendines. A bölfry, campanarium, campanile, are below, qui infra Junt. ' * All Bending down, preclinans, prominens, A bell-weather, dux grigisverum theſe things which are above and tis; part. Jaffarius. below, omnia bar que fupra & Bending forwards, vergon, tis; part. A bell-b!t, lupatum campaniforme, jubler.funt. * They'll cat op be. Bending from wards, declivis, ve; ad). B'uerbelle, I campanula flere reo , low. whatever is got ready, deor - Bending (as the heaveņ8] convixus. Bell-flowers,:) rulo. fum cornemt j quid coxerint. Beading inwards, acclivis, ve; adj. Hedge-bells, campanula minor. : below [a prepoſition] by ſub, fub. ventrem faciens. A ringing of beils, catrPanATUM Con ter, infra. Below thoſe hills, Bending to, inclinans, tis ; part. rantut, üs: m. pulfutio ionis ; f. fub illis montibus. Virtue has all Bending, or leaning innitms, lis; Bellac (in France) Beliarum things below itſelf, vinius omnia pirt, sonnixus, a, um ; part. Biliegaide Lin Burgundy] Beliogay. Subter se habet, * There is nothing A bonding, or bowing, curuatio, 3: f. dia, below the moon but what is mor curvinier, 3 o curvatura, 1. flexio, Belleſmeſin France) Bellifmumi tal, sufra lunam nibil wifi mor 3. f: flexus, 4. m. flexura, re; f. Bill, flc (in Franc}. Calontſus. tala, A bonding about, circurr.flexio, onis; f. Bel-infgate (in London] Bellinus f. From below, infernè, de ſub. A bending archwife, limualio, onis; t. A belt, bitteus, baltnim, cingulus. A bending down, devixitas, declivi. To bellow, mugio, ire; n. A waiit-belt, lumbatorium. sas, atis ; f. dejluxus, ús; m. To bellow again, remugio, ire ; n. A belt-maker, halteorius, The bending down of a thing, di- To bellow much, demugio, ire; R. Beltz (parıing. Ge'many and Scandi. Ukm, vi ; n. Toibellow out, sagio, itt ; n. navia) Mire Balticum, A place bending downwards, drli. To bellow to, ad mugio, ire ; n, Be'vedere (in lonia) Colophon. natoriuin, iin T bellowing, mugitus, demugilus, 4. Belvedere Lin Peloponneſus) Elis. A bending forward, preclinatio, onis ; To belye, calumnior, ori ; dep. À pair of bellows, follis, lis ; m To belye. 2 thing. smelior, A bending from, declinatio, deflexio, The noſe or pipe of ithe bellows, Belyed, falsò statusi onis ; f. crater follis, acrophyſum. A belying, calumniatio, onis; f. Bending.wiſe, ardite ; ady. The belows (of an organ) follis pi- Belz (in Poonia) Belxs. Bendings or cuinings, diverticula. 1b.rulici, Bemerlandt, Bohemia. Bent. Hoxus, a, win ; adj. A fmith's bellows, follis fabrilis. To bemire, inquino, are ; act. Bene (in Crete) Bint. A belly, vinter, 3. uterus, aluus, 2. Bemited, inquinatus, a, um ; part. For bebely hath no cars, ven- A. bemiring, inquination om part. Beneath the ſame as below. Benedict [a man's naic] Benedie- ter non h.zbor surss, venier pracipta To:bemoan, doplange, miferisco, mee- tus, ti m. non audit. My belly thinks my Port angi, deploro. Benediction, benediaio, onis ; f.. throat cut,jum annum eiurio, Bemoaned, doploratus, a, um ; part. A benefactor, benefazor, oris ; m. Great-bellied (as a woman with a bemoaning, deploratio, onis ; f. A benefactor (to learned men) Me ch:Id) grovidus, prægnans. Ben, as Benjamin. cingl. parronus. A woman's great bellý, aquor ven. Ben (an aromatic nut) balanys 'my Of a benefaâor, benefddorius ; adj. tris. rifica. A benefacture, largitio, onis ; f. A l'itle belly, ventriculus, li; m, Benavente (in Portugal) Aritium, A benefice, cura ecclefiifica, munus The lower part of the belly, hypo- , Benavento (in Italy] Beneventim. uclefiaficum. gajirium, i ; n. A bench, fubfellium, 2. framnum, 2. Beacfised, præfe&us gregi, ad curam The part of the belly about the ſhort fedile, is; n. ecc!efficam admijus. ribs, hypochondria, a; f. A bench Cot juſtices) tribunal, lisz n. Beneficence, benefienria, e'; f. libe- The belly.ach: intefina formina, vir- A bench (of Juſtices} confeffus, ús; m. ralitas, asir ; f. aina, The king's bench, bancur rogalis. Beneficial, I Tous. 7 m. 1 } , , 1 nond. f Beſides being a prepoſition] is B E R BES BES Beneficial, commodus; utilis, les adj. Berchem (in Juliers] Tiberincum. * I befcech you heartily, magno- A beneficiary, beneficiarius, ii;. m. Berckel (a river in Germany) Velicør. perà à le paro. * 1 berecch you as A benefit, bérieficiun, 2. commodum, Bordfey, as Bardley. you are honest, por fidem tuam 10 n. gratii, et ; f. To'bercayo, privo, 1. orbo, r.spolio, 1. obreſor. To bencfiti prafuin, prodele: Bereaved, erbatus, privatus, a, um; To beſcech earneſtly (act.] cxoro,s. To benefit (acot ] proficio, ere. deprecor, ari. To benefit lunder a minifter} frue Bereavement, çorbatio, privatio, fpo- To beſeech with tears, imploro, are. tüni csiperi ex ejus concionibus. Bercaying, liario, onis ; f. I beſeech thee, omsbe, fordes. Benet (a man's name) Bmedicus, m. Bereczlo (in Hungary) Cibelis. Befeeched, imploratus, oratus. Sur Benet (a woman's name) Benedišta. Bereſina (a river in Sarmatia) Bo Berrught. Benevento (in Napler) Beneventum, rylihenes. A belecches, rogator, obfecrator, pece Benevolcoce, breuclentia, &; f. Berg or Mons. [in Hsinault) Montes. ca:or, oris ; m. -Benfield (in Albania) Benefeldia, f. A bergamot-pear, PyrumBorgomatium, Bcreeching, objarrans, fupplicans. Bengala ( in India) Bengala, Ganges, nyrum ducis Tufciæ. A beſeechg, ubacrario, supplicatio, Benges (a river in Hungary i Sabaria, Bergamo (in It.ly) Bergomum. onis ; f. Benjamin (a gum] benzoinum, i; D. Bergamo tin Thraced Pergamum. To beſeen, convenio, 4. deces, 2. Benjamin (a man's naine) Benjami. The bergander (fowi) . vulpanjer, che- It beſeenis, deel, conuenit; impest. nus, i, m. nalorex. Buſeeming, conveniens, decens, tis; Benighted, mae praumtus. Bergen (in Norway) Bergos. part. Nothing is more beſeeming Benton (kind) benignus, a, um; adi. Bergen op Zoom (in Brabant) Berga che nature of a man, nihil efi nao Benign ty, benignitis, liberalitas ; f. ad Zomum. tuia hoininis secommodatius. Benignly, benignè, finurè, conside, Bergency (in Scotland] Berigonium. A beſeeming, de:orum, riin. Benian, lafıt, ros Syriacus. Bergerac (in France) Bergeracum. (a river in Catalonia] Ba- Begilon (bleffing) benedi&tio, 3. f. Bergues (in Flanders) Berga S.Vina- Belos tulo. Bennet (herb) caryophyllata, sang. ri, Vinociberga, To be et on all ſides, circumfidue, 2. munda, benedias A bergh-maſter (a bailiff among the act. Troubles and fears beret Bersford br{dge (in England} Von miners) scaptenfulæ magifer, nie on all lides, circumfusa mibi The bergh-mote, curia planniaria. undique molefialt pavores. + He Bent (bowed] Aexus, fenfus, (utva. Beriara (part of Ajin) Arubia deferta. is bclet with the multitude, fre- tus, inclinatus, a, um, part. Berick (in Cleves) Calonis. quentia populi circumretitur. Bent (ready) promptus, promes; adl. Berk (in Germany | Vetera Cabra. Belet on all ſides, circumfus,a,um. A bent, inclinatio, incurvatio, onis; f. Berking (in Efex] Berechingum. Hard beret, ad incitas redanus, * I have got ihe bent of his bow, Berkley (in Glouceſterſhire Berſholis. Beſet with diamonds, interjlinaus ego illius fenſum pulchrè calleo. Berkſhire, Bercberia, Berleie, geiami . Bent againſt, averſus, a, um ; adj. Berkſhire, adj. 1 Berchenf., Beru . A beſeccing, circumfellio, onis ; f. Bunt backwards, recurvus,a,um;adj. Of Berkihire; } chenfis. To beſh.tc, concaco, art ; act. Bent bloodily, odio implacabili ardms. Berkſhire:men, Altrecacii. Belhitten, concacalus, a, um ; part. To bo bloodily bent, fanguinım fitire. Berlin (in Germany) Berlinum. A bethitting, comparatio, onis ; f. Bent like a bow, arcuatus, im us, in- Bermeo (in Biſcay) Fiaviobriga, Ana- To beſhrew; maledico, ère. tentus, a, um ; part. nk portus. Befhrew your heart, malè tibi fit, Cruelly bent againſt, incenſus, a, um. Bermondſey (in Surrey) Bermundi què dignus es. Earnestly bent, intenlus, a, um. infula. Befhrewed, maledi&us, a, um; part. Bent forward, proclivis, ve ; ad): 3 art. Bern (in Switzerland) Berna, Vero- A beſhrewing, maledi£tio, 3.dira, 1.f. Bint many ways, finuatus, finuojus. B-fide, ? [being an adverb) is made Bent relolutely, obfirmarus, deflina- Benard ſa man's name) Bernardus, Bolides, } by. porro, præterea, præ- tus, a, um, part. Bernard's caſtle (in Durham) Bor lorquim, ad hoc, tùnt. And be. Bent unto or on, addi&us, deditus. nardi caftellum. Sides, my wife would hear of it Is he fo bent on it ? ilane objij- Bernbourg (in Germany] Bernabur one way or ano: her, atque id porro nuta opariin dat? gum. aliquà uxor mia rolcifieret. * And Eaſily bent, fexilis, le; adj. 3 art. Bernstadt(in Germany) Bernardi urbs. then belidas, ber {ccond dowry is A bcnt, } juncus, ftirpus. A berry, bacca, a; f. rnoruip, 2. loft,: tum praterea qua fecunda ci Bents, A litt!e berry, baccula, la; f. dos erat, perijr. * B:lides, he ſet , , upon them in good time, ad hoc, Benthem [in Wolphatia] Benthemu.m. A blackberry, } vaccinium, i ; n. ros in compare aggrefus eft. Ex- Bentivoglio (in Tialy) Bmtivaliun. A ſervice.berry, forburn, bi; n. cept the captain and a few be- To beiium or benuób, corpefacio, 1.- A white thorn-berry, xura, ra; f. Gides, extra ducen poucoſque preta. pofecio, 3: An ivy.berry, corynebus, bi; f. res. • I ask you no reward beſide Benuammed, torpidus, a, um, adj. A bay-beriy, basca laurea. the eternal remembrance of this To be benummed, torpio ; neut. A cuony-berry, cunicularum latibu. day, nullum à vobis premium po- To be benummed with cold, algeo;n. lum. fula præterquam hujus dici mone- Benumming, narcoticus, a, um , adj. A raſp-berry; morium rubi. riam fempiternim. Por besides A bcnumming, torpefacie, 3. f. nie- One-berry herb) herba Puris. that I think you fould be moved pefa&tio, onis ; f. Bear-berries, urfing uva. by an injury, nam præterquam A being benum med, torpor, aris;m. Bearing, berries, haccifer, a, um ; adj.quod te moveri arbitrar oportere inju- Benzoin, as B:njoin. Having berries, beccatus, 4, um ; adj. rid, or preter enim quàm quod. To be-piis, commingo, ini. Berth (a ſea-lerm) Spalium in quo Beſide, Bo-pift, lotio madens. növis buc iliuc ferri potet. made by preleri, XITA, To bequeath (glve by will] lego, are; Bertinoro (in la Romagna] Petra H). ab, ad, prope, propter, juxta, fecux. addico, ere i act. nerii, Birtinoriun. dum, &'c. as, No body thinks lo Bequcathed, legatus, a, um; part. Bertolchgaden (in Germany] Bertol beſides myſelf, boc nemini prcler A thing beque ithed, legatum. gada. Mu videtur. * It runs beade the The perſon to whom a thing is be- Aberton (grange) villa, la ; f. walls, præter isfo mænia fuit. * queathed, legatarius, i, m. Bertram (herb) pyrdhrum. Nor was. any of the kindred there A bequeather, legator, oris; m. Bertram I a man's name] Bertramus. beſides onc, poor old woman, ne- A bequeathirg, logario, onis; f. Berwaldt (in Germany) Bervaldia. qui cognitus extra unam aniculam A bequeft [legacy) legatun, liin. A beryl (itone) beryllui. quiſquam aderat. # It will not be Of a bequelt, legativus, a, um, adj. Berzenche fin Pannonia] Berbis. beride the purpoſc, non abs re erit. Beraun in Bohemia) Berauni. Belalu Lin: Casalonia) Bifildunum. * They are beſide the cuſhion or To beray, inguino, 1. conforio, 4. com- Belanſon " [in Burgundy) Biſontium, bufincis in hard, à ne difcedunt, ca(0, I. f10, ari ; act. 1 Vifoncium. aberyanı à januá, extra oleas for Brayede inquinstus, fedatus ; part. Besbre (a river in France) Busbria. runtur. * Belide his ago he was A bcrayer, faedalor, oris ; m. Belecach [i. 8. Africa] Africa. allo blind, ad Jonectutem accedebat A beraying, inquinatio, concacatio; f. To beſeech, tro, 1. obfecro, s. obro. stiam ut satius eft. * Annibal Thę bérberry, barberis, ris; t. for, S. poto, 3. precor, 1. fupplico, 1. encamped beade that village, prapa na. 1 + BES BES Β. Ε Τ Red, 1 + ONT . rinum. un vicum Annibal cafira pofuit. Beſpoken, compellatus, procurctus. Su | Beſtraught of one's wits, mente sap- * Two Sons lying beſide their fa. bcſpeak. this or totusi ther, duo fiii propter patrem cuban. To beſpot, commarulo, are; act. To beſtride, inequito, are ; act. Lay my bones beside his. Beſpotted.commaculatus, a, um, part. Beitridden, inequitatis, a, um, part. bones, juxta la ejus collocate offa A belpotting, commaculatio, 3. f. A beſtrider, equitator, oris , m. He leads me. benide the: To beſprinkle, inspirgo, perfundo. A beftriding, equitatio, iniquitatio. till waters, fecundum aquas lemes Beſprinkled, infperfus, perfuſus, To bet (lay a wager) pignus depono. deducit me. She fat belide the A belprinkling, injperlio, afperfio3.f. • I will beti nothing, non aufim reapers, fedit a latere molarum. To beſpuiter, confpurco, art ; act. quicquam deponere sucum. • They pitched bcGde the well of Befputtered, conspurcatus, a, um. A bet, pignus, oris ; n. depositum, ti; Herod, caftrametati lunt ad fontem a belputtering, confpurcatio, onis ; f. n. * Name your bet, tu dic mecum Harodi. * I will go out and ſtand Buss, for Elizabeth, Eizibaba , quo pignore cities, * Having a mind beside my father, ogo autens exiens Beſt [the Superlative of good) oplimus, to make bets, ſponfionibus concitatus. confifam ad latus patris mei. * præjantiſimus, a, um, adj. (uperl. Betanzos, Flavium Brigantium. Which ſtood beſide the king, • Lay the best hay by itſelf, quod Betted, oppigneralus, a, um ; part. qui aſiabant regi. Which 18 be optimum fænum erit, feorfim condiło. A belter, oppignerator, oris ; m. fide Ephraim, qua eft contermins * I will do my beſt, ſedulò faciam, A betting, oppignoratio, onis ; f. Ephraim. quid potera eniter, We muſt do To b: take, committo, 3. dedo, 3. tra- Beldes ones ſelf (mad) amens, tis ; the beſt we can, omnis adhibenda do, 3. recipio, 3. act. He betakes ad). 3. art. monte caplus. He is curd erit. To the beſt of my himicit, to the ſtudy of virtue, ad beade himſelf, mente captus eft; power, quod quèo, pro virili parte. v.rtutis fudium fe confort. delirar. * They are beſide them Do your beſt to get it done, Betaken. commifus, a, um ; part. ſelves, mente capti funt; delirant. Operadi ui fiat da. * They could To bethink one's ſelf, meditor, aris; To be belde'the mark, à fopo ab not tell what courſe was beſt to cogitatione repeto, recolligere 16. * Be- take, nejciebant quid præitarent. think yourlelf, I pray you, of thcíc To beſiege, oblideo, 2. oppugns, I. cir * What had we beſt to do? quid things, quæfo fucito hace tecura cogites. cumvallo, 1. pracingo, ż. act. conflii capiemus? I think it bift A bethinking, recollezio, meditatio;f. Beſieged, obfeffus, obfidione cinaus.. for you, nihil puio tibi efi utilius. Behremes (in Egypti Heliopolis. A beſieger, obfeffor, oris; circumfelir, * You had even beſt do as I bid Woe belide you ! va tili ! oris ; m. you, fue tu ù! dixi fi lapis. *They. To betide, accido, consing, cumio. A beleging, objelio; 3. f. obfidium, 2.. did their beſt, pra jo quiſque sedulo Betided, quod accidit, contigit. Ti obſidio, onis ; f. faciebar. # He is none of the beſt, Beciics, tempori, madurè ; 2do. * In Bifiers (in France) Blitare, Butera., bomo non probarihinus, Wc ihſc countries winter comes be- To burmear, illino, oblino; exungo. ſtrive who ſhall love him beft, times, in iis locis inusurè junt hemes. Berneared, illifas, delibutus, inutus, quem (tulatim amamus. * Every Ber:mes in the morning, multo sane. ay um ; part. man I:kes his own thirig's beſt, *Being coine botimes in the mora- A beſmearer, ikun&or, oris; m. fua cuique roseff charlima. * You ing to the bridge, quùm diluculo A belmearing, inunaji, onis ; f. had not belt be known of it, tu vinifom ad ponton. To beſmoak, Jumigo, are act. pol i fapis quod fi is nofcs. The best Belift in France) Botifacum. B-fioaked, fumigatus, a, ux; part. have their failings, quifque fuos Betle (baſtard pepper) poper adulte. A befmoäking, famigstio, onis ; f. palimur manes. * The best things Tobermut, fukgine denigro. are worft to come by, difficilia To betoken; fignifiro, I. portendo, 3. Beſmutted, fuligine denigratius. que Pul:bra. The beſt muſt Indico, are ; act. A befmuttina, fuligine denigratio. have their grains of allowance, It betokens, fignificat. imperf. A bcfom, scopet, arum ; f. homines carnui, non dii. * They A belokening, significatio, indicatio. To bufot with drink, inebrio, arr. Brive who ſhall do beſt, emula- Berony, besnica, ce; f. To berct, ipfduo, art i act: tione virtutis movintur: Water betony, clymenum, librophu- Befo!ted; infatuatus, a, um, part.. Best of all, adv. Superl. optimò, max- lari: major. A befotting, infatuatio, onis; 'f. imè, posiſimè, potiflimum Wild running b:tony, ſerpillum. Beſought, imploratus, oratas; part. To bcftcad, commodoy, are ; a&. Wildbetony growing in hight zygis I hefought, ornvi. See beſeech, Beftia! or Beaſtly, beflialis, le; adj. I 'betónk, frididi, See Betake. To be beſopght, exorandus ; part. To beftink, foetore opplere. betcok myr:lf who!ly to the com- I bcfpake, compellavi. Sre beſpeak. To beſtır one's ſelf, dirinem mouere monwealih,melofum reipublicæ tra. To beſpatter (bedaggle) lyts' infper lapidem. didi. I preſently betook me to my gere, con pergerı, inficere. To beſtow (give] largior, imterlior, heels, me conļuit protinus in pades, entre To borpatter idcfame) calumnier, 1. conforo. * The booty he beſtowed They quickly b.took thèm to their alicui infamiam inferre ; , alicujus upon the ſoldiers, prædam miluj weapons, releriter arma reperunt. exiflimationem lædere. bus dons. * They betook themſelves to Beſpattered (bedagg'ed) luto conper. To beltow (lay out] expendo, 3. in. Aight, in fugim fe contulerunt. sus. pendo, 3 in umb, 3. erogo, I. * Be. To bolray, prodo; 3: trado, 3. act. Bcfpattered [defamed] infatus, do ſtow ſome time upon this confid - Betrayed, traditus, proditus, a, un. famatus, infamiâ afperfus. ration, aliquid imdertias temporis A betrayer, fraditor, proditor, 3. m. A beſpattering (bedägg'ing) luti in huic cogitationi: You beſtowed A bet aying, proditio, traditio. 3. f. sporno. coſt on hér, Sumplus in eam feculi. To betroth, de, pondeo, I. defponfo, I. A beipattering [dofaming) calunnia, To beſtow (placej loco, 'I. eo, 1. Betrothed, defponfus, defponfatus. & alimnæ fama violatio inalitiofa. colloco, I. act. * It is the best be- A betrothed woman, Sponfa, fæ; f. B:[p3ttered, conſporjus, a, um. ſtowed money I have laid out this A betrothing, despontario, onis ; f. To beſpawl, conipuo, ēro ; act. long.while, 16 quicquam argenti To betruft, concredo, fidei alicujus Beſpawled, corputus, conſpucatus. lucavi jam diu ufquam æquè bene. commoilta. To beſpeak a man, alloquor, compel * How will you beſtow yourſc!i? A bett, pignus, Sponfio. lare. gard affurus es? To belt, pignus deponere. Sec Bet. To beroeak him and engage him on To beſtow (lay up] recondo, 3. act. Better, melior, polior, præftantior, sa- our side, in partes trabare. To beſtow a daughter, fillim collo tior, ſuperior, us; gen. eris ; adj. 3. To befpe:k ware, mandari facien- carl, nuplum dare, art. con par. * For your better dui. Beſtowed (given) collatus, a, um. underſtanding, ut remi teneatis rece To beſpeckle interfiingus, 3. diflin- Beſtowed llaid out infumplus, a, siùs. . That I believe to be the guo, 3: maculo, i. act. um ; part. better way, credo iſihuc melius cfto. Bo{peckled; difin&us, interjiraus. Beſtowed (placed) collocatus, a, um. * What am I the better for this? A beſpeckling, diflinctio, onis; f. * My labour will be well boltow quid tamen hoc prodejl ? * You To beſpcw, coniputa, I. convomi, ere. ed, hond erit opera pofita. would do a great deal better, plus Beſpewed, confputatus, a, um, part. A beſtowing, collatic, expenfo, collo ag'as. * He loves it better than To beipit, infpur, čre; act. cario, onis; f. his life, charius illi e' quàin ipſe of B:Spived, in foulatus, a, um ; part. A diſorderly beſtowing, fufio, largi: Jihi. I can never have a better He beſpoke, compellavit. {tio, onis ; f. tionc, mihi occapo niunc quafi decidir do t uis; m 1 Latin . [, a B E V BEY B I. E de celo, I give you the better Beverley, ad), A bezar ſtone, lepis bexoardirus. of it, herbam tibi do * Our fol- of Beverley, Beverlacenfis. Bezmiliana (in Spain] Manba. diers hid far the better of bein, Bevis (a man's namc] Bevis, Bogo, To bezzłe, pergræcor, ari; dep. поr rimilites frulè fuperobant. * Now Bellonefus. Diana (in Spain] Virge, Alba. one lide had ihe better, New ano. Bennen in Picardy) Gefforium, A blas, præponderutio, nimantur, in ther wurjo M.rie puignutum. * Beuthen (in Germany) Beutha. clinatie. He bad vetter have never buçun, B:vy-grcale (fat of a roe dcer] - A bib [fucking-bottie] slifanus, art. operam & oleum perdidit, Bitter deps reruina pulia ir:funii fugarda. times wri cone, grata fu:erveniet A bevy (as of quails,&c ] grex, egis. A b:b, infantis feftorale. gu& non fperolisur bora. The To bewal, defico, 2. deploro. 1. act. To bib, piriſo, poro, are. better, day the better deed, dicenda Bewailable, fiebriin, la; lamentabilis, Bibbed; pot-Tus, a, um, part. bona ſunt oona verba die. le; lugubris, re; adj 3. art. A bibber, bibux, acis; bibaculus, vi- Retter, adv. aneliùs, liviùs, patiùs. Bewaried, repeus, dooloristics ; part. nolenius, vincfus. Better and better bonum bono cumu A bowaliing lietus, ús; m. luinerita- A b:bbing, bib.icitas, 3. f. bilosa; I. Krum. rio, onis ; 1. f. potasio, onis ; f. Never the bet:er, nihil melior. Te bewire caveo, 2. profpicio, 3. om- biena (in Piedmoni] Forum Vibii. Somewbat the botter, meliu/culus. nia confilia experiri. 'The bible, biblis, erum, fcriptura, ja- To better ( make better) amplifice, 1. B:ware, aze; imperative of caveo. cre litera, or pagina facra. proveho, 3 omondo, 1. act. One that bewares, cuulor, præ:autor, B.crs! (in Sicily) Il cearum. To grow better, melioreſco, ore; n., To bicker, concerto, altaicor, configo, To grow better in health, conuele co, To be wet, madido. veliisr. 3. praunleo, 3. neat. To bcwilch, inconio, I. faſcino, 1. of- A bickerer [cr ſcoldiog man] aller- To be better, prafo, I. neut. fifiino, 1, 2ct. cotor, conrertaler, ail cetator, litiga- What 19 one man better than a- Bewitched, incantatus, fafcinatus. tor, oris; m. for ſcolding woman) nother? homo homini quid arallit? A bewitcher, incantator, 3. m. vene difceplatrix, litigatrix, iris ; f. It is better, præfat; imperf. * Better ficus, si; m. A bickering, altercatio, concertatio, il- be id!c iban not well employcd, A bewitching. incantatio, onis ; f. tigario, 3. f. prafat oriofum elo quàm nihil agere. To bewray (diſcloſe) prodo, 3. divul. TO BID, jubeo, ?. impero, mando, I. * Better be happy than wiſe, guite go, I. or.uncio, I. Teiego, 3. rovelo, I. præcipio, 3. in mandatis dare. # You foriune pre dolio Japicotiæ. * Better averio, 4. parcfurie, 3. res arcanos may bid them ring your paſſing- once a miſchief than always an in effundere, orculia apud omnes expo bcll, licet ad tubi.ines mitlas, Bid convenience, praftat femei malum nére, 'Ariana in publicum enilière. the by cnquire, puero negotium da quàm femper incommodum. He bet.ays his own cowardli ut quarat. * Are you afraid to Bettered, emendatus, amp'ifi. ncís, imhalles animes delegit. * Your do it when I bid you ? num dubi- Made belier in mclius own knävery will bewray you, las id me imporante facere ? proveltus. 141 ipfius nequitia tu prodet. * i To bid [invite) invilo, 1. UDCO, 1. rs- A bettering, proveậtio in melius, have bewrayed myſelf, meo indi. go, I. * He bid him to ſuppery Betty, es Élizabeth rio mifer perii. regavit ut ad cænam veniret. Berune [in Artoir] Betbunia. To tewray (defila) fcedo, concaco. To bid battle or defiance, hojiem pro- vocata, laciflere. , ter, medius, in medio, part. To bid the banes, matrimoniura pro- &, according to theſe cxamples: B. wrayed (defiled) inquinatus; part. mulgare. * Let us be friends between our. A bewrayer (revealer) proditor, ar- ar. To bid farewell, valedico, čre ; neut. ſelves, umici inter nos fimus. * There, canurun divulgator. To bid onc good morrow, faluto, 17 was but one river between the two A bewrayer (ccfles) concacalor, 3. m. act. falvere jubeo. camps, inter bina cofira unum fiu A bewraying (opeding] predilió, in To do as he is bid, morem gerere no- men tanium intererat. * There are dicario, onis ; f. neti. huge waſtes between, vala folit A bewraying [defiling) concacario, To bid a holy day, Arias indicare. dines interjer. * So that we might inquinatio, oris; f. To bid prayer, bortari ad prerandum. ſee all above and between, ut om- Beyeren (in Germany) Bovaria. Bidaſche (a caſtle in France] Bidofia. nia, ſupera, media viderimus. *She BEYOND (prepor.) extra, preler, To bid money for ware, licori mercem placed herſelf between them, se fupra, trans, ulira; as, * You muſt Prello, pretium facere mercis. To inediam locavit. * Whatſoever time take heed you be not expensive him that bids moſt, liritanti pluri. is between youth and old age, beyond meaſure, cavendum eft ne mo. . If any body bids tore, fi ex- quicquid eft illud inter ſenem Bju exira modum jumpine proders. * The ijiat qui plus lirealur. venca medir, There was a par Altics are cxcclleni in that kind To bid one welcome, vinioti Jalu- cel of ground left between, sli beyond obeis, Astiri in eo genere tem dicere, aduentum gratulari. quuntum agri in medio reli&tum ell. præier raleros exrellunt. * They A bid-prayer, oratio hortatoria. * The ſenrte appointed him to be were aſtoniſhed bayond meaſure, S fronus, reng colla. umpire between them, arbiter illis Jupra modum periciiebantur. * At -, titia, fenaru datus eß. * Hus theic no that very time I was beyond fea, Bidden (commanded) imperarus, juf- thing elſe been between you? ego ipfo tempo travis 'ın ite fui. ius, a, um; i art. num quidnad amplius tibi cura ::a * There followed him grcat multl. Bilden (invited) invitatus, invocatus, fuit? * Betwixt the devil and the tudes from beyond Jordan, cò fecu. A, um ; part. Red ſca, inter facrum. faxumque fto. ta eft eum multa turbia è regionións Not bidder, injurus, invocatus ; part. * Between two joint. ftools down trans Fordonem fitis, : * From be- Abidder commander)-jufor, oris, m. falls the diſh, duos lepores fecutus yold the rivers of Ethiopia, trrsfira A bidder [inviter] vocalor, oris; m. neutrum capit. vialibus partibus Alhispie. * Whilſt A bidding (comoianding) mandatis, B:tween both, medius, a, um; adj. I was wandering without any care onis ; f. jufii, îs; m. * At your Being between, I intermedius,' inter beyond my bourds, dum ulitu rer. bidding, juſu tuo. * Without your Lying between, 3 jarens, tis; adj minum curis vagor.expeditus. It is bidding, injufu tuo. lengthened beyond what is necd- A bidding inviting invitatio, 3. between, ful, ultra quàm furis i producitur. | A bidding a price, licitatio, onis, f. A coming butween, intercelio, 3. f. Beyond fea, irunimurinus, a, um, adj. A frequent bidding, rogitatio, 3. f. Pat between, interpofitus, interjec. To go beyond, Ir-njeo, 4. 2.ct. truni. Biddy, for Bridget. ti's, a, um ; diri. gred:or, 4. dep. * Ilhall be ponc To bide, coinmoror. Sea abide. Buveland (an iſland of lower Germa. beyond, uncis ye help mc, cir. A biding, commoratio, onis ; f. my] Bevelandia, cumveniwe nifi fubuenitis. * You Bidiyn La river in India] Indus. A bever, as beaver, cannot go b: yond me, mhi pul. Bidumi part of Palefline] Idumea. Beverage. posio ex ſucco malorum & pain obtrudere non potes, # They Biela (in Piedmont Gaumellum. aguâ diluta, vinum vapiduin 6 go beyond ali atlicis, omnes fupé. Bieisko (in Poland) Bielia, aridum cum aquâ mixtura. rant, omnes praunt: Biennial of two years) Biennalis, le; Beverley (in Yorksbirr] Beverloa, Fi- The bizantler, cornu carvini ramus B crne lin Ayuitain) Bearnia, Beras brilega, Petuaria. fundus. nenfium urbs. A } a {bid-ale; } To come beewesen, } interrado , čre. 3. f. 1. 1 Tum. tuorum. $ A BIL BIN BIR A bier for th: dead, feretrum, 2. n. Bllo of exchange, tefer& nurmaria. To bind by friendſhip, demercor, Cris Joulus, liim. Jandapılo, ise, f.. Bank biils, referat argentaria, dep. A ble-word, diverbium. Su By, A bile in chancery, aaie in curia To bind a garaent with galloon, Biervliet (an island and fort on the cancelarii illata. preloxo, 3. act. coaſts of Flanders] Biervlidum, A bill of cofts, rabula impenfarum. To bind hard, confiringo, öra; ciër- Berefletum. 1 A bill of divorce, repudium uxori (10, 2. BIG, turgidus, a, um; adj. A mifum. To bind himſelf to appear, vador, I. mind too big for his cftate, ani. A bill of entry, tabella merciunt in- To bind himſelf to make good his mus quàm pro fortunâ m.jor. * A8 feriplarum. VOW, Agnars votum, big again and better, altero tanto A bill of fare, cibariorum tabella. To birid hio felf to pay what ſhall major. • Not above án acre big, A bill o: lading, tatella rerum via's be adjudgedy-fatisdant, judicatur uno son major jugere. foluere. Bg'in bulk, craffus, magnus ; adj. Big in authority, amplus, potens; adj. gularium. To bind by oath, jurejurando ob.rin- Big with child (adj. f. gravida, gra. A bill of record, libellus memorialis. vis, prægnans, # She grew big. The bills of mortality, sabulæ mor- To bind over [to the ſcffions] 01- bellied, pondera umiris Trixerbos. dari. Big with pride, inflatus, tumidus, a, Bills of fale, tabule anainaria. To bind onc 'prentice, hero dari, ar. um : adj. * He talká big, ampul-To ſet a bål over a door, odos pro lifici tradere (ad artem edifundam.) las loquitur & fefquipedalia verba. fcribere. To bind with ofers, viro. • He looks big on hia, vultu illum A bill (catalogue) catalogus, gi; m. To bind by proin ifc, Nipulor. intuetur fervo. (He looks b'gon it, A bill (of indictment] libellus accu. To bird with ruſhes, fcirpo. frontem caperat. * He looks as big 1 fatorius, To bind so, alligo, fubnido. as bull-beef, Tilanicum præ fe af- A b:ll (of complaint] libellus injuri. To bind together, conjungo, connetto. pettum fert. #lam not ſcared with arum, pofrulario. To bind underneeth, Jubligo, 1. jub- your big wordo, tuam non mæror A bill in parliament, lex roganda. Jlringo, 3. act. morofitatem. To bring a bill into the houlc, re- To bind upòn, ſuperalligo, aye; act. Barley-bio, hordeum utrafichon, ferri ad fenatum. To bind up a wound, vulnus obligare, To grow big, tumeo, 2. urgro, 2. a. A bill upon a door, programma, atis. A bind of ecls, anguillarum menſura. incrofor, ari; dep. A bill for fiquis) tabula ad rela A binder, lietor, obligator, oris ; m. To grow big, adolefcere in partum. inill:s conquerendum. A binder of books, bibliopigus, gim. Bigamy (a ſecond Diarriage] biga- A bill or hook, falx, falis; f. A b.riding, ligaturs, 1. ligasia, anis; f.. mia, a; f. A bill er halbert, pilun longum re- A binding again, religatio, onis ; f. Bigger, major, grondior, oris; adj. curvo faro praientum. A bindsng by bond, obligatio, onis; f. To grow bigger and bigger, adolefco, A hedging-bill, runca, runrina, 1. f. A binding fart. conftriaio, onis; f. turgefco, 3. neut. A littic hand bill, falcula, læ; f. A binding hard with a cord, aſiris. The bigger arni-bone, uina, na ; f. A b:l!- man, fulcarius, i ; m. lio, ons ; f. To makc bigger, amplifico, I. exim- of a bill, fakarius, a, um ; adj. A binding together, connexio, jubnik- To bill Los doves] rorum roftro in xio, cclligatio, onis ; f. Bigly, turgide; ady. fero; collabelle, B nding, ofiridorius, a, um, ad). Bignels, amplitudo, inis ; f. moles, A bill or beak, orum, tri; A. Binding by bond, obligatorius; adl. f. * It is of the bigneſs of a point,. A little bill, rolellum, li; ni Binding (coltive) adſ. Bypticus, .du- puncii rationem obtinet. A billing, rojiri rojiro infertio, fuo. rons ventrom, firingens aivum. biggin, infantis anadına, calan- B:nd-weed, convolvulus, fimilex, vo- 'tica, Having a bill, rofiralus, a, um, adj. lubilis. To put on a biggin, mitellä redimire. A bill-berry, bacca vilis Idaa, va Bingen (in Viper Germany] Bingium. A bight, circulus rudotis in order cinium. A binn of sk'ns, mmfura pallium convolati. Bille la river in Germany] Billena. triginta trium. A bigot, fuperfitiofus, i, m. A billet, bacillus, li; m. talsa; f. A binn of bread, panarium, i, n. Bigoticd, fuperlit one afiarus. Irunlus, ci; m. Bipartite in two parts] bipartitus. Biland (in Yorkſoire) Bellelanda. A little billet, saleola, la ; f. Birch, Lotula, la, f. A bilberry-tres, vitis Idea vulgaris. A billet (note) chedula, la, f. Birchin..berula. Bitboa (in Spain) Flaviobriga. A b:lict of gold, mala auri, Thc bitch cock, grogallur. A bile, suber, čris; ruberculum, 2. Billiards, lulus sudicularis, pila stur. Birckhauſen (in Bavaria) Bidaium, ulous, čris; n. née pullitio, Auguſta Bidarum. A venempus bile, casoëthes, ulcus pe- To play at billiards, pilan citrean A bird, Avis, volucris, 3: f. Milensialı. pulfare, globulos eburncos por an. an ill bird that bewrays his own To break out into a bile, «xtubero,, mulus forteum trajicere. nett, propria vineta vadi. • A bird I. exulemo, art; neut. A billiard bail, pile citrea or eburnia, in hand is worth two in the buſh, The pricking of a bile, aflus ulceris. A billiard ſtick, clave eburnea or -- jpem preiio non aman. * He kills A breaking out into bilcs, exulcera. bore pretenta. iwo birds, with one ſtone, câdem tio, onis; f. To billinfgate it, arr pere saaledic fideliâ duos parietes doulhat, * Birds Full of biles, ukorojus, a, um, adj. 1um ex Irivio, of a feather will flock together, A bilge, fundum navis in locitudi- A billow, futius inges or documanus. pares cum paribus fauiilimè congre- nem expenfum. Bily, for William. gantur. * You bring up a b rd 10 To bilge (as a fhip) irpingere ad A bin or huuh, panarius, i; A. pick out your eyes, Verpantem alis. foxo, foxis, or ad cautem. Bin' h (in Hainult] Binchiun. A little bird, avicula, la; f. Bi'gcd, ex aliifione (or alliju) ruinam B.ncheſter (in Durham) Bimonium, A young bird puilus, li; m. ngens. Binirium, Vinonium, Vinorium. A bird-cage, cutita, a; f. Bi icy (a river in Sicily] Hypja. TO BIND, ligo, l. conne86, 3. obligo, A bird cal, fiul.t, le; f. Bi!k i at cr:bbage) fors cala. 1. vincio, 4. * Biod him hand and A bird kccper, avium nutritor. Bi kcd, delis decepiusa fraudatus, de foot, quadrupedero con ringito. troudatus; adl. To bind about, circumligo, 1. circum-Bird-catcher, cucops, upis; C. Abilker (man) fraudator, 3. m. [wo- vincio, ire, A bud ng, our'upium, i; A. man) fruudatrix, 3. f. To bind the belly, afrirgøre alvum. To go a birding, aurupor, quibus in- A biiking, fraud tio, onis ; f. To bind back, rejiringo, 3. rovine:0, 4. fidias falue, aucupio indulgere. A bill or Siroll, F heda, Syngrapha. To bind before, præligo, pravinsió, of birding, A little bill, Ichedula, le; 1. To bind with benefits, beneficiis de For birding, A bili ol debt, cautio manu fubferipia, vincite. A birding net, rele aucupatorium. shiragraphum, 2. n. mgrapha, 1. To hind (books) compingo, . act. A birding-picce, tormentum aurupa- f. * I have ſent you a bi'l under ro hind a ba gain with earneſt, ar- forium. my hand, tihi miji caulicnera biro- rhá datâ cintiinara. To fail a birding (as an ill-made groshi mei. To bind with an carncit, claro, 1. rawk) ad avicularum prædam jo Bid, Jor William, To bisid fait, joringo, rnjiringe, z. aiveriera, do, 3. Uium. 1 1 saunatorius, a, um ; Bird cidus. 1 ini right, genie ad eum realit hereditas. A bitracie, repoſitoriuin arus nautice, BİT B. L À B LÀ Birdlime, viſcus, ujun. A bit and away, ionis ad Nilum. To bc black and blue, liveo. Sticking like birdline, viſtojusi vis- A little bit. frujulum ; n. hurcolla ; f. The black art, ars magica, negroman- To tear a thing all to bitss friftatimitia, mnogia. Great birde, alites, um; ply difcerpere. The black-bersy eater, rühatriar. A bird's nest, i The bit of a bridle, lupatum, ti; n. A blackberry, vaccinium, Birds-nerte Chei b] }' nidus avisi A hitch, canis fæmind: A black-berry-t.ee, rubus vulgaris, Bird's foot (herb) ornithooodium. A little bitch, canicula, le ; f. A black-bid; neruile, 'ld.; f. Birds cya (herb | Paraiyiz inon; anar a proces bilishi} canis pruriens, The black-cap (bird ] purus palupris. -(herbipadus A bitcli, Black-foot (dog) inclamrus, piji A butoander forb) chenalopex. A birch fux, vulges foemina: Dlack-fryers, frutiri doshinicani. Birgi la river in Sicily] Aithius. The liming of a bitch, inirus. Black-brown, furuus. Birkenfeldt(in Germany )Bir: honfeldia. A. bitc, merips. Black lead, jubium, olšafrete. Birled (it:dded 'clauatus. TO BITĖ, merdéo, zre. This bites A blackmoor, Maurus, rl; Æthiops; A birlet, vinta capitalis mulierum. bim, urit illum. opis; m. A birt (601) rhombus. To bile again, remordio, are: A blackmoor woman, Murdi . Birth, oriusz partus, nixus, ús ; m. * To be off, demordeo, præmordeo., thiopiſa; ' ; f. Citizens by birthrives nuci, ingenui. To bite to the quick, admordeo. Black Toor (in Yorkfbivel Blacámóräa A biriki (nativity) nativitas, oks; f. To bile ſhort, odmordeo, Ert; act:' : B'ackney in Norfolk] Nigeria. A birth parentage) natales; iim, 3. To bite sound, amhedo, 3 act: Black-ocre, nigra patra, pl. mi genus, eris, 3. n. prosopia, To bitc privately, fubmordao, 2.act, : The Ther of the black-rod, oſtiarjas &; f. or a good birth, horrejf to bite oftcn, morfico. parliamentarius, or Jupremi jonatúr loco, or bino genere netus, or bonis To bite into little pieces, fripatini Yogni: prog natus parentibus. # Of niean difcerpere. Black 2s (or with] foot; -fuligiriofus, birih, intimo loco natus ; homo infi- To bite on the bitsifronunt mandere a, um, adj. mna natalium humilitate; terræ fli. To bite (as pepper, Iroft &c.] üro.' A Blackfruiti, faber ferrarius. . * By birth, naiu. Apt to bite, morfilis , le ; ait: 3. art. A black-tail (fin) melamuru': A biich-place, folum nitale. A bicing, morjus, ii'; m. #By bling Black-vine (herbi ampelomelarini A new bli ih, gmeratio nova ; novus and scratching dogs and cats come Bläck-water river (in Efix] Idurida or alter orius ; regeneratio, 3. f. together, face ix malo principio nus, Æluarium Idumanumi Birth, adl.. muralis, le; natalisius, migña familiaritas conflata ij. Black-whickt, melampyrum: Of a birth, a, um. Biting, mordax, edat, asis; afper, a, Blacked, atratus, denigratus. One's birth-day, natalis, dies natalis un; adj. To blacken, denigro, infufcdi or natalitius Very bing, mordacifimus, a, umii. A An untimely birth, parfus abortirüs ; Little Biting, morda ulus, a, 17. abortus, ús; m. A biting or itinging; mordacitás, 3. F. A Moe- blacker, cal.cos qui, or gud An after-birih, fecunda, arum; f. Bitingly, adv. mordaciser, morficarim, denigrat atramento fictório;- A birth-featt, gond!hli», orumį n. mordicus. * He taunts him biting- Blacking, atraye::sum, fi ; no Birth-right, jus primigeniti or primore ly, aceto illum përfundil. A blacking, dinigratio, infulatio niti. "He had the estate by birth- B:ứch (in Afatia] Bisifum. Backiſh, ferrugineus, fuſcus, sübria ger, nigellus, a, um, adj. The birth, or bringing forth of any Biten, morjus, demorfus, a, un. To be blackiſh, nigrico, ani neuto thing in the world, partio, editió, Bitten by little and little, carpius. Blackhefs, nigredo, nigritia, & ;. k. 3. l. foelura; I. foerus, ortus, 4. m. Billen off, præmorjus, a, umpart. Blackneſs and bluencís, livor. To give birih to a thing, principium, Bitten round about, anbefus, a, um. A bladder, vefca, ce ; f. initium, or exordiuen alicui rei dare. Bitter, amirus, a, um ; adj. A little bladder, veficuli, la, f. Brabwart, arißolochia Sarucenira. A little bitter, fubamarus, a, um. The gail bladder, veficula fillija. Birvicíca (in old Caflile] Vircueia. Very bitter, amarulentus, perquam A bladder.blown, uiris.. Biſargo [an iſland of Galicia) Colin ainatus, a, um , adj. A bladder-niit; nuk vrficaria, tarides. To grow bintcr, amarero, &re. A blade of an herb, Jolium. Bl.cay, (part of Spain) Biſcaia, Con. To make birter, acerbo, arr. The blade (of an bar), Portsa, pelo tabria, Bittcrly, umarè; adi. mula, a; f.: Bifham (in Berkſhire] Bishanum, Bu- Bilterneſs, anayet ; m.amaritudo; 1. A brother of the blade, throjo, chis; Belli dimus. Full of hitlerneſs, annurilentus adj. m. homo petulintis ferocit..cis. A biſhop, epif:opus, pi ; pontifex, icis; Bitter ſweet, amaraduless, co; adi. The Blades of a lower, capillafronio A bitter (wect[apple lamarimellum, ium, ti; n. An archbiſhop, archiepiſcopus, pi; a. Bitccrwort (herb) gentiana, naif. : A pair of yard-windir.g blades, g186 A biſhop's crouer, pedum paforale. Bitconia (in Uinbria) Vetronium. gillur, A biſhop's houſe of ſce, epifcopium, A Bittour, ardea Bellaris. The blade of a ſword, iamina, na; f. iin, afdeli, la; f. Blumen (2. clammy ſubstance) bi. The breaſt-blade, clavės, uin; clavi B-ſhops leaves (herb}'befonia aqua tumen, inis ; n. Cold, arum ; f. ica. Bituminous, bitumino, us, o, in; adj. The ſhoulder blade, reapula; ld; fo A biſhop's mitre, mitra, infula, a; f. Blab ſa dog's name) caruchi. A blade (galant tellus homo. of a biſhop, epiſcopulis, pontificalis, po blab, cifutia, ire ; neut. A bla:le llword) enfiinfis ; n. la , adj. 3. art. A blab, To btade it, lautè incevere, A biſhoprick, epiſcopatus, îs ; m. Blabber, } futilis, lingulaca. Bladuo: K (a river in Scotland] Diviai Biſhops wcéd, anni, A common blab, rrimigerului, A blain, ulcus, dris ; no. Blagnano (in Culabria] Befidia, Bi- B-abbed, deblateratus, a, um. Full of blaias, ulcerofus, a, uti. funianum. Blabber lipped, laboo, mis; m. Blamburgh (3 mountain betweeti A bisk (at racket) quadrans pilarei B!abb-r lips, labra denili. Burgundy and Switze-land) Farsi quindenirii, quindenarli pilurius BLACK. uter, niger, ferunisBlack BLAME, Gülpa; f. commen, inis, via quadrans. will take no other huc; nigræ lau riu:n, i ; n. nek1; f. * Let me Disket, panis biſcoetus or nauticus, niruni zullum bibunt coloren. bear the blame, mis sunsong, atque buccellatum, Black-n:outh'd, niger ore. impulſori id odum dicsto.. * But do Biſmuc (tin-glaſs) metalli genus ex To be black, nigrio, 2. neut. * You not altertyards diy the base on quo pannun conficitur. cannot try black is his cyc, cui tu me, vnum ne puji con'dras ruly in Blinagar [a country in India] Bifna riihil aicus vitii. 'Black is your in mo. * He will lay the blame day, veribi, on you, culpa in të ir.inscrit. Bicextile (leap year] biſfextilis. Biltort (herb] biſtorta, a f. To black, ait ; } denigre nigrefacio, To biame fact. 3 incusoIvitinero, black olluſio; n. 1. , 3. criminos A bil, frufum, ii; n. hucrea, a; f. To be made black, nigrijco. I. virio vertere. They blame hig Never a bit, no hilum, ne gre. To grow black, nigrere, 3. neut. doing of thịt, tới id it stant .. num quidem. * A poufoncd bit, Black and blu;, lividus, a, um, adji faétum, • I cannot báme you for Claudii bolitus, To beat black and blue, jugillo. it; non pofuin id in fireprehendere, By bits, carptim. Beaten black and blue, ſugüllatus. * He is to blame, iri vitio of, or- F cufandas! paria. Blew born in Aower: czanesi 1 - Blame,worthy, pandus, a, um, via Blavet Lin Bretagne ] Blabia, B L A. BLE BLI tühjandus ... I am not to be, D'afted, amarus, ambaw at reddo. To bers, Ernedico. 3. ad. blamed for this,.a me her sulpa proastallas, id is fulminis porcului Bicfcd;} benedictus, beatus, a, ut culite B., I prayo, what ihey Mach: blafted, rubiginous, a, um. a.. blame him for, quam rem vitio dunt. A blafting, sarbüniculaiio, Tyderatie, 0-: Beffed!y, falirito, brate's adv. quæ animadvertito, Hc blames nis; f. Blefedneis, felicitas, Bratit., . another for his own fault, invidiam a blaſting of corn, rubigo, 3. drugo, A blering; benediaio. fast: in alium transfers. 3. uredo, 3. f..carbuncului, li'; liti. I blew, Suitabam. See blow, To blame file [a&.) júbaccujo, I. afis, 3. f. Corn fhall not be kiti. Blew or blue, rarulous, igrulus, a, To blame often, increpito, art. ' ed with hlatilg, Derilim rubigineni um ; adj., * True blue will never To free from blame, excuſi, 1. ab*] non lentic: ligos . ftain, antiquâ homo virtuse sic fdr. Seluo, . act. A blaſting (by thundering and light- Blow. Indigo, indicum. Blancabic, adj. 2 culpabilis , les vill niigi aflatio, oni ; Darket; } (blew] lividus, a, um. fuperabilis, le ; reprehenfione dignus. A blay Láith} alovla. Blew (morc inclining to purple) Blancablcacis, nexitios; asis; for Blaye [in Aquitain] Blavja. byacinthinus, Blämcd, chlpatus, argütus, corriptwy A BLAZE, Hamina, ma';. Blow (with an eye of gray) iafus, a, um, part.. To blaze (as fire) Plagro, are ; neut. Paleft blew, Jubeæruleus. B amelels incu.palus, innixius, a, To blaze Tabroad) divulgo, publice. The blew Shark [fi] glawiswi Bolo Visiteprehmobilis, la;adf.: To blaze, arms, inſignia or getali lonii. Blamelely, inculpatè, inegra, adv. To blazon, To blazon, s. mina. Propriis coloribus To blow, carulum reddörr. A blaner, viluperator, criminator. dopingiro. Awaming, culpátio, criminatio, inoy Blazed abroad, vulgatus, a, um. -, fatio, objurginio, reprehenfo, vitups. A blazer abroad, vulgator, bris , To blew any onc, pudifacia, ruborom ratio, inis; f... A blizing abroid, vilgutio, publicatio: inscutere. Blanc canle, Blancum inflrum. A. blazing-Star, comero os cometes, &; Black and blew, lividuso ng um ; adj, Blanch [a woman's game] Blancbia, m. Nella crinita, fdus crinimum, Bowiſh, fuccæruleus, a, um ; adj. &; f. A blazon (coat of arms). gelamin, A bight, melligo, rubigo, ursde, 3.10 Blanch(a.dog's name) leuion. scülum gentilitium, inßgnis gentilitia Bight (décayed) perditus, corruplus, To blanch (whiten] de. lbo, !. 24. in fruto descripia, a, uin, adj. To blanch almonds, amygdalas 6x. To blazon (diſplay) virtusn er viti« Blind (adj.) cacus, oculis, capius, lut cor:i:are. alicujus editprore, marrare. minibus orbus. *Am I blind, or did To blanch. z:placey.pratergredier, de well blazoned, infignia gentilitia in I not icousrum oruliipihi sein. cling, praldire injalutasun. ſtülb feite defcripta. tiúnt, an ego non vidi? Blind me'n Blänched, dealbatus, excorticatius, a, A blazoning, gentilitii jeusi infignium cannot judge of colours, quid iero uin ; part. defcriptio. cum fpelulo? As blind as a beetle, A blanchióg, dealbatio, onis; f. A blazoner of arms, facialis, is ; 'm. Hpfa or talpa iacior. * A blind Blandlord (in Dorforbire ) Blancoforda. Blazonry, ars focialium ; ars gatili mkn may 'perchancchit the niark, Blandiloquy (Hattery) blandileguiun. tia inſignia or fcula fcilè explicandi. surpe stiain if olitor valde opportuna To blandiſh (Ritter] adblandior, To beach (whiten) dialbo, candofa loculus. When the devil's blind, Ablandiſhier, blandus, di; n. cico, infolo ad Graus colendas. A blaniliſhingis blanditia, &; f. Bicached, dealbatus, infolatur, Blind born, cacigenus, a, um ; ad). Blandiſhment, A bleacher of cloaths, lintium in stark blind, sirefias, luminibus orba- Blace (in Catalonia] Blinda.' folator. Blank ( white] alhus, a, um, adj. A bleaching, deilbatio, infolatio, 3. f. Blind in one eye, moimulus, a, um. A blank, tolera pura. A 'bleaching place, inſolatorium, Half blind- Jemicarus, , um ; To blank (24.) conjundo, 3. confer. A bleak (filhj altulii, albumnus. Almoft blind, 3 adj: no, 3: Blcak (cold) Frigidus, a, um ; adt: Pur-blind, myops Blank (pale and wan) pallidui, luri-Bleak or pale. pallidus, luricus; adi. Sand-blind, nya:lops,luftiofus. To grow bicak, pallefio, öi«; ncut. The blind gut, insalmum rerum, Blank (out of conntenance] conjufus, Blcakly, pallide adv. A blind worm, carilia. ', ; part. Bleakness, pallor, dris ; m., To bi nd (deceive] fallo. A blank in a lottery] fors erin. Blear-cyed, lippus, A blind [falſe pretence] pratextus, Blank (at dice) jadus Jupinu. To be blcar-eyed, lippie; neat. raco, 1 : Exce'o, To make blind, 3 . peace, .. To grow blank, alloſto, 3. Yrigo ;Blear-eyednels, (tippitudo, inis ; f. To; blcal, balo, 478 ; neut. Blank:th, albidus, a, um, adj. To Blindfold, } elanin ere.is To beat often, barito, art; neat. Blankly, adv. frigide. A blçating, balutus, ús; m. indurere. A blanket, abella, Arigulum land A bleb, vefica, sa ; f. Blind man's buff, myinda. , candida. To bleed, fanguine Aušre My To play at blind and buffci, anda. Banmont (in Lorain] Blamontium. noſe bleeds, najus meus fuit fan batarum more pugnare. Blanquefort (in Aquitain) Blancafor guine. To be half blind, iccutio, ire. tiunt, A bleeding, Junguinis fiuxus, profite. To {be land blind, } lippio, ire. A blanquet pear, pyram' ſubalbidum vium, profufio. To blare, clamira, muginor, A blein, ulus, eris ; a. Blinded, cacatus, acacatus; part. Blaſe la man's name) Blafius, ii; m. A blemila, macula, I. 'lades, 3. F. Blinded, To blafpheme, blaſphemi, nefanda virium, i, n. There was no ble Blindfolded , } obvolutus oculis . fundăry convitia. mlth in his beautiful body, nullus Blindfold, adv. obvalstis oculis, anda. Blaſphemed's blasphematus, a, um. in egregio corpore narus erat, balarum more. A blaſphemer, blafphanus, i ; m. A blemith of credit, calumnia, a; f. Blindly, adv. care, claufis oculis, Blaſphemous, blaſphemius, dirur. didrius, oris ; 2. ignominia, 1. in- Blindneſs, cacitas, 3. caligo, 3. f. Bl Ipheimatory; facrilegus ; adj. fatis; f. Blindneſs of mind, hallucinatio, 3. f. Blaſphemously, ady. blaspheme. To blemiſh, maculo, 1, *Hc blemiſh. Blind-nettle, ſcropbularia, Blaſphemy, blaspbernia, Q; f. ed his repucation, fame notam inucie. To blink, culos diferquero, cribro A BLAST (of wind) flabrúm, bri, 2. A little blemish, laberula, nauus, nifitsre. famen, inis s n. Great blemiſhes, tubera ; 4. pl. A blinkard; 2 caelus, pain, Arabus, A contagious blaft, aflatws noxius. Blemiſhed, maculatus, violarus.. A blinker, 3 prabo. A contrary blast, flatus, is; m. Blemiſhed in reputation, infamia To blink becr, cerevifam mujicama A blaft or , fomen, inisa, tom diu in vaferelinquere donut po: To blaſtfulguro, 1. ufulo1. maculofus ; adj. tui magis idonea '& clara reddatur. uro, 3. rubigine ferire. To blend (mix] adinified, commiſioo, Blinks, Sparsa di venatore feram inda; To blast (with lightning) de sælp 2 act. ganie rugalia nissandis fora defi tango, afio. Bended, commixtus, a, um,; part. giis, To blak one's reputation, sama mo A blender, immixtor, compoſitor, m. To throw down blinke in the way, tam inxtere, A blending, mixtio, 3. mixtura, 1. f. . nogalus. 1 BINIS ifraio.... BLO BLO BLU Bliſs, beatitudo, 3.- felicitas, atis; f. Blotting-paper, chårsa bibula, (To blow 'out, effo, ai ; act. With Bllisful;-beatur; falimy-is-fo Bloud, Jangwis, inis-z-10. My blood the fame breath. bc blows. hot Bllsfally, adr Boatda ſolicitar. Blood is ud, mibi animds ardil, and cold; ex radim ore calidum Bliſsfulneſs; "beatillede, mis ;; f. Jangu: mibi feruil;. cor cumulerar frigidum iftns. To blixom (tap the ewc] coro, inco. irá. To be whipt till the blood to blow ichemently, perfile, I. aa. A blifter; Pemula, ike; f.. comes, verboribus Ac accipi: è vul- To blow together, conto, conſpirasi A little blifer, papulo, alcululun. neribus fanguis exeat. To blow an instrumenty info. They A blinter in the eye, "pbibamia. Bloud [gore) cruor, crit; m. come together when itie trumpet A bliſter-fly, morddisi Black bload, tabum, bijn! b'ows, ad infusam durcinam.com ima. To blister, Bloud corrupted}'fanies, ai ; f. wiunt. Draw a bliſter, } web.co. To bloud, 1 venom facasa, incidere, To blow the fire, ignem fufitare. Bliſtered;" wficarks, a, um ; part. Let blond; } fanguinim detrahire. * He blows the fire with his Abliftering, veficatio, inflammatio ; f. He was ich bloud without any mouth, burcâ foculum excitat. cice Having bl-Aers, pupulatús.'; pain, miffus eft fanguis fine dolore, Take the bellow and blow the Full of bliſters, pupulofus, papulofus. To train up in blood, iedibus intu. fire, admoris föllibus flaix ignon Blite Therbj blitum. trire." arcode. Bluh: (a river in Staffordſhire and To imbrae in blood, intruento, 2.4 To blow up a houſe, pulvine nitrato Norihuaberland) Blithus. , doinum regresir. Blith; Idi: aliaj win ; hilaris, To Stay blood, 'I fere, fanguinem To blow down, flatu dojirore. Blichfome, ) rę. • Look blith on it, furniom sjeni. To blow in a candle, lucernam filatu -losporrigo fronsem. To turn into bloud, in fuccum 6 eris scendere, Very blith and Joyous, dulcedinem fanguinem verters. To blow one's pottage, in pulien perfufus. The Bloud royal, Jiirps regia. * One · forvidam injari. To be blith, lætitia cffori. * Bel of the bloud" royal, regia dirpe' ó To blow. the noſe; woungo, 3. aa. i blith on your fon's wedding-day, tus, vir gmeris 14.1. To blow as a flower, calycom aperire, hilarem fat te in gnati nuptiis. Dobiled with bloud, Janguinolmtus, efforefars, Blithly; adv, hilariter. trunetus, a, um adj. A blower, Spirator, effiator, 3. m. Blithners, bilaritas, atis, 3. le- Full.of bloud, pluboricus, a, um, adj. A.blower of the horn, cornicin, inis. Blithſomeneſs, šeitis, &il, Ád inflammation of bloud, phlegmo- A blowing. Sufitario; 3. F. Agus, 4.ti. A bloach, Påfula, varus. ngês ; ' A blowing on, injuftatio, onis. B'ot', 'tojus, Furno induratus, fiecasas. A bloud-hound, metagen, nlis ; canis A blowing the noſemunctio, 3. f. To bloat, inrere, furno indurars. indador. The blowing of loweri, calyrum.a. To bloat [fwell] miunetes, 3. acut. A bloud-letter, phlebotarnator. pertio. Bloated, Furrio indyrotus, fumo fica Bloud-letting, phlebotonia,: 1. vme Full of blowing, laluofus,4,um; adſ. Blown, futus, conflatus, ſuflatus, jpi A blocade, urbis circumclufio, omniumA {pitting of blood, hamipas, 3; f. ratus, giu; -ad): * One might ad etiam adiiuum interclube. He that spits bloud, bamopijeksy 2 have blown ihem down at a blant A BLOCK, truncui, ; mi Aiges, 3. A bloud-tone, bamasites:: quos ji suplares cecidifont. *f. You have laid a block in A þloud-Tackle, birudo, 3. fangu:- Blown' (pued; turgious; a, um; adj. my way, firupulum injecili mibi jago, afi That may be blown through, porfia. A block [for hat} forma pilearis : A bloud-Oripe, ubex, iis; im. bilis, le ; adl. 3. art. trous pilsarius: B'oud-thirfty, fanguinis Stims, Blubber[an inied) pulmo marinus. To block ap pasſages, adilus proches Blond-shed, fanguinis smiltoos To blubbor, genas injlar infanua in. dere. Bloud-ſhot in the eyes] Yufrufi fun. fari.!.!... To block up a place, locum circum-guinis i kile.. Blubbered; inflatus, a, um. cludert, circumſipiro; aditus omnes Bloud-Motten, crueniatur, fanguine Blub-checked, bucco, onis ; m. ad locion aliquam præcludere. sfulur. A meer blunderbuſs, bardus, fupidus. Blocks for Tip ropes] sala lignes, A Aux of bloud, hemorragia, & if. A blundetbufs, fitopus grandior : ortinli volubiles A bloudy dux, bomorrbois, fanguinis To blunder precipitantar aliquid agătir. A blockhead; Jupidus, tardus ingmil, prof. Blundering, precops, itis; confusas.. * bebês, caudex, infuływ. A very' Blouded, fanguine imbutus. A blundeningi saio preps.. blockhead, fultiffimo Pultior. Bloudy, fanguineu, sanguinimtus, Blunt, aliujus, bibes. A block-houſe, trimiteriun, propus A, 4; adj. : Blunt (in ſpeechduudis, simplex ; ad). ngailudijn. A bloudy fellow, fanguinariusz !ania. A blunt fellow, ruflicus; liber, Blockiſh, fatuus, infulfus, jupidus. nam neram spiran. To be blunt, bobroj 1. neut: To make bločkiſh, infatus, ene. Blondiedy' crueniatus, sanguins obli- To grow blant; beboſco, bsbetofo. Blockitlily, adv: Jupido, inſulit. To make blunt, bebeto, r. obtunds, Blockithocis, lwpor ; n. sarditas, 3.f. | Bloudily, adv. cruenta. Blunt, $ 3. retunde, 3i act: Blois (in Franti)-Bleje, Blefensa Caf. A blouding, apixabo, onis, A blunt-headed-lance, pilum fridi trà. Full of corrupt bloud, faniofus , adj. cupidei Blomary [forge of an iron mill) mo- Without Blaúd, exanguis, gur, 90)Blunrod, raufus, a, um ; parte hina fujoria. Not bloudied, incrumitus, a, um ; adj. A blunting. oblufus, habosario, 3. f. Bloniex [in Poland) Blonicum. Bloudwort, polygona, polygonum, beras Bluntly, adj. abuse. Blood, Janguis: '.$« Blood: fanguinaria. Bontly, (in bchaviour] Saripliciter, A bloon, flos, foris ; . pofcu. A place where bloud-wort grows, liber's : ady. A blokom; lus; li; m. fanguinctum. Bluatacis, bebeludo, inis ; f. A BLOW, claphus, 2. m. plaga, I. Bluntneſs" [in behaviour) ruditas, , fi idus, 4. He mified his blow, implicitas, atis ; f. Blerim ich bloftoms,} foridus, a viris in vimim iffudit. A blur blot } lilura, macula ; f. um; adj; A bloni yith a club, fuftuarium, 2. n. To blur, commaculo, ant ; a&, : Broomed, flores, tis; part. A blow on the car, alapa, pa ; f. To blur a trumpet, xanrum jonari. A blot, liturg, waculs, a; f. A Gde-blow, jaus abliguis. Blurred;"marulatus, a, um, part. A little blot; iabecula, &;.f. To avoid a blow, idum declinart. A. blørring, marulasie, oris ; . TO BLOT, m:uculo, 1. lituris con Fo deal blows, taus geminare. Blurt (tiſh) vabi interj.. Sperge. He blots the man's repu To blow, jo, juffio, aré; act. To blurt out a word; temerè oirbum cation by commending, ' him; wird To blow (breathc) spiro, are ; ad. proferre, háüdatione laberulam afpergit. To blow upon; inſuffio: To bluth (neut.) rubefco, rubore por- blotted it with wecping, luchrimal To blow the coals of fedition, cetera fundi. * He bluſhes 13 red as Meieri Iluras.. Jaditiones, firc, incanduit ore 'rubor.. TE'blocout, dilno, 1. expungo, 3. in To blow away, difto, are; act. Bluſh-colour, rorous, a, um ; adj. 460, 3. oblitero, 1. & tabulis erador. To blow again, reflo, are ; act. A bluſh; rubor, oris; m. At the A blotter oot, detrtor, oris; . To'blow toj aflo, gre; act. Bluſhing, first bluſ, prima fronia, A blotting, matülatio; onis ; f. To hlow up, lufto, ari; a&t. primo aprau: 'To get a bluth of A blottlag oüt, dişlerió, obliteratio ; f, To blow (puff ) anhelo, cai; acut. à thing, per tranfgnnam afpicere, F: To tw.: 1! The blow } staros!, 2. beut . *- . . 4. m. , . B.O D. BOL: B. ON To make one blut, pudefaid, 3.1 A little body, corpufculam lijnen * How dare you.bc ſo bold to do Put one to the bluſh, ruborem ino- A dead body, radauer, črisy na it? qua fiduria id facere audros ? wore, rubirea incuina. He put: The body of a church, acélesa me Bold upon, frotusy.a, uolį adl. hiş Afters to the bluth, rubene. dia,.navis aclefia. --for forsrum, The body of a tree, truncus, ci ;-m. pavia, intrepida, 7:9. bluster-Inqut.) fremo, 3. Suro, 3. inps, pis ; csudix, icis ; m. To ſpeak boldly; libere. loqui, nullius P", 3. Iurkas, iere. A body of foot-ſoldiers, poditatus, 4. ſuperrilio prohiberi. A bluſter, 2 tomsalias, atis s. turba, A body of horſe-Soldiers, equitatus, Boldneſs, audacia, improbitas, oris ; Blustering, $aruin; f. animi, orun'; m: Blusteţing, adi, rroce lolus, a, ur. The body of a. battle, oriss, si ; f... Boldneſe in asking, proacilas ; 3. f. A buiterlog, noiſe,tumulihesy ús, He Every body, unuſquiſqus, snguli, Boldneſs in fpcech, libertas, atis; f. -pakes a blustering noiſe and ſtir, orum; adj. Every body crics Bolduc [in Brabani) Bofcum duris, celum sorringur milies flame 'on it, clamant omnes indigo: Sylvi ducis. A boar, aper. See bore, niffimè fatum. # Every body Böledlau (in Bohemia Bolijavia. A boards. Jacula.. See boord. knows, nama ignorat. : * li makes' Bolina (in Macedonia) Apolonia. To boill, glorior, j1&, feito. . #He every body in love with it, mira. A bole. So boul. boaſts of his exploits, fus, narran biles amorós excitot, * Brery body Bole-armonlack, bolus Armenia or furinore, was for him, omne tulis punctum. Armenia A borít, '? jaetatis, gloriatio, onis ; f. Na-bady, nero, , nemo bomo, nullus. A baline, or bow line Crea-term]ela- Biatleg, He made bis boafts: pus in novi. that he defiended from A biles, ; bic foi fumus. * See you let no- A boll of flax, lini culmur. Abildge auc?ezleriuiusft. * Grezil: body come into the houſe, cavi Bolled, hubeni culmum. barn. Imall roal, Briurus apparai querquam in ædes introfpifaris. *No- Bollemong, farrago, inis ; f. triticum effe cum fit lopus. ·body underſtands me, non intelli: miſcellaneum cum fecali.. A boaftor,gloriejus jausfor, oris ; mo ger ulli, That no body do hurt Bo!len llwellel tuorefuftus, a, um. Boaſting words, Emrulla, arum; fo any body, ne rui guis noceat. * No : Bolli (part of Ajia shs Leſ) Papbla. Bogftingy (adv.) gloriosè, jidanter, body thinks. ſo, but I, boc remini gonia. thronie. prater me videtur. * I had to do Bolognia (in Italy) Boponia. A BOAT, gyinoa; ba; f. then: with no bady elſe, quecun Bolognie Cia Picardy) .Bmonia, Gef- A little boat, linier,.ris. tum uno rem habebim. * No-body foriacum. To go by boat, ni viculor, ari. could tell, in incarlo, Billena [in Hetruria) Vilinium. To bale a boat, albare, cimban fub-Some body, aliquis: guidsm, * Open A boltor, cervical, pulvinar :ducére. the door quickly ſome body, ape. The bolſter of a laddle, farcimentum A long boat, fcaphu, pha; f. Tik aliquis adiutim opium, Á ferry-boatz novis pretoria, ponio, Having two bodics, biçarpır, oris. To bolfter up, Juruicio, Jugenio.. hippaga. , corpulentusarefulumli ., adj. A bird boit, fpiculum, Halun catapul. A ly-boat, nyopare: Bignels of body, corpulmija, st tarjus.. A boai-bowl, cymbium, Strong: bodied wines, pina firmißima, Bolt ropes, retinacula, mavis babena. A buat-nian, semitt, igis ; m. :: Womens bodies, thorox muliebri To boli a door, oppefjulo, ari ; act. A baat :pole, trudes, contus. A pair of hod.ce, s line magicis.] To bolt qut, extubero, are. A boatman's calling, navicularia. Bodileſo, iñorairTus, a, um , adj.. To bolt meal, farinam corners., A Guarlwain, frornia, Scarbarius. To ſet bodily upon a thing, sotis vi. To bolt (Gift our) excutiu, exlorg449. To bob Citrike] ferio, ire i act. ribus:aggredi. i Aih inder-boit, fulmin, inis; R. To bob (mock) ludi, čre ; act. Bodily, adv. corporalitèr, Bolied (as a door) oppedulistus; part. A dry bob, dilteriumi; . Boggle boe, 'manducus, Imricularien Bolted las mcal] cribraius, a, um. Boby aborovint. for Robert. A bolt i ſin architecture] fimbria (or A tab {mock). Janng., To boggle (neut.) bæliso, lo; litubo margo) majori toro ſuporjitta. Bobtail, caris caudâ decurtatus. 1. dubito, I. fermone confundi. A bolter [fieve] reticulum, cribrum A dobb:n, celamu taxlilis. A bogi .Urage, inis ; f, pollinarium. Babbel, illuftrag, um ; part. Boggy, palufler ; adj. A fine bolter, fubeirnicula, lato A bobbing, illufio, onis ; f. Bohemia (part of Germany) Bohemia. A bolter of meal, cribrator, orisim. B6-cherry (a playl Fantali lujus. Babar.um. A bolting, cribrario, opis ; f Bobierca (in dragon i Vobarca. Bohemian, Bohemicus, a, um, ad): A bolting-houſe, farinarium,; n. Fabio fin Miten] Bebiun, Boium. Boiana (a river of Dalmatia Bar Bilton (in Lancashire) Boltonia. bana. Boca 14.coupiry in Paleiinej cælo- Bolts (feuers/ compedes. To boil, concoquo. Su boyl... A bolus of phyſick) bolus, li. Bocastih (line buckram) subaalum à A bolary of falt, falina. Boinbacine (a kind of ſtufl pannis juilone liniqua, lifum fullonis. fub: BO:s le duc Lin Bračani] Bocum du bombycinus. eum, cis, Sylva ducir Bombrizo ( in Hetruria) Polymartium, Boces ilgiall fiſhes) lencomanidis, Boitcrous. violentus, turbidus ; ad). Bombast alumentum gol pinun. a hods [mex before) frælagio, fi Boifterous weather, tempeftas; 3. f. To bombaſt with cotton, polypio in- Bodiam (in Sujet i Bodianum. A boiſterous wind, turbo, inis ; m. fulcire Bodiño (in Lucani: Vakcium, Doisterouſly, adv. violenida.. Bombart expreſſions, amapulla," varba finibudze Choich) interpolo. Baifterou ſneſs, p.otentia, &; f..., leſquipedalia. A bodger, interpolator, oris ; m. To boke,: naujio, ad vomitum tendo. A bomb, igniaria bolis, olla igniaria. Bodibhausen (!Sixony) Giuria, Bold, audax, impavidus, intrepidus, Bommel (in Gelderland) Bornmelia. A bodkin, calamirum, difcriminale, lium. He is a bold fellow The bonage, crates ole compages.oles. asus crinalis Alus. habpt. 9, plus animi quàm conflii Bon (In Lower Germany) Bonna. Tanrick with a bodkin, gungo, 3, hatél. * Upon your promiſe. Bona (a woman's name) Boria. A prick (or. hole made with a bod have made bold to ſpeak, tuis pro Bonaventure (a nian's name) Bong- kin puriet:ra, 16; f. miflis frati linguam reſolvimus. It uintura, & ; . Boa nal. La powyn in Cornwall]Meliba, is a bold part of him, facinus au A bond, inffrumentum,obligatorium. Volunca 09x.incipit. * Who fo bo!d 28 A bond of appearance, vadimonium. Bodyari.tiq. Klinibira] Vüris. b.id Bayard / infcitia confiamsiap To enter into bond of appearance, A PODY, corpus, uriin. I was Paris, vadimonium promittere well in budy, hul lick in mind, Bold ( faucy) infolens, tis, adj. 3 art. To enter into bond for the per- à Woroo valui at animo ager. A bald bettrices.mylięr. improba & formance of bargain, se next Any: body;: aliquis alique ; apy effrons. abligarh thingafiqhad vel aliquid 1 du: To be bold, laudes ; 2. gout. * He to ſue one upon a bond, f* fyngra- hot fear.Quy body.:s finding of it, Make bod, was so boid, as to plä сum oliquo agere por incrue quiſquam inveniat. * 'fhy, snim aufus dicere. Wc Bondage, Sorvitium, Servitus, utis. Letary body be judg., codo quem may make bold to imitate the To be in bondage, fervio, in fervite: Vis urbiurko..... Stoickş, Gudeamus imitari Stoicos. te venire. libertarem amittere To . $ The check bonto? mandibula; 1. f. A boord | jeft) jous, ci; m. B.O.O --BO O BOR To bring into bondage, 76 *nu capere, l'A great reader of books; librorkes To play bopeep, klart jo noise in jeruirusams durij jugo foruitulis halluo, libris affixus. fondira. _Preeware. The play bopcep, facie uclatá b'mox A book worm, blatis, e; f. rruilara luſus. .To deliver from bondage, ex vinculis A book of remembrance, comments- liberare. rius, si ; m. Boppart [in Upper Germany) Bodo, 0! bondage, Servitis, ke; adi.. 3 art. Books of record, tabulæ publicæ. briga. Abanding serpins, vim. man. Starpee-bookscapitularia.orumin A boracaofabortie made of pigs skin, and pitched within] wter "To soake a bond man free, wink. A book of accounts, libri acceptis rivres. mit:öre; act ' A little boracho, utriculu', li ; 'm. expenfi. The making a bond-man free, mar Bookini, librorum belluo, libris af. A boracho (drunkard) ebrius. numiffio, Onisif. fixus, Brage (herb} borago, ginis ; f. Bondeno in France) Bondincoma- A book binder, bibliorrgus. gi; m. Borax goldſmith's folder ) borax, gunt. A bookſeller, bibliopola, la; m. aris ; chryſorolla. Bondoniza. [in Grieco Scarphis. A bookſelier's ſhop, raboina or ofri- Borcholm Lin Lejland) Borsbolmia. Bonds (retters] compedus, um ; f. *jn cina libraria, bibliopolium. To bord. Ssc boord. bonds, vinzulis ajtr.291. * He put of er fo: bocks, librarius, a, um ; adj. A bordel (brothel) lupanar, him in bonds, silum compedious co A boom of a ſhip, mulus. The BORDER of any thing, m. arcuit, illi vincu.a injecil. A bom, conius longus, The border of a country, finis, 3. A BONÉ, Os, Dis. He is all skin To boon, vias hseme corruptas ajara tirminus, 2.nr. They cannot and bines, atque pellis falus off. reparare, injaurare. agrec about their bordeis, abi. *I have given him a bonc to gnaw, A boon, petitio ; f. denum, ni ; n, gunt de finibus. injeri scrupulum himisi. * They A boon companion, Bonus focius. The borders of a garment, limbus, may as soon take a bone from a A boops (fiſh) boopis, boops. 2: m. fimbria, 1. f. A border (brim) crepido, inis; f. dog, lupo conum eripere pofulani, Booriin Murdonia] Berrbaa. He made no boncs of it, non due A BOORD, tabula ; f. rffer, eris; m. To border upon, adjaceo, 2. ncut. bitavit facere. To boord, act. contabulo, X. Bernard conterminus or confinis , in colli. A little bone, ficu!um. tabulis. mitiis eft. * FalNiood borders upon The back bone, spina dorfi. A little boord, tabella, la ; f. truth. falfa veris finitima junt. mala, maxilla, A chels-boird, aluus, abacus, To border together, in confinio batus elle. The cuttié bonc, iglum, iin On , .. The utmoſt borders, extrema confortia. The huckle-bone, coxa, coxendix. To cait over. bnord, juäuram facer of the borders, limitaneus, a, um, The ſhare-bone, os pubis. To boord the enemy, holom adire. A borderer, accola, laim. - To , navem Border'ng, confinis, ne ; conterminas, The ſpindle-bone, parrfiata, parafia: To boord (lable one) in convia um finisimus virinus, a, um ;'ad). tica, cæ; f. admit.čre, contubernio e menja bos- Bord-half penny, triburun in foro pri pisali riccinere. tabulis. bone, To woord [bc boorded) in conviaur Bord-lands pradia refervata ad vi&um. Bonc by bonc, cularim. admitti, cunvivo, bofpitio excipi. A bore or boar, aper, ri; m. A bonc-fire; forus triumphalis or la. To boo;d (jeft) jocor, 1. difteria ja. A little bore, apercu!us, li ; mo ritie, ignis Tefús. A The bore, apar reening, Bones given to dog), analalta. Boorded (with boords) tabulatus. The bure-trce, ambucus, To bone, Boorded (tabled) in conviclum ad. A wild bore, apo fingularis or pile Pluck. oui bones; } exile, are ; at. millus. veftris. The breaking of bones, lifragi. A boorded floor; tabulalum. A young bore, wres. A bɔorder [tabler).convi&or, bofpes, A bore-ſpcar, excipulum, umabuium, The gathering of bones, oſſilegium. Pis, C, ribarius. A bore's neck, glandium. A gatherer of boncs, oliirgus. A boorder ſicher] fcurra, 1. ridicu. Of 2 bore, ayrinas, verrimus ; adj. Bonclefs, ecos, fis adj. 3 art. lusy. m. 1 borc (did bear) iuli, pretçrperf. of Hun of bones, elatus , a, um; adj. fero. * 1'borc then as well as I: A boording (jefting) falis A:tiri af. fricario, onis ; f. could, ut potui tu'i. .He borc Bonfalti (in Calabria) Hyela. A boording (with boords] consabihan his age very well, alatm bene fou. A bonġrace, umbracu'un, umbella. tio, onis; rebat. Bonham Ca-man's name) Bonha- A boording (of a ſhip) occupatio ; f. To bore, torebro, 1. perfero, 1. pone- A boording irabling) convi&us, is.' tro, 1. pertundo, tranfgo. * He: Boniface [a wan's name) Bonifa- A boor (clown) colonus, rufticus, ri; bores the pot through hard by the cius, i ; m. bottom, ollam juxta funduin large Bonifacio (in Calabria] Hrela, Boorish, ruflicus, a, um ; adj. brat, Bonmonſter in Hungary) Bononia. Boor, einolumentum, accefforium, i; Bjrert, ferforatus, perferebratus. Bonne (in Germiny] Ara Ubiorum. * What will you give me to Bo-able, perforabiiis, le ; adj. 3 art. Bonnevall (in France) Bonavallás. boot? quantum mihi arceffurium nu. A buier, parforálor, oris į m. A bonnet, caufa, gale-iculum, merubis. Borgo fin Finland) Borgus, Bonneville: [in Suvay.] Bonapolis, To much boot, multo lucro. Boria (in Aragon] Belfinum. Bonny (pretty) belius, a, un. It bootcth not, non expedit. Borkum (an inand in the German A great booby, finiis, Pollidus, bar. What bootcth it ? quid prodel? ſea] Burzhana, Byrrhanis. dus, inſubidur. Boot fan illand of Scotland) Boold. Burmia (a river in Piedmont] Bormia. A BOOK, liber, ? codex, 3. m. vo. Rootleſs; inesſsùm ; ady. A boring, perforatio, pertufo, fortere- lumen, inis ; n. * To get without A boot, area, æ; f. brat:o, onis, f book, memoria mendari. It is. The boot of a coach, rhedaria foris, To be BORN, naſcor, 3. prior, ext- in the latter end of that bok, el thedarium clauflrum, rbedaria lo rig, 4. in vitam edi, in luum egro. in extremo illo libro. that it is not ſo rica, di. * Alas th.t ever I was born in your books, aliter eft apud no. To bgot, ocreas in.dučre or inducăre. me miſgrun! They are born To book a' thing down, aliquid ix Booled, oroagus, a, um ; ad), under this conditloni, bát lege gerie, codicem rferre. • To make an A bool-haler, pradator, pradı; 3.m. rari funt, end of a book, librum ad umbili. Boot-haling (ſtealing) furtum ; 2. n. To be born again, smafcor, čris, cum durere. A boot-hole, caliga ad ocreas. To be born of, analcor, eris. A little book. libellys, codiculus;2 m. Boots (mart marigolds) calihu pa. To be born or grow nigh to, adnaf- A reckoning-book, adverfarii, pl. a. luftris. A day.book, diarium, wpbemeris. A baoth, taharnoculum, li ; n. To be born before the time, aborior, Books of civil law; pandeat; f. Booth cloaths, vilaria, orim ; d. Born, mius. ortus, prognatus, fatus, A ſchool book, au&tor clallicus. A boly, fræda, da ; f. editus, mixus, a, um, part. Born acws book, novella arum; f. To get booty, prador, ari. of mean parertage, obfcuris matus To mind his book, inguinberi pudiis. To play booty, prævaricor, celludo. pareribus. * Bus under an ill, planet, Berhement, osteus, a, um, rere. f, mus. n. 1 1 cor, sei, ВОТ BOT BO U planee, wala gira, of inique Merla borch (in the groin buto, onis. A bottom to wind' thread on, er. drig matut diiz. inimicis est iratis A boich (in the mouth] apoiha. gillus. Natus. She was born a mortal A bo'ch about the ears Daratis. Bottomry (money borrowed apon : creatore, koponata efl: To makc a botch, exulcero, are; 22. the min) fidon ho nivelti. Born after his father's death, pembuat Making botchos, exulceratorius; ads. Broag. bottoned, Srblis, 6; adi. is, a, um ;'adl. A inaking botches, exigiratis i f. Bottomleſs. fundi experi, fundo carms. Bora again, renatus, a, um, parte Full of barches, warefas, e, km; adj. A bottomleſs pit, abylus. Bora after us, Agleri, prema tha A boich (patch) pannus, nii m. Bouchrin (in the Low Countries] Bilc bain, Holbus, Spurius. To botch, refarcio, 4. reconeinño, I. Bouchaniun. Born and bred in the same place, interpolo, 1. act. A boude, vermis frumentarius indigo, hic To borch (bungle) opus corrumpera, Boverton (in Glamorganfire] Bomai. Born before the time, aborsivus; adj. difperdere. Hm, Bivium. Born in the couniry, rurigena ; 1.6 Bötched, Sarlus, refarlus; part. A bouge [livelling. turnir, oris ; m. Born of the earth; terrigent; 1.C. A botcher, interpolaror, 3. jartor, 3. To bonge .fwell] immé ; 2: neut. Firl-borñ, primogenitus, , wu; adj. vrloramentariui, 2. m. A bouget, bulga; f. viduum; 2 n. Sc :bord, dat moriaus. A bütchers Ata'l, interpolatoris $a- A bo‘igh, ramus, ;m. Barn of ſuch a' ftock oriundus dumt, bamı. A little hough, ramulus, ramufiulus, Born togetbegonnatus. A bosching, interpolatia, refe&io ; f. li ; m. Box tozether, at one birth, gamini. Boiely (near Oxford] Bote'iga. A bougir plucked with fruit on, inte Welt börn, bonifi loco ralys Both (adi. )'ambo, utergur. To be borne down,oppripsor, deprimos. Both being an adverb) is made by a dead bough, ramals, Bornç downoppreffus, deprefus. cùn, et, quà, qum, vel; as, 1A green bough, frons; dis ; f. To be borne (carried) foror, forri. difpleaſe both myſelf and others, Full of boughs, ramofus, ramicoſus, Borne or capsicd, lyg gefu, gesta: ipfe cum inibi tùm izleris difpliceo. 4, um ; adl. itus, a, um, part.. * We have *Mightily toffed to and fro both of a borgh, ramalis, lé; adj. 3 art. Sean Mitilig börnc in triumph, by ſea and land. mulrum & terris A bough. fornix, 3. fiexura, a; f. perfari in triumba Mahlam vidi. jaaplus E allo. Famous both' for To be BOUGHT, emo, čris, emi. his father's glory and his own, in- I bought, emi, preterperf. of me. To be bore up, fulriar, iri. Nghi quả pend garia qua ta. I bought this for you, hoc tibi mo. Borne AP, Julentatus, fultus ; part. Both in time of peace and war, calus fum. He would have me To be borne with, indu geor, 2. parti tum in pare tum in bello. **Toat let bim have it.as thought it, tax. • He bath borre gently with me tend much bith upon honour and tidan amplum popular Jabi tradi: Aixheste, my lepi palie's i animo upon danger, multum vil bonori Bought. cmplus, a, um, part. upur adby. * It may be boros wil periculo inſerirsi Bought wit is the belt, dwa fila. with, sarendum aliquo modo eft. On both ades, adv. utrinquż, wrin gallo mens docetur riüius. Homewlthal, indulius, a, um, part rece Bought again, reimpius, a, um. Borne out falfifted) definjus. Both-handed, ambidexter, a, um. Bought for a low price, ademptus. Home with patience, equo apimo laius. Jack on both sides, ambidexter, de- To be bought, mercabilis, la ; adi, All charges bornc, Wanibus imgenhs sultorius, qui duabui sédet felis. A thing bought, merx, cis.. fredagtes Both ways, adv. ambifariam utra-Bovines in Ninurl Beniniaran To be barne with (tolerable) fare. qucvariun. A boul (for play, globus, fphæra. dimet pole ondui. Bolanie Lin Surden) Bothnia. A ligle boul, globulus, phardla. Not to be horae (intolerable} indol Boloiph (a man's name) Bersipbus. To boul, rabila; 1): 3 öt: The bots I worm) afcorides; pl. fare globumin, miten Aboronghy umiripium. i; n. The bots (in cattle) verminatio ; 3. f. A head-be ough, decurio, onis ; m, The wringing of the bots, vormina: Bouled, milus, a, um. Borneo (an inland of India) Bere. To be troubled with the bats, weA bouler, globerum jaator, sobaridan Borough-bridge[lo Yorkhirty/wrist. A bottle, ulei, ris; m. Playing at bouls, $ globarwn'ait. Borrage berage, ginis ; f. A great bottle, obba, lagena i 1..f. tendium certassen TO BORROW (act.) piktuar, 1.- A little bottle, phiala, ta ; f. A alley, ito Jumani, mutuum accipări. A glaſs bottle, amsulla, la jf. A green. Ta boripy upon uſé, faneror, !. r- A bottle 'made of a gouid, cucurbita, Boullion (in the Low Countries]. Con gentum tenore Jumări. Ta bor-, i fedia, Bu lonium. 10 on ufury brings ſudden beg. A fucking bottie, ampulla infanti Boulogne (in Från:o) Bononia, svi Fary, citi ujuta currit gnälp theo Sugenda. foriaiiim A battle of hay, foni fafriculus or A bhulſter, cervical. Su bolter, To borrow of one to pay ano!herg: manipulus. A boult, populum. Sac bolt. perfuram farors. A blue-batile (fower) ganus. To böunre. Se bownče. Borrowa (in Baberzia) Eburum. A bottie's mouth, orificium, i; n. To BOUND, pinio, 4. termino, da Borrowed, muutuus, mutustus, win. Of or like a bottle, ampullacous; adj. y acceptus, A 6:Ide maker, ampullarius; i ; i. finio, 4. termino præfcribire, intia can'ellos coërrire. A borrower. fyluator ; oris ; m. Bottle-noſcd: nafylus, a, um, adj. A bound; mala, 1. f. terminus, A borrowing, mutkario, onis ; f. The BOTTOM, fundus, 2. m: funBounds, fines, 3. m. limit A borrowing of one to pay another, dum, 2. imun, ?, 0. In the hol. Bound2:Y, Irs, j'm tom of hell, in imo faruro. Beta waridered beyond my bounds, dum A balon, gremium, i ; n. finus, ui;m. ter {pare at the brim than at the ultri terminüm vagos. A bofop Tor the ſea) linus maris. bottom, fora of in fundo puthion To bound [border upon) collimite. A bois, bulla, leif. A boond. Stonc, lapis raminalis. A ilfue bols, clavus, vi; m. A bottom (Tip) mayis, vis; f. A bound-fetter, finitor, orij"; m. A fat boſs, zugil, gilis ; m. The bols of a book, umbilicus,ci;m. . The bottom of an earthen pot, Cym. Bounded (limited) definitur, si ums, bum, bi ; n. Bounded (bordered tollimitatus, The boſs of a bucker, umbo, onis. The bottom (dregs] fæx, acis ; f. The meeting of bounds, colliminium. Borred, gibbojus. a, um , adj. hroalans ;.1..F. Honville (in Lorrain] Bofonis vil- The botion of a ſhip, carins, a; : A bounding, limitatio, onis ; f. Bounding upon, conterminas. la, la f. To touch bottom lingwimming] A bounding upon, colliminium, iin, Boffes. (in the body) gibbi, orum; m. fundim senery, nancifci jolum, Of or for bounds, terminali, le ; adj Botton (in Linolribiri) Bolanum. To bo:com, fundo munire, intručre, Full of bounds; "terminous, a, um, ebruộre.. Batanica,} (of herbs).botanical. Boundleſs, interminatus, immonlus A bottom (vallcy) vallis, samufllis, infinitus, a, um ; part. Rotargo, mulli,poe ale co muriâ corso lis ; f. To bound (as a ballirgilio, ire ; dra. Without-bottom, immenfus, a, um, A bound, LA botch ({woln ulcer) ulus, gris. To the very bottom, adv. funditùs, Bolch (carbopcie) carbunculus A bottom of thread, glomu, cris; n, Bounded, repercuffus, a, um ; part. Ta Throw a' boul, } voire pobrina, ja. Adinu } As 1 1 , Bounding, } refultus, ni; in $ } Prickly box, } buxus spinofus. + To bend a bow, arcum sendiri, B Ö. W BOX BO Y To be bound (part.) tunicor, devincioril nese cisius vel acrigus jogitâ fugit ; A ſpice-box, northecium. ebligor, obiringor, wstriligor. Sú dalat 107 irro. A box or ointment, myrotheriam. To bind.. A jewel-box, annuláriut. Bound, ligatus obligamus, o hefur. * Alle 'cow,ar:ums; li; m. it dut.bux, Pyxio or ibus pulvinian ria, He is bound to perform his Vow, IA rain-boy, iris, dis; t. dunnatus of voli os voto. He is A row for a viol, plelrum, 2. n, la dice-box, arrar 1. fritilius, 1. bound with an oath, jursjurindo A croſs-bow, balina, e; f. A ballotting.box, fisula, c;f. oftri&tus ef. * Whither sre you A itcel bow, dilifu shulyban. The poor't box. rozoph, Luciiem. bound? que sune id tibi iter? An ox bow 'in a ploughi, arguillus. Boxoa in a .preſs, localli, mums toho Bound as i fervant to his creditors, A bow caſe, Corylus. Loculamenta, urum ; n. wekus; adj. Boxes fo: grocers, nidi, orun, Boind before, preligatus, previnawi, Boulderikes , Slinfect] cicada. Box-bearers, ciſliferi, Pyxiftri. La, km; parc. Bow-lerged, wirus, a, um; adj. Made like a box pyxidalus, a, uä. Bound (beholden} devindus omneficiis Bow-like, arluzem ; adv. A box on the ear, alopa, c; f, a- ajridus or obfrieu's. A bow-man (archer) lagitarius, 2. D. A. Japhus, 2. He gives himfelf a Bound (by covenantį paajono obliga-| A bow-Act, 1/2, ; . förevd box on the ear, in finum A bow-ſtring, shorda, 1. setvus, 2. fuuin conspeit. Bound by duty, fas acar selations? Bobemaker,} arcuarius, 2. m. To box on the car, palmă percutia 3 colaphum infligere, impingere. (as perſons in office officio vel mi- of a bow, orcuarius, a, um, adj. To box [togetherj crtane pugnis. nere agrietus, abirintus, devinaus. TO BOW [aa] Pelto, 3. (urie, 2. Box-wood, 3 buxus He Bound in a bond, chyrographi cautions * I bow my koets, gisua: fletto. A Box-tree,'t looks as pale ai bor, obpriaus or obligasus. fubmitto, He, bowed his Head, ora buxo pallidiora gorit. Bound neck and bccls, quadrupedum and gave up the ghoſt, indinito Box, ad). buxsus, *, mors confiri&ius. capite tradidit Spiritur, Of or like box, * Tecib as yet. Neatly board [as a book] concinna To bow (neur. J'inclino, 1, # It will Box-colour, lowas box, dan slogantèr, nitia compaaus, break before it will bow, priis tes buxei. Bound with hard cords, funiculis e frangitar quam ftatur, Full of box buxefus, 4, *y; ). Ariens To bow backward, rulino, I. A box.bíll Bound 'prentice, artifici datus vel tra- To 'bow down, incurus, I. A place where box grows, } buxstion. ditus ad artem diſcondam. To bow the knee, ingenioulor, ari. Bound to, alligatus, a, um ; part. To bovy round, circumfefto, 3. , Bound together, colligatus, a, um. To bow to, asslins, are. Boxley [in Kent] Baxleja, Bound under, ſuhilrictus, a, úń, To be bowed, curvor, I. fletor, 3. Boxtehude (in Bremin) Boxtudo. Bound up with finall ſplinicrs, ofu- Bowed, turvalks, 'in flexus; part. A BOY, puer, Gri; . He is par lis atligatus. Bowed about, ciriumfiexus, a, um. a boy, viriten tegam jumppi. Bounden, debitis, a, um, ad . * AC- Bowed backward, repandus, recurva, Boys will bere toys, paruulus from cording ro my, bounden duty, pro sus, a, um, cit ùt paruulus. debito miro ifiio. Bowed downward, devexus, &, UTA. A little boy, puerulus, pullus, 2. th. To bound (ncut.) birido, 3. rifilie Bowed upivard, ſubvexus, 7, ww. A caldiei's boy, calo, mnis; no. lixty cum Arepirk. Easily bowed, fexilis, lo; adj. carula, i, m. Bounced up, reperevjus rum clangor.. A bowing, curvarid, 3. Rexura, 1. f. A toy that ſerves a mas:prieit, Bounty, benignitas, omefcentia, libe- A bowing back, recurvitas, 3. f. luibus, 2. m. facerdosis minifter, ralitas, munificmilia. A bowing round about, circumflexio, A ſchool boy, ludidiſipuius. Bountiful, benignus, liheralis, mil onis; f. A petty-grammar-lichool-boy, pusr Bountcous, niticus , adj. Bowingly, proclive ; ade. graminariaslus. Bountifully, benigno, liberalitèr. To bowel. (embowel) evifters, devis-Boy games. pumilia, orum ; n. Bourbon lin Franır). Borbonium. raro, mioro, To play the boy, pueriliter facere. Bourbourg (in the Low Countries) Bowelled, eviſcerotus, exenteratas. • He has left boys play, ilastog Burbargus i; f. The bowels, intefina, vifrera; pl. n. liquir. Bourdeaux (in France) Burdigala. The bowels of the earth, ebdita Boyilike; } puerilis, le; adj. 3. an. Bourd, Sex Boord. tarre. A bourg, burg, or borough, vicus, Within the bowels, inteſtinus ; adj. Boyiſh, pueriliièr, adv. ci; m. By bowels, viſierasim ; idv., Boy:tancís, purrilitus, 3. furritia, 1.fi Bourgancuf, [in Aquitain] Burgus A bowelling, exoneratio, 3. f. A boy o buoy (of an anchor] in. A bower, pergula, kabraculum, fer- dex an bea or uncbaralis. A na toriaria. To boy! (act.) coguo, clixo, 3. A bower, anchora ad arcum nevis. 'TO BOYL (ncut) bullio, 4. afwo, 1, Bourges (in Fronte] Biturile, Bitu- A bowering, arborum conxamerano. ferunt, 26 His heart boils with Bowers (muſclet) mufculi Axxores. cholcr, inajtvas bilis præcordiis, To bourgeon (bud) germino. A bowge of court, congiarium regio. To boy! again, racoquo, 3. act. Bourgogne (a province of France) To bowze a fhip, peneiro, 1. perfodia. To boy! away, decequo, 3. ad. Burgundia, 4. perfora, vertaro, I. act. To boy! before, præciquo, 3. ad Bou: goin (in the Dauphinate] Ber- Bowged, perforatus, a, um, past. To bayl much, parroquo, excoquo, 3. sufia. A bowging, perforatio, 3. t. To boyl often, coa ito, coquilo, 1. a. A bourn (brook] correns, fons, 3. m. Bowes Cupoa "Stanemors in York To boylover, ebullio, 4.ferveo, 2. A. To boule, poro, are. ſoire] Lavatris.. To boyl together, concoque, collixo. A houſing, polatio, 3. f. Bowes (the family] De arrubus. To doy! (as the ſca) undo, exdimo, ABOUT, unâ vike. * At that bout A bowl | for drink ſ porulum, 1. n. the was got with child, ex eo com- A bowl (to waſh in j labrum, 2. n. To begin to boyl. affervefca, 3. acus. proflu gravida falta eff. * Shall we A Dow! for play) [phara, 1. F. Soc To make to boy!, ferusfacio, 3: act. have bout at it? vifre ut certe Boul. Bnyled, coxus, slizus, a, um ; parte men incamus? Let us have a meny A bow-line (part of the rigging) Boyled before, pracutus; part. bout of it to.day, bilaram bunc clavus in navi. Eadly boylcd, cailit, le, adj. 3. 18. Jumanus diem. To bowit, or boult a coney, runion- Boyled by hall, } emischus, a, 'шк; A bortefeu, incendiarius, 2. m. Par-boyled, Boulonne (a river of France) Iul. A bowney, crepirus, 4. m. Boyled a little, fübferuefactus, a, um.; durina, To bowoce, repo; D. part. A BOW, arcus, 4.m. . He keeps his To bowace often, crepito, 1. nent, Boyled often, Teroaus, a, um ; part, mind bent like a bów, inimium To bowoce ap, rofilio, 4 pcut. Boyled well, excolius, a, um, part. animum tanquam arcum habet. * A A bowſer, quafdor, 3. thefaurariu, 2. A-boyler, 2 abian, bow long bent at last grows Work, A bowyer, arcuarius, 2. m. boyling cauldton, 5.2. neu. arcus nimis intenfus rumpitur. He A BOX, arca, Fijia, at; f. A boyling, coltio, 3. caldura, 1. f. Ries likc en arrow out of a bow, A litt!c box, ciſulă, arcula, pyxis. A boyling up, bullisto, 3. f. Boyne nouus. 1 rix. 1. ncot. 1 1 3 The brambling ܕ ܪ Brabb'ing fellous altercator, rixa. A braining, difo cerebri. Full Ipinofus, a, BRA BRA BR А. Boyne plver (in Ireland] Brands,'y To take out the brains, cerebrum ex - A branding-iron, caute ium, i; D. Boandus, ir..bire. A biar.dinx, Higinat.Z1t104,3, f... Boys (the fa nily]. De Befre.. The braia-pa, cranium, calvario,ro { brandul } vibro, 1. act. Boy ft [a brafen vertelj lepihus, Boy ſterous, turbidus; á, um; ads. See | The hinder part of the brain, tere- A brandiſhing, vibratio, 3. . boisterous. belluir., 2. N. A branding (dew-worm) irea pit- Bozzola (in Italy) Bixolum. B.ained, vui cerebrum of illifum vel cis efca. Bozwtha (a river in Hungary) Bs exclufum, Brandy-wine, virim crimatum or ad- cuntius. Brain-sick, cerebrofus, temera ufium. Brabant [in: 'the Low Countries) Cock-brained, rius, pbroneticus; To brangle, 'rixor. Brabantia, Hmir brained, ad). A brangler, rixstor, oliércator, 3. m. Brabate (in Andaluſia) Belo, Shuttle-brained, inhabilis ke ; ad). A brangling, a'tercatio, litigatio, 3. f. A brabble, rixa, 1. lis, 3. jurgium, 2. Brain-ſickneſs, mania, 1. phrmeis, 3. Brank-urfine (herb) tranca urlina. To brabble, jurgo, altercor, lires fere- Brainc (in the Low Countries] Bra- Brann, furfur, ur.sim. te, rism. nium: Branny, furfuraceus, a, } A brabbler, Of or like brann, um; adj. tor ", foris, 3. D. 1. no linifrangibula, la; to Trixabundus, is. Brake (fern) flix, icis; . Either A brefier, faber, ararius. tigiofus. a brake or a bush, but navis aut Brasil (part of America] Brafilia. A brabbling, altercatio, liiigatio, 3. f. galerus. Brafil wood, lignum Braftienje. Bracciano (lo Hetruria] Braimun, Abrake (croſs-bow] baliſta, a; f. Braflay (in Lithuania) Bratiſlavia, I Arcennum, A brake (horſe bit] exiftomis. Braſs, asy aris; n. To brace [buckie] colligo. B:a.s-ore, A brace (couplc|pir Fontis, Braſs-stone, A brace [in building) fibula, A brace {thip's g:eat rope I rudens, A place Full of brambena rebetum, Brais-cinders , } fquama æris. 'tis. Jonticetum, vepraum. A braſs pot, chinum, 2. inecaile, lis; . A brace [of dogs) canes bini. A bracer, Bringing forth braſs, arifer, a, um. } Archer's brace, rium. , montifringilla, Covered with braſs, aralus, a, um. A brace'et, armilla. læ; f. Full of braſs, drojus, a, um. A bracelet.maker, armillarius. Bramplo:[by Huntingdon]Bromptonia. Braſs, ? A bracelet of pearls, linea margari. Brampton (in Cumberland] Bromm. Brafiy, aheneus, dorus, , 4# ; tarum. juracum. Or bra!s, adj. A bracelet for the right-hand, dex. Brampoon (in Nortbamptonfire) Bre- Braſen, trale. mentum, To cover with hrafs, ere induo. Wearing a bracelet, armillatus, Brancaſter (in Norfolk] Branedunum. Braslow [in Tranſilvania) Corona, Braces, braibiilia, sum. A branch, ramus, mi; m. Preloria Augufta. Brachet, 2-[a kind of drink] hydro- A little branch, ramufculus, li.; m. To brast, rumapo, 3. act. Braget, s meli promilfs. A vine-branch, palmes, itis. A brat, infans parentibus viliffimis, Brachygraohy [ſhort writing) bra- A fruitleſs branch. Jsolo, spado, 3. m. etiam jemuinaium ox panno vilif- thygrophia, Penographia. A branch with the fruit on, termos, fimo. A brack, viljum, 2. n. itis; f. Brackan (fern) flix, jeis; f. A {bravade ; } infalemitici petulantia, The branch of a pedigree, fiemma, A brackei (in building) inufulus, aris ; il. Brave (ad;. ] concinnus, l.xls, niti. Brackiſh, falfus, a, um, adj The branch of a lamp, ly: hruchus. dur, 16 ius, ſplendidus, elegans, inol- f. To bronch, , proger- lihus amittus veftiius. A brave - Brackley (in Nortbamptonſiro] Bra. Put forth branches, mino, I. o. young ſoldier, acer belli juvenis. chilega. To have branches, frondeo, 20, A brave navy to fée to, predlars Braclaw (in Podolia) Braclavia. To begin to have branches, fron slofis in forcinin. * As brave a TO BRAG, glorior, jafto. * Hc brags defro, 3. no man as lives, Splendore nem ni cé-; of his exploits, de virtutibus fteis Branch, adj. frondeus, fron dit. * It is a brave thing to be pradicat. * He brags at no aim, Ofor !-ke a branch, 3 darius, : pointed at, pulbrum si digiso mnon- fi magnificè jottat atque aponiar. Bcasing branches, frondilo, O, um. Rrari. Braga (a city in Portugal] Bracara, A brancher, accipiter junior ramos B.ave (ſtout} magnanimus, a, um. Augufia Bracarum. frequent:ns. A brave ichilar, non vulgariter oro Braganza (a towa ia Portugal] Brie Branched, frondatus, remojus; adj. ditus. gantia, Cæliobriga. Branching, germinans, germinatus. Paffing bra e, perornatus, a, um. A brag, gleriatio, inflatio, 3. f. A branching, germinario, 3. f. } Bragging, A brave heckor) percuffor, 3. ficari- # He makes grievous Branchy, adj. brags, intoleransiùs (? jelas. Funnot branches, } frondofus, a, umn. To be brave; refplendco; 2. Splendes. A bagger, gloriofus, ja dotor Branches (of a deer's head) rervino co, etc; neut. } Braggadocio, jottabundus, tbre rum cornuum midji arculi, interme- To brave it, fpeciosè ingredi, plurias So, onis; m. dit ramufculi. extendert, dientart. Braggingly, (adv.) gloriosè, jaft inter. Branch -peare, pifum. To bravc one, larelo, 3. act furoriser -Braid Albin (in Sosland) Albania. Brancheſter in Norfolk]Brannodunuar apperere, alicui ferocis infultar: Brata of hair, vinnus, 2. cirrhus, 2. A brand of fire, sorris, m. fax, 3. f. • Being he braves me lo it, quafe nexa, 4. m. A fioaky brand, titio, onis; m. do eo prevocar. To braid, inier le decufatim compii. A brand-tron, shulra, rhytrobus. Braved Incelisus, formuo alus ; part. care, A brand (mark of diſgrace) Vigma, Bravely, adv. concinni, eleganter, lau. Braided, complicatus, a, um, part. tè, inollitèr, nilidi solle. A braiding, complicatio, onis ; f. A brand for cattle, chara&ter, eris; m. Bravery ( n dreſs) d'erot, 3. m. orna. A brail (pannel of a hawk] accipitris To brand [ftigmatize] figmatizi, 1. illSg 4. m. folendor, 3. 0. * A anus, act. notis inurere. woman's bravery, munaus mulie- The BRAIN, rebrum, bri; n. Brand new, notus, relens, tis, adj. bris, ornatus mulieris. Your brains are added, non tibi am To brand cattle, charagere infignire. Bravery (courige) fortitudo, inis ; f. mum of finciput. * Hid i bad ang Branded. figmaliculus, figmaticus, a, b'ains, ni fuiſom incogitins, um, P. & A. A braving, inſultatio forox or petu- He hath guts in his brains, Prov. Brandenburgh (in Prullia] Brande. lans. arstum habet in puriore, burgum. Braunaw [in. Bavaria) Braunedua To dan duithe brains,'} **cerebro, Yo, Brandenburgh (in Germany) Brande mimi burgum, Brednoburgum. Braunsfeldt (in Germany] Brauns- - brum comminuc. Braadneſs (in Bebemia) Branduſsum relda. Braun. 1 atis ; n, 1. rer. A BRE BRE BRE (UI. f. ni. bore. Braundsberg, Brounsberga. Oaten-bread, panis avenaceus. To bring one thing againſt another, Braunswick (ir Saxony) Brunopolis, Ryc-bread, panis focalicius. effringo, ēra. Tulifurgium. Sow-bread, artanita, cyclaminus, raTo break open, tffringo, rifringo, 3: A biawi, rixa, I. f. jurgium, r; n. pumn terra, To b'eak open violenty, expugno, I. A brawi (dance) chorez, molus loni. Sugar. bread. panis faccharites. To break open a letici, epiftolam ro A hog's ſweet.bread, pancreas, Oris. fignare. To brawl, litigo, 1. jurgo, f. rixor, 1. Wheaten-bread, panis tritieus, fub- To break out (as fire, c.]grafari. rixas movere, diétis mutuis certarı. albidus, To break one's oath, fidem violare, A brawler, altercator, difceplater, rix. White brcad, panis candidus or fili. To break out, erumpo, prorumpo, 3. ator, oris ; m. gineus, profilio, ire. A brawling, difíeptario, litigatio, 3 f. Brcad corn, frumentum, 2. far, 3. n. To break out (as the ſea) exurdo, r. Brawling, jurg, ofias, rixofus, a, um. The making bread, panificium, 2. n. To break out (as the face) pupulas Baw.ingly, rixo:e; adv. Breadth [latitude] ampliluda, 3. f emittari, fruticarijcabie, Brawn, eprugna, callus apri. or one breadth, aguilatus, eris ; adj. To break priſon, expugnare carcerem, The brawn of the body, pulpa, care To BREAK (act.) frango, 3. in v ncula carceris rumpere,effractocar- mufculofa, curo musculis in:Itija ſini fringo, 3. TUTAPO, 3. * I'll break wre evadare. ji us, fulpamentum avis, your pate, diminuam tibi capur. * To break one's reft or Necp, nodtem Bawn of the arms, torus, lacerlus, He has ſomewhat to break his infomnem agere. Necp, babot quod propter rumpers To break one's fides with laughing, The brawn of a capon, pulpi cope Jomnum debean. # I will break this riju omori. nis. culton of yours, adımım hanc tibi To break with ſorrow, merose con. To grow hard as brawn, Ocalleſco. confuctudinem, vt He breaks his fici. Brawny, cullosus, a, um, adj. brains with ſtudying, ingenii vires to break promile, fidgm lædere, fio B awnineſs, coilofitis, aris ; f. fiiudendo comininuit. dem datam folvere. To bray (pound1 contoro, contundo, To break with age, fonio confici, ds. To bicak bulk, navem exonerare. 3. sini, junigo, če; act. floreſco, 3. nout. To break off an ill habit, à pravá To bray as an aſs, ruso, čre ; ncut. To break the back, delumbare. confuetudine aliquem abducere,or ab- To bray as an cleplant, burrio, 4n. To break the belly, ventrem difium frannie To bray (cry out) cmugio,.4 Joemo, pere. To break (tame) dosno, 1. domito, I. 3 vorifero, 1. ncut. To break a faſhion, receptum morem min/uefacio, čre; act. Braycd, conlrisus, contufus ; part. negligere. To brcak through, perrumpo, . *As A biayer, conirilor, 3. m. To bucak (neut. ) crepo, 3. rumpor.pi. ihough he would break through A braying (pounding) contritio, com. To break about, circumfringo, 3. a&. wall, ut le murum perrumperes. tufio. To break alundes, diffringo, 3. di. To break under, suffringo, öro. , The braying of an als, rugitus, is; m. Filmpo, 3. act. To brcak up ground, occo. The braying of an elephant, barritus, To brcak (bc bankrupt] conturbo, 1. To break up ſchool, dimittere fiho- is ; in. deoquo, §. foro cedere. lam, ſobola ferias indicare. # We A braying (crying out] mugitus, To break before, præfringo, ērs, Niall break up to-morrow, tras rugitus, 4. f. vociferatio, 3. f. To b eak (bruiſc) contero, čre. nobis indicentur farià. * The wea- The brayl (pannel of a hawk) enus To break company, diſforio, . neut. ther breaks up, redit poje nubila accipitris. or prinnum ſociis invitis ſe ſubira. phædus. The braying of a red deer, cervi glo- To break with one, pastam fidem cita:io. To break down, demolior, 4. diruo.3. fallere. Bray Fundred (in Berkſhire] Bibross, * He bids them break down the To break one's wind, anhelando de- Bibroceffi. bridge, pontem jubet refiindi. fatifci. Brayne (in France] Bibrix. To break with a flail, oribulo, I. To break wind backward (ncut.) To b azc (cover with brass) are in. To break onc's faſt, jente, I. # You pedo, crepo, 3• duco. may as ſoon broak your neck as A break, fraais3. f. intervallum,2.07. Brazen, abenrus, aneus, a, um; your faſt there, falinum fervo oblig- Break of day, diiuculum, 2. * By or Of brais, adi. nant cuiti Jale. ac break of day, primâ lucu, cum Brazen-faced, effrons, tis; c. To break ground, opera oppugnatoria diliculo, fummo mahe. With a brazen-face, ore duro, capita injituere, inchoare. A breakfaſt, jentaculum, li; , aparto. To break forth as water, fateo, fca- | A breaker, ruptor, oris į m. Å brafier, faber erorius. turap, ire A breaker of doors, effractor, 3. m. Brazil.wocd, I guum acanthinum. To b eak friendſhip, amicitiam vio- A breaker down, demolitor, 3. m. A breach, fenejire, labef etis, Tuina. lare, amicitiæ xodum dificare. A breaker of horſes, dornitor, man. A breach (between twoj vrnulius, To break, as frost, refolvi. Juelor, oris ; m. atis ; f. ira, uruin; f. pl. To break the loc, dificultatem geren. A breaker of the law, violator, 3.m. The breach of a promifc, violatio fi de rei perfringere, per:up:& dificula A breaker of a league, fædifrúgus, dri. este viam ad aliquid fternere, , • gi; m. A breach made by a river, oggorum nire, aperire. A breaker up of ground. occator, 3.m. ruprio, cataclyfmus, inundario, la. To break a jest, riſum joro povere: Heart-breakers | love-lo ks ] cirrhi bas. To break in, irruo, iirimpo, intro umatorii, cincinni penduli. To make a breach in a wa!!, murum Tuingo, 3 * He'll break into the A breaking, fractio, 3. fractura, I. sur mentis labefa&art, partem mce- houſe, fores effringer, edes expug- diſruptio, 3. confractura, 1. f. zalumn tormentis profernere, detur. nabit. A breaking alunder, dirupijo, 3. f. baie. To break a law, legem violart, sume- A b.eaking (civilizing} manfuefaio, üp enter the breach. ingreffum muro- onis ; f rum ruinâ pugnar.do moliri. To break a league or covenana 50. The bieaking of a horſe, equi demi. To make a brcach between men, li- dus violare, functionem refcindere, rei ferere. * Hc breaks the league of hoſpi- A breaking down, excifo, dimolition BREAD, p.inis, is; m. tality, haipitii refferam confringit. onis ; f. Barley-bread, panis hordeaceus. To break loolc, lu@lor, perfringere A brçaking in, irruptio, onis ;, . Bisket-bread, panis.nuüricus, clauflrum. A breaking of the loins, bumbifragio Brown becadas, panis aler, cibori. To beak one's mind fenfum animi um, i; n.. -bread us, fecundarius, aperire, A breaking with a noiſe, ftagor, 3.m. domeflicus, To break of en, ruprito, li A breaking off,, abrupsio, onis ; . Cake-bread, panis dulciarius, To break off, abrumpo, refcindo, 3. A breaking of for a time, inter: Dough-bread, panis rubidus, To break off for a time, intermitto, millio, onis; f. Leavened-bicad, panis fermentasus. interruinpo, &C. A breaking out, eruptio, onis ; f. Light-bread, panis Spongiojus. To break ihe neck, cervicem diffrino A breaking out into a ſcab, úlcerasio, Finc manchet-bread, panis fimil-gi. gere, gultur aliaere. onis ; f. To break the deck with a fall, pre. A breaking out in the head, firiofis, Mouldy-bread, panis mu:jdus. cipitem jo dase. fis ; f. A break + T016. tura. neus. 4 mi wheel BRE BRE BRI å i ; !! A breaking out of w.ters, featurigº, mens rakes that bearts are bred, Broteüil (in Fran 2) Brakelium. ini ; f hominim grar â gåraroniur bef:. A breve, breve, is; n. Soe brief. The breaking of a Mip, naufragium, He is a well bied man, homie A brev:arya epitsme, és; f. ingenaús literaliterque educatus. * A brevia e, compendiuin, i; n. A braking through, porru: 1:0, 3. f. That which is bred in thc bonc, To breviate, ar&o,.1. in breve cori- A breaking fmail, comminutio, 3. f. wll not be out of the hun, aturam cludn, cogo, 3. confringo, 3. A bre.k ng (violating) vio ario 3. f. expellos furci licèt, u'que recurre; Breviac, arélatus, in breve conclufus. A reaking up of ground, scretio, 3 f. quo fernal of imbuta resins fervabit A breviating, arctatio, onis ; f. Bresk-nck (itsep] prærupius, a7 odorem 16t'i diu. Breviaturcs, figle, arum; f. duu, 0, um ; adl. lil.bioed, malè miratus. Brev'iy, hravilas, atis i f. A bregut tarnjorimis, idis; m. B.cder berg Lin Stormaris] Breden- TO BREW [mingle) inifico, ere, A fc3.bream, branis incrinus. Perga, 30.; f. To brciy beer, cerviſan roquere, bra. The BREAST, metus, oris ; n. Brederode (a fort in Hilland] Brede liare. A little brexit. poffufcului' ; ; n. roda. Bíowed, coffu, mifus, a, um ; part. A wom in's be:ft, ure", 3.11.minni. Bred! [in Flandery] Breda, de; f. *As you have brewed, 1o you muſt A woman's little brc.ft, iurill.,1.f: The br.ech. podex iris lunes, 3. pl. drinks, iute ho intruni, ribs omnino e Breaſt, adi. The bicech-pin of a guit, exeinpr.lis exsdendum ; ut femenim fr:eris,ita ora bred mamillris , re. ciuda nulo, catapulwria. Bi motos. Beart-app ei, mali or homatic. TO BREECH | Whip) tergum credere. A brcwcr, brefiátor, 3. m. cervija A preaft-cloth, Arophsum mamillare Brocches, Braccæ, i. f. femoralia, 3. coctor, Xytherji, 2. tu. The brcal-boue, Barnen, ſculum core pl. n. An ale-brewer, cervifice illupulata dis. Asofe pair of linnen brecches, ca codor. A brcaſt-plate, laria, 1. f. pe&orale, liga linice, A bew-howſc, Xithepforiums, pag- 3. 11..thorax, aris ; n A brecches.maker, bricearius, i; m. dozatorium, 2. n. Oi the breaft, pittoralis, le; adj. Wcaring breeches, brorçuius, culiga. A brewing, cervigio coltio. Having a gre t breaſt, redarnju; adj. tus;a:1). * Shc wears the biecches, A whole brewing fous úniusciationis. Na row. b easted, phenothorax. virum drocil. Bicwis, iffa adipata, punis pingui Having a broast plate, oricorus; adj. Becched [whipt] tergo cæus. jure inuntos. BREATH; halitus, fpiritus, narus, 4. A breecheri(whipperſ plagojus, ft; m. Brian [a man's name] Bisnus. m. anima, I f. anhelitus, 4. o. * A brecching, verberatio, onis; f. A BRIBE, mumis, iris ; n. repr. He is out of brcarh, exinim tus To BREED, genero, 1. pario, 4. • sunda, arun; f. 8j;, * Keep or hold in your breath, They do not breed above four times To b.ibc, corrumpo, 3. munera lar- animar comprimne. * I am run out a year, non plus quatèr in anno pu gjor, muneribus oppugnare. of uscath; cucurriuſque dum fatifcit riúnt. • They brced me miſchief, Bribed, corruptus, a, umpart. Spiritusi * To the last breath, uf m hr crennt periculum. He is bribed not to ſpeak, hibet bo- que ad extremum Spiritur. * Like To breed tecth, denlio, 4. ncut. vem in lingua a man oat of breath, anbilansi j- To breed (act. í mllis. alo, 3. cauco, 3: | A briber, corrupior, oris ; m. } Gvc breeding to, tollo, Bibery, corrupico judicis. To fpend one's breath to 'no par- A brècd, gemis, 3. n. * See that they of briocs, munirelis, lo; adj. 3. art. poſc, verba inutilia profundere, os be of a good breed, videnduin ut A bribing, corruptio, onis ; f. frieftra legui, boni feminis ſint. A BRICK, later, aris ; m.' A breath of air, aura, 1. f. A breeder, generator, oris ; m. A little brick, iaterculus, i ; m. A Nort breath, fufpirium, i; n. A female brecder, generutrix, 3. f. Brick colour, giluus, figlinus ; ad). Short es of breaih, aphne, 3. n. A breeder of caitie, admilarius,izm. A brick-bat, tefta, te ; f. Jpirardi dificultas; anhelilits engk- A breeding, generosi), 3. f. A brick-kiln, libanus, furnus, ni; m. Ajar Abeeding of tce:h, der:itis, 3. f. A trick layer, comentarius, i; m. Like a perſon troubled with a ſhort. A breeding-p:ace, pecuorium, 2. n. A brick-maker, laterarius, i, m.le. neſs of brca h, fufpiriøse; adv. Of or for breeding, fructuarius; adj. ferumi codisr. Short of breath, fufpirioſus; adi. Good breeding, educatio ingenua, in- Brick-making, argillatio, 3. F. late- All in a breath (without taking j: turio liloralis. rum coétio. breath) cortinenti fpiritu. A breed ng woman, pregnans, gra- Brick, 2 To hold one's breath, animam com : vis, gruvida. Bricky, lalaritius, a, um ; ad). The power of brecding, facultas ge- of bricks, A stinking breath, cxé, !!; f. nerativa, Brick work, moceria, murus roailis. A fragrant breath = cidor fuavis. A A breeze, } ofylus, tabanus, The brick (ſweet applc-tree) malo- The partage of the breach, refpira-A brcc, cerum. mellus. me?, inis; n. A breeze (gentcza'el curi, r&; 1. A bridal, or wedding, nuptia, arum; To breathe, } .rir.1. Te piro, 1.an-B:efoit (in Zuiphen! Brefio tun. t. fponfalia, um ; f. Take brcăth, helo, 1. "Take your Breinbo la river in Italy) Brembus, A bride, sponja, i. nymphi, 1. f. no- breath, aniriam recipe. Bremen (!n Saxony) Bremen, Pbabi. va nupta. To breathe (ais) exicco, are. renuin, A bride-chamber, thalamu','mi; mi, 'To b: cathe betwcen, interſpiro, I. The dutchy of Bremen, Bremenfis. A bridegrrom, sponſus, ķ ; m. 'To breathe into, inipiro, I. act. dicatus. A bridemaid, pronuba, bæ; f. To breathe one's last, expiro, 1. Ani. Bicmerſurde (in Germany] Breme. A bridcman, pronubui, biſ m. main agari, fupremuin ingemifcore. furda, Bridewell in London) Fons Brigida. To breathc out, exhilo, are ; act. Bremgarten (in Switzerland) Bro- Br:dewell Pecinct, præcmeture font- To breathe through, perfpiro, I. carluns. ris S Brigida. To biextbe upon, injulio, are; act Brest (burnt) ufiui. A bridewcil, pijirinum ergaſulum,2.n. B.cathed, spiralus, a, um ; part. Brentford (in Middleje.x) Brenta vs. The maſter of bridewell, ergaftulari. B.earhed out, expiratus, a, uid. dum. us, i; in. A breacher, pirator, oris ; m. Bren:vocd (in Elex) Cafaro-mogus. A bridge, pons, niis; m. A breath'ng, balitus, tis; m. refpira- Brento (in Rom.guiaſ Brinlun. A little tridge, ponticulus, li ; m. A breathing with dificulty, anbela- Belay Lin Silena Uratiſlaviu, Bu- The bridge of an organ, modulantium :io, dyſpncea. dergis, palinularum ata:us, modulurricum A breathing-hole, Spiraculum, li;n, Brethel (in Poland) Brenica. affularum plutóus. A breathing apon; cflatus, ås; m. Brcft in Bretaignej Brivules, Vin- A wooden bridge, ports Sublicius or A breathing [wcat, sudor remilus. dana portus, ligneus. Brechin (in Surlanu] Brexhinium. The bridge of a lute, magadium, izni Breckbock (in Wiles} Brechinia. A bret-cock,} [inh] paper alper. The bridge of the noſe, interfinium, To be 'bred of, nafcor, 3. orior, 4. Bretaigne [in France) Britannia mi 2. O. nafi feptun. BRED, natus, generatus, nutri:us, jub nor, Armorica, cæ; t. A bridge.maſter, pontis curator. larus, a, um; part. * They are Bretenhau (in Suffolk] Cambretorium, Bridgct [a woman's namc] Brigida, well-bred, beni nati funt, *lt 16 for Combretonium. da : fa Bridgewater, } primere. . 1 BRI BRI BRĪ älis; n. Brinita, salfus, a, um; adi; 3. aa. 1 Bridgewater (in England) Pensaqui-To brighteo (make bright) clucido, 1 To bring forth witneſſcs, te, or adhi num, Brigeva:era. 1. pol.., 4. adt. bire, produiert, Bridge man (the family ) de Pontibus. Brightly, alv. clarè, fuigidè, lucide, To bring from, induco, defero, de A BŘIDLE, frænum, ni ; n. * He nilide, plandidà. porro ; act. lets the horſe have the brid.c, Somewhat brightly, adv. ſublucidd. To bring in, induro, infaro, imporld, laxas egno reiniltit habertas. Very b Ightly, prælucidè, prænitide. introduce; aa, A little bridle, frenulum, li; n. Brightnels, claritudo, 3. f. fulgor, 3. To bring in pace of another, fubli. A brid'e-icin, habana: a; Filorum,i; n. nitor, 3. Splendor, oris ; M. tuo. ere; act. The he:d-fta!I of a bridic, frontale,zn. Brigooles (in France] Brinolium. To bring into a fool's paradiſe, va- To bridle, freno, I. inicens, 1. free. A brigue (quarre!) lis, contentjo. riâ fpe ledare. nun impoxo. Tac brim of a thing, margo, inis;m. To bring low, dejicio, 3. diduco, To bridle in, COSTCO, 2. act. I will ora, limbus, labrun, crepido. humilii, are; a&. bridle him in, ilium frænis gratis. Having a brin, marginatus ; adj. To bring low (bring to decay] lube- ribers reprimam. Without a br m, achilus, e, un; adj. facio, 3. attenko, are; act. Bridled, frænatus, a, um į part. Of a brim, marginalis, le; ad). To bring mitchiefon himſeif, jus pli Not:bridlet, infranatis, effrenus. To brim as a low, fubo, l, marem jumento malun olierjere. A bridles, frenator, oris ; m. appelert, To bring to nothing, pifundo, I. ab- A bridling, freenasio, onis ; f. A brimmed low, fus fubata. fumı, 3. in nihilun redigere To be bridled. coercibilis, le ; ad). A brimmer, calix potu coronatus. - To bring one on his way, deduco, 3. B.id'ington, Brillendunum. Brimſtonc, fulphur, uris ; n. To bring over, traduco, Iransjero,tra- A bry (gad-fy) erum. A maker of brimſtone, fulphurarius. jicio, érı. Bry la province in France) Bria. A brimſtone.mine, fulphuraria, 1. f. To bring over (cover) obduco, 3. A BRIEF (writ] breve, is; f. ſebe. Done with brimſtone, fulphuratus, To bring out, profero, a&, * Why do dula, la, f. Brimſtony, fulphureus, a, um, adj. you not bring it out? quin iu id A brici, or letters-patents, diploma; Brin [in Moravia) Arficua, Eburun. profers ? * Bring it out of doors, Brinded, variegatus, a, um. for is profer. A brief for loſs by file, &c. literæ pe- Brindig (in Italı ] Brundifunn. To bring to remembrance, in quemo. titoriæ authoritate publica munita. Biine, muria, alex, falfugo, 3. f. riam revocare, reducere. Brief, brevis, ve; compendiojus, sub- 1o (caſon with brinc, falio, 4. sale- To buing Neep, Soporg, are, cinaus, a, um, ad, dine condire, To bring to pais, eficio, 3. conficio,.3. To be tied to brief diſputing, diſpu Beiag long in bölne, murimicus ; ad). effefun dare, ad exilum perdurere. tasionibus concijs alligari. To bring into a 'fnare, in fraudem A brief ſentence, lententiola, leif. B , , , adj. illice.e. A brief repetition of things, rocapi. To BRING (act.] offero, addu:0, 3. To bring together, confero, conduco, tulatio, onis ; f. apporto, 1. prefero. * Bring me a A brief diſcourſe, angufta conciſa candle quickly, quin tu lucernurn To bring t!dings; nun'io, annuncio. oralio. adulùm mibi expedias. *Bring him Tobing, under, ſubjicio, Yuhjugo, !, A brief-account, fummarium,compen before me, coram ipſum do.*They in perejtarem redigere, 3. act. dium, breviarium, 2.n. episome, ê; f. bring me to that paſs, iò me redi. To hring up, alo, 3 educo. 3. nutrio,4. To be brief, compendiosè laqui; corp guni. See how one thing brings telo, act. * He brings up the child, tin or lov ter tranfire. in another, ut aliud rx alio incidit. fuorum fufcipit. * She brought her To reduce into brief, in compendium # Time will bring it to light, in up of a little one, illam aluit par. red:gere. apricum praferet alas. vulan. * They purpoſed to bring Briefly (adj.) breviter, compendiose, To bring about, eficio, 3. act. * I will it up, decreverunt tollere * As you comprefiè, concisèn Arialim, fuccinétè. bring it about for you, boc tibi ego bring him up, so you muſt have * I will handlc briefy, in tranſitu featum dabo. We laboured hard him, ut quiſque fuum vult sta ml. attingam. * I will briefly tell you to bring it about, opero maximo du-To bring envy upon one, invidian what I would havc, nunc in piuca bamus Orgram ui forat. There alicui conflare. conferum quid ega te volim. * AS were two ways to bring it about, To bring word again, muncio, 1. briefly as I could, quam breviffimè duabus vijs efici potuil. A bringer, portator, oris ; m. potui, To bring abroad, in medium afferre, A bringer back again, reduaur, Briefneſs, breitai, atis ; f. in lucem profero, produco. porlator, oris ; m. Brieg [in Germany) Broga, e; f. To bring an aáion against one, litem A bringer against one's will, pero The Brill | in Hullund) Briolu, læ; f. alicui intendere.. ductor, oris ; m, A bries, rubus, 2 ſents; 3. f. To bring to b:d (as a midwiſe) ob- A bringer down, dejear, bumiliator, A tweet brier, gnosbatus, ri; f. Jetricari ; dep. orii ; m. A brier plat, lenticetum, } To bring down [leffen) imminus, 3. A bringer forih in sight ſubje&or, 3 m. A place of b:!ers, ti; a To bring down [weaken) alienuo, i. A þr ngar from place to place, tra. Full of b jers, fuinoſus, a, um , adj. accido. dugor, tronflitor, oris ;, in. A brigade (the third or fourth part of To bring again, hereto, 3. A bringer to n ught, perditor, 3. m, a company) legio, turma,manipulus, To bring alde, feduco, 3. Govoro, I. A bringer to paſs or ab ut, eiffefor, A Wigandine (coat of ma !] lorica. To bring back, reduco, 3. refir0;.96 oris ; m. sfeerix, ilis; f. A b igantinc [pinnace] phaſe!us, cho porto, i . act. A bringer of ridings, nun:jus, i ; m. lox, ocis. To bring one to his death, aliquet. A bringer up nutrisius, 2. educator, Brig-caſterton (in Lincolnſive] G16 vitu ex;ellere, 2. alunnus, 2. m. Sennis, Gau enna. To bring to deſtruction, profligo, 1.' | A bringer on one's way, dedugor, Brigoots, ponlis confruétio, refraio, To bring down, dejicio; bumilio, are. A bringiog, portasus, ad us, 4 m. reftauratio. To brlag to an end, ad umbilicum A bringing back, restudio, 3: f. BRIGHT, clurus, fulgidus, lucidus, durere, perficere. A bringing forth, produktio, prolatio, luculentus, nitidus, rulilus, splendi- To bring by force (adr.) odigo, afi onis ; f. dus, a, um, adj. trabo, rupro, ore. A bringing forth of young, fae:urd, Very bright, pellu.idys, prafulgidus, To bring forth (act } educo, 3 ofero, 1. generatio, '3. f. perlus. 4. m. pranveidus, a, urs ; adj. produto, 3. profaro, A bringing one froin another, tra. somewhat bright, faslucidus, Splendi- To bring forth young (act.] pario, 3. durio, tranſlatio, onis ; f. aulus, a, um , adj. edo, 3. mnitor, 3: A bringing in, iniutto, illatio, im- Thorough-bright, Fellucidus, perspi- To bo ready to bring forth, partu portatis, introduftio, onis ; f, cuus. Tranſlucidus, a, um; adj. rio, ire. A bringing.co país, affetio, confeAio, To be.b-ght (neui.) curso, z. collu- To bring forth before the time, ab on's ; f. cro, 2. fulgro, 2. miro, 1. nitro, 2, Or110, ite. A bringing down, diminutio, deje Hlin, ruilo, I. fplendro, 2. To bring forth fowers, florso, 2. flo buniliurio, onis ; f. To grow bright (ncut.) lucefco, in reco, čre ; nent. A bringing together, collatio, onis; f. clarefso. " It grows bright with To bring forth fruit, frutta facene. A bringing under, whjektio, onis ; f. wearing, attritu Splendofeir. To bring forth plcntcouny, fundo, A bringing unto, apportufio, onis ; f. Bright [a dog's name) Aello, onis. ofundo; 3. act. A bringing up, educatio, enutrilio ; f. G2 Bringing net. vu. BRO BRO BRO Bringing forth all things, omnipa. B'ordnets, latitudo, amplitudo, z. f. Bronsbroo(in E in Goshland]Bronsbron, rins, fis , adj. 3 ari. Bioadneſs in fpecch, liberiis, 3. f. A brood, proles, 3. propogo, 3. foboles, A brink, oxirimitas, 3. ora, 1. mar. Broath, jus, 'Sve Broth 3. Hiros, 3. f. Briony, brimia, vitis alba, Broccado, } pannus tikro & argento A brood of chickens, pullities, s. f. } intextus, pullit:um, iin. Briony (white vinc) ampeloleurą, vj. A brock (badger | laxul, melis, is. A brood-ben, incubatrix, 3. f. Briony (wild vine) iemines visis, Brockley nila yun Heimferdshirey'sul - Set on brood, } incubo, aro. brione i nigra. loni'a, Sulloniara. A brooding, incubulin, onis ; f. Briquçras LinPiedmont ]Brigueraſcum. A broge, crudus pero. Brood ng, incubans, tis ; part. Bilach [in Alfatia) Mons Brijacus Brogers (bargain-makers) pararii. A brook, torrens, ntis ; rivulus, i; m. or Brifiacusa To broge for cels, turbars aquam ad To brook (hear) tolero, are ; act. Briſgow (part of Germany] Briſgoia. captandas anguillas. Brooklime (conimon) anagallii oquea. Brisk (adj.) ogilis, alacr, lalus, ut-To broid or biaid the hair criſpo, 1. tic.r. gutus, Grer, vividus, Broided, criſpus, calanifiratus, adj. Brooklime (long-leay'd] Anagallis e- Brisklý (adv.) agilitèr, alacritèr. A bro derer (cmbroide er] acupidor. qualica major . The brisket, perus caſi animalis. A broil, turba, a; f. rumultus, 4. m. Gaiden brooklime cepaa, A brifle, fera, 12; f. Full of broils, tumultuolus , adj. Boom, geniſtu, te ; l. A little briſtle, Selula, le; f. To raiſe broils, tumultuor, u. ciere Dwart bronin, geniflellis tingsria. To bristie (neut.] horreo, 2. fofas turbas. A brooin-field,“ mýricorum, Spartari. Set up the bridles, $ erigere. Araiſer of broils, feditiofus,turbuletus, uin, i in. To brifle a thread (as ſhoc-makers) To broil (meat) corveo, cre; act. Thorny-broum, apaluhus, thi ; f. inleto, filo feldos aplarz. fortefio, 3. torrosio ; Soanish broom, genita Hiipaniia. , } Jetiger, , Brocm-rapa, orobanchi. um ; Broiled, iglus, a, umpart. Burchcrs-brooin, rufus, ci ; f. Briftly, Jerojus, hiſpidus, a, A broiler, Toffor, öris; m. Of butcher's broom, rufiuritis ; adj. Full of briſtles, $um, adj. A broiling, gjio, önis; f. A broom, fcopa, aruin if A briſtling, Brokrage, or brokerage, proxeneti - Both, jus, gen. juris; jufculum, li ; n. Setting up of the brifles, fatarum. cum, interpofilio, onis ; f. F.fh-bro'h, alerula, muria, a ; f. Aftaring like briſtles, horror, 3.0. I broke, fregi, preterperf. of frango. Stowed in broth, jufculenius; adj. Bristol, Brifolia, i. Brifolium, 2. *Scarce was the company brokc | A brothel-houlc, lupanar, äris ; n. Briſtow, } f. up bui I found, vix dum jans @lu fornix, icir; 3. f. Briſtow. } Briſtolienfis, sei dimiffa compori. * He has broke To haunt brothel-houſes, luſtror, 1, OF Briſtow, adj. his credit, malè vacillavit. 'The luxurior, feortor, I. Briſtow.nonſuch [herb) lgebnisChal war broke out all on a ſudden, A hauntor of brothel.houſes, ganeo, cedoning. bellum fubitò exarfit. Su brcak. onis; luftro, onis ; fcorlator oris ; ns. Briſtow-ſtone, chryftallus St. Vinceniji. BROKEN, fradus, ruptus, confrogo- Brothelry, Scorialio, 3. impudicitia, I. Britain, Britannia, 1. Abion, 3. f. fus, perlufus. Su to break. ohli anilas, aris; f. Britain ; ad). Britannicus, 4, } Brokcii before, præfraftus, prarup- A BROTHER. frater, ris; m. Of Britain, fus, a, um, part. A little brother, fraterculus, li; m. A Brilon, Britannicus, Brito, onis;m. Broken 'afunder, interruptus, interci. A brother by the father, frater con- Britannica [herb} britannica, biftorta. Jus, a, un ; POA. fanguineus. B.itiſh, Britannicus, a, um ; adj. Broken before, præfra&us, præruplus, A brother by the mother, frater uit- Brittle, fragilis, lo; adj. 3. art. •As brittle as a Venice glaſs, quam citò Broken-back'd, dolumbis, be ; adj. A brother by father and mother, vas Samium confring i folet. Broken-winded, adj, anhelus, ilia gerinanus, ni; m. Brittlely, 'adv. fragilitèr. durens. A half-brother, femigermanus. Brittleneſs, fragilitas, atis ; f. Broken-bellied, berniofus, ranicojus, The husband's brother, levir, iri; m. Brixer. (in Germany) Brixino. e, um ; adj. A fifter's brother, fororius, i ; in. A brize (gad-bce) afilus, tabanus. Broken down, dirutus, a, um ; adj. A brother's wife, frarria, & ; f. A broach (fpit) veru, n. obelus, Easily broken, fragilis, le; adj. 3.ari. A brother's ſon, fratrinus, ni; m. To broach [[pit mcar). carnus veru- Broken off, abrupius, difiufüs; part. Brother's children, frutrudles, pairul- bus infigaro. Broken off for a time, intermiſus. elas, um ; C. A-broach, tersbratus ad prommdum. Broken open, fraflus, refr:&tus. A foſter-brother, collaaaneus, i jm. To broach, } Set a-broach, rilino, čre; t.- Broken in picccs, comminutus, con- Sworn-brothers, convori, orum; m. Tabro, I. tulus, a, um, part. Twin-brothers, gemini, orum; m. To broach an error, alicujus erroris Broken with forrow,angore confraétus. Brotherhood, fraternitas, fodulitas, e- parms are & origo ; bere in primo B oken-founded, raucun crepans, ma. ris ; f. propagare, dilleminare, conflare. lignè refpondens. A brother-killer, fratricida, dæ; C, Broached. terebratus, a, um ; Broken (tamed) dominus, a, um. Brother-Slanghter, fratricidium,' '; n. Set-abroach, ad). Broken teeth, dentai mutiluti. Brotherly (adj.) fraternus, ay A little broach, urruculum, li; n. Broken up, diruptus, a, um. Of or like a brother, ) } wm. A broaching, rerebratio, onis ; f. Broken (violated) violatus, a, um. Brotherly, adv. fraternè. BROAD, largus, lapus, pasalus, Spa- B:oken out by violence, prorupius. . B otherly lovc, philadelphia, a; f. tiofus, a, um ; adj. * He makes Brokers ware, fruta, orum ; n. Brou (in Aquitain) Brigiofum. broad signs, ligna manifeſta das. A bioker[of bargains) proxenata, me- Brougnam in Wejlmoreland] Brato- * You Neep till broad day, ad diator, inililor, iranluator, mango,on is. nia um, Brocavui, Brcvonuris. multum or clarum diem fertis. A broker (of cloaths) interpolator, 3. I BROUGHT, tuli, preterp. of fero. Broad awake, experrc&tus, vigilans. t'eleramentarius, 2. fcrutarius, 2. Seebring. I thoght I had brought B:oad language, verba nupta. mango, onis; m. that to paſs, pulabam meo labore eta Broad-footed, ploncus, a, um; ad). A broker's wife, interpolatrix, 3. f. perfe&um. He hath bought ma A broad #rect; } plates, æ ; f. A broker's row (as Monmouth jiturl] dato diſgrace, mihi invidium con- forum interpolatorium. Pavit. * He hath brought anger Very broad, perlatus, latifimus; ad). To play the broker.proxenstam agere. upon himſeif, in fe iram derivavit, Broad-leaved, latifolius, a, um, adj. To b.ome, ? (a fhip) navis fuserfi - * He hash brought me into a great To makc broad, diluto, I. amplifico, Bream, ciem emendare cordes dend of trouble, magnâ me cura e abluendo aut exurendo.) folicitudine o facit. * I have brought To grow broad, latofajčrs; neut. Bromfieldſ in Denbighſhire]Bromfelda. the matter to this paſs, rem bus Broad half-penny, immunitas á 18. Bronchorft [in Zutphen] Bronchorfum. deduxi. Od age hath not yet bulario folvendo in nundinis.. A brond or brand, Aigrad, otis; n. quitc brought me down, non oland A making broad, dilatatio, onis, f. To brond, ferro candente inurore. me onervavit, non oflixit fene&us.. The broad cnd of an oar, falous, 2.A brooch (necklace) monile lis; n. You have brought your hogs to a Broadly (adv.) lese A brooch (for ladies necks) inure. fais market,tibi ad rolira res redijt. Broadly lio ſpecch] liberè ; adv. nula, ciena cellaris, To be brought (part 3 oferos, dedu: } are; act. } ad opus. BRO BUC BUD cor. He is brought into danger, Browſed on, desajlus, a, um ; adj. A buck of cloaths, linteorum for dido- in sericulum vocatur. The mat- A browſer, frondator, cris; m. rum incctio contufio. ter is brought to that pais, udeo A bowling, frendatio, onis ; f. To back cloaths, lintea lixivio ince- re rediit, Why do you not com- To broyl. See Broil. quere tudius cædere. Band her to be bought over his broyl, tumultus, us; m. Buck ſhes, cineres ad lixiviem. ther? cur non illum bue transferri Bruca (a river in Sicily] Pantagit. To wafli a buck, lixivio incequere. jubes ? He cannot be brought off Brucomat (in A Jatia) Brucomagus. A buck-wafher, latrix à lixivia. from it, ab eo deduci non połeji . Bruel fin Germany) Brielium. Buck-lie, 1tuum, i ; ncut. cannot yet be brought to do it, To bruc, brafia. See Bew. A bucket, fitulu, I. f. bauftrum. 2.1, mendem adducer ut faciam * See Bruges [in Flanders] Bruge, arun A little bu kit, ftula, winula, 1. F. what I am brought to, bem que To bru ſe, collido, con/vingo, contero, Leather buckets for fires, fiphones in- Fedeaus fum. quo. cendiarii To be brought to bed, pario; neut. To bru'fe againſt, ollido, wre; act. Buck bean [herb) trifolium palude- * She is brought to bed of a girl, To brusle in a mortan pinfu. fum. pu llem peperit. To bruiſe fmall, omninus, čre. Buck horn [great] cornu teruinum To be brought into the world, pro-To bu fe lhe rens, delumbo. majus. Creor, I. pruvenio, 4. neut. A bruiſe, collifio, 3. f. colli us, 4. m. Back-horn [lefs) coronopues minor. To be brought to pais, efficior, confi confufio, 3. f. Buck-horn (crceping ] coronopus Re- cior, 3. Bruiſed, collijus, contritus, contulus, a, To be brought up [paſs. ) educor, I. um ; ad. Back-thorn (g eat] rhannus foluti- alor, 3. We were brought up. H.If brusſed, ſemitritus, a, um, together of little ones, unà è pue-i Boiled aguinit, illijus, a, un. Buck thorn (ſmall) rhamnus primus ris paruuli educati fumus. A brutling, collifio, confre&tio. Dieloridis Bought, allatus, adducius, advilus, A bra fing in the motar, contritio. A buck-thorn (fifh) aſellus minor Jole a, um ; part. Brof: wort, conſolida, da, f. exiccatus. Brought back, redulus, reportatus, A but [report) rumor. Jlrepitts; m. Burk-wheat, fragopyrum ri; n. 2, un ; part. A little bruit, rumu/rules, li; m. A back ng ſtock, lixivarium, i; n. Brought to bed, enix, &;f To brust, rutorem fpergere, diffemi- A buckeng-tub, lixruaforiumi, i; n. Brought by force, apului, a, um nare. 'Tis bruited abroad, fa. Back-ngham, Buckinghamia, e; f. Brought forth, products, prelatus, ma 1, jattarur, fama en inauit. of Buck ny ham, Buckinghamieji. Bronght forth (born) procreatus, na Buneck (in Troll Virunum. A BUCKLE, fibula, Ipintber, unfa. lus, ortus, a, um, part. Brunsbuttie in Ditmir Brunšbutela. To buckle [ 22.] fibulo, conflymgo, f- Boight in, illatus, indiaus; part. Brunnel. prunella, le : f. tula fiebns flere. Brought in another's place, fuytitu-Brunſwick, as Braunfwick. To buckle together (neut.) con il ga, lus, fuffetus, , um ; part. A brunt impetus, u; m. imbrelo, 3. 1. au&tor, I. cominus cartare, ma- Brought to noaght, Pofundatus. f. *If you be able to abide the fait nus conferere, Brought to pals, actus, pera&tus, ef brunt primam fi cortionen ftetinueris. To buckle to a buſineſs, accingere je feftus, a, um ; part. * To bear the brunt of the day, Brought to poverty, redacus ad ino maximum pralii impetum (tillinere. To buckle to one, alkui aders, faf piem. A BRUSH, Jeopa, f. pl. muſcarium, Los ſubmittere. Brought to ruin, profligata, 4. um. 1 n. verri ulum, 2. n. Buckled, fibulatus, a, um ; adj. Brought to his ſhifts, ad incitas re- A litul bruſh, fopula, &; f. A ſhoe-buckle, fibula lalwaria, plus- dictus. A bruth (in meeting one) ftemmatio cuda. Brought together, collatus, a, um, obuii in eccurfu. A buck'e-maker, plufcularius, i; m. Brought under, ſubje&us, domnitus, a, A brittle broth, equiſetum, ti; n. A buckler, clypeus, ; m, ancile, is;n. part. A brush with a fox tail, peni ulum, li. A Lttle buckler, parma, kita, pelia, Brought up, educatus, a, um; part. Bruih, cremium, coculum, is Brought up ill, malè inflitutus, illibe-Bruſh-wood, Deut. i A large buckler, fcutum, ti; n. ruluter educatus. To bruſh {ad.) verro, 3. converro, 3. A buckler-maker, clypearius, i ; m. Brought up well, ingenuò or liberas- fcopis purgare A buckler-player, boploma bus, i, m. liter educatus, Brushed, verfus, a, um ; part. fcopis Bearing a buckler, cypeatus, fcuta- Brought up wantonly, delicatur. mundatus, purgatus. Broughton (in Hantſhire) Brige or A bruſher, conuerritr, orit, m. tus. 1 Buckler-thorn, paliuras, i; f. spina Brage. A broſher of drink, patera vino, or Chrifli. Brouverhaven (in Zealand] Brot potu coronata. A buckling, fubneétio, j; f. verbavia. A bruſhing, deterfio, on's; f. Buckram (herb) allium fylveflra. To brow beat, terva tveri. B offels in Brabant] Bruxela, «; f. Fuckram, ponnus craffus, cilicinut, A brow, palpebra, I. f. fupercilium, To brule, crepito, 1. grupo, 3. n. Bucklome, laſivus, a, um ; adj. • Clear up your brow, and i A brut (6th) paper marinus. Buck weed, elatine. look merrily on it, frontem expor-Bruts, brutus. Bucolicks, eclogo, arum ; f. Tige, ' prabe te hilarem. Brauith, jupidus, belluinus, verveti- A BUD, germen, inis ; n. The brow (of a wa licorona muri. Tus, a, um ; adj. A little bud, germuda, e; f. A logue that is burnt in the brow, To make brutiſh, infatua, are. The firſt bud of flowers, utriculus. nebulo ftigmatteus. To grow brut fh,ohbrutefo, 3. Javio, 4. The bud of roſes, alabalrus, talye To knit the brow, fupercilia vibrarı, B ut fhly, brutè, fatuè, tupide; adv. roſa. frontem contrabare. Brut thneſs, fatuitas, 3. f. fiuper, 3.ny! The bed of a vine, gemma, ; The knitting of the brows, Superti- Bryony (herb) bryonia. Young bud, 3 f. ljorum contra&io, Bua (an iſland in Dalmatia) Bubua. To bud, germino, gemmo, florefco, 3. The ſpace between the brows, gla-To bub, largifèr porare. To bud again, repullulo. bella. A bubbing ſchool, popina, cauponula. To bud before the time, prægermino, Hairy browed, palpebroſus, a, um, A bubble (cheat) fraus, dis; f. The brow (of a hilly ſupercilium, ora. To bubble (deceive or trick) aliquem To begin to bud, germafco, germi- Brown, fufcus, beticus, pullus, ſubn: dolu, fallere ; aliquem illudera. nafco, pullulafco, in; neut. ger, ſubaquilus, a, um; adj. A bubble, bulla, læ; f. To begin to bud again, repullulaſco, A brown mingled with black and To bubble up, ebullio, ire; n. To bud out, germino, pregermind, 1. red, ferrugo, inis; f. To bubble up in Icething, forveo, 2 To bud together, cung ermino, I. A natural brown, pulligo, inis; f. inferveſco, 3 Buda (in Hungary] Buda, Aquincum. Brown-bloe, luridus, a, um, adj. Bubhling, bulland, bullas emittens. Budded, germinatus, a, um ; 1. act. To make brown. confulco, adfufco, I. But bling as ducks in wat r) bibulus. A tree is badded, arbor garminavit. A little brown, fubfufcus, a, um, adj. A bubbling, bullitio, oni; f. A budding, germinatio, onis; f. Browſe (green boughs for beaſts to Buchaw (a ſmall country in Germany] Budge [lamb's fur! pellis agn na. ferd on) veræ frondes. regto Fagophagorum. To budge, pedem ciera, gradum of- To browle, attendeo, depafcar, frondes A buck, dama, I. (TUHI, 2. m. farre. carpere, arradere. A buck-goat, caper, 2. m. Budon um e; f. 2. n. are. Broccado , } Briony (wild vine) ramines visir, Broeken en vind Hangfordshire y sub- see bro brood, } incubo, are. + } yo. BRO BRO BRO Bringing forth all things, Onnipa. Biordnels, latitudo, amplitudo, 3. f. Bronsbroodin E in Gothland}Bronsbror, rens, jis ; adj. 3 art. Broadneſs in ſpecch, liberiis, 3. f. A brood, proles, 3. propago, 3. foboles, A brink, extremitas, 3. ora, 1. mar- Broath, jus. Sic Broth 3. firps, 3. f. 8° 3. annus siuro e argenlo A brood of chickens, pullitirs, 5. f. Briony, brimnia, vitis alba, intextus. pullit:un, i;n. Briony (white vinc) ampeloleuci, vi- 1 A brock (badger | faxul, melis, is. A brood-hen, incubatrix, 3. f. tij alba, A brocket (tawn] hinnulus cervi. To broo:1, brionea nigri. lonia, Sulloniara. A brooding, incuiutin, onis ; f. Briqueras Lindmont]Briqueraſcun. A broge, crudus pero, B:ood ng, incubans, tis; part. Bilach [in Alſatia] Mins Brifocus Brogers (bargain-makers) pararij. A brook, torrens, niis; rivulus, i; m. or Briharys. To broge for cels, turbare aquam ad To brook (beir) tolero, are ; act. Briſgow (part of Germany) Briſgoia, captandas anguillas. Brooklime (common) anagallis oquan Brisk (adj.) ogilis, alaur, lelus, vi- To broid or b:aid the hair crifpo, 1. tici. getus, arer, vividus. Broided, criſpus, calamifratus ; adj, Brooklime [long-leav'd) anagouts e- Briskly (adv.) agiliièr, alacriler. A bro derer [embroide er) acupiftor. quatica major The brieket, peitus cæi animalis. A broil, turba, a; forumulius, 4. m. Gaiden brooklime cup2a, A briſic, Sera, te; f. Full of broils, tumultuolus , adj. Boom, ponijta, te ;r. A little brille, felula, læ; f. To raiſe broiis, tumultuor, 3. viere Dwart bronim, genijlellia ringsria. To briſtle (ncut.) horreo, 2. fofas turbus. A broom-field, myrinium, Spartari- Set up the brilles, } trigere. Araiſer of broils, editiofus,turbulentus. um, i;.n. To brittle a thread (as foc-makers) To broil (mcat] correo, ere; act. Thosny-broum, afpalathus, thi; f. inloo, filo ſelon aplare. To broil, Briftied, forreto, 3. torrefio ; Soaniſh broom, genija Hipanica. } Jetiger, horridus,a, Be broiled $ ncut. Brocm-rapc, orobanche, Having briſtless um ; adj. Broiled, folus, a, uin ; part. Bu!chers-broo:n, rufcus, ci ; f. Briftly jetojus, hiſpidus, a, A broiler, toffor, öris ; m. Ot butcher's broom, ruf:urius ; ádi. Full of briſtles, sum ; adj. A broiling, gjio, onis; f. A brooin, fcopal, arun ; f. A briſtling, arreaio Brokrage, or brokerage, proxeneti. Both, jus, gen. juris; jufculum,li; n. Setting up of the brilles, $ fitorum. cum, interpofitio, onis ; f. Fiſh-bro'h, alerula, muria, E; f. A ſtaring like briſtles, horror, 3. m. I broke, fregi, preterperf. of frango. Stewed in broth, jufculenius; ad). Bristol, 2 Brifolia, 1. Briftolium, 2. *Scarce was the company broke A brothcl-houie, lupanar, uris ; n. Briſtow, } f. up bui I found, vix dum jam colu fornix, icis; 3. f. Briſtow Briftelienfis, fci dimiſſo comperi. He has broke To haunt brothel-houſcs, luftror, i, Or Briſtow, adi. his credit, malè vacillavil. Thc luxurior, fcortor, I. Briſtow.nonluch (herb] lgebnisChal war broke out all on a ſudden, A hauntar of brothel.houſes, gono, cedonica. bellum fubitò exarfit. Su break. onis ; luſtro, onis ; ſcortator 0715 ; ni. Briſtow-ſtonc, chryftallus St. Vinceniji. BROKEN, fra&us, ruptur, confrago- Brothelry, Scorralio, 3. impudicitia, 1. Britain, Britannia, 1. Albion, 3. f. jus, perrufus, Soo to break ohlranitas, aris; f. Britain ; ad). Britannicus, eg } Of Britain, Broken before, prafra&tus, prærup- A BROTHER. frater, ris ; m. fuus, a, um ; part. A licule brother, fratorculus, li ; m. A Brilon, Britannicus, Brito, onis;m. Broken 'afunder, interruptus, intercio A brother by the father, frater con- Britannica (herb) britannica, biſtorta. fus, a, un ; P. & A. fanguineus. B.itiſh, Britannicus, a, um ; adj. Broken before, præfractus, præruplus, A brother by the mother, frater uir- Brittle, fragilis, lo; adj. 3. art. As a, um ; P. &A, rinus. brittle as a Venice glais, quam sitò Broken-back'd, dolumbis, be ; adj. A brother by father and mother, vas Samium confring i foles. Broken-windcd, adj. anhelus, ilia gerinanus, ni; m. Brittlely,"adv. fragilitèr. dyrens, A half-brother, somigermanus. Brittleneſs, fragilitas, atis; f. Broken-bellied, horniojus, ranicojus, The husband's brother, levir, iri; m. Brixen (in Germany] Brixino. 4, um ; adj. A fifter's brother, fororius, i ; i. A bize (gad-bce] afilus, tabanus. Broken down, dirutus, a, um ; adj. A brother's wife, fratria, ai f. A broach [fpit) viru, n, obelus. Eaſily broken, fragilis, le ; adj. 3.art: A brother's ſon, fratrinus, ni; m. To broach (ſpit meat) carnas_veru- Broken off, abrupius, difiusjús; part. Brother's children, frutrulles, pairk. bus infigere. Broken off for a time, intermiffus. dles, um ; c. A-broach, terebralus ad prommdum. Broken open, offractus, refructus. A foſter-brother, collacaneus, i į MI, To broach, · relino, čre ; tr- Broken in pieces, comminulus, con- Sworn-brothers, conuoti, orum ; m. Set a-hrpach, robro, I. tulus, a, um, part. Twin-brothers, gemini, orum, m. To broach an error, alicujus erroris Broken with ſorrow,angore confra&tus. Brotherhood, fraternitas, jodulitas, e- parms fe origo ; bære in primò B. oken-founded, rauluin crepans, ma tis ; f. propagare, diffeminare, confiari. A brother-killer, fratricida, dæ; C, Broached. terebratus, a, um ; Broken (tamed] domicus, a, um. Brother-daughter, fratricidium, i; ni Set-abroach, s ad). Broken teeth, dentes mutiliti. Brotherly (adj.) A little broach, oruculum, li; n. Broken up, diruptus, a, um. Of or A broaching, terebratio, onis ; f. Broken (violated) violatus, a, um. Brotherly, adv. fraternè. BROAD, largus, latus, patelus, Spa- Broken out by violence, proruptus. B otherly lovc, philadelphia, «; f. sious, a, um ; adj. * He makes Brokers ware, forule, orum ; n. Brou (in Aquitain) Brigiofum. broad ſigns, figna manifeſta dor. A bioker[of bargaing) proxeneta, me Brougnam (in Wejlmorelana] Brato- You nccp till broad day, ad diator, inflitor, tranſo&tor, mango,onis. nia um, Brocauum, Brouonaris. multum or clarum diem Nertis. A broker (of cloaths) interpolator, 3. I BROUGHT, tuli, preterp. of fero. Broad awake, experre&us, vigilans, veteramentarius, zi fcrutarius, 2. Sebring. "I tho'ght I had brought B:04d language, verba nupta, mango, onis; m. that to paſs, putabam meo labore ale Broad-footed, ploncus, a, um ; ad). A broker's wife, interpolatrix, 3. f. perfe&um. * He hath bought me A broker's row (as Monmouth jirent] lito diſgrace, mihi invidium con- A broad way, forum interpolatorium, pavil * He hath brought anger Very broad, perlatus, latifimus ; ad). To play the broker.proxenetam agere. upon himſeif, in fe iram darivavit, Broad-leaved, lorifolius, a, um, adj. To b.ome,? (a ſhip) navis Juferfi- To makc broad, diluto, I. amplifico, Bream, * Hc haih brought me into a great } ciem emendars ordes deid of trouble, magna me ruri abluendo aut exurendo.) folicitudine offecit, * I have brought To grow broad, latofa, čre; neut. Bromfield in Denbighſhire]Bromfelda. the matter to this paſs, rem hus Broad half-penny, immunitas â 84- Bronchorſt [in Zuiphen) Bronchorſium. deduxi. Od age hath not yet bulario jolvendo in nundinis.. A brond or brand, Pigma, alis; ñ. quite brought me down, men pland A making broad, dilatatio, onis; f. To brond, ferro candente inurire. re onervavis, non afflixit feneaus.. The broad end of an opr, ſcalaus,2. A brooch (necklace) monile lis; n. You have brought your hogs to a Broadly (adr.] lare A brooch I lor ladies nęcks) ingre fair market, ribi ad rolira res rediit. Broadly lia ſpeech] libere ; ady. nula, caima cellaris. To be brought (pair) aforor, dedus A broad drests } platea, æ ; f. at ; act. i quo. nare. ad opus. BRO BUC BUD cor. He is brought into danger, Browſed on, dealus, a, um ; adj. A buck of cloths, linteorum for dado- in gerirulum vocarur. • The mat. A browſer, frondator, oris ; m. rum incoltio & comtufto. ter is brought to that pats, udeo A browsing, frondatio, onis ; f. To buck cloaths, liniez lixivio inco- rer redit. • Why do you not com- To broyl. See Broil. quare & tudi nur cædere. Band her to be bought over hi-1 A broyl, tumultus, ü; m. Bick Mhes, cineres ad lixivitet. ther? cur non illom bue transferri Bruca (a river in Sicily] Pantagit. Towel a buck, lixivio incequere. jubus? He cannot be brought off Brucomat (in A'Jati Brucornagus. A buck-wafher, latrix à lixivio. from it, ab co deduci non porej, Bruel (in Germany] Brielium. Buck lie, lixivium, i ; neut. cannot yet be brought to do it, To bruc, brafia. See Bew. A bucket filula, I. f. baurum. 2. n. nondum adducor ut facram * See Bruges [in Flandersj Bruge, arum A little bu ket, ftala, urinula, 1. f. what I am brought to, bem que To bru fe, collido, conjvingo, contero, Leather buckets for fires, fiphones in- redo&us fum, tendiaris To be brought to bed, pario; neut. To bru fe againit, illido, tre; act. Buck bean [herb) trifolium paludo- She is brought to bed of a girl, To brusle in a mortar, prafu, fums pullum peperit. To brusle fmall, minus, čre. Buck horn [great] cornu ceruinum To be brought into the world, pro- To bru fe the reins, delumbo. majus. Cher, I. prouenio, 4. neut. A bruiſe, colliſio, 3. f. collius, 4. m. Back-horn [lefs) coronopus minor. To be brought to pais, efficier, confi consufio, 3. f. Buck-horn (creeping ] coronopus Ru- cior, 3. Bruiſed, roilijus, contritus, contujus, a, To be brought up [país.) educor, I. um ; ad). Back-thorn (g cat] hatinus foluti- alor, 3. We were brought up Half brusfed, ſemitritus, 4. um, together of little ones, unà è pue-i B viſed ag unit, illius, a, un. Buck thorn (ſmall) rhamnus primus ris paruuli educati fumus. A bruling, colliſio, confreflio. Diofcoridis. B cught, allitus, adduétus, advllus, A bru fing in the motar, contritio. A buckthorn [fifh] aſellus minor fole 9. m; part. Brof: wort, confolida, da , f. exiccatur. Brought back, reductus, reportatus,A buit [report rumer.firepitur; m. Burk-wheat, fragopyrum. vi; n. a, un ; part. A little bruit, rumurrulus, li; n. A back ng ſtock, lixivorium, i; n. Brought to bed, enixs, e; f. To brut, rumoren ſpargere, diffemi. A bucking-tub, lixrvatorium, i; n. Brought by force, appuljus, a, um 'Tis bruted abroad, fa- Buckingham, Buckinghamia, æ; f. Brought forth, produ&tus, pralatus, ma e, juttatur, fama eminavit, of Backinyham, Buckinghamiajt. Brought forth (born) procrextus, na. B uneck (in Iroll Virunum. A BUCKLE, Yibula, Spinther, anſa. tus, ortus, a, un ; part. Bugsbuttiolin Ditmir Brunsbutela. To buckle [28. fibulo, confrango, fi- Broht in, illatus, indiaus; part. Brunnel. prunella, leif. bulâ fubnstlere. Brought in another's place, ſuhtlisu-Brunſwick, as Brunſwick. To buckle together (neut.) confl go, Tus, fuffettus, a, un ; part. A brunt impetus, ts; m. impreſio, 3: 1. allu&or, 1. cominus cartare, ma- Bought to noaght, peflundacus. f. If you be able to abide the fuit Hus conferure. Brought to pals, actus, peratus, ef brunt prinam fi coition felinueris. To buckle to a buſineſs, accingere je feltus, a, um ; part. * To bear the brunt of the day, Brought to poverty, reda&us ad ino muximum pralii impetum futlinere. To buckle to one, aikui aders, faf- prom. A BRUSH, fope, f. pl. muſcarium, ces fubmittere. Brought to ruin, drofligatus, 4.2m. 2n. verri ulum, 2. n. Buckled, fuffibulatus, a, um ; adj. Brought to his thifts, ad incitas re- A little broth, fopula, c; f. !A fhoe-buckle, fibula cduaria, plus- draus. A bruih (in meeting onc] fummetio cuta, Brought together, collatus, a, um, obvii in eccurfu. 1 A buck'e-maker, plufcularius, i ; m. Brought under, fubje&tus, dornitus, a, A brittle bruth, equiſetum, ti; n. A buckler, clypeus, i; m. amcile, is;n. um, part.. A brifh with a fox tail, peni ulum, li. A Lttle buckler, parma, wita, pelia, Brought up, educatus, a, um, part. Bruih, 2 remium, coculum, i; Brought up ill, malè inflitutus, illibe- Bruſh-wood, S neut. i A large buckler, fcutum, ti; n. ruluter educatus. To bruſh (ad.] vitro, 3. converro, 3. A buckler-maker, cyprarius, i; m. Brought up well, ingenud or libera- fcopis purgare, A buckler-player, hoplom a hus, i, m. liter educatus. Bruſhed, verſus, 4, um ; part. Tropis Bearing a buckler, dypeatus, fcuta- Brought up wantonly, delicatus. mundatus, purgatus. Broughton (in Huntſhire) Brige or A bruſher, cmverritor, oris, m. 1 Buckler-thorn, paliurus, i; f. spina Braga. A bruſher of drink, patera vino, or Chrifti. Brouvcrſhaven (in Zealand] Brock potu coronata. A buckling, fubnulio, onis ; f. verlhavia. A bruſhing, deterfio, on's; f. Buckram ( herb] allium luere. To brow beat, corvi tveri. Buffels [in Brabant] Bruxela, e;f. Buckram, ponnus craffur, cilicinur. A brow, palpebra, 1. f. ſupercilium, To brutlle, crepito, 1. flropo, 3. n. Bucklome, laſeisus, a, um , adj. Clear up your brow, and a b'ut (60h) poljer marinus. Buck weed, clatine. look merrily on it, frontem expor-Brute, brutus. Bucolicks, eclogo, arum; f. rige, præbe de bilarem. Bratith, fupidus, belluinus, vervati. A BUD, germen, inis ; n. The brow [of a wa lj corona muri. Tus, a, um ; ad), A little bud, germula, &; f. A rogue that is burnt in the brow, To make brutih, infatuo, are. The firſt bud of flowers, utriculus. nebulo ftigmattaus. To grow brut th,abbrutefo, 3. Jævio, 4. The bud of roſes, alabarus, calyx To knit the brow, ſupercilia vibrarı, But ſhly, brutè, fatue, ſtupidè; adv. roja. frontem contrabare. Brut ſhneſs, fatuitas, 3. f. jiupor, 3.0. The bed of a vine, gemma, a; The knitting of the brows, Superti- Bryony [herb] bryonia. Young bud, ljorum contractie. Bua an iſland in Dalmatia] Bubua. To bud, germino, gemmo, florafo, 3. The ſpace between the brows, gla-To bub, largitèr parare. To bud again, repullulo. bella A bubbing Ichool, popina, cauponula. To bud before the tiae, pragermino, Hairy browed, palpebroſus, a, ur. A bubble I cheat) fraus, dis; f. The brow [of a hill ſupercilium, ora. To bubble [deceive or trick) aliquem To begin to bud, gemmaſco, germi- Brown, fuſcus, bæticus, pullus, fubn: dolos fallere ; aliquem illudera. nafco, pullulafio, črs; ncut. ger, ſubaquilus, a, um, adj. A bubble, bulla, la; f. To begin to bud again, repullulaſco. A brown mingled with black and To bubble up, ebullio, ire; n. To bud out, germino, pregermino, I. red, ferrugo, inis; f. To bubble up in ſecthing, forveo, 2 To bud together, cung ermino, !. A natural brown, pulligo, inis ; f. inferveſco, 3 Buda (in Hungary] Buda, Aquincum. Brown-blue, luridur, a, um, adj. Bubhting, bullans, bullas emittens. Budded, germinatus, a, um; 1. act. To make brown. confulco, adfufco, 1. Bubbling (as ducks in wat r) bibulus. A tree is budded, arbor germinavit. A little brown, fubfufcus, a, um, adj. A bubbling, ebullitio, ont; f. A budding, germinatio, onis; f. Browſe (green boughs for beaſts to Buchaw (a ſmall country in Germany) Budge (lamb's fur! pellis ugn na. ferd on) va frondes. regio Fugophagorum. To budge, pedem ciere, gradum of. To browle, attendeo, depafcor, frondes A buck, dama, I. Corvus, 2. m. ferre. carpere, arradare. A buck-goat, caper, 2. m. Budon «; f. 2. n. BUI BUN BUR Tor. Budoa ſin Dalmatia] Bulur. A building up. extruzio, onis; f. Bunched, A budget, bulge, I. afcopera, 2. The art of building, architecnica, 1. Bunchy, gibboſus, a, um, adj. faceus. 2. m. vibulum. 2. n. architectura, re; f. Bunch nels, gibboſitas, ats; f. Budweils [in Bohemi:] Buhiemum. A bay of building, menfura viginti A bund c, faſcis. 3. f. faſciculus, ma- Bue'th in Bracknockbire] Bulle quatuor pedum npulus, 2. m. Sarcina, arun, 1. f. Silurum. Le Buis (in the Daupbinate] Buſium. To bundle up, cnjercins, convale, in- , A bulb [ropt] bulous 2 faltem confringere. Buffe. } ; Bulbous, hulhofus, a, um Bundle-wife, fofiatim ; adv. A buff.coat, tunica coriacra, bubalina, Balbonack (herb) viola lunaris. Bundled, confareinatus, a, um. militaris. A bulfinch tubicilla. A bung, obturamen, inis; n. Buff (leather) pellis bubula. A bulhead (fiſh] capito, onis. A bang-hole, Spiraculus, li; n. A buffet colaphus, alapa. To bulge (as a fhip does) titubare, To tuig up, To buffet, colapbis cædere. ja&tari. Stop with a bung obture, are. Buffeted, colapbis cæfus. A balk (before a biop] appendix. Bunged up, ohtraluli, m; part. A buffeler, claparum infiaor. To bulk out, propendeo, ēre. Bungey (in Norfolk) Arona. A buffet-stool, fella levior portatilis. The buik, moles, 3. maja, I. mag. To bungle, ruditèr confiters, incom- A buffle, bubalus, li ; m. nitudo, 3. f. cinne formire. Of a buffle, hubalinus, a, um ; adj. Bulky | big) ingens, tis ; adj. 3. art. Bangled, ruditèr confiaus. A buffle-head, bardus, plumbeus, ob- Bulky [corpulent] craffus, præpin- A bung er, maritus, rudis, ſciolus. tuæ mentis, bebetis ingenii, incondis puis, gue; adj. 3 art. Bangler-like, Balky (h avy]gravis, ve; adj. Bunglingly, rudi Minerva. A buffoon, moralegus, parafitus, 1. Balky (mafly) folidus, denſus; adi: A bunt-line, funis nauticus, fcurra, e; m. A boll, taurus, 2. bos, bovis; m. To bunt out, protubero. To play the buffon, paraſitor, ſeur. A young bull, juvenculus, i; m. The bunt of a fail, veli finuatio. Like a bull, tsuriformis, me; adj. A bun, cel yra, libum. Buffoon-like, feurrilis, le; adj. To bull (eheal) fraudare, palpur A banting, alouduia, I. rahatra, I. Buffoonry, fcurrilitas, ats; f. obtrudere alicui terraneola, I. calandra, I. f. A bug (black maggot ) infe&um ni. To buil ſa cow] inire, afilire. A buoy of a th'p, truncus, ambore grum A bu'l improper fpeech] fribiligo, index. A bug, tervialamentum, 2. n. Jermonis incongruitas. To buoy up a fhip, nauem puppis in Bugbear, 3 formido, inis ; f. A bull fly, cruus volans. alteram partem ex aquis attol- Bugey, la province of France) Bel- A boiling (a cow] initur, tr; m. lere gehia, A bull-beggar, larva, 1. f. Terricu-Buquchan [in Scotland) Bucbania, To bugger, pædicor, ari. lamentuin, 2. N. Beghami. A buggerer, ræderafes. Bull-wecd, jacea nigra. A burbot, ho othuria, muſela fluvia, Buggery, pederaſia Bull-wort, ommi. Bugle (an herb) bugula. Ball-baitings, bubetia, arum; f. pl. A bur, lapta. See Barr. A bugle | bead] baca vitrea. Bull-baiters, bubetii, orum; pl. m. Barchain [in Bravia] Buricions. A bugle (beaft) bonafus, 2 The bull-chafer, taurus volans. A BURDEN, onus, eris; n. fafis, 3. A bugle horn, cornu venarorium. A bu'l's pizzle, taurea, lored f farciana, I. f. Buglofs, buglofum, 2 n. To buithen, enero, fartino, onus in- Yellow baglofs, lingua bovis, A bull-trout, frutta taurina. ponere, oneribus cumuları. Small wild buglofs, lingua bovis Q2- A pope's ball , bulla pontificia, diplo- To carry a burden, oneri fueredere. veflris. mi papale. To lay down a burden, bumeros eners Purple wall-bug'oſs, lycepfis Angli- A bullace, prunurn fylveffre. levare. cana fo & purpures, A bullace-tree, prunus Jylveftris. A great burd n, moles, lis ; f. Viper's rough buglofs, echiun flure A bullet, glans plumhes. A little bundle, nufulum, 2. n. fir, pullo. Builet in mouth, promptis in ore glan cinio'a, I. f. White wall-bugloís, lycopfis Anglica dibus Of or for a burden, onerarius ; adj. ng flare albo Bullion [money in the maſs) argen-To be burdened, aggravar, 1. pre- TO BUILD [aa] @lifico, I. fabrico, tum non faaum or inftaum. mir, 3 I. condo, 3. conjiruo. 3. extruo, 3. A bullock, juventus, dim. Burdened, gravatus, oneratus, a, um. • He built a fine houſe, præ-laram A bulruſh, juncus, 2. A cardener, engrator, cris; m. ædificatiit domur. There d d he ! A burufh bed junceum, ti z n. Durdenſo ne, onerofus, a, um, adj. build three cities, tres ibi urbes Balruſh, adj. To burden the conſcience, firupu- ftatuit. • He vows to build a Of bulruſhes, junceres, a, um. lum injicere. church, vevet templum. * I build Full of butruſhes, juntolus, a, um. The burden of a ſong, verfus inter- upon your worl, verbis tuis nitor. calaris. A bully rock, vir fortis & ani- To build about, circunfrua ere. fellow, mofus. To bear a burden in a ſong, mimo To bulld again, reædifro, are. A bulwark, agger, 2. m. munimentum, fuble vire. To build before, præir, öre. prædium, propugnaculum ; 2 n. Baren fin the Low-countries] Bura. To build in, ingedifico, are. of a bulwark, vallaris, muralis; adi, Burg upon the fands (in Cumberland) To build under, fubiruo, čre. Bulneſs or Bolneis, [in Cumberland) Cara Exploraterum To build nigh unto, cfrus, ceædifico, Albato-Bulgio, Blatum Bulgium. Burg under Stanemore; Verteris, A bumbard 1 gun) bsnbarda, @; f. A barganet (helmet) kaffis Burgun- To build up, poradifico, are ; act. To diſcharge a bombard, bombardun dita, To be built, adificor, ari. * Top difpledere. Burgaw [in Schwaben) Burgovia. point where a temple ſhall be A bumbard (tankard) cantharus, 2. A burgbote, immunitas à reparandis built, effari templa, fijlere fana. Bumbaſt, golpium, xylum, 2. n. burgi muris. Builded, 7 ædificatus, fabricatus, con- To bumbalt, golipio opplere. A burgeon, germen, inis; n. gemma, Built, ditus, s, um ; part. Bumbafted, golipio onpletas, wylstr. a; f. Built about, circumn ruałus, 4, un. A bumkin, cilonus, injubidus, vuficus, To burgeon) [ſprout) germino, 1. Built before, prafirufus, 43 m. Burgeoned, gemmatus, a, um. Built hard by, cadifcatus, a, um. A bumme, nates, un ; pl. A burgeoning, gemmatio, germinatia, Built up, pere diftatus, a, um A bump [ſwelling tuber, erin; m. onis; f. Bailt upon, inditus, a, um. A bump (thump] colarhus, 2. A burg fs (freeman) municeps,ipis; m. A builder, ædificator, conditor, fructor, Bumped out [in building) proje&us, To chufe a burgeſs, in civitatem af- a, um. cribere. A mafter-builder, aytbiteaus, ti; m. A bunch [fwelling) gibber, tuber, n. A burgeſs (magiftrate] burgenfis ; 3. A building, ædificiun, 2 n. fruau- A little bunch, luber u'um, 2. n. A burgers in parliament) ſenator, ra, I f. I have surveyed all A bunch (bundle) faficulus, 2. m. pater confcriptus your buildings, onem adificationem A bunch of grapes, racemus, 2. m. of a burgeſs, mun cipolis, la; adj. tuam perfpexi. A hard bunch, cirtdus, 2. m. Burgels-ſhip, civitas, atis ; f. jus civi- A little building, edificatiuncula ; f. Banch-backed, gibboſus, gibber; adj. tatis. А are 3.0 BUR BUR BU S 1 1a. Birourynadi. } } Burgundans. } Burgundiones . Burne wp [as seafa care sa in pratica The Cornuuni. Burned moch, deullus, peruſius,a,um. Bart, cliſus, hernio is, h, um ; , Burned (as in roaiting Irelofus,num. Burften, adj. Bu gh (in York tire]. Bracium. That can be burned, combulibilis; adj. Burſt (as a bladder] dijplofus, a, um; Burgh upon the finds (in Cumber. Sun burn!, forvidus, a, um ; adj. fadi. Lind) Exploratarum rajira. Burnt-forrel, in fufcunt rutilus. Burft wort, millegrana, herniaria. Bligh under Stanmore (in Wilmor. A burner, indenfor, ifter ; 3. m. A Duriting, diſruprio, onis ; f. land) Vertera, Verse.is, Burner (herb) pimpinelli, anguifor- Busineſs,' bernia, ramacs, içis; m, A burgher, inuniceps, ipis į m. on;i.f. Tuplura; I. f. Burghclip, jus inuni ipis. Burning, ardos, flagrans, altans. berit cow, A burgl.s, parinum ff.for, effractor. A burning coal, primi, a f. The burn.cow, bupiajes. Burglary, parietuin en te or parfilio. A burning fact.) ujio, combuſlio, con- blain-cow, A barghinotc (town-court]murgi live crematio, in.entio, 3. f. A burthen, onus, eris; n. oppidi ronvenius, sivium comilia. A burning (neut. j ardor; 3. m.jilaTo burth-n, onero, are. A h. rgo-n'alter, njunic pio præfe&us. grunti., 1. deflagratio ; 3. f. The buriben of the fong, varjus int", Burgoin (in the Dsupbinato) Burgu- A burning about, ambito; 3. f. tercalaris. ja. burning ague, car ils, 2. Burthenſome, onsrarius, a, 173; adj. Birgos (in Old Girlile] Masburgi, A burning fanie, incendium ; 2. n. A BUSH, annus, nubus; 2. * You Buigi, Brarun. A burn:ng in fores, uredo, ur.gº; 3. have not gonc about thc bom, nie A burgravc, urbis prafeetus, 1. hil circuisionis ufus es. "Either a Burgliceri (in Elix] Csfromagus. A burning-ron, cauteriun, ii ; n. buſh or a brake, aut navis qui guk. Bu gundy La county in France] Bur. A burning with a lot iron, caureri. rus. * Good wine needs no buth, gintiu. %:lio, juginutizatio, onis ; f. vino bono non opus eß bedera, * One Burgundy, adj. Burgundicus, a, Burningly, ardenter ; adv. bird in thc hand is worth two in Oi Burgundy, Burnt with the pox, luo Venersâ in. the bath, spem presio noti emo; ulus. quicquid poffim mal auferre : pre- Burgonians, Burnt up (grafs) arefallus; part. fentie. A bur al, funus, eris ;. n. cxequia, Birnt wird, defruium, vinum ad-Thc buſh (tail of a fox] cauda väle arum; 1. ſepultura, æ ; f. ulum. pis. A burial-place, calvaris, e; f. A bunt-offering, holocauflum, n. Silver-buſh (a ſhrub) I cvis darba, Burial duties, jufa funerum. To burniſh (make bright) polio, ex. A hull of hair, (@furios, ci; f. Buria' folemnities, exequiæ ;.pl. f. polio ; 4. act. or burials, funerarius, a, um, adj. his head, arvus defricat Exuvias Full of bulines , } dumojus, a, um Buriablc, Jepslibilis, le; adj. 3. art. A buſhy place, dumelnın, rubetung Burick (in Germany] Burithum. To burniſh [grow big) grandeſco ; 3. spingium ; 2. n. St. Burien (in Cornwall Bilerium. Burniſhed, policus, expalstus, a, um. A buſhel (cight gallons]medius: 2.m. TO BURY, Sepelio, 4. consumulo, 1. Burniſhed (as a decr's head) poſitis A little Buſhel, moaiclus, i; m. bumo mandara, tilinulo dara, fepul. exuviis nifidum. A buſhel (two frikes) medimus. chro clauders. A borniſher, pelio, onis; m. A buſnel and halt, jequimodius. To bury before, præfepeiio, 4. act. A burniſhing, expolitio ; 3. politura, Two butels and halt, culous. To bury together, ronjepelio, 4. act. 1. f. Three buſhels, triinodirani. To be bu.icd, sepelior, rumulor. A burr, lapra, «; f. B.Thel, Bried, sepultus, consumularus, terra A great burr, artium, bardana. art. iniratus, a, um. The burr (of the ear] lobus. BUSY, ocupatus, impeditus, a, um; A burier, Sepultor, tumulator ; ), m. A burr knob of a dcer's horn) tuber negotiis diſentus. * You are as f culum. buly is a bcc, Taragis tanquam pus A burying-place, Jepulchreum, 2. n. Of a burr, lapparens, a, umr ; adj. , um in m.tella When you are bu- To bur: (pick the knots out of cloth) Full of burrs, lappoſus, a, um ; adj. fieſt of all, in fummâ occupations enodo, defquamo, I. Burrage, borago, inis; f. quâ. A burler, en dator, oris, m. Birdock, bardan', cappa ; 1. f. To hefy, occuro, I, inpedio, 4, Joli. A burling-iron. forceps fu'lnica. Little burdock, bardóns minor, cilo, are. } Burlesquc, p:ëjis jocular.s imit:!toria. Ditch burr, xanshium, To bury one's ſelf, immifiera or im- The turis' [of a decr's head) Ju-Bitler burr, puafites. plicaro fa. bula. Burr-rece, Sparganium romolum, A buſy-body, ardelio, onis; m. curi- Bu ly chig) craffus, grandis. A burrel-fly, tabanus, i; m. ofus, i; m. aliena curans, cranitim TO BURN (act.) uro, aduro, comou- A buriow (corporation) municipium, negotiis fe immifcens, faluna in alis- ro, incendo, 32 * You burn day- nem mellem smmitrens. light, lll ernim in fole accendis. A burrow (for copies} catrum cuni- To be buly, Satago, 3. negotiis difi- To burn (neue Jardco ; 2. B.:groji. Culorum. afuo, ex@liuo ; I. To burrow, in cavum fubire, fe pere- Bused, occupatus, folicitus,. verfatus, To curn all about, amburo ; 3, n. trare, in cavernam irripere. , ILIN ; part. To burn again, rardeket, 3. neut. Burrowed, tutus, injuriæ veniorum Buſi!y, adv.olicită Audiosè. To burn (in facrifice) adoleo, ire, nin paticns. Buſincſs (trouble or bunlle) tumul- To burn in the hand, nigmitixa; s. A bu row (cover) Latibulum, li; n. fus, tumuliuuijo, turba. To burn a little, ſuburo, pre, Burrow hill (in Leiceſterſhire) Vorno BUSINESS (employment) negotium ; To 'burn much, ażuro, peruro, čre. meium, 12rometur. 2, n. negotiatio, 3. f. coinmércius To burn (ſearj cauteriz, Gre. Burrow-bridge in Yorkſhire) Patis 2. n. occupationes, um; pl. 3. f. To bura thorow, ferardea, ērs. Burgenſis. * That is not our buſineſs (we do To burn together,concremo, čre, Thc burſe [exchange) excambium, not make that our buſineſs id non To buin vehementiy, pug:0, 1. de. forum bafilicum. wgimnus, * In the heat of your bu- Nagro, exardeo, ēre ; neut. A burfer, burjarsus, thefutarius, dis fineſs, in fummâ occupatione qua. To burn up, exuro, 3. * The graſs penſator, * What buſineſs have you there? burns up, herba ex.irezit, Burfia (part of Aha] Miha. quid iflic tibi negotii el. I had. To be burned, uror, čris ; part: ro BURST, crepo,, difruinpor, a buſineſs in hand, ociepátus eram! Burned, ufus, combuflus, cromatus, To burst with laughing, rifu omori. * It takes one off from buſineſs, Burnt, a, um ; part. * The To burit in pieces, difilio. avocat à rebus gerinais. ' . Whats village was burnt with lightning, To burſt out into laughter, in riſum bugnefs is this? quod hoc rei ell? villa celo tada ell. * A burnt prorumpere. #Come to the bufncis in hand, ad child dreads the fire, ictus piſcator Burft, difruplus, a, um, H. & A. rem redi. Will you bave me ſpeak fapit. To burſt oui, profilio, 4 *Tcars burit to your buſineſs? mene vis dicere Burned round about, ambuſus, a,utn. out, profiliunt lachrymæ *Fire burſts id quod ad ' attinet ? He has Burned to alhes, cinefa&us, a, um. out if you ſtrike the ſtone, exitie; enough to do about his own bus. Borned before, prauflus, a, um. ignis lapidem lapis percufferit. į nefs, is rerum fuarum jalagit. " Al- Burned in the hand, Digmaticus, cau. Riady to burſt, adeo inflarus ut propi ways about one buſinets or ano-, terixuus, a, um. crepet. .. ther, fernper agens aliquid & moliens, * Thc 2. n. ncor, 1 tos gerarc. . } BU T T 1 :BUT BU Y # The busineſs werit on well for tue in thy mouth, what it is thou An under-butler, ſubpromus. me, bene prosperique hoc operis pro knoweft not, nomen tantiem virtutis Bulow (in Pomero) Busuroria. colit mitt. ufurpas, quid ipla valeat ignoras. Butrinto fin Epirus) Buthrolum. A buſineſs (thing) re, mui; F. BUT that, niſ, ni, nifi quod, qued Butter, butyrum. They that have Artill bobneſs, facinus improbum. niſi. As for example. But that good ſtore of butter inay lay it To do one's buſiness, (caſe nature] I fear Bry_father, ni matuam pa. thick on their bread, cai mulrum aldam exonerare, ad foricas ire. from. But that he was afhancd efl piperi eriam oleribus iminifcel. To mind or follow buſincis, roi ope to confeſs, niſi erubefccret fateri. To buiter a cake, placentami butyro rami dare. #But that we uſe the words other induere. To do buſineſs for another, operam wife, nifi quod verbis aliter utamur. A buttered toiſt, segmen tali panis alteri dare. • But that Torquatus's caufe held butyro illiti, folius panis ex bulgro. To find one buſiness, foceffore alicui me in bund. I had me enough, Buttered, buisro indutus. negotium. quod niſi nne Torqunsi coula teniret, A butter burr, petajítes. To manage buſineſs, negotia tractart, Satis eral dierum. . What alls you a butterfly, poipilio, onis. buc that you may do it? quod im- The hawk butterfly, prædatrix, A manager of buſineſs, negotiator. pedit quo minus fiet? Butterfly Inn herbſ fasyrion. A finali butinefs, negotiolum, raula. BUT after a negatirel is made by. A bullir-lump (bird) inocrotalus, ar- A buſinefs clofely carried, delusajira ne non; nihil non, quan, quin, qui dea fe'laris. fugema, atis; n. non, ut non. As for example. * 1 Buttermilk, butyri forum, lac fero- Foil of buſineſs, occupatilimus, , do not fear but I fall clüy you jum. um ; adl. faperi. • Ths is the with letters, non enim vereor ne non A butter-pot, tefia bueyro condendo Chief point of the buſiness in hand, Joribmdo te expleam. * I aim at aptit, hic carao, huc caput gj hujufie rei; nothing elſe but your safety, nibil Buccer wort, funicula Eboracenſis. in cores tota writur. laboro nifi ut fulvus'ſis. * Ilaw no- A. buttery, promptuarium Cellii polo- A busklignum. Featurale, fulcrum thing but was commendablc, nil rin. ogliarium jaeiningrium. non laudabile pici. * I cannot but Butling, petultus. A-busk Hj pero onis; cothurnus. bemoan his hap, non pollum ejus A butting, arisatio, onis; f. Buskined parendus, co cofum non dolere, . She doeth no- Hurt by buti ng, cornu porculus, cor- Wcarng buskins, ihurnatus. thing but grieve, nibil aliud quam nuum iftu luuius. A bus, jusvium, ijn. do ei, He did but lay him in itons, a buccock, citenis, is; naiss, jun. To buis, Suavior, baſso. non u tra quam compedibus ciërcuit. Great buttocked, lumboius, a, uin. A buſsólfhip:) navigium, i; n. *I cannot chooſe but cry out, non a button, fibula, la, f. Buscd, bafiatus, a, um. pollum quin exclamem. * There is To bulion, fibulo, confibule, are ; fibu- A bulling, baſatió, onis ; f. no doubt but, non eft dubiunt quir. la lubnedlere, Bastelo (in Laly) Buxetum., # There is none but is afraid of a button in plants, germa; I. SCU- A burturd, bulxo, onis; oris, idis;. f. you, nemo eft qui se non metuit. * It lus; 2. m. germen; 3: n. Buſuan, panus' lipsus subtegminis cannot be but you muſt ſay what Batchelor's bulton [herb] lychnis. oro fioris. you do not like, fieri nullo pacto po- Abution (fiſh] echinus. 1 To buſtle [ make a diſturbance ) irff ut non dicas quid non probes. A button-hole, anjula, fibularium, turbe, I. Tumultuor, I. Pajcicu ar phraſes. * He came but retinaculum. A buſtling (tumu t) tumultus, ús; m. yeſterday, beri primùn umit. *Hc Buttoned, fuffibulasus, a, um , adj. To buſtle about the active in buſi is but juſt now gone, jam nuper A buttoning, fibulatio, ſubnett 10, 3. f. • Deſs) rem attentè or diligenter ad. eft , quod deceffit. * Bur (paring'y, Bulton's-bay in America) Busteni minirare. omnino moditè. * There wanted pnus. A bufiling (in buſineſs) attentio ; 3. bat a little but he had ſtruck him, A buttreſs (in building) anieris, idis ; "cura, diligentia ; I. f. dan:ùm non percusit, parum abfuit f. fulcrum, i ; erilmir, aris ; n. BUT (being an adverfarive] is made quin percuteret, proprius nibil eta farrier's' buttreis, forrainentum by af, at, atqui, aurem, cælerin, fazlum quiin ut percuteret. * I concifarium. nij, quod, ffin, werů, verurs.. wou'd but for hurting him, vellem A butwin [ bird) capella. BUT FOR, abique. As for example, ni forstei danno. * He is com- | Buxom, alacer, lalus, a, . But for hun I had luoked well mended with a but, cum exception. To be buxom, exullo, bilarisase per- chough to myſelf, abſque no per landutur, fundi. redo ego hi vid fem., But if, lin.. Buxomly, hilaritir; ady. But Flignifying before or before that] But it' not, fin minùi. Buxonnels, hilaritiis, nis; f. is made by cum, duir. As for ex. But rather, ime, quinimò. Buxton (in Derbyſhire) Bucolenum, ample, * Hardly was the former Put a while ago, non its pridem, To BUY, etno; z. mercor; 1. ft:r en led but Scipio commanded, But a while lince, I nuper adinodum. You cannot buy it but at a very vix por cr tumultus conticuerat cum But only that, præterquam quod, gicat raic, non parabis niſi immenſo Scipio fuberet, &c. * He was hardly But yet, tamen, attamen, verùm ta prolio, * He buys of one that hath gone out of ihe dining-room; but no right to ſell, à malo auctore he' commanded hins to be sun A buit (mark] mata; 1. f. smit. He thews he has a mind thorough, vix dum trislinis egref.; Butts (banks) geres, um. to buy, digitum tollit. He has fum confodi juil. * He had ſcarce a butt(wine veifel) emptora, cadus, not wherewish to buy a halter, {poken ihus but, vix ce furusírraldolium, tefia. non habet quo rezim emos. • 1, The bult-end, oxirunisas crollior. am not for buying a pig in a BUT [Ggnifying exeeri] is made by Turyn fu!! butt at one another, poke, ego spem pratio non enam. extra, niji, præter, præterquam. As frontibus adverfis concurreit. Tis good buying wit with other for example, * No body living To bud', arieló, ate, cornu furio. mens moncy, feituine periru- sves touched me but you, extra A butcher, lanius, 2. lanio, onis; m. lum ex aliis facere sibi quod. ex unum te mortalis nemo corpus corpori The butcher (hawk) lanio ; 3. m. ufu fit. attigit. * I'll truſt the money with ! To butcher, mocto; 1. To buy again, redimo, ert, no body but himſelf, so wifi irs Butchered, maitatus, a, um. To buy belore hand, prameness. credam nummum nemini. * HC A butchering, mattutio ; 3. f. To buy with rcady inoacy, Grera was condemned by all but one The butchery, macellum, li fide mercari, icntence, omnibus fententiis præter A butcher's ſhop, neut. To buy often, empto, emprido ; 1. unan dannatus. No body faid Butcherly, adj. fanionius, laniarius, To buy together, cučimo i 3. commora ſo but Cicero, nemo id dixit przter- COT ; I. Butcherly, adv. crudeliter, immani-To buy meat, obfonos ; 1. BUT (1. c. only] is made by modo, rèr, truculenier. To buy and:fcil, mircori nundinor ; I. folum, tantum. As før cxample. Butcher's prick-tree, ouonymus, 2. To buy to ſell again, promnercor ; I. * Be but ru'ed by me, mihi modo A butcher-bird, lanius, 2. A mind to buy, emacitas ; 3. f. aufcults. They diſagrec bui about Bucchers-broom, rafous, brufous, 2. To buy up, imercor; I. one thing: in reuna jolùm diſidene. Butcra (in Sicily) Butia. To have a mind to buy, emplurio; 4. * Thou hast but the name of vir- A butler; promks, difpenfator. A buyer, empfor, mercator ; 3. Let the 1 um. men. num. n, um, quam Cicero. i. BY BY СА В 1 By the Cum. the buyer look to himſelf, caurat ourſelves, reliqur per nos agemuse as, *No agreement could be made ompror. Prater, with an acc, as, 'The fourth by reaſon that he was not content, A great buyer, emax, acis ; monopo day he went by Arbella to Tigris, ras convenire nullo modo poterat prop- la, e;f. quarto die præier Arbellum pene: terea quod ille contentus niin srat. A buying, emprio, 3. f. mercatus, 4.m. iravit ad Tigrim. By itcalih, furtim ; ady A buying together, coëmprio, onis ; f. Pro, with an abl. as, * Methinks I Particular phraſes. * By this timo To be bought, venalis, le ; adj. 3 art. may do it by my office, pro mra twelve months, ante annum elap- Bauzenfois (in France) Bux incrum. auctoritats vidior pope. fum. * By that time I ſhall have To buzz (as a bee) bombile, mur. Prope, with an ace, as, He fet ended my year's Office,ego cùm an- muro, bombum edern. down by the bank of Anim, prope nuum raunus conſe:ero, * By ihat To buzz [in one's car) infufurro. ripam Anirnis confedit. he had ended his speech, lermont To buzz a thing about or abroad, 18- Propier, with an acc. as, . He lies vix dum finito. * I have by me the morem difpergere, or in vulgus ferre, down by the river fide, propter n- commendation of the man, ej 19 A buzzard, butto, rubrlariu. que rivum proumbit. manibus viri laudario. I got it Abald buzzard(a fort of eagle]perinos. Secundum, with an acc. as, * Here: by heart, memoriæ mindavi, * He A buzzer, bombilus. celved a wouod on his head hard faith it by heart, memoriter memo- A buzzing, obmurmuratio, onis ; f. by his ear, vulnus accepit in capite rai. * I ſhall it down by myſelf, By, (according 10 feveral fgnifications) fecundùm aurem. sgo de'umbam folus. Now we is anſwered by ſeveral Lalin pre-Sub, with an abl. as, are he:c by our cives, foli suns poſitions, vix. town's fide, fub ipfo oppido. fumus hic. 4, or gb, prep. with an abl.as "You Deprepoſition is fumetimes to be un- A by-blow, norbus, filius, naturalis. are in no danger by me, nihil tibi derfood, when it agnifics the infiru- A by-path, devium, i; 2. off à me periculi.* He was ſlain ment wherewith, the cauſe why,or A by-way, via devia. by valiant Acbilles, occidit à forti A manner how, a thing is donc, as, A by-end, finis fniſler. chille. They do not know that * By no means, nullo modo. To be by, adels; infin. of adfum. theſe things are taught by them, You are a father to him by na- A by.word, diuerbiuin, adagiunt, hæc efe ab bis præcepta nefciunt. turc, I by counſel, naturâ iu illi convitium, opprobrium, i ; A: You may ſee your fiiend by the pater as, confiliis ego. * Cafar got Hard by, preto ; adv. in propinque. way as you go, à via Jalutei ami glory by giving, Cajar dando glo- To let by ieftecm) aflimo, 1. facio,3. riam adaprus eft. * The Alame in. To ſet by (alidc) sepono, ère. AD, with an act, as, • He hath gar creaſes by moving the torch, mora By itſelf (apart1 feparatim; adv. dens hard by Tibar, babet hortos ad face crofcit flanna. * Who is this By chance, fortè, cafu, fortuitò. Tiberim, * He makes ſhoes by the that pulls me by the cloak ? quis A by-place, latebr 2, 1. receffus, 4.m. laft, ad modulum calceamenta cm me probandit pallio ? * I hold a By ſome place, aliquo;, adv... ficis. . I will get them both done wolf by the cars, lupum auribus By what place, quà ; adv. by night, saum hoc bodia reddam ** I ſhall perſuade him by By come means, aliquatmus, aliqua- utrumque ad vefperam. To try ſome means or other, aliquo modo litèr ; ady. pillars by a plumb line, ad perpen- exorabo. * I took my journey by By what means, quo modo, quo paas, diculum columnas exigere. By Laodicas, sier Laodicea fuciabain. * By my faith,cafor, mecaſtor, mebere. weight, ad pondus. # By moon- The towers are higher than the cle, pol, adopol, adv. Jurant. light, ad lunam. walls by ten feet, turris dmis pe- A byaſs, praponderatio, momentum in. Apud, with an acc, as, # By him lat dibus quàm monia altiores ſunt. partem diverfam. Stipitius,apud eum Sulpitius fedebat. Or,by a gerund in do,which is in a (Byaſſed, tranſverfim oEtus. Cum, with an abl. as, By break of manner an ablative caft, as, * Byaſs-wiſe, tranfurrin, oblique; adv. day, cum prina luce. Vice is nouriſhed by being con- To byaſs, tronfuerfim agere, De, with an abl. as, * He knows lam ccaled, vitium alitur regendo.* Bychow (in Polonia] Bgcbovia. coming by the ſcent, da odore ad. Every calamity may be conquer'd By-laws, leges nyficeruin. lo me ſoir. * Reckon you this, by patience or ſuffering, /uperanda that what I write to you is by his omnis fortuns farando. advice and authority, fic habero, one Note alſo, that by is lometimes in- de illius ad 1 fenimiia atque aucto- cluded in an adverb, or a noun ritate fcribere. They do not yet put adverbia'ly, as, know fo much by themſelves, hoc By and by, adv. confefim, continuò, C before A. illis de fe nondum liquet. * I know è vfligió, ex continenii, extemplò, jam preſently that it was done by a illico, mox, prolinus. As, * I will greement, fcivi extemplò rom de be here by and by, jam hic adoro. THE cabal (a book of the Jewiſh traditions ſo called cabala, a; compiada geri. • By candle-light, By the bye, adv.orbiter,in tranfitu, Traditio judaica ; ;. de lucerna. By the way, Š in tranſcurſu. A, * A cabai (private confederacy.) con- E, or Ex, with an abl. as, * He ſhall Which things I had lightly by the cilium privatum, conciliabulum. perceive nothing by me, è me nihil way touched in the fifth book, To cabal, conciliabulum iniro. liet. * Men will judge of your do quá in libro quinto leviter in trans- A cabaliſt, cabaliſa, te; m.. ing not ſo much by your intentas curſu attigeram. * Our men have Cabaliſtical, caboliſicus, a, km; adj. by the event,fa&i tui judicium non handled ihole things by the way, Cabarick, persone, tam ex confilio ruo, quàm ex euentu in tranſcurju ea altigere nofri. The cabbage worm, muca braſicaria. homines funt fa&uri, * He faith it By the byc ; adj. accefforius, a, um. The cabbage of a decr's head, mas by heart, exponit ex memoria, By much'; muliò ; adv. * By much trix caruini cornu. í Fuxta, with an acc. as, * The mald the most learned of the Greeks, A cabbage, bralica capitata. ſtands by her father, juxta genito- Græcorum muitò dolliſimus. To cabbage, in caput 60- Tem affar virgo, By how much, quanio, quò. a , álakere. Per, with an acc. as, * It is no mat- By fo much, tanto, cò. Sabbaged, capitalus, a, um. ter whether you do it by your By the way Lin travelling) in via, cabbin(in a ſhip}iabulatum inngur, proctor or by yourſelf, nihil inte in itinere, per viam. A the cabbin; gurgulliolum, i, n. ref utrùm per procuratorem agas, an By degrees, gradalim; ady. on to ſeep in, tugurium;i; 1. por tripjun. He will undo his fa- By reaſon of, ob, per, pra, profi!, Acabinet, ciſlula, capſula, &f. ther by his villainy,per flagitium ad 25, ** By reaſon of the danger he fitinium,.i; n. inoriain rediget pairem * If the had brought La ida into, eb intcnta cabinet-drawers, lotelli in fcrinio. confuls are inade by the pretors, Legida periculu. Nor indeed A cabinct war, hallum penetrale.. ji per pralores conſules creantur. could ſhe by reaſon of her age, A cabinet-maker, ſtriniarius, capjuta. He will go by Ticinun to che Be neque per alaran ofiam poterat. * rum opifex thic province, provinciam Belhycam By reaſon of feat, pra metu. *1A cable, rudens. intis ; m. funus nou- por Ticinum eſt petiturus.' can make no camp by reaſon of the tiegs. feech you by the memory of my time of the year, 7700 ccfira propter A Meet-cable. funis anchoret sucre. father, 1€ per parentis animoriain ob anni tempus facere poffum, Cabliſh I bruſh wood cremium, Sulier. We will do the reſt by. By reaſon that propterea quod, or quia, Caboſhcd, capite truncatus. H. : # 1 be- To (CY!. . 1 Aca CAL CAE CAL To cack, calo, I. A calcinating, calcinatio, onis ; A cacka el-fith, mena, mænis, idis ; } call your' countenance to mind, il Calcinacion, fi venit mibi in mentem tki oris, manula. A calcinatory, culinus fujarius, vas To.call one all lo naygbt, convitior, The ox-eyed cackarel; bocor calcinaroriun. aris dep. The white cackarel, saaris. To calculate, cokulis compulara To. call by name,. indigita, are. To cackle, glasiro To calculate [a nativity i ex alicujus To call by.come naine, nomino, mu». The cäckling of a hea, gallina glo boros:opo que fun eventura prædi. upo, ait ; act. cilerio. To call by a nick name, agnomino, I.. A lamb, educatus ] 'Cadenacum, , tio, onis ; . To call often, appellitos. vacilo, 1. . Calculated, fupputatus, compu:atus., To call out, *1960, art. Cadence (in ſpeech) periodus, clay. A calculator, calculator, "logilla;... To call out of bed, fufciso, are. füras numerosa periodi claufura. Calculaçory, calculatorius, a, um. To call one on, adherior, art. A cadéc, the famcat Calder [a river in Yorkſhire Calderus, To call over names, recenfeo.. A cadet (youager 'b.other] frater Caleb (a man's name) Caieb, isi To ça!! to remembrance, recordor, 1. nuru minsy, Ca!ecut [in India] CanshapisCale reininijcer, réroio, 3. The cades worm, ligniçerda' aqua cütjum. To ca!l in queft on, etrifero in que- .. tica, pbryganion. Caleċüt-pepper (herb) piperitis. Nionam, Cadiz (in Spain] Gides, iums, To calefy,, calefacio, TO CE!1.9 one, advoch.p.are; act. Cadmia (a ftone] cadmia, lap. cala. A calecver, salopeta wvlitaris.. Tocali åp Spirits, flora, nanes. minaris. To calender cloth, vejlern or pannum To cell together, convocog.i. concieo,4. A cadew (ftraw-worm] phrizaneum. lavigere, palire ar, expoligt. To call.uoro, inclame, are.. A cadow (Iriſb mantle] gaujape, iš iCalendered, levigatus, a, uma To call often unto, adveco, acsito, f. quufipa, orum; . gaujapinapan A calenderer, of cloth, slk, 8:. To cal upon,.cico, 4. nula, paini, ferici, &'c. politor. To call as a partridges cacabo. Cien (in Normandy] Cadomus, A calendering, lavigatio, onis ; f. To call upon, invece, are : Caer-hean [in Wales) Canovium, A falender [almanack] calendarius, To call upon for help, imploro. Caer-laverock [in Scotiand] Corban ): 1;: They called upon us for help, open korigum. A calender (day-book] diarium, i; & auxiliun niorum jug târunt. Caer-iconſ in Wales 7 Ifralegio Aguila, ñ; ephemeris, idis ; f. To call upon öftcri, inslag:10, 1. ur- Caermarthen (in Wales) Carmaribi- The calends of the month, calmde, geo., Zre nis, Muridunum, arum;'f. At the Geree calends To call upon for witness; appello, I. Ciermarthenshir, ager Maridunmis. (riever] ad Græcas calendas, To call to wipers, telles contejor, !; Caernaryon (in Wales) Carnarvonis, of the ça!ends, calendariai * I call the gods, to witnes,id Caernarvonſhi:e, Arvonis, &;.F. A calenture, morbus Jolfitis/is. tefior dios, Cacrwent (in Wales] Venla Silurum. A calf, vitulus, li; min To call upon by the way, compelları, Cæfar [a mali's name] Caefar,aris;n. Ta leaca f, phora. ſalutare vo via. of ſturgeon,furionis tifai, The calf of the leg, sura. To call upon, God, Deum ir vicare. A cagë for birds, caves, æi : Calvesaad } vitulinus , , a; um. To begi.a callsympani kgno conuer A ca!l. vocacion-3. fi vigts, 4. m. A cage for birds to Ay about lo, a of a calf, viirium, ornithorrophism. Cifs foot, pes vilulinys. care, coniiire. A cage (for malefa&órs) carcer , cla- A calf's chaldron, erhinus, At a call, ad wulung, · Thralus. Ca!fs (not [her.b) antirrhinum, To be called, vocors, advocar, accorjar. A cage to puniſh bond-men in, ca. lychnis, flueflris. • They are called to arms, cong tajla, a. Calicoć, tela molliusula di.Cale:uto. clomatür od arma. He ſhall be Caianic (part of Sweedland] Caiònia., Calis Malis in Spain). Gades, call d Vuuu's grandſon, Vonaris A caimm, trocodilus, li; m. Tg calk å hiperqueinpblinera, pi; nepos, pudier To cajolc, blando fermore áliquim de. card, unger:. To be called again, repetor. linirs ; verborum lenociniis permul. TO CALL, appella. L. compello, 1.-03Not to be called again, irrevrabi.is. sere; du&tare aliquem dolis; inofcare 10,1* Call Davus out hither, wo To.b: called up, secitor., aliquem ; in fraudim illiveri. cate hue Diuum* He will call Called, vocatus, di&us, nominalus, Calio (in Egypí] Babylon, Memphis. you to an account, rationem de to Called agalo, reperitus, a, um. Cálfhow-bundred [ia Hertfordpirs) repetet. • They call to be gonc, Called back rowniissza a, um.. Cali. vajd conclamant. so they called Called for, acçilus, a,.07. Catif (v.le perſon). Tufarius, flagitio her, illi id erat nomen. They Called by command, orijitus, a, um, Yuso impius, improbus, a, um, adj. called her by another name when called by the name, nuncupatus, A cat:ff (Nave) cáptivus, vi;m. Huile, fuit aliud häiç parud noman.caled by a falſe;namcg.agnomina- Caitiffily, flagitiosè, improbè ; ady... The pot calls the kettle buat. tus; a, um, A cake, placenta, ia jf. libum, i; n. arfe, Cladius accuſat, me:hos... Called offen, vocitatus, a, um, • Yövr cike is.dough; ad refined To call aloud, exclumón, are.. Called out, aupcatuig. A, um. res rediit, Cal'cd up, cxcipusa, um... A little cake, placen!ula, la ;fi Call aſide, avolo, ſovoce, are.. Called upany invatatus, imploratus. A bcan-caké, jabeareiga; f.. To call back, revoco, reclamo, 1..2. A caller appellatora, vorator, g-oris ; m. An eat-caks, aveniacenza fi. peto, čre. A cailer for, accerfror, oris ; m.. A Spice cake, panig duljarius, To call back Concs ivord).recanto, a caller forth, tukcasar, oris; m... A broad thin cake, collyra, cijfe, retra&to, depego, are. Callicoc.cloth, pannus. culerusianus. A feller of cakes, placentarias, i, m. To call for, arcelo, čre. Calligraphy (feir writing), salligra- A wreathcd cakc, ſcriblita, 'a'; To call'forth, pbig.. A bride-cake, placenią nuptialis To call out }: duco , are. A calling, 'waalus, îs ; m. vocatio. Calais, Calitumi, Ticius porius. To call till one.be hoaiſe, ufque ad. A calling.again, repetisia, onis ; f. A calainary.'lkm) loligo. navim tefiere... A calling back; revocațio, onis, f.. A calzmine (ftone lupij calaminaris. To call in, introvaco, are. A calling for, accerfitus,.accitus. ;m. Calam nt [herb) calamintha.. To call in (a dog] incari, I. incre- A cailing forth, evacation,onis f.-- Cornicalamint calaminib: Flvejlris. A calling from, avocazio, onis.at. Buſh or hoary calamint, calaninıb. To call in[at a place) falutare de via. A calling by name, compellatio, 3 fi i montane. To call iaktantly, for, a thing, fatigp, A calling to remcöibrançe, recogni. Calamity, cammitas, nis; f.; 1. To call'inſtantly for battle, i tio, onis ; f. Full of calamity, calamitous, de um. farigara. Muiem, A calling together, conuoses oz 3. f. Calcarlin Cleveländ) Calcaria, To call to mind, recordor,: 1. Tarolo,A calling unco.advocat.o, inclama. Culcedon Chukedon, onis "T, * Can you call it ta mind 1:1149: tio, onis; f. To caicine, in cinerem redis. quid meminelli ? * Coll to mindre A calling upon. invocatio, onis ; f. Calcinatc,) dige ad vienoriem., * Now, I call, 10 of or for calling, Oppellarius, voca- Calcinated, in cinerom rodadu... mind, jani adiit in memoriam, * 1 sivus, a, um, adja A cal!) To call apart, } > 1 po, ate. 1 . He | wqu ilicus, Camp, Of a camp 3 art. } 3 art. } C. A M CAM CAN A calling (profzflion) ars, tis; voca- , A catoilade, etrurſus mi:itdin indu. Canary.giaſs, phalaris. sio, onis; f. paus; 4. condit:6, 3. fa fuper armin bibentium. Canary-wine, Canaricum, Callidity (craft.ncſs1 calliditas, 3. f. To give a. camilade, añ:clutánam Hispanicum Callimancoe (tłuff | ocis 1:7183, impreſſionem hoftibus inferre. To cancel, cancello, induco, diſpungo, Calloſity (bravninefo callostas, 3 f Cammock, arroja bovis. oblitero, rcfcindo, refigo. Callous (brawny) callofus, a, um. Camomile, bamarelon, anthemis, To be cancelled, expungor, deleor. Callow, impiumis, me; all. 3 art. caninomis. Cancelled, deleius, expunetus. Calm ; adj. pl.160.3s, pircides, tenis, Baſtard camomile, marathium. A canceller, cancelator, exauctora- fecundus, fedatus, ferrus, tranquil. A CAM?, capra, orum; in. sor, oris ; m, ra fc. works aboue h: camp, ope- A cancelling, cancellatio , induction A calma fea, malaria, &; f. rious cafira munivit. His camp. delesio, onis; f. Calin weather, fermitas, utis; f. fran. was like to be taken, enjitis capi A.cancer (crab1 can'er, ri ; m. quillum, li; n, 1erpefas Jeren. imnuriebat. * The camp w29 fet A cancer llwelling) carcinoma, - In a calm fcafun, in tranquillo, upun, adfultatum efl adris. iis ; n. (fore) cancer. To calm, 2 paco, placo, somapono, To ramp, ? caflrametor, caſira fi- Candy (the inand) Creta. Make calm, 3. Jesto, ir.anquilla. P.ich a cump.} gero, figna defigere. Cándy (the city there] Muium, Cy. To be calm, millia, quje0.3. A.co.2. # 'l pitched my camp hard by the tau:n. Calmar (in Sousb Go:bland) Coldu. walls, od murum cajra pofui. To cindy, faccharo condini, ria. To raiſe à camp, tafra mivere, Caady Alexander [herb] Smyrniem Calmly, levitèr, plaidè tronquille. To make entrenchments about a Creticum. Calmneſs, tranguiliisas, atis ; f. cainp, infire cingo:e villo. Candid, tincidus, a, um; ad). Calne (in Wilts] Ci13. A running camp, callra temporaria. A candidate, candidatus, tijm. A caloche, carpensum, pulentum, i; n. A tanding camp, zliva, orun; n. A CANDLE, candela, lucerna, nd; f. A calot (leather cab) rudo, onis; sh. A canıp-maſter. rorum præfe&tus, * His candle burns within the Caltrops, inurius, um tribuli. The pitching of a camp, cofiramera ſocket, homo depontanus eft. When Sharp like caloops, núricarus. tio, onis; F. candles are out all cats are grey, Great cz'trops, (berb} sibulus, The pilcher of a camp, cafiramda nafte Intent menda. Water caltrops, tor, oris ; m. A little candle, lucernula, la; f. Land.caltrops, tribulus rerrefris. caftrenfis, foi adj. A watch-candle, lucubra, ci f. To calve, viluluin parere. A wart-candle, creus, i;m. Calved, in lucem edinis, One that ſerves a camp, lixi, & ; A little wax-candle, coreolus, i; m. Full of calves, vitulo!us. A cand.e-wick, ellychinum. Calues foot (herb garum. A campaign (open country? campus, Candle, candelaris, r; ad). Calves ſnout (herb) anilirrhinunn. 2. m. locus cam:eliris, planities, ei; f. Of a candle, To'calumniate (1linder) caluonior. A campaign (taking the field]'expe- To work by candle-l ght, lucubro. Calumniated, falsò delales. ditio militaris, A candle-niaker, candelarius, A calumniator, culuniator, oris; Campaign, cafirmis, ſe; adj. A candleſtick, candelabrum, lucero lycophunta, tai m. Of a campaign, s 3 art narium. Calumnious, falfus, a, um, adj. A campaign-coat, fuguin, 2. m.cla- A branch candleſtick. ly.bnuchus. Calumniouſly, falió; adv. mys, dis; f. A hanging candleſtick, lychnuchus Calunny, calumnii, ce ; f. A cadipane or campanel (flower) pendensi Cambray (in Hringul?] Camaracum, cainpanella, c; f. A plate candleſtick, candelabrum Samarobrina . Cimpen (in Over-Ydel] Campi. argentium. Cambridge, Cantabrigia, æ; f. Pons Camphire, cimphora, re; T. A candlc-ſnuffer, emunétorium. Grantanus ; Camphire-trec, cutriphora, ra; f. Candlemas-day, "lychnocaia, purifica- Cambridge, adj. } Cantabrigienfis, Cintabrigienfis, Camphire-water, aqua epherd. rio Virginis Moria. Campion (ạo herb) lychnis, šlis ; f. Candour, cander, oris; m. Cambrick," pinteum Cameracenje te. Ree campion, voja marina? A cane, canna, nie; f. canne Indica, nuiffimun. I CAN, poffum, queo, polleo, 2. neut: calamius, mi; m. arundo, 3. f. I CAME, vmi, Su Come. They * Can it be fo? påteſine fieri ? *IA little cine, cannulum, cannellum. came to me, ad me aditumen ab will do what? can, faciam ut po- A ſugar-canc, canna facéharati, illis, * It came by chance, forlui tero, # Do what you can to fave To cane; canna caderi. lò tecidit; * It came into my mind, my lon, serva quod in to off flium. Canel (tree or ſpicc] cinnaman, cir. fabiit aninum. * How came your Make all the hate you can, name to be - Menachmus ? quomodo! quantum potwis feftina, * Do what A caning, fuftigatio, onis ; f. Mmæ hmo nomen ef fa&tum tibi ? you can to get it donc, operam ut Hollow as a cane, fifuinius, a, um. # How came that ſuſp!c'on into fiat da. • Can't you be quiet? A place where cance grow, arundi. your head? quî bhai sibi incidit polin' m dofinas? - This is all netuin; ti; n. ſuspicio ? * This evil came of you, that I can proinile; tantum habco Bcaring canes, drundifer, a, union hoc à te ortum eft mil.m. How polliceri. *They can ill away with Of or like a cane, arundinaceus. came this diſeaſe upon you! unde it, gravitèr ferant... I can find Full of canės, arundinojus, a, um. contraxiffi morbun * Diſeales my brother no-where; fratriin Made of canes; connius,' arundi- came ſuddenly on the country. nuſquam inuenio gintiüm. neus. men, in agraffes ingruerunt morbi. I can tell, ſcio; 4. neut: * It's more A canibal, anthropophagus. Night came on them fighting, than you can te!l. necis, • How Canifca [in Hungary] Canifa. inservenis nox prælianlibis, * Mar. can you tell ? qui fcis iphuc ? A canker (worm) eruca, caz; f. rellas came on them as they were No-body can tell, in incerto . A canker.forc, cancer, gangrang. making their fortifications, muni No-body can tell ſo well as you, A canker in the mouth, aptbe, . entibus fuperuenit Marcellus. tu es oprimus tellis. rum; pl. A camel, camelus. I CANNOT, nequso, 4. ncut. * Ore A canker in the noſe, polypus. Camel's.' bay theib} fchenanthum, cannot tell which way it will go, Canker (rusty rubigo, inis ; f. janow, odoratus. non intelligitur utro jerit. Canker of braſs, drugo, inis ; f. Camel's, cannelinus, a, um; I cannot tell, ndjela, 4. neut. He Canker of iron, ferrügo, inis; f. Of a camel, adf. cannot tell which is which, uter To canker, rubiginem contrahere. Camel's hair, pilus camelinus. fit non quit difcerneri. * Cannot Cankered, rubiginoſus, a, um ; ad). A keeper of camels, camelariui, you hold your tongue? elism ta. Canine (doggiſh] caninus, a, um. The keeping of camels, camilaria. * There cannot be a ſafer A cannel, or channel, canalis, 3. ric Camelite (herb) caméline. courſe taken, id lütiffimus efl. ts, vi; m. Camelot in Scotland] Coria or GC- A canal, canalis, lis, in, A little cannel, angliculus, rivulus, rig. Dimoniorum: A cann, peculum lignum. The cannel bone of the throat, cla. Camelopard {a beaſt) camelipar. The Canaries, Canaria, Infula For vicula, jugulum, trochoa.' dus. tunaid. Cannions [ breeches / perizomata, A cimerade, contubernalis, lis; m. A canary bird, chloris ab injulis Ca- A canoe (boat) monoxylon. Camin (In Porreren) Catainum. nariis afportata, peller Canarius.". A cannon (ġicat gun) tormentunt; H2 The namsmum, 1 :0 AP CAP CAR hil fapit. 1 si, 3 um. The muzzle of a cannon, os foramti They go to market with caps on The capricalze (fowl) capricalca. ballici. their heads, pileati venues sunt. • A capricio (fantaſtical humour] This To ſhoot off a cangon, fermentum His cap is lined with a logger- ofe&atus. murale exonerare. head, burdus efi, infulfus audii, ni- Capricious, morojus, a, um ; adj. A cannon (percie) peirobolum. Capriciouſly, morose ; adv. A canon (rule) regula, leif. A little cap, pileolus; m. pileslui; 2. Capriciouſneſs, orcroftas, atis; f. A canon (law] canon, onis; m. To cap a perſon, coram aliquo capus , Capricorn (one of the twelve ligas) The canon-law, lex canonica. aperire, nudara, Capricornus, ni; m. A canon (in 2 cathedral church] ca- A little cap. wora under the hat, The capriol fault of a horſe, qui noniius, olim capilium, 2. D. jubſultatio. A canon bit, lupatum, A flat cap. petafus. The capítain of a thip, ergata. A canoncer, bionbardarius. A fur cap, cudo ferinus. They! A captain, dux, ucis; m. Can:nical, canonicus, a, um ; ad). fave their heads' by patting on A lililo captain, ducillus, li;m. Canonically, canonicè ; adv. furred caps, capus bis cudone ferino The chief capcain, imperator, pre- A canon'it, canunija, 16; m. sot caurum. Captain general, S. rogus. A.canonſhip, canonicatus, ús; A leather cap, cudo, onis ; m. A captain of horſe, bipparchus. A canon's place; A night cap, capitium naiurnun. A captain of fifty, pentacontarchus, To canonize; canoniz', I. in divos Arqtare cap, pileum quadratum. A captain of an hundred, centurio. referra aliquet A thee-corner'd cap, pileum trian- A captain of a thouſand, chiliurcbus, A canonization, campione fis, fi ; ! The cap of a man's yard, glans pe- A captain of a caſtle, arcis prafecius tritunus militum, in nullierum fin&torum relatio. nis. A captain of the guard, præf«aus Canonized, in divos relatus. A cap-maker, pilco, onis; m. vigilum. A canopy, cancreum, i; n. Cap-i-pe, à capite ad calcem. A captain in a galley, that com- Canorous, cancrus, a, um ; adi. To cap verſcs, alternis verſibus cons mands the flaves, remigum præfase Canitat (in the duchy of Wirtom tendere. targ) Cun, jattun. Capable, capax, aris ; adj. 3. ani. A captainſhip, prefeitura, re; f. To canc, Lcart from one) projicio, Capableneſs, capacitas, etis; f. dudus agminis, coniuriatus, as. Capacity, caprus, ûs m. Captious, captiofus, argutulus, sophiſi- To cani (recover) ionvalefco, fanefcon of good capacity, solars, tis ; adj. 3. cus, a, um ; adi. 3 (poli pue:perium ) art. lonce indolis. Captious (cenſorious] moroſus, a, um; To cant (lalk gibberiſh) ſernione fica A capariſon, lirica, (4; f. difficilis, le; adj. tixio uli ex compatto. To compariſon, loricá munire. Very cautious, porargufus, a, um. Canting italking gibber:[h] fermonem Capariſoned, cataphraftus, a, um, A captious fellow, argularer, cavilla- fiftitium ufurpais. A cap-cale, pilenbeca, ai f. tor, oris ; sophiſia, id; m. A canting talking gibberiſh] fermo. A cape ſat ica) navium xatio, pro- Captiouſly, argutè, capriesè; adv. ris fierii ufurpatio. montorium. Captiouſneſs, caplio, 3. f. aucupium, Canterbury, Cran'uaria, Dervernum, To double a cape, promontorium flec-To captivate, captivum fuceri. Derevernum, Drovern:a. tere, prætervebere, ſuperare. Captivated, capritus factus, Cant:rbury, Cantustimfisa tai The cape of a garment, velis capa; A captive, captivus į m. mancipia Of canterbury. } adj. collari, is; n. Cantrrbury-bells (herb] sampanula, A Spaniſh cape (ſhort cloak) bla- Captivity, captivitas, atis; f. la; f. mys Hifpanica. One returned from captivity, redux, A canticle, canticum, ci ; n. Capel (the family] De Capelia. ucis ; m. Çanthar:des, Soanif dies) Caniba- A caper Lin dancing] tripudium. A capuch (monk's hood ) cucullus. ridei, dum, f. To caper, tripudio, art. A capucliin riar, frater Franciſcanus; A cantle, fraflum, fegmentum. A croſs caper fubfultatio, onis; f. Capuchinus, A candle cheap) maja, 1. moles, is; f. A caper (tree or fruit) capparis, is; Car (a river in Ders] Carrus. To cantie out, in jouſta focare, A caraguya (bcast] Jenivulpes. Cant'ow (the famlly] De Canislupo. A caper [privateer) bauarium pro- A carack, E A canto, canticum, i, n. vnium, navis piratica. Caramoſel, navis oneraria grandior, A canton, tribus, îs m. rondentus The capillary veins, vena capillares, Caravel, juridicus. . A capisotade (minced mcat] minu-Caratac' (a man's namc) Caratarus. To canton, ial. A carat (the cighteenth part of a Cantonze, Capital, capitalis, le ; adj. 3. art. dram) Teration ; uncia iriens, (apud Cantoned, diviſus, in parles fes- | A capital letter, litera incialis. mongtarjos.) , Canton.zed, offence, crimen capitole, Caraways, carua, orun. A cant-piece, emblema, atis ; n. A capital city, metropolis, lis ; f. A carbine, ſelopeia velitaris. A cantred (hundred] centuaria, a. A capital ſhip, navis infgnior. A carbinc (the namc) velas, itis. Canvas, cannabiurn. A cap.tal in bullding, capitulum. A carbinado, caso in pruinis role, Canvas, cannabius, a, um ; Capitally, capitalitèr ; adv. A carburcle [fore] carbun.ulus. Of.canvas, adj. The capitol (in Rome) Capitolium. A carboncle (Itone) carbunculus, Pgo Cuſhion canvas, carbajina velis te- Capiton (coarfe filk) mataxa. ropus. nuior. Capitular, cafirularis, re; adj. 3. art. A carbuncle (in the eye] oculi vilj. To canvaſe [bandy for preferment) To capitulate, capitulo, 1. de condi- ainbio, 4. prohenjo, I. tionibus pacis agere. A CARD, charta pi&ta. To canvale (sift a buſines] difcurio, Capitulated, patto conditus. A pack of cards, foliorum fafirulus. 3..sventilo, 1. Capitulating, pacifcens, tis; part, * Here are two whole packs of Canvaled, prehmfatus, a, um. A capitulating, pallio, 3. f. cards for you, ace vobis fafciculos A canvaſer, 'homo comitialis. A capitulator, Aipulator, 3. m. duos foliorum integros. Caavaſed (much talked of ) agita- A zaple (horſe) caballus, 2. m. To deal the cards, cburlas or folia tus, ja&atus, a, km. Capon's tail (herb) valeriana major. difiribuere. A canrasing, ambitus, ür; m. A capon ſtone, alıdorius, , m. To ſhuffle the cards, chartas mifure. There is great canvaing, laboratur. A capon, capo, onis; m. To pack the cards, sharlas compo- Canvey iſlc (in Ef**] Canne, Coisa To cut a capon, cafiro, ori. . You can pick the cards, nos, Convennos. A caponet, capo pullus, capun. }" arlem teres componendi folia ui tibe A CÁP, pileus, i ;:m pileum, i; n. Young capon, culus. expediunt. . off with ycur cap boy, afori Capout (at piquet) duplex vidoria. To play at cards, chartis piais lu- caput puer. I will cap you, ga. A capouchi capiriúin, i ; n. leum dirabam de capita.. Docs Cap-paper, sbarta emporetica. To cut the cards, chartes diſcindere, be think I will come cip in hand A capping, capitis apertio, .pilei de bipurtiri. to king is fibi me fupplicaturum pu tredio. Playing cards, charla luforia. rat? We may thank our caps Full of capping (crouchićg) venera- A court card, charta figurata, ima- for this nobis bac piloa donant. bundus. ginem bumanam gerons, 7 um. doro, The ? 1 } nart. CAR CAR CAR Thiene uno, } card, charta index. folicitus, confideratus, circumspraus., A carper, carpior, 3. ziilus, 2. m. To be careful in any man's bifi. A carping, reprobenfio, vellicarii, 3. f. A ſingle card, charta fimplex. nels, Jummam in amici rebus curam A carpenter, faber, lignarius. A fuit of cards, sheriarum, familia, Adhibere, An unskilful carpenter, faber seio- &mus, Very careful, perfludio!us; adj. Card playing, chartarum ludus. To make careful, folicito. A maſter carpenter, architeétus. A (ca card, charta marina. To be careful (much concerned) A carpenter's fiae, linea, libra, amus. A card for wool, pean lanaris, angor, fasago. fis. To card wool, carmino, lunam car. Very carcful (much concerncd) ne- A carpenter's rule, norma, regula ; f. goriolus, fatugons. A carpenter's ax, dolabra, a; f.. The care ſcate, ceviria Spinoſa, Careful (penſive) anxius, ſolicitus. A carpenter's ſhop, fabrica lignaria. Cardamum cardamomum. Carefully (penſively) anxic, foiiciis. To work carpenter's work, fabrico, l. Carded, carminglus, lh, um. Carefully Lailigently) accurati, in- of a carpenter, fabricus, fabrilis, le. A carder, carininalor, furminatrix. dulrie, ſodulo, jtudiosè, Carpenter's herb, pronella, ; f. A carding, carminatio, onis ; f. Carefulners (diligence) accuratio, 3. Carpentras (in Versillin)"Carpinta- Carding and ſpinning, luna ac tola. Carefu'ners (penliveneſs) anxinas, 3. radte. A card-maker, sh.rpurius, 2. m. Careleſs, inconfideratus ; adj. Carpentry, Carcleis (at calc] fecurus ; adj. Cardigin (in Wila) Cardigania. Carpenter's work, }ari fabrilis. Cardiganſhire, Cererica, Careleſs of himſeif, fui negligens. A carpet, tapes, ciis, amphimallus, A carainal, cardinalis. A careels perſon, improvidus. A carpet knight, bellus bomo. Cardinal (principal] cardinalis, pre-To be careleſs, negligo, ornnis suasque A turkey carpet, gaufapa, orum. cipuus ; adj. A carpy, រ Cardinal i indl ; } cardinalitius. deranid, lauri. Made of carpy, carpineus ; adj. A cardinalſhip, cardinalatus, ús. Caselefineis, pugligentia, ofe.tatio, fo- A place where carpy grows, carpine- Cardoons, caules cinare. curilas. tuu, 1; n. Care (regard) cura, ratio. Caresbrook caſtle (in the isle of A carrack, navis oneraria. Care (diligence) diligentia, Cedulitas. Wight) Keresterga. A carrat, caratun, bliqua, quatuor * We have no cares to trouble us, ! A careſs, blandınanium, i; n. grana. fumus iuris vacxi. I commit it to carcís, indulgeo, comiter excipere, Carraway, corum. adblandiri. to your care, committo & mando A carman, sarrucarius, zo vrbicula- hoc tua fidei. Carefred, comiter ac benevolè excep rius. Care (heed] cautio, 3. f. *tus, A carr, carrus, rbeda, vebiculum, car. Care (trouble) onu), 3. D. Carfax, Quadriviun. ruca, Carking care, anxistas, ſolicitude. A career, bppodromus, gyruscurſus Caft away care, memoriam dolorir Carguson, } navis onus. concitatiffimus. abjite. Carc will kill a cat, cu- The carine [bottom of a ſhip) ca. Carriage (behaviour] Gejlus. ra facit canos rina, a; f. Good carriage, urbanitas, 3. f. To care, or curo, ſolicitum . To carinc, carinam reficere, reconcin- Il carriage, inurbanitas, 3. f. Take care of, } *What care 1, quid Of good carriage, urbanus ; adj. miâ refert.' * He took care for A carkanet, collare, minile, is; n. Carriage (of a burden) bajulatio, 3. f. none but himſeif, sibi vixit, sump- A carkaſs or carcaſe, cadaver, 3. n. Carriage (cartage) vietura, cif. tum facit. There is ſufficient care The carkaſs of a fowl, carina avi- A carriage (cartj vehiculum, 2. n. taker, fatis provifum 1. Take culæ . (Arrus, 2. m. you no care for that, de iftac To ca k, folicitè or anxiè curare.. Carriage (money] vaiva, I. f. nay. lum, 2 n. in oculum uiruinvis conquiefcito, ego Carking, anxietas, atis ; f. video, mi vide. Hc takes care A carle, inbumanus. Carriage (on horſeback] hippagium, 2. nct. for the future, alteri jacule profpi- An old carle, fliarnius. cit. - * I take no great care for Carlisle (in Cumberland] Carleolumn, Of or for carriage, vittorius, ensra. theſe things, de his non ita valde Catura onium, Leucopibia, Lugu . rius , adj. luboro.. He takes care for no- vallum. A beast of carriage, jumentum, i ; 0. thing, oriofus eft ab animo. * You A carle cat, ſolis mar, Carriage (for artillery) rofæ, drum. mod take care for them, iis conſu- | The carlinc lạiftle, chameleon albus, (The carriage of an ordnance, for- lendum eff. * I care not ſo I carlina, carlorrina. mensi bulici fubjefta. may but have her, meâ nibil referidun The carlings (of a ſhip] forulorum Carrict (in Scrland) Carrida. potiar modo. firmamentum. The carriages of an army, impedi- To care for, profpicio, exi, 3, provi- A Carme!ite - fryer, frater Carme maeniu, orum. deo, di, 2. fenf haters. I care lira. A carrier, portisor, 3. gefetor, 3. ba- not for your safety, salutem iuam Carnage, lanima, cades, julus, 2. mi nihil moror. * 1 percelve tho cares Carnal, carnalis, le; ad). A carrier of letters, A lelter carrier, }rabellarius. not for you, sjus alimum à te elle Carnally, carnaliter ; adv. animum confeo. To have carnally to do with, coco, A cartier by cart, auriga, a; m. To care for diligently, pudro, invi cogno/co. A carrier's horſe, jummium. gila, arcuro. carnalitas, voluptatum A carrier of tales, numigerulus, i; m, To have a care, caut. carnalium apparitus. TO CARRY, gera, gete, fero, porto. care, oft mihi cura. • I muſt have A carnation, caryophyllon. * They ſhall not carry it fo, in- a carc, mihi cautio ; videndum Carnation colour, cúrneolus. ullum id nunquam auferont. * So f. . We will have a care of it, A carnel (little thip) navicula, 1. f. he carries himſelf, fic fe adbiber. * curabilur. We muſt have a care Carncol (fage aquatick) aces. He did not carry himſelf over gal- of our health, babenda gi ratio ve- Carnoſity, carncitas, 3. pulpe, 1. f. landy, parum ſe splodidè gelir. letudinis. * Nor have you any Carnogty (Acthly excreſcence) ca Have you carried yourſelf loi itane care of yourſelf, nec 11 refpicis. runcula, I. f. tuberrulun, 2. . portafli 16? * Corn carries a price, To put or caſt away care, bono ani- The carob (herb) Aliqua, arum; f. Annina cara off. They are.car- mo afi, animum vlevari, anxieta. A carol, bymnus in Chrijli nativita ried with full fails, pafis velis per- vrhunsur. He carries fire in one tem anini cjične. To be much diſquieted with carc, A carouſe of drink, amylis, idis. hand, and water in the other, al- Solicitudine cruciari, curarum aser To carouſe, pergra'or, Graco Hot serâ manu fort lapidem, alterâ ig- bitate frangi, vivere, intemperantiús potare, plmas * They carry two faces Care-taking, curatio, onis ; under one hood, utrofque parinys f. amphoras ingurgitarı. A career (full of ſpeed] curſus equi A carp, carpio, onis. linuni. He will carry his mack admiffus, color, incitatus. The prickly carp, pigus. to the grave, "quamdiu vixerit 50 A carcer [ſhort turn) anfreaus, g. A ſea carp, carp.o marinus, bebit fligma 'nec illud nifi sw.de A young carp, carpio parvus. lebit. To carry coals to New- Careful (diligent) diliges, induflrius, To carp, carpo, villico. cofle, leinoo pomia dwi, 0 ! TO 1 ripio. atum Of a carta }elsuprarius . , , , CAR CAS CAS A Rook cafe, librorum capfa. debo. White carrot (skirwort] fjarun. A cale of confcicncc, Jirupulus con- To carry about often, circumue&o, A cart, carrus, curruca, curras, vehi kientia. To carry abant with him, circuns culun, Abow-caſc, corytus, gelo, portto, I. A little cart, carriulum, curriculum. A ſurgeon's caſe of inftruments, in- To carry alunder, difero. To drive a cart, aurigo, aurigor. frumenia chirurgica. To care, To carry away, aufero, abduco, de- The driving of a cart, curigatio, porto. A dung cait, tenni, cenividerium, Put in a cafe, : immittere capsa. To carry away. by..force, rapio, di- A child's cirt, plofellur. A caſe of a noun, cafus. A covered cart, capſus.' Without care, apretoni. To carry back, riporto, regero. A dray-cart, trabe:1. Of one cate, monoptoten., To.carry before, prefero. A little vinegar cari, feretrum, fur. Of two caſes, diproton. To carry between, interfero. rarum, ijn. Of thicc cares, triptofon. To carry beyond, præterfero. The caré js before the horſe, currus of many caſes, polyploron. To carry all before one, omnia ante hovem trahit. A CASE (ſtate) conditio, fatus. * H fe fubmoucre, vincore, fuperare. A cart-horſe, jumentum plaufrarium. it were my caſe,' Ñ ago in iffoc fim To carry away the bell, palmaat Teo A cart-horſe, re&um qui fubducuntur loco. * Were my caſe your's, tu porsare, plauftra. shi: jis. * It is in very good caſe, To carry captive, abyrabare in.feruje The:body of a cart,, plaufrum rocis gertono in loco resoj. * You are tutem. exemplum. every whit in as bad cale, in 8.1- To carry a cauſe, obtinere, caufam, Cart, adj. dem os nuvi. To carry by cart, vibo, 3. To argue the caſe pro and con, ma- To carry ciole'y, ſubvobo, occultè fa- A cart load, vehes, vebis. num conferere. 4 cart rout, orbil.. Pui lhc cale, puta. * Put thc cafe To carry from, aſporto. * What A cait-laddic, dorſuale. it be fo, pone fi ita, gio verum, ve- anſwer inall i carry from you ? A cartel [challenge) Sabidula provo lºuin ut ita fis, jac ita effe. * Put gaid nunc renunciem aos se refpon casoric the caic there be atoms, ut fent Surn? A carter, auriga. Atomi. # Put the cafe try fon was To carrý from place to place, tranf-Ora carter, uurigarius ; adi. worthily puniſhed, talersi f 1916 porto. A Carthufian fryer, frater Caribujius likes nojier meritò poenas, To,carry fo:th, vehe, exporto. or Carshwinus. In no calc, hau.iquaquam. To carry in, sinporta, ingero, intuieli. Caitridge: cpfulla continens onus in good caſe for felli, pinguis, niti- TO Carry news.run.io. Cartoole, s icrprenti, du, benè curatâ iure. To carry news back, renuncio. A cartour: (in the corniſh of a pil- To be in good calc, belle fe habere. To carry olsen, vitito, portito. la:) denticulus. To cafe-harden, ferrum (mixtura To carry on prenoveo impello. * A carir dze [in burd'ng) mululus. porlvois urgula vaccina, filosnigri He is carried on by his own de- cartwright, carpentarius. Boy Willi) indururo fuc, juâ cupiditare iinpellitur. To carve, cali, Joulpo, exculpo, in- A caſe-hardened villain, bomo no'a- To carly out, auto, p:afero. feuipo. rius, forfrifta fromis, To carry.over, transjaro, fr.in porlo. To carve often, Sculprito. A caſe-mate (the hollow in a pillar) To carry as'a porter, b:julo. To carve meat, carpo, čre ; reco, lima, To carry to a place, advebo, de ero, exarEtuo. A caſement, feneira, tranſenna. To carry together, comporio, confero Tº carve (grow ſour) coacejro. A merchant's cath, imlus wartalo- congero. Carved, cala:us, :xculptus, incifus. To carry water, lixor. Carved (as meal) «arduattis. Carhe' (in Munfier] Cafi.ia. To carry wood, lignor. A carving (engsaving) calatio, onis, A cashier, To be carried, vihor, fero. feu!prio, 3. F. To be carricd about, circumferor. A carving instrument, caium. 'To caſhier, exaulloro, expunge, To be carried away, abripior, abdu-: The igience of carving, anaglyptica. Carhired, exautoralus, expünétus. That is or may be carved, culprilis, Cifings, fiercus jumentorum ficcum. Larried, latus, estatus, vestus. le; 2dj- A cask, dolium. Carricd about, circumveaus. A carver, cælator, Juulptor. The head of a cask, alis doliaris. Carried about privately, fubvelius. A caryer of meat, carpior. To head a cask, dolio fundum adap- Carricd 2part; ſeduttus Ą carving of meat, cibi rettir. tart. Carried away, abdu&us, ablatus, ab. Antick carving, archetypa iclatura. Tafting of the cask, tajam olens. 7 €:us. A carving-knifc, culser frudorius, A cask (head-picce) gales, Carried before, pravertus. To carve las capons) Cajlro. A casket.cripjula, cijiula, forinium. Carried beyond. præterlacus. Carved, 'cafiratus į adj. A little casket, cipellula, ferinialum. Carried down; devretus. A carvel i ſwift fhip) celex, oris. A casket-bcaier, ciliifer. Carried in, importatus. Caron (part of Mufuvy) Cifönun, Caffander (a man's name) Capander, Carried out, exportatus. Calchaw (in Hungaryj C. jovia. dri; m. Carried from place to place, trans A cale in law, caufa.. Caffandra [a woman's danc) Cas- porfatus. A CASE [matter) res, caure. The fundra, a; f. Carries through. perue&tus, caſe la alee.dd, quoth Ploydon, Caffawarc (bird] To cat.out acaldo ejici non pollit. CAS CAS CAT To caf all abroid, Spargo, difpergo. To caſt out by force, enoljor. Caf off from, erotus, The gates To caſt accounts, compute, rationes To caſt at lergih, promico. caft off the books, polies enoti cor- conficere, rationes co!ligere. To caſt out often, projects. dine. To cait again, rejicio. To caſt out to periſh, expono, ebjicio. . Caſt over (beyond] traje&us. To.ca& a!ong, sbjicio, proflerno. To caſt his rider. excutere efforem. Catto.cr (covering) cbductus, officia To caft againſt, osjiqjo. To caſt (in a fuit i vinco. * To be? fus. To cast anchor, anchoram jacere, caft, lite or couia sudere. Cart out, ajoaus, proje@us. To caſt alin.der, dejicio. Tocait into a fiecp, Sopia. Caft out (as a child ) projeftilius, 6x? To cast at seta. To caſt into a ſlumber, fomnum in portius. To caſt ambis-ace, geminas sonada. dutere, Caft with violence, vibralus. jareve. To caſt a ſheep's eye at one, tranf-'Caft up, srutus, egeftus, To caft away, aljicio, rejicie. Why versà sueri. Cait up again, rejealus, A cafter, jaculator, go you about to caſt away your To caſt a ſmell, aflare odorem. felf? :!! 16 is perdituen ? * H¢ will To caſt to and fro, agitare, ultro ri- A cafter (counter) raltulus. fully caſt away himſelf, fciens, troque jatare, Cafter fin Norfolkj Venta Iroxorum. prudes videngue ieriit. * Cast a. to cart up a reckoning, computo, A caſting, jactatus, conje&ur, prajeajo. way care, menoriam doloris abjice. colligere fumm •n. A caſting about, refperfio. To caſt awry, oblique. To cart up his eyes, erigere oculos. A caſting at, petitio. cait , To cast up a vapour, exhilo. A cafting away, abjetio. To caft back one's cycs, refie10, re. To cu.ft up earth, ezriere, A caſting between, interjedtus, 4. Spiris. To cast up bank, aggorere terram, A cafting the coat or skin, exuvia, Tő caſt before, ohjicia. To caft up on a heap, coaservo. arum; pl.f. To caft behind the back, à tergo TE- To caſt through, trujicio. The caſting of a dart, jaculatis. jicere, To cast to, adjicio. The cafting of a decr's head, cornu To caft between, interjirio. To cait together, conjicio. um feruinorum txuvium. To caſt á bowl, mittere glotum. Tocaft violently, infligo. A caſting in one's diſh or teeth, ex- To caſt the coat or skin, exu, To cast up (vomit) evome. probratio, To caſt (condemn) condemno. To caſt up (as the ſea) gero, exuo. A cafting down, deje&tio, deturbatio. To cat darts; joculor. # The ſea did daily cait the ſpoils A caſting down headlong, præcipi- To caſt in one's diſh, exprobro. upon the ſhore, spolia in ripam af- tario. To caſt (deviſo a project) conjicio. fiduè maria movebant, The caſting of 2 hawky pargamin- To cait down, dejicio, dijicio, dirue. To cart up waves, «xaluo, r'. tun, 2. D. * If we do but caſt our cyes neve: To cift up an account or fum, com- 'The horſe's caſting h's rider, éxo ſo little down, fi tantùm oculos die DNI, adnumero,. I. cufio ab equo. juerimus. To caſt upo!?, congero. A cafting in; injuftio. To caſt down fron, deturbo. To cart down headlong, precipito, To caſt a perſon's water, ex ægri A caſting by the jury, damnatio. lorio corijadurim fillere: A cafting in the mind, mentis 'agia pracipitem dare.. To caſt water arout, refpergo, To cast down into, demitre, era To caſt water upon fuffundo, frigi- A cading of nativitics, calculatio bó- To cast down often, deje&o.. dam. fufundere. rofcopis: To caſt down violcntly, prorud. To caft water into the Thames, fali A caſting-net, funda.“ To caſt down under.foot, pelundo. lumen mutuare, noftuas Albenis. A cafting-off, abjectio.. To caſt down upon, ingero, To caſt the young, cicortio; abortum A caſting out, joajag millid, cgeries; To caſtihe faule upon, culpam tranf- facere. profeflus, ús. ferre. A caſt (at diceljaus. In truth 1 A caiting over (beyond)traje&us, fisi To cast forth, emitto, have no luck in my caft, ne ago A cafting under, Jubjeétio. To caft a Tigurc, vaticinor, homo fum infælix. It was at the A cafting (vomiting I rrjreio, ' usai To caſt forth a broathi exhalo, Am- Jaft caft, res erat in extremum dif- helo, crimen adducta. A huge caſt, in- The rough caſting-of the walis, opus To cait (as a hawk] arutto. gens profectò jadus. te@oriuin. To caft. forth largely, profundo. A losing caſt, jačius ſupinus. Cantigation, cafligntio.' To calt in, injicio, infero, ingero. A winning cait, juftus plenus, or pro Cantinettocscrepitacula, To caft in (by force] incorquros : A canle, caj!rum, arx. To cart [in one's mind) cogito, reco- A caſt of one's office, tentamm, fpe- A little cantie, caſellün. day rapero, verfo. * I have caft with cimen... Canle by caſtle. cafellarim: myfelfall my diſcommodities; Caſt, jadus.conje&us. Caftloford' (in Yorkſhire'). "Lögezium, meditata funt. mibi omnia mea in That may be caſt, miſlis, le; adj. Legiolium. commoda; Caſt about, circumestus, To cait in often, injedlo. Can abroad, Iparfus. Caitel (the family] De Caſtello. To cart lots, fortior.. Caft afunder, dijetlus, A castle keeper; arcis prafow." To caſt metals, metalla conflare: Caft away, abjectus, contemptus A caftor ( Deaft).fiber. To caſt a mirt over, caliginem indu- Caſt away at ſea, naufragus. To ciftrate i geidl.caßro. A caft-away, reprobus. To caitrate, la book); mesiloz rxpurn To caſt a nativity, ex hominis genes Caft-off-cloaths, axuvid, velsramorta. confequentes euentus divinare, con- One that has a cast with his eyes, A cafting. fætus abortivus. jiura drabus. A caftrel (hovering havik]timar- To caft off [a garDent] exxo, pro- Caft back, roje&us. lus. jicio, Cait before, objedu Caſual, contingens, fortuitus, cafuxlis To caſt off (renounce) rejicio,. repu- Caſt between, interje&us, adjca. dio, afpernor... "He may chance to Caft down, demolitusy deturbatus, di-Caſually, cortingentěr, fortuitò; caſt us off, nos forfitan rejiciat; # rutus, everſus.. Caſualty, calus, ús. has caſt off all goodneſs, virturi, Cait down in miſery, afliius, cala. A cafuist, cofuum confcientiä trada: nuntium remifit. mitofus. for, To caſt off (among printers) operam Caft down from, demiſus, derrulus, A.cat, catus, i; m. felis, is, m. & f. numero linearum computaris conqui- Caft down to the ground, disjoissy When the cat is away the mice röre. deje&us. play, oculus magiftri faginai rquum, To cast over [beyond] trojitio. Caft hither, and this her, jutnius. Of a cat, felinus. To catt over (úpan) ſuperjicio, super.. Caft in a heap together, comjelius, A gib cat, felis mar, ing ero. 4, um ; adj. The cat's eye (ſtone} oculus cari, To caſt out, ejicio, projicio. That Caft in, injelius, Cat-elver (mineral) mica. he could not be calt out of the Caft (by the jury) damuatur. A musk cat, capreolus mobi. town, ut ex Caſt off (as a garment) ex1:!U5. A poll-cat, putorius. Cart off (forſaken] aédicatus, repu- 'Cat and trap (the play.) ludus buxi To cait out froni, exifumo. diatus. & baculi, A.cat lus, us. nus. Castle; rare, 80, I. . СА Т CAU CEL A cat in, pan (turncoat) prævarica- Cat's-foot, yos.catid lis el. He has loft his cauſe, tor, transfuga. Cat's-hcad) apple) pomum daruma. cau: ceridir. To turn cat in pan, prevaricor, trans- A ſmall cauſe, cawfula.' . For ſo fugo. To turn cat in pan, deficere, transfu (mil a cauſe? tontulane causâ. Catals (chattels) catalla. gere. The firſt cauſe, elementum! 2. n. A catalogue, tatilogus, Cat's-tail, typha. The chief cauſe or original of a thing, A little catalogue, libellus. Cat's-rail (red plum) papiculus, pa origo, inis; f initium, i; n. A catamite, cinadur, puer meritorius. vicula To loſe a cauſc (in law] causâ ca- A cataplaſm (pultis) cataplaſma. Cattle (Small) pecus, cudis; f. dere; formula exhidere. A cataract [fall of waters, or a dif- Cattle igreat) prus, oris; n. To cauſc (make) facio, eficio, creo. caſe in the eyes) (atarada. A cattle-houſe, Babuluin. To cauſc (procure] concito, paro, A catarrh (rheum] rheuma, digilla- A stealer of cattle, abigeus, i, abar signo. tio, catarrbus. for, oris; m. To cauſe ( provoke) impello, incito. Full of catarrhs, rheumaticus. Labouring cattic, jummik. To caulc forrow, dolorem inferre. Troubled with a catarrh, catarrho Of cattle, pecorarius. To dcſend one's cauíc, alicujus pa- laborans. Full of cattle, prcorofus. trocinium accipere. Aacataſtropbe, cataſtropbe, és. Riches in cattle, ros ampla pecuaria. For what cauſe, quamobrem, qua A ſad cataſtropher, calamitojus exitus. Catzenclebogen [a country and city graria. A catch (Inng] cantilma oliernstoria. of Waterow) Catri Milibaci, For this cauſe, eo nomink. A CATCH (hawk's lurc) palpum. Caud a (river in Cumberlind) Cauda. For that cauſe, idcirco. Catch (a dog's namc) harpalus. Caudebcc [ia France) Culidobacion, For another cauſe than, prater.prop- A catch-bit, parafitus. A caudlc, caldule. forbillum. To catch, arripie. Catch me jo a A cavalier, eques. For ſuch a cauſe, idro, ea rationi, lye and hang me, fi quidquam men. A cavalier (regaiifti raſarimu. idcirco. ticum invenias occidito. Catch as Cavaillon (in Vinoiſinj Cabellio, Ca. For many cauſes, multis de caufis, catch can, viuitur ex rapto. ballio, mullis nominibus: To catch a diſealc, contrabere mor- A cavalcade pompa equaris. A fhewing a cauſe, prolatio. lum. A cave, caverna, anirum, Spolunia. A cauſer, offror, qulor, To catch at, apzata, capto. A little cave, caurrnula, A cauſcy, Jemila, trans, itis; via To catch before another, pracipio. A cave for wild beasts, luflrum. prata. To catch fireg concipere fiammas. To Jurk in caves, latito. Cauſtick, caulicus ; adj. To catch greedily, copro, caprito. Of a cave, coveticus A cauftick, caurium To catch hold of, apprehendo. Full of caves, cavernoſus. Cautelous, couius. fubdolus. To catch with a hook, inunco. Caved (hollowed) concavus. Cautelouſly, cautè. To catch ja a net, intrico, illaquro, A cavcat (warning) sausio. Cauteloulneſs, caulda. irratia, Cayers, fures scapienſulares. A cautery [learing Iron) cauerium, To catch often, prehenfo. A Wavefon for a horſe's noſe, capi a neut. To catch in parluit, in equor. #Night frum. cauterization, A{ A caviary, aripen forum ova fale condita. catched him, nox oppreſt eum. cauterizing, onis; f. To catch (lake) prchendo. He kills A cavilon (falle rein) habena laxa. \ To cauterize, caulrrizo. all be catches, quos deprehendit in- Caught. apprehenſus. See Catched. . Cauterized, cauterizatus. terficit. Caught with a ſudden ſhower,' A caution, causio, Catched beforehand, prareptus. fubiro imbre imprefus. A caution (warning) premonitio. Catched [ſnatched) raptus. To be caught in a ſnare, in foueam Cautionion, cousionalis , le; adl. Carched in a net, illaquratus, irte- decidere. tilus. A cavil, fophifma, aris; n. Caution modey, pecunia Nipular- Catched [overtaken! deprehenfus. A captious cavil, captiuncula. ria. Catched with a ſudden Ihower, To cavil, covillor, calumnior, rixor, Cautionary, cautionarius. fudito imbra opprofus, Cavillation, cavillaria, Cautiouny, coute, provide. A catcher, captator. A caviller, cavillator, vitilitigator. Cautious, cautus. A catcher by violence, raptor, A cavil, cavilla, jurgium, lis, Cautiouſneſs, caulela.' Catch-dy ſherb) mufcipula. Cavilling, } captio. A caycan, crocodilus, A catch; raptatio. You have Cavilling, rixofus, perſubrilis. Cawood (in Yorkbirel Cavoda. Catching, } got a great catch of Cavillingly, litigiosa. TO CEASE, selli, defino, superfide, 'it, Spolia ampla referiis. Cavity hollowneſs) concavitas. Toitto. A catching hold of, apprebenjo. The caul or kell, ommium. To ceaſe for a time, intermitro. Catching, captans. A caul for womens heads, crinale # The work was fain to ceaſe for Catching (lofectious] contagiofusi Teticulum, capillare. a time, opus neceſariò intermitte- A catch-poll, liftor. A cauldron, ahenum, caldarium, lobes. balur. To catechize, calabigo, ari. A little cauldron, celdariolus, To ceaſe (be at reft) quiefco, Tejido, A calechizing, catarbafis To caulk a ſhip, Aipo. Subfido. A catechiſm, catechiſmus. A caulker, piparor. To ceaſe from, deffio, parco. catechizer, A caulking, Nipalio. Toccale from forrow, dedoleo. catechift, } catecbifla, a; n. Caulm, tranquillus. Su calm. To ceaſc from weeping, lachrymis Categorical, categoricus. A CAUSE, caula. I ſee no fuch parcere Categorically, categoricè. cauſc why you ſhould commend To ceaſe from work, ferior, ari. A citegory, categoria. me fo, ego nibil reperio quam ob cealed, deftus, futus, romiſus. To CATER, opjono, opfonor. They Tem tantopere lauder. • I have no A cealing, ceffatio. are not cater-coulins, ira inter aus cauſe to be angry, nihil eft quod A ceaſing for a time, intermiffio. intercefit. Shemſeam. • What cauſe have A ccafing from labour, quies, The A Caterer, opfondior, you to deſpair? quid efl quare de quies. A catering, opfonatio. Jpores? I will give you cauſe to re-Without cealing, indefinenter. A caterpillar, volvox. member me, faciam ul mei memi. The cedar-tree, cedrus. Caterpillar (herb) Scorboides. neris. * They will have cauc to The great cedar, cedrus mojor. The cater-polat, quaterna. rejoice afterwards. fet us poflmodo The prickly cedar, cedrus Phænicia. A caterwawling, felum rugitus. gaudeant. And not without The juice of cedar, cedrium. Cathedral, cathedralis . cauſe, nee injuria. Cathedral, without cauſe, non temere af. you or ledar , } cedrinus, a, um; adj. lis. ſhall find you did blame me with. A cedule, Johedula. Cathneſs (in Scorland] Cathania, out a cauie, me abs te immerito Celandine (herb) chelidonium. Catholick (univer.al) catholi:us, le accufatum refcifcus. To celebrate, calibro, iare, concelebro, A catholick [fo called) pupijla. A cauſe (occafion) gratis, occafio. A catholicon, cosbolicon, penaça, dica. * A cclebrating, ; Cal-mint, miniba catari. on , nofira omnis Celebration, Celc. A { 1 Cathedral church, }elepa cathedra- are, act. Coles S I CER CH A CHA A. Of a cellar; } cellaris. , To cenfe fperfume) tbure vaporaro. To chafe (warmte uit. calefacio, fer - Fun'o'chaik, } cretaceus, eresofus. A cenfurer , } cenjir. taurus. Isro. Celcbrated [lolemnized) celebrarus For certain, 6x lorare. Wearing a chain, torquatus. folamiis. The links of a chain, feries. Celebrated (famous] celebris, inclitus, Certification, } literæ certificadorie. To chain, cateno, cateriâ ligaro. celeber, luculentus, illuflris. "To certify, certiorem farors. To chain together, conicalme. Celcority (famouſncfs) celebritas, Certified, certior faétus. Chained, catenatus. . Celerity (iwiftneſs.) celer.sas. A certifier, dugor. A chaining, catenatio. Ceibatc i ſingle life) celibatus, A certifying, indicatio. A chair, ca!hedra. Celestial (heavenly] cæleftis. Caruſe (white lead) cerufs. A chair of ſtate, sbronus. A cell, cella. Cerufſed (whited) cerul itu. A folding chair, fella plicatilis. 'The cell of a hermit, mandra. Cerar la man's nameſ Cafur, aris. chair to carry onc in, leelica geia- A cellar, cellarium, colla potoria, by-To CES: rio tax) con co, taxo. toria. pogeum. To ceſs (fine) multiam dicere. A chair with elbows, folium. Aliide cellare se lula, Speaun Cciation, cojasio, A chair with a cloſc-stool, fella fa-, A wine ceilar, vinsria, vini aposheca. A ceſſation of arms, inducia. miliaris. , adj. To bc ceffed, renjior. Of a chair, catbedralis. Cefied cenſus, defcriptus. Chalcedeny (a ſtone) chalcedonius, A cellar-keeper, cellarius. A ceffer, senſor, defcriptor. A calf's chaldron, ebinus. A ce!lar-window, lpsraculum. A chaldron of coals, modi triginta A ceil.riſt, cellarius: A celtinent , } cenijus, ús ; defiriptio. fex. Celfitude (highncis] celfitudo, A ceſtern, cifernt. A chalice, calix, icis; Smpulum, Çement (morter) (cemeniem. A ceſtern-cock, mofus. Chalk, creta, To cement (act) conjungo. The chad (fiſh] phagrus, cupes. To chalk, creâ notare. Tu ceincnt ineut. ) coalesco, A chace, faltus, 4. A chalk-pir, (retarium, crta fodina. A conchris (a green inake) con-hris, A chace [an inſtrument uſed in Chalk, adj. ? Cretaceus. is. printing) ferrea compages paginis or- Of chalk, A renotaph (empty tomb) cencia- dinandis apta. Chalked, cretalus. thiun. , infequor. Chalky, A conſc, thurjbuiluin. vefacie ; (vex) iram vel lomachum A CHALLENGE, vindicia, arum; alicui movare, iratum reddere, bilem provocatio. * He gives him a alicui movere. challenge, minimo provocal.' * He A cenior's office renfura. To chafe (neut. J ftomachor, ſuccenfeo, hatli fent him a, challenge, arie- Cenfor like, cenforiè. freino, avio. * He is apt to chafe, Irm emifit. Cenfuiious, citò indignatur. . Do not chafe A letter of challcoge, litera provore. Of a cenſor, lo, ne javias tantopere. toria. A cenſure, renſura. In a chafa, irâ afunns. * He is in a challenge (matter of exception) To cenfure, nolo. Suporcilium in ali a great chafe, Ardet iracund a. calumnia, quem diftringe?s. To chafe again, ruandeo. To challenge, arrogo, vendien. * He A centaur (half man half horſe] cen- To chafe much excandeſco. challenges all to himſelf, forum Toch fe within himſelf, ringor. fibi vendicat. A center (middle) centrun, To chafe with the hand, frico, mollio, To challenge (to fight} CFOUDLP, ad Of a center, centralis. * Chafe it every day and pugnam or palafram Vocort; *Be- Center-fish, it will diſperſe, afidua fricatione ing he challenges me to it, quan. Center-Mip, ,} [infea] balonus. difrut.tur. de buc me provocat. Centinody (an herb) centinaia, prop The chale-wax (an officer in the To challenge at tilting, proukari ad ſerpinaca, fanguinaris. chancery]cora calefaclor. concurrendum cum lanccis. A centon (pitch) (enlo. To be chared, calafo. Challenged, provocatw. Centory (an berbj centorium, con- Chaled (warmed calefjaus, forva- A challenger, provocator. tauria. fadus. Of or for challenging, provocatorius. Centory the greater cantaurium mag-chated (vexed) incenfus, commoius, A challenging to one's felf, vendica- Chafen with the hand, fri&us. tio. Centory the leſſer, L.badium, liene. A chafer [beetle) ſcarabeus, A challenging into the field, provoca. fium, sellerie, A goat-chafer, capricornus. catio ad pugnam: To ſtand coatry, excubias agere. Soc. A green chafer, Searabaus arboreus, A challenging of witneſſes, tepium Sent:nc'. bufonius. slevatio Pucia ohjalline. A centurion (captain of an hundred A chafing (warming) concalef.:8:6. Chalons (in France] Catalaunum. men, cenfurio, onis ; m. A chafing (vexing) indign:tio. A CHAMBER, cubiculum, tento. A century hundred) centuria. "Chafing, efervefcens, exardefcens, ex rium. Ceremon'al, ceremonialis, ritualis. candafrens. A bcd-chamber, dormitorium, cabia Ceremonious, ceremoniis addiétus. Chafing (vexing) indignabundas. culum, cubile. Very ceremonious, Strepfitiofus. ignitabulum, foculus A bride chamber, thalamus. Ccreinon.ouſly, ſuperlitiosè. A chafer, mmfar.us. A d.ning.chamber, canario, triclini. A ceremony, ceremonia, ritus. Chaff, palca, acus, eris. um, cænuculum. Cerne ! in Dorfatshiroj Cernelien e re. A chiff heap, acerous palia. A withdrawing.chamber, conclave. nobium. A chaff-houſe, palearium. A chamber of preſence, canario A cerot (cerc-cloth ceratum,cerotum. Chaff weed, gnapbalium. Alarge outward chamber, $ laquease. } CERTAIN, Certus. One ibat has Chaffy, aceratus, pa. A double bed-chamber, amphitbala. no certain abiding-place, himo in- Mingled with chaff, leatus, cerii laris. * Atceriain diſtances, Full of chaff, acerofus. The men's chamber, andron. carlis spatiis intermilis. To chaff:r, mercor, 8omulo, neget.or. The women's chambet [nurſery] A ce tain person, quidam. A cer- To chaffer (beat the price) licitor. syna num. tain chance fell out that hindered Chaffer (merchandizej merrimonium. A ſecret chamber, Jella.com me, cajus quidam no facerem impe- Good chaffer, merces proba. The ſtar chamber, Camera motata. divit, A goat chatfer (infeat) capricornus. The chamber Lof London, Eco- Certain others, alii. A chafferer, mercator, oris; m. rarium. It is certain, confial, liquut. A chaff:rn (to heat water) ahenum, A chamber for ſervants to lie in, To be certain of, fcire. cridarium. antithalamus, procætium. Of, or for ce tain. pro certo. * Do' A chafilich, fringilla. The groom of the chamber, cubicu.. you fay it fur certain pro corto. Chagrin [diſcontent) acedia, mce;lia larius, admiſionalis; à cubiculo. tu ilha diris ? I know it for lia. A chamber fellow, contubernalis. certain, mihi explorati fumum ef. A CHAIN, salina, A chamber fuli, i Certainly, cortè, certè, indubitanler, A little chain, calenula, Company lying contubernium. proculdubio, A cha'n of gold, forquis, in one chamber, A certainty, certitudo. A little chain of gold, torquillus. A chamberlain, cubiculariils. I The NUM. ! . } mus. СА Н CH A CH A toria. dere. gridu, The lord chimberlain, defpria cubi. | A CHANGE [alteration] vicißimido, A chap (chink) rims. culariorum. in'sf. mutatio, commutatio, im- A little chap, rimula. A chamberlain's office, qualura. mutatio, de mutatio, onis ; f. A chap of the cheek, buca. of a chair-berlain, que orjus: A change (variety) varietas. A chap of the ground, hiatus. A chambcrm.id, aricilia, pedifegua. A change or exchange (a piace where to chap, bio, rimis fatifcere. A young chambermaid, ancillula. merchants mcet to treat of buſi- Chapped, rimai agens. A chainber pot, malula. ncſs) «x:jabium, 2. A chapping, filio. Chan: bering (rlog comel stie. Change i amongit tradeſmen) praunie Chaps in the hands, rhagadesa Chambers fort of hire-works ]proboli. Commutatio vel permutatio. The chaps, fauces, ium. Chambery in Savoy) Comorinum, The change of the moon, intarlu- Full of chaps, rimofus.' Cumhoriacum. nium, 2. lune coitus. By chaps, biülcè. Char.b'er, pinnus ex pile çaprino. To change, mulo. * Fortune began a chape (the iron point of the ſcab- A chamelcon, chineloon, oniis. to chinge, fortuna ſe inclinaveras. bard) vagina ferramentum roftrum, The black chas.clcoa thiftle, iha * ! nunt change my nole, oratio lorica, METO. mæleon niger. aliò mihi demur inda'eft met. The chapiter of a piųar, epiſylium. To chamfer [make gutters in 4 pil-To change a child, fubdere puerum. A chaplain, ficellanus, capellanus.' lar) Ario, Th. To chanyc a cufton, dejueco. A chaplainſhip, facollani. minus, Chamfc ed, jori 11. To change lodging, domigro. A chaplct, corolla, fortum. A chainlering, jiriwtura. To change one's mind, de fententiâ A chapman, emplor, mercator. To chauferet (nope the edge of a difcedere. * He is driven to change of chapmanry, mercatorius. ſtone) polio. his mind, de mentis ftatu dejicitur. Chapmanſhip, emporcuad, ars ingi- Chamlet, veiit c.matilis. To change onc's mind (221. j collabe- Waicred cham'et, veftis undulota. fado. A chappel, facillum. Chamlet unwatered, fiusulata vefi, To change money, computo, cambio. A little chappel, adicu!a. Waved like chamlet, symptilis. To change as the moon, romovari. A private choppel, laraçiun. A chimoiſe, capred. To changc one's name, trinfopolino. Chappelry, capellania. To champ, majico. To change one's opinion, judicium A chapter of a book, caput, capitu- To champ upon the bit, fræna mora, feltere. To change one's purpoſe, cedere de Chapter by chapter, capitulatim. A champaign country, planities cam- A chapter in a cathedral church, ca. tami To change from place to place, tranſ pilulum, confeffus facrdosup. Chainpaigre (part of Pranc) Capi muro. of a chapler, cupisularis. ponia (G..Llic!.] Changeable, mutabilis. In Chain partic, litnin redemptio. .ch.ngcabie (unconftant] inconflans, with content of suffragante capi- tulo. Chapparlours, livium redempleres, ini bi'is. the chapter, Cha : pcd, mafticaiks. A ch ngcable colour, color ruanidus, A chapter-houſe, exedra, capitu- A chanıpera mal caror. 7:xlus, vecficclor: A chanping, cacio. A garment of changeable filk, velis . A character, cbaraatar, tris. A champion, bugil, lis. ericulata, A character (deſcription) elogium. Champion like, pugiliè. Changeableneſs, mutabilitas, incon- Characters of ſhort writing, note, Champion-ground, pl.inities operią. Aaratia. A writer in characters, notarius, Of ch mpion-ground, campeftris. To be changed, mutar, To chara&erize, ad vivum defcri- A CHANCE, accidens, cafus. * You To be changed into, tranfeo. bera. know yok what chance haş. hap Changed, nulatus, variatüs, verfus. Characterized, ad vivum defcriptus. pened to me, nefcis quid mihi ob. A changer, mutator. A characterizing, viva deſcriptio. tigarit. A changer (banker) nummularius. To give one a good character, de- A ch ncc at dice, for's, tis. . WC A changęling, puor ſubditus or sup pradicara. muft. take cur chance, jacta ej] sfitus. To give one an ill character,,calum- ales, A changeling (fool) ineptus, Baltus, nior, A good chance, foririnikn. idiota. Charcoal, carbo lignarius. A bad chance, infurunium, jačius. A changing, mutario, commutatio, va-The chard of an artichoke, quod à 'fupiru:. riunio. *I love no changing, on radicibus veterum omnarai ular juccrd- Chinçc icdley, homicidium, or de siquium volo. * Without changing lictum fortuityin. countenance, ne oris quidem colori Chardford (in Hintfira] Cordjci vi- A chance (opportunity ) res. mutafo. dum. By chance, fortè, förtil'iò, cafu. * It Changlog by courſe, viciſitudo. A chare [bugincis) opera, fenfum. might seem not a thing that hap- A changing one thing for another, A charc-woman, morcmaria. pened by chancc, win fortuirúm. permutatio. To cbarc, remorer, repello. videretur. A changing from place to placc, The charc (fich] carpio. To chance [happen) avida, code, tranfmutatio. Charenton (in France) Charmio. contingo. If any ian chance to A changing of purpoſe, digrefio. A CHARGE, mandatum, præcepturo, ask, Il-fortè aliquis requirpl. A channel, canalis. imperium, julum. * To ſtand to To chance I light upon) incido. A little channel, winaliculus. one's charge, imperium exequi. To get by chance or lot, fortjor, The channel of a river, alurus, ri- A charge (in battle) impreslin, im- To try the chance of war, Martis petus, coltio. * They received the experire altain. The channel bone, trachen. chaige, figna injorentibus ' reſite- Happening by chance, fo-tuitus. The channel of a winc-preſs, forcu. runt. They were not able to en- It chances, accidit, contingit, eumit. lar. dure the charge of the horic, qui- * It chances in an hour that hap. St. George's channel, freum Britan tum vim fulinare non poterant. pens not in teren ycars, plus fati nicum, manica Anglicana, CHARGE (coſt] impona, arum ; vale bora benigni, quam lite Vene- A channel in a lone, Prix, igis. fumptus, us. * He is períumed at ris commendei epiflola Marti. To channel fone, frio, arr. my charge, olet unzuentum de moo. A chancel, ady:4m facrarium.. Channclled, jiriatus, laquralus, * He lives at great chargesy. Pro- A chancellor, cancellarius. A channelling, Briatura. fufus fumptibus vivit. * It is Ics A biſhop's chancellor, officialis. A chanon, canonicus. Su canon. charge to keep an aſs than a cow, A chancellor Ch.p, cancellaristus, tas, Chanonry Lin R Je] Chinoricum. facilius afulus quàm uictu alitur. * The chancery, canallaria. To chant, canto. In ſo little charge did it ſtand, Chancery-like, canrellarius, a, A chanteclçer, Eallus, phạbeius ales. tiintulo impendio Belit. They of the chancery, A chanter i ch'cf finger) præcentor, were provided at a ſnail charge, A chancery.man drawer of writs] Sympooni.ir.ha. paruo curata ſunt. formlarius. Chanter (a dog's name) bylzx, hy. A CHARGE (truſt) cuedia, cura, A chandler, candelarius, candela. curpria, mynus, negotiin. I have ruin vmditor, A chaos, chaos, rudis indig ofaqur mo had the charge of ikan from A channel, canalis. Gre channel. les, very children, ego istos ujqur à pue. { Vus. HIN. ladora CHA CHA Ć HE 4. 01. (itoria. ܛܼ ris , The charge charioteer Chateau Thierry in Co..mpaigne ud sa za: A chariot-auriga Coltruirl Theodorici. tum reist. You have under-Ach riot-maker carricarius, Chafteau Forcien [in Chsmpaigne ! taken a great charge, durim, cc-.Charitable, mifericors. Crun Porcioni Pipi provimium. He' neglects 'Charitabiy, pić; adv. Ch Steau Regnault {in Berry) C:/- his charge, muneri fuo dedi. Charity, charitas. * Charily begins Itum Reginaldi, CHARGE (burden) onus, pondus. * at home; proximus fum egomit mili. Chastel Herauld (in P:icou) Cftrum Eaſe me of this chirge, lova me A charlatan (quack] cirulutar, Herald boc onire. * Lay what charge pirtu Chaiteodun (in France Dunum, you will upon mc, quidvis oneris Charlemont (in the Low Countries] Cinellodununt. impone Carolomonssum Chaitly: 6, è, continerilor, pudice, A charge (indictment or accuſation) Charleroy (in the Low Countries. Through clien, } canigo. The charge of a b.ſhop to his Charles (a man's name] Carolus. Chaft:led, caftigatus. clergy, of a judg: to a jury, &c. Charlès's wain. laufirum, friones. A chart fer, calligator. horturio, adhartario, cohortatio, ex- Charleville (in France) Cur:lopolis. , hortário, premonitio, onis; f. Charlock (herb]'rapijirun, Chattiſement, A cha &e [office or imployment) ru- A charn, "incantutio, incantaminium, Chaſtity, caftitas, cußimonia, continen- nus, eris ; a. negorium, minsterium carmon magiceln. tia, integritas. 2. 1. provincia, 1. f. inagiftratus, To charın, incanto. A chaſuble (or the prieſt's veſtment .Charized, incantatus. ar maſs) caffila, TOCHARGE[command) mande, pra Charnies (in Lorain) Charme. Chat, fabulatio, fabula, migdi cipio, inpero, jubio. * He charged | A charmer, incantator, oris, m. in- 1 To chat, garrio, fabulor, blurero. him to give h:s anſwer before, cantatrix, icis ; f. To chat together, conſuouler, juffit prius refpondere. * I charged Charming, incantatorius. Chat-wect, tritiun. him to watch a time, præcepi ei A charming, incantatio. Chatted, garritus. ut tempus obfervirut. * Did not ! Charmingly, incantatorid. Chatting, garrulus charge you i edixin' tibi ? * Did A charnel-houfe, Vuarium. A'chatting goſip, lingula. not I charge you to do it ? inter- A charr (fiſh) carpio. Saucy chatting, petulantia lingua. minatus fumme faceras?: * They To charr, 2 Tolucus in serbones nodu. Chaitels real (or lands] res reales, , are charged with arms, armi 17- To chark, cere, fellu arum partes bona reali. heredit rie. perantur, liquidas & volatilis igne admata ox- Chattels perſonal (as beaſts] res por. TO CHARGE (afſault) adoria, ag haurire. jonales, prediales. gredior, impreſſionem facere. * HC A chartel (thallenge) charta provo- To charter, garrio, ehigarrid, in; charges into the chickeit of h:s crepito, are. enemies. in confertiliinos bojles in. A charter, diplome regium. To chatter (as a magpye) kitfabizco, currit. * * They charged the one- Chartet-Boule, Carthufianorum me are; picor, my's left wing, in lauum cornu ngjeriun. To chalter the teeth for cold, den. hopium invar junt. They charged Charter-land. terra per chartam. tibus præ frigore crepitare, frindera, up hill with their words drawn, A charter-party, charsa partita ; fm. pridere. , mnoniem diftri&tis gladiis aſiendo grapha uirique contrahmtium pai. A ch:tterer, crepitator, runt. procè fradila, Chattering, garrulus, crepitans, 'To have charge of, curo, pale. Chartres (in France) Carnutin, Av. A chittering, crapitorio. To have, charge of another's bu tricum, Thc. Clattering of birds, garritus, finefs, procure Charvel, or Chervil (herb) rarefo 4. m. garrulitas, 3. f. To charge [affign) delego. lium, chariphyllus. A chatter-pye, pira logust. To tako chirge of, subco, capollo. Chary (way) cautus. A calf's chagidron, ahinus vituli, To perform one's charge, munere A chaſe [bird) fringilla. A chauldron of coals, 36 midii, fungor. A chaſe, vivarium. Chaumont (in France Calvus mons. To charge (burden) mera. A chale at tennis, meta, farminus, Chaumont (the family] De Calvo To charge a gun, clopun onorart. inſitio, plla mora. monte. To charge with, То infimulo, «X } get Lay to one's charge, probro, objicio. The chaſe, vincere inflitionem, A chavonder (fith) cephalus, capito. moram aufery. Chaunce, caſus. See Chance. * I will not charge him with any A chalc [foreft] faltus, Ås, and i ; 01. Chauncy (in the iſle of Franse] Cal- great matter, solo in illum gravius To CHASE, vinor, fe&tor, agiro, pero. mtacum. direre. • He lays felony to his gito. * They chare them into the To chaw, mando, ere. See Chew. charge, eum furti alligos. port, in portum compellunt. * The Chaworth (the family] De Ciducis, To charge fallly, calumnior. beaſt is chafed up and down, com CHEAP, vilis. * It is cheap at The alligamcut of a charge, delega citatè agitur perus. * They fol twenty pounds, vile e; viginti mi- tio. lowed the chaſe too eagerly, a misthe Corn is dog-cheap, annona Committed to one's charge, com lati Judio temerè fecuti funt fugien pretium non habil. * Farms may mendatus, be had dog-cheap, jaceñit pretia Laid to one's charge, obje&us. To'chaſe away, fugo, pello, propello, prædiorum. Chargeable (coſtly) ſuinptusfus, multo in sugara convertere. * Hc chales Cheaper, vilior, pretii , confans. * He fells cheaper Chargeabic (burdanſome] Onkyo anſaras than others, vendit minoris quàm sus. To chaſe (pläte) argento obdurare, alii. Charged (by command] inſtructus, crul art. To be dog cheap, viloj vili pro- Charged by affault, impugnatus. To chaſe forward, propullo, propulſo. Aara. Charged (laden] *noratus. Chaleable, agitabilis, To grow cheap, vileko, svilefco. Charged with a crime, accufatus, Chaſed, agiratus. Cheaply, viirler; adv. A charger, palind, carinus ; lanx, cis; Chaled away, sugatus, propulfus. To chczpon, liceor, licitor. paropfis, idis. Chaſed plate, argentum argento ob- A cheapener, licitator. The charger (of a gun] infundibu ductum, Cheapncfs, vilitar. luin tormentarii pulveris. A chafer, agitator. A chca pening, licitatio. A charging horſe; fornix equus. A chafing, agitario, CHEAR [countenancel gaudium, Charicr. folicitus, cautu. A chafing forward, propulfatio. vultwnt. * B: of good chèar, bonio Charincis, solicitudo. A chara Iwide gaping) chaſma, atis, animo fac fas. Charing Croſs, Crux Chariniana. Chalte, eius, contifiens, venere Chcar (proviſion] apparatus. A chariot, rbeda, currus, aliangs. Good chcar, apparatus laritus or da- A little chariot, sovinu, curricu- Making charte, caſificus. patisus,* We had royal chear, re- lum The chatte-tree, agnus cafus, vitet. gio apparatu dccepsi fumus, A French chariotr Peloritun, Chaftc-wood (herb] colonid, cotona. Poor chcar, imuis apparatus. To drive a chariot, aurigo. ria. Great ches, and was, dubia. I 2 1 1 Tes. en serie from the corn, de frumento de cuero cheap, } vilion paratii minoris. Dainty + : > CHE CHE CHI A cheeſe-man; } caſearius. mos. $111. i card. Cheating trick, } care bearing trick A cherry, carafum. nico, Dainty chear, foliares dapes. The great cheſtnut, cultunum. Slender chear, coena ambulatoria. Chelemonger, The great cheitnut tree, cofanus To chear, lætifico, exhilaro. A cheeſe-preſs, præium cafeariun. To chear up, confalor. Chccfe-rennet, congulum. The water cheftnut, tribulus aquati- . -rennes[herb) , wo:t, lum. The wild cheſtnut, cajlonus fæmina. To make one good chear, lauto ap. A Cheefcflip (inſea} ajellus, A chestnut grove, cujunelum. paralu aliquem extirere, of cheeſe, in fear.us. Cheitnut ; adi. To make one poor chear, tenui apo Che!ſey (in Aliddlejet] Challega. Made of choítnut-tree, } collanous. parais excipere. Cheim (in Rulit nigra) Chelmu. Cheſtnut colour, collaneus, bæticus. To make good.chear, congræcor. Chelmsford, or Chenstord (in Efox) The rough ſhells of cheſtnuts, .cchi. Cold chear, exreptio inoligno, Conpnium, Cafaromagus. nii, ecbinili Culises, Heavy chear, triitid, majitia. . Chemnitz Lin Meilen) Chemnitium. A chevesil, caper Bluefer. Chcarfal, alacır, hilars, letus, Chency (the family] De Canas, De Cheveril Icather, peltis caprina. Chearfully, alacritèr, hilaritàr, lac. Cifineto, Di Querceto. A cheveron, To look chearfully, explicari fron- Chepſtow (in Monmouth bire) Strigu. A chevron, lem, vultu hilari ale. * He does lis. A chevin (chub) capito fuviatilis. not look chearfully, excidit ille The chequer, fifcus regulis. Su A chevitance fan unlawful bargain) Chcckcr. illegitimnu puétio. Chearfulneſs, alarritas, hilsrias. Cherborough [ig Normandy] Caro- TO CHEW, mafies, mando, ere. A chcariag (encouraging] borta- borta- .- Ourgus. To chew oſten, menpro. tio. To cherish, foveo, focillo, indulgeo. To chci fowly, difi:uisr mandu- TO CHEAT, fraudo, defraudo, 1. do- Chelthed, forus, Facillatus. lis fallers aliquem, decipio, wlicui A cheriſher, nutrilor. To ch:w the cud, rumine, imponere, verba dare. A cheriſhing, fornenium. Chow'd, nanduculus, mull!icstus. A cheat, ? Chewed orcat for children, cibus pra- Cheriſh ngly, bunie. Cheater, }planus , impoflor. To chern butter, agitare butyri florem. munis. deceptio, onis; A chewer, mificator, manfor. A chcwing, manducatio, m-:ficatio. * begets another, fallacia alia aliam The agiio! cherry, cerajum acidum. Chewing of meat is h:!ped by the trudir. A cherry-garden, cenafetam, tongue, efcarum conje&tio à lingua Cheated, deceptus. You are even A cher:y- fonc, arinus. adjuvatur. fairly cheated, tibi os al Jublikum A Cheriy-tee, ceraſus. A chewing the cud, ruminario. Flanc & propè. Cherry-wine, crarites, is. Onc always chewing, mondo, 3. m. A cheating, imoosura. Chiavenné (a town of the Griſons) To check, reprehendo, redarguo, cor-Winter-cherries (night-thade ber- . -" ( Clavinni. 7.plo, intrepo ries] alkakengi. A chibbol, capula, cepula. To check (reſtrain) rebibeo, compri- The dwarf cherry-tree, shamarra- The bade of a chibbol, ralia. mo, reprimno. fusi Chicanery, coptio, callide fraudulen- To chick privily, fubmonto, summo- A ſmall bitter cherry, srofum firan laque litigandi ratio. gulatorium. : Chich peale, cirer, eris. A check, reprehenfio. The ſmall bitter cherry-tree, serafus Chicheiter (in Sujexj Ciceftria. A check it chcls, seacum. frangulatoria. A chick, pullus gallinureus. * You Check-mate, neita, rex conclufus. Chertley (in Surry] Corseffi, Caroti,, Chicken, 5' count your chickens b-- To check-mate, ad incitas redigere. or Corvi inſula. fore they be hatched, ante vilio- Checked, reprehenfus, perfiriaus. Chervil, cherefoliumi. riam canis triumphum, incerta pro Checked at cheſs, petiius in ludo Mock - chervil, cherifolium mag cortis depuras. Jeancario. A little thick, pullulus. A checker, monitor. Wild chervi), charefolium frivilre. A chicken newly hatch'd, pallus ri- The checker, fifcus rigius. Chervil-river (in Oxfordjoira) Chur cens exclufus. Checker-board ; } alueolus v/Jellatus. The cherwit, cacations villus. To hatch chickens, pullos excluders. A brood of chickens, pullairs. Checker-work, opus tefellatun. A chelil, cælum, elii. of chickcas, pullinus. To make checker-work, vermicu- A chellip, porcellio. Chick-weed, alfine. • lor. Che's, ludus betrunculorum. Baſtard chick-weed, alfine fpurio. Checkered ſin blazonry) refellatus. A chefs-board, alurolus. Berry-bearing chick-weed, cacuba- She checkeih (in falconry] ludifi. The chefs-men, latrunculi, caliuli lum. catur. To play at chefs, latrunculio (27- Ivy chick-weed, alfine foliis hadera. A checking, reprehenfio, increpatio. Bire. Cheel, primus. SN Chief. A cheft, iſta, capfa. Chickling (herb) lathyrus. The Chcek, gena, mala, bucca. A great cheſt, arsa. Under - ground chickling, arachid- A little chcek, burcula, A little chift, arcula, cilula, cap. Chcek-by-jolc, regms latus. fula. To CHIDE, objurgo, incropo. * What The check-tccth, dmtes mexilla- A cheſt of drawers, riftula tradiles. can'he chide you for? quid jurga. A cheit for cloaths, vifarium. bit tecum? Cauſe cnough to The cheek-bone, maxilla. A cheft for precious things; fori chide, fatis vehemens caufie ad ob. nun. jurgandum. • Should I chide him Puff- A cheft-maker, arcularius. for this wrong donc me ? curn to The checks, faucas, jum. A chcit-keeper, thefaurariu". injuriam hanc expolulom? To cheerp or chirp (as a bird } pipilo. To cheſt, To chide (ſcold) rixor. arcá condere. Cheer, wpparatus. Su Choar. Put in a cheft, To'chide carneſtly, deliligo. CHEESE, cafeus. The cheſt (breaft) pedus. Chidden, objurgatus, A linie chceſc, cafeolus. Hollow chelted, puftoroſur. A chider, objurgator. Soft cheeſe, cafeus roems, Ine praf-Cheft:r (in Chiſhiro] Čeſria, Deva, Chiding, objurgans. sum. Devana. Mouldy chceſc, casous mucidus or vor-Chefter on the ftreet (in Durham) of chiding, 3 tituloius. Condercum. A chiding, objurgatio, jurgium. * He Freth cheeſe, cafous viridis. Cheſter in the wall, (in Northumber fell a chiding his brother, jurgia Cheeſe-bowls, papaver, čris. lond} M.ign.. fratrem adorius tf. A cheeſe-cake, placenta galaitia. Chefer (tbc family) Do Ceftria. Chidingly, objurgiter, chjurgiosè. A checſe-dairy, cafeale, is; lada- A chetnut, ;} }; Cheeſe-houſe, CHIEF, primus, præcipuus, principa. nux caſana. A chcfin, rium. lis, princeps, coryphaus. That is A checſe-vat, for u cafearia, - A cheſnut trec, caftanto, the chief point, shput illud el, alin., Horſe cheſnut, cajianus caballina. He gives' him the chief place, nu. 7 NR. TAS. Full checked; } busco, onise Chidinging, objurgatorius . i primas ! + 1 numbros. To, mara. } Ins. CHI CHI CHO primnes illi defert. He holds the Childleſs, improlis, illiberis. To chip b'ead, cruftas panis dölrin. chief placc, p:imas ienel. When Children, liberi, filii, pignora. gere. he was commander in chief, cum Chiidren and fools live merry A chipping, difrifo. olet rum imperio. * lo Spain Rufus lives, in nihil Sapimdo jucundii- Chippings of b: cad, dijiriations, commande. in chict, Hiſpania fima vita. * Children will do like Chips to kindle a fire, fomes, itis, præcrit Rufur. children, parvulus facit il poruke. Chirman (part of Aſia i Carmania. The chief een of a city, optimates, lus. Chi'k (in Denbighoire) Chirca. prim 1125. Three children at a birth, terge- The chirographer of rides, sbiregra. A chief heir, hares prima cara. mini. rbus finium. Chiet jule, primalus, principatus. A chiliad (thouſand) chilias, mille-Chiromancy (furtune-telling] tira- Chiefdom, principalitas. narins. mantia, Chicfeſt, fupremus, fimmus. A chiliaft (millenary).«hilieta. To chirp (as a bird) Fritinnio. Chrefty, præcipuè, suminè, maximè, chill, y algides, algojus, a, um; To chirp jas a cricket Irideo. potilina, prajertim. Chilly, 3 adj. To chirp (as a ſparrow). pipilo, ru- A chiefiain, dux. princeps. To chill, algorem incutere. bilo, are. Chleniplee [in Bavaria Chiemium. To bc chi'l, algeo. A chirper, pipiltter. To chicve, surredo. * Fait chieve Chilling, olguncus. Chi:ping, pipilanı. you, opus fuum fortunai Deus, Spi- Chilly, frigide; ady. The chirpingof birds, minuritis, tai rar lahori quo. Chillneſs, algor, orir. nuriz-itio, A chilblain, ternis, onis. Chimay (in Hainault] Chymæum. The chirping of ſparrows, pipilario. A lt:le chibaja, pomniunculus, To chime bells, companis numero:d Ch rurgery, chirurgia. A CHILD, infins, puer, Wh:n pulfare. Chirurgery, birurgichd, 4, wm; he was a child, le puero. He is A chimc, campanarum tintinna- of chirurgery, adj. paſt a child, nuces reliquit, exfit Chiming, 3 tio. A chirurgeon, chirurgus, rx cpbebis. A cbiuer, campanarum pulſator ad A chiſel, ſealder, fcalprım. A litric.cbild, infantulus, pufio. A lele chifel, fcalpelius, ſcalpulum, To grow a child, pueraſo. The chimes, numeri ad quos cam- A joiner's ſtrait chi!el, fcalprum.' To grow a child again, repueraſco. panc pullantur. To cut with a chiſel, cælo. To pay the child, pueriliter agers. A chime-kecper, nolarum curator. Chit-peaſc, lmniula. From á very child, jam inde à pura chimera (feigned monſter] chi- A chit-lark, cofita. A chit (freckle) lontigo. A woman child, puella. A chimney, caminus, fornax, fo Fall of chits, lontiginoſus. A child in the womb, bris, To chit, Tadicajco radiculas emittere. A child born before its tide, puer A chimney with fire in it, fosies lu- A chit, puellulus, improbulus. abortiuus. Chiuiface, * You chit you! ch A child new born, puerperium. The tunnel of a chimney, fumari. ineste ! A child boin after his father's death, 20%, Ipiramentum; tubus fumi. A. chitterling. billa. puer pofihumu. Of a chimney, cominurius. A ſmall chitter.ing, billula. A fatherleſs child, erphinni, orbus, A chiancy.back, lupis camini, la Chivalry (prowels) fortitudo, pupillus. pidea prudurd, or forrea lamina Chiva'ry (knights ſervicc] fervitium A foſter ch ld, puer collattaneus, a- Jori. militare. lumnur. Chimney-money, exaétio in cami- Chiva!ry (horfemapship) «quicatusy With child, prag- mililia equejlris. Great with child, rans. *1 am A chimney-piece, opus fronti camini Chlves, cepuid, arum. with child to know, fcire expolo, infculptum or appenfum. A chizel, scriprum. * My daughter was brought from To'chimney-iwccp, urrrere cami. Chizico, (in Mylia] Cizicús. your houſe big with chid, a. To chósk, Prangulo, &c. Su chake duita à vobis pragnanis fueror filia. A chimney-fwcper, caminorum A chock under the chin, mendi af * You have gotten the maid with mundator, ſcoparius infusnibulo traftatio. child, virginem vitiajii, gravidam Chocolate (a tree) cacao. fuilli. A chin, mmtum. Chocolate (the drink] opozima A being with child, pragnario, gra- Having a long chin, mens. maricanum. viditas, The chin-cough, pertulis. A Choice, cleaio, Take your To bring forth a child, parturie. A chin-cloth, choice, optio fie lua. * We may Chin-piece of a helmet, }focale , is. te at our choice, in mora poselost A child-bearing woman, fæmina China, Simarum regio. . *I ſhall not be long in choice gravida: 'China, Sinonps, fe; adj. 3. of death, in neris sex parua fun A woman in cbild-bed, puerpera. Of china, } art. tura mora che A womans being in child-bed, puer- The Chineſe, Sina, Sinenfas. Choice (diverſity) varietas, atis ; f. perium. A chinch, cimex Choice (exquiſite] lotius, egregius, Child-bed linen,. lintea veftimenta Great-chinned, montifus. «xquiſitus. * Thngs delive cd ja puerpere accomodata, The chine, vertebra, spina dorf. choice words, res leis diante A woman of her firſt child, primo The chine of a fiſh, Spina pifeis, wybir. The choicef deo of the parli mulier, A whole 'chine of beef, purposui rer. city, vlcetilimi viri civitatis. Child-bearing; nixus. She is paſt To make choice, agerı or babers do- child-bearing, parere bær per ammos To chine, exdorfuo. learum, non poteft, A CHINK (chap) rima. Of one's own choice, fpontè ; adv. Of a child, infantilis, puerilis. To chink, rimas agere. Moſt choicely, ledilimi. The child's thirt in the womb, fo- Chink (noney] pecunia. * So wc Choiccneſs, caritas, 3. cunda. have the chink, we will away To choke, Juffoco, praforo. Jirangulo, Childermas-day, Sun forum innocen with the ſtink, luiri bonus eß odor tium dies, in anticidium. ex re quâliber. A choke-pcar, pyrum Jirangular, Childhood, pueritia, infantia, atas To chink, trepito, timnie. gulam fringens. tonella, Chinked, rimofus. Choke weed, ervanging. From his childhood, à puoritiâ, à To ſtop chinks, obfipo. Choked, Suffocatus, frangulatus, parvulo, ab incunabilis, à teneris A ſtopper of chinks, pbfipator. A choker, juffocator. annis, ab unguiculis. The chip (of a plough) bura, , } jirangulatorius Childiſh, puerilis, ludicer, , . Choky, adj Childiſh paftimes, crepundia, nuts. * A chip of tho old block, patris A choking, Suffocatio, frangulatio. A childiſh part, fatum puerile. of filius. Choler, cholera, bitis: To uſe childiſh tricks, pkerilitèr a- A chip-2xe, ofria. Cholerick, biliojus, iracudduringmi gere. To chid, dißringo. irritabilis, Childiſhiy, purrilitàr. To ship with an axe, afcio, do. The cholicks, dolor eboligen firas. Childiſhasís, purrilitas, delo. pochondriakus. 710. } num. Tum, 1 1 gum bovis, Ore. Cholm ! 1 CH R CHU CIR 1 Cholmkil ſa Szoch ifand) infula S. A chriſtian, chriflianus. To chaſe, cligo. Su chooſe. Columbini. Ch: httunity, coianitas. Chutz (in Palfine] Hierofolyma. Chonad, (in, Hungary] Canadium. Chriſtianſtad [in Bleking] Cbrifiano- | The chy:c, chylw. TO CHOOSE, eligo, doligo, dslettu a baaiui. A chymera, cymdra. gorr. I cannot chooie but weep, Chriftiernburg (In Blabing) Chriſia- Chymical, chymicus, nequeo quin lachryman. # Ito nopolis. Chymick, arí chymica. chooſe one a fellow of a collego. Chriſtmas, matalis Chrißi. • They A chymift, alhymail.1. in collegium csoptore. * Chooſe it, keep chriſtmas all the year, lem. Chymiſtry, chynia, alchymia. quid mea? * Chooſe you wheiher per Saturnalia agunt. A cicatrice, cicarrix. you had rather, utro frui melis Chriſtmas day, dies Chrijli natalis. To cicatrice, cicatricen obducere. optio fit tua. He choic rather 10 A christmas-carol, bymnus in Chrifti cicatriced, cicatricè obdutius. return, rodire maluis, * It is what nativitatem. Cicatrizing, pulotitus. we chooſe ourfelves, & voluntate Chriſt-thorn, pallurus. Cicely [a woman's name] Cecilis. Poftrâ sroficifcitur, * The mind can. The chriſt croſs-rów, abecedarium. Cicely (the herb) myribis, idis. not chooſe but be doing, nibil Chriſt's bort} borba Cbrifti. Wild Cicely, citutaria vulgaris, Cich-pcaſc, cicek. To chooſe (appoint) confiituo, ſubſli. Chr.ſtopher, Chriſlophorus, Cichlings, sicerula. St. Chriſtophci's' herb, berba fanai A cicle, falcula. To chooſe (or adm't) into a compa Chriſtophori. Cicory, helictropiums. ny, afiſ:0,ivi, 3. allego, 3. copto. 1. To chronicle, in annalas referre, The common cicory, ambubis, am- To choole in the place of another, poliaritati mandare. bugia, fubftitut, ui: in lecum aitorius sup- A Chronicle, chronicon, annales, ium; To cicurate (tame] cituro. ponêre or juffioere. fafi, orum. Cider, fiuera, To choole by lots or ballottăng, förtč, A chron:cler, chronicus, chronogra- A valiant cd, dominus invičius or foriilo ligerc quemquam. plus. praepotens. Ta let one chooſe, optienum faceré. Chronography, chronographia. Cilery, Aleriurn, voluta. To chooſe out« eximo, lologe. Chronology, chronologia, temporis hil- Cihley (in Germany] Cilleis, cam To chooic rather, malo, malis. toria. lia. A chofer, cle&or. Chryſanthemon (herb] heliochrylos. A cymbal, cymbalum, creta'um. A chooſing, c!eclio. Chrysocolla, chryfacolla. A player on the cymbal, imbalifta. A chooſing out, Felelio. A chryſo ité, chryſolithus. An old cincater, quinquagenarius, A CHOP, divifura. Cbryfofton a man's name] Chryſo- Cinders, cineres reliquia carbonis. **- To chop, conſcindo, contido. Domus. To chop or change, permuld. Chryftal, cryſellus. Cinnabar, cinnabaris, minium. To chop logick, commutarı verba, A chryftal ſtone, chryſoberyllus. Cinnamon, cinnamomum. To chop at a thing, apio. Chub (part of Aſia) Perfia. . Cinnamon, cinnamominus,a,um; } To chop in, in!erunire ex improviſo. A chub, capire. Of cinnamon, adi. A chop of mutton, &c. segmensum, A chub (clown] rufticus, colonus, The cinque point, pentas, adis. fruflum, offa carnis. villicus. Cinqueloil, pentaphyllan. To chop ſhort, præcido. To chuckle, in cachinnum erum- The cinqoc ports, quinque portus A chopper off, Irunzator, pere. Thc lord warden of the cioque Chopped. confciſus, abſriflus. Chor (a town of the Griſons) Cu- ports, limenaribi. A chopping, abſciſió, deurlotio. ria. A cion (graff ) ſuculus, polo. A chopping boy, pue grandiuſculus. A chuff (clown] rufticus, agre.is, inA cipher, ciphra, nota. A chopping off, truncatio. ſubidus A cipher (nothing) circulus, nihil, Choppins, Jolie altiores. Chuffy, inurbanus, illepidus. nulla. A cbopping-block, truncus carmarius, A CHURCH, ecclefis, remplum, ades To c'pher (cast accompts] com- epixтет. facra. puto. A chopping-knife, anforium, ruiter The church [affembly of chriſtians] To take in ciphers, notis excipere. herbarius. (celus fidelium. Cpreſs (fine linen)-byllus triſpa- A butcher's chopping-knife, clunabu. A churchman, clericus fasricols. lum, clunaculum. Of chur:hner, fucordose'is. A cipíefo-tree, cupritusi With chopping, calim, ady. A churchwaraen, beigeblar, diaco. Circan (part of Ana Grdrofia. A charifter, sboriſta. Circe (in Myf. ] Lampfius. Chorography, chirographia. Churchwardenship, diaconatus. Circe (a wo.nau's name] Circey és. The choros in a play, sborus, A church.yard, scems:erium, jopulire- A circle, circulus. A chord (tring) chorda, funis. tum, dormitorium. A little circle, circellus. I choſe, regi. Su choolc. A woman's churching, pusryera pri- Half a circle, Tomioirculus. Chosen, lalui, cooplatus, mus in toplum togreffusa, To make a circle, orbem d:100. Cholen into a company, alliftus. A churl, rufticus frusulentus. A circle about the moon, balo, com Chofen out, foluitus, excerptus, ex- A churl (covetous hunks) fordidus. mw. Churl [a dog's name) lycifce. Of a circle, circularis. A chough, monedula, coracias. Churliīh, inurbanus, illiberalis, inha- Circ'e-vile, circulatim, orbiculatim. A cornith chough, graculus. manus. A circlei (a roll for a diſh at table] To chat like a chongh, cornicor. Churliſh in countenance, testicus. ciriellus. To chouſe, decipio, impono. He is somewhat churlith, agreftis. A circuit, circuitus, cheuſed, arundo slos verberat, Churl:h'y (clowniſhly nutite, illi- To circuit, A chouſe, Juliu, fatuus. beralitèr, inurbonitèr. Go in circuit, Jotes , sireumeo, iro. A chriſmatory. Llittle vefſel] sbril. Churlifh!y (rigoruly] inclomenièr, A circuit about, ambitus. malsiumis in humana The circuit of a roof, orbila. Chriſome, otis. Churliſhneſs, rufficitas, irurbonitas. To go the circuit [as ske judge] Crim, Churlithaels of countenance, ſuper itinerar, CHRIST, Chrifus, Mili cilium. A circuition, circuitio. Chriſt-church in Hamfirr] Inter-A churn, fidelia, vafculum in quo @ Circular, circularis. amna, fanum Chrifli. gitatur bulurum. C.scular motion, Chryftal, sbrißallw, Erslollum. To cburn, florem lactis agitare. Circularly, circularitèr. Chryftal, Mfallinus, a, um; Churn river, Corinus. }erste Of chryfia!, Circularity, circularisss. adj. Churnet river (in Staffordſhire) Chur- To circulme, circumforor. Tá chriftem baptiza. Circulated, circumlatus. Chriſtened, blizitus. A churn-ſtaff, bacillus quo agitatur Circulation, sinularis. Cbisiftondon, Chriftianiſmus. butyrum. Circuatory, circulacor:1s. A chriſtening, baptifmus. Churned, agilauus. To circumciſe, circumcido, preputium Chriftian (a woman's name) Chrifli. A choyning, agitatio. amrutare, ana, A chur-warm, gylle-talpa. Circumciſed, circumciſus. Ong ta. nus. TDI, + gum plaudere. 1 3. fcm. ; } ra. 3. f. CIT CL A CLA One circumciſed, apella. city is up in arms, civitas in armis clapped ſpurs to his horſe, equum Circumcifion, præputio abſeifio, rir . *It is free for any tuan in the cakaribus concitavit. cumcifio. city, omnibus civibus patet. To clap (at a play] clarum fignum A circumferences-cirskus, 2. circum- A chief cily, metropolis. or plaufun dire formtia. A littlo city, urterula. To clap one on the back, alicui tn. A circumfcx (accent) circumflexus.' City, adj. urbanus civilis. I Circumlocution', periphrafis, or a cliy, lived a city life, vi- To clap downt, dejicio. To circumſcribe, circumſcribi. Mam uraynxin fasulus sum. To clap hands, plaudo, ére. Circumſcribed, circumfcriptus. A city-wall, mcenia. To clap on a piece, pannum ofure. A circumſcribing, circumfcription of the cbieſ city, metropolitanus. To clap in [act.) iamino. Circumſcription The city freedom, jus civitatis. To clap in i neut.) irruo. Circum.pect, rautus, profpiciers, pro Cives, espiriat, cepula, perrum feftile. To dlap up a bargain, pactum em- viuens. Civci, zibabum, folis Sabad percus. Juminare. To be circunfpes, Cåv., profpicio. A afvet-zat, felis 8:bas. To clap up in a priſon, compingers in V ciy circuin pet, pracutus. Perfumed with civet, Zibelbuma olens. carcer. Circunfne:1:01, surio, cautela. Civil (ol a eity) civilis, civicus. To clap up together, collige. Circunfpeâly, caud, providè. Civil (courteous) urbanus, humanus, To clap the wings, alas concutere. Circumitance, in umfantia. *, um; adj. * He ſhot the pigeon as ſhe was A circumstance of words, ambages, Very civil, perurbanus. clapping her wings, alas plaude- un; pi, cirruiting 3. f. A civil lawyer, juris civilis pori Tom figit columbara. Circumianced. Bercumftantiis ve Civilian, tu. Clap-board for casks, materia cado. In O'rcumftraces, B.tus. A civil war, bellum intimun. With tuch circumitances, rebus fe Civility, bumınias, urbanitas. Clapped at, plaufus. pantibus. To civilizc, manfuefario. A clapper, plaufor, applauſor. Circumftantial, circumi.intialis. Civ:l«zed, menfurffatus, smellitus, The clapper of a beli, tintinnabult Circumftant:ally, ciruumftantulirer. A civilizinz, manfuefactio. mariolus, To circunftantiate, circumiantiis ve- Civility, bumaniter, urbanè. A clapper of conies, vivarium, locum Mire. Ciza:s, forfex. lamentum, agger cuniculorum luftris Circunvallation, la circumduftio. A little pair of cizars, forfícula, for Suffolus. To circumvent, cricumuenio. fculus. The Clapper of a door, fii martu- Circumvented, circumuentus. To dlow'th cizars, praside, črs. A {circumvention , circunventia, A clack, crepituculum. The clapper of a mill, crepitaculum A clack' [long tongue] linguacula, molare. A circumvolution, circumulutio. lingien garrule. A clapping, jaffatus. Cirenceſter, 2 [in Glouceſterfire). Ci. To clack, crepito, clangito. A clipping of the hands, plausi, ap- C:rceſter, '} renceftria, Corinium, To clack with the tongue, trepor plauſus. Duroccrnoviuun. To clack wool, picis impreſionem ex- A clapping (ftroaking) poppoſius. Ciri (a man's name) Cyrilius. jecare. Clare-county (in Ireland :) Clara, Claria, A piir of cſers, forfox. Su Cizars. Clark geeſe, anleres Scotici. A cifter!), ciferna. Clacking, credox. Clare (the family] Claranus, Deca- Alici!e ciſtern, cifernua. A clacking with the tongue, clonus. ris v.zlıibus. A cistern to wash glafles, squimina- A clicking, crepiterio, Cla:e (a woman's name] Clara. riun, nagterna, trishilum. Clad, umiaus, velitus. Clare-hall, aula Clarenis. A cittcrn-cock, miffus, Claic, lutum, argills. Su Clay. Cla.ence [in Suffolk) Claremia. Of a ciſtern, ferninus. A claim, vendicatio, alertio. Claret (wine) umum rubellum. Ciſteron (in Province] Siparica, S8- To claim, vmdiro, pofie, oforo. Claricords, spineta. gollereium urbs. To claim to one's ſelf, arrogo,alumo. To clarify: clarifico, art. Ciltus ( herb} ciflies. To claim again, rapo/co. To clarity liquor, deſpumo. A cicadel, arx, cis ; £ Claimable, vendicabi.is. Clarified, clarificatus, despumatus. To cite (ſum non) ilo, 1. arceffo, 3. Claimed, vindicatus. A clarifying, clarificatio, onis ; Tocile [2401e] cito, sejiem producere. A claimer, vendirator. A clzrion, tuba argutula. Cited, citatus. A claimer gain, repetitor. A clark or clerk (divine] clericus, fis- A citing, ! (or fummons) sitatio, 3. A claiming, vindicatie. Cardos, presbyter. Citation, f. To claim (hanger farve one) fame A parish-clark, fucrifa. The clark A citation for quoting] loci alicujus, forgets that cver he was ſexton, ex foriptore quopiam prolatio. * CiTo clawber, seando. bonoras mulant moves. lations from the ancients give an A clambering, ſcanſio. A writing-clark, feriba. authority and credit to a diſcourron Clammy, viſcidus, vifcofus. A clark of the exchcquer, feriba cornmeinorgt.o antiquitatis au&torita- Very clampy, porglutinofui. ararius, iem oratimi afferi ca fidem. Clammincís, viſcoſitas. A clark of the kitchen, esfonator. A citizen, civis, municops. Clamour, clamor, oris, A clark of the market, adilis, libri. To a. ake a citizen, civitate or civi To clamour, dame, magnâ consentime tatom donare. clamare. Clarks of the folls, fcriniarii. Citizen-like, civiliter, urbanici. Clamorous, clamofus, importunus. A gentleman's clark, foriba, notariusa The company or rate of citizens, Clamps, trabes navales. A petty clark, leguletus, viuitas, A clan, clientela, 1. f. tribus, 4. f. Of a clark, clericalis. Of citizens, civilis. famulisius, 2. n. Clarkſhip, clericatus. Cit zenship, jus civitatis. Clancular, clancularius. Clary (herb) borminum. Citron (apple) malum sitroum, Maclandeſtine (ſecret) clandefinus. Wild clary, oculus Chrifti. dicum, Allyrium. A CLAP, ci spilus, 4. colupbus, 2. To claib, diferepo, dilides, lango. A citron-trec, citrus, molus Alyria, jaus, plaufus, 4. * They get ſore A claip, anſula, ſpiniber. cierea Medica. claps on the chags, duro crapitanı Aliale claſe, ſpin horulam. Citron, adj. citrous, citrinus, lub vulnere male. * The doors The hook of a claip, uncinulus. Of or like citron, 3 , um. gave a great clap: fores crepurrunt To claſp together, fibulo, confibulo, Citron bafil (herb) oymum citreum. daid. He has got a clap, lue To claſp bencath, fuffibulo. Citron-colour, color cisrinus. venoreâ inufus ejf. Claſped, anjuld nexus vel inflruäus. A citron-cucumber, cucumis citres. A clap of thunder, fragor tonitru. * Shc claiped him about the neck, A citrul [cucumber of a citron-co- At one clap, uno ilfu. collo implicuit brachia. lour) citrulus. Tu clap, collido, colaphum infringera. Claſping, mexilis, le; adj. 3. art. A ciltern, cithara, fiftrum. * I went about to clap my naked Claſping about, innuitens. A CITY, civitas, urbs. * Not very breaft, plangere nuda meis conabar A claſping, innodatio, onis; f. far from the city, non ita gracul 10 pettura palmis. Clap up a bar- | A claſs (order] clalis, is; f. urte. . He is made governor of the city, wrbi præeficisur. The euns Apellâ confico de columns Claffick, } clasius, a, um ; adj. Tol } moart. pens, ndis. ! . 1 tus. Make clean anundo, imaculo, pur- Clearad'[acquitted] abfolutus, ripur. A cliſt, rima. Sur Cleft. CLE CL E CLI 'Fo clatter, Bropo, ere. To cleanſe from chaff, à glumis re- Clcarneſs (plainneſs ) perſpicuitas. A clattering, Arepitus,.4. m. purgart. Clearnels (pureneſs) puritas. Ta clatter prattic]garrio. Cleanſed, purgatus, Clearnels ( in found claritas. To clatter ujar) altercor, litigo. Cleanſed by facrifice, expiatur. Clearneſs (from fault) 'imarentia. To clatter and break things, con- Cleanſed from dregs, depuratus, de- TO CLEAVE, findo, Trindo. fringo. facutus. To cleave alunder, dipindo. A clatier-coat, garrulus, A cleanſer, emundator, purgator. To cleave (ncut. ) findor, dehiſco, ri- Claudius (a man's Dime] Claudius. A cleanſing, purificatio, purgatio, ab mas agere. I clavc, fidi. Su Clere. lutio, To cleave thorough, perfindo, Claver or clover-graſs, trifolium. Cleansing, purgativus. To cleare together, cohereó, 2. 104- A clauſe, periodus, poriacbi. C!eanſings, purgamonta, orum. lefco, I. A clauſe (article] caput, CLEAR (bright) lucidus, parlucidus; To cleave under, fufindo. A claufc fentence] fententia, adj. * Ciearer than glaſs, vitro To cleave nnto, acharro, *It cleaves A little clauſe, claufula. pellucidior e limpidisr, * As clear to th: rocks, ad faxi adhærefcit, By: ſhort clauſes, cæhm, adv. as cryftal, cryfallo perlucidior. * They cleave as to a mother, fi- A claw, unguis, ungula. Clear (fair ) feronus, candidus.. " It is cut măiri adhærent. *Envy cleaves TO:CLAW, cabo. *They claw one a clear sky, rolum (orenum eft. .cloſc to the higheit, invidia altij. another, tradunt operas inutusi. * Clcar (manifcit] manifeftus, con pi mis adharel, m Can this sin cleave Claw me, and I'll claw thcc, du cuus. * It is a clear café, palam to this man ? puaſ bec homini buic mini mutuum teftimonium. e}, inanifeflè patet. * As clear as hærere peccatum? Toclaw (fancr] blandior, demulceo. the day, luce clarisra.- Theſe A cleaver of wood, ligni fifir. To claw gently, fodico, /calpo. things are ſo clear there is no A butcher's cleaver, ſecuris. A claw-back, palpo, onis. need of diſpute, 'hæc ita furii in Cleaver (hcob) aparine. Clawed, unguibus laceratus.. promplu, ut res diſputatione rion - Cleaving: findens. A clawer, unguibus lmnians, . A cleavir:g, flo. Clawing (Aattering) adulatorius. Clcar (pure) liquidus, lim;idus, pu- Cleaving io, adhærens, ] A clawing, laniatso unguibus frata, rus, Mg um. A cleaving, to, adhafo. The claws of a fiſh, arctabuls, foi Clear water, aqua limpida. I cleft, fidi. gölla, chile. Clear (in Counds) clarus, canorus, Cleft, flus, Hiving claws, unguibus or chilis in- Clear I wishout infe&tion) integer, Cleft in two, bifidus. Audus. Cicar (w.thout mixture) merus, me. That may be c!eft, fifilis. Having great claws, unguibus pra. racus, purus. A alcft, rima, filura. Langis. Clear (out of debt) ere alieno folu. The cleft of a pen, crena. Claw.footed, multifidus. Full of clefts, rimoſus. CLAY, lutuia. Clear (of fight) perſpicax. Having many clefts, multifidus, a, B'ock-clay, terra pinguis. Clear (calm imperiurbutus. um, adj. Finc clay, terra figillaria. Clear (to be ſeen through]perlucidus, Clem, for Clement. Fuilers clay, terra pinguis. tranſlucidus. Clemency, clementia. Potters clay, orgilla. creta figularis. Clear (innocent) innocens, imnunis. Clement [mil·l] clemens. White clay, lawargillon. Clcar weather, tempus Judum, tom. Clement la man's numc]Clemens, tis. Whilc clay for crucibles, fafconium. pelus jerma. To clcnch, contraho. Ser Clinch. To clay, delutá, ore; ob- A clear night, nox fyderilus ille. The clergy, clerus, 2. m. ordo facer Cover with clay, lino, čie. Bris. clericalis. To beconic clay, lutocn. Clear (quite] prorſus. * I am clear Clergy, adj., ?facerdotulis, minifle. Clay-ground, terra figubris. of another opinion, longè mshi alia or the clergy, rialis. A clay-pit, rgilletur.. mens i. *I am clear out of lovc A clergyniant, clericus. Full of clay, argillojus. with my elf, mihi solus diſpliceo. The benefit of the clergy [to con- Clay, adjio, } luftus, a, um. lam clear againſt it, animus ab demn perſon3) jus clerici. Made of clay', herget. * All that I reckon clear A clerkSer Clark. Cl4yed over, oblitus. gain, omne id ela in lurro deputo. Clermont (in France] Claromontium. Clayiſh} argillaccus, argillofus. To clear, purifico, lucido, collu-Cleve, Make c!car, fro, expurgo. Cleves,} (in Germany] Clivia. To clean, agglutino, conglutino. To clear (acquit] abſolve, expurgo, Clever, dexler, agilis. Cleamed, fame ereétus. dilua, fx crimine eripere. Clcar Clercrly, dextrè agiliter. CLEAN, mindus, purus. * We ſhall yourſelf of this blame, te hic cri. The clew (of a fail] pes qeli, extra- give then the clean ft water tbat inine expedi. Let me clear my ' mus veli angulus. can be, guain puriſſimam pretebi. delf, fine me expurgem. • He.clears A clew-garnet, propes, funis quo pes mus aquam, * As clean as a pea himſelf very much, purgat ſe mule voli alligatur. ny, nibil videtur mundius. tum. A clew of ihread, glomus. Clcán (neat] polius, nitidus, a, um, To c!car from, libero, 1. expedio, 4. The cleys of a crab, chela, acelabu- degans, tij. eripio, 3. la, flagella. Clean(qrite:) prorus, omnino. *They To be clear, clares, nia. * I am to click, crapiro, tinnio. become clean otherwiſe, fiunt con clcar of this fault, à me hac culpa A clicker, cornix 'pullatoria. fraria. * Must men do cica! con prorul el. A clicking, tinnitus. trary, quid à pleriſque contra fit. * It is clear, liquet, son of. A client, clientalis. I am of a c!can contrary opinion, To grow clear, clareſco, illucefco. A woman client clienta. ego longè feistí exißimo. The day grows clear, lux alheit. Of a client, climtalis. Very clearia , termundus. Ceared (made bright] colluflratus, A company of clients, dimela. Qulic and clean, adv. funditùs, ra. cxpolitus. A cliff, rupes, is , petra prærupia. dịcitu. . (made manifeft) patefa&us. A in , clavis To'clcan . gritics A cligut, crepitaculum. To cica" (rol:melino, nitido. Cicared from, expeditus. Climacterical, climatericus. To be clean, enitso, nitafo. A clcaring, illufrario, clarigatio. A climate,} [part of the world] Clcan limbcd, meciicnius, gracilis. A clearing (acquitting) abfolutio. clime, clima, atis; . .Madc clcan, mund.itús, purgatus, ab- A clearing from, purgatio, expurga- To climb, fcando, confcendo. Hierius, emunclus. tio, onis; f. To climb up into, inſcendo. Cleanly, adj. inundus, nitidus. Clcarly(plainly.I clarè, perspicuè, pla- To climb up unto, afcendo. Cleanly, adv. purè, mundè. ni, liquidò ; adv. Hard to climb up, præruplus, afcenfu Cicanlines, munditirs, elegantia, C'carly (purely Ipuri, liquide. erduus. Cleanncis, :3 nitor, polüura. Cicarly, (utterly) prorſus. * You are That may be climbed, sanslis. To'cleanſe, Amundo, furgo. clcarly mistiken, forâ erra's vid. A ciimber, confienfor. To cleance the aole, naras mungerez. C'carnčís (brighincfs] Splendor. A climbing, confenfio. donuogers. Clcarneſs of the day, ferenitus. A climbing up into, afienio. Climbers . 1 Climbers ; } clematidus. A : plus 1 141. CLO CLO CLO To clod, grumefco, coagu-To clola (in fencing), congredi, con-' } Grow cloddy, lor. fortis in inibus fugnare., Climbers of Virginia, huders quin- Clodded, corcrolus, grumefcens, Lying cloſe to the ground, bumi quefolia Canadertjis. irarus. To clinch, contrabo. * Clinch your full of clods, } glebojus, a, um. To cloſcſhedge in inter epio. fift, contrabı pugnam. A clog. impidimantuin, tricious, Tosin irgetier, cogo. conjungo. To clinch a nail, inftida, repingo, Wooden clogs, sulponert ble lig To cloſe !p a lecer, epiſtolam comia retundo mucronem clavi: mee; colonesa num ; polopotos. plicure. A clincher (a man of wit] bomo fe- To clog impedia presedis To cloſe up d. wound, vulneri cicaa flities, urbanis. Clogged, pricepediks, trun:o onerst:15, tricem obdwere, A clincher (witry, ſaying, or Shirp To close or cloy, fario, are ; Satuto. To close up, as a wound, solidefcon repariec] arguria, arm, 1. pl. t. Cloied, futiatus, jaturarur. ehdulcor, repentina Lacuta 'refponfio ; face- A being cloicd, fatias, ſatietas. To cloſe (conclode] concludo.. tig, arun, i. pl. f. A clo:{ter, clsuflrum, perilylium. A clofs (conclufion) concluſio, finis. To clinch (or return an anſwer that a cloiſter (coavent). :nonijciun., Cloſe together (adj.) denfus, conderi. will admit of no reply) urgutè 16- A little cloyſter, clauftellum. lus, a, un. fpondere ai rain. To cloyster up. mo.yterio in:ludere. Clor: Logether (adv.) conjunhà.. Clinched (as a fift) contra&us. A cloiſter nang clauris feptus, Kept cloſe, celatus. refervatus. To clinch together, comprime ' One.clo;ſtered up, moxacbus. A kecping close, celatio, Clinches (witry ſayings) factie. A c!o:iterer, suffrorius. A keeping cloſe in, comorelio. Clinched, repaitus, reufus, A CLOKE pulliun. * My coit.is Clapped cloſe [vorcn) conrdatuss A chnching, repaajo. nearer than my cloke, lunica pal- To cling cojeth:r, coharco. lio proprior. A cloſe priſoner, vindus, ir arccran To cling un!o, adhere... A little light cloke, palliolum. Clingy (clammy) viſcofus. A felt cloke, ſcaricu. A cloſe (incloſure) clauſura, ſestum. To clink, trepilo, tinnio. A riding-cloke, impluvia, penula. • He Thewed him a certain cloſes Clinton che family | D: Clintona. A cloke with a hood, bardorucullus, di quendam confertum agrum aten- To CLIP, rondro, detondeo, Aliondoo, curullio. dir. Tafeco. A long cloke with neeves, . pallium A cloſe-Itool, lajanun, jolla familia To clip one's wings, ponnas alicui talarc muniiatum. arica, incidere, A ſoldier's cloke, jagum. To go to the cloſe-ſtool, adfello. Tockp about, circumtondeo. A lhcpherd's cloke, Thono, onis. Cloied, clauſus. To clip about the neck, ampletor, A ſhort coke, lepitogium. Cloſed aboui, circummunitus, sipa- completior, collo bracbia circundars. A woman's ſhort cloke, pallula, fus.. To clip möncy, numrios circumcidere, A beggar's patched cloke, purnusia. Cloſed in, circumventus, obieffus. accidere monetan. A thread barc.clokc, lacarns trita. Ciofed in round aboui, circuicinctus, To clip often, fonfico. A cloke-bag, hippovera. racinctus, undique fupeus. To clip all over, periondeo. A clokc (colour for a fault] prætex-Closed together, comprejus. To clip mort, præcido, tus, inlagunentum, obtenius, Cloſed up, oportus, obhgn.itus. Clipped, fonſus, detonfus. To cloke. (h:d; or diseabic) dil. Cloſed up (as a wound cicatrics ob. Not clipped, intonjui. mulo, contego, velo, colorem inducere. dutus. That may be clipped, tonfilis, hogy He clokes his fault with fair' A cloſer, conſolidator. A clipper, tonfor. words, obvolvit vitium.decoris ver- Ciolely, obſcurè, occulia, 182. A clippiog, tonfo, fonfura. bis. • They cloke their faults, Cloſely (ſct] dense A clipping [colling) amplexus, como ohjiciunt nittem fraudibus bonu- cloſely managed] clanculant. plexui, bom. Cloſeneſs, denfitas. A clipping ſhort, preciſo. Of or for clipping, conferius, Put on a cloke,} paldiem indueres Cloſeneſs (in counſel] verejus . A cloſing in or up, in lufa. Clippings, presegmina, nun. Cloked, palliatus, penulatus. A cloſing together, conjun&tio. A clifter, chijer, dymus Cloked raisemblcd) katus, velatus, Thecloling of a wound, conſolidatio: Cliver (gooſe-graſs) aparine. involuius. A cloſet, conclour, is;n. A cliver or cleaver for buichers, fe- A cloking, diſfimulatio, coloris industio. A little cloſet, armariolum. curis. Clonmell bilboprick (in Ireland ] A cloſet hanging over a wall. czofira: A.cloak, pallium. See Cloke. epifcopatus Clonings. A clot (of carichi glebu. Set Clod. To cloath, we'lio, amicio, veftem induere. CLOSE ((but] jarelas, occullus, To clot; Cloached, valitus. Clole (thick] denfus. Clotter, congulo, conciſco. Ill-c!oathed, pannojui. Cloic (Glent) tacitus, mulus, A clot of blood, grumus. Cloathing, vejfitus, ür. Cloſe (reſerved). taciturnus. A clot of congealed moisture; firia. A CLOCK, horologium ; n. They Close (faſt) frmus, A clot-head, bardus, bebes. are as clean as a clock, nihil vide - Clole narrow] artu. A clot-bird, cruko. tur mundius. It is a little part Cloſc (dark) tene rojus, nubilus. A clot-bur, burdaria. five by the clock, in horologio dig - Cioſe (unknown) arcanus, obfurus. CLOTH; pannus. * Meat, drink, tus indicat haram pautòplus quintan. Cloſe (hard by] iuxta. * If you can and cloth, viaus & ves.us. To The clock (hour] hora, c;f. * What fit clote, fi aretè poteris accubare. be found with.mcat, drink, and is it a clock quota ef bora ? * He follows cloſe, inflat veſtigisse cloch, ob aliquo ali & veſiri, What a clock doit thou think it is * They were fet cloſe to onc. ano-Finc cloth, panniculus. now? quam horam cenfeo nuns eft? ther, junétim locabanius. * Cloſe : Linnen cloth, linteun. See what a clock 'tis ? contem by the lake there is a hand-milt,: A cloth of ftatc, conopeum. plare quota fit hora? * Onc a clock, ad ipfum lacum of piflrilla. He Cloth of arras, tapes, atis į tapsium. bora prima. *About eight a clock, pitcbedtis lent cloie by the wall, Cloth of needlc-work, velis uc atavim circiter horam. jula murum cafira pofuit. pilta. A clock-keeper, nola curator. clofe fitted, renax. Cloth of goid, parnus aura interlox: A clock-maker, faber horologiarius To cloſe [act.] claudo, or automatarius, To cloſe [ neut.).coalafco. Cloth of tiſſue, vefis Aralick The art of clock-making, automa- To cloſe about, circumvenio. Cloth with a nap, punnus villoſus. ria. To cloic in, præcingo, incluso, Cloth rath, A clock (bectie.) fearabæus. To keep cloſe, cela, clam habere. Coajic cloth, Spannus levidenfis. To clock as a hen, glosio, glorito. It muſt by all means be kept A hearle cloik, veftis feralis cadaveri The clocking of a hen, plocitatio. cloſc, quiquo pacto tacito at opus. infrata. A clocking hen, gailina incubatrix. To keep clole to his ſtadics, abdare Home Spun cloth, icla domelica. A clod, gleba, cipes: Je in literas, Hair-cloid, siliciun. A clod of blood, fanguinis grumus, To keep clofe ia, coërceo. A cere-cloih, (grotum, To brcak clodsocca, rafris glebas To lid cloic to the ground, huono A table-cloth, muppa: frangere. järni. To lay the cloth, infruitre menfam. K A border IILS. Tar&. um. 1 tatus. Pay one's club. conferre symbo. To coap with, congredior, di. CLO CO A COB . A horſe-cloth, inftratum dorjúale. A clouted ſhoon, vir rufíicus. Enadjutor (fellow he'per) coadjutor, Cloth for booths, velurium. A clouterly fellow, magnus inha- oris ; m. A cloth-worker, panni opifix, qui bilis, iniprus, fupidus. A coadunaton (bringing together] ponnos conficis. Clouterly, adj. rudis, inuenufus. coadunario. A cloth-dreſter, panni sonfor, punne- Ciouterly, adv. inscité. To coagulate (curdle) coagulo. rom 1.1/or. A cown, agrglis, rufticus, frutex. A coaguiating cougulario, onis ; , Cloth, adj. fem. To play the clown, inurbanè jo ge-' Coagulation, Of cloth; } pannous, a, um. To coaks, alontur, adblandior, TÓ , or put on !e, amicio, tejiio. Clothe the naked A company of clowns , municorum Charcoal, } carbo, onis ; m, with thy app.rel, indue de tuo ven STI*. A burning coal, prung, Ritu nudos. Clowniſh, inurbanus, rugicus. Pit-coal, To cloche again, reviftis. Somewhat clowniſh, ſubrufticus, Sea-coal, serbones fofiles. To ciothe about, cirtumurſlio. Clownilhly, rujliiè ; ady. Stone-coal, To clothe one's ſelf, view inducăre Clowniſhneſs, inurbanitas, rufficilas, A ſmall coal, carbunculus. fibi. She'clothed herſelf very aris; f. Coal-black (á dog's name ) asbo- Deatly, Siilè & cleganièr sbi wes To cloy, Saturo, ad nauſeam im- lus. astavit. plere. Col.black, anthracinus, milaneus'; To'clothe another, or help one on to cloy with words, verbis onerare. adj. with his clothes, aliquem vefie in. Cloyed, farur, faturatus. A coal-fire, ansbraria. du'črt, A cloying, faturatio. The coal-fiſh, afsllus niger. To clotbe, or find one in clothes, A cloyſter, clauflrum. So Cloiſter. A coal-houſe, carbonum repoßtori- aliquem vefire, alicui veßitum dare A CLUB, clava, fujlis, baculus capi. or præbira. A coal-merchant, carbonariu, Clothed, ami&us, indutus, vetitus. A little clob, clavicula. A coal-mouſe, Parus major. Ill clothed, pannous. A club at cards, trifolium. A coal-pit, Clothed in linnen, lintentus. A club (joining to pay a rockoning Coal-mine, } carbonaria. Clothed with gold, foguntatus. atia publick "houſe) fymbola, com- | A coal-rake, rutaly'um. Cloihed in mourning, pullatus, potatio, ſymbolum. Coalition (cloſing together) coali. Clothed in purple, purpuratus. Club-law, jus Sibolare, or inier tio. Clothed in a robe of ftatc, pretex compoteres. A coap [long robe) pallium. tatus. Club-law fighting, fufiuarium. A pricit's coap, lana, Clothed in filk, fericatus. To Clothed in white, candidatu. lam. Coarctation (preffiog together] co- Clothed in wool, lanatus. Bearing a club, claviger. ardatio. Clothes, viffis, in amiaus, velitus, os. Club-footed, loripes, odis. A coaſt, ora, tradius. Bed-clothes foragulum, frate, toralı, Clubbiſhi, incomis. A coaft (quarter) in minus. Clubbiſhly, incomitèr, craſse. A coaſt of muicon, cojia ovilla, cer- Clothing, veditus, tis. Clubbiſhneſs, forvitas, duritas. vix cum peftore. , To cluck as a hen, glosito, 1. The fea-coast, littus, sris; n. mari. Clock finga ora. A clothier, pannijicus. A clue of thread, glomus. To coaft along, oram legers. Clotted, consistuse Cluid river in Dmbighſhire] Clui. Coaſted, circumnavigatus. To clotter, concreko, grumoſco, cog da. A coat (cottage) caja, tugurium. A clumperton (clown] agreftis. A Sheep-coat, vuile, is. Clotted with blood, fanguine contra- Clumps, ignavus, ineptus. A COAT, tunica. My coat muſt Clumsy, inhabilisdexteritatis ex pay for that, ifhæ! in me cuditar Clotty, grumoſus, a, um. : pers. faba ; Prov. A CLOUD, nubes, iso Clung with hunger, macie conftaus. A fleeveleſs coat, solobium, chlamys. A litt!e cloud, nubecula, nebula, I clung to, adhafi. Su Cling. A long-lide coat ( caflock ] palla To be under a cloud, ele in sfonsá. To clung (as wood after it is cur) Galinca. To cloud, obnubilo. A child's coat, allix. areſco, arefio. , A cluſter of grapes, &c. namus . A beggar's pat:h'd coat, pannucia. Bringing clouds, nubifor. A little cluſter, racemulus, A coat of ſccp-skins, diphibord. Clouds in painting) nubila, orum. A c!uter of figs, palaiba. A waiſt-coat, interula. A cluſter gathering, rucemario. ; The coas.fcathers of a bird, penna Full of clouds; } nubiloſus. Full of cluſters, racemofus. - veilitrires, Cloudy weather, ralium nubilum. To clutch the fift, pugnum, contra- A coat of mail, lorica. Cloudy mornings turn. clear bere, A little coat of mail, loricula. evenings, nm A malè nunc & slim To clutch a thing, ar&è completi. A herald's coat, peluda- The clutches, unguis. A prince's coat armour, Somewhat cloudy, fubnabilus, To clutter together, concrefco. Very clondy, prenubilus, A cluttes, turoi, lumulus. Wearing a coat of armour, paluda- Cloudily, furto nubila. To keep a cluicer, omnia turbare Cloudineſs, fringilas sub.la. To make a cluitor, s cælum torá A hawk of the firſt coat, accipiter A clove, cariphyllum. mifceri. bimus. A clove ivce, taropbyllus. Clwydeſdale (part of Saqland] Clu- Thc horſe's coat or hair, feta equia Clovc.gillifluweis, caryophylla, orun ; dild:3/1a. na pl. 2. n. A clyfter, clyfter, &rir. tunico, tunicam in- A clove of garlick, ullii parlousSpio To give a clyſter, clyfterem applicare. Put on a coat, nerdrus: duert, To coacervatc (heap up) Concavo. Coated, tunicatus, Cloven, fillu.. Sec Cleave. A CO2cc!vatico, (0.76ervatio. To cath (ſwoon away).animo lin- Cloven-footed, bifidus, biſulous. A coach, rhedu, currus. qui, deficae. A clough, convallis. A coach-box, bsda capfus. A cob, larus. A clout, pamirulus, poiculus, A coach-min, quriga. Sea-cob, A clout, A herring. cob, halec parun. A dich-c!oui, Fenicillus, penisil. Spachoach; } rhedarius. Coberly lia Gloucefierſhire) Covi Bera lum. A coach-horſe, equus effidarius, cifa chilegia. rim. A rich cob [mifer] bomo locuples ! on a clout, A coach-houſe, fabulum quo ſubdu- To clout an axlc-tree, axi awas in citur rbeda. A cob-loaf [bun] collgra. ducere A gate for a coach to paſs through, A cob-iron, crarcuterium. Clours of iron at the ends of axle valve. A cob-fwan, sygnus. trees, owe, arunt ; pl. f. Coaction (constraine]. coaétis. Cobby, vegetus, vividus. Ta Making of cloth, } lamificio, 1 gulo. }? " fic orie. tum. To coaty } en meters (4., 2 To clout eo be ich, } Sarcio ; 4 avarus. COC COG COL KS. um. (ere. ai. 1. blandior, 4. To cobb.c ihocs, calcosmenta rejar. A cockatri.c, baflifcus, ferpens rogu. To cog the dice, aleas componere. | " cire. The cog. of a whcel, dens, scariobal. Cobbled, ref.irtus. To cocker, indulges, colludo, adblan lun. A cobbler or cobler, cerdo. Let dior: Cogged (as a wheel] dentatus, nor the cobbler go beyond his last, Cockcred, molliver enutritus, A cog-wheel, rota denticulata. no futar ultra' crepidom. Cockering, indulgens, adblandiens. A cogger, adulator, palparor. A cobler (botcher] veteramentari- A cockering, indulgentia. A cogging, dulut:0, palpatio.' A cockerel, galli pullus. Full of cogging, adulatorius. A cobler's Top, ſutrini, futrium. A cocket, Tibedul mercatoria teplens A cogitation (thoughe) cogitatio. Cobleņız (in Germany] Confluenses. vi&tigal perfolutum. A coggle itone, lapillus. A cob nut; nux primaria, bafilica, Cocket-bread, panis fecundarius. Cogni ſin Aia the Leſs] Ironicum. vidrix Cockish, falaz. A cogniſance (badge) infigne. Cobs for cramming, globuli, turun-Cockle, xixinia, loljum. Cognifancc (of a judge) cognitio. da. A cockle (fish) con:h1, pofluncu. To take cogniſance, judico, perpen- Coburg (in Frankinland] Coburgum. do, cognofco. A cobweb, arana, aranee tela, A cackle-ſhell, tola. To cohabit [dwell together) coba- Cobweb-lawn linea nabula, roga vi. To.cockle (as cloth ) corrugor. bila. Iren, Ventus textilis. Cockley [in Northumberland] Cseey. A coheir, cohæres. Wrought like a cobweb, Seutulatus. To cohcrc, cobaro. Full of cobwebs, arancofus. A cockney, mammothraptus, galli. A coherence, coherentia. Cochineal to dye carlet, granum na filius alba, vir url puer urba- Coherent, congruus. infeftorium, coccur. nus, rerum ruflicarum prorfus ig. A cobobation, facibus ſubjects Cocar or Cock La river in Yorkſoire) narus. igns repatita liquoris expresſió or Cocarur. A cockſwain, gmbe prafeftus. toasis.' A COCK, gallus. A cod (husk) fliquii, folliculus. Coie, faftidufus. Su coy. A game cock, gallus pugnax. The cod of a man, fr. tatis, sejfi- A coif; capillars, is ; anadema, atis; A cock's comb, galli crija. cull. Deut. The cock's itone, gallinaci. The outward skin of the cods, ſcro. A net-work co:f, reticulum. A cock's ſpur, culcar. tuin. Coifed, redimita caput miulla. A cock's crowing, gallicinium. The hardneſs of the cods, Pſoriaſis. A coil, Prepitus, tumultus, A cock's watues, galli palea. cod, To keep a coil, tumultuor, turbas - rims of a cock; } gallinaceus, a, um. Freſh cod, Aſellus infalfus. To coil a rope, funem glomerars, in The cock of a dial, gnomon. The ſpotted cod of which they make spiram contorquri'l. To be cock-a-hoop, ampullari, in haberdine, ajellus falitus. Coimbra (in Portugal] Conimbria. Solefco, srijfas srigera. A cod's head, afolli capul. * He is COIN, monsta, nunmus, To cock a gun, Serpentinam addu a very cod's-head, non habes plus Baſe coin, monela adulte fapientiæ quam lapis. Counterfeit coin, rina. . The cock of a wood, krogallus, A cod. piece, perizoma, atis. To cola money, mummum cuderi, A cock's tread (in an egg] galaxi. Wearing a cod.piece, poriximate fignars. precindus. To coin falle money, numiſma adul- Cock-throwing, gallicidium. To untye the cod-piccc point, fibu- terinum fignare. To cock (one's hat) atrollo, erigo. lam.foluere. To clip the king's coln, nummos You were cock furc, factam ribi Coddy (husky) fliquatus. publicos accidere, rem farim putâfti. * It is cock. A codicil, codicillus. To coin agaia, re ude. ſure, rus in vado g. Codiniack, sydonjtes, is ; cotonestum. To coin before, pracudo. A cock.pit, caura; galli pugnatorj- A codiniack of grapes, conditum To coin more, accudo. crofius sucej uvarum. To coin ſtories, fing, fingo, com- Cock-fighting, gallorum certamm. To coddlc, cortillo. miniſci. To ſet cocks on fighting, gallos com- A codlin, pomum prelox aridum, po- Coined, cufus, fignatus. millore, mum codile, A coiner, numini cujor. A cock-maſter, gallorum linija. Codware, ſoman or gramen in filiquis A coiner of falle money, nummi A heath-cock, Jatruo. Lasers, filiquatum. adulterator. A fea cock (infe&] cancer heracloo- A cod-worm, vermis tread efca. . The coin or ſtamp, forma. ticus. Cocin or Colen (in Germany] Colo-A litle piece of coin, nummulus. A Turkcy.cock, gollur Numidicus. nia Agrippina. Coins in building, Ancones, prorbyri. Cock-roches [infect) blasta non ala-Cocqual, coaqualis. dese Coercion (reftraint) cercio. A coincidence, concurfus, concurſo. A winged cock-roch, blatta alata. A Cocrcive, roercivus. A coiftrel young lad] adolefconiu- A cock of hay, feri mota Coeffential, ccellentialis. lus. A little cock of hay, scenile. Cootaneous, coctaneus. A coit, dif us. To cock hay, in cumulos fænum fru Coeverden [ira Overyſil) Corverdia, Coke, carbo refilis ad modum ligni Baduhenne lucus, exullus. The cock of a cifern, &c. epiflomi- Coexiſtent, coxifens. A coker, operarius. um, fiphon. Coffee, ibava, kupha, porus Turci- Cokero, eric nagne rulicorums or A little cock of a cifern, papilla. piſcutorium. Cock's-head (an herb] cajur galline- A coffee-houſe, duphipolium. A cokcs, Aulus. crum, onabrychic The coffee tice, buna arbor. To cokes, adblandjor. Cock's-foot grals, gramen ifsha- A coffer, arca, capsa A colander (ſtrainer] colum. A little coffer, capſula, Co'berg (la Germany) Colberga. Cock-weed, piperitis. A coffercr, difpenfator, artariks. Colcheſter (in Efox] Cilullria, Co. A weather cock, trim, onis. A cofferer to the king, quafor ara. lonia The cock of a gan, ſerpentina. rias, COLD, frigidus. • H's heart is very A cock boal, fcapha. A coffer-maker, capſarius, cold, gelido frigore praus allriaun A little cock boat, ſcapbula. A coffin, beculu. BA: * As cold as ice, frigidior by The cock of an arrow, orma sagit. A coffin-maker, fabor locularius, or imi Gallirâ. * In cold blood, ani. fandapilarjus. mo tranquillo, borse compofio. To cock an arrow, sagittam arcui A coffin of paper, cucullus. Cold [ſubit.) frigus, oris ; ne optare. A co-founder, coadjutor in fundan- Cold (chilly) algidus. A cock-all, ralus, do. A cold, gravedo, inis. Cock-all the play] ludus faloris, A COG (Itratagem to deceive) fic. Cold of constitution, alfiofus, affrogaliſmus. tio. Shaking for cold.querquerus, Coik-apparel, magna pompe, or fariTo cog (fatter) adulor, 1. aDentor, To catch cold, frigus cinhabers, frigoro mon. + toe. ܪ nus. COL COL , COL frigore malè apicia A collar-makor, hociorum opifex, hat si color, Having.caught poid, ex frigore molt bulciuris iutor. A fallc.or counterfeit colour, fucus, affiuus. A horſe-collar, hilium. i; m. To ce cold; frigco, frigefco. His An iron-collir for offenders, colli- A colour (pretence), prælęzļus, spre love, is of colu, arror illi non vi Arigium, collumbar, turius, numal. cies, umbra, risulus. Under Co- frixi. He is uſed to cold and lour of a peace, fub SpecieParis, hungar, algerisjurire confue- The collar of a garment, callara Under coour of true friondſhip, vit. A collar of efíes, forquis regius. Valeris amicitia: prefexiu. Un. To make. cold, frigefacio, infrigi. To co!late (beſtow a living) (onferri der colour of anger; fimulations do. beneficium ire. Under colour of respect, To grow said, frizeſco. * The Colia eral, colloteralis. per Emulationem omicij. biood: groms cold for foar. Jan: A collation, collatio, merenda. Soldiers colours, figne, militaria. guir galiaus formidine diriguit. A ſhort collation, conula. san from his colours, figna reli, With delaying the maller To co'laud [commend one) collau: quit, ab fignis difosfit. They grok's cold,, diferendo res, blin. do,. 7. ran to their colours, le ad figna guit. A colicagoe, collega. Legionum vereporuns, He advanced Tagoy rery, cold, perfrige?, ált. A colec" (Thort prayer) colli84. the colours and charged, in bojiem geco. To col est, colliga. figna intulis. T.: gros cold ay patient, deforum, Collected, collašus. With colours diſplayed, pafis vex. deforve!co." A collecting, colleftiu!, ús. To grow cold (45 the weather) bru. A colle&ion, ollaa:o. To colour, tirgo coloro. *7460. A ſho t coiieation. Summa. To colour (blurubefco. To be. reny: cold, rigeſ, algas, bor. A colle&or, collector. To colour (cointerfeit) fuco, infuct, gan, dirige, ohriges, A collector of tribute, telonarius. obtende; fucum obducere To grow cold again, refrigeo, A colioctor of taxes; 816 Publicar A perfect colour, color plenus or Ja. A little.cold, frigufculums. tur. Avery, greaç cold, algor, rigor. A college, collegium, gymnafun,, To fear, no colours, intrepidè obire Made cold, refrigeratus. A collegiate church, ecleiia collegi. pericula, It is cold, Friger, frige cit. ata or collegialis. A wan gr weak colour, color dilutus, It grows cold, brumeſcit. A fellow.collegiate; ejufdem collegii luridus, romilni. Very cold, perfrigides, algidus, rigi: Sprius or Audiofus. A deep, laſting;. lively colour, color duto, A coller, capifrum. floridus, falut, fuavis, vegetus, vi. Full of extreme cold, rigorojus. Collerford of Colle: ton [ig Northa, vidus, Half codi joffrigidus. umberland) Cilurnum, Čilurinum A decayed faded colour, calor obfola- Neither boi nor cold, regilidus, tepi. A colet of a riog, amuli pala. tus, evanidus, fuga. dies A collier, carbonarius. Sovewhat decayed in colour, deca Soon cold, a!2ous She collieth Col, a hawk) annuit, lor. Cauling cald, frigorificos, algifiou si Acollifinn, collifio, onis. Painters.colourds, pigmenta. horrifer A collock, baulellum, li.; Q. A Ilea-bitten colour, color varius, di. 4.cold north: wind, borrifer borras. To coll. gue, adulor,.addlandior. Bindus. A cold baib, frigiderium. A colloguer, adulatoryosis; m. Colour in grain, dibaphus. Coldinfrigiculus, frigidiuſculus, A colloguing, adulatio, lenocinium. A buc or watchet colour, color ya. Coldly, frigide, gelide. Acollopi felle, offlla, buccant. Somewhat coldy, ufrigid, Collops lardum tefellatim.caneifum.& j A bright sky-colour, color caruleys. Coldy (Genderiy) jound: frixum A carnation-colour, Yolor cocineus, Coldnc!s frigidija, irigys, Colops and eggs, lardi tejaliæ. cum A dark crimſon or murry.colour, 6- Very great colineſs, algus, algır. ovis prizai i lor purpurris,.pullus. Coldingham (ia Scotland). Coldinia, Acalloquy, colloquium, 2. n. A fianc colour, color Aammous; rutia Gani. Collowed, denigratus, a, um, part. lus. A cole, carbs. $1. Coal. To collude, colludo, dère; act. A houſe-wife!s, grey colour, calor Cole, } braffica A. Colewort, pullus, baljusi Colluſion, , A ground colour, füblitio. Cabbage-ço!c, br.:lica, caditata. Colluding colluforius, a, um ; adj. A mguſo dun-colour, color muri- Red cabbigo-cole, brafica rubra ca. By colluſion, colluforia ; adv. cititi. a. i A picades by collution, colinjör, pra. A very high red colour, color, arden: Thc fcacole, braica marina. I jaricator, oris ; . siſſimus. focwort-wers, brafica, florida, To colly or collow, denigro. A fea-greed colour, coler. hyalinusą The rape-colewort, Oraficá napi... A co'ly:flower, bralicu florida, vitreus. The rei..or bitteri colewort, Grafica A collying. denigrario. A ſmoak.dry colour, 'color fulous, rubra.. Çolidar Lin Afria].Columbaria, Col aquilus The wild-colewort, br:53: fyluef maria, A ftraiv-colour, colec:me!inus. bris, Coln (in Germany] Colonia Brandı. A Turkey or Venice blae-colour, clor. Guried garden.cole. bra lusca apiana, túrzica. Vonalis,.th.laling's.. Qulcbrook in Buckinghamſhiraj.ço. Colne (in Efex Colonis. A purple, who Th colour, color molea lunum, Pontes. Colnk river, Colnius, i hinus. Polaga!: Lin Flirtſpire). Collis Car Colocz [la Hongary) Colecia. Of the ſame co'our, concolor. bonarius. Cologne [in Garmony Colonia Agrig. Of many cofou: s, multicolor. The colet of 2 ring, annuli gala, pina, Of osc, two or thrc colours, unie umbo. A coloir (Cruk prieſt] fuserdos, color, birdlor, tricolor. Coliborts. liberti. Colombine, aquilegia, a. Of undry..co'ou:, diſcolor, The calick, chólica, dolor.chalicus, Coloncy (in Poland) Colonna. Changing ro'ouř, verſicolor. Sobieta ibe.co!ické .cbsl.cas.' A coloa, color, i. Having !o't colour, decolor, decolora. Proubled with the colick, cholica The colon (arfe gat) Jonggro, önis ; lateroris: intelinum raum, A bling colour, decoloratio. The ftone-colicſ, calculus, lithic- A colonel, hiliarcban. 2;... sridu- Coloured, coloratus, tindus. nus, 1; m. Coloured (counterfalted] Fusatus, in, The wind-colic, Artus byšochon A colony, colonja: , fucatus, harisius.. Coloqointida (a wild goord]:coloryn War or dead co'onrcd, luridus. To colt, amlar, li. 1this, indis, To: grax dead.coloured, palleffo, Colled; am ex91, rxizdlus, A co!o** (huge statue).colofus, ieri; n. A calling, inplexus Aron Ą COLOUR, color, tinclura. He A coli, pullus aquinus. Collaprcd (d. cayed } collapſusi ACOLLAR, cpifirụm, 1; n. caſily.diſcerns that coloué, sim co- A hoje co-494 ulus, Lorris facillimè speculatur. His Amare coit, equula. Adog*s-cbllar, inilluin., colour comes and goes, non con The colt of a wild aſs; lalitos. Collega nous. . 1US. 1 COM COM COM ncar. Cave Canin. veric. in jus. Cole's-foot (herb) rufiligo, hechien. miſchich is yet to come, id mihi operaior. What comes on't a Mountain co!l's foot, ficalia. rolar mali. • We ſhould cone laſt ? quid. fir denique.3 Coluga. [in Muſcous.). Coluga. Jeuc or nothing ſnort cf tbe To come in ir:, acurrc, ufu venire, Cultif, pullinus. Greiks, non mutur aut non om * If it coincs in my way, ja quid - A columbinc, aquilegia. nino Grecis cederetur. * Old age 1. ulûs venerit. A column, columna. comes creooing on, fenfim fine fen- ! To coine to the knowledge of, inno- Full of columns, columinoſas. Ju dias feneſcit. If you can come . tefco, notelco. The caluros, coluri, orum. to ſpeak with him, i ipfo coram To come to mind, jubeo, ahvorfor, os. Comaro (in Thefly). Heracle1. congrede. potueris. * For time to curro. * This comes often to my A comb, pellen, inis. come, in pojierum. * He fore- mind, hoc animo reinrlat. Like a comh, pectinasim ; adv. fees things to come, furura pro-To come nigh, appropinquo. * None Ladies comb herb) rectan Veneris.' Sprcie. * He comes whilo one is is able to come near fim, ontifex To.combe como, poco, čre ; peatino. Ipcaking of him, eccum ribi lupun longè citra amulum He does * They are a year a combing of in fermone, *Come cut, come long what comes next to hand, facit themſelves, dum comunsur annus tail, Tros Tyriului. * Come on it quod. in proclivi ol. * Come not what will. jada eft alea. * Y0:! He comes To comb again, rebella.. come a day after the fair, po? not sigh the text, extra fcopum va- To comb down, profeto. fefium venis. gatur. TO comb often, dexo, paarito. To comc away, from a place, dif- 'To.comc forth, 2 [as-a. book) «di, in A fax-comb, hamus ferreus. cede, abeo. To come out, slucem emitii, ipis A honcy-comb, favus. To come by one, præterea. vulgari, A little honey.comb, favulus. To come by a thing, nancifcor. To come in requeſt again, fe contemp- A curry-comb, jitigil, ilis. To come after, Sequor. tibus exire. A little curry.comb, Jirigileala. To comic abroad, prodeo. To come to paſs, evenio, accido, con- To curry-comb a hoifc, equum firin. To come again, redco, roverior. To come to himſeit again, refipifco, To come to paſs, fro, fote. A comb-maker, pelfinarius. . ad fe redire. To come quickly, advslo. Little comb-tcech, pectinatim. To come againſt one, invadı, ado. TO COME TO, adeo, advenio, acce: A comb-bruſh, fetaceum ; pellinis rior. do, aggredisor, evado,' * Come to verriculum. To come along, procedo. * Comc that point, in eum locum progredme. A comb.caſe, pedinis there. along, aja, age! * It comes all to a thing or caſe, A cock's comb, galli crijla. To comc ác (overtake) ofequi. codem recidit. * By fooie means To cut one's comb, tondere crif- Te cone at (obtain) obtineo. or other it will come to my fa- To come back, redeo. ther's ear,aliqua ad patrem hoeper. A cox comb (fool] Nipes, fatkusy.in-To come beforc, præuenio, ante manabit. I never thought it ſulfus. would have come to that, nunquam A combat, pugna, prælium. To came before.a judge, ambulare put sui fore. * Let me come to A ſingle combat, duellum, monoma. myſelf a little, fine paululum ad chia, certamen fingulare, To comc. behind, Sequor. # He: meu: redean. He is come to To combat, prælior, ari. comes behind none for bravery, the crown, regnum deptus e}}• *Hc A combatant, pugnator, pugil. Splendore nemini radit, * I will not will come to no trouble by telling, Combated, certamine or pralio exiepe come behind, polerjores parto non ille nihil periculi ex indició foret. tuu. foran. If it dould ever come to that, f A combater, certator, To comc (as butter) dmfari in butyó uſus veniar. * Come to the que- A combating, pugna, crtanin. Tum ; lac butyrefcit. ftinn, mille quod frio, dic quod rege. Combating, pugniex. To come (as chceſc ] coagulari, con * What comes it all to? quanta Combed, pexus. crofrere il ha: fuirma? * It comes all to Combed again, reprxlls. To come down, deſcendo. * His nothing, ininus nihilo eft. . When Combed down, propexus. stomach is come down, jam mitis ail comes to all, ad extremum tan. Combed finely, comptus. eft. dem, A comber, priims, ntis. To come forth, prodeo, provenio. To come to to col confo, To comber, impedio, implico, inter. Tu come from, orjor. To cone to good [of a thing) pro- turbo vexa. To come and go, commeo. Sporè ſuuredes. Combcrance, negotium, impedimen-To come in, intro, ingredior. To come' to good (of a pe:fon) in tum. To come in place of another, ſubeo, probum virum evadere. Combered, Yimpeditus, implicatus. fuccedo. * Let freſh ones come in To come to a place, perumio. . As A combering, impeditio, diftra&io. th: room of thoſe that be weary, ! foon as ev. r we come to land, ubi Coorberous, impedions ; molefusa integri deftris fuciedunt. primùm terram tetigimus. Comberſome, a, um. To coine in the interim, interve- To come to by litile and little, pro- Comberſomcly, pormoleflè. nio, laber. * Her wilfulneſs came to To combine (act) conjungo. To come in danger of his life, adire this, prolapfa ejil huc libido. To combine [acut.) con piro, cons periculum capitis. To come too often, adventito. juro. To coine in (ſubmit] de:lere fe, pa- To come in to, intrico. , Combincd, conjun&us. rere. To come io hand, occurra. A combining, To come in one's way, obuiam se 'To come to light, apparso, manife'us Combination, } combinatie. dare. fieri. A fraious combination, conjuratio. To come off (as a matter) frcredo. To come ſhort, deficio. Combustiblc, combulibilis. To come off Las a man] evado, diſce-To.come ſhort of one, longè infa A combustion (burning) combuflio. do. * I come fairiyoff, imo vero rior ele. A combustion l hurly-burly) iumul- pulchrè difredo o probè. To come į as a woman with child) tus, feditio. To come often, voniiso. They parturio. To make a combuſtion, tumultum come often to our houſe, ab illis). To come fogether, cico. excitare. domus nofira celcbralur, To come up, ofrendo. Come, bynes fibra, filamenta, To come on, progredior, pergo. To come upon, fumervenio, TO CO M. E, venio. * I had ill Come on! ja, oge! To come suducnly upon, ingiuo, ir. luck to come hither, haud aufpi. To come over to one's Gide, defcen- caro huc me 'appuli. * It comcs by i_dere in partes." To come up young, pullulo, pullu- too much eaſes fit om nimis otio, ; To come over onc, circumuenio, de lafeo. -How. ſhould I come to know.?! cipio, She coneth (of a bawk] aduilar. * quà refcifcerem?: * He: will come To come out; exco, energo. All She cometh well, ad nutum nou preſently, jam hic aderit. Come, is come out, rafcivit om em rem. * volar. leave your grieving, omille ver! Come out here! apago! * I will cone hither, adabo, adefdury, sho. , triftiriam. * Come, be of good ſtay for you here till you.com dum ad me ! cheer, quin su enimo bono es, *That oui, ege hic tantifper dum exis To co:ne with onc, aliquem comitari. Co TUO. a,.wiri Hard in b: come it, aditá difici. A coming out, egrefus. COM COM COM Commanded to come, arilgt. Middle comfrey, con olida medis. To give commandment, pre ipis. Come (he that is come] qui vonie. Comical (b:'onging to comedy] CO-, To be at onc's command, alicui feh- The ht is almost conc, infat micus, a, um. feruire, le tetum dederi, qua quis febris. Conical (me:1y] arbanus, feitus, imperšvie fucore. Come again, redux, ucis. To be in chief command, rerum po- Came down, delapſus. A comical poet, comediographus. tiri. Come in, ingreffus. Conically, conia To lit one's fe'f unde- any one's any's Come nigh propinquus faftus. Conidia in Bisnynia) Nicomedis. command, apud aliquem facra- Come out, egreffus. Coming, veneni, * I ſhall be twen. mentum direre. Come to (a place) appulius. ty years coming, vicefimo unno A fulo:ving one's command, ohfe- Come to (paſs) quid cvenit. Sec perueniam, quium, oblemiperatio. what all my conning is come to! Coming and going, cornmeans,. rtie. The ten commandments, decalogus. boos aftulias! * Is it come to this? dens, Without commandmen:, injufu. Tas da redüt ? * It is come to the coming bagaim} rediens. Commemorablc, commemorabilis. puth, triurios bick. To commernorate, commemoro. fes ad iriarios rediit. Coming from bzyond the Sca, trans-A commenioration, cominemoratio. To come in furrender or ſubmit) se murinus, A y carly commemoration, anniver. alicui dedčre or ſubmittčia. A coming about, circuitio. jiriui. To come Port of one's duty, oficio Coming in the way, obvius. To commence, aufpicor, incipio. fuo dello A coming, accelj, onis; aduentus,üs. To commence an action, a&ionem To come up with one (overtake] A coming away, diſcellus. intendere. uliquem ofequi, occupars. A coming after, ſequela, To commence (take degrecs] ini. Cosic of, orlus. * Comc of a good A coming again, reditus, recurſus, tior, faa Vya familia nobili crotus. üs ; in. To commence or proceed doctor of A coine-off, jucelusa The coming of a woman with child, divinity, theslogiæ lauren donari, Cons up, clutus. par::iriti, parturiendi teinpus. infigniri , jupreincê theologice coronâ €:me up! bui! A coming againſt, invifio. de orari. Come upon, cbortus. *Night is come A coming down, dofienfus. Cominenced, inceptus. upon us, nox aborta er. A coining down violently, ruins. He that has newly commenced, in- Come in ibc wly, obvius f.:Efus. A coming Orth, egreflio. captor. Not 10. be come unto, inceffus. A in, ingrellus The comincncement (aa) comisia a. radenira. A coiling hori, defeaio. TO COMMEND, commendo, prælico, A comcdy, comedia. A co:Bi..g forward, prozresloo. laudo, oinnia bona direre. You A comedian, comedus, actor Scenicus. A coming out of the earth, exor commended him to the skics,quem A writer of comedies, camius. fus, ülį m. tu verbis vid clum exiuliji. He E!ke a comedy, canice, ſronice. A coming to, accafus, aditus, ad. commended him but fen:lcrly, Coincly (as a perſon) fortiosus. venius. parcè de bucius laude dixit. Comcly (as a habit} decons, decorus. A coming nigh unto, appropinquario. To commend (commit unto] 07- Comcly, adv. Gerora, drcenter. A coining up, afcenfio. mendo, * Iconalend it to your To make comely, decoro, orno. A coming up ſuddenly, supervantus, care and trust, bor COB mitto 6 & Very comcly, adj. Ferdecarus. ir; m. Brando tuce fidei. Very comcly, adv. conducenter, con. A coming in the way, 0:curfus. To commcrid one's ſelf to any ons, dercre. Cominges in Aguisain} Conuena. alicui folurem iinperiore: * He com- It is come!s, docet. rum Regio, mends him very kindly to you, Comelinels, docus, de:or, cris. The comings in a fhip, trabes duce plurima tlalute impersit, tibi falu- A comer, bajus. per quis demittitur fo.iphi. tein plurimum dicit.. A comer ta, acer, Comiły (courteſy i corritas. commendable, laudabilis. Couch.b'e, crulentus. A com a, romma, alis ; n. Como endably, laudabiliter. A comet, comita, jiella rrinita. T. COMMAND, jubes impero, man A Concndation, laws. Comfits. Irgemata, bypotrimmata, do, precipe. *07avius command- Commendations, folutationes. bellaria arits. cd ihe fluct, Olavius cui præerat. To find commendations, foluto. Aromfit-maker, pijlor dulciurius. * As often as it is commanded,60- To do commendations, silurets an. COMFORT, conjlario, folumen. * tjes quoties arærip dur. nunciare, dicere, You will give her to ne confort, To command (appoint) indica, Letters of commendation, litera ikinninurn relex:bis. It is found to command with authority) elico. eminenlatiliæ comfort to me. nonn:hil mne conjola- Commanded, imporulos, indi&us, Commendatory, commendatitius. #HT. *I want ſome counfort, mandatus, orciepius. A commendam, ecclefia commenduta, ! Jolatia defic.unt. Conoanded (to appeari cvoratus, Comincndcd, luudolus, A litt!c comfort, loialiolum. A commander (radiis.cr) fylucu, pe. Highly commended, celeber, landa. To coinfort, con flor, reforillo, reficio i riffinus. Po trem zemaware, 'doloren ininuero! A co nmander, mandstor, cris; m. A coroniender, laudator, oris ; m. * Comfort yourſelf. As bowo unims. mind airiy, iris ; f. laudatrix, iris; f. Comfort her all you can, iftam A commander in 'hief, imeer stor. Commenturate, adæquatus, commen- , quàm pores fuc confolari. A coip mander (officer) prafcius mi. furatus. . To cordfort again, rafovro, ro'evo. lituil, dux. A comment, commentarius, como Comfortable, confclans, Saluroris. Commandi..g, mandans, imperans, Commentary, ) menturiun, foholium. Comfortable (p!calant) amenus, ju. jube!1!. cundus. A commanding justía, juffus. Write comments, } comontor. Comforted, exhilaratus. A command place of command) A commentator, commentator, scho- Not to be comforted, inconfolabil's, praefc&ura. Titjes. li; adı. 3 ast. To be in command, forum imperio, Commented on, notis or commenta. A comfiveer.confulator, refacillater, it.. A command, mandarum, pre riis illulratus. The Comforter (Holy Ghoſt) Pira. Compandinent, } lepium. * The Commerce, com norcium, alerne. command was ob:yed, obedium To have commerce with, confue.co. It confort, juvit. erat imperio. * He does what he A commination (threatening) com- Comfo:ting, confolatarius, confolsbur has in commond, mandato facit or minutio, dus, ryequirur. * He was not able to comminatory, combinatorius. A comfort ag, confolatio, refocillario, f. bo out of command, imperio carere To commiſerate, coinmiſaror, miſsror. Camfortlifs, deflatcrius, solarii ex non potuit * He had the com-Commiſerated, cujus mijerium of. pers, conblatione varuus. mand of a province, provincium commiferation, commiſeracia. Comf:ey, conſolida, tenebar. A com o iffary, commiſſarius, judex Gicat confrey, con slids major, A little commandinen', maxdarulun. delegatus. A COM со м COM ter. : A commiffay (ccciegaftical officer), A common foldier, miles gregari., Compaat (fet In order] concinnas, efficialis forançus. fruêtus. A commiffary (muſter-master) re- A common whore, proflibulum. Well compaaed, daboratus, *x cognitor, oris ; m. 'The commonwealth, reſpublica, cum- A commiſſion, mandatum, delegatio. muns is. *He is an excellent com- A well compacted style, roriimitar To commiflion, dem ndo, dele. Donwealth's man both in peace Gise commislicn, } 89, goraftalein and wor, civis turo in fogã quam in A compacting, comoadrio, coagmentu fAltre armis infignis. sio, confirðing frustura. Commiſſioned, -7 ddeyalus, a, um ; To love the commonwealth, fidem Compactiy, compreſe, rorunda. Commiſſionated, part. & animum fingularem habere in compactly (neatly ainrinne. A commiſſioner, delegatus. rempublicam., Compactly [Atrong:y) firme, dabo. A commiflioner Cappointed between To rob the commonwealth, publicam rate. two parties) arbiter honorarius. pecuniam dilapidure, reipublicæ vif A compactor, compactor, A commiffioner(chole between two] teribus çripere. A compacture, compages, compago, ro- arbiter ex compromiſſo. A common, eger compas.uus, pascuum agmentum. A commiffioner (to treat with fo publicum. A COMPANY, turba, conventus, reign princes) Indicus. To coomon, compafco, Brox, Blus. * We Were a great A commiffure (leani) coinmiſurd, fu. To make common, divulgo, in me company of us, frauenki fuimui. ช tura. dium afferre. We are thronged with company To COMMIT or de, commitro, ad. A ſcholar's commons, demenfur. hominum mulriiuline circumfundi- mitto, putro, perpetro. A favourer of the commons, plebico Trur... He takes him away from To commit a fault, delinquo, 3. pecco, ; company, illuin sx hoministr fre- 1. culpam in ſe admittere; in noxå of the common fort, gregarius, p!e quentia pollie. eft ; culpam commorari. buki. Ageat company, Examen. He To commit adultery, adulteror, me. Common lo many, promiſchus. came to meet him with a good chor, alterius cubile inire, It is sery common, pervulgatum ef. big company of his own, obviars. To commit murder, mifid, trucido, With common content, communi. Cum Orme wugra Clervi put de- I. rajona pairare. 71 1. To commit murder upon murder, The commonalty, plebs, ebis ; f. Company, fecistas, fodil tium.com, accumulare ricedem rædi. One of the commonály, plebrius, forijan Adıni me I pray yoa To commit to memory, memoria vulgaris. into your company, crout me ja munderi, iradore. A coin moncr, plebeius, fregeni velim re!ipistir. H: is To commit one's fe'f 80 any one's Commonnėſs, cominiinitas, friquen. very good it plcalant company's friendſhip and tuition, in aliujus tir, familiaritas. bujus 6.? jurunduine convictio, kk- aniitiam & fidem lo conferre. The houſe of commons, domnus ann. Lilin agit comitern. * I never les To commut an office to one, munus muniui, jenalus, jerasulum info him go out of my company, illien alicui deferre. rius, Ruilo remsove ri ne pa jo dijie:tere. To commit treaſon, mojejalom la Commonly, vulpo, vulgariter, plo 'Tis good to have companyia dere, rumque, mogna ex parle. trouble, folamen 58 nieris jacias ha- To commit unto, trado, delego, men- A commoration, commoratio. builla qoloris. do, credo. *I w.l commit this bu- A commotion, commitio, tumultus, To abhor conifany, Societatem vitare, lineſs to Disuus, Davo ilihuc dedan feditio, molles. fugere. jam negotii, • The care is com- To commune(talk together) corrmu: To delight in company, focidatem mitted to thee, cuta sibi demandı. nico, colloquor, confabulor, fermones appetere. ta eft. conferre. To keep company togerher, comitor, To commit in truſt, depono. Communicab'e, communicabilis. • He bore une coinpany in all my To commit himielf to, commendo. To communicate (impart unco) com travels, omniun itinerum meorten To congit 10 priſon, in cuji diam munico, impertio. focius fui!. * To long for a friend's. conjicera. Communicating, canrmunicating company, ani i abjentis firedio da - To commit to another what was Conımunication, } onis. grure, uinici advirium ardentifie committed to us, jutrogog ſubde. Communication [diſcourſe ] collo 6.199ptare lego. quium, formo, ferenssinatio. To be much in company with, con- To commit a thing to one's diſcre-Co:nmunicative, communicativus, a, suelo. tion, arbitris alicujus rem permittere. Not [:) ca e for company, forium re- Committed, fufus, putratus,' Communicants, Eucharilia partici curre. Commitied unto, commifus, creditus, Not to come into company, homi. concreditui, mandatus. The Communion, Euchariflia, (an1 num condofus / gert. A committcc, arbitrorum confeffus. Dominica. To company carnaliy, cognof-, cue, A committing, comnilio. To receive ihc Communicp, Divina ram habere A committing to trust, depofitio. Sacramenta Suſcipere, div.no pure To break company, d:fio, cæru fa- A commixtion (mingling) commis recreari, cari pabulo rejicere ani. lulo difcedere 110. To get company to one, fibi frios Commodious, commodus. Communion, 7 communio, communi aarif:ere. Commodiouſly, cornmodè. Community, fas, conforlium, A company (or corporation) corpus, Comn odity, commeditus, commodum, Commutation (change) commutatio. civisas, focictüs. csolumentum. Commutative, commutatiuus. To take one in to be a member of Commoditics (wares) merces, ium. To commute (buy off punishment) a company, in collegium cooptare. COMMON, rominunis, publicus, po redimere culpain. A coinpany of lewd pcrfons, collu- puloril, quotidianus, vulgaris, visl. Como fin the dikedom of Milen) vies, colluv o. gatus, uliratus, tritus. It is a Comum, Novocomum. A company of ſo'diers, cehors, ma- common ſaying, vulgo dici foles. *Acompact (agrcement) compaau!n, nus, militum glohus, He had It is the common talk, in ore will facus. * On or facus. * On or by compact, 6x fix companics there in garr 101. omni popule. * It is common to compacta, Sex schortes ibi in præfidio babura you and me, mihi fecum commune To compact (fafton together] com- . . It is grown a compion pro pingo. A company of horſe.equitatus, ûs ;m. verb, fufum eft jam tritum fer. To be compact '[made] coalefco,.con- To divide into cerpanies, decurio. more prouerbium. * Conſult for flor, of which thing, it is Ot onc company, fodalis. the common good, conſule in me compacted and made, quilus sx By conpan cs, catervation, gregarim, dium. Do what shall be for rebus conflatur erfficitur. agminatim. the common good, in commune Compact made ) cofiatus, concre- A companying, unfaiitio. confules. tus. A breaking of company, diforia- The common people, vulgus, gi'; m. Compact (prefied together] compas tio. plebs, bis ; f. sus, compreſus. A compact Dar- A companion, comes, focius; m. fo. The common-plcas,communia plecia. ration, narratio pregio, cia;f, A compa- -- peso Mum, Tel. I COM COM M. COM + . ! A companion in office collega. • By what means Thall we be able A recret complainter, ddaior, A companion at'table, convidor. to compaſs the good will of men Complaining, qucritundus, queria A boog-co.npanion, comutator. quibus rationibus bominuin jadia A metry companion, congerro. cornplea umur. To fall a complaining, quirelan ef- A mean or bate compan on, caput To compaſs by entreaty, exoro. fundere. vile, 'bomo türusnicis or nibili, To compaſs one's ends, volorum po- A complaining, queritario, quellus. A companion in arms, commililo. tiri. A complaint, querela, queriinoni s. A companion in ſervice, conferuus ; To compaſs roundabout, empleator, | A complaint against onc, ddatio, m. conferue; f. comple&or. cartufatio. A companion (partaker}conſors, par- To comp.is [go about] lufiro, per- Tomike one's complaint, conguerór. ticeps. lußro. I make no complaint, nibil cora- T. COMPARE, comparo, conforo. * To compafs with a trench, obvallo. keror. I uſed to comparc 'great things Compafcd ambitus. A talle complaint, fruiphantia. with ſmall purvis conponere magna Coinpaſted (brought to paſs). cife. A bill of complaint, atisodelaties folebam. * He thinks thcre is nonc Isbellus accufaroriur. to compare with him, bominem Compaffed [gone about) lutralus. Full of complaint, querulus. pra je neminem putat. But the Compailed with 2. treach; obvalli. Conplaiſance, comitas, urbanitas. is not to compare with this of Complaiſance ( deiight in a thing] ours, at nibil ad nofiram hær. * A comparing, ambtes, circuitus, cornolauent a. This is not to compare with A compaſſing (going about] Kurs- Complaisant, comis, bilaris. what I ſhall luy nibil bescle bos rio Compleat, exultus, perlatus, ron- -guidein prout alia dicun. He may A compaſſing [attaining) conſecutio. furrimatus, omnibus numeris. abfula- compare with any Roman gentle. Compaffion, mijer cordiu. man for biavery, splendort nemini To bike compsſtion of, miſereor. To compleat, perficio, ad umbilicum Roinino cquiti cedit. Compaſſionale, iniſericors. ducere. To compare pake equal] æquo, ado Coinpaſſionately, miſoicordiler. Compleatly, perfietà, exacta. aquo, equipars, rein kan re con- Compatibility, confilentia. Compleatnets, perleaio. erre. Compatible, confians, ntis. A complement (filling up) compli- 7 incomparabi- A compeer, compar; comis, æqualis. mentum. Bcyond compariſon, lis, nibil To compel, compello, cozo. Completion [fulfilling) completio. upr! A compelling, compellerso, A complexion, compizio, crafis, temo Compared, comparatus, collatus. Compelled, coraus.-s peric. Comparabic, comparabilis. A compeller, coaftor. Comp'exioned, color:tus. Comparably, comparabiliter. Compelling, coaclivus. Compliance, atanſus, onfequium, con- Comparacivc, comparat.vus, A compeiling, coa&io, compulſio. formitus. A comparing, cellario. Compendious ( brief.) brevis, Jui- Complicated, complicatus, COMPARISON, comparatio, aquipa cinctus. Complication, complicatio. ratio. * A very uneven compari- Compendiouſly, breviter, fuccin&è, A complice, conjuratis particeps : af- fon, Cous, ad Cbium; Prov. * concinnè, juinmarin, perisictim, ] fnis popularis conjurationis ; raden Compariſons are odious, compare- prefic. conjurarione fæderntus, riones odiola funt. Coin pendiouſneſs, brevitas. Complices in an ill-deed, facii art. By way of compariſon, compara- compariſon,} A coin pendium, Dicviurium, brevia minis. Comparatively, tive. tura, ſummarjuin, epilome, «s. A compliment, blandimentun, fu- In compar:ſon of pria. Hc thinks To compenſate, compinjo. cvery one a clown in compariſon | A compenſation, compenfatio, onis ; Complimental, blandus, officiofus. of himſelf, illos pre le agropios pu- A compenſating, f. Compimenied, dalinitus, verbis pub- jat. In compariſon of this man's A compere (companion] comes, a licis exieptas. wiſdom he is a mere trifes, ad To compliment with, adblandior, fapientiam hujus ille nimius nugaror To compercadinate (put cff) com blundis & lenignis verbis of geti- ei. * You will fay the other was bks extirpart, but a ſport in compariſon of what Competence, -his madneſs will producc, ludum Competency, } mediocritas, com. Tlie compline, veſpera, aruz. fiftentia. A complot, confpirutio, conjuratio, coj- dices fuite alterum preul bujus ra- Coinpetent, compilons. $10., bies que dabil. Competentiy, competen!ır. By complot, ex compaas. A compartient, divifio. A competition, competitio, To complot, confoiro, conjuró. A COMPASS, circuitus, ambitus. * A competitour, compositor, ridalis, Compotted, conſtitu!us, patlus. He thinks the fun to be of a great cintulus. Complotting, machinabur- Compass, huic fol magnus de Compeigne [in Valoisj Compendium, Full of complot, dus. tur. * TÝithin the compa's of this Carolopolis. A complotting, machinario, corjuratió. time, bijus temporis trastu. • To compile, compono. To comply, ofonior, ofentio, alieno Carried a great compaís about, Compiled, compofitus, ingenio je accommodare, elitnis mo- langis olli erroribus. * By fetch- A compiling, compositio, collealio. ritus vivere. ing a longer compass about, they Complacency, complucentia, &; f. To comport himſef, morigerum le elcaped the horſe-guards, longi- TO COMPLAIN, queror , conqueror. gerere, ore circuitu cuftodias equirum vila He complains to me by letters, A com portmont, morigeratio, . bant, queritur apud me per literas. *To COMPOSE, comigono, contexo, The compaſs of the moon, orbita Complain of that to your step confcribo. luna. dame, ijiboc apud nouercam que- To compoſe verſe, pango. The compaſs of the world, mania riri, * He complained to me with To compofc 18 Irinters, tpos como miunai. tcars in his eyes, lachrymans me ponant. A mariner's compars, pyxis nautica, cum queftus ojf. To compoſe [make agreement] come Amußum, index nautius. To complain of, arruſo, deforo, pono, concludo. A compaſs, circinus, is } criminor, pofiulo. Pair of compaires, • I will com- To conpoſc (quiet one's ſpirits) SB- plain of you to the three mon, duri, lenire, pacare. A little pair of compasſes, circinu ad tres viros ego deferam nomm Conipoſed, compoſions, conditus, con- Tuum. fecius, confiatas, conflituras. The compaſs (limits) limita. To complain greatly, quiritor, cla- Compoſed (quicted) sodatus, trax. A compato [winding, anbagus. m(10. quillus. To keep within compaſs, modum To complain grievoudly, lamentar, A compoſer, compoſitor. tenert. To complain Toftly, multo. A compoſer of ſongs, mufurgus. To compaſs,ambio, circumco, obro, ira. A complainant, supplex, accufator. A compektion, compofitio,' coimpoßid. To compaſs [attain] Ofequor. * He Complained ofí delurus. ra, confruario. will caſily be able to compaſsihar, A complainer, accufator, polulator. A composition (agreement) compac- id autem fuiflè confequi porerit. * A falfc complainer, Sycophanta, tum. A como guilis. por endino, 1 S / CON CON CON , Arcompoſitor [in printing) compofs Out of concelt with, abalienatus. T. CONCLUDE, concludo; colligo tor, opis, Eppolbra, a; m. To bring one out of conceit with, infero, erre; ad. A compofcffor (joint poffeffor) pre abalieno, ere. To conclude [determine] adjudico, I. A pleaſant conc:it, jacus, i ; m. čre Compoſtella [in Spain) Compoflella, Conceited, cerebrofius, a, um ; velors, To conclude (end) compono, conficio, Janaum. dis , velanus, a, un ; adj. 3. expedio, 4. • I have concluded A compoſure (picce of writing of To be well conccited of himſelf, confitutum efl, certum fi. our own invention, or compoling] altuin japore, plus oquo fibi tribuers, Te conclude (reſolve with himſelf): fcriprio, onis ; f. opus, cris; n. nimium fibi placere, Batko, conliruo, čre. Philoſophical compoſurce, philofo-Conceitedneſs, vecordịa, a jf. To conclude (make ſhort] adv. denie phica fcripta or opora. To conceive (act.) percipio, complac que ; quod fupereft, quid multa ? To compound, compopo, öre; act. tor, comprabendo, capio, 3. lengo, 2. The matter is concluded, tranfuetum To compound: 2 difference litem mente conſequor. f. componere. To conccive (a child.or with young).Concluded, conclufus, confe&tus, deci- To compound with creditors, cum concipio, če ; act. fus, a, um, part. creditoribus decidere, As I conceive, ut opinor, Concluded in few words, breviter Compoundable, componendus; ad). Conceived, perceptus, comprehenfus. Comprehenfus. Compounded, compofitus, a, um, Not to be conceived, imperiptus. A concluſion, conclufio, 3. f. finis, 3. Compounded for, decifus, a, um. Conceived as a child, conceptus, m. epilogus, gi; m. fumma, a; f. Compounded wlini, cum qui decifum A concelving, conceptio, onis ; f. A conclulion (inference) consequena ajt. A concent, concentus, ús; m. lia, I. colleaio, onis ; f. A compounding, compofitio, 3. f. To concent, concino, The conclusion of a controverſy, de A compounding with, deciso, 3. f. Concentrick, concentricus, a, um ; terminatio, derifio, onis ; f. To comprehend, comprobmdo, ére. codem tandens. The concluíon of an oration, pero- To comprehend in mind, mente ca- A conccptacle, conteptaculum, i, n. ratio, onis ; f. pio, animo completor, senco. A conception, conceptio, onis ; f. In concluſion, donique, in fumma, ad Comprchend, comprebenſus. A CONCERN [affair or boſineſs) fumimum. Not comprehendod, incomprobenfus, magofium, ii. n. re, ri; f. *To concod, ronicoquo, digero, öro. 4, wm ; ads. Should he have ſo little care in fo Concocted, concoctus, C, um. A comprehending, comprehenfo, com great a concern tantamine, seria Accommentering conceffio, onis ; f. plexio, orus ; f. Comprehenſible, comprehmib:lis. a little careleſs about their main concomitancy, comitatus, üsim. A comprehenſion, comprebento, 3. f. concerns, ab re ſunt remiſieres paulo. A concomi:ant, comer, iris ; m. To comprize (act.) comprebendi, 3. To concern, Spetto, are. • It con- Concord, concordia, a ; f. confenfus, centinco, 2. complifter. cerns.me, mia multùm referi. ûs; m. confentio, onis ; unanimitas, A compromiſe, compromiffum, i; n. As to what concerns you, quod ad aris ; f. To compromiſe 2 compromitto, te attirel. *It mainly concerns To be at concord, concordo, I. con- Pat into compromiſe, arbitriun then, illis id maximè Klile ei. * fentio, ire; ncut. fumere, arbitris rem permitiers, It very much concerns 06, permag- A concord in musick, harmonia, compromillum de aliqua ro facere. ni nolità intereſ.. There is ſome. Symphonia, a; f. He to whom a controverſy la com thing elſe that more nearly con: Concordance; } concordantia, & ; f promitted, arbiter, ri; m. See cogar: sofe majus. A chieviſh concordance, conjuratio, A comptroller, obferuator. See con- Concern (trouble or anxiety] dolor, onis ; f. troller. 3. m. mælitia, triſitia, & f. A concordance (book) index, iris, Compulſion, compulfio, copaio, 3. f. Concern (caro) cura, 1. sitentie, 3. f. Concordant, concordans, sis; part. Compunction, compunctio, onis; f. Concern (importance) momentum, 2. To concorporate, concorporo, are. A compurgator, compurgator, 3. m. pondus, aris; n. A concourie of people, concurfus, üs; A computation, computatin, spis; f. Concerned, quem or ad quem fpretar. m. frequentia, cei celus, sis ; m. To compute, computo, ara ; act. • He thinks not himſelf concern-Concrete, concretus, a, um ; adj, To compute the charges of a fult, ed in it, à fe alienum putat. * A concubine, concubina, . pellex', Klimare liteos. As if I were not as much con iis; f. cerned as you, quaſi ijihic minus A little concubine, concubinula, men med res agatur quàm tua. I am retricula, a; f. A comrade, consubernalis, lis; m. not concerned at all, it concerns of a concubine, concubinalis, lo, con- To concatenate, concateno, art. me not, it is none of my con cubinarius, a, um ; aij. To con (get without book). memoria corn, nihil ad me atsinet, esihi nec Concubinage, concubinatus, ús; m. mandare. obeft nec prodef, mihi iflic nec feritur To conculcate, conculco, s. protero, 3. To con it over, memoriâ repero. nec metitur. Conculcated, conculcatus, a, um. Concatenated, concatenarus, , 47). conculcitio, onis ; A concatenation, consatmutio, 3, jen 28 I underſtand the old' man's Conculcation, rias, si; f. mind concerning the wedding, Concupiſcence, concupifcentia, &; lin Concave Chollow] concauus ; adj. quantum intellexi finis fontentium bido, inis; f. Made concave, excavatus, a, um. de nuptiis. * Concerning Pomponia Concupiſcibíc, concupifibilis, le ; adj. A concavity, cavus, i; ml, I would have you writc, quod ad To conccal, cslo, occulto, 1, retico, 2. Pomponium fcribas vilim, *As con To concur, confentio, convenis. Concealed, occultus, occlufus, fuppro cerning the man's accufing me, I Concurred in, de quo conventum efl. fus, a, um ; adj. an blameleſs, nam quod mi accufut A concurrence, confenfus, ás; m. A concealer, ocultator, 3. m. and nunt vir, ſum extra noxam. Concurrent, concurrens, ntis; occultatrix, 3. f. } Of great conceinment, magni mo- Concurring, part. Concealers, quibus commiffum ef ui menti. A concu.rent (rival] competitor, oris ; profpiciant ne quid ad regem perti. To concert, de re aligra deliberare, m, rivalis, lisic nens laienter ditineatur. yuomodo efficialur prouidere, A concuffun, concuflio, onis ;. f. Concerted, re perpensa, deliberatione To cond, guiarnatorein docere quomodo 3 bibita, tamoneta dirigar. To concede (grant) concedo, čre. A concerting, deliberufio, conſultatio Conde (in Nirmindy) Condæun, A CONCEIT, opinio, onis ; f. By concert, compacta, ex compacto, rx Conde liti Hiin ul: 1 Cordusun. A witty conceit, lepor, oris; m. conditio. TO CONDEMN (adt.) damno, con- Pretty conccitu, files, rum; m. fa- A conceſſion, conceffio, onis ; f. damno, 1morti addicere, judicium aprice, arun ; f. pl. To concionale, con?ino, are. in aliquem Qure. A fantaſtical conceit, inepria, arum; Concinoily fitneſs) concinnisas, 3. f. To condemn before, pradamno, are, Conciſe, concijus, præcifus, compendi- To condemn (...likel improbo, a's. Full of. pleaſant conceits, lepidus, oſus, a, um , adj. A condcmnation damnatus, us; m. faccius, a, um, adj. A concave, concluve, is; s. con.teinn tio, onis ; f. L Con. To coma pt A computator; } logijla, æ ; " noe a } 3. art. ! A concealine; } occultatio, onis ; f. f. pl. terſe habere ceo, Zre, A CON CON CON Condemnatory, condemnatarius , ad). Conduit-heads, capella, orum; n. Confirmed by law, fancitus, a, um, To be condemned, damnor, rous per A cone, contus, nismo A confirmer, confirmator, adjipula- agor. To confabulate,.confabulor. tor, oris ; m. Condemned, damhalus, condemnatüs, A confabulatión, confabulatio, 3. f. To confiſcate, confifo, I. in ararium judicatus, a, um, To confect (preferve) condio, ire. Tedigere, in publicum addicare, bona Condemned before, pradamnatus, Confeated, conditus, a, im. profcribere. præjudicatus, a; um. Fit to be confected, conditantus. Confiſcated, confifcatus, in publicuta Worübry to be condemned, damnan- A confe&ing, conditio, si coriditus, redaaus, publicanus. dus, a, um, ad). Confection, $ 4. mi conditirio A confiſcation, publicatio, 3. confifa- A condemaer condemnatır, trissim confettura, & ; f. tio, 3. f, commifimi, ijn. Condenſe (thick) condimſus, a, um. A confectioncr, pilor dulciarius. Confits, tragemata, um ; n, To condenfey condenso, are ; at. A confederacy, fædus; cris; 'n:'conju- ! A confit:feller, tragematopola, &; m. Condenſed, condenſalxs, a, um. ratio, coitio, 3. f. compattum, t; a.; A conflagration, conflagrasro, onis ; f. A cokdening, } condenſatio, onis ; A confederate, focius, 2. parti:ips, 3: A cora:&, confiaus, ü; m. Condenſation, f. To confederate, Coro, 4. conjuro; : Conders, frezulátores balacum. Confede-ated, foederatus, fciatus, ad. To confiæ, confligo, čre. To condeſcend, comiedo, aindo, 3. jaratus, foedere jumus, a, am A confluence, confluentia, &; F. damittere se. Of confederates, joci.itif, the adj: To conform, confirmo, accommodo. Condeſcended unto, cai conceffum 1. A contederation, confederatio, 1 f. A confederation, confederatio, 1 f. To conform to another's will, meri. Côndeſcenfion, Jui demifio. To confer, confero, erta. garor, morem gerert. Condet [in Hainaule] Condare, Ssali- To confer together, commercium in. Conformable, conformis, me; adj. dis Conforniably, conformitèr ; adv. Condigo, dignius, condignus ; adj: To confer with, colloquor formonim Conformed, conformarus, a, um. Condignly, condignè; adv. conferre. A conformer, conformator, tris į m. To condite (conſerve] conidio, drei To confera favour, dono. A conforöning, conformitas, atis ; f. Condited; soñditus, a, um, To confirm honoar on one, accamuiler como formity, conformitas , atis ; A conditing, conditura, «; f: A CONDITION [ſtate] condition 9: A conference, co.loquium, 2. To confound [deſtroy ) perdo, 3. fortuna, ; ftatus, 4. m. Were A pleaſant conference, fucetid, tipl. To confound mix together) confun- you in my condition, tul hiceffes. A conferrer, collacor, largito-, 3. m. do, 3 mileo; 2. commifreo, 2. He always lived in a happy. A conferr:ng (beftowing upon] col. To confound by arguments, vinto, 3. condition, përputus filicitate ufus latio, donutio, 3. f. "To confound [put out of coonte- eft. What things were in a A conferring (diſcourling together) nance] pudore pergollo. good condition, re iñtégrâ. * Hc collocutio. 3. t. To be confounded, confundor, 3. ja- 18 in a poor condition, paupertatem To CONFESS, agnofco,. 37-confiteor, perfert gravem. folus, A. iConfounded, confulus, a, um. A condłtion (covenant) conditio, ?ex, To confels freely: fatter, prófiteor, 2. A confoundar, vietor, prises 3. f. paaum, 1; 12. On that.con-To confeſs one's ſelf to a prieſt, fa- A confounding, tonfufio, onis; f. ditloni ca lege. They wore born cerdosi sua peccata patefacăre or ape- 1 To confront, adverfum boere, con- with this condition, hâc lego gene rire. ferre, comparare, committere. rati sunt, * Slaviſh conditions Confeffed, agnitus, , simi; part: Confronted, coram addaftus,. were impoſed, leges Jervitutis impion Confeffedly, ex confeffo. A confroncing, coram adverſos fiftere, Ala junt. CONFUSED fm!xt together) confa. Condition (diſpoſition) mos, moris 3, Confeffion, fus, indif intrui, promiſcuus. adj; mi ' * Tis the condition of the Auricular confeffion, tonfisko auricu. Confuſed (out of order) rudis , 'de; man, Ac of hic laris. inconditus, indigejius, a, um. A condition [rank) ordo, 3. locus, 1;. A confeffor, tonfelor, oris. m. Not confuſed, inconfuſus, a, um. A confeffor (or eft) confiterius, A confuicd cry; clamor difonus, An evil condlilon, tacócthes. m. à confononibus. A confuſed 'hcap, iacus accrous, chaos. To condition, páriftor čris, To contide, confido, ēte; n. A.confuſed piece of work, negotium. Conditional, conditionalisa He; lConfidence, confidentia, fiduria, &; f. turbúlanium. Conditionary, adj. To bave or put confidence in, confi- Confuſed'y (adv.) confuse, confufim, Conditionally, fub conditione. do, 3. comintisso. 3. nitor, 3. mixtim, promifui, parfim. Conditioned, moratus, a, umi; adj.. To put ſmall confidence in, malè cre- Confuſion, confufio, onis; f. What kind of conditioned man dere, Confufion (deſtruction) parnicios, si ; is he?. quibus moratus eft moritics? Haring confidence in, 'fresus, confi labes, bis; F. *He was a ſweet conditioned old Jas, nixus, a, um. Brought to confufion, confufus. indn, irat in illo viro comitate con contidence (boldne!sJaudacia, 2; F. A confutation, confutatio, refutatian. dito gravitas. Confident, confidens, audax, settu); A confuting, onis ; f. A totiditioning, pactio, onis; f. adj. "To conratc, conjuto, I. Tiſuto; I. TR- To condole, condoleo, ēre. Confidently ; adv. 7 confidenier, Condom:lin Gaſcony] Condunum, fello; 3. redarguo, 3. Toarguo, 3. in- With confidence, } daciter. firmo, I. labefa&io, are. Condore (part of Muſcovy] Condora..To'affirm confidcnriy, pro certo offer - 'To confute an objection, amolior, 4. Conducible, '} wilis , le; d. 3. mare. dilluo, 3. redarguo, 3. Conducive, 3 A configuration of ſtars,"confolatio, 'To confute å fländer, coniundere ca- To candace, Yonduco, re. onis ; f. alieriſmus, mi; m. lumniam. TO CONDUCT, duro, diduco, 3:21 To confine (kecp in) coercro, cohibeo, Confuted, confutalus, labafaltus, como guberno, 1. Conduét 'me'to her, Ere; act. vullus, a, um. due me addam. To confine (a priſoner] Telego, are. Toʻcongcai, congolo, 1. adftringo, 3. Conduct, dacrus, is į m. aufniciam, Confined,"uslegatus, a, um. coagulo, ure. j; n. *He follows naturels ton-Confines, .confinia, orum; n. pl. To congeal (neut.) concréſco, 3. rj- dast, naturam ducon loquitur. Confining (bordering) confinis; NR. geo, 2. congelor, ari. Safe conduct, fides pieblica, commen- commentionat, relegátio, onis ; f. 3 Congealed, congelatus, concretas, Congcalable,:gelabilis, le; adj. 3. art. A conducting, deduzio, gubernatio, To confirm, confirmo, I. Babilio, 4. A congcaiing, congelatio, onis ; !! anis, f confiituo, 3 ratum habere. A congealing, ineut:).concisio, 3 , A conducter, dux, 3. dedu£ter, oris; To confirm (a child] roborare in fide Congelation, f. ini dedactrix; icis"; f. Chrifliona. Congec d'clire, venia ligendi. A condul!, aquædubius, ús; m. ta- A confirming hy 'the bihop, confr. Congenial, ungenitus, ffinis. nalis, lis ; m. emitrium, i ; n. motio in fide Chriftiana. A congcon (dwarf) manus, 2. pami . incatus, sim. iter aqua. A confirmation, confirmatio, 3: Na- tio, onis ; m. 9.conduit:pipe, Aphimi, onis, ; tubus, A confirming, bilimen, 3. Javili. A conger (fifh) conger, rin. The conduit of a water-mill, ghium mentum, 2. n. adftipulatio, onis ; f. Congeſtion, congefto, onis;f mole aquatica. Confirmcd, confirmatus, corroboratur, Congleton (in Chabhire] Condats. a, um, Acoperisane } confezio, onis if art. TO + ! 1 } A conie; } cunicult. , Copy-burrow, antrum cuniceli. conquer, vinco, jubigo; expugno, A conſervator [juſtice) of peace, ire. oller, 8107 afpornando modo, CON CON CON To conglutinate, conglutino, are. A connexion, connexio, onis ; f. nex-, Conicquenty, conjeguentar, deinceps Conglutinated, conglutinatus. us, us; m. forios. si; f. perto, Aconglutinatiog conglutinatio, To connive at, connivno, diſimula Confervano [in Naples] Coriferuanum, } Conglutinating onis; fi Connlycd, diſimulatus: To conſerve, conſervo, raccbara con- To congratulatc, congratulor, ari. A conn'vance, diſimulatio. dire. I congratware your faſe return, Connor (in Irsland] Connaria, Com A conſerve, conſerva, intritum, Jaluum le reditfe gaudep. noria, A conſervation, conſervatio, 3. f, Congratulated, congratulationibus ex. The biſhoprick of Connor, epifcopa A confervatory, pomarium. Ceptus. sus Connerienfis, A conferver, ſalgamarius. A congratulation, congratulatio. TO To congregate, congrego, art, supore. Rarcha, conſervator & cubos puçis. Congregated, congregarus.. Conquerable, superabilis. A conſervator, conſervator, oris ; m. A congregation, congregario, concio, Conguered, vidus, expugnalus, domi. conferuatrix, icis; f. (@lus, Synodus. dys, lubatus, fubjugatus, Conferved, conditus. A congregation-houſe, comitium, A conquering, expugnatio. Conſerve of roſes, ronſerva' roſacea, A congreſs (meeting) congreffus, A.conqueror, expugnator. intrita rofaces, faccharum rofarum. Congruens; } congruens , congruus. A conquelt, vittoria. TO CONSIDER (a&t.] con diro, 1,2- To get the conqueft, triumpho, vinco: nimadvarto, 3. perpendo, 3. video, 2. Congruence, I congruentia, congrui-Conquer Lin Brisagne) Conguefius. conſu!o, 3. cogito, 1. Specto, I. roma- Congruity; } tus, convmientia, Conquifitc, conquifitus. n! me diligenter agere. #We muſt A congy, of congee, venerabunda Conrade (a man's name) Conradus. have longer to conſiders amplius corporis infettjo or in·linario. Conſanguinity, confanguinitas, cogna cognofcendum. * Conſider the dan- To congy, tio. corpus inclinari, } ger you are in, babe rationem perin Make a congey, poplitem flettore. The CONSCIENCE, confcientia.cif. culi rui. • He dçfired a night's Con cal; conicus. A fcruple of conſcience, forupulks. time to conſider of it, noäem fibi Of a ſcrupulous conſcience, firupu. ad deliberandum defderavit. lofus, religiofus. Conſider whether you think we A doe cony, cuniculus formina, A good or clear conſcience, confcien- have done oor duty, deſpice num A cony-catcher (chcat] docipfor tia laza. peradas putes partes noßras. He impolor, Conſciencé (fear or regard of] 76- hath conlidered rightly of It, sam A conigree, 7 vivarium cuniculo ligio. fecun roń reaâ repuravit vià.' It A copy-warren, rum. A large conſcience, animus religione muſt be conſidered, vidmdum of , . vacuus ; punica fides. * It is a thing to be confidered of, To have a very large conſcience, in deliberation cadit. Full of conics, cuniculoftes. fas & nefas pari loco habere. To conſider before-hand, pramedicor, Coniferous, conifer, coniferus. To be troubled in conſcience, con- To confider often, retracto, retredo, 1. A CONJECTURE, conje&tura, come fcientiâ cruciari. To consider deeply, meditor, I. jeftatio, conje&tio, prafagium, To make conſc!ence of, religioni ha-To conſider (remember a thing) in To conjecture, conjicio, ariolor,, au beri, conſcientia dictamm ſegui. mmoriâ batere. guror, Subfentio, fufpicor, conjecturam To burden his conſcience, religione To consider (requite one] remune- facere. se ohlringare. ror, gratiar, referre. Men conje&ure by this, 6x bâc m To diſcharge a good conſcience, ani. Te consider [regard one) rationen conje&ura ducitur. mam liberori or exonerari. alicujus habere, Conjectural, conje&uralis. Şcaredneſs of conscience, conſcientia Conſiderable, alicujus momenti, haud Conjca urally, ex conje&ura. cautariz ita. aſpernandus, notatu dignus. Conlectured, divinatus, conje&us. Conſcientious, religiofus, a, um; adj. A conſiderable perſon, vir cximius, A conjecturer, divinator, conjector. Conſcionable, æquus, a, um, adj. A conſiderable cítate, opus ampla. A conjecturing, conje&tatio, conje&io, Conſcionable, religiofus, a, um , adj. Conſiderably (adv.} band contempti- auguratio. Conicionably, eque, juftè , ady. To conjoyn, er. conjoin, conjüng..., Conſconably, confcius, a, um, adj. Congderațc, conſultas, prudens, pro- Conjoined, conjunctus. To conſecrate; act. confecro, dico, videns. A conjoining, conjunctie. dedico, 1. Dá vovir, rúltui' divino Conſiderately ; adv.) confiderate, co- Conjugal, conjugalis, definare. With confideation, 3. gitarim, con- To conjugate a verb, conjungo, in- To be conſecrated, inauguror, I. fullo. frato, To be conſecrated in another's room, A conſiderateneſs, prudentia, &; A conjugation, conjugatio, 3. f. in locum alierius inaugurari. cautio, onis; f. Thc conjunction of ſun and moon, Conſecrated, consecratus, dedicátus, To aa confiderately, diligenièr oma interlunium. facer, a, um. nia mente revolvert, nihil inconfuko Conjunctive, conjunctivus. A confecrator, facrator, oris ; m. facere. A conjun&urc, conjunctura, A confecracing, 2 confecratio,' dedica- A confideration, animaduerfis, cogi- Conjuncture (ttate of affairs) sempo. Conſecration, tio. ris ratio, rerum falus, A confectary, confetariuin. To have a confideration of a thing, A conjuration. [conſpiring.) conju- Conſecutive, confequutiuus. conſulera, retio. A confent, imsonjus, 4. m. confenfio, Conſideration (requiral] remuneratio, A conjuration [in magick) incanta- compenfatio, onis; f. tjo, exorciſmus, veneficium, incanta- To content (agrce] confentio, 4. rom. Consideration (regard) ratio, 3. f. 16. moniuth, ars magira. venio, 4. congruo, 3. concordo, 1. Spe&us, 4. m. To conjure [conſpire] conjuro, To conſent 2 Ofeneior, sufra-Confideration (meaſure] soodus, ijs To.conjure (adjare) adjuro, Give his conſent, } gor. To conjure (as magicians) incanto, To conſent unto one, afintio, assed. Upon what confideration ? quo no- ritu magico lufro. To conicot to a requeft, indulgeo, mine, quâ gratia ? A conjurer, incantator, magus vene- concado, Upon this conſideration, à lege. ficus. * l'ara'no conjurer, nec au- Confentaneous, conſentaneus,congrius. Diligent confideration, ponfiratio, guria novi, nec mathematicorim Of one conſent, unanimis, unanimus, trulina. cclurn curare foleo. With ond conſent, unanimiter, A deep consideration, meditatio, 3. A conjaring, incantatio. A conſenter, confentiens. f. Connaught la province in Ireland) A conloating to, ofentio, afintatio. For many confiderations, multis no- Connaria, Connaatitia. A conſequence, confequentia, I. con- minibus. Connatural, connaturalis. fequutio, 3. fequila, 1. f. Without conlideration (rashly) te. To conne, edico, memoria mandarsi a conſequence Limportance) utilitas, To conne one thanks; gratias reforri, emolumentum, i;.n. Without con Gideration (order] pro- To conne onc, contra&is pugnis, vel of great conſequence, magni mo mifcue. digitis parcutere. menti, Conſidered, confiderafus, perperfus, Conncd, memoria mandalus. Confequent, confequens, tis. Jpedalus. Can. tea , 3. f. i CON CON CON TO. M0X, Confidered before-hand, previfus. A conftableſhip, confabulatus. A confulis juriſdiction, juriſdiaio or Conſidered ofien, penfitasmos. Conſtance (in Normand;] Cafira, cognitio confularis, Aconfidcrci, confiderator, animadver: Conlantia, Confedia. He that hach been conſul, vir conju. for. Conſtance (a woman's name) Con laris, exconļul. Confido ing, cogitans, meditans, pen. jlantia. Conſul-like, confulariter, Atans. Considering what ſer- Conſtancy, conflantia, ſtabilisas. Conſular, confularis. vants are, ut caput of foporum, Constancy in fuffcring, patientia, 1o-To con alt (ask advicc) confulto, con- Considering (full of thoughts) cogita laranlia. Jule. * Conſult with your pillow, bundus, Constancy in acting, perfeverantia, zoktu urgmda conlilia. To put on his considering cap, ali. pertinacia. To conſult with one's ſelf, delibe- guid animo revolvera, animum ap- Conflant (itedfaft] confans, Babilis, plicare, ingewiuin intenders. firmus, fixus. A conftant mind, A conſultation, conſultatio, agitatio, Conſidering, deliberatio. Conſidering that, that,} } Sdoquidem, us conftante (lafting), perfelmus. A Conſulied of, deliberatus. pote. conſtant faith, fides perpetua. A conſulter, conſultator, deliberator. A conſidering, confideratio, cogitatio, A conſtant. report, fama con enti-To CONSUME (act.} conjuno, ado 16evitarlo. jum, inſumo, ere. He conſumes Confignation, confignatio. Confant againſt, contumax, persi bis ſtock, patrimonium folum dila: To confign, conigno. pidat, poliſiones diſipat. Griefs Conägnid, confignatus, Conftantine [a man's name) Conftan. conſume men, ægritudines exidunt A confignina, confignatio. tinus, bomines. To confift, confilo, conto. Conſtantinople (in Thrace) Confan- To.conſume (neut.) tabeo, extabesco, It conſiſts, confiat; imperſ. tinopolis, Byzantium. murcesco, diliquofco. • He CON- Conſiſtence, confjensia. Conſtanty, sonfianier, fortitèr, perti dumcs with idleneſs, otio iabojcie Confiltence' 'I thickneſs of liquid naciter & torpefcit. * By diſcord great things ) contrario, coagulazio. A constellation, confellatio ; dus, things conſume, difcordiâ'rta mag- Confiftent (ſuitable) confentaneus. eris, na dilabuntur. They are not conáſtent, maiè con- To confter. Su conſtrue. To conſume (devour] deglutio, deve- viniunt, Confternation, confternatio. ro, exedo, Confifting, confians, rohtus. Conſtipated, conſtipatus. To confumc (diminiſh] imminuo, de- A confiftory (council-houſe] confifo- To conſtitute, conjlituo, taro. rilin. Conſtituted, conßitutus. To confume (as metal in refining] To confocate, com frio. Conftituting, Conlocated, confociatus. excoquo. . Conſtitutive, To conſume [ipollj lacro, popular. A conſec.ating, confoiatio. The conſtitution of ihe body, crafis, To conſume time, tempus torrent, To conſolate; conſolor. temperies. conterme. Conſolation, confolatio. A constituting, Conſolatory, conſolatorius. A conftitution, } To be conſumed, conſumor, dijui, conftitutio. dilabor, porco. A conſolator, corifol stor, A conftitutor, conſlitudor. Conſumed, confumptus, devoratus, ex- To confolidite, ſolide, confolido. To conft:ain, confiringo, compello, ejus, oxboullus. Conſolidated, consolidatus. cogo, urgeo, ne: firatem alicui im. Conſumed away, liquefactus. He pingere. * Neceffity conſtrained is conſumed away, leniâ tabe li- us to it, expreffit hoc necefilas. * quitur, A conſolidation of parishes, unio, He constrained them to yield, pe- Consumed (worn out) attritus, offee binatio ecclefiarum. pulit eos ad deditionem. He con lus. Conſonanca, conſonantia. ſtrained the people to give their A conſumer, confumptor, profliga. Conſonanc; confonins, voicc, extorfit per vim fuffragia po for. A conlonant, confona, confonans. puli. A conſumer (devourer) exafor, edat, To be conſonant: confono. To be conſtrained, confringor, rogor, To be coastant to himſelf, fibi con urgeor A conſuming, conſumptio. Jora. Conſtrained, confridus, compulfus, Conſuming away, tabidus. Confirans [a city and coóntry in coactus, adallus. His voice was To conſummate, anfummo. Gaſrnigne] Conforns. conſtrained, vox illius extorta fu- Confummated, confummatus. A confort in muück, concentus, har. it. A confummating, } confummatio. monia. Not conſtrained, incoa&us. A cooro:t [companion) comfors, foci- A conſtrainer, coa&tor, compulſor, A conſumption, conſumptio, A conftraining, compulſo. A conſumption of the body, afro- A confort (wife) conjux, confors Conſtraint, coacting adaltio, impul- phia, tabes. thori. fus. In a conſumption, atrophus, heai. The royal 'conſort, regina, conjux A conſtraint [keeping in) coercitio, cus. regia. To confort wilh. congregor. . comorelio. A conſumption of the longs, phihi. fice. Conſound (berb) conſolida, vi, In a conſumption of the lungs, Co'nfiey.confound, conſolida ma- Without 'constraint, ultrò, fuâ fpon phthifcus. jor. Bringing a conſumption, tabificus. King's conſound, confolida regia. A conſtruction (in building) con- A contact (touch) conta&us. Middle couround, consolida media, Aruajo. A contagion, contagio, contages, comita. Cunipicuous, confpicuus, A conftrudion (conſtruing) interpre giun. A conſp:racy, conſpiratio, conjura. tario, expofitio, explicatio. * To Contagious, contagiofus, peliferus. Con'piring, tio. makc thc beit conſtruction of a Contagiouineſs, vis tabifica. A conſpirator, conspirator, conjura thing, in bonam partem accipere, To contain, contineo, capio, compra- tor. aqui bonique confulere. hondo, To conlpire, conſpiro, conjuro. To conftrue, confiruo, cxponi, inter-To contain (keep chaſte] frenars To conjure againſt onc's life, in ali- preor libidinem. sujui exitium conjurari, fanguini Conſtrucd, expofitus, I cannot contain myſelf, nequra mibi alicujus infidiari, A conſtruing, expofitio. temperare. Conſpired, confiracus. To conftuprate (deflower) conflu. To contain (kcep in) robibeo. A conſtablc, irenarcbs, etbnarcha. pro. Contained, contentus, comprehenſus. A constable of France, mag fer equi. Conftuprated, conflupratus, Able to contain, capax. Conſubstantial, conſubftantialis, А containing, comprehenfio, come- A constablc of the tower, capella- Conſubſtantiality, conſubflantialitas. plexio. A conſul, conful, ulis. To contaminate (defi!c) contamino, A high conſtable, cmfor, A conſulſhip, conſulatus, ús. defan. Сод- A conſolidating;} consolidatio . vor 1x. 6 us, By confireint; }vi, invila, luni. ( ) CON CON CON 1 aquo animi, Ao contemplating, mulario. moror. Contentation, } aguarimitas. ner. Contaminated, contaminatus, Th: content (compaſs of a thing.); manst., # While that shall conti. A contaminating, contaminatio. capacitas, ambitui, nuc, dum id axtabit. To contemn, contemno, sarno, nego To give content to placro. To continue for crer, percrino. * He ligo. To be CONTENTED, quisfe,'con. makes renown to continue for To contemn diſdalafully, conckleo, quiefco, fedor. " I am contented ever, laudem prorogat in fempiter- proculco. with any things mibi quidvis fat nam memoriam. He makes his Contemned, contemplus, Sprotus. f. * We must be contented with name to continue for ever.' ada. A contemning, contemptio. what falls, quod fars fort, feremus quat memoriam & nom cjus Cura 'To contemplate, contemplor. omni poliaritate. Contemplated, solicitè confideratur. Contented, cmtentus. • A con- To continue [as a cuſtom] inuete contemplario, fpe tented. mind is a continual feaſt, rafco, corroborar. Contemplacion, hic murus abenou alo, nil confira To continue [go on) pergo, proje- Contemplation without practice, fibi. quor, exequor. theoria, baratire. Very well contented, prelubens. To continue in or upon, moror, in. Contemplative, contemplativus, Jps Of i contented mind, aguonimus. culativus, miditabundus, saritus, Contentedneſs To continue on his face, curſu:n the Contemplatively, medisabundè. A contemplator, contemplator. Contentedly, aquanimiter, osodicè. To continuc (prolong] produco, pro- Contemporary, contemporaneus, coc- Contentful, placabilis. fero, extrabo. taneus. Contentfully, placabiliter, sandide. Which will not continue, fugiens; CONTEMPT, contemptus,. defpacius, A conceating, satisfactio. fugax. defpicatus, faftidiun. Contentment, animi prolubium. Continued, continuatur, extratus, Contempt to a court, vadimoniuin The contents, argumentum, ; ; n. pe continuun, perauatus. defertum riocha, a; f. I continued, continuabaon. I have To bring one into contempt, ali- A contention, contentio, 3. differtatio, conunued my work unto your days. quum in odium populi pertrabera, onis; f. deduxi opus in tua tempora. * He To grow into contempt, ignominiam Contentious, contentiofus, litigiofus. continued talk late in the night, contrabere, invidiam fufcipere, gratiâ A contentious perſon, vitilitigator, fermonem in multam noten poraux populi excidere. Contentiouſly, contentiosè. it. The diſeaſe hath continued To make a contempt, vedimonium Contcatiouſneſs, vitiligium. above fourteen days, morbus in deferere. To conteſt, conteffor, diſcopro. quatuordecim dios exrelit. # Whole. Had ia contempt, derijus, a, um, To conteſt with, concerto, Litigo. wiſdom continued to the laſt hour A having in contempt, deriſus, ús. A conteit, lis, litis ; f. of his life, cujus ad extremum jpi. With contempt, coniempim, negleso Coconftetin; } conteftatio. ritum provedla f prudentia. tim. A continuing, permanfio. Contemptible, contemptibilis, deſpica- Conteſted for,. decertatus. Continuing, durans, bilis. A context, contextus, 11; Continuing long, diuturnus. Contemptibly, contemptibiliter, Contexture, contextura, A contore, abacus. Contemptuous, consemptuojus, fapi- A contignation Llaying rafters] con- A con.orgon, contorfio. diofus. tignatio. Contrabanded, prohibitus, Contemptuouſly, contemptuosè,contem. Contiguity (ncarneſs) cintiguitas, A compact, padrum, compc&um. prim, contumeliosè, negledim. Contiguous, contiguus. A contract [betrothalj defponfatio, TO CONTEND, contando, pugno. Continence, continentia, 1. cafli. Sponfio, onis. They contend with great wrath, Continency, $. monia, e; f. To contract (abridge] in compendium confligitur nagnâ 'irâ. I will con- Continent, continms, cajius. redigeri. tend with you no more, non lufta- The continent (main land) continos, To contract [hargain) pacifcor. bor fecum ampliut. * How great- ntis ; f. To contract i getſ a habit arguirere lý do learned perſons contend ! Continently, continenter, cafie. bubilum. quanta pugna eſt deaifimorum ho. Contingent, contingens. To contract, contraho, complico. minum *They contend for the Contingency [chance] contingentia, To contract by marriage, fpondo . whole eſtate of the A contract-maker, ſponjor. common cajus. wcalth, de omnibus reipublicæ for. Contingent!y, contingenter. Contracted, sponſus, defponfatus. tunis dimicatur, CONTÍNUAL, perpetuus, perennis, A contracting, contraaus, üs, To contend agaiaſt, oblaasr, aduer ofiduus, jugis. * Continual peace a contracting of marriage, defpon. for, I. confirmed it, pacis diuturnitas fatin, onis. A contender, certator, confirmavit Contraction, consradio. A contending, contentio. Continual (uninterrupted] continuus. To contradict, contradico. • He con- CONTENT, Jasisfactio. Continually, perpetuò, perenne, peren. tradi&ts himſelf, fecum difcrepat. Full content, nitèr, olidui, jugiter. animo fuftum vo- # He was contradi&ted, contradieus. Erla concert, } lupe. . I took continually with me, afiduus erar Contradicting, contradicens. great content in your letters, A contradicting, contradictio. plurimum juiunditatis ** literis Continually (without ccrling) conti- Contradictions, antilegomena, tuis capiebam. * Your writings nua, indefinenter. Contradictory, conrradiatorius. glve me great content, feripia Continuance, perpetuitas, perennitas, A contramure (wall ict before) an- cua mibi plurimum tribuunt volup- clidustas, diuturnitas. * if the dif- temurale, agger. talis, . cafe be of any continuance, î CONTRARY,contrarius, adverfarius, Content (adj.) fatisfaaus. jam inveter ivit morbus. Conti divarius, diſcors, * He is in con- 'I am content, ejo, placet, per se lj. nuance makes men perfect, facit triiy tales, in orarione fecum ipſe peritiorcs vetufas. cef, age, fat, ego vero lubens, Jat pugnui. * He that is of the coq. haben. Continuance [ſpace] Sparium, longina trary part, qui fe «x adverfo oppo- I am well content, facile patior. quitas, nit. It is bowed the contrary Hold your content, contentus ello, A constant continuance in a thing, way, in diverfum curvatur, 4. Не To content, fatisfacio, fufficio, ani. perfavarantis. perceives it falls out quitc contra- mum exolari, * Content yourſelf The continuance of a writ, proroga Ty, oliver svenire muliè intelligit. . with what you have, sorte sua rjo caufæ. They went a contrary way, i:er contentus adj. * We must endea- A continuation, continuatio, erut diverfun. Let us now try vour to content all perſons, dan- TO CONTINUE, continuo. the contrary way, jam experiemur da opera off ut omni generi farisfo. To continue [ neut. conßo, perlo, pero contra, * 1hey are in their con- cere polimus. sillo, per fevero. • It continues rain traries, nolunt ubi velis, ubi nolis To content (pacify one) placo, deli. ing, non intermittit pluere. * Ho- nio; mulreo. neſty continues long, probi'as lon- Contrary.10, oppofitues, contrapofitus, To contcnt one for his pains, Br. gum pordurot in ævum. * He con- præler. * It fell out contrary, to perfolvere prerjum, compenfarı, tinucs in his purpoſc, incepro per his expectation, prater ipfius cogita- MICHM. copiunt ultrò. CON CON Соо # Convicted , } convifui , cuiaus. (6171.' cogitationem acciditi pratar ſpam eve-j A controverſy in law, caufa, lis, To convey away haftily, wipio. nis. Contrary to law and right, to controvert, de ri Ambigere, di- To convey in privily, Jubmitto. praler ligan, contra ju.*Contrary fceptare, To convey over, trajicio, tranfvsbo. to . Controverted, To convey out, exporto. peaks contrary to what he thinks, 10. controvedy, } controverjus. A conveyance, deportatio, deductio. aliud ſentit ac loquitur. Things It is controverted, ambigitur, in dif- A crafty conveyance, manticulatio. go contrary to our expectations, quifitionem venit. A conveyance (deed In writing) in- s vliud argue exifiimamus. * Con- Land in controverly., ager litigiofus, frumentum, charta, trary to what they promiled. It is out of controverſy, sonjat, ii- A conveyance of water, aquædus- quam pelliciti fint. quá. tus, Ai; m. To contrary, edurrier, repugno, out of controverſy, exitu cmtrouer. To be conveyed, deforer. They Be contrary to, i. * Do not you fæ aliam poftus. are conveyed by ſhip to the far. contrary me, noli adverfuri mibi Without controverſy, proculdubio. theft parti, navi deferuntur ad ul. • They are contrary to all men, To have a controverſy with one, teriores partes, To what part of omnibus barainibus aduerfantur. * difcepta, litigo. the world foever the be con- Th:y arc contrary to one an- A controver (forger of falſe news] veyed, quoquè hinc abdufta eft gm. other, hæc inter fc oppofita funt. rumigerulus. tium. There is no contrarying of him, Contumacy (ſtubbornnal) contuma. Conveyed, deportatus, dedu&us, fube niella vi si roli potet. cia, tjf. duaus. The contrary, oppofitum, iş A. Coatumacious, contumax. Conveyed from, abdu&us, On the conirary, è contrario . Contumac.oudy, contumaciter. Conveyed in, importatus. A contrarier, aduerfator, oris ;w.ad. Contumely (reproach) contumelia, Conveyed over, iraja&tus. verſatiix, icis, fi Contumelious, contumeliofus. A conveying, dedu&io, deportatio, Contrariely, contrarietas, diverfitas, Contumeliouſly, contameliosè. A conveying in, induatio. oppofilis, 3. f. A contuſion, coniujo. A conveying out, «xportatio, Contrarily, adv. contrariè, contra. Convaleſcence, convaléfientia. A conveying over, trajeain, tranf- Contrariwiſe, Srið, ex oppofito, à con. To conveigh, porion, doveho. Sre portatic. tra, converſo. Convey: To convie, convinco, evinco, charguo. A contraft [little quarrel] difiapta. Convenab!c (agreeablc] congruous,ac-To convict a guilty perſon, rium tiuncula. commodus, perage. Contrectation, contreftatio. To convene (come together) con. To be convi&ted, coarguer, jacko, To contribute, contribue, confort, vidio, congregar. Convict, Contributary, ſtipendiarius. To convenc [ad, ) CONUKO, cite. Contributed, contributus, collatus. A convenience, 2 commoditas, atir; f. Convi&ted a lyer, manifeßus meno A contributer, collator, oris ; m. A conveniency; }* No convenieace darii. A contributing contributio, } Contribution, without its inconvenience, ordinis A convi&ion, conviaio. f. commoditas fua fort incommoda 16- To convince, convince, coarguo, crimen Contrite, contritus, poenitense, intentatum probaro. .He convinces Contrition, contrisja, poenitentia. Convenience. [ſuitableacls) songtu. him with a weak argument, ju- A contr.vance (dece fal invention) enria, congiuitas. gulat cum gladio plumogo. macbinatie, 3. f.; Convenience (opportunity) opporly- Coavinced, convictus, sviâus. Contrivance(ingenuity in contriving] nitas. A convincing, convidio. ars, 3. f. ariificiun, 2. A. Convenient, commedus, opporlunus, A convocation, con vocaria, fynodus. A contrivance, inointio, excogitatio, Oppoplus, tempeßiuus. A convocation-houſe, exedra, comi- 3. f. agendi via, ratio, commentum. To be conveniontgronyenit:equum eft. siorum ecclefiafticorum fenatus. To contrive (deviſe] comminifcor, it is not convenient, dedeunt, diſcón- A convoy, præfidium, tudi, comme cogito, fago. venit, non decet. ains, To contrive (defgn, plot] ßatus, ui, Very convenient, peridonous, perop-To convoy, cum tutela deduerri, in 3. molin, 4. marbinor, 1. portunius. via camitari. To contrive (manage] adminiftro, Conveniently, commodè, appofilè, aprè, Coaulance (cogniſance] cognitis, tra&to, curo I. congruenter, ritd.. A convulſion, conuulfio. Spasmus. Contrived, excegitatus, fiaus, Conveniently [ia due time) tempo. Conway lini Walu] Conovium, Ij. An ill-contrived-raſcal, malc conci Mive, opportuni, sophis. liatus. A convent, convenius, cænobium. A well contrived houle, ades ' commo- To convent (before a judgc.) arcefo, Conway-riyer, Conivius, Novius, Ti- fobius. dè fabrirala, magnificè ingrudi. cito, in jus vocare. A cony, ciniculus. A Carriver, au&or, princeps, Convented, accitus, arc fitus, To cony-catch, illudo. A contriving, excog tarjo. A convention, convintus. A COOK, coquus. To controil i difprove) redarguo, con- A convonticle, conventicu'um, cinsi- A cook (ihop kecper] popino, onis; tradi:o. liabulum. popinator. Popinarius. Tocontrollorcontrou!(as a controller] Converſant, verfatus, To play, the cook, popinor, culidor, obferve, examino, ad calculum revoco. Converſation, converſatie, confuslydo, culinam exercere. A controller, inspector, obſervator, commercium. A little cook, coquulus. præpofitor, cuflos, rutionarius. Evil converſation, prave viumdi The maſter-cook, arhimagirus, A contioller of manncrs, confor 18. ratio, A paſtry-cook, rupadinarius. prebonfor. Eaſy of converſation, offabilis, comis. A woman-cook, pipinaria. The controller of the pipe in the To converſe, wirfor, whor, A cook-maid, culinaria. exchcquer, duplex ingrofaror. To converſe cogcihct, converfor, con- A cook in a ſhip, focarius. The controller of the king's houſe fue:co. A cook-room, culina. hold, an'a regiæ cenfor. A converſion, converſio. A cook's ſhop, -popint. The controller (ſteward of a family] A convert, ad fidem conuerſus, The cook's row, tbermopoliam. arbitrilinus. - To convert, converto A cook's fee, coqui lucellum fupra li- The controller/hip, munui economi. To convert to his own advantage,in pendium. A :controllocnt; imperium, in pedia, domum fuam darivare. A cookfiſh, linea marina, merula, onferuatio. To convert from vice, à vfiis revo-To cook, cequo. A CONTROVERSY, con!roverfio, care, reduiere. Cooked, codus. contentio, uliercatio, difceptatio. *Converted, converfus, revocatus. Cookery, coquinaria, ars culinaria, The matter is in controverſy, A converting, converho. Of cookery, popinalis. in diſcrimine res eff. *. The con. Convex, convexus. A book of cookery, philofophia culi- trorcrſy is of divers writings, am- Convexity, convexitas. naria. bigitur aliquid 'ex contrariis feripris To CONVEY, deporso, deduco, co- A cookold or cuckold, curruca. * The controverſy is about the mitor, defero. To cool, frigefacio. Raimons glory, agitur gloria populi To convey away, afperte. To cool (ncut.) Irigefco. Romani, Cool, frigidüs, opacus, C * } - A coomb, 3 } Corcom СОР COR COR A cooler, refrigerator. A COPY, exemolar, äris ; A. Cork, ſuberous, a, um , adj. A cooler (veſicl to cool glasſes! fri. The copy or tranf:ript of any will of cerk, gefu&orium. ing; apographum, exfcriprum, i; . A cork-Doc, calceus fubera pixus. A brewer's cpoler, aquiminale, lis; n. The firſt copy, archetypum, in I To cork, ruber im. } Cooled, frigefanus, a, um, delivered my first copy, relcrvlig Stop with a cork, mRittere. A cooling [refreih'ng] refrigeratio, no counterpart, archetypurn illi ira Corked, ſubere oelulus. onis f. didi, nullo antigrapha apud the jar Corlin (in Germanyi Corlinum. Broth cooliſs, pulmmtum, ai; . valo. Cormadel (in Ireland) Nagnata. Coolly, frigide ; adv. A copy of the author's own hand, 1 A cormorant, Phalacrocorax, corums Coolneſs, frigus, oris ; ni autograpbum, i;.n. aquaticus. coom, 3 of co:n, menfura fru- A copy-book, liber fcripsionis cxempla. A cormorant (glutton) helvo, menti, 4. modii. continens .or promos, CORN granuin, frumentum, i; na A coop, gallindrium, ; a. caves, I: To ſet a copy to be imitated, sxem fruges, um; f. pl. • Corn grows cors, tis;f plus imitandum proponere, dear, annona ingrave;cil. : * Cora To coop, cauza include. Ta ſet onę a copy, literas alicui pra. bears no price, non habet pretium Coope. Lin heraldry) foiſlus, a, um. formare. annona. * Corn could not be car- A cooper, vicior, 3. doliarius, 2. m. TO:copy,'out, defcribo, exfcribe, ried thither, cò lubuchi non poseret A cooper's adjice, harpago, inis f. franſcribo, ère ; act. fruie enium. To cooperace, coöperor, ari. Copied out, defcriptus, ixfcriptu's, Standing corn, reges, bris'; f. Cooperation, cooperatio, onis; f. tranfiripius, a, um, part. A corn-field, arvum, vi ; n. Coordinate, coordinatu. A copýhold,prædium beneficiarium or The beard of corn, ariſta, a; f. To cofen. Su Cozca. climralari, tmura por copiam rotulian car of corn, Spica, f. A coor; fulica. ruriæ: * This touches your.copy- Mellin corn. farrago, inis ; f. A ſea.coot, fulica marina. I hold, agitur res fua. Prov. St. Peter's corn, panicum loculare., : A cop, apex; icis ; m. lapul, itis ; n. The coqueluchoe (a fever with Maich corn, triticum trimere, feta. A cop of hay, feni meta. .cough] morbus cucullus. reum. , ; , Coquet iſland Starch-corn, li . Coqueda. Amel-corn, A cope, cappa, spendyies, caracalla. Coquet river in Northumberland, Torkey-corn, milium Indicum or Under the cope of heaven, fub tego Coqurda, Coquedus. Turcicum iritirum Sarzyricum, mine or cavo sli, Coral, corallium, i; n. Corn, triticeus, a, unt ; i corallinus, a, um; To cope together, colletor, congra- Coral, : } Of corn, ad). dior, dexires conferere, contendere, of or like coral, } ad). Corn ripe, feges flavi. committere. To gather cora, frumentor, fruges To cope [change one thing for an Coral moris, } muſcus marinus. percipere. others cambio, ire, A coratito (dance) tripudium curſo-1 A corn-gatherer, frugilagus.. To cope (jut or lean out] promingo, rium. A { corn-foodie, Bramariure, bora ère. A coranto (news-book) novelle. Coped together, confortus. Cotbach (in Gorm iny) Corbacum. Corn-ground, farina. Copenhagen (in Denmark] Codania, A corban (alm-box) gazophylacium. Corn-roſe, loliun, meantbium. Hiphnia. A ) mululus. -flag Coperas, vitriolum, li ; . walls for images-ſedge Mingled with coperas, vitriolatus, Ancones. Corn-falad, la&uca agning. a, um, Corbie ( in Picardy). Corbia, A corn of falt, meta or granura A.copelmate, facius, i, m. Corbiel [in the jde of FranceGorfalis. A cophin, loculus, li; m. belium. To corn with salt, J4le condira, A coping together, congreffio, onis; f. 'A cord, funis, nis; 6. chorda, de; Corned, Sale.conditus. The coping of a wall, proje&ura, i. f. comix, icis ; f. A corn on the toes, callus, callum, Copious, copiofus, a, um ; affumns, Tz- A ſmall coid, funiculus. clavus pedun. dundans, ris ; adj. To cord up, ritibus suscingers. To.gut corns, clavos pedum fupexra-, Copiouſly, copiosè; adk . Mailing.cords, caftilia. dere, To diſpatc more copiouſly, and A cord of wood, pruss lignorun. , Cornagc, Cornagium. largely, diſputare aliquid uberiks To make into cords, refles contorquers. A cornel-tree, cornus; ia f. fußùs. Acord-maker, meſtia, onis; m. A little cornel-tres, cornealus, i; f. Copiouſneſs, afflumtia, copia, @; f. Cordage, funts, jum ; m. pl. A grove of cornels, cornelurn. Copp, cacumen, inis; no crija, &; Small cordage in a ſhip, funiculi, Cornel, corneut ,, . ; f. arbufculæ crinite. } orum ; n. Of. carnel, adj. Copped, crijasus, a, um ; adj. Acordelier (friar.) Franciſcanus, i. A cornel-berry, cornum, To make copped, cacumins, art. Cordial (ſtrengthening) corroborans. A cornelian-ſtone, Jarda lapis. To grow.copped, in caput calofuere. Cordịal [hcarly) verè benevolusy ple: Cornelius [a man's name] Cornelius; A goldſmith's coppel, aurificis cati nus amoris & pudi. A cardial, potio cardiaca. A CORNER, Anguluis, i; m. I Copper, cuprum, orichalcum, i; n. Cordially, ex animo, ex imo postore, will creep into one corner, in as oprium. foto.pcétore. angulum aliquò adibo. Copper for ordnance, as campanum, Cordialnefs, finceritas, atis; 'f. A corner [lurking hole] latebra, caldarium, fuple. The cordings or ſtrings of a trum: &; f. latibulum, i; n. * I mould Copper, adj. cupreus, ans. per tuba lanniſsi, have been contcat with any Yellow as copper, us, ærarius, Cordova [in Andalupa) Corduba. though never lo little a corner, of or like copper, gprius. Cordovan leather,corium Cordubenea quamvis ParUIS larsbris conienius A copper noic, naſui gemmatki. corium.caprinud. cfom. Copper-ruft, crugo,, inis ; f. A cordwainer, futer, 8: calcariks, 2. A. lit:le.corder, gngellus, lis n. A copper-ſmith, fabar ærarius, The core of a fruit, citus, 2. ...Corners of rivers, fuminus cornua. A copper-Itone, Pyrites, cum, 2. n. vo.v1, I. F.. A right corner, rectangulus. Copperas or copperis, vitriolum, cál- The.core of a bi'e, ulcris medulla. Of two corners, biangulus, a, um.. canthum. Corebridge (in 'Northumberland).Co-of-three corners, friangularis,ree I Done with copperas, vitriolatus. ria, Corijopilum, Curia.Ouadinorun. Of four coracrs, quadrangularis. A copſe, 3 Sylua, I f. nemus, 3.10., Corela Lin Muscomy] Coroka. The corner of the cys towards the Sylva cadua. noſe, hirquus. A little copic, Sylvula, nemufculum. Corinthian, Corinibius, The corner of the eye towards the A couple, 'copula, la, f. Corinth [in Peloponnefus).Corinthus. temples, canibus. Copulation, copulatio, anis.; f. Cork city [in Ireland) Corragia, Full of corners, multangulus; adl. Carnal copulation, coitio, onis ; f. Of Cork city, Corcagicnfis, Full of ſecret corners, latebrofus. Copulative, copulatiuus, a, um ; A cork, Jutar, aris ; n. Cornerwiſe, angulo abverſo: adj. The cork-tree, Jubar (arbor.) Made corner wile, angulatus, a, um. . In , . rare, Correction, redio, onis ; f. * My COR COR COS m'a corner, Secretă, acculiè; adv. län correction, ultima lima dofuit fe decoupaptingcorreplin , omis; P. By corners, angulatim ; adv. The corner of the way, compitum. Corre&tion (puniſhment] cafligaiio, Corruption (rottenneſs) putredo, 3.6. Corners of lands, finas, ium; termi 3. f. fuppliesum, i; n. Corruption (infection] corruptela, ze ni, orum; pla Correction of manners, cenſura, c; f. ·labes, bis ; f. vitium, 1 ; 0. A houſe of correâion, ergafulum. Corruption (bribery] repitunda, a. Corners to bear up beams, anconijci, li; neat. rum ; redemptio, onis ; f. oruin, m.pl.. Corrcitly, correctè, emindatè : adv. Corruption in the body, empyema, A cornet (little born] buccina, Q; f. Correglo under the duke of Modena) atis; n. A muſical cornet, cornu cris plexi. Corregium. Corruptly, corruotè, mendosè, vitiosi. A little cornet, lituus. Correlaiive, correlativus, a, um: adj. Corruptly [filthily] purulenti, sora To found a cornet, buccinam inflare. To correſpond, didà; ady. correfpondeo, } A carnet of horſe, vexillifer, rgui. Be correſpondent, Zro; neut A corſair, pirata, 10.;.m. tum pgnifer.. Correſpondency, commercium, i; n. 'Acorſe, cadaver, oris ; p. A cornet of paper, cucullus chartacou. Correſpondency agreement] congru A corſet, lorica,' ; t. paludamons- Acorncı (fiſh) buccinum piſcis. ilas, 3. convinientia, a's fi tum, i ; thorax, acis ; n, Corneto (in st. Peter's patrimony] To hold a correſpondency, literas. A pikeman wearing a cornict, milo Corneluri. ultro citroque tranſmittere, hallatus, lor.catus. The cornith. [brow of a pillar or Correſpondent, correfoondens, tis. Coric [in Corfica] Curia. wall) cornun, wn; n. proje&tura, Correſpondent [ſuitable), congruus, Cortona (in Tufrany). Carlona, confentaneus, a, um.; adl. Cortrick (in Flanderut Corteriarum. A corniſh, chough, coracius, Pyrrhoco- A cirreſpondent (boſóm friend) in Corve river (ih Shropshiva] Corvus. rax, acis ; ai. timus, familiaris, confiliorum focius Coruſcar.t (glittering) corufius. Corniſh Cornubimis, se } e particeps. Coruicarion Forufatio, onis ; f. of Cornwall, ad). A corrider (curtain in fortification) The Coſacks (2 people inhabiting Cornwal, Cornwallia, Cornubla,iCo lorica, cortina, .;.. the Ukrain) Cofaci. rinia; æ; f. Corrigible, corrigibilis, le ; adj. 3. art A coſen, Cornwal [ibe family). De Cornubia. A corrivat, rivalis, lis ; c. A corin, confanguineus,.i; m. To cornub one, condylis pulfare, tun- To corroborate, corroboro, are. A couſin, dare, To co:rode, corrodo, čre ;. act. A coſen by marriage, affinis, nis. To cornate (cuckold onc) cornus Corroded, corrobus, a, um ; part. A coſen.german, patrucis, Lis; m. capiti in ore os alienum le&um teme. Corporedning, } corrofio, onis; f. A coſen by the mother, mairuclis, lis; conjobrinus, ; m. Cornuted, cornutus, a, um, ad). Corroding, To coſen, ducipio, ère ; fullog.3.. SUS corrodens, tis ; part. A corollary, corollarium, i, n. Corroſive, Cozen. The corona) fucure, commiſura cra- Corroſiveneſs, vis or facultas carro. Corenage, fraus, fraudis; f. nii coronalis, fiva. Coſenza (in Calabria Confentia. The coronation of a king, coronatio, To corrugate (wrinkle] corrugo, i Conin (in Germany) Collinum. inauguratio, onis ; f. Corrugaled, corrugatus, a, um. A colmographer, cosmograpbus, i; A colanel, prefcatis, fi ; ibiliarcha, To CORRUPT (act. ) corrumpo, pu- a; m. trefacio, 3. vitio, violo, 1: * To Coſmography (the deſcription of the A coroner (crowner) coronator, oris; corrupt truth with falfhood, mm earth] Comographia, a; f. m. cădis quafior. dacio veritasem contaminaro. TO A coſmopolite, coſmopolita, id; m. A coronet, corolla, æ ; f. fartum, i ; n. corrupt truth by bribery, fidem COST, impenja, & ; f. fumptus, ûs ; A corporal; monioularius, decurio. pretio labefa&arı.' * To endeavour m. * He will do it to your coft, The corporal (fine linen on which to corrupt one's honeſty, fidem faciet, neque fine tuo magno malo. th: hoſt or facramental bread is alicui attentare. * He hath lost both labour and *laid] facrofan&tum pulvin:r. To corrupt (deſtroy) perdo, difpordo, coſt, operam & oleum perdidit. • I To take his corporal oath, iquidòju ire; act. have learnt to my coſt, exportus To corrupt (decay) labefa&to, enervo, sum non lavi documento. Corporal, 1 wyporalis, lo; corporeus, are ; a&t. The coſt of a ſuit, impenſa, a&ionis Corporcal3 a, um ; adj. To corrupt (ſpoil) doprave, are. judicialis. * To tax the coſt of a Corporally, To corrupt (infect] inficio, contagione ſuit, litem aflimare. ; adv. ofiare. To beſtow coſt upon, impmfam & A corporation flown corporate) cor. To corrupt with evil manners, malis fumplum facere in-.. poratio, societas, 3. f. corpus commune moribus infirare. To coſt, conjio, art. The victory or politicum. To corrupt the ſailor, cuflodem emero. coft thc Moor's much blood and A corps or corpſc, cadaver, eris; n. To corrupt, I putreſco, mor wounds, multo Sanguine ac vul- Corpulency, corpulentia, &; f. To grow corropted, 3 ufro, taber: neribus ex Pænis victoria fistie. * Corpulent, corpulentus, a, um, adj. comert; neut. Whatever it coſt it is well A corracle' (little round' skiff of ofi-Corrupt (nauſeous) inſalubris, bre; bought, quanti quanti, benè ami. ers covered with raw h:des] arca morbidus, a, um ; ad). . They coſt more, pluris diminga. Corrupt (naughty) pravus, infincerus, emunlur, * They heard what it A corrant, tripulium, 2. n. a, um ; adj. çoit, pretium enumerari audie- TO CORRECT ( or mend ) 227. Coriupt (rauliy) mondofus, vitiofus, bant, * I fear it will coft her! emendo, I. climo, I. emaculo, I. a, um ; adj. her life, siinto cjus vitą .. It retrgo, 3. ad limim revocare. * Corrupt blood, pus, purulmtia, ta. coſts a great deal to keep them, To correct verſes ill made, male bum, i; n. . A flux of corrupt mugno aluntur. * It coſts me fernales incudi reddere vefus. blood, fanguinis turi profluvium. morc, mihi carius conflat, . It To correct the Magnificat, nodum Corrupted, contaminatus,' visialus, coſts leſs by hall, minoris confes, in fcirpo quarere, violatus, adulteratus, commaculatus, dimidio, To correct anew, recorrigo, retoque, a, um. He hạth a corrupted Belonging to coſt sumplugrius; adj. čre z act. conſcience, labes confcimtia in ani. A coft (in heraldryl faſciola, &; f. To correct (puniſh) colligo, I. Punio, mo babar. A coſta:d. querarium;i; n. Corrupted [bribed ) donis emptus, A coſtard-licc, qurrarius, i j f. To corre A (reprove] reprehendo, 3. mercenarius. A coſterd monger, pomarius, injitor Correct. or correftus, calligatus, e-Corrupted ( putrefied ] putrefaldus, pornorius. Corrcccd, S: mmddlus, raradalus, pulridus, tabefa&tus, a, um, Cóſtive, durus, conflipulus, a, um ; Not corrupted, incorruptus, a, uin. alvo adj.riaus. A correcter, corre&or, imedasor, ca- A corrupter, corruptor, contaminator, To make cuftiye, afringo, 3. alvum Digater, oris ; in. vitiator, oris ; m. contrabe, A corrector of manners, cenior, 3. m. Corruptible, corruptibilis, le; caducus, Making coſtive, Slypticus, a, um. Corrccting, a, um, adj. The coſtivc-ice, arbor Americana writings wanted thc Corruptive, labificus, corruptivus. Dyprica. Cortive- TATT. lur. 1 o, um. Соу COŲ CO Ű ria, TKO. un, Cortiveneſs, atrajo alvi. A COVER, operculum, tegrim. A little cough, rufficula. Castly in banquetting, opiparus, dap- The cover of a book, Aliybus. The chin-cough, tulis spin::lis. plis, Sybariticus, adj. The cover of a pot, aular. A cough of the lungs, tullis pulsioni- Coftiy (dcard carus, The cover of a well, purcal, Conly expenſive splendidus, mag. To cover, lego, velo, operio. He A coughcr, tuffitor. nificus, Loulus, adj. covers his hair with his helmet, 'A Covie or covy, agmm. Cortly a farc or diet, opiparè, laktè, rrings integis callide. He cannot A covic of partridges, perdicum pul. adv.. be perſuaded to cover his head, lities, Coſtiineis, caritas, sumptuofitas, adduci non poteft ut capire oporto Covin, collufio. Costlincts in apparel, viilus mollis. fit. A coul, cucullus. See cowi. Be onging to coſt, fimpluarius. To cover all about, circumtego, ciro Could, frigidus. See cold. Coftrary, mentha Græca. cumobruo, circutavelio. I could, popem, porui. * I never Ale-coft, ceffus horrorum. TO cover beforc, prevelo, prætago. could, nunquan mibi licitum eft. A coitrel, Vus cenophorum, To cover (28 a bed] forno, compono. As far as one could ſee, quà vi. Coftus (a divece riofi coins. TO cover (as a horſe che marc] ineo, ſus erat. * I ran away as fait as A cot, 7 20/1, rugursum, gurgus fcanda, equin ofilire, I could, ego me in pedes quantum Cottage, rium. To cover over, ovduro, cooperio, ſu queo conjeci. It happened 28 A Theep-cote, caula. perintago. well as could be, melius fieri haud A little cottage, cofila, tuguriolum. To cover over and over, ſuperob potuit quàm faciuin iji. * You A ſhepherd's cottage, burgift:um. met me 28 well as could be, op- A coitager, tugririanus, iugurii in Covercd, ledus, intuetus, oble&us, pido opportune to obtulifi mibi ob- cole. opertus, adoperius, coopertus, involu viam. *You brought them up Coticſword fin Glcuro.erſhire] Gor tus, vilatus, veflitus. 'Be covered, 26 well as you could, illos pro re 16wildse, pldia. operi caput. tollebas tua. Whilſt I could Cotton, xylu, gripium, bombacium, Covered about, circumledus, Ice, dum poteftas mihi fuit videndi, {Vhite corton, leucorukm. Covered with armour, cataphrafius. I helped the best I could, pro Collon, adj xylinits, godipinus,.ay Covered beforc, prætc&tus, prevela mea pitie udjitvi. * If he could } Of cotto: any way, lique facullins (uiffe: Cotton-co:h, veiis plini, pannus Covered with earth, defoffus. He was as buſy as could be about villous. Covered with feathers, plumatus. .it, hæc magno jixelio agitabat. Full of cotton, Isniuginoſies. Covcred over, obduetus. A coulis, jus gallinaceum. To ſtuff with cotton, xylo ſufferire. Covered over and over, merfus. The coulter of a plongb, vomeri sul- Stuffed with cotton,-' vejie” xylina A covering, :ugmen, ralemen, tegu, ter aratri. futter!45. inanium, rel2meniui. A COUNCIL, concilium, rog!!!, la Colion graſs, cramen tomentofum. A covering of arras, perifremi. nalus, linodus. It is dedased in Collan-ih it'c, acucia, aconsbium. The covering of a bed, Sragulum. council, consilio difputatur. w He Coron woed, fomenticia, contuncu A covering (cloathing) ami&us. is one of the council: inuimus effi lun, coloanria, gnoihalium. A covering [hiding) prælexlus, ob corum confiliis. When he had To cotton (agrec] confenito, congruo, duétio. callcd a council, Sonatit 10.1010. concordo. The covering of a houſe, tectum, A general council, concilium Dumo. Cotwitz, nicum. [in Lufico] Cathu. The round covering of a houſc, peo Corbus, } pum. tofus. To hold a council, fenatum habere. A couch, grabbartis, grabbalum, cu- The covering of a mare, initus, ad. The Nirone council, coneilium Nice- bile miſura. A couch.f.ams, pluteus, The covering of a tent, peripetajma, The council at Antioch, concilium To couch (as a dog) cubo decumbo, etis; n. Artio:henunti, ; proruinho. A cove:let, Praguium, abolla, infra- The council at Carthage, concilium To couch [in writing) 'scripto con tum. C:rthaginenfi, cludere A coarſc covcrlet, reges, palliafrum. The Chalcedon Council, council, comciliun To couch (comprize) comprehendo, Covert, tečius. Chalcedonenfor comple:Por. A covert for beaſts, latitulum, dume. Arles council, consilium Arelatene. To couch an eye, leucoma detrabere, tum, fruticetuin, umbraiulum. The council: at Confantinople, sutei- evolvere. Covert-baron, fub turcia & poteftate fum Confantinopolitanum. To couch [join together) compono, viri. The council of Confanci, comcilium coagmento, confirus. Coverily, teal, racitè, Conftansienſe Couchant, rubans, jacens. Covertneis, arcanum. The Bafl council; concilium Bohlinſa, Couched, Junte-solitus. A Covci ture, ohteerio, 3. f. The baloran council, cogerlsum Lan A coucher (in writing) feriba. Wider coverture | fcmnie.covert,law teranenfe.. A coucher huokiterrier) charte ter term) lich suleå & poteftate viti. The counc:l at Lyons, concilium Luge ritorij primetri in defirilens. To COVET, cupio, appelo, ere; in dunenfi. Couch-grafs, grunnen woninum. bio, are: The council of Trent, concilium Tri. A conching, cubatio. To covet earneſtly, concupio, diſcus dentinum. A Couching of thirigs' together, coag pio, perrunio. The counc:l-chamber, diſcreterium, montuin, compages. To begin to cover, condupifco. foretarium, Covenabc [agrecable]. conveniens, Coreted, cupitus, concupilus, defidera- A council-houſe, curio, comisium, accornncdus. jynedrium, fenaculum, srotorium. A COVENANT, conrientum, psaum, Covering, concupifcens, A council of war, concilium militars. i; Sonjio, onis; cellu', feteris. A covering, coniupijcentia: of a council. fynodicus. A covenant breaker, fedifrigus. Co clous (avaricious. greedy) ava- of a council houſe, comitialis, To take the covenant, fidein regio TUS ; auri, reunia or divitiaruiz | A common council-man, 'confiliarius erlelire depitum ejururo apperen', vidus or cuspidus. urbanus To stick to his covenant, jlare con. Coverous (deſirous] cupidi, avidus, The king's privy-council, consilium mentis, oppelens. arianum regis. To covenant, pacifcur, ſipuler, confio A i tdle covelous, avidulus, fordidulus. A counſellor, or be that fiticth on tvo, jurion:in fpcio. Very covetoue, peravarus. * He is the council-bcnch, linalor, con ellar. Hiving couchantcd, Pnslus, depac very covetoas, injatiabiii divitia. Counſel advice onAlim, mnonisur. ruin fri flugral. ** I will follow his council, is quid Covenantcd, pollo conftitutus. Covetously, avarè, avidè, rusice. deierat min: conftinn: oquor. A covenanting, pério. Covetoulicís, avaricia, eviditus, (7- To ask courſ:1, aliquem confulere. A covcit, cænobius, convenius mong. piditas. alicui confulere, men chorum. A cough, Iuftis. Give coun:cl,} non, Hortor. * He Coventry (in Warwikſhire] Coven. To cough, rullio. counfels me, is mihi fuudel. To cough out, ex!ufio. To give ill counſel, walii confiliis Coventry-bells [herbị vioia mariane. To cough continually, perrueſio. abuncurs. M TO nkm. 1 HUS.' 11154 coro. i imaginem referre, formam alimam of one's country, Pairius, a, um ; whico COU COU COU To be asked counſel, confular. To countenance (encourage] bortor, A countermino, cuniculus contrarius, To keep countel, celo, tacco. animos addo, cuniculo obje&tus cuniculus. A kceping of coonſel, isciturnitas. To countenance [credit) arno, de. To countermine, cuniculos cuniculis One that cannot keep counſel, gar. contrariis agerr; tranfuerfo cuniculo rulus, rimarum plenus. To be out of countenance, srubefco, balium cunicu!um diffiare. Counſelled, (MER . pudeſio. To countermure, murum contra mu- Ill.countelled, confiliis malis abduc. To put out of countenance, confundo. rum extrusra. tus. Countenanced, ſublevatus, fuftentatus. A counterpané, antaporba, schedule A counſelling, fuaſió. A counter, coliulus. * Counters for antigraphum. A counſelling to the co:.trary, dif god, pro thefauro. sarbenes. A counterpart, antigraphum. luaſio.. A counter (reckoner) compulator. A counter-p ea, recriminatio. A sounſellor, conſultor, fuafor, amfili. A counter (box for caſh) loculus. A counter-point for a bed] durcum. arius. The counter of a ſhip) acroieria, a counter-poiąt (in musck] contra- A counſellor to the contrary, difugi orum ; plutoi niveles, punctum. for. The counter la priſon] debitorum A counterpoife, æquilibrium, faroma. A coun'ellor at law, patrinus carrer. To counterpoiſe, contropondero. A privy-countellor, à confiliis ar. To hunt counter, retrò lugere veſtigia. Counterpoiſed, con!raponderatus. canis. Counters, lurini, abaculi. A counterpoiling, æquiponderatio. A connt (carl) comes, Counter (adj.) contrusius, oppofitus, Count rpoiſon, antiãousg alexiphar- A COUNT (reckoning) semoutum. Alternus. ma um. To count (number or tel. numero, Counter (adv.) contrà, è contrario, r* A counter-sall, anticompago, anticopa. dinumero, funumero. I. * If you _Oppofito. A counterſcarp, muralis force exterior can count the number of the ſtars, To counterbalance, contra pondero. lorica, exlcrior crepido. A Bellas dinumerare potes ; lo lyde. A counterbalance, aquipondixin. Counter-ſecurity, sponsio alterna, rum numerum ſubducēre potes. Counterbar.ded, probibitus. To give counter-ſecurity, alterna To count (cast up.ar reckon) como A counterbar (for ſhop-windows] Sponfione fe obligure. puro, 1. rationem iniri, putari.com. obux. A counter-lophift:r, antifophife. putare, fuppusare, ad calculum re- A counter-battery, lutuiæ adverſus The counter-tenor in mulck, contra- ducere, revo-ars, or fubduičie ir machinus bellica's aliæ macbing; tor- tenor, accentus. you count the charge, fa conquietur minta tormentis adverfa. To countervail, compenſo, aquipenſo. impendium opera. Hc was out | A counter-bond, rei obligatio ad fpon. It countervails the charges efi opera of his account, fruftra fecum ra forem. pretium. rjonam deputavit. Sign You count To counterchange, permuto. Countervailed, compenfatus, right, re&tè rationem tenes. À counterchargc, peeriminatio, Countervailing, compensativus. To count over, per numero, !. To countercharge, congredior. A countervailing, compenfatio. To count with another, dinumero, A countercheck, rotazio. A counter, comitila. Teputo, recenfeo. To countercheck, relaxo.. Counting, computans. To count (eftcem or. Judge) duco, A counter-cipher, notarum clavis. A counting, computatio. æſlimo. He counts nothing good Counterſeit, fimulatus, adulterinus, A counting-houſe, selonium, but virtue, nibil ducit in bonis pre Spurius, A COUNTRY, patria, regio, terra. ter virinten. * He counts it all A counterfeit, impoffor. * We are as !t were ſtrangers to gained, omne id deputat in lucro. A counterfeit writing, Pfeudographia. our own country, nofira nos in • He counts him one of the moſt A counterfeit colour, fucus. urbe peregrinamur. . We have eloquent, reponit eun in numero A counterfeit foldier, miles imagina an affection for our country, nos sloquen ium. * I count myſelf ſure, rius. patria noltra delatnt. All coun- pra rento babco. * He counts him- A counterfeit [reſemblance) imigo. trics are alike for that, ubique ſelf ſure of it, rem fusurum pra-To counterfeit, fimulo, dilimwa. medius ccelu: . * To fight for Jun't. To counterfeit money, unnum . God and the country, pro aris & Countable, numerabilis. dulterare. facis cortare, Not countable, incomputabilis, To coun!erfeit [forge] commentor, One's own country, natale folam, To be counted, hubesr. she was fingo. pairia. always counted his fifter, jempor To counterfeit {refcmb'c] adumbro, Onc's country, 2 hæc di&: & habita eft foror ejus. * S . He is counted rath, fam.mtems. The country, 143, ritatis fubit. Counterfeited (forged) fidus, fiai. To dwell in the country, rufticas. Counted (as money) numeratus, tius. A dwe!ling in the country, ruflicatio, Counted (ertecmeuj afliinaius, habi. Counterfeited (rcſembled) adumbra- To run onc's country, ė patiria fu- gere, patriam fugere. A COUNTENANce, vultus, afper-Having counterfeited, omeneisus, To make one run his country, ſuis sus, seius. * Never changing Not to be counterfeited. inimitabilis. a iquem finibus expellere. coantenance for it, ne oris quidem A counterferier, fans, fimulator. Born in the country, rurigena. colore multo. * A letter will keep A countcifciter (reſemblerį imitator. Born in the ſame cou:icy, indige- its countenance, , epijlola non ru- A counictfeiter of devotion, hypocri- befcit. # He ſcts his countenance, to, ſimulationis paritus, What country? vultum fibi componit. His coun- A counterfeitcr of men's actions, of what country } tenance comes and goes, non con- mimas. Our country, noftras, asis. 1 lut si nec color nec vultus. A counterfeiter of money, pecuniæ of our country, I am to ſeek for A thin countenance, vu 'ticulus, adulterator. our own country words, mihi ver- Pretty countenance, vultu veupo A counterfeiter of wills, reſamento ba defunt neprasa. præditus. # As pictly a counte runt fubjašlor, nanced woman as one fall fee, A counterfeiting, Amula:io, diffimu- or your couniry, difimu- or your couairy,} vefras, atis. mulier vultu adeò venuſio ut nibil latio. One's own country, 2 vernaculuss Sapra. A counterfeiting (reſembling) imic Of one's own country, a, um , Out of, countenance, confufus, tario. ad). Put out of, 3 • I believe you are a counterfeiting of devotion, hypo- Country, rxiirus, ruralis, now a little out of countenance, criſis, virtutis fimulario. of the country, agrelis ; adj. puto te jam fuppudere. A counterfeiting of money, pecunia A countryman, rufiu!, ruricula. A crabbed or four countenance, adulteratio, A countryman (of the fame coun. frons caparata, nuda, fruera. Counterfeitly, fimuliè. try) compatriosa, popularis, contor- Sidneſs of countenance, nubaula. A countermand, mandatum inhibito Tuneus, A Date.y countenance, Tupercilium. rium. A plain country, ager campeiris. of a grave countenance, vuitwojus. To countermand, inbibus, contrarium Country-like, rupič, rufticatim. Countenance (credit] exilimatio. juvene. A county, comitalus, ager. To Conntagancs, upore, arridoo, faveo A copatermark, Agnam Âutuum, A coupe or coop, gallinarium. Coupec . 710. } urma unei } + $ C + 1 I. f. not what courſe in the world 10 Of the court, aulicus, COU COU CO W Coupec [la heraldry] kifus. To take a courſe with one by law, An effeminate courtier, bellus bomo, A coupce (in dancing fultus, aful aliquem in jus trabere, litem inden- Court like, aof. auliculus, tare, jure agere. Court-like, ady. sulica, A couple, bini, p.1r, jugun. # A Words of courſe, Sclannia verba. A courtain or curtain, velum, kortina, couple well match'd, non compofitus COURSEL cuftoni mos. * Of courſe, Courteous, affabilis, Benignus, candi. mel:ùs cum Bitho Baccbius, 6x or da more. Th's is the courſc dus, comis, facilis, humanus, urba- To couple (un te) unio, adinio. nf the world, ita mos nunc viget, To couple together in matrimony, * This is my courſe, mibi fac | Very colirteons, perbenignus, perbt. connubio jurigere. ufus. It is my common courſe, manus, perurbinus. To couple'as birds do, focium or con jom pedum vifa eft vio, Courteouſly, fabiliter , comiter, hu. fortem doligera, confociarı fe. A COURSE (running) curfus, procura maniler, rficiosi', urbane. To couple (carnally) coire, concum fus, curriculum. *He' ftops thc A courte:an, meretrix iris; fcortum, i. bere, courſe of love, amoris iter intor. COUR:CESY (or civility) bumanitas, A couple for dogs, copula, vinculum. rumpit, # I have finished my 'urbanitas, civilisas, 3. berevolentia, To couplc, copulo, jungo, Connecto. courſe, vivendi curriculum confeci. It is your courteſy to par- Coupled, copulatas, conjuncmus, facia- A courſe of iife, vitæ inftitutum or don this, hoc ignofiere eji humani. rasio I must take another coorſc soris iud. * To hold upon cour- A coupling, copulatio, combinatio. of life, alio mote mihi vivendum eft. tcſy, pracariò p-piders, . i'll not be By couples, bini. * Take your own courlę, tuo utere behind-band with you in courte- In couples, copulativa. infituto. # He takes bad courſes, ſy, officio pnjicrior non tro Coupling, copulatiuus. in flagitia fe ingurgitai. * You Courteſy or gentleneſs, lenitet, 3. f. A coupling to, adjunétio. follow the same courſe ftill, san moru:n faciliras. COVRAGE, fortitudo, animus, prog dem illam antiquam rationem obtinus. Courteſy of ſpeech, comitas, Efabili- nanimitas, metis præfentia, virtus, * He takes a Thievith courſe, vivit tas, 3. f. pritus. * 'They fee what a man latronum ritu. # Let him take his Couriely or kindneſs, urbanitas, 3. f. of courage you are, vident in te courſe, faciat qued lubat, fine ula- A courteſy (or good turn] beneficium, quantum fit animi. Their cou nimum exoleat fuum. of ruin. * You will do me 2 rage is cooled, ceciderunt animi or Acourſe of meat, midus, us, *They great courteſy, pergratum mihi fo. animir. bring in the ſecond courſe, menfas caris, *You cannot do me a greater adferunt. cou tely, id mihi ſe erit gratum ut Be of good courage, la, bono fis The laſt courſe at table, be!laria. nulla res gratior cite poteft. You animo, A courſe [order] ordo, feries. have done we many very great To give courage, animum addere. Out of courſe, extra ordineo. courteles, tua in me msxiina bene. To loſe courage, langura, deſpondeo, By courle of nature, ritu nature. fiica extiterunt. I would be glad relangusco, animun abjicere, demil. The courſe (of water] fuminis dus to do you any courtely, tibi ludens ters. benefeceriin. To take courage, animun recipere, A water-courſe, aqueduaus. To do one a courteſy, beneficium in animum Ballery. 'To courſe ( a hare) leporen can G:11 aliquem conferre. Lacking courage, imbellis, pufillani lico infeftari. To repay a coutely, gratiam Te* mus, timidus. To courſe or run up and down, ultro forre. Lack of courags, pufllanimitas. citrique difiutare. To make a courteſy, ingeniculor, po- Without courage, abjeétè, frigidè. To follow the courſe of the times, plitem flestero, gmu a fübmittere. With greater courage, iniziùs. temporibus fe accommodare, fluvio fe- A courteſy, Couragcous, fortis, magnanimis, in cundo ferri. trepidui, infra&us, inviaus, Courſe or coarle, crafus, lovidenfis. | Without courteſy, rufticus. Courageouſly, fortiier, animae, au A garment of coarſc cloth, A courtlafs (ſhort ſword] gladiolus, dader, Bronce. viffis pile crayo. machera, Courageouſneſs, animi magnitudo, Courſe bread, panis ator or fecunda. A couſener, imposor. A courant, narratia, nuntius fcrip. riut, Couſenage, fraus. Courſe fare, cibus vulgaris. A cousin; conſanguincus. To cour or cowr down, genibus in- Courle wool, lana fordida. Couſin-german, Patruelis. fexis fubfidere. A courſe compliment, convitiura ruſtic Coutènces (in Normandy), Conflantia A courier, nuncius, ii; tabellarius curi, Cifra.. publicus ; curſor, m. A courſer, veredus, curſorius, Joniper. A COW, vicra., • Many a good cow A COURSE (turn] viciſitudo, 'f. A horſe.courſer, Cquorum mungo.. has but a bad calf, heroum filij To do by conríe, allerno, I. Womens courſes, Auxus muliebris. noxa. * Curft cows have thort To follow by courſe, fubalterno,, !. A couro (yard) area, horns, dit deus iximisi cornua curto By, courſe [adv.] afterne, alternatiin, A inner court, atrium. bovi. invicen, alternis vicibus. * They A court of husbandry, chars, tis. A little cow, vattula. ſleep by courſe, alterriè dormiuni. A princc's court, regis, aula, bofin A young cow, juvence. Done by courſe, alternus. lica, palatium. Far from court, A barren cowy.ucca effala, A courſe ]way or means) ratio, 3. f. far from fear, procul à Foue atque A cno with calf, forda. via. * A gond courís, via recta. Julmine, A milch.cow, vocca laftoria. * We will iake another courſe, a. A prince's court (train) comitatus. A cow that has calved, bos fossa. lia progrediemur via. He knows Court, adj. A cow defiring the bull, vacca ruens in venerem. tako, cui poraba ejl nequr guila rerti Court-holy-watcr, promiffis rsi ixper- Cow, adj. Z vaccinus, bovinus, bubu- confilij. We take wrong courſes, tis, frumus aulicus. Oi a cow, 3: lus. confiltis. 4 6cow couric now? quid . Cows rius. conili capiam?* I know not what a court of law, curis. A cow-houſe, Dahulum, armentariami courſe to take, prorſus egro conſilio. A little court, curiola. A cow turd, lalame, inis ; fimus * What courſe thall we take quaThe chicfeft courts, curice fuprema. Cow.dung,' s bovis. ratio se ineunda nobis? I will in the hearing of the whole court, Cow wheat, velampyrum album. take ſome courſe, ego aliquid vi.' oro curiâ. A coward, imelis, ignavus, micu. daro. * He knew not what courſe To put a court of guard, locum præ. laſus, sufillanim , excers, vicors, # to tako, 'huic non conftabat quid a fidio munire. Had I been a wWard, s timidus geret. * That is the ſafelt courſe, Court-baron, curia baronis. fem. id tusilimun 1,7. They thought Court-leet, curia vicina. it their beſt courſe, optimum fuftuA court-roll, archivum. Moka coward, intimido. duxerunt. *I'll take my courſe, Court-days, die; faſi. To play the coward, siidid go m:um jus perfequir. To count (woo) Solicito, audlo. gone. To take a courſe with one, animad. Courted, Jolicitatus. Cowardly, timide, ignauč, mediculo cuto:ë, portare in aliquem,ad ex unin vocare. A courtier, aulicus. pulillanimiter, Ciwirdits , Making a courteſy, } jufraginatio . 1 > TO COW, M 2 1 784. Nun, . To crack; } crepito . ane,} gruinus. 3 GRA CRA CRA Cowardiſe, timiditasi pufillani. To crack [neul.) cres, crapilo, fa-To be taken with the cranio, con- Cowardliners, mitas, focordia, nijco, vimas ögéré. # "the carthvellor. Troubled with the ciamp, spaſmicus, Cowardoys } imbellis , simidus ; adj. To crack (balty glorioso ari,jas. Upajmo laborums. Cowbridge (in Glamorganbise] Bo-. * lam not given to cracking, Cranip. breeding, foafricks, Dium, Bonun. non luim de gloriofis. He cracks A craing in the modih, convulfio ca. of Bis kindred, genus crepal. * nina. A cowcumber of cucumber, kuid- inis. Do you think to crack me out? Full of the cramp, jpifmo diflm- A bed of cowcumbers, cucumerari quid fit speras fe ocibus fuis certis rus. thë proralara ? *It is an ugly thing A Ciamp-filli, serpedo. A monk's cowl, monachi cucullus. to crack of a man's- felt; deformis Ciamped, fidi-ul: digise pidis circun. A cow! [lubtina. e di feipfo prædicare. ligita diportui. A cowl ſtaff, velis, palanga. A crack-rope, furrifer, laqueum pro- A crainp-ironi, fiibfcus or anfil fer- To cowi down, injlexis gmibus fub-1 merisus. fidere, in folos decidere. Crick-berry (herb) cricá barcifera. A cramp.sing, annida contra spas- Cowring, Jublidens. Crack brained, vejimus. You are She cowrs (ofia hawk) in urgit. crack-blained, non tibi fanum of Cranage, cranagin, tribütum ob #- A cowflip, berba paralyfis, verbafcu- Jincipu:. Jum luciula. lum odoratum. ! Cracked, vitiofus, perrufus, Acrane [bird] gius, ais. Our lady's cowhip, bulbus ſylveſ- A cracker, } [boaſter] gloriofus. A young crane, grus pulus. tris. A crack, Tocratic up tbinys, tallare in alrum, To a cow's thumb, ad amuſins. A cracker [ol guo-powder) Klop- avebo. Thic cow! (fowi) graculus palmi pus. A cranc l inftrument) ſucula, rollono, fes. Anul-cracker, nu:ifrangibulum, grüs fraflorla. The barrel i axle-trec of a crane, A cock's-comb, crija galli, muco in- A cracking, crepitatio.. fuiulce nxis, fritior. A cracking in pieces, comminutio. A proud coxcomb, fuſiuojus, tumidus, A cracking (boalting] gloriario. The g:eat wheel of a crane, tympa- infiatus, criſtas stigensi num verſatile. Coy, faflidiaſus. Crackle, Crane, adj. Coy ftrange) averfus, a, um. A crackling noiſe, crepitus. Of, for, or like a Crane, Coy (froward) protaruus, sporofus. A crackling, Spira, crujulum, col-Crane-colour, græinus. A coy dame, contemptrix, icis, Cracknel, } lyra, Crane-bill (hero1g&anium. To be coy, 'uperbio. Crackt [broken] fra&tus, a, um. A crane's bill (ſurgeon's inſtrument) Coyly, faj idiosè. Cracow (in Polindl Cracovia, Cerro- grüis rolinum. Coyneis, falus; friftidium.contemptus. dunum, Gracchopolis. Crane (the family] De Grur, A coyf, calantica, capillare. Se Coif. A crad.c, cuna, cunabula, orim; in- Crancburn in Dorjetſhire] Cron, burna. Coyn, numifina, pe:unia. See Coin. cunabula, A Coyt, diſcus. Sua Quoit. A cradle (in mowing] machina lig: Crank ( luſty} funus , intger. Crank, lalus, hilaris. TO COZEN, decipro, fallo. * Co nog falci affix: (ut segas domes Crank Lluſty) funus, integer. zen me if you can, mihi obsrudere meliùs componatur.) To bc crank, «xilir, To bc crank (afler fickncſs] conva- non poles palpum. He cozens To rock the cradle, cunas agitare. him before his face, perfiringit illi The cradle of a lobſter, locuia trun- The crank of a we!l, fuccul.i . lefio. oculos, cus, ventriculus. To cranklc like a crane, grup, Cozenage, fraus, dis; f. A cradle-band, inſita. Cozened, deceptus, falfus. Craft, alulia, ſelerija. A cozener, impaior. By craft, aftu, ox infidiis, Cankings in carving, triglyphi, .. An old cozener, clorator . A craft (trådelars, tis; 'arrifcium, Tuin; gute A cozcner to one's face, preligia. A craft (trick] talna, fullicia. A cranny, filura, riipula. Craaricd, bren.11115, tor. A handicraft, ars mechanica. A cozening, fraudatio. 'fo.craic, fringo. A craftiman, antifex inainini us. A crab (fruit) arbitum, malum fl-Crafty, afiütus, callidus, rautus, dó. To craſh (make a noiſc} ſridoo, izan vefire. lorilt, inkai sus, fubdolus, vufer, To cram in picces, rollisio. A crab-tree, arbutus; malus Sivas verfutus. To crash with the ceein, infrendes, fris. Crafty kraves, Senchriones, dentibus priset A crab-fiſh, concer, ri. A crafiy fellow, verfipellis. Crabs-claws, acetabula cancrorum. An oid cräſly fox, veteritor. . Crished in pieces, colliſus, comininu. A ciab-loufo, pediculus inguinalis. Craftily, aflutè, callidè, caulè,, vifre, A craſhing in picc:s, collifio. A crabsat, ſudarium linteuin com-. verluta, veteratorie. plicatum, sollare deciduuds or de. Craftily (workmanly) afabic. A crashing noiſe, fridur, Liepitus. } A crarli, fracor, millum. Craftinels, calliditas, Jolertia, ver A craſh' (conteſt] litigiun. Crabbed, acerbus, auferus, morofus, futia, Cashing, jridulus. forv4 , Proservus, Petricus, He is a crag [rock) petra, rupes præru. Cridied," qualaius, vefanus; cui ſinci. a crabbed fellow, inapi vi&itat. pia. Soniéwhal crabbed, Jubingrojus, put non fankme,7. A crag (veccl] do'islum, Craſie or crazy, fragilis, infinirus, Crabbed (obſcure) dificilis, Spinosus, The crag (neck } crvix, collum. valetudina:jus. olicitus Crabhedly, cujao, morose, prolerve, Craggy, Craggio fragojus, petroſu. Craſily, fragiliter. forvè. To crani one's ſelf, ingurgitare . Cralincis, fragilius, valetudo infie. Crabbedncſa, aufio itas, feveritas, tor. To cram together, Pipo. Craſilude, (thickneſs) craſitado. vitas. To cram, Jagine, inferrio, faturo. A cratch i fo: horics præ.«ol, is. A CRACK (faw)rima. * It ſounds The pellets wherewith they cram Cratches in the horſc's logs, ſcabies as if it had a crack in it, fona: capons, tururdu. vitiam. # He got.& fcurvy cşack, Cradbe, cramtę rapeitia, in equrum pedibus. tauislo- To CRAVE, 'rogo, pojíulo, oro. mula vacıllavit gia. A CRACK (noiſe] crepilasi To crave importunately, 1.agito.. Ciambo, ufus obythmicus. To crave often, argito. Fa crack ! act.] frango, collido, rum- Crapimed, Suginsitus, fartus. po* Il crack your crown, dini A cramming. Saginatio, Craved, rogatus, imploratus, efflagitan minuam tibi cerebrum. # He Ratted by cramming, o!ii!is. cracked his credit, malè vacilla- The art of craniming, fartura. Craven (in Yorkſhire] Cravina. vil. * He must crack the dut | The craip: Spaſmus, nervorum - A craver, Higitarot, rogator. A Craven coward) pufill.inimu. that will caç the kernel, qui nun vulſio, torpor. floum etwas frangat nigters. Craving, innporlunus, Felax. ſo cramp, sovello, contorgues. A craving, fagitario, 3. rogatus, 1!. Craving Cre, 1:13. nie. i 1 Ius. (um. Having a crent,} criſtatuss.. ;} C R E CR E CRI Cravingneſs, avaritia. To take upon credit, fide ſua emp- A creffet light, phorus, frulla ferrea. The criw of a bird, ventriculus, in tum fumere. A creffet to let a pot on, Chytrorus. gluvies, vificula gutturis. Touched. in credit, infamia nota. Crefly [ in France] Creffiacum, Caſsia The craw.bone, furcula. To crawl, farpo, rapo. To grow into credit, innoteſco, fa- Crest (in the Dolphinate] Creludium, To crawl i on all four) manibus pe man arquirme, Crollum. dibuſque in' edere. To pawn one's credit upon a thing, Accreft, crita, To crawl with lice, &c. vermiculor, fide fuâ aliquid affirnars, nominis The crest of the har. æquamentum. termino. periculo alleverari. difcrimen capillorum, Crawling. reprilis. .Onc out of credit, homo nullius pra- The creſt of a helmet, conu'ng pinna. A. crawling, restatio. tii. To ſet up his cret, criſlam attollere. The cray. (a diſeaſe in hawks) mor. One not to be credited, homo Invis, Creſted, bus arcipitrum. lahefoanta or ſublejla fidei. A cray-fiſh, cancer, ri; apacur fuvi- A creditour or creditor, creditor. The creft (mane of a horſe) cruix, atitis, A creditrix, crediirix, icis i f. juba. To craze, quc/s. Crediton (in Devon hire Cridia. The creſt of a coat of arms, injigni- C.azed, confraétus.- Crediton, adj. Cridiofis, Cridiato um gentilium apex galearus. Crazed crack-braincd ) infartus, of Crediton, I nenfis, Creft fallen, intimidasus, jacens, vi- malè fanus. Credulous, credulus, ut, fractus animo. Crazineſs. fragilis. Credulouſness, } credulitas, atis ; f. Creſt-marine, crithinum. A crcak, linus. The creſt (in Franse] Crefidiuin, To creak, jlrepito, Brideo. The ciced. ſymbolum apofiolorum, fi- Chriſta Arnoldi. Creaking Bridulis, dei Chriftiana analogia. Creveccur (the family) Do Crepip A cre.king/ridor, crepirus To creep, crepo. Corde. Cream, creinor: To creck as a cricket, grillo. A crevice (chirik] rima. The cream of milk, flos laflis. A creek of the ſea, vorago incurua, A crev's, cray-fifh) cancer, vi 'Thc cream of the jeſt, om, medu. rresido A crevice, la, A creek in the neck, Spaſmus or 18- A fca-crevis, cancer marinus. To crcam, sanus lov:or cervicis. Creutenach [in the Lower Palatinate] GHher into cream, Creeklade [ Cruciniarum. Creamed, flere. coopartus Græcalada. Crewel, glomus fit. Creance (trust) fiducia. Creengles, funiculi in navi. A crew, fodalitium. Creance of a hiwk. See Croyance. TO CREEP, Serpo, repo. *He creeps A crewer, guttus. Acrcarc, linee srelâ ducta. like a ſnail, incedit ut telludo, coch. A croyance, lemnifois accipitris. : Creaſed, lineâ nofultus. leom tarditate vincit. They ſay a crib, presepe. To create, crro, procrco. it creeps upon them ſooner than A cribble (lieve] cribrun. Created, creatus, procreatus. they thought, obrepeivi aiunt citiùs A crick, snus, ús, Not created, increatus. quàm putalent. * Old age comes A crick in the neck, opiſihotomies, Ida A crcating, creatio. creeping on, confim fine fenfu wras vior (trvicis paförus or télanus. Creation, fenefcit. A cricket, gryllus, cicada focaria. A crcator, creator. To creep againſt, abrepo, ob erpo. A fen-cricker, gryllatalpa. A creature, creaturn. 'To creep along, perrepo. A merry cricket, lepidus congerio. A little creature, animalculum. To creep forth, proferpo, labor. A place full of crickets, grilletum. A living creature, animal, To creep forward, prorepo. A cricket (littie ſtool] fella bumilior, One's creature, humilis ami'us. To creep into, irrepo. * I will creep fcamulum.. To creaturize, devincio. into fome corner, in angulum ali. To chirp (like a cricket] pridso. A sirange creature, monſtrum, To play ai cricket, clava falcata pi. Credence, suhoritas. To crecp into favour, infinuo, gra- lum torquere. Credence (belief) fides. rirm apud oliquem inire, arresto. A cricketting apple, pomium pumi- To give credence to a thing, credo, To crecp [rawn j'adulor. lum. , fidcin hcheo. To creep towards, adrapo, arrapto, To crie, clomo. Seo Cry. Letters of credence, literæ credenti are ; ncut. A crier, praco. ales. To crccp up, nitor. A crime, crimin, culpa. Credibile, credibilis. To creep unawares, furrip. . Criminal, criminalis. Crcdibly, creditiliter, certo. · A crceper, firspons. A criminal action, flagitium. CREDIT, fana exiſtimario, authors. The creeper i bird/picus murarius, A criainál action at law, affio de tils, fides. * Take you the credit A crecper up. nitens. probro. of that, gloriam tu ipan obtine. Creepers (andirons) ſubjices focarii. Crimſon, coreineus. * It wil be for his credit, rrit Creeping, reprilis. Deep crimſon, bun bus. illi illa res honori. * It had been a creeping thing, reptile. To cringe, Gemijo corpore fervilitet niore for your credit, meliùs fi- A creeping, repturus, ús. veneruri. me tuæ confuluiffis. * No credit A falle creeping in, fubreptio, A cringe, geniculitis, gefticulatio. should be given to his plea, fides A creeping up, niſus, úr. Full of cringing, venerabundus. huic defenfioni non haberetur. * Crent, perruptus. To crinkle, corrugo, Jinuo. He had a care not to wiong his Fa! y crept ia, furreptitius. Fall of crinkles, flexuoſus, rottuos credit oy it, cavit ne ur.quart in- Creain [in the ſtate of Venice]Crema. fus. famie sa res fibi fet. Crems in Lower Auflria] Cremfa, A cripple, claudus. An old cripple, Glicernium. Crippings Lin architecture] tigna. Of no credit, infimis, obfcurus. Cremona [in Lombardy) Cremona.. Criſis (judgment) criſis. To credit, confido, credo. * Crenelle (in heraldry] crmátus. A crilom, infans bitte baptifrants Give credit to, s You soy cre- Creſcens (a man's name) Crefcens. m01ltiks, dit hia, eff vero bruis creden- A creſcent (half moon] luna falca- Criſp (brittle] fràgilis, friabills. dum. ta. To crifp, criſpo, torqueo. vibro, us- To crcdit one, orno, decoro. Creffes, noflurtium, tulo. To be in credit, in honore, in pratio Garden-creffes, naſturtium bortonſe. Criſp criſpatus, criſpus, sorius, ele. Criſped, s. calamifratus. To put into credit, cohonefo, nobi- Bank-creffes, A criíped lock, cincinnus. lito. Dock-creffes, lampjana. Having criſped hair, cincinnarüs, aq To crack his credit, conturbo,, malè Sciatica-crefícs, na/ urtium flueſro, värillare. cardamine. Somewhat criſped, crifpulus, ſubcriſ- To touch one's credit, famam alicu- Swines-crefics, coronopus Ruellii, jus violera.. Watcr-creffcs, nojuriium agdatitum A criſping, cipatio. A criſping. quo abibo. Credicable ; } luculentus, a, um ; adj. crempe lin Stormaria] Crempa. 1 Winter-effectes ; } barbarxa. } um. } A criticirao CRO CRO CRO criſping-pin, } calamitrum, i ; gluvies. lum, 2.1 neut, To crop, carpo, Croſs-wort, rrucjaca. To criften. See Chrifcis. To crop off deceipo, pracido, 3. ton-Croſſed, decufatas. A critch, caricula. deo, 2. Crofi:d out, difpunétus. A critick, criticus, wxfor. Crop-card, auribus mutilatus, C:offen (in Germany) C:011. , cenſorem agare, Cropped, carptus, morfus, fonfus. A croſfer, ridverſator, interceffor. Play th: critick, Cenfuram exhi- A cropper, frigor. A croſſing, oppoſitios dare. A crop;ing, putatio. A crofting over, trajı&tio. Critical, crititu, &, um. Crop-ick, diuus, befierno potu lan. A crolling out, obliterato, diſpun&io. guens. Croſlings, fortiones viarun. To croak or croko (as a raven) (Io- A crofier (biſhop's ftaff) podum. To uſe many croſſings, veiligia lur- cito. A CROSS, crux. bare, longir ambagibus u!i. To croak (as a toad] coaxo. Croft (diſappointed] fruftratus. Acroſiet, fronttie, is ; n. To croak (as one's gu's) murmurs. Unacquainted with any cro.s, omniis Crofly, peruersè, infense. A croaker, crocit:1758. adverſitatis infius, Croíly (unfortunately) infeliciter, in- A croaking, crocitatio. A little croſs, cruricula. fauſle. A croaking of the guts) murmura- To croſs (lign with the croſs) eru. Croſſneſs, protervia, perverftas. tio. cum appingert, crucis fynaculo mu- A crotchet, uncus. Croatia (part of Germany] Croatia. nire, A crot-het (in mufick] fimplas fami- The Croals, Croaic. To croſs one, advarſor. • I can minima, minuritio, concifio vocis. A cock (carthen pot) olla. Be crois unto, S. not abide to crois Crotchets, phantafmala, ineplie, chio Crock [foot) fuligo. my children, non poflum adverſari mera. * His head is full of crot- Cock (diſaare of hawks] Spaſmus. meis liberis. chets, tribus anticyris caput infana- A crocodile, crocodilus, To croſs (disappoint) fruftror, dels- bile gefat. Crodagh river (in Ireland) Vidus. do. A crotchet (trick) techna, Arapha, 1. A crae crowe (norch in the faves Crois (contrary) peruerfus, adverſus. The crotels (duag of a hair] lepori- of a cask where the hcad pieces We had ſuch croſs weather all mus fimus, come in) crons, I. Prix, gis ; f. the time, ita uſque adversá temps. To crouch (fawn) adulor. ACTOC (iron leaver) viftis ferrous; fate u fumus. Crouched-friers, fratres cruce Ágnati ; phalanga, S. f. Croſs (atkwart) tranſverſus, obliquus. q. d. cruciari. A croft (frall cloſe} agellus. * He draws trenches croſs th: To crouch, furcumbo, in'urveſco. A croifade, Expeditio five militia fu ways, falfus tranfuerfas viis perde- With crouching md creeping, Jub- cit. # The croſs-keys, claves de. miſsa, fuppliciter. Csollca [knights of Jerufalem] equi kufuta. A croud, turba conforta. iss re'igion. Croſs [pecviſh] morofus, prolauus, To croud, prema. Croiſes (pilgrims) peregrini cruc-fg-. contumix. To croud up, coardt, coangufio. nati. A croſs (diſappointment) 'infortuni- A croud, preſio. Croifi [in Bretagne) Crofliacum. um, 2. neut. A croud [fiddle] fidicula. Croke river (in Cbethiraj Croco. Croſs, sranfuerfim, de:vfi- A crow, corvus. The crow thinks Cromarty (in Ross] Cromartium. Croſs wife, tim ;ad). her own bird the faireft,, afinus A cronce, vedis cum plano extromo. A croſs (coin) numinus. afino, sus ſui pulcher. corvus cinerin Cronenburge' (a caſtle in Zealand) * He has never a croſs to bleſs Winter-crow, cius. Coronaburgun. hlmſelf withal, non habet quo '96- A night crow, nyéticorax. Crononenburgh (in Cleveland] Cras llim imat ad fufpondium. A white-bill'd crow, graculu. neburgum, Burginatiuis. To play at crois, or pile, retive A young crow, corvicula. Crontar (in Tranſylvania] Corond, averſius mums aleam ſortiri, «xer. The crow-fith, coracinus. Stephanopolis, Crow (a dog's name) corax. grony, vitu amicur. 1 To croſs, tranſeo. * They croſs A (care crow, fermido. the ſea, frans mart A crow of iron, wiis, Crookel, { [as a dove] gem, čre. currunr. To crow (as a cock) cano, canto. A CROOK, barpago, inis ; binus, To croſs out, oblibero, expungo. To crow as a cockerel ) cocollo. Uncus. To croſs the leggs, incoxo, 1.inces• To crow (vapour] judo, glorior, A theoherd's crook. pedun. Sit croſs-leggʻd, im ledere, do- Cock-crow, By book or by cmok, per fas, aut culars. ne for gao jure quique injuriâ. Croſs-legg'd, divaricatis cruribus. Crow-foot [herb} ranunculus. To crook, pecto, infiesto, in. The crois-bar of a window, veais Double crow-foot, ranunculus multi- Mike crooked, curuo. tranfverfus. plex. gibbo us, ; Croſsflower The croſs-bars of a ſword, ferrum, Urchin crew root, geranium burra. Crook-lcgd, viilgus, virus. tranſuerfarium. White crow-foot, s choides. Crook-neck'd, obftipus. A croſs-beam, tranffrum. Water crow-foot ranuncului Glua- Crooked, curvatus, curuus, fallatus, A croſs-bea.cr, crucifer. March crow. fout, ticus. Plexu, rontorgus. A croſs-bill (bird) loxia. Crow-garlick, allium ſylvoire. A croaked piece of timber, trab. A croſs blow, ictus impoflorius. Crow-coes, hyacinthi fiores. A crashed rafter, tignum repandum. A crofs misfortune,} res adversa. Crowland (in Lincoln bire! Crowlan- dia, Cruiandin, A crooked horn, lituus, cro.s, A crooked noſilimus. Of Crowland, A crooked hand in writing, litora rius. A crown, Corona, diadema. vacillans or vagrans. A croſs bow man, balifariks. A little crown, corolla. Croo'sed-foored, loripes, curvipes, To ſet a croſs-bow on the ſtock, A crown imperial (Aower) corons A crooked river, flumen flexuoſum, balita bra:hium chalybeum manu imperialis. Anufim. brio in'erore. Frari crown thiftic, carduus comen- , Croſs-grained, perverſus moroſus, tojus. Crookedneſs, curvitas, eduncilas, fi- A croſs-cloth, i frontale, is; n. pla. The crown of the head, vertex. nuatio, obliquitas, A croſet, gula, ei f. * From the crown of the head A crooking, finuatio, fexura, curvI. A croſs-rafter, tranfillum. to the fole of the foot, à vertice tur. Th: Chrilt-croſs-row, alphabetum, ad talas imos, To crookel (as' a pigeon) gemo, abecedarium A priel's ſhaved crown, rafura ilu- To crool, murmurillo. A lcarner of the croſs-row, alphabe. Tiralis, A crop of corn Analis, tarins, aber darius. Crown, : coronalis, lo; adt. A latter crop, mejas feraina, A croſs.way, quadrivium. Of a Crown, The crop of a bird, umtriculus, in- Tbo meeting of crofs-ways, compi. crochet handler over amico e conduiero Whian veriteen crow,} cortes (ere. Croesoffer,} Cock-crowing,} galičinium, i; n. } Clook backlodered, }ribus, a, um, Cross-barred, vedle tranfuerfo munitus. The Rower crow-foot, ranunculus. } 3. art. 3 9 C R Ú C# С CUL tum, aurtus. lis. • 1 Cud-werd;} gapbalium. garum ebrui. A Crown of woncy, coronatus, feu- A ciuft, crufta. Acucking-ftool, fella urinitoria. To crist, incrufo. Acu koe, cu:ulus. Su Cuckow. To crown, corono. A great crust of bread, panil, buc. A cuckold, curruca, aduliere maritus. Crowned, coronatus. A cuckold LW-112.1) vir lui dedecoris A crowner (putting on the crown) A little cruft, crujula. conjcius. coronator Cruited, rruftatus A cuckold-maker, adulior, Juprafori The crowner or coroner (an officer) Cruſty, culous. Cuclcolded, pollu:tori fica laluso cædis or bunicidii quæfitor, purrici. The cruſty piece of a loaf, crufium, Cuckolding, firgitroju!: probrojus. dii qualit. i; nejt. Cickold yie, imbieris proờri pe- Croydon (in Surrey) Normagus,: No. Cruſtyircrabbed) territus. vioniagus. Cruishes, grolla. podiuti. A cuckow, coriyx, ygis. A crucible, vas ſuforium, olla lieli. A goer on crutches, grallator, Cuckow-iower, carduminus. TO CRY, claro, voci cro; L. To cuckow, wiillo. To crucify, crucifigo;. cruci afhgo, in Every body cries ſhare on't, cla-) To fing, like a cuckow, eandem can- criicem ugore. mani omnes indigniline füllum. * tilen:m innere. Crucified, crucifixus. They cried him Dercy, u: ignofce-Cuckow-giilifower, armoracia fylve. A cruc fix, crucifixus, iu relui petiverunt, * He was cried firis. A crucifying, crucifixio. up mightily, chimabuint reale, grunde The cuckow's tune, mnonologia. To crud (curd) Cogulor. Sophos! Cuckow-p.ntel, wirint Crude (raw) sudui. To ay after the dam, defilerare A cuck-qucan, anulser viroſa, paliex. Crudity, cruditas. matron. The cockow in, pavo Silvians. A crue or crew, fodalitium, To cry aloud (or to cry out against) A cucumber, 'u imis. A baſe crue, frex flagitiofus. exclano, I. she wild cucurub:r, ancetun, Hiyo Cruc! (yarn) liciam, filum. To cry or weep aloud, aju!o, 1 mis Sylueftris. Cruel, crudelis, le ferox; dirus, To cry in the market public, I. A bed of cucumbers, cucumerarius. savus), hy, uin; immanis, é; atret, To'cry out, vocifero. I did almoſt The cud, rum:1, rumen. ocis ; tuculentus, a, tum. cry out for joy, pinze 6xılamazi To chew the cud, rumino. A cruel war, belium funſiun. gaudio. * Thit makes him cry A chewing the cud, ruminatio. A cruel governor, tyrannus, oui ío, id nune clamut scilicet. * Beaſts that chew the cud, tejte raa .. To be cruel, lavio, je '0..0. She crics out, porius ode. minilai. Cruelly; crudeliter, ferociter, frucu. To cry. 2: a child, vagio. lenter. * Cruelly uſed, trudatu: thought I heard the child cry, Cud-wort, inhumaniter. audiife varem fueri vifus fum vi. Alcuddy, fituus, ineplus. 'To rage cruelly, dejavio, 4. degraf gientis. A cudg 1, baru!us, haculum, fußis. for, I. To cry things about the ſtreets, re: A ſhort cudgel bacillus. Cruelty, crudelitas, atrocitas, fævitia, venáles slamilare; rerum vmalium Cudgel-proof, plugipatida. truculentia. preroniun farče. To lay down the cudgels, grouosi A cruet or crewet, ampull.. To cry one up, commendo, laudo, porrigere. A cruet for oil, lecyrbus. collaudo, !. liudibus ctinio. To cudgel, fufigo, fufle cadere. A crum, mics. To cry one down, diffamo, infamo. Cudgclied, furgatus. A crum of bread, mica panis. To cry out upon, (x!!aino. To ve foundly cudgelled, imbre pla The crum of bread, medulla. To cry out (as a woman with child) To crum bred, frio, perlato. pariurio. A cudge'ling, fuqigatio. To crum in, intero. To cry together, conclamo. A cue Lhalt a farthing) minusum. To crum potlage, frufta panis juri To cry lwecp) larrymo, floro. A cue (giving not ce when to ſpeak] intingere. A cry, clamor. They ſet up a anla. To cromble down, particulatim ru cry, clamorem fufiulerunt. A cuc [mood or humoor) ingen um, ere, ruinam facere. The cry of honnds, latratus. 2.n. aniinus, 2. m. * In a merry Crumbled, friatus. Huc-and-cry, libelli inquifitorii ad cue, laro anima. A crumbling, friutio. fu em retribendum. To walk in cuerpo (in a coat) fonte Crummed, pertritus. Cryed, domatus. pallia inceders. Crummed in, intritus, Cryed in the market, publicatus. A cuft [of fleeve) manica. A crumming, rritura. . Cried out upon, exclamatus, A little cuff ime mani alarinia ad.. A crum ning of pottige, fruloruin A cryer, clam:107. siilisici, exirena muniiæ lingola intinaio. A common-Cryer, prero. fiinbria, Crump, inexus, incurvus. A pair of cuffs, manice pares. Crump-footed, loripes. A cuff on the er, colophus. You Crump-louidered, gibber, gibboſus, The cryer (hawk) orrus are too hard for me at suifs, puge a, um. A crying, shimit 1:19. voriforalie. nis plus vulas, A crumple, ruga. A crying againſt, reilunitio. A cuff on the chaps, clapa. To crump'c, corrugo. Tho.crying of infants, vagitus. To cuft onc, Crumpled, rugofus, tortilis. csl.ishizi, cola. A crying out, exclutnitio. slangor, Give one a ti.ff, } phuin impingere. } A crumpling, corrugario. ploralus. *] will give you a cu& on the A crumpling apple, pomum nanum. Cryptical (ſecret) crypticus. chaps, pugnum in os jinpingam tibi. To crunkle as a crune, gruo. Cryſtal, crfallus, To cuff, pugno, colaphis son- A'crupper (rump] uropygiun. Cryſtal, adj. Fight at cuffs, tundo. A coupoer of a ho.ſe, poiilens, cau. Cryſtaline, cryfjallinus. Cuffed, col..phis ijus. dals, ſuciando. of or like cryſtal, A cuiſing, lulus rubitalis. A ciufc, pocillum, fimpulum. A cub, cotulus. A cuiraſs, thorox, lorica, A little cruſc, phiala. The cub of a bear, calulus urſinus. A cuirallics, carnchrodius, To cruſe up and down the ſea, cur. To cub of a fox, cotulus vulpitus, Culembach (in Frankenland] Culin Sum obliqu.irs, buc illuc difcurjars. vulpuulz. ba bium, To cruſe (for booty) prædor, ari ; The cub of a lion, fymnus. Culemberg (a mountain in Germany) loro, art, A cubbard, abacus. Crius, A cruſh, contufio. A cubc, cubus. Calerage ! an herb) pe'ficaria. A cruſh (grifte) cartilage. Cubebs, cubeba, arun. A call (61) gobro capitatus, To.cruſi, comminus, comprimo, con- Cubica!, cubicus. Cull-me to you (a lower] viola fria tundo. A cubit, cubitus, cubitum. color. Cruſhed, contufus, opprelus, Cubital, To ull, eligo, Selige. A cruſher, oppreffor. A cullarder, A cruſhing opprefio. Of two cubits, bicubitalis. Cullender, ;colum The hard cruſts about the cabbage of ihree cubits, trick bicalis. Cullender-like, porforafus, of a decr's bead, cornuaria spice Cuchanncle or cochincal, coccus, 2. Cuild, releaus. grando. m. 11m, 2. n, A culler, Soledor. Çullors, A cryer's office,} præionium. ;}' } of a cubit , } cubitalis . dis calyx > Curd, Torched} coagulo, concreſco . Ć UP CUR CUR Cullets, aves Tejicula. My belly.cries cupboard, animus of Curiand (part of Lieſland] Curlan- A calling, ſelaio. in palinis. dia. The cullions, tri ili. A cup-maker, fypbarius. Curled, triſpatus, intortus. Cullis, jus gallina cùm. Cup-ſhot, bone potus. A curled lock, cincinnus. A cullis (cul'ender] colum. The cup of an acorn, cupula, glan- A corlew, argusta, falcinellus, nume- A cully, Vultus. nius. To cully one, aliquem ludos facer, The cup of a roſe roſa calyx. A curling, criſpario. slicui imponers, aliquem frijirari, To cup, cucurbitas A curing-iron, celamifrum. } ludificari Apply cupping glaſſes, 3 admovere, The curlings of a dcer's lead, mir. Cum (in Poland) Culmia. A cuppng-glaf, tuturbia. garitaria crufa cornuum. Culminant, in culmine conftitutus. Cup d, Cupido, amor, amoris deus, A curnock (four buſhels) quadrimo- Culpable, culpabilis. Veneris n tus. dium, A culier of a plough, vomer, eris; o. A cupola turris rotunda fornicata. A curr, canicula. canis degerier. To cultivate (manure) extolo. Curable, fanabilis. Currants, uva, Corinthiacæ. - Cultivated, excultus, A curars, lorica. The citrants-irec, rives. Culture, ruttura. A curaffier, cotaphraftus. Currant, probats. A culver, volume, A curate; curatus, curio. A curranto, chorea curforia. Awood culver. palumbus. A curatelhip, } curionatus. : A curranto (of news] rovella, nodo- A cuiver-hole, Meulementum columba- Curacy, rum litelli, rium To cu: b, cohibeo, refreno, cornpeſco. A current, liumen, riuus. A cuiver-tail (in boilding) commiſu- A curb, lupatum. A lille rivulet, riuulus. ra, arfjor jur.dura. The curb of a well, ſucula. A curr fiſh, cucullus, A culverin, colleurina. Curr.In, raninus. A demi-culyein, lemnicelleurina. Curds, } coagulum, lac preljum. A curriſh fellow, homo ferus. To cumber, impedio, onero. To curry (leather) coria concinnare. A cumbering, oneratio. Curdle, Te Corry la horſe) equum difiringers, Cumberland, Cumberlandia, Cumbria. Curded, corelus, coagularus. * He has weil carried your coll, Cumberſomc, onureſus. tergum firinxit acerrime. Cumberſomely, ontrosè. A coding) To cury favour, blandior, lenocinor, Cuobcrfomeneſs, inerofitas. Şcoaltio , coagulatio. Curdling, faljuin inire gratiam. Cumfrey, cosplid...' A CURE, mielii, * We a:e not a curry-comb, Brigil, frigilis, Cummin (herb and feed] suminum. able to abide our cures, nee reme-Acurrier (of leather j corinrius, alu- Wild cummin, cuminum ſylveſtre. dia pati polumus. * One cure for tarius, curiorum concinnater. A crner (fiſh) lepas, udis; f. all diſeaſes, codem collyrie nederi A curier {of holes) difrigilater. CUNNING (skill] peritia, ſientia, omnibus. A currier Irunner to and fro] curfor, 1. f. ari, 3, f. artificium: 2. n. A cure (charge of ſouls) cura ani- Veredarius, Canning (craft) verfutia, folertia, 1. f. marum. A currying (of Icather] fub-ajo. A cunning man luothſayer) eugur, A cure (benefice] beneficium eclefia- A currying (of horſes1 afraio, diá üris ;' in. conjeâor, 3. m. Micuin. A cunning man (a magician] ma-To cure, lano, medoor. # No herb To CURSE, includico, malè precor, gus, 2. m. will cuic love, nullis amor cs 1.2- jorprecor. Cunning (or a cunning perſon, in a dicabilis berbis. If it could not. To curſe to the pit of hell, deva- good ſenſc] defui, artificiofus, feria cure it, fi minus Janaré foluille!. veo, diis inferis deurvêre, diris pro- tus, expeT!, Solers. * What cannot be cured must be fequi. Cunning (crafty) vafer, verfutus, endured, lenius fic patientia quic- A curſe, maledi&io, imprecatio. abusus, celeratorius. quis corrigere of nefas. A foleina curſe (excommunication) As cunning as a dead pig, 1072 fapis Cured, Janalus. of the church, anusbema, quàm fus muiata. A curat, Janator. Curſes, dire. A cunning lawyer, juriiferitus. A curer ( breaſt plate) thorax. Cuifed, maledialus, devolus. A cupping trick, dolus, The curfew-beil, campana que monet Curica (abominable) oxecrabilis, le; Cunningham (in Srotland] Cunning cubitum its extinliis ignibus & lu- execrandus, nefarius, fuelsius. a, bumia, cernis. um; adj. Cunningly, perite, A curing, jan tio. Curſedly, feeleratè, felefe, nefaria ; To co a ihmg cunningly, manu fo-Curiosity, curioſitas. adj.. lerri aliquid fucore, fingulari opere Curiosity in ſpecch, offestasio. A curler (runner) curſator. artificinque perforere. Curioſity (difficulty to pleaſe) mo- Curling, maledicens, maledicus. Cunningly wrought. graphicies . rofit:as. A curfing, maledictio. A çun table, stenarcha. See conſtab!c. Curiofily (neatneſs] elegansia fiu. A focmn curring, unathemcrixatio, A cup, calix, pasulum, fyphus, * To dium, omis if. drink cup for cap, æquè puula Curioſity (overmuch care) anxietas, A curator, cleri'us de curſu. putirare. * He takes a cup too Curfori.y, lovitèr, rapsim, ex tempore, mnch, plus paulo adbibit. * 1) Curious, curious. obirer, drink this cup to you, hunc a very curious, percuriofus. Curſory, levis, perſunalurius, extem- athum tibi propino. Many things. Curious (hard to pleaſc] morous, 18 porcanus, incuriofus. chance terwcen thic cup and the Irirus, Curft, ferox, atrox ; Savus, a, um ; 1.p,'inter as alque efcam multa in. Not curious, fimplex, inaffefiutus, a, immitis, a. terveniunt. un ; adj. Curftly, atrorileri To take off his cups, evacuate fry-Curious (cxaa) accuralus, exquifitus, Cu.ftneſs, arrcritas, saviria. phus. a, um. A curly, genuflelio. To take a chirping cup, bibes ad Too curious, deli:atus. , bilaritatem, Somewhat too carious, putidulus. In his cups, inter poruke, Curious (ncat] elegaris, nitidus. Cuctail, A graec cup, paulum charitatis, Curious (too carciul] anxius, folici. Curtailed, A itanding cup, crater, eris; m. 11, a, um. To cuslail [Tho:ten] curto, I. de A cofrol cup, indu&ile. Too curious a queſtion, quaflio.cap- curio, are. Little cups, cyathi, crum. tiora. A curtail (drab] meretricula. An earthen cup, vos futile. Curiouſly, curiose. A curtailing, custalio. A cup-bearer, pincerns, pocillator, à Too curiouſty, offc&tare, delicate. A curtain, cortină. 1. f. culæum, ur- poculis. Curiouſly Lane'y) laute, nitide, lurilin, 2. 11. A cupboard, abacus, delphica. mini-Curiouſly exactly) accuratè, ad amus. A little curtain,, velum. feriun, vafarium, repofitoriuni, fim. To hang.a curtain before, vclum A cupboard of plate, fupellex argen. Curiouſneſs, curicfitas. presendere. tea dulpbica impofisa. Corl, fericum tenuillitum. A curtain-sod, virga cortinaria, unda A cupboard cloih, tapes. To curl, Criſpo intorquer, vibro. pendel corting, A. atis ; f, Make a curry,} hellere peplitem. }eurtus . CUS CUT CZ Y. yam, 1 oficina cul. A curtelars, fica, enfis brevior. ad ulonium deferipta, & portorio mu- Tecth newly cut, dentes novelli. Curteous, humanus. Ses courteous. merato libera. Cut, selius, fcifus, cafus, consijas. Curtely, humanitas, comitas. Cuſtomed (as a ſhop) emptoribus fre Cuc bout, circumciſus. The curceſy of England, ju cwiali quentarus. Cut again, rofilus. canis Anglia, , difcifus, . i A curęczan, meretrix. Curtuage, curiilegium. A cuſtomer, veftigalium, redemp. Cut ge!ded) caftratus. To curyct, laltita, perfulto. Cuſtom-buyer, } ter, minceps re-Cut (gr.ven) ſculpius, A ci!svetó faltus, porfullotio. gius Cut in, incifus, infeftus. The curvering of daily horſes, exul. A cuſtomer at a mop, omptor 01-Cut off, abſciſus, decifus, prajiſus. tatin duw, ordinarius Cut ofren, reailis, raduus. A cuſhion, pullinus, pulvinar, pul- To draw cuſoniers to one's ſhop, Cut ſhort, pratifus, truncus. vinarium.'* To be beſide the emplores ad fuam tabernam allicere. Cut ſmooth, dolarus, politus. cuſhion, Scopum non attingere, à A cuftos (fn ſchools) rujtos, Cut into, difcillus, perfeiffus. frops aberrare. A cuftrid (bcaring his maſters buck- Easily cut, ſifilis. Cuſhion-canvas; carbrium. ler) fcurifet, Jcurigerulus. In cuts, incibm. A lady's cuſhion-cloth, Brarum, A cuftrel (to carry wine in) minipbo- A cutter, efter. A cutter (carver) Sculptor, Little cuthica, pulvillus , li ; m. Cuftrin (in Germany] Cuſtrinum. A culter (robber) gladiator, lain. A cuskin, cifybium. TO CUT, Jero, feindo. It cut me A cutting, :0, ciſio, confiitio. A cup (point) ruspis, muro. to the heart, percufie illico animum. A cutting away, winputatio. A cuſtard, eogala, ais; Ariogala rofs. * He cuts large thongs of ano. A cutting (Carving) alvtio, onis; f. tum. ther man's leather, di alimo corio A cutting off, abifio. doletio,' de- Cuſtody, cuflodia, tutais. ludit.. * Cut your cloak according Tunicatio. To put into cuſtody, incarcerart, in to your cloth, ſe non poffis quod vo A cutting ſlopping] frondatio. carnem compingo. lis, vilis quod polis, A cutting in, incifio. CUSTOM (habit or uſe]. confuetudo,To cut alunder, retindo, difcindo. A cutting in pieces, concifio, commi- afunudo, dinis; f. mos, moris ; m. differo. nutio. ufus, ús; m. * You have retaind To cut away, exfoco, ampule, reſeco. A cutting in the maiddle, interfecatio, your old cuttom, nntiquum obtines. To cut with an ax, afcio, dolo, dedo interfrāzio, divifio. * It is the custom, moris ell. # le. • I have cut my leg with my The cutting of a purſe, manticulotio. They have brought themſe!ves to own 3X, ipfe mihi afrium. in aus A cutting mort, decurtatio, darun fuch' a cuftoin, in eam fe conſuetu- impegi. cario. dinom adduxerunt. * It grew to • It grew to! To cut before, præcido. Cuttings, ſegmenta, foamenia. be a cuſtom, rus in conjuntudinem Io cut capers, trisudio, exulto. Cutbert (a man's name! Curbertus. venit. * It differs from the cultom To cut down, deforo, celo, deneto. The cuticle (outraoft skin) cuticula. of this place, ad bujus loci more ab To cut over the face, os 'vulnere in. A cuttle fishsepia. horret. Cuſtom is a ſecond na- digno fadare. A little cuttic, loligo. turc, altera natwa ufu 1. To cut (geld] caftro A culler, fabry cutellarius or cultya. Cuſtom (or faſhion) preferipsum, in. To cut engrave] (clo, ſealpo, ore. rius, Jitulum, i ; A. ritus, 4. m. To cut (hack] conſc:o. A ſword-cutler, masharopeus. An cvil cuſtom, cardihes. To cut in, incido, infculpo. A cutler's ſhop, A custom gotten, habitus, To cut off, abſcindo, præcido, ampu- A cutler's work house, ) Pellaria Lack of cuſtom, to. * I will cut off all occasions The cycle of the fun, cyclus folaris." f. from every one, oranes caufas pre- The cycle of the moon, cyclus nouer- Grown in uſe by custom inudera. cidam omnibus. decennalis, To cut off the ſtragglers of an ar- A cylinder, sylindrui, To biing into cuſtom, alustacis, my, agmen carpere. A cymbal, cymbalum. To change cuſtom, diffusfio. To cut off the ſpeech, jarmonem ab- Cynical, cynicus, a, um. The cuſtom is, solel, ajolet. # As bis rumpere. A cynick, gnicus, i; m. cuftoin is, ut folet. fuo more. To cut off the head, detrunco, capise Cyperus (galingale) cyperus. Againſt cuſtom, inuftati. abuſivča truncare, A cypher or cipher, ciphra. To lay aſide old cuſtoms, vriera in. To cut out, exfcindo: cxfeco. To cypher, rationes fubdurere. jisura antiqu.186. To cut in piecce, difrerpo, frufatim To unfold cyphers, netas crylographi. To bring up new coftoms, innovari. comminuere. cas reſolvert. Cuftomable goods (goods' liable to To cut round, circumprindo, circum- Cypreſs-wood, cuprigus, gpariſus, pay cuſtom) sercus pro quibus va- cido, Cypreſs or fine linnen, finden. tigalia pedi folont. To cut the ſex, mari fulları, The Candian cypreſs, cupreffus Cre. Cuttomable (commonly uſed ] Solitus, To cut short, alas præcideri. 'tenfis, ufitatus To cut ſhorter, detrunco. GardcA-cypreſs, cuprelus horlenfis. Cuſtomably. de, it or pro more ; in To cut ſmaller, concido, comminko. Cypre formed } cuprefeus, cupreſſinus: . morem ; rile. To cut as a tally, incido. (ftomary, aſiduur, perfunétorius. * To cut one's throat, jugulo. . He Bearing cypreſs, cupreffer. 'Tis cuftodiary, moris eft. cut the children's throats before a cypreis grove, cuprofetum. A cuſtomary tenant, topuns per cena their father's faces, in ora parin-Cyprian (a man's name) Cyprianus, fuetudinera, tum filles jugulas, Cyprus [a Syrian iſland] Cyprus. Cuſtomarily, nifiduè. To two. Cyril a man's name) Cyrillus, Cuſtom (tilbutc) tributum, veftigal. A cut: friſſura, rawa, inciſura, fifus, Czarigrade (in Thraca) Conftantinopo- To pay cuítom, vreligal pondere. • This is the ſhorter cut, hac ibi- lis, The cuſtom-houſe, telonium. tis breviw, multò proprius. * There A czar, imperator Mojcovie or Ruja. A levier of custom, publicanus. was the ſhorteſt cut into---indA czarina, imperatrix Moſcovic or A levying of cultom, veæigalium ex eras brivillimxs franje&us in--, Rufie. akio. A cut in a tallý, inuifio. Czaſlaw lin Bohemia] Cxaſlovia, The cuſtoms levied in fairs or mar- A dcep cut, vielmus atrox. Cacben (in Tranſylvania 7 Cibinium. kets. tuxatio confus. A down-right cut, iftus clarus. Czernikow (in Poland) Cremnikovia, CUSTOM (trade) negotium. A cut over the face, vulnus fadum. Czernobel lin the Lower Volbinia) To cuſtom a ſhop, Cxernobela, s To draw cats, fortes legeri, fortiri. Czersko (in Poland] Creifibia, Cixar- conciliars. A drawing of cuts, fortilegium, chum To deprive of cuſtom, emptores a. A qut.puric, trumınifesa, manticula- Czongrad (a province of Hungary] wirtere. rius, Zonarius. Cornitatus Orodienſis. Without cuſtom, amptoribus orbus or A cut purſe knife, sea. Czyrkaffi (in Poland] Cxjrcotia, Vacuus. A cut-throat, ficarius, gladiator, Circalium. Coſtomed (as merchandize] merces Cut-throatly: gladiatoris. D before N : carut D-AI DAM DAN Daintineſs, arragantia, frlidium. A dammce boy, facrum & diris df- D before A. Daintineſs in feeding. lauritia, cibo votum caput. rum exquifitorum dele&us.. Dionable, damnabilis, A Dab (?: flap on the face, or a A dairy. Alafarium, i; cafeals, Damnation, damnatio. blowliaus, 4. clapa, colssphus. Dairy houſe, '} is; n. To damn, camne, condemna A dan of dirt, fparfio liberula. A dairy-man, laclarius Damocd, damnatus, condemnatus. Damned, ad). reprobus A wet dab, or clout, linteolulis bumi. Dalry woman, } lawaria. To damnify, damnuin inferra. dum & lordidum. daily, bellis, idis. Damnified, damno illato lajus, A dab.chick, celymhus. The ſmall sed daiſy, bellis minor - Damnifying, damnofus. : The dab Efish) citharus, bra. A damp, vapor, exhalatio terra intra, To dan infpergo, in'utio. The great white dally, bellis major mephitis To give onc à dab (blow) alapam flore alba. To damp one. Suforo, sopio. inipingere, colapbun incuters The litttle white wild daily, bellis Dampiſh, humidus, mucidus. To dabble, .aquam many commovet, minor vulgaris. A damnfil puslla, adoleſcentula, } aqua manus crebrò impargaro. The great ftriped daiſy, bellis major A danioſel, , , virgo. To dabble in the diit, ren volwart, variata A darafins Sprunium damafceum. in Into verlari. A daiz (canopy of ſtate) conopeim Damlon, To dabblc one's cloaths, 'velles collu regium, u bella. pénfilis. A damfin.trec, prunus damafrent. tulare, conpurcare. A dakor hen. crex, ris. Dimvillers [in Luxmburg Damvil- Dabbled in, many commotus. A dala, villis, is. lirium. A dabbling, inquin tio. Of a dale, vallaris. Dancaſter [in: Yurkſhire] Danum. A dabuſe, ſepirum magna Turcarum Dalecarlic (part of Swedeland] Da- A dance in arniour, turbice infirütori pralatun. lerar'*?. A dance, chorei, fripudium. A dacc, atun, cobiles, Dalie (part of Wall Goshland] Dalia. The morrice dance, chironomia, fala A dactyl (i foot in vcrle) daaglus. To dally, lafcivio, nuger, ludo, diludo, tio chironomica, Dad, Dalliance, lulus., delufio. To dance. falio, falio. papp: Wanton dalliance, laſcivis, procari-To dance lightly, tripudio. To calidad. peopo. tas, protervitas. To dance through a hoop, pelauril- Dadd. ckdognum cariofum ignom fis- Full of daliiance; procax, petulans, lam or sybijirem agere, volvore fe in cilè concipiens, pelulcus.: Duff là daftardly perfon) ignavus, A dallies, nugotor, salpator, Todance a child in one's arms, mo- pufillanimus. A dallop, locus in legate noxjarum ber tito, ulns complexum jafto, agito. To darf (daunt) oliquem ferrere, oli. barum plenus To dance often, faltito. rui terrorem or mistan iñiutări, in- Dallying, blandüsse To lead a dance, præſulto, ferre. injičre, A dallying, nugario, The leader of a dance, rhoragus, Daffxck, fudidu'a. A WARION dallying, petulantia. prafultor, prafultrix. A dalma:ick, dalmatica, dia:oni tunica. A dancer, jalator; m. faltatrix; f. D2:1d.l. Dancia Holland) Damum, Dancers, jcola. The vellow daffodil, nare:Jus Lulous. A dim (mother) mäter. A common dancer, ludius, ludio. A daffonil ftak, aniberirus. A dam (bank) aggor, milas. A company of dancers, chorus. Doffriti!. Mare:links, á. Leirs; A dom of planks to break the force A dancer on the ropes, funambulus, Of a daffodil, adj. of water, file, arum. Schenobutes. Daft, nupidus, birdus. A m!!!-dam, cataraaz, clauftrum. Adancing, faltatio, fellatus, tripudi- Todan Theep, vellus extremum de- A pool-dam, emiffariun. tondere. A dancing maſter, choredidaſcu!us. A dag, pannus lacerus or Aniis. a A dancing room, prebefra. A dag (hand gun) fcoplerum manuale. To dam up light, lucem obflruere. A dancing ſchool, ludus Jaltatorius. The dagger hish, draco oblongus. Damala (in Peloponejus) Traxm. A dancing Wench, faltairicula, gefin A dagger, rugio. fica. A damaſcene, prunum damafiene. cularii, A lle dagger, pugiunculas. Oil damaſcene, oleum damaſconuin. A pocket dagger, firula, Damaſco [in Syria) Damaſcus, Of dancing, A Sioich daggery Full of dancing, faltabundus. dudgeon haft dagger, } pugue Scori Damask, Jericum dalmatilum A damask garment, veſlis damoſiona Dandelion (herb] dena leonis, corono- They arc, at daggers drawings ira. ar scutulata. pus, taraxacum. lungius proredune. A damask roſe, roſa damafina, mol- | A dandeprat, pumilio, nanus, perpu- shalar, filius homuncio. To dag, rom trahere, Damask prunes, pruna brabyla. To dand!e, indulgao, maríbus geſları, Dapgledano: cellutulatus, a, um. Damask water, aqua et roſs dama lurer penibus agere. Juonis extroda. Dandled agitalur. A daygling, irroratio. Dimąsk work, vajlis Stutulata, dif- a dandler, infuntis. agitator. Dugglings, Syrina velis irroratuin. tinzio veſtiten in Anandling: infantis ogitatio. . (an ife ] figuras. A dandling child, alumnus, mollirer Dughta. - To damask wine, calfacio. mu ritus Daglocks, lana ab extremitate vijlis Todamask figuris difin Dandruff, Furfures, rum ; porrigo, ini.. doconf. Work dau.ask work, Full of dandruff, furfuraceus, porri- A dagswain, goufapum, gaufapa, gau-: Damsked, Fouris dij ginojus. rope. Wrooght like damask, Tin&tus. Dane (in Įin olnſhire Danus. To daign. Sui Deign, A damber, werbero. A Danc, Danus, Cimber. Daily Quotidienus. See Day. A dame, doprina, Dancburg '[in the dukedom of Lú- PAINTY, delicorus. * T'he dainty Dainesviolet hofperis, viola matrıntlis. neníorg) Dine:arga. thing would harc a dziniy bit, Dammage, dammum. ja&tura, ditri. Dane.gilt, sribulum Danicum. lepus os & puloarmtur queris. meniun, difpendium. Danemark, Dania, Dainty diſhes, copatia, delicie - Dainmzge (hüre) torumentum, noxia : Dancſend ( in Hertfordſhire] Danorum Dainty meats, 5 pulæ, lau-tia. injurju. Clades. Dainty (biare ) Lautus, exquifius, dica A listic damage, dammum. Dancwort (dwirfeldar chulas. Roni. W:1h dántage, damnose. DANGER, difcriniei, periculum Vitae Diinty (cofily) lumpese fus. opiparur. To dammage. There's no dangos, nibil periculi Dainey (excellen: i eximius. Bing damage, damnuin inferre. nji. • The danger is over, omnist Dainty [[queamiſh | fifidicfus. Damage cleer, daining clericorüm. res el jam in viido. He puts lys. Of duincy: moals, cupedinarius. Damage fcafant, damnum inferin liſe in danger. piiput ruino fundir. Paintly, calicose, laurè piparo: ria jumenta, • They are both in the fainc dan. To fare dainily. Luutele libere, Dammageable, daginificis, damnoſus, Scramiho in iiſdon-flufilisim. viginii. dapibus exquifitis veſci, noxius, * You are in the lame diriger, to. .) Alio. To dagle , comme les arterie, apier vo- Damasking, Dainden,} Cabife in the Baltick). ' , for the deix ' A , . Derbyſhire. Comitatus Derbienfis, Dor Of darting jaculatorius, Ag DAR D A S D A W dem luso-bejitas. *i go in dan- ; Darent, 2 [a river in Koru] Deren: To dan (vinc. with wate: ] viðūdi ger of my life, vile or mortis peri. Dart, sus. aquae üilire. culums deo. Spain is now on- DARK, :sonebrojus, tenebricus, cali. Todaſh !uingle) commiſcer. compared with danger, Hifpania ginofus, obfcurus To daſh one on the chaps, colapbumi nunc periculis undique sinatu ejf. * A dark brown colour, bæticus, fal impingere. He eſcaped the danger, «x periculo cus; Aullus. To dati out, excutio. ww.ifis. Without any danger to Dirk (intricate] enigmaticus. To dalh out the brains, excerebro, you, ona ullo :criculo rico. A dark fentence, enigma, atis ; foru. To daſh out of counienance, con- To be in, danger; 2. pericitor, in piri pus, gryphus. fundo. * He was nor able to say Fall into danger, 3 fulum viniro. * Därk weather, tempiſtas caliginofa, what he intended; he was ſo I am in danger.of my life, in du cælum abfcurum. darhed out of countenance, non bio vita «8. You are in no more Very darkí porobfcurus, tenebricofus. poruit crgitara prologui, ita cum lumi danger than---, nibil in majore e Togrow dark, renibreſso, contenebrofio. timidum obliusinfuçit ji upor diferimine guàm---...Conſider the It is dark, To dash out (with a pen)-oblitero, danger you a:e in, habe rationem It grows dark, } notaſeis ; imperf. Hapurigo. peristili rus * His damp was in To make dark, contenebre, scuro, Todah in pieces, contoro, difautio. danger to be takon, Capris capi in- Darken, act. infuſco, noctem ob-To dath together, calido. minetat... duome, lucemia anipore. Dafh'd againſt allijus, illifus, in. To run into great danger, extrmum To darken, neut. caligo. cufus, infiftus. , periculum adire, fubire, To darken with clouds, obnubilo. Daſhed out ingarlitus, difpunetusi To deliver.cat.of danger, et faucibus Darkened, obſcuratus. Daſhed with water, consper Jus, perfum firi arisere. A darkener, ibfurator. fusi Full of danger, periculofus. A darkening, obfiuratio, D:fhed (as wine] ailutus: Out of dasiger, ſecurus, in franquillo. Darkiſh, Daſhed out of countenance, confufus, I out , fubobfcuras,a, una; ad). Timot ercutfus ero po principia. *I am out of Darkly, obfiurà, certebrosi. A daßher, ittifer. danger, ego in portu navigo, abiatu Darkneſs, obfeuritas; tonebra, nax, A dalhing against, illifio, iltifus, telo: um tutus fum. umbra, A dalhing (battesing1 confligius, in- In danger of the law, legibus obnoxi- Darkneſs of weather, caligo. ruffus, infrasio, ws, expoftus or ſubjektus. Darkne!s with ſhadowing, adambra- A darking togethér, colliſio, wllijus. Without any danger, impunimè. tio, opariias. A daſhing with water afperfio. Dangerous, periculofus, pernicioſus. Full of darkneſs, tertebroſus. To danti, portringe. See Hazle. Secuingly do agorous, ventancus. Loving darkneſs, larifügus. A daftard, timised: Dangetous to meddle with, imvidio- A dariing, deliciæ, coriulum, Denver Daitardly, publlanimitas, ignavis. Jus, a, um. alumuus, animula, Adonis: Badardly, timidea Dangerouſly, periculosi. Darntiadt (in Helen Dermfadium. Daftärdly (adj.limbellis, pufillanimus, dangle, To darn, reſarcio. Sur Dearn. Adarany fan offide at-Romoj datarius. dangling, , lolton. A date (of writing) datum, tempus To dang'e up and down, promingo. Red darnel, lolium rubrum. scripto Subsignarum. Dangling, pendulusi Darnel, A date-book* [day-book] ephemeris, A dangling, prominentia, darael diariura. Dangling'y, pendulè, more pendulo. Darnix, panni Tornacenſos. To date a writing, darx; tempus fub- Dangwallet, cffarit, abundè, usque Dårrcin continuince, ultima litis Agnare, diem fübfcribere. ad excellum & fatielalim. coplinuatio or prorogatio, Dated, datus, confignatus. Daniel [a man's name) Duniel. A DART; jacutim, solum, pilum, fpi-Out of date, explorinese Dank, rulur. * Out of reach of the A date (fruit) daætylus, midiufiulus. daris, ab itu telcrun turus. He A little date, palmuda. Dankıfhneſs, muzor is good at a dart, jau!o bonus oll. Date-like, in-midum da@yli. To.dani lout out of heart] exani * With fire and darts they dif- A date-tree, palme. mo, rercella. ordered the beleged, facibus alque An Indian daie (tamsrinds] dactylus Dantzick, Dilntiſcum, Gedanun, bajlis turbabeet ebraffos. Indirus, firmarindi. 2 jaculorfor- Indian date-trec. Danubius, Caſt a dart, quere. Datc-ſtones, do&fylorum ofa. Dapper, apilis, Juceiriaus. A dart with a barbed head, tragula; f. The dative caſe, cajus datiuus or A dapper féll..W; homunculks agilis A dart thrown, miſils; is ; n. dandi, o animows. A ſtringed dart, baja amoniala. To daub, oblino, Sae dawb. A lov dapperlig, pamilio. Bearing darts, relifar. A daughter, filia, nata. Dapple-gray, Soutularus, albis maculis A darter (man) jaculator ; m. (WO- A little daughter, filiala. diſiinitus. man) jaculatrix, iis; n. A daughter-in-law, nurus, us; fa The da: filh. louiifcus, A daughter's fon, nepos. Darby: [lown) Darbia, Dorbia. um;A daughter's ſon's wife, pronutus, , A ftep daughter, privigna. fliafra. veniania. Darwent (a river that runs by Der-Sons and daughters, liberi Dardanello, Disodania, Dardanium. by]: Derundio. David (a man's namnc) David, idis, To DARE (or venture, ncut.) au- A dale (fiſh) gpua, cobites, The Daulphinate (part of France) deo. I dare not ſay it, religio of To DASH, afpergo. Delphinutusi dicere. I will. Jay what you dare. A dath (blow) jausHe is out at To dauncc, fallo. Sve Dance. on it, quovis rignore contendam. * furft daſh, in pariu impingit, in li-D'Aney (the family] De Almolo. You dare as well take a bear by mine ejendit. Give him a daſh To daunt, sercello, jupefucio, terrefa. the tooth, citiùs clavam Herculi ex on the tecth, pugnum in os im cio, confundo, ad filentium uidigere, Yorferis. pinge. animum diminueri. To dare (or challenge, act.] laceffo, A dah (mingling ) mixlura. To bu daunted, animum defpondere. provozo. Being hc dares me to A daſh (ſtroke] duetus. *He learns Dauntid. serreip&w, confufus, timors if, quundo ciò provocat. * He deres the dance of the letters, literarum Herculfuı. me to fight, ad pugnam me lacefit; duftus dicit. Daunty (the family] De Alta Ripa. ad certamen provocat. * Hc dared To darh, contundo. They daſhed A daw. me to play with him, ms in aleam the enemy's deſign conatum id. Jack daw provpc vit verfarioruin infregerunt. To daw (briok a thing) concoquo. . A dire [linh) apur. cobiles, leuciſcus. To daſh gaii.st .ilid flign. ill.do. To kawo, spiso, öblino, unguo. Dared, la elitui, provocatus. imeingu, insutsu' * Thc Thiw daſhed To dawe! flatrrr pulpor, aanlor. Daring, audax, aufus. aga nit ibe rock, puspos offendit in rodawb (bribe) corrumpo. A daring onic, provocasio. l'opulos. Dawid, ohliinis, unclus. A daring g'als, Speculum aucupatorium To dalh (23 with water or dirt] as Dawbed with gold lare, coopertus auro. quo tapranikr alandæ. pergo, ère ; conj, nrgo. Ad.wber, dyp/ator, linitor, oblinitor. A dawbir; Dankinn, mucidus, fubhumides, be 1 1 Jack daw monedila. N 2 1 > ) * The longeſt day muſt have an Of or for every day quotidianus, a, DAY D E A D.E A A dawber (flatterer) adulator, pal- The day before yeſterday, nudius- } you, moriar fi quis me senet prater pelor Two days agº Yersins, * He is dead, è medio abiit. A dawbing Byplatio. Three days ago, nudiw.quartus, A making dead, mortificatio. To dawn, dilucefco. Four days fince, nudiw.quotes. To make dead, mortifico, ere; pun The dawn, ? diluculum, aurora, lux This day feveonight, nudius-slavus. Deaden, pofaci, 3. Dawning, $ dubia or prima. The next day, trullino dir, Make dead, mortificatus. DAY (1pace of time] dies. In the The next day after to-morrow, pe Dead.netile, lamium. days of yore, apud majora ngiros. rendic. Dead of itſelf, morticinus. Let us have a day on't, hilarım In the day-time, luci. Half dead, feminex, ſemivivut. bune fumamus diem. *My days Within theſe few days, propediem. A dead body, cadaver, eris. Dead drink, vappa. are near done, prope jam dacurri- Another day, poflerius. tur fpatium. My good days are Day, adj. dialis, diarius, diurnus, a dead coal, carbo extin&us, done, occidi, nullus sum. * From of a day, ) *Hc is in a day.dream, Dead Aerh, caro inanima. the days of Auguks, jam inde à hic vigilans fomniat. Dead payes, fipendia ad ducem recja divo Augufto. diva pro militibus ocrifis vel fugitj. , } lucefcit, dieſcil. vis. gone of the day, multo denique die, It grows day, multo jam die. * They count their At day break, cum primâ luc, or di. Almoſt dead, fominsitus, somignimis. cattle twice a day, bis de die or luculo. | Dead drunk, vino fomnoque Sopulius. bis die numerant pecus. * It is an At ſhutting in of the day, Jub eripufo Dcad wines, vina marcida. hundred days fince, centefima har culum veſpertinum. A dead water, aqua profunda & qui. lux eff ab. * By ten days end, Ember-days, eta. infra darimum diox. As if we Fafting-days, }' quatuor tempora. A dead ſleep, fomnus altus. were to know one another at this A {Workiday 2 dies 'negorio. In a dead ſcep, Jopore morſus. time of the day, guns nunc non Tio working day, 3 Sus. 1 A dead bough, ramale, rimus nus inter nos, They were it is day. lucet. When it is day, 'Deadly (adj.) mortifer, Idhifer, le- called by thoſe names in his days, ubi illuxit. thalis, exitiofus, exitialis, foralis, iis nominibus vocabantur Qlate ejus. A day and a half, Jequidjes. funalus. * You come a day after the fair, The ſpace of two days, biduum. '* Deadly [adv.) mortiferè, mortaliter, poji fefum venis. The day is ours, They were two days about theſe: lethaliter, perniciosè. noira ommis lis .. * The day things, in his biduum confumitur. Deadly ſcuds, inimicitiæ capitales. would fall me, nox diem adimet; The space of three days, iriduun. DEAF, Surdus. You tell a tale to dies me defiries. To wait day In four days (pacc, quatriduo. a dcaf man, furdo canis or fubulam after day, diem de die expe&tare. The ſpace of nine days, nouendium. narias, # I am not deaf, I hear • The better day the better deed, or ninc days, novándialis. yoa well enough, audio, no me dicondo bona funt bona verba die. Every day, adj, Surdum verbera. * I would cither , 3 Un. that he were dcaf, or the were end, longa . To ſpend one's days, tempus tradu. dumb, usinum aut hic furdus, aut To give one the time of the day, cere, alatem. agert. har muts faas ſit. * That the faluto. A day-labourer, mercenarius. fame man ſhould be both blind Dáy (light) lux, lucis; f. lumen, inis; A day-lily, Illium non bulbofum. and deaf, ut idem oculis auribus A little before day, fub ipA day's moán Cumplre} diferplator, caplus fit. Jam lurem. * It is high day, or mediator, To be deaf, ſurdeo, obſurdeo, auribus broad day, clara or multa lux of A day's wages, diarium. obturatis praderire. Noon-day, meridias. A day, or by the day, quotidie, fino To grow deaf, furdeſco, obfurdeſto. A holiday, fefius dies. gulis dicbus. Somewbat deaf, fubfurdus, a, um ; A court-day, Dayly, affiduus, quelidianus , adj. Deafiſh, adj. Dayly, öfiduè, quotidiè, indies ; adv. To make deaf, A day appointed for an hearing, dies A dayry, laaarium. S« Dairy. Todcafen, reddare. You cognofcenga coulæ præflitutus, dies A dazy, tell's. Sue Daily, dcafen my .cars with entrcating, cognitionis. Daizy, orando furdas jam aures reddideras Days of refpita, djas jaſli.. Dazed, Semicofius, mihi, A day of appearance, dies fatus. Is dazed, frigeo, pra frigore tremo. Deafly (adv.] Jurde. Days of return, dies juridici or logi. To dazle, porfiringo, prafringo, com Deafly (abs ) Solitarius. timi. pungo, objupefacio, Deafneis, ſurditas, The dog.days,. dies caniculares, or Duzled, perfriaus, prafr!&us, attoni. A dearning, } feriæ canina Making deaf obtufiol tus, animo perturbatus. Vacation days, dies nefofi. Dazling, fulgidus. Deal ſin Kmi) Dola. To-day, 2 bodie, bodierno die. IA deacon, diaconus, minißer. A dcal tree, abies, etis, This day,} have not ſeen him a! A deaconry, diaconatus. this live-long day, sum ego hodin Deaconſhip, 3 Deal-Boards; } tabulæ abiegne. into mon vidi die. * I never faw DEAD, morsuus, demersuus, mortuus, A deal-merchaat, abietarius. her before to day, rieque ego hanc txanimis, extin&us, defanétus, fata To DEAL, agn. I will deal plain- vidi ante hunc diem. To-day me, perfunctus, * Hc wiſhcs me dead, ly, non obfcurò agam. # You deal to-morrow thee, da inibi bodier mortem exoplat meam. # I ſhould like a friend, amicè facis. . He has num, tu ſume crafinuon, rather with the lad dead than ---, nobody to deal for him, vicarium hodiernus, a, um; puorum praopluremperire fosius quàm nulluin haber, } ad). * In the dead time of the To deal (diſtribute] diftribuo. *Shuf. From day to day, di die in diem. night, note coniubiâ, omnibus altif- de the cards and deal them a- * He put it off from day to day, fine filentio ropitis, * Ho was taken gain, miſce folia & rurfum imper- diem de die diſulit. up for dead, pro eiſ fublatus eff, site. You will loſe your deal, Every day, quotidie * I love him Speak well of the dead, de mor- vicem amistos diftribuendi. every day more and wore, quem tuis nii nift bonum. *As fubile as To deal in buſiness, merest, negotior, plus plus que indies ailigo, a dead pig, iam fapit quàm fus mercaturum facere, Now-4-days, bac immpore, nunc dio m.3d7:141. Ag dead as a door To deal with onc, aliquem tradare, rua, quorodo nun el na.l, simirortuus l quum ansus. cum aliquo contrahere. * He deals Day by day, in fingulos dies. Dead (ill'nm's) torpidus. kindly with him, liberaliter cum On a certain day; die qu-dan. Dead idull] jegnis, ine's. sraatar, - *Deal truly with me, die On a ſer day sie cerlo. fo de dead, jico aiem obiiffe. * I bona fide, - Do you deal with me The day before, proximâ luce. hear thar Martial is dead, and ad so? itare meium agitis ? * I never The day before that day pridie ejus sorry for it audio Murticiem decer. hid in deal with her, rungulan diei. The day beture he wa' file, & mileflè fero. When he cum ca mihi commercium fuit. killed, pridic quam orcidereur. was de.d. illo vird defunéta ; por: A deal at cards) foliorum difributia. The next day after that, pojiridit cjus summum ejus diem. . Would I loſing deal, amiſlio d firibuendi vi. dici. wore dead if any body ho:d me bu A doal ! ; } A law-diyy} dies fejbus. 1 Ofa day, This day's, 1 DEA DE B D E B tur. 3 1 , A , , A deal, vis, numarrus. He keeps a ; not dear at twenty pounds, vile e; DEBATE, lis, luis dif.eptario, dis- deal of fuir, maximas facit turbas. viginti mias, cordia, altercutio diffidium, extra * Was he any deal the richet? To make dear (beloved) consilio, verka. They make debate, lites nunquid copieſ or aret? commando. ferunt. *It falls under debate, 18. del:berationem cadit. A good or great dea!, magna vis, nu-To make dear (coftly) pretium nu. All merus ingens. • He makes a great gers. th.ngs about whlch there was any deal of do to no purpoſe, magno To make corn dear annonam arftare debace, cmnia de quibus uifceptabu- conatx magnas agit nugas. .There As dear as way be, quamplurimò. is a great deal of difference, mul- A dearling, deliria, corculum. A Small debate, direptariuniula, &; f. tum intereft. * I have got a great Dearly (affectionately) sharè. deal of acquaintance with him, Dearnels (as to price caritas. A debate make', vitilitigutor. in confuetudinem ejus ore penities in Deade up; } refarcio, 4. To debate, difers, diſputo, argus, ar. gumentor, ratio:imur, diſcepro. deal of money, pecuniâ grandi ven. Dearn (uncoutb) jolitarius, trißis. To debate (ady:ſe wiih hiasſelf ] ditum efl. There was a great A dcarner, refartor, delitero, deal of wine, maximus vini numeo) A dearner of cioaths, polio, vetera. To debate [diſpure or quarrel] con- rus.*They pay hini a great deal of mentarius. ten:do, alteyrir, l:sige. money every year, ingeniam perr- A dearning, refariio. Debacable, difputabilis. niam pendient ei quotannis. * He A dearth, Caritas, fames, annone dif- Debated, aijputatus, aditatus, contro- was able to ſpeak with a great deals ficultas, rei frumenturiá inopia. verfus. of fluency, copiofilimè potuis dicere. To deartuate iquarter) dearlub. It is debated, vertitur. A great deal, adv. multo impendio. DEATH, mors, lesrum, obitus, Farum, Debateful litigiofus. a great dcal, A great deal interirus, cxitur, • To beat onc to Debatefully, litigiosè, better, nimio fatius. *They might death, malrare uſque ad mortem. A debater, diſputitor. go a great deal acarer way, mullo * li's death to do it, non fine peri- A debating (advising with one's feif] breviore itinere tre poffunt. cu!o capitis licet. • She grieves deliberatio. A mall deal, pauxillulum, herſelf to death, dolora tabefcit. A debating, diſputatio, difceptario, come A dealer:(trader or merchant] mere A little before his death fab exilu cerlario. cater, niegotiator. vita. * I looked death many times To debzuch, moribus corrumpere, vj- A dealer (ar cards) difributor. in the face, ob oculos murs lepe mibi tie, ad nequitiam abducere. A doubler or falſe dealer, pravaricator. verjata r. * It was death to them, To debauch [play the debauchee] A plain dealer, bomo cuxdidus, aper- mortis crat iniar De.th when debacchor, luxurior. tus, facerus, ingenuus. it comes will have no denial, no- A debauch, magna vini ingurgitatio. Dealing (buſineſs or trade) occupatio, qur ulla et aut magno aut paruslahi A debauchce, irodigus, dijoluim. negotiatio, 3. f. mercatura, &; f. fuga. • Death makes no differ. Debauched, néquam. commercium, i, n. * If you have encc, aquâ lege neieffitas forritur A debauched courſe, 2 nequitia, luze dealing with another, si cum altero infignus & imos. * After death the Debauchery: urias. contrabas. * I had no dealing with doctor, po bellum auxilium, debauching,. } corruptela, ille- hin, nibil cum eo rationis harui. Death (laughtor) nex, acifo, clades, *I will have no dealing with you, ruina, You will be whipped to A Soldier's dcbenture, Nipendia debita conditione tua non utar, death, ad necem ufqui operiere loris, or refidua, A dealing or doing, falfum. I will purſue' him to death, To debllitate (weaken] cruerwo. A dealing (at cards) diſtributio. ad internecionem mihi perfequendas Debilitated, enervulus. A dealing or treatment, trallatio, 3. f. eft, Debility, debilitas, A plain-dealing man, fine juco &ful. It is death, capitale aff. Deboift, } corruptus. laciis horko, Sudden death, mors intempeſtiva ar Deboyft, Double-dealing, dolus malus. pramatura ; interitus immaturus; To delo ftcorrumpo, ad nequitiam A falſe dealing, prevaricatio. mortkinium. To deboth, adducere, Hard dealing, exattio. An eaſy death, necula. Debonair, hilaris, comis, moribus com- Dealing much, negotiofus, a, um. Death pangs, mortis angor or angufia, modis præditus. Dealt, aftus, tranſactus, difributus. Agonia. Debonain [good natured] benignus, I'am baſely dealt withal, indig. A death watch, scarabaus domeflicus, cir:didus, nis ego fum acceptus modis. He Debonairly, comilor, was well dealt withal, praclarè At the point of death, intermortuus, Deborah [a woman's name) Debora. cum eo geum si. moribundus. Debrecyn (in Hungary] Debrecinum. Dealt in, cujus commercium faaum ef. Worthy, of death. (as a crime) copi- A DEBT, debitum, as alienum.* Deambulation, deambulatio talis, lethalis. Good d:bts become bad if you Dcan-foreſt (in Gloucefierfire] Da-Worthy of death (as a man] crucem call them not in, bona nomina ma- nica Sylva, merias. la funt fi non exigas. * If any A dean, decanus. то put to death, fupplicio capitis pu thing be left when I have paid A dean's wife, decanila. nire, damnare, capite or merte mul my debt, fiquid are alimno mes su- A rural dean, decanus ruralis. tare. perabit. A deanery, decanutus, ús; m. der Te haſten one's death, mortem alicui To be indebted, in aro alieno ole, cania,' &; f. ex are alieno laa DEAR (beloved ) charus, dile&tus, a, To fit upon life and death, de capire borare, æs alienum habere. * Thsy • Nothing ſhould be more quarire. ae decply in debt, ære alieno dear to any man, nihil bomini de- To deaurate (glld] deauro. premuntar ; animam debent. * He bet elle antiquius. * My dear, ani. A deauration, deauratio. was hugely in debt, illius as alire me mi. 'How does my dear? | To debar, arceo, excludo, interdico, num ingens erat. # I was not meum fuavjud quid agitur ? You privo, impedio. able to be any longer in your are as dear to me as to your fa- Debarred, exolufus, interdiaus, debt, non potui tibi diursús de ther, mihi aquè es, chorus ac patri. A debarring, privatio. * He was dear to cvery one, aba. To debaſe, demitto, fubmitro, dejicio, To run in debt, as alienum conflarc, rum omnis bababant, deprimo, mancipo, pretio minners, contrahere. I think I must be Dear (coftly) carus, protiofus ; adj. vilem reddere, dignitatem obſcurare. fain to go into debt, inibi as alia. · Corn grows dear, ingraveſcit an- To debaſe coin, nummum adulterare. num faciendum puto. They are dear, non exi- Debafed, deprelus. To demand debts, nomina exigere. guis pretiis. vincunt; quamplurimò Dehaſed (as coin) adulteratus. To fue for debts, debita inſeaari. uneunt. * Il's dearer by half, A debafer, deprelor. To pay debts, nomen diſſolvere or fan auctum id parse dimidiâ eft. It A debaſer of coin, adulterator, tisfacers, debila refoluere. was then as dear as gold, & tunc A dcbaſing, depreſio, To rid out of debt, arc alimo levaro, erat quo contra, Do you think A debaling of coin, adulteratio. nome expedire, I bought it too dear ? num nimia A debate in law, idio. A deſperate debt, debitum inopina- empre sibi ades videntur ? * It is | A friendly debate, amica collatio. Debted, 1 Am. beri. Prona, í 1 1 dp ЕС DEC DE C DEE بانکد } do 1 4. neut. 3 f. decus. ! 1 Debied, dabiso obnexius, ebæralus ; : Decency, decus, oris. The declination of a planci, dijan. In debt, are alieno.oppreffis. Deceoniai, dhinnalis. , tin plante, ab æquatore. A dobror, dobilor, Decent, deconies, To DECLINE (avoid) declino, vito, To debulllate, stullirej sterveren Decondly, decotor, drcorè. dewtog. quiro. * He declined battle, A decade (ien) doigs, iais. Deceptive, fallox, frauduleniu. prælio diffugit. • 1 declined that Decadency, laces,latus rei deterior. D'ccorior, deceptio, 3..f. civy, urmarit illam declxixi. A decadiit, deceduin feriptor, condiror. To.DBCIDE, decorno, decido. *This To desline, Lbend downward) , vergo, To decamp, cafra noene, vaja cölli. day ſhall decide the controversy india. gere, convofore. between os, hic dins conte's worfer Todacline a word, verbum inficere. The decalogiclten commendmonts] nofram.judicabit * He had a mind to decline (docay.) labafu, deficio, decalogus. to have it decided by battle, rom in pojas sko To dccant, clutrio, de apulo. ad arma deduci fudebat, Declinablc, declinghilis, A decantation, transfuſo. Ducided, decifus, Daclining. (growing worſe.) fuus, To decapitate (behcad caput etre derinting, } decifra , 3. f. in dolerius vergons. A deciining, de:linatia, inclinatio, A decark, duuris. Deciduous, deciduus. A declining (of words] flexio. To decay (pals.away] de:lino; labor, Decimal, denarius. Decliviły Liteepuess) dalivitas. abfoleo. To decimate, desimi. Decoctibie, rodivus To decay (with.age) fenefceQvoce.D:cimation, decimatio. A decoction (boiling] deltajo, decoe dere. To decipher, deferibo, delinio, figuris um. ARXIA. To decay uitcrly, pre, ii, or iviis, exprimers. A decollation (pcheading] decollatio, Deciphered, defcriplus. To decay (in colour] deflorefro, fua- A deciphering, defcriptio. To decorate. (adorn].decoro. wifeo. Decilive, decretorius, A decorus (handlomcacſs] decorum, To decay (as fowers) flaccefco, mat. Deciſory, deciſorius, #ufo. The deck of a thip, fori, tranfra. A decoy, illiciun. A DECAY, latefa&tatio, declinario. As I was sitting on the upper A decoy, deckforte afledt in Boga. tafus, occafus, interitusi ruing. Decoyer, illex, tiis; c. , . The houſe is gone to decay, edes The apening of the deck, navaliunt To decoy, illicio, viium fecerunt. * My memory fororum exemptilis tabula. To drcoy a perſon, inducere in fran. goes to decay, memoria minuitur. To deck, mono, exorno, polio, .expolio, Fennus. When his , eftale .w28 gode 1B extslo. Now go dock me, sunc Dccoyed, llaus. decay, mlinalis rebus fuis. jan arno mis A.decoying, illecebratio. Things are gone to decay through Dcckel, ornatus, cultus, comptus; com- To d.create decreſço, minus. age propter vetulaum obfoleverunt pofitus. Decrcali: g, decre;epts. Notdecked, incompofitus, incompius . A decreatione diminutio, In deody, ruinojus, obfoletus, con- A decker, cxornatot. Decayed, Justiprus, dilapios g. in: A decking, ornatus, cucitus, A decrecq idictum, de:rolum, feitung clinatus, langaidas. A declamation, declarario. infiitulum,plarium, Decayed (withered) marsidus. Declamatory, declamatorius. To decrec, deferno, jubxo, fatue, Decayed with age, decrepitus, Jonio To declaim, dedawr... A deciec (judgmeat); fentenua. fractus. Todcclaim oflen, dedumild, Decreed, diretys, fonctus. Decaying, latens, evanidus, caducus. A declaimer, declamator. The umpire's decree, arbitrium. A decaying, inseritip. Declaimingly, declanstorji. Decrement (walle ) dectementum, A deceaſe, deterius, obilus. A DECLARATION, declaratio, de- imminutio. To.deceaſe, decodo, obro, morior, fignuero, fignifcario. * With a full To pay decrements, pro qbus mi. Deceaſed, defun&us, murtuus, declaration of your.pleaſure to nuttelis alicujus ufui infumptis pm. To:decede, driedo. wards him, cum fummú spifcatione care. A decelt, fraus, dis; dolus, fallacie. tuorum in je oficiorum. Decrepit, desrepitus. To enlgare by deceit, imprudentem A declaration (at law] libellus. Decificat (of the moon) decraf- aggredi, To put in a declaration in law, li- Deccitful, fallax, fraudulentus, ds bellum exbibere, The decretalsdeerstelia, ium. bfus. Declaratory, declarations, index, ha decretitty decretaliym. Judiofus. A deceitful knave, impoſor. Declarative, interpres. To decry, publise defamars, edifti A deceitfal trick, solus malus -To DECLARE,. dolar, xarri, de abrogare vel vinnove. Deceitfully, fraudulenter, dolosè. nuncio, indicó, difero,.aprrio. "To A decumbitare, primus ex morbo (u- To Speak deceitfully, equivocè logui, declare a incfage 10.one, mandata balus. verborum imdiculus adhibere. ad aliquem referre. * To open and Decuple (ten-fold) decuplus. TO DECRIVE, sallo, deiipjog impono, declare dark things, obſcura.pate- Decort (Thort] arcurius. circumonio. * You sredeceived, Faceselo illußrare. To declare To decypher cryptographiam folvere falfus es ; erres. He is not ca. and tell plainly, dilucidè & panjpi- ' Decyphercd, folutus, enodatus. Gly deceived, buic vorba dare diff vè expedire. • I will dechare, A decypherer, snedator. vila ft. briefly what it is, ex gonam brevi. A dccyphering, enodatio, To dereive mork] delude, cludo, il. Ser Notis quid ft. Dedal;zn (maze-like) dadalaus. ludos. ludo,ilsifico. To declare abroad, divulgos: Aublico. To dedicac, dico, dedico, nuncupo; To deceive (wheedle] ine;co. To declare bef:rehnod, pranuncio. furo, confucro. .To deceive ont's expectation, fruf-To declare farther, profequr. Dedicated, dicatur, deuotus, facer; Iror.' To declare for onc, agnofco, caufam conſacrstu. Deceivable, fallax. tueri, à partibus have. To be deceiveido fallor, decipior, To declare a mesſage, twinicio. A { dedicating, dedicatio , contargi frauder, sudor, blanditiis copia To declare one's mind, tloquor, pro The dedication (of a church) roca verdjs fait irriti. Loquor. nit. Or ift. To be deceived (err), sro, oberro, To declare briefly, perſiringo. A dedicator, confecratore hallucinor. Efhy are greully dc- To déclare folemn'y, indico. To deduce, deduco. ceived, errore nigne vir farur. To be declared; palego, imi. Deduced, dedkehus. Deccived, falfus, fraudar si peceptús, Declarev, declaracus, marratus; ex. To deduct, subtrabs. clufus. prelus, indicatus, Deducted, Jubtradlus. A deceiver, impofior, fraudator, de Having declared, siosulus. deducting copior, ladifiat. Not declared, jnenoprasus, inadisus. deduation, D.ceiving,. fallox. Not to be declared, inenarrabilis. Dec river (in Cheshire) Devo. A deceiving, defraudatio, impoflura,. A declares, declaracor, 3. m. decla- Dec river (in Scotland] Dea, Diva hedullio. ratrix, 3. f. Dccerber, De ember, bris, A declaring, declaratio. Dee.diouth, Dave afluoriun, Se Dee-south Se The decemvirarc, decemvir.tus. A declenſion, declination' reia. A" cons. t D E L DEL DEM A defamation, defamatio, A dccd, faltuin, altum, n. A&tus, M. Defied provocark), abrenunciatus. Liso, f facts, oris ; n. Defau atory, famofus, difamatorius. A defying provaatio, armorum nuntiatio A gond deed, honefa&um, facinus * To defame, diffami, waduco, alicu- gregium. * It 'were a good deed jus nomen rodare. A deficiency, defefius, defeaio. to beat you, meruifti plagas. Defamed, defamatus, fugillatus, int. Deficient, imperficius, bulcus. An !I dezd. Aagitium, maleficium, dway. . To DEFILE, inquino, confpurco, carta facinus indionem or prauim. A defaper, fugillator, & mino, pollno, jado, violo, visiog A ceed (inſtruidenih inftrumentum, A defaming, fugillatio, traduatio, labem afferre, inocuiam imprimers, litera, libellus, fyngrapha To defatigate ('weary'ı defallgo. fordibus inguinare. • He defiles Indeed, . reverà, rriplà, Defatigated, defatigatus, his own act, in finum ſuum com- } Spuit. Trape. In very deed, A defatigating . } defatigatio. A defatigation, Defiled, inquinatus, contaminatus, fo. In the very deed, manitsjid. To dcem, judire, opinor, confede' Defatigablo, defatifcons, laboris par. d.stus, vialetus, vitiatus. Not defiled, iritaminatus, Deemed. judicatus, A deener, judicator. To defaolk, defala. Sa Defalk. A defilement, contaminatio, ix. A deeming, arbitratio: A default, sulpa, desatam, vitiua, Defiling, quinutio, A demer, arbiter, judex. defeétus, ficii dobiti omiſio. A defiler, contaminator, temerate. DEEP, profundus, alius. * He is in Default of appearance, vadimonili To defi c, definio. defertio. Defined, a deep Deep, alium dermis. He is } defnitus, 4.finitus, 4, UA. in a decp Aady, alterius sagitat, To make default, vidimeniuma sefe- Definite, meditabundu 9. * He fell into a definition, ; f decp forrow, in maximas luctus in- ; Defearance, I conditio pra:fta quâ A defining. cidit. * l'ferch's 2 decp figh, Defciſance, } padum folvitur. Definitive, definitivus, deciſoriui. fraxi ox imo denue suspirium. - Hé To make a defeafance infraum red- Definitively, defini?è. made tronches thirty fcet dcçp, dere 'quod fullum eff. To deficct, deflotto. folus pedum triginta in alitudinem Defeat, Dcflagration, deflogerio. ciados, šum; pl. f. To dellower, conjú prò, viale, vitio, fecit. Defeature, Decp (or cloſe] mconditus ; adj. To defeat an army, exercitum fun- virgin: vitium inferre. Deep (or cuna:ng) callidus, verfu. dere, profternere. Deflowered, confupratus, corruptus, tus ; adj. To defeat (make void] roſtindo, irri vititu), violarks. A decp dye, color, aflrictus, prefiui, tam facere, profligare. drlere. A definwerer, onliupritor, vitiator. ailerus. Defcated, fufus, irritus fa&us. A dcflowering, supratio, vitiario. A crine of a deep dye, crimen flagi- Defecatc, purus, defacalus, A dcflux.on, catarrhus. tioun, barridum, trociffimum. A defect, defraus, lubri, vitixn. A defo ceincnt, viclentia fundi de. tertio, Deep mouro:ng, viftimonium funebre, A defection, defraio. Detective, vitiojus. vejis lugabris cr pulla. To deform, deformo, vitio. In decp mourning (adj.) pullasus. To be defective, deficio. Duforined, deformatus, sadarus, vi- Deep learning, digrina exquifita-or A defence, præfcium, tutda, futa- liutus, deformi, ui, mm, munimentum, D:formedly, informiter, A man of deep learning, vir omni A defence (in pleading] de enpo. A deforming, deformitio. do&rina aique optimorum artium (u. To ſpe..k in deterice of onc, ab ali- Deformity, deformitas, surriludo, diis eruditus, decoratus, ceritus, quo pare, pro aliquo agert. Squalor. Deep ignorancc, alium filentium. defence, A deforſnur, qui quinquam violenter tutelaris. A decp way, 'via alia & aquâ impe. For defence. dorse fuâ exturbul. In efence of, pro, præpor, abl. Douled, pudern&us. The deep (fca) altum, maro, profun- To DEFEND, defendo. Fucor, qutor, To defraud, defr.rudo, fraudo. dus, aquor propugno, juleso, fublevo. . it de Defraudcd, fraudarus, defraudatus, a, Na'ure häth hidden truth in the fends the, vincs from cild, à frigore diep, masura veritatem in profundo vitas munit He defends his A defrauder, defraudator. abflrunt. life ann fafety, ejus virum. A defrauding, defraudatio. In the deep of Winter, summa hya luten præfiaio & cuflodiâ tagit. * He To defray, ango, præbeo. defends the quarrel of the com- To defray charges, fumptus in fore. monwealth, "caufam publicera juf- siders or exfolvere. Terce deep, linet. Defrayed, exolutus, To:hruſt deep into, pariento. To defend before, pranunio. A defrayer, erogator, parochus. To deepen, or make decp, excavo. To defend clients, patrocinios. A defraying, arigatio. Deep!y: profunde, atre, panitis, me. Defendable, Deft [ncat] nitidu, pulcber, umu]- aullius. Defenſible, } propugnabilis. tus, lepidu, He is decply in love with her, eam A defendant, reus. Defanet (dead] defunctur. mifore amar. Defended, defenfus, munitu. To defuſe (pour out) dofundo. Deepncfs, profunditas. A defender, defenfor, conſervador,pro- To defy, prourro. Sex Dcfie. Decr, churus. Sto Dear. pugnator, munitor, vindex." He To degenerate, degeners. * He de. A decr, ceruus, fora. frames himſelf a defender of truth, generates from his anceſtors, A fallow dcer, dama fulva, accommodar ſi ofertorem veritatis. virtwe majorum degeneret. A rein-deer, rungior, eri. A defender (advocatel patronus. Degenerate, A red deer, corvus. A defeading, potricinium. Degenerated, degener, , The deer's head with all its rights, A defendreſs, defenfatrix, propugna- Degenerating, For Burea cervi cornua. trix, patrona. Degenerous, Deer.hays, formido, atir cerving. A defenſative against poifon, plexi- A degenerating, degeneratio. A tame dcer, bininulus cicur. pharmacum, apotropouin, To DEGRADĒ gradu dojicere, ma A young fallow-deer, hinnulus. Defenſive, propugnabrlis. vero or deponere ; exauctoro ; abdi. A keeper of deer, faltuarius. Defenſory, definforius. care alig:iem nififratu, abrogare To detace, davewto, deforino, deloo, Deference (refpect] honor delatus. alirui migiftratum. oblitero. To defer, differe. abdicitio, exquxora- Defaced, deformatus, diletas ; exole- Deferred, dilatus. A degrading rio, onis ; f. tas, sxcifus. A dcferrer, cun&totor. Degraded, and calus, exivdorotus. A defacer, svarfor, oris ; m. Deferring, cunétabundus, * He, is degraded of all his ho- A defacing, deførinatio, delatio, quer-, A deferring, cunctatio, dilatio. nours, ex aliiffimo dignitatis gradu fo. Defiance, provocatio ad daturbatur. pugnam. To defalk, defilco, recido, fubtraho, A letter of dcfiance, litera provoca- A degree, gradus, ü; de fumma detru hire. toric. Preferred to a degree, gradus- Defalked, ſubiyoaus. To defie, provoco, tellusHaving taken a degree, A dcfalking, fubtra&io, sub-B.d defiance to, indirere. A degree [eftate) condrio, patur, or. A defalcacion, audio. To dcñe (the devil) abrenun:io. do, qualitas, Ву doti. To ſearch deep,} penetro. UM. Degradation.} * 1o, onis ; f. } ! 1 A deludione ; } celufo, irribo. .?} DEL DEL DEM By degrees, enfim, gradatim. He Deliberately, præmoditate, confulto, ex! A dell er doxy, meretricula. ring by degrecs to majcfty; ad indufria, penfoculuè. He acts De!m (a river in Erf Friezceland] mujalaisin :r dihus asconiit. deliberately, excogitara ratione res Delma, To dhort, fäiffuade) debortor, dif- juas componit. Delmenhorst in the earldom of fas deo, à conflio avellore, defanten- Deliberation, deliberatio,rumina. Oldenburg) Delmenhorſium. tig movine, Deliberateneſs tioconfuliatio. To delude, ludo, dolude, illudo, 'in. Dehorred, diffio fus Deliberative, deliberativus. eſco, A dchuriér, dilu:i for. Delicicy, mollities, Deluded, kuus. A dcharting, schortatio. Delic:té, delicatus, mollis, tener. A deluder, illufors To deject, 'ng To make delicite, mollia, A deicide..eida. Made del.cate. mellitus, DejcEted mees. A del icare perſon, sellise trofulus, Deluding } fallax. Deic:Iudly. Nxè, meefe. .fr:/ula, A dejc@ing, Dejection, } Delicately, delicate, mollitor, teneri. Deluſions, præpigia. inceror, oris ; m. Del:catcnefs. mollicies, si.. To delve, fodio. To daily ex homine deum facere, in Delicates, de'reia, aruin. Delved, offus deorum numerus carre. Delicious, Vw vis. A delver, follor. Deifird, divus fretus, in divos el.. tus. D:1 co fly, urviter. A darving fofio, A de fying, hominis in deos solutio. · DELIGHT, volupt.isdele&tio, ob. 'A deluge (f.od) diluvium, cataclyſ- To dei'n, digner. loa sio, left imenium. I am: mus, duvios, inundatio. A deigning, dignatio. weary of thoſe delights, Sariolas Delvin (in Ireland] Delvinia. De'nty, delicatis, Su Dainty. j:m. let yorum Aurijorum.*1'. A demagogue, factionis anicfignanus. Dcirhu: It (in Gloucefier;nire] Deiro can ne er be ital'ed with that do- A demain, reditus, ús. 111: light, eâ fatiari delea.it one non The king's demain, whtigal regium. Derwald (.in Yo-khire ] Drirorum illurr. of the demain. viktigalitius. Sylv.2. To delighs for be delightful to] de- A DEMAND, populatum, rogatum, A deiſt, cajia. lacto, oblecko, j-vo, animura faevits quæftio, petisio. * He makes his The deity, deitas, nutter.. to explore de rand, peſuatum interponit. A DELAY, mori, forditas, canetatio. To defight or (neut.13 delator, ob Know the'r demands, vide quid • He makes n. deiay, ile verò Take delight, leftor, amo, poftulani. * Het demands arc just, non practiſingl, Yol, made no conquiefco, mor, gelio take jus priulai. delay at all, no nin mim quidem delight in that, in co me oble£to. *I A little dömand, rogaticoule. meram interpofuißi. The rest took a great deal of delight in his of a demand, paritarius, poßulato. made delays, raieri iun:7.pantur. talk, cjus farmoni cupidè frusdur, rius. * He cannot abidc delays, moras Delights, delicia. To d:mand,. poſco, poftulo, requiro, malè fort. It delights, juvat; imperf. Julcitor.. *I dcroand of you for A little dclay, morudi. Delighied, oblees ilus. what reaſon ? quæro abs te querı ? Without de ay, ineundantıy. ID:lightful, , deler * Having demanded whenco he mut , tabilis. was, bujus requifitá origine. delay, are inora ulla off quin en A delightful exerciſe, exercitium ju. To deand bail for appearance, uxorem ducam. ciendum, retroalio, refoltio. vadari reun, To delay (al ) comperendinn, ininr. Delightfully, calo, procreſino, prolaio, prysraho. * Delightlomely, To dem:int a debt, debitum exigere, } jucunde. To demand that one be puniſhed, He delays it to the left, in ulti- A delight!ng, oblet :tio. ad poenis aliquen repofcera, mum defort. * When hc' had de- To delincale, delineo, adumbro. To demand reparation, res ripetere. 1 yed, quum is ciem de dis referrat. Delinçated, deline.utus, adumbratus, To hear one's demands, de alicujus * He delayed it till wintei. rum A delineating, } dalinestio, acius puulatis recognofcere. in byemsni produxit. .* Id:layed Delication, brasio, Demanded, pulstus, rogatus, requi. not the doing of it, jins Bora! A delinquent, delinquens, noxius. forus, *xagus, peritur. fes, To delicate (dote) delito. A demandant, poftulator, petilor, To delay (neut.] cunator, 1950or. Delrious, delirus. A demander, } rogator ; m. To delay thº try of a ſuit, cogni. 1o DELIVER [to) trado. poflulatrix, tionem diferte. Delivered :), traditus. A buſy demander, percontator. Delayed, Jilatus, comparendinatus, To deliver f.om, libera, expedio, Demanding, poftulabundus, } prorraſtinalas; Delivered out of, gripio. *De. A demanding, tofularia, poßulatus, Delayed (as wine) dilulus. liver me froin this grief, eripe partio, pesnius, parconiatio, interros A deliyer, cuna ator, dilater. mibi hun doloren. gatio. A delaying, dilatio, comperendinatio, To deliver down f.omn hand to hand A frequent demanding, rogitatio. pro rafinatio, prolatin, protruftio. per manus tradere. To deinein one's ſelf, fı gerere. A delaying of judgment, ampliado. To deliver into one's bands, in ali- | A demcanour, habitus, otores Delaying, curtabundus. cujus oneftatem trudere. Demcrit, culpa, nox.i. To delay wine, vinum teraperare; To deliver (as a midwife) obielri- A demi-canon, canon dimidius, tor. mitigare. m: canda em allira. mentum medium. Delectable, deletabili, gritus, jucun. To deliver [a (peech) narro. A deini-god, fomideus. dus, menus. To delivor up, refigna. Demigration, demigratio. Delectab'cneſs, jucundit is, amenitus. To deliver up (betray) prodo. A domi.lance, baja velicaris. Delectableneſs in ſpeech, ful, ve- A deliverance. liberatia, expeditio, To demiſe (let to farm] loco, aloco. nu::. abfolutio. Demiſed, locatus. Deceably, amen der, jucundè, vi- 'Woman's del veranče, puerperium. Demiſs humble) demiffus, fubinif- nuße. To be del vered of young, putio. Jur. Dietition, deleat: rnmtum. Aineis is delivered of two A demiffion, demiſio. Gven in dil: Station, woluptuarius. boys gaininos Acineni enix, s. Demit: iof (in Muftevy). Demilriovia. To delegate (20polot) selezo. Dvered refto.ed] radilus, Democ acy, democratis. A delegate delezsinis, i; m. Dc.jvcred fion lerntus, expediens, Decocratical, democraticus, Delcgated, delog: sus, a, 1973 maplui, folui!!! To demo.ith, demolior, dirus, fub- A delegation, delegario. Dive ed of child, enixus cmnixus Dolcifical, initial forines. A delivererliberutor, feruntur, vin. De ol: Merl, dirutus, fubuerfus. A deletion [blotting out) deletio. dex. A de noliſher, dirutor. A delf in'nal fodina. A deliverer to, 2. traditor, oris ; A deinol ſhing, Duilt In H !!:nd; Delohi. Delivered up, demolili. Demo it.o To di liberale, delizeio, confue:10, owo A delivering. } liberalio. A demon, demon. Deinoniacal, dæmoniacus, a, um. Deliveräte (all.1 confultus, prudens. A woman's delivery, parlus, puerpe. A demoniack, demoniacus, i; m. rizm, Dei:borated, dulsberaius, To demonſtrate, demonftro. verio. } . A de. 1 } Latio. DEN D EP DE R A demonſtrating, demonftratio,onis ; Men deny, nezarur ; imperſ. part. Depoled, depofitus, deprivoius, deprele Demonſtration, A denial, denegatio, rerulja. Jus, exufioratus, a, um. Demonſtrative, demonftrativus, apo- Fuil of denial, negabundus. To depoſit, devono 3. pirmo, 1. dia:cus, a, um , adj. Of or belonging to denial, negatorius, A depofitary, sequeber, Jepopiarius, Demonttratively, demonjrative; adv. a, 'um. depofiri cujos. A demonſtrator, demonfirntor, 3. m. Self-denial, abnegatio fui. Depoſited on oath, jurejurando ofir- malus, A dempiter (a judge in the ide of Denied, negatus, repulfus. You Man) arbiter, fequefter, i; m. Thall not be denied, nullam pa- A depoſition, depofirio, onis ; f. Démure, taciturnus, modelus, verre · tiers repulfam. A depoſition of witneffes, reftatio; f. cundus, sanctitatem & feveritatem A denier, inficiator, negator, oris; m. To DEPRAVE. depravo, 1. perverto, 3. pra ſi forens. A denier ſpenny) denarius, i; i. corrumpo, 3. * There is no benefit which mslice may not deprave, Very demure, permodefus, peruera- A denying, inficiatio, negario, onis. cundus, a, um;'ad). Denzil (a man's name] Denzillus. nulium eft tam plenum beneficium Demure!y, modefti, verreunde, A deodand, deidandum, di ; n, quod non ve!licare malignitas poteft, Depraved, deprauatus, mendofus. Demurencis,modeftia, verecundia,e;f. Deodate [a man's name) Deodatus. A demur, mora, re; rxceptio, Tą dcpaint, depingo, čri. A depraver, corruptor, oris; m. A dempurrer, onis ; f. TO DEPART, difcedo, abfredo, r- A depraving, 1 depr. va.io, corruptio, To demur, demorari, exceptionima or cedo, 3. We will de part at the Depravation, 's perverfio, 3. f. moram a&ticni objicire. time appointed, ad conftitutuus di. To deprecate, deprecor, atominor, I. A demurring, exceptionis objeétio, di- em drcedemus. • After I departed A deprecation, deprecatio, onis ; f. from you, ut abii abs te. To depreciate, deprecior, ori. A demy (at Mag. Coll. Oxon.] deni. To depart out of office, abire magi- Depredah's, prædat.oni obnoxius. fociui, i;m. Bratu. Depredation (robbery] dep: ædatio, A den, anirum, ſpolunca, latibulum, To depart from the truth, aberrare 3, f. latrocinium, ii ; n. latebra, caverta, Sperus, à vero. To deprehend, de réhando, ere; act. To lurk in a den, delitefan, luftror. To give one leave to depart, alicui To depreſs, gep. imo, čre ; 'act. Full of dens, latabrosus. difcedendi potejlarem facere. Depreffed, deprallus, a, um, part. Denbigh [in Wales) Denbighia. To depart this life is too leto pretende depressions, depresio, onis ; f. Dender (a river in Flunders] Tenera, Dendermond, [in Flanders! Tent- de vita migrare. My mother is To deprive, privo, orbo, fpolio, are, Dermond, } ramunda, lately departed this life, motor To deprive of honours, bonoribus ex: Dendrology (a treatiſe of trees] den- mortua eft nuper, inere. drologia. To depart out of, emigro, I. «XCO, 4. To deprive of authority, mojej Jasen Denia (in Valmtia) Dianium. * She promiſed to depart out of alicui eripere. Denici, donarius Galli 115. the houſe, pollicira efi es lo con- To deprive of life, exanimo, qnina Denis la man's r.anie] Dionyfius, i. sufuram ex ædibus. privire. Denis la woman's name) Dionyfia. Departed [gone) profc&us, a, um, Deprived, priv-t45, orbatus, Spaliatus, Denmark, Denis, Cimbrica Cherson Departed this lifis defunctus, de exutus; part. * 'A city deprived nefüs, airiuw, a, um, of citizens, urbs viduara civibus, Of Denmaik, Danicus, Cimbricus, A departer, purzator, metalli puri Depriving, privans, privativus. ab impuro jejunaor. D.01.20%,"; } civis, vil A departing, į difeflus, deelſus, abi. Deprivation; } privasio , orbario, conii; To denominatc, denomine, art. A departure, tus, ús; m. Deptfori [in Kent] Profúndum v4. Denominated denominatus, a, um. A departing forth, profeétio, onis ;. f. dun. A denominator, denominator, 3. m. A departing this life, obitus, ús; m. Depth, profunditas, atis ; f. A denominating, 2 denominatio, To depeach [acquit] ebfolvo, romitse, A swallowing depth, 2 charybdis, is; } Denomination, Unfat:able depth, } To denorc, denogo, art. A defeaching; abſolutio, onis ; f. To dcpucelate, devirgino, art. Denoted, denstatus, a, um, Depeculation, depesulario, onis ; f. Depurate (cleanſed) depuratus. A de oting, denotatio, onis; f. To dcpend, pendeo, dependeo, 2. n. Depuration, depurutie, onis; f. To denouace, denuncio, edico, indico. To depend of, conilo, 1. confilo, 34 To depuic, depuro, allego, alligno, l. Denounced, dmunciatus, indians. To depend on onc, aliquo niti, ab a- Deputed, allegalus, delegatus. A denouncer, denunciator, oris ; m. Piguo sendore, alicui 'confidere. A deputy, vicarius, legatus, oprio. A dcaouncing, dmunciatio, declara. The cauſe depends, fub judice lis ef. The depoty of a ward, phylarcha, tio, indi&io, onis ; f. A dependence, innixio, onis; tribunus populi. Denſhire, as Druonbire. Dependency, f. A midwife's deputy.obftetrix vicarias To denMire land, agrum, exurere. A mutual dependency, mutua inter A lord deputy of a province, prorex. colire terram Drvonienfum ritu. Set duas partes ratio. To deraign[provc] arguo, 3. probo, s. Devorſhire. Dereliction, derelitio, onis ; f. Derick. See Theodrick. Density (thickneſs] denfitas, 'atis ; f. Depending; } nixus, a, um. A dent (diot) contufio, onis ; f. Depilation, depilario, onis; f. To deride derider, irrides, ére, A dent (notch) cena, ne; f. Depilatory, depilatorius, a, um. Derided, deriſus, a, um. To dent, contundo, ért ; act. A depilatory, dropax, dofluvii pilcrur | A deridcr, irriſor, oris; m. Dental, dentalis, dentibus formatus. cffcions. A derider in a play, Sannio, onis; m. Dented, contufus, trmatus, a, um. Depiloos, depilis, le ;'adj. 3 art. Deriding. Sutyricus, a, um, adj. Dentels [in architectorc] dansuli. A dcplanting, deplantatio, onis; f. A deriding, { irrifio, 3. fi irrijus, 4 A dontifrice, dentiſricium, i ; n. Deplorable, deplorabilis, le ; adj. Derilion, in. Dentiloquent, deniiloquus, blafus: To dep!ore, deplori, are. To have in deriſion, derijui hoberi, A denunciation, donunciatio, com- Deplored, duploratus, a, um. Derivative, derivativus, deduirius. minatio. Deploring, deplorabundus, a, um, To derive [act.) dorivo, r. deduco, 3. TO DENY, nego, dmego, 1. difiteor, A deploring, deploratio, onis; f. To derive from (neot.] procedo, fluo, 2. * I do not deny it, nec inficias A dcponcnt (witneſs teftis juralus. originem durare. *. * He will deny it, ille infcias A verb deponcot, verbum depongs. Derived, derivatus, dedu&us; part: ibit. * Never deny it, ne nega. * To depopulate, populor, depopulor, 1. A deriving, derivario, deduario, Could I deny i an poteram inficiari? Depopulated, vaſuus, a, um. Derivation, $ onis; f. To deny th: faith, fidem abnegara A depopulator, depopulator, oris ; m. Derri, dirur. a, um; ctrox, oris; adj. abrenunciart. depopulatio, Dern (lonely] jolirariu:, .lus. To deny one entrance into the Depopulation, . To derogate, derogo, 1. detrabo 3. town, oppidum prohibere. To deport one's felf, fo gerere, Derogatory; } Derogating, 1 dehono? ans,' antrasto- To deny with an oa:h, abjuro, dejero. Dcportation, deporlutio, ond;';. f. To deny ftiffily, pernigo, áro; Deportation, converjario, eglus. A derogating, detraatio, onis ; Deny utterly, act. To depoſe, ex auctoro, loro nevart. A derogation To deny with nodding, sbriuo, čre. ro depoſć by oath, jurejurando af- An act of derogation, dehoneftamm- To dery aloud, reclamo, art. firmate, liquide jurare. 0 Derpt, 3. f. gurges, itis, A depopulating, } comis; f. TIUS. }. 1 DURO D E S DES DES: Derpt, tin. Liefland Torpa- without defert, immerite, injuria. Deliriously, cupidi, avida, ludicia. Derben, } Dery Lin Trel ondj Derma, Reboritun. TO DESERVE Incut.] mergor,comme- A defiſting, derrlictio, onis ; f. Dertford (in Kent). Dermli vidum. repr, 2. * It is no more than what A desk, Pluteus, abacus, 2. m. monja A dervecs, fscarilor Turcicus. you deſerve, merilun siltur, Scriptoria: Derwaith cynic (in Ireland) Der. You thiok you.deferve to be prail Delipond (in Ireland) Delmonia. wartha. ed for that.id tibi laydi duen. * Delolate, Lafertus, volius, a, um.. A deſart, deferiun. Sie Defert. A faule that deſerves to be punith. Delolate [full of grief) mejlus, meer Deſcinto difcanius, paraphrufs. ed, facinus animaduerndum. I rore plemus. To deſcant, deſcrved it, jure obtigis. served as to make defolate, vajia, devajo, po- } alfantu, utia Sing deſcant he deferred, omului ex virtutibus, puler, . To deſcant, upon, enarro, ark, * She deſerved to be remembered Made defolate, divaſlatur part. To DESCEND, defiende, žre; neot. by yqu, merita ut ut memer. DeA making deſolate, vajlatio, onis; f. To delcend fro:n some itock, genus Jui. I have deſerved no ſuch thing. Delolately, vapi, meje; adv. ab aliquo ducere. at your hands, iminerilo mes bocfacis. Deſolatencís, i defolario, depopulatio, Deſcended, crius, natus, oriundus;To defcrve it, malè merær. Deſolation, vifiities, ruina, , adj. * Stock deſcended of Enis, To delcrve well, banta sarrior. To DESPAIR, dejpero, i. animum genus ab fra demiluin. Deſerved. debirus, dignus, a, um. difpondero, lpem abjicere. Descending, oclivis, ve; adj. 3. art. Having deferved, moribus, a, um, Deſpair, desperatio f. animi dan A deſcend ng, daſtenſus, lli; m. Deſerved!y, meritè ; ady, spondentis, ipei abiegio. A deſcéni,,de:Tivitas, f. defrenfusim A dcferving perfon, vir Lignus. Delpa:sed of," dofperatus, deporatus, salivium,i; Well deſerving, beni moritus. depofius, de quo conclamatuim ol. Aground deliciending,} n. Deſiccativs, defccandi potens, exfc- Deſpairing, defperabundus; so um, A deſcent (offspring, progmies, .si ; candi fax. A deſpairing, defperatio, onis; propage, inss ; prof. pia, c. A deſign, meitio ; f. inceptum, i; n. Defperation, A delcent (invasion! impetus, ü; To delign, molior, 4. defigna, I. Deſperate, exfoes. in. jrruptio, onis, f. Deſignacive, defignatinus, a, um. Delperate boldncis, audacia projets To make a defoent, irrunt, in- Deſigned, defignatus, a, um ; part. ar prorupta. farto je in regiunea bolicam. Dengncdly, de induſtria. To grow deſperate, ſpem abjicere, in To dcfcrib:, dijcrive, depingo, exprj. A dergoer, defignator, oris ; m. aperta flagišia conjici, mo, ore ; ad. A deſigaing, defignario, onii ; f. Deſperately, deſperaid, inconfulton , Deſcribed, deſcriptus, depiaul, ex. A defgnment, molitio; f. conatus ; m. pirdilè, triferè ; adv. profus, a, um, part. DESIRE, defiderium;n, cupido; f, Axe Deſperatencís, audacia intconſulta. A deſcriber, deferiptor, oris; m. dium, unum, z. His deſire is ac. Despicable, abjc&us,conuemptibilis,dilis, A deſcriber of countries, chorogra compliched, daranatur voli. * You Despicably, contemptibiliter ; adv. phus..pbs.im had a greater dcfire to do it than Deloight, invidia oblimasa, indignatio, A defcriber of the carth, geographus, 1, in so cu maipfum cupiditose vieifi. TO DESPISE, contemno, fperne, 3. af- A deſcr:ber of a place, topographus. • I have a de fire to know, foire perñor, I. nullo loco mimgrare,magno A deſcr:ber of the world, cofinogra- Which I have a great cum faßidio preisrire ; nibili aflima- pbui bi; . deſire to, quod valde polo. vi, duceri. To deſpiſe wor!dly A deſcribing, dekriptio, onis } onis ; A dcñre (requeſt frogatio ; f. rogatus, things, manduni omnia negligere. Deſcription, f. 4. m. petitio, preces, 3... f. the Is To be defpiſcd, pornor, 3. jac60, 2.0. The deſcription of a coüatry, choro. this your defic? boccine quan- Deſpiſed, contempius, foliditus, nego graphia, a; f. viſi? It is not my deſire licus, a, un ; part. A defcription of the earth, grogra Ibat-,, nihil poftulo ul., A deſpiſer, rontempor, oris ; m.com pbia, a; f. An humble dcfire, obiellatio, onis ; f. Temptrix, icis ; f. The deſcription of a place, topogra- To deſire, cupio, defidero. I deaca delpiring, defpe&tus, deſpicatus,con- phia, a; f. no more, las babio. He deſires to templus, us; m. The deſcription of the world, cof [peak with me, me conventum e Deſpight, invidia, 1. indignatio, 3.00- mographia,. a; f. szpitis. I delire to ſee you as probrium, 2. contemptus, depi&tus. To deſcry, prodo, dotégo, confpicio. ſoon as may be, le oxopio quam In deſpite ofone, ingrariis, aljo invito. A deſcryiog, deteftio, 3. f. confpectus, primùm vidare. There was no- Deſpiteful, anromptuous, a, um, adı. ús; m. obfervatio, onis ; f. thing that I deſired more than, Deſpitefully,contemptuosè contumeliosč. A defert (wildernels] locke derius, nihil mihi potius fuit quàin. To deſpoil, Spokio, nudo, Are; aci. deferta, orum; pl. n. defertum, liTo defire (requestj oro, 1, peto, raqus-Deſpoiled, nudatus, fpoliasüs ; part. n. tremus, i ; f. folitudo, inis; f. 70;3.*1 deſire you to let him come A deſpoiling, Spoliatio, 3. f. To live. In a defert, in folitudine back, 1 ovo ut vedest. 1 delire bull ro deſpond, animim despondere. vitam agere. To retire into a this of you, hocinado si obferro. Deſpondency, difperätio, 3. f. deſert, in ſolitudinea diſcedere or He deſires but reaſon, aguuma poliu. A deſpot Llovereign lord] princepi, fe conferre. lat. . They had deſired to be pat monariba; m. To makc defert (as an enemy de upon that ſervice, id fibi muneris Deſfaw fia Germany) Diffuvia. ſtroys an enemy's counu y] popu depoplurani. * He deſired me to. The deſiert (at i fčást) billaria,fra- lor, vafo, I. do what I could, egit máum up gemata,. De pl. Defert, deferius, a, inm; adj. darein operam. To destine,, j deftine, defigno, are ; To deſert (forſaké] deſero, dellilso, To delire inmbly, supplico, are: Deſtinate, dafinatus, devotus, a, To deſert his colours (as a ſoldie: To delic for God's ſake, oblekor, 1. Deftinated, im. does who runs away) fine miffons à To defire importunately, Nagito, 2. A definating, destinatio, defigna- fignis, ab exorcilu or à cupris difco- A defire unto, appetitus, ús; m. Deitination, } tio, onis ; 1. dere milione non obientâ exércitum Having his deſire, compos ver! Deſtiny, falun, i insors, fortis ; f deforore. By deure, procariò, opturo; adv. The destinies, Parca, urum ;, f. DEŞERT (merit) meritum, promeria According to one's degre, sa fo: Deſtiny teaders, fatidici, orum ; m. 'tum, i, n. He ſhall have his de. lentia, ex animo. of deítiny, faralis; lo; adj. 3. art. fest, premium ſi dignum roret. Ac- Défircable, cording to my delert , promo as me to be desired,} efiderabilis , exop By deſtiny, fasalior adv. Deft;tute, egenus, a, uinjinops, piszadj. reor, ex merito. "Let him Haye ac, Defired; ppratus, a, um, part. 'To leave deftitute, inopor derelin- cording to his deler , quod meritus Greitly, desired, expelitus, a, um. gure, defliruo. fit farar. Let everyone have ac. More to be deſired, polior, ius ; adj, Léft deſtituts, difitutus, dereli&tus, cording to h:s defert, pro dignitate a desirer, regator, precator, 3. m. orbatus, orbus, a, umjP.GA. cuique tribuarur. * Confideration Defirin, cupims, sis; pars. TO, DESTROY'(act.] gordo, confudio, Mould be had of delert, delectus A deſing, precatio, effugitario, ohfe. dirko, 3: *To dcitroy, a town, efet dignitatis. creio, oniks, f. ospidam ixcidio dare.. A deſcrier, de orior, oris ; in, Iran Dulirous, avidus, cupidus, a, um, To deſtray, all with fire and ſword, fuga, ain Very delirous, per:upidus, a, um;adj. omnia in cmidio vijiare. mon.com 1 1 } facio, ěrá. DET D EV DE W To's: deſtroyed (neut.] difperto, in- 1 habire, in aliquem odio fagrare, gmium. * Let us deviſe how, com tpreo, 4 corrumpor, 3. canie pojw & angur odio. i mentemur qua ratione. What wick- Diftroy'd; perditas, Hiruduf, corres, Detotable, deteftabiiis, execrandus, cdneſs can any one deviſe!quid fero diſperdrtus, Iubifáaus. * The cleles nefandus, odiolus, exojus, a, um. leris excogitari potef? * He deviſed doft. oya and ruinaied, urbes di Deteſtably, execrabiliter, flagitiosè, a way to ſave the fenate, rationem ruta, XLISA, Godeferta.. ' * Men ödrose; adv. iniit quâ fenatum fervard. deſtroyed. by mens violence, ha- A deteſtation, deeflatio, abomina-) To deviſe (imagine) arilor, 1, mines insetu deleti , tio, onis ; f. To deviſe (frame or' faſhion] forme, A deſtroyer, pirditor, deletor, ever. Derefted, ricosur, porosus, odio babitus. 1. fingo, xi, 3: for, populotor, vajator. A detefter, detefator, ofor, oris; m. To deviſe before-hand, oranrditor. Deltroying, ixilialis, exitioſus ; adj. Detciting, abominatui, awrfus, exo- To deviſe craftily, machiner, ari. A deitroying; perditio, onis ; f. "Jus, a, um ; part. To deviſe by will, legare. The deſtroying of a city, excidium, To dethrune, folio deturbare. Deviſed, excogitatus, commun:iti's, : wibis qviffio. Dethroned, folio dalurbatus. confiitus. Given to deftroying, popul bundas. All action of det nuc, afl. fequifra- Craftily deviſed, machino'us; adj. Deſtruction, cuári, 11; T.exitium,2,1. ria, a&tio depofiti. A deviſee, legnsorjus, ri; m. interitus, di, mi labes, 3. ruini, & ; To detract from, detraho, laudes ali. A deviſer, ex ogitator, inventar, come f. * Thon haft ercaped preſent cujui obierers, malignà laudare, mentor, machinator, oris ; m. deſtructior, că fuucibus fati preprus Detracted from, calunnia lefus. Fill of deviſing meditabundus ; adj. * A pitifal diſtraction comes A detracter, detra∨ calumniator. The Devifces (in Wilſbire] Devife. to trees and corn,' mijäranda lui A detracting, detra&io, 3. calumnia, A deviſor, oftator, oris ; m. vinit Sybarihús atque raris. Detraction, 1. detra&uio, 3. f. Devold, vacuus, a, 1192; adj. An' uiter dcftru&tion, interne:10, 3. f. Detracting detra&urius, contumeli. Devoir (duty) offium, i; B. Deſtruction Llaying watte) population Détçà&ivě, 3 ofus, a, um, adj. To devolve, develor, iro. depopulusid, diroprio, onis ; f. Detriment, detrimentum, ti; n. Devolved, devoluti!, a, um ; part. Detrimental adj. damnofus, in. A devolving, devolutie, onis , } Defultory, defültorius, a, um, ad). Fali of detriment, } commidus. Devolution, f. To detain, detingo, ere; JA. To detrude, detrudo, dère, Devonſhire, Droonia, Dannonia, Detained, detenius, a, ure. Devaſtation, drviatio, onis ; f. Damnoniorum regio. A detainer, inficiator, orijim: Deventer (in Over Y]jal]' Daventria. Devonſhire , adj. -Domnucenti, A detaining, delencio, retintio, 3. f. } To devcít, «x60, 3. Srolio, I. nudo, 1. Of Devonſhire, Dimnonimi. To detect, detego, rotego, indice; pale- Devett:d, 'vele exutus, Jpoliatus. To devonſhire land, capitis in pulve- Devexity, drvexitas, olis ; f. Tein redados terræ infpörgere, injicere. To be detested, patuffon, ieri ; neut. To deviáte, devio, erro, 1. defieâo, 3. To devole, dovouw, confecro, dedico. Detected, raiais, proditus ; part. A deviating, error; m. aberratio, 3.1. Devored, dewius, confecratus, ad- A detcaer, driador, ruedor, oris; m. Deviation, deviatio, onis ; f. di&us, a, um ; P. A. A detecting, rurale, dereliio, Adevice (or cunning trick I præftigia, A devoiing, oddiaio, dedicatio, 3. f. Detection, onis f. pli techna; f dolusim. 8ex deviſe. ] Devotion, devotio, 3. pietas, aris; f. To detenebrate, tenebras difcutane. A device [ contrivance, tratagen) Full of devotion, devadus, forvidus, Detention, détentio, onis ; f. commentum, 2. excogitatió, 3. inumin religiofus, a, um, adj. To determine (purpoſe) Barut, com: rio, 3. mrihinatio. 3. 1. Counterfeic devotion. fimulata fance stuo, 3j cogird; 1. deino, ari; act. A device (fiction, pretence, or inven sitas, pietatis efmtatio. To determine cena) dolomino, do tion) commenluta, 2. n. fabula, 1.f. To be at devotion, rei divina operam finio,4. decerno, 3. dirimo, 3 dowlu- A device for a Inteld, C.] Symbo dare, do, cornpono, 3. cxpedio 4 decido, luni, 2. figura hieroglyphica scula To be at another's devotion, nutum, To determine (acut.) fari. fententia uil adagio pipata. ejus religiosè ; obferuaro, morem ad To determiae batchelor of arts) To devidc, divido. Se divide. amuſlim gerere. gradum baccalaureatüs capiffere. The Devil, diabolus, 2. darron, onir; To devour, voro, deuoro, 1. deglutie, Determinate, dàterminatus. m. The devil rebukes Gin, Clodius 4. ingurgiro, are ; act. Determinately, determinate, precise, aucufat ne bos. *When the devilts Devoured, voratus, devoratus. definite ; ady blind, quo dio orcus mortuos ab Sibe- A de ourer, «dax, vorax, acis. A determination, determinatio, deci ronte dimiferit. # As the devil loves A greedy devourer, billuo, onis; m. fio, tranſactio, onis ; f. holy water, ficut fus am a ricinum. A devoorer of his cftate, lurro, onis; DÉTERMINED (purpoſed) propofi * The devil take thcc, abi in ma nepos, otis ; prodigus, gi; m. jus, deiiberoris. * Fan To deter lan tein, dii 1s ataque perduins. Devouring, «d1%, vorax, rapex; adj. mined, fic deliberarum o mihi: If A The devil, proferpina, menas;fami. Devouring Acrh, camivørus ; adj. it be to determined, ilhuita nd intemperiis afta, furort percita. A devouring, devoratio, 3. voracitas, tibi certum at l'an determind The devil's bit [in an apple) umbi. 3. dacilas, 3. ingurgitatio. 3. f. not to leffen the forces, Alat fen licui pomi. Devouringly, veracitár, gulosè i adv. tensia non minvere copias. The devil's bit (herb) morfus diaboli. Devout,devolus pius religiofus, ſandw. Determined (concluded]determinatus, The devil.fifh, ranı pifcatrix. Devout only in ſhew, hypocrita, I.m. adus, judicatus, derijus, compofitus, Devil's dirt, terra vitriolaris. Devoutly, devotè, piè, religiosè, funaè. concluſus, finitus, a, um. * The The devil's dung (a medicinc) ola To pray devoutly, ardenter or for- matter must be deterinin'd by sætida. vidè precari. fomc arbitrator, rol dirimenda Devil's milk (herb) tilbymallus. Devoutneſs, pietas, 3. religio, 3. Jania alicujus arbitrio. The devil's gold ring (a caterpillar] timonia, I. fan&titas, 3. f. Determin'd beforehand, prajudica convolvulus, Devreux (the family Di Ebroicis., tus, præfinitus, a, um, part. Deviliſh, diabolicus, damoniacus, lar- A deuſan, pomum durum diu incorrup- Determin'd' by judgment, cognitus faraus, a, um, adi. um manens. adjudicatai, a, um, part. Devilith [exceeding) admodum, op. Deuteronomy, Deuteronomium, i; n. I am determind, confiitutum eff,care Deix Pons in Germany) Bipont: uin. Hivě dctermind. I tuor. I have Deviliſhly, diabolicè; adv. The dew, ros, oris ; m. · determind with myſelf to ſing Deviliſhneſs, furor diabolicus. To dew, roro, intora, 1.-Tore con placebo in all points, egomet mibi A DEVISE, Ixcogitario, meditatio, de-Betew,' } Spergo. imperavi omnia afrontari. They fignatio, 3. f. rogitatum, commen- To begin to dow, roreſco, ère ; . haye determin'd either to con tum, 2 n. mashina, I. f. M:11-dcw melligo, inis ; f. quer or die, obflinavmunt lo animis The deviſe of a ſhield, embloma, atis; | Wet with dew, roratus, rofcidus. aut vin era aut mori. 11. fymbolub, figura hieroglyphica a- Dew-berries, baccæ rubi repentis, Determining, definitivus, a, um, adj. cuta fententia vel ad igio Mipato. Dewy, roralis, le ; roridus ; adj. To deter (frighten] terrio, abjerres. To deviſe (invent) excogito, machinor, A dewing, roratio ; f. roris af- To deter (diffuade] retarde, avoce, I. I. comminiſcor, enius Jum; fingo, 3. Falling of dew, $ perfio. diduco, ere. ofing, invenio, adinvenio, 3. *AS) A dew.claw, unguis policus, salaris. Deterred, delerritus, abflerritus, far as thc wit of man could deviſe, Dew-clawed, talariis infructus une To DETEST, detejtor, abominor, odio quantum comm. niſi valet hominis in. puibus, 0 % Rew. 1 ; ? osome : . . 1 + to ? - DIE DIF DIG Dow-grals, gremen roris, ijibanon PU DIE, morior, 4. ebao, 4. insera, 4. ! colloquia controuerhas camponma jutivum, occido, 3. concido, 3. morten oppalaie. Different, diverſus, difcrepans, din A dew-lap, paleare, is; n. He died two years ago, abbinc Differing, spar, abfimilis; ad). The dewcej ciras, ädis; f. annos duos mortuus el. On the To be different from, difconvenio, 4. Dewce take it! mald vertat! very Dexterity, dexteritus, agilitas, 3. f. die quo exceſie e vira. * Before he with difference, } variè ; 'adv. Dexterous, agilis, ke; adi. 3 art. dicd, antequam è. vitâ diftederat. A differing, difcrepantia, &; f. Dextcrouny, agiliter ; adv. No not if I ſhould have died for it, Difficult, dificilis, arduus, gravis, Diabolical, diétolicus, fog um ; adj. 72011 me occidiffis. * We muſt moleftus ; adi. Diabolically, djatolicé ; adv. all die, amnes rodon cogimu. Very difficult, perdifficilis, lo; ad). A diadein, diadema, otis ; n. To die in a thing, er Itand upon it Somewhat difficult, fubdifficilis į ad), Diagonal, diagonalis, lt; adj. 3 art. till death, inmorior, iri. With difficulty, dificulierjagre,opa: . Diagonally, diagonaliter; adv. Todic ſuddenly, mortefubitaneâ corripi. Difficultly, i A diagram, disgramni, aris ; n. . To die as: a malefactor, ultimo fue- Difficulty, difficultas, gris; f. A dial, horelogium,,!; n plicio cfici. Diffidence, diffidentia, &; f. A ſun-dial, filarium horologiuma solare. To die (as beer, s.) vapporo, 3. Diffident, diffidens, tis; adj. 3. art. A water-dial, clepſydra. venio corumpi, vappam fiori, in vap - To diffuſe, diffundo, čre ; aa. A pilot's dial, Pyxis nautica, pam verti, ſaporem & odorem genu- Diffured, diffifus, a, um. Diffuredly, difusè į ady. Condemned , diftuloonis ; A dial-waker, homologiarius. capisis condemnatus. Diganwy [inc.ernarvonline] Didum. A dialect, dialect.is, Like to die, moribundus fermè mo-The diges, juris volumina in proprios A dialogue, diulo us, collequium. ready digeja locos ; digella i pandeda.. The diameter,.diametrus. to dic for thirſt, fti eneétus fum. To digef (Ict in order] digero. Diametrically, ex diametro, directe • When he war ready to die for. To digelt (meat? digero, concequo. A diamond, ademas, ntis, hunges, cum fome morer liur. To dgeſt perfeâly, decoquo, perco. Diainond, adj. 7 adamantius, A dying, obilus, ús., m. quo, ore; 20. Of or like a diamond, 3 adainantinus. A die, alea. To digeſt (by, ſleeping) sdormiſco, 3 Diamond cut, angulatus. A die or dyc [colour] color ; m. Digefted (let in order) digefius. The diamond at cards, Thombus.. .. tinktura; f. Digeſted ( as mcatj digelus, consc&us, Diana [:: woman's name] Diana, To die [colours] tingo, 3. coloribus a, um ; pail. A daparon, dispafon. pannum inficeri. Not digeſted, crudus, a, um, adj. Diaper, velis ftriata. Adie-houſe, oficina tinctoria. D: eft:on, To di iper, jiriara, floribus interfiin- A dicr, tin&tcr, oris ; m. digeflio, concoctio, come } Digeſting, feitio, onis; f. guere. A dei's.wile, vinetrix, iris ; f. Diers weed (herb] lutelu, ajfo Digeitive, pepticus, conciationis potens. Diapérid, Briztus, figuris variis dif-Dieben (in Saxony).Theba. o: cficiens. rindus, Dicp (in Saxony Deppa. Tó DIG, rodio, confodio. Diaphanous (tranſparent] pellucidus. D'ellen in Bovariu | Damafia, To dig about, circumfodio. Diaphorctick, dilci Jorius, a, uin, Dieft (in Brahant] Diella. To dig away from the roots of The diaphragm (midriff). diaphrog- i Diet, vifus, ús; m. trces, ablaqueo. mi, al's į n. A dict, diæ:n, medium viðûs regimen. To dig down, defodio, Diargument (part of Afa] Hyrcania. A dict of the empire, concilium, co- To dig in, infedio, -A diary ! day-book) ephemeris, rais; mit a, convenius ordinum imperii. d::es, jum. To diei, dielam or vitiús rationem To dig up, eru A d.bble ſetting-ſtick) paſtinum, prajcribere. To dig through, transfodio. Dicacity, Giezeilwd, atis ; f. To dig under, fufidio. D!cc, aléd, fixilli, tefera. Digged, foffui, confo/fus, a, um... To play at dice, alais iudere. Diered, ad præfcriptam viaüs ratio- Digged again, rifolus. A calt al dice; alcu julus. neon a cripius. Digged out, folus, erutus, , a, The plly at dice, ludus exlarius, 1:1- Dietenhoffen (in Germany] Divodu- Pigged up, lorun jeans tum, Tbrodonis villa. Digged through, parfolus; transfofus. D'ce, adja tularius, telirius, a, Dieuze [in Lorain Duodeciscum. Digged under, ſuffolus, a, um. } Of dice, umi Diex [in Provence). Decia, Decenfium Diuged into, infoJus, a, um. A dic:-box, Pyrg 45, orta, turricula. civitas, Which nidy be digged, relilisele;adj. A dicer, } aleütcr, 3.. alco, TO DIFFER[ncut Jdiffero;diſcrepor. Not to be digged up, incze:rpabilis, Dice player, onis; m. dijideo, 2. * Hidden virtue differs A digger, jelor, oris, m. A dice-houſe, taberna ale storia, fo iituie from buried Noth, paulum fe- A dgging, follio, 3. folura, re; rum alcolor item. pulice dinar inertie celata virtus, * A digging about, circumfeffio, onis; f. The keeper of a dicé-houſe, alezio Man and beaſt do chiefly differ in A digging about the roots, adliqua- ric tubermit dominus. this, inter hominem belluam hoc atio, onis ; f. Adicii, Salir. Sic dich. muxine interuf. * Your actio: dif- A digging into, infcio, onis ; f. A dichotomy, Gi hoismia. fers from the ſenſe of the law fuc- A digging under, futroño, onis ; f. A dickor of leather, peilirkin: deras. ium tuum à Jentmi.â legis diferepet. A digging up, sffelio, onis ; f. D'Aa'iy, di&ainius, diluinum.len * A Thrifty wan differs froin a co- To dighé (dreſs] orno, paro, s, in. D Etander, 3 pidireriggingiber børsenje. vetous man, di cordat parcus avaro, Itruo, 3. polio, 4. Falle d:cłany, chondris. To make to differ, 7 diflinguo, joc A dighting, ornatus, ús ; m. Tn dictate, lift, Ara. To cauſe to difför, ierno, čie. A cigit (number) numerus denario D:&tated, cift :US, A, um. A dfference, differentia, diſcrepantia, iniarior. A dclator, dict 1801','gris ; m, I f. diferiment, 2. 11. '* What dif- A digit (inch) digitus, 2. pellex, icis. Of a diétalo, dictatorius, a, um ; } Diaatorlike, forence there is octween man and A digitation, digitis defignatio, digilo- adj. wan! bomo Lumini yod pre Rut! rum fimulatse. Ad cialo' thip, dilniura, «; f. There is no great difference be- D gladiation, digladario, onis ; f. A diliona y, diajon.si juin, lexicon, tween them and the Peripateticks, Dian (worthy) dignus, a, um; adj. I did. €::; preter perf. of fucio, non mullùn à l'criptèticis dillident' Digne (in Provence.) Dinia. Daick, spus ad diendum, do * There is as inuch.difference bc- 7o dignily, orno, are; act. Didadical, icndi cfficux. tween,tantuin intereji inter. *Theie Dignificd, ornatus, a, um, part. A vidsoper, morgus, urinarrix. is ſome difference between sturing) A dignifying, ornatus, ús ; m. To diddc', algeo, 2. borres, 2. pra and itark mad, et inter Tanuim A dign tary dignitarius, ź m. frigoré fremere. mediten jocerumque Viuelli. Dignity, dign:1c1. 3. amplitudo, 3. f Adidaering, algor, horror, 3 m. Diff rence [contioverſy) lis, litis ; saj.:gium, 2. D. bonor, 3. titulys, Dido (a woma:'s rameDido, ús; f. difenso, onis; f. D: 1:1 Fruniej Diu, Dei, To ed differences by trealy, per To promote to dignity, nobililo, 1. Dignity 1 To die ontssfodio, eres Dieta adi } diesmicus, a, um f. ? 10. { num. CCTiOs. | A . dilidi. dimuutus, imin nuius, altesuarus. Direct, Dirceul, R, um. DIM DIR DIS, Dignity royal, mjaltas, atis ; f. diminiſhing, 7 diminutio, ex- To di et one's courſe, tendere. Of digni:ics, honorarius, a, um ; adj. A dininithinent, tenuatio, ele. To direct thc right way, viam mora To digrels, digredior, aberro, erogo, diminution, vatio, 3. f. Prari. are, triederi, ab inßituto fermoni Diminutive, diminutivus, a, um ; adj. Directed, præmonftratus, a, um.; digredi. Dimninutively. aiminutive; ady. Directed in the way, in viam dan A digrefling, 1 digrešio , digreffus, epi- Leiters dein.ffory, litere dimifforia'. dualus. Dijon (in Burgundy] Divio, Divio. Dimm ordim, objcures, obtusu, bebes: Direktive;} monfrans, tis ; adj. A dire&ting, monfiretio, onis ; f. To dijudicate, dijudico, art. Make dimm, } .obfcuro, hobeto , I. A dirc&ion, dire&tio, onis ; f. A dikc, fola, jf. Todimm the cyes, oculos præſlinguere, Directly, direétè, expresè ; adv. prafiringere. A dikc-grave, comarchus, aggerum iversen Direály against, è regione, ex'adverfo. To be dimn of sight, lippio, recutio, Directoeſs, rectitudo, nis; f. To dilacerate, dilacero, are. caligo. Directory,' dirigens, viam cremon- Dilacerated, Cilaceratus, a, um. One dimm of light, saligans, luſcio- Brans. Aidilecreaticing } dilacer . tio, onis; f. Dimmed, ob er mest herbalisti fus, lufius. A directory, liturgid Preslyterianza To dilapidate, dilapido, are. To be directly oppoſite, ex diametro Dilapidated, dilap:datus,no um. Dimly, obſcurè, ohtusè ; ady. cifars. Adilapidation,, dilep.datio; onis; f. Dimneſs, caligo, hoćetudo, obſcuritas. Dimneſs, Culigo, hoćetudo, obſcuritas. Direful, dirus, favus, atrox ; adj. Dilapidations, ruine, arum ; f. Dimneſs of light, caligario, oculoruin Diiges, exequiæ, nania fariebres. To dilate [inlarge) dilata, are. obtufo. Dirgh (a lake in Ireland) Dirgus. Dilatable, dilan bilis, les adj. A dimple, navus, menti felula or Dirichaw [in Prullia] Dirobovia. Dilaed, dilatus, a, ling (crobiculus. Diribitory, dirib ieriuin. A dilating, dilario, onis ; f. Dimpled, nævalus, a, um; cui adeß Dirity, dirilis, etis; f. A furgcon's dilatory, dilarium, la gelafinus. Dirt, lutum, cærum, i; n.fimui,i;m. (erandæ curi dilalandeque sacura Dinab (a woman's name) Dina. Dirty, coenolus, lutulentus. # He is ferraum infrumentum idoncum. Dinant (in uic Low Countries] Dinan. dirty fellow, illa non lurum 3 Dilatory, dilatorius, a, uis. lium, lutulentius. Dilatory pleas of exceptions, exlap. Dinant (in Bretagne] Dinarlium. To grow dirty, luteſco, ēre. tiones or prafcriptiones moraloril, To DINE, prandco. To dinc with Dirti.y, lutose, lurulentè ; adv. A dildo, penis fuccedaneus. duke Humphrey, famem opfonari. Dravility, impolenia: a; f.. A dilemma, dilemma, atis ; n. Having dined, pranjus, a, um, part. To diſable, infirmo, are. Diligence ceny , dil gentia, indurria, curs, A {dining shamber, franaculum.z. Dilabled informatius , a, um, To give all.gence, curam adbibere, 3. f. pramforium, 2. n. To dilabu e, errantem in viam veri- operam dare. To ding, allido, illido, incutio, in- : tatis seduceri. Diligent, diligens, fedulus, sliduws, figo. To diſaccord, riſcorde, dilencio. induftrius, fiudiofus, attentus. Ding-dong, campanarum tintinnatio. To diſaccuſtom, deinefaco, ère. To be diligent, jasago. ßudio, evigilo, To dingle-dangle, propendoo, ère. Difac:uſtomed, dejunius, a, um. animo excubare, Jummam indufiri. A dingle, corvallis. Ditaccuilom.cdncis det letudo, g. f. am adhihire. Dinkeipithel (in North Schwaben] D ſadvantage, incoramedum, din. Very dil gent, fediligens, diligentiji Dincha pila. To diſadvantage, incommodo, abelle. mus, 7 -vigil. A dinn er din, Prepitus, ús; m. D'fadvantaged, incommodaills, a, Diligently, diligenter, attentè, indu. To make a dinn, relono, are. Diadvantageous, incommodus ; adv. Pric. fedulo, Audiosè , adv. Adinner, prandium, i; n. * A din- Diſadvantageouly, incommodè; adv. Dilinghem (in Germany] Dilinga. per for my hog, Hecates cana. * A dſadventurc, infortunium, cujus Dill ( herb) enethum. After dinner fit a while, after ſup- adverfus. Wild-dill, anelbum Sylvefiro. per walk a mile, poji epulas Dabis To dif:ffct, improbo, 1. abhorreo, 2. vel pafu mille misbis. D faffcation, malevolentia, cdium. Di dn.di.} enerbinus , a, um. A little dinner, prandio'um, prandius To DISAGREE [fall out) dilliden, 2. Dillembourgh (in Germany) Dillem culum, i; ni diſcrepe, difcordo, I. diſconvenio, dij- bowgum. A ſtarting dinner, prandium patari Jentio, 4. vario, dillo, I. A dilling, proculus, delicie, amafius. To diſagree (not to ſuitj non congru- To djlucidate, dilucidi, f. expono, 3. Dinner. adj. } pranforius, a, ere, comprare or quadrare. To dilute wine, vinum diluo, tempero. Of or for dinner, Diſagreeable (unſuitab!c) incongruus, Dilutcd, dilutus, a, um, part. A dont, contufio. 3. imprefio, onis ; f. inconveniens, difentaneus; adj. D:lusial, diluvialis, le ; adj. 3. art. veiligium, i; n. Diſagreeable (unpleaſant} injucun. A dimenſion, dinnenfio, onis; f. To dint, contunds, čre. dus, ingratus, illepidus ; adj. A, dimication, dimicatio, onis ; f. A dióceſs, diæcifs, territorium. Diſagreeing, diſcorso gen. dis sadj.3. Admi'aunce, lanceola, lait, A dioceſan, diæcefinus. art. Neither were his geſtures A dimi'auncer, lancifér, lanrearius, D:ocleſian [a man's name) Dioclefi diſ.greeing to h's voicc, Tic: abſoni veles.itis. à voct maius eraus. It is dif. TO.DIMINISH diminuo, comminuo, Dioptrique, dioptrica; agreeable to my kind of lifc, ob- imminuo, 3. atienuo, extenuo, elevo, To dip, tingo, intingo, mergo. Jurdum & alienun o à virâ meâ. I. * The centurion diminiſhes To dip again, ratingo, ere, Diſagreeabiy (unſuitably:) men con- nothing from that pruit, nihil Abi To dip orten, merfito. : gruenter. fla laude descipit conturio. * To dip'under, fubmergo, ère. To act digreeably to one's ſelf, He diminiſhes Something of the A diphthong, diphthongus. fibi non confare. puniſhment, de supplicio fuo aliquid A dipple, nola, à correctoribus mar. A difagiceing, difirepantia, difor- i To diminiſh a fum, de numero dimi- emındar. um, 2. n. diſſenſio, 3. f. nuere. parlem aliquam condonoto. Dipped, intin&us, immerſus, To diſallow, improbo, reprobo, I. To b: diminished, dim:nior, 3. ex. A dipper, immerſor, carabaptifla; m. damno, are. renuor, aisenuor, 1: The glory Adipping, imterfio; f. baptiſma, utis; n. D'Sallowed, improbatus, damnatus. of the victory is diminiſhed, gloria A dipping, under, ſubmerſio, 3. f. A difallower, improbator, gris; m. page is diminifhed } to * Mens cou. A dipſc-line, b:lis, idis; f. per-| A diſallowing, improbaljo, onis"; f. dies, cum corporibus deflorefcuni a cum, mcloribus. i; m. dere nimi. D'plychs, diptychu, orum ; n. To diſanchor, anchoram foluere. Diminiſhed, minutos, comminutus, Dire (dreadfall dirus, a, um ; ad). Having anchored, anchoris plutis, To d:12nimatc, exonimo, are. * Authority diminiſhed, Auxa ay. To direci, dirigo, čre ; moderer, ari ; [To diſannul, aboleo, abrogo, antiquo, thorifas. 'ordino, art. refcindo, infirmo, irritum reddere. D fan, um. ; um. anus. A 1 11 DIS DIS DIS , umi , . faluo, 3. Dilannulled, abrogatus, doletus, , To diſcharge one of a covenant, at intärcapedo, inis; f. inseritiam, i; um , adj. coplain ferro jipulationem nçut, A dilannulling, 1 abrogallo, abolitio, 3. Diſcharged, ruda donatus. Diſcontinued, intermiffus, interruptus, Difannullment, } f. Diſcharged of his pains, laboribus de- * All this matter being TO DISAPPOINT, defitus, 3. fru. fundus. diſcontinued by war grew cold, Aror, i. irritun facer's. Diſcharged from blame, abſolutus, hac cota rus interpellata bello refrix. To diſappoint one's purpoſe, confli-Diſcharged (unladen] sconerasüs. erat. um alicujus poringa. Diſcharged (freed) inmunii, lidira. Discontinuingly, interrupte ; adv. To difappoint, or break one's word, tus, jalutus. Diſcord, difcordia, a ; fi fidein violare, convenils non fare. Soldiers diſcharged; milites 6x84o- To be at diſcord, difconuenio, difore- To diſappoint the adverſaries par : rasi. po, difidi, amicitiam alicui rinun. pole, adwarfariorum conatus intrino A diſcharger, abfolutor, Jolster, 3. m. ciare. gore, A diſcharging, absolutis, pluto, 3. f. To make diſcord, lites Jerers or mo- To diſappoint one of his hope, fping Diſcharging, abſolutorius, a, umjad). alicui diflituere, fallare. To diſchevel, capillos dirbars. A diſcord" (in muſick] diſſonantia. To be diſappointed, Ski falli. D:Schevelled, po his capillis. A diſcordance, diſcrepantia, & ; f. D.Ta:pointed, irritus, definitum, Diſcinct, diffolutus, diferijus. Diſcordant. diſcors, bonus; adi. um • My maſter is difppointed A difciple, diſcipuli. lim. TO DISCOVER, relego, revelo, defe- of a wife, herus uxore excidit. Diſcipl habic, difcipling idoneus, ad To, ini lurem proferre, i vulgus pro- Diſappointment, } A diſappointing fryirati, ani; Arctepia capax ducare, # It is válawful to diſcover Diſcipline, diſciplina, e; f. it all, in vu.gus indicare nefas eff, To diſapprove, improbo, ari. Martial diſcipline, difciplina milita- Todiſcover ſecrets, arcana r.spromere. A difard, fultus, Jupidus, Sannio. To diſcover one's humour, moniem To diſarm (ncut.jarna deponere; in To diſciplinc, extrin, dorso, 2. exploraro, deprehenderi. armis incedera. A diſclaimer in law, abrinunciator.. Diſcovered, detritis, rurfius, comm, Di farmed, dearmatus, fpoliatuse To diſclaim, rinuncio, nullo modo ago potus, a, 0; part. Difarmed (as a deer] çarnijus muu nofçare, pra Juo non babere. Ad fcoverer veuelatórycxplorator 3.0.. lus, Diſclaimed, ronunciatum: non. A diſcovering, indicatiö, onis; f. A difarming, exurmatie, opis ; f. A diſclaiming; rinunciatio; 3. f. A diſcovery, indirium, 1; n. To diſarray (unc'oath) (xuo, ere. To diſcloſe, iruolo, 1. retrgo, 3 ape. To diſcount, caliulis fubdusere. To difarraj (an army] exercitum rio, 4. nuncio, indico; 1 pasefució, 3. D:Icountenance, Frontis frontis caperatio, fundere, dinjicere, diſipuri, To be diſcloſed, paiete, patio, 3 vülius nubibus inductus. Diſarrayed (uncloathed) exulus. Defcloſed, disetus, nudatus, patofac. To diſcountenance; improbe, 1. fronte Diſarrayed (routed) fuſus, a, uñ. sys, reclufos, a, uin. rubilá exèiperi. A diſaster, infortunium, calamitud; f. Diſcloſed fin falconry ) recensemarfuus Diſcountenanced, parum favorabiliter Diſaſtrous. inforlunatus. ex ovo, ex on cruß cxcrplus. Diſaſtrouſly, infortunate; adv. A dſſcloſer, rouilsier, proditor, 3. m. To DISCOURAGE, exanimo, ani- To dilayow, diff.cor, inficiari. indix, iis ; m. mum frangere, animos adimere, de- D favowed, abnegalus, a, um.. Ad fclofiog, 2.svelatio, patefaction 3. jiceri, forrore * Shamc diſcourages To disband, exauctoro, 1. dimilton Diſcloſure, him, pudor illi refringit aniraum. A diſcolouring, decolorasio, 3. f. To be diſcouraged, animem defpon- Dishanded, exau&oratus, a, :um; To diſcolous, difcoloro. deri, abjicere, Animo debilitari, ani- mifus fachu. Dilcoloured, de olor, oris adl. 3. art. mo fracto off. Sluggards are'foon A disbanding, dimifio, miſio, onis; &, To DISCOMFIT, an army, exerci diſcouraged from their books, ig- To disbelieve, diffido.. tun funderi, d pare, ruipera, pro navi à difendo cito deterimiür. To disburden] tonero, love, libero, pulfare, profligart, copias delere, da- Diſcouraged, abje&us, drierritus, deonero, are. vincere. fractus, a, um. Disburdened, excneratus, %, unes. To be diſcomfited and out of heart, Not diſcouraged, infra&us, a, um, A disburdening «xoneratio, 3. f. fraad ac demilo alle animo. A diſcouraging, debilitatio, animi To disburſe, expende, repando, paru. Diſcomfited, deviäús, dißipatus, pro-Diſcouragement, } derijfio, molcfia, nios repræfentare. figatus. The enemy is diſcom- Disburſej, cxpenfas, a, um. fitcd and put to fighi, jufi funt su. TO DISCOURSE, confabulor, difup A disburſer, expenfor, aris; n. gatique hojies. 1a, I. * We muſt diſcourſe of A disburGng, experfio, onis; f. A diſcomfitore, frages, clades, 3. f. profit, de utili dillerendum of A disbarſement, expanka, imponfa. Diſcomfort,, maror, racefitia, trifiitia. To d:fcourfe at large; ordionis co- Diſcalendered (blotted qui) Liture To diſcomfort, mærore* fiori, anj. pra lüxuriari, plurimis verbis agi. indudus, intalitus. Mum doloribus unitare, tare. To diſcamp, Cafiri mouere, To be discomforted, doleo, languro, a diſcourſe, confabulatio, orarin, 3. f. A diſcamping, caffrorun matio or mo mæ eo, ere; neut. formo, 3. m. • A diſcourſe of du- To diſcommend, vitupero, art. ty diſputatio de officio. . He breaks To diſcard (at cards) alimioris alee A dironmendation, visuperiun. off their diſcouric, illorum colloquia luforia folia rejicere. Diſcommended, vituperatus. inlerrumpir. To diſcard, exauciora, militem miffum A diſcommender, viluperator, 3. m. An idle diſcourſe, muge; fabula, con- facere. A difcommending, vituperario, 3. fo fabulatiuncula nugatoria. Diſcarded, exau&oratus, a, um. A diſcommodity, incommodam. pleaſing diſcourſe, acroama, 3. a. A diſcarding, exaudiratio, 3. f. D.Iconſol te, luáificabilis, micſus, a narratio jucunda. To descend, ceiendo, irs. nimo defpondens, A diy or ſhallow diſcoúrle, loquela A deſcent, ſeries que hæreditas alicui D ſcontent, cordolium, 1 ; n.- terum inops. obvenit. To diſcontent, anso, fondo, 3. 24. Diſcourſed, onarratus, a, um. To diſcern, corno, 3. dijudice, 1. dig. To b: diſcontent, Andor, intabsſco, Diſcourteous, inhumanus, a, um. nofco, dijlinguo, 3; : B: diſcontented, graviter or mo- D fcourteouſly, inhumane; adv. To diſcern from others, inlarnofco. life ferro. A dif:ourteſy, injuria, a; f. Diſcerned, diforelus. Diſcontented, onxius, offenfus. A diſcrevit, dedecus, 3. n. ignominia, A diſcrrning, objevutio, 3. f.: Difrontentment, anxinas, ægritudi, muuli, a: f. A diſcharge, abſolutio, Tiberating die To d (credit, infame, clovo, infirmo, oh: mifio, onis; f. To DISCONTINUE (act.] in :rmit Locato, dehonejeni men calicujus rodere. A diſcharge (acquittancc) aporba, ak 10, dafuefacio, interruinpo. I have D.icrcaited, inrama!us, a, um. cepsi...110. diſcontinued my fudies above A diſcrediting, infumurio, obtriaatio. A diſcharge (from fait] indennitas, ther: two years, duos cinnis** Diſcrect, prudens, confultus. atis.; f. fiudio cilivi. A diſcreet perſon, sodors, tis. To diſcharge (a reckoning.) folvo. To diſcontine : (ncut.] intermitto, Diſcretly, prudenter, conſuliò; adv. To diſcharge (a gunjexonero, diſloda. defurico, ore, 1o ditchirge (from a crime jabolic, Diſcontinuancen, imupo suerudo, At one's diſcretion, pro arbitrio: Dcreciacis, rudenrin, CE ; f. intermiſio, in:er- D ſcretion, prudeniia, & ; f. 31 ogosid, 4. Without &;f, Agrimorja, i diferimino, I. A diſculing, diſcuffo, 3. F. 3 To diſembark, orams tenori, lirus ob- To do it in a difh, examu fito, arb. A diſlocation luxatio, ofis exemp- D IS DIS DIS Without diſcretion, insapiens, tis; DHgalícá with drink, ebrius, vino | To diſingage, litero, 1. expedio, 4.tx- farul, inſulfus, a, um. obrutus, plico, 1. redimo, 3. vadimonio foluero, To diſcribe or deſcribe, defcribo, de-To diſguiſe himſelf, perfonam indue- Difingaged, liberarus, vadimonio folu- pingo, cxprimo, 3; re, viſiem vultum mutart, viltu To diſcriminátc, Amularo incidere. A diſengager, literator, redemptor, m. To diſcurc, deteg!,. 3. revelo, I.) To diſguiſe any thing, aliam fpeciem A dilingaging, liberatio, redemptio, Diſcurſive, ad Jermocinationen spec olicui rei inducere, aliqu.dalina onis ; t. tans, fermocinationis capax. Ssacie obdurert, veffire. Difingenuous, illiberatis,inurbamus;ini- To diſculs, difutio. Disguiſed, larvatus, personatus, fuca- civilis ; ad). Diſcusſed, diſculus, a, um. tus, fistus, To dignherit, exhæredo, abdico. A diſcaster, difiuffor, oris; m. A difgyiſing, perforatio, diſimulatio, Diſinberited, abdicatus, exheredatus, onis ; f. exheres, TO DISGUST, fallidio, indignor. A diſinheriting, abdicatio, cabareda- Diſdain, dedignatio, f. ffidium, n. A diſguſt, faftidium, 2. n. nauſea, f. tio, onis ; f. contemptus, 4. He looketh on To fall into diſguit of, naufears. To diſintangle, expedie, 4. explico, me with diidain, conforio me ene. Fallen into diguft of, naufeans. extrico, are. cat ſupercilio. * Wicked actions A DISH, puin, 1. paropfis, lanx, 3. Diſintang!ed, extricatus. are ſubject to diſdain, que ſunt * He took an almond out of the A diantangling, extricatus, ús; m: prava fallidiis adhærefcuni. diſh; Atrygdalum de lance tulit. Tod. Gnter, fodio, ire. TO DISDAIN, dedignor, afperner, fa He laid it in his düh for 2 foul (Dianterred offolus, Didio, contemns, Sparno, Sprivi. Hc crime, hoc ei qushi deforme crimin A difinterring, affolio, onis ; f. diſdains his prayers, preces curſa objerit. To disjoin, djungo, šve. She diſdains that I ſhould The chief diſh, coput roena. Disioined, disjunctus, a, um. love her, à me faflidit amari. The firft diin, rane pracemium. , disjunétio, onis ; A Diſdained, faſiiditus, pratus, a, um. The laſt diſh, cena spiligus. disjunction, fem. A diſdainer, dedignator, oris ; m. A liric dish, patlla, &; f. To disjoint, deartu, Diſdainful, faftidiofus, faltuojus, fu- A pottage-diſh, carinus pultarius. Disjonctive, disjunaivus. perbus, vultuofus, A chafing diſh, Saulus senfarius, Disjunctively, disjunctive. Dildainfully, fálidiosè, contmplim. authoofa, ignitabulum. A diskindneſs, maleficium, noxa, Dildajnfulneſs, fallidiuin, i A diſh-Clout, peniculus, prairulin. To dilike, inprobo. A diſdaining, dedignatio, averfatio, The brim of a diſh, margo, 3. m. A diſlike, faftidium, A diſcaſc, morbus, 2. m. malum, 3.1. labru, 2. n. ora, e; f. To fall into diſlike of, faftidia. To dil-eare, molefiam exhibero. A diſh of meat, fortulum, miffus, Fallen into dislike of, faftidios. Diſeaſed, morbidus, languidus; ad). Pretty diſhes of meat, dapes. Diſliked, improbatus, , UTA. D:leaſed' (reſtleſs] inquietatus. Dinh-meat, forbilum. A difiking, improbatio, 3. f. To be d:ſcalcd, male so babert, ex To diſh up mcat, inflruire patinas ci. To diſlocate, luxo, loco moveri. morbo laborare, dis.' Dinocated, luxatus, a, um. tinere, • You it in a , tja 6% ſode, offis To diſembogae, in mare ingredi, rati probè. disjeaio ex cotyle. To difefteca, slovn, vilipmdo. A diſh.bcarer, dapifor. To difodge, pello. Difeſteem, contemplus, ls; m. (bird) murgus, 2. To diſlodge [a dcer] coruum exci- Difeſteemcd, contemptus, a, UA. -water, tari. A difeſteemer, contemptor, 3. m. To diſhearten, animum alirui infrin- To diſlodge (ncat.] hofpitium wu- A diſe teeming, pare. Difcftimation, Diſheartened, exanimatus. DiNedged, pulfus, excitatus. Disfavour, invidia, a ; f. Dither:ſon, Exharedatio. A diſlodging, pulfo, excitatti, bo pitää Disfavour (incurred) offenfa, ; f. A difheritor, insrufor. mutario, demigratia. To disfavour, invidio, c... Difhevelled hair, paſi capilli. Dinoyal, perfidus, infidus, Disfavoured, inviſus, a, um. DISHONEST, inhoneftus, pravus, D:floyaily, perfidà, infidè , adv. To disfigure, deformo, mutilo, 1.pagu Spurius, impurus, turpis ; adj. "The Diſloyalty, perfidia, & ;'f. rum vitiari, corrumpore. corruptions and filthineſs of a dif. Diſmal, borridus, terribilis, infaufas, To disfigure one's face, os fardare. honcf mind, dopravatio & feditas atrox, ocis; adj. Disfigured, deformatus, deformis. turpifirati animi. Diſmal days, dies atri, funefti, inau. A disfiguring, deformatio, dehonefs. To diſhoneft, diffimo. Spicati. mentus. To make diſhonest (defile) polluo. To diſmantle, muros or menia di- To disfranchiſe, civitatis jus adimero, Diſhoncft!y, indonej., pravi, impuri, muere. è numero civium fegregare; fordidi, turpiser. Diſmanded, manibus orbatus, priva- tusi Disfranchiſed, profcriptus, privilegii) To live diſhoneſt!y, fagitiosè viva- & immunitatibus privatus. A diſmantling, munitionim equatio. To disfurniſh, Spolio. To plead diſhoneſtly, fädilimè cau. To diſmay, ferreo, 2. portörrefacio, 3. Disfurniſhod, Spolialus. fam ogarı. metu percelleri. To diſgeft, digen. Su digeft. Diſhonoſty, pravitas, improbitas, Diſmayed (adj.) territus, terrefa&us, To diſgorge, suomo, mfertim ejicers. DISHONOUR, dodaus, tris; a. ig, ieté perculfus. Diſgorged, jaus, a, um. nominia, macula, &; f. It will To be little diſmayed, fubßupen, A diſgorging, sjeditio, f. vomitus, a. be great diſhonour to you, iragno subjupeſco, DISGRACE, dedecus, 3. 0. ignomi ribi prebro futurum eft. He brings To diſmember, deartus, ditanie, nasim nia, a; f. • They would think it diſhonour and difgrace upon him dra diferare, difcorper. no diſgrace, non turpe exiffimami. felf, fibi surpitudinem & dedocw in- Diſmembered, diartuatus, dilaniatus, • He is a diſgrace to his friends, Aigit. difcerptus, a, um, maculæ fuis & dedecori A. • Hc Tó diſhonour, dobonejo, dedecoro, in- A dirmembring, desnuutio, dianta- puts up a diſgrace quietly, honoris quino, 1. traduco, crs. gio, laceratio. ja&uram aquo furt animo. Dithonourablc, turpis, ignominiojus, a, Dilmes (tithes) decima, grum. To diſgrace, dedecoro, debonefo, do um ; adj. To diſmis, dimitto, 3. mailum fanent, Enrpo, confpurco, dignitasm obfcura- Difhonourably, turpitar. ablogo, militia foluere. me, in conebras conjicira. Diffonoured, inbonoratur, debonieta- Difmiffed, dimifus, txavdoralus. Diſgraced, dedecoratus. tus, a, um. , A diſgracer, tradutor, oris ; m. A diſhonoaring, inhoneftatio, 3. f. A diſgracing, tradultio, mis; f. To dilimbark, i movi in terram de- To diſmount (unhorſe] equo excutere, Diſgraceful, dedecorojus, contumeliofus. fredero, exfconden. pracipitart, dejirert. Diſgraceful terms, convitia, orum. Difimbarked, i mavi rxpoſitus, To diſmount [acar.] que deſte- A diſguiſc, larva, persona, jf. A difimbarking, exfimbo, 3. f. r*- dore. A diiguiſe' (pretance) ffuriis, s. f. fcenfus, us ; m. To diſmount (2 cappon) tormendam praicxtus; 25; M. To dignchant, exianto. murake rotis rire. Didih warna tari. Želevatio , 3. 8. i . 1 A { diſmiffione;} diferito, 3 f. DIC DIS DIS DI'S TE r > nare. Diſmounted, djalus, cenfus. To diſpatch one's hands of trouble, plena....I have his diſplcalures D:fobedience, inobedienija, contuma ſe muletid liberare. apud illum in fenfa fun. No cia, a; f. Dispatched, confeaus, deradus, abſo diſp eaſure to you, bina rua veniâ Dôtedient, inobediens, immoriger, lulus, expeditus. The matter is dixer .. parum moriger, contumax, refradia diſpatchcd, confe&um ill trans-To incur one's diſpleaſure, in odiums Fius. alium. * 'Let it be dispatched incurrere. To be diſobedient, repugnare ; jufa with as little trouble as may be, A diſpleaſure (ſhrewd turn] income thegligers, imperanti non aufrulia quàm ininima cum moleftia res modum, malefast um. transfigatur. * They are with all To do one a diſpleaſure, incommo- Diſobediently, contumaciter ; adv. {peed to be diſpatched, quampri. do, I. damno aliquem af ere. To di obey, repugno, 2710T*m non ge mun exequenda ſunt. Theſe You cannot do us a greater diſ- rert, non parari. things being ſpeedily diſpatched, pleaſure, nihil pilallis in nos gra- Dilobcyrd, comtempus, negle&us. his rebus clerijar adminiflraris. vius confulere. * He has done me To diſoblige, lade, čre ; de sligud Speedily diſpatched, mawratus. a d.fpleaſure, molestiam mibı' intu- malè mareri, ofendere. A diſpatcher, ripidier, perfe&or, Diſobliged, lajus, a, um, ad). tranfa&tor: A little difplcaſure, offenfiunula. Diſobliging, inofficiofus, inurbanus. A diſpatching, expeditio, forfeaio, sumewhot in difpleaſure, subinvifus, DISORDER Iconfufion) perlurbasio, traturatio, iranfuäjä, onis ; f. subodiofus. confufio, 3. f. Diſpatching pollon, vincitum pra-To diſpoil, difpolio, I. exuo, 3. nudo. Diſorder (diſtempor) morburg 2. m. Jons. To diſpone, ordino, forno. agroratia, 3. f. To diſpend, difpendo, abfuino, sifun- Diſport :: jus, jorus. A houſe of disorder, domus infamis, dr. , 3. cregº, are. To diiport one's ſelf, exullo, are. popina. A difpending, fumplus, ús; m. To dilpofc, difpono, componiug . ordino, To diſorder, confundo, 3. conturbo, a diſpenſation, diſponfatio, 3. indul in certos ordines tranſcribere. periurbo, are; act. gentia, 1. ſolution 3. licentia, 1. f. To diſpoſe by will, logo, ara. To diſorder thc hair, capillos turbare. A difpenfatoiy, pharinacopæia, a; f. To diſpoſe of (lay out) «xpendo. To diſorder onc's fclf, modum tempe-|To diſpenſe, diſpenſo, ars. To dirioſe of i10 lôme uſc] utor, in rantiæ exudara, To diſpenſe with, indulgeo, legibus ufum deflinare. Diſordered, intcompofitus, inconditus, folvere fins fænâ dimittere. To diſplace of [lct or place out] lo- confufus, turbatus ; part. A con- Diſpenſed, aiſrenfatus, 10, cloo, r. fuſed and diſorder'd heap, rudis in- Diri caſcd wih, legibus folu!us. To difpolc of (to another] rem alic- dgestaque moles. - * So dicrs diſor- A di: penfer, dijoenſutor, 3. m. dered; and out of array, milites in. Dipeníes, exrenja'; f. fumptus, 4.m. D ſpoled [let in order] difpofitus, ordinati & incompofiri. "He uttered To difpeople, depopulor, ari. compofitus, digefius. Jeits in diſordered metre, jocularia Diſpeopled, vafrius, a, w7h. D ſpoled [inclined) accommodalus, incorditis . verfbus fudit. * All A difpcopling, populatio; 3. f. ftfellus, a, um. things are confounded and difor- To diſperíc, difpergo, Spargo, diffun- Il-diſpoſed, malè affectus. dered, funditia omnia mifcantur. do, čre ; act. I am diſpoſed, lubet, jert animus. A diſordered ſtate, agra reſpublica.' Diſperſed, difperfus, d'Sipotus, diffu- A diſpoſer, ordinator, diſpenlutur. A diſordering, conturbatio, perturba fus, a, um, part. A diſpoſing, ordinatio, compofitio, di. tio, 3. f. Diſperſedly, Sparfim, diſperſin. gelio, onis ; f. Diſorderly , in:enditus, incompofitus, a, Dilbertong, } diperko, onis ; f. A diſpoſition, affoaie, indoies, 3. f. um ; adj. ingenium, 2. n. Diſorderly, incendità, incompofitè, in- To dyſpert, tormentum oculo metiri The diſpoſition of the body, corporis $ ad d fferentes inter os bibitudo. A diſorderly houſe, ganeumg 2. n. & caudam diametros cognofcendum. An i!l diſpoſition of body, cachexia, fopins, &; f. Diſpitous, infenfus, in ejus. To diſpoſics, deturbo, exiurbo, I. Diſordinate, inordinatus, To diſplace, dimouro, ſubmover, op detrudo, ere ; act. To diſowny abnego, 1. inficiari. cio remover. A diſpoſſeſſing, 2 deturbatio, onis; To difüwn onc, ab:lico, ripudio; I. To diſplace [turn out of office] ex- Di/poſſeſſion, } f. Dilowned, abnegatus. audoro, are. D (praiſäble, illaudatus, a, um. A diſpansion, diſpanho, 3. f. Dilplaced, loco motus. Dilpraiſe, vituperium, i; n. To diſpair, defpero. Sec deſpair. A difplacing, romosio, onis; f. Tod (praiſe, vilupero, obiredo, levo, Ta diſparage, dehonajio, famæ detra- To diſplant, difplanto, are. iruduro, nome rodoro, here, obtrectare. To diſplay, di pando, expando, expli. Difpralicd, vituperatus, a, un. Disparaged, dehoneftatus, a, um. A diſpraiſer, vituperator, oris ; m. A diſparagement, dehonejia mentum, To diſplay a crane (in carving] A difpraiſing, vituperatio, obirraario, dedecus. gruens sleganter diartuari, min. onis; f. A diſparager, diffamator, 3. m. bratim diſoare. Dilpiofit, incommodum, i; n. A diſparaging, difamatio, 3; f. Diſplayed, expli:afus.' * With ban- To difprofit, incommodo, are, A diſparity, diſgerilisas, 3. F. ners diſplayed, Agnis collatis. A diſprofiting, incommodatio, onis ; f. To diſparks materiam diruere, viva- A diſplaying, expanſio, explicatio. Aniproof, elen'bus; m. refutatio ; f. rji sopium dejicere. To DISPLEASE, diſpliceo, 2. offin- Diſproportion, inaqualitas, 3. difcre. Dilparked, Septo nudatus. da, 3. in culpâ Dei, peccare.! porilia, 1. difparilisas, 3. f. A diſparking, materia demolitio. Speak not to diſp!calc any, ahfil To diſproportion, impuriter difpenfa. verbo invidia. Thou feignedft tribucre. , this to diſpleaſe me, hoc ui mibi Diſproportionable, impar, diſpar ; A DISPATCH, expeditio, feflinatio, incommodares commentus 65. gen. ris ; adj. 3. art. properario, 3. f. D'fpleaſant, molofus, offenfuus. Diſproportioned, impariter diftribu- Desirous of diſpatch, conficienda rui Diſpleasantry, molefi, agri, gravare ; cupidus. Make quick diſpatch, adv. A diſproportioning, difributio impari celeriùs confice. Diſpleaſed, indignans, offenfus, infer- To difpiove, confuto, rofulo, refillo, A dilpatch (packet of letters) litera. fus, convello, redarguo; ſententiam alice- rum fafti ulus. To be diſpleaſed, ſuccenfeo, irafcor. jus rejicere, To diſpatch, expedio, maturo: I He was d.fpleaſed at it, id agrè Difproved, refutatus, a, um. will diſpatch it quickly, expeditè or graviter tulit. I am diſplcalcd A diforover, refutarór, oris ; m. fum facturus. with him, alieno onimo sum ad il. A difproving, refutatio, onis ; f. To diſpatch a buaneſs, negotium con lo. * He was diſpleased with Dilpurveyed, malè infruttur. ficers, pirageri, perficere. bip, perinique animo jaebat. Diſputabie, disputabilis, le ; adj. To diſpatch (ſend) mitto, ablego, It diſplcares, difplicet ; imperſ. Diſputation, 7" difputatio, diciptatio, To diſpatch [kill one quickly) cito Diſpleaſing offenhuus, a, um. A dilpute, 3. difersario, onis ; t. inlarimore. DISPLEASURE, irs, inimicitia, 1. ratiocinium, i, n. To diſpatch out of the way, eman simulias. 3. 4. The ep.ſtle is full A ſtubborn diſpute, criamm aserri- dure, of difplcaſure, opiilola e Bomachi TO Dito rin ay incendità, incompofitè, in- Dipartiment;} 1 i co. -- Diſparpled: {confufim Sparkas Muvi. Take diltarie, } efendor. los pugnant, tor. A diffipating dilipatio . Merc. 1 Hicorum ex herbis Difreipca contempius, us; incivi. A diffuader, diſſuaſor. D'IS DIS DIS To diſpute, difputo, difcepro, dijero, Diſſimilar parts of the body, corporis To diſtaſte, argusienior, ruitiocinor, ingeniorum, parlas heterogenea. DiTiodisude, diffimilitudo. Diſtafted, fen'us. Men d (pute, diffutatur. D:ffimulation, Simulasio, dolus, fraus, Diſasterul, offinfivus. To diſpute fondly, nugor, prævaricor. To uſe diffimulation, fraudulmtor A diftafting, fánja. Diſputed, difputatus. agar, furum facer. To distemper intoxicate] inebris. difputer, 3 difputator, ratiocina- without diffimulation, apertè. Diſtempered with diitik, brius, vini difputant, Diffipable, difipabilis, obr 1us. DISQUIET, cura, 1. f. ſolicitude, 3. To diſſipate, dilipo. A distemper, perturbatio. agriunonia, I. animi anxigas ; -Diſipated, impatus. To diſte:1.per, perturbo. gritudo, inquietudo, 3. f. Diftempered, porturbatus. Diſquammation, apolepifinata. Diffipation, A diftcmpered ftomach, Armachus A difquam inator, diſquamator. A diffipator, diſipator. crudus. To d!ſquict, inquiero, perturbo, vexo, To DISSOLVệ (aa.) liquefacio. Ad temperaturc, intemperies, diferurio, args, infelo, mo'ello, e-To diffolve ſociety, focisiasem diri. To d ftend, di indo. gritudini affianc. *Why ſhould I Dintended, difenfus. diſquiet my old age with this Tod fo've (neut. ) liquoſco, liquefo. A diftention, dilentio. man's madneſs? cur meam fmetin. Diffolved. dil lutus. To dlfthrone, folio deturbare. sem hujus folicito amoniia. Not diffolved, inviſ lurus. Adittich, di ichin. Diſq-ieted perturbatus, conturbatus, Not to be disſolved, indiſolubilis. To dillil', dfiillo. inquietarui, volitus Diffolving humours, dicuſorius, dia- Diili lablc, diſillabilis. Diſquicled in mind, solicitus, anxius, pboretirus. d it!!ation, diſtillatio, onis ; f. animo per:urbatus. A { A diffolving, diſolutio, difeufio. diftl'ing $ To be diſqa.eled, difcrucior, angor, Diffiute, diffolutus, prodigus. igas fubje&o faäii expreſio; Dillari. conqute, Juliiitudine angi, animé Diffolut ly, difolutè, difoines, remis Pius fucci berbarum exprelio. excubure, si; adv. A dit llition of rheum, defuxio, 3. A difquictcr, inquietator, turbator, To live diſolutely, bicchari. . fiuxus, 4. 6Xivitalor. Diffoluteneſs, morum diſolutio. Dit l'ed, diſtillatus, A dilqui-ting, ingaietario, contarda A diffolution, diſolutio, liquefuatio. A distiller, dipillator. tio, commotio, inolefia. Biffonant, difonus, incongruus, incon Diſtinct, difinatus, diferelus. Diſquietatis, inquistado. fant. Not diftindt, indiflinétus, indifcrolus. A diſquiation, auquifiio. Diffonance, diffonantia, A diſtinction, dijiinatio, diſcretio. To diſtank, ordines jurbars, confum. To d ffuade, difuadeo, debertor, in A diſinction by points, interpunitio, dore, aduerfam partem traducere. onis : f. Difranked, ordini turbatus, confufus. D'ffuaded, diffuafus. Diſtinctly, dijfires, difcrelè, difcrimi. , , natim, articularim, expreſie. , litas, , Difuafion, onis ; f. dirir.o. , s A diſtyllable, dilgllabum. Diftingaiſhed, diflinctus, difcrimina. To be in a:frepucc, intra famam effe. A d ftaft, colus. tus a, um Difrcſpcctful, fajdidiofus. A diftaff full of tow, penfum, Samon, A diftinguiſher, diſinftor. Dufreſpected, contemptus, a, um, To DISTAIN; inficio, comiamino, To diſtort, diflorquco. Didati faction. difplicentia. maru'o, inquino, umero, Distoried, difiorius. Diffatisfactory, morajus. To be disfatisfied, ægrè fero. Diftorling D:ſſalisfied, offenfus, jomachuns, agri To diftain his own honeſty, tarpi. To difrad, difirabo. ferens, tudinem fibi infligere. To be dit adied, furo, in anio. To difeet, diffuo. To diſtain one's bonour, dignitati To diſt-act (trouble one) solicito, Dificeed, diflus. labows aſperger. VEXO, difcurie. A diffection, dificio, anatomia, Diſtained, contaminatus, inquinatus, To diſtraá (nake one mad] furio, To difreize, sjicio, 640, Spalio, portof maculatus, pollutus. Men dir. menis MOTTO, fono detrudere. tained with all vices and diſho- Diftraat, diftra&tus, infonus, a, Diſſe zed, rzutus, fpolialus, detrujus, nefty, bomines vitiis atque omni de- Diſtracted, um ; adj. a, um, decori infames. His good name . A dificizin, craio. was never diſtalocd, exiſimario diſtraction, A diſſeizor, intrufor. integra si, inta&us ej! infrimiâ. To diſtraln, aliquid ex decreto curia To DISSEMBLE, ámulo, fingo. Not distained, impollatus, intamina- vi auferto. To diffemblc one's mind, Jententiam IKS, 'invidiatus, Diſtrained, curic or præloris edia. fronte occultart. A diftainer, violator. Decupalus. To diffemb:e a matter, rem celare, A diſtaining, infcaio, maculatio, vio- A d training, bonorum prætorio jure obligere latio, 3. f. occupatio. Difrembled, fimulatus, fi&lus. A DISTANCE, diſantia, interval- Diſtraught, infanus, delirus, mente A diſſemblers fimulator, fiftor. luin, intercapedo, interfitium, Spa motuli or fiplusi. They are very diſſemblers, olora tium. He was a great diſtance Diſtreſs, angufia, ctiaio, næror, Sportunt, lardum tolluntes; from thence, ille longiùs abarat. diffi'ultas. Diffembler like, fiad. • They fought at a diſtance, imi- A distreſs (diftraining] difrifio, bo- Diffembling, dolofus, nus pugnabatur. * At certain di. norum occupatio. A diffcmbling, fimulatio. ſtances, certis Spatiis intermilli * To distreſs, difringo. D.dcmblingiy, simulare, fai, frau. They know their distance, in loro To be in diftrefs, anguftiis premi. dulenter verentur. They were in dift: els for forage, To diſſeminate, diftomixo. Diſtance [diſcord) diſidium, 2. Deut. . premebantur pabulatione, To diffent, diffentia, longè focus fen. difcordia, I. f. In diftreis, aflicius, angufis prefa tire, alterius fententia adverfari. To be at diſtance, diſideo. Difresied, 3 Jus, in anulias ad- Diſfentaneous, dilontanrus. A long diſtance, longinquitas. duetus. A diffenier, aduerfarius, diſentims, I Diſtant, difuns, difius, disjunctus. Ditreffedly, relle. Jehiſmaricus. To be diftant, dijio, I. d.rimor, 3. To diſtribute, dijiribuo, diſsenjo, diſ- A diflenting, dilentio, onis ; f. dif- } longa abilis, pertio, divido, aigero. Difiention, fidium, i; n. Far diftant, longo intervello dilans. Diſtributed, dijiribulus, diviſus. A diffention fower, fax contentionum. * Places very far diftant, loca'dis. A diſtributer, wijributor, partitor, di- A differtation, diferiatis. junttihina, vilor. Differvicc, noxs, damnum. Diftantial, ad dißantiam attinens. A diftriburing, diperibu.ios partitio, To difever, jejungo, sogrogo, sapato. To To diſtaſte, Id , I diviſio. D ficve!cd, lejunétus, difociatus. } offendo. Givc. diftaste, , A diflevering, Jeparatio, A diſtaite, ofanía, P A dis. To difregard contemne, To disain his own any doute, domum Didotoni on, } diportia. A { diftraction; } difraktio 1 D Aribuire; } digribusivus. DIV DIV DOC Dinrutine ; } mpicax; fufpiciorus A distruiting, } suspicio. molus. ! A diſtrict, difriftus, ts; juriſdidimis; Divers kinds of religions, alia atque j Divine, divina, resletis. fines. aliæ religiones. Divinc vengeance is long a coming, Diftruft, difimtis. Divers (manifod) multiplex, varius, but it ſurely comes, dii funt lonii, To diſtruſt, diffido, alicui minimè anceps, multifariks, multimodus; adj. fed certi vindices. oredere, alicujus fidem fufpe&am ba- To bring men of divers tongues to Divine ſervice, cultus divinus. bere. talk together, linguas dijcordes ad A divine, tbeologus. Diftruftfol, colloquium contrahere. A divine, I divinus, divinator, augur, ng um ; adj To make divers, variare. Divider,' ). vaticinator. A of divers colours, multicolor, vej- To divinc, divino, anguror, hariolor, color. prædico, vaticintor. To distürb, turbo, periurho, intertur- of divers kinds, multigenus. Divinely, divina to, moras jaure, iler intercluderi, : To diverſify, vario, dilinguo, alio A d.vin:ng, divinatio, pradiaio. properanti vium obruari tque alio modo figurars. D-vinity, theslogia, To difturb one another, ja interpel-: Diver Gfied, variatus. ları, mslepiam exhiberi. , . divinity; A diſturbance, perturbatio, tumulus, Diolion (o: Itime) diverfis, recreatio. The divinity, deitas. A diyarlion (guing aſide | digrifio. To divin'ze, divinum reddo. Diſturbed, turbidits, perturbatus, im- DIVERSITY diverfisies, varialas. Diviſible, divifibilis. quieta:us, interpellatus, * There is a great diverſity be-' A divifion, diviſio, pors. Not diſturbed, imperturbatus. twixi a man and a beaſt, inter bo. D:viſion Itr:fc) difdium, i ; lis, itis. A difturber, turbator, perturbator, in mirem o bellum bes maximè izo ; An uncqual division, partitio inæqua. terpellator. trreji. * As great div rfily in bo- A diſturbing, turbatio, inquietario, dies ſo grcat diverfites in minds, Diviſion (in mufick] modulatio, con- interpellata. ut in corporibus magna junt diſimili. tilladin, Without diſturbing yo', bonâ cum tudlines, fic in anunis mijores exijiunt Toron diviſion, minurizi, contillo. vania. varietates. A divifor, divifoz. To diflurn, nuorto. Diverſy (adv.] dive:se, varie. A divorce, divortium, ripudio: A dilunion diffidium. To divert, diverior, digredior. Divorcement, 11m, 2. To difanite Cact. j difcindo, difrabo, Diverted, alii averfus. To divorce, abdics, repudio, dimitto, diſocio, laparo. To divert (entertain onc) accipio com Nuncium remittare. Tod:(unite (ncul.] dicindor, 3. se. modè, recreo; aliquem oble&are ; Divorced, dimilus, repudiatus. paror, 1. alicui oble&tationem or jusunditatem A divorcer, repudizior. Dirunited, Jeparatus, . afferre. A divorcing, repudiatio, A diſuniting, diferiatio, ſeparatio. To divert a noxious hamour, aver- Dluretick, diureticus. Diſuren Irre. Dillage, } defuerudo. Diurna!, diurnius. A divertic!e, diverticulum. A diurnai, ephemeris, diariumi To.difuſe, defuefco.. A diverting, diverſo. Diſuſed, defuetus. divulgate A diluling, defuetudo. mentum, vinimi relucario: To be diviilved, permaneco, ferma- D:ſwosſhip, dedeus, ignoíninia. To d:v!de, divido, dirimo, partior. *: no, in vulgus indicari. To doſworſhip, debonelo. Divide it amongſt you, zjos inter. Divuiged, vulgotusa publ.catus. A ditch, fcrobs, fala, Jovis. yos partits (or partimini.). "They A divulger, vulgator, A little ditch, Serobiculus, folula. divide the offices amongft them, A divulging, Oficia inter le partiuntur. * Thc Divn'g.ition, } To ditch, vulgatio. a bem ſubigern. houſe was divided upon the que- Dixnind (in Flanders; Dixmuda. To ditch in, forâ circumdu. Ation, fenatus conſultum por difrifio-, To dizė, polum fuo manipulo or ſua Ditch about, mom fiebat. They are divided in' puniculâ inſiruee. Ditched in, } sosâ circumdus- Ditched about, their opinions, in contrarias consona. A dizzard, vertigine laborans. sias dijtrabuntur. Dizzincis, veri.go. A ditcher, foffor To divide aſunder, separo, Secerno, Dizzy: vertiginoſus. Full of ditches, laucunow, fofitius. difer miro, diflinguo. i Do. Su Doc. A. dlợching, foto, fola circunduftio. To divide in two cqual parte, bipar. To doat, deliro. Se Dote. Dtion (dou in on) dilio. sior, bifeco. A dob chick. fulica. Ditmarſh [part of Hollain] Dirth. To divide la three, tripartior. A dubeler, lunx, maxonomus. Divided; divifus, pariitus, ſealus. Docile, Ditlander (pepper-wort] piparitis, Divided in two, bipartilus. pidum. Divided in three, Iripartitus. Doc!iiy, do:ilitas. Dittany (herb} diaumnus, m. dis Divided into many parts, multiparti. A dock (for ſhips) navalı, lis; n. tamnurk, n. A dock Cherb) lupilthum * In dock Baſtard-dittany, fraxinella. Eaſuy divided, separabilis, dividuus. out' nettic, slavurchivo pallitur, Ditto, dillum, idim. Dividcdly, diſcordiler. A ditch dock with a ſharp red leaf, Dittology, amphibolia, varia lexis. A divideid, parunia or jumma divi exyl.ipathwin. A ditty, caniilma, carmin, canticum. denda. A four dock, rumex, oxy!is. Bidanan , } - stepramus fenatus Turca. A divideoiden fine arithmetick) nume. The great lockey hippola en heren dock-bar, Tiparhum acu- To divar cate, divaricor, crura didu- A divider, diviſor, partitcr, difributor, bur.dock, Ium. leftor, Water-dock, hrdrolupathuin. To divc, urinor, exploro, 1. aquam A dividing, divifio, partitio, Dock creilcs, lamplant, fubire. A divination, divinarió, predialia, as - The dock of a horſe, equi uropygium, To dive into a buſineſs, penitiùs in Spiciun, vaticinium, cauda. tropicer, explorine. Divination by the air, aërómantia, To dock, caudam amputare. To dive into one's purpoſe, expifca- Divination by baricy and wheat A dock for a horſe's-tail, vitta ad ri. # I can::or dive into it, me mixt, О'euroon antia. complicandam equi soudam. que conje&urâ fequi. Divination by the belly, gaffronantia. Dockcd, amrusatus. A diver, urinator. Divinat:on by birds, ofrinum. A docket, brrve, or ſumma conimio- A divc.dapper, murgus. Divination by a cock or a cock rum in fcriptis. A diving, urinatio. Itone, ale-iriomintia. Dockum (in Wof Friefand] Docum. The divel. Sie Devil. Divination by the earth, geomen.ia. A doctor, dc&cr. The dun diver, mergus cirrbatus, . Divination by fire, pyromantia, A doctor of divinity, theologia do&or DIVERS [differing) varius, ahfimi. Divination by lots, jersileg K91. or profeſor. lis, dilinilis, abfonus, dijians ; adi. Divination by ſmoak, capnonantia. A docto: of phyſick, medicu's, medici- Get Your affairs ara divers' from Divination by water, hydrominiia. na dofter. The beſt phyſicians mine, et meis rapionibus diſerapant l'he art of divination, aruspicina, are, dollor dict, doctor merryman, Inc. By divination, augurato; adv. and doctor quict, ſ tibi deficiant medici, } fora cme. ote. Marija, Docibic , } docilis. tus. 1 ime. '. } sefyba , cuscuta. datur opera. to } canile, is ; n. To do one's durys ficium colere. * Dogged (tollowed] à tergo obſervatus. Doncaſter (in Yorkſhire] Danum, D. O D G D ON medici, medic: tibi fnnt has trin, 1 To do well, or recover (acuc.) con- pis pras. mens lala, requies, moderatu diata. valefio, revalo, 3. To dogmatize, nouum dogma diſc- A doctorſhip, doa sratus. Todo one a favour or kindneſs, bec: minari, fararı. A doctor's 28t, 1865 in ſufripiendo neficium alicui redderi or jucere. D'Oilcy (the family] D. Oilcio, Oi. gradu hahicus. To do wrong, injuriam inferrı. lius. Dorinc, doctrina, eruditio. Much to do, plurimum negosii. A DOING, a.7io, confectio, executio, Doctrinal, proirspricus. A doer (acter] actor, foctor. lc is now a dong, ninne ogitur, A document, documimtum. Doesbourg (in Guelderland] Dsesbar. Great doings, magnatus apparatus. .Dodded, cornibus mutilus. gum, Teutoburgiur. Do'ng, agens, moliens, operojus, By Dodder, To d'oft, xuo. doing nothing we learn to do ill, Dodder-graſs, To d'off one's hat, aparire capul. nibil agendo malè agere difcimus, To dodge, tergiverfor, infcior, ſenten. A dog, canis. * I don't believe he. To kecp onc doing, facedere alicui tiam fingulis moinentis mutare. hag a dog left to lick a diſh, non negar:um. A dorger, inficiator, fruftralor, pre illum puto in domo coment reliquila. A doit dig tus, trims. Not a doit, varicutor. (Prov.] It is caſy to find a ſtick ne gry quidem. A dodkin, nummulus, reruncius. to beat a dog, facile eli opprimere Dolfin Bretagne! Dola, Vrbs Dalmfis, Not worth a dodkin, ale carum, innsonten. A vad dog that de Neodunum, Tollium. A dodu, homo burculentu. ſerves not a cruft, digna ranis pa-Dole (in Burgundy) Dola, Didatti. A doc. dami fænina. bulo. * An old dog will learn no cum, Tollium, To DOE or DO, ago, facio. * Do Dew trick, lenex Pistacus negliger A dolc, donativum, congiariunr, hips, fo no more, nequid fimile fecaris. ferulam. *The dog's head in the eleemoſyna, panis gradilis. * How do you ? ut or quomodo porridge pot, afinus incidien in paul Adole, fuiratum inaratum in ar- vales? * What's here to do? quid hic agitur? quid iphuc turba eft? tie a dog in a chitterling, una Dsleful. lamentabilis, lugubris. . What docs ho here? cur hic opora alligem fugitivun canetas ago Dolcfully, flebiliter, lugubriter. ? * 'Tis but as he uſed to do, ninis laaibus. Dole bote, compenfatio or mulais pro folens mco prora facero. * Ill do the A little dog, canicula, catulus. vulnere. like for you, or I'll do you as A band-dog, canis catenarius, malolfus. A dollar, shalerus.. good a turn, vicem reddum, or rad. A ſetting-dog, canis fubfidens, • What have you to the dog-itur, frius. Dolour , } dolor, angor. do with me? quid sibi rei mecum The leffer dog-ſtar, proryor. Dolorous, meſlus, tri&is, GA? quid mecum oft tibi ? . What Old dog (at a thing] sallentiffimus, A dolphin, dilobin, inis; dolphinus, i. hive you to do here? quid sib: hic peritiflimus. A dolc, inſulius, fipes, bobos, fungud, negotii ? * You do no good, nihil The dog-days, dies caniculares. plumbus, afinus, promoveris. * It niakes me that I A dog's co!lar, millus, inillum. Dollish, pupidus, plumbous, Doltiſh'y, inſulid, jupidè. incertum facit. * It will do, benè A dog-houſe, Doltiſhneſs, ſupor, faix.ins. provedit. It would not do this w:y, A kennel of dogs, canum grex. Doly, hâc non fuccefit. * What have you A dog-fiſh, canis marinus. to do with that? quid tuâ id rafóra? The whiciih dog-fish, canis fluviatilis. Dombes (part of France] Tradus I'll have nothing to do with you, A dog of iron, barpago, ferrous, roti. Dombenha. rainas tibi babeto. You will have naculum, clavis trabalis, A doomes-caan or doomſter, judex., fatis. A dog [andiron, , him, ve focarius. lebis apud hominen. They may A dog-louſe, ricinus. Domcítically, domeficè. do fome ſervice, ufui fe poffunt. *The dog-fly, canijuga. Domination, dominirim. We must not do as many do, illud Dog, } caninus, a, um; To domincer, imperito, dominor, . committi non debet quod multi faci. Of or like a dog, adj. To domineer over, inſulio. uni., * I do my own mind, mro To dog one, à tergo fequi. Domincer'd over, in olentor habilus, remigio rem gero. * We thall do Dog-berry (tree) cornus. The dominical liccter, litera rubra, well enough, bellè erit. *We muſt Dog's colc, brafica canina, y or dominicre index, do as we way, if we cannot do as Dog's mercury, nocrambe. Dominion, dominium, imperium, jus, We would, ul quimus quando us vo- Dog's cullions (herb) teflicului ce Principatus, dirio. lumus non licet. Dog's ftones, ninus, cynoforcbis. To have dominion, dominor, rorum To do [accoupllch) exiquor, perago, Dog's banc (herb) apocnum. porior, conficio, prajio. 'What ſhall 1 do Crecping dog's banc, periploca repens. Domingo (an American Inand] Dimi firſt. I quid nune primùm exequar ? Dog. briar, nosbatos, nica. What had we beſt do now i nun- Dog's grals, gromen caninum. Domitian (a man's name) , Domie quid facto 6-opus? * They have The dog's-headed monkey, joka tianw. nothing to do, illis negotii nihil f. phalus. A domino, capitium canonicis upla- And if you will do it, do it, Dog's leck, porrum fylueftro. tum, volum lugubre mulierum. age, hquid agis. Dog's rib. (herb) arnog lofum. Domitz (in Mecklenburg) Domitium. To do amiis, erro, aberto. A dog-trick, fallacia. Don (a river in Sarmatia Tanais, Tado one's beft, operam dart, Dog's tongue, lingua canina, cymo Don La river in Yorkſhire Danus. Do one's endeavour, Navart, pro . A Spaniſo don, dominas Hifpanus. virili sniti, : We must do our Dog's tongue [filh ) Smogloſus. A donation, donarium, donium, 2. beft, owinis adhibenda erit cura. Dog's tooth, satyrion, erythraun, dens Donative, neut. I will do my beſt endcavour, fa caninus, Donato (a river in Calabria] Taurus. ciam horelè ſodulo. Dogged, gnicus, Amacbofus, maro- Donawert [in Germany ] Dinaver. , fus, dyſcolus Do one's part, I'll do the part of a whetfono, Doggedly, Cynicè, morosè, fena. Donchery (in Champaigno] Donche- fungar vire cotis. Duggiſhly boss, riarund. To do one's errand, abrigillo. Doggedly dealt with, barbarè tracta- A dondon, vetuli, obefa, habita. To go about to do, facelo. ius, trudeliter habimus. DONE [of do) aftur, factus. The To do and undo, Penelopêns idam A dogger[ſmall Durch thip ſo called) busineſs is done, tranfigitur ras. texere. navicula. * It shall be donc, qurubilut, fint. To do one'g utmoſt, omnem mouere Doggrel, purus putus, qualis qualis. It is donc like yourſelf, ad in. lapidem, mibil um experiri. Rythm doggrel, metrum fine arts, gexium redis. • Never any man To do his worſt, obniti quàm pulse inartifciou. before me had this honour done maxime. To ſpeak doggrel, barbarè logu. h:in, qui bonas habitus est ante ini To do like for like, par pari referri. Dogoatical, dogmaticus, confidentilo nemini. * It was kindly done of To do well, w proſper, rebus fecun quus. him to coinc to me, humaniter dis uti, A dogmatiſt, dogmatifa,,moda opinio fecit quod ad me venit.' He took P2 it Doo!y, } sripis, moeius. 1 } cum. Dor:1, vecori. night, streitum boc read.im ad vif - Dorſethire, Dorfesia, Dorfetania, Du.! Three times double Triplex, tri. Dove-tail (in joinery] impages. D OR DOU DOW it as donc in deſpite of him, in A dorp, pagus, virulur. Gravely no doubt, frvers fand. * fuain contumeliam vertit. A dorr-hawk, accipiter. conibirosha. You make more doubts than there Done before, antenatus. gus. necd, nodum in cimpo quaeris, Done adviſedly, deliberatus. A dorr, ſcarabeus arborcus. To doubt, ambigo, hærco, animo To dorr, confundo, obflmpofario. } Done hastily, rumultuariur. Be in doubr, pendere, hus & ib- Done (difpatched) - parfe&tus, tranſ: A dorsy (fiſh) ourará. lus inclinare # There is one aštusa l'll get it done againſt a dorfer, corbis dorſuaria, thing yet that I doubt of, at mihi unus fitupulus etiam refar. * I ria. perum. doubt he will not live, in dubio Donc bours, bora canonica Dofrethire, 2d)Dorſations vila of. I doubt you arcul A donee, dono affe&us, mountare doc Of Dorſerſhire, ss. troubled ſometimes, fufpicor te in- nsius. D sſetſhire men, Durotrigui. terdum graviùs con moueri. I con- I have done, foi. # I have done | Dort, } (in Holland) Dordra- nothing to diy, nullam bidie li- Dordrecht, fefs I am very much in doubt what the matter ſhould be that, neem auxi, Well, I have done, A dort (drone) fuins. magnopere me hæftørı conficor quid hein, defino. dormiterium. fit quare. A donour, donator. Without doubt, proculdubii, fine con- Donoy [in France) Dinia. Dortmund 'ſia Wefpbalia) Iremonia, troverha. A doom, fententin, judicium. Trotmunja. To keep one in doubt, animum ali- Dooinſday, dies jurjui. A dore, dofi, is. cui ſuspendere. A doo » finan, judri. A dorfel, conopeun regale. Doubted, dubitatus, in dubiun voca- A DOOR, etium, janua, fores. *Get A dolen, ducdecim, duodenum, dode. ye in-2 doors quickly, ite intro cas, chis, folidus A doubter, hafrator. ciò. Op:n the door Tom:body, A doffer, corb:s dorfusria. Doubtful, ambiguus, anceps, dubius, Aferite aliquis offium. * You thruſt A dtler carrier, corbulo. incertus. me out of doors, me extrufiii ex A dot, muci glebus or grunni, A doubtlul ſpeech, amphibslogia.' ædibus. '* He went just now oui | To doic, deliro, defipio. Doubtfulli, ambiguè, dubiè, hafitan- of doors, modò exib i foras. *Next To.begin to dote, defpi co. ter, inceriè. door to the icbool, in proximo Dotard, ad)delirus, defpiens, Somewhat doubtfully, ſubdubic. finala niis. Doubifulneſs, ambiguitas. At the door, od fores, pro or pra fo. An old dotard, (mecio radului. A dcubting, dubitatio. ribus. Sie heard I ſtood at the A doting, I delirametan, delirario, Doubileſs, proculdubio, haud dubie, door, ante offium me dud. vit fart. Dotage, } delirium. A little door, orioium. Doting, delirans, delirus, defipicns, The doucets of a decr, tafliculi cor- A back-door, Pelica, pollicum. vini, A folding.door, value, bi A doting, tree, arbor vuſatom a- A doucet (cuftard) oreogala. Two-lcard door, fores, depra. Dye (a river in Derbyshire) Bovus. To bolt a door, fores pellulis occle- Full of doting, delirabundus. A dove, Columbus, columba. dere. Dotingly, aniliter. A ring dove, palumbus Torquatus. To knock at the door, fores pulfari. A dottrel, marinellus, avis fatwa, de A ſtock-dove, palumnbus, A door-ber, tenis, repagulum. lira, imitatrix, A turtle dove, turtur. A door-bolt, obex, puius. The Dovane, Tolonium Lugdunenje. A young dove, pullus columbinus. D30:-cale, opus circa opium fabrica. Douay (in Flanders) Duacuina. Dove, columbia fum ex quatuor ofulis kifo interje. Double, duplex, geminus, Of or like a dove, nus, 00- cantibus, To double, duplico, gemino.' Dove-colour, lumbaris, pfts To half double, semiduplico. A dove-cote. columborium, To double four times, quadruplico. A dove-houſe, ii ; n. A dor-keeper, oliarius, janitor ; m. A double cloth, diploma. Dove-like, columbarim. janitrix; f. The doubl: or duplicate, duplum, Dove-colour, coor columbinus. A door-Gill, limon, inis. duplia. Dove's feet (herb] geranium, Within doors, intus. , Out of dcors, foras. plus. Dover (in Kons) Dovoria, Doveria, Pron door to door, ofiatim. Four double, Doris, Derobernia, Dubris. Dor [a-river in Herefordſhire) Dorui, Four times double, quadruplex. Dough, majja, Dorcas (a woman's name) Dorcas, Five times double, quintuplex, To knead dougb, farinam ſubigera. adis. Ten eines double, decuplus. panis mald A dorce (fiſh) faber, galius mari- Doubled, duplicatus, geninatui. Dough baked bread,} contus. A doubler, duplicator. Doughty, forsis, animoſas, magnani- Dorcheſter (in Dutſethire] Dorcafiria, Doubles, diplomata. mus, Armuus, valida. Dorſetia, Dunium, Durnism, Dur. A doubler, diplois, charax. To douk, immergo. novaria. Doublets, ludus alcatorius. The douker, mergus, Dorchicſter, To play at doublets, duple ludere. To douk down, ſubido. Of Dorcheſter, A doublet, gemma mangonixata, in- Doulens (In Picardy) Dulmdium. Dorcheſter (in Oxfordſhire) Dir:inia,: Terpolata, The Dour [a river in Aquitain) A. Durocaſinim, Hydropolis, A doubling (in heraldry) duplica- Turrus. The Dorce, or zura. (nih] faber, Doaro [ a river in Portugal) Du- Dory, } , ri ; m A doubling, duplicatio, geninstio. rius. Dorick, Doricus. Doubling. wiſe, geminatim. Dourable (a woman's name] Dul- A dorinan! great beam) tignun. The doublings of a hare, turbata le vibolla. Dormant, dormiens. poris veftigia, leporis fraus, Doufc [a worran's name) Dulcia. Dorinant [unrcmov'd) immorus. To run double' (as a deer when A doulet, ogala, mais A dormer. fenejira insra domůj tre huoted) frullmari venatori. The Doux (a river in Burgundy]D4- tuni extruda. Double-tongue (herh) uvularia. bis, Aldrajdubis. A dormitory, dormiterium. Double-tongu'd, ambizuus, fallax. Dowager, daaria, donala. A dormo:fe, glis, iris, Doubly, dupliciter. A dowcr, dos, dosis. A ploce where dormice are kept: To-deal doub'y, pravoricor, but & Young dowl, lanugo. glirariun. illuc nutare, iniu utramque partem Dowlas, linteamentum krakus bert- Dornford [ia Hunting denſhire] Durs juduare. budius, briva. A DOUBT, dubium, dubitatio. I Down (in Ireland) Dunum. Dornick [in Flandars) Tornacum. make no doubt but, nullus dubito Down, lankgo, inis. Dornick lin Scotland] Dunridunum. guin..., * There was no doubt Down (of feathers) vellus, eris. Doro la river in Ireland. Once. at all made of :do so nunquam Down (of flowers poppus. Do:othy (2 woman's name] Dèro. omning of dubitatum. • Put mc Dowo [of thnücs). pappi, orum. Thea. out of doubt, 276 libero maik. A down (green h:11] collis. A down } Door-theeks, } antes, ium. , } nus. } adj. Dorcenfis . DR A DRA DRE cribo. Soft Ay'down, } mollis, temer. vus. A down (plain) planities, compus. Drainable, doficiabilis. To draw with a hook, inunco. Down, adv. Drained, deficcatus, derivatus. To draw (as hounds) oy ſcent; in- Downward, } deorſum. A draining, deficcario, cliquatio, villigo, idoror. DOWN [go down) defende A drake, anas mas. To draw in, illicio. I ain down (gone down) deemdi. A leg drake, major. To draw in or cloſe, contraho. I am dowo (allen) sucidi. A drake (gun) tormentum bellicum. To draw in length, produco, prora- he Down the water, amne prono; fu D:akes mot, contraxerus, mine fecundo. A wild drake, Anas minor palujiris. To draw ſlimn) doingo, depingo, Down co, uique ad. Fire-drakos, faces, proboli, To draw money, numitos numerart. To draw near, Down the wind, ad inopiam vel - A dram, drachma. appropinquo, ar- 8:1110 T6.15Etus. I drank. See Drink. To draw nigh, ando, Right down, perpendicularis. Dramatick, dramaticus. To draw off. revoto, avoco, retraho, Right down ladv.] deorfum, pofum. Drap de Berry, pannus Biturigum. To draw over, trajicio. A downright man, fimplex. Drape-thccp, oves rejicula. To draw out, exhiurio, extriho. A dowaright blow, i&tus fupernè il- A draper, pannariui, panni merca. To draw a dword, gladium jiringere. lutus, tor. To draw a ſword haſtily, gladium The golg down of a hill, clivus. A woollen-draper, lanarius. vagina proripere. The going down of the ſun; folis A linncn-draper, lintearius. To draw a lore, exulcero. occujus. Drapery, pandaria, To draw to, attraho. With the face downward, pronus: Drapery (in carving) voluta. To draw together, coniroho. Down weed, coronaria, gnapbalium, Dravaniza (a river in Poland] Vif To draw up, haurio, extraho. (entunculks, tula. To draw up (an army] ordino, dif- Downy, I dravs, pepuli, Su Drive. pono digero, in ordinem adducera. The Brave [a German river) Dra. To dr w up the army to the city,oda A dowry, dos. movere exercitum ad urbem, To give a dowry to, doto. A draught (firſt copy] exemplar, ini. To draw water, ex intlo. Given in dowry 10, dotalis. tiun, rudis in rumenti delineatio. To draw water in a fieve, cribro.c. Having a dowiy, dotatus. * I have ſent you a draught of 941m haurire, Having no dowry, indotatus. the will, eximpiar teftamen i tibi | A draw-bridge, pinlus verfalilis. To dowſe, pugno percurent. miſ. To let down a draw.br:dge, dufta. A dowíet (cuitard) cgala, artogala. A draught (ſhape] lineamentum. rium pontem demittere, industri, re: The dowſets of a deer, teficuii cor- Whe! hc is able to make the laxare. vini, draughts of the letters, quum du- A draw-latch, latrunculus. The doxology, doxologia. sus literarum fequi poterit. A draw-net, verriculum, A doxy, inoitrix. A draught (pull) niſus, trochus. A drawer, fru&tor. To dozc, obſlupefacio. A draught (in drinking) baulus. A vietner's drawer, caupo: Dozed, ſlupefa&tus, attonitus, vertigine A draught of a net, jadus, ús, A drawer back, rocidivus. laborans. A draught (privy) latrins, forica. A drawer of broad cloth, panni poo A dozel (faucet] fphe, Draughts (the play] ludus larruncu lio. A dozen, dodecas, adis; afis, foli. lorum fimpliciorum. A drawer of water, exantlatır. dus. Draught-cattle, hypoxigia. A drawer (box] ciſtella pendula, cap. A drab, profibulum. A draught-horie, equus jugalis. fula verfutilis, lorulus curſor. A drabb'er, voli additamentum, Drauk įherb) gramon bromides. Drawers (linings] fubligaculurs. A drabblet, awaariun. Draun La river in Lorain] Dracbo- Having drawers on, caligatus. Draff, fliqua, efca porrina. Drawing, duftarius. Drafiy, moleftus, tadiofus. Draw [a river in Germany] Dra- A drawing, Iradie. A drag, theda, iragula. A drawing away, abductio, To drag, trasto. TO DRAW, traho, duco. * You may A drawing back retreaio, defeflio. To diag (by the hair) crinibus pro draw him which way you pleaſe A drawing by fair means, fuafio. Aralum raptare. with a twine thread, paulo momento. A drawing forth, extractio, A diag-horſe, equus rhedarius or bus illuc impellitur. * He draws | Drawing out, cvuifio. jugalis. trenches a-croſs the ways, fofas A drawing in, indujo. A drag.net, rotejacu'um, verriculum. tranfuerfas viis perducit. A diawing in length, produaio. Gumadragant,} summi tragacanti. To draw along, verri, A drawing (lipning) delineario, To draw aſunder, diripio, diftrabo. A drawing nigh, appropinquatio. Dragged, fractui, correptus. To draw away, a draho, ſubduco. A hafty drawing of a ſword, gladii a Dragges, quicqutá navi appendit ( To draw a river away, Aumun aver vagina proroprio • They are at an cd trahituri da:gers drawing, inter ſe digladi. Dragging, tractabundus. To draw back, retrabo, rouoco. antur. A diagging, tractario, corruptis, To draw. back (refufc) damnedo. A drawing of water, aqua exantlatio. Dragg'e-tail, vejiem irahons. To draw blood, langdines detra. To draw in one's ſpeech, laniè pro- To draggle, pertraho, collutule. here. ferre verba. tardilequus effe, A dragon, draco.. To draw a bow, arcum finuare, in- To be DRAWN, irahor, ducor. A famal: dragon, drarana, They are drawn by reward, pretio A Itile dragon, To draw breath, anhelo, Spiro. mercede ducuntur. * He could Young dragon } dracunculus. To draw cloth, pannkui polire. by no means be drawnout to fight, A Ica dragon dracı marinus. To draw cuts, nulla ratione ad pugnam slici poruit. Dragon's blood. languis draconis, lots, ^ Hc is drawn in, arundo alas urr. A dragon-ſtone, draconite, is. To draw down a relation, 6. pero baras, A dragon-trce, dracı arbor, duco, contexo. Drawn, tradus, hauſus, # Drawn A dragon fly, libella, To draw a draught in writing, de- wells are ſeldom dry, pulous fi bau. Herb.dragon, Serpentaria, dracon foribo. riatur melior evadit. Drgon-wort tium To draw the first draught (as pain. Drawn away, abfiraitus, abropius, Small dragon-wort, dracunculus. teis) adumbro, delines. Drawn out, 6xlraaus, deprompius, Snap.dragon (herbl antirrhinum. To draw driok, xromo, protra&us. Dragonera [a Spunille. illand) Colu. To draw dry, exhaurio, exinanio. Drawn to, atiradus. bruaria. To draw by fair nican', wurdeo,induco, A drawn ſword, gladius diftri&us. A dragoon, eques feloperarius, ca- To draw forth, extreho, exhaurio. Eaſily drawn, duailis. Dragooner, tapuliarius. To draw by force, pertraho, repio, A dray, tragula, traba. Draguignan [in Provence; Draguinia-To draw forward, produco, To A dray-man, tragulæ auriga. num. dr.w one on with hopes, spe pro- Drazzo or Durazzo (in Macedonia) A draie, traha. Su Dray. ducerr or lu&tare. Dyrrachium, To drala, deficie, derive, aquim eli. To draw fowls (28 cooks) evil- Dread, pavor, timor, CATO. To dread, expauefco. Dreaded, nus. VII). num. Curu:17. 3 To drink oft, exhaurii, exinanio. * DRE D RI DRI Dreaded, formidatus, To dreſs meaia-Libuig.coquere, a A drill, farebra, Dreadful, terribilis. Drols the fish Drogo, pifces purge,' To drill, terelry, perforo, Dreadfully, terribiliter. · Dromo, 'The drill (b-a!) fatyrus Indicus, D cading ladj.) timidus, pauns. To dreſs a tree, arborem putarı, am. To drill loldiers, milites in,,itune, A dreadlng, timiditas, Atis ; f. pa pulan. dif-iplina militari mbusri, tactica vor, oris ; m. To dreſs a ving, vitem colere. docere. A dicam, jomnium. Dreffed, ornatus, parsius, concinna- DRINK, polus. A vain dream, inſomnium. Good drink, potus generofuse A dream [idlo fancy) phantafma, A dreffer, inſtructor. Small drink, potus tenuis. imaginutio iners. A dreffer of leather, cari srius. Gonc in drink, vino obruluf To drcam,fomniare, por or fecundum A dreiter of meat, cquus. A drink, porio. quinten videre. Tolic and dream A dreffer of old things, insorpolator, To drink, bibo, polo, * Ho has a of a dry ſummer, tibicinem expec veteramentarius. mind to drink are down, ul.ma de- tare (Prov.] *I dream'd of thele A drefter of a vinc, putater. ponat vino sam attea ar viam. things, bet mihi dormienti vifa funs. A dreffer, To dream, doat or rave, deliro, I. absrus pulinarius, To drink away.care,vino angores ani- } A dreſter-board, Amſa coquina. mi diluere, Dicamed, per or fecundùm quidem To drink down, deparere aliquem vi- vijas, Dreſfing, orngns. * Whilft his wife no, cerevifià. A dreamer, ſomniator, is dieſling herſelf, dum fe uxor To drink exceſſively, porgra:or, Troubled with dreams, fomniofw, in comparal. Graco more bibere, plinas vini um. forriniofus, A dreſſing, ornatio, cultura. phoras ingurgitare. Dreaming, fomnians, A dreſſing of meal, apparatus, To drink and be friends, philosofi. Dreaming (now) tardus, tardiufculus. A dreffing for women, milella. um crutorem bibors, conciliari poru- Dreaming, or now paced, sardigra- A drolling-knifc, culler popinarius. lis. dus, a, um ; cardipes, ēdis ; adj. A dreffing up of old things, inserpo. To drink in, imbibo. Dreaming in ſpeech, tardilequus: Jario, To drink a little too much, meliuſ- A dreaning, forniatio. To dretch, fomnio, moror. culi quam fat el bibere. A dreaning ſpeech, tardiloquentia. in , Grorum. , || , Pipes, hebes. drew out the time with lingering, Drink it all off, ad fundun uqus Dreamingly, fomniculosè, ofcitanter. cunetando extraxerunt dicm. * He abibas vilin. I dreaat, Jomniavi. drew them to take his part, in To drink often, polito. ! Drce way, via longa, or via sedium societatem fuam perduxir. To drink a parting cup. cum difco- offrons. To dribble or drip, Hillari, gultatim dente amigo unum as allrum pocus. Drecry (or fad (adj.) mælus g.2, vm; cadere, lum exiccarı, triftis, s. Dribblets (ſmall fums] portinencu-To drink round, biberi in ordinem, D.edgers. qui oni wenantur. la. in orben. Dregs, fax, faris; fo raramentum. DRIE or dry, aridus, ficcus. . As To drink by lips, pirifo. The dregs of oll, amura. dry as a kecks, pumex nen aquà To drink to or unto; prebibo, pro. Dregs of vinegar, oxygien. of aridus. pino. I drink tbis cup to you, The dregs of winc, flores, caries. Dric (thirtty) fiticulofus, hunc fcyphum tibi propino. ... The dregs of wax, comofis. Drie orta, faceia clanculiem mordaces. To drink together, compoto. The dregs of coarſe fugat, fascbari To drie, forse, expsso, ar-To drink for the victory, pro Ilio bia purgamenta. Make dry, facio, bere. The degs of the people, fordes or To dric, ariſto, extrefio, fex populi, urbis smiina. Grow dry, arebo. , To clear from dregs, de 'aco. To be dric, arro, xuro. • The A drinker, petor, potator. Clcar of dregs, defecatus. fountains themſeives are dry, ipfe | A great drinker, bibix, tomu- Dreggy (full of dregs] fæculmtus. jam findes, Stiuns. An excesive drinker,} Silencio To dicin,-deco. Ser Drain. To drie in the ſmoak, infurno, fu- A great wine-drinker, meri pozor, Dreint, inundalus. m. Inderare, vingfus. Ad cnch, falivatum. To drie in the ſun, inflo. A drinker of no wine, abfienius. To dry herrings for barrelling, balo- A watcr.drloker, aquce posar. , cos defecari. A drinking, polario. To drench (dip in ) immergo. To be ſomewhat drie, subaru, A continual drinking, perpotat:o. Droached, Jalivatus. To dric ſhave, tondere aurt, exueri Exceffive drinking, samulsija. Droſca, farultatibus. Great drinking, bibacitas. Dreſden,'} (In Meſnia] Drejde. To be very drie, pirarco. A drinking to, propinatio. A DRESS, ornatus. . He has gotten Somewhat dric, fubaridus. A drinking togecher, compotasio, o- i into a new dreſs,, o'natis in novum Very drie, peraridus. nii; f. incedit modun. What mean you The drie land, arida. A drinking (beaver) eneroda. to go in this dreſs ? quid fibi hic Drie (without joice) exueras. Drinking ; adj. vefiitus.quarit? #What a dreſs is Drie exchange, ufura or commutatio Of or for drinking, } pororius. hc, in lqui hic ornatus eft? ficca. A drinkiag.cup, ampulla popria. To;dsels one's ſelf, so ornarı or co- A drie fig, carica. Drinking glaſſes, vitrea. tare, :* Dreſs yourſelf before you Dried, Accatus. Drink-lean, potus à beneficiario para. go: abroad, quin 14: 11 colis ante Dried in the smoak, infumatus. tws ad ex ipiendum dominuta. quam sxvas domo. *Wbat. arc Dried in the fun, infolitus. To drip, Aillo. you the butter now for having Dried to powder, inarufaltui. Dripped, Millatus. dreſſed your head ? quid tibi nunc Drily, ficiè. Dripping, pillans. prodeft , molles coluifi capillos. ** Drincis, ficcitas, ariditas, The dripping, liquimen, sliquamen, They are dresſed in print, mi. Drieſen (in the marquiſate of Bran- gulla cadura bil videtur mundius su tagii do donourgb) Drieja. A dripping, Millatio, gans, A drying, Scratio, deficcatio. A dripping-pan, dog uttarium. To dreſs again, re:olo. A drying in the ſun, infolatio. TO DRIVE, ogo, pello. . I know A drying up.byextremc heat, are not what you drive at og grid fadio. agir nihil intelligo. • I under To dreſs up a chamber, cubiculun A drift, propofitum, fcopas, impetus. ſtand what you drive at, fcio quid ordinare, A drift of ſilk, bombycinum infeftum, conare. He drives on a dcfign To dreſs cloth, pannum polire, * He bombycinun non sortile. for his own honour, honori wlin- bas taken cloaths to dreſs, curando A driſt of ſnow, nivium vis or.48. ficat fuo. * We let the ſhip drive, poliendaque velimenta accepit. dato venlis navigio fereb.sur. To dreſs curiouſly, exorna, concinno, The ſhip is a drift, navis ad arbi. The oration drives at mat, cò per. To dreſs a horfe, quum curare, triun venii fertur, inst oratio, To dreſs a new, } interpolo. mon. TO - ria. dia. nH. DRO DRU DUC To drive about, cirumago. To drop illilie, distillo, guito. Drumbourgh (in Cumberland) Ex. To drive away, abigo, areyo, fugo. To drop from the houie eayca, de ploratorum Caftra, To drive away the time, fallers tem ſuegründiis pluire. Drunk (of drink] opolks, potus, ex- pus, tem oris radiun excutere. To drop in, infillo. huylus. To drive back, repelle, retrogo: To drop often, Millito. Drink, ebrius, temulentus, potik- To drive hecs, ajas ex aluco in al. To drop out, oxiillo. Drunken, lenius. * Ever drunk, veum fraji:ere. To drop with ſweat, ſudorem gutta ever dry, Paribi quò plus bibuni, To drive before him, objantes ſub tim miltare. rò plus riunt. Drunken folks mattre, fugare, The diop ſtone, falletitas.. ſpeak truth, in vino veritas To drive a cart, auriger. Drop by drop. guitarim, To be drunk, inebrior, wino obrui.. To drive nown, dipango. Dropped, Billntus, di iliatus, To mak: drunk, insbrio, are. To dr.ve' froir, abigo, propello. A dropping, diflillario. Make drunk, inebrialus. To drive hard, sffundere currum. A dropping in, iniillsrio. A drunkard, ebriofus, vinolentus, bi- To drive in 'pango, illiao, infigo. A dropping of the houſe eaves, sila bax. To drive off time, feinpus fareri, mom licidium. Drunkenly, ebriosè, temulenter. ros serere. * But if you drive me The dropping of the noſe, naj Ri- Drunkenneis, obresas, temulentia, off till another time. An wutem dif- criapula. What fobcrners con- fors me in ljud tapusa Drop-wort, filipendula. ceals drunkenneſs revcals, qued 3] To drive on, imperla Waier drop-wort, enanthe. in corde fobrii ef in pra ebrii. To drive on a refign, aliquid moliri. The dropſy; hydrops, opis; aqua ina Drunk-wort, petunum. : To drive out, rxpallo, «xigo, extrudo. TRTCUS. Drunfcaheim, [in Aljasia] Concor- To drive ingether, compello, Cige. The white dropſy, leucophragmasis. To drive toward, adige. Having the dropſy, hydropicui,. a, Drury. modeflin, fohristas, To drive under, Subigr. um ; adj. Dry, ficcus, Sof Dric: Driven, aftus, agitacus, pulfus. He Droſes. (a river in Ireland) Tor- A dub. Sagnum. is driven to change his mind, die To dab, inſtruera, adornare, pienris Aa:4 dejikur. • They Droſs, foris, fax, To. dubľa knighi, equitem frilo gla- ſtruck fall, and so were driven, Drofs of iron, ferri ſpurcities. dio frcars. demijis velis , ita ferebantur. Drols of Glver, argyritis. Dubbed a knight, equos treatus. Driven away, abaduling profligatus, I drove (of drive) pepuli. HC A dubbing equitis creatio. propulfus. drovc' then to cat man's felh, A dublet or doub!et, diplois. Driven back, repulfus. ad huinanas carnes.edendas compulit. Dublin (in Ireland) Dublinia, Dub- Driven by force, coactus. A drovc, armentum, pecoris agmin. lirium, Eblana. Driven to or in, adidus. Drove, Jarmintalis , be; ad). Dublin county, comitatus Dublinion- Driven off, procraſtin sus, ex die in Of a d.ovci 3 art. diam d:latus. A drover, pecoris minator, Dubious, dubius. Driven ont, expulfur, excluſw. Droughs, Scritas. Ducal, ducalis. Driven under, ſubalus. To DROWN, morgn, demergo, fuhr Ducape, fericum molliufculum. A driver, agitator. mergo, aquis fuffo are. Hc The duce at cards, dyas. A driver away, abalor. drowned himſ:If in the fea, in The duce take you, diabolus te bine An aſs-driver, agitator afelli, agajo. mare ſi precipitavit. * They had. abripias, A driver of a cart, or. durige. drowned themſelves in pleaſure, A ducheſs, ducila. An ox-driver, agitator boum, bubul. in voluptan se immerferant. A dachy, ducatus. Drowned, deinerſus, immerſus, fub- A duck, Anas ris. A driving, agitatio. morjus, obrutus, Sepultus. A young A driving back, depulfatio. Drowned in dcbes, obarutus, are ali. Duckling, The driving of a cart, &c. auriga eno obrxius. A wild duck, anas ſylveſtris or fera. tio. A drowning, fubmerfio, lontierbo. A young wild duck, anasimula. A driving away, abonio, propulfatio. Drowſy, Yonnolonius, Somniculofus, a fen duck, fulica. A driving of cattic, minatio. fomno grrivatus. Orderimin forth; } exa&io, expulso. To be drowſy, bang web ren; To make drowſy, Sopio. Of or like'a duck, }anatinus , a, um. To drivel, sputun demillere, Jalivo, The drowſy evil," Terhargia; veter Hunt'fucke; } anatom paluſoom au- . Drivel, sputum, Saliva. To buced young ducks, anatas ex- A drivelet, Sputuin domittens. A drowſy companion, dormitator. cludere, alere. A drivelling, frusi demiffio. Drowſily, fomnolenè, veterosè. Catching ducks, anatarius, a, um; To drizle, Bilio, roro. Drowſineſs, fomnolentia, torpor. Feeding ducks,'} adj. Drizled on, irrcratus. To drub, fufte cadere. A place whore ducks kept, Tief- A drizling, Aillatio. A drudge, mediaf:inus, lixa, Fotrophium. A drizling rain, Shillum. A bare drudge, mancipium vile. A duck and a drake, and a white Drogheda [in Troland] Drogheda, To drudge, famulor, ingentes fuscipere penny cake, and a penny to pay labores, perpaluis laboribus , fe defati. the baker, polyacifmus. Drog can [in Podlaſia) Drogicina, gaye. To waddle like a duck, voluto. Drogobusk (!n Muscovyj Dregobus- Drudgery, famulitinn, ſeruitres. To make a duck and a drake on the To put one to drudgery, ſervitio op water, refular out lamellam di. A droll, congerro lupidus. pritnere. fringere ſuper aquor, lamellá aquam Drollery, faceria, arum ; f. le. A drug, Species or materia medica quatere Drolling poris a mere -meat, A dromcdary, dromas, camelus curſor. tremam vilitatem druenit. Ducks.weed, . Pronc [a river in France) Druni. Drugs, Duck bill-wheat, triticum rubrum or A drone, ficus. D:uggery, Spesies exotice. Normannicum. An idle drone, piger, . A druggary-man, interpres. To duck (act.] ſubmergo. Dionklew,porulenius. A druggitt, 3 Specialis, matcriarius, To duck Incut.) urinor, se inclinare, Dronteim (in Norway] Nidrofia. Druggiter, Jubſidere To droop, langueo, caput demittere. A drum, sympanumi. Ducked, fubmerfus. Drooping, languor. To drom, A d:ooping, languor. Having ducked, urinatus. }vympanum pulfare. Buat a drum, A ducker, urinaior. Drooping, trilis, molus. A kettit drum, tympanum Maurita- A ducking, urinatio, fubmerfio. A drop, gutla, Aills. Many drops nirur, A ducking down for fear, deciinario, inake a ſhower, minutula pluvia A child's drum, tympanulum puerile, corporis inflexio. imtrem parit, ex grano fit acer- A drum, A ducket, ducatus, numiſma ducale. Drummer, } sympanijia. Duciile, duailis, A little drop, guttula. A woman drummer, impani Iria. A dudgcon-haft dagger, pugio cum A gum drop, lachryma, A drumming, tympani pulſario. apiato manubrio, To mus. r Pontana. cum. .. , Vils. DUM DUR DU T 1 nus. "} Du-bama adj. }Dunelmenfis. } , 1 , To take in dudgeon, indignor, in. To be in a dump, Auges, forpro. Durance (a river in France) Duran- dignationem incipere. To be driven into a damp, Supefio, tius, Druentius. Dy ley. (a man's name i Dud!cius. obj upeſca. Of liitle durance, infirmus, raducus. A dudaa, formido 3. larva, 1. f. To dun one, avris obtundere, imcor- To be in durance, incarcerer. Duicarnon attonius menie alienatus, funè debita expo Cere. Duras (in Franciſ Duracium. DUK ["wing) debiras, neumi ju- Duna (a river in Poland) Duinai Duration, duratio. fus, a, um: adj. * He let upon Dunbar (in Scotland) Bara, Para, Dúrazzo (in Masedonia] Dyrhachi- ibem in duc ícaron, nos in feinpors Dumbarum. un, Ecdumnus. brolis eft. To enterpriſe a Dumblanc [in Scotland) Dublanun. To DURE duro, fuperelé, * It du- thing without doc reverence: ilo Dunbritton" [in Scalland] Britanno red tili our time, ufque ad atarem lotis minibus rem accedere. dunum. no.ram viguir. # IVhoſc wifrom Due (proper or requiſite) conumiens, Duncan (a man's name) Dunca. dured till their frit breath, quorum engrusas, apias, iconcur. ufyue ad extrenuin Spirituin pro- A due, jus, juris; n. aguum. 2. de. A dunce, Jipes, caudex, berdus, UCEI, et pruder:!l.:. dituna, 2. To take leſs than plumbei ingenii, Duren (in Juliers) Marcodurum. onc's dus. de jure fuo deceděro. Dünce-down (herb) typha, Dureſs, durities * Tog ve every one his due, or Dunkalk (in Ujer] Dunkeranum. Durelme, Dunelor.um, Dunolmus, (proverbialy) to give the devil his Dundee ( in Scotland) dildum, Dri- Durham, Durelmia. due, jus fuum cuique, vil befi qui. donum. dem iribuere. Danebour (in Lattenland] Dunebur- or Durham, La due time, umpflive, opportunè, Rum. A durgen, manus, purailio. ton.ori; adv. DUNG, flereus, fimus, oletum.:: Daring; durans. To be due, debror. * Money began To dung, aluum exonerari. During long, diuturnus. to be die, perunia repta deberi. To dung the carth, flercorare.. A during Jurutis. A due) monomachia, certamen fin Sheep's-dung, pilula, furcerda. A during long, diuturnitas, Duelling, gülare. Man's.dung, morda. Durinz my fay, dum interfum. To fight duels, figillasim committi, Thin dung, foria. Durlack, (in Germany). Durlacum, Dug (of dig) felus. Dung, adj. . Budoris. A dug, moima, uler. } Personens. Of dung: I durft ; of dare) ourus. fun. . * Hc A lille dug, mamilla. A dung-fork bidens. durft not uſe a poor widów thus, Of the dugs, momillaris. A dung fly, mulca fiarioraria. non auderer bæc facere viduæ muli- Having great dugs, mamofus. The dung beetle, pilutaria. Duo'as Con Scorlind) Duglafur. A durg cart, brana. Durt, lutum. Su Dirt. Dug-trec, amorna A dorig. farmer, Amrorarius, forica- Dusk, Duisbourg (in Germany) Duisbur. tum exhau. iendarum conductor, Dusky, rubinis, obfcurus, creporus. :971. Full of dung, Jercoroſus Duskith A duke, dkx. A dungh:11, jorquilinium, fime. To make dusky, infufco, obumbro, A litic duke, duci!!us. Heap of dung, tum. obfruro, A dukcdom, ducotus, ús. To fight on his own dunghil, in fuo Duskily, chcure. To dulcify, edulco. pulvere (u rere. Duskilhncs,obfcuritas. Dulcigno (in Dulma:is] Olbinium, Dunged, ercoratus. Duſſeldorp (in ihe duchy of Bergur] Uleinium, Adinging, fiercorario. Duſeldorpium. A dulcimer, Jambuco. Dingal in Ireland} Dungalia. DUST, pulvis, oris, * It falls to the Dull (bluntl habes, obriofus. If you Du garvan (in Ireland] Dungaru. duit ad nihilum residit. be naturally du'l, ho nisurâ tur. Small duſt, puivifuusi dior. See what a dull fellow A dungeon, tullianum, harashrum, a duit | blow} colophus. he was, incredicilom Pupiditatem carre fubterraneus & caliginoſus. M:ll-duit, moliura; pollo, inis. hominis cognofte. Dun colour,'cclor ſubfufius, ſubaqui. Saw-duft, ſcobi, obis. Dul of apprehension, hupidus, cras-lus.' File-duft, ,!u, naris piste. ramentum, retrimena A dun horſe, equus ferrugineus. } Pin-dust, dum. Dull of huar ng furdaflor, Dun in the mire, ad incisas redar-Dift [lweedings) quiſquilia: Dull weather, aïr nuhilus, nebulo- Tuli of dust, pulirulinius. jus. Dunghal in (Viber) Dangalir, Dust, เ, ) & du!I wila pinguis or srali minerva. The dun-neck (bird) currura. Of A dull horſe, 29:45 piger, leanifes. Dunkeiden (in Sotland) Duncheldi- A dust-boſt, ibeca puluinaria. To dull. habelo, sundo, obtun num, Cofiruin Culidonium. To bring into duft, in pulverem re- Make dull, do. Dankoren (in Ireland) Tuernds. digera To grow du!!, hebefco, torto.co. Dun le Roy [in France) Regiodu. To raiſe duft, pulvirem moveri. Somewhat dull, tardiufiulus, To duſt. pulvere conſpergere. A dull-pated man, boino nullâ cogi- Dunluce ( in Ireland) Dunluca. Dufted with a fox-tail, poniculo ab- fatione, Dunovert (in Scotland) Dunovertum. Aerſus. A dullard, hebes, bardus, fungus, in. Dunquerqee (in Flanders] Dunquer. A dufter (of a fox tail] peniculus. gmii barous. D fty, pulvercus, pulverulentus. A very dullard, mulo infitior. Dunsby (in Yorkſhiro] Dunum, Dunus to grow duſty, pulversjco, pulverem Dulled, beberatus, contufus, pupofac hnus. colligo. Dunsby (a promontory of Scotland] | Duſtineſs, vis pulveris, A Berubium A duſting. pulveratio. dull, Dunfeis, monticola, Dutch, Balp.cus. Duliy, odrazie. Dunſtable (in Bedfordſhire) Magiodi. The High-Dutch, Germani. Dulliiefs, beteludo, Segnilies, tarditas, nium. The Low-Dutch, Balge, Basavi. for por Dunſtaburg Gin Northumberland Dun- A duchels, duciſa, dux femina. Dully, feriò, penficulatè. Raburgun. A little ducheſs, durilla. Dunib, mutui, tacitus. • Dumb folks Donitan (a man's name) Dunla- A dutchy, ducatus, 11; m. get no land, Amy:las perdidit filen- Th. Dutchy. Court, curia ducasus Tiuin. Dunstaphage (in Scotland) Eucniv M, Lancofrienfis. To be dumb, obmuteft. Srephanodunun, DUIY, truſt or office, or obligation To ſtrike onc dumb, Alentium indi- Duole (in Lorain] Derempagi, Duo in practice or buſineſs, munus, (!, os obfruere. deciacum. ēris ; 3. n. oficjum, i, n. Dumbly, mure. A duplicate, diploma. Aduty or tax, conlus, 4, vedigel, alis; s. Dumfriſe (in Scotland) Corda Selgo- Dur river (in Ireland) Duri, Duris, Duty towards God, or 'our paients, D..rahlc, durabilis, firmus, perennis, pietas, atis ; f. A dumpeltpor, korpor. jiabilis. A litile duty, of: iolum. In diimp, meditabur.dus, altonitus. Durableneſs, firmitas, perennitas.. It is your duty, tuuin 21. To put in a dump, blupeficis. Durabiy, 1 tronne. It is our duty, in c.io eft. num or for dust, pulvinarius, a, um; nkm. tur. i nus. VITUM, E A C E AR EAR hey,} I thought it my duty, meum ife pa down twelve actes for each mang, To give one a byx on the car, in- tavi, duodenu in fingulos bomines jugara fringere alicui colaphum To do one's duty, manus prepare de cribit. Boxed on the car, caluşhis cæru. officium.colsye, munere perfungi. Each oker., adv. mutuo, le indicen. A box:r about the ears, colapbisca- Dutiful, oblequins officiels, moriger. * Taking each other by the hand, for, alaparum infractor. To be duiiful to, obfequor, morima minibus invi'en apprehenfis. An car of corn, frica, id; f. alinzi garera. On each fide, utrinque, utrobique. Duc'fully, obiqui:se, officio:e; ady. Eade (a woman's haine) Ang Muda, shoot forth cars,} spicas emittere. Disifuineſs, chiquium. Ida, Bearing cars, Spirifor, a, um; ad). Dwale (n ghi-ihide] ſolanum. Eadgar (a man's name] Eidgarus. Bear's car (herbi auricula urk. A dwarf, nanus, 2. pumilio, bomun- Eadwin (a man's name) Eidwinus. Eared, cio, 3. homunculus. 2. m. Eager (in caſte) acer, aculus, acer- Having ears, , } auritus , a, um ; A woman-dw3rf. pumilia, nani, a; f. bus, , a; Lap-cated, Flaccus, a, um, adj. Dwarf.cypreſs, chimaryparijjies. Eager (fierce] ferez,' ris ; pugnax, Having an car (handle) anjurus; adj. Dwarf-elder, ebulus, acis; adj. z art. * The tiger be-Eared (as coin) ſpicatus, a, uni; adj. A dwarf.trec, ardor pumila. ing cager with hunger, exigimu- Eared land, torra arala. Dwas-light, ignis foruus. lats jume i gris, An caring of land, Arario, ſudadtio; f. To DWELL; bibiro, 1. kolo, 3. ince'o, An cager delire, pudium cupidum, An earl, coixes, siis ; !.. 3. commorar, I. * He dwells by ili libido uchemens An ca.l's wife, Comitil. ja ;'f. neighb urs ibat is fan to praiſe To be eager (tart or lower) acro, 2. An earldom, comitarus, ü: ; m. himſelf. lous in are proprio fordefcil. To grow cager, areſso čre; ncut. Early, maturus, á, em ; adj. To dwell by (nearl rccolo, 3.. To grow cager (earnef] cxardefco, Early (adv.) malu'à, tempori. * Very To dwell in, incolo, 3. inhabite, are, cre ; neut. carly, mituri zdmodum. * Not as To dwe! in the country, ruficor, 1. Somcwhat cager, subaridus, a, un. yet, 'tis very early, nondum, præ- To dwell in the country for the Bagerly, arricer; adv. maturum enim eft aabuc. Yummer ſcafon, ejdivo, are ; neut. Ezgerly (earnest y) avidt; adv, • Early in the morning, multo mante, To dwell in a place during the The dog barks cagerly, canis acria primo diluculo, prima ius, I ſent winter, hiemo, arr ; neur. u glatrat. my letters veċy early, literas done To dwell' [ingist upon) inpfo, 3. im- Eagerneſs, acerbitas, atis; acrimonia, mariè dedi. moror, 1. a; acritudo, inis ; f. Earn (a lake in Irel ind) Erno, Dwelled in, babitatus. Eagernels (carncftacls] Juijum, i ; To earn wages, l'ipem mereri,lucrari. A dweller, hasil.for, 3. incola, Ic; c. n. aviditas, atis f. To earn within, vijceribus commoveri. A dweiler by, accola, 1. vicinus, 2.m. An cagie, aquila, le ; f. or epicen. Earncd, labire quafitus. A dweller og land torricole, ai 6. Af:a cagle, offraga, An carning, jipendium, i na , undicola, ; c. Eagle, aquilinus, 4, EARNEST (vehement) vehemens, are A dwelling, habitatio, comutoralio, } t. Ofor like an eagle, $ un, adj. dens, tis ; acor, is, «; td). incolui, ts; m. Tis i!l dwell. An eagle ftonc, sërites. Earnest (férious) ſerius, aitontus, fe. ing by bad neighbours, aliquid The golden agle, sbryfactos.. dalys, mali propter vicinum maluin. The black cagle, milanelos. An earncit, arrba, 1. -artha. A dwelling houle, 2b2b:siculum, do- The fowl-killing erg'c, mospbnis, Earneſt money bo, onis, Dwelling-place, ' } micilium, i ': n. An cagler, aquila pulus. feriò ; adv. extra jo- A little or poor dweling, habitatiun- Ealpred [a man's namc) Ealdresowe Good carrest, } cum, omni joro pro: cula, leis. di; m. cul, ex animo, bona fide, rruera. I dwelt, habitavi, of bubito. Ad eam (uncle) avunculus, li ; m. Tam in goud earneſt, atqui verum To be dwelt in, babitabilis, le ; adj. To can, agnum pareri, spiri. " To chide in good earlieſt, Dwina (part of Muſcovy) Buina, Eaned, editus, a, uu. vero vultu jurgarer To dwindle, svanej 6, sabato, 3. n. Having caned, mixus, a, um. To be earneſt upon, urgro, iri. Dwindled, confumpius, s, um ; part. An caning, enixus, partus, les; m. To be very carneft, vehemmer 4- To dye, morius, Su Die. To car land, terram colmo, atare, gire. To dye colours, tingo, infcio. Sei Dic. laborart, fubigere. To give in carneſt; in arrhan dari A dyc-houſc, rficin, rindoria. Earable land, arvum, vi ; n. Given in caracft, in anteculum prae Dyed, tinctus, imbutus, a, um, adj. an EAR, ouris, isf. Prick up bijus. Double dycd, dibapbui, a, um; adj. your cars, rigs aures. He is A giving of carneſt, artha donario. A dyer, linaor, 3. m. over head and ears in love in so Earneſtly, vehemente, intanter, ar- Dyer's weed, lutela. more focus iſ, * At the bollon of dentar, avide, obnixs, firedio:d.' #I A dyal, horologium. Ser Dial. the car, in awe iná. * Up to the coinmended you to hiin as ear- Dyffyr-dwy (a river in Wio] Drva. cars in aurium tenus in nefly and as d ligently as I could, Dying, moribundus, a, um, adj. merfus, dc ei' te conmondavi út gravifimè is dying, agit animam. A little ear, ewicula, le ; f. diligentiliméqui potui. Dying a natural deach, qui naturæ They go in at one ear and out at So carneſtly, tunlopore ; adv. , another, di&ta forf.vuni, Exceeding carneft, flagranièr. A dying colours, tingurt, infiius. Ear, auricularis, n; adj. Earneuncís, vehementia, 1. fervor, 3. The art of dying, baphice &s; f. Of the ear, 3 art. Dudium, 2. D. Of dying, baphicus, a. um ; adj. To whiſper in the car, ini aurem dl. To earn, lafli coagulum immifcere. Dynaſty (government) dynaſtie, e; f. Care, jusis auribus arcanum depo- Earning, coagulum, li ; n. Dylc!aly, mala corporis conftitutio, The carth, terra, a; ullus, uris ; f. Dyfnomy, prava legum congitutio, To give ear, attendo, 3. aufculto, 1. humus, mi; m. flum, li; n. Dyſentery (bloody-fux) dyſenteria, Given car anto, allinič suditus. A bank of earth, agger, aris; m. Giving car, arimtus, a, um. Earth cast uprogefiums, A dýfury [difficulty of making wa- A giving car, aufultatio, onis ; f. Fuller's carth, megma fullonum, ter] dyſuria, eif, To lend an car, attentum fe adbibero, A ditch of earth, fora, fa ; f. animus attendere. Fat earth, uber ager: The ear lap, auricula, læ; f. A fox's carth, vulpis anirum. The car holes, aurium mestus, To earth one's fell, in torum fe 06- An ear-pick, auriſcalpium, cludere, Ear-picker, To caſt down to the earth, ſelo ada- E befors A. The car-piece of an helact, coch- To commit to the earth, fepelio, EACH, quiſque, unu' quiſ. The car of a pot, ana, æ ; f. } EACH ONE, S que, alioruler, fin. An ear ring, inaurisris f. A ſc'ler to the earth, demolitor orie;m. gulio * Each obſcetch to other, Ear-wax, corunen, 3. aurlum fordes. A throwing down to the caich, de- werque alteri objicit. * At each An car-wig, fullo, mordella, forficu razlirio, it'; f. word ſhe let fall tears, verba inter. la ouricularia, A deſcription of the earth, grogra. fingula fudit lachrymas. # He ſets) A box on the car, alapa, colaphes. fhis, defcrifi.o terie. 1 nm2. N. quare, funditùs demoliri. dis orca. Tarte mondo, 1 MUM. { veſcor, 3. Nero, I. , ; . E AS. E BO E DI An earth apple, mandragora, a ; f. The north-east wind, cacias, holle. Ericry (drunkenneſs) ebrietas, 3. f. Eaith-bied, forrigeni. Spontius. Ebio (a river in Spuin] Ile:ur. An earth-nút, glans terra, bulbocefta- The ſouth-eaſt wind, altanus, vul- Ebullit.on[boilingi ebullitio. z.effer- } Ebulliency, turnus, ni; m. vefcentia, I. An carthquake, ferræ motus. Eft, Eccentrick (out of crder] cccentri- An carth-worm, lumbricks. Eaſtern, orientalis, le ; adj. 3 art. cus, a, um; adj. Of earth, filtiiis, læ; figlinus, ter- Easterly, Ecclefiaftical (or the church) ecclefia Earthen, remus, a, um, ad). Eaſter, poseba, tis; d'es paſchalis. ' aflicus, a, um, adj. Earthen cups or veſſels, Tutca sati. Eifter, püsihalis, le; adj. 3 Ech, alterudor. 'See Eich, } Of Eafter, lia, vaja fiailia. art. To ech, qugro, ere. An earthing of herbs, pulvera.i0,3 f Eaſterling (money1 Berlingum,gi'; n. An echo, coho, ûs ; fonus repercuſus, ? imago vocis , a, um ; adj. Eaſtwikc (in Herifordſhirej Picus To echo, refono, I. vocem reddere. To grow carthly, mundi deſiderio se Orientalis. Echoing, reſonans, tis ; part rimis permittere, To eat, edo, 3. comedo, 3. mando, 3. An echoing, rejon antis, a; f. Earthlincis, rorum mundanarum a- • You cat and drink, To eckie, defigna, s. confliuo, čre; mor, immodicum foculi pragontis and fure of the best and all at a.- Eucle, jud:km other's coſt, mufie ogis ætatein. An eclegma, atlegma, oris ; n. E-SE [reit) orjam, i; n, quies, eis : To eat all about, obedo, an oido, cir- An eclipic, eslipjis, jos; f. defe&tus,ús; ragades, eif, . He hath a writ of (umrodo, ere; act. m. deliquium ; labor, cri: m. caic given himo, rude dorsalus el. ro cat away, adedo, årı. To eclipie, obrumoro, 1. cere luo Eale (or plcsſure) voluptas, 3. f. gau. To eat and drink, and make good minibus. dium, 2. n. cheer, congrelori. Eclipled, obfcuratus, inu zbra:us. Eale (freedom from pain] d.lorum To eat greedily, voro, devors, are. To be in eclipſe, 2 deficio,defeitu la- vacuitas. To eat grounds w th cattle, agros To be eclipſed, .bornre. Eac (remiffion of a difte per] pa. 88ccri ad depaſeondum præbere. An eclipfin, luminis intercepoio. roxyfmus, morbi rom.jja, To eat immoderately, ingurgilare koli The ecliptick line, lines kilipiisa. cibis, Tocalce }(aft.) levo, sublevo, exo; An ecloguc, e:loge. Give eaſe, * You will To cat daintily, ligurio, iro. An etype (tranſcript) Etypum. give her fome eaſe, illi onimum To cat much, helluor, ars. An eddy, aqua reciprocantis vor:6%, relevabis. To eat often, eiro, ary euripus, aqua in je contorta. To cale la Dip) rudentes nimis dis To eat cnc out of houſe and home, An eddy wind, venius retro:edons à tento luxore. aliquen exedere. valo. To caſc naturc, aluum exonerare. To catone's words,palinodiam cangre. An eddy tide, equita contra fuxum Al eaſe, crio:è ; adv. *lau web To cat riotously, cosecr, ari. roflua. at caſe, benè merum egitur. To cat las a-fore ] exado, 3.ezulcero, 1. Eddim; } fanum cordum. To live at eale, 0140è agere, ra- To eat together, convricor, eris. Take one's café,} quisfirie. To eat underncath, fubedo, čre. Eden (pleaſurc) eden, paradiſus. With caſe, fresle ; adv. nullo negotio. To eat up all, exe:10, ère. Eoci river! in Cunherland) Tiuna. * They might hinder it with eaſe, Establo, edilis, «uulis, le ; adj. 3 art. Edenbu;ghlin Scotlind: Eimburgus, quod illis prebiberi erat fucile. An cat-bee (birdapiofier. Edmbugun, Alur. Cifra. A chapel of eaſe, facellum vicarium Eaten, efus. Iron caten with roft, Edenburgh Ciftle, Caftrum Pudlla- or fuccedaneum ferrum ſcabra rubigine rafwon. Little eaſe (priſon) mála anjo, Eaton round about, ambe'us, a, um. Ede:burgh Frith,. Borotria, arcæ rotuje Eaten into, erofus. * Rocks eaten Eder (a river in Germany] Ælera, At heart's cafe, faliciter ; ex fonton- in by the ſea, faxi pereft folog Afriinu. lia ; fortunarè; adv. Eaten ap, comejus, rxeſus, a, um, Ederingion (in Sufix] tiurni Portus. II at caſe, ægritus, a, #on, An eater, edax ; gen. edellis. Edernau (in Thruie) Hidrianapolis. Eaſed, levatus, allevatus, a, um. A dainty eater, ligurio, onis .; m. Edgar (a man's name] Edgarnsgi;m. An eaſel [in painting) equuleus pic- A great eater, comedo, hullue, 3. m. The EDGE or brink of a thing, lim- torius, conterius sabolia piloriæ. ubdomen infaturabile. bus, 2. margo, inis; m. ora, rif, An eaſcment, 7 exoneratio, ſublevatio, A little cater, educulus. The cdge of a knife, Gr. acies, ai tris ; f. leveze, 3. Eating, corroſivus, dax. f. ucumen, inis ; nori An eafemcnt lin law] immunis pre- Eating-ſtuff, ofculents, orum ; 0. The edge of a garment, fimbris, &; fcriptione per vicini fundum tranfitus, An cating, comeftio, 3. comeſtura, ra; f. f. limbus, bi; m. A houſe of ealement, forira, arúm;f. An eating away, adefo, onis ; f. The edge or border of a thing, extra- To do one's caſement, aluum lovari, Great eating, ingurgitatio guloſa. mitas, atitif veririm oxunerare. A gieedy eating, voracitas, aiis; f. To ſet an edge on, acuo, exaluo. EASY. facilis, prælivis, ve; proraplus, An cating of pafturcs, pascuorum ad. To edge ing. Inirudo, infinuo. a, um ; adj. * It is very caly, in morfio. A letter of an edge, faber exacuens. prompiu or procl:vi et. It is not Eaton (in Buckinghamſhire) Ælona. To ſet the teeth on an edge, dentes ſo caly to find a way out, difici. The cayce of a houſe, juggrundia, bebetare or lupefacere. lius of exitum invenire, • The erum ; imbricamentum,i ; n, collo- A fiting the iccth on edge, den. meat is caſy, of conco&ion, facilis quia, arum. sium jupefa&tio, fiapor, hebetatio ad concoquendum cious eff. *You To caves-drop, acuius, acie in. } think old age ea!y to be borne, to- Play the caves- Having an edge, fruau. lerabilis tibi videtur fonectus. It dropper, Having two cdges, anceps, iris; adj. is an ealy thing to find a ſtaff to An caves-dropper, fubauſcultator, 2. To edge with edging-lace, prælexo, beat a dog, facile fujiem invenerit ris; coriaus, i ; m. ère. qui cupis canem cadere, The eaves-dropping Millicidum, i; n. To cdge (harrow) occo, arr. Eaſy to be ſpoken to, offabilis, le ; Eauſe (in France) Eluja. A two edged ſword, gladius anceps. clemens, sis; comes, me; adj 3 art. An eaw, cuicula, ovis femella. Having three edgcs, triſuicus, a, um. Eaſy of d fpenſe, pe unic non poreus. Eoada [in Peloponnefus] Lacedæmon. Edgeleis, obtufus, a, um. Ely to be p!caled, placab:lis, moliis. To cbb (as the ſea), racedo, 3. roci. Edge-wile, ex obliquo. Eady, facild, expedita, prompte, adv. prolo, I. refluo, ora. An edging, fimbria, lacinia, I. lim. • He is caſily turned, paulo mo- To be in the cbb, decrefco, 3. immi. tus, oi; m. menlo huc & illuc fr.litur. MKOT, 3 Edible, efuientus, a, um. Ealineſs, facultas, facilitas, proclivi- Thc ebb, 1 receffus, refluxus, ts; m. An cdici, edi&um, decreum, ti; n. tas, atis ; f, Ebbing, 3 Jalacia, j.f. To cdify (inftrual infruo, imituo. An caſing, allevatio, on s; f. Ebbing and flowing reciprocus, a, um. To cdily (build) adifico, arr. The eart,"ories, orius, folis exor. Ebenc, An edific, ædificiun, i; n. } } bebenum, ni; n. tus cordo orientalis, An cd:ficer, ædificator, oris ; m. The east wind, curus, Jub,olarius, ni; Ebony, hebenaceus, a, um; an edifying, į edificacio, onis ; m. apelises, is. } Of Ebony, adj. Edification, f. tin. 1 Eröng, subausculto, are. Eaſt pait, Ebony, } An Tais. Suvic xilis. An. EF. T E GY EL B An edile i Roman officer) æditis. Eger, acer. Su Eager. A counterfeit Egyptian, impofior, fic Edith (after-marh] gramm ferottung. Eger, [in Bihemia] Egra, Menos- ckiarius. Edith ja woman's name] Edisha. Egra, 3 gada. Ehenheim (in Alaije]' Enheimum. Edmund (a man's namc) Edmundus. Eger, [in Hungary] Agria, Anejaculation, ejaculatio, onis ; f. An edition, editio, onis; f. } Erlaw, The cie, oculus. Sex Eye. '3. Egbert (a man's name) Egbertus, To cject (cait out) ejicio, ire, Educated, educatus, infitutus, a, um. Egeſtuous, extremâ paupertala labor Ljcation, sjetio, onis f. Education, educatio, inflitutio, 3. f. Eigh (well) oja ; interj. Edward la man's 'name] Edvardus. An EGG, ouum, vi ; n. * An egg Eight, 070; undcclined. Edwin (a man's name} Edwinus. and to bed, Xenocratis caſeolus. Right years old, olennis ; adj. Ecd [a woman's namej Auda, Ada. Apples, eggs, and nits, you may The eight on cards, ogdoas, To cek, produco 3. augro, ere; act, eat after futs, poma, ova, utque au-Eight a clock, hari ca:va. Ecked, productus, a, um, part. ces, fi det sibi fordida, sufles (Prov.) Eighth, eet suus, a, uin; adj. An ccking, produalo, onis ; f. •From 20 egg to an apple, or from an eight in.musick, ogdsas: An eel, anguilla, læ; f. the beginning to the end) ab ovo Of eighi, estonarius, a, um ; adj. A litile cel, anguillula, la, f. uſque ad mala. * Aslike as one Eight linics, otties ; adv. An eel-pout, barbosa, mufiola fluvia egg is to another, fainiles hubont E2he days hencc, pe caiduum, Jahre laducas. Eight-iod, otłuplex, icis, adj. An cel ſpcar, ſuſcina, ne; f. To sit on cggs, cvis incubore. Eight times as inuch, oftuplús; o&u- An.ecl-but, poljor. Britannicus. To fit a hen with duck-eggs, 474- pliiatu, To eem, non occupati. fum ova gallinæ fupponera. Eighteen, oftodecim ; undeclined. The .cves of holidays, vigilia, e-A foft cgg, sum molla Eigbtecnih, odhodacimus, dacimus o&a- rum; f. jejunium, in, feriæ pre- A new-laid egg, orum a gallina recens. Eighteen t'mics, tètode:ids; adv. cedaria. Efable, fbilis, ke; adj. 3 art. A rear egg, ovum sarrum or forbile. Eighiy, ostoginta ; undeclined. To cffice. deleo, cri; act. Paſch eggs, ovsem pafchala Eghtieth, actodecimus, clungejimus. To cffifcinate (bewitch] ffaſcino. Eggs given at Elor, crocrum ,} Or of eighty. oktsgenarius, a, venena An effect, offrEtam, ii; n. # In Inteum. Eighty times, oftogies ; adr. words to this efcat, bis aut talj A poiched egg, ovum costillatum. Eight hundred, o&tingent, a, a, bus I'erbi. To potch eggs, ova cca:llare. Elght hundreath, caingentefimus. i Effect [among merchauts] negotium, To break eggs into a skillet, vus : of eight hundred, tingenarius. commercium, i, n. seftis parella infunderi. Eight hundred times, cainguties. To cffects ficio, efectum dare, Collops and cggs, ove cum lardo An eilet-hole, anfula To take effcet, efectum fortiri,' friza. Elmot (a river in Cumberland) E:- Of no cffect, irritus, cafus, d, wes. motus, An cgs-pye, oogala, dis. To no effect, frufrà ; adv. An hard egg, ouum duriufculum, i£insbury (in Huntingtonſhire) Ernul. Eif. &ed, offitus, a, um. preco&um, or duritar slixum. phs Cúria. An effectcs, offc&ur, cris; m. A fair large ogg. ovum decumanum. A juſtice in cyre, juftitiarius itine- An cffccting. effatio, onis ; f. A lule.cgg, oviculum, ovillüm. Effeel leſs, inalicox, acis; adj. 3 art. An egg begun to be a chick, ovum Eiſel (vinegar] acelum. To make cffcele {s, irritum reddere. pullefiens. Eiſleben (in Germany) Eiſleba. Made cffcallefs, irritur fa&us. A wind-ogg, rum irritum. Either (the one or the other) 4- An cffectrix, effiffrix, icis; f. An addle-egg, ovun urinum. ter, alteruter, urerois, ute-liber. * That it hurt not either way, ne Eff:&ual, fax, aris ; fiftimus,e, A pancake of eggs,cogalanum, 2. 0. Effective! umj. præens, ntis ; adj. The white of an egg, albumen, 3. n. alterutro inodo lædar. *lan weaker Effectually, ficuciter,affaative,eff. The yolk of an egg, ouum luleum, than cither of you, minus habeo vi. Effectuouſly, s cienter, adv. vitellus. rium quàm vejirito nervis. Effeminacy, mollitias, ni; f. An egg with two yolks, suum geri ſtops the blood on either Gde, Efferninate, effeminarus, mollis, mu- ſanguinem Auentem ex utralibet j . An egg-ſhell, ovi putamen, . An cffeminate youngſter, delicatu- The Itain of an egkovi umbili- EITHER (anſwering to or] is made lub, li ; m. by qui, vel, cras, * They will To cffeminate, 1 femino, imal- Like an egg, ovolis, ke; adž. 3 art. cither delight or profit, aut prosejle Makc cffeminate, sculo, I. emel. An egg-like mape, figura cvalis, volunt aut delaars, Either two lio, 4. eviro, I. or nonc, vel du vil negro, Somewhat effeminate, mulliufculus, To egg forward, 3. infart, laces None of your virtues is either. a, um ; ad). fert, Bimulare. more acceptable or more adni. Effemina:cdi emellitus, rviratus. Egged on, infligatus, lacefitus, table than mercy, nulle de virtu- Effeminating, effcminationis, a, um. An egger on, impulſor, infligator; m, libus tuis nec gratior not admiras An effeminating, rviratio, efemine- An egging on, impulfus, 4. m. infia Bilior mifericordiâ ef. * Nothing tio, onis ; f. gotio, onis ; f. can either te more conveniest or Effeminately, effeminatè, molliter, Egiſtments, jumita in agrum ſcriptum proper, nihil poteff bori nec cornmo- muliebriter ; ady. rariuin admiffa eb'morcedem fingu. dius nec aprius. Nothing is either Effecte, llarili, le ; ad). 3.art. lis septimanis aut menfibus folum mine or any man's that may be Efficacy, efficacia, 1. eficaritas, 3.mer- dam. taken away, nihil nique meum eft gia, I. vis, acc. vin, abl. vi. Eglantine (ſweet-br'c:] Cynosbatus, nagur cujuſquam, quod auferri por Of much efficacy, valentifimus, Wild eglantine, rubus canicus, roſa teft. Efficacious, efficax, effectivus. canina. On either part, wiringui, ultro citro- With efficacy, ficuciter ; adv. Egli (a river in France) Thelis. que Efficience, ficimtia, &; f. An eglogue, seloga, idyllium. Eke (alſo) aiam. Efficient, ficiens, tis ; adl. 3 art. Egregious [excellent) egregius, exi-To eke out, augzo, 2. adilcio, ère. An effigy (p.eure) afigies, ei ; f. mius, a, um ; adj. Ekclcafort (in Dinuar] Ekdenfor. An eftitucnce, dia. efiluentia, ai } Egregiously, grigiè, eximià; adv. EMAX, f. Egregiouſneſs, iminensia, 1. infigni. Ekial, for Ezckiel. Effrcnation, troieritas, atis ; f. tas., atis; f. Ela, climaris mufci fummus gradus, Efrontcry, impudentia, æ ; f. An egrefs (going out) agreffus, ûs s Elaborale (donc exactly) sabore. An iffust (endeavour) conatus, impe m * He has free egreſs, liber pa- jus. rixus, úr; m. tot exitus. Elate (lifted up) latus. An effionn (pouring out] fufio, 3. f. An egret (bird) aflerias. Elapſed. prætorlapſus, a, um, An efi,, lacerta sæ. Egrimony, agrimonia, ægritudo. Elba (an iſland in the Tuscan rea] Eft, iterum ; adv. To cgrote (counterfeit sickocs) . Ilvia. An efter, iníroilus; ambulacrum, 2. N. mulare morbum. Elbe (a river in Germany) Albis. Eftioons, derud, árintegrò, illico, con Egypt, Ægyptus, si ; f. Elbeuf (in Frane E bovium. sfim; ady. Egyptian, Egyptiacus, Ægyplini.' Elbing Lin Prulia) E.bingo, ge; f. Elbogen, num. To egg on, } impiego di impello, 1 , Juliams, tai; 1 .. throv ne, nihil aliudgerunt nifi porrò, pratarà; ady. aé amplius, E LE ELS E.M B Elbogen (in Denmark] Milmogia, 1. t. 'A young , elephant, slephantis pal quid porro? May no man lave any An elbow, cudirum, 2. n. cubitus, 4 lur. thing elſe ? nib:l premea cuiquam r. ulna, nam; f * It had no el To bray like an elepbant, barris, 4. liccbit habere? bow-greale beſtowed on't, ne: do Thc biaying of an elephant, barri. ELSE (that is, other) alius, a, um ; morias Sapit ungues, lus, üs; m. as, * No man olſc, alius nemo, Thclip end of the elbow, acreleni- An elephant's trunk, proboſcis. non alius quiſquam. * They in- um, rubili summitas or extremitas Eephantine (ad).] elephan. tended. nothing elſe bul: to over- Elbow-wiſe, finuous; a, um, adj. Of or like an clephant, Elbow-room, spitium loxum. um, ut me opprimerent. To Ican' on the elbow, cubito niti To elevate [lift up] elevo, arı. Elſe. (other Wife) ulicgui (b:fors a acclinare le in cubitum. Elevated, lovaru, a, um, part. confonant) and olioquin before a To jogor. Junte with the elbow, everythings } devetio, anis; f. yowel) alitar, ahas. tubita fumatore. ; f. F LA FLE FLI To fare, fiuelun, I. ventilor, ari. Of Aattery, adulatorius, affonsatorius, Fleeced, detonfus, a, um. To fare in one's eyes, oculis' infar 4, 417; adj. A fleccing, cetunfio, onis ; f. lucis obuerfari. Flattering, blandus, blanditius, adj. To flee", irrideo, er; n. Flaring Fas a fhip) ſuperimpendens. A lattering.knave, gnatbo, onis; m. A Alcct, cloflis, is; f. * When they A'flaſh (of lightning or of lightful.. parafitus, i; m. had thus equipped their feet, tali .gor, oris; m. A Aattering tale, afintatiuncula ; f. modo infruäa cliente. Afiſh of fire, corufcatio, micatio; f. A Aattering wench, adulatrix; 3. f. The fleet (priſon) carcer ad amnem A Aſ of water, aquæ emilio. Flatteringly, afantatorid, blonde Fleurin. A flath [[idden, ſpurt) impetus, Flatulency (windineſs] Palio flatu. Flect ſwift co!er, velex ; adj. To Aath, fulguro, corufco, art ; n. lmta, byxorhondriaca. To Aect or fit, fuo, čre ; fluito, I. To faſh out, amico, are ; n. Flatulent, flatulentus flatupfus ; adl. fuelo, I. To flaſh [as water] afilio, ire; n. Flavigny (în Burgund)] Flavia Æ. To fleet milk, lacti cremorem adi- A Asher of warer, afperfor, oris; m. dusrum, Flacinia urn. mere, defpumare. A flaning of water, aspergo, inis; f. A Raunch Lin heraldry) figura arcu Flecting, suzax, gen. acis; adj. The Arthing of fire, corruſcario, ful- alis. A Alcéting diſh, Spatha.. guratio, micario, onis ; f. To flaunt it, nitidè vefiri. Flegm, phlegma, atis ; n. pituili, ; f. Flafhy; adj. mollis, linijus, dilulus, Flaunting, delicate amitius, inspiuus, fatuus, Flaunting wenches, molliter veftita. A dot of flegm, pituiræ globulus, Fluſhy in diſcourſe, infuhindus; ad). A faw, vitium, i; n. defretus, ús. To fpic out Hegm ixcreo, are. Flaſhy (not laſting] manidus, jubi- A Raw in a blade, ruptura, a ; f. Flegmat ck, phlegmaticus, a, um. taneu, a, um ; adj. To flaw, rings ago, debifco. F cgmy, piticians, a, um , adj. A Aask flaggon) lagena, n& ;. f. Full of flaws, vitiofus, a, ul. A fegmon, phlegmone, és ; t. A Rask (bottle) ampulla vimine co- A flawn, artotyra, galalyrum, oogala, A fil:man, fugitivus, a, um ; adſ. Dart1. puls ex laite ovis. A barbc.'s Reme, fculprum, pri; n. A flask (in heraldıy] linea arcualis Flax, linum, i; n. Flemed, terrefactus. & protuberans. Abundance of fax, linofitas, 3. f. Flemenc fermthe, fugitivi admifio, A Aask of powder, capſa, ajf. Fino fax ready for the diftaff, pup-1. Julent tio. A little flack, capſula, a; f. pa, e;f. A fleming, gingiva Secrosio of laxa. tio. A Aasket, civía, firrina, & f. cala- Flax ſet on the diſtaff, penjum, ; ; thus, i, m. corbis, 18 ; cophinus, i; Jamen, inis ; n. A Flemming, Flander. m. ſporta, ; f. Flax unfpun, linum infe&um, Flenmish, Flar.dricus, a, um, adj. FIAT, aqurlis, planus; ad). * He. A frike of Anx, lini manipulus. Flensborough (in Denmark] Flen. took me in a Aat lie, me mendasii A heap of flax, linodium, i; n. burgia. prehendit manifefto modo. To try fax, carmino. La Fleſche (in Anjou] Flexia. To flat, Bearing fax, liniger, a, um , adj. Fleſh, caro, nis; f. Make fiat, } aquo, complano, are. A flax-finch, linipha. A little fleih, carnicula, caruncula, To thiow fit on the ground, pro- A flax-plat, linarium, i; n. jierno, čre; act. * He threw her A flax-comb, pelten ad linum carmi. Fleſh-colour, carneolus, carneus, flat on the ground, fravit bumi nandun. The Aeſh fly, mufca carnivora. A A3x-mana Pronam linarius, i; lin!- Fieſh dicat, carnas, ium if pl. ,} A feller of fax,) pola, &;m, A fat ingot of metal, lamina. To get felh, pinguefio, ere; n. Flat along, pronu!, proßratus ; adl. * A flax-woman, Pupparia, linifox; f. Amended in fleſh, chefior so.ilo, proba Flaton his belly pronus in ventrem. Flax-weed, limem fylvefiro, olio Paginan. Flat-noſed, fimus, curaurus ; ad). Wild-flax, ris. To iake Acth from, carne in Sonewhat fat-noſed, fimulus , adj. Flas; adj. } linarius, og To make bare of flesh, s dore. The flat part of any thing, planum, Of or for flax, To go the way of all fleſh, ngirre iin. Flaxen, concedere, vita defungi, ad plures ire. A fut of thin flate, fcandula, e; f. Made of flax, } element suppers , a, A Aat piece of ground, aret, Q; f. To flay, excario, deglubo. Living on acrh, cornivorus ; adj. Ahat itrand, litrus planum. A flca, pulax, icis. To fledi onc, carnc imbuert. A flat (ſhelf birtis, is; f. To look feas, veneri pulices, A fel.book, fufcins, creogra. Flats in the ſea, brevia, iuin; neut. Full of Acas, į palicofus, a, um ; Fleſhy, csrneus, carnoſus, a, um. } Nor do they know what flats Fleay,. The fleſhy part of the hand, callus, there are on thoſe coaits, neque Flea-bitings, figna pulicina. * Theſe li; mi corum locorum vada norunt. He are, but Alca-bitings, folia nuncia- Fleſhleis, macer, a, um ; ad). drives them a pong the flats and dun.. Fleſhly, carnalis, la ; adj. 3 art, Sands, in brevia G Gries urget. Flea bitten [colour] * albo fuf- Fleſhly, carnosè ; adv. A fiat notc, fanus gravis. 'They Fleſhly (giving to women] libidino- found Ant, graviter fonant. Flea; adj. pulicaris, re; pulicinus, lus, venerius, Flat, a, um. Ficihineſs, carnofitas, aris ; f. Flatly, } plonè ; adv. To flca, excorio, 1. deglubo, 3. pallem Fleſhingue [in Zeland) Fielinga. Flatly in language, diferie. detrabere. A Actcher, Jaginarum faber. To deny flatly, præcisè nogart. Flead, excoriatus, a, um. Fletwit, . 2 muleta axlegibus & fugiti- Flatneſs, equalitas, planities, A ficaer, excoriator, oris; m. Fledwit, 3 vis indictes ad parere re- Flatted, æquatus, complanatus. A flcaing, excoriatio, onis ; f. gis imre:randarr. Flatter or morc fat (adj. compar.] Flea-bane, conizi, æ; f. A Hew, vtrriculum, tragul:. aqualior, vianjor. Flea-wort, Psllium. I flew (of fy) volavi, furi. * She TO FLATTER, ndulor, 1. sfontor, 1. A ficak, troles (ex aloribus formata. fiew it to the mark, Tejideniem o:- eruvir blandior, 4. - * 'They Aatter Varus Fleam, pituita. Se Phlego. auribus Vari ferviunt. * Think Flecked, marulatus, a, um. Flexanimcils, eloquens, diferlus. not I ſay this to flatter you, moli Flecked (arch-wiſe convexus. Flexibility (aptneſs to bend) lexibi. me putarı hæc auribus ik dara. Fleckt, maculatus, intorjin&us. licas, aij, f. To flatter a littic, subblandior, sup. Fled, evajus, perfugus, a, um. Flexible, flexibilis, lentus , adj. polper. Fled unto, fugâ petitus. Flex:ble (eaſy to be intreated) plan To fatter for a dinncr, paraſtor, Fled out, effugus, a, um. cavi'is, le; adj. Flattcied, dalmitus, a, um. Fledge, Fl:xiblencis, facilitar, aris ; f. 2 pennatus, a, um ; } Fledged, Not to be fattered, nadulabilis. adj. To Acker (Butter) alas metilate, vg. litare. A Aatterer, adulater, nfentstor, pal-To begin to be icdgci, plumeſcog3 To fce, volare. Flickering, vigus, jastus. pator. The Flie (in Holland] Fiua, &; f. Flitery; Bodulatio, 3. f. blandi. A Reece, vellus, čris ; n. A Arttering, trenium, delinimo. The golden ficece, vellus phryxeum. fic, rec.1, ræ; f. f. * fiattery now a days gets To Reece, sondso, 2. dotondes, 2. act. A little Mlie, mecula, as friend:, obfequium hoc trorpore ani. * He fecccd hun, deronſit illum an ox-flie, tobanus, A gad.flic, ufilus, afrun. os. parit. T A dog. . CHS. 3 IUM. 1 AUTO. 1 FLI F L O FLO m. 3 Hm, 17. A dog.iic, cynomja. The flying-filh, piſcis birundo. A flock-bed-naker, culcitrarins, is A water-fie, tipula, Flying away, refugu. A fire flie, gyrauſta. Flying high, altewolus, Flocked, conferius, congregatus. A blifte:-Aė, mordilla, Fiying from light, lwiifugus, a, um. A locking, congregatio, onis ; f. A fying, volatus, volarura, alarum | The flook of an anchor, pars an.bore ; } resigius. Adunca que terrâ infigitur. A fic-flap, mufcarium A fy!ng uuto, advolatus, refugiun. A floor, area. Fite-blows, sularum ova. A flying to the cnemy, tranafugi. A boa ded Ador, tabulatum. To Aie-blow, evláruitos ovis inficers, A paved floor, pavimentum. in lere. A dying at birds, avium per accips. A brick door, pavimentum lateriti. TO FLIE, volo, alis niti e ty Ho srem prædatio. woulu Aic' but he wants feathers, Mighty in flying, ponnipotens. To floor with boards, contabule, ofe. line pornir volume baud facile et. Flimfy, Asccidui, longuidus. To floor with ſtone, pavio. • It flies like an arrow out of a A Amry, ſpeech, oratio enervala or The floor timbers of a ſhip, aia, bow, noto citiùs volucrique fagitta languida. drum ; f. fugit. To Ainch, tergiveror, defifo. Floored with boards, contabulatu. To dle abroad (as acws) dimanare To Aing, jesio, mire, contorqueo. Floored with ſtones, &c. pavimenta- in vulgus. To Aing away or out, ejicio, projicio, To fie about, circumvolito, arr. abjicio. A flooring witk boards, contabulatio, To Aie againſt, obuolo, art, To Aing away (be gone) proripere fa. condignatio. To fic back, rofugio, 3. rivolo, 1. To fiog ras a horſe] calcitro. Floramour, amaranti fores, To flje bclore, provolo, arr. A Ring, jadus, ûs. A floren, libra Gallica. To lie before, i pratervolo, ATE; A finger, projector, jaculator. Florence (ia Tuſcany) Florentia, Flu- Flie by, } Flinging or kicking, calcitrofusga, entis, To iic at birds (as an ill-made uin ; adj. Of Florence, Florentinus. hawk] ad aviculai divertere. A finzing horſe, calcitro, onis ; m. Florence (a man's name) Florenti- To fic at (as a dog] impeto. A linging, projeäia. To fie down, devoio. Thc. flingins of a horſe, calcitra. Florence [a woman's name] Floren- tina. To fic far, provolo, profugio. As faft as they can file, vilass quàm A fint, blox, iris ; Florence (a kind of cloth) pannur , , Florensinus. TO Aie grois (as a hawk) aves gron. Of fint, A florentine (mide diſh) forla. diores inpotere. Flint (in Flinspire) Flintia. The Florentines, Florensini. To. Ale high, in ſublime forri. Flintſhire, comitatus Flintienffr. Florét (alk) metaxoy. To A:e hither and thither, diffie Flinty, flicous. Florid, foridusi gio. Flinty places, loca axis apsra. Florida (a country in Amarica] Flo: To Ae in, imuplo, I can hardly A Airc Cietty comma. ride. keep myſelf from flying in hs A Airt (onſet] impetus. Ana ing Morenus. To ftote, Anite, face; vix me contine quin in capil. A firt baggage] Fortillows. lum inuslira. To Art one, cortvicior, To Hote out the waves, ſuper aquas To let flie at, pelo, erk. A Atch of bacon, fuccidia. farri. To let flie (in ſhooting) diplodo, 3. To Ait, megre, migrare, Sedom mu; A flot of timber,} ratis incondita, Tofl'e often, volico. fare. Flote-boat, } Rhedia. To fic over, Super volo, tranfoole. A Altter or rag, panniculus, To ſet a, Dhip. a-flote, navim renul. To fie out, evolo. A fitcer.mouſc, veſpertilio, tiks ala. cars, renuco trahere. lui. To flie.out in expeacci, immodicos Floting, fluctuans, Supipius facere. Fitting, fugaz, fugitivw. A floting, futuario. To flie from place to place, tronk A fitting, matus. The floting of water, inundacio. vila, transfugio. The Alx, dylenteria, alvi protuviam. Flotlens, - merges naufragio in litlus To fie for refuge, porfugio, The bloody Aix, diarrhei, Lianieria, Flotzcas, . rejecte. To A:e (run away] fugio, aufugio. fanguinis profluvitum. Flolica-milk, Lac Ecialum, lac font creriore. * They were rcady to flie, ponè An im modcratc ils of blood, he- targa werterunt. # He made him morrhagia. A foud (Atream) Aumen, fuvius, fluo de out of Mredonia, coegii è Ma- Having the Aix, dyfanterieus, limte eniums. cedonia proługere. ricus, A little floud, Auviolus, i'; m. To flie together, concle, confugio. A land-Aloud, torrents, tis ; m. To fic unio, advolo, aufugió, «They Flix-wort, A great floud, diluvium, inundatio, Ale to the mercy of the com, Flixton (in Sisifolk] Dumwicus, Feli amnis exundelio. manders, ad imperatorum' fidesa cis Oppidum, A Asud-gate, amilirium, i, n. cara- confugiunt. To Aizzey avelo, aufugio. radu, ei f. To fic up 10, pelo. A fi.zzing, afula, schiaium. A flouk, Ready to die, fugrix, acis. } poffor niger. Flor lainong mariners) laxus. Flounder, Fije-bane, mufcicula. To float, Alučico, inaso, fuper aquam To flounce, demergo, inmerge, eri, A Aic-boat, colox, ocis ; f. inferri. See Flote. To flourith, flores, efforæo, Cre. A huge flic-boar, corbití. To Avat a meadow, admittere rivum To fooriſh again, refieren, rovirajo. A FLIGHT (criape] fuga, 1. f. in pratur To begin to Bouriſh. viroſco, 3. effugium, 2. n. To foat cheeſe, coagulum à fero fe. To FLOURISH with weapons, 66- A Aghi (of birds) volarus, 4. m. corner.. ruſco, vibre. * It is one thing to A A ght or company of birds, avium Float-graſs, gramen puviatile. flouriſh, and another to fight, aliud · grex. A FLOCK, grex. ventilare, aliud pugnare. To put to A‘ght, frigo, proflige, in a flock of people, turba, a; f. To four!/h in diſcourſe, rheoricor, fugam dure or veriore, • He put A great flock, exercitus, ús ; m. amplificare orationem, them to Aght, sofe vertere coegit, A Rock of geefe. pelabruns. To flouriſh in muſick, præludo. in fugam conjecit. A flock of wild beaſts, armonium. To tou.ith a trumpet, congere futa. Put to flight (adj.) fugalus, profliga. To fork cogerher, coco, conuenio. *An idle fouriſh of words, bulla, tus, a, un Birds of a feather flock together, verborum ampulla, judantiu thra. Flight ( a dog's name] Piersla. paros cum paribus facillimè congre fonica. A Night unto, refugium. gantur. A flouriſh before the matter, preim A flighe thol. Jogiike jalus, To ſeparate from the Rock, frgrego. dium. Siviſt of Aight, fugux, a:is , pernix, Of the ſame flock, gregalis. Fouriſhing, ergutus. ris ; adj. 3 art. In Aocks, gregotim, confertim. A fouriſhing, vigor. An inclination to fight, fugac mas. A flock of wool, Aoccus, formntum. A Rouf, sconima, diberius. To fave himſelf bright, effugio. A little flock of wool, flosculus. To Asut, jubjanns, 1. illude, 3. irri- Flying, valuni, volunt. A flock bcd, culcitra lania. dso, 2. ludos facere. Full Flix-weed; } sophis . num. a} includere. FLU FOI FOL To take a foil, ropulfam ferro. Full of Aouts, ditax, acis; adj. 3 Fluentneſs, volubilitas, atis; f. Fluid, fluidus, a, um'; ad). Folled, profralus, ropulfus, ad genta art. Flouted, fubfannatus. Flu'dacís, fluor. adactus. A flouter, fcurra, fannio. Fiuilh, equous, languidus. A fo!!cr, repulfater, sris; m. Flouting, Pelulons. A fut, nävis quam fuam vocant. A folling, rspülla, 1. repulfatio, enisz f A flouting, cavillatio. A A :ke (inical inceai genus, Flouis, coville, arun. Pung (of Aing) confeffus. The folling [of a dcer) obfcurums TO FLOW, fvo, mano, Flung away, projeffus. cirvi veftigium in gramine. To flow about, circumfiuo. Aurt, A foin, pundus. A Huret, } alapa, colaphus. To flow (abound) ofluo. To fain, punetim ferire. To Aow abroad, dimanı, diffiuo. A flurt (fool) Kultus, futilis. Foined, pun&us, lacinari, To flow again, reftuo. To furt, inſpergere, injice. Foining!y, pundim. To flow between, interfluo. Fiuſh (abundance) copia. Foiſon, abundantiu, copia. To flow by, preelerfiuo, allaber. Flaſh (red.coloured) ruberundus. A foift (a little pindace) liburnum. To flow continually, fuito. Fluſh at cards, birte concolores. Tu foift, viffio. To-flow down, defuo. Flush of money, pecuniâ afluens. To foift in, fubdo, fuffarcio, fursing obtrudere, To flow :n, influo. A futh-deck, tabulaturin prorfus pla- Foifted in, fubditus, fuppofititius To flow out, ofituo, enda). To flow over, Axundo, irundo. To fluſh, truhala, Foifts, præſligiæ, arum, To flow all over, permano, diffuo. A funing, saler sanguinis motus, Fofty, mucidus To flow as the ſca, fufuo, afixo. fanguinis ad fuiim fluxut. To be foifty, mureo. To flow together, confiao. fluſtered, femrebrius. To grow foiity, muieco. To flow under, fubterfino. A flute, fiful, tibia. Foix (in Languedoc) Fuxium. To flow onto, affiuo. A litile Aute, libiola. Folcland, fundus fine fcripto potolus, To begin to flow, seatefco. To play on the flute, ffulans inflare, A fold, plica, e ; f. finus, is; m. A flower, flos, oris , m. tibiis canet. To fold, plico. A little fower, nofculuso To fute (channel) laqueant. To fold in, iinplico, involvo. To flower, germino. A Autcr, 1 aulalesis, ma To fold round about, oburlus. A flower (fi) thymallus. Player on the flute, fulator; m. To fold up, complico, convolvo, To fold op (thr:ad] agglomero. A Rower-dc-luce, iris, idis; f. radix A futing (channelling) laquestió illyricr. Flurings, salunnarun canaliculi. A fhcep fold coul, Aabulum, ovike. Folds of hu dles, (14/6, jun. The white Rower-de-luce, iris flori To flutter, volito. alba. A futtering, walitatio. To fold, 2. Haoulart, fabula Put into a fold The yellow flower-de-lace, iris lu- A flux, profluvium. Sei Flix. The fly gander (fiſh) milvus, Folded, plicatus The water dower-de-luce, iris pa- The dy sa pari pyridis mausita que Folded (as Theep] labulatus, pabulo. Folded together, complicatus. Infitris, Of á flower-de-luce, irinus. To fly, fugio. Se Flie. inclufus. A folder, plirator. Oar Izdy's Awer,' Bulbs seu'mii, A foal, pullus equinus, equulus, equus hyacinihı rocemen. A folding, p!icatio, plicatura. To foal, pullum parers, edere fectum Folling-doors, vilva. Folding, plieruilis Tunis flower, pos Tunstanus. Cuckoe Hower," lepidum luere, quinun, odere aguulum. A folding of Theep, fabulatio. cardamine, Flower-gente, a foal, A fole, pullus. Sic Foal. Flower-amour, } amaranthus. Foal foot (herb) ofarum, infelago. Foliage, folia pia. Or ſculpta. To be in the 'Aower of one's age, A foaling, pulli in lucem editio. Foal-h!t, herba pullis grata, In folio [a book) in folio. adolefco, pubro. Folk, populus, plebs, uulgus, turba. Si Fome. Forkland. Sie Falkland. A fower-pot, bortus imaginarius, Foam vafculum foribus plonum. A minor. A folkinote, conventus, concio. Flowers to deck houſes, verbme. To sob a man off, aliquem eludera, TO FOLLOW, ſeguor, eris; dep. *I Books treating of flowers, ankbelo fruftrari, voto collum reddere, repul. will follow your counſel, confilio gira. fim darí, voire utar. *I am thinking to Made of flowers, furtu. A fodder, undura, follow your directions, obtemperare Bearing fowers, foriger. Fodder, pabulum, feniom. cogito precepris tuis. * He follows Full of flowers, Porulmius. Foider of ſtraw, pabulum Bramini. his pleaſures, in prio agit. Let me follow my own humour, fine Gathering flowers, florilegus. The Aower of the ſoldiery, milites Fodder ; adj. pabularis, pabulato We gerere mihi moremi, me: restigio leftifimi. rius, reyn geram. • They follow you Flower of meal, simila, fimilago, To foddot, pabulor, feno pafcere. in your ſtudies, indsorum fuorum pol.en. A fodderer, pabulator, seni dator. funi amuli. You fol.ow your own wont, eandem illam rationem To flower meat, farinâ confpergere. A foddering, pabulatio, fæni præbi- Flower-work (in maſonry] %opho- tio. antiquam obrings, . The main Tus, encarpa, orwins. A foddering plice, præfepe, is; . body followed cloſe, 19% obat ag- Of fine flower, pollinarius, A foc, # He that follows tiuth too inimicus, ri; m. inimi. Made of fine lower, ſimiluginous. A fooman, } ncar the hee's, ſhall have dirt ca, ct, f. Womens Aowers, menfas, tun. Fog ( after-graſs ) fonum, cordum, thrown in his face, verifics odium Of womens flowers, twairuatus. graman hlbernum effus. parit. Flowery, floridus. A fog (mif) nebulo. To follow afier, aliquor, confequor, ini dor. Flowing, Puidus. Foggy, nebulofer. the * They foll:wed Flowing about, circumfuus. A foggy body, corpus obfumi, pingui. chaſe too eager!ý, clari pudio te- Flowing over, superfluus. dum. merè infeculi funt fugienias. A Zowing, so cuula. Fogue(among canters) petunum. To follow a trade, arion 1xcolere.. To follow his book, incuintero fue The Rowing of the fea, Auxus, a Foh! phy! vah! Aus. A foil, rudis, mis prapilatus, purus, diis, Flowing in ſpeech, volubilitas, obtufus. To follow any bufiacs, rei operam Flowingly, volubiliter. To play at foils, rude luders, batu- dari. * He fo'lows the law, juri Flowkwort, cotyledon palubris. aftondic, lives soyuitur. Plown, volatu ſubduldus, A foll (repulſe) repulfa. To follow by courſe, alterno, fubail- To fluctuate, fufur. To foil, derni, repelio, terno. The Aue of a rabbet, cuniali vel. A foll for a diamond. adamantis in- To follow another's p!cafurc, obja- lus. felii subſtratun. quor, moren gerere. A fuc-net, tragula, varrimlus. The fol of a looking-glaſs, Sannum To follow diligently, feftor, Apac- Muellin, veronica, slatine. duaile averſo illitunn fpeculo. for. Flueat, Auidus, volubilis. To give onc a foil, in gmus dejiiere, To follow forthwith, fubfequor. То Foal, adli } pullinus. 2 um. 1 T 2 1 Tens. m. 1 je } pedrer him on FOO FOO FOR To follow.holly, citis quadrigis pro- To be fooling, nugari, pullum agere., Footed, habens podes. properare, Fooliſh, folidus, ineptus, fatuus, in-On--footed, unipes, edis ; ad). To follow (imitate) amulor, imitor. ſulfus, a, um, adl. * If my mind Two-footed, biges, edis; adj. Followed, comitatus, porſesulus, a, um. had not been foolith, fa mons mibi Three fouted, tripos, edis; ad). * He is followed by many, multi non lava fuiffet, Four-footed, quadrupes, cdis ; adj. -illum lanuuntur. To make fooliſh, infufuo. Many-footed, multipas, edis; adh. To be followed, irritabilis, le; imi. Fooliſh dalliance, ppulantis, 1. pro- Broad tooted, planipes, edis; ad): tundus, a, uin. cacitas, 3. f. Cloven fuçicd, capripes, edis; biſul- A fo.lower, comes, itis; c. dedu&tor. Fool!ſh talk, Aultiloquium. CUS, i, m. fibipes, asis; adi. A follower (porfúer) confo@por, 3. m. Fooliſhly, adv. Multè, imprudenter, Crumb-footed, Torises, esis ; adj. A great man's followers, comitatus. infipienter, inesta Soft-footed, mollipes, edis; adj. Following, conſecinnius, cunjia iriw. Talking fooliſhly, Bultiloquus, adj. Rougb-footed, plumipes, edis; adj. A fo:lowing, conſegumuia, ;.f. con- To ſpeak fooliſhly, nanior, ori. Splay-sonicd, valgus, a, uin; adi. fequulis, comitatio, deduétio, 3. f. Fooliſhneſs, Buliitia, infipientia, 1. Whole-footed, solidipsia edis ; adi. Foily, Buititia, cif, fatuitas, atis jf. A footing (of a desr) vefigium. A foman, inimicus, si; m. A foord, or ford, vadum, i ; n. Footing it, pedeier, pedibus iter tr- Fone: Journa, a; f. To foord, vado, ore. To forie, jpuolo, cite ; neut. Foords, brevia, ium; n. Footing time, fuma puerpera exur To begin to fome, Spumefco, čre. Full of foords, vadofus, a, um; adj. git. To cait out fome, desumo, exoumo. A FOOT, pos, dis , m. * You had A fop, nugator, 3. fatuus, i 3 To fome at the mouth, freins, 3. not beft ftir a foot any whither To play the fop, nugor, uri. frendro, öre; reut. from thence, cave quoquum ex ift. Foppery, nuga, arum ; f. Full of ſome ſpumous, a, um, hoc exuefis loco. • As ſoon as ever • As ſoon as ever Foppiſh, nugax, gen. acis; adj. The fome of tricd Icad, letbargy we ſet foot on land, ut primùın: Somewhat foppiſ, nugatorius. 1871. torom tetigimus, * Let it be at Foppiſhly, rugaciter ; adv. Fomy, Spomeus, frumelus, ag.um. the foot of the hill, ſub radice' Foppiſhaeſse, riugacitos. To toinent, fouro, inc. montis fiat. * He has one foot in FOR (a conjunction] cnim, etenim, A loir.caling, fomentario, foto, 3. the grave, peciem alterium in cymba nam: quippe. For firk by thema Fomchiztion, f. Charoniis habet, filicernium ). was the horſe routed, ab his enim Foining, Spumans, gen. tis ; part. To ſhift its feet, allernis pedibus in primùm equitatus of pulfus. # Fox A roming sumalis, onis; f. fare. who is lo quick a writer as f.. Fomir:gly, Spumosà ; adv. Foot, adj. ? pedalis, le. # About a eten: m quis ejl tank in fritendo im- FOND, indulgens, gen. tis. adj. Of a foot, s foot big, quali podolis, piger quàm ago? * For if any mit To bc fond of, indulgeo, ēre; neut. A little foot, pediolus, li, m. chief be in this matter, nam fi hoc mali eft quicquam. * For in there miror. *] was fond of nought, On foot, overlook foot, days it was faid, quiq;o in his ipfis frujra Jurn favijus. He will 14 pedibus es conſequutus. temporibus direhaiur. noi be much fond of Itrength, illo To go on foot, pedes or pedibus ince- FOR (3 prepoſit on) is anſwered by von magno defideria tenebiturwiri. dere. ſevcia! Latin prepoäcions, viacli- To light on foot, in pedes inſlire, in cet, Fond tricks, blanditia, arum ; f. humum defiendere. A, with an abl. ,as, * Confider Fond (fooliſh) Kultus, d, un. You To foot it, pedeſtri itinere proficifci, whether this be not all for me, are over fond, nimiun ineptus es. The foot of a table, fulcrum, cri; n. vide ne hoc totuen fit à me. # For Fondery. ffura, & ; f. The foot of a pillar, bafis, fis ; f. me ſhe is a maid, à me pudica or Fonde (in 1.alj] Fixdi. A club-foot, loripas, edis ; c. virgo afl. Fondly, blandè, indulgenter ; ady. A play foot, valgus, gi ; m. AD, wiib an acc. as, * For a very Fondncis, indulgentiu, a; f. The foot of a bezít, folum, planta. little time, ad brevifimum tempus. A font, baprifterium,'i; ai lavacrum The role of the foot, planta prdis. All th.ngs are created for the facrum. The hollow of the foot, pedis vola. ufc of gian, ad ufum hominum Fontainblcau (in France] Fonsbella. A foot-ball, pila pedalis. omnia creantur. . Vain mortality quius. A foot cloth, fratum ephippiarium, and witty for the deceiving it- Fon:arabia, [in Guipuscon) Fons Rz infragulun. ſelf, vuni: mortalitas bad cir. pidus. Foot-geld, paunia quâ canes just cumferibendum feipum irgenion. A fon:anel (irroel fontaneila, mema. faltus regis redimebantur no expedie * For a while, ad qurddan lem- Fonianclle Lin Normandy] Fontanel tarentur. pus. * Havens fil for a great la. A foooiman [loldier) pades, itis ; m. number of ſhips, ad majorem na- Fontenay [in Priatok] Fontenaum, A footman (lackey] olluda, a; m. vium multitudinem upri portus. iw edinacnin. à pedibus. It is good for the ſtrengthening of Fontevrault (in Anjou] Fons Ebral. A foot-ſtall, feabelluin, i ; c. the-poice, utile eft ad firmitudinem di, The footſtali of a pillar, Bylobates. vocis. Ford, cibus, i ; m. villus, ús; m. A footſtep, veſligium, DE, wiih an abl. as, the He would Of or for food; adj. cibarius, alime. The fooiſtocks, not have done it but for a great Invius, efculariyi, efculentus. The footokes, jarumina navium, cauſe, id niß gravi de cuusâ non A FOOL, fultus, fungus, i; m. The foothocks, feife. * It is noi for nothing None but a fool would run into A foot-path, Jemnita, a; f. that, non hec de nihilo eff. quòd. * miſchief that may kcep out, quod Calves-foot, arum, i; n. He did it for the nonce, de indy- tilvera folis ftultum af udmittere. Crow.foot, ranunculus, i ; n. friâ ferit. * To trápflate word for • As the fool th:oks, fo the bell Dove's-foot, geranium. word, verbuin de vorbe exprelun clinks, quicquid credimus fucilè me- Foal-foot, a jarum, i; n. proferre. Hinimus, Gooſe foot, pes anterinui, atriplex Ex, with an abl, es * If it were An errant fool morio, onis ; m. major, for our profit, fi ex uſu elit 191170. A fool in a play, ridiculus, i; m. Griffin's-foot (a ſurgeon's inftru. * He is fallen fick for g. ief, in To foni, nient ] Des gryphis. morbunt ex egritudine conjicirur. To play the rool, s me alonc, thou Harc's-foot, logopus, odis. IN, w:h an acc. as, acc. as, Hortages playeit the fool, omille ine, tu ni- Kite's-lopta pei milvinus. were dcrired for a pledge of their min kjiivis. Lion's-foot, pos lconinus, loonto, oaj, faithfulacís, in pignus fidei obſides To make a fool of, deridendam un. uchderali juni. • They obtained To fool onc, Aliquam To tread under foot, conculco, are, 2 truce for thirty yeai3, inducias propinors, deludo. The foot of an army, peditutus. in triginta annis impetrârunt. * Mada a fool, infirtualus, a, um. of half a foot, ſemipedalis, le ; adi. They are had for a double fer- Hoolery, deridionlum, i, n. Op a foot and a half, Solquipedülis, vice, bubentur in duplex minijleri- Pho'crics, upina, trid.crum; f. le; adj. * What puniſhment Thall Fool.baidi, oudcx, semerariis ; adj. Oriwo foot, bipedalis, la; adj. We think of for him? quid san- I'vol-barojneis, reperitus, alis ; f. root by toot, pedemtim ; adv. dein excogirabitur in rum fuppli- cium To play the rool,} defipio, ère. * Let } *; 1 1 * And yet as . , , ; FOR FOR FOR ciun? It would be aro!c.both tom muluteruni. *Virtuc is to be God forbid, at, averta: Deus, dñ for our good and yours, magis in dcared for its own fake. virnis meliora, probideant ſuperi. Tein nefruim e vetrum id fer. propter fe expelendoejl... Let him: FORBIDDEN, prohibitus, interdictus. * For linie (9 coac, in pofterum. alonc for my fake, mitte hunc mea negalus, telitus, , um. * He is Ob, with 471 2cc. 41, * I am paid gratiâ. He comes never the forbidden the uſe of fire and wa. for my foily, pretium. oh julijtar Jooner for that, illá causâ nihil ci ler, illi aquâ & igrie interdiaun * They reccive gieat gifts l_ tius venit. ofl. • Had not you been forbidden for holding their peace, ili protia For all (although) conjunct. etf, e it, you would not have been ſo wuzi nii od taimdum accipiunt. tiamfi, quamvis, &c. as, #! can inad on't, udax omnin perpeti gen's Per, with an acc, as, . For ſo ma. hardly yield you this for all you bunana fuit por vetitum noſas. * nyages, fot per facula. . * Nor in are his father, haud tibi hoc concedo le is forbidden by the law, lege deed could ſhe for age, neque per itf illi pater es cautum eft. Alleen esi.im poterat. * You may for ne, per me licet. men; as, He came Forbidding, prohibitorius, a, um, Præ, with an ab!. as, I cannot into the court for all that, A forb!dding prohibitio, inbibilio, in- Speak for weeping, pra lachry- venit in curiam tainm. terdiais, negatio, onis ; f. mis loqui non pium. * Fur fear, he would not for all that keep his 7o forbude, pra fagle, 4. porlende, čre. pred melis. * For anger, pra ira. axe from, nec rane: idcirco fer- I forbore, abftinui. Su Forbcar. * For joy, præ gikaso. * 1 darc ruin illa abiinuir. * For ali ihat Foroorne, indulgenter babilus. not for my life, pra vite meiu non cyer he could lay or do, quantum. Forcalquier ( in Provinse ] Forum nufn. * 1.dare not for my ears, cunque conatus gl. Nervis. prie aurium periculo non aufim. For (as for) de quód, ad; as, * For FORCE (itrength] vis, 3. f. impe- Pro, with an abl. as, I thall be what concerned the cruce, 'quod tus, ür; m. punishd for h:s faulis, pra jujus ad inducias pertineret. - For what Force [cr.deavour] cinamen, moli- pe:sctis ego fupplicium fuffiram. remains, quod fupereji. mien, inis; . I will grund for you, cgo pro te mo- For nothing, gratis adv. * You To force, sogo, impello, compello, 3. laci. You ſha!: have this for Tha!! not abuſe us for nothing, ut adurgeo, 2. What ſhould a man your rewa:d, hic tibi pro premio ne impunè in nos illuferis. do when a mad man forces him? prii. • They took up arms for For that, ady. rum, proplerea } the common libertyyarma pro For as much as, nam quid agus cum la furiofus co- quod, fiqui gar. * Hc forces them to take cominuni libertase referunt. dem, quandoquidem, quonam. The ſame oath, ipfe ad idem jusju- For * conſidering] our citate, pro Foraſmuch he underſtood, randum illos udigir. re mira. To take for granted, quippe qui intellexerat. To force one's ſelf, szolier, iri. pro con el juinel. To bold for For the moſt part, forè, plerumqus. To be of like force, ayuipalloo, Zrt. done, pro falo hlbere. * To be- For foue while, adv. aliqu indo, ali- To be of force, valeo, 2, The lieve for trúc, pro certo credere. quandik. * He will not be ſcn- 'Jaws were of no force, leges nibil PROPTER, with an acc. us, * He fib!e of it for a while, hojec ali- vulabant. oeys the laws for fear, legibus quot dies non fenrial. * For a pretly To force a, woman, jupro, vitio, I. propier retum purel. gooi while they agreed well e-To force a trade, quæfium facere, in- SECUNDUM, with an acc. as, enough, dies complufculos tene cen efrare homines, He ſpake much for our ſide, mul- venie sai inter eos. To force a licnch, aggerem exfcin- tûn jacundùn caufam nofram dif for what cauſe, quamobrèm, quarè. dere, perfodere, perrumpere. putavis. Fur that cauſe, ideo, praplerià, sâ To foric down, derrudo, demergo, 3. The propoſition is ſometimes to be gratia. fiscalfariò, coaie. vnderitood, as, + We are all the For ever, in aternum. Upon force, $Meddlc not with any worſe for libcriy, doleriores omnes {For ever and ever, in fecula ſeculo wine but upon force, cavato ne vi- jumus lirentiâ. * For the nonce, TUR1 num traites nifi neceſarid. dedila opera.' * H: fold the body Particular phraſes. # He was a lit- of great force, valens, tis. for gald, auro cerous tendebat. eten tle angry at me for making a de- of ſmall force, lavis, ve; adj. He lays hc fold him for fix fence, mihi quod defendiffem leviter Without force, inefficax, irritus, pounds, ait je vendidili fax minis. fuccenfuit. * I know the gods of more force, pluris, valonsior. • Rinom yourícil for as little as were ſufficiently angry with me By main force, vi & armis.. you can, tá redunds, captur quàm for hearkening to him, mihi deos To affauit by open force, machinis Saris fero fuiffe iratos quis aufcultove-oppugnare. For how much, quanti, gen. ram. *He was a very able ſpeaker Wrcred by force, extortus. For io much, tansi ; gen. for thoſe times, multum ut teripa-To lole force, flauceſco. For more, pluris, gen. of plus. ribus illis valuit dicendo. *To bring Forces, copia. For leſs, minoris, gen. of minus. thein for to be puniſhed, ut adau. To get forces together, copias con- Por, after good, fit lawful, profita cerem nos ut punirentur. * It were trahere, cogere. be, &c. is dioſt commonly the 2 moſt ſhameful thing for me not To muſter forces, deletum habere. sign of the dative caíc, is, * You to remember, mne ipfum non memi. Forced, udoétus, coadius. Ma'l take that courſe which ſhall mille turpifimum ej . They have Forccd d'fhoncfty, volatus, he moſt profitable for you, quod law for it, iis id ipfum per legem Force'eſs, inurliaus. tibi utilifimum erit confilii copies. Licebil. * It is not for mc to ſpeak To make forceleſs, inervo. Without doubt it is not lawful againſt the authority of the fenate, A forcer, caftor, compulſor. for a man to fin, certe peccare licet non 6;t mouin contra fenatis authori. Forcers (in ſurgery] forfex, odonta- nemini. # It is a ſhame for the tateu dicare. * For aught I fee, gra, dentarpaga. that are bred well to live barely, quantum ego perspicio. Forcheim (in Frankmland) Forcbma. 12"pe ej iis qui boni nati juni tirpi. Forage, pabulum. Sre Forrage. Forchcim ( in Franconia) Locoritam, ter vivere, Foraminous, multicovus. Towvia. 2 causâ, ergó, gra. I forbad, veini. See Forbid. Forcible, violens, violenius. For the ſake of, tiâ, pet, pro, To torbare, in perpetuum grivare. Forcibly, violentè, vehementer, obnixè. propter; as, For example, "To forbear, parco, 3. abiinco, 2. pa- A forcing, coreo, coinpulfio. mopli causa or gretia. * We are rior, omirro, 3. tenpero, are. A ford, vadum, come for his fake, illius ergô veni. Forbearance, ubiinentia, indulgensia, To fordoe, interimo, derigo. # For mens fake beats are 1. f. longanimitas, 3. • Forbcar- A fordoing, derogatio. bied, bominuas grasia generantur ance is no acquittance, quod dif- Fordon in Scolland] Fordunum. bellia. •l entreat you for the lake fortur non pufcrtur. Fo e, adj. anterior. of God and our friendſhip, per ego With great forbcarance, adv. lenge. Forc, ady, cinii, pra. Ir deos oro & naram umiritian. . nimiter. To fore-appoint, præſituo. # For my fake the ſenate and To forbid, prohibeo, velo, inhibeo, ne Fore-appointed, prædefinatw, a, um. twenty thouſand men more put on go. Fore-appointment, pradeflinario. mourning, pro re fenatus boni- To forbid proceedings, obnunciari. To fo:c-arm, præraunio. nunque prelerea viginti millia vef-To forbid Itraitıy: interdico, črs. Forearmed, pramunilut. A forc- ! 1 que id ininimo. For, }" TUI. 1 mex. Forecafted; } provijus. um. . Yio. Foreſide of a houre, Pars domi To forestall, anticipo, intercipio, fræ- FOR FOR FOR A fore: bank-rower, ad puppim Tk. ! The forcpart of the head, jinsiput. Forged [feigned] fidus. A fore-porch, propylaum. Forged (melted) conflatus. Forecaſt, providentia. To forerun, pracurto, čre. A forged talc, figmentum. To torccait, provideo, profpicio. A foreranner, præcurfor, antecurfor, A forger, fabricator, cufor. antecedonous, prodromus. The forerunners of an army, execar- A forger (counterfeiter] adultera- for. Of great forecit, providur. foris. A forger of writings, faljarjus. A fecafting, provifio, propicimtia. Forerunning, precurſorius. A forgery, figmentum. Not forecaſting, improvidus, a, A forcrunning, præcurfio. A forging, fabricario, sufo. Without forecaft, The forcſail of a ſhip, carbafum. A forging of tales, fiaio. Forecaſtingly, providi, circun poeta, foreſaw, pravidi. TO FORGET, oblivifcor, oblitero. ' * Confulre. To foreſay, prædico, ère, 3. Forget that by no neans, id tibi The forecaſtle, I prora, roftrum, pars: Tu forelce, prævideo, 2. proſpicio, 3. ne depuat animo. # He forget The foredeck, I navis acurainata in a foreſeeing, pravijo what is written, letbeis aquis prora' eminens. Foreſeen, pravifus, prærautus. fcripta sunt. * He will forget Pore-chofen, praleetus. A foreſeer, pravilor, provifar, every word we ſay, in portulum To forecloſc, exiludo. To foreſhew, pranonin, pranarre. ingerimus dita doliun. To for- Porecloſed, exclufus. Foreſhewed. pramonfires. get a wrong is the beſt revenge, Fore.conceived, preloneplus. A forchewing, pramonerario, 3: f. infirmi i animi exiguique voluptas The Toredoor, anticum. Foreſight, providmlia, projpicientia. ultio. "To forcdcem, divino. Want of foelight, imprudmtia. To forget or neglect, praverso, ire ; A foredeemirg, divinatio. The foreskin, præputiux. negligo, 3. prætermitto, 3. Forefa:hers, majores, prodi, antecesTo fore dow [!inger) cado, condor, To forget utterly, perpetuâ oblivione Tis. deireator. abruota. God föreſend it, avertat or probibeur To foreſlow (hinder) præpedio. To fo-get and forgive, ex memoria Dous. To forcfpcak, fajino. aliquid deponöre or abjicere. The fore-finger, index. A forefje::ch, prologus. To forget by drinking, ebibo. The fore-foot of a bear, manus. To forelpy, previaso. To forget what one has learned, de- , difco. anterior. ripio Forget-me-not [an herb] shamepi- To foreguers, prædivino. To foreft. Il a market, premer:07. tys. A forcgueifirig prædivinatio. Foreſtalied, inler: 0plus. Forgetful, onliviofus, Renew your To forego, antecede, A forestaller of corn, annina pagel forgetful memory, intermorinam A foregoer, unteejor. lator. memoriam revoca. To forgo (not acddle witb] abfi- A forefaller of the market, darda- Forgetfulneſs, oblivio, oblivium. narius, 2. praempor, oris ; m. A forgetter. immendor. To forego [quit it) pro derelicto ha. Forefta!ling, intercaptivusa A forgetting, oblivio, prætermifio. bere. To forgive, condono, ignoſco. Forcgoing, fraudens. Foreſtallment, To forgive part of the money, ** A foregoing, antreso. To forer ftc; piaguſto. pecuniâ aliquid remittere. The forehead, frons, tis. In the A foretaſter, prægufalor. To forgive wholly, totam remie- foichead and the eye, thclcaure The foreleeth, incisores, dmios pri. fare. of the mind doih lie, index animi enores.. A forg:ver, condonator, vulus. To foiciell, pranuncio; prædico. Forgiven, condonatus. * A paniſh- Forehead, adj. A foreteller, ariolus, prænuncius, fa. ment not to be forgiven, pæ.1.1 in- of the forchead, } frontalis. ridicus, votes, ingur, deprecabilis. * I am forgiven by Like a forchead, frontatus, a, A foretel'ing, prailg'o. him, remifit mih: noxam. } Having a forchead, To fore-think, cogitatione præcipere. Forgiveneſs, condon.tio, venia, Having a high forehead, fronto Forethought of, vegitatione præcep. Abſo:ute forgiveneſs, romiffo plena- frontofus. tid, mineita Having two foreheads, bifrons. To foretoken, præfagio. A forgʻving, roniſio. A forehean-band, anadima, odis, Foretold, predidus. To forgoc, demitto. The foichead-boni, as pontole. A foretop, anice. arum ; caprona. To fo goc one's right, de jure fuo ca- A forehead.cloth, froni!!t. is. Forewa d, antrorfum. See Porward. dere. Foreign, externus Ser for cign. To fore warn, pramondo. A forgoer, demiſor. To forc imaginc, mnenie tecipere. Forcwarned, pramonitur. # Forc- A forgoing, demiſio. Forc-rilagincd, mente receptus. warned, forc-armed, pramonitus, 1 forgot, oblitus fum. I To fore judye, pisaju? ico. præmonitus, I have forgotten had almoſt for- Fore-judged, prajutismus. Forewelked: dried up) «xiccatus. gotten thy name, nomen tuum pone A fore judging, i ondjudicatio, pre. A forcwind, 'venius lacundus, mihi exciderai. Fore judgment, } judicium. A forfcit, pena, deli&um ; mul&a Forgotten, oblivioni traditus. All Bob Fore-judger, qui prajudicat. quo in urritur, Forgot, which was forgotten, I forek cw, præfiivi. To forfcit multam in!urrere, jaalu. totum quod fluxerat. He makes To foreknow, prejijo, pranofio, pra. Tüm iucent. him forgotten, obruit mimoriam & cognofra. To ſeize upon as forfeited, confiscog nottiin ejus. A fore-knower, prognoftes. publico. Clcan forgotten, intermortuus, sepul- A fore-knowing, prancto presenfio. 10 forfelt a recognizance, vadimo- To b: forgotten, obruor, excido, in Having force menowledge. } praſcius. Forfeited, confiscatus. oblivionain venire. That Nangh- Fore-knowledge, piafiientia. A forieiturc, conflatio. te: was not yet forgotten, nondum Porc-known, prafe:fus. I forgave (or forgive) condonavi. ifadludas exolavorar. Foreness, TO FORGE, cudo, accudo, excudo, A fork, furca. À forc'and, fahrilor A little fork. furcula, furcilla. Th..forc.locks, ontiæ, oprona. To furge (dev!Sc] fingo. The fork.fiſh, pafinaca marina. A foreman of the qucft, prajurator, To forge (counterfe!) faiffico, -- A pitchfork, merga. primus. men:ior, unicio. A dung.fork, bidens. To forcloin [in hunting] fere odo. To forge deceit, dolos procudere. An oven-fork, rutabulum. rem prajescue. To forge a lyc, mendacium con- A fork for a vine, capreolus. The folcmaſt, molus anterior. flare. A fork for burdens, ærumana, mulus Marianus, The forcncon, tempus antemaridio- A forge, ufirina, ferraria oficina, fur- rium. nus fabrilis. A fire-fork, furca igniaria. To foie-ordain, pradefiine. Forged, fabricatus, 'x'ufus, Forks for nets, vare, arum ; f. The forepart, antira. Forged (counterfeited) adullerasus. A for Mailing} in:Arceptio. tus, proriontorium. TO f . i To egg FOR É OR FOU To fork, furcillo. A forſet, ciſella, ardella. by fortune I thought on, incidid Forked, furcarus, bifurcus, bicornis. mibi fortè in montem bære ras. Forſooth, fanè, foilicet, nempèa To fortune, evenio, forta fieri. A forked arrow-head, ielum biſulcum, Yes forſooth, etiam fi placet. Three-forked, trijulius. Forftraught, mms motus. A fortune-te!ler, omnilor. Forkedly, bifidi. To-forſwear, pajero, purjuri, abjuro, As it fortuned, fortè it ft. Forkedneſs, bifoglio, Forty, quadragin!a ; undeci. A forket, furcula. A forſwearer, pejerator, 3. m. of forty, quadragenarius , adj. Forli (io Italy] Forum Lidil. A forrwcaring, pejeratio, 3. f. porju. Fortieth quadrugefimus ;' adl: rium, 2. n. Foily times, quadragies ; adv. Forlorn, 1 perditur, deftitutu, dort- Forlet, lietus, FORWARI), audax, geni sis; proi Forſwonk, fatigatus. The forlora hope, anifarii milites, I forſworc, pejoravi. mus, a, um ; proclivis, vi. rorarii, formiarii. Forſworn, perjurus, Too forward, pitops. Forward (adv.) antrorfum, prorfumi A form (higure or ſhape] forma, f-A fort, propugnaculum, præfidiurx. Fort Charles [in Ireland) Arx Ca-Forward (ready) promptus, alecar. gura, a; f. rolina. To forward, ? A form (or m2oner) ratio, 3. f. mo- promouro. du!, 2. risus, 4. m. melbodus. 2, f. Fort Mardike [in Flanders ] Arx Pui forward, Mardica, To go forward, I prxedo, profeum A ſet form, formula, I. f. exemplum, 2. exemplar, 3. a. Fort Naffaw (in Brabanı] Arx Nafo-Set Forward, } facio, Drogredior. A form of words, verta vel concepts via. Go forward and grow in vir- verbs, Fort by fort, cafellasim. tue, malte virtute fo.. * The To form, formo. FORTH, foras, foris. *To bc forib. work goes ſlowly forward, opus To form anew, reformo, Teroque. foris elle. • To go forth, foras frigefcit. ine. A form in a ſchool, clajjis. egg forward, concito, fimula To bring forth, produco, profero. Prick forward, } A form (hench}fcamnum. provoro. A little form, krabellum. To bring forth young, parie, partu. To come forward in the wo.ld, die The form of a hare, leporis sedes. rio. tefiors. Formal, formalis. To come or go forth, gredior, 3. A going forward, progreſio, 3. f. Forward and backward, rurfus & , 6x60, prodeo, ire ; nçut. To caſt forch, foràs ejicire, prorfum, buc illus, Forwarded. promo!u5. A fora a'ift, formularum pusidus af- To call forth, cvore. factator To fally forth, irruptionem facere. A forwarder, promoter. To formalize, formulas putidi confer- * They fallied forth all on a ſud. Forwarding, conducens. fari. den, sasa fabitò proripiunt. A forwarding: Promotio. Formally, formaliter. To ſet forth, a thing, defcrito. Forwardneſs, prompiiluda, Formality, Solennis formula, receprus To ſet forth on a journey, proficis- Full of forwardneſs, promptus. cor, ad iter fe accingere. ufus. In good forwardneſs, in procinan Formed, formatus. To ſet forth a book, edo, vulgo. Forwelked, marcidus. Formed in breve formatum dopalimis. To bc forth coming, in medio or in- Foron (ſtore) copia, abundantia. A former, formator, promptu ele. A fors (ditch] fofa. Former, prior, superior. Forth (go on) perge, age, agedum. The fols way, via foffuna. Forth of, exire. Fofiano (! Piedmiens) FB:nu. Informer tlores, alim. Formerly prius, Forthwith, aftutùm, confeflim conii. The grcat foſc, ulni, radius, Formidable, formidabilis, terribilis, nuò, extemplò, illico, protinus, pa- The little foffel, sibia, fibula. le; ad). 3. art. tim; adv. A foſſet [little cheft) ciflella.. A forming, formatio. Forthela [a river in Scotland) Bode. A foſſet or fawcet, dolri fipho. Formosity (beautifulneſs) formofitas. aia, Bodetria. Forfombrone (in the dukedom of Formoſt, primus, præcipuus. To foreihink, doleo, animi difcrucior. Urbine) Foruin Sempronii. Fift and formoſt, imprimis Forthy, Fortal, veſligium leporis, ſemita ducers! } igitur ; adv. Forthen, A formulary, formula. od prætorium, Fornication, forniculis, seertatio. Fortifiable, propugnabilis, les adj. Foſtat (in Egypt) Memphis. To commit fornication, Scortor, for- A fortification, munimentum, pras. Fofter ( a man's name] Ved:Aus. nicor. dium. To foſter, alo, educo, nutrio. No A fornicator, fcortator, ganes, 3. m. Fortificd, munitus, communitus. longer roller, no longer friend, Forpriſe, exceptio, 3. f. Not fortified, immunitus. ubi fomal ras inclinata els amici do Foiragc, pabulum, 2. n. A fortifier, munitor. medio. To forrage, pabulor, I. To fortify, munio, valle. * Frlead- A foster father, allor, nutricus, Forraged, expilatus, a, where thip fortified a kingdom, amaicitia A foſter.riolher, alirix, nutrix. A forrager, expilator, 3. m. fulbe imperium, A foſter-child, aluminus. Forragers in an army, pabulatoras. To fortify ſtrongly, permunis, præ- A ſofter-: other, collattanaus. A forraging, pabulario, 3. f. fulcio, corroboro. Foiter-lean, munera nuptialia. Foſtered, educajus, nurritus, Forreign, exlarnus, exterus, exoticks, To fortify firſt, pramunio. peregrinis. A fortifying, munitio, A foſtering, educatio, nutritio. A forreigner, peregrinus, advena, Fortitude, fortitudo. To ſouch [among hinters) ruum A forreſt, Saltus, solva, nemus, densa A fortet, cafıllum. in quntuor piirtei dilrare. fararuar leta. A fore top, crinus in fronte crifpati. Fougeres (in Bretagne Fulgeria. The foreſt of Dean [in Gloucefler bira] A fortreſs, arx, prafidium, pripugna- I FOUGHT (of figh!! rugnavi... Sylva Daniu. culun. He hid fought abroad, poregrè de A dweller in a foreit. Sylvicola. Fortuitous [by chance] fortuitus. pugnauit. He fought wiſh va- Foreſt-like, faltuofus, Sylveftrise Fortunate, adj. fortunatus, funius, a, riola ficcefs, varia fortuna con Foreft-work, ſylva arapicta. um; felix, gen. icis. Aixit. # They fought many bac- A forrciter, saltuarius, viridarius, Somewhat fortunate, beatulus. des with good ſucceſs, plurimis To make fortunate, beira, forrunare. prolia fecunda fecerunt, 2. m. To lo fake one, defero, derelinquo. Fortunately, aufpicari, faufà, folici- Fought, Pgmatus. They forlake Afranius, ab Ara ter, focundis avibus, Fought againſt, copugnatus. nio de riſcurit. They forſake their Fortunate cís, FOUL, Fedus, fordidus, Squalid#l } folicitas; 3. Forcunacy, f. colours, à hgnis diſtoduni, turpis. * Tored with fou! wen. Forſaken, derliaus, defertus, definu. Fortunalus (a man's name) Fortuna Ther 2t (ea, ja uriâ maris j.:Etatusa Tus. #Leave your lou! language, mitte A forfaker, defertor. FORTUNE, fortuna, I. f. fors, 3. f. molè loqui. A forfaking, deruliftio, defertio, defli. Portutes darling, planè fortuno. Foul (ill-favour'd] deformis, indaco- rutio. - filius. you good for rus, teler. I forlook, reliqui * He forſogok his tune, i pede faufis. Foors have somewhat foul, fordidulus, uurpiiului, ground, locum non imuit. fortune, fortuna favet fatuis. By a, um. To forſe (clip) accido. forcune, forte fortunâ, * This thing Eoul [vicious) flagitiofus, A fout FOU FRA FRA ēris; n. Go a fowling, } arupor, ari. ILM. A foul deal, fatis fuperque. Four-foldly, adv. quadrupliciter. To fraight a fhip, niven onerare. Foul (among ſeamenj alterâ nave Four-footed, quadrupas, edis ; adj. To pay one's fraight, maulum (alvere. aut fune impeditu:, implicitus. Four years, quadriennium, 2. n. The fraight (burden of a fhip] , Foul papers, adverſaria, orum. D.vided into four, quadripartitut. To fou!, 2 conjpurto, fædo, inquino, Four hundred, quadringenti, qua- The fraight (wages]naulum, vidura Make foul, maculo, devenue/to. dringeri, a; adj. pl. pretium To be foul, ferdeo, fquale, are ; Of four hundred, quadringentariut. Fraighted, oneratus, ontefites, To grow foul, fardeſe, ere; n. The four hund. eith, quadringenteſi- Frail, fragilis, fiuxus, cadurur. Fouled, foedatus, inquinatus. Thus, a, un ; ad). A frail, feella, arca, salatha. A fouling, inquinatio, 3. f. Four hundred times, quadringentiès. A frail of figs, ficorum ffeina, quafil- Foulneſs, turpitudo, 3. f. Squa'or, 3. Fourſcore, octoginta ; adi, undecl. lus. m. fpurrities, 5. f. fordel, 777; f. Four manner of ways, quadrifariam ; To frail, 7 in fifcellas con- Foulneſs [fill-favouredneſs ]deformitas. adv. Put into a frail, ders. Foully (fi thi'y] Jordidè, fqualidè, A place where four ways meet, Fra led, in fiſcellat condeus. turpiter. quadriviLeny, 2. n. Frailty frogilitas, 3. f. Foully fill favouredly) deformiter. Fourch, litis prorogatio. Prailty (weaknels] imbecillitas, in A FOUND. fors, tis ; f. Fourteen, quattordecim ; undecl. firmitas, 3. f. I found [of find) inveni, reperi. 1 The fourteenth, decimus quartus. Frambois, radhus Idaeus. have found a purchaſe, reperi non Fourteen times, quatuordeciès. TO FRAME, comsingo, 3. formo, fa- qued pueri demitant in fabâ fe re. The fourth, quartus, a, um ; adj. brico, 1. confinu, ēre; act. periffe. * Leave me as good as A fourth part, quadrans. To frame unto, accommodo, are. you found me, relitue in quem me A fourm or form, el fis, 3. f. ſedile, The frame of ordnance, tormenti accepijii locum. I found by the 3. n. fell, 1. f. ſubſellium, 2. n. muralis yote want of it, carondo intellexi. A fourm fo two, bifelium, 2. n. To fame artil ery, mahinas majoras He found a way how to preſerve A fowl, vilueris, eris ; f. Foiis imponere. the ſenate, rationein iniit qua jena-To fowl, A frame of a building, ædificii vel fum feruaret. ſtruttura com ages. Found, inventus, rebertus, a, um ; Great fowi, aliter, um ; pl. A frame o diſpoſition of mind, ani- P&A. * He is not to be found, Water-fowl, aves palmipedes, volu mi ftatus. nuſquam apparet. • It will be cres fluminte. The frame of a table, menfæ ful- found fault withal, reprehenfionis A keeper of fowls, pullarius, 2. m. trum, trapezophrun, ſuber menfit- aliquid habiturum eft. We will A fowler, sucess, upis; m. rices. not be found fault with any more, J A fowling, at up ur, 2. cutupatus, 4. The frame of a paure, tabella cui non accufabimur Polbat. Fowling, adj. 2 cucupatorius, a, mappa inſeritur. Found out, adinventus, inne igatus of or for fowling, A frame for jewels, pagma, atis ; n. 4, um ; P. & A. * He th nks it A fowling-piece, fermentum aucupa- Out of frame, adj. enormis, me will be found out, refeitum iri cre torum. Out of frame, adv. obrupte dit. Fowls of warren, volueres fyluefires. To be out of frame, mimis com xeda Not found, irreperius, a, um. A fox, vulpes, is; m. * To ſet the uti valetudine. Not to be found, inve ligabilis; adi. fox to keep the geeſe, van lupo Framed, formatius, confru&us, fietus To found [in building) fundo, are ; committere. To be in a fox's HII framed, adj. informis, malè com- condo, erigo, confirmo, čre. fleep. fomnum mentiri. paau. To found [melt fundo, ére, To play the fox, vulpinor, ari. A framer, fabricator, formator, 3. m. A foundation, fundamen, 3. funda-Fox, adj. ? opifex. Dulpines, a, un mentum, 2. n Of a fox, A framing accommodatio, confruatio, The making of a foundation, Sub-Fox (a dog's name] lamşurus, 2. m. fabricatio, formatio, 3. f. Theſe Bruitio, 3. f. An old fox, panurgus, 2. velerator, 3. precepis belong to the framing From the very foundation, funditùs A young fox the common kind of life, es pre ade. } rreperila, a ; f. A fox's cub, cepta ad inflitutionem vitæ communis Founded, fundatus, a, um. Fox-colour, fulvus, a, um, adj. Spe&tant To founder [a horie] equo rigorex Fox glove | herb) digitalis. France, Fran is. Gallia, e ; f. podus inducers. A fox's holc, larunar, ris; n. The peers of France, parricii Fran- To founder (as a ſhip difovi, rimi) A fox-tail, feniculus, 2. m. fatifcere, aquam admittere. Fox-tailſherb) alopecuru. Frances [a woman's name] Franciſca. A foundered thip, diſolutum navigi- A fox fith, vulsecula, a; f. The Franche Compte, Burgunding To fox (mak. d unk] inebriare. Tegio Saquinorum. A founder [of building] fundator, Fox in the hole. empufa, &; f. Fraachels, 7 immunitas. libertas, 3. f. conditor, 3. m. Foy-people in Cornwalt Fawentes. Franchifo, privilegium, 2. n. A founder (of metal] fuſor, 3. m. A foy, potatia profaitia, viatica ; vi-To franchiſe (make free] emancipo, A bell-founder, fufor campanarius. rium profa tam Foundered, pedibus caudus. Foyterers, crrones. Franchiſed, manumiffus, a, um. The foundering of a horſe, ungul To foyl or foil, te ran afive tempora A franchiſing, manumiffin, vinditte. mollitjes. arere, fulcare. Francis (a man's name) Franciſcus. A founding of a houſe, fundatio, 3 f. The foyling of a deer, virgeiher- The Franciſcans [hyers] fratres A founding of metals, fsafio, 3. t. barii apitis dejectus, depreffio, &c. Franciſcani. Bell-founding, campanarum fufio. ab cerviná prenente alvo. Frangible, frangibilis, les adi. 3. art. A foundling, infans ex ofitus. A foyn polecat] porius, 2.2. Frank (tree) liberalis, le adj. 3. art. A fountain, fons, 3. m. origo, 3. f. To foy ft [counterfeit] Suspens, fub- A frank (200) libra Gallita. Fountain, adj. fontaner, a, um; jicto. Frank Almain, prædia facerdotibus in or a fountain, fontalis, le. A fraction, fraaio, 3. f. perpetuam eleemofynam colla:e. The Four Ein Bretagne] Gobaum. A fraction (in arthmetick) minutia. Frank bank, fundus dotalis quam A found or ford, vadum. A fracture, freaura, ; f. poffidet vigua à viro ſua virgo de FOUR, quatuor ; adj. undccl. Fragil. fragilis, ie; adj. 3. art. Sponfata, The four at cards, quatenio, 3. m. Fragility, fragilitas, 3. f. Frankenda! (in Germany] Franchen Four-ſquare, quadralus, dum; adj. A fagaient, fragmentum, ramentum, deja. Four days ago, ady, nudiufquartus. fruftum, 2. n. Frankenlandt [ part of Germany ) The fpact of four days, quatriduum, Fragments of meat, enaltta, orum; Franconia. n. reliquiæ, atum; 1. To frank [feed] fagino. Or four, quatern irius, a, um , adj. Stall fragments, minutia, arum; f. Frankfurt [ia Gironyl Francofur- Four times, adv. quater. Fragrancy, fragrantis, ; f. tura. Francorum Ir jeius. Four times a much, adv. quadruplo. Fragrant, fragrans, fuadilans. A frank giver, lzgifius. quadruplicato. A fry, roncertatiuncula pena ; f. Frank hearted, per:iberolis, le; ad). Four-double, quadruplex. gen. icis; To fray (make afraid territo, ure, A fant stroke [in fencing! frenua Four-fold, ad). 3. art. to begin the fray, impresſionem facere. peilio fue inpakta rudis in adver- Seriun. are. 324 A mus. nie. The frenzy, phrinefis ; phranitis, FRE FRE FRI A frank (to feed a boar in] Jagina- ftice, altero injuflitia genere va- Freſh and fasting, jejunus, impran rius. cant. Sus. Frank'y, liberaliter, ingenuè, To make frec of a company, muni. To be freſh, vigeo, vigefco. Fiankincenic, shus, uris. cipibus «idfiribere. To make fronha, polio. To perfume with frankincenſe, ado- To free the boat (among feancn] Freſh air, sër ferenus, aura lenes, lare thus. rymb.im unda evacuare, Freſh butter, bulsrum infulfum. A frankincenſe-tree, libamus. Free born, ingenuui, liberalis. Freſh cheeſe, cafous viridis. A little piece of frankincenſe, thus-Frec hoid, polt clio 'libera, allodium, A frcth-man, siro, novisi- culuin prajien oprimo jure. A freſh water foldier, 3 us. That burneth frankincenſe, tburicre. A free-holder, funai liberi peffor, Freſh-water foldier (herb) milit:iris A frce-bootcr. prado, mis. airzoides. Bcaring frankincenſe, thurifer. A free-man, Lliberius, liber, manu- Frelli-water fiſh, pifcis puviatilis. Selling fiankincenſe, ibururiks, Freed-man, $ miſus. A-freſh, ex integro, de inngro. Of frankincenfe, thureus, Freed, liberatus, laxatus. He Freſhly, recentir. Frantick, infanus, mente coplus. thought himself freed from his freſh.marlh [the family] De Freſco To become Iraitick, in dementiam oaih, jurejurando o solutum pula- Mariſco. prorumpere, bar. Freſhneſs, novilas. Frantickly, infanè. Frecdon), iminunitas, libertas. Freſh-fhot, aqui maris ſuljuginis exa Prant ckneſs, inſanja. A giver of ficedom, afortor, windex, pers juxtu os Huminis. Fraſcati (under the pope} Frafata. The frecdom of a city, civitas, A freí (pell (among'ſcamen) vegas To fraſe, frangs, Tuinpo. Freedom from, vncuitas, ta remigum jocist.of aluri fatigare Frat (a river in Afa] Eupbralas, A f:eeing, literasio. fubueniens. A fraternity, fraternitas, fodalitinn. Freclcgc, immunitas. TO FRET (act.] crucio, I. excrucio, Of a fraternity, fodalitiys. Freely, liberalitor, liberi. I. uro, 1 ; 3. ango, 3. # What To fraternize, in focinasem incorpo- Fscely bestowed, gratuitus, gratis ſhould I sret myſelf for? cur nie darus. inauro ? * Give over your fret- A fratricide, fratricido. A free-mafon, latamus generoſus, ting, jam verò omille ruim illam Fraud, fraus, gen. fraudis; dalys, Freeners, liberalitas. iracundiam, * The wine frets, Fraudulence, fraudulentia, Free-ſtone, lapis quadratus, faxum vinum acefcit. * It ficts him, writ Fraudulent, fraudulentus. armarium durius. bominan. Fraudulentiy, fraudulenier. Free-will, liberum arbitrium. To fret, be fretted, or be in a fret, Fraught (of fra'ght) oneratus, plenus. Frcerland [a northern iſland) Friſ tru.jir, difcrucior, Jomaibor, 1. an. Fraw [the river at Dorchefer] Va landia, for, 3. ringor, 3. ris. A freeze (in architecture] Zophe. To fret away, detero, attritu difru. Frawenburgh (in Pruſia] Frauen- pi. burgun. To freeze gelo, congolo. To fret (rub] frico, tero. To fray (as cloth doth by rubbing) To freeze together, concrefro. To ſret llcb) prurio. debijco. Freeze cloth, pannus villoſus. Wrought with frets, Ariatus. A fray: pugna. Se Fraic. A freezing gelario, congelario. Fret-woik, priatura, A deer's Traying (of his head] cor- Freiburgb ( in Germany) Friburgun. The foot of a lute, cithare intar- nuaria ad arbores frictio. A freight, navis onus. pundin. A freak, ſubitus animi impetus, Jubi. Frem'd, lango remotus, quorum nulla Fretful, flemarhojus, iracundus, . taria animi commotio. intercedii affinitas. Fretfully, Jordichosè. Freakiſh, in agendo fubitus & vihe French, Gallicus, Gallicanus. 'The frets (mouldigrubs) formina, mens, in repensinos animi motus pro. To ſpeak French, Gallicè loqui. Fretted, infricatus, derritus. clivis. A Frenchman, Gallus, Fretty (in blazonky) cancellatur, A freckle, lentige; inis, A French-hood, flasimium Galli Frecting, rorrofvus. Freckled, lontigino, Ks. A fretling, attritio, perfriffio. Freckledneſs, navoplas, French-mallow, malva Gallica. Full el freckles, } nawafies , a, The French-pox, morbus Gallicus, Friberg (in GermanyFriberga. lues Vanerea. Friburg (in Germany) Friburgum. Frederick (a man's nare] Frederi. French-roſcs, trachinja. A fricale of ſweet-brcads, profeftum. French wheat, miliun. A fricafſcy, minutal carnis frixa. [ , Fredorickſtadt (in Norway] Frederi- Frentick, pbreneticus, fanaticus. Fricenti (in Niples) Frequentum, colladium, FREE, liber, immunis, * You have idis ; infania. Good-Friday, Paraſceve magna. free liberiy to ſpeak, licet sibi li. Frequency, frequentia. Friderickſtadt [in Norway) Fridori- terè quodvis coqui. What vicc :Frequcnt, frequms, creber, coftadium. hc free from à quo tundam abejt To frequent, frequento, celebro. To fridge, ſubfilio, abfulto. , To frie, frigo. Se Fry: eſcape ſcotofrec, inulium id nun- Frequentation, tem. fry of fiſhespijciculi. quam auferet. Frequented, frequentejus, celebratus, A FRIEND, amicus, familiaris, ne- Free of giving, liberalis. * Free of Not frequented, incelebris. cellarius. A friend is never another man's purſe, de alimo li. Frequently, frequenter, crebrò, fæpè, known till one havc need, in on- beralis. Subindè. gufii: amici upparent. It is done A free gift, munus gratudium. Freſcades (thades] refrigeria. Iks a friend, facis amicè. * He Free denizens, cives adfcripii. Freſco, frigidus, gelidus, is a very great friend of ouis, To frec, Zemancipo, manumitre, To paint in freſco, murum gypſo re annicus of jurnmus nobis. * Hist Make fice, $ libertate donare. cons indultum pingere, in udo pin grcat friend hath forlaken him, I know not how to froc myself of gere. vallu's visem drepit. They are them, nequr quomodo me indè ex. Frch [new] not'us, recens, # I ex friends, they will agree again, traham fcio. Free me of this: pcct come fresh maitcr, recens ali. amantium ire amoris redintegratio fear, hunc mihi timorem fripe. I quid expeel? eft. Amongſt friends all things have freed you of other cares, ega Freſh [luity) vigens, vigelus. are coniman, (0.7:munia funt omi. vos folvi curis (Qloris. men ſupplied their places, alii forum inter fe omnia, * Friends To free from bondage, è vinculis ex integris uiribuss julscedebant. A may mcet, but countains never, imere. from hcarty old man, aquila se. mons cuin rnonte non micetur. To one a freeman, A friend or chrony, amiculus, 2. nare, vindiétâ liberare, ad pileum Fresh ( unſalted) infulſus, mucus. A greai friend, ainicus saimnus. '. vocari, è manu omiljere. Frin fiſh and firangers ſtink :. A iriend [i. c. Quaker) fremulus, To be free, fui afli mancipii. *They three days, pijcis nequam eff nifi Tromuluns, are free from one kind of inju A little friend, amiculus. A ſhe. cum. } program atio, onis : The ting er en mones, TBIONI. FRI FRO FRO A the friend, amica. The frisket of a printing-preſs, pre his teeth, è densibus. • More To be friends w th one, in gratiam li pui crater. glory comes from defending than aliquam recipere, in gratiam cum Frisk i gambole] Saltatiuncula. from acculing, ex defendendo quàm Aligus redire. Frifas [in Hafia] Friſlaria, Bogadi actuando uberior gloria comparatur. To make men friends, bomini bomi- * I will ſpeak from my heart, ne'n conciliare, in gratiam redigere. To frifle, crifpo, uflulo, vibro. equidem dicam ex au 19. # From * I'll go and make them friends, To frife over, acu crinali terquere. the fourth of June to the laſt of exbibo ut concilioms paceln. Frified, crifparus, calamifiratus. July, 1% ante diem nonarum funui My friend, mi tu. A frifler, capillaturæ fructor, siniflo. uſque ad prisie Calend. Augufli. A fellow.fr'end, coamius. A frifling, triſpatio. Whom alone ye had cholen A belly-Friend, gaatbe, parejitus, Afrilling fron, calamiftrum. from among ail, quem 200m ex Trenchcr-friend, menjarun alje Fofings, annuli, cincinni. cunais delegilletis.* He confided cla. Frifled locks, moſt in him from among the relt An wured friend, amicus juratifimus, To frift, ad tempus fidere, considere. of the Gau's, ei «x wiis Gallis ©* animo amicus. A frith, afluarium. maximam fidem habebat. * He A falſe friend, fimulator. Frithesbote, mul&a violata pacis, lives from hand to mouth, extem- A fr endleſs man, exlex, aqua & ig Fatllary (herb] fritillaria. pove vivit. # From before a ftone ni interdistus. A fritter, fries, friailla, friaillum. was laid, ex quo non impofitus fuit Friendleſs, absque amicis. Friuli [in Italy] Forum alii. lapis... From beneath, ** infe- Friendly, benevolens, amica; adj. Frivolous, frivolus, vanus, raljus. ris. * From that time, or froin Friendly, amid, beevelà ; ady. A frivolous matter, res nullius mo that day forward, ex illo témpore, Friendlineſs, herudlentia, oficiu. enti. ex eo, Ex tun. Frends (the Quakers) treentes. Frivolouſly, frivole. PER, as, *To deliver from hand Friendlho, amicitia, confuetudo, ne-Frize, pannus villoſur. to hand, por mamus alteri tradere, ceflitudo. Friendſhip foon cools, Coule frize for linings, Jagum villo- The prepofition is ſometimes to be eito fociorum ella male feruat. Sen crafias. underſtood, as, • He goes from To join in friendſhip conesliure. Frized on both fides, amphitapus. Copua to Rome, Capua Romam pe. A frier, fraser, merahus. Frizeland, Friſia. From home, doms. *From A friery, Eno Lite 7. Frizeland, ad). There was the country, yure. Frizeland, Friſius. A frier's coul, mullus. } fcen a navy of the enemies going Frier's coul [herbl arifarum. Frizeland leather, pellis Frijis. from Carthage to Utca, confpetta Fiers Auſtin, fratres ordinis Auguf Fro, a, ab. See From. clajlis bolium el Uricam Carthagine To and fro, ultro citroque. petens. Friers Capuchins, fratres conventua - To froath. /puno. See Froth. Particular phraſ.s, as, . He kept les, obſervantes Capuchini. Frobly-mobly, fis faris, utcunque, him ſelf from pleading his cauſe, Frjers Carmelites, ordinis Carmeli mediocriter. ne caufam di eret ſe eripur. Win- fani ob eruantas. A frock, fogum, tunita extina, baju ter kept this thing from being Friers Mendicant, Mendicantes ordi lorum fuperir.dunentur lineum. done, byem: rem geri prohibuit. n's Franciſcan. A frog, rana, Your fickneſs kept you from Fixers Minors, fratres ordinis Mino. A lide frog, rantini ulus. coming fe infirmitas valetudinis run S. Francifci. A ſea frog, rana marina. tuæ tenuit quo minus venires. I Friers Pred cant, fratres ordinis Pre- A frug-fiſh, rane pifcatrix, can hardly keep myſelf from fly- dietrun. The frog (of a boofyans. ing in his face, wie e contineo, Fle's pils (herb) nerdus foetida, To croak like a frog, coaxo. quin involem in tupillum. They bi calas. The croaking of frogs, coaxatio. differ from one another, inter le Fraze, gaulaps. See Frize. Green frogs, calamite, rane virides. diſident. They fent ambaifa- To frig, mafuprar. Young frogs, tanarum foetus. dors from one to the other, uliro A frigas, lourna, elox. A place full of frogs, calamaria, ra citroque legati inter eos mihi funt. A FRIGHT, formido. The army Datum. Sie To take from, Hide from, &c. was in ſuch a fright, fantus terror Frog blt (herb] Yang morfur. From above, defuper, supernè. incidit exorci, * I am in a Frog-grafs, boloicum, gramen junc From about Rome, à Roma, à locis great fright, in metu fun maximo. TAI circa Roman, To filght, 420 It frighted me Frog-kite, milvus paluftris. From abroad, peregrè. to the very heart, ca yes me bor- Frog-lettice, tribulus aquaticus, From all places, undique. rere affecit, peralie mbi animus. A froiſe, lardum lagano infrietum. From deneath, inferne. To put one into a fright, mielum di- Frolick, exultabundus, feliuus Fiom door to door, oliatim. mai aferre. They were put into A frolick, repentinus animi impetuu, From hence, bins. jo great a fr ght, tanius repente ess libido protere, From henceforth, abbine, debine, pof- Terror invafi. They are put To be frolick, gofio, bac. into a ſudden fright, repentino pe. To grow frolick, hilareſco. From man to man, viritim, Titulo exterrentur. Grown frolck, latabundus, bilaris From fome other place, aliunde. Frighted territus, exanimatus, fattus From ſtreet to ſtreet, viratin. In a fright, a, um. Frolickly, hilariter, lætabunde. From henceforth, exindè, ex eo, ex Fighilal, terribilis, Frolickiome, Lafeiuus, illo tempore. Frightfully, terribiliter. Frolickſomeneſs, laſcivia, From time to time, in dies fingulus. A trghting, erritatio. FROM. a, nb, de, , ex, &c. From whence, unda. Frigid [cold) frigidus. A, as, There was no news yet From what place foever, unducun- Fruidity, frigiditas, come from Brundufi4773, à Brun- To frigity, fneefacio. dufio nulla adhuc fama venerak From within, intrinfecus. The hawk frilleth, accipiler riget, From my youth up, jam à prima From without, ab extra, extrinſe- tieuit. adelefcentia, ab ineunte estate. Frim, nitidus, habils, vegetus. From three o'clock there was Frome river (at Dortheffer Varia. Frim folks aduene, alienigene drinking and gaming, ab borâ ter-Frome river (at Brifol] Fromus. A fringe, forbrie, lacinis tid bibebatur & ludebatur. From A font, pars anterior, pars adverſa, Having a fringe, fimbriaus, lacini before me, à facie mea, è confpeau frons Fringed, * From the very beginning The front of an army, acies. A fripperer, interpolator.. of this empire, jam inde ab initio A frontier, limes, itis ; confinium, A frippery, officina verum tritarum, bujus imperii. Frontignan [in Languedoc] Frontini- forum interpolatorium DE as, * The maid 1:ſts up herſelf anum, Forum Domitii. Fifs (one of the Netherlands] Fr. from the fod, de ceſpite virgo A frontiſplece, frontiſpicium, titulus. lovat. From a high hill, celo A front et. pittacium. Frifinghen fin Bavariat Frlinga de colla, The fronttal of a bridle, frontale. To frisk, alariter felirane, EX, as, From between his feet, F.ofen or frozen (of freeze) gelatus, Frisk, lencs, bilaris. è medio pedum. Fron between eingelatus, cong!aciatus, concretus. Froſen cus. C), } pruini.. A fruftrating, } frußratio. 72. TUM. Z of full age. Fulgents } fulgidus. FRU FUL FUN Frolen round about, circumgelatus. To fruftrate (deceive) fruftror, Full (very) valdè, vehemerier. Fiolt, gulu. Froſtrated, delufus. am full glad, totus gaudeo.ch A hoar froſt, is full heavy, in mærore off. * 1 Whitc froit, underſtand his meaning full well, A frost-nail, clauks glacialir. Fruſtrative, delufiuusa ego illius fenfus pulchrè callao. Froſt Dailcd, clavis xxlantibus fuppar. Fruftratory, Full fed, falu, Jatialus. * You will To fry (act.] frigo. foon have a belly full of her, ne Froity, pruinali!, pruinojus. To fry (neut.] alluo. tu propediem illius obfaturaberis, Froth, fpema To fry much, defrigo. * You can never have your belly The dry froth of the ſea, halosach- The fry of fiſh, minuti piſciculi, Sper. full, nunquam expleri pores. * He ma piſcium. did eat a fall dinner, prandebat ad To froth, sp:ems. Fryed, fri&tus. Yotietatem, To froth in bubbles, bullio. Fryed meat, caro frixi ; frixa, o Full ſpeed, concitáto curfu. To icum off the froth, defpumo. Full (perfc&t) perfefius. *You have Prothy,, } of fioth, lspumeus, Spumojus, a, um: A fryer, fratır. See Frier. a full year to ſtay yet, annus ej? adj. A frying, frictio, friaura. integer vobis expe&undus. Frothily, spumo... A frying-pan, ſartago, inis. • Ont Very full, afluens. A frothing, Spumatio. of the frying-pan into the fire; To be full, abunde, scales, suatu. rio. Froward, proteruus; perverſus, moro de fumo ir: Hammam; incidit in 'fus. Scylles qui vile vilare Charybdim. To be made full, impleor, fatior. Somewhat froward, Jubmoroſus. Fryth (underwood) ſylva cedua, vir- Half full, Jeiniplenus. Frowardly, proterve, contumaciter. gulta. The full moon, plenilunium. Frowardneſs, protervilas, contumacia, Fuage, veaig al focarium. Full groun, jadultus, adultâ a. } microfitas. A fat fub, phorulus vel pufio obefui. tate. A frowcr, ferramentum acuainasum A fudder, vedara, To full cloth, pannos conpipare, ar- ad findendas of ulas. To fuddle (act.] inebrio. gulari pedibus, cogere pannuin pedi- A frown, ruga. To fuddlc(Deut.] inebrior, pssito, per- bus. To frown, frontem contrahere, corru græcor. Fullage, præmium fullonium. gore, vultum caperare. A fuddle-cap, inadulfa, Fulled, à fullone confliparus, The frowance in hawks, Spumola & Fuddled, inebriatus, A fuller, fullo, onis. albida ſurdes circa os palatun. Fuel, fomes, focale, Fulier's, adj Frowning, toruus. A fugitive, fugitivus, profugus, erro. Of a fuller, A fiowning, frontis corrugatio, con- A fugue [in mufick] consonantia A fuller's trade, ars fullonica. troaio. quædam mufica. Fuller's earth, crets cimonie, terra Frowningly, forviem, forviter, diro Fukes, capilli. Telola, vultu. A fulciment, fatumm. Fuller's thiſtle, dipſacus, labrum ve- neris. Frowy (as Joiners ſay] en dis, neuti- Fald (in Germany) Fulda. quam criſpus. To be fulgent, fulgeo. Fullonical, fullonius, To fructify, fruftum fero. Fully, plenè. Frugal, frugi, abfinens, moderatus. Fulgid, A fuliing, fullario, panni coniipa- tio. Frugality, frugalicas, temperantia, ab. Fulgency, fulgor. Pinentia Fuligno (in Italy] Fullinum. A fulling-mill, fullonia, molendinum Frugally, frugaliter. fullonium. A frugzin, rutabulum furnarium. Fulminatory, fulmingus. FRUIT, fruftus. Fuliginous, fuliginosus. Fulneſs, plenitudo, abundantia, fati- F.uit (profit] lucrum. To fulfil, impleo, adimples. The firſt fruiis. primitia, arum. Fulfilled, impleius, expletus. Fulsome, prædulcis, pre rinia dulite The fruit of the womb, liberi, O- A fulfiller, impletor. dine ingratus, A fulfilling, adimpletio, perfeaio, per- The fulſome favour of things burnt, A frait-loft, oporotheca, ckiumerarium, aliio, complemmium. teter & gravis nidor ex ufulari. gurguftium. Fulham (in Middleſex] Volucrum Do- Fruit-bearing, frugifer, Fulſomeneſs, nimia dulcedo que nau- A fruiterer, Full, plenus, expletus, refortus, cor- Jeam cier, } pomarius. Fruit-ſeller, fertus. * I can never ſet it out to Fumage. funagium, fiercorario, Pruit-time, vindemia. the full, quicquid dixero minus erit. To fumble, inſcitè operari, rem ineptè A fruit-wife, Poinaria. # I think I have fatisfied him to tractare o aggredi Fruitful, ferax, iccundus, fertilis. the full, puro me illi affatim Satis. A fumbler, inperitus homuncio. To be fruitful, abundo. fe:illo. I requited him to the A fume, exhalatio. To make fruitful, focundo, full, pari munere remuneravi. * To fume, vapores emitterc. Made fraitful, secundatus. When it is full fea, cùm maris To fume (be angry] aperiè flomacha- Fruitfully, fericiter, fertiliter, fe- aflus intumuerit. You have fa ri, framese. cundè. tisfi:d me to the full, à te quidem in a fume, iratus. Fruitfulneſs, fertilitas, foecunditas, fe rumulatè farisfasun ejt' mibi. *Fumied, vaporatus. racitas, ubertas. Old age is naturally full of calk, Fumets, fimus corvinus, Fruition, frxilio. ſencius eli naturâ loquacior. He Fumidity, fumiditas, Fruitleſs, fierilir, infrecundus. was too fuil of words, fermonis A fumigation, fumigatio. To grow fruitleſs, Perilejco. nimius erat. . He is a full mian, Afuning, vaporatio. Grown fruitleſs, folus, omnium rerum ofluentibus copiis A fuming underneath, fuffumigatio. Fruitleſsly, fieriliter, infoecundà, in ditatur. * There was a full fe- Fumingly, Bomachosè. frueducie. nate, fenatus frequens conuenit. Fumitory (herb} fumuria, enpnon. Frum, ueberrim or feliciter vernans. * He paid the full worth of it, A fam uer, futorius. Frumneſs, luxuries fortilis. aquâ faaê eſtimatione pecuniam A fun&ion, funaio, onis ; f. munus, Frumenty, laatis & critici de:06- foluit. aris ; n. Full (qulet) omninò. *When I had A fund, ingens studimorum vis, parunice Barley frnmenty, decoltum laaiset been there fuil ten days, QUAIR curu!us. hordei, ibi deram ipfos fuiffem dies When The fundament, anus, fades. They that ſell or make frumenty, ke was full ninetcen years of age, Thc falling down of the fundament, alicarii, expleto anno ctasis indevigefimo jedis vel uni providentia, A frump, lanna, ridium. * He was full an hundred and Fundamenta!, fundawentalis, le; adj. To frump, il!udo, irridro. ſeven years old, contum & jeptem Frumped, illufus. annos complevit. Full an hun- Fundling or foundling, inventitius, A frumpet, jurn:o. dred years, juftum faculum. * Full Funen [a Daniſh Dand) Fionia, aj Frumpingly, rini'nie. four ihouſand inen, ad quatuor bo- f. To fruttrale (make vod) abroge. minunn millia. ja A funeral, funus, eris; n. U2 Foulk, } [a man's name] Fulco. cias. rum. ont. 1734), tum. 3. art. TO } it } latum ciere. of a funcmi Sunmous, funeralis, A water ſurow, clix, ici!; m. colli, Fynlanders, Fenni. Phinni. A furtherance, providio, promotio, Agad-bee, FUR FUZ GAI mke a funeral, fumus ex. A furrow, ſulcus. } Fy! phy! vsb! . A littic furrow, ſulculus. Fynlandt. . Funeral. fúnebris. Fyrthung, profe£}io militaris. A funeral obſequy, officium fupre- The furrow of a pullcy, rata ver. A tyst or loſt, vijiun, pedirun. Satilis lacuna. To fyft, vilund funeral dinner, epule pa- A { funeral banquet, rentales, he..d) .saudicarii canaliculi uvari. M.ke a fyft. jufta, infe- or um cornuum. Caulig io fyft, Matulentus. Funcral ceremonies, ric. Furrow by ſurrow, fulcatim. A fyfter, graveolens. A foneral long. nenia, spicedium, To furrow, A fyft ng car, catellus graveolens, } fules. thronus. Mak: furrows, melilæus. Funfk rken (in Hungary] Quinque Long narrow furrows, fuli: E.clefia. Full of furrows, fulcolus. Fungo 8, fungofus. Made in furows, fuicaiui, d, um; Funk, va,yor ) forans, tetor. Furrowed, } adj. A funnel, infundibulum. A making of furrows, fulcatio. To tun with a funacl, per infundi. A furrowing of timbir oy ſtones, G before A. bulunr, infun ere, laqagutio m:taria. The funnel of a chimney, camini Furry (in Ireland Fouris. T Furſtenfeldt (in Sriria) Aqua. O gab, garru'o, mentior. narer, Gabardine, tunica pafloritia craf- The funnel of a privy, latrina al Furftenow (in Gerinany] Aſcauca-_for, lana. veus. To gabb's, garrio, precipilanler lo- Achirurgeon's fannclcburg: cinalis. FURTHER, longiùs. * I will pro qui, timers effutirt, To furb Th.: recudo, polio, interpolo. cecd no further, longinenon pre. A gabbler, blatero, in loquendo pra- Furbishºd, polidus, interpol :tur. grediar. Unleſs ye will have ceps. A furbiſher, polio, ini!erpolator . any, thing further, niß quid ad. Gibel, vestigal ex venali Sale. A furbiſh rg re:ufo, interpolatio. bac fortè vultis. *I am able to Gabin (in Pol:10] Gabinium. Croſs fu.chec [in heraldry] crux go no further, ulirà que progrediar A gabion, ccrbis terrâ opplerus. furcata, non habeo. To place gabions, terrâ fuffertis core Where füred you ? quò tendidifli ? Further, adj. ulterior, * In the fur bitis on ſepiri, munire. The Furies, Furice, Eummiaes. ther Spomn, in Hi!pania ulteriori: * A gab'c, rudens. Sec Cable. Fury, furor, r. bies, inlanis.. In the further end of your third The gable end of a houſe, fummitas Hsir-brain'd fury, furor praeps, book, in cxtrimo lirijo libro. * On or fron:ifpicium domûs. rabies cara. the further side of Tyber, trans Having a gablc end. fojligiatus, pyo Full of fury, furibun lus. Tyberim. ramiaalis. Fury.l!ke, Jurislis. To further, proveho, promoveo. * I Gabriel ſa man's name] Gabrish, olis. Furiois, furiofus, rabidur, inſanus. entrest you to further me hercin, A gad of Itce', chalybis stilla. To be füricus, furo, infanio, bassbor, 16 oro ui me adjuves in bacire, gad-bec, ceftrum, afiw, laba- furine exagitiri. , To make ſurious, in furorem adi- To gad up and down, vigor, cir- gore. Furthered, prorn:tus, prowans. Cumcurso, volito. Furiouſly, furiosè, rabide. A furtherer, adjusor, fautor. A gadiler, irro, vagus, vagabundus. To furl" à fail, velum contrahert, Fathering proácuus A gaddeſs (fowly anas caudacuta. complicare. A furthering, promotio. A gadding. vagatio. Furled, complicatus, contra&us. Furthermore, porro, infuper, fral Caddir:g up and down, arrabundus, A furl ng, complie.tio, contractio. TH.. quinetium, ulteriùs, adhæc. vigsoundus, A furlong, Lindiun. FURTHES T, extremus, ultimus. A gadding goſſip, ambulatrix. Furlcugh leave to be abſent from At the furtheſt, ad fummum, • To-Giddingly, vagabundè. the arinyl corrimestus. day or to-morrow at the furthert, Gafer (in Iria] Fujinopolis. Furmcy, luatis & trtici deco&um; bod. axt fummum * 'The Galles, plestra, puls ex frumento colto, next night at furtheft he will be the giffe of a croſs-bow, shalybs A'furnace, fornix, caminus, diba out with his sriny, nac longius balijta flox:r. abaſt quin pelaimi note exeritum. Gafol land, derya confualis. A potter's furnace, figulina, oducas, A gag, spillomium. -Furnace, furnaceus, &, am ; Fury, furor, infanja, rabios. } Of a furnace, Togg, os abflruire. adi. Furze, genijla Spinosa. Gag teeth, deies exerti, Furnace-like, furnaceus, fornaceus. The fuſe of a buck; corui veſligiur. A GAGE (pledge) pigñius, depofitum. A fat meling fu pace, vas fujo- A fuſcċ of a watch, funis primaria A ggc of gauge to meaſure with, rium. rotat. virga shrometrica or hydrometrica. Furnes (in Flanders) Furna. Fuſil, fufilis, les , То , ornoFuree, adi. Το gage a cask, dolii capacitatem Aedito, juboriniftro, fuggero. The fuít of 2 pillar, columne frapus. mestri, voja matiri, vifis coptun Furniſhed, ornutus, injiruetur, fup. Fustan, xyl.nun. muriri, produterus, in a house richly fur: Fortanian. } xylinus. To gagc a ſhip, quanta pars navir opinie fuftian. br Jubter aquam explorare. domus Fuited fuftiail, xyl num fimbriarum. Gagid, pignori datus. A furniſher, infrulor, parochus. Coloured or dyed fuftian, fufcosinc-, Gaged (meaſured) virga chorometricâ A furniih ng, infruétio, juppeditatio, tum. probarxs. ernarur. Fuſtian language, fermo inflatus; A gager; doliorum menfer. ; m. By:us cffettus, grandiloquas. Agging. oppigneratio, Furniſlig f. To ſpeak fuftian, proferro ampulla. & A gaging of casks, menfura doliorum Furr, gellis ; vellus, sris. Jequireds.id verbs Provad10 Wridrov.erica. | Furs worn by Canons, pellicium, Fuſtil og3 aminu craljior, purida. A gagg!c of gecle, polabrum. A skin of furta pellis villofa Fustincis, pulor To goggle ļas a gooſe, glorits, gin- To ſuri, polliculite, fuiducere polli- Fuſty, pusiaus, fracidung murojus, gro, gratito. bus Gigliona [in Siriir] Galerio, Galerina, To furr a fhip, Pfarcin rivul um Grow fusty, Gign (a kingdoin in Africa) Ga- aliis plancis fixis juperinducere. The fut:ocks ['il navigation] Bulu- Kuni, Fursed, seilis. mina navium. G'iazza (in Italy? Cilatia, Gilania, A furred yown, toza selite, fellibus | Future, futurus. Grietta (in Napless lowjetis. i duplienis. A foz-bah, junges pulverulentus. A gol clcar, capa. A luiper, peli?", felliulator. Fuzen, 'A fuiring, pilliculuboo. A gall.d.th. alimentum. Gailc, Gaillon nus, cras. NHS. Furnistiments} suppellex, etsiis To finelt fuity; } pucco. Fuzzen, ath.} infuforium. puies? nous. lontia. There ſeems to be too A little gallery, Porticula, ambula- Of or for gaming, alsatorius. G A L G A M GAP Gallion (in Normandy] Gallio. Gallantly, complè, nitide, Splendidè, To make gamboles, safyros ludere. Gly, nitide. egregie. A maker of gambolcs, ludio, onis. Gain (thing) accommodus. To attire gallantly, mollitor amisire, The rock-gambole, precipitatio. Guin (perſon) agilis, dexler. delicatè vfire. A gamboling, crurun in ſublime jae- Gain I way) compendiofus. Gallantncís, magnificentia, nitor, tatio. Gzineſs, nisor, ljutitia, Splendor. A game, lufus, ludus, certamien. Gainable, arg'irmdus. Gallantneſs of humour, animi mag- Game [in hunting, &c.] præda. GAIN, lucrum, qualus. * All that nitudo. To game, lufibus invigilart. seckon to bc clcar gains, id de lu- Gallantry [gallantneſs] magrifio- To get the game, lufione vinuri, cro efe putats. * He makes gain centis, a; f. certamina ſuperiori abire, lufonem of his skill, Batuit arti füæ precium. Gallantry of ſpirit, magnanimitas, auferre. * Have you counted your gain A gallemawfry, ciunus, carniun va. A game-cok, gallus pugnax. mumeráji id quod ad je rediturum riarun winstel. Gameſome, polulans, procax, lafivus; A maker of gallemawfrics, miſcella. ad). Little gain, lucellum. The maſter of the games, brabeutes, To gain, lucror, lucrifacio, acquiro, A gallery, Porticus, ambulacrum, por- athlopheta, commario, derneres. He gains by gula, - A gametter, almo, lufibus addians. others loſſes,ex incommodis alterius An open gallery, hypethrum, fub- A cogging gameſter, prævaricator, ſus comparut commoda. * There is diale, aleator infidiofus, no eaſier way to gain good will, A gallery open about a court, peri- A woman-gamefter, aleatrix, nulla re conciliatur facilius brevo Siglium. Gaming, ludibundus. much art to gain a:tention, nimis tiuncula, A gaming houſe, taberna aleatoria. infidiarum ad sapiendas dursi adbi- A galley, navis actuaria or lmge, One that keeps a gaming-houſe, 67 bendum videtur. A little galley, a&tuariolum, z. n. 'crcitor ludorum or alrarum. To draw in gain, quæſlum inferre, parı, onir, f. A gammon of bacon, perna, peldjo, Diſhoncft gain, turpe lucrum, fordes, Galley, adj. potafus. quejus fordidus. Of a galley, } navalls. A gammor, cultor inciſura aptus, Gainage, jus tenendi fundos fine fcrip. A galley-slave, ad remos damnatus, The gammut in muſick, foala mu- 10, & ad libitum domini. orgaftulo nautico man:ipatus. foca. Guined, lucrifa&us, arquifitus. A galley-fo!ft. myoparo. Ganache (in Poitia ] Ganachis. A gainer, lucrator. The ſea galley worm, forlopendra Gansford (in Ireland) Ivernis. Gainful, lucrofus, fruftuofus. marino. To ganch, in Sudes acutas præcipitom Gainfully, qualuose. Galliard, lætus, alacer. dan, To gainſay, contradica, repugno, n. A galliard (danceSaltatio feftiva. Gand (in Flanders] Gandaviuir, Sponſo, reclamo, refragor. Gailice (part of Spain] Gallaria. A gander, anfer mas. To gainfay utterly, pomego. Galligaskins, bracia laxa. A little gander, anforculus. Ginfayed, contradictus. Gallingale, cyprodus Anglicana. Gander-goiles, orcbis palmate pra. A gainlayer, contradictor. A gallion, navis præfidiaria gran. fongs. Gainſaying,' contradiktorius, repug dior. Gandia (in Valencia] Gandia, A galliot, biremis, A gane:hiſh, acus, A gainſaying, contradiétio, Gallipoli (in Tbrace] Gallipolis. A ganet (bird] laptus cinereus Rajor. To gainſta!ıd, refilo, repugno. A gallon, congius. To gong, ro, vado. Galades (a kind of ſhell-fith] gala-Gilloon-lace, lacinia. A gang, fodalitinn. de. To lace with galloon, prætexo. Gang-flower, polygala, fos ambaru 3 A galage, solea. Edged with galloon, prætextus, lis. Galaxy (the milky way) galaxias. To gallop, curfu concitato ferri, quo Gang-week,ambarvalia, robigalia,pl. a Galbanun, galbanum, cituto volare. Ganga (a river of India] Ganges, Galbula (birdį galbula, A gallop, cierfus concitatus, citatus & Ganglion, furtor nervorum. A gale of wind, Habrum, flatus, fila. fujus grelis. A gaogrel, longurio. men, uintus incitatior. The gallop-galliard, faltui con: itali. A gangrene, gangræna. A gentle galc, gura, A galloper, aquis rapidus. To be gangred, gangrena corripi. To gale, indignir. A galloping, rurfus concitatus, Gannack (in Wales ] Ganganoun. A galcas, phiJelui. Galloſhes, crepida lignea, foloce. Gant (in France) Gantun. A Galeniſt, Galmi fequax, oledla. Galloway (part of Scotland] Gallovi. A gandet, shirothesa ferroa, mani. Galicia (in Tuſcany] Galleflum, Fa- Gauntlet, ca militaris. lifia. A galloway-nag, mannus, mannulus. The gentlope, fupplicium militarı. The gall, fel, fellis, Gallow graſs, cannabis. To run the gantlope, surfim accipera As biiter as gall, fellous. A gallows (wicked raſcal] furcifer. plagas. The iowing of the gall, pafio felli- A gal ows (globet] patibulum, furca. Ganymede, Ganymedo. pua. The gallows groans for you,cre- A gaol, carcer, 3. n. cuftodia, 1. f. A gall, do ribi rundum of autùm extra . ergajulum, 2. n. Gall-nut, portam. A gaoler, carcerarias, sufos, argetu- A gall, perfri&iæ cutis plaga, oblila Jone for whom the gallows groans, l'arias, commentarimfis. fellis vulnus. ſurrendioſus, trifurcifer. Gap (in Franer] Vapingum, Appm. To gall, cuticulam defricari, mlous A licele gallows, furiolla, furcula. confum urbs. inducere, invertere. Hanged on a gallows, fufpenfus, pa- A gap, diruptio, muina, biates, intera To gall (vex) difteriis profcindere. rioulutus, vallum, flura. Gal:ed, de utilus, inseriritus. Galls (a ſhrub) s'asgrui cordi. To GAPE, biſco, bio. .He gapes Galling, ulcerans. To gallulate, birquirallio. for more, ad pro futuri biar, . A galling, cutis defricatio. A gallypot, alveolus, tefia. How he yawns and gapes 1 ui Gallant, complus, niridus, lautus, po. A gally-worm, julus. pandiculans ofcitatur / litus, fpeciofus, Splendidus. Gallerat (part of Afa] India. To gape after, inbio. A gallant, bono beslus, graphicus or Galures foreft (in Yorksoire] Calais after the title of general, nomen ſtitus rium Nemu. captar imperatorium, A gallant to a lady, adulter, mce. Galway-bеy (in Ireland) Anfobe, Au. To gape for breath, respiro. chus, amafius soba. To gape for lazineſs, oſcito. Gallant (herb] anemone. Gamaliel (a man's name] Gamaliel, To gape at onc, os in aliguren ad- A gallant man, homo egregius, elis. vertere ; hianti ora contuiri. 'ga!lant, orno, adorno To gape (chink) fatifco, dehiſto. gallant, A gaper, hiator, ofcitator'. se. Gambling horſes, equi excurfores. The gaper (fiſh):hanna. Nothing gallant, inelegans, invenus. A gamböle, Galius crurum in fublimo A gaper opon, spalator impudms. jottasjo, golliculatio, Gaping, hians, hiulcus. • He follows gaping nax. • He gape. 1 GAR GAS GAT 1 Sea-garland Cherbohopuri marina, Makaagam,} t gaping with a loud noiſe, vocifo. A garland, fertum, corona, OF Gaſcoign, Vajioni'us. 48s jequitur. (To'make garlands, forta texere. The Gaſcoignes, Vijcones. A gaping hoydon.spotutrix impudons. To weai garlands, Sortis redimiri. A garo-hound, agafalu. To ſtand gaping about, inhiurei A garland of bay, laurra, lunreum. A gath pulnus, ielura, incijatra, A gaping, inbistus. garland, To gath, 2 vulnsro, acero, are ; A gaping (yawning) ofcitaria. Make a ganh, } feinde, 3. Garb (in heraldiy) fajciculus frumen-Grlick, allium. A gaſhing, vulneratio. ti, merges: Bear's gailıck, allium urſinum.. A grip. halirus. Agarh, gilus, ornatus, habitus, Great mountain garlick, allium mon. To gaſp for brca!h, rupira. A garb train) comitatus. tanum. Ac the laſt galo, in extremo hilieu. garb, bene moratus. Wild-garlick, To be at the laſt gain, agere ani- Without garb, inurbanus, moribus Cow-garlick, Hlueftre mani, lulari cum morle incomdisu. ::: Snake's-gar!ick, ophioſcorodon. To give the laſt gaſp, extremum 6X - Gubige, vifcera, um ; n. Whole-headed garlick, allium mas, h lare Jpiriluni. Garbage (refuſe) purgamentum. Garlick-lawce, Alliatum. A gaſping. reſpiratio, To garbage, Evifierd, exton'ero. A garlick-bed, al &tum. A gait hound, ag laus. To garble, Aurgo, expurgo, excribro. A bunch of gailick, reftis. To gaſter, improvifum inculere melum, To garblc (cull out] cxcerpos delec- A clove of garlick, altii nucleus. Gast nnisſa mall province in France) tum facere. A head of garlick, alli bulbus or Vulliniura. A garbler, purgator. caput. Gaitly, adj. borrificus, horridus, fer- A garbling, pupatio. A garlick-reller, alliarius, ribilis, A garboil, turba, rixa, contentio. Smelling of garlick, alliarus, allium Gaſtly, adv. horrificè, horride. A tumultuous garboil, sumullus, se olens, G ftrcd, perterrefailus, ditio, A GARMENT, uetis, velimintum; A GAT E, janua, poria. * At the The ga:boord, ? (a fca-term) ofer" veritus, b.bilus. gate, ante januan; pra forious. * Gardboo d, . munions. A torn coarſe garment, velis lacera He never Itirr'd foot out of the A gard or guard, la:ellitium, cußodia vel portuſa. gate, feden porra non extulit. corporis. #0:10 of his age is able A garment of cloth of gold, ſegmeno A gatc or gait (in going grellus, *She to be the emperor's guard,prajare tata veflis. has a now gate with her, palju in- Neronom fecurin valet hæc ætas. Agaiment of needlc-work, volis cedit inerti, * Her gare ſhowed To be upon the gard, in datione ele; acupita or Phrygiana. her to be a truc goddelt, vera in- jiationem agere. A little garment, andiculum. collu patuit dea. I ſtood upon my gard, me armis de: An old garment, lacinia velus. A gite (way) ſemits, vii. fendi, A garment of silk, vetis holoferica: A liitle gate, portula. The gard of a garment, fimbria, la- An under-garment, tunica.. A great gate, valve: cinis, infita, linbus. An.upper-garment, pallium. A folding-gale, valvula, A ycoman of the gard, fatelles, li- A garment of hair, fagum cilicinum. A poltera gate; poliquin, janus po- pulor. An holiday-garment, mulatorium. nica. To gard, Hipo, conflipo. An iuncr-garment, induiula. To keep a gate, januam obſe!'vare ; To gard (hem) præt X5. A turned garment, veſis Iranſlata. jau tulerum g riere. To gard (prote&t] munio, protego. Garment, ead; } veſliarius. A gitc-kecper, j211.for. Carded, Jipasus, caffoditus. Guies-head' lin ile biſhoprick of A garder, Dipator. A gärner, harrium, cells.penularia, Durham) Gabrojenium, Capra ca- A garding, Dipitio. A great garner of fall, felis repojs. put. Gardleben (in the marquiſite of 1oriuta TO GATHER, colligo, ex ipio. *Five Brandenburgh] Gordolebi. A garnct, funis traftatorius. days after you have gathered them, A GARDEN, bortus. A garnet-ſtone, lapis granitus, (19 quinto die poftquam fuftuleris. * A lilile carden, horluus. bunculus, carshedenjus, gareman Whence we gather, ex quo in:cl. To garden, hortum tiuus, ligit: Diels a garden, } lere. An oicntal garnet, granitus redlans. To ga!her aga:n, recolligo. . To garden a bawk, accipitrem li. A imall garnet, grunarulus. To gither corn, frumentor. barioris ccii babiru ficar, exbila- Garniſh, enrænia, orum; caruralicum. To gather to a curd, coagulo. Tare. To garniſh, adorno, excole, inflruo, To gaiher flo:vers, Rores corpore, A garden for pot-herbs, bortus olita polio. gere. rius. Garniſhed, exornalui, excultus, per- To gather grades, vindemiarı, vin- A garden for fallet hcrbs, acetarium, politus. deinior. A garniſher, adornator, exornator, To gather oui, excerpo, Jeligo. 4 garden of flowers, flore!um; A garniſhing, I adornstjo, orna. To gather iogether, congrego, bigos A garden of rolcs, roſurium. Garniſhment, 3 mentum. : concilio. A garden of pleaſure, paradifum. Garnſey-iſland, Sarria, To gather together on heips, con- A nuiſc-garden, feininarinn. The Garonne (a river 10 France. gero, accumulo. Garden, adj. Girunna. To gather together [nent.] congre- a , To garr (makel facio, comarllo. ger, Convenio. # The people g? - Garden fruits, fructus hortenſes. Garranty, fidejuffio, aufloriias. ther together, frequens coit popu- A garden door, macel.cta. A garret, canacu um, folarsius fupe lus, A gardener, hortulanus, olitor, rius, Together up, colligo, A gardening, pallinatio, To garriſon, praſidio munire, praji. To gather up moncy, pecuniam co- The art of gardening topiaria. dium collocure. gare. A gardeviant (walletj.corycium. A garriſon, prandium. To gathc: wealth, opes cinquirers. A gudian, tutor, curator, cuffas. To be in garriſon, præfidiuen agi. A call's gather. vituli inerança. A fellow gardian, contutor. 1.7rt. Githered, colic&tus, perceptus. * Mo. of a gardian, tutorius, lutelaris. Garriſon, adi in sprandiarius pe- ney gathered up againit the coin- Gardizníh p, iure'a. monwealth, perunice conciliat@ad. Thc gard-fiſh. arus, Garrulity, garrulitas. verius romsublicam, t A multitude Gare (coarſe wool) villus. Gurfcna (part of Aja] Albanis. gathered about, multitudo circum- A gargariſm, gargarifmus, A garter, purificiis, idis ; fajciola si juli. To gigle, gargarik. Liilis, Gathered together, collellus, coaffus. Tb: garg c of the throats. gurgulio, To garter np, fubligo or fusa Gathered iugother on heaps, congeſ- Enigloitis. Tic.on th: garter, cingo culigas, ius, acumulatus. Girg'cd, gargariz lus. perikelidem circumd.ire, Gathered or drawn together, con- A gigling gargarixutio. A kaight of the gareer, curata pe 1-Okus. Girith, Plondiaè & ad pompami vej- rificliuis eques. G thered (congealed) concreius. ritus. Agarth lyard) ares, alrium, Githered ( as rowers] Carpsus, de- Gaſcoign (part of France, Vaſconia. ierplus, dus, A g3. 1 (0- S; N. } i GAZ GEN GEN Tor. The genety }genetta, a ; martes, is. tur. Tacemtio. creus A gatherer, collafior. To ſtand gaz ing about, circumſpeite Generation (age ſeculum, gens. A gatherer of fruit, Briaor. A gazette, nuntius publicur feripus, Generative, generativus, generalis, A gatherer of grapes, vin'emia Note litera rerum novarum nun Joeficus. cia. Generical, generitus. A gatherer of toll, telonarius, publi. Gdansk [in Poland] Galanım. Generous, liberalis, magnificus. Gealon, rar 5. Generously, liberaliter, møguifiie. A gathering, colle&fio, con- A geat (term in founding foramen Generouineſs, liberalitas, magnifi- A gathering together, 3 gelico, ros per qued metallum fufurn labitur in Generoſity, untia. tlo. formami. Genelis, Genefis, eos. Gathering together, congregativus. Geer, materia, armen'um. A gathering of fruits, carpius, carp. In his geers, in procin&u. Genet cat, Night geer, mundus muliebris. A genet, aſurto, equites Hifpanicus. A gathering of grapes, vindemistio, Geer for oxen, Lc. armamentum. Geneva [in Savoyſ Geneva. Geele (of gooſe] anſeres. A man Genial, genialis, lalus, A gathering round, cong lobatios thinks his own geeſe ſwans, Jua The genitals, genitalia, pudenda. A gattie-head, obliviofies, memoria cuique fponfa, mibi mea. Genitive, genitivus, infida. The cry o geefe, clangor A gent or genitor, A gaude, fiomma, bullata nuga. A fceder of geeſe, anſerarius. Genīture, gonilura, geneſis. A gaudy, eule adjiciales, opipa- Geffry, Galfridus, A genius, ginius, ingenium. Gehenna, Gehenny. Gennep ( in Cleveland] Geneppur. Gaudy, laulus, Geichon (a river of Margiana] Oxus. A genetting, pomum precox or pre. Gaudíly, Laure. A gelr, vultur, uris. cogucium. Gaudineſs, lautitia. Geld (a fine) mul&ta, compenfatio de- Genoa [in Italy) Genua, fanuz. Gave (a river fn Aquitain] Gaba liai & preliuin mei Genoele Genuenfis: To geld caflro, oviro. Gent, nitidus, concinnus. I gave [of give) dedi. He gave Gelded, 2 caratus, emafculatus, a, Gentianella blue, fyricus. oat himfelf to be Philip. je Phi- Gelt, > in Ge tian [herbl gentiana. vippi ferebat. He gave cur in A gelded man, 2 eunuchus, i; Spado, Dwart-gentian, gentianelli. the council that he, loquitur in con- A gelding, onis ; m. A genul [maggot] temes, galba, cilio palàm leſe. * He gave over A gelder, cajrator, galbula. being prieit, facerdotio abihar, *A ge!der-roſe; fambucus rolea. A gentile (heathen) ethnicus. He gave her not a word more, Gelderland [in Lower Germany] GelGent le or gented, bonelts, venuſius, nec ullo mox fermane dignatius eft. drio. concinnatui, lepidus, nobilis, magni- * He never gave any of us a word, The people of Gelderland, Sicam ficus. '* Is this a gentile deed ? nunquam cuiquam noſirûm verbum bri. borcine of humanum falium? fecit. • They gave themſelves A gelding, coffratio, eviratio, Of gentile extract, fanguine ganeroſo wholly to pleaſu e, voluptati je toti A geld ng (nag] cantherius. tradiderunt. My mind gave me of a gelding, santherinus. Gentlenefs, ve tapes, cinnita, that I ſhould loſe my labour in Geliboli (in Thrace] Callipolis. Gentiliſm, ſuperfiitio ethnica. go'ng, piejagiebar mihi animus fru- A gellic, congulum, gelaun. Gentility, nobilitas. JTA me ire. A gellover, caryophyllum. CENTLE (mild] lenis, milis, man- A gavel, frumenti manipulus, mer- A gem, germa. Juletus, clemens. Gemar (in Allotja) Gomaringa. Gentle courteous humanus, offadi- Gavel-kind, portio cuilibet æqualiter Gemblours (in Brabant] Gembla lis, benignus dijiributa, Gentile tame] cicur. Givelock, ballits. Baris Gemelles (in Heraldry] bigaTo grow gentle, mitefco, manfuel- Gavel íefter (rent ale) futarius ve: ſeu par vadinti rigalis. Gémen (part of Aſia) Arabia Fc-To make gentle, manfuefacio, dele. A gauger, men for deliarias. lix. nio, domo. To gaul, intertrigo. See Gall. Gemini (one of the twelve Ggos of A gentle gale, aura. A gaule, phalanga the zodiacky G mini. Made gentle, menſuefaflus, domi- A gauled back, dorſum intertriga-o gemini! proh Jupiter ! A gemmary, cimelier bum, of gentle blood, ſang wine generoſo Gaunleſs [a river in Durham) Viu- A gem mow, vertinella. creus, honeflo loco natus. duglefus. Gemote, curia, centurid. A tercel gentle, falcosas. Gaunt lean] maur, macilentus. Gemond (in Frankenland] G mun- A gentleman, generofus. - Jack will Gaunt (the family] De Gandav, never make a gentleman, ex quo- Gandavenſis. A gender, genus, eris; n. vis ligno non fit Mercuriw. A gauntlet, manica militaris or fer- To gender, genero, cario. An upſtart gentleman, bo- Gendt [in Flanders] Gandavum, A gentleman of the firſt head, 3170 Wearing a gauntlet, manicatus. Genda, Clarinet, urbs Gorduno TOTUL à ſe erfur. A gauntice for casks, doliorum ful- A half gentleman, bybrida, ex aliorê A genealogy, genealogia, parte ignobilis. A gawn, congius. A geneath, villicns, vernt. A gentleman of a company, cuota- Gay, comptus, lautus, alaser. General, generalis, univerfus. To be gay, niteo, Splendeo, A gene al ſcholar, omnis minerva Gentleman, ? liberalis, le; adj. To make gay, excolo, exorno. bomo. Gentleman like, Gayety (chearfulneſs) hilaritas, fefi- A general council, contilium aume- A gentleman's eſtate, cenjus aques- vitas. nicus. tris. Gayly, nitide, Splendida. A general vice, vitium comune, Of a gendeman-like race, beneſis Gayneſs, nitor, Splendor. A general of an army, impera- loco natus. Gayter tree, virgo fanguinea, Gentleman like (adv.) gemarosè, libe- To gaze, avide peaure. To make one general, bellum dare raliter. Brought up gentleman- To gaze out of a window, exerto ca alicui like, ingenuè educatur. pite afpicere. The generality. pars maxima. Gentleneſs, clementia, lenitas, buma- To itand at a gaze, oculos morari. Generally, generatim, plerumque. nitas, manſuctudo. Gazed upon, avidè fpeétatur. Generalneſs, goneralitas, A gentlewoman, gmeroſa, fcemina A gazel ( Arabian dcer) caprea Ara- To generate, genero, gigno, nobilis. bica. Generated, generatus, genitus. A mean gentlewoman, domina de A gazer, Spectator. A generation, generatio, gmitu plebe fumpta. A gazing hoydon, fpiaatrix. Gentlewoman-like, motrenalis. A gazing ftock, fpe&aculum. A generation [lineage) genus, proles, Gently, leniter, clementer, bumaniter, Gazing wiftly, nofeitabundus, projepia. candide. Gently faid of yor, benigne (LL. CO YUM. CYKm. tor G E T GHO GIL Get away, mo, nus. benignè dicis, * He ſpeaks gendy walks up and down to get him a Ghoſts of the dead, nenas, umbræ, to him, illum ore placido compellat, ſtomach, famam expeat at obambu spectra. Toterm it more gently, ut le lanı, What thanks ſhall I get Ghoft-l ke, Speiriformis. nilimè dicam. of you.? acquam abs to inibo gra. Ghoſtly, Spiritualis. Gentry, zabilitas. tium? * As near the enemy as he To fhybe, rixor, altercar. Gentry of the meaner fort, mobilitas cun get, quam proxime ed hoftem Gianich (in Armenia] Nicopolis. nova porel. *Your diſcourſe will get A giant, gigas. Genuflex'on, genuflexio. abroad, emanabit formno tuis. A little giant, gigantulus, Genuinc (nataral] genuinus, Let him not get a fupper over a giant (in may-games) mandurus, A geographer, geographus. night, pridts ne canut. * In all A giantneſs, mulier fatura gigantea, Geography, geograpbia. Geographical, gsograpbicus, my ſweetheart , net dicitur interes Giant-like, } giganteus . Geomancy, geomsntia, eft meain amicam viſore. * He ſaid Giavarin [in Hungary) Arabe, we- Geometricala geometricus. he would go get him a wife, dixit rinum. A geometrician, geometri, geome velle uxorem ducere. # He gets a Gib for Gʻlbert. rod for his own brooch, akullit fibi A gib cat, camus, felis mas. Gdoetry, grommalrid. m.ilum jumento ſuo. A gibbet, patibulum, gabalus. George (a man's name) Georgius. To get alide, 7 abro, fecedo. * I'! Gibberidge, mendicorum. Bu nebro- Georgla (part of Afa] Georgie. get' me fome whi. Gibberiſh, onuin ex compacto fer- Georgicks, gorgica, ruos. Get one gonc, ther ele, alio me Gerard (a man's name) Gerardus. conferans. * Let her get her. Gibble gabble, je me abfurdus, bar, Gerais (part of Germany Gerdvia. hence, her hinc faceat. She barus, ſmu dojitutus. In no geic, nullatenus, nequaquam. prefently gets her out of light; Gibboſity, exluberalio. Gergenti (in Sienly) Agrigeram. fugit è conj potiu illicè. * Got your Gibbous, gibboſus, protuberans., Gerberoy (in Franca) Garboredum. that way a little, tu concedi poulu- A gibe, difterium. Gerentia in Calabria) Pumentus, lum ifbae.. * Get thee of the To gibc, dicterió.petere. A gerre (in heraldry) mergas, town, agradere ex urbe. Get you A gloer, dicax, Scurta. A gerfaulcon, baliæetus, gyrofalcus, away hence, sufar 'te birik. Glbing, convicioſus, German [a man's naine] Gergia. To get away, ſupero, vincs. • It is A giving, vellicatio. a fine thing to get above one's Giblee (in Phoenicia] Byblus. Germander, chamadrys. elders, pulcbruin en suporálja ma-Giblets, acrocolia, anſaris truwwi. Water ger pander, ſcordium. icros. Gibraltar (in Spain] Gibraltaria, Germander-trce; texcrium. To get before, anticipo, preverto. Calpe. A couſin germani, germani To get (beget) gmero, gigne. A gib-ſtaff, contos. Germany, Gmotanja. To get beyond, fupero. Giddy, 2 vertiginoſu, vali- Of Germany, Germanicus, To get with chid, gravide, impræg Giddy-headed, ) gine sorripius. The Germans, germani. Giddy, indignabundus. Germain (part of Afa] Phrygia M2: To get by Aattery, eblandior. Giddy (fooliſh, concelted] ineptus, jor: To get (gain I'lucrose, * He may get affidatus. To germinate (bud) garmino. a great deal by her, magnum ineff Giddy (wanton] inconſans, lovis Germinption [ſhooting out) germina in v lucrum. This good I get To be giddy, vertigine corripi. tie. by it, hee inde capio commodi. ., Giddincís, vertigo, inis; Fiorona, alisa Germings (young ſhoots) germina, You will get nothing by it; nibil| Gideon (a man's name) Gideon, a- Geroniléa La river in G7H1) Abr agis. lous. To get by entreaty, exoro, impe. Gieffen (in Germany) Gieffa. Gerry [in Catalonia) A:erris. Tro. A gift, donum, munus. Gers [a rives in Aquitain] Egit. To get by labour, demerco. She A gift beyond merit, premium. rius. gets her living by ſpinning and A Imall gift, munuſculum. Gertruyedenberg (in Helland] Mors carding, lana ac tela via um que- A new year's gift, firena, xinium, S. Gertrudis rilas, colo vitam tolerat. A little new year's gif, fironula, Gertiude [a woman's name] Gertru. To get without book, memoria man. The gift of a prince, congiarium, dis. dare, Full of gifts, muneroſus. Gervas [a man's namc) Geroafus. To get to land, potiri arariâ. To beſtow gifts, munera dmart, mu- A gerund, gerundiim, To get on horſeback, quum afcen neribus cumulare. Gerzcy [a Norman Mand) Caſaria, dure or confronders. A gifted b.other, facultatibus minima Geſara (in Sarinasiu) Tüürica Cherfo- To get a ſtomach, famem abfonare. vulgaribus donatus, præditus. To get together, contraho, colligo. A gig or top, turbo, inis. A gefs or gueſs, coñjt&ura, divinatio. He prayed me to get ſome phyG- Gigantick, giganteus. By gefs, *x conjcawa. cians together, rogavit wi cogerem Thc.glg (anong the canters] ne- To gels, divini, hariolor, conjc&uram medicos. ſus core. To get up [riſe] furgo. To giggle, difusè riders, in cachinnum Geffed divinatus, conje&urâ nosus. . To get up upon conjemnda. Geflcmin, josminum. To get an inkling of a thing, audire Giggling, effusè ridens. A gefier, conjector. quafi por nebulan. A giggling, riſus effufus. The gebits of a hawk, accipitris situ. A getter, Lucrator. A , lus cruri appenfus. A getter (begetter] gmitor. Giglio (an island in the Tuscan fea] ] A geiling, cenjetatio, divinatie.' A getting, lucratis, acquiftio. # There Igilium. By geſfing, ronje&tatorie is no getting of it again, quod pe- A gigol, tuulum. Gertoir (in Picardy) Gefforiacun. riil, periit. Gihon (a river in Egypt] Nilus. Gert fpart of Afa] Gedrofia. A getting by privy Couzcoage, ad-Gilbert (a man's name] Gilberius. A geit, einviva, Sre Gueft. hamatio. To gild, inguro. Geſtricle [part of Swedeland) Geffri- Gewgaws, credundia, xuga. To gild over, deauro. cia. Ghent (in Flenderi] Gondovum. A gild (company) faciatos. Geſts (deeds) geſla, res gee. A gheiking, cucumis minor condi- Gilded, auratus, inguratus. Gefticulition, soficultjo. A gil'er, inaurator, deaurator, A gefture, etjlusa Batus. To gheſs, divino.. See Gels. A gilding, deauratio. Uncomely geſture, morum inurbani. A gheus (begger] mindicus. Giles, (a man's name) Figidius. A ghittar, cithara. The gill-hoter, ulula. To make much geſture, &ificulor. A ghoſt, spiritus, animi. A gill (woman) femella, proracula. Of gefture, gehiculoris. The Holy Ghost, Spiritus Sanaus. A gill (ſmall measure] hemina. Full of geiturc, beliculoſus. Holy ghoſt root, Spondyliun. Gill creep-by-the-ground, hedera ter- TO GET, Acquira, adipiſcor, paro, To give up the gloft, ſupremum reris, compare, confoquor, narati cor. + HC fpiritum share. A gi!l, rivulus, nis ; m. 1 Golian 1 } cari. Toin. vor are. CUI. GI T GI V G L A , Gilian [a woman's name) Fulima To GIVE [a&.] da, 1. largier, 4. fTo give way, udo, 3; concedo, 3 A gill' ſa Imall meaſure of wine] reddo, 3. tribuo, 3. attribuo, 3 dono, act. * Give way, dandire da vid. Gr. ſo called) henina, 1, f. 1. My mind gives me there is * They are to give way to accef- Gill.ale, cerevifa bederacea. fome ill towards me, nefcio quid fity, neceflituti parere coguntar. *He A gill-houter, ulula. profeéto mihi aniosus prejagit mali. gives way to his humour, libidini Gillec.(a woman's name) Fulista, • He will give you as much more indulgel. Æsidia, a; f. jf you take not heed, gominabit To give (yield] prebro, 2. act. A gilliflower, Caryophil- niſi coves. . If you give another Glven, datus, traditus, exhibirus } A clove-gilllfower, lum. word, h verburn oddlăeris. in I'll part. • He is otherwiſe given, A wall bidower ; } leucoiuas. give you a daſh on the teeth, pug. diſimili pudio ef. # He hath a num in os impingam tibi. ..Give legacy given him, bares af in ima Gilis of Aſhes, bronchiæ. it him to do, buic miandes, Give cera. G It, auratus, inouratus, a, um, adj. · me thy hand, ndò manum. . I Given to, addietu, deditus, a, um ; Glt over, desuratus, a, um ; ad). will give him as good as he brings, part. *He is given to the word, Gilt (cant word for money) pasunia, ſ mihi pergit quæ vult dicere, es ad rem attentus eft. * No man i. f. nummi orum; pl. m. que non vult au tiet * Give an was given leſs to buying than he, A gile-head [fiſh) aurata, inch and take an e'l, qui femel nemo illo minus fuit max. Giltwort, chelidonium minus. gularit (anis à corio nunquam ab-Gven over to another, alignatus, A gimlet, terebellum, li; n. Merrebitur sncto. * He gives twice Given over for loft, difperatus, dere- A gimmal, annulus geme lus, that gives quickly, bis dar gul citò luctus, 8, HM ; part. A gimmer-lamb, agnus.foemina. dat. Given over [for a dead man) æger Gimp-lace, lacinia luxior or levidenøs. To give advice, conſulo, žre; neut. dereitus, cujus plus deplorara .. The gin.fiſh, chante To give amiſs, beneficium malè collo- A giver, dator, donator, largitor, 3.m. Gin la ſpirituous liquor ſo called) A giving, donatio, largitio, exhibitio, fpiritus or effentia juniperi, To give alms, trogo, are. onis ; F. * He got his glory by A gin, laqueus, 2. m. rendicula, 1.f. To give an anſwer, refpondeo ; neut. giving, dando glorian adapius ss. Ginger, gingiber, zingibar, 3. n. * What anſwer do you give me? A giving back, receffio, onis ; f. Gingerbread, mufaceuni, 2. n. quid mihi refpondes ? A giving over, dereliaio, onis ; f. To tread gingerly, pedetentim ince- To give back, reddo, retribuo, čre. A giving up. deditio, onis ; f. dere. To give back, rede, retrogredior, Givea letters) compedes pedira. To gingle (as a be'l] tinnio, 4. n. To elve ground, $ pedem refer: 4. Giula Fulia, To gingle (in words] nffe&are fermo- To give a blow, colaphum impin- Giulich [ a mountain in Cilicia ] gere. Taurus. A ginnet, binnus, ginnus, ni; m.[ex To give a challenge, in armam pro Gialick [in Lower Germany] Julia- equâ & afino 7111us.) A ginn-pig, porcellus Indicus or Gui. To give credit, credo, fido, 3. * Giuliers (part of Lower Germamy] nienis did not give credit to the man, Falir. Ginny-pepper, pi:er ex Guinea, non credidi homini. The gizzard, gigeria, orum; ingluvies. A gipe, velis Sinuoja. To give car, auſculto, I. neut. ani- GLAD, laus, a, um; hilaris, ala. A gippo [ſhort coat) tunicula, mun advertere. cris, me; jucundur, A, km; adj. A gipſy, Babylonius, erro nequiſi. To give himſelf unto, Jefe addicere, I never ſaw any man more mancipare. glad, nihil vidi quicquam lalius. A giroſo!c, boliotropium To give laws, leges edčre, forre,*She To be glad (neut. j-gaudeo, 2. lælor, To gird, cingo, 3. ligo, 1. act. gives laws to him, huic leges im *1 am glad of it; de ilhac To gird (twinge) vellico, I. ponit. gaudeo, optimè el. * I am glad to To gird (taant convincior, uro. To give leare, fino, 3. permitto, 3. fec you, ut ego nunc te con picio li- A gird tauatl convicium, 2. A. copiam fscere bons I was mighty glad, in- To gird about, circumcingo, 3. act. To give liberally, slargior, 4. dep. crebili lætitia fum cffcftus # I To gird lack. fomi:ingo, 3. act. To give life unto, vivificare, am glad to hear it, porlibenter au- To gird under, ſuccingo, čre; act. To give like for. like, par pari re dio. * I ſhall be glad to do you To gird unto, accingo, čre; act. ferre any courtely, tibi lubens benefaxim. Girded, cinaus, præcinétus ; part. To give one's mind unto, addicere I am glad on your behalf, tibi A girding, sina ura, præcindura, I. f. se. gratulor. A girdle, cinguluisa 2. m. cinitorium, To give over, desse. *Give over Very glad, perleius, a, um; adj. 2. n. Xona, 1. f. your fretting, jam verò omitte tu. To be very glad, pergaudeo, 2. neut. A marriage-girdle, calus, 4. m am iftam ir ucundiam. * Give over To glad, lætifico, exhilero, are; A ſword girdle, balious, 2. m. for a while, prelium paulifper in. Gladden, aa, *1'll make him To undo a girdle, diſeingo, ere ; 26. termittit. Make glad, glad to take it, cupi. A little girdle, Xinula, læ; f. To give over one's right, de jure fuo de accipiat faxo. * I made him The girdle-ſtead, sinctura, cif, concedere. glad at the heat, sjus animum ex- A gisk, 19%, verter, iftus. Sus jerk. To give over from one to another, plavi gaudio. To girk, flagello, .art ; act. Ironjdare, tranſcriběre; act. A girker, tin:innoculus, li; m. To give overplus, Superingero ; 3. A girl, puilla, pupa, virgun'ull, I. f. To give part to another, importiri. Making glad, lætificans, tis ; part. A waiting girl, ancilla, læ; f. To give pace, sede, 3. facies sub- A gladiator, gladiator, oris ; m. Girliſh, puellaris, re; adj. 3 art. millcre. Gladly, leli, libentar adv. To grow girlin, puellaſco, ere; ncut. To give quarter, in fidem recipere, Gladneſs, latitia, a; f. gaudium, 2 n. To girn or grin, Jubri:leo, ire; ncut. Gladſome, larificus, a, um, adi. Girona (in Catalonia) Gerunda. To give (as ſtones do in mo!ft wea - To make a glade in a wood, collico, The girrock (fiſh) acis mojor. ther) ſudare ; nout. interluco. Girt,. cinaus, præcin&us ; part. To give ſtrength, vires exbibero. Glader (ſword-graſs) afganion. The thip is gir, pra rudent: nithis! To give ſentence, pror:unedo., I. act. Gladuſe (a woman's name) Claudis. renin nuvis refluxum nequit fulcare.! To give thanks, gratias habere. To glaffer, palpor. A girth, cingula, 1.f. cinétorium, 2.0. To glve to underſtand, certum or A glaive (Javelin) framica, a; f. To girth, cingulo fubfringère. certioram facere. Glamorganſhire, Glamorgania, Gla. The gifard, ingluvies, 5.gigeria, 2.n. To give up, defero, ere; act. morgantia. A gire, moss moris ; m. To give up a place, dedo, ze dede- A glance, oculorum argutid, intuitus. Giors (in Normandy) Giforium, ce tione trido, urbis deditionem fa- A glance at, perffriais, fortium. cere. To glance, raptim obturor. Gith (herb) nigella. To give up the ghoſt, animam ef. To glance against, porfiringo, rado, A gittern; } cithara, æ; f. finte, præterlabor. To give w'rning, moned, 2. neut. To glance at [look awry at] limis A little gittern; fidicula, leif. * 1 give you warning of this, bec intuari, Gianced, perfriaus, a, umpart. х A glancing, - OLI. . I. Gladdon, } &; f. 1 LEA L E A LEA A Jaunderer la- man-waſher of A laxi chimi ) ndos, afox. Se . To lay on; impono. * We may lay cloaths) losor, oris ; m. on them what puniſhment equity A mundrets (a waman-waſher of Laxatives mellims, aluum fubducens. permits, lanta sos peerd afficiunus cloaths) lotrix, icis ;!.. Laxativeneſs, alvi oroluvium, quuntum izquisas paritur. A landry or, wath-bouſe, lavatrina, Laxatia (in Aha) Colchis. To lay on thick and threefold, iatus A lay (long) cantilena, a; f. cantio. congeminare. Laureat (crowned with laurel] lau-Lay ſlecular) laicus, ag. um ; adj. To lay over, obduro, ere; act.: reutus, a, um, ad). A'lay of land, terra inculta, novale. To lay over the back, tergum cadere. Laurel, lauru, laurea; f. A lay-man, facris non inisiatus, To lay over a form, fcammornflatare, Laurel of Alexandria, i beurus 4. A lay [courſc) fories. To lay out, crego, expendo, infumo. Tongue-laurel (herb} } lexandrina. I lay of lic] jacui. lic) jacui. * The Storm To lay outaboad, sxpono. : A laurel groye, dushnon, onis; m... lay fore on the Mips, naves afflic- To lay out or ſolicit for, arpbio. Spurge lauscl, laureola, a; f. • Sabar tempaſtas: * ll.it lay all up. To lay out of the way, abſcondo, Lau: el. adj. } laureus, a; um; adj. an.me, fi in me folo efet fituni, Tufwie, Of laurcl, As if their honour lay at ſtake, To'lay at rack and manger; ex A- Crowned with laurel, lyureatus, quaſ fuus honor agitur. * The malihex carnix haurire. Lau enco. [2 man's namc] Lawren íips lay at anchor, naves ad an- To lay ſnares, infidiari, infidias fru- tius, i, m. boras deligata-erant. * He lay ort, calles tendere, Lauriol (in Frane) Lausanna, Lau abroad all pight, perno&avis in pubs To lay ſiege onto (act.] obfidione cin. fonium. lico. You lay lurking behind gere. Läurnitz (in Cermeny). Luſatia, a; f. the hedge, iu poſl careita laribas. To lay aſceo, fopio, ini, To law dogs, expedito, pedum soleas * As much as lay in you,. quod To:lay at ſtake (neut.] pignus all canibus exſcindere. quidem in re fuil. His busineſs de, 990 certatur, deponi, pignorarse A LAW, lex, legis; f. *He made lay in many provinces, in pluribus * If my life lay at itake, fi capite á law for ---legem tulit ui-.. . He provinciis ejus verfata res. • My thinketh that no law canlay hold way lay, herc, hac iter habui, To lay together; confero, compono. on bim, non putas se lege' teneri To LAY, pono, ère ; a&t. To lay under, fuppono,' fubjicio. ulla. Neccffity hath no law, To lay about, circumpono, čre ; act. To lay unto, applico. durum telum eft neceffitas; Prov. To lay about him, circumfujos fub- To lay op, recondo, condo. * I will take the law on you, ego movere. iftus circumcirca partiri, To lay a wager, pignus deponere, moum jus perfequar. They gave To lay aga nft, oppono, ere; act. Sponfionem facere. laws to the citizens. jura civibus To lay along (act. 1 profferno, ere; To jay wait for (act. ) infidior. * It preferibebont, * He hath the law in in lino, ahjirio. * He layed him is only me that they lay wait for, his hands, nebulo eft ftigmaticus. ſelf along upon the bed, inclinavit. unum 16 pelunt. Law (right) jus, juris; n. so in lectum. To lay a woman, parienti foemina The civil law, jus civile. To lay apart, lepono, ext; act. adele, obſtetricis officio fungi. The canon law, jus canoniruni To lay alde, loco movere, milto, art. Layed, pofitus. Sa laid. The law of arms, jùs militarı. To lay a bait, ineſcor, gri, A laying, applicario, onis ; f. Law of marque or mart, i. s. a repri- To lay in bank, collibo pecuniam A laying againſt, obje&us, üs ; m. 121, slarigatio, lex reprafaliorum, mittere. A laying alide, remotio, onis ; f. Law-merchant, lex mersatorum pro- To lay before (repreſent] repræfento. A laying aſleep, oporatio, onis; f. pria. To lay before in one's way, hjicio, A laying down, depofitio, onis ; f. The law of nature, jus naturale, A laying hands on, comprehonho. The law of nations, jus gmrium. To lay between, interjicio, eve. A laying in of a beam, immiſura. A law of the lenate, senatûs conful. To lay blame upon, vitupero, are; A laying on, impofitio, onis ; f. tum, a&. * He will lay the blame on A laying on heaps, accumulorio. A law made by the pecple, plebisi, you, i!le culpam in te transferet. A laying out, erogatio, impenfa. tum; 2. n. * Lay the blame on me, me fuc- A laying unto adje&io, 3. f. To make a law, legem ferre, fancire. fora impulſore id factum dicito. A laying-hen, gallina parturiens, * They that make laws must not To lay a branch, flexum fuâ ex ma- Lay-land, rorra inculta. break them, paters logem quum ip- trice pangere, conferere. A layer, propago, depofitus fuâ ex ma. fe tuliji, To lay to one's charge, imputo. trice ramulus. To publiſh a law, figere legem. To lay the cloth, manſam Pernera. A layer [bed where oyſter's breed] To follow the law,lises. fequi. To lay in one's diſh, aliquid alicut oirgarid, a; f. To go to law, in ambiguam litem it crimen objicere. The layer of a decr, lufirum. defcenders. To lay down, depono, ere; act. Lays (mugical airs) numeri, modi. Ever at law, litigious, a, um , adj. To lay down or along, ferno, ori. A lay-ftall, larquilinium.. Skill in the law, juriſprudensia, e; f. To lay down arms, dare manus, Lazaretto (or hospital for lepers] Law, adj. l juridicalis, legalis, le; arma ponert, dare ſe in adverfarii hierocomium, noſocomium. Of the law, idi. 3. art. potefiaimm. Lazarus (a man's name) Lazarus, Law days, dies faſli. To lay down his life, mortem oppetare. Lizentz lin Pommania] Licaubura A law-breaker, legirupa, a; m. Tolay an egg, ovum ponere, parere. To lay cven to the ground, sola a. A lazer, leproſus, Law makers } legiſlator , oris ; m. quart. Lazer (the diſea'e] lepra, «; f. Lawben (in Luface] Laube. To lay exception againſt, præfcribo, A lazer-hours. Su Lazaretto. Lawenburg (in Poincrania] Lawm Bre; act. * The accuſed lays ex- Lazcrol-tree, mespilus, aronia. burgum, Leoburgum. ception againſt the accuſers, rous Lazy (adj.] Piger, segnis, otiofus, ig- Lawful. licstur, legitimus, juftus. accufatores prafcribit. nauus, iners, Unlawful, illegitimus, a, um. To lay fiat, fiemo, art ; act. Lazy (naught) malus, vitiofus. It is lawful [v. imo.) liest, fus ajj. To lay for an excuſe, prelmdo. A lazy fellow, cefalor. To make lawful, legitimo, are ; act. To lay a foundation, fundamentam A lazy vagabond, erro, onis ; m. A making lawſul, legitimatio, onis, javore, ſubjiruere. To grow lazy, torpeſ, ire; R. Lawfully, liciiè, legitime, jure. To lay hands on, manum injicere, To make one lazy, pigritia caufaris Lawleſs, exlox, žgis; m. legibus folur! inferre, admoliri. * All he "lays alicui ſubminiſtrare. his hands on is his own, milvinis Lazily, pigre, otiosi eſcitanter, segni- Lawleſsneſs, vitiofitas, etis; f. eft ungulis, ter ; adv. Lawn, jindon, onis; f. sarhajus, i; m. To lay violent hands on [act.], uio-Lazincis, pigritia, eif. Cobweb-lawni ſindon criſpa. lart, vim inferre. To lic lazing (neut.) torţeo, orior, The lawn upon the facramental pix, To lay on heaps, accumulo, aggero. A lazule-ſtone, lapis lazulus.. mappulo, la; f. To lay hold on, prebendo. Lea (river in Herefordſhire] L... A lawn in park, falfus, ús, To lay in lavender, i. &. to pawn; Alcach, medicus. A lawyer, caufaicus, jurifconfultus, pignori opponere. Alcach for cattle, veterinarius. juriſperitus, legiſporitus, i; m. To lay in a feam, confuo, White leach, galatina amygdalorum. A A young lawyer, laguleius,, i; m. To lay near 19, appone. An horſe-leach, birudo, fanguiſuga. A leaclier ere. gum. fu. ار. 1 Spring a leaki } rimis fatifcere. 1. f. Pellis. L E A LEA LE A A leacher, ganso, orism. Leafed, foliatus, a, um, ad). To loap fas the male upon the fc- To play the leacher, Hibidinome Bearing leaves, frondifer, ra, rum. malc} ſcando, &re. Leacherous, libidinofus, a, m, To bring forth Icaves, ifrondeſco: L'exp-year, antrus bilastilis.. Leacherous'acats, dapes ad venerem Full of loaves frondofus, a, um. A leap for fiſh, nola. yritonfota, Leaf-gold, auri folium, aurum brak By leaps, j A lcacherous quean, proſtibulum. tratuin. Leachordua mati, objeæeninas, aris ; t. Loaf-tin, fanni folium. Leaped into[as into a fadalc.]infcorfus. Loncherouny (adv.]'libidimore. Alcager fambašiador) legatus; orálor. A leaper, Füllator, 3. m. Lerchery, Luxaria, ze je to obſcenitas, A lcagne (French mile) leuce, R; T. Leaping, Salsabundus, a, um ; ad). Larissa Libido Vanetta. A league (confederacy.) retus, 3. 8. Alcaping faltatio.3.f. faltatus, ús; m. Of leachery, fornicatortus,'10, um. In league, adi; jedora- A leaping back, roſutura, c', f. Provoking to leachery, prurims. Enter?d into a league, Sus. A loaping forth, pro;ültura, «; f. Load, plumbum, z. n. Toenter into a'lcagus, fedus ferire. A lcaping for joy, exultasio, ž. f. To lead, plumbura, plumbo obducere. Make a leagne, foederor. A leaping on, inſultatio, 3. f. Back lead, bibium... A league-breaker, fredifragus. Of leaping, fúltatorius, a, um. Red lead, rubrica, miriam. A lcague broken, fædus violatiems. TO LEARN (aa. diſco, addifco. White lead, cera/... A leaguer, cafira. Let him learn from me, habeat Solder of lead, ferramom, 3. n. Alcaguer (ſiege) obfidio, circuwjulio. meipfum fibi documentum. He A foldcting with 'lead, planbatio. Leah (a woman's natej Le. häd me at home to learn of, domi A vein of lead, molyodena. A teak, habuit unde diſceret, *l.can Icarn rima qua infiuit aguia. I.ead, adj. plumbirus, a, umjad: To leaks Ecakage, nothing out of that woman, nihil Okleed, istuoligo quisquam de la muliere. Lead-colour, ferrugineus, a, um. • I would have you 'Icarn that of Alcad-pluimet, polis, 3. f. A leaking, tranſmiſio. her, t ex ipsa id velit refcifrere. Lead ore, I plumbugó, 3. galena, Leaky, riarum plenüs, portufees. • 'Tis good to learn by others Lead-tone, A leam of fire, lampas, adis. trials, feitum of periculum 7x aliis A lead to boil in, lobes plumbers. A leam of lightning, fulgetruin. facere tibi quod ex ufu fies or opti- The leads of a church, &c, Waum A leam for dogs, nubelle, c; f. mum ef:aliorum frui infania. plumbo obdu&ura, LEAN, (adj.) macer, macilenius. To learn, or be informed of, artior Mixed with lead, plumborus, d, won. Very lean, jarigojus, a, um ; adj. feri. Lend-wort, plumbaga, 3. f. As lean as a raken' nudiór libe- To learn an art, artis prærepta parei- TO LEAD, duc. 3. mt. ride, mira macritudine, ofta atque pere. To lead about, circumduro, 3. act. To learn before, prediſco, čre. To lead about often, dusviro, 1. act. To bc Iran, macro, marres. To learn by heart, ridifci, memorie To lead againſt, cortiradücon 3. act. To grow lcan, macsfco, microfco. mandare, To lead alde, judulo, 3 act. To make tean, tracero, mació, itna-To learn together, condifcočri. To lead away, abdüro, ere. * Night-watchings make bo- To learn (teach) dacro, ērs. *What To Icad back, reduce, čre. dics lean, vigilia attenuant corpora. ſhould I now learn you your 'let- To lead bcfore, pradulo, ore, Made lean, wiaciatus, a, urr. ters for ? quid itunc te literas do- To lead a dance, preju.ro, cborkam A making lcan, emaciatio, 3. f. fram ? ducere. Lean lades, aqui frigo. Learned, pereptus, a, um, part. To lead by foret, forduto, črt. To Ican nothing, nihil admi. Apt to learn, docilis, 'le; adj. 3. art. To lead in, introduco, ère, To lean or ſtay upon, nitor. Learned, ad). [good ſcho'ar] doctus, To lead one's life, visom agere. To lean back, reclinto. Graeditus, literatus, literis imbusus, à To lead on{entice) #licoart. To lean forward, acelino. literis non abborrms. To lead over, tranſduto, ore. To lean over, promiñeo. Somewhat learned, somidorius. To lead out, edut, zre. Tolcan to, propendio. Learned by her sinergoria mandatus. To lead through, perdard, čre. To lean to in opinion, ifiipulor. Learnedly, doa è, eruditè'; ads, To lead unto, adduto, čré To lean towards, aicino, inclirio. A learner, diſcipulus, 2. m. To lead up and down, deduco, tradu-?o lean' upon, iiritor, kituino, in- A learner of the croſs-row, alphabe- 10x-cro. cumbo. tarius, 2..m.. To lead the way, pretro, ire. Leaning, nixul, a, uñ; part. Learning, diſcens, edifcens ; part. Lieaded, pluinbo obduaus. Lcaring back, rellois, Learning, defriña, eruditio, 3. f. Leaden, plumbeus, a, nih; adj. Lvaning forwards, nelinis. Love of learning, Thilomathin, c;fo A leaden-fain) Arrpnus, clats. Leaning on, incumbenis, imixus, A lover of learning, philomathes. A leader, dagor, oris ; dux, ducis; m. Leaning to, annisus, a, um. of learning, literurius, a, um, A leader away, abduasr, 3. mn.. A leaning back, orelinatio A leaſe, injirimintun fundi slocandi, A leader back, reduktor, 3. mn. A loafing downward, declivitas. codicillus Locationis, A leader of a dance, prájúltor, 3. m, A Jeaning forward, ocdinatio. To renew a leiſe, reconduco, čri, A leader of the way, premonftrator, A leaning on, innixio To lcafe-(lye) mentior, 4. dep. 3. M. A'lgan!ng-stock, adminicidum, 2. 0. To leaſe out, eloce, locito, are ; act. A mil-leader, feduasr, 3. m. Leandy, msilentè ; adv. To leaſe corn, Spicas legere. Leading, ducens, tis; part. * Scipio Leanneſ, triaciesfi ; f. Leaſed out, alocatus, 4,4m; adj. Jcating an army laden with the A leap [mcaſure of haif a bufhel) A leáfee, cui aliquid leatur. {poils of many cities icizes upon feinimodius, 2 m. A leaſh, lorum, 2. De Tunis, i Stipid gravem japo spolois A LEAP, Saltus, ůs; m. A little leafh, habenula, a; f. Dixhim wybikin exercitus 17- Folaap, filio, falt. A leath of hounds, cari ixrnio. bens, occupar Tunet im. To Icap a little, fubfilio, ire. The leaſh of a hawk, habens pada A lead korte, equus honorarius. To leap back, rajilio, 4. n. lis aviaria, pugillari ligantin. A leading, da, t ; . To leap down, defilio, 4. no, A lealing 'Igleaning] fpicslegium. A leading about, circumdu&us, fis; m. 10. leap in, inflio, 4: n. A leaſing (Tying) mmdicium, 2. N. A leading away, abdualio, 3. f. To leap into the fire; in ignem se Alcasor, locator, 3. m. A leading back, redulio, 3. f. conjleeri. LEAST, adj. ninimus, a, um. *of A lcading in, inductie, introduaio. To leap forward, profilio, A. ini many cvils, the evil that is the A leading ahto, addualio, 3. f. To Icap for joy, Billio, 4. n. Icaft, is the lead evil, è malis muly Leading the way, praiens, prævils. To Icap off, defilio, 4. n. tis malum quod minimum ui id mi. A leading (ſoldering? plumbasio, 3. Toileap often, faitlio, area, n. : nimum of malum. If there could f. plimbatura, a; f. To leap on, inſulto, are ; n. * Kids be any the leaft difference in the A leaf, folium, 2: n. leap on the flowers, iſultati fio- world, quod interefe guidpiam A little Icaf, faislun, 2. A. ribus hædi. tuntuum modò potuerit, A vine-leaf, Stefra, é; f. Tô lcap on horſeback, mos equum in Leaft [adv.} minimè. . * He dil- A roſories, caprifolium; 2 n. Kilire, plcarca me the least, mibi minimè The leaf of herbs; coma; ;'f. To leap over, tranfilio, 4. no diſplicebat. 'That I may ſay ihe Alcat of fat, eum, 2. n. To leap up, imicolare: least, ut lovinimè dican: Leaft. 1 4 : 1 2 mum. : 2. . W'th my maſter's leavel would Lectoor fin Aquitain] Le&oracium, LEA LE É L E G Leant or left, 7 ne. I am afraid least præ quo tu vrlis. Leave nothing, A leech (farrier) onetinarius, hip- Leait that, this ſhould ſpread far unasked, personiir á terrà ad ece piatras. tier, vertor ne hoc ferpat longiùs. The Icech of a fail, vili Anus. Leaſt any, nequis. To leave [fo: fake] defero, diflituo, The leech owl, Brix, 3; 6. Lcaſt at any time, nėquando. ere. Leeds [in Kene] Lodonum, Ledanum Leaſt any way, nequà. To leave off, defino, defillo, 3. Juper Cafrum. At the Icaſt, minimùin, ac mini. fodro, 2i Leef or lefe (dear Jeharus, a, um; ads. To leave out, omitto, prætermitto, era. A lçek, porrum. LEASURE, ofiuin, ; ; . At leaſure, dacans, otiofus, adj. To leave an eftate to one boy wili; wide skick} porrum vitigineum. At leaſure to tell, vicuus ad nar alicui teftamento pradium legare. Cut-leeks-blade, porrum fotili. randum. He will look out ano. To leave a poſfellion, pofafione dece- The headed leck, porrum capitaturi. ther at his lcaſure, aliam otioſus dort. Houſe-iček, sedums. quarel. To leave at random, deßituo, ere. A lçek bed, porring, At leaſure (adv.) otiosè. To leave unto, commitio, 3. mando,1 A lcek-blade, talia. To be at leaſure, valo, are ; otio frui. * I leave all to his difcretio., Leek-green, prašnus, a, um , ad). *I am not at Icarure now, 7071 sjus judicio permitte omnia, Leave Of or like a leek, porračius, a, umjadj. hurcle olium ejf nine mibi. * If that to me, ine vide, ego videro; id To found a leck; cornu dare bonum you be at leaſure, li varas, sa vacat, mihi da negotii, ad ridiningrationem inveðigationis. ſ sibi vacal. To !cave utterly, penitur derelinquers. The leer of a deci (the place whicre, To take leaſure, otiari. To leave work, celo, are. he dries himſelf) cervi matutina To takc leafare enough, otio abun- Leaved, foliatus, a, um, adj. apricario, matutinis opricantii carui dure. Leaven, fermentum, z. n. Sie Leven. decubilus. Leafurly ( adv. ) lente, cuntianter, A Icaver, palanga, ' I. viâis 3. f, A leer-horſe, equus vacuus. placide, fenfim. I had leaver, malo, -vis-wi, malle. Lect, complexio, 3. f. Leath, velalio, intermiſo 3 f. A leaverct, lepufculus, 2. m. To leor, limis intueri. Leather, pellis, 3'f. corium, 21. Leaves (of leaf) folia, n. pl. frondes, Leering, limus, The leather (of a fling) fcutali, is;. f. pl. Lees, fax. Tanned leather, aluis, &;ſ. "To turn over the Icaves of a book, The lees of oil, amurta, frares, A leather-dreffer, slutariut, coriarius librum ruoluere. To lcefc, amirro, perdo čre. Leavy, frondofus, a, um ; adj. A leeſing, jasura, a; f. Lcather-dreſſing, alucaria, a; f. 6o A leavy branch, termes. A lcet, curia, tif. ris fubeaio. Leavincſs, frondofitas. atis;f, Leet days, dies faſi, A lcacher-ſeller, bellio, onis ;0). A léaving, dereli&tio, defertio, onis ; f.To leet (thew) ollenda, čre.. Spaniſh leatber, peltis Cordubenſis. A lcaring off, intermifio, onis; f. The' leeth [ of a ſail ] externe or Leatho , adj. A leaving out, omiſſio, pretormifio, laxior pars veli, Leathern, coriaceus, a, um. onis ; f. Leeten you, pre ti férfo.. of leather, Lebnaw (in Girminy) Arlobriga, Lecthwake, lontus, flexilis, Leather-ware, selles, jums pl. f. Lebuſs (in Germany Lehuja. I had as leeve, malo, -vis; A leather thong, lorem torginum. Lecce (in Terre di Olranio) Alatium. * I hade as leeve-dle as codurc A lcäther bag, pafceolus, 2. m. Lechlade Lin Gloucesterſoire) Leche it, mortuum me quàm ut id patiar lada. A leather jerkin, slobium fcorteum. malim. A great Icather bottlc, uter, 3 m. Lechery, luxuria. Su leachery. Leeuwarden ( in Well-Frizeland ] Covered with leather, pellitus, adj. / Leck (a river in Holland) Leccha. Lrovardia, LEAVE, venia, licentia, s. concilio, Leck a river in Germany] Larbus Leſt (forſaken] dereli&us, deflitu- libertas, facultas, poteffas, 3. fén. Lachus, Lycias. tus, a, um. copia, 1. * I couid never have Leck on, largiùs infunde, I LEFT (of.lcave) reliqui. Lat leave, nunquam aj mihi licitum. A ledern desk]'plutrus, i; m. if he had left it to me, qüod fi mihi permifilet. # Hc. left it as have ſaid it, pace magiari dixrrim. A lecture, ledjo, prælatie, onis ; f. he found it, reliquit . integrum. * By your leave, pace tuâ. * You A le&ture in ſchools, profeſio, onis ; f. # He left the prieſthood,, facerdo- have your leave to be gone, licet; A reader of lectures, profeſor, 3. m. tio abibat, * I never left urging, tibi fa&a eft poteflas difedendi. Lcd (ofTo lead) du&tus, a, um; part. nunquam defiti orare. * Thlog! I have Icave, mihi licet. Led about, circundultus, a, um. are as you left them, res sodam funt To defire leave to do a thing, ali- Led aſide, ſeductus, a, xm. loci quo reliquifi. quid age::di' viniam ab aliquo potere, Led away, abdu&us, a, um. Left [ remaining) reliquus, ag um ; or poſuere. Led back, reduiltus, a, um, adj. * There is' but a ſmall party To give leave, permitro, concedo, 3 Led into, induftus, a, um. of that army, left, perexigua pars copiam facere Give me Icavc Led unto, addu&us; a, um. illius exercitus fupereft. *There 10 clear myielf, sne me expurgem. I led, duxi. She led herfölf chaq arc but a very few of them left * If my occasions will give Icave, ly, pudirè vitam agebat. now, qui pauíi jam admodum ref ja per negotia licrat. To be led to execution, ad mortem tant. * This is all that is left, Leave to depart; miffio, dimifi, 3.f. duri. tantum reliquum ef. Leave to enter, adm:fio, 3. f. A led horſe; equus defultorius. Left alone, defolatus, a, um ; adj. Without leave, injujus, adj. injuflu, A ledge, projettura, f. offerculus, 2.m. Loft deſtitute, orbatus, a, um , adj. abl. monoptot. A lcdger ambasador, rigis or rripub. Left off for a time, intermiffus, a, To take leave of, validico, öre. lice orator, um ; adj. To LEAVE, relinguo, mitro, omitto, 3. Ledung [a river in Ireland) Dur. Left out, prætermiſus, omifus,a,um; prætereo, 4. * Now I leave it to A lee, locus à cæli o vmlorum inju. part. you to go on, nunc curfu lampada riâ ratus. The left-hand, finißra; lævi, æ; f. iibi trado. If you do not leave A lec the helm verla gubernaculum On the left hand, à fondiris. troubling me, Amolofius effe pergis. in partem à vento tutam, Toward the left, finiflrorsùm adv. * I will leave Ipcaking finem di The lee, 1 navis incliputio, vergen. Left, ad). finifer, . condi faciam. * Leave your rail. Leeward, 19. Of the Icft hand, The left ing, contumelias caja dicere, mitte To fall to the Iceward, uentiem nimis wing of an army, Sinißrum commun malè loqui * My matter bade me declinare. Left-handed, ſcavola. &. leave all and mind Pamphilus, be- Lce-fang, funis annulos è funiculis A leg, crus, cruris ; n, tibia, a; f. rus one, reliais rebus, jufit Pamphi. troje&us ad pedem vili confringen- A litilc lcg, crufculuin, i ; n. lum obfervare. * He "leaves not dum. A leg of mutton, coxa ovina. manners in the diſh, lari facrificat. The lec-ſhore, littus vinto imper- To make a lcg, genuflete.čre. . He will leave him bare chough, vium. Leg, adj. tondebit illum auro uſque ad vivam A lee ward tide, vindus & fubtus or the leg, le Futem. + I will leave all to wait sodes tendentes, Lcg-harneſs, ocrea, tibialia. on you, res omnes reli&as babeo, Adecch, birudo, 3. fanguifuga, 1. f. Bow-legʻd, valgus. Wry v. def. ! • Nor L EN LES L E T Wiy-leg'd loripes, odis ; C. Now at length, 7 aliquandò, demùm, Lcgna (a city in an Mhand or thę A lcgacy, legatum. Once at length, fanden ; ady. fame name on the coaſts of Dal? Of legacies, legativus, a. um ; adj. To draw out at length, produco, 3. mpatia] Pharosi Legal, legalis, le; adj, 8. art. A drawing out at length, produdio, Leskord [in Cornwal} Sebafı, Legio Legally, rei aquila's legibus conjen. mis ; f. altera Augula, Al length, Leſnow in Poland] Lenovis. A legate, legatus; i ; w. In length, } in longumi. Lelom, kitus, a, 21; adj. A legatec, legatarius, i, m. To !engthen, produco, protrabo, ex., LESS (adj.) Painor. * Nothing will A legateſhip, legario, onis ; f. Indo, öro. cott a father leſs than a ſon, mas A legend legendă, alicujus beasi vita, Lengthened, predmetus, extenſus. nulla minoris conftobit patri quàm gola fondi cujuſpian. A lengthening, productio, protradio. filius. * Birds like truthes fomc- The golden legend, legenda awsa. To lenify, imie, mellio, irt. what leſs than pigeons, quis tur- A leger-book, afforum cedex, primo- Lenity, Ionitas, 3. clemmiia, a ; f. dorun specie poulùm infra colum- ris tabule, feripium prototypum. Lenitive, mitigatorius, a, um ; adj. has magnitudine. • 'They are leſs Legerdemain, ars præſligiarória. A lenitive, malagma, atis ; n than they were said to be, infra fa Legerdemain-tricks, praftigia, Alennet,cardualis,linaria.Su Lipnet, mam Junt. * He ſpent it in leſs Leger-geld, mu!&a domino pedi foli Lenapx (in Scotland) Lennoxia, Le than a year, non loto viriente anna ta pb famulam comprofam. vinia, Elgovia. abiumplit. Legible, legibilis, lo; adj. 3. art. Lens Lin Artais) Lentium, Nemsta. LESS (adv.) minus. • Who is less A legion about five or fix thousand ridiculous than hc, quis minus illa men] legio, onis , fi LENT [of lend) sommodatus, mutuo ridiculus. * Nor is any age leſs A little legion, legiuncula, &; f. datus, weariéd, neque ulla dtas minùs Of a legion, legionarius, Q, um; I lent, acoommodavi. * He lent him fatigatur. In leſs than three Legionary, sady: money in his nccd, buic agenti hic hours. minus tribus horis. Legiſlative, logiſativis, a, um ; adj. peruniam credidit, was he cver the leſs helpful to Legitimate, legitimus a, um ; adj. Lent (ſabit.) Quadragefima, &; f. him for all that, neque co fecius Legitimately (adv ) legitimi. tempus quadragesimals. cum juvit opibus fuis. A legitimating, } legitimario, onis; Lenten, Legitimation, For leſs, minoris , gen. of minor. rem. Ofntent , } Quadragefimalis,le; adj. To leſſo, minuo, 3. diminuo, 3. Legano' in the Seigneury of Vo- Alenten-fig, cariota. To take lelo, extenuo, ..act. nice] Liniacum. Lentiginious (freckly) ſparjo ore; To leffen, decreſco, minuer, 3. } Legorn (in Tuſcanyl Libro, lentigino'u', adj. To grow leſs, neut. Leiceſter town, Li eftris. Lrgecefria, A leneil, leni, tis; f. Lefſencd, minutus, attenuatus, a, Logeria. uni P.GA. A leigh, paſiuum. Water-entiles , } .loms palußris. A leſſening, attenuatio, diminutio, 3.f. Leighlin, Tin Ireland) Lechlinia, Tho lentisk-rrce, lentiſcus, mifiche Leffer, miner. Se Leis. Leinſter (part of Ireland) Lagenja, Thc gum of the Icatisk-erce, lentis - The lesſes of a wild von, suis fyl. Lcilure, or um Seo Learurs. o lachrima. vriris fimus. L:a:h (in Scotland) Lehe. Lentini (in Sicily) Lesplium. Leitian diet, diata tenuis. Leiton (in Elix] Durolitum. Lentilude, lintiſudo, inis ; f. Leſin:s (in the Low countries] Laf- A l'eman or 'Harlot, concubina, ;1. A lenvoy, epilogus carminis. fina, A litteleman, amirula, a;f. Leo (one of the twelve ligas in the A leffon. !taio, preletio, onis ; f. A lembick, elembicus, vas diſtillato. heavens) Lro. Al ttle leffon, lectiuncula. riuni, Lcon [a province in Spain] Legio A ešton (inſtruct:on) documentum, Lemburg (in Rufia nigral Lropolis, Germanica. pratceptum 2. 01. Lengow (in Weſtphalia) Lemgwia. lesion, doceo, 2. in ruo, čre Leone The leming (bealt] mui Norwegi- give a lcsfon, ſubornoare Leon (in Cappadocia] Polemonium. l A leffor, alocator. 3. m. Lenngs (an Agean iſland) Lom- Leonard (a man's name) Leonardus , Leit, minimus. s« Leaft . A connard (hawk] falcunculus. L:ſtal, venalis, commodi ponderis, Lemnian earth, torra Lemmia of Leonel'ſa 'man's name] Lacnellus. L'Eſtrange (the family Extraneus. silap. A leopard, leopardus, pardus, Leftuthiei (in Cornwal) Uzella, A lemon (the fouit] limonium, i; n A Bic leopard, pardulis. A LET OF LETT. mora, f. impedi- A lemon tree ritria, cf. Leonard's-bane ( herb] doronicum. mentum, laculum, offendiuium, Lemfter, [in Herefordniny Loonis mo Leopold (a man's name? Leopoldus. 2. n. * I will be no lct to you, nafterium, rænobium Lionenſe or Lepanto [in passlia) Naupactus. in me nibil erit mora. Lovenſe. A lepe, ſiltus. Sec Lcap. To let (hinder) act. impedio, 4. ohſto, Lehe ci ſin Poland) Lin'icią. A leper, leprufus, i ;m. 1. * What doch let why it ſhoujd TO LEN D, act. commodo, mutuo, A white leper, elephant arus, 2. m. not.be ? quid oblier quo minks fist; muthum dare. * Lend me your A ſpict's for lcpass, Boſocomiumy la- . A certain chance did Ict me hand a littic, quin mihi manim proforum. from doing of it, cofus quidam me tantiſpor oklorneodå. • Lend mc Tbe lcper fih, lepras, ſporus. facere impedivit. your" h lp a ligle, paululum da Lepid (witty, lepidus, a, um, ad). To let alonc, act. mitte, omillo. 3. mihi opera Lcproly, lepra, a ; f. fcabies, pi ; To lend at int reft, fenero, art. miſum facio. * Will you let me } Lepry, fem, alore or RO? mirtis me on non A lender, commod.stor, creditor, oris ; The itching leproſy prurigo, inis ; f. miters ? Let us let theſe things maſc. The white leproſy, slepbintulis, 3.f. alone, milli hæc faciamus. * ict Leiding, onmodans, tis ; part. Leprofcd, mc alone, for me. , commodatio, accommodalio, Leprova, To let une blood, onts: fi Lep.ouines, porrign, 3. f. tere, vinas alicui incidere. He A lending at intereft, fæneratio, onis; Lera (a river in Frunce] Igmanus, was lct blood without pain, millus tem. Sigm.nus. sl fanguis fine dolore, Len-ham (in Keni] Dxrolemum, pu- Lereſſe (« river in Sarmnis]Borynie. To lee down, demisto, čre; act. rolruum: To let down an inſtryment, remitto, Length, longitude, prolixitas, f. A Lerida. (in C-talonia] l'erda, 3. lexo, are ; a&t. man may come wiihin a polc's' Lerma (in Old Cifile) Lerma, To let fiy abroad, libero ccelo permis- length of him, ji mitis of #1 Lerna så lake in Peloponeſus) Lerma. haye the length of his foots to a Leros [ an ife in the Iberian ſea 1 To let go, dimitto, öre; act . halr, ko illius ilmjuin pulebre cal Leros Tolct lipfc.amitio, à ruftodia educare. Lerpool (in Lancaſhire] Liſerpalus. eximeri in iibertatem vindum. Length of time, longinquitas, diu- A ferry, deftio, penfum addifcendum. To let off, diſplodo, 3: Exonero, 1. iturnitas, aris ; f." Les ia river in France Telis. act. At langida, adv. sanding denique, de Leſche La river in the Low Gountries]. To let in, adm tro, intromitto . Sce Lerik, you let no body into the hovie, Eng not: be ) + alieno agro i; n, L E T L HO LIC cave quemquam in ædes intromifen A letting, {ſuffering), permiDi, 3. f. | Liable, obnoxius, a, wij adj. ris. A lettice (bonneti redimiculum. Alam, numalla, To let (interrupt] interpello, inter- A lettice-window, clathrustranſenna. Liannd (a river in the Low Coma na rumpo, ère ; act. The levant [cattortus folis. trier. Lins, Elna, To ici out, emitto, čre; act. Levant and couchant, jumenta erra. Dlart, flexilis. To let out (hire out) loco, eloco, are ; bunda, quæ furgunt & cubant in To libIgeld] caſion, are; ad). act. I cannot let a penny of Libanus La mountain la Planija) Libarius. money to any body, locare argenti Level, aqualis, le ; ad). nemini nummum.quro. . You have a level, planities, ei; f. Libaw (in Polund) Lids. a little field here, hard by the Level with, planus, a, um ; adj. A ibbard, pardus. town, which you let out, age!! A carpenter's level, libella, perpendi- Libbard-nauc (herh) aconituri, of hic fub urbe paulum quod loci- culum, amufis. A libel, libellus diffimetorius; ferip. las foras. Level-coll, allornarim, relim ; adv, sum famojim, To let paſs, 2 omitto. 3. prelereo, 4. To play level coll, viies lådondi pre. To libel any onc,' aliujus famam To lec'rip, $ prætermitto, 3. act. beri. læderi, ſcriplo maledico diffimare, To let (luffer) act. permitio, 170, 3. The level of a gun, Scopus, LIBERAL, adj. benignus, munificuss • He let him ſpend as much as To levei, laquo, complano, arte; liberalis. he would,quonium vellet impendere Make level, s . Very literal, perbenignus, adj. permiforit. Sen I will not let you to level ai, ad fcopum collinare. Too liberal, prodigus, adj. go, abire fe non fnam. the If the Levelled, ad perpendicu!un jutus, A liberal giver, largitor, oris ; m. Teamcn vould have let me, ji le Lovelled at, politus, a, uni adj. A liberal giving, Largitio, crogatio, licitum per noutas. Let me dle, A leveiling, æquato, 3 f. onis : f. amorlar. Let me not live, no A levelling at, collimario, 3. f.. Liberality, literolitas benignitas, asis; uivom. * Let me fec, fac videam Leven,, fermentum, 2. p. f. munificentia, & f. * Lit me go home, domum abram. To leven, formento, are. L:berally (adv.) liberaliter, benigne, * Let the old man come, cdo fer Withoui leven, azimus, a, um ; adj. inun fiie. . I will let you know, The laving of leven, fermieni" sua Very liberally (ady,] marbenignè. cerijerin faciem * You will not Sversio To gide liberaily, larglad, 71 z dep. let me die, mori probibes. Lovened, fermentatus, a, um, adj. Liberdine (herb) aron rum, i, n. Let, impeditus, a, uni; part. Lcvcncd bread, Xymitos. Liberty. iilari..., 3. f. Let alonc, miſus, omiſus, a, um ! A levening, firmentario, onisi f. Too much l.berty, licentia, a.; f. } Let país,' $ part. Levency (in Brockrok birt] Leven. * Too much liberiy ſpoils all on- The letany, litania, Su Litany. dium. nes deteriores.jumus licentia. A lctcher libidinoſis,2. Scortator, 3.m. A leveret, lepulculas, Liberty or leave, poceliais, 3 copia 1. Leichal ideadly] lahalis, le ; adj. Leviathan [a beart) crocodilus. f. You are lcft to your liberty Lethargick, lethargicus, a, um ; adj, Levicd, exiltus, a, um ; part, what to do, rili potrias agendi con- A lethargy, lethargia, leshorgus. A levy, cenſus, ús; m. seditur. *He had liberty of Ipeech, Troubled with a lethargy, lesbargi- ro levy, confiribo, ere; 2ct. illi copia diiendi con!eli fuit. cus, 4, KR ; ad. To levy money, tributum imponere, ! Liberty of will, liherumscrbitriuma. Letrum (in Connaughi] Istrum. colligere or exigere, At I:berty, liber, a, um ; adi. Letrum [a county in Connaught) To levy ſoldiers, milites ronfcribers. With full liberty, libere'; ade. Lotrumenfs comisarus. A levy ng of money, exa&io, irro. To be at l berty, more fuó vivere, fui Letted, impeditus, retarditus a, um. gotio, onis ; f. juriselt. "I am not ai iiberty Lettenhand (part of Lieſland] Lil. Levin (river in Sotland) Levinus. to u:e your counſel, mihi nori et landia. A levite, levita, levites ; m. insegrum ius'uti confilio. A letter (hinderer) obfrufter, mora. Levitical, leviticus, a, nm ad), dico, are; act: To fec at liberig, libero, reloxo, vino tor, interpollator, oris ; m. of a levite, } leviticus , a, nm adı, A letter down, demiſor, oris; m. Levity, levitas, 3. inconftantia,.ce; f.: Set at liberty, idi. liberatus, laxatus, A letter of the alphabet, listera, ; Leukirchen (in Germany) Exodu- solutus, ruas donatur, f. elementum, i, m. rum. A lettlig at libertý, liberatio, eman- A letter (epiftle] eplole, &; f. Leutkirck (in Germany ) Leutkirca. ciparo, 3. f. A text letter, littera unrialis. Leutmeritz (in Germany] Litomte- A fetter at liberty, liberator, vindex, A letter of attorney, libellus procu. rium. 3. m. rationis; lirera deputatoria, mande. Lew, opertus, à cæli to ventorum in. A libertine, epicursus 2, m, toria. jurid tutus. Libertiniſm, ipicurvorum setta, To give a letter of attorney, procu- Lewd, flagitiofus, improbus, nefarius, Libidinofily, laſcivis, ir ratoram literis confituere, nequam; 2dj. Libidinous, libidinoſus. 20). Letters patents;, diploma, 3 0. litme Very lewd, nequiffimus. Libong ( bert] telephium [sharia. patentes. Lcwdly, flagitiosè, improbè, nefariè. Libra i one of the twelve cclestial Letters of appeal, litera dimifforia. Lewdneſu, improbitas, nequitia. Letters of commendation, litere Lewellin (a man's name) Lionelet. A livrary, biblio:hica. commandatitia. Lewes (in Sujax] Leſua, a ; f. A library keeper, bibliotbecarius, 2. Letters of exchange, teforæ num. Lewis fland Lby Scotland] Leuvila, mafc. maria. Evuda fecunda, of a library, bibliotbecalis, li"; adſ. A letter miſſive, spidola, a; f. Lewis [å man's name] Ludcviius, Libration, libratio, 3: fi Of letters, literarius, elementarius, Liccſ of louſe) pediruli, arun : m. Of letters millive, epißolaris, ne adj. A lexicon, lexicon, ci ; n. Lice.bane (berb} pedicularis herba, A letter-carrier, tabellarius, 2. tabel. Leyden [ia Holland] Lugdunum B.: Litcnfe, liienlia, a; f. lio, 3. m. A licenſe, diploma, 3. 8. privilegium, Lettered, literatus, a, um; ad), Laye'(a river in Flanders) Legia. Lettice, lectuca, a jf. I had leyſer, malo, melim. To licenſe, a&t. indulges 2. privile- A ſmall lettice, laducula, &;f A ley.gager, qui litur fequitur. gin fuso munire. Cabbage-lēttice, la&uca capitáta. Leync la river in Saxony) Lynius. Licenſed, permiſus, P. & A. Crifped letticc, laduca criſpa. Leypack (in Saxony) Lipa, Luppia, A licenciate, licentiatus, 2. m. Lamb's-leltice, laduca agning, Luplurdum. A licentiatc [in law] lyra, jm. lettice, Licentious, licénticsw, adj. Lettice [a woman's name] Lætitia. The Lex (a river in Languedoc] Že. Liientiouiſneſs, improbitus; 3. nequi- A letting, impeditio, impedimentum, dum, Ledus. tia, licentia, a; f. obftaculum, Lleydaw (part of Breeogne) Isto. Licentioüly, licenter ; adv. A letting blood, phlebotomia, e; f. Lichfield ( in Siffordshire) Lichfol. A letting down, demiſio, 3. f. Lhcyae Promontory (in Caernarvon dia, A letting go, dimifio, 3: f. fire]Langanum; Carganum, Gen. of Lichfield, Lichföldenſas, se; ad . A letting out for rent, -locatio, 3. f. ganum. Lich' waleſherb) lithoſpermum A kettiog paſs, prátormilio, 3. f. LẤon (a river in Germany] Zhona. A lich-owl, bubo feralis. pd 2 ACT 1 2. m. + tarorun. ,2. n. via. Lolita , 3. m. De ans, L I E L IF L I G A lick, illinctus. To lic about, circumjacra, 2. . Loſs of life, ultimum fupplicium. TO LICK (a&. I lingo, 3: lambo, 3. To liç against, objaceo, 2. a. To ſell a man's life, fanguinem ali. I'll make him lick his fingers, Te lie along, rerumbo; 3. recubo, 3. cujus addicere. ipjos fibi fucian u digitos prerodet To lic at one, prece aliquem farigars. To come to life agala, reviviſco, 3. Suos. To lie beforc, prejaceo, ore ;. Coming to life again, redivivus. To lick about, circumlambo čri. To lic bolwen, interjacko, zre. Having lifc, vivu animans; ad), To lick again, reling!, ire ; ad. Ta lic by, actubo, 1. accumbo, 3. Full of life, vivat, vegetus į adj: To lick away., delingo, črs, act. To lie down, decumbo, ducubo, She Without iifc, inanimus, exanimui, To lick daintily, ligurio, 4. act. - is ready to lie down, partus propè Lifeleſs, adj.'} He'lo lifelel to lick often, lanbito, are ; a&t. infat, ad pariendum vicina ef. that is Faultleſs, nemo noftrüm nori To lick up ali, alingo, ore; aci, To lic down to deep, difcumbo, int, piccati homines fumus non dij, A lick dito, } casillo , lurce 3. m. fiernere la corrno. Life-rent, penfio dum vivitur foluta. To lie in, ob puerperium cubarr. Without life, adv. frigide A lick-ſtone (fih) murma, cif. To lie in the dirt, in luto hærere. Liffy (river in Ireland) Madonus. A Ucker, linstor, 3. m. To lie flat, procumbo, Bernar, A liſt, füblev'itio. 3. f, Licked,'lindus, a, um, part. To lie near, acuos, are ; n. A lift (kind of itile] climax adapor.' A licking, illinctioy 3.f.illinitus.4.0. To lic open, patro, ne ; f. Licorice, To lic ſtill, Alco, quiefio, ore ; n. } glycirrhiza, a f. Licoriſh, levs, I. follo, atrollo, ue- To lie together, concubo. * They Lift up, } he, 3. act. ha, 3. act. He lifta Wild licorice, glaux vulgaris. lie together, nuptias faciunt. up his hands to heaven, manus ad Licoriſh, delicatulus, gulofus, a, um; To lie under, succumbo, ſubjaceo. fidora tollit. Likerith, adj. To lie hid, A licorish companion, crpes, carillo, Lie unknown, } lates, zie ; 8. To lift up again, relevo, are; act. To lift up himſelf. fe efferie, To lie upon, incubo, arc;, To make one licoriſh, illeredris deli- To lie in wait for, infidiari, inſidias (To lift upright, erigo, Surrigo, 3. To lifi up on high, in jubl me tollere, ruire. Arwete. Liſted up, lovelus, allevatus, arriaus, A making !icorith, corruptie, corrup-Lieſland ( a country in Poland) Lj. a, am, tela, illaccbra. vonja, A lifter up, avector, 3. m. L'corith daintics, cupedia, arum ; fi Liege, fidelis, obligatus; adj., Lifting up, eve&orius, a, um ; adj. Licorithneſs, gula, liguritio. . Llege lin German) Legia, Leodium A lifting up, elatio, simvatio, 3. f. A lid, opirculum. A liege (lord) dominus fupramus, pa. The lifts of a füil, veli.pedes ; funes A pot lid.. operculum olla. tronus. ad antennarnim cornus libranda, An cye-lid, palpebro. Llegeance, 1 fides, fidelitas principi. _clevanda au: demitienda. Lida (in Poland) Lida. , s debita . To lig [lic) cumbo, čre; in. LiddeIdale (in Scotland) Lidde dalia. A liegeman, slieps, fis ; . A ligament, ligamentum. 2. n. Lidford [in Devonſhiraj Lideforda, I have licn, jacui, &c.* Aligature, ligarura. c. ; f. L!dford-law, "condemnatio poft fufpen- A lier, roundax, falfloquus. To LIGHT (as a bird) fido, defido. djur. A little lier, mendaculus. Wherethey would havca ſwarm Lie (of aſhes] lixioium. A lier for the whet-ftonc, balo to light, examen ubi volunt an- Of lie, lixivís, 4, Hos; adj. phania. flors. * Lille ſtones in water, A lie, or lye, mendaciui, commentus, Ller-wit, mul&ta adulterii. where they may light and drink, figmentum. Licre [in Brabant) Lyra, Novi dum. In.cquânapi!li ubi dvidere & bibers A little lic, mendaculum. A forger of lies, areta logus, poflunt. A loud lie, mere fabula. Full of lies, fabulofus. To light (as from a hörſe) defiendo, TO LIE, melior, 4. dep. finge. A woman that lies in puerpera, &; f. 3. deflio, 4. Tell a LIE, ). 3. act. * I tell you in lieu of, loco, abl, of lacus. To light upon (a&, ) ofendo,3. re- no lie, fraum non fabula, If A licuccnant, locum tenens, vicarius, perio, 4. I lighted upon it by he told never ſo loud a líc, urim.. oprio. chance, caſu in boc incidi. # 1 pudentilime mentiretur. I would The Lieutenant of a gallcy,celeafts:. havė lighted upon my daughter, not lie for a thouſand pounds, The licutcbant of the tower; capito. filiam meam inueni. * 'When yor mentior nullins patrimonius tanti linus, light on fach a rock as that, ubi facio. Licntenantſhip, prafettura, cif. Scopulum ffendis ejuſmodi. • He To lie manifcfly, mentior, iri. LIFE; vita, anima', 1. f. p ritus,.g. many times lights on things he Tolle greatly, demeniior, 4. dep.; . I owe my life to hiin, il would not, in ea quae non vult To take one in a lie, mindacji ali. lius, operá vivo, *If God fond life, sapè incurrit. * Your father light- quem depribandere. . Take me in fi vita ſuppetet. * If my life, ed on me but now, pater tuus , a lie and hang me, f quidquam Thould lic on't, f. de capiti CE TE- mensiun invinies, occidito, modò me prehend t. * Particular . # While there is life troubles have lighted on this bo- To give one the lic, os cujuſpiam there is hope, ægroto dum anirra el verberare diai mendacii crvicio, spéseft. . L fellés not in living rough, fingulares ...je municipio ca- lamitates accederunt. This mil- mendacit aliquem ärgumi. but in liking, nori B viuere, sed chief will light on my head, ipac TO LIE (in a poſture]jacco, erein, Galers vita; * lu his life-time, in me ruidetur fara. * What lies in you, quantum in. dum. adhuc viveret. te eftIf it did lic in me, s Toogive life, anino, vivifica, arr. Light, adl, levis, e. * My heart mihi elit integrum." It lies him The life guard, cohors, praloria. is to light over what It uſes to be. ita animus præter folitum gefir. in a great deal, magno illi confiar. Life giving, vivifcus, a, um ; adj. & My life lies on it, falus mia in A giving of life, animatio, 3. f. As light as a feither, plund levior. 60 virsisuri * If my life ſhould of life and death, capitalis, le, adj. * It is a light matter, love it. + lic on it, A de capita aferetur, meo, If you will not think it a light Tis a caſe of life and death, * It lies under the north pole, coaja capitalis e matter, fi non aſpernabere Very light, perlevis, ve; adj. Jueb feptentriónidas pofilus el. 'The To ni upán life, and death, de capire Light (nimble) agilis, expeditus. mcmory lles at the bottom of ihe quartre. car, sit in aure imá memoriae lorus, Long life, vivacitas, longevitas. Light of foot, adj. voluent, velox, Hd we but a wind we ſpould|To ibe life, ad viunir. pedibus celer. not lic idle in Corfica, heljeni ven. To have life, vivo, vitam agere or Light (inconftant) inconficins, impabi- Light foot (a dog] labros. 1i 5.05 Coreirce non Jederemas., 1Lcad a life. 5 dagera. * laved lis, levis ; adj. As light 2s Gra- Will Mew you wherein thegreatest a city lifc, vitam urbanean leiutu's happincis 1:ės, oflendam libi sem sum me cardinim fericitatis. Light of belief, credu!us. Hi To lay down one's life, meriems of: Light-lingerd, furam, aris; adj. make that tongue of yours lie, petere ega sibi ipam comprimam linguara. To Ay for one's life, fuga lalutem Lght hcaded, cerebrojus, light-harncfcd, viles, isis. • Do you think to lie' a bed and petere. have your work done? quid cridis To loſe one's life, capite pliai. Alighi horiemaa, Tevis armatura dormienti tibi. bac.confecluros.doos ? Life evcilalticg (herb] gnagkalium. Light (of no value] ludiser, frivoless. Equt!. m. $ i То Likelihood, } verifmilitudo, inis ; f. legheit lucerna, lyehnus, candela; } like , un Tear limb-sical membrasim id fer- L I G LIK LIM To fct light by, I contemno,,, vili- I Like, adj. fimilis, par, æquus. *As name, olendent Abi nomor din??- To make light of, 5 fico, nullo loco Like unto, like as if he were ſpit cere, * They were not ſuch as you babors, nibili faccro, juſque degne out of his mouth, non tanta ouum likc, non cui lomachi fuerunt.' . babere, DUO smile Like lips like leta As you like yourſelf, erbitratu tuo. To take a light taſte of, libarı; ad, tices fimiles habent labra lactucas. * I like no changing, antiquuin A light ſupper, Spottula, • They both have like terms, volo, Somewhat light, Irviculus, a, um. aqua utrique conditia ef. * Like To like (plcaſc] flacro, gaude. Light (ſhining) 'lucidus. We have will to like. ſmile fimili goudut, To be like, refero, Awils. Teen the heavens all on a light fire, agualis æqualém deletat. * Had To make like, aguo, adæquo,as; ad. vidimui cælum fplendefiere flamma. there been in us the like skill thar To be of like force, equipolles. es. Light [fubft) lux; f. lumen, n. there was in him, À par in nobis Made like, aquatus, a, un ; P. A. They knew it by the light, of atque in illo frientia fuiles, Give Not like, difimilis, le ; adj, nature, naturâ admonente cognoue him like to like, par pari referto. Such like, cjufmodi, hujuſmodi. virunt. He ſtands in his own • You are always deviſing me Liked, approbatus, a, um ; P. & A. light, ipfe fitoi e injurius. The ſuch like things, hujuſmodi mihi lakely, probabilis, verifimilis ; ad). moon Thines by another's light, res semper coinminiſteris. * All do Likely (adv] "probabiliter; varijimi. luna alima lua lucet. not ſtand in like need, non equi liler. To bring to light, in apertum pro omnes egent. Likc cover likę Likelihood, forto. Time will bring it to light 3 cup, dignum patella operculum. * Likelineſs, in apricum proferet glas, Like father like ſon, mali corvi Likeneſs, fimilitudo, Enis ; f. aqua- To burn day-light, Lucernam in sole malum suur. lilas, paritas, älis; f. adhibere, Like, adv. Lanquam, ve'us &c. * To liken, comparo, I. confero, ferre. А fax... Before the lights were put maſters, tanquam domini timentur. A likening, comparario, onis ; f. out, nondum extina is luminaribus. # It broke out like a ſtorm, velut Likewiſe, pariter ; adv. To light [fet on fire) acaindo, in nimbus erupit, * It was more like Liking, favens, tis ; part. cendo. * Hc lights one candle at a clty than a village. rion fuit A liking, noprobatie, onis ; f. another, lunden de lumine accendit. vici injlar fed urbis. * Likc hail To one's liking, gratus, a, ult, A light-carrier [ftone) lapis Benoni in modum grandinis, *They looked To get a liking, anormos concipert: onis. like ſlain men,caforuın ſpociem.pre-Good liking, a meron. benevolmtis , To light one, prelucro, oro ; ncut, buerunt. * In truth ye live with :The good liking of the body, vale- # You lighted him the way to- fidlers, mufico berilè cgitaris ætatem. tudo, bina crporis habitudo. : cui facem prætuliſi ad---, They were ſlaughter'd like in good liking, adj. valens, niis, va- To be light, lucro, pre ; neot. ſheep, pecorum modo cocidere. lidvi, Mitidus, 4,. um. It begins to be light lucefcit; imp, The man falls a, wecping, like a Liach (tree)/pringa fore cerules. To caſt light, illuceo, illumine, il. child, homini illico luchrimæ cadunt Liers (in Artois) Lilerium. To give light, s lupro. quafi fucro, * To fight like the To lill out the longnc, exerere lin. Light gray, leucophæus. giants againſt the gods, eigantum fuam. Twi-lighi, lux dubia, crepufculum. more bellare cum diis. You have Lille (a river in Aquitain) Illa. Lighted, acceſus, a, um, P. Of A. done like yourſelf, te dignum fe. Lille (in Flanders] Infula: To lighien, illumino, asjad. cißi, ad ingenium redis. * He lives Liſo (in Brabant Lilloa. To lighten, fulguro, as ; like himſelf, pro dignitate vivit. * A Llily, lilium.' Caft out lighting, neut. He carried himſelf like a.con- The blue I:lly, iris, idis ; f. To lighten-[calc] levo, allroo ; a&t. gucror, pro victore Je gelit. The day ſilly, liliun nen bulbs. To be made lighter, allovor, past Liko 2 adj. probabilis, verifimilis. * lum. Lightly, levilir, adv. Likely, Like enough ſo, satis pro- The white garden lilly, lilium album Lightly [nimbly] agiliter, velocitur, babile ei. It is very like you hortenſe. Lightly carcleſy) perfunctoria. to ask, te credibile eft quærere. * The May lilly, ephemeron. Lightly [cally) facilè; adv. We are like to have war, impen- The lilly of the valleys, lilium con- Lightened, illuminatus, irradiatus. dit nobis belli timor, .* I am like vallium. Lightened, (eaſed) allevatus, a, um. to loſe my credit, fericulum fume Water lilly, wymphad, @; f. It lightens fulgural; imp. mihi ef. You are never like to The wild lilly, } lilium montanum, . Lightneſs, levitas, atis ; f. ſee me morc, hodie poprimùm me Mountain lilly Lightneſs of bcltef, credulitasyatis; f. vides. * I am like to fall into The yellow lilly, symphao lutea. Lightneſs ( inconſtancy]iriconflantis, , periculum in Lilly adj. f. vanitas, ätis ; fi minus corum incidam, a lilly, a, UA. Lightning, fulmin,inis ; fulgur,is; n. wing had like to have been routed, A lilly-bed, lilictum, ti ; n. A lightning, fulguratio, onis ; f. prope srat ut finifrum corriu pellere Lima!gne (part of France] Limsiniz: Lightning with blaſts fyderatio; f. tur, * He had like to have been Limb (in aſtronomy) 'ei pars lunc: Of lightning, fulmingus, a, um. loft among them, pene harum ipfe aut folis quæ eclipſin patitur. A flaſh of lightning fulgur fulgetrum, ufque opera periit. A limb, cembrum, bri; n. A lightening (caſing) allevamentum, Like as, adv. quemadmodum, ficial, To limb, di ; n. perinde ac. A lightning (giving light] prætenso Like a friend, amicè ; adv.. A limbeck, alembicus, turbo. lucis. Like a gentleman. liberaliter, inge- Limber, lentui, victus, lexus;, adj. A lighter, fcapha, rates ; f. nue; ady. To grow limber, lentaſco, čre; ncut. A lighter-man, naviculator, Like a man, viriliter ; adv. Somewhat linber, subvielus, a, um, A lighting down, defcenfus, us; m. Like 10 bc, futurus, a, um, part. Limber holcs, foramina in imo navis A ſüdden lighting on deprebenfio. fut, of fum. There was like to (per qua ducitur aqua ad Jeniinam) A-lighting ( kindling) accenfio f. be peace, in ſpe pax fuit. in fpe pax fuit. I am Limberneſs, lontor, Tontitis. The lights (lungs] pulmones. like to be undonc, occifa ef bæc Limbourg (in the Low Countries Lightiome, lucidus, fulgidus, a, um; # His camp was like to be Linburguor. illubris, jne; adj. taken, cafiris capi imminebar.' Limburg (in Rufia) Leopolis, Very lightlome, perlucidus, a, um. Like to die, moribundus, A, unij adj. Lime, calx, cis car. pl. Somewhat lightfome, ſubluflris. fermè moriens. Quick-lime, calx viva. To make lightſome, illußro, at ; act. In likc. manner, adv. fimilitar, pari-Liinc llacked, calx uda. Lightſomencis, claritas, atis ; f. ter, itidem. •The reſt did in likc| A lime-ki!n, forrax calarja. Lignaloes, agallicum, ligniuss aloës. manneridem foreruni. A limeburner Totigne (as a day) inco. Lignitz ( iu Sicilia Lignitia.. it well, magnopere probo, loudo. * I! A tanner's lime-pit, puteus ad fubi. Ligon ſa Britiſ island] Liga. you like it, fi tibi iful placet aut gandum corium. Ligorn (in Pifs) Librimus, Labro, cordi et. . You will like the do- Lime-ſtone, calx, cis ; f. car. pl. A ligue, foedusaffinitas, neceſiiludo. ing of it, gaudebis fačte. They Limc-work, opus albarium. will thew they do not like the B!rd-lime, viſcus, ci; m, Το. 1 1 TO LIKE, probo, us; ant. nike Lime-makeret , } calcarius, is no Scalcague. L IN L IN LIS 4. act. a, um, tura. i mere. To lime with bird line, diſco, I., Line (fax) linum, ni ; n. Of llotils, lenticularis, me; adl. A lime-twig, calamus viſcatus, sau. A line-tree, tilia. A lint-ſtock, fcapus cui offigirur funis ca difco illita. Line-feed, lini femen. igniarius, Lime-Wert vifaria, &; f. Indian line purifed, linum asbeſlon. L'nts [in Germany] Aurelianum, To lime (as a dog] inire. To line (as a dog does a bitch] inco, Lantia: A lime for a hound, lorum. Lintzgow (in Germany] Vindelicia. A lime-hound, met gon; canis ad. To line' a garment, duplico, jufful- A LION, luo, onis ; m. # Lions in milarius, proletarius. cire velem. peace, foxes in war, domi leones. The lime-tree, tilia, To line with a fortiscatlon, mimi foras vulper. # The lion is not Lime hill [in Kont] Limannus, No mentum fubfirubri. half fo fierce as he is painted, Uus portus, A lineage, progenies, proles, propago, minuunt præfentia famam. Lime houſe [by London) Lintodomus. profuoja, A ſca-lion, les marinus. Limerick (in Ireland) Limericus, Lineal, linealis, le ; adj. A lion whilpi } rehyranus; ni ;. Laborus, , ) , A. Lions.foot Cherb) pes leonis, leonin- Satus Limericenſis. Lined as a garment, duplicatur. podium. Limfort la bay in the Ballick Sea) Well lined, very rich, adj. anuens L'ons iodih (hesb] Cons leonis. Sinus Limicus, opibus, Lion fa dog's numc] Charon. A limming (of a dog) initus, Ling (filh] molva major, afinus vi. Lion iawny (colous) fulvus.. A liming with bird-lime, viſti illi Tiw. A lion keeper, magifler loonum. taná Ling (heat) erica, ca; f. A lioneſs, leæna, les, æ; f. Limy, vifcofus, glutino us, a, um ; ad). Alingel (ſmall tongnc) lingu'a læ; f. Lion'ſh, A limit, lime, finis, terminus; m, Lingen (in Weſtphalia) linga. Lion-like, $ leoninus, a, um ;. adj. To limit (ſet bounds to] limito, ter- To linger, cun&or, moror, intras menor a lion, mino, as, act. limitibus or terminis tert. Lions (in France) Lugdunum. circumfcribere. To linger after, afflatim cupero. Lions en Santerre (in Picard] Lia- To limit (appoint] præfcribo, finio, Llogered, dilatus, prolatatus, a, um, nium. definis, 4 A lingerer, runziator, relator, öris; m. A lip, lahium, labrum, i ; n. Limitation, limitasio, õnis ; f. Lingering, cunetabundus, a, um; adj. A little lip, labellum, li ; n. , præfinito . Limited (ftinted] terminatus, finitus, Lingeringly , cuentranteryear'de adr. Ibra Ilp, } labialis, le ; ad). A linger | bird) atricopilla. The lip vein; vena labialis, Límited (appointed] prefiriptus, pre- A linguiſt, linguis peritus. Lip-ſalve, unguentum labiorum. litutus, a, um ; P.GA Ling-wort, angelica, ice; f. To daſh on the lips, labellis jauns Limiting, finitivus, a, km; adj, A lincmení (ointment] emplaftrum, infligere. A limiting, determinatio, onis ; f. pri.n. To hang the lio, labra præ fiamacho A limitor, mercator indulgentiarius, The lining of a garment, dupli promittere. The limits, fines, collimitia. catura, pannus ſuhdilitius, fufful. Having the lip, labiis promillis. A Jimmer [mongrel) hybris, To play with the lips, labia digitis To limn, coloritus ad vivum expri. The lining of a bitch, initus. willicare. Linings, limoralia interiora. A hale-lip, labellum fifile. Limned, ad viuum expreffus, A link, lychnu', fex refinada, Thc lip of a bcaſt, rictus, is; m. A limner, miniator, pictor bumani A little link, faccula, la ; f. Gréat lipped, lab:o, önis, c. oris. A link (chitterling í lucanica, ifci- Hare-lipped, labello fill. A limning, miniatura, ræ; f. Lipoth.my, deliquium anima. Limegcs (in France) Lemovicum. A link of a chain, circulus ferreus, Lippa (in Transſylvaniaj Lippia. Aliwon or lemon, malum limonium. commiſura. To lippen or rely upon, fido ; ncut. Liaon-colour, linsonous, a, um , ad). To link, conferó, concateno. inniter, 3. dep A limon-tree, citrea, &; f. To link (in friendſh:p] confo:io, Tollqyefie or liqucfy (act} liquefa. Limoſin (part of Frans) Ager Le aduno, I. aa. cio, čre Movirenſis. Linked together, con:alinalus, a, um. To liquefi: (neut. ) liquefo, ēri. Limoux (in Languedoc) Limosum, Linked in, impeditus, a, um; P&A. Liquefied, liqurfacius,a,um ;P.& A: To limp; claudico, as; neut. , A limper, claudus, a, um. Aliquefaction A limpet' (fill] patella, la ; f., Linken (in Flanders] Linchia. A liqueſcency. 'liquefcentis, &.; f. A limpin, A linking, connexio, önis; f. Liquid, liquens, i quidus ; adj. Limpci, Linn (in Norfolk] Linum, Lipnum To be liquid, liquco, es; Deut. Limping, claudicans, mutilus, adj. Rogise To grow liquid liquefio, čre; neat. A limping, claudicatio, önis Linnen or linen, linteum, i ; n. linsea, To make l.quid, liquefacio, čre ; act. Limpingly, mutile ; adv. ou; pl. n. To be made liquid, liquefio, eri ; Limfic (the family] De Limeſi. Linnen, adj. } linteus, lineus, a, um. ncut. paff. To lin, ceho, defino, Liquor, liquor, humor, fuccus. Lin river (in Nottingham bire] Li- A llnncn clout, linteolum, Itsin. The liquor (broth] deco&ura, radio f. A linnen weaver, linteo, onis , m. Full of liquor, succulentus, n, um. The linch-pin of a wheel embolium, A linnen draper, linearius, ii; m. Without liquor, cxucu, a, um: paxillus. Linnen drapery, orrupalio lintearia, Good liquor, tone nota polus. L'ncoln city, Loncolnia, Lindum. Linnen cloth, veftis lintea. To liquor, madefacio, čre ; at. Lincopen ( in Gothland) Lincopia. Finc lionen, Andon carbafus. To liquor boots, ocreas inungere, Lindaw (in Germany] Lindavia. Homc-fpun linnen, linisum domefi- Liquercd, madelafius, madidus. The linden-tree, lilia. Liricon'ancy [a flowcr) lilium 1.2- Lindſey (part of Lincolnſhire] Lin- Wearing linnen, linteatus, a, um, deleia. A linnet, carduelis, lixaria. A tripoop, epomis, claropeplus. A line, funiculus, .; li; m. Arcd linnet, linaria rubra. The Lis (a siver in Flanders] Le- A linc draw, linea, a; f. Linolity, lini copia. gia, A little line, lineola, la; f. Linſeed, lini ſemen. A lifard or lizard, laceria. By line, ad amullimi, Linſey woolſey, linolema, atis; pan Lisboa ? the metropolis of Portugal) A carpenter's linc, amulis, 3. f. nus linelaneusi Lisbon Oiilippe. A cha!ked line, frota, 1& ; f. Lint, lintrum, penicillus vulnerarius, Liſieuxí in Normandy) Lexguium , An oaker line, rubrica, a; f. Lintcl, funis igniarius ad explodendas Neomagus.. A plusb-line, lihalla, la ; f. machings bellicos. L'ine en Jourdain (in Aquitain] In- Lines of the hand, iniiſura, arum; The lintel of a door, fuferliminare, Sula Yordanis. pl. limen fuperius. To lllp, verta dinidiare, balbutio, 4. A line-frace) proſapia,;f. A lioril, lens, neis. dentiloquor, 3; An angling-linc, sera. Fen lintils, los paluftris. Aliſpers um. É } (iſh) tellina, lepas. nus. r (Km. vum. 1 MAS. 7 port vivere. Tuo facere ? * Even as I lift my A little, adv. parumper, paulifper. To over-live, ſupervivo, ere ; ncut. Get you ſome Well. to live, locuples, ēlis ; C. LIT LIV; LIV A lifper, dentiloquus, balbus, blafus. lives of a little, Exiguo vivit. . Two the verieſt villains 23 cver A liſping, loquda infra&tio. A little marrer Scrves my turn, Jived, duo fulesatilimi poj? bomi. Liila, (an idand of. Sdavonia] Iga. mihi quidvis falf, * Ynleſs per nun memoriam latrones, A list of cloth, fimbria. baps you count youriclf but lit- To begin to live, viviſco, ore; neut. A lift (catalogue ) Fatalogus, ala tle worth, nifi fortè parvo 18 aſi. To live again, revivifii. burn, • lá thole times when To live by alms, cibo mimdicato A lift to fight in, arena, a; f farms were little worth, tempori. pafci. He caters the lifts, in arenam de. bus iis quum jacerent pratia præ- To live a country life, ruri vitam fcendit. diorum. * Little faid foon 2 agere. To fight in a lift, certamen in septe mended, nulli iacuift nocet, noirt To live in exile, oxu!o, as; neut. commiflert. oft locutum, To live in gluttony, helluo; neut. From the lifts to the goal, & carce- LITTLE, adv. aliquandò, aliquan- To live from hand to mouth, extem- ribus ad melan. sum, nonnibil, parvind, pariùm, A ſmall lift (roll) laterculum, li ; n. puululùm. He is a little too To live on, v'ailo, are. # Theſe TO LIST loldiers, milites conferin much glven to the world, ali things will be enough to live on, bers. * He lifted himſelf ad:ongſt quanto ad rom ef avidior. * Not a hæc juppeditabunt ud viðum. them, 17. his norint profitetur ju- little wiſer, non paulo fapiosior. Leave the reſt for them to live * Let me come to myſelf a little, on in winter, reliquum hyemalioni A lift (will] voluntas, atis, f. * I paululum fine' ad me ut redeam. relinquatur. have no list to , nulla me inceffit H. drinks a little too much, To live poorly, vitam agere parcà ac cupido, abhorret animus à .--. bibil meliufoulè quàm fat off. When duriter, snicè viuere, vitam inopem To lift, velo, vis, volui, ve'le ; verb. colere. he has drunk a little too much, irieg. * As you lift, quod libel, ubi adbibit plus paulo. . They are to live at rack and manger, ex pro libito tuo, ut fert libido 1u1. either all whole, or very little Amalthea haurire. * They do but what they lift, hur., aut integra manent aut le. To live at what rate he lift, immi. nibil omnino contra voluntatem fa. viſims lala funt., * It is lille re grire in ingenium fuum. riuni. • Will yon do but what garded, non admodum curæ l. * To live regularly, patis horis res fin- you lint? Jis tu omnia arbitrutu A lictie more he had been killed, gulas agere. purum abfuit quin accideretur, To live together, convivo, čr: ; neut. brigo. * It is not as you list, Little , 3 non o arbitrium tibi, whither out of their right for a I lived, vixi ; perf. of vivo. I He rules as he lists, ad arbitrium im. litile while, conudas ab corum ore lived a city life, vitam urbanam prai, aliquantifper aliquo. ** A little be Secutus.jum. . He always lived in To liſt, aufeulso, I. List, attende fore his death, sub exitu quidem a happy condition, parpetuâ felici. vitae Listen, } fis, arrige aures. A litile before fun-fet, tale ufus . * As many years as A liſtener, aufcultaror, oris ; m. fuh occafum folis. A little after, he haih lived, tot annos quot habs. A liiener [ipy) tenebrio. brevi per tempore, pofleà aliquantò. # He has lived out threeſcore • A little after he went in again, A listening, aufcultatio, önis; f. years, annos fexaginta conferit, Liſtening, astenius, a, um. baud muliò pot recepit ſe intro de- Long-lived, longevus, a, um ; adj. Liſter, (an Irib iland) Hedrus. nud. He was a little aſter their To grow liveleſs murcefco, čre. Liftleſs, rorpidus, a, um ? adj. time, rooms ab illorum etate fuit. Lively, vegelus, vivus, a, um ; adj. To be listles, förtro, "; ncut. Very little, minimus, minutulus par. To be lively vigeo, valeo, čre ; neut. vulus. Liſtleſsneſs, Torpor, acedir, To grow lively, vigefco, čre ; neut. The litany, litania, æ; f. The little ones of any beaſt, pulli, To make lively, vege:o. catuli. A litc, piuxillum, A making lively, vegetatio, 3. f. To lite on, innitor ; dep. To make little, attonuo, as ; act. A lively colour, color floridus. * To Literal, literalis; lo; adj. A making little, attenuatio, onis ; f. scprcfent in lively colours, vivis Literature, literaturu, By liule and little paulatim, ſon coloribus depingere. f. Lith, planus, æquus, a, um ; adj. sim, podcensim'; adj. Lively force, virtus ardens, Lithar ( white-lead' I' lithárgyrum, How little, quantulus, a, um, adj. Lively, adv. } alacriter, agiliter. A very littic, pauxillulum ; adv. A lively youth, juventa viridis. Lirharge, lithargyrus, For how little, quantillo , adv. Lithargy of gold, auri ſcoria. How little focver, quantúlufcumque ; Livelihood, patrimonium, i;.a. adj. Livellneſs, vigor, vivacitas. Lithargy of filver, helcyſma, tis ; n. so little, tantului, a, um , adj. To lithe thc pot, olla farinam ave. Never fó little, paulum modò, quan- Live-long (herb telephium, croulis Racram infundere, hiſpanica. tulumacumque. A bad liver, bomo nihili, nequam Lithe, lenius, languidus, Ang um ; Little more or leſs, præterpropter. The liver, jer-ir, oris ; n. adj. It lacks but little, parum abeft. A licele liver, jecuſculum, L'thneſs, lentor, Lither, adj. ignarus, flacidus,laxus, The little finger, digitus auricula- Theliver-fiſh, hepatus. ris. The ſca-liver, jecur marinum. mollis lo Lithery, otiose, depdio.e; adv. Litle and pretty, elegantulus, soitus, Liver, adj. 1. } hepaticus, a, um- Litheriineſs, ignavia ; f. 7zmollities ; f. Littleneſs, pårvitas, exiguitas,atis ; f. Liver-ſick, jecinorofus, a, um, adj. languor ; m. Lithquo (in Scotland) Lindum. Littleborough Lin Nottinghamhire). The liver-vein, vma bafilica. Lithuania [in Poland) Lithuania. Agelocum, Segalocum. Liver wort, lichen, hepatita, The liturgy, liturgia, a; f. White liver'd pallidus, imbellis , adj. Lithy, humilis , le ; adj. Litigious, litigiofus, a, um, adj. To LIVE, vivo, čre ; neut. "Re- A livering (pudding) tomaculum. member how ſhort a time yo- Alivery, infigne, geflamen; n. A litigious perſon, vitilitigator ; m. have to live, vive memor quàm lis Livery and leiſin (law-term] tradi- A church-litre, ceeriblarium, i ; n. avi brevis. * AS I live, ità vi. tio de politio. A liit:r, partus, ús ; rerura, c; f. Litter for beaſts, Aramenikm, fi ; n. the So long as I live, dum To give livery and ſcifin (law.term] animâ fpirabo mia. * It is to be A forſe litter, learica, cif, jus transferre, emancipo. feared i shall not live, mea in du- A giving livery and ſcifin law-term) A ſmall litter, vehicula. bio vita alt, * Never ſo long as juris tranſlatio. Of a litter, laicalis, le ; adj. A litter driver, le&icarius, i; m, The lives, nunquam illâ viva. . A livery ſtable, fabulum condufli. God ſend he live, Dexm qualo tium, in quo qui paffâ mercede The litter-bars, locice forculum. ut fit superfles. * Would I might jebulantur. LITTLE, purvus, exiguus, tenuis, never live if, ne fim fuluus, emo- A livetenant, prælos. Sve Lieute- mod rús ; adi # There is a little riar, f. Ye live merry lives, nant. d'fference between us, of quædam mufice ngitis vlalein. He has Livy (a man's name) Livins, i, m. interinos parva' dilantio. * A little but a while to livc, pedem al- LIVING, vivus, a, um ; adi. viveris, way off, exiguo intervallo. • Hc terum in cymba Charantis babet. . lis ; part. of vivo, # Neither of Thcm . riin. VAM. in. #. She gets ade, tumit. 17. L O B LOD L OM them fets more by any man's, A lobe of the langs, pulmonum lo- | Lodi[ in the dakedom of Milan) living, nouller quernquam omnium bus, Laus Pommia. pluris facil. No man living is A lobiter, focusa, 1. apacus, 2. Ludowick [a maa's name] Ludovi- happy'mortalium nemo eft falix. A lob-worm, vermis trocte pifcis of. cus, si , m. A living creature animal, is Loe, I m !erie ! See lo. A little living 'creacurc,',animalcu. Local, loca't, lo; adj. A loc, colliculus rotundus, congerior lum, li;.n. lapidum. A man's living, patrimonium, 2. Jub. A loche, cobitis fuvlatilis, fundulu. Loert, dominus, bonus vir. lantia, I. viau', 4. minor. Loeven (in Brabant) Lovanium. her living by ſpinning and card - Lochem (In Zutphon] Lothimin, . A loft, conaculun. ing, lana ac volà vitam quæritar. Loches (in France] Luchia. A hay loſt, foeni repoſitorium. * Hegels his living by his bow, Löchquaber (a norshern part of A corn-loft, granarium. alimenta arcu expedit. Scotland] Loquabria, Lofty [high, adv. Jealfus,excelfus,fub- A living togeiher, conviaus, 4: A lock, sera, e; f. limis. * Of a noblc and lofty There can be 'not ſweet living, To be under lock and key, fub davi courage, animi exzeljo magnificoque without living together with vir- vir. A high and lofty ftilo, alia fuc, more poteji jurundi vivi nilicum To lock [among drivers) rotas ants- & exagerata oratio; or oratio infasa, cum virtute viv:tur, riores buc illuc cuirre turgida, grandis, in a bad feníc. Living-id!y (he b] viola fricolor. To lock, Sero, are. : * Lock: the LOFTY' Thaughty, proud) elatus, Livonia (part of Sarmatia] Livo door on the inſide, oblora ofium ſuperbus, faffufus, infolens tumidus, nie. intus. He has a lofty mind, animus ipf Livorn ( in Tuscany] Liburnus, Li-To lock ap, concludo, čré. gurkus, Labro, A pad-lock, fura penfilis. Lofty-ninded, fufiusſus, a, um ; adj. L srone (in Frans ) Libero, Lubro- A lock-Smith, faber jerarius, claufra- To grow lofty, infolefco, čre ; neut rius. nium. To uſe lofty words, magnificè loqui, A lizard, lacaris, a; f. A lock in a river, emiffarium, ; ; n Loftily, ſublimiter, arroganter, claro; Th. lizird Point ( in Cornwal | A lock (lake) lacus. adv., Prowicestariurr Ocrinum or Dinmo. A lock of wool, luna tra&tus, floe- To carry it loftily (neur.) turgeo, 2. rio:un. Tumeo, 2, critas erigere. A lock of hair, roma, a; f. Lizea'd gr:eilis contradus ; adj. Loftine's fublimitas, 3. Wolfitas, 3. Llandant į in Wi'ss! Lindavi, va, f. Curled lo:ks, cincinni. faffus, 4. Hard curled locks, capronce. L!2acs (in Syain) Libunca. A log, caudex, 3 pipes, 3. truncus, 2. Lleyda [in Calalonia) Iloida. Thick locks, cæfaries, si ; f. A little log, trunculus, li; m. Loin ! ! interject. Locked, faratu!, 4, win; P. & A. A log line at ſea, line's quæ viam or Lo hiin, eum. Locked fast, obferatüs, obftruétus ; obferatus, obflruétus ; curſum navis indiuntur. Locked up P. & A. Laner, t.2017. Log wood, urbuja, lignum tinctari- Luthen, egundo , adv. A locker, loculainentum. Lo who, o quis, quæ, quod or quid. Lockers (pigeon holes] «llula 60- A logarithm, logarithmus, mi; m. A Joach į Asli) cobit.s barbatus, A loggerhead, capito, 3. bardus, i. A loid cnus, äris ; n. A locking up, referasio, onis ; f. berei, 3.' Lockron (Aower] ranunculus globa- A ſleepy loggerhead; fungus, Somne- To load, one o. gravs, As; act. To load gre-tly, poprimo, etc; at. fus or montanus. lenlus, biennus, Tu lo di gether, coon1870, as ; act. Locram, linteamen crafius. Logh [in Scotland] Lruthus, Lou- A locality lo:ufa, A cirt-load, vebes. The locuſt' trec, deaiia Americana, A litt!e load, pondus ulum. Loghor (in South Wales] Lsucarum. Loaded, [adj. cerutus, opulus, a, A lode, onus. The finall locaſt, atreludus. A logician, logicus, dialaali:us, "; ņ. Sre load. Loaden, Lagician , A loader, or.irator, öris; m. Logiciallyadv , The lord Itat, cynoſura, helica, a; f. duci penditur. Logick, logica, dialedica, ca ; f. A load ftonc, magnei, ētis; m. A lode-ſhip, navigium pifratorium. To chop logick, argurias altarifexbi. Of a load-ſtonc, magneticus, adj. Lode-Works, fodina jannaria, bere. A lo:d3-man, dux vid. perduttor, A lodge, tugurium, i, n. A lohoc [in phyfick] linkius, tileg- A loading, oggravatio, onis ; f. A little lodge, Iugurtolum, li ; n. To lodge, divorfor, bopitor. Loads, eliers. Loial or Loyal, fidus, fidelis ; ad). A loai, vani, 3 colra, I. To lodge for a night, pomosto, es, Loially, fideliter ; adv. A household -loaf, panis Jecundarius. To lodge an army, cafira melari, po- A loin, lumbus, 2; To lodge onc, bolpitio excipere. Loialty, fidelitas, 3. fides, 5. Load, lutum, liraus, k. A litt!e loin, lumhutus, 2. Loan, mutuks, 2. To lodge a buck, daman cabantem A breaking 'the loins, lumbifragi. Lo:th, adj. invitus, nolens. S:e loth Carvari. To loathe, fidio, ire ; neut un, 2. - The lodge of a ftag, cervi quies or A prin in the lolns, lumbags, 3. Loathed, fapiditus, a, um ; P. & A. cubile. A leather, falidiror, oris ; m. Hiving his loins brokc, clumbss; adj. Loathing, pertafus, a, un ; P. & A. To lodge (as a ſtick in a trce] in. A furloin, lumbus bovinus, ſidoo, inherad, ere; deut, Weak-loin'd elumbis; adı. Full of lothing, } tuflidiofus, a, uer. A porter's lodge, villibulum. Loire (a river in France) Lrger, Le- Loiges or hovels magalia ; n. pl. dus, Arula, A loathing, faflidium, 2. naufea, I. Lodged, bo:pitis exceptus: Loiret ſa river in France] Ligerula, To beget a loathing, naufeira te-Lodged (as corn] dirjeftus, procum- To loiter, neut. culo, moror. ere. Loathing!y, faflidios..; ady: bens, liratiu i adj. A loiterer, lutor, iris , m. ill lodging, letto mali receptus. Loalhfunicly, odiofus, Squalidus,bor - To be very well lodged, laure di. A loitering, ceffatin 3. mora, 1. Loitering, cunétabundus, a, um, adj. ridus ; adi. Very loathſome; deteflandus, a, um. A lodger, bolges, itis; C. verföri. To lo!! (lean) inritor, 3. dep. To!oll out the tongue, linguam ex- To make loathſonic, odiofum red. A lodging, cominoratio, 3..? Loathſomely, odioie: ady. A lodging place, diverſorium, hofpi. To loll in bed, leta indulgai, niduo Louthfomencís, furpituda, 3. f. fium, i ni lapidum fooere. A lodging room,.cubiculum li ; M. A labi, A lollard, ignavus, vi ; m. fatun, barbus, inju. To enteriain and give one meaty A lo!ling; cubitu nixus. bicks, LOD-like, futuo, rue ; adv. drink and lodging, recipere aliquem A lombard, triunta longibardica, mensà, ları, 1180 A lombardeer, daniſla. A lobby, portius. 4. auium umbra. A ſmall lodginy, diverforiolum, li ; n. Lombardy [ part of Tialy) Longobar- A lodging for a camp, calra. dia, Gallia siſalpina. L'eb lolly, grandiumi & ignavorum Lodgings, adium alimarum pars con- The lombards, Lmgobardi. juso ducta, Loinbes (in Gaſcoigne) Lumbarium. Lomc tee, Um netf., dere ereri. Lab cock, Hun. 1 + ; n. *. looked ſomewhat fadly on it, fub. L ON LOO LOO Lonc, lutum. A long, in musck, rapirgtio longa, Fo look before; prævidas, irsi Lone (for grafting) imirila. Long (in pronunciation) produdlus. To look as big as bull beef, vitani- A lomp (fish) orbis. * It is pronounced long, product cum intueri, Lon (a river in Germany) Lang. dicitur. To look down, defpicio, črk. Londan (in Polosonnofus] L-kus. Long and round, terti. To look for, quæro, öre; act. London lin Middlejex] Londinum ; Ere long, breui; ady. To look for (cxpc&t] act. exfpectan Augusla Trinebentum. A long !eg'd beetle, buprel's. 1. spero, I. I was to look for ſuch things as th.ſe, hæc adeo mihi London, adj. } Imdinenfis, fc,; adj. Long life, vivaciras, atis;. Long Tivid, longevus, a, um, adj. Sporanda fucrunt. There is much Londonderry (in Ireland] Raboretum, A long tongue, lingulucu, furilis. looked for of you, fummist in Londinum nouun. A long: oy.ftcr, locufta marine... expect ssions, London-tuft (a flower armeria, ſufferance, longanimitas; To look in, in picio, introſpicie, čre. Long A lonc ar loan, inutuum fængs. luffering To look in the face, in os intantis To-lone, mutne, art; ict. Long winded, prolixus, a, um ; ad). oculis aliquem intueri * They durft Loneſome, solitarias, a, um ; adj. To long after, pelo. 3. . 2. not so much as look lặc cncmy in Loneſomeneſs, Solitudo, inis; f. the face, ne afperum quidem hoftis LONG, adj. longus, a, um. * La moft men greatly long. Tor they Juftinere valuerunt. He looks in bourers think the day long, dies ſet at noughr, quæ pleriqui vehe your face and picks your pocket, longa vidctur opus dosenibus. * mentor exparunt pro nihile oucunt. alterâ manu fert l.!pidom, panoo. When they are grown four fingers Longed after (adj.) expetitus, vehe. olimlat Altera. long, quum quatuor digitns longitu mmiar: optatus. To look like, refero, referi. * the dine expleuerint. If the diſeaſe Longer, longior, gen. longioris; adj. made him look like himſelf again, be of any long continuance, Ajum Loager (la time) diutiùs; adv. totam illi formam ſunm redd dit. inunteravit morbus. This is thic No longer pipe, no longer dance, Does this lock like a wedding? long and ibc short of it, sujui fum dum forvat olla vivit amicisis. num videntur convenire hæc nuptis? ma a quodai., * Whither all Longevity, longevitas, atis ; f. * It looks like the very [ca, fa- things are carried by Tom Long the Longford (in Ireland) Longfordium. ciern repræfentet veri maris. carrer, quò rad.fimè omnia perſe. Longh (a river in Scotland] Lasgus. To look one's head, venari pedicu. los. runtur. * The longeſt day muſt A longing after, diſderium, i have an eod, longa dies noftem vider. The longing of wobien, piss, pragoj To look on intuear, Cris; dep. All my lile loog, per totam visam. nantium upperitus. You look on him as a pror ſcho- LONG (adv.) diù, longum. To ſet a looging after, defiderium lar, ribi parum videtur er ud.ús. A LONG TIME, You have de excitari. To look on ail parts, rollußro, āro. A LONG WHILE, tained me a Long, adj. longiufculus, lori- To look out at a window, do joe- long time, diu efiis me domorati. Somewhat long, gior. Brá exerlo capila profpicere. Nor Thall you loog rejoice, nec Longitude, longitudo, inis; f. To look out (ſeek) inveſtig!, I. que langum. leiabırs. * Not long'atter, Longly, in longiudingin. ro, ere; act. non multo post. It was not long Longchamp Cihe family] De Longo To look fourly, caperară fronte in between or aftcr, haud ita mul Campo. tueri. tum temporis interim fuit. * It Longville (the family] De Longê To look through, tranfpicio; čre.. will not be long erc--o, propè ad. Villa. To look onto, prospicio, 3. curo, I. of cum---, * It is a long time since Longway [in Lorrain) Langovicum. lupodio, 4. tutor. 1. Let him louk you went from home, jamdu. A looby, vegrandis, bardus. to it, ipje viderit # I will look to dum falfum eft quum abiifti domo. The loof of a ſhip, ſummitas, f. onc, ego mibi profpiciam. Look I have not been here a long, Loof pieces, formenta ad fummitalom to yourſelf, Jaluris' tua rationem collata. habe, time, ego hic jamdudum ablum. I have been long enough about Loof up [a ſea-term) confringe na To look well to, obſervo, are; act. this, fatis dix boc faxum volvo. vam ad venium. To look towards onc, ad aliquem re- LONG‘AGO. } adv., jamdudum, A look, obtutus, As; m. Spicere. LONGSINCE, } pridèos, jamp:;- An amorous look, pblutus venerous. To look up, ſufpicio, 3. Juffredo, 1. slaidi, olim. * It is not long, ſince Thelook (countenance]vultus, trim. Al the name of Thisbe he he cast his teeth, illi haud diu A crabbed look, viltus toruus or u. looked up, ad nomen Thistes sur cum deias exciderunt * Long ago A four lock, tricus. tos erexit. they were under their protection, A proud look, { supercilicon contrae- To look upon, infpicho ; 3. infue, 3. in sorum fide antiquisùs crant. A furly look, To look wantonly on, .proaciser in- tueri. Long after [ady.] rouliò foll; longo A boy of an honeſt look, puer inge- nui vultis, Look (behold)m! ecce! in:er). * pofl tempore. As long as (adv.) quamdiu. Scarce a good look, frotis nubila, Look where Dauus is ham. Da. Long before {adv.) multò ante. TO LOOK, afpicie; 3. * Look mere vuin 1.6i. • Look where Purporno I knew it long before you, multo rily on it, exporrige frontem, #1 is, fed accum Permanonom. pr:us fovi quam. In. * Not long must look home a little, of gued ! looked, I aspoxi. * I look'd w?Aly before day, non dudum ante lucem. viſam domum. See how i look, I look't.' I upon her, in om in LONG OF is made by canfa, cul sontemplaminvultum. Look not furtum defixi, * Methought uc parc;.f. &e. A8, * It was long too high, left a chip, fall in your of you that he was condemned, eye, qxi.quærit ales, is malum vi. irijis mihi viſus oil. * But for him su in causa damnarionis fuifi. . It datur quærere. # They look onc i Thoold have looked well enough is long. of you, tua ifbar culpa o, way and 10w another. Oloram ſpec to myſelf, abſque c cle reis du in culpa is, tuâ culpâ or tvo vitio tani, lardum tollunt. Look not a ego mihi vidifom. * They Icok- A1. It is long of me that he does gift-horſe in the mouth, noli dentes ed as if they run away, fuga not this, mi ipopullore hoc non fa equi inſpirere doari. fpeciem prabuerunt. * ?Tis core sit. This was long of Clodius, To look about, circumſpicio, 3. cir- iban I looked for, præter spots i- hoc Cladij impulfu rafium, . * cumſpecto, I. venit. # He looked merrily and It is not long of me that you do to look after, auto, I. quæro, 3, . chcarfully on it, aras vultu bilari not underſtand, non fias por 76 quo He looks not. after any thing to Atque leto. minùs intelligas. find fault with, non inquirit quod Looked at, Spretatus, a, um, parte, Long continuance of time, diuturni, ropruhmdat. * She has no-body Looked for, ixratoien, a, um. to look after her, nec qui cam re: To be looked for, a pedondus, a, um, of long continuance, diuturnus, s, fpiciet quiſquam il., They look Not looked for, improvifus, a, um, um ; adj. after their own buſineſs, fuum adj. Very long, paleogus, prælongus. ipfi negorium habene. Looked unto, obferuatur, &, um... Somewhat long, ſublongus, a, um.. To look aſquint, oculis prabis inturri His manners are to be looked to, Long it hither, (do illud mihi. To look askew, ? eculis diſtortis in cjus morai speftandi funt. A long gangrel, longurio, mis ; m, To look awry, 3 uri. A looker-on, Spectator, oris ; m. Long neckd, celli pralegi. To look back, rafpicio, öre; act. Sour.looked, utricus, forvus, a, un Looking $ . ie- fum. + 145, atis; f. 1 1 ti; R. TO LOSE, pordo, amillo, 3. act. * I Having gollen by lots, Fortitus, d, LOP LOS L'O V Looking, afpirions, tiss part. #Look- | Loquacity, loquacitas, garrulitar; f. • That matter was the occasion of ing mcrrily on it. rolazato in hi. Lor (in Mefopotamia) L'odices. a great loſs to me, 14 res mag- laritem pultu, I am even look. Lora [a woman's name] Lora, a; f. nun detrimentum mibi attulit, ing for you, tripfum quaro. :. Is Lorain or Lorrain (inthe Low Coun. Both ſides came off with lors, filer not this he that I was looking fries] Lotharingii, Aufficiff 1. viitor, or vitius inloriit, or uirique for lifni quem quero ? Lorca (in Mur:ii) Elicrata. incommodum at. Without ihe Looking about, fürsum versùm fpec- A lord, -dominus; 2. dynaha, 1. m. locs of one thip, omnibus navibus tan. * New lords, new laws, , nivus Ad unam incoluinitus. He gets. Looking up, freetabundus, a, um. rex, nova lex. by another's loſs, ex inconmedis Looking often ja the glaſs, fpeculo My lord. mi domine. alterius fui comparar cominoda affixus. Titular lords. dómini honorarii. Loſs of life, u timum fupplicium. A looking, infpe&tatio, onis ; f. To lord it, dominor, ari; dep. Cauſing lots, damnificus, dennojus, A looking about, cirrumpentin, 3. f. A lord depuly, procónju!, lis ; m. a, um, adj. A looking back, refpaftur, ; m. A lo d maiſhal, rerum capitalium ' A loſs (lynx lynx, lupus cervarius, A looking down, difpe&tus, ús; m. prefeitu. Loffc la river in Scotland) Loxa, A looking for, expuxatio, onis ; f. A lord marſhal of the field, pile. Loft (of loſs) pordisus, amiffus. A looking on, inluilus. üs; m. marchus, chi; m. I loft, perdidi, (perf. of perdo] *I A looking fedfastly, obtuitus, at; m. A lord preſident, prelas, idis ; m. have loſt my longing, mie !!! A lcoking unto, conuerfatio, onis ; f. A lord preádent of the king's coun frußrata ef. * Hereabout I lost A look'ug upward. fupraw, ús; m. cil, prytanis. it, loca circiter bec excidit mibi. A looking-glaſs, spremlum, loin. Lord high chamberlain, decurio cubi * He hath loft his pay, art diru- A looking glaſs maker, sporulorum culariorum. tus eft. * He loſt his life bravely, furar, The !ord chief juſtice of the king's fortiter morlom obiit. * ! food like A loom, amemmtunj infrummtum, foreſts, protoforebarius. one that had lost his ſoul, Habam The lord-tieaſurer, fjei præfeftus. Sanquin mortuus. • They lost A loom-ga'c, ventus vebemens, The lord-mayor, prætor, aris į m. their carriages, impedimentis exuti A weaver's loom, textoris jugum, The lords of the realm, protres ; pl. Juni. ' * They lost ſome few of The looming of a ship, navis sx - Made a lord, ad dynaflia gradum R their men, paucos ex fuis defidera.. terna ſpries or facies, vediur. viruni. She looms a great fall, magna videtur A lordane (labber) bardus. To be loft (paff.] amitior, 3. • I mavis. Lorde (in Aquitain) Lapurdum. am loft, perit. A loop, amentum, fi ; n. Lordly, faftuojus, imperioſus, elatus, To be utterly loft (neat.] depereo, A loop-holc, tranſenna, fenadra; f. regius, a, um, adj. differea, irai A loop hole for ordnance, fonoſialla. Lorduneſs, majeftas, aris; f. Loft goods, res fraad, Loop-lace, fimbria, 1. ofondix ox - Lord-like, mognificé, imperiosè; adv. Lolt hope, spes in ida. lis duplicatis. Lordlh'p, dominatio, 3. dominalus, Having loft, orbus, orbarus, a, um. Looped, amintatus, a, um; adj. principatus, ts; m. Having list his parents, orbus puren- Loofc, lestus, a, um ; adj. Alordſhip (manour] ditio, anis ; f. tibus Loof (dilslute) nequam ad). in. Lors, diſciplina, 1. doarina, s.' lex, Le Lol (river in Aquitain) Olda.. dec. A looſe young fellow, ado-1, legis; f. A lot, fors, tis ; f. It may come lefsens perditus atque diffolutus; bo-Lorel (herb} daphnides. to be our lot, id nobis contingat. we fanè nequan. A lorel (clown) rufirus, infubidus. To cait lots, fortior, iri; foriem mil- To looſe, 2 laxo, I. folvo, 3. act. • Loretto (in Italy] Laurotum. Let looſc. A little before night! A lorimer, minoruin ferramentorum A caſting of lots, fortitit, onis ; f. he looſed his ſhips, fub nedim na- A loriner, ! culor. Divination by lois, ſortilegium, i; n. vos foluis. A loriot (bird] iarrus, galgalus. To chuſc judg:9 by lots, dicam for- To looſe or be looled, foluor ; part. Lorn (in Scotland) Lorni. tiri. Our ship looſed from the har- Loſanne (by the lake of Genova) A caſter of lots, fortitor, ori; m. boor, ſoluta of noftra navis à porte. Laufonium. A growing looſe.: relaxatio, onis; f. part. To grow looſe in wanners, corrupte loſe all when I play, femper à By lot, forte, scriito ; adv. por, pi; 3. part. ludo diftedo viaus lo fpoliasus. * The lote tree, lotus, coltis. To loofe, perdo, emitio, Ser lore. . My maiter is like to loſe his wife, The grey lote, lotus fruétu cano. Looled, folutus, laxatus, remifit, a, berus uxori ex:idit. I am like The red loce, lotus frålu rubro. um ; P. & A. to loſe the principal. etiam de forte Lotc-berries. dori bara. Eally looſed, folubilis, lı; adj. venio in dubium. I'll win all or Loth (unwilling) piger, egrè faciens, Not to be fooled, indiſolubilis, lo. lorc all, aut rer fox aut trei tef. difficuller adduäus, gravatus, To looſco, loxo, rilaxo, ars; adj. fore. He will not loſe the drop. To be loth, agrè aliquid facere: . Looſely, laxi, sutè; adv. pings of his noſe, aquam plorat, I am loth, piget me. I was loth Looſeneſs, laxitas, atis ; f. quum lavas profundere. # He to tell you while he was by, id Loofcacls of the belly, alvi prolu. loſcth his thanks who promlſeth ego prafenti boc tibi nolabaus die vium, and delayeth, gruria ab eficio quod A looſeneſs, relaxatis, mis į f. mora tardat abal. A man may Loth to fight, à prælio auerfus. Looſe-ftriſc herb} lfpacbia. loſe his debts for want of calling Lothian [in Scotland] Laudena, Low- Codded Jooſe triie," lyfimacbia fili. for, oprimo momine non appellando dinia, quafa. funt mala. Lotion (waſhing) latio, mis ; f. Hooded looſe-ſtrife, lysmachia gale- To loſe colour, decoloror, ari; dep. A lottery, fortitio refferarum. riculata. To loſe his credit, fidon labofadare. Lovage (herb) loviſticum. Purple looſe ſtrife, lyfimachia pur. To loſe his labour, operam com oleum Lombardy lovage, ligullicum. purea. (or fudorem) pordere ; laterim la- Lovage with black Icaves, olu d. Yellow looſe-ftriſe, hamachia lwiek. * Yoo loſe your labour, Irum. A lop (Aca) pudex, icis, nihil agis. Lovain (In Brabant] Lovanium. To lop trees, trunco. 1." fondas, 2. To loſe one's life, capite p'tai.' Loudon (in Poifton] Juliodunum, amputo, ore; act. To loſe time, moras trahere, tempus Lodunun. To lope or leap, Salto, art, neut. incalum irrere, LOVE, amor, oris; m. I am quite Lopped, sonſus, truncatui, a, um. To loſe 'utterly, difperdo, ērk. out of love with myſelf, sotui difo A lopper. pulator, frondator, oris ; m. Lorel, placeo mihi. . With the Love of Lopper'd or forver milk, lac exoletum Loſely, fignavas, a, um ;. adj. alt mankind, complizu retius huma. & ortuſlate coagulatum. A loſer, porditor, oris ; m, ni generis. * Love and a cough A lopping, truncario, putatio, onis ; 1. A loſenger (fatterer) adulator, oris. cannot be hid, amor & tvilis non The loppings of trecs, concedes, 3. A loging, amillio, perditio,'onis; f. celantur. . Lovć js 'blind, qui. pl. f. Jaimenta, orum; pl. n. LOSS, dammun, 2. A. jalura, a ; f. guis amat ranam, ranam purar to Loquabre (part of Scotland) Abria, detrimentum, incommodum, 2 A.. ! Dinam • Love and lord thip Loquebria. was a loſs to me, dumno mibi fuit, like no fellowſhip, nota bene con veniun; vare. ; um" nus. Lowly adv. }. humiliter, fubmifid. NULUM. Amet. Of love, L OV LOW LUC veniunt nec in und ſeda merantur, Lough Ber [in Ireland) Logia. majelas e amor. Lough Erne [in Agaland) Lacus Er. Lowermot; } infimus, imus, a, umº To love (act.) amo, I, diligo, 3. *1 A lowing, mugitus, esim. love you most dearly, magis « Lough Longus {in Scotland) Longus To lowke, averrunso, 1. exherbo, are. quam nu!os cimo minus. He loves Fluvires, Lowly, bumilis ; adj. 3. art. fubmif- you better than himſelf, charior ill. Lough Ncaugh [a lake in Island) Sus, a, um, es quàm igje gji fbi. • They love No..ughus. wreſtling; his palafirs in Hudio Loving, bumi inus, amions, propitius, Lowlily, eft. Ther: is nothing I love a, um ; adj. Lowlineſs, animi demiffio. better than to be alone, nihil. A loving, dileáio, onis;f, amor, eris; m. Low.maftcd, cujus malus nimium te. eft mihi amiciw folitudine. I very loving, pramans, ris ; indul. nuis aut breuis gi. love him every day better than gentiffimus, a, um ;'adj. To lowre, frontem contrabmi, other, quem plus pluſque indiès di. Lovingly, amantèrs, amit, humanè. A lowſc, pediculus, li; m. ligo. Not' a word of it if you Very lovingly, peramunter ; adv. A crab.lonsc, pediculus, inguinalis. love your life, aliam id quod joiu, Lovi!2 (in Poland) Lovitiúi. A hog.lowfe, ufia. na sciveris. * Lave me, love my A lounge (tall gangiel) longuria. . J A fca-lowie, pidiculus marinus. dog, qui mi amat, amat baconen A loa:dane, bardus, To lowſc one's felf, pedicnlos veneri. Lourdc ? upon the borders of Agui. Lowrc-wort, herba' pedicularis, da. To love exceedingly, adamı, 1. de tain) Lapurdum. phis agria. amo, art. Loordy, lexors. Lowaly, pediculosè; adv. To love ardently, ardeo, 2. flagro, 1. To loure, tritor, nubibus obduci, fron. Lowrineſs, pediculorum vis, copia. depr'a0,.2. perdite amars. tem conirahore, capirare. Lowry, pediculofus, pediculis fratmi. Love (defire) defdárium, judium. Lourgulay, Auviorura infatio vent. The lowly diſcare, pothriafis, Love of God, pinasa; f. * For the noſa. Loyal, fidelis. Sur Loial. love of God, per Deum, ita ta Drus Louring, forvus, tetricus, triflis, vul. A loyn, lumbus. See loin. suoſus. To loyter, culo. Sve loiter. Love of our neighbour, charitas ; f. Louring weather, rolum nubilum. A lozél: pigor; ignavus. A love (ſweetheart) amafias,emáfia. A louring, forvitas, 3. frontis con- A lozenge, papillus, trorhicus. A little love, corculum, li ; n. tradio, 3..f. A lozenge figure, rhombus, In love, amani, tis ; part. Louringly, forve, vultuose; adv. A lubber, ignauus, fagnis, Over head and cars in love, perdita | A lóuſe, pediculus. Sur lowſc. Lubberly, oriofus, a, um, adj. or aftlia im amons, A lout, fordidus, ruflicus, infubidus. Lubberly, adv. stiosè. To be in love, amart, mirari. * To lout, frontem aperare. Lubcck(inSaxony)Luherum, Murimis. He is deeply in love with her, Louth (in Ireland) Lulum, Luda. Lublin (in Poland) Lublinum. illan miſari emat. the He is in Louth county, comitatus Lugmfis. Lubricity, lubricitas, atis. f. love with another, in alio occupa. Loutih, bardiacus, a, um ; adj. Lubus (in the marquiſate of Bran. tly Loudshly, iuficè , adv. denburgh) Lubufiu. My love, lux mea. Louvain (in Brabant) Lovanium. The Luc (in France] Lucus Augufli. Love, adj. Louvenborch [in Pomerania] Louva- Lucca (a city and common-wealth .ar burgum. bordering upon Tuſcanyl Luca. Love [a flower] viorna, &; f. Louviers (in Normandy) Luparia. Lucc [a woman's nawc] Lucia, a; f. To be love lick, diſpereo, iro; neut. A louvre, sumariwn, spiramentum, Lucemburgh (in Germany] Luxem. A love-knot, modu. Horculous. burgum, Augufla Romanduern. A love letter, spiſols amatoria. The Louvre (at Paris) Lupara. Lucera (in Italy] Luceria, A lovc potion, philtrum. Low (oppoſed to high) humilis, le Lucerne (in Switzerland) Lurema. Love tricks, blanditiæ, ille!ebra. . Come of a low citatc, bumil . Lacian [ã man's name] Lucianus, To make love unto, solicito, 1. ambio, de flirpe creatus. ni; m. ire; adl Low, or humbled, doprallus, affidus, Lucid, lucidus, a, um ; ad). Brotherly love, philadelpbia, demiffu. Lucifer (a ftar] lucifer, phoſphorus. Self-love, sbilaulia, amor ſui. Low in the world, paspor, inops, LUCK, Forluna, 1. jurcillus, 4. * He One that loves himſelf, philautus. genus ; cui res familiaris valda ixi- had great luck, fortuna flius. One that loves no ſuits in law, fu gua efi. My purſe is very low, I have no luck, no sgo bomo sum gitans litium. marſupium meum fere exmteraikr. infälix. It was never my luck The god of love, Cupido, 3. Amor, 3.m. Low or mean, abjašíus, vilis, com 10-.-,, nunquam mibi licitam off. The goddeſs of love, Vinu, 3. f. itimpius, obfiurus, bumilis. He had better luck than I, MA Love [a woman's name) Amorea, LOW (Diallowj brevis, ve ; adj. fuit fortunatior. * If luck ferre, Love [alk) nebula, fericum tenuif. To bring ? (low) humiliare, depri adkt modò dexler Apollo.. Luck To make 1 in a bag, trontos auri.. Loved, amatus, dilectus, a, um; part. | Brought low, humiliatus, depreus, a, Good luck, jucceſus bonus, omen fau. Worthy to be loved, amabilis, lo. ; part. fum, res jeunda. That's good Love! (the family) Lupollus. A bringing low, bumiliatio, depreffio, luck, o faâum bmd. God Tend Lovely, decorus, urnuftus, a, um; adj. onis ; f. good luck, dii virtani benè, With Lovelily, emabiliter, adv. To kecp low, alas alicui pracidere. good luck, bonis avibus. It was Lovelineis, amabilitas, 3, decor, 3. To ſpeak low, demiſsè or fubmifsi as good luck as could be for mc, m. venufai, atis ; f. logul, hoc cocidit mihi peroppertums. A lover, amator, 3. amahus, 2. m. Low in ftature, brtvis, ve; ad), Bad luck, / inforiunium, 2. infolici- amatrix, 3. amaja, I. f. A low dwarf, nanus, 2. pumilió, o- Iu luck, as, 3. f. rei adversa. A pleiful lover, amatorculus, li; m. nis; m; * With III luck, nalis avibus. * A lover of goodneſs, philagathus. To low (as an ox] mugio, 4. bor, ari. What ill luck is this? quid hoc in A lover of Icaring, philomathes. To low again, remugio, 4 rebor, art. felicitatis ef? At firft we had ill A lover of mankind, philanthropus, To low unto, admugio, ir. luck, primo proclie parun. • I had pi; m. A low bell, campana finora qua ill luck to come hither, boud an- A lover of money, philargyrus. tuntur aurupes in capiendis avibus. spicato bue me appuli. A lover of truth, philalathes, Lowd or loud, canorus, fororus, da Bringing Ill luck, infaniw, a, um A lover of wildom, philoſopbus. molas, ad. A lover of winc, vinofus. A lowd voice, vex meta & concitata. Lucky, faufüs, fortunatus, facundin, A lover or loover (tuonel, in the Sounding lowd, vocalis, lo; adj. propor, a, um, adj. roof or tod of an houſe, to avoid To Speak lowder, eloqui, volem af- Not lucky, iminojus, a, um ; adj. Smokel fumarium, ſirammium, tollere, Somewhat lucky, beatulus, a, um. Lovers of the ſame things rivalss. Lowdly, canorè, Sonorè ; ady. Very lucky, pertratus, a, um, adj. Of all love, amabò; inter). . A lowe, pomme, me ; f. To make lucky, proſpero, fecundo, t. A lough, lacus, To lowe. Aagro, are. Luckily, faute, feliciter, prosperi. Loughborough (in Leicofierbire] La Lower, inferior, oris, adl. comp. Luckineſs, felicitas, atis; f. Bodurum. To lower, demitto, ère; act. Lucko (In Volbinia] Lucraria, Ee z Lucomorie. 7 Mum. mite. LUR L Y I м Ас ari. 2. n. nas. lingi um 06). Luco moric (part of Muscowy] Luci. To lurk In caves, luftris se abdere. .. Lying hid, latens, tis ; part. mória. To lurk opon the ground, latibulo, Lying near unto, adjacens; centermi- Lucre, lurrum, :. For lucres fake, nus, 'contiguus; adj. Lucri gratia. A lurker, emanfor, oris ; m, Lying open, paims, tis; P.WA. Lucrece [a woman's pamc) Lucretia. A lurker in corners, smebrio, onis. A lying, fiftio, onis f. La vbration, lucubratio, onis ; f. A lurking, lasitatio, onis; f. A lying down, decubitas, do; . Ludicral Sludicrus, a; uin; ad). A lurking hole, laubra, latibulum. She is at lying down, parius proga Ludicroot, Lulace part of Germany] Lufaria, injiet. Ludlow (in Sbrorpirs) Luda. Lularche (in France) Ufarebiz. A lying at caſe, recubitus, As; m. The duſc; txnui laxa, non fomirada. A lufern, lupui corvarius. A lying in wait, inhdiasió, onts; f. Lug riyer( in Herefordſhire] Ligus. Lulernes, villus lupi Corvarii. The lying in of women, puerperium, A lug, potica, cis... Luſh borough, nummus adulseratus. To log or pull, trabo, ere; act. Lusignan (in France } Lupgnicum, Lyingly, mendaciler ; adr. To lug. by the car, curem vellicarı. Luske (in Volhinia) Lucroria. Lym La river in Bulgari:] Moschi- Tbe log of the car, auris lobus, ak Luskiſh: focors, disadj. 3. art. lw. ricula infima. Luskilhly, focorditor ; ady. Lymbach ( in Pannonia ] Olime. Luggage or baggage, farcina, 1. f. Luskimieſs, focordia, a; f. cbum. impodimenta, 1. pl. Luthious meduleis, rellow, injisur Lymburg (in Ireland) Rhigia. A lūgging, fruitio, onis ; f. Luſhiouſly, fuaviter , adv. Lyoch län idand by Wales] Lim. Lugo (in Galicia Lucus Augufi, Luſion (in Poiaouj Lulinja. Lugubrious, lugubris, brei adj Luit, appetitus, 4. concupif.msia, 1. Lymoges (in France) Lemovicum. Luke. pan's namc] Lucas, ; D. cupido, libido, 3: • Luſt muſt bc A lynchot, poca herbida, limitańca. Lukewarm, spidus, a, um ; adj. maintained with cost, fins Litero The linden tree, & lia. To be lukewarm, upas, Eri, ncut. & Caree frige Vonus. of the linden-tree; riliarius. To grow lukewarm, repofco, ore. The luft of a thip, navis inclinatio: Lyncrs (ſurveyors) mutsiordt. Lukewarmly, lepidè ; adv. To luft, prurio, 4. libidine aflusse. Lynx [a beat] lynx, 3. f. Lukewarmncs. spor, oris m. To luit aftes, concupifra, appetoj zre. A lyon, lee. Sa L'on. To lull deliriai, 4. damuline,... To ftir.up luft, Vmeren copilari. Lyons i in Ipince) Lugduniani. To lult alleep, fopio, ire; neut. To ſatisfy luft cupiditatem explere. Lyoas (in Burgundy) Lugdunum Su- Lullaby, lollus nenia Joporifera. Of luft, voluptuerius, a, um ; adj. Lulled alleep, ſogitus, a, um, Luft-provoking ſtuff; philtra. Lyons en Forest [in Noriendy] Lopa A luller, fororator, oris ; m. Luft wort, ras folis. A tulling allcep, ſoporatjo, mis ; f. Luftre, nitor, Splendor, fulgor, oris; m. Lyppe (in Wifiphalia) Luppia, L4- Lumber:firula, impedimena. A luftrc (five years] luftrumi. 2. n. : pias. A lumibary luminars, isn. Luftful, libidinoſus, a, um, adj. Lyrisk, lyricus. A lump, mul,; f. frugumi; n Luftfulneſs, Jalacitosi atin; f. Lyſmore (in Ireland and Sutlond] A little lump, malula, 1. frufslum, 2. Lufty, validus, urgetus, a, um , adj. Lifmora. A lump of metal, bolur, li; m. Lutty age, atas integre. Lyth:, lentas. A lump of carib, gleba, a; f, Lufty , courage in war, virtus vjöida Lytuit (in hcraldry] Pillium albus Alumozhin, lumpus, in in bello, color, Lump'th, babes, liupidus ; adj. to be lyfty, bigas, ēro; ncut. To grow lumpiſa, bebeſco, si ingra- To have luſty ſtrong bodics, corpori voluer Deut. bus vigere. Lumpithy, sarde, fupidè, ady, To grow Juſty, vigefco, čri; neut. Lumpithneis, tarditas; finor, 3. m. * His courage waxeth lufty, virtu's Lunacy, pbronefis is íf exla vit, M befort A. Lunar, lunaris, re; adj. Luftily, atbletice, pancratia,ady, Eunary [ 090.1-Wort] Lunaria, « ; f. Lufinéſe, valerucinis firma habitus. +MABER (in India] Chaberis. Eunatick. lunatics, phoneticus. Luluc (in Pelund) Luccoria. Mac [lon) filius. To grow lunalick, three laborari. A lute, cithara, barbiton. Macao Lin Chins) Ainasaum, A lunch of luncheon, frufum, muli Thc belly of a lute, tefiadó. Macaionick (buddled together] con- To lule folder) obliño, fuius. An afternoon's luncheon, merenda, A lule. ſtring, fidis. A macaronick poem, carmen conſlonis Lundalin Dirmarn) Lunda, To raiſe or lit down the late-ſtrings, ix vornucuio cum Latino contaminato. Lunden (in Scandia Lundis. chelyn intendere & relaxure. Macaroons; pala ja.chatata amygda. A lune. (of 2 havik) relicula, babe- A lute-maker, tipudinarius. lats. nulz, lir:04. Lutc-ftring silk, viuidi coloris Jeri- A mace 'coplrum. Lüneburg, } [in Saxony) Lunebur. A ler.cant's macs, baculus, fafes, Lugeaburg Sigur, Marionis, Lutenburg (in Germany). Lentudum. etiamient, virga. Lonelin Languedoc) Luxellum. Lutterworth (in Leirtjier ſoireſ Lieto- A macc-bcate, lixor, viator. A Jungis, preserny, bardus. dunun, Laäodarim. Mace (the fpice] maris, mactra The lungs, fulmones, um; pl. m. Luxaison, luxatio, onis ; f. Recd.mace (hero) typha: Lünyfik, pulmmarius, ag. um ; adj. Luxemburg (in the Low Countries Mace.grieis, qui tibinter imuni ove Lung wort, pulmonaria, verbascum. Luxemburgum. vendourt carneir furio für eptami lungs (perlop. cui ux furrea, Stentor. The dukodom of Luxemburg, duca Macedon a (the kingdobo]. Micide- lant (match for a gun] funii orf Jus L.Ximburgenfis. ñiz, citi fovies igniarius. Luxeur (in Burgundy] Luxoriun. Macedoniant, Miredoricus, a, um, hurch, duplex paline, facilisvitteria. Euxuriani, Luxury, luxurso, a; f. luxus, ús; in. The Macedoniang, Maciácvies. Macerata (in Marcu etnióna} Ma- Ta lurch (fleal subducoJurripio, Luxur,ous; }luxuriofus, a, uia; adj. Talarch (devour) ingurgito, are. A luxurious wafter, nepos, 3: oi. To macraic, micero, añr.; att To be left in the lurch, juo culitori- Luxuriouſly, luxuridse; adv. Macerated, mucetatus, 4, **; adj. linquí. Luxuriouſneſs, luxus, üs; m. Eurched [at play] duplici pignora Luzern, iup corvorii peilis. Macei ations 3 ulautus. A luzern, lupus cervarius. Machocou (in Bruiagne] Muchicoli. À lnrcher (g'utton). urso, onis ; m. Lycanthro y, lcan:hropia. A lurching; opleis viclurie reportasis. Lyche [in Syria) Laodici. Machc!ii ! [in Brabant) Marblinia. A lurdane, bardus, baro. defes. Lydia (a woman's name] Lydia. A mach ic, mubina, a; t. faulconer's in.e, palpurt: To lye, mentior. Ser Lie To mach narc, indi ist; ari'; dep. To lurc, palps ajuaf.core. A lyer in a ſhip; mondator vicariür. A machinación, suihinarió, 3. f. A bird of the lure, eccipiter ad illi- Lying, mendax, acis; adi. A pachinator, machineror, 3. m. riuin rerilans. Lying a ong, fufia's firatus, a, uín, A mackarel Ipander) lino, lenonen Lurcd, also ill dui, Lying down, reclinatus, a, wři. ug 13 To lurk, fateo, te latito, anej neut. Lying flat, proftratus, a, um, adj. A mackarel (fish] fecrabruta Th la, bucse. cum. catalg. A macerieting . } inasieratio , 3 F. MAD M'AI MAI tua niva. nor. manis. ;} deinos ACUIA. The baſtard' wackarels clins, Madeira (an Alliinti-k ifland) Mada. A little meid-fervant, antillula. Macklca [ia prioling] maculofus, lia 14. Junonia, Heras, A chamber-maid, ornatrix, 3. veli. turis vitistus. Madge howlit, močiui, ulula. plisa, a; f. To maculate, macula, 1. polluo, 3. Madre (a river in As:] Meander. Maid-marrian, puer puellam mentitus, MAD (adj.) infunus, demens: furio: Madrid (in Spain Madritum, Min puellariter vejlitus (ad faltandus fus, rad:0/us. Mad on fighting, in- maurum. Hanma tus cupidine pugnandı. He A madrigal. carmen agrefie, A waiting-maid, pedifequa, a; f. feigned himſelf mad, farori fo A. Mads, morbus oves ifficiens. A maid (th) rain or squatina mi- mulavit, • He tells me my má Mæg bote, malia pro cognato occiso iter was deyiliín mad at me, mi fuperftitibus ignutis olim pendi fo- A maiden, puella, 1, virgo, inis, f. nur malo manent makes him run nad; Mac, (a river in the Low Countries of al ena ili } virgineus, a, um. illum do sanjsale & mente deturbit. Ma M..den-hair, ſherb.) adiantum. As mad as a march hare, janam Mastricht (in Brabant) Obrricum, Black maiden bair, capillus veneris. habet in cornu. Traje&tum luperius. Engliſh black maiden-bais, triiba- To be mad, infinio, faro, * What, To mame (itam mer] balbutio, ira. are you mad? infanis? farin'anu A maffier, balbus, i, m. A maiden head, virginitas, atis ; f. « ? * He was mad at it, moleflè A maffiling, balbuties, ai i f. To take one's maiden-head, devir tulit. If he were not itark A magatipy, pica, a;f, Get one's maiden-head, gino mad. A non acerrimè lureret. A magazine, armarium, armamenta- A taking one's maiden head, devir. To be viry mad, bacchor, ari. rium. ginario, onis ; f. To nad; furiare, demencore, in Magdalen (a woman's azmc) Mig. To loſe one's maiden head, corrum- Make niad, pirrorem agore. This dalena. por, i ; paff: niads him, hec nal habet virum. Magdeburg (in Saxony) Magdebur. Having loſt her maiden-head, corrup. • You make me mad, adigis mo gum, Parthenopolis. ta, ſuprafa. ad inſaniain. Magduni (in France) Magdunum. Maidenhead ( in Berkſhire) Alaunus, A mad ( carth worm) lumbricus, Magellanica (in America) Migella. Alounodunum. A mad dog, canis rabidus, nica. Maiden lip (herb) lappago. Very mrad, fari bundus, •, um, adj. A maggot, galba, lendix, fermes. Ma denly, Z puellaris, n; virgi- A little mad, rabiofulus. a, um ; adj. A little maggot, lendi:ulus. Ma den-like, S nous, a, um; adj. A mad tooth deni rabidus. A maggot (in one's patc) morofor Maidſtone (in Kent] Madus, Vagni. Made mad, 'uriatus, a, uma animi libido, fubiterius animi inn- Running inas, baccbitus, a, um. petus. Maie ( month] Maius. Sur May. A diad-cap, vefanus, i ;m. Maggory [adi:], I maie, prdum. See : Madagaſcar (an African iſland]Me- Full af maggots, Majestymujefas, stis dagaſcaris, Delphina, Corne. Magick, mais, ars magica. Majeſtick (adj ] Majeſtical, auguſus, a, um. Madnes, demenril, t.e. fuerz.m. of magickej } mogicus, a, um. Full of majefty, injána, velunla & ; . i The madnels of a dog, rabies, fi ; Magiſterial, imperiors, regius, a, um. With majeſty, adv. . } regalitor ; fem. Magifterially, Jaris cum imperio. Mail (cords) cogailia, ium ; a' Fu!l of madneſs, furibundus, a, um. Magiſtery', magiflerium, i ; n. A coat of mail, lorica, &;f. Madder, furigjor, gen. oris , adj. Magiſtracy, magiftratus, ús; m. A little coat of mail, loricula, &;f. Madder [to dye with) rubia tinglo- A magistrate, magiftratus, ûsi m. To arm with a coa: of mail, lorico. ria. prajactus, iii. Armed with a coat of mail, loricatus, Wild Wadder, rubia filvefiris. Magliano (in Niples) Manliana. a yon; adi. Paſture madder, nollugo. Magnanimity, magnanimitas, atis; f. To arning with a coat of mail, lori- Madam, domina mea. animi magnitudo. casia. Made (part. of makc] fa&us, compo- Magnanimous, magnanimus, 4. um. The mall of a hawk's coat, macula, Jurusj ai um Magnanimouſly, fortiter ; ady. Mailed like a hawk's coat,diftin&iui To be MADE, R, confio, iri ; ncut. A magnet [load-Itone) magnes; etis. Maillezais (in Poiétou] Milleacum: No agrecinent could be made, Magnetick, magnesius, a, um, adj. A main, vulpus, čris ; n. res convenire nullo modo poterar. 1 The magnificat, magnificat, hymnus To maim, manco, mutilo, are ; act. an made if this bc truc, dives Maria Maimed, mancus, mutilus, a, um. Jum fi hoc ita et: . It may be To correct the magaificat, lumen foli To be maimed, claudico. en neut. made good by this argumeät, hos mutuare. A maiming, mutilatio onis; f. argutreñiso conferinari poteft. Either Magnificence, magnificentia, &;f. Main, magnus, primus, princeps, be made or marrd, qui ter fex Magoificent, mignificus, auguftus. Main forca, vis, gen. vis. aut tre: rifore. Magnificently, magnificè, amplificè, With might and main, obnixè, im. Mide ready, paratus, comparatus. lumptuose; adv. pondió , adv. Made free, liberatus, minuiniſis. To magnify, magnifico, rxalto, 1. (X- A main hamper corbis vindomiatorius, | MADE, feci. I have made it rollo, čre. By' main ſtrength vi, impofu. lure for their coming at, exemi Magnified, magnificatus, elatus. The main land, continens, ntis ; f. è munu manubrium. I never A nagnifying, tragnifi:atio, exultatio, Mainland (the chief of the Orsades] trade any doubt but, nunquam mi onis ; f. Pomona. hi fuit dubium quin. I will not Magnitude, magnitudo, inis : f. Main ſworn, pojoratus, a, um ; ad). Icave c. 11 I have made an end, Magnus (a man's name) Magnus. The main fail, acatium, haud definam donec peric:dro, *You Mayonza (in Germany) Migontia- The main fea, alturn, ; ; n. have made a. good day's workon'l, To put into the main ſca, in altum procolifli hodiè pulchrè. . He made A magpie, pira, e; f. provihi. a lawlogin sulit. # He made Magítadt Lin Lorrain] Mugetrobia. The maine part of Champagne] Co- much of himſelf ſo long as he Magydare (herb] la ferpisiun. nomanorum irodlus. I:vcd, vixit dui vixit benè. * He Mahon ( in Minorea) Mogo. Maine (a river la Germany) Mænus. made me to this, ad hoc mae ade. Mahomct ( a man's name ] Maho. Mainpernable, pro quo fidejudere licet. gir. . He made them dig the meirs. Maippernors, vades, fideju fores. ground, fodera terras coegit. *What Mahometans, M homelani, Mainport, vraigal Lè panibus loco de cimarum] Slutum. tam manè e larto expulit? Whai Mahometana.com, } mahometimus. Main-prize, vadimonium. a face he has made him! os . ut Muid (an iDand oy Scotland] Emo. To main-prize vadimonio chringere. fini diforfit! He made away nia. To maintain (affirm) affirmo, leur- himfélf, ipie shi moltom conf:ivit. A maid, virgo, 3. puella, e ; f. To, I afero, ui, 3. * He huth wade away bis cftate, A little maid, pueliule, virguncula, TO MAINTAIN[defend or port] patrimoniuin profudit. A old maid, virgo grandis. vindico, Arabe, I. defendo. 3. tuer, To madefy, náciefacio, oro. A maid-Servant, ancilla,.& ; f. Jujiine, 2. • They were notable to Cum. i act. for. Tart. Diadc of green checíc, mero marier til. MAK MAK . M AL to maintain the purſuit, surfüm tt-;To make account, Hatimes in the 1 Tomake much of himſelf, genis in- Mert mon palutiunt. * If any body To make reckoning, That is it 1 will maintain.fi quis afirmabit. * I! make moit account of, bar mibi To take up his mouth, os componere. asks the more to maintain it, so maximum of. # He makes but to make noiſe, Brepo, črt, neut. plus requiris ad ja tuendum. little reckoning of it, id parvi du. To make nothing of (aat. conimno, To maintain (keep) fulmio, I. alo, cit, . You make the leaſt account 3. in nibilun reputare, 3. nutrio, 41 Pafco, 3. * This tri of your courtcſics beneficiorum 14.- To make one, aduno, are; act. bute: maintains the foldery, boc rum pareiſfimw climator es. To make out, explico, are ; act, podigal militar fuftentat. To make his accounts rationes re- to maſtc out after, inuefigo, I. qua. To malatain a family, familiam alère forra. TO, of Tufimtare, To make his accounts even, rationes To make large promiſes, montes am- To maintain one's ground, locum exæquare. reos polliceri. fueri, in iiſdein veftigiis' fare ; To make acquainted certiorem facere. To make ready, appsra, are ; a&. gradx immolo monēre. *Make him acquainted with theſc Make ready ſtorm in war) propo To maintain an argament, bonis pir. things, fac hæc audint. Aote. i mifque rationibus controuerfiim dim. To make afraid, territə, art. To make a recantation, Aylum in. mere. To make an alliance, afinitatem verters. Maintained, fuppeditatus, fuftentatus, contrahere. To make room, fummouea, iro; de A, 40; part. To make aſhamed, pudefazčre. via deredere A maintalacr.fufientator, fautor; vin. To maks at, peto, appeto, oro; a&t. To make a fale of, omdo ire; ad. dex, 3. M. To make a bed, laun fernerka To make a few of, ſpecism exhiberi, A maintaining Jugentatio, con ervatio, To make blind, execare. præbere, 3. f. To make-baie,lites ciere. To make a ſtand, After fe. A mainta!ning (affirming] offertio. To make better, melioro, in milius To make a thout, borritum tollera, A maintainer, alterias litigantisadju pýruehere. To make a ftir, turbas excitars, #If To make a cogvenant, pacifcor, 3. you make any ft?r bere, squir- Maintenancă, jumpigs ad via um, To make a demure face, vullus fin quam bic turba ræporis. A ſtatute of maintenance, ßatutum gere, To make verſes, carmen condara. nequis alterius lili prajio fit, in al. To make to be done, procuro, ara. To make a vow, Vri, int ; neut. totus cauſaor navel oper.1.198. To make an end, defino, čre ; neut. To make up a difference, litem con- Maintz (in Germany] Miguntiacum, To make an end between them. ponere. Migunija. felves, lites redimere. To make up [ Anith} confirio, čri. A mayor, prætor, 3. præfetus, 2. m. To make even, aqua, ari; act. * How many thall we make up ? The lord-mayor, prelor urbanus. To make even at the year's end, in quoso ludo conftabit vi&oria ; • We Of the mayor, prætorius, a, um, diem vivere. will make lour up, quatimnio lu- A major of a iroop, Irgatus; 2. m. To make a feaft, conuddies appa. dum abſolust. The major general, legulus impore. To inake up a loſs, damnum pra- taris. To make free, libero, I. manumitto, llare o riſarcire. The major part, pars major. 3. vindics, i. ad pileum vorati, To make uſe of, usor, čris į dep. Majeralicy, To make friends, apronc:/jo. I. in 1. in :- He makes uſe of any thing that Majordom, preinra, &if. tiam redigere. I will ſee if I comes in his way, quicquid arripit Majorſhip, can make them friends, go oxing te!um ira facit. The major domo, economus, i ;m. ut conciliem pacem. To make war, bellum gerere. Maiz (Indian wheat]frumentum In- To make for a piace, ad locum ton. To wake war upon, bellum inferre. diacura. dere, I made him make for To make water, urinam reddere Maizers (in France) Anagorrobia. land, coegi kt lietus porerit. To make way unto, viam munire. The make (Bape ) forma, fgura. To make fortunate, furtuno, fecundo, To maken will, sefomentum condere. A make [match] par. To make a wonder at, miror, admi- TO MAKE (act.] facis, componio, FoxTo make a fire, focum extruere. yor, aris ;. dep in This makes for me. To mak: a funeral ſermon, laudare A make-bate fufurro, onis ; 2. bar aicina pro ma 31. This makcs jefun&um pro roris, A make-hawk, uccipiter tutor, pada- nothing againſt me, hoc non contra To make a gain of, quæfni bahere gogus. I Dilet # What makes you To make good [prove) probo, confir. Make efs, incomparabilis, le ; adj. here ? quid hic tibi nugolii ej? ? *I mo, are. A maker, feflor, factor, formaior. tha!l niake an example of him, To make good [reſtore) raſli:yo, 3. A making, fabricario, 3. f. You in eum exempla futura ſuns. What Jupp!ro, 2. refundo, čre. arc gow in the making of mar. a fool he makes of him! ut ludos To make good his ground, in iifdem ing, udum molle lutum as. facil? I make no queſtion of vefigiis fare gradu im noto. A making better, provaltio in melius. iz; nullus dubito. I will make To make hafte, felino, preporo, are A making frec, manumiffio, vindica- her angry with you, ego illan tibi • He ftro apace, but makes no tio, onis ; f. incenfum dabo. I will make her haſte, movet fcrmicinum gradum. A making good, reftitutio, onis ; f. my wife, banc uxorem ducam. *He * Make what haſte you can remi. Making legs, genuflettiones,.um; pl. knows how to make his market, gio veloque quantum poteris feftina A making much of, indulgens traita- or the best of a bid market, Jci? Elle fuge. tio. wi foro. * H: makes it his ſtudy. To makchead againſt alicui ohiftere, A making seady, apparatus, sim, id fibi fiudio habet. * What makes cbmiti, Malabar (in the Eft-Indies) Mala. you in merry ? quid illud goudii To make as if, difimulo, are. * He baria, ?? Make not tarrying, in te makes as if he was fick, fimulatie Malachy (a man's nime] Malachias, nihil ft more. It makes me 1] ; m. know not what 1o do, me concilio To make a king, regem conflituere, Malaga (in Spain) Malaca, incerium facit. * I will make you to make known, publico, valg), 1. The maldives (Indian iſlands) Mil- khow where yon are, faxo jcratis patefacio, čre. diva. 2017 viduce hinc infultuin ejjo. #She Towake a law legem ferre or san. A malady, morbus, bi; m. makes him: believe the moon is The malenders in a horſe, tuber in genu equi. diri dixerit, ille tenebras effe credei. inire. Malapert, pesulans, procax ; ad). * Make a vistue of neceſſity,le to make lcſs, minus, éret A malapert (ellow, homo folura lin. vins fit patientiâ quicquid corrigere. To make money of, vendere. gua. e nefas, To make the moſt of, vendere quàm To play the malapert, infolenter se Mike he beard, subline os ri carini gerrere. To make I. account, reputo, . * To make a mountain of a mole-hill, Malapertly, adv. procacitar, proteruè, malce account, fart animus. 12rcn x cloaca facere. improbe. make account it is a very great. To make much of, benignè srudars, Malapertneſs, procacitas, 3. f. protar. cffence, graviflimum crimoa judico. indulgenter habere. via, patulantia, a; f. Maldon } Ay. frio, 3 1 + ; m Doncy, quidvis nummis præ'antibus Man's I think nothing of a man M A M M AN Μ Α Ν Maldon (in Eſex] Camalodunum, nalas, orum ; n. montis compos, apud mi. Milodunum, A Mammoniſt, quafluofus, ibefiuris My own man (at my own difpofc} A male (budget) bulga, a jf. inhians. mai juris. A litue male, para, a; f. A MAN[by way of diſtinction from a Man by man, adv. 7 viritim. The A male horre, equus sagmarius. brute) homo, inis; c. mortalis,lis; c. Fron man to man; } prey that was The male, mus, marii ; m. • Becauſe he was born a man,quia taken was divided man by man, Male, adl. mafculus, a, um. bomo natus eft. I have made hima præda qua capta eft viritini A di. Of the male kind, mafculinus ; ad). man, bominem inter homines fuci. . viſit, * The report went from man Male content (adj lager,ægri ferens One man's meat Is ancther man's to man, Tumor viritim perirebuit. Ma'c contentedneſs, emulario, dipli pofon, quos homines fot jententia. *|Like a man ſadv. viriliter, humani- centia, indignatio. A man may ask what you have to jer. I will ſhew you what it is Maledi&ion, maledi&io, onis ; f. do with her, roget quis quid tibi to live. Iike a man, seipſum do:ebo A malefactor, maleficus, rous, i; m. cum illa. # But what thould a quid ft bumaniter vivere. Maleficence, maleficentia. a; f. man do? verùn quid facias! A To man, hominibus inflruere. They Malemort(in Provence] Malemortium. wiſe man would not dothoſeihings. man their ſhips with archers, ni. Maletone, malam or indebitum te. ea sapiens non fudurus eft, * They ves fagittariis comploi. Maletote, $ imium. } aie all lain to a man, ad unum Man the capitan, elruarè ergasaw, Malevolence, malevolentia, a; f. omnes interficiuntur, * He is the To play the man, virum agere. Malevolent, leading man, familiam ducit, reflim Hc háih played the man, egit fanè Malevolous, } adj. malevolus, a, um. dudar, Jirenuè, lo virilitr expedis, virum Malgues [in Spain] Milaca. A man (not a child) vir, viri prajiti. Malico, invidia, 1. fimullas, atis ; f. . When I became a mani por. A young man, juvenis, is ; m. Malice, (propenie) ultionis Audium. quem faktus sum vir. • He is An old man, fanex, nis ; m. To malice, . invideo, 2. malignor,1, grown a man, excefis ex epbebis, A little man, homunculus, li Bear malice,'} amulor, ari. Bogam virilem ſumpis. A man of no account, homo nauci. Tainted with malice, exulceratus. A man (not woman) vir, viri ; m. A man of war (thip] navis præfidia- Malicious, malignu, invidus : adj. mas. *I am a lost man, nullus ria, Maliciouſly, maligni, invidē ; adv. fum, porij. * For where will you A man at chefs, calculus, latrukuu- Maliciouſneſs, invidia, 1. f. livor, find a man thai--a, quorus enim lus, rancer, oris ; 1. gaiſque reperietur qui.--.. A man Manhood, fortitude, 3. virilitas,adir; to To malign, odili, odio habere. Shall be valued according to what Manhood (in age] alas virilis. Malignaat, malignus, 4. um ; adj. he has, afen babsas, affem vallas. A man for all purpoſes omnium fo. An malignant, ddinquens, rrus, • A man may have any thing for narum bomo. Malignantly, maligna ; ady. a, um, adj. Malignity, malignitas. aris ; f. opia veniet. # Man propoſes, Of mang , } a Malines (in Brabant) Michlinia, God diſpoſes, humani confilia di improper for me, bamini wibil à Malizon, malıdiaio, onis ; f. vinitùs guberxanlur, * A man need me alienum puto. A malken, penisulun, furnarium. not look in your mouth 10. know Man Iland, 1 Eudonia, Mine. Mall for Mary, Maria, & , f. your age, facies sua computat annos. The ide of man, via, Moravia, A mall, mallai intus. * A man or a mouſc, aut Calar Mini ulterior To mall, basuo, tundo, čre ad. gut nullus. Monacles, manica, arum. A mallaid, anas paluſtris mas, A man ( any man ) aliquis, quivis. To manacle, minicis confringere. Malleable, milleabilis, le ; ad). Note, the Latines generally when Manacled, manicatus, a, um, adj. A mallet, malleus, milleolus, i n. they ſpeak of a perſon indefinitely, To manage, adminiftro, 1. gero, čre. To ſtrike with a mallet, mallears. uſe the ſecond perſon ſingular, The manage of a borfe, 1 equi regie where the Engliſe uſe the third Managing of a horſe, } Stricken with a mallet malleatus. A ſtriking with a mallet, malleatio. as, * A man thall be valued ac- Managed, adminißratus,e, wm; parc. Majorea Spaniß iſland in the Me cording to what he hath, fem ha- A manager, adminiſtrator, oris ; m. diterranean] Majorca, &; f. beas, olim valuas. A managing, adminiftratio, 3. f. Malorca [a city in Majeria] Palma. The good man of the houſe, pater. Management, Mallows, malva, a ; f. familiar, regiraon; inis; 2. Managery, Marin-mallows, althea, a; f. : A leading, chief, or principal man, Man-boot, compenfario pro homicidio. Tree-mallow, malva arborga. vir primarius or princeps. Mancaſtle in Lancanſire ]Mmuciuns. Vervain-mallow, alua Of mallows, malvaco us, a, um, adj. MAN SERVANT, } forintos famulus . A manch Lin heraldry) manica. Mallow flower colour, malacbinus. made frec, ſervo rjus libertas data Manchelle't [in Warwickfire) Mara Malmedy (in Luxemburg) Malmun ul. • Suppoſe maſters may uſe duol dum. darium. leverities towards their men, heris Mancheſter (in Lancaſhire) Mind. Malmesbury (In Wilt mira) Malmef ft fand arhibmda favilia in ramus nium, Mimmucium. burium Blodunium Mildunum, Ce los. Here's man for your ſer- A manches, panis filiginous, collyra. nobium Maldunonje. vice, huic mandus fi quid rieta cu Amanciplc (Azward or caterer in Malmesburyerad: } Mildunenko,fe. ratum velis, colleges) oblonator, oris ; m. EVERY MAN, quifque, omnis, u- A mandamus (for a degree, &c]dj- Malmoe (in Denmark] Malmogia. nufquifqur. * That which every plama regiun. Malmſey-winc, vinum Arvifum, Cro man will be fit for, ad quam quif- A mandatory, mandatarius, i ; m. ricum or Chium. que rem aptus fit fusurus. • Hire A manuale, mandatum, præceptum, Of Malmiey, monembaptus. every man must do all he can. hic Mandeville (the family] De Migna Malora (an inland in the Tyrrbine omnia facere omni debet. Let onel Villd, Do Mandevilla. ſea] Lamellum. and the ſame be the profit of c- The mandiblc [law] mandibulum. Malpas (in Chefire) malus paffius. very man and of all, eadem fi uri. A mandilion (looſe garment Joxomis, Malpas i the family] De Milo Paju, litas uniuſcujuſque & univerſorum. Mand, ake (a pole) malum caninum, De Mula Plaida, Every man likes his own things A mandrake, mundragora, ra; f. Mait, brofium, bone, beft, um cuique pulchrum. E. The manc of a borfe, juba, ba; f, A maltiter, brapator, oris; m. very man hatk his humour, fuus Manga Ladjalin, } jubatu, a, um, Malt making, granificium, 2. byne cuique mos eft. Malting, ficium, 2. No man, nemo, 3. nullus, a, um, A manc-comb, frigil ad jubaws. Malta, (an African inand) Melita. There is no man that I would Manfredonia (in Puglia, Manfredo. Malvern (in Worceſterſbirej Miluer. now more fain fee; netto of quen nia. nia, Malvernum. ego magis nune videre cupero. * Manful, animafies, d, um; ad). A Malmcluck (Egyptian horfeman) No inan almoft did bid him to his Mjafully, animosè, fortiter, viriliter Mamalucus, houſe, domum fuam ipſum non fare adv. Mam, mamma. quiſquam vocadal. " That no man Manfulneſs, fonitudo, 3. virtus, 3. f. Mammet puppets) icuncula. hurt another, ni cui quis nosat, The mange, ſcabiei, 1; f. Mamoiacks (fragments] fruſula, a My own maa (in my right lenſes] A maoger, prašops, is ; m. Mangie 1 3 Many times, adr.} I have come - } Manifoldly jadv.') multiplieier, Manned (as a bawk) manfusfeauty A manualift artifex, icus ; C. M AN Μ Α Ν MAR . Mangie or mangy, ſcabiofus, a, um: \ In the lıke manner, adv.fimiliter. ta pofuel Uiles? Tell how Mangiaefs, porrige, inis ; f. lo the ſame manner, pari ratione. many there be, nuinerum.refer. To mangle, mauro, I lanio, L.truncol. The reft did in like manner, How many men are there in all! Mangled, lucratus, Iruncus, a, um. Calangue :dem fecerunt, quanta bac hominum umma? A A mangling, lacerario, truncatio ; f. In ſuch a manner thai, ila uki bank of I know not have many a Mangoaifa, interpolario, onis; f. Two' mannor of ways, bifarian. cies, tipa nafao quomornmjugerum. Manhcim (in abc Upper Palatinate] Three manner of ways, trifariam. As many as, quor. fal quot.. * A. Manbemium. Four mallner of ways, quadrifa. many years as he has lived, 108 Manhood, fortitudo, 3. virilitas, 3. f. riam ; ady, annos quor badeto Twice. as inany Miniack (frantick] maniatus, infa. Manners (conditions] mores, uw ? m. .23 there be ſervants, duslivia guan nus A, UW; 2di. He leaves not manners in his numerus jervorum. As many fol- Manicles, mamica. Se Manacles. diſh, lari Sacrificat diers as you can gt zugether, Manie. Ser Manacles, Good manners, wrharitas, asis"; f. quotcungui militum contrabere po- A maalfeft, feriptum apologeticum, 1:1 mannerd, malè maratus. trris. faali adita defenfio. Mánner!y.urbanus, burmanus, a, um. A good many, aliquam multi. A Manifeft, manifolius, clarus, liquidus, a mannikin horunculis, pumilia ; . good many of them were flain, a, uo; adj. Manning, man para.' inagnus anrum numerus B.OC.1145. Very manifeſt, perinfignis, nes adj. Mannſh, virilis, l. ; adj. sand, mylintiès. To manifeſt, manifeſto, indico, I. A mapour (lordſhip) dominium, pre- Many a time, Mäke manifeft : patefacio, čre. torium. it many and many,a i min ferie To be made manifeſt (neut] cla- Manour in groſs, jus curia barmis quidens lame rajco, 3. innotefco, 3. The cheat fine pellione præiii. How many tinics ? adv, quoties? - is made manifeft, Yraus duceata eft. A manour houſc, pradium, villa.' How many times inuit.you be told It is manifeft, confai; imperf. Of a mannour. prædiatorius, a, urr. of 1? gucties vis.di&unt? Manifested, gatefaétus, detratus. Mans (in L. Mains) Coromanud. How many times focxcr, adv..qua- A manifefiag 7 manifeflaria, illufra- A man-fervant. famulus, li ; m. tiefcunque. Manifeftation, tio, 3 f. Mansfield (in Suxony | Manufa dia. How many focver, guokaunque, quor- Manifeſtly [adv] manifepè, evidon Mansfield (in Nottingbamhiva).Min. guer, ter, liquidò, apertiò, perfpicuè, duefedudi So many, fot. Manifeftnels, evidmiia, &; f. A manfion houſe, domicilium, boi. Juit so many, totidem. A manifeſto, enarratis folennis, de- claratio fcripta.confignata. ways, -" A Man-Slaughter, homicidium. Subitari- Annao, tabula cofnograpbica. Manifold, multiplex, 'icis , adj. um, inopinatum, A map.or mop to wash with, scopa How manifold, quotuplex, icis , adj. A man-layer, homicida, da; c. ex paaris or flored. Manfpurg (in Croatia] Mineium. A maple-tree, fora Manifoldscis, multiplicas, atis ; 'f. Manſuete (tanic) manſuelus. Miple, ad). acerns, a, um A mántple [handful] manipulus, Mante (in France) Medunta. : of maple, adj. dragma, To mantle (as beer) Spumoſfers. To.mar, vitio. See Marr. Mankidd, genus humanum. Man- A mantle, am culum. Maranatha, anathemate perçulus. kind ruſhes through forbidden A little manile, penula. Mirans in Franc] Maraniium. miſchief, gini bumana ruit.per vi- An Iriſh mant.c, gaufape, lana. Maravedis, nummulus Hiſpanichi. situm nefus. A fryer's mantle, penula gaufpi- Marble, marmor, oris ; n. Manly, } virilis. Zo ; adi. A coarfe mantle, 3 .110. A little marble, mir moriolum, Manlike, A ſummer mante, penula raja. Red marble, marmor Thrdinum, Manly, (adv.) girlliter. : A mantler, muſculas, tejiudo. White marble, Dormir Parius, A manly woman, virago, inis; f. The hawk mantles, rsijpiser difpon. Márbie, adj. Manlius apples, mala manligna. nat ur pandinilasur. or or Ilke marble, Manna, manni, erromeli, wel in- A mantle tree, tegimuriandini, fuper- Marble while, : adj. m, tos Syriacus, cilium or 'upeiliminare camini. A marble-cutter, latomus; mi z m. Manned fas a thip.or fleet is ſaid to Mantua [ln Lombordul Mantua. A.marb!c quarry, laromia, be when they have gotten on Mant-winc, vivum Mantuanus, To make of marble, marmoro. board their full complement of Manual arts, artes faative. Marbled, adj. 1 marmoreusia, men] viris or neutis infirultus. Amanual, manuale, anchiridion. Donc with marble, ,} Marburg (in Germany) Morima, Ca- faciliaris redditus. Manuduction, manuductio, mis; f. Ara Mirc'ana. A MANNER, mos, 3. modus, 20 h Manufaaure, opificium, i, n. Marca d'Ancona (pist of Laly] Hir. According to his manner, pro more To manumiſe, minurrite, čre; act. biu Anconitana, Picmum. juo. After this manner, buc. Manumiſed, manumilus, a, um. March in Scotland] Marchia, Bede. A manom:ſer, afortor. March (the monthſ Martius, i., m. A mánner or cuftom, mos, soris ; m. Maoum:fion, minumilia,, onis ; f. A MARCH, iter, 3. profe&tio, 3 * He rinfuusudo, in; f. According to manumit, manumitto, čre, act. commanded notice to be given of to our uſual manner, ut folemus. To manure, colo, ore ; a&. a. march, iter: pronunciari jufür. * • It is my manner, sc fola. To manure with maric, marga lasi They were not above two days This is his manner, fac ejus eft in fcari. march from him, ab so non longiùs genrum To manure with. dung, porcoro, hidui va aberant. Männer quality]qualitas, 3. f. It Madured, cultus, a, um , adj. To march, gradior, 4. incedo, 3. Hc has no manner of doubt, nihil bo- A budurer of ground ruricola. marches towards the enemy, con- but dubitationis We have.de: A manuring, cultus, lcrificatio. fra hofles proficiſcitur. * Himſelf fcribed what manner of man be A manuſcript, manufcriptus liber. marches thither with the foot ought to be, qualis effet defcrips - Manworth, pretium capitis, asimium forces, ple.cò podefriqus copiis con- mus. I believe you know what vita' hominis. -Tendit, # He marches in the scar, manner of father I have, ego vos MANY, multi, plures i adi pl. * Agmen fübfequitur. noviji sredo 'ut ft pater mousi Mzay men, many minds, quot ho- To march back: What manner of commendation is mines, tot (mtentia. * Many hands To march off, regredior. that ? quæ eft ifta laudaslo? make light work, multorum mani.To march forward, progredier. In a manner (adv. j quodammodo, bus grande levatur onus. Many! A marchant, .maercator. Su Mer ponè. *My life is in a manner a litile makes a mickic, ex grano cbant. done, mibi quido * ætas alia fermè fit acervus, Marched, iter confeftum. }. * The chief, and, in a manner A great many, 7 complures, perple. The marchi (part of Ajuitain). Mar- res, plurimi, A cbia, medin unica. grcat many Germans come to lijo, Marchena (in' Andaluxiz) Darcia. Of what manner. cujuſmodi. Germani frequentes ad eum veneruni. The marches of a country, fines, Oft what manner loever , utcunque. How many quot. How many! Marchionacs (in Hiynault Mirrbia. Of divers manners, multimedus. things ſuffered Ulifas? quem mull , } 1 hopepracipua puesel proper Vegancamany,adi . } Marching mannja. fum dei . ur. } origanum, 2. n. M AR M AR M A R Marching, grollatorius, grall abundus. wil carry this mark to his-gravc, d, manis, A marching, Tofrio, 3. prógrillus, 4. quamdiu vixerit babebit cigina, nic Marne [in Scotland) Mornia. A marchatite Lionel pyrites. illud nfi orcus delebit. Marne la rivci in Frince] Mitronis. A marchiontis, marchionila. A mark to noot ai, mert, Jespus. Morocco (the citờ i Bocanun Hemi- March:pane, panis. dulci rius, papa He is quite behde. The marks the kingdoni of Marocco, (in Afri- regia. longè aberras. Marcionopoli (in Bulgaria] Martia. To hit the mark, collineare quò opor ca] regnum Marocanum. napolis. fuit, ißuim certò aplègie dirigere Marosta river in Tranſylvania). Mas Marck (part of Germany] Marco-The mark of a ſtripe, videt. 3. f. riſus. A mark ſet to a writing, fignälury, Ma-purg (in Germany] Marpurgum, Marck (in Wefiphalia) Marrbia. ; f. Mattiaruit, Anafia. The ma ck of Brandenburg, waribia of mark, infignis, eximius., ad). Letters of marquc, répræfalia. So Brandeburgica. Letters of märk, diploma, 3. 9. flat. Mart. Marckfeldt (part of Germany) Adra rigatorium, 2. n. A marqnels, marthis, 3. m. be C:impi. To mark, figno, configno, noto, art. Mirqu:fs, marchioniſue; f. Marckpurg (in Germany] Marpurgum. To mark about, cirrumfigno, Ari. A marguiſale, A mare, squa, c; f. To mark before, prapanip, are, Marquiſdom,, marcbionatus, 4.. m. A mare-colt, aguula, la.; f. To mark beaſts, dignoro, ore. Marquiſhip, To cover a mare, To mark with chalk, crud notari, Marquetry, (inlaid work] opus lacuna, To leap'a mare, }equam inire. To mark a deer, verui ætatem Tbc covering of a marc, initus, 4. magnitudinein habere cognicam. TO MARR [act.] corrumpo, 3: m. admiſur, &; f. To mark with a hot iron, Pigmali pravo, vitio, are. *I have mana The night-mare, incubus, ephialtes. xo, ferro condente inurare. all, perturbovi omnia, Tocry the marc, finem metendi facere. To mark (obſerve) objerui, aro; act. To inart the falhon of a thing, de A mare-maid, grm, 3. f. • Mark I pray you. quæfo animum Torino, are;, act. Of a mare-mad, Sirenius, a, um. advertita, Marie lin Scotland) Mirria. Margaret (a woman's name) Marga. To mark under, fubnito, are. Marrsa (corrupted] vitiatus, a, um, teta, rif. Marked, notitus, lignatus, a, urd. # The meat is marred, prandium Margarites (herb) bellis. Marked black and llüc, lividus. corrmaptur. * It is marred by A margar tc {ftene) margarita. Maiked diligently, obfervatus. ill telling, malè narrando deprava- Margelline (herb) aſyla. Marked with chalk, crerurus, a, um. Mirked with a hot iron, ftigmatixa A marrer, corruptor, vitiator, 3. m. A margin,' wargo, 3. m. as, a, um, p2ir. corruprix italrix, 3. t. Without margent, achilus. Marked here and there, interpunetus, A marriage,, nuptia, Grum f. pl. Of a margent, 7 marginous, a, ki ; a, un, parti * There will be a marriage, 13 -- marginalis, ** Fit to be marked, notabilis, ke; adj. tid fient That hath a broad margen, margi- A marker, molator, confor, 3. m. Marriage, conjugium, connubium, 2.0. nalus. A marker (obſerver] obferuator. By way of marriage, ady, imajugia: liter Margery (awoman's name) Margeria. A marker (at racket) pilarimutator. A margrave, præfeftus militum. A market, mercatus, As; m. forum, A forced marriage, Sholamus coaans. Marh (a river in Germany) Moravus, Emporium, 2. n. Marriage, adj. nuptialis, le; maria Mariage, conjugium. Sur Marriage. A market for cattle, forum boarium. Of marriages tus, 1, uin. Marian (a woman's name) Mariana. A market for fiſh, forum piſcatorium. A marriage ſong, epithalamium, 2. n. Marie, [a woman's name) Maria, A market for fruit, forum pomarium. To defire marriage, 1 nunturio, ire : f. A market for herbs, forum oſitorium. Be upon marriage, ſ neut. Marienburg (in Germany] Mariabur A market for logs, forum fuarium. To promiſe marriage, nuptum, dart, gum, Mirket gelt, vedrigal, locarian. locare, Marienburg (in Hainaule and Prus. A mérket-man, agordus, 2. nundina- Marrigeable, nubilis, le ; ad). 3. art. fin) Mariaburgum. 107, 3. m. To make marriages, nuptias concili, Mariendal (in Froncoxia] Margen- A market-woman, foraria, nundina- themum: ria, a; f. A marisg, corrupsio, 3. f. Marieſtadt (in Swedeland) Mariafa- A market-place, forum, 2. D. A marrow [rogue) nequan, Surcifera dium. A market-houſe, porticus, 4. m. pe Marrow, medulle, la f. Mariet (a flower) viola raarina. Fiftylie, orum ; n. The marrow of the back bone, me- Marignano (in the dukedom of M- A market-town, Imporium, z. n. dulla spinalis. lain) Melignanum. Market, adj. nundinalis, lo; nun- To take out the marrow, singdielo A marigold, coliba, Q; f. Of a market, 3 dinarius, a, um. Marrowy, a African marigold, Aos Africarui. A clerk of the market, agoranomus, Full of marrow, . um; adj. Corn marigoid, chryſanibimuins fege- The gloves are not marrows, bao A marking, siptatio, fignatio, 3. f. cbitothecæ non funt pares. Marsh-marigold, caltha paluftris. A marking diligently, obfervatio, 3.f. Marry Coathl par Mariat. * Nay To marinate fish (in cooke. y) piform. A marking-iros, cauterium, 2. n. imärry, minime urrò. Yes marry elivo, frixum marino baðilu afficere, Marking-ſtone, ruirica, æ ; do I ſay fo, ajo mimurro, marino affedu imbuere, Marle, marga, &; f. Marry come up, I diis placut. Marine [belonging to the lçaj ma- To marle ground, agrum marga le; TO MARRY Las the pricd) connubio rinus, a, um, adj. tificare, jungere. A mariner; nguía, navita, navigator. Maricd, morgå lærificatus To marry [as the man) uxoreiz dusa Of a mariner, 2 nauticus, a, um Marle the fail, ufige vela retinack, Mariner-like, ad, To marry (as the woman] vira Ana The mariner's compars, prais nautia Marle (in Picardy) Marla. beri. ce, index nauticus. Marleborough (in Wiltſhire] Cuntation . To marry (as the parents] nieptun Marlaers long flops or trouſers, calia Merlebrogia. daro, local.: He married his Marling, ligula cannabaceo pice illita daughter to a mean man, filian Marjoram, marjorans, samplurbus, ad fines funium confiringendos. mediocri viro'in mairinimium tra Goat-marjoram, Iragor.igazjuur. Marmaduke. (a man's namc] Mar didis, Sweet-marjoram, marjorana bortenfor: madusies, 2 mi To marry agaib, nuptias secundas Marmelade of quinces, cydoniatin. contrax of marjoram, Jampju binys, a, um. A marmolet, cercepithecus... Mariled, coniugalus, nupsus, 4., um; Maritime (of the fea] maritimus. A me mirnofft; imia 2.f. Parte 10 a matried to Mark [a man's name) Marius, 2. m. A little marmoret; midagi ay Dumne illa bogic nyorum? A mark of money, maria, ile; f. Marmotto (à bcaſt mu Alginas. ty that have been loog.plata A MARK (token) nosa, igram. Marmoutiei (in Frant] Majus nuo riet ik hiemselyes in 4. piliging A land-mark, limes, 3. m. antiquus ainda carcar A márk (brandį fignu, 31: He Marina [in Wolf Frisciland) Manor A married man, waritus.fi Once : 2. m. ga nautica. na crni 1 rum 2 ri. of a mith; } palmfiris, ne. A mandhalles; } sedos macrofall. Marrianus. Jau senai Mirti. Maſs. adj., mifalis, le. MAR MAS MAT Once married, unigamus, a, um. To makc opie marvel, admirationem Maſt of oak, glans querrra. Twico married, bigamus, a, um. alicui iniuri. A maſt zaiherer, blunific. Turice married, trigonus, &, va. Marvel of Peru (flower) mirabile Mift-ga nering, glandmurio, 3. f. A marrying, nuptiæ, arurn; f. * He Peruvianum. IM.it,adl. cares not for marrying, abborret à Marvelled af, adimirariona höbitus. of maft, }glundarius , a, um. ni uxoria. Marvelling, mirabundus, eum; adi. Maft bcaring, glendiſer, a, um, adj. Mars, Mars, 3. m. A marvelling, admiratio, 3: fi F.! of caft, glandingfus, a, um. Of Mars, Martins, a, um, ad) Marvellous, mirondus, pupendus, a, Mafb:ouck (in Wi- Frirziland) Born under Mars, martialis, lo; adl. um; adj. Sustair Silve.. Mars en Famine (In Luxemburg] A mirvellous thing, mirandum, mi- A MASTER, dominus, harus, 2. m. Fanno Marijs. I ad: :y own master, mei juris, Marral (in Lorrain) Marſelium. Manu::ilouſly, mirabiliter; adv. mi. mai pelens liber fuur. * If the Marſala (in Sicily] Lilybaum. rura in modum, maftur lays the crow is while, Marſeilles (in Prouincs) Mafilia. Mary. Msria, &; 1. the ſcrvant muſt not say it is A marſh, palus, 3. f. Mary's baih, balnektor Maria, back, indigna, digna bahanda funt, Marſh (the family) de Mariſco. Mary's Ical. ryclaminya. que heu facil. The maſter's A falt marſh, afluarium, 2.0, Maſcle (in heraldry morala. cye makes the horíc fat, aculus , adj. Malcon (in Burgundy1 M:tiſcono. martliri, aginat equum. Maſculine, m-/rulimus, mafiului. A malier of arts, magifler artium. Marſh-parfey, apiums palafre. A mash [mixture) farrago. 3. f. To go out maſter of arts, magiferiali Maſhy paludofus, a, uns To madh, commifce, ère ; at luci dinari, magiſteriale de:us a. } Maish-like, adi. The math of a net, moule, a :.F. dipi?i. A marſhal, defignaler, 3. m. meras. Malhambridge [in Yorkibire) Mija. The master of the artillery, prafoc. challus, 2. m, mengs fons. tus marbinariorum, A lord marthal, præfiaus rorum sa. Mafieres on the Low Countries] Ms. The maſter of the ceremonies, ma- pitalium. corre, Mideriarum. Bar admiflisnuts. A knight-marthal, tribunus militum. A mask for women, larva, a; f. Maſter of the guards, Saselles, 3. m. Marſhal-law, jus militare, A mask (dance) fabula, mimus. A mister of defence, laniſa, a; m. To marſhal (put in order) ordino, A ..ask (pretence or cloak) praux. A cock m?fter, lanipa gollorum, lub, 4. m. pratexium, 2. a. larva, A maſter of the robes, veſtiarius. Marſhalled, ordinatus, 4, comes ; part. 1. f. The maſter of the rolls, magifer A marhöller, ordinator, 3. m. To mask himſelf, perfonam induere, fcrinorium, rotulorum; cußos arcbi- Masked, larvatu. vorum. A masking, perfona inductio. The maſter of a ſchool, Iudimagiſor, The marſhalſey priſon, ergaſſulum, Misking cloaths, boragium foenicum, pra'cptor, 3. m. piraticum. Manin, seges miſcellones, consilio A little mailer, magiſallus, 2. m. Marsico (in Lucania] Marficum. frumentorum Of a maſter, dominicus, herilis; adj. A mart, mercatus, 4. emporium, 2.0. Malin bread. penis mifu!lantus. A maſter-thief, autolycus. Letters of mart, ripra[alia, orum ; n. Malmunſter (in Germany) Mafonis To make one's felf maſter of a diploma, 3. n. clarigatorium, 2. . Mmaferium. place, urbi imperare, porefiati ſud Martagon (herb] mariage. A maſon, lapicida, 1. m, latomus, 2. Sujicere, urbe poriri. Mastegue in Provenca) Maritima, maſc. To'malter, dominor, I comprimo, 3, Altrimela, Marromela. A free maſon (the ſociety fo called) vinco, ori; act. * He can mafter Marſel (in Franss} Martillun. latomorum fižto nomine generoſa cons his own tongue, linguæ fuæ imm- A marten, pakta faictas. }(beaft] martes. porare parel. Martern, A maſon's rule, araufis, 3. f. To mafter himſelf, feipfum reprimero. Martha (a woman's name) Martha. Maſonry, To matter one's bold hardineſs, au- Martial fa man's name] Mitialit. Maron's work, } opus comentarii. dacion frangers. Martial (warlike) bellicus, bellicojus, Marovie Lpart of Poland) Mazovia. Mafte leis, contumax, incorrigibilis, martins, a, um, ad) A maſquerade, mimus, larvato un Maſterly, imperioſus, eg um ; Martial affairs, pis bellica. ludicra faltatio. Mafter-like, adj. A martialiſt, bellicojus. A mals (lucap) moles, cumulus. Mastery, magifratus, dominasus, Martia (a and's namc) Martinuu. The mals (a form of prayer uſed in Maltcrſhip. s. üs; m. A martin (bid) martes. the church of Rome) mija, 1. ſy. Mafter wort, imperateria. A Sand-martin, hirurdo.siparia, naxis, 3. f. A mafticat:on (chewing) moficatio, Martinach [in Wallipand) Ardu- A ſhort maſs, miſa venatoris, . manduraria, 3. f. say a Mafticatory, mafficatorius; a, um. A martingal for a horſe, paſomis. Sing qals, Malticatory (medicinej maficatori- Maſtick (a gum] mafiche. Marticoas beef, dubula salita fumo A maſs-book, miſale, 3. n. Black Daft'ck, mafiche Ægypraca, durata. Maſs-veſtments, pontifcalia, mifif- White maſtick, mapicha Chionis. A martlct, ypfelus ; opus, idis. cantis bahitus. Yellow and bitter mastick, maſliche Marinets, funiculi Aviata velorum Maſſa (in Tiefcany) Muffa, Cruimhs. complicationi accomedi. A maſſacre, internacio, 3. f. The maſtick-tree, Imtifcus, 2. m. A martyr, martyr, ris; C. To mastacre, trurido, art; act: Maſtick, adj. The firſt martyr, protomartyr. Mafſacred, trucidatus, a, um, part. }lenciſcinus , a, um. Of maftick, To martyr, difcrulio, sxsarujico, 1. A maſſacrer, trucidutor, 3. m. Bcaring maſtick, lentiſcifor, a, um, Martyrdom, maripriuin, 2. b. A masſacring, trucidatir, 3. f. Maftick Therb) marum. A martyrology, martyrologius, 2. A maffing, miffario, 3. . A maſtiff, molefus, 2. m. Book of martyrs, A maltrack, malrura. Marvejola (in Franta Marmgium. A mat. Sie Matt. A marvedy, nkranulw Hifpanicus, A match of a lamp, &c. myxus, che A marvel, admiralii, fi • No Malineſs, lychnium. sarvel, nos mirums. Tis a mar: The mart of a Thip, malus, 2. m. A match of brimſtone, ſulphuratums, vel if you be good for aughtrom The round-top of i mast, corbis, 84: A match-maker, ſulphurarius. mogram prapas (Zoila) A bonus s. los, carsbibum. The match of a gun, fornoi igniarius. To marvel, miror, admiror, .. I The top of the maſt, modius. Match lighted (as in marching out Marvel at, 3 maryel what the mat. The buttle of the mast, mali serbis. of a place delivered up) ardenia ter is, verror quid Int. But the fore-mast, malus ad proraming funuli catapultario. marvelar.inl. 48 de dimiror. mallus antirus A match (in exerciſejrertamin, 3.8. ! • Tis a poor bufineſs that ye The mizzen-mart, malus puppis. A march [bargain) coptradus, 4. warvel at, 15m3 haut difficilem sai. Mart for (wine, glans, balamus. conventio, 3, prcturn, 2. Maft of beech, glans jagoa. match! ja, age ! A MATCH, . Maffy,;} folidus, a, um ; ade: Maffiversis , } foliditas, 3. f. 3. f. } rogen conclu. The matrix. ' matrix, 3. f. uterus ; A matter of (about) quaf, circiter. A going a maying, oblectasio mmse M.AT MAU M E A A MATCH ſmarriage] connubium, *Matter comes out of a fore when Mault, byme. Ser Malc. 2. 0. # Do you like the match i it begins to mend, pus exit ex ul. Mailey (the family) do Malo Lan. tibi nuptia bæ funt cordi? . He (Are jam ad fanitatum fpeaante. A maunch [in heraldry) manica. was afraid when he heard it would To catter, A maund (basket] sophinus, sports, be a match, timuit ubi nup: Grow to matter,} suppuro, arr. . corbis anfurus. sias futuras elle audiuit. *Iliked Cauſing matter, ſuppuratorius, a, um. To maunder, murinuro,'ore; muotio, it, I made the march, placuir, Mattery, purulentus, ronio iro, defpondi. Full of nitter, Sjus, a, um, adj. A maundy, apophorum, Sportella. A match (pa'r] par, compar. *You A mattery fore, vomica, &; f. Maundy-Thüriday, did youis diam are not ſo ſtout,' but you have the mattering of a fore, purulentia, paffimis immediarè præindens. met with your match, A Lucretia 1. f. {uopuratit, 3. f. A maunger, prajape, 3.0. Su manger. ai, Turquinium inumifti. MATTER [fubftanče] ubilantia, mi. Maurice (1 man's name) Muwriting To march, comparo, adaqui, 1 Hc teria, 3. f. . The matter is mind. alone was able to match them all, ed, nit words, refpexatur, non The maw, umiriculus, 2 m. univerfis folus por full, uerba. You will find me mat. The five fingers at baw, pontas. To go to inatch' (of a wolf ) Catullo. ter to write of to yoa, dederis A mawmct, idolum, quo 8. pupa, &; To match in marriage, nuptum dare, mibi quod ad 1. feribom. I want fem. in metrimonium coilorare. matter to write of, argumentum ad Mawmetry, idolatria, «;f. A match-maker, connubicrura concili. fcribendum mihi drejt.. :) A maweber, puolla, virguntula, a; alor, pararius. Matter (thing or buſineſs) res, s. f. ſem, Matchable, aqualis, le; adi. opus, 3. n. negotium, z. n. The Maud (a woman's name) Matilda, I. Matched, equatur, comparatus, a, um. matter gocs oot well, mala som Matildis, 3. f. # They are well matched: non habat. No ſuch matter, minima A maxim, maxima, I. f. axiima, 3. composius moliūs cum Bitho Bas. verò. He gets judgment twice n. propofino; 3. f. ibins. upon one matter, de cadem causa, Maximilian (a man's Dame] Mixi. A matching, adaquatio, comparatio, bis judicium adipifcitur. It is a milianus, 2. m. likely matter, verifimile il. II MAY, poffum, quri, licet mihi. Matchleis, incomparabilis, lo; ad). comes all to a matter, tantundem Yog may for me, per me licet. A mate, conses, 3. m. forius, 2. m. 8. 'Tis no great matter, parum * If it may be, so fiori puses • As A little merry mate, comitellus. off. •What great matter is there faſt 28 may be, 'quantum putes. A mate at cheſs, concluſo regis. in a day or two? quid tantum of • A people that may be num. Check-matc, rex conclufus. in wyko sut allaro dir ? What is bered, populus numerabilis. Tbat To mate, the matter with him ! quid facit? way the very confullhip may be Give a mate, quid fbi vult? What is the diſpraiſed, išlo modo conſulatus vitu- Matcd, viaus, a, um ; ad). matter you are lo fad ? quid triſlis perabilis ej. Let it be diſpatched Matera [in Terra di Otranto] Malo. *} What matter is it to you? · with as little trouble as may be, ala. quid tua rofert? It is no mat quam minima cum malefiaru iranl. Material, corporens, a, um ; ad). con ter whether, nihil interes utrum. bgatur, .As like as may be, jians materia, ex malaria concretas. . What is the matter? quid ni nise las lagi magis of Amiila Maternal, matemus, a, um , adj. of? quidnam cf? quid factum of; I may not, regun. * Why may Mat-fellon, jarra nigra. • A matter of nothing, minus ni you not deſire theſe things ? quia: Latter-math, fanum chordum, feroti- ni hæc cupiai? • We most do It matters much, multum sofort, traz - as we may, ince we may not Mathematical, mashematicus, a, um. ai mummi ol. . do as we would, fout guins A mathematician, philomathematicus. To matter (regard) curo, art ; act. quando ùt volumus non licet. The mathematicks, mathape, 3. f. • I matter not your lafety, Salw. It may be (perhaps) fortafie; ady. mashematica, orun; n. tep thaos nibil morir. + I watter . But it may be fomc mad may Mathes ( herb} chamamelum ſylveſtre. not my being dead, me ato mor. fay, Jed fortaliè dixerit quiſplan Matthew ſa man's name) Minbaus. tuum nihil alimo. ' • I do not May (month) Muu, 2, m. Marlins, prices aniducand. much matter it, non magnoperè la. May games, forelia, um ; a. Matraſal (in Monigomery biri) Medio. bors. . The reſt made no matter To go a-maying, maio ' minfo po- larum. of it, calori neglexeruni. tiari, or apricari; vire recriari. The , orum; M. pounds, quoſ mais. of the matrice, hyllerirus, , um. quadraginta mina. May-bloffom, spine.be goi A matrice (in which leteers are caſt] Without matter, immaterialis, le. A may ily, fatica ada. matrix, tous. Mattins, protes matuting. A may-pole, arbor' genialis, ibyrfus A matricide, matricida, a; c. A mattock, marti, 1. f. ligo, 3. m. feftivus. A matricular book, matriculum, a. A little matrock, farculum, capreo-May-weed, buphth.mus, 2. m. aru- forculum, 2. n. lus. la, I. f. To matriculate, conferibi, iro. A double-tongued mattock, bipali- Maydenburg (in Saxony) Magde. Matriculated, confiriptus, a, um, burgum, Parthenopolis, Matrimony, matrimonium, connubi. A mattreſs, ruleitra, &; f. Mayenne (In France) Medgana, um, 2. n. A little mattreſs, fulcitrua, as f. To may! kawks, accipitrum alas sul- To join in matrimony, connubio inom. A coarſe mattreſs, grabarum, 2. N. li corrigia vinciro. gore. Maturation (ripening) maturatio, 3.f. Mayne (a river in France) Meduara. Matrimonial, matrimonialis, le ;, adj. Macurative, maturationis effrax, Mayo county (in Ireland] comitatus A matron, matrona, &; f. Mature (ripe) saturu, a, um. Majeng.. Matronal, natranelis, la; To grow mature, matureſco, art. Mazara (in Sicily | Masara, Matron-like, adj. Maturely, maturi; ady. A maze, labyrinthun, 2. m. Mais, poiculamenta atirimi soffion- Maturity, maturitás, 3. f. A maze (aſtoniſhment] confimatie, tia. Matweed, Sparturs, 2. a. 3. f. nuper, 3. m. Matt for Matthew, Marthaus, 2. m. Maubeugh (in Hainault] Malhodium. To make a maze, A matt, malta, florea, ges. Maudlin (a woman's name) Magda- Make like a maze, cumduuri, A little matt. rog dicula, &; f. lana, a; f. A maazer (cup) paima, a; f. A matt of ruſhes, fcirpua, &; f. Maudlin-wort (herb} agoratum. Mizzards, coraja nigra. To watt (cover with matts) segeti. Mauge ſia France) Mugdunum, Mo. Mc, mi. Sumec. bus vel mattis croparin, dillanum.1 Methinks, mihi videtur. Matted (as a bed] Borrâ coopertus. Maugre, invito, ingratiis. A mcacock, pufillanimus, fæmina. Matted (as hair) constatus, complexus, Maugre his head, velit nolie. Iks; uxorju, uxori nimium deditu , ka. Maugre their teeth, velint rulint. obnoxjur. A matter, } sextor A mavis (bird] rurdus. kur Mead (thc drink) mulfum, 2. D. , Mauleon (in France) Malleo. A mead, pratis, 2. 1. Su Me- Mattar ( corruption ] pus, sabum. A maulking, poniculum furnarium. Mcadow, } dow. bilo off. num. } num. MEA MEA M E D A meag, falz aid bisa sfindin. } Mcak, another: mcaning in it, aliorum (To maaw, dizeram * This'le the meaning to meawin } las cat] miauli- Meagre, macer, of the precept, banc babet vim hot meawer, Şotrewhat meagre, micilărisus adj. pralpfum. miaulizador. Meawiera Meagrely macilmis, adv.. A bad meaning, malitia, a; f. A micawing, miaulizatio, ē. Meagleneſs, maiidsei; f. With a bad meaning, mulitiosè adv. Meawling, wig; f. Meal, surina, naj I meant, wlui, cagitavi. What Thc mcazcis, morbilli. See Meaſele Bean meal, farina fabairt. meant he to fay? quid illi in mon- Mecca [ia Arabia Marca Mariabs. sem venit ditem? We are to con- Mecha in Arabia] Moshura. of meal, } farinárius, a, um's baj . ſider what he meent, quid fen- Mechanick, malbanicus, agium; A Weal-man, Juffråncus, i, m. ferit cogitandum. And yet he Mechanical, adj. Amcal-Geve, cribrim farinarium. did what.de meant for all that, ta- A nochanick, faber, bri; m. Made of mcal, farinaceudy, um.. inen propaflum nihilo faciùs peregit. Me hanicalneſs, illiberalitas, atis; f. Amcarlowſelj. ajalo, Mechlin (in Brabani) Mechlinia fullt medal , } füririejas, t, . A meaſe of herrrings, al digium. The Indian mcchoacan sooc, rhumni Meily-mouthed, särblandus, a, um. A meaſc [houſe) domus, is üss fo Indici radix. : Meal-trec (plant) viburnum, The meally, rybiola, arum. Mecoacán (in New Spain] Meceaca- A meal-worti, ferinaria, et Meaſe!s" in a bog) grande, lepra A meil, refraio, 3. pājus, 4. mma.si porcorum. A medal, bgillum, fuble. medium, opira - You! The meátels, in trees, pärdla, la ;'f. Ancient medals, lik na archetynia, MEANS,} are afraid it ſhould get Maaſelled (as a hog) grandinoſus. Mode or mead (2drink:) mulfun, fi; n. abroad by our neigs, borerit ne A meath [in a net] mucula, To-MEDDLE, fatago, odm:feere je. par nos manisThat was ihe Mcaron. Duc, xmodochinar, psochorro • They o'cddlc notdormiunt. * only means whèicby they: meant phium. I neither meddle nor make, mihi ſiet praires, illa una, ke lau- A meelere, menfuri, ra; f. iftic ns: for:tur no matirur. dem capere fudiebant. Hy this A MEASURE (mean? padus, dii'm. To medtle with, tráo, tattra&to, 1. Hicans it came to pass, bis reaus in meaſure, intra, insdum. # In cw, I: cortingo, 3. * I pray you Brittannon fome mcaſure, aliqua ex parte. .* meddle io nore with the bulneſs, A means thelpër) adjuló, oris ; m. You muſt not (pend.boyond mea ut de negotiis depſas adhortar. : A means (mediátor] mediasor.; m. ſure, me tra modum. furaplu pro Do I mcddle with the Rimirs ? To be a meáns, cauracte. deas. They are angry out of ntum ego interpen: Romanis? By whit means, adv. ds; quomodò, meaſure, illis ira.fupra modus of. Have I mcddled with any thing of quibus modis. To meaſure, metior, demotior. yours? tetigin rui quidquam ? * By that means, ca via. To meaſure all over,-permaior. Meddle with your old ſhoes, tua By taffe means, dolo malo. To meaſure dlligentiy, remotior. quod nibil refert ne curas. * I nel By come means, anoramique modo * To mcalure {moderately) maderer, ther mcddle nor made with him, My father will hear of.it by some dirigo. nihil quin 10 rationis habur, I beans, permånabil. hoc aliqua dd To take meaſure of, modificor. will neither meddle nor make with Patreon. Beyond meaſure, immedicus, adj. you, yes tuas.sibi habeto, conditiona By my means, orienta mea, per ine, By meaſure, definitis præfinita ;-adv. tuê non utara te adjuvante, beneficio vico. To a certain meaſusc, aliquatenus. A meddler. arddio, muſea, fait:ofur. By no means, nequaquam, nullo mo. Meaſurable, moderatus, a, um, Medelin (in Portugal] Metallinum, do, minta gentium. Meaſurably, modicè, temperatè; adv. Mstallina Caftria. Byi ore means or other, operá dana Meafured, menfuratus, metatus, smo-Medelpad (part of Swedeland) Me- gut mala, Tus, a, an; adj. delpadia. By all means, guøquo P4A0, quacun- Meaſured (moderated) moderatus. Medemblick (in Holland] Medem- (qüe tal'dre, quàm maxime. A Deafurer, menfarator, dimenfor. blicum Mean, adj. mediocris. Pe; modicas, a. A meaſurer of land, mnator, 3.gro- Mediaftine, mediaflinus. um; tenuis. *No mean otator, metra, ira; m. To mediate, interado, ere. non mediorris orator. • A man of A meaſuring, menfuratio, dimenjo. Mediateneſs, mediatas, atis; fo: can condition, imi fubfellii vir, To meat or mete (mcafuro) meticr,iri. A mediation, mediatio, onis; f. uscinus hinno. A mcat-wand, virga, a j'f. A mediator, mediator. interceffor, Flemican, inedixritas, atis; f. Meat, cibus; m. caro, 3.6sa, e;f. A mediator between man and man, The mean lin mufick] pars wedia, Roatt-meat, caro afla. arbiter, Saqueller, s; m. Boiled meat, caro elixa. A mediatrix, medictrix, icis; f. Mean whilc, adv. intires, A meat.pie, arloreas.. A medicament, medicamentum, phir- Mean' time, Merim A diſh of meat, ferculum, li; . macum, i'; n. Un the mean whiley : inter War: 'Meat and drink, vi&us, mugim. Medicinable, medicinabilis, la; adj. TÖMEAN, volo, inle Niga. What It is meat and drink to me, iſibuc Medicinal, modicus, a, um ; adj. mcans he by, h27? quid Bhi vult? vihi cibus Medicine,i medicina, na ; f. **What should this' mean? Inipir Dainiy meats, dapes, um; lautitia, 1-6. To medicine, medeor, medicor.: quid bas ? You know whom Minced meats, protrimenta. Medicined, medicatus, a, um ;: adj. 1 mcan, foi gisini dicain. *'What- Broken meats, analetta, fragmenta, of medicines, medicamentarius. ever you 'nienn to do, utut es fa: n. pl. Medick:{fodder) trifoliam rochlea- furu. * What do you :mcan to White meau, ladicinia. 140. antwér fo? quid fibi in mentine viño dreſs mcat, coquo. *I'll dreſs a The mediety, m.diatas, atis: f. tra repondere ? '. He means to fine diſh of meat for thy father, Medina Cæli (in Spain). Me:htina- go by break of day, prima luce ego parabo cupedioon pairi. tuo. purai ir'e. Since man could To provide meat, op onor, ari. Medina Sidonia (in Andalufio.) Abito - ozean, por homines natas, poſ bomi-Toll down to meat, epulis accum. dum, Asrdenia. numri më moririin. bere, ducumbere. Mediocrity, mediorritas, atis ; f. A meander, inceandras. I give thee the meath of the buying, Mediſance, obloquium, i; n. Means (ivealih) jubjania, I. oçesi sibi opinionem & plenariam potella. To meditatc, meditor, I. volvo,. 3: in; farwltires, un ; T. tem pretii fou empirinis facio. A bandance of mcans, öpuloria, 0 Meath (a kind of drink) defrutum, A meditating, meditatio, cor:templa- pum officieri'ja. hyaromel Meditation, S210, õnis f. Having good means, coulentus. Meath (county in Ireland] Media, A little meditation, meditatiuncula, The meaner people, pebesula, lą. Midis. læ; f. Thic mcaneft infimus, a, um ; ad). Of Meath, Midenfis, Lo; adj. Of meditation, meditatorius, a, um, Merry: adv. mediocriter, tenuiser. My mcau.ht, uxoris mea frater, Full of meditction, meditutundus. A MEANING, Sentul... Jonimia, r. Meaulx (in Champagne) Malda, ya- The Mediterrancan Sca, Maré Me significatio, In ſaying know tinum, diterransum. yourſelf, his meaning is, cum Meaux abby (in Yorkſhire) Monaße. A nedlar, mefpilum. nofcete di:it, boc dicik.... * I had um de Melju. Medlar-tree, meſpilus. Tenor. } act. t 1 M E E M E L Μ Ε Ν TO MEDLE with, trakto, I. con mcot me, fcripfi ad amit minios Melody, mélodia, harmonid, a; f. contingo, 'ere, act. currrd. You meet me as well.as Without melody; immedulatus ; ad) Not.lo medle with, abdingo, 2. valdes can be, oprime te mihi effers. If Melodious, canorus, harmonicus; adj. I. parto, 3. Medle pot with that We chance to meet with a ſtorm, Melodiouly, canoro; ads. & vmo procella inceleris.. *I ſhall A melon (pompion) molo, popo, onis. you have nothing to do wish, tua quod nibil rafort porcentari definas. meet with you one time or other, To melt (18) liquofacio, cre. Do not medle wlukime, ne me a referam illi gratiam, iniultum já To melt I heut.] liquefro, 3. ligusto. tingas. *Med'e you not with thom, nunquam auferet . That one thall To me!t (as (now I regelo, ari. the te admifce. See Meddlo. feldom meet withal, id profcato To.melt away; tabifio, ire ; ncut.. Medle with frodasus, contactus, Tarifimum 8. If I mcet you in To begin to melt, colliqueſco. Medlefe, rixa, jurgiur. this Atrcct, A in picuâ has se effm- To melt metal, aliquo, funda A medler, araclio, 3 percontacor, 3.fi deri. Molted, liquatui, liquefa&us. Medling, fretrofus, a, um , adj. To meet by chance.. im aliquem in- Which may be melted, liquabilis,le. Medleſome,) . He is a medle Curtore. A melter, liquefa&tor, fufor, oris ; m. fone fellow., mufra f.. To go to meet one, alicui obujam of a melter, fuforius, a, um ; adj. Á medling with, tradatio, onis ; t. providere, A melting, liquefcaia, onis ; f. * Tiş is medling with edge tools, Tollect [come together) deut. con A melting of metal, fufio, conflatie, ignem glodio ne fodilo. umio, congredior. *Muſt I do no onis ; f. A medling in all matters, penurgia. thing but meet them ? an conveni- A melting-boule, urina, a; f. A mcdling (mixing) commixtio ; f. am modò ? Melon (in France) Molodunkins, Medlingen in Bavaria) Medullam. Meeter of metre (rhymc] rhymus, A melvel (filh] afellus. A medley, Farrago, inis., f. mi; m. A meniber, membrum, 2 artus, îs. A medley colour, color mixtus. Bad mccters rythmes vitiofus. The privy members, pudenda, ve To make a medley, contamino, turbo. To make mectér, varjas pangera. rund 2, arun ; 0. Mednicky in Poland) Mednicia. To make bad mceter, urfficor. Big member'd, lacertojus, a, umjadj. Medo. part of Aquitain] Midule. Made into mceter, numeris illigalus | By.combers, mumbratim ; aov, or confriaus. A membrane, membrana, tunica. A medow, pratum, pafcuum.13 2. Meeterly, modela, decore, concinnie, Full of membranes, membranaceus. À l'ide medow prasulum, li ; n, Meeting; obvius congreffu. membranofus, a, um , adj. A meeting, congrefio, 3. f. comitium, 2. Membred (in heraldsy) membratus, of a widow, } partenfis , se . n. frequentio, f. oicwfus, ús i, m.. a, um ; adj. Medow-parſnap, fphondylium. A metting by change, obitus, 25;m Memel (in Prulia) Menselium. Medow-ſweet cherbl'umoris. A meeting together, congreffus. Memers in France) Momerfum. Medrianacks, carbajum. The meeting of two itreans, son. | Mimmingen (in Germany] Memmin. Medway-river, [in Kons] Medwragus, fiuxus, ús ; m. :Drujom. 15mis, nugulia Drug. Meduacus... Meetly well, mediocriter, convonim- Memoursadverfaria, commentarius. MEE (ecc. of 1] m. What is it fer jadv. Memorable, inemorabilis, le , adj. Lo me quid mea refert ?*World The megrim, vertigo, inis; f. Memorably, munerabiliter ; adv. you have me do lo ? indo eftis au- Troubled with the megrimj. Wrligi- A memorandum, commentarius, nota bores mihi? Let me peduade. nofus, a, um ; adj. in comminiarios relata, nota momor. you, Ane to exorem. Meignow' [a Germon. illand] Augia, Memorative, memoratiuus, a, km. Wuh mc, misium. Anemorlal, monumentum, tij.n. Meed (rewariil premium, 2. No A aicine, familia, &;f. memoriale,.lis ; n. Meelels, contumax, acis , indomitus, To mcinc mingle) ::nifcro, ere. Memories, exequia folemas. immenfurtus, a, um, adj, Meinungen [in Franconia) Meininga. The memory, memoria, ; f. Meek, adj. manfuetus, candidus, pla-Meiſen a county and city of Gero A bad memory, memoriola & ; f. catus a, um ; mitis, leais, o. mony) Mifornia, Luofurdura. of bleſſed memory, apud pofteros fa- To grow meck, miteſca, ore ; acut. Mela (an iſland by Scotland) Malaos.. cer, cujus memoria bonorala si To make mcck, lenio, mulceo, placo. Melancholz, melancholia ; fetra bigrata. Mcekly, adv. manjust, placide, bu lis. To have in memory, meminiſ.. militar. cardor, Ari; dep. I. lenitas, atis ; f. To be melancholy, atra-bila laborare. To briog to another's memory, com. The mcen or mien [contenance) • H: 19 as melancholy as a cat, monefacio, ère ; act. oris fpecies, oris habitus, finapi piditat... Out of memory, oblivioni traditus. Meenenc, [in Flanders) Menina. In a melancholy mood, trijlis. 10 blat out of memory, oblivijior, Meer, merus, &, um; adj, Mcer subject to m:lancholy, retribus, inge. oblivions, tradere, dreams, bet nihilo mihi videntur fe nii parum lati. To flip out of memory, excido, 3. cius. quam fomania. Troubled with a wiody melancholy, of the memory, memorabilis, le; adj. A meer knave, purus putus, nebulo. bypo: hondriacus, a, um ; adj. Of a good memory, memoria firme. A mcer (lake) palus, udis; f. Melancholineſs, bilin. lisifo MENI plural of man]homines. * Men A meer (licit] mda, 1. terminus, 2. Melaflo (in Sijily) Myle. are looked upon according to their A meer-ſtonc, lapis terminalis. Melck (in Germany) Modelicum, Clau eſtarcs, habes, babberis.' Men Mcerly, merè, tantùns. adv. divium. ule to worship the rifing fun, plu- A meet, Meldorp (in Ditmarsh) Meldorpium in res dorunt folem orimtes quàm os- Mete, Meld-lec, præmium indicationis. cidenten. Meet now maaò, jam menc. Meldew, melligo, inis ; f. A menace, comminatio, 3. mine, I, MEET,adj conveniens, tis, commodus, Melder ( lake of Swedeland) Mele. To menace (threaten] comminor, opportanus, a, um ; ad. It ſeems. A menacer, comminator. nicct to be conſider'd, confideran. Melilot [herb) melilotus, feriala cam. Menac:ng, minax, acis; adj. 3. art. dum.videtar. • He thought it pana. A menacing, comminasio, onis ; f. mcct that, omfuit us---, White bellot, :melfrågum. To niend (or correct, act.] emundo, Not:meet, alienus, a, um ; adj. To meliorate, meliore riddere. 644:89, I. çorrigo, 3. * He fpoils : lc is meet, convenit, excedit; imperf. To mell (muingle) miſcro, ini.' what he intcndcth to mend, de- As it is was moct, ùt par. crat,ita A me!licet (fiſh ijolpa. pravot qua corrigere vult. 4. Не ut aquum fuit, * It'is not mcet for Mellifluous, mallinews. me: ded the faults of the tran. princcs, nequr dororum principibus. Melloum, vinum melle commixtum. f.sib.rs, liur.riorum mmda sollebar, Do as it meet - for you to do, Mellow, maturus, mitis. "To mnend (or grow better, neut.): tuis dignum saais feceris . We To mellow (grow mellow} mitojco, meliorefco, 3. * It mends as four have pampered ourſelves more pre ; neut., ale in fuma:c:, ab equis ad afinos; ihan was meet, ultra nobis quim Not mellow, immaturus,a,um ; adj. Prov 'oportebat intulimus. Very mellow, permitis, 16; aaj. To mend or repair, reparo, 1. reficio, TO MEET, obvia, aburnia ; neut. ob. Mellowneſs, maturitos, siis ; f. refaci, 3. forcio, esfurcieg.4. reftauro, viam tre.' * I sent him word 10 A meloco:oon, malum cotoneum. recosi: inno, s. To unor. Mickneſs , manjustudo, 3. clementia, of melancholy; } melancholicus, s, To call to memory, reminiſcor,z.ne. f } menjura, & ; f. TAS. *** MER M ER M E T To mend one's life ar manner, Merclfally, mifericorditer ; adv. A merry priok, facinus lapidur. make another perſon better, ali- Mercifulneli, clementia, indulgentia, Merrily, adv. lata, facetè,' jasose. quins ad bonam fruger redigere. @if. You muſt talk with me more To mend one's own ife or manners. Mercileſs, immifericors, dis; inclemos, mertily, porridiwi fronte macum lo- or grow better, ad beam frugem fe fis, inhumanus, a, um í 30). quaris oportet, recipere , in mlius mutari ; vitam Mercory (7 planci] Meresiriw, i zm. Merrinels, bilaritas, atls; hilaritudo raius inflitačre, mores in melius Mercary (herb) mercurialis. iniz; alacritas, alis; latitia, cei f. ulars. Chyliog morcury, phillen. Mersburg (in Miſnia) Merſeburgum, To mpend one's condition or circum- Dog mercury, morambe. Martiopolis. Hånces in the world, fortunam amma en el mom crevcety,} bonus bowrisus. Mespurg ['in Germing ] Morspur- Merle [ a river in Walas] Morda. plificare Common mercury reus emendare' ; divitias augere. French mercory, mercurialis Gal. funt. To mend one's market, vilius or vi- lira. Mervail of Peru (herb) mirabile Pe. liori pretio engre. Mercury's finger (herb} hermidday. kvianum. Tn menu da healia, convalefca, ere. lus. Meſchines [the fam!ly] D. Micmis. Mendable, corrig lbilis, omdabilis. Mercurial, A. meſe, quingola bálicos. Mended, emendatus, a, um. Of mercury Mefe (part of Narbonne ] Mefua. Mended as old things, interpolatus. Börn under Mercury l; adj. The meſentery, melontoriumi, meja- A mender, soprattor. A mercurialiſt, morojus, mult: lsquus, rouin, iin. A gender of old things, veteramen. a, um ; adi. Thic math of a net, macula, la; f. tarius, 2. interpolator, oris ; in. To cercurialize, Lavrne or Suade Melin, furtago, inis ; f. Mendicant mondjeans, medicus. Ittart. A nicinc, dominus vilior, medianu. Mendicity, mendicitas, sgelai. Mercury women (news (ellers] libel-Meſaagery, prudent familice admini. A mending, emendario, onis ; f. lorum nuncioruna publicorum ver- frario. Meydip bills (in Somerjetoire] M- ditrices foliduria. A mels, midis. nirii, A mere or bog, jdugnum inexhaufum, A mers of ineat, ferculum, li ; n. A mencver [cap] redimiru!um, din. lacus, palus. A mefi:of potage, juris carillus, Mcnial, familiaris, domefticus ; adj. Meretricious (wboriſh] vteretricius,d, A meſſage, puncium, i; n. A monke: [i, s, mancher) mandi. um ; ad). A little neflage, nunciolum, li ; n. bula bolana. Merhern (part of Germany] Mora- A tele a inefrage, annuntio, are. A menuw (fifh) pifciculus varius Ron. via. To go in mcfrage, internuncio, pero doletii Merick a man's namel Mericus. forta mand.com Menterol, vmujius, concinnus, deco-Merida (in Portugal] Enerita. A incffage bringing, nunciatio ; f. Meridian (fôuth) meridimalis, la, A meffagery, diligens mundesi perla. Menftruaus } menfiruus, a, uw; ads. Meridional, auftralis, be; adj . The meridian, meridianus, ni; m. tio. A meffel, leopardus. M:8-ſworn, pirjurus, a, nm ; adj. Meridionally, ad aurua. A meſſenger, nuncius, 1 ; m. Nuntal, medalis, quoad menten. Mer!dith [a man's name) Meridu- A little meſſenger, nunciolus, i ;m. Mlenreith (part of Scotland] Monti- A meſſenger: (ambaſſador] legatus, 1bia. Merionetſhire (la Wales) Mervinia, ti jm. Mention, mentis, mis ; f. Marionthia. A meffi:nger (Dourſuivant) fator, 3. To , mumoroz , Merit, meritum, fi ; ni The Meffias, meſas,i.ChriAus, si; m. Mike mention, To merit, commerur, primerer, Mellin (part of Lorrain) Tradus Ms. Not to mention, tranſfo, præterco. Merited, connerilus, a, um. tenfi Mentioacd, memoratus, a, um ; part. Meritorious, meritorius, a, um, Meffina (in Sicily) Milanu. Worthy to be mentioned, memorabi- Meriot (a play) frillum, oscillatio, A mesſuage, fundus adu. lis, lej adj. 3. art. A merkin, pubas muliebris, Metal, ilin guanery) termenii cau- A mentioning, mentio, commemoratio, A merlin (hawk] @falon. da. on's ; f. A mermaid firm, enis; f. Under-mctalid quando os tormenti in. Mentz (in Germany) Moguntia, Ma- A mermaid's head (61h) echinus, pa. feriut gi cauda. gumit-17. cogur Metal, metallum. Su Mettle. A meny (family] familia. Q; f. The mermaid's trumpet (fiſh] neri. To caſt mctal, metallum confları. Meppen (in Westphalia) Meppa. A digger of metals, wallarius. Merced, ulaturus, &, un ; part. Mernes (part of Stolland] Mernia, Mecalcol} metallicus, a, um. Mercetary, entenarius, a, um ; adj. Mornia, A me!ccr, cocio, propola. MERRY, lalus, a, um ; bilaris, ve; To motamorphoſc, transformi, !. A London mercer, metaxarills. ad). That was a merry life in A metamorphoſis, metamorphofis, A count y mercer, Specialis, panto. deed, illud vivere erat. • A merry A metamorphofing, } transformatio. polu. beginning, ſad ending, coinicum A metaphor, muaphora, e;t. Mcrccry, mercatura. prmcipium, finis tragicus. . Who fol Mctaphorical, mariapboricus, a, um. Mercery-ware, Spaies exotira. merry 18 he that has nothing to Metaphorically ; adv. metaphoricè. Mercement, mullis, a; f. loſe, cantabit vacuus ceram latrone Metaphiſical, metaphifcus, a, um. Merchandiſe, mercatura, cif. viasor, The 'Betapbificks, mustaphißca, B- Belonging to merchandiſc, negotialis. Somewbat merry, hilarulus; adj. PE ; n. To pradile merchandiſe, mercor,com. Very merry, perlatus, a, um, adj. To metc (mcalurc) walior, 4. MUM. mercor, aris, To make merry, hilaro, 1. lætifico, i. furo, ari, Merchandiſe (ware} merx, 3. f. hilaritate consporgere A mcte.wind, virga, pertica. A merchant, morculor, negaiu cor, in- To be merry, [neut. ) later, 1. Melegavel, cibariorum viétigal. Minor, oris į m. To make merry, gedin, 4. A meteor, metrorum. A poor merchant, cirrumforaneus; ne. To grow mcrry, hilarefco, ere. A diſcouric of meteors, mettoralo- givendutus; purarius, i, m. To ict on a merry pin, in laritiam gia. Merchantabie, mersalis, ke; ad). effundi. Mereglin, muljum, malicratum. Merchahtly, 2 mercatorius, a, um ; Made merry, bilaratus, a, um. A method, methodus, di ; f. Merchant like, } adj. Merry banks, forum cerevifiaruin fri-Methodical, methodicus, a, um, adj. A merchant-nan, gidura Methodically, adv. mobodite. } nauis oneraria. A merchant's Ship Merry grig, Merche 1 part of Scotland) Mir. Merry companion, $ eonviva, s. gres congerro, õnis ; Methodlit, Galmija, Galoni affe- } chix. culus, a. Methridate, antidotus mithridatics. • Merchenlacg, lex Merciorum. Merry conceits, facetie, arum ; If. A actonimy, metonimia, eifi Mercy, miſoricexiis, thementia, &; f. Mcrry talk, joci, A metopc (in architecturc] meto- To have mercy on, mileroor, wife. Thc merry-thought (or a fowl] fur. pa, inisrvallur inier geminos srigly- nofco. cula. phos. Merciful, mifericors, dis; clomans, tis; A merry countenaace, frono ferma or Metopofcophy, 6x inſpeaa fronte ars propitius, a, um z adj. portal, divinandi. A metr 1 . MIL milk.pail, A maler metle, animus with light and main , remifque ve. Mun,"; } mali, med ending out . . - M ID MIN A metropolis, metropolis. , Milk, adj. niung. Of milk, A metropolitain, metropolitanaus. The metropolitanſhip, protosathedrie. Middleſex, Middlefixia, a ; f. A milk.houſe, lactarium, 2. n. of the metropolitan, pratocashodralis. Middlesex'men, Trinobamos, um ; pl. a milk-maid, laetaria, a fi Met (of meet] obviam fa&us. Well Middling, grandiufculus, a, um ; adt. A milk-man, latarius, 2. m. mel, aplarà aduenis. Being we A middling horſe, mantıks. Milk-marle (minerall galagitas. are met, quoniam conwenimui, HC A midge, culex. Milk-mcats, ladicinia. is not to be met withal, ille autem Mldaing, nox intempefta or concubia. muldrumul } bonus nunquan apparat, nulquam : The midriff, diapbragma, septum milking-pail, s malo. I met, kurri. • met with many tranfuerfung. Milk-trefoil cytiſus. remarkable poflages, multa mibi Mldlimmer, Solftitium aflivum. M:Ik-vctch, aflragalus. memuatu digno ecurrerunt. Metro a river in the dakedom of tida nativitas. cbus. Uroine] Maaurus. The midft, medium, pari media, Milk-white, laatow, a, um ; adj. Mettle or metal, metallum. A midwife, obfetrix. Milk-wort, polygala. A metile.pan, faber crarius. To play the midwife, obßuricor. of meer ade;} merellicus, s, H. MIGHT, potentia, 1. polupar 3. vii, Fultof milk; } badrui, de um. 3. f. Do it with all your might, The milky way, galaxia. Metiled, ſemiabrius. Ju mun á vi contonds; quód agas viri. The milking of a cow, mulaie. Mettierome J animoſus, Her urge A mill , mola, molmdinum. * No Metz (in Lorrain] Mae, Motis, Di lifque. They fought with might molom, vitat farinam vodurum. and main, fummis viribus dimicaba- A little mil, mola manualis or try. Meulan (in France) Mulanum. tur ; pro aris fuis pugnatum ). Hand-mill, 13 Jatilis. Meurs (in Germany) Mowda. Want of might, imposmiia, invalon- A fulling-miu, wla fullonia. The Meurtc [river in Lorrain] sia, & ; f. A horſe-aill, inola juu mtaria, Murie. I might (of may) pofon. If It A fron-mill, wola for cudendo ar- The Meuſe ( 2 river in the Low might be, hi pola. As great commodata. Countries] Mofa. honour as might be,quantus maxi-An oll-mill, trapetums. А де, mus poterat honos. As a man might A water-mül, wula equuilis, bydro . Sea-mcw gavialoru. cally perceive, i facilè cornass. myla. To mew (as a cat] miaulizi. Mightily, polentar, valida ; adv. A Water-millw-hcel, tympamm, To mew (u a ftag] cornima tularly Mightinels, pollentia, poraſlas, vit. Very mightily, pretvalidè, aby. A wind mille mola alata, prouralica, umiofa. Tomew up, caveâ includma. Mighty, porno, valms, validus ; ad), Milland [in Aquitain] Millialdum. Mewed (as a hawk) reponatus, . Very mighty, prevalidus, potentißi. A mill-dam, cabellum. veftitus, Tus, a, um , ad). A mill clack, repitaculum, A mewed bawk of the firſt coat, bi. Mighty [very) valdà, whementer, Mill-duft, pollen. magnopere idr. Mill-holas, loca uliginofa fellum Meus (the family] De malfa. To be mighty, palla, vala, čre. circumjasintia. Mexica (in America] Mexicana. To grow mighty, valosso, čre. A mill-hopper, infundibulum. Mexico (in Now Spain) Morricum. A migration, migrasie, 3. f. A mill-horſe, squas mularius, Meyenfield (in Rbatia) Lupinum, Milain (In Italy) Mediolanus. -, Of Milain, Mediolanenfis, so ; adj. A mui-leat," Julcow aquarius capella Mezerion (a ſhrub] marxistant. Milazzo (in Sicily) Myla. contiguus. Meziers (in France) Brennacum, Milch, ladaria. Mil-mountain (herb] canalinun ar Meziers (in Campania] Madariarum, A milch-cow, forda. Limum sylvette. Macerta. Mild, mitis, manfuetus, lenis, placidus. A mill-ftonc, lapis molaris, Miſe (of mouſe) muru, ium ; m. pl. To grow mild, mitjo, čre; neut. The upper mill-ftone, carinus. Mchael (a man's namc] Mubad. To make alld, place, are ; act. The nether mill-ftone, meta. Michaelis mouat (in Cornwal} mans Very mild, premitis, n; ad). Mil, Micbarlis. Mildernix, cannabun nauticum. Michaelmas, Mobavlis fefum. Mildew, molligo, rubigo, fyderatis, 3.6. To mill, To miche or mich, tergiuerfor, oma- Mildewed, rubiginofus, fyderatur. Thicken in the mil, } contigo. nuo, delitro, lasebras querer, Mildly, clementer, inandurid, placide. Mill:d, confipatus.. To begin to miche, deliteſc, ors. Mildneſs, clemmtia, 1. manſutudo, a millener, minutarius. Michelacy (in Somerjopiva] Micbel-. Lanitas, 3. f. A miller, molitor, melandarius, nia. Mildred [a woman's nine)Mildreda. A miller's wife, molitrix, Of Michelney, Michelnonfis, Micbla- A pilc, milliarı, mille pafus. Lapis. A miller's thumb [fih) capito, coba. nienfis. A German milc, rata. lus ouvialis A baſe micher, tergiuerfaler, avarus, A mil-mark, lapis, dit; m. The miller (dly] molmdinaria. fordidus. Of a milc, milliarius, a, um ; adj. A millery, autous valan's marcam. Miching, male-verecundus, a, um. Milccent [a woman' namc] Mils. millet fherb) miliun. A miching tergiverfatio, 3. f. centia, Mickle (much) mulus, a, um, adj. Miles [2 man's name) Mile, 3. m. Turkey-millet,} milium Turcicum, * Maay a little makes a mickle, Milfoil (herb) millefolium, 2. n. Indian millet, forgun. 0x grano fit aceruus. Kaights milfoil millofolium paruum A million, milijo, consum myriades. The microcoſm (little word] micro- or flore lutto. Milly (in France) Milliacum. Cofmus, 2. m. Water milfoil, millefolium aquaticum. The mllt, lim, enis. A microſcope, microſcopium, Horned water milfoll, millefolium ror. Milt-wort, afpimium. Mid-day, meridins, ai ; M. ruptum aquaticum. The mjlt of fiſhes, lears lattoum in. A midding, perquilinium. Milfort haven (la Walo) Pontus A. teftinum. Middle, medius, a, war; ad). Jaunicus. A milter, Piſcis mas. The middle, medium, pars media. A milion (pompion) melo, 3. m. A milwyn, sfellus. In the middle of the valley,me. Militant, militans, tis ; adl, 3. art. Mimical, mimicus, a, um ; adj. dia in volle. Military, militaris, bellicofus , adj. Mimically, mimics ; ady. Middle-aged, ſemifenex. The millua, militia, i. copie, arum. A mimick, mimøs, pantomimus, The middle-finger, digitui fanofur. Milk, las, ais; n. A mimographer, mimorum fcriptor. Middle England, Marcia. To milk, mulgeo, ēre. Mimpelgard (in Burgundy]Magetra. Middle Englishmen, Morcii. To milk in immulgeo, 2. bia, Egdandudoua. Middleburg (iu Flanders] Middlebur. Bulter-milk, lac expreſo butyro. To mince, concido, iro, act. Sour muk, las acidum, To mince it, uronium incedere. Middčlburg (in Zeland] Merelli ra-Curded milk, lac coagularum. Minced meat, minusal, intrilus. Arun Almond-milk, las armygdalinum. A mincing, concifio, 3. f. Mincing Maia campus 1 of a mi, } mekaries, bolondarius, , 1 Libicina ,a ; 2. n. MIN- 'M IN MIR Miacing It lentes palus trabms. j To call to mind, reminiſcor, recordor. Minim colour, fulvus color. The MIND. animis, zi m. mmsitis dep, memoria repetere." ' I call it A minion, deliciæ, 1. pl. corculum, 2- f. It runs in my mind mihi to miod, commemini. A young minion, animula, la æf. Ante oculos obuerfatur. It will not to come to onc's mind, SCOUTI, 3. Minionly, ficus, clegans, eoncina go out of my mind, infidet in me. in mmium venire, minion-like, s nus, compikliu. moria. "What was in your mind ? To caft in one's mind, cogits, 1. f., Minionly (adv.}Sonè, o'ganter lautà, quid cognabas; So you may but cum reputure. To minift, minuo, diminu, ērs. have your mind, dum officias idTo put in mind, monso, 2. # The Miniſhed, diminutus, aby wm ; part. quod cupis. * They are to your very place puts nie in mind, locus A minither, minuto, 3. mn. mind, ſunt ita ut nu vis. *Is every ipfi me admonet, A miniſhing. imminuie, 3. f. thing to your mind ? latifomnia Put in mind, monilus, a, um. Amin ftes, paftor, predicator,3. de obce 6x ſententiu? * Our affairs arc to A putting in mind, monitio, 3. f. ricus, 2. m. our mind, negotia noftra fe se habeni To put a thing out of mind, raich A minlitor (fervant) minißer, tri; m, at volumus. An evil inind an rem deponeri. A little miniſter, minifellus, 2. n. cvil incaning, mala prens, malus Out of mind, oblivioni traditus. * To miniſter, minifiro, I suggero, 3. animus, * My mind is upon my Time out of mind, tot bominum Miniftration, miniftratio, 3. K ncat, animus l in patinis . Our memoriam. Miniftrod, fuppeditatus, a, um. minds riſe and Fall with our for- To let one's mind upon, Audro, 2. A miniſtrer, minijiraror, prædicaror. tunes, omnibus nobis ut res dant fefe To be troubled in mlad, animo dis. A miniſtring, fuppeditatio, 3. f. ita magni atque humi'as fumus. cruciari, angi. The miniſtry, ministerivers, sacerdo- A (opinion) , & Liuot, 2. n. opinio, 3. 7. I am not of your of the mlad,} mentalis, les A minks, delicatula, I. f. mind, haud fatuin fontio. Hc Of one mind, unanimus, a, um. Mioning dayo, din annivurfarij qui. thougbt it honeft to be of that of one's own mind, ultro, fua fponte. bus ofieium pro defunéto porage of mind, boneftum fibi illa fotire ro- Mindbruch, ambicio, bonoris affeâatio. folitum. didit. * Ais mind is changed, do Minded, curarus, obfervatus, nolaus. A minnow, vormis traa piſcis oſas fententia dedytus ii. In my mind • Maiter is minded, not words, Minnows (fith]giruli, orein ; m. pl. be is much wiſtaken, orrat longè nas sprantur, non vorba. The minor of a fyllogifm, propofitio mro judicio. • Let me know your Minded (inclined) animalus, sfidus. minor, alumpur. mind, mi cortiorem fac. I would * He is otherwise minded, aliser A minorite (fryar1 frater ex ordine could bring bim to that mind, minorum Janti Franciſci. you Opto ut id illi perfuadeas. He 20- Stedfastly minded, obfirmatus. Minority, minorenn um, minoritas. quaints them with his rind, often. High-minded, status, tumidus ; adj. a child in minority, iphobus, 2. n. ait.quid fieri veln. I have told Il-minded, invidus, exulceratus. Mlaovery, mashinammtum ad feras you my mind, dixi, Fully minded. Corlus. • I am fully in faltu intarsipiendas damnesom. MIND (defire, will] defiderium, stu minded, certum of Ogibi Minsko f in Lithuania) Minskum. dium, vtum, 2. n. cupiditas, cu- Minden (in Germany) Minda. A minster, monaflerium, 2. A. pido, 3. £. *He hath donc accord- Mindful, memor, medioris;ad). 3. art. (A mainſtrel, tibiten, fidican, inis ; m. ing to my mind, wetum meum 105 To be very mindful of, recordor. plovit. Since I find it is your Mindfulneſs, cura, ali f. A company of minſtrel S, thoragium, mind, quando id te vida ville The mine or moan (countenance) To mind flook after) wo, obfervo. vultus, 4 m, facia, 5. f, Of minſtre!s, citharodieus, a, um • This is all he minds, buie uni Minc, meus, a, um ; pron. adj. Minstrelsy, mufica, il, fudet. We mut mind that too. A mine, fodina, jf. Mint (herb).montba, a ; f. id etiam agendum g. Mind what A minc of gold, duri fedins, Cat-mint, napeta. you are about, bec agite. Mind A mine of silver, argmlarium, ar- Coloured midt, mentha rubra, Mind your health, indulge, vale- A mine (used in a fiege) cuniculus, Water- mint, }.Filmbriga. tudini. * Mind your books or das in bodilea arcom Subierranea Horſe-mint, leffans, Audiis incumbite, mealboorums. tofta. Wild-mint, To mind confider or take notice of) To (pring a mine, igniarium coniese Spear-mint, confidero, Spea, 1. animaduerto, per luminimdan. Garden-miot, wenthe Romans. pmdo, asiende, confudo, 3. vidro, 2. To mine, fodis, 4. cunicuijs fubrusro, Mackerel mint, Mind, astende, * We must mind cunicuius agere. : A mint, ficina mmatarls or ruſo- how far our speech'is pleaſing, a miner, cunicularius, to for moule ria. animaduertenduin of quatenus ferino. Mine-man, 3. rorum, perfelor. A mintſ treaſure-houſe ]monetarium, delectat. I have minded all theſe A mineral, fofola, mineral. things metilata barfunt mihi omnia. A minerallift, feffilium perilusagnarss. To mint at a thing, aliquid Abt de- To mind or put onc in mind of any Miners, metallii, trum. Ninars, aliquo fruendi" vehementer thing, aliquem alicujus rei or de ne Full of mincs, cuniculofus, a, um; defiderio tenord aliqua moners,admonereyemamansert, Minever (a ſort of fur] pollis maris The maſter of a mint, cuforum prą. commonefaceri. Pontici. fqus. Not to mind, negligo, 3. "He mind- {To ming at onc, de aliquo mentionem Minute, minulus, a, um ; adj. ed not any [cholar-like ftudies, fauro, aliejus nomm ufurpare, A minuto, minutum, momentum. liberalia judia neglexit. . The minging of a dlſtcmper, morbi Minutely, higillatim's adv. To have a mind, cupio, 3. volo, visit: prolufo. A minx, Su minks. ville; imp. Iuber *If you have To mingle, mifer, commifiro, ere. A mirabilary, papyrus polephatia. a mind to its di sibi cordi el faure. To mingle diverſely, variaro. A miracle, miraculum, 2. n. • Now hi has a great mind to a To mingle (temper) dilwo, 3. tom- Miraculous; miraculofus, a, um ; ady wift, nuns fbi uxorem expelid. * I Miraculouly, miraculosa; adv. never had any great mind to this. To mingle confuſedly, contamino, 1. Miranda [in Portugal] Concia. match, go foraper fugi has nuptias. confundo, čre; act. Miranda do Douro [in Portugal]Mi- * He had a grea! mind, insolit eum A mingle mangle, chaos. randa Durii. cupido. # And yet I bave a good Mingled, mißus, mixius, commiſus, Mirc,, ccomum, lutum, 2. n. mind to hear, avro tamar: audire, 4, um ; part, A quag mire, gurges limoſur, had a mind to walk out abroad hl. Mingled (confuſed) confuſus, promif: Mliande (in Aquitain) Miranda. ther, prodrembulare buc libitum ef.: cuus, conlapinatus, a, um, part. Mirandola (in Italy) Mirandula.' To have no mind, mple, nopvis, nella, Mingled amongit, intermixtus, inter Mirebeau (in Poidow) Mirabellum. I have no miad be Qould ſee porilus, a, um ; part. Mirecourt tin Lorrain ) Miracur. mc, nalo mo vidrai. A minglers mixlor, 3.-M. tium. To have more, mjod, malog. Bavis A mingling, mix50, 3. mixtura, I. t. The mire-drumble, ardea alba, coch, malle ; defect. A mingemaker,-ftriosuro opiſar, ! Learia. To bear in mind, in memoria #84 Miniature, miniato opere pictura, } Mirepoix [ la Languedos ). Misa- Keep in mind. tincts. A minlmc, sinimus, 2. m. piſia. · Mi, 3 months 2, n. poro, I. act. H 1 5 M I Š MIS MIS 1 (STR. 1 Tert. A miſo, To miſconceive, socus capora, senere A miſogyniſt, milagmus, 2. m. Failor mire, } certains de series, as falfam idaang malè interpresari, To mupad, male collocare. , ballucinari, Daub'd with mise, status, a, um. A miſconceiving, hallucinatio 3. F. A mifpending, profufio, 3. f. a , : Mirecourt (in Lörrain) Mira Cwla. To milconſtruc, perparam exiporura, Miſpent, prafufus a, um. A mirobalan-tree, myrobalanas, 2.f. ferus interpretari, in deterioram pár. To miſplace, male locare. Mirrh, myrrhu, ; f. Temi tapere. Miſplaced, male locuias. Of mirrh, Myrbrus, a, em : adj. Milconſtrued, depravatus, a, um. Milprifon, negligentia, dif. A mirrour-Aone, plenitas, lapis spe- Miſcontented. iniquus, anxius. Milprign of trcalon, prodilionis de cularis. To miſcounſel, malè fuadere, fermde negle&tus. A mirroar (pattern] exemplar, 3.1. To miſcount, talè fubducere rationen. Miſproportioned, malà porportionatusi A mirrour, fpeculum, 2. n. Miſcounted, mali computatus, To mifreckon, rariones falſo subdu- Mirth, latitia, i. hilaritas, jucum Miſcrcancy, difeaio à fide. A miſcreant, infidelis, 3. apoftata, r. A miſreckoning, falfa rationem fade Full of mirth, joveis; facitus ; ads. to play the micreant fidei nuncium dutio. Of mirthi ladicer, ludicris,2,am ; renittore. Miſs, dominellà, dominia junior. For mirth, adj. Miſcreed, dereffus, a, um ; ad). TO MISS [leave out of paſs over) A birtle, fyrrius, 2. f. A miſdeed, daliatum, peccatum, 2. n. omillo, intarinitro, *rælermitto Mlfacceptlon, comprehenfio rui finißra facinus, oris ; n. # Do not miſs the firſt opportunity or abſurda, A miſdemeanoar, culpa, &; f. of ſetting fail, primam navigatio- Miſadventure (a term in law) in To mido, delinquo, 3. pacco, 1. wem, dummodò idonea temorfus Alg forfeaio honinis incognita, v. & pro- A mildoer, delinquent, peccator; 3. ne omiferis. * I miſo no oppor- jeffu lapidis, etci bimicidium fortui- A miſdoing, deli&tum, 2. n. tunity of extolling you, sullum tum. To miſdoubt, fufpicor, ari. locum pratarmilto laudandi ini, A miſadventure, infortunium, 2. A. Miſdoubted, ſuspectus, a, um. He miffes not a day but he Mifadvice, conflium peruerfum. Mile (a tax) tributun, 2. n. comes, nunquam unuin intermittit To m'fadvife, perpera# conſulert. Miſc (charges) fumptus, 4. m. ex Girm (dies fere nullus oj] quin 28- Mifagaſt, animi fallus. ponja, impenfi, cif. niat. A miſanthropiſt, Ting. A greedy miſer, avárus,. doparius, a, To miſs or want any thing, defidero, To miſapply, perperam adaptare. um ; ad. rarco. It misbecomes, dedeut, imperf. Mlſerable, mifer, ærumnofus, calami. To oriſs the mark, à fcopo aberrare ; Mlsbecoming, indecorus, incongruizi, toſus, a, um ; ad): extra fcopum juculuri. a, um ; adj. Miſerableneſs, calamitas, 3. f. To miſs of onc's alm, or be diſap A misbecoming action, fa&tum parum Miſerableneſs; (nearnels . j avaritia, pointed in one's expectation, vato dacorum or Heiens. parfimonia, &; f. excidere; de lpi decidery. I riis'd A misbecoming, incongruitas, 3. f. Miſerably, calamiac; adv. of my hopes, mi ſpas buc fruja Misbclicving, incredulus, a, km; adj. Miſery, miſeria, crumna, 1. f. calu. trata iji. * Here you miſs'd, in To misbehave on's ſelf, malè lo 84 mitas, infoliciras, 3. f. hoc tu erraßi. To infi& miferics ærumnas infligere. To miſs in one's duty, or do amils, Misbehaviour, sorum or factorum Miſerere mei (a diſeaſe) ileus, 2. m. pelco, erro, 1. luber, lapſuts, 3. af jó pravitas, chordarsus, 2. m, formen, 3. 11. Juo deef, de vel ab officio difudere. Misbehaviour (clowniſhneſs) morum To milefteem, vili penderi. inurbanites, To misfaſhion, deformo, are. } Misbellef, incredulitas, 3. f. Misfaſhioned, deformis, me; ad). A mils ſin footing) grefus infidus. To miſcall, contumeliosè appellare, ig- Misfortune, infórtuniuin, 2, h info A miſial (maſs-book) ’nife:le. nominioſo nomine dehoneftare. licitas, 3. f. * Misfortunes ſeldom To mif-ſhape, desormi, are. To mi carry of a buſineſs, mala fue come alone, fortuna nulli obelle Mil-Shapen, defórinis, me ; adj. cedere, I miſcarry through my contenta al femal. Milfhzpenly, deformiter & adv. own fault, mro vitto perce. They Great misfortune, clades, 3. f. A mir-Thaping, deformatio, 3. f. miſcarried as they went back, in To miſgive, malè ominari. MI-ſhapenneſs, abrioritas, 3. f. redeundo offenderunt. To miſgovern, malè adminiftrare. A miſſionary, emiffarius, 2. m. To miſcarry (as a woman) abortio. Misgoverned, malè adıniniftratus. A miffion, milio, 3. f. You will hear your niece has A misgovernment, mala adminißratio. Mineloe, , , , } vicus. abortum feciffe. indigula moles. A miſlc-bird, surdus, oilrivorus. A miſcarriage, abortwa A miſhap, fucceffus malus. Mift, deßderatus. * It will not MlIcarried, malè gotus. To miſnappen, malè cadero, Milied, be mined in his eftate, Miſcellany, wifellansus, a,um; adj. To withcar, sbaudio, malè accipere. non fentict patrimonium illius. Miſcellanics. miſcellania, orum; n. To milinterpret, perpurdin exponere. A miſlivo, litera, epifola, æ ; f. Miſcellinc, farrago, 3. f. Mifinterpreted, perperam expofitus. A miſt, nebula, 1, fuligo, 3. f. A mchanco, infortunium, 2. 11. 14 - Miskenning, formonis mutatio. To cast a miſt bcfure, prejringo. Jus infelix. A miskin, Jercorariumi, R. a. To'caſt a mift orer, nebulan indu: A miſchief, exitium, malair, male- Miskonaing, mutasio formiris, firium, 2, n. pernicien, 5. f. That To m'lead, ſeduco, čre; act. A blaſting miſt, deratid, 3. f. miſchief is behind, id raſiat mihi Miſcd, ſodvaus, a, um ; part. Miny nebulofus, caliginojus, a, um. 23:11, A miſleader, ſeductor, 3. m. To miltake ! neut.) arro, ballurinor, A miſchief (villany) fagitium, 2. Q. A mileading, Jeduaio, 3. f. I.. *If I do not miſt:kc 7'yicif, nefus, indec. To oifle, irriro, fillo, art. niji me fillit animus. What ihe miſchief? quid malum ? It mincth tonuem pluvian rorat. A miſtake, orror.. m. * In this • What a miſchich is this ; quid To milike [diſallow.] averfor, I.fa lies all the miſtakc, omnino in bas hoc infelicitatis ? didie, 4. omnis eft orror. A miſchief take thee, malt portas. To minike [offend) offendo, 3. dis. To miſtake one for nnother, ncbria To miſchief, moreo, ; ncut. lam pro fu710ne amplect'. One delighting in miſchief, mala Amiliking, avetfatio, 3. f. To miſtake in hearing, obaudia, 4. ballia. It migikes, difplicet, imperf. MISTAKEN, deceprus, fallus, lupfoss, Miſchievons, motius, fcilatus; a, umi A mistiker, inimicus, 2. m. a, um ; pari, if I bc not mit: unquam; adj. indeci Midiking, faflidiens, tis ; part. taken, fatis corrio, # He is ir.uch A miſchievous dced, facinks, 3. fla- A milling, difplicentia, ce ; f. Distaken, . vehementer errati longe gilium, 2. N. To milname, agnomino, famoso momi errat. * I believe he is mistaken, A miſchievous charm, faſcinum. me debonefare. Sufpicer hunc hallucinari, You Miſchievouſly, noxiè, por veriè; adv. A miſnomer, [law term] mala nomi. are miſtaken in this, hoc molaj- Miſchievouhy minded, malè fober. natie. dieas. The words arc miſtaken, Miſchievouſneſs, maleficium, 2. N. Miſnia [part of Germany] Mifnia, malè intelle&ta funt verba. pornicin, 5. f. Libonotria. A miſaking, 12!lucinatio, 3. f. To Miſling, $ defiderium, 2. n. plisro, örn. MOC MOI MON } Toomakeri pupuck our time biberou Mailiemedis,} spatefectus , a, um ; 3. f. To miſteach, derporàm ingruere, pra you mock me, eja, delicias facis., To moiſton, 2 bunne&to, 1. madefia. vâ doétrinâ imburre, . Do not you mock me now ? Make moitt, cio, čre; act. A miſtery, mifterium, 2. n. num tu !udis nunc me ? To be made moiſt, malefio; neut, A mutery (trade) artificium, 2. n. To mil-term, inhonefis verbis le- dere. ſhall not make a mock of us for A moiſteker, buidelitor, 3. m. Miftical, myfticus, fetreius, lypicus, a, Dought, non inu!tus in nos illuforis. A moistening, humofaania, 3. f. um ;, adj. Mocks, difteria, 2 scommala, 3.n. Moillneſs, burnor, 3m, humidi. Miftically, typi'è ; adv. Mocked (deceived) delufus, iluſus, Moiſture, tas, f. liquor, 3.. m. To miftime a thing, temporibus malè nyum; part. Without moiſturc, cxuccus, ?, 27. dividere. Mocked [ícoffed] irrius, deriſus. The moity (half] dimidium, sredia I riftook (of mistake) erravi. Mook-privet, philyrei. pars. A miſtreſs, domina, hira. Mock-willow, Speiras, The mokes of a, nct, macula. Miſtretta (in Sicily] Anafra, Ams. A mocker (deceiver I planus, 2. m. Moky weather, tempeftas calignofa. . Pra, Mufiftratum. A mocker, [coffer) irrifor, funnio, Mold, terra. See Moul :. Amiáruſt, diffidmtia, a; f fufpicia, fuchsonn:ifor, 3. m. Moldavia [ part of Dacia ) Molda- Mold onis; f. A little inocker, puer naulus. viu. To miftruft, difido, dubito, fufpicor. Mockery, doridiculum. Moldings (in loigncry] opus lignari- Miſtrutted, fufpe&us, a, um ; adj. A mockery. irriſus, Ûs; m. um politiùs planulâ fubricutuin. Miftruftfol, fufpicax, acis ; adj. Full of sockery, dicax, acis , adj. Mole river [in Surrey) Molis. Miftraftfully, diffidenter"; ady. Mocking, irriſorius, a, um , adj. A nole, talpa, cif. Miftruſting, difidus, a, um , adj. A mocking (deceiving] ludificatio, A mole-catcher, talparum capistor. A miſtruſting, difidentia, c; f. A mole-hóll, grusnus, grumulus. M!ſuſage, abufio, 3. f. A mocking (icoffing) derifio, fub- A mole in the body, nituus, To milure, abutor, zris ; cum abl. fannario, 3. t. A little mole, navulus, 2. m. Miſuſed, malè tractatus. A Docking ſtock, ludibrium, 2. n. A mole, (fiſhi) molu, phy- } A mifuộng, abufio, 3. f. abufus, 4.0. Full of mocking, ridibundus ; adj. Mole-but, cis. A milwoman, meretrix, 3. f. Mockingly, ridicule. A mole (fence against the ſea] mo- A mite (inſca] acarus, i s'm. midas, Somewhat mockingly, ſubridicule. les. f. A modder, puera, pupu, a; f. To moleſt, molelo, vixo, infeßo, cru- A mite (weevil] (urculio, 3. m. A mode. modus, 2 m. cio, are ; act. A mite (in weight) minutum, 2. n. A model, friographia, a; f. To moleft much, pernicio, dijcrucio, Michology, mithologia, ; f. To model, formo, ar į act. . are; act. : Mithridate, antidotus Mithridaticus. Modena [in Lombardyſ Mstina, Molefted, infeflatus, lacefiius. To mitigate, mitigo, I. Imio, 4. pla- Moderate, moderatus, temperatus. A molefter, vexator, 3. m. co, fedo, art. Moderate, (not exceeding) modicus, Molcftful, vexabundus, a, um ; adj. Mitigated, nitigatus a, um; part. A, um ; ad). A moleftigia moleſtatio, 3. f. Mitigating, delenificus, a, va; adj. To moderate, modero, tempero, I. A mitigating, } mitigatio, Moderated, moderatus ; part. Molina (in New Caffile) Molina. Mitigation, Moderately, modicè, icmparatè. Molingar (in Ireland) Mlingaria. A mitre [in joinery) duoruns alleram Moder’tely (mildly) leniter ; adv. Mollns (in Franco] Gergobis, Moli. coadunario ſemiqusdra. A moderation, moderatio, 3. f. A mire, mitra, infula, a sf. Moderation (in expence'ſ parfimonia, Indian molie (a trec] molle arbor, Mitred, mitratus, infulatus, a, um. 1. frugalitas, 3. f. A wollification, smollitio, 3. f. Mittains, chirotbac&' dimidia. Moderaten:ſs, temperantia, a; f. To mollify, mollio, emillio, 4. adt. Mittens, IKE. A moder3tor, temperator, 3. m. Mollifiabic, emolliendus, a, um; adj. To handle one without mittens, d4- Modern medernus, recens, adh. Mollified, emollisus, a, um ; part. riter afperè trattari. Modeſt, modeſlus, verecundus , adj. A niollifier, pacator, 31 m. Mittaw (in Courland | Mittavia A modeſt woman, pudica, Penelope. A mollifying, pacatio, emollitio, 3. f. Toinix, miſuro, ère ; act. Very modeft, permode'us, a, um. Mollook, sercus. To mix (neur.) miſrest, 2. Tlicy Modefty, modefia, verecundia, a; f. Molloſſes, furcbari spurna. joined and mixed one with ano. : Modcitly, modelle, publicè, verecundè, Moinhein (in Matia] Molimum. ther, conjun&i inter fe & implicatii adv. To molt (as a bird) plunarun de- funt. A modicum, modicum, 2. A. Auvio laborare. To mix mirth with gravity, comi. To modify, modifico, are ; act. Molten, fufus a, um ; part. tatem gravitate aſpergere. A modification, modificatio, 3. f. A moten image, fimulacrum fufile. To mix filthy jeſts in a hiſtory, A modilion (in architecture) modio. Molter, emoluminium, ve&tigal ob mo- bifloria rurpes inferere jocos. lus, mitylus, lituram. To'mix ſomething with gold to em- A modulation, modulasio, 3. Sympboo The Molucca's ( Ahan iſlands in the baſe it, indere aliquid in aurum nia, a; f. Indian ſca] Molurca. quo pejus far. A modvall (bird) picus, 2. m. A moment, morotum, 2.n. Tô mix with braſs, fubuero, ari. Moc (for more) plures, magis, po. Of no moment, nullius ponderis. Mxed, mijlus, a, um , part. Momentany, momentaneus, a, um ; Mixed with water, dilutus, a, um, Moen [a Daniſh iſland) Mona. Momentary, adj, A mixen [dung-bill] Perquilinium, Mocfel ( a river in Lorrain) Mo- Montpellier ( in Languedoc] Mons 2. D. folla. Pilulus, Agathopolis. A mixer, temperator, 3. m. Mogſhade, arborun umbra. Monaco (in Bavaria) Monachium. A mixture, temperatura, a; f. Mohair, pannus ex pilis cameliniscos-Moriaco (on the Ligulick ſhore) Mo- A mix.maze, labyrinthus, 2. m. facius. nærhus. The mizzen.maft, puppis malus. Mohilow (in Lithuania] Mobilovia. Monaghan [in Uler) Monaghanum, The mizzen-fail, spidromus, A moiety, medietas. A monarch, monarcha, e; f. Mizzling rain, pluvia tenuis. A moil, juirentum, 2.-. A monarchy, monarchia, e ; f. To mizzle, Willo, are. To moil, impigrčlaborarı. A monastery, monujeriun, z. n. A mizzy, vorago, guerges lutofus. To moil in the dirt, is cæno volu- A little monaſtery, monujorislum. Moin, luctus, Sre Mobc. fare. A chief monaſtery, archiercon. A moat, (in the ſun) asomus, 2 f. Moiled, pollutus, inquipatus, luto con- Monaitical, mon ficus, a, um, ad). A moarh, tineu, aif fperfusa el. um. Monaftically, minaficè ; adv. Moath.calen, erojus à tinca. Moiles (high-ſoal'd ſhoes) cothurni. Monbelliard (in Burgund, ) Mons Mobility, mobilitas, 3. f Moisſac (in Fransa) Mciſaruin, Belligardus, Mazolrobia. Mobby, potui ex radicibus bacchaja. Moift, humidus, madidus, uvidos. Moncontour, (in Franu] Mincontu- A mock, Janna, cavilla, a; f. Moist (juicy) lucculentas, a, um, adj. rium. A little mock, cavillala, a; f. A littie moiſt, humidulus, a, ums. Moncornet (in Franco) Mons Cornei. To MOCK, eludo, deludo, 3. ludis. To be mojít, modeo, humeo, ere. Mondeva i a river in Portugal ) cor, fubfanno, r. ridso, 2. * Eigh, 'To grow dioift, burnije, čri. Mundo. num. Mondays 1 cum. lax. cere. Μ Ο Ν Μ Ο Ν M OP Monday, d'es lunæ. Monkith, monafiicus, a, um ; Monthabor (a mountain in German).] } Mündidier [in Picardy] Mins def. Monk-like, adj. Thabor. derii. A monk's hood, cucullus, i, m. Monthermer [the family) de Monts Mone, liaus, plariaus, úr ; ', Mook's hood (herb} napellus ve- Hermerio. Mone, neut. lugeo, 2. floro, 1 -Montignac (in Aquitain] Montinia- } To make mons queror, 3. A monkey, cercopithuus, fimia cau. To mone together, condoles, are. data. M ntigny le Roy [ in Campania. ] Moned, deplerstall, ,. um ; part. Manluften [In France) Minlufonium. Montiniarum Regium Not moned, indeploratus, a, um Mommey (in Luxembourg] Mons Me- Montjoy [the family) de Monte Jo- Moneful, lugubris, bre; adj. 3. art. dius. vis. A moning deploratio, 3 f. Monmirail ( in France, Monmira. Montllmar (in Francs) Mons Lima- MONEY, inonera, porunin, a ; f lium. rii. nu nu), 2. m. He is fone- Munmorency [ in France) Monmo. Montoire ( do France ) Montorium. what covetous to get moley, sli senciacum. Montpellier (in Franci] Mons Pegue quantulum ad rein eft a vidsor, Munmorillon (in Poixou] Mins Mo- lus. * What will nur money do ? vide. rillonis. Morst-perſon, } [the famlly) de te quafo quid poraji pecunia. * Mo Monmouth (la Wales] Monmuthia, Mont-peflon, Monte Paffonis. ncy inak:s the marc to yo, pecho Monumeiha. Montrichard' [ In Tours ] Mons Ri. nia obesiune omniu, Money wll Monmouth, adj. 2 Monumeihenfis, fo; chardu, make friends, res amisos inueniet. Of monmouth, adj. Montrols [ in Scotland ] Colurca, * 'Tis money makes the mau, Monomachy duellus, i; n. Mons Rojarum. h.abes ? babebáris : tansi, quantum Monomotapa ( in Africa ] Monipo. A monument, monumentum, meta- habts, fis. tap.z. phium, i;n. To coin money, argentum cudare. A monopoly, monopolium. i ; n. A monument - keeper, anemophy- To hire for moncy mercede condw. Monopoly (in Naples] Monopolis, 3. fcin. Monza (in the dukedom of Milain] To lay out moncy, expondo, erogo To monopolize, monopolium exer- Modoëtia.. To lend money upon uſe, peruniain Mood (humour] ßomachus, meres. occupare. A monopolizer, The mood of a verb, modus, i; Monopolift, To pay money, numero, are. } mamarela, æ ; Moody, moroſus. a, um , adj. Brais inoney, moneta improba. A monofyllable, monoſyllabum, i; n. The moon, luna, a; f. * 'Tell me Current nioncy, Monreale fin Sicily) Mons Regalis. the moon made of green cheele, monet s proba. God money, Mons (in Hantu!t] Montos, quid fi nune cee'um ruar ? Clipp'd money, pecunia exlija. Monſieur !" domine oi! The new moon, nova luna, Money due by bond, pecunia chiro Monton (in Aragon) Montio, The half-goon, luna falcata. gripharia. A monſter, monflrum, portentum, 2, The moon at first quarter, luna core Money bo-rowed, as alienum. neut. niculata, Mo:cy coincd, argentum fignatum. Breeding monſters, mon rifer, ; adj. The moon at laſt quarter,luna gibbofa, Money to drink, donasivum poturium. Montreuil (in Picardy) Monaſterio. The full moon, pleniluniun, i; n. denum apulare. lum, Munirolium, Like the moon lunatus, a, um. Earneft moocy arrhabo. Monſtrous, monftrojus, portentoſues, a, Of the moon, lunaris, ro; adj. . Preſs moncy, autoramentum, 2. n. um ; adj. A moun (month) menfis, bis ; m, Preſent money,? secun!. numereta, Monſtrouſly, monirose ; adv. A moun-calf, partus lunarii, Ready money, s argentum præfen. Mɔntacute [in Somerjab.ro] Mons Moon-herb, achedosa. ใ Moon-Shine, lunaris lampas. tarium. utus, To pay ready money, -Græcâ fide Moatacute [ the Family) de Monte A moon-ſtone, Jelenites. ageri, represent.tre Acuto. Moon-wort, lunaria, Q; f. Money, adj. summarius, a, um; } Montaigu (in France) Mons Aului. A moor, £hiops, opis ; m. Æthio- Of moncy: adj. Moncalto (in Italy) Mons Alius. pila, a; f. A money bag, 'ocu!us, Mor:anges [in Portugal] Calia- A taway-moor, Murus, i ; m. A mony box, capſella fierilis. bram. A woman Moor, Æthiopiffa, &; f. A money. board, trapexz. Montargis (in France) Montargium. Moor, tota perilis. Full of money, perueniosus, a, um ; Montaubon (in Languedoc) Mons Al. A moar (marih) palus, udis; f.. adj. banus. Of the moo , } paluſris, ne ; Fulneſs of money, mmmoftas, atis ; Mont-cagle (the family] De Mente Mooriſh, adj. fcm. Aquila. Full of moors, paludofus, a, um. Want of money, diffultas numma- Monte Pulciano (in Tuſcany] M:A moor-hen, fulica. ria. Politianus, The great moor-cock, phaſanus. Money laid out, impenſa, a; f. A montero, pilous campeſtris or ye - To moor 2 tip, naven anchoris à Money-wortl berb]numou'rla,e;f. prorâ & puppi retinere, navia an. A moncyed inan, dives pofuiis.in fo Muntfercat ſa country la Italy] Mon churis in fundo idoneo faluere. more numinis. Ferrarus. To moor a proviſo, ancora raja Moneyers, monetarii. Montfichet (the family] 'de Monis naculo pravem idondo fali fundo pa- Moneyleſs, emunaus, a, um ; ad). Fixo Surra, firmare. Montferrat (part of Italy) Mens Fer- Mont.Gerhard (in Flanders] Gerardi Mooriſh, Mauritanicus, a, um ; ralus. Mons. Moor-likc, ad). Mong corn, feges miſcellanea, grana Mont de Marſan (in Aquitain ) Moms To root (a caſe] caufamos agere un- miſcella, Marijani, braticam. Mongellino (in Sicily]Megella. Montgomery (in Wales) Mons Go- Mooted up the roots ( in heraldry] Monger, Mercator, 3. . mericus. radicibus rouljus. A monger [ſmall fiſhing veſſel] na Montgomery [ the family) de Monte A mootes, declamator, orie vicula piſcasoria. Gomerico. A mooting, declamatio, onis, Mongibello (a mountain in Sicily] Montgomeryſhire, comitatus Monigo A moot-hall, aula declamatoria, Æina. mericnfis. Of mooting, declamatorius, a, umn; A mongrell, hybris, hybrida, hygener. A month, menfis, 3. m. To moniſh, monco, 2. admonito, 2. n. A twelve month, menfes biſoni. l'oblow a bootſ at the fall of a deer) Moniſhed, monitus, a, um, six mon hs, Spasium femeire. canere er vinum tortur or carvinua A monifer, minitor, Of a month, } mendimuus , a, um ; polluétum, Amoople, capiſtrum, in. Monitioning, } menina, fi moni- Monthly; Monthly (adv.) par menfem. To moozie, capifro, fauces obfirmart. A monitory, monitorium, z. n. Of two months, bimairis, tre; adj. A moop, Icopa ex pannis aut facro - A monk, monachus, i ; m. Womens months, monjes, juin'; m.ro mope, obfupiſto, 3. murum & Monkery, monachatus, w: ; m. Months.mind, dies poft alicujus obi- ignarum inuidore, Of a monk, monachalis, le ; adj. sum trigefimus. A little mopſey, purliula. a; f. G 2 Moral, m. prior us. } , } M OR MOR MOS Tare. Moral, muralis, lo; chicas, a, um. mùm illum vifurus. It is more , A morſel, buccra, d. f. bolus, li ; m. Moral philoſophy, Ethica, &; f. than you know, clam se . IA little moriel, frufulum, li ; n. The moral, (of a fable] a fabula. could cafily have ſcared him from In little morſels, frupulasim, minu- Moral fenfe, 3 tio; f. spimybium, n. cver writing more, dderruiſim fa. tim, offasim ; ady. Morality, morala documentum, mora cilè ne alias fcriberet, • More A fio morſel, pulpamentum, ti ; A. lis inftituido. than once or twice, iterum & c. A mort, magna copią. To moralize, payibslogix, art. pius. * I dcfired nothing more, Mortaigne (in France) Muuritanix, Moralized, mythslogizatus, a, um. nibil mibi potius fuit. What is Mortal [deadly] capitalis, lo ; in- A moralizer, mythologus, gi; m. there more to be done ?. guid m. fefus, a uro; letbalis, le jad). A moralizing, mythologia, e ; f. Bal? Mortal (ſubject to death) mortalis Morally, moraliter, ex bonorum 20- More and more, magis a: magis, Mortal war, bellum internetinum. rum legibus, norma, plus plusqu.. Mortality (deſtruction) cladas, cala- Morano (in Calabria] Muranum. A little more, plafculum. milas, labas. Moravia (part of Germany] Mora. More or leſs, plus minus. Mortality (frailty) mortalitas, atis; f. pia. More than enough, fatis fupergur, Mortally, lethaliter ; adv. They Morbegno [lo the Valtelino) Merbe Supervacannus, hate me mortally, me acerbi & nium. To be more than cnough, ſuper Peritùs odio habent; me cang pejus Morbifical, morbificus, a, um, adj. cle. & angue odrruni, Morbihan (in France] Morbianum. To make morc, ampliare, 'exaggo Mortals (ruen] homines mortales sor The morchuel (fiſh] molog minor. mortales, ium ; pl. m, Mordacity, mordaciras, atrimonia. More long than broad, oblongus. A mortar, mortarium, bolmus, MORE[ad). Imujerggen.majorit ; plus Morcovor, praterà į adv. A little mortar, morfariolum. gen. pluris. I take nuorc care No more, nibil ampliùs. A morcar wherein baricy is beat, mshi major fi sura. • A company Morca [ part of Grossı) Peloponne . prijinarium, 2. n. more to ſee than they were,turba ius. A mortar-piece, bumbaria geus à majorums quam pro numcro fpacion More! (herb) morella, I. folunum, 2. mortario di&tum. gerenr. He his no more wit Morel cherries, eva lupinu, uva vul. Diviara (in Milan) Mortaria, than a ſtono, non habet plus fenion pis. Morter, gypſum, calx uda. tia quàm lapis. * The more he Mores, colles. To make morter, calcem macerare, drinks, the more he way, Parihi Moresby (in Cumberland) Morbium. terram fubigero, quo plus bihunt sè plus fitiunt. Moresk: work, opus polmaun. A making of morter, (aleis sacara- He asked more than 'was fit, ulte- Moret (in Francı] Morstam, Litho. tio, rius juſto rogabat.' There were phaum. A maker of morter, commarius. Nain that day more than fifteon A morgige, oppignoratio, 3. f, Of morter, luleus, a, um ; adj. thouſand, ſupra quindecin millia . To morgage, Pignori eppinari, Mąde of morter, sementirius, , um. die caf. The field is worth a Morgaged, pignoratus, a, 4173 ; part, Mortered or dawbed with morter, great ecal morc now, multa pluris A morgagee, pignoratór. gypfatus, a, um. puno agere.. More than forty A morgager, pignori ponens. A mortgage, oppignoratio ; f. Su years old, annos nuius magis. qusMorgan la man's name) Morganus. Morgage draginta. • More than an hundred Morgingab, donum matuiinum. Mortiferous, mortiſer, lethalis ; adj. ciuzens of Rome, amplius ieplum A morglay, lezbi er enfis. Mortification, mortifi:ario, onis ; f. çives Romani. * This is more than Morigerous, morigerus, a, um; adj. To umortific or mortify, mortifico, 1. I looked for, prælar Sparps euenit. A morion, calis, m. galea, eis. eni'o, I. • It is nccdiers to write more, A moriſco, tripudium Muritani- Mortified, mortificatus, 4. um ; part. nihil eft opus. plura (or reliqua )fori- A mortificr, mortificator, 3. m. bere. A morking, animal infur'unio aut A mortifying, morlifiratio, 3. f. More (adv.) is the sgn of the com. Morkin, } afegerho ernortuum. A mortifying by abftinenec, Bi. parative degree, or elſe is made Morlain (in Breteigne) Morlaut, corporis subalio. by magis., plus, amplius, &c. Mons r'axys. A mortiſe, cavum, gomphus. Nothing in the world ſeems more Morling, Mortimerſ the family] De Mirtuo clean, nothing more demure, po-Moriling, $ lana melerâ evulſa. Miri. thing more neatenibil videtur mun. The morning, aurora, ræ; f. Mortlake (in Surrey] Mortuus La. dius, nec magis compofitum quic- Thę diopa ng time, Rana, quam, mga magis clegans. ."The Early in the mo:ning, diliruló, Mortoain, latifundit ecclefiæ collara more learned thob art; the more Betimes in the morning, multo. nec ad populum nec ad doininum re. humble be thou, quò (or qkonso). mane. meatura, doafor, co (or tanio fi fubmifior. The whole morning, dies folidus. A mprguary, mortuariam, i; n. • There is none more for your Morning, adj. matutinus, a, The Morvant (part of Burgundy]Mo- turn, magis «x ufu tuo nomi cf. Of the morning, rundia, The more you itir it, the more Morning prayer, preces mututina. Morvedrc [in Valentia] Saguntuin, It will niok, plus falani percora The morning ftar, lucifer, 2 phos. Moſaick, moſaicus, 2 KIN ; mola, • Do you ask what he might phorus, ri; m. Molaical, adj. have gotten more ? quæris quid Moroſę, mordlus, est verſus, a, um. Moraical-work, opus moſaicum ; 02- poluerit amplius ofiqul; Moroſeneſs, worofitas, aiis ; vimentum vermiculasuo, segment::- Particular Phraſes, * He fald there Morosity, fem, was one and no more,'unum dicebat Morpcih fin Norihamberland] Corpo- A moſcheto, culex, 3. C. el præterea nanninsus. * He mind pituin. Moſcovy, Moſcovia, & ; f. cd no one of thele things much A morphew, vitiligo, ginis ; f. The Moſcovites, Miſchi, orum ; m. more than the reſt, harus ille ni- Morrel herb) Jalanum, nį n. Moſcow (in Mifc-vy] Mifua, mol- mil egregiè prater cætera Judebar. A morrice-dance, ludus Pyrrhicus, chia. * More than was ifít, ultra quàm falasia shironimica. The More a river in the Low Coun. oporsibat. * Mott eloquently, so A morrice dancer, geſiculator. tries) Mofa. as nothing could be more, elegan. A morrice.pikc, hujia, s. contus, 2. Moſelle (a river in Lorrain) Mfulla, nil (or morrow, cras, crafino To , pra.) More than every one will morrow is a new day, quod non Moſes (a man's namel Mures, believe, fupra quàm cuique sredi. hodie , cras erit. On the mor- A Molquc, ecclefia Turcica. bile off. The more excellençly row, infequenle die. " Good mor- Mol's mufius. any man ſpeaks, the more he fears sowy, fuujian tini hame lutem opro, To be covered with moſs, mufcor, the difficulty of ſpeaking, ut quif precor tihi felicem diem. myfre tegi. que optimè dicit, ita maximè diimdi To-morrow. adj. dificultatem pertimefiis, craßinus, 4, To clear from moſs, emufco. He Of to morrow, } un, Moſiy, mufrolus, a, um ; ad). gave her not a word morc, nel The next day after to-morrow, po- A mots trooper, præde feptentrionalom illo mix Sermine dignatus ej), *Be rondie. Angliæ partem infeftare lalonus, jag ocvcr to ļce him more, ultio A morſe [bcaſt) plocasa Molly down of quinces, lankge; MOST (um. UMT } MOU $ Vore. any, boc ego utor uno omnium plu. To move with force, admolior, 4. Moved inwardly, infiintius, a, um. To MOURN, lugao, 2. gemo, 3. MOT мо у . In moſt To A moulder, formator, oris ; m. things ihe mean is bent, in parilt Make a motion, } mago, ire, To moulder, in puluerem refolui. que rebus mediocritas sit oprima. Motioned, rogatus, a, um ; part. Mouldy, mucidus, rancidus. Somewhat mouldy, ſubrancidus, Whce mart of the night was A motioner, rogator, oris ; m. To mould, fpeng, ubi plerumque noais procefit. A motioning, rogatio, onis ; f. mucco, 2. mucaſco, * Which moft young men do, A motive, caufa, 1. incitamenim,z.n. Grow mouldy, } 3. quod plerique omnes faciunt adoles. A motly-colour, color et albo & nigro The mouldigrubs, formina, um; n. contuli, Mouldineſs, muror, oris ; m. Moit (adv.) maximè, plurimun, pre- A motio. Symbolum, 2. embloma, otis. A moulding (trming) formatio; f. sipue for the figa pf the fuperla; To much cat up all ingurgito , 1. Multet, plumasexuere os amis- nobleman, maximè oinnium nobi. To move anger, exagito, ars ; a&t. Moulien, fufus, fußlis, ke; ad). lium. 'lure him the moſt ot To move apart, Somovio, oro ;' act. A mound, lepimeniuma ſopes. To mound, Jepio, sope munire. rimòn. So as lacy may molt To more often, agito, are ; a&. Monſicur, domine ini. ära, fity hang together, ita ut quàm To move (perſuade] ſuadro, A monſieur, Gal.us, li ; m. apliji na cabeçrrane. * He uſed 10 To move (propofc) propono, ēro. A mounlon, ventus palus India orien Say he had no mind that either To move (provokc] irriro, I. inſigo, dalis. the most learned or the most un- arı act. Mounfter (part of Ireland] Moramia, learned mould read his writings, To move one to pity, ad mifericor. A mount, diam inducers.; } dicere folebue el que fcriberet neque Mountain, mons, lis; m. fe ab indca Jimis neque à dofiifimis To move ſhake) concutio, črs. A little mount, lumului, li ; m. lagi vele. To move (ſolicit) follicito, are. To mount up, afcendo, 3. emico, r. Moit of all, maxiine, adv. To move itir up] Connsuso, zre. To found a mount, cl.fico ad ephippia Flerumque, p!u-To move and ſtir up to miſchief, Monteynerid, } for our Anore. rimum ; adv. mifera la concilari mala, To mours a cannon, tormentum li. For thi molt part, magnâ «x parte, To move to, admovro, ire; act. brare, dirigeni, obvertere in aliquem magnuin or inwximam partra. To move to anger, irrito, are. locum. At the mort, plurimùm ; ady. To move to laughter, riſum commo- To mount a horſe, equum inſondere, The inoſt ofien, sæpirimid , adv. afcendere. A mountain, mons, tis ; m. Most commonly, } plurimum ferè , to move violently, impello, čre. To be moved, mover, commover, 2. To make a mountain of a mole-hill, A moſtick (in painting] baculus pic. To be moved (angered] fuccenfeo, 2 facere a cloacâ arcem. turis cubituin inter pingendum fuffiel- excandefco, 3. irafcor, 3. Mountain, ad). To be moved (affe&cd) afficior. , } of a mountain, cians. montanus, a, um, A mote, atomus. See Moat, To bo moved induced / adducor, 3. A mountain faulcon, accipiter aydox. A motc (ditch) fel, a; f. To be moved with piry, mifereor, A little mountain, collis, lis ; m. To motc, folum duiere. To be moved (provoked) lauſor. Moted about, circumflatus, a, um. Moveabie, mobilis, lo ; adj. Mountain-man, s monticola, le; m. A moring about, circumfilure ; f. Moveables, i Jupilkx, •eftilis ; Mountains, adj. montonus, 4 A moth, linea, I. blasta, t€ ; f. Movcable goods, f. Full of mountains, Fuil of inoths, tingofus, a, um, adj. Moveable foafts, fari& conceptiva. A mountain (in building] arre&ari. Moh caten, à rinsa erojus. Movcableneſs, mobllitas, 3. Irvisas, 3. Moth-mullein (berbj blattaria. inconjantia, &;f. A mountebank, agyrta, a; m. A mother, mater ; f. parens ; C. * Moved, mosui, impulſus, a, um, Mounted, sublatus, a, um. Like mother like daughter,colubra Being moved with deſire of ap- Mounied upon, infrenfus, a, um. piliets now paris * Idience is the plauſe, rupidine laudis toitus.' '* Well mounted, quo generoſo infidens, Mother of all miſchief, multam You know it was moved that no forti & alacri equo ve@us. m lirism soruit sciotaso, body at all Mould bring the king Il-mounted, pigro caballo infidens. A mother.church, templuin primari - back, lots interitellista de ne quis Mountenance, quantitas, aris; f um, marix ecclefia, omnino regem reduceret. Mountiort (the family] De Monte A little mother, mistercula, le; f. Moved (angred) inconfus, a, um. Forsi. Ano:her-in-law, focrus, sri ; f. Moved (dilplealed) portafus, a, um. Mounting, lovis, ve; adj. 3. art. A ſtep-mother, nouerca, a; f. Moved forward, incitatus, a, uss. À mounting up, afuenfus, us ; m. A grand-mo her, ovia, a ; f. A great grandmother, proavia, &;f. Moved provoked] irritatus, a, um, ploro, 1. • She mourns, in mo A grand-apther's brother, abaván. Moved (raiſed) conflatus, a, ur. rore efft. culus. Moved | Inaken] concufus, a, um. To mourn a long time, prolugeo, 2.0, A god-mother. mater lufirica. Moved (coffed) exagitatus, a, urr. To mourn no moro, elugao, z. a. The mother (womb] inetrix, iejs. Moved (touched) iäus, saatus, a, ums. To mourn together, condoles, 2. n. The moiher (diſcale) hyſerica paffio. Not moved, imuiatus, a, um. To mourn for, lugno, 2. dejing, zin Mother of oil, murca, a; f. Eaſily moyed, agitabilis, le; adj. • He put on black, and mourned The mother of anchovies, trachurus. Not to be moved, inagitabilis, adj. for the death of his lamprey, wska Mother of wine, fax, faris ; f. A mover, mofor, oris ; m. Tanam mortuam atrajus luxit. Mother of grapes, uinarea, orum; n. A moves (perſuaderſ follicitamorgaul. Mournable, lugibilis, le ; ad). 3. art. Mother of pearl, bacar: concha, concba tar, oris ; m. Mourned for, deflatus, a, um, Perpes. A mover (provoker) infligator ; m. A mourner, plorator, mit; m. Mother, ad Moving, motivus, a, um , adj. A mourner in black, atratus, pulla- Of a mother, maternus, a, um. A moving, motus, ús ; m. The mother-city, metropolis, lis ; f. A moving reaſon, motivum. Mournful, lugubris, lamentabilis, la; The mother-toogue, lingua urina. A moving (perſuading] Sollicitasio, o adj. 3. art. cula, nis ; f. Mournfully, lugubriter. A mother-killer matricida, A moving (paffing) mearui, ús; m. A mourning, lūdus, üs ; m. Mother-killing, matricidium, i ; . A moving (provoking) infligario. The mourning of a dove, gimitus. A moving (Thaking) concuffio, 3. f. The mourning of the chinc, morbus Mother likes". } maternus, a, um. I mought (for might) poreram. equis mortiferus. To be motherly, matreſco, ere. Mould (carth) terra, &;. f. Mourning, friſlis, quoribundus. By the mother's side, maternus ; adj. A mould, forma, s, matrix, icis ; f. Mourning apparel, Deffis age or Motherbood, maternitas, aris ; f. The mould of the head, bregma. pulla. Mother wort, cardiaca, ec; f. Continued mould,} formo, are ; act. To pur on mourning, ular suları: I , pullatus ; ad). A mother (girl) puella, la ; f. A motion, motus, impulſus, thr; m. To mould bread, panem fubigere. To wear mourning, atrate atratus ince. A motion of the mind, affetti; f. Mouidcd, formatus, a, um ; part. ;imousning, A motion made, rogazio, onis ; f. Moulded (as bread) Subaltus. uroing hood, pomis, A scourning } um. . tus, #in. tibi cum. or overna. A Moure killer, } mwicida, de. que labra The Sinouth of a bottle, lura. M O W MUC M U L A mourning ſong, nania, thredia. Mowings (jeers] Janna, Mach unlike, abfimilis. je; adj. A moule, inus, Ruris į mi A Mown, de neffus, aj um ; part. mouſe that hath but one hole is Welly moyderd mente propernodum formas muchas, } imenovanem, quan- eaſily taken, mus non uni fidit an. motus. Much leſs, multo minis, nedum. It Ira, A moyle, jumentum, ti ; n. was not ſo much uſed, much leſs A little moules, } mufculus, li ; m. A moyle keeper, mulio, onis ; m. was it in any eſteem, ne in uſu To moyle (toil] laboribus fe dillen-l. quidem, nedtem in honore ulio erat. A dor-mouſe. glis, iris;m. Twice as much, duplo; adv. A field-moule, mus agrefiis, nire. To moyle (foul] inquine, 1. polluo,3. Thrice as much, triplo; sdyr dula. Moyled, inquinatui, s, um. Thus much, hacimus ; adv. A Alter-mouſe, A moyling, inquin:irio, onis ; f. To make much of, magni facio, in- A rea-moufc, A moyling [io:ling? 'laboration 3. f. dulgentor babere. A threw-moufe, mus araneus. Moyſt, bumidus. Ser Moiſt. Made much of, indulgenter habi- The alpine mouſe, muffela alpina. Micifiaw (in Lithuania] Moiſtavia. MUCH, adj. multus, plurimus,a, A making much of, indulgentia ; f. of a moule} murinus, a, um. . It is a matter of much: Having much to take to, divas, tis ; Mouſe-co:our, color murinus, pains, mulli ſudoris ejl. * Much opulentus, a, um, adj. Mouſe-car (herb] piloſella. good bye, proft, At faluti, bent ft So mu h for this time, atque hæc hat- Cudded nouſe-ear, piloſella filiquoſu. * i had much ado to tenics. Moule-dung, mufierda, da ; f. keep my hands from him, nihil Mucidan ( in Aquitain ] Mufida- A mour:-holc, muris agurtini, cavum Agriùs fu&tum eft, quàm ut ab illo. XUM, minus abfinerentur * Much ado Muck, fiinus, 2. m. llercus, 3. n. Moure tall (herb) myofuros. abouth nothing, Hudus excitat in fimm - Muck (moitt) humidus, a, um, adj. A moule-trap, muſcipula. pulo. # Much matter of a wooden' A muck-hill, perquilinium, i; n. To mouſe, inuies vinari, muribus in: platter, mire de lente. * Much Mick, adj, i percoyeus, jlercorarius, padiari, falls vetween the cup and the lips, Oi muck," }is, uws. A mouſer, mult: cadunt inter calicem fuprema., Fall of muck, fjerceroſus, a, um. Much coin, much: To muck Bercoro, are; act. Mourhers (in Turentaiſ]Forum Clau-care, creí enten lupuitur cura perre. Mucked, fiercorsius, a, um ; part. di Turentafia. rian. *Much wo ld have more,. Mo mucker, (hoard coacervo, are. Mouling, murivarus, crefcit indulgens fibi dirus hydrops, A macketcr, muccinium, sudariurr, Mouſtacho, mypax. Sce Muſtacho Much, wdv. admoduri, longè, migno-; Muckander,' ; n. Mouſon (in Campunia) M./mium. peri, multùn, vehementer. It is, Muckſon up to the buckſon, com- A MOUTH, os, oris ; n. . By word not niuch mattered, non ad modum dylorun ienus lulofus, luto fæda. of mouthi viva vers * He died Curç oli, . The weather will not with a jest in his mouth, lufir ex ſuffer them to go much further, Mud, limus, i, m. lusum, i; n. treino fpirilu, * Hc has but from fempeftus prodiro Yongius rori p. To mud, hand to mouth, in 210 vivil, 2 limo polluere, lu- tur, * I do not much care, non: Daih with mud, mud;} tulo, A litric mooth, ofcillur, li; n. magnoperè laboro * I now think. To. mud the water, aquam tur- The mouth of a beaft, frux, faucis. myſelf to be much the happ eft: bare man alive. mulio omnium nunc me To itick in the mud, vade bariro. of a , fortuniffinum puto ar * ! am Stuck in the mud, vade fixus. The mouth of a haven ofiium. much afraid, viilde time, m.lè me.' A mud-Itone, faxum limolum. tuo. You had much more plea- A mud-wall, materia, 1. f. lutamen- præfumi- fure, haud paulo plus delectationis tum, ti; n. Mouth of a furnace, niunt. babuil'i, *He is much of a ſcholar,' A mud-wall (bird) apiafor. The mouth of a fare, orificium. vir off hiud vilgaritor dolus or Abundance of mud, limofitas, 3. f. non contannendæ doarina. He, Without mud, illimis, me; adj. The mouth of a cannon, os tormenti 1s very much a knave. ein- Mudd:d (troubled] turbatus, A, UTIS. bellici, The mouih of the domach, celopba fame time, cijaein jerna tempor. Poured with mud,} limo confperfius. gus. A wry-mouth, os difertum. againit my will, die me hic oppido Pull of mud, } lutojus. Tomke a mouth, os diftorquere. este invitum. A muddy place, gurgas limoſus, To make mouths at, ore didu&o jud. MUCH [in value or concernment]i A mudding, funnars, proje&u labii quempiam do inagni, pormagni, &c. * They nis ; f. think it much concerns you, mag-A mue for hawks, ergaftulum, li ; a. Making mouths, os diſorquens. ni fuâ intereſſe arbitrantur, . It . It tranfonna, 1. cavei, eil. Fool-mouthed, maledicus, a, um. very much concerns us, that you To mue, ſecludo. dere; act. Wide-mouthed, homo riau patulo, be at Rome, permagni noftrà in- To mue (moult) pennas amitiero, buccalus. 1&re to fa Rome. I have de-Mucd, feclufus, a, um ; part. A mouth.rull, bucrea, I ofa, ; f. ſervedly cftccm'd you very much, Muers [in Lower Garozany] Muri. A little mouth-full, buccella, a ; f. meritò in femper maximi feci. *Mo cincta. Moutb-lels bcasts, animalia inara. ncy is every where much eitcem- The mues (in London) fabula rogia. A mow (mock) labrorum didu&io. ed, plurimi paflim fit parunia. You A muing, feclufio, onis ; f. To mow, lebra diducere, vultum &os ſold the field for much, permagno A muff, chiroibeca, byborna, manica dillorquere. agrum vencidifli. - It is of very pellila. To mow (cut down) meto, 3.tondeo,2. much concernment, peraulium in- To muže, bolbuto, mufito. • They neither fow nor mow for terslid ; plur.in.in rejort, To irufe one up, faciam. linteami. me there, mibi iſic niec forilur ne: How much, quanlui. nibus obvoluire, metitur. What you low, that so much, cincum. To muflis himſelf in h's cloak, pab. you muſt mow, że jementem jeseris, Juſt so much, tartir.dom. , lio cooperire ita cometes. As much again. lurrum tantun Muffled, coopertus, obuolutus; part. A mow of hiy, fenilo, foni (umu fenile, feeni (umu- As much as may be, quantuin maxi- A riustler, jocale, lis. lus. A muffing, ohuolutio, onis ; f. To тow, Exceeding much, off-lim, abundè. The mufii, pontifex maximus, lum. Make a mow, acervo, are. mus rerum facrarum insoderator apud The inakleig of a mow, acervatio; f. punk much} nimis, suimiùm ; aiv. Turcas. Rv Mows. useruution ; adv. A little too msich, p-uiè nimis; adv. A mug, abenului, chenum minus, Mwed, mollis, sonlus, faliums. Too much, pernimis, ary. ! Mugg Mh..mucorom inducans, A mower. melor, fulcror. Too much (lubit. } redundait:a, 1. f.' Mugwet (herb}. afperrela. A mower o! nay, Teniſica. For how inucia; quanti? M:gwort [herb) Artemiſia, a: f. A mowing.cenico, tilatio, onis ; f. For lo niech, tenti. The inul of Cantire (in &:orland] MW1calon, jaia... much like, afimilis, ks, ; adl, 3. art. Epidiun, Epidiorum, The , The mouth of an oven, } ܐ ; Spicure. h, Thay; Fouling with mod, colluulatio,oo mun. } The murrain, }lues pelifera. t To multiply, multiplico, I. Augao, 2. Mur (a river in Germany) Mura. M U M M U R MUS Thr. mul of Galloway (in Sotland Mumpers, mendici fuperioris ordi- A muring, muri extrilio. A murion (head-picce) oppugnatoris Novanium Churfonajui or Promoto- rium. g3ler, . The mumps, angina. Mila inand. Mula, Molej. Mumps ( mows] Tunne. Muik [dark) imebrirajus, caliginofus ; A inu'atro, hybrida, ini arhiops. Mumpings, in ini. oruin. adj. A mulberry, morun. To inung binalliro. Murk' (husks of fruits) Siacus uoc A mulherry-tree, morus, r; f, Munchen in Burvaria] Cambodunum, turtivre &c. A grove of mulberry-recs, more Minalbum To murmure, murmu"0, 1. fronto, 3. IUM, A muncher. manduco, comedo, onis, To murmure again. remurmuro I. Anulat, mulda, æ; f. Mundane (world!y) rundartus, To mur. ure againſt, obinurturo, To imulat, mulao, are; act. Munday, dies luna. See Monday. To murmure mach, infremno, 3. To murmure af, adirisno, 3. Muldaw (a river in Babomniu] Mul. Muidbreach, violatio posis. Mundeburde, defenfonie fidejuffio, jii. To begin to murmure iniroonijro. A mule, mulus, 2. m. Aula, 1. f. pulario. Murmured againſt, obmurrokratus, A young mule, hinnulus, liim. To mundify, mundifico, are, A nosinurer, murmurator, 3. m. f. 3 Mile ind} mularis, are ; adj. Mindificat. ve, mundificus, a, um ; A murmuring, murinur.itio. Mundsfying, } adj. A little murmuring. fubmurmuratio, Mule.fern, hemionitis. Mundilied mundifisatus a, um. 3. f. Jujurrus, ""; m. A inulc-tier, Ainiindifying Murmuringly, cum murmuratione. }mulio , onis. A mule-keeper, } mundificatio, 3. f. Mundification, A murnival.t cards, chartularum LE- trar; quaternum par." The muigrorook (fish] pholis, piſsis Awungrei, hybrida, bybris. gutlurolus. Municipal, municipalis, ke;'adj. The merr, gruurdo, corazı. Mulhauſca [in Thuringia] Mulók- Munick (in Bivaria) Mona hium. Having the murs, gravesinofus. fis. Munickedam (in Holland] Monacho Munditie, }bird) phajeas. Mulheim (in Saxony) Lirimirls. daruni. Mulholen (in Sungaw] Mulhubs Muniscence, munifi:eria, t; f. Mirrein. Mulieroary, venus intemperans & illi- Munificent, munifirus, a, um, ad). cita. A muniment, munimentum, ii; ni. A morrcy colour, byberas coler. Mulled fack, vinum Hifpanicum aro- A muniment-houſe, conclave munitius Murrey { in Sbosland) Moravis, mati condirum, aduflum, fuccharo ubi cimneliu reponuntur. Murrey. bay (in Scotland) Vorar, Ve- edulcoratum.. Munition, arma, apparatus bellicus. rarii tiuarium. Mullein (an herb) verbifcum, To fore with munition, annis in- A mufr!on (head.piece) galea, 1. f. Moth-mullein, blattaria. ytriere. Armed with a murrion, goleatus. Sage-mullein, fulvia fruticofa. A munk, mon uchus, chi; m. A furth of corn; 'Copia or abundantia ? grinding' of. co. A munkey, fornia cautara. frummii: A muller, } lours) molaris mar. Munkfeam (!n navig:tion) firma ve-! A muſard, cefalor. 3. m. morku. borum confutura (cris cannabis hbi Murther, homicidium. Sve mordę. A mullet (pincer) wngula. inviceine ſuperimpuitis.) Muicadel; 2 vinum Falernum, wpia- } num, mnofchatem A mullet (in heraldryj figura Bella. Munfter (in Wepphalia) Monaflerium, Muſcadel, A mullet (fiſh) mullus. Miningrada. The white muſcadinc grape, uve Q- A freſh water muliet, lucifcus. Munſter (in Irelund) Mimonia, piana. Mullock, lutum, rudus. Muniter (in Alfaris, &c.] Monajiri. The muſchas pear, fyrum mufiba- Mulle, mulfum, medo, Multifarious, multifarius, a, un. Munfterbeg [in Sileſia] Minaſier. A muſc'e, muſculus. A mufc'e (fin) concha, Multifidous, multifidus, a, um, adi. Mür ca town of the Grifotæ] Mu- A muſcle-man, coruchytt, Multiform, multiformis, mi; adj. Multiplicable, multiplicabilis; ad). Muiculous, lacortofur, a, um ; adl. Muſculous ſubſtance, lasertus. Multiplicd, multiplica:us, cultus. Murage, fributum ad muros reparin- A musc, mufi, f; f. A multiplier, multiflicator, oris ; m. dos. A muſe (of a harc) arftus lepo- Multiplying, 'multiplicativus, a'um. Mural, muralis. ris per sopes tranfitus, leporis lain A multiplying; }multiplicatio , 3. 6. Murat [in Auvergne Murorun, Muraw [in Germany) Muravia: The muſes, Pierides, um; Camence, Multiplicity, magna copia, arum , f. Amultitude, multitudo , 3. F. turba, 1.f. Murbia, Lin Spain) Murcia, Murgis, Aff:cting the muſcs, philovefus, inu- Multure, emolumentum, ti ; n. Vergilia. fis amicus, Mum, fle, race, £! Mum chance, Murcia ( part of Spain] Mavilania, To be in a. deep muſe, defixum effe ne gry quidem. Murrianum regnum. cogimtiene. To mumble, murmuro, 1. mulito, 1. Murder, trucidario, 3. f. janguis, 3. To muſc, act, meditor, lo contempler, To mumble in eating, incertim man- m. hoiniridium, i, a I, menie perpendere. ducare. To murder, tlurido, 1. interficir, 3. To mouſe before - hand, premedi- itor. To mumb!c with the teeth, lani. Murder of one's father, patricidi- Having mured, meditatus, a, um. To mumble one foundly, pugnis alj- Murdered. percufus, trucidatus. A muter, mediantor, contemplator. quons fronuè acciperer A murderer, percuſor, 3. interfester, Muſing, meditabundus, a, um ; adj. Mumbled, laniatus, a, um. 3. m. homicidi, dæ; C. A mind muling on miſchief, 'mslis A mumbler, muftator, 3. m. A murderer of his father, patricida, defixus animus. A mumbling, fubmurmurato, 3. f. A muring, meijaro, contempla:jo. Mumbling of 'meat, manducaiio in A murderer of his mother, marri. A muſhroom, fungus, gi. - cida, deic. The dainty muſhroom, boletus, The mumbling of a prey, laniatio. A murderer of his brother, fratrici- A muſhroom ſtone, fiingires. Mumblingly, odhajè; adv. da, da; c. Muſical, muficus, a, um ; adj. Mumms mum, cerevifia generosa A murderer of his ffter, furorisida, Muſicaliy, mufiia; adv. Brunfostumfis. deej c. A muſician, muu, ci ; m. A mummer, larvatus, perfonatus, Murdering, truculeutus, barbarus, Musik, mupre, és ; f. muſica, æ; f. A company of mummers, chorus fer- Murderous, } a, um ; adj. Of muſick, musicus, a, um, adj. nicus, A murdering, trucidatis, 3. f. A muſick-fcbool, ludus fidicinus. A mummery, fabula, 1. f. mimus; A murdering-picce, sormentum mu. A profesſor of musick, muficus, citba. Mummering, 3 mimorum pomapa. rala, rodus, di, m. A mumming, adio fabulæ. Murderoudy [adv.]'atrosiièr, barbure, Mufitra (in Peloponneus] Sparta. Mummy (mineral] mumia, piſal- Sauc, truculenia, Musk, muſibus, cbi. . pbaltum, Murcngers, murari; murorum cura. Musk ( herb ) geranium moſcha. Mummy, mumia fepulchrorun, cada. Ver pilafphalto condiuum. Muret (in Aquitain) Murstun. Musk-ſcablous, fcabiofa dortricana. IHM. rum. Cuna. Art. 1101. da; c. caria. tores, tum. 1 1 ។ filent. A mutilating ; } mutilatio, 3 f. amandus eft. He muſt needs Mutual, inwuus, alternus, niipro. A nail of bcel, daufis carnis babalind. M U S M Y Z N A M A musk-apple, pomim moſchatum. Muftiners, ranior, 3. m. A musk-bali, diaplama, 3. n. paflila Mut (a river in Ireland) Vidus. N lefore A. lus, trochiſhus, ci; m. Motable, mutabilis, mobilis, le; adj. A musk-caz, mus Indicus, ziburhus. inconfuns, lis; adi. NAB (a river in Gormany) Na. A musk - cherry, urafum mojcha- To be mutable, varie, arr; n. . Mutableneſs, 7 mutabilitas, mobilitas, To nab a perſon, eliquem prehenders A musk-roſe, roſa moſchata, Mutability, } siis; f. vel durere ad jui. Mask, adj. A mutation, mutatio, 3 fi Nabel in Africa] Neapolis sooſ batus, a, um. Mute (dumb] medus; adj. They A nacker, pinna pifeis. Sweet as musk, are as mute as fiſhes, quafi muri Nacre, choncha margaritifer1. A musket, fclopela peditis. The nadir, nadir, punctum rello peo Musket proof, ſelopa majori imienė- To mute (as a hawk) gero, čre. dibus noflris suppsficum. frabilis. Muthology, mythologia. Sse mythology. A naff (iyird) uria, mergus cirrbatus. A musket (hawk] ni, us mas, fringil. To mutilate (main) mutilo, ere. A nag, afurco, mannus. larius. Mutilated, mutilatus, a, um, part. A little nag, mannulus, equus puni- A masketeer, filoputarias. lus. A muskle, mulcuius, li ; m. , A hunting-tag. verudus. A fleſhy muskie, lourios; ti ; m. Mutilous, mutilus, a, um ; ad). Nagbanya (in Tränſylvania) Rivuli The great ſea-musklc, muſculpes mi: A muting, gefijo, 3. f. puellarum. rinus. A mutiny, feditio, 3. f. tumulius. 4. m. Nagold (in Geritany) Nageldia: A muskin, parus adi. Muſrol (for a horſe] camul, cacis. Raile a mutiny, Raile a mutiny,} "misaria feito. Nahar la river in Germany] Niva. Naiac [in Aquitain) Nzjacum. trum. A mutincer; turbulentus, tumullus- Nile, non, See nay. A muſs [ſcramble) milile, lis ; 1. Sus. A NAIL, clavies, vi; m. * He paid Mafſack, polus Sinenfis, Mutinous, Seditious, a, um, adj. the money. down upon the nail, Amuſul-man, orthodoxus, fidelis apud A mutinous fellois. feditionis fax. ørgen um adnkinoravit illico. Ho Turra, Mutinouſly; feditioè ; ady, has hit the nail on the head, Must [new wine) muffum, ti ; n. A mutinying, serío, 3. f. rent aru tetigit. To muft To inutter, mutio, mulli, mutta A great nail, clavus srabolis. Grow nusty, } ranicejo, čre; n. Muttcrcd, Jubmurmuraius, (l; un. A little nail, chuviculus. I MUST, debeo, ere; neut: opartet A mutterer, fabrinurmurator i m A tack-rail, clavus mufcarius, umbal. me, &c. te IC must of accckity Muttering, hurmaratundus, a, uni latus. have an end. finem habeat necef A muttering, ſalurrasio, 3. f. A tenter hook nail, uncus, clavus un- el. * It muſt needs be fo, ita Mutteringly, cum murmuratione. cinatus, fatto opus eff. * We muſt careful- Mution, caro ovina, vei vecina. The nail of one's ly turn away from them, ab iis os of muiton; veruzsinus, a, um, ad). 3. m. * He labours tooth and nail, 81- mult love your father, tibi pater A mutton-monger, seeriator. nibus pedibuſque obnixè facit. come, abeffe non poteft quin veniai. A little nail, clavicului. • It muſt needs be jo, fieri aliter A mutual yielding, muiua con effio. The white of the nail, oxortus. Mon peter. I must take heed l Mutually, mutuo, invicem. To pare the nails; unguiculos praci. do not fall; mihi cautio ali ne sa: A muzzid; }ffeella, camus. dare, To to ſell, what muſt be done then? The muzzle of a beaſt, roftrum. Scratch, tort, fs confmferint poffefires non vindert, To muszlė; ffella conllringere. To nail, figo, 3. trigo 3. dapo fizika quid futurum es? A muzzle-ring, circulus maximus int He nailed them to the ground The muſtaches or muſtacho, bylax, circa os formoni. wiik a ſpear, cufpide ad teriam af- labri barba, A muzzling; obftruais, obturatia, fixis. Having a muſtacbó, homi bárba aA myriad (ten thousand] myrias, a- To nail again, iterum ſufigere, Lara. dir. To nail the cannons, muralia for. Muſtard, finapi, finapis. A myrobalan: tree, myroba!anus, mmta obturare, abftruere. Country mustard (herb} thlospe. Myrrh (herb) myrtba. To nail to the croſs, crucifigo, 3. Tower-muſtard, furritis. Myrrh the free) myrrh. To nail down, defigo, 3. ct. Trescle - muftard, ramslina, maya- The beſt kind of myith, myrrha To nail up, sufrigo, 3 aa. grum. falte or ftillatitia. Na:led, clavatus, claviculatus, Garden-muſtard, candida. A myrtle-třec, myitur. Najled. Yellow Arabiaa muitard, draba lu- Common myrtle, myrtus vulgaris ni. Having nails, gr. Nalled to the croſs, crucifixus, di Datch myrtle, myrtus Brantica. um ; part. Of muſtard, Wild myrtle; myrtus Sylvefnis. Näiled up, ſufixus, a, um. Muſtard-ſecd, finapis; ni The white myrtic, myrius alba. A nailor, fixor, 3. m. Wild muſtard seed, erffimum. Myrtlc-ſumach, thus myrtifolius, A naletici , } taber, bri z za. A muſter of peacocks, grex or cctus Thc myrile-berry, myntum. ; ms. padonum. Myrtle's adj. 2 motees, myrtinus, A nailing, fixio, 3. fi A mofter, armilufrium, 2. n. Of myrtic, šum. Nall-wort (herb] parongbia. A mofter maſter, exercitas lufirator, Like myrtle, myrtojus, aig unde; ad). Naked, pudus, a, um. mulitam confor. Mixed with myrtles, myrtatur adj. Stark-naked, nudus velut ab æteri A muftor roll, catalogus, gi; m. A myrtle-giove, miilum. materno To mufter up, cením. ere; a&t. Myrtle-wine, myrlites, vinin myrti- As naked as one's nail, nudior 090, To muſter, exercitum luftrare or cen. danuin. or irboride, A myſtagogue (teacher, or intcrpic- To be naked, glabres, ere. To país a nouſter, dra acciperi in ter of myftefies, inißogogas. To ſtrip naked, nudo, denudo. tranjuttioni. A myſtery, myfterium. Mädc naked, nudatus, a, uin. Half naked, suminudur, a, um. A muſtering, mjus, armilußrium, , Anaked dog, canis Indicus: A muſter-place, diribitorium. Seeming myitical; enigmaticas. A naked ſword, gladius frictus, vao; Masters (ihe family] D. Mondjiciis. A myſtical ſenſc, anegoge. giné vecuus. A muftriche, muftricule, forma lig- Myſtica'ly, In a mytical fenfi, $ tio anagogicè, mys- Nakedly, nudiler ; ady. , Nakedniels, ruditas, 3. f.. Mufty, rancidus, a, um, adj. Mystically in Micw, anigmaticè. A NAME, nomen, 3: n. * What is To be muſliyi francro, Erd; . Mythology; mythologia. your name? quod eft ribi nomin? Smell muſty, A mythologiſt, mythologus, gi: qui vocare? They Ipeak of that To grow muſty, ransfroz čre; n. The mytzen-Tail, spidromus. country under the name o! T - cus. . } ungues babens. Muftard, adj. } fnapinus, a, um. 1 Multered, conferiptus, contrast um. My motio , } tryffect , andgogicus. أوراور 1 1 of the natiel , } umbilicalis . } What is your name? qui vocaris ? A narrow arm of the Ica, oxiguurt Ladies navel. umbilicus Veriorismo NĄ P N AT N E A Faly, de rà regione ùt Tballiâ coma Nappy, Villejar. Naturally, narura, naturaliter. memorani, * Their names are all Nappineſs, villositas. Naturally (of his own accord] Spon- fet down, omnes conferibunker. * Napping, durimins. te, ultro, In my name, verbis manis. A napping, donduicio, dormitario. Naturalneſs, afe&us, naturalisi pie. To call one by name, nominatin To take napping, dormientam inva tasi aliquem appellarr. deiz, duprihindert, imparatum of Nature, natura. A firft or what we call a proper fondere. The nature (diſpoſition) indoles. * name, pranomm, 3. n. Nappy ale, (nevifia generoſa, pin. It is his 'natuic, isa sére ingentinos A fur-name, cognomen, 3. 1, guis, cjus. Anick-name, ignominiofa cognomina- Narbonne (In Languedoc) Narbo. The law of nature, lex naivre. sio or appellatio. Of Narbonne, Narbonenfis. Againſt näturc, invitâ Minerva, To get one's ſelf a name, famam Narciſſus (or daffodil) šarcillus. Beyond nature, fupra naturæ vitin fibi acquirere, comparare or colligěre. Narcoticki narcoricus ; adj. By nature, diundum naturam. To loſe one's name or reputation, Nard (herb] nordum. Naval, navalis. fumam ſuam abfcurare or arterčte. Narden (in Holland) Nardonum. Navareins (in the province of Blumn] Exißimationem laděri. Naldo (in Tirra di Otrónto) Nori. Navarefum. A name (renown or reputation) fa- tun. Navärre (përt of Spain) Naviras. ma, 1. oxillimitio, 3. He had Narni (in L'Ombria] Narnia. The people of Navarri, Viſcomes. the name of a good orator, mag. Narr (nearer) propior. The nave of 'a wheel, nota mhodia nus oratır bababatur. You had a narration, narratio. lus. De good name there, illic non ad A Short narration, narratiuncula. The nave [body of a charch] nawi modum benè audiebas, A narrative, inarratio. idejia, A good name, fama bonifta. *A A narratour, narrator, enarrator, ex, The Ravel, umbilicus. good name is above wealth, tona plicator, 3. m. ad exifinatio divitiis prablar. A narrel [noftril] nar, naris. A bad name, mala fame or exifima. Narrow, ongiúpus, araus, The Like a navel, umbilicatus. tio. parrow lage is not to be paffed, Navel.burſt, izomphalus, ad An everlaſting name, immortalitas. hoc angiporium non il pervium. Navel-wort, . quid tibi nomm? fratum. 8:a-navel ſherb ) umbilicus mari. Ode's name-rake, cognominis. A narrow place, anguſtia, arum. n's. To name, nomino, appello, nunlupo. A narrow lane, ang iporsion. Navew [herb) napus. * Name the child, injanti nonin | To narrow, Nävew gentil, bunias ſativa. inde, impene; infantis nomm in- Make narrow, }auguſie , artio. Naught, malus, nequon, vilis. dicui Made narrow, aretatus, angufatus. Naught for, nixius. - To name (mention) meminile, inen- A narrowing, coar&tatio, Stark naught, pellimus. tionem facere, Narrowly, angufti, araè. To come to nauyht, peres, feffins To name again, rapelo. To eſcape narrowly, agrè cuadort. ; iri, ad malum exitum perduci." To name a perſon to an office, ali- Narrowneſs; angujia. To ſet at nzught, vili pondere. quem ad munus nominare or defig. Nart (old word] non eras. Naughty, vitiofus. Nart (in Lidland] Narva, A naughty pack, furcifer, nubieló. To change one's name, tranfnomino. Nas (in Lorrain Nafium. Naughtily, male, nequiser, To give a furname, cognomino, Naſeby (in Northampronbire] Navif- Naughtineſs, nequiria. To nick name, agnomint. bia, A navy, slufos. To have a good name, bmè audire. Naſo (in Sicily) Nafida, Nafis. A little navy, caficula. To have a bad name, malè audire, Nalo la man's name) Naſo. Navý, ad). Named, nominatus, nuncupatus. Naflaw (in Germany) Naffovie. } «afieus, olafsarius. Name by name, nominatim; ady. Nafty, Jordidus, immundus. Navigable," navigabilis, patións no- A namer, nomainaror, Naſtily, fordide, iramundè, fedè. vjundi Nameleſs, onanymus. Naſtineſs, fordes, Spursities Navigation, navigatio. Namely, nominatin. Nat for Nathaniel. To navigate, navigo. A naming, nominatio. Natal, natalis, naivus. A navigator (failor , navigator, nauta. Namptwytch [in Cheſhire] Virus Nathaa (a man's name] Narbin, Naulage (money for freight or par- Malbanus. anis. fågel noulum. Namur (in the Low Countries] Na- Nathanael (a man's name) Maiba- Naumburg lin Saxony) Naumbur. nael, elis, gum. The county of Namur, comitatus Natheleſs, nihilominus, To nadleate, naufeari. . Namurcienfis, A nation, nario, gans. Nauſcouſneſs, mauſta. Nan, A little nation; natiuncula. Navtick, nauticus ; adj. Of a nation, gentilis, Nay, minimè, neutiquam, imò , adv. Nancy (in Lorrain] Nanaum, Nan Native, natalis, nativus. A nay, repula. frem. A native, indigena, Tô ấy nay, nhier, ago. Nantes (in Bretagne) Corbitum. Nativity, nativitas, parius. Tó fay nay and take it, malè perti. The people of Nontes, Ninnutes. The nativity of Chriit, natalis Chrifti. naciter inficiar', accifast. A nap, somnulus of a nativity, genashliains, natāli. Said nay. negatus, ropulfus. To get a nap, 2 abdormifro, sumimin Hius, A ſaying nay, negario. $. levem capere. • A calculator of natirties, genethlia. Neal (the family i Nigellus, You ſaid you would get a nap, te cus, mathematicus. To neal glaſs vitrum fenfim igni dormitare aiebas. • had got a Thc aſcendant in a nativity, horoſco admovere, vel fenfim ab illo tollere, little nap, minimum velut guftum pus. Neapvidos, ciws inopes or " deficien- bauforom fomini, Natalia (part of tha) Aja Miner. To take a nap at noon, meridiari. Natural, naturals, notalis, nativus. Be'reip'd, pre inspià aqua fundo The nap of cloth, villus. A natural d!{poſition, ingenium. inherens. The nape of the neck, nucha, ocj-. A natural fool, morio, idiota. NEAR, propinquui, vicinus, a, um. put. Natural fruits, friges fponte sua naf She is near her reckoning; cd Napery, linteamina, center, pariendum vicina ejlparrör props Naphew (herb) napus. Natural moiſturc, humidum radicale, infar. The tants are ncar at Napbc (mineral) rephtha. Natural philoſophy, phylice es. hand, in propinquis sunt cairn, A napkin, magpula. A natural philoſopher, phyfiologus, The camps being lo near to. To napkin up, terrâ defolum babero. The natural power. virtus. gether, in Boniâ propinquitaidon A napkin (pocket-handkerchief] A naturaliſt, phyſiologus. Jirorrem * Near is my thirt, but fudarixmt. To natusalize, in jus civitatii afgri ncarer is my skin, reviira pallio Naples (in Italy) Neapolis. bere. propior. Napleſa, tritus, A naturalization, civitatis donatio. NEAR, propè ; adv. * I'an not incar Hh nare. of the navy, Cheſhiro] murium, Nancy,} Anna. Take a nap, Lore? spus eft, : : N E A N E E N EG ſo ſevero now as I was, nimio mi. Neat (cattle) boves, gimus bovinum. Itand not much in need of ad nius suusjam fum quàm iui. * He of ncat, bovinus; adj. monition, noti magnoperè admoni- will go near to have me decide Neat-lands, fundi plebi clocati. Wonem defiderant,* I need your this, abarrit non longè quin hos à me Ncats-leather, pellis bovina: help, opus si mihi operâ tuâ. *Yous decerni velit, He led the army | Ancat herd, bubulcus. nccd not fear, non eft quod time- as near the enemy as he could Neath (in Glamorganfire] Mdum, as. It had necd be done, facto get, is duxit exercitum quàm proxi. Nidus. Now he has need of thia ad hoftim poluit. * I cannot Neather, inferior. two hundred more, nunc alteris but labour either well near, or Neathermost, inpmus: etiam duimsis ufus sp.: * He all out as much as he, non poſſum Neatly eleganter, nitidi, concinnè, po nceded but ſmall invitation, illi- go nm aut proxime atque ille ans lite, us ego vix fetigi pontiam, tamen gian agus laburini, Very neatly, pereleganter, graphicè. remanfit, NEAR, prepoſ. juxla, prope, propter, Neatneſs, elegantia. I muſt needs, oportet me. * I muſt fecundum. . It fles' low near A neb crinib, sufpis, idis. needs cry out mon poffum quin the ſca, humilis volat aquara juxta. The neb or nlb of a pen, arins. reclamem. * It muit needs be He held the illes near Sicily, Nebulous, nebulofus. So, fieri aliter non poteft. * They senuit injulas propter Siciliam. If NECESSARY, nasofarius. . 'You muit needs be equal, æqualia fint I fate ncar him, I fecundum illum better know what is neceſſary to oportet. difcumberem. We are now near be donc, plus fcis quid facto opus Needful, opportunus, neceffarius, opus. an end of our buſineſs, forran jam off. I fpake as much to it as It is necdful, expedit. confpicimus. was necesſary, ad neceſſitudinem Very necdful, perneceffurius, Near being, parum, quin, prope ul, rei falis dixi.'. He commanded Necdfulneſs, neceffitas. As, . He was ncar being killed, neceffarics io be broughi, qua ad Needy, genus, indiges, inops. parum abfuit quin occideretur, pro tas res erant ufui.comporlari jule. Needincis, egefas, inopia. pius nibil a fallum quàm ut orci- neceſſary things, opere pretium. Necdless, jupervacaneus, fuperfluus. derelur. The left wing of the I think it neceffary, operæ pretium * It is needleſs to aſe words non Romans was now near being rout duro. opis gi veriis. * It is needlcís ed, jam prope erar ut bnijirum cor. It is ncccffary, opus eft. for me to mention them, funt nu palieretur Romanis. Neceſſarily, neceffariò. mibi ad commemorandum non ng. Near (almoſt] propa, propemidun, To neceffitate, adigo, cogo, compello, celaria. It is needlcfs for me forme. This corn was now acar fubigo. to say any thing, nihil necete ripe, Jeges prope jam matura trat. Neceflitated, adalius, cogaus, cotrs mihi dicere, A near man, doparius, un2x, mifer pulfur. A needle, acus. & frugi. Neceffity, neceffitas. A little need!e, acutela. Near a kin, proximus ; adj. Of neceility, neceffari). Shepherd's needlc (herb] geranium, Near at hand, in promptu. Neceſfitous, indigus, egenus: 2. n. Well near, propemodum ; adv. T: NECK, collum, cervix. HC A need!c-fiſh belone, acus. ເAໃນ Ncar now, modò, jam nuns. nipped his neck out of the col. A mariner's : necdle, scus magnete To be near ynto, afidio, lar, sollum jugo eripuit. I took tact1, verſoria. To be ncar ac hand, 'info. him about the neck, injeci servi. Necdic, adj. To draw Dear, appropinquo. cious manus, acicularius, # He broke his Of or like a neeille, A drawing near, apprepinquatio. neck down a steep place, parjit Needle-work, opus phrygium, Ncarer, adl. propior. * None is per præcipitia. One miſchicf on To work needle-work, arcupingere. ncarer you than I am, tibi propior the neck of another, aliud ex sijo Necdle wrought, acupidius. me nemo eff. * The ncarer it was malum, On the neck of theſe A garment of needle.Work, vifis to the beginning, quò tropiùs abs mlſchefs this alſo comes, ad bac : acupićta. of ab ortu. * This is a great mala hos mihi accidit ctiam. Pricked with nécd!es, acupunalus, deal the ncarer way, ſanè bâc A little neck, collulum. A needlc-caſc, aciarium, multo pro; iùs ibis, He took a A wry, neck, collum diſfortum. A needlc full of thread, aciarium. nearer way, and got before the A neck of land, ifhmus. A ncedle-maker, aluum faber, chemy, occuparis compendiis, pra- A acck-band. collare. Needs, segoria, n. vmit bojlem. * They were ſent a A neck-herchief, amiftorium, Pro-To do onc's needs, aluum levare, nearer way to the ſame place, bre Neck about, Phien. He is gone to. do his needs, ivit viare itiner id eundem locum mit. A neck lace, monile, forquis, ad requifit: nature. febantur. Neck-wced, cannabis. Necr, propinquus. . Sri Near. Nearer, adv. propiùs, Pray let us 'The neck of an instrument, jupum. Ne'er (sor never) nunquam. I go nearer, prosiùs obfecro acceda. Necker [a river (in Germanyj Nesca ne'cr ſaw any man morc.glad, nil . So that he came no quicquam vidi latius, nearer to the city, dun ne propiùs A necromancer, necromantes, maale- Neers ja river in Gueldorland] Na- urbem admoveret. They are ficus. buliu. nearer Brundufium than you, è Necromancy, næromantia, umbra. To neele or fnceſc, jeinuo, fiernuto. Brundufio propiùs adfunt, quam tu. 720 voratio, A ncefing, fernutatio. * You will be never the nearer, Nectar ( the gods drink) nectar, aris; Neeling.wort, helleborus albus, nihil promourbis. neut. Nefarious, nefarius. Nearly, prope, Of nectar, met artus ; adj. A negation, negario. Nearly (niggardly) tenaciter, parce. A nediarine (tree) nuciporfics.. Negative, negativas, Ncarneſs, propinquitas. Nederlandt, Germania inferior, bel- A negative, repulfa. Noarneis (niggardlincs] parfimonia, giun. Negatory, regalorius. A necce or nice, nepris. Negers Æthiops, Maurus. See Negro. Nearer, Ifor neather) poferior... NEED, egeflos, neceſitas, inedia, ino- Neglect, incuria, negligentia, A neait, nidus. Su Neft. pia.' The fame need drives To n:gleet, negligo, contemno. NEAT, nitidus, mundus, complus,bel fus, eadım nos precillitus impellit. Neglected, negladius, omillus. lus, ſeirui, Mighty neat, nec # What need ſo many words ! A neglecter, negligens, contempor. quicquam magis slegsins. * He was quorfum hæc tam mulia ? WhatA ncglccting, negledus. mighty neat in his cloths, fuit need you trouble yourſelf? quid Negligenco, negligentia, incuria, oſoi- pinim ad munditiem curiofus, eft quod labores ? # If you will 1.nsia. A neat fcilow, bomo graphicus. nceds do it, do it th:n, certum N:gligent, negligens, incurſorius, ro- A neat saying, lopidum di&um, off facere, facias. * Necd makcsi miſſus. A neat fult. concinna villis, the old wife toit, duruin isium A negligent perfon, dormitor. Very neat, permundus, nuelitas, Negligent (overly) perfun&orius, a, Somewhat neat, mundúlus. To nccd, agro, indigeo, carro, um; adj. To be nicat, nitea, Havc need, delidero. All do To be nepligent, indomia To make neat [act:) comspono, čre, Stand in need, not ſtand in like have been long, negligent in dục caricinno. paced, non æque omnes gent. They} reſpect to that man, in ipo kaming colendo rus, nicer, a. f. 1 : 1 rat. (19. . • A 2. N. N ÉS NE V NEU colendo ego indormivi diu, They A nèls (point of land running into into | take it to heart, noli te pralarid have been negligent, sfatum eft. the ſea) promontorium. maidrare. # Would I might nc- Negligently, negligenter, ramific, sog. A ne, nidus. ver live, ne vivam, no pirmas fal A littlc noft, nidului, # He had never ſeen her To diſpute negligently, lmtils dif. A walp's neſt, veſparium. but once, Jemel omnino ram video purare. To build a neit, nidifico, wide- And never more than To hear negligently, ſupina ouro ex- i To make a neft, lor. now, & nunc cum maxime, w No. dire. A neft of boxes (ftone) fracitas. ver was ſo chcarful a ſhout given, To negotiate, negotior, fronige. A aeſt of rabbeti, grix cuniculorum. non alius tam alacer clamor ell nod- Negotiated, tranfaatus, A neft-egg, ovunt in nido relictum. ditus, et It is never too late to Negotiation, negotiatio, A neft full, partus, u. repent; nunquam fera efl ad bonos A negro, Ærblopi. To nestle, nidulor, fe in omnes par- mores via. Never too old to Negro-black, Æthiapicus, for verfart. learn, nulla dlas ad perdifundura A negronancera, magu. To neſtle in bed, componere fe tha- Jera at: Negroponte [a Gresk inand) Abantis, lamis. Never the, nibilo.He came ne. Euca, A neftler, inquietus, irrequietus. ver the fooner for that, illâ cause Negroponte [in that iſland] Cbaba. A neſtling, inquiaudo. Nihilo citiùs venit. * Never tho A neſtling (bird) adicula rums è ni. more, nibile magis. • You will To peigh, binnis. do ſublata. be never the nearer, or near the To neigh after, adhinnio. Nerwiſo [in Lithuania] Neſwifium. better, nibil promouebis. Neighed after, adhinnitus, A net, rets, cofii. Nerertheleſs, nihilominus, nibile fem A neighing, hinnitus. A casting.net, funda. cius. Nevertheless he taught many, rias co fecius plurimis dan cuit. A neighbour, vicinus, proximur. *A A hay.net, laqueus, obvolutorium. good neighbour, a good morrow, A cabbage-nct, excipulus. Never for, are variouſly ronder'd aliquid ziali propter vicinuta Da- A net for partridges, macula. Nevar ſuch, s according to theſe luns A draught-net, verriculum, tragum, examples. Though never ſuch To neighbour, in proxime be- a power of dogs and hunters pur- Be neighbour to, s bilans. A net of wire, tranſenna. Sue him, quamlibet magnâ canum Neighbourhood, vicinitas, vicinia, To ſet a net, tendo interdi, & venantie wgente vi. * Tho! propinquilas. To take in a net, irresio. you bid me never lo much, jua Neighbourly, adj. faroilluris, como Net-like, reticulatus. beas maximèi Thaugh he wero: dus. A net-maſh, macula. never ſuch a baſe follow, ut home Neighbourly, adv. benignè, comme Accenter; } retiarius. turpifimus ell. • Though they be nevor ſo great, etiamfi maximi Ne!ffe In Silefia) Niſu. Net-work, opus reticulatum, fint. * If any tho' dover fo lin all NEITHER, adj. neuter. We Nether, inforier. Su Ncacher. a matter be found, & qualibet oal take neither part, à noutra parie: Netherby (in Cumberland) Æfca: minima res rapariatur. • Never ſo Ramus, neutram in partem propin- | The Netherlands, Germania inferior, well, wel aptinè. Be it never hort funus, . He takes neither Belgian. ſo little, quaninduzcunque id af, part, wdrique aques ef, The Nethermort, infimus. quamlibet parum fit. * If he fecha yoice goes on neither ſide, neutra Netting, you reticulatuma. never so little to like it, ſo P44- inclinantur fuffragia. You are. Netting, adj. retificus. lum mcdo stendat fbi plasire. truſted on neither Gde, beque ini A pettic, urtica, • Though you be never ſo ex- hac neque in illâ parte fidoin habes. Blind-nettle, lomium, urtica la. cellent, quantumvis licèt excelles I may have good ftanding in Bcad nettic, bes es iners. If I would ever so fain, acither placc, neutrobi baba-mila- Thc ſtinking dead-nettle, urtica fee- maximè vellem. If you had done bila Nabulum. uda. never lo little amifs, & tanullum NEITHER, coniunct. nec, neque. The foall ſtinking red-nettle, urtica percaſes. • Be the price never * Neither do I now go about to lo great, ejnti quanti ajtur, * In reckon ap all his doings, neither The fea nettle, urtica marina. never ſo great a company, in is it necdful, nor can it any way A nettle-bed, corticatum, quoniálitei multitudine, Though be donc, neque ego nunc illius fac. A netic-trco, lotus. the number be never lo great, ta omnia mumerare canor, neque Full of nettles, wiicafur. quantufcunque adhibeatus numerus. opus eff, oec fieri ullo modo poteft." . To nettle, uro. * Though they be never ſo little What, not yet neither ? 'An non- The nettle-worm, cruca urticaria. out of inc, quamvis paululum dif- dum etiam ? The kinging of a actric, uroda, inis; CTPERL. Neither way, noutri. fem. Never at all, ne prorfus quidem, , Netticd, ufus. Never a whit, nequicquam. Nciffe, A nettier, ufor. Never ſo little pawulum ruedà, A nelf, ancilla, ferva, A nettling, wia Nover before, antshac nunquart, 10%. A nemony, antione. Neuburg (in Beuaria) Neburgum. quam ante hanc diem, nunc primim. Nemours (in France Nemofiumas. NEVER (no or nonc] nullus, c. Nevers (in France) Nivernum, No- Nea (a river in Northamplarshiri] Never a fhip was loſt, ni una viodunun, Augufionemslum. Antona, quidem nauis, amila et. . Never A nerew, fratris filius, Su. Ne Nenuphar (kerb) nemupbar, nyrapbord, å word caric from him, non vex phew. clava Herculis. ulla excidit ej. • He durit lay Neufchattel (in Franca] Novum Cas- A Acophyte, topbytus. never 2 word of Cefar, ne verbum Ncotcrick (modern) neotericks. quidera ausu aj facere de Cæfare, Neufchaftel (in Switzerland) Nena Nep (herb) nepala. Never a barrel the better her: COMUN. A nephew, fratris vel fororis filius. ring, Smilos habol labra latiu- Nevil [the family) do Nevilla, de A nephew's wife, propurus. Nous Mua. Nepi (in St. Peter's Patrimony] N- NEVER [at no time] nunquam, Neurg (a river in Ireland) Nu- pote. non unquaza, ad Graecar calendas. Neptune, Neptuns. Can you never be ſatisfied ? Noutadt [in' Germany] Noufadiun, Neptune's fcast, Neptunolia. . Civitas nous. nunquarane explari poter? I am Nerac [in Aquitain) Neraun. ſo troubled as never was a man, A neut or nowt, Ballio, lacerta. Nerice (pari of Swedoland) Nori. ito surza apliftus ist nimo unquan, Neuter, medius, partium ftadio vg. } cia. # Never Itick ar lt; di gravera. Noutral, cans. A acrve, nervus. Shall I never be poching but a To ſtand ncuter, partium fudit va. A neſcock, 1 dalisatulus, mollisellus, hearer i femper ego auditor tan. Neft-cock, Š mammoshreptus, tùm ? that Never heard of till now, The neuter gender, genuin rutrum. Neſh, or nice, mollis, delicatus. 974 bus tempus inauditum. Never Neutrality, immunitus as fudio para Nese [in Picardy) Nigalla. fjum, Hb 2 Nev, + urens. 1 . iriin. cas. card, , 1 New wine, mufum DIVO. bomo. tus. sonlule, A Newgate-bird, trium literarum Next, prep. moſt learncd, man Nieuport: [ln Flunders] Novus Por. NE W NIC NIG New, nous, rhons: inriger. New Nevral (in Hungary) Bifrizia. .. A nick.name, nonsen ignominiofum tricks, new projects, fallacia alia New Stetten: (in Pomeranie] Stai. or infurie. aliam trudit, • New lords, now num Novum. Nicked;. Cindluse. laws, new yox, noua lax. A newt, Hellio, laterte, A nicking, inciſo. Pretty new, novellus, nuparus, Newy (in France] Nevidnorum, No Nicodiam.us, Nicodemus. Somewhat neve's. adj. viodunum. Nicopen (in Swedeland) Nicopia. New things, nova, orum: Nexility (compactneſs of diſcourſe] Nicoping (in Denmark Ni'opia. New chceſe, cafeus recents or mu nexilitas, barentia: apia, Nicoſia (in Sicily] Erbitz. Herbijt. Anus. NEXT, adject: proximus, vicinus. Nicotera, fin Calabria] Nicolera. A new many neophytus. # The moon. being noxt to..sho Nicotian (herb) nireciana. The new moon, novilunium. carlh, citimâ terris Lunâ. . * The Niddiſdale (part of Scotland) Ni- rbia. , The new-ycar, annus inimns. * He is accounted ihe next man pulities. New-year's day, diis lufricus, fejuin to the king, facundus à rege bao Nidosting, vilis, pufillanimus. circumcifinis dominica: beluri. Yoo ſhall. be; next to A nidger, fatuus, morio. A new year's gift; fironi. hin, tu cris alter: ab illo. That Nidgeries, noga, sping. New fang!es, res mava: part of Coppadkia that is next to Niebla [la Spain) Elepla. To be gew-fangled, nouitatis cacox Cilicia, Cappadocia pars se que a nief, nativa, Torua. lia laborare, Cilician. attingit: * I was the next Niele (the family) Nigellus. To make new, novo, infauro. man to him, latari ejus adbare- Nienhus [in Wdpbalia] Nienbunum To make new again, ridiniegreg.re- ham. Nicper (a river in Sarmatia] Borys- NEXT, adv. deinde, deinceps. * We thenas, To grow new, integreſso. are next to ſpeak of the order: of Nicſher (a river in Poland).Tyras. Made bew, novolus. things, deinceps de ordini rorun diaNieumagen (in Guccrrland | Novio. A new, de integro. cendum ei: magus. juxta, fecundam. *The Nieva [a river in Swedeland] Nirva- Newing [barm) Spume or flos core next unto Varró, homo juxia Var- viſa Tonem diaifimus: Nest you Anlie, titivilitiuinis Newly, recens, nuper, nuparime: there is nothing more ſweet to A nigg, avarus, fordidus, malig- } , NEWS, novella, arum; pl. f. fima, me than being alone, fecundum Niggard, mus. I. f. rumor, 3. m. ris mova. Ik nihil eft mibi amicius folitudine. Niggardiſh, imaculus What news! quid povi? . What * ! late next Pompeya proximi Purr Niggardlineſs, fordes, senacitas, avi. news is that? quidnam ad porlas. the prium fedebam. • Next, after ritia, This is news io.me ? nunc demùm theſe, proximè bos. Niggardly, fordidus, depares ; ad). libres mais beneationcommercial de Teatret de periode pe Nigardly , adv. Sordidà, avatè, nimis I heard the news, rinunciatum * Against the next day, in polie- Very niggardly, perparius, triparcus, of mibi. *There was no news yet rum dien ; in infiquinto diam. come, nulla adhuc fama venerat. The next day after that, pofri- Nigh, adı, vicious, propinquus, proxi- The firſt news had foreſtalled die ejus dini mus. See Near. them, occupaverat animos prior. 24. Neyrracht (in Hungary! Nitria. Nigh, adv. propai juxtà, foundin. dijus * It is good news you tell, A nias-hawk, accipitat bornus, You write too high together, Tertè narras. Thic nib, trene; cuspis. ** nimis angufiè furibii. Good news, nantius bonus, jucuridus, To nibble, admordico, carpo, morfico, To be nigh, adefo; propa accedere, #xoptatus, rodo. • Death being nigh ai hand, in- Bad news, nuncius acarbui, malus, Nibbled, admor us. grumnie fato. trißis. A nibbler, adrvorfor: To draw. nigh.10, appropinquo, info, A Dews:maker, novator. A nibbling, admorto. A new's-Dronger, rorum novanın Nibbling, morfrans. To nigh a thing, aliquid tangere, Audiojus, appetent novi, rim ger Nicaſtrolin Calabria] Nicaſiouma Nigher , propier. You ſhall be ne- lui, ardelio. New's-telling, re'am novarum nun- Nice in Macedonia and Bithynia) ver the nigher, wibil efficins or pro- ciun, Nicces. movebis. A new'g-book, nuncius publicus feri. Nice de Provence (under the duke Nigbett proximus. prus. of Savoy.) Nicca, Nighneſs, propinquitas, proximitas, 3. To bring news, annuncis, muncio. Nice, capriolus. 'fem, New England (in America] Niva Nice (dainty) delicatus, delicatulus, NIGH, nex. *. A little before Anglia faſidious. night, fub nedtem. * They rife in Newark [the family! De Novo Loco. A nice perſon, faslafarius. the night, de noéte furgunt. * Let Newburg Ethe family] De Novo Bwgo. To grow nice, remolleſco. him not get a füpper over night, Newbury (in Berkſhire] Spina. To make ricc, mollio, luxu fran pridiè no canet, * Thou art in my Nevicaitlc (in Northumberland) No. gere. ſight day and night, mihi ante ocu. vum Capellum. Made nice, eneruatus, los dies nonefque verſaris. It was Newcaſtle (the family] De Nous Nicely (daintily } delicatè, effósminalè. late at night whon I came, multa Calello, Nicely (captioany) captiosè. ncår umi. * The night before, Newenbo:&(in 1fatia) Noviomaguin. Nicety or nicenels, mollities, proximâ nofte. The night before Newenburg (in Germunr] Nrodurgun. Nicety (captioofneſs) rapsio. the day of the murder, iâ noite Newenden in Kinr] Aarorida. A niche (in the wall) rontha, plus cui illuxit dies cædis. Newhapſel [in Hungary) Nerſelium. A little night, noctula, N-wmarch (the family] De Novo Nichola (a woman's pame] Nicho. It grows night, moltofcit, vefperal- Morcotu. Newmarck [in Tranjlvania) Novs. Nicholas [a man's name) Nicho. To lodge a!! night, pernocta- marcbia. Stay all night, Newmarker [in Sulfold) Novus Mer. One of St. Nicholas's clerks, hola. To make night, folum cona bubus, Novum Forum: phania. } Stay all night, .deros Newnham (in Hertfordſhire] Ville A'nick, crena, incifuro. To lie abroad all night, perndiare Novu. In the nick of time, in ipfo imporis in publico. Newport (in the iſle of Wight) articulo. To ftudy by night, olucubro. N.vus. Bugu, Novis Portus, Ma-To nick, incida. For a whole night long, rotem nic denu, To nick it, rem ipfam áttingers, tem 107. Newport-pagnel[in Buking bambira) aru tang art. In the dead of the night, nodi plonti Neoporius Pagarolious. Tonick-name, contumeliosè appellare. į or profundú, meridie neitis. a, No. laus. ، ܪ Ву No body; } remo, nullus. 16). 1 M1 JUTT. } , NIP Ν. Ο N. O E To alp, vello, vulj, z. wellico, I, 6* ac ine 14 ; neque verò in, • No nei By night, neiu, mods. tremis. digitis, danssbus, unguibus, in the leaſt thing, nt minima qui. Night by night.. in fingulas noc- C. Bringere. dem te ' No not he himlelt Night after night, } tes, quot modi To ap olteng.osllice; could have perſuaded me, ne ipfo bus. quidem mibi perfuaferit. To lay By night, ad). maturnus. To nip cruelly, fidico. To pip with the teeth, morfico, dm- The itill of the night; cánticinien no worſe, ui levilir:è dt.3m* 1 Continuing all night, pornox, pomoć. , will fay.no Warſe of him, nolo je To nip [as cold or frost nipperb luroy illam graviùs diccre. Muus. aduro, ufi, 31 Two n'ghts, binaliiam. Night, adine , so furnus To nip [taunt urog.msordt Nipped, vellicatus. No body but I, ego verò folus, •Thère A aight-cap, capitium. A nipper (mullet] ungula. was no body at home then but I', A pair of nippers, forcups. unus tum dori sram. A night crew} nightcorax. Nippcrs ( in navigation] funiculi, ni At no hand, nigungu.m, hardd. hand. hi A night-gown, frechediona. anchorale tangat ergatan,impedien. By no means, quaquam, neuti- The night-jar, caprimulgus. In no caſe, quam, null para A nipping, wllicatio. In no viſe, The night-marc, ephialtes. Night-fhide (herb] Solanum. A nipping with the teeth, morfikatio. By ao manner of mcans, rainime get liups, nihil minus, Garden nighe-thade, solanun bor Nipping, mordax. tene. Nipping coff's diaria. No more, nihil ampliùs or altrà, I . ſec no more hope of fafciy leír, Deadly night-late, Solanuir la Nipplagly, morderuer The nipple, papilla, capitulum mata spam reliquam nullay video falutis. Enchanters night ſhade, circea Luts- * They can no more take their Nipple-wort, lampjana, breach then if--. n hil nagis re- tiina Spirare poliwni quám fin, There Mad night-ſhade, I folainam furio. Nimes (in Languedoc) Nemzufueps. were no more but five, quinque Niffava ( in Upper Mifia ] Nailiu, lumi Sleeping night-ſhade, solanum fim- Nit nld word) neſciui, ignoravi. Najus, Nellus. aurininò fuerunt, * To ſay no more, ne quid ultrà dicam. . We will nificum be found fau't withal no more; A n!t, keni endis, A nightinga!c lu:ini?, philomula. A little nightingale, lucinjold, adu Nithing, ignavus, degener, non accufabimur pofthan I deare Nithing of his pains, parens opera. Young nightingale; } la, 1. f. no more, fat badeo. To fing as a nightingale, quiror, Nitle, manu prompius, gilis, concin- No where, nuſquam, nullibi, nuspiam. No whither, nufquam. Nightingale-like, pbilomsla smulus. Nitre, nitrum. The river nightingale, balcedo vocalis, Noib [a man's naac) Nasd. hilget mniñor. The place where nitre is found, ni. Nobility, nobilitas. traria, Noble, nobilis,generofus, infignis, thiago A night-spell, precondi formula ad. verfus incubum. Nitroſity, nitropias. Wificus. The nobleſt perſons are nitrofus, nitratu, a to be choſen prieſts, dsligendi ad NII( the (parkles that come off braſs in Nitrous, , Jacerdotis viri ampliffimi. trying jn l album, pampbelix, tutia. Full of nitre, To nill, nolle, Nitty, }lendibus fcatens. Noble acts, gela bafilica. Fall of nits, Nimble, agilis, anarias, Noble courage, wagnitudo animi, Nimbleneſs, agilitas. Nivelle (in Brabans] Nivigella, Ni-Noble hearts, pe&tora generosa. Nimbly, agiliter. vallis. A poble-man, vir exiplifimis iwori- bus ufus. To nimm [ftcal] fueror, Jurripio, jud. Nixar (in Cappadocia) Nerafaret. duce Nizin in Poland] Nizinum. Noble xen, sptimates, proceres, ba- No, adj. nullus, non ullus. Ninmed, furreptus, fubduaks. You roes. Animmer, furruptor. ſhall receive 'no denial, nullam pao of a noble-man, beroicus. A nimming, surradtio. flere repulfam. . I entreat you to Of a noble ſtock, genere in grit, z. Nimmeghen (in Guilderland) Nevio Suffer no wrong to be done them, luftri fimiliâ oriundur. magum. bis zu quan parları injuriam fieri à Thé noble parts of the body, paries A nincumpoop, bardus, infulfus, fu. te pete. * See that no wrong be corporis principes or vitales. pidus, done me, efficias nequid wibi ftes A noble (coin) aureus, libræ fortite Niac, nevim. injuria. * That no one do any gorum trions. * A noble is quickly Of nine, nonarius, hurt to any, ne cui quis acceat, brought to nine-pincc, largitio non Nine times, movies, Seeing he ſhall come into no habet furdumi The nioc at cards, enneas, danger by telling, cum illi nihil A roſe-noble, agrous rolá fignatus. Nine days, novendium. periculi sx indicio fiat, * There To make noble, nobiliso. Of nine days, noumdialis, is no reaſon that --- nibil eft cur... Nobly, generosas magnifcs, auguffa ; Of nine months, novimetris. We can do the ſtate no good, ady, Ninc.pins. See Keals. nihil poffumus opitulari reipublicæ, Nobleness, nobilitas, germafitas,fplen- Nincteen, sovendecim, undrviginti. # There was no need of contend dor: The nineteenth, decimus nonus, un- ing, contentione nibil opus eflet. Nobleneſs of courage, magnanimitas, devigefimus. * No ſuch thing, nibil tale. He Ninety, nonaginta, put them in no ſmall fear, rion, Nocera (two cities in Italy) Nuc- ria. minimum terroris intulit illis. * No Of ninety, nonagenariu, Ninely times, nonagius, hard matter, res boud difficilis.. A noch, Ninetieth, nonagefimus. ---, non dubium ef Nock, Nincfold. noncuplex, quin.--, * I think there is no ho- To noch, 396 Ninc times fo much, noncuplus. neſty at all in it, id verò 'nnuti. Make a noch, Ninc hundred. nongenti, nonagmi. quures bonofum effe arbitror. * He Noched, incifus, crmature Of nine hundred, nong narius. is in no fault, omni kuipa vacar. Nocturnal, nogurnus, Nine hundred times, nongenties, # I have no time now, non eft mibi A nod, nutus, The nine hundredth, nongentefimus. etiam nunc. so that there was To nod, nimel Ninjve (in Allyria) Ninive. no withftanding of him, ut ei ob- To nod to, wnnwg. Ninove lin Flanders] Ninova, fifli non pofit. * He wanted no To nod from, rmua, . A ninny, good will, illi fudium non defnit. To nod together, connulo. Ninny-hammer, } vaterra. * No pains, no gains, dij laboribus Nodding, nalans. The ninth, monut, nouuh, nadma- omnia vendunt. . A nodding, nutatio, mut us. ; rius. No, adv. non minimè. * No leſs A noddy, dolirus. Ninthly, none. than any of you, non minùs quàm To play the goddy, deliri. Niort (in Poitou) N:ortium. vefirin quivis, * With no Teſs The noddlc, occipiciun. A nip, vellicario, compreffio. cloquence than freedom, pari elan of the noddle, occipitalis, A ſore aip, lano sx villications. quentia ac libertass, hi No nor you, Noel (a mwa's name) Nodlius. · Noelen. 1 . 3. f. 3 A Griae noftris; } Ν Ο Ν N OR N O T Noeſenſtadt [ln Tranſylvania] Nenti., A non conformiſt, ecclefiæ nationali | Norwich (in Norfolk]Norvicum, Nora dava.. non sfintims, vel hierarchia impug dovicum, Vinte trenorum. The nog ofa mill, bacillus,infundi nalor Anglicane. A noſe, naſus. * Your noſe is buli excuffor. Non-performance, inopia præfatio wiped, tibi es effe fublitum plani & Nogen für ſeine [.in Champagne ] nis. 'proba. Neomagis. Non-parell letter (In printing] typo- A Azt noſe, najus refimus. A norgia, Lagina, hmina. rum tenuifimi. The' noſe-tip, nafi orbiculus. Noghers (in Languedoc) Heraclea. The noncs of a month, nme. The noſc-griſtle, naf cartilago, Noiance, nocumentwm. To non-plus, rad incitas re- A noſe of wax, Lesbia regula- A NOISE, fonus. Brepitus. * At the Put to a non-plus, } digere. A dog of a dcep porc, canis patulis aoiſc they came together, udda- At a non-plus, ad filinsiunn redac naribus morem convenerunt. *. Let them To ſpeak in the noſe, naribus velut fee without making a noiſe, sacilè To be at a non-plus, obmule coi occlufis proloqui. · Spotient. Non-reſident, non refidens. To wipe to nole, naſum emungere. Noiſe (report] fama, rumor. Nonienſe, abſurdà diftum. To root with the noſe, rufpari. A little noiſe, fufurrus. Nonſenſical, abſurdus The noſe-band of a bridic, sepi. A thrill noiſe, jridor; Nonſuch (in Survey] Nulla ejuſmodi, jllram. The noiſe of Water, murmur. Nulli par or faunda. Noſe-bleed (herb] millefolium. The noiſe of thunder, fragor. A non-ſuit, cajus de causâ. A noſegay, ſervia, reticulum, nodulus, A pleaſant noiſe, cuphonia. To fuffer a non-fuit, tergiverfor. forum fafciculus. To make a noiſe, drepo, obfiropo fre. To be non-ſuited, caufa caders, for. Noſe-Imart (herb) kafturtium. piluña edere. · mula cadere. Great-noſed, nafo, nafulus. To make a great noiſc, perfirepo. Non-tert, juftitium. Hawk-noſed, gryphus, To make a little noiſę, lub repo. A nook, angulus, Flat-noſed, Amus. Without noile. Alons, tacitus. A cloſc nook, latebra, Hook noſed, camurus: To noiſe abroad, pradico, promulgo, The nook of tho neck, cervix, Noſtock, viſcide materia gelatina fi. divulgo. ima colli vertebra, junctura colli G milis, vulgo Bella cudens. Noiſed abroad, vulgatus, divulgatus, Spine. The noſtrils, nares, nariui. It is nolied abroad, rumor of, rumor Noon, meridies. Great nottrils, ? incidis. Noon, ad). nares patula. Noiſom, noens, gravis graveoles, in-Of.noon, } meridianus. NOT, is most commonly mad: by fefius, moleflus, noxius, tetor. Before noon, antomeridianus, non or ne ; yer ſometimes by leve- Ņoiſomely, graviter, infoflè, noxiè. After noon, pomeridianus. ral other words and phraſes, ac- Noi:omneis. nocentia, Spurcities, The afternoon, teinpus pomeridianum. cording to theſe examples. Nola (in Italy) Nok. A nooſe, lagueus nexilis. NOT; as, I do not doubt, but---, Noli ( on the Ligullick Shore ] Nax. To nooſe, illaqueo. non dubito quin--- Thou ſhalt lun. A nope (bird] rubicilla, not kill, non pucides. * Are you A noli me tangere in the noſe, po- Nor, ne, nequs. not aſhamed of theſe things i non bypus. Nor I, plus quam ego, 16 beer pudens ? * Not that I know The noll, occipitium. Norcia (in Ombria) Nerja. of, non quòd fciam, • Ought I not A nomarch, monarcha. Norden (in Wefobalia) Nordenum. to have known it before-hand ? Nombre de dios (an American city]Nordlingen (in Germany] Ara, or nonne oportuit, prafcila me anku ? Onomatbeopolis. Aræ Flaviæ ; Nerolinga. * "Did I not ſay it would fall out A nombrellin heraldry) umbilicus. Norfolk; Norfolcia, Nordovolea. ſo ? annon dixi hor ille futurum? A nomenclatura; nomenclatura. Norham (in Northumberland) Nub- * Not but that there have been Nomeny (in Lorrain) Nomenium, banforda ſoch, non quod non sales fuerint. Nominally, nomine, dijerte. Norman (a man's name] Norman * Not but that it was right, non To nominate, nomino, appello. quin rectum elit.. Nominated, nominatus. Normandy (part of France) Norman- NE, 18, * Do not fear, ne meluas, A neminating, nominatio, appella nia, Naufrii. • Take heed you ſtumble notice- Nomination, Norris (the family? Norrifus. ve ne titubos. I defire you not The nominative caſe, cafus nominan- The north, septentrio. to ask that of me. pelo à te ne id à di, nominativus or relius, me quaras. Now I intreat you. Non-ability, impotentia. of the north, Cus. not to marry her, nunc ir oro ui ne Nonage, minorinniun. The north wind, aquilo, borios, dusas. * Did I not ſay it would For.che nonce,. de indufrid, datâ or The north catt, euro-aquilo, re prove lo i dixine hoc foro. ? Not dedita opera. cias, ſo much as my letters are ſtayed, NONE, nullus, nonnullus, "I love North north-caſt, boreas Scythicus. ne literæ quidem meæ impediuntur, none but you, si unum diligo. The north-weſt caurus. * That I ſay not, no dicam. * Not * You are none of our company. North north-weſt, thrafcius. to bc tedious, ne multa ; ne multis, extra numerum'a nobis; non es no- North-weſterly, caurinus. That I may not do any hurt, Ara fafcia. I pray there may The nortfi-pole, polus ar&icus, axis ut nequid obfim. be none of this, mi quid fit hujus horeas. HAUD ; as, Not long after, baud • He is none of the beſt. The north ftar, ſiella polaris. bomo non probatiſſimus. * Such Northerly, borealis, Saptentrionalis, MINUS ; as, *It is not fifteen days ān, artiſt, as none is able to come Northern," } Te; adj. 3 art, ago, minus quindecim dies funt. near him, artifex longè citra emu. Northern-men, Brigantes. NEC, NEQUE ; as, Not long af- lurr. "And there is none of us Northampton-town, Northantonta, An ter, nec ita muliò pall. They but---, neque quisquam eff no tonia, Bennavonta, were not able to ablde ſo much Arům quin... This happens to Northamptonſhire,cornisalus Northan as the founding of the trumpet, none but a wiſe man, foli hoc con Yonimnis. wa tubam Fußinent poluerunt, For tingit fapienti. * There is none Northauſon (in Thuringen] Nortbu. I cannot deny this, neque enim boc but knowns, nino Bli qui nefcir. fia, sugare polim. None but a fool would ran into North-hall (in Hertfordſhire) Nemu 'NE NON ; 28, * You are afraid it miſchief, quod cavere polis, Pullum borcale, ſhould not be of any long continu. eff admitteri. • There are none North-forcland (in Kent) Cantium, ance, ris non diurnum hi futurun without fault, vitiis, wemo fine Carion. timer. naſcitur. None fo deaf as they Northumberland, Neribumbria, Nor UT ; as, I fear I cannot, vereor that will not hear, pulli funt per thanimbria.. ut polim. jus furdi quàin ii qui audire naluni. North-wales, venedotia. Particular phraſes ; as,' * 'Do not Su No. Norton-hall (in Yorkpiro) Nortobri ihink that I had rather, noli putarı Non appearance Llae Iorm] deferinn una maluife. Not ſo often as I vadimoni. Norway, Norvegia, Bafilea. uled, rariùs quàm folebar. . It you nus. ,} OTO. multò poß. cum. 1 1 1 NO T NOU Ν Ο Υ. you had not rather, nih fi mavis. off. He is nothing (in the earth) nihil agis. You have nought to * Why may you not defire theſe but skin and bones, offa atque pel ſay againſt her, cui tu nibil dicas things? quidni har cupias ? Not lis totus of. * Has there been no viiii. * Nought but his head is as it was beforc,contra alqur antes thing elie between you ? nunquid. above water, išrut' capite folo ** s- fuerat, nam amplius tibi cum illo fuit? quâ. Where nought is to be NOT AT ALL, nullo modo, nequa They knew nothiog by them had the king muſt lofc hio right, quam, ne vix quidem. They do Sclves, fibi nullius erant.confcii cul. caniabit varuus coram latrone via. hardly or not at all appear; vix pa. I have gothing to accufe for ; inops audacia tuta ef. Su No. aut ne vix quidem apparent: # I your old age of, non babeo quod_thing. do not at all agree to that, nullo acculem lenectutem tuam. I will to come to nought, in nihilum ro. modo prorfus afontior. have nothing to do with you, tas dire, pelum ire Not yet, nondum. * He was not tuias tibi babito. They live up. To ſet at noughi, pro nihilo ducare, yet gone over the river, nondum on nothing but honey, melle folo • I let him at nought, ingrasa sa flumen Branferai, vivunt. Nothing venture, no- habui atque irrita. Not fo, minimè, neutiquam. thing have, jacta o alea, non fit A novice, novitius, eiro. He is a Not any; } nullus, ne unus quidem. fine periculo facinus magnum Gº very novice, rudis eft, . If : , } tyrocinium. Not to matter whether one ankor thing, you will be nothing ſet by, Time of a novice, Swim, jufque deque ferre, habere. elleni habras, ajam valeas. No To play the novice, rerum je rudem To not. drtindro, utronden. Sie Nott. thing dries up ſooner than tears, - biber. NOTABLE; illuftris, infigniss Specta Lacrimâ nil citiùs arefcit. There Novigrad [ in Illyricuus ) Argmru. bilis, Noiable ſwiftneſs, eximia is nothing that can be ſaid now velocitas. penting This notable thing which has not been ſaid before, Novigrad ( in Macedonia] Forum, 2. happened to the city, hoc memo nullum eff jam diftum quod non neut. randum Cniigis urbi. Let your dictum ej priùs. A noun, nomm. notable virtue appear, 'virtutis tuæ For nothing, adv. gratis. It is not a noun of no caſe; aprolom. lumen «luceat. for nothing that---, non temere | A noun of one cale, monoptosons. Notable (very) valde, vehementer. quod--- That you mall not a- A noun of two caſes, dipioson, A notable fine young gentleman, buſe us for nothing, ut ne impunè A noun of three calcs, triprotons. lecz ilimus adolefcens. in nos illuferis. Novogrod ( in Mufrivy) Novogar. Very notable, perinſignis. Nothing worth, neguam. dia. To be notable, mitco, anitafo. Good for nothing, '} He is a fellow Novogrodeck [ in Lithuania | Novo- To make notable, infignio. good for nothing, huno eft ad nul gardia. Mide notable, infignitus. lam rem utilis. His teñimony Is To nouriſh, nutrio, alo, fovao. " You Notably, inpgniter, eximià. seckoned nothing worth.cujus tofi. nouriſh a viper in your breaſt, tu A notary, notarius publicus. monium nullius mommii putatur. viperam fub ala nutris. Done by a notary, in publicas tabulas NOTICE, cognitio, . Having notice Nouriſhable, nutriendus, altilis. Nlatus. of Cæfur's coming, certior fagus de To be nouriſhed, crafei, fruor, Notation, notatio. Cæfaris adventu. Before they Nouriſhed, nutritus. A notch, crona. could have notice of what they Nouriſhed together, coalitus. Notch.weed, atriplex olida. inteaded, priujquam quid ageratut The perſon nourilhed, alumnus. A notch In a tally, inciſura, ſentire polins. A nouriſher, alitor, nutritori To notch down inci urâ factâ fubno-To give notice, notum facere. * I Nouriſhing, nutritivus. tare. To notch the halr comam inæqualiter faciam. kept Nouriſhmene sondere. capitol to give notice when thieves Very nouriſhing, nutrimenti bo. Notched, armatus, inciſus. conc, canos aluntur in capitolis ut Full of nouriſhment, ni mnulei. A notching, inciſo, denticulatio. fignificent fures venerint, A pote (mark) nota. To take notice, obſervo. For nouriſhment, alimentarius. A note (bill) fyngrapha.' To take no notice of, diſimulo. A nourie. Su Nurſe. A note [commentſ annoiatio. A notification, notificatio. NOW, nuni, jam. How now? A note (in muſick) sonus, modus. To notific or notify, certiorem facere, quid nunc ? *Now what is that The notc of a fine, formula aliena. Nolificd, certior fa&us, 'notus fac- to the pretor ? jam quid id ad pre- toric breve antequam in tabulas rie torem . Now a certain man was feratur. A notifiing, fignificatio. ſick, ægrotabat autem quidam. • Note (in falconry7 cum accipiter hu- A notion, nolio, notitio, fmtencia, We have faid enough of juſtice morom uropigio exirahit ad alas con- Noto (in Sicily ] Nea, Nnum. now let us ſpeak of liberality, de, cinnandas. Notorious, manifeftus, nous, infigni- juflitia fatis dictum eft, deinceps de To note (run ac] cornupeto, impeto, liberalitak dicatur. arieto. Notorlouſly, manifeſio, publicè. never, nullum erit tempus hoc 4. Confuſed notcs, aduerfaria. Notoriouincío, certitudo notoria, milo.' . They ſtand now on' one Of note, notabilis, infignis. To nolt (thcar) tondeo, attondeo. foot, then on another, alternis pe- Men of note, homines peatati & pro- Noited, confun, attonſus. dibus infifuns. bati. Nottingham, Nottinghamia. Now-a-days. nune dierum; hodie, hoc @flittle note, obfcurus, Nottinghamthire, Ager Nettinghaui. avo, (in). his femporibus, quomodo Men of no note, ignota capita. enfis. nunc fr. Now-2-days court. To note, noto, figno, obfervo. Notwithſtanding, tamen, attamen, ni ſhip carries it, hoc triApore obfogulun To take in ſhort notes, notis exij. hilominus. * Notwithſtanding this, amicos parit. pere. non ahfiants bac. Now then, bis ita pranilis, hos po. To note carefully, aufrulto. Nova Zomblaſan Iſland in thc frogca fro. Noted, notatus, gratu. ſea] Nova Zambla. Now and then, ſubinde, nonnunquam, Noted (carcfully) annosetus, obfor- Novara (in the dukedom of Milain) identidem. Now and then he valuri. Nouaria. let tears fall as they did, nennun. A noter, obſervator. A povel, novella. quam collacrymabat. A noting, notatio, hgnatio, Novel aflignment (law-term) no- Even now, modo, jam nunc, jam A noting [obſerving] annotatio, ob va aſignatio [alicujus circumjian. Juſt now, } jam. fervarilo. tic We!l now, age nunc. NOTHING, nihil, nil. You Novellara (in Lombardy) Novellara. Now at length, nunc demum, tandem have nothing to do with it, tuâ Novelty, rus nuper edite. aliquando. mihil referi... It is nothing to me, | A lover of novelties, 'novitatis avi. Nowed (in heraldry] nodatus, nodo. nihil ad me attinet, id mia minja dus. jus. mè refers. Little or nothing, November, November, ris. Noxious, noxius, non multam, aut omnine nihil. HC Nought, nibil, ne minimum quidem. Noya lia Gallusiu] Norla, Novi. has nothing, omnibus rebus nudus You will make nought of it, Noyon, will give you notice, 16 cartiorem Doupurimenti ; } nutritio, alimentum. # Now or 1 Vi i , NUR TO Ο Α Τ Doyon Lin Pirardg) Navionum, No- A Hide nurſe, wutricula. od man that I am I mo milmrum weduwe A dry nurfa, gorula, gorerja, -or. Q-me miferun! (or perditum!) A norel, Igra. Agine's busband, Tobubble, Algnis cadare: Oad {to dye cloth]glajums. A nursing father nutritius, Anakis. Quercus robur.. Nubia (part of Africa] Nubis, Nat. To purſe, marios The bitter oak, errus. bia. Nurſed, nurrisus. Bak of Cappadocia [herb) ambrosa. A Aude contact, ia. lave, uxdum a nursiy, finaciam. Opk-fern, dryopteris. pa84n., A nurſery of plants, plantarium, fe- The gall-bearing oak, errus, it's es. Nudils, emplafira xylina web.lice op. Rinasirepisi • fulus. piirundo. A murling, nutritja, Holme-oak, ilex. The auel (ſpindle of:. winding Nurfu Quy. (a Arwer} narriffus Oak of Jerofalem, quercula; borrys, fair) jiupu, ITULUS calurand cost Nuſiurc, asuraria, intitusio moralis. A young oak, qurrous novella orte- Hidura To resduço, infrue, in 140 Nugatory, rugatorias An:laskaginocumentum. A adilance, 71.wmentum. to nufilęs in ulger, feugo. Of cak,} queinas, querieus The nukc, aeriaitium. .'.:,: The Stüt of a firew cosblea basa. Angak-apple, galla. To null, abrogio amtique. 4.not, An oak.grove, queretuin. Nulied, abregasus A-UE tree, } nixj nucis; A grove of gall oaks, ajouletum. A Qulifidian, binge mullius fidei, A little nut, nyula. Ölkor, ora. Sre Oker. A nulling, abrogatio. A-baze nut; **** avellana fylteiris. Dile-gavel (rent ale]f«xlarius viini- A nullisy; plus, nihilumi A cheſtnut, enfiones nex. galis, Numigen in Treves) Nesmagus, No The Cypreſa nul, nut Cypria, galbu. Dar vieraillum crudum. Vim847..... lus, Oar of gold, balluca. A number, ntenerus, 2. m: lac. An carth-putin balbo callarum. än oar, remus. * He will have an counc him in the number of piy A piſtach.net, iacium. 02: in every dian's boat, mufca friends, bumr bzbu in rumeno meo | A Wall-nut: juglins;nux baflica, re: 5. rum amicorum. There were a gia, An rar-handle, manubrium. great number of u8fanè frequen-Green wall.nuc tells gulliore. The broad end of an oar, palmula. tos fuimus: A.wall-nut tree, arber juglan An pair of oars, Joanba birimis. A great rumber of perſons,multi or A ſmall-nut cree, corylus. To row with oais, remigo, quàm plarimni homines ; magne bo- A nue-wood, ruslearium. Oats, aume. minum multitude or frequentia , An indian-nut, nux India. Wild pats, bronus Perilis. He has magnus or ingens numerus hominum. The vomitiye-nut, mux vimica. not yet fown his wild oats, non- A fa!l number, pausia :S :* A water.nut, mloulus, ither. dum illi defa buit adolefcentia. To numpcr, pxmero, dinumero. A Ruc ararker.nurifrongibulum. : Small oats, avenula. To number again, rinumero: A nue-kernel, nucleus. Oat-ineal, unila avmatia., A furd number, kumerus furdus. A nutmegin. 7 7maſcata, my. Dat-neal Chcib) panicum. A gicat number, copia grandis. A nutmeg-tree, 1:. riſica. Out-meal grout, farina avenaca. Pailing number, innumerabilis ; adi: A nutſhel, nuis putamen. An oat-meal man, Quenarius. In great number, fragmentos. The nut of a croſs-bow, otragalus. An oat-field, aurnarium, or what nombor, quotu. The nulabole (of a bow} spixigis. Oat, adi. More in, nura bor, numerofer, The nut of a muſical Astrument, Oaten, aumaceus, ävenarius, By number, numeratin. The nut of a leg of motion, coxue Oat bread, panis aumaceus, Nuidbred, numeratus; recenſus. evine glans. An oat cake, avenaria. Anpinberer, numerator.. A nut-pecker A puinbring, numerufio.dinkoira. Ņug apper Oat-gavel, avene veiligales. [birdſ1014caryocan | Oat-thiftle, carduus suapariyse ladis. tio, recenfo. Nut harch Oat-ftraw, glumi avenang, A numbering again, sonumeratio, o Nutriment, nutrimentum. An OATH, jusjurandur, juramm. nis ; f. Nucleion, nutritio.. * You ſhall be put to your A numbesing of namea, nomenclatio, Nutritious nutritius. oath, dabitur jusjurandus. * They mongenclarura. ſay it upon their oath, jurasi, dị. A Rumbaring of people, cmsas. Nuys (in Germany) Novefour. (unt He will take my word be- The numbes of a deet, mia farine. Nuys (in Provence) Athenopolis. fore your oath, injuraro plus credet Numerable, numerabilis, compusabilis. To nuzzle in the bed, lepido has mihi quàm jurato tibi. humoral, numaralis, narum indo, A great oath, dejuriun. Numeration, numeratio. A nays hawk, Accipiter ridarius or The oath of allegiance, jurammijuin Numcrical, individurusa apolraphus, fideiturit. A numerit, tungeraris. Nybourg (in Denmark] Nesburgum. To make an oath , Sacramento sooba Numeroys, namsTofas. Nid or Nich Ca river in Scotland) Bringere. Numeroofly, merosè. Novius, To take a ſolemn oath, jurare Fourni Numerouincy maistofitas, A nyc of pheaſsots.phapanorum grex. lapidem. Numeroſity, Nyemburg (in WeApbalia) Novobute To lgkc an oath of, sacramimtum di- To pummo, japofacto. gum. core, jusjurandum dari, Numm.id, Pupidus, fupofaAus. Nyland (part of Swedeland] Nylan-To blnd by an oath, Sastammto ob- fringer. To be nummcdoluparo. A nymph, nympha. To deny by an oath, dejero. Nanimingsfiupefaciuus. Nyon (by the lake of Gmra) No Denied by oath, dejoratus, a, ums; A numming, Amardaia. magus. . part. Nümneſs, pujor. Ngonfia Switzirland] Nevidunum. A denying by oath, dejorario. A nuncheon or bcaver, berende, To put one to his oath, adjuros A nuncio, legatus fedis pontificia. Pat to his oath, adjuratus. Nuncupaciye, muncupations. To require an oath of, jurammio Nuncupatory,.ukncupatarius. provorare, quarere. A nun, monialis, virgo facrata, urialis The requiring of an oath, juramenti monacba. O before A. irrogatio. Of a non, vefalds, wonalis. The iaking of an oath, jusjurandi Nun [a bird) partes. minor. O [adv.] 0. or fign of a vocative conceptio. A nunncry, abjerium, monafterium. Nuptial, nismialis, connubialis 0 [inters:.0206 Damno wake a Breaking one's oath,} perjurium. A nuprialiſt, pronubus. face is there ! O qualis facies! To falGfy one's oath, jusjurandum Nuscsburg (in Germany) Nerina, No O joyfull dzy! O lepidum diena! . violare. . ricorum Mens, Norsberge, the times ! manners A purſe, nutriai With di armaceus , magas acis... Of oats, tuin. dia. o tempora ! O merai? a prech! Breaking one's cath;} perjürüs . 7 : ! pro re natá. OBS O BV O D D With an oath, jurato; adv. Very obſcure, perobſcurus, a, um. ; Obvious, obvias, a, um , ad). IVith a great oath, perſanilo ; ad. A little obſcure, ſubobfiurus, ,' . To obumbrate (thadow) obumbre. Obadiah a man's name) Obadias. To obicure, objcuro, are, Ohumbrated, obumbratus, 4, wm. Obdora (part of Mufcoup] Obdora. To obſcure moſt famous things, * An obumbrating, obumbratie. Obdurate, obduratus, oblinalus. bus clarißimis obducere tenebras, To obdurate, obduro, I. ohjlino, fie Obſcurely, obfcuri; adv. Oby (a river in Mulcowy] Obines, Obduration, obduraijo, onis; f. To ſpeak obſcurclý, confortè dicers, OCCASION, occafio, 3. caufa, i. ra- To be obdurate, obdurroin. anigmatizo, art. tio, 3: There is a very good To grow obdurate, obdivo; n. An obſcuring, obfuratio, anis ; f. occa Gon for it, belliſſima di acdpo. Died:ence (obey fance] obedientia, 1. Obfcurity, objcuritas aris ; f. Wher Occa Gon Terres, in loro: f. obfequium, 2. n. obtemperatio, Full of obſcurity, ambagiofusi anig. * When there. Dal bc occafion onis ; f. maticus, a, uia adj. to uſe it, wbi ufus viniat. Not Qocuier.cc [ſublection) ſubje&io, onis; An obſecration, obfecratjo, onis ; f. but upon grcat occafion, nic nif f. Ourequlcs, szequia, 1. f. pompa fu neefariò. As occafon ſerves, In obedience, ſubječius, a, um ; adj. nebris. Obedient, obedions, obliquins ; adj. Obſequious, obloquens, mariger ; adj. A ſmall occaſion, acafincula. Ohidently, obedientèr, obfequenter. To be obicguigus, morem gerert. Occagon (buhacſo] risS. fo negotia An obelisk, obelifcus. Obſequlouſy, odfequentèr ; adv. um; 2. n. Ober-werel" [in Germany] Ficalia, Obſervance, obferuuntia, é ; f. Vofuvia. OBSERVANDObfervans, .,;. adj. Give occafion, andere dere or pra- To, obey, abidin, 4. obfequor, 3. ebe She was obſervant to you in all To find occalon; } anfang artin tempero, 1. parco, 2. morem gerere. things, iibi morigera fuit in rebus Take occaſion, Obeyed, auditus, a, um, omnibus, To have occagon [for a thiog) cm Obeyed (as a command) cujíodilus. An obſervation, shferuatio, onis ; f. Teo, ogro. Todo obeyſance, genufleto, 3. n. An obſervator, obſervator, monitor ; To ſeek occalien, imminco, ere. Obeyſance, genuflectio, onis. oris ; m. Occaſional, contingens, nutis ; adj. To obfuscate, offisco. To obſerve, obſerve, animaduerte. Occaſionally, pro re nara. An obice, objectuin, ti ; n. To oblerve dutifully, officiosè obfer- Occadonçd, natus, ortos, &; um To object, ohjicio, z. obje&o, 1. a&. Vare. The occident (went) occidens, To objcct (in reproach) opprobro. Obrorved, obſeruatus, a, una Occidental, occidentalis, le ; adj. Objected, obje&us, oppofitul, a, um. It is obſerved, obfervatur ; imperf. Occult (ſecret) occultus, a, une An obie&ion, objectio, onis ; f. Obſervable, obfervabilis, le; adj. An occupant, polifor, qui ana kik. An obit (funcral obſequics) epicedi- An obſerver, obſervator, jpeculater, pat. uni, feraliorum dies anniverſaria, oris ; m. An occupation, ars, 3. culara, ri anniverſaria parentalia. A dutiful obſerving, obfervantia, f. Segotiatio, 3. f. rugasium, 2. A. To objurgate (chide] objurgo, 1, Obſolete (out of ulc) obfolsius. A man of occupation, artifex, An objurgation, objurgario, onis ; f. To grow obſolete, obfolso, 2. n. mechanicus, i; m. Oblurgatory, objurgatorius, 4, www. An obitacle, impedimentum, mora.. An occupative field, ager Kaspariti. An oblation, oblatio, onis ; f. Obſtimacy, pertinacia, ; f. To oblectate (delight) oble&tb, 1. Obſtinate, pertinax, contumax. To accupy, occupo, I, colo, 3. act. An ob'ectation, obleâatio, anis ; f. Obſtinate in opinion, Smieniia le. To occupy before, pranoupo, I. adt. An obligations, obligatio, onis ; f. To occupy (uſe) utor, cris; rog An obligation [bondſ lngrapbus, To be obſtinate, obfirmate fe animo. abl. fyngrapba, chirographun. Obſtinately, pariinacitàr, præfrale, Occupied, occupatus, cultus, a, um. An obligation (ſuretiſh.pj vadimoni. To hold obftinate, mordicus senere. Occupied [bagcd) verfatus, negdio- um. 1 ; n. Obſtreperous, obllreporus, a, um. fus, a, um , ads. They are 6c- ſo bind' by obligation, obligo, I. To obſtruct (ſtop, up), baruo, črs. cupicd in finding out the truth, obftringo, ere; act. To obstruct (binder) impedio. in veri vefligations uerfantur. Bound by obligationobligasus, od-An obitru&ion, obfruitio, onis; f. To be greatly occupled, fatago. Arictus, a, um, part. Obftructive, obdructiuus, a, um, He is greatly occupied, diftontas e Obligatory, obligatorius, a, um, ad). To obtain, obtinse, 2. potior, 4. adj. opera animo. To oblige; ad. obligo, 1. obfiringo, pifcor, 3. confequor, eris. An occupier, Negotiator,, Keupator, 3. devincin, 4. * You will very To obtain by chance, Sortior, iri. cultor, oris į m. much oblige me, inibis á me joli-To obtain by deſire, exoro, s. im. An occupying, occupatio, 3. cultus; 4. dan grandem gratiam, Obtalo by request, putro, 1. To occurr, Occurro. Obliged, obligatus, divinitus, a, um, Let me obtain this at your hands, An occurrence ea fuis fortuisus. An obligee, cui fyngraphe traditur Ane te hoc exorem. An obliger, obligator, oris ; m. To obtain by great labeur, svinco. Occurring, obvius, a, um, adj. Oblique (crooked) obliquus, a, um. To obtain by Aattery, blandior, The ocean, ottanus, mi; m. Obliquely, sbliquě; adv. To obtain (effe&t) eftidio, ire; act. Ochſenfurt (In Francinia] Oshfenfuru. Obliquity, obliquitas, asis; f. To obtain faveur, gratiam inire. lum, Bosporu, To obliterace I blot out) odlileri, 1. Obtainable, parabilis, ke; ad). Ock river (in Devonshire) Ockus. Oblitcrated, obliteratus, a, um, Obtained, acquiſtus, partui. Ockham Ito calk thips] fartura, An obliteration, obliterario, onis; f. Obtained by requeſt, impetratus, ferruminario, Aurpe. Oblivion (forgetting) oblivio, 3. f. Obtained (effe&cd) idus. Ockhampton (in Devonbire] Ocbamp- oblivium, ijn. Having obtained, adeptus, nedus. tonia, An ad of oblivion, amrelia, a ; f. Having obtained lfberty; libertatio An oltare (elght] ostava, dags. Oblivious, obliviofur; a; wm. cempos. The octaves cight days after a fel- Oblòng, oblongus, s, um ; adj. An obtainer; partir, oris , m. tival] odav, arum ; f. pl. Obloquy (reproach) oblequium, 2. n. An obtainer by request, impetrator, October, Odober, as. maledi&io, on!s; f. exoralar, oris; m. Ocular, ocularis Obnoxious, obnoxius, a, um ; ad). An obtaining, impetrario, onis; foi An oculist, solarius, puedicus aula. To obnubilate (cload) obnubilo. Obtcmpcration, blomparatio, oniis. rrer, Obnobilated, obnubilatus, To obteft, odiofior, 1. obfecro, art. : Oculus-chridi (herb ) bordainaus flo An obole (a weight among apothe. An obtefting, obteftatua, abfecratio, veftro. Obtcitation, Odd, impar, ris; ads. Obſcene,obfcxnus, a, um ; ad). Obtrectation, obtre&atio, mis 3 An odd 'maa, bune perourfus, info- Obſcenciy, objecne; adv. To obtrude, abtrudo, ère. lons. Obſcenity, obſcenitas, atis ; f. An obtaration, obturatio; oppilatio, To play at eren and odd; ludert pas OBSCURE, .bfcurus, a, um, adj. Obtuie (dull) obtufus, lobos ; ad). impar. An obſcare diſputation, diſputatio Obtuſely, abiusè'; ady. To play odd pranks; ludum infolesa, abArufior. Obventions (church-fees] ebürtiones, tem luders. An obfcure perfon, inglorius, ignobilis, umri : f. Odds (variance liter, imat; f. inimio Ain obſcurç tyle, oratio intoria. To obviate, obvio, rukſlo, oppugna. crtia, f. Il door het in 2 To OF OF: OFF . as I 1 } } To be at odds with-one, inimicitias • A body.void of blood and Hfc, quaintance of ours is but of very Cum aliquo gerere. * They are at fanguinis atque anima corpus inane, jate, hæc inter nos nuper notitia odds, inisrl Jidenf. I will make an end of ſpeaking, admodum st. To fall at odds, andco, 2. finem dicendi faciami! *lan de- of any one elſe, 2 aliunde. Ask To fight againſt odds, impari numero firous of returning,' cupldus sum of any body elſe, $ of any body congridi. redeundi. elle, aliundè pete. Odds. (difference). diferimen. * See! OF is ſometimes thc sign of an ad- of oac's own accord, ultrò; adv. What odds shese.us beiweco man jedive poffeſfive. *Trappings of fet purpoſe, cogitatò, conſultò. - and many hem, :vir dire quid pre- hen of ſilver, pbaleræ argentea. *He OFF, hinc, abhinc. - A furlong off, Hat.. fat in 2 ſeat of gold, clad with a intervallo urrus jadii. • A little An.ode [fong) ode, cantilena. gown of purple, Yedebat amiftus way off, exiguo intervallo. A thort ode, nania. zogâ purpurâ in sellâ cursā. Twelve miles off, ad duodecimum Odcnbcim [in Germany) Neomagus, This friend of mine, his meus a lapidom. Noviomagum. micus. *This planc-tree of yours, OFF and on, inconfans, tis ; adj. Odeosec (in Denmark] Ostonium... bae tua platarus. * This poet of You were off and on as Odur (a river in Germany] Odera, ours, hic nsier poeta. • That life thought, parum mihi conflans viſus Guttalus, Survus, Kiadrus... of yours, as it is called, is a is. * They are ſo off and on, Qder (a river in France) Odera. death, vera orro que dicitur vita tantâ mobilitate fefe agunt. Odious, odiofus, inviſus, paridus. mors eft. FAR OFF, procul ; adv. *Who is Somewhat. odsous, Jäbodyofus. OF is ſometimes made by the pre he that I lce afar off? quis efl ille Odroully, odiuse, invidiosè., adv. poſitions à, ab, die, , ex, in, per, geem procul video? * 'They fought Quiouſneſs, surpiludo,: 3. f. ſuper. *He is praiſed of thefe, every day with fings áfar off, Odoriferous, odoriferus, odorats. blamed of them, laudatur ab his, quotidiè minùs fungii pugnabant. To make odoriferous, odoro. culpatur ab illis. * He ſays, he * Places far off from one another, An odour, odc:, 3. m. came to inquire of him, dicit fo laca disjunctilima, Occonomy, economia, d;f, vinile quæfitum ab co. * Melina FROM OFF, de; prep. abl. The Occgnomick, is void of theſe things, Meffana maid lifts up herſelf from off the }.ceconomicus . Oeconomical, ab his rebus vacua ei. * Of ſet ſod, de ceſpite virgo se levat. An economiſt, CELONONTUS, mi;m. purpoſe, de induſtria. * I have To be off a bargain, existe pasium, Occumcnical (general] @cumenisms, ſpoken of friendſhip in another To como off, difcedo. I come 4, um ; adj. book, dia amicitiâ alio libro dictum Go off, fairly off, Imo Dedenburg (in Hungary] Sampra- f. • of his own head, de fuâ verò pulchrè diſeda & probe. jententia. You accuſe me of To leave off, defino, 3. * Let us in Ocland [a Swediſh iſland) Oclandia, negligence, ino acculas de negligen ſometime' lcave off ſpeaking, ali- Qeftcrick (part of Germuny] Auflria. tiâ. A bed of ſoft flags, torus quando dicere defilamus. Oetingen (in Buvaria} Otni pons. de mollibus ulvis. . A verrel of a | To put off (delay) differo. * The OF is moſt commonly the sign of a very great fewel, vas gomma ſold:cr's hope is put off till another gen:tive caſe, as, * The love of prægrandi. * One buckler ail of day, Spes prorogatur militi in alium -iphoney incroac6, crefcit amor num. gold, clypeus unus ex aura lotus, diem. mi. * A boy of an honest look, * We were brought up together to put off , ? propelló, propulso. * ingenui vulnus puer. *I cannot of little oncs, una è pueris par-Kecp'off, -find 21. perny of money any vili educati fumus. * The clder off theſe things, paratiffimus ad hæc where,. nusimi nufquator reperire of the two ſons, cx duobus filius propuliandum. argenti qued. *This book of his, majer. Perhaps you had heard To put off, amoveo, 2. sollo, 3. bie illius codex. '* He is skilful of of ſome-body, audijii ex aliquo Take off, } Put off your hat, laws, letters, and antiquity, juris, fortif. . • I am of that op!nion, apori caput. Hands off, nanus literarum & Antiquitatum parituseft. ago in ifâ fum fententia. What abfline. ... I have ever been very defirous the could do, ſhe could do of Ofel, purgamınla, retrimenta, reli- of praiſe. laudis avidiſſimus ſemper herſelf, quicquid potuit, potuie insa Offals , guia. fui, Mindful of human affairs, por see. * I will write to you of Offenlin Hungary] Buda, Curia. 6.4 ggrum puranarum tumor, Crea this matter, super hac re fcribans Offenburg (in Germany) Offenbur- turcs fearful of the light, anima. ad . guin. lucis simida. * De not greedy The prepoſition is ſometimes under. An offence, or fault, dslidum, 2. of another man's, ne fis aliini ap. ſtood, ag, *. Of his own accord, peccatum, 2. erratum, 2, n. offenſa, ;; petans. , * A creatare capable of a fuâ Sponse. # Offet purpoſe, dedi. â, culpa, 1. noxa, 1. f. • An of noble mind, animal aliæ capirex tâ operâ. I will accoſe him of fence of omiſſion is leſs than a fin, mentis. Which of us do you certain crimes, eum certis crimini. delictum minus of quàm peccatum. think is ignorant? quem noftrum bus accufabo. The laws abſolve AP offence affront är injury] contu- igrapyare; arbitraris? * I am afraid the conful of ſuſpicion, leges conſu inolia, injuria ; 1, f. lect any of you ſhould think fo, lem ſuspicione abſolvuni. * He" is An offence [diſpleaſure] offenfa ; 1. wereor pe cui vefrüm ira videatur. glad of the honour, honoro lætus eft. f. offenfio ; 3. f. * Many of theſe trees were ſet * He is proud of his money, petu- A ſmall offence, offenfiuntula. with my own hands, mulra ifa niâ superbus of You have no a great offence, fag tium, i, n. tum aroorum mia manu funt fata need of a wife, non opus eſt tibi To OFFEND (cominit a fault) pece • The elder of you, major vel- conjuge. *A man worthy of praiſc, Co, I. delinquo, 3: * I have offend- fram: * The eighth of the wiſe vir laude dignus. * You are not ed, I confeſs it, erravi, fateor. men, ſupimrun octavus. The come of a horſe, non tu viatus equo. If ever he offended again, noxam szátert.of all the philoſophers, *A city full of warlike propiſions, fi aliquam unquam admiforie ullam, pinium philoſophorum elegantilimus. urbs apparatu bellico plena. *A lct * If he offends in any thing pris * He accuſes another of dimo ter void of any uſeful matter, epi against ac, fi quid peccai, mibi pec- weity, alternum incufat probri. *** Nole inanis aliqua reutili, * I will cat. He condemns him of wickedneſs, caſe you of this burden, ego te hoc To oftend [diſpleaſe] , difpliceo, 2. Arlerij 'Casdemal...*Acquit- fdfer Irvabo. • He went about to offendo, že ted of theit, fursi abſolutus. We sob his friend of his credit and To offend [hurt) lado, 3. noceo, 2. mind' thc grammarians of their eſtate,. amicum famâ ac forlunis To offend a little, fubeffindo, 3. duty, granmaticos fui officii com-ſpoliari conatus eft. It is dear of To offend the laws, leges violare. monemus. ':Ian athamed of a penny, alle curum eff. * It is to be offended, offendor, fuccefco. thcæsendet.pa.ui. It ärks.me cheap of twenty pounds, vili eft * Fray, fu, -be not offended, of any folly, 816 piget Pultitia mica. viginti minis. quejo ne agrè feras, domine, * We aro wcary.cfrouxlives, ta- What kind of, ; He asks what . infonſus, iratus. zhcir follies, inepsiarum fuaruin kind of man he was,"cogitat qui An offender, delinquens, sons, tis ; acs poenitat. "I am. nois full. of pir efato *Biliefs, negotti music jums plomus. Por latc, nuper, dudum, This ac- Tu.puniſh offenders, fontes punire. Offend. N de mes mite. They repent of What mander of ouders het die ofended (hart) ofensus vefas, 1 A Σ LED Oftennels, } frequentia, &; F. di funt > OFT 0:K E Öffending, noxius, a, um, adj. home, quam ſapi cafus tranfit ali., Oker, ochra. An offending, offenta, Rig f... quando inuenit. Red oker, rubrican Offenſible, injuriojus, a, um ; ad). Very often, fæpifimè, perfæpè, adv. OLD.adl. antiquus, , un vilus, Offenſive (as, war] off infuus, 4, 4m. How often, quotias, adv. i drist... This was an old ſtory? Offensive Tas words) ingratus. How ofien ſoever, quotiefcunquè. hæc dacantata erat fabuli. . *. For Offenſively, injurisse; adv. As often as, toties, quotiàsy: adv. as the old.: ſaying is, am uruh An offer, munas oblatum, optio data: So oftca, sotiès, adv. verbum hoc quidein eft. Hcbe. TO OFFER, oforo, 3. Prebod, 2. ini- Not often, rarò, parum. frequenter." gins the old: Wars again, rénovat: nijiro, are ;, adj. Not ſo often as I uſed, rariùs quàm priftina bolla. You hold your old To offer , leſs for a thing than it is Solebam. wont, antiquum obtings. I am worth, licitari mercem minoris quan Ottentimes, saps, fæpenumeron. adv. for the old way; 'antiquum volo.it You are fill in the old tunc ean To ofer (dedicate) dico, dedico, 1. Oftneſs, dem cantilenam.çanis, *Old friend a proponers. An ogee, (in architecture and old wine are beft, ut amici. populara idere. Ogive, TUT4, corona.. tiam explear mulii modii salis.edetto To offer abufe to a maiden, assen- Ogerſheim (in Germany) Berbetoma- sare pudicitiam pualle gus. OLD (in age) sanex, ammofus, ads: To offer to do any thing, paro, ador. Ogreffes (in, heraldry] pila bellicæ. She is too old: to bear children no, 1. audeo, 2. Oh! Oh! ab ! interj. Su O! parere hæc per annos non poteft. He To offer himſelf to danger, periculis Ohoc ! Isans verò! interj... is not to old but he may do ity. fe opponere. Oil, olsun, i;.n. per atasain luet. *If you had been To offer himſelf to die for another, O 1 of almonds, oleun amigdalinum. old enough, i per aldtem potuiſus. cirvicem pro capite alicujus præbers. Oil of amber, bleum fuccini. * I can tell myſelf how.old lamt: To offer itſelf, occurro, črt, Olof balm, balſuminus. feio ego quid zietis fum. I am To offer in ſacrifice, immolo, libo, 1. Oil of ben, balanus oloum de ben. above thirty years old, plus annos To offer wiong to onc, injuriam al - 0:1 of bays, oleum laurinum.. triginta natus fum, "Had he lived cui inferri. I never offered you 0.1 of cedar, oleum codrinum. till he had been an hundred years wrong, tibi à ine nulla erta als in Oil of cinnamon, Borax liquids. old,' ad centefiium vixilaian juria, Oll of dill, oleum anathinum. num., *Old birds are not caught Offcred, oblatus, prabitus, a, um. . Oil of eldar, oleum ſambucinya, with chaff, canis vetulus non augy To refuje cups offered, negaro posula Holy oil, chriſma, asis; n, fcie loro. He that would be old porreau. Oslofjcrap in, oleum foris jeſmini. long, must be old betioics, masure Offered in facrifice, immolalys. Osl of lillies, oleum liliaceum. fiat fenex, fi diu, lenox etc velit, An offering, oblatio, onis; f. Oil of marjoram, oleum'amaracinum, An old dog will learn no nevi A little offering, oblatiuncula, a; f. 0.1 of nutmegs, oleum balannium. tricks, Janex Ritracus, negligit fork. An offering of ſacrifite, inmolario. Oil of rofes, oleum rafatums. lam. An offertory, offertoriumi; n, Sallet oil, olivum. Old land, novale. An office, officium, 2. irunus, 3. n. Oil of ſpike, olium nardinun, un An OLD MAN, fonex, nis ; m. va- magifratus, 4. m. * Pray be good guentum fpicatuin. tulus. • When do you look. før. in your office, 'bona ucrba qurejo. Virgin's oil, oleum virginale, your old man'ſenem quoad expec- * Methinks I may do it by vir. Oil of vitriol, olcum vitrioli. tarii veßrum? *I havc, often hcard tue of my office, pro diâ authori- Oil of whalcs, oleum cetacrum, old men Say, såpe a majoribus natu tate videor poli. Oil, ad).} Olearis, olearius. audivi. * Old men doat Tomc. To do one's office, munus abire, mu. Of oil, times, délirant interdum senes, riere perfungia An oil-bottle,.ampulla. Old men are twice young, bis . Pha To do the laſt officc for onc, alicujus A ſmall oil-bottle, lecythusa eri tanesi Old men and travel, fumma celebrarı oficia. An oil-jar, tefta. lero máy lýe by authority, pictoria To do good offices for one, alicui 0.1-1ccs, ainurca. bus atque poëtis quidlibet audmidi jus gratiain conciliare, operam dare. An oil-man, oliarius, fémper fuit aqua potellas. To fue for an office, magifratun am. An dilepsi} trapeium. An oid woman, vetula, anicula, ait, . anus, ús; F. ; f. The old woman To enter into office, magiflratum An o!l-Shop, taberna olearis. had not ſought her, daughter in inire. An oil-ftone (for painters) pigmm. thc oven, had ſpe not been there To go out of office, m-gifratu abirs. tariæ triturat abacus, herſelf, mála mins malus animu's: To diſcharge one of magifratu a- To oil, ungo, inungo, Of an old woman, anilis, le; adj. his office, liquem exuere, Oilca, inundas, oleo delibutus, Old wives tales, cnilos fabula. Put out of office, fofu abrogard Oiled paper-panss, cancelli. Like an old woman, aniliscr; ady. An office (work-houſe] ruberna ops- Mixed with oil, oleatus, An old wife (61h) turdis. raria, An oilc (beard of corn) ariſa, Old age, ſenectus, 3.. Senceta, gran- A houſe of office, latring, ſaelus, An oilet-hole, cellus, orbiculit. devitas, atis; f. vias ingraveſcenso An officer, magiiratus, ür; m.. Full.of oilet-holcs, ocllatus. * Old age is sickneſs enough of, An officer ClericantJliator, oris, m. Oily, ad). oleagi- oliaceus, itſelf, fonectus ipfa efl morbus. . * Chicf officers, magnales. Full of oil, } Now in my old age, nunc cxada Official, officiales, le ; ad). 3. art. Oilincſs, clearitas, asis; f. or confeita wiate. * He is worn An official, officialis, ſurrogarus. An oiling, inunaio, onis; f. aivay with old age, fenio confe&tus To officiate, officium præjlare, rem To oint or anoint, unge. ot. You are too old to mar- divinam facere. Oin:ed, unetus, inunctus, a, um. ry, præterii tua ad durindum Officious, oficiofus, a, em ; ad). Ointment, unguentum, i; n. tas. Oficiouſly, officiosè , adv. Ointment of balm, myroball2mum. Of old age, ſenilis, le ; adj. Officiouſneſs, officium, 2. a, efficioj. Ointment, adj. 1. unguentarius, ago!d (out of uſe) objolaius, a, um, :} tas, 3. f. abſequium, i; n. Of ointment, Old (worn] cxefus, irisus. Offing (in navigation] alium mare An ointment-maker, 2 unguentarius, Old garments, veteramenta. An ointment-ſe!ler, i; m. An old dolc, Silicorniumdopontanus. To offuſcate (darken] offufo, are. The O.ſe la river in France) Oila. An old knave, veterator, oris ; m.. offuſcated, offuſcatus, a, um, part. An oifter, ofreun, An old ſoldier, miles emeritus, veteran An offuſcating, oilter, " Offuſcation, varium, Over old, pregrandis, de; adj. 3.art. An off-Spring, progenits, 5. f. prolas, Oiſter.green [herb) fucus marinus. Sonsewhat o:d, grundior, fenior. is, propago, inis; soboles, is ; f. An olſter-Shell, concha. Very old, grandavus, a, um, adj. To the off ward, verſus mari, in al. An oifter-man, ofirearius. A very old man, Jenix capularis, -More Jenior, ris ot, . marin. Older, ad). Often, goes the pitcher 10 the An oke, quercus, Sj& Oak. Older and wiſer, difcipulus prioris well but at laft cones broken Okenyate (io Shropsire] Ufocoma. eft Dojlarior ases, I Of . MKS. } 7145. of tuffa faring, } tufcario , onis ; Angilter:bed, clarium, efleorum via fum. . or old, AD, as, Become old, Smey fallus. ! To grow very old, vapularis horſeback, sam nemo unquam in To look on, inturor, drie columpra in id opus OM O ON ONE dim, adv. apud vs Omont (lu Hainault) Altamons. wiil drink on that lide which you' Ia old time, } urti, apud majorrs Omy (ground) mollis, pulris. drink on, quia tu biberis hâc ego zotros. • He was my fütör of ON 18 anſwered by ſeveral Latin Parte bibam. On the firſt op- old, olim mihi prædagogus erat. propofitions, vix. 4, ab, abs ; as portuniry, primo quoque fempore. To giow old, inueimard, fri; a. It is on the right-hand, o Came you on foot or on horſe- To grow old (208 manj moto, 3. dextra. But conſider whether back? vrnili podibus an equo ? . To grow old. Fout of ulc] exoleſco, this be got all on my ſide, fed v.de On my honeſt word, bona fide. en; n. ni boc totum fit à me. . We both On my word it ſhall be ſo, do fi- tori, depend upon one chance, cafu pon. dom futurung, He wou.d ſooner Growing old, fosefieni, sis ; part. deonus ab unu. belicve pc on my word than you Grown old, * On this hand there is a OR your oath, injurato plus crederal chappel, s ad hanc manum facile mibi quam jurato tibi. Tomake old, antiqut, are. *On the coming of the ge- On the ground, humi, humo. Old Garlife in Cumberland Cafira nerals, ad adventum imperatorum. On neither ſide, neutrò. Esploratoruan. CUM, as, + If it were not ſo, you On this fide, bine, adv. bla Perith (in Cumberland) Voreda. would hardly be on his side, ni On that fide, illinc, adv. Old Radnor (in Wales) Mage, Magi, hæc ita feni, cum illo baud pares. On both ſides; utrinquè, utrobiquè. Magna, Magni. That he might run away, on peut fides undiquè, adv. Ora towa ſin Herefordshire) Blefium. horſeback, ut cum equo fugeret, Didith, grandior, oris ; asf. comp. DE, E, EX, as, on what ground? On this side, cis, citra ; prep. Oldly, mufti, mtique ; adv. quâ de caufa i on purpoſe, do in. On this side of, $ cum accu! Oldnas, antiguitas, wstufas, afis ; duflria. It depends on you, de or On the other ſide of, frams, ul- adv. et le pondet. *On a ſudden. de or on the further ſide of, tra, prep Pldenbourg, (part of Wolpbalia) co rx improviſo, de repente. On the on foot, pedes, tis ; adj. mitatus Oldenburgmfis. contrary, è or ex contrario, ex con. On horſeback, squis, tis; adj. Đdenburg [ Giang Idmôi. trariâ parte. On both lides, ex On a ſudden, improvisó, repenta. wtraque parte. He begat children to call on, invoro, are; act. Oldenburg [ln Holfatia] Brannskis on a freeman's daughier; rx libero To come on, Urbs Valls, rini filia fufcepit liberis. "On cvery To go 00, } pergo, :protedo, Oldford (in Middleſex] Durclitum. occa Gon 1 commend them, eos et To draw on, allicio, produ:e; act. pidzech (in Over-Yu] Oldofalia. omni occafione loudo. • He fonght To draw on booss, creas indurera, Oleatro (city in Spain Oleoftrum. on horſeback, ex equo pugnauit, To draw on (ncut ) appropinquo. Oléron (in Aquitain ) Elorina. IN, 29, * None cver law her sit on To fall on, aggredior, čris; dep. Oleron (an Idand of Aquitain) Ubi- ; dep. equo fedentem vidit. He fell on Souponon, } insilo, aro; alt. Ad olla or olco, rinnus, mifela rx pluribus edulais. ggregii corpus amici procidit. * You To put on cloaths, veftes induene. Ollander (a Mrub] perips. have beſtowed many kindneffes on To rely on, innstor, čris ; dep. Ollbanom (tree) thus. me, multitudinem boneficiorum in To ruſh on, imun, öre ; ñ. Oligarchy (or government by few] ma contulifti, "Having (peat abun- To leize on, occupo, ane; act. oligarchia, paucorup's dominatus, dance of money on that work, To fct on, impono, črs; . An Oliphant depbas, atij ' Olit (in Opper Navarro) Oliba. nia. Ye fat as judges on him, To tread on, conculco, ani; at. do olitory [kitcien garden) hortas vos in illum judicus fedillis. * Lay On Igo onleja, agı, progredere. ólitorius, not this blame on ac, ne conferas On afore, I pra. An olive, oliva, olsa, a fi culpam in me. You are trufted An on-ſet, invafo, impetus, Oltve [a woman's name).Oliva. on neither (de, neque in hâc neque To give the on let, adorior, invas , Long Olives, radii, in illa parte fidem babri, Hear. impreſſionem facere. Round olives, orbites, tun. ing this, and being on my way, ONCE, ſemel, adv. * They won't Biçer glives, picridia. bas cum audiffem i:am in itinere be once beholding to a man for An ollve-ſtone, sampja. cffem. He had a ring on bis fin a good turn, hi ni obligari quidem An.olive-tree, olea. ger, in digito habuif annulum. beneficio uolunt. No man cver A wild olive-tree, oleafter. A bird lighted on the next tower, went once to that facrifice, quod A little wild o'i'c tree, rafallus. avis in proximâ surre conſedit. facrificium nemo unquam adiit. Oil of olives, livium. SECUNDUM, 2s, * I have judg. More than once or twice, iterum Olive, adł. olivaceus, olvaginus, a, ment on your ſide, fecunduta ti fæpius. Once a whore, and OT an: olive3 um judico or liinan do. ever a whore, qui femel frurra nun- An olive-grove, olivetomu, 1; ņ, SUB, 29, • On that condition, fub quam paterfamilias. . Once a Olive-bearing, olivifer, a, um, adj. râ conditione. * 'On pain of per. knave, and never an honest man, O'ive [in Navarro Julobriva. petual lavery, sub pænâ perpetua femel malus, semper malus, Olivenza (in Portugalj Oljumtia. Servitutis. Once [in time paſt or to come} Oliver (a man's name) Oliurrus, SUPER, as, . He would have no. olim, ady, • There was once that Ollet, 7 aramium, virgulta, ligna mi tbing ſet on a hillock of carth, Spirit in this republick, fuit ifta Ellet nora cremialta. fuper terra tumulum noluit quid quondam in bac republicâ virtus. Olmutz [in Moravia] Olomucium, hatui. *The Romans Icapton the if it would but once come to that, Eburum. very targets, super ipfa Romani quod fi elit aliquando futurum. Olt (a river in Dacia) Aluta. fruta ſalierunt. At once (adv.] und, uno tempore ! Olympia [a woman's name] Olympia. The propoſition is ſometimes under could not tell you all at once, non An olympiad, Olympias, lubrum. itood, as, Fenced on the right puteram unà omnia, *I received le- Olympick, olympicus. hand with mountains, on the Icft veral letters of yours at once, mul- Ombria (part of Italy] Umbrią. with a river, dextra montibus, la tas uns comportaccopi epiſtolas tris. An omelet of eggs, olaganum. va amne soprus, She kept her All at once, fimul femd. 'To do Ominous, ominous, porimtolus. eyes fixed on the ground, Sólo fixos two things at once, de eadem fide. Omila (in Dalmatia) Amils. oculos mabar. Hanging on the liâ duos paristas dealbars; Prov. An omlifion, omili. black beam, nigro penderitia ligne, ONE, unus, a, um'; gen. unius, dar. To omit, omitto, intermitto, čre; a&t. . On theſe terms you may have uni; adj. • All under one, una Omitted, oaiſtus, liaus, a, um. her, iflis legibus habeas. licns. ' * He opera # One a clock, hora prima. An omitting, omifio, premiffio; f. is ſaid to have played excellenily *There is hardly one in ten, vix An omitting for a tjoc, intermillio. on a fiddle, fidibus præclarè cui docimus quiſque ift. * There was Omnipolence, 1 emnipotentia, a ; niffe dicitur. * They are fain ta' not ſo much as onc, neque quiſ- Omnipotency, 3 f. live all on hongy, melli ſolo sogun. quam omnium fuit. It is all one Opoipotcat, omnipotens, tis, ads, sur vivere. On that very day at to mc, mea nihil refert. It was Omnipreſence, ubiquitas, açis; f. evening be çame home, ea ipsa all one to, thoſe that killed him i Omniſciont, omnyciuia, 9 ; adj. die dorrum ad vefperain rodiji. #fo what he said, non interfuit diridona fix! ! vifturâ foluernr. ' in ſet you at To onerate, onero, art ; açt. One with another, promiſsue, temerè, Open hearted's liberalis, le ; nuni- Oppenhelm (in Upper Germany] * ONE OPE OPP Ao operation, operatio, onis; f. tium quid diceret, * One of them, One while, modò ;, adv. is alive, the other dead, arun al-Onely, unicus, solus, a, um ; An operator, operator, oris ; m. An oplate, laudanum,i ; n. for vivis, alter ej?" neriją, '* One One oncly, adj. cannot do cwu things at once, fan Onely (adv.] solùm, lántùm, dun- To opine, opinor, 1. Quium, are. taxat. Opioiative, mut'-Anne forbere haud facilè Opinitive," } opiniofus, a, umjadi. faaun si. He is one of that In word onely, verbo Imus. An opiniator, fuenticus. gairg, de illo grego e. How Daely begotten, unigenitus ; adj. Thall one deal with ſuch förks? One-berry Lherb] herba Paris, aconi. An opinion ! belief or ſentiment opinio, 3. fententia, I. mins, it; quid cum illis agas?" He is made utan Jalwiftrum. animus, i; m. to pay foor for onc, actio in qua- One blade, (herb) monophyllon. In my opinion, üt mea fert opinio. * I am of your drupium datur, 'I icnt one to One-handed, manicus, a, um ; adj. pay for the carriage, wiſi qui pro Onc-eyed, lufius, a, um, adj. opinion, tecum fmtio, tibi offentia • We are of. one opinion, comuna nit internos.' . They wero of one again, redigam ups in gratiams. Oneſiphorus ( 2 man's name) Onefi- • I make one every day at my phorus, i; m. opinion, fibi perfuafum habebant The Stoicks are opinion, plea neighbou s feafts, convivium vici-| An onion, copa, ; f. lape, is ; a. norùm quotidià compleo. * As being The wild onion, icepe campefre. ce! Stoicis, * They are all of one one that underſtood, quippe qui in Thiç ſea-onion, cepe marinum. opinion, idem fentiunt. * Hede- Sellexerat. She brought her up an onion-bed, iapetum, i; D. clared his opinion, quid ßbi vide of a little one, illam aluit parvan. Of or belonging to onions, cepitius. Telur dixis. I am clear of the • To love at one's heart, amare An onslaught, oppugnasio, onis ; f. opinion, ita prorfus exiflims. 6* animo. * To llye according to Onfpach (ia Germany] On pacunos, am fully of his opinion, in illius one's own nature, jucundum metu, Onoldium. fententiam manibus pedibuſque difus. ram fuam viuere, Onwards, porrò, in posorum, prorsùm; furus fum. Proy, "Onc God no more, but friends ady. , good ſtore,umus Dews, fed plures ami. An onyx ſtone, onyx. , To be of another's opinion, conſensio, ci.Onegood turn requires another, of an onyx, onychrus, a, um ; adj. irr ; neut. manus manum fricar. ORC man's Ooftcyndé (in Flanders) Flevum. meat is another's man's poiſon,son 003city, oparitas, atis ; f.. To be of a contrary opinion, difen- tio, ire ; ncut. omnes cadem mirantur amantque. Opacous, oparu's, a, um ; adj. # One thief acculcs 200ther, Clo- An opal-ſtone, opalum. To change one's opinion, de synimmig dius a reuſot mashos.me One beats Ope-land, folus rifibile, difcedere, the buſh, and another catches the OPEN, adj. aperius, parului, palems. To make one alter his opinion, ali bird, alii framtem faciuni, alii me. * They are forced to ſay them- quem de fuâ Jontenid deducent tunt. • One ſwallow makes not ſelves open, neceffariò fe aperiunt. To have good opinion of ane, da & fummer, una birundo non farir To open (24.) apirio, refero, reclu- aliquo benè «xißimari. I have • One's 18 good as none, do. * Somebody opca the door cver had a very good opinion of unus vir nullus vir. '*' If one will quickly, aperiai aliquis cautim you, te femper maximè frei. not another will, invenios alium is opium. '. We opened the letters To ask one his opinion, benspasiagas fi bic faftidis Alexis. • One tale linum incidimus. is good till another be told, audi To open [ncut. ) patefco in. To deliver one's opinion, ſensesiapa proferri. utramque partes. To open (as a lower) difpondre fo. The last' but one, proximus à poliramo. To open (as a dog) latro, arr ; n. The delivering an opinion, Imtentia The one and twentieth, vigumus To open at the root, ablaqueare. prolario, primus. He gave me your lét- To open [diſcloſe} retigo, 3. Touro, A talle opinion, frror, oris; m. ters on the one and twentieth day, To broach new opinions, degraati4. sunt mihi literas altero & vigefimo To open [explain] manifeßo, explico, A divifer of new opinions, hareket One another, alius alium, muruo. To open a thing fealed, regne, 1. Opinion (cleem] exiftimatio, f. • They like one anothçe' well, To open (uncover) patefacio, iri. contumax,præfraldus, i uterque utrique al cordi, Boy: To be open, paseo, 2. patefio, n. Opinionative, opiniow; adi, love one another, pueri amant it-To keep open houſe, hospitalitate ex- To be opinionáte, animum in forma ter se. They help one another, pontâ idi. } Opinionated, tradunt operas muinas. They Wide open, propatulus, a, um, adj. ra, sbi placere. uſed to be compared one with Open [expoſed) expofitus, a, um. Opinlonatively, pertinaciter, ady. another, inter ſe comparari solmi. Open on both sides, biparms, tis; Joplnionativeneſs. pertinacia, * They ſent ambasſadors from one ad). Opium ſpoppy Juice) spiun. to the other, ultro çitregue logasil Open [evident] manifeftas, a, um ; The ople tree, opulus. inin nos mifi funt. adj. Oppelcn (in Silefa) Oppelium. One for another, per pari. Open handed, S ficus, a, um ; ad} . fiana, Bancona. prout contigerito Open-heartednefs, largitio, 3v uni- An oppidan, oppidanus, 2. m. One after another, invicem, alternus, Aconsia, e; f. To oppilatç (ftop) oppilo, 1. obfiruh, 3. alii ex aliis. The open air, dium, i; a. Oppilated oppilatus, obruous, Onc or the other, alkruter, a, um, An open arſe, melpilux. An oppilation, oppilatio, obirudio, 3.f. One thing, unum. • But that one Open weather, simpeftas bumida & Opoflative, chiruaivys, 9, um; adj. thing is wancing, ni unum deft. culita Oppletio, oppletio, 3, F. To think upon one thing after ano- An open !ale, auctio, onis ; f. An opponent; oponms. ther, aliam ratus ex alia cogitare. Opened, aperiu', patofaftus, reclufus, Opportunç, opportunu, soppaflius, Every onc, bngulus, , um ;'ad). 4, um ; P. A. a, um ; adj. Give to every one according to an opener, patefa&or, oris ; m. Opportanely, adv. opportung, um their deſert, cuique pro dignitate An opening, apertio, patefaétio, 3. f. poliive. tribuatur. Let the profit of all; An opening at the root, ablaquestio, Opportunity, opportunitas, c.cak0,3.f. and every one be all one, adom onis ; f. opportunity makes thievči,occa. Al utilitas uniuſcujufque & univer- An opening of the earth, thama. fo facit furen. forum. Openly, agerié, palàm ady. Opportunity (lelfare] orium, 2. N. Such a one, salis, le ; adj. Had Openly (in fight] coram, prep. abl. A ſmall opportunity, occafiuncula, I not thought him to be ſuch a Openly (plainly 1 perſpicue, adv. To seek opportunity, immingo, onc, ni ita cum exißimafen. Opennels of weather, keli temperies To oppoſe, oppono, objicio, ērt; aa. One by one, adv. Angulatin, hgilla- calida & humida, To oppoſe one's ſelf againſt, agibe- An opera kind of play) comedia, ritatem fuam interponera, intercode, On the one ſide, hini, ady. que [dum recitutur') mufcâ cum adverfor On the one ſide, and on the other vocali tuna organica et exornata. Oppoſed, opposius, adverfis fuffragiis Ade, utrinquè, adv. To operate, sporor, ari ; dep. agitatus, An ani ; act. isntiâ obfring if. ORA ORD ORG An opposings 3 opoßtio , 3. : adv. 1 Optick, sopricus. 1 An oppoicr, oppugnator. ;. m. Orange (in Provence) Araufio. To give order, jubro, 2. act. * He Oppoſite, oppofitus, adverfus, forum. An oration, oratio, concio, onds; f. gave order it ſhould be brought To be opposite unte, obnitor roluxory A little oration, oratiuncula. up, jufit tolli, • I will give order repugno. To make an oration, orationera ba- to get all things ready, ut appa- bore. Tour.dıram. 3 To end an oration, perorare. . To break order, ordinem deturbare. In oppoſition with, oppofiius, a, um.. An orator, rajør, om. To reduce into order, reprim., 3.125- To oppreſo, primo, opprimo,.ebruig 3. Orator likc, oratoric, difortè, facundà, fra terminos redigere. urges, 2- adt.,, To fat in order,.curo. * I will take To oppreſs by craft, circumwinie. Oratory, retorica, di f. order for his mother, de matre vi- Opprefied; oppriſus, obrusus. An oratory. Eplace to pray in) ady: der... Oppreffing, opprchivus, a, um ; adj. tum. To take orders, inisiari facris, facer. An oppretting, opprejšo, 3, t. prolju- An orb, orbis , is; mo dostum inire. Oppreffion, Bo?! ka, a ; f. The Orbe (a river in Langusdoc] 0. Orderod, ordinatus, compoſitus See on oder, } a: A powerful oppreſſion, tyrannis,gif. dris, Orobris, diſpoftus, , umjad) An oppreffor, oppreffor,,, A violent oppreffor; expilatorspecula- Orbicularly, rotunde, Sphærica, adv. Governed, Orbicularly, rotunda,: Sphærica, adv. Governed, } gubernatus, a, uma. for, arreptor. Orbitell (in Simna] Orbstellum, Cofa. An ordercr, ordinator, temperatör, diri Opprobry, opprobrium: The orcades, (Scotish iſlands] 0769 pofitor, oris ; m. Opprobrious, contumeliofuso des. An ordering, ordinatio, diſpositio, 3 t. Qpprobrious ſpeech, contumelia. Orchal, lapis unde tinctores soruldum * Let me, have the ordering of To oppugn (oppoſe) oppugnto. conficiuni colorem. you for this day, de te hodic mihi. An oppugnation, oppugnatio... An orchard, Pomariumi; n. Orderly, compoſitus, benè difpofitui. An oppugnator, oppugnator. A young orchard, frullut. Orderly [obcdient) moriga!", , um. Oppugned, oppugnatus, a, un.. An orchard-keeper, pomarius. Orderly {adv.] compofitè, diſposie. Optative, oplatiuus, a, um ; adj, Orchies (in Flanders Gallican] Ori. Not orderly, incompoble ; adv. Optical, giacum. An ordihal, capiiulare, rituale. To ORDAIN, act, ordino, 1. inßituo, Ordinal, ordinalis, le ; adl, 3. art. The optick nerve, neruus Opticus, conftituo, 3. ejigno, I. * Hć or- an ordinance, [law] edi&um, decre- Optimacy, oligarcbia. dains thee to bring back the king, tar, ſenatufconfulum, i; n. Option (choice) optio. tibi decernit us rezerr. sedusas. * All Ordinance, (rarber ordnance) for war, Opulence (wealth] opulentia. are ordained to die, omnibus mors apparatus bellicus. Opulent opulentus, a, um ; adj. decreta oft. Great ordinance, torraenta majora. Opulently, opulenter, opiparè; ady. To ordaln (order or appoint) jubro, To furnish with ordinance, bonbardis Or, conj. an, out, vel, 6. * I8 juli, 2. imporo, 1. , inſiruere. it your fault or ours ? utrum en To ordain a law, Janciro legom. Ordinary [ūſual ) folens, uplaties. defira an noßra culpa ef? Is To ordain before, præordino, are. Ordinary [common] vulgaris, trilus. this he 1 an ficking or no? i/no To ordain (as the biſhopj quempiam Ordinary days, dies Aasi. y qusti quaro an non ? Either initiari facris ordinibus One's ordinary table, menju quotidi- let him drink or be gone, aut Ordained, infituius, conßitutks, defig diana. Foibat aut abeat." # I ask whether nalus, a, um ; P. & A. To cat at an ordinary, elle à ſymbolis. he could look for his part or no, It is ordained, comparatum ef. The ordinary of a biſhop, ordinarius, quaro potueritrie partem fuam que- Ordained before, pradelinatus. epiſcopi sufraganos, rare necne. #. Whether I hold my Ordained in another's place, fubflitu. Ad ordinary (among civllians] ſuus poace or {pcak, þve ego taco feu tus, a, um ; P. & A. parsium judex. Löquor. Whether you uſe a An ordainer, ordinator, inftitutor. Ordinarily, ferè, plerumquè, ufitate. phyſician or no, Ave tu medicum An ordaining, ordinatio, infiitutio, 3.f. An ordination, ordinatio, 3. f. adhibueris five non. * I demand, An ordaining of laws, legum latió. Ordnance, formenta majora, bombar- or; if it be fit, IdeGre thee, poiulo, An ordaining in another's room, ſub da, drum ; f. five, ha aguum efl, to oro. jlirusio, 3. f. Orduna, (in Biſcay] Ordunia. or three of the king's friends are Ordeal, ordalium, genus examinis; or Ordure, fimus, 2. 01. fordes, 3. f. very rich, ampici regis duo Brefue criminis purgandi modus. Spurcitia, 1.f. percus, orisin. pordiviles funt. .* A rag .or two Ordeal fire, ignis fontepria, judicium Orc, metallum crudum. See Oar, wnus & alior pannus. ferri candentis, examinatio ad vo- O'reor o'cr{for over )ſuper, ſuprà, &c. Or elle (anſwering to either] aut mores ignitos. To o're.top, supersmineo, ēre ; ncut. vel. con. copulat.. Ordelforore.delf jusquo quis mineras jusquo quis minerax Ore (a river in Suffolk] Orus. Or elle (anſwering to whether] Sve, in ſuo fundo inveniam libi vindicat. Orebra (in Swedeland] Orebroa, an ; conj. ORDER,ordo, 3. m. difpofitio, digeflio, Oreground (In Swedaland ]Oregrunda. Or, elle [oiherwiſe) aliàs, aliter. We put our men into An orenge, malum aurantium. See Or 'ever, cum, nondum, antequàm, order, Legiones infruximus. Orange. priuſquam, ady. Or ever thou An order (cuſtom]. conluntudo, 3. f. Orense, (in Gallicia] Aquee calidæ. hadit formed the carth, cum pon mos, 3. m, ritus, 4. m. Orewood, alge (agros Cornubia miri. dum formájus terram. Or ever an order [ command] mandalum, firè fecundans. ] the iarth was, antiquàm terra fio- pravopium, . n. Orfgild, refitur bonorum fou pecuniæ Ta. * Or cver he comes ncar, An order [dependence) ſeries, 5 f. à lairon vi interteple, fi latrocinium priuſquam appropinquat. The order of words, confequentia vet diurno tempore commiſum fueriti Oi (in heraldry] color aureus, borum, Orgal vini fax. Orache, }(herb] entriplex. An order of court, editum, 2. n. Orgament, ongtis. Oroge, The order of the garter, ordo equi- An Organ, organum, i n. Wild orach, airiplex Glueflris. tum aurarce perifrelidi.. An oracle, oraculuin, refponfums, Of order, ordinalss, lo; adj. 3. art. A pair of organs, yorum Qracular, of what order, quotus. ticum or pitbaulicum. Oracolous, , ady. To play on the organs, organizo, Oral, verbo traditus, nudi verbi tefls. In order, ex ordine. are ; Bcut. Out of order, confufus, incompofs. The organ-keys, epiteniorum manu- Orihi (in Barbary), Icefium, Aure. Without order, $tus, furbatus, bria. To order, ordino, difpono. * I will An organ-plpe, fillule organisa,tubus An orange, qurandum, ſee that things be ordered right, pishaulicus. Orange, adj. citrius, citrinus, a, ogo ißacrei ut fiant videro, Hc An organ-ſtop, suborum ordo. Of an orange, orders his buſineſs weili, negotia jual Organicals } organicus , a, um; ad}. dered according to thc will and Organy, organum, i; N. Orangc-flower water, aqua forum pleaſure of God, will be arbitrio Wild organy, origanum ſylveftri. mali aurantia, Dei omnia reguntur. An organ:lt, organiſta. Organ! thee Two 3. f } sortilegus, a, um ; adı. By order, consequenter, adv. ns. } Buiteinas , citrinus, a, Orange-tawney, }celor balaulinus. benè gert. ni ; n. ) mum. di ;m. tum. Other $ adj. alimus, a, um. ORP. OTH OVE Organ-ling, }(fiſh) Sellus. Orcadicus Orp!nc (ever-green) craffula semper Other while, i Orgon (in Provencej -Urgenuen, Enar- Orpington (in Kent) Dorpendunum, Otherwiſe ; adl. indec. aliuſmodi. I ginun. Orrage. [herb] Atriplex. have found you to be otherwiſc Orient (the eaſt) orims, tiszadj. Orſa (in Litbuania] Qisa. than what l ihonght, ego 18 Orient (bright) rusilus, Orſoy (in Germany) Orfeium. præter noflram opinionem comperi. Orient (pearlj exaluminatus. Ortcisburg (in Prulia]Ortelesburgum. Otherwiſe, ady, uliàs, alitèr, ætero. Orienial, orientalis, ke; adj. 3. art. Ortenburg(in Germany]Ortenburgum, quin, fecùs. ' *"What is otherwiſe Oriently, excitate į ady. Orthodox, done is baſe, quod contrà fit furpa An orifice, orificium, i, n. Orthodoxical, } orrbadosus . ef. * Otherwiſe, had it not been An oriA2mb, vexillum autem. Orthodoxy, ortodoxia. fo, quid ni ia jo baberet. Origen [a man's name) Origenes, 3. Orthogonal, orthogonus, a, um ; adj. Otherwhiles than, adv. præterquàm. An origin or original (fountain of Ortography, origraphia, &; f. Every other, alternus, a, um ; ad). ſource) origo, inis; f. fons, fontis ; With ortography, ortographicè.. Otranto [lo' Terra di Otrani:] Hy. druniui m. initium, primor dium principium, An ort-yard, pomarium, 2. N. Orts, fragmenia monja, reliquia. Otricoli (in the dukedom of Spoleto) The origin of the world, mundi or. Orvieto, [in St. Peier?s Patrimony) Otriculum. tus, orbis origo. Oropitum, Urbs vetus, Othes (a 'man's name] Osho. The origin of planto,plantarum ortus, Oſcitation, oſcilatio, onis ; f. Ottenwildt ( a wood in Germany) or origo, or.prima exordia. ' fel [an iſland and town of the Othonie, The origin or fource of a river, am. Baliici] Oflia, An otter, lutra. nis caput; Auvii fons. Olenburg Oſnaburgum, Osnabru. Otthen ( in Denmark] Otterium, An origin (cauſa] caula, 1. f. Ofnaburs; } Otting (in Germany) Ostinga, An origin (motive, handle or acca- An oſier, uimon, inis ; n. viburnum, Oval, ovalis, le ; adj. Lion) occafio, 3. f. anja 1. f. An oval, figura ovalis. An origin[ſubject, matter] argu- An olcr-bed,vigdum, virgultum.tizo. An oubat, eruca pilosa. menium, 2. n. materia, I. f. Ofier, adj. 7 viuninalis, le ; adj. 3. Anoach, sgomentim,tiga. monile, lis;n. } art. An original (model to copy after] Of oliers, Ouched in heraldry Jincifus, trmarus. exemplar, 3. n. modulus, 2. m. for: Olier cutting, virgindemiz. The ouchęs a bear makes, ictus apri me, I. f. Olmo (in Marcha d' Aacona) Auxi donte. An original manuſcript,qutographumbs Oudenard (in Flanders] Aldunardum. authoris. Olmond (a man's name) Oſmundus, An oven, clibanus, furnum. An original letter, litara autographe. A little oven, fornacula,la;f. An original picturc,arshelypa tabella. An oſprcy, baliæsus, aquila marina. A potter's oven, figulina, ne ; f. To bake in an oven, furno rogasti. An original will, archetypum uefamen- To offe, paro, adorior, audeo. Offery (in Ireland) Oforia, Oloria. The oven-mouth, præfurnium. A copy of an original will, teſamimi The oſifrage, oſifraga, ge; F. An oven-tender,clibaniss, furnarius ; apographon. of offing comes boffing, fiamma m. furnaria ; f. Original (born with one) avitus, furno o proximo. An oven-fork, contas furnarius, congenitus, ingemisus, innatus, nari. Ofuna (in Andaluſia] Orſons. An oſt, Of an oven, s Original, (derived from one's country Ooſt, [klin) dibanus. To ſet into an oren, infurno. or ancestors) patrius, adj. Ecft, OVER, preposition, wiih an accur. Original fin, puscatum ingenitum; la- An oſtel, diverſorjus, ii, n. japer, fupra, por, irans in. Thall be in heaven over one finner bes primi parmtis ad paboros propa- Oftend (in Flanders) Ofmda, da jf, gata. Oftentation, ofenzatio, onis ; f. that repentetb, gaudiun mit in Original (bird or, deſcent, fubft.] An oſtentatos, oftancator, oris ; m. cælo, Jurer uno peccatori penitentiam genus, čris ; n. firps, -pis; f. prou Oftcrmick ( in Saxony) Otrovicum, agente. Holding their arms over japia, I. f. Aufervicum. their hcads, levatis ſuper capita ar, Original ſetymology fubft:7 notatio, Oria ( in St. Pelor's Patrimony ] mis. # A black ſhower hung over 3. f. etymon, 2. n. etymologia, 1. f. Olin. my head, mibi sorulaus fupra capit * It is so in the original, ita ſo ha- Oſteong (in Muſcowy) Uliuga. adftitit imber. He travelled orer bet textus Hebraicus, Græcus, &c. An oftler, equilo, 3. Babularius, 2 m. Caucaſus, iter per Caucafum fuit. Originally, primitis ; ady. An ottelery, fabulam, li; n. Let him carry her hence over Orio (in Terra di Oiranto) Uria. An oſtrich, the ſea to ſell, trans mare hinc u. Orifons (prayers) preces, orationes } fruchio-camelus. Oftridge, numa aſporini. * The father, hath Oriſtagni (in Sardinia) Arborna. Az oſtringer, falconarius. power over the children, pater ha. An orko (fiſh) prijlis, arca. Oſtrogothland (part of Swadeland) bet poteftatem in filios.. # You will Orkney iſland, Orkneia. oprogothia. bring an old houſe over your Orkncy ilcs (by, Scotland) Orcados, oftuni (in Terra di Oranto]Opunum. head, irritabis crabroes. Orlando, ſa mahis.name] Orlandus, Otes, avena. Soe Oats. OVER, adv.nimis, nimiùm, plus, &c. Orle in heraldry) limbus aperius,c- Otford (in Ķeni] Otforda. • They rebuke our ambaſſadors perto dyetu limbus. alius, • I over fiercely, nimis ferociter logatos Orleans (in France] suralia. ANOTHER noftros increpant. * It comes by The orlop, media navis contabulario. all others,catoris fatisfacio omnibus. over much eaſe, ſuc ex nimio osio Ormond (in Ireland] Ormondia. # He is praiſed by ſome, and fit. • He was there not over Ormus. in Perpa] Armuxia, Organa, blamed by others, laudatur ab his, two or three months, afruit fed non Ormuzium, culpatur ab illis. * The nature plus duobus aut tribus menfibus. An ornament, ornamentum, decussin of man excels ſheep and other They did not ſtand over four fin. figne. cattle, natura bominis pecudibus re gers out, non amplius quatuor digitis The ornament of the mind, animi liquiſque befiis antecedit. imminebant. It drowns the mind culius. The other, allor ; .adj. The one over deep to let it have any uſe of Ornaments for women, monilia; n. needs a bridle, the other a ſpur, underſtanding, nibil animúm altiùs Orbateneſs, ornatus, 4. mitor, 3. m. alter franis eget, alter calcaribus. mergis, quam ut mi ullo intellectu Ornay iſic, Ebodia. An other's finar. Orndord, potasio pomeridiana. Over and above, adv. adhas, Juo Orne (a river in Normandy7.ma. The other day, adv. nudiuferlins * Over and beſides, $ porbar; pren. Oronz [2 river in Syria] Orontes. And what was be but the other -1a, inſuper,ex abundanti, Over An orphan, orphanus, orbus, pupillus, day i at modo quod fuir? and above what he had fought, Orplianagc, arbanisas, atis ; f. Other where alibi . fuper quam quod pugnaveral, i Qrpiment, auripigmentum, ti ; n. In other places, 3 other places the gare three pounds for thcle two To colour wich orpiment, auripiga water was ſcarce above the knec, over and above the carriage, . tres mense illinera. aqua alibi vix genua fupererat. minas pro iftis duobus dedi fraio Orpine (herb) telephium. Ocherguiſe, multo melior, præfantior. wreuram. Oven, adin, } furnaceus, a, um. Vus, * Joy } , } Over Q, Rm. (art. To overskip.prætermitte, šte. O V E OVE • O V E Over and over agairt, irtin at få. To overgo, fratere, franjas, irs. . Over-san, populationibus vallasus. 'P; Famir air coali, All Overgoin, funijusi üs, m. Over-ſea, tranſmarinuli a, um ; ad): Dictatich, Adv. tidis; nimit, mi. To overgrow, ſupertreſid, art. To overſec, euro, 1. infricio, čre ; 16- , . Over-agtint, ix adotrijs; I regiite. Overgrown with age; fuperadúltun, To overſee (lett pars) preterso, sro 3 ) ire Bser iĝwinnt that place, adverſo prætermitto, gri; j&. #lace over againſt as; è regions To over-haften, precipito, are. An overlecing; curatio, in pritis ; 1. Hibis. . Over agiimt one of thoſe Over-haſtened; præcipitatusy aj um. Overfeen, curarus, recognitus, a, uma Widges, e rigions inius torin pin Over-haſty, idi. præpopérus, pretips, Overicen in drink, ebrius, a, umjadi. • over against Abintix -cipitis, pretrox, -icis: To be overleen (miſtaken) arrog!. ndvirknin Aibeñas, Over-ágainst Over-haſtily, adv.præproperè. An over feer, curator, inſpectar, oris ; that place, ex adverfint that locum. To overhear, exaudio, iri ; act. m. pritfe&tus, li; m. Over the way, e rigione, ex adverjo. An over-heavy barthon, faftis injuftus. The evercer of the king's works, Over night, pridid, precedensi nite. To be overjoyed, sinoderdilê eferri architettus regius. To be ovor (allayed] adut. defer-: lecitia, inmenso parfündi gaudio. An overleer's Office, pra/Etura ; f. veſco, 3. * Til his anger be over, To overly, opprimo, inrubando suf To overloeth,præcoquo, ère ; act. din difertuscat ifa. To overſell, pluris quaré par off vin- To be over hekta prafunt; philfe; Overlald, oppreffus, alius, a, tin. dae. Rule over, } præfideo. 2: What An overlayer, tajocarrik, isis ; f. To over fet [Anong (ca-men) tvirta, free mzo Thall he role over who An overlaying, lufocatio, onis; f. impingere navem or Rapham. is not able to rule over his own Overly Lilight] lovis, ti i perfundo. To overſhadow, obumbri, are ; ad. Iuft ? cui tandem Ubari hic iupera - Tini, a, um, adj. Overſhadowed, obumbratus, a, um. dit qui non potest cupidinibus suis To over-lives Jupirvins, 3. superoje. An overſhadowing, obumbrarios f. imperare ? An over-liver, fuperpes, Witide To overſhoot, jadu mislam tranſ- Over or underjadýplus mitius. An overload, onus impar. · gredi. All the town over, per totum oppiduni. To overload, nimis onerare. To overfoot one's ſelf, conflio labi. All is over, tranfatto res efl. Overlong, prelongus, a, um ; ; adl. Overſhoor, 1 tranfgrejus, a, um , To get over, defino; ore; neut. } To overlook, ratrafia, i. deipicio, 3. Over holten, part. To give over unto, dedo, 3. act. To overlook' (skip) prctermitto, 3. Ad overlight, negligentia, incuria, To give over (coft off) abjicio, 3. An overlooker,retra&ator,confor.3.m. rulpa, error. To give over an office, magiftratura An overlooking, retrattatit recognitio, The overſight of workmen, curatio, dapañari; magiftrata abire. onis; f. infpreis, onis ; f. To read-over, perlogo, tre; alt. Overmaked, cujus malus ninis At To overthip, mitto, čre ; act. To over awe, sofreco, Pere. largus foie longus. To over-bear, with blows, vti beribas To overmaſter, Tudando superare, To over.bid another, bireris licitari, 10 overmatch iniquuti simptomuti com. Overskipeta } prætermiſus, a, um. pretium motu fcire, mittere, An overskipping, prætermifio, mis ; onis It over blows [ſca-term) ortus de Over patched, impar, aris ; adj. oversflipping, f. ambat thoracia. Overmeaſure, accefſio, 3. f. addita. Overlodden, decoctus, a, km. Over-bold, troverarius, improbus, a, Dentum, auftuarium, Iin. Orenfold, pluris quàm per off vindi- tot ; impudent; tis ; adj. Overnoit, suramus, ſupremus ; adj. To over-burihen, brús juis gravius The overmoft part, Superfícies, ei ; f. To overſpread, obduco, čre ; a&t. imponwa. Overmach, nimis, adv. nimius adj. Overt (open) apartus, manifeftus. I overcame (of overcomc) viel. To be overmuch, redundo, ari, Orert (night) perfundorius. To overtit, abriubilo, I obduco, 30 Over old, nitis patufus, a, km, 'To overtakc, afequor, 3. confequor. To be overcaſt, iniuftor. The day to overpaſs, tranfgredior, 3. prætor provelo, adipiſcor, 3. is overcaſt, with a cloud; atră nu vibor, i. Overtaken, curlu adaquatus. Bus obdürent eum. To overpafs (excelį ſupéro, are. Overtaken' in drink, ebrius, a, um, Overcaft, sbiaktus, donubilata,admTo overpaſs llet nip] Amitio, 3. præ- An overtaking, affequutio ; fi confe- An overcast. pralextint, fi ; n. sermitis, ere; act. curio, onis ; t. j.an overcast (at bowls) ulira me- An overpaffing, præterintio, 3. f. An overthrow, clades, is ; f. Un mi. srajutio, onis ; F. To overthrow, devitico, ĝi dirud, 3, an overcaſting, obdaaso; ortis; f. An overpaffing, (out-going]prægrejel Subverlo, 3. proferno, 3. to overcatch; a quor, tómtquot. ho, onis, k. To overthrow one's kingdom, nego To overcharges piki aatio ofitate. Overpast, præteritus, omiffus, utri. num alicujus euertere. To Svercharge thit ftomach, crapu. To overpcor, rincó. To overthrow authority, curia du- ftri, flomgibi cibi opprimeti. An overpcering, eminentia, thoritatem obuertare. An overcharge, mui teripar To overperſuade, iññportunâ fuafone An overthrower, rurfor, wiatr, m. Overcharged; oppreffas; plus juflö ons- vincert. An overthrowing, suerdo, ſubuerfio, An overplus, sudarium, reliquumi. deviétio, onis, f "An dvercharger, särator iniquus, Orerpias of weight, suparpondiam, izn. Overthrown, dinarus, fubuerſus, pro- AQ overcharging, onus injufen. To be overplus, rulare, fupereffe. Aigatus, profiratus, a, um ; part, . An overchugtos of the ftomach,cra. To overprize, pluris quàm par olju ju I have overthrown my cart, plau. plan fondacht oprio. dicar, Jirum perreli. To overcloud, obriubilo,. An overprizer, aftimator iniquus, To be overthrown at law, cauja ce- Overclouded, stabiletes, a, um, mu- To ovet-ratc, plus quatre corruenit cen dare, dituti obditu. fore. Over thwart, tranfuerfus, obliquus, a, To overcotid, ointo, 3. supiro, 1. An over reach(of an horſe in pacing] um ; ad. Overcome, diffut, evidris, Jupiratur. gradus equi iolutaris grandior, Loid overthwart, sakfvirfus poftus. fizbaitis, a, um. To over reachi, circumvenio, ire; Overthwart one another, doruffaut. Not tői ble overcome, invincibilis , in. pono, čre ; ad, An overthwart plank, pons, tis ; '. otpaginabilis, te adj. 3. art. To over-reach in going, ofequor. Overthwart (froward) peruerſus, mo- An overcomer, victor, oris; m. Overzrcached, circuntuinius. He is roſus, a, um, adj. An overcoming, vi&oria, Sapiratio. over.reached, ivi ficamos decidit. To overthwart, ropugno, ori. To orer-tat, plus acquis comidni. An over-reachet, impijfor, oris ; in. To overthwart with words, refponi- To over-filt; Jupra modern implere, An over-rcaching, impofuro;; F. fo. To overtow; act. ittunido, dre: To over-deckon, rationum jumam To lay overthwart; dauf. To overflow, exundo, redindo, ary. julo pájörsin corificere. . To go overthwart, tranſcurro. Over-ript, maturus viimais. A going overthwart, tranſur;wi, ús. To Over-Tulc; impero, modgro, arg. Qeerthwartly, derfatim Att overflowing, intimidatio, onis . Over-ruled, vi&us, ä; min To do a thing overthwartly, pra- To overfly, pralarvolo, art. To over-ran, excurry, 3r inuados . pollerè agere. To overglat, jatian. Overthwarily (Croſsly) oblique; adv. Oscr. Overflowed, feperfuafus, 65 urma 1 populer, ari. . Calt oat car. Out of the frying-pan OU UN OUT O U Overthwartly, {frowardly] peruersè ; Three ounces, rriens, entis; m. # I think it not out of the way, ady. Four ounces, quadrans, drantis; m. non abs rekor alienum) puro. Overthwartaeſs, perverftas, atis; f. Five ounces, quincunx, uncis ; m. Out of one's wits, infanus, mente all- Overtly, apertè, perfundoris ; adj. Six ounces, ſolibre, familis. enitus, 4, um, adj. *I 20 almoſt To over-toil, feipfum laboribus difcru- Seven ounces, Jepunk, ünsis į m. out of my wits, vit fum apud me. ciari. Eight ounces bas, Out of tune, abſorius, dillonus, , aos, Over-coiled, laboribus fractus or con- Nine ounces, dodrans. * If they be never 19 little out of fraus. Ten ounces, dextans, tunc, quamvis pould diſcrepent. I overtook [of overtake) afecutus Eleven ounces, deung. Out of breath, winhelus, a, um; adj. fum, preterp. of ellequor, Twelve ounces, alis, libra. A way out, 2 exitus, üs; m. An overture, apertio, 3. apertura, I. Our, noffer, 2, um ; pron. adj. *He A paffage out, $ They had büt two An overture of peace, conditionum is on out fide, a nobis af, à ways out, erant omnino itinéra duo propofitio ad pacem conciliandam. parte or causâ noflra. quibus exire poffent, To make an overture dato, cinditio- Oars, nollri. Whole is it, ours or čre # He is nes proponere. yours ? cujus efi, noliat an veier ? outed, vi imperium ef An overtura, marfio, onis; f. , ad. abrogatum. To overturn, suerto, fubuerto, črt. , atis To go out, 2 omano, ari; n. *It will Overturned, cuerfus, fubuerfus. Ourtez (in Aquitain) Orrefium, Come out, $ be all out, res omnid On overturner, fuerfor, ſubverfor. Oufchez (a river in Burgundy] Of. oflyet. It will not out of my An overturning, virpo. fubuerfio. mind, inſide in memoria. An over-value, prelinen nimis carum. Ouſe rlver (In Yorkbire] Oufa, Urie To oat with, profero, -ferre. Out To over-value, piuris juſto afimars, Tanners ouſc, coriex quercas. Bring out, with it, profér. To orer-ween, fibi nimium placere, Ouſency (ncar Oxford) Ifidis inſula. To be out, erro, are; n. *You are philauria laborare. An ouzel or ovzel, meru!a. quite ont, 8018 erras via, non re&td An over-weening, arrogantia, &; f. Ouster le man, formulu juris, ubi accipis. He is out at the first Over-Weeningly, arroganter; adv. reus illud quod regis nomine inve daſh;. in portu impingit, in limine To over-weigh, prapondero, are. sum efi, non ad regem, sed ad feip. offendit, Cantharius in porta. A Over-weight, andarium, additamen fum fpectare comprobavic. am out of danger, go in portu non tum, i; n. OUT OF, according to ſeveral fig vigo. * It is out of my head, nari To overwhelm, obruo, ère ; ait. nifications, is anſwered by ſeveral cccurrit anitho To overwhelm with carth, ferrà in prepoſitions in , viz. To be out, , ' fodere. AB, * out, is out alin To overwhelm with water, aquâ fight, ab sorum oculis concede. Out 70 à me animo eff. * They are immergirt. of light out of mind, femotus ab fallen out, ire une inter cos. Overwhelmed, obrutus, a, um. oculo, serotus ob animo. * Out of To be out of love, abhorreo, ire ; s. An overwhelming with easth, infos God's bleffing into the warm fun, auerfor, I am quite out of love fo, onis ; f. ab equis ad afnos, with myſelf,, ego nunc totus difpli. Over-worn, virtus, annis obfitu. DE, as, She ſnatched a ſupper out cro mihi. # To out-bid, plis Overborow [in Lancafirs] Celatum, of the funeral-plle, rapuit de rogo licitari, licitatione vincere. Brementonarum. Over-Yvel (one of the Low Coun into the fire, de fumo ad flammam; To out-brave, territo, dre. tria] Tranfſalana, Sallandia. incidit in Scyllam, qui vult vitara An out-caſt, ahjaetui, cjeftitius. Ovenant [a Freneb inand) Uxantus. Charybdim. An out-chamber, cubiculum anterid: OUGHT (any thing) res, ei; f. E, EX, as, + He went out of the prolærtium:. quicquam, &c. If I bad ought to camp, è calris exiis. Out of An out-cry, exclamatio, quiritatio. do with him, fi mihi cum illo res hand, è veßigio. An out-cry (publick rale) quajo. clot. If ought be amits, fi quid EXTRA, as, * Out of danger, ex-To fell by out-cry, cultioristin rubbero delinquitur. Doſt thou perceive fra ieli ja&um. Out of' order, fare: ought ? quid fentis ? • For ought extra ordinum. Out of doubt, Out of doubt, To out-do, supero, I. antro, 4: i ſee, quantum ego perſpicio. # Had extra dubium, To out-face, pertinacijimi aduirfashion I been ought but a blockbcad, ni PRÆ, 29, * Oat of fear, pra bratu. audaci impudmtid refragari. elim lapis. * Out of love the ſhut him out of Out-fang-thicf. jus quo fundi domni. Ought, adj. frugi, indecl. doors, pra amore hunc exclunt fo nus, furom, licèt in fundo alieno corri Good for ought, You will never * They will undergo agy prebenfics fuerit, tamen ad Jo rivo: be ought as long as I llve, dum drudgery out of a dcfire of wealth, care in curia fuâ do ipfo cogxos: ogo vivus vivens nunquam tris fru cupiditait pucolij nullam conditioner Cerc, Elmgur judicare poteft. gis bona. recufant durifica fervitutis, To out-go, præcedo, pravörlo, 3. I ought (did owe) dobui. * The PRO, as, * Oat of my love I ſent An out going, preversio, progreſic. ORC ought five hundred pence, u one to tell it him, mis pro amici-Out-heit, 2 vacatio fubditcrum 46 nu debebat dmarios quingmtos. sià qui hoc dicern. Out-horn, 3 militiam per edictus I ought (ſhould) debui, oportet me, PROPTER, as, "Many have fought rgis or per fonilnicornu. &c. • They oftner think what war out of a deſire of glory, multi Outin (In Holſtein) Orinuri. he may than what he ought to do, bella læpè quafiverunt propier gloriæ An out-jutting room, chianum, :20 fæpius cogitant quid poflit quàm quid cupiditaten. bulatum projedile. dobrat facere. * We onght to be SUPRA, 2, • They are out of Outlandiſh, externus, a, um ; adj. perſuaded to it, nobis perſuaſum of meaſure angry, illis ira ſupra me An outlandiMh ban or woman, alis- debet. * Which ought to have dum ejt. nigena, 1. been done long lince, quod jam- Out of doubt, baud dubiè, prouldu. To outlah is expences, ultra facil pridem fa&um elo oportuis. He diò, fine controverfia. tutos impenfis fèrri, thinks they paght to be put 10 Out of date, antiqualus, a, umi. To out-law, profcribo, ore. death, omfat eos morts efi muldan- Out of doors, foris. He is gone an out-law, du. out of doors, rxivit foras. Out-lawed man, ul, cxlex, 3. m. Ougly, deformis. Su Ugly. Our [be gone) apage. An outlawing, 2 profcriptio, 3. f. 14. Orid (a man's name) Ovidius, Out of hand, proporè, fine mord. Outlawry, bula projcriptoristi Oviedo (in Spain] Oustum. Out of fashion, exolotus, a, um. To our learn, difrendo preverters: Quld, antiquus. Su Old, Out of frame, malè difpoftus. An out-let, exitu, üs; m. Oulo (in Scotland) Vla. Out of heart, animo fra&us, sielus. To out-live, supervius, črs. Oulx (in Fransı] Orlum. Out of harm's way, poft principia, Our lived, vivendo ſuperatus, Ag ounce (beaſt) lynx. Oat of joint, laxitus, a, um. An out-liver, fuperfles, itis ; C. An ounce (weight) uncias &; f. Out of kind, dsgener, a, um, adj. An out-living, superviftio, onis; f. A little ownce, unciola, Out of patience, impatiens, tis. T'he outmoſt, extremus, a, un ) of an ounce, ancialis, le; adj. Out of uſe, abſoletus, a, um ; adf: Dutermosta } , An ounce and half, fequiuncia, a; f. Out Out upon you! vah!'apage to! To out-number, plerus efi, numero TWO Ounces (Troy-weight] foxtans. Out of the way, devjus, a, um ; adj. fuperare. Kk (cenam. ,} }. ex- } Pro 1 . OWN Р АС PAD ? Oxford, adj. } Oxontenfis. Out-partners, fures in confpiisScotia, * He owos him for his ſon, illumſro go a main pace (at lea) planifi- qui bona furto furreptá aliis furibus prolem fatetur ſuam. mass' valis thuvigare. ca recipientibus attulerunt. Owned; agnitus, wndicatus, a, um. To pace as a horſe, solutim incedere, Out-paffed, prateritus, 4, ninį ad). An owner, dominus, pololor. glomerare gredus, To outopars, pretegridier, iris, As an owner, tanquam fibi proprium. Pacing, solutaris, re ; toutarius, gra- Ad out-paffing, pragrelio, onis ; f. To be owner of, polideo, potior, renco. darius, a, um, adj. Ab outrage, contumilia. The owre (beart) urus jubatus. A pacing of a horſe, inftitutio equi To outrage, violo, Owze [moiſt ground) uligo, 3. f. lie u grudarik evadat. An outrager, violator, oris; m. mus, 2. m. Pacifick, pacificus. An ogtragiog, violatio, onis f. An owzel, merula. A pacification, pacificatio. Qairagious, ferox, immanis, efforus, A brook-owzel, ertygomstra, To pacific or paciſy, paco, placa, mul- To be oütiaglous, furo, infanio, do- An ox, bos, bovis. cro, mitige, leo, fudo, * Pacific backbor. Ox, adj. bovinus, bubulus, a, yourſelf, iracundiami reorins, *He } Outragiouſly, ady. atrociter, furiosë, of an ox, will cafely pacifie his father to his immanitar, vehementer. A wild ox, myus. own mind, facillimè patrum in leges Ootragiouſneſs, furor, immanitas, TA- An ox-ball iſtóne]. tophus juvenci. conficiet ſuas. : biss, inſolentia. Ox-bane (herb) buphonum. To pacific again, remulceo. To out-reach, circumsumio, 4. Ox-cye (herb} bupibalmus. Pacified, pateiks, propitiu. Out-riders, apparitores irrabundi qui Ad ox-eye crécper [bird) ceribia. Not pacified, implacatus. horninus in curia ad vice-comitem An ox-fly, tabanus; apius. Not to be pacified, implacabilis. citant, An ox-gang of land, Terra viginti ju- A pacifier, pacator, placatır. Out right, adv. pmilùs, omninò. gera, Pacificatory To out-run, curfu praverto, Ox-heal, bellebori nigri radix. Pacifying The outlide, fuperficies,.si ; f. AD ox-houſe, bovia. A pac.fying, placatio, delinitis. On the outldc, rxtrinfecus; ady. - Ox-lip (flower] primula viris. A pack, farcinz, onus, fafiis. An oor-ſtanding, eminentia, I. f. An ox ftall, Babalum, bubile. Aliele-pack, Sarcinula. Projais, onis ; f. Ox-congue (berb) bugloja. A pack of wool, ſugma lane. To out-ſtrip, prccorto. Oxen, boves, bouna. TO PACK AWAY (act. ) fugo; are ; To out-vie (at cards) alterum ut lu- Oxen that work, triones. emouro, z. act. • Muſt I then be dem admitiat gloriose nimis perpellers. Oxenford, 2 Oxenforda, Oxfordias, packed out of doors i ficcine bos.fit Out-wail, funeſia ibrenorun materia. Oxford, .'} Oxonia, Oxoniuin, foras ædibus ma ejici ? Ourward, rxternus, extrinfecus. Bellofitun, Ilidis vadura. To pack away (neut:] fugio, fugam Moic outward, exterior, us; adj. maturari. Pack hencc, juge, te Outwardly, extrinfecùs ; ad). hinc amour, aufor. To out-wit, ingenii acumine aliquam Oxney (1šie in Kms] Oxiniga, A pack of cards, foliorum fafciculur. antecederı; sagacior or perfpicacior An oxter, axilla.. To pack the cards, folic componere, #vadarı, fubtiliorem fi probari, Oxmyel, oxymeli, ris. injiruera chartas. You can pack Oar-works, mumimmia exteriora. Oyer de Record, audire archiva, ubi the cards, artem lensi componendi Owar (in Hungary) Ovaria. Jo, altor fue reus à judice fupplex folia. To owo, dobro. * 1 owe my Ilfe to porit, ut regola curia infpirantur. To packa (wy; juratas deligere fibi him, illius operâ vivo. He owes Como iſtion of Oyer and Terminer, Góroxios. much, in an alieno. *He owes diploma Regis quo Rex judici ini To pack up, conſarcina, Sufforcino, more than he is worth, animam vil altori, una cum Provincia Ire Sarcinam confringere. * Pack up debet. I owe God. a death, ds. narchis facultating concedit lites & your tco!s, expedite sarcinulas, dimus morti nos solraque, crimind cognofcendi & dirimindi. Pack up what you would have , . * He pays the O yes! audire! awes arrigita. with you, compone que fimul locuin Owing, $ mocy owing, dabitas).Oyl, dlom. Su Oi!. ferantur. Solusi pecunias. Oyntment, engumum, See Oint, Pack, ad). Owelty of Lasvices, aqualitas Servi. mcnt. Offs, pack. } Sarcinarius, a, um. tiprum. Oyfe (a river in the Low Countries] | A pack [of rogues) caterva, concili- An owing, debitio, debituni. Æja, Eja, Ilura. abulxm. Owen a man's name) Audcenus, An oyſter, ofreun. Su Oifter. A pack-cloth Ogdemus. An owl, bxbo. cboris infidun. A pack fork, crumna, mulus maria. The horn-owl, otis, nunua aurita, An ozier, Salix, vimen. $145, katus bajularius. A ſcreech-owl, frix, igis. An ozier-grove, Valiau, vimin.- A pack-horfe, equus ditellarius, ONE'S OWN, proprius, /uus, a, un; Ozier-ground, 147. A paok-needlc, seus prolonga: ad). He fet him at liberty with Ozier, ad). 7 Julignus, vimineus, a, A páck-saddle, clitella, Jella diffiaria, liberavit. He converts it to:bis Ozyleczin (in Poland] Oxvlecidum, las impondie. owa uſe, pro fuo writur. I loved Saddled with a pack-faídle, ditollis him as my own, quavi pro meo. jiratus, • It is all thinc own, issum of A maker of pack. saddles, fator elj. Thun. It is in our own choice fellurius. whether we will give or no, de. A pack-thread, flun tirus, reflicula, MIMI niecna in noita poteftate of.' *! P before A, Packed us, fuffarcinatus: am not my own wan, non sum A packer up, conſarcinitor. apud me. • I loved you as iny Pacca [in Portugal) Pax Fulia. A pocket, fafciculus. own brother, to in-germani frarris A pace (in going) polus, gradus, | A packing, conſarcinatio, invalutis, dilexi' loco. Being at his own inrefus. B: packing, 1 apage thy facelo houſe, cun lui apud se. A pace in dancing) incifus numéro-Get yon packing, 3. hinc, aufa One's own eltate, peculius, jus i fiaticuli bint, TES TURN tibi habe. You One's own felf, propria persona. . An alderman's pace, incetus may be packing, ilita, When You ſhall be here your own felf, Slow, pace, noniu, fortune begins to frown, friends rute ipfe hie aderis It Is The her The pace of 20 horſe, inceſus, tolm will be packing, ubi femel ras in- own ſelf, ipfa ef. We our own Lim carpius. clinata efi, amici de medio, - felves knew. him, illum ipfo signa- A pace or herd of alles, caterva af- To fond packing,' anonco, propello, vimus. norum. To fel packırg,} exige. Of one's own accord, adv. ultrò, The great pacc [or five fict, in sent packing, xátus, a, un ; adj. Sponta. • He offered himſelf of meaſuring) polusi A pact (agrceneni) pultuos, i; n, his own accord, fe ultrò obsulit, The lofter pace (two foot and an A padion; padio, onis ; f. Another's own, alienus, a, half) gradus. A pad, iphippium brrve. To own, affore, vindico, v. * They To go a foſt pace, fufponfo gradu ira. A pad of ſtraw, culeisra. Aramentitis. will own their own, fees, agnofreni To hold pace with pariposſu comisari. ( A pad-way, callis, femiia, via irita. To Ozey-ground, salien wiginofum, an- Packing coothin} revidenſs. | . HIN. PA I PAL, PAM T• pad, terram calcando co@quars. To be at palns and charges, laborem; Paleſtrina (in Italy] Prænejle. To pad (rob on the high-way) pra & fumptum impendere. A palfrey, caballus; i ; m, dor, latrocinor. To take pains, laboro. He took as Palid, mucidus, a, un ; adj. A paddle (ſtaff ] Scaphium, i;' n. much pains as any of you, aqui To be palid, muceo. To 'paddle, frequenser lavars; aquam ut unu quiſque virum laboravit. A paling-man, mmeator jure nigoti- agitara To take pains to no parpole, operam ans, artem negotiatoriam facurè fas- Paddied; frequenter lavatus. ludore or fruftra conſumere. * You titans. A paddler, frequens luvator, take much pains to little purpose, A palinody [recantation) Palinodia. A paddling, frequens lavatio. operam & oleum perdis. A paliſade, Jeptum non its firmum ex A paddock, rana pagans. A pains-taker, laborator, 3. m. judibus drabulacro ornatus ego apa A paddock-ſtool, Fungus. With great pains, adv. ægrè & difpofitum. A paddock in a park, jeplum in quo, culier. A paliſado, sepas ex palis, vallum cervo emiſ», certant cones de curſu ;; Pains (paniſhment] peena, 1. f. fuep Siptum. circus venascr'is. plicium. 2. n. He forbid that To defeod with palliſſadoes, fudi- Paddow-pipe (herb1 polygonon. under ſevere pains, id pænis five- bus munire. Padeiion [herb) alih.milla, pas leoni ris conftitutis interdixit, probibuit or A pall, palla, e; f. vituit. To pall, vapefco, ēri. nus. Padeborn, / (in Wellpbalia) Pade- Painful, laboriofus, a, um ; adj. Pall-maile (a ſport] ludur pila dua Paderborn, borns, Teuderium. . Painfully, laboriosè ; adv. Daria. Padlion (herb] helleboralum. Painfulneſs, dificultas, atis; f. A pallat, grabatum, cukitra. A pad lock, Jer.z ponfilis. A painia, paganus, ethnicu. A pallat (uſed by painters) pugilla. A pad-nag, equus itineri aplus. To paint, pingo, dopingo, èra. ris abörulus pietorius, pollicaris af- Padoua (in Italy] Patavium. To paint again, repingo, čre. Jula pictoria, Padttow [in Cornwal] Paſlovia. To paint the face, purpuril, fuco. Palliardiſe, frortatio, impudicitia, Padron (in Gallicia) Iria Flavia: To paint with vermilion, miniare, To palliate, colorem induure. Padventage, jus compafcendi ir agro Womens paint, pigmentum, fuius. Palliative, šppriofus, a, um ; adl. compafcuo unius aut plurium pegerum. Painted, piltus, dipi&us, fucatus. Palliative curc, suppuratum cicatrice A pagan, paganus, ethnicu. A painter, pi&tor, oris ; m. obdutun. Paganiſm. fuperftitie ethnica. A painting, piaio, dapiaio, onis ; f. Pallour or palour (fiſh] pelaris. A page, ofecia, pedifequus. The art of painting, diagraphics, The palm of the hand, palme, oo!a. A.loldier's page, sala, cacula, lixa, A pair Ecouple) par, aris, To itroke with the palm of the A page of honour, aleda pretextatus. A pair of bellows, fillie. hand, demulcro. A page of a book, pagina, a; f. * A pair of cards, filiorum faficulus. Palm (of willow buds] panicula, pa- mus. About the bottom of the page, To pair [match] compan, arı; act. quafi in extremâ pagina. Paired, comparatus, a, um. A palm-tree, palma, a; f. A pageant, furculum, ; 0. A pairing, comparatio, onis ; f. Dwarf-palm, palma humilis, A pagod, jlatua dei Indici. To pair couple as birds do) con fortem Palm-fruit, daaglus. I paid (of pay) solvi. "I have paid deligere, Palm-ſunday; ochophoria, ramalia, all ny debts, omnes creditores ab- Pallage, pietura topographica, topogra orum ; dies palmarum, solvi.'. He paid his ſhot, lymbo pbia ludicra piacra. Palma (a ſtrong fort in Friuls).P.ale lum dedit. * He paid for his fol. A palace; palatium, ngia. ma. ly, dedit reenas vicordiæ. of a palace, palatinus, a, um. Palma-chrifti, / [herb) selaputia ma. Paid, folutus, mimarratus. Palace (at Gremwich] Placentia. Palmatory, $jor, granuma rigi. A paiglc or cownip, paralyfis, A paladine, comes palarii. A pail. Atula, uruus, Palamos (in Catalonia) Palamas. A palmer, forula. A pail for milk, mulara. Palapontz, porus Indicus (ex aqua A palmer (ftranger) peregrinus (reli. A ſhallow pail, modiolus. vilæ & rofarcâ, citreis & jacebaro gionis ergo.) Pain (puniſhment] rund, I. f. lap. confe&us. ] A palmer-worm, truca, centipeda, plirium, 2. n. Upon pain of A palaguin, ſilla Indica portatilis. brucbus death. ſub pena mortis. A palaan (court-lády) mmifra pala- A palmofter, chiromantes. Pain (uneaſineſs in any part of the ting. Palmcftry, chiromania. body] dolor, angor, 3. m.cruciatus, Palatable, grazus, fuavis; ad). Palpable, manifeflus, palpabilis, 4 m. The palate, palatun, sælum, i; n. Palpably, manifeftè, liquido. Pain (uneaſineſs of the mind, anxl- A count palatine, cenru palatinus. Palpitation, palpitatio. , M. A Palatinatus inisf. Sick of the palley, paralyticus, clini. To be in pain or pained, do!ro, 2. The Palatinate of Bavaria, Palati. dolore offici. She is in pain, è natus ſuperior. The dead palley, Syderasio, nervorum dolore laboral. The Palatinate of the Rhine, Palati refolutio. To be full of pain, in magno alle do natus Rheni, A pallgrave, commies palatinus, lore. Palazzuola (in Sicily] Herbelws. A palt, i&tus. To pain or put to it (act.] crucii, 1. A pale, palui, redes, To palt, impoto. Bigº, xi, 3. A park-päle, roborarium. To palter, hæfto, fergiuerfor, refilo. To occasion or give one pain, dolo- A pale (in heraldry] due linee per la palterer tergiverfor, pufillanimus, rem alicui inurere. * You give fcutum gentilitium ad casherum du fordidus. me no ſmall pain, inuria mihi da. Paltry, vilis, fordidus, treffis, quàm acerbiliorum doloren. To pale, Sudibus obfepire. A paltry quean, feorfum triobalare. To pine away or be conſumed with Paled, Judibus circumfeptus, Pamiers (in Aquitain) Pamiz, 400- pain, dolore tabefcas. A pale fence, leptum ex judibus. mia, Epaunum. Pained, cruciatus, dolore affew. Pale (of colour] pallidussy Iwridus, Pampetunc (in Navarra) Pompeiopo. Palaful, crumnoſus, molefius. bwxsus. lis, Pompelons. Painfully, solajlè, adv. Somewhat pale, pallidior, us; ſub- To pamper, Jagino, indulgeo. PAINS (labour) indufria, a; f. pallidus, a, um, adj. To pamper for ſale, mangonizs. This pallefco, čre. :. To pamper one's ſelf, cuticulam ck- palns, hoc fruitûs pro labore ab illis To look palc, rare, genio indulgere. fero. You may do it without Grown paic, pallidus, a, um. Pampered, habitus, any great pains. id nullo negotio A growing pale, 2 impållefcentia, 2; A painphlet, libellus,v; m. f. A pamphleteer, libellio, with leſs pains, minore conatu mo- Palely, pallidè ; adv. A pan, parins, diſcus, vontur * It requires great pains Palenefs, pallor, oris ; m. A little pan, patella, to do it, multi fudoris ejf. No Palenza (in Spain) Palmtia, A chaffing diſh pan, igniłabuluos. pains no profit, qui arat olivelum Palermo [ln Sicily, &c.] Pisnor. The pan of a cloſe-ſtool, lafo. rogar fruâum, qui fecerat exorat, qui cadit cogit. Paleſtine (part of Aja] Pilepina. The brain-pan, salur, craniurs. K k 2 (K. num. 1 Ρ Α Ν PAR PAR A pang Orpaper , } carescous chartarius, a, grada. A great braſs pan, ahonum.niin. A pantry, cella penuaria punis. To parbrcak, vamo, 24 ; 24. A lire- pan of a gun, filopela concipo Pap, propa, bua, puls infantaria. A parbuncle (on ſhip-board) funis farulunt: A pap (dag] ubor, 3.n. marma.l; f. duplicatas quo dolia attolluntur, A frying pan, Jartago, ginis; f. A little pap, maminilla, la; f. A parcel, particula, parou inercium A dripping-pan, degutioriem, i ; n. of the paps, mammillaris, rt; ad), numeruss The knec-pan, parella, &; f. Pap likc, mamnatus, forma' mon To parcel out, particuldins defra. A varming-pan, ihalpoleåruin, millari, bere, A panado, pulticula, &; f. Having great paps, mammolus, By, parcels, particulatin, minuta- A pancake, laganum.. Pap Cattle [in 'Cumberland) Apia- The panch, aluus, 2. m. abdomm, -cum, Eriacum. Parcel-makers, dui officiales in ſac- inis; n. pantices, um. Papa (in Hungary] Paps. cario qui faſciculos rarionun efcante- Pandect, { books of the civil law] The papasy, papasungüs ; m' ris conficiunt. pandecta, aruin ; f. Papal, pontifciui, a, um ; ad). Parcelled out, particularim A pander, leno, onis ; m. Papenheim (in Germany) Papenbo Made into parcels, diftra&us, To play the pander, lenocinor. mun. minutatim difoftw, a, um, A playing the pander, lenocinium. Paper, papyrus, ri; sharia, &; f. A parcenter Partner) partiups. Pandiculationſaftretching one's felf) Paper-royal, charta regia. To parch, arefacio, BOTTRO, adun, paridiculatia. Cap-paperir , } charta emporetica. uſlulo. A pandure, pandura, rit; f. To parch peale, cicer frigero. Waftc-paper, ſchediaſma, legeflria. Parched, arefačius, tobus, aduſlus. Pannel, }.quadra, dre; f. Blotting paper, sharta bibula. Parched beans, faba friad of frixe. A pane of cloth, paoniculus, li ; t. Fine paper, carta augufta. Parching, forridus, a, um ; adj. A panc of glaſs, quadra ditres. White paper, charta abrafa. A parching areaalo, ambuſtio, 3. f. A panc ot wainſcot, quadra lignea. A Meet of paper, ſcheda, da ; f. A parchment, menbrana, pergamme. A pane of a wall, pariais pagina, A ream of paper, ſcapus, i. A piece of parchacht, moradranula, plaga. Paper, ; a panegirick, panegirica, &; f. um ; adj Virgin-parchment, membrana virgo. A panegyritt, panegyrifta, tai m. A paper-book, shinta puræ liber. Parchimenaeos membranaceus, a, A pannel, fordula viroruin juratorum A paper-maker, ebarta purstor. nomina continens, A paper.mill, molitrin. charmuria, A parchment-maker, membranari- A paog, dolaz, oris ; o, A paper-icller, papyr spola, charto. us, i ; m. The pangs of death, angores mortis. pola, A parchment-making, mmbranaria. Paoguts, ventrico; us, a, um ; adj. A papilionaceous dy, muſia papilio. Parcimony, parjimonia, a; f. Panick fear, panicur, torriculum, nacea, Parcinery, hareditas partiaria, 2. n. timor panicus, Papinovgorod (in Muſcovy) Papino- Parcity, Pireitas, frugalitas, Panick (the grain:} p.aniceum. A pard, pardus. Wild panick, panicum ſylvefire. A papiſt, papija, papicola, la, c. j Panick.giaſs, gramm p..nicum. Papiſtry, papijonus, mi. A pannade, qui generofi la frivims & A parable, parabola, le ; f. Pardon, venis, &;f. . The great- conejiarior grillus,qui curius c sal- A paraclete (comforter) paracletus, cit bait to offend in the hope of tus in orbem. ti; m. pardon, maxima peccandi illorebra Pannage[the salt arborumlufrium A parade, pompa, copiarum luflra impunitatis ſpis. Truefui glundu. tis. An abſolute pardon, absolusio, 3.f. Pannage. (the liberty). privilegium Paradiſe, paradifus, f; m. A gencral pardon, amnilia, aif. quod cliens ha et ſua animalia - The "bird of Paradiſe, avis para- A pardon of courſe, remifo juri de ufmodi fruäibus in domini Syluis din bita. pafiendi: To bring out into a fools paradiſo, A pardon of graco, remifio gratuita. Bannage (the fee paid for it) tri Spr false aliquem produceri. The pope's pardon, indulgentia papulis. butun quad pro illo privilegio do Paradiſo '[a river la Sicily] Fons Letters of pardon, litera dimifforia, mino fenditur. Dianct. tobula condonati criminis, diploma A pannel (of a horſe) dorſuale, jolla A paradox, paradoxon, i n. noxa remiſa. do/fuarja. Paradoxical, praler opinatum ruid ms. To pardon, ignofio, 3. condona, 1. The pannel (of a hawk) accipitris Paragon, compor, ris, To pa don wholly, abſolvo, 3. act. Without paragon, incomparabilis, To ask pardon, veniam obfecrare, A pannel of wainſcot, quadra lignia, A paragraph, paragraphus, phi im. Bulls of pardon, bulla, arum; f. operis contabulati area. The paraliax, Parallaxis. Pardonable, remifibilis, venialis, lo; A pannel (names of the jury]cala- Parallel, paralellus, a, um ; adj. adj. 3. art. logui juratorum, To parallel, inter fe componere. Pardoned, condonatus, remiffus. A pannier, cifla, a f. À parallelogram, parallelogramma, A pardoner, condonator, oris ; m. A llitle panvier, cijula, lę ; f. Paraloglſın, paralogifmus, A pardon-buyer, indulgentiarius emp- A pannier of ofiers, calarhus. Paralýtick, paralyticus, a, um ; ad). tor. A pannier with handles, corbis an. Parament, corvi rubra caro intet. A pardon-monger, indulgentiarius in. fatus. Paremont,. cur. pilor. A panſic or panſy, viola tricolor, Paramount, fupremus, a, um, adj. A pardoning, condonatio,3.ignofcmtia, Pant river (in Elcx] Penti. A paramour, amabus ; m. amaia ; f. indulgentia, a ; f. To pant; palpito, mico. A licclc paramour, amatorculus ; m. To pare, precido, perco, refaco. To pint for fear, tropido, are ; n. amicula ; f. To pare about, amputo, arı; ac, To pant for brcath, anbelo, ſuspiro. Of a paramour, amatorius, a, um. to pire away, abrado, čri, act. A pantagruelift, porusor Prenuus, quo. A parapet, lorica, poribolus, propugna. To pare the na ls, ungurs rijerari. w1 Batavo bibacior. culi lorica teriea. To parc off. difiringo, ore ; act, Pantch, florta ex funibus, quibus orla A paraphraſe, paraphroſis, fis; f. Pared, profilius, preciſus, a, um, muning! ne atferantur. To paraphrafc upon, paraphrafi il- A parcat, parens, ris; c. The panicís (diſeaſe in bawks] dyſ lufirare. Lack of parents, orbilus, atis ; f. yng. A paraphraft; parapbrala, iq; para. Parents-lovc, philoforgis. A panther, pardus, ponthers, phrases, is; a. Parentage, parancila, genus, Mirps. Of a panth:t. The letter pareil(among prioiers ]ly- pantherinus, a, Paraphrastical, praphraficus ; ad). Like a panther, } im. A palaquelo, pritlacus minor. pils parilis. To cry like a panther, carrie, irs. A parafiic, parafitu, ti; m. A parentheas, pirentheſis, fis; f. A panting, palpitatio, onis; f. To play the paraſite, parafilor, 1. Parenzo, jin Isrja) Parentium, A pan!!cr, fromus, punis condus. A parathefis, paratheſis, his; f. P:rget, cementum, 2. trariurn. 2. n. A pantofle, creoida, folen. Paravaile, beneficiariorum infimus opus albarium. To hand on his pantoties, tumro, To parboil, lovitor coquere, minùs & To'pargct. dealbo, incruſlo, are. spigeo, aliis fe efferre. quo coat:llare. To new parget a wall, wfforium pa. A pantror, amplopu, Parboil:d, fomictius, fubcrudus. rici inducare, Pargeted, Onus. 1 } į PAR PAR PAS 1 of a pariſh, } parochialis, les adj. } ; Je- Pargeted, incruffatus, a, um. To paríc, particularim confruits, ex fare. He world hardly take his A pargeter, couentarius, tieto ; m. aminare. part elfe, ni hæc ita fint cum illo A pargeter's beater, rutrum, 2. n. Parfimony, parjimonla, a;f. haud fara. Belonging to parget-work, tratorius, Parfity, parritas, atisif, To take in good part, aqui bonique A pargeting, dealbatio, incrustatio, To parne a fhip, futuris navium soge facere or confulers. onis, f. mentum connabis obducere bo do. In parts, dioiduus, a, um ; adj. Parlecary (herb] belatine, perdicium, indo oppisarı. In 'two parts, adv. bipartilo. vicrearia. Parlly or parſley, apium. In four parts, adv. quadripartità. A paring, præfagmen, futamen, 3. n. Buſtard parſly, caucalis. On all parts, circumquaqui, undiqué. A paring off, reje& in præcipo, 3. f. Baſtard ſtone-parſly. Afen. On both parts, adv. utrinquè. A paring-Shovel, pala, valgium. Hil-parlly, ortofolinun. On what part foever , quaquà. A farrier's paring-knife, inciſor. Milk-parily, thyſelinum. A partage, partitio, onis ; t. Parings, purgamenta, orum ; n. Rock-parny, potroſelinum. To partake, participe, sro, The paring of the dails, unguium Wild-parſley, apium paluftri. A partaker, particeps, Jocius ; * As præſegmina, A parlly-bed, apiatum. though I had been partaker of Paris (herd] aconitum falutiferum, A parfaip, palinaca, your labour and danger, velut ipfe Paris (a man's nancl Paris, idis. Cow-parloip, Jphondylium. in parte laboris & periculi fuillom. Paris (in France}Lutetia Purifiorum. Water par inip, Aum. A pa:taking, participatio. Paris, adj. Parifienfis, se; adj. 3, Wild parraip, pallinata luoiris. Parted, diviſus ; difretus, a, um. Of Paris, } art. Yellow parſnip, Sifer. Parted in two, bipartitus, s, uits Plaifter of Paris, opus figninum. A parſon, ecclefia paflor, ecclefiafes. Which may be parted, dividuus. A pariſh, parochia, parecia, a; f. A parlonage, beneficium ecclefafticum, Partenay (in Poitou] Paribaneum. A pariſh-pricft, parocbui, chi ;m. A PART, pars, tis ; portio, onis ; f. A parter, partitor, oris ; m. Parith, Hc drew a great part of Greece A parter of difference, arbiter. 3. art. to take his part, wignam partem A parterrc, hortus floreus ; ad fpeciem A paritour, apparitor, oris; m Greuia in ſocietatem perduxit. In plantarum pulvinorumque elegantiam Parity, paritas, atis ; f. the former part of my life, in fu. defcriptus horius. A park, vivarium, i; n. periori visa. In the fore part of Parthen (in Pomerania] Alifus, A little park, vivariolum li ; n. the play, in primâ fubulâ. • Onc Parthia (part of Afa] Paribia. Park-bote, immunitas à circumval. cannot tell to which part it will Parthian, Parthicus. , um ; adj. lando roborarium. go, non intelligitur uro irrit, The Parthing, Parthi, orum ; m. Park-leaves (herb) androfanum vul- A PÁRT, [dutyl munus, čris; of Partial, iniquus, a, um, adj. gare. cium, i; 8. jWhere note, this partiality, Jiudium partium. Parked, circumfeptus, obfeptus, part. noun is frequently omitted in Latin To partialize it, favors tranfuerfion A parker xylopbylux, acis i mi after the verb fum as,. This is agi. A parley, legario, onis; f. a fatherly part, doc patrium et. Partially, adv. iniqui, To parley, conditiones proponere, collo * It is the part of a wiſe man, fl Partible, Jeailis,' le ; adj. 3. art. qui. pientis eff, Thou haſt play'd thy To participate, participo, art. A parlement, concilium ; curia part finely, lautè munus admaini. Pariicipant, participans, tis. parliigent natus. Hrajti tuum. * He can play any A participle, participium, i; n. To call a parliament, Igmarala com part, omnium fanarum homo. Participle, I participialis lejadi, . Summon a parliamenr, 3 cilium Regni For my part, quod ad me attinet. Of a participle, 3. art, indicare I thought it iny part,mibi vido. Partecipallyciples participialiter To hold a parliament, 2 comitia ule- To keep a parliament, 3 brare. ineptè fu&um f. A particle, particula, læ; f. comitia A little part, particula, partiuncula. Particular, particularis, re; ad). Prorogue a parliamcat, 3 deferre. On the other part, in aduerfum. Particularity, particularitás, 3. f. The Ipeaker of the parliamcat, do. For the moſt part, adv. plerumque, To particularize, ſpeciatim dicere. miurgus, prolo:utor jonatûs. plurimùm, ut plurimùm, ferè. Particular y, adv. particulariter. Tlie parliament-houſe, comitium. To part or divide into parts, divido, a party, pars, 3• facta, a; f. A parlour, natio, 3. f. cenaculum, 3. Separo. I. portior, 4. difpertio, 4 Partie-coloured, diſcolor, oris ; adj. tricliniun, i; n. in partes tribuere or diſribuere.'* A parting of, diviſo, partitio, 3. f. of a parlour, tricliniaris. ri; adi. Do you part theſe things between A parting from, digreffus, difieſus, Parma, [a river in Lombardy) Par. you, vos inter vos ifhæc partite. ûs ; m. må. • They parted that work among A parting in the middle, bifixio, f. Parmacety, Sperma mti ( in balana them, id opus inter fe partiabantur. A partiſan, particeps, ipis. capire reperiun] maris flos, embar To part or put aſunder, leparo, I. SO: A partiſan [a commander's leading fubalbidun. junge, 3. Nothing but death ſhall ftaff] virir. Poor man's parmace ty [herb) burſa part her from me, hanc niſi mors A partition, dillepimmtum, ti ; n. paforis. mihi adimet nemo. * They would A partition-wall, paries intergarinus. Parma [in Italy] Parma. fain have paried us, inter nos dif- A partizan, framea. Parmeſan-cheeſe, cafous Parmenis. dium volebont or macbinabantur. A little partizan, farifa. Parnel [a woman's namc]Petronella, To part a fray, litem componere, di- A partiet, ſirophium, ſudarium, a la; f. rimert. The night parted the miaoriun, A parnel, amatorcula, puella impu fray, prælium diremit nez inter- Partly, adv. partim, qurdantenùs. dica. vmtu fuo, A partner, confors, focius. Prattling-parnel (herb) fanicula ma. To part in the midſt, bil, medium Partnerſhip, focietas, atis ; f. confora culofa. focars. tium, I ; n. Parochial, parocbialis, le; adj. To part alunder, of itſelf, diffilio. The partners in a ſhip, Bamina ad Parole, verbum fidei. To part (depart) digredior, diſcedo,3. calcem mali. A will parole, tofamentum nuncupa milf ſo be that thou and 1 part, A partridge, perdix, icis ; c. tiuum. ho srit abs ta ut diftrahar. They A young partridge, pardicula. Releaſed upon parole, dimiffus fide pa ted even hands,aquo prælio dir- To Jouk as a patridge, cacabo. data fe rediturum. clum eff. The jouk of a patridge, cacabatus. A paroxyfin, paroxyfmus. To part (diſtribute] communico, s. A covey of patridges, perdicum ag- Pardiano (in Languedoc] Papirianum, diftribuo, čre. Rufeina nova. To part with, diminto, 3. cedo, 3. A parvis, propylæum, porticus rempli, A parrat . parrot, Pfirlenus, ci. I will part with my life firſt, ani. pronson, Parrat's bill" (a furgcon's pincers] man linguam potius. I will Paſchal (a man's game] Pafchalis. forteps uncinatus, part with ſomething of my right, The Paſchal-lamb, agnus pafchalis. Parrels (fea-term) pila circa malum. di jure meo concedam paululum, A mad paſh, crabroſus, foenum ba. A parricide, parricida, de ; c. To take part (partakc) participo, bons in cornu, varerra. To play the parricide, so parricidio To pafh, impingo, elido, contero. inquinari. To take one's part. e parle alicujus Paſhed, impaaus, aliſus, a, um. The art ; ac que haber, PAS PAS Ρ Α Τ The palque flower, pulsatilla. Albula, in Albule Traje&tu ſubmer. fus ad ducendum dias. She is A palquil, programme difamatwlum. sus et. ſo old that Ne is paſt child-bear. To PASS, tranfeo, ire To cut off a paſſage, alicui conna ing, parere jumdis bee per annos To pals away.[ncat.) labor, ofa, tun intercluderi. non poteft. * All is paſt and done, ftwo, 3 A paffage of a book, fententia, æ ; f. faaa & sranjofta omnia. To paſs away one's right, de jure locus, loci. # He uſed to take our In time paſt, adv. slim, quondams. fuo cederg. Who'c paffages; rotas parachas per. Half an hour paſt ſeven, dimidiures To paſs back, ride, irt, i neut. fequi folut. hora poil reprimam. To paſs before, prelabor, eris. A paffage (rhiog done] adun, ge- Laſt part, ultimò præteritus ; ad). To pals beyond, iranſeo, ari; neut. juin. Paſte-board, charta denfior, charta ag- To paſs bounds, excedo, 3. tranſgre- A paffage anto, accoſus, aditus, 4. glusinolis, pluribus composta foliis. dior, cris. A pasſage-boat, navis vetaria. Paite [dough) mula, ai fi faring To pais by, prelarco, pralermitte. Pariage-money, naulum, li; n. aquâ fubatta or dapfrica. To paſs between, intercedo, ore. The paſſage of the breath, Spira. Paſte-meat, pilum, liin. TO PASS(care) moror. I paſs apt mentum. To raiſe paſte, farir dir dep- for it, quid mea?. * I paſs not The paſſage of the throat, larinx. } Make patc-mcats, ſere. for his help, ejus operano nihil mio- Parrant(in heraldryļoranfiens incedens. To making of parte-mcats, farinz ror. He palleth not for him. Paſław in Bavaria) Patavia. fubaalo. felf, de life nihil luborat. * He Paſſed, præteritus, anteadus, exa&us, Patter to ftick things together with, paffes not at all for it, jufque, de.. peralius, tranfactos. * Before 'ten. gtutmn,inis; n. glurinum, 2,8.glu. days were paffed, dies nondum de ien ex farinà conf:ium. TO PASS (eſca pel rurdı, öre; act. como intercufferant cun. To parte, lucco triticinco agglutinare, • No day paſſes him, nunquam Pasſed over, trajc&us, a, um. Pafted, ſucco tritiero congluinatus. unun intermittit diem. Paffed out. egrellus, a, um ; part. Pastel, tinawa glafi. To PAS S. [excel) äntaello, anisco, 1. paffed, præterii. He has paſſed a paſteler; } pilor crujiularius. fupero.lt pasics my skill, Dil. his account, rationem retulit. • Hc! A patt:rere vus ſum non Edipus, paſſed away by bargain, pottione Paſtery, opus pißorium, To paſs torth, prodeo. tronſmifit. ** Mary words paſſed A pattery, piffrin: placentaris. To paſs one's hand, fubfcribo. between us, multa verba uliro - The paſtern of a horſe, Juffrago, ta- To país on, progredior, proficifcor. troque habita funi. To paſs over, tranfso. A. paffenger, (by land) viator, 3. m. A paity, artocrea. To paſs over [let paſe] prætermiſto, a paſſenger [by boat) vetor; m. Paftimc, ludus, oble&amentum, face- omitto, A paſſenger-falcon, falco peregrinus, tiæ. To paſs over (without meation] A- Pallibility, pasſibilitas, aris; f. To give one partine, obloato. lantio præterire. Paffing, tranfiens. part. • Many To take his paftime, ricreare fe. To paſs over [coavcyl transfrato, words paffiag on both ſides, multis In paftimc, in joco, per jocun. trajicio, tranſporto, tranſmisto, verbis nlına citroque habitis.. For paſtinie, animi caufâ, voluptar is To paſs from place to place, migro, Palfing away, tranſitorius, a, 'um. causa. commigro. Palling the bounds, exundins, limites A paitor, paftor, miniſter; m. To paſs fentence, judico, jus dicere, tranfgrediens, Paſtoral, poforalis, le; ad}. fententiam ferre. Paſſing lightly over, perfunétorius, A paſtoral, carmen bucolicum TO PASS (ſpend) .ago.dego, ere; A paffing, progrefio ; f. There is Paitoral charge, act. * 'He has parted his time in na palling through it, non es por Paſtoral office, cura paftoralis. pleafure, zilam fuam ſemper in e vium. - Paſturable, paſcuus, tio egit. # They pasſed the night A paſſing beyond, præterviktio, pre- Paſturage, pabulatio, 3. f.padus,4.m. in talk, nitem fer mone irabobant. grellio, onis ; f. A pasture, paſcuum. of the ! , without fear, fine metu raliguam A paffing from place to place, mi- For pailures} pascuus, a, um. exegimus ntatem, grario, onis; f. Patture-ground, ager pafcuas, To paſs through, permeo, tranſco. Palling (excelent) praffans. *Maids. A common paſture, ager compascuus. To paſs. one's word, Adam darr. • of paffing beauty, forma prajlants To paſture, pafce, čre, I paſs you my word, tibi mesa puella. To paſture together, compaſco. ajiringo fidem Palling (very) valdè, vehementer, * Paſtured, pajius, a, um. A paſs ('ftate) fatus. The matter A pating fair face, vultus adeo ve- A paſturing, pabulatio,3. pajus, 4. was at that paſs, res cà racidit. * nullus ut nihil fuprà. Pat, aspofitus, idoneus; accommodus. Things will not alvays be at one 'Paffing valiant, prapronuus ; ad). A pat, iaus levior. pals, omnium reruin viciſſitudo. * Paſſing well, perbeni, perquam bone. A patage, navicula Indica. The matter is brought to that Palligly, excellenter ; adv. A patacoon, foulum, coronatus. paſs, adeo res redit, A palling-bell, mortinola. ) To bring to pass, ufficio, sffe&um Paſſion, polio, perturbario, onis ; f. A patch, pannus, aluminium, A dare. * I Tall the calier bring a little paſſion, poliuncula. A black patch, aluta, Jplenium. my purpoſe to paſs, conficiam faci- Paffion-flower, clematis trifolia. liis quod wolo. Paſſion-weck, Sabbatum magnum. To coine to paſs, evenio. It came Paſſionate, iracundus, perturbatus. Patched, punnofus, a,;um. to paſs as I wiſhed, venit ex fone | To grow paſſionate, iracundia Sofa O'd patched shocs, tentiâ. addicere. Old patched garments, To let país, fuperfedeo, pralermitto, Paffionately, iracundà; adv. Patched on the face, Sploiatus. Well to paſs, Janus, bene lo ha. Paflivc, polivus, a, um ; adj. A patcher, interpolator, palie, foruta- bons. Paſfiyely, palive; adv. rius, veteramentarius. A paſs (thrpſt] pititio, impetus, The pasſover, pafcha, e, or atis. A patching, interpolatio. To makc.a .pals at, palo, impato. Paffvelour (flower) amarantus. The PATE, caput iris; n. *I'll A påſs, diploma falui conductûs, PAST, tranfaatus, præteritus. * Two break your pate, dimirixan ribi Paliport, mifio, commeatus, years are paſt, duo anni elapfi funt. caput, * I ſhall pun down mil- To grant a paſs, publican fidem in. * The cold being paſt, «xu&o chief on my pate, mala ultrò af- Terponert. frizme. It is paſt hopc, concia. frahan @ acierfam. * How camc Pallable, pervius, a, um ; adj. malum eft. * The.danger is part, that crotchet into your pate ? qui Not paſſable, impervius, a, umj orinis ras efl jum.in vodo. * It is iluc in mentem tibi vrnit; adj. paſt help, a&tum eff, ilicet. * A Patent, patensy.sis; A. & B. Paffable indifferent) tolerabilis, me wound part care, immedicabilevul- A patent, inſtrumentum, 2. diploma, diocris, ere; adj. 3. art. * When we were paſt the 3 D. A paffade, Hips, mindico tranfeunti streghts, poflerquam anguflias trian- The king's letters patent, diploma duin, fivimus. * He is part a child, ex. regium. A paſſage, tranſitus, traje&tus. He celli: ex ephebis, nuters reliquit * A patentec, ragio donatus diplomate. was crowned in his paffage over You aic paſt marrying, præteriit Paiernaly paternus ; pairius, a, um, Paternally 1 To partich, } pannum afuers. }feruta. PA V PA Y PE A $ A payer, A paying, pulki } 1 fort. Paternally {adv.] affe&u patrio.. A paveſadc (ſhelter for the rowers), To pay ready money, denumero. Paternity, paternitas, ariſ ; f. laterum navigii fapta, clauftra. To pay a ronc, Juni picem incuters. Paterno (in Sicily] Paternum, Hybla Pavia [in the dukedom of Milain? Payable, foluindus, rau marandus. Imajor. Ticinum. Payed or paid, fo!ulu!,.x.UTriratus, The pater-nofter, pratie dominica. A pavillion pavilio, conopeum, tabur. Not payed, infolutus, a, um: A path, callis, ſemita, frames, naculum, fontorium. penjator, siłributor, A palb begun, 'iter recensi limita figo A paving tripudium, i ; n. Pay-master, qualor. A numerario, diſolatio, A bcaten path, vis trita. A paving, con lratio, pratura. Payement, Satisfaétio. Pathetick: patheticus, arduus, af. A paving-beetle, pavicula, fafara. To take ſomething in full paymcat, Pathetical, s. fc14:47 plenus. Paul (a wan's named Paulus. inſolulum accipere. Pathetically, thericè, vebementer, Paolet (a man's name) Pauletus. A payl, fula Sve Pail, A pathologiſt, de morbis &orum Paulin (a man's name) Paulinus. Payn, dolor. Sea Pain. Sympaumaticus tractator, The paulm of the hand, palma. A paynım [heathen) pagasus. Pärible, ponioni obnoxius. The paulmer, [crown of the deer's PËA CE, pax, 3.1. alium, 2.8. quies, Patidalary, patibularis, de patibulo. head] palmatus apex corvini cornú. 5. f. I have made my peace, Patience, pacientin, dolorantii. Paulsberg (a mountain in France) joita eft pax. I prefer peace To hear with patience, cum bona Gebenna, before war, pacem bello Anisſaro. venia audire. To paulter, nugor, delndo. God's. pauce be with him, illi To be out of patience, indignor. A paulterer, nugator, delulor. a benè quiefcant. Patience (herb) hippolapathun, A pacltry, fellow, nugax. Peace of mind, animi pax or tran: Patience [a woman's name] Palien- A paunch, abdomen particus. quillitas ; animus.placatus, pecatus, sia. An or paunch, ebinus, ventriculus quietw, sodatus, tranquillus. Patient, mitis, moderatus, lenis,fortis, bovis. To make peace; pacis focietaten A paunch belly, 2 ventricoſus, umiro- Patiently, adv. patienser, fortiter, lo- Great paunch,' $ fier, abdomen in- To make pe ace for others, pacem nirer, moderatè, placide. fatiabile. conciliare. To suffer patiently, æquo animo To. paunch, eviſcero, exintero. A peace-maker, pacifcus. A peace-making, pacifcasio, focietas: The patine of a chalice, calicis oper. Great paunched, } ventricojus . pacis. culus, patina. Paunton (in Lincolnſhire) Ad Por- To be in peace, requiefco. Paciſe, cilor fubrufus. tron. To hold one's peace, fileo, tarro; ère ; Apátriarch, patriarcha, @; m. A pauſc, pauſa, interfiitium, inter- neut. * Cannot you hold your Patriarchal, patriarchalis, lo ad). vallun, Alontiun. peace porin' us deines? A patriarchy, I patriaribasus, is patriarchatus, üs'; To paurc, quiefsos ferinonem intermit. To break the peace, pacem dirlare, Patriarchſhip, Smarc. To bind to the pcico,' vodor, 1. A patrician or nobleman, patricius. To pauſe upon, cum plenio medi. To ſwear the peace againſt any Patrick [a nan's nane) Patricius. tari, perſon, . aliquam de publica pace A patrimony, patrimonium, With many pauſes, for store fubindè violata coram tragitratu jwsjuranda Of a patrimony, patrimonialis. interrupte, accufare. St. Peter's Patrimony (part of Italy) A pauſer on, nuditator, oris ; m., Peace! bc fileat ! tack! pax! au ? Patrimonium S. Patri.. Pavfing, meditabundus, Patrington (in Yorkbirr] Prætorius. A pzuling, in:crmifio. To bogin to hold one's peace, e- Patriot, patriæ colismo, civis boni A pauſing on, contemplatio. lasco. publici ftudiofus. A paw, unguis, ungula. Holding his peace, facitus, a, um ; A patron, patronus. A paw (ſcratch] ſcalptur). ad. Patronage, patronatus, patrocinium. To paw, unguibus uncis repert. A holding one's peace, flotiun. Patronal, taciturniias. Oi a patron, } patronalis, la jadi. A pawl, Ferramentum parvun in na- Bringing peace, pacifer, a, um. To patronizc, patrocinor, fusor, de vium forii, nie rotrocedat orgaja, in ad). fmdo. bibens. Peaceable, pacatury placidus, tran. Patronymical, painon juick, a, uma ; А pawn, pignus. quillus, fedatus. Patronymick, ad). A pawn at chcío, pedes, milesgrega. A peaceablc year, annus inturbidus. To patt, perwsio. Se pat. ill. Peaccableneſs, concordia, 1. fo trap- care To patt ſoftly, levi ietu drosulane. To pawn, oppignero, pignori uppoa quillitas, 3: f. A wooden patten, kuponii, buxla. Peaceably, adv. concorditer, placide, A pattcn-maker, calopifoz. Pawnage, oppignoratio, onis ; f. Jedate, tranquilla To PATTER (beat thick). Liquorum Pawnee, pignori oppofitu. To peach, indico. Su impeacht. pultare quoad in deum ongarur. A pawner, oppignorator. A peach, malum perficum. They come pattering down as Apawaing, oppignoratio. An almond peach, parfuum amygda. faſt as hail, tam erabro di terram A pawſc, paula. Sa Pauſe. linum, accidunt quàm pyra. Pax [of kiſfing] ofculum pacis. A black peach, perlicum. nigram. A pattern, exemplar, praferiptum. Pax-brcad, panis ofculatorius, ofculan. The golden poach, perfcum ar The firſt pattern, arongpon, idea ar. rікт. . chetypa. PAY, Nipendium. He hath lost. The nud peach, nux'mellufca. To make by patterns adumbro. his.pay, aro dirutus off. The red peach, porficum rubrum, Parti (in Sicily] Palia. To pay, numuro, Solvo, fatisfacio. * I The white peach, porfium album. A pattin, calo, calopodium. pay for my folly, pretium ob ful. The yellowpcach, perficum da, Pau ( in Aquitain ] Palun, Epau ritiam foro. They pay him a The quince peach, great deal of money overy year, A peach trce, nalus porfica, Paucity, paucitar, ingmiem pecuniam ei pendunt quod A peach colour, color floreng malin To pave, jerno, conforto, ' 3. pavi. annis, *' He paid for his follo perfiæ vfurons, perficus calor, ru- mento, are ; a&t. vscordia penas dedit. brum dilutius. Paved, fratas, confiratus, a, um, To pay again, Tenumero, reflub. The peach' bellflower, campanula Not pavod, immunitu. To pay all (aat.) «Xolvo, por/olvo, folii perici. A pavcd mouth, os calidi patiesili - ere, A peacock..paud, pavus, mum. To pay back, riddo, refero. A french peacock, gallo-pavus. A pavement, pavimentam, i;m. To'pay (beat) cedo, percutio. The Spots in a pearok's tail, A pavement of brick, pavimmiam To pay before-hand, reprafoto. oculi, laftritium. To pay at the day, ad diem refpon- Peacock, ad). A pavement of frec-ftone, lithofiro. doro, Of a peacock, cre, Peacock-like, A pavement beater, erro, onis ; m. diecran abſoluuri. The peacock-fiſh; pave Salviani. A paver, pavitor. To pay often, penjto. To um V4.7. num. IHIN. P E B PEE PEL To pecce, -} Becked } A wild pear; } pyrum sylveire . To ſtrut proudly Ike a peacock, "A peccadillo, error levis. A peece [to Lhoot with] bombarda, pornas extenderi, Sofa gloriofiùs ofen. Peccant, poucans, vitiofus ; adj. tormmtum, tare, speciai juste admiratione seso A peck, quarta pars modil.. . A A birding peece, tormentum aucupa. Audiofùs contueri. peck of troubles, ilias malorum, sorium ad aviculas. A pea-hen, pado foeming, pava. For my peck of malt ſet the A fowling picce, formentum aurupa . A peak, ixtuberantia, cacumm. kiln on fire; mihi ific nec feritur rarium ad volucres majores. A peal of bells, cloficum, campana-l ! nec meritur, A fire-lock peece, formentum rotâ rm cont mous A peck with a bird's bill, 10,50. igners extundens. To peal, tundo, ère ; act. To peck, extavo, roffro improre. Peal the pot, ollen conjutalo trud. pannum afuere, } To peck'a mill-ſtone, acuers lapi. Set à peccc on, A pealling, turbo. dim moların, lapidis molaris Sulcos. To peece unto, afuo. Peece out A pear, Pyrum. excudero, cudende exafperars. the lion' skin with the fox's The alabaster pear, I pyrwn cucurbi. Pecked, roſus, a, um. tail, fi leonina pellis non fatis efl, , intulu, a, um. afuenda vulpins. St. James's pear, rum crufu- A wood-pecker, picus martiw. To pull in pecces, dilanio, diripio, A Catharine pear, S A pecking, rojo, mis ; f. divello, The Mary pear, } The lady's pcar, S Peckirk (in Lincolnſhire) Pegolan. Pulled In pecces,diouljus, dilaceratus. pyrum Miria, dia. . Peeced, refarrus, a, um. A musk pear, pyrum hardearium, Pectoral, pectoralis, le; adj. 3. art. A peecer, veteramentarius. A poond pear, pyrum librale. A pectoral, medicamentum poaorale. A peccing, interpolatio. A quince pear, Pyrum cydonium. Peculiar, peculiaris, proprius ; adj. Peece-meal, adv. frufatim, incifim, minusim, particulatim. Sand posters } prieme di minum or teso To make peculiar, appropinquare. To tear peace-mcal, dilacero, dila. A tankard peas, pyrum ampullesePeculiar thing, } perelium, i; n. nio, are; act. Peculiarly, peculiariter, propriè. A tearing peece-mcal, dilaceratie. A water pear, dyrum fuperbum, Peculiars, parocbia Archiepiſcopo Can. Peed, coco, itis ; unorulus, li ; 1. fuerimli poruliariter obnoxia. The peck, locus in penetrali navisi Choak pear, s Pecunlary, pecuniarius, a, um. A peel, pole, inſumibulum, Winter pear, in de posar olamaminer uns · fomentinum, bus, ut locus aliquem securi fran- The peel of an onion, cepe runica. A pearmain, melagium. feant, folutum. To pecl off, decortico. Su Pil. A peartree, grus. A pedagogue, podagogus, gi; ludi. Pecp of day, diluculum, A wild pear-tree, pyrafier, acbras, magifter, tri ; m. To peep (as birds) pipio. A pearce, penetro. Su pierce. The pedals or low keys of organs Peep, peep (the voice of a bird) pis A péarch, pertica, fedile aviarium, epitonia. pitus To pearch [ as a bird) ramo) A pedant, magißer pedansus, gram. То peep out, per rimam sperulari, Set on a pearch, $ confiders, infidera mariſa. A pceper, Jpoculator, oris ; m. arbori or in arbore. Pedaatical, litteratur & offentator im- A peeper (chipper) pipio, onis; m. A pearch (fiſh) parca, a; f. Pedantick, 3 porsupius, A peeping speculatio, infpeétio, 3. f. A ſea-pearch, porca marina. Pedantiſm, } eruditio affinala, lite. The peeping of birds, pipilatus. A pearch-ſtone, percarum lapis. Pedantry, } ratura offeetatio. A pceper by the ſea-ſide, pharus, Pearched, illapfus, a, um. To pedantize, literatum often - cothon. A pearl, bacca margarita. Play the pedant, tart, To peep out, apparto, ir ; cxorior, A pearl in the eye, albugo. A pedee, calo, onis ; m. A ſmall pearl, nargarita minor. A pedeſtal, columné bafis, Nylabara. A peer [equal] par. A fair great pearl, unio exalumi. A pedigree, prosapia, e ; f. Komma, A peer (near the road) moles, pila. Oriental pcari, natur. A peer of the realm, Jatrapa, domi- A pearl for the car, palagmium. A pedigree written, genealogia, nous, patricius. A ragged pearl, margarita alumino- . A writer of pedigrces, genealogus. The peers of the realm, proceres, og sa, obſcura, trißis. A pedlar, nugivendres, 2. circitor, 3. timates, um ; 3. pl.m. circuilor 3. m. Peerage, 2 procrum gradus, spitma. Mother of pearl,} bacche, coniha. To play the pedlar, aginor. tus, ; Pearl colour, margarita colorem rufe Pedlar's ſpeech barbaries, ei ; f. Peerleis, incomparabilis. rons, fulgidas, refplmdens. To fpcak pedlar's French, barbara Peerlesly, adv incomparabiliter, Pearl graſs, phalaris pratenps. logui. Peeviſh, iracundus, moroſus, a, um. Pearl plint, lithoſpermots. Pedling, cireumforanaus,emyturiens. Pecviſht (as they ſpeak in the North] Pearl powder, margarina pulvis. Pedware, legumen, inis ; n. ingeniofus, argutus, naſutus. Pearl-wort, saxifraga Anglicana, al. A PEECE or PIÉCE, pars, portio. To be preeviſ, asporto ale moribus, fins faia. . It is a peccc of negligence, animo ele intrattabili. Bringing forth pearl margaritifor, k, negligensia it. I 'look upon it Peeviſhly, adv. morosè, proterve. um ; adj. ag, a peece of his wiſdom, mihi Peeviſhneſs, morossas, prortvilas, 3.8. A dealer in pearls, margaritarius. videtur en prudentia lug. Peg for Margarct. Decked with pearls, baccatus. A ſmall peece, particula, portiunes. A peg, paxillus, i; m. Peart, vividus, ugotus, a, um, adj. la, æ; f. To peg, puxillo fgore, Su Pert. All of a pcece, folidus, perpetuus. A pegaſus, Lflying horfc) aquus ales, A pretty peari boy, pur avidasulus. A great peece, ( luncheon) buccea pegaſus. improbulur. Pegged, praxillofixus. To make peart, animos adders. A peece cut off, ſegmentinis 2.11. A pegging, fixio, onis ; f. A pealant rufticus. A pecce broken off, fragmentum, i; Peppliz la river in Franconia] Pige Pcaſe, piſum, cicor. neut, nifus, Radiantia. Small peaſe, pilum minus. A pecce of bread and butter, fruflum Pegu (in India] Peguum, Tryglyp- Great garden peale, } piſum majus, panis buipro illitum. tort. A pcece of ſtone, Jorupus, ſorupw- The kingdom of Pegu, regnum Po. lus. guonum. Heath peale, } afravalus, bluaticus , A peece (of money] aurrus, mina, Peirce (a man's namc). Prircius. Peaſe bolt, pis Nipula. viginti folidl. • He gave him half Peiton the family] Pajions, De Pcafe portage, sorbitio ex rato ci. & peece to ſpend, dedit in fump- Pavilliaco, tum dimidium mina, A paitrel, ontilma, 1. f, monili, pe- Wloged wild peafe, schrus. . A peece, { work ) opus, • A ſtudied torale, is; D: A peaſecod, concha follisulus, All- peece, magnaruna vigiliarum opus. Pecking (in China) Pachinuri, Peale-Malc, } qua, valvulus. A peccc of plate, to drink out of, Pelf, lucellum, foruta. Peaſe bull, truilik, patera, vas argentrum. , Pellamountain (berb) Gerpillum. A peece of a garmeni, parnus. A pellet, pilula, &; f. A peece o patch on a shoe, pietas um. A pellet io cram capons, wurunds. Apel- , } atis ; n. 1 grandior. Pebble-fione, } caliulus. nity, > f. faved is a penny got, magnisen Seaſon with pepper, Pipere condire. PEN PEP PER Apellican or pelican, pelicanus,platca. A penny-worth, dmarii pretium or Peradrenture, forfan, forfran; for- Pellitory of Spain, Pyrethrum Hifpa. valor. A good penny-worth, vili onptum. Peragration (going about] peragra- Pell:lory of the wall, parietarit. A penny father, vetulus parcior. tio. Pell-mcil, adv. conferim, confusè, mix. Penny-grafs, pedicularit lulea: To pe ambulate, parambulo, 1. obeo. tim, promiftola. Peony-rot, cotyledon paluſtris. Perambulation, perambulatio, 3. f. Pelucid, pellucidus, a, un ; adj. Penny Royal, pulazjum. To perce, poneiro. Sex Pierce. A pel tergus, pellis, melod. Wild penny.royal calamintha. Perceivable, perceptibilis, le ; ad). Pels , Lin hawking præda accipitris Penny-wort, umhilicus Veneris. To perceive, act. percipio, 3. Some dil.oreruit. A penon (in a ſhip) aplwirs, tio, 4. animadverlos 3: He per- A ſhepherd's pelt, rheno, onis ; m. A penon upon a horic-man's ftaff, ceives it falls out otherwiſe, ali- A peli-Olonger, pellio, cnis; m. vexillum rer euenire intelligit. If he pir: A pelt monger's trade, ſubsaurii ar's. Penryn (in Cornwal] Pmorinun. ceives it I am undonc, i ſenſorit To peli, pelo, impeto. A penfil, penicillus, li; n. perii. * I perceived it cadily, fa. Pembroke (in Walos] Penbrochia. A penfion, penfio, 3. f. annuum. sila id cernebum * When he per- Pembrokeſhire, Pensbrohie comicutus. A penſionner, mercenarius, :P ; 0, ceived that, hac re animadversá. A pen, penna. Sse penn, The king's penſioner, rogis jatellas To perceive well, perſontio, ire. Penal, penulis, le ; adj. honorarius. To perceive beforo-hand, act. pra- A penalty, peni, mulata, a រ f. Penfive, adj. cogitabundus, triſlis, co Sentio, ire. The impoing of a penalty, mutta gitanti pinilis. To perce:ve a little, ſubfentio, ire. ir gajo. Somewhat penſive, trifliculus; adj. Perceived, part. porcepsus, perjpflui; Penaoce, foenitentia, & ; f. To be ponave, mært, cliâ cogitctione intellettus, a, um, . Pence [of penny Jdenarii, oruin; m. Pendikesy, maesè, meditabundè, adv. Perceptionis,} perceptio, onis ; f. You mall pay cwo hundred pence Penſiveneſs, malitia, 1. triſitia, 1. Perceptible, perceptibilis, le ; adj. down upon cac nailiumeravis pre. solicitud:,,inis; f. A perch, perlica, Sec Pearch. fonies amarius ducento:. A pentagon, quinquangulum. A perch [rod to meature the ground) A pencil, peniciliun, li; n. Pent up, inclufus, 4, *. • It is persica. A pendant, lemnicus. pent up in a narrow room, in exi. The perche (part. of Franor) Parti- A pendant la à thip, aplußra, eplie guum angulum concluditur. cus, Venetorum regio, Jlrum. A pent houfc, compluvium, 2. 01. ap. A percullis, cataracta, porsa demilo- A pendant in an ear, inauris, flalag pendix, 3. Suggrunda, I. f. ria, mium. A movcabie pent-houſe, testudo, 3. Percuſſion, percuffio, onis; f. Pendennis caſtle [in Cornwal] Pen. Perdition, perditio, 3• pernicie, 5. f. dinas. The Pentateuch, pentateuchus. #xitium, i; n. Pendent, pondes, ris ; adj. Pentecoſt, pentecoſte, és. Perdues [forlorn hope] prima a. cies. Pendulous, pendulus, a, um ; ad). Penury (want) inepia, ponuria. 1. f. The pendulum of a watch, &c. pen. Penurious, avirus, parcus, 4, um. A perdae, holilibus caßris proximus aulum, penfile horarii librimentum. Pcony (herb] fcconia, a. f. vigil, conclamatce falutis excubi- Pene (a river in Pomeriana] Suevus. Pcople, populus, li; m. Penclope[a woman's namc) Penelope, The common people, popellut, 2. Percallaw ( in Wolbinia ] Pereafia. 6; f. Ignorant people, 5 mo plebs, 3: Penetravle, penetrabilis, le; adj. f. vulgus, 2. 1. & m. Peregrine (foreign) perigrinus, 14 To penetrate, penstro, arc ; act. Of the people, popularis, n; ad). Perny, a, uun. A penetrating, penetratio, onis ; f. Of the common people, vulgaris, 3 Peregrination, peregrinatio, 3. Penetrative, penetrasivus, s, um. plebeius, a, urr; adj. A peregrin falcon, falco peregri. The penguin(fowl janſer Magellanicus. The favour of the people, populari- Penilence, pænitentia, af. fas, atis ; f. Peremptory, adj. peremptoriui, pre- Pcnitcnis poenitens, tis; adj. Abundance of people, populi fro. cifus, a, km. To be penitent, rapoifco, 3. pæniten. quentia. Peremptorily, difertè, præcise; adv. The raſcally ſort of people, fax po. Perennial, perennis, ne ; adj. Penitential, poenitentialis, pullatus. puli, infima plebs. Peretaw (in Moſcowy) Paraſlavia. Penitenily, adv. pænitenièr. A pleaſe of the people, poplicola. Perfeâ, adj. perfe&us, abſolutus, como Pcokridge ( in Staffordſhire] Pmni- Favoured by the people, popularis. fummatus, exactus, a, uin. Sure- cruium. To people a country, colonium in ly thuu halt perfect skill of their A penn for fowl, cors, chegobortisem. terram deducere. conditions, ne tte illorun more! A penn (of an iron mill] Septum aqua Full of people, populofus, friquens, quàm miditatè imes. fatis profundum qua mnola ferraria Peopled, cultus, habitatus, ., wir. Perfect (skilful) peritus, a, um, rolce varjantur. Pepper, piper, 3. m. * Pepper is to perfcet, perficio, 3;. abſolus, 3. Of a pern, corialis, le ; adj. 3. art. black, yet it bath a good ſmack, conjurimi, i. ad Hubilicum dedu: A penn to write with, ponina, cula. vaccinia nigra leguntur, mus, Nilus. The pepper-plant, piper frutex. To perfect a book, librum imperfe- A penn and inkhorn, calamarium, Calecut pepper, capſicum, piper In tum ſupplere, Denny anh; } calstorines, a, um. Indian pepper, dicum Aliqua. To perfect a work, opori faſligium Guinny pepper, rum. imponera. A penn knife, fcalpellum, ll; D. Pepper of the mount, piger mon- Perfected, perfectus, confummatus. A pean man, fcriba, eim. A perfecter, confummator, oris ; m. Water pepper, hydropiper. . A perfecting, confummasio, onis ; f. White pepper, piper alluns. Perfection, perfe&tio, onis ; f. To penn, Scriptum comporire. Puppernadj} pipereus, a, um, To bring to perfection, act. abjolvo, Penned, fcripius, compofitus; part. 3. confummo, I. maluro, art. Not weil penned, incultus, crafus. Wall-pepper, illecebra minor, fedum Perfc&tly, perfe&è, abſolutè, exacta. A Sheep-penn,caula,1, f. ovile, lis, n. ferciumn Perfealy [by heart] memoritèr, ad To penn Theep, oves fiahulo includere, Peppcr-wort, piperitis, dis į lapidi unguem. The pennant on ſhip board, rudens Perfidious, perfidus- a, um ; 20), quo merces gravioris in nuvan tok-To take pepper in the noſe, offmjam Perfidioully, adv. perfidè. lunlur, capore, Perfidiouincis, perfidia, a penny, denarius,i ; m. * A penny To pepper, ad. } . To perforate, perforo, are, act. Perforce, invita miturva, nolans volens, uiftigal parfimonia. To pepper La hawk) molito pulver. To perform, perficio, preſlo, 1. An earneſt penny, arrha, arrhabo. accipirem pulverare. To perform onc's duty, munere fun. A half penny, ocolus, li ; m. Peppered, piforatus, pipere condi gi, fufceptum munus explere. A penny half-peonye digondius, trio- To perform a promiſo, promj]um fit- bolun. A peppering, pifcris conditurar LI Per- for. Via. nus. 11202 agere. IANUIT) Pena-cafe, } theca calaminaria 17. Ikr. cere. PER PER PES Performed, perfectus, expletus. Perone fin Pierdy Peron.. A perſonal action, attie condi&titia, Having performed, perfunctus. A peroration, perorat 0, 3 f. Perfonally, in propria perſona, ipſa. A performing, 1 prafatio, farfetio, A perpender, lapis frostatus. Perſonally, adv. perfonaliter. Performance, 5 peraalia, 3. f. To perfonate, perfonam gerere. Perfume, Jufrimentiem, thyriama. Perpendicular, perpendicularis, ad Peripective (the ſcience] optice. To perfume, fumigo, fuffumigo, fu cathetum directus. Perspicacity, perficacitas, fagacitas, mifiro, are ; ad. A perpendicular line, carbutus. 3 f. Perfumed, fumigatus, fuffitus. Perpendicularly, ad cathelum, ad Perſpicacious, perſpicax, fagax; adj. Perfumatory, femificatus, aromati perpendiculum, ex lege perpendicu'i. Peripicuity, perfpicuitas, 3. f. Perfuming, cus, a, um, adj. To perpetrate, patro, perpetro. Perfpicuous, perfpicuus, a, um; ad]. A perfumer, myropela, pigmentarius, Perpetual, adj. perpetuus, fempiternus, Perfpicuoully, adv per picuè, clarè. Japlafiorites, ungumtarius. indefinens. A perfpiration, perſpiratio, 3. f. A perfuming, fuffitus, tis; m. Perpetually, perpetui, ſemper, indef. Perſwadable fiexelis, exorabilis. A perfuming pan, drerra, thuribu. menter, zdy. To PERSWADE, act. fuadeo, 2. Ium. To perpetuate, perpetuo, in one e perſuadeo, z. • Let me perſwade Perfun{lory, perfundorius, a, um. vam perducere. you, fine te exorem. Would Perfun&oriy, adv. perfun&orie. Perpetuation, fanétia in perpe you perſwade me to that? id ne Perhaps, fortè, fortole, foriean. A perpetuating effis authore mibi? • Many things The pericardium skin about the Perpetuity, perpetuitas eternitas, f. perſwaded them to take that [heart] pericardium. Perpignan (in the county of Rufii courſe, multe rus ad hoc confilium Of the pericardium, pericardiacts. km] Perpinianum. bortabantur. * H: has perſwaded The pericranion, paricranion. To perplex (entangle) impliro, intrico. him to be of another mind, illum The perlgee [of a planet) gerige - To perplex (rex) difrucio, are. de fententia fua deduxit, Perplexed (as a queſtion) perplex. Perlwaded, juaui, a, um ; part. Perigord [part of France) provincia w; perplexabilis, le; ady If you be to perſuaded, fi ita ani- Petrocorienjs. Perplexed (as the mind) anxius, 2. inaux.i. The king was Perigueux (city in Drance] Petroco ferupulous eaſily perſwaded to it, facilè id rium, Voluna. To be perplexed, angor. par juofum regi ajt. He could by Peril, periculum, difcrimey. Perplexedly, perplexe, anxie; adv. no means bc perſwaded to ftay, To be in peril, periclitor, torment) ratineri non potuit ferreo. Perilous, periculoſus. A perplexity } perplexitai, 3. F. *I will not be perſwaded to be- Perilous [threwd] fagax, acutus. Perplexity of mind, enxiatas, 3. f. lieve, non adducar ut credant. Perilous (unhappy) petulans, dicaz. Perquifite, necellarius, a, 42; adj. A perſwader, ſtafor, 3. m. The perilous year [63] annus clima- Perquiſites, acteloria, additamenta. Perſwafible, exorabilis, le; adj. 3 art. Etericus, A perquiſicion, perquirtis, 3 f. A perſwadion, fofio, perfufio, 3. f, Periouſly, adv. periculosè. Perry (drink of pears) vikin pyra. A períwaſion (opinion) opinio, 3. The per næum, perineum. fententia, I. f. A period, periodus, di; m. Perriw.nkle [berb] Dinca, parvin- Perſwalive, 2 Suaſorius, a, um ; By poplods, periodice. Periwatory, $ adj. Periodical, periodirus, a, um; adj. Perriwinkle (iſh] cob'en. Pert dapper) trojulus, a, um, adj. To perith, parzo, interco, iry. To perſecute, per equor, ex gito, di-Pert(fubtily argutus, a, um ; adı To perith (as fruit) putrelto, čre. vaxo. Perti brisk] dexter; agilis, la , adj. Per ihable, periturus, a, um. Perſecuted, perſecutione oppreffus, vex - Pert i confident j fibi placens. Periſhed, perditus, a, um. Somewhat pert, argutulis ; adj. A periſhing, interitus, 4. interitio, 3. Having perfecuted, perfecutus. To pertain, pertineo, attines, fetto, Old Perith (in Cumberland) Patria Perfecution, perfecutio, 3. f. Perth [in Sotland) Peribia, Peru A perſecutor, per ferutor, 3. thu. The peritonæun, peritoneum, i; n. Perny, apiun. See Parfly. Pertinaceous, portinux, acis, adj. 3. To perjure one's felf, perjure, parja. To perſevere, per cuire, Tº, Art. To pe fevere ſtubbornly, per fewro, Pertinacy, pertinacia, æ; f. Perfured parigo. Pertinent, appoštus; ads, ad rem, } perjurius, a, um. A perjurer, Perſevered in, conlantir fervatus, To pertu b, poturbo, art; adt. Perjury, perjurinn, 2. perjeratiu, 3. Perfevering, ' perjevera, con A perturbation, perturbatio, 3. f. f. Perfeverant, Baus. A perturber, perturbator, 3. 1, A periwig, caliendrum, capillus afei A perſevering, perſeverantia. Peru (part of America] Peruvia, ištius, capillamentum futile. Perverſe, morojus, proteruus ; ad). A periwig-maker, copillanatorum Perleveringly, confianter, adv Perverſion [of words] prava inter. fator. Perba [part of dia] Persa, Parfis. pretatio. Periwinkle (an herb) clematis, idis. Perfian, Perficu. Perverſion (of mind) perverfio, 3 f. Periwinkle (fit) cochlea. The Perſian, Perſe, arum. Perverſity, 2 profervia, proterui. To perk up, cle erigare. To perſiſt, perfifto, 3. n. Pe verleners, Perl, margarita. See Pearl. To perfift Rubbornly in his opi-Perverfly, adv. proferve. Permanent, permanens, fabilis. nion, perfrade perfiare in jententia To pervert, peruerto, 3. everto, 3. To be permanent, per mano, 2. n. jua. corrimo, cre; alt. Permawelski [in Permaski] Permia A headft'ong perfiftance, contumacia, Pervertible, adj. failis, ſeguax, ce- Magna. reus in vitiran teti, A permiffion, permifio, 3. copia, ue- Perlifting flifily, obflinatus, Perverted, corruptus, a, um. nia, e; f. facultas, potsjias, 3: 1. A perfon, por, næ; f. A perverter, corruptor, oris; m. indulgentia, & ; licentia, &; f. • A certain person, quida a, quelam. A perverting, corruptio, corruptela. By God's permiffon, dit faum. A perſon of quality, vir claro no Perugia [in St. Peter's Patrimony] ribui. By your permiffion, bona Peruba, quâ venia; or tuâ vema. A riotous perfon, mopas. Pervicac ty, perpicacia, a; f. To permit, permitts, fino, ért; 2. Perſonable, leciojus, prosgrus, graphi- A peruke, caliendrum, To permit unto, concedo, čre; act. To peruſc, perlego, 3. percurro, 3, Permitted, permifus, conceffus. Perſonal (among lawyers] facultate a&t. Permaski (a part of Muſcov)] Per donatus litem in curia perſeguen. A parafing} perleatio, onis; f. mia. A permutation, permutatio. A perfonage, h, 3. m. Perwinkle, vinci, pervinca, Pernancy, reteplio. A perſonage Lip ritual living] sacer-Re:winkle [filh ) cochles. Pernaw (in Swedelend) Pernavia. dotium. A peaſant, ruticus ;m. Pernicious, pornitiofus, exito, sxi. Perſonal, perſonalis, le; adj. Pelaro (in the dukedom of Urbino] rialis. Perſonal tythes, decimce ex opificio Pifaurum. Perniciouſly, adv. pernitio:e. Tilm, mercant, &c. fulibus cina A peifary, pellus, pefarium. Pernoctation, pornodatio, 3. f. The poit, polis, 115 ; f. А na, Voreda. art. inne. cur. ΡΕ Τ PHY PIC of pewiet, MILITS A peſt houſe, noſocomium poffe labo. Pevenſey (in Suffix] Pevenjea. Phyfick drink, potio, intaica pptio. Tantium. A pew fubjellsun cintumebunt. of phyfick, medicinalis, ls, adj. 3: A peſtel, pipillum, pila. See peftle. A pewet, vanellus. Phyfician, sart. To pefter, incommodo, infylo, inquis-Pewter, Jannum, plumbum flanneum A phyſician. medicus, ri; m. The to, parturbo, vexo. or argentarium beit phyſicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Peſterable wares, merces vilet, m- Pewter, adj. fanneus, a, um, Merryman, and Dr. Quiet, labi miam in nave ſpatium occupantes. defciant virer, medtet tibi fant bez Peſtered, ſolicitatus, incommodafu, A pewierer, Mannar us, tria, Meru leta, Requies, wodurata vexatus, s, um ; part. Pey-money, locarium. i ; n. Diata. A pefterer, importunus. Pfaltz [part of Germany Palatinatus. A skilful phyſician, ar:big enes, A peftering, importunitas, vexatio ; f. Pliit [in Sungew] Ferreta An anekilful phyſician, medicafier. Peſth (in Hungary] Pejium. Pfullendorff (in Schwaben] Bragedu- A phyfiognomt, obfiognomus. Peft:ferous, pefifer. Phyfiognomy, 1pbyſiognomia, a; f. The peſtilence, palilentia, pelis, luer. The phanie, ?phantafia, e ; f. phifnomy, vultus, 4. m. Peſtilence-wort, petaſtates. phantaſie, vis imaginatrix. Phyfiology, physologia, e; f. Peitilent, poftilens, exitialis, pofli- A phanie (conceit) imaginatio, co- A piache, Peftilentia!, lis, te; ad). ceptio ; f. Piazza, forum, i, n. Peſtilently, adv. pollilenter Phantafies (fables) fabule. Piacular, piacularit, re, adj. 3 art. A peftle, pifillum, li; n. pile, læ ; f. A phantaſm, or apparition, Spa&rum, The planet [bird) picus. A peſtle of pork, perna, pataje. 2. n. phantajma, etis. Panofi (an ifland in the Tyrrhana A little peſtle, pela ſunculus. Phantaſtick, phantafticus, a, um ; Lea] Planeſia. A pet, offenſo, onis; iræ, arun. Phantaſtical, 3 adj. A pibble, calculer, li; m. To take pet, iraſcor, fuccenfes. Phantaftical perſons, fanatici. Picardy (part of France] Picardia. A petrard, Phantaftical tricks, mores affirati. aries, plocoſtrum. A pick (card] quadratum. Petarre, To be chantaſtical, fibi placere. To pick with the bill, rojira fadere, To burſt open with a petarre, ario- Phantaſtically, affianièr; adv. To pick (chufe] lego, eligo ere; act. 11, admoto pyloslaftro fores perfrin- Phantaſticalneſs, offe&tatio, onis. * You pick out the best, tu id gera, ſuffödera. A phare ffoa light pbarus. quod bonis et exurpis. To apply the petard, inftitlum tor- Phifels (French beans) phaſeoli. To pick a dart, jaculor, ari. mentum faribtus admouere. A pheaſant, phaſiems. To pick a lock, Jeram furtim emo- A petardier, arieator, polyclafri libra. A pheaſant-hen, pbafiana, vire. tor, Phebe (a woman's name) Phabe. To pick a purſe, 2trumend nummos Petaw [in Stiria) Petsvia. The phenicopter, phenicopterus. Pick a pocket, furtim fubmandre, Peter la man's name] Petrus. A phenix, phenix. To pick a quarrel, rixam quaerere. St. Peter's corn, br), moxsacoccos. Pheon (in heraldry] apex jaruli. It is an eaſy thing to pick a St. Peter's fiſh, faber. Patladelphia, Philadelpbia. hole in a man's coat, malè facere St. Peter's wort, afeyrum. Philebert[a man's name]Philehertus. qui vult, nufquam non caufam 17- Peterborough in Northamptonſhire] Ph lenion (a man's name] Philemon, venit. Petribuergus, Petropolis. onis. To pick [fteal] furripio, 3. fubduet, 3, Peteril river [in Cumberland] Pete Philip [a man's name] Philippus, m. To pick (trick) exorno, ure; ad. rilles, Peterus. Philipſa woman's name]Philippa, f. To pick up, colligo, ere; a&. Peterwardein (in Hungary] Petrova - Phlippeville [in Huynault] Philippe- To pick up ftrength, recolligere vi- radimuita Pick up one's crums, tu, conva- Peter-pence, denarius à fingulis do. The Philippine Iſlands, Philippines leſes, meliu/rule je babere. mibus olim folutus Sto. Petro. Philippo Lin Maredonia) Philippi. A pick-axe, ligo, bama, ligonis dens. A peticoat, therijirum, femicinitium. The Philippians, Philippenſes, A little pick axe, capreolus, farcu- A peticoat-maker, femicinefiorum far- Philipsburgh (in Germany | Philippo- lumt. for burgum A forked pick-axe, bideni, bipaliums. A peligree, prosapia. Sue Pedigree. Philipstadt (in Swedeland]Philippolis. Pickage, triburimi cadurcarium. Petie, } parvus, levis, exiguus. Philis [a woman's name) Phillis, 3 A malon's pick-axe, featprum. Petit, A philologor, philologus, gt; m. A pick-lock, Jerarum 19.010r. Petit-felony, latrocinium parvum. Philology, philologiy, it ; f. A pick-lock (Inſtrument) untus, The petit-jury, inquifitio minor. [a nightingale] philo. A pick-pocket; } manticularius. Petit-treaſon, proditio parua. inela, a; f. A petition, petitio, libellus fupplex. A philofopher, philoſophus, phi; m. Pick-purſe (herb] burſa pafferis. To petition, fupplico, are; 22. The philoſopher's ftone, ars mutandi A pick-thank, paraſsius, Jysophanta, A petitioner , fupplex, itis ; adj. in aurum metallum quodlibet. fufurre. Petitory, palitorius. Philofophy, philoſophia, ul. To play the pick-thank, parafitor. A petrel, pettorale, lis; n. Moral philofophy, ethica, «; f A pickadil, limbus, fegmentum. To petrify, lapideſco, naturam lapidis Natural philofophy, phyfica, a; f. Picked out, excerptus, a, um, induere. Philoſophical, philosophicus, a, um. A picker out, Jeličitor, 3. m. Petrol, bituminis genus. Ph-lofophically, philofophire; adv. A picker of quarrels, belarra, 3. vi. A petronel, ſelopus equefiris. To philoſophize, philoſophor, ari. tilitigator, 3. m. Pettaw (in Germany) Petovium A philtre, philtru, tri; n. An car-picker, auriſcalpium. A petty beginner, tyro, abecedarius, A phlebotomiſt (or letter of bloodi A tooth-picker, dentiſcalpraza puer elementariul. qui venan jerat fanguinis detrahendi To pickeer, velitor. A petty fellow, homuncio, cris; m. cama. A pickecring, velitatio, 3 pugna pre- A teacher of petties, magifler pedaneus. To phlebotomize, venam pertundo. Tudiums. To pettifog, caufas aftitare. Phlebotomy [letting blood phleboto- A pickerel [fiſh] luciolus, lucius par A pettifogger, leguleius, vitilitigater. mia, venc feaio. Pettifogging, rixofus, a, um, Phlegmatick pituitofus, a, um ; adj. A pickeroon, predator, 3. m. Pettiſh, iracundus, meroſus, a, um, Phlegm, pituita, ; f. A picking out, ſelaio, 3. f. Pettiſhneſs, iracundia, mereflas; f. A phlegmon, phlegmone. A picking up, collellio, 3. f. Pettitoes, porcalli pedes. A phrale, pbrafis. Pickle, maria, liquamen, garum. -tallyin nave bone cibariorum book, Pickledfalitus, a copia. Phrenetick, 2 phreneticus, a, um ; Pickled filh, Jalfanenfem, ti 3.n. Perulancy, petulantia, &; f. Phrenetical, ad). A pickled herring, balec murid du- Petulant, pelulans, tis. A phrenly, phreness, 3. f. rata, condita ; balac condisanea, Perulantly, adv. petulantèr. The phthifick, phthifis, 3. f. Juriatita. Petz [in Germany) Vienna, Aa Fla- A phylactery, poylacterium, t ; n. A pickled rogue, atimulatilimus ma- viana. Phyfick, medicina, 1. medicamen, 3. larum. Petzorke (a province and city in To practiſe phyfick, artom medicam A pickling, conditura falfa. Muſsoup] Pezorca. exercers. A picle, unus agellus. LI 2 A VILJ. Petty Taty, herbal sa mga bat iba mainus Aphte fology, } thraſeologia, a Filled, Taliturna, undire. PIG PIL PIN inis ; 1 nen. TUTUS, To pile, tuts. } } } A picle, nagellus juxla domum ruf Piggs play upon the organs, afi. Pilled barley, alica, hordeum degis- Pingle, sicum, nus ad lyram. bitum The Pias, Pidi. A barrow-pigg, vertes, Pilcd garlick, cui pili oratissex morbo Picts country, Pia avia, Pialandia. A low-pigg, forofula, sucula, defiuxcrur:t. Picts wall, muru Pisicus or Hadri. To pigg porcellos parero. A pilling, decorticatio. ani. To cry like a pigg, grunnio. A pilling 'polling] diraptio. A pidurc, pidura, rei f. image. The pigg-market, farum fuariuns. A pilling (rind) cortex. ; f. efigies, s. f.' imago piala The pigg-badger, tuxus porcinus. A pillion, Sella equeftri fæninilis, vel coloribus expreffis. Pigged, partus, natus. The pillory, numelia, neruxs, colli- To picture Cor draw a plature] de- A piggin to milk in, sulfira. jlrigium, columbar. pingo, adumbro, dilingo. Pignerol [in Piedmont) Pinarolium. To ſet on the pillory, numeliis collum Pictured, delineatus, a, um ; part. Pig nut, bulbacajunum. in:ludert. A picture dşawer, delineator, 3. m. Pigſncy, melliculum. Set on ihe pillory, nikmallis inclufus, Piatore-work, emblema, atis ; n. A pike, piliem, lan ea, hala, sarili. ir nerus vidus, catamidiatus. To piddle (trifie) nugar, ineptio, n. A little pike, halulù, A ſett!ng on the pillory, colli in co- To piddle (in cating) ligar 10. The dike of a itaif, cufpis. lunbure inclufio. A piddler, nugator, oris ; m. A pikcm:n, bajlatus, lanceurius. A pillory knight, nume!lis publicis ins- A plddling buſineſs, mugainentum. A påkc (fiſh] luus, labraxa Serius, Digmaticus. À pie, artarias, cruftum piſuin. A ſca-pikc, lupus. A pillow, pulvinus, cervical. An cel pie, anguillæ crujlo in. Piked, acuminatus, in eculum deß A pillow-bzar, cervicalis integumes- ciad., Buna. A pie-boure, arrocreariwis. A pikrel, lupellus, luciolus, Piloſella (coule-err) piloſella. A pie (bord] pica. A pilaiter (ſmall pillar] solumella, A pilot, jauclerus, gubernator, pali- A picce, fiuffin. See pcecc. Hola. Pied, verficojor, maculous, pic- A pilch for a faddle, inkraiunt, Pilotage, naucleri munus, ficium ; Pide, 143. A pilchard, farda, acofa minori Tas nuclerica. A pide horſe, equus fiutulatus. A pilcrow, paragraphus, Piifen (in Bobesia] Pilfemum. A pide cow, vacca rufu maculis albis A pile (poft] ſublica. S pilfer, muſeus lurisiribus aduoli. dijlinkta. Tublicis defixis Pide coat (a dog's name) Birhe. Farten with piles, Fujienlari, i A piinp, lone. Piedmont (part of Italy) Pedemon:i- A pile (heap i cursuites. A pimping thing, res parva do pra um, Gallia Subalpina. A pile of wood, lignorum jöruts. porvirara contennedá. Pienza (in Tuscany) Corfinianum. A little pile, meta, Pimpinel, anagallis, pimper To picp (as a chick) pigio, neut. To pile up, fruco. Pimpernel, nilla. Picpowderpedis . Piled, Sublicius, ) ! Xati ; gus Set adj. Red pimples, viri, lensiga, lonti. fine fórmulis legis lices in nundinis Piled up, exiruetus, a, um ; part, cul: consingenios deciduntur. A piler up, expuxor. A pin, acicula, Spinula. To pierce, penetro. are ; act. The piles (a diſeaſe] hæmorrhoss, A little pin, frinula minor. To pierce thorough, tranſadigo, tran. dis. An iron pin.c:uns ferreus, figo, franſverboro. Pilewort, chelidonium minus. A curling pin, acus cřinalis, To pierce with arrows, trojirio, act. Great pilewort, fcrofularia. A linch-pin, embolium. Te picce [let abroach) relino, VITU. Pile (on co!n) averfa numoni facies. A rowling-pin, Artopta. culo dolium aperire. Pile [in heraldry] linea duplex cune- A woodca pin, paxillus, impages lig- Pierccd, penetratus. atim formata. Plerced through, tranfadadus, trans. To pilfer, furripio, ſufuror, Summe. A writing-pin, fi;lus, Axus, no, Suppilo. A pin in ibc cyc, cataradii, Jurno Pierced with an arrow, trajatus. Pifred, fubdu&us, furreptus. bo. Which may be plerced, penetrabilis. Having pilfered, Suffurdius. The pins of a musical in Arument, A piercer, pengirator, onis ; m. A pilferer, juoductor. verticale, verticilla, A piccer (instrument) ferebrum. Pilfering, furax, rapax, funngnans, A pin-caſe, ariasiun, spinulari. Piercing, penetrativus, a, um, irah Piri-cushion, A piercings pendratio, onis ; f. A piltering, furreptio. Pin-dust. foods, ramorium. Piercingly, adv. acritèr. P:lferingly, juraciler, A pon-bole, cavitas paxilli admißio- Pierpont (the family) D. Petrapmte. A pilgrim, paregrinus, walis. Pletra Santa [in Pifa] Petra Sanaa, Pilgrim false, unguentum merdare. A piu-maker, aciculariss, Spinulari. Ferona, Plety, pietas. A pilgrimage, peregrinatio. A pin-fold, ſeptum. A pigeon, columba. On pilgrimage, peregrè. To pin, acicula conſereye. A young pigeon, pullus columbirus. To go on pilgrimage, peregrinor, To pin with wood, paxillo cona. A wild pigeon, livia, ccluinbu agref-. A piling, palorum titucatio, gire. A piling up, cxtru&tio. To pin in à pin-fold, septo cluido A rock pigeon, columba ſaxatilis. A pillcrow, paragraphe dere. A rough-footed pigeon, columda plu. A pill, piilula, catupotium. A pinace, phafalus, ses.pinnace. mipas. To take pills, cataporia deglutire, pil. A pinocle, pinnaculum, cirsnis. See Pigeon, ad). 7 columbinus, columba. lulas medicas funnet'e. pinnacle. of a pigeon, ) rius, a, um. A pill (rind) cortex, A pair of pricers; forceps, A pigeon-hole, columbarius, locula. A hard pill, crufta. A pinch, prelus, opprelio. 04. The pill of heinp, linißriarra, A Arcight pinch, exo emitiss, naselji Pigeon-foot [an herb) pes columbi. Green piils of walinut nuts, culiolæ. Things were brought to a nus, grranium To pill off, decortico, dealuto. pinch, res erat ad extremum pere Pigcons herb, verbena. To pill heap, linum fringere. duas calum or diferimm, A pigeon-houſe, perijierotrophium. To pinch, premo, opprima. Thy A pigcon-kceper, columbarius. Pintage; } compilo, polio, r. adt. Ictiers did pinch nc at the heari, A Aight of pigcons, columbarum Pillage, Spoliuin, i; n. valdè nie moinorderunt trifola 145€, grex Pillaged, poliatus, a, um, part. To pinch exırcamly, comprima, To bill like pigeons, ofcula columba. j A pillager, compilator, cxpilator, di- 'To pinch in biting, morfico. tim conferere, collabello, columber, reptor, 3. in. To pinch one of his incar, viau at: The billing of pigeons, oculorum A pillaging, expilatio, direp:io ; f. quem defraudare. canfertio. A pillar, columna, a; f. Pinched, conprijus, vellicatuir: A pigg or pig, porcellus, nefrons. * A writhed pillar, cymasium. A pincher, compilatori As ubule as a dcad pg, non plus Pillar by pillar, columuotiin. Pinching, opprefforius, faoit qucine sus madara. * As The body of a pillar, liepillo A pinching, oppreffio. fai as a pigg, gliis pitiquior,#pilled, derorticatus. A pinching in the ſtomach, morfus. 7129. um. i PIP PIT A pinch { petany,} parens, depar-1 wine-pipe, cadus, dotium. Of pine, Pifmire, adj. } formicinus pit-10-pat, Meriter palpi-. Pitiful (compaſſionate) mifericors. PIT , A winc-, . A place wacre the pitch is made, Piaria, I. f. Pinch-penny like, parce A ſmall plpc, ſyrinx, A pitch-tree, picea, arbor picaria. Pindar (a man's namc] Pindarus. Clerk of the pipe, clericus pipe. The wild pilch-tree, pileafier. Pindariek, pindaricus. To pipe, Fjälä сangri, calamus in- Pitch-wax, pillclerosi Pin-duft, fechas, frohine. flare. Pitch (herb] trifolium bituminofuit. It's pine, difficile eft, haud de facili eB. Pipe (law tern) rasula convoluta in A PITCH (neafure] modus, They A pinc-appley, pinumi, mut pinsa. Joaccario. ily a rery high pitch, admoduos A pine tree, pinus, ür, A piper, ribicen, fulis lor. excclse volitant. I would have A ſca pinc, pinus marina. A piper on a recd, cicuticen. you tell ine of what pitch he was A wild pine, pinajer. A bag-piper, afcaules. of, veliin mihi dicas quâ llatura Ground-pine (herb} chapæpytis. A piper (61) anils, lyra. fuerat. . Piperro [in St. Peter's patrimony] A pitch (bigneſs or ftature] magni. Privernum. tudo, inis; f. proceriias, aljs i f. A pine. grove, pinetum. A pipng, fiftulatio. Batura, a; f. * He was much TO PINE Paa.] fume necare. What 'Tis piping hot, jam nunc fauces uri about his pitch, illum procerireto ſhould I vcx and pine. away my tat, vaporat. fere aquabal. ſelf for cur me cracio ? car me A pipkin, ollula. : The pitch of a hill, clivili, cacumex, macero? He pincd himicif to Pipperidge-trce, berberis. juzum. death, safe cibo abflinu!t, atque ita A pippin, malun perifum. A ſmall pitch of a hill, cllvulus. interiit, Piquant, punges, punctorii. Having a great pitch, clivofus. To pine away (ncut ) tabaſco, confe- A pique, fimaitas. To pitch (throw]jacio. brico. Piracy, prædatio. To pitch the bar, vibrare jadu fton To pine to death, fame mori, A pirate, pirata, prado, dem. Pined, emaciatus, marcidus. Piratical, piraticus, prædato. To pitch down a thing, in extremain } Pined away, taheleni, Of a pirate, rius. partem deponere. A pining away: tibes, macies, Pila (in Tuſcany] Piſa. To pitch tents, capramator. A pin-old, carcer; pecuarius Piſcary, privilegium piſcandi. To pitch upon one's head, in caput A pingle, agellulus domui rupice ad Pith, phy, vah. præceps ngi. jacen!, ager confeptus. A piſmire, formica. To pitch upon a time, tempus pra.. The pinion of a wing, ala exlrima. A little pilmire, formicula. finire To pinion one, mericis ligare bre- A pilmirc-hill, formicarium, tumulus Topitch a pct for a hawk, rete ac- chia. formicinus. sipitri sendere. Pintoned, armatui, vinius. Full of plſmires, formaicoſus. To pitch (álight7 defcendo, delaber. Pink colour, caryophylleus. Pitched with pitch, picatus, A pink, caryophyllum fylueftre, Pitched (thrown) jastus, A pink Florall ſhip) navicula, navi. Piſs, uriva, lotium. Pitched as a camp, pativus. giolum. To pils, meio, minge. Pitched upoo, ßatus, præfinitus. The piok (fish) gobius marinus. To piſs ia, immsio. Pitched [alighted} delapfus. Pink-eyed, lacinius, palus. To piſs out, omingo. Pitchedone againit unother, collatus. To pink, perforo. To piſs olten, micro, miaito. A pitchcr, lagena, amphora. Pinked, pertujus. To piſs upon, femmingo, fermingo. A pitcher (water-por) urceus, hyon A pinking, perforatio. To deſire to piſs, midurio. dria. The pitcher goes often to A pink.necdle, geranium, arus palo- A piſs.pot, marula, matella, the well, but is brokc at laſt, ris, ciconia rairum. Plis-a-bed (herb] deni leonis, tarax guem. Sæpi cafus tranft, aliquando A pinnace, phaflus, navicula. ievmit. A pinnacle, coronis ; pinna, . Piſſed, urina reddita, edita, fuad, A pitch-fork, furca dontibus ferreis A pinne, acicula. Su Pin. A piste:, minſator. praepilata, The piane, humor nexius in pede ac- A piſſing, mittura, miaus. To pitch with a fork, furcillo. cipitris. of piſling, miltitius. Pinnenburg (in Surmaria] Pinnen- A piſſing-place, oletum of pitch, Spiceus , pisinus. berga. A pistack-nut, pifacium. A pitching with pitch, picatio, A pinner, acicularius, Piſto ia [in Tuſcany] Piftoria, Pireous, mifericors. A pinning of houſes, ſubiruitio. A piſtol, filopeta. A pit-fall, fovea. Pinnions (fetters] compedes, manica. A piftole icon) nummus Gallicus, Pith, medulls. A pinnock [bird curruca. valens quindecim folidos Anglicos. The pith of bread, panis.mica, A pair of pinſers, volfella, forceps. A pit, pureus, lacus, lacuna. The pith of plants, alournun. A Turgcon's pinſers, yarhus, laurco. A litilo pit, pulsofus. Pithy, medullâ plinus, nervosus. lus. A little pit to put fim in, cotariun. Pithily, neruose, ſucculento. Pinſers to draw teeth with, odontagra. A pit to take wild bcafts, fovea. Pithineſs, madulla, robur, ſuccus. Pinsk (in Poland] Pinfcum, Pit-coal, lirbanthraces, lapides carbo- PITIE OF PITY. miſericordia, "He A pinſon (pump) calcanim, narii, terra pharmaciiis or amse- has no pity on him, non eft mifericors. A pint, fextarius, tauva pars congüi. litis, follitia nigra. To pity, miſereor, miferico. I am A little pint, pinta minor. Thc pit in a theairc, orebeflra, rcfolved to picy nobody, becauſe A winc-pint, pinta ad vinum minju. The arm-pit, ala, axilla. nobody pitics mc, neminis mifereri randum. A bottomleſs pit, abylus. certum ei, quia mei miferat neminem, Half a pint; trimtal. . A clay pit, argillerum. To pity one's caſe, Sortem alicujus A pintel, mentula, pudendum virile. A fand-pit, arenoriun. miſoreri, virem dolore A pincel (ingunnery) impaget forres, Pit, adj. To take picy upon, mijerzor. ne tormmium repliat, impediens, Of pits Pitiful, miferabilis, mifer. Prieft's platle (herb) aron, 2. n. My heart went pintledy, pantledy, To go pit-a-pat, ? ( cor meum præ timore palpitavit. At the pit's brink, capilaris, decrepia A pitiful thing to remember, miſe. A pioneer, cunicularius, fogor, Piony (herelpaonia. The pit-man, ferrarius in.puro. In a pitiful taking, deploratus, Pious, pius, Pitch, pix. * Black as pitch, pice A pitiful fellow, homo trellis or omifs. Piouſly, piè. nigrior, Pliifully [compaſſionatcly] mifordo. The pip [in birds) pituita. Stone-pitch, pix arida or consta pix To have the pip, pituita laborare. mavalis, Xopifa. Pitifully [wretchedly) miferabiliter, A pipe, flula, tibia, To pitch, pico, impico, miferè. An oaten pipe, avena, sicuta, calamus. Cover with pitch, 1. pics ib. Pitileſs, immifericors, immitis, crudelis. A bag-pipe, tibia utricularis. linert, Pitilelly, immifericorditer, crudeliter. A conduit-pipe, canalis, imbus, Pitch and brimſtone mixed, pilas. A pitt, puicus. Su Pit. The wind-pipe, gula. phalius, in A pittance, modicum, depenfum. A ſmall аст, tare. tus. rin, } Planez adj. } plataniu. of a planeet; } planetarius. Full of the plague, Hefilens, defti- To plank, PLA PLA PLA A fmall pittance, prandiculum. To what place'? quo ? To plain [bewail] plonge. Pituitous, pituitofus. Toward what place ? quorfum? Plaining, flebilis, querelus. The pix, Pyxis, bimorheca. Toward this place borfum. A piaint, querola, qualus. The pizzle of a beaſt, pecoris nervus. Toward ſome other place, allorfum, A plaintiff, accufator, ador. A bull's pizzlc, neruus laurinus. alioverfum. A plaiſter, emplaßrum, plasma. Placablc, placadi!is,cxorabilis. To place, loro, colloco, conliluo. A plaiſter to pull of hair, dropax, Placab!cnels, To place again, in locum reponere. placabilitas . To plaitter, Placability, emplarum il- To place before, prapono. • I place Lay a plaifter, } ligare. A placard, gramiolarium. this far before that, boc illi longè Plaifter-claver, melilotus. A placard (inſcription ſet up] pro antepono, Plaiſter, te&orium, &ypu gramma, To place behind, porhabeo, poſtpono. Plaiſtering, fum. A PLACE, locus. * They had no To place fitly, aplo, adapso. 'To plaister (dawb) gipſo oblino. place to go to, quò fe reciperent To placc out, cloco. Plaiſtered, gypſarus, loricalus. non habebant. I will grind in To give place, cedo, deiedo, foſies A plaiſterer, cæmentarius, crußarius. your place, ego pro te molam. * A ſubmittere. A plaiſterer's beatet, rutrum. place fo wicked 'uis able to teinpt A giring place, clip, dereffio. Plaiſter of Paris, gypſum. à faint to wickedncis, Licurgus To come in another's place, fuccedo. A plait, plica. Su Plaight. mihi quidem videtur poffe hic ad To put in another's place, ſuflituo. A plancher, sabulatum, conilgnatio. nequitiam adduci, Placed, collocatus, pofitus, ſitus. A plane tree, platanus. A market-place, forum, 2. D. Placed againſt, oppoffius. A trong or fortified place, caftellum, Placed between, interjeâus. , 7. n. oppidum, validum, munitum, Placed anew, repoplus. . A plane-grove, platanetum, robupum. Placed fitly, concinnatus, ordinatus. A joyner's planc, dolabra, runcina, place or office, magißratus, 4. m. Placentia, (in Spain) Plauntia. To plane, dedolo. muous, 3. n. A placing, locatio, collocatio, A planer, dedolator, To enter upon a place, munus inire. A new placing, repofirio. A planet, planeta. To go out of or icave one's place, A placii, placitum, opinio, The aſcention of a planet,anaphora, magiflratu or munere abire. A placket, finus mulicóris. Planel-ftruck, fideratur. To acquit or diſcharge one's fell A plagiary, plagiarius. well in a place, bend or reétè mu. The plague, Pejšis, peftilentia. nus adıniniſtrare. A p!agic fore, carbunculus, lubo, A planetary, genethliacus. To nominate or put into a place, A plague foot, macula, A plaining, dedolatio. aliquem muneri noininarı or defig- To PLAGUE, divexo, . I will A little plaining axe, dolabella. nare. plague you, if I dare not meddle A planiſphere, planiſpharium. To ſue or make intereſt for a place, with him, qui afinum nion posoft A plank, afamentum, eflis, planca, munus, dignitatem, or magiftratum Bratum cadit. tabule jedrilis. ambire. Having the plaguc, pelle incaluscon- A little plank, lamina, lamella. To diſcharge or put out of a place, iadus. A floor of planks, folum tabulatum. munere aliquem exuere or dignitate Plug'y, pridart. bulo. Place-men, qui regio favore or mu. A plaicc [filh ) Pajer, pitt:1. A planking, coolatio. nere oftriai sant. A littc place, pajerculus. A plant, planta. A little place, locults. To plaie, ludo. See Play. A young plant, virgultum. A ball place, jedes, inſula. A plaight, plica, ruge, finus, Willow-plants, taliæ faligne. A place of beholding, treftarulum. To plaighi, plico, complico. A place to plant in , plantarium. A place of execution, carnificina, Plaighted, plicasus. To plant, planto, fero. locus capitalis, Which may be plaighted, plicatilis. To plant'about, abero. A place of judgment: tribunal. A plaighter, plicator, To plant again, refert. A place of refuge, refugium. A plaighting, plicatio. To plant a cannon, formentum alicui Due place, ordo. Full of plaights, ragou!, finuofus. fatuere, collocare, diſponeri. In place of, vie, pro. - PLAIN, planus, lævis, To plant between, interfero. In another place, alibi. Plain (manifeftj manifeflus, evidens. To plant together, confero, confomino. In: any placc, aliiudi. • 'Tis very, plain, in prompiu o The plant of the foot, planla, solum, If in any place, ficubi, * 'This a plain cale, res ipſa indi- or ima pars pedis, la lome place, nonnuſquam. * Now the caſe is plain, To water his plants (vecp) ubertim in every place, ubique. sunc verum palam e. flere. in all places, Plain (honcft] apertus, fimplex, * A Plantain, plantigo. In that place, illis, eo loci, ibi loci. down - right plain - dealing man. Water-plaata!n, plantago aquatica, In the ſame place, codem loci, ibi vir bonus o fimplex minimeque aliſma. da. fallax. The plantain-tree, muija arbor. In this place, his. A plan declaration, enarratio, A plantation, colonia. In no place, nufquam. Planted, plantatus, falusi plano, complano. Make plain, ) , in what place foever, ubicumque expono. I will make ali ſo plain, Planted with divers plants, conjom. wdivis. omnia fac aperiain. By ſome place, aliquò. To be plain, patro. * Is not this which may be planted, ſativus, By this place, bâc. plain coough ? ſoliſn'has diforte ? Not planted, infatiuus. By another place, aliù. It is plain, conſai, liquet. Newly planted, neophylus By that place, illuc. A plain, or plane, planula, runca. A planter, plantator, farlor. By what place, quâ. A great plain, dolabra. A plantingen, } plantasia, fatio . By what place foever, quaruinque. A little plain, dolabella, From this place. binc. Pialaineid,} planities, campus. A planting of young vines, propaga- From that place, illinen indè. tio. Erom the ſame place, ibidem. Plained, complanalus, dedelatus. A planting-ſtick, plantarium, paßi. From ſome placc, alicunde. A plaining, dedolutio. From some other place, alicundà. Plainly, inanifefe, evidenter, lucidè, a plash, lacus, lacuna. From what place, undè. planè. To plaſh, aſpergo. From what place focver,undocumque. Plainly (fimply? Simpliciter. To plach trees, puto; amputo. To ſome place, aliqua Plainly (openlyi palam, tejiaiè. Plaſhy, lacunis plonus, jlagnis fra. To another placc, wliò. Plainnels, evidentia. quins. To the ſame place, eodem. Plainnels (ſingleneks] levitas, pla. A plaſhing, afperko. To th:9 place, buc. nities. A plaster, emplaſirum, Sun Plaiſter: To that place, i,luc, illo, A plas Floor with plauks, }' color corila. sat. 1 num. 1 V ! 737e, To play remain reaks, } C818. 1 PLA PLE P L E A plat of i'ound, agullus. To play on the harp, citharâ perfo: A pleaſant fellow; lepidura capai. Picaſant ſayting, faceiia. A plat-forai, ichnographia, idea. A plat form (in fortification) aggor, To play the hypocrite, pietatem fi- Pleaſant meats, deliciæ, dapes.. mulare, To be pleaſant with, fale conspergere. Sorrenus agger, machinariuin sa. Pellen. To play the knavc, improbi viri offi- To grow plealanc; bilersco, frontem cia uri, exporrigere. To plat, pleéto, implico, intezo. Platted, plexus, implexus. To play often, lufito To makë pleaſant, exhilaro, lati- To play the part off, oficium pra fico. A placing, intricatura. Plate, Somewhat plealant, lepidulus. 2 argentum fac fars. Silver plate, To play the part thoroughly, gna- Very pleaſant, amene, jucunda. A plate of metal, lamins. viler officio fungi ; viruin ſe gerere. Pleaſant in ſpeech, feſtivè lepidè. A thin plate, lumella, bradua. To play his pranks, ſcclera perpe. Speaking picalantly, ſuaviloquus. Irare. A plaie trenchcr, orbis. Pleaſantneſs, amenitas, jucunditas. dominari, omnia Pleasantacls in ſpcech, ficundis, A plate for a pie, scutella. Plate, adj. fefivitai, lepor. mifceri. Of plate, } argenteus. To play at ſweep-ſtakes with one, Pleaſantneſs of manners, humanitas, comitan, A plate-candicítick, candelabrum ar. convertere aliquem totum cum pul. viculo. TO PLEASE, placeo, complacco, ar. gortsun. Plate-lace, lacinia argentra. To play ſweetly, modulor, rideo. * Any thing pleaſes me, Plated, fquammatus, mihi quidvis fat effe * When you To play at tennis, pilâ palmari lu- The platen (of a printing preſs) dire. p!eale, udi voles. * As you pleaſe præli typographicitsbul.a. for that, tuo verò arbitratu. To play together, colludo. That's as you pleaſe yourſelf, if- Platonick love, amcr forapbicus à 70 play truant, emanco, (ejo. carne ahfiractus To play the tyrant, Jævis. huc tibi in manu eft. * They take çare to picale me, folliciti funt ut A platoniſt, Plaronis fequex, ale to play upon onc, aliquem ludos fa. me expleant, * Do not ibink I cla. To play upon an inſtrument, cano. ſay this to plcaſc you, noli putare, To platt, pleéto. Sce Plat. To play the wanton, laſcivis. # TO me hac auribus tuis dare, * There A platter, carinusciſcus, paropfis. A deep platter, lanx, gabuta. play thc wanton is to play the is no way but to pleaſe them, ijlis A lit!le platter, carellus, patella. beaſt, lajcivire belluinum ell. mos gerendus ef. * Whilft i ſcek A platter-face, plona & 1112 ficies. Leave to play, licentia ludendi. to pleaſe you, dum fudeo tibi obfe. A platter maker, catinarius, Plays, mimi, orum. qui, *They tell them any thing Of a platter, cutellarius. I play'd, luf. Thou haſt play'd to pleaſe them, ad voluntatem 18. Stew'd betycen two platters, pati thy part very finely, lautè munus yum fia reſpondent; *A ſmall mat. narius. adminiſtrali tuum. You have ter will pleaſc him, quicquid de- Plauſible, plaufhilis. play'd a nippery trick, muliebri deris, contentus el. * It picaſed me Plawe ' in Mecklenburg] Plavia. feciji i ſide. He hath play'd the hugely of down to the ground, Plawen rin toitlandj Plavia, man, le virum præflitit. * Hc imprimis ne deletavit, sordi mihi A PLAY.ludus, lulus, They fear played the thief, furtum fecit. * fuit. f If it had pleaſed you, f fome falſe play from me, à me What a piank he play'd fuft tibi ea res gruta fuiffe. infidias meluunt. * He has left now! modo quid defignavit! *What To pleaſc by facrifice, placo, paco, boys play, nures reliquit. pranks he would have play'd me! prepirio. A ftage-play, comediu, fabula. * quos mibi Iudos redderet! * He To plealc greaty, perploceo, dergra- Plays not worth the reading, fa- play'd excellently on a fidd.c, fidia tum facere. bula non futis digne que vegan. bus prailare curinis. To plcaſc one's ſelf, nbi plaudere. Play'd on (as an inſtrument] pulfus. Pleaſed, delefiarus, plecatus, cui tur. A play-maker, poeta camicus. A player, lufor. tum fit. * Arc you not pleased ? Play, adj A stage player,ador, hifrio. non fatis habes ? I am not all or A fword.player, gladiator. pleaſed with it, non moitjiè fero # A play. fellow, collufor. A puppei-player, geliculator. I am not over much pleaſed with Play-Jays for children, Jerrà pue. of players, hißricus, hibrio that, illud non nimium probo. riles. Player like, nirus. To be well pleaſed with onc, in a- Fall of play, ludibundus. A playing-place, luforium. liquo fibi complacere, To play, ludo. * What ſhall we playing cards, chartula luforia. Eaſy to be pleaſed, placabilis. play for ? quid erit victori bra- | Playing hot (bofiling-hot) inferues Hard to be pleaſed, implacabilis, mo- berem. rofus. To play beforc, pra'udo. A pica, coufi, celor, excufatio. It pleaſeth, placet, lubet. To play at biind-man's buffet, an. TO PLEAD, caufam agere. the He It plcaſeth not, difplicet, dabajarum more pugnare. prays you to plead his cauſe for Pleaſing, gratus, jucundus. To play at bo-pecp, facion velare him, té fuam rogat ut ageres cau. A plealing, gratificario, ' * Thcy arc & mox revelare. fim. for picaſing both parties, utre que To play at bowls, pharis ludera. To plead againſt ooc, adverfunn a'j parietes linunt. To play the boy, ado!ef:enturio. quem soufam dicere. PLEASURE or delight, toluptas, de- To play at cards, chartis piaris lu. To plead an argument, aliquid in lactatio, jucundiras, aris; f. obletta. dere. ciuiâ allegare. tio, onis ; f. deleétammtum,obletta- To play the coward, metu trepidare, To plead ackneſs for non-appear wentum, i; n. # Your letters terge dart, forgiverſari. 2nce, morbum excufayı. gave me a great deal of pleafure, To play the drunkard, debacchor. To plead ignorance, ignorantia se litteræ tuæ incredibiliter me dolsaa. To play at cyen and odd, leeders par sxcufatione defendere. #That you * Every man has his pe- impar, bay not plead ignorance, ne igne colar pleaſures, trahit fua quem- To play faſt and looſe, daſultoriè rum fuiffo 18 dicas. que voluptas ; [Prov j* What plea- agere, modò offirmare modò ne- To plead by covin, colludo, prava Ture can one take ? quæ poteit of gare. ricor, juruditas? * What plealure is To play at ſence, digladior. Pleadable, allegabilis, there in them ? quid mim delec- tarionis habent? To play the fool, inepto, juliè fas Plcaded, alus, allegatus, A pleader, caulidicus, caufarum a&or. Pleaſure (wi!l) arbitrium, i ; n. To play great game, ingenti piga picading, adio, litigatio.. Speak your pleaſure, loquere quid nore cortare. A pleading by covin, prævarication voles. He follows his own plca- To play at ſmall game, levi pignore A pleading place, forum fure, animo objequitur fuo. * AC- certare, ?Tis better 10 play at Of the pleading place, forenſis.. cording as every man's pleaſure is, finall game than to stand out, PLEASANT, amanus, jurundus, ve prout cujuſque libido g. Your auletes At qui citharaóus effe non nullus. pleaſure is performed, factum ! porol} . Pleaſant in diſcourſe, facelus, fopi. quod jufiji. . He desired that To play the glutton, lari Sacrificare. pus, lapidus. he might have his pleasuro og her, Cens. Tunt. cere. 3 PLO PL U PL U. } num. Work by plumb-rule , samuti opus her, obſesrabat ut sjus copiam fa-, To plomb, imorgo. cate animus. ceret. Plonkets, genus panni lanej. To pluck up by the roots, tradico, A pleaſure, [ſerviccor good turn]me- A PLOT, conjuratio. * I know it Extirpo, radicibiu oxfrahere. rilum, i, n. gratid, a; fo benefi is a plot amongſt them, fcio ron To pluck up the coat from dirtying, sium, oficium, i; n.. de compa&to geri. They like the logam ſupra lutum levara, To pleaſure, commodo,judo promena plot, ipfis commentum placet. * He To pluck alunder, divello dif- Do a pleaſure, You will do ſpoiled their plots, conflia oppres. Pluck in picces, foro. me a pleaſure, gratuor mihi feceris. # You have marr'd all my Plucked, convulfus. * It may hort him whom they plots, conturbáfti mihi rasiones 07- A plucking, convulfa. degre to pleaſure, abfit si cui pro. nes. # He made him privy to his A plucking from, avulfio, euulfio. delo velini, plot, illum ir: ſocietatem conflii af: A plucking up by the root, eradica- To do pleafure for pleaſure, gra-. fumpfit. He hath a plot againit tio, extirpusio. tian referre or addere. me, me perit. * He ſaid that he A plug, slavis lignous, cuneolus. To take pleaſure ing dile&tor. knew this man was not of the plot, A plum, prunan. Pleaſurable, uclupeabilis. extra conjurationem hunc effe fe lire A little plan, prunum nanum. Given wolly to pleaſure, diluplus dixit. , • I underſtand your plot. A damſón plum, lus, libidinoſus. A dan copil , presenza darasa- frio grid conaris. * My wife has Damask: plum, Doing a pleaſure, cominodus, ofi:jo facli out my plot already, fubolet A wheat plum, prunum certum or jam uxori quod ego macbinor. A white p!um, s cerinuin. Plebeian, pieboius. You have not laid your plats half A horfe plum, prunun finarium. A pledge, pignus, oris ; depofitum, hy right, non fut commodè divifis funt A large fair plum, prunum decuma- posbood. temporibus tibi bær, • The plot A plcdge (rurety) pras, vis, takes, arundo ains verberat. * A wild plum, prunu!uin, praneo.'m. To pledge, pignoro, oppignoro, } Lay to plouge, pignori opponere. Plot after plots fallacia elig aliam How many plums for a penny, (a trudir. play].chytrinda, To pledge in drinking, prosinanı: A plot or plat of ground, area. A plum-tree, prunus. virei reddore or fatisfacere. * I'll The plot of a buildiog, ichnogra- A wild plum-irce, spinus. pledge you, lutens abs te accipio, phu. A place where plum-trees grow, Pledged, Pignori oppofius, An upright plot, orthographia. prunetum. A pledget, perliu!us, panniculus. A ſquare ploi, quadratum. Bearing plums, prunifor. A picdging, oppignoratio. A plot more long than broad, Ares Plumage, Jertum plumaris. Plenary, plenius, parfe&two lorg2. A pluinrule, amuflis, libellu, perpen- Plenarty, facerdotii ſupplemeriam. To plot, conjuro, crfpiro. diculun. A plenipotentiary legasus. To plot treaſon againſt one, infidias To plumb, 2 Plentcous, copioſus. aliini parare. ad libeliam To be plenteous, afundo, aflus. A plot, charta marina, nautica. exigurs To make plentcous, fecundt, Plotted, defignatus. To fall down plumb, perpendiculari- Plenicoully, copiosè. A plotting conjurutio. ter ad terram cadere Flentcouſneſs, copia, abundantia, of. To be plotting, machinar. . You A plume of feathers, pluma, crija ex fuentia, are ploiting miſchief, pelem ma plemis. Plentiful, oftoms, copiofus. chinaris.*Things which they have A little plume, plumuia. Plentifully, afluenter, copiosi, uber. been long ploting againſt the To plume, dep!umno, plumasavellere. ſtate, que contra tam publicans diu A plumer, deplamator. Plenulfulness, afluentia. cogitârunt, • I am plotting to get A pluming, deplomatio. Plenty, copia. an cftate for them.pudeo illis quàm A plumme, prunum. See plum. In very great plenty, in fumad co plurimum relinquers. A plammer, plumbarius. A plover, (bird) pardulus, Pluvialis. A plummet, plumbutu. To have plenty of a thing,ſummam A gray plover, pluvialis cinereus, A maion's plummct, bulla ad libel. roi facultatem habere. A green plover, pluvialis viridis, lam penjilis. To live in great plenty, opibus & A plough, arairuni, A founding plummet, bolis, liner copiâ offuera, A little plough, aratrumi nauticu, caiabroates. A pleonaſm, pleonaſmus. A plough ljoiner's tool) runcina ad A plumb, antia. Ser pump.. Pleskow [in Moscovy) Plefiovis. oras aferum Priandas. Plump (fat) nitidus, abefies, corpulen. A plethory, plethora. To plough; aro, sulco. ols, Succulentus, quadratus. p!elhorick, plethoricus. To ploogh about, cir.umaro, A plump conftitution, valatuda athle, Pievin (in law] /ponfio, vadimonium. To plough again, reſulco. tica, cutis bene curata. A pleurily, pleuritis, idis ; laterum To plough over and over, perando Plumbly, in modum fucculenti. dolor. To plough under, Subaro. Plumpneſs, nicor, oris ; m. Sick of the pleuriſy, pleuriticus. A ploogh man,arater;cultor, bubſequi, Plunder: fpolium. . A ploogh-ſhare,culter fpolio. To plunder one to the bones, conuer. To be pliant, cbſequor. -handle, terc aliquem fuum cum pulviſculo. To grow pliant, lente.co. The plough-holder, fijvariks, To plunge, mergo, immergo. To make pl!ant, emollio. Plough geers, retinusula, dc helcio To plunge again, reinergo. Plaintneſs, Boxibilidas. dependentia. To plunge often, morfito, morſo. To plie (bend) plico, pretc, torqueo. Plough-alos, cleeme nice arafrales. To plunge (dive] urinor. To plie (neut) cado, Plough-oxen, triones, To plunge himſelf ap to the cars, To p'ic (work) inrumbo, * Ple you. A plouga-ſtaff rulin, aurium tenus f* immittere. mhve manus, propera. We muſt A plough-land, arrum. To put one a plunge, aliquem ad plie us, proferato opus ;?. Plie Ploughcd, aratus, fulcatus, incitas redigere. * He was put to your oars, validis incumbile remis. Ploughed again, Prultus, h's plunges, ad exsiems redactus To plie onc with cups, mullis To be ploughed, arabilis. eft. krese culullis. A ploughing, aratio. Plungod, immerſils, ſubmer us. The plight of body, habitudo. A pluci, niſus. A plungeon (bird) casaracia, A good plignt, bona corporis valetada. A hccp's pluck, ovis cxfa. A piunger, urinator. 30 plight one's troth, spondeo, fidem To PLUCK, vello ; zet. " He pluck. By plunges, nifu intermiſo. dare, ajlringere. ed clic door quite off the hinge, Plunging, ſubmerſivus, Plimouth ( in Devonſhire ] Pline fores toto convulfi: cardine. See pall. A plunging, fubmerfio. Thum To plock down, de iruo, ere. A p!unkct colour, color cæruleus. A plinth (ſquare bottom of a pillar) To pluck from, cripio, 1ye. Piusal, pluralis, le ; adj. 3. art. plinthis, plinthus. To pluck flower!, forss carpore, 16. Plurality, pluralitas. Pliny, (a man's name) Plinius. 807c. Plurally, pluraliter ; adv. To plod, negocio alicui jeriò incef-|To pluck up, evello, revelle, *Plock Pluſh, holofericum hifpidum. Jenifer operam dare. up your ipirits, colligile vos, r- A pluther, [filh) galaus lævis, 1 piai To ploughanai. } fiua, burls . POD T.KI, tu. French pox, 1. act. i } Him 21 nare: . POL POM Plutarch ( a man's name) Plutarihus). They are not much unlike in Policy, Scientia politica, reipublicæ ad . ibi; m. point of matter, non ita difimili minitranda ratio. To ply, incumlo. Sve Plie. funt argumento. Policy (covaſel] confilium, ; ; n. Plyers (a fmith's inſtrument]. forra- The point of a rock, fcopuli cacumen, Policy of aſſurance, Sngrapbii efecte minium tenux or contorqums. The point of a weapoli, cufpis, acies, ratoria. Plying, fiexilis, lo; ad): 3 art. muito. Polignano (in Niplu] Polinianum. A plying, flexio, onis ; f. The points of the compaſs, divifionios Poliſh (of Poland) Polonicus, a, um. Po (a river in Italy] Padus, Erida. vindt triginta dua. To poliſh, polio, expolio, 4. 'limo, Point-wiſc, cuſpidatim ; adv. I, interradi, 3. act The poars, pori. See porco. Point-blank, hoà ad fcopum, direftis To poliſh anew, repolio, 4. reroquo, 3. To poche or poach an cgs, ouum verbis, Poliſhed, polisus, depolilus, a, una, rodillars. A point to tle with, ligula, Brigmon- Somewhat poliſhed, limatului. To poche (deſtroy game by unlaw- Not poliflied, impolitus, ., . ful means) avibus, &c. infidias mo. A little nice point, punitu!um, 2. n. A poliſher, polio, 3: Jamiator fabrió liri. ferupulus, li; m. confis, armorums artifex. Poched cggs, ova forbilia or tromu. The point of a dial, gnomon, 3, n. A poliſher's burniſhing stone, co, co- la. A point in the tables, Jario; f. locus. sis ; f. Samia, ei f. A pochard (herb) boſcha, e; f. The ace-point, monas, adis; f. A polithing, politura, I. Iimatio, 3. f. A pock, pupula, papuls. The dewce-poir, dyan, adis; f. Polite, potitki, limatus, rajus, terſus, The small pox, variola, arum; althy. The trey-point, vernio, onis ; M. matt, um ; n. The cater-point, quaterna, a; f. Politick, politicus, a, um ; admini- The great packs, 1 lun umired, mor. The cinquo-point, pentas, adis ; f. Political, s'Aranda reipublicæ folars. 3 bus Gallicus. The Siſe-point, fonio, onis ; m. Po!fry, politia, &,f. To get the French pox, lue venereâ To point, acho, 3. rupido, A poll, capul, itin; a. infici. Sharpen the point, 3 To poll, londeo 2, refero, 1. act. Pock holes, variolarum vejligia. To point at, mentro, 1.otondo, 3: act. A poll of ling, caput adli Jaliti. To point with the fingers, indico, 1. A poll-axe, coflra, i. f. Saluris Aga. pock-holes, culis fio. To point (act.) interpungo, Poll-money, capitatio. 3, f. tribulum Pocky, adi: purulentus, rubigino. Diſtinguiſh by points, čre. in fingula capite. Fall of pocks, jus, a, um, To nie with points, ligulas circun- A pollard (fiſh) capito, onis ; m. 68 A pocky fore, bubo venetros. nefter. phalus fluviatilis. Pock-wood, lignum guaiacum. To point a cannon, formentum in ali- Polled, tonful, detonlus, a, um, A pocket, loculus, sacsellus, fora. quem locum dirigere, librarty, defti- A pollenger, arber ſæpius detonja, A pocket dagger, fcula. A poller, tonfor, oris , m. A pocket of wool, lanetus faccus. Pointed, arumin nus, cuſpidatus, a, um. A polling, longo, 3. tonfura, &; f. A pocket handkerchief, ſudariun. Pointed at, monßratus, a, um. A pollock fish ajellus niger. To pick 2. pocket, manticulor. Pointed (as writing) interpunius. To pollute, polico, 3» contaming, 1. A pod, valvolus, filiqus. A pointing, fundatio, onir. inquino, 1. act. Podge, fartago, inis, f. A pointing at, indicatio, onis ; t. Pollüled, contaminatur ; fedatus, a, Podlaſia.(part of Poland) Polocchia. To poiſe, pondero, I. pando, 3. Podolia (part of Poland) Podolia, Poiſed, ponderatus, a, um ; port. . Pollutedly, pollutè ; ady. A poem, poëma, oris: carmin, inis; a. A po ler, ponderator, cris; m. Apolluting, inquinaties 3. pollutio, A poet, poëta. 'Poets feldom die a poſing, ponderatio, onis ; f. rich, amor ingenii neminem unquam Poiſon, venenum, ni'; .n. virus; in- Poloczki (in Lithuania) Pelacska. divitum fecit. dcc. toxicum, aconitum. A po'tron pufillanimus, i ; . ! An ignorant poet, poëtofler, tri; m. To polſon, veneno tollère. Poly (berb} pol udii A pocters, poëtria, a; f. To poiſon things without life, umeno Polydore (a man's : name] Poly- A paltry poeteſs, pica poëtria. infiere, darus. Poctical, poëticus, a, um ; ad). Poiſoned, vruanatus, a, um, veneno Polygamy (herb) polygamia, «; f. Poetically, poëtici ; 2dr. infrausa Polypody (herb) Polypodium, 2.; 0. To poctize, verfificer, poëtor, matrum A poiſoner, veneficus, 2. m. venefica, Polsfyllable, polyllabus, a, um. componere, caridan pangare. A pomander, pabilus, 2. m. diapaf: Poetry, 2 } piètica, A poiſoning, venefcium, ii; n. Potly,' } ma, asis; n. poëtica, poëfis. A maker of poiſon, y venenarius, ; ; A pomc, parnus, mi; a. Poidtiers (in Peittou] Pictavium, Au- Seller of polſon. } To ponto (among gardiners) inlar guffcritun. Poiſonous, 2 pomi criſure Poicou (part of France) provincia Full of poiſon, ) um. A pome-citron, malum citrrum. Pittavienfis, Pietavorum. regio. Polfly. (in the ine of France) Pilia. A poke-citron tree, maløs medica. : The people of Poi&ou, Piauvi, A pomc-granate, malum punicum or Piftonos.. A poitrel, antilma, pobterale. grinatui). A poiniard, pugiunculøs, li; m. A poke, faccus, pera. A pome-granate tree, malus punica. A POINT, punctum, li; n. * It is a little poke, facculus, ; m. A pomegranate bloſſom, Crinus. done in a point of timc, fit ad pun. To poke up, culmo immittere, A wild pam c granate trec, balake aum temporis. I care not a point To buy a pig in a poke, catulum in Rium. for it, forti facio. * la the 4tter culeo amere ; fpem preto emero: A pomewater-tree, malus carboną. moſt point of Spain, in ultimo Hif-To poke; digito explorare, digitum foi ria. pania tradu. barulum intrudere, Pomerania (part of Germany} Panr. A point [cafo) caufa, 1. f. ftatus, 4. Pola (in Illria) Pola. rania. m. caput, itis ; n. locus, 2. m. Poland, Polonia, æ ; f. To pommel, pugno contundare, gladi The matter is come to this point, Poland, adj. Polonicus, a, um, capulo pultare. in eum locum ru ridiit. . . It is a Polar, polaris, ke;' adj. 3. art. The poomel of a ſword, Pomelling point of fooliſh pride, defipientis A polcat or polccar, martes, pulorius, gladii fungus, manubrii capur. arrogantiæ off. It is brought to A pole, porsica, ræ; f. Pomy, pompa, 1. f. comitalus, 4.-10. this point, cò diducitur. . He is at a boat-pole, contur, irudes. profequium, i, n. the point of death, extremios fpiri- A hunting-pole, haſlilo vonatorjun. The printers pompots, tudiia atra- his agit aget. A pole [in the heavens) polus, 200 m. mmtaria. At the point of, fub; piapof. fery. The aretick pole, polus araicus, Pompey (a man's name] Pompeius, abl. . At the point of death, *x. The antar&ick pole, polus antarati. Pompilion (aa ointmcat) unguentam tremá jam in morte, populneum. In point of; refpe&u, quod attinet ad. A polc-axe, bipennis, fecuris, 3. f. A pompion, prpo maximus oblon. In point of bounty con&dera- Poledavics, Fegefro. gus ulon ſhould be bad of deſert, in be. The Pales, neficentiâ delectus ela dignitatis. * Polanders, Polonig orum; . A pompier (peurmuin) melagium, Primalun. M m Pompousy um. I. f. m. ) , virojus, a, : } роо POR POS 1 I. f. nor. art. 3. f. tus. fum, lum. Pompous, magnificus, Jumpsuojus, a, A pop with the mouth, popy/muso" Port Royal [in Florida) Portus Re- um; regalis leg adj. To pop with the mouth, Pops/1950s e gius. Pompgully, wegnifire, fumptuosè. dare. Port St. Mary (in Aquitain) Portus. Pompouſneſs, magnificentia, 1. pompa. To pop in the mouth, ori indera, S. Maria. A pop-gun, Scloppus. Port Vendres [in Franır] Portus A pomroyal, malum apionium. The pope, papa, pontifex Romanus. Vmeris. A pond, Magnum, 2. n. lacus, 4. m. The popedom, papatur. Port (behaviour) gefus. A fish-pond, piſcina. Popery, fuperfiitio papalis. The port vein, venta porta. A little pond to keep fill in, viva: Poperinghe (in Flanders] Popering- A portal, porticus, velitulum. rium. hun. Portable, portabilis, Irvis. Of a fiſh-pond, rifrinalis, le; adj. Popiſh, papalis, pontificus. Port ge, portoriuin. The kecper of a fiſh pond, pijiina- A poplih pilgrim, romspita. Portalegre [in Portugal] Portus Ala. rius, i; m. A popinjay, Phitucus. Cris Pond wred, potarnagriton. A popinjay green colour, color pfitla- A portcu!lis, catarada, ponts levato- To ponder (aa) perpendo, 3. animo rius varfare. A poplar-trec, populus, 2. f. To portend, portando, præfagio, omi- Pondercd, peftatus, perperfus; part. The black poplar, populus nigra. A ponderer, confirator, meditator, con The white paplar, populus alba, po- Poſtcntous, porimtojus. templator, aris'; mi 3s. pulus tremula. A door-porter, janitor, fiarius. Pondering, meditabundus, a, um; adj. Poplar, adj. The groom - porter of the king's A pondering, meditatio, contemplatio, Poplar, }populeus, populneus. houſhold, janitor regius. .wis f. A proplar grove, populerum. The porter's lodge, clavicularium. Ponderous, ponderojus, gravis ; ad): To poop (as an hoppoop.] poppiſo. A porter (that carries goods for hire) Ponderouſly, graviter ; ady. bajulus. Ponderouheld, gravitas, 3. moles, A poppet, pupe. See puppet. A porter's wares, comiflrum, Ponderoſity, Poppy (herb) papaver, eris. Porteros (an iſland in Provence) Mo- A poniado, }pugio, onis ; m. Ga-den poppy, pipaver fasivius, fu, Pomponiani. Poniard, Horned poppy, papaver comniculutum. A portglave, mſifer. Pont river in Norsbumberland] Pone Spatling poppy, papaver spuincur, A port grave, portis præftaus. babon album. Post-hole (in a ſhip] foneftella'ad tor- Pont a Mooſon [In Lorrain) Mufipon- White poppy, papaver album. menti, emiſüriuro. Wild poppy, papaver, rbaas, Portland lifand in Dorjabire] Porse Pont de l'Arche [in Normandy) Pons Poppy, adj. landia, Vindelis, } papaverens. Arcuenfis, Portmanteau, by poper.a. Penteland (in Norsbumberland] Ponts Poppy-coloured, papaveratus, rubi. A portmote, conventus or curis in Ægt. Poppy-red, } cundus. portu habita, Pontage, tributum ad reparandos pon- The tops of poppies, codia. Portale, venditio in porta. The Juice of poppies, m.conium. Portſmouth (in Huntfire] Perius Ponterlier [ in Burgundy ) Ponlar- The populace, vulgui. Magrius. Popular, popularis. A portion, pars, fors, portio. The Pontick rat, mus Ponticus. Popolarly, populariter. A ſmall portion, portiun:ula. Pontieu (in Picardy) Ponies. Popularity, popularitas. A w fe's portion, dos Pontificali pontificalis, ke; ad). Populous, populefus, fregums. Having a portion, dotata. Pontigny (in Frane) Pontiniatum. Ponterlon (in Normandy] Porus Urso Populofily, s, } polobias, frequen- Having no portion, indot:ta. Porcelain diſhes, urfa murthina. Divde in portions , } partier. In his pontificalibus, Splendida veliz Porcelain or pursiain (the herb) por- Porto (in Portugalj Portus. tus, pamparico babitu ornatus. tulaca. Porto Moriſo Lin Liguria] Porius Ponto ſe (in France] Pomakumy. Pon-A porch, porticus. Mauritius tífara A church-porch, vefibulum. Porto Longone (in Tuſcany] Portus A pool, Bagnum, ?, n. lacus, 4. wAn open porch to walk in, hype Longus. A fiſh-pool, piſcina, a; f. tbrum, fubdiale. To portray, delines, depingi, deſcribo, Pool (the family] Pelus. An outward porch, propylcum. exprimo. The poop of a thip, puppis; 3. f. Portrayed, depictus, defiriptus. To poop, jufmiſse.pederei The art of portraying, graphice. He poops, avidi haurit poluo. The ſea porcupine, byfrix mirina. A portalte, }paura, fimulachrum. POOR (adj.) puuper, inops, rgmsg & A pore of the body, porus, mealus. grus. To po'e, propiùs admeis sculis afpiure. Portugal. Portugallia, Lufitania. A poor ſoul, } paupertinus, pau. Pore-blind or pur-blind; myops lufciofus. Portugallo (in Portugal) Porsus fa- Somewhat poor, Perrulus. Pory, Tenis. A poor woman, paupercula, læ; f. Porous, porojus. The Portugueſe, Lufiani. Poor (mean) vilis. Poor'[barren] jejunus, aridus, frigi: Pork, porcina, suilla caro. dus ; adj: A porket, porcellus. nofreni. The poſe, coriza, narium profluvium, Poor Clean) macer, cra, crum; maci Porphyry (marble) porpbyrites, gravedo. lentur ; macia confcHus, To poie, examino, oppono. The poor peoplc, plebecula, la; f. Porpus, To poſe (puzzle] difisili quaſlions Poor Beggarly. fellows, hominum Porpis, confundere. mendicabula. Porqueroles (an Illand of Provence] Poſega (in Hungary) Bißma. Poor chear, -Hecates rena. Arore. A pole or poſy, forvia. Poos as Job, Iro pauperior, Porrage or pottage, jus, juris. The pory of a ring; Symbolum. Poor-John [fifh) callarius. A porrage-pot, olla, authepfa; A poring, examinatio. A porrenger, foutella, gabia. A poſition, pofitio, theſis, Poor cutie, A port (haven) portus Positive, poprivus. Poor folks, egeni, orum ; m. * Poor Thc warden of the ports, I menarcha. Pofiturc, flus. folks have sede kindred, cognatus Having many ports, portuojus, a, um, pofman, } [in Poland] Pomania. pauperi nu lus. To grow poor, paupirefo, 3. nent. Without port, importuoſus, A poſnet, cacobus, authspja. To make poor, druosno, dopaupero. The port, aula magni Turcarum im- To POSSESS; poſidro, imeo, aik- M de poor prugerafus. peratoris. Poorly ! av.) paupord, unviter. Porta Port (in Portugal] Portus To poſſeſs before, preosups. Poorly clad, pannofus, a, un, Cale Poffeffed, Politus. Poornefs, paupertas, tensitas, 3. f. Portmuck (promontory in Ireland) Poffeſed with buſineſs, occupatus, a, inopia, ir. Ifamnium. um ; part. Poffeffer, 1 A porcopike, }hyhrix. 1 Full of pores, A porwinkels, } cochlea. 1 The porpoiſes }(sih] phorana. The poor contrel, }[Am] pelypiese po Give a potion, } potiono , 1 > POT POU POW Poffeffed with a {pirit, damoniacus, , A pot-gun, fcloppus, fipbunculus. A poulteror, av!cularius, pullarius, 4, um ; adj Poi heros, olera, um ; n. A poultis, caluplaſma. Porcellion, pletio, 3. f. * Poffeſion Pot-books, anja, ania, arum ; f. Poultney (the family ] Poulinaius. is eleven points in law, occupantis A pot-ladle, rudicula, true. The poultry: forum pullarium. fiunt derajata. A pot lid, operculum. Poultry, pullities, alitas villarici. A ſmall poffeffion, piloliuncula, A pot fheard, tefia fraai. A keeper of poulay, pullinarius. PosieRion by ſubſcription, wiuc.iptio. Poiable, porabilis, le, adj. 3. art. A place where poultry is kept, ca- Poſſeſſion in truit, pellentio fiduciaria. Potatoes, battata, orum in VID, Cors. To take poffeffion of, occupe, 1. act. To poich eggs, ova ccaillars. Poubesys: adj. galinarius , a, um A taking pofl:ſſion of, occuputio, 3. f. 70 pore the cloaths off, fragula ps- of poultry,. To give poffeffion, olieno. dibus daturbare, A poump, anilia. Su Pump. A giving poffeffion, alienatio, 3. f. Poteat, potens, vifis ; ad 1. 3. art. To pounce, perforo, parterobre, To put out of poffeſſion, doiurbo, de Puten (in heraldryj Scipionis claudi The pounces of a hawk, ungues. polellione dejicere. cupitulum. A poand, libra. Su Pownd, &C. A putiing out of poffeffion, detürba. Poten!are, princeps, 3. dymaja, 1. To POUR, fundo, 3. act, tia A pothecarý, pharmacopola, 1. m. Ta pour about, ciriumfundo, effindo. of poffeffion, 1 popilorius, a, umz A potion, parie, ſorbitio, 3. f. } , To pour back, refundo, 3. ad. Poffeffory, adia A lorc potion, philtrum, 2. n. To pour down, defundo, 3. act. In poffeffion of, pines, To pour in, mfundo; 3. act. Posſeſſive, pofteſivus, a, um, adj. To pour oftcn, funditó, I. act. A. poffeffive, pollolivu. Potiyol (in MuficoPetivolium. To pour out, ofundo, z. act. A posfefTo, pobelor, 3. dominui, zam. Pottage, jus, jujiulum. To pour out of one veffel into ano. A poffefforeſs domina, i, f. Barley palcage, pliſapá, nå j'f: ther, transfundo, slutrio, detrullo. A poffel, ferurs cerevifiatüm, lac ca- Becepoltage, pulmentarium, To pour upon, infundo, perfundo, 3: lidum coagulatym. To make pottasc, jus coguore. To pour water upon a drowned Poſſibility, poſibilisas, 3: fi OF pottage, pul mentarius, mouſe, æque eft ac fi aquas in pu. Poffible; poſibilis, le, adj. z. art. Sødden in pottage, jürujantus, teum conjicias. How is it poffible , que pote? A potter, Agulus. Poured, fufus, a, um ; part, Porribly, fortoàn, feriaſsis ; adv. Potter's clay, argilla. Poured back; refufus ; part. A poſt, pollis, paxillus. A potter's hop figuling, 1. f. A post (carrier), veridosrius. A poltcr's trave, Poured on; } infufus s part. Port (a dog's pame) dromas. A potter's whcel, roia figularis. Poured out, ofufus ; part. A poſt (tejm of war] fario, fativa of a potter, figularii, figulinus, Poured out of one vestel into ano. fedes, Jatiuus locus. A pott.nger, gabara, fcurula. ther, transfuſo, A poft horſe, veredus. A pottle, quaruor libra liquidorum.; Which may be poured, fuilis. A foot-poft, curſor, tabellarius. pedais congii Anglicani dimidium. A pourer, fufor, 3. m. To poft, locum aliquem ocupare or; Potolent, gorulentus i. adj.. A pouring by drops, inflillatio. obriners, A pouchi, pora, márſupium. A pouring all over, perjufio, 3. f. Riso e pocit, }ac:elero , I. veredo ferri. A leather pouch, Yorica. A little poochi, darula, facculus. A pouring out, offuſo, profufio, 3. A pouring out of one vetiel in ano- In polt haſte; fejlinus, trepidus; adj. A pouch Paker, búlgariis. ther, transfupo.. With poft hafte, iquis velique, A pouch-mouth, läbro, labia, pra A pour-cuttic (fiſh) polypus. To post a book, do libro in librum Jomarbo exertus. A pourmenade, ambulacrum. franfcribere. To pouch, frintem contrabere,caperare. To make pourparty, dividere fundos. Poſted, loco aliquo ocupato, POUDER, pilvis, eris; m. in cobarides devolutos quos antes A post-date, metachroniſinus. : Fine pouder, pulvi(cuius, conjunaim pofliderunt, A polt-doctor, midicus circumforaneus, Gun-pouder, pulvis nitratas, fulphu-Pou: preſture, injuria domino regi il- empiricus, tus, Pyrius, lara, Port-term, sofferminum. Sneezing Pouder, medicaminium fer- To pourtry, fimula . Seo Portray. To poſtpone. pofpono, 3. adt. nutatorius. A pout (fiſh) ajellus barbouus, Postponed, poftpoftus, a, um; adj. Sweet pouder, pulvis Damafcenus, To pout, trvum intueri. Saz powt. Poiteriour, pofterior, To pouder, pulvere can pergert. POWER, potefias, 3. posmtia, i. vir. The poſtcriours, polleriores, um. To pouder, tus, 3. facultas, 3. f. To the Pofterity, pofteritis, 3 f. verem redigerr. beſt of my power, pro viribus, pre Our poiterity, minores, um. To pouder with many ſpots, maculo. virili parte. * To the utrooſt of A poftern gate, junua pofica, pjeuTo pouder with ſalty salio, Jale con our power, quàm maximè poffumus. do:byrum. dir. * He knows not the power of Poñihumous, piphumus, a, um. To pouder the hair, capill. puluerem love, quid amor fit Mefiit. They A poft:1 [ſhort expoſtjon) commenta odorarium infcera, odorato pulvijiu are afraid of his power, hujus om riofus, Jibol.um. lo crinem pulverare or aſpergere. pos metuunt. # He exerciſed the A poftilion, dux via, putt veredari. Poudered, pulvere confperfus. power of conqueror upon the c- demics, in hujies jus vi&toris exir. A pofticript, Ser:pete additamentum; Brought to pouder, } pulvis fa&us. cuit. poll'eriptura Poudered with ſpots, maculofus, va- Power (authority or infuence] auao. , . ritas, 3. f. imperium, 2. n. A poſture, gepus, 4 m.pofitura corporis. Poudered with fals, sale conditus. Power (force) vis, is ; f. compulfio, A pot to drink in, conibarus, calix, Poudered beef, bubula ſalita, bovina poculur. Falla, Power (leave) venia, a ; f. A litt!e pot, cyathus, i, m. pocillum, i; a. Poudering, puluerem excitans. Powers [commiffion] poteftates, uma, A gally-pot, cucullus, tejia. A poudering (with ſalt) Salitura, come 3. pl. f aufforitas, 3. f. mandata, A chamber.pots }iasana, laſanum. A poudering tub; orca, cadus salſa ditura. orum ; pl. n. * Hc ſhewed his powers, mandata protulie. An carthen pot, fidelia, alla fifilis, . tentarius. Power over all, omnipotentia, I, f. A great pot, lebes, cacabxs. A pouder-monkey, calo, cacula; m. A power [great numb:r] vis, 3. f. , A porridge.pot, authapja, olla. Poverty, paupertas, tmuitas, egoſias, Such a power of men appeared, tan- A walcr poi, fitulus aquarius, hydria. 3. f. indigentia, inopia, I. f. te vis borpinum apparuit. A wine pot, enopborum, 2. n. To be in poverty, igro, indigeo, 2. in one's power, penes aliquim. It The brim of a pot, labi Ami, 2. a. neut. cum abl. is in my power, me poner el. If To poul, condio. See Poll. it were in my power, î mihi iler Pouldavis, pannas ad vela facienda integrum. It is in your power; Pot-aſhes, optima nota cineres ad sam idonous, in manu tua ef. *If it be in your ponim,conficimdan. Pouligny. Lia Burgundy] Polinium, power, modo id facere poflis, That beareth a pot, ollifer,a,um ; adj. Poluhnium. it is not my power, non off facul- A pot-companion, combibo, onis; m. To poult, pato, impeto, 3. act. satis med. M m 2 T To 1 . Bring to pouder, } difpulvere, in pul- A 3. f. Pot, adi. Şollaris, are. ? Of 2.pot, 1 1 . Targomad cattle, include, in septum er mere bestens } dicatulus , loquacu. . Papandretninger igat ex fingulis minis, prateniedisa ngalibi, Largiloquus, menores PRA PRA PRE To have power, svile, pollco, por With praiſe, laudabiliter. Common prayers, predes communes or } To praiſe, laudo, extello, magnifico. publica. To give power (leave permifio. To prailc (prize] aſtimo, adhæro. To be or attend at prayers, publico To gre vower, authoritate munira. Pra ſed, loudatus. Dei cultu: adefe. Powciful, riteni, valjuus. Pra led (pr.zed) alimalus. Southľayers prayers, fala.. Nit powerful, impotens. A praiter, baudator; m. laudatrix; f. By prayer, procariò. Power!ully, potenter. A praiſer (p:Zer) aftimator. To obiáin by prayer, (xoro. Powi (part of Wales) Powiſa. A praiſing, Tudutio, prædicatio, Gotten by prayer, precariks. A water powk, pujula, papula, A praising (prizing) eftimatio. A praying, supplicatio, rogatio. Full of powks, pultutatus. To praacc, grafor. Praying, pritabundus. A POWND, as, Linra A prancer, equus ad pampan. To preach, concionor, prædico. Half a pound, Solibra. A prank, luous. What a prank To preach the go(pel, evangeliz. A pound and an half, foſgailibra, he played bot juſt now i quid mo He preaches over his cup, verbis Two pound, bilibra, dipondius. đồ dignauit? . What pranks mucida vina facit. Of two pound, dipondarius. would he have played met quas A prcacher, concionator, pradicator: Threc pound, trilibra, tripondium. aibi ludos redderet? Preached, concio bubira. of thrce pound, triljbris, tripondia - A mad prank, facinus audax, A preaching, prædicatio. rius. A wicked prank; fagitium, indigna a prcamble, prafasio, prologus, proa, Four pound, quadrvlis. fadium. miuns. Of four pound, quodtilibris. , To play a wicked prank, Bogitian To make a preamble, præfari. Five pound, quintutis. patrare. A preale (crowd] turba. * In the Six pound, fextufis. To prank up, concinno. thickest of the preaſc, turbâ con- Seven po ind. Jeptuffis. Pranked, concinnus, complus. fortifima Eight pound, Auss, A pranklog, exornati, magonizatio. To preale In, intrudo. Ninc pound, nonuſis. To prate, Barrio, fabulor, Platero: * To preafe upon, obtrude. Ten pound, derudos. Prattle, They can do nought but A prebend, prabenda, facerdotium. Twenty pound, viiefis. prate and pratile, canes timidi ve- A litde prebend, præbendula. Thirty pound, tricefis. hementiùs latrant quàm mordent. A prebendary, præbendarius, Forty pound, quadricuss. To pratc fooliſhly, ineptio, mugor. Relident prebendaries, Kenobita. Fifty pound, Jenicentulis. To prate pertly, argutor, Precarious, precarius. An hundred pound, ceniuftis. To prate" (as a nurſe to a child)) A precaution, cautio, cauiala, Weighing five hundred pound, quin. lalls, gmarius. Prated, Precedence, Locus superior, præieder A thouſand pound, millopondiuin. Pratned, fermonibus ja&atus, Precedency, 5 tia. To pównd. (bruiſe) tundo, contundo, A prater, Precedent, precidmi. sontero, pinfo. Prattler, }.garrulus , blatoro. A precedent, exemplum. A pownd for cattle, ſoplum inclufori. A prater of uidcs, nugator, gerro. Precedently, præiedenter, wi, orgafulum pecorinun. A prater to himſelf, Foliloquus, A precept, preceptum, mandatum. Of a precept, preceptivus. Praule basket, A precinct, ditio, difiriaus Práctling3 multilagnus. A precious ſtone, gemma. Pownded bruiſed) contufus. A prating, dicacitas,loquaitas,gar-A {eller of precious ſtoncs, gemma- Pownded as cattle, incluſos. A prattling, } rulitas. rius. A pownder, inclufor. Vain prating, Aultiloquium. Full of precious ſtones, gommofus. A pownder (Aamper) pillillum. A prating alone, Soliloquium. Preciously, pretiosè. A powt, }muſela. The prating of nurſos, lallatio. Preciouines, pretium. A prating houſe-wife, lingulaca. A procipico, pracipirium To powt, indignationem vultu yra s A prating place, ſeaculum muliebre, To precipitale (caſt headlong) pra. ferie, labella præ flomaibs sxxrere. Pratingly, loquaciter , cipito. To powt out, labellis exortis confpi- Prato (in Tufcony) Pramon. Precipitate, præceps, temerarius. Pratrick, commestus, commerciun, no. Precipitate (red powder of burnt A powtiag fellow, labi, labellorum goriandi libertas, quick-rer) mercurius præcipitarus exertor, Pravity, pravitas, nequitia. ruber. A powting houſe-wlfe, Bonachofa, A praun or prawn, caris, Squilla. Precipitation, precipitatio. labellorum exeryrix.. To praance, grafor, ſuperbe salire, Precipitation (in chymiſtry) liquoris Powringly, labiis exmrlis, labellis pro- A prauncing, graſutio. fubfidentia (per mixturan alius li. miltis. A prauncing horie, equus excuffor. quoris.) The pox, varinle. So Pocks, TO PRAY, 070, precor, rogo. Why Preciſe, pracifus, exaffus. A poy, contiks funamlulorum. fo, pray, quid ira, obfecro ? Pray Preciſe (in religion) firupulofus, reli- Poylon, ummum. Ser Polfan. what will you do? quid facies se giojus. Practick, } practius. PraAical, do ? How long, I pray you, will A preciſe rule, norma exiite. you abuſe our patience? quoufque preciſely, précisi, Praltice, exercitatio, experientia. eandem abutere patientiâ noflra? * Pieciſelý tin religion) ferupulosa, A fecret practice, inolimen, molitio. Tell me I pray thee, dic fodes or exa&ti, felicitè. To practiſe exercre, exercito, colo. quafo. * I pray thee remember A Preciſian, puritanus. To practiſe in, experior, me, amabo 10 .ti memineris, I To prccogitate, prasogito. To practiſe horility, inimico”. pray God, utinam. * I pray God it Precognition, pracognitio, prafcientia, To practiſe law, caufas afutars. To practiſe to run, ad curſum medio To pray to God, Deum precari. may be fo, utinam Deus ita faxit. A prccontract, pracontra&tus. Predatory, predatorius. To pray carneſtly, prae farigare; Preddy (Ica-tcrm) paratus To put in pract ſe, incepto, enixè potere, Prcdcceffor, deceför, anteceffor. Practifed, exercitus, exercitatus, Our predeceffors, majore, ſuferiores, Not practiſed, inexmeirasu. To pray for others, interiedo . To prcdeft:natc, prædefino. A piactiſer, exercitator. To pray together, compresor, Prodcftinated, praderin-tus. A p-actiſer in law, progmaticus. Prayed, oratus. Predeſtination; predaj inatio. A pracijfer in phyfick, empiricus. A prayer, oratio, precatio, depruaro. Predial, pradiatırius. Pragmatica!, pragmaticus. Earneſt prayer, obrejlasio, deprecatio, Predicable, pracicabilis, Prague (in Robemia) Pruga, Bubii: A predicament, pradicimentum. num, Caforgis Muróbudung. A litile prayer, precula. In the ſame predicament, in-rodem To praic, oro. Prayers, preces cum; pl.f. fatu. Praiſe, laus, praconium... A houſe of prayers, domus precum. To predicate, prediro. Praile worthy, laudabilis, Morning prayers, proces matutina. The predicate, pradicatum. Not praiſe Worthy, illeudabi is. Evçaing praycra, procas vejerrina. Piedication, pradicatio. A Eel powl, 14Ti. 3. f. Sie pray cum vocatus To premeditatc prameditor, prærogi- By theſe preſents, per has præfentes. Preſs- man. Perarius, vajarius, 2. PRE PRE PRE A prediction, prædi&io, 3. f. vatici Prender (law-term 1 facultas aliquid dopo, 1. largior, 4. • The foldier niun, cracu'simt, n. invidendi priufquam offeratur. preſented a maid to Thais, miles Predominant, prædominus, ad). prentice, tyro, 3 m. Thaidi virginum dono dedit. To predominat , trædo ninor, I. A prenticeſhip, tyrocinium, 2 n. To prcfcor himſelf before, onc, f Pre-elect-d, praeli&us, a, um. To pre-occupatc, præoccapo, I. act. fjtori, apparere. Pre-election, praleitte, 3. f. Preoccupation, præoccupatio, onis ; f. To piclent battle, vocare ad preli. Pre-eminence, prae'ninentia, &; f. To pre-ordain proordino, are. um, dimicati non denunciare. Pre-eminence (rule) principatus, in A pre-ordination, praordinario, onis; f. A preſentation, ritario in jus, libe- perium. A preparation, preparatio, onis ; f. Preſentment, lus accufatorius. Pre-caption, freemptio, 3; f. Preparation for a journey, viaticum. A preſentation by a patron, vacatio Pre-exiſtence, praizipentin, aif. Wiih preparation, praparatò; adv. ad beneficium ecclefiaßicum- A preface, prafatio, 3. f. prologus, 2. A preparative, preparativum, vi ; Preſented, prafontains, ablatus, m. procmium. 2. n. Prepa atory } neur, A preſeniec, ad bendiijum arclefiafli. To prefacc, prefari. To prepare, preparo, paro, are ;, act. A prefect, præfe&us, 2. prejos, 3. To prepare a banquet, convivium or- A preſenting, præfentatio, oblatio,3.f. prapofitus; 2. m. more or in druere, Preſently (adv.) illicà, extemplò, come A prefecture, prafeffura, a; f. To prepare himſelf for fight, ad Jefim, Aatim, na utum. To PREFER (act.) antefero, praforo, , pugnam fe accingers A preſeivative, antidosun, alexiphar prapena, antepono. 3: * I prefer the To prepare victuals, opfono. MIUM, 2. n: unjuftcit peace before the juſtert To prepare a way, viam muniro. A preſervc, conditurs, a;f.: war, iniquiſſimam pacem jullillimo Prepared, paratus, preparatus, in- To prcſerýc, Iveor, 2. confervo, s, bello antifuro, The author pre Arultus. To preſerve from, cripio, ère ferred this work before that, buc Prepared (appointed] definatus. To preferve in health, fofpito, ar. illi prætulit auctor spus. Preparedneſs, promptitudo, inis ; f. To preſerve plumbs, prune faccharo To psefer ( honour or advance one. A preparer, preparator, aris ; m. condire. sveho. xi ; 3: rigo, exi ; 3; sfero, Prepenſed, precogitatus, pramedisa- Preſerved, confervatus, a, um, extuli, irreg. aliquam honoribus ann tus, a, um ; part. Preſerved in health, ſospes. plificare ; ad hinores MTOTROVITI To preponderate, prepondero, are, A preſerver,ruſos,odis ; tutor, confere To prefer a law or a bill in the houſe A propoſition, præpofitio, mis ; f. vator, defenfor, prote&or, oris ; m. of parlament or ſepatc, legem ra- A prepoſitor, præpofitor, oris ; m. Preſerving, defmfivus, a, um, ad). gara or proponére, The prepositor's office, præpofitura. A preſerving, 1 praforvatio, conferua. To prefer a bill in a court of juſtice Propoſtcrous, præpojlerus, inconditus, Prefervation, 3 tio, tuiela, 1. to.. againſt any one, accufationem con adverlus, A preſidency, praleiura, *;f. tra aliquem exhibere. Propoſterouſly, adv. prapoflere. A prefident, prajes, idis ; prefeitus, Preferment, promolio, 3. f. To place prepoſterouſly, confunde. fi; m. Pieterrable, prczoptabilis, adj. 2. art. The prepuce, præpurium. A president (example) exemplum. Preferred, prarofitus, elatus ; part. A prerog-tive, prærogativa, privile. To be preſident, præsiden, præste. To prefigure, prajguro, I. act.' giunt. To prefix, prafigo, 3. act. The prerogative court, curia prero. Of a preſident, Prcfixed, praefixus, a, um ; part. gasiva. adj. art. Having a prerogative above others, Preſidially (adv.) præfidialiter, , prærogativis, A PRESS, forcular, 3. torculum, pre Pregnancy, parlús appropinqustio, c A preſage, præfagium, indicium, 2. lum, 2. n. pia, aflumtia. omen, 3. n. A preſs for cloaths, armarium, fori- Pregnancy of wit, diors ingenii vena. To piesage (aa.) præfagio, 4. por. nium veiiarium, ſinshelis. Pregnant, pregnens, gravidus, , adj. sindo. 3. ominor, I. A prcſs for books, plutri librarii. A pregnant wit, ingenium acri. prafagus, fo. A printing preſs, prolum typographie A pregnant token, auſpicium liqui- Full of prcfagings, gox ; adj. dum. Presburg (in Hungary) Flexum, Pj. The bank of a printing preisl torabo Pregnantly spoken, appofitè diaus. Jonium, Pofonium. larius pluteus, torculus abacus. A preift. Sacerdos. Su Prict. A prcsbyter, presbyter, 2. m. A preds of people, turba conferta. A piejudice, præjudicium, incommo- Presbytery, presbyterium, 2. n. The ſide beam of a preſs, sorcula. dum, i. n. A presbyterian, calviniſta: rium. To prejudice, incommodo, obelli, in- Preſcience, praſionlia, cit. To preſs. promo, slido, ire. juria or damno afficere. To prcfcribe, præfcribo, finio.4. To preſs down, deprimo, čre. Prejudicate, præjudicatus ; part. Preſcribed, finitus, a, umr ; part, To prets out, exprimo, čre. To preludicate, } præjudico, I. act. A preſcript, formula, a; f. To preſs ſoldiers, milites auflorare, Preſcription, præfcriptio, 3. f. præ Dipendiis obligari, imperio comparare A prejudication, præjudicatio, 3. f. fcriptum, 2 n. or cogere. Prejudicirl incommodus ; ad). Presence, praetia, &;f. To prels together, coara., I. compri- A preke ]fih] polypus. Preſence (bchaviour) oris ſpecies, oris Prelacy, prafulatus, is; m. habitus, corporis compofitio, peſus. To preſs upon, info, 1, urgeo, 2. A prelate, prælatus, 2. praful, 3. m. Ofa handſome preſence, honejiâ cor. The enemy preffes on before, To Square it like a prelate, pontificio poris fpacio pradirus, ingenua oris hofis liat a fronte. more incadore membrorumque compofitions praſians. Preiſed, preffus, a, um, part. Prelature, ? prafulatus, pontifica- The preſence chamber, atrium an. Prefled down, depreſus, oppreffus, fupe Prela iefh'p, } fus, 4 m. guflum, cubilo falutatorium. pralus, a, um ; par.i. A preliminary, piecmium, præludi. In preſence. coram, in conſpeciu Prefied out, expreſus ; part. Preſent, palenis, prajetanrus infans. Preſted Logether, coard-lus, comprof- fus, a, um ; past. Prematurity, pramaturitas, 3 f. prafmtia. A , ti, l. aa. Preſent (at hand) pralo ; adv. A preſſing, produs, 4; m. pradura, A premeditating, premeditatio, 3. f. Preſent money, pecunia numerata. & ; f. To premiſe, præfari, prælibo. To he PRESENT, adele, adjlare. A preſling down, depresio, onis ; f- The premiſes, prawiſe, pl. n. . It is here preſent, in medio of A preſſing iron, ferramentuga, profo- Premislen, 1 (in Rusia nigra] Pre • Thou are preſent before rium. Premiila, 3 mila. mine eyes,mihi ante oculos verfar's. A preſſing together, compresioonis; f. To premoniſh, pramonto, 2 act. A preſent, donum, 2. munus, 3. n A light preſſing together, compresi Premonifhed, pramonitus ; part. This is the honour you get for uncula, a; f. A premoniſhing, premonitio, 3. } Premonition, your picſent, hic pro illo munere Preſs money, autorammtum, 2. N. fem. tibi bonos eli habitus, A great prcffure, anger, oris ; m. ans premunire, bonorum confifcatio. To preſent [a&.] presento, offero, guflia, ; f. } presadim.in A prefiring, } præfixio, 3. f. : mo, 3. act. um. 2. n. Prest ! . PRE PRI PRI go, audei. Areparáticaoing promatricario, col. Tel. Preſt (ready) paratus. To prevail by entreaty, impetro. bourire, primors bouffu delibarı do. Petto : be, gone at that. Let me prevail with you, fins i lium, To prefame, prejamo, prando, arro. Xorn. To prick a horſe [ In ſhoeing ) la. Prevailed, evitxs. dere singulam qui clavo profundini To preſume (hope) ſporo, confida, Prevailed for, sx oratus, impetrates, adiao. To prefume I ſuppoſe) nur, crede, Prevalling much, efficax, To prick, pungo. * The hare pricks, Preluged, arrogatus. A prova:l ng , victoria, lopus vefligia terra inprimit. Having prefamed, rufus. Pievalency, præviloniia, efficacia, To prick again, repungo. Pyeruäption: arrogantia, audacia. Prevalent, pravalmii To prick (as the king does a nie- Prelomption ( conjecture) conjuilwrs, To prevarica!e, prevaricor, colludo. r'ff} defigno, Jufprio A prevaricaring, Preſumptuous, arrrigans, audax, Prevarication, To prick forward, incito, inflige, fi- praſidini, adj 3. art. A prevaricator, praver:cator, mula Prefamptuously,arrogantar audzarr, TO PREVENT, pravn:o, praverio, A pricker, gui pungil . fidentir. anteverto. * Prevent the diſeaſe A pricker forward, infligator , Rimu- Preſumptaouſneſs, arrogantia. whilft it is coming, winienti occur. Later. To preluppolo, preſuppono, fingo. rite morbe. . I shall take care to To prick up ones ears, arrigere au- A , prevent it, ne accidat providebo. , } He prevents what he thinks may To prick up one's felf, oft miare ſe. A protence. prætextus, color, caufa, may be oblectedt. Anteoccupo quod A pricker (among huntſinen) vina. Iparies. putat opponi. * Wich to prevent, for, agitator, aqueter. TO PRETEND, fimul preferre. quod ne fiut. * You. Thould have a pricker (uſed by jolners) ftabula #They prelend She is in labour, prevented it, to id pra aviſo opore quadrufa. hanc fimularit p.27674. I do not fuit, A pricket, hinnulus biraus, pscend to it, har inibi non fumu. Prevented, interruplus, anticipatus, Herb pricket, ummitularis , il- in Thicy, pretend one thing and do pracupatus. Pricket-madan, lecobra. another, olera fpeaan, lorauns 101. Hope prevented, sous inci/4. Pricking, ajper, flinulaw. Tunt. A preventer, anticipator. A prick ng, nunäio. Pretended, fimulatus. Preven'ing, preocupatiuus. A pricking forward, incitario, fimu- Ath og petended, color, A preventive, anlidotus, aloxiphar. Itio, in ligatio. A pretender (hypocrite). ajº diffim Psasont, remedium. The pricking of a bare, leporis velj. bler hypocrita, c. (if a woman) A preventing, præoccupatio, antici gium alo iPrefun. fimulatrix, 3. f. Lif a manimu- Prevention pario. The prickic nih, atharina. lat:r, 3.m. Previous, previus, A prickle {b ambic or brier) fritis, A pretender (candidate or petitioner A prey, præda, ſpolium, Prickled, } aculeatus, fenticoſus, hir. for any place or thing) saudidutus: To prey, proedor. Prickly,'$ furus. 2 com clitor, 3 0. Pr!ck wood, exonimu Thco A pctcnfion, vendicatio, animo ad of prey, pradireus, Prck-timbe pbraiti. po pretreplum jus. Full of prey, prædobundus. Pride, ſuperbit, arrogantia, falus, Preterition, praiaririo. A preyer, prædator. To prie or pry, obſervo, Ipeculor, To prctcrmit, prælemitto, onitto. A preying on, pradatio. To prie into, rimor, fcrutar. A , Priapiſm, priapiſmus, fatgriafmus. Ion- To pric into another man's dalags, Pretermiflion, tigo. Cario'iùs aliena perjorutari. Prete natural, prater naturam acti- A PRICE, pretium. * I will give A prier, speculator. dons. you your price, quanti el sumito. A prieſt, Sacerdos, facrificus, A pretext, pranxius, Iperies, color, pontifex mexi. Precious. praniojus, Soe Precious. them, imo eno rarani pretio. • Corn Ch'et-prieſt, MUS. PRETTY, tellus, concinnus, fcitus, is at high price; unnona cara dll. A little prcft, facerdotylus. fpecious. A very pretty girl, Be the price what it will it To'makc a pricit, fucerdotan con's pullia facis bella, in carnett he is well bought, quanti quanti bene is a pretiy fellow, exira jocum bo smitur, To be made a pricftfacerdotium inire. mo bellus ej.. To ſet a price, indico, defino.. Prieſthood, Sacerdotium, Pretty little, minutu), parvulus, To offer a pricc, licror, licitor. Prieſtly, Pretty mcr y, lepidus, facelus. To bring dowo the price, depritjarn. Of a prieſt, Pretty (some what)aliqu:intùm; it is to bring down the price of corn, Prienly, Sacerdotaliter, couronty exprefied by a compa Aminam levare or laxare. Prieſt-pintie (herb) arum. i rative or diminutive ; 19. Vonu. To raiſe the price, prasiun augere, To pricit" (feal] furripio. being pretty much concerned Asgillars or vixars. Pr‘gging, furax, ſpeakech, trilior alloquitur Venus. To raiſe the price of corn, annonam The pril (fiſh }rbomhus, # She was a pictly big girl when vadare, intendere, excandefalerei A privacy, Primatus. fhe weat from thence, ferè grun-To be of ſmall price, vilci, vilefco. Primage, pecunia pro NIUE oNiranda Jiukule jam profa&ta eft illini, To be of like price, equivaleo. nautis debita. Of, by, aliquanto with a compara- Brought to leſs price, depreciatus, A primate, primas, atis. tive ;-as. * Whe arc prelty ſaving, Grown of higher priče,prosio auctus, Prime, primus, primerius, prinups, aliquanio od rem attentiores fumur. carjor fa&ivio, præcipuus. Allo, by bene; as, * Pretly rich, Of no price, nullus. To prime a gun, pilverem pyrium bene animalus. *Pretty early, of what pricet quonii ? * At what conceptaculo immittare. hane mame. price dogs he let his houſe ; quan. In his prime, prirnavus, À party while, aliquamdiito. . Por fi aflimar. dia? Primely, pracipue. . à pretty while they agreed wellOf ſo great a price, santj. Primary, primarius, icgerher, djer complafculos bona con. At that picc, sa niidem... A priming lion, grebellum tormm. vin roar inier cos, At ſo litrie a price, lantulo. tarium (quoqbaria pulvere porio in Very pictty, podlegant At a great price, magno, carè. tota perfoditur.) Somewhat pretty, fritudas. For a little price, minimo. Primgap (a term of miners) primus Nothing pretiy, indlegans. Prich. påtus partenuis, bialus, prin.fofa. To grow pretty, forradfas fieri. A PRICK, Punftum, punitus. Priner ſeifin, polilio primo, Preit:ly, belli, fritis yrufie. A prick (which pricks ) aculous. Primogeniture, primogenitura. Presti!y, (merrily) facetà, lepidl; A prick to ſhoot ato rotta, ſcopus. Primitive, primitivus. Very: prelily, foreleganter: A man's prick, moniulo. A primroſe, irimula veris. Nothing prettily, inrlegantor, Prick-oride, fatyria/mus. Primroſe peoriels, ngrillus, Preluineſs, elegantia, wrijas. A prick of conſcience, Nimu'us con: A primmer, Afaltorium minus. To prevajl, rupas, vinco,;' So far. fcientiæ, vormis or labes conſtiintia, A prince, princeps, dynaſa. did the error prevail,that Anterofis. tantam valuit errer, ut To prick ä сask, de dolio primůni Of a prince, Princely: } crare. } facerdotalis. 1 of a prince,} principalis, regalis . ! 3. f. To take priſoner, manucapere, cap: To proceed doctor, doctoris gradum Prodigious, prodigious, prodigialis, por- PRI PRO PRO Princely, principaliter, regiè, Privately, adv. clan, clan:ulum,prio Apoio quedings } Aregreffo, 3. f. Pracelineſs, decus principale. vat m. A princedom, principatus. Privately to inſtigate, aquam fubo Proceeding from, crous, ortas, fatus, Princes feathers (herb] aromanthus. dold in fundere A princeis, princeps. A private whiſperer, rica pulvin:rris. Proceeding at law, controverfis ju- diciaria. Principal, principulis, pralipuus. A privateer, navis allvaria privata. A principal, praſas, princess. A privation, privatio, mis ; f. A proceis, proceffus, 4. m. Proſecutio, A principal of a college, gymnafar - Privation of fenſes, ſupor, 3. m. cha. Privativc, privatious, a, um, adj. A proscis in law., Gatio, onis ; f. con- A principal actor, ador, dux. Privit (herb) liguprum. troverfia, a; f?:53. f. To bave proceſs ayrimit cne, litigny, The principal of money borrowed, Mock pr:vit, phillyrrhes. fors, Ever-gr:en privit, alaternui. Pilnclpality, principotus, i, m. Privy, fecretus, occultus, clandelinus, To ſerve a proces upon, diciam linea B, um ; adj. pingere. Principally, præcipuè, porifimèin, A principle, principiun, clementum Privy to a thing (ad)] conkius, af- To loſe his proc {s, caufâ cadere. To principle one, imbuere animum. finis, PATIReps A proceſs [ Itanding out) prominen- Of principles, elemmnlarius. The privy-chamber, conclive regium. tia ; f. A princock, lalapufius. The privy-council, ſerotum conci; In proceſs of time, prrgreffu tormpo- lium, ris. To prink and prank, or dreſs up, as young girls, &cdo, exorno, are. A privy counſeller, à fecretioribus con A proccfñon, proreffis, fupplicatia,onis; fem. They are all day prinking and fliis. Proceffion weck, ambarvale. pranking them, dum moliunlut, : A privy matter, arranum, 2. n. dum comuntur, annus el. The privy paris, urends, pudenda, Profeſional, supplex, icis ; adj. A i, A print (notc, mark, or impreſfion, orum ; n. as of a feal) nota, 1, impreſſio, 3. f. A privy place, latabra, ; f. A proclamation of war, Klarigatio, A print for picture printed," imago Commen privý, } forica, elossa. To próctaim, edito, 3. denunczo, : fculpta. A cleanſer of privies, foricarius, clo. To proclaim, war clerigo ; belluste acarius. denuntiary or indicere. Prints (news-papers) notitia publica. To print, imprimo, excudo, čre Privily, occultè, ferre è, clam. To proclaim ope outlawed, aliquem prefcribere. To let a print on, notam inurere. To deceive one" privily, fine ullo To do a thing in print, grapbicè & confcio fallore. To proclaim the removal of a càm-py exquifte agere. A privilege, privilegium, immunitas, Poctaimed, edi&us, denuntiatus. vafi conclamart, To print deep, ango, 3. insulco, 1. jus peculiars. Priated, impreffus, ixiufus, Agnatus, To privilege, priuilegia munire. A proclaimer, stictor, præro 3. m. a, uin ; parc. Proclivity, proclivitas, ais;-fi Privileged, in manis, exemplus. A printer, typographus, 2. m. A privileged place, perfugium, refu. Proconful, protonful, 3. m. Of a proconful, A printer's balls, tudes. Enum. } pro:infulæris, rez Proconſular, Priviiy, conſcientia, æ ; f. A printer's cafe (frame) pluteus. adf. 3. art. Pri ting, typographia, & ; f. ars typor Without his pr:vity, clum ilo, illo A proconfulſhip, proconjululus, ui;m. gripbica.. ignaro or inſciente, To procraſtinate, procraliirin, 1. . A prlater's preſs, prelum, 2. N. Procraſtinaced, procraffinatus , part. The privities, pudenda, virenda. A printing, impreſio, onis ; f. A prize, palma, premium, * He Procraſtination, pracralinatio, onis fe A printing-houle, Typograpboor. hath won many a prize, plurimmaA procreation, procreatio, onis; f, To procrcate, prateare. The chick printer, prosotypographus. rum palindrun bomo. .2, m. Perſons hired to play prizes, quas- A proctor, procurator, advolitus, A rati, Of a proctor, pro:sratorius ; edi. Prioreſs, !, To carry away the prize, palmam Procurable, piirabilis, le ; adj. Priorſhip, prioratus, 4 m. ferre. A procuration, procurario, onis ; fi A priory, scenobium, 2. n. · To give one the pr!ze, primus alicui A procurator, procurator, oris., m. Prlority, Prioritas, antiquitas, atis; f. deferre. To procure [act. acquiro, 3. compa. Prilage, prila, a ; f. Worthy of the prize, palmarius. ro, paio, 1. confequor, 3. Prica, [a woman's name] Priſca, A prize in war, predi. To procure by gifts, redims, . Priſcian [a man's Dameſ Priſcianus. To prize, alino. Sve Priſe. To procure anderhand, ſuborno, are. Priſcilla (a woman's name) Prifci. Probable, probabilis, verifimilis. To procure war, beliun. coxlare. cilla, Probability, probabilitas, verifimilitu. Procured. acquiſitus, comparatus effet- To priſe, etimo, I. licior, 2. dep. do, 3. f. tus, a, um, part: Pulſed, Ljimasus, licitatus ; part. Probably, ad. probabiliser, verifimi- Having procured, conſequulusi To be priſed, liceo, afimer, i. "liser. A procurer,.procurator, oris ; m. A prifer, ajiimaror, licilafor, 3.m. A probation, probatio, argumentum, A procurer (bawdj proxeneta vms- A priſing, apimatio, licitatio, 3. f. Probation (of ſuch as take a degree] reus, pararins. A PRISON, carter, 3. A. cuflodia, I, examinatio, onis; f.' A procuring, } aliquiftio, roscipe. f. ergaftuluan. 2 . Probate (of wills)' probatio teflames, Procurement, ratio, procuratio. incarcero, in carte. call in prison, } rem conjicere, in a probe (ſurgeon's inftrument].in. A prodigal pender, nepos, otis cuftodiam dare. • He was cast Arumentum vulnerum exploratoriam. Prodigally {adv. prodige, profuse. Prodigality,prodigalitas, profusio, 3. f: into priſon, in vincula conje&us of A problem, problema, atis ; n. To break priſon, vincula' sarusris Problematical, problematicus. j. adj. To ſpend prodigally, prodigo, 1. ad. rumpert. To PROCEED ncut. procede, program Play the prodigal, To prodigalize its profundo, luxus Priſon-bais [n play) diffugium. dior, porgo. * Proceed. In well 3. rier. A priſoner, captivus, vineris. doingmatte virtutc puer. A prodigy, prodigium.porlentum. tiuum abducere. fufcipere. tantolus ; adj. Priſtine, priftinus, a, um ; adj. The proceed of an eſtate, reditus, Prodigiously, prodigiose, prodigialiter, A priftis Chuge fſh] pritis. Prodition, prodisio, onis, f. proventus, Prittle pratile, fabula, gerra. To proceed againſt one at law, in To produce, produco, 3. act. A privacy, receſus, feceffus. jus voire. To uc produced Lacui) provenio, A privacy (kecping of counſel] taci- reproceed from (dep) nafor, orior. nafror, orior, turnitas. This ſpecch procedeed' from Produced, nalus, ortus ; pist. A privado, amicus clancularius; alicui graciofus, intimus ferfamiliaris The talk "proceeded from that productions, productie, onis j facratorum alicujus confcius. beginning, ab ipſo sraaus & Tere The product, produalum, i;. n. Pripate, privashs, abditus, clandelie A proem, procemium, præfatio. nous, facratus ; adj. Proceeded, exortus, natui. To make a procma, proceniari. Pro- } 10, 1 PRO PRO PRO 1.... 3.f. nore. jus, lucrofus. Frofano, wofanus. Sve Prophane. long time on the banks, lii dum * I ſhall now give good proof to To profeſs (dep.) profiteer, 2. cundantur in ripis. the'world, infy ne jain documentum A profeffion, profeffio, onis, f. To prolong frno day to day, du mortalibus dedero. He gave good Profcffion of religion, funétimonium, cere dient ex dic. proof of h's towardlineſs, carut A profeffion (calling) vaatio, .vita A prolonger, prosrafter. Specimen indolis dederat, A prolonging protradio, prolatio, A proof (arguments argumentum. A profeffor. profeſor, 3. m. Prolongation, 3 3. f. That is proof cnough that th:10 A proffer, muneris oblario, A prominence, prominentia. is nothing owing, Jatis eh argu- To proffer, minus offerre. Prominent, prominens, exluns- menti nihil effe dsblum. You To proffer Carray] tonto, attenta, pe- Promiſcuous, prorriſcuus, confufus. dd make it our by in and home ritulum acne. Promiſcuouſly, promiſcue, inixtim. proofs, -infilis domajicijque proba. Proffered, oblashi, part. • Proffered A PROMISE, promiffio, foonfio. tionibus explicabai. ware finks, merx ultron.ca puiel. A bare promiſe fides tanum data. A clear proof, argumentum demon- Proffered ſervice ſtinks, ultrò A promiſe to pay money, Dipulatio. prariuum. delaium obfequium plerunque ingra- To promiſe, promnto, polliceor, fidem A plain proof, apodixis. tum eft, dare or affringere. To proove, probo. Sec. Prove. A proficient, progreffus faciens, ali- To promiſe one his daughter, filiam A prop, fulcrum, anteris, admin.cua cajui artis peritior quotidis ryadens. alicui devovere. lum, sufientaculum. A profile, proportionum omniuna deli. To promiſe to come, confiituere ali- A prop for vincs, ſudu, palus. neatio or defignarie. cui le venturum. To prop, fulcio, fuffulcio, Profit, commodum, lucrum, quæſlus, To promiſo co fup and pay his ſhot, | To prop up a vine pede, pali, utilitas. . If it were for our pro condicere lymbolun adınan. To propagate, propage. fit, k ex ufu eft noiro. * It is To promiſe often, pollicilor. A propagater, propagatur, There is more profit in keep- to promile for another, expromito. Propaganisation : } propagatio, ing a cow than an afs, fruftuofior To promiſe freely, ſpondes. Propenſe, propmus, proclivis .pronus marca quàm ajellus. To promile faithfully, dipelor. Propenfity, I proporfias, proponfio, To profit, proficio, promyro, produto. To promiſe mutually, compromitto. Propenſion, . } To profit in learning, progreſs in To promiſc again, repremitto. Popur, proprius. fudiis facere. Te promiſe in marriage, fpondeo. A proper owner, proprietarjus. To bring in profit, quæfui si. To prom ſe rewa.d, premium propo- To make proper unto, proprieta. Pichtablc, commodui, utilis, fruitus- Proper (fit) con.innws. idoneus. Te break promile, fidem violarr. Properly, propriè, apie. It is profitable, conducit,rxpedit, To keep promlie, fidem fervare os To deſcribe properly, ad vivum de- Very profitable, perutilis. prafare. pingere, Profitably, commodì, ilitar. A promiſe breaker, fædifragus, Proper (talll procerus. Profited, progrefus, proucäw. Promiled, obligatus Properneſs, procuritas. Profiting proficuus. Having promiſed; pollicitus. Property, proprium, prnpridas. It A profiting, progrefus. Prom:fed in marriage, Sponfatus, da is the property of theſe virtacs to Profligate profigatus, nequam. Jponjatus. be afraid of nothing harum virtu- Profound, profundus, altus. I progiled, pollicitus fum. . As you tum proprium nl extimefcert, Profoundly, profunde. promited me when I was with Property (d.(poſition) ingenium, Profoundácia, 1 profunditas,altitudo, you, w mihi coran recepifi. * The In property, peruliariter. Profundity, 3. 3. f. mald promiſed her dowry to him, Prophone, profanus, Profufc, prodigus. dorem virgo defponderat illi, To prophane, profano, confcelero. A profuld ſpender, mapas, A promiſer, proiniſfor, pollicilor, fipu Prophancd, profanatus, exjuguratus. Profuſely. profuse. lator. Prophadeners, impietas. Profuſeneſs, profufio. A promiſer in marriage, fponfor. Prophanciy, profane.' To prog, procuro, colligo. A promiGng, promiffio. A A progeny progenies, propago, sabo- A promontory, promontorium. , A promoter[Inlawdelator inqułktor. A prophecy, vaticinium, angurium, A progenitor, major, avus, To promote, promovis, provihoaforo, oraculum. To prognoſticate, ariolor prædicere. euche. To prophefy, vaticiner, drilor. A prognoſtication, prædiftio To promote one to honour, mobilito, Prophelying, præfagus. A prognostificator, ariolus, affrológus. dignitatem alicui imponere. A prophet, dropheta, vatus, A profesion; } punya. 4. th. pro progreffus. 4. m. pro Promoted, promotus, providus, -A falle prophet, pſeudopropheta. tus, aužas. Prophetical To prohibit, prohibro, inbibro, inter. A promoter, promotor. diro, walo. A promoting, promotio, curtitio, ex. Propinquity (ncarneſs] propinquitas, Proh/bited, interdi&us, unlitus. Promotion, altario, asis; f A prohibiter, prebibitor. Promotion (honour] dignitas. To propitiate, propitiare, reconciliare. A prohibition, prohibitio, interdiaun. To labour for promotion, ambire, bo. Propitiation, propitiatio, reconsiliatio. Prohibitory, inbibitorius. · moribus velificari. Propitiatory, propi:iatorius. À project, molimon, molitio. Prompt, promptus, paraties, expeditus. The prop'tiatory, propitiator um. To projeá, mclior, defigno, To prompt, fuggero, dicto, fubjició. A propitiator, propitiator, re.onsilia- Projected, defignatus. A prompter, monitor. A projecter, molitor, defignator, A prompting, suggeſtio, Propitious, propitius, præfens. projeding } Promptly, prompte, parală, expeditè. P.oportion, proportio, analogia. Prompinele to anger, iracundia. Muscal proportion, proportio barmo- She proias [of a hawk) plunas co. A promptuny, panus. nica, mit or concinna. To'promulgate, fromulgo, publics. · The proportion of the body, linea- Prolation, prolasio. Promalgation, pronk gario, moniuu, To prole after, winor. Prone, pronus, proclivis. A due proportion, symmetria. Prolific, faxundus, fertilis , prolom Pronencis, proslivitas. To proportion, focundùm proportionem propogans. A prong, b dens, furca, mirga. dijiribuere. Prolx, prolixus. A pronoun), pronomen, Proportionab!c, proportionalis, fo- Prolixly, prolixi. To pronouncc, pronuncio, profero, of- Proportional, } cundünt proper. Prolixncís, prolixitas. . A prolocutor, prolocutor. Pronounccable , pronunciabilis , fci- proportionably, proportionaliter, fa- A prologuc, prologus, præfatio. tabills. Proportionally,' cundùm properti To make a prologue, Prologuer, præ. Pronounced, pronunciatus, recitatus, fari. Proportioned, proportionatus. To prolong, protrabo, produco, prola. Pronounciation;} pronunciatio. Ill-proportioned, inconcinnus, a, um; vietmdo. * Whit ſome pro- A PROOF, experimentum, ſpecimmi adj. 1 A pro of Prophet, } propheticus. ior. OAin. Rare, A proroguing} prerogatio, 3.-f 3. art. PRO PRO PRU A propoſal, conditio, propofitum. A proteſter, protapator 3. m. To provide for, provider, 2 proſpicio, To propoſe, properto, ére; act. Protoforcfter, protoforofarius, i ; m. 3: You muſt provide for them, To propoſe to himself, animo doli- A protonorary; protonotarius, notarius eis eonſulendum at. prir-ipulis. To provide neceffaries, resneceffarias Propoled, propofitus, a, um, part. A prototype, prototypon, i; n. purare, A propoſer deliberator, parcunttator, To protra&t, protraho, 3. intercale; 1. Provided, paratus, a, um ; pare, oris ; m. A protracting, 1 protractio, dilutio, 3. (Not provided, imparatus, a, um. A propofition, propoſito, onis ; f. f. It is provided, comparatum eft; impi To propound, propono, čre; ait. A protracter, protractor, dilator, 3.m. Provided (yet) tamen; adv. A thing propounded, problema,atis.; Protuberant, protuberans, tis; adj. Providence, providentia , ; f. neut, PROUD, ad). superbus, fajluofus, ar. Provident, providusta, um ad). A propounder, propofitor, oris ; m. pogans ; adj. A provident fellow, proviſor sagax. A propp, fulcrum, in Very proud, pompulentus, adj. Providently, pravida į adr. To propp, fulcio, ire ; 28. Somewhat proud, ſubarrogans, adl, A provider, proviſor., 3. m Propped, fultus, Jufulius, a, um. As proud as a peacock, pinnojus. A psovider of corn, frumentarius. A propping, fultura, a;f. Proud words; ampulla,urum ; f. Jof- A provider of victuals, annone pra. A propping of vines, pedatio, 3. f. quipedalia verba. feltus. A proprietary, proprietarius,';; m. To b: proud, ſuperbio, 4. tumeo, 2. A p ovider of fodder, pabulator. A propi'iety, proprie!?!, Polfi,3.f. ncut. * He was proud of his ho- A province, provincia, a ; f. To prorogue, porrogo, ii ict. nour mingled with burden, mijlo Province by province, provinciatim. Prorogued, prorogatus, a, ums. que oneri gaudebas honore, A province-roſe, roſu ex traduce. To grow proud, indoleco, tumefco. The united Provinces, Provincia To piake proud, ſuperbid infları, a - foederale, Belgium unitum. To proſcribe, profcribo, 3. act. nimos sfferre. Provincial, provincialis,le; ad). Proſcribed, profcriptus, a, um, A proud bitch, canis carulions, in, ve- of a provirics, } A profcript, exul, 3 profcriptus, 2. m nerem pruriens. Providon, penus, commsalus, ús; m. A proſcribing, Proud , curo tumida or inflatz, , . Profcription, 3 f. faſtidiosè pmus To dearc profcription, profcripturio, adv. dere. ire, somewhat proudly,} subarroganter. A provifion taken, causio A proviſion, praparatis, prouifio, 3. f. Profe, orario folata, 3. In Profc, profaicus, a, um ; ad). To carry one's ſelt proudly, infolep To niake proviſion, caves, 2. neut. To proſecute, proſeguor, 3. dep. ter lo genere. * The law has made provllou, a Pioſecuted, exagitatus, arcefitus, in Speaking proudly, ſuperbiloquus. lege cautum eft. jus citatur. Proudness, fuperbia, arrogansia, infa- Proviſional, ad cautelam adhibitus. Having profecuted, profecutus. lentia, & ; f. fapus, us; m. A proviſo, cautio, 3. f. cautela inflrus A profecutor, profequutor, 3. 01. Proveable, probabilis, le; adj. 3. art. monio inforta. A , ». Not proveablc, improbabilis, lo; adj. Proviſory, proviſorius, a, um ; adj. TO PROVE, act. probo, confirmo, 1. A provocation, irritamontum, i; n. A proſclite, profolytus, neophylus. * I can prove it thus, id boc argu- Provocative, provocativus, a, um. : Proſodia, proſodia, a; f, menta confirmari poteft. I can To PROVOKE (act.) provoco, inti. Proſpect, profpratus, üs; m. prove that opinion by very good go, irrito, r. lacelo, 3. urgco, 2. A proſpect glaſs. role, copiun, 2. n. authority, au&oribus ad illam fe- To provoke (allure) act. allicio, 3. To proſper (neut.] forsi, valeo, 2. tentiam opsimis uti pofum, * I will illetto, I. There baits provoke fecundis rebus uti. Prove it by good witneſs, ego teffi a thief, follicitans bær for numata To proſper (act.] fecundo, I. felicom moniis palam faciam. furem. reddere. To prove a thing true, verifico, I. To provoke appetite, Saporom slabo- Proſpered, fecundatus. 4, um. To prove a thing falſe, rifello, 3. Profperity, ros fecundve proſperitas, To prove (try] experior, 4. exigi, 3. To provoke ſweat, fudorem elicere * felicitas, 3. f. periculum facere. Provoked provocatus, irritatus, Proſperous (adj.) profperus, felix, To prove (happen) accido, 3. * Did Provoked (allüred) illettus, , um, faujius, fecundus. not I tell you it would prove fo! A provoker, provocator, infigator. Té make proſperous, profpero, fortu dixin' hoc fora ? Provoking, provuaforius, a, um, no, fecundo, I, act. To prove (become), fio, fisa, faftus A provoking, } provocatio, irritatio, A making proſperous, Secundatio, 3.f. fum ; ncut. * Thus doth that Provokement, Proſperouſly, profperè, friciter ; adv. prové truc that I ſaid at first, ita A provoſt, prapofitus, prašiaus, 2. Not profpcrouly (adv.] improſparè, fit verum illud quod initio dixi. * quaflor, larruneulator, 3: n. infeliciter. He proved an excellent man, vir A provoſt marſhal, rerum capitalium A proſtitute, proſibulum, i; n fummus evafit. * You prove un quæfor bellious. To proſtitute, proſlituo, 3. aa. thankful, repertus es ingratus. Of a provoſt, præfituarius, a, um, Proitituted, proftitutus, a, um. Proved probatus, comprobalus. A provoftſhip, præfe&tura, R; f. A provedore, Aconomus, proxmata. Having, borne ihc provoftſhip, pre- Proſtituton,, } profitutio , 3. F. A prover, tentator, Spectator 3. m. fratorius, a, um ; adl. Psoftrate, profralul, projeâus, a, um. Provideatial, fatalis, le ; adj. To provulgate, provulgo, 1. To proſtate (act.) projlerno, 3: A proving, probatio, 3. f.. The prow of a ship, prost, a f.f. To proftrate [ncut) procido, accido, A proving by witneſs, teftificatio, 3.6. The prow-maſt, malus' ad proram ère ; act. Provence (a part of France) Provin, ere&us. A pioftrating, proflratio, 3. f. cia, a fi Prowcis (valour) virtus, utis; f. To protect (act-) proiego, 3. tuer, 2. Provender, pabulum, quorum før or To prow (pilfer] furripio, 3. fuffie- A protection, futela, prgidium. legutsen. ror, I. of protection, tutelaris ready, His provender, pricks him, pra viciu Pioximity, proximilas,' aris ; fo To take into protection, in cimielam lauto or pabulo leto ixuliai, info- A proxy, vicarius dim. recipere. lefcit. Prudence, prudentia, a; f, A protector, protector, 3; m, of provender, pabularius, a, u93 Prudent, prudens, tis ; adj. 3. art. A prote&orſhip, proteaio, 3. f. A proverb, proverbiuta, adagium, Prudently, prudenter ; ady. To protett, proteger, ari. Proverbial, proverbialis, lo; adj. Prud-how Tin Noribumberland]Prow- To proteſt agalart, intercedo, 3. To provide, paro, præparo, I, #I Ilitia, Protol tia. i To proteſt opcály, damito, lo entroat you to provide him of A prune, prunum, A proteitant, proteftans, svongelicus, fomc being, peto a la ut ei de bar A dried pruge, prurum palam or r. reformata religionis profilor. Hitatione accommodes. He provided book. A proteſtation, proteftatio, 3. f. facra. him againſt all chanccs, ad omnes To prune clop) amputo, Tefuo. Menium,. 2. 7. cafus Jubidia comparabat To prune a vine, pampino. A proteſtation againſt, interrefi!,3.f. To provide before hand [neut.) pra- To prune [as birds do] concinnars Protested, cum prodefatigns afirmatus. Cave, 2 plumas, Nn Pruned tari. 3. f. n. PUF PUL PUN A plalterok, } pfaltorium. Pruned (lopped) amputasusg. a, um. A puff for ſprinkling powder, inflru-y To pull in pieces, diftrabo, difcrepo. Prune! (berb) prunelli. mentum ad. $!verem odoratum ca. To pull to allrabo, zre. Pruneilos, pruna Brignolenha. pillo alfergendum, To pull together, contraho, concello, 3. A pranes, amputator, fulcaror. A puf [o [clf-commendation) pub- To pull op, evello, extrabo, A pruning, amputasio, onis ; f. lica oflensatio, ja&tatio, vendicario, 3. To pull up by the roots, extirpo, A proning-knife, fa!x. f.jaétantia, 1. f. eradico, radicibus extrabere. Piuffia (part of poland | Prußis. All apple-puff .poma crupulata farreâ To pull up weeds, crunco. To pry into accurasè nfpicere,rimari. in tai To pull up their hearts and ſpirits, Przepetz (a river in Sarmaria) Pan- Puff.paſte, crululata, 1. F. animos erigere, bono animo eft. ticapes, To PUFF: Ho, art. Pulled, viljus, a, um ; part. Przypycz (a river in Poland]Pripe- To puff off, efilo. Pulled away, revulfus, a, um, part. tus. To puff down. diffio. Pulled back, retračius, 4, km į part. A pfalm, pfalmus, i ; m. To.puff (for want of breath Janhelo, Pulled down. dirutus, a, um ; part. A pfalmift, palmifta, paltes. reſpiro. Pulled as a flower, Carptus. To write pſalms, Pfalmographo, I. To puff (through diſdain) sufito, in- Pulled from, direptus, a, un ; part. A writer of plalms, pfalmographus. lufto. Palled in, rutractus, a, um ; part. The writing of pſalms, pſalmograpbia. To puff up, info, tumefacio. Pulled afander, divulfus. To fing pſalms, plalmos canere. Puffed up, infiarus, Jufflatus. Pulled off, detructus, a, um part. A ſinging of pſalms,pfalmorum cantie, Puffed in the face, bucco, bucculentus. Pulled out, arutus, a, um ; part. To become puffed, tumeo, tumefio. Pulled to, attra&us, a, um ; part. A puffen (fiſh) pisinata, Pulled together, contraétus, a, um. A pfaltery, ofa!terium, A puffin (bird) Fergus, Pulled up, evulfus, revulfus ; part. Peiſane (barlcy water | pliſana. The leffer pufin, morfex. A pulling, niſus, sructio, wellicatio. Prolemy [a man's name) Peolemaus. A puffin (apple} malum pulmmiun. A pulling away, revulfio, avulfio. . A publican, publicanus, i; m. Puiting, anbe!ús. A pulling out, euniſio, A publication, publicatio, onis į f. A pufting for waat of breath, anhe a pulling togehet ; } conuulfio. Publick, publics, a, um , adj. litus. The publick weal, reſpublica, & jf. A puffing at, ſufflatió, onis , f. A pulling up by the roots, extirpatio. Publickly, publicè palom; ally. A puffing up, inflatio, onis ; f. By pulls, vellicatim. Publickneſs, vulgaritas, atis ; ; f. Puffingly, kun anhentu. Pullain, I pullities, genus avium coe To publiſh, publico, vulgo, I. ede, 3. A pug, tercapi:hecus. Pullen, S bortaliupi, To publiſh abroad, in publicum pro- Puglia Piana (part of lialy) Apulia A pullet, pu'lus, gallinula. pono, in conſpectum populi produco ; Daunia. A-pulley, trochlea, re!himus. in medius, in apertuin, in apricum, Pugs, pomorum aut gyrorum tortivo - The pulley in tbe top of a ſhip, in a foolium lucemique. pro'erre. rum ſcapus, fopus. carcheſium.. Publiſhed, publicatus, divulgarus, Puiſſance, potensin, poteras, volontia, The cord of a pulley funis ductorius, Not publiſhed, ineditus, virtus. The pin of a pullcy, aciculus. A publisher, vilgator, editor. Puiſſant, polens, pollens, vclos. Pulley-piece, armntura genuum. A publiſher of laws, prædicator, pro- Very puiſtant proostins, To pullulate pullulo, are. mulgator, oris ; m. To be puiſſant, polico, valeo. The pulp (the fleſhy part of any A publ:ming, pieblicatio, dirrelgatio, Puiffındy, posenter, fortiter. things] pulpa. onis ; f. Puke-colour, color pullus. A pulpit, pulpitum, luggofum roflrum. Pucelage, virginitas, atis ; f. To puke, vino, uinito. Pulle; puls, tis ; f. legumen, inis ;n. To puckor, convalvo, confufim 607- She puketh (of a hawk] degerit in The pulſe of the arteries, arteriarum plico, corrugo. aluum. pulſus. Puckers, epurarun nidi. Pulchely ( in Cornar vonbire ] Polus To pulverize, pulveriza. A pack-filt, fungus pulverulentus. Ssift. Pulverized, puluerix itus, A pudder, Prepitxs, lumpultus. · Pulchricude, pulchritudo. . A pumice ſtone, pumex, icis. To podder in, valdè agere, magno To pule, ronidei. To ſmooth with a.pumice, fumico. conatu agcre. To pule (as a young bird) pipio. Smoothed with a pomice, pumatur, To make a pudder; tumultum exci. Pulick (herb) élingpusion. A ſmoothing with a pumice, puini- tare, fagno conatu nihil ageri. Puliol-mountain ( herb) polium mon · cario A puddering, difcurfatio, onis ; f. A pump, anilia, cohisa. A pudding, forcimen, z. partuin, 2,n. Puliol royal, pulegium riga!s. The pump of a ſhip, fontina. A pudding in a pig's belly, porcellus A PULL, nijus.. To pump, exentlo, entino. Trojanus. To pull, vello, 3. vellico, i. A pump to dance in, endromis, cele A pudding in the belly of any crea. To pull again, revello, 1. cons planus. ture, faliſtus venter, winiricuius To pull at, perveilo, 3. A pudipion, popo maximus or longus, farius. To pull away, avello, divello. A puniple, puſula.. La pudding.time, ioſe temporis articu- To pull back, retr::he, 3. To pun, contero, conimdo. lo, oppidò, quàm opportuni. To pul down, diruo, 3: deurbo, L. a pun, lufuniculo, An hally pridding. Hos farina coltus demolior, iri. To pun (quibble] verborum confonan- A livering-pudding, tonaculum, 2.0. To pull one down a peg, de tribu tiis luders. A pan-pudding, minutal, alis ; ni Movete, di primo ßatu conve!lora. A punaile (wall-louſe] cimex. A hag pudding, miljula. To pull by force, rapio. Punch; fotus generofus fex uino adufto, A fuet-pudding, fartum ſebe referiut. To pull away by force, eripio. aqua, malis medicis, raccbaro cono A black-pudding, borulus, m. To pull in, relrabo, contrahe, 3. * He filius ) A plum-pudding fartum kuis Corin. pulled in his neck, collum contraxit. A punch, ibiasis referrum. ferebrum, i ; . cara- To pull in his horns, navim in pul- Punchion, } Irix, icis, f. Pudding-grafs, pulegium. vinarium fubducers, A little punch, terebellum, li ; n. A pudding-maker, forfør, oris; m. To pull in the relns, habenas compri- A Shoemaker's punch, pugiunculus Pudding-pipe, cosa fiftula. cadatus. A pudding-pyc, offs. To pull miſchief on one's pate, ma- To punch, tarobro, are. A paddle, } luuna, folula, a jf. lum ultro attrahere & accerfere. A punchion of wine, ducemia fede- To pull off, detrabo, exuo. pinta Pariſna. A puddock or porrock,ſe;fum non ita To pull off bark, décortico, deglubo. A punctilio, punetuluin ; magnum. To pull off feathers, deplume, I. Punctual, exa&us, praiw; ad). Podſey ( the family ) Di Putraco. To pull off hair, deglabro, 1. Punctually, adv. exaatè, ad amulim. A puet (bird) repphus. To pull off the ſho:s, excakeare. A punger (Gifh) pagurus. A pufi (muſhroom) fungus, tuber. To pull out curlio, extraho. Pungent pungens, tis , acer, a, umrl. A puff of wind, fiabrum, ftatus. To pull out the cycs, oculos effodero. A punice (infect) cimex. A puff (for want of breath] anbeli. To pull out the inwards, exenterare. A punie, novitius, tyro, r.cophylus, ju- sus, To poll out the tecrh, «dentare, nior. A puff (througb diſdain) ſufftatio. To pull out the tongue, singudre. To punith,punio phelo, pæna oficero. То tanuin. : merg: 3 C PUR PU Ř P U.S. rum. Purple, id) } purpureus, a, art. Caris. To puniſh with death, morte mul- Purl (kind of edging] limbus. poſe, manco otiofus hic, The fore Small parl, limbulus. duri, capite ple&tere. named remedies will be to, no Panishable, vindicabilis. Silver purl, limhulus argenteus. purpoſe, vana erant prædia ärime- Puniſhed, punitus, muleatus. Edged wih purl, limbulo prætextus, dia: * It is to no purpoſe to talk To be puniſhed, fenas dare. Pur! (drink]pofus abfinthio commiftus. to him, verba fuot mortuo: hope ere long he will be punish To purl along (as a ſtream) leniler To purpoſe [ac] propono, conflituo, ed, Spero cleriter eum poenas datu fuere or decurrere. A purling ítream, amnis leniter fiu- they purpoſed to bring it up, de- To be foundly puniſhed, maximas ens ; fuentum lene. creverunt jollere. Hc purpoſes penas fubire. To purloin, ſubduco, fubtraho, fuffu. to play you a crick, tragulam in te A puniſher, puntior, mullator, ultor, ror, clam expilare. injicere adern 't, oris, vindex, icis ; m. Parloined, ſubductus. To change one's purpoſe, cedera de A puniſhing, punitio, rulaatio. A purloiner, fubductor, oris ; m. gradu. Puniſhment, poena, inulita, a; f. A purloining, ſubductio, onis ; f. To pat one beſide his purpoſe, à fupplicium, i; D. Purlue, Locus à feveris faltuuin legi. fententia deducere, interpellare. Lack of puniſhment, impunitas. Purlicu, bus exemplus. To beat one to purpoſe, vebementer Without punlſhment, impunè ; adv. Purple, purpura. cafligare, A punk, lma, pellex, um. Purpoſely, cogitalà, ex indufiria. A pupil, pupillus, i, m. , A purſe, crumena, marſupium, lmu- Pupillary,' pupillaris, ne; adj. 3, lus, facculus, a ſcopera, mantica. Pale purple, molo-hinus. } Of a pupil, Purple in grain, dibapbus. A lhtle purſe, burſella, a; f. A puppit, papa cireria, Shepherd's purſe (herb} pora pafo A puppet-player, geficulator. The purple fin, } murox, ofirum. A puppy, catului, canio filiolusa Purple royal, ofninus, tyrius, blasieus. A net.purſe, funds, marſupium jati- culatua. A little puppy to play with, Calellus To make purple, purparo. moliticus. Cloathed in purple, purpuratus. A purſe-net, Jugena, notule, tendi. Purbliod, myops, lufciosus, To grow purple, purpuraſco, cula, To be purblind, lufoos babere oculos. The purples, febris purpurcs or puli- A purce-bearer, præbilor argensa. Purblindneſs, alufatio. rius.. Purcelis (the family) de Pirellis. Purple-wort, erifolium purpureum. A purſe-cutter, crumenifera. To purchaſe (buy) smo. Purple velvet slower, amaranshus. A purſe-maker, crumenarius. Purskaled, acquiſtus, partus, a, um, Purple-graſs, quadrifolium fufcut. The purſe-ſtrings, aſirigment loca- part. lorüm, A purport, argumentum. A purchaſer, 7 aequiſitor, emptor, 3. The purport (meaning] Sofus, Sen- A purſer, burſarius, i ; m. A purchaſe, a. acquiſtio, imption fum. A purſevant, apparilor, liaor,, viator, Purchaſing, onis; f. A PURPOSE, propofitum,conflitutun; oris ; m. accenfus, i į m. Pure, purus, a, um ; ad). 2. n. * He acquaints' them with Parsie, obejus, pinguis, afmatisus. Pare (incorrupt] incorruptus, imma. his purpoſe, quid fui confilii fit pro- To grow purſic, pingueſco. culatus, caftus. ponit. * He thought it would be Purlincſs, pinguido, Pure (clian) limpidus, candidus, to good purpoſe, magno fbi ufui Purplain of purſlanc, portulaca. A pure youth, Purks putus nebulo. fore arbitrabuiur. • For theſe very Garden purnane, portulaca fativa. Pure (fine) limatus, terſuis, a, um purpoſes, hæc ipfi ad nunera. * It Sea-purſané, portulaca marina.. To make purc, purifica. were then indced to ſome pur- Purflanc (tree) balimus. Mäde pure, purificatus, a, um, poſe tuin iſhực prodefet. * I will Purluable, quod quis profequi poßit. A making pure, purificario. Speak a word or two of my pur-Purſuant to, congruenter ad, ox ra Purely, purè, incorrupte, cafè: poſe, pauca de infituto meo dicam. tione; juxta tenorem, Püredefi, puritas, finceritas, caftims- * His purpoſe was id'vsluit. * It In purſuance of, aliquid profequmdo, Purity, Snia. is to no more purpoſe than to carry ut quicquam promtueretur, effi&um dare. To purflc aurro filo intexere. water in a riddle, non pluris refert. A pürfie, limbus, injila. quàm fi imbrem in cribro geras To purſue, profequor, infequor... A puric-maker, limbolarius. A full purpoſe, decretum, ti ; D. ?o purſue diligently, infa&ur. Having purfles, fegmentarus. Befide the purpoſe (adj.) incongruus, To'pa:[ue damages, diſceptare dam- A border purflew, fimbria afupietz. Beside the purpoſe (adv.) obiter, abs Purgatory, purgatorium; ignüis purga T*, preler propopium. To purſue hard viftigia pronare, torius, erebus expiatorius. of fet purpoſe, adv. de indufria, de- Purſued, injidatus, quod, quis perle. birâ operâ, confulto quitur. A purge Not of fet purpoſc, inconfulto, adv. Having purſued, perfocuius. To PURGE, purgog, are; act. To the purpoſe (adj.) cppofitus, con- A purluer, inſecutor, perſecutor, eris'.; m. To'purge diligendy, repaigo. . To purge out, expurg, are. 3 To purge by facrifice, expiare, Commodè. Purſuit To purge from chaff, exacerari. It is to the purpoſe, referi, imp. By purſuit, ambitiose ; adv. To purge liquid things, eliquiars. This is nothing to the purpoſc, To purvey, opſcher, Purged, purgatus, expurgatus. hoc nihil ad rem pertiner, li will To purvey, for wcod, lignior. A purger, purgator, oris ; m. be as much to the purpoſe, son. A purveyor, annona præfeffus, difpen. , um ; lunders egaro. fator, celonomus. adj. To another purpoſe (adv.) aliò, ali. A purveying, annona emprio. Purging by ſacrifice, piacularis. Purveyance, ersum. A purging, Purgario, cxpurgario. To the fame purpoſe, in bindemi fon- Purulent, purulenius, a um ; adj. A purging by ſacrifice, expiatio, lus- tentiam. A puſn, pupuli, papula, cf. tratio, onis ; f. To what purpoſe ? quò ? quorſum ? A PUSH [ihrust) impulfus, impetus, Purging of the ſea, sjeæamentum. To what purpoſe is it ; quid valet * It 18 come to the laſt puſh, ud When he triarios ventura et. * Reſerving Of purging,} purgatorius, a, um ; To that purpole, cò. For purging) ad). Tpoke much to that purpoſc, that reſolution to the laſt puth, hoc Purification, purificatio, onis; f. in cam fententiam cum'multa dix rofarvato ad extremum confilio, Purificativo, purificatious, a, um. ilet. A ſcout was ſent for that At onc puſh, uno iftu or conatu. To purifie or purity, purifico, art. purpoſe, milus in id speculator. To push, pello, repůli ; impello. 3. To purify from dregs, dofaco, To no purpoſe (adv.] frufro, futili. To puſh at or attempt to do a thing, Porified, purificalus, a, um. ter, nequicquom. It is to no oliquid moliri or tentare. He A purifierí purificator, oris ; m. purpoſe to do it, conclamatum eft, made ſeveral puſhes at it, or tried Purifiing, purificativu's, a, un. affum ogis, All's to no purpoſe ſeveral times to do it, lapè conatus A purifying, purificatio, onis ; f. nihil agis. * It is to no purpoſe, eff. * J will have another puſh A puritain, catharuý. to ſcare us, nihil eft quod térreas for it, sterùm ieniabo. Purity, puritas, Atis f. * * tatiy here to no pur To puth one forward or encourage Nn2 to no. A purgation,} patio purgativa. 3 7101. diare, PU T PUT PUT to impello, -puli, 3. infiga, fimulo, To pnt in mind of, moneo. 2. act. To put öp, levo, plevo, 1. a&. expimulo, I. To put in mind of ancient glo To put up an injury, condono, igncfco, To pnih forward or make hafte, foli ries, veteres memorars glorias "We injuriam acciperi & mufitare. ho, arceloro, put them in mind of their duty, To put up [a hart, &C.) sxcilo, 1.. To puſh forward or go on twith a de cos officii sui comononerius.. To put up moñcy for building, peo, fign. confilio , uo pregredi. To put in writing, fcriptis mandare, ciiniati in edificasioneri Soponers A puſh back, repulfa. &;'f. in tabulas referte: To put up a petition, füpplico, libellos To purn back, repello, čré ; ad. To put into indă, injero. She She Sunplices forre. A puiher back, repullor, oris ; m. put her life into my hand, imthi To put'up a word, recondo, 3. act. "A puſher on, indigator, aris ; m. viram juum credidit' * Put not al To put upon, impono, Superpone, 3. A pushing back, repulfus, is ;. m. iword into a mad Aan's hande, act. He put this fellow upon A pathing on, impulfio, onis f. ne puero gladiun committeris. He me, hunc fuppofuit mibi. * He put Pufillanimily, publlanimitas, asis; f. puç bimſelf into the coem es camp, a notable trick upon him, egregie SA pune, puella ſordida. Jo hoftium caflris imeniſcuit. * 'To illi istipo utt: I am aſhamed to A puis, felis, is; f. put one into a moule-hole, ali have ſuch a trick pút, upon me, Apuſtule, puftula, a; f. quem in ruia folium conjicere. diſpudet miki kc data che verbs.; TO PUT (a&t.] pono, 3: colloca, I. To put money to uſe pecuniam lo Necefficy put us upon it, necefi... fatus, 3: * She puts all her hope care, fænerati; or señori dare. tas nos ad ça dotrufit. 'Friends in you, cujus fpes funt in te uno To put off, differo, ferre ; act. put me upon it, ibi auctores funt oma sia. * It puts me in great to put off.a thing till wlates, rem amici.** He will put the fault hope, spent mibi fummam apert. in hismein producci'e. upon you, culpam in to transforet. You may pat áll you get in To picoff (thruſt off } pročelo, 1. de Put, Eolitus), an uns ; part. our eye, and ſce never the worſe, trudo, čre; act, Put aglinit, oppoficus, objeâus. nunquam hinc badii rammio fies for- To put off clothes, riuo, čre ; AQ. Put away, depofitus, amous, abdisa- tuatior, * Put off your hat, spori caput. itis; di un Progo di To put again, repmo, tré. * Pui off your ſhoes, detrabe tibi Put away, repulfus, a, um. To put againſt, oppopo, čre: S. calceos de pedibus, Put before prepositui, a. . To pat apart, depoſco, Saporio, 3.fe- To put on, indyo, èrs; ačt. # Put on Put bătweeb, interpofitus, a, um. Put afunder, } paro, 1. aA. your cloak, humcThin onera pallio. Put byafomotora, imi part. To put aa army in array, aciem in- To put one into his.boſom, aliquem. Pat ftom, dojechis, a, un ; part. frunt, in gruilis farra, Put forth, çfacdiuis, a, um, part.. To put away, moveo, amoveo, 2. 'act. To put over, iransfero, tranſmitto. Put-to fight; fügáris, a, um. To put away a ſong,filium abdicare. He put himſelf over until the Pat hard to it, ad exirema redactus. To pot away a wife, uxorein ripu next ycari fe in annum proximum * He ſaw them put hard to it, tranfulis, 68} laborantes coñpexit. To put away by prayer, deprcco. To put over (as a hawk] penitùs do. Put in order, digijus, a, uimia To put back, rapello, čreja. glutire. Put off,.cxtus, a, un ; part. To put before, præpona, čre -act. To put out, ejicio, izpello, 3. act. Put dut, klinčius, a, un ; part. To pot betycen, interpono, interjicio. To put one out of, áulhority, honori. Put out of joint, luxatus, a, um, čre ; act. bus aliquem eximere. Put out of coffide, exautoratus.. To put bý, amoueo, ereact. 1 To put out a fandle, &c. extinguo. Put ode of order, conturbatus, confü- · will put thec. by all thy ſhirts, To put out of doors, foras excludere, Jus, a, umpart. præcludam tibi omnia juhlarfügia. eliminare. Put to ſhame.confufus, pudefallwi, To put a caſe to one, caufam alicui Toput out the eyes, exoculo, I. Put unđer, subjektus, ſubmiſus. exponere. * Put the caſe be be To put out of fear, meru aliquam li- A putter away, dapulſor, oris, M. beaten. pone eum vi&tum, allout berart, metáin alicui adimeri. A putter back, repulfor, öris i'm. vintatur. Put the caſe it.be To, put out of hope.spe orbasior de- A platting,' pofitio, onis ; f. not-fo, ne stland. jicere. A putting apart, jeparatio, onis f. To put to deathamorle mulaarç.. To put out of Joint; diſloco, 1. kat. A putting away, depulfio, onis F. To put down, demolior, iri. To put one's noſe out of joint, eri- A putting one s wife away, repudia- To put down in matery; Jüpero, I. para fotim favoritas. tio, onis, f. To put down a licenſed perſon, au. To put out of order, contraho, 1: A putting back; rijc&ijo, onis ; thoritatem abrogwa ....... To put out of mind, ex animo delere. A putting between, interpofitio, oñis j To put we end, finema dars, coronidem To po! oat to work, cloro, 1. a&. f, dar.. * Death päts an end to mi- To put to [ad:] appono, 3. admoves, A putting between of days, as in a; feries, finis miferiæ; in morte. 2. * Had you put it to me, quod leap year, interlocatie. To put forih, sxero, emitto, ère. A mihi permifle... Ipût all to A putung forth, editio, onis ; f. To put forth himſelf, je vindicare, him, ejus judicit permitto omnia. A putting in, To put forth a book, Scriprum dare, * Belog be puts me to, it, quando Puiting lito, rimmillio, onis ; f. focàs librum edere. hur me provodi. * I ſhall not A putting in of a plédge, oppignora. To put forward, contite, pravacc, 1. put you to that, non poflula. id. qui lic, onis ; f. To put to Aight fugare ; 24 dom. 1, will put you to your A putting off, propulfo, onis , if To put from onc, propellere; A. oath, dabitur jusjurandum, il a putting on, impulſio, onis ; 'F. To put it to a hazard, dari in ca To put to fea?. Je in altum dare. It putrinig out, Prlaio, onis ; f. sum rem. 'The ſhips pot to ſea with a A putting out of fires extinaio, 3. fi To put a horſe to his fpeéd,-squum gentle wind, naves 64. portu lento A purithg 10, oppofitio, mis; f. incitate. vento folverunt. : A puting together, corripolia, . . To put in, immitto, indo, ére; act. To put to filence,.os obßruere. He A parting together to fight,cozamidio, To pai in authority, praficio, 3: put him to ſilence, vi os obturaoir. onis; fi To put in fçar, indum alicui inji. To put to ſhame, confundo, pudefacio. A prütting inder, subje&io, onis ; 'fi # In what a fear, he puts jubjętus, ils;... them! quo tresors illos aficit! To put to the ſword, ferro occidere. Pntage, fornicatio ex parte mulieris. To put in the ground, inhuma, I. # Him did Orefles put to the Patacy (in Sury] Putnega. To put in one's heard, Juggoro, 3. * fwyord, buns obtrunenvis Oyepes Putrifađive; patri faaivus, a, uń. It was put into his head, inculca- To put to the vote, ſentencias rogare: Putrld; putridus, puirisa 'tum eft illi. He ſaid he would not put it to Putrified, facius. To pue in head, animos addere. * the vote, Sdrientias ſe rogatürum Pàtrification, putredo , putor, pitri- You bave pui'me in ſome heart, negavit. reddidiffi animum To put togeiher [aa] compono,.con: To pucrify [det:) putrefacio, štr. To put in ordet, difpono, digera, 3. To putrifý, Intént.) putraſoa, čre'; px- To put in place of another, Suppino, To put under, suppono, Jubdo, 3. trafid. fubfiiruo. To put under fect, pedibus jubica A puttock [bir, dj buteo, bilvus. To put in pledge, oppignoro, I. Puttocks, funes ab aliis malis ad To put in lurety, vador,jotijde. To put anto, adjungo, 3 act, mali deuant corbitare currentes. Putt 3 cere. 3. aa. foro, 3. Cara. ! QUE nart, card is run ? ? Katus. OU A QUA Putty, pulvis quo vitrum poliuni, A quaint fellow, be!!us bonio. an hour, vix oäsda parte porc. The puy (in Languedoc) Podium, A quaint voncha drogansula, įf, Aquarice.ol.corn, corus Triciun, Ruolium. "To make quaint, pigmentis & fuco ar- The quarters of the moon, luid To, puzzle fcrupulum homini injicere, Philes. dificili quđpione confundere, Quainily, comple, ilegánter'; 'adi. The firſt quarter, luna biluda, Puzzled, cui aqua beret: Quaintreſs, slegántii"; t. viitor, 3.m. The laſt quasier, luna gibbofa. Puzzuolo (ſo firra di Lavoro).Pu. To quakstrems, 3. trepido, .. A quarter of liurber, - rabs quadra- Geoli. to quake extremely, horrio, 2. in- A pye, ärtocres, c; f. ártoticas, ätis, borreo, 2. A double quarter-plece, tråbs-cras- In cruixian, i'; n. To begin to qualce, tremiſo, 3. fior. A pýe [bird) pica. See Pic. A quaker, tremebundus, tramüløs. Quarter-piece [i 'n heraldry. ) lore. A Pygmy, Pygmaus. A quaking. borror, tramor, 3. in. men qu..dratın in medio orkcia À pyker (kind of ſhip]'nivigium Pi. A quaking puiding, naſula trenula. formatuin. Quaking-grats, phalaris, A quarter-ftalt, baculus, li ; m. Pypowder-court, tribunal tumultua. To quility, otibus agire. A quarter (ític] lumulius. üs ; m. rium in sundinis, To quality (moderate. ). modorortom - What a quarter they keep in the A pyramid, pyramis, midis ; f. pero, fedo. market? quid surbet off apud Pyramidal,ad). pyramidalis, fafti- A qualification, firuitis, atis; f. Like a pyramid, 3 giacus,turbinsius. Qualificd, sedatus, a, um ; parc. Quarter, folus, iis ; f. Tacy call The Pyrenean mountains (between Qualified (fitted) idoneus.aam, adj lo: quarter,nimis pofitis ad impera- France and Spain) mintes Pyrenæi. A qualifying, leditio, placatto, 3. f: toruni-fidon confugiunt. He gave Pyromancy, pyromantis, a; f. A quality, qualitas, 3. f. Agtus, 4. m. them quarier, in.fidenr. cos recepir. Pyrrgniſm, Pyrrhoniſous, mi į ..., An inbred quality, dos , inita. There was no quarter given, Pythagorical , Pythagorausgagumi; adj. Quality [degree) gradus, ardo. ad internecimen saft, sunt. A gythöneſs or heathen propheteſs, of what quality foever, quaiis . Quarters of a hoc; onla, arus; f. one portefed with a devil, potho-Qualities, moras, rums, m.; Soldicrs quarters, caftra potive, mili niſa; I. A qualm, Lovis animi defeâus, dili- sum hofpitia. A.pyx, or. box, Pyxis, idis ; f. quium minis. Ships quarters; à nageleri tabulato: A QUANDARY, dilemma, atis ; n, clavi tranfverfarium. Tad in a quandary,inter ſacrum Winters-quarters, byderna, orkeita faxum que po; quò ma ventana nifero: T.O. quarter, cafira ponere , * You are in a quandary, animis Take up quarters, Tenders. Be tibi pindát. * I have put him !n. quarters hard by his father's land- defons Ü. to a quandary, injeci fcrupulum ho- Tord, in proximi divertitur.opad mini, hofpitem paternum. # Thcy had QUAB (EM) bolosbaria, gobio capi. A quantity, quantitas, aris ; magni- taken up their quarters in those tudo, inis;fe countries, så ijs provincäis copieds. runt. Quackſalver, }agyrta, circulator, mt- A poor quantity, pauxillulum, modi- To beat up the enemies iqnarters, A . empiricw. A quardecue, coronati Gallici qui. hijeñ jlativis peliers, Hutions mi- drins. Quackery, gire. Quacking, } iatraliptice, es s. Quarentine, mora quadragenaria, To quarter tontertaia) bfpitio exti Ta quack, jatralipicen exercore: A quarrel, caufa, alis, , litis ; f, pere. To quack (as a duck] tetrinira, A quarrel of glaſs, vitri rhombus To:quarter (cut in foar] quadripar- To quack (croacki sexo, arr... À quarrel of a croſs-bow, Spiculum tilo di scarpe Quackfálvers ſpurge,&füla major, Gur quadratura Tögðarzer limb-meal, dearadare La- An unfeathered quarrel, spiculém manica, Quadalquiviero [a river in Spain] Quartered, digiches, exartualas, Saduca. To quarrel, litigo, 1. rizor, jurgo, i. A quaricret, cartuutor, oris ; mi A quadrdin, quadrinus. To undertake one's. quarrel, a par: A quarteriog, exarluatio, lanistus . A quadrangle, quadrangulus; área tibus alicujus adjungere. A quriter-maſter, mejater, diverſos quadrata. A quareller, altërcator, litigator, Tjörum fignator Quadrangled, quadrangulatus. A quarrelling, conventio, litigatio ; f: Á quattern (kind of meaſure) prince Quadrangular (adj.) quadrangulusia, Quarrelling, rixcofus, iracundus,vi. qundrins. A quardle aſpoct, afpefius quarti- A quadrant, quadrans, ti, m. A quarry of ſtöncs, lapiduin Fodina. lis. Quadratc, quadratús, a, um , adf; A quarry. (fat man) obejus. A book in quartos, liber in quarto To quadratc, quadro, are:: : The quáriy of a hawk, ascipitris prie coin počius. Quadrature. quadratura, a; for da. A qualh (pompion) pepo, onis. Quadrapartite, quadropartitus; ad). To quarry, upon, in pradan inuehi, Töqúálh, opprimo fupprimso, qofte Quadripartitely, quadripartno ; adv. insurruti, invaders, Quater-couſins, 17::gpuriam reda&ti. Quadruple, quadruplus, a, um'; ad). A quarry man, lapicida, latimus: They are not quater confins, Quadruplication, quadruplicato, 3. f. A quart, fextarius, quarta pars corgii. occuliàm inter fe fimultatem.ba To. quaff, pergrecer, 1. perbibo; 3. A quartain ague, febris quartana. bent. To quaff all , out, abibo, 3. gubijo Having a quartan aguc,quartanarius, To quaver, cantillo , vibriſo, J. Aquaffes, bibax, acis ; c. To quarter (as a wren) zinsibilly A quafling, tompotatio, onis ; f. A quarter, quadrans, tis ; m. are ; Zinzillo, A quaffing about, circumporario, 3. f. A QUARTER (coaſt) : regio, 3. f. A quaverer, vibraffutor, eris ; m. Aquaffing.cup, cgarbus, thi ; m. . They ſent meſſengers. nto all Quavering, vibrans, tis ; pere. A quag, } palus; udiss. 3. vorago, quarters, nuncios in omnes partes omnes partes A quavering, vibrario, vibrillotio ; f; Quagmire, inis. dimiferunt. ... He ſtayed a few A quave-mire, palus. dis; f. vorige, Quaggy, puludoſus, a, um ; ad). days within their quarrers, pau- A quaviver [fill) araxsus, dracaris A quail, cofurnix, icis ; f.. cos dies in eorum finibus moralus gl. marina, The captain of the quails, orlygoms. * In the ſame quarters, in locis Queach (a thicket] dumitun. Ira. autem illis. What makes you A qucan or drab, meretrix, fcortum. To quail (aa, ] opprimo, reßinguo, ore. in thoſe quarters ; cur te in his Queage or qucal, faftidiofas, delica: To quail incut. Tlangua, dofpondro,20 confpicior regionibus ? * She came tulus ; adj. A quail (as mulkl coagulo. are. into theſe quarters about threc Qucaſineſs, fofidium, 2 n.naufas... A quailing (neut.] langgor, oris, m. years ago, abbinc triennium com- Quedeliaburg (in Saxony] Quedelin. A quailing (act.) bubetatio, onis ; f. migravit huic vicinia. ourgum, Quaint, elegans, tis ; comprus, floridus, A quarter of a year, anni tempe- A qucen, regina, na f. a, um ; adj. Aas. Quccn's giliy flower, hifaxris, viola A quaint cxpreffion, feitamentum, A quarter of an hour,quarta pars ho. matronalis, rie, Hardly sa hait a quarter of A queen-apple, pomura Clivudianum Queen's, 1 QUI QUI QUI $ la; m. , } ] Cori 1 ri TAICUS. Quecn's-town (in Ireland) Regina To the quick, ad vivum. Scarch, A quill to play on an instrument, polis. it to the quick, ad vivum rejeca. plaftrum, Queen's county (In Ireland) Regina Quick, of ſcenty Jagax, A brother of the quill, oenopold, comitatus. Quick of wit; folers, emunaa naris. Queer, virfutus, aflutus, nequam. Quick with child, facia, pregnans. They both pifs in a qulll, insindd A qucelt (bird] palumbes Torqunlus. To be quick, vigeo. conjun&i funt. To quell, vinco, opprimo, ſubigo. 3. To be quick with child, concipere u- A quillet, recul3, ros frivola. Queller, ſubaaus, debellatus, tero, A quilt, culcisra. A queller, dornitor, viftor. The quick-beam, ornus, forbus I To quilt, acupingo, ēro ; act. A quelling, suppreffio. Quickca-tree. Sveflris Alpina. Quilted, acup:aus. To , , A qolck-laod, soolis. Quimper, To quench thirſt, fitim ledare. fedare. Quick-ſets, vive rudices. Quimpereorintine, fopitum To quench utterly, porflinguo. A quick-ſec hedge, sopes ex vivio ra. Quimperiay [in Bresaigne) Quimper Quenchable, extinguibilis, le; ad); dicibus, fepes viva. laum, Quenched, extinétus, a, um ; parc Quick-silver, argentum vivun, mer. Quinborough (in Kent] Regis Bur- A quencher, extindor. curius. gus. A quenching, extingit,.onis ; f: Quick-Sight game of a dog) dorcous. A quince, malum coloneum, cydonium. A querifter, charifla. Quick fighted, oculatus, A yellow quince, chryfomatum. Full of querks, vafor. To quicken, vivifica, are ; a&t. A quince-tree, malus cotonca, oricy- Querkned, fuffratur. To quicken up (haften) urgeo.maturo. donca A quern, mila trufatilis. To quicken (as a woman with child) | Quiggy [in Burgund,] Quingium . A pepper quern, mola piperaria, folum vivum gefiart. A quinombruin, Chinara, subitus ani. Querulous, quarulus. Quicken-tree, fraxinus bubula. mi impers. A querry,fabulum principis. Quickned, vivificatus. Quinſay (in China) Quinſaum. A query, qualio, indagatio petitoria. Quickning, vivificus. The quinſey, angina, Jymancha Queſnoy (in Hainault) Querestun. A quickning, vivificatio. A quintain, ludus nuptialis equiris, A queft, examm, inquifsio, A quickning up (laſtening) maturatio. pugil Satarius, ulamon caiadromi- A queſt man, quæfitor. Quickly; citò, extemplò, expeditè, il- To queſt(as a ſpanici) latra, niao. lico, mature, farin To run at quaintain, in flotarium pum A QUESTION, quafio, interrogaria, Somewhat quickly, cloriúfrule. gilem deiurrere, ad palum equefiri percontatio, onis ; f. # I never More quickly, maturiùs. ludicro decertare. made any queſtion of your love, Quickly (lively] 'vivariter. A quintal, cautupondium. nunquam mihi dubium quin à « Quickly [ſubully) acutè , ady. A quinteſſence, omtia quinta elixir. diligerer. They never anftver ug Quicknets, agiliias, celeritas, atis j Full of quinteſſencc, vegetus, to the queſtion, nunquam nobis ad Tefinalio, onis ; f. To extract the 'quinteſſence, Spiritum - rogatum iufpondmt. Quicknels(livelineſs] vivacitas, ctis; extrahere, A ſmall mort, er light . queftiont. ulgor, oris ; m. Qumilian [å man's name] Quinti- quajfiuncula, interrogatiuncula: Quickneſs of fight, perspicacia, 1. per: fianus, mi im. A dark queſtion, anigma, otis; n. spicacitas, 3. f. Quintin (a man's dame] Quintinus, A queſtion or doubt, dubitatio, 3. f. Quickneſs of wit, Jagacilas, atis; f ini; n # There is no queſtion buc.-- Tolertia, c'; f. Quintin [in Bretaigne) Quintum. haud dubium of quin... 'Tis quid for quo, par pari eff rola. A quip, di&um, jį ſcotina, atis. . Queſtions and commands [a play] tum. Merry quips, digeria.. bafilinda, Quiddany, cydoniatum, To quip, wllico, perfringo, sugilli, A begging of the queſtion, or taking A quiddity, inauditiuncula, spinq,cap. tango, raxo', that for granted which ought firſt tiuncuda; quafid coprissa. A quire of paper, papiri fcapus. :) to be moved, petitio principii.. QUIET(lubit . ) quies, 3. f. otium,. 2. The quire of a church, odern i;.8. To queſtion, in dubium vo- ñ. pax, alis; f. A quirc of singers, chorus. } Call to queſtion, cari, Quiet (ad).) quietus, tranquillus, pla. A little: quircy chorulus, To queſtion with, percontor, art. sidus, a, um. Nor was all qu'et A quiriſer, choriſa. To bring one in queſtions injusvo at fea, nec ab ore into ques. Ke A quirck,cavillum, captiuncula,tuchra, Call in queftlon, $cari, hath always lived a quict life, vi-1: örtificioium. If any man bring you in que tam ille Juam ſemper egit in orio. Full of quirks and quiddities, capsie- ſtion, ſ te in judicium quis abducat. Quict (Glent] faritus, a, um , adj. fus, vafer. To queſtion (examine) examino. To be quiet (filcnt) 13100. Alos, 2. A quirry, Babularius. To go from the queſtion, à propofito To be quiet Llive ad caſe Jorior,vaco, QUIT, abſolutus, impunitus, a, um adf. * Now then we are quit, To come in queſtion, in difquiftio- To be quiet, 7 quieſro, conquiefco, ac jarr fumus ergò pares, “I will cry nim venire. Beat quiet,' quiefco, 3: * Can: quit with you, tibi ego idem repo To put to the queſtion or torture, not you be quiet? posin ut definas? nam. : . Now I will be quit with in queflionem raport, *The former Itir was ſcarce quiet, them, nunc referon gratiamn. #.Do Queſtionable, dubius, incertus. but---, vix prior triorultus conticu you think you ſhall be quit ? cro Qucftionel, xaminatis, in jus voca. currat, cum-.- din' ye impune habiturum. Tus. To begin to be quict, requiefco, . To quit diffolvog . expungo, ere; act. Quotioned [doubted) in dubium vo lefco. * By this means you may quit: catus. To quiet, Z paco, placo, ſedo. He yourſelf of all trouble, hac rite A queſt'oner, percontator, interrogator, Make quict. I will quici all, Jedo. omni turbâ ozolues * He did quit inquifior. tionen in tranquillum conferet. himſelf like a man, so virum præ- A queſtioning, dubitatio, inquiftio. Ar a quiet time; tranquillo. Misit. . He did by his bravery By queſtioning, interrogativè; adv. Qulcted, pacatus, feditus, a, um. quit himſelf of Pyrrhus. fe a Pyre Queitionleſs, adv. proculdubio, cxtra Not to be quicted, implacabilis; adj. The virtute vindicavis. controverfiam: A quieter, pacator, oris ; m. To quit [leave) relinquo, defera 3. A.quib, comma, atis; n. A quicting, pacatio, soldatio, onis ; f. act. The did quit their grounds, A quibble, joculus, 2. m. Quietly, quietė, pacate, placidi, sran loco ceferunt. * He hath quit the To quibblc, verborum.confonantiis lu quille. town, ex urbe egreffus ell. . He . dere. Quictreſs, requies, 5 ſecuritas, fereni was forced to quit his office, ab- Quick-graſs, granın caninum, tai, alls ; f. dicare ſo magiftratu coaffus eß. QUICK ( nimble) agilis, ke;'ad). # A quictus eſt, miſio, onis ; f, rudis Qult-rent, veiligal annuuon cliente- I will be quick about it, expeditè donatio. Tans, fadarus juin. * Who is ſo quick A quill, pene, 1. f. calnmus, 2 m. Quitch-grafs, gramen caninum, a writer as I am? quis tam in fori. The quill of a barrel, dolii spiſlomi- QUITE, omnino, penitùs,planè, pror. hendo impiger quin ego? . Quick, mium, fiphon: jus. You are quite out, rotā ar, quick! move le acous! The quill of a ſp'nning-wheel, hare rus via, or vehementer erras: *It is Quick (alive) vivus, kg um ; pedone. not quite finiſhed yet, nondum recopi. 3 1 į adj. # RA B RAD RAI I Be in a rage, recepit ultimam manum. *You are, A rabbet [ſmall can] pocillum ligne. dicale or primigenium. quite too hard for me, me totum Radically (ady.j radicitr. vicißi. . It is quite another thing, A rabbet [fort of plane) runcina mol. To radicate, radico, arr. folum aliud eff. * I am quite ofilior. A radiſh, raphanus, another mind, longè mihi alia To rabbet (in Joignery) pras afirum Wild radiſh, cheria. terra is. * Being quite aſhamed, deruncinaras i fibi invicem obductas Sweet radiſh, Syriacum, perfufus rubore manifefto. He is adanare. Long radiſh, raphanus algidopis. not quite at liberty yet, eft tamm A rabbets top, cuniculorum partus, Radiſh-feed, cortinon. sub alapa.. * I would run quite cubile pasientis cuniculi. Radiſh, adj. away beforc--- aufugerom porius A rabbin, rabbinus. Of a radith; } raphanius, a, um. quàm-- . * They are quite down Rabbinical, rabbinicus, Raddings, murorum inflexus, vila. mina. the wind, ad egeftatis terminos A rabble, turba, catus, colluvias, redacti ſunt. Rabbonc, raphanus. Radnor (in Walei] Radnoria. Quitc-claim, juris or tituli ceffio. A race, curſus, Badium, curriculum. Old Radnor, Maga, Magna. A quittance, apochi, ncceptilatio. * My race is almoſt run, proprium Rafort [herb) raphanus. Quitted [diſcharged] abfolutus, libe- decurritur Spatium. * From the be- The raff (rcluſel pars perime. rains. ginning of the race to the cnd, à A raft, ratis, Schenia. Quitted (left) defertus, reliaus. caruribus ad metam. A rafter, lignum, trabs, A quitter, liberator, To ran a race, fadium currere, do- A little rafter, sigillum, A quitter of debt, diſſolutor pris currere, curſu emetiri, curriculo con. To rafter, contigno lioni. tendere Of a rafrer, signarius. A quitter-bonc, carcinoma ſuper ma- A race (ſtock) progenies. 5. proſapia, The ſpace between rafters, insertig- gulam equi. nium, familia, a; f. genus, čris; n. Jirps, Quitter, jianni ſcoria. is ; f. A raftering, contignatio. A quitting[leaving ]defertio, dereliaio. The royal race, firps regia, A rafly place, lorus fentur fitu: A quitting (frecing) liberatio, 3. f. Racecor root) of ginger, xinziberis A rag, panniculus. See ragg. Quiver or nimble, agilis. radix or portiuncula. A ragamaffin, pannofus, panniculo- a quiver, pharetra. Having o- The racc of mankind bumnanum ge Jus. pened tbe quiver, pharetrå foluta. RAGE, rabies, ei; f. Wearing a quiver, pbaretratus, The race of courſe of one's life. A violent rage, violmlia, impetus, To quiver, contre:nifro, trapido. (patium or curriculum. A rage of the ſea, ajous, fremitus To quiver with cold, præ frigore A horſe-race, hippodromus, maris. horrefco. A race-horſe, equus curſorius. In a rage, furibundus, infanus. To quiver for fear, expaveko, A race of horſes for breed, genus e-To rage, } furi, 3. inſanio, Ja. Quivering, horridni, tremulus. quorum nobi's. vio, 172. *lam in A quivering, horror, tremor, 3. m. To race, note, 1. fringo, 3. act. See ſuch a rage, ita ardoo iracundia. * A ſudden quivering for fear, terror raſe and raze, Did I rage againſt you ? egone de. pan (us. A race of the skin, nota, bacchitus funs in te? Quiverly, agiliter ; adv. A race with a pen, litura. To rage as the ſea, afuo. Quiverneis, agiliras, asis; f. To race out, expungo, ire; act. To rage like a drunken man, debac- A quodling, pomus codile. A racing out, litura, &; f. chor. A quoil, tumultus, 4. m. turha, 1. f. Rachel ( a woman's name] Rachel, Raging, furiofus, rabidus, a, nna. To keep a quoil, tumultuor. elis; f. A raging, furor, oris ; m. The 'quoil of a cable, rudentis in A rack, equulous, fidicula. Ragingly, furiose, rabidejady, circulum convolutio. A rack ( cob-iron] crateuterium, A ragg. panniculus, li ; m. To quoin, cudo, numnum ferire or A cheeſe-rack, crates caſcaria. A linnen ragg, linteolum. fignari. A rack for a croſs-bow, harpago. Full of raggs pannoſus, a, um, adj. Quoined, cujus, fignatus. The racks of a waggon, loriid plau- To tatter to raggs, dilacero. A quoiner, cufor. Bri. Ragged, laceratus, pannofus, a, um. A quoining, ilumimitis fignatio, The rack-ſtaff of a mill, portica in- Ragged-ſtaff, ſpongiola marina An. Aynoit, difcus, ter ratinum & infundibulumfufpenja. glica. A quoit caster, diſcobolus, A rack of multon, cervix vervecina. Raggedneſs. pannofras, atis 3 f. A quotation, alegario, authoritas, A rack-renter, nullius, niſi quem con- Raglins (one of the Ebudes) Rici. teßimonium. ducit, fundi pofior ; conautior nu- To QUOTE, allego, laudo, cito, dus. Ragaitz [ia Prufia) Ragnitia. To quote ihe poets, poetas ad refli. A rack of hay, præfepe, crates, Raguſa (in Dalmatia) Epidaurus, monium citare.' He quotcs thole A rack and manger, fatur & otiofus. Raguſia La ſmall territory and city books for his authority, ijros. libros To live at rack and aanger, ex A in Dalmatia] Ragupa. citat authoras. malthea cornu haurire, Ragword, jacobea, orchis. Quoted, citatus, allegatus, To rack, torqueo, in equuleum abri- A rale or tay, radius. Quoth hc, inquit ilio. PATE. A rate of gold, braltaa. Quoth ſhe, inquit illa. To rack wins, vinum ſacco cajrare, A rale (fiſh) raia, Quotidian, quotidianus adl. vini virus emedulları, elutriars. A rack-raic, raia emata. A quotidlan ague, quotidiana fo-To rack one's ſelf, angi, se maceraro The Tharp fnouted raic, Dafinasa. bris. diſcruciar.. A saie (order) ordo, inis ; m. Quotient, quorum Rackellpurg (la Stiria) Raclitanum. In battle raie, turmatim. A quoting, citatio. A racker, fortor, extortor, 3. m. Raie (herb) lolium, Quotted, faturatus, fatur, A racker of wine, faucellator, To raie (defile) polluo, inguino. A quoyne, cuneus, i; m. inſrumm- A racket (to play with) reticulum, Raied, virgatus. tum erig mdis machinis bellicis ido tranſenna. Rajfort, raphanu. A racket maker, roticularius, To raign or reign, imperi, regno. Quunſter (In Ireland) Hultenia. A racket (ftir] Prepitus, tumulnes. A railſ of timberjvacarri, longuriks. To keep a racket, tumultuor. A rall (bird) orlygometra, A rack ng, tortura, Ra:ls on the ſide of a gallery, le- A racking of wines, facelleria rice. Racline ine [by Ireland]Ricina, Ri. A rail for a vine, tantherium, cluna. A woman's rail, ami&orium. R before A. Radcoi bridge [in Oxfordſhiro] Rode- Tº rall, . cotanus pons. dari. R A B[in Hungary] Arabo, Fauri. Radiant, radians rutilus. TO RAIL on, maledico, 3. colum. Radiant brightncis, fulgor corufcus. niis afficere, Hc rails on ac, To rabate (in falconry] aucupis pug- Radiation, radiatio, onis; f. mihi corvitium facit. How he nolem redipiſci. Radical, radicalis, le ; adj. 3. act. railed on him! quer ej. dixit sontw. A rabbct, cuniculus. The radical moiſture, humidum ra delias. To MIUN. num. RAL nare. buria. "Of rain, Bam arietinus, a, um m. Mus. To commit a rape, ftuprum facere. RAN RAP To rail at one behind his back, ab- 1 To gally Teatjecari, tirideri. lorum. camera. Jenti malè loqui. Rallyea, in ordinis reftitutus, Randal" (a man's name) Rinel- To rail ac; inclamo, 1, ingeke 3. in: A rallying, ordinum menirutio, ingau, Dhus. feltor, ari. rätio. at" fandom, adv. pallim, temerè, fine Railed at, infositus, 4, ug Ralph (a man's name] Radulpbus, ullo confilio aut fcopos A railer, inſostaror, convitiator, oris; A camage hawk, ni jus. A range between the coach-horſes, m. maledicus, ci m. To rimmage, graſfor, fcrutor. limo. Railing, procäz, nolidicks i ad). Rambervilliers Lin Lorrain] Ramber la range (ficve) cribrum, bri; n. A railing, saldia:o, calumniitio. Viller: 2 To range, ordino, art. Railingly, weledica conmeligè: A ramble, vogatio, onis ; f. To run range (among joiners) di. Railc.y, jocaria, onis; f. To ramble, vagora ari. rtà proferri, quicquid of anguli Ralment, nejin, 3. vejlitus, 4. . To rame, pandhutorari. rafugen, obliquitatem penitus deti Rain, pluuja, £; f Ramesbury [th*Wiltfire) Ramos- A little rain, pluvipia, la ; f. To range up and down, obambulo, A ſudden ſhower of rain, ember. 3. A ram, aries, exis; mº; 1. @rro, I. vagor, I. niinbusg 20. . The ram with the golden Aleece, TO range meal, furinam cernere or Rain, pluvaliig'la; adj. 3. cbryonallum cribare, art, A ſea-ram, arias marinus, Ranged in order, infru&us, a, um To sain, pluo. adj.' Torain downright, dephso, zra. A ranger, luftrator, oris ; m,' To rain in, implus, čie Ram-laxative, spina cathartica. A raager (iearcher) explorator, oris; To rain through, perplesszére To rain, fift:40, art. To raip apon, compluo. ere, To ran fones, pavio. A langer of a foreſt, faltuarius, vi- A rainbow, arcus elafisi iris, 3. f. To ram pilcs, depango, čri. ridarius, i; m. The faintowe kth) julis: To ram in powder, infpreio. Ranger (a dog's name) nope. Rainy, ad." Plutišalis, le; pluvio. To bute like a ram, arielos cornik. Range hill (a dog or herb) oribajus, Full of rain, ſuisq. um. fiim A rain'deer, cervus ranoifer. Ramped, fucatus, pavirus, a, um. A ranging, luftratio, onis; f. A bridle.roin, baboxa, Sri egin. Araminer, fijluca, paviculdi, tit. A ranging ficye, ſubreniculien; n. TO RAISE TUO, are; act You A running: fi qucatio, onis ; F. Rank (adj. ] fuperbus, fosilis, nimis rallë a douhi wbare noge is, no A ram's:horn Rone, cornu arietis. luxurians, dum i forrpo qucris. Ram's head [ini Treland) Promonto- 'Rank (in fricll) olidus, rancidus. To raiſe a quarici, rixem ciere. riam Bonnjonium, A rank rogue, nebulo profligatif- To raiſe up califos ſurito, 1. act, Rainmiſh, rancidus, a, um, ad). To raiſe from Icep, expergolacio. A'ramm:th favour, virus. Rak cowards, søge mara. Tòraile ihe price of commodities, To ſmell cammiſh, olero hircum. A rank, ordo, inis; m, augere rat praia, They called Somewhat rammith, fubrancidus. To rank, 'ordino, art. the prices ti then, «xlule krito Very rammich, prerancidus; adj. To keep his rank, inira ordinom se No preria, Ranmiſhly, rancidè; ady. continere. To'safe men, milites con cribere. Rammiſhneſs, runcos, oris; m. To be rank, luxuriare, To raiſe moncy, $tutiiam cogere or Aramp, grafitrix, iris; f. A ranker, ordinator, oris ; m. rolligere To ranp, deyrolit, 1. profilio: 4. Rankly, luxuriosd ; adv. To.saife z sięge: oblidione liberare. Rampant (in heraldry] initiens. Rankneſs, luxuries, ai; f. To surfe a fiège (neut.].obfidione ab- A rainping up, exultatio, onis; f. Runkness' in imeil, rancor, oris į m. flere: :Rampion, raginiulus. vancedo, inis; f. To raiſe a ſpirit, damenen cys- Arampire, I vallum, agger, munimen- To rankie, putrefce, čre; act, caye. Rampart, dum To rankle [act.) putrefacio, črt. To raife bis voice, attollere vo'47. To rampire, ovallo, circumvallo, To rantack, diripio, 3. expilo, 1. 1%. To raiſe wir belum mouere or Br art; ad. 1 cutio, 3. gre. Rampired, vallatus, a, um, adj. Rantacked, expilatus, e, um; part. Rared, existatus, a, um; P. & A. A Tampiring,' circunaggeration & A ranſacker, direpiu, 0735; m. The price of vi@uals being raiſed', 985:10, onis; f. ¡A ranſacking, direptre, onis ; f. intuitis olimglorum pretinis, Ramley, Lin' Huntingdonjhire] Rom. A raniom, redemptio, onis ; f. re- A raffor, excitarár, coneit::or, 3. m. fa. 1. demprionis pretium. A raiang: «xcitafio, orisif, Ramſey iſland (in Wales] Limnos, Si. To rani m, redimo, čre; act The railing of a. banke, torra ago To put the ranſom, captivis redi- goo. Ramſons (hejbj allium urfinum, sil mendis ſui copiam facere. A raiſin, uva pala gr exiccata, refri. Ranſomed, redemptus, a, um. Kake (amogin miners) fodina. Ran, apiria ropins A ranfomer, redemptor, oris, m. Rake (amongit fca nen) pags tropi. 1 RAN (pret of run, cucurri. * ! A rantoming, redemptio, onis ; f. dis carina Superintendms. ran oat of doors, effugi foras. To rant, debarchar, 1. infanio, 4. A yake, ranrun, ri; n. He ran down from the top of the To rap, percutio ; act. A lit de rukc, supollypili;. . tower, jummi daurrit "ab 'Arre. To get all ane can rap ard rend, guo A coal rake; rugbling in, * He ran the woman through, l juicquapua injuria lucrari ; quajui A rake to pull up, w.çedş, irpex, mulieren mediam trajicit. ' * She Joli judite ; uni Pluto litari, To råke, raflro corraders, Turculi78.. ran her head with great force a... Rapacious, rapax, acis ; adj. 3. art. To rake again, réfarcie, irsi 24. gáinit" the wall, averlo parigi ca- A rape, raplus, suprum violenter at. To rake or ſcratch, rodice put ingenti impetu; imprgt. Be-tentatun. To rakč (puddet in) averro, tween“ Labienus and the enemy 'A rape or wapentake (of a county) To make up the fire, condere, ig therë ran driver, erat inter La-! portio comitars.. Mifta cineribus aduerf. pruinas - neribus, r: n away, 1884. verterupt. "HI- A rape (root).rapam. A ráke-hell, maliigia, 1. fufcifşr, 2 ther ran they as fast as they could The long rape; rapum longum. A raket, Jarrison Fish, run, huc inigni curfu contenderunt. Rape.coal, caulerapun. A raking; forritio, 'onis ; f. A rancounırc, accurfus, ús; m. Rapc.foed, ropi jemen, Raleigh (the family] De Ralega. To ancountis, aguro, 3. incido, 3. Rape-leaves, rapicia. Rallery, jottie : Fijacus, 2. m. 'coincido, heute Rape viclet, cyclaminos. To RALLY, &. iniluro', 1. dif- Rancour, rapcor, odium inueteratums, Rape.wort, rapulura, por los palanus in unum cogere, limultos gravis. Rap: 3p,lcs, rapå orihamalica. * They gave the enemy.no tinc Fraught with rançous, imidus, myjRapid, rapidus, a, um , adj. to rally, we se.colligce i holihy lignum, um, ad A rapier, verulum, ti ; n, enfis longus jocultaiem liquerunt. They pre A rand, crepido, 3. limbus, 2. tra, I. & angufius. Senily Tall cd extemplo turbates me margo, inis, An old ruſty rapler, vorulum rubi- flituerunt didinas. A rand' of beef, pars clunium. bubu-. i gine obduauns. limnus. 1 Rapin via. IUTHS. Rarencis , }raritas , atis ; 8 } a dns. R A T RA V R EA Rapin. [in the marqu fate of. Bran Ratcably, pro rata, portionis regula, , Ravensborg Lin Wayphalia) Rouens- denburg) Rapinum. initâ isi proportiona. berga, gãif. Rapine, rapina, æ ; f. Raled, cenſus, afimalus, a, um. Ravensburg (in Schawaben) Ruivens, To rapp, pulto, 1. percutio, čre; act. Ratenaw [in Brandenburg] Riteno. burgum. A rap over the fingers, salitrun. Raveitein (la the 'Low. Countries] To rap out an oath, kemerè proferreA rater, confor, oris ; m. Ravejiinum. juramentum, Ráth fruit, fructus præcox or prema-. To ravin [aA.] Dupro, I. confluprog: A grcat sap, colaphus, shli m. 1. vi comprimere, violara. A rapping, verberatio, onis ; f. Ruth wine, vinum præligantun. To raviſh away, di abrijere. A rapſody, cento. Rather, potiùs, magis ; adv. RA- Rayithed, Bupratus, vitiatur. A rapſodift, analectorum feriptor. ther than I will have your dif:. To be saviſhed with love, amoro ar- A rapture, s/tafs. pleaſure, potius quán reiniinicum dere; Rarc, rarus, a, um; 70vulgaris. habram. Nav. rather, imo. A raviſher, raptor, ſúprator, oris, m. Rare (excellent] eximius igregius, I had rather, malo, mavis, malui.. Arayıthing, raptus, ús; m: Jupra um, adj. Ratibor (in Silafia). Ratiberia, Raviſhment, $ 110, pudicitiæ violas Rarely, rarò; adv. A ratification, ratificatio, onis ; f. 810, 3. f. To ratifie or ratify, ratum facio, con- A raviſhdent of the mind, furor. Karity, ; firmo, I. Raw, crudus, a, um ; adj. To rarify, rarefacio, čre; act. Ratificd, ratus, fancimus, a, Km. Raw (not ſodden) inco&us, a, um.. A rasherry-tree, rubiss idaus. A rating, lenlui, îs; M. Very raw, percrudus, a, um ; ad). A raſcal, mapigia, I. flagsrioſus. A rating' (chiding) objargatio, 3. f. Raw (in skill] rudis, de; imperitus, A crew of raſcals. Augit olorum grex. Ratiocination, ratiocinatio, onis ; f. To be raw, crudo, ére ; n. The raſcality, populi fax @ Sentina. Rational, rationalis, le, adj. 3; ant. To grow raw, crudeſco, čre ; n. Raſcaily, fugitiofus, felejus, , um. Ratisbon (in Bavariál] Ratisbona, To inake:raw, refrice, are ; act. To raſe, jringo, čre ; act. Augufta Tiberii. Made raw, decuritus, a, un adj. To saſe out, expunga, 3 deleo, 2. A raitle, crepitaculum, 2. crepundia, Rawly, srudè ; ady.. To raſe to the ground, solo æquare. orum ; n. Rawly, in skill, imperitè, ruditer ; ady. Rath, inconfideratus, inconfultus, t-Yellow rattle, criſa galli Asro lutso. Raw-boneda frigojusg. a, um ; valde merarius. To rattle, agito, I. concutio, ère. miler, 612, cruin ; 20). A raſh fool, horse præceps. To rattle (ncut ) crepito, art. Rawnels, cruditas, alis; f. Rash {filk] [ericuri rajum, villi ex- To rattle (chide] objurgó, 1, A ray, rad:us. pors. To ratýle in the throat, gargariza, A ray. [nifh) raia, Squalus. A rafher on the coals, lardi fogmon ATE ; neut. Ray (a weed] Lolium. tum carbonibus tollum. To rattle in the throat before | To say corn, iribruin matands pa. Rathiy, inconfideratè, temerè ; adv. death, bucis morte folutis rancun Rec Rashneſs, inconſiderantia, 1. pracipi. loqui. Raymund [a man's name] Raymun- tatio, 3. temoritas, 3. f. A raitle-Inake, vipira caudifona. Raſhneſs of belief, credulitas, 3. f. Rattled in the throat, gargariza, To raze (a town} deleo, exfcindo. A raun, uva pala or exiciata. IKS, 4, 4073 ; part. Tosaże Ithe skin) nofo, fringo, 3, A rafour or rafor, novacula, læ; f. A rattling in the throat, gargarice. To raze out, oblitero, 1. expungo, 3. A rap, radula, le; f. sio, onis ; f. A raze, litura, ræ; f. Rough as a rafy, niordax, acis ; adl. Ralulings (in navigation] fsalarum Razed, deletus, excifus, a, um, To ralp, rado, . limo, I. aa. nouticarum gradus. Razed as the skin] notatus, Briaus, A rafper (rafor) nouacula, læ; f. A ratton (beait] vulgus Americana. a, um, part. A saſping, rafura, rt; f. Ratzenburg (in Saxony) Racobur Razed qut, ebliteratus, expunetus. Raſp:9-berries, barra rubi idæi, gum. Not to be razed out, indelebilis. A ralpis-berry-buſh, rubu idus, Ratacnow (in the marquiſale of A razing out, kitura; 1. obliteratio, 3. A rat, forex, scis; n. Brandenburg) Raizenovia. A razor, novacula, le; f. The Alpine rat, } mupola Api. Rava (in Poland's Rava, va ; f. 'Tbe razors of a boar, apri deries The mountain rat, S Ravage, direpijo, 3. expilatio, 3. f. pugnatwes, apridentes acie falcará. The Egyptian rat, raus Indicus, caus polium, i; n. A razor (fifh] Soleni piam, inis ; m. Phureonis, ichneumon. A rayage of waters, inundatio, 3. f. Razor-b.71 [blrd) alia Wormii. JA water-rāt, suas aquaticus, To ravage, diripio, popular, 1. impe. The ine of Rec [in Franca) inſula , adj. tum facere, fpoliars. Rhea. Of a r2t, Ravaged, direpius, expilatus, a, um. TO REACH, prehendo, 3. afoquor, 3. A place haunted with rats, foricatwoman. A ravager, exopilator, oris, m. I had much ado to reach you, Rat's-bane, arſenicua, ci ; n. A ravaging, diriprio, depredano, sif. viz adipiscindi potefius mibi fuit. A rat-catcher, muricida, de; m. To rave, deliro, are. * They were coi able to reach A raç-erap, decipha, 1. decipalumn ? To rave ul, exploro, 1. immifa, the fawe havens, eodem porius CA- To biunt rats, sorices insectari. manu explorare. pere von potuerunt. Ratby (in Leldlaupiro] Rota. Arayer, Holiraror, oris ; m. To reach out, perrigo, 3. exporrigo, 3. A RÁTE, presium. i ; ñ. Corn is A raviog, doliratio, onis ; f. To reach to, Ferlinco, A. poriingo, 3. at a great rate, annona cara off. To, ravel, retixa, ore. * They ſay: there is a vein that If corn be at this rate, fa perlque- A ravelin (in fortification] procur reaches from the eye to the brain, Tar hæc annon4, #They hold them Tons or prelcntum porie propugna. vmam ab oculis perringere ad core- at a huge rate, magni aflimani. + Culum, deflexi procurſus portæ su- drum tridunt. He ſpends at a huge rate, profufas nimentum. A reach (fetch]/Iropha, confilium. fumptibus vivit. A raven, corvus, vi; m. A reach, ambitus, tratur. * With- A very low rate, pretium vile, A night raven, nyéticorax, acis; m. in reach of gun-ſhot, inira rii A race (faſhion or manner) medus, The raven.fith, corax, acis į m. justum. A ſea-raven, corvus marinus. Arcach to vomit, vorondi niſus. A rate (proportion] proportio, 3. ra- A young raven, corvi pullus, A reach at fea, intervallum duorism 14, I. portio, 3. f. The croaking of ravens, crocitasio, promontoriorum, To be at a rate with, protio, præli. onis ; f. Reachd, porreétus, a, um ; part, ruto umdere, Raven-black, coracinks, a, um. A reaching, porcelio, onis; f. A rate (tax] confur, üsim. To raven, helluor, Reachiers, negligers, ſupinus ; adj. To rate (tax) tøxo, art. Ravin, TO READ, logo, črc.; a. #. (xcari To rate i fet a rate on) æflimo, 1. Rayener (a dog's name) pamphagus. Greck much, mulin Graecis lif:ris What rate ſet you on it? quanti A ravener, rapsor, 3. heliue, onis; m. * He read his fpccca, den ponides ? Ravening, I vorax, capax, acji; avi jeriodo dixi, To rate (chide! act.objurgo, incrspo, Ravenous, š dus, a, um. Torcid aguin, relasa, cre; act, 1. invihor, čris. A rarening, rapsio, rapscita,3. f. To reait bcfore, prcdleg og örs ; 2. To rate one ſoundly, aliquem vilibus Ravenoudly, rapaciter, avidè ; adv. To read ofton, :& ito, ate. incrlere verbis. Ravenna (in Liely] Ravenna, siit; f. To read over, perlege, cvolvo. Te mos, ratio. rapio, 3. 1. KIOY. Oo } @; f. A inaker ready, appavator, cris ; m. Without realon. "burdus, a, un ; R E A REA REC To read over nightly, fublego. A reaping-hook, falx, fàlcis ; f. Of reaſoning, rasiocina:ivus, a, um. To read out, recito, art. A reaping-time, mefis, As; f. Full of realoning, diſertabundus. To read unto, pralego, čre; ait. Rear, crudos, a, umad). To reasſemble [act.] rurfus cogere. To desire to read, loturio, iia A rear-mouſc, vespertilio, onis ;m. To reaffemble Incut.] rurfum conve- To read (gueſs] divino, art. A rear fupper, spidipnis. pire, READ; Toetus, * Preſenty after the rear of an army, triarii, acios A rcaſſembling, infauratio, cnis; f. thoſe were your letters read, fub ultima, tergym exercitus. Reather-hithe, finus nanticus. cas ftatim recitatæ funt fua litera. The rear-admiral thip] tertium dig- To reave, diffindo, čre.. Which may be read, legibilis, le; adj. mitatis locum obtinms navis. To rebait a hawk, accipitrem relicers, A seader, leftor, oris; 2. To bring up the rear, extremum og - retrutare. A reader in ſchools, profeſor, 3. m. mm ducere, To rebapuze, rebaptizo, anabaptizó. A reader to ſcholars, preli&or, 3. m. The bringing up of a rear, ariei ul. To rebate; reprimo. A reading, leaio, 3. leffura, ra; f. time duatr, sergiduttor. To rebate of a reckoning, fubduro. A reading openly, pralgaio, onis; f. To rear, erigó, 3. clero, I. tollo, čre. A rebate (in architc&urc] Prix, Bri- A reading over, evolutio, onis; f. To rear (neot.) amico, 1. attollere ſe, gis; f. Ariatura, ra; f Reading (in Berkſhiri] Pentes, Rea Reared, erectus, cleostus, a, um. dingum. Hriers, Arias fa- } To rear a boar, aprum lufro ixtur- Make rebates, READY, promptus, paratus, expedi bare. Rebated, reprelus, a, um ; part. tus, a, um; adj. *All's ready now, Reafie, refes, defes, geni idis ; adj. Rebating, repreffivus, a, um; adl, omnia apparata jam funt. * He is Realty, 3. A rebating, reprefio, subdullio, O ready to Moot, jamdudum arcu To be reanie, refides, Aupes, torpro, Rebatement, } nis; f. contanto parata fala Ierigt. A rea-. čre ; n. Rebecca (a woman's name] Rebecca, dy way to honour, pronum ad ho- Reafineſs, defidia, pigritia, &; f. noras iier. He is ready, aliè præ- REASON (the faculty proper to A rebeck, fidicula, le;. f. nablium cin&us ef. *When you plcaſe they mankind) ratio, onis ; f. minus. are ready for you, ubi vis adfunt A perſon void of reaſon, experi rati- A rebcl, perduellis, lis; m. sibi. "Being ready to fight his laſt onis ; idiota, I. To rebell, rebello, are. battle, ultimum prælium inilurus. One endued with reaſon, compos A rebeller, rebellator, or is; on. rebel- *Ready to die for thirft, fiti mre mentis, ezpats rationis. latrix, icis; f. tus. * Miſchiefs are ready to light A realon (cauſe or motive] ratio, 3: Rebellion, rebellio, onis ; f. upon you, impendent 1. ala. caufri, 1. f. argumentum, i zn. Rebellious, rebellis, le adj. Ready to pleaſe, officiofus, %, 'um. There is ſome reaſon for it, non Rebellious (ftiff-necked] obftinatus, Ready (willing] lubens, sis; 'adj. of comore, *That's the reaſon why a, um ; coutumax, gen. acis ; adj. Of a ready wit, fagax, gen. acis ; I tarried there, eâ illic refiti gra- Rebelllooſneſs, contumacia, a; f. Waſutus, a, um. * He is a man of tiâ. There is no reaſon why ! Rebesk [in piure] mert Arabico. ready wit, ingeniu.n in numerato ſhould be angry, nibil et quod fuc- A rebound, barpaſum, j; n. reful- hadeti confeam. *No-body knows the rea tus, ûs; m. rifraétio, onis ; f. Ready money, parunia terta, nume son, ei inter arcaria Cereris. * No To rebound, refilio, refulto, repercie. fara, pralens. reaſon can be given, nihil rationis rior, relidor, To be ready at hand, adefo[of adjum.) dici poliit. repercuffus, a, um , * There is one ready at hand 10; Reaſon (right] aquum, i; jus, juris; Rebounding, $ part. iake you up, prafo ef qui excipiat. n. * As reaſon was, ita uii per a rebounding, repercuſſio, reſultatio, To get ready, paro, I. apparo, I. ex fuit. * Dolinot ask realos ? Num onis; f. Make ready s podio, iri; act. *They in quum polulo? He inclines to A rebuff, iaus poflerganous ; redargu- muſt have ſome meat got ready for reaſon, animo ad aguuon accedit. * lib, onis; f. them, cibus iliis præparandus e. It is good reaſon, confentantum of. To rebuild, reædifico, are. To make ready haſtily, propero, 1. Reaſon (moderation) modus, di; m. A rebuke, objurgatio, reprebmfio, 3. traturo, are ; adt. . There is reaſon in roaſting of f. To make ready for war, ad foga ire. eggo, eft modus in rebus. To rebuke, objurgo, 1, reprehendo, 3. Made ready, paratus, apparatus. realon, ? arguo, 3. redargko, 3. adj. To rebuke ſharply, increpito, 1. in- Rendly, , adv. Por this or that reaſon, har or illa de vebor, 3. ſugillo, 1. 2ct. Readily (without book] memoriter, caufâ. To rebuke deſpitefully, exprobro. Readily (willingly i librider, ſudiosè, By reaſon of, ob, propter ; præp.acc. Rebuked, reprehenfus, correplus. officiosè ; adv. I cannot by reaſon of tho time Rebaked ſhamefully, fugillatus, Readincís, promptitudo, inis ; f. of the year, propter anni tempus non A rebuker, objurgatar, reprehenfor, Readineſs to plcafe, obfequium, i ; polum. • She could not by reaſon corruptor, oris; m. la readineſs, in pompiu, praſlo, pre of her age, neque per elutem pote: Kebukeful, objurgatorius, manibus, } a, * By reaſon of the war 1 Rebuking, It is in readineſs, fuppetil; imperf. ſtayed five days, propier rationem Rebukefully, criminose; adv. To ſet in readineſs, expedio, 4. pra-belli quinque dier moratus fum. A rebuking, objurgatio, onis ; f. pare, 1. inſiruo, črr. By realun, quum, quandò ; adv. • Rebukingly, reprehenfivè ; ady. Readmiflion, Tradmiffis, onis ; f. By' reaſon you have got what not a rebus (device) emblema, atis ; a. To readmit, itaryon admirlo. many have, propterea quòd adop- To recall, rouco, are ; act. Readmitted, iterum admifus. 195 es quos non multi. Recalled, revocatus, a, um; part. To play reaks; omnia conturbare, To reaſon, difíepto, ratiocinor, 1. A recalling, reuocatio, onis f. mrijeste. To reaſon eager againſt, oppo no, 3. Recanati in Marca d'Ancona) Reci- kcal, realis, le ; adj. 3. art. oppug'nog ure. natum, Racing nova. A Spaniſh real, regale Hifpanicum, To sealon captiouſly, cavillor, 1, To recant, recanto, palinodiam ce- fox dmarii. To rcalon well upon a ſubject, opi. ricre. Reality, Citriitudo, inis ; f. nionens ex quifitis argumentis or ra- A recanter, palinodicus, si; m. Really, ceriè ; ady. fionibus firmare or liabilire, A recanting, spalizodia, 1. rocania- A sealm, rugnum, ni; n. regio,onis; f. Reaſonable, rationalis, ke; ad). 3. art. Recantation, s' tio, onis ; f. Area in of paper, paperi frapus major. Reaſonable (juſt) aquus, jujui. To recapitulate, recapitulor, ari. To rcap, mero, 3. defero, are; aá. Reaſonable (in mealure].modicus. A recapitulation, anacophalæoſis. Rcaped, refus, a, um ; part. Reaſonably, aqué, jujle. A recargaſon, Sarcina navis aurnum Cern scady to be reaped, jeges Bava. Reaſonably well; fic fatis; adv. rediruræ. A reaper, mefjor, feliator, oris; m. Reasoned, diſputatus, diſcrplatus. To recode, recido, dore. rcaping, effio, demeflio, 3. *There Having reaſoned, ratiocinatus. A phyſician's receipt, medici pre- is neithet reaping nor lowing for which inay be reaſoned, diſputabj. fcriptum; me there, mikii juhic ne furitur nec 'lis, les adh. 3. art. A receipt, receptio, onis. melllur. A.rcaſoner, ratiocinato, cris; m. To receive (act ] accipio, recipio, 3. ? A scaloning, ratiocinatio, diſputatio, * You Thall receive no donial, Pris arguacniasio, cais; f. nullam patjerg repulfam. } 1. rai. U. j : Fiscaping, ads. } midorin!, a, um. TO t Boeren tor, aris. n.. . R E C R È C R E C To receive in, imbibo, z. forbro, 2. me, it quid de me fiul parvi curas. | A reconciling, reconciliatio, onis ; • I ſee what reckoning you make Recôncilement, conciliatka, ei act, f. of me, experior quanti facias, *She Reconciliation, To receive into company, admitto, To receive a mortgage, fiduciam as made no reckoning of him, quero To reconduct, reconduco, čre. cipere. ipfa neglexit. • They make little (A recónducter, réconductor. To receive often, recepto, ari. teckoning of what I ſay, quæ dico To reconfute, refuto. ara. To receive ſtolen gcóds, fugitiva is. parvi pendunt. * Now no reckon- To recopſigri; rursùs config no. lare. ing is made of it, nullo nunc in A RECORD, arinales; tahimoniun Received, excipias, recopius, a, uvi. honore eff. * The ſame reckoning isti. Tis upon record, momo- Received as a cuſtom, comparatu. is to be made of habit; sadim ra riæ traditum eft. Received into company, admifus. tio ej habenda veflitas. Publick records, archivă, commenta. A thing received, accaptuin, ti ; n. A reckoning book, tabula accepti & rii publici. A receiver, Talepror, roleptator, accipe Books of record, tabulæ publice. expanſ. tor, oris ; mi To reclaim. reclamo, 1. ad botam A bill of record, libellus metriorjalis. Receivers of the king's demeſges, frugem redusere, rruocare. To record, in annalas refurre. regis Fro:ürafores. To reclaim a wild thing, doma, i. To record as bitds, certatim miódüla. The emperor's receivers, Cæfaris ra manſurfacio, čre ; ad. ri; alternis canere tionales. Reclaimed, reclamatus, revocatus. To record a law, legem ford. Reccivers gencral, tribuni ærarii, Rcclaimed [tamed) manfuefaftus, To bcar record, tejtor, 1. teftimoniui A receiting, receptio; accepria, 3. f. domitus, a, um ; part. darı. You are able to bear me A receiving before-hand, anticipazio, A reclaiming, reclamato, onis; f. record of it,' ejus rei talimonium præfumptio, onis ; f. A reclaiming (taming) inanjusfa&io, mibi perhibere potes. Recent, rerens, gen. tis ; ad). 3. art. onis ; f. To call to record, for, . conics- Recently, 76tonier ; adv. A reclure, monacbusy chi; m. ioni- Take to record, A receptacle, 2 receptaculum, lis The office of record, tebulinuni. A receptacle} alis, lis; f. claufro abditus. To recognze, ricognofco, agnoſco. Recorded, in tabulus relatura A reception, receptio, onis ; f. A recognizing, recognitio, onis ; A recorder of a city, pretor ürba. Receptlys, capat, acis ; adl. 3. art. Recognizance, f. A rccess, raceſus, is; m. To recoil, rofilio, ire, n. A recorder (Aute] tibia furiaria, To roch, porrigo. Su Reachi To recoll (give hack] inclino, 1o.C. A recording, } relasio in felosa A recheat; palinodia venatoris. do, 3; reedo, dorea Rechleſs, fecurus, negligens , adj. To make to recoil, retrofero, erte, The recording of birds, modulatio To be rechieſe, neglige, ere; n. Not to recail, sübbílo, čre; n. @vium aliarna, refultusüs; RECOVER [at] recupero Rechleſsneſs, neglig unuia, ſocuritas. , 3. Recoiling, reflims, gen. tis ; part: . covered his complexion, nunquant Recidivation, relapfio, 3. f. rolapſus, In recoiling, rocefim , adv. coloris fui fuit. To recollect, recolo, erea To recorar (neut.} 7 corvaldſco, črd. Reciprocal, reciprocus, allermus; adj. A recollecting, reminiſcentia, a; f. To recover health, Reciprocally, alternatii, riutud ; ady. To recommend, racorimmdo, art. cover a little, Djululum fine ad Toyeciprocate, alterno, mutuo, I. Recommendablo, receramendabilis. me ut rideam. When you ars A reciprocation, reciprocario, mutur. A recommendation, recommendatio, well recovered, than come to us, tio, orris, f. onis ; f. cum tu bene confirmaris ad nos i A rccital, roritario, onis ; f. Recommendativo, Ladj, commanda nias, To recite, recito, are ; aet. Recommendatory, 3 titlus, a, um. To recover one's wits, refipifco. Recited, recitatus, a, sm; part. A recommender, rrrommendator, 3. To recover from death to lifc, tevi. A reciter, recitalor, oris ; m. viſco. A reciting, recitatio, mis ; f. A récompenſc, pramjum, i; n. To recover a hare, cubata lepotis TO RECKON [act. I raputo, computo, A little recompenſe, penſiuncula, 1. veſtigis turbara. ſupputo, I. * If you reckon right, f. pramiolun, ;n. To recover a hawk, accipitrom i bone calculum ponas. I reckon TO RECOMPENSE (act.] remunero, macilenta habitiorem facere, thus, meu fic o? ratio. I reckon 2. rependo, 3: * In wit I recom- Recoverable, Tecuperabilis, le ; adj. it worſe, miferius efe duco. * That penſe the loſs of beauty, ingenio Recovered, recuperatis, redeinitus, I reckon to be clear gains, id do forma damna rependa mia. Well recovered, validos, pogum. lucro ec pulo. # When you rec- (To recompenſe one's diligence, A recoverer, recuperator, ori; m. kohow dear theſe things be, fruaum diligentia alicui refarra. Recovery (in lav] evifio, qnis; f quum rationen ineis quam chará To recompenſe a fault, culpam pre- A recovery, 7 recuperatia, onis ; } teritan redimera. fint. Recovering, f To reckon little of, parvi pondore. To recompenſe joy with forrow, Recovery to bealth, convolefreneida Not to reckon of, nullo loco aut nie nærore lætiligin pejare. Without hope of recovery, dofferda mero babera, fufpes dogue ferre. To recompenſé ane for another, par tus, perditus, a, um, To reckon together, trinumero, 1. pari reddere, To recount, repete, 3. marts, dre. To over-reckon, plus juſto computare. Recompenſcd, renumerata, repenfus, A recourſe, refugiurn, perfugirer. To reckon up, anumero, 1. rcfenſeo, 2. a, uin; part. To have recourſe, recurro, refugio, s. To reckon with onc, rationes con. A loſs that may be recompenſed, Having rccouiſe back again, yoxsa ferye. damnum revocabile. procus. Reckoned, numeratus, rutenfus. *He Not to be recompenſed, irremunera- A recreant, apofata, 1. infidelis, 3. may be reckoned for onc of them, bilis, le ; adj. z. art. To recreate, rcfocillo, i. rcficiog 3. in hoc munero habari potefl. A serompenſer, campinſator, remune recreo, I. animoun romirio. To be reckoned, computabilis. rafor, oris į m. To recreate the mind with exerciſes A reckoner, computasor, oris ; m. A recompenang, 2 compenſatio, exercitatione animum relevare or A reokoning, corzputatió, 3. recenſio, Recompenlation, muncratio, re rolaxare. 3. f. She went to her reckon- 1 triburio, onis ; f. It recieates, juvat; imperf. ing, fuo tempore riperis. She is Witbout reconipenſe, gratis, gra- Recreated, refocillatus, a, um, . near her reckoning, tempus appro tritò'; adv. A recreation, recreviso, refocillario, To recompoſe, reconcinno, art. , relaxation j A reckoning (hot) Symbolum, li; n.; To recompt, recognoſco, 3. recordos, Recreation of children, luſus, 41 To a , For recication, an mi cuufa. nem Ext oftulare. To reconcile, comcilio, reconcilio, I. in Recreative, recreusivus, a, um, To come to a reckoning with one, groriani's educare. Recreativciy, jocose; 20v. cum aliquo calculuin ponera. Rcconciled, rsconciliatur, a, in. Ricercment, recremenfum, f; na To make reckoning of pondo, 3: Not to be reconcilcd, implacabilis, Toiccriminate, recriminor, ari. dico, 3. habeo, 2. You make lo; ad). 3. art, A recriminalioli, recriminacje, 3. 1. call řeckoning what becomes of A reconciles, reconciliator, oris ; m. A fccruit, ſupplemenim, ii; OO 3 me m. revocare. RED RE E REF To recruit, Jupole", 2 fuccenturiare. Redolent, redolens, fragrans, thi. A re-eſtabliſhing, reftitutio, onis; f. A reengle, rettangulica To be redolent, redale, z. neut. To reeve a rope, foraminifundis- To rectify, corrigo, gěra; a&. Redoabled, reduplicatus, geminatus, mittare, por fora moi frajirere, To reaily fin chimiſtry) liquoris au; pa t. To re-examine, ad examen rautara. igne expreffi partes duritas EXITA-A redoubler, reduplicator, oris; m. To re-ex_mina a copy by the ori- bere, ab aqueis feparare A redoubling, reduplicatio, onis, f ginal, antigraphum ad autographum Rcâified, correu, a, un A redoubt, munimentun militare, A rectifying, refificatio, cornrietie, pritentura, ritept:culum. A re-examination, ad examen revo- Rectification, S 07113 ; f. To redoubt, time, roverzor, 2. catio. A rector, rear, oris; m. Redoubted, meluendus, tremendus,A refe&tion 7 refe&tio, onis ; f. re A re&ory, fufpiciendus, 4, ; adj. A releciory, ftatus, ls; m. Re&orth p. regimen, inis; n. To redound, redunda, I. To refei, infringo, ere; act. Reculver [in Kent) Rrculfum, Reful- To redreſs, corrigo, 3 reformo, are, To refer, refero, vemitto, cre; act. bium. A redreis, reformatio, onis ; f. Referred, relatus, rem llius, a, um. Recumbency, fiducia, a; f. Redrefred, corraldus, eriendatus. A referree, arbiler, leguejler, ; m. A recunbentibus, vebemens plaga, A redreſler, corrector, Rendator. jaus pravis, A redreffer of minners, cenfor, 3. m. References } remifio, onis ; f. A reculant, pſeudocatholicur, papifla, A redreſling, corre&tio, emendatio; 3. F. Having reference, relatius, a, non refugiens reformatorum facra. Redreſsleſs, infanabilis, le; adj. A refert [burden of a fongi claufula RED. ruber, rubeus, rufus, rubost. To red-lea (among finiths) crapare, iteratio, intercalaris verlus Red hot, candens diſrumpi (uti ferrum nimiſquam ig-To refine. purifco, purgo, depuro, 1. To be red, rubro zre; neut. milum.) To refine wines, defeco, I. To be red hot, candro, fre; ncut. A red ftart; } rubicilla, la ; f. Refined, purificatus, a, um, part. To grow sed, rubele, čre; neut. A rchner, purificator, purgator. To make red, rubefacio, ere; act, Redubours, interpolatores, um; m. A refining, purgatie, depuratio, 3 f. Made red, rubefa&tu!, 4, um; part. To reduce, reduco, čre; act. To refit, nefcio, 3. inftauro, I. FICON- To be made red, rubefio, ieri, nent. To reduce to nothing, comjumo, in cinne, are ; a&t. To mark red, rubrica niatars. nibil sus redigere. To reflcet, reflecto, repercutio 3. Marked rod, rubricatus, a, um. R:duced, refultusreaans. To reflect upon in the mind ] rico- A dark red, rubens A redacing, redueio, onis ; f. giro, I. Titolo, ere; a&t. A bright red, rutilus, A, um Redgation, To reflect upon a thing, 2 aliguld Flery red, adj. A redundancy, redumdantia, a; f. Make reflections upon it, Sperrin- Very red, fanguineus, Samguino- Redundant, redundant, tis: adj. gere, carptin stingere, oblique in Bloody red, 3 lentus, w, um; adj. To reduplicate, reduplico, are. quidquam animadvertere. L'ght red, amethyſtinus, janthinus, A reed, arunde, canna, calamus. A reflecting, Zrofeétio, repercuto, 0- puniceus, 4, um ftj. A little reed, cannula, cannellum, Refection, nisi f. Sad red (red with an eye of yel Beadseed, arundineus, a, um, Reflecting, refellivus, a, um 3 Reficetive. $ adj. Red-lead, rubrico, a ; f. A reed beed, canneum, arundine-To refi w, refiuo, 3. redunde, are. Red-ink, minium, i; n. Reed-plat, turx, t; n. A eflux, refuxur, ; m. Red gum (a diſeaſe] Svo hukus. Hollowed like a reed, fulatus. To reform, relormo, are. act. To A red role, raſa tilofia. Full of reeds, orandinojus, a, um. reform an army, exercitum in pex- A red deer, cervus, vi; m. Reed-bearing, krundifer, 4, um ciores contrahere. Red-breaſt, Zrubecula, la, Berechos, Sparganium, To reforma (as a hawk] concinngre A robbin-red-breaft, fem. plumas. A red-fhank, bematsphus, Reed-mace [herb) typhs. A reformado, pecatus, ti; m. A red-ſtart, rubicilla, le ; f. Tbe teed-Iparrow, paffer arunding. A reformation, reformatio, onis ; f. A red-tail, phoenicurus. A reformer, rafmater, oris ; m. Red haired rufuusaag um ; The tweet reed, calamus aromaticus, Refr Etory, refratturius, a, un. Red-headed, 3 ad). To reedify, reædifico, reftauro, I. Refra&orineſs, peru cocia, e; f. Red-wing (bizd] turdus Iliacis. Reedified, relauratus, a, um. To refrala [forbear; neut] abftineo, Somewhat red, rubidus, ribellus, A reedifying, readificatio, infaura 2. tempora, 1. moderer, 1. Reddith, $ 4, um ; adj. tio, onis ; i. can't efrain, anino imparare ne- To redden, rute acio, ère; act. Arcek (tume) fumes, mi; m. exha que To redden herrings, baletes fumo latio, exis ; f. nider, oris; A. To refrain laughing, rifum compefce- indurare. A reek (pile] Brues, mata, ; f. re or tenere A reddening rulefallo, onis ; f. A reck of corn, manioulorum cumulus. To refrain (or curb; ac. ) rafreno,, Redly, rubicundà; adv, A reck of bay, Inila, lisy n. cepal , 3. cebibay, 2. contine, 2. Redneſs Tubarois; m. rubado, inir; f. To reek, fumo, exhala, are. comprims, rearint, ef, 3. Redneſs of the eyes, sphthalmia, 1. A reek Staval, fabrica lignea cui inn- To refrain immoderate joy, exultan- Tippiludo, inis; f. ponitur fitues to Iceritiam comprimert. Rednels in the skin, ſerpedo, inis; f. Recking, famous, fummut, fumidusRefrained, moderatus, temperatus, Redbridge (in Hansbire] A undinis ad). A refraining, temperatio, mis ; f. Vadim A recking, nidar, eris; m. shalatio, temporaniju, if Redbourn (in Hertfordshire) Aqua onis; f. A refrane i proverb] adagium, pro- Rubra, Durocrobriva. A reel, girgillus, rosabar, slabron. verbium, i; a. Redcliff near London) Rubus Clivus. To reel, varille, titubo are. To refreſh recres, claxo, refrigero. A rede (advice] monitum, ti ; D. To cel yarn, filua glomerare To refich one's body with rek, To redeem. redimo, ore; 22. Reeled, glomeratis, 4 ; pait. membra qulete refouers, To redeem 2 pawn, repignoro. A reeler, alabrator, oris; m. To cfreth the memory of a thing, Redeemable, radimandus, a, um A reeling, glomeratio, osis ; f. 16.622 riam renovare or racolart. Redeemed, redemptus, a, um. A reeling (Itaggering) vaccillatio. Retethed, moderat', peratus, A redeemer, rademstor, oris ; m. To recm, plorare, ejulave, A refreſher, recreator, refrigerator, The redeemer of a pledge, repigne. The reem on trees, pruina, a; l. ort); m rator, oris ; m. Covered witth reem, pruinaſus, ad). A refreſhing, 1 recreatio, refrigeratio, Refreshment, onis; f. Acredeemings } redomiere in more recentes, muratus intrarea A re-chty, iteratus introitus, pail:- Cool iefreſhments, aur a opatie. demption from hell, ab inferis A place of refreihment, recetcrisi; nullus ei regtelt. A reer-moufe, vefpertilio, onis. The redeeming of a pledge, repig-Rees (in Cleveland) Reelun. To refrigerate, refrika, re. muratio, onis. To re ritablish, xiruo, se; act. A refrigeration, refrigeration to To redeliver, de liberare; reddo, Re-eſtablished, veliruettes, i un. Refrigerative, frigeforrent, redbibro. A re effer auto', oris; . Archigenitory, afrigeratorum, To rcdcmand, repeto, ère ; 20. A clues, refugium, Teut. REG R E I R EL Reinvestiere; }rontusio , onis; f. A rcfuge for all naughtineſs, flogijo. To regenerate, regenero, régigno, To reinstate, in pri, inom dignitatems. rum diverforium, Regencsato, in antiqua Atum, in pofitionen regeneratus, a, um. A place of refuge: terpaculum. Regenerared, reflitsers. To rcfugc » , }'eneratio». 3. A reinitating, reflitutio, onis ; f. Take refuge, i retirare ſe od arom. Regeneration, To reinſc, elvo. See Rinſe. To stop up all refuge from anc, Regenſperg (in Bavaria) Ratisbons, To reinveft, ruftituo, 3. act. omnem istrarum orbem alicui præ. Aquila Tiberij. Reinvefted, 'reflimus, ay uit ; act. cludes. A regent, regeni, moderator, redor. A reinveftlog Refulgent, refulgens, refulgidus. Regglo (in Medevia) Rhegium Lepidi. Reinveſtorent, To refund, refurgo, rependo, čre. Regiment, regimen, inis; n. admi. Reinveitture, Thcreſuleofany thing, rectementuo. Wratio, moderatio, onis, f, To rejoice (neut.) gaude), 2. Later The reluſe of corn fifted, sxcretum, A regiment of Toldiers (conjfting of cx4110, 1. fix or ſeven companics) militum To rejo'ce [act.) lcilfico, exhilaro. The refufc of metal tried, fcoria. chilias. To rejoicc with another, gratulor. The rotule of X, ćurce prrgammium. Reginald (a man's name] Réginaldus. To rejoice with himſelf, in forze TO REFUSE, ruso, 1. I will rea Regio [in Italy] Rheziun. gaudere. fuſe you at nothing, virium quo- A region, regio, cmis f. Rejoiced, laetificalus, 4, 97; part. cumgür voaris. I will refuſe Of a region, regionarius, a, um. Having rejoiced, gavifus, laralus. no body, nec quonquam fugio. IA rcgifter, regiſtrum,' commentarii A rejoicing, exultatio, gaudium. will refuſe no pains,' nose of labot publici, archivum. To rejoin, rediviegro, I. act. ullus quss dersanrem. *Cajar A regiſter of names, nomenclatura. To rejon to a reply, impugnantem Teluſco dot the condition, sich A regiſter (officer) regißrarius ; 980. refellere. refpuit conditionem Cafar. rum perfcriptor ; leiba. A rejoinder, refponfionis elevatio; re. To refuſe abſolutely, pracide, 3. To segifter, in archiwn referre or plicatis. To se fuſe by nodding, roiuo, abnue. confcribert To rejourn, comperindit:9, iterum cje To refufc utcrly, yornegn, art, Rcgifter'd, confiriptus, in aribivum care. Refgseable, terulabilis, alpernabilis. rolatus, To reiterate, itero, 1.- A rcfufal, rspulja. Fit to be regiſter'd, faflis dignus. Reiterated, ilerotus, a, um, part, To have the refuſal of a thing, op- A regiſtering, confcriptio, in tabulas A reiteration, iteratio, oni . singum babere. relatia. Torejumble, calcitro, nauſeam parati Refuſed, raufatus, repudiatur. Reglftry, regiſtarii munus. To reke, curo, I. A refuſer, rerufator, detreftator, 3. m.Reglis (in Ireland) Rhegia. A relapſe, relapfus, isim, A relaſing, siufatio, defreaatio, 3. f. To segrate, mongonizo. To relapſe, relabor, 3. To refute, refuto, I. act. A regrates, mango, 4. propola, 1. 10. To relate, nario, 1. refero, 3. runciogi. Refuted, refutatus, a, um, part. A regroſs, regrelui, îi; m. To relate (neut) a finem ele. A refutation, refutatio, onis ; f. Regrel, auerfalio, 3 f. dolor, 3. m. Related, relotus, nurraties, u, ini. To regain, rodipifeor, 3, recupero, I. Regular (according to art] ad nor Arelater, relator, zi nuncius, 2. in. Røgal, regalis, le; adl. 3, art. mai exiftus, ex artis legibus faca A rclation: relatio. onis ; f. To regale onc, munificis donis or con 1us. A relation (kinſman) ofnis, is; cega viviis excipere? Regular [prieſt) roligosa wla lege nalus, ¿;m. Regality, ragalinas, alis; f. adfriausa A relation (kindred) affinitasa coma Regaliy, regalitèr , adv. Regularity, regularitas, atis ; f. fanguinitas, ati!; f. A regalo, sonviviuis adjiciale, dapes Regularly, regulariter, adv. Relacive, relarious, 2,-*m ; ad]. opipare. To regulate, ordino, t. diffona, 3. A relative, relativu, i; n. REGARD, refpeétus. 4. o. cura, I. trioderor, I. A relaxation, relax.io, onis ; f. f. fatis, 3. f. * Regard is to be a regulation, ordinatio, difpofitio, 3.f. A relay, farlo canura Jundiariorus. had to a man's eltaic, babenda el To rchcarſe, recito, repaso, sparro. Torclay dogs, canu ordinare, in pro, rasio rei familiaris. A regard A rehearſal, rocitario, onis; f. cinctu collocure quà crvus travfrue fhould be had ofy worthineſs, den Rehcarſedi resilatus, repetitus. mul el. letus et dignusalis. * Thou hait A rchearfer, recitator, repetitor, 3. mn. Releaſcable, laxabilis, le : adj. no regard of thyſelf, non te refpicis. A rehearGog, recitatis, cnarratio, A releaſe, laxatlo, onis ; f. *In which regard, gieo nominc. A brief rehcarfing, recapitulasio, 3. f. To releaſe, laxi, I. falvé, 3. libero, I. * Su great regård was there in To relect, rejicio, 3. glidico, are; act. Releaſed, relaxatus, fulutus, making war, adeo fummu erat ra- Rejected, reje&us, abdicatus, a, um. A felcaling, relaxario, folutio, onis; to tio in bello movendo. To be rejected, afpernabilise les adj. Religation, religatio, onis. . To regard [value or checm].qſimo, Acceleronom; } reje&fio, onis ; f. To relent, liquefcag misafto, 3. Tumai. (uro, 1. rcpicio. 3. tere je. To regard (mark) oferuo, intuur. A reign, wgnum, 2. D. To relent (yield] cedo, manus do. Not to regard, porno, neglige, posiban To reign, ringno, are; neut. To relent as ice, agilido. bro, susque deque ferre, * They re- A reigner, regnator, 3. m. Which will not selent, inflexibilis. gard not how they Ipeak, quemo To reimbark, raven rarjus conften Relented, puidus, jalutus, a, um, admodüm dicant ipfi non laborant, dere. A relentlog, remifio, onis; f. la regard to, quod attinet ad, *10 To reimbark (as a deer) lulrum re- Relic, reliaus, a, um ; adj. regard to thoſe times, ut illis tem. petere, in latibulum redire, & relict, vidua; jf. poribus. . In regard to his chate, To reimburſe, pecunias expenfas refl. To rely, dependro, 1. pro ſuis facultatibus. tucre, as crodilum refundere. Rellef, ſolamen, inis ; . fubpasig, e- Regardable,confideratione digons ; alia A reimburler, pecunia repitusor. rum, f. subbidiuin, i, n. cujus mmmii ; non aſpernandus. A Teimburſement, pecuniæ expenja Rellet (in law) reloom; tritutum Licle regards contemptus , ths; m. rallitusio. quod cliens (cum crevit) domino forte Reims (in Campania] Rhemi, Duro di confart. Regardant (in heraldry) rufpicims, coflork01. The Rcilef (of a hare] paſius velper Regarded, obſeruatus, curatus, a, uo; The rejo of a bridle, baberna reting linus. * Justice was ſo greatly regarded, culuin. To rcllere, rolova, fuppetias ferrt. tantopura jupiwa culta of. A rein-reer, rangifer, tarandus, To relieve a palace, auxiliares copias Not regarded, negle&us, contemptus, The reins, renes, nun. in arcem ſubmittere, inforto, impor. a, um ; part, Pain in the reins, Depbritis. Not to be regarded, jordeo, Z. for- Pained in the reibs, nephriticus. Relicved, relrvatus, fublevatus, delco, ère ; neut. The running of the reins, genartbæk. A relever, opitulator, 3. m. A regarder, refpiciens obſervator. To reinforce, infauro, riparo, virus A relieving, opitulario, onis ; f. A diligent regarder, perfpicax, acis. adders. Religion, religio, *He has but little A regarding, rotolus, ur; m. To reinforce an army, exurlitum fup. religion in hio, parcus doorwn cul- Regardleſs, nagligens, tis. i adj. tur & infrequens. xezar la river ja Germany) Regimus. To reingage, confliquo renovars, its Religious, religiofus, pits, 4, KO. Regency, revimen, inis; n. rum confligere. Religlous, la Thew only, bypocrita. Reli. tars, I of renown, ! • Of great R E M R E N R E P. Rel!glouny (adv.) religiose, piè. A remembrance, recordatio, 3. semi-To renew a leaſc, formulani logatio- Religiouſnels, pietas, Atis; f. iſcantia, a; f. nis integrare. To relinquiſh, relingua, abdicari. A b:ok of remembrance, commente- A sencwal, integrario, 3. f. Relioquthed; abdicaruis, 4. um. rius, i; mo. Renewed, rinovasus, a, um ; part. A relinquiſher, abdicator, 3. m. To call to remembrance, recordor, To be renewed, integrace, 3. A relinquiſhing, abdicatio, 3. f. To come to remembrance, in modo- A rencwer, novator, Tinouster, 3. m. A reliquary, reliquiarum repoſitoriam. riani redire, in mentein vinire. A renewing. renovatio, 3. f. Reliques, reliquia, 1. pl. f. To put in remembrance, moneygren Renfort, auxilia, subfidia, 2. copia A kceper of reliques, reliquiarum fa mmso, auxiliares. crorum ofarvator. Put in remembrance, comisionilus. Renifay (in Scotland] Rindavira, A reliſh, gulas. 4. sapor, 3. m. A putting in remembrance, monitio. Randrara. Of a good reliſh; gratus, a, um, ad). A remembranccr, monitor, 3. m. me Rheniſh wine, vinum Rhenenſe, Of no reliſh, foruus, a, um ; adj. morialis, Rennet, conguluit, fcortum vitulinum. To reliſh, Japio, 4 guo, I. Remiremont (in Lorrain] Renaricus A renovation, renovatio, 3 f. Reliſhed, guw placens, Mons. To renounce, renuncio, abdico, I. Relactance, renišus, renulus, 4. m. Remiſs, remiſus, negligens; adj. Renounced, abdicatus, a, um, } , 3. f. To grow remiſs, pigritia ja addicere. A renouncing, renunciatio, abdicatio. With relodancy, gravzid, agrè, a Remiſsly, negligenter; adv. RENOWN, fama, gloria, e; f. rele- nimo invito. Kemiffneſs, negligentia, &; f. bris.is, claritas, aris; f. To rely, arquieſco, confido, 3. neut. Reariffion, remigio, onis ; f. illuftris, Te; adj. 3. Relying upon, fretus, a, um; adj. To remit, remirto, delraha, 3. Great renown, art. TO REMAIN (continúe or carry, To remit (refer] transfero. renown in all mens ſight, in luce acut.) romanco, manes, permineo, Remittable, remiffibilis, le; adj. atqui oculis civium magnus. 2. He alone semained with Rem!iment, remiffio, onis ; f. Of no renown, Ringlorius, inho- Alexander, ile folus fubfiterat cum A remnant, reliquum, refiduum, 2. n. Without renown, § ratus. Alexandro . It remains that I Remne river (in Glamorganſhire) Renoined {adj.] infignis, nobilis, Shift for myſelf, reliquum of us Romnius clarus, incly:us, mibi confulam. A remorftrance, declaratia, fuafio, To be renowned, mitro, 2. neut. To remain (or be behind) robe, -fi. adraonitio, onis ; f. * He was more renowned than all *:; . * A few days remained 10) To remonſtrate, declaró, 1. exporto, tlıc reit, emicuit longè unit omnes. put an end to my annua) office, ofendo, 3 Renowncdly, præclarè ; adv. paucos dies babeban reliquos annui Remorſe of coaſclence, confcientia Rensburg (in Floilein) Rensburgum. muneris. Timorfás, fimulus, aculous. To reníc, slavo. Su Rinf. To remain (or be over and above) Remote, longinquus, a, nm; ad). RENT, reditus, 4. m. ve&tigal, zin. fuparfum,fuiſupero, I. * Not Remotencís, longinquitas, atis ; f. Rent charge, vectigal annuum ex rer: a qingle perſon of our enemies re- To remove, mouro, amivro, demoveo. rá alienata reſervatum. main, rulli de inimicis noftris fue * Remove if you'will, apugefis, The rcnt of a farm, &c. prouentus, perfunt. To remove far off, elongo, subinoveo, Quit-rent, reditus, ür; m. To remain as he was, antiquum vb. To remove with difficalty, amolior. Yielding rent vedligalis, le; ad), tinere. To remove from place to place, to rent (as the landlord) loco, elocu. It remaineth [Imperf.) reliquum , tranfmoveo. To rent ias a tenant) conduco, 3. fupprefs, rifar. To remove one's dwelling, migro, Sitting at yearly rent, penfione annua cominigro, I. Remaing, reliquia, arum; f. * I ſee ades conducens. there are ſome remains of his Removeable, mobilis, le ; adt, Well rented, hene elocsius, The kindred left, hujus generis reliquias Removed, añotus, loro motus. ground was rented yearly at fifty rifare video. * I gather togetherRemoved far away, fubmodus. pound, fundus folertia dena meri. all the remains of antiquity, om. Not removed, immotus, a, um. tavil. nia antiquitatis monumenta colligo. A remover, a motor, 3. m. A rent, fiſura, I. laceratio, 3. f. A remainder, reliquum, i; n. A removing, amorio, romosio, onis ; Torrent (rend] lacero, dilonio, 1. Remaining, reliquus, a, um ; ad). Removal f. difcerpo, 3 A remaining, reliquiunt, refiduum, i; A removing one's dwelling, migra-To rent a garment, vifeen infringere. acut. tio, 3. f. RENT (of rend) laceralus, laniatus, To remark, moso, I. To remoncrate, raumeror, I. seiſus, a, um, part. The fails A remark, nota, ef. Remuncration, remuneratio, 3. f. rent withi whiſtling winds, vela i Remarkable, notabilis, le; adj. Renard, vulpes, is; f. ferfriſa petulantibus auris. 'To remble, TOURO, removeo, 2. A rencounter, arcurfus, di; m. A rental reditum catalogus. A REMEDY, remedium, 2. n. mede. To rencounter, Occurro, 3. Rent off, abſeiſur, a, um,; part. la. 1. f. * It is paſt remedy, To rend, lacero, 1. act. A renter, lacerator, laniapor, 3. m. aftum ef. . What remedy but 1 TO RENDER, reddo, reffituo, 3.,ac. A renter (hirer) conductor, 3. m. must become a miſerable wretch? I cven render'd almost in fo Arenting, laceratio, 3. f. seiſura, 1. f. quid refai niſi ut porro mijer fan ? many words, totidem forà verbis A renting (hiring) conduffin, 3. f. To remedy, medicor, medeor. interpretatus fum. Renty in Arlois) Rentira, To ſeek out for a remedy, malo 14- To render yield up] grado, dedo, 3. To repair, reparo, infauro, 1.. Lutem quarte: To render like for like, par pari re. To repair unto, frequento, la conferre, Remedilere, 2 immedicabilis, le; ad). forte, A place of repair, conciliabulum, con- Paftremedy, } deploratw, a, um, To render a reaſon, rationem fubji- ventrculum, i; n. A remedying, curatio, fanatio, 3. f. To keep a houſe in repair, edifici TO REMEMBER, reminiſcor, 3. v. To render thanks, gratias agere or fart: tria conſervare, cordor, lo memoriâ retinere. * I babere, Repairable, reparabilis, le; adj. now remember, nunc mihi in men. Rendered, redditus, a, um, Not repairable, irreparabilis, le. ten vmit. * As far as I remco- Rendered [yielded up) deditus, Repaired, reparatus, inßauratus, ber, ùt mia memoria 1. * DO A rendering, redditio, 3. f. A repairing, reparatio, redintegratio, got you remember? num ta præ. A rendering up, deditio, 3. f. , f horizo She has deſerved that A rendezvous, comitia militaria, di- Reparation of houſes, farium teeum, you ſhould remember her, merits ribitoriun. A rcpartec, repentina G acuta refpon- off de memor efis fui. * Romem- A renegade, apoiata, I. defector, 3. fio, ccleriter argutè relata re- ber. me to Tyro, Tyronem faluta /ponfo, noftris verbis. To renege, imago, 1. deſcico, 3. To makc a repartce, jwanten joco To remember (put in mind) monso, Rencs in Bresaigne) Redores, excipere. 2. in memoriam alicui revocars. To renew, renovo, innovo, redintegra. Reparable, quod iteratè trajicere or Remembred,. memoratus, a, um, To renew an old coſtom, morem 72. denuo pertranfilo licrat. Worthy to be remembred, memporan- A repaſt, refiftus, 4. m. refallio, 3 dus, a, um ; memorabilis, la ; adj. To reacw an old grief, dolorem 18. To repay, reddo, refolvo, 3. Po rememberer, momor, 3. m. fritare. Repayment, redditio, rifolutio. m. novare, For 1 REP R E P REQ ! 3. M. ! Repenting; } pænitens, tis ; adj. bere. cere, A reprehending, } reprekenfio, 3. To repc, mcro. See Reap. Honcit report, bridiaum, 2. N. A reproaching, exprobratio, 3. f. To repeal, revico, I. True report, viriloquium, 2.0 A reprobatc, reprobus, 2. m. A reptans} abrogatio; 3.f. To report act.) Puncio, ronuncio, Reprobation, reprobatio, 3. f. narro, prædico, 1. • He reported To reprobale, reprobo, 1. To repcat, repeto, 3. what was done in the embasſy, Ascproof, reprehenfio, increpitation 3. Repeated, 'repetitus, a, um. legationem renunciavit. * Pliny re f. A repeater, reprtitor, 3. m. ports, auctor eff Plinius. • They To reprove, reprebendo, 3. A repeating, repositio, 3. f. reported you faid ſo, ex te audi. To reprove one's bill, libellum alich - To rep:ll, repello, propello, 3. tuin dicebant. jus carpere. Repelled, repulfus, a, um ; part. To have a good report, bine audire. To reprove one ſharply, diftis ali- To be repelled, exclúdor, 3. repulsam To have a great report, inclarso. quem confeindera. fprra. To report ill of, obtriazo, diffarno, 1. Reprovcabic, reprebenjone, dignus, A repeller, repulfor, 3. m. maledico, 3; Reproved, reprehenfus, a, um. A repelling, repulfio, 3. f. By report, fando, ger, in do. A reprover, reprehenfor, 3. m. To REPENT, poeniteo, 2. refipifco, 3. Reported, renunciatus, relatus. A reproving, reprehenfio, 3. f. peenitentiam agere ; as, * I began It is reported, fertur, memoria iradi. Repichefter ſin Kene Ruluga. to rcpcnt of what I had ſaid, pe. tum if, fama ef. It is reported Of Reprcheſter, Rutúfidus. nitentiam agere jermonis moi ccepi. my ſon is in love, mium gnatum Reptile, reptilis, le ; adj. 3. art. *I do not at all sepent of it, rumor al amars. Repton' (in Derbyshire) Ripadium, huud muto fuftum. * They re-IU reported, infumis, illaudatus. Repandunum. pent of their follies, inertiarum A reporter, nunciator, nunciks. A republick, reſpublica, a; t. juarum eps pænitet. * The king Ao ill reporter, criminator, 3. m. Repudiable, repudiabilis, le ; adj. afterwards repenrod, poenitentia A reporter of ill news, obriunciator, To repudiate, repudiare, nuncius re- miscare. rezern fubiit. To repent when it is too late poe- A reporting, rumor 3. m. To repugn, repugno, I. milentiam inutilem ſequi. Repole, requies. ci ; f. Repugnancy, repugnantia, difcrepan- Repentance. poenitentia, contritio. To repoſe, requisfro 3. tia, & ; f. To repoſe (adt. ] ropono, 3. Repugnant,repugnans, difcors ; adj. To repoſc (trunt) confido, fidem ha- A reppugnani writing.contrafcriptum, Repent of, de q45 penitentia agi- To be repugnant, repugno, difcordo. Repoled, quietus, a, um. Repugnantly, repugnanter ; adv. It repents, penitet, piget ; imperf. Repoſedly, quime ; adv. A repulic, ospulfa, &; f. Repentingly, contritè; adv. A repoäng, quies, 3. f. To ropulſe, repello.3. To repcople, colonians usuam indu- A repoſitory, repoſitorium, 2. n. Repulſed, repulſus, a, um; part. A repoſitory for medicines, narthe- To be.repulſcd, repulfam ferie or pari. A repeopling, coloniæ novæ inductio. cium. A repulier, repuljor, 3. m. A rcpercußion, repercuſio, 3.f. To reprehend, reprebendo, redarguo . Acopil sine répulso, 3. f. Repercuíñve (adj.) repercuſſivus, re- Reprehended, redargutus, a, um. percutiei, retundons. A reprehender, reprehenfor, 3. m. Repuis, reputatio, exiflimatio To repete, repel0, 3Su Repeat. f. Reputation, dignitas. 3.t. A repetition, repatrio, 3. f. Of good reputc, hone'lus, a, um. To repine, murmuro, 1. Reprehenſive, elenaricus, a, um. Of bai reputc, ipfamis, ine ; adj. A repiner, murinurator, 3. m. TO REPRESENT, repræſento, I. exOf no sepute, vilis, le'; adj, 3. art. A repining, murmurario, 3. f. hibro, 2. sfingo, 3. affinilo, adum. To be of good reputation, autheri- A fa&tious repining, ſeditio, 3. f. bro, I. * The orator's words re tate valore. Rcpining, fattiojus, feditiofus ; adj. preſent his manners, oracoris mores To be of no reputation, viieſco. To replead, replacituri,caufam iterum oratio effingit. * He repretents the To make of no reputation, obſcura. dicere, whole city, perfonam civitatis gerit. To repute, reputo, [. To repleniſh, repleo, 2. A repreſentative, vicem cujuſpiam ge- Reputed. reputus, a, um. Replcniflıcd, repletus, a, um. rens, perfonam alicujus exhibens. A REQUEST, paritio, fupplicatio, ro. Repleniſhed, repletivus, a, um. Repreſented, aſimilatus, adumbratus, gacio, populario, 3. f ſupplicium, po- A repleniſhing, rep!erio, 3. f. 4, wm, part. Julalume * I make this requeſt Replet, replalus, a, um. Rsprelenting, similis, le ; adj. to you, hoc à se poso. Replete with blood, plethoriticus, A repreſenting, 2 repræſentatio, afi- To requeſt (act.) requiro, 3. rogo, 1. A repletion, repletio, 3. f. qilario, exprefio pofco, 3. pojiu!o I. Repletion of blood, pletbora. To requeſt earneſtly, efflagito, r. Repletive, repletivus, a, um ; ad). To repreſs reprimo, comprimo, fup- To obtain by requeſt, exoro 1. Repletively, ropletivè ; adv. primo, 2. act. To bs in requeſt, in bonore 16. 'To replevy, libertatem dare median- To rcprcſs fury furori fræna injicore, * Oratory even then was in re. tibus fidejuforibus. To repreſs pleaſures, voluptates fra qucſt, jah tum erat honos eloquen- To soplevy a diſtreſs,repignoro ; rem nare ac domare. tice. * It hath not been very apud aliura detentam cautione legi. To repreſs wickedaeſs, improbitatem long In requeſt, non adeo antiqui- time interpoftâ redimire. refringere, tùs placuit. A replevier, repignorator 3. m Repreſſed, repreſus, ſuppreſus. By requeſt (adv.) prece, precario. A replevying, repignoratio, onis ; f. A repreſſer, suppreſor, 3. m. A maiter of reqacſts, fupplicium li. A reply, refponlum. Repriſals, 7 repræfalia, Literænavar- bellorum magifler. respondeo, refero, re- Leiters of his concesſa ad res re- Requeſted, poffulatus, rogatus. reply plico. I roſe up Repriſal, petmdas, clarigatio. A requester, rogator, Rogitator, 3. m, to make reply, ego ad rolpondendum To reprive or reprieve, reum umpli. Requeſting, supplex, icis ; ad). furrexi. are, Jentensia de capite latæ excu- A requesting, rogatio, onis ; f. Replied, relatus, a, um. tionem prorogare, Of requeſting, Poflulatorius, a, um. Reprived ampiatus, a, uin. Requitable, exigendus, a, um ; adj. Replication, A repriving, ampliatio, 3. f. A requiral, populatum, i; n. A REPORT, forms. I. f. rumor 3.m. A reproach, contumelis, 1, f. convi To REQUIRE. exigo, 3. poluelo, jia: They go by report, incertis ru. cium, opprobrium, 2 0. gilo, I. * If need lo require, , À moribus fervilini. * They were a little reproach, conviciolum, 2. n. ità opus eft faao. * As the care willing to believe any report of An open reproach, Migma, 3. n. doch require, pro re natâ. * I the Carthaginians, voiebant quicquid To reproach, exprobra, 1. contumeliis refolve as time and bugners re- de Cartaginenfibus dicerslur credere. oficere, quire, ex nos tempore confituo. A report (in law] relatio, renunciario, Reproachable, exprotrahilis, le. To require a thing according to 3.f. Reproached, contumeliis afflus. law, vendico. The report of a gun, klopora crepi- Reproachful, contumelioſus, B. um. To require ſatisfaction, as repe- Reproachiul teras, convicia, diferia. An ill report, infimis, a; f. Reproachfully, conteneliosè į adv. Required, poflulatus, fiagit-lus. Requiátça 3. f. A replying, repricatio, 3. f. IWS. Tere. ! RES RES RES Requisite, requifius, a, wia, To: RESOLVE, docarno, fratno, *A reloonfal. (in' the office of the A rcquistion, requifiio, -3. f. Yo molt reſolve before nighi fia chusch įropon'um, 2, n. A rcquital, semuncratio, retributio. tuandum vobis ante radians eft. Refponfiol., refponfurus, daurno refar- To Ř E QUIT E, retribuo, 3. 8.1 To rcfolre [looſe] Jolor; refolvo. De ciendo olmox.us. will requtc your kindneſsi gra. reſolve me this doubt, exista mibi A rcſponifible man, locuples, tis; m. tiam referam. RPI ſhall not be hunc ferupulum. Prithee reſoluc par Solvendo, able to requite your kindneſs to me quickly, quceso "exoluito me 6%. To refient, toto jenju ad vivum perci me, 148 erga me merita non affe templò. pere. To retolve into [ncut. Jaliquò redire, Rest, quing.esir; requisi, ei ; f. To requitc one to the full, aliquet illuc or ad hoc roduci. The REST, reliquus, nhduus, a, pari munere ramunerari. Reſolved, decrefus, j'aturus. Having um; adj. Gucis you at the Requited, retribuius, compon, alks. reſolved on theſe courſes, his initis reft, lu conjici to crelera. We Having requites, renunoratus. confiliisa will do the reſt by ourſelves, 14. To rere, erige, fatuo, 3. act. Reſolved, 7 adj. certui, confiani, f* liqu3 ger nos agemus. Rered, re&tus, a, um ; part. Reſolute, sus, propofiri tenix. * The reſt (ſubſt.) reliquia, i, pl. f. A rerer, jalator, 3. m. He is reſolved on gojny, kundi rafiduum, 2, n. A rercing, credio, 3. f. Certies of. I am refo!ved on it, Aett Lin muſiik) pouſ2, Q; f. Rere boiled, fomi-cobus, a, ums. ita mimum induxi meum. I am The reſt of a karqucbuſs, trijma, 62- A rere-moufe, uefpertilio, onis ; m. reſolved to pity none. nomini mi. tis ; n. The rere ward of an army, exercitus Jesami coram et. I am reſolved The rest of a lance, buna rotinasu. tergum, acies ultimas, triarii, robur to dwell with you, decrevi apud lum. helli. te hubitars . Are you reſolved to be fit, } quieſco, seguido, 3 To refalute, refoluta, I. A refalutation, reſalutatio, onis ; f. From this day forward I am rc. To reſt (romain) ſuparaja. To refcind, wifeindo, 3. abrago, I. ſolved to be good, bonus volo jarn To reit (pauſe] inre quiefco, pauſos A rcfcript, rafcriptum, i; n. ex boc die ele. To reſt (itay] moror 2. A reſcue, recuperatio, onis ; f. Reſolved!y, adv. To reft upon, incumba, innitor 3. {To reſcue, roupero, in libertato ali.Reſolately, To left together, congwieſco, 3. quam vindicare. Relo!vedncís, conlantia, pertinacia - To reit, quielo, requisto. * Set Reſcucd, recuperatus. Reſolurencis,} ; f. } Set at reſt, your hiast at rest, To reſearch, frutor, I. exquiro, 3. Reſolution of mind, conftantia, cif. animo ello aliele. Reſt yourself, A refearch, fruiinum,i; n. The reſolution of a queſtion, refolu. rofire is. God reft his loul, 76- Reſemblance, asimilació, repraferta tio, folutio. quiefcat in pare. tio, fimilitudo. 3. f. RESORT, frequmtia, e f. congrel. Reſted, reclinatus, a, 419. TO RESEMBLE,fimilo, Jorraam ge. fus, As; m. * A continual reſort Having srited, moratus. # He reſembles his father, of friends, quotidiana amicerum Takirix no reſt, irrequinus. imaginen patris reddit. * He rc affiduitas. * Great reſort of men Rest'ul, otio jus; quietus, a, um. fembles an honeſt man, ſpociera and women, celebritas viror472 06 Reitfully, sijosi, quieli ; adv. boni prælo feri. mulierum. A reſting, clatio, relaxatio, 3. f. Reſembling, confimilis, alimmilis, le Refort (in law).jurildictio, imperium A reſting place, sodas, 3. t. jedila, 301.3. art. Reſembling a maid juridicum, ditio juridila 3. n. in looks and apparel, virginis os To reſort 'unto, frequento, ventito. Reſtleſs, inquielus, a, un. habitumque germs. ☆ They reſort unto one place, Restleſsly, inquieta , adr. A reſembling, affimilatio, mis; f. confluunt in unum locum. Whi- Reit harrow i herb] anonis spinoſa. To refent, ſentis, fenfu affici, tangi, ther you may reſort for boule- Reſtly, piger, lentut a, um, adj. fonſum experiri. room, quo in teftam k receptes, To be retty, obnitor, franuin detrac- Relented, Sonju aftus, fonfum ex- To reſort together, convenio, con. tare, lite. vento, Ta bc refty in daly, officium detrac- A releatment, animi fenfus dolor, Reforted unto, frequentatus, a, um. tarı, reluaari in officio faciendo, A reſerve or foldicra, fubfidium. A reforring. congreffus, ús; in. To grow reſty, pigrefco, 3. Arcfervation, reſervatio, on js; f. A reforting unto, frequentatio, onis;f. Glede retty; } otio corruptus. With reſervation, diffimulanter. , To reſerve, Yalorus, I. repeno 3. Rclounding, reſenus, a, um ; adj. Rctily, animo relyetinie. Refe:ved, reformatus, repoftus. A reſounding, reboatus, as ; m. A reftation, rejilutio, 3. f. Reſerved in fpeech, taciturnus. · Reſoundingiy, fone repercuſo. Reftiveneſs, reflitutio, torziverſatio, 3. Reſervedncís, taciturnitas, atis ; f. RESPECT, refpcctus, 4. m. * In A reſtorative, medicamentum reliqu- Referving, reſervatus, an in; which reſpect, quo nomine. * For rans exbaufas naturæ vires. Reſervative, ad). theſe relpects, .ob has caufas. * TO RESTORE, reddo, reflituo, repo- A reſerving, reſervatio, onis; f. There is a reſpect to be had of no, retribuo, 3. To refide, babito, 19 kindneffes, beneficiorum ſunt deloc. To refro:c liberty, libertatem redu. Rcfidence, fredentia, cit. pladu- tus brbondi, I now coine hither out of reſpect to you, nunc huc To reſtore to life, ad vitam revocare, A place of rclidence, habitaculam, boneris vefiri venio gratiâ. fata properato relexore. In reſpect of, pra, propter ; prep. To reſtore a decayed province, pro Rcrident, refidens, afiduus. To reſpect, respicio, colo.. * He re vinsiam pardirani erigere. The residue, repiduum; religuyor. ſpeas and loves mo, me obfervat & To reſtore to liberty, libertatem vin- To reſign, regno, Jerrunere abdicare, diligit. dicare. jus pobellionemque munuris ſui alteri To ſend refpc& unto, fslutena diure, To reſtore to vigour, recaq o, 3 confcribert, falutare. To restore one to his whole citate, Religned, rolignarus, a, um, Reſpected, obfervatus. cultus. in Sortunas polliminio reflituos. A refigner, rybg ngior, 3. m. Reſpectful, aliorum reuerens. To reſtorc to favour, riconcilio, 1. A reggningin regnesio, munsrisali. Refpc&tive, relativus, proprius. To reſtore geriefly, redintegro, !. Religoment, 2 cujus abdicatio, ira- Reſpectively, relatio ; adv. Reſtoiced, reksturul, a, um. Reſignation, S dhio, tranſcriptio, - Reſpiration, reſpiratio, onis ; f. Reſtored again, redditus, a, um. onis ; f. To refpirc, reſpiro, s. nelll. Acto:ad to life, ad vitam rsvora. Refinaccous [rgany) refinofus, ref. A reſpirer, reſpirator, 3. m. tus. nifer, um ; adi. Reſpite, blora, inducia, pl. panfu,f. Not to be reftored, irreparabilis, l! ; To relig, stico, obnitor, tenitor. litis prarogatio ; interpollyo. 2. n. adj. 3. art. Relifted, ropugnatus, a, um. Raspite of homage, fiddotusis à di-Arellorer, refiisuter. Thou waſ A rcfifter, youg retor, 3. m. entibas domino personaliis pradtanda a reſtorst of our liberty, lv 6*11- Refining, obfens. dilatio. siſi vindex libertatis nofira, A rafting, relu&antia,repugnantia. To reſpite, prorogo, I. A reſtoring, repisutin, liberatio, 3. 1. Reſiſtance, } 1. f. reniſus, 4. m. Relolendency, fulgor, nitor: 3. m. To restrain, cppycro, cohiba, 2. Tepri- A reſolve, Le resum, concilium fixuta. (Resplendent, refplendens, sprujius. mo, o tingo, 3. Rs. } cere. 2. n. 1 Reftringent } refringens, @ypticus. A retributing, } retributio. nem. RET R E V REW Restrained, reftrius, a, um. They feigned a retreat, reverti Saving your reverence, he venia Reſtrainedly, refriai, adv. fe fimulabunt. data, honor auribus ft bsbitus A reftrainer, inbibitor, franator. To retreat, recipere ſe. * At first to reverence, revereor, venerari. A reſtraint, they make a Itand, then they re To.reverence greatly, percolo, 3. Reftraining, refriftio , cabibitio. treat, primum rofifunt, deinde pe Want of rererence, irreurrentia, i.f. Restriction, dem referunt. A ſirreverence, merda, &; f. Reftri&ive To make a retreat, navim in pulvi. Full of reverence, venerabundus. nariuri reducere. Reverenced, cultus, obſervatus, rius- Reftycontunax, acis, adj. 3. art. To found a retreat, receptui canırs. rentar habitu. Reſty bacon, lardum rancidun.. A place of retreat, receptus. Having reverenced, rourritus, vene-: A reſult, exitus, et aus, ûs ; m. To retrench recido, refore, amputo, ratus, a, um ; part. To reſume, reſumo, ir į act. Retrenched, amputatus. A reverencer, venerator, cultor, 3. mn. Reſumed, refumptus, a, um ; part. A retrenchinent, imminutio. A revcrcncing, veneratio, zi f. ) Reverend, , To retribute, retribro, reuerendus, venerandus, . Retribuced, retributus. Reverent, a, um, adli Reſurrection, mortui ad vitam redi. A retributer, retributor. Reverential, devolus, religiofus. fus; refurradio, onis ; f. Reverently, reverentàr, verecunde. To retail wares, minutatim or parti. Retribution, The reverſe of any thing, aver/4'fa- culatim vendere, vinundurs, dijtra-To retrieve, recupero, inlauro, de in cies, averſum latu, here, Tegro repitumre. To reveríc, inverto, pervirto, fubverte, Retailed, minutatin difrastus, Retrograde, retrogradus. ère ; act. 'A retailer, minutiarius negotiator, co. Retrolpect, retrospidus, a, um. To reverſe laws, luges abrogarı or re- tylifta, beminarius inßitor, propala. A RETURN, reuerfo, 3. f. regreffus, gere, A retailing, minutlaria diftra* or reditus, 4. m. * There is no re- Reverſed, rexus, a, um, part. negotiatio, turn from the grave, ab inferis A reverfion, jas fuccedendi in poffeffio- To retain, retinas, daingo, Ere; a8, nullus roditus, To relain unto, in famulitio alterius A grateful return, gratia rforonda To revert, reverlo, čre. le, ab aliquo Dendere. voluntas. To revert to the crown, in fifcum Retained, ritentus, a, um ; part. An ungrateful return, ingrati animi venire, A retainer, retentor, clims, 3. m. virium or crimen. Reveſted, extrinfecus munitus, deco- A retaining, retencio, onis; f. A return of money, pecuniæ fyngra rasus, a, um. A retaining fee, honorarium caufdici phis nummulariis falutis. To revicw, rscoſto, 2. recognofco, 3. Proudannum. A quick return [ in trade ) facilis A review, recognitio, onis ; f. The retaining faculty, facultas raten mercium venditio. Reviewed, recognitus, recenfrui. trix. Days of return (in law) die legiti. A reviewer, recognilor., 3. m. To retaliate, mutuam reponert gra- mi. A reviewing, recognitio, rumbo, 3.f. tiam, par pari referre or redders, A return (in law] certificatorium, To reyile, conuiciuri. Retaliation, talio, onis; f. To return (aa.] reddo, ere. Revilcd, conuiciis lacslitas, To retard, moror, ari. To return Incut.) redeo, 4. recurro, Having reviled, convitiatus. To reich, extendo, 3. diſmis, 1. retrogredior, reurTIO, 3: A reviler, conviciator, 3. m. To retch in ſpitting, Screari. To return thanks, gratiam refert, Reviling, exprobratorius, a, um. A retching, extenfio, onis ; f. To return anſwer, refpondro, zre. A reviling, exprobrasio, onis ; f. A retching one's ſelf, pandi ulatio, To retura moncy by bills of ex. To reviſe, reiego, 3. recafiigo, . Retchleſs, negligens, fupinus; ad). change, collybo prewnian milers. Reviſed, muciu, rocafligalus. To grow rotchleſs, ſecuritati ſu addi. To return in writing, referibo, 3. A reviſe, Returned, reuerfus, ridux. Retchleſsly, negligentor, ſupine ; adv. Returned back, reuolutus, a, um. A reviſtaton, revifitatio, 3. f. Retchleitneſs, negligentia, a; f. A returning, reditus, regreffus, 4. m. A reviſor, reviſtaror, 3. m. To retain, relinco. Su retain. A reve, præfe&tus, i, m. To revire, vivifico, 1. in vitans' redu- Retel (in Champagne) Retelium. To reveal, revelo, I. refuzo, 3. (ore. Retentive, retentious, a, um, adj. Revealed, Trurlatus, retellus. To revive (beut.) reviviſco, ad vi. The retentive faculty, facultas 18- To be revealedi paraffe, eri. tam redire. fontive. A revcaler, vulgator, 3. m. Revived, in vitam reductus. A retention, retentio onis ; f. f. A raviver, in vilan redu&or. A retinue, familia, &;f, comitatus, Revelation, A reviving, in vitara reductio. ús; m. ſatellitium, i, n. The book of the revelations, apoca. A re-union, redintegratio, onis ; f. A great man's retenue, climtela regis, lipfis. To re-unite, in unum reducera, agmina longa climium, pompa comi. Revel (in Liefland] Rrorlia. Revocable, revocabilis,le ; ad). tum. To revel, fergreeror, come for, in mul. A reyocation, revocatio, onis; f. To retire, rundo, refugio, ère. tam lucem biberi, por rotas noites To revoke, ravoso, 1. reduci, 3. Retired, retrogrelus, a, um. choros duere. Revoked, revocatus, a, uth; patt. A retired place, Tidus. Having revelled, porgræcatus, comis. A revoking, revocatio, retra&atio. Retiredly, feorfim; adv. fatus. To rcvolt, deficse, deſciſco, 3. Reiiredneſs, Jocellus, ús; m. Revellers, comeffatorus, um ; m. Revolted, qui deficit: A retiring, } receffus, ils ; m. Revels (routsj concurfus illiciti. A revolter, apoftata, a. The matter of the revels, ludorum A revoli, 1 defraio, 3 f. apoſafa, Retiring, reredens, retrocedens. magifer or prajetus. A place of fafc retiring, lasebra. A revenac, reditus, proumtus, 4. m. Revolting, apoiaticus, a, um, Retiringly, racefim; adv. Revenge pindiéta, &; f. To revolve, rucogito, reputo, 2. anim agitarr. ; To reveage, vindico, 1. uleifer, 3. Revenged, vindicatus, a, um. Revolved, agitatus, a, um ; part. To retort, retorqueo, are. Having revenged, ulius, a, um. A revolving, reputasio, agitatio. Retorted, retorius, inverſus. Revengeful, vinduta gaudens. A revolution, revolucio, onis A recorter, inverſor, oris ; m. Not revenged, inutus, a, um, The revolution of the heavens, cæli A setting, curſus. inverfio, onis ; f. A revenger, vinaje«ter, ultor, 3. m. To rcverbcrate, riurhero, I. Revolution of affairs, publica rei com- A chymist's ietort, vafculum vitreum Reverberating, repe cu divus, a, um. muintio, temporun varislas, fortuna collo retorto, A revcrverating, 2 reverberatio, onis ; viciffitudo To retract, retra&to, recanto. Reverberation, $: f. Reutlingen (in Germany) Rowlinga. Retracted, retradalus, a, um. A reverberatory, reverberasoriun. A revision, revulpo, ond; f. A retra&ion, retra&ario, onis ; f. Tn revere, rruerit, cris; dep. Revulſion (in phyſick) materia mor- A RETREAT,rurfus, rereptus. REVERENCE. reverentia, 1. f, He bifica depulfia, aliò dartvatro. They fall upon them in the ſhowed noch revc.ence to me, To revy, pignore duo'16.80 gericlitari. retreat, reredmtibus figna inferunt. sunimâ me obfervantiâ colebar. * A reward, præmiura, 2. n, mercss,3.f. Pp A little Cert. Rerilng; } roleftio, onis ; f. A revealing;} revelatio , 3: Revolting, } 1.f. sf. $ 3. f, VUS. n. di ; m. orts, RIB R I D RIG A litile reward, prcuriolum. To tye with ribbons, vittis orna- ( To ride back, in equo redire. } The reward of the dogs (the 'boar's Tr.m with riboons, To ride by, praterequite, !. guts I daps pradsce, poluftum pre A ribbon-weaver, vittarum iuxtor. To ride on a hobby-horſe, squisar datorium Ridel river (in Lancabiro] Ribelles. in arundine longa. To rewards wouneror. I * He did Rible-mouth: Ein Lancaire) Reli. To ride a horſe off bis metal, quum nobly reward his ſoldiers, adórrâ fama. defatigart, labore frungar. oficit fuos. Rib-wort, plantago, inis ; f. To ride master at fca, hulicam claf TO seward plentifully, abundants Rice, oryzod, cif. som de mari propallers, in holicains ratribumi Rice (a man's name) Riccus, i ; m. dilen triumphure. Rewarded, ratributus, dealus. A rice for yarn, dlatrun. To ride over a river, puuium egur Rewarded according to his merita, Rice (throud of trees]'concades, Jar tranminne. ornatus ex viridibus, ment: safa. To ride post, cerflare difpoftis or Having rewarded, remuneratus, RICH, divis, itis ; los ples, otis ; opu commutatis.cquis. A rewarder, premlator, remunerator, lentus, a, um, adj. * As rich as To ride through, porequiro. I. gim. you are, quiinlibat dives * If it . To ride together, coeguito, I. A rewarding, remaneratii, retribatio, be a rich ſtock, a fecunda pt al. To ride unte, adequito, I. * As rich as a new Torn A rider,equitusor, 6713; M. egurs, his. A równ, catbartus. See Rheum. fcep, nudior laberide, A rider-roll,rotula appendicula at ad, Reyno de Leon (part of Spain] re- To be rich, diteo, 2. You will ditamottum; schedula additionalis. rum Lesnenje... never be rich, nunquam rem facies. The ridge of a houſe, faſligium, i ;*. Reyno dla man's name] Reginaldus, Very rich, pradives, itis c. Suminitas, aris ; f. tc&um, i ; To be very rich, divitiis aflunt. The ridge of a hill, cacumen, jugur. Rezan (in Muftovy! Roz.int. A rich chuff, largens opibus. A ridge of land, porra, lira, I. f. A Thaplody; thapjodiil, æ; f. A rich banquet, convivium opiperum. A rigde-tile, imbrex, icis; m. Rhead.river; ( in Naribu mborland ] To grow rich, diteſio, ore ; neui. Theridge-bone of the back Spinadorf Rbr:dui. ? To make rich, dito, locupleto, 1. A ridge in wrought ftonc, Bris. Rheden 11n. Ireland) Rhaha.. Made rich, ditarus, a, um.; part. To make ridges in land, imporca, Rheinberg [la Gerrianti Rhenoberga. Richard Ca inan's namc) Richardes. Ridged, friarus, jugojus, a, uns. Rhein-berries..pint cervina. . Riches, divitia, arum; opes, um ; f. Ridge by ridge, Ariotim, Rheiniciden Lin Gurmany). Romeo Rich!y, lautè, epipurè; adv. A ridgeling, ouis rejiruia. sida. Very richly, locupletijjine; adu. Ridiculous. riaiiulous, a, um, adj. Rhenilli. Rhen:mus, aum ; adj. - Richlicu Lin France} Rishæleum, Ri- Ridiculouſly, ridiculè ; adv. Rhonilh wine, vinkm Rbonenfi, colacus. A riding, equilatio, antio ; f. Rhere a inants name) Rhu/is. Richborow [in Kone, Ritupa. A riding cap, galericulum, Rhetorical, orutorius, a, um , adj. - Of Richborow, Rurupinis, a, *. A ridiog-rad, uirga ad agunt concie Rhetorically, adv. facundi, diferid, Richmond (in the Norih) Richmor tundum. dia, a; f. A riding of a ſhire, atvifo comitaiús. A shetorician, shelor, orilor, 3. m. Richmond [ in Surry ) Richmondis, Rie, fecale, tis, in To piay the pheloriclan, rostoriçor, Mons Divery Rigodunun, Ric (in Proven') Rhegium. colare oratorias exhibere: A rick, lrues, cumulus, Rieti (in L'Qmöriùy Reito, Rh:tomicky Rhetoricu, a; f. Rickalus, Ricux Tin Aquitain) Rivi, Rigoma. Rhcubarb, rhubarbarum, i; a. Rickalenſes, dyricula urd. gui, Rurpum. A rhenn, brama, cotorrbus. The rickets, rachitis. Rifc, frequerí. tir; adj. 3. art. Rheumatick, casayrho laborans. To ŘID, libero, I. expedio, 4. vedi. Rife, adv. affluenter. The Rolae [a river in Germany) ms, 3. z. • I have conniogly Riff riff, quifquiliæ, TITIPONIATA. Rhenú. rld myſelf out of that danger, Co rifle, polio, s, diripio. 3. expila, I. Rhineberg (in the biſhoprick of Co ggo dolis me illo expuli periculo. To riflc at dice, ludere frivillo, Fortiri logn). Rhonberga. You will find a way to sld your- selaris. "A rhinoceros, rhinocero, ſelf of thcſc troubles, quâ in ex- Ridcd. Spoliatus, expiletus, a, um. The Ifand Rhodes, Rhodus. pedias his ærumnis reperies. * He A riflers dirafor, orism. Rhone le Duc (in Limbourg) Rhodia rids no ground, movet formicinuin A rifling, expilatio, onis; I. dutie, gradum. A rift, rima, &; f. Rhy river (in Yorkborn} Rbius. To rid one of his money, argento - To rift, rudio, srufta, 1. Rhythm, rhribimus, mi; m. liquem soungere. A rig, mulier impudica, Bbythmical, thybmiaus, a, um. To rid from moſs, emuco, 1. To rig a fhip, Rovern infiruara, , mor A rial, unuks rogalii Hiſpanious, To rid fron fonés, eløpido, r. liri, omart. daem folidi. To get rid of extricarii amaliri. Risan, } (in Livonia] Riga. A rial la alver, regalis argmiau, lex Rid from, extricatus, folutus, donirit, . I rid (of ridc) equ tavi. Rigged, infristus, ornstar. a, um. Rian rivoy (ia Srnland) Riantis, A- A riddance, amolitio, onis ; f. A rigger of ſnips, novium inirudor, brevanus. Ridden, furfu fatigatus. or ornatore A rib, cßa, @if. Ridding, expeditivus, a, um adj. A rigger of a ſhip, wavis in mais. A small rib, calula, &; f. The rigging apparatut, is; m. The ſhort ribs, cie naiba. A riddle anigma, atis; n. RIGHT (juft) rufus, aguus. a, um; The ribs of a ſhip, fabligaculum, po A putter of riddles, anig:nctiſia. adj. ** If we have not done all ribolus, navis cinaås. A riddler, 3 [Gevc] criorum, externi. things right. A quid eft peccatum Haying ribs, collatus, a, um, adj. Riddle, sculwm. à nobis, * The name is not right, "to ribispar, spigo, vi coſtas. Tufo To riddle cośn, excerno, čre ; act. noinen non convenis. commitigars, contunderg.. TO RIDE, «quito, I, iter equo facere. Right [fabit ) jus, juris; n. equusi, A ribald, nebulo, 3. m. fcelus, 3.A. * They ride in triumph in a cha. 2. n. .aguitas, 3. f. fas, indecl A ribauld, furcifer, 2. m, rlot of gold, aureo curru sriun. * All is not right with them, alj: To play ihe ribald, Imporinor. phane. quid raoniri aluni. Right or Ribaldrous, obfianus, a, um, adj. A ride of hazel, 5. spryli pulli, ni wrong he will do it, quo jure, qua, Ribaldry, obceenitas, atis; f. petes, lifragines. ve injuriâ, faciel, * The right of Riband (in heraldry) osapa pars tæ- To ride about, obaquito, art. . the caſe is lelf-evident, aquitas ne. Ride up and down, They ride.up. ipſa lucoi per les I have as good Ribaulde (an Ifand of Provmix]$14. and down every day, per omnes right in the Gatc as you, udi te parte perequitania Citus fbi ego quia, Extreme a ühchefter, (in Lancabire) Ribsdu. To ride at anchor, in anchoris de right is extreme wrong, Juana Tamp, Bretonarun. Ships did ride at zochor, dmse jus, fumma injuria. Ribble-rabble, Sufo di nugax gar: tengsi anıböra fundabai naues. Riglit (adv} eque, plone. * You ruiten, To ride upon the main, pavigare are in the right, roeti mones ; rom tener , rem ipfum putali. I am Ribbon To ride away, abequilo. Qot right, non patis rectè mie babco. 0 1 Adobohand, } sifte;tania, &;". + This + manus. rare. riſe ou Rile frogs,'} exorior, irii rumentum, tintinnabula aris uni. To ripple fiax, pericarpia ejus doter- RIN RIP Ř I V • This is right father like, hox Ring, } annularis, re; adl. 3.; Ripicts, Firarii, patrium of. • I am sight enough of a ring, art. To ripp, refuo, deſuo. Ripp.no! ſerved for my folly, pretium to A sing-thimble, ungulud, condylus, old ſores, ne isulorum 7ajrices wie. ftuliftiam faro. A feller of rings, annularius, ii; m. moriard. Right (proper or convenient] apius, To ring, annulo, I. Ripped, refutus, diffutus, 2. uin.' commodus, accommodus, idoneus. To ring in hog, roftro Juis ferratum. A ripper, refutor, difuror., 3. m. Right (loand la health] fanusz bond annulum in srert. A ripping, 2:/ut:0, onis; f. valetudine frue. A ring of bells, campani æris omne A ripper, doriuarium,.;n. Right (ſtraight forward] raus, di- retu varſa, gere, sabjiercare Right (true) genuinus, legitimus, ger. To ring (wreft i obtorqueo: 2. Rppon (in Yorkſhireſ Rigodunutr. right ftoiek, laicus To ring bells, campan:u pulfare, agi-; Of Rippon, Rijerifis, fe; adj. germanicimus, A rf, origo, ins; f. A right friend, bomo amio amicus, To ring out a bel, componam utrio-To RISË, orior, iri; dep. The Right againſt, è regiona, ex aduerfo. quo pulfare. Wind begins to riſe. fcuire ventus Right corner'd, retangulus; adj. To ring all in, pulfare extrenùm, cevit: There a:c ſigns going Right down, paſiun , adv. To ring (nçut.) rinnio, 4: Jono, 1. before when a ſwarm will sile, Right forth, porrò; ady. My carg ring with noiſe, aures cum examen exilurum ef folent pra- The right-hand, dextra, r. f. * He linniune fonilu. • The wood rings ire jgra. knows not his right-hand from his with barking, remugit wmnus la. To riſc again, rafurgo, 3, left nofcit quid inter dextram en Iratu. Anifram. To ring about, circumiono, 1. Righi honcft, fan&iffimus, a, um ; To ring again, refono, i. * The 'To riſe from bed, furgo, ērg , peut. adj. fuperl. A downright hoa skics ring again with ihcis ſhouts, What made you riſe fo carly ; neft mang, bowi Sne fuco & falla rcfonat clamoribus ælher. quid te tam mana è lefto expulit; siis. To ring ali over, perfono, 1. Juſt when they are going to riſe, Right in the nich, in ipſo articulo. To caſt thedilelves in a ring, corona Gucas jam evolaturi fint, Right out, reià ; adv. fatta circulare. * 'They cait To riſe [mount up) afcendo, 3: Right well, perballè; adv. themſelves into a ring, and ſtood To rite in price, ingruusfoort Corn To right onc, alicui fatisfacere. upon their defence, illi orbe facto riſcs in prices, ingraveſcit cionona. To make right, re&tifico, 1. corrigo, je defenderunt. * Land Tiles of price greatly, ply- dirigo, 3. aa. To run at rhe ring,equeftris curriculi rimum.agrorum preliis acceffit, To bring to right (as a ſhip] vila pramio certare ad annulum, To riſc (in Gnging ) painin cifare, iterum difpandara, Toplicare, To get the ring, equefiri decurfione VOLIM enim exclare. Righteous, equus, iufius, a, um, ad annuluin palmani confequi, re- 'To riſe up, surgo, Burgo, 3. Rightcouly, jufà; adv. portare. To r!íc up againſi, infurgo, 3. Righteouſneſs, iuffilia, &;f. The rlog.bouc, in an horſe's foot, To riſe upon, inerofio, innafior. Rightfal, legitimus, a, um ; adl. paronychia, Rifen, srius, cxorius, A, um. Rightfully, Legitims, júfle ; adv. The ring-finger, digites annalaris. Rilen [fwoln) tumidus, turgidus. Rightly, tead, riti, aqui į adv. The devil's gold ring, convoloulus. Riſing from latus, editus, a, um. Not rightly, injuflè, inique; adv. A ring-leader, antefignanus, ni; n. A riſing, orius, exortus, ús ; m. A rlglet, fulă plana e quadra. A ring-dove, palumbus, bija. A riang again, refurre 70, 3. f. Rigour, righ, afperitas, severitas. A ring-tail, Pygargw, buteo albus. The riling of a hill, acclivitas, 3. f. The rigour of the law, fummam jus. Ring-wood (a dog's name] bylador. A rifing Llwelling) tubei, tumor, 3. 3 rigidus, injufus, loverus, A ring-worm, imperigo, inis ; f. , ; adj. Ringed, annulatus, a, um ; adj. A riling [tumult] infurrectio, 3. f. Very rigorous, perfeverus, a, um, A ringer, tintinnaculus, A riſing of water, tatabra, I. f, Rigorouſly, rigidà, injufà, fovere. A bell-ringer, campanarum pulfaror. A risk, periculum, li ; n. Very rigorouſly, acarione ; adr. Ringing, tinnulus, canorus, i, um. Torun a risk, periiliir, 1 A rill, rioulws, li ;m. A ringing of bells, campanarum pul- Riſingham (in Norsbuméerland] H. A rim, pargo, labrun, ora. fatio bitaculum. The inner rim of the belly, perita- To rinſe, elavo, I. elus, alluo, 3. A site, ritus, ûs ; m. Riníed, elutus, perlaw, ng um. Funeral rites, cxiquio, arum ; f. A rime (ſort of mift) pruina, @if. A rinſer, Lotrix, icis; f. Riton upon Darmora (in Wirwick- Rime (metre) rhithnus. A rinâng lotura, I. ablutio, 3. f. ſhiro] Rusunia, Rustonia, Rugnitu- Sorry rine, varfus illepidi. infacti. Rion, fin Auvergne) Ricomagum. nis. To ime, sumanos fimiliter difñintas Riot, luxuria, s. fi luxus, 4. m. Ritual, ritualis, le; adj. 3. art. componert. A riot, rixa, s. f. frultus, 4, m. A ritual, codex ritualis, iber sacro- To rime unlearnedly, verkfico, I. To riot, ka luxui dodere, Rimed, A rioter, belluo, nopos, 3. m. * HC A lival, riurlis, is s n. In rime, }rbyshmicus . is a great rloier, luzu diffluit. To rive [act.] diſcerno, findo, 3. A racr, portafier. Riotons, luxuriojis, in luxu of ufus. To rive (neut.) fatico, 3. A Sorry rlmer, werffiçator3.-m. Ritoudy, luxuriosa, profuè. A rivel (wrinkle) ruga, &; f. Rimini (ia Romagna] Ariminum. To eat riocoully, comeffor. To rivel, rugas contrahere. A rind, cortex, idis ; . To llye flotoudy,lııxurior, pergracor, Rivelled. rugo:us, a, um ; adj. A thin sind, tunica, e ; fe eri, Riven. di cerpius, Lulu, by um. Fall of thin sinds, Tunicatus, adj. Riotouſnels, luxuria, luxuries, 5. f. A riving, fiſura, @ ; t. The inner rind of bark, philyra, To rlpi, refuo, defuo, čre. A river, rivui, i ; omnis, is; m.fly- The prickly rind of a chernut, calyx Ripe, maturus, co&us, inltis. men, inisin. arbinamw. Ripe before the time, pracox; adj. A imall river, rivu'res, li ; . The rine, mentum, ti ; n. Ripe in ycars, puber, čris ; adl, The rives - Gdc, mpa, ce ; f. To rinc, Lango, ere. Ripe for marriage, viripotans ; ad). River, adj, Auviulis, ia; amnicus, A RING, annulus, liin. I tonk Not ripe, immaturu', a, um. Of a river: LA, adj. ring off from my finger, de di. Ripoly, mature ; ady. River by river, rivain adv.. gite annulum detrazi. Torpen, Full of river, luminous, ,, um. A Uitle ring, annellus, li 3.m. Mauro, I. 267. The river horic, h.ppopotamus. purus. To ripen, The river-thimp Linſect ] Squilla A wedding ring, amulus pronabus. Grow ripe, fiuviurilis, grillus aquaticus, To pot a ring on the finger, indure Ripen [in Denmark) Ripa. River Weed conferun, a; f. digito annulum. Ripened, maturatus, a, um. The river-whale..glinis, plinus, A Seal ring, annulus bgillaris. Ripen.fi, master isas, atis ; f. Rivers (the family] De Riparsis, An earring, inaktis, is; f. Ripencfs of age, puontas, oris; f. A rivet, clavus. The ring of a door, cornix, icis; f. Ripening, maturejoms, tis, pa To rivet, deranjo, 3: A ring of people, coring, orbis, A ripening, Matusurio, onis ; t. Riveled, dopadus, a, km. A rivet m. Ripotons, } PA? 3. 211. 3. art. frino, 3. : } ROC ROL ROO A riveting, depafio, 3. f. Rocheſter (in Kent | Roffa, Duro- A court-roll, volumen curiale. A rivulet, rivulus, brus. The rolls, archiva. A rix.dollar, thalerus imperialis.' Rocheſter, Rofenfis, fi ; ad). A roll, cruflulum bicorne, libum, oblon- A road, via publica. Of Rocheiter, gum. A road for ſhips, finus, 4. n. fatio, A rochet, exomis, amiculun linssum. To ROLL, volvo, voluto. 3.fi A rochet (filh] rubellio. To roll again, revolvo, 3. A roader, navis in Barione. A rock, rupas, ſopulus, patra. To roll before, prauoluo, 3. To roum, vagor, fro, 1. A little rock, petrella. To roll down, devolvo, 3. To roam off, vogando aufme. A rock (diftaff colus. To roll down (neut.] ſe devoluire. Having roaned, vogatus, a, um. Rock (herb} ulva. To ro!l the eyes up and down, 014- A roamer, vagabundus, 2. erro, 3. m. Rock, faxatilis, le ; adj. los contorquete. Roaming up and down, vaguse Of a rock, To roll land, deocco, 3. A roaming, vagatio, 3. f. Rock-oil (mineral) petroleum. To roll towards, advolvo, 3. The roan of fiſh, icium oua. A rock.pigeon, columba faxatilis. To roll under, ſubvolvo; 3. A roan horſe, equus fulvus; muidi- To rock a cradle, cunas agitare. To roll opon, involuo, 3. nus, rauus, Rocket (herb] cruca. Rolled, volutus, a, um. A roan-tree, forbus fylogfris Alpina. Rocket.gentle, orrfimum, 2. Dirio, Rolled up, conuolutus, a, um, TO ROAR, mugio, mugio, 4. elimo, I. Garden-rocket, 3 3. m. A roller, palanga, ylindrus. Sca-rocket, cruca marina. A ruller of cloth, bamous. To roar (as a bear) trinco. "Wall-rocket, To roar for grief, sjule, art ; R. cruca fylveftris. Rolling, volubilis lo; adj. * A rol- ling ſtone gathers no moſs, fexum A roarcr, clamator, rugiter, 3. m Water-rocket, cruia aquarica, volubile non obducitur muſco. Roaring, clamaria, trmobundus. A socket of wild fire, ignea taifilia. Rolling eyes, oculi arguti, A roäring, slamasio, fremitum rugi- Rocky, faxrus, fcopuloſus, a, um, A rolling, volutatio, 3. f. IKI. A rocky place, faxerum. A rolling-pin, magis., TO ROB, rapio, 3. Spolio, 1. furor, 1. Roekineſs, cautes. A rolling Ione, cylindrus, latrociner, prador, f. It robs al. A roking, cunarum agitatio. A rolling-preſs, prolum verſatile. most of all pleaſure, privat omni. Rockroy Lin Champaigne] Rupes 98- Rollingly, volubiliter ; adv. tus foè voluptatibus. * That fel gla. Romagna (a province of Italy) Ro- low bas robb'd the houſe, ille bo- A rod. virga, a; f. mandiola, mo ados compilavit. They may A little rod, virgula. Roman, Romanus, a, um ; adj. as ſoon rob a lion of his prey, A curtain rod, virga cortinaria. A romance, fabula (apud Romanos) lupo agnum erigere pofulani. A rod to meaſure with, pertica. krolica, heroicæ fubula rhoplosia, They rob Par to pay Paul, aliis A rod in meaſure, fedecim pedes cum herojeorum geforum fi&ta narratio. nocent us in alios liberales ant ; dimidio. To romance, ſplendide mmtiri. verfuras faciunt. Full of rods, virgojus, a, um. A romancer, magniloquus, i; m. To rob privily, fuffuror, ari. Madc of rods, virgeus, viminius. A Romaniſt, papicola, ecclefia Roma. Robbed, raptus, poliarus, , um. A place where rods grow, virge na oficial A robber, lain, prado, fwr, 3. 0. Romantick, fatius, a, um ; adj. A robber of publick treaſure, expi- Rod knights, equitas teneficiarii. Rome (in Italy] Roma, a; f. lator, diruptor, 3. m. Rodjun la river in Poland) Erida- A romer. Soyphus amplior. A church-robber, facrilegus, i; m. Romerſwall (in Zeland] Romerjual. A ſca-robber, pirata, a; m. A rode, via equeftris, Sue road. bia. Of a robber, pradmius, a, um. A rode for ſhips, navium ffatio. Romorantia [in La Besufi] Rotoma. A robbery, latrocinium, furtum, i; D. A rode for foldiers, militum incur. gum A robbery by ſea, pratica. fo. Röncoigne (in Aquitain) Ronconia. A robbing, Spoliatio, expilatio, 3. f. To be on the rode, equito. Ronda (in Granada] Arunda. A robbiog of churches, Sacrilegium. I rode (of ride) equitabam. * He A rood of land) pertica, radius geo- Of robbing, prædatorius, a, um, rode at anchor, in aneboris expec. meiricus. A robe, palla, volis Analica. ravil. A rood-loft, ftatuarium. A robe of honour, fola, e; f. Rodez [in Aquitain) Segodunum, The holy wood, fan&a crux. A robe of ſtate, viflis regia. Ryteni, A roof, iratum, 2. culmm, 3. n. A purple robe, purpura, ai f. A rodomontade, gloriatio inepta & An arched roof, camera, a; f. A night looſe robe, lacerna, &; f. thraſonica, A flat roof, doma, atis ; n. pallium, i, n. A roe, caprea, a; f. capreo- A vsulted roof, laqurar, aris į D. Judges robes, velimenta formfa. A roe.buck, lus, i; m. A roof tile, inbrex, iris; m. A wafter of the robes, veliarius. The roc of a filh, piſcis ova, The roof of the mouth, palatun, Rober (a river in Lorrain] Erubris. The ſoft roc, ladns. A rook, cornix frugivora. Robert, 7 [a man's name) Robertus. Roer (a river in Germany) Rura, A rook at chers, clephonius dux. Robią, 3 * Many talk of Robin Adrana, A rook (chcat] impoffor, 3. planus, Hood that never ſhot in his bow, Roermond [in Gue!derland] Rurt. 2. m. fraudum arcbile&us. non omnes qui vitharams imont ci. munda. To rook, impono, 3. circumomia, 4. Tharcedi, Rogation week, ambarvalia. fallaciis lucrum facere. Robert (herb] gruina, a; f. Roger (a man's.name] Rogerus. Room, locus, fpatium. It takes up Robin.good-fellow, jasyrus, faunus, A rogue, celejlus, Nigmalicus. room to no purpoſe, frufire locum To rogue about, oberro, Qrufco, dig detinet. . I will grind in your Robins, funiculi vila awiennis colli vagar. room, ego pro il molam. gantos Rogucry, feelus, 3. flagitium, 2. n. A room, conclave, is; n, Röbla Hood's penny-worth, astea Roguing about, vag-bundus. A room or rhomb [point in the com- A joguing, vagatio, 3. f. pais] rhombus. Afrobin red-breaſt, rubecula, ſylvia. Roguish, Kelepus, a, um ; adſ. A room to eat in, triclinium, i; n. Wake-robin (herb.) Atum. Roguiſhly, feele... Blogitio:e. cenario, onis ; f. Robuſt, robufius. Rohaczow (in Liibaania] Roberz- A Nuttiſh room, lares immundi. A rocʻ[at cheſs] Rotor. I wait his An uſurer, Generator, 3. m. fanera- A wafer-maker, libarin, coming, aduenium ejus expoeto. trix, 3. t. Wafer-making, cruſelaria. To wain, 2 attendo, inſercio, famu. Utcallis, utenklia, uta; pl. a. A walt (ſmeil] odor. Wait on, 3, lor. • Hc Tall wait Utility, utilitas, commodum. A waft at ſea, bgnum ad auxilium on you, habebis ad lasui feroulur. Utlary, tabula profcriptoria, petendat. • They were come again to wait, Utlepe, rarimus expugnatio, To waft (ſmell] Juhodoror, rodierunt ad minifterium. • Let Utmoſt, extremus, a, um. To waft (convey deduce, prolego. others come and wait, elit veni. To do one's utmoit, pro viribus niti. To waft over, trajicio. ant ad officium. They wait on Utopian, imaginarius, extrumunda-Wafters, pontones. us to the court, ab illis ad forum A wag, Taſiivus, lopidus, ludibundus, deducimur: # He waited on his Utrecht (In Holland ] Ulricefium, naud. master at the table, adjabat do- Trsje&tum ad Rbenum or inforius, A mad wag, bomo poruerſus. mino mmfile Antonina, A wag-halter, trifarcifer, -To wait day, after day, diom de die Utter, exterior, ks , adj. comp. To way, ago, agito, moso. expectarı. To utter, profero, effero, fundo. To wag (neut.) vacillo, motito, tre. To wake ano wait, on obferuantia To utter h's mind, c!equar, animi pido. alicui impacte. fons proferre, To wag the head, muto. To lay wait, 2 infidior, infidlas frun To utter (reli windo. To Wag the tail.couro, blandiri cauda. Lie in wait, To utter by retail, divendo, dißraho. To wagc, pignore certare, ex provosa- Laid In wait for... infidiis petites. Utlerance, eloquium, eloquentia, pro tone contendere. A l:cr in wait, inggiator.. lasie. To wage law, litigo, Lying in wait, infidiofus., Utterance of ware, merciun difrac. To wage war, belum gerere. By. lying in walt, infidiosè ; adv. Wagening (in GuelderlandViga. A lying ia wait, in dia. Walted tas. 110, vendisio. 1 ' } decrefcens, ensis ; adl. TW. > To want, W AL WAN W AN "Vaited on, smicas, caudus, Wall, muralis, 3. Wandlesbury (by Cambriago) Vana A'waiter, aferia, furu'uso Of a wall, art: delibria. Waiting, expe&tabundus. To wall, munio, dre. The vine of the moon, lunc decre. A waiting, expráatio, onis ; f. Walled, Sura munirus. mnrntun. A waiting.man, arlurhus, thi; m. High walled, aliis manibus cinqui. In the wane, , Awa ting-woman, pedillequa. Waning, A wallet, bifurus, mantica. 'The waits, Ipondaula, A beggar's wallet, faccus. The wang tooth, dens caninus, Waiward, werojus, proterous ; adj. A walict-bearer, faccigerulus, A woning, deiredientin. A waiward, deonea. A wall-creeper: picus martius. Wanke, virtus, flaccidus, mobilien Wiiwardiy, morose, priserve. Wall-eyed, glaucomale laborans. Wanly, pallido, Iivide; ady. Walwardaels, morofitas, procervicas, A wall Asver, leucorum parietaria, Wanin, palliaus. Soe Wan. aris ; f. A wall-louie, cimex, isir, m. Wannels, pullor, lurer. juglans, -endis 3 WANT, gefias, 3: f: indigmtin,' in. pla, I. f. * 1 ftand a wint of To wake (neus.] «xpergifcor, evigilo. 'A wall- nụt tree, f. * Will you waken to day I sjiino Wall-rue, adianthium album, ſomething in thcm, in sis aliquid defiders. I found by the wait hodlin ruigilaturi? Wakened, experraffus. • Į was The Wall' ('n Steffordſhire] Etose of it, sarondo intollexi. • He felt wakened with the head ach, tj. tup. no want of youth, adolefcentiam tatus fum dolort rapitis, The wall of Adrian, Hadriani mu. non requiſivit. Wakefield (in Yorkſhiro] Wakefel- A want idcficiency) dofiani, 4. th. dia. Wallingford [in Berkshire) Culona, Want of kaowledge, infcientia, 1. f. Wakeful, vigil, vigilans, Glava, Galiua, Want of parenis, &, srbicas, 3' f. Wakefully, vigilania. Wallinland (among the Aps] Vale. Want of money, pecuniæ inopia or Wakefulneſs, vigilantia. fa. ainutas, A waking, evigilatio. Wallend [by Neroraftle] Vindobara, Went of corn or proviſion. Ansong A waker, évigilator, Vindomari. or rei frumountaria dificult15. A waker of another, excitater. The Walloons, Willones, Gullibel. Want of trade, irratora or como Wake robin (herb) asuin. mercii mala faries or infrequentia, g@. Wakes, faria rusa, paganalia, tem. To Wallop, bullio, foruro. interniſio or jiario. plorum eniania, To wallow, voluto. } Be in want of, } cara, ogro, indi. Walcoort, Ein Luyckland) Vallocuria. Having wallowed, volutatus. grs, crt; Neut. Waldeck' (a county and city in a wallower, vo!utatır, oris ; m. # If you do not want a centenice Saxony] Valderum Wallow'ng, volwiebundus, a, um. mind, animus fis non deficit aquas. Waldhult (in Sehwshm] Valdhujta. A wallowing, volupatio, onis ; f. • He wanted nothing while he The wale of cloth, lines, a; f. A wallowing place, volutabrum. Jived, vixit dum vixit done. A wale on the skin, vibex. $.Wallowingly, vclutatim ; adv. They are in want of thoſe things · Wals. Wallowiſh, inppious, faflidinfus. which they have moft ftere ot, Wa'es, Wallia, Cambria, 2. f. Wallowiſhiners, infpiditas, atis; f. el dipderant quibus adundant. A walk, atahulacrum, ambulatio, Walpon (in Hingary) Valoonum. Not that he wanted wit, non quod Awalk finh) turbo, Wallinghaai lin Norfolk] Paratha- ai dojet ingen 40. To WALK, lahia. To want (be deficient, neut.] den FETCH A WALK, Hambulo . To walt, vacillo, nuto, 1. huc illus sum, difcio. * There wants not To make the walk (compaſs the forri.. much, parum abeft quim. Whilst deer about] initis circuitionibus re- Walter (a man's name] Gua!terus, ſuch booties may be had, there centisres ferè dias circumiribere. will never want civil wars, taubus To walk about, cirikinambulo. Walwick ſin Nóribumberland] Gald. praniis propofitis nunquera defutura To walk againſt, obambulo, are. Sunt bella civiliz. •There wanted To walk back, redembulo, org. Walwyn (a man's namc] Wilge- but little but they had been ſur- To walk'beſore, preambulo, are. roonded; tantùm non circumsiban- To walk far abroad, exipatior. To wambie, tumukus. There wanted not some To walk forth, drambulo, prodeam. To wamble (as a pot) bullie. that.--., Jurte gut; non defuerunt bulo, To wamble to and fro, vacillo. qui . You will never want, To walk in, ingredior. A wambling in the belly, borborig. nunquam Hurait fieri To walk through, perarahulo. To begin to want, ogaſco, ere. To va k up and down, inombulo, To wament, lamente, ari. in want, gens, egmus ; adj. To walk to get him a fomach, fa- I wan (of win) vics. To be in very great want, furnis am ambulando opfinari. Wan, pallidus, luridus, lipidus. anguftiis prini. A walker, ambulator, oris; m. ambu- Somewhit wan, ſubpallidus ; adj. A warit (molc) talpa, e; f. bulatrix, icis ; f. To be wan, palleo, ere ; neut. A want hill, gruinulus, Walking, ambulatorius, a, um, To grow wan, pallela, ere; ncut. Wantage (in Berkſhiri] Vantatinga, A wa!king, ambulario, ons ; f. Grown wan, pallidus faäus. A wantey, fubcingulum. A walking place, ambulacrum, A looking wan, pallor, oris; m. Wanting, indigus, a, um ; ad). A little walking place, ambulation. A wand, virga, rudis. • Under A vandag, indigintia, a; f. cula. his wand, füb posafnte fua ; i!li ob Wantan, Lafcivis, petulans; ad). A courſe of walking, fpatium, ; noxius, A wanton, procex. A walking about, obumbulatio, inii; f. A holy wand, virga ex agrifolio. A wanton girl, lepida. A walking up and down, inambula- A wanded shalr, cathedra vininga Wanton dalliance, palulantia, æ ; i. tio, onis; f. femicircularis. A wanton tri-k, jocus, ci ; m. A walking by night, maatio, onis; f. To W2!der, erro, vagor, d. Somewhat wanton, laf.vulus. A walking-ſtaff, feipia onis; m. To wander about, perogor, I. To cart a wanton eyo, limis obtu- eri, Walkren (part of Zealand] Vala. To wander bither and thither, diva. cria. gor. To make waaton, mollio, indulgentia A WALL, muus, i; m. # They To wander over, pererro, 1: corrumpere, ſet their l.ddsrs and mount the To wander unde, Suberro, I. To p'ay the wanton, Jafíivia, 4. wall, port's fcalis murus afcendunt. To wander up and down, abero. Wantonly, lajeivè, procaciter, adv. The wali of a houſe, pariei, etis; m. Wandered, avius. Waatonneſs, lafcivia, porulantia, . f. A llttle, pirierulus, i; m. Having wanderet, vegetus. procacita), 5. f. A brick-wall, patie: teftaceus, A wandering, erratio, vagatio, 3. f. Playing the wanton, paxlans; ad). A mid wal.. parius medianus. Ą wandering thro:gh, peragratio. A playing the waston, patulantia, A mud-wall, lutamentun, i;n À wanderis.g houſewife, vogabunda, praacisiis. A partition wall, paries in ergerinus. f. of vagahandus; (uxor or fæminu To wantonize it, lafivio, abi indul- A dry wall, mareria, «; f. * Bd underſtood :) gere them pull down this garden wall , Wandle (a river in Surroy] Vanda. Wantíum river (in Kone] Winija- bars in borsa marerium jube diiui. To , Gallavi. mus, Mus. in. 1 8 adv. Wata. I } billicas, a, um num. } Wark Tarih] } doleo, zre. Wariſht, ab ægritudine liberatung WAR WAR W AS . To winze away, contabefie, črt, Ware ftake care!] Kowe ! Warranted, ratus, authoritati imuni. A. wapaniako, centuria, a ; f.; Ware a town in Herfordfiro] Wa. WAR, bellara, li ; n. Let us pot ra, &; f. A warranter, autor, afipulator, 3. m. it to be fortune of war, Martis Warfare, militia, I. f. bellum, 2. Q. A warranting, } fidejuji, alipalatio, experimmur aleam. • He had a expeditio bellica. Warrantiſc, 3, 1. mind to bring it to a war. ynn ad To go on warfare, militatum iri. A warranting at law, authoritas,. 3. f. Arita dedusi. Rudibal. • He hach A war-horſe, equus agminalis. Warranty, fidejuffio, 3. f. served oät his time in the wars, Warie, laulus. Sue Wory: Warred, depugnatus, a, um. Dipendia confecit. Peace is to. Warily, canta, Goveja, circumspecta; A warren, vivariuin, 2. n. be preferred before war, sidant Warren (the famlly) De Waruma, arima tiga Warin (a man's name) Guarinus. Warrèncd, cinſeptw, a, ums; Civil war, bellum çivile or inieſlikudi Wcarineſs, caulela, 1. cautio, g. f. Made warren, adj. Open war, Mirs apartus, To wariſh jdelivert trado, ore. A warretier, o varii afos. War by fea, dillum cloficum.. grå utrus valetudine, validus, å mimre The Warriangle (hawk) tanio, Of war, di voliqujio fatis TRIAS. A warrior, bellator, oris ; m. A man of war, navis prandiaria. A wark, Warriag, belligerens, gon. jis, adj. Towar, belligero, pralior., bel- Warck (ach]} dolor, oris; m. A warring, concertatio, onis; Make war, ... I ALTE gorete. Warlike, beilirojus, belliger ; ad). Warrington (in Cbibiro] Rhigodo- To denounce war, bellum denuncia Warlikely, bellicosè; adv. are or indicere. Warlike diſc pline, nu bellica, diſci. Warſaw (In Poland) 'Parfovia. War-ſcot, fributum ad Jumapius colli plina militaris, ratio caftrenfis. Warsberg (in Hillandi) Parburgami Sufinandos exalium. Warm, calidus, a, un; ad). War-Scot, Jubfidium pro bello. A proclaiming of war, darigatio Warm (brisk] acris, uehemens; adj. A wart, verruca, a; f. War (worfc) peja. Lukewarm, repidus, a, um ; ad). A little Wart, virula. , . A warth, vadum, i; a. Waradin (In Hungary] Waradinum: Makewarm, }calefacio , öre; act. Wartý (ad] To warble, midzlor. To be warm, caldo, 26 Full of warts, verrucoſus, a, um. Waria la river in Poland) Varia. To warble (as a ſwallow) trinſe. To grow warm, calefco, ērt ; n. Warbled, modelare caniaius, To keep warm, foveo, pre; act. Warwick, Vorovicum,Warvicus Præ. A warbler, modulator, 3. m. fidium. To make lukewarm, tepefacio, čre. Warbliog, 014 tremulus, produlatus. To be lukewarm, tepeo, ére; n. Warwickſhire, provincia Warwicina, Waruic comitatus. A warb!ing modulatio, verisvibra- To grow lukewarm, tepored čre; n, tio ; vibrillatio. To warm [ncut.] celifco, calefe,' 1- Wary, ctutus, circumfpiftus, a, um. refio. To wark, Wary (thrifty) par us, frugalis; adj. Kept warm, fotus, a, ux; part. To wary, maledico, diris deuduire. Ward, cuftodia, a f. Warmrd, calefactus, a, um. To be wary, caveo, ere; ncut. The ward of a lock, fara annostas, Warming, calefa&orius, a, um, adj. I was (imperf. of am) gram. , 2. m A warming, calafox.o. 3. f. Awaſe (for eaong the head in care A ward in a city, tribues, 4 m. regio, A wa mimg.pan, talpilddrum, foru: wam of the thous (la navigation] , ignitabu- Waſh off of the fame ward. tribulis, le; ad). prope littus. Ward by ward, tribucim. Warmly, talidè, lapidè; ady. TO WASH, lavo, are; at . To Watch and ward, vigilia, ex:ubia, Warancſs, calor, tepor. 3. m. waſh a Biackmoor whito, Æshio. arum), pl. t. Worminfter [in Wilto:r] Verlucio. pem lapare. j Waſh it, vo, I. in fpecula je, To ward off a blow, i&tum depollere, To warn a little, ſubama, Ere. To walk out, aluo. difandrie. To warn aforehand, pramines, 2.0. To walh himlelf in, denergi, ore. To walh a horſe, equum aquatum Warded, cufiditus, sum. : To wara to appoar, cito, art. abdurare. Warded off, defenſus, dipalſus. Warned, monitus, a, um. Say not Wardeyn in Tranjlvania) Vara. but that you were warned, ne di To waſh the mouth and throat, gar. dinam. car tibi non prædi&um, I may garizo. A warden, cuffes, 3. 01. be warned by what has befallen Waſhed, lavatus, lautus, lotus ; part. A warden of thc poris, limmarha, others, aliarum exempla commonent. Waſhed clean, ablutus, a, uth. Warned before, premonieus, a, um. Waſhed out, dutus, a, un. chat; m. A warden (pear] Pyrena doledun or Having warned, hortalus, a, um, Not waſhed, illotus, a, um ; part. To be warned, comminafio, eri. A waſher, lofor, oris ; m. Slueline. A warden-tree, platum, 2. n. A warner, monitor, 3. m. A waſher [ſmith's inftrument] afpor. Wardhuys (a fort in Norway] Vard: A warning, manillo, 3. f. nenitus, 4 gillum fabrile. bufia. m. monitum, L. n. A waſher-woman, litrix, icis ; 1. A wardrobe, armarium, vitiarium, A warning before-hand, praminitio, A waſhing, lotio, onis; f. forinius, 2: n. Synthehi, 3. f. onjı; f. A waſhing away, ablutio, onis; f. A ycoman of the wardrobe, veſia. The warning of a clock, preambu- A walking away violently, diluvies, rius, 2. m. lum bora. ki; f. The maſter of the king's wardrobe, To warp, defcto, incurveſco, 3. in. A waſhing the throat, gargarization à vifliario. clino, I. contrabo, 3. oriis ; f. A wrádmote, regionis urbana conci- To warp cloth, ordior. A waſhing-places lavatrina, lads. lium. The warp of cloth, famon, 3. n. A waſh-houſe, crum. A wardſhip, tutele, ei f. 4. warpe (fea-word brleium. hogs Ware, max, 3. f. mgrcimonium, 2. n. Warped, difforius, a, um; P.GA. , Small warci, morcula, mercium par. A warping defexio, 3. f. A waſh, ricula. } ajuarium, i zisi. Warr, bellum Sue War. Walhes, To ware one's money, band emere, A warrant, cautio, 3.f. Walby, Awidus, aqueus, a, um ; addi commcde paruniam rogans, mercei A juſtice's warrant, mandatum quo fubjantia neutiquam (dida.. mure. quis convenitur. A waſh-ball; mogma, otis; A. A warc-houſe, repofterium, rolepiars. To grant one a warrant, daimom A walh-bowl, labrum; i ; a. dare. A walp, vejpa, Q.; f. Awarehouſe-man, ſolidarius, mag- To warrant, fidem dart, authoritate A little walp, volpula, &; f. narins, 20 Juf miare, A great wafp, crabro, onis ; m. A warç-houro, man, 1 repofitoriä сu. To warrant in law, fidejabeo, 2. A waſps neſt, wſparum examm. Warehouſe-keeper, } js. 1 warrant you, ſcilires, mempi, uerès You will rave in a wafp's neft, ir The ware band of a milftone, ſub proruldubio; ady. itabis crabrones. jos. I'll warrant you, mi vide. Waspith, moroji, a, am; ad). Á Walpin 3. f. tor, ari, } 1... init;f di. n. ITION. { ordi W AT W AT W AV A walpina dame, domino proterua. Watchfulnels, vigilancia, a; f. A water-baillif, aquarius, i, m. A warfall, turmen fejlivum (circa Evio Watching, in excudijs. A Water' bank, ripa, a; f. phania) 'de domo in domun celebrari .Watch:ng all night, pernox. A witer bearer, oguator, 3. m. Colitum. Water-cotton (plant) alga boroby A watching, obferuatio, onis ; f. cins. Thou waft (of am) tras. A watching all night, pervig.Zation Watergruet, pulmentarium, i; a. Thc waſte of a thip, latium navi. git fopis. A watching and warding, excubatie, A Water hen, fulica, &; f. WASTE, doortui, uruus ; dj. сии : onis; f. A water-horſe, hi. poporamus, f. A wafte, vacuum, i in. A waich-candle, lucerne lucubrate. A water-illy, nymphen, e; ria, A water-min; remex, igis į m. A waſte place, armmus, defertum. Waſte (loſs) damaumi, diſpendium, | A watch.man, excubitor, vigil, 3. m. A water-man's trade nipicylaria, i; n..Ye add waſte to wick. A watch-tower speula, ;f. f. cdncis, flagitio additis damnum. A watch-word, refera, cif. • At A w.tcr-mill, b.dromola, Q; The wafter of the body) ingulum, i ; a watch word they fally out of the water-moth, tinea aqurtke. • He tak:s her, about the the camp, figne daio à capris erum- A water-nut tribulus quaticus, waſte, mediums mulierem compleati. puni. A water pale, cadurium, : ; a. fur, To give the watch-word, lytni olums Water pepper, hydropiper. To waſte (2&t.) volo, drvafo, 1. * per ora confequriskin ordinum tranf- A water-pile, fibura, &; f. In the night he waſted the fields, mittere. A water.rot, hydrio, a; f. noctu pasulabarur ngros. A watch-maker, faber sutomatarius, A wat:r-pot" (in a b rd's cage) po• 1iAris, To waſte [ Ipend ) conſumo, adfumo, horologiarius. 3. He waites bis eſtate, patri. (Water, aqus, unda, &; f. . Wa- A boly-water-pot, perirrhun:orium, monio je fpoliai. * He wastes all ter is a waſter, aqua denies bubel, A water-pock, papula, pullula, I. f. in reveiling fua commofundo deco * To throw water into the Thimes. A water-Scorpion ſcorpio cquuticus. quit. * He waſted the ircaſury, (@o aadant fidera, cali mulwari lu. A water-fnaks, natrix, içisir. crarium oxbaurisbat. The ringid water-ſnake, nutrix for quata. To waſte riotouſly, prodigo, nepotor. A water, amnis, 3. Auviis, 26 m. To waits, incut. } tabefi, ma. A litule water, equula, a'; f. The croaking water. Faake, natrix rubataria, Waſte away, $ Tofco, decrské,3. Holy water, aqua benedicta. I walte away with grief, moerore A runn:ng water, profluens, utis; m. A water ſhoot,polo, mis , m. A water ſpaniel, canis analiniue, ma'sir. . When once the eitate Salt water, salum, i, n. A water-spider, begins to waite, uti rus {emel in. Snow water, unde nivales. } tipula, & ; f. Water. ſpinner, clinata el. A ſtanding water, fagnum, i; 8. · A waſte.coat, interulo, fubusula, 1.f. To water, rigo, irrigo, art. A water-trough, qualiculum. interior thorax. To make water, meio, mingo, 3. A water. ſwallow, motacilla , e ; f. Waſte-papers, Soheda reje&tonia. To go to make water, mittuntre. Witer.wagtair . Wafted, confumptus, ilus, a, km. To water hemp.cannabım macerare. Water-willow, 'yfimachia. Wafted riotourly, profujus, a, um, To water a horſe, equum adaquare, Waterford (in leland] Waterfordia, Waſted away, incciarus, a, um. To water beaſts, poiudes potnim do Manapia, Tunum Not to be waited, inexhoufns. gire. Watling-ftrcet(one of the four noted A wafter, Lopulator, vaftator, 3. m. To water (fea-term] aquatum ire, highways made by the Roman] A wakter, Ifpender) cinjumpror, 3 m. Take in freſh water, via conlularis. Take in freſh water, $ adaquatum A wafter, 1 neposyetis; profligator, viniri, dulcom aquam corsichere in A wattle (hare) lepus, sris; 'm, } wafte-good, The waities of a cock, gaili galli. Ofis ; 10. nuve. Waſteful, profufus, prodigus , adj. To water (as the mouth) Salivo, 1. nacei barba or palear. Wallefully, profusè, prodige; adv. jalivem ore conscipere,appetentiâ rapi. A pig's wattle.giandula de collo pen. ders. To make one's mouih water, sali. Waſtefulneſs, prodigol tas, uris ; f, Wafting, fufus, difolurus, a, um. vom alicui mouere defiderium 12. To wattle houſes, cratio. A waſting, conſumpisi, onu ; f. citare. Watuled, crarit:us, *, um į adj. A prodigal walung, projuſo, onis; f Watered, rigatus, a, um ; P. & A. Wettled walls, paristes cratiti. A waſting ffpoillaz) vaſario, 3. f. Waicred as bemp, maseratus, a, um. Watiles, craies ex ajulio ligouis, A wal ng away, sabes, 3. f. A water-beetle, Scarabeus aquaticui, The wattling of houſes, crates. Wat for Waltcr. hydrocanshurus. A wave, fluttus, ûs ; m. unda,arum; A WATCH, autimatum portatile. The water-beetle (reſembling a fem. To put a watch out of order, hora. heart J corcu'us, i;m. A great wave, fufus decumanu. rii molum turbare, interturbare; ho Water bora, nalans, aquâ natus. A little wave, undula, a; f. rologii re&um motum confundere. A watei-courſe, aquedudus, ûs; m. To ware (fea tera) navors figno alí. The watch, ex:ubiæ, drum ; f. flario The water courſe of a mill, gurgri vigilem, pronbitoris. molaris. TO ware up and down, Auduo, v4. A ſtill night-watch, nocturne vigi- A water-drinker, & potor. cilla, art. lic. A water-furrow, Julius aquarius. To wave an argament, prætermitto. To watch, vigi'o, svigi'o, art. Water-linc [ſca term) altus navis, To Wave an offering, agśro, ari. To watch (obícrve] obfervo, are. quuntum navis aquă of ſubmer' | Wave-offering, dona agitationis or He witches me narrowly, me in. sum. quice ogitantur, tenfus obfe-val. If they ſee that The water-thruſh, tringa, æ ; t. To wave ftuff, undulo, any body watches them, i osdeani A water-trough [ot a bira's cage] Wave-l kc, undatım; ady. se quempiam affervare. potiffeis. Waved, pratermilu, a, um; P.&A, To watch Barrowly, odnoso, 1. ad. A warering, rigatio, irrigatio, 3. f. Waved, uerto, 3. ada quctioWavy, To watch and ward, excubo, I. 1*. intis ; f. Full of waves, undofus, a, um. cubias agere, in Bat:ona elle. A watering-place, aquarium, i; n A waving, agitatie, onis ; f.. To watch a hawk (by whiſtling) A watering-pot. burpagium. A waving of arguments, pretermije arip:frem excubare, vigil:is, arcu. Waterish, squeu!, aquofus, dilulus. , fo, onis; f. Watery, humidus, a, um, ad). A waving of Auff, undulatio, 3. f. Watchable, obferumb:l's, le ; ad). Waterſhneſs, humor. oris ; m. Wavency lin Norfolki dona, Watched, obfervatur, ,, um. Waterſhneſs of the blood, ferostas, To waver, teme, 3. varillo. A watcher, vigilarius, i;m. atis ; f. To waver (in mind) ambigo, 3. du: A watcher (lier la waltj infidiator, Living in water, aquatilis, lo ; ad), bi:0; pucto, hajro, 1. öris; m. Wavering, 11 lus, a, um, ad). A watcher (obſerver) obervator. Living by water and land, amphi. Warering in mind, ambigues, animi Watched colour (light blue] ſubca. bius, a, um ; ad). dubius, incomi.uns. * As warering rulens, glaflinus , adj, Water, adj. as the wind, verſurior quàm reta Watchful, vigil, lis ; ad). } aquaticus, a, uma Of water, hgularis. Watchfully, vigiliter ; ady, Water-archer (herb) fagittaris, A wavesing, dutilatis, onis ; f. Ccc Waver 1 quo aduocare, cara 3. art. Wealin, } res, Wax, Of yax, } t Waxed On the way, .} ciufto, 3. going another way, to turn out of the way, d: curriculo soffit alterâ cgeridilmilli- A way, WĄ Y W EA WE A Waveringly (adv.) amb guè, dubiò, | A great way, Lasega ; adv. Waakeneſs of age, Nonecfui vieta, incongantry. Alte vay, bred. procul ; ady. Weal, To wawil; caurio, folio. 4: 0. A long way aboot, diſpendinna. Selle Tils, ai ; ipes, um ; f. Warmiffi, fijidiosus, naufeabundus, ana leat a long way about, trigno Acomowy ; } refpublica;* ; f. Wax, cera, &; if circuits mittır. A litile wax, corna. In the way, obviam, obvius, if it Wealthy, opulenius, diys); ad). Ear wax, marmoratum aurium. coinc in my way, fiquid uiús usA wealthy chuff, surautus pocus, ovis Red-wax, cara mmiira, nerit. aurel, afinus aureus. Scaling-w2x, inis figill.iris. Another way, aliò. adv. I 20 Wealthüly, opulentè, laula; ade. jior , carentia,ium. Cys. * He goes another way, mkTo wcan child, ablacto, are. Wax-colóvr, cerinusi set iter. To wcän a beait, depelio -. A wax.candle, cereksa, Out oif. che way, avias, a, um ; ad). Weaned, abladatus, a mimna .de. A wax thändler; kirarius, coroplaftos, * Be not out of the way,né abras: pulfus. lychnopeus, longiùs. H: is far out of the A weanel, fætus alicujus telia nu. To wax Pero, inzeró. -Way, longè erral. I think it not por adlactatus, To wax (growl'fo. out of the woy, nin alienum puro. A .weaning, ablactatio, onis ; if. To wax, fat, pingueſco. * He keeps out of the way, con- A weapon, kiuta, ferrumi, i į n. riceratus,, coreus, a, uma ventue hominum fugit. Wc.2pons, Græa, orun ; n. Waxon, S. 291. To be in the way Telle procedere. | To provide with.wcapons, armo, ! . Waxed-grown failus, a, um.. Y; He is on armis inftruirs. A waxent-kernel, glan, glaridis ; f. his way, curfum inliteit. Weaponed, armatut, a, um. Waxing, creſioni, "mis; part. A waxing growing jin:ramentum. in devia Wear:river (in Durbin Wyrus. A Way, vis, a; fi iler, slinaris; n. lara devolverse A wcar for fiſh, Siirpicului, excipu- log.nal... relà via quidruiftu?. * Keep on de lettere. To wear, tere, atlero, deiers. 3. your way pergo ile scepifi. Which Togo one's way, ntos. 4. diferdo, 3 To wear cloaths, roles gerere. is the way to your houſe ; quò trun * Go your.way horric, uhi donur. To wear away, China, 2. ad. ede: tulisi A See that youſ • Lit her go her way hence To wear away [ncut.) utteros, de- look not off any way, cave očulbs hac.hinc fazen. quinquasa.d. mõvias. • A little way to give way, redo, de viâ decedere. To wear away (in feth).cabelo, 3. of, exiguo intoru: Io. It is but # The law irſelf giveawiy to it. To wear our, consume, e tumo, 3 a little way off, haud proul vben: lex: ipfis permisss. We muſt give To weir outland, dafirigare sgrun, # I was called back again when way to fortune, durous 711 Torus jucim omnem ali xhiurile, 1929 gol half the syay, de medis Fortuna I gave way that he A wearer, frito, oris ; m. revo:asus. Yol may Mould have his mind; sivi animusmi a wearing, hadiins, goius,ts; th. ſee your fiiend-by the way à vir ui exple? el fuun. A wearing away, atirittu, ús; m fülwis amicun. More ways to To Mew the way unto, viam pre. Wcary, fou, lotus, a, um ; ad). * the wood than onc, hie non fuc monirure. 1 will go work myſelf weary, * . , . opus facian ut defatiger wque. aria & quod exury 1. viam, are weary of any age, is omws A way Iparrage) aditus, meatus. Leading the way, previus, a, ums. grauis eft ceras, * We are all weary y the way, or by the b;'e, obilar, Half-way, intermedium,' ; ; n. of our lives, sadel nos omnes vitæ. caju, in granfiu or tranfiurfu proler Without way, avius, , un ; ad). # I am weary of walking, defoluts Tum or prorofium, Many ways, multifariam; adv. fum ambulando, By the way, or on a journey, in via; Two manners of ways, bijariàm,du. To grow weary, lopteſco, relanguefuo, à via, per viam. pliciter , adv. 3. By th's time he was grown A foot way, Tomita, cif. Three manner of ways, tripliciter, weary of all, jain omnium sade A horfe.way, caus, As; . All manner of ways, anifariàm. bát. A great road way, wna, & if. Wayfaring, peregrinus, a, um. To make weary, 151, delalo, 1. The king's -high way, via regia or A Wayfaring-man.viasor, orit, m. To wcary the cars, aurri radere.. præliria. The wayfaring tree, viburnuas. To weary with words, radio enocari. A bcaten-way, via trita, callis. To way-lay, in dior, ari. To weary out with toil, laboribus A broadway, Plaida, ai fi. A way-laycr, infido atororis; m. frangere. A by Way, via dovia, Way b.cd Cherb) planságo, 3. f. Weary of; pertafus, a, um; adj. À croſs-way, trivium, ; ; n. Way-barley, berdeumidikriin, vul. Wearicd, 101 2165, Jarigalus, a, um, A way in a ſhip, ages. gais. Somewhat-weary, laflus , adj. AWAX (manner) ratio, 3. f. mo A ways-man, adilis, viopurus. Not to be wearicd, inde felis, des, 2 m. . He is much taken Way-thorn, geniſta frinoja. Vearineſs, loffithide, fatigatio, 3. . - With the ways of thoſe countries, Wayward, morojus, procrvus; adj. Wearincís Lloathſom nels) fafidium, mullum earum regionum confuetudine A waze of Iraw, ftris praninous. tædiunt ;n. mouvement I am for the old way, Weak, debilis, in irtausinte ills Weariſh (of taite) ingoidus, fatuus, laguun valo. * That is the only impoteni, languidus ; adj The Awering: delodanio, onisti way to pervent it, id ul ne fiar weakeſt go to the wall, Pifcium Vicariſosineſs, fitudo, tædium. bac res felt si remedio. I went vita. Wearifom, moleus, a, um ;'adl. my own way, "mio infi:40 ufus Weak of courage, pwfllonimus, iulie The wcaiand, gugulio, onis; m. fum. I know which way it bellus, involdur; adj. To wdat the head, capit's pediculos uſed to be donc quo páclo id fieri | Having a weak Romach, jsmechjiks, venari, digitis ab ecruta Latidulis folcöstico es. Every man hati a, um aj exturbare, his way to himſc:f fuus cuique mos Taibe.weak, lunguso, cloNgheo, 2. ti. A ieet fore Weather-beaten, claſs , i gua.I know no: so wakon, achilito, infirmuin fa tempeflise vexata. What way: . I Mike werkers. Weather. tempiſta', 3. f.cælun, 2. n. mo, qora virsam ne cso. Werkered. dabil 636111, infrmalus. Boisterous wether, inosite. turbi: adv. * Tbig!s a To be weakened with fickneſs,inor. dsco ümi grcat dca the ncarcr way, June betoniari, Fair weather, ferenitas, Jorenam, bac nguoi bi nào bs. wrakoninig, debilita:io, infirmaris, Da k gloomy weashe, tempés' 114: That way, illic; ady. n!;. f: bilum,d.bium rcluin, moved that way. in eum passein WC:kiy, ifirmi, langaidi, imbecilli. Il weather, reinpellas sæla. Go that way a little. teadv To Weather a cape, obliguo Turu Jaceste bine ihorfum.Diulifier, Wcakncis, cebilitis, imberlllilas; in promontorium praternav gate Every way quriqilaversù"; adv. firucias, uti រ . To wcather a form, lempezaten du: Which way foeverQuzunguè. Great weakneſs of body, lnguor." dere. Wealhes # I ani MBOVIT, Wiver, dere, 1 fi ( a, W E E W EI W E L Weather-bov [fca-term) proxiine. The weck or wick of candle, jyo!;! hoe nihil bader momevili: This tempejati Theweekdrwickof a torch eithium is of much the greateſt weight To wcather a howk, a:cipitriem liber W ckly. pusdianui, a um; adj. with me, istua' mihi-milto-poxi. rjoris cæli balita nfficers, 10f7preg Weekly {adv. I fingulis jersitjugos mumer. ctbit rata A weel ( to take firti nupe, exiipulus, A little weigbt, fondafculiems; i ; ni A weather, UITVex, viss m. A little weal: fcirpiculus, Over weighi, edirsimontuoti supore A. bel{ -weather, trừ hairius A weel (whirlpool) vortix, isis; M. pon rum, ign, Weather, Ver vecinus, a, um; To over-ween, boi place:e. A pir of weighis, frutina, at; f. } Of werther, adf. To ween, arbitror, opinor, r. Gold we ghts, trutina monetaria. A weather cock, tritón, ventilegium. A weening, opinatis, opinila, 3. f. Weighty gruivis ponde:0; adj. A Weather glaſs, vitram sure sem-ToWEEP, Nto, 2. lachrymë, ploro, !. Somewhat Weighty, graviuſrulici, cranii index. • He wept for loy, illigre lari. To'grow we!ghty priveſco, čre; Weather wifor irripefatis future ex rid, lwihrjoa proplintani. - To To grow-more weighty, ingreugo. valetudine præliin, mekc ono vecp, lachipinas ilitui To make weighty, derravi. To wcave, lixo, tetan ordiri, sli eren Iveri, excire. * Thcle: To aiake vioie weighty, pergravi. TO wéives in intrão, pre things make me wcep, lacrymas: Weighaly graviter, adv: To weavle together, context, ere. hac mihi aliciuni, * It made ilic Wightincis, gravitas, arisi f. Weaved, texius, a, um, part people; wccpi Artúni popule mgolli Wci'burg (in Weltraw) Filburgum. The weaver } (fith) araneus is To weep. for, deflet, 2. larrienior, 1. To weild; rego, 3. guherno, d. mois. To weep tears,' lachrymas profün- We'ldy, gitis, kadt: 3 24t. A weaver, itx10x, oris ; m.- Weilond'river (in Lincolnfhi:&] W' lonaus. A woman weaver, toxirixicis ; f. To weep together, collachryinio, 1. A linnen-weaver, téxlor: linärtus. A weeper, plorator, oris ; m. Wcir' or waer, nlgámnrina. A filk weaver, forirarius, l'; m., Weeping, plorabilis, lacbryridus; adj. Weisford [inI elend] W'asfordid, A weaver's trade, texfrina. Ever wecping, plorabundus ; adj. Manapig A weaver's ſhop, fextrinum. A weeping, lachrymirio, plorario, 3. f. Weiſmár (in Germany] Wilmaria, A weaver's bem, lici:forium, jugumi fetud, 4. Mi • He was not able Wo:fel (a river in Poland) Visa A weaver's ſhuttle, radius fextorius, to ſpeak for weeping, yox ejus porindlium. lacbrymis impediebatur. * Leave Weiffemberg (in Tranſylvania] Al- A weaver's ſtay, pufen, ini; n. your weeping; la hrinas mille. be Fulia, A weaving, texlura, c; f. The oid man full a weeping and Weiffenburg (in Bavaria]. V.Com A weaving together, c:nirxlura. all, Sentrx collochrymavit. burgune. Wca worth you, va tibi, Weepingly, lacbrymord; adv. Weiitemborg (in Alfasid): Alba Sc. A web, ula, a; f. A weciel, suflela, j rufioni, A web of lead, Daria plumbei. Weelel-red, muflinus, a, un. We and river (in Norshaviplombino A web in the eye, luffufio, onis ; f. W Jundis. A weſel's neft, mulalariun, i; 11. Webley [in. Hereford birt] Whab. Weet, agilis, fornix; ad}. Welch, Cambrobritannicus ; adfi leia. A weevil, curculio, onis ; mi Welch hard, juncus aquaticus Cam- A webfte, tex'ir, oris ; m. A welf, dureliaum, i; n. brobrittininicus To wed, matrimonium contrabere, ux. A weigh of cheeſe, cafti pindus eos. Welch meh. Wallmes, fum. orem durme. sinons libras 256 WELCOME, gratus, nplatus, a, ums Weddable, nubilis, le adj 3. art. TO WEIGH, pendo, 3. Pandero, li. adl: Made mighly welcome, Wedded, ronjugatus, a, um. bro, I, regio apparufu accepius: You ard Wedded to his own will, obflratus, To weigh (consider] æßimo, pinkto, we'conc, faluuin to'aduenire gaua 0; uin ; adj: • Let 09 weigh thic ih ng as it is dendasi # I was made very wel. A wedding, nuptia, conjugium. in itſelf, rein ipfain putrmus He come, aliapias yum bilure aigue ; ad). weighs is not a pin, is nibili pon amiliter. Welcome is the best lo. f ?ng dit" H; weighs, all his deſigns chcer, Vuper openia vulrus aculöre A wedding ring, afinulus prerubussy aione by himſelf, fine arbitrij lin- boni, annulus iponfalis. gula animi consulta penſar. To welcomc, gre tuler, I. comiter 6*- A weding-long, epithalamium, To weigh anchor, anthoram levare. cigare. A' vcdg.c; cuneusz i su. To weigh down, opprine, čre'; act. Welcome to our houſe (herb] tilby. A wedge of metalj lingula, malta, To weigh with the hand, mani pora mallui, par dias, palaira. pinjari. Welcomcd; excuptas, lalutatusa A Dreie wedge, cuneelu7. i; m. To wcigh (neat.) ponder. How Welcoming, gratulabundus, aj um.cz To cleave with a wedge; dif.unii mány pounds do you think you ad), wegh without your cloaths? quo A we coming, gratulatio, eris; mi Cleft with a wedg., difcunratus, pondo in afferentes medum? • Your To weld (among [iniths) fairum Wedge.wiſe, cuncaiim; adv. "letters wcigh very much with me, candums cougmentare, vattu ignitos Made wedge-wiſe; cunicatus, a, um, tua literæ maximi ſunt apud me malleo róunart. Wedlock, matrimonius, i; n. penderisi Weld, horba igua Wedneſday, des; Mercurii, feria To weigh down, prepondero, Welfare, falusutis; fi incolumitas, quarta. To weigh up [with an cażinc) tollo, asis ; f. Wedon on the freet [in. Norshamp lours: A welk (fith] turbe, inis; mi tenpirs] Buttsan Ijannabaria. Weighed, libratus, pinideratusa aq The weikin; æther, 3. expanfurnizo Wee of we were um; part. The caule ſhall be WELL (advil: bene, re&è probie Wee ourſelves nits ipfi ipfe nofmel, weighed according to truth, ex vr - Heicwards him well for his paing. nofmetipfi Titale cause penderist. örn gute 'operam compen ut. He A ce bit, uæ quod excurrit. Weighed down, degravatur, a, um. gives inore thian hc is well able, A weed, bxbilus, 4. m.' A weigher, pengacor, libraser, litrile zenga 'oroff quàni res pantur. If A friär's weed, husbilus monachi. Dens. 3. m. any thing happpon any otherwiſe Choke-weed, ervangina, Weighing, 1xoxin275, Irutinant, adſ. than well, liquid odorh. aliidet: Rope-weed, volubilis, is; f. Welgting (252 th'ng in ſcalts) 87's. • He plays well on the fiddle, fri. Sea-weed, alga, e; f. v375; adj. enior puljai fides. They do nas A weed [growing) herba erratira, A weighing, libratio, trucinatio, 3. f well ſee, parum profpiciuni. We herbro wala, granunt nexium, A careful weighing, poni'ario, ponila may well wonder at thedi eos min To wced, farrio, 4. Jarous, I. tatis, 3.f. rari convenit. The bugners face. on well, profpari pro.cdjt opus. A weeder, ſarritor, farcul for, 3. n. A weigh og down, oppreffo, depreſie, sweeding farritura, ſarsulatio. do not well anderſtand, non fatis onis; f. Auweesling-hook, marra, Sarculum. A weight, pondus, eris; n. intelligo. You look wel, faries A weck, leptinana, hebdomade. Even weight loquitur te boné valore. You fare equilibrium, i; } Gold weight, neut. well by yourſelf, sidi bono 'eff. foli. # You do not look well about: in feptimanam conduttus; Tiimonsi This is of no weight, you, indiligens niiniùm el, I am- Ссс 2 glad are. 1 Werthern, at ; age! vmnium. act. I oewer went away any whither, Werners bumiditas, aris; f. hu. W E WE'S W W Η Α glad you like it ro well, sonsoperi Wellh Camdrobritannicus. [bird] gelus, bir à u probari vahemen tot gaudeo. • Th: Welſh men. Cambrobritannici. Witborn, do riparia He thinks no body can do ſo we'l A welſh hawk, jparus, 28 himſelf n'b.l nifi quos ipfo fa- Tae-welt of a garment, fimbria, a; Wetbury, [ncar 'Brißol] Wilbis- cii rfum oular. Do you think 1 f. limbur, mi Weft-Chefter fia Chebira] Drang, it well done of you farmid The welt of a Thoo, calci lacinia. Celtria, tibi placet ? . Wel: beguo is half A littic welt, buciniola, a jf. Weiterwick [in Swedeland] Vifa. ended; dimidium facti qui bene ia- To welt, prelexı. virum. pir haber, Welted, prætextus, laciniatus. Weſt-Frienand (in the Low Coun- To be well, bonta le habere. All is To Welter, voluto, arc. Iries) Friſe Occidentalis, well, omnis res of jam in vadl, in A wetering. voluistio, onis ; f. Weftman'e [ part of Swedeland ] porlu navigo. * Is all well ? fa. Welth, copis. Su Wealth. Walimu ni lin' omnia ex intentia ? • That's A welting, pralextura, a; f. Weitminster [ In Middelfex] W4. well, bens babel, 'It is aot well. A wem, micula, &; label, is; f. vi. minaller'um. maii je res babet. # Yel.it's we'll tium, i; n. defraus, ùt ; m. Weſtmoreland Wefimaria, for me, ego fumon beacus. • All A wemb, veniet, ventriculus, The people of, Weſtmoreland. Daoni, is well that ends'well, exiius a&ta A won, Arumi, æ;f Weſtphalia (part of Girmany) Woj. probar, A wen under the throat, ſcrofula. obalis Very well (adv. ſuperl. ) oprind, pul- Full of wens, flrumoſus, a, um ; adj. Weſt Wales, Destisse. choriine. I remember very well, A Weach, pulla, ancila, & ; f. Weſty (giddy) Scoromati!us, ortigine facilè omini. * I have dept very A little wench, adolefcentula, e; f. labor ans. well, placidà dorinivi . I do not A gameſome wench, juvenia, af. Wet, bum dus, uliginoſus, madens, yery well know the way, non fatis A ſinging wench, Plaiuria, f. bumiaus, madidus. * With a wct Seneo vi m. • A: yow kaow very A witty Weach, nafatuis, a; f, figer, m nimo negoto. You have well, quid te ren fugir. To wench, scorsor, ari. a wet cel by the tail, ang willam Exceeding well, imprimis, bonè ; adv. A. Wencher, fcortator, oris; m. condâ renesa Well! age 1 • Well! 'I'll come, Weaching, axlierojus, a, um, adj. To wet, but facio, madefacio, čre i A wenching, ſeertatus, : ;m. Well, go to ! oit, age ! To wend, 60, 4. grudior, 3. gradum To wet (neut. ) humerio, mudojço. Will in health. linus, d, um ; 01. facere, To be wet, mader 2. ncut. To be well in health, valeo. To Wenden (in Liefland) Vends. To be thorough wet, permodatie. rentie was not very well, Torontja Wendenburg (mountains incircling To grow wet, bumeſc, ere; neut. vinus, belle rob buit. . I was well Boha nia) Siidili, Siideti. Wetted, humantus, a, um ; In hody, but lick in mind, à morbo I went (of gol ibam. He now. Mide wet, } pert. valui, üb anima ager fui. ly went out of doors, modò exibat A weiter, madafador, Well in years. alate prourdus. foras. How long, is it since you A Wetting, madefa&tio. Well in one's wiis, campos animi, went in ? quindudum intro:Bi? Wet apud ja mor, oris ; m. Well to pafs, opulentu', a, um ; adj. nec ve, ufquam difcedebim Wateraw (part af Gernany) Vete- Well now, 1 bis faftis, portbac, ex They went to, Athens, Abends ravin, Well then, } inde. comm'gravire. * He went in again, A Wether, virvex. Su Weather. As wçil, tam, aquè ... You might ro.spit ſe intrò denus, • •As he Wever (a rives in Chefbiro] Wie cven. as well, nibilo plus agus we went by even now he told me, quàm fi. • You brought them up præ erimni modà mihi ing ut. • The A Wev l.curculio onis ; m is we!! as you could. illos pro re report went from one to another. Wexford (in Tielent). Voxfordia. Sols: abas tua. "I will bear it as Tumor virilim PAYIT ROU 6. • They Weymar l in Germany) Vimarin, well as. I can, ùt potero feram. It went about to hinder, impedire ab. | Weymouth Weymouth (in Dorſeifire] Vimu. happened as well as could be, mi- nitebantur. * It went to the heart Hum. liùs fieri huud poluit quà in faétum of me, pererfst mihi animun, • A whalc, balana, cotus. The bolineſs went on well for mc. A river wbalc, filurus. Well' a day! benè prosperique boc operis procefit A whale-bone, qs retultum. Well a dear! ahou ! Inter). mibi. The whales guide (fiſh] retorum Weil a Way! I wept [of weep) plorabam 1 dux, mufculus. Weli adviſed. confultus, a, un;'ad). wept abundantly, equidem vim la. The wha me, aſplus. Weit.balovcd, barus, , um ; adj, cbrymarum profudi A whapple way, via plauftro non Well born. ingenuus, nobi Wepi fos, plornsu!, fletus, a, um. Cervia, Well deſcended, lis, fummo lose To be wept for flebilis, le ; adj. Wharf river (in Yorkſhiro] Guarfa, Werben: in Gulik, Miradunun, natus. Varbola. Well done ! ruge ! hello ! interj. Were (r.ver in Dubam] Vedra,Ve- A wharf. portus, is; m. Well-favoured, pulber, cultus, a, Wbarſageportorium. 4.1 ; wimbil's, le ; adj. A were or wais, fagnum; i ; n. F.ee wharfage, immunitas à porto- Well hand,ed, nccuralus, a, um, We were (of am) eramus. rio. Well vet, 'opiaiò aduenis. As it were, quafi, tanquam ; con). A wharfinger, culos portas, nigh, Weregild, capitis compenfalji. Wellne's, sario pro cade bominis, A wel willes, } amicus, i; foulor, Werich or unfavoury, inconditus, in- WHAT, quid ? Interrog. What A well wither, } oris ; mi, Spidus, infullus, a, ua ; adj. Well willing, ſay yoo, Gngto? quid tu ais, Gna. benevolus, , um 3 Wernue (Fianders] sho ; * What of that ? quid tum Well w [h'ng, adj. To werry, Worry. poflea ? * Take heed what you A well-willing, benevolentia, a; f. Werwick (in Cumierland) Virol dó, vide quid agas. What is A weli, fons, 3. purpus, 2. m. dun your name ? quid (or quod) ottjbi A little well, fonticulus. The wefand, trachea. momen? * 1 fcared what it would Weil, adj. Weſel (in Lower Germany] Wefalia, come to. verehar quorſum evadea A ilum. re. * What have you thruft nc A we'l.cover, pxl.l, lis ; n. W. Sét (a river in Germany) Vifur. out of doors for now ? nunc me A well-dipger, puteerius, ji m. que tousâ «xlr fifti ex aalbus # A well hook, burnogo, inis; f. Wcho (in Swedeland] Vexio, What not yet Deither ; A well mouth, crepido, inis ; f. The weſt, oscidens, nitis ; accafus, Ws; dun stiem? head, malc. What (7d.] qui, quis, qualis, &c. A . Soring The weſt wind, zephyrus, fuvonius. * Whal ſo great labour was that? Wells (in Son marjetſhire)Wola, The Weſt-ſouth weſt, africus, a, lits, quis tantus ſuit labor ? # What a dorolunum. E.clefir lons nonfis, 3 m. madneſs is it ? quis furor ef?. Try Wells (in Atli F.sliana. Weſtern, occidentalis, le ; adj. what a friend I am, qruulis fim Of wells, Wilienfis, je j. adj. 3. art. Wefterly', 3. art. amicks periculum facias, What verus. A 1 } } 1 Of a wall ; } forealis , pausealis, le. AA } man ܗܲܫܝܫ WHE WHE W HE > man is that? quid hos hominis el? | Wheat, triticum, si n... No wheat Whelp ſh, catulrfler, a, um ; ad}; : • What philofopher c:n you find · without it's chaff, nullum triticum To whelvc, tego, 3. cooperio, 4. that is ſo manner'd? quorus mim Ane puleis, WHEN (adv.) quand's, cum, gumine, quiſque philofophorum indmitur qui Buck. wheattrogopyrum, i, n. ubi, &c. When will that bei hat isa meratus? . For what ſmall Beech wheat, phagopyrum, i, n. quandò ifuc erit ? * Let him come Offences are children angry! pueri Indian wheat, frumentum Inairum, when he will, veniet quindo vo- lar. quàm pro levibus noxiis iras garuni ! Red wheat, triticum-ariſlis cirium- When you were reading What a great matter is it to vollatum, theſe things, sum hac legeres. [pare a dying man? quantum erat White wheat, filigo, Spica mutila. When firit he gave his mind to perituro parcare? What burt can A whcat cake, farreum. i ; n. writing, quum priscum animum ad they now do to Mrius ? quid jam Whcat ear (bird) ananibe. foribendum appulit. • Send for iſi Mario nocere poffunt ? * What Wheat.fower, pollen, inis ; n, Them when you will, ubi vola ac- a great one he is ! ut magnus ej! Wheat graſs, grasain tritiseum. werfe. When I heard this, ubi * But what a thing is this? bo: A wheat-plumb, prunum creur. hoc audivi. When they ſaw the Orrò cujuſmodi ef? Wheat, adj. tall ſhips, us celdas videre rasas. furnius, sritieus, a, WHAT (that which) quod. + I wil of wheat, When we were ch!Idren, pueris um ; adj. do what I car, quod potent fa- Wheaten, sobis. . They faid they heard ola ciam. I will now do contrary Of fine wh:at four, filigineks, men fay ſo when they were boys, to what uſes to be done in other whertley bridge (in Oxfordſhire) Je pusros à fonitus audividi atta caſcs, jana onim faciam contrà at Verslagunus pons.. bant. When he was full amc- que :X cateris caufis fieri foles. A whcden. infipiens, bardus, bucco. teen years old, explai'amo etatis They do contrary to what ihey To wheedle, illicio, cireumavenio. undev gefimo. # Plato was by whea 'promiſe, contrà faciunt quatre pol- Wheedling. fallax, pollox, ars; adj that was ſpoken, ei formoni inter- licentur, • Mind what you are A whecdling, fallacia, banditia ; f. fuit Pluto. • Expeating when the about, buc agire umarè. He is A wheel, rosa, a; f. word ſhould be glven, intenti now very modeft to what he was A little wheel, rotul, af quum minx fignum daretur. Send c'er while nodeftior nunc quider A ſpinning-wheel, girgilus, rhombus: inc word when I ſhould look for eft quàm dudum fuit. * What was A iuraer's wheel, tornus. you, adi que tempore te exprasme left he cast out of the cup, 1€ A to.turing wheel, iquuleus, facias mu rertiorem, liquum è poculo sjarit. • Write A water wheel, braſirum. Just when, Aamal ab, fimul alque. what is done in the country, TIS A water-moll wheel, sympanum. When aş, quio, quando ; adv. ruiiicus feribe. Every one of us A cart-wheel, orbita, a; f. Whenſoever, quandocunquè, advi ſhould be willing to do what lies The wheel of a crano, tympanum Whence, adv. Z ubicungue, unde. in him to cure this miſchief, huic } erlurile From whence, Whence come malo pro quiſqua ngitým moderi A wheel or rather weel [lo catch yna ? unde aduenis? * I asked velle debemus. fiſh) nala. whence that letter came? quafiui A HAT (partly l.qua: .What with a poster's wheel, rota figularis. undo fat cipola? Wbcoce it the greatest offices and what with a weaver's wheel, barpedone. ought to be conceived, ex quo : the friendſhip of prines, quà of. The wheel of a pulley, trorblea. debet intelligt. He desires to be fciis maximii quà amicitia orinii. Whccl, reſtored to the place from whence rotais, le; adj. } pum. Wat one, what another, Of a wheel, 3. art. he fell, refrsui cuple in cui locura they, keep me doing, binc illinc To turn a whrel, lorquis, 2. ex quo desidir. exhibent mibi negotism. To work with a turnci's wheel. Whenceſoever, underunque ; adv. What manner of, cujufmodi. Tornio, I. Where, ubi ; adv. Where is my What manner of man, qualis. To WHEEL abent, circumugo, g. brother ? ubi ef frater? * This What country.man, cujus, asis. To wheel about (ncut.) in so bleem very porch where we walk, por. What [in number of order] quo decurrendo redire od prælium, Tro tirus hæc ipfa wbi inambulamus, tus. irâ decurfione in hyjem invehi. • I could not imagine where in the Whatſoever quicunque. qualifcun. As ſoon as they ſaw the Muendo world you were, ubi terrarum offes que, qualis qualis, quicquid. nians wheel about, at Macedonum ne fufpicabar quidem, *If we will Whaifocver your one ne quis- Agna cirrimagi vidêre. They there begin to make eur, narration quid all nomm tibi • Whatſoever wheel again about and purſue, where it Thall be acceffary, kinde It ſhall be, of whatſoever thing, rurfus converf infequuntur. Por incidimus narrarı unde nicejo trit. of whatſoever kind, quicquid erit, tunc quickly wheel'd about, 1. • He fet armed men at all the quacunque de st, quocunque de lariter fortuna mutatur. paffages where there was any en- , traoce to the farn, ad omnes in- To what place, giocà i adv, introitus quà'aditi porerat ad run To what place foever, quorunque. A wheel-barrow, Sarrarum uniro fundum armatos appoſuit, In what pla:c, ubi ; adv. lun, vehiculum irufarile. Where, ? cum, quod ; conjunct. In what place foever, ubicunque. •Whereas we affirm, By what place, quà ; adv Wheeler, that pothing can be preſcribed, By what place locver, quacangke. Wheeled, rotatus, in gyrka cum nibil præcipi pofe dicamus At what time quando, adv. Wheelcd about, circumgärusi Whercas I had appointed to meet At what time foever, quandocungur ; A wheeling, rotolia, onis ; f. her to day, ſay I cannot, quod adv. A wheeling rouod, circumadio, cir. conftitui ne bodia conurlurum sam, For what caard, quamobrem, qua ro. muunduiiio, onis ; f. non podo dicais A whaul-eye'd horſe, glanciolas. A cat, . Whay, grurn laais. Clarificd whay, forum cum berbis tum proporren edert. Whercat (at which) ad quod, quo. frigidioribus racomum Wheeling, rouous, ruicifonas ; adl, Whereby, por quod, quo. * Houſes Whay colour, albidus, a, um ; adj. A wheeling, roucitas, 3. Spiritus ob wher, by we are defended from Whaye, farofu, um ; adj. Areporus. the ſharpncfs of the cold, teta Wuieneſs, ferofitas, aris; f. Wheclingly, toucum, obfireperè; ady. quibus frigorurn vis pellitur. A wheal, pufula, ait. A whent lad, optimus jane puer, Where-ever, ubicunquè;ady..Where- A little wheal,'2 egregius vero juvonis, fufluarius ever, fhe bc ſhe cannot be hid long, } Red wheal, ome morirus, ubi et diu cari non poteft. ' Full of wheals, papulofus, puſulatus,' A whelk, papala, puftula, e; f. WHEREFORE. (ur, quare, quan- a, um ; ad). To whela, trga, obrego, ore; act: obrem, &c. •Wherefore ſhould he A wheal-worm, acaris, plaktula, A whelp. carulus, caniculus, i; M. not carry her away? quidni illam Whealy.caftle' (in Cumberland] C3-A lion's whelp, ſomnus. abdusat ? * Wherciore is Epicurus lainn, Gallarum, . , un Wheam, compasiilis, le; adj. vin- more happy thau Melrodorus, qui } a , adj bextior Epicurus quàm Motredo- Wheem, to non pervius. To whelp, catulos parore. rus? Is there any reaſon why I Whcamow. agiiis, ki; celer ; adj. To cry like a wholp, glaucilo, f. ſhould not do it? nunquid eft caufa quin 1 Wheel Fork, } rokarum fabricatie. A wheel-wright;}saber rotarius. Whereas, } To wheeſe, saurse, trancesco , spiri. Whereabouts; } wbi, ubi loci. > } Whereünto,} sut, ad quad. quen rui preferam: 1e Hithin a while, breui ; adv. WHI WHI W H I quin in faciam? I kaow nat: theo Nou'd be maſter;. curtabans. After a while, wherefo.c. 1. Should bobla:pcd, : I quamobrem accufer nefcio. know not which to ch:fe, nekio For a while, ad quoddam tom. would fain know wherefore, (au- pudy in aliqued fam roguito., not:which is which, guid; cui di teclpur. Wheretrom, **.quer. Dah nefi, corum difcnten igre. The yhtle, ? intérim, intercà; adv. Whore'n, in quo, in quibus. rat. Which is the more rlotous. Meanwhile, *'T18 worth the Whercin'o, in quod, in qul. I or you? utor luxuriogor, egons whilo, opera srutrum eft : Whereof, sujus, quorum, de quo, &c. an tu? Which of thcfe had you A: whilkycochea marina: Whereon, fuper quod rather have ? utrumshumalos? Whliit chat, dinto, quodd', adv. Whereſoover, ubicumque, ubi ubi. WHICH (a 'relative ligulque, quodi Whilom, olio, al guiandot; adv. • He is a fool.who being. to buy a A whim wham, frbulananiaanilis. horſe looks pot at him, but at his To whimper, obuugid, 4. reridio; 2. Whercupon, ex quo,.und.. faddle and bridle, llullus eft: quo Whimsical, iero was sead: Wherewith,. quo, quibus, unde, equun empturus non ipfum infpi: Whim, 2 morogt 13, atészi friin. Wherew.chals) quomodo. Had I cir, led frutun frenuini Irc A whitley, pofùs blorojus & ano- wherewithal to do it feet unde ceived that book of yours which • malum chiurare. id fieret. you promiſed mei 110mm suum Awhin.shamnus, mi; 24 Every where, poffint , ubiglie, quoni ribi promijeras accepi: accepi: The whinder, bofans, No vhere, nullius, nuſquam.. * When you read ours which dif- . Whins ffurze) gonifta spinofa. A wh-rý jpandittum verticillum. fer not much from the Peripate: To whine, ganxio, vagio, 4. ploro, A wherrer on the ear, alapa. ticks, noflra legeris noi nultum à quíristo, ane; nont. A back wherret, alapa-pugno incisa. Peripateticis diffidentia. Whined Aebilitèr exprefus. To wherret, alapan infringere, im- Which way, quà; adv. A whner, gáxin for. pingere, Which way ſocver, quacunque. The wherty go nimble, diarrhea, Whicken fraxinus, a, um, adj. A whintard, gladius, i; mnfs 7. . A whining, gannitus4 m. quarela. Profiuvimui Whicket for, whacket; par: pari, Whiri'ngquiribundus querulus;-ad). A wherry fepbia, biremis, gmba. mutúa relact of gratia. To whinney, hinningi iro; ncut. WHETHER, jeu, five, :uirum, &c. A whiff, haihtasy fasus ús; mo To whinney after, rdhinnio, ire, Whether you do ule a phyſician, To whiffic, vacillo, anime fuccare. A WHIP, Angeliumi; n. or whether you do not, you will To whiffle (to niake way] jubmo- A-liitle whip flagellulum d; n. rot recover, five adhibueris.medi. DATE turbam. To wh:p (with rods, 691) Angello, Ii cum, five non adhibueris, non. con- A wh:der (or roving unconftant per: virgii cadere. paleſtes, # Whether is that your ſon) inconlluns, verſat:115. To whip: on a plece partem ceyus fault or ours ? uirum ta valra an | A whiffler (huokſtor): propala. admodne adjungeres mrlra culpae; I would khow a whiffler to make way viatorim. To whip (ftitch) prelixr; as 3. whether you read thoſe things with Whig or whoy,Sorum: Lactis rense, To whip up and down, dijturra, a mind full of or frtc from carc, A wh.g, bomo fanaticus, fadiofus. a sellem faire utrùm ita follicito ani. Wnie, dum, cum, &c. While i To whip out of doors; proripere ſe " mi an jaluto legas. Whether Whilft, Whether iWhilft, $ you are doubting of .foras. had you rather live at Rome or ac ibele things, len months are run. To whip out his ſword, Aringer pla- Milime ? Roma ne an Mitylenis away, bac dur dubites monas afin aduna wallsxviorra ?: CooQder whether jere deem. He lived well while To whip a top, turbinem agers. je ought to make any doubt, vi. he lived, vixit dum vixit bone. Whipped, verberatus da unica dati num dadidintum vobis sis. I *While theſe things are getting to whipped (as a top} caus, a, um, know not whether it might have gether, intirea dum hae coguntum. To he whipped, vapuló, art; neut: been better for the people, nefcio While I was folding up the letter, H. is rare to be whippet, nont an feriùs. fuerit populo.., . I will go suon complicaroni spidola lwas forei quin vapuleti . You will be ſee whether he is at home,vilama willing to be cap:au !o.she civil whipped for its conflabit tibi Ban domiej). Asi was asking the por War; while there was any yeat ng grisaliquor You ſhall be whip- ters whether any ſhip was come of peace, ego ma duien in civili ped to deathj adineann ujque npr. from Aja, dura percontabor porti. bella quod de pace: azoreikt volui Titre loris. Mart I be whipped SO188 sque navis unitat ex Afa. alle. While the money was tel for yong faults? nung tergum filo You Thall do it whether you will ling. ut nemorabatur argonium. tirice súæ ſubdes: aicidanrum. or no, nolens allons facies. Could • While. I ſweat and labour : in Worlbiy to be whipped, verbero, onis, the whether I would or no ? num theſe things I find no great-wint A whipper, verberator, fagullsior: illa me invito potuit ? of bodily force,in bis dejadians as- A whipping, fiagelato, wrtoratio. Whether of the two) uter., a, um ; que elaborans, corporis vires sont Whipding-heer, verlord, want ; nw ad). Whether is the richer, he magnopere debderoNever let To whip graff, 'in "Surcul sa gemna that waats or he that abounds? him hope for that while.la micon inſorere, or disrerprůmi geraim inſek stor efl. ditior, qui egri, an qui ful, mi conule ia sperare defi- abandas ? I am whether for a Bas. While there's life there's a wh!pfaw, runsins, ponay, in dubio of animas. hope, dum ffiro pero. The whip ftaff of the rudder, anfa Whether [lo what place) quò. See Whilc (untuj donat, dum, &C.. #He gubernaculis Whither. thought it ſeven ycaçs whilche A whipſter, plagoſier Orbilius. To whet (a&.) aruo, exactly 3 ali- ſaw the money, , nih... si longius WHirkened piangülarus, fuffocatus: Få excitare, videbarar quàm dun illud: vicaret whlil ürrle illumi; a. Whetked, a'utus, exaculus, a, um, argmium. I'll ſtay here for you A whirl.about, vértigo, inir; f. A whotier, Jamiator. while you come out, zo bistan- To whirl, sorquebi 2 circumogoji 3.0 A whitting (itirring up] insitamon tifper dum cxisi te opperier, Whirled, circumaru, a fum, 8; n. A while, adv. l paulifröra pirun wirled about. ;} A whettings exaatalie, onis ; f. A little while, pèr, aliquantif. A whirler: circumrotator, oris; ms ! A whetſtone,.com; sotisé per He lived too little 7 whild, Whi'ling, rspidusd; w Po doſerve the whetlone, jlrenue parum diu vixis. A Whirling, circudlid, onit.; f. mmturi,commasta Palazbatia papy. A while after, paulo poll; adv. A whirling ina frcants gurgesi: rodiging narrers. Some while after, interjecto deinde The whiring of a wiady venurum Alle wettono; coticu:a. omare. Hridor The whewhet, (towi] bofcas, Anas A while ago, } pridem ; adv. intra A whirlbone, condylus. fibularis. A whilo ance, s bos dios. The whirlbone of the knee, parole Whey, jerum. Sic Whay. A good while dit; adv. WHICH. Interrogat. ) quis, ular. A great while, la ; f. ; A whirlgig, ahorstiti, verti'u'um. which is he that betrayech thee?' A great while ago, jamdudum, ady. A wh:1-pooi, gurgel, cortex. quis eft:illo qui 16. prodit? • The Aittle while ago, 2. modo, nupir , A whirl-poolí a lea-monſter 1phylder. Icamen were at tr:fe which of But a while ago, 3 ads. A whirl.wind, suribos: 3 tipbon- Whii! 1 Tere. dii, ን 1 um. 1 t Sito: , [] :W:HI WH I WHO third-Wind (a dog's nameltolags. 1 The wbites in women; niba mutiya-To whittle, relualto riferore. To whirl about as a whirl.wind, in tum fluxiones, AwhilHefmante) palla-candida. orbenigomisari,' rapi. White Icad, cor, &;if. Wbiitled, ebriofus, uppbius, madidus, Full of whirl-winds, turbintus's adj. White hairs, cani. sta, km adj A whirl.worm, 'Sphindyle, bonvolÜK. Wa:te-liver'd, cui cutis malè pallar. T$ wh!Zz; prideo, 7-8peui. lus. A white marking tonë, 'mörechtbus Whizzing, lo dulus, a, um ; adj. A wherry, fuapha, Inter: White meits, laticinia. A whizzing, Wridor, örism. Whirtłe [a mrubj vltis idæa vulga- A white pot, segala, 'atis. WHO [interrogat. ) quis? * Who ris. WHite-tatt fa dog's" näine] "hampen, is this? quis nie al? Ho! who A whisk; ifs-pula, ſcopiä vinimoa. tuš. is there t'heus! eiquis op ? Who's A whisk about, vertigs, 'inis , ; f. White-tooth (a dog's name) oglas: there I who's the door ?] quis A woman's wisk, leporais. pullut poiar? To wh-sk, fcopuld purgare. White-wine, vinni albun. WHO [relative) qui. • He who was To whisk about, ciloritir circumagi. In white, adj. candidatus, , } borna live complaino, bic qui The.-sybilsk of a switch, coifbas. Clad in white, verni natus e queritur, Whiskeidfcopis virpineis purgatus. A white fever, frater Fa:obitus. Who [Indefinitej quis.' * Thea A wiskin, amhitherum. White cloaks (an order , of 'fryars] fumebody, I know ngt who, whic- A wiskos, qui fcópis utminiis ferges: fratres pallio alvo velit;: pered me in the car, tum mihi non The wiskers. mylux, auis. Milk white, laat rus, a, um, adj. fcio quis in gurim infufustavil, A wisket, corbis 3. cophinus, i, m. Snow-white; nivou!, a, umad.. Wholo, A wisking, datertio Jeppis vitrineis White as ivory, sbirnicus ad). Whoever, Quicünque White lime, albarium retirium, Wholoever; To whifpor, jejipro, Jubmiſia logator lune blive oite, } deilba , are. To whoave, obtego, 3. cooperio, 4: iim murmüro. WHOLE, intigit, folidus, a, um, *To whiſper'in the car, in aurretina di. To hit the white, them attingere. adi: * They (wallow down their 6974, in aurem injufurrare, filme To be white, albeo, cri; neut. meat whole cibos Iniegros. hauriunt. : aliquid in aurein. He whiſpers To grow white, alberco, zrez neut: * They are a whole day to get- : bun in the car, vito in aurem di- To grow white (pac) pallaſso ; n. ting, then ready, in apparando to- cit. To gruty white with age, canefco. tum confumunt diem. A whifporer, Jutarro, onis, Crowa white with age, canus fair Whole fáily loves univerfus ; adj, A wbiſpering Jufúrrus, luturratio. Whole finihca th's Janus, a, um, adj. Whtft! In ! au ! tare! filentium! Whitcd, derbbatus, a, um ; part, #F:fh-whõle, Tanior pifce. To be whift filee, iaceo. * They Whtělý, candidezdy. The whole, futima, če; f. sie as whift as can be, dormiunt. A whicer, dealbator, oris ; Whole court-days, dies fafli. To whiſtle, tjlüler und ranere. To whften (act. deailbo, candefacio. Whole hooft, folidipes, To white [as the birds, cantillo, is- To whiten cloaths, infolo. 'TO.be'whole (in health] valeo. "; To whiten "Incut.j albeſco, albico. To grow whole. [loid) ſolideſco. To whilę:at; filult paloritiâ cauci- Wh tencd. dealbitus. To make whole, conolido, fano, I. perg. Whitencis, olbor, albedo, candor. To make while again, Jursie, rofar- To whitle'(as a thruſhi] frutilo, are, wh teneſs of the hair, canities. çio, ire. kichliziri A bright whiteneſs, nitor, oris ; m. Wholeneſs, integritas, fanitas, 23. f. To-whift'c Back, fulá revocari. A whiteing, dealbatio, iniis ; A vboloſaleman, folidárius, 2. m. To whiſtle for, Allula per fort, Whitening Wholly, solidè, adv. To whifte to a Horfe, poplo.. A whitening of cloaths, inflatie. Wholly (altogether] Finitus,: Prona A vbiftle, fiuta, a; f. A whiting [filij alburnus, asellus sus, planè, omninò, in fatum, in To- A whiftçi, fipalaior, oris ; . melis. Häum. Whitling, fula carens, Whit'ſh, candidri!us, albidus; ad). Wholfome, Trilubier, falutaris's adj. Awhining foulario, onis ; 'f. Whitiſh with froſt, pruinojus į adj. Very whólfome, Mahiberrimus, A wKlitling of birds, candilgio, F. Whitiſh with age, canus; ad). um : adj. A whittling for, fiul acuerf.. To grow whitiſh, canefco, ère ; n. Wholſomely,:falubriter ;. adv. The whiſtling-plovet, pluvialis il avo Whitiſhneſs, can ties, ci ; t. Wholſomeneſs; falubritas, atis;'f, virtfuns. Whitby-cartie (in Cumberland] Àli. Whom (of who] qüem, A whřitling wind, yenius Pridulus. on, Alone, Allone : of whom, de quo. Wh (church Lin Shrophire) Album with whom, quicum, quibuſcum. Monferinys. Whopſoever, quehlunque. A WHITvery biltlf) aliguaniu. Wkitchurch' (the family] De Albo Whomſoever thou wilt, quemlibof. luín"He is not a whii aicplçaí. Miniſario. Whook't every:joint, cremefecit, por edi me sfatus quidem or will Whichern, fin Scotland).Candida Ca-lerrunt hominen. not It:y you a whit, nihil er, in 14. Läbiphibia. Awhoop, damor, oris : in, * He was not one whit WHITHER, quò; adv. * There is The whoop [bird] d!ura. troubled, ne lunt plura quidem.com a town of the fame name wh ther: To whoop, indano ark: he never came, oppidum o codern To woop for buck, délaizo, 1. Every whit, pror:us, omninò, in uni nomiae quo ipfe nunquam arcefie * Whooping, clamos, wiad), Verdun. You are everywbit in Whither are you goingis quonam A whooping. simatio, incistasio, as bad a calc, in eadem es nivi. * ah? Unifortio, onis,f:* Se A whore, mercirix, Kis ; fcorium, Whether A burnt whorc, meretrix inuja luk Never a wh*t, I hehlum, ne gry gui- Any whither. nuſquam quopiam. omaria. Not a whit, dem. * Neyer a Sotne wh ther, aliquò. A common whore, proſlitu'ünt yhit the r'cher for-sa ang of Car. Any 'whither e le A young whore, werdtricula, e;f: , , } alià.3 adv., An ugly whoic, moreirix deformis. Qarla. No whither, nufquam. To whore, fcortor, uri. WHITE, ellens, tis ; albxs, candi. Whitheiſoever, quoque, quocunque. To play the whore, profiluere dus, a, umadj; They turo A whitlow, poronichis, idis ; ulcus di- A whore houte, lupona, ards in black into whitc,.and whitc into gitale. To haunt whorc houſes, lufirdre!! blacks, rakt: prava faciune. Whitlow graſs. parenychle. A whore monger, 2 fcortator, 3.84. Sonevyliat white, otulbidus, candi. Whit!on!lae, Pente:oís. Wnore maſter, $tiro, onismi didus, Wh tron-alc, comp talia. A whùring, ſeoriatlo, onis ; f. A white or whit:nefs, album. A whitithr, iapolator, deelbstor, m. Whoredom, mereeriiiuman palli- A white to fhot at, slba mata, The whiten trec, Lombucus agua situs, ils ; m. fornitorid, 'oris f. muratrictly juni The wh te of a parcament.skin, A child's whlttie, faftia, istubliecrum Worellke, miabrona adverfi. intalna Whorifhly, meratricie ;'adv. A vicious wb:te in the eye, aļbijge. A whiſtle, cabellus, izm A whortbat, syrus, fis ; m, A With a whirling, } pridulé. me more. A potus est, 9 , 3 moment 1 quicunque. " 1 1 1 WID WIL WIL A wherlic-berry, vitis idea vulgaris, 9 A widow's eſtate, bona doralia, fun. That may make a will mabilis, pacin'un nigrun, di dotvilas. He that makes a will, teftator ; m. Who's, rue, whoſe book is Wielkiluky [io Mifcowy] Vielkilu. W thout a will inte uteadv. Whore, s. thist ad qusm oftimet kota, Dying without a will, inteftatus. hic libur ? To w'eld, regi, 3. guberno. Gr. of a will, fordammturius , adj. Whofocver, kujasirenque, quorumcunWtedable, rigibilis, lo; adj. 3 art. The WILL,, Doluntary aiis; f. * He. ques. A wieiding, netio, onii;!. bath wit at wil, ingenium in nu. Whofoever, qui:unque. A wife, uxor 3. f. "My wife comes merate bine. * We have, the Whow ! pby? bchiad, pone sulit ronjux. • His world at will, ed. volunt.Ito no- A wbar, mala nun; mola ex nuci sind ſtands not to a wife, abhor. Aram funt res. caos quim puri flo traja, war rei à ne uxuria. • I have an ar- Wu (dearejudium, vorum, in, fant. rant ſcold to my wife, uxorem ha • He wanted no good will, ili To whur (49 á dog) hirrio, beo quivis moleftiorem Xsniippe. frediuna nen defuit. So you way A whurrer, birrifar, oris; mo A new married wife, /pon/a, &; f. but have your will, dum fcias A whurring, birrisk!, ús; m. A gond wife, mairina, a; for id qurd (4. * If I might have WHY ( adv.) cm, Guirl, quamobrem, a houſewife, waterfamiliar, 3. F. had my wili, A mihi obtemperatum &c. Why ſay you to quere- An old wife, anus. 4. anicu!), 1. f. let. *You mal Dave your will, tione iphuc dicis > What caſe is * The old wife told me of it, mos tibi geretur "If I cannot hate there why you ſhould threaten as anui indicum id facit mihi. my will on the maiter, I will be miſehièfi quid of quapropter nobis A lon's wife, murusit. revengd on the man, qui afnun malum winitemini? Why, but A brother's wife, fratria, e; f. non poteft fratum cædis. aprelor ought to have.even con. A wife's father, Socer, 'i; m. St Will pleaſure) !ibido, iris; fr arbia Unent eyes, at min pralore de Wives. trium, i ; n. * You let him have sint srians, n'u!os abftinentes b.ibero. Of a wife, uxorius, s,'um ; adj. too much of his own wiil, nimium Why, is be here within I ſay? To marry a wfc, uxorem duceri. illi indulges. You will have your qun inqu tm intus hic ej?? Why A. Wig (perriwig) capiilaamtum, i; own will, vis tu omnia arbitratu then, do you watch me, quin tu n. perruca, «; f. 14. facere. Do your will, facile me forusto. A wig (ſweet cakc] likun, collyra. quod vobis laber. Why not? cur non, quin, quidni. A w ght, animul, 3. n. homı, 3. m. A will [command 1.julus, ür; m. Why don't you (weep the foor! Wight iſlind, Vodia, Voltis, Vitielis. Good,wil, benevolentia, &; f. quin verris pavimentum ! Wibits (in Croati's ] Vibirza. With a good will, ex animo, then To take one with a why not, ofci- Wild, forus, indomi14 , a, um, adj. lantan upprimae. inopinanin de Wild (mad) furiojur, infanus ; adj. Of mere good-wi!!, gratuito ; ady. prchendere, Wild (conceited) phantajirus,levis, To bear good wll to, fuun, jludes. Why fo! quid ilu ? quamobrem ? opinicjur; ad). Bearing good will, berevolus , adj. quidnam? Wild (in dricourſe] abfurdur; adj. I!l-wili, malignitas, invidia, lipor. Watka (part of Mercowy] Wiatka, Somicwhat wild, fomiferus ; ad). With an ill.will, ingratiis., W;borchi (in S:uth Ju fland] Vibur. Wild (as an herb) plurfris; adj. To bear ill.w Il to, invidro, iro. gum Wild fowl, volucrus palutrus. Againſt one's will, invilui; *dj. Wich in Worcafershire) Wichun. Wiid bcaſts. furæ, arum; f. Againſt their will, fis invitis. Wicked, impius, fields, ficleralus, To make wild, fro, are. Of one's own will, I punte į adv. fagitiofus, nefat.us. Made wild, offerulus, a, um ; part. # He does A wicked long tes} socius, eris. To grow wird, ſylva'co, én in. as he ſhould of his own good will, Wildfire, ignis graiu'. fuâ iperte reac facie. Wickedly, impic, ſceleratè, nefariè. Wild-fiie (herb) lichen, 3. na TO WILL, vilo, vis, belle. # You Wickedneſs, impistas; f. felus; n. Wild fire (diſeaſe) phlycrcnn. may 'hinder it if you.will, tsbi.in Full of wickedneſs, Sclero/45. 'The wild holm-free, cquafolium. manu up no fat. • When you A wicker, vimen, inis; n. Wilde (in Lithuania) Vilna.. will, quodis dir. • He may for- Wicker, vimintus, a, u01; A wilderneſs, defertum, ; ; n. era. bear if he will, integrum ef ei ab- } Of wicker, adj. mus, i; f. plitudo, inis ; f. jiinere. But let thoſe things be A wicker basket, copbinus, fifcina, A dweller in the wildernes, eremi as they will led bær utut fint. quilut, /perta. cole, la; C. Bc it how it will, quoqu: modo le A wicket, oliolum, i : n. A wilding, arbuium, i ; u. res habot. L:t it go as it wili The keeper of a wicket, stiarius. A wilding-tree, arbutus, i; f. go, ut unque rus rufforis. * I fore- Wickham (in Bucks) Wihamb.a. Of a wild ng trec, arbuleus ; adj. ice what will follow, in pojmun To go widdle waddle, anatuin more Wildiy, immanitèr, faitèr , adó. profpicie. . What do you think or vacillande incedere. Wildneſs, feritas, alis; f. will become of you ? quid sibi WIDE (adj.) latu, ſpariofus, am A w.le, dolus, i, m. techna, a ; f. fururum confos ? I believe he plu, lacus, s, . . You ſtride viframenlund, i ; n. will be here by and by, credo il- over wide, varicas fupra modum. W lfr:d (a mali's name] Wilfridus, lum jam adfuturun. " It will be *Your fame will ſpread far and i; m. whether you will or no, wo molis wide, uogabitur nomen tuun longè Wilie, dolojus, vafer, a, um ; ad). fiet. Whether he will or no, atque huid. *You are wide of the A wilie fellow, verfipellos, veterator. stiam fi nolit, . It one will not mark, sorá mras v'â. Verx wilie, poraßuius, a, um, adj. another will, invenies alrum Ara Somewbat wide, in latitudinım por-Williy, do.ose, varè; adv. .bjc fufidis Alexis He that will riellor. W lineſs, fraudulentia, urfutia ; f. not when he may, when he will Wide open, patulus, a, um ; adj. A wilk, cochlea marina. ſhall have nay, qui non if bodit, A wide room, triclinium augufiun, Wilful, contumax, parvicox ; .adl. crai m nus opius erit, Very wide, perlatus, a, um ; adj. A wilful fellow, capito, onis ; m. TO WIII (command ) jubro, mando. Widely, larè. {pasioa; adv. As wilful as a mulc, mulo pervica. Not to will, nalo, nolle. To widen (ad.). dilat, art. Wiled, experitus, a, un. To widco (acut ) paleo, čre. To be wilful, animi effe obfirmato. Willed' (ſelf-willed) #profus, oblina Wideners, Wi'fully, præfrađè. 190, a, um ; adj. Widih, } latitudo, inis; f. Wi'fulocſa, porviracia, impotentia; f. Will, [a man's Dame] Guliel. A widgin or widgeon, pmelops, Wilkomitz (in Lithu nia] Vilkomne - William, A widow, vidua, a; f. ria. Will with a whiſp, ignis fatuus. To make a widow viduo, 218. A (herb] armeria, A widower, viduus, i; m Sweet-williams, Widowhood, vidwtas, aris; f, To make a will, telor, teflamentor. Writing, libens, tis: pait. Widowy.wail (herb} shamelas pre • He made as if he were ack To be will ng, ofitio, confinio, 4. and would make his will, 1994 Willingly, libenör ; adv. Widow's-bench, portio facultatus Le agrotara teftamentum Willingly and wittingly, frieni prit- mariti qui fruitur vidua praler faceri velle. don'que. bona dotalja. To bequeath by will, logo, ara, Very willingly, porlubentèr; adj. Not , } V j C.Or. }! mus, i; m. Law will, } tehumentum, i; n. } £if. } A windore , feriedra, «; fo 0 1 . 1 Wilnc, 1 morr16. Windhadharani namen } WIN WIN W:IN Not willing'y, invilus, inviti. The.wind-ranner, sinnunculus. Wind saaght (ac' fos) onlo nimium Wiliagacis, coll bentia, prolubiun. One'a.wind Lbreath) Spiritus, ball. rupjiens, Willoughby I the family Willough. fas, úrsm. i bau, D. Warnevilla. A whirlwind, turbo, inis ; m. A willow, Salix, icis ; f. To wind, A little window, fenglella. Make a wind. } Dyrart willow, folix bunilis. aurai colligere. A bay window, caur feneftra, Spiked willow, pire. Theophraj.s. it in the wind A glais-window, femefra vitraa. Willow.wecd, lyuschia. preſently, fons illico. An iron-grated window, tranfmna. Willow, td), To fetch one's wind, rapiro, los A lattice w ndow, cancelli, clasbruin. Of willow, } Salignus, a, um. To wind a hora, cornu inflarer. A window-ſhut, farefira dofonjaman Widow.green, Jalignons, a, um, To wind about, greumvolvo, čre. } wilneski, 1. thuonia). Vuna, (the metropo is of Lt. To wind in, inforquro, ire i informo, Window, adi. Ionefralis, la; adj. of a window. Sad). A w.llow-bed, foliclun. To wlad Into bottoms, is glomos glo. Window work, fonefraina. Wilton Lin Wilts] Elandumun. : To throw the houre out at windows, Wiltfhire, Wilibonia, Provincia Vilu. To wind out of, expedio, extrico. terre cælum miſure, ani, To wind one's ſelf out of trouble, Windowed, fenftrarusi ag'uw; adj. A Wimble, terebrumi;n. , ; •* malis energie Windforcin Borky).Vindelifora, Vin. A I trie.wimble, airconllum. i n. To wind up a watch, Alum borarii deforsun. TJ bare with a wimble, ferebro. torquere, Wiadrush-river (in OxfordshirijWin drulous, A boring with a wimble, forebratio. A fore-wind ai ſea, watui fecundus. Wimote, altbes, as f. A ude-wind, wnios 7x patis aduer: WINE, vinum, i ; . Call for a Wimpien (in Shwaben) Vimgixi.. glaſs of wine for ac, jube dart A wimple, pepluni, flammeum. A quarter wind, wentus ex quadrante mihi vnum • I have : had. my Wimundhan 2 (in Norfoldj Wimurd. fecundus. bely full of wine tre complevi To have the wind of, wento pre More Liberi, *How, the flut tipples Win for Winitid. Get the wind ol, verti. off the wine, ut mourgisot impura TO WIN, lucrar, I. vinco, 3. 1 How winds the thip? qui inciinas in jo morum •Vorilor. * Tacwine, will win the horſe or loſe the robrym navis ? ad qusm pyxidis is got lo my patc, vinum mihi in faddle, ant, tar fux ou tros tolera. nauke divifionem tendit? serebrum soitt. . When the wine To win the people's good will, mul- To gather wind, Andello venialum is in, the wit is out, in vino ur. titudinis benevolentiam conciliare;do ficarki rifas. He makes a feaſt without #eri populum. W adaw (in Cour!and) Vinden winc, Carri jacrificat, To win by aſſault, expugno, I. Winded (as an inſtrument) infatus, New wine, mulus, i; n. Sweet w.nc, 4, ki ; ad). To win a pr.zc, pretium certaminis The ſweetest wines Winded (as yarn, 5.) glomerati, make the lowereſt : vincga, cor- Winander-mere (in Lancaſhire) Se dns. ruprio aprimi e paffima. tantiorum palus. Winded (as an animal] {pirans. Claret Wine, vinum rubellum. Winburn (in Dirjeljire] Viadegladja. Long winded, animæ prælargus. To ſeaſon with wine, vino imbunt, To w nce, colitr, arr. Short winded, ſuspiriojus, wjibmalicus, To brew wine, vinuos elatriaro. To wince back, recalcitro, art. e, um ; ad). Wine, adl. }; vinarius, a, um. A wlacer, calatro, *#11; 0. A ſhort winded man, anbulator. Winc'og, calcitrofus, a, um, adf. Broken-wiaded, aubili, a, um, A wine-bibber, vindmus, vinofus, A, A Wincing, tekciiraius,4.detredetis.3. A winder, tortor, wis ;.m. m; adj. A winch, froiblea, rubumu. A wind.berry, vaccinium, bancs vitis A wine cellar, kello vinaria. The winch of a prela, cocbira, idad. The winc.iy, bibio, onis ; 0. To winch, contorqueo, ere. A windfell (apple) pomum cadiuum. A wine-gnat, Culex Vinarius. Wincbcoinb (in Glouceſterſhire) Win. A windfali. Latite) bona caduca. A wine:p.cſs, forculur, arı; . rbeliumbiy Win'shumda. Wind flower, anemone, " ;f, A winc:pot; cenopberrm. Winchelley: (in Suffix i Winchelſega. Windgaila in a horſe, aquaſi in ique A winc (eller, cenopola, a ; C. 0:4 Winchclicy, Nindelis. tubercula. A wine-teſter, pragupator, oris ; m. Włacheter(in Hampire Wincuflris, Windy, vintofus, , um ; adj. A Wiac-tavern, denspolium, i ; n. Wensana, Venia belgarun, Windines, Lentoptus, efis ; f. W.ay, adj. } vinojus, a, um Wincheſter in the Wall Vindolena, Windineis in the ſtomach, polo . Full of wine, Winchciter hould in Southwark) A tulinbud. A WING, ala, penna, a; f. My vonii palatinum Winding, tortilis, fiexilis, lo, ; adj. words have Wings, voluirat vores Old Wincheſter (in Northumberland] Wlading in and out fcxkfus ; adj. gelito. Vadılang. Winding ; adv. Aixuose. The wings of an army, ala, remif. A Wincheſter.gooſe, pudendagra. A windiag, Hoxur, ; m. cornuig um ; n.' He placed the The WIND, vinius, tim fabrum, A winding limelling), odoratus. troops in the wings, in cornibus iin. What wind blow you The windtig of a way, anfractus. jofuit oborios, • They were not híther lod tibi qui curſum venti The winding of a river, fiins, 4 m. Dick in the wings, net cun&tatum # The wind The winding of a cable, Spira, i. f, apud latera, Isrving them, nadli idoneum ven The winding of a crane, ſucula. The wings (of the noſe] pinxula. sum. Taking the night-wind, The winding of vinc-iwigs funeim. The w ng of a ficere, wla bumera. and nauraa.sp. 'Tus'an Awinding.Thcet, iBulurum forale wiad blowe.no body good, stigm A pair of wiading-ſtairs, jobala co-The cod of the wing, ala exiroma, aconita inel remedii. The thip lles chilides. The force of ihe wings, alarum re. wlad bound, nuvis Jonelur venta. The wind.beam, of a houſe, coluna, migiun. To have ihę wind wahooc, vinte inis ; A. To & ve wings, Windrichgraiz [ In Windiſeblapdej set wings ohn'ſ Pensifics, art. To go down the wind, adverfa pati, Vendunt. *T . clip the wrgo, alas.præcidere. palmente irea fatuman expeririaduer- Windiſchlandt (part of S:lavonia) Winged, alerus, pennatus, a, um, Jom...They go down the wind, Savia Pannonia. Of wings, alar!, alarias; adj. Tips Sune illis minus fecunda. • We A windlaſa problea, rahamki, The wingleſa hornet, anihronus. began to go down the wind, for Windles for yarn, alabru, rbomtus. Wjafrld (a woman's Ozme] Wint- tund ſe indinaverat. • They are a windmill, nila pinmisjia, frida. if quits, gone down the wind, od Windm Il fails, ale molares, TO WINK, nives, conniveo, 2. • He gosaris terminos redatti, uni.. The wind pipe, irarhea, afpera ari wink'd to me that I ſhoold not Aboilerous wind, turbo, inii ; M seria, spcak to him, puli: sshi fignum Old wioda, aquilones, un im The wirid-pipe's head, columella... dedit ne fe appellaren. . You may A contrary, wind, reflatus, ùs ; ., A wind_row, ordo Jæni repris, sem wink and chooſo, Thrax ad Thra- Ageptle wind, oura, ; f. varjuse (i coniuftw. Dad TO Ofw ne, 1 que fara pederas 1 fecundo vibi. 1 WIP WIS WIT Contact To wink and Atrike, andabaterus Wiped, torfur, abiletfus. A wifp, fcopula, ſirammtum. mare pugnare. Wiped out, det erafu, G, A Wiſp for the tail, tharta cacara, To wink at, 2 sdzies, 1. He nods A wiper, abderfor, eris ; m. fericis donanda. Wink apon, at one, and winkser A wiper of the noſe, emun@or, 3.m. A wiſp to carry on, pulvillus, fpira, another, alii adnutat, alji sani&at. A wip ng, abfterfo, mis ; f. redicellus. To wink (at permittalero, permitio. A wlping of the noſe, emunétio, 3.f. A wiſp of it aw, &. penicala, p. To w nk with one eye, collima. A w.ping cloth, mulcinius. nicula, Bramineus or fengus ponio A wink, nius. I have not got Wire, metallsu notua. one wink of feep theſe three Copper wire, tuprum nelum. To wiſp a horſe with ſtraw, aquests nights, continuas bas tral no&tes vir God-wire, aurum natum, franne penicul. detergere, dijtrin- gilaui.. He never got a wink of A gold-wire drawer, ami netor, gere ; que frictionam adhierri. ricep all the while he was coniul. To wire draw, aurum nere. A wiſp in the cye, inflammatio pala Juo sera confulatte onnum non vidit 10 wire-draw it; cun&or, ari. pebræ A laſcivious wink, obtutus vinereus. The winrangle (bird] Lanius, cinereus Wift (known) nofus, a, . To wink lafciviously at,limis obtusri. insjør. I wift, novi, cognovi A winker, nili.der, oris ; n. A wilaker, fultus, qui muiget bireum. Wtly, orulis intentis. Winking eyes, oculi conniventes. A wifud, urio us. umeficus, i ; Looking wiftly, nofitabundur. A w nkpg niftus, nicatio. Wilchaid [a man's namc]Guardus. Wit, ingenium, z. n. jagacitas, 3: A winklng at; tranſverju blocorus Wise Japiens, Jogax, folers, prudens; folerti, 1. f. • A young man of obtatus ad) In this methinks you are excellent wit, adolefcens illallra in- A winking with one eye, collimatia. not to wife as you ſhould have geaio. He is ſcarcely in his A winkle (hith) turbo. been, in bac prudentiam tuam defi wits, vix mente confiát. Where Winkly, jedote, pacatè ; ady. dero • As w fe a man as any in is your wit? ubi df deumen tuum ? To winn, vines. Soc win. our city, ſapiens bono cum primu • He employed all his wit about Winnable, omtibilis, lo; adj. 3.art. nobra dj uitatis. *Your worſhip’s the affair, omni acie ingenii Hus A winner, vi&or, oris :m. wiſe, ta quants quantus nibil sifa contemplatus of He is a great Winpioza (in Palandy Winniczı. fapientis as The e ls never a wit, ur ef fummo ingen o. Have A woning lucu, lucratie wife one betwixt them both, mal your wits about you, ingenium in A winn'bg by affaulty expugnatio. lettini pientiorer menubrio. "AS numerato bibe. There is wit in To wionow, anno, untile, I. wife as Salomon, plius Jupit quàm what you ſay, alutà bec dicis, H.s Wynnowed, voitilatus, a, um. Thales. As wife as liberis tongue runs before hit wit, non Not well windowed, aceraties; ad). calf, induftior quam in tragedia cogitat quod dicat. • Wit at will, A winnowcr, ventilator, aris; m. • A wiſe man of Gsibam, gladiator in ermà concilium capit. A winnowing, Desplatio, onis; f. vervelen in patriâ natus, • Bought wit is beft, duro Magello Winnowings glumit, suw;f Ind fferent wife, frilus, a, un ; adj. meny a ocelur roll. ; [Prov.) W nocksberg (in Flanders) Mons. To be wiſe, lapio, ore neut, A fine wit, ingen un acre or praela- Kinets Vimsejbarga. To grow wile again, refipije, čre. Tum, &c. Winter, bs, bruma. Leave the in any wife, quogue modo I wauld To abeund with wit, ingenio veleri; reft for them to live on in winte, have you in any w.lc to, multum ingenii babere. gaum bematieni Yelinquatur. max me volo A man of a fine or ready wit, home Whter, adj bomulis la z bibarnus, I no wife, nequaquam, nullo paéto, ingends, scilius, flors, or prensi Of winter, S4, uin. minimè gentiu773. ingenió. Winter cherry, alkakangi. In fuck'w fe, in iflum modum. To be in one's wits, Japio, ivi or wi; Winter-crcis, barbares, In this wife, in bunc modum, mentis empos efe. Are you weli Winter-apples, ſerotina. Wiſdom, fap entia, prudentia,folertia, in your wits Jasin' Janus a? Winter-goldings cantians. To be out of one's wits, defipio, ui,3. Winter-green herb) pyrols. The love of wiſdom, philo/opba. deliro, I. in mio, 4. detiens eft. Winter quarters, bycerna, ork; n. A lover of wiſdom, philolophus. I am almost out of my wits, vix • They had their winter-quarters Wiely, lap elter, Jagaciter prudenter _ Jum apud me about Aquileia, arca Aquile dm by ady. To live by one's wits, ex ingenii vi. abant Wler, fapientior, oris ; ad). com. ribus vietum quæritare. To winter rig, ferram bieme ſulcars. • Are you ever the wiſer now? To be at one's wit's end, ad incitas, To winter, by esto, byberno, nunquid nunc a certior ?" or furnes angulias redigi. It is winter, bremat, imperf. A wiſh, volum, bptatum, optio, Il's To wit, nemyè, fcilicet, videlicet. A wintering, byematia, bybernatio. according to our wlih, vota conur A witch, Saga, venefica, & ; F. Winterly, adj. bybernius, byernalis, nit res. It is fallen out according Witch-hazle tree, opulus, Winter like, brumalis, lo to your Wilh, it ortajli itsell. Witch-elm, ulinus folio glabro. Winizheim ( in Frankerland) Vint. To with, opto, volo, I could with To Witch, faſcino, are; a&t. femam . he ſhould live, ut nam viver et Witched, fafc.natus, d, 17. i part. A WIPE, [fraue] fraus, dolus. A wipe ſecr] fomuta, di&erium, worthy of thee? quid dignum tibi of Witchcraft; magiru, um, adj. To glyc one a wipe, mordio. precang? I with you much An uſer of witchcraft, magus, ; . & wipe [bird] vunnellus. health, falveri te plurimum jubeo. A witching, faſcinatio, onis f. To wipe, fergo, 3. ferge, 2. Take • As one would with, exoptato. To wité, increpe, 1. a towel and wipe your handscape • As my heart could wiſh, se ani | Witebsk; } [in Lthuani]Vitebſcia, lintum vtque exterge tibi manus mi fententia, Witepsk Viepleie- To wipe again, repurgo. are ; a&t. To with one joy, gratuler.I. They Witfree, immunis a multis. To wipe away, ablergs, čre; aa. with him joy of his victory, gra- WITH(prep ) Spud, eum. I have To w pe clean, trgo, en. tulentur ei victoriam. & bind to begin with this, ab hac To wipe the noſe mungo. Wipe To with rather, præopto, mala. exordiri ule. You ſhall fup with your noſe. mungenares, He uſed To with well unto, bene velle: me, tu apud me conabis. They to wipe his nole on his feeve, wash we'l to that maid, "lli favto prevail but little with me, apud cubilo semungere folebat. Hs virgini. • I wiſh you well with me minidu valent. With whom? that wipes his noſe and hath it not, a 1 my heart, ubi bene ex animo quibuſcum? With me, mecum. forfexts his face to the king fine volo. Care muſt be taken that they be pernil velare baad fucile eft. To have one's with, optato potiri, not killed with heat or cold, pro- To wipe one of, aufero. poti corpos ferim videndur ne propter alium aut prbe hope to wipe Fiwas off a great W.Med for, splatus, a, um. ter frigus difpereant. They are deat of money, baxmam pecunión Ft to be withed for, oprab lis, le. made up with the fame elements Ja à Faujio ebi-tures arbitramuel. W sk river in Yorkbire] Wiskus. with you, ex iifdem tibi confiane I have wiped the old men of their A withing, optatio, defiderato 3. f. elements. This ſcems to be one money, mungi argmaro Jones. A wisker, rorais, copsitet, bei and the ſame wth that, boc únurt To wipe off, bergo, deterg', 3. Wilnowick [a fort in Poland) V bidez videtur de alque id. To wipe outs delso, 2. grad, 3. n puicium, With before the firutgit, cause, • They Are tb ind, non varant. W IT WIT W OL or manner, hath the prepofition away patutem abfuit quiw atnoperit Sharpneſs of wit, Sagaritas, tiesa underſtood as, He killed him . He law th'n a little of promi Tertia, e jf. with his own hand, muna fua osci fing, who when he is defired doth in his witsy mentis compos. dit. Many great dideales are no more than deny, no longè ab you well in your wits ! fatin fe Cured with faſt ng and reft, multi due promittely qui rogatu tan- u m? He is not well in his zogni morbi curantur abljmendia e turnedo negut wits, fui al impos animi. quiete, The capitol was paved WITHOUT (unleſs) n', nif, con). Out of h s wits, infanus; adj. • They with hewn ft ne, rapitolium cum He cannot riſe w thout he be fay I am opt of my wits, in anir Jaxo quadrada iubiru tum et. With helped, non poteft nii adjutus - me . Os almost out of the help of God, Deo juvante. furgere. 30 my wits, vix fum apud e- With a good will, baud inuito, baud Without [not with] adv, foris, foTo be at one's wits end, obruqarol! gravati. vinjecus, extra. We perceive by To come to his wits again, adjene. With all ſpecd, quamprimum, yuan- our lenſes thoſe things wich are direts turn potes. without, jmfibus ea quæ extra funt A wittal, maritus adulter uxoris con- With one another, inter fe, inter ip percipiantes fcites. ros. From without, à fori , extrinfecus A wirticiſm, argutiola, a zf. Wich much ado, grè, vix ; adv. The lungs draw the breath from Witty, lep dus, ingentuur, um. Together with, pariter, fimul, unà. without, ducunt extrinsess jpiritum Wittily, ingeniosè, folerter; adv. To agree wah one, alirui offintiri. pulmoner. Wittineſs, Jolertia, 1. f. lepor 3 m To be angry with one, alicut irafci. Without [not within) fine, citra Witingy lciensnama, prudeni. To find fault wi h, reprobande, 3. Without all doubt, fe Wittingly, prudenter, ferenteadv To go on will, por liquor, pris. ulià dabitation Without the Walt wittingly, de induftria. With all, adhes, præterea, infimul. authority of the ſenate and peoples Wittleley in Huntiadonſhire]WRlefia A with iman, inis: n. utrà fenatis populique aistboritatem Witty fayings, faceta, arum; f. Withain river (in Licoln, :re) w.. • But in truthi without jefting beWitleſs, excors, vertors; ordis adj. 3 is a pretty feilow fed ehertie ex art. infulfus, fatuus, a, um With child, gravida, pragmans. tra jocuri baino bullus ef. She A wivel, vermis frumentarius. To withdraw fact. 4000, čre. will come without Sending for Wibel, To withdraw (neut ] feedo. aderit ultrò, . Without going any A w twal (bird) virao, oris ; m. A withdrawing, amotio, fatelas. farther, ut ne long is abram. Wives(pl. of wifeļuxoresum; . pl. A withdrawing room, redu. To be without, paco, I. They are Wife's, Withdrawn, amorus, detra&tus, a, um; not withont their follics ineptins of a wife, exari, , uni ; adf part. The wife's father, foar; tris m. I withdrew, amovi, pret, of ameve. To go without; careo, 2. excido, 3 The wife's mother, fatrui, sif To wither, marco, 2. marcajc, 4x4- Without book, wemaritèr , adv. Tho wife s grandmother, profecrüs. reco, defloreſco, 3. Without cares, curis expeditus. A wizard, bariolus, magus, 1 m. Withered, marcidus, exullus, a, um. Without caufes, immeritò, injuria. Wo, calamitas, 3 - 1 miferis, arinn, Witheredly, marcida ; adv. Not without cauſe, adv. murito, baud 1. : . Wo is me, me miferunt, Withering, marceſcens, utis ; part. temirà. ve mifero mihi, bei mibi. A withering martor, 3 m. tabul, 3. f. Without conſt aint, ſponte, altrò. Wo to, ve, interj. with a dat: café. Wihern(in Galloway Candida Caja. W thout danger, tuto : adv. Wo be to you lawyers, va vobis The wlthers of an horie, articulasio Without delay, illità, protinis; ady. caudicis. Had you touched it huineri. Without defert, merito adv. wo had been to you, f stigua To with-hold, delines, ratineo, ere. Without diffimulation, apertè; adv. férses infortuniting With-holden, } detentus, relenius, a, Without doors, faris; ady. w Woad [for dyers) globum. With held 3 um ; part. Without doubt, fine dubio, proculdu- Wild word, batis, idis of, With-holden, negatus ; part. bio, certè ; adv. Baſtard woad, Jelamoider. A with-holder, detentor, donlar, 3m. Without end, in infinitum. datmtrix, 3f. Without fear, timore vacuas, expona Dyed with wed;} glaje ince:Fus. A with-holding, detentio, relentio, Woadwell, parnus cilidinus, onis ; f. Without hope, exſper, adj. Wodnany {ån Bobania) Vodnans A withy, filer, erst n. falix, icin; f. Without I fe, ex inimis, mei adj. Woful,runneus, calamitofa, 4 m; WITHIN (adv.) inties. He is with Without looking for ex infperate. trillisy te ; adj. them within, inius e cum illis, Without muchado, facilè ; adxoo Wofull go, mifere, miferabiliter ; ady. From within, ab intit; adv. 1 Not without muchado, dificuiser Waitiefs, waria, a; f. will knock at the door, and call atque ægrè fiebat, ago A wogh, par us. out fome body from within Without noiſe, tacitès adyrWolaw in Silefia) Vilavid. puljabo atque mtus euocabo aliquam Without order, potom zady. A wold, loctes pilve scepers. foras. • 1 intreat fomc body to Without pun fhment, impune; ady A wolf, lusa o Dhive got # woll come from within, oro ut aliquis Without trouble, fedat ads. 1037 by the ears, tribui la tenub. intres prodeat. To withſay, contradico, ereadt. A ſhe-wolf, luga, &,fi Within (prepoſit. wlth an accuf. xis, To withſtand, obje, rol 3.7 A little wolf, lupi catslus. IT, intra, & Within a few A withſtander, adverſarius, i ; mire Young wolf, days, is passas dies. To keep Pugnotar, oris; m. The wolf {ar diſeaſe] phagedena, within compaſs, modum tenere. Withſtanding, adverfus, a, um, adj. thorper vxadent. Expect me within theſe two or A w thſtanding, adverfationis . Wolf (a dog's name] leifa. three days, me hoc biduo aut tridus Withſtood, adverfis inimicoruta wird-Wolf-bane ſherbl atonitur, * ; . expekts. With to an hour's time bus exreptus Berry-bearing wolfbane, continens it will ceale, intra boram definat. With wind (he b) coolvulub.ov racemaju • He kept the footmen withia the Witlels, injulfus, fatuus, a, um, adi Wholeſome wolf bane, ancora, 1.f. trench, intra vallum pediter tenute. A witneſs, telis. Winter wolf bade, atonttum hyomate . It was within reach of ſhot, in- A fare wltacle, talis cleficus, aſlidsus, A wolf.catcher, Lupariut, ij m. sra teli jadus erat. They were locuple. A wolf-dog, canis tuparisis. now within thot,jann ad telijattu: An eye witneſs, tef is oculatus. Wolfiſh, Witneſs (borne) saftimonium, in pervenerant, Wo'f like, Zupfius, , s.; adj") tefter, attafor, 16. Wdleabuttel in Germany] Wilfen- Within this little while Bear witneſs, monium dare, di buttetle. Within a whilo after, paulo pot,baud care parbitare Waf hall (in Wilts] List multò pòft, interpofito fpatio, To call to witneſa, attefir, contefior, Wolgaft [in Pomeranis) Fogotia. Within a little (adv.) propè fare, Ari Wolcowica [in Lwhuania'j Voleo. pene. He was within a little of Witneſſed, teftatus, pro totimonio dic Vica. being killed, propiùs nibil el fa&tum Wolley [ the family I Willaus. quan ut eccideretur. • He was a witneſfing, alificatio, oris : f. Wollin (in Pomeren] Valinum. within a little of putting them Witt, ingenium, i ; n. Su Wib. Wolmer [in Swedeland) Wolmaria Ddd 2 Wclou! actul. WON WOO W OR Great Kie wood, Sarbufia. Worceſter, ad). Wigornionks. Womanith, { fænineus, molis, muli advood' }fylvaticus , s, mm. Wolod mer la dutchy and city un want, ad ingenium rurfum redit. The woof, trim. der the Mufcowits] Volodimeria. You keep your old wont, anti- A woolf, lupus. Su wolf. Wologda la province and city of quam obe nas Wool, lans. Macy) Voegda. To be wont, foles, 2. confuelo, 3 n Coarſe wool, folex. Wolfey (the family Walaus, Vol. • fhall but do as I am wont, fo-New-fhorn wool, lana ſuecida. lens mes more facere. Unpicked wool, fupi, a; f. Wolftan (a man's name] Wilfanus. It is wont, Jolet; verb. Imperf. A wool-pack, lane glebus or cog- A woman, mulier, 3 jenina, s. f. As it is wont, pro more. mentum A ſpaniel, a woman, and wal: As men are wont buman tùs; adv. w wool-feller; } lanarius, j; m. the better they be, nux, spinus, Wonted, folitus, confuetus, a, um. Wool carded, land folta. mulier, fimili funt legligati, bæ Not wonted, infolitus, infurlus. Wool-carding, carminatio, onis; f. tria nil reale faciunt A verbera cel WOOD, lignum,i; n. materis, &; f. Full of wool, lanojus. fant. The woman wears the You cannot fee wood for trees, well woolled, lano us, Lanaris. breeches, vir nubit uxori. in mari aquam qugris. A 'woolen-draper, lanarius. A little woman, mulieruda, «; f. A wo:d, slus, a; f. Woolly, langus, laneur, lanifiris. A grave woman, marrona, , f. A ſmall wood. fyluula, e; Woort, lucrifaans, raportatus. Sir A woman-child, pupilla, a; f. An Incloſed wood, nemus, oris ; n. won. A working woman, pararia, e; f. A little thick wood, lucus, i 3 m. The wood bird] rubicilla. A manly woman, virago, Ini; f. An under-wood, lylus redua. The woos of the ſca, alga. A new-married woman, Spenſe, e; f. Fall of wood, fyluofus, a, um, Woofted, trilix, filum ex lara pura. A chlid bed woman, puerpera, a; f. Woody, ad) Wop oy'd or blear-ey'd, lippus, a, No woman, nem, inis ; c. Brush wood, tremiunt, farmenta. A woman fervant, oneilla, el. wood Worceſter City, Vigornia, Wigurnia, A woman dwarf, pumilia, manis, Dronovium, Brennogenik. A woman faint, diva, e; f. Great tiaber-wood, materia, &;f. Worceſterſhire, Willis, Woman's attire, mundus mulieris. Pock word, guziacum, Woman's 3 muliebris. Yon Sear wood, ramalia. OF Worceſter, Of a woman, s have ſhewed me to grow to a wood, blvafco, èra. A WORD, verbum, vocabulum, dic. a woman's trick, muliebri fecifli Wood, adj. tram, 3 n vo*, 3. f. • A word or fide. • I had need of a woman's Wooden, ligneas, lignofus. two with you, au culta puutis .. wit, mulieris adbibende mibi ma- Of wood, May I ſpeak a word with you? litia nunc u. Wood, ad) licetne panta? I will not believe a word you ſay, wib.I tibi quid. Womanly, ebris. A wood ftock, lignile, is ; n. quam trade. What needs ſo Womanly (ftaid) matronali. Woodbind (herb) periclymenum, ca. many words ! quorfum har fam The womb, warus. prifolium. multa? *One wo à more with A little womb, terculus. iz m, A wood-cleaver, ligneter, orir; m. you, quicqaid te oro..He gave not Of the womb, uterinus, a, um; A woodcock, gallinago, juis; f. a word. non vex ulla excidit ai of the ſame womb, $ adj. A fea woodcock, trochiler. He was not able to ſay a word Women, fanina, arum ; f. Wo Woodcock foil, ſolum ejufdem cum more, Dixem defecit Pair men are dereltful, ieri ne tre kallimagine celorts, words will not prevait blonde lo- das ne mortua quidem A wood culver, pa'umtuu, ; m, quendo nibil effe eris. Make not Given to women, mulierojus ; ad). A wood-fretter termes. many words of it, rem paucis ex- Win (of won] lucratur, luenfelius, Wool geld, tributum pro lignations. pedi. I will not hear you a • All is not won that is put in the A word houſe. I 27:/€, lis ; n. word, * bil audio. • Wh'le the purie, preuniam in laco negligere A wood-kn te culter ventorius word is in your mouth "tis your waximum interdum et 'utrum. A woodland country, locus feltuojus. own, when 't's once fpoke 'L's 2- Won by ailault expugnatus. A wood-lark, alauda fylverin. nother's, meſcit vox mya reverlj. To be won, lucrifio. A wood-louſe, cimex, 10; m. A word to the wiſe is enough, ver- I won, vids, preterperf. tenſe of vin- A wood man, arborator, oris ; m. l bum fapienti far ef. co..He hath won many a prize, cartus, i; m A little word, verbulum, 2. n. voch- plurimarum palmarum bimo. A wood monger, WONDER, admiratio, fuper. la, 1. f. Wood ſeller, Tignarius. Big or boancing words, ampiella, A wonder, mirandum, miraculum, Wood night Made. folianum lignofum drum ; f. mirum. A wood-pecker, p.cus maritus. A merry word, die um jocour To wonder, 2 miror. admiro, ari. A wood-pile, Ligniram frues, Opp obrious words, convicia, orum; Wonder at, neut. a little wonder, crede te non nibil Wood row' ; }(herb] afperu!a. mirari. You'll wonder at it, Wood-fage, ſcorodinia, falvia agreſis. A word [promiſe) prom fun, polli- siten, Upon my word it fall amms in tegulis. The wood fere finſea) stielabus. be ſo, do fidem futurum. His To make a wonder ol, odmirer, pe Wood forrel, lujula, trifo.jum acero word may be taken, im verbis in peo. • I made no wonder at allwn. fidus. at it, minime fum miratus. Why A wood Mack, lignoruin Brues. The word, Syarbama, atis ſhould you make a wonder of 1? A wood wall (börd] vira. Watch word, symbolum, i; a. quid tu admirere? Wood-wants, foramina in pofle au toaru, e; f. They give the To make to wonder, Awpefacio. materie, word, fignum dant. To promiſe wonders, aureos montes A wood ward, faltuariku. By word of mouth, viva wote, w polliceri. A wood-worm, cofus. fonus, Wondered at, admiratione babitus. A wood-yard, fabrica materjaria. Word for word, verbatim, adv. to- A wonderer, mirater, oris ; m. Wooden, ligneus. Word by word, } tideni verdi. Wonderfal, mirus, mirabilis, mi-Wood [mad) infanus, furiawi, 74. I tranſlated it word for word, ver. Wonderous, 3 riffs ; ad). bides, ceritus bum de verbo expreffum exlui, pro Wonderfully (ady. ] mire, mirum in To be wood, furo, ere; neet. verbo reddidi. modum, ad fuperum uſque. To make wood, furiart. In a word, 2 breviter : adv. Wonderfulneſs, admirabilitas, 3. 1. Woodly, furiose, rabide; ady. In few words, Take in a word, Wondering, mirabundus, a, um, Woodneſs, rabos, furor. brevi sc betado, A wondering, admiratio, onis; f. Woodcot (in Surro] Nrsmagus, No- A word [command) preseptum, man- Wonder-working thaumaturgus. vitnagus. datum, juffus, i; n, I never To wonn (dwell habite, commorari, To wooe, ambie, in; a&t. gave word for the doing any fedem habere. Wooed, ambitus, a, ute; part. ſuch thing, non me indicants bac A WONT, mos, 3. m. confuetudo, 3: JA wooer, procus, i; m. frunt. f. After the old wont, antiqua A little wober, prasului, i; m. Not a word, me gry quidom. Peace, confuetudine. He returns to his A fond wooer, perditè amans. not a word, sau, Lupus in fabula Not } fidem hit mirabiliu. There is nothing Ha brede worme, vermno , are WOR WOR WOR Not a word of the money, de A work fhop, Officina, & ; f. Wordly, mundonur, Terrenus ; ad). argento fomnium. Not a ward A working, operatio, onis ; f. Wordty (covetona) ad rom allantus, of it when you are dead, eto A working day, dies negotiafu. Worldlineſs, avaritia inexplabilis. illud quod fetes nafciveris. Not A working fea, mare jæviens, inta A Wordlig. fartenut, torre effixus. 2 word more, manum de tabula. mefens, undofum. To play the wordling, fecue pre To word, verbis exprimere, reddere. A workman, opifex, artifex, deis. Sense Je totum abdicere. To carry word, nunciare. Word Workman-like, artificiali, le ; ad). A worm. vermis, mi, m. is brought, nunciatum o. Of a wo kman, operarius, a, um. A worm fhell, penicillur, tubulus, To carry word back again, renunciare. Not workman-like, inartificialis, le. teidreus, To lend word, 2 certiorem facere. Workman like [adv.] artificialiter, A little worm, sumirulus, li ; m. Write word, Send me word. eleganter, affrabre. A belly-worm, lumbricus intefiarum. fac me certiorem. He writ me Workmanthip, opificium, in A book worm, tinca, a; f. word, ad ne fcripfit. The WORLD, mundus, *; orbis, is; A canker worm, xylophagus, To ſend wo d back, recrido. • Send m. rerum univerfitas or natura ; A chur-worm, gryllotalpa. me no word back, mil mibi reforibus. mundur univerfus. He is known A glow-worm, cicindela. To take one's word, credo. Take all the world over, foto motus in A go'd worm, anrealis. my wo.d for this, meæ fidei crede. orhe. I know not where in the A hand worm, acarus. . Will you take his word ? tradis world I am, non ubi terrarum feftio. A palmer-worm, ruce, huic quod dicar? The world, or affairs of the world, A ring worm, luben, impatigo. To be as good as his word, TES, Tarum ; f. pl ras bumana, A fik worm, bombyx. Make his word good, res hominu. What a world is A flow worm, cecilia. mare, promiffio fare. this! O dii immortales, ubiram A wood-worm, coffus, terede. To keep one's word, fidem feruare. gentiun fumes! or O tempora, o A worm hill, collis urniculofus. • I am reſolved to keep my word, mores! As the world goes, boc Worm-eaten, vormidu ereftes. fervare certum et in a quod dixi tempore. He minds nothing in Worm-eating, vermiculatio, onis, fidem. the world but this one thing. buaic Full of worms, verminosus adj. To break one's word, fidem datam unifludet. They are behind Fall of worm - holes, teredine trabrá fallera. hand in the world. ad impian re pertujus. To go back from his word, de gra dedi funt. It is one of the To be worm-caten, vermicular, wer. du demigrere. ſtrangeſt things in the world. ni- mibus corrumpi. To abuſe with words, walediais in- Give ill words, fe&tari, vo- more worms, cibus contumeliofis prosequi. um nibil i infantius. . I know the worm of a gun; spira fdopeta. To eat one's words, demutare, fe re not what in the world to do, nec rum purgatri. texere. quid ag um certum ef. He knew To worm a cable (ſca-phraſe) - In word only, orrbe tenus. not which way in the world to dentem funiculo circumplicato confir Full of words, verbofus. turn him, quò ſe verteret non babe mart or confiabilire, Good words, buna verba. bat. By no means in the world. Worm-feed, camelina, femen fansoni- Trifling words, logi; m. fabule ; f. pl. minimè gentium. It is to no end I wore [of wear) gefi. • He wore In the world, frufira ol. Nor Treacle worm-feed, camolina, mya- like iron, corneolus fuit.. do I believe there is any fuch man grum. A WORK, para, I. f. spus, aris; n. in the world, neque eum quenquam Wormwood, abymthium, thi. • The work goes finely on, pul e arbitror. • Any way in the Sea-wormwood, feriphium. ebre procedit opur. . He leaves off h's work, ab inflituts spert dife for all the world as, fimillime af of wormwood, } abfyntbius,a,um. dit. I will find you work, eg que. He is gone to the other Wormwood wine, abfyntbiter. te exercebo. He ſays he has one world. ad plures abiit. I am Wormy, vermiculofus, a, us; ad). work yet behind, bbl memoral for the woods againſt the world, Worms (in Germany) Wer macia. nu Juperele labores. We mibi placent ante omnia fylve i Worn (of wear) tritus, Bohus, a, um. will go another way to work, a- had as good be out of the world, Worotine (part of Mafuvy Vastina. lid egrediemur uia. • You have multus Jums, perii Th's is the To woriy, exagito, I. perfequor, 3: made a good day's work of it, faſhion of the world, ita mo mun WORSE. 3 pejor, deterior. Viliar, procefiibodia pulibe. viget. We are too much given WORSER, $ gen. oris; adj. comp. Work trouble turba, «; f. tumul to the world, ad an avidiares /u • To lay no worſe, ut levfimè di- tus; m.. What work ſhall I make • What ſays the world of ram. It is better ſo than worſe, here ? quas bic ego turbas dabo ? me ? de me quis popu i fermo eff ? evenire sa farines of quàm illa. A piece of work, opifiium, i; n. Since the world began, exom I will ſay no worſe of him, solo A little or ſmall piece of work, mibus feculis. The world is well in illum gravius dicere. Ifhall ufum, 2. N. amended with him, paratus fuit not love myſelf a hair the worſe, Checker work, 2 pus mafivum, fefel. quadrantem de parcare merdtrùs tal ne pili quidem mms me amabo. lo-laid work, slatum, versicula- ları. He has the world in a • It can be no worle than us, pe- ſtring, buit omnia quadrata cur jors loco nun poteß te. I will Works [fences] uniamta, orum ; . The world grows woofc deal no worfe with you than with opera, ka; pl. n. • He raiſed and worſe, in precipits flatur, my owa brother, rectems agam non works about his camp, caflra ope pellum it. The world will not faces de maths frater .. tibus mun vit. They went as always be at one Itay, ornnium Worſe and worſe, Mindrabi in far as to the works, ad molam us rerum wiciffitudo. que penetrabant. The little world, microcoſmus, i ; m. To make worſe [aggravate) weg To work, operor, lahoro, I. A deſcription of the word, como gero, I. • Do not make things To work (as beer) fermentace, far grapbia, e; f worle than they are, ignem igni ne mentari, lovius folutiufque fieri. A world of ſtrength, magna vis. reddas. To work cunningly, labore A World of tears, lachrymarum Worſe, pejus; adv. comp. To work by collufion, prævaricer. infinita vis. A world of little Worſe and worſe, retrò; adv. To work by deceit, fruere dolos. ſmall fars, infinita minut fime To grow worſe, in pejus pralabi or To werk needle work, acupingere. fiella, And a world more, in. inclinare. To work over to one's side, troběre numerabile que alii. A fickneſs grown worſe and worſe, in partes Beiras To be before-hand in the world, di ingrauefcon valetudo. To work out, porago, perficio, 3. vitiis abundare or afluere, Worft, poffimus, a, um; ad). fuperl. To work together, context, ére. To be behind-hand in the world, ad Worſhip, culties, is ; a. reverentie. To work underhand, coire inopiam redigi; are aliene opprimi. Your worſhịp, diguitas tua, domina- To work w th, cooperor, ari. To have the world in a furing, rebus sio velra. A worker, operator, oris ; m. facundilimir sti. The worſhip of God, adoratis, 3. K A worker by the great, redemptor. To be well mended in the world, To worſhip, colo, 3. venenor, A work houſe, ergaftulum, li; n. fortuna amplificari ; divitiis augeri Worthipped, adoraçu, 4, MM. A O&M, W OR W O V WRE @; f. c. are. A worſhipper, adorafor, oris; m. Well worthy, pordignius, . w; adi. own ſword, ipfe mihi a/cim in eru: Worſhipful. venerabilis, augupus. Little worthy, vilis.lt; ad}. 3. art. itpagi. Right worſhipful, perbaner ficus, Made worthy, dignus reputerus. To wound to death, oreda, čre. Worſhipfully, banerificè, b morate. Not worthy, indignus ; adj. Not Twound fore contrucide, are. A worſhipping, adoratio, pris; f. re: wo thy to wipe his ſhoes, indignus of a Wound, vulnerarter, a, um, uerentia, &; f. cultus, is; m. qui illi mullam porrigot. *1 am Fall of wounds, vulnerous, a, um A worſhipping of idols, idelatra. not worthy to be namod the fame Wounilable, venerabi is, le ; ad). WORST, gestas, , ; ad), fu day with you, non dignus præ Wounded, vulneratus fasciatus. perl. The worſt is at first, bed 18 ut gan palat in perintem. Not wounded, inuitlaatu, 2, n. dum incipiar guia funt dunque Worthy of reward, meritóriua; ad. A wounder, vulnerator, oris ; m. ignore', ubi cognoperis facitia, If so worthy, tantus, a, um ; así. A wound ng, ordneratio, feuciating.fi all come to the worft, neupe in A worthy deed, meritum, tijm. Wourts [for pottage) labans, 2. commeditas denique buc omnia redit. To think worthy, dignof, ari. olera, 3. n. • It is the worst th'ng that ever Worthly, signe ; adv. Wrack, dainus, 1 ; n. cledes, 3. f. 1 did in my life. quam quis Worthily (done) mobiliter , ady. Wrack ſhe b} alga, t; f. quam facinus feci pojus. I had Worth ly received) marito : ady. The wrack of a ſhip, navfragium. not the wo ft of it, no fomu Worthineſs, dign tar, atis f. To wrack a fh:p, navem ad fcopulos peratus ab illo. "I am afraid we Worthleſs, wil , peruilis, les ad). af igere. thall come by the worft of it. Worthleffneſs, tenuitas, atsat To go to wrack, ruinds agerepulum no fra parti times.* Let the worst A wortwale of a nail, reduvia. come to the worſt, ad extremum. To wot (an old word for to know Wacked, naufragusa a, m; adj. To make the worſt of a thing, it or believe) crede, 3. feto, 4. .*1 A wracker, damnum faciens. pejores partem rapera. wot well how the world wage, A wracking, oplietoonis ; f. To worft fufero, I. vin', 3 felicium multi cognati, ubi opes ibi Wranglands, à-beres misle creſcentes, Worítsd, fuperatus do it amici. er borts and. Worſt of ale or beer, cerevifs suf I wovo [of weave] frebum. A wrangle, rixa, &; f. jurgium ; n. Woven, Textus, contextus, a, um. To wrangler ricor, altercar, litrgo. WORTH (price of a thing] valor, Woven between, intertextas, a, utt. Having Wrangled, rixatus, aitaria- oris ; m. pretium,i; n. fumma, Any ſtuff woven, textum tus, a, um, part. I will give thee the I WOULD (of will] vullen. That's A wrangle, rixator, altercater, liti- worth of it in poney, dabo tibi fi that I would have, fhu vobarom. gafor, oris; mi curium pretium bujus. He pays • I would have you write, jetridas Wrangling, rixo ur, litigiour, , um. the full worth of ihem in money weloos. Would you have any A wrangling, rixatio, altercatio ; f. aquâ fa&ta ajlimatione perueniam pro thing more with the before I go? Alwaya wrangling, amoní litium. els foluit. nunquid vir gain abram? • What A wrangling pettifogger, vitilitiga- Worth (quality] dignitas; f. meri. would you with me i qaid t quid tor, oris ;. Tabula, e'z m. tus, i; n... His enemies had matum velis? Pots as I would To wrap, involve, zre; act Spared him for his worth, ctui 17 have him, ita ut vole . Would To wrap (intang e] iretit, 4. intri- mici propter dignitten peperrerant. you have me do foi idng offis au- Of great worth, pretium, magni. ibores mibi ? He carried her away To wrap together, complico, 1. con- Perions of great worth, viri ampliffimi whether I would or no, se invito volvo, tre Of little worth, vilis, nulliur mo ahduxit . She begs you would be To wrap up, alligo, Is colligo, ore. Of no worth, fronti or preli honeft to her, fidem vefirana i Wrapped, inuolutus, a, um. Want of wortb, vilitas, atis f. piret... He does as you would Wrapped Lintangled) irraitu. A thing of littleworth titivilitimin bave him, treta: tibi garit. Wrapped together, complicatus. WORTH (adj.) dignis, a, um ; go wou d have a little talk with you, Wrapped in the bryars, balitabundus. verning an abl. cafe. It is worth lubet mibi terum confabulari. He Wrappedly, contorld ; ady. the bearing, auditu dignim al knew you would do it feebat pos A wrapper, involucrum ; cri; n. Not worth a point, ne ligue gururos. • I would run away be. A wrapping, implicatio, involutio. dum dignus, Plays tot worth fore I would come back, aufuge A wrapping paper, cucullus reading over again, fabula On sem potius quam redeam. But To wraftle, colluttar, ari. fatis digna que harum leg oplier you would lay fo indeed if, wm To wraftle againſt, obluctor, ari. I thought it worth my care, mihi mugis id dierer . He would Having wiaftled, luftarus, a, um vifum ef, pretium ture. have me let him have it as I A wraftler, u&tator, ovis; m. To be worth, valeo, ērt; fio, ele bought it, tantideix emptum polulat A great wraftler, atblad, a m. One eye witneſs is more worth fbi tradi, Wraftler İske, athletid, palæffrire. than ten ear-witneffes, pluris I would not, no'lum. I would not A wraftling, lufta, 1. tuftatis, 3. f. suletus talis unités quàm auriti let him fee that I took it illy gfam. A wraftling place paladro, æ; f. decem. It is not worth a chip, dere mo grè pati Ni dolus. of wraftling, athleticuspalajricus, fauti gients of fungus puidus. They would not do as they would 4, a adj. . He is not worth a brals farthing, be done to; quod ab altero oiu-The art of wraftling athletita, e; 1. cui peculi mummus nom of plumbew. larunt in je rerujárunt. Your Wrath, iro, I. indignitja, onis ; f. It is worth the labour or while, father would not have done fo, To be wrath, fuccenfeo, zro. opere pretium of • It is not bud puternim izbuc dedifi. To drive into wrath, inrito, are. worth the while, tanti nonWould opts, precor, uti-Wrathful, iraruwdus, a, sem ; ad), • They are not worth the taking, Would to God, num, of, foxit Wrathfully, iracundi, adv. much leſs the keeping, na captare Would God, Deus, Would To WREÁK, ultior, 3. v'ndico, I. guidam, nedum alere conducieIf I might never live if I know, ne # I will wreak my ſpleen on him, they be worth the ſeeing Avi. uidem fcio.. Would I might go iram bant in eum eumantona- dondo put. It is not worth a never live if I write not as I think, • In labout the ſtronger half penny, elle carum e. One ne jim falvus fi aliter fcribs at ſen wreaks the weaker, in opery fir- Plato in my account is worth thom tio. Wiſhers and woulders are ner imbellirem cingir. • You all, Plato mihi wilus inflap elt om never good houfholders, o ! O have weaked your ſpite again n. • He hath been worth a Al stiefs. me upon my friend, in meo um double hired ſervant to thee, du. To wanld the mat, fthenti male nudeiitaram propi team. plano mercedes mercenari qui fixa fune circumplicato confiringer, Wreaked (oindiaa) exereira Tartivi. • He owes more than her colligare. Wreakful, witor, undex, 3. m. is worth, animam debet. I do Wound (of wind] contortas, A wreath, fertur, in corona; f. not believe he is worth a dog, mon Wound Tas a horh} inflatus, a, um. The wreath of a boar, canda ápri. illion puto in dome sanen reliquife. Wound up, ronyolseres, a, um, A little wreath. corolla, e; f. To be more worth, prevaleo, era A wound vulnus, 3. n. plága, f. To wreath, inilorques, centerqueo, 2. To be like worth, a gleivaleo, are; D. A little wound, vulausculum, 1; n. Wreathed, plexus, a, um. To the like worth, agu!yolens tie. To wound, wolnerb, 1. faucio, 11 Wreathed as a cable, in pram cops- Worthy, dignus, a, um ; adj. have wounded myſelf with my dutus To write again, referibo. WRI. W RO Y A T A wreathing, conforso, conuolueio ; f. me word, ad me fcripfit. A wronging, violatip. Wrexhings, volta, arun. To WRITE, fribo. Write what I wrote (of write] fripk. A wreck, sufragun. Svo Wack. I bid yod, quod jubeo feribito Wroth, iracundus. Si Wrath. Wreck river in Leiceforphire] Weekus. Brown paper is not good to write To be wroth, fuccenfeo, iraſcor. A wren, regalu, tregledytes. on, empratica inutilis eft fcribendo. Wrotham [in Kent) Vogniaca, Vog- A copious fubject to write on, niacur A little wren, reguliola, . A wrench, luxstio, mis ; f. argumentum locuples et. Wrought (of workfaftus, fabricatus. To wrench, luxó, I. contorque, 2. Wrought cur ouſly, clsberatus. Wrefill in Yorkbire] Urajullure. Write back, To be wrought, fie, fieri. A wreſt, forfio, enis. To write a book, componere librum. I wrought, feci. A Wreft (ſawyer's tool] ferramentu Do Write by candle-light, lucubro. Wroxcefter in Shrupbiri Viroconi. crenatum quo feria dentes redd uniur To Write falr, literas continine pingere, 1m, Uriconium confortuli. To write ill, liveras ſeulpe'e. Wrung (of wring) comprellus. A wreft (to tune with) plearum, 1 ; To write often, ſcripsito I wrung, frinxi, delfi. peaan, inia; n. To write out, de cribo, tranfcribo. W y, voliquur differtus, curvul. To w eft, to quro, contar queo, 2. To defire to write, feripturio. A wry mouth; 7.& . To wreft afide, diftorqueo, ērta, A writer, Striptor Wry-lege'd, loripa To wreit back, requeo, ere. A Nort writer, notarius. A wry neck [bird] torqui la, lnx. To wreſt from extorqueo, exprimo. To writh, torqueo. To wry, torqueo, contorquro, fi, 2. To wreft mal cioofly, peruerto, fre. To writh back, retorqueo. To wry the neck, collum obtorquare, Wreſted, 1875us, To writh the mouth, dil orquere. Wryed, abortus. Wrefted afide, diftortas. A writh, fertur, A wryer, terter. Wreited back, retoriu!. Wpithen, tortus. Wiying (part.] torquens, obterquus. Wreſted from, exfartus. A thing wrthen, torta, A wrying, obtorji, A wrefter, concerter. A writhing, for fo. Wry y, aplique. A wrefter back, raforter. A writhing backward, ratarbie Ta wun, babito, pripor. A Wreiter from, extortor. A writing ſcriptio, "I may ſeem to Wurtzbourghin Germany] Herbicalis. A malicious wrefter, peruerfor. have been negligent in writing, Wybourg (in Finland] Viburgum. A wreſting, torſio. negligens in fcribendo fuile videat. A wych houſe, ſolina, A wreit ng aſide, diffofio. A writing A wyke, vills, Thing, written } eviрлит. A wreljing back, retorfo. . To wyte, arabo. A wreſting fom, extorſio. A writing back, reſtriptio. Wye river Lin Walo] Vaga. A malicious wrefting, peruerfo. Writing-ink, stramentum tripliian. To wteft'e, lufter. Ste Wraftle. A writing onderneath, fubferiptia. A wretch, mifer, pardisus. A writing upon, inſcriptio. X before A. Wretched, mifer, miferabilis. To couch in writing, sriplo sis A wretched fellow.deploratè mului. Set down in writing dar, in ta- XA (a river in Margiena] Oxus. Wretchedly miſerè. bular referre. Xacca [in Steily Therme, ad Wretchedneſs, mi eria. Writings, litera memoriale. aquu Laridas. Wrie, turuus. Su Wry. Writ, Xaliſco (part of New-Spain) Salifra. Written, fcriptus, conferiptus. To wriggle, bno. Xalon (a river in A agon] Salo. To wriggle out, duaari. Written out, dekriptus. Xanto-gne (part of France) Santones, Santemum regio. Wriggled, fenuatui, Written upon, infcriptus. Wriggling, finuofus. I have written, fcripf. I bad for- Xenophon[ a man's name Xenapburn, 3. Xativa (in Valencia) Setabi, Xalids. A wriggling, finuatie. merly written you word, sutea Xerez, (in Spain) Xera. A wright, faber, fignificarem tibi per literas. You Xerxes (a man's name] Xerxes. A writaple in laughing, gelapus. Thould have written me word, de Xilocha (a river in Arögon Xilaba. To wraple, tri po. bueram ſcripta certior ele tuo. Xoa (part of Etbloota Xsa. Wrimp!cd, silpatus. WRONG, injuriq, u za, 1.6 for Xuchor la rher of Valencia) Surro. A wrimpling, eilpato. juma, damnuin, 2. D. It is botter Xyloc.ſtro [in Peloponneſw] Ægra. A wrinth, luxstio, extorfia articuli, to receive than to do wrong, ac- To wrinch, luxo, dipo queo. cient quàm facăre, pralgt injuriam. . Wrinchid, luxatur, luxues. They are not too forward in A wrinching, convuljo, diforfe. wronging others, junt ad injuriam Y before A. To wring, premo, Aringo. tardiores, He repeated him of A Yacht or mall ſea veffel, navi- To wring hard, compris, conßringo. the wrong he had done, cum inju rula, I. f, calok, liburnica. To wring (as the cholick] vermin, ria jud penitust. He rips up A yard, vrga, w'n, e; f. A wringing torfio what wrongs, his enemies had a yard-Jand, virgata ta. A wringing of the cholick, formen, dane him, injurias inisicerun in A yard (court) oras, aula, A wringing of the belly, warminatio, le commemorat. A man's yard, penis. dy enierit. Wrong (adj.) irregularis, pravu. A fail yard, antense. Troubled with the w.inging of the We aks wrong courſes, arenne- The yard arms, entenarum, cornua. guts, formingus. ris ulimur conflits. Half a yard, Joſquipes. A wrinkle, tuga. Wrong (adv.) malè, perperan Yare, avidus appears A little wrinkle, rugula. You underſtand it wrong, men Yare (lively l agit vivides, tagutus. To wrinkle, cer uzo. nå autipis. Yare (in Yorkſhira lurum. To wrinklo the forehead, frontem Open w.ong, wie manifeſto, Yare river [in Norfolk] Garrionis, saperare. It winkles my face. To wrong, viole, DM inferre, in Garryanus, angir me, malè me babet, animani Do wrong, 3 juliè facere. He doch Yarmouth (in Norfolk] Gariannorum, exulerat, himſelf wiong, ipfe fibi iniurius ad. GOT ANORU, Garnienis esinem. Wrinkled, rugatus, caperatut, He had a care not to wrong bis Yarn, lane neig. A wrinkled apple, malum victum. credit, cavit ne unquam infumie es A bottom of yarn, glomas. A very, wrinkled face, facies pela Thiura. The yarn b-am of a weaver, jugur. rugafter hud To have wrong done onę, injaria To yarr (as a dog) bitrio. Wrinkledniels, cutis contra&io, Bria ofici. Yairing, birritus. tuca, To be in the wrong, halluciner, mis Yarriſh, por A wrinkling, corrugatio. mi faller. Yarrow (herb) millefolium. The writ, curgus. Bight or wrong, por fas neque, Great yarrow, millefalium majus. The wrift band, bracbiale. quo jure quaque in ura Little yarrow, millefolius terra- A writ, breve, libellus. Wronged, vila u. Soldier's yarrow, 3 fra flere lufco. To return a writ, certifice, A wronger, violator, Water-yarow millefolium aqusticum The return of a writ, certifiestorium, Wrong doer. A yaipa, manipulus, vila, The holy writ, feripture ſacra, Wrongful, injinigus. A yate, clauium proti, vals, cata. 1 yrt [of write feriph. He wricw.ongfully, injuriosè. ralta ultro recidens in feram (feque claudmi. To Y EL Y EX YOR reddo, 3 To yaw (as a ſhip) buc illuc vacil-Yellow as ſaffron) croceus, a, um. Yex'ng, fingultiens, tis ; part. lart, capite nutare. Yellow (as the yo'k of an egg) lu Yex'ngly, fingultin. To yawl, jule, are ; neat, trus, a, um ; nd). To YIELD dedo, trado, concedo, 3. To yawn, ofrito, ar, teuf. Yelow (as raw alkę, bylinus, a, um, • He yielded reaſons for their not Yawning, oft tabundus, , m. Ballard yellow, melinus, *, . going, eaufas cur no profeas fo- A yaw hing oſciatio, onis ; f Yellow cloth, flammea. + ent adjunxit. They muft needs Ybel [a man'a name) Enoulus. Yellow halred, rufus. y eld me that, illud ibi neceffe Ydron barony (in Beland] Odrona, A yellowhammer [bird) anebrya el concedunt. Ye, vos, nom. pl. of th. mu Bellonii ; luteus. To yield upon conditions, cortis con- Yea, etiam, ita, lane; ady. Yea, Yelow ochre, ochra. ditinibus holi fa dedere, and more than that, imo etian, The yellows, iterus, i, m. To yield huntelf, manus dare. He imo vno, porto auton. Yellow jaundice, 3 ideris, dos, y elded himſelf to the Roman, je Yea marry, 2 filiè, maximè; To be yellow, lauro, zre; neut. Romanorum fidei comvist. Yea truly, S. ady. To grow yellow, flaveſco, če;. To yield the victory, berbam dare. Yea ratber, quin potius ; ady. Yellow th Juojauns, luteolus, a, um. To yield one the better of it, ſe To yean, foetum muti, parere, Yellowneſs, flavedo, inis; f. video confteri Peander or yonder, ulic; adv. To yelp, gaan, 4. latro, jule, I. To yield upon difcretion, vi&torile Yeaned, partuf, , uu. A yelper, latrator, oris; m. Jue omittere, armii politis confugere ad Having yeaned, niza. A yelping, gunnitus, ús; m. vi&oris fidem, dede « fe in arbitra- A yeaning, mixus, us; m. A yeli (young low that never far tum befi. A YEAR, annu, i; m. . Once a rowd) porteira, ; f. To y eld unto, falces fubmittere. I year, ferzel in anno. • At fixteen A ycoman, fundorum redemptor, co y eld unto you, manus vobis do, years of age, annos natus fedecin. lonus, paganus . I yicid myſelf to you, tibi obfe. I am above thirty years old, plus A yeoman of the guard, ſatelles, quor, me dedi, . He is willing to aninis triginta natus jura. . When itis ; m. yield to any thing, admnia de- he was nineteen years of age, an- A yeoman of the larder, condus. frende paratus eft. He ſaid he ne elatis undev gefimo. . The lad A yeoman of the robes, viarius. would not yield to them in that, was hardly thirteen years old, bis A yeoman of the ftirrup Brator; m. ne id quidem ab lo i mpetrari poffe for modo mellibus peractis vix unu The yeomanry, plebs jf. dixit, puer applicabat anniem, • He Is Yeoven, detum. To yield bring fo th] fers, offundo, above ten years old, derem 09128 To yerk, cado, ore. exceffit. • He was full fifty years A yerk, verber, 3. n. iaus, ür; m. To yield over h's right, de jure se of age. implederet jamanns To yerk out behind, calcitro. cedere. quinquagefnum. Before a year. A yerker out, cal t:o, mis; m. To yield up, dado, 3. rebguo, I. was gone about, men foto vertenta Yerking out, fernax, acis ; ad). To yield up the ghoft, exbalo, «x- anns. • They ſuffered the like A yerking out, calcitrato, on; f. Spiro, I. animum aplars, the year belo:e, edem fuperior Yes etiam, ime, maximè; adv. To y eld (neut] (edo, concedo 3. animes perpilli funt. I am now of Yest, cerevifie fermentum • He forced them to yield, in da. thole years that, eá jim tota Yefterday, bert; ady. I am but ditionem redegit. • For fear they fumat Why was he in the a man of yeſterday, quafi politie ſhould be driven by power to army at thoſe years ? cur id atatii lio bap ba pauliſper fui. yield, metu ns vi parere cogeren- in caftris fuiſat? . He is grown Yetterday, 2 belernus, 4, ; up to years of diſcret on, exceffit of yeſterday, ad). To yield (as ſtones in wet weather) ex spbebs. He makes even at Yeſternight, nox proxima, fudo. the year's end, in diem or ex Yet, at, certè, tamen, attamen ; veicu, Yielded up, redditus, deditus, a, um. tempore vivit, veruntamen, &c. We ſhould Yielded (granted) con elus, a, um. Leap-year, anu bytextilis. have had, though not the beſt, yet Yie ding, Vequex, acis; LTENI, A year and half, Sequiannut, ni; m. fome commonwealth, & non Yieldable, a, um, adj. A year's ſpace, per annum optimam at aliquam rempublicam ha- A yie ding, conceffio, onis ; f. Two year's ſpace, biennum, i; n. buerimus. Truly though you de- A ylelding again, reflitutio, onis ; f. Three year's ſpace, triennium. i; n. ny it yet I know it, id quidem eth A yielding up, deditie, nin; f. Well in years, grandier, ur; ad) com the neges sertè feo. And yet why Ykleaped, vacatus, nominatus. Wel fricken inyears,etate provectus, ſhould I teach you this? quanquam Yle (2 Scotth iſland) Pla, Hyla One year old, anniculus, a, um. te guidem quid hue deteam? Yet Yod, ivit, iter fecit. Two years old, dimni, bimus ; adj. teli what it is, quin dic quid di A yoke, jugem, i; D. Three years old, triennis, trim. Yet, 7 adbuc ; adv. In what 1 A yoke of oxen, juges. Year's, annuus, a, un By As yet, have as yet fald, adhuc To yoke, jugum imponere. For a year, that time my year's que dicta ſunt. Yet I have not Toyoke unto adjugo, conjugo, office will be at an end, go jam done it yet, famen adbue id non To bring under the yoke, fubjugo, annuum munus conficers, feri. As if yet there had been ſub jugum mittere This year's, 2 hornus, a, um; doubt of it, ac adhuc dubium Brought under the yoke, fubjugatus. Every year, ad). fuifot. Unleſs haply ye will A yoker, jugalus, jugo fubje&us. Ycally, annis, amiverſarius, have any thing more yet. n fi quid Yoked together, conjugu, cenjugats. Every year, a, um; ad). adbue fortè vultis. Is there any A yoker, jugarius. Yearly, quotannis, ne; ad) thing yet more? etiawene el quid A yoking, jugatio, fubjugatio, 3. f. Year by year, 3. art. Are you ſtanding here Yoke, jugalis, le ; adj. 3. A yearling, annitulus. yet? diam nunc hic flas? He of a yoke, Toyearn, vifceribus.commoveri. was not yet gone over the river, Yoke fellows, focii jugales. To yearn (as a beagle) nitto. nondum flumen tranfierat, We Uſed to the yoke, fubjugis, fubjuga- A yerning, commiferario, onis ; f. had heard nothing as yet, nihil lis; ad). Yeaſt, cerevifæ flos or fpuma, dum audrueramus. in hen you had The yoke elm, } carpinus. To yelld code. Su Yield. Yeld-hall, curia municipalis. ria, cum tt vixdum triginta dies in The yolk of an egg, vitello). The yelk or yolk of an egg, vitellus, Syria fuiffes. It is not fifteen Yon, illic, And yonder he i; m. days yet fince, minus quindecim Yonder, is, atque accum... Yon- To yell, ulo. der's Daums, Darum video. To yell as children) vagio, 4. A yew ſheep] agna, evis femella. The Yonne (a river in France) Icau- A yellamber of yellowbammerbird)| A yew-tree, taxus, 2. Smilux, 3. f. luteus, lurea avis, On yon-fide, ab illa regione. A yelling, sjulatus, ús; m. of yew" }razeus, a, um. The yelling of children, Dagitur. Yewed, ivit, iter fecit. Yellow, flavus, fulvus, a, um ; ad) To yex, fingitis, ire. A lufty yonker, adolefcens, 3. m. Yellow (as gold aureus, a, um, and Testing sing ultgo, ús m. Of yore, olim, quondam ; adv. (, um. York city, Eboracum, Brigantium. York, parro? art. dies funt cùm. A youngriter, }juunnis, is; m. operatoret ? Eboracenfis, se tutus. I tor. cannot do as you would, quantum Yourſelves, vos iph, ipfi, vofmet, vol- & YOU Z Z AM Z YG York, adj. tua mihi maximè curæ funt. * How Zanlosky, [in Poland) Rinoſium. came that into your head ? qui ti A zany, feurra, fi morio, Sannio, 3. Yorkſhire, Eboracenfis ager, or comi. bi iphuc in mentem venit ?" I pultus, 21 .am of your mind, iacum fontii, tibi Zalhalon, (in Hungary J Céntur col- YOU, Eſpoken but of one] tu, pron. of miior. lás, perſon. * I would have you write Your, ? [Spoken to more than one) Zatmar, (in Hungary] Zaimarium. to me what you intend, and where Yours, 3 vejler. Which way fo- Zagor, (in Poland) Zacaria. you, mean to be, tu wlim firibas ever your minds ſtand, quocunque Zbwas, (in Velbinia] Zbarallum, ad me quid agas grubi futurus fis. veftræ mentes indinant. Zborow, [in Ukraint Zborovia. * You must do as you may, if you Yourſelf, tuipfo, ipf, fute, internet, Zeal, amulatio, 3. f. ftudium, z. n. kilus, 2. non poteft fieri quod velh, velis quod met ipfi. Zcal for God's glory, Aigrans divine pofit. You are in your roart Youth, juventus, ütis, f. juventa, &, f. gloriæ pudium meat, when others are in their ſod, adolefientia, 1. f. ætas integra, or Zlous, x-lo fervidus. priufquim masris excorias. florens. * Hc behaved like a youth, TJ be zealous, alicui rei judere ; ali. You, lipoken to more than one] vos. cujus rei fudio inflainmari, incendi, * You muſt reſolve before night, youth up, à prima adoleſcentia. * fagrarı, fervire ; Xilor, ari. ftatuendum vobis ante noctem eff. The heat of youth is over, defer- A zcalous perſon, Kelaa, &, xilo- You yourſelf, tuipfo, fute, buil adolefcentia. In his youth, Zcalot, You yourſelves, vappi, vofmet. ineunte atase. Zcalouſly, fervidè, advi Yourh 1 (in Munjer] I agolia, A youth, adolefcens, juvenis, 3. m. A zecchin, nummus Venetus aureus, YOUNG, adj. juunis, parvus, tener. A very youth, admodum adole. Zeits, lin Mellain] Ritia. * Why did he follow the army co frens. Zedoary, Zedoaria. young? cur id arasis in cafira fu- A very fine youth, egregius juua Zealand, (in the Low Countries] Ze- fet? * You were too young to nis. landia. be at it, cui per ætarem non in:er- A teacher of youth, juventa modera. Zell, (the name of three cítics in fuifli. Germany] Cella, Very yrung, admodùm adolefcens ; Youthful, juvenilis, le; adj. The zenith, zenith, punctum virti. peruucksfiens, reredolefcentulus, 1o. To be youthful, adolefcenturio. 4. cale. nullus, paruulus, adj. To play a youthful part, juumor. Zerbift, (in Saxony] Zervefa. A young ſtudent, eloquentie candida- Youthfully, juvmiliter, adv. Zeit, particula corticis aurantii, abrafo Youthfulneſs, juvenilitas, aris ; f. in vinum exprefa. A young man, adolefcens, tis, juvenis, Ypocraſs, aroinutiles: Zibit, (in Arabia Felix] Zibitum, . is; m. There is no cauſe for me peren, } [in Flanders] Hypra. Zigenhiam, [in Helen ) Zigenha. to be angry with the young man, Ypres, odolefcenti mibi non eft quos fuccen. Ypres, (in Provence] Aihmopolis, 01- Zigen, [an iBand of Croatia] Sege. feam. I would you had takea bia. Dica. The young man to rule, vellem fufce. It yrketh me, tædet me. The Zippa, [a lake in Holland) piſo juvenem regendum. * Young Yrkſom, amarus, injucundus, adj. Zippa. mens knocks old men feel, que Yrkfomneſs, tadium, ; ; D. Zirichzce, [in Zealand) Ziriczia. peccamus juurnos ea luimus fenes. Ylel, (a river in the Low Countries] Zittaw, [in Luface) Zittaula, A young woman, adolefrentula,,a, f. Ijála, Ila, Aliſo, Fofa Drunjana. Znaim, (in Moravia) Z naimum. A young tree, arbor novella or tenera. Y with, cia Cardiganſhira] Stucia, The zodiack. Xidiacus. To be young, } juveneſco, čre. Stuccia, Zoeft, [in Welphalia) Sufarum, Grow youngs Ythel, (a man's name] Euthalius. Zoilus, (a man's name] Zoilu., To grow young again, repubeſco, re-Yyica, [a Spaniſh iſland in the Me. Zolaock, (in Hungary ] Solnocumi. virefco, čxe. diterranean) Ebuſus. A Zone Anna. To come up young, pullulo, pullu. Yvois, [in Luxemborg) loodium, A zoophyte, (a thing that partaketh laſco. Yule, fejum nativitatis. both of the nature of an animal A young bird or beaſt, pullus, pullu- A yux, lingultus, ús; m. and of a plant) Zoophytura, lus, calulur, i, m. To yux, fingultio, iri, 4. De la Zouch, [the family) De Sti- With young, Big with young, S } Brandes, prago zág, (in Switzerland) Tugiüm, Tou- To be with young, venire ferre. A young onc, folus, portus, ûs ; M. Zulphick [in Lower Germany] Tol. To bring forth young, pario, čri. biacum. A young beginner, iro, onis; m, Zurick, [in Switzerland) Tigurum, A very young beginner, oruntulus. Z before A. Zutphen, (in Gusiderland] Zusphän Younger, junior, natu minor, Youngeit, natu minimus. Z Aberna (in Alfatia) Taberna. Zweybruken, [la Germany). Bipon. A youngling, nouitius, adolefcens va. Zabes, (in Tranſilvania] Zab sius. nus levis. fus, Zwickaw, (in Meifein) Cyg masa, Youngly, tenorè, adv. Zagabria, [in Windiſchland ] Sifo- Zwol, [in Overby ſes] Zwolla. Your, (ſpoken but of onel tuu, pia. Zygeth, (in Hungury) Sigetum. Yours, 3 a, um ; pron. adj. "I Zagrab, [in Hungary] Zagrabia. Zyghet, (an inand of Hungary] Me. have a very great care of your af- Zamora, (in the kingdom of Loon) Tubarri Lairs and fortunes res fortuna Senica, I tus, pire Sicco, Pin } nia. ! finis Eee Here BOI DAN F L E Here followeth a Collection of ſome Engliſh Words which agree in Sound, yet differ in Senſe and Orthography ; with their ſeveral Significations explained by Engliſh for the Benefit of our own Nation, and the Latin for the Good of Strangers. ; Blue (in colour) cerulrus, a, um. Dergne (to vouchfaſe) dignor, I. A Blev Told blowjoban, imperf, Dear (heloved] sharus, a, um , adj. A Ccidence [for ſcholars) gramma. Baar the twine) aperi, m; Deer (the beait) dams, e, f. tices intridugie, Bore (to make a hole] ferebro, I. Deoter [that owes] debitor, 3. m Accidents - [chances} cafui, tos, m. Bony (full of bones) clatus, adj. Dster (io frighten terrao, ère. Adapt [10 fit any, thing) wdopto, I. Bonny (pretty) tellus, a, uin; adj. Deceni (fcemly) complus, a, um. Adapt (a font adopto, Border of a ganicot] limbus, i, m. Deſcent (of a place] defcenfus, us, on. Advice [counfel] confilium, i, n. Bordure (in heraldry) sirculus infig-Defend (to protct) prolego, era Adyife (to counſel) mones, 2, nia cirigens Deaffend ['made deaf) jurdus reddi: Ale (the drink] cerevifia, i, f.. Bough (branch] ramus. Ail (trouble) dolor, oris, m. Bow (to ſhoot with) arra!, ús, m. Defart (a wild place) delerium, i, n. Al Levery one] emnis, nei adj. Bruit (report] runor, oris, m. Deſert Imerit) meritum, i, n. Awl (ſhocuaker's utensil] fubula. Brute (beaftj brutus, i, m. Defert eloquent] difertus, adj. Alay (affwage! lenio, ir. Buy [to parchaſe) cms, čre. Device (ſtratagein) techna, a, f. A'lay of metai) temperamentum, i. By and by, conjeſiin, adv. Deviſe (to invent! excogito, are, Alley Ipaffage) ambulacrum, i, n. Diſea!c of the body) morbus, i, m. Allie (of ſtate) focius, ii, m. Deceaſc (death] abitus, i, m. Aliar for facrifice) altars, is, n. CA!! (by name] appelle. Divers in the water] urinatores, Alter (to change) muso, are. Caul (on the bowels) omentum. Diverſe different] diverfus, adj. Aloud (with raiſed voice] carore. Cawl flike a net) reticulum, i, n. Do (to actago, ere, adł. Ailowd Capproved).probatus, a, um. Carnal [Acthy) carnalis, lo; ad). Doe (The derr] dama fæmina, Ant (pifinire} formica, e, f. Kernci l of a nut) nu leum, i, n. Dollar (Dutch coin) thulerus. Aunt (by father) amita, a, f. Cauleys (ways) tramites, um, pl. Dolour (grief] dolor, oris, m. Arc (be) lunii prelpl. 3.perſ. Caules [matters) caufa, arum, f. Dane (made) faftus, a, um. Air (element) er, is, n. Career (full ſpeed] curfus, concitatili. Dun (colour í fulcus, a, um ; adj. Heir fto an eſtate) haras, edis, c. Due lowing] debitus, a, um , adj. Arrani (notorious) merus, adj. Carrier (of letters] tabellarius, i, m. Dew (on the graſs] ros, roris, m. Errand ('n chargej mandatum, i, n. Cellar.(place under.ground) ella. Array (to cloath | vetio, ire. Seller (of wares) venditor, gris, m. E Array (order of battle} arisi compofio Cenfor (for incenſe ) thuribulum, i, n. E Ar lof the head] auris, is, m. tio. Centor į Roman officer) cenſer, 3. m. Year (twelve meaths) annus, Afcent [of a hill] afrenfus, i, o, Ceníure Craſh judgment) confera, f. Eaſt (wind) oriers, Affent (conſent) offenfus, ûs, m. Certaury (herb) ceniouria, & f, Yeaft (for bread ] rerevifia ſpuma. Alp (trcc] populus alta, Century (a roo years) centuria, &, f. Elder (in years) Senior. Haſp (hook] fibula, a, f. Chair to sit on cathedra, a, f. Eidern (of elder] fambuceus. Augre (to tore wi.h] feretrum, n. Charc (work) fenfum, i, n. Eucraulds (ītoncs] ſmaragdi, Augur (a foothſayer] augur. uris, Checker (that checks) monitor, m. Hemoroids (diſcafe) hamorrbois. Ax (to cut with afcia, a, f. Chequer (of the king] filius roge- Employ (make uſe of } occupo, ani. Aas fitatutes) ada, orum, a, Imply [intangle) implico, arr. Choler (anger) cholera. &, f. Ended (accompliſhed) finitus, adj. Collar [neck-band) collare. is, n. Indeed tin truth] reuerà, ady. Bacon (hog's fieſh} lardam, i, n. Citherne (for muſick) citburg, a, fi Endite a letter) diao, are. Beacon (to be ſet on fire) pe:ula. Citron (trec) citrui, i, f. India { to accuſe) nomen alicujus in- B:ll [10 play with) pila, a, f. Clauſe (a sentence) fententia, e, f, ferre. Bawl"(to cry] clamo, ere. Claws (of a b:rd) ungues, jum, m. Exerciſe (labour) exercitium, i, ni Band Fof foldicrs] cohors, tis, f. Cleaver (belonging to butchery] fo- Exorciſc (con}:re] exorriſo, are. : Bond (writirg] ingropha, a, f. curis, ris, f. Eye (of the body | oculus, i, m. Birbary, fihe country) Miurilania. Clever (nimble) dexter, e, unt; adj. Iſmyſelf] ego, gen. moi, dat. mibi, Barbersics (the fruit] certeris, Coming approaching:) vrtüens. Eyes (in the head) oculi, orum, m. Bare (naked) nudus, a, um ; adj.. Cummin (bert] cuminum, i, n. Ice (water frozen] glacies, ti, f. Bear the bcast, urfus, i, m. Common (publick) communis, adj. B.selý (nakedlý) nude, adv. Commonc ito talk togelker] rallo- F Barley (the graur} Bordcum, i, n. FAllow [ground) novale, is, f. Barrow 1 for labourers): tehiculum, n. Confirm (co provc] confirmo, are. Follow [purſue) inlequor, 3. Borsow not to lend) mitur, 1. Conform (to become Iske] conforto. Fane (a weather-cock] index venti. Barrow (for conics) antrus cunicuo Councel (that giveth counſel] conf. Fain (willingly] Lutenièr, adv. lorum liarius, ii, m. Feign (to Invenis fingo, čre. Baſe (vile] fordidus, a, um ; adj. Council (the asſembly]concilium, i, n. Fair (beautiful] formoſus, a, um. Baſs (in mufick) E-bus. Counſel Ithe advice) confilium, n. Fare (diet)' vi&tus, ui, m. Batile (light) prælium, i, n. Courier foot-port] nuncsus, i, m. Fawn (young deer] hinnulus, i, m. Batte! (a cerni at Oxford) in nomina. Curries (of leather) coriarius, i, m. Fawn (to facter] blandior, iri, referie. Couſc (ruaning) curſus, us, m. Fin (of a filh] pinna, æ ; f. Bean (corn] Yaba, e, f. Corſe (dead body) cadaver, oris, n. Fiend (cvil ſpirit) cacodcmon. Been II have beeny fui, of ſum, Coarſe (mean) Telui, e, em ; adj. Find [io diſcover) invinio, ira. Belly loí a man) venler, iris, m. Cymbal [:nuſical inſtrument] cymba- Fin'd tamerſed) mulaatus. Belý ( to ſpeak lies).columnior, I, islomiy i; n. Fir (iree] abies, etis, f. Beer (ine drink] wythus. Symbol (mark or badge) Symbolum, Fire (10 burn) ignis, is, m. Bier (for a corps) far.dopila. Far [dilant) pro:it', adv. Berry it'hat grows] baca, e, f. Für (a hairy skin) pellis, is, Eury Lto lay in ihe ground) ſepulio, 4. Damm [ſtop up) appilo, ars. Flay to pull off the skin) racorio. Bile on the bordy) tuberiuun, , 1), Damn to condemn] damno. Fica (the vermin) Fulex, icis. Boil ( to feeth coquo, čie. Dane (by couniry Jo Giantar, Flce (to eſcape) Tugio, ère. B ghor, eris, ! Flic - 1 I MP M E L PLA Flie the inſeal mufca, &; f. Imply [intimate) imao, čre. Moat (round an houſe) fofa, a, f. Fly to be carried by wings) volo, 1. In (within] in ; præp ferv, abl. Mote (in the ſun) atomus, i, m. Floor [of a room lp.vimentun, n. Ina [fur Erävellers) divar;ortuny, a, Monument (Memorial]monumentum, Flour (of meal) pollo, inis. Incite (to tir up inciso, art. i, o. Flower (of the field] Nos, oris, m. . Inlight (a diſcerning) inſpectio, 3. f. Muniment (fortification)' munimen. Forth (without doors) foai, adv. Indeed (truly] rouard, adv.. tum, i, n. Fourth (in number) quartus, adj. Ended (hiniſhed ]peratus, a, um, Moth [Ay}tinti, a, f. Foul.(filthy) fædus, a, um ; adj. Ingenious (witry) ingeniofus, a, um, Mouth (in the head os, aril, a. Fowl (great bird) volucris, is, m. Ingenuous I candid] ingmuus, a, um. Mown (cut down) matus, a, uori, Franck (FrancisFranciſcus, i, m. Joust (tournament, badiludium, n. Moan (to bewall) lugeo, @re. Fraok (frec) Liberalis, le, adj. Juſt Cupright) juftus, a, um, ad). More (in number) pluris, ad). pl. Frecze (29 water) congelag art. ille (an iland) infula, a, f. Moor La black] Mawus, i, m. Fr.cz (cloth) pamus viliofus, I'll (I will) volo, vis, uo'ui, villa, Moralng (before noon) aurora, a, f. Qyi (of olives] bleum, i; 0, Mouro:ng (lamentation) luctus, m. Mucs (for hawks) cavid, arun, f. K Mews (as a car) miaulizar, impers, GArden (for flowers) borius, m, Muſe (to meditate contemplor, i, Guardian (overſeer) tutor, m. ΚΕ ELL (or a beaft) ommtum, i, n Murrain fdiſeaſe] lues, is, f. Gentile I heaihen) ihn:cus, adj. Kiine (for bricks) slibanus, in. Muirion [hcad piece) geledsa, f. Gentle Lineek) indulgens, sis, 20). Knave (Ny fellow ) tenebrio, onis, m. Muſcle (of the body linufculus, i, m. Geſture (bebaviour) geffus, ús, ni. Nave (of a wheel) rota mediolus. Mazzle (to tie up the mouth) fifial- Jeſter (lesting fellow furra, it, im. Knigbi [ia honour) sques auralus. lâ obffringare, Gueſs's (conjectured) divinatus. Night (alter day) nox, Elis, fi Gueſt (ſojourner] hofpes, ilis, C. N Gilt (or gilder!) inauratus, adj. L. Guili (fault) restul, ús, m. NAval (of a navy) navális, ad). Gray ( of colour) leucephaus. Laten (tin) Bannum, i, n, Nivel [of a man) umbilicus. Grey (the badger) melis, is, m. Latin [Roman] Rodramus, adj. Naught [b:d).pravus, a, um , adj. Groan (to ſighſ geno, čre, 3. Leaper (a jumper ] ſaltator, 3. m. Nought (nothing] nibil; , undoc. Grown in years) adultus, adj. Leopard (the beaſt) pardus. Nay (no) non, adv. Groat Clour-pence) draihmu, 2, 1. Leper (one having the leproſy) le- Nuigh (as an horfe) hinnio, ire. Grot (cave) felunta, a, f. profus, a, um, Neat (handſomc) nitidus, adj. Leaſe (of ground] infirumentum fun. Net (for birds) role, tis, a. H di alcoandi. Need (want) gefas, atis, f. Leaſh (of hounds) ternio, onis, m. Knead [dough) daplo, črí. HAIL [a Stone grande, inis, fi Leaft. (Toalleft] minimus, a, um, Nephew (kinſman) nepos, otis, m. Hale [to pull or drag) trahe, 3. Leít (for fear that] ne, conj. Navew (licrb) napus, pia Hairy (rough] hirfutus, a, um, adj. Leaven (for bread fermentum, n. Nivy [Rect) clafis, is, f. Airy (full of air) aëraus, a, um, Leaving (forſaking) deërens, tis. Not (no) non, ady. Hallow (10 cry aloud) inclamo, 1. Led (conducied] ductus, a, um, Koot [in a' ftring] nodus, i, m. Hallow (to fansify 1 coneiro, are. Lead the mincial] plumbum, i, n. Holiow (empty) cavus, a, um, adj. Leffen [to makc leis) diminuo, 3. O Harç (in the woods) lepas, oris, ai. Leffon (a le&ture} lettio, onis, f. Hair (of the head] crinis, is, m. "Lettuce (herb] la&uca, e, f. Oloh!) bei ! interfect: Heal (to cure) fane, are. Lattice (of windows) cancelli, pl. m. Owe (to be indebted) debro. Heel (of the fco:] calx, sis, m. Lettice (a woman's name] Letitia. Oar (of a boat) nemus, i, m. Hear (to hearken] audio, ire, act. Levit (on a trumpet] ruba modulatio. Ore (of gold! balluca, a, f. Here (in this place bic, adv.. Levite la jew prieſt] Levira, id, m. O'er (over) frans ; prep. ferv. 26. Heard (with the ear) auditus. Lice (the vermin) pediculi, pl. m. Oat (the grala) cuina, a, f. Herd (of beaſtsdgrex, gregis, m. Lies (untruths) mendaria, pl. 1. 2. Ought (any thiag] quicquam, Heart (in the body) cor, cordis, n. Line (of writing) linea, &, f. One (the firſt number) unus, adj. Hart (deer) coruus, vi, m. Loin (of the body]lumbus, i, m.. Own (to acknowledge) agnofro, 3. Heaven above] cælum, i, n. Lo (bcho'd] "ce! interj. Order ( method] ordo, inis, m. Haven (port) portus, ûs, m. Low (of ſtature) brevis, vi, adj. Ordure (excrement) Perius, eris, a. Heir (to an ritate] bæret, odis, C. Loom Lofa wall) lutum, i, n. Our (of us] nofor, a, um. Air (ihe clement) oër, aëris, n. Loom (of a weaver)iugum texlorium, Hour (of time] hora, a, f. Arc Libe) Junt; 3 pesf, pl. of jum, Loſe [to forego) Ferdo, čre ; act. An ode fa ſong) cantilena, a, fo High:r (above) ſuperior,.us, adj. Looſe (to untie) folvo, črij.act. A node knot, twelling] nodus. Hirc (wagca) Dipendium, i, n. Hoar (troit: gelu, 4. i M P Whore Charlot) meretrix, icis, f, Hole (bored] forameny, inis, n. Whole (intire Jinteger, a, um, adj. MADE (done) fa&us, a, um, PAIL (water veffeli ftula, a, f. Maid (virgin) virgo, inis, f. Pate (ia colour] pallidus, adj. Holy (lacred) lour: a, um, adı Mail (coat of armour) drica, a, f. Palate (of the mouth] palatum, Wholly (altogether) omnino, ady. Malc i maſculine) mas, maris, adj. Paliat (bed) grabbaran, i, n. Home (at my houſel domi, gen. Main ( ocean) altum, i, n. Parasite (a flatrerer) parafitus, Whom (which man) quem, acc. Manc Tof an horie) juba, a, f: Parracide che that kills his parents) Hoop (for a vesſel circulus, i, m. Manner (cuſtom] mos, moris, m. parricida, da, m. Whoop (to hol:ow] inclamo, are. Manor (lordſhipdominium, i, a. Pare (to cirt away] præcido, ori. Hour of time) hors, &, f. Maſter love: a ſervant) herus, , m. Pair (a couple) par, paris, ad). Our (of us) nefier, a, lor ; pron. Mutter (of ſoldiers) armiluftrium. Pear the fruit) pyrum, i, n. Huc [colour] color, oris, m. Mead (meadow] pratum, i, n. Paſtor (of a congregation) pajar. Hew (to cut) afijo, are; act. Mede iman of Melia) Medus, ad), Paſture (for the Aock) pafcuum, Hymn (a divine long] hymnus, i, m. Meat (food) cibus, in. Peer [of the realm fatrapa, &, m. Him that man) illum, acc. M-et convenienti con modus, adj. Pier (an haven) cotijon Mete (to meaſure) metior, iri, Pence (pieces of money) denarii. 1 Metfage (erraad) nuntium,, m. Pcos (to write withal] penna, pl. f, Meſſuage [tenement) manfio, 3. f. Perceivers (diſcerners) Porteplords, I [Myſelf? ego, gen. mei, pronom. Mighty (powerful) potens, ris, adj. Perſeveres the perſiſts] perfeverat. Ay lycs) siam, ady. Mity full of mites ) midis fcatens, Perſon (any one) perſona, a, f. Fyc (of pheaſante) ridiu, i, m.,' Might (power) potentia, &, f. Parlon (of a church) reitor ecclefia.. lilc (nochful, fagnis , adi. Miid (an inſcct) acarus, i, m. Pillar (of a fonc) wlupna, na, f. Idolla fille od 1 doliin, jg n. Million (in numbcis) millio, 3. Pillor (extortioner) compilator, . lingloy (on work) negotio adhi'ero, Me.on (the fruit) melo, onis, m. Place Tof any thing] locus, i, m. Plaice j SA L Τ Ο Ν. Y E A 1 + ii, m. Plaice (a fiſh).plida, c, f. Saviour {who faves) Salvator, 3. m., | Toft (on the ſea ).jastatus, a, um, Plealer (he that pleaſes) qui plera. Savour (Imell, taſte joder, Jápor, m. Toalt [in alc] panis offus Pleaſure (voluptuolity) wlupras, f. Scent (ſmell] oderatio, onis, f. Pole [in the heavení polus, i, m. Sent (as a meſſenger] miſus, o, km. cv Poll (the head) caput, itis, n. Science [knowledge ] feientia, a, f. Poor Incedy) egenter, 2,. um, adj. Scions (of trees] furculi. VANE (weather-cock] triton. Pore of the body) porus, s, m. Seizein (poffeffion]pofio, onis, f, Vain (fooliſh] vanus, adi Pour [to empty out] fundo, ere. Seaſon of the year] 1empeftas, 3. f. Vein (of the body) vena, a, f, Power (ſtrength] vis, vim, vi, f.. Seller [of warcs) venditor, oris, m. Vale (valley).vallis, is, m. Practice (the exciciſe)exercitium, Cellar (carc] alla, la, f. Vail Convering) velum, i, n. Practiſe [to exerciſe) extreso, 2. Sever (to part) feparo, art. Valley (between two hills) vallis,m. Pray (to beſeech), oro, are. Severe [auitere) feverus, adj. Value 1 worth] velor, oris, m. Prey booty) prada, a, f. Share (part) portio, onis, f. Volley (of hot) (cloporum salutatio. Precedent (foregoing) præcedes. Shear (Icep) tondro, ērs, acut. Vial ſa glaſs1 phiale, &, f. Preſident (example ] exemplar, 3. D. Sheer (clear] purus, a, um, adj. Viol (mulcal inftrument) nablium, Preſence (appearanre) præfentia, a.f. Shcep (of the flock] ovis, is, m. Preſents lgifts) munera; 4, n. Ship [of the ica) pupper, is, f. Umbles (of a decr1 corui burbilia. Princes [lons of kings] principes, pl. Shoot | dart) jacular, ari. Humbles (himſelf] submittit fo. Priaceis (the daughter of a king) Shout (to make a noite jaxlamo, i. Unit (a fing'e number) menas. prinrepiha. Sice (at dicelfinio, onis, m. Unite (to agree) unio, ires a&t. Principal[chief) principalis, le, Siſe [dinenfion) magnitudo, 3. f. Ure (practice) ufus, úr ; . Principle (ground of belief] princi. Size for painters] chryſocella. Ewer (for water) aqualis, is, m. gium, i, n. Sight (the ſenſe) viſus, ús, m. Your [bclonging to you) vifer. Profit (gain) sommodum, i, n. Cite (lo fummon) cito, ani. Ule [to enjoy) uter, čris. Prophet (forcteller] vates, is, m. Site Situation] fitus, is, m. Bwes (thceD) ovos femalla, To pronounce (10 utter) pronuntio, !. Sink [ down] ſubſido, čre. Ulter (to ſell] vinda, čre. Pronouns (parts of fpcech) proponi- Cinque, Cat dicol pentas. Outer Coutward) cxlorior, adj. 2a, um, n. Sleight (or hand] aſuria, , f. Slight (to defpifa) contemno, 3. W Sloc (the fruit) orunum [ylvefire, Qui Uarry [of ſtonel lapidum fodina. Slow (tardy) piger, a, um, adj. Waggon [a wain) plaufirum, i, n. Query (doubt) dubium, i, n. So (thus) fic ; acy. Wag on (be gone i apage. Qucrry [for the king's horſcs] paSew (with a needlc] confuo, čre. Wales (the country) Cambria, bulúm principis. Sow (feed] ſemino, are. Wails (bemoans) plorar, Qucan (a ſtrumpct] frortum, i, 11. Soar i dy up] altum 'volatu petere, Ware (merchandize] merx, 3 f. Queen (king's wife] regina, c, f. Sore i grievous) gravis, vi, adj. Were (they have been) erant. Swore (I did ſwear) juravi. Waft (thou haſt been] fuifli, R Sole [Gh1.folea, a, f. Waite (to ſpend) conſumo, 3. RA ACK (to torment) torqueo, 2, Soul (in the body) anima, e, f, Waiſt (the middle) singulum, i, 0. Wreck of a thip) naufragium. Some (one) oliquis . Wait (to reſpcet] astado, čre. Raiſe [lo lift up levo, art. Sum (of money) ſumma, a, f. Weight (burden) pondus, 3. N. Rays (of the ſun) radii, orum, R. Son (of the father) filius, i, m. Way Cpaffage] via, &, f. Rafe to demoliſh) folo aquare. Sun (in the firmament) fol, is, m. Weigh (to try by ſcales) libro, 1. Race (run) curſus, úl, . Soon (quickly) citò, adv. W'cary Cof walking) felus, adj. Rcach" (out your hand) porrige. Swoon (a ſainting ) deliquium, i, n. Wary (cautious] cautus, adj. Reich (to ſtretch) exlondo. Sound (noiſe) fonus, i, m. Weather (fair or foul) tempeftas, f, Wretch (one to be pitied] mifer. Swoon (to faint) deliquium pati. Wether (Button] verveX, Eris, m. Read [to peruſe books) lego, 3; Stare (to look on] inimiè afpicio. Ween (to ſuppofc) opinor, I. Reed which groWS) arundo, inis, f. Stair ſa ſtep) gradus, ús, m. Wean (from the breaſt] ablato, 1. Read (books) lilus, a, um. Steal (to rob) furor, aris, Weal (publick weal] falus publica. Red Fof colour) ruber, a, um, adj. Steel (the metal] chalybs, bis. Wheal. (a pimple! Puflula, d, f. Rear (to raiſc up) erigo, ore, act. Succour (help) auxilium, i, n. Wheel Cof a cart) rota, la, f. Rerc 1 of an army) (xercisüs tergum, Sucker (of trees] ſurculus, i, m. Whether (or no) an? interrogat, Rebel (who doth rebel] perduellis. Suit ( of apparel) vißimentum, i, n. Whither (to what place] què, Rebel (to be a rebel] rebello. Sute (requeſt] petitio, onis, f. Wrath (anger) irs, a, f. Rain (water from the sky) pluvia. Wroth (angry] iratus, a, um, Reign of a king) regni tempus. T Wreſt (to wring aſide ) diſorqueo, 2. Rein (of the back) rim, rmnis. Reſt (to take reft) quiefro, 3. Rice (the grain) orixi, xa, f. TALE (that is told) fabula, a, f. Wright (workman) faber, i, m. Riſe (beginning origo, inis, f. Tail [of a bcaſt) cauda, a, f. Write (with a pen]fcribo, 3. Rigger (of a ſhip] navis ornator, Tares (grain) xikania, orum, n. Right [Atrait) retus, a, um, adj. Rigour (ſeverity I rigor. mise m. Tears of the eyes] lachryma, f. pl. Wrong (not right) injuria, &, f. Right (juft) aquus, a, uni, adj. Team Tof horfc) protolum, i, n. Wrung Lof wringi compreffus. Rite (caremony) ritus. ti, m Teem (with child) in utero goları, Rung (of ring) campanas pulfavit. Rode (I did ridc] cquitabam. Then lat that time] lunc, adv. Wry (not ſtrait) obliquus, a, um, Road (highway) via regia. Than (uſed in compariſon) quàm. Rye (coro) focale, is, 2. Roe (of a fish) piſcss ova. There ſin that place] ibi, adv. Row (of trees) ordo, inis, m. Their [belonging to them) corum, Y. Rome (the city) Ropi, &, f. Through [by means of]por, præp. Room /placel lorus, ri,m. Throw (to castljario, are, act. YEAR (twelve monthsannus. Roam (wander) vagor, ari. Tiles (of a houſe) regula, arum. Ear (organ of hearing) auris, Roof (of a houre] icium, i, m. Toyls (for wild bearts] indagines, f. You [ye] vos, nom. pl, of ik, Rough (bairy) hirſutus, a, um, adj. Time of the daytempus, z. n. Ewe i Theep) ovis famella. Rote (by heart] memoritèr, adv. Thyme (the herb] thymus.. Yew (trec ) taxus, i, f. Wrote (I did write) feribebam. Tiúe (of honour) titulus, i, m. Younger (in years) junior, ad): Wrought (I did, work) laborabam. Tlitle" (a ſpeck) punclum, i, n. Younker [a' ftripling) adoleſcentu- Rowl as a ftone) volvo, ere. · Two (in number] duo, 2,0; ad). lus, i, m. Roll (of the court volumen extriale. Too (alſo) eliam, conj. Your l of you) viſer, a, um, Rubbed (chaffed] fricatus, a, um,. To (unto) ad; præp: ferv. acc. Ewer (for watcr] aqualis, lis, mi Rubid (reddiſh) rubidus, adj. Toe (of the fooi] digitus pedis, Yc [ynu) vol. nom. pl. of 14. Tow (that is ſpun] Dups, a, f. Yca. (yes] imo, maximè ; adv. 6: Towe [to drag along) perturbo, 1. SAI! [of the ſhip) velum,; A. Tongo (for the firc] forcipes. Sale (of goods) venditio, 2. f. Tongues (languages) lingua, A DICTIO. . A. DICTIONARY LATIN and ENGLISH A A. A A my GF2. 1 or a, Lat. ab A., Græc. 1 Out of. " A Gemaniâ revcrſus, be Ab oculis doleo, I have a pain in Nam formas literarum is returned out of Germany: * Ab animo perit, she's veteres Græcus pene From [ever fince.) A pucro, from a troubled in mind.: caldem fuiffe, quæ furo boy, or ever ſince he was a boy. A and ab are alſo elegantly uſed before tempore fuerunt Latinæ, ieftarur Againi. * Defendo à frigoré myr a person to signify his holic, or fime Plinius 7. 53.. tos, I cover the myrtles againſt the other adjuna. A ſc egrcditur A'in Lat. is a proportion of the same cold, foras, he goes from his own houſe. Signification wib; and interd, made For [ 03 to, in reſpeel 19.] * A Mć pu * Aqua à fàbro ferrario poft cibum from dica eft, for, as to mi she is challe, data, after meat he was ordered to Ab, which is a prepoſition governing unjported, or boneſ. drink water from a smith's forge. An ablutiui cale. And After from the time that, or next 10] Aorab; after the verbs do, folvo, nu- Note, A. is uſed infield of ab, as more * Scipionis claffis quadragefimo die mero, repræſento, legó, ge den grateful to the car in 'iss found ba à fecuri navigabat, Scipio's feet put clares the person by whoſe hands." fore confinants, and ab is not com. to ſend on the fortieth day from the A trapezilâ, our the banker's monly uſed before words beginning time it was cut down by the art. bands.** Ab Egnatio folvere, 10 with a vowel. So For (cn our ſide, or party,'] * Ame páy by the hands of Egnatius. * A A ond ab are to be underfbor ra hon stat, he is for me, or on my bidr: me numerabo, Tul diſcharge it out by the fame thing in conſtruction, und * Doço ab reo, I ſpeak for the cr:-? of my own porket. *A matre illius they have a variety of lignifications ; minal. A nob!s facit, he acts venio, I come on acrount of her mno- for us, sher, or in her mother's name. * Sa- Againſ, or contrary to. * Ab Te, l'on. * A parte aquilonis, on the nus ab aliquo, one that is reformed againſ right and renfor. north fidei by the misfortunes of another. * A As long as. * Si à liber's impuberi- In compariſon of. : Ab illo frigor, mc hoc illi dices, you ſhall tell him bus non nupſerit, if the marty nor be cold in compariſon of him. th.s from me. as long arthe children are under age. Ir the name, or on the accourit of. * This prepoſition is clegantly uſed as Behind. A tego, behind the bucko; Ab illo tibi fulvam, I'll pay yout in circumlocution of an adje&.ve or ge- Befde or again. Non ab re eft, his name, nitive caſe. * A nobis [i: e. no- Ter. Vis not beſide the purpoſe. Ning eri about. Ab Româ, from ftiæ) crepuèrie fores, gur doors For. *A meta, for fray. A fe. places near Rome. croeked. * Illa ab illo [i. ci illlus] nacu Nat-bo'ji (or the smale. of or bj?. *A se cantat cuja fit, animadvertenda injurla eft, this From A rebus gerendis fene&us fbe fings of herſelf who she is.' undutiful carr.age of his cught to be abftrahit, old age takes one from Of or belong ng to. *A gente Au noted. public cfairs. A judice, frein gufti, of. Auguflus's family. saThis obſervation feems alſo in ſome mia- the judge. Ab ord ad mala, Platonc homincs, men of Piato's fure' to explain the ellipfis in theſe from the beginning to the end. N:B. mind. following forms. This laf is the cominori fignification, or with. * Imparatus à pecuniâ, Ab aure, à ferrosary. and 18 bis inoff of the reſt may be re unprovided of money. A bats, a clerk of the marketi duced, Sin'e. * A partą, lince the birth, Ab actis, a publick ndarya By, after a verb active, paljive or nera Through. * A tranfenná cibum pe- A calicibus, a cup-bearer, tir, denoting the efficient cauſe. tere, 10 get mest through the nooje, Ab epiftolis, 2 ſecretary. Laudatur ab his, he is praiſed by dangerouſly. Arco, a patron, advocafe. tholo. * Vi&tus erat a Scipiones To. * A puppi religatus, tied to the A commentariis, a-regiſter. he was conquerès by Scipio:---But poop. A concionibus, a predcbar. the ablative caſe' afier verbs. palive with. * A potu piandium incipiant; A conſili's a counſelor. dosh not ulways note the the efficient they begin dinner with drinking..., A cobiculo, of the bed shamber. cauf. bus join-times the term. A Romulo incipiam, I shall begin Ab extis, ä foothſayer. From whom or what. A me dili with Romulus. * Ab eo gratiam A latere, a conllani ostiftani. gentia expectatur, my diligenta is inibo, I will get into favour with A libcllis (Tupplicibus.] 4 maler of expected, or diligence is expedited bim. Inftru&tus à philofophia, requents. froni (not by) me. infrulled with philoſophy, * Ab ex- A manu, a clerk.. By nison of * Scipio avidior erat ercitu paratus, furnished with an A memoriâ, A memoriâ; a recorder, of rimsm . certaminis à fpe, quam ----Scipio * A caudâ, with the tail brancer. was more eager to right by reason of foreinofl. A pedibus, a footmar. bis Jirong perjurſion that be should A far as from, near, or abcut, hard A poculis, a cup-brarır. conquer than.com Flavius a Româ lupplim. Apugione, a froord-bearer. After, next to. * Alter ab illo; after inentuin abduxerat; Flavius brough. A pun&tis, gatherer of the water-tenis, or next to hin. a fupply as far as from-for from & water-bailiff Ali * Ab oftio omniä iſtæc' audivi; place; nour), Rome. A ration:bus, an auditor, I heard all theſe things at the door. Tojourds an objet?.] A ſale, fo- A ſecretis, á fecretary.. In. • Staré à mendaco, lo pand it · wards the fun. Ab infantibus A Rudiis, an affiſant at pudy. lyr.. clementiffimus, vory, mild towards A thefauris, a treaſurer... The term from. A labore ad Ilbidl children, A veſtiario, mafier of the wardrobi. nem, from labour to in/?. The moving cauſe, for, out of, by rea- A voluptatibus, who jerues wich.plea- For thul reason. Id ab re inter son of. Ab amore ſcribo, I write fures, &c. For other phrafos, lock the regnum appe!'atur, it is called an cut of, or for the love I bear to you word, with which Anor Abis join. interreign for that rejon In.[coming before a part d: Aaſed ed. A aa a This by. t 1 or away. , m. . А В А ABA A B B This latter is sometimes a contraation, it to the Sultan of Egypt. Abarimon, part of Scythia, whoſe wild and fands for a longer worden de Abaigos} a people of Scythia. and Swift inhabitants bave their feat turned backward. aliquando, afolet, Auguftus, Au- Adagio, onis ; f. [quali ambagio) a Abarnia,, ; f. part of Africa, lus, autem. Proverb. Abăris, 19 ;'m. A man hein by Per- A. A. for Augufti Auguſta, apud a- Xbă'a, æ; f. a town in Africa; alſo feus alſo a Scythian, who, by vir grum, au:om, or argentum, ante a bavon near Meffalia. Sur of a dart given him by Apollo, audita, or ces alienurn. Abalgaris, a city of Aſia. travelled ſwiftly without eating, and A. A. A. æs, argentum, aurum. abăli, orun ; pl. m. people of India. gave oracles in all places. A. A, V, a!ter ambovc. Ābălienatio, ón:8; f. an esranging. Abăritānus, a, um ; adj. belonging to A. B. alia bona. Abilienātus, a, um , adj. feparated an epiſcopal fee in Africa. A. C. alius civis, or acta caula. or jöld. #Abalicnata membra, dead. Abarnāma, õrum; n.pl. banqueting- A. D. Anno Domini. Abalienaci-fure, disfranchiſed. diſhes. A. M. Anno Mundi, or Artium Ma- Åbăliêno, are, act to alienate, Abarnis, idis ; fi a country of Pre- gifter, grange, felt, put away, * Nisi pontis. A ante A mors mcum animum à fe abalie- Abarnus, a country of Propontis ; alſo Aa, æ; f. a river dividing Planders naverit, , unless that death separate a city of Phocis. from Picardy. me from you. Alicujus volunta- Abarraza, a city of Syria. A. A. A. for (tres) Arguſti, tem à fe abalienare, io cauſe one Abarfis, a bilbop's fun in the East. to witbdraw bis favour. t Abartla, æ ; f. unſatiableneſs. Aaron, õnis ; m. the son of Amram, ăbăli@nor, ari; lo be Aranged. Abārus, ri; m, a notable trayter of and brother of Mofes ; alſo a famous Inthoc crucior à viro me tali aba. Aralia, who betrayed M. Craſſus. migisian, and a king of Perlia. allenarier, it troubles me to be put * Abas, a blockhead ; alſo the falling - A ante B. out of fub a man's favou. ficines, AB, the Juina as A. (ab T') # Ab Abålites; a Trogiodytick bay. Abas, ntis ; m. a Syrlan mountain ; aliquo defcribere, to write out of Aballāba; Appleby.in Weſtmoreland. An Armenian river and ide name one's book. * Ab exule prooc effe, Aballo, a town in Burgundy, of ſeveral men, whereof one was the Po be at the point of baniſment. Ābalus, a German ile, whoje trees. 12:h king of the Argives, whole fur. Ăda, e, and Abæ, arund; . a city batang bulatio, onis ; fi a walking aſide tbey tbought dropped mucb amber. cellars from bius were called Aban. of Phocis. tiada. Aba, æ; f. the daughter of Zenopha- Abafa, æ; f. an iſland near the Ethi- nes, who, after her father, obtained Abambúlo, are ; to walk away. opians, of Anthony the government of Olby Abámíta, ; f. [ex ab & amita) ibo Abasch, õrum; m. pl. a people of in Cilicia ; also a bill in Armenia, great grandfather's filer. Scythia. a city of Caria, and a town in Ara- Abana, for Albano in Italy; alſo a Abaſcus, ci; m.. a river of Sarmatia bia Fella. river of Damaſcus. in Alia. Aba, æno on Hungarian tyrant, Abandunum, ni; f. Camd. Abbing-Abasēni, õrum; m. people of Arabia. Nain by his owo: men. ton in Berkſhire. Abafes, fium; pl. f. defart places in Ababa, e ; f. mother to ste emperor Abanet (Heb.), a prief's girdle. Egypt. Maximinus the elder Abanoæ, orum ; or ni, oruin, m. Aharges, people of Scythia. Abācion, li; A, a little cup-board, people of Africa, ſubdued by Thco Abalgi, bench, &c. dolius. Abaffarus, ri; m. the name of Cy- Abactor, oris, mi a lealer of cattle: Abannātio, onis ; f. a baniſhment for rus's overfyer in building the temple. Abacus, us ;'m. A driving away. a year, the puniſhment for man- Abaflug, a town of Phrygia Major. Abactus, a, un, part of abigor ; Naughier. Abaſtani, a free people of India. driver arody, depojed, paſſed away. Abannātus, o abinnitus, a, um; Abafter, one of Pluto's thru horfes. * Abactes venter, 4 big-bally cleared adj. baniſhed for a year. : + Abaſtra, örun ; n. pl vine-loaves. wirl phylock. Abanta, a city near Parnaflug, Abăta, örum; n. pl. unpallable ways. Abăcăli, õrom . pl. countrys. Abantes, a river ne'ir to Abanta ; + å băton, a building of Rhodes, to Abácŭlus, li; ma little desk, &c. alſo a colony of ibi Thracians inha defend the trophies of Artemiſia. Abăcus, ci; . a fide-bourd, or house biting Eubaa. Abătos, an inaccafible ife of Mem- fel, benih, desk, cheſs-board, couns- Abantias, ados ; fi the doughter or phis, where Oſiris was buries.. ing-lable, or any Aut square. *A grand-daughsor of Abas; Danaë or.Abauchus, the friend of Gyndancs. bacus ſolis, or diſcus, the apparens Atalanta. Abaugi, õrum; m.pl. a sort of Hans. compage of the fun's body. Abantias, æ; I. a fyrant of the Si- Abavia, 2; f. (of ab and avia] the Abăcus Granata, ide metropolis of Ce cyonit. grandfather's or grandmother's mo- vo'a ir India. Abantis, idis; or, Abantias ; she iſe Abadir, indecl. the fore, whiil Ops Macrisor Euboca. Xošvunculus, 1 ; m. the great grand- gave her husband Saturn to devour Abantenium, the town Aubanton in father's brother. inpead of Jupiter ; for be devoured Picardy. Xbăvizs, 1, m. cur great grandfather. his lors, left the prophecy of their ex- Abăphus, not dset or dipped. Abax, ăcis, f. a cup-board or cabinet, pelling himn kould be fulfilled. Abaptiftum, iina jürgeon's 1870 a drefer, a boufet. Abæ, asum ; 01 Aba; alſo a place in bra, with a gage so keep it from go- Abazča, reafts inflituted by Dionyfius ; Lycia, where Apollo bad a sample. ing too deep or ralher as abazia: f. a rown in the hay of Abaptikus, a, uin ; adj. 7200 inking Abia, indecl, a Syriack word for fo: Neffene in Peloponnclus. # Abæ- as a cork ibor ; clfo a city of Africa. atæ, arum; pl. m. the inhabitants. Abar, a kind of marcipane: Abbacolentes, a people of Saxony. * Abæas Apollo, Tubs had an off Abara, a town of Armenia. Abbas, ātis ; m. (Heb. e pater) an she there burnt by Xerxes, mire an. Abaraccs, a kind of cakes, abhoi, the chief of a conveni of monks. cient than that of Delphos. Abaradira; a biſhoprick of Africa. Abbātia, or -teia, æ; f. an abbey, cr Abæi, orum ; ma people of Phocis. Abaranium, a sown in Armenia Ma Abborbip. Abæra, z; fa a city of ArabiaDeſerta. jor. # Abbatis, a borje. Abaga, a; m. a king of the Tartars Abaratha, ? a town of Tapro-Abbatiſcella, thi sown Appenzel it } Abaraththa, And Armenia, bane, Switzerland. Abăgārus, ri; m. a ding of Perfa,'| Abarbanel, m. indec. a famous Rabbi Abbatiffa, æ; f. an abbeſs. fubdued by Severus ; alſo a king of of the Jews, A. D. 1500. Abbãtiſvilla, Abbevillc in France. the Orthoeni, and a prince of the Abarbărea, ze; f. one of the Naiades. Abbefonula, a rown in Norway; Edefferess called also Abgaras And Abarbina; 2; f. a city of Hyrcania: Abbendonia, æ; Abbendonia, æ; f. Camd. Abbing- Agarus, but rather Agbaras, or AC- Abarc-co, ui, ēre, itúm í 28. 10 ton in Berkſhire. barus, which in Arabick fignifies drive away, or forbid. Abbreviatio, Snis; f. a cuising ſporta moſt powerful. Se Abgarus. Abăres, or-ri, 2 people of Scythia, Abbrčviātūra, æ; f. an abridgraeni, Agbaus Can, a king of Tartary and bordering on the Turks. or host writing. Turkey, 1280, whe" ear Parvana, Abarim, the bill where Moſes died, Abbrévio, arc; act. so abridge, er governor of Turkey, for detraying dividing Moab from Canaan. make fbart. Abdad3 ther. . Ab:22. des or take away: Abdecaminarnus, a king of the Sara- ABD ABE AB J Abdada, a; f. a city of Galatia. Abdor, ēris; paff. so be hidden. Xbeðna, Abcāna, z; f. abeundidea, Abdāia, ze, n. a Saracen king of Abdômen, inis; n. (ab abdendo] the goddefs of departing, Toletum ; the father of Mahomet. the paunch; alſo far bacon and glue-Aber Cinaus, Heber the Kenite. Abdalmutális, Mahometo grandfather, tony. Abdomini indulgere, tol Ahěquito, are ; Deut. to ride away, b.loved of ill women that ſaw hm. cram bimſelf. * Abdomen inlatu- Aberc-co, ui, ēre; act. (of ab & Abdalonymus, mi; m. a gardner rabile, a great eaier. arceo] to drive or keep back or out. Aberdona, mude king of Slvonia by Alexander. Abdua, ir river in France. , æ; f. Aberdeen in Abdāra, f. a town in Spain. Abdū-co, xl, ctum, cărc; act. folead1 Aberdonia, 3 Scotland. Abdus, æ; m. à Perdan bijbop, fuin * Abducere gra. Aderdura, Aberdous, in Scotland. : for deffroying their vital fire. dum, to liep back., Abducere ca- Aber:des, a name of Saturn. Abdaftratus, i; a. a king of Tyre. put, to turn the bead fidi. * Ab. Aberitæ, arum; m. pl. a people of Abiecallas, æ; a. Gedroga in Alia. ainastyr under ducere per vim & vi, to carry a- Sapor king of Perſia. way by force. • Abducere in lo- Abernethum, or Andreapolis, St. An- drew's in Scotland. cum, to carry to a place. Abdu- zens, and of Spain, A. D. 826. cere aliquem ab inftitütis, so pop Aberratio, õnis ; f. a wandering, re- Abdēda, 2; f. a city of Galata, one's designs. * Abducere ad ne creation, or divert zing. * Hacmi- Abdela, a sily about Mcſopotamia. quitiam, to debauch. nor eft aberrat.o, ibis way is safier Abdela, a people of Scythia. Abdū-cor, ceris; cl; part. to be led to be bit. Abdelãnus, nt; B. a king of Afri away. * Non abducar ut rear, 1 Āberro, are ; neut. 10 er, or go C2, who was a poster's son. will not be brought to think. ajlraj. Aberrare propoſito, Abdemon, a lad, who, as Joſephus Abductor, oris ; m. an msicer. wander from, • In melius, so light fuys, expounded all the problems of Abductus, a, um, part. carried away. or a better. * Aberrat ad alia ora- Solomon. Abeacus, ci'; m. a king of the Sira tio, digreflith. * Aberrat à Januâ, Abdemonaphes, an Ihlhaelite mere ces at the foot of Caucaſus. or à ferâ, he is utterly miffaken. chans, whoje widow Mshomet mur- Abeatæ, arum ; m. people of Achaia. Aberrant inter ſe, they agree not. ried. Abčcedárium, ii; n. ex A, B, C, Abcrrare à miſeriâ, to leads Abdēra, the city Aladra in Spain ; the alphabet. thinking on his snijery. alſo a rown in Thrace, where De Abecedārius, ii ; m. a-learners als Abertanus, for Aber Ruanus, a.pro- mocritus was born, and where (Pli the teacher of A, B, C, montory of Galloway in Scotland. ny Sys) are paſtures that maks horjes Abededos, a city of Egypt, where she Aberynco, arc; act. to weed up. run in:id. Temple of Ogirls was. Abēsămis, or Beſannila, a cilj in Abie.itānus, abdēriticus, and abde- Abě-do, di, fum, dère ;. act. 80 de. Arabia Fælix. ritius, a, um , adj. fooliſ, Imelejs. vour, eat up all, or to sat away. † Abelii, the dung ar dirt coming out Abdcritium imperium, "where a) + Abedome, ês; f. long-wort, wolf. of the paunib. poor aflate and liberty is preferred blada, torch-berb. Abeſte, a town of the Arachoſians. before wralib and havery. Abelardus, a great auihor, contempo- + Abeari, fur Abaſtra. rary with St. Bernard. Abeundi, the gerund in di of abeo. + 'Abeldras, ſlaves-asri, lou'a-bane. Abeuntis, the genitive of abieas. Abderides, a name of Saturn. Abelleidus, di ; or Abulphoda, aj Abfure:am este,} [the fut. of the Abderita, æ ; m. one of Abdera, m. a learned efieri coſmograpber. Abfuturam efle, ) infinitive mood of Abdēritani, õrum ; pl. m. tbe jupid Abella, æ ; f. part of India. abſum 1 to be abfent or wanting. Abderites, who, bring pejured wth Abeliani, Abclonii, orum; pl. m. or Abfui, see abfum. Mit und frogs, abandoned their Abeliotæ ; married hereticks living Abgarus, ri; m. a king of the Eder- country. as if they were fingls, from the tra ſenes, whoſe epifle to and from Abderus, ri; m. one of thoſe devoured dition of Adam's ſeparating from Chriji is mentioned by Euſebius, Lib. by Diomcdes's horfos. Eve (after Abelos dearb) 130 years. i. c. ult. Abdicarius, a, um , adj. negative. Abciinales, um ; n. pl. a people of Abgrégatim, adv. difperfedly. Abdicātio, onis ; f. a rejetting, or Italy about Apulia. Abgrčgo, are; act. (ex ab & grex] cafiling off * Abdicatio filii, «Abella, æ; f. á town in Italy. to ſepurata (from the flo k.) turning a ſon out of doors. Abellanes, a people of Abhinc, adv. hence, before or aftur Abdīcātus, adj. difinibar:ted. Abdica- Abeilinum, a town in Italy. this time. Abhinc triennium ar tâ vencre, never uſing copulation. Abellio, Apollo, the ſun. triennio, three years ago. Abdico, are ; act, to call or turn off + Abellius, Raves-acre, louſe-bane. Ăbhorrens, atis; part. abborring, * Abdicare cibum, to forbid the Abellus, li ; m. be that keeps an ex- frange, againſt reaſon or cuſtomi uſe of mour. Abdicare legem, poſed infant. Abhorr-co, ui, ēre ; deut. io abhor, tó abrogale a law. * Abdicare Se Abelterium, ii; or ab Elterio, a city or diſagrer. * Parum abhorret fac magiftratu, to lay down an office or of Portugal. mam, he cares not what shey say. commillion. * Abdicat ignes cre- Åb-emo, čmi, emptum, ēmērc; act. * Abhorret à nuptiis, he will not pitu, it suws by the cracking that it to take away hear of marrying . # Abhorret fa. cannot endure the fire. # Aben, white pepper. cinus ab illo, the act is odious to Abdi-co, xi, cum ; act. 80 deny, for- Abenezra, a famous Rabbi, who com- bim, * Abhoriet vero, it is far hid, forebode, voté again ; to give menied upon the whole bible, A. from being true. Animus abhor- it againſt one. ret ab eo, I am clear againſt it. * Abdidi, I have hidden, of abdo. Ăb-eo, ivi and li. ītum, īre ; neut. A confuetudine non abhoriet, it is + Abdios, il ; the greater houfleek. (of 'ab & eo] to go from or away, a thing that uſes to be. * Abhor- Abdiramus, i; n. a detracting, de 10 lexue off. Tu abi tacitus vi- rent auris & animus à nugis, can- duaing. am tuam, go'shy ways and ſay no- not enduri trifles. Abdicana, æ; f. a town in Africa.s thing. * Åbire locum, or ad or in Abhorrel-co, cére ; to detefl, dſdain, Abditè, adv. Secretly, privile. locum, 10 go to a place. Abire or fear greatly. * Aliquen abhor- Abditivus, a, um, adj. ubortive, fo. loco or à loco, to go from a plare. reſcere, 10 tremble at one's prefence. parated, fill-born. Abire cxulatum, so be banißord. Abhort-or, ari i pait, to diſſuada. Abditum, i, n. a fecret plau. *Ab • Abire magiſtracu, to leave his Abi, the r.ver Humber. dita tcrræ, the bowels of the carib. office. * Abire in mores, to imitate. Abia, a'lord; aljo the name of les Abdītus ; part. of abdor; bidden. * Abire in vanum, to vaniſh. veral men, and a daughter of Her! Abdixi, I have denied, of abdico. Abire in ventos, to be forgottm. cules, giving name to a city of Mei- Ab-do, didi, ditum, děrc ; act. (of Abire è vitâ or medio, to die. ſcnia. ab And do) to hide or baniß. Abire peffum, 80 go to roughl. Abiasaris, is;, m. an Indian king, Abdcre fe in literas, or in literis, Abirc ad vulgi opinionem, to con who yielded himſı!f to Alexander. to keep cloſe 10 his pudins. Abdere defcend. Abiit in diem, it is do- Abiathar, indec. Heb. the son of A- ftultitian, so leave his fool.foneſs. forred. * Abiit in proverbium, it himclech, and Ahinelech bimſelf. Abdere in inſulam, to baniſh. * is become a proverb. '* Abiit in fa- + Abiaticus, ci ;m. « grandfon. Abdere fe domum, to keep at home. lem, it is turned into fals. * Non + Abiaticus, adj. of a # Abdere ſe ex confpectu heri, 10 hoc tibi sic abibit, you shall not + Abicio, for abſicio. kerp out of bis waller's fighi. eſcape fo. Ableci, lee abjicio. Аааа 2 Abjecta, Alderama, } æ; m. Saracen Eings. D. 1145 1 A:BI A BL А во Abjecte, adv. Sepairingly, miferably, | Abira, a ulty of Phænicia. Abligüritio, onis ; f. a prodigal contem ribly, Adje:tly. Abiria, or Sabiria, part of India with. spend.ng in belly-char. Abie&o; õnis ; f. faint-beartedneſs, in Ganges. Abligüritor, oris ; m, a belly-god. a being raf- down. Abis,' a river falling into the Danow. Abloco, are ; act. to let out to hito Abiccto, are ; act. to caff away oftm Abéla, a city of Arabia Fæļix. fit fecond-hand.) : with diſdain. Abiſaaris, ór Biafaris, part of India. Ablūdo, fi, fum, dere;. n. to be on. Abje&tus, a, um, adj.' vel part. of Abiſontes, a resple of the Alps. * A te non multùm abludit abiscior; Coff a way, of or down ; | Abiſsoni, Abaffini, Abyffini, e people imago, the pillure is presly like you. de pijed, aljö abjek, bale, heartlijs. . of Æthiopia. Abl-uo, ui, ütum, učre; act. (of Ab.balus, li;. m. a Tyrian king. Abitacum, ibe lake Sorlivia. ab and lavo) to wonth off, purge, Abice, or -ca, æ;f. part of Pontos. Abitinenſes, a peuple of Africa. · put off, 'moifion. * Perjuam ab- Abida, æ; f. a town in Coloſyria. Abilio, onis ; 'f. (cx abco) o de luere, no cicar himself of perjury. Ajidemus, or Abydinus, who wrote of parting or deceaſe. † Ablutcs, is ; f. and ablutium, il 3 the Chaldean and Affyrian affairs. Abitūrio, fre; to be ready to depart. n. Cof aab und lucum) a miry and biēcŭla, æ; fi a little fir-irce. Abitur, imp. (ab illis) they are going clayey place. Abičgnus, a, um ; adj. cx abies, of Abitus, ûs į m. the same as abitio ; Ahlutio, a waſhing off or clean. for, abicgna lachryma, reſina, &c. alſo a paſs or paffage. Abiūtus, a, um, part. of abluor, tapen:ine. Jun. Abiúdicãtus, a, um, part. of abju cleanlad, waſhed away, Åbicns, abeuntis ; 'part. of abco ; dicor ; given away by judgment. † Ablūvio, onis; f. lof abluo) a Ügring' away. &c. Ab;ūdico, arc; act. to rejea, yield. calling out of dung, froth, &c. Abics, aus; f. {ex.abeo, qq. in-ex up, give away by judgment. * Ab-Abluvium, ii; ni a Hood or doluge, celfum, ábit) a fir-trii, or any judicabo me à vitâ, r:l kill myself. | Abmätertěra, ; f. the great grand- thing made thereof, a slip, Sprar,&c. * Abjudicat ab illo rationcm ve mother's aler. Abiciários, a, um , adj. of fir .. ritatis, he thinks be has no regard Abm-itto, in, iffum, ittčre; act. to Abietaria negotiatio, a trading in to truth, Abiudicat sibi liberta- fend away. timber, tem, he yields hiinſelf allsve. Abnaqui, a people of America. Adiētārii, örum ; m. pl. carpenters. Abjúges, for injúges holtiæ, huifers Abnato, are ; to fuim away. Åbiệtinus, a; 901 ; adj. of fir, : to . Abněc-0, ui and avi; are ; to kill. Abicta, æ; f. a 'forn in Hungary. Abjúgo, are ; act. to unjoko uncouple, Abněgătiva, æ ; f. a deal. Abiga, æ; f. [à puriu abigendo) foarte. Abnegătivus, a, um ; ads. negative. fold-cydrels, ground-ping, -of irry; Abjógus, a, um, adj. unyoked, dis Abnogo, are ; 10 deny, refuje, with- alſo the third tunssie wrapping tbc joineu. bola, diſown. * Jupiter abregat rhild. A jun&im, adv. difperledly. imbrēm, Jupiter denies to fand r::in. Abgas, a riury of Mauritania. Abjungo, xi, gěre, cum ; adt, to dif- Abněpos, õlis; m. a great grand.sun. Abigcãcor, oris ; m. allodder of cattle. jrin, separate or remour, Abncptis, is j f, a great grand- Abigcātus, us ; m. aferling of cattle. + Abiūrafio for abjuravcro. danig hler. + Ăbigěna bos (qo. abicgnal about Abjūrātio, onis ; f. a densing by oath. Abnoco, are ; neut, to be from abroad which the ciber Jacrifices corre placed. Abjūrātus, a, un ; part. of abjuror ; in the night, to lie abroad. Abigendus, a, um ; part. in das, of objured, for ſworn; denied by outh. Abnodo, are act. to cut away knots, abigor ; to be rejsåed or expelled. Abjūro, 2re ; to abjuri, forfwear, or pruns off the buds, to fned tries. Āb ger, čri; m. ( a fealer of many deny by swearing. } Abigeus, ei; m. Abnormis, me; adj. (of ab and nor- castle. Ablabia, ; f. harmleſſneſs. ma] out of rule, unhewed. Ăbigo, abēgi, abactum, gěre; act. Ablaaātio, önis; f. (of ab and ago) no drive away, ex-Ablactatus, ts; m. a weaning. Abnormitas, ātis; f. miſhaponnesse hugene's. pels forbid, cap. off. * Abigere Abladio, are ; act, 10 w128. Abnuendus, a, um i part. to be refund. partum, 80'srike one miſcarry. *+ Ablidorium, ii; n. fourhornwood. Abnuens, t:s part. refuſing, &c. Abigat pccs, to drive cuille away Ablācus, ci; in. á river running in. Abnueo, jei abnuo. as a hit, or the right owner. to the Danow. Abnuitio, õnis; f. a derging. Abil, örun; m. pl. a people of Scy- Ab žqucātio, onis; f. e making the Abnuitur, verb. imperf. (ab illis] th'a, or ra:ber Thrace. roci bire. they deny. Ab)-ico, ,ēcii eum ; act. (of ab Ablăqueātus, a, um ; part. made Abn-uo, ui, atuin, učre ; act. 1o de- and jacio) to caß awiy, Night, pour bare about the root. ny of refuſe by 320dding back. Ab- suit: Abjicerc haftim to deſpair Ablăquco, ac ; act. 10 make bare er nnere deos, to deny ihere are gods. of victory. * Abjicere fe ad alicujus dig about the root. * Abnuere imperium, to refuſe to podesito prefirais biinfoli: *Abjicere Ablātio, onis ; f. [of aufero] a taking aboy. * Spes abnuit, there is no animum, to defrair. Abjicere co way. hope. * Abnuere alicui aliquid, gitationes in rem aiiquum, to tend Ablato-Bulgio, Bolneſs in Cumber or alicui de rc aliqua. bis mind to conſider of some malter, land, Abrūrus, Gs; f. á great grand-lon's * Abjiccrc memoriam rei, so for- Ablativus, a, um ; adj. taking, or wift. gif. * Abjicere in herbam vel + Abrūtivum, vl; n. a nezative, de- humi; so hurl on the ground. # Ab- Ablālus, *, um ; part. of auferor; ni / by-throro ng buck the bud. jicere aliquid oſtencui, to expoſe to tuten or Surried away: Abnūtivus, a, um , negative. * Ab- fcorn. Ablavius, a Gothick hijcrian; alſo nutiva oratio, a negative forach. Abjiciendus, a, um; 10 be calf away. a conlil lain by Constantine. † Abnūto,' are; 10 Thake one's head Abi:sor, ci; paff. 18 be caff away or Ablectus, a, um ; part. of 26 & often in denying. down. lacio ; choice, trimmed up, ſpruce. Abo, are ; act. to fall or honour as Abila, a town by Jordan. Ablēgātio, onis ; f. fending away. a brother, Abla, or Abyla, a mountain in Afri- Ablēgātus, a, um ; part of ablegor ; Abodriti, a people of Ge-many, : ca, at iba Streights mouth. feni uway, beniſbia. Abeocritus, a Baotian gmeral. Abilamarodachus, Evilmerędach. Ablegmina, um , ncut. pl. reſella, Abolāni, orun ; m. a prople in Italy. Abilatæ, m. pl. the people of Abila. chake parts of the facrifices. Abolefăc-io, ere; act. to raſe out, or Abil us, il; m, the son of Romulus ; Ablēgo, are ; a&t. to remove or land defau. alſo the ſecond biſbsp of Alexandria. out of the way. * Ablegavit vena. Xbol-eo, ui, itnm ; avi, ētum, Abimelech, Heb. indec. a common tan, ſent a hunting. * Foras ab ēre ; act. (of ab and olco) to pod .name of all the Philiſtinc kings, lcgare, 10 fond to the door. away, like away, to abolish, defroy, Abindè, adv. from thence. + Ablenida, æ; f, chof. defare, difannul. *Abolerc crimen, Abinfpcrātò, adv. on a ſudden. f Abicpfia, æ; f. blindnes, rathneſs. to forgive, * Abolcre igne, to burna Abiničarò, adv. afreſb, anew. + Abičvo, are ; to lift um, to bolp. Ābol-eor, ēri; paft to be aboliſsed. Abinteſtãió, adv. without making a † Ab'ibabon, ni; n. a lilly. * Ab Abnleſco, ēre; incept. nevt. to pariſh. will. * Abinteftato fuccederd, to libabon ſylveſtre, narcifus, GF Živõlitio,'on's ; f. an aboliſhing, diſ- inherit as beir ar law. wbite darodil. annulling, a general pardon. Abintra, } adv. from wibin. Abligo, arc i to bind from, Abintùs, Abõlitus, a, um, part. of abolcor ; Ab!igur-io, ire ; riosoully to conſume uboliſhed, out of uſe. *Ædes ves Abioras, semlock, in eating, &c. tuſtate abolitæ, an old røtten hour. } + taken away. : ABOLLI 4 , ; . a ABR A BR ABS ABOLLA, 2; f. $99. ambolla, ab commanders, Abrotónion, or juni, ji; f. she non draconing ainicus) liried rohe for Ab:adaras, it ; m. a king of the Sufi. of a hurlut in Lucian. fenalor, philofopber, or ſoldier i aljo Abrãdo, fi, luni, dere; act. 10 Scrape Abrătonites, a; n. wins midd of a rawn in Sicily. or . ve away. Juuthernwood. + Abollia, æ; f.' a mandrake. Abrädor, čris, abraſus fum ; paff. 10 Abrotonum, t; s city in Africa. t-Abõlus, nor having loli his teeth be fcrúped or fosved away. * Pecu- Abrotonus, izn. or Abrotonus i; f. which show his age. nia abiaditur, miney is ſcrewed out. Jouthernwsod; and the name of Ăbomāfum, i, n. ibe tripe. Abraham, or Ibrahin Bana; indccl. Theminucles's mother. Abominabilis, 'le; adj. abominable, the grand reignor's son, who rebelled Abrotonum mas; he, field, or ſmall Abominandus, a, um, to be haud. againſt his father, and being quellid, Sou hornwood, Abominatio, onis ; f. an abomiria. invited horne with promiſe of the A brotonum fæmina, she, wood, or tion, a neiejable thing. V kingdım, and bumbling bijeli, was great fouthergwood. Abominālus, a, um, part. deleted, Brazgled ar bis father's feet. Abrotonum Siculum, a kind of small arcurſed, ex:ommunicared. Abraham, æ; and Abrahamus, is (weet-fo:elling Southernwood. # Abominium, ii; n. an exeration, n. Heb. the neme of several mien. Abiumpo, upi, uptuni; čle; 2.t. la Abominor, äris ; dep. 10 ather, Abramıs, idis; f. a bregm.' creuk or caj off. Venas abruol- curſe, deret. *'Crurum ejus fra | Abrantes, ti; f. a town in Porlugal. pere, to let b cod. Fata abrum- giam aboininata, wiſhing his legs Abrālio, Ônis ; f. a ruling or crolling pes (ua ? will shou ſoorten the days? broke. Vi er Hæc abominabitur ha. oub, or Juving of Abrumpere fe ab aliquo, to feel bere, will by no means hive 'em. Abraſus, a, uni ; part. of abrador ; puratt one's jelf. Ābominoſus, a, um, adj. full of fbauen, pared awny. Abrumpor, i; pafl. to be brokm off. abomination, deteftanle, unlucky. Abrayanus, a promontory of Scotland, Abrungi, cubebis. or wild white myriles. Abon, Abona, or Abõniss , our river or the mouth of the river Rian. Abrupalis, an lociute of the Ro. Avon; allo Avingion in Glou. Abraxar, a god worſhipped by the here mans, boribed by Perſeus king of ceſterſhire. sic& Bafilides, thougbt to be the jun, Macedonia, Aboniteichos, a town in Galatia. becauſe the letters ºmata 365, tbe #brupic, adv. abrupily, without form Abonite.chitæ, ārum; m. the people, days of it's ge.rly courſe. or order, Aboriene, es ; f. a town in Africa, + Abreben, oil of balmas. Abrupno, õnis ; f, a breaking off or Ābörīgincs, núm; m. pl. (ex. ab † Abrengi, tie gum of the herb jaga abrupinejs. i. e. fine, & origo] ancient inta pens or ferula. Abruptum, i; n. a lieep place, pre- bitants Lof Italy or a wondering Åbrénuncio, are ; act. to forſake or rifice or point. # Proverb. Ad ul. people, whoſe of spring is not known; renouncé. timum abruptum, the extrentity, alia fuperfluous bramblis, Abreptus, a, um ; part. of abiipior; . In nov ſfidiu in f.ti abruplo, at Aborigineas, a, un, adj. of the Isken or matched away; alſo inad, the very point of death. Aborigines. forlifo. Abruptus, a, um, part. of abrum- Aboriginis, c.; adj. ruftical, ſtvage. Abreta, Abrelanne, Abrettene, or por ; abrupi, broten, j'esp, dange- Abor-for, iris vēl ēris, aborſus vel Tine, an old name of Myfia. Yous, without form or order. Ab. abortus ſum, iri ; to bring forth, or Abretanus, ni; m. Jupiter of Myſia. rupta mulier, a floraw. Abrup- be brought forth before she tiine, mif- Abrevicum, ci; n. Burwick upon ta diſcrimina, imminent or forewd cam, fuil and die, Twecd. dongers. * Abrupłum lucrun, gain + Abo, iſcor, ' čris; incept. to ariſe, Abri, a nation of the Talantii by heyond expe&ation. Ex ab upio, as the new moon doth. Adria. haiy, hand over head. Aborras, a river in Meſopotamia. Abrinātæ, árum; m pl. a people of | Abrus, ri; f. a city on Thrace. Aborfus, a, um ; part. of aborior; Pontus. Ab:ytas, a kind of fifo. dying in tbe womb, or cafe out thence Abriaca, the German river Abe, ben Abs, she fume as a ir ab. * Abs re, by poi ons or phyfick. tween Andernache and Bonne; from the purpoſe.---This prepoſition, Aborſus, îs; m. aborlement, miſcar, alſo the city Auranchce in France. ar Cicero acquaints us, was eldon rying, or calling the young within Abriocātui, orum; m. pl. a'prople of ucd in his time, except in bosks of forly days after conceprion. Lyons in France accompss. It jands alone before no Xbortio, onis ; f. a miſtarrying. Abrip o, ui, cptum, če; act. (of lalter lut q, r, and (; as, abs quis Xbortio, ire; neut. ab and rapio] to idikan Inath, or vis, abs rc, and abs te, Ter. But Abortlar, iris ; dep. to mifeprry. burry awy. * Foras mc abripui, in compoſition it jiands properly before Xbortium; ii ; n., an abortion, or I Aung out of donrs, Natura cum c; or, abfcondo, abfced, c. Ăbor:īvam, 1; n.) miſcarriage. à parentis fimilitudine abripust, Abfander, dri; mi the nineteenth Abortīvus, a, un; born out of time. nature hath made him unlike his king of Athens. + Aborto, āre, and abortor, āri; to father. * Abripere in quæftionem, Ab.ārus, Apsarus, Apfarum, or Ap- bring forth before the time. to call in queflion, for hus, a river in Armenia the Xbortum, i, n. an abortion. + Abriton, the blodom of a pomegra Leis; also the name of a cafle. åbortus, a, um ; [of aborior) rijm. Abiredens, niis; departing, falling. Ābortus, ùs ; m. an untimely birsh, Abritum, ti; a city of Mælia. Abſcē.do. ffi, fum, döre; neur: Lof near th: ju sime, or the growing of Abrocomas, the son of Darius. 2bs and cedo] to depart, go apart, it beyond the time ; alſo ihe ſetting Abrodiæcus, ti; m. 4 dainty feeder, Icsur off, grow into an impofihume of the fars. Audico neptem tu and a ſurnams of Parrhaſius the * Sol abiccſſit, the fun is down. am abortuo feciffe, you will hear painter. Abſcedere ab aliquo loco or in your grand-daughter' bas miſcarried. Abro-do, fi, fum, děre; act, to bilo aliquem locum, to go 80 or from a *Abortum facere, to ſuffer or cauſe or gnaw off place. * Abfccdere alicui, to eſcape abortion. one. * Abſcedere incepto, to give Abos, a mountain of Armenia. diſolving, rupealing, abrogation. Ābotis, idis; f. a city of Egypt. Abrogatus, a, um part. abrogated. Abſcedentia, a; f. a departing, Abõlidæ, ārum; m. the people thereof. Abrög o, arc; act. to abolijb, abro-Abſcēditur, 'verb. imperf. (ab illis) Abutriti, people of Dacia. gate, repeal, take away, baniſh, de they depart, * Abfceffum eft æquis + Abozobia, æ; f. Sage of Rone, pose. Beneficiis abrogare vircs, manibus, they parted without 'ad- beyond Joa fage, clory. to detract from the worlb of benefits vantage on either ſide. Abpatruus, u; m. our great-grand beliowed. * Abrogare, abrogatum, + Abſcella, æ; f. agrimony. farber's brother, diſinberit one before adepted. Abfccffio, onis ; f. a doparting. Ābra, ; f. a lixtla delicate chamber Quæ res fidem abrogat orationi, Abſceffus, ùs ; m. a departing ; al- maid, a lady's gentlewoman. iinpairs the credit of the purch. to an impo; hume. Abraam, Syr. indecl. m. a certain * Abrogare al:cui fidem, not 20 Abſcida, u plure where light is let in. biſhop whe lived of raw berbs, and keep his promije. Abſci-do, di, fom, dore ;-act. (of Jeafled orhers. Abrög-or, āris; pafl. to be abrogated. abs and cædo) to cut off or ofunder. Abracadabra, indccl. a word writ fur Abron, õnis; m. an Athenjan, qu- Ahíci-dor, di į pafl. ro be cut off a charm, and hanged about the nick shor, a luxurious Argive, where Abici-ndo, odis, di, sud, ndore; for a ferni-tertian ague. Abionis viia, and feveral others, ant to cut off or out. * Abfcidit Abraces, a; m. one of Artaxerxes's abronicus, a nobleman of Athens. sibi omnium rcrum refpectum, he bud } . naie. over. 27 ABS ABS ABS Ablcife, and is preciſely, fironly. t had to rigard of any thing. * Ab Abfiftens, entis, coajing, departing: Abſtentio, dnia; f. an abiaining ſcindere cervicibus caput, to behead. Ablitto, abftiti, čre ; neut. 1o abſtain, from inberitanie. adv. truer of draw offto be difani Abit:ntus, a, um ; part. of abitincor; from. # Abfiftere obidione or ob. wiibbeld from taking portion; alſo Abiciffio, onis ; f. a cutting of udendo, to raije the bega * Abñftere excommunitated. # Abſciiſura, ex abſciſſura, &; f. a à fole, to be diſtani from. Abfi- Abitar.gco, and go, fi, fum, göre & rent or difiance. tit ociere, he gives over petitioning, gěre; act, to wipe off, cleanſ, put Abfciffus, a, um ; part of abſcin-Abfiftitur, imperf. ibere is a veljation. uway, #Abltergere faltidium, so dor.; cut off, breken, gelded, trouble- Absitānun, ni; n. a kind of pure provoke appaite. fooie, rough. Abſci fior juftitia. new geld. Abfterium, or abfiftrium, il; n. a 200 much feverity, Quamvis rcs Abio, onis; m. An hospital'; alſo a nunnery. abfciffa erat, though affairs were in phyſician, Abiterr-co, oi, itum, ērc; act.ro a very bud pourr. Absover, črl; my wife's great-grand fright away, forbid, hinder, Abicistus, a, um, part. of abfcidor ; father, Abitciritus, a, um, part. of abfter.. Isuere, preprory. Absol-eo, cvi, čre; ncut. (of ab and rcor ; frighted, afoniled. Abſconiiè, adv. Secretly, darkly. folco) to be out of uſe or authority. Abiterhio, onis; f. á wiping away. Abſcondītus, a, un; part. of abſcon- Abfol-vo, vi, quum, včre; act. so se Abſtersivus, a, um, part. of abiter. dur; bidden, ferri. quit, looien, diſcharge, finish, fatisfy gor; wiped aww, clailed, &c. Abicon-do, di, ar didi, sum or-dicum, accompib. 'Abſolve.c' in orobi- Abſtincndus, a, um, part. fut. in dus dčre; act. (of abs & condo] to tatis ſuipicone, vel de prævarica of abſtineor ; to be abſtained from bido, 'or keep cloſe. Abſcondimus tionc, to acquit from villoiny. *Abitinens, ntis; adj. ahfiinent, for- arces, we loi ibe hight of the towers. Hunc hominem veneri abſolvit, bearing, temperare, * Abitinentif Abſcondur, di; pad. to be hiddes. he acquits him of lovrhery. * Ab- fimus alieni, wry free from cove- Abiconè, adv. (92x1 tly, ſolvere dc re aliquâ, 10 finiſh, loufnels, Absconfio, onis ; f. a hiding. # Abſolvere pignus, so radiem a Abftinenter, adv. semperately. Adicontor, oris ; in a bider. pawn. #Citiùs quàm meliùs pen- Abftineating æ; f. abfinence, tempe. Ab!conſus, a, um, part. of abſcon fum abſolvis, you make morc hodie runca, refraining, dor; bidden. than good speed, • Abfolvere cre Abftin.eo, ui, abitentum, ēre ; act. + Abiconſum, i, n. a ſecret thing or ditorem, to pay him off. Abſol (of abs ana tenco) so abſtain, for. place. Verc dcbitorem, to make the debtor bear, fordid, binder, keep off or from, + Abrecos, a black precious fons with pay. excommunicate. * Se loco abitiocre, Tad veins. Ab!oly.org l; paff. 10 to fred, ob. to abſent bimelf. Seſe cibo abe Abſens; neis; part. f abſum ; ab. folusid. itina:t, atque ita intcrit, be killed fen, out of his dead. * Ablente Absolutè, adv. perfectly, complently, bimielf with fahing. Non manum Hobis, ancienily for abfentibus. fruly, u Ithout dependence on another. abftincs! will yiu nos bold your # Vcifus aolentes dicere, io repeat * Abſolwiè doctus, a found ſcholar, hand? * Abit:ncto irarum, be not wil bout buas. Absolūtio, onis ; f. an anſlution or a ang!). * Vix abſtinco quò minùs + Anfentaneus, a, um ; adj. done in diſeburging, an accomplijning, a dee faciam, I can ſearce forbear doing abenre. livery, a coinpleat pardon. it, * Abſtinere le ab alieno, and Abſen:ia, æ; f. abenti. Atso üliva, õrum; n. pl. fupinu. abftinere alieno, noi so meddle witb. + Abfirito, , fum, üre; neot. 10 Absolūtòrium, li; n. an acquittance, Manum ab aliquo, to forbear fn- difer or diſagree. remedy, medicine. • Abfolutorium gering. Potin ut me abftincas Ab.entivus, a, um ; adj. abfent, mali, a perſed recovery from an evil manum? can'a gale keep your hand Abſento, āre; act. to abent. difzafe. of? Dum mihi abitineant mor- to be abſent. Absolutorius, a, um ; adj. diſcharge dere, ſo they don't bite me. Ablepus, phi; m, a river in Afia. ing, freeing. * Tabella abſoluto. Abftin.cor, éri; to be kept from Absēro arc; to lock or lut fron. ria, an acquitlan.c. food. | Absīda, æ f. she quiro of a church, Absolūcus, a, um, part. of abſolvor ; Abitinctur, imperf. paff. there is no A chappel, or a closer. diſcharged, anded, perfift. Ab meddling with. Absid-co, ere; act. Lof ab and fe. folutus gradus, the poſitive degrar, Abſt-o, as, ici, item or acum ; neut. dco) to fil abde. Abſoluta lingua, not tird. Ab- of ab and ſto) so fand afar itt * Ablidia, as abrida. -folutum nomen, a noun fubflansive. + Abitollo, [ for aufcro) abituli, ab- Absidis, be genitive of ablis. Abſolutus aduitcrii, found inno latum, to take away. Abſila. See Apfuæ. cont of adultery. Ahror-quco, fi, querc; to wreft away. Absti-io, ii,", &-ivi, īre; neut. (of Absõnans, ntis ; part. of ablono ; ; Abſtractio, onis ; f. un abſirading, or ab onu faiiol to skip or leap away. dif-greeing in ſound. taking away. Abamarus, tiim, the fixty-fovenih absone, adv, abfurdly, jarring!y. + Abſtractive, adv. abfiredivily, ini emperor of Rome. + Absono, āre; 10 difugree in found, nature of an abilrad. Absimilis, lc, adj. unlike. Non to play wrong. Abſtractivus, a, um ; adl. abraltius, abimil's Tiiero fuit, he did ferie. Absonus, a, um, adj. untuneable, · whicb may be drawn from master. thing refsiniia Tiberius. jarring, abſurd, unlike. * Fidei Abſtractum, i; n. An abſtract, hgni- t. Abranthacus, a, um, adj. Of, or abſonuin, founding like a lye. fying the form, and ex:luding the lice Ugrywgod. Abſor.beo, bui and pri, ptum, bere ; Subject, as whiteneſs. Alfath âius, a, um, adj. mixed act. to ſwallow up, or conjune. Abftractus, a, ua ; part. of abſtra- with wormwood. * Prov. Abſorbere moleftiam, 10 hor, drawn away. Absinthis, a people nesy Pontus. put a good face upon it. Abftra-ho, xi, cum, here ; act. [of Abfinth'oměnon, wormwood gentle, or Abſorbitio, õnis; fo a lupping up. abs and traho) 'to withdraw, lead, he ſouthernwood. Abſoris, a town in the iſle of Mnerva, pull away. * Abstrahere in ſervis Abfinthites, a; m, wvorm wood rvine. built by the Colcbi, jeni to fus (utem, to carry captive. • Abſtra- Abantnium, ii;.wirnicod. ở Ab. Medea. here civitatem è fervitio, to deliver finthiam latifoliun, cur comnian Abforptum, i; D. A fupping up. the sily from lavery. Abſtrabere warınwood. Abanthium Ponti- [Abſorpus, a, um, part. of abſorbco; Sc ex corporc. to conllenplata. Cum or Romanuin, wo niwaed gentle. supirit up, conſumed. • Abitrahere aliquem ad bcllicas * Ablinthium Santonicum, French Absorus, an Adriatick iſland. laudes, to hurry on vo gat bonour. kuormwood. * Abſinthium feiaohi. + Abſpello, čre; act. (of abs and Abſtra-hor, hı; paff . to be withdrawn. um or marinum, fes woomwood, pello) to save or puſh away. Abſtri-ngo, xi, ctum, ngērc; act. (of wboje seed we cominonly us. Ablque, præpof. Jarving to the abl. ab and stringo) to looſe or untie. ABSIS, idis; f. the frakc of a wheet, wishout, excepi, over and abuve. Abftru-do, di, fum, děre; act. Cor the mujt ma nel, the bowing bead Abſquc co effet, but for bim. abs and trudo) 10 thruji awy or of an ayrheid root or canopy. * Ab • Ablque unâ hâc; except in this hide, Sc in ſylvam abftrudere, 118 (umina, thut pains wherein a one thing to hide himſelf in a wood. * Sc plumut is jaribe,? sror till erih. Abitēmias, a, um; adj. ahemious, tccum inter & laquearia, botuum * Ablia ina, ilir point wherrin a zvithout wine, temparate, fobar. the roof and the cieling. planat is ncitoy to the carib. Abſtěnius; us abftean.us. Abitrūlus, a, um ; part, of abftru- der, I 1 burrd away. ABU AC ACA dor; Jhut up clola, hidde, dark, nia abundat mihi, I have more | Aca, [the city Ptolemais in Phæai- reſerved, ſubtil, abirufe. iban I know how to bellow, Abun cia. Abſtull. Su Aufero. dare opibus fandi, io be very slo- Aca, for aqua, water, Ābolum, es, fui, abeffe ; to be ab. gumi. * Abundare rerum, or in Acabe, és; f. a hill on the borders of font, wanting, or fan off. * Abeffc rebus, to be wealthy. Egypt ; alſo a fountain in Africa. tres menſes, to be wanting thru (+ Abundus,a, um; adj. abundant, full. + Acabel, decampane, months, * Bidui ab, two days Abupus, Abubus, or rather Abus, bi; Acabene, és ; f. part of Meſopota- journey off. Brevillimo traofitu, m. our river Humber.; and anoiber mia. alitis wayof. Tria millia, of Epirus. + Acăbo, an Arabian booſt of great shree miles, • Abelle à culpâ, tá Abrolo, āre ; neut. to fly away. ule in pbyfick. be innocent. * Abefic propius à + Abobro, ufi, uftum; to burn away. Acăcălis, f. & nymph deflowered by mortc, to be rear dea:b. Tan-Abus. Se Abupus. Apollo ; alſo an Egyptian serd, tum abest at credam, I am so far abufiacum, Abufacum, or Abuza like that of tamarisk ; good for the from balirving. • Non aberit quin cum, the town Fueſſen in Germany. ges. ridear, I shall be ſure to be mocked. Abuſina, æ ; f. the city 'Auſpurg in Acaceſium, fi ; n. a city of Arcadia. # Abfit verbo invidla, lec not my Bavaria. A'acclius, Mercury, brought up by Speech'gricur any one. * Nummus Abūrio, õnis ; f. an abufmg, or miſ Acacius, Lycaon's son, abeſte hinc non poteft, I cannos ufing. Acacia, z ; f. a thorny plant; also abale a penny of iro. Parum abfuit abufito, are ; act. to abuſe often. liquor from the ſeeds of Acacis - quin occideretur, a little more he Abūsive, adv. abuſively, improperly, gyptia, which beors timber fir for had been killed. Abeffe non po- + Ābūsivus, a, um abuſive, again hipping, Acacia pontica, a teft quin veniat, he mufinoedscome, nature or afe. Arics abufivus, prickly forub, with leaves like the Absūnedo, jals ; f. a conſuming of an engine out of uſe. * Acacia guami, gum-arabick. foending. Åbuſque, præpoſ. even from, fince. Acacia rivi, the diſtilling dropa Absūm-o, pſi, prom, čre; act. 10 Abuftus, a, um ; part. of aburor ; thereof. wapo, miſpend, kill. Quam ha. Acacia, æ; f. innacones, fimplicity, bui rem, abfumpa celcriter, I åbūſus, ùs; m. abuſe, mifuß, mis lacăcius, the name of divers mm. quickly brought a noble to a nine-pence. I upending, ăcăcus, a, um ; adj. harmlafi. Absūmor, mi; paff. to be devoured, Xbūlus, , um; part. of abutor; ſpent acadama, a city of Syria. wafed, worried. * Ablami ferro, and worn with aing. xcădēmia, æ; f. a place in Albens, vencao, so be killed, poifone.d. + Abutero, to abuja. where Plato taugbi an academy. Abſumptio, do's; f. a wajing. Abutonon, soutbarnwood. Adădēmicus, a, una; adj, belonging Abſumptus, a, um, part of abſu- Abū-cor, los, fum, ti; dep. 10 ufe, or to on academy. mor ; wulut, lof, undone. wiar with uſing í alſo to abuſe or Acadêmics, õrum ;m.pl. Plitonick Abſurde, ady, abfurdly, fooliſhly. wafı vainly. Tempore & labore shilofopbers, academicki. Ablardītas, atis; f. abſurdity, fooliſh abuti, to mi pmd one's time and Acadera, æ ; f. an Indian city. neſs, unreaſonadlanels. pains. * Se permifit abutendam, Acădinus, ni; m. a fountain by Den Abfurdus, a, um ; ad). abſurd, foolish, be ſuffered bimbelf to be played on. los, wbers they say falfo ogibs, diſagreeing, unreaſonable. + Abutuor, to abus. wrote spon tables, would find, and Abfus, a river of Paleſtine. Abydēna, örum ; n. pl. trifles. the true would ſwim. + Abſydos, as abſectos. Abydocomæ, m. pl. Jycophants that Acadra, æ; f. a town in ArabiaFællx. Abfynthiatus, as abanshiatus. boaſt of their falbood. Acadra, arum ; m. pl. 4 people in Abſynthus, a city of Thrace. Abydon, õnis; f. part of Macedonia. China. Abſyntes, a river of Colchis. Abydon, i, n. and Abydos, or -dus, Acadum, a city of Syria. Abſyrtides, Adriatick iſlands. i; f. city of Asia. Acæna, a meaſuring rod of. Son foot; Ablyrtium, an Adriatick iſland. Abydeus and -enus, belonging thrreto. alſo a goad. Abfyrtus, ti ; m. the son of Æcta, cut Abyla, as Abila ; alſo a town in Syria. Acalandra, æ; f. a town in Italy, in pinces by Medca, when she ran Abýlaie, ibi people of Abyla. Acalandrus, dri; m. a river in the arreray wrih Jalon ;'alſo a foldier un: Abylon, or Abydon, a cuiuan , berupta calamthis, idis ; f. & linnet, eljo si der Conſtantine, who wrote a book of curing beajis. † Abyttace, ês; f. & difb amrong the dog's name. + Abucium, or -cus, wbite daffodil. Medes, made of lesks, creffes, garlick, Acalărrites, 4 river's name ; and in Abūdiacum, Aback and Happing in and pomegranate kernels. Homer, an epitbit of ibi [calm] Germany: Abyrtēcopcei, the makers of that diß. foa. Abver-to, ti, Sum, tore; to turn from. Åbyſſus, i; f. a bottomleſs pit; Allo Acāle, a city of Arabia. Abüla, æ; f. shexcing Avila in Spain. abundants of gold. † Acalta, æ; f. a gilly-flowry. Abulītcs, a gavenior of Sufa, which Abyffæi, a people of Libya. , ;f be yielded io Alexander, ond ro. Abyſtrum, the city Urimario in neithe ; alſo a kind of Ay or fit. ceivid of him again. Magna Græcia. + Acamantis, the iſlo Cyprus ; alf Abūmālach, indecl. Arab. a Saracen Abytilon, a kind of mallows, one of the ten tribes of Albeas. king of Spain, in league wiib Abziritadum, a town in Africa. Acēmantum, il; . a town in Charles the Great. Abzoæ, a pople by the Scythian fra. Phrygia Major. Abandana, atis ; part. & adj. of Acamantius, & pbiloſopher of Helio. abundo ; abundant, plosiful. * Ex A ante C. polis. abundanti, sver and above. *Abun- Acămarchis, idis ; f. tbe nani of a danti doctrinâ homo, a inan of A C, for actio, or actor. fea-nympb. great knowledge and learning ACB, for actionibus, Acāmas, nris ; m. e Thracian printa, Abandaoter, adv. pientifully. ACC, for accepta or acceptat. and other mon ; aljo a bill in Cy- Åbundantia, 2; f. plonty. Nore, fula ACM, for adionen. prus. ness. # Abundantia loeminarun, Ac, for et ori atque ; cons, copal. Acanna, ārur ; f. a mari-town by wionthly torms. ond, and indud, norther, ibon, as, the red-juu. Abundantiffimè, adv. ſupeil. wry * Pasce ac duritèr vitam agebat, Acantha, æ ; f. the herb bear's foot. abundantly. ho lived ſparingly and hardly, Acanthá topiaria, tragacanth, Åbundantius, ii;'m. a Roman con Faciam tibi boni aliquid, ac lu dragagant, bronk-urfina. (ul, A. D. 393 bens, I will do you a kindneſs, and Acanthaleuce, wbite-sborni, brdagar åbundātio, õnis ; f. an overflowing. indeid willingly, * Ac non quia ring. Sue Inundatio. ades præſens, dico hoc, neither do Acanthăvõla, a; f. an infrumont sa Xbundè, (adv. of quantity) abundant I lay this, becauſe you are preſent. pull fiſh-bonis, &c. cut of the ly, enough. * Abundè fabularum, * Ne fim lalvus, ſi a!iter ícribo, threar. on abuxdance of rules. ac fentio, may I never be saved if #canthiæ cicadæ, dumb graſshoppers; Abundius, i!; m. a Spaniſh martyr I write otherwise than as I think. men igporant in mufick. under Maximinian. * Eft animus erga le idem ac'fuit, + Acanthias, æ; m. a file & ffb with Abund o, ārc; neut. fof ab and un my inclinaison is now the fumo, as prickles on his back. do:) to abound or over how. * Pecu. it has always being towards you. Acanthice, ês; f. 4 cirlain gun. Acanthice A € ACC A CC 1 i + + Acanthice maſticbs, Führt jaile. 1.4. Accanto, are ; (of ad and canto) 1 Acceptor, oris , m. a taken ; alſo a in the top of pellicory. 10 fing to or by ons. hans. Acan'hinc, or Angolina, an iland of Accara, æ; f. 'Sorur in Griney. Accetõrius, a, nm; adj, that wbich Arabia Acie-do, dis, ſi, siun, dore ; neyt. Yerciveth or taketh, capthinus, a, um, adj. of er like [of ad ind cedo) la come, aprouch, A ceptrica, æ, f A ceptrica, æ, f and acceptrix, acanthus, priekly. * Acanthinum; riſomale, allant io, so he added, in-. icis ; f. sé that rutiveth. lignum, bröpl wood. creajed, included in. * Accedere Acceptuāsía, as accentuaria, Acanihion, and -jum, ii ; n. cotton. ad fores, in fenatum, fcopulos, Accepturo, i;n, any thing rereived ; title: mænibus, io approach to. Alicui alſo a promiſe. Accepto libe. Acanthion, onis; m, a helge hogi ad aurem, chafe to. * Ad Gmilitu rare. or acceptum ferre,' habere, Aconib is, idis ; f. groundzeil; alſo a dinem alicujus, to reſemble. * Mi 10 diſcharge one of his promiſe.. Miskin or linner, nutius &Serylus damnati indicibos * Accepto or acceptum rogare, Acanthon, a hill in Ætolia. acceffere, after condemnation bad to wsk Solemnly whaber he quits Acun'bas, i, m. bear's-fuot; alſo a their effater delivered us to the acu him of his promiſe... Accepto mi- bay turned into that herh... Acan. Jers. : * Acceſſit meæ, trmcritati, hi refertur, I am diſcharged of my thus ſativus, hear's bresh. quòd, my rishize's was the greater promiſe. Accepti & expenfi ta- Acantium, for Cantium. in shat, &c. * Accedit huc, quòd, bulæ, books of accounts,' * Accept Acapcatz, a people abeur Mæotis. 1T9Yeover. * Accovere obviam, to E expendi ratio, the charge and Acapis, A river in Afia: met,' *Acceffit či aliquid pccu. diſcharge. Aceprum referre, to Acapna, Õrum ; n. pl. dry fuel, not niæ he hath got a histle money. Ai down as received, acknowledge it ... Sibeling Accederat, for accefferat. owing Acapnon, i : n. honey taken without Acced cur, verb. imperf. Accepeus, a, um, part. of accipior ; smtating the bees. + Acceia. Su Accia. received, alſo acceptable, well liked. + Acapnog, the herb marjoram.. Accělěrātio, õnis ; f. a baſlming.ong Acceptuni in vulgus, well liked Acapulcum, & city of America. palling forward. by the people. * Indignis ego fum Acar for acarus, a initta. Accelero, are ; act.. (of ad and ce acceptus modis, I am unwortbily A căra a town in Hungary. Iero] is balion on or after. * AC uſed. Acăraffus; a city of Lycia. celerare alicui niagiftratum, to pro- Accurfio, fre ; act. (of ad and cico) Acar ta, a town in Aniesica. curl one an office before beste of to will or ſend for, fetch, provoke, L'Acarla, ſee acacia ; alſo a fountain by suficient ago # Gradum accele accuſe, add so a thing. Corinth. Tare, to make holle. Accersī:or, oris ; m. a siter or fum- Acarman, a city of Arabia Fælixi Accer-clo, di, fum, dère ; a&. [of ad 2011er. Acarpania, æ; f. (or Coretis) part of and cando ta kindle, Jeton fire.m. Accersiçus, a, um ; part of acces- -Epirus also a city of Sicily. courage, provoke, increaſe * Accen fior ; jent for. Accerſicus ſ.rmo, Acardāncs, ium;.m. pl. the people of dere pretium, td raiſe the price. Some complimental, idle, far-facbed. Acarnania. Accenderè ad aliquid; in amorem Accersītus, Us; m. calling iiporn, or. * Acarne, és; f. a goldm 'fea-fib, alicujus rei;io make one defire greatly. } fummons wirba great head; of a kind: of | Accendor,:di; paff, so te infomed. Accerto, čre ; act, * Capitis ac herb, and a town of Magnofia. † Acceofio, ui, ſum ; [of ad and cesſerc, 10 queſtion one for one's Acaron, a city of Paleſtine. Whence cenico) to reckon amonei. Majcitatis acccrfit, tre Acironenſes.'ium į m. pl. sbe prople. Accenfi, örum ; m. users or bandles, acruises him of treafon. Accer- #Acur-on, i; n. -09, i; m- gow or Accenfibilis, le' ; adj. -inflamabla: Scre.crimine ambicûs, so ocrufe of wild wrile. Accenfio, onis ; t. o revenge, or fie briteri. Accerfere mercedo, to Acarpia, unfruitfulneſs. crificing of a shing. hire, to invite, by promiſe of reward. Acarpus, a, um ; adi. barrm. Accensitus, a, um ; part. of accen * Orationi fplendorem accerf-rc, + Asura, an Athenian city. · feor ; reckoned to or with. to add lufire to a Sporth. Acărus, ri; m. an hand.wern of Accenfor, oris ; m. a judge pormio. Acc. Ili, preterperfett. of acccdo. m'li; alſo a muſhroom, sing the braring of a caufa. Accedio, onis;. f. an incragje, addi. + Açalgaete, és if. an herb growing, Accentus, a, um ; part of accen. lion, vantage, An acceſary, a ſurety, alone whour a fellow. dor; fot on fire, provoked. a corning, an rocafon, & fit of an Açaita, æ; f. a lea-nymph. Accenſus, i, m. a notargi an ulher; F'Acarum, i, n. she briar. porter, life-groidmith, or under- Acceſſor, oris ; m: a comer or addır Acaftus, ti; m. a famous bunters the oficer, a beqdle, Sarjeant, a ſuper upto. for of Pe!ias, king of Theffaly. Tiunerary, voluntier, waiting for the Acccfloriuni, ii ; n. an addition or Acáráicctos, adj. and acatalcaícus next place that fallsa. increaſe. *Quantum mihi accef- verſus; a uerc having no syllable 100 Accentiuncula, ze; fi a little accent. torium dabiswbut will you ģiue muih; or too little. Accento, are ; (of ad and canto] to me to hoot? Acătălepria, incomprehenfillmeſs, acone or tune + Accesorius, i; m. an accelary. Acă:āleptos; incomgréhenſible. + Accentuo, āre ; to preserve the : ac- Acceſſus, a, um part. of acccder; + Xcă'ālis, jmall juniper, cert ini pronouncing. come to, afcended to, increased F acăiera, great juniper. + Accentūrāria, a;f, a perfuming Accelſus, üs; m. an approach, par: Acătharsus, Agregr Arabian gulph. or chaping-diſ. lage, or increaſe. • Acceffus maris, + Acatia, Sex Acacia. + Acccntūrialis, lis ; f. a coprain's the food, # Aiatium, ii; n. a skuller's boat o Scarf. Acchitæ, ārum;. m. d people of A- bargo; alſo the main jail. Accentus, ùs ; m. an aceans, lune, or rabiai. Acaton, ti ; n. a hill in Ætolia. raising of the voice. " Accia, æ ; f. Auguflus's mother ; Acaluci, a town in Spain. Accepi. Su accipio. alſo a nettir. Acavatha, a cily in Sýria. + Accepfo, for accepero: + Accia, or acccía, æ; f. a woodcork. tă caullus, a, um; adj. nel burned. Acce;tabil's, le ; adi; acceptable. Accidendus, a, um; part. fut. in dus Acaxium; iljin. a town in Japan. + Acceptabúlun, for acctabulun. ab accidor ; to beatašed, &c. Acaxutia, ; f. a haren of America Acceptæ, ārum ; f. 4. dividend of Accideng, ntis; . an accident, Acca Laurenila, Lupa, the wife of land. chanis, or circumftana: * Fauftulus, and nurje: 30 Romutus i Acceptar us. Sex Acceptor. Accidcns, ntis ; adj. bappening by and Reinus.' * Acccptatio, onis ; f. an acquit chance, Accabićotichitæ, arum ; m. pl. á tan'r, an acceptance of a bill, Accidentālis, le ; adj., accidental. people or Mauritania. + Acceptător. Sce Acccpcor. Accidenter, and accidentālītēr, ady. Accabicus murus, town by Hercu' Acceptilācio, õnis; f. a verbal dif. by chun!e. les's piliars, ch irge of a debt, taking it for Accidentia, æ '; J. A chance; alſo a Accadia, z; f. a province of New paid. properly, France in America. Acceptio, on's; f. a ruceiving, or the + Acc:dia, accldiola, æ; f. and ac- + Accalia, orum n. pl. fraps in shing reserved. cidicas, atis ; f. floth, careleſsnej, 'honour of Acca Laurentia. Acceptiönes,um, f. dividends of lands. ndijpolednes. + Accalveſter, a, un; qui. [from Accepto äre; act. (ab aecip o] 10 + Accidio., Carl; to be foothful or calvus] fornewhal bali, pilled. retrive or take often ; accepi. Jud. + Accidiose, ague, &c. } . 1 4 ACC ACC Асс 1. Accidiase; ady. Nothfully, Accipiuum civitas, a city near Thebes , Accongěro, čre; act. acc. & dat. , : e + Accidiðlus, a, um i Borbfil, dull. Accift, orum ; mi a people of Mrolls: Plaut. (of ad and congero), so heap + Accidius, a, um , adj. somewbag) Accifinus, i, m. e feigned refusal. : up together. Huic dona accon- goſti, I have plied her with gifts. Accido, di; dêre ; lup. car. Liv. Io. Accidua; a, am; part of accidor ; Accorpo 6, are. I to join or purse. ad and cado). to fall down, die clipt, qui off, Spes.'Acciſa da Accrēd-o, idi, itum, eres ncut. cum bappen untxprxtedly; come to. Quos pes, cloan daim up. Eta acciſes dat. Hor. (of ad and credo) so con- accidam 10 wbom pall. I makt re funt, fo' they were quite round fenl, or believe what one ſays. my supplication ? Accidit in te Accito, are; act. cum acc. (of. ad Accrémentum,.i; n. an incruals, Ifthuc verbum, the Suying touches and .cito] to call often. Accrépitus, a, un ;'adj. fof. ad and you. * Accidit, it cbanuar.. *Äc- Accitum, i; 2. the city Fintana in crepo) vary, ancime or old. cidit præter, omncm expectatio- Granada. Accr-cicos evi, Zium, cſçěre; ncut. nom, this thing bappened to me wilh- Accitus, a, um ; part. of accicor cum det. Tac. 1o accrew, riſe up, out looking foră Accidit ut ille, called, jummoned. or grow. . Accrcvit peaori col- it came to paſs that br. Accidit Accīgs, lls ; m. a fummoning, or pes, she surf grew brani-bigb.... diviáilūs, if was the hand of God.; landing for. Accrétio, onis ; f. an increaſing. * Accidit aurcs ad aures, auri- Accius, 1; m. a cirtain tragedian.. Accábans, ntis ; c. a gueſt ar table. bus, it came to my cars. Accidit Accius Nevios, as Actius Nærjas. Accübātio, onis ; f. a filing er lying mihi illud gratuip, it liked me will. Accius Tullius, prints of the Volfcl. by ons ; alſo as Acci-do, di, fum, dere; adj. cuin Acclāmātio, onis ; f. á crying out or Accúbātus, ůs; m. womens lying in. acc. Lici (of ad' and cædo] to customisiing, a bintand-cry. Accübitāle, is;n. Cæl. 4 cubiere of uabato, wäaken, defroy. Acclamator, oris; m. A fouter. piliare! Acciendus, a, um ; part. to be fore for. Acclāmito, are ; io soul oftin. Accúbitália, Svima i pri n. dining- + Accl.co, ivi, ram, ēre ; act: [of ad Acclāmo, arc i ocur. (of ad and room, or their furniture, and cico) to call or fmd for. clamo) to foout unto or with. Accübitio, onis;. fo a fitting down, Accilla, læ; f. a city of Sicily. Acclayo, are; Cof ad and claro] se Accăbitor, oris ; no. gueſt at table, Accinctus, a, um, part. of accingor ; nail. Accăbitun, i; nie palles. or consib, girdod, preparid, nimblé. Acclinätorium, il; n. a bed, Accubitus, usim. Plin. a fitting or Accin-go, xi, ctum, gere; cum. acc. Acclinātus, a, um ; A. vel P. Ovid.: Lying by one Cic. to gird, mala roady, address ...leaning, or bending towards. Accüb-o, ui, Ilup, 216 ; Deut. Panjut. Quin ad hoc accingerig i why do t Acclinè, adv. bendingly. [of ad and cuboj 10-jft or.lja down, mus sou go about it? Accingere: + Acclinis, e; and acclinus, a, um; Jojourn, so be dead, or nigh unlo. lumbos, prepare for spudy adion.. adj. inclined, leaning, bowing fora * Accubat apud me, bo nas my Ferro accingi, to be armed. ward. boufi, Accubare alicui in caoui- Accingi ad fpem malorem, to have +Acclioo, arc ; N. (of ad and clino), vió, so ſie noxt 80. * Apua aliqucm greater boperi Se prædæ accin to lean forward or toward, to favour, accubarc, to lodge at oiie's houſe. gunt, they prepare tbon lues for the acclivis, ve; and acclivus, a, um, Acçõbụà, adv. diligenles confignily.; perty* Accingere le aliquo ho adj. . Vir: (of ad and clivus) Arep alſo lazily, mine, to také an ofipant. up Ba viz pars valde acclivis Accu-do, di fum, děres acti acc. + Accino, ui, cntum ; . (of ad and eſt, that part of the way is very Plaut. (of ad and cubo) ti forge or cano Jrofing to, or with, to keep tuna much up bill. * Acclivis arbor!, coin port. with an bor, accord, leaning againſt a iru. Accumbo, bul, mbère, ; n. Plauc. Accio, iyi, ire; act. cum acc. [of Accliviras, atis f. Cæſ. purpniels, [of ad and cumbo), tie oral ad and clo] to Smd for. * Accire up-hill, difficulty. down by. Accumbcro epulis, to properis literis. 10 fond poſt for one. I + Accludo, the same as claudo. fs down at table. Nili ea voluptatem acciret, in- Acco, a jack-bur ; alſo a gmeral of Accŭmúlātè, adv. plentifully, by beaps. las it brought pleaſure with it. ibe Senones. Accŭinūlātio, onis ; i. Riin. abiap. Accipenſer. Şca Acipenſer. Acco, îs , f. an old woman, toho was, ing uy; alſo calling of cirth about Accipiendus, a, um ; tô be received. wont to refuſe what the difrod, and the roots of treas. Acc-ipio, ēpi, cptum, ipere ; act. wet mad atthi fight of her deformity. Accŭmúlätor, oris & m. he that bing- acc. Cic. (of ad and capio] to ráke, Accola; 2; c. Livé a reighbour, por- Tuceive, hår, understand. obéý, als derer, foreigner. Accămŭlo, are ; [of ad aud cumulo] low, treat. *Accipere in deditio- Accõlānium li; n. A tmementi' io beap up. # Accumulare cædem, nem, lo giys quarter. * Accipere Accolânus, nism. and -na;"na ; f. cædi, so commit murber upon mur- conditioncin, to give one's confent. a borderer ; alſo a tenant. ther,' Accomulare, arborcm, to * Accipere in civitatem, to make Accolo, ui, ère ; act. [of ad and cover the root with earth. . Accu: fru. . * Accipere auribus, corde, colo) 'so' dwell nigh, or bordar upon.. mulare alicui bonorço, aliquem memoria; to hear, underſtand; ri-Accolor, 11 ; pafl. 10 bo inhabited. donis; to confar bonoursj, gifts, mimber, + Accipit hominem ne-Accommodate, adv. fille Accūrātè, ady. Cic. ixaal. mo meliùs prorfus, be entertains Accommodatio, onis ; f. fitting, Accūrātiùs, adv. more curiously, Onlt, no mon living better. Ve or applying Accūrātio, onis ; f. 'exact cars. hémentei pueram accepi, 'I took Accommodător, Oris z. m. an applier, Accūrātum, i ; n. accuracy."Ac- bim up roundly. * Aut dic, aut fitter, Imder. : carato, opus eft:& properato, sbore accipe calcem, kill me, or Pl kick Accommodātus, a, um ; ad Ciç. is oud of care and paid... Accu- joihin Accipere experimento -ior, -iſfimus; proper, fit applied, racom habuit, be took great pains .. luo, 80 know by experience. *'AC- difpued, ''Accommodatus natura difpoed, ''Accommodatus natüra Accūrātas. a, um; P. & A. (ab ac- cipere cladeni, to be diſconfited, or ad naturam, agruring with natür curor] Plaat. accurals, exad. Àc. fain. Aliter de amore atque in học. Quintil. curata :malitia, contrived malice. eft accipis, your suppose otherwise of Accommodo, adv. fitly. Accūro, are; acts, acc. Plaut. (of ad love than it is indaid. 'Fidem Accommodo, are ; Sal. [of ad and apid cuto) 10 dp:« shing oxaaly, fabula acccpit, the tale was believed. commodo] rò opply, conforti, lorid, sake it off ſmooth. Prandium ac. Que gerantur accēpies ex Pôl make fis or like. Curam auribus dc curaro, to provide dinner.. ACCU- Lionc, you fall dow of Pollio how commodare, to hear diligently. *Ac - rare penfum, ta perfarin bissask. effiiri go. commodare fe alicui, io honour one. Accurritur, import. Tac. tbg. rud ca. Accipit-er, ris; m. (ab acciplendo] Accommodare tempus alicui rei + Accurro, arc; to bear rule. a'bawk." Accipiter huinipcta; or in aliquam rem, io bestow time Accur-ro, ri, ſum, röre; neut. Ter. a Spar-hawki * Accipiter palum about any thing. * Peto à te ut ci [of ad and curro]: to run to, con -barius, a goss-bawk. Accipiter de habitatione accommodes, I - ble. * Accurrere in Tuſculanud, pecuniarun, on ixtortioner. treat you to provide him of ſome bring. to go h.lily to Rome.....: Accipitārios, a, yin ; adj. belonging Accommod-or, ari, to be fitsid, '&c. Accurfus, a lawyer or Elorence, who to a bawk. Accommodus, a, um, adi: conveni. fir commented on the whole law. Accipitrariús, li ; m. falconer. cit,' fred. tAccurſo, are, toneren, 10 meel. Accipitrinajæ; f. the hard barok-wird. Accom-0, pai, pium, čre ; a&t. dec. *Accursorium, 11 ursorium, 11j Blace so + Accipitro, for jaccó. Cof ad and como] to deck. ... which one russ, Bbbb Accurfüs, eih up. 1 11 A C E ACE AC:H migt.. 2 U.789 Accurfus, 'us m. running sogether. I cerbitūdo, sournaja, sbarpreſs. Aceſtorides, the name of ſeveral om. Accusābīlis, le ; adj. blumeweriby. Acerbo, are; ac. cum. acc. Vir, so siceta, cæs. f. a lile bit. Accalang, nus; part, accuing, &c. make four, reafperats, * Acerbarc'Acetabula. Su Acetabulum. Accīsārio, onis ; fi Cis. an accuja crimen, to aggravato a faule. Acetabu'ares, fwillings of the womb. sión, accufirit, or blaming, ăcerbum, biz n. & four or bitter Accrābūlom, is n. (ab acetum) 4 Accusativus, a, um , adj. of accufing. thing lauar, a mheaſure of two ouncesi and Accūsātor, oris, m. an orenfor. Acerbus, a, um ; ad). Plin. [ab a balj, bo hollow in which a bone Accūsālorie, adv. accufingly. acor) pard, four, bittır, utripe, lurns; a jugler's box, a fifa's clare; Accăsătorius, a, um ; adjbelonging.. rough, unpleaſant .Horror ferræ alſo the barb penny-wort. *Acetabu- to acouting. Accufatorio animo acerbus, ihi fcrieting of a faw. lum alterum, mountain penny-wort. adductus of a wrangling humour. Acerinas nz ; f. a colony of the Bri- tăcētāförum, it'; D. a faucer. Accīsātrix, icis ;. f. A De-accufar. til in Magna Græcia. Acētārium, iſ ni a fallol, or minced Accūsātus, a, um ; part. accused. Acernus, aj um ; adj. (ab acer) of Accuſiorum colonia; the city Gregoble & mople; Srong and sound, Acctārius, a, am ; adli of vinegar. in France. Acernus, i, m. (ab acer] lupinas, Acētes, Evander's armour-bearer. Accuſo, tre ; [of ad and cauſa) 1* Acero, arc; to mix witb-cbiff. t Acēto for agito, or acidus fum. blame or accuje, * Accufag id me? Aceron, burcbirs-broom, acetofa, æ.; f. sorrel. Acetoſa do you accuse me for sbal? * Accu, ăcérõſas, a, um ; adj. [ab acer) leporina, :wood-forrel. farc aliquem de inertiâ or iacrtia, charity. * Panis' accrolus, bung?) + Acētoſella, a; f. pelly or fallet- 20. accufs one of noib. **Accuſare brown bread. Jorrel probri, certis criminibus, to lay ăcerra, æ; f. [ab soxdpa, focus) ăcētositas, atis ; f. fournefs. : diſbongly to one's charge, &c. a cepfor. Acētoſus, a, um ; adj. Sout, eget. Ace, a rósum of Phænicia: Acerrāni, a people of Acerra, a city Acētulum, li; n. mall vinegar. + Acearlun, U; N. burdmed iron. by Naples, almos devoured of the Acētum, i; 8. Col. (ab acco) vina- Acčdariam, ii ; 'n.. a fallet, or fallet- river Clanios. gar; wit and recentment, + Accto garden." Accrrimè, adv. ſuperl.. mal vebe quenpiam perfundere, to give one Acedia; æ ; f. canuletineſs,indiſpoſedneſs, bemently. * Si nori acerrimè fure junipar. leftare. Acetum a- Acedici, a people of Italy. ret, if he were not Bark mad. cerrimum or adhærens, quickfilver, t Acedio, are ; neut. to be dull; Acerris, a town of Catalonia. • Acctuin mulſun, oxymela * A- Možbful, or forrowful. Acerronius, Cn. Proculus conſul, A. cetum philofophorum, lac virgine- +Acedior, ari ; to be grieved, um, with which they divide metals. Acedon, or acceton, the beſt bonej. Acersčcůmes, having bis hair un * Acetum habctin pectore, bebas Accdofa, æ; f. a village of Judea. cul's Apollo; allo a catarrile, gpts in his brains. + Acedūlus, a, umj-ad). parpill. Acervalls, le ; adj. Cic. of a heap. Accum, a town of Colchis. Acčla, a city of Lycia. *Acervalis argumcntatio, sbr.fame Acha, á river in Germany: Acéldama, Indeci: a beld of blood. as forites. Achabytos, a mountain of Rhodes. Acēlum, the Venetian sown called Acervātim, adv. by heaps. Achad, Nisbis, the city of Nimrod. Azolo, Acervitio, onis ; f. an beaping up. Achia, æ; f. a town in Ireland. Acema, part of the Alps. - -- Acervetis, a run of Thrace, called Achæa, æ; f. Ceres and Pallas ; Acencris, a king of Egypt. aftrwards. Calatis. alſo a town in Sarmatia. Aceņipo, a town in Spain. Acervo, are ; to heap up. Achæi, inhabitants of Achæa, Acenterá, net pointed or pricked. .:Acervor, ari; past. to be heaped up. Achæměnes, a king of Perfia. Acentra, orum; n. precious fones, Acervoſus, a, um ; ad). full of heaps. Achæmeneus, a, um , adj. belonging Smootb without points: Acervulns, i; n. a ſmall beap. to Achæmenes. Ac-eo, ui, ērc ; neut. Cato ; [ab] Acervus,ii; m. Ovid. [abdycíp, Achæmenia, a; f. part of Perſia. dwn culpis) to be sard or four. congrego) a heap. * Accryus bo- Achæmenides, a companion of Ulyffes. Acephali, bureticks, A. D. 500. who norum, abundance. Achæorum littus, Acchathon in Cy- ·beld but one nature in Chrif. Aces, a river in Ada. prus. Acephalus, a, um , ads without head Accra, a city of Macedonia. Achæorum portus, Porto Bonin or beginning: 'Acephala fabula, Acelæi, the people of. Acefæ, ... Sarmatia, a fory without head or tail. , Aceſamenæ, arum.; pl. f. a city of +. Achæton, as achateon. Ac-er, čris; n. (ab acri ligno) a Macedonia, built-by Accfamcius, Achæus, i ; a river falling into the oraple-Irur. a prince of that country. Euxinç foa ; alſo a nams of ſeveral Acer, acris, acre ; ad): 31. art. [ab. Acelameniás, a, um ; adj. belonging acco, vel axn, culpis] eager, pare, to Aceramena. Achaia, æ; f. Hellas, Livadla, pirt vehemmi, ſwiſij jout, quick Acefand-er, ri; a Cyrenian hiſorian. .. of Greece; alfo Morea or Pelo. Robor acer, á bright red. * Acer Aceſcens, ntis ; part. of aceſco, Hor. ponneſus. belli juvenis, a'bravo young foldier. foarp. Accfccns vinum, vinegar. Achala propria, Jas, lonia, Olenas, • Acer bello accendendo, hot in. Aceſco, čre ; neut. (ab acoj 10 Ægialos, Romania alta, one pari carrying on a w2ri • Acer adol-grow.mapp or four. of Peloponneſus. foanjandum; eager to be mufing. Aceſia, æ; f. part of Lemnos. Achi carus, a Bofphoran poet. and dreaming. Juga Pyrenes ' Aceſias, a; m, an unskilful phyſician. Achaicus, a, um, adj. of Achala ; venatibus acer mériri, a fiert nim. who infiad of curing, made a and the nane of a man. He huntſman. : goury man worja. Hence ibe proverb, Achais, a town by the river Oxus. Acer, čriş; n. a razen in Italy, Aceias medicatus eft. Achalanthia, or .tis, dis; f, a nigble † Acéra, ræ";-a sop of brown bread"; Aceline, the river Alcantara in Sicily. ingale, also a rich garmmt. Açcfines, the river Tanais, Achalis, a Sarazen king, A. 657. trec + Accrabolus, a kind of tru Acesinus, a river in Perſia. Achana, an Arabian river. Accraal, as Acerrani. Acéfis, f. a kind of chryſocolla ;. also Achana, ? a Persian meaſure of 45 Acérâtæ cochleæ; a kind of bread ibe herb.carsoli or water-fage. Achane; } medias; aifo a kind cockless Acefius, Apollo ; also a famous artiſt of fiſh, Achani, orum; pl. m. a people by Acērātus a, um, adj. (of acus, eris] Acefæus,,i'; m. an idle ſeaman, Acharni, * Scythia. foul, mixed with chat. who fill" expected a better moon-bo- Achar, the city Nifibis in Syria. Aceratas, a part who alone remained fore be would fail. Whence the Achara, ræ; f. a town in Lycaonja. in Delphos, when Xerxes befeg'dit. verb, Aceffæi luna. Achardaus, i ; the river Copu in + Acerbe, adv. Luc. sourly. Ăcesta, the city Segeſta in Sicily: Sarmatia, Acerbè, jus." :-Häme; ads, Vir. Aceftes, tæ; m. a Sicilian who ro-Acharis, re; adj. wiibout grace. fourly, sharple; bitterly. lirurd Æneas. Acharitanum, a free town of Arabia, Acerbitas; ātis; fi fourness, foarpneſs, Aceſtides, great iron furnaces. Acharnas, nes m. } a kind of fibi toughneſs, barſomess, pain, vexation, Aceftium, Themiftocles's wife. Acharne, nês ; f. trouble. * Acerbitas animi, vix Aceſtõdõrus, ri; m. the name of an Acharne, nês.; f. town in Greece. ation of minda biforian. Acharnis, a Roman fonator. Acerbiter, ady. jourly, Darply. Aceſtor, oris ; m. another hiflorian, Acharnus, as acharnas. Acharra, ; 3 Acheloides} the mermaids, 1 ACH ACI A CI Acharra, arum ; f.a city of Theffaly. Achilles, er, and -18 ; m. stat..the Acidylus, a kuor, in Vénus's girdla. Achalara, asily of China. fon of Peleus and Thetis : he flew Acienſes, a people of Italy: Actiteon, 'a main fail ; alſo a kind of Hector at the bege of Troy, &c. Acleris, ris ; qu. acies äris] boat: alſo the name of several other mon. brazin axt for facrifice. Achates,, a river in Sicily; also a Achilleus, or ;eius, a, um., adj. Acies; ci !. Liv. lails?ibe para companion of Æneas. Ovid. of or like Achilles. edge or point of any weapon or tool; Achates, s; m. an agate ; alſo a Achillis, idos; an iſle in the Eaxino sea. bence (metaphor cálly Jihe jarprijs ring on the little finger, Achilus, a, um ; adj. wlbous lips or of anything, and quickness of appée- Achatlus, 1 ; m.2 biliop of Paleſtine margin. bmfon; the fight of the eye ; an army in the time of Conftantine. Achimenes. Su Acheomenes. in battle-array; a battalia, or pitch'd Achatus, ti; m. an herb always Achimenia. Sor Achæmenia, field, Acico ſecurium, the pare green ; alfo a kind of bio. Achiměnis or acmcdis, idosj, f. the edge of the hatcbats. * Acles, haftæ, Achedorus, a riurri of Macedonia. herb poley, which, they say, Srikos the point of a ſpiar. *Acies aucto- Achedora, æ; fi moon-herb, used in fear into an army. ritatis, the sharpnafs...or ſeverity of · Loure-potions, alſo for the skin about + Achimilla, a; fax berbcalled Bournment. Acies mentis, quick- the nail Ladies manile, or great fanicle. neſs of mind, Fugere ac'em, to Achelanda, dæ; f. Biſhops.Aukland Achinēlia, they're between the pulfok, vanijh from or eſcape the sight of an in the bifbopriik of Durham.. + Achiolus, i, m. a mad-man. ga * Acies eſt inſtructa duodc. , Achifarmi, e people of Africa. cim cohortium, the army in balra. Achivi, -orum ; pl. the Grecians, lia, or the whole army, when drawn Acholous, a famous city in Greecc. Achlys, dimnefsi out and muffered in the field of bat- Acheloius, a, um ; adj. Ovid. be- Achnat, eldes, son of Bajazetthe second sle, confifted of twelve coborts. . * longing to Achelous; alſo watery. Achnæ, arum; pl. f. 'a city of Thel Quem exitom éft acies habitura Achcluda, dæ; f. a founder. ſaly and Baotia. divinare nemo poteſt, no bod, can Achelus, li; m. a man's name... + Achne, es ; f. chaf, froth, trifles'; posſibly gueſs how the baule will end. Achemenedon, hippophobas, an herb alfo Caros, a Rhodian ife. * Acies in prælia.cogit, he forces like amber, which bring drank in Achola, læ; f., an African city, the battalion to fight. * Acies fer- wine, they say, makes the guilty.com- Achollus, ii; m. a certain biflorian. rea, fieel. * Aciem poſcere, 10 foſs all in the night. Acholia, Jæ ; fi a city of Libya. require battle. Aciem inſtruere, Achēmon, or Achmon, one of the Ce- l Acholus, without choler. 10 fol the battle in array. cropes, wbom with his brother Par Achomæ, 3 a people of Arabia Fe- Acila, æ; f. a city of Arabia Felix. falds, Hercules carried lite ri braca Achomen!, slix. Acilenus, ni; ma valiant foldier of baris upon his club. Achor, : the Cyrenian god of flies; under Beliſarius. Achemum, a city of Sumatra in India. Achorus, alſo a king of Egypt. Acilia, æ; f. Lucan's mother, alſo Acherini, pl. m. a people of Sicily. Achörcs, rum; m. ibe briakings out of a bafor fort of Roman commons. Achorius, i, m. an orator of whom the head. Acilia Auguſta, Azelbourg in Bava- Aaguftus faid, Acherius noſter + Achorltum, a kind of herb. ria. fuffiaminandus eft. Achradina, næ; fe part of Syracuſe. Aciſena, næ; f. part of Aſia. Achěrõis, poplar growing by the river Achradus, untis ; an Athenian tribe. Acilius, the river Acelino in Sicily ; Acheron. Acras; adis ; f. a wild or choak-pear. alſo the name of ſeveral mer, Acheron, ntis ; m. a river in hell. Achreſtia, ; f. unprofitablsneſs. Acilius Butas, to whom, having front. Acherons,ntis; m.thefame asAcheron. Achreſtus, s, um ; adj. vile, uſelafs.. a great sfars, and confulfing his go- Acherontla, ze; f. á city of Apulia ; Achriana, na ; f. a city of Hyrcania. verty, Tiberias Jaid, Serius, o Bu- the city Matera in Magna Græcia. Achriogělos, a great laugbter. ta, experrcctus es ! Acherontini, orum ; pl. ibe inhabit- Achris, a city of Macedonia. Acina, a; f. [ab acco] a grape ants of Achorontia. Achronicus, without colour konal; alfo an Arabian town. Acheronticus, and -jus, a, um, adj. Achros, without colour. Acīnācæ, a people of Bactriana. of Acheron. * Acheronticus lenex, Achyron, shift. Acināces, and -cis; m. á Perlian with one foot in the gravr. Achyrolis, a mixing Braw with dirs. cjoritar, Acherra, a confor. Acia, æ ; f. [ab acus) a needle full Acmāceus, a, om; of grapekernels. # Acherres, a king of Egypt. of thread, Viñum acinaceum, ſmall wink. Acherſunda, an iſland of Norway. Aciiponda, dæ; f. a town of India Acinaċis, a Scythian image of Acheruns, f, as Acheron ; Ulmo. without Ganges. Mars. rum Acheruns, as Ulmitriba. + Aciare of Aciále, a kind of hard iron, + Acibari, to dally or trifle. Archerlis , idos, }an very bichaGray an Egyptian' lake, #Aciārium, ii; n. (ab acus? a nadle. Acinārium, i; n. a.place or veſil for cafe; also the front of a besle.' Diod. Sic. thay carried their corps ; Acibi, bõrum ; pl. m. a people of Acinăticus, a, um ; adj. fart, ſharp. alſo a hole by Heraclea, rhrough Sarmatia Europæa. Acincum. Sam Aquincum, whib Hercules drew Cerberus. Acichorius, i; m. the Gaullſh gene- Acineſia, the wreſi between the pulſos.. Acherūſius, a, um ; ad), of ball. ral againſt Peonia. Acinos, aconos, and acious j wild Acheta, æ; f. a graſopper. Ăcicŭla, a; f. (ab acus) a pin or bafil., Achetini, örum ; pl.-m. a people in Small needle; the file acus į wild Acinālus, a, um ; adj, full of kerriels. habiting near the river Achetus. obarvil, or ſhepherds needle ;; alfothe Acinun, and anus ; (ab acco) a Achetus, ti; m. a river in Sicily. ſmall flinging-nettle. grape kernel ; alſo a grape or raiſin. Achilia, a ſmall river in Ireland. åcicúlārius, a, um; belonging thereto. Acinus, a Bohemian river. Achillaus, Zenobia's futher. Acicúlārius, ii ; mi a pin-maker. Aciolus, a' nobleman of Rome. Achillas, læ; m. a.biſhop of Alex. † Acida, æ;. f. a gall-nut ; alſo for Acipenſer, čris; m. [qu. in aqua andria';, alſo a general of Polemy. rol, four-dock, panſus) afturgeon. Ăchillēa, æ, f. the herb milfoil, jar. Acidalla, a Jurname of Venus, so Aciris, or Acri, e river of Magna row, or nefe-blued. called from a certain Spring, Græcia. Achillēæ, Achillis curſus (Fidonifi] Acidalius, a Beotian fountain. Acis, dis, m. e Sicilian Mepherd a peninſula by the mouth of Bory- Acidalus, a well in Campania, good nain by Polyphemus, for Nighting fthenes ; and other places. for fore 'eyes. his love; alſo a ſwift river there. Achillēæ, arum ; pl. f. naked fialues Acidas or Jardannus, a river in Pe- + Aciſcolus ; m. a maſon's bommer. holding Spears. loponneius. † Aciſcularius, ü; m. a majon. + Achilleas, -ados, or achilleis, a Aciditas, atis ; f. Sharpnes. Aciſculus, the same as Dulatella. kind of barlar, Acido, are ; to make tare. + Acitābulus, the fourth port of the Ăch:llcis, the life of Achilles, begun Acidon, a river of Triphylia. hemina. in a porm by Statius.. Acidoton, tbe bero poturion. Acitani, a people of Spain, who a- Achillēon, or -eum ; n. a town in Acidūlæ; arum ; f. ſpaw-wains, dored the mining image of Mars. Troas, neur Achilles's somb; and Acidūlus, a, um ; adj. fomrwhat ſoarp (Acitavones, a people of the Alps. other places. or tart. Acithius, a river of Sicily. + Achilloum, cï ; n. a fine sort of Acidus, a, um, adj. (ab acco] marp, Aciton, an iſland near Crect. Spunge. biting. + Acitula, læ; f, a kind of bendane, Bbbb a Aclus, 1 grape kernels. 'ton. count barib. A TO AC Ř A CR Aclas Juicis, . place by Carina, upp Acoma or acama, æ; f. the tbifloj Acrls, a locul Sicily called man', bloed. Acris, as acer. Aclalus, wir waiping Acoruc, i; ni [arcoey] she fw, Acriſta, æ; f. wame of judgmime. Aclagt, iba sintsioa garinens. Acorus, f. } cand, or great Acrittone of a city of Pelopon- + sclafis La galega, läxo] a poldier's gilingale. cont. Acolmia, æ ; f. imfufion. Acridona-09, a, um, belonging thereso. Adlerås, difiniprosed. cosmus, a, um ; adj. umtrimmed. Acrifignides, Perfcus, nephew of A- Acle, whbint calling som bidding. *Acqületco, év, érum; to rely or bie crílias son of Abas, king of tb Adiscas, uncalled, wübid. vontented. 'Acquiefcë mibi, rely Argives, and father of Danaë. 1 Aciis, idis thori dart fallmed uportes Acritas, ātis; f. (ab acer] Barpness, tajring Popull it in again. t Acgulēto, Ire sia argüis. viber.cacy, diligime. Acliftena, a city in Letter Armenia. Acquiro, sīvi, sitam (of ad and Acritas, a promontory of Bithynia. Acllulfus, \; m. a governor. shin quæro) to get, obtain. Acqul- Acritès. acriùs, acerrimè; adv: fango Swedes rerë odorem, 10. grow iüfty, Aink ly, ſwiftly, stuellj. Acma Fulgurita, a place in Africa. Acquiçere fudia yulgi, ko gel. Acritúdo, inis ; ' f (ab 'acer] Marg- t acmaftica, tæ; f. a fruer continu? ibe good. will of tbe people. neſs, fiercmes, vrhaching, Acquirendus, a, um, part. fut. in Acrl-vox, ācis ; adj. Srill voiced; Acme, ese sw Hower of age, the dag ab acquiror ; to be obtained. Acriqymas, aj um ; adj; a little higher ribofin bing. Acquisitio, önis; f. e gatting or levvened. Acmc, f. ibs mire! Septimius. Jocking i an'acquiſition. Acroama, atis ; a. a play, a liturg, Acmentæ, f. the nympbiš of Venus, Acquisitus, Us ; m. sbu priufick note, Acroamata, tum; pl. n: laures. zubi ssad an altar in Olympia. SA, s Acroamaticus, adj. belonging thereto. Acmbla or Açmades, the islands Acquisitus, 2, am; part. of acqui- Acroafis, is, f an audience. cillod Scilly or Sorlings. lor'; gotten, arquired: Acroathon, a town in Thrace. Acmon, on s'an anvil, Acra, ;. F. (ab acer) on acre. Acrobāticus, a, um, adj. belonging Acmonia, æ ; f. city of Phrygia. Äcra' Japygia, a town of Magna to climbing Acmonenſes, the people of Acmonia. Græcia Acrócéraunium, a promontory of Epl- Atmonides, the fane as Cyclops. Acraba,, a city of Molopotomia. rus. Açmonium, i, n. a city and wool Acrabathena, a town in Pliny. Acrocheiria, wreflors.. : Sabit Theriodon. Acradina, as Achradina, Acrochordon, onis ; f. a great war! Acmothčta, the fame as Acmothe- Acræ, or Acrez, arum ; pl. f. a city with a ſmall root like a Hring. of Sicily, now callid Palazzolo. Acrocitria, tbs gout in the joints. Acmõihčton, The 'anvil.luk. Acræ, æ; f. a furname of Diana ; Acrocolia anſeris, goofa-giblets, Achua (ab.axarray. decempeda] sb and Jometimes Juno and Venus. Acrocomæ, arúm; pl. m. e prople of "meaſure of 120 feet in length. Acræpala, a; risbe fuma as Thrace, wearing long hair, Acortes a peor man in grid. Acræpalum, li; 8. a 'remedy againk Acrõcdnius, a, um, adj. baving long Actecum, i; n. live honey. drunkennes. hair, or on the top Acords, a, um ; adj. wishiut bed, " Acæphia, & town in Boeotia. Acrocorinthus, thi'; m. a mountain ...mixture g Acrapblus, Apollo worspipped there. in Peloponneſos. Xcolattus; 1; m. an incorrigible Spend. Acrăgas, famous Batuary's also a Acrocorium, 11; ne a kind of ' : AGE A G G - A.G L ægrè concedendi, tranfeundi, et + Ageronia, for Agenorla. Aggregarius, li; m. afbepherd's sur intcrdumo jungicor verbo,plural! ct Agclander, dri ; m. a famous flatu. Aggičgo, arc ;ad. (ab ad & gicx) vcrbo tertæ perfonae, come on, ary of Rhodea. to garbor together. Aggregare a-: well, well; if it muſt be so; go to Ageſias, æ; m, a platonick philofo liqucm in numerum, to take or ad-i • En age, rumpe moras, come on, pber, filenud by Prolemy, for teach mit one into the number, make no delay.' * Age, age, ut ing inc immoriality of the soul, which Aggregor, arę; to gaiher, or to bi ga- lubet, weil, well, as he pleafes, caujid many to kill themſelves. thered fogalbar. *Age, dicat, fino ; Ter. if it maut Agefidāmus, a nobleman of Locris. Aggreffio, onis; f. an a fault, begin- be jo, let him ſpeak, I confent. * Agefilaus, i, m. A ſurname of Plu ning, encounter Agc,l'cemini,come, it's ask the price. 10; a king of Lacedæmon, allo Aggreffor, õris; m, an afauller, bere Neli, Agite el ferè hortandi adv, et . Athenian, who, inſead of Xer ginner. jungitur fecundæ perfonæ plural. xes, flew one of the guard, and Aggreffura, æ ; f. an ofault, bogin- imp. as Agite, 6, icctis, juveacs, sherefore burning bis own band be ning, encounter. fuccedite noftris. fore them, was diſmiſed, Aggrckus, a, um ; part. of aggredi, Agča, ze ; f. the hatches of a ship. Agefipolis, a king of the Lacedæmo or ; baring accojed, &c. Agca, orum ; ni sacrifices for good nians. * Aggrettus,or adgrettus, for aggreffus. furcefs. Agčas [ab age; & fis pro avis) go † Agguilla, æ ; f. an ul, or gris, Agědum, go to, coiria on then. to, go on, a match. #Aggulus, li; n. a corner. Agelaius and agalæus panis, brown Ageflus, a city of Thrace. Agialca, Peloponncfus. oreid. Agetes, or Agetis, Apollo's fon by Agias, in hiſtorian. † Agělarius, il; m. a clown or bus Cyrene. † Aglavia įpro agca via] the void bandman, Aggæus, or Haggæus, the name of a Spaces in a galley betwixi she feats. Agelas, a famous ftatuary ; alſo the prophet, Agidos, now Burgum templi, & cing fixth king of Corinth. Agrarlus, a binder, of Cyprus. Agelaſtus, li ; M. Craffus, who met Aggar-lo, ire ; [of ad and garrlo] Agila, å king of Spain. ver laughed' but on t, when he faw to babble much. an af mumbling tb'Ales, which + Aggělo, are; ncut. to frumos much, eat Agilaus, i, m.. the third king of Co- rinth. made him føy, Siniles habent labra Aggemo, čre'; to gradn. Agileus, one of the Ephori. lactucae, like lips, like losires. Aggens, for angens, Agilis, le adj. (ab ago) nimble, Agelia, an epithet of Minerva. AGGER, oris ; m. Just. [ab ad & diligent, Sprightly. • Agilis induf- Agellalus, li ; m. 'a very little field. gero] a bulwark, caufis, dom; tria hominis, the men's nimbleneſs Agellus, li ; m. [of ager) á little algo a name of Nilus. and activity in buſineſs. field. Aggeratim, adv. m beaps. Agilitas, ātis; f. saivity, diximity. Agēma, at's ; n. a Squadron, band, Aggero, are ; act. to beap or caff up, Agilitèr, agiliùs, agillimè; ado. logien. aggravate. * Aggerare arbores on nimbly, readily, + Agenda, æ; f. and Agenda, 0 circa arborcs, . heap carib about AGINA, æ; f. the bola wherein the rum ; n. she liturgs, or ſervice-book. the roots of trees, * Aggerare (pa tong ur of a ballancı furnelh. Agcndicum, Provence in France. tium, to raiſe a terraſs. Aginafticus, i, m. she majst of the Agennam, Aginnon, Aginum, noz Aggčoro, fli, ftum, rére ; act. Cof players. Agen, a city of Aqnitain, ad and gero) ro Lay together. Ag-1+ Aginator, õr's ; a sedlar or higgler. Agenor, ārio ; m. å king of Pheni gererc oſculum, 10 kiſs bard. + Agino, arc;ncul. lo peddle, to bug- cia, son of Belus ;. Alſo the son of Flores aggerrere pedibus (of bees] gle, wage war, bafien. Antenor. 10 lead themſelves with wax. + Aginor, the ſame as agino. Agenoria, æ ; f. the goddeſs of dili. Aggeftim, adv, by heaps. Agiõgrapha, as hagiographa. gencs ; called also Agerona, Sire. Aggeftum, tl; n. a beap, or noft. + Ag pedes, as pedarii, q. v. nua, and Stimula. Aggeftus, a, um ; part. of aggregor; Agis, is ; making of Lacedemonia, Āgens, nuis; a feward. * Agenten Curried unto. who was pain for attempting to re- in rebus, pr.n: 61 commiſioners, mos- Aggeftus, ùs; m. a beap, terraſs, vira somi laws of Lycurgus; alſo ſengers. grave. other men. AGER, ri; m. Liv. (npòs) a feld, Aggi, or Haggl, the ſon of Gad, Gen. 1 Agifto, are ; to agiſ. land, or ground; a mannor, farm, xlvi. Agifymba, a large kingdom of Alica, er lordſhip with the demeans ;. the + Aggiga:don, a kind of grape with. now Zanguebar. country, or country places by whitevar su karnels, Agitabilis, Ic; adj. 3. art. mourable. name's difinguished or called; she + Aggilla, æ ; f. an al, or grig. Agitatio, önis ; f. cic. a motion, diſ- kand lying about a city or town; a Agglomčio, arc; act. (of ad and courfing, working. * Agitatio fu. county or fire. Agrum hunc glomero) 1 croud togetbor, wind diorum, the following one's Budy. mercatus fom, I bought this field. yarn in totfon:s. + Agitatio teria, she tilling of the ► licr per agros facers, to travel Agglūtināmentum, ti; n, a medicine ground. over the country. Ager Roma to bind and conſolidate. Agitātor, oris; m. Cir. ' a driver, a nus, the land about Rome. *Ager Agglutinātio, önis; f. a binding 8o coachman. Campanus, the country of Campa gdher Agitātrix, icis ; f. a she-driver, nia. *Ager Dunelmenfis, she coun. Agglutino, are ; a&t. [of ad and Agitātus, a, um, part. of agitor ; ty of Durham. (N B. In hâc no glutino) to glow together, aſociate, ifid, baken, difuſod, canvalled. * tione plur. ne dixcris, duntaxat faſim. Lac agitatum, buster-milk. * Agi- dum loqueris de fingularium urbi- Aggrammes, an Indian king, the for tatus cancer, worſo for handling. um territoriis ; quia ager com- of a barber, Aglcatus, üs ; a. a Mirring, tiling. ple&itur omnia : ut nemora, fal- Aggravans, Atis ; part. raging. Agite (ab ago) do ye, go to. cus, paſcua, ſylvas, montes, lacus, Aggravatus, a, um, part. of aggra. Agito, are act. (ab ago) to foss, &c.] * Ager cainpeftris, an open vor, gegraveled, increaſed. Thake, drive, trouble, vex, prallifog campaign country. *Ager frumen- Aggraveſco, čre ; to grow more dan diſpute, think, keep. * Ag carc fero- tarius, a corn.field. * Ager ſub. gerous, heavy. citer, io bear it huug brily. Agitare urbanus, the country that lieth near- Aggravo, arc ; [of ad and gravo) to quæftioncm, to debate. • Agitare of the city * Dotales agri, lands Trake beuvy or grirvous, load, choos, 1. dance. * Agitare in givm in dovory: • Ager novalis, Aggrēdiendus, a, um ; part. in dus ſylvis, to live in woods. * Agitare ground now broken up. Reſtibi of aggredior ; to be attempted. fccum, 10 mkle upon a thing with lis, in tilth every year. • Effuetus, Aggredio, the fame els himſelf. Agitare latrocina, to baving the heart worn out. Aggre-dior, děris, di; dep. (of ad pradije robbery: * Agitari furiis, AgerMaridunenfis, Carmarthenſhire. and gradior) to accof, lauli, uno į Bibe hurried with furies. Ageratum, the herb everlafing, maud dertake, baguile, bogin. Ad leg ós! Agla, ze; f. clown in Spain. lin, tanfy. fingulas aggredi, izo begin to speak | Aglaia, æ; f. one of the Graces. f Ageratus, a kind of Aone uſed by the of iach law. Aggredi dicere or Aglais, a Very glustonous woman, curriers. ad dicendum, to begin a ſpeech. dauphter of Megacles † Agercūlus, li; m. a little field. Aggrēgāmen, inis ; n. & fociety, or Aglaodis, 2 whiid sooll, a dog's † Agerdula, a little field-freg. company. Agl odos, name, Dddd Aglao- I am dealt well wishol. * Agere Agorācritus, ti; m. a famous Batua. A GN A GO A GR Aglaonice, es ; f. the doughter of Agnomino, are; act. to allude to one's facrifices; proverbially, fui has con- Hege:1:on, skilled in aliraligy. name, or miſnemo. ju!t long, and do nothing i alſo a Agaõpe, ês : f, one of the Syrms. Agnomon, a borfe whose, mark is our people of Inſub.ia. Aglaopes, Ælculapius among the La of his mouth: Agonia, &; f. an agony, borror, bar- cedanion:ans. Agnon, a name of. Soveral.men ;. alſo rennis; also a temple and jacri. Aglaophon, a famous painter. a kind of berb. fire. Aglaopholis, idis ; f. an hurb uſed Agnonia, 'a town of Thrace near Agūnia, õrum ; n. comoats of maſiery, by magicians; by some the fumi as Amphipolis, and feftivals. pæonia. + Agrophāglia, n feeder or lamb's-flah. Agonia, an Infubrian river, called + Aglafpis, idis, mi a legion of fol-Agños, setlow tree called park-leaves le Gogna. diers, properly they who Jacid the Agnoſcendus, a, um, part. fut. in Agonicela, a; n., he that overcomes siela-mm. das of agnofcor; to be acknown.dgad. at combats. Aglauros, doughter of Erectheus king Agnof-co, cčię ;'act. of ad and (Agõniſma atis ; n. the grand requard of Athens, turned into a Bone by noſco) to achnowledge or own, know for vidory. Mercury. by going token "Agnoſcere æs alie- Agõnifta, a; m, a champion. Aglaus Pfophidias, a dery poor Ar num, Agnoſcere noinina, Agnoſcere Agoniſticus, a, um, adj. warlike, cadian, judged by Apollo more hapsy debitum, to take upon him another victorious, shun Gyves, becauſe he never went han's deus. * Agnoſcere cx fe, 10 + Agonium, fi ; n. the day on which out of his own ground. conjecture from himſelf. the king facrifi.ed. Aglei pancs, houble loaves. Agnotas, as Agnitas, 9. v.: Agonius, a Roman god, who had the +Aglidia, orum; n. cloves of garlick. Agous, i ; mi à föno) « lamb. rule or buſineic and exer:ifes. + Aglis, an head of garlık. Agni expertes herbæ, lizmos thai t Ăgonizeta, as agoniceta. Aguces, unpleasant, four, TUGUET 6.if grajs. * Agnos admittere ågonizo, are ; 710 play the chim- Aglyphus, not carved ad maires, si Int thim fuck. Agon zor, ari; 'spion. AGMEN, inis ; n. Liv. (abago) a Agnus caftus, as vitex, q. v. Ayonot heta, æ ; m. she molier of the Iroon, company, flork, violenic. flork, violence. fago, egi, actum, agere ; ad [aya] reveli, judge of the majeries. Quadrato aginine ire, to march in To do, make, drive, plead, 281, Agora, æ ; f. the judgmens-hull, a battle array. • Perpetuum agmen, Sprand, deal, provoke, live, take. folk-mose; and the price of 15.2 a continued train. Cogere ag trrol, givi. * Benc mecum agitur, which is fild. men, to bring up the recim. Agminalis, le, adj. belon:ing to an animain, to die. *Agere vitam, to wry, leholar/to' Pnidias. amny. - * Equus agminalis, 4 war. live. * Agerc privatud, 10 live Agórzus, a chapman. horſe. private. * Agere putco, 10 link Apõranonus, i, m. she clerk of the Agminārim, adv. by bands. · piles. Agcrc fugam,' 10 Ny. * market. Agna, z"; f. an: ewe-larab ; alſo 120 Nihil ag:s, you hd as good fry na Agore, -æa, a naine of Minerva. foos Square of land ; an car of com; thing, you are uninls employed. Agóræus, i; m. a name of Jupiter a river of Mauritania. Agcre ferungun annum, to be in and Mercury. Agnaf-cor, cēris, ci ; dep. (of ad, the ferend year of one's age. *Agere + Agra, a heri biting ſerpent ; alſo a and naſcos] so grow ro': he skin or nugas, 10 trifie. Hoc agç, mind place in Bæolia, where Diana uſed body, to be born after one's fasher's your buſineſs, magere reuin, 10 ac to hunt ; and jazerul other places. will is made. cuſe. Agi ur res t 2, this tourhes Agradaius, a nume of Cyrus. Agnālio, ons ; f. kindred by the fa. Four ropyhuid. * P.aclarè inecuin Agræa, a name of Diana. cher's lide ; alf the growing of a agitur, I am. well de.ilt with. Agiagas, or Acragas, a hill and river thing beſide ibe zuurli of naturr. Actum eſt de me, I am utterly un in Sicily. Hence Agragantinus. Agnālus, u;. m. a linjman by the done. *Atum og re, 20 write an Agranımătus, a, uin; unlearned. father's ſide. . Ad agnatos & gen. Iliad after Homcr. Id non agi- Agrani, a down in Babylon. tilcs dcduccrc, to put one into Bed mus, that is and our bulinels. Agrāphus, a, um ; ad), unwrillen. lam. Agitus gloria populi Romani, shel Agraria lex, a law for the equal di- Agnārus, a, um ; horn nigh. Ag controverſy is 'while the Romans glo viding of lands. ., * Agiarii, fa- natum galli lelum,a cock's ſpur. rj. * Rad:com agere, to take rost. VOUTETs of that law. Agncdi, Edinburgh in Scotland. * Agere triumphum de aliquo, 10 + Agratiæ, arum; fore-fences, out. Agnellus, li; (of agnus) a little lamb. triumph over me. * Agere cuni gurriſons. Agnicornu, a promontory near the culos, to undermine. * Agere it:: Agrarium, a land-lar. mouth of Nilus tion:m, io w.tch in war. Agere Agrarius, a, um, adj. agrarian, of Agnices, or Agnic's, a river falling ſpumas ore, to foam ut the mouth. fields. quito Tigris. * Agere priiras partes, to be ihe Agrārius, ii ; m. mne that has land + Agnigloffa, as arnog!ofia: ligned him by the publick. Agnile, is; n, a phase whora lambs Agrce, a city of Æthiopia. Agraules, the daughter of Cecrops, wsc ke;t. Ago èpa!us, as ag cephalus. ant' a farname of Minerva. + Agninalingua, as arnogloffa. Agõga, a; f. the drain in gold mines Agraule, an Ashcrian frite. Agninus, a, yo ; adj. Lof agnus) of through which the water runs, Agre, Hunter ; u dog's name ; alſo a a lamb. wh the gold into grains. tetus of Lydia. Agnita, or as, a name of Æſculapius Agogæ, aruin ; f.. disches to convey + Agreduze, a kind of frogs. among the Spartans 10:101. † Aprcffor, oris m. an afuulier, Agnició, õnis ; f Liv, an acknow-+ Ago'um, i; n. ledging, or refogniz:nie. beginner. Azolu8, i;m. a † Agreita, æ; f. the juice of unripe Agnitus, a, um, part. of agnofcori Agon, õnis ; m. a jufing, wrelling; gr:f!!, Veijoje, knoum again, svowed, u place of exercija; alſo a river oj] + Agriſtas, át's ; f, cloruniſhmes. Agno, c7 Hagno, one of the nymph: JE!hiopia AGRESTIS, tez adj. (ab ager) who nurſed Jupiter ; alſo a foun. Ăzonāles, ludi, pings in iluted by Au rude, idownishwild, lavage. tain in Arcutia. gultus, afier the victory over An Negligentia agroſtis & inhumana, Agnodice, who, in mon's aparel, p:*o thony, a be:flly lovenly careleſneſs. fered physcr. and losak the effi e of agonalia, ium ; n. yearly felft's in 7 Ayreitis lichenc, as impetigo. midwifry from meni honour of Janus. Agria, a frouhiajone frab breaking out Agnoitacocin Eutychian here:i:ks, + Ăgönare, : exirali. at jet times"; alfo as aquifol a. zoha shughu Cwift ignorant of the Agon x acis ; m, he read ma. | Agriæ, a seiple of Pæonia, between 1 day. gik ro Zoroaller Amus' and Rhodope. Ayninen, ins; 1. (of ad and no t Agānea, õrn. Suorifices offered for Ag lam pe!us, a wilä vine, mcol a firname, or fille arguires. 8098 fuerefs in nejs, Agrias, as fruth: cimclus. Agnomentuin, 'i n. ce for ruime ; alja Agnuchus, fe ; adj. bslenging so the Agrbrox, it! organun, 4. v. abye or nick 11:me. agonalia. Agricantha, a kind of inorn. Agnominalio, onis ; f an all2,579 80 Agonenfis porti, as Quirinalis, now Agri:ola, æ ; C. (ab ager & coio) the name of any rhing i likeniſs rif Porta Salari. a husbandmin; ajo fire er in-law name of words; a rick name. Agūšies, they shut kilind ibe Roman 10 Tacitus, who wrole bis life. chef porjon. Agrico 1 n.do. Wonen, 1 Alabys ; } a river in Sicily A GY ALA A LA Agricolanus, i; m, a husbandman. Agyrium, a city of Sicily. for fording of cattle; hente Agrico'ário, onis, f. village, ágyrini and Agyrentes, ibe inbabile, Alabarches malier of impoſing the ants of Agyrium. oris ; m. a husband. tribula luba, Agricultor, } Agyrta, a; m, 4 mountabank, bullad. Alaba, a city of Spain, now Alava. Agricultura, e; f. [qu. agricultu fingar, &c. Alabagiuni, a promontory of Carna- tal husbandry, village, Agyrtes, a trumpeter ; alſo one that nia. Agrie-æa, æ; f. the wild olive. killed his fasher. A'abal, a rown of Arabia Felix. Agrigentilm, the town Gergento, on Alžbanda, e city of Coria. the hill Agragas. Hency Agrigen- A Antr H. Alábandicus, a, um, adj. barbae. tinus, a, um. reus, fortiſh. * Alabandica rola, Agrifolium, ji; n. the holly-trar. A H. abbreviat. for allus homo. .A dama:k rok. Agrii, the Titanes. Ah, (ä vel at ni) interj. glas, ah, Alabandin.2, a red flone mixt with + Agrimenſor, a ſurveyor. well-a-day, fie, lush, sb.ah, ob ob. blue, provoking bluding, Agrimonia, æ; f. liver-wurt. A + Aha, tuſ, no. Alabandus, di, m. a god warshipped grimonia ſylveſtris, wild tanzı, Aharna, a town in Hetruria. by the Alabandenfcs. . Ahaſuerus, Darius, - made king of Alabaſter, r1 ; A. and alabaſtrun, Agricanabus, wild hema, Perfia by the neighing of his borle. tri, ni alahaſier; a ſurgeon's oint- Agriocardamum, the barb iberis and Ahazias, ihe eighih king of Iſrael. mot-bax; ansiinony.' lepidium. + Ahčbcto, are; to make dusk.fr Alabastrilcs, *; m. the alabalar- + Agriocaſtanum, wild che nul, or dull. fone, Pignut * Ahčnobarbus, as znobarbus. Alabaſtrus, a river of Traas ; alſo as Agriocināra, a; ladies th:Ale. Xheneus, and abenus, a, um ;, adj. alabaſtrim a rofo-bud, or the Azriodos, one of Actcon's dogs. hrazen. green leaves that civer it. Agrion nardum, the herb valerian. + Xhonotympănum, ni; n. a kettle Alabaſtra, a city of Phryg:a. Azriynia, orum ; n. Baotian bacchau druun. Älábaſtrum.. as: 'alabarter; allo a ähenülum, li; n. a little ketile. mountain of Egypt. Agriope, és ; f. 'the name of Several Xhonum, ni; n. [qu. acaum, ab æs) Alabes, ĕris; Jlingery fifb of Nilus. a cauldron, brufs pot, a dyer's vali Alabia, harmleſſneſs.. Agriophagi, Ethiopians living on lions alſo purple, Alabralio, onis; f. « reiling. ani panibers Ahertæ, two certain veins about the Alabratus, a, um, part. ruled. Agriophylium, low-thifile. belly, Alabro, are ; a&. ro rasl yarn. Agrios, wild. + Alori, such as die an untimely Ă'abrum, ii n. (ab a'is] a ſpiridle Agrioſelinum, the barb alexander, deuth. to wind yarn on. Agripalma, æ ; f. the drid-nettle, t Ahorta, as aorta, q. v. Alabruga, a city of Spain. or archangel. Ahu! an interjection of sorrow, elas! Alaburium, a cily of Syria. Agripēta (ah ager & poto] a leveller, . + Agripomium, burvejl. A ante I. Agrippa, æ m. (ab ægro parta) # Alcatia, engines or charists to tuin ons born with his feet foremost; allo A. J. abbreviat. for à Judice. any way. the name of jundry min. Ai vel nega, say ay of no, Alăcera.cris, cre; adj. (que paid pos, Agrippenics, a people of B.thynia. Ajax, acis; m. a Grecian, who kill. vel ab ala) chaarfúl, jolund, wilty, Agrippina, norber to Nero; and the ed himself becaufe Achilles's armour promot. Alacer anino, jompido naint of cther women. Agrippina was adjudged from him to Ulyffes ; * Animus alarer ad bell a fuſcipi- corona, Cologne in Görmany. alio a nume of other men; one of enda, nouer dødining a war. + Agrippan, a wild olive. Aatiochus's elephants. A'achroz, a people of Africa. Agrita, a town in Carmania. Aidoncus, a name of Pluto; alſo a Ala Flaviana, Caftra Flavia and + Agrins, a ſweet Egyptizo harb, king of the Molofti, who impriſoned Flavianum, ibe city of Vienna in good for men and berrjes. Theícus for attempting to fiel his Gerorany. Agryfius, the fourteenth king of the daughter Perfephonc. Alacrc, adv, merrily, radily, Argives. Aicns, affirming Alacris, crei as alacer, 4., V Agriu , ii; n. the barb zalerian;, Aigleuces, a kind of ſweet wine, Alăcritas, ātis; f. (aspóarns). ala. alſo a kind of lul-nitra. seeming always new and freſh.. crily, jocundneſs. * Canum alaisia Aprins, wild. Agria moloche, a Ain' for alſnc, Sayoff thou so? tas in venando, the dogs caj diti- kind of wild mallows, Aio, ais, ait. 2junt; (ab kív, audio gence in hunting Agrius,' the son of Parthaon, son of vel fpiro) I affirni, avouch, sonund. Alcritèr, adv. tierrily, readily. Mars; alſo the son of Ulyffcs by * Ain' tandca, ſay you so? Alacrimònia, æ, f. jay after furrow. Circe. Airas, a wild pear-trum, Alagonią, a free city of Laconia. † Agrio, are; to travel. Alftulphos, a tyrant among the Lon. Alahax, planet of his own nature, Agratas, a writer of the Scythian gobardi.. + alăla, luxily, ſpaciouſness, a con- hilory. + Ajúga, for abiga, ground pine. sured noiſe. Agron, a king of Illyriun, a famous į Alulljus, a naughly follow in Cicero. + Alălacinus, boutings of armie. phyfieian of Athens, and other men. Alus, otherwiſe Locutius, a god of t Ala!alz, foutings. Agrophylax, un hayward. shi Romans, who, by a loud usisk, Alanced, one of the twelve houſes itt Agrolpi, a town of Æthiop'a, on the af midnight, gars them. nories of afrology. banks of N:lus. the Gauis approacb; also as bla- Alanarlica, the city of Aichſtadt in Agroſtis, lich-wort, deg's-footh, or tero, Germany. Braſs. + Ajutamini. for adjumini. Alanorci, e Alavorci, Northern peo-. Agrolus, i, m. the Palatine mount in i Aizoides miliaris, freſb-water fol. ple. Rome. dier, or water ſea-grim. Ala nova, Erbenſdorf in Auftila. + Agrofus, a, um ; adj. [ab ager] Aizoon, Jengreen, bowlock. Alæ Flaviz, ws Ara Flavia, 4. Y. full of land. Alaſa, a city of Sicily. Agrotcra, æ; f. a firname of Diana. A ante L. Alala, as Enyo, the goddefs of wari. + Agryphia, watchfulneſs. Aalæi, many small iſlands in the bag Agabeni, 2 people of Arabia Deſcrta. AL, abbreviat. for alluit. of Arabla. t Agula, a buſy-body. A. L. for ad locum, or alia lex. Alalcomcna, a nity of Ithaca. † Agumcntum, tl; n., (ab ago) a Al, the arabick arside, engliſed by the. Alalcomenium, a city of Baotia. piece of the farrifice added to the liver. Ala, æ; f. [eb axilla, vel ab aneng Alalia, a city of Corsica. + Aguncula, æ ;'f a little im ge. effigium, vel ab Heb: gnalab, al. Alalis, a city of Palmyrcac, by Eu- Ajuntum, the town Inneken in Sicily. cenderc, vel d, fortitudo, &c.]. phrates. Agyleus, or rather Agycus, a name wing, arm.pit, Teil, muftachos, Alamancs. an Athenian flatuary, ſbor of Apolo 11 Athens, Alis ſubnixis, with his wrms akem lar to Phidias, Agylla, a city in Tuſcany. bow. * Ala non niſi una nititur, Alamanul, pocple of Germany. A, ylleus, i; ma büge wreſlor es he is half undone. Alamali, a city of Palmyrruc. big as Hercules. Alaba, ink, writing ; alſo tribute paid Alamus, a town of Albania. Dddd 2 Alana, 1 + ALB A L B A L B very much. bix for Alana, a city of Æthiopia. Alba Arguta, a town in Francc. Albicor, arl; to grow white. Alani, a people of Sarmatia. Alba Helviorum or Heluorum, the Albidlus, & prodigal who, having Alanıtlous ainus, a bay in the Red City Alby in France. sont all, bad bis houſe burnt fra, Alba Julia, the city Weiffenburg in whereupon Cato jejied, That which Alaonlus fluvius, Avon' in Wilt Tranſylvania. he could not cat be burnt. Thire. Alba Longa, a city in Italy, built by + Albido, are ; to whiten. Alaale; a city of Arcadia. Afcanius, Albidus, a, um ; adj. [ab albus] + Alānus, 4 nouriſher.; alfo a river Alba Pompeia, a city of Liguria, whitiſh, of Scythia, a mountain of Sarma- Alba-Regalis, the city of Sculwciffen- Albiga, she city Alba in France. tla, and a general of the Goths. burg in Hungary. Albigerjus, a Carthaginian mugision, Äläpa, &; f. lab ala & à fono, &c.) Alba Virgacuenfis, the town Arlona Albil, a people of France ; alſo the a box on the car. * Eft tamcn fub. in Spain. Alps. alapa, be is not quite at liberty yel. Albadaran, a little barre in the great Albingaụnum, a city of Eigurla, now + Alapathus, the herb forrel; alſo 1h, wobarrof the naturaliſis Tpeak Albenga one of the Roman legions. Albini, orum ; m. pargetters. + Alăpător, 8716 obat frives wird open + Albze, arum ; pearls. Albiniana Caftra, a Dutch town called band. + Albalech, bilag. Alphen. Alapēni, a reople of Arabia Felix, Albana, a mart town of Albanla, and Albinovánus Pedo, a part contempo- # Alapiſcoſus, bald. city of Arabia Felix. rary with Ovid. † Alapizo, are ; 80 forike witb open + Albana nuces, nuls white with Alb novanus Celſus, Nero's companion Alapo } band. long kuping. and ſecretary Alapontis, a cily of France. Albania, a part of Afa, borom the Albintemeljum, now Vintimiglia, a * Alapus, one whom you may Caſpian fra and Iberia ; alfo Scot city of Liguria a farthing land. Albinum, licht-weed. + Alarica, 2; a Spear made like a Albāns, people of Alba in Italy. Lucius Albinus, a Roman, who took wing. Albanopolis, a city of Macedonia. down bis own wife and bildren. 10 Alaricos, a king of the Goths, who Albanum, the rown Albano in Italy: carry the Vytals from the Gauls at facked Rome, An. Dom. 419. Albanus, a mountain and lake' in Rome. Alaris, IC; ? Lab ala) of a wing haly i alſo a mountain in Pannd- A. P. Albinus. a conſul with Lucul- Alarius, a, um ; for army. nia. lus, An, U 6CZ, Alarodi, a people or Pontus. S. Albanus, St. Alban, a martyr of Albinus, i, m.'n emperor of Rome ; Alas, a part of Attica. Verulam in England. the noms of divers ciber Romans, Alali, a town in Africa. Albanus pileus, i jugar-loafzor a hallt Albinus, á. Im ; adj. white. Alaſtigi, or. Ailastigi, 4 people of like one. Aib on, or Alvion, un ancimi name Spain. + Albara, a city of Syria.' of Britain. Alaſtor, oris; m. having romarſe of Albaras, she white leproſy. Al-Albion and Brigion, two giants, sons conſcience ; al;o one of Plutor korles; baras nigra, a common leproſy. of Ncplune, Nain by Hercules: and foveral men. + Albardcola, æ; f. & cruel-bern, Albis, the river Erbe in Germany, Alaſtoreş, evil ſpirits. dwarf.bern. Albiftrum, a town of Calabria, now + Alata, æ; f. laxity, revermee ; Albarii, orum ; m. white-wasliers. callad Uranarlo. alſo a city in Arábla. Albārium, il; n. white mortar. of Albito, are; 10 grow while. Alata Castra, Edinburgh in Scol- Albarius, a, um ; ad). of white mor- Albiiudo, inis; f whiteneſs land... tar, * Opus albarium, pargeti. Albius, i; m, a rich man in Horace ; # Alaturnos, i; f. a kind of fruilofs ing. a firname of Tibullus ; alſo the Albatenius, one that tranſated Galen mountain Byrranerwaldt, of the Alatium, a town in Hierapolis. into Arabisk Japodes. Alatrium, a town of the Hernici. Albātus, a, um ; adj. whited, cloaih + Albo, are ; to while, Alatrinates, the people of Alatrium ed in white. Albocella, a city of the Vaccæi. A!ātus, a, um, adj. (ab ala) winged. It Albaveræ, while jowels fer in round | Albocenſes, a priple of Dacia. Mola alata, a wind-mill. boltas. Albõgalerus, i; m. the hat which Alatus, i, m. mno wboſi foouldor-t Albeditas, atis ; f.? [ab albus ] Jupiter's hig baprion did wear. blades Aand aut. Albedo, inis ; f. whilmiſs. Albonos, a king of ihe Longobardi, Alauda (Gall. aloue:rel a lark; elfo Albegmina, for ablegmina, q. v. Albonenſes, a paspleo Illyricum. a Roman legion ; elle as Albei, for alvei. Albonus, o king of Hungary, + Alaud!s, a kind of fill. Albenlium Civitas, now Ylvaro, in A!bor, oris ; m. whiteneſs, the white + Alaudiun, as allodiam, q. v. the province of Vienna. of an egg Alaudula, æ; f. a ſmall file. Alb-co, ērc; ncut. to be white, + Alborin, the lurpentine-trer. Alauna, 2 the town Allaway in Scot-It Albeolus, a pair of tables. Albucilla, æ; fi a femalefs woo Alaunc,) land. † Albergariæ, annm ; f. 14xes for laxes man. Alauni, a people of Norway, caring mear. aven. Alaunicus Pontus, Mdford-haren. † Albucum, ci; n. a kind of white A'bericus; or. Aubræus, Aubrey, daffodil. Alaunion, a city of France. Albertus, Albert, a duke of Auftria. + Albuelis, a kind of white grapes. A'zunius, the river Avon in Wilt- Albertus Magnus, a famous phyſician, Albūgincus, a, um, adj. like the Siire. barn at Padua. Aladnoduaum, Maidenhead in Berk-Albeſco, čre; act. (ab albeo] to Albugo, inis ; f. (ab albus) the white thire. grow white. Alaunus, the river Ainç in Northum. + Albefcens, ntis; part. hiany. of an 28, or spack in the eye. † Albula, æ ; f. a kind of white wa- berlard. Albefio, a large kind of lurget, ufed ter, geod ro heal wounds; a end of Alavona, a town in Spain. by the Albenſes, a prople of Lom fiſe the river Tiber. Alauſa, a kind of fib; ihe fame as bardy. Albulæ, she same as albula. clupea. Albeus, i, m. a pair of tables. See Albülas, a, um ; ad} whitiſh, Alazon, a prople near Scythia ; alſo alveolus. Album, i, n. a white lille ori roll a river parling Albania from Ibe- Albiana, 2; a town in Coraca. alfo the pretor's table of dectus. ria. Albiatum, and Ablatum, now Albla Miltere in album judicium, 16 Alazonis, æ; f. arrogancy. graſſo, a large town of Inſubria, make one judge ; alſo a promontory + Alba, an albe, the wbite garraienky t Albica, a kind of fiſb. of Africa, another of Phoenicia. worn by the prieſt at mass, a suo tAlbicaſco, čre; neut. to wax while. Album Monafterium, Whitchurch in plile i alſo a kind of precious fone. Albicera, a kind of olive-srer. Shropſhire. Alba Dea, as Albuna, 9 y. Albicerata ficus, & broad fig witb a Albumazár, a famous Arabian philo- Alba Sylvius, thi bih king of the La ſmall falk. fopber, phyſician, and qirologer. tins. Alboci, a people of Aquitanja. Albumen, inis ; n. the white of an Alba, a river in Spain, a city of the Albicies, ci ; f. whilene's. ers, or she lock in the eje. Mern in. Italy; alio a city of Ger- Albico, are ; neut. (ab albus] to Albuna, æ ;. f. the tenth Sybil, wor- miny, and of Creie. 293% white, Bipped nour Titer ; und a foun. frea. • white of an 688 tuin . Alcubrith , or }brimpose AL C A LC A L E ta'l and wood of that nome upon Alces, a river of Bithynia. in the soape of her husband, begar the hills near adjoining. Alccíte, the wife of Admctus, who Hercules. Albūreus, a, um, adj. of Albuna. Aicetis, I willinglý died for his ror + Alcobel, the mutual receiving + A'bura, a kind of fib; alſo a covery planets out of one another's houſes, whited table. Alcctas, a king of the Moloffi ; alſo + Alcocakum, l1; n. on artichoak. Alburnum, i; n. the wobiti jap ran . another of .. Macedonda ; and other + Alcocoden, the fignifier of life, or king out of irres. lord of years in a nativity. + Alburnus, a, um ; ad), white. Alcetes, the son of Arymbas, a pure + Alcohol, she Spirit of wine. Alburnus, i, m. bleek; alſo a viſh king of the Epirots. † Alcõla, pufules in the roof of in mouib. mountain of Lacania, and the god Alchidas, a Rhodian, wb. was ena- of it. moured with the batus of Cupid. Alcomène, a city of Ithaca. ALBUS, a, um ; ad), Cic. [capo) Alchimilla, a; f. lady's manile, art Alcon, an excellent arcber of Crete; white, boary, lucky, # Album great fanice. and others. plumbam, tin. Albo reti, close- Alchlons, a mountain of Macedo- Alcona Pompciana, a port of France. nia. ly. craftily. *Albi calcoli, white Alcora, örum ; n. the breaking out of the head. ftones, by which the Grecks dated Alchippe, a town swallowed up by the lakc Fucinus. good days. * Alba ſpina, white or + Alcorad, the contrariety of the light lady's rhifle; white artichoak. + Alchymia, æ; f. alchymy, the art of she planets. Albus (pinus, the while thorn. of tranſmuting matals. + Alcoranus, ' ; m. (Arab.) the A- Album marc, calm fa... * Albus Alchymiſta, a im. a chymiſt, coran, or Tarkiſh dible. an ater fit neſcio, I know him not, Alcibiacum, Al&a, a city of Sicily. } 2. vipers buglofs. though I meat him in my diſl. * Alcibiadon, Liber jo albis, a blank paper-book. Alcibiades, is; ma nobleman of Alchur, . # Dominica in albis, Woit-Sun. Athens, reclaimed by Socratcs. Alcuinus, i; m. a righe learned EQ- day. Alcida, a buge monſter sain by Pal guth monk, School.moller to Charles De Alba Maria, Albemarle. las. the Grcalwhom he perfunded n. De Alba Launda, Blanche-land. Alcidæ, certain Lacedæmonian gods. found the univerfity of Paris. De Albo Monaſterio, Whitchurch. Alcidamas, « famous wrellor, who Alcyon. Su alcedo. Albus Pagus, a place betwen Berylus writ of mufick, Alcyone, or Alcione, es ; f. one of and Sidon, where Anthony Jaid Alcidamus, an ancient rhetorician, the Plojades; do the wife of Ceyx, for Cleopatra. who wrote of the praiſo of death, who, being drowned by hipwreck, + Albutium, the berb. afphodelus. Alcidas. Su Alchidas. was surned into a bird of that name; Albutius, ii ; w. a fordid fellow, that Alcides. Minerva omong the Mace alſo the daughter of Evenus, ra- brat his ſervants before band, left donians ; aljo e jurname of Her viſhed by Apollo allo a num in he Bould not have loifære (he Said) cules. Theffaly, where king Phlip lof ons after the fault committed. Aicimachus, chl; m. a noble painter. of his eges. Albutius silus, a Novatian rater, Alciměde, wife of Ælon, and mo- | Alcyoncus, ei ; m. the fon of Anti- who farved himſelf:- ther of Jafon. gonus ; alfo a giani sain by Her- T. Albucius, an old fatyriſ, wbo Alcimenes, be name of fruiral mon, cules. frequently mingled Greek words Alcimeonis, a city of Germany, Alcyonlum, a dap Laks wbich Nere with his Latin. Alcimus, a Lydian king, and others. . could not found. Alcacang!, 1 night-made, er win. Alcimus Avitus, an aribbijbop of Vi + Alcyonium, the form of the sea, + Alçaquengi, ter-cberry. hard and dry like Jali. Alcæus, a lyrick port. Alcinan, or -12, a Lydlan podi, bat Alde, hell, from ades Alcaïcum caracn, 4 verſe of two firft wrote anorakss verfesa Aldegefins, ſon of Dcfiderius, king of destyle and two Brochers. Alcinctum, i, n. a grour of olders, the Longobardi. Alcairum, a city of Egypt. Alcinous, i ; m. a king of the Phæa. Aldcſcus, a river of Sarmat'a, falling † Alcalds, the herb kili or fale-wort. ces, who bad fair orchards, and into the froscer fra, * Sal alcali, ibe fream or hower of great port of fruit; also a philofo- Aldoabis, the river le Doux in France. crylal. pher that writ on spisome of Plato's | Aldus, 1; n. a bond-fervani. Alcainena. See Alcmene. laws. * Alcinoi “apologus, a to. ALEA, D ; f. [ab ein, crros) a dir, Alcamcnes, the ninth king of Sparta. monit. Alcinoo poma darc, 10 bazard, a play. At bazird. Alcander, one of Sarpedon's compa carry cools 10 Newcaſtle. Jacta eit alca, lat what will come. nions, killed by Ulyffcs. + Alcionium, the fear of the fet, on't. * Extra omnem alcam, our Alcandre, she 'wife of Polybius, bard and dry like falt. of doubt. • Alcani emere, to hung very ricb Theban. + Alc:oſus, cold by nature, foon cold. A thing unfght'un ren; so buy Alcanor, a man's name in Virgil. # Alcipare, to forbid, pig in a poke. " Sequi aleam, to + Alcarmes, ibe worm whereof crim. Alciphron, a Magneſian philosopher Magneſian philoſopher follow blind-shanus. fon is made ; a cardial confaim. in Alexander's fins. Alea, ; f. e city of Arcadia, and + Alcaſes, and Speck in the body like Alcippe, a country-woran in Thco other place; and furname of the fles-biling. critus. Minerva Alcathoe, a city in Achaia. Alcippus, pi; m. a Lacedæmonian, Alcārium, il;a: a place where dica Alcathous, the son of Pelops ; alſo a much favoured by the people, but ba ari laid up. Trojan, the husband of Hippoda- niſed by an adverse faâion. Alcātor, oris ; m. a gamefleri mia. Alciſthenc, @s; f. a name of a noble Aleatorium, ii; n, dicing. Alce, es ; ? an ol, bigger iban a paintreſs. Alcatòrius, a, um ; ad). pertaining to ALCES, is; fallow.der, without Aic!fthenes, a very risk man of Sy. gaming. • Alcatorium forum, ALCES, 2; joints in bis legi, ne baris. gaming-bouje. ver lying down ; alfo Sloves, a dog's Alcithoe, a woman of Thebes, turned Alebas, a sgrant of th Larifæl, killed into a bat for deſpiſing Bacchus's by his own guord. Alcea, æ; a lion; alſo the tail of a frafts, Alebecerll, prople of Narbonne in lion, or any other boost wbofo fail Alclạith, Dumbritton in Scotland. Francc. is for drfmie; alſo an herb good e-Alcmna, a lyrick post of Lacedæ- 1 Alebre, nouriſhment. gains iht Ainging of forpants ; wild mon. + Alcbrius, a, um, adj. will-fourid- mallows, vervain. 'Alcca ve- Alcmanla, the sily of Heraclca in ing. Aufta, the Venice mallow. Caria. † Alebria, things that nouriſh well. ALCEDO, inis ; f.a king's-fiſher. Alcmeon, fo of Amphiaraus, who, i Ālec, ēcis ; f. & n. a barring. Alcedonia, orum ; the frafons murdering his mother, was afuera Aleita, the city Allette in France. Alcydonidæ, arum; whirrin wards haunted with furias į allo ALECTO, f. ens of the furia. king's-fishers brud ; calm and peace. the narre of offrer men. Alector, the son of Anaxagoras. ful days. Alsıæorius, a, um ; of Alcmæon Alectoris.propugnaculum, a fort about Alcenor, a valiant Argive. Alcmaria, a town in Germany. the mouth of Bory&hcncs. + Alccrmes, or Alkeracs, a cordial Alamenc, and Alcumena, the wife Alectoria, thi Dare found in a cock's confulion. of Amphitryo, on whom Jupiter, gizzard (like cryſtal.] Aleaton oona. nam. } mans. A LE AL G ALI (Alectoro ophos, louſe harb, tatil .. Alexander Polyhiſtor, 4 grammarlem therein. grafs, gerd for a cough. who left many fingular pieces of phl-Algofus, a, um , adj. (ab algor] cold Alectriopachia, a cock fighting. lology behind him by nature. Alectryon, Mars's carele, pimp turned Alexander Pheraus, a Theffalian Algofus, a, um ; ad). [ab alga) full into a cock. tyrant, who bad bis wife ulways of for-weed, weedy. Alectryopolis, a city of Macedonia. ſearched before be wmt to ber al + Algu, for algor, chilne's. Alcctum, ui; 1. Dundee in Scot Loft he was llain by her. Algus, i; m exceeding coldne's, land. Alexander Severus, fuccellor of Heli + Algus, ùs ; } grief, pain, forror. Alerus campus, a place of Lycia, to ogabalus. + All for alii, ab alius, a, um. which Bellerophon fell from the Alexander Zebenna, the Seventeenth Alia, adv. by an ther place or wyy. back of Pegaſus. king of Syria. Aliades, mortars of best to beat falt in. Alemanni, orum; pl. m. the Ger- Alexander ab Alexandro, a Neopo. Aliz certain Ethiopian iſlands, litan lawyer, Alfaria, a city of Commagena. Alemannia, a; f. Germany. Alexandra, the wife of Alexander, Aliartom, a town of Beotia, and Alemannus, a river of Germany, king of the Jews; allo Casſandra, another in Peloponneſus. now A'tmul. daughter of Priamus. Allàs, ady. [ab alius at ſome other + Alembic, or -cos, or -cum, & fill. Alexandria, the city Scanderia in E time or pla e, elſe, ejewbere, other- + Alembrot, philosopher's falt, the bay gypt ; and ſeveral others. wife, fometime. Allàs aliud de- of urt. Alexandrinus, a, um , adj. of Alex fendere, at another time to bold # Alemon, an ointment that wrellas andria. * Alexandrina camædaph guito another thing. uſed. ne, the herb periwinkle • Alex | Alib'ca, city of Pentapolis in A- Alemuſii, a people of Attica. andrina belluata, embroideries of frica. Alenconium, ibe city Alenzon in Alexandria. + Albicantes, um; pl. m dead, bau. France. Alexandrium, the town Scandalla in ing left their radical moiſture. Alenus, the river Alen in Dorſetſhiroy Paleſtine. + Xliber, a nowy ſber. er Alne in Warwickſhire. Alexandropolis, A city of Parthia. Alibi, adv. [quafi alio ibi] elfowhere, Aleo, onis ; m. a gameler. Alexanum, nova Aleſſano, a city of in anorber matter. Aleola, a; f. (ab alea) a little die, The Salentines Alibilis, le ; adj. [of alo) nouriſha- Aleopetra, an ile in Mæotis. Alexia and Alefia, noz Aliſe, a ble, nourishing A phanginæ fpecies, powder of toros in France. + Albre, nour fhment, food, fweat ſpices, Alexicăcon, a remedy again! all evill. Alibrum [of libro) a weaver's indru- Alepterion. See alipterion. Alexicăcos, the name of Apollo and ment, wherein ibread is weighed # Aleria, æ ; f. a nouriſhing. Hercules, ki defending front evil. and un wound. Aleria, a city of Corſica. Alexinus, & loul diſputant of Elis, Alica, æ; f. (of alo) a kind of wheat; + Alerius, ii; m. a nourijber. enemy to Zeno, killed by a reca alſo frumenty. ALES, itis, c. (ab ala] any great ſwimming in the riven Alpheus. Alicadra, a city of Media. winged fowl. * Ales facer, an Alexło, a phyfician, familiar with Alicanticum, Alicant wine. hawk. Cicero. Alicanum, a city of Pannonia. A'cs, gen. itis ; ad). 3 art. winged, Alexipharmăcam, a preſervative - Alicăriæ, arum ; r. [ab alica] com. ſwift ; alfo very cold river of gaing poifon and enchantments, mon barlors fitting before the common Lonia. Alexippus, one of Alexander's phyfs bake bouſe. Aleſa, a city of Sicily. Henta Aleſi- cians. Alicarii, orum; m. thay that make or Tus, a, um ; of or from Alefa. Alexis, is; m. & fervant of Pollio, Tell alica. Alefco, ere; (ab alo) to in rerje, hugely beloved by Virgil ; aljo feva-Alicaftrum, tri; D. a kind of lread- thriut. Alefcendi cacumen tan- ral other me. carn. gere, to be at the age of confijiente. Alexiterion. Sre alexipharmacum. + Alices facere, to fretch as men Alefia. Sie Alexia. Alexius, the name of diverse, newly awake Alefini, Arabians about the PerGan Alfaterna Neuceria, the 1170$ sity Alichorda, a town of Bactriana. of Campania † Al cio, onis ; f. a nouriſhing . Alcium, a town of Peloponneſus. Alfellani, e people of Italy. Alicis, a city of Laconia, and a tribe Alefios, one of Hippoda fuitors Alfrēdus, di, m. Alfred, a king of of Attica, alto a town in Elis, sountain England, who ſubdued the Danes, Ali&um, the town Iſola in Hifrla. of Arcadia. and was the only Mæcenas of bis alicubi, adv. [qu. aliquò ibi] fome- Alcftes, a rider in Spain, wow Rio age. wbere, in fome or any place. Hic di Braga. Alfeftanus, Alfeftan. al cubi, fomewhere bere. + A'eftrigium, a meaſure of barrings. Alga, æ; f. [ab aigore vel alligan- + Alicüla, æ; f. a certain garment Alcfus, 4 river in Sicily and Tuf do] ſed-wad, reets. Alga mari for children cany. na, ere-wood, wherewith they en Alicundè, ady. [qu. aliquò unde] Aleta, a town in Dalmatia. rich their ground in Cornwall. from fore or any place, perſon, Aletha, Maclovium, nozo St. Malo's, Algarium, a jes-town of Sardinia, thing city of France. now Algler. + Alid for aliud, of alius, a, um. Alethes, a king of Corinth ; alfo at Algebra, the art of aquation or fi- Aliēnātio, onis ; f. [of alieno] alie comrade of Æneas. gurative numbers. nation, altering, dedicaring, poster Riethia, verity. + Algebuther, the lord of a term in fion, converance, faparating. . A- Aletides, certain facrifices at Athens the x diack. Visnatio mentis, loſs of me's wits, for Icarius and Erigore. + Algeria, æ ; f. [ab algendo) a folly. Alatium, a city of the Salentines Aliēnātus, a, um, part. alienated, be- + Alētudo, in's ; f. fatneſs of body. Algenfis, fe; adj. [ab alga] belong - reff, oranged, angry. Aliena- Aleuron, ri; n. wheat meal. ing to reats. • Algenles pelaga tus mente, troubled in bis mind. ALEX; ecis; f. tha brine with the a kind of purple-filb. Alicnata explet, it incarnates dregs, from a river of Locris of the AL GEO, fi vel xi, fum, gere; neot. and fills up the hollow wounds. fame name. (ab dagis, do co] fo freexe, or bu Ahenatus in febri) Yaving, Speak- Alexamenes, one of Etolia, who flaw ing idle, the front Napis, and was himſelf | Algefco, ère ; neut. to begin to thill Alienigēna, æ ; c. Cof alienus and not long after Rain. * Algidenſis raphanus, a kind of ra genus] a firanger or foreigner. ÅLEXANDER, dri; m. Alexander, diſh, long and clear. Alienigēnus, a, um ; foreign unlike. furiamed Magnus, or the Great, Algiditas, atis; f. cbi neſs, coldneſs. ALIENO, are ; ad. [of alius] to Fans of Philip, king of MacedonAlgidam, di; ; n. a town in Italy, alienate, eirange, fell, disjoin, cor- founder of the Grecian empire, and now Roccha del Papa. rupt; alſo to make mad. is ſaid to have conquered the world. Algidus, a, um ; billed with cold. Alienor, ari; past, to be again, al. Alexander, the minib king of Syria Algificus, a, um ; adj. making cold. tered, corrupted. and ſeveral popes and other men. Algor, oris ; m, chilnels, coldneſs. + ălenum, i; a. anstherman's Alexarder-Aph odlfienfis, a notabe + Algorithmus, algorithm, skill in ac Esimentator upen Aristotle. cotenting. Algos.ita, one skilled ALIENUS, a, um, adj another min's; incon salf. cold ague. urryreld. em Alifanus, } * court, A ! A LI AL I ALL nus. inconvenient, coniriry, Prange, un.. Al!pterion, 2 the place in the bath Allus a llam percontamur, Decoming, unlike, Seide himſell, ab. Alipterium, } where they were a Jorne of us ask the others, Alius furd, unucholecine. * Alienus à noinied. alium præponit, they prefer one wno- literis, unlesene:1. * Alienuin d'y alíquà, adv. (ab aliquis fome whi osbár, ** Sed ut aliud ex 2110, but nitate, diſhonourable. Ali na fa. ther, by some way or meani. to speak of ſomething clie lutis, far from health. * Hab:re å'iquam'mulos, adj. a good m.19y. Aliufmodi, of another munner. æs alienum, cobe in debt. * Ærc aliquammultum icmporis, « prelty | Ali-ulvis, avis, udvis ; atj. eny alieno ex'se, to be cut of debs. ichile. other whitforver. † Alictus, a kind of cigle, Aliquandiù, adv. [qu. aliquantum + Aliut, for aliud. See olius. † d:11 ] a good while, some wbile, at Aliuta, Jor aliter, q. v. a fucking-dorila. lic:le while. Alizones, as Halizonies. Aifer, a, um ; ad). [of als and f:10] Aliquandò, adv., (qu. aliquo quan- t Alkali, glass-wurt, or file-wire. beiring wings. dil lomelines, hereuther, « while Alkekerigi, che herb aikakengr, or win. + Aligi, a kind of carr. age. * Aliquandò tandem, fome fer-cherry. Al ger, a, um , adj. as aliſer (of ala rims or oiher, + Allibus, asalazon. und gero.] Aliquintillam. adv. a very linle. Allā-bor, beris, bi ; dep. [of ad and Alilæi, a people of Arabia Fælix. Atiqaantiſper. See aliquindiu. labor so flow nigh, or jise so, pals, + Alilaria, a whors sillowing the liquantñhùm; adv. is very little. fall or junhle. Aliquantin, or-tò. adv. fomewhar, Allāboro, ae; neut. of ad and A'ima, medicines afwaging or pre. in part, a little while. laboro] to latour vshenanily, endeu- venting hunger. Aiquantus, a, um, adj. fomewhat, wur, increife by Libour, Alimon, inis in. nouriſhment, food. a litii'e, Allachiymor, ari; to weep unro. Alimentarius, a, un; adj. of now. aliquapiam Sće aliquiſpiam. Allacum, ti; n. a portci's bun 3 riſhment. * Alimentaria puellæ, liquaiēnus (aliqua tenus) in an inlo bis back, a knot. girls kopt by the pariſh. # Res al ime part or place, in jonic meafurs, Allidius, ii ; m. the ſon of Agriopa, meritariæ, vituals. by roine renfons or means. the rosh king of the Lalins. Alimentarius, i ; m. bo ruhofe dier + Aliqui, for a!iquis, or aliqua. Allævo, are; act. (of ad und Izvoj is hequcribed him by another. * A- Al quid, something. Ser aliquis. to make plair, ſmooth, cum. Jimentarii, ſuch as ars kept by the Aliquis or aliqui, aliquæ or aliqua, Alambo, éré ; 30 Co ad and lam- publick or pariſh. aliquod or aliquid Tof alius and bo) to lick, or touch fojily. älinentum, i, n. (ab alo) nourish quis j jomne thing, or joine body. * 1s Allanic, a city of Macedonia and ment, food, fuel. * Alimenta arcu aliquis, ihal jane body. * Tres Arcadia. expedire, 10 live by one's low. aliqui aut quatuor, some three or Allintenſes, the people of Allaite. Alimeta, part of Lyc'a. four. * Aliquze gentium, fome Allantoides, a skin encomp. Jing ibat Aiimitus, ti ; m. mouriforeni. countries. * Aliquis cffe, lo be of skin whirrin the infant is wrapped. Alimodi, for aliulmodi, q. v. fome ever. Allantopolis, be that ſells tripe. Alimon, a kind of jhrub, or sea pot- Aliquifquiam, quæpiam or quipiam, Allantopõl:uni, ii ; n. the fripe-mar- herb. quodpiam or quidpiam, ſome body. ket. Alimoārium, i ; n. a nurfory. Aliquò adv. ſome whither. * Aliquò allapfus, a, um ; part. of all.bor ; Alimones, nourishers. mutam à me remota, foin ruhat failen at or toward. Alimona,æ; f. (ab alo) nouriſhment fr from me. Allapſi, going or paling by china, Alimônium, ii; n. nourishments, food. Aliquorsun, adv. toward ſome place. Allap;us, ûs'; m. a recring, Niding, Alimis, untis; f. part of Altila. Aliq: osčciùs adv. Something otherwiſe. or fesling upon, a lumbling upon, Alinda, & city of Caria. Aliquot, adj. Indcc. (abalil & quot] a polling or flowing óg or 10. Alind:2, a city of Macedonia. Jome, a few. Allaria, o -oria, a city of Crcie. Alingonis portus; a place about the Alīquo{fariam, adv. divers wys. Allaffonts. pl. 11. pre icus drinking- r:ver Gaiumna. Aliquotiens, or -es; divers times. giro, chinging colour Alinos, common licorice, Aliquõversum, adv. one way or ano. Allatratus, a, uni ; barked at. Alinus, a fink. sher; backward or forward. Allacro, are ; (of ad and latro) to Aliò, adv. to another place, mat:er, or Aliquoufquè, to ſome place or time. bark or rail et, hackiite. * Alla purpoſe. * Quo aliò, to ſome other * Alis, for alius, q. v. trant maria oram, the four roar, place. Aliſarna, a city of Troas. and beat against the shire. * Ali- Alion, a town in Cumberland. Alilca, a city of Pannonia. quem allalarc, to the:v a deſire to Al:phcra, a city of Arcadia. † Aliſma, upposed to be fiftula paſto one harm, ihs' it be out of one's Alioqui or Alisquin, elft, otherwiſe. ra'is, or water plantane. power, Alcoverſum, aliovorſum, and alior. Aliſo, the lown Iſelburg in Germany, Allatus, a, um ; part. of. adfcror ; fum, adv, towards another place or Alfontia, or -untia, the river Aldiz brought unio, told. part, to another plare. * Aliorem in the Low Countries, Allaudabilis, Ic; adj. 3. art. vary commendaóle. dixcram, I had another sneaning in Alista, 2 lown of Corfica, alſo the i. herb flog Paradifi, or, as the French Allaudo, are; act. (of ad and laudo] # Allpæna, plaifers which have no call it, oculus Dci. 10 praiſe greaty. fal in theo. Aliſun, a city of Suevia. Allečtatio õnis; f. an allwing, + Alipanus, i; m. e sajter of a ball Aliſus, a dily of Germany. Allectio, õnis; f. a shofing. or bowl. + Alit, for Aliud. Su alius. Allecto, are; act. Cop ad and lecto] Alipara, as alipana, 4. v. Aliter, adv. otherwiſi. Allter * 2t to allure, on!ice. Alipama, atis ; n. Là animaduer, que aliter, divers ways. Allector, oris ; m. an onlicer, a pro- voker, quod pingne facit) a powaer tem- Aliterius, a name of Jupiter ; and pered with oil to lay ſwearing. Alitcria, Ceres. Allc&tum, 1; n. a hed of garlick.' Alipasta, wirbour juice or blood. † Alites, bgb bills. Al!cclum, Dundee in Scotland. Alpaftos, Reth without fat. Alitor, eris ; m.) a nouriſher, main. A!lectus, a, um, part. of allicior ; Alipes, čd:s ; C. Lof ala and pes] Al trix, icis"; f.} sainer. allured. ſwift of 100k. å litūra, æ; f. food or nouriſhment, Allectus, a, um, part. of allegor ; + Alphaous, a fucking-bordla, Alnus, a, um; (of a or] nouriſhed. cholen, elected, joined unto. † Aliphora, æ ; barley-mual, Aiicuum, gen. pl, of 'ales, q. v. Aliecius, Dundec in Scotland. Aliphleos See haliphlocos. Alůbi, adv. in some osbor plare. * Allehlius, a franger. Alipilār:us, ii; m. one that plucks off Aliubi & aliubi, here and there. Allégatio, onis ; f. a private melage, the hair. Aliundè, adv. from ſome other perſon, or embellige, a ſoliciting oy mellen- + Alipīlus, li; m. he that plucks the * Aliunde pendere, so depend upon gets; an allegaliun, excufe, or plea; hair off one's arm-holes in the bath. arty outward thing, an appointmeni, direttion. + Aliplectus, a, um , adj. Bruck with | ALIUS, a, ud; adj. (QAMOS] another, Allēgarus,ûs; m.she same as allegatio. wings. divers, contrary, a ſecond, some one. Allēgo, are; act. Lof ad und lego] # Allplanum, i, n. a skruen. * Aliæ atque aliæ religioncs, di. to excue by meſſengers, folicit, al- Alipta, or aliptes, Anointer, a chi. vers kinds of religion. * Alius ne- ledge, pland, clign, depute, fer free, yurgeon). mo, no one else, sometimacs as alie * Allegarc aliquem alicui rei, so stign A L L A L L A LO align bim ſuch an employment, Allitērālio, önis; f. A repeating and, Alluvio, onis ; f. a fowing nsar un- Alego, čre ; act. (of ad' and lego) playing on the jame letter. 10, a ſwelling of waters, a deluge. to chooja, adops, join untó, align, ALLIUM, it; n. (ayah&tor) garlick. Allūvium, jizni a little iſlet thrown up Afriör. Allium Ulpicum or Cyprium, by the violence of the jurean. Allegória, a; f. on allezory, or dark great garlick.* Allium anguinum, Allux, ucis; the grens tco, Sue hallux. Jpurcb. or fylveftrc, wild or cow.garlick * Alma, 2; f. c virgin, alſo a moun- + Allelula, the hero wood-jorrel. Allium ſativum, gurden garlick, rain in Mocha. See alonus. Aliçlujab, or Hallelujah, Heb. praiſe poor men's treacle, Alliuin url Almagefte and almageſtum, as pro- the Lord. num, bears garlick, ramomis, or pola. Allers, citis , adj. without art. buckram. Almana, e river in Tuſcany, now Allētam, tiin. A tod of garlick. Allix, a cout with long ſleeves, Aluegna. Allevamen, in:S ; ani rafament, + Allo, onis ; m, a grintſtone. + Al:sanar, the ſite of a plant in its Allõvāmeniun,'iin. S or comfort. Allodióges, um ; & people of Gal. apicycie. Ailčvācio, õnis ; f. an easing, making l'a Tranſalpina. + Alinanarith, she fubfiance, or dead light, mitigating Allobrox, a king of the Cultæ, about mens goods. Allèvātus; a, um ; part. lifted up, the time of Pharaoh. Almanalica, she zodiack 'eajed, comfcried. * Corpus alle- Allo:ūrio, onis ; f, a ſpusch, a talking Alinantia, 1 sbe town Almance in vatum, footwhit belter as so health. unto, parln. Almeatia, Gall a Belgica. Allevo, arc; and allevio, are ; (of Allodialis, le į adj. fresbold. Almanzor, a Saracen generül. ad and levo) to lift up or make rigbr, Allopium, ii ; n. fruchild. Almenc, a city in the Euxine fos. comfort, of wage, Belp. * Onus al Alcoheta, A varying from rule in † Aligenen, who the conjunétion of levare, to caſi me. confruations. planok is bindered by reirograda- † Allex (ab es guat falio) the great Alloěra, æ; fi' a city of Lydia. tion. - † Allopacia, æ; f. griej paling 80 Almeria, a city of Spain. Allia, e river in Italy. - Alienfis, Another, Almcricus, c'm. a king of Cyprus, belonging thrrett, unlucky. A!lõphylus, a, um , adj. a stranger, and others. Alliąrja, ;. f. i jace of the hedge, of another tribe or nation. Allo- + Almlcanthar, the Arabian name of Alliárium, il; n. s fanii alone, . phyli, Pbilipines. circles imagined to puls brough every Tamſons. Alloquium, it; n. (ab alloquor] degree of the meridian, putnsleb to Alliirium, ji ; n. a bed of garlick. Spurch, a taiking unio, purley, come the horiz, up to ibu zinitb. ; li; m. 1 of alium] he or fort, of mesi. ; f. } Jbe that ſets of quor, . jells garlick, dep. (of ad and loquor) to speså | † Almizadir, the green ruft of braſs or Alijātun, ti; n. meat or fauc mixed unio, parley with, filute, comfort. cipper. with garlict. Alloria, æ ; f. a city of Cicte. Almo, a river near Rome, now called Alljótus, a, um ; adj. saucuring of Alloscurodon, the forub tearing sa Dachia, and il Rio d' Appro. garlick. pors i alſo capers. Almon, 2 town of Thefaly, a city of Allicefacio, as allicio, q. . Allőiriges, a people in the North Betia, and feveral mm. Allicèfactus, a,.Qm; paii, enticed. Spain. Almopid, a part of Macedonia, from Allicefio, išrı ; ncut. to be allurid. Aliocntia, æ ; f. read 'nefs. Almnops, a giant, the son of Nep- Aliceo, us allicio, q. V. Allüvefcentia, ze; f. pleaſing wels, tune. All-icio, exi, cetum, icčre; act. (of content. † Alpugia, planets facing one aro:he ad and the old word lacio) to al. Allübeſco, bi, itum, ere; acut. (of in the zodiuck, dure, arsior, deligbi, prourke. # Al ad and lubet) to begin to pleaſe ALMUS, a, um , adj. (ab alo, vel Licere fomnum, to make one ſleep. will, do willingly, obey, favour or Heb. gnalmah, virgo) boiy, puro, Animos ad benevolentiam, by confent, fair, clear, nourijbing i alſo a foothing words to get the fu vour of. | Allūbet, as lubet, q. v. mountain of Hungary. Alli-do, l, lum, dère ; al. Lof ad alliceo, X!, cerc; alt. [of ad and † Aliuten, the planet of moſt power and lædo] to dalo againſ, oft luceo) 10 juine upons and dignities. down, bruile, andamega. + Altūcinātio, onis ; f. blindneſs of Almyrodes, faltness. Allienus, ni; m. a prior" in Sicily min, error of opinjon. Alma, a town of Hannonia, under Calar, ALLŪCĪNOR, ari; dep. [qu. ad Alnetum, i; n. a grove of alders, Allifæ, Alifa, and Alipha, the town lucem offendere] 80 ert, mißaka, | Alneus, a, um , adj. of alder-tress. Alifi in ftly. * Alfani, the towns I properly in faring.) * Aliquid allu- ALNUS, i; f. an older-true ; alſo men. * Alifanus, belonging thereio. cinari, to miſtake in ibe meaning of. a ſhip, bucause they ujed to make Alligāmcntum, i; n. a bond. + Ai ucita, gnats. feips of older. * Alaus nigra, she Aligāti, örum ; m. wird. jjes. Allude, are ; to fawn upon or froke. black aldst, or jugar-chefi, whereof Alligātio, onis; f, a lying or binding Alu-do, si, fum, dere ; (of ad and AITOWs are made.- judo) 10 ſmile' upon, to play to or ÅLO, alui, alium and alitum, alčre å Alligator, oris ; m. one that binds or wiib, allude unto, Tifeoble, Potter, act. (ab anden) augeo] to nowiß, favour, jet, scoff.com Ubi alludit maintain, increaſe make much of Aligātura, as alligatio, 4. y. unda, where the water comes now * Alere audaciam, to increase .. . Aligārus, a, um, brund, hindered. and ibon. * Alludere ph l;fophia, Culus vitam pofteritas alet, will Allger, a Frenchman. to make a roy of philofophy. preſerve and chariſh, Alligo, arc; act: (of ad and l.go] to + Allūgincus, (for albugineus) hu- Aloa, a foaji kept by the countrymen of bind unto, hinder, entangle, acujra MOC a white waterih bungur in Athens after harve. make guilty or subjea, bind by obli- Alodialia bona, frubold goods gation Alligare ſe furti, sce- Allūmentom, i; 2. an herb good lands. jers, toke upon him thievery, for eyes. + Alode, &c. 'Alligarc fc zd penam, 10 Alluo, čre ; (of ad, ond lavo) to win Alodsum, & frubold. ronder one's jell liable to puniſhment. near, or away. * Fluy:us alluit Alodum, Alligūrio (of ad and ligurio) to play urbein. A river runs cloſe by. she Aloë, ĉs ; f, a bitter herb, whose juice the glution. cily. # Alluuntur mari mana, is called alges. # Aloë caballina, Allino, ivi and evi, itom, čre; act. the ſea bours againſt the walls. the grofer kind of alocsa • Aluë for ad' and lino) 80 ano'ni, rubiofi. Allus, i; m. the great toc i alſo one Gallia, gontiang or bitter-wort. ly, nett or corrupt. * Allincre climbing on another. Se: Allux. Lignum alocs, a ſwert precious plaſma, to lye, or feign as ports do. Allufi. Sve Alludo. wood. in Allinere alicui ſua vitia, to make Allūſio. ānis ; f. an aliufiorng refem-t Algedarium, e purgation of ploss, me as bad as bimſelf. bling Alocus, i, m. a giant, whoje fons are Allilio. O 19; f. a aufhing, ogain. + All:ices, and allutium, and allo-said so wound Mars. * AB:Sio digitorum, & rubbing ont 'tia, oruin ; a fhors of the river sul Alogia, æ ; f. foolijbrefs ; ello e re. finger againyl enobar. of lime and wud. leaſe in giving up accounts Allilus, a, um ; part. of allidor ; Allivies, ei ; f. (ab 211:0] á land-Alogiæ, arun, f. many words to me burt, wounded, dafod cigain). fiord. fenje, unito. the te + Aloja 1 A L P A L. T A LT. 1 wet 1 open hand n:a. t Alo'a, a boaji like 4 muls wi:h no (Alfa, a river running by Aquileia. Altercator, oris ; m. a wrangler,com. joints in his knees. † Alſсebram, the hard crua. tender,.pieader. Aloidæ, the fons of A'oius. Alsfeldia, & city in Germany. Altercor, ari ; dep. (ab alter] to Aloium, a city of Theffaly. Allarum, a fown of M.lain, now Arive, chide, wrangle, plead. Alogiani, heratiiks rajzaing the gospel Alzia. Alterco, as, tine. Same as altercor. of St. John.. + Alidēna, a kind of onion, Altercul.im, i; * kind of popny: Alon, A river in Northumberland. Alletina aqua, ani Alliccinus fons, t. Altercum, cl, the hero hen. Alone, an ifand nest Cyzicus. An aqueduct bringing water four. Altcrcangcnum,, bane. Aloni, a people of Mafipotamia, tom miles to Rolle. # Alteria, a preciou jione uſed by Alontigeceli, a people af Spain. Alsina, es ; fi chi.kurord. Ispidaries, † Alontiam, a city of Sicily. + Alfiõſugg-a, um ; adj. (ab alſus) + Alterinsccùs ; adv. on both parts, Alope, a city of Theffaly, another in cold naturally, ſubject co cold. on cisher file Attica, &c. Allum, was lawn at the mouth of + Altcr:tas, virilitude or change. Alopece, Alopecia, anilla of Mæot's. the 'Tyber. Alternārim, adv. by turns, onse after Alõpēcia, the padding of hair * A- A'fienfes, the people of Allium. another, interchangeably. lopectarum inanitas, a bald plur. Allius, a river of Peloponneſus. Alternātio, õnis ; f. á juscefion by Alopecias, a kind of for-pb. Alfus, a ſorphird in Virgil. courſe. + Alopēcides, a æ; a dog gollen be- Alius, a, um ; adj. (ab algeo vel Alte:natus, a, um ; part. of alternor, twixt a fox and a bitch. a!gidus) cold. # Allor, more cold, . changed, interlaced. A'opecis, a kind of baſe vine. Altaha, a city of Africa, Alternia, a city in Italy. Alopecūrus, fox-tail, tailed-wbeat, Alradas, the twelftb king of Allyria. Alternitas, vicisiude or change. Alopecus, ci ; one whoſe hair falis eft. Altanum, ibe town Sorcio in Ca'abria. Alterno, are ; a&. (ab a!ternus) to Alopex marina, a fue fox, who being + Alcānus, (ab alto, i. 6. Inaril an do so by turnsg quaver, and be unson. hung, bites of the hook and efcapes. arera wind, any great wina ariſing Rant, * Avis' rlternat cibum, feeds + Alopina, fox-coloured hair. when the weather is, enlign. her young equally. * Fart:litas ar- # å opius, as alopecus. Altao, a city of Miuritania Cæfari borum alternat; one year tests fore Alopico, arc ; 80 frike with the enfis. of fruit, another tery few. } + Alopo, + Altărăgium, ii; n. duos and offer - Aliernus, a, um ; adí. [ab alter) by + Alopus (for alapus) ine Pruiken ofi ings belonging 10 We aliar, courſa, one after ano her, alternute. the face. ALTARE, is ; n (ab altus] an altars. * Altern's annis, every second year. Alorus, e city of Pæonia in Macedo- Alcaria, a fracious flone, like that # Alternis dicere, to speak in one's with which they engrave. turn. * Alternis pene verbis, al- Alos, a city of Argia in Pelaponne- Altariõlun, a little liar. moſ o rvery other word. * Alternis ſus, and other placer Al:arius, a high wind at fee. pcdibus inditunt, they Band noto ALOSA, æ; f. [ab alcndola pod.fiß. Altātus, a, um, adj. raiſed high, on one foot, then on another. Aloraoga, a nity of India wiebout AĻTE ; adv. highly, dcerly, for off: Altero, are ; act, to vary, diſguiſe. Ganges. Alte ligatus, crucified. * Alte Altěrandus, a, um, part. to be al. Alous, e city of Illyris, præcinéta or ſuccincta, ihe old Ro. tered or changed by cours. Alpenes, the maropolis of the Lacri. man gard of wearing the girdle - Altérorsùm, adv. të ene side or osher. Alpes, ium ; f. she Alps, mountains bout ihe paps. Alte repetita ora- + Alterplex, icis.; double, deceisful. between France and Italy, &c. tio, a far-fetch'd Sper.h. Altertra, for alte, utra.' ALPHA, the for;Greek Tot'er. Altea, for altbæa. Alteruter, a, um, gen. trius; adj. Alpha penulatorun, king of the beg- Aliculus, ; m. (ab alo) ope that nou (of alter and ute: ] 1b6 one or the gars. Alſo a river neis Aqui'cia. riſhab his country, or is ther, brough! osbar, either of she w. Alphabrtarius, ii ; mi be s bullesons, up; a hornling foundling; alſo a Allérūterque, one of the part. or a teacher of the croſs-row. naine of Romulus. Alič:ūrrinque ; adv. from both parts; Alphabetum, ' ; n. she alphabet. Altenug, a mountain of Caria' breed. or either ſide. Alphabucelis, a city of the Mara. ing Scorpions. Alcus, a city of Peloponnclus. Alphæa, a nime' of Dirna. + Alter, is. SĄ haltor. Alteus, the son of Tulcus. Alphæus, the fasber. oz fames abu A- ALTER;a, umjgen. ius , adj. [an. Altha, a city of Babylon. pollo. ne] another, any diber, (in the fin. Alihza, æ; f. marh-mollows; alſo Alphani, and Alphini, a village wear gular number;) othar, the other in the the daughter of Theftius, wint of Thermopyla. plural number; the one, the former necs king of Calydon, to whom + Alphazin, a making void of light in (when it is anſwered by alter in the (aming other ſon:) se bore Melcager. planets.. fama ar following number of the fen. Althamenes, ceptuin of a colony in Alphenus, ni; m. 4 cobler mentioned Imię:) fomesipes the che, the latler ; Cietc. in Horace. aljo another in a difribution of more Althæa, a city of Olcades. + Alphelera, tbe herb white briony. than two). Qui alicnan accurat Althenus, a river healing all kind of Alphcfincea, the daughter of Phe probri, ba that ucufith another or fores. gæus, and Alemæon's wife. or any other person of diſhonefly. Al- Althcpus. Son of Neptune, and king Alphěsībæns, a sbeşbard in 'y.rgil . ter idem or ego, another ſelf, of Egypt, whence Althcpia terra, † Alpheftes, a kind of sih. *Altero quoque die, every ocher day. Egypt. Alpheus, a river running under * Vnus et item alter, one or tw, + Altiboans, [ab altus & boo] roar- ground from Achaia 10 Sicily. or as we scommonly lay, ir.definitely, ing froin on bigb. Alphita, ihe grain in tha top of a corn. two or thru. * Alterum tantam, + Alticinctus, girded, prepared. bar, allo barley-meal, sr, mais as much more. Aliero tanto, i... + A tig adus, (ab a'tus & gradior) made of it. duplo major. xs big again, or i wire * Alter annus belli, the Alt lia, the city of Altciola, in Ligu- fe:ond year of the war. * Alter ab rla. Alphius, a not.:ble ufurar. iilo, next to him. *Unus au: alder, + Altiliarus. ii ; m. a pouiterer, . Alphonsus, fi; m. Alphonso, ih! one or two. * Alter cg.), my jecond Alulis, 18; adj. 3 a:t. balo) sram: name of frueral kings of Spain. Jelf. * Alter et tr.cefimus. the one yeti olo neulrifing. Alphos, a kind of morphew. and thirtieth. *Note, this adjeflive is + Alt loquus (ab alcus & loqnor] + Alphya, a groundling-fiſh. de:lined like unus, and governs a one that perks bigh. Alpina, a true wboje brallom the beas fm. or abl. with à, è, ex: + Altiinetor, oris ; m. ſ [ab altus & will not touch. Alteri, for altc-ius, gan. of alter. Altincter, tri; m. incliorinn Alpinus, a, um , adj. [ab Alocs] of † Alteræ, for alleri, dat. Ter. Altimetrum, triin. inirumani ih! A'ps.'* Apiga muste!la, a hovoj † Alteras, far al'as. to meaſure deed things, mine or ermine. Alicraţio, onis ; f. an alloration, Altinum, she Venetian city Altino. Alpinus, & postaller thu wrote the conco&ioni. Altinates, she irth: bitunts of Aliinum. acts of Memnon. Altěratus, a, um; part. of alleros, Alinum, and Altinium, A sown of Alponus, a ciry and mountain in Ma alleved, bangad. disguiſed. Pannonia. cedonia, Altercatio, onis ; f. A cbiding, con- + Alco, 0.1ļs; f. (abalo) a n uriſhing. * Alpus, a, um ; adj. pale, careful, Tension. Altiſccrc, verb. ncut. when a pli. Ееее net Bilding: + Alphitera, } barley-meal. as big. 1 À L V V. Α Μ Α A M A 1 1 } obur part. net is iet kelwern two. Alom, i; n. a comfrey: Ă mabilit as, atis ; at s; f. lovelineſs. Alulonus, a, um, adj. [ab alcus & ALUMEN, inis ;:0. (ab das fal] al. Anabiliter ; ady. Amiably. Jono) founding from abque, very lum. * Alumen liqurdum, rupe- Amabundus,' a, um ; adj. full of fariile um, or liparinum, roch-allum. love. Altiſsime , adv. very bigb or deep. Ăļūrinātus, a, un , baving a Smack Amacaitis, 'a city of India within + Altiffiodorurn, the town Auxerrc of allum. Ganges. in France. Ă!ūminārus, a, um ; full of allum. Amaccura, a city of Africa. A'tis, a grove noor Glympia. Alumna, a; f.a nurile or nurſe-child. Amachan, a collli in Arabia. Altius a name of Jupiter, from shance. * Eloquentia civitat's alumna, is Amali, a people of Spain, , n. the king's a free born citizen. + Amacon, a kint of wood. † Altitronjuin, ii; Alunnátor, oris ; m. a nouriſher, Amadeus, a duke of Savoy. * All thronitis, ii; m. be that bis luionātr:x, a nurſe. Amadocha, a marks and city of Sar- Altitronius, on a throne. Alumnor, ari; 10 niuriſh. muatia. † Alt'tonans, tis; adj. [of aktaş and Alumnus a, úoi ; adj. bred. Amadoci, mountains and people in the tono i thundring from on hipb. ALUMNUS, I ; m. (ab a!o) a nou ſome place. Altitūdo, inis ; f. Feft. (of altus[ ribor, or he that is nourimid. Anæno, are ; to tbeer, or make merry. beighi, depib, loftinefs, j.ateline's Aluncium, a town in Sicily, See ameno. Juokingis, jablones, loudneſs. * Al Aluona, a ciry of Libernia. Anæs, or Amia, the ciry Portale- titadinem duplica, double your files. + Alupia, the fish cailed by the Greeks grc in Portugal. * Spelunca infinitâ altitudine, a anthias. Amala, an cpiſcopal city of Spain. caur of a valt depth. tAlus Gallicus, walword or comfrey.it Amalāla, a bely with a hood like a Altivo'ans, ntis ; adj. firing aloft. ălīta æ; f. (ab alumen vel quia came, and thighs like an oz. A'tīvo us, a, um ; adi. Yosring ulijt. abluta) innned leather, or any thing Amalathunſa, ths d.oughter of Theo- Aliiùs; ady. compar. of a'te higher. mide thereuf; alio a river in Dacia. dorick, and mother of Athlaricus, powier, deeper, further. * Alciùs ăluiæ, a people of Illyrium, king of the Goths, T:m repetere, to teprat e sbing Alucamen, insan; thing made of Amalchium, part of the frozen foa. from the begsuning. Alutamentum, i, 3 drejed leather. Amalechitæ, Amalekites, the 0948 Altiaſcule ; adv. ſomewhat high, or Alutamientarlus, scanner, cut rity of Amalck with the higheji. Ă'utār:us, 11; m.rier. Adall, a Gothic norisn. Alt'ur:ulus, a, um ; adj. fomewhal å lutârias, a, um ; adj. of or like Amalobr:ca, a vily of Spain. higher or deeder drejed lesiher, Amaiphis, a cicy of Ita'y, where John † Alto, afe; a. to exilt. Ă!ūtal o, önis ; f. a kind of golden Goa invented ihe mariners compofy, Altomans, a town in Hannonia. orc ; alſo lesther dreſſing, A. D: 1302 Altor, or s; m. Lof alo) a nouriſter, Alutrenſes, people of the Alps. Amalthea, the daughter of Melirius maintainer, Alvum, a town of Hiſtria. king of Crete, nicile of Jupiter ; Altrinſecùs ; ady. [of alter and ſecus] ALVUS, i; m.&f. (ab alendo} the alſo a library full of hooks. from the other part,on sbe higher part. paunch fomach, bre-bive, exiremenis. Ama thča, a Sibyl, who offered nine † Altriplex, icis; adj. 3 art. crafty. * Navis alvus, the bald of a pip. banks of her prophecies fo 'Tarquin, Altrix, icis ; f. afbe-nsuriſer. * Alvi causâ dare aliquid, to give who refuſing to give her her price, Altrõverfùm ; ady, on or towards the one a purge. me burní all tur thrre, vind had the Alyatta, part of Bithynia, full price for them on!y. Atuo, i.; n. the main ses; alſo bea Alyatleni, the inhabitants of Alyatta. + Amalupus, i, m. a crow of iron i um, profperily, dignity... In alcum Alyattes, a king of Lydia, father to alſo a drag. aliquem abſtrahere, to mount one Crceſus. Amam, a city in the tribe of Judah. aloft. * Altum dormit, he is in a Alyatricus, of Alyattes. +ånāmen, in's; n. love, desy Reep. Alyba, a country neúr Myſia. † Amamentum, ti ; n. a loving: Altus, a, uor ; part. of alor, nouriſh-Aybas, or Melapontium, in Italy ; † Amana, a night-rauen ; alſo a ed, 0 vintained, intrealed. alfa city of Thrace. mountain in Cilicia, and a river Allus, ùs ; m, a nouriſing. Alybantius, of Alybas. in Damaſcus. ALTUS, a, um ; adj. altior, altiſli Alybe, ope of Hercules's pillars. Amanda, a poople of India. mus, Cap din creſco) bicb, dorp, Alycæa, a town of Arcadia, Ă mandātio, onis; f. e fonding away, bellow, glorious, arscieni, rieble, luffy, Alycæes, the son of Sciron, hain by a biniſhing fecret. * Alti ordince, the firit 'Theſeus ; alſo a city of Pelopon- Amandator, oris ; m. one but aban- ranks. Altus ſermo, a lo'tg Asle. neſus. done b. De alta ripa, the family d'Autrey. Alchyme, a city from whence Mer- Amândo, are ; act. [of a and mando] Alva, a city of Idumea. cury was called Alchymius. to fond away, remove, biniſh under Alyaca, a town of Media. Alydda, a town of Phrygia maio:, colour of lending upon bufine's ; aljo + Alūcinālio, onis ; f. a miſtake,error, now Luday: to hide, or beflow within. Adan- + Aluc:nor, ari; dep, to miſtake. Alymno, u city of Phrygia major. dare aliquem infra mo: tuos, to + Alucita, æ; f. agnit. Alypon, a kind of herb. kill any one. + Aluco, õnds; n. a night bird with Aiylius, a name of Bacchus. Amandra, 4 country by Nilus. booked claws. Alyffon, wild heinp, or mad. + Amaneo, es, to rarry without. + Alvea; car.wax. Alysſum, wort. Amanóides, a promontory of Cilicia. Alveārium, il, alveare, ris; alvear, Alyffus, an Arcadian fountain,curing Xmans, tis ; P. & A amantior, a- Alvarium, ii, 3 aris; n. (of alveus) ihe biting of mad dogs. mantulimus, loving, dekirous, ludi. a bee-hive, or face of bives. Alytarcha, a keeper of order at publick ous; alſo a lover. *Tui amantiſ- Alveātus, a, um ; adị. channslled, ports i alſo a priest of Antioch. fimus, one thit loves. you dearly. trenchid, vaulted, hallowed. Alyturchia, ſuch an offit, Amantani, a people of Pannonia. Alveolatus, a, um, the fame. Alyxõthos, the daughter of Dimas, Amantèr ; adv. lovingly, gently, rour- Alvcõlus, i, m. liab a wys.a basket and mother of fac:18 by king Priam. teously. Amantifiimo obſe- Alveõluin, i ;!. $ or mründ, a chefs- ( A!yz), part of Acarnania. crare aliquem, to before out of all board, a pigeon-bolo, the hose of a love. A anle M. + Amantia, æ: f. love ; alſo the Alverni, or Asvcrai, or Averni; 6 name of ſeveral towns. people of Aquitain. AM. for amicus, or amabilis. + Amantillas a kind of herb. Alveum, i; n. 1 (ab alvus) a chan. Ari, er amb (d498) « propofition in Amanuenfis, (ex à & inanuis pro- Alveus, i, m. snel, conduit-pite, a compofrion, fignifying about, manus) a clerk, Secretary, norary. burbingotub, fhio, pri the bulk of AMA, æ; fi a fickle, pick-24,2 night. Ainanos, a Perſian god. it ; a'wberry, powdering-lub, a cria bird, a w.nevaſel, cubii, a tus, a Amara, a city of Arab a. Fælix. d'e, ober-hiur. * Alveus luſo long hook to pull down hou es on fire. + Amara-dulcis, a bitter /wari berb, rius, a pair of tabiri. Amsad, a city in the tribe of Afer. wood night.fade. Alui. See alo. Arabo ; interj. I pray thee. Amāracinus, 2, um ; of marjoram. * Alvinus, a, um ; alij. of alvas] trou- ( Ămāb.: s, le ; adj. a vabilior, ama Sicut ſiis ainaricinum, as she devil bled with the gripe.. biliffimus, lovely, amiable. lives buly water: AMA- } 1 costb. Α Μ Α LAMB A MB } 1 AMARACUS, 3 (weet marjorain ; a law that every one frould give an full of dark and idle wora's. AMARACUM, $ alſo feverfew.; ouşun! sqarly of his course of living, * Ambāgo, a plats full of turnings. so called from or be put to death. Ambapcs, or pi, running about in Amaracus, ci; m. anaorbicary?s boy Amalius, a river in Germany, now heaps. of Cinyras king of Cyprus, who by Ems. + Ainbar or -rum, ambergreaſe. chiner broke a 3x of ornimeni,which Am ſli, a people about Mæotis. Amber Subalbidum, whitiſh Ambar, o inice is ſmell more !warily; whence it. Amalfi, for amarero. the power of the 18.?. the ball diriments were called ana Amaſtris, the wide of Xerxes ; alfo a Ambarri, a peopie of Burgundy racina; when he died he was city of Paphlagonia, called aljo A- Ambarva:e, is; (ab amb:endis arvis] Curried into the berb marjeram, maftrum, a ſacrifice for the fields and corn, ămăranihus, i, m. the herb cvor. Amaftriacus, kelong n3 10 Amaſtris. anſwering our rogation-wack. Ijtings or prin:es fe.xher.. Amata, the wife of king Latinus, mo Ambarvalis, le ; ad. of corn-fields. Amaranthus, f. a town in Portugal, ther of Lay na, and Jijier of the Ambarvalis hostia, sbe fams es am- now called Amarante. goddeſs Venilia ; alſo be name of barvale. A:naranti, a pelple.of Colch!s. the firli Viful virgin... † Anibarum, ambergroole. Amardi, a people of Alia. Amata, e people of India. + Ambaſito, es, ambaſſadors. An urdus, m.: river in Media. Amaiha, purt of Arabia ; alſo a city Ambalæ, u prople of Aſia. Amarè, adv, hitlerly. of Phæaicia and Sicily. Ambaitun, a river in Alia. t Amarella, æ; f. frverfow.. Amathent, 'the peeple thereof. Ambiſum, the metropolis of Phrygia. Amārcfuc-io, čr: ; (ab amaros & Amalhus, i; a river waſhing Pylos. Ambatæ, apropie of Alia. tac:0 | to make bitfar. Amăthus, untis ; a city of Cyprus, Amtauta, e people of Paropa niſus, + Amārco, 'to make bitter. sacred to Verius. + Ambaxarius, as carrucarius. ămārcſco, cre; nevt. to wax bilter. A măthuga, the iſland Cyprus, Ambaxi, the Jame as Amarice, a people of tbe Cadaſi. ămăthuſiacus, a, um ; of Cyprus.. † Aubaxioqu!, :bey that run about + Amarica, ihe lees of oil. ămăthufii, the people of Cyprus. in a ring + Amarice, the forub tamarisk.: Amaihunteus, a, um; of Amathus. Ambe, a city of Arabia Falix. + Amarico, are ; 10. make bieter. + Ainatin, as amanter; ady. + Ambeciſus, a paring about, Amaricans, ntis ; part: 'of amarico; Amatini, a prople of Epirus. Ambêdo, erc ; (of am and cdo) 10 bitlar, a!t, furl, or making, so + Aviāc!o, önis; f. a luffing, wanton 627 abcur, or conſuma. Amaricoſus, a, um; full of bitter luve Ambēziolus, } a. um ; adj. full ef nefs. Amālor, õiis ; m. a louer. Ambagiofus, turning, Amarimellom, is a bitter ſwert. Xinatorcula, a; f. fe that is loved 't Ambegni, orum ; [ex am & ag- + Amarillos, a kind of træ. or is in lou:. nus] Ibeep facrificed to Juno. t Amarillum, the fruit thereof. Xmātorcủlus, 1; m, a little or fornple Anibegni bos & vervex appella- Amirior, us; gen: oris į adj com lover, buntur, when Isrbs were led by par, of an arus ; more rari; alfo ănătorie, adv. lovingly, ámorouſly. their fides for facrifices. inose 1673y. ămātorium, ii;n, that wb:cb caufeth Ambenus, á mountain in Sarmatia. + Amariſcus, a free bearing crabs. love, Ambeftrices, devourers, t Amirlſpii, a prople of Baaria. Ănatorius, 2, am ; adl. of. love or Ambofus, a, um, part. of ambedor ; Amāriffinè, adv, moj bitterly. lovers, lovely, or produring love. * Cuten of gnown round and about. + Åmarities, ci; as anxaritudo. Poculum amatoruin, & love-po * Anbera flanim robora, oaks t'Anzratila, a kind of herb. tion. Scorched round about, + Amarito, are; to make birorr.. Xinātrix, icis ; f. a Mr.lover. A- Ambiantinum, a village in Germany. ămăritūdo, inis; f. [ab amarus] matrices aquæ, lovely waters. Ambianum, Amicas in Picardy. bitterneſs, Marpnie's Solimariness.grief. Amacurio, to be about to love. Ambiani, the people of A- Ă mă:or, oris ; ni. litterneſs. šmātus, i; m. a darling. Anibianenſes, niiens. Amà:Ösè, adv, bitterly. Amātus, a, um; part. of anor; loved. Ambiati, a people of Galatia. Amarlias, a ferman 1bat carried The Amaurālis, dimness of light, Ambibarii, a peuple of the Celtæ. ſeus to Crete. + Amaxa, as hamaxa. Ambidens, ntis ; a ſheep of two fcelb, Amarihaas, Saites, a king of Egypt. + Amaxici, coachmen, waggoners. a bogrel. Amaitus, city of Greece. Amazones, a warlike people of Scy- Ambidexter, tri; m. (of ambs.and. Aparua, } thia, who cut off their righ: breaji's, Amarula, a town of Hyrcania. dextra) both-handed, Jack on both that it right not binder their fooof. fides, åmärüle.itia, æ; f. bitterneſs, Spite, ing. # Ambiegna bos, abous which other mali:e, Amazonia, the country of the Ama Sacrifices were placed. Secombcgnæ. ămārúlentus, a, um ; ad). very bit zons, Ambifariam, adv. two manner of ler, Spiteful, invious, froward. Amazonides, as Amazones. ways. åmārum, adv. bitterly Ămazonius, a, un; } ad. of or be- Ambífarius, a, um ; adj. [of am and ĂMĀRUS, a, um , adj: [ab'Heb. Amazonicus, a, um; } longing to b.farius) double, that may be taken marah) bitter, orp, vibe went, au the Amazons. bosh w.ays. * Ambifarium argu. fere, tedious, ſpitalul grievous, surfi ; Amazon!cum ſcatum, & target fu mentum, A captious argument, allo barren, or uncertain in bearing stioned. Like an ivy-leaf. * Amazo- Ambiformis, me; adj. of two shapes, Amarioren me facit fenectus, aica fccuris, an halberi. Ambiformitcr, adv. doubly. age makes me more perviſ. Amazonium, a place in Attica where t Ambigarius (ab a'rbigo] an arbi- Amaryllis, . ihe. name of a country Theſeus he at the Amazons; alio a Irator, Kuid. city of Cuma and Brolia. Arbīgātus, a king of the Celtæ. ă marynceus, a king of the Eọii. Amazonius, the name of Apolo, and AMBIGO, čre ; Lof am and ago) to Amarynthus, a river in Arcadia ; 4 mountain in Ala. compaſs, go about, be in doubt or alo, a town in the iſle Eubea, whore Ambacia, a town in France, celled controverſy. Amb # Ambigere cum ali- D:2na wos wiſhipped. An boiſc. quo. 10 ruiſe a diſpute with. Amas, mountain in Laconia. Amba&tus, ; m. [ex am & actus] | Ambigit, imp it is a doubl. Am- † Amarco,. to begin to lour. a clieni, ſervant, ambaſador. bigitur inter peritiffimos, 'is node + Amaſcus, a lover. † Ambădědo, čre ; to eit about, or a queilion among very learned min. Ănžsčnus; a'river in Italy. conſume Ambiguc, adv. doubtfully, or scurely, Anafia, æ ! f. a paramour ; fe that + Ambuga, a piper, a finger. Ambiguitas, aris; f, doubtfulness, una laves, er is loved; ello Marpurg in AMBAGES, Isifi (ab amb'endo) certsinty, on idle sir unhance of words, Ambiguuin, ui; n. doubt, uncertainty. f Analio, Ön's; m. a lover far-fetched spreh, i deceitjul tole: * Non habeo ambiguum, I don't AT.aſius;iii m. (ab 'amo] be that a charin * Ambages nea: un, Joube at all * In ambiguo effe, louis, or is lived the turning of mills or wheels. so he w.ivering Ănāfiuncŭlus, Ainario'us, i, m. } a little lover. un bag‘o, on's; f. a turning or wind. Amb'gatus, a, um, adj. (exa:nbo &. ing hour, ago ) doulifici, uncertuin, ohirurc. * Analis, is king of Egypt, whoſe som Amjāgrāfus, a, um, adj. ambiguous, Anb guus connalii, uncertuin wher was one of the pyramids ; be made courie so luke. # Futurl ambiguus, Е сес? 1471 (CY11n . .yתגיו.Ger) * i . , . AM B AMB A M F unreriam wbat: will chance. Phi and the other behind. Ambuſtaneus, a, um, carrying fire, ala a.r bigua, a rumbler-glaſs. • Ambro, onis; a riotous ſpendibrift Adibüft o, ön s; f. á bursing, feald- Ambilævus, a, am; idi. left-handed. Ambrodax, a city of Pariha. ing, or fcorrb.ng. Anbillätes, a people of France. + Ambrona, fiorentine. Ambullulatus, a, uin, as ambi. ftug. * Ambiloqulas, }a doubtful speaib. Ambrones, a people of France, wbie lived upon pillige. Apibuftus, a, um, part. Of ambu- * Ambiloguus, a, um ; double-songued;}t Ambronius, keihat has a fruere tooth. ror, burne about, fialded, blajled, or Speaking two lenguoges. Ambroſia, æ; immortality, ihi feigned vixed , alſo she firname of the Fa. • Ambimānus, as ambidexter. Treat of, ibr gods, a bird of borb, bak biſ. . Ambaltis utilis eſt, it is.good AMB-IO. Ivi and ii, itum, Ire; act. of Jerufalem ; alfo Amesbury, in for a burn or Jald. Cic of an and co] to go about, 10 Wiltſhire. Ambuxum, ibe herb withind. encompass or mviron ; to ſoek for pre- Ambảogacus, a, um, of ambrofia. + Amecum for amicum. faríem, 16 pund for or maki interef Ambrokānus, or ambroſius, a, um ; Amch, a city of Media. for any thing or place; to compli pleofani, immortal, divine. Amelas,.a town of Lycia. ment, wòc or lateis. * Ambire vir- Ambrogi Mods, Stonchenge in Wilt. Ameles, a river in Hell, whole water ginen, to woo a maid. Thire. no villel con, bold Ambior, I am encompafid. Ambrofius, i; m. Ambroſe, a biſhop Amelias, a philoépber.of Apania, the Ambiorix, a general of tbe Gauls in of Milain, *. D. 373, and oiher majfer of Porphyry: Cæſar's timar. men. + Amello, on herb grousing about † Ambities, ci; f. ambition. + Ambrum, i ; ay kind of black filone. Anellá, the rivet Mella, in Ambitio, onis ; f. C. a going about, Ambryon, who wrote ibe life of Thc France, Jarewort; alſo a publick ambition, ſuing for, Autlery. * Am ocritus. ediafire. bitione relegata, without vanity. Ambryfus, a name of two cities, one Ameiongus, a plout Soldier of Lom- # Ambitio noftra pititor in Domi of Phocis, and another in Baotia. bardy tio, my gating the conſuljhip defends Amboareti, a preple of France. † Anemc:idus, a kind of medlars upon Domitius. + Ambūbaize, arum, or rather anbu- with fitx longs. Ambitiosè, ambitiofiùs, ambitioaf baiæ, minirols. Amen, Heb. verily, to bi Ht; alſo as fimè; adv. Plin. proidly, wirbt Ambubcia, the common cichory, amentua). much'labour, warily curiouifs, by Ambugia, dandelion, priefis Amenanus a river of Sicily hy Etna. purſuil, with offeffition. * Ambi crown, ſwines-Incut. + Anenarcio, aici so iako ihick or tiosè triftis, very Cynick. Ambúlācrum, i; n. (ab ambulo) a flefant. + Ambitiofitas, ambitioufrafs. privale walk, gallery. + Adicndula, bullon. * Ambitiöſus a, um; Liv. ambitious, Ambulans, niis; part. of ambulo, Amenophis, a king of Egypt. fuli of fientation, vnin-glorious, gor walking. * Fidem rerum 'venalium AMENS, tis ;, adj. (qui à mente) geus, feigned, cunning, funarfluous. malè ambulantem,frarte currenter med, amaced. * Linea ambitiofa, a crooked line, marketable. + Adcnta, orum; n. pary faucis to properly a periphery, Amicitia an- + Ambularium, i, n. a private walk, move sbe appuite. bitiofá, friendſhip held with aur-pullory. Amentarius, a, um, adj. fafimed tiers. In 'malis ambitioſus, one + Ambulătīlis, le ; adj. zoalking. Amentatus, with a fring, losped. who inakes misfortunes bigger than Ambůlātlo, onis ; f. a walking, walk- Amenter, mad!y. they are ing place. Amentia, ae; f. medneſs, foolishneſs, Ambitor, oris; m. Liv. he that feek-, Ambulätiuncŭla, æ; f. a little walk. • Amcilia verfat, be is flari mad. oth by ambitim or britery.. Ambůlator, oris ; m. a water, or Amentia, orum ; n. bands wherewish Ambitudo, inis: F. a circuit. gadder up and down; alſo a crier. vines are tyed. # Ambiturio. Su ambio. Ambulatorium, ii; no a private Ämento, are ; neut. 80 faffin a thing Ambilus, a, um ; part. of ambior; walk, gallery. un!0, 10 Ping ly a loop, to put for- environad, sued unio, goiten with + Ambulatorius, a, um, adj. moving ward a thing carnofily; alſo to be great labour and fuit. up and down, changeable. Cana inad. Ambitus, us; m. a.compaſs; affiling of ambulatoria, a ligör ju per, a run- ĀMENTUM, i, n. lauga} a loop, hondur, bribery, a wall, an orb or ning banquet. larchui, a shong, onk-apple. sphere, a journey, covciouſneſso a juing Ambulatrix, tricis; f. & walkär, or Ameos, a kind of cuminum. for pardon, a circumſtan'e priprch gadder up and down. Ameras, cily about Mectis, from the purpoſe. In ambitü no-, Ambòlātus, Ûs; m. a walking. Ancria, a city or Umbria. minum eít, it has ſeveral names. Ambulli, Caftor and Pollux, yo called Amèrinus, delonging to Ameria. Ambiveriti, a people betrieen the Rhine in Laconia. America, cæ; f one of the four parts and the Maes. + Ambull2. Su ampulla. of the world, diſcovered 1493, by + Ambix, cis,.as calix. AMBŮLO, arcs ncut. (ex ambio, Chriſtopher Columbus, and Ame- Amblada, a city of Pifidia. vel &ubdam. &c.] to walk, zout ricus Veſpucos. Hence Americanus. Amblava, and Amblevia, the river hither and thither, run as waler,+ Amorimnon, a kind of harb, called Amblene in Luxemburg: paſs over, march * Ambulare in otherwiſe ſempervireas, † Ainblöthridion, A medicine cauſing jus, to come before a judge. * Am-t Amerina, a kind of fallow. * Ame- vorsion. bulat hoc caput per omnes legcs, rina pyra, winter pears. * Amc- Amb!ygonļus, a kind of triangle. this point is oflin rigested. # Am- tina, orum, binds whore with the Amblyopia, du!vels of light, bulant naves, humin's fail, * Am vinritiis. Ambo, 2, 0; adj. pl. (nuow) bosh. bolare maria, so wall over the sea, Ameríola, a town int Italy, now lol. Ambo alles, omtes acc. + Ambŭlor, aris, I am walked. AMES, itis; m. ſex am & co) a AMBO, onis; m. a leat, liep, a jug, Ambulatus fum, I have walked. crutch or jaka for ries; also a kind pselpir, a round sop of a bill, a brim + Ambulo, onis. See gradus. of cake. of w por, &c. Ambòlus; be sbat walkëſh, xmèſtrătu's, 4 town of Sicily. Ame. Anboglana, the town Ambleside in Amburbālc, is; n. (ab ambienda Atratini, the people, Weſtmorelard. urve) a facrifice used in the luflra- Ameftris, a queen of Perſia, wife, or Amboina, añijland in the Eaſt-indies. rion of cities. Xerxcs. Ambones. a kind of cups, Amburbialcs boftiæ, the facrifices led Améthodus, without method. Ambra, a city of Vindelicia; alfo round the procinas of the town. A mothyſtigöra, a kind of precioks arbor or embergreaſe. Amburbiālia, « going in proceſien. fone. Ambracia, a noile city of Theſprot!a. -Amlliro, čre, Lof am and uro) 80 + Amethyftinus, a, um ; adj. of or Ambracota, 2 an inhabitant of Am turn, parch, feald, confume. } Amethyftinarus } like an amcihy?. Ambracotes, brachia Ambůrvo, are, (of ann and urvo) xo + Améthyſtus, iſ, an amsihil ; alfo Ambrăcius, 2, um ; lelonging there!o. Twin curr, as tuinblori do. the name of an berib. of Ambraciotes, a kind of vine. Amburvator, oris; m. a tumbler, et Ametis, a club. Ambracus, « touun of Epirus. juggler, Ametor, motherleſs. + Ambrices, lashi, guler.siles, + Arbus, a ferv.ini, AMFRACTUM,'ti; n. [ex am & # Anibriſeberi, a trpent with two + Ambafilla, a belly. frango) a compaſs, turning or wind- ing An 1 ! V 1 AMI A M M AM. other' inen. Amfra&tuofus, a, um, adj. full of Anicus and Dexter, finnames of ram ;, aljo funeral other men. winwings. Hercu.es. Ammõnco, as adnionco Amfraēlus, a, um ; bent, tamed. Anicufia, aw if ind in the Red-fda. Ammoja. p:irs of Lybiai heretofore Amiradus, us; mi as amfractum. Anida, o lawn of Melopotamia, the while; alo a naire of Juno. † Amtrăgoſus, a, um ; baving made Amiectum, fór circumicaum. Ammõnjăcum, gum of the shee aga- walks full of tumings. Amilcar, father of Hannibal, and ſyllis in Africa. * Ain moniacum + Amfringo, to break cut, thymiana, th.lt ruhi bifurt from + Ami, the rear, army; alfa ibe herb + Amiliarius lapis, a flonie laid et the tree melops. Ammoniaces amy. roery mile's end. fal, julef:und under the fusids in Amia, æ; f. a kind of shining fish Amulos, a river in Mauritania. Africa without fentes. Amilioni a promontory near Byzan- Ammonii, a prople who had their trin Amiancus, sarth jlnx, or falninander's tium, row Tripition. ginal from Egypt: bass, a jone like allum, foxie like Amilus; ne city of Arcadia. :: Ammonitæ u people of Palenine, wcol. or which ihey made corches Aminadab, the ſon of Aram; and the rolled by Josephis Ammanitæ. which never conuined in the fire; of father of Nahafſon. Àmmunis cornu, a gold-coloured get which they alſo mode clo:b. which Amineus, belonging to Amenia. 1 kr a ram's horn. being foul, was cleansed in the fire. Aminca, part of Campania, where it Ammonitrum; a kind of mine made Amianus, a biſhop of Alexandria, dis ex ellent wine is produrid. of fund and nitre ningled roge- ciple of St. Mark, who plucked our Amineas. the name of an arch pirnts. ther his eye for its wantineſs: + Aminiculum, a woman's teil, Ammonium, a promontory of Arabia Amica, a; f. alernin, milrais. Aušinius, a river of Arcadia. Felix Domnus amica domes optima; hoine Aminone, a rivit or Cilicia.. Ammoniosyd; m; a grént philoſopher is bime, be it noter fo homely, Aminuia, a city of Apulia. of Alexandria, maſier to Origen ; Amicabilis, le, adj. friendly, + Amio, a kind of fish. alſo the name of divars other men; Amicabilitas, tatis ; f. friendlines. † Amircus, ci; « pretor or chancellor. also a mad monk, who cut of his car + Am.că să:ītèr ; adv. lovingly. Amis, ro render bimelt unsupable of a bi- tis ;; a bark's perib. 4 Amicābundus, a, um , loving. Ames, Droprick. Amicalis, a title of Jupiter Amifi. Su amitto. † Aomorgis, inis ; thu lees of wine † Amicarius, a, um ; ads, pertaining Amifits, a comical pour in Suidas. an herb or which is made purple. to a concubina Anlfina, part of Cappadocia coleår ; the rind of a tant or reca. åmice; adv. Cc. lovingly. * Ho- Amihus, the river Ems in Germany. Ammollca, a fea-nymph, daughter of minun vitæ anicè vivere, * live amiffio, Önis ; f « loſs. Nercus and Doris. frimdly, with all people. Åm:fius, a, um ; part. of am!ttor, 184. Anmo-veo, ves, vi, tum, vēre; 28. + Amicim-en, inis ; n. for ami&tus. Amiffus, ùs ; m. a loſs. Cic. ti remove, drive, or take e- * Ănicinum, the pour, inauth or pipe Åmiffus, er óum, a city of Paphlago. wy: Amicinus,} of a bortle. nia. Amnamcthu, an iland of Arabia Fe- AMI-CIO, cui, civi, & xi, Eum, AMITA, æ; f. [Arab.] an aunt. lix in the Indian fra. cire ; act. (ab am & jacio} to Amitermini, and Amtermini, dr. * Amacnſ:s, cities fosted by the river. cloalh, wrap up. derers on the river Aternus. fidei + Amicibor, for amiciar. Ämilernum, a town in Italy. Amneſtla, e; f. fargetfulrajs of ix- + âmicitèr i adv. lovingly. Amiternini, the inhabitants of Ami juries pofl. ămicitia, ; f. Cic, friendship; alſo tcrmim. # Amneus, as amn'cola. n goddess of the heathens. * Ami- Amithaon; the father of Mclampus amnias, as Zal:Cous. citia mihi eft cum eo, the phyfician, Avnicola, a; f. (ab amnis & colo) friends. * Amicitiam pangere cim Amithaonius, of Amithaon. one that dulls by a river. aliqua, to enter into a bond of amitinenſes, a people of Italy. Amnícůlus, a litla river. Amnicus, a, um, adj. of a riwr. cum fico, there is a sympathy bee Amitinæ, } cufin-germans. Amrſgēnus, a, um ; (ab annis & Izren. * Perſonam amicitiæ deal Anitrochares, a king of India. gignol bred in a river. trahere, to be plain and downright. AMITTO, isi, Num, čro ; a&. (AMÑIS, is; m, and to (qu. ab alien + Amicitior, for amicior. à and inittn) to locan fond dray, Vi varl & rivir, brook, fresma. * Amico, are ; to make one his friend, pardon, let go, to take away. A Amnis icdatos, mosih ſiriam. reconcile, mittic forcm arbor, ubie trae cojieth Annenfis, fe; of or by a river. Amicor, ari; to be a friend, the bluff-ms. *amiliere aliquid ex Amniſus, part of Gnostus. + Amicoſus, a, um ; very friendly. animo, to let a thing Nip out of his Amoifiades, the Nymphs. + Amico, mind. Amittere tem de mani- Amnilades, + Amiauo, bus, to rid his hands of a thing. † Amnites, cryftal. Āmiaõrjum, ili n. a nuk-clab | Amtra, gheply mother ; aljo a ciry Amnirum infulae, islands on the weft handkerchief. in the tribe of Aſcr. of Britain in France. A miltus, a, um, part. of amicior, Anmæa, a famous city of Meſopota - Amnium, a river of Bithynia. clothed, ducked, couturd. mia. Amnium, ii ; the ſoft skin that wraps Āmictus, ùs; m. Cic. a garment, ap- Ammædara, a city of Africa. the child in the womb. partly cloathing. • Amicus duplex, Ammana, as Philadelphia, in Ceelo Amnus, a kirg of Tuſcany. loole apparal. Amictus Græci Tyria. . AMO, arc i act. C:c. (a) Heb.em, exoleſcunt, grow out of fabion. Ammanitæ, a prople of Arabia. males] 80 love me cordially; to live, Amiui. Set Amicio. Ammanm, city mentioned thiMac.ix. or to be in love; to lour, or be icken Amicula, æ; a parainour. Ammi, with; to ddight in to be went to Am.cůlātus, a, um ; floathed with a Ammos, the herb biſhop's wred. do a thing ; to be obliged 10, or bank. mort garment. Anmium, il, • Amat fieri, it is want to fall out, åmiculum, Il; n. (ab amico) a Ammianus, a famous peel. Awarc aliquam in matrimonium, little cloak, or sort garment., *A- Ammianus Marcellinus, an hiſtorian to Fire any one in marriaga. • miculum ferale, a winding-feat. under Gratian and Valentinian Amarc aliquam exiremâ linca, to Amiculum linteum, a ſurplice. Ammienies, a prople of Spain. enjoy the fight of one's sweet heart. Åmicòlus, lii m. (ab amando] at Ammiraldus, on admiral, or suer * Amare feipfum, to land high in friend, a lover, a faucurite. *'A feer of the sea-banks. his own conceit. miculi pares, the princi's greate|Anmites, a river of Greece. + Amodò; adv. herraffer, for the favourites, "Amicolus charus, the Ammites, a land.jone er frei-love. time 10 come. prince's minion or privado, Ammochoftus, the city Famagoſta in Amõbæum carmen, verſes anſuring Amicus, a, um, adj. Cic. amicior, Cyprus. one another by courſe. amiciffiinus, friendly, beloved, ac. + Ainmochryfus, a precious fone foem. Amcbeus, a famous musician of A. upiable, profitable. * Amicus ani ing like gold fand. thens, and very continent. mus, a man's own ſweet felf.* + Ammodytes, a fandy-coloured viper. viper. Amena, orum; pleaſant places by Humor prauis amicus, qiiffure is Ammon, or Hammon, Jupiter w9. Arena, Srbe fea-fidi. defired by meadows. Dieped in Lyold, in the mape of a donc ; ady. Plin. pleafuntly, AMOCH ar 1 1 D'a. um. AMP A M P A M. P ämeeniffimè, adv; fuper. Liv. miß | Anpclinus, a, um, adj. of a vins the deerees thereof. pleasantly, of griperolonr. Amphicyrion, a kind of tent-wood, on Amenitimus, a, um ; moff pleaſant. + Ampeiis, a kind of bird. which burdens were furriedi, Amanitas, tatis; f. Plin. ples fünt + Ampělitis, or terra ampelicis, f61- Amphicyrtos, this state of the moon not nefs, mirib, amity. coal; alſo a kind of earth in Syria, yei come to the half compass. ameniter; adv. pleafanrly. where with shay anoint the vinas 16 Amphidamas. ntis ; m, the son of Amrenn, arc ; to delight kill worins. Bufiris, who uſed to sacrifire his AMEENUS, a, um ; adj. Sall. (ab Anpčlodeſmos, a kind of withy. gugis sill be hiinfelf. was juin.by Heb: granum pro nagnam pol wherewith the tiid vinss in Si Herculcs. chrum] pleaſant, sweet ; alſo delight cily: Amphidoti, a city of Triphyllia. fül Ampeloesia, a town in Decapolis, Amphidoxon, ns likely true as falfe. ti Amceſtor, ari ; 'to be very fad. Amočlõleuce, brimny, or white vint, . Amphidoxus, a, um, adj. honourail † Anceftus, ay um ; adj. very fad. Ampelomělæna, the black vine, or on both sides, Amolbus, a city of Macedonia; also black briony. Amphidromia, orum ; the fifth day a city of the Magnetes. Ampě'opaalum, i; n. leek-vine, rai from the birih, when the bild was Amõl. or, iris, tus ſum, ire; dep fins, bears.garlick, buckrams. named, and purified by carping is (of à and mõl'or] to remove, hrave Ampelos, a vine. round the fira, away, depuri," comfort, . Amoli-Ampolos, un ifand and promontory of Amphidromios dics. Sie amph dro- mini hinc vos, ge! you gone bene. Simos, and orber cities; alfo a dar- Amõlitio, onis ; fi a beaving, chafing ling of Bacchus. Amphigenia; a city of Peloponde- away. Ampelos agria, our lady's feal. fus. + Amõlum, the fined power that Miss Ampelūlia, a promontory of Africa.. Amphiloch, a people of Epirus. about the milli Ampendices, for appendiccs. Amphiloch:a, a sily now called Am- + Amonare, to build. Amphana, a Dorick city. filoca, belonging to the people of E- Amomctus, an hiſtorian mentioned by Amphapa!ia, a city of Crete. pirus ; olfo «xother in Spain. Pliny and others. Amphanis, a town of Macedonia. Amphilochius, a biſhop of Iconi- # Amomis, an berb of a leſs favour Amphaxitis, the country about Am- than amomum, and with a flower phanjs. Adiphilochus, the son of Amphiarus, like orgament. Amphaxitæ, the people of Amphas who built the city called Argos An- Āmomum, Spikenard, or the herb fc itis. philochium ; alſo an . Athenian rufalem, or ladies roja. Amphe, one of the Cyclades. philoſopher, a writer of agricul- Amona, a city near the Dead-foa. Amphea, a city of Mefrenia. ture, Amonins, a nobleman of lo gre.if ab-Amphcmčrinos, tbe exquifte.quartan Amphilyļus, a river in Samos. finance, that he never eat any thing ague: Amph:lycus, a fcorbs.user of Acarna- but topfied bread, was never bungty. Amphi, about. nia. nor ever told a lye. Amphiale, a town of Altica. + Amphima, a kind of filb. Amor, oris; m. Ovid. (ab amo) Amphialus, an excellent dancer of Amphimicer, cri, lu foot in a verfa, love, luft, favour í elfo Cupid. Phæacia. Amphimacrus," } having a shore Amorcs, a darling, minion. Ex. Amphiaraus, son of Oicles, a Gie Silable in the mids, and a long one citare. mirabiles amores alicajasi cian.prophel, who was loth so po on either ſide. rei, to make it to be loved extremely. to the Theban war, knowing he' Amphimăchus, the name of two Alicur in amore reſpondere, 10 Should not return, but diſcovered by men that aflijied at iba page of 'be ir ibe jame offe&tion toward. his wife Erip!iy:e bribed by A Troy. Amõrābundus, a, um ;'Jull of love. draftus, be was ſwallowed up by the Amphimalia, a town in Crete. † Amorgine, a kind of berb called carth the firft day he same thi. Amphimalis, lc ; adj. belonging to helxine. ther. Amphimalia. Amorges, one of Darius's captains, Amphias, a man of Tharſis, who be-/ Amphimallum, l; n. a cap wrought Amorgos. one of the Cyclades, in the coming rich on a ſudden, forgot his or furred on both sides. Amphimallus, la garment wroughton Amores, idis;: a kind of fax ibat Amphibius, a, um ; adj. living os Amphimalla." } both fides: grews at Amoigos well on water as land, amphi-Amphimaſchålæ, arum ; coats hiving åmo:gina, purple cloaths made at A biow, nerves en both ſides like wings, wors Inorgos. Amphib!eftron, a not catching both only by freemen. Amorii, a city of Armenia. wips. Amphimedon, me of Penelope's fui- Amoriun, a town of Phrygia Malor. Aniphibolia, &; f. ambiguity, double tor), and osher men. Amõrösè, amoroſus, amorofiffinè; meaning , Amphimerina febris, a quotidian a- ady. amorouſly. Amphibolicè; adv. doubtfully. gut. Amorāſu, a, um, adj. amoroits. Amphibõlicus, a, um, adj. doubt. Amphinome, the name of a nymph; Amorphis, without form or hapo. ful. alſo the mother of Jalon, wbi killed Amorrhæi, Amorites, a people of Pa- Amphibologia, æ; f. a speech of o herſelf. leſtire. double meaning Amphinomus, ons of 'Penclope's sui- + Amos. for amor. Amphibõlógius, a, um ;'ad). doubi- Amos, the name of a prophet. fully spoken. Amphinoraus and Anapius, two bre- Amofa, city in the tribe of Benja-Amphibõlus, doubtful. thron, who carried their parents on Amphibrăchus, a foot in a verle their ſhoulders ous of Catana, then Amõsis, a king of Egypt. with a lorg Allable in the middla, on fire Amodites, a kind of ferrent. and on either ſide a fhort one, as, Amphion, orig; son of Jupiter by Āmoțio, õnis ; f. a removing, putting včnird. Antiope, who built Thebes by bis CTU:17. Amphibu!is, & garmmt buttoned on mufic; elfoober men, Āmātus, a, um; part. of amorcor, sither ſide, Amphipolis, the cis, Chriſtopoli or removed, &c. Amphicarpus, bearing fruit on both Emboli in Macedonia. Anl-ovco, oves, õvi, ātúm, overc ; fides. Amphipolitanus, a, um ; belonging to act. Cic. to remove, drive, or take Ainphicoft:s, barley growing on Amphipolls. Quay, with draw, jeal. : * Admo mountains. Amphippi, joldiers in war that wed vere Tiefpicionem ab aliquo, to pur Amphicralcs, an hiflorian, who wrote tuo horſes, lerping upon occafior from one out of fufpicion. of famous men, one to the other. Amoveor, éri ; paff. Cic: to be re-Amphi&tyon, õn's; the son of Amphiproſtylos, a boufo having pil- i insued. Amovcri in inſulam, 10 D:ucalion, who they ſay found the lirs on boih ſides. be haniſted to an iſlond, interpretation of dreams. Ato the Amphiporo:,' a firname of Diana in Ampe, a rity by the Red-jen., Jon of Helenus, wb, ordained that Sophoc es, and an epi:bes of Mi + Ampéchonc, a kind of garment. general council of Greece, called + Ampela, a jown of Crete. Amphiêlyonicum confilium,*am - Amphiroc. a name of a nymph. † Ainpelia, a forub growing at the phiclyones, the procedents of that Amphis, a cornical port in Plato's roots of vines. council. * Amphitiyonicæ leges, sime, 1 tors, miin " Civa. Ari A MP A M P AMY 9 7 Or no. zorlar. 1 } ) Dcnc. Amchila, a river in Phocis. in compaſs an arre, Ampullei co, vi, cere; neut, to was Amph'sbænay A L'oyan fernent, Ampliat:o, ons ; f. the defor.ring a giofs, bo puft or / won with prido. Amphiſibæna, with a bend er Jensene when the jury cunnot agred; Ampuiligerus, a, una; (ex ampulla both ends. alla on mlargement. & gcro) carrying islas. Amphiſcii, orum ; those which have Amplicè, adv. nobly, magnificenily. Ampullor, ari; dep. 10 Speak bigb their.Jbadovis coji. on Ocb sides of Amp:ificamentum, i; nun words them, as the people wbo dwell in Amplif:ca:io, on:3; f. plifying, Ampătātio, onis ; f. eutsing away the torrid xina mlarging or atoui. Ampbiffa, a vily in Achaia. Amplificator, õiis ; m. bu ibit am Ampütātus, a, um ; part. of ampa- Amphiili, a posple of Amphiſa. plifies ar increaſes. tor; cut, about or away. Amphiffenc, a country of Armenia Amplificālus, a, um ; part. of am- Amputo, are ; 38. coram and pulo] the Icís, pliticor ; onderged, honoured. to one cf, prune, take away, dij- Amphiftoncs, a Lacedæmonian who Amplificès adv. nably patch. Amputare mulicudinem, run mad as be wus sacrificing 10 Amplifice, are ; act. (of amplus and to diſpatch a cumpiary: Diana. , facio) to amplify, extoll, increaſe. * Amputorius, a, um , adj. belonging to Amphillcs, a man lo foolijo that he Amplificare aliquid laudibus, to pruning. know not whether he had any father commend a thing very much. #ám-Ampscides, Mopfos, son og Ampyx. plificarc rebi ornando, to trim or Ampyxy.a'miin mentioned by Ovid. Amphiftratus, a Laconian z ptain ; adorn a thing.. Ampyx, a wornan's cuul on ile bead. alſo ai coriain Parwary in Pliny, Amplificus, a, um: adj. fately. † Anfanctus, altogether holy alſo a + Amphitane, che sone chiyroolla, Amplio, are; act. to enlarge, ampiga place in Italy, baving fulphurrous wherein is found w quuri lisinge Jy, prolong. * Anpliare ætatis fpa- like guld. tium, to reprieve. Ampliare ler. Anſeges, a headland. Amphităpaz, a garment frienced on vit:a, to increase the number of she Amségetes, they whoſe corn lies by the both ſides. flaves. high.w.iy. Amphitha'ămus, i; the | chamber Amplifsimè, adv. very amply, bounti-/+ Amfinia, a kind of fiſh living in the where the maids lie. fully, fea or on land, le ; adj. pertain-Amplicitas, as Ainſte'odamum Amſterdam, the Amphitheatricus, 'wait; } . ving to Amplitèr, adv. nobiy, magnificently. Amſtelrodamum, $ chief city of Hol- tha amphitheatre. • Acceptus, ſuur h larc atquc am- land. Amphitheatrum, ; n. an amphithe plitèr, I was made very welcone. + Amtermini, l dwelling about the atrs, or double thésire. * Amplitèr occup, qys, very buſy. Amterinines, borders. Amphithemis, a Th:ban generel. Amplitūdo, inis ; f. nobleneſs, greutat Amula, a holy water-sol. Amphithětim, i, n. a tumbler-up; nifi, dignity, largeefs, majelly, bcun- AMÕLETUM, i; n. lab amolien- alſo a great jug. ty. In ampliudincin adolcícere, do, vel amovendo lcihum, vel ab Amphithoc, a jea-nym). [of trees] to grow in bigriefs and amula) an amulet, « pomander, Amphitriie, es; ibo wife of Neptunc; height good againſ tewitching. alſo she fea, and mother of 'l'rulon.' Amplivăgos, a, um, adj. (of am- Amulius, a king of the Albans, Nu- Amphitryo, Theban princ. Yon of plus . and vagor] having a large mitor's younger brother; also a fa- Alcæus ; alſo the husband of Alc Jiore, tarus painter. Ampliùs, adv. more largely, further. Amůlula, a little water.pos. Amphicus and Telchius, charioteers more, hencefor:h * Hoc ampliùs, ĂMURCA, x; f. Layopan] lees or of the Dioſcuri, of whom caine the befiaes. *Ampliùs tricon:um eft, moiber of oil. family of the Honiochi.. Mis above thru years. * Anpliùs Amuscarius, a, um, adj. belonging Amphora, z; l. [due papiùs] an earthen liberorum, more children. # Ani so the lees or mother of oil. villal wi:h two cars, cor:taining mine pliùs horis quatuor, above four it Amurcostas, ats; f. druggineſs. gallons. Amphora Aurica, Shirly hours. Amurcõlus, a, um ; adj. full of dregs gallons and in half. Ampliuſculus, a, um ; adj. fome what or lees, Amphoralis, le; adj. belonging to an larger. Amus, a city of Coria. carthen' veful. Amplo, are ; 10 amplify or increaſe. Amuſium, an inftrument to know tha Amphorārius, li; Io. a tankard-bearer. AMPLUS, a, um: adj. amplior, points of the wind, a compaſs. ' Amphoriſina, at's; n. a pors from ampliffimus ; (ab avetheaplenus Amuflatus, a, um ; 2 adj. expaly whence ſweat iſues. refertus) ample, large, spacious, Amuffitatus, a, um ; } done, Amphorites an exerciſe among the fumptuous; hincurahie, of great is Amuſfim, amuffatim, adamuffim, foets in Ægina, where the conqueror thority, bountious. *Arbor amplir. examulim, adv. cxually by line bud an ox. Gima, a tree ſpreading much. *Sac and level, to a buit's broadıb. Amphoteropion, a double fare, or duty charum ampliffimum, ibe larget AMUSSIS, is ; f. (ab auga nexus for exportation and imporlution; fort of ſugar, vel ab an & aſlis, i.e. affer) a alſo inſurance-stoney. + Amplustre, for apluſtre. Carpenler's rule or line. Amphrylus, a river in Thesſaly or + Ampluftrum, i, n. an oar, or fornt Amurro, are; romutter or murmur. Magneria, by wbich Apollo fed the of a ship. † Amūrus, a bater of she Mujes, un. caisle of Admetus. Ampre, a rown mentioned by Pliny. learned. Amphrylius, a, um ; ? belonging 10 Ampron, onis; m. aflaple; chain, or + Amutta, a gim like nitra, Amphiyriacus, a, um ; / Amphryfus. wyth. fofilmned 10 rokes, Amyca, Coloſyria. + Ampiles, a Tuſcan word for the Ampſaga, a caille in Numidia ; alſo a Amyciportus, a place in Pontus, fa. monib of May. river in Africa. mous for the Naughter of Amycus Amplè, adv. amoly, largely, ſufficiently. Ampfalis, a city of Sarmatia Agatica. king of the Bebryccs. + Amplecto and amplexo, for am- Amptruo, are ; (of amn and truo) to Amycia, one of the daughters of Nio- p!ector, nuke ſuch motions in dancing as the be, which Pauſanias lays was pro- Amplcct-or; i; dep. [of. am and Salit, feruid with her fifter Mefibæs. piccio) 10 cmbrare, compass, love Auipulla, 2;, f. (ab dulumaa) a Amycæ, a city of Italy, which doing berlily, hold, new fuvour to, know, vial. á litila bortka, a bubble, proud troubled wiih miny falſe alarmi, comprehend. * Aram ample&itur, swelling, Projicit ampullas, he made a law that rione fould spouk he takes fun&uary. * Amplecti ar bretors. of the enemy's approach, till at laj tem aliquam, to give him dlf to a Ampullaceus, a, um ; adj. like a shey were ſurprije unuwares, which trade. * Amiple i jus c:vile, to vial or borcle; gorgeouſly docked. occafioned the proverb, Amyclas &- betlike bimſelf to the civil liw. Pyrum ampullaccum, a tankud lent:um pcrdioit, or enqui volo, Amplexor, ari; dep. to embrace of. pear, an Engliſh apple.pear. nain ſcio dinyclas tacendo pori-' tom, fuvour, eflccn. . † Ampullagrum, i:; n. a blefom of uff, alſo a city of Peloponnclus, Amplexus, ûs; m, an embracing, a planied pornegrinate. sbc country o; Caftor ini Pollux. comparing about. Ampulār:us, a, um ; adj. pertaining All yclæi, hey Jent a solony into Crete. Amplexus, a, um ; part. of amplec. to corsle. Aniychiluin, writy and port of Crete. tor; having embrared. Quer, us Ampullarius, ii; m. a maker of bor- Amycæus, a nome of Apoilo; also a amplcxa jugerum agri, spreading iles or vials. certain liatuary. Amy. 1 }or tairt. } AN Α Ν Α Α Ν Α Amyclas, the scamán that carried Cea be? * Annon hoc dixi effe futu- Anacollēraata, medicines to flop sho far inig Italy is the time of the ci ruñ? did I not tell you it mosuld rhoum in the gos, vil wars, be fo? Hoccinc agis annon! do Anacollia, ineutb-plus, to lay the looja Ämycus, a fox of Neptune, the king you mind me or no? ---In which hair. of the Beby ces, who, bring accusa ime necne is often uſed for annod? | Acăco!ūlhus, a. grammatical figure, temed so fallenge all frangers, and as fiat, nccne fiat, id quæritur; wom the relative is out without the circumvent them, was at laj circum.. Cic. Note uljo, ibat Quintillan aninodini, & è contra. uenired and pain by Pollux; alſo a Jays, where we speak of more than Xnācreon, a lyrick post, who was 'Cc Messing and foveral other men. 'one, we muſt nourt ufo aut for an, choaded with á grape.pone. Amma city of Macedonia. in doubling or asking. Quint. 5. Anacsifis, an inquifition, or firia ix- Apduh, ; N. parıb. Aination. lygdali, a; fan almond-tru, or. Ana (among phyſicians) of each an Ănatoria, a city of Ep!rus ; a'lo shie Almonds; alſo kernels. squal quantity ; aljo an afern ijlı Milctus. Amygd latuin, i; n, almond-irse.. bel, and á rivo in Spain. Anactor!l, she posplo of Anaco:ia, Amygdaliceus, of an almond Anaanus, an high prieſt placed by the Anadēma, atis; n. a coif, or beside Amygdalicus, a, um ; or almond Cyrenkin Joſephus. grar. Anab, the name of a city or moun- Anidendrădes, vines Baid up with Amygdălina, nux, an almond. Shrubs, among which they grow. Amygdăin.s, a, um ; adj. made of t Ănābadrum, a pulpit or desk, Anadendrómaläche, tha boly-oak; alfo almond.. * Amygdalina pruna, alan: baptiſta, a ; an anabaptif. a plai'ier maide.of it. mond plums grated on an almond-Anăbăiis, she borb horſe-hair or horſe-. Anadendron. See althæa. Bork. * Anygdalinuin olcun, vil tail. Anādelmus, a ſwathe or roller. of hitler almonds, Anăbagus, ii ; M. a.me/ſenger, herald, Anadiploſis, a doubling of words. I Amygdălites, an herb with a leaf or po1. Anadydmēne, un appearing out: like on alimond-Irak, a kind of purge. Arăbata, a Bap or flair. Anadyomēne, the piauis of Venus AMYGDALUM, I; D. an almond. Anăbathrum, i; a. a pulpit, or any riſing out of the ſea, made by Apel- Amygdalus, i; f. an almond-ins. place gons up by leps les. Amylon, purcb. Anabatrum, á curtain. Anda, a city of Caria. Amyim, a pespls of Epirus. Anabis, a city of Spain. Anaitæ, the people of An&a. Anymone, the daughter of king Da - Anāboladium, or gium, i; a caſter, Anatia, a town of Armenia major, naus, who hit « Jungr unwittingly, or veil for women louldersalſo a wafted by Euphrates. also a foxoiain and river of Pelo facred vefilment among the Greeks. Anagallis, idis; f. the herb pimpernel. pannelus, † Anabolicæ fpecies, merchandise * Anaga!lis aquatica, fed purſlain, Amyntæ, e people of. Threſprotia. loaded into a lip. brook-lirie. * Anagallis ſylveſtris, Anynas, farbe to Philip. Oj Mace. Apabrochiſmus, fi m. when one is the herb calva':-fnout. don; and a hapird in Virgil ; bound, and some ſuperfinous ibing Anåglypharius, a caruer. ibe name of an apibor mentiorios by taken from him. Athenæuş and Elian. + Anabula, æ , f, a red fpolied Æ- Anaglyptice, es; f. $ boling or in- Ämyntor, öris; m. the fatber of thiopian' barſ, with a head like a graving Pheo:X; and piber mm. camel, a neck like a borfe, and legs anaglypham, i;in. 1a place wrought Amyrberis, the barberry-free. like an ox, Anaglyptum, i; n. s with bammer's, Amyrgium, a field of ibe Saccæ. Anabum, a city about the Danow. not graven. Amyricus Campus, a place about t Anacacabeia, the herb lotus. Anaglyphus, a, um , adj. painted or Thefaly + Anācacabos, the fruit of the herb engravin. Amyris, a running Sybarite, why, laba Græca. Anagnia, e city in Italy, where An- føring but' Apolip was abous to Anacalyphs, a revelation. tony (sund monty to be coined. plague them, becvuſe they bonoured Anācalypteria, preſents given to be Anagnoftes, æ; ni. a riader. men xolose iban the gods, dyparsed sa new wärried wife when forse un Anagoge, és ; f. ibe mypical foſe of Pelopoonclus; ubered on tay veiled her face; alſo the toaji-day. any sbing coupied him mad, kus ihe plagué + Anācabra, ; f. a timbrel. Ănagõgeticus, and 2 adj. pertain- muing caused that adask. "Amy- Anacampsč:cs, olis; an berb, thaf Anagogicus, a, um ;} ing so demo or ris inſanit, applied to those, whr. by being touched has ibe force to recort high matters. Ibr_mulgar are counted fools, but in cile lovers. Anagraphe, @s ; f. a regiſtering, or - falt ar truly wife, Anacardium, il; n. an Indian true common inventory, a copy of afin Amyris ar ameris, a kind of ſwedi with fruit like a bird's beart, and tree witbout fruit juice like blood. † Anagus, a cup of gold, t'Amyrum, bifurd Soff-on Anace, a city of Achaia. Anâgpris, idis; f. bean-cod-tru, a Amyrus, a, lown of Theftaly. Anacephalæolis, a brief repetition of Shrub thai flinks whm 'tis handled, Anyſis, a river of India, falling in- what has teen ſaid. which cauſed the proverb, Anagy. to Ganges. Ances. Cattor, and Pollux. rin commovere, to be the cause of Amyftis,id's ; the posiring down of Acacbaras, a philosopher of Scythla, one's own miſory. drink without gulping. * Amyſtis fotsmperate, that he gave occafion to Anagyrus, part of the tribo Erechcis, of aaryftidem ducere, to drink up that proverb, Anacharfis inter Scy. where much anagyris grew. all in one bra.lth. thas, He compare the laws 'to cob. Anaitis, a goddeſs which the Armeni- Amyilkon, the son of Cretheus, and wabs, that cougbl poor flies, but let ans chiefly worſhipped. father of Meliõpus. the walps oſcape. He invented she + Ana'ale, a kind of white flower Anythạonus, a, um ; adj. belonging potters wheel, despied money went Ănăle&ta, orum ; n. fcraps, frog. to Anythaon. + Amytía, a kind of frankincenſe. Anachis, one of the Dii Lūres plongs Analecies, z; mi he that gathers up Amytron, a city of Thrace. the Egyptiang the fragments; alſo one of a good Amyzon, a city of Caria, now Me Anachites, or } an adamant, memory. Anacites, Ana!caice, ês ; f. edit to Srengthen Anachorégis, a hermitage, or solitary ono peroly recovered A ante N. terola. Analc&is, idis ; a little cubion, a Anachorētālis, le ; adj. bolonging' 80 bolfering. AN.. abbreviat. for aniles, ante, ſolitarinafs. Analemma, atis ; ; n. an inſtrument annis, or actionem. Anachorēta, læ; m. an hermite, or 10 ford th. heighiof any thing. ĂN, adv. Sometimes of asking, and Anachoritá; } an herite. † Analeſia, æ, f. a diſeaſe taking Sometimes of doubting (ab äv] whe- Anacrum, a mountain, on which food oway Jan's from all parts of the Ther, or, alfe ; sither, il, or no'; a temple of Caſtor and Pollux in heid, gro, or no. An, in the ladder part Attica: Analitz, a people of Arabia Fællx. of a Sonience, anſwers to utrùm, or Anaclcfis, a beating or calling back. Analogia, że to proportion. to another an or nè, either exprefed Anaclinicrium, a couch, paliel-bed. An lógice, adv. proportionally, or underflood. An is ef? is it | Anacole, an ijland in ibe Ægean jen. Analogicus, a, um, proportional. Ana- : mmi. 1 Da 1 and other men 1 Α Ν Α A N A A NC Analógifmus, is any forcible argu 4 medicine to open the veinis ond ar- A naxilas, 4 comical poet, ment from the cauſe to the site, Anaxilaus, a kong of ibe Rheginos, implying an unanſwering neceffity. Anaſtrophe, és ; f. an. inverſion, or Analogiſta, æ; a tulor nor account. ſetting ihar word faremojt which Anaxilides, a perſon who wrote of phi: able for his wardſhip. Doou!. falow. Lo cohers. Analógièn, or cg 14.0, ii; pulpit. Anaſtrus, i ; the bigbeft circle in hoa: Anaximander, a Mileſian; philosopher, Analógus, a, um, anſwering in pro- Ver; alfo dark. That first mids a gobe, geographical portion or rabion. + Anata, æ; f. carefulneſs. maps, and dials. Analphabēt, orum; they that have Anatăria, a; f, a kind of eagle prey Anaximănes, a philofopher and embal- not learns thair. alphabet. ing upon ducks. Sador from the Lampfac.coi 10: Alex- Analyſis, is ; an unfolding, reſolution. Anatārius, n; m. Cabanas) be fbar ander; who knowing that Alexander Analyticus, a, um į adj. pertaining keeps or tako, dýcks. had ſworn io do contrary to bis petit to a reſolution. Avatārius, a, um ; adl. of ducks . . depred bim to raiſe the city, and on Anamafcia, a; a city of Pagnonia. Anathema, åt19; 0. a gift offired, Jiróg 'em; upon which he was force Ananals, a 'king of Egypt. Agathčina, åtis ; on cxicration, or to gardon them against his witi. Ananinelis, is; remembrance of oni ixecrated. Anaxipolis, a comical paesor Tharſus. wb.lt wa ſumed to forget. Anathematizo, are;. to our ſecur of the Anaxippos Myndius, one who conse- Anançæum, i ; neceffary. churih, a deliver up to the devil. crated'a fatue to Hercules. # Anancit:dæ, arum; kind of fones Anaihēmo, for anathematizo. Anaxithoe, the daughter of Coronus, with which magicians raiſe the depli. Anathoth, a city in the tribe of Ben and wife of Epirus. Adandia Vallis, Anandale in Scot jamin, ihres miles from Hierufalem Anaxis, on hiporian of Bæotla. land. * Anatiare, to help or relieve. Anax.us, a river that runnathibrough Anania, a nity in which the fons of Anäticüla, æ, f. (of anasa duckling. Feltrina. Ananias, 3 Benjamin did dwell af- Ănatinus, a, um , adj. of ducks. Anaxo, the daughter of Ancæus. ter the captivity of Babylon ; alfo Anatis. a rjyer of Mauritania, now Anaxyris, the herb forrel. ibe nom of Goveral mm. callid Zitra. Anazarbus, a city of Cilicia. Ananlæ, arum; bairi banging over Anatociſmus, i, m. a yearly rmow. Anazarbeni, the scope of Anazarbus.. Ananzie, arum is the forehead. ing of ufury, and taking ujury ipon + Ancæſa, orum ; graven veſſels Anantapodoton, tis; angure when ujury, plute. an oration wantatb lome parts. Anacolc, one of the Horæ; and a Ancæfus, i; m. Jon of Lycurgus, ona Ananus, iim, a bijhop of Alexan mountain, near Ganges i alſo theEaſt. of the Argonauts; alſo a son of dria, fucceffor to $1. Mark. Anatolicuni Thema, that part of Aga Neptune, king of Samos, who, pkınt- Anapæft:8, ti ; m. foot of two fors which ihe Turks call Natolia. ing a vineyard, over-worked his fer- yllablas, and one long Anatolius, e bilbop of Laodicea, and vants, and was told by one be mould Anapæfticus, a, um ; of ſuch feet. orber mon. neer taſte the wine, which when he Adapæſtum, i; n. A verfi of ſuch feet. Anatome, ; f. 2 anatomy, the cut was about to do, receiving news of a Anaphalis, the herb centunculas, Anatomia, æ : f.} Ying up of bodies wild boar wajling his vineyard, he Anaphe, es; an iland te!wixt The to the parts, threw bis wins away, ran into the salia and Aftypalæa, which arofi'or Ănaiðnice; ês ; f. the art of diſea vineyard, and was hain by the boar, its own accord. ing. wbich orcoponed tho proverb, Mul- Anaphora. æ; f. a figure repeating Anatomicus, a, um ; skilful in ana ta cadunt inter calicem ſuprema- the same word at the beginning of tomy. que labia, i. c. many things fall ſeveral extien:es; allo an ajomiſion + Analrum, i; n. glaſs melted into between the cup and the lio. of planets from the ma. divers colours. Angalites, the hundred of Henticy in Anaphysema, an evaporation, or rifugt Anatus, he that carrieth rings ar Oxfordſhire. of vapours out of the eartb. fellets. Ancata, a city of Italy: Anapologetos, inexcufable. Anava, a city of Phrygia. Ancaria, a goddes idorshipped by the Anarabrium, or arantium,an orange. Anauchidas, a famous wreſtler. Aſculani, lo kuep of their enemies. Anapus, i ; a river in Sicily. Anaudoma, a town of the Syenites. ANCEPS, geo. ipitis, adj. 3. art. Anarchia, 3 ; f. want of government. Anaurus, a river of Theftaly. (ab ani & capio) doubtful, danger. Anarchus, i ; without governor oribe- Arauſis, a hong of ibe Alani and He out. #Gladius anceps, a two-rdged. ginning Diochja. ſword. *Anceps anima!, a beef Anareta; æ; e planet, the suster off of: Anax, the son of Cælus and Terra, living on water and land. life in a nativity. from whóm Mic:us was called A1+ Ancerum, i; the wild cucumber. Anarēticus, a, um , adj. belonging to nactoria Ancharia, the mother of Ottavia. that plant. Anaxagoras, a nohla philoſopher of Ancharias, a nobleman of Rome, fain Anariacæ, arum ; a people of the Clazómetiia, who left bis state to. by Marius's faction. Caſpian Sea. his friends, and travelled being Anchemõlus, ſon of Rhætus, king of Anarrhinon, and antirrhinum, an asked why he had no regard to his the Marrubii in Italy herb like pimpernel, with feed like a sountry, he said he had, and poinrad Aschefites, & wind hiowing from AQ- calf's frous, and little or no roą. 10 Heaven. He first wrote of the chiſa, a haven of Epirus. Anarryſis, is;a fraft-day of the e:lipſe of the moon, Anchefius, a mountain near Orche- Athenians, dedicated to Bacchus. Anaxander, a king of Sparta. menus. Anaxandridęs, a, king of Lacedæmo- Anchefmus, & mountain of Attica; nia, wbo' alone, among all ib? La upon which food the fatue of Jupi. Anas, it river in Spain. cedæmonians, had two wives and ter Anchefmius. Anas, ātis ; f. fvñoad] a duck or two houſes at oncs ; alſo a comedian Anchiala, or -le, a city of Clicla. drakı ; alſo the age of old women. of Rhodes. Anchialus, a city of Thrace; alfo an Anas arêtica, a puffin. Anaxa chus, & pbiloſopher pounded to alirologer's name in Tully, and fe- Anafcarci, æ; f. a dropſy growing in death in a mortar by Nicocreon, a veral men. all parts of the fieln. Tyrant of Cyprus. Aochialus, 11 ;:m. & god of shi Jews, Anaſphorus, i ; a kind of herh. Ănaxătčte, a fair paid of Cyprus, as come gather from th.it of Mutial, Anafſus, Os'; a river of the Carni. turned into a fons for fighting Iphis, lib. 11. cp. 95... Jura, perpc, per Anaſtaſia, a; 4 city of Melo- } who, for love of her, bad hinged Anch'alum. 0:bers think an oath, Anaitaliopolis, is ; } potomia. himſelf. as God liveth; but an ancient ma- Anaitagus, ii; m. an emperor A.D. Anaxenor, a muſician whom the city nujcript of. Thuanus has por an- 492. bilbop of Antioch, ard seve Tyma and M. Anthony greatly ho charium, that is, an aſs, for the ral other man. nsured. Jews were thought to ſwear by an aſs. Anaftomolis, a conjunktion of two Anaxčtum, ti; n. a kind of gnapha. Anchimolus, a Joshifer of Elis, shas vgins in ond; also be opening or lium. lived upon sigs and water, bleeding of the vens. Anaxias, a Theban general. #Anchinum mel, biney made of flowe Anaſtomoticus, a, um ; adj. belong- Anaxıbia, the filer of Agamemnon. ers gathered only in the spring-time. ing to the opening of pores or veins. Adaxicrates, a king of Athens. +Anchiroides, the interior procelles of * Anaſtomoucun medicamentum, Anaxidamus, a king of Sparta. the Nooulder-bloide, Ffff Anchifa, Anartes corum La people of Dacia. " * Diabetes caro, ris Ancona} chaumier city of all Pice- Andiztess of Lipunamas nes. the car. A NC AND AND Alchifa æ ; f. a toron of Italy. + Anclare, end anculare, to draw ; Andelus, a city of Spain. Anchiles, fashr of Encas; alſo in forw.. Andera, a town in Phrygia, wbence Athenian archer. + Anclicor, a feruant. Anderina, the moshar of the gues. Anchifades, Encas. + Ancodi, a bearded man. Anderıda, the town Newenden in Anch'ius, a mountain of Arcadia. + Anclena, 'an iron inftrument. Kent. Ancnitze, people of Arabia Falix. + Anclo, ar.; ; to druw. Anderidum, a moon in Spain. Anch.r, a lake si the mouéb of the Ancobaritia, part of Arabia Deferta, Andes, the Menchmen about Anjou. river Ć: phofus. • Mefopotamia. Andes. pl. a town in Italy, nout Anchonſci.in ruments uſed in torture. tAncodata,or ancunulenta condemned. Manta. ANCHORA, æ ; f regnupo) an am. Ancon, ôn:9; m. an elbowo, a head-Andenus, a, um; belonging to Andes. chor, government, refuge; alſo a lund, promontory, a round prifor- Andçıhanalis, la town and convent cafile in Ph.ygia. Anch'ra fa. boule, a corner or a thing Andeihinna, of friars, now Ech- cra, ibebent..mehr. * Ancho:alt Ancones, vefſels of a cubit bigb; ternack. ſuperior a mark fee to know some alſo inn baunters, neighbours. Andevera, Andover in Humpſhire. gre m.fler fultis, b.ld up by both arms, or Ancona a people Liburnia. well bo'fered. * Anchoræ. bands Anconſci , fu anchoniſci; alſo a prop. Ando: des, an erator of Athens. faj.ening the fail yard so the mijl. # Ancora, Rif. Su anchora. Andologenſes, a people of Spain. + Anthorāgo, inis ; fi a flugren, Ancurrarius, a mountain in Mauri- Anilomatis, a river of India falling Anchõrā!e, isn. the cable of an tania. into Ganges. an:hur. Anore, a city of Bithynia. Andomatunum, a city of the Lingo- + Anchorāre, to ancher, Ancrina, a town in Sicily, corrused Anchorarius, :i; m. he tbat bath the of Ancyrina. Andoriſippo, a city of Spain charge of the anibor. Ancter::s, um ; bands to typ up a Andracha. se city of Cappadocia. Anchorar:us, a, un ; adj. belonging wound; alſo that part of the neck Andrachoc, purſlain Andrachne to on an her which is ſubject to thoaking. agria, an borb, lukon by ſome io os Anchèr:ſına, alis; n. the taking away + Anctito, are; Lof ango) to tortamt orpine. of the wind, mailer diſolved. or vex often. Andræmon, the futber of Thoas. Anchurus, the son of Midas. + A co, ace; I lind together, v.%. Andragathus, a fr...or to his country, Anchusa. ; f. the jecond kind oft. Anctus, a, um; (of angor] sor rewarded by Lyanachus. garden-buglofs; al.banet or orcha menied, vixid, confirained. ; as nit. + Anculi, and -læ ; the gods and god- Andragoras, one who died suddenly iro in + Anchylc, on inciſion of the cords of defus of ſervants; alſo ſervants. Marual, lib. 6. a jains, hindering its uſe. + Ancunulenta, a kind of filtby things. Andramytes, a king of Lydia, who + Anchylops, Superfluour fief in ihal + Ancuculenta, meniruous women. firft mode women sunucks. groot corner of the ego, to wbich she Ancus Martius, the fourth king of Andrapana, a 6189 of Indła wiihin huviours gother, Rome, who fir wolled it round Ganges. * Ancia, the handle of a target or Ancus, a river of Portugal, now Rio Andralimondi, a promontory of Ta- burtlur. di Soure. probane, † Anciæ, or antiæ, locks banging by ANCUS, a, um ; ad). (ab og mwy cu- Andraffum, e city of Ala Minor. bitus maimed, club-iſted.'* Tam Andreapolis, St. Andrews in Scot- † Anciator, a cunning man, mortuus cft quàm ancus, be is as land. * Ancido. Su circumcido. diod as a door-nail, Andreas, æ; m. Andrew. Ansile, is; In. (árxux'scy) a kind Ancus, i, m. boy with a croaked | Androis, part of Greece. Ancilium,'ii;} of Dort loiold, re arm nos esfil, Aretebed out. Andreſt., a people of India, conquered ported to fall from Heaven in the + Ancyla, «; the Bopping of a joint by Alexander time of Numa Pompilius. think it cannot D. Andri, a people of Galila Ciſalp'na. + Anelli, the haru of an.les. Ancylium, a town of Sicily. Andria, a city of E!is. and another of † Ancilis, lc; belonging to a portt Ancyloblepharon, a difrafl, when Macedonia ; alſo feafs whereunto falchion, the eye-lidi juick together, or to the mm only wire gurjis. ANCILLA, 2; f. [90. ancula, ab wbiit of the sye. Andriaca, a town of Media, Lycia, ant:9. anculo, minitro) a maia- Ancylogloffus, he that is tongue-fred. and Thrice. forvant ; alſo a flotterer. Ancyra, a city of Galatia. Andricus, a mountain of. Cilicia; 'alfa Ancillarious, i, m. ene that follows Ancyra, arum ; f. Liv. Cluverius, the name of a river. womebes, a city of Sicily. Andriſcus, the name of an hiſtorian. Ancillaris, se'; adj. belonging to a Ancyrcum, a prepaontory of Ala Mi-1 Andrizo, are ; to play the man. maid-leruant. #Insidias facere an. Androbius, a noble painter in Pliny. cillarias, to lie in wait for, or in- Ancyrion, a town in Italy. Androcalis, a town in Æthiopia. deavour t corrupt girls. Ancyron, a cin of Egypt. Androclea, one of the daughters of Ancillarlys, li ; m. one mueb addicted Anda, city of Africa. Antipænus, who ſew themſelves for to worm. Andă bāla, æ; f. a Mght betwun tam the ſafety of their country. + Anci'lo, are; to serve or wait bas.ints winking Androlides, a famous Laconian war. Ancillos, ari; upon. Andabilis, a city of Cappadocia. riour, who, being upbraided for his Anci'lýla, æ ; f. a litla maid-for. Andada, a city of India, which sur. tamineſ, made this larp separiu, vani. randard 10 Alexander They are fitts 7 for the war, who Ane:logloſſum, the diſeaſe called Andana, e city of Arcadia, and the ibink not of running away, but tongur-jadi nome of a woman in Pawanlas; fighting Ancipio, are; mal 80 know which Andanius, a river of Carmania. Androcydes, a phyſician, who has on way to take Andannm, a city of Caria. epillo to Alexander extant, wherrin + Alic:pes, for anceps. Ancădila, a ne or trap for boars, be bids him rinumber, Thit tuhon 4 Arcipüla, a inst or tray to catsb Andara, a prople of India. be drunk wino, he drank the blood of fither way. Andaaba, a city of Dalmatia. the earth, wbich was as herlock to f Anciro.nă:os, a vifol to carry an- Andariſtos, a town in Macedonia. a man i alſo a painler. chors and obor fürniture. Andariſtenſes, sbe people of Anda. + Androda, a kind of gem. #Anciſus, As; m. a pur ng round. riftus, † Andrõdāmas, ntis, mi a precious * Ancifus, a, un ; 24;. cut about. Andatis; a town in Æthiopia. frons, bord and bravy, bright like + Ancitus. inner...oj. Andautonium, a town of Pannonia. filver, and of divers litils ſquares, * Ancla, æ; f. a drviu like our hang. Andehonthus, the son of Canuc, king Antrodamus, a laro-maker among the ing bu kots to dravi Waisr of England. Chalcedonenſes in Thrace. † Anclabra, veſels uſed in facrifre, Andecrum, city of Dalmatia. And odus, a Dacian ſave bat was of whiih each ward in Rome hud A degavia, the country of Angers in acknowledged by a lion at Rome, France. whoſe foos be bad cured in the † Anclábra, a toblo u bich iba priefis Andegavl, the people of Andegavia. words. jost. + Andēla, &; f. an andiron. Andrætas, an hjorian of Tenedos. Andrea, nor. 1 one. prices A N E AN G A N G 1 }' : ; Androgca, part of Perſia. t. Anet, me waxath old. pelled by the Danes. Wim shoje Androgcas, the son of Minos, king ANETHUM, the herb dill or aniſe. Anglo-Saxons came into Sou h-Bri. of Crete, Nuin by the Athenians Anethuſia, a city of Lybia. tain, (now England) they called through envy i upon which Minos Ancunum, an vinimene of aniseed. that part which they had jubdud, made wur upon them, and compelled Anētiaus, 2 a, um ; adj: of dill of as conquerors often 40, 'oy the nume sbon to ſena yearly seven young men, Ancthinus, } anije, of their own counlry; but some of and as many maids, so be devoured Anetis, an Armenian goddeſs, them would have it called Saxonia of the Minotaur. Ancuritatus, a, um , adj. bring to nova. But Egbert, when he h.id a people of Africa of Jark for an excuf. oblained the fo.s mon rhy of their Androgini,'} both sexes, Ijing wirb + Anexecaftus, as aneclogiſtus. con quello (veing pleifod wish the fire one another by tierns. Antractas, a, um ; turning. allufion of pope Gregory the B-17, Androgynas, di m. an hermaphrodite. Anfractus, Os; m. (exam & fran who bring mub taken wiih the Andróma:hč, she wife of Hector. go) a winding of a way, a circuit, come complexion of certain boys if Andromachidæ, a praple wbo ware muolusion. Anfractus annui, that nation af Rome, and informed wont to profitute tbrir virgins 10 yourly revolutions. * Anfractus ju that they were Angli, or Engliſh, Ebrir king before they were married. diciorum, difficulty in deciding con. repiind, jea; rather they spear 10 Andromachus, a flatterer of Cratlus, troveries. be Angeli, or Angels) reſolved and by whom te mos betrayed 10 ibi Angara, inns in wbich pols do lie, or commanded it to be called Anglia, Parthians; and oibar men, porferi uje. qu. Angelir.----- The Britons or Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus, Angari, king's melengers or posts. Welch Gull it Lloeger, and the king of Æthiopia, who, for bar ro- Angaria, 2; f. compelled ſervice ; prople Suizons.---The land not only sher's pride, was bound to o rock to co prefing of borſes or mon. abounded with all manner of ne. devoured by a lea-monſter, bus was Angáriarius, ii; a. a ferjeant or (liries of life, but also wish the delivpred and married by Perfcus. . bcadle, convenianies and pleaſures therce Androwon, the founder of Colophon. Angario, arc; se confrain to carry a Some things for which it is met 18: A.don, onls: a place in the box je to burden. markable were anciently crammed which enly men came; alſo a place Angarius, a mountain of Paleſtine, into thi: one uerfe : betwem two walls to recove the rain and a mart-lown of Bithynia. Anglia, mons, pons, fons, ec- falling from the banjo. Angarus, 26 poll, melonger, por. clelia, femina, lana. Andron, the name of a toron by Ni. Angarius, Anglus, a, um ; aut, Engliſh; lus ; alſo one of Catana, who fira Ange, a town in Arabia Fælix. Aliglicus, or of belonging to invented dancing and rbiming ; and Angelica, the dough:er of Mercury Angicanus, England. feveral other mm. (in Pindar.) Anglobes, a kind of force bregd. Androna, a place in a lip where only Angèlica, the berb angelica. AN.GO, xi, gěre; act. (ay xw} 80 mon lay; alſo a town in Syria. Angélici, the name of certain hereticks diſquiet, choak. * Angere fe animi, Andronicus, ihe name of the forf 20 in Epiphanios. to vex himſelf in bis wind.' median, and ſeveral oibor men. Angelicus, a, um ; adj. belonging to An-gor, gi; to be lirangled. Angi Andronoras, a legiſlator of the Chal ongels. animo, to be troubled in mind. cidenſes. Angelina, a place berond Meſopota Angi dcliderio, vebemmily to defri. Andronyum, a medicino againf the mia, which perhaps gavo name to the + Angones, a kind of pears or darts. difeje uvula. Angelici. Ango, oris; m.! ab eygóvn}anguiſh, Androphagi, a people of Scythia. Angelion, a Aatuary, who made the vixution, Arungling, the jquinzy, Andros, ibe ifla Berdícy, bawim image of Apollo at Delos. # Angores avium the finging of Wales and Ireland, it is alſo tbe Angelie, a city of Bætica.. birds." . Angoribus ſe dedc c, 10 chief of the Cyclades. Angellus, li ; m. [of angulus] a little ler vexatione wreck und lorturt one. + Androſace, es ; an berb on the ſa corner: Augra, ibi fpare heren tres. coal of Syria, without leaves, with ANGÉLUS,!; m. an angel, er meln Angria, part of Weſtphalia, where grren husks und feds. Jonger, alſo a son of Neptune born Hengiſtus and Hoftus tore born. Androfæmon, onis, St. John's-wort, in Chios. Angrivarit, a people of Germany: or sujan, having juice like man's Angencra, or Angerona, or 12, a Angrus, a river of Illyricuin: blood. goddeſs is whom they facrificed when + Anguedo, grief. Androſia, a town of Galatia, new Their castle had the squinanty ; also Angucus, a, un į ad). (ab anguis] Andres, the goddeſs of filence. oj ampmt. Androſthenes, • pretor of Theffaly, t Anger, gri; m. a ferpent, a lot. Anguicānas, a, um, adj. baving soha favowed Pompey. monier, a ſwap-buckler. Inakes injstad of hair. Androtion, author of the Attick hißory. Angeronalla, fensts kope on she 218 Anguiculus, 11 ;'m, s litile ſnake. Andruo, are ; to run backward j of January, in honour of Ange Anguifer, í; in. a compellarion in play iba min. rona, for their preferuation from the form of a férpent (Hercules griping Ancclogiitus, i, m. free from giving Squinancy. a ſnake] buotening tempes, accounts. + Aogia, æ; f. a buckler. Angoigěna, a; c. .. [ab an- Anecus, a riwr of Sicily.. ANGINA, 2; f. [òuregxn), the Anguigenus, a, um, ad), } guis † Ancdiolus, tedious, Igningy in the throne ; alſo the hard & gigno] engendered of s Jerpint. † Ancdus, merry. dodder, or with wind. Angulila, z; f. [ab angulsj.com el. Anclanum, e city of Italy, now Monte Angiportus, us, & i; m. v angl. * Anguilla pragrandis,'ä aurr Agnano. portum, lin. (90. angens vel ul. * Midiay a few.bling. Mi. + Anellus for annellus. anguſtus portus] an alloy or yard. nima, a grig • Decumana, a Anemo, a river in Italy. Angifti. for angitrum a brok. spisch-cock. • Anguilla cft, elabi- Aněinolates, a wind-mill. Angiftidis, the mother of the gods. lur, he is a very slippery fouib. Anemolia, a city of Phocis. Angites, a river of Thrace. Anguillaris, re; adj. 3. art. of agi Ancmolius, a, un ; windy. Anzitla, a wood in the country of the Ančinone, corn-roje, or wild poppy, MarG. Anguillaria-Infula, tbe ille of Ely. called by some role-porſley, allo sp-Angitula, a river and toun in Italy. Anguillarianum Monaſterium, Ely landine ibe great, or wind-flower. Angium, a rich city about Peloponne city. Ancmoria, a city of Phocis. fus. Anguil'ārium, ii; n. a bid of. cels. Ancoroſa, a town of Arcadia. † Angla, three-corner'd tables, Anguimănus, an elephant whole fnout. Anemoſphoros, a kind of turnip, cal. Ang eſega, Angleſey. wb:ch beules for a hand, turns up led allo bunnion. Angli, a peopla of Germany by tbe ana doon like a /nake. Ancmothicos, a cily about Caria. river Albis. Anguina, far angina. Anemotis, « Srname of Pallas., ANGLIA, & ; (ab angulus, or rather Anguineus, 1 a, um , adj. of or like a Anemurlum, a city of C:licia. ab Eng. (reut.) & landeja country Anguinus, } Snake. Cucurbita Anemuſa, a Mediterranean iſland. near the Elb in Germany, the fact anguina, á long gourdi Anemytas, an aſs among thi Taren of the ancient Celts, afterwards Anguinum; i; n. ? knot tincs, facrificed to the winds. Saxons, lying between Holfatia and Anguitriin, } 'Makes. + Ancs, is ; f. a valley, Jutland, from whence sboy wie ex- Anguipes, ědis ; adj. footed like a Ffff2 ferpent $ af 1 3 tor's. Anhclātas, a, um blown,' A NI A NI Å NN furrent, an epithet of the giants. Anicium, & city of Frances, now ic tegulæ, tarihin pipes conveying wi- ANGOIS, is; m. and f, Casual Puy: ter a Serponit, ſnake, adder. 'Anguis" Ănicula, še; } f. [ab anus) a line Animatas, us ; m. as animatio. feneéta, ibe caji skin of an adder.. Anicella, & Animellæ, the ſweel-brand in a hog. Angulani, a people of Italy, whose Anícúlāris, e; aniculofus, a, um , Animo, are; to give life or courago down' is Angulus, noris Civita di anilis, le ;. adj. pertaining to an brarlo,jei ori yote. * Animare ti- Sant Angelo old woman, doting, bias, to make ihe pipes to yound. ularis, re ; croakod, baving cor- Anien.coli, * ; C. An inbabiiant by Animose, animoils animoſiffimè; ners, fes in a corner. the river Anica. adv. courageouſly, affectionately, Angularius, a, um, as. angularis. ' Anicnus, a, um ; adj. of the river žaimofitas, f. courage, manlineſs. Angújātilis, le ; adj. cornered. Anicn. Xaimof-us, a, um, ad): - or, iffimus; Angulārim, adv. corners, from cor- Aniĝrus, a river in Theffaly, zobenes courageous, angry, baughty Ani. nir Yo corner, Angriades Nymphæ. mola pericula, dangers that require Angúlātus, a,, um ; sguare, crooked. Ănititas, at's ; f. woons old age, courage. # Aninola figná, lively Anguloſos, a, um, adj. full of cor dotage. images. * Animofa fides, sparing ners or nooks. Ăn liter, adv, dotingly, like an old for no coff. ANGŐLUS, 11 ; m. [crywwr] ['crywwr] a cor. wife. Animotha, e city of Arabia. nir. ANIMA, æ; f. [ab aveugós fpiritusi Animula, a; a little foul. Anguros, a mountain of Scythia. air, breuib, ibi animal life, windy Animŭlus, liim. a. Swal.bairt. Anguita, Angús in Scotland. sha.pul or ſpirit of a man in a se Aaimus, !; m. (ab aveus ſpiritus) Angustācus, a, um ; made narrowd. parate pate. Thus Varro luys, the mind, ſpirit or courage, breath, Angoſtè, anguftlus, angustaffine ; Aqua, terra, anima, et fol, the offection, wrath.. * Ex 2nimi fen- adv. ftraighily, painfully, briefly. * water, tarih, air, and fun or beat. tentiâ, according to one's mind, Angust:ùs pabulari, to bave bus An fætet anima, uxoris tuæ i Pralenti animo effe, do biur ine's litla room for forroge. Does your wife's briath Pink? wirs about one. Animi pondeo, Angüftia, def. narrownejs, digrafs, Adimantia quædam animum ha I am in doibi. * Animum alie, bajane's Anguſtia ærarti, ibe bent, quædam tantùm animam, niffimùm babere, to abbor. Fer t imptineſs of the excluquer. * An- !fome animals are blefed with a foul, animus, I weki"account. ' . Ad- guftiæ temporum, bad timis. others have only the animal life. * yerfo.animo, agáindi the hair Angufticlāvil, orum ; fort of Ro Impellunt animæ lintea, the wind Me leni paffus eft animo uſque man Knigh!.. fills tpe fails, Morte carent animæ, adhuc, be baih borne gently with Anguſticavum, 1 ; 0.12 kind of souls" or spirits never die. Where me hitherts. * Credo optimo ani. Angufticlāvus, mes goun wom obferur, that thos anima and ani mo te feciffe, I believe you did h by the Roman "knig bisa with sar: mus and often uſed promifinoully . ono wirb w.good intent. * Mala mens, rouvir Huids, than 150r of the ſoña for the other, it must be acknow malus animus, an ruil mind, an Lodged a groas fault'; Anina enim evil meining., Animum alterius # Anguritas, ātis, f. for anguftia. propriè eam partem quâ vivimus, ex quo ſpectas, you mufe as you uſe. Angulo.age.;; to Dinghim. movcir, et vigemus : Animes Anina; a city of India, without ANGUSTUS, a, um, adj. (ab an autem eam partem hominis quá Ganges. gülüs, vel" drwy) narraço, baſi, difícilmus, läpimus, immortales Apinstha, a torin of India wiibin Looft, mall, luint. Animi an fumus, significati as vay be oba Ganges. gafti & dealth, of a mean low Jerved in the example above, * Ani Anio, or Anion, cnis ; the river spirit. • Angüíta viarudi, narrow mantia quædam, &c. Annam Pevçrone iu Italy; alſo she god of Pages debet, he owes indre hun, ba;- is that river. Angyforum urbs, a city in Egypt, worth. * Animam recipere, tot An:fio, onis ; fi old age. Anhelantèi, adv. witb..puiring and egke cni's breath. Anllis, a king of Egypt. blowing: : Ăninâbüis , lc ; ads.. giving life and Anitis, a formun of Alexander's, Ănbelātio, õnie;. f. Joorinefs of breath, breath. Anímabilis fpirabilifquc who ran a thouſand two hundred the phibick. natura, the air... furlongs in a day Ănhčlátor, oris im. ä purly man Ănimadverfio, onis ; f. an obſerva- Anilüm, 1; n. the Peró aniſe, or sbe tion, shifilamene. Animadvcrbio feed. capitis, auibority to punish by dearh. Anirus, the riuti Ens in Auftria. pot es vapours from the igrih.. Agmadverfor, oris ; m. an objem + Anitae, old.age. Anielātus, Gs*; m. breath iſuing cür vor, indifer, a criiick. Anitha, a city of. Arabla Petræa. at the mouth. Animadverlus, a, um, part. of ani- Anitius, a náms- of feueral Rormans. Anhelitug, üs; m brein, wind, bort madvertor ; marked, confidered;pv Anitorgis, a city of Spain. puls of breath. Anheļilum feci. nibid... Anius, the fore" of Apollo by Rhæa, pere, do take braaib .Anhalitum red- Kilimadvërſus, 'ús ; m. as animad- king of Dcios. dere, 10 brsaibe. Vint anhelituş, versio, Anua; a godder of years, the daugh. nally vapours of wine buched out. Ănimadver-to, tl, ſüm, tērç i qu. ter of Bclus, and Bifer of Dido. ANHELO, are [ab äm e balo] 'to ***verto animum ad).10.confider per- Some sake it for tbc mnoon ; alſo a pant. Anhelans campus, a field Célve, regard, correa. Animad city of Judæa. calling my vapours. * 'Anhelarc le Vertere in aliquem, to pukifa.one. Angachu:, a. cortain inan thai lived *!us, to breaihe out miſchief, Añjmæquitas, ātis. genileneſs. near Zon jears. Anhelosi, they has faict their wind f animæquus, patient in trouble, long - Annālis, le'; adh. lab annus) of a thick and Dors, or aro fwoln. Juffering year. * Annalis clavus, a peg drour Anheus, a, um, adj. breathing with Animal, dis; n. (ab animal living into the terapki walls every year. difficulty, sbortwinded. • Anhelus criaturo, a beill. Interaneorum Annāl:s, ium ; m. chronicles of things curfus, & running ine's July one of animalia, worms in the guts, done from year to year. * In an. breathos Animalculum, i, n. a little critxure. Nalibus fcriptum eft, 'sin racorid- Apia, a Roma woman, that would Ănimalis, de adj. lxving, life Ten ed. not marry a fecond husband, fear- Abla, breathing * Animalis intel. Annāla, is; he as annales, uſed by ing. ifigod, to lose him ; if bad, to l!ğentia; Plato's anima mündi. Gellius. .bare bin.., Ănimālītas, ātis ; f, the stence of an Annarius, a, um , adj. of a year. Anjaca, a cauniry, aber Armenia. animal. Annarus, a king of Babylon, riery in- Anlana, city of Mclopotamia. Animans, atian; f. & n..Jometinies m. iemperáte. Aniana Thermæg. baibs of Campa- Annas, a bigh drieji among the nia. Ănimātio, onis ; f. a giving of foul: Jews: Anicērum, i; , anijad. and life. Annafior, as adoalçor. people of India, + Anciana, a; pqar taping like Animátorius, a, um ihop. conveying Annates, m. vbeforp fruits. aniſeed. vir out. Annālim, adv. yearly: Anicii, un anciens and noble family Animatus, a, um.;, quickned, minded, Annāvīgo, are í Coj ad and naviga] of Rome. offcacd towardsąliour. * Animatæ Animatæ to fail unio. Arneo, little ring the year. + rene. 1 16w com.. nua, oran towards, ask by anod, om, erung Ansbārii, a pensie ,. ANN A NO A N T Annecto, xi, xum, [of ad and ncco) | Annötinus, a, um, adj., (qu. annoſ Anomia, æ ; iniquity. 10 fußen unto, lein soward, * Mor: tanus) of one year. + Annonium, the notile without Rings bus qui menium pectori annectit, Annğtinus, a, um, adj. [qu. annonâ archangel. a dijezfe coupng the chin to bang Ten's] parruining to 'villuils, Anonium, a city in Italy. down so the breof , Annoto, are mad and noto 10 Anonymus, a, um ; nameleſs . i alfo Annellus, li; n. (ab annulus) a 710:, record, critte, diforn, appojni ibe nane.of an herb. uneo. . Annotare reum requiren- Anopea, a mountain in Theialy. Aancst:s, or ntum, a town of Ara dom, to fummon a perſon ubjent to Anopolis, a city in Creto. bia Felix. appear upon an accufation brough! Anopiis, dark colour. Anneta, æ; f. an hour. og sin'i him Anorexia, æ; f. quoafineſs of Romach. Anncxus, a, un pa ti of ande&or, | Annotor, ari'; pan. to be noted, con-A::ormis, ne ; ad qu. norma] deinned. ant unio. * Cor annexoo in lana, wirbour rule or order, tied up in wool. A , ee & cord binding the Annexus, Asim. a tying unto, or food for: 2 year. fuil to the wall. joining. Annuālis, le ;'annuai; belonging 10 Anguloro, fivi, röre; to make :inia Amībal; alis the son of Amilcar, inquifiion, accuſa, puniſh. * An- who bound bin by oath, when he lit Annuare; to continue for a jear. qa rere capitis,; to bring a crime 4! came of age, to take up arms again annuatim ; adv. yearly, from year to gainſt one deſerving death. the Roinans; and other men. 3*17: + Anguiromagus, a kind of lip. Apniæris, a famous berjemans of Cy- Annálärls; Tc;' of 'n ring. * Digitus Anquisītē ; adv. diligmetly. annularis, the ring finger. Anqilisīcas, a, um ; (of anquiror].6• Anniculus, a, um ; of one year's age. Annúlārían, li; ni a ring box. wied, condemned, jought out. Anhiculus, i; a year by the courſe of Annūlarius, a, un ; of a ring. A0 ANSA2jf. . [Ab Heb., oxen,:29 the moon, nulariæ ſcala round or winding ring the est-of a cup, or handle, Annicus, a, um ; adj. of a year. fairs. ** Anipu'aria creta, coruja. occasion, for larbe, booki: Ana Annifer, a, um , adj. (ab annus & Annularius, ii; m. e goldſmitb. gubernaculi, the heim.flösk, Anja fero}'beering fruit all the year iill Annulātas, , "unt ; ringed, wearing auriculæy the enr.... Anfæ for- ring, sind up as dogs de.. seæ, anored cramp-irons, * Anfa, Annibilo, are ; (of ad and nihilo].20 ANNULUS, or anulus. [vcl ab an books in abe and of a crune's cable. annihilats, fet naught bya nus, vel abordéw obvolvo]a ring It Anfan&us, as amfanctus. Anni-tor, teris, ſus, or Xl, ti ; of Tel:er, or any thing like a ring. Ansātus, a, um, adj. biving a banale ad and. ailor) to lean, tocarnelly Annuli Toricæ, the nails of a brail ar cars, * Anlatus ambulat, NS endeavour, jirain ut. plote or ärmiur. # Annulorum Bruiting. Sera anfaraj : & two Anniſurus, 2 a, um ; part. abous 10, lus, the Bate of a gentleman in: haruted. Jaz. * Anfatæ, dents. Ann:xurus, or thai will mdauvour. Rome.' Annulus purus, a.rein Anfelmus, Anſelma. Ann fus, a, um, part. of annitor mal, or hoop ring without s dore. ANSER, čris; n. [à fono) e guaje or Aun xus, leaning to, endeavouring, Annú r: čro, arc, Load ani nupçrg] gander. firaining at. to add so in number, ascount, puy Anler, the name of a Roman poste Anniverficium; it ; 'n. a geir day, or or tell toney. + Ansērarins, iis, m. one ibas.fuis star's-mind. Annunciātio, onis ; f. a declaring of geet. Anniversarius, a, um, adj. (ab an- a melage. Ansērāyim ;. adv..like greke. nus & verto) dore every year, at a Annuncio, are, Cofad and auncio). Anlercủlus, li ; w... gulin, fer time. • Feriæ anniverſariæ, to bring hows, deblars ánto. An- Ansērina, ; F., wild arrey Flvera Jet holy-days, inimáveable fiafts. nunciarc (zlurem alicui, to falute. werd, on which geoſe" fram Aonium, a town in Peloponncſús... any one in rather's name. Ansörinus, a, um, adj.of a gepfe or Annies, ihe hrneme of foveral men, Annuo, èrc, [of ad and nuo]: sonnos gender. Ango, are ; [of ad and noj is tive a a peale of Germany, of year; alſo lo ſwim into. favour. Si Deus annuiffets of.it the town Anſestadt, or Amsten. + Annodo, are"; to Iyé unta. bud pleaſed God, Anlaga, the city Adflow in Scandi- Annõsiaatio, onis ; T. an alluding Ănnutans, tis ; indlining or nodding navia. 10 a thing we iwo words are alike forwards. tAnftare, arum, cr anſteres, um ; in found, but of contrary forile. Annutrio, aš adiutrio. parts of the neck where :-en are Annon; of Harino, a Carthaginian ANNUS, 1 ; 2. lemts vel alvas.). A. Some cbeakad. gmural, baniſhed for fuking a lion year, citele, or ring. Annus m28; • Annus m28 Ansúla, jf. (ab :29fa] - letih. along with him in his journej alfo nus, Platonicus or. vcrtens, WBEI bandle, or lasche the name of other inen. all the planelTecover a lite afpia Antabičcs, as andabatte... Angõna, z; f. [ab annis.) proviſion in the place. * Annus intercala- Antice, a people of Sarmatla. of corn, vj& uals, Nipend, or wages. ris or Binextilis, lesp-jaar. * Ancatei, orum ; fifbas er big oldal: # Sex aonona, fix men. * Anno Annos exuit ferpens,: cäfing his phins, found in twice of Boryithc- mm macelli temperare, tornado- skin. Jam annum eſūrio, my belly. nce, without finews. Fale the price of sbe markas. * shinks my throat is cur* Ante än Antachara, a 'sity of India, wiibin tare and vexarc annonam, to raiſe nuñ claplam, br . shirine, twelve.. Ganges. the price of visuals. thonish. Ferre aaņos; (of wine) Antachates, a pracious Panay of the Annona acum ; f. allowance to be 'rever ibe worſe for keeping, kind of achaien, wbice being burns, cbarges. Annonae civice or pub-t-Aanua, an old woinan. Sorells like myrh. licæ, leaves difridiced by the en- Annuüm, i; n. a yearly pipend. Anta, arum ; f. (ab ante) 1boyamis paror to the citizens. Annuus, a, um ; yearly, for 8 year. ar poſts. on either fide of the dNTS; Annonārlus, a, um ; adj. of viltuals. + Annocātum, phyfick provoking vos alſo a prople beyond Ifer. Annonārius, ii., 01 A vi&ualler, mil, and breaking wind. Antaaga name of a goddiſs. poultorer, purvepor. Ănodyna, orum ; medicinos prosuring Antecas, 4 king of Scyth.a, who besra Annõngr, arii (ab annona) to difri fece, and removing paip.. ing a fiddler play.fiori that his boeke buie proviſion Ancogatæ, & city of Libya interior. made better mufick when he nsighed. † Annofa, the anger of God. Anccxla, æ; ibi foris opening or cono Antãopolis, a city in Egypt. † Annos, otis ; f. an old woman. Suration of 4 toniple. Antæus, a giani, the son of Noptune Annõlus, a, am; full of years, aged. Anolus, a city of Lydia, and Terra, 64 cubits high who, Annõālio, onis;, f. noring, 9 Jon Anolympias, se ceffution or aboliſhing wben he was worry, wasrfrifbed by tence upon a guilty parfon of thing. of iho Olympian games, touching his mother earth, Annotatiuncăla, a; f. ſbart more. + Anoma, dignity, Antagonita, z; m. one that contando Annõiátor, oris ; na. an obferuar, Ănomalia, e ; f. irregularity, ina for maßery. Annõiālus, a, um, adj. Soled, regin quality, Antagoras, « famous put of. Rhodca. Ber!d, surcberid amongst. *' Flumen Anžină!us, a, um; adj. unequals , un- Antanaclălis, is; a figure when shat piſce nobili annotatuia, a river like, out of rule. which is spoken is not underſtood. As 1670 is eminent for jome noble fiſh. t Anomaticas, a, um ; ad}. having moart.. Annociaum, ; 8. wine of a year old. dignity, Antinder, a general of Mestonia. Antandros ! 0 1 1 Antefignârii , } the vanguard, A N T Α Ν Τ ANT Antandros, now S. Dialtri, e city of excelling, Ante oculos, te fort one's eyes. Phiyga. Antě:effor, oris ; m. he that goeih be + Anicpecco, arc ; to pin before. Antanuje people of Caria. Antăpocha, a; a coumterpant of a Anteceffores Anteceffores cquites, Scouts; fore- fore, a predecesor, quarter master.. Antčpendulus, a, um ; banging down before. deid or writmg. riders. Anledilant, otum ; m, the Haitati Antăpodolis, is ;f, a figure in beto. Anteceffus, Is ; m. or-um ; ni. an and Principes in the Roman army, rick, wben that is rebrarfed which carnei, part of payment given be which food before the Triarii är wws Spoken or before; or wiben the fore-hind. In antecéfum dabo, P.lani middle anſwers the beginning and Til pay you before-band. Antepono, ērc ; act. to prefer, or let end of the fans fen!enee: Anteccena, æ; f. an anteraf, er berare. Antapriftena, a city of Myſia. Antecenium, ii ; n. collation a + Antepſa, æ; f, kettle. Antaradus, e city of Syria, now Tor little before supper. Antěquam ; ady, before shat. cola. + An'ecurro, is; to rur before. Antequia, o Antecuia, & city of Antarcticut polus, the southern pole. † Antecurſo, as ; to run often before. Spain, now 9. Andre. + Antarium, ii ; n (ab ante) theAntecurfor, oria's m. « ford-runner, + Ant.rica, a gliflering gem. forepart of the wort, an ornament fordride, looue Anterior, oris, lap agte) former, on tbe jambs of a door. + Antecursorius, a um ; adı. going Antériùs, adv. comp. of anté, before + Antārius, ?, nm ;. bolongirig ta polts before. Potio aftecurſorla, a thar. ar doors. tafe or efty. # Anieris, dis ;-ä buitreſs, short pod, † Antas, un emballage, or the order of Ancedi-co, xi, Etum, sčre; act. to or prop. . Antěrıtas, antiquity, Aniaxon, ibe land inbabited by our Anteco, ire ; adt. Iof ante and co) 10 Artermini, or amtermini, berderers. antipodrs. go before, excell. * Anteiri áb.allis, Antcros, font of Mars and Venus ; Ante, præp. [ab dirii, contra, 'pro] to be excelled. Antcirc ætate, to atſo Apollonius Alexandrinus. befort. Rog: acc. temporis, loci, be older thm another. i Anteire + Anteros, the bej kind of amebyl, : vel dignitat:s; as, Ante diem cer curlu, to nut-run in a race. with a purple colour ; also a kind cam, sefere a certain day. *"Ante Ante- expcétatum' ; adv. ſuddenly, of j afoer jene, oftrum,-btfore the door. * Ante Ro. taoltd for. ANT'ES, jum; m. (ab ante ftando] minos effe, to cxcell the Romans. Antčfa&um,'i; in. a former adion. a prop or buttreſi, 1bs utter mot ranges It is alſo sometimes fel for coram; as, Antě féro, cull, latum; act: to prefar. of vinds, or the walis about them; *Antc oculos, before the eyes : Ant *Antetulit greiſun, be warii before, alſo the van of an army; alfo a va- • forpræengliſed by, in compariſon of ; Antčhixa, orum ; n. a pene-houſe. liant people of Scythia. : as, Ante me, in compariſon of me. Antègénitalis, le; of our anceſtors, Antěſagittator, the captain of the Ante, ady: temp. id. q. feq. anteà, elder born. arcbers. before, afore, ago, fince. į and is + Antegerlo; on's ; f, viâory. † Anteſchõlanus, ont ufoor of « fihool. commonly, fet after an ablative case + Antegradatlo, on's; f. ago ng bifore. An:ělignamus, i, m. (ab ante & **of the jubilantiue of time, or put be. Antčgredlor, di, Lof ante and gra: fignum) hiihat goes before iba iwer the adjective and thar fub dior) to go before. Bundard to defend 17. Banuie; as, Paucis menfibus ante, Antègreffus, a, um, part. which go. Antefignani, a few months finie. Aliquot antc eth before, or outgoes. . annis, Soms years before. • Multo Antchab.co, es, ērc ;' to prefer be- + Anteſsores, doktors of the low. antè, ichg before. . Pancis: anič fora, efteen more, † Anieſtātio, onis ; f. a saking one to diebus, a few days before. Antchabitus, a, um ; part. of ante witnes, &c. Antes ; adv. before, aforetimi. habeor, bring or preferred before. + Anteftātus, a, um; part. f an- Anteacta, paft a&tions, Antehâc ; adv. before ibis. 'Uſquc tcftor, taken to witneſs, Anteadus, a, um ; done before. antehac, even before. Anteſto, are; folland before, «xiell. + Anteambŭlo, as, to walk before, + Antela, as an ilega. Anteſto', 'ari ; co'mm. (of antc and Anicambù'o, onis; m. an "uber, + Antclatus, a, am, [of antcferor) teftor) to be witneſs of an 'arref, or Ferjuani, virgir, beadle. • Ante- preformed, or spoken before, such like thing in law ; to call one ambaloncs atrati, bell-men going Antelia, a city of Armenia. for witneſs, &c. before a sorps. + Ant-lil, a kind of devils. Antěvěno, ire; act. to prruent, over- + Antebello; as ; to war before, or tri Antella, antefella, ibe fore-part of a come, excell. . Antevenire in dias the win. Saddle. alicujus, to diſcover any one's con- Antebrogios, an ambaſſador of the Antčlõglam, l;n. aproem. trivances. -Rhcmi to Cælar. Antěloquium, iiisi. Lof ante and + Anteventull, womens towers or locks. Antecanis, ibi leffor dog-bar. loquor) a preface. + Anteverfio, onis ; f. a prevention, Antecantamentum, i ; 7 n. that which Antoloquus, he that speileth before. Antever-to, ti, fum, cere; act. to prea Antecantamen, ¡nis ; } is ſung bifore. Antčlūcānus, a, um, (ab antelucco) vent, ont-ride, do or speak before Antēcăp-io, is,ěre; to take up before, before day.light. another. Antevertit damnat:0. preomi, surprize. . Antecapere lo- Anteluceo, ēre; to shine before. nem veneno, bi priumied the lon- cum caftris, to prepollefs a place in + Antělūculò ; adv. before day: tenue by porfon. Antevertit Fan- ...the camp. * Antecapere pontem, Audělūco, are so awake before nlus, Fannius spake firft. to get firſt to the bridge. Antelucor, ari'; } day: + Antevindčmiator, and antevinde- Antecaptio, onis; f. a form of a thing + Anteladium, as præludium. mitor, as provindemiator, :- conie.wd before in the mind. Antemāla, orum ; n. former evils, Anlèvõlo, are ; to fiy before. Antecapius, a, um ; taken before. Antenoridianos, a, um, (ab'ante & Antcvorta, a goddeſs of the Romans, Antecedens, tis; fubft. r., an anter meridics) before noon. so called from her knowing things dent, the former part of an argu- + Antemelfius, the month October. poft and to come. ment or fontince. Antemnæ; a city of the Sabincs. Anteuphorbium, á sbitle that is an Antěcedens ; part. of antecedo, goo + Antemon, a criein fail of a ſhip. antidote againſt the poiſonous thinle. *ing before, "mielling. * Aniccedens Antěmürale, lis; n. á barbican, or Anteurbanus, a, umi adj. (of ante annus, rbs laſt year. • Antecedentis out-work of a cafla. and urbs] near she city. Ante- gradùs homines, men of high place. Antenacum, ibe (sty Andernack in ui bana prædia, fammer boules, or Antčcè-do, fli, dere; act. to go before. Germany: country-houfer. dicell.- * Anteceffit me duo, ba Antenna, æ; f. (ab ain vel ante & + Antháliuni, il; n. an app's growe was two days journey before me. teoro] the fail-yard. ing in the ſandy part of Egypt. Pretiò ancecesere, to be more worth. Antebo, or's ; Trojani prince, Anthana, one of the hundred cities of Aničcell:ns, ntis ; part. exulling. founder of Padoa; and ſeveral Laconia; alſo a city of Arcadia. Antecello, ui, ērc ; act. 10 exre'l, ober min. Anthanis, a city of Peloponneſus. surmount, Antenoreus, a, um , adj. belonging Antharis; - king of the Longobardi, + Antčcensores, um; m. Jururyoti to Antenor. poiſoned by his doma/tires. to po before the camp. Anteoccupatio; onis; f. a preventing. Antharius, the fixth king of the Si- Antecaffi. Su antecedo. Antčaccūpo, are ; to prevens, foras, cambri. Antēceffio, onis ; f. e going befors, Hall, foizi forf, Anthas, founder of the city Anthia. Antheas, ; , }' mon. 1 tres ; a city of Bxotia, Syria, and Anthyllion, an berblika á lentil. open Antidotus, i; f. Antidote again Α Ν Τ Α Ν Τ A N T Antheas, a Lydian peal. like a borfe. gives antidores. Anthcdon, onis : a kind of medlar. Anthylla, a famous city of Egypt. , , . ? peifon. a ing obilguaions, and pop; ing blood. Anedotus, a famous painter. Anthema, a holy-hock; alſo an an- Anthylila, idis; kidney-voleb. Antifera, a band-skrien. them or responsory long. Anthypopcora, the figure fubjeglio, + Antifortuna, misfortune. Anthcuris, idis; f. tbe herb camo anſwering objections that migbt be t Ăgtigčaa, he that is first born. mile; fo an iſland in the Medi made. Antigenes: the name of on hiflorian, terancan fes. Antl, a nation of the Huas about Antigeni.cs, a mufcian of Thcbos Anthemius, the fifth emperor of Rome; Mæotio. and orber mm. and other min. Antin, a city of Italy. Antigēriò, adv. prefently. Anth mon, « Trojan, the farber of Antiades, á diſeaſe called tonfilla, Antigona, daughter to Philip, and Simoilius hoping the partage of the breath. wife to Pyrrhus. Anthemon, cockle or field nigella. 3 [ab aytil the fore- Antigonc, daughter of Edipus king Anthem ofia, she same as Samos ; al-Antblæ, arum, 10p, or forelock. of Thebes, who led ber blind father se a city in Mcſopotamia. Antiania, a town of Hungary, now whm be was baniſhed. Anthena, a city of Peloponnclus. Zonko, Antigon!a, a cilj of Epirus, and other Anthenus, a town of Macedonia, Sy-Antianira, the mober of Euryalas and plares. sia, and a river of Colchis. Echion, Antigonus, brother to Alexander the + Anthěra ; a kind of ſalve ; alfo Antias, Great, and ſeveral other men. the yellow leed in the middle of a roje. Antlatina, } the goddess Fortuna. Antigrăpheus, ei; m. a comptroller, Anthericēum, a kind of balm. Antinnachius, a foot of two long 02. or be thax kups account of money, Anthericus, ci; m, a daffodil palk; lables and one bort, Tuurivad of collectors for the princi's alfi' the top of on ost of worn. Antibarum, a city of Dalmatia. uft ; alſo a maker and koper of Anthephoria, a feal in, honour of Antibole, one of the mouths of the ri. counterparts and dends. Proſerpine, taken away by Dis, as Der Ganges. Antígrăphum, i, n. a counterpart. foe was gathering flowers. Antica, the fore-part, a balcb. Antilēgāměna, orum; contradictions. Antheus, ibe fan of Antcnor, wbom Anticanis, as procyon.... Antilēna, e; (ab ante] a horſe's poi- Paris lourd and now unacarıs; al-Anticantharus, wild lilly. trol, or dreol-leather. so one of neus's companions, Anticaria, a city of Spaia, now Anti- Antilibanus, * moutain of Syria. Anthia a nity of Peloponneſus, and guena: + Antilla, the mid-day. other places; alſo ibu daugbrer of Anticatëgoria, a mutual accufation, † Antillarc, or ancillaro, to go a Ampbianaffa, the wife of Praga s. of pleading one againſt another. uenching Anthias, the son of Eumelus Triplo- Anticatones, two books of Cæſar, Aatilochus, the eldet fon of Neſtor, Jemus ; aljo a fill fading on man's wrote again Cato. who accompanied him to the Trojan Bella. Anticaucaſus, a mountain of Selcucia. war; also the name of ſeveral other Anthinus, a, um, adj. full or made Anticheir, the thumb. of flowers. Antichreus, land laid to mortgage, Antilogia, æ; f. e coniradiâion; gain- Anthion, a wall of Baotia. which the creditor uſab sill be bo ſaying. Anthiſtērion, April, among the Athe. Satisfied. Amiloquus, Speaking contrary. nians. Antichriftus, antichriſ. Antimachus, a Greek post of Colo- Anthifteria, the fealls odobrated in thar Antichthõncs. the antipodes. phon; alſo the name of a Trojan, month. Anticipans, atis ; preventing. who cring brib'd by Paris, hinder'd Anthiam, a town in Thrace and Italy. Anticipătio, onis; f. a preventing; Helena from being reflored. Anthios, A name of Bacchus. fore knowledge, principle known by + Antimăthon, againſt death. Antho, daughter of Amulius king us the light of natunt. * Anticipatio- + Antiaēlon, a mandrake. tài Albani. nes, onum, the Nepping forward. Antimcncs, the ſon of Delphon. Anthologica, orum ; n. books of How-Anticipator, oris ; mais levifer, or + Antimensia, Squire akars instead ons and harbs. goes before, of communion-lab.es. Anthonges, • ſoepherd wbo raiſed a ANTICIPO, arc, (ab ante & capio) Antiměria, sbe putting one part of fedition in Judæa, which oscafioned to take before, forefall. Sorech for another, the crusifying of almof 2000 man. Anticites, Anthora, wbolſome wolf bene, Antīmētabole, to repeating the same Anucites, }a a river of Sarmatia. words in divers caſos or perſons. † Anthoramenta, orum j. N. trombles, Anticlea, a daughter of Diocles, and t Antimonium, fi ; n.[ab arti & incumbrances. musher of Ulyſſos. + Antimonus, i; m. minium) 4 sinihoras, A companion of Hercules. Anticlides, an hiſtorian, white flone found in ſilver mines. Anthos, the bledom of roſemary; also Anticoli, á people of Lybia Interior. Antinoc, a city of Egypt: the quinto force of gold, + Anticompago, the fore-part of the Antinomia, ibe contrariety between † Anth acia, a real. work. two laws. Anthracla, a nymph in Pauſanias. Anticondyles, a people of Bzotia. Antinous, a youth of Bithyna, be- Anthracinos, á um ; of or like a coal. Anticragus, mountain of Lycia. lourd of Adrian the emperor, who + Anthrăcires, e kind of gom, whurein Anticratce, a Laconian, who killed built a temple at Mantisca ; alſo Sparks of fire do apprar. Epaminondas, general of the The ont of Penelope's fuitorsa + Anthracius, ii ; m. the same s bans Antiochia; a city of Syrla, and many anthracites; alſo a collier. Anticum, ci; 2. a door, or porch ba- aber placer. + Anthracothcloralenitrum, all the foreil, Antiochenfis, ſe;' adj. belonging to ingredimals of gun-powder. Anticus, a, um ; (ab antc) on be Antiochia. Anthrax, ācis; n.or antrax, a coal, fori-part. Antiochis, mother of Antiochus, fors carbuncle, quick-bluer; she mine, or| Anticyra,, a city of Phocis; alſo an of Seleucus, and any woman of turf of veronilion, ifs por city) of Theſſaly, famous for Antiochia. † Anthriſcus, fan herb like chervil, bellibore, Ant ochus, chl; m. a king of Aſia, † Anthriſcum, fomewhat le's. + Anticyricon, an herb like groundſel, who wondering that the Magneſian Anthropographus, phi ; m. a name Aacidalál, a prople of Arabia Fælix. embajadors heads wnt white, and of Dionyfius, wibo painted nothing Antidamas, y an Heracleopolite, whe their beards black, the phyſicians attributed it to the foluation of their Anthropomorphlla, hereticks who at Alcxander the Great. city, making their brains over moiſ; tributed bumin bape unto God. † Antideo, for antico, but they thimelves faid it was be- Anthroponjorpheticus, a, um ; het Antideac, fer antehac. cauſe thi bair of their heads was an. longing to the Anthropomorphitæ. Antidonus, a valiant Soldier in king cienter than that of ibeir beards ; Anthropomorphon, mindrake Philip's army: alſo ſeveral other men. Anthropophagi, scythians, living in Antidorum, ri, remuneration, or one Antiochus (Epiphanes, or famous, mon's fefe. Anijdoſis, good turn for another. called allo Epimanes, or wad) the Anthropos, a man. + tidotarjus, a book of mudi. eigh!b king of Syria, who delíroyed † Anthus, i; R. a bird bat neigbs Antidotarium, Scinus ; alſo be that Jeruſalem ; when he was drunk, be bui men. } , world 1 mon. mia. tban life. Min. 1. A N T Α Ν Τ AN X would featter a great deal of money Antiquus, a, um, adj. (ab ante) an-Antonina, the city Utrecht. by Hol- in the bigbways. ciens, old, noble, worshipful, of ba land. Antieeci, i boje ihat dwell under the net manners. Antiquum volo, Antoninus, i, m. the name of leveral meridian, op. parallels, or 4 like rlike to change. * Antiqulor, an- ditanti fross the æquator. cimidr, batteri * Antiquiffimus, Antoniopolis , a cíly . of Meſopota Antiõpa, or pe ; f. daugbter of Ny chiefejl, * Nihil qatiquias vità ex- arus, whom Jupiter. tay with in iftima. I efter morbing, more dear Antoniopolita, a pople of Lydia. the form of a fatyr; alſo, a quien Antonius, ii ; . the name of feveral of the Amazons. Antirrhiñon, tbe berb salon-nuut, or † Antioper, before this time. Snap-dragón. Antonius Muſa, physician so Augustus Antiorus, ibe.jon of Lycurgus. Antirrhodus, an Egyptian ifand. Clarar + Angiofa, a dancing inifreſs: Antara, 4.sity and port of ibe Da D. Antonius, St, Anthony, an Egyp- + Antipagmenta, orum; n. garniſh: tini. tian. the fordi sbrifion month. ing on the door-poſts. Antiſcia, degrees on the elliptical.ling Antónomata, æ the putting oze Ansipiraitelis, a figure wherein one buholding one another. name, for another. granting to his aduerfary, dons sheri- Antiſcii, whose lzadowos ara cof some Antor, the name of a Centaur. by turn it so deny more Jirongly. frury to ours at noun. Antoricum, a town of France. Antipater, a phyſician and poes of. Si- Antiſcorõdon; the garlick called al-Ancerides, a painter, the diſciple of don, who bad on, ague cuery search? lium Cypriam. Ariſtippus. bis besh-day, and at lah died of Antiſigma, a note in apcimt writings t, Antræ, aum ; f. vulleys, or the it; allo one of Alexander's gone ubere the order of verſes muj bo walks between trees. rals who fucrreded him, and Goveral changed. † Antrīplenium, the herb atriplex. other men. Ant:figna, contrary to regular fignis. * Antroare, to give thanks. Antipates, a kind of black Morse ; alo + Antiamicus, pleasant, Antronia. a city of Peloponneſus, a love-potion. + Aat:fmos, for atteiſmas, a merry Aniroflum ; adv. for wald, Antipathia, a, f. & contrariety of ljeping: ANTRUM, 1; (aytp:r] a den, nalmul qualities. Antisophiftes, æ;.m. A prevaiicg Shepherd's rurfoci hoved. Antipatris, a city of Paleſtine. tor, Antruo, arc; to lurk, or be in a † Antipedes, friends attending upon Antiſpaſis, a turning the matter of a den. any man di rafa 80 a conitary part. + Aniruftio, oniş; a sworn frimd, Antipela gehs, la riquital of a le 11 Antiſpodia, and antiſpoda, that liege mon or ſubira Antipelaigla, 'nefit. may be safed infiad of foodium... Antuates, é people of Rhodanus. † Antipera; a skroon.. Ant:sa, a town in Lesbos. Anturnacum, a foun of Germany. Antīpõriftalis, wbm one contrary qua- Antiffiodorum, or altiffiodosum, ibe now callos Andernach. lity environelb another, city Auxerre in France, Antwerpia, á famous city of Bra- Antiphanes, a famous fostuary of Ar. ANTISTES, itis, ; c. (ab ante & bant gos, and other mon. Ho) a prelate, ruler, Arior. t Antyllis, she hera ivy. Abilpharmacum, ci ; 11. an antidosa.. Antisthenes, a philoſopher who wis Anubingara, a city of Taprobanc, Antiphafis, as, antiphrafis. chief of the nick let, und nojler Anub's, an Egyptian dog in what Antiphites, a king of the Læftrygo 10. Diogenos; alſo other trin, Ioape Mercury was worſiapad. nian cannbals; and ſeveral others. Antiftiana, a city of Spain. Anuchtha, a city of Sufiana. Antiphilus, o famous fainer. Antiftita, a ; f. an abbels, priores. + Anvicallia, oraaviſera, harbiy whore Antiphon, a ſimple orator of Rham Antiſtita Phobi, Casſandra. Aaiks in winter foem dead, but in nusia, and foveral siber men. + Antiftibulum, i ; n. a chafing-difp. Summer Spring afrohe Antiphona, zi . an entiphen, wt Antiftitium, ti n. priefly dignity. | Anudiuftertius, the days ago. kind of ſinging by furn. † Antiftor, oris, m. a pritfident, † Anuis, the old genitive of anus. Antiphonus, abc son of Priamus. overjeer. † Anularis, a kind of white paint. Antiphra, a town near Alexandria. Antiftius, a Roman who put away Anularis, rc, as anoularis. Antipbralis, whm words have a his wife for talking with anotir Anuliaus, a Roman conſul. meaning.contrary to ibeirt etymology. Anulus, a river in Mzor tania. Antiphus, o fors of Priamus 'by Hc- Antiftius Turpio, a ſoldier of Pom- Anului, i, m. (ab annus ve! anus) cuba. pey's, who challenged all Calar's a ring; alſo the fundament. + Antipocha, a bill under one's hand army. Anurogrammi, e people of Tapro- acknowledging a dedt, Antiſtrophe, es ; a repeating the faze bane. Antipodes, um; m. a psople on the word in the fame ſenim'a, ānus, i; m. (ab agnus, vel onus] mhor ſide of the earth; will their Antitaurus, & mountain of Armc the fundammi ; alfa ibs skin about fu dir aly againſt curs. nia. the navel. Antipcenus,' a noble Theban, whose Antitheſis, an oppoſition of contrarie-ANUS, ûs; f. [ab gros annus) an daughters he now for the safety of ties one to the other. old woman Fama anus, antimat their country: Antitheton, ti ; contrariety. fame, in the time to come.. Antirolis, a city of France. Antitheus, a governor of Athens. + Anus for annus, 2 gear. Antipolitanus, a, um, adj. belonging | Antitypum, i; n. an example, a Anu!cana, a city of Etruria. 10 Antipolis. copy like or contrary to be par- Anxa, a town in Italy, Gallipolis. Antiptois, a punting one caſe for an- Anxarum, a town in Italy, now Lan- other. Antiveſtæum, the cape of Corowal, drano. Antipyrgos, a city of Marmarica, or the land's end. Anxani, and Anxancaſes, the frepla + Ant quadrus, four-corner'd." Antlam, an ancient city of Italy of Anxanum. Antiquarius, a, am ; adj. (ab anti- Antlabria vafa, veſels uſed in facri. Anxation, a perple of the Peligai. quus).fudious of antiquities. * An fries and divine ſervice. Aoxi. Su ango. t quarii, remembrancers, thoje ihut ANTLIA, æ; f. (dyror] a pump. + Anxiari, to be grieurd. write fair. In antiiam condemnatus, con Anxie; adv. furrowfully, diligemily. Antiquario, onis ; f. an aboliſing., demned to ibe wbrel. + Anxies, tbe joint as anxietas. Adliquatus, a, um, part. of anci- Antlion, a bucker er tankard. Anxietas, atis; penſiveneſs, an- quor, aboliſhed, out of uſe. Antlo, (ab ormaru haurio) to draw Anxietudo, iniş; f.}. guiſh. Antique ; adv. after the manner of Anxifer, a, um , bringing forrow. the ancimis. Aniobroges, & papla od Aquitania + Apilis, a kind of bird. Antiquitas, aris; f. antiquity ; alo Antomenes, the lof king of the Co- 't Anx 11, made fad. men ef ancient time ; an eſpecial rinthians, after whom they conja- † Anxitiá, a borlot. favour or afraion. craved searly prinies. ANXIUS, a, um, adj. (ab ango) Antiquitùs ; ady of old time, Non Antona, either Southampton or North penſive, careful. #Anxia oratio, adeo antiquitàs placuit, it hulle ampton ; alſo the river Nen. too inurb offifted. Spina propter mot bom long in repuit. Antonia, a fort at Jerusalem ; alfo acu'cos anxia, hard 10 get by rea- Antiquo, are ; s'abrogate, make the wile of Druſus, and mother of son of the pricks. Anxium habere void. Gormanicos, famous for coninense aliguem, io perplex one.. + Anxur man. 1 ! torn. water. APA A P. E A PH Anxurus } Campania, being. Wor- + Ansuri be that saveth not, his Apärine, geo-grafi, clivers, or herit. Aperui. See apcrio. bead. Aparni, a propla of Scythia. ĀPES, or.apis, is; f. [94. Droiu, Anxur, a sity of the Volfci Italy. Aparthéni, a people of Mæotis. vcl ab nero, vel ipur hau- a name of Jupiter in Apariacæ, a people of the Masſage ro) a bee. , wor ta. Apeſas, or Apcſes, or Apeſantis, a Mirpid without a beard. Apăches, one without affaion, fense mountain of Pe'oponnelus. Hence Anxug. a, um, lóf angor) grirved, Ters, Apeſantius, a name of Jupiter. + Aaydron, the herb mid-nigbe jade. Apăchia, want of affection. Apetua, a city of Spain. Anyſis, a city of Egypt. Apātor, without a fusher Apex, icis in. dict. ab apiendo, Anytc, dog's name, Make-shift. Apācuria, a firname of Minerva and i. c. ligando) the top or einineure of Anytos, while dif:dil. of Venus ; alſo a feaſt of the Athe any thing'; properly, ihe little wo:llest Anytus, one of the anthors of Socra nions in bonour of Bacchus, suft or entfel, on the top of the fa. tes's death, who afterwards was Apatūrum, temple of Venus ir inen or bigh priofi's cap; Serv. Hence himſelf put to death. Phranago ia. Pynedoc.) the cap itſelf; and so Anyguduri, o cave of of the nympbs. † Ape, forbid, and apct, he rejeftath. it may be uſed for a nitre, call of Anzaba, a river about Tigris. Apeauros, a inuunlain in Peloponnc a prieji, or any ſuch thing, of a Anzcia, a city of Armenia major. fus. conic.form; the.comb. or iuft of fee. Apěcŭla, ( apicula (ab apcs) a little thers on a bird's beid; the plume A ante.O. hce. or crels ehe lhurp point of any thing; + Ănoda, a martlet. Scc apos. the matk or accent ever letters. Pru. A. O. abbreviat. for alii omnes. Apeliotes, a, m. the ſouth all-wind. dcnt:us ufus it 10 ſignify a laser ; A. O. abbreviat. rer auro, + Åpella, æ; one cir:umciſed. Sidonius fets it upon a maridate, Aon, a son of Neptune, giving name Apellzi, e people of Scychia. and a letter or epijle; and it is to the Aones. Apellas, a Cyrenean geographer. alſo wred by Horace (retaph.) Aones, people of Aon:a. Åpelles, is; in. a famous painter of to denolt cuitorily, grundeur, and Acnia, the lilly part of Beotia. Coos, whe began the pitſure of Ve dignity. * Apices juris..the quarks Aõnides mura, the Bæotian deities; Dos, bue lived not to finiſh it; and and Juhile sinis of the law. alſo. after him none could parfeet it. A.ro Apices literarum, the points or ec- Aonlus, a, um ; ad). belonging to the name of ſeveral other mim, cents crer letiers, Boeotia, or ihe Mufos. Apelleus, a, um ; adj: belonging to APEXABO, õn:s ; f. (ab apex] & of Aonium, ii; n. dead nettle. . b!ack-pudding Aeris, the son of Aras, a warlike Apellicon; a feripatetick philofopker. + Aphaca, ox 2phaće, @s ;. f. a kind. bunter. † Ap.ello, uli, alfum, ellère ; to drive of teras that grow in cared-grourd. Aoriftus, indefnite, a Grcek tonic. away. Xplace, a city of Libya, and other Aornis, a very high hill in In- + Apellum, an appeal. places. Aornos, dia. † Apellum, the old name of Apollo. Aphacit- s, idis; a nome of Venus, Aornus, a lake in Italy, so noilome, † Apenārius, ii ; m, a waggener, or Aphæi. a name of Diana. tbar it kills the birds that fly over coachman; alſo a fineer. Aphærēma, atis ; buils, chuf. it ; alſo the nurze of other places. Apeneſte, a city of Apulia. Aphærefi:, the taking a letter or sl- Aorli, a people of Sarmatia, hy the Apcaninus mons, a part of the Alps. lable from the beginning of a word. river Tanais; the country is now Apenninicola, æ;,c, an inhabitan: + Apheta, a plunet 12:14 is the giver called Sevcria. of she Alps. and moderator' of life in a nati- Aorta, the great artery, the noble, Xpepſia, indigofion, tawneſs of so vily. and mother to a!l the rell, morb. + Aphaticus, halonging to aphạta. Aorus, a city of Crete. ÅPER, ri, m. [xúmpor} a wild boar. Aphanna, et obiruie part of Sicily, Apti, & people on the borders of Aper, the name of two conſuls. which cauſesh the proverb * Ad Thrace, Apcra, a town of Galatia. Aphannas, Spoden of baſe and obf:ura Aous, a river in Macedonia now A perantia, a town of Theffaly. things. calles. Vajufla. Aperculus, i; m. Lab aper) a linle Aphrira, a city of the trile of Benja- boar. min. A ani. P.: Aperethes, a city of Arcadia. Apharcus, a king of the Meft-nii, Aperimetros, inconprehenſible. Aphas, a river of the Meloti. A P. abbreviat. for apud. Ă PE-RIO, rui, stum, rire; (ex ad Aphaſius, a mountain in Mediz. A. P.R.C. abbreviat. for anno poſt & parlo, vel ab Heb. pagnar. oris Aphe, an end or pruſi. Romani conditam. diſtortio] to oper, reveal, les ofen, Aphec, pa city of the tribe of Ma- Apadna, a city of Meſopotamia. expound, fet up or begin. * Ape Apheca, s našics, and fever! cthers. Apæl, a pesple in Meſopotania. ritur cælum, nis dry bresks. : * Aphedanics, a people of the Molofi. Apælus, und Pæſus, a city of Tro Aperire caput præccptori, to pur * Aphedron, wild affron. of his but io his miliei. * Aperire Aphčiæ, a city of MineGa., APAGE, fie, away, avauns. conjurarionem, to diſcover a con- Aphotëria, tbe place where the horie APAGETE, Apage te à me, - Spira'y: Aperire occa Gonem ad begını his corrie in eilting. 84+ you from me, aliquid, to give occafion to a thing. Aphcterii, Caltor and Pollux, so Apågčlis, be gone * Aperirc dicm, to mow that it is called Apagina, when that end of a bone is dny. * Aperire locum fufpicioni, Aphčior, the firrame of Apollo. broken, where it is joined to another. to give cauſe of ſuſpicion, Aphidas, the name of a Centaur, also Apagðreuſis, an injun&ion. Aperræ, a city of Lycia.' ibe L.all Ath:rian king of the fami- Apaita, a prople of Aſia minor. Aperta, m; m, an old epitbol of A. ly of Erectbeus. Apālæltros, wiihous grace or comeli pollo. Aphidna, part of Africa, nels in doing, ignorant in fents of Apertè, apertiùs, apertiffimè; adv. Aphidne, a city of Lycaon:a. ativity. Openly, plainly. Aphncun, a city of Phrygia and t'Apălar, or are, is; n. (ab apalus) Xpertio, õnis ; f. an opening. Lydis. a diſh with bolory dents to serve upl + Aperto, ars; to make barcos naked. Aphncus, or Aphn:un, a name of eggs in ; alfo a looon. † Apertiilārius, he that opens the door. Mars. Apălus, tender, foft. See hapalus. Aperium, an open or publick place Aphor, a metropolis of Arabia Fä. Apamena, part of Syria: , Apertīra, a; f. a little hole kept open lix. Apamcftra, a town of Magna Græ 'in, builungs. * Apertura tabula- Ăphoriſmes, i; m. an aphoriſm, or cis. ium, ihe cming, or breaking of a general rule of phyfick. Apamcftrini, the people of Apameftra. Jaalad with: Aphracıs, i; m., an epon or un. Apāmia, & ea, æ; f a sily of Pbry-Apert-us, a, um ;P. & A. ior, ifti- Aphractum, i; n. f coveres min. gia, and other places. mus; loſ aperior), prn, evident, Aphractus, a, um ; adj. uncoveredo Apanchomone, Diana amme the A: plasring clear, brosd, known, without unfchiced. cadians. colour cr cloak. Aperio capite + Aplien, a kir.d of heinlock, † Apardtias, and apartias, the nor:)). hero-headed. * Agcrapercus, sifica Apliricane, arum ; panthers, 'or. 11- wind. shout brazbles. bords from Afilca. 29. } , 1 GES APALOD API A PO'. Α Ρ Ο ground, er. Aphrodiſeus, as Alex. Aphrodia - Apidanenſes, Arcadlans. cock, alſo difcord. colis Apiennates, a people of Umbria. Apodoas, a figure called roddition: Aphrodiſia, an Iſland in the Perfiant Apilaſcué, ūdis; f. gold rady 10 Apodyterium, ii; n. the place where Jea; oljo-the name of Venus. be cuined. they shar baibed themſelves laid ibrir Aphrodiſias, a vily of Caria, and le-Apilocarium, a city of Portugal. cloaths. curral other places. Apimăta, æ;fons craknel. + Apoga, 2; f. a kite. Aphrodiſium, a Batute of Venus, a ipina, or -na, a rity of Apalia, of no Apõgæl, winds ariſing out of the city of Africa, and ſeveral oiber note. plares, Apinæ, arum; f. pl. triflčs, gero. Apõgäum, i; n. a place undor earth; Aphrodite, és; f. the Greek nanse gawi, frippery, alſo that point in the heavens, where of Venus. † Apinārii, mimicks, buffoons. ibi planit is farthed from the cmira. Aphrodites, a name of ſeveral ci-+ Apiniæ, arum ; fnuts with very Apographs, a; f. ári inventory, viry thin fillo. Apograrhum, ! ; ni a copy, pariern. Aphroditia, part of Laconia. + Apinus; a'ira whoreon pitcb grows. Apolzaiffo, are;. 10" kick againſt, Aphrogăla, cream of milk. Apiola, or -leg. a city of Italy. ... Apola &:zo, . defpice. Aphron, a kind of poppy with leaves Apion, a sramo ojí king Ptolemy.; Apalaoſtus, the frame of Agrippa like a ſparrow. allo # not curious grammarian una the oltar. Aphronitrum, i; 0. Salt-petre. der Tiberius. † Apoleatium, ii ; n. a place whero Aphroſcărodon, a kind of great gar- + Apionia mala, pome-styal apples. garments were fent to be walked. lick. : † Apios, wild rudiſ, surih-nur; alſo Apo'eéti, principul senotors, Aphroſelēnus, a kind of precious a pear-tret. + Apolectus, i; m. a kind of tunny- jiona Apiria, æ; want of experience. fill + Aphoſiſchus, wild radiſh or earth- Apis, is; f. e beri Sce apesa † Apolinym, i; n. a kind of the herb nut. Apis, a king of the Arpives, after- mezarron, or widow wail. f Aphrolun, i, n. a poſtat. wards of Egypt, wbi taught in Apõlis, dis ; an exile, franger. APMTHA, 2; f. (à porta corrun to plant vines, and after his death Apollinares ludi, plays in honour of po) the ibrush in ibildrens moutos. was 'worſhipped in the form of a Apollo. * Aphthius, the feed of the harbox living ox. Apollinaris, is ; m, a conſul; ond an Apiſosa, the name of a Trojan in heretick, Aphthonius, a rhetorician, Homer. † Apollinaris, f. herbane. * Apolli- Apha, aphia, or apua, a grove- + Apiſcor, cl; to obtain, get. näris niinos, Neeping night-fade. ling, minnow, pixk, leach, gud. Apliami, a prople of Arabia. Apollinarius, ji; m. an ingmious geon, Smelt ; alſo the baſer sort of Apitius Galba, a certain jeller under poci under Jülian, who wrole a me- people. T'Iberias, irical paraphrafe on the plalinsi Aphýdnes, à companion of Æncas, APIUM, ji;, n. (forgy benignum] Apollinis, a groat city in Egypt and Duin by Tornus. parfiey, Smillage. * Apuro gran jeveral other places, † Aplıylanihes, she blue daily de, lovige, alifundir. * Apiam Apollo; in's; m. the god of wiſdom, * Aphytagora, zury fuser" pleaſant riſus, paſs-Power, a kind of crow muſick, phyſiik; alſo the name of ne's. foot. fever men * Apol'inis reſpon- Aphyte, -is,, a town of Thrace, Aplanes, that wan.lereth not. fum, os trus as the goſpel. where there'was en oracle of A+ Aplectum, und aplictum, 'a ditsh Apollocrates, one that went along pollo. ot, trench. with his father into baniſhment. Aphyläi, che inhabitants of Aphy- \Aplada, or appluda, bran or Apollodorus, ri; m. an Athenian chajf + Apia, a pear-se; drone. APLUSTRE, is; or apluftrum, i; Apollonia, æ, f. arity of Phrygia, grasamarian, and ſeveral o:ber men. + Apià, Peloponnelus. n. (apavoTWY) a flag; or ornamens and everal other places. Apiacum, Pap-Caile in Cuaber of a jbip. Apollonides, the name of ſeveral land. t Áplycæ, the worſ kind of. Spunges. men. Ăpiāgo, an herb thas bees feed on. + Apnades, a kind of gilding uſed by Apollonius, il; m. the name of Ăpianus, a, um ; adj. [ab apés) be puiniers. foveral mon. longirip to bres. * Aplaniz uvæ, Apnea, Sorinefs of breath, Apollonius Rhodius, molter to Cicc, mujedine grapes. * Apiana brar-t. Apo, čre ; to tye or make faſt, ro and Julius Cæſar at the sami fica, ingged colswort, Apobæoti, a propis of Ætolia. time, Apiára, æ; f. the shrub jalmins. Apocălypsis, eos; f. e reviletion or Apolloníus Alabanderas, a nolable Apārium. ii; n. the 10:-hive, or vifion. grammarian, who dealt with his plare where bees are. Apěcha, 2; f. an acquittance. ſcholars according to their genius. Apiarius, it'; m. be that keeps turs. + Apócimatus, a boiling of burbs. Apollonius Tyanæus, a Pythagoraan + Ăpiastra, a; f. la midwall, or Apoc!ēti, or apolcai, counſellers, fo philosopher, and a magician. Apiaſler, ri; m. $ bird that cats nators among the Ætolians. Apollophanes, a ferliier of king An- hees; alſo the maſter of bers. / Apocopa, a bay in Arabia. : tigonus, and orher men. † Aplaftrum, ili n. balm-geile or A pocõpe, a taking away from the end Apollothemus, a certain hijforiam. min:h. of a word Apollopelites, a prefden:fip in E; Apatcs, a people of Aquitain. Apõcopi, curushs. gypt. † Apariu., a parſley-bed, Apócopi, mountains of India within + Apológātio, onis; f. e making uſe Apiztus, a, um, adj. of or lika bres. Ganges. and application of fables. * Manubrium apiatúm, a dud- Apocritārius, il; m. a legate, com-Apõlõgéticus, a, um, adj. apologe. gron.baft. mlary, or chancellor to a bilip. rich, pertaining to apology of excuje. špica, æ; a little stap. * špicatus, a, um ;, adj. having an Apócrötus ; } a. cum ne adj. rough. Apo'ógia, æ ;?. an apology, ex- Apo'og,(mus, i; m. scuje. } apex Apocryphárius, 11 ; 'm. be that writes Apologizo, arc ; to make an excuſe. + Apicitus, a, um; ad). bound. apocryphul books. † Apologos are ; to make an excuſe, + Apic-io, ire; act. so bind on with Apocryphus, a, um, apocryphal, of to rebride, reje&t. Afring unurlain original, not canonical. Apo ogus, 1; m. a moral fable, Apicius, a great gluttoir who at last Apocynon, a bone in the left ſide of a Apolyicrium, as apodyterium. harged himſelf. frog, which fits up to love and, Apomēli, tis ; inc!heglin. + špicoſus, a, um; ad}. [ab apex) angor A pomylus, Jupiter in Elis. having 6.9 little hair on hss crown. Apocynam, she bura dog's bane. Apona, a medicine helping willət õpicèl., 32; f. fub apes) a litle bee. Apodede. troafurers, ricrivers of the pain. A picólum, (ab 2pex) a little luft; king's tributs. Aponics, a fountain and village in Lapiculce, i; } aljo a mitre-Aring. Apodes um ; the plural of ap09. Italy near Padua, where are sedi- † Apicos, a, ur; adļ. ab apcx} | Apodidrafcinda, ibegami colied, king cinal waters. rayon iho heir tof the head. by your leave, or hide and fcek. Adopemptici hymni, farewell-forigs. apidanus, a principal river of Ther. Apódixis, demonji ratione Apophalis, a 'denying; an inven- Apodos, the timely crowing of a fory. Apophleg. tc, , ond. , , , A PP APP APP Apophlegmatiſmus, a medicine draw Samplusufly. Appenſus, a, um, part. of appen ing down phlegm and humours. Appărātio, onis; f. a preparation, or dor; hanged, weighed. Apophoreta, orum; n. new-year's apparılling. Appenzelia, a town of Helvetia. gifts. Appărātus, a, um ; adj. prepared, Appetendus, a, um ; to be deſired. Apophisbegma, žris ; n. a brief and decked, furniſhed. * Apparata ora“; Appěcens, tis ; adj. iur, iffimus ; pithy. Speab of renowned perſonages. tio, a gaudy Sprech. defiring, greedy, approaching. Apophyades, certain things hanging Appărātus, ùs ; m. a properation, pre Tui appetentiffimus, ona sbai wiſhes to the entrails or porls. vifion, furniture. * Perfici appa- you hugely well. Apophylis, the proceſs or Annding out ralus, royal fare. * Apparatus rec- Appétentia, æ; f. appetite, luf. * of a bone above the natural places tus, orderly ſírvice of meat in cekt ſe Cibi appetcuciam præftare, to pro- neay unto it. at great men's tables. voke appetite. Apoplcarici, they that are fricken with t'Apparentia, æ; 1. an appearance. Appetibilis, le ; adlo to be defired. lightning or any difcafe. t Appäsentèr, adv. Sermingly. It Appetiffo, as appeto. Apoplexia, z; f. a palfoy: Appār-co, ui, itum, ēre; neut. [of Appétitio, õnis; f. an carne'l endea. Apoptosis, the falling of the hair, ad and parco) to appear, to be forih. pour, d'elira, appetite. Aporia, æ; f. doubt, perplexity, want coming, to wait. • Nufquam appa- Appetitor, oris ; m. a deſirer, plot. of counſelor pufage. ret, be is not 20 de feen, Mox ap- tar, attempter. + Apõriatus, 2, um; adj., doubted, parebo domi, I will be at home by Appetitus, r, um ; part. of appetor ; pored in. And by. * Non apparet patera, sempred, ſet upon, vexed. + Apõrior, ari ; to be in doubt or they cannot tell what is become of Appétitos, lls ; m. appelite, defire, perplexity. thi goblet. * Non apparct, it was ufection. Aporon, a controverſy that cannot be never ſeen afterwards. Appot-o, ii, or ivi, Itum, čre; act. decided Appārītio, ānis ; f. an apparition, or Cic. for ad and peto] 10 civet † Aporphyron, a garmmi that was + , aporaring, prefeting one's falf. earnefly, cffect, invade, approuch. Appäritor, õris; mi a ferjeant, bra * Amore appetere, to love." * Ap- Aporrēta, orum ; n. fecret places, or pelere aliquem lapidibes, 10 pelt Secret things. + Appäritorium, ii ; n. a helping. * Appctit dics, it is almost Aporroga, arnm; f. soriain improf-Appäritūra, æ; f. a fummoning or day. * Appetere dextram olculis, fons in the air, falling-fars. arrufing.; alſó a ferjeani's office. * to kiſs. * Appetere aliquid ma- Aporus, a, um ; poor. Appar.coram facere, om apparere nibus, to catch us with his binds ? Apofiõpēris, a pritionate omitting part alicui, to allend a person as a bra. Appetere genas ungue, to ferarch of one's speech. one's face. * Humerum gladio ap- Apofirmata; diſquammations, Appāro, sre; act, (ab ad & paro] petit, he lirikes at the ſhoulder. Apoſpalmăta, avuikons, impolhums. to preparı, ordain, deck. * Dun Appha, a town in Pribia. tions. ápparatur, wbile things are making Apphadana, a city of Meſopotomia. Apo{phrag:{ma, atis; the feal, arms, ready. * Apparare iter, to take & Apphanna, Perſian ij.ind. or an impreſion courſe to do a thing. Delenire Apphar, a rown of Mauritania. Apoftăria, ; f. A rebelling, back apparas, you endeavour to appeaſe. Appia, the name of a woman. Siding, apotasy. Appellatio, onis; f. a colling, an Appia via, she way from Rome to Apoſtara, æ; m. an apoſate, revol appeal, a tille, Brundufium. 18r. Appellativus, a, um ; appellatives: Appiana mala, apples like quincess in † Apoftaticus, a, um ; adj. apoia. Appellātor, óris į m. be bat apa jmell. rized; revolied, fallm away. a kind of green pealeth. Appiãnum, ni; n, a kind Apoftatrix, icis; f. a woinan ape-, Appellätorius, a, um, adj..that per- (olur, pate.. tainath to appellation. Appiades, ibe goddeſſes Verus and , Pallas. Appellito, are ; to call often. , . Appello, are ; act. Liv. [ex ad & Appianus, a Greck hiſtorian of Alex- † Apoftato, are; to revolt from the pello) to call or file, ſprak tog i andria. faith, to apoftare. prach, appsal, court. Aureus co- Appiaia, a town of Myſia. Apoftoma, atis ; n. an impoßbums. lor appellavit chryſolithum, thet Appignoro, are; act. 80 pledge, Apoſteparniſmes, a saking out a golden colour bas given name to the confirm. broken tone in a wound. chryſolite., * Apellare virginem de App ingo, ēgi, actum, ngěre; act. Apoſtolārus, ûs; m. an apofleſhip. ſtupro, to accufe a virgin of whore [of ad and pango) in jun or firfien + Apostoli, lestars dimifory in coſe of dem. * Hæc non appellantur in appral. lege, there is no such thing in the Appi-ngo, nxi, &tum; ngère ; [of ad Apoſtolicus, a, um ; ad). apofloli law, and pingo] to paint or write more cal, App-ello, uli, ulſum, ellère; act. into. APOSTOLUS, li; m. an apople, L'ex ad & pello) lo arrivi, dirca, It Appioſus, a, um, adj. belonging embaſudor. comigell, daſh, drive, bring, apply, to the jaggers. Apoftrophe, a turning one's Speach to interrupt. • Appellere ſe, to arrive. + Appiõlus, ûs; m. the Baggers, Some person abſmt; alſo she mark' of # Ad aquam animalia appellere, furn-fick. s letter bring cut off. se drive cattle to water, + Appiſcatus, a, um ; having gotion, Apoſtrophus, i, m. the mark of Appendicŭla, æ; f. a little shirg be- App!i Forum, a town in Italy near lotter bring out of. longing to the principal. Rone. Apoftrophia, a fimame of Venus. Appendicus, a, um , adj. pertaining Appius. the noms of divers noblemen Apoteleima, štis; n. a calculation of to an appendix. of Rome. one's nativity. APPEN-DIX, icis; f. (ab appendo] JApplau-do, fi, fum, döre; (of ad Apotěleſmatici, such as calculate na. An appendage, that which belongs to and piaudo to clip himas ai one in tivities, any thing, as a part of it, or.ad favour. * Applauderc terræ, 10 Apotheca, æ; f. a place where any dition to it; as, a perit.houſe, or Arike down to the ground. thing is laid or kepi, a fore-house, or any piece of building added to the Applauſor, oris ; m. one that claps wine cellar. main houſe or Bructure, an appare bis hinds or rejoiresh. Apothegma, as apophthegma. dix, additional part. * Appendi- Applauſus, ùs ; in..ipplaus, clapping Apothcoris, a canonizing of met 16 ces, auxitiary trcops; also a tkorn of the hands. become gods of ſaints. so called, because it has red bowries Applauf.s. a, um, part. of applau- Apotropæi, gıda averting evils. hanging upon it, which berries are dor; lapped, Jiroked, mode mulh of. Apoxyõmenus, one rubbing or ſcouring alſo called appendices. Applebeia, æ; f. Appleby in Weſt- bis skin in the bath. Appen-do, di, ſum, děre; ſex ad & morcland. Apozema, štis; n. à decoction. pendo] to hang up, weigh, pender. + Applex; applicior, cloſely joined to- Appa, e cily of Arabia. # Appendere mutuo to lend. geher er plutird. Appadana, a city of Persia, Appenfor, oris ; m. be that weigh. Applicatio. onis; f. on application, Appărātè, apparatius, apparatiſme; eth. Juiting together, proteajon. * parasiùs cænare, 30 Jup very ſump to weighi. App icit s, G:g2 # Aurcs 10. 1 F 1 one's self. + APP A PS A QU * Aurcs applicatæ: Cof a borse) | Approbatus, ho um ; part. approved. thens. sort of thick cars. † Antc iftam vefperan opus ex Apſintes, a ſophiftar of Gadara, Applico ui and avi, Stuna, and a pcditain approbato, be ſure you get Apfinthii, a people of Thrace. tum, are ; act. (ex ad & plico) it done again this night. Apſis, idis ; f. as abris. to apply, direct unio, fuit togelber. Apprčbè, adv. uery honeſtly, Apſorus, a cry of Pontus ; alſo an * Quo applicem. whisher Shall I Approbo, are; act. (of ad and pro ifand in the Adriatick fea. go? * Applicat unum annum, be bo) to approve, allow. * Appro- Aprum ; 1; n. a fence of wool. is ont year older. Flumini caftra bare aliquid alicui, to make a thing Aplus, a river nerr Macedonia, fal- applicuit, he pitched his sen!) by the agrear praiſs wereby so andber. ling into the Ionian fea. river. * App!:care naves ad tcr Dii approbent, God give you joy. Aplychon, without fuul or brasth. ran, to arrive, * Applicare le ad Apprõbus, or adprobus, a, um ; adj. Apiyetos, a black precious fonc with canvivia,' to haunt facis. * Ap very good or honef. red veins; being bos, it will keep so plicare ſcalas muris, to ſet the lad- Appro.niffor, oris ; n. A furoly forl. foven days. ders to the walls. * Oſcuia appll another, Apta Julia, a city of Gallia Narbo- care, to kiſs. Apprðm-itto, or adprom-itto, ifi, il nentis, now called Apte,Atic, und Appio-do, fi, fum, dérc; act. [offum, ittére ; act. to promiſe for, to Ҳаt ad and plaudo] 10 lamp at. orgaga, for another, Apiā!us, a, um ; fitrad., appliet. Apploro, are ; act. Cor 'ad and plo. Approno, arē; to bend down, proßrute Aptè, .iùs, iſfine, adv. fitly, fuit- roto mourn to or witb. ably; alſo jointly, pertinently. . * Applud, æ ;'(ab applodendo] bran. Appropěratus, a, um ; part. hafioned, Aprè convenit, er cadit in, 'iis x- Applumbātūra, æ; f. a joidering deno in hafte, advanced. ceeding fit. uith leid. App opēro, or adprõpéro, are ; to Aptera, a town in Crete. Applumbatus, a, um ; foldered. Apteros, the godde's Victoria, with- Applumbo, arc ; [of ad and plumbo] Appropinquārio, õnis; f. an ap out wings at Athens. is Alder.' proa:ning, or coming nigh unlo. Aptitūdinarius, a, um, pertaining to Aopluo, ērc ; (of ad and pluo] to Appropinqua, are; of ad and pro. fitness, pain migh 10. pinquo je to approach, or draw nigh. Aptitudo, inis : f.(ab aptus] firneſs. + Apprd.o are ; to leon upen. Appropinquare honori, &c. 10 Apto, are; act. to fin, join, make to AP10-no. fui, fitum, nere; ant. [of be just ready to be invefted wish. agre, apply. Aptal ſe pugna, ad and pono) 10 let by one, et on Appropinquat ut videat [of a be prepares or addraffos himjeli. # the labis. mix, appoint, jubern; 1.46 whe!p) ju, resdy to fee. Aptare claves loribus, to maka keys on oy of Onus appcns, láy t appropriatlo, õnis ; f. an aporo for doors. is down your burden. * Apponere printing or iinpropriating to private Aptoton, a neun underlined in caſe. aliquid lucro, 15 (18411 it is gain. or ! ; insns ufe. Aptuchiſanum, a city in Cyrene. * Apponere cibrini alicui, to let Appuļi. Su appello. AP rus, a, um; adl. (ab TW, vel 35811 hefurt one. * Apponere accu. Appu.fus, ûs, m; an arriving, co antiq. apo) fit; alſo light and con- faiorem alicui, to ſuborn an accufori ing to. * Appulſus pecoris, a pact, connex, gurniſhed. * Verbis Apporr-igo: exi, cčtum. igere ; act. driving of fo:cp to the waier. ad roftram conſuetudinem ap:is, 10 yeach unio. Appukus, a, um, part. of appellor, in our idion. Serâ equina ap- Appo:to, arc; (of ad and porto) 29 arrives, brought to the haven. tus, tied with a horſe-hair. bring, to few. Apportare vchi- Aprarius, a, ua ; ad). [ab aper) + Apt:19, a, um, as adeptus, gollon. culo, lo curry in. belonging to a boar. APUA, æ; f. a dace of groundling, Appo 1cn, poíci, fcērc ; [of ad and Apricatio, onis ; f. a warming in * Apua čorbitis, a minnow. * A. porcol 30 require furiher. pua phalerica, ſmel. See aphya.. Apposite, 2d«. properly, convenient'). Apricitas, atis ;. f. the warmneſs of Apua, a sown of Liguria. Appositio, onis ; f. an applying, pur tos fun, fun-fhina. Apuani, the people of Apua. ting to Apricor, ari; to fol a funning. *APUD (Titil præpof. cum acc. at, † Appositivus, a, um ; adj. ferverfi. Apricari in folc, ta lit funning one's hr, 2017, among, within, before. * Apposītus, a, uni part. of apponor; self. Vix apud mc fum, I am hardly laid dy fur unso ; apt, ft, ezy, sub-Aprícủlus, iim, a file cailed capris Thyſelf. * Si apud forum eit, if he ornod * Urbs appolita mari, a cus, with ſharp or Brong teeth like a be about the inarket. * Queritur city filluare by the ſea. • Ager ap borro; tusks. apud me per literas, he complains positus ad vitcm, a field fie sobe APRIC-US, a, um , adj. icior, ir to me by loiters. made a vinay..rd of. fimus ; (qu. ayeu oppixñs fine fri- Apuleius, or Appuleius, a Platonick appositus, us; mia forsing ors. gore] ſunny, or loving to be in the ſun. philosopher, born i't Madaura, who Appius, a, uin; ad;.- [of ad and Apries, 'or - us, the son of Plammis wros of his own metamorphoſis into potus) having drank inuch. Aing of Egypt. a golden oſs. + Apprecor, ari; to pray unto. APRILIS, is į m. [qu. aperilis, vel Apulia, part of Italy; hencs Apulus, Apprehen-do, and appren.do, dl, apeitilis, le] April. a, um. fum, cerc; act. its apprehend, lny i Aprilis, le; adj. of April. Apulum, a.sity of Dacia.. hold on, arrat, underland, obtain. Aprinus, a, um ; adj. (ab aper) of a Apus, odis; f. a jwift or martlet. * Canis morſú me apprehendit. a boar. Apuíc dainus, a lake in Africa, dog hash bis me. Quantum ap- Apronia, z; f. the black vine ir bij. ubers:n nothing Wiriks. prehendant tres digiti, us much as unny. Apuſia, æ;f, loſs, damage, abſenca, ihrze. fingers can hold. + Apronianum ceraſum, a black.cherry. Apyræ, e cily of Lycia. Apprehcnlio, onis ; f. a ſeizing on a Apronianus, the name of ſeveral mon.. + Apyreni, orum ; cursants, † Aprono, are; to kneel down, Seif Apyrexia, æ; f. the "romision of a Appreffus, a, um; part of appri approno fruer. mor; profi bard Kogether. Apros, iown in Thracę.. Apyri, ar Tapyri. Appi!:0, 270 ; and apprerior, ari ; Aproxis, an herb whole yees lindle, Apyrinus, a, um ; without kernels. lo ejieni at a hith nrice. piye arar o A'yrına, mala, fine porriegranates, Apprivè, or adprire ; adv. excerd- Aprugna caro, brawn. with a very (mail kernel. ingly, efpecially, very: Api ugnus, 2. um ; (ab aper] the Apyrocus, a precious. Blonē" colled a App-100, (or appreno) cffi. cffum, 14054 as ap:inus. corbure!e, imore ; act. (of ad and promo] 10 Apruſd, a river of Gallia Togala. Apyrum ſulphur, brimſtore that 'bus Spuccre together. Aprullum, a town in Calabria. not jult the heat of the fire. Apprisnus; or adprimus, a, um ;'adj. Aprutiun, part of Italy, colomonly very much, or far exreiling. : called Abruzzo. - A anii . Approbandus, a, um ; to be approved, Apfalus, 4 sown of Macedonir. T. udinle, Apfarus, a town and river in Cappa - AQUA, c : f. [ab antiq. XdJW1- Approbatio, õnis ; f, an approbation, ducis: Aqua viva, running water. aporoting, allowania: offurance. ! Apsicorus, dohrcus of food!:ies, Aquâ adversâ navigare, 10 ſwim Approbālor, oris ; in. be ibat up- Apl!2, a people of Scythia. againſt the firewm. Aquam cri. preveth ur allowab: Aplin:043, a jamiits thesaruiant of - bro haurez !! labour in the sun. thing vun. * Aquam n. woter* Aquileyicilegis,} a well-mafier AQU ARA ARÆ: * Aquam tu tine, stop phe hour.] Aquário, onis ; f. a watering ; aljo hunting above waitar; & city and glofs. Licebit aqua'n finas Au- ahundiinis of ruin. iland in A'abia. * In arain coi!- ere, you muy in the hour.glaſs run &quãtium, the upper part of he fugerc, to tiks Sanauiry. * Ad hesid, # Aquas infundir.in cineres, afre: aras amicue vie, 10 befriend on as best comes mujiard, * In mare + Æquator,' öris ; m. he that waters, far as religion gives leave. * Cru. oy provides water. orc captivo adolere aras, to offeri up aquain quæris, you cannot jue wood for treas. Ăquatus, a, uin; ad). lor, wateriſh. captives in facrifice. + Aquabibus, a water drinker, Vinum aquatius, wine too much Ara Lugduncnfis, a convent called A- + Aquaductile, lis ; away by allayed with water. may by Lyons. which wüter is to be conveyed. Aqucinolus, a water-ſnake. Arz, rocks betwixt Africa and Sar- dinia. Aqua Auguftæ, the city Baronne in Aqueus, a, uni ; waloriſh. France. Aquidacus, a, um ; draining of water. Arăbırches, chæ; m. the roll-gatherer Aquz Balifcæ, a town of Hungary, Aquifolium, ii, n. (ab acus & fo upon the cattle conveyed from Arabia now Sille. Aquifolia, æ; f. 3 lium) holm. to Egypt. Aqiæ Calidæ, Ilie city Bath in Aquifolius, a, um, mode, of holrs. Araburchia, the office of an arabar- SninarſcWhire; also a town in Aqulla, the name of a man, and ſeve- ches, Spain. Po! cities. Arābia, æ; f. part of Alia, divided into three paris ; Aquie Convenarum, a town of Aqui- Ăquila, k; f. (ab acutè volando] 1. Defcrta, now lain an eagle, enfign, ronlellation. * called Beriara. 2. Fælix, now cal- Aquæ Cutiliz, a lake of the Sabincs. Aquila ſences, Spoken of old men led Aiman, and by the Turks, Gc- Aquæ Flavix, a town in Spain. that love to drink rather than cat. men, or G'amen. 3. Petraea, row Aq!!!-ivicnccs; the people of Aqua * Aquila non captat muſcas, a callca Buraab ind Bengaucal. Flavice goſs-hawi bears not a bunting, Ărābes, the people of Arabia. Aquæ Mortnæ, à sown of Gall!a Nar-aquilčyia, æ; f. a columbine. Arabica, a prositus fore liks ivory. boncnfis. Aquilčgium, ii; n. & gathering of Arabicus, a, um , adj. beionging to Aquæ Quinctæ or Quintianæ, a Arabius, Arabia. town in Spain, now A ques Caldes. Aquileia, or Aquilegia, a city of the Arabicus lapis, a kind of blood ficre. Aquæ Regiæ, a city of Africa Carni. Arābilis, le ;- zdj. 3. ari. (ab aro] Aquæ Sextiæ, a city of Gallia Nar- + Aquilenta, æ ; f: holly. infy to te tilled. bonenſis, now Aix. + Arābis, an herb called candythlaj- Aquz Solis; Bath city. + Aquilicus, pi. Aquæ Statellæ or statyellæ, a town Aquili, the names of certain gods, Arabis, Arabius, or Arbis, a river of of Lombardy. Aquilicia, Roman ſacrifices in the India. Aqua Sueflanæ or Sinuerlanæ, baths time of great droughe. *Aquilices, Arabitæ, the inhubitants about Arabis. at Sinueffa in Campania the prieſts at thoſe ſacrifices. Arabiffus, a city of Armenia Mwor. Aquæ Taurinæ, a town of Etruria, žquilifer, the Roman enfign-hearer. Arabo, a river and city of Pannonia, now commonly called Aqua Pen-Aquilinus, a, um ; adj. Tab aqulla] now called Rab, and by the Italians, dente ; the people Aquenſes of or like an orgle. Nafus aqui- Arabr ca. 4 city of Portugal, noro G'avarin. Aqua Vaconis, a town in Catalonia, linus, a nole like a hiva's beak. now Balneolc, or Balnole. Aquiíinus, the name of th:cc Roman called Arrabida. Aquæducius, ùs ; m. [ex aqua & conſuls, Arabs, un Arabian ; aljo the son of duco) a conduit, or conveyance of Aquilio, on's ; f, a goad. Arabus, Apollo ; and a white watar by a ripe; an aqueduct Aquilius Manus, an embalador crue- Jione, which being redu'ed to powder, + Aquaductio, onis ; f.& conduit. elly frin by Mithridatcs. is good to cour the scorb Aquigium, ii ; 'n. a convoyance of Aquibus Severus, a Spaniſh hiſtorian. Arach, a cily , iz zb.x! Nimrod reign- watar.' od. Aqui!lia, a noble family of Rome. Aqua intercus, the drop.ry. Aquilo, onis; . (ab acuto frigore] + Arāchidna, under-ground chickling: Aquālicium, ii, n. a taking of the north wind; cold winter. Arachne @s ; f. « Lydian maid, wbs Aqualicium, rain-water for the Aqui onāris, of the north. contending with Palias, et her ſpin- Aquilicium, ule of medicines, Aquilonia, a town of Italy. ning, and being overcome, barged Aquālicăius, i; mi a log-trough, or Aquilonius, a, um ; northern, cold. herfolf, and wis turned into a /pider. paunch like it. Aquílus, a, um; brown, ſwarthy ; * Veitis Arachnis, a cobweb. Aqualicus, i; m. (ex aqua & lego] Aquilius, a, um ; } like an cagle.' |õrachnæum, cz mountain in Argas. ihe puunch, whilher the exireminis Aquiinīnāle, 4 drinking-cup. Ărachnluni, 6. diſeaſe in olives and run ; alfo a great gul whereof pud. Aquímīnārium, il; n.° or -Jug; m. vines, when the fruit is wrapped in dings are mode, a brond water-velle lined with tin; a kind of cobweb. Ăqualis, lis ; m. a water-yet, an ewes". alſo the ho:). water-pot, and a cock 10 Arachnoides, a thir skin in the eyes, taquämănilc, aquæmanile, aqui waith ar, A'achosia. a city built by Semira- manile, aquimanale, a bufon. Aquincum, a city of Pannonia. mis in Scythia, 77e2r phe Masſage- +Aquămănus, a baion, Aquincus, a certain bad goci, +Ăquămălina, æ; f. a water-mill. Aquinum, a town in Italy. Arachoti, or .tæ, at people of India. † Aquanus, as aqueus. Aquinas, alis ; adi. o' aquinuni.. Arachotos, a lake and river of Ara- cholia. + Aqua-pedes, water for the fret. Aquipenſer, for acipenſer, a ſurgein, Aquarii, bereticks that ujed only water i Aquiſgranum, the city Aix or Aiken Arachthlus, one of the four 5707 famous zuriters of Epiriis. in the facrament. in Germany: Aquāriola, æ; f. a link or gutter. Aquitania, a bird part of France. Ärăchus, and chos; f. wild small Aquäriõlua, i; m. a pandor, ruffian; Aquites. a name of a prieſt iã Vale vestles, extremely loved by pin a contented cuckold. rius Flaccus. geons. + Aquāriõlum, i ; n. a fonk. Aquor, ari ; to fetch or provide water; + Araciæ ficus, white, figs very broad, with a ſmall falk Aquarium, ii; n. a watering place, allay with water. futter, kilihin. Aquosītas, atis ; f. [ab agua] an a- Aracillum, and arracillum, a town in Aquarius, a, um, adj. of water, bundance of water. Spain. Sulcus aquarius, a trench to drain Aquoſus, lor, iffimus; waterys full Arăcynthus, a mountain of Acarna- fields. We Aquaria provincia, bis of water ; rainy. nia, and a city of Baotia. office who was to furniſh the city wish Aquula, æ; f. a little water or brook; Arad, a city of the Anorites, lelong- all a town of Hetruria. ing to the tribe of Judah. Ăquarius, ii; m. the 11th ſign of the Aquulenſcs, the people of Aquula. Aradenin a city of Cretc. tidiac; alſo a water-bearer. Aradūca, a city of Portugal. Aquasitas, atis ; f. abundance of wa- A ante R. Araducta, another c:19 of Portugal, Aradus, an iſland of Phænicia. Aquālicus, a, um ; adj. zatery, liv- Ar, for ac and ad. Aræ Flavix, Nordlingen in Ger- ing or breeding in the water. ARA, æ; f. [ab ipd preces vel many. áquãti'is, le; of or that liveth in the Heb. oretz terra)'on altar, con Aræ Czelaris, a place in Sarmatia, by Hollat.or., a par, a rock in the sea the river Tanais, Are tes. 1 trond Wuler. ter. walar, سنسن ! mon. 1 an. be 47. 1100.- ARA ARB ARC Are Philænorum, a town in Afri-Fårātus, a, um , ploughed. to drow out the platform of a work. ca. Araviici, or.arabiui, a ponple of Pan-Arhitrari ; publ. so be judged or detar- Are Sextianæ, a city of Spaia. nonia. of Ara Solis, a promontory of the Callai- Arauracides, peiple of Pentapolis in Aibius, a mountain of Crete; an in, ci. Africa. babitant alſo, and a frname of Ju- Aræolyacrilas, i, m.a fender-limbod Arauraris, Aragrius, or Rhagraris, a piter, being brougbt up there. river in Gallia Narbonenſis, now Arbon. a city of Illyria. Arztbyrcas part of Achaia. l'Eraud. ARBOR, oris ; f. í qu. dg:fal, aëra Aræ.is, a name of Jupiter, to wbom Araufio, and Araugenfis, civitas, the fcindens vel à robore) a free, the all in.en praged. noble principality of Orange; oniong. maſ of a fhip, an or, the timber of Araga, a city of Arabia Fälix. ing so the prince of Naſſaw. a préfs. * Arbor Jovis, an duka Aragus, a river of the Moloff, and Ăravus, & river in Gallia Belgica, # Arbor infælix, a gibbet. *Ar, aniber in Spain, called Arga. com pionly called Araw. bor inaris, corul. Arala, æ; f. a fire-pan: Arauzona, a town of Illyrlum. † Arüiracı, the Jap of irres. Arallus. or Analius, the 7th king of t Ar.:X, cis ; « kind of pulje. Arbă:ārius, a, um belonging 100 Affyria. Araxi, a city of Lycia. trer. Arambys, a city in Africa, built by Araxæ, er i ; ci peipic of Illirium, Arbörator, üris; m. a lopper, wood- Hanno. † Araxes, the river Peneus in Thef- Arammi, Scythians. fa!y ; inatbor great river in Aric Arbo ea, a city of Sardinia. Ajandis,' any of Portugal. nia. Aib.reſco, čre ; to grow to be a tree. ARANEA, a f. Cápáxual a spi-Araxus, a promontory of Peloponne- ; Arborējum, i; n. & grave, nurſery of der or cobweb; the down of willow ſus. young trees; an arbour.. bloems; also the fixib membrane of Araba, an illndard risy of Illyrium. j Arboreus, and -lus, a, um ; belong- Saccu'us plents ará - Arbace, czcily of Ceciberia. ing to a tree. # Arborea cornua ncarum, a purſe with nevir a cross Arbacee, the firing of the Medes. cervorum, the horns of a drar, 'in i:. Arbanism, á cis 11? Poncus. A bõrinus, a, um, belonging to a årăneantes fauces, Spider.chaps. Arbaxani, a reuple of L gurk. Arancola, ;-f. a ſpider, or cob. Arbeia, Ircbý in Cunteriand: Arbor Fælix: 4 town of Helvetia. Arancõlus, i;m.. Swab. Arbela, ora ; ality of Persia. Arborishä, ihe ſeven iſles of Zcland, Arancclus, a, um, full of Spiders or. A bela, z; a very anciens ciiy oj si Scowen, Duvelandia, Dola, Wal- ceburbs ; alſo like them. city keren, Zuidbevelandla, Norrbove- Araneuni, ci ; n. Q.!pider's rueb. Arbe: la, the bounds of Judca towards landia, Wo:ferdicum. Arineus, 2, um ; of a spidst or coba the B. A:boroſa, a city in Burgundy, now .web. A: belia, æ; f. a face-m.der's round Arbois, Arānens mus, . fbrow-moue, ranny. ruling-knife. Arbucale, a great city within Iberus, Arancus piſcis, quaviver for fills. + Arbeliun, i; n. a place of sor. which Hannibal birdly compelled. Aranei ſcutalawa rete, a coba mea. Arbuſcula, a wanton weneb in Ho- we I A. bei!!!s, the f1.87171 of Jupiter. race. Arančus, ei; m. a. Ipider or cohmes.it Arbetag. 073:D ; tree. Arbuſcúla, æ ; f. a hrub, the nave Trancun, a town in ihe bay of Ethi: Art:tio, a Ronan confu!, Hain under of a cart-wheel. # Arbufcula cri- opia. Chitantine nitæ pavonom, the rops of ped Arantbas,, a Bebrycian, said 10. de Arbij, Arbites, Arbitz; a people bor- eight bits long. dari,eg upon the lidiasis. Arbuſtīnum, i; n. wins made of + Arant:in, il; n. An orange. + Arbilla, jaine's ry" the body. grupas tied to Mrubs. Araphêa; ** ifland of Caria. Arbipendiuin, or arvipendium, an Arbuſtivus, a, um, garnibed with Arapotes, n leke in Egyor. baltare; a mesſuring of firliin truss.., * Locus arbuſtivus, an ar- Aras, a river of G2!lid Narbonenfis; Arbis, a.river i lodja, bour. * Arbuſtiva' vites, vinss alſo called Arans, commonly L. S.- ARBIT. ER; !i; mi (ab ara&bito, leaning 10 trurs. ona. į, &. co, vcl ab arbito pro additoſ: Arbo fto, are ; to plant with fries for Arăra, an Indian jur. an umpire. Arbiter biberidi, Ararat, a country and mountain in the king of good follows. * 'Arbiter. Arbuſtum, i; n. (ab arbor) a gravi, Armenia. funerno, an herald. * Arbiterį, orchard, coppice. Ararauceles, people in Cyrene. initiationis, ugod-father. Sine + Arbuitus, a, um, for robuftus. Ararcha, a country of the Nomades. arbitris facere aliquid, to do a Arbúteus, um ; of crab irais, or Araros, a river of Scythia. thing in the fighs or houring of prubs.: Araſpas, a name of a Mede, !o wheir jionic. Arbitum, tl, n. a crab or wilding, Cyrus delivered Paatha to.be kapt. Arbiti, mountuins of Gedrofia. ARBỎ rus, ii ; f. [ ab arbor ] a Ārātellum; 1; ni. [ab aratrum . Arbitra, æ ;fia zwoman umpire, crib-tree; an Italian Ire witb little plough. Arbitrālis, lc ; pertaining to an arbi fruit like i rawberries. + Arāter, a plough, trator. ARCA, æ; f. (ab arcendo] à chet, Aratia, an iſland againPerlis. Arbitramentum, and arbitrium, the cofin; a denin a river, • Arca Arātio, onis ; f. tillage, ploughing. Same as arbitrium. robufta, a priſon, 4 treaſury, an Aratiuncăla, æ; f. á little village, or Arbitrariè, or arbitrāriò, adv. in ques ark. Small piece of tilled ground. Pion, as he will. Arch, a city of Coloſyria. Arator, oris; m.a plough-man or buap. Arbitāsium, liin. A thing committed | Arcabria, a city of Spain. Arator, a Chriſian port, who tranfited to the award of any man. Arcādia, the intel part of Pelopon- St. Luke's Gospel inte hexameter. Arbitrarius, a, um, voluntary, left neſus; alſo a city in Egypt. verk, A. D. 544. 80 one's choice; arbitrary. Non Arcadicus, a, um ; belonging to Ar- + årătorcúlas, 1; m. plough-boy. eft arbitrariun tibi, it is not as you Arcadius, } cadia. Aratorius, a, um, bolinging so til lif. Arcadiopolis, e city of Thracc. 7.jpe. Arbitrator, oris; as arbiter, Arcadius, a son of Theodofius, and 4 Arãtro, are ; 10 plough or ear the Arbitrālus, Ûs; mi will, opinion, feveral others, ground, judgment. Arbitralu too, ac- Arcāne , adv. Secretly. Arcaniùs Aratrii, a.people of India within; Gin. cording to your appointment, aliquid judicare, to give the best of ges, Arbitriuin, ii; n. judoinent, will, one's judgment upon a ibing. Aratrum, 1; 0: (ab aro) a plough. pleasures the power of a judge; - Arcānn, orum, watchmen on the img * Arairum circuaduccre, lo afign word. Supremum arbitrium, of sowers, who gave notice of the the copypaſs of 's sity to be built. ihilal will send tillamont. Pro enemies approach, by running from Arājus, a Greck prist, arid afrologer, meo arbitrio, according to my own quarter 10 quarter. whoje . verſes Cicero, tranſlated allo faney. * Non erit veftri arbitrii, Arcanò ; adv. privately. a Sicyonian, who fred his country il-will 3104 be in your porcer. Arcanum, a farm of Cicero's, from Tyranny. Arhitror, ari; dep. (ab arbiter] 48 Arçãnum, i; n. 2. Jestel. + Aratura, æ°; f. tillage. think, juuge, award, obſerve, ap. ARCANUS, a, um ; adj. [ab arca) Äratūrus, a, um ;. reudy to.plough. point; witneſs a thing upon oa:h, or vel arcs) Secret, unknown, myfiiial; under cocks. vine props: A RC ARC. A RC tate, + under lock and key. Archěmachos, a person wba wrote of Archinara, a city of India within Arcārius, a, um ; adj. belonging to a the fuirs of Euboer. Ganges. coffur or bankers Archemorus, són of Lycurgus; Lain Archio:a; ; m. & maler of the Arcãrius, ii ; m, a sheft-maker, Jew by an adder. rolls. ard, coffesori Archeprolemus, Heator's barioteer. Archipherěcitæ, ahoja wbore: office is Arcas, ads; an Arcadian, a sity of Archeſtratus, a put, follower of Sár was to read and interpret the tow to Armenia ; alſo the son of Jupiter danapalusi : the people and Cal fto, who gave name so the Archetimus, the fine writer of philo- Arch?pirātä, æ; m. Å attband country of Arcadia. Jopbical biſory. Arcati, a city of India, now Biſna- Archetypus, ii m.the fire pattern, Arcilpolites, tbe thief citixam. gar. Archetypam, i;nts or original cops Archipolia, the onſet of arinainga Arcatus, a, um ; [ab arcus].aribed arbitype, Archippe, & rawr of ibe Marfi. like a boro.. Archetypus, a, um, adj. of or after Archippös, the name of ſeveral mon. + Arcella, æ; f. a foflet, casket. be ff pattern Archippocomus, mi ; m. the mofler Arceliata vitis; a vine faſhioned lika + Archezoftis; f. a kirid of white vino of sba borje. a shariat. Archia, a post of Antioch. tArchippotajæ;m. the biof horſeman. + Arcellŭla, æ; fo a pretty linle Architer, and trus, tri; m. the Archipresbyter, tri; m. ibe chief fofit or coffer, prince's phyſician. priel, on rural dear. Arcellos, li; m. [ab arcus] a little Archibius, a graminarian, fon tA Archiſtērium, ii n. A monaftery or bow. pollonius, convint. Arcena, the country of the emperor A + Archicancellánus;. ; m. ibe bigb Archiftrătēgus, i; mi sbe general of lexander Severus. in Phoenieia. chancellora an army. Arcennum, a town of Etruria.. + Archiclavis, is, andvus, ljó. Archifynagogus, gi; m, she ruler of ARC-EO, vi, ēre ; [ápxre] to keep the chief abbor. a ſynagogur of; pui back, tis' hard, forbid. *Archicoquus, a bead cook. Architeälo, önis ; f. tbs.deviſing of Arcore febrem, to cure an ague. Archidamla, a brave woman a thing. * Arcere aliquem periculo, 10 pre Sparta. Architecton, as architectós, ferue one from dangor, Archidāmus, a king of Lacedæmo Architectonicus, a, um ; adj. beling- + Arcora, a; f. [ab arca) a borſo- nia. ing to architettura. litter. Archidas, an Athonian tyrani, hain Architector, ari ; to build, to davile, + Arcorius, fleward that disburſeib by his own men. plot, frame, contrive. Architeca money. Archidemia, a fountain of Sicily. tari voluptates, to preſcribe the right Arcēlus, i; m. a horſe-keeper. Archidiaconatus, üs; m. an arch.. uſe of pleaſures. ArcēGlaus, ond -las; a philosopher, deaconſhip. Architectura, e; f. knowledge in jebolar to Polemon; alſo a cavillat, Archidiaconus, an arıb-deacon, building ; alſo l'he edifice itſelf.. and ſeveral other. nien. Archidiam, e city of Crete. ARCHITECTUS, i, m. (ab aptos. Arcelinc, city in Anorges. Archidux, úc!s m. Çab beyon & & TØRTAY] a ſurveyor. * Archi- Arccſinus, a viver of India, which dux) an ar:b-duke; chief lord of a te&tus legis, an inventor of a law. they ſay breeds ferpents fouenty cubits coumiry. Princeps & architectus fcelcris, long Archiepiſcopus, i; m. an arch the principal and chief worker off Arcēlius, Ulyſſes's grandfire. biſhep. wickedneſ). Arcefsitor, oris; m. an accufer, a Arch'épifcopātus, us; m. an arcb-Archīthålaffus, i; m. ibe chief ada miliengar fent for one: biloprick, miral. ARCESS-O, and -1o, iyi, čre; act. Archiereus, the high-price. Architis, the name of Venus iping) (ab arceo) 10 acruſe, call, summon Archleunuchus, principal of the privy. the Affyrians. * A capite arceffere argumentum, chamber. Architriclinus, ni; m. the major to ferch a proof from the ground of Archigallus, 1 ; m. the chief of Cy of a fraft. e metter. * Arceffit fibi malom biles prieks. Archium, ii; n. 2 the treaſury of mo- jumento ſuo, he gets a rod for his Arik.genes, a physcian againſt whom Archivum, vi numents, or evi. own breuib. + Arceflete aliquem Galen inveighs ; alſo a Sicilian, dences; ibe chancery or exchaquer, ad ſocietatem laboris to procura founder of Arifia. the "rolls, the urches, or spiritual one to join in a work. Archigěrontes, chief in authority a. cortxt. Archabæ, certain meaſures. mong old mery or they ih it Bave ibe Archón, tis ; m. she chief officer a- Archadlus, an author mentioned by overſight of the king's work. mong the Athenians. Suidas. Archigetes, cr Archegetes, an epithet + Archonium, a.lbock, Rock or heap of Archæa, a city of Æol's in Aga. of Apollo. COT11. Archzatidus, part of Peloponnelus, Archigrammaticus, ci;m. the chief + Archonnochus, the chief bullor. Archagathus, a phyſician of Pelopon. facratary: Archontici, a feet of tb«Valentnians, nefua, son of Lylanias. Archigiāphia, æ; f. the canceller. affirming the world.to be the work. Archaiſmus, i ; m,, an old way of lip. of princes, deny.ng the refurre&ion, Speaking Archigraphus, i, m. the prircipal ; and calling of the facraments. Archama, a city of Cilicia. fuerolar. + Archotira, meat made of bread and Archander, father-in-low to Da- t Archigubemus, } the admiralof the cberfo together. naus. Archigubernius } Roman flert Archytás, a muſician of Mitylene ; Archandropolis, a city of Egypt. Bere in Britain. alſo a pbilosopher of Tarentum, who Archangelica, the greas wild ange. Archile, a townhof Pentapolis in A firft invenied be ratlle, whine thr lica, frica. proverb. • Ad Archyta, platagen Archangelicus, a, um ; belonging to + Archilevita, the chief levite, recedere, ro rdurn so childiſores; an arch-angel. Archilochus, a Parlan post, who write alſo other mon Archangelus, 'i; m. an arch-angel. ſuph Iamiicks againg his father-in-Arci, a town in Spain. Archarius, ii ; m. (ab ápxor] ge Law Lycambes, as made him hangt Arc!finlus, a, um, adj. . or arch- virnor or overfoer. himſels. nalis ager, territories defended with + Archebūliom. a verse whoſe lost t Archiloquium, ii ; n. the beginning bills, wood, and water, . 3 foot is a Bac:hius. of a spee:h. Arcilaus, the name of two towns in Arch?dicos, a comical port, who wrote t Archiloquus, i; M. sha chickt. Spain. rgainſ Demochates. Speaker. Arcio, irc, [of ad and clo] to put in, Archelais, & cclony of Cappadocia, Archịaăgirus, i; m. she maler. alſo a roron in Paleſtine. cook. + Arcırma, ; f. a littli cart that Archclaus, li mi on Aibenian phia Archimandrīta, tä; m. an abbot. beld but ons losopher, májfor 80 Socrates ; chro Archimèdes, a geometrician of Sy-t Arciſa, en archer. anosher. who wrote of animali, who racuſe, wło being intmt upor bis Arcītēnens, tis ; (ab arcum tenendo} mude that great diſcovery, viz. This Predy, was hain aš. vbe taking of iJoooting with a bow.. pa-goats breathed at their ears; alji the town. Arcltenens, die ; M. the sign Sagit- thi niems of divers other inen. : Aschimimas, i; m. the chief ieier. tarius, agroff Arciva, ARD ARE A R E i $ I great bui. 1 1 .. ; } .theusity of Peloponne- 1 Arciva, a town of. Dacia. Ardalus, the ſon of. Vulcan, zobotboylt Areca, a trip in India, called the Arcium, fi;n the cloc-bur. say invented the pipe. drunkent dateret + Ascivus, a, um , adj. [ab arceno) Ardalides, the Milles, so called | Areca, & city of Syria., bindering, Ardalioudes, } from Ardalas. Arccomici, a people of Qallia Narbo- Arcobriga, a name of two towns in Ardania, a country of Egypt. перfis. Spain. Ardinis, a promontory of Marma Aredale, a lown of Auſtria, Lintz. Arconclus; an iſland of Caria, rice.. Arefa, a cily of Phænicia. + Arconium, ii ; n, the mineral called Ardaxanus, a river, of Illyria. Arefacio, ere; to make dry. arfmick. ARDEA, 2; (ab ardua petendo] Archio, icri; to be driet, † Archophyton, a kind of fole-foot, a baron. * Ardca alba, a dwurs-Aregia, arity of Spain. Arctanus; á peaple of Epirus. heron. * Ardea' ftellaris, the bit- Arcgon, the name of a painter in Arctatio, ünis; f. a freighining. tour. Sırabo. Arctácus, a, uin ;. part. freighined. Ardca, the son of Ulyfies and Circe ; | Aregonis, the mother of Mopfus. Aratin, & arylc, ius, iffise; adv. and the name of.jeveral citiei. Areias, orie of the Argonauts, Prrighilj, Hifly, clodly. 'Ar&iùs ARDELIO, 2 the city Arles in compleet, hug. ' ardea] body, Arelate, · France. to maintain 4, (matierer. Arellius, a f.1770us painter in Rome. + Ataifīnius, a, um; adj. whose Ardélus, barren, lean. Arembus, & town of India within and is freighined. Aidens, tis ; hot, burning, quick, Ganges. + Arctiun, ji; nithe fuift, angry * Arderitia ligna, Aremorica, the same as Aqu'tania. Arcto, are ; [ab arceo] so ftrain, bind Bars, * Ardens purice veitis, Arcmorici, the people of Aquitania. freight; make furrow, shruf bird, a garment gliſering with purple. *Arumulus Sylvius, the ſon of Agrip- Arcton, the iſland Cyz.cus, wbure Ardentes literæ, letters full of pa, king of the Latinca. Jopiter's nirfos wwe turued inro anger and pefion, Arena, æ ; f. [ab: arco) find; the DEJTS.. Ardenl-cr, iùs, iffime; adv. fer lifts where an ers fight their prizes ; Arctonnēſus, a town of lbe Mileli bj ventlı, vebemenily.' a foar, having function ; ello Propontis. AR-DEO, fi, fum, dêre ; nent. [ab contention. right In arcnam provo- Andophylax, the far called boo:es. aridus} to burn, to be carnj, to love care, to challenge in!o the field. Araõp:thecus, a minirous beaji like paffiinitely, to be of a bright colour, In ſuâ ip.cus arcnâ, at' his own a bżar and 41 416 so be tranſported with pation. * Ar Weapont. + Arcorium, a place whore houbold deo te videre, I long to let you. Arēna, the city Buff is fold. Ardet iracundâ, he is in a great arene, fus. Arcos, t; f. the bear ; two cenfelia. chafe, Arde:c doloribus poda-. Arēnāceus, a, um ; ad. Cand;. tions near the north-pole. græ, 10.oe troubled with the pain Arenacum, the city Arohein in Gel- Aretous, a, um ; nortburn. of the gour. . Res ardct invidiâ, dcrland. Arctūrus, ri; m. a far by the tail of it is a matter much envied at. *årēcāra, æ; f. a sand or gravel pit. Urla major. Quem cuncta beilo arderent, when Arēnārii, as gladiato!cs, or fighters Ar&us, a, um'; adj. ior, iftiinus Cof wr raged every wheri, with beafts.ru arceor] Breight, cloſe, Sorrowful, Ardeola, a ; f. á heron.. Arēnārius, a, um ; ad). belonging to pinching. * Arctior ſomnus, found Ardeſco: ère ; to wux hot or haſig. the aicna or theatre. * Arenaria Hesp. † Ardcfus, a, um ; barren, lean. fciæ, beafs boited in the theatre. # Aicuārius, a,'ım : adj. Mertaining ro Aridæi, a prople of llyria. Arenar a theca, afandi-box. a bow. Fabrica arcuaria, a Ard!ccs, a Corinthian painter. Arenarius, 11; m. a chunnpjon. bower's ſhop. Ardiſcus, a river of Scythia. Arenarius lapis, a fand-jone. Arcuárius, it; m. [ ab arcus ] . Ard;ſtama, a lown of Galat:2. Arenatcs, a people of Spain.. bowyer. Ardonca, a city of Apuja Arenacum, tij n. moriar inade of line Arcuālus, Ic; brwet, crocked. Ardor, oris; m. (ab ardco) a burn and sond. Aſcuátim ; adv. bendingly, crockedly. ing, great heat, feruency, earnejl dos Arēnatus, a, um ; adj. mixed with Arcuaturi, ás; f. the arching of a roof. fire, courage, brighine ; a broil. Sand. Caix arenatus, rougis-caj. Arcpātus, a, um ; part. faſhioned like Ardor vuliyun, a mad look. Arendz, a city of Lycia. a bow coloured like the raira-bow; Ardotium, a town of 1.yrium, nrw Arcne, a city in Peloponneſus. alſo having the jaundice. ca led Magoaicha. Ārēnifodina,. æ;f, a fand-pit Ascúbil:fta æ; f. a croſs-bow ; alſ Ardoba, a sorun of Dalmatia. A'cnoſus, a, um ; adj. full of land a kind of serpent. Arduenna, La foreſt d'Ardenne, the or gravel. Alcủla, læ;'f. (ab arca] a little greatyf wood of all Gilia. Ănofum litus, a city of Corlica, ofer, coffin. * Arculæ loculatæ; Arduicas,' tatis ; f. heigh!, Jespreſsa now Laiedro. a neſt of drawers. difficulty. Arēnula, a; small land. Arcularius, ii; m. A maker of cabine's + Ardurium, ii; a kind of mest. + Arēnus, ak.nd of world. Arculata, circles or round cakes mide Arduum, ui; n. a high place, or thing ák-EO, 'ui, ēre ; nout. [ab Heb. of meal, wel in fa:rifiłe. of difficulisArdua terrarum, ch.r.b, exarſit) to be dry, 10 Le Arcu!um, i;. ? a roll for women mountains hard to paſs. thirſty. * Arcre fiti, to be aim Arculus. i; m. to wear about ARDUUS, a, um, adj. bard, high, sboaked with thir), tbrir heads. Herp, dificult. * Res arduæ, id- Arcõla, æ; f. [ab area) a little bed Arculus, li; m. [ab arcus] a little urrit. * Solum onere arduum, in a garden. bow. a kift foil. * Ardui crat operis, Areopay ita, æ; m one of the A- Arculus, aged who took care of chefs 'twas a dificult matter. thenian Arcopagites, or moff jouire and cabinets Ardyenſes, Feople of Rhodanus. judges. 'Arcui. Sse arceo. Ardys, she son of Gyges king of Ly-Arcopagus, a frest in Athens where Arcamen, inis; n. an berb reprefent dia, th:c judges fut, from a temple of ing the rain bow. Are. a country of Arabia Fælix. Mars there. Arcum, are ; to make like a bow, arch. AREA, æ; f. (ab arco) a floor, a Arcopolis, a city of Arabia. Arcoor. ari; to be aribed, or tent plain, couri-yard, a round circle a. Arcos Nelos, an iſle of Pontus. like a bezú. boul á fiar.' • Arca belli, bastable + Arcpennis, Frencb mee ure of ARCUS, is; m. [ab arcendo) a ground. ground ; bilf an an ave. Lori, vault, or arsh in building, cir- Arca, an epithet of Minerva, and + Årepta, æis kind of vefil or cumference of a circle, * Ascus cce an iſland of Pontus; a fountain in Jhip. leftis, the rain-bcw; any warlike Thebes. Arcs, a country of Euboca. engine. * Arcum lunare, to bend Arei, the inhabitants of Area. Āreſco, ui, če (ab arco) to be dried a brw. 4 Arcum porrigere, to lay Areacidæ, a people of Nuir:dia.' up. * Arelc.t in aurum, it glows down the cudgels. Arebrigium, a town of the Sa into gold. Areſcere in genimas 4. Aroutes, the tribers. lafli. liquor dicitu; liquor is said to con- Ardabigarz, sown of Affyria. Areburgiam, the town Arensburg. geal into gens. * Cito arefcunt Ardabu:jus, Ronan sunful with Arcator, Oris; m. a threber, or lachrymæ in alienis malis, orber Hierius. cleanser of the ficope, wens ini cries are foun forget!en. Alercon, $ 1 1 while clay. ..by A RG ARG ARG A rolcon, on hormapbradite of Argos, Argelia, a city of Germany, also part of Peloponneſus.. wbs fuitlively married a wife, and t Argena, atis ; n. a white spect Arglasra, oram; n piąures, images, , } in a / . þusband. Areltä, s pouple of ladia. of the 17t, and a red ane in the gifch. A reſtanys, countryman whole fibe; white. Argema jamentorum Argla, 4 city of Cariá. SOAL. Juckled Ælculapius, when he the bow in borſe's ge. Argilētum, a place in Rome, ntar was expoſed by by bij mother. Aigěmon; the birbt called lappa The palace, where there wire book. + Ajęſtio, a cubions fat biföre dead canaria. Soller: Joops. + Argěmopla, æ; f. filver berb, or Argiliùm, a town of Bithynia, + Areftum, i, n. A ductu, an are wild tange. ARGILLA, 2; f: [wpracy, ab aga rj. Argonņum, a promontory of lonía, ros, albus) potser's clay. areta, the daughter of Ariftippus, and other places Arg)laccus, a, um ; adj, of or lite who fucceeded him in the school Argennufa,' an iſland by Troas. alſo the wife of Dion. Argentangina, æ; f. (ab argentum Argilatum, i; 2. a day pil. Arētalogus, i, m. á braggadócio ; & angiña) the ſilver Jquincy.. when Argil:õlus, a, um; full of wbite alſo a buffoon, mounsebank. one for inoney feigns hiinfef Lack, and clar, Jertile, Aretas, a river of Calabria ; alſo the not able so ſpeak. Argillus, & mountain of Egypt. farber-in-law of Herod be: de Argentanum," the city s. Marco in Argilus 'a city of Emathia, another frarzh. Calabria. in Thracc. Arėtates, Cnidian, wbs wrole sbe Argentāria, ; a banker's table, a Argina. a town of the Locri . Macedonica, and. Jeveral other books. goldfmith's fap, a pilver mine. • Arginulæ, three iſlands betwem Mi- Arete, the wife of Alcinous. Argentariam facere, to be a bankir. tylene and Methyna. Arethas, a king of ihr lower Syria ; • Argentariam diffolvere, to be a Arg.opcy, the name of a nymph alo s Greek commentator on the bankrupt. Argiphoales, frname of Mercury, Revelations. Argentários, a, um ; ad). of Alver, from bis killing Argus. Arethifa; } laks in Armenia, Argentarius coactor, a collettore Agrippæl, a propie among the Sauro. Arcthula, } wbmiin all things Hoat. won, • Argentaria creta, a rich matæ. Arcthoue, king of Arda in Bæo marli whole frugth lafzib 8co Argiri, a city of India without Gan- tia. peari. * Argentarium plumabom, ges. Arthufa, ; f. the daughlar of Ne a kind of lead of two parts, opi + Argirites, and argyrites, & gem reas and Doris, zobi Bying she black and one white Argenta like ſilver. luft of Alpheus, was turned ria illecebræ, barlots. Argifte, a city of Theſſaly near Pe, Diana mio a fountain ; alſo a foun: Argentārius, . il; m. a plverſmith; neus, sain about Sayraa, and a town in goldſmith, a ſcriveer, chamberlain | + Argifteria, n. markets, booshs, fairs. Macedon!a. of the city ; Colo-hexpor ; an sacha. Argita, a lake in Ireland, called Arējium, ibe city Arezzo in Tuſca jer of ſilver. Swally. ny. Argenţărius, ü; I. a mountain in Argita, æ; fe a damsel of middle Aretinus, a, um, adj. belonging to Tuſcany. age Aretium.* Vala aretina o ar. Argentātus, a, um ; filoired over. Argitis, is; f. a vine bearing white rérina, cariben-ware, Argentcola, acity of Afturia in3pain, grapes. Aretus, the son of Neftor. now Medules. Argiva, a fimame of Juno. Argentcõlus, a, um; of a little fluer, Argivi, a puuple of Greece. , ölveriſ. Argo, the ship in which Jaſon, with Areus, a king of Lacedæmon, and Argenteus, a, um ; of floor. Ar his $4 heroes, went to Colchis' fer a river of Bithynia. gentea amica, me fold for money. the golden fleele. + Arferia aqua, water uſed in facri. Argentei, pieces of filver money, Argobaſtes, is; na granty, . who Ace. Argenteus, a river of Gallia Narbo: Jirangled Valentinian fun. that he + Arfero, for adfero. nonlis; aifo a rivır of America, might fuccend him in the empire; + Arfints for adfinis. called Rio de Plata. but being overcome by Théodorius, + Arga, e gourd or image. Argenteus mons, a mountain in be Prangled himſelf. Argabia, that part of a soldier's Spain. Argoda, a city of Taurica Cherlo. Saddle at wbib his water-vefel Argçntifer, 1.3 m. & l. nerus.. bongs, Argentifex, -icis; wrfmith, Argoleon, a white lion. Argadina,, ; a town of Marglana. Argentif odina, a ; i, a florr mm Argolicus, a, um, adj. as Argivus, Argzus, the son of, Pelops, and fa, Argentina, æ; f. á filver borb, wild Grecian. * Argolicus clypeus, ther of Alector; alto many other men; tana. great round target covering all the and a mountain of Cappadocia. Asgentint, a people of Calabrla. body. † Argagādon,anedicine againf thel-Argento, arc ; 20 cover or overlay Argolis, & country of Peloponneſus. projj. with bluer. Argon, a cunning harper. Argais, an iſland near Lycia. Argentofus, a um ; adj. full of, or + Argonavis, a conftellation. Argalus, e king of Laconia. mixed with fluer. Argonautz, arun ; M. Jaſoa's 2007 Arganta, & risy of India. Argēntörātum, Strasburgh in Ger Panions in the fip Argo; alfo laxy Argaothona, 2; f. she wife of Rhe. many. mrriners. fus, who died for grief when her Argentuaria, and Argentarla, the Argos, an ancient and noblo city of husband was Jain bufora Tray: rown Harburgh in Germany, Achala ; and ſeveral other places. Arganthonlön,' mzquniain of Chios: ARGENTUM, 1; náprupas, ab Argous Portus, now Porto Ferra o in A'ganthonis, a mountain of Myla. ápròs, albus) filoer, plase, thoney. Æthalia. Argantnonlys, e king of Tarteíus. Argentum infectum or rude, Arguda, a city of Paropanifus. Aigantomagum, o Argentomagum, tullion. + Argentum pufulatum, Arguens, ntis ; [of arguo) ruproving, ''The town Argenton in France. emboiled fluer. difputing Aigaradauca, a sity of Media: † Arges, a kind of lightning, blafling, Arguiturus, a, um ;' about to argue. Argaricus, ebay of India within and making black, a kind of ferpens, 1 t Ärgula, æ; f. a couch.or tube. Ginges, now Golfo di Bepgala. and a kind of flver, Argutos, the son of Amyclas. Argas,, the name of Demofthenes, Arges, one of the Cyclops. Argumentālis, e; adt. 3 art, teling- from his auferity: Argeftes, æ; m. the north-wel-wind. ing iq argument. Argath, 4 city of Armenia. Argeftraius,' the third king of Lace- Argumenrātio, õnis ; f. a reasoning, Argathella, Argyle so Scotland. arguing + Argātilis, bird building sound Argen, the fifth king of Macedonia ; Argumentor, ari; to argue, rafon, like a ball; alſo the fame as Argivus, a Gre diſpute, #.Sed qoid ego argumen- Argea, a way made unto ib. foe, cian. tor? but to wbai md is all ibis Tea- Argca, a place in Rome wbera fome Argia, æ; fotbfulnefs, Yoning? famous Argives were buried. Argia, the daughter of Adrastus, and Argumentoſus, a;, um ; containing Argea:ha, town of Arcadir. wife of Polynicos, put so death by bigh masters, pieby. Aigei, for' Argiri, 2. prople of Greece: Creon for burying ber busband's Argüdcatum, i, n. (ab argoo) an Hhhh. argu- Arevici } a people of Spain. } 1 dæmon ARC, ARI ARI 1 tús, a quaint countenance in pica Ariani ; } people of Ala. argument, contenis, conje&tis. Argyropolis, a suburb of Byzanti ram, a phard to batter walls, Egere argumento epiſtolarum, - to Arletem emisit, he harh (mis him hiix nasbing #o": writs. Argu- Argyropylus, on emperor of Conſtan: a cbullenge į a conlellation ; ellos mento, be reason is, Argu- tinople, drowned in the 'basb by foa-ram Thb.). mentis niti, to mdeavors to prove. bis wife Zoa and her gallant Arietārius, a, um.; of or like a ram. • Argumento or pro argumento Argyrothēca, &; t. a cup.board.10 • Arieuria machina, a battering effe. to be proof or argument, put-plate in, engine. ARGUO, ul, Ttum (ab apgròs ma- Argyrotoxos, an epithet. of Apollo, Arietāti dentes, beth grabbed onto au nifeftus] to IUI or reprout, prou from bis Silver bozo, gainf another bibit, acces, Arguere aliquem Arzyruta, a city of Illyrium. Aričthous, a warlike king. ex. moribns, to judge of any one by Aria, part of Afia, now called Ca- Ariethus, the name of an bißorian., his aftions. Argui ſuâ confeffi razan ; a lakı, city, and rivir.of Aričtinus, a, um , adj. of a ram. one, to be cvjard by bis own con the same country; alſo an iſland in Arictinum cicer, a chickepra like a fesionId quod tu arguis, that the Euxine fac, and an ancient ram's brad. which thou objekted. name of Thrace. Arietis frons, a promontory of Taurica Argas, a, um, full of ou, as Argus + Aria, the white besm-irn. Cherſoneſus. was; alfo idlo, Ariabigncs, the ſon of Darius, one.of Arléto, arc; (ab arjes) to butt like a Argas, 1 ;m Swift, a dog's name ; Xerxes's admirals. ram, better with a ram, beat down, Ulifres's dog's name, Ariaca, a cily of Marglana. decay. *£des arietat, he knocki Argus, ibe for of Ariftor, frigned to Arlacæ, & perple of Scythia. as if he would beat the houſe down, bave ioo gyis, whom Juno made Ariacos, e toron of Mýlia or Troas. • Arietarc inter le, to knock ont keper of Io, and who bring pain by Ariadna, the daughter of Minos again anusher. Mercury, was turned into a peacock. Ariadne, $ king of Crete, who bolp-Arigeum, a city of India, whi:h A- Argūta, s city of Theffaly. ed Theicus, out of the Labyrinth by lexander found burnt and forfalm. Argūtātio, onis ; f. a reasoning, quar a clew of thread Arii, a . people of India, Arabia, and rolling, creaking of a bid. Ariadnæus, a, um ; belonging to Ari Scythia ; aljo she inhabitants of A- Argulātor, dris. buſy difpuiar, adne. ria. hablar, or ſubtle fopbiller Arialbinum, a town of the Sequani, + Arilator, öris ; m. e pedlar. Argutè, adv. wittily, subtlely. * A. callid Malhaufen, caic & argutè conjicere, so give a Arla!dunun, e city of Spain. + Arilla, æ; f. a piece of Scarla cloth. + Arlllæ, arum ; f. the reliques of farewd and ſudden guiſe. Arianda, or Caryanda, a.sity of prelid grapes or other berriei, Argutiffimè, ady very wirtily. Carla, # Arillare, to play the cork Argutia, arum : f. quirks, fard say: Ariana, 2 tbe whole dominion of the Arima, orum : & place of Cilicia or ing. Argutiæ operu m, fine and Arianc, s Arii. Syria, where Typheus lies ouir- halmed, + 'Arimania, æ'; f. e family or kin- suri. Argutiæ digitorum, toy: Ariantes, a king of Scythia; wh! dred. ing with the fingers. - • Argutiis would have an arrow offered to him Arimants, one of the thru princes, perfequi, to quibble upon. yourly by every ſubje8. faid' by the ancients to govern the Argütiola, æ; 1. a little quip, a prius Ariarithea, a city near Cappadocia. world; the other two wers Oremafis Saunt, peor quibble. Ariarithes,'a king of Thrace; another and Mitris. Argūio, are ;, to obje&t or reprove. of Cappadocia, who being befeged Arimantis, a city in Africa, Argūtor, arl; to quibble, in dispute by Perdiccas, burnt the city, killed Arimānus, a kinſmun Jubtlety, Sound Srill, run ſwiftly, bimſelf and all bis. Arimara, 4 city of Syria hy Euphra. oppoſe cunningly. Argutari, pedi- Aricada, a city of Drangiana. tes. ibus, to tread apart, as fdlers or Aricandos, a river of Lycia, giving Arimaſpes, a great friend of Zoro- dancers. name to the city Aricanda. aftrcs. Argūtŭlus, a, um ; ſomewhat witly. Arichondas, the firi inventer of trum. Arīmaipus, a river of Scythia, full ARĢUTUS, a, um , [ ab aiguor, pets in Greece. of goiden ſands, vel ab após ccler) willy, acute, Aricia, the wife of Hippolitus ; alfo Arímafpl, she inhabitants about Ari- thrill, Jindar, ratsling, picked, neai. a town in Italy. malpus, baving ont sye in the fore. • Litteræ quàm argutiflime, very. Aricinus, a, um ;. belonging to Aricia bead. witty and pleaſant letters. Exta in Italy Arimaſtha, a propla of the Eux!nc argita, endrails that plainly diſcover + Ārcinium, i; n. the headed or set fea. what will come to paſs. Arimathæa, ibe name of a city, Argima, a town of Locris. Aricomici, a prople of Gallia Nar:bo. Ariwazes, a Sogdian king, who, be- Argyanis, a name of Venus. acnfis. ing encamped in a hill, asked Alex. Argyra; a city and fountain of A. Ariconium, the rown Kencheſter, ander, if be could fly ; but bring chaia; alfo a nymph, for whoſe love near Herefoot. saken, was crucified. Selenlus died, and was furned Arlda, æ ; f. the dry land; alſo wild Arimbas, a king of Epirus. into a river by Venus buglafs.or burrage. Arimencs, the evil genius, ſo called Argyrance, as argentangina, the Aridæus, a bajlard son of king Philip, by the Perfians, Alueriſquins and brother of Alcxander, whom be Arimi, mountains and people of My Argyrafpides, a Macedonian legion, fucceded. fia, Lydia, and Syria. Jo called from their hlver Dieldse. Aridices, the name of a philoſopher, Ariminum, the city Rimini in Italy, Argyrc, an iſland at the month of Ariditas, atis ; f. dryneſs. another city in France's alſo a river lodus, full of mines. Argyrini, a people of Epirus. + Aridara, æ; t. she blafting of the Arimphæi, a people of Scythia, that Argyripa, a town of Apulia Daunia body by a planet. live in the woods, and both ſexes huili by Diomedes, + Ardidárius, a barp liquor. porve themſelves. † Argyrite, 4. kind of earth with Aridus, a, om ; lab areo] dry, hur. Arimus, a king of Myfa or Moonia. wbite veins, like fluor ore. rin, hard, rough, poor, parched, Arina, a town of Mauritania, How Argyritis, idis ; f. the fluer-colour'd Norieking. * Homo aridus, a pinch Texela. foam of tried lead, penny. * Aridæ ficus, conſerved Arinca, æ; f. ris, amelcorn. + Argyrõcome, a kind of coston- figs. + Aringa, a ram. Arieculus, i ; m. [ab aries] a little Arinthe, a city of the Ocpotrl. Argyrocopos, a ſilverſmith. rom, Arintheus, a Roman conſul, Argyrodamas, atis ; a kind of pre- Ărieldiba, a city of Egypt. † Ario, ire ; to fight i like fmcers, for cious fone. Ariéna, a; f. á fruit of the tres Argyrognomon, onis ; a. a banger, pala. Arioaldus, a king of this Longobardi. money chunger. Ariena, the wife of Antiages king Ariobarzancs, a king of Cappadocia, Argyrõlõgus, i, į m. 8. treafurit, of the M.des. who faucured Pompey ; Argyrondas, A river in Ætolia. ÅRIES, etis ; m. [ab ara, yol ab Darlus's captains; and a mountain Argyrondes, Apas mas, vcl ab apyn Mars] of Parthia. 7 wird. TAM. one of Arioer mon ihat name. 3 nice.. ARI ARI ARM Arioer, a city of the Moabites, nigh, Arifer, a, um ; adj. bearing ears of Ariſtoteles, is ; 4 famous philofo- to the river Arron. of corn. pbar maſier of Alexander and be Ariola, à f. (ab area) a little Ariſtippus, & philoſopher of Cyrene, Feriparsticks; colled alſo Stagirita, floor, wbo uſed the pleaſures hit bad, and from Stagira, where the was born. Ariola, a city in Gallia Belgica, deſpiſed them he had 7201 ;. alſo the Ariftotimus, a tirant of Epirus. Ariola, name of other men, Ariftoxčnos, a famous, nufirian under as hariola and hariolus. Ariſto, a scopric philosopher, fcholar to } Ariõlus. Tullius Hoftilius; and loweral oder Ariolatio, as hariolatio, a guieſling Zeno; a poet i and the name of Ariolor, ari ; [affarl] 10 prejage. Su feveral other men. † Ariſtus, a, um , sarıd, gleaned. hariolor Ariftobathra, a toron of India within Ariſtylles, á deformed post,' always Ariomandes a general of the 'Athe Ganges. gaping, taxıd by Ariftophanes. nians again ihe Barbarians. Ariftobula, Diania ſo called by The-Arithberthus the firft fon if. Clorarius Ariomardus, the ſon of Darius. milocles. king of ibe Franks. Ariomedus, an admiral of Xerxes. Ariftobulus, i, m. . a king of the Arithedana, a fea town of Judæa. Arion, a muſician of Lesbos, who, Jews, an hiſorian and companion Arithæi, a people of Paleſtine. when the mariners would bave killed of Alexander ; there were mary of Arithmética, æ;{ f. aritbmetic, or bim, leaped into the ſea, and was Arithmetice, es ; 3 the art of mumb. carried safe to land by a dolphin Ariftoclea, æ; .. a beautiful maid ering: delighted with his mufick; also the pulled in pieces by her lovers. Arithmeticus, i; m. an arithmdi. sian. name of a houfe, being the first that Ariftocks, peripatetick philoſopher of Neptune produced, by Ariking the Meſlenia; Plato's firfl name ; and Arithmeticus, a, um; adj. pertaining earth with his tridene. foveral others, to aritbmeis, arithmetical. Arovindus the name of a Roman Ariſtoclides, a tyrant of Orchome. Aritlum, a city of Portugal, now Be- conful. non, who, becauſe he could not enjoy navento. Ariovinius, Roman conſul, colleague Stymphalls, killed her and her fa-Arītūdo, inis ; f. [ab areo] dryneſs with Mefi lao shir ; whereupori the Arcadians hardneſs, grypingneſs. Ariovlſtus, a ki.ng of Germany, who araſe and killed him. Arius, the fixth king of Affyria ; & held it out brave!, with Cæfar. Ariſtocrates, a citizen of Rhodes; a river in Afia, and obey men. Aripertus, son of Clotarius king of king of sparta ; and several other Arlustus ager, part of Chios, wbare the hell Grcok wine is. tbe Franks: Ariphron, the son of Perocles, an Ariſtocratia, æ; f. ariſlocracy, ago. Arizanthi, a people of Media. Atheni an prince. vernment by the noblés, as ar Ve- Arla, a caſtle of ihe Parthians. Arippara, e city of India within Arlape, a town in Auſtria, called Ariſtocrcon, the name of a geogra- Erla and a river there called Er- Ganges. + Aripus, i'; m. a ſword. pher. laph. Aris, a river of Mefrenia. Ariftodēmus, an excellent gramma- ARMA, orum ; n. (ad armus, vel t Aris, and arriſon, an Egyptian rian that caught Pompey's children; ab mpws ,aptol arms all kinds of plant like the herb aron, but a tyrant of Cuma ; and obers. armour, harneſs or weapons, offen- Smaller, Ariftoge7cs, a phyfician of the iſle five and defenſive. (Meton? War, Thaflos. Ariſabion, a city of India without battle, 'valeur, proweſs,chivalry,duds Ganges. Ariftogiton, an impudent orator of of arms, military Science, Arms or Arisba, a wn of Troas, rafed hy Athens. fimamed Canis į alſo one cogniſance of families, frutcheons, or Achilles.c that afiled Harmodius in killing fields in heraldry, coats of arms. Ārisbus, a river of Thrace. Pififtratus ; upon which the Athe [Metaph] All manner of tools for Ariſeria, a city in Syria. nians ena&tid a law, that no Naves all arts, myfiries,cccupations, and di. Arifpa, a pople of India about the Dould be called after their names. verfions. * Quae funt duris agreſ- river Indug. Ariftola09, the ſon of Paulas, a molt tibus arma, which are the laborious ARISTA, 2 (ab arco) an ear of exad painter. ulenils of busbandry. • Movet ar- corn, or the beard; also an bair er Ariſtolochia, æ; f. the herb hari ma Tritillo, Tritillo plays af dice, brifle ; or a fib-bone. wort. Ariſtolochia fármentitia, Juve. * Armoram doctor, a core Ariftænetus, a comful in the time of Ariftomache, she wife of Dionyſius Saracens herb. poral. * Arma tenere, to be in Honorius. * Imparibus armis fc im- Ariftzum, a town of Thrace, at the of Syracuſe. miſcere, 80 combat one above one's foot of Hemus. Ariftomachus, an Alhenian writer, marcb. * Arma cadunt, all's quist. Ariftæus, the fan of Apollo, who Ariftomenes, an Athenian captain,t Armabilis e; ad). cafily armed. Ariſtæas, } fire found out the uſe of whoja heart at his death was found Armacha, the city Armagh in Ire- honey, oil, ehufe ; and the name of o bé hairy ; alſo other men. land. Armacenfis, or. -chanus, other min. Ariſton, a general of Atolla ; alſo a of Armagh. Ariftagoras, an Hißorian, and a ge grave lawyer. Armagera, & city of India within neral of Darlus again the Grecks; Ariſtonicus, son of Eumenes ; alſo the Ganges. alſo other men. name of other man, Armalchar, the river Euphrates, so Arialthæa, æ; f. marle or while Ariſtonides, a famous fatuary. called by the Affyrians,' it fignifas wallows: Ariſtonus, one of Alexander's gene the royal river. Ariftandros, a famous satvary of Tals, wife ana warlike. Armāmaxa, a Perſian ſedan, in which Sparta. Ariſtonimus, a comedian ander Phi shey carried womm. Ariftarcha, a priefiefs of Diana in ladelphus, and keeper of his li. Armāmcnta, drum, i, n. (ah arma) Maffilia. brary, armour, wenpons, tools, tackling. Ariftarchus, a famous critick of Alex. Ariftophănes, a Greck comedian horn Armāmentariun, ii ; ni an armoury, andria, ibat undertook to correct af Lyndum in Rhodes jælo a magazini, Borehouſe. Homer. Honce any conjurer of grammarian o 1 Byzantium ; and Armamentarius, li ; m. an armourer. another's writings. Also frueral other feutral orbers, Armandus, a, um ; to be armed. Ariftophili, a people of Paropani + 'Armaria, the towar. Arlftarete, the daugther of Nearchus, futs. Armariõlum. i ; n. a little budy, a a famous paintreſs. Ariſtophilides, a king of the Taren cabinet, Ariſteas, a famous post in the time of tines, in the time of Darius, Armarium, ii; n. afore-houſe, nudy, Crærus. Ariſtophon, a comedion; and other pantry, press for cloash; alfa nan Ariftella, æ;f, a little ear of corn. mgine in Gellius, perhaps an ironi Ariftere, the name of an iſland in Ariftophorum, i, n. a basket wbers. cage. Pauſanias. in dinner is carried. Armárius, ii ;m. an armour bearer. Ariſteus, a sophifer under Anto- Ariftor, the son of Crotopus, and f4. Armata, Venos worſhipped by the La- ning. ther of Argus. cedamonians ; a ſacrifkring virgin, Ariitibus a river of Pronla. Ariſtor, ari ; (ab arifta7 to gloan. having the lap of her gown caft back Ariftides, an Athenian famous for Ariſtatus piſcis, a fie full of bonis, over the ſhoulders. his juſtice ; and ſeveral other men. Ariftorides, Argus. ArmāUffimus, a, um ; adj. fopori. Hhhh 2 Armed Wien. A RM ARN ARR 1 beop. agi 1 1 arms. armed cap.4-pa, compleatly armedi spithet Mars. Arnoldus de Villa Nova, i Spaniard Armātor, oris ; m, d be or for that Armiger a, um, adj. armard, baro who wrote again? tbs corruptions of Armatr!x, icis ; f.) armah. neid, bearing arms. sbi Römiſh churib, and was con- Armaritcu in voluptuous king of AL ARMILLA, æ; f. [ab armus). * fyrie.. ; donned by the pope for en beretick. drärele. Armātora, a jf. armour, the use of Armille, arum ; f. tbe iron rings in Arnolphus, Roman emporary and wapens. * Armature geftus, fol. whicb the gadgrons of a whol- Arnon, a riur in Paleſtine. diari polures. • Aromaturæ omnes Spindle ruin an aftronomical in- Asauphis, an Egyptian pbilosopbar, numeri, all the points of war frummt wiib bulloro circiss like a famous for drortif magick. Armijurae, arum ; cxiliaries' light- ermediate young foldiers learning Armillăris, e; ad). 3. art. of or like ARO, are fapós 7 to plow at till; Arnus, • ſwift river in Taſcany. Hoibendla beir arms“* Armature a hoop or ring. Armillarisſpha. sometimes to take fruit of what is duplices, Soldiers that have double ra, an huloco Sphere. sown, # Arare ex igio mille mo- Armillatas, a, um, having a brace- Armātus, 1, um ; part. of armor ; let om. Aratuati cu: fores, pots dios, to get a thouſand buißels out of . the field, armed; fenced, furnished. # Ar- Armille, is ; a. i juggling in fru Arocelitani, the people of Arocelum. mata muris, walled about. ment ; alfo as armillum, 9.1. Armatos, i; m. A Roman conful. ArmHlom, 1 ; d. a wine wld in fe- Arocha, a river of Locris. Arocelam, a town if Spain. Armātus, us ;-). ;..' armour, arming. crifices, carried upon the Acoulders. Armavlara, a town of Armenia ma Redit annus ad armillua, marre Aroc, a city of Achaia. + Arocham, an articbike. :for: ; turns to her old wont, Armaxa, a city of Cappadocia. Arocmi, a people of France. Armiluftrium, ii ; 9... Roman feat Arola, a river of Helvetia,. now Armcdon, a Cretan iAand. celebrated in ibeir arms; alſo a Her. + Armelaus, armelauta, a garmet muſler, and tbe place of mufiering: Arolug, a city of Macedonia. covering mly she shoulders. Arminlus, a valliant general of the ÄROMA, štis ; n. spice. + Armelinum, or armillium, a 22 Germans, who wanquifed Varas. Aromáta, a promontory of Africa. : fol or fértet. Armipotens, ntis , adj. ccurig house, Aromătarius, a, um ; adj. of an apo- Armeric, a toron af Paphlagonia, vilians, an epithet of Mars. whichibe inbabitants walled about Armipotentia, æ ; ſ. puilunit at Aromăurius, ii uigence ar Xrömátarius; 11 ; m. a grocer, drug- to keep out she told ; which occafioned the proverb aning ih er neighbours, Armilonas,, a, um ; adj. rufling Aromática, orum ; n. confeas made gift. * Armenco muro cingere, to hedge with armour in a cuckow. : of Spices Armiſta, 4 people of Dalmatia. Armēnes, a king of Cappadocia. Armiſtitius, ifj ; n. a truit og seta. Aromáticus, a, um; adj. Swai-mell- ing, aromatick. Armenia, a large part of Aſia, di. tion of arms for a sime. vided into the greater called Tur-lit Armitis, ün ; m. soldiers in the Ärömătites, æ; m. bippocras, wine coroanla Thoural and the left brewed with fp!ur'; alſo a precious lap rani. flone in Arabia, Smelling like myrrh. sallad. Agaduole. Armitus, one of Syracuſe, whs in his + Aromatizo, are ; to parfumi, ora- Arment, orun, Armenians. drink defiled his own daughters. noint quith ruuat odours. Armentus, Ja, um ; adj. of Arme- Armo, arc; (ab arma) torm Armeniacus, } harmofs furnib, hearion, increasi Aromalopolium, it: n. an aporbe- - niacum pomium; on apricot. *Ma #armare calamos veneno, to polſon Aron, 1; n. The herb wake-robin. cary's or druggidi's foop. lus Arpieniaca, an apricat-iret, bis arroos. * Hæc fpes com är. + Aronia, że ; a kind of medlar. Armcn lalum, a kind of paint. mavit, 'twas this mide bim sake up Aroſapes, a river of Ariana. Armenius lapis, a green Arne mixed with blue Aronia, the city Arolen in Swede Armõmantia, æ; f. didination from land. Armenius mons, a mountain in Ar the fooulders of boaſts. mooia' malor, + who is the river + Armon a kind of wild readiſ. Aroteres, a people of Æthiopia and Porfis exifeth. Scythia. Armoracea, a river falling from the Arotus and Marotus. two angels, at- Armesochalybes, a people of Cappa mountains of Arabia into sbe laks cording to the alchoran, font to track i docia, Asphalitites. men not to drink wine, kill, or judge Argentālis, e ; 2dj. pertaining to a Armoricæ, or Arcmorica, sitios of door Gallia Celtica, now Bretaigne. falſely, &c. Armentarius, ü ; .. & berdiman, Armoricus, a, um, belonging to Ar-Arpándes, a profect of Egypt, Main . grafo, morica Armentārlus; a, um ; } adj., kept in Armorum, o promeniory of Germa- + Arpendium il; 9; Arpani; a pespla of Italy. . an balf acre Aracatitius, a, um ; Armentinus, a, um ; adj. of or kepe ARMUS, i'; [ab apklos compa-Arpeilusa river of Thrace, falling ges) the fooulder of a beaf? ; ulfo' a Arpi,,a city of Apulia. Araentālus, a, am ; adj. breeding pinim of a bird's wing, cor abounding in great tanile. ARMENTUM, i ja. [ab arco] an Armuzia, or Armuza, iha iland Or- Arpiages,' fór Harpiages, the form of mus, 'in ibr mouth of the Perſian Arpina, * city of Elis. Harpagus. gülf. Americā, ; * Armerlus fos, furat Arna, a city of Lycią, another in Arpinas, ātis ; c. one of Arpinum ; ; william (a flower.) also the ignominious appallation of Italy, Marius and Cicero. if Armcrius, il; m. a carbunele. Arnalds, the peoole of Arna. + Armetcs. um ; pi. ſoldiers bringing + Arnabo a kind of. ointmeni. Arpinun, ibe town Abruzzo int'Ita- up the rear. ly Arnācis, idis ; f. f. a lamb's skin with Arpinas, a, um; of. Arpinum- Armeus, of Armcis, the fame as the wool on ; alfo a cloak lined Dariaus king of Egypt. therewith, which herstefort was the Arponum, a town in Italy, Arpinæ charta, Cicero's works, Armiz, e people of Lybia. reward of the vi&ors in ſome games. Arquatus, %, om; "ad), [of arcgs) Armiana, a town of Pathia. Arnc; the mother of Jaſon, '& city, of Armidodor, 0:is ; n, a leader arcbid, vaulted. * Morbụs arqua- Baotia ; and other placer. Armiductor, Š or srainer of Solo Arnea, a city of Lycia. tus, kolled by fome the king's ruil, by diers, others tbe jaundia. Arnefridus, the son of Lupus, for I + Arqoites, bowmm. Armifer, a, um ; adj. hearing ar: where the Slari, endeavouring to to Arquus, i į m. the rainbow. mour warlite. ſtore him to his father's dukedom, Arta, za ; l. (pro arrabo) a carniſ, Armifcra, Armigěra, Armipotens, underwent much hardſhip. and Armiſona; poetical names of Arniffa, & city of Greece. a pledge. Pailas,' Arnobius, a rhetorician of Africa, Arra., a town of Arabia felix, and other places. * Aimigāta, arms bulled to the miller of Ladanuus. Moulders, Arrabo, onis ; an hojlage, or pledge. Arnoglosta, the herb lamb's tongur Arrabo, the city Rab in Germiny. Armīger, ri ; . (ad arma gerendo] Arnogloſſum, } laffer plantare, rib. Arrel, a peopló if Thrace. an armour-bearer, squiro; alfo an Arrabaci, & propte of Spafa. armi. herd. L wort. Arics ARR ARS ART Arrectária, orum; ibi Ado.brams in Arroſor, orīs; mi be that gnaws, pronuntiation ; allo a saking away a house, or the Rones in masonry pills, rebisa Arfilaca, a city of Media. bearing be like Brelos. Atrofema, tis ; a. bckneſs, infirmi- ! Arſitis, a country of Hyrcania Artcatarius, a, um ; Tot uprighr. Arroftia, zif } Arfonium a city of Germany. Arre&us, a, um ; P. & A. or, iffi- Arrotus, fek, wiak, ill a safe. Arfopæ, the people about the Euxine 'mus loy arrigor! Erard, landing Arrolud, a, uin ; part. of arrodor ;! saa. an end, altintivi,. &c. gnaum, clipped. Arlus, ùs ; m. ?[ab ardeo) a bourne Arreptitias, abreptitius, caughs + Arrügia, ai fi mine of gold, Arfura, æ ; fi sing or ſcorching. or tormmied by a devil, irops in aho the trench through which bei Artăba, e Perſian meaſure of 72 fox- privily. gold runs in water. tarins of com Artepto, are, [of ad and repto) to Arruo, čre;, to sum up. Artătaniæ, a certain moniler of E- crisp anso. ARS,'t!); (ab apu aptoj art, vir. thiopia. + Atfefta bovis, top-barrow, ground. we faculty, power. 'Ars [pagl. Artabanus, the son of Hlftafpls, and furter, caminok: rica, alibimy. In arte ſordidâ brother of Darius; aljo å king of + Arrefto, tre; to erreft. Verlari, to be a mecbanick Ars Parthia, wbon' Artaxerxes new, + Arreftum, ! ; n. an aneh. lacct for a p:ąure, &c.]'tis almofl; and reflored the kingdom from the as arra and arrabo, on natural. . Ad a tem aliquid revo- Arſaces to the Perſiang. Arrabo, carnej. care, redigerc, to reduce it to rules. + Artăbătæ, arum ; they which walk Arrhabon, a 'Fruit of Iberia. Arfaces, a hing of the Parthians, in fepir.g. Arrbade, a city of Arabia Deferta. bonokr of whom they called all their | Artabatitæ, Æthiopians windering Arrapha, a town of Aflyria. kingi ro. about like brule braſs. Archapachitis, a country of Affyria. Arfacæ Artabazus,a sprcial friend of Da Arthata, a lake 'in' Africa. Arſacida, Parthians, rius; alſo one of Xerxes's corso Arria, a craz, natron of Rome, wbo, Arfacii, manders. wbinder husband was sindemud, Arfacla, a city of Media. Artabri, e prople of Portugal, firf run herfalfilorough, and ihm Arlacius, o birbap of Contantinople. Astaca, or ce; a mountain in the ille gave bir ibs' word to follow ber Arfacias, i, um ; belonging « Par. Cyzicus, full of frets; alſo the examplr. thla. name of loveral oiber places. Arrianås. 1 ; m. a philoſopher of Ni. Arla, a people of Arabia Felix. Artaczas cornminder of Xerxes's comedia,' honoured by Adrian and Arlagalitæ, a people by sbo rover In Army Sve cubits high. Antonine; also a port whoſi verſes dus. Artaczos, an gland in the Propon- plealed Tiberius Cæfas. Arfames, the son of Artaxerxes, wobo tis. Arribantiam, a'rity of Dardania, periſhed by the treachery of his bro-j Artacana, a town of Bactriana. Arri-dco, crè, , fum; neut. dat. ther Ochos; and other men, Aitacēna, e country of Affyria about (of ad and ridco).to laugb wird, un. Arfanietes, a river of Asia. Arcola, where Alexander vanquiſh- 10, or upon ; applaud Hoc valde Arfamia, a elly of Germany od Darius. mihi arrider, this pleaſed we wil. Asſamoſata, arity of Meſopotamia, Artaci, u mogle of Thrace. Arr-igo, exi, igěré, caum ; act. (of in the horders of Armenia. Artacia, a fountain among the ad and regoj to lift up, encourage, Arfanias, a river of Armenia. Læftrygones. fand up. • airigere aures, 10 Arſaratha, a city of Armenia major. Artacina, a only of Crote. hearken, Arrigerc a!icat aures Arſacianum, the city Arla in Panno- Artza, a country of PorGa. ſermone aliquo, to make one heurkm nia, Artci, orum ; prople of Artza. unto a diſcours. Arſen, a river of Arcadia. Artagera, or -as, & city of Armenia Antilator, [iis ; n. (ab arra) an. Arſena, a nitrous for of Armenia. major dious bargainer.; alji oni ibat haib Arsènicum, i ;ñ arfenick, orpine. Artagerſes, a gerral of the Cadusi, given carne. Arfenium, a town in Germany. Nain by Cyrus . Art-ipio, ipui, čptum, ipere ; aa.[Arſen:u, nobleman of Rome, who Artagigarta, a town in Armenia ma- ad and rapio) so ſnarth way, ufi, upon hearing theſe words, Page, for. borrow, ſodl. * Vix me foras arri tace, qulefce the knew not from Artagira, a city of Lybia, pui, I bod fearer gorion out of doors, wbenu) left bis pats, and wini into Artamin, A city of Pentapolis in A Arripi ad quæftionco, to bi bur a convint, fiica. ried to the rack. Anipere male- Arsenõgõnum, an berb which being Artămus, a cook, or hutcher, dictum ex trivio, to scold like a bila drank (they say] taufed i be begating Artanes, a king of Armenia ; . alſo a linſgató. Arripere quod alter ſom of a male cbild. river falling into lfter and another monu't. to do what is pur in one's t Arsénðthelca, a heaff both male and into Colchis. hrad, Medium arripere aliquem, female ; alſo an hermaphrodité. Artanilla, a town of Iberia in Ada. to take one by ibe middle. * Avida + Arsēnōthēla, a doy abused againſt Artaalta, æ ; the herb fowbroud, arripere literas, to learn grodily. + nature. Artaphernes, one of Darius's com Arripere umilitudinem alicujus, Arſefa, part of Armenia major. wanders, 10 endeamur to imitata. + Arſe-verſe, la Tuſcan Spell to kup Artarius, II ; m. a. penknife. Arrifió, ons ; fi amiling upon. Arſe-Vorſi, } the houſe from burn. Artatus, a river of Illyria. Arriſor, oris ; mi be That ſmileth, a Artavalades,, or Ariuades, a moſt datterer, Arl, I have burnt. Su ardeo. learned king of Armenia. Arrius a familiar of Cicero, a pbi- Arla, a wood in Tuſcany; alſo a Artavaldus, Jon in-law of Leo I Guri- lofopbor of Alcxandria; alſo an arch river in Italy, cus, who in the abſence of Conftan- hmiiitk, who denied the Son of God Arfiana, a city of Sufiana. tinc, ufurped the empire, but being so be conſubſtantial with the Fathir. Arficodan), a people of Arabia Fællx. vanquiſhed, had his gis put out. Asro-do, derc, á, ſum ; act. (of ad Arficoras, - king of Sardi in Hanni. Artaunum, Wirtzburg in Germa- and rodo) la gnaw about, or nibble, bal'stime. ny. pill and pool. A ficua, the city Brin in Germa- Artaxa, or Artaxias, the general of Arrogan's, neis; part of arrogo, arro Dy Antiochus Magnus's army. gant, preſumptuous; taking to much Arlictæ, e people of Sarmatia Euro- Artaxăta, orum ; à very Arong city *por one, • Arrogans minoribus, pæa. of Armenia ; alſo a city of Cappa- dominering ouer me's inferiors. Arlinarium, & promontory of Lybia, docla. Arrogantèr ; adv. arrigansly. now called Cape Verde, Artaxerxes, is ; mi the name of die Arrogantia, æ; f. pridi, vaunting. Arlinoc, eni wife of Lyfimachus king ver's Perdan kings, me of which Asrogatio, onls i f. adopting, &c. of Macedonia, after whoja draib bad an hundred and fifty fans by Arrogo, arc; act. lof , ad and rogo] for was baniſed by her brorber Ce bis concubines, and three by his law. to take to one's felf, claim, challmge, runus into Simothracia; alſo ibu ful wife, viz, Darius, Ochus, and profuna, adopt. Arrogare pretiušisher of Cleopatra, and the name of Ariates. reliimhance .. Arrogare diaa. Jautral towns. Artayêtes, a profect of Seftos under lorem.confali to chujo a diffator, Arfinus, a mainst under Deçius, ar Xerxes, to join wiib ibo conful. Alexandria Artembares, & famous man' among Arrot, I bavi gnium. Sa arrodo. Arfis, is ; ibu lifting up of the voice in the Medes. Aričmi- ing: ART ART ARV jo great 1 i Artemidorus, & familiar of Brutus, tingly, piace-meal. Arluālos, a, um ; part of artuor ; wbo ſave Çælar a note of iba.confpi- Articulatio, önis; f. the ſpringing or torn ajunder or limb.meal. racy again him that morning har foooting from joint to joini, ar knot to + Artum, 1; A. &.craft. he was fain, but he neglefed to read knot alſo the hurting of young Artuo, äre, . ( ab artus ) .fo cut in it; alſo an Epheſian, ibat wrote the joints, parving of trees. pieces, difraember. Oncirocritica; vain tiu learned Articulator, oris ; m. one that tearh. Artuoſus, a, um'; adj., jeong, well place; alſo many other men.' mb to carue. jointed, hairy. Artěmis, ihe name of Diana or she Arižcůlātus, a, um, part. of articu- Arturius, a baſo follow arrived 19 moon, lor ; jointed, dijlink, articulate.. wpalıb. Artemiſia, wife of Mauſolus, for Articulelus Prætus, a conful in the ARTUS, pl. gea, uom, date: abas ; whow be built the famous tomb time of Trajan, m. (ab apw apto] the joints or maufolcum; alſo a feaf of Diana ; Articülo, are act. to joint, point, limbs. Artoum dolor, the gouf. a Tyrrhene ifand ; and the name setter. diffidaly. # In artus redire, (of bones our] to of divers women. Articulo.us, a, um, adj. full of joints. come into their places again, or be Artěmilia, æ ; f. the berb mugwarthe Articŭlus, i; m. (ab artus]. a joint fet. * Frigidus artus, in a fiver- or molberwort. knuckla, a knot, moment, an ar ing condition. Artemiſium, a promontory of Euboea.cle. . * In ipſo temporis artico- Artymnçſus, city of Lycia. Artemiſus, a mountain of Arcadia ; lo, is the very nick of time, • Mon-Artynia, a lake in Ala minor. And, among the Macedonians, the tium articuli, billocki. • Arti- Arva, a prople of. Hircania. month of May. culi farmentorum, knots in vines, Arvalis, e į ad). 3 art. belonging to Artemita. a city of Aſia ; alſo a Tyr: whence the buds String. In arti- plowed land.. Aryales fratres, Thone iſland. culum ire, (of corn) to begin to be twelve priofis appointed by Romu- Artemisiun, a nity of the notri. in the ear. lus to facrifice to Ceres and Bac- Artemins limia jailor of Rome, Artifex, icis ; c, (ab ars & facio) a chus, and were wont to go in pro- wbo with his wife Candida; and plagar. * Artfex alicujus negotii, cellion. Arvales ſodales or focil, daughter Pollina, fnffer'd martyr be that brings it about. judges in controverbes about the li dagi Ander Adrian. Artifex, adj. 3 art, cunning, woorkman mits of lands. Ariemon, õnis į m. a trurkle, or like * Artifex equus, a borſe used Arvaltis, a mountain of Lybia. puily; alfa a crane; alſo the main to be runningly ridden. : Arvarii, a prople within Ganges. fail. + Artificiālis, e; cunningly wroughl. Arūbas. a king of the Moloffi. Artemon, a Syrian that was so like Artificiālitèr ; adv. craftily, cunning. Aruboth, the name of a city. Antiachus, ibit the qucen having ly. Araci, e city of Spain, killed bsr busband, inade use of Ar- Artificina, æ ; f. a workhouſe, Arucia, a town of Illyrium. tomon so deceive the people, and so Aruficosè adv. artificially... Arýcrna, æ ; f. she city Clermont in managed the government.; alſo the Artificiālus, a, um ; adj. artificial. France, i name of ſeveral othris, Artificium, il n. skill or ſübrilty, Asternis a people of France; les gens Artemona, a witty woman in Plautus. any thing artifcial.y wroughi. * Ar d'Auvergnc. Artena, a city of Italy. tificio fimulationis eruditus, a not Arviga, a im. a horned ram. † Arter, Oros; a lind of bor, table clawbak. * Tuert artificium, ARVINA, ze; f. [ ] fatneſs. # Artères, un ; D. th: lilin or 10 conical one's iraft. throwing of any wright, ibs pit:hing Ariigis, a city of Spain. Arvinofus:} a, um ; adj. fas . of the bar, Artigula, an iland of Æthiop'a. † Arviolum, a little field. ARTERIA, æ; fo an artery in which Arlilzarmin, she fourth king of the Arviſa vina, malmjay, from. the vital firiés ara.' .# Arteria af Medes. Arvifium, a promontory of Chios, fa. pera, sbe wised-pins, # Arteriæ mi. Artimiripes, a king of Armen!á, over mous for wine, cant, the sulfo beals. code by Antony Arviragus, a king af Britain, Artēriace, es it a medecine for the Artimpala, Venus Cæleftis, ſo called * Arúla, z; f. a veel wherein they artrrier or lungs. by the Scythians. put fire before the altar. Artèriacus, i 'm. one troubled with Artines, onc troubled with Artines,' the jeventh king of she Arula, the river Lols in France ; alſo yhre in the lungs. Medes. the river Aar in Helvetia. Artēriacus, a, um; adj., delonging | Artio, ire; to hind. + Arolarius, 11 ; « corn mafier. Arteriālis, e i to the arteries. + Artitus, (ab ars vel arrus] fur. + Arulius, a, um ; caring all about. + Artericus, i ; one sick of the gout. niſbet with good aris ; well limbed. + Arulla, the core of an apple. # Artęgs, or as theſis, the gout in the Artobriga, a city in Germany. Arum, i;; the hero wake robin. joints, Arthochmes, one of Xerxes's com Arun, a town of Samarla. + Arthabat'cæ, people wandering like manders, who married Darius's | ARUNCUS, i, m. Impugre) a wild beaſts. daughter. goat's beard. Artheſia,,a, prunery, by Flanders, Artocopus, i ; m. a baker; alſo bread Arunda, æ ; a city.of Spain, wafled by the Engliſh with fire and well wrought ; fowetimes a pantlor. Arundela, "llum, Arundel] in Suf- fward, 1326. Artõrrers, atis ; a. Ia meat-pye.or lex. + Asthetica, ibe cowhip, primrose, or Arloc:ea, æ ; f. 3 pafty. Arundelius, the family of Arundel, exlip. Artológănus, i; m. Zé pancakı, Arundifer, a, um , adj. bearing rods Arthritica paſfio, the gout. Artolaganum, 1;a.schufe cake or Arthriticus, i; m. ont trouhled with cufard. Arundinaceus, a, um ; adj. of or like Artomel, bread and honey. a rad. Arthritis, idis ; f. the gou!. Artonici, a people of Gallia Narbo- Arundinētum, i ; n. 4 place where Arthrödia, e ; f. a coarticulation, nenfis. ruds grow, a rud-bed. wbers the bollowness is but Hallow, Arlontes, a son of Mardonlus, a king xrondineus, a, um ; adl. of a rud or and admiss a lotka or low ebb. of Thebes. Cane. Arthurus, Arthur, a valiant king of Artopta, æ; f, e kneading-trough, Arundīrāſus, a, um ; full of reeds, Britain ; and another men. a baking panga toalling-iron, a roll-JÄRUNDO, inis ; [ab arcoj ruedo Artiaca, a city of Gallia. ing pin, a woman-baker, a bake cane, arrow, hobby-borſe, angling- Aiticŭlāmcntum, i; n. a joint of the houſe. ród, pipe.. bedy. Artoprītius; 2a, om ; adj. baked in Arundinis Vadum, Redbridge in Articularis, c ; adj. 3 art. (ab ar- Artopteſtus, } .pan. Hantshire. ticulus] of the joints, * Articularis Artos, a king of the Meffapli. Arundinum oculi of bulbi, rud- morbus, the gous. Arrothéca, æ; f, a pontry or bin ; A Spire. Articularis, is ; f. e cowlip, primroſe. cupboard. Arons, a Tuſcan put, and, aber mm. Articilarius, i; m. be that bath the Artotrogus ; . a bread-eater, Sca-Arontius, one who, tring drunk, dr. filed his gaun daughter, and was Arilcularius, a, am ; adj. of the joints, Artolyra, ao ; f. & flaw or cufiard. , . , a killed by her. Also the name.of gout. Artotyritæ, bereticks that offered bread other mm. Articülate;. adv.joint by joint, from and cheeſe. Arunus, the river Arun in Suflex, Articulatím; }, peine so poirs, dis- |* Artrédinęs, wasps, or ſmall bornos. Arvonica, Caernarvonſhire. + Aruo; or canes. the gout. . , ASB À SC ASC axe. OX2. m6r. 1 1 † Arruo, 1 ibreátni, am angry; it would diſcover them. Alciatia ; ady. by chips av pieces- Arup num, a town in litrla, now Asbeſtæ; er Arbyftæ, a people of Li- called Rovigno. bya, where the comple of Júpiter + Aſciacio, onis ; 1."a little fioer of Arupini, be people of Arupinum, Hammon was a bront; alfo hewing with an Arupnom, a town in Aquitain. Asbeſtinum, i, n. a kind of lax, of Arura, s maſure of fifty fart. whicb clorb was made, cleanſing by + Aſciatus, a, um, cut; beroed. Arus, the tiver Arem. Yorkhire. burning, not waſhing i alfo The club Afc burgium, a city in Germany Arufpex, icis, m. (ab äras infpici. itself. Aſciburgius, a mountain in Ger endo)'s footbfajër. Abeſtus, on Arcadian Bons, which many, Arufpico, arc; to wfe foothſaying. bring ſet on fire, cannot be' quonib- + Aſclõlus, i, m. a hewar with an + Ariftida, a kind of infirmity. ed. † Arura, arqm; f. trmebes i banks. Asbolus, she captain of the Centaurs, Aſciculum, 1; n. a rajon's har in orchards. crucified by Hercules ; alſo one of Arvam, i; A. [ab aro, 'vel ab : Actcon's dogs. Alcio, arc ; to cut with an axt. ppós, pratom] land ploughed but not Asbõrus, a siiy of Theſſaly. + Aſciola, le; a little barchet. Soton. Arvum seſtibile, land Asbyfta, a city of Libya. 2 own every year. Alcalabotcs, a kind of itellio making Afc-io irc, takıor coll te. Arvas, 1, um ; arable. A loud cry. chuſe, Quiribure, Rel. Afcifcere Aruzis, arity of Media. Aſcăáphus, Acheron's son, turned in civitatem, to make one fræ. . ARX, cis; f(ab arcco] & tower, - inn -an owl by. Proferpinc, for Alciſcere sibi oppidum, to draw cafle, king's-place, fuccur. Arx diſcovering bor sating of feum grains the town to his fac. • Afcifce.c caufæ the chief point of water, she of a pomegranate, which hindered conſuetudinem, to put into uſe. Arx corporis, the head, her nutumn from bell ; alſo a son of Aſcita, a prople of Arabia. Aixama, city of Mclopotamia. Mars. Alcites, a kind of dropſy, Aretching the Arxana, a city of Armenia, + Aſcalia, æ; f. an articboak bor. belly like a bottles Arxicula, æ; f. little tower, a 10m. Aſcitus, a, um. [of aſciſcor] chilen, cittadel. Alcalingiom, the city Hildeſheim in admitted; affociated ; alfo Arango, Arxippus, 216 archon of the Athe Germany. far-fetched. V nlang. Aſcalon, a large city of Paletine, Aſcius, a, um, without fadezi. Asiandes, a pretor of Egypt. Aſcalona, 3 ralied Scalona. Aſclčpia, a feaſt of Æfculapius. Arycanda, a city of Lycia. Aſcalonitæ, the people of Aſcalon. Aſclēpiades, on hiflorian of. Cyrus Arymagdus, a river of Cilicia. + Aſcălônia, æ; f. Arymphzi-a people about Mæotis. } Aſcalonium, iiin. also a port that fire invmvéd the a balot. Aſclepiad verfus ; and jeveral o. Arype, a city of Egypt. -Aſcania, a Mediterranean iſland; thers. + Arytona or artena, a water and faveral other places. Aſclepias, adis ; f. ſwallow-wort, er pitcha ufed by the Potill in their. Aſcănius, the sin of Æneas who sikin cicely. Jacrifices. riigned after bis father over the Aſc!epiodorus, a painter excellent + Aryiēnoides, the fourth er sfib para Latiaes; alfo e river in Bithy- Maaion the durant of the larynx, making the image of nis. gave him, for swe've godsg thru a pips in an awer Aſcantici, a pople in Sarmatia in bundred pounds a-piece. Also a Afia. mathematician of Alcxandria, and Aſcaphus,, an Ægean iſland. or ber men. A ante S. Aſcarides," umf small round woms Aſclepicdatus, a certain muſician and breeding in the guts.. 1. pbyfican. AS, or aſis, gen, affis ; m. [ab æs) + Aſcaripeda, c. one thar haih crooked Aſclepion, 4-Roman conſul. A pound weight, a braſi coin of thru ancles, Aſclep:us, the ſon of Machaon. farthings valur; alja the whole of Aſcatades, or Aftades, ihe 17ih king Afcletarion a 17ih king | Afcletarion a mathematician who any thing divided into parts. * Ex of Lacedemonia ſaid he foould be eaten by degtig aflc hæres, brir of the wbole. Ascatancas, a mountain of the Sacæ. wherefore Domitian cauſed him to Ambo affes, ambes, art, # Acm Aſcaules, is; be Nain and buried, bus - terapia habeas afſem valeas, a mon shall Aſcaula, æ; a.bag-pipe. broke his sapulcbre, and the dogs cat be valurd according to what be bath. Alcaulis, A city in the north of Gci him, * Ad afſcn omnla perdere, lo lose many. Aſcius, a city of Italy. every farthing. † Aſcaulus, i; m, a bag-piper, + Aſcogefrus, i ; ni. a bridge of raw Alaborun, a promontory of Arabia + Aicellia, angrineſs. hides Jewed like bags, and blowed Felix. + Aſcellulæ, liitle birds wings. up with bellows, and boards laid Afachæi, a people in the mountains of Afcen-do, di, fum (of ad and ſcan ourt it. Ethiopia. do] to afcend. * Alcendere navem, Alcolia, fails of Bacchus kept by the Afacus, a river wabing Heraclc2. sprake shipping, *. Alcendere c Achchian ruflicks, Ara, a town of Corinth and Thrace. quum, to take horſe. . # Aſcenderc Aſcoliaſmus, i; n. the play called Aſæus, a Grecian prines, Nain by in concionem, roftra; to make a Fox 10 by bole. Hector. speeth. * Vox gradatim aſcendit, Afconius Pedianas, an expositor of Afalaminius, Bacchus so called by the voice rifas by degrees. Tully's orations,' in the time of Ariſtophanes. Afcenfor, oris ; m. amounter, a Nero ; an hiflorian under Veſpa- Afania river of Mauritania. rider. san. Afanea, the name of a city in the tribe Afcenfurus, a, um ; which will af- Afcopa, a f. a bottle. of Juda. cand. Alcõpēra, a; f. a bag, purle, ſatchel, Afanca; a city in Germany. Aſcenſus, a, um ; [of aſcendor]/cal. wallet. Afander, one that ſeparated Taurica ed and won. Aſcia, a równ' in Bæotia 'by Hell- Cherſonclus, by a wall croſs the Aſcenſus, as ; m. an afcending, Iſthmus. climbing up, ariſing so honou. Aſcræus, the name of Hesiod, borts Alaphenfis, of St. Afaph's in Flint. Ascotéria, orüm ; D. monaſteries, at Afcra. fhire. Aſcetria, æ; f. a nun. Afcri-bo, pi, ptum, (of ad and + Alapeya, boarſeneſs. Alchelon, a city of Achala. ſcribo) so afcribe, to attribute, in. Afărota, orum ; pavements inlaid with Aſchllacze, a people of Troas. roll, afign, admit, entitle. • A- pictures of scraps, as if it wanted Aſchynoměnc, an herb that ſhrinki fcribere nominibus, to canon Xr, Sweeping, though very clean. in its leaves when any one comes * Alcribere in civitatem, to make Alaroticus, a, um ; belonging to Aſa- nejr it. (ree. rota. ASCIA, æ; f. (azıvn] a barchel, Aſcriptio, onis ; f. an addition, sub- Asărum, i; n. the herb foal-foof, or cbip-axč. • Alcian cruribus fuis feriprion, inrolling. roild Spikenard. illiderc, to be the author of one's Aſcriptitius, a, um, ; adl. cholen, re Asbamæus, a firmame of Jupiter. own barn, giffered amongit. * Alcriplilli, off - Asbamæa, a fountain in Cappadocia, Alcia, places in India, where there car's newly created and added to the of which if perjured perſons drank, ATB no badow, old. * Dlí adſcriptitii, gods of par. toular } t CON. wananchi ASI AS @ A SP i 1 CCT. ticular places. Afcripuitii milites; Cappadocia, Bithynia, Phrygia, | Alop!A. A country maar ibe river A. Myling Lydia, Painphylia, Æolis, (opes. Afcriptivoisia, um; adl. cbam11, lonia, Lycia, and Carla. Aſoplades, acos, grandſon of A. gibrid.aming A. Aſcriptivi ad Afiacus, ſopus. Legionem, foldiers out of ordinary. Afiaticus, Afia, Alatic: a, ami belonging to Alopodoros, a put of Philya. Ascriptor, öris; m. ſubſcriber, ro Alianus, Asõpus, trun in Peloponneſus gifter favore... Abia fm ond town.by Tmelus and and the name of divers ziurrsz, Alcriptus, kam į part of afcribor, Cayfter, full of cranes. Alorus, 4 river waſbing Heraclea. afuribed, imrolled, insitled. Afana,, a city of Elis. Asotia, &; f. riosomfneſs, insenper. Afcrarium, a city of Illyrium, now Afucha con bolon 1.govim sbe anten Lataro. publick affairs of the cities of Aca; Asõrus, ay tim ; id. prodigal, incon- t. Alcuba, & ; cage. allo prints whole office was fo: for einent..... Afcalum, a town of Apulia. forth plays in bmour of the godse Alpagones, a prople of India. Aſcusa, s city of Armenia. + Adatica pecunia, swia.ponir far- Aipal chla, a ty of the Taphii. Aſcurus; a river of Colchis. ibing. Alpålächis, an iſland of Licyä. Afeus, a giant who threw Diony- + Algaz, ordm., minud ment. Aspălătys, the role of Jerala fius. beund with Lycurgus' into a Alibaa city of Meſopotamia. Alpalitum, 1, lem, or our-ledy,.. Tivir. Afida, a town of Balica. roje; alſo borny-broom. Alcyros, great St. John' wort or St. Aglas, un augur, wbo alipad Æ- Alpar, one of Garamada, Peter's wart. næas againy: Turaus, alſo a Tro-Aſpărăgus, .,. m. tba berb sporage ; Afdaraa town of Cappadocia. jan vaplain. ok. Speragu.. Afdarzen inhabitants of Caucaſus, AŠILUS, i, m. or om, 1 ;.n. ( ab + Alpărātus, er •tum, kind of gar- where the ropak is bred. woss. Limus, vel ab alicndo &c.] den harb, Aſdrúbal, alls; m.. the name of di borfe-fly, bruxe, gaid-barAAſpana, a zospam rhetorician of Mi. vers noblemen of Carthage, whooof filus marinos, the fee-broni, in Ictum ; alſo a; brautiful wommon of one married Hannibal's Sfer. fefting the fin. Phocis, beloved of Cyrus and Ar Alea, Afeatis, a town of Arca- Asina, cif. a ſhe-afs ; alſo the fore taxerxes. dla, whenie te river Alphaus name of the Cornelii. Alpa iyo Bybliggs, þu wroga of ribsto- pogos . Asinalis, c; adj. of or, like an afle: ric, and a panegiric to Adrian. Aſedoth, he name of a city and click-Asīnaria, a fools among the Syracu- Afpaüus Tyrlas, he wrote the binary try in the tribe of Reuben ; alſo a Gans. of Epirus in {wenty bowls. city of the Amorites. Asīnarius, a river of Sicily, Aſpathines, a Perfián, who.conspired Alellas, a king of Cyreae. Aižnäriùs, a, um , ad). belonging to with Darias againt Smerdis Ma. Alelli, iwo bars in the Agn Can. on afs. Muller afinaria, A wei gus. 11n upon an afs. Alpavia, a trum in Spala. Alellius Semphronlus, an bijnisa Asinarjus, il; m.on oſs-bord or driver... Alpcaäbills, s; adj. 3. ut. obferu's under Scipio Emilianus. Afindum, a city of Spain. abla, ibat may be fick. Alellius Claudius a Roman Anigbo Afine, one of the Sporades, and 47o. Afpcéto, are, [of. ad and {pe&o] 4 ilinder Clandios. Nero. iber Adriatic ifand, alſo a tercon Touk.carnally, a gax, to bisount. Aſellus, 1 ; m. (ab afinus) a little ofs; of Meitcair. againf. allo, á codifißo cheeflip, or fiw. Afinelus, a, um; of Aline. Afpc&tus, as ; m. regard, beholding, Aſellus arcfa&us, Dock fol. . A. Alincs, a river of Sicily. hobs, prafence. Uno afpe&u, ſellus falitas, baberdine. Alcl. Asinus, a, um, ad). of, on aj. wo 15 tbs cafe fan se, * Pr mo lus minor, á hiddark. Afellos + Afinifca vitis, a vine bearing forry aſpectu, at forly fighi. * in aſpectu mellig, a'whiting. grapes. urbis, close by the city. * Aspec: Aſem, a city in the tribe of Si- Asnius Pollio, a famous trafar, in tum homingon lucemque vitare, whole praiſe Virgil made an eclogur, to turn bormit. • Alpcetas mo- Alemona, a city of the tribe of Ju who founded the forf Romaa library. rum, matopofcopy. da. Alinius 'Galius 16e son of Pollio, who Aſpelia, a name of the iſland Cy- † Asemus, a, um, adj. [90. aſema write in the praiſe of his father, prus. tuglica) a garmmt without purple prefering biw before Cicero. Our Afp cllo, oll, ollum, ellère ; .act, gold lluds. * Aſema criſis, judge was anſwered by: Claudius Cælaro, of abs and pello] to drive away, mimi of a difraje without a pgn. in Cicero's behalf expel. Afens, a name of a city ip ibi tribes AfinioGapico, a very learned gram- Aſpendlus, a harper, who played of Judz. marian, Ligbily, ibat hardly any could bear + Alcals for arcqa, fand. ASINUS, i ; ' m. (i fono, vel ab bifidus bimſelf; whence the adage. Aler, one of the twelve tribos, wbojo Ovos vel Heb. a font] An aji; alſo a Aſpendins citharcedas, one all lot was from the wel fouibward. mill-fons, Ab cquis ad afinos, for his own ends. Aferus, a city af Sicily, thriving backward. Agnus in Aſpendus, e city of Peophylia, Asia, 2; f. me of the four parts of the cidit in paicas, the dog's brad where they offered fwine la Venus, world, divided into Greater and in the porridge-pos. A Gnus ad Aſper, a Romißh conful. Leffer o Natalia. The Greater is lyram, pigs play upon the organs. ASPER, a, um ; (ab acropos divided from Europe on the wel by Afio, onis; m. á horn-cowt. non ſeminatus) rough, rugged, un sbe riuri Tanais,'the Euxine and Alion.gaber, a sity upon the fore of pleafani, cruel, trouble forze Ar. Ægean seas, from Africa by the ibe Red-fea, which belonguh to the per fil. dry: Asper numm us, river Nile, according to Pliny, but · bay of Eliaalicus. new and current, money. *Argen Prolemy fay, by R Arabian gulph + Abortum, i ; a kind of Spider with tum afperum, embofid plate. Aſ This part of the world is nebja to whitefirds, wboje Bing is dangerous. perrimo hyemis, in the foarpe? Jaurel porontarcs, 1. To she Czar of Afilia, a city in Illyris. cine of winter. Muſcovy. or Emperor of Ruſſia. 2. Aufium, a town in Italy, Aſperātus, id, pinj part. made tough. to the Cham of Tartary. 3. To Afius, a son of Dymas, and brother of Afperè, iùs, rime ; adv. bardhe she Tusk. 4. To she Perdans. 5: Hecuba ; alſo a firname of Jupi. barply, curlily. Alperius.a To the Great Mogul; and; 6. To ter, and a river in Uxbria. liqucm appellare, to give one hard she empire of China. Of its forti- Asus Campus, a place near Cay words. Nimis afperè tractare ; litji reed Cicero p:o lege manil.c 6. fter., to deal coarſly with. & Inft. 38. 7.6. And its riches Almatographi, ibay Boat fell or make Aſpe.gllum, i ; n. a thing to spriatlo may be guillid or by the tax of fongs. water with 10,CEG falents, which Sulla's tax 4 + Armodeus, abe fiend of lechery. t Aſpesglaen, fnis ; 2. a Sprinkling. mounted to, ond Anthony got from Afmura, e city of Hiscania. Aſpergo, inis ; f. a beſprinkling, wa- Thein in one year. The Lefter Ala Arnaus, a mountains of Macedonia. fering, now called Nutulia, becauſo n liah Aromatus, without a boay. Aſper-go, &, fum, gère ; a&.[of ad call from Greece. contains ander it Aſophis, a ſmall (Innery in Pelo and Iparyo) to beſprinkle, moifen, the following countries ; Cilicia, ponclus. mix finely, interlac. Aſpergere Lycaonia, Paphlagonia, Ponius, | Alophoz, a town in Palettlac. virus, QCOR. way. ASP ASS ASS virus, ' to injs.i. * Afpergers a wap. Allenfor, oris ; m. he that alontsi quâ, to reuve. * Sale in orationi Afpona, a city of Galat!. Añenlus, As; m. affent, conſent. alpergerc, to be ever (!nd anon Marp Afooratus, a conful of Rome. Aitanſu omnium, by general con- and winty in an orasion. • Alper- Aſporēnus, a mountain of Alia. font. gere femina artis, to publiſe the Alpõrena, ihe mother of the gods, who Artenſus, a, um: part of aftentior; firt rudiments of an art, bad a temple in the mountain Al aſenting, or Efented unio: + Aspergula, elivers, or gooſe-graſi, porenus. Afſentatio, onis ; fi e faltering footh- Afperitas, atis ; f. roughneſi, tarine's, Alportandus, a, um ; part. in dus of ing sudong's, auferily. * Afpcritas asporto, párlable, to be carried - Afſentatiuncula, æ; f. a flattering vocis, boarfenefs. *Aſpcritas ani- way. tals, mæ, difficulty of brraibing. Alportātio, onis ; f. a carrying a- Afentātor, dris; m. a fatterer or Aſpēritèr ; adv. rudely, hurliſhly. picklbank. Aſpe, itèr cubare, to lie hard. Alportācus, , um ; part. of aſpor- Affentātoriè ; adv. with flattery, flat- Afpcritudo, ins; f. farpneſs. tor; tranſported from place to place. teringly. Alpernābīlis, le ; adj. 3. art. worthy Aſporto, arc; rct. [of abs and por- Affentātorius, a, um ; adj. belonging to be rejeard. to] to tranport, or carry away. to a flatterer, Aſpernandus, a, um , adj. to be den Aſprandus, ä king of the Longobar- Affentātrix, icis; f. 'a fhe flallerer. Spired. di. Affentio, onis ; f. e conſenting. Alpernaatèr ; adv. contempimously, Arnratilis, lis; m. a natural Bone Affen-tio, & fua, 2 [of ad and Sen- jiornfully, jerving for á land-mark. Affent-ior, iri, Ştio] to alent Aſpernatio, onis; f. a defriſing, con. | Alprātīra, æ; if, that which is given or agree, o perceive. Illud or de compt, refuſing. for change of money: No tibi affentior, I agree with you Aſpernatus, a, um ; part, of aſper- + Aſpratus, a, um ; adj. rough, Joarp. in that Afſcnſum eſt, there is nor; contemned, sjeard. Afprodo, inis ; f. (ab aſper] rough . an agreement made. Alpernor, ari; dep. of ad and ſper nels, Marpneſs, fourniſs. † Aftentiſccre, 10 ogrce. no) 10 rajta, condemn, highr, dif- +Aſprella, r; frihe herb great bave- Aflentor, ari; dep. ta flatter, Soorb. dain. * Alpernari alicujus cru graſs, or horfo-tail. • Imperavi' egomet mihi omnia delitatem ab arts, (of the gods), to afpretudo, inis ; fi roughneſs. affentari, I was reſolved 19 do no- abominatı fub a villain's cruelly. Aſpritudo, ins; thing but cog and flaver. Aſpěro, are ; act, so make rough or Alprētun, ti; n. (ab aſper) a rough, Aſsēquor,,.qui; dep. (of ad and fc- harp. * Aſperantur apcs, the bars cragged, unsven place. quor) to obtain, rrach, get, over- are made angry: * Saxo alperare Afpri, rruo conſuls in the time of Au tike, requite, fue for, underſtand. aliquid, to whes it to a point. relius Antoninus. * Conjc&turâ affequi, to gueſs at Aſpcrſi, I have ſprinkled, præterpe:f. + Aſprum, i ; . an aſper, or Turkiſh a thing. * Tua erga me mcrlta of aſpergo. ponny. non affequar, I ſhall not be able to Aſpergo, onis ; f. a ſprink'ing. Aſpurgitani, a people about Mæotis. requite your kindneſs to Aſpersorium, ii ; n. a thing to sprin. Asia, a city by Athon, and a town in Literis asſequi, to unfold the bre- kle witbal. Scythia. pneſs in a letter. * Ingenium Alperfus, a, um ; part. of aſpergor; Aft, orum, [ab affiroaß-meat ; alicujus affequi, ta be as Willy as beiprinklede, alſo hot benches to ſweat orl. be Afperfus, ús; m. a ſprinkling. Afla dulcis or odoraia, the sweel-ASSER, črls į m. [atvya’board, Aſpcrūgo, inis; f. a kind of herb. Smelling guin called benjamin. plank, single, a joint, laver ; alſo + Aſpěrüla, æ; f. ihe barb woed-row Affabinus, a finname of Jupiter A the breafi-bons over the heart.. or rowel, mong the Arabiaps. Affera, a city of the Chalcidenſes, Aſperulus, a, um; somewhat yough. Asfacana, part of India. Allercủlus, li; m. la little plank, a Alphalation, a kind of forub raken for Affaceni, ibo people of Affacana. Aflerculum, li ; n. } luth. ibe darberry, + Anime, alum, dry nurſes, or dryl + Aſeria, 28; f. a rain viſel. + Aſphaltion, a kind of Irofoil. Rones. Afferiates, a people of the Alps. Aſphaltus, m.Za luka ir Judæa, in Afamenta, orum; n. [ab aster]) Afl-ero, evi, itum, ererc, (of ad and Aſphaltites," : }“ which nething with boards or faingles. Sero) to plant near, fow bard by. ink; by some called the Deid-fea, Aflarācæ, a people of Lybia. Aſsor.0, w, tum, ère ; act, (of ad by the neighbours Sorban. Alsărăcus, a son of Tros, king of and ſcro) to affirm, challenge, fet Aſphčdélus, } Troy. Hinc gcnus &c tellus at liberty. * Afferere ſe ſtudiis, Asphõdělum, a daffodil, Affaraci, Troy itſelf. 10 buckla one's felf wholly to one's Aip-icio, exi, ectum, icčre ; act, [of + Allaralum, or affiratum, i, n. a Judy. • Afferere manu, to ma- ad and fpccio) 10 behold, regard. posion of wine and blood mingled to numija. • Affercre fibi majefta- In obliquum aípicere, to look askew. gether. tem divinam, to make him elf a • Afpicere inter ſe, to look one upon + Affares, money-changers. god, * Aferere ſe ab injuriâ another. * Afpicere lucem, to be + Afsārium, money, or the home of a oblivionis, so immortalim him- born. penny. self. Alpidion, baſtard-Saffron. Aſsărius, a, um ; adj. [ab afſus] Affertio, onl8 ; f. an efortion, a re- + Alpídlíci, orum; foort fields, or pertaining to roajling. redeeming: ornaments in thar faſhion. Aſsācio, onis; f. a roofing. Affertor, oris ; m. an affirmer,' TR- Aſpilātes, æ, & precious fonu like fb . Aſsātor, oris ; m. a roofer. demer, maintainer. he Affertor ver good againg lunasy. Alsātūra, æ ; f. a roof, alfa roaf publicus, faviour. + Aſpina, a ruin. masat. Asiervātio,' õnus ; f. an obſerving, Aſpirātio, onis; f. a braoshing, aſpi. Afccla, æ; e. [ab affequor] a page preſerving. rarion, influence. * Aſpiratio ter or lacty, Aſecla mensarum, a Allervator, äris ; m, an obſervar, raruni, a damp. Smell-feaft. preferuer. Aſpiro, arc;, neutdat. [of ad and Aſſecoma, a town in Spain. Afferui, I have offerted, præterperf. Ipiro) 80 blow fair, belp, climb up, + Affecor, ari, to be beguiled. of affero. aspire. * Nemo poteft afpirare ad Affectatio, onis ; f. an accompanying, Afferv-lo, ivi, ituni, irc; neut. [of ülum, no one can have acceſs to him. following. * Cæli affectatio, an ad and ſervio). 10 (erve. Felicitas aſpirat illi, facsafe ar obfarvation in the heavens. Affervo, arc, (of ad and ſervo] to tends him. Alcetātor, oris ; m. A companion, keep, favi, watch fril?ly. Alpis, idis ; f. a unainous ſerpent follower, Afferħates, a people of Illyria. called an afe; alſo a fuld. Affector, ari; dep. [of ad and ſector] Affeffio, opis, f. a fisting down by; Arpis, town and mountain in Afri to follow, attend, infinuate one's self an olifance. ca; and other places. into favour; alſo defame. * Affec- Affeffor, oris ; m. a judge laterril, a Aſpifii, a prople of Scythia, tari prætexialum, to blemiſs the re counſellor, an altijant, Alpithra, a city of the Sinæ. putation of a young mani. Affelsörius, a, um ; adj. belonging to Afpledon, a city of Achala. Affecula, æ; c. as affccla, afiſance, Aſplenum, i, the herb cetrach,' Asledo, inis; f. a firing down by, Afettura, æ, & fitting continually as a Alplenium, il, } wall-forn, mill-Affenfio, onis ; f. an openi, consens. thing Aller- mur. 0. 3 Yecover. ASS ASS AS T Affeftrix, icis ; f. a woman's claul, t Affiratum, the ſame as affaratum. Affum, a promontory of Trous. a midwife. Affis is; m. the ſame as as, Ad- Affumendas, a, un ; part. of aftu- Anclus, a city of Milefia. jecto alle, one being added. mor'; to be taken or received. + alsētuia, f. a trife, a toy. Affis, is; m. a blank. Sie affer. Aſsūmentum, ti; n. (ab afluo] a Aſsevõrant er ius, iffime; adv. af- Affilia, the name of Pallas among pere fewed unto another from udly, emaily. she Milefians. Alsümo, pſi, ptum, čre; act. (of ad Aisēēratio onis; f. an olevaration, Affiitens, nt:s, fitting by, afiling. and ſumo] to affume, take upon, al- avouring + Afifteria, æ; f. a nun. feciate, challenge, chooſe, Afu- Aſsčvēro, are. [ex ad & feverus) to + Allifterium, ii; n. a monaffery. mere fuæ laudi, to add to his praiſe. avauth, pretend, few. Afleve- Affi to, aftit', aftitum, ere; a&t. Cof In exemplum operis fibi aliu- Tare gray.tatem, to be always de. ad and fifto] to effin, land by of mere, [of painters] to bave the per before, and pill. Afifte ad ar fun in their e whole pitture they Affibilo, are, [ex ad & fibalo] to ma. Band 10 your arms. Afiftere até going to draw. Deinde al wbale or by swaste. alci, to be one's advocate fumunt, then they add the minor t Alliccefco, to w dry. † Afitus, a, um ; part. of aſſero propoſition Affico, are, to dry. fowed or planted near. Affumptio, onis ; f. e taking up, an Aficu'us, li, [ab affer] or axiculus, + Affias, a jiene of a fat taffe. attributing unto; alſo an alumption, a ſhingle or letb. Afio, are ; to board, rool, fing alone. the minor prepoſition in a lyllogiſm Afdela, a; f. ab affidco) the table Aſo, a town in Spain cal'ed Oiloa. +Afumptitius, a, um, adj taking in. at which the bigh priet facrificed Aſsociatio, onis; f. a joining of office, Affumptivus a, um; adj. taking to alſo a bifeop's jest when he mini un fiuting it. * Pars affumptiva, the minor Preth; alio any table to ft at. Afsosio, are, [of ad and foc o] to in a propoſition Aſlidens, ntis; adj. cffociating fit afsciare, accoxpany, fuit together. Affamptum, ti; .. a taking, or a ting with others. Alsolatus, a, um, comfortles, deſo thing taken. AT idea, edi, effum, idere, neut, late. Affumptus, a, um ; taken, ofumed. of ad end ferieo) to fit by, let at Afsõlet; imperf. [of ad and folet) it Affuo, ui, ūtum, čre, [of ad and fuo] word, il reçon the bench wib the is wont, it is the cuſtom 16 EL unio. j del Tafego. Afidere teris, Afsono, ui, itum, [of ad and fono] Afura, f. a roilling, to le always at judy. • Afidere to found in content, anſwer in ſound. Afſur-go, rexi, re&tum, f ad and infano, to be like a mad man... Plangenuibus aflonat echo, an forgo] to riſe up unto, groc in Afido, edi, efiam. ere, [of ad and fwers again beight. • Affurgere ex morbo, to fido] to fit down by, el do fervice. + Aſsõnus, a, um, agreeing in fosend. * Afforgere in animo, to Afidona, 4 country in Spain, called Aforum, a mount si in Samos. 20x more lofty. * Affurgitur, they Xeres de la Frontera Aftorus, a town in Sicily. riſe up to reuerence. Affurgere in Aſsiduè, iffimè; adv.daily, continual-Aforin, the people of Afforus. arborem, to grow ai bigh as a free. Aflos, a city of Lycia, upou an higb ASSUS, a, um, adj. (ab atw ficco, Aſsiduitas, āt's ; t. diligente, com presentory, bard and dangerous vel Heb. ejb, ignis] pure, without fisnicy, keeping at home. #Quotid - to arrive at, that it orcaſioned the mixture, rodfled. Afsâ voce ca- anà affidaiate, by the daily exerti e. proverb, Aflon cas, ut citius ad nere, to ſing with the vejre witbeut Aſsiduo : adv. ordinari , sortinually. exitii terminos pervenlas, Also infruments. Affus fol, the ſcorch- ASSIDUUS, 2, um ; adi. [ab affi ſeveral other places. ing fun at noon. dendo diligent, continual, lose et Aludo, are, fex ad & fndolto ſweat, Aflyria, æ; f. part of Afia mincr. 2008, not toring, always at bome. Affuefacio, čre, (of ad, fueo, and fa- Afiyrius, a, um , adj. Affýrian. • Homo affidues, 4 Jurfidy man cio] to atru for, or inure, teach by Malum Aflyrium, & lemon, • Vaſa aflidu:ftimi usis, vejols for uje. * Afluefacere aliquem rei AST ; conj. [ab at, vel acap] but, vory day. • Affiduus fcriptoi, s alicui vel ad rem aliquam, to ac fruly, tlaſiet autbor. cu?a rn ºne tổ 8 th ng - Aſta, a city in Spain, another in Li- Alfignatio, onis; f. e making over, a Affuefa&us, a, um ; part of affue guria. betowing or another, opgainment, fio; tuu bi by uſe, accufiomed. Aftabeni peop'e of Hyrcania. diflribution. Atfue-fio, fa&tus, fum, fieri ; neut. Aftaboras, a river in Æthopia. Aliignatus, a, um: adj. effigned, or to be accuffomed. Aſtacana, a city of Bactriana, dained, established. Ager alig Affuerus, the father of Darius, king of Aft carpa, a city of Ind, within natus, 4 field given and divided be the Medes. Ganges. tween the old foldiers. Aftoeſco, ēvi, čre ; neut. (of ad ana Aftacenum, an arm of the fez in Affignatus ti; m. anagnar. fueico) to be accuftored or uſed unto Spa n. Affigno, are; ad. [of ad and fignol came into uſe. In hoc affuefcat, Artacenus finus, port of Propont!s, te aflign, esprint, attribute. AC la him inure bialell to this. • A1 calidd Goifo di Nicomedia, fignare inftrumento, to eal. fucfccre vetuftæ fedi, co a bone Alacs, a river in Pontus. Aſsiliens, nts, leasing to. cut] to keep in its place. Ut fre. Aſtaci cis, a city of Mauritania Ca. Alsilio, ivi, ci and i, -ultum; of mitua affuefceret voce Vincere, farienfis. ad and fa'io] to full, leap uporu, shot by rulion be might drouin the afa.ani, e people of India. vault or skip. Allire in ferrum, Toile with his voice. Aſtacures, a people of Africa. to run tipon the enemja wetpons. Affuefcitur; impert. men accufiom Afticuri, a peo le of Lybia. Aſsimilandus, a, um, part. wib thentfe.v. Aftacus, ci; m. , lohler, crevis. may be compared ar likened unto. + A Gueti-or, us; adj. compar. more Aftacus, a city of Aria ; and other Aſimilis, le; adj. 3. art. (or ad acculomed. places. and fimilis very like, reembling. Affuetūdo, in:s; f. mulom, continu - Altæ, a prople of Thrace. Afimiliter ; adv. very likely, in like Aftageni, a perple of Arabla Fælix. Affaetus, a um; part. of affuefco Aftaltuin, ii; n. felony, a cheating. Afimilo, are; act. [of ad and fimi. aufmed, praird. Aftanda, 2 town of Arla. lol to rejesh.de, compare. • Afi Afula æ; f. (ab affe) a chip, a Aftans, ntis, being preſent, affing mi'at borcum, be is like a hng. latb, par, Nice of any thing. Altapa, « city of Soa'n Alsīmulātio. uis;f, à allembling, Afsū āti; adv. piecemeal, in chips or Aitspæi, the pe pleo Aftapa. counterfe ting Nices. + Altaphis, i comfit of ruiin confeited. Aſsimulātus, a, um : counterfeited. Alsültans, for a fultans hagging or * Aft phis agri, javes-acre. Alimulo, are, act; (ab ad & fimu Making, as a wak bridge does. + Att phylinos, the wild carrot. lol to couentarjel, roure, ſet - Alutun; ady, jumping y, leapingly. ſtapos, a river of Æthiopia. good fa e on it. * Venie me alti Aalto are ; neut. dal, Lofd an Atarimus, brother of Aftartus king of mua bo, I'll make as thou blame falto] to run or leap in or on, it Tyre. Affimulat anom, be reprezent temp. #Afultare terg pugnan-Aitaroth, a country of Og the king of old winn. tlun. to offel fiercely at their backs. Balan, frjt mbabited by gsants Alsivondrum, ii; n (ab as & pon Aftultus, ùs ; m. an offarels, lesping wbib were Rain by Chedorlaomer; do) a pound weight. Kfterwards it was given to the Le- Afir or afier, a Tuscan word for Affum, as adfum, am preen. vitcs. blood. Aftarte, ante. mer. :- 1 K12:0. nus. After i Spala. , , more ab ] victorious olympick racer Artymedūli, ihr wir A'S T AST AST Aftarie, á Syrian and Sidonian ged allo a river in Macedonia. planri. deſs; alſo an iſland in #chiupia. Afrăgălifinus, i ; in. a play'et cock-ASTRUM, i; n. Codir por) a conlet- Aſtartus, a king of Tyre. all, d'co, or fuch like. lation, or company of jars. Duo- Altafana, a town of Asia. Aſtrăgă!:zo, are ; to play at coskall or llena aftra, tha Twelve fignis or, 1838 Aftelínios, civiliry, plenjani jefing. Subles. Zodisck: *Aftrorum doörinus, the Afte!ebe, a dily of Lydia: Aftrăgălizontcs, Players at cockall of furt, Aftelephos, e river of Colchis. dice. Altrú-o, xl, Aum, ērc; act: [of ad .. Aftrăgălo:des, haſard milk. and firuo) 10. Geild nižlj of up, Alter, ri ; m. a par, confellation, Aftrăgālus, li'; m. a corkall; huckle. mintain ór ofers, in orijen Point: borio, lubles, chefs, vinic.pinti į uljo Aftruere laudewi alcul, the herh milk vich, onda cinle 4. 10 give praise to onei Altruitur Aſteria, æ, -as, atis', a kind of he bax! piliars gruum wib berries. his, more.uci. ron; a precious done, alſo the daugh. Aftralis, lc¡ adj. lah aftrum] of Altls, no sery. Sve Aſtý. ter of Ceus, on whom Jupiter, in fars, Altis adv. craftily. the Mcpe of an ragle, begar Herca: Aſtrampſychus, an ancient author, Altu, indec. craft crafiinieli. les, afterwards turned into a qual, who wrote of ljes and of dreams. † Aftula, at, achpor dry woods t Attorlacus, a kind of medicine. Afträpæus, a name of Jupiter, from t Afülus, a, um crossz. † Aftēricum, ci; n. a kind of peliin the lightning Altūp-eo, ère ; near loi ad and itu. sory. Afrāpias, a gern imitating flaſhings of peo] ro wonder al, zo be an ei. Aſterion; int of the Argonauts ; a lightning Altur, hawk. Afrăpaas, 'n wind raiſing lghining: Aitur, one of Artvipia ; alſo a Turcah Aſteriſcus, ci, m. a little far, or Aftrăbăpleeta; places' firicken wil who aliled Encas: against Tut- mark in writing like shar. lig hining * nstur eyuus, in ambling Aftcrifrus, 1; m. an afforiſm, or + Adrariun, a place where proferibed handig conj!o!lation. grens goods were Jold. Altura, a ceile und river in Ita!y. Afterlces, a kind of gom Mining like a Aftrafius, a town of India within Asturco, õnis; ' m. u Spaniſh gunnei, far. Ganges. gelding Afterno, aſtrāvi, aftrātum, čre ; act. Aftraia, an iſland of Aràbla; called Aitures, the people of Afuria. (of ad and ſterno) to ſpread, projlia G»jasta. Asturia, a country in Spain called Las rus, lie bye + Arātūra, a queiry, or groom of the Efurias. Afternor, nľ; paffto be thrown down fable: Afturica, a city of the Altures, called or emazed. Aftrepo, u!, itum, čre ; of ad ands forga. Afteropæus, the for of Pelagoniuss ftrepo} to make a noiſe, ilap hands, Afturicani, a people of Sarmatia in Alia. an a Jijter of the Trojans. rajone. * Altrepere aures alicujus, Afterulius, á mountain in the fouin of 10 fill one's cars with din. : *Aftre- Allu:748, az um jadro Arturiai Crate. pete alicui, to give ont appiouſe Alurum lucus, the city Ordedo in Artés, itis m: '(ab aſto) a deman Aftreus, a, um ; ad). [ab aitrun] of Spain in.she same rank and next file. stars, Aftus, a, um, for aftutas, rinning, Afthza, an iſland of Gedrola: Altreus, one vihom Perſeus i flew in crafty. Afhagaura, a city of India, wxbii Cepheus's court. ASTUS, ûs ; m. [ab urbs) Aftriétè, adv. Breightly, close!), pithi. craft, Jubilety, Afthma, itis;, ni Ibortnofs of bread ly, Aftulapes, a n.ime of Nilus. Aſthmăjicus, a, um ; Jori-winded Aftri&to, onis f..a bindings Afuic adv. craſsily, mali:ju:ly: purſy. Aſtrietorius, a, um, adj. ape to bind Artīta, z; f.' craftine's, mili, Anle, a promontory of Thrace. [in phyfick.] Aſtutulus, a, um ; Somerubat crafty, : Alt, the people of Aftiæ. Aftigi, city of Spain. bound, conſtrained, congrated fibrona traſly, witty, malicious. Ataucs, + Afilia, a; fi. craftineſs. ing, rough. * Serno aftri&us, pre- Axipălātio, 'õnis ; f.' 'con enting, fry. Voluptatious aftřicłus, whole Afty, ey Aitu, ä nime of all the promijing lý given to pleaſures. Greek cities, and particularly of Aſlīpulátor, oris; m. 8 consenserid + Aftrcus, a, um ; adj. [ab aſtrum] Athens and Alexandria, a voucher, witneſs. of flars. * A:tricus annus, the Altyayes, son of Cyaxa.es, Xing Antipúlātus, ús; non ofeniting, courſe of the fun to the same fixed the Medes and persians, witneſſing: fa!. Altyalus, a Trojan Rain by Neopto. Aftipúlor, ari ; [of ad avid ftipulor] Aſtrifer, a, um; - lcmus. 3 bearing jaks. s'afeni, join with, lean untog. fa- Altriger, a, um; Aftyanaffa, the lofrivious traid bf † Aftrigmentum, i; n. Point or Helena; ſhe wrote riferiji of ve + Aftirlia, a conſumption of the body. lare, nery Akit-uo, ui, utum, učre, (of ad and Aſtringens, ntis ; part. o aft:ingo ; Altyanax,, son of Hector; whom. U. Itatuo] to Sot niear, deckup, sa over binding, &ci iysius throw off frost at Jouteri the fire. Aftr-ingo, inxi, i&um, ingěre; (of Altycratia; the daughter of us: Aft-o, it, itun and ätum, are'; ad and ſtringo] to tye fall, condrain, Altydamas, on Athcniin ihet wrdc neut. (of ad and ſto] 10 fland near confirin, Niffon. Alvum iſtrin 42. tragedie: ; aljo örher mini ;07.6%, be at hand, help, ſand fill. gerç, to make coflive. • Altringere Altyda nia, ibe daughter of Ormenus, Añitit mihi contia, he opposed Ic furti, la commit felony, rauiſhid by Hercules: + Aftrios, aſtriotis ; a kind of In- Altydamus, a Mielian, who, being Afto, a city in Egypt, where Saturn invins cy Ariosarzancs, a Pesan Wis worfoipped Aſtrobi, di prople of India. lord, devsured the p:ovifion of misc Altoa, a town of Arabia Fælix. # Aftröboliſmus, a blaßling; ör plane. Atylis , dis; f. a kind of lettie, 41- Aftochades, Ficach lavender. Artemi, a people of India Aftrõbolos, a gem like a file's eye. Jiraining vonary. + Aftorigion, or-gon, a kind of Spider: Aſtroices, a far.fone. Aſtylus,. cre of the Centaurt, krioning Aſtoria, the city. Pedenhulen in Ger. Aſtrolabium, ii; n. on inflrument to Thirgs to come. many. find the motin and diſtance of jlars. Aftylus, or Aſtyllus Crotoniata, a Aftrăba, æ; f. e foot-fool, a fumpier- Aſtrologia, æ ; f. frology. borse. Aſtrologus, i; m, an offrologer. of pus Altrabc, one of the Cyclades. Aſtrologus, firiem.. of Hercules. Artynõme, és ; I, the daughter of Aftræa, the goddeys.of jullica ; alfo in Aftromela, a cily of Narbonne, called Chryfes, fipollo's prief. sity of Illyria. Martegue. Aſtynomi, ton men at Athens, who Aftræum, a town in Macedonia. Astronomia, æ; fi affronomy. had the charge of the rivians. : Afræus, i; m. one of the Titans, Aftronomicus, a, um , adj. pertain. Aft;oche, ĉs ; fi a düugbier of Actor, father of Aſtrea and of the winds ing to affronomy. reviſed by Mars; also the zeife of by Aurora ; he armed all his bro. Aſtronomus, mt; m. an affronomer, Telepbus. thers in the war again't Jupiter; Aftroſus, a, um į born under en ill liii Atty. Ganges. * VOLT, dlan gem. Orik.ng . i : ' 'AT A A TH ATH 9 1 i ● t Altyoch a, Hercules begsion ber Ataroth, a city in the tribe of Gad. Athanatos, immortal; alſo the hard Tlepoleaos. Atas, or. Athas, a very ſwift buy, who fofo.champion. Aſtypalæa, one of the Cyclades. · ran 75 miles in one aftertioort. Atkar, the name of a city in the tribe Aſtyphilus, a foo:bayor's name, Ataulphus, a king of the Goths, who of Simeon Aftyr, Mennon's coachman. refolued to fark Rome, but that heAthara, æ; f. a kind of ſwelling ; Aſtyra, or rum city of Myſia and was difunded by his wife Placi alſo a k nd or pulle. Phænicia, wbare Minerva Aftyria dia. Albara. Se Atergatis. was worſhipped ; and orber places. Acāvus, i ; m. ſex ad & avus, vel Atharabis, a city of Egypt. Aftyron, a city of lilyrium, built by ab. aTTd pater, &c. the great Alhena, the mother of Caialdus, who the Argonauts. grandfather's grandfarber. afrorcuards was a biſhop; shey say Aftyſmus, a civil jefting, Atix, the river Audc in Gallia Nar: Sie in the hearing of bim died, but Afuada, a a town of Paleſtine. boncnas. having of him in her arms recovered. Aluciandæ, a people of Sarmatia in Āle, ihs michievous goddess of revenge. Athena, the name of Minerva. Afia, Atechna, orum; n. things inartiñci- Athenä, arum ; Atheas in Greece. Aſura, a tovon by Euphratcs. all, wrought. Athenæs. Jocrifices of Minerva. + Aſuſpiciun, i; 'n. a faule in a Atechnia, a; f. unskilfulness. Xhēnæus, zi; n. a school dedicated caſı or action ;, an error. Atechnus, without art. to Minerva ; alſo a promontory of Aſychis, a king of Egypt. Ategna, a dry of Spain. the Picentini ; and other places. † Afyctos, a gen that wiil keep heat Ateia, a town of Palmyrene. Athēnæus, a Grecian coſmrgrapher ; a whole werk. † Atělàbus, i ; m. a locu;?. alſo a peripatetiek philofopbar; and + Afyla, æ ; f. the harb margelline, htela, a town in Campania, where divers of bir mon. good for catila poiſoned with eating sbari was an Amphitheatre. Athēnienis, ſe; adj. zart, belonging the herb anagallis. Ātellānus, a, um ; belonging to A. to Athens. + Aſylja, æ; f. sbe immunity of the tella. ăthônion, an Achenlan general; al- fabulæ, farças älylum, i; n. a temp'e built by Ro- Atellanus, time and ener, or jack- Xtběněcles, he wrote the bifery of mulus, as a fanauary and refuge pudding: Allyria. for offenders, Atelos, an ifond famous for ointmeni. Athenodorus, 'ri; m. an Athenian Afylus, li ; m., an altar of refuge. Atelphos, a river of Colchis. Stoisk, who taught Augaſtus neither Alymbolus, a, um ; ad). paging no t Atena, a kind of sup made of a ta fay or do any thing before he had shot or reckoning fish's shell, repeated the Greck alphabet ; alſo Aſymphonia, æ ; f, a difcors. Atepomarus, ri; m. a French king, other men, Alymphonus, a, um; ſinging out of at war with the Ronians, who vow- Xthčaõpõlis, is ; f. a town of Gallla tene. ed not to depart till he had abuſed Narbonenlis. Afyadeton, and afyatheton, the want. shair wives, but the Romans, smd. Jätheos, i, m. on sihrift, one that of conjugios.in a ſpeich.. ing their bond-women in their Head, denies the being of a Gid. Aſynthétus, a, um ; ad). pure, clara. ified out after 'em, and overihrew Athcoter, -ctos, and atheia, &; f. Afyphus, a fountain of Marmarica. him; upon which there was inßituted atheiſm. Alyttatou, inconsfient, repugnat, the forving maids holy-days. Athcratrien, a kind of całe wraps in ATER, a, um ; adl. (ab w oro] fig-leaus. A ante T. black, brown, dark, deadly, lach Atheroma, a kind of fwilling in the some, crud, dimal. Vinum a nock without pain, a wen. A. T. for authoritas tua. trum, alicant. * Atrum olus, the Atheſis, a river of Gallia Ciſalpina; At. conj. [årde] but, (whereby we herb (malloge. * At:a bilis, me alſo the river Tces, in the bifhoprick dijlinguiſ, threaten, admira, dif- lanchaly. of Durham. praiſo, objet e anſwer any thing) + Alēramna, e a kind of pulſe ro. Athilla, a king of Pannonia, of a as, Scipio est bellator, atCato est quiring much boiling. fiately proud carriage orator, Scipio is a warrior, but +Atcramnos, a wred growing among Aihinlus, a king of the Saraceas. Cato ,,is. an oratoy. * At vobis beans, and killing them. Athis, a city of Syria. multa mala dii deæque dent, but Atergatis, a goddeſs of the Aſcalo- A:hilo, the river La Tofa in Inlu- I wiſh you much evil. * At quem. Dites, whose upper part was woman, bria. ..Deum! but (or behold) who a God! the olher fijo. + Athla, labour, primis in games. **Una mater oppugnat, at quæ t: Atergus, i, m. a kind of glaſi. ATHLETA, zejm. [) a · mater the mother only oppolah, 1 Atergùs, adv. behind one's back, maſer-woreflor, a champion. but what a mosher is hoe? * A Ateria, a city of. Spain, Athlética, &; f. the art of wrolling enim, but you'll ſay. . At etiam, + Aterne, or ararna,' a kind of ſea of running why, but I'll warrant you (in de fill. Athleticè, ady. like a wafler, laflily: ripon.) Aternus, a river of the Peligni in * Athleticè valere, to be in good At is alſo engliſbed by, sof, however, Italy. pligbt. pudersbeles, at leoj. Atertona, a city of Spain. Athleucus, a, um, adj. belonging to At at; interi, o frange! frrah! Atefte, arity of Venico. 4 wrofllor.' # Athleticus victus, Atabul, people of Æthiopia... : Ateftani, the inhabitants of Atefte. Brong fuding # Alábulas, a north-veji wiridblow- 7 Athacus, ci; ma kind of bird'Alhlibs, a city of Egypt and Ara- ing into Apulia. noith four feed. bia. Atabyris, or Atabyrivm, a famous Aihalaricus, a king of the Goths, whi Athlotheta, }; f. the fetter of the mountain of Rhodes, where jopicer reigned in Italy i with his mother | Athlõthetes, 5 prize the mallor of bad a temple. Amalaſuntka. Atabyrins,, nase of Jupiter. Athumanos, people of Ætolia.", Athlula, e city of Araba. :: Atacini, a people of Narbonne. Athamantes, e people of Epirus. Athmatha, the name of a city in the At&a... a city of Laconia and Phce. Athămas, son of Ællas, king of tribe af Judah. nicia; Thebes ; allo a mountain in Thef Athinonum, part of the Cecropian Atalanta, 2; f. an Arcadian virgin faly ; and a river which a certain tribe. and huntrols; alſo the doughler of times would fer wood on fire. Atholla, Athol in Scotland. Schoeneus, fo /wift, that be proni. Athanagia, a city of Spain. Abona, a city of Arabia. Jed to marry him that ont-ran. her, Athamagiidus, á king of die Goths. + Athopia, weaknofs of sight. but was overcome by Hippomenes, Athanaricus, a king of Spain, and (Aihos, a munsain of Macedonia, liks uby caſiing three golden apples in her ano:her of the Goihs, & peninſula, sajling its Madow to sho way. + Athanaſi?, æ ; f. fenje. iſie Leninos, 87 milės eigo is alſo a Ataphyni, a feople of Arabia. Athaliafius, a biſhop of Alexandria, city upon ibat-i7ountain: Ataranta; s.people of Lybia. an 2778::y of the Arians. Athous, Jupiter, so called" from A- Alärna, s city of Myſia. Athanari, ten thoujand choice Perfien thos, where he was worjbipped. Atarnes, : brothar ró Derius king pildiers, vihereof if one'died, another Athrcs, rivor of Scỹihla Euro- Pergia elfo a river in Scythia. was y Trently chofon. paa. Atarnites, a tyrant of Atarna. Athanaton, vise ijle Thanet in Kent, Ach:ita; a people of Arabia Fæfix. Athulla, T the game. 1 king of } &rs ink. 4 1 Ver. mus. A TR A TR A TT Athrulla, a town of Arabia: * Atramentum futorlum, copper43 Atrum olus, the herb mulinge. Athy mbra, a cily of Caria. * Atrainentum fuligineum, print. Atta, a city in Arabia Fælix ; alfo a Athymia, æjf. weakness of cou. cornical posl. Atramica, a people of Arabia Fælix. Atta, goffir, father, Upaken in reves Athyras, a river of Thrace, now Atrani, a people of the Hirpini in ronse so an old man.) called Aqua Doice. Italy. Allăbis, and Nimenius, tror famous Athyra, orum ; n, the metropolis of Atrapun, a place near Thermopy robbers, wh cb caufad that proverb, Athyras. læ. Convencrunt Aftabas & Numco + Athyta, poor man's offerings, Atratinus, & conful of Rómc, and nius. Atia, a city of Cımpania. others. Attacana, a tour of Armenia Major. Atilia, a town of Bivaria ; alſo an Atrātas, a, um, adl. (ab ater) black, Attaci, a prople of Scythia. antient Roman family. clad in mouring, * Murænan Attăc-co, ui, cre; (of ad and tacco) Atiliana, a sown in Spain. mortuam atratus luxit, be put on to keep filence Atimctus, a free wan of Cæfar's. black, and mourned for ibe death of Attracotti, e people of Scotland, Atina, an old city in Campania. his lamprey, bout the Picks wall. Atinates, tbs propirof Arina. Atrax, and 'Atracia, a city of Ther | Atractus, ûs ; m. a touching fofly. Aliniania, part of Macedonia. ': ſaly. Artictus, a, um ; part. of actingos ; Atinum, a town of Lucania. Atrax, a rivey of Etolia. touched. Atiſo, á river in Inſubria. Airčbäcs, a pesple of Gallia. Attacon, a town of Spain. 7. Alizoes, a precious-jione like sil. Atrobăticæ reftes, black garments, + Altæ, arun ; thojs 1ba: fourtie in Atrebatii, the people of Birkihire. going Arianta, or Atalanta, a sity of the Atrebatum, the city Arras in the Ne- Atrăgen, enis; m. Locri, made an ifland by an tarih therlands. æ; f. quake, Atreni, e people of Armenia. Attall, a prople of Arabla, living upons † Atlantes, images of men bearing up Atreus, i, m. the son of Polops and roblery, pillars. H:ppodamia į the father of Aga- Attālia, a city of Pamphylia.. Allantes, a people of Æthiopia, wbo memnon and Menelaus ; hs jew Attālis, an Athenian iribe. have no names. and roaſted his brother Thyeites's Attálicus, a, um ;adj. of Attalus, Atlanticæ, two fonds which they children, and ſerved them up to his Attālus, a, um ; exullent, mag- call Fortunatæ, in the borders of table, becauſe he had forced his wife. nificent. Attalica veftis, a gor- Libya. Arri, a preple abhorring thievery. geous villure. Attalicas condici- Atlantides, a people of Africa, famous Atria, a town of Venice, called alſo ones, great riches. Attalum cm. for piety and hoſpitality, Adria, whence the Adriatick ja plaftrum, a good ploiler. Atlas, atis ; m. a king of Mauritania, was named. Attălas, the name of a physician. famous for affrology, and thence Atrianorum Paludes, the ſeven Sess Attălus, a very rich king of. Perga- feigned to bear up the heavens ; or about the mouth of Po. from 'an bigh bill of the name, Atlanus, the river Tartaro in Italy. Attalyda, a city of Lydia, into which he was ſaid to be turned Atriarlus, a, um, adj. (ab atriun] Attămen, conj; but yol, nsvarlbe- by Gorgon's head, showed him by belonging in a court or porch. is. Perſeus, when he would not enter Atricani, a prople of Icaly, Attāmiro, 350 ; of ad and tamjro) tain him, # Atricăpilla, æ; f. a bird with to defile, middle with. Atlanteus, and, Atlanticus, a, um ; black feathers upon the head like a Attali, a prople of the Maliagetes adi.. of Atlas. tilling and Sacæ. Atlantides,a; m. and Atlantiades, Atricolor, oris ; adj. [ex ater & co- Attæ; a town in Afa. Mercury, grandſon of Atlas, lor) of a black colour. + Attēger, diminiſhed. Atlantides, um ; the fifteen daug blers Atricus, cl; m. the porter of the gate, Artègiæ, arum ; f. cottages, fonts, of Allas, whereof five were called the uber of the ball. booths. Hyades, and the reſt Pleiades, Atridæ, arum ; m. Agamemnon and Attelatis, a town in Italy, Atmaniſphie, a town in Arabla Fe Menelaus, ibe foris of Atreus. Atteius, the name of feveral men. lix. Atrienfis, sis; m. [áb atrium) < Atičlábus, iç m. a little locuf with. Atmas, a Scythian, who bated idla ſervant that looks to the pictures and out wings, the wood.sere, nefs. images in the outsr.gallery ; alſo, a Attelcbuffa, an iſland of Lycia. Atacpos, õlis , m. (ex ad & nepos) Beward. Attellanæ, farces. See atellana. the grondſon of my grandfon. # Atrifer, å kind of ruß bearing Attempěräte, adv. in ſeason. -Atheplis, is; f. the grand-daughter black Jeed Atteoporo, are ; [of ad and tempe- of my grand-daughter. Autölum, i ; a. (ab at lum) a little ro] io make fie; urm, season. Atociúm, ii; n. a medicins bindering portal, inward court, Attena, a town in Æthiopia. conception of birth. + Atrīpilus, a, um ; black baired. Allen-do, di, sum and tum, dere . ATÕMUS, i ; f. an atom, mote. Atriplcx, icis ; f the herb orage. act. Lof ad and tendo] to altend, Atolia, the daughter of Cyprus. Atriplex olida, mother-wort. beed, conſider. * Attendere juri, Atque, con}. [of ad and que) and. * Atritas, ātis; f. blackneſs. 80 pudy the law. * Attendere a- Atque equidem, notwithſtanding. ATRIUM, il ; 2. (ab and proy) ſub nimun, to liſien diligently. * At- * Atque adeo, jea rasbar. At diale) an eniry, Gourt yard; alſo a tende ſis, hear you. que atque, Speedily. * Atquc ita, gallery sal with images. Attend-or, di ; part. to be tended. and upon this condizion. * Alius Atrociffimè, adv. exreeding sruelly, Attcne, a country in Arabia. atque olim, nuch changed. Atrocitas, ātis; f. cruelty, fiercenes. Attentè, lūs, iffimè; adv. diligently, Atqul, conj, bul, nuirthileſs, truly. Atrocitèr, adv. furiouſly, barbarouſy carnefly. * Attentiùs cogitare, to Atqui î, but ſurely if. outrageouſly, * Atrociùs accipi, fet all one's thoughts at work. † Attractylis, idis ; f. wild bajlard to be ill recented. Attentio, onis ; f. attention, heed. Saffron. Atractylis hirſutior, the Atropatia, a part of Media. Attento, arc ; [or ad and tento) ta fame as carduus benedictus. Atropetmi, the people of Atropatia. attempt, olay, provoka, * Fidem Atrices, a people of Ætolia. Atropha, thoſe parts of the body that alicujus attentire, to move bim ta Atrācia, a country of Ætolia, whence do not receive rouriſhment, diſloyalty. Atrācis, sbe name of Hippodamia. Atrophia; æ; f. a conſumption. Attentor, ari; to be o Juiled, &c. Atracias, a, um; adj. of Atrax. Acrophus, i; one in a conlumption, Attentus, a, um ; adj, and part of Atracia ars, magick. Atropos, i; f. one of the Definies, attendor', attentive, earnefly bine, Atræ, a city brtwrin Eophrates and Atropus, immutable, inexorable. wife. * Attentus paterfamillas, a Tigris ; another in Arabia. Atror, oris ; m. (ab ater] black cloſe husband. • Attenta vita, a Atramen; in's ; 'n. Daskneſs. nefs. time well busbanded. Attentior Atramentalis, le; ad). belonging 10 ATROX, ocis ; adj. 3 art, Là tous ad rem quam fat eft, given so the edo, vel pauw faucio, &c.] cruel, world more than is fit. Atramentārium, il; n. an inkborn or fierce, heinous. unripe.Iteris Attēnuālès, ady. Nenderlyz. Ssantily, fandim. : atrociffimis percallus, Bartlid at briefly, Atrimentum, i, n. (ab ater] ink. the frightful news, Atténuatio; Inis ; fi a leffaning: Attē. i P . his money 1 Attăhens,ous; part. of attraho-; avaritcr ; adv. greedily, Atticotti, a kind of foldinys under.ibe and traho) to drive to, aleraan - Avarum, a protonlory of Spain. lumeel, bolcemeth, concernetb, avail. Attratio, onis ,vt Aucjpula, 2;.f.a pilfall or gir AT T A TT A UC Atičnuatus, a, wal; part. of attenu reletes to man. In tranfitu attin Alluli, p ætcrperf. of adfcro. or; leffaned, vanished. 'Attenua . gere; 20 pest on!! by thelye. Ad Altúmulo, are; to keep on surih. tum dicendi genus, a love and verbum rem attingere, to confider + Altūrālio, onis ; f. (of ad and thus] plan dola, the thing jignified with word A biti ning of incenſe. : Atičnuo are ; at [of ad and te nilying 'it. Aturia, a part of Aſyria. nuo]:o lefir, make ſender, cf wage. Acir, a pesp?c rf Æthiop!3. Alur:$2.07. Alurus, á river in Aqai. Alt-éro, rivi and crus, ritum, cor ad Atrium, & promontory oj' the iſle of tain. · and tero) to grind near, bugini Corſica. | Atyla, or 29; Avaliant Scythian uponi, . impair, walle. * Alterere + Atto, are ; to begin to go. who, ?frer many moble exploits, FX aures' alicul, to weary one with Att:ollo, ūll, ollērc; acc. (of adar.d pired in ihe mid;l of luxury. babbling Attercre arcum, to to'lol to lift up, raili 48, laktawa, 'Aiypus, iim à Bammerer.. go over the channet Spreud, exid., nourijl), Swel!. At;s, the ſon of Crceſus king of Ly- Attes, the son of Calaus, an cunuch Attoliere partini, ra, bring up, #dia, who wis naturully dumb, all : born: Non atto!lens ſt à terra, crepping loring Boldier about to kill his fa- Atteftans, tis ; m. be that witneftth. upon the ground. * Altollcie mi. sher, he carnefily cry!d out, Save the Alteltaas, tis; part. of atteſtor; wit. cas, Cof a Lercent) to bits and pur King; oljo abaya Kelivid by Cy- nellings aftsliing out his tongue, being ſurprized. bele ; and the river Carabi in Si- Attcftatio, ôn.s, f. a witnefinig or Altonscns, which huvab, suving. ciiy, aljo Jewrul iren, calling to witness. Allondeo, attondi, ſum, crc, lai ad Atteſtātus, a, um part. of atteſor; and tondeo] to have ciofei dini. A anie U, witnefjed, qvouchad. milh, defor. Altondent virgulha Áu, inter). huſb, not a word, Atteſtor; ari ; dep.(of ad and teſtor) capella, the to call to witness, prrue' by wirnesi, foruds, * Aitonde c aliquem au- Avadiä, a people of Bactriana. afirm, ro, to dry-have-bim, chouze him of Avalites, cr Abalites, 4. buy on the Attexendas, a, um , ts he added. , righ:-fide of the Red feri Attex.o, ui, tum, čre, [of adandtexo)' Attonfus, a, um ; port of attondo.. Avalonia, Glaftenbury: to knit or weave unto, joint unto. or; clipped, Ibirn, dimin shej mejo - Avantici, a peple of Helvetia. Atthis, the daughter of Cranaus, who ed, ruaped. * Laus.ationta, bellen. Zvāra, a.cily of Arabia. gave name to the country Attica ; ad yraiſ... Avāre ; ady. więgardly, covefouſly. alloor iſland; alſo ine' hiſtory of Attonitc; adv. with offonishinene. Avāri, a prople of Italy. Athens. Attonicus, a, um ; past. Of aitonor; . Avaricum, a town of the Celta Atthis, idis ; f. a nightingale: aſtoniſhed, thunder-lityck. Avāriſsiinus, a, um, adj. fuperliex- Attiæ, a prople of Arabia Fælix. Ariono, ui, icum ; [ ad and tono? (sding. Coudous Attica, a country, between Achala and to ojloniſh, thunder-joke, Avārītia, æ; f. ? avarico, covetcuf- Macedonia,' was Athens Hood; Atiradio, onis.; f. á drawing maso, Avārītics, ci... For nofs. * Ho- now called Ducacio di Schines... attraction. mo avaritiâ inhianie. & immi- Atticè ; adv, cloquently. Attractus, a, um ; part. of actrahor; nenie, in always gaping after. # Atriciñor, ari; to put brands to the drawn unto, drain bort together. wealth. fire. * Ut in Atilcifrnos, 1., m. 'an Atticiſm of A drawing of pulling spa.Atopa gurgitat impura in lc meum ava. ihoalan phraſe or clegancy: bens medica cncum, s drawing riter ! how.che. But tipsles.. off the Atticiffo; i-are; to imitate the Athe medicine. wine! * Avarius opus exigero, 10 Djans. Attră.ho, xi, aum, here Į act. Lof ad balten the workmen, lieutenant of Illyrium. tice, infius • Attrabere malum, {ĂVARUS, a, um, adj. qu. ayens Atticus, a, um ; adj. (of Attica]he. to pull mifchief upon his own head. auri, couscous, bungry, unjeliable, # longing to the Athenians ; alfo de t Attramus, a, umhaving on a Venter avarus, a belly never full. gant, elegume, sincere, Avales, ibę Egyptian name for droulle Articüs, Ibe name of divers men. Attrcbat i, Berkſhire-mat ing-places in the midst of the de Atodiates, a people of Italy: Attreftātio, onis ; frequmar band fart. Atridjam, a city of the Arildites. ling Avaſtomathes, e people of Mayri- + Age'go ere to tourbs fofly S6 Attrectatus, ds; io. as handling, tania. Aralha, a town of Arabia. Attīguus, a, um, adj. nigh or toucb-. Aitrecto, arc, [of ad and tracto] 16 Aratici, a prople of Gallia Narbo. ing one another, neighbouring, $0!!ch gently, hndle often, ufe. nenfis. Aitilianus, a Roinan conjul. Attrén-o, di; čre.(of ad and tremo] Aubrotus, & opernor of Parts, wbs Ağcilius Regulas, a Roman conful, to tremble, or be afraid of..., built the Bafile ogsinf the Eng. zubo being taken by the Corthagi- Aterčpidate ; adv. Jofily. I:fh.. nats, and ſent back to Rome to be. Atirčpido, are ; to go as falas old + Auca, æ : f.ego. exchanged, he perfuaded the con- folk do. + Aucare, to bale, sull, or draw. trary; and-chole rather to return, Attrib-uo, u!, utum, uěre ; act. Cof It Aucella,.a.; T. 4 guail. and be cruelly pu! to dealb. ed and friduo] 10 ct:ribute, impute, t Aucellos, 1 ; 2 Sparrow, + Altilus, i ;'m a certain fiſh in the deſign, appoint, commit. Attribu- AUCEPS, ūpis ; c. (of avis and.ca- river' po, which fometimes weighed cre alicut orationen, to bring one p!0] a fowler, bird.cather, fal- 1600 pounds. in Speaking an orition, &c. Auscps auribus or fer- fAtilnæ, ariamh ; will of Bons Attribücia; onts if an aflignment moni alterius, an hourkper. Au- without moriar, made for parting delivery of money. ceps jyllabarun, tbat. examines, lands, Attribūtus, a, um ; part. of attribu* every title: Actin-co, di, attentum, čre, [of ad ori aligned, allowed, appointed. Auchalæ, a poople of Scythia. and tenco) to attain, perlain, bill, Attributa pecunia, mothy paid to Atchilie, people Cyrene. pe perceive. Publicâ cuftod å the soldiers out of he treaſury. Auchitæ, a fciple of Africa. atttheti; to be keine common jail: Aitribūtam, i; n. gributs, subſidy. + Auchordul, Coriain pipes in ora Attinet; imp. it, afërtainab, or is + Attrita, orum; n. gallsa: gani. for birds. my part, Quid. fthuc ad vos Attrītus, a, um ; part of alteror ; + Aucria, a valley, attinet i wbat bave you to do with rubhad, worn, confined Ateitis. Aucta, osum ;:n jocreasings. That ? facultatibus, baving jpent all. Auctārium, ii; n, ſurpluſuga, aduan. Att-ingo, igi, a£tum, ingěrej aa. (of Ariritus, ùs ; mi a rubbingtifreting; tage, over-preafure. ad und tango) to tourligbrly, men-galling; Ajaifico, are i act to increase, aug. tion, apperjain, praeise, reach un-. Attriri, I have. quarn out ; præterger ment. to arrive or, Attinga ime.cog. of attero. Audificus, a, um, adj. making an nations, he is rear allied, 10m Aitrarii, a neople of Germany:: increaſo. Aitingit naturam humanam, it: At:ubi, 'city in Spain. Audini, adj. bj increaſe. Auétia, : 1 il con16r. i, 1 A U D.. AVE AUF Ba Auctio, onis ; {ab augendo) hopper not appearing till ibe corn 6e suetion, or openJoli 10 him that Audaciety}adv.boldly , rafhly. ript. gives ynol. * Auctionem facere, 10 Audăcălos, a, um, [ab audax) fome- † Avenco, er ócio, are, to pull up inske such a falt. what bold, a little too raj. oats, Auctionärtus, a, um; 'a:1). belong. Audacia. 4 city of Arabia Deferta. Avedonis, a city of Liburnia. ing to an open' or publick Sale Audax, ācis ; adj. 3 art, (ab audeo, l'Avenio. a city of Gulia Narbonenſis, Aoctionariæ tabula, bilis of vel ab gubáons] bold, variurous, called Avignon. Jule. hardy, raſ, prej umpluous. * Au. Ărens, ntis; counting. Audionārius, ii ; i. bycker: daccs, those that encounterid with: Avens, a river of the Sabincs, Auctionātor, Oris; 'm. an enlarger. beafls'in ibe theatre. * Audaces Aventèr ; ady: gladly. Audionor, ari; (ab auctio] to ſell so calices, drinking glaſſes of ſmall; Aventicua, a town in Hclvctia: him that bias nisja worth. ' Audax aninti or animo, Aventina, Ha Auctor, us; geo, oris ; adj. comp. Aventincnfis, a name of Diana. couragaous. more oricaafid. * Re forconifque Audea, a city of Syria. Aventinus, one of the "feven bills of 2u2rior, grown very rich in junilanı.. Audona, a river in Ilaly. Rome; alſo a firname of Sylvius Audito,'art; (ab aucto) to increoli by Audendus, a, um ; 10 be enterprised. king of the Albanes ; alſo the ſon of many ſmall parrels, Audens. tis ; bold, adventuring. Hercules by Rhea, wobe clied Tur- Aucto, are, fab augeo) to increaje by Audenter; adv. hardly, haldly? nus again}} Æneas. fall editions. Audentia, a;fhardineſs, boldneſs. Avco, cs, ēre, (Heb. avab] 80 defire, Alclor, oris ; m. (ab augendo) an AUDEO, auſus fum, (avów) to dare, rejoice with, aushir, frunde", ciufer, a perjuader, be bold, prefums, adventure. + Averagium, ii; a. carriage for the he chit carries it at a suklick ſale by Aude negare, deriy it if you dare. lord, or contribution toward hip- burbidăing the rel. * Tib! auctor * Auderc facinus, 10 vanture 10 wrórk, an average juin, I Pu! you upin it. Géneris commit. Avctna!is, lc; : adj. lelonging ** or fententiæ auctor; one th:t mikes Avdianii, a purple of Japygia. Avernus, a, um ; boll. the first motion * Auctor operis Audībilitêr; ads. audibly. Avernus, . i, and Averna, orum ; a fac edi, an ata!ter. * Auctor ic. + Audibo, for audiam. lake in Campania, dedicated 19 cuidus, a voucher. Auriens, nt:s; herring, obidieni. Pluto, and taken for hell. Au&örāmentur, i; n. preſs-money, Audiens dicto huic ordini, obeying Aver-ro, ri, fum; 30 freep away. aduenice-money, an earrejt. this order, Averrocs, an Arabian mabometan; Auctorālus, a, um, adj. hired, ob- Audicnua, æ; f. audience, report, commentator upon Ariſtotle, called liged by reward. * Audoratus in: lifioning. Audientiam facere, to alſo ſtimulus medicorum. les, a prefed foldier. make all bufb- Āverrunco, are ; act. Col. [of à ang Audoritas, atis ; f. authority, cro. AUDIO, ivi: itam, ire; act. (ab the old word verrunco for verto] ro dit, Ghoes, advke, license, reputa din audio, vel ab mugam vocem e keep away, Oppoje, wud, prune. 107. uni!10) lo hear, beed, li'en, mark, Alcoruncetür amentia, far be it Aufor:um, ii; n, an esking, amends, confider, agret, underliand. Au from us to be so fooliſ. addition, dire bene or malè, ta'be well or ill Averruncus; i; m., Roman god, Autrõro, are ; to bind hinge rovenant. reported of. Nec Homcrus au ſuppoſed to turn away evil, Auct:x, cis: f. She t.bat encroalelh, dio, I don't believe Horner. - Non Averlandus, a, um ; part. fut in dus or is an author. aud o, I don't believe you. #.au of averſor; deteflable, abominable.. Ag&um, i; n. an inl.irgenent. d're Socratem,, !o be Socrate's Āverfatio, õnis; f. an abhorring, dis- Audus, &. uni; part. of augęcs ; ſeholar # Audivi majores natu dnining, refuſing, hating. made thicker, enlarg«, insrrajert, dicere, I heard 'em lay, • Au- Āverlatus, a, um, part. of averlor; advanica. * Præda auctus, inzich divi dici, I heard it ſpoken. * Audi angry, frange, detefing, &c. ed with jpoil. Filiolo auctus, re dc capite, to sit upon life and Averse; adv. frowardly, angrily. having a lon born. death. * Asbor audit arborem, one Āversio, onis ; f.a turning or driving „Auctus, ûs į m. inercafe, augmenta . Iren ſuffers itjelf to be joined to ano. away. * Per averfionem vendere, ition. ther by glue, &c. 10 fell a thing without warranting † Aucabacuator, oris ; m. a bat. + Auditavi, I have often heard. thi fume. fowler. Auditio, onis; f. s hraring, hearſay, Āvera-or, us; gen. õris; adj. comp. Aucubacůlātus, ùs ; m. bat-forpling. a lecture. more firange or angry. Aucula, a city in Tuſcany. Auditiuncŭla, æ; f. a little report. Averfisfimus, a, um ; adj. ſuperi. Aucăpătic, onis; fi a bawking, al-Auditor, oris ; n. an auditor, á dis greatly displeaſed and bent again, turing, gain. cipla, 4 heurkner. Āverſor, oris ; m. [ab ayertendo] Aucŭpātorius, a, um, adj. (ab au- | Auditorium, ii; n. an auditory, oflem A preferver, defender, a thief. ceps) belonging to fowling. Au bly of auditors; a ſchool, sellion-house. Averfor, arı; com. (of à and vera cupatorii, lime-twigs. Audītrix, icis ; f. fe that herreth. for) 10 difoffost, to be for againt, Aucŭpatrix, icis ;, f. Se that rakes, Audītun, i, n. a report by hearſay. detell, diſdain. Averfari hono- feeds, or Jells birds. e Audito nunciare, to report by rern, to Night honour. Aucupia, orum; n. the birds or prey hearſay. Āverfus, a, um ; A. & P. of aver- gottom by row.ing. Auditus, a, um ; p. of auditor; heard. tor, turned away, angry, Äriving, Aucủpium, ji; n. (ab auceps) bird- Audītus, ùs; m. the senso of hearing. unarquainted, mifiiking, prepolcrous. ing, jowling, a taking in advan. Audomarenſis, the chief city of Arte. # Avería pars, the back fide.es tuge, an chanment ; . alſo a way sia, called St. Omers. Averfus à muſis, not favouring to get any shing. * Aucup.o ſagit- | Audon, a sown of Mauritania Cæſa learning. . * Averſus mcrcaturis, tarum, by fooling at birds. * Au- rienſis, having no wiil 10 tr. fick, cuplum facere auribus, to play tbe Audus, a mountain in Africa. Averta, æ; f (ab avcrtendo, vel ab Syren, AV. E, eto ; pl. etc, ctote; inf. ēre; dop tip.lorum quo en fis appenditur Aucupo, are ; to watch or pr. (ab Heb shavah, vivere) God Speed vel pera) tha: poitrol of a horſe, a Aucŭpor, ari; adj. Lo hawk or fowl. you, all hail, rell you merry. 8. Avertæ, arum, the mndenvour to get, with for. * All Avě-ho, X', ctum; to carry away, ruins of acaqcb'horje. cup.ssa verba, folie upon the catch. Avella, a town in Campania, fumous Āverto, fi, fum, čre ; act. to turn Aucupari. lib! faras, to get for ſmall nuts. afide intercepe drive away, for. o fume. - Orationem ex avellana, and abellina, æ; a filbert: bied, diſdain, feil.away. * Aver- omni genere aucupari, to golĂve: 0, i, int avuiſi, čie; to fu!! tere le in marc.tum, to give him. Every topic for matter to compare an wry, coithdraw, laver. jelp to mer. hindizi. • Avertere AVENA, 2; f. fai avendo] cats, a oinniuin ocu'os in ſe, to make all Audaria æ: f. Houdarily, belil- pife made up orien 1920, a low men von jer at him, Avestere pc- Audacitai, ats; f. nel P.meriti Jiyle. * Avena he ha, oat-grass cuniam publicam, to convert it to fool-h...dineri, coterage. # H910 haver.grafi. private uſes expertz audar 7. min of koniun å vēnaceus, a.um ; adj. of oats. Arerior, ci ; to alhor, diſdain. courage. * Audaciâ provcctus, Avēnārius. 2, un: adj. of or amorgue:Aq143, the fame as Martia, grown ex rimc oola 8:411. * Avedaria cicada, a gras: - sbe clearijit and moſt wholfome water cloak.6.8. Orrifinn, ing A UG AUG AVI tes in the whole world, conveyed inco, Augúratio, onis ; f. a a grofing Auguftoricum, she city of Poldiers in Rome by Ancus Martius. Augurātò ; adv. by conjecture. •France, Avföro, abftuli, ablātu:1), auferre ; Augūrātus, 2, um ; part. Das Auguftulus, the laſt Roman empe- a&t: for ab and fero] to carry away, bliſted by divination. * Augu. Tor, in whom the weſtern empire Baal, wiihdrawn, burs, bindor,joratum templom, a wogion of the onded. dard. * Aoferte per judicem, to air as 'is divided by the Footbfayer's Auguftus Cæfar, the fecond Roman gvercome by Contence of the judge. puuta emperor, in the 420 gear of whoje Aufer me vulln terrcre, for: Augurātus, ùs; m. the dignity, place, reign Chrif wes born. bear to fright me. * Aufcrri è or scheme of augurs, wbercof there AUGUSTUS, a, um , adj. Tab au- rongivio inter marius, to be car. was a college at Rome. gurio, vel augeo, vel dunin iplen. ried hoina drunk from the qloboul. Augurinus, name of a conful.at dor) 910ble, baly, royal, rcuerend. • * Dies quindecim aufcrenthiludi, Roine. Templa auguſta, confecrated tem- twill suike often days to flew the Augurium, ii ; n. fothſaying, divina plus, Menſis Auguftus, thi mon:) plays. tion by the Night of birds, a7 oradan Auguft. * Charta auguſta, very Anfidena, s riry of Italy, called also foretoken. Agnoſco augurium, I fine papers * Augufta nuncup2- Alfidena. belirur. I am the perfon of whoni.it tio, the tisle of Auguſtus. For- Aufidétaics, a paiple of Italy. was foretold. Agere augurium, ma viri auguſtior, ibe mion of an AuQdlus, a corrupier of matrons ; alſo to divine. hira. sus name of a giulion tubo for crams- avgusius, a, um ; adj. belonging to Xvia, æ; f. (ab avus] a grand- med penrecks. augury. mother, Aufidius Bafins, ia noble hiſtorian in Auguro, arc; ?10 divine, conjecture, , via, arity in Spain and Italy. the time of Quintilian; he wrote a Augūror, ari; } foratell. * Quan- | Avia, orum, (ab avius] places that bilery of Germany: tum con curâ auguror, as far as I cannot be paſsed. Aufidus, a river of Apolia. can gueſs. Aviarium, ii; n. (ab avis) a bird. Aufinates, a prople of Italy. Augufta, ; f. the expreſs. cage, or wood. place where birds Autona, the river Avon or Nenin Auguſta Auſciorum, th: town Aux in hiunt. Northampto Shire. Guienne in France. Å viārius, ii ; n. a bird - Keefir, poul. Aufŭg.io, i. ilum, [of ab and fugio) Auguſta Cæſarca, a city in Spain. terer. to Hy away, s:ape, avoid. Au- Auguita Emerita, a city of Portugal, Avicebron, a prince of The Mauri. fugit fervus tuus, your mon is run now Mcrida. Avicenna Aboali, an expellent sbyſia ADOR. Auguſta Psætoria, a city in Italy. cian of Spain, by some thought to be Auful, a king of Gilztia. Auguſta Rauracorum, & town near an Arabian. Auga. A gc, 01 Augea, the mother of Basil in Switzerland. Avicula, æ; f. (ab 28s] á little Telephus, who seing with child tý Auguſta (Roganduorum, Luxem- bird. Hercoles, bir, fasher would have burg Avicu äria, æ ; f. an berb of the kind drowned her, but Pailas estivesed her Auguita Sucffonum, the city Soiffons of trachellum. to Cria, where king Touchras mst. in Gallia Belgica. švicŭlārius, ii; m. a bird - mer- mind bar. Auguita Taurinorum, the city Tarin chini. Augarus, « pretel? of Arabia ; alon 172 Italy: Xvid-è, iŭs, iffimè ; adp, greedily, king of toi Orcëni. Avgusta Trevirorum, the city Triers ardently, * Avidè fe certamini Aug?fiig a purple of the Mariage in Gallia Belgica. offerre, to show grout forwardness Augusta Trinobantum. the ancient to enter the lifs. Augea, a city of Locris and Lico name of London... Avidienus, e fordid rish man in Ho. nia, Auguſta Vagenorum, a rown of Li- Augeas. ting of Elis; Hercnles guria. Xvidítas, ats; f (ab zvidus] Cove- de.inſed his fable, whichlid 3000Auguſta Valeria, a city of Valentia tưuſneſs, gredineſs. exen, and had not brin cleaned in in Spain. Xvidítèr ; ady grisdily. 30 Jaars. Aliguſta Veromandtorum, the city St. Avidius Casſius, a nobleman of Rome, AU GEO Xi, aum, lëre : act, Cici Quintin in Gallia Belgica. called a ſecond Catline. lab eužkva] to energije, enlargs Augusta Vir.celicórum, the famous' Xvidūlus, a, um ; fomewhat greedy. inrich, uavinis, fet qirib. ty thien nu. u. and ancient city of Augsburg, in, XVIDUS, a, um, adj. (ab avendo] gere aliquem liberal.ine, 10 be Germany, Covetous, greedy, hungy, conſuming, Dountijalto orie: Augüftæ, árum ; a city in Cilicia and # Avidior ad rem, in pccuniis, Augeſco, črej neut. (ab augeo] to Italy, greedy ofter wealth. * Avidus in- inire le or be increased; clfe adorre Auguftaldenſis, of Hexam, in the terficiendæ matris, eager to take a- Ibride; couniy of Durham. way his thoshor's life. Avgia maior, an fand in Germany, Auguſāle, lis; n, the emperor's sont, Avicnus Feftus, a poee in the time of called Rickhow. a palace. Gratianus. Augila, a city of Lybia. Auguſtālia, oram ; a. plegs in ibe Avienus, a conful under Valenti- Angiz arum ; e people of Africa, honour of Auguſtus. nian. who Though there were na gods but Auguftalis, le, of Auguftus, imperial.! Avienus lunior, another conſul. thi Spirits of the dead, whom Ibes * Augortales, thoſe that led the firf | Avigerdla, æ ; f. for that carrieth condaires. ranks in an army 'fowl. Augines, a mountain of Italy called Auguftè; adv. mujejzically, helily. Avigěrůlus, i, m. (ab avis & gero] Monte. Codoro. Auguftè fandtèque venerari, 60 e a bird-carrier. * Augiles, a precious hone. dort. āvīgěrŭlus, -a, um ; carrying birds. Augmen, inis; h. (ab angeo] eug-Angusteum marmor, a marble wiib Avilla, a f. [qu. ovilla] a lemo mentation, increcife. nutural waving and curled works, newly yeaned. Augmenlātio, onis ; f. increala. Auguftinus, of or like Au- Avimenſe, a free town in Africa. Augmento are ; lo dugment, entriale, Auguftinianus, 2. um, $. guftus. ÅVIS, is; f. [à fono, vel ab Heb. Avementom, i; n. increase, grow:h. D. Auguftinus. St. Auſtin" biſhop of D. Auguſtinus. St. Auſtin bishop of gheph, yolavii) a bird, Bon:s AUGUR: úris; c. Cic. (ab avium Hippo in Africa. avibus, with good luck. * Adversa garritu vel potius geftu, a footh Auguſtobo::a, a city of Gallia Lugdu avi, with bad luck. Jajar, divinir. # Cornix aqua nenlis. + Avitellum, i; n, the yolk of an auger, beding rain. Auguſtobriga, a city in Spain and erg Augur, a Roman conſul. Portugal, + Xvitium, ji; n. antiquity; alſo all Augu:āci:um, i in a lower or 12 Auguſtodunum, a cing of the Hedui, kind of birds, file, whose the cugur's did divine, new cailed Autun. + Avitius, a, um ; pertaining to turning the nelve! to:vards the orji, .4uguftomana, uz city in Burgundy in birds Augurālc, is; ni e ſcolbfozer's ornia France. Avitta, a town in Africa. rieni. Auguſtomăgus, a city of Gallia Bela Avitus a, um, adj. (ab avus) anci- Augurālis, le ; ad), 3. art. of a lo git2. ent, coming unto us by our ancellors. Jazer. * Auguralis, lirus which Auguſtanemetu, the city Nevers in Avitum hofpitium,. fumiliar ocant aloft in their flight. Gallia Celtica. friendſhip of a long Banding. race. } in Avium, : the Aute: . Minor, where is Niewn the plane- Aurelianus, an emperor of Rome, Aurigia, the town Arlon in Spain... Aulon, a mountain of Calabria, a Aurelius, a painter under Auguſtus. city of Cilici tiemiņi* Avocamenta, any things A VÓ AUR A UR Avium, a town bawaan Tyre and AURA, 2; F. Cá upala gentle galeil miticre, auriculas, to go away 072 Sidon brighings: Aura popularis, popy, jeded. * Auriculâ infima mollior, Aviųs, a, ütn"; adl. (ab à & via) out jar applauf. Auræ, arum, plates a very meck perſon that has noga:I of the way, without paltuge. Per of iron, that liep she axlo-true froin in him. avia itinerum, through by-ways. fruiting Axi auras inducere, to Ausiūlāris, rc; adj. 3. art. surirus AULA, & f. Taunla ball or court; clout an axla-tru. lar, pertaining to the car. Auri. allo a pipi, vault ; apimtly put for Aoralis, a city of Media. cularis digitas, the little finger. olla, a pos 10 boil ineat in. Anjana, a city of Arabia deſerta, Auricŭlārius, a, um; adj. of breat Anla, a cable by the mountain Hamus. Aurāmcntum, i ; n. (ab aurum].an Auriculārius, ii; ma prince's fócito Auladis, a city of Meſopotamia. Inſtrument to dig or purge gold with, tary or privy counſellor... Aulæ, pipes, organs. a gilding. Auricus, a, um, adj. cutting gold: Au æn, a; f. 7 tapeſtry, arras hang- 'Aurantium, ii; n. [ab aurco colore] Aurifer, a, um, adj. (ab aurum & Aulæum, i, n. ings. an orang fero] bearing or bringing gold. + Aular, aris; for allar, a pol-lid. Aorare, to gild. Aurăfcx, icis, m. [of aurum and Aglars, Te'. adj. [ab ayla) Aurāria, æf. a gold wint. facio) a goldſmith.br refiner, Aulatus, a, um ; court-like, ' Aurāri, orum; göldſmiths, gildirs; Aurificina, a; f. a gold misbis. lop. Aulāriui, a, um, adj. pertaining to allo favourites: Aurificium, i1;, n. the making and the hall. Aulax, acis ;. n. a furrizo. Tor-Aurārius, a, um , adj. [að aurumj finifhing' of gold. Aurifuus, a, um ; adj. [ab auram & qu:ns aulaca, making baulk, or Auras, a river rifing from Hemus. fuo] running with gold. going aury. Aurāta, æ; f. 'a fisb called a gilt-Aurifodīna, a jf, (ab aurum & fo- Aulerçi, a people of Gallia Céltica. Aulertes, a king of the Tyrrhenes, Aurātūra, æ; f. gilding, Aurifür, üris; c. a gold-falar. Main by Meffapus in the war br Aurātus, a, um, gilded. Aurifusorius, a, um ; adl. (ab aeris betwein Turnus and Æneas. Aurayonnus, the river Rian in Scot & fundo) for pouring into the rara, Aulētes, æ; m. a piper or player ori land. • Aurifuſoriga ſpecillum, a far Aurea, æ ; f. (ab auris] a hiad-fall geon's infirumeni to carry a liquid Auletes, a king of Egypt, and fatbor or bridle. medicine into the car... of Cleopatrat. Aurea Cherſoneſus, the grizia Pe-LAURIGA, æ; c. [ab.aurea & ago) Auleticus, a, um; belonging to a pipe ninſula of India without Ganges, A carier, waggoner, coachmon, horſe- or u pirer elled alſo Sumatra. wang pilot; alſo a celeſtial figni Aulčeris, idis ; f. a minirel. Aureatum, the town Eichſtadt in upon the horns of Taurus. Auleus, a, um ; cortly. Germany: Aurigans, ntis ; parc. driving a coacb Auli, a people of Macedonla, by theit Aurax and Aureax, a carter, an or chariot. Ionian fes. horſeman riding alone. Aurigārius, a, um ; adj. belonging a Aulicocia exta, enirails toiled in a pot. I + Aurēlla, a; fi the herb moth-wurd a car or wain-man. Aulicus, a, um ; (ab aula] court-like, or cotion-weid. Aurigárius, ii; me the chief of sbo Aulicus, izm: a courtier. Aurelia, a city of. Spain ; Another in charioteers † Aulidus, a, um, adj. belonging 16 Fience colind' Orleans ; one of the Aurigātio, õnis; f. the driving of a the found of a pipe. gares of Rome; alſo a Roman fa. cburiot. of Aulioncş, um ; piders, mily that caine from the Sabincś. Aurigčna, a firname of Pericus. Aulis, a ccuntry in Bocolia. Aurclianum, the town Lintz in. Auf- Auriger. a, um, adj. [2b aurum & Aulociene, a ſmall country of Aſia i tria, gero) bearing geld. 1r.1, upon whil Marſyas was hung very liberal. Auriginoſus, a, um ; adj. ab aurigo) by Apolo. Aurelius. Prudentius, aushor of an sick of the yıllow jaundic, Aylcdus, i; m a minflrol or piper. elegant peein. Aurigo, are ; } to drive a : Cart or Charior. Aurelius Carus, an emperor Bruck dend Aurigo, inis; f. [ab aureo colore] + Aulones, tall and fort fhips. with thunder, the yellow jaandice, Aulonius, a firauni of Æfculapius. Aurelius Olympicus Nemclianus, a + Aurigrāphia, æ; f. a writing or Aulos, i Carthaginian post. graving in gold. 3 Aurelius Alexander, a famous footh- + Aurigråphus, i ; mi that writerhin Aulon, Jager and musician. gold. Aulula; à liste ball or porch. Aureolus, a, um ; (ab aurum] like Aurilegus, i; m. a gathering or cop Aulus, a common name among the gold, rier, or jieler of gold. Romans. Aureolus, li ; m. a little piece of gold. t Auriinitris, a goldfinch. Aulus Hirtius, colleague ,t0 Vibius Aurefco, čre'; to be bright as ģild. Aurinx, the city Moron in Spain.: Panſa, in whoſe confulſhip. Ovid + Aurēta, z; f. a nymph. Auripigmentum, i; n. (ab aurum & wits born; they were bolb Pain in a Aureus, a, um, adj. (ab aurum) of pingo) orpins, arſenick. battle with Anthony, gold, golden, beautiful, precious. *1+ Auriplices, leaves wreatbed into † Aumarium, ii; ni a clofat or privy. Aureum' malum, an orange.. human Mape. *Auriplices biter. Auncdonacum, a city of France, Montes aureos polliceri, to under tulæ, philters to procuri love. Avo or Avus, a river of Spain. take great matters. of Aurire, to free or deliver, Avõcāmentum, i; n. pajime, diuer. Aureus, i; m. a piece of gold of about AURIS,' is; f. (ab audio vel hau- 16 Billings valus. rio) an ear; alſo bearing. * Cæ- that quiet children. Aureus mons, an iſland of Corſica. cus auribus & mente, dull of ag. Avõcātio, onis ; f, a withdrawing' or Auria, a town in Spain called Orenſe. prehenſion. Auris dextra iinnit, calling away Aurichalcum. Sea orichalcum, the forne Lody Speaks well of me. Avoco, 2s, arc ; to call away, to call! final copper. Aurem vellerc, to put on« in re- off, Turn away. Avocare ſe, to it Auriclávātus, a, um ; embolid or membrance, . In utrain vis aurem refresh after bulinio's. * Avocare Rudded with gold. dorinire, 10 ſleep ſecurely. * Ne concionem, to forbid, an ofimbly: + Auricocor, oris, m..a melier of ad aurcs quidem ſcuipendag. otium * Avocare fe à corpore, to contern gold. eft, he has not time lo jurelih bis sari platei + Auricolum, i; n. an ear-picker, * Nolilo pitarc hæc auribus tuis Avolo, 29, are; 19 jy away. Auricomus, a, um ; adj. (ab aurca dare, shine nol, I juy this. 10 flatter Avona, as Aulola; also the river comâ] having yellow or golden hair: you. maurium operam. ubi dico, Waveney, bis wien Norfolk and * Auricoma callis, an halmet with 'I will hear what you acould say, Suffolk alo, Bungey in Norfolk a yellow feather. Auriſcalpium, ii; n. (ab auscs ſcal. aiſ. Hamplon-Court. Auricornu, a proinontory of Byzantium. pendo) an iar-pisker. Avonze vallis, Oundale in North Auricula, æ ; f. [dim. ab auris) the + Auricidus, a, um ; adj. susting amptonshire. car-lop or tip. * Auricula exte. gold. Avondanum, Hampton-Court, or rior, ikegrijle about the eat. * Au-+ Aurilia,,a ; , blindnes. Southampton ricula leporis, fcorpion-grafs. *DC- Auritina, a city in Africa. K k k k Arritus 3 1 Auronitig, onger. S 1 ancient cuſtom' of burying juch before pro-sminence AUS A U S AUT Aurītus, a, um , adj. (ab auris)huar tiga. Specio) sooshfayır; allo a . daring, mot afraid. Aufus ro- : ing well, having good cars, liflen foreman or guide, gare, bold to ask. * Aulus capi. ing. Aufpicālis, le ; adj. 3. art... per talia, not afraid to commit capital + Aurivítèis, is; f. a goldfinchi. Auſpiciālis, le; } taining to joolblüy: crimes. Aulus in aciem, during + Auro, are, to gild. ing or divination. Auſpiciális pir: to fight. + Auroclāvātus, a, um ; adj. full of t. ciculus;' the porpoiſa. Aulus, us ; m. a daring. beaton gold, ، ، ، Aufpicaliter,: adv. luckily, proſper. AUT (ab Heb.au jdi or, or elſe, Auspicacò, ouſly, in a good bour, either. [It is a conjunction ofion + Aurora, f. [ab audiov.] cras, by divination: disjunctive, fomuimes conjonaive; ġel qu: auica 'hora] tbt morning; Auſpicator, oris; m. hetbut divjneth and alſo ſometimes hortative, and brock of day, Ab aurora 'Tapi, by hirdi. comminative. It sometimes fonds so die before one's time. Hence that Auſpicatrix, ieis ; .f. far that divinesh for quo, and ai oshor timss for mo- by birds. do; and wherut, if put only once, Jun.rifing. Auſpicatus, a, um , - part of auſpi and ibat in the larier member of a Aurora, æ;.f. the daughter of Tiran cor ; allowed by thi augurs, Zucky, fentance, lefs is gouerally ſaid than in and. Terra, the morber of Lucifer *Aufpicato in loco; in holy ground. the foregoing member of clauſ, and , and the windo. Aufpicātus, As; m, a prosperous en so ir is a diminutive.] . Aut verò, + Agroro, aro ; to y ne like the morn tarprixe or beginning. or élre. ing or gold, Aurofus, a, umj adja (ab. aurum] birds, jeling, fortune, succeſs, con- Aufpicuum, it; neut. divination by Autander, dri; m. the father of Ta- gira. full, of er bedawbed with gold. dua, fancy, pomp, command, power. Autariatæ, a people of Theſprotia and Aurugo, iois; f. the yellow jaundice * Bono aut malo auſpicio, with illyria. Aurúlēnlus, a, um ; adj. full of gold, bad or good luck. Salvis adipi. Autaris, a place in Arabia Felix. gilded, ciis, by the augurs leurie. * Au- AUTEM, conj. Lab autap) but, how.. AURUM, i ; n. (ab Heb. aor, lux] ſpicium ementiri, 10 play the fulfe ever, notwithſanding, nevertheleſs; gold; money. "Aurum netum, gold foothfryer. you, nay; and also, bifides, truly, wire. *Aurum taxum, gold wrought Aufpico, are ; ? (ab ax: pex] to - indeed on the contrary, contrari- i in plate: * Aurum infèqun, bul. Auſpicor, ari ; } ter upon a thing wife; nor before.--- (Note, it is often lion. Alſo a woman's golden era after mature deliteration, bindjal. elegantly used by woy of cpanortho- ,ment ; Sometimes a golden cup.;.. * Aulpicare avem, to obſerve a bird ſis, so lay fomching more cinphusi- Aurunca; a city of Italy. in divination. cally than wis ſaid before. It is Aurunci, the most ancient people in + Aufpicus, a, um, adj. having alſo uſed in tranſitions, and often Italy: power 16 diſpo e' of things. ferves more for ornameni thun ule, Aurupini, a prople of the Japodes, AUSTER, tri; m. (abam flo, vel as having clegancies that no Engliſh wboſt sown is Aurupinum. d'un ficco] the south-wind, and the words nor rulis can reach, and there- Auruspi, e people of Ethiopia. wind in general. fore only to be obſerved and learned Auía, ibi city Vichi mn Spain. Auſterè, adv. außerely, roughly, rude by uſe; and ſome:imes it is diegantly Aulancali, a town of Libarnia, ly, sourly. omitted, chiefly in oppoſitions. ] Aufara, two cities of Arabia Felix. Auftēritas, ātis ; f. ſeverity, auferity, Ægrotabat autem quidam, now a "Auſcāripeda, æ; f. a palmer-worm. rigour, rúdene's, deep colour. certain man was fick. Tum au- Anſch!tæ, or .fa; e people of Libya. Auſterélus, a, um ; adj. ſomewhat tem, befides, and. * Porro autem, Aurcli, e people of Aquitain. aufre. furthermore, what do I say? Auscultālio,' õnis ; to a hearkening, AUSTERUS, a, um ; adj. [ausnpòs] Autentum, a town in Africa. ebeying Panch, Severs, four, tough, yod, Authe, ibe daughter of Alcyoncus, Auſcultător, oris į m. be that lifters cruel, unripe ;'alfo derg, of a bigh the giant ſlain by Hercules. or obeys. colour. Authenticus, a, um ; ailj. Caùd'hytnc) AUSCULTO, are; [ab auks. i. e. + Auſtra, æ; f. a whul or burket to au:hentisk, original, authentical, ha- auris] to hearken, obey, attend unto. draw water with, ving authority. Authcoticæ ta- Auſculiavi ludog, I jure the ſport . Auftrāl:s, le ; adj. 3. art. [ab au bulæ, original copies. * Abſcultare ab oftio or ad fores, fer) fouthern. * Auitralis cingu- Authentim, adv. authentically. to hearken at the door. lus, the southern xoni. Authepfa, z į f. & cbafing-diſe or Auſcultabitur, in perf, paft. [ſubaud. Auſtrania, or -via, en ille in the fiewing-pan. ab illis) they will obej, northern fea. Authetani, a people of Spain. + Aufca, a fillet. Auſtralia, Weftrick in Germany, Authites, part of Egypt. Auſer, or -eris, a river in Italy, beretofort a kingdom. Author, örls; m. Cic: (wiròs, ipfe] Aules, um ; w. a people of Africa, Auſtria,æ; f. Oeſtrick and Ofterick, an author, Geller, approuti, firſt in- whofo virgins encountered one ano she chief province of Germany. venter, shiof. Me authore, by ther with jones and clubs, in honour Auftricornu, a promontory of Ethio my perfuafen. * Author eit Mala of Minerva ; me that was killed was pla. ſurius, Mafforius reports. * Ru. anfured in her virginity ; for shat + Auftrinare, to look fou:h. morem haoere aathorem, to hear by conquered was carried about the lake i Auſtrinārus, a, um ; corrupted by report only. Tritonis in triumph. the south-wind. Authoritas, atis ; f. Cic. authority. Aufetani, a people not far from the Auftrinus, a, um; ad). [ab auſter) Tarraconenſes. southern, dark, rainy. * Cælum of a judge, the firk author of a re- Aurigna, a city of Libya. auſtrinum, lowring weather. port, an authentiek proof or teſtimony. Auliin, lis, lít ; (of audeo] I durf. + Auftro, arc; to make wet; alfo 10 • Nemo id authoritatis, no one of Auônga, a town of Perfia. turn south. that power, * Tanta cft eboris Augo, onis ; f. [ab audeo) a daring. + Auftroafricus, a mild wind between authoritas, so highly is it prixed, Aulitis, a town of Mauritania Cala Auiter and Notus. * Authoritates publicæ, writings to rienſis ; allo ibe country in which Auftrum pertuli, for plauftrum per prove a thing. Uſus & authori. Job was born. culi, quod vide. tas fundi, the enjoying a faron by Auſoba, the bay of Galway. Auſugrani, e people between Feltria prefcription. Authoritas corud Aulon, or Auſonins, iha jon of Ulyſ and Tridentum, from the town mecum facit, theſe great me art of ſes and Calypſo. Auſugum, or Val Sugana,, where my opinion. Aufones, um ; m, the my ancient there is greiut pore of wool. Aulini or Autcri, a feiple of Ire- peopla in Italy. Auram, i ; n. (ab audeo] a hardy land. Auſonia, æ ; f. Italy. aduenture, an attempt. * AUGs Autoba, a town of Ethiopia. Aufonius, a, um, adj. Italian, be. excidere, to miſcarry in an enter- Autobulus, li; m. ibe name of a longing to Italy. prize. painiar. Auſonius, l. m. a part of Bourdeaux, Aufum, a city of Mauritania Cæla- Autocanes, a mountain in Homer, mafer to Gracian the emperor ; and riends. Autocthõnes, a people born in the place Ausīrus, a, um ; part. fut. in: rus; where they live. t Aufor, oris ; m, a darer. ab audco) that will adventut.: Autodidactus, i, m. the learner of AUSPEX, icis ; m. [ab avis & an- Aulus, a, um, part. [ab audco] himſelf without a majler. Auro. 4 otbar men. AUT A X I A ZA . NOVOR helo. Autogrăphum, i's no one's own band-Avullio, onis ; f. a plucking off or Axiacæ, a people of Sarmatia Euro- writing away, alſo a hip fet to grow.. pæa.. Autógrăphus, a, um , adj. writlen. Avulſór, oris ; m. he thai pluska.a- Axiace, a town by the Euxinc ses, by zoith one's own hinde way. some called Oczakow, Autolala, a city of Ethiopia. Āyulſus, a, um ; [of avellor) plucked Axiices, the river Hyp?n!s, by the Avcõlalæ, or cs, a very swift people agvaj, Nipped off. * Avulius à mes, mountain Carpathus, giving mams of Mauricania. plucked from my family. Ayulſus to the 'Axiacæ. Autolē.ythys, i ; mi he that carries his separa:ed from theſe. Axica, a city of India within Gan. his own diſf or lanthorn, * para- Avunculus, t; m. (ab avus) an under ges. by the mother's fide * Avunculus | Axicia, a pair of scilirs. Autoleon, a general of the Crolonita magnus, a, grandmother's brother. # Axiculus, i, m. (nb alfis): a Small againſt the Locri. • Avianculus major, a great grandul plures, . plunk, a'laib, a small pin for a Autolemus, who, being sold by a motlin's brother: pulley. foorhíayer' he would be burnt the AYUS, 1; n. (abotqùs, velabHeb. Axicros, a name of Ceres. next day, went and lay in a river, av pater] grandfurber, + Axies or Axites, a company of wo.. whers.. bs was fruik' with light-Avus, a river of Theſprotia: men doing any thing together. ning Aux, gis; f. Lab, aunna ſplendor, AXILLA. æ; f. [a negyáin, -vel Autolycus, the son of. Mercury, a. vel eur, &c.) that point wherein Heb. arzila, id.).ibe arm.pof. very noted tbief, a wredler, and a plana is faribeſ from the center. Axılāres, re; belonging to the arm. olhers. of thi carib; the Apogæum. pir. Automalax, a city of Cyrche. Aaxaria, the close places of a wood Axim and Axit, for egerim and + Automăcaria, z; f. she art of whare birds frequent, egerit. . making 'clocksa Auxeria and Dänia, who, bring loned Axiña, a city of Perga.. Automatārius, a, um ; belonging 10 in a Jeditión al Trezene, had a Axinia, 4 mountain of Arcadla. the art of making cloits. seaſt inſituted in tbe honour of thein, Axintam, a city of the Celtiberia Automate, one of ihe Cyclades, called called lithobolia. Axinomanția, ; f. divination or · Hiera, Auxēlis, an amplifying, a rhetorical witchcrajt dorie by hashets.. Autămăton, 1; n. a clock, or a felf figuro. Axiachus, a philosopher to wbom Piata: Auxilia, orum ;. n. Güxiliaries. dedicuted a book of death. Automātus, a, um ; adl, moving of Axiliābundus, a, um; adj. ready to Axiokerſos and Axiokería, Pluto, itself. and Proſerpirc. Aviõmědon, ntis ; Achilles's Auxiliāmen, înis ; n. help. Axioma, ātis; ni. a principle or mix charistier, and Pyrrhus's armour. Auxiliāris, re; adj. [ab auxilium] im of any ſcience, bearer, helping Axiomatici, sbose that are in any pub- Automoli, a people of Ethiopia. Auxiliarius, a, um, adj. coming to lick place or trują of . Auronõe, the daughter of Cadmus aid, helpful. Axion, the brother of Alphegbara, , , king of. Thebes, and mosher of Auxilātor, öris; m. an aider, helper. Alcmicon's wife. Atlaon, Auxiliarõrius, a, um ; adj. belonging Axiopolis, a city of Myla, now called Autonoeius heros. Adæon. to aid. Colonamick: Autonomia,, ; f. liberty to live after Auxiliātrix, icis ; f. he that belp-Axiothca, a noble woman of Phllus, one's own laws. 61b. who, sogether with Laſthenia, appe. Autonomus, i, m. he that lives after Auxiliatus, a, um ; 'having helped. relled barfelt like a pian, and heard his own laws. Auxiliātus, ûs ; m. aid, help, fuccour. Plato. Autophorus; besbat is taken in the Auxilior, ari; dep. fo help, relieve, Axione, a people of Troas, very ad. cure. Auxiliari contra aliquid, 10Axis, a city of Umbria. Autopſia, a; fi a ſering a ibing be good againſt il. • Auxiliatur AXIS, is ; m. (axwx] an exle-frat ; of one's ſelf. hydropycis, it helps people in a alſo a wheel, charior; alſo the poles + Autopyrus panis, houſhold bread. droply. and, orb of heaven. Autor, õris; m. an ausbor er begin- AUXILIUM, li; n. (ab augendo) + Axitioſ and Axa olæ, as Axies. nier. Ses Author, help, aid, fupply, remedy. • Aux-Axius, t; m, a river of Paphlagonia, Autõrabilis, le ; baving au:hority. lio cfle alicui, to aid one. Auxi whiib makes the catilothit drink of Autoracio gladiatorum, a lifting one's lium juris, relief. it black, as the river Haliacmon self to be a ſword-playır. Auxilla, a; f. (ab olla] a little pot. makes them white. Autoſchēdius, adj. rude, unpramedi- Auximum, a town in Italy called Axon, onis ; m. the ſecond joint of tased. Ofimo, ibi neck that moveth not, Autoſthěnetan Athenian prince. Auximates, the people of Auximum. Axon, a river of Aſia Minor. Autricum, a city of the Carnutes, + Aoxis, an apple-free. Axona, a river of the Rhemi. called Chartres. † Auxitis, ibe increaſing of the body. Axoncs, the inhibitants about Ax- Autrigones; a people of Spain. † Auxūmæ, young fiſh com.ng of the + Auðma, æ; f. ia fupporal. spown of a funny, Axones, the tables of Solon's laws of Autümātor, õris'; ' m. be that sup Auxume, a city of Ethiopia. · Athens. Foratb, an affirmer. Auza, or -te, a city in Africa. Axos, a city of Cherſonelus in Autůmācrix, cis ; f. De that sup- Auzacia, a city of Scythia, called Thrace, pofarb. Saccio by the inhabitants, Axunis, a city of India within Gan- Autumnālis, le; adj. (ab autumnus] gos. belonging to autumn or harvej. · A Ante X. Axumites, the metropolis of Ethiopia. Autumnalia pyra, pears ſomewhat Axungia, æ; f. (ab axis & ungo] marp taſed, A. X. for annis decen. greaſe for cart-whrels. * Axungia Autumnitas, Jātis; f. the fruit or Axaiită, a town in Spain. vitri, the fat or louier of glass font- Autumnietas, $. time of harve. + Axãmenta, orum; n, asafiamenta, ing on the liuf whereof glutis arc Autumno, are ; to make ripe. to make ripe. Au porras made to particular perſons. made. tumnat, it is fruit-tims, * Aër Axanthos, an iſland by Ireland. Axus, a river of Macedonia, and a autumnat ſemper, it is barvef- Axaph," the name of a city in the tribe rity of Creet. weither. of Aler. Axylis, she town Porzeli in Africa. Autumnus, a, um , adj. of autumn. Axare, * to name or ask, commit 80. Axylus, a Phrygian in Arisbe, very AUTUMNUS, i; m. ab augendis memory. courteous to girangers. frugibus] harveſi, vintage, Jall of + Axedó, an axle-fret. ibe leaf. * Autumnus adultus, tbe Axclodunum, Hexam in Northum- A anti z. middle of autumn. berland. AUTŮMÓ, are; [qu. auctor fum, Axenus pontus, the Euxine fea, Aza, a town of Armenia minor, an- vel aút' oiunt, illud puto) to called by the barbarous inhabitants. orher of Pontus in Cappadocia ; think, judge, eſteem, afirm. Axes, ium ; planks, boards. alſo a hill and city in Palestine. Auturgia, a working will one's own Axia; a city of the Locri, and ano. Azabetis Tän:a, a city of Sarmatia bands. ther in Italy. in Afia. Kkkk 2 Aza- OD2. S** bij ëses. 1 Jo. BAB B A C BAC Azagarigo; a toron of Sarmatia Eu: -+ Babate, to printlo as babies. Bacchans, niis; raging, &c. rophea Babas, á prliy-counſellor of Herades Bacchar, äris ; n. thehob lady's Azamora, a cofile of Armenia mi Aſcalonica,' who ar los pulled out Baccharis, is; fe $ glove, ar sloum's } noe Spikenard. Azan; a mountain of Arcadia, dedi; Babel, the name of a sily. Bacchatim, adv. ravingly, madly. Skated to Cybele. Baben, a chain of gold, Bacchatio,õnis ; f. a raging, drunken- Azanes, a prople of Arcadiz. Babillus, a Roman, who, by the belo nefs.' Bacchationes nocturna, Azapl, a prople of Seyihia." of a certain berb, failed from Sicily_gb-reuels, masks, Azania, *country of Ethiopia, to Alexandria in fra dags. Bacchatus, a, um; (of bacchor]rag Azanium, tbe lia barwien Ethiopia Babilus, an afrologer in the time of ang and India Nero. - Bacchets, a name of Corinth. si fons, a fountain, of wbich Babotāna, a city of Paropanllus. Bacchẽis, čidos; belonging to Bac- übeſérver sofos, loaibs all aber wa- Babráňtlum and Babras, a larong in chus. ser and wins... Eolis. Bacchoum, or -cium; a wins-vefe! Azar, 4 mountain in Egypt. Babrantius, a, um ; of Babrantium. uſed in the facrifice. of. Bacchus. Apära, e cilj of Armenia malor; an- Babulis, s city near Delta, Bacchčus and Bacchẽius, a, um ; ober in Sarmatia Asiatica: + Baburnus, a, um ; folia adj. belonging to the unchaja revela Azirithia, a fountain of Phrygia, Baburrus, ri; ü fool. of Bacchus. called Epiacius. Babylas, a famous snarfyr, Bacchemon, the son of Perſeus and Azatha, a town of Armenia ma- Babylon, Bagdeth in Chaldea, cor Andromeda. jor.. taining 60 miles in compaſs, the wall + Bacchen, an ornament of the nuck... Azazel, a fröple vanquiſbed by the 360 feet highg. And. 75. Oroad; alfo Bacchi, a kind of.cod-file. einprror severas, while he had the the city Alcairo in Egypt. Bacchi, a mountain in Thrace. . fomnims Azazenicus. Babylonlus and Babylonicus, a, um Bacchi and Antibacchi, two ifands Azeca, srity of th: Amorites, which ad).. of Babylon, Babylonica in the gulpḥ of Arabia. by loi sal to the tribe of Judah. yeſtis, a rich garment of divers co- Bacchia, a city of Arabia. Azerind"Azeolæ, a geople of Troas. lours. Bacchiáda, a peopls of Corinth, wbo, Azēlys. wi:hour xral or. love. Babylonius, ii; m. be that calculates upon their killing, Adæon, wera bao Azeala, part of the tribe Hippotho nativities, an afirologer. niſbed, and forsled themſelves in Si- ontis in Attica. Babyrfa, a trong can of Aropatia cily: Azerohe, part of Armenia major. in Alia. Bacchiarze, the rown Baccharach in Azicis, a lown of Marmarica... Babys, the brother of Marſyas, who, Germany. Ažils, Azitis; - or -rus, a city, or river when Apollo was about to flee him, Bacchicus, a, um ; adi. of Bacchus. of Lybia. was ſpared as the interceſſion of Pal Bacchides, a prefeá of M-lopotamia ; Azimuth, 'gridt circles meeting in this Jas, as, being not worth minding; alſo a captain who beirayed the city Zenith, and passing through all the hance the proverb,' Deierius Baby Sinope so 'Lucullus. degrais of the brizin. : tibiis canit, grows worſe and worſe. Bacchimones, an eafern people, wbo, Aziris, roman of Armen!a minor, Babyſongå, a mars-town in india they say, invented ibe rites of Apolo Abi Arzichani without Ganges: Azizus, e name of Mars, from 'bis, Babytace, city in PerGa, whose in. + Bacchinal, lis ; n. A wine.prefs, Aringih. hibitants de piſe gold. Bacch:s, idis ; f. woman-prieſ of Azochis, a city abcut Meſopotamia. Bacales, a people of Lybia by the foa. Bacchus. AZöhäx; he ibat inflruftei Zoroafler Bacalitis, pare of Ethiopia, Bacchius, il; m. a foot of three folla. in mogick, Bacalaurius, ii; n. a batchelor of bies, the firſt fcort, and the other two Azonus, a, om ; adj. without a gir aris, &c. in the univerfly, long Pacalaurit milites, knights batchelors. Bicchius and Bithus, two excellont Azotus a city of Pelagonia Tripo- Bécare, a'sity of India wishont Gan fancers so will matched, that they litis: gës. cauſed the adage. Biihus contra Azõtus, e city of Paleſtine, bolwien + Bacarlo, a pitcher. Bacchium, iwe knaves well mat, Alcalon and Joppe. Bacaícami, people of. Arabia. Bacchor, ari; dep.. [à Bacchus] 10 Azorius, a, um ; of Azo!us. Bacalis, a town in Spain. rags, or revel. ** Bacchari in ali- Ažurilanum; a town of Africa, Bucata, a priprs of Marmarica. qnem, to rail.at, gne, * Perro Bac- Azylia; a town of Epirus. BACCA, ; f. (ab Hcb. baca, mo Chari, to figbr as if one were mad. Azyma, 2. pl. n. the fess of unle.:- . rus) a borry; allo'a pearl, ..Bac Bacchus, the son of Jupiter and Se- und bread, the pillouer. ca paluftris, zühurile-berry... melc, and god of wine ; alſo iba Azymus, : 2, um ; adj. unlevened, Baccæi, a fesple of Spain. name of a martyr wbo. fuffered un. jweet ; (mctaph.), 1.puffed wig Biccalaureus, i, m. üs Bacalauri der DiocleGan. Sina.ers us; a batchelor of arts, &c, Bacchylides, a lyrick post.. + Bacca!ia, 2; 1,4 bay-free or lux. Baccifer, a, um ; ad). Là bacca & Tel.:- fero) bearing, berries. Baccanæ, a noun of Etruria. + Buccinum and Baccine, a bajon or # Baccancs, clients or country-folks. Touter-veſel. # Baccans, atis willing like ber.. + Biccrana, æ.; f, giver let out. Bani. A А. rius. Baccuia, æ; f. [à bacca] a little Baccātus, a, um ; "beſet wrih pearls berry.. GT berries. # Baccatun monile, a Bacēlus, i; maan effeminate and bus, , cr jewel fit in gold and ſilver. luxurious Munt. even 30 a proverb; Baal (Heb je mijer, ford. Baccaulum or. Bacaulud, a.bier. alſo a fool, Baal, an Affyrian idol for Jupiter. + Baccea, æ; f. a water-vefil, Bacenis, a great ; wood, beyond the Baaia, the name of a ci'y in ibe tribo + Baccha, æ; and Bicche, c,. f. Rhine. i of judah. a woman adminiflring ibc feäjks of t Baceo, are;. to gird er ige. Balath, the name of a sily in the Bacchus. Bachina, an island by Smyrna. tribe of Dan, buiti ly Solomon. Baccha, a town about Motis. Bachylus, a moderator of the church Baal.bcrmon, a muniain above Li-+ Bacchæun, i; n. A girdle. of Corinth. banus, on the borders of Paleſting. ^ Bacchana, ai f. a curicus wirk. Bacillum, i;.n. à baculus] Baal'meori, a city of the Arcoriics. Baccinal, '?lis; n. the plate where Bicillus, is m, er far Bdasſares, a river in Babyion. Pacchanale, $ fbey celebrated the foals Bacis, the 5th king of Corinth, from Balz, a fool. of Bacchus. whom their orher kings were called Béba, a town in Macritania, Baccaalia, il: mi vel orcm;; n. the Bacidæ, ; and other men, . Bibactes and Babico, a firname of fe lo's ef Bicchus; . alſo the siins † Bacia, pl. f. player's shoes for wo- Bacchus. when they orc kere. * Bacchanalia mon;' alſo an iron-coloured marble. Babæ Linterj.) o wonderful! viverc, is live dil ilutely. + Bacrio, Batrio, or Baccio, an eld Babie, a city of Lybia. Bicchanalitcr ; adv. madly. fabioned veſel 10. waſh hands in. Babarcnfes, & pesple of Spain. + Bacchan:a, 2; f. rage, madneſs. Bacies, a name of Bacchus. + Bactctis, I dle,or gne. By con cartiene critings, denotes Bal Bacillus , m} la barcatius) er sich 1 BAG B A L BA LI + Baztetis, & puff +- Bagium, ii; n. 4, lesk. B.Jautinus, a, um; .adl. dike b: Bactra, orum; and Bactrum; i ;, tha Bagoas, on sunnib boloved of- Alox Hower of 4 pomegranate, afri@jur ; chief city of Bactrjana. ancer frosne Bacri and -anl, the Biarlang, who Bagae, whoin ſome ibinkso be Sybilla Balauſtium, i; n. flawer of pozze were wont to call their old purepis Erythiæa. granata. to dogs, and the women dius as sbay Bagrada, a river of Carmania, ano-Balbè, adv. Brimmeringly.. lif. ther of Africa, whers Attilius. Re B: bia, a city of Auſonia, Badtriana, a ciuntry of Aga. gulus few. a ferpent 120 feet long. Balbillus, á profea of Egypt la Bactros,..a river. in the borders of lit Bagula, æ; f, a-bridle, Neo's time. Scythia, giving up to the coun- |Baharim, the name of a city in the Balbinus, a Roman emperor. Benjamin. Bilbo, are ; to faster.' BICULUS, li ;.m. 1 Báxtpar, a cud: Bala, a;f: byten, bay. Balbůcinor, are ; to mufie in the Baculum, li; n. }'gal or juff Baia, plod gifts whicb ware yearly mouth, to nulleri Bacunt:us, a river of Pannonia. given in the emperor and pairiarsh Balbura, a.cing of. Lycia. Bada, or as, a river of Syria, by the week before Palm Sunday. BALBUS, a, um, adj. [à fono) whib Memnon was buried. Baia, arum; f. a city of Campanla, Aurtering, Rammering Badacum, ibi city Saltzburg in Ger famous for hot bashs. Balbus, a prname of the Atullil, and many + Baiane, arum ; f. 4 place where a mnountain in Africa, Badena, a city of Heivetia, and ano marchants goods were received. Balbucies, ci; f. 4 fammering. ther in Mirchia. Bajazeth, a king of the Turks taken Balbutio, ivi, ire'; to-flammer" or Badeog, a city of Arabia Fælix. by Tamerlane, and carried about muffle in the mouth. * Balbutit BADIUS, a, um, adj. (à Bals, pal- with him in a cage. Scaurum, Baminers out Scauruşi, mæ ramus] brown, bay, forrel, cher Baienni, a town iri Bivaria. Ba'cea, a city about Propont:s. nut colour. Bainardi Caſtellum, B.inard's Cafils Balchus, a river of the Colchi. Budiza, the city Bath. in. London. Baldequinus, a ring of Damaſcus, Badizo, are; to walk, pace or am- Bainus pons, Bainbridge in York- vanquihod hy Baldwin. blo. Thire. Baldraca, a poor 'maid that wauld not Badizorus, ibe. son of Ithubalus king. Baiocæ, she city Bayeux. in Nor bis corrupted by the emperor Ocho. of Tyrc, grandfather of Pygma- mandy. + Balducta, Arainert milk. lion und Dido. Bajonula, æ;fla. brd, carried in a Balduinus, i ; m. Bildwin, the same Badonicus nons, Banneſdown, by the Bajulani, æ; f. } journey. of leveral kings, and asher men." sity Bath. † Baluatinus, a maker of Marbs.or. Baldus, a city of Phænicia. Badrinus, a rivor of Æmilia, now fabbards. + Bă ea, a lling called Santerno, Bajulo, are ; [à bajulus) to carry like Bălcāris, re; ad). 3 art. that may be Baduhennæ, a wood of the Friſij. a portar thrown in a ſing Bæa, a mountain in Cephalcnia. + Bajulum, Il; n. a. saddle. Bălcares, two Spanish iſlands, called Beaca, a city of Chaonia. BAJULUS, li; m. (ab Heb. pagnal, Majorca and Minorca, while inha- Bæbe, a town of Caria. operari}. a bearer, porter, a fafor. bitants were exiellent Ninigers, and Bæbro, a town in Spain. Biļus, a, um ; bay-colour. Sic Ba- their children never car their renk Bæ. ycla, a city of Iberia, near Her- dius, tijl till sbey bud boar it a brand cules pillari. Balaam (Heb.) the son of Bior, and. with a ling + Bacn, a prief's garmeni, a tankard, the name of a city. Balcarlus, a, um ; adj. belonging to a collar uj SS. or other jowels. Balacrys, Jon D).. Amyatas, and the Balcares. Benis, ihi gerüteft river of Porta commander of Alexander's auxili- B leārius, ii; m. ? a finger, or gal. ary forces ; also a nobleman of Ci. Bă'cſtrator, oris ; m. 5 he has Bæotis, Venus among the Syracu- licia. Baleator, oris ; ñ. Nings, fians, BĀLÆNA, æ; f. [ pédalvo) Bălcch, a city built by Solomon. Bæſampra, a city of Arabia, near the whale, * Balænaria virga; + Balenaceus, a, um ; ad). of: a Red Sea. whale-bone rod. wbale. Bælippo, a town in Spain. Balagrus, a Greck bitorian. . Bilcfiun, a fes-town in Italy, + Bæfis, coma hitber. Bălánātus, a, on; anainted with the Baletus, the ſon of Hippo, forji founder Bælay.ee; f. e Shepherd's garment. oil oj Balanon or Ben. of Corinth. Bætaria, the city Bcliers in France. Belanea, a town on the borders of sy: Baliardus, di; w.. a Peripatetick Bætaršeņi, w people of Coloſyria: ria. philoſopher of Paris.. Bæti, as Batavi, the Hollanders, Balaniæ, & town of Syria Cava. + Baliaria, æ; f. or Belliarla, the Bætica, the third part of. Spain; call-1 Balánæ, arum ; gropes. herb called lychnis coronaria. ed Andaluaa. + Bälän lium, ii ; n. the flower of Bulierius, Catalinc's unde. + Bæticātus, a, um , adj. wearing a , ci; . a barb or hat- dark-coloured garment Beticus, a, umi là betica] Orgun, fruit of the oak, * Oleum bala- Bilincentes, a people of Italy. dark coloured ninuin, oil of nutmegs. + Balioca, 2; f. a great drinking, Bacis, a river in Spain, in which they + Bălaniftæ, gerberers of maſ. cup. dyed wood of a curious.colour. # Bålänitæ, a kind of large grapas. Balis, a city of Lybia, wbme the god Bætium, a. city of Cappadocia. Bălăaitis, id.is ; f. 6. kind of cher- Bulis was worſhipped. Bälius, a city of Arabla Fæl:x. BĀLISTA; or. Balliſta, e; f. Bætagabra, a city of Judza. Bălănius, a, um ; adj. of balanus.. Bárda (acio) a croſs-bow, an engine. Bæion, an hißorian in the time of A. Bălăncipyrgon, a city of India within to cah darts or pones.* Baliſta lexander. Ganges, now Capilampa, chalybea, a ped-bow. Balita Bætulo, a town in Spain. BĂLANUS, i ; f. [Benavos). a kind · fulminar's, a very grout engine to Bætulun, the river Belon in Spain. of majt ; alio a juppofitory like an defant.the banks of a river, Bæturlą, part of Spain. Bāliņārium, ii; n. a mount for on- Bætylus, the name of that from which + Bilanus, a conter-fish. gines. Satură devoured in lead of Jupiter. Balari, the inhabitants of the hilly parts Båliftārius, ag.um ; adj. belonging to Bæus,'ha thu Decred' Ulyſſes's . Jbip. of Sardinia. such anginis. + Bafer, a, um ; grofs, thick. + Balarıs, noble agrimony, shree loaf Bäliftārius, m. maker of # Bafer, i; m. ihr. foam of she fea. liver-wort. Baliſtrarius, croſs-bows or Aingi; + Báfeus, or -pheus ; a dyar. + Bila Itrum, i;n and Balathusti an engine-ir aker Baga, a rily of Africa. num, i; n. a bash, + Balftro, are ; 10. ling. Bagadaria, bo name of a place in Balatoni, a pospic of Corſica. + Ballfrum, ri ; n. a Ning. Strabo i fome read Bag:donia: . Bălătro, önis; m. (qu: barathro) a Balīt, are ; to blest oftm. Baganum, the city of thi Nervii. bechler, praier; aljo rrgue and rajcal. Balius, , } a, um ; of a dark bay. Bagaudæ, usum ; m, wut-law of 1 + Balätum, i; n. a bketing. Baliolus, Sex Badins. Gaul, lioing by robbery. Bàātus, As; m. là balo) a bloating Balius, one of Achilles's borfes, so Bagidanus, a mountain in Media, of jhecy or lambs. called inom lhe colour. + Balivus, Borean musimy ouernadet. of balanus, Balinea, nu ?."},"butes Nills, acorn. BAL: BAN BAR 1 i 1 t Ballyust; m. e bailif. Balthcolus, i; m. e' Small "belt'or, Bantia, a city of Italý. Balia, a city of Macedonia girdla Bantli, a people of Thrace. Bellatha; a city of Meſopotamia. Baltheum, us, for balteom, or -us. Banurri, a people of Lingitana. & Ballecan goid origi An ingos. Bilda, an inand in tbe German foa, Banus, the river 'Ban in Lincoln- # Ballemáticum, ci ; a. forng or Balticum mare, the Baltick lis, so Thire, danie it the symbal.. ·called of Baltia. Bapheus, el ; m. 4 dyer. * Ballerus, ri; ms a bleak or 'whi: + B.alūca, a; a great drinking-pot. Băphia, ; f. and băphia, orum ; Tin + Balam, li ini a beap, or congeſtion. n. a dye-houſri * Baphiorum pro. Ballia for balifta, a Ring. it Balus, ll;m. a Pink. (curator, the imperor's overſeer of t Balloy: 212 -10: bail, + Balastrinis, & plack where many the dre-houſas. Ballio, õnis ; m... the name of a pimp baths are. Báphice, ĉ: ; f. the art of dying: in Plautus... Balux, licis; mi he that feeps with | Baphicus, a, um ; adj. belonging to Buliti, a 'iro. bow. Sre Baliſta. another; alſo gold fand, or a wedge dying Billifta, a mountain of Gallla Ciral of gold. Baphiam,'ji; n. purple, pina Balytas, a riurt of Peloponneſus. Båpbius, a, um , adj. of purple. * Ballistéum, ei; 2. a ballad, or 4. Bama,.Q;f. defolatonejsi'. Baplæ, prieſts of the unch ajie goddels madrigal.oj. bythas. Bamba, a king of Spain. Cotytto at Athens ; alſo a pling #Balliftro, are to burl or caji. 4. Bambacīnus, a, um ; ad). of cotton. maar by Eupolis again them, for Ball Árum, as baliſta. + Bandacion, cotton, bombaſ. which they drowned him. # Ballo, arc i to-throw one's body: Bainbalio, õnis ; m. ajtammerer. # Bapics, a soft li'one of an ex:ellent + Ballo, ere; to Ding out. +:Bambata, ſguilla. smell. + Billo, ſea-manjier. Bamberga, a city of Franconia. Biptilator, oris; m, a 'baprizer. Ballonoti,.. people of Scythia Euro- Bamborum; a river of Mauritania, Baprifma, atis; n. l [à baptizo] pæ2... full of crocodiles. Baptifmus, i, m. baptiſmi dip Ballote, ĉs ;.f. ibebsrb called Mink Bambyca, or -ce; a city of Meſopo- | Baptiſinun, i; n.' ping, waſhing ing horebound. tapiia. Baprifo, are ; to bap is, wall, # BANūca, 2; to gold ore ; alſo a Bambycatii, e people of Tygris, who Jprinkle, wful wharsin gold is poured. báry their filver and gold, left it Baptiſta, æ; m. be that baptizeth. * Ballostrum, i; a. a place where Mould corrupe thein. Baptiſta, æ; f. the daughter of Ga- many bulbs are, Bimothbaal, a city in tve tribe of leatius, who wrote books of human Balnca, orum; n. 7 baths, publick Din. froilty and true religion. Balneæ. arum;fs places 10 will 7.Bimum, is a, vinegar mingled Baptiſterium, ii; n. a fons, baforg in. Sie Balneum. with oil. barb. + Balncānus, l, lo. a balb-keeper. Bamura, a prople of Lybia. Baptus, & river of the Dareli. 1 Balnçārc, ris ;-;n, [a: balneum) || Bananica, a kind of vine. Baranes, a king of Perlia, who per: oney paid for bathing. Banata,.or-affa; a city of Maurita facuted the Chriſt ans. Balnearis, rc, and balncarius, a, oja. Barac, the name of a city in the tribe am; 'ad), pertaining so daths.. Banatia, the town Banſey, on the of Dan. Balnearlum, liin. a place whore the borders of Scotland. Baracy, an iſland of Gedrofia. bath is in one's houſe. Banaurides, ifands of Tuſcany. Baracum, a town of Cyrene. Balncãticum, ci; D. the saintey paid t Bănaufus, a; m. an artificer wirk- Baracuta, the city Bengala of India the bath kerper. ing by fire ; a handycraftſmin. without Ganges. Balncātor, õiis ; m. the mafior of the Binchus, chi ; the fiſbi aſelius ; alfo ~ Baragafa, a town of Ethiopia. bath. tortoiſe. Baramalacum, s town of ibe Naba- Balneatorius, a, um, adj. belonging Pancona, ibe foron Oppenheim in thel, to be baths; aljo inquiſitive inlo, Germany. + Barangi, the key-keepers to the empe- and meddling wilbi siber folks mat- + Bancus. ci; m. a bank, bench, feat, er t.:6!e. * Bancus Regius, the Barathia, a city of Africa. Balacatrix, icis ; f. a miſtreſs of the King's Binch. Bancus Com- Bă:žthro, onis ; m. a spendthrift; bath.. :. munis, the Common Pieas. from # Balneo, are ; to'betbe. + Baoda, æ; a band of soldiers. Bă å h:um, i; n. a deep place 'ini Balneõlu, li i n. a little bath. Banda, a river in Syria. Bandæ, Athens, into which malefa&tors were Balncum, i'; R. (Banaygacy) a bath, the pope's arms. Ibrown headlong ; alſo any deep or privalo waſbing place. * Balne- * Bandēria, a; f. and Binderium, place , hell. * Baraih:um macelli, un maria, a difilling of water ii ; n a ſmall banner ufid by iba an exceeding great glutton. from & glas, Banding in anatber Romans in war. BARBA, æ; f. [à xpold, gena) veril of water with fire under, Bindobena, a town of India. . a biard. * Barba jovis, lengreen, Bamicor, öris; m. A bath-keepor. # Bundõphorus, a pandard-bearer. * Barba ſenis or petræ, an herb Balo, are; (à fono) so bleat life at Bandum, i; n. the generalis jund with long leaves like hair, * Barba Sheep,; to treat of the nature of Deep, ard. capri, medewert, goats-beard, * Sa. in Varro. # Bindus, a, um ; adj. Arxible, pientem palcere barbam, to let his Balæum, a cilj of Macedonia. moveable. buir grow, to the end he may ſeem Balſa; a city of Portugal. + Bandus, i; m. a band of foldiers. grave. * Ante barbam docet le- + Balsžmcizon, iba juice or oil of kalm. Bans, the reine of e cily in the Brite nes, 7!ck Sprar would reach bis Baltăminum,. i ; 8.67 -02 ; baijam; of Dan. grandame, benca Bangorium, the city of Bangor in! + Barbāmentim, ti; n. a beard. Balcăminus, a, um, adj. [à balfa Wiles. + Barbanus, i; m, an uncle. mym) mass of baim. Baniſa, or Bafaniſa, e people of Barbăra a virgin martyr of Nicome . Balsamita, æ, f. an Indian herb; Thrace. dia; and orber woman. alſo the berb. colimary. * Balianitá Barnas arioer of Ireland. Barzărè, adv. birbiroully. rudely. minor, maudlin.. + Bannarettus, a knighe-banneret. + Ba: baræa, æ; f. winter crafes. Bakāmitus, a, um ; anointed with it Bannire, to outlaw, or preſcribe. # Barbăria, æ; barbarily, rude. baim. + Bannita, æ; f. complexion. Ba baries, 'ei; 't. S. nes, cruelly. * Balsamo, are ; it embalm. + Bannicus, a, um; barford, Excom- Barbaria, æ; f. Barbary, the chiefast BALSAMUM, 1; n. [Bássaroy balm, muni aled. part of Afri 2, containing four king - or she balm-tree Bannius, o river in Ireland. dums, Tunis, Algicis, Fcffc, and + Balteātus, a, um, wearing a bell, t Pannomaga, an iſland before Scy Morocco ; an’iently any country ex-, Balteum, el ; n. 126. Leo. abaret, thia. copi Greece and Italy, but more Baiteus, ei; in. } cingulum facer. t Bannorium and bannerion, A embatically Phrygia. dotale, atat or purſe. banner. + Barbăricārius, ļi, an embroiderer. + Balleus, a purple colour. + Binnus, i; m. or bannum, i; ni Barbáricum, ci; n afbout or cry in Balthafas, a king of Babylon, under haniſhment, or outlawry. an army like the Barbarians; alſo the whows the city was taken by the + Banna matrimonialia, sbe banns of BorehruſowherabeGreckemperors laid Persians, osatrimony. up the Barbarians /poils and preſents, Bar. ror. 1 among the mcw ! . BAR BAR BAS Barbăricus,.. adj. (of Bar: factio, which favoured the Birchæ. i Bārônia, zi f. a barong ibe-fee of a baron. a, um ; baria and + Barchus, i; m, a fool. Phrygia) barburous, rude, ignorant. Barchuſa, a ſmall city of Phænicią, t Barõn!ffa and Baronctiffa; a barsa Baobaricæ veftes, Ph:ygian, an- Barcino, a famous city in Spain, now niet!! wife. broidered, cloatbı, - Barcelona, built by Amilcar, f Bäronŭlus, baronet tus, of baran- Barbărics, ci; f. barbarouſness, inc;-} + Bardaici cuculli, cooled or hooded culus, a knight baronit. vilivy. * IQ ipsâ barbarie, among cloaks. t Barolus, a, um , footiſ, proud, the very Barbarians. Bardana, æ; f.. the great burri fattious, fermingute to what bo ir Barbarifmus, i;m. A barbarous kind # Bardariota, a; m, a soldier of the of peab. guardi Barra, a town in Italy. Barbárium, a proxnontory of Spain. Bardalunes, a learnıd prelate of Me-Barridus, a, um, adj. proud, + Barbarizs, are ; to imitare' or fun fopotamia, wbo wrote againji Mar-| Barrinus, 2, um ; adj. Of or like an vour Barbarians. cion, clephant. Birbaroltoinos, he shit fpeaks barbat Bardeş, is ; m. a have. Barrio, ile; neut, to bray or sry like roully Bardeſants, an biflorian of Babylon, an elephani. BARBĂRUS, a, um ; adf. (à fono) in the rime of Alexander Severus. ' Barricus, ûs m. a braying of an foreign, oxilandilib, unintelligible, Bardi, orum ; puets and philoſophers dlaphant ; alſo the shout of the Ro- barbarous, rude, unpoliſod, burliſh, ibe ancient Britains and man army ready to engage. booriſh, cloumiñ, unavil, fooliſh, Gauls, called Bards. + Barrus, a, um, adj. Arong like an filly, Foruibh, cruel, barbarous, Im- Bardci, or Bardæi, certain faves of Klaphane, manis ac barbara gens, a rude il- Dalmatia. BARRUS, ri; m. [à Heb. beguir, literate posplo. Bardiacus, a, um ; of the Bardæi. pecus, vel à ſono fuo) an elepbant's Barbatia, a town of Arabia. Bardillus, a king of tix I'lyrici, van tooth, or elephani. Barbauus, or. Barbịus Philippicus, a quiſbed by Philip.. :. Barſa, the iſland Bardſey. nder Hallerer bigbly promoted by Anto Bardines, a river by Damaſcus. Barline, ibi wife. of Alcxander the nius :he third. † Barditus, ti; mi a fong of the old Great.' + Barbătoria, a; f. a barber's shop, Bards, Barthābaces, a prie? of Cybele. or trimning of the beard, Bardo, a mountain in Italy. Birthcnos, the wife of Noah in Epi- Birbătūlus, a, um ; ad). having but Bardocũcullus, li ; m. (à bardus & phanius. little beard; neatly trimmed from tallus) a foort French cloak, with Bartholomaus, i; m. Bartholo- Barbatus, a, um ; adj. [à barba) ] a hood ro it, for ruvelling. bearded. + Bardacium, ii ; n. a ſpear or dart. Bartolas, a lawyer .of Saxoferra- Barbatus,.a. Roman conful. Barduli, e people of Cantabria in tum. + Barbcico, ſcere ; to begin to have Spain Barulum, Barrolum, of Barctam, a beard.. Bardum. A town on the Alps. she town Barletta in Apulia. Barb:fola, the town of Spain, now BARDUS, a, um ; adj. (à Bpasus, + Bărunculus, ll; a nan fomowbat Marbella ; alſo a river whence it tardus, biockiſt, fottilb. Strong hid the nimno. Bardus, a king among the Celtæ, fa- Barus, 2, um ; adj. ruddy, + Barbịců ärius, a kind of fiß. mous for the inventing of poetry and Baruffæ, fue iſlands in the Indian Barbiger, a, um , adj. (à barba & mufice. sea. gero) waring, a beird. Bardyetæ, a people of Spain. + Băry.cæ, a kind of building Barbilla, æ; f. (à barbula) a little Barca, a town of Spain. boufes. beard. Barene, a city of Media. Barygala; a farkous mart-town of # Barb:fta, or barbitifta, æ ; m. @ Barga, a barge. Gedrola; alfo e city of Indla with plager upon the luts. Bargala, a city of Ciria. in Ganges. # Barbitium, ii; n, a beard. Bargeni, a people of Africa. Barzanes, a king of Allyria, VAH. + Barbitond:um, il; a. a burbing. Bargus, a river of Thrace. quiſhed by Ninus. Barbitonſor, , oris ; in. (à barba & Bargusti, a wellern people by the river Barabocates, 4 people of Aquitain. tonfor) a burber. Iberus. Bžſaites, kind of marble. # Barbitoria, æ; f. & trimming the Bargyla, a city of Aſia Minor. Báfan, the country of king Og. beard, Bargylus, a mountain of Aſia. Bălanicæ, a people of Thrace, Barbitorium, ii ; n. a barber's pop. Bari, a city of Phrygia. + Bafanites, tis; m.) a teucb-flone BARBITOS,or-us; f.und m. Băria, a Greck arcent, called a Bă!anus, J or whateflons. Barbicum, ijn. } a lute. grave. Baranus, the king of the Sicambri. ¢ Birbirus, having a beard. + Bărigenus, ni; m, 'franger. + Baſcalda, æ; f. a bajon of brafs. Barbo, õnis; 3 [à barba] a Bărine, the name of a perjurid barloe + Baſcania, trifles that Smiths hanged Barbus, i; m. barbel. in Horace. before their loop-windows, + Barbotina, 20; f. wormfood. + Barinus, a, um, adj. hravy; also + Baſcanus, a countryman. Barbŭla, æ; f. [à barba] a little or a kind of fish. Baicath, the name of a city in neat teard. Baris, idos ; f. an Egyptian boat, gribe of Judah. + Barbůlus, i; m, a barbel. wherein were carried dead bodies to + Baſcauda, æ; f. a basket. # Barbura, ; f. fooliſhneſs. bwrial; alſo a river in India, and Baſera, a city of Phænicia. # Birburra, 2; m. A lot, fool. & cafele near the temple of Jeruſa- Baſião, onis ; f. là balio] a kif- + Barbutus, a, um ; adj. baving a hing. + Barithos, a gem full of red Bafiator, oris ; m. a kiffer, Bai byſes, or Barbyffus, & river of fireaks. Baliatus, a, um ; kifid. Byzantium, Barium, the town Barri in Apu- Bafilea, a queen. + Barca, 2; f. a bark, lighter. lia. Baſilea, the city of Baſel in Germany. Barcæi, 6 people of the Colchi and Barlaamus, a monk, whoſe book con- Billel, or Basili, a people of Sar- Iberi, bar burnt their friends, that coming the pope's ſupremacy was matia. died of diſeaſes, as being idle ; bur firji put out" by Johannes Lui- Baſileus, ei ; a king.. thoſe that died in war they cajt 10 dus. Bagleus, a river of Cyprus. vultures, as bring valiant. + Barnacida, a garment that children Basília, on iland of Pontus, Bircani, a prople near the Hyrcani. Baſilica, æ; f. a royal palau, ox- + Barcárius, ii; in. a fhipwright. Barnichius, 'a river of Peloponneſus. change, cathedral cburib ; aljo the Barca, or .con, she same as Marnia- Barnuus, a town of Macedonia. herb gentian ; alſo a fuple. rica ; alſo ibe nurſe of Sichæus. BARO, õnis; m. là Bapùigravis) Băsīlice, adv. magnificonily, royally. Barcæus, a, um ; of Marmarica. a block-brad; allo sfree-balder, a Baglicum, a king's robo į the burb † Barcella, o barcula, æ; f. a little baron. baſl; a kind of vine; alſo the Joip or boat, , ; walms Barcellarius, ii; m. a bargeman. Baro, a woman addified to pbilosophy; Basīlicus, a, um; adj. magnificent, Barcha, a jurname of a moft noble whence unskilful pbiloſophers were royal. * Nux basilica, a walnur. Carthaginian ' family, of which called Barones. • Baglicus fings, iba Persian boy, Hannibal was ; wbonis Barchina Baron, the hard favim. wafering on lonja. Basilides lem. great beard. war. the post. + meon. A В А Т : BAT B E B Bafilide, a people of słythia Euro- l Bage i alle a name given Demoft- | Battis, a maid celebrated by Phlletas pai. henes when be was a child,' ; Ballides, on heretick of Alcxandria, Batana, a place near Euphrates: Battõlogia, ż; f. (à Battus] vain who bild that there were 365 bra- Batancæfara, e city of India within babbling wens, and that the soul inly was Ganges. Battólogus, i, m. a vain babbler. faved, mibe body, Bataaca, 4 down in Syria. Batton, a certain comedian. Básilindz, &, f. she play called one + Bataris, ' a name of a ferpent. Battus, the founder of Cyrenc in paninen queflions and commands, Batavi, orum; m. the Hollanders. Africa; allo e mepherd turned into BaGliópofanas, the old name of the Batavia, 2, 1. Holland. the Boné index by Mercury, for dif- river Eurotas.. Batavodurum, a town in Holland, covering, bir theft; alſo a simple B filippum, a foron in Spain. called Wyck de Duerfteden. port, full of vain repetitions. Baſilis, city of Arcadia ; also an Bate, part of the rribe Æges. Batuatores, players or fighters at zoaf- bij.orian, who wrote the affairs of Batea, the daughter of Teacer; and ters or cudgels. India. wife of Dardanus. Baculum, 'a callle of Campania Böglifcus, ci; m. a bapliik or cocks- Bateni, a pesple of mount Caucaſus. Batam, a river of Italy. trice. Batenis, the cable of Battenburg in BĂTUO, čre; neut. (à Gray Biblicus, the brorber of Auguſta, Guelderland. quod delphorum eft anti calco) bonijted by Zeno to Limnos. Bateolus, a pimp, a raſcal. to beat or battes, to fight or combat, Bafiliſenc, Turcomannia, in Arme- Baterſega, Batteriey in Surry: 10 fence or foil, to fence with foils, nia Major. + Batha, an oil-miil, to bind up. # Battere rudibus, to Bafilius Magnus, biſhop of Cæſarea, Bathanatil, part of Pannonia. play at woliers ori cudgels--- Habet ja amery to the Arians, and therefore Bath a Ponti, bottomleſs places in the & obſccenum fignificationem. baniſhed by Valens. fea of Pontus. + Băcur, ùris ; n. a kind of herb. Ballius s gmerel of the Opiterg - Bathcus, or Báthis, a river in si. + Bácus, i, m. e liquid meaſure of ni; wbe offifed Anthony; and obor cily. 72 featuries; alſo a kind of filo, + Bathin, linnen garments, or breaches. whoſe gall is good for the jars i allo Balingum, Baling in Hampſhire. Bathonica; Batha, Bath city: e brainble. Ba ſünni, faple of Arabia. Bathuel, s city of the tride óf Si- Biztus, a- Greek hiflorian. Bilio, are ; [à balium] to kiſs wan. Bavaria, a dukadom in Germany. tonly." t Bathus, a, um ; deep, ancient. Baubo', ari ; [à sono) to Sono) to bark or Bafis, is ; f. the foot or baſe of a.pil. Bathycles, a certain fordid rich man; bowl. dur; this ground work of any thing. whmce tbe proverb, Bathyclis calix. + Baucalig, and le, and baucaftis, Bares ſtructiles, foundations Bathycolpus, a river by Boſphorus a vellel 10 waſh or cool cups in. of pillais made of rough jones or of Thrace. + Biucălium, ii; n. a drinking-vel- bricks. Båthyllos, a young mon af Samos, be fel with a narrow mouth. Balítani, a people of Spain. loved of Anacreon; and others. Baucis, the wife of Philemon, who BASIUM, ii; n. (à fono) a kiſs or Băchynon, profound. entertained Jupiter and Mercury, buſs. Batiæ, a 'sity of Epirus. travelling rhrough Phrygia ; alſo Baioropedas & country of the Medes. + Baticula, æ; f. famphire, or fea. an old herb-woman. Pallaicus, a name of Bacchus. fennel. Bārius, and Mævlus, two fooliſh poets, Dalsăricas, a, um , adj. belonging to Batleia, the tomb of Ilus in Troas. who envied Virgil. Bacchus, et his priels. Bazillum, li ; n. 19u, patulum) a (qu. patutum ) a 1+ Băvio, ire; to boaſt, Bzisăr-is, idis; f. a prieſleſs of Baco, Batillus, izm. fire-pan, chafing- Bzull, a town in Italy. chus, aljo a garment of Bacchus's dijb. paddoff, Eckle. * Batillus Bauma, a town in Ethiopia. prieſts. cubicularios, a warming-pan, be to Bavota, a lown of the Salentinės. + Baftatum, ti; a. a chawn or bap pan. Bautica, a river of Gallia Ciſalpina. in the earth. Batina, or Bantina, a toum of Apu- Brucifus, a river of Serica in A- Bafrana, a loun of Pannonia, nobo: lias fia. Boffega. + Batinio, irc ; 10 frike. + Paxa, and -ea; f. a. patrin, Baffianus, the name of an emperor ; i + Batinum, ni ; ni a black-berry, or wooden clog i sbors uſed by the Cy. alſo a biſhop deid.berry, nick shiloſophers, made of the bark Barfus Cæfius, a lyrick port, to wbom + Bă jocus, -c2, and batraca, batio of palm-trees. Perfus wrote bis sixib jutyr. lu, a por out of of which wine is Bazacaca, , an Indian ifand. Baffus, the name of ſeveral men. Foured; a wine-bottle. Bavanis, a city of Armenia. # Baffus, a, um ; low, grofs, fat.. BATIS, is; f. [à bare, rubu's Baziothia, the nains of a city in the Basta, a town in Italy. the barb Jampbire; allo e limle tribs of Judah. + B ftaga, æ ; f. curriage. bird, * Baftagia, æ; f. a viftualling ibe Batis, idis ; f. a ray or sk:18. lling B ante D., -camp. + Batium, a kind of linnen breeches Bastagiarios, ii; m. a porter, a vic wird hy priajis. B. D. for bonum datum, tualier for the camp. Balne, a city of Oſrhoëra. Bdellium, an Arabian black frut, Bastanalus, a badmn of Arabia. Baton Synopſenfis, a Perfian hillo- bearing gum; alſo the gum itfelf B ftanei,.. people of Arabia Deferta. rien ; alio a charioteer of Amphi sweet in smell, bitter in taſis. Bastarne, and Baftcrnc, a people of Sarmatia Europa:a. Batos, a black berry.free. B ante E. Bafterani, a posple of Egypt. Batăchitcs, ia jone like a green Bafterbini, a peorle of Italy. B. E. for bonorum cuptor, or bona + Balterná; ; f. a close litter, fe- Batrachium, ii; n. a paint for faces cjus or corum: dun. infaad of vixirds; also the herb Beāte, ady. happily, prosperouſly: + Balternarius, ii; m. a carrier ranunculus, Beatiticus, a, um, (a beatus & fa- or guider of the lirler. + Batrachius, ii; m. the fonte found cio) making happy Baftetani,. a. people of Spain, in the toad's head. Beātifico, are; to make happy or bleffed. Baftetum;a frong raſle of Italy. f. the inis j f. Baluliis a pecple of Lybia. battle deiween the frogs and mics. Beātitas, atis ; #Baty interji sush, huſb. Batrachns, e frog Bcālrix, icis ; f. a Roman vrgin Bata, a sown in Ada.. Batrăchus, im. a ſwelling under and martyr. Batala, an ancient town in Italy. the tongue, with an infummilion ; Beārulus, a, am ; somewhat happy. + Batalars, to handle his arms, alfofra-fish, called a foa-devil, Ležiūlus, li ; n. a rich spark. *Hatalaria, Q'; f. a kind of purple. ☆ Batritæ, arum ; kine. Beātus, a, um ; adj. -jor, -iflimus; Balalarius, it; m. the.fame as baca. £attarus, the name of a river. (of beor) happy, richi * Beatus lapius.. : Battara; polars of Virginia. ager, a fruitful field, + Batalium, is:;: n. a bönle, fight. : Butti:dæ, the people of Cyrene. Brbiani, the Ligurian's, in Italy. Börzlus.diami a. Wanton o-njrd. Sale ades, Callinachus,' the.son 0, Bebrus, a mountain of who fir ujed womans flors upon the Balus, breushing out fire like Ægna. Bebius . araas. frog. : 1 BEL BE: L BE M to w17 wur. very well. Bubius Pimphilus, a Roman conful, ! Bella, a form in Campania. De Bello Campo, the family Beau. B:h!us Maria, an inforw... under Vel-it Bellacitas āris; f. warlikeneſs. champ. paſian. + Bellacitcr, adv. writibaly. De Bello Monte, the famil, Beau- # B:b?a,,æ; f. a kind of. dars und BELLARIA, õrum; n. (à bellus] mont. by the Barbarians. banqueting:Suf, jwest-meuts, dain. Bellod vium, a Bellodefertom, Bel- Bebriācum, a toron in Italy, wbere ties, the ſecond courſe of turis, con dciert in Warwickshire. Vitellius ove!'.arne Oibu. feats, candied or preferved fruits, Billo, are; Bebryces, or Bebrycii, a people of 80 make war, &c. the deferi; alſo the choicer forts Bullor, ari ; } Thrace. of winas; Bello, ihe city Tariffa in Spain. Bebryx, a king in the Pyrencan't Belāris, æ; f. the flower of the Bellocafli, e perple among the Celta, miuntains, berb lychnis. called a fo Baiocenſes. Bccabunga, æ; f. fea-purſain, or Bel'ātor, oris ; m. là bello) a war. Bellogradum, the town Belgrade. er broot liine. rior. * Bellator en Gs, an arrring Gricchiſ:h Weiffenburg, in Ger Becare, a very convenient haven of Afia. sword. Bellator cquus, a war. many. Bechica, orum; n. medicines ogainh : horse. Bullona, æ ; f. the fifter of Mars. the cough. Bellātorius, a, um ; adj. perlaining Bellonarli, Bellona's prieis, wbi fae Bochicus, a, wm; adj. of a cough. or warriors, Jumenta crifired their own blood to her. Bichion, ii; n. the herb foal-foot, er hellatoria, wzr.horſes. Bellofus, a, um ; ad), warlike.. ale-brof. Bel!átrix, icis ; f. a w.irl.ke woman. Bellovaci, the people of Bellovacom, Be bircs, a perple of Scythia, who *.Bellatrix triremis, a gelley for the town Beauvais in France, come into Itali, and become great the Iracuadia bcllatrix, anger | BELLUA, 2; f. là bcllum, vel ab drinkers of wine. couping one to fight. Heb. balang, deglutivit] any great Beda, a; m. A venrahle monk of Bellalūlus, lt; in. [à bellus) a pretty or crual barp, a monfier, a wbalı. Fenkal-Abbey in Englaod, neur litsle riginy. Bellualis, lc; adj! braflly, nofly, bru- Dirham. Bell.x, ācis ; adj. warlike. tib, # Bedcgnor (Arab.) the wbite thiſle. B: lè ady. well, proity, pleaſingly, B:lluatus, a, um ; adj. painted or Bidella, æ; f. a kind of drug und Bellè negare, to deny with a wreught with beads.' * Belluata horſe-lach. pretty 6x!ufu * Cætera bcllè, the taperia, tapeffry lo wrougbi. Bidellus, li ; m. a headle. reft are at a good pafs. * Non + Billues, she murrain, B:dlordia, ; f. Bidrord. bel è reſpondent, ibey don't agree + Bellu:lis, le ; beaſtly. Beditum, a city of Libya. Bolluinus, a um; adj. [a bellar) Budaini, cartan Arabians and Sara- Bellelanda, Biland in Yorkſhire. belonging to teall, cruel. cens, zubo ruſhed into the baule Bellěrophonics, 18 ; tbe son of Glau- B-llule, adr. featly, prettily. wirbut urmour, referring all 10 cus, who nol gielding 1o Sthenobæa, Bellulus, a, umi (berlus] fáir, Mare, thinking death unuvoidable, wife of Prætus, he accuſed him falfly picily gallanta + Bee the voire or cough of bep: 10 her husband, wbe thereupon fent BELLUM, 11.; n. (à mána. vibro, Beellephon, ibe name of a city in him with letters to Jobates king of vel qu, duellum) war, ibe Hara Eypt. Lycia to kill him; hence the pro of war, or all be time of war; the Buc zobub (Heb ) the lord of fies. verb, Bellerophontis liidras affert. foldiers baggage, &c. belonging 10 Bec:rainath, a city of ibi tribe of But overcoming all dangers, Jobatcs the war; a ſingle fighs, warfare; Simeon. rewarded bits with his daughter, [mci.] batrid, confit7.' Bellum Bel, the name of the Babylopiſh idol. ant part of bis kingdom ; whersupon irahcre, to lengthen out the war. Belor Beles, the name of Apolo Stheoobea killed berful ; Ovid. Be'la anni, Spring and fall, where- among the Aquilcienſes in Ilaly. Bellerus, a king of Corinth; from in are moff llorms and impeſts. + Bela, an old word for a ſhop. the killing of wobom Bellcrophontes Bellum darc alicui, to make one a Bcla, z; m. a king of Pannonia. hud his name, bring before called general, Post bellum auxilium, and everal kings of Hunga:y; alſo Hipponopus. afir death the do&or ; (Prov.] the nime of a city's Bellcihani, a people of Spain. Bellom fine hoite, a civil war. Belcaftartas, the son of Hram, king Belli, in or by war. Simulachra belli, jufts and four- of Tyre. Bellico, are i 10 wagi war. namenis. Virg. Beledonii, a prople by the rein.. B.llicosè, -iùs, -iffimè; adv. war. Bellaõlus, a, um; or be!uoſus, a, + Belemnita, 'thunderbolt. likely, valiantly. um ; adj. full of monjiers. Belenus, the same as Beles or the fun. Berlicól-us, a, um; ior and iffimus; BELLUS, a. um, adj. (qu. benel- Beleus, a river of the 'Tyrians. urliont at arnis, warlike. Bel las, ā benus, i. c. bonus fair, Belga, arum; Low Dulchmen; alſo licoſus annus, a year Spont in war. prelis, proper, courteous, flattering thi inhabitants of Hampſhire, Wilt- Bellicropus, a, um, adj. (à bellum * Fronte ac vulcu bellus, ſmiling. mirc, Somerſeifhire. & crepo) ruſling in armcar. *Beina, ibe town Bealne in Burgundy. Belgicus, a, um; adj. B lgis, Dutch Bellicrepa falcatio, a daning in B:!o, are ; to bloat. Belgites, a people of Pannonia. Belochus, the ninth and rinsteinib Belgium, a country of the Belgæ. Bellicum, cl; n, an alarm or hgnal king of Affyria. Belgiu, a king of the Gauls; also a of batile. * Beliicum cancrc, 10 Belon, a city and river in Spain. river of Libya. Jound in alarm; alſo to encourage Belönc, és iro a file like a nudle. Burial (Heb.) the devil, unprofitable, or fir up. Belonoides, iw proceffes from the without yoke. B:!licus, a, um; adj.wirlike,martial foundation of the temple-hones, Belides, Palamedes, or any of be Bellifer, a, um, adj. (à bellum & Belos, an arrów or dart, the compass Hork of Belus. foro] making war. of the firm ment ; aljo 4 pavement. Bilion, a river of Calaica. Belliger, a, um ; warliks, martial. Bellinum, a ciiy in Spain. Belippo, a town in Spain. Belligero, are ; to make war. Belua, a great bra,?. Su belloa. Belis, idis ; f. a daughter or grond. Bellianus, a Roman, whole houſe was Belvidere, foarrow tongue. daughier of Belus. * Belides, the burnt aſ the funeral of Caius.Cæſar. + Belalcus, -cum, er Belelius, a fura 50 daughters of Danaus, who mar. Bellinus, as biſhop of Padua. gron's infrument to draw out arrow - ried to many sons of Egyſthus, and Bellinus Gnus, Billingſgate in Lon. kends. by their father's advice few them all don. Belunum, a roum of she Venetians. in one night, Saving Hypermneftra, Bellior and -jas, more gallant and gay. Belus, the father of Ninus, and king wbo favid Lynceus. Their puniſh- Bellīpõtens, ntis ; adj. 3. art. potent, of Affyria; alf Jupiter the ſon of ment in hell is feigned to be pouring puiſant, mighty in war. Saturn or Nimrod, the first man water into a tub full of holes ; Bell:Tama, Rhibel river er mouib in that was made a god; a rtuar of wbence the proverb, Danaidum, do Lancaſhire. Scythia, wbare glaſs was firf madá. lium, an unſatiable glutlon ;, Orid, BELLIS, id s; f. [à belus) the dais: Belzoin, e precious gum of sbe word Beliſarius, a fortunati general under Bellissimo, adv. very finely. Bel. alios. Justinian, who bring bosb feared and liflimè pavigare, to fail with a Beinarchus, a Sophifler Cxfarea, invied, had bob bis eyes fut out. brave wind. wbs wrote the acts of prince Con B:1 tani, the ſame as Lilliiani. Belliſsimus, a, um ; very good, finoſ. ftantine. BeLifra, alown in Italy. Bellitūda, inis ; f. fairneſi. Bembina, i town of Nepal, when LIU Bem. armour ! 1 the wagi 1 1 the Alps. BEN BEN BER Bembipites.bellaa; the Nemcan lion. Běněvõlasa, um , adj. [à bene & alſo an Egyptian quim, wbo, upon Benacus, Istrid Lombardy. yolo) friandly, kind, favourable, the return of Ptolemæus Lagus, cut + Binarigs or Bennarius, matter of a li bearing a gốod-will. off her bair, and ſent it so 'Venus's tisstagents of plajèrs carried about in Benjamin, á Spánith Yow, who wrote tample. : carts, i purnal of all the remarkable Berenices-coma, the hair of Berea BeAdis: a mainit of Diana among the things in i bio world; allo the nice, surned into a triangle of joven Thracians. jotengok of Jacob's fons by Richel, pars at the tail of Leo; alſo the Bendidia, Sacrifresies Diana. Tror whom was named one of the name of feveral cities. Bene, a city of Creet. twelve trites of Ifrael. Berènicis, part of Africa, about tbt Bend, och us. opimè; ady, weili Benignè, -iùs, -iffimè; adi, courts city Berenice. Pippily; papprroufi * Bond lon skifly, biuntifully, liberálly, largely, Berenithcaces, a viver of Arcadia ; gus ſermo. a tedious difputation. . ; * Benignus vivere, to livi in good on the banks of it is the rown Bè- Bene en alicui, ir rares well wirbt fellowship. Benigniè monftrare renthe. bin. D'li benè eft igno. (Plaui.] viam, to be meidy to show a franger Bercs. a city of Thrace. be hai wood enough. Velim bene * Benignè audire, Beretbiš, a town of Æthiopla. vcnitë, I wist may or for star hear one patiently. Berex, a nation batrocin Tadia and tårtti Bure vales (at the end in Bénignitas, atis; f. bounty, liberalily: Æthiopia lusters, &t. ) larrull, fabbier, grase, gerilmeſs. * Sammâ Berge, a town of Thrace, whare An- # Benea, or -umn, places tobiry water cun bcnignitate audire, td hearikën tiphanes the comedian woºrs born. Hobur of the minh with gailenes and claninicy. Bergæus, an inhabitant of Burge. Běnědicé; y forth fair Soxerh. Benign ter ; adv. beuntifully Bergepolis, a city of the Abdcrites. Benči;-0, , cium; to blefssie ik Běnignus, a, um, adj. (à bene] + Bergia, a; f.' a 'rod or 'mace. i fair, tomania. liberal, courseous, bountiful, furky, Birgidum, a'rity of Spain, called Ber- Bončila; æ; f. the bord bünet; a fruitfül. Vini fomnique bcnig- dun. si, nus, much given to sleep and wine. Bergintrum, and Bergnitrun,'a con Běnčeliaio; õnis; f. a bleſing, com * Tera ben gna, æ fruitful coun vent of St. Bernard, upon the top of. med.. try; * Ben•gno vulta & fermone, Bčnédiálum; in a good saying, in vary courteouſly Bergion and Albion, two giants, the bonefirdrerit, toving and find Speab. Bénignus, the fri billtop of Divlo' in fons 'of Neptune. * Bened Aay and wife Jigings. Burgandy, where he ſuffered mar. B: giftant, a prople of Spain. Běnědicts, im. Bineti a man's fyrdon. Be gomun, a town in Italy. namne, ze ho tóre the first one fourisded Bunlauni, a people of Vindelicia. Bergula, a'rily of Tbirace. the order of vonks in Italy. Ben-meródach, the bigbe king of Ba-Berzucia, a city of Spain, and another Bčnědiaugian. um; part. of benc bylon. of France. Alcor, bleed, # Benna, f. a zaggon, dung- + Berilliſtica, æ; f. the art of show- Běnědicus, a, um , adj. blafing or curt, a cradle. ing any soupe deſired in a glijs. reafing Ecnna, Bena, or Banæ. & city of Berillos, licin. a prelart of the city Beděl-acio, eci, atum: aččce; to do 't'hixcc. Boſtrena in Arabia, ridaced by Ori- Com a good urn. * B:ncfr.cic ho- Boninicus, a, um ; adi. of Benna. gen from frueral errors nc icum, a benefit is will be lowed. Barnaventa, Wecdon, in Northamp- Berinfona, a towri of Inſubria, called Bənöfzvom, i; n. z gord deed, a lr. tonſhire. Belinzona. tietis. * Benefaas, greet exploits. Bengrach, a very ancient Hebrew, Beripara, a town of Thrace. Baneficentia: še; f. liberality, bouns. author of moral ſentences. Beris, or Baris, o mountain in Ar- Beneficiālis, le; adj. tolonging to a Benas, ibe old zbord for bonhs. menia, where she ancients bought beriefie Benzoinum, the gum benjamin of many were lavori in the fims or ile Běněticarius, ii ; m. be that reisites boncoin. flood, and that Noah's ark refied a breht, or is priviledged; Tiedged; also a BEO, ae; [à gáy GÓ, vel 80 vi There ; alio a river in Cappadocia Omoner. vo] to blefs, confort, make it or Berklea, Berkley in Glouceſterſhirc. Běněticlärjus fundus, a far-farm, to happy. it Calo aliquem beare. Bermundi Inſula; Bermondſey in Ashold, Bildern by förrie service. make one a faint. * Se beare; 'to Surrey Bencficium, ili n. Cic. a kèrofit, to take his pleafure. Bernardi Caſtellum, Bernard-Caſtle, Service, thes, good turn, favour, Beon; a city of the Anorites, beyond in the bifroprick'of Durham. privilege, binifice. * Beneficii fui Jordan. Bernardus, i, m. Bernard; olfo an centuriones, ſuch as he himself had Bcpyrus, a city on the caſt of Guriges. anrient monk, 'aboot of Claravallis, ndvanred. * Meo beneficto, by Berabee, a town of India without A.D. 1127 * In fummo beneficio, Gaiges. Berhiva, a town of Spain, called Bi- agrist kiirdress. B-rabanna, a mari-fouin of India Běně fic-us, a, um, adj. -ent:pr, wirbor Ganges. Bernenſes, a people of Rhætia. -entiilimus; bencficial, literal. Barambe, a 'ctiy of Babylonia. B:rn'a, Ireland Bčněl-lo, -ičti; neut. paff, so be be-" + Berbèrion, a ſhell.fb, wberrir güarls + Bernica, a bannile. muhted or pleaſured. riot. + Bero, onis, a fack or latchel. Beněmčicns, nt's; defarving well. BERBÉRIS, is ; f, the barberry-free, Beroa, a town of Theffaly. Bencatérieor, eri's no deferte well, to white thorn-frei. Beroë, ĉs; f. an old woman of Epi-. dira god turn Bercycæ, 4. certain people that kill-all dauris, the nurſe 10 Semele, in Beneméritus, a, um ; part. of bene tbár live abode fach a time. wboſe Base Juno perfuaded her 10.: mercot, į bzving deforved well. Berbis, atawn of Pannonia. defire Jupiter to come to ber in the Benefzadus, a, um ; adj. (à bene & Bercheria, Berkſhire'; Berchenfis, jame manner.os he used to coine ito Suadco | advising of confelling till. belonging thereto. Juno; alſo other women. Běněvemenom, i, n. a kind of Ba-Bercorcatcs, a sergle'ofi Aquitain. Bercea, a; f. a city of Macedonia ; byloniſh breite Berez, a riiy of Arabia Deferra, and the people Bercenfus were praiſed Bencvc min, n porn of the Hirpini, another of Indła wirbin Ganges. by St. Paul for their nudy and coiled Mileventum defore the coming Bercchiagum, Berking in Ency, krowledge of the ſcriptures, of sho Roman eclony bitber, Bětěcynthia, the mother of the gods, Berõſus, a Chald an gjirologer ;, alſo Běnčio'è, adv, faveuredly, 'with a ſo called from an hijlorian, who forse think was good-wili, "Beracỳn:hus, a' snörntain of Phiy. equal to Moſes ; alſo an bill in Benčučl-ens, dels; ád). 3. art. -ntior, gia. Tawica, having abree fountains, -ntiffimus; favourably friendly; B:regra, a town in Italy, rich.ch 'kill without remedy and with. beuring good-will. *' Benevolen. Beregrani, the people of Betegia. our pain. tiffimi ofico u"gì, to ao sbe part Berengaria, the wife of Richard king B roth, the name of a city of a very de.ir friend. Die England, daugh:er 'of Garlas Berrola, a równ“of 7Ethiopia. Bčněvõlent!a. ; f. Cic. favur, king of Navàire. Berfänoia, a large city wbout iba river good-will, Præſtare benevolen- Berengaris, in Italian captain ; and Naarma!cha: tiani alicui, to bear good will Yo- Berſanc, a widow beloved by Alex: wards me, Bérča:ce , the name of ſeveral wómén ; ander the Grcát. Berſilia, my meins navar. other wen. Barwicum } Berwick upon tret. c49. BET BIB BIC Berſilia, a country of Sarmatia Euro-| B-tar mones, tbs Corybantes. Bibacilus, . poet of Ciçmona, and paa. Betail, 4 people in B abint. anther mentioned by Cæfar. Berlima, a city of Me.opotamia. t Becele, or Betre, baſtard-peppar. Bihacun, 4 wily of Germany, poze Berlinum, or Belusom, a city of Beteorice, Betóricze' inrulæ, Bibiach. France. iſlands of Scotland. Bibaga, an Indjan iland, full of Berta, a city of Meſopotamia. Bithacaraja, a town of Palestine. Ball-in. Bertha, der wiſco Baldwin forl. Bethania, æ : f. a town in thilde Bibili, a people of Spain. of Holland, married by Philip king of wount Olivet. t. Bibailun, i; n ari indrüment of the Franks. Bethlchem (Heb.) indcc. the name husbandry. Bertulphus, a king of the Morcians. of two cities, one of the tribe of Ju- B.bafis, á siyor of India. Berubium, prormonsory on the call of dah, the other of Zebulon. Bibaſtus, a city of Thrace. Scorland. B:thphage, a little 'soinon mount B bax, acis ; adl. 3 'art. id bibo] Beruchenfis, of Berkdire: Olivet. willing, qurfing. Beruna, rhin sily Verona in Ita'y. Bēth otrophium, ii; n. an hospital. + Bibe'les," is a double coat. Bethſaida, a town of Galllec. † B bērcs, small cups wherein minks Tweed. , # Bolo, čre ; to go had their drink me jured 10 Khim. Beryllus, li; m, a precious flone, fix-: Bětonica, æ ; fthe herb betony. Bibērius, a name given Tibirius for quare, and gruniſ. Betonica Pauli, the herb fusllın or his grody drinking of wing. Berytis, a city of Phænicia; Another speed-well... Buton'ca altilis of Bibēria, a; F. Plaut. 180 much de in Arabia, Galled alfo Dioſpolis. coronaria, the clue giliiflower. file of drink. BĒS, bellis, m. (qu. des, 1. c. deeſt, Bcronica ſuperba, a pink. - Bibiana, a Roman virgin and more fc. triens affis) eigbt cunces weighi Bctoræ, aram; f. thorni. for under Fullan. alſo eight parts of an acre divideo. BETŮLA, [ài batųo, d. 6. Bibinarla, a; f. a meal ruous womeini into twelve equal parts. BETULLA, ;,f. cædo) a birch-t Bibīnārium,' Il ; s.menftruous blood, Befa, a fountain of Theffaly, between # Bibino, arc; to defile with mene Offa and Olympus. Betuletum, i; n. a grade of birches, Arious blood: Befadæ, & people of India wisbow Betūso, a town and river of Spain. + Bibiones, um; pl. m. Little Bies Ganges. Bēru us, li ; m.a precious fong of the breeding in wine. + Besăla, æ; f. wild rur. wbite jasper kind. Bibiſcum, the town Vlvis in Gallia Belaro, a city in Spain. Betunica, a city of Spain. Narboncnas. Besbicus, a ſmall iſland abrut. Cyni. Beturia, a country of Spain. + Bibitor, Oris ; .m. A drinker, Betuſa, a town of Meſopotamia. B bicut, impe: 1. (ab : :s) they drink: B:ſcia, a city of Auſonia. Beverlea, Bevciley in Yorkſhire. Bibium, A city of Liburnia. Befceath, the name of a city of the Beverleccnfcs, the people of Beverley. 'Bibix, ic's; f. e fight between two, 'Irike of Judah, Bezabde, a city of Allyria. Biblia, a; f. the wife of Duillius, Beſidiæ, a sown of the Brutli. Bezeni, & prople of Galicia. who first triumphed after a naval Belippo, or Beffippo, a pore-lown in Bezoar, a precious flore very cordial. il villors, Ske being blumeday bor busi Spain. Bezoard.cos, a, um ; of bimrar. band for not telling him of his linking Befor, the name of a river in the breais, anſwered, what he i bought country of Paleſtine. Banta F. all mens brcasa bad lo falt. Befa, a city of Phocis, another in. B-blia, orum ; n. the bible, Locsis, and another in Pe.opon- B. F. for boņum factum ; ou bona B:5!inaria country of Thracc. nefüs. fide, fortuna, filia, or feenina, Bibüõgrăphus, i'; im. 4. grivıner, Bestara, a city of Aflyria. book writer, Beffarion, á learned cardinal, very B ante G. B bliolachas, Didymus so called, wobo bountiful towards learned man; he wrote 3500 books. wrote in defence of Plato, againſ B. G. for bone gratia, B bllon, ii ; n. A book, voume. Trapezuntius. Bibl:opegus, i; m. a book-binder. Beſsalis, le ; adj. 3 art. [à bes] of Bani H. Bibliopola, æ;m. A koakfeller. right ounces or incber. Bibliðihēca, if a library, and, Belias, or Belas, an iland of Aby. B. H. for bonus homo, bona hære- Bibliothecalis, Te; ad).:of a library, dog, wbich beretofort gave orarlas. ditaria, or bonorum hærcs. Belli, a people of Thrace, mear Pon- B.bliothecarias, i, m. a library tus, living upon robbery. : B ante y. kurper. Beſlus, a prefeat of Baarlana, who # . Biblum, the card of Alip. Now Darius. B. J. for bonum judiciom. Biblus, j; f. aj Egyptian ruſl, wbich Beflyga, a mart-town of India. Biæon, or Bæum, wins made of they prude parar of alfo a book Bestygas, a river at Bellyga. railing and ſalt-water. alfa.a river of Naxos. Beflygiæ, a people eating sens feff. Biana, a town of Arabia Felix, BiBO, i, itum, ecc; ad caring) BESTIA. æ; f. [à Biosos, violentus, Biandina, a town of Laconia. $0.drink. * Avidâ aurc bibere, 10 vel à Bous, bos,&c.]á beaji, fowl, + Biangulus, a, um; baving two hear aftentively.: Bibere more or fibb, a forpene. * Ad beftias Græco. to take of one's sues briškly. damnare, to adjudge one to be corn + B.anor, oris ; m. one that is prong. * Bibere colorém, (of wool. &c to piores with wild dogs. Bianor, the firname of Oenus, who to take ſuch a colour. * Blucre Lucius Beftia, & man mentioned in built Mantua. mandata, so forget bus arrand by Cataline's.conspiracy by Salluft. Biarchía, the offi:e of Biarchus. drinking B:ftiālis, lc ; adj. 3. art. beaflly. Biarchus, 1 ; ör-a, z; m: an officer. Bibo, onis ; m. a great arinkar. Villi beftiales, Joag-bairs, in the emperor's court and camp for Bibonuni, a town in Germany. + Beſt alītas, ātis; f. beanlineſs, proviſion of viftuali. Bibolus, as bibax. Beitialitèr , adv.in a beaſily manner. Bias, m. one of the ſeven wife mon of Bibracic, a town in France B:ſtiārium, ili na place where Greece, who bring asked why he car. B brax, a town in Gallia Belgica. beggs are kept. ried nothing out w'th him wben thr Bebraci, tbe men of Biay hundred. Beftiarius, a, um ; adj. of a beaſ. city was taken, anſwered, Omnia Bibulus, a, um ; adj. là bibo) fuck- Beftiarius, 11; m. one condemned to mca mccon porto; alſo a king of ing up quickly, drawing up greedily, figb: with wild beats, the Argivcs. * Charis bibula, blotting.P. por: Beſtiõla, æ; f.,[bcftia) a little Biafori, a people of India. Bibulus lapis, a pumice fons traft or ferpeni. Biatia, a town in Spain, Bibolus, she idle colleague of Julius Beſt us, a, um ; adj. beaſtly, cruel Bībācītas, ātis; f. a quafing, extra- Cæfar. BECA, ; f (a fimilitudine litera) ordinary drinking Biburgum, the city Biborge in Dén- the herb bres. * * Insípidor buta, á Bibācītère adv. swillingly, mark. witleſs fellow. Bibacta, 'an and at the mouth of + Bicarium, ii ; a, a drinking-cup. Béta, a city in the gulpb of Ethiopia. Indus. + B cellium, lijn, a houſe with two Betaceus, of or like a oslt i alſo a Bibācủlus, a, um ; adj. [à..bịbax] cellars. litslauset. always drinking or ſwilling Biceps, ipitis ; adj. 3 art. [à bis & caput) . corners. ܪ܂܂ 2 11 iܝܐ 1 BIF BIL BIP caput) having two beads or parts. (Biformātus, a, um ; 2 [á bis & for-1+ Bilotcs, beaſily mor. Civit:biceps, a city divided in- B.formis, me; adj. $maof too | Bimalcus, ihe god Bacchus, té two fadims. fbanes. † Bimarcus. ci; m. baib.it has loans + Bicerna, arom, a double garment. Bifrons, ntis; adj. having two facis. ttuick murried. + Bicerres, pl. garments fringed or + Bifur, a double er great ibiof. Buxris, se; adj. 3. art [à bịt & furred on bölb fides. Bifurcatus, a, unii adj. iws.fork mare tarwaon'two sons. Bºces, a fen or marfa near Mæotis. Bifurcus, a, um ; } ad. + Bimaritus, twice married. B.chordulus, a, um ; [à bis & chor- Biga, æ; f. (gu. bijuga) a cart or B:mater, tris; the name of Bacchas, .dk] with two brings. Chariot of horjes coupled ſide-ways. who hid iwo mothers, Scaclc and + Bicion, a vetch. *Rhefi niveæ citæque bigæ, white Jupiter's thigh. Biclinium, fi ; n. a cbamber with two and ſwift coach hurjas. Binator, oris ; m. a doubler. beds or tables. Bigam a, ; f. the marrying of two Bimātra, a city of Meſopotamia. + Biclus, 1 ; m. seo-c.ulf. wives, Bimātus, us ; m. (à binus) ibe space Bicolor, oris; adj. [á bis & color) Bigämus, i; m. be that buth two of two jairs. of two colours, Bimembrus, bre; rà bis & mem B comus, * river in Germany. Bigarius, ii; m, a chariol-men brum) of two parts or members. Bicornis, c; adj. [à b:s & cornu) waggoner. Bimenſis, ls; the space of kwa months. with two borns or corners. Bigaſtrum, a city of Spain. Bimeſtris, tie; adj. ( bis & men. Bicoroor, oris ; adlı là b:s & cor- Bğācus, a, un adj. having the fis) of two months. pus) having two bodies, image of a cari draum wb two + Bimo, are ; 10 double. + Bicoxus, a, umadj. [à bis & horjes * Nummi bigari, the Ro Bimon:um, Bincheiter in the biop. cox2] having iw bips. man denari confulares, rick of Durham. Bicubitalis, le; adj. Of two cubits, Bìgemmeus, a, um'; ? adj. [ à b's Bimúlús, a, um; of two years, from Bicu glum, the city Erford in Germa. Bigeamis, me; & gemma) Bimus, a, um ; ad). [à bis, ur bi- ny. having two jewels or buds. nos) two years old. Bida, e city of Maor:tania Cæſarien- Bigèncris, re; 2 adj. [à bis & + Bimus, i; m. dies appointed by the 13. Bigcner, a. um ; s genus) begos phyfirian. Bidalam, a town of Auſtria. of ſeveral kinds, mongrel. Binagra, a city of India within Can- Bidaſpis, a riort of India. # Bigens, born of parents of divers ges. # Bidella, æ; a kind of Indian and nitions. Binarius, a, um ; (à binus) or rivo. Arabian tri. + Bigénus, a, um ; adl. of two di- Bingium, ibe town Bingen in Ger- + Bīdellium, li; n, water dropping vers knds. many. out of the ela. + Bigera, Rif. a foort dload, Bini, a, a; adj. (à bis] two hy two; Bidcas, ntis ; m. (à bis & dens] @ Bigermen, in:8; n. corn of two feris, alſo two. Ccnicanis binis fænc- two-grained fordo melin. rarl, to gain two in ibe hundred. Bidens, ntis; f. Virg. a freep of 120 B gerra, a city of Spain. + Bnio, önis ; a piece of money va- pears old, or wirb two isub longer + Bigerrica, æ ; f, « garment with 14o two penit. than the ref. goats fur. Binua, a city in Affyria. Bidental, atis ; n. Liv. a place them. Bigerroncs,, or Bigeriones, a poople of Bino, are ; to join together, dar Aruck, só be expiuted by the fa- Aquitain. Binoctium, ii; n. là bis & nox) the crij:e of joung Deep: B gis, a city of Drangiana, {pare of two nights. # Bidento, are ; to dig, or facrifice Bigna, arum ; twins. Binominis, ne ; arib a bidens. B:i: a people of Upper Pinoonia. Binominus, a, um ; } nomcn] bav- Bideris, a city of Indła within Gan-Bijūgis, ge; 'adj. 2 (ex bis & fugum) ing two names, , } coupled side by Binonium, or -rium, B'acheſter in “Bidis, a fru town of Mzuritania Cæ fide. * Curriculum bijugo, drawn Durham. farienſis. by two horſes. Binfitta, a town in Mzuritania CE- Bidine; a city of Scythia, and of the + Bilabrum. 1; n. & ibing with two farienfis, Bulgari. Tips or brims, Binthia, a city of Lybia. Bidini, w people near the Citaril. + Bilāglum medicamentum, a medi. Bioca, a city of Sardinia. Biduce fii, a people of Gallia Lugdu cine againſt choler. Bion, onis; m. an eloquent philoſo- nenas, Bilanx, cis ; f. (à bis & lanx) - pher of Boriſthenes; and orber men. Biduum, ui; n. (à bis & dics] A bollance, še Bionci ſermones, falyts.. Space of two days, two days long. t Bilbilis, ibi town Bilbo, in Spain ; Blonia, a city of Italy. Biduo continenti, iwe days foge. alſo ide name of a river but bardmi Biothănătos, violonily hain, twice sbor. Biduam ox menſe cxl iron. derd, a felf-murderer. mere, two days in a menih. B:!b;na, á city of Persia. Bioticum metrun, a meaſure whers- Bicndium, a bazen of Soain. BILB 10, irc ; neut. (à ſono, vel à by we luy and ſell all ibings nuus- Biennālis, le;ttà bis & annus) of bullio) to fornd or burn like a ber, fary for ufo. Biennis, ne ; two years. or as water poured out of a bottle Biottia, a town of Macedonia." Biennium,!i; the space of two years. • Bilbit amphora. Iba pan bailao Blpălium, ii; n. Là bis & pala) e B:cnnus, a city of Creet, Bilbium, a rown in Spain, grubbing.axe, Biept, a posple of Dacia. + Bilex, adj. twice folded. Bipalmis, mc; ads. [à bis & palma) B:tāriàm, į adv. iwo manner of t Bilibra, Inco pound wight. of two Spans, two handfuls broad. Bifárie, ways. + Bilibralis, and bilibris, re ; adj. 3. Bipart-ior, or bipert-ior, ini ;'ro di. B:färius, 2, an ; adj. whicb muiy be art. of two yound. vid. in two. Ipohm or taken two ways. Blinguis, gue; } adj. [à bis & Bịpartilo, or bipertità, ady, in two + B:fax, a double face, double-faced. Bilinguus, a, um ; } lingua] Ipeak parts or fabions. + Bifer, or biferus, a, um ; adj. ing ito languages, double-leagued, Bipartitus, or bipertirus, a, um ; bearing double, or twi:e a year. deceitful. part, divided in tws. + Bifera, or bivira, wiman sbar Biljõlus, a, um ; [à bilis) cholerick, Bipărus, a, um ; adı. [à bis & pa- bas had two husbands. rhurlife. rio) which hath brought forth iwice. Bifidātus, a, um ; clouen, jagged, of, BILIS, is; f. (99: bis list, vel qu. Bīpătens, ntis ; open on both fides Bifidus, a, um ; fà bls & fiúdo) bulis à bullio; vel, ut fel, à Xian Bipedālis, le ; adj. là bis & pes) of claft, or cut in two. id.] choler, selancholy, anger. izoo foor long. • Bipedal's moduli Bifinium, it; (à bis & finis] a di. Bilis, a river in Asia. homincs, of a very mean condition, vihon beturen two bounds. Bilix, īcis ; adj. (à bis & licitum) Bipēdāncus, 2 adj. a foot ibice Bifolium, ii; n. (à bis & folium) woven with a double thread, doublé Bipedanos, 2, um ;-) or drep. tbe hard tway blade. platud. Bipedimui, a people of Aquitain. Boris, re; ad). having a double + Billa, æ; f. a bill. dsor or loaf. '* Tibia biforis, a Billæus, a river of Papblagonia. Bipinnella, æ : 6. }embot burnes ping that bas two llops or holes. Bilongus, twice as long. Bipennifer, a, um ih ving two wings, B foris cartus, a ture played upon Biluftris, re; adj. 3. art (à big & or carrsing an hulbers. a pipe with two rows of botu, laft:um) of ion years pas. Bipennis, is; f. là bis & pennal a balters, bis & marT. Iwo oars. Calia BIS BI V B LA halberi, iwy.bill. wind blowing out of Thrace. two ways of silage. Bipennis, ne ; adj. buving two edges Biltorta, æ; fi biflori or fruke.werd. Biulum, á city of Caria. or wing B.Itritia, ibe city Beſtereza in Hun- Biumbres, having two badows, B peétior, ri. Su Bipartior. gary, + Bivolvia, biving 'two bolas wounds, Bipes, čáis, adj. [å bis & pes) Bifulcilingua, ze ; f. (ga. bifulca lin- having, two feel gua) a cloum or doub:e tongue. + B:zaja, an ifand before Taprobane. + Bip'ag-a, ze, ko garment with Bilu'cus, a, uin ; }(à bis & fculcus) Bizantinus, of Conttant nople. See biles on bob hider. Bllu.cis, cei Cloven-footed. Bipunctālis, le'; adj. (à bis & punc- B.Lullor, a name given by Auguftus Bizia, a cajtle of the kings of Thracs. tum) of two points. unto Mars, for iwie redenging bim Bizon, a city of Thrace.ſwallowers by Birdama, a rowms of India wirbin.. for 'the death of the Craſh and Ju an earthquake Ginges. lius Cæſar, Bizona, a vily of Pontus. Birēmis, is ; f. [à bis & remus] a Bifurgis, a river in Germany. Bank L ante pair of cars, Levis biremis, a Bi'erini, a town of GalliaNa:bonenſis. galley. + Bithalasſun, a place wbere two seas + Birēnus, mi; m. bisbat rows with B, L. for bona lex. Biihias, a city of Meſopotamia. Blaander, e city of Phrygia Ma'or. + Bireta, &; f. a cardinol's cop. Bithon, a man lojtrong th.ut he cou'd Blabia, the town Blavet in C + Birginium, she city Berga in Spain. carry a lull upon his poulders, and Celtica. Birgus, e river of Ireland. theisforo wis boncured with a falur B'achernæ, a place in the ſuburbs of Birias, a rij in Italy: at Argos. Conſtantinople. + Biridus, a, um, white or grey. Bithra, a sown by Euphrates, in A- Blachia. a country of Dacia, CINTA # Brota, a; f. la cars will two rabia Deferta. ly called Valach:a. * Birotom, ti: n. $ wheels. Bithus. Su Bacchius. Blacii, country near Cumæ. Birretum, i; n. a covering for the Bitbyæ, Scythian women, who did BLACTĒRO, arc; là ſono] to blest head, Birrerom album, a fer bo with people with their eyes; alle like a rum, or croak Lks a frog, or jeani's coif. a prople of Thrace. (properly) to cry like a camil. + Birro, onis ; m, a rieb mix. + Bithymun,, i; n. honey gathered Bladina montes, near Ofuy in Ire- + Birroncs, in little ships. of two forts of thymi. Jand. Birrum, i ; n. la red coat, or shore Bithynia, a country of Alla the Leſs + Bladium, i ; n. a blade of corn. Birrus, i, m. coal; alſo a court by' Pontus, over.gzsinThrace ; Blacna, a fruitful couniry of Pontus. ing for the brad. alſo a city of Mylia. Blæsilóquus, a, um; (à b!æfus & Birtha, a city of Affyria. Bithynium or Birbynos, o tity of loquor) luttering, BIS, adv. (sis) twice • B's periit, B'thynja. Blæsitas, ātis; f. a Aanmering. was berofe of twa things. Bithyn:ata, } the people of Bithy- BLÆSUS, or blefus, a, um ; 2d). Bila, a city of Thrace. Bitbynicnſcs, nium. (6* algos, à ſono) jiuliaring, life- Bifaccium, ii; n. a pannier. Bithynus, the fons of Jupiter @Thrace. ping's alſo a man's name, Biſaltæ, a prople of Scythia, who fed Bithyn-os, -jus ; adj. of Bi. Blagura, a mountain of Ireland, from upon horſe-blood and milk mingled Bithynicus, a, um ; thynia. wbole;root flow thru famous rivers, together. Bitias and Pandarus, the fons of Al which wiler almoh all the illund. Bifaltis or Bilalpis, a maid deflowered canor ibe Tiojan, hain by sbe Re- t Blamplan, in a kind of Imall by Neptune, in ibe form of a ram. tuli. bio. Bilamnis, is; m. a place into which Bitias, one of Dido's nobless Biancoforda, Blandford in Doriet faire. two rivers run. + Bito, cre; Blanda, a city of Italy; alſo a city } Biſanthe or Biſate, a city of Mace- * Bitio, lie; and river in Spain. donia. Bitoana, a city of Lydia. Blandè, adv. Batteringly, fauningly, + Bičaria, 2;. f. a wallet. Biton, brother of Cleobis. Imoothly. • Blande palpari, te jooib Biſcoctus, a, um ; twise bakod. Bituitus, a king of ibs Arveni, Panis biſcoctus, bisket. + Bitullum, the ſame as bifurcum. Blandenona, Brony near Placenta. + Biſcum, i;... a kind of wine. BITUMEN, iais; n. là TT«, pix) Blandiculè, adv. ſomewhat plofantly, Bilellium; ii ; n. (à bis & ſclla) a a kind of fat clay or Dime like pitch; er fasteringly. bench for two 10 fit upon. it was u!ed for lime or mortar; as Blandicòlus, a, am ; Cà blandus) Bisītus, i, m. and bileta; a pig of alſo for oil in lamps, according to Blandicellus, $. jomawhar fattening, x months old. Pliny and Statius. Blandicus, a, um ; Hartoring. Biſextas as Biffextos. Bituminandus, a, um; part. 80 beBlandidicus, ci; D. [a blandus & Biſhamum, Bibam in Borkhire. daubed with ſimi, dico] a fair ſpeaker, Biſgargitani, a prople of Spain. Bitūminātus, a, um ; part. of bitu- Bandiloquentia, æ; f. a fair sprake + Bilingua, a; f. mallows, holy.oak. mino ; mixed with bitumen. ing, flattering + Binongus, a, um ; twire as long. Bitumineus, a, um, ad. caminy, of Bandiloquentūlus, a, um ; adject. + Biſmalva, æ; r. water-mallows. or like bitumen. jomcrobat fiatfering. BISON, önis ; and.Öntis ; m. a buff, Bitùmino, are ; 10 daub witb ime. Blandiloquus, a um ; 2 adj. [à blan- Bítūminoſusa, um , adj. (a biru. Blandiloquens, tis; dus & lo- Biſont um, the metropolis of Burgun men) full of Nima. • Celpes bi quor) fair ſpoken, Aartering. dy, called Belanlon. tummofus, a furf to be burni. Blandimentum, i; n. Cic. a regging. # Biſpello, onis ; the fame as Verli. Biturgia, the city Magliano in Tur Blandinento impetrare rad:ces, pellis. cany. (of a gardener) to flatter the roots + Biſquinas, a, um, adj. tho tenih. Bitūriges, a people of Aqoitain, who into a compliunie to farve bis defign. ť Biſta, a kind of vefel. in one day burnt twenty cities, r. Blandior, ire; dep. (a blandas) 10 Bifrenus, a um, adj. (à bis & fe binder Cælar from previſon. faller or fooib. nus) the twelfth. Bituris, a city of Spain. Blandit.c, -er; adv. fastaring + Biffextium, i, n. a meaſure of Biturix, one of ibi Bituriges. Blanditim, two foxlaries. + Bitus, ti; m. a pair of Porks wiib Blanditia, æ; f. Cic. fiattery. Ex- Biffextiles, le ; adj. bifexlile. * B:. a whipping-poji. primere num miculos ab aliqua fextilis annus, the leap year, Bryl, a city of Laconia.. blanditiis, to cog money out of one, B.fextus or B:ſextug, the idd day sur Bivalvis, ve; ad). Cà bis & valvæ] Blanditics, ei; f. in every leap year in February osrning two ways. Blanditia, æ;f, e fawning Biftiros, a city of Thrace. + Bivertex, icis ; having two beads Blandicus, a, um, adj. flattering, Biftoa, ihe fon of Mars and Callirhoë, or tops. pleaſing. Blanditus tcpos, A who built the city Biſtonia in 1 Horace: Bivira, æ; f. [à bis & vir) á widow, ploafing warmtb. Biftones, a people of Thrace. or one that bas had two busbands. Blanditus, ûs ;-ń, ad. A Battering Biftonil, tbThracians. Bivium, 2i; n. [à bis & via) a place or fawning Birõnis, a lake in Thrace, where two ways meet. Blandõſus, a, um ; 'adj. fsir-Spoken Biſtonius Tyrannus. Diomedes king Bivius, a, um, adj. of two ways or Blandulus, a, um ; ad). Somsubas of Thrace. * Biftonius turbo, A forts. * Bivios agrorum cultus, Restoring BLANDUS, 10 go. oni. 4 } .را 1 B L E. B OD: BOL BLANDUS, a, um, adj. (à fono, : Bictonel, a barbaroxs pesple., , fornleſs. vel à Biasa mollis, fair spoken, Bliteræ, the city Betiers in Gallia Bodobriga, a town in Germany by the courtroki, inurry, sretty. Adire Narbonenfis. Rhine. blandis verbis aliquěm, to acg) one + Bliterus, 'or blitcus, a, um, una- Bodola, a city of Perrhæbla or Ther- witb {msorb gentle lianguage. votury, good for naughi. fäly. Blandulia; a fountuin of thi Sabines. Blithus, the river Blithe in Stafford - Badotria, Edinburgh Fríth. Blanii, a pripk of Ireland. fhirc and Northumberland. Baduni, a people of Britain. Blaimonii or Bannonii, a peoplo | Blicam, 1; ni blit or blits, Spinage, Boča, a town of Peloponneſas. rziicar the. Ceira. kind of best wirbout taje. Bacbe, e city of Thef[aly, and a lake + Blanx, fin foil. Bliulzi, a prople of Arabia Felix. of Creet. Blapsigonia, æ; f. lofs of genitation Bluclum, a cofilo of the Toliftobog!i, Bebeis, a lake in Theffa'y, by Ona: in beds, wbars Deiotarus bid his treaſurus. Buedromion, the month June among Blaſcon cr Blaſcorom, the iſland the Athenians, Languilade in France. Bant M. Bordromins, the name of Apollo. B:afphene; adv. b'ajpbemouſly. Buemia, Bobemia, a mot forrile part Blafphemia, æ; f. a curbing, re- B. M for bonæ memoria, or bona of Girmany, about the Hercynian proaching ; plafphemy. matcr:a, bona materna, bene mc-: forelt, Blaſphāmster, adv. blafphemouſly. renti, beata Maria. Bæon, a soron of Taurica Cherſo- Blaſphemo, arc ; to blaſphemi, revila. neſus. Blaiphanus, a, um ; blafphemious, B anio N. Bæotia, a country in Greece, divided Blaſphemus, izm, a blafphearer. froin Aitica by the hill Cirberon. Blaftophænices a peiple of Portugal, B., N. for bene or bona. Bæūrus, + Blata, a kind of pains. B, N. for bona noftra. Beocius, A, um, adj. erlenging + Batez oy blathcae, spots of dirt in Bæoticus, 40 : Bocotia. travelling. B ante o Bæerebiftas, a governor of the Getæ, Batérā:10, onis ; f. a. prin babbling. who brought them to fo much obedi- Blaterālus, a, um rafhly or foolijbl B. O. for benè optimè. m', as to cut down their pinas, and ultered Boa; æ; f. (60's, bos:) a kind of fer. live without them. + Blatorea, a creaking of frogs. pent; alſo the mensels, or (wine-Pux. Boothi, depuries or alifants to officers. BLATERO, arc; heut. [à fono, Baceas, a place in Italy between Pifa, Boētius, or Boethius, a.learned fmao vel à blatio.) to babble ; to spouk and Genoa. tor, whi, in his banilorent by Theo. beſide the purpo e or foulieringly. Bozetes, a river in Liguria, dorick, wrote ſeveral books z. and fo- Blatéro, onis; m. a babbler, or one Boæ, cr-Bææ, a town in Laconia. veral other men. that tells whatever be hears. Boagrius, a river of the Locri. Boetus, a river in Spain'; alſo a fim. BLAT-IQ, ire ; nept. (a ſono, velà + Boalca, ze; a kind of ſerpmt. ple poet of Tarſus, who wrote sbe sántio jacio, vel à cados, Aultus, Buālia. [à bas) plays inſimused for the victory of Antonius a Philippi. to habble, or talk of that which is bealth of kine. Bogadium, a city of Germany. nothing worth. Boane, alake-near Nicomedia. Bogdomantis, a country of Agá Minor. Blato, onis;'m.z babbler, talker. Boandus, Boyn river in Ireland. Boges, a Perlian, who bring befiegedy BLATTA,' ; 'f. [à FÅTTÅ, no-Boarium, ii; n. a markit-place in when his proviſion.was ſpent, fc ceo] a.moth, bealle, pilk-wiem, pur- Rome. killed his wife and children, and ple and red wheas. Cum blattis Boārius, a, um; [å bos] belonging so ban bimelf. & tineis sixari, robe roflon, kine or oxin. Boghan:a, Baghuan'in Scotland. B'atraria,; f. the herb meth-muliein, Boarmia, Pallas ſo called by the Bło-Bogud, a town in Africa, and she Blattarius, a, um ; adj bounted with tians. name of a king. the worm blatta, Boas, an iſland of Dalmatia, alſo a Bogudiana, part of Tingitana. # Blattēla, æ; f. the clufor of blood great serpone in Italy the fucks kitie. Bogus, a king of the Miurusi. coming out of the purple fift. Boatin, #y. like kine or oxers. Bohemia, a country in Germany. Blaticuis 2 a, am ; adj. of purple co-1+ Boatores, um ; M. cloums, or young Bohemus, a, um , adj. Erafm. mi Blactius, leur infants. of Bohemia. Blattifer, a, um, wearing purple. Boacus, îis; m, the bellowing of an ox, Bohilla, e toron in Italy. Blatan og Ablatam Bulgium, the c. tople of a crer, or any grrat noiſe. Bolæ, arum ; f. Backles, a poak abest town. Balnefs in Gumberland. Boaulia, a city of Scythia. the mock. + B'atus or blattus, i, m. a fool. Bobiun, 4 town Kpon the Apennine, Boianum, a city of the Samnites. Blandus, a city of Phrygia. + Bobo, onis ; a rat. Boicmun, the fame as Bohemia. + Blav õlus, i; fo the blue borska, Bobonia, e city of Italy. Boii, a people of Gallia Celtica, Ar- Baria, & town in Aquitain, + Bobas, 2, am ; adj.bared, or fearful. quitain, Germany, Italy. Blayus, « Roman, ubo when bihad Bobus, or bubus, the ablatiuo plural of Boiodurum, a city of Vindelicia. heard ther his son was pain by the Boion, a town of Cyrene. Triumvisi, defired he might tale of + Baca, æ ; a fiſh that has a voice, Boius, a, um ; yoaked, Sessered. the fume thrar. Bocal:as, a river in Salamis, Buiz'aus, a king of Bohemia. Biax, acis an effeminal ſouliſ per- Bocalium,a sown in Arcadia. Bolaca, a city of Poloponnesus. fon, a viin. boafier. Bocani,-a Drople of "l'aprobanc.. + Bolæ, precious llones like clods, fall- + B'échon, a-end of rern. Bocanum Homerum, a city of Maurl ing after compeffi; alſo a. town in B!cmyes. Blemiæ, Blena and Blep tania, Juppoſed to be Morocco. Italy: tæ, Ethiopians without beads, and Boccatlus, a Florentine, who wrote + Bolānæ, arum ; m. buckfiets that their faces in their brealis. -ths. genealogies of the gods, and ma furollall she nurket. + B cha, 2; f. fnot, Snitel. ny other things. Bolbæ, a city of Caria. Benina, a town ir: Arcadia. Bocchus, a king of Getulia. Boibitina, a city of Egypt. Bennus, i;.m. and blonno, a fool, Boschyris, a ding of Egypta Bulbitinom, one of the mouths.of.Nl- * Fully Bocci; a prince of the fribe af Dan. lus. + B'éphara, æ;if. the flower of wan. Beccinum, Buckingham, Bribiton, ti; n. benfis dung. ter Lily. * Buccola, æ; f. a kind of velvet. + Bo'bɔnas, ihe herb wbiti jetrin, Blepharicon;-ci ; : Bedicine for ibe Boccosi, a poop:e of Portugal. Bo'bulæ, a Mediterranean ille. ege-lid, or brows. + Bochar, aris ; n. bad oil. Borenia, a f. a precious, fone like a Bicpiaro, onis ; m. he is hull Bopena, a city latwran Pila and Ge clod. great eye. lids or-browus. Bolentium, a city of Pannonia. Bera, airitzi Tuſcany. Bodeni, a probls of Sarmatia Europea. Böler, re, risin. Là boletus] a diſha Blerani, the people of Biera. Boderia, Forth or Frith in Scotland. Boletaria, æ; f. 3 to ſerve in mulb- Dicfinon, e cfle of Corf:a. Bodiamun, Budiam in Suflex, Blcftum, Old-Town near Hereford. Budincomagum,, a town by Padus, + Bö'cter. eris; m. a caſing nur. + Biestruts, i; n. 967 or burn. called alfo Industria. BOLETUS, ti ; m. Lewatns] 2 B!coura, æ; f. a Nirrinig 10,4nger. Bod:ncus, a firnime of Padus, figni Tiiuſhrooin. Bletilize the rily Ledeſino in Spain. ining, in the Liguriaa tongue, do- Bo'glus, I ! bos. 1 102. rooms, 1 min. Min. * 4 bull. . Es æquo & BON BON BOR Bolgus, a general of the Gauls againſt taa, who in her life was so chale, good repair, pre:ius, paluable, uje: Prolomæus Ring of Macedon. that none fureu her but her husband, ful, ſerviceable; profitable, hislihful, Boliña, escon" in 'Achaia ; and a therefore the Roman wonen sacrif Julutury, towaraly, frue, fineare, maid beloved.of Apollo. rid to her in the night, great, large, audible, laut, motori- Bolinzus, river in Bolina. Bona tota, the herb all good. ous, famous, eminent, frus, genuing, Bolingæ, e people of Alia.' Bonandria, a lity of Syria. not counterfeit, delicious, wilcoms, BÕLIS, 13; 1. í Bandw, jac:o) a Bonans, a king of Taicany. arcepsable, ſound, perika, barmani Younding lead; oljo a fiery meleorBonaria; æ; f. tranquillity. cus, mufi:al. * Rodrc ad bonam Bonalus, a wild dealt with a bull's frugem, o be:ome Few wingar so Bollitus, cicly of . Æolia, head and horſe's body, why leing repent of evil ways. Opriano Bolitana, ſweet p lypus. bunied, saves himſelf by caling our jure prædia; a freeboid slate. # Boltus, a, um ; Jone-. cd, balb Pinking ordure. * Bono modo, aftor A. fort, or Bənayentura, æ;m. Bonaventure; in some majurt. * Bona ætas, Bologèlia, a city by Euphrates. Franciſcan divine, who wrote. youth. • Bona fide, upon one's bo. Bo'ogcupbera, a city of Peilia, many bocks, and was canonized by of word. • Boni conſulere, 4 # Bo ona, a; m: he' ibn hirus the Pope Sixtus the fourth ; alſo unorber take in good part. fifo.calidy of buys fundig forts of fibe. sardinal of Padua, bono, according tarigbl and fair # Bolundi, m pl. the forti figs that Bonchæ, & people bel wren Euphrates, degling. * Bonæ frugis, thrifty. Are rife. and the river Cyrus, * Bono id futurún eit tibi, that Bulurus, a city in Ulyra, another in Binchis, e city of thiopia. will prove to your advantage. . Ita The protia, Boadelia, a town in Etruria, bonis viribus fuit, he was so able a Būlus, i, m. Bwios] any fragment, Bonæ Fortuna, an iland of the Bona vorba qualo, don's merfal, or gobbor. eifern (ia. Sug fo. * Bonus dux bonus red Bölus, i; m. 85A6] 4 caling nº Boni Portue, a city in Crete. dit comitem, a good Fuck makes a Rifo that excrefcente called jews Bonianum, á town in Samnium. good Fill. Kirs; alſo a.cajt dice, or with a Bonicios, an Avernian prelate. Bonus, & presbyter of Rome, wbs net; carib in mines thae holds no Bonifacius, ii ; m. Boniface; the ſuffered under Valerius. diesel. Muletare aliquein bolo, names of several popes, and of orber Bonus Deus, a god worſhipped in Ar. to win his money as dire. cadia, near the bill Manalus. Bolus Armenia, bole-armoniack. Bonifātus, a, um; having good luck. Bonus Eventus, a god worbipped by the ancient counlrypen. Bolus, a king of the Cimbri; alfo Bõnīnāris, of good manners. other thini Bonitas, ats; f. [à bonus) geodnes, BO-O, are ; n. (Bokm] to bellow like Borobarda, z; if. [à bombus] a gun fruitfulnil. Bonitas cauiæ, ibi Bombardarius, ; m. e gunner. equity of a cauſe. Secunda boni- Boone, thoſe that bought axon again? Bombardicus, a, um; Eraſm. of a tas pallido lamomo] sbs next in the jellivals of Achens. gun. virtue to it is the pale. # Boes, . forpini that suks the milk Bombalam, tombire, cotton. Bonitium, a town in Tuſcany. of beatis. Bombax, interject, luſh! what floan. Bonium, Bovcu, Boverton, o. Cow Boofcætc, a city of Hellefpont, called + Bombiciæ, & kind of canes, bridge, in Glamorgan(h re. afterwards Germanicopolis. Buvim bilatio, onis; f a huraming of bees. Bonna, be town Bonne' upon the Booſura, a city of Cyprus. Bomb:10, are ; Là bombus] to bum Rhine. Bootes, tis, o -iæ; uni bootus, ti; like a bei. Bonncnfcs, prosle of Bonna. m. a ſmall par fo. Juwing Charles's Bombinatcres, lber that make a noite. Bonni, hills of Etolia. wain. Boinbino, are; '70 lander, revile. Bononienſes, the inhabitants of Bo-lt Bor, oris; he that hath. fore fact. + Bombites, m. pl. ants. nonia. Borāgo, in:s; f. Col. [qu. Cor vel Bomöizit:o, onis ; f. s bumming of Bononia, a city in staiy,called Bolog purum ago) the herb. Doroge. bces. na; she city Boulogne in France ; Boramma, a rezeptacle of ibe thieves Bombizo, arc ;.[à bombus] to keep alſo a city of Hungary and Myſia. in mount Libanus. a humming: Bononius, the faini y Bollen. Borax, acis f f. a kind of chryſocolla, BOMBUS, bi;. à ſono) the ſound of Bonoſus,' a Roman emperor, with which goldſmithe folder Ebeix a Prumpat, humming of desig or any greatest drinker of them all; Feing gold. fub noiſe. overcome by P.obos, he hanged him- Borbetomagus, a city of Germany. Bonbus, a river in Cilicia. jelf; at which the people koffing! Borbonium, a dukedoin in France. Bombyces, cums 1. louig pipes which Jaid, There hangs a' tankard, and Borbyſta, a king of the Goths. coin hardly be founded. mof a'man. Boscani, a people of the Hifpini in Bimbycina, orum; n. filken or uery Bonytas, a Arright of the Alps, by Italy. fine garmenis. wbich they paſs from Hungary to Borceos, a town on the borders of Bombycinum, i;in. filim yom. Tranſylvania. Sarmatia. Bombyciaus, 2, uni ; adj. mide of Bonus, a, um ; ad). Cic. (ab antiq. Borcole, a toum of Thra:e. milk. benus: bsppy, good, virtkous, with Borcovicum, Barwick, Berwick, or Bombylius, ji; m. a por. with a nar relation to a fixed habit, goodnes and Borwick, iri Northumberland. rowimoush.; oljo s hun ng-cer. virlue, in gmeral, as the Sto!cks; Borea, -a, æ ; a kind of jasper, Bombyx, C16 ; m.inf!k-worra. but is often said of a perlen who Borcalis, lc ; adj. northern, a.de. Bombyzo, are; to keep a humming. halb acquired an habis of any ſingle rivative from. See Bombizo. virtue ; as, bountiful, liberal.4- BOREAS, &;. Virg. :(B:prae, Bom), hids in Ætolia. nificmi, kind, friendly, wifi, pru Hob. bar, pu us] the north wind. Bonsenſes, the inhabitants of Bomi. dent, gente, mild, fenceable, propi- Borcas, mokna in of Epirus, Bomilcas, the son of Amilcar, general tious, raviurable, chalta, continent, Boreus, a, um ; northward. of the Carthaginians. &c. And, because ſome » hiloſophers, Boieoftonia, one of the mouths of Da. Bonitæ, a people in the bill Amanus as Herilus, made hippineſs conill in nubius. in:Syria. knowledge and furence, it fignifies Borcum, n. a promontory of Ireland Bomo or Bolimo, the ancient name skilful, export, good at, learned : and Cyrenei of Euboea. Others ag: in, as the Epicureans, int Borex, the opening of a vin about Bomolochus, i; m. a buffoon. she body, whence it denotes healthy, sba thigh. Bomonicæ, young men, who af the tlump, fat, fair, beautiful,.ne.at hind- Borgi, A people of Arla. fucrifice of Diana in Laconia, be fome, &c. And others, as the Pe Borgodi, a people of Asia, ing laid upon the altars, were wont ripatetics, made external blelings, + Borith, an herb ugod hy fullers.. 10 jrive who fould endure oor and be goods of fortune, ingredients | Borla Qus, the family Borlace: blows. in bippines, whence it exprefſeth, Boraaico, a town or Narbinne. Bon, a king of the Tuſcans. nobly defcended, honourable, wealthy, Bymilcus, a country of Macedonia, Bona, oring all external goods and rih, opu'mt.----From perfons it is where rbo degs tore Euripidcs. profits. Bonis eloquentiæ malo transferred to things ; and denotes Boron,,a town of the 'Troglodyte. uti, to employ bio ingoiity very ill, aufpicious, fortunate, lucky, profpe- Borlippa, srity of Babylon, where Buna dca, ibé goddess Fauna er Fa. loui, feriile, fruitful, firm Brong in wuch wool is wrought. the De BOT BRA BRA the GM. . Dc Bortona, the family Barton. where the tuih are faftened; allo e Brabyla, damafins, or damask prunes. Borulcis or Bordli, a posple of Sare bile, + Bracarium, a forve, or Aring about matia Europæa, whoſs country is Boriæi; a prople of Thrace. called Pruffia. Boyaum, a city of Phrygia. BRACCA, braca, or bracha, ac ; f. + Boryptes, a black gom with redt Borio, onis ; a ſtable for oxen, [à páxd, veftis lacera), a rug, or whi'e sporta # Botracha, lizard like a froz, mantle, Bracca, arum ; bracbes. Boryflhcnes, a river of Scythia, na- Bətrodus, a nown Hot far from Sego. • Brachæ laxa, foip.mons boje, vigadia for fix.bundred furlongs ; briga. gal.sy-gaskins. allo a rown by the river, and an Botrus, l; a, a grape, or cuſler of Braccatus, a, am; adt. wearing iſland by the mouth of it, where grapei . braubes of a mantle. verj murb jåle and many wbales Bitryon , a grape, or clufier of grapes; Braccata Gallia, La Provence in are found. olto a kind of medicine. France. Boryſthenita, the people of B0- + Sutrytes, Plin. a kind of Bone. Bracharius, ii; m. be that makes Boryhhenidæ, $ ryfthenes . Botiys, the berb ord of Jerafaiem, or breeber. Borysthenius, 2. uin"; adj. belongin. adibrolia. Brach:uin, Burgh in Yorkſhire. to Boryſthenics. Botrys, & city in Syria. + Braccum, . ford. Biryza, a cly of Pontus. Botrytillus, a little cluffer of grapes, Brachara, ibe city Braga in Portugali BOS, bovis ; c. [B8sl ar..¢or Botthæus, one of thoſe ibat defcribed + Brachati, soldiers under the Ro- cow ; alfo money lampa with the the circumnavigation of the world. man emperor, so called from a city image of fuck beats. * Bo; ad + Botălarus, ii; B. á maker or felo in Spain præfepe. Jying ai rack and man- lor of puddings. Bracheia, tbe just of Arabla and Æ. ger. Habet byvem in linguâ, Bðrėlus, lijm. (à Gufancy, far. thiopia. ho is bribed mid to teak the Cur. cimenj a bog's padding ; also a Brāchiale, lis ; 8. (à brachium) a rus bovem trahit, ibu cant before bottle or bladder. bracelet or braver, wrifband Marve, the harfo. † Bõva, æ; f. a diſea'e in oxen; also Brāchiälis, le ; adj. perloining to be Bofa, a frion of Sardinia. firength, Brachialis acrvus, a doje Bilenſes, ibe peuple of Bola. Bovār-un, or boarium, il ; Q. embracing one another. Bofary., a city of Arabia Felix. Dive) the beaſt-market. Brächätus, a, um ; ad). bauing or + Buriba, ; or boſias, -dis: f. Bovation, adv. like an ox. like arms, # Brachiata vinea, A por hard or water-fowl like a duck. Boucona, a cily between Bɔrbeta vine running up a lutticed frane. Boſch's cr boſcas, dis ; f. any nagus and Moguntia. Brachilega, Brackley in Northamp- torol that is for in the hiusi. Bovea, æ; f. a faleminder. tonſhire. 1 Borcida, « butcher. Bovelliom, il ; n, a place where exon Brächiõlum, ll; n. [à brachium] a De Boſco, the family Boys. are kept Nender 'arn, a tendrel. + Botcos, a kind of bird. f Boriana fames, the bungry diſeaſe. + Brachiona:lum, or brachloniſter, a Boſcum Dicis, the city Bledu: in Bov.anum, an ancient colony of the brace'ni. Brabant. Sa nnites, now called Bɔ.ano. BRACHIUM;i; n, Çic. (paglur) # Boavites, a kind of olive true and Boricida, a; m, a butcher. an arm, arm of the ſea, greitlinbi prasius liane, Bovile, is; n. an ox-fall. of trees, ibe fins of times, the fore- Bofitara, 'a city of Egypt. Bov:lla, a town in Italy near Romc. feel, claws of fiſh. Milii & levi + Bofinorus, á moll kind of Indian Bwi.lus, a, um ; of an ox or nest. brachio, without pains. * Brachia corn, which bey will no suffer to be + Bov'nalis, a frieb, aljo called pa montlum, bills running from a exported, ronych'a. mcantain. • Brachia vitis, tbt + Bofonia, æ; f. a field full of barbs + Bovinaſta, a kind of greci grapı. branches of a vino. and graſs. Bovinario, onis ; f. a cavilling of Brachmancs, or næ; tbc' Indian Bolor, a city of the Moab.ics, tefond overthwa'ting: shilofophors. Yrdan. Bõvinātor, oris ; m. be that goes + Brachnus, a kind of worm. B. Ius, pris ; feb. from his wort er barguin, Brachodes, the farthe city of Africa Bofphora, a city of Thrace. macilento & M nor. Bolpho jum, a part of Byzantium. in arando ítrigante) « Soufie or Brachycăta!e&ton, tho want of a ſyla Bolphorus, or ra:her Biſporus, two wrangle. lable at the end of a verſe. streights of the ser; one hy Byzanti Bovinus, a, um; of an ox or neuf. Brăchygraphia, æ; f. Short-band um called Thracius ; another more Bovis, the gmirive of bos. writing Borthward, called Cimmerius ; alfo Bovis ald, place in the ifland Brachyli, a city of Ibe Cretes. rity of Francolia in Germany, Eubea. Brachylögʻa, zif. Seorineſs of ſpeecb. called Ochſenfurt. Boula, a town of Libya. + Brăc:le, is; n. a bracelet. Bofphorius , um; adj. of Boſporus. Bouzin.cle, a ijver of Cilicia. † Braco, or bracco, are ; to put in Bosra, an ancient city of Idumaa. Bax, bēc s; f. a kind of franjh. hreaches. Roſlina, an enfern country, wafled by + Buxus, bird lime growing on trees. + Bra&tæ, arum ; earthquakes moving the Turks, A. D. 1334. upward. # Boftar, aris; n. a plure for oxin to B ante P BRACTEA, æ; f. (à Bréxw, cre- Bund in; and where malefia.rs pito) a spongle, gold foil; alſo a syre burne. B P. Bona poffeffio, bonorum pol werther.ckck. * Bradicæ ligal, a # Boſteo, önis ; a younker. ieſor, bonum publicum, or bona luth. Boftra, a city of Phænicia and A. palerna. B:actcăl s, le; adj. of or like thin leares of geld. Bolt: ychites, gom Ike a lock of a Benle R. Bracicārius, ii; a gold-brator woman', hair. Bractcator, oris ; m. s or gilder. * Borur, en óx-fall. BR. for bonorum, Bradeātus, a, um ; Spangled, covered Botachidæ, a lake of A cadia in BR for conoram rector. with bin platt. Tegaa. Babintia, the dukedom of Brabant, Bracieõla, a; f. là bracca) a lit. Botanice, es; f. the knowledge of one of the Netherlands. the Spangle or leaf of gold alſo a plants. Biabıntinus, a, um , adj. belonging shin puy or foil for under a precious Botanicus, 1; m. a bolanish or hore 1. Brabant a. foon. bilir. Brabuſthenes, a mountain of Pelo-Bractia, an iſland of Illyricum. Botānicus, 2, um ; adf. portaining ponneſus, ton miles from Lacedæ. + Bracum, ci; n. wine which is to herds. mude of ale. + Botānomantia, zit divination by B:äbcum, er -eiam. i ; n. the reward Bradeas, a nobleman whoſe only virtue herbi. of vigory. the Quid crit victori was to war fine cloaibs, + Botaurus, ri; m. a bitteur, brabe.um! what fall we play Bradua, a conful of Rome. Botc!@ga, Bot'cy nour Oxford. for? Bræſi. a propic of Macedonia; Botellus, li; m. [à botulus) a fou- Brabcuta, he ibat give Br gåda, a river of Africa, Sage, bog's pudding, Brabeuics, ajm, ibe priza 10 Braga, a certain delar iſland, Bothrion, the Bellow of tbe gums, the craqueror, Brage, Broughton in Hampſhire. Bra- raba } inon. ton. old poats. tate, to wind it up upon a very little Britannicus, ļ tain, British, Bri- BRE BRI BR Í Bingodurum, a' town of Rhætia in Bregma, štis ; R. abe mould of the Bricium, a city of Spain. bead. Ge many. Bridoborum, & city of Gallia Lugdu- Bramagum, or Bromagam, a town of. Breges and Bregi, a people ofi Phry. nenſis. the Sequant. gle. Brigæciun, the city o icdb in Spain. Bramnia, a city of the Sinæ. Breginenteni, a prople of Afia. Brigantes, um ; m. Yorkſhir:-men. Brampronia, Brampton by Hanting- Brema, ani epifcopal city of Wcftpha B.igantum urbs, York. lia, now Bremen. Brigantia, æs f. the city Brigaoza Brada, a town in Spain, Brementum, Rocheſter in Northum in Purtugal. + Biancha urfina, ibu berb bear's .berland. Brigantinus lacus, a lake of Rhấta, orur Bementonacum, Overburrow in among the Alps ; alfo a lake of the BRANCHIÆ, arum ; f. (Bpáxlar Lancaſhire. Cenomani. à Bporxus, gutter] the gills of a Brenenturacum, Brampton in Cum. Brigantinus portus, & portofown in fila, berland: Spain, called Po-to della Corunna. Branchidæ, the prieſls of Apollo at Brenda, Brunddriom, so called of the Brigantium, town of Rhætia, año. Didymus. ther of Gallia Narboncnas, añosher Branchidaium oraculum, a place of Brenni, a people of Noricum. in Spain ; allo York city. Caria. Brerinus, nt; m. a general of the Brige, or Brage, the town Broughton Branch'ades, the name of Apo!!o. G:uls, who, with ihre hundred in Hanthire. Branchillides, a prince of the Beot'. tbausand min, broke into Italy, fack. Briges, a pesple of Thrace. Branchus, the shrun falling from tbe ed Rome, ſpoiled the sample of A- Brigiani, a people of the Alps. beed alſo hoarſeneſs. Follo at Delphos, and uiterwards Brigida, æ ; f. B.igits a woman fa.. Branchus, a son of Apollo. fell mad, and killed himſelf. mous for fanctity, author of an Brancoli, a prople of. Alia. Bicniha, a city of Arcadia. order of nuns, A. D. 1364. Brandeburgum, a city of Marchia, Bienthina, certain roots wberrwith T. Brigöras, a; 'um; adi Full of Arife. build, as is tbowgbt, by Brennus the women coloured tbrir fares. Brigus, the river Barrow in Irezid:- Caul. Brenthus, a son of Hercules, who Brileffus, a mountain of Arica, whire + .B:andcam, ci; 2. a shroud or gavo-name to Brundufium. ar barus having two livers, and horſe-sloth. Biepbotrophium, an bospital for in. Aags with four kidneys. Biangonia, or Vigornia, the city infants cajt out. Brillendunum, the town Bridlington Worceſter; called alſo Brannoget Brésiliun, ii; n. the brafil-true. in Yorkſhire nium. B.effus, e city of Armen a Major. Brimo, one of Hecate's names. Brannodunum, the town Brancheſter Bretana; a city of Italy, under the Briacas, a city of Italy. : - in Norfolk. Venetians. Brinci, a purple of Thrace. Brunnonium, or -yium, Worceſter. Bretina, a town of Infubria. Brinum, a town of Italy, Br«nnovices, a people of Gallia Nas- Bretolæum, a town of Portugal,called Briniates, the people of Briniun. bonenſis. Bretulla. + Brinthus, thi; á pleafunt Prill Braſiz, a rity of Laconia. B ettia, a country of Italy: bird that kept altogether to woods + Brilātor, a maljer. Brettotia, an iſland in the Adriatick and mountains, + Brāfica, a;f a cup. fea, + Briolum, li; n. a park to burit in. Bruidas, a general of the Lacedæ Breitus, a city of the Tyrrhenes, so Brios, the hero caliet pes gallina- monians. called from Brettas the son of CCUS B ağılas, one of Choos, mentioned by Hercules, + Briſa, æ ; f. a lump of presſed Theocritus. Breuci, a people of Panoonia, grapes. + Braatorium, ji; . a brow-houſe, Bière, is; n. [a brevis] a brief, or Bilfa, promontory of Lesbos, where or malt heuſz. abridgment, Bacchus Briſaus is worſaipped. + Braſium, ú; n. malt, Brèves, ium ; an abridgment, or more Brifabritæ, a people of India! † Bralmālias, a; m. an earthquake, regiſer of things received; alſo a Brlfacus, the mouniain Biſach, ben when the earth mours dire&tly up. writ, tween Argentina and Ballea. waard. Bièvl, of 'in brevi, adv..briefly, in Brise's, idis ; f.a' Lyrneſian meid BRASSICA, æ; f. (à Tarentin. foort. Fuit Æſchylus non breři which Agamemnon took from Achil! Bpáoxy] colocorts. Braffica filo antiquior Euripide, Eſchylus lived les, and caused that diſintion of rida, a colliflower. * Braffica ca a long time before Euripides. tween them. pitata, a cabbage. Brèvia, um ; n. fords, Shelves; alfo Briſes, the father of Hippodamla, who + Brătea, or bractea, æ; f. a gold arguments knit up in few words, from bim was called Briſeis. rada: · Cicero. Briſeus, a nitre of Bacchus. Brathys, or brathy, savin. Breviarium, ii; n, a breviary, s. Biſgoia, the country Briſgow in Ger- Brattia, or B:actia, a province of bridgment, roll. many Mega, + Brèviçůļus, a, om ; ſomewborbrief. + Biiſo, arc ; to prefi, wring out,con- Bratuspant!um, 4 town on the borders Bréviloquens, ntis ; ſpeaking in few fume. of the Beliovici. words. Briſoana, a river in Perſia, running, + Braviom, for brabeum. Breviloquentia, æ; f. 7 a.lbort form through Perſepolis. Breunodunum, a town of Noricum, Breviloquium, i; n. } of Speaking. Briſtolienus, of Briſtol. · called Braunaw. Brèviloquus, i; m. [å brevis & 10 Briſtolium,' the city Briftol. Bravonium, Worceſter city. quor] Speaker in few words. Br!tannla, æ ; f. the iſand containing Brauron, a town of Attica. Brevio, are ; to abridge, or make foort. England, Scotland, and Wales; Brauronia, Diana so called. BRÉVIS, ve'; (paxùs i ſort, brief, alſo the duhedom of B.etaignc, in Bravum, the city Burgos in Spain. fow, fmall. Brevibus aliquid France. + Braxcator, oris ; ma brewer. dicere or agere, to be brief. Britannica, æ; f. the herb spoonwort, # Bsaxeatorlum, a brew hou 'e. Brēvis, a place in Spain, betwun good againſt the quinſey and Homarb + Braxeum, wort. of malt. Brachara and Augufta. ach. + Brašo, are ; to brew a:s or bar. Brèvītas, ātis; f. fbortness, compo. B Itannicani, people of Gallia Bel- B:C, a city of Thrace. diouſneſs. Conſequi cum brevi. gica. Brea, a city of the Athenians, into ? 2, 2m adj. of Bri- . which afterwards the font a colony. bottom. * Brevitas Sallustiana, Britannus, Brecinia, the town Brecknock in Salluft's curt prile, tannic. Wales, Brěrſter, adv. briefly, in few words. Britannicus, the fon of Claudius Cæs Brechinum, the city Biechin in Scot - Bria, aifo a kind of drinking-cup. far, poiſoried A Nero. land. Briant:ca, a country of Thrace. Britannodunum, Dunbrlton in Scot- + Brechmăſis, an Indian word for Briareus, 1 giant feigned to have a land. light pepper. bundred hands, and fifty bellies; Britium, a town of Portugal. # Bredina, a barnacle, or foland called among men Ægeon. Brito, onis ; M. a Briton. gooſe. Brias, dis ; s ricy of Pilid.a. Britolaga, a pople of Mylia. Bregetium, a city of Pannonia fupe Briaxes, the name of a fatuary. Bricomartis, is; fo fuir maid of Bricioia, a city of Siclly. Cretc, beloved of Diana, wo fearing Mmmm } 5 A rior. n'a 1 Lello, BE !!! Brocarum, : Broughan in Wcftaore- BRUSCUM, Ci;. n. (Baum, Sca." Bionchoten , BRU BRI BU B to bi ravished by Minos; cap berjalf Bruge, the city Bruges, aboinedief in Brygias; or -on, a stig of Macedo- into she water ali Flanders. Britörcs, a posple of Britannia minor Brullite, a prople of Epheſus. Brygus a king of the Celtiberi. in Gallja Celt'ca. BRUMA, æ ; f. [å boreas, vel 92. Bryllion, a city in Propontis. Brixa Pariæ, this town Pointoiſe in Gallia Lugdanenfis. Bpaxu nuag, vel qu. brevina pro. Bryon, i; moji; alſo, bops. * Bryon brevillima, midwinter, the ſborreluarinum, Sand, baving leaves like Brivates the pop pown called Bretty day in the year. , å letsise. in Gallia Lugdunenfis. Brunālisyyde, adi. 3 art. belonging to Bryonia, æ; f. briony, white vine: * Brixabay's mours win ty tbe river Ta winter, or to the forly dugo *Bru. Bryonia nigra, weet 'briony, nais malia, um ; feats of Bacchus, kepr Brysa, e people of Thrace. Brixelium, a town'in Italy belwern twice a year, in the middle of Fe- Brylea, a toron.of. Laconla ; alfo.a. Mapga.and Cregiona, called Brei- bruary and Augutt. B. umalis city of Fonia. orbis, ibe northern climati. Bryſeus, a name of Bacchus. Brixentes ,9, Frole of Noricum. Bŭminalia, æ; f. a dewy rain. Brytiae city of Elis. Brixia; a city of Venice; and a rider B undulus potus, bavepofsbe B.yitacia, the city Briatico in Cala- Britala fua kind of graini“ like. B. undunua,. the city of Braaņaw in Brytănčum, or Prytaneum, a towa. Spali; St. Peter's corn Bavaria... halli or marble-walk, or-gallery. Brizaca, a soron of Armenia major. t. Brundus,, i ; m. e fool. Bryton, a drink made of barley. Br-zani, Angribam people. Brundufiua, -ifun, Brendertian,or Eryx, and B.ygæ, a scople of Mace- Brizica, a city of Thrace: Brentefiam, a city of Calabria, by donia, Briqon the goddess of dreams, émongii she Adriatick foe, with a very cool- the Delilla medious bauen. B Ante U. # Bğça dicus... brocardus, aum ;: Brunſwicum, or. Brunopolis, the city doubljubi ta lo lakin buh ways. a: Brunſwick in Saxony B. V. for bene vixit, bogus vir, bo- norum venditor, bona veftra, or Jand... turio] a bunch or Inur in s true, beat2 virgo. + Broch:tas, and: brocitas, ātis; f. cprcially the box or maple-sr6s; and BUA, æ; f. là Buo, impico] ibe fookeanss of the teach. a hedge or arboier of shorns, wallet childrens word for drink, + Brochon, a kind of gun-bearing: trur. together. Bual, a people of Lybia, among whom Bochur pr. biochus, tui-mouskid Brulis, a part of Macedonia. e man commands the men, a wonin bav ng the neiber-jew langer, or + Bruſtum, 1; ni a kind of surib the women. more janding out than the obira + Biura, kind of trai', alſo an user Buana, a soun of Armenia major: 5. Tunnel; Rica wine-vile. * Bro or blosch ; and a kind of favili: Bubacenç, a country in Afia. chi; orun the tusks of a boar. Brūtalis, le ; adl. 3.art. [å brutus] Bubaganus, 2.general of Conſtäntino- Brochus, a leren of Phænicià. beaſily, brutits. ple. Brocowagus, or. Brotomagus, a town + Brutes, the bridle-bit. Bubălings, 2, um iad), of a bufle or in Germany, Brutiani, 2 thoſe that excuted Servile wild buff. * Babalina, ſtragula; a Brodentia , a city of Germany. Brúttäril, 3 offices to the Romans, Cos'ering of buff leathir. 5. Bronium, din broth. as the Brutii were forced to do for BUBALUS, li; ... (Bobanas]a buf, * Bromfelda, Bromfield in Denbigh. their siding with Hannibal · or bufie. Brutidius, & rbedorician and hifto- Rabares, a city taken by Minucios. Bomius, a Birnime of Bacchus.. rian, Bubaris, be married the daugbter of t Bromoue aj umfiliby Ninke Brudla psople of the faribe part of Amyntaf. : Italy. Bubaſtia, jearly facrifices in bonour of Bromum;i; n. a link. Brutina, a city of Spain.. Bromus, one of the consapri Rain by Bruulus, a, um, belonging to the Bru- Bubaſt:acum, a river in Egypt. Cænçus. tii, or to Brutus. Bubaftis, or -108,::: city in Egypt, Biomas,,OF, 0$,,ja kind of oatsi or. Bruțius, Præſens, the collegue of An where ibey worſhipped 1Gs, who from bale. Bromus sterilis, wild tonings Pius. thence was called Bubaftis. ogtssia Brütobria, a city between the Tyri- Bubalus; & country in Caria, whoſe Bronchion, a grijile of the wind-tant, and the river Betis women are called Bybárides in t: Bructi, new tamed foalse Ovid. Bronchocēle, es ; For ſwelling in the Brutum, i, n. a brutt Deaf. Bubei, a people of Africa. groin, coming of a rupture, BRUTUS, a, um , adj. La Borós, Bubenteni, or Bubentani, a Feople of mortalis, vel ab Heb. bigning pe Campania. BRONCHUS, 2 a, um;adi. Là Bak cusj brutiſh, without redan, Süd- Babelius finus, a bag of Caria., PRONCUS}3w, rigo] ad b:0. den weigby.. * Brüta tellus the + Bubcciæ, arum ferits" whereas chas, tit-taouib'. zbolmafs of the garib, Bratun wira great bull-baitings: Bronteus, tbundering Jepiter fulmea, lighining happening besides + Bubctii, orum ; abey which set Bpontes, one of the Cyclops. nature, unfeafooble.. forih ſuch plays. Birontium, i, m. an instrument ujed Brutus, ibe name of a möble family in Bubida, a river of Ireland upon the pagrio reprëfent, shunder. Rome. Bubicnum, a town in the Hercynian Brantia, æ ; f. a gem in Pliny, L. Junius Brutus, che sbief author of wcod. thought to fall with a thunder banilbing the kings from Romc, and Bůbile, is'; n. (à bove) an ox slap: firp, conſul. Bubilis, is; f..] or cow-ball. Broteas, a famous champion, brasbar M. Junius Brutus, one of those that Bubinor, asi; to defile with womms to Ammon. conlpired again) .Cæfar flowers, Brotheus, the son of Vulcan and Mi-1 Bruxellæ, the city Broicis' in Bra. + Bubeum, a kind of wine. nerva, whs, bring inocked for his ill. bant. Bubo, are ; to cry like an owl or favoured nos, burnt bimpit + Bryan, at a little brab, of which birtour. + Biotiuni, ii, or birotium, a cart they make brufbes or brooms. Brya Bübo, ère ; to cry like a biltour. with two who fylveftris, ſweet broom or heath Bubo, or -ogy a fort abrics the groin. Brokerlaria, the island Scaldia ir.-Ze- Bryaniun, cis of the prouz. Bubo, og -on, a city of Lydia, iland. Bryaria, æ ; thi jhrub tamarisk. BUBO, onis ; m. and F. (Bugs, à Beorocanin qoc. cum: the twn Broug. Bry28, 4 gmeral of the Argives - lonoj an owl, or its hideous noiſe: ham in Wcitmorchand. gain the Lacedæmon ans. Bubona, a goddefs of kins, worſhipped BRUCHUS;. m. (Bromoslas Bryaxis, a worker in marblej: wbi hy the incionis. chy or grofs-worm, that burts barbs helped to make the Mayfleum Būbānium, ii; n.,an herb, the fume ood com Bryazon, a river in Bithynia, in as inguinal:s, or mare wors. Brucia, sto a ruddjiand j'ai AGa. Bubonocelc, es ; f. buriennes. kind of pitch: Bryges, 4 people of Thraces, sallidBūbsčqua, 2; M. Corbos arid le- Brucis in the feople of Brockmeeland aljo Phryges. quore cow.berd. in Germany: Biygi, a people of A!lyricum. 1yricum Babisa, ;f, beef. Bibula, 1 Ilig, 1 RIAS, Oxen. 0% 0r.cow, fret cheeks. bit. . t BUC BU F BUL Bubola, a citi of Cyrcno. Buceñtcs, Is ; m, a gad-bte, or, borſe in cnf. vel à Boula vy tumor] Bubulc-io is, ire; to play the herdſ As, ioad. mgn, or tend cattle, + Bůcentram, tri zn. a-goad, or.prich Bugarida, a certain fuation ſuppresa Būbâlcito, aře ; to play the hardſoan; made with it. in the time of Dioclehian. alſo la cry like a herdsman, Bucephald, and -um, a city of India Bugei, Parthians, who,being baniſoid, Bėbulcitor, ari; to drive or tend by the river Hydalpes, built by failed themſelves in Macedonia. Alexander the Great, in remem- Bulgencs, the name of Bicchus among Būbulcus, ci; m. [90. babullcus, a brance of his barfe Bucephalus. the Argives. bubus) -en berdsman, waggoner, or Bacephalus, & proinontory of Pclopon- Bigcs and Bice, a river in Scythia ploughman. ncfus. Europeu Búbálo, arc, ;, neut. [à bubo) to.ory Bucephalus, i: n. the horſe of Alex: + Biggeus, i ; i. a.golded mai. like an owl. ander the Grcat. Bugia, & city in Africa, held by:rbe Bibulus, a, um; adj. belonging to an Bucēras, atos ; n, Ebe berb fenigrock. Spaniards. * Cara bubula, bent Buceria, æ f. a herd of oxen, or Būgluíñus, i; m.7. [Bóg czy). bis- from drove of cotila. Bugloff., æ; f. floor berige. Bubus, the ablative of bou. Būcērius, a, un; ad). horned like Bugl: Mfuit, i;.n ..Buglofſus lon. Buca, a town in Italy. Bucerus, } exen # Buscria ar Eklus garden buglois. Böcæca, e; c. à bos & cædo) menta, berds of oxen or kine. Buglona ſylveſtris, Sheeps-songue, have that uſes to be scourged with Buceros, bull.Ay. Bugoncs , of bees of ribe leather bongs. Bucclá, æ; f.' 2 [à bubus) pajure + Bücalc, is i n. a bason to walk in Bucetum, i; n. $ where cattle are Būgõnia, æ; f. the breeding of cattle. + Bicali, certain bcals. bred and furtsd. Būgúla, æ; f [à hug ofia] middle + Buc:t, a kind of vefel. Bucha, a rown of Mifnia. conjound, or contray. Bu:2dia, a lone like an ox-heart. Buchania, Becqush in Scotiand. Bul, then.me of the ghin' Hebrew BUCCA, æ; f. (à fono] .a 'heek, Bu.hctium, a town not jar from Ci inonth, anſwering our October: the hoslow part of ií. * Bucçæ flu. chyrus in Epirus. Būla, 2:; f. & counc.d, or souncil. entes, hanging or tluh.cheeks, Búchcides, the herb palma Chrifti. houſe. Quicquid in buccam vencrit, that Buchia, a place in lonia. Bulana, & jeople of Sarmatia Euro: which is uppermo. Bacía, a lily in Sicily, now But:ra. pæl. + Buc:ajus, a, um ; ad). baving 1. Buc:da, Ę; m. Būlăpăt'um, i; n, obe hard patience, + Bücinar!a: palures for beaſs. or great dock. Baccea, æ ; f. [à bacca] a morfe or Buc'nna, a little ifand in tir Sicilian Bularchus, the name of an excelent mouthful. in Sicily printer. Bucccla, æ; f. (à buccea) a lule Bucinobrantes, the city Weisbafden Budbaccus, a, um , adj. (à bulbus] in Germany full of little round heads in a roof, Bucselaril, orum ; m. foldiers under Buckinghainía, æ; f. Buckingham. bearded like an onion the Roman emperor, so called of at Bucinum, i; no kings.confound, or + Bulbeum, a kind of wine, soustry between lfauria and Cappa- wild lusk.ppur. + Bulbine, the herb degs-leek. docia'; also they ibit bad i berharge Buclopus, 1; m. the god of Nies. Bulbitum, i; n: beats dung: of.brred and cokes, to carry the fact Bacõiica, orun ;.n. palloral fongs. Bubõcaſtanum, i; n. the earth chef- for the soldiers eft. Bucolicon, a kind of cow parſnip nut, or pig nur, Bucccilārius, iis m..c'glution, 8 growing in Macedonia, Bulboſus, a, um, adj. coated as an Buk. Bucolicus, a, um, adj. belonging eo onion root. Biccelacom, i; n. bisket-bread.; corn braſis or herd[mm. BULBUS, b:; m. (BACO) any coala dried or parched to keep long ; alſo a Borolion, the son of Laomedon. od ront, a clove of garlick. *.Bul. morjı!. t Bucol:ta, m. a nant-herd. bus ſylveſtris, dog-bone, or corna Buccellatus, a, um, adj. cut into Bucolium, a plaie by Conftantinople; leck. * Bulbus cicuientus, acala jittie pieses. alfo in Peloponneſus, Arcadia, and Ison. • Bulbus esiophorus, woolly Biccilld, æ; f. a litte bit. Egypt. jacinth. BUCCINA, 2; 1 (burán a trum- Buco:o, a city of Pharfalia or Thrace: Bú'c, ceanfel; allo e ſenarei res or born Up taciant ad buc. Būco!us, lin. a cow-bird. Bulcuta, z; me ſherif, Senator, cinzm, (of hoge) that they may run Bucoſtenum, Buxton in Desby fire. or counſellor. to their meat at the found as the Bucra, e promontory of Sicily, called Bulcutcium, ii ; n. a large building born. Elcapo Longo. in Cyzicum, without pin or nail Buccinator, oris ; m. a ITumparar, he Bücrānium, ii ; n. the harb calves a town-hall; alio a rcuncil, that blowrih a born; a praiſer. Snout. BULGA: æ; f. (ab Æclic.. Bjagds, Buccineus, a, um , adj. of a trum- Bucăia, 2; f. [å bos] a young cow or pro wingós, id. ] a budget, jaribel, pet heifer ; aire a warlike engine. purje. Buccino, are ; ncut. to found a tru-+ Būciſárlus, ii ; m. a hardiman. Bulgari, e people of Melia, by Danu- pet, blow a born, to publiſ. * Cum Bücủlus, ll;m. a bullock or ſleer. bius. buccinatum est, wban the Agn is Buda, a jf. a mat. Bulgaria, æ; f. the country of the given by a horn, &c. Buda, the ciiy Offen in Hungary. Bulgari. Buccinum, i, u, a trumpet or born; Budæa, & city of India within Gan- + Bulgēlārius, ii; im. he that maketb alſo a sell-fiſh lin a born. and á gea, or sells budgets, fib-bone like ibat ibey call St. Cor Budda, a great Indian philofophar, Bulia, and I s, 2.city of Phocis. nelins's horn. whom they supposed to be born oui Bulji, # Buccious, ni; m. she found of e of a virgin's fide. Bulienfes , } the people of Bulia. trumpet. Budea, a city of Magneſia,' wbine Būliņia, æ; f. 7an inſatiable bun- Bucco, are ; (à bucca) ro puff up the Minerva is called Budea ; alſo a city Bulimus, i, m.lger, drg. hunger, chrys. in Phrygia. Bulini, a people about Illyr:2. Bucco, onis ; m. a shuf-puff-sbuk, Budefordo, æ ; f. Bedford. BULLA, æ; f. (à fono) a bubble ; parafte, clown. Budini, a people of Scythia Europæa, a brazın ſlud in the famion.mof a Buccŭla, 2 ; f. a little sbeek; alfo near Boryſthencs. heart; the boys of a bit; the bead of check-pince of an helmut. Budinum, a mountain of Sarmatia a great nail:embelid, on doors or Buccŭlarius, ii ; m. a maker of bel. Europæa, near Boryſthenes. gates; a bliners alſo a pope's lie mats and head.lauks. Budora, iwo ifandı near Crete. cen:e, or edia. Bucculentus, a, um; wide.prouib'd, Budorgis, the city Br cflaw in Ger.. Bulla Regia, a frie town of Numi: blub-checkid. dany dia. # Bücea, the white inward busk of a Budoris, some lay Heldelberg, others. Bellæum, the town Buelth in Bieck; hean. Durlach, in Germany. nockſhire: Bucellaria, the country of the Bucel. Budorum, a promontory in Salamis. Bullaminſa, a town in Africa. larti ar Galla-græcians. Budorus, a river of Eubea. Bullans, antis; part. bubbling, having rubbles. Bucentaurus, i; M. A kind of great Budūa, a town in Po:tugal. . fbipe BUFO, onis ; m. [å Bes partic B llatus, a, umad te garniſhed with M m m m 2 tab!cii, en ... BUR BUS BU T $ the grave. ried. fablos, Auds, or breches. # Balita uns vomer) the plougb-sail or,Bustus, fat. nugæ gaudy nonſenſe. bundle. * Buita. æ; f. ca true pruned high, Bollentes, or Bulenſes, * pople of Bura, orʻris, a city of Achaia, ſwil er grafted in its boughs. Locris. loved by the fac ; alſo the daugbler Buftare, to bury: Bullidenſes, a clony of Macedonia. of Jupiter, whence Hercules is calo Bufta Galicia, a place in Rome near Builens, ntis; a boiling or bubbling. led Burzieus. the Æquimcliura, where tbe Gouls BULLIO, ivi, itum, ire; Cà bullis Buræa, a city in Italy. buried choſe of them that died of the ve! à fono) to boil or bubble in feosbol + Burbatus, a kurp. plague. ing Burbida, a city of Spain. Buftelli domus, Buftelham or Biſham + Builio, onis ; m. be froulling of + Burbo, onis ; m, a ſlone bere in Berks. boiling water. # Burboriſmus, i ; mi the wind-she-Buſtous, a, um ; (à buro) almoft Bullioncs, a barbarous people of Ma lick. dead, almohe ready to be currina io cedonia. † Burbullca, or burbilla, the m- Bult:s; a city of Macedonia, near the trails. Buftiālis, le; about graves or tombs. Adriatick fig. † Burca, æ; f. the common fink, or + Buſtiárium, ii; n, a dumning. Bulio are; to bubble. town. 'rur , + Buticēta, æ; m. A grave macer. + Buillocs, fifipongers. + Burca, a town of Mauritania Cæ- † Butticētun, i; n. 8 plare where + Bullorium, i, n. a kind of fish. farienfis. thay buried ibe dead, and burnt fa- Bullula, æ; f. [à bula] a little bub. Burchana, an iſland in the German rrifices, ble, bos or wheel. fea. + Buſtīcapus, i; m. a ribber of tombs. Bullum, li'; n. a fhephera's Prff. Bircinacium, a city in Germany. † Burto are; to bury. Bolua, a city of Liburnia, now Be- Bu:digala, the city' Bourdeaux in A+ Buftra, &i f. a burying place. dono. quitain, Buttrophe, es; f. an ancient way of Bulula, a town of Libya Cyrenaica. Burdinus. an anti-pope taken by pope writing. teginning the firA line at # Bulus, a kind of worm. Celestinc the ſecond. the left-hand, and the next as the + Bumamına, or ja, æ; f. a great + Burdire, to be infolent. rigbe, and ſo on. seas or pop; alſo a great grape like is. BURDO, onis; m. (ab Heb. pered. Buttaālis, le'i là buſtum) belonging Būmaftus, oribus, a large kind of d.ja mulo begotten of u borje' and lo erntes. grads; alfo an berbi a ſor-ofi. Bufuāria, æ; f. A witch haunting Bimathani, a people of Taprobane. + Burca, a fountain in the iſland tombs, and mangling dead bodies ; Būmelia, 2; f. a kind of ash-irut, Coos, alſo a roinmon ftrumpit.... good again the singing of jerpents + Burga Spina, while thorn. Buftuārius, ji , m. Smeer, whe Bunart's, e city of Lybia. + Burgæ, or i ; burgeles, or keepers of fought at the funeral of another , j Bunas; an Athenian, who, by bring role or jrong holds. alſo a burger of serb as were hain chose arbitrator in a rerum contre-+ Birgārius, ļi; be that builds a in a fight. zurly, put it off from time to time, • cafla. BUSTUM, i; n. (pro uftum,ab and niver derided it. Woon?o the Burgund!a, the name of two countries anlig. buro, j. e. uro) aluneral proorrb, Bunas judex eft. in France. pils i allo a romb • Buitum om- + Bunda, æ; f. she juund of a drum. Burgundioncs,the people of Burgundia. niom jeg'im & religio:.um, in Bunca, a name of Juro, so called | Burgus, i; m. a Lupile or fort, which ali laws and religions Ley bus from Mercury's fon Bino. + Buricus, a borle Binias, ādis ; f. and busion, a rape Burideufil, a prople of Dacia. + Bustura, a burying-ploce. or turnep. + Buria, æ; f. a goat's skin. Būſcyon, ihe great unfavoury fg called + Bunllia, a; m'he that has a face Buri!, a prople of Germany, inbabis marifa. like an aſs or an * ing thi ife Bomho!m. Būtălis, an owl. Banima, á city of Epirus, builo by Burinthus, a kind of file. + Bucalmon, a kind of herb. Vyffea. Buris, is ; f. a plougb-tail. Butama, a town of Dalmatia. B.:n:tium, the city Sund in Germany. Burnun, and ium, a town in Li. Butas, be wrote the hiſtory of Rome Būniom, ii; n. a carpmier's berb, burnia in Elegiack vers. {quare Parfixy. + Burnus, the god of lerhey, Butca, the narros if a family in Rome. Bunnos, a city of Illyria. # Burra, æ ; f. a river, BUTEO, ons ; m. [à Syr. bum. di- Bunobora, a town of Mauritania Ca- Barra, ; f. ?[à burrhus) a kind ripcre) a kind of bawk will broe farieiilis. Busrha, e; f.s of baſe rough gar. fones, a buxxiid. Bunomus, a city of Macedonia, called mont; alſo triftes or toys. Butco, ó firname of M. Fabius, and Pella. Burrhio, ire; (à fono) to (warm, or a Roman orat. Büpædes, great boy!, niat bords. moke a humming noiſe. Būtes, the form of Amycos, ang of Būpă'us, or Birtalus, a p.iintor of + Burrhus, a, um ; (à CugPG, 10 Bebrycia, who was expelled for his Clazomenę, wbo, in his painting, fus) Sandy. farberis cruelty, and Settled in $. expoſed the poet Hifponacics to + Burillus, a, um ; cruel. cily; alſo a river in Scythia ; and laughiar, who shereupon wrote furb Burrium, Usk in Monmouthſhire. favaral men. bitter verla ogaing bim, bai be + Burroſus, a, um; and burratus, + Būtcum, el; A. an herb obat grows banged bimſelf. dyed red. in fons. Buphagus, & river in Arcadia; alfo BURSA, æf. (a cúpon, vel Heb. Buthia, a city of lonia, finiame of Hercules from ibe basker, pellis) a purle; alja a burjo Buthoc, a city of Illyris. esting v.bolo bulls at a tis ; aijo or exchange. Buthos, a town of Egypt. the fan of Japetus. Borſaonenſes, a prodle in Spain. Buth otum, or --us, a city of Epirus, Buphia, a town of Sicyonia. Bursārļus, ii; .. a burfor, or purſe called Butrinto Buchõnuir, i; n. the herb chama bearer, Buthro:us, the river Novitto in Mag- leon, wbich caulell be quinjoy in Burſo, are ; to make su fes. na Gracia, Burſella, æ; f. a little purso. Buibus a famous wrefler, who was Buphopus, the prieſt of Jupiter. Bursůla, æ ; f. wont every day to eat a whole ex3 Buchihalmus, m. ihe berb oculus Burungum, the town Burick by the wben'o the proverb ogainſt glutions, bovis, cx-tje, may weed Rhine: Buchu3 obambulat. Bupina. 2. f. great bunger or third.Bufalia, æ; fi a inalier. Buthyrius, fumus fatuary, ſcholar Buplanod Atus, a bill by Tioy. Buſcuaducis, one of the foxo rhie! 19. Myron Bupleurum, ijn. recb-fengreen. cities of Brabant, cal ed Boifleduc Bütbyra, æ; one who pays 'oxon for Bupleurus ; m. Buracteri, a people of Germany. derifre. Bòpodes, &?gut feat. Bufæ, a people of the Medęs. + But a, m, herds of oxen. Bp paafınım, a city, river, and country Boaris, the son of Naplune, a cruel Butio, onis, m. a bitlow. Elis, from be founder Bupraſius. tyrant of Egypt, wbi fed his horſes Būt s, a city of Syria. Bupreſtig is ; f. a venimous Ay, wirb man's Man, till be was jluin'ny Bitna, an iſund nour Crete tohich kills ibe braßs that eat it. Hercules; also a jiry in Egypt. Bútõmuni; n. red-grijs or ex-bane! BURA, «; f. lqu. Burocupa, bovis Basir ticus, a, um ; of Bufuris. gium cattle for foscor. cauda, 'vel ab Æol. Bunis, pro Bulmadis, 'a city of Irauria. Butrium, a sily of Italy. } ! + Buren, 1 N 1 (llin from -BYS СА В. CAC С. + Butra, æ; f. a buit, BYSSUS, i'; f. Buoooc] Bly or fins called Caberi, and as many daugia * Butricum-and-butto, onis; a bul. 80%. tor's called Caberidze ; . all which + Butiri,, *.tuftrah, a prop. + Byturos, a kind of worm, gnawing had temples decicured so then, + Buttubara, tiles or bauslu. vines, Caberaſa, s riry of Media. Burua, a town of L barnia, now Bu- Byzaclum, d country of Africa. Caberi, as people of Aſia. doa. Byz.cenus, a, um ; of Byzaciun, Caberon, a river of 'Ala. Butuntum, eros, the city Bicouto in Byzantium, a city of Thrace, built Cabcs, rannibals in Afia. Apulla. by Pauſanias, called afterwards + Cābidārius, il; m, a mason, ono Butuntiacnſes, the people of Buinn Nova' Rona. and Constantinople, that hews Bones. taken by the Turks, A. D 1453, 1 Cabilles, racing or inſiruiting. + Būtus, a, um ; taugblony thing. wbo called it Stambo!i; also a city Cabira, a cily of Rhodes Burus, the fon of Pandion; whenie of India wirbin Ganges. Cabir, or cri, gods of the Phoenici. Buradas part of the trije Æges ; Byzantăcus, a, um ; adj. of Con- Caniria, a city of the Lower Alia. ans, worbipped chiefly as Borytus. olfo & city of Egypt and Gedroſia: Byzantius, stantinople. Butyratus, a, um ; butir.d. Byzantinus, Cabirii, a peopes of Buotia. Butyrinus, a, u.n; of or like butter, Byzantinus, 1; m. « hyzantine or + Cabo, a nag or Reliing. borant, an upriont piece of gold Cabolus, one of Parma, shofen pops BUTYRUM, i, n. (media fyllaba coined us Conſtantinople by Ibé biſoops of Lombardy: wbo, est communis [Borup v] bulier. Byzenus, aon of Neptanc, very after a great Naughter on both sides, Buty us, a kind o; berb. free in bis frarb; whenre the adage, fouped by Sighi. Buvinda, or dus, the river Boync in Byzeni libertas, against thoja tbar Cabolytæ, a pouple of Paropamlſus. Ireland ore too lavil of their tongues. Cabrus, a god of tbr Phaielicz, who Buxa, crum ; (à buxus) pipes of bpx Byzcres, e people of Pontus, facrificed ſalt file to him, which or. word, Byzericus, a, um ;. belonging to the caponed a proverb, facrificium Pha. Ruxans. nt's ; adj. like box unid. Byzeres. felitarum Buxea, 2; f. aiahle of box. Brzia, a city of the Thracian kings.Cabubathara, a mountain of Arabia Buxontum, a town of Lucan a. Sur Bizia. Fælix. Buxētumn, i; n., a place where box Cabullinum, a city of Gallia. Căbura, a fountain of Mefopotamla grotus. Bixeus, a, um; of or like box. Smelling very lwrat, baconja (ebe, Buixife!, a, um ; hearing box. Jay) Juao was woled in it. B-ixotus, a, um j.like or full of box, + Cabus, i; m. a meaſure of Ibrae C anti A BUXUS i f pints. BUXUM, ;nis srai, pipe with Correo ele the best + Cabūta, a trofer fir f. two rows of biles, a box top er cas. C Litera ad omncs vocales vim Сabyie, a city in Thrace. Humi buxus, ground-bex. ſuam perfert. Quint. 1.7. C. in Caca, the filer of Cacus. + Buza a paunch., numcris centom denotat; et C for Cā ābārius, ii; m. (à cadabus] 4 Buzæ, a prople of India. Caius, causa, condemno, or co maker of ketrles, Buzaras, a mountain of Mauritania spicia. Cacăbo, are ; [à xaxuáln, pord:13] Cæfariends. Caas, a muntain in Syria. to cry like a partridge. Bužeri, 4 people of Thcmifcyra in Cabados, a king of the Perſians. + Cacabulum, a houſe of offi e. Afia, + Cabala (Hcb.) bu Jewiſh tradi-Cacabulus. i;.m. a little Astf . Buzes, a fearls of Marmarica. tion, their facrée science of expound. CACABUS; M.} (xáxato:] Buzygis. an Athenián nohlomon, ing divine mbaria , i; s great krtela sboue he to be tbe firfi sbot pleugbed Cabala, a plare in Sicily, a. city of cauldron, pottage-put. with exen yoked. Cilic!a, and a town in Thrace. + Cacalia,'e; 1. wild carawayi, ar wild obervil. Burzygous, á muntuin of Thesſaly. Cabalaca, a town of Albania in Afia. Buzygia: an Athenian family endow-Cabalais, a country of tbe Solymi. Cacanus, a king of the Hunni. od with the prie bood. Cabalia, a country of Aga minor, Cácắtra, chi là caco] ordur. Caballi, the people of Cabalia, + Căcătur-io, is, ivi, itum ; to have B ant Y. + Căbăilfa, a m. (à cabala) one a defire to go to fool. skilled in the Jews cabala. Căcatus, a, um ; filled er defiled with Bybe, a city nwar the Peucerii in + Căbălfticus, a, um, adj. of or ordure, Thrace. belonging to tbar finn:1. Caccabe, or Carcabc, ibs anciens, Byblega, a country of Caria. Căballärſus, li; m. (à caballus) name of Cartbage. Byblia, a name of Venus. horſeman. Caccabus, i; m. a cauldro. Se Byblli, a people of Scythia. Căballātio, õnis; f. the office of kop cacabus, Byblis, a dele mediterranean ifle; ing borlis. Ca.emphăton, or cacophaton, bars alſo the doughter of Miletus, wbé Caballinum, A tócon of Gallia Lug found of words in speaking. died for love of ber brobber Cannus. dunenfis. Cachao, chocolate. Byblus, a city of Phænicia, now Căballinus, a, um, adj. of a horſe. Căchectus, or cachcalcas, one of soil called Giblec, or Gibclletc. Căballinus fons, A very clear foun. confitution or complexion. Byce, the none of a lake in Sarma trin in Helicon, conjacrared to the Căchexia, as, f. an cuil difpofition, tia, running into Mæotis. Mulos, from or fate of body; a difemper, Bycus, the river Buges in Sarma. CABALLUS, II, m. [w-bda) a Cachingabílis riſus, excessive laugh. tia. sorry borſe, a jade, a mill-bordi, a Byllioncs, a puple of Ullyricum, betról, a pack-borse, a borſetbar ibrows Căchinnātio, õnis ; f. a great laugba Byllis, a ſna-town of Illyria. be rider; in modern times taken ter, giggling BYNE, és ; f. (Burn) malt or beer. alſo for a trooper's or war.borſe. Căchinno, are ; Γκαγχάς] 80 † Byrrhi, or Burri, a kind of red Caballus, the proper name of a man. Căchinnor, art'; laugh aland, gorment, + Căbalus, a kind of a nigbt-savin. siegle, Byrrhian, one witb rad bair. Cobandena, a country of Sufiana.* Cachinao, onis; m. agna langbo Byrrhus, a bief in Horace. Cabanodurun, a town of Noricum, of, buffoon. Byrfa, a colla in tbe vidp of Car. called Branaw. CACHINNUS, i, m. (xos gás.) thage, on the top of wbicb was e Cabarni, priefs of Cercs, among the vel à ſono) a loud anmonnorly temple of Ærculapias, barat by be Paril. laughing or giggling... Tollere ca- wife of Afdrubal. Cabasítes, part of Egypt. chinum, 10 let up a langhing. In By-la, a bide, and a purſt. Cobaffus, or Cabellus, a sity of Cape cachinnos effuſus, burjiing ous inu + Byricus, a Inner or currint, padocia intemperate laughing. Bylalas, a country by ibe Syrtes. Cabedan, a country of Carmania.' Cachvyes, ojo-keys, or catkins banging Byfaci, priple or ibBebryces. Cabeles, a prople of Maonia. upon tropis. + Byffuri, orum ; m. fancjiical por. Cabellio, a town of Narbonne. Căcia, 2; f. naughtinefi, izalica fons, Căbēra, a; f. sbe dang ter of Pro allo sbe great bec "grut beans of a pip. signs} . tous, who bad ibraofmy by Vulcan, Cacidiria A people of w mall mise } Apm ! A tia. ! : C A D C A D CÆ D among the Scythians. Cadiſcus, cizmelel wherein lors forfeited, aljanated from the proper Cacirini; a people of Sicily under, sbe were put in an eletion or judg buir. Caducae Literæ, letters that Romans. ment; a ballot-box.) Spread bigger sban tbe pen madi CACO are ; [xoxán, missa], to go sa Cádiſcus, a mountain of Crete. them. sool. Durum cacarę, co be bard Cădivus, a, um, adj. Eà cado) fallCadueni, people of Caria. bound. ing of itfall; tranhjory. of Cădúla, æ; f. the dripping of mear. Căcăbăsi'et, an ill kingdomn. + Cadix, a block, fuck, or lock. Cadurci; a people of Aquitain. + Cacoblēpa, a beaf ebas kills witb Cadaca, a afla in Thebes, taken De Cadurcis, ibe family Chaworth, hor fight. alſo for Thebce itſelf, and formaimes Cadurcum, cl.: n. [à Cadurcis] tick- Căchochyla, things of ill juice, for Carthage, ing or packing clorh ; .alſo a tent, Căcochymia, a fi ill digelion, ill Cadinei, Cadmil, and Cadmeinnes, booth, canopy. juice in the body. Thebans, or sople of Thebes. + Cadus, a, um , adj. lunasick. Cacodamón, onis; m. an evil spi- Cadmeia, or -cis, the country of Boeo- CĂDUS, i, m. (xá desab Heb. ead, hydila). 'a wins-pipi. * Cadus Cacsaihes. is'; n..an.gvil cupom, a Cadmelis, a firnáme of Mercury. falfamentarus, a powdering tub. fore hard to be cured, ambition. Cadnia, 2 ; f. braſs ore. Cadafii, a prople abeur, the Caspian Cácológia, æ; f. evil spieb., + Cadmites, a, kind of precious fones see. Căcologus, i; m. an evil speaker. with clue Spocks. Cădytis, a great city of Syria. Cácõphágla, æ; f. a depuring Cadmus, son of Agenor, who sent Cai, Zæa, or Zia, an iſland in the Căcophagus, i; ma devourar. him sa seck bis filler Europa, carried Ægean foa. Cácõphonia, Ⓡ;' an ill found. away by Jupiter ; , net finding her, Cæāda, a place in Sparta, into which Căcoitomachus, a, um, adj. having he sarried in Baotia, where he they throw maleficiors. an ill. ltemach built the city Thebes ; alſo obor + Cabus,, a monkey. Căcoſyntheson, a bed compofition of Cæcatus, a, om; adj, blinded. werd CĂDO, căcidi, cafum, cadere ; neat. Cæcias : ae the morih-weſt om north- Căcolcchnia, 2.f. evil' art. là xe tiv cedere, velà xámo de eaſ wind bringing rain. Căcorršph:a, że; bad nouriſhment. orſam] to sip or pide down ; to Cæcigēnus, a, um, adj. [à cæcus Cacozēlia, æ j foran-suil afianiin tumble or fall down ; [Mec.) 80 & gignol torn blind. or imitation. fail, or faulter; to truckle, to pour Cæcilia, 2; f. (à cæcus] a flor- Cácozēlus, 1; m. lie shas indiſcrieily down.; to fred, worm or blind warm. imitates Another, or of cas 14w-pade chance, or fall out; so belong, Suit Cæcilia, the wife of Tarquinius Prif- words or acions. By agree with ; to md, or terminate, Cados an artichike. çus, very courageous, and a notable as words or sentences du; 10 full spinfier, + Cacobæ, the name of.certain fary. fet, or go down, as the sun and Cæcilius, an uſual Arneme among ibu Cacubă'um, u in barry.boring ebicka Rars do į to die, to be. Noing 80 be Romans. · word. Sacrifised ; to be derived to fall Cæc nua, a river of Locris. Căcủla. 2; n. La calco, vel á xaxés, undoi, ró be subjea or belong to ; to Cæcitas, ats; f.' blindneſs of mind er imbellis | alolder's bog. miſcarry, or. De aifiked to link, or fight. #. Cacula, o'um , dry wonde droop to be laid as the wind re Cæco, are ; re moke blind. * Cæca, Carúlātus, lls ; m. Dávery. be diminished the Cadere causâ or rettantcs largitionc, so blind with CĂCƯMEN, inis.; ñ. (ab acumen.) lite, to be caff in me's fuil. Ca gifts. the top sect, ridge; a marp and of dere formulâ, nob 1...dalara er + Cæcua, an ozol. any thing.' Venire ad fummum proceed in due forma. - Incaffum Cæcubum, a town of Campania, cacumin, io come 10 ablute per cadere, to come to nought. Non with wry fruitful vineyards. fiction. • Per acuta cacumina va cadit in alium tam abſolu'on Cæcubus, a; um ; adj. belonging to dere, to walk dangerouſy. opus, no body bebida could do the like. Cæcubum. Căcămînătus, a, um ; bare pointed, Cad:t folutio in diem Ca'end.-- + Cæcŭla, "2; f. a blind voor.m. or feeled. the dog apsoiniad for, payment. b-p-Caculto, ore; to be balf blind, or + Căcī.nğnax, acis; adj. 3. art af pins.io le che firf day of Ver! blundir. piring .r.ovgritopping. ba, meliùs in tyllatas - longiores Cæcŭlus, accounted Vulcan's ſon, be- Căcămino, ale i 10 m ke logop or cadunt, a poriad enos.hatter :with a kiuſe the mother ſaid for soni sived by ined. word contounded of lung Syllabies. fpark of fire falling into her lap. Cačuo, črc; so 'exbort. * Fante Giæ o cidunt quædam CÆCUS, a, um ; adi, (ab Heb. chora Cao cus, ci; nikejon of Vulcan, on vcrba. are derived from the Greek. fesh, tenebrce] blind, dark, unſeen, Ita au herbord Muin by Hercules, + Cado, õnis; f..is brazon bucket er ignorant. Cæcus ramus, bearing furilobis oxen, ariving ibon chef. neither bud nor bloloma # Enfis ba kward into bis caie. Cadomum,. tbs city Cuen in Nor cæcus, Ariking hoe and there con. Cayth's, a rives of India, fulling mardy. : fufedly. * Cæco cæcus dux, like C.dcema, a city of Lycia. mifer, like Jubolar. * Cæcus mor- Ca ypzris. a rive of Sicily Cid:ufil, a town built by. Alexander bus, a diſeaſe difficult to be known, Cacyron, the city Caffaro ir şic ly. near Caucaſus. Eme dic cæci olivum, id ven- ciaabundus, a, umi à cadoFillolt Caduarii, men having the falling. dito oculata die, buy it upon truf, ing often, Seneſs. ond fell it for ready money, cada'a, a ; ; f. show or beniinig oft Cáducar:u9, it; m. an efeheator. + Cæcus, udis; mi a kind of blind oribing Cādūccator, oris, m. a barald at Cadasa," a great iflind of sbe Red arms, axbrador.' From Cæcātiens, ntis; part half blind, CADAVER; čisin. Ja cadenda] 2 Caduceum, i'; mi} cary's rad, wbicb + cæda, æ ; f. dimneſs of highe. Caduceus, i, m.lfnaqurtov]. -Mer-Cæcŭtio, icc ; so be dia of hight.' Sed correl, carpin, or parrion: * be used for the innposing of Arifo; Cades, is ; f. (à..cado) Naughter, Vivam cad.ven, ong 16:18 lives allo ihe Ror:an berolds while poff A cutting down. * Ibatur in cædes, withews Any empleyn.int wer:hy.com when they treatıd of petre: they were going to haft ope another. lites Cardayora oppidorum, ibe Cādāciſer. eli; name of:Mercury. * In or ex cæde yiycre, to turn mians of towni. Cadaciger, eri; m. be that carrins cut-throat.. Cădăvă ofus , ;um ; adj. ightfly the white lajf. Cædícůla, a; f. a small Naughtar. Klar for facica cadave- Cădūcitas. at:si f an afbepl. Cædicus Quintus, the name of two forbe pi@modewib. cădūcitcr, adv. ruinouſly, rafbly, vio confulsz. and a very rieb man in C. dixisipl to fail. Ionily, Virgil. Cida, ce fuite like a sity;in cădaram,.ci; n. an apple.blogoms CÆDO, cčaldi, cælum, cædere; ibt blts of Lycaoni.. an ciboot, wind-fall. act. to Malba, Arike, cui, facrifice. Capens nas filling. failings, gaing Cădūcús, a, um, fàcado del bestiar. wbiy, kill,. dig. Virgis.ad caying, frau, mortal. ,* Morbus necomcedere, to whip to death. fădefn a what or boristi caducus, the falling Ackneſs. Pour *Cadero.i teftibuſ, convince by Cadetes, a prople of Gala Celtica. ..mům caducom; an iver ripe.apple, wirnelles. * Cæderc januam faxis, edig a city of Phiygia, 2.Bona.cadasa; i goods tapsed or to break upon ihídow swobicb liomosom inio Gus I Worm. 1 down. Proa A JOT. nus. 1 i air. aqua, rain, CUS. CÆL CÆL CÆS Propria vinera cædlt, it is an Cælum, li; n. [à cedo, vel illalle Cærulei campi, the fago jll bird was defiles its own nal. cavo) a graving.infrument, , im Pignora, cdcre, to sell the parons Cælus, li; m. heaven. , ;. i publicklj piece-meal. Cælus, Saturn's father. Cala, ai fi a dart ufed in pur..by Cæduus, a, um , adj. uſed to be lop- Cæna, a mountain of the Alps divid. the Gad!s. pod. Sylvia.cædua, a coppice, ing Gallia Comata from Togata. Cæsālis lapis, & mark-fone, lood Caduze nacuræ frutex, ibat may be t Cæmenta, æ; f. morter. fone, cut off. Cementarius, il';. m. e plaiſir, Ceſar, äris ; m. Hor. the bridmator + Cæcca, the herb calamint. pargotler.. the Julii in Rome, and afrai Julius Calāmca, inis; n. [à cæloj' an m-Camcotitias, a, um, wade of rugged Calar given tovery.omperar. graving. loans or wortor, rough caf, Aut-Cæſar, aut nullus, I will wir + Cæ!allis, foi caelavcris. CEMENTUM; 1; n., (à cædo] the borfi, or loſe bo. faddin Cælātor, oris ; m. an srgravar. morter, plaißering, rubbilo ; alſo a Julius Cæfar, tbe fire Ronan smparar, Cælātorius, a, um , adj. belonging ** wall of. Jucb buff Main in tb jonate-bouse by: Dritud engraving Cane, a small ijland in the Sicilian and others. Celätūra, a; t., an engraving. fra: Çalus Cæfasz a tragical put odd wać Cælatus, a, um, engraved. Cancus, the name of Jupiter. CÆLEBS, ibis í c.[qu. scénin, à Cenia, a town in luy: Cæfar Augufta, the city. Sasagotti xuían & dicu, cui dceft lectus Cænis, a Theftalian maid, who bring Spain. nuptialis) a barchilor or ſingle pere ravilbed by Neptunc, .defrad that Cæfarea, tbe iland jerſey allora fon. Arbor cælebs, that bai no her fex might be changed, and be town in Bavaria and Keſhing"! 8 vine running upit.. might become invulnerable, and is city in Mauritania, and.pber.placus. + Cæleria, pl. the necks of birds docked being named Caneus,: and sigbling. Cæfarça magpa, a city of Cappado" with diveri colours. wib tbe Lapithe, again the Cena cia and Bithynia. * Cæles, a bird. Laurs, was overwhelmed by truet, end Cæfarca Philippis a city of Paleo Cæleſtini, a prople of. Umbria. turned into a bird; oljo A proszonttoryl, tibe: Calcftinus, he wrote the lives of th: and town in Calabria and Sicily. Cæfarlānus, a, um, of Cæſar. emperors Valerianus, and Gallie- Cænitęs, a port of Achaia. Cæfarienfis, fcg of Caſarex. Cænotropa, ihe daughters of Anlas Cæſarlātus, a, um, having a long Cæleſtis, te ; adj. cælum), bea .and Dorippe, who turned whatſoever bulb'af bair. From winly, diving excellmr. Cæleitis tbey fouched into wheat, wing, and CÆSARIES, ei , fo (à caus] pila, a ball mitten aloft in the oil, buhofibairi • Cæletia Hatuta, the impe- Cape, is; n. Con Quays à neparan ca Cæsarium, a mart-town of Egypt: rial dias ant llatuses. Calcftis pur) an onion, Czsārima a conful; selleagueta Attia * Cæleftia tentat, he cæpēcum, in. } ani aniort-bed. attempts things deferving praiſ. Cæpina, jf. Cæſarobricenſes; a people of Portugal Cæleftis , a name of a goddess worſhip- cæpitius, a, um ; of onions, Cee Cæfarodunum, 'the city Tours pod is Africa, pitium caput, an onion's head. France. + Cæleſtiſsimus, mot heavenly. Cæpori, a people of Spain. Cæſaromagus, the city Beauvois: id + Calia, a Spaniſh drink made oft Cæplo, are; so begin. Sur coepto. Picardy gritin. Cæpüla, a ; f. (à cæpe] a shidols or Cæſena, a town of Gallia:Tagata, chibatus, 6s, m, facelebs1fne Jiaall niton. Calenzies, the people of Cæfena:. life, the fate of a man or woman Capus, ar-ptus, a beaſt of Ethiopia, Cælenavia vinaj wine growing at Ca. unin arried. like a Saiyr or Woodward. ſena. Cælicola, æ ; c. Là coelum & colo] Cærç, famous, city of Hetruris, Cæam ady:. by Hofbing. * Cælir dwelling in loven. which once was the head of the pete:c hoftem, to brike 'wirba Cælicus, a, um, adj. heavenly, whole country, dowm-right blow, * Cælim diccics Cælifer, 1 a, um, adj. upholding+ Carca, E; f. a kind of paint. to speak conciſely, Cæliger heaven., * Cæligera | Carcíolium, she hers cbervil. Cælio, onis; f.a Brink, gah, ckt. ftella, Jars borne by heaven. CÆREMONIA,æ; f. (ab antiq Cæſtium, ii ; n. Là cafus) anty linen Cælinum, orna, a town and river in cærus, fan&us, vel ab Heb. kará, wbitined by bearing, or which is. Venice, orate) & ceremony, cupom, povie, jugerd about. Lintcolum cæliti- Calipotens, ntis ; powerful. Dii religion. um, chi-work. çælipotentes, braumly wights. Cærčmoniõlus, a, um ; adj. holy, be. Cælium,il; n. an incifon, comna: Cælītes, um, mi fainis, godsi inhas longing to ceremonies. CÆSIUS, a, um ; adj. [à ccelum} bitants of havin. Cæres, itis, adj. belonging to Cære grey, 'sky-coloured, blunket: Cælitùs, ady. from heaven Cæres, ctis, Š in Etruria, & fre Cælius Bafflus, a lyrick.pont, who; to: Cælium, a town in Calabria, near city of Rome, having no voice in gelber with his farin-house, was Brundufum. eliajons. Carltcs tabulæ, the burnt by Veſuvius. Cælius, the name of ſeveral men i and celors tables, containing their names Cæſo, onis ; m. fà cædo] Oste. sharis one of the bills upon which Rome wbo by sine mij demeanour were doo ripped out of his mother's, belly..... food prived of fuffrages. * cærite cera cælo, the name of ſeveral conjuise + Cællo, ere, so hrike. Ser cello. dignus, one sbat deferves to loſe his Caronia, the wife of the emperor. Caa Cælo, are, (à cælum vel cædol to Voke or vira, ligula ; whm be kilid: bir necky be engrave, carve, or garniſh.. Cæ. Cæreti, a people of Germany. ufod to say, As fair a žleck as 'ris, if larc argento or in argento, ta m-Caretum, & trzon-of Umbrie. I ſay the word, 'is' saken. grave in ſilver. Libidines in po. Cærimonia. Str. ceremoniai Calonium, or Cæfarotium, & city of culis celare, to engrave filthy 8- Corinthe, sbroe-leaved grads. Gallia Lugdunenſis. feina pi&uris upon the cups. Cæritani, a fort of fuperftitious" paga-L. Cælonius, the name of a condido CÆLUM; li ; n. 2 [à xría:y, ca- bonds. CÆSPES, icis; mi là czdo] CÆLI, orum.m.svom] heaven, Cærobryx, a city of Portugal. green turf, a fod. the air, weather alio tha sartb in Cæran, 4 country of Armenia, where ceſpitator, õris; a. a Rumbler. respect to hells, also a great heights. Joſephus 1:15 Some relicks of Tah's Cæfpititius, a, um, made of therfi: the palate of the rucuth. Morbus jill Caſpito, arc, [à cælpes) ró famibii, call, the infection of the air. *Cærperis, Portchefter in Hantthire.. tripa Cælum capitis, the skull. * In Caërſeverus, Salisbury. Cæftrum, i; n. {à cædo] a fiercer cælum jaculari; to threaten in vain. Cierŭla, orum; n. the fear wimble, Baloito. * Mari cælum mifcere, to porm Cærúlcātus, a, um, adj. coloured, Caftus, us; m. fà cædo)a whirlbata and rage. Libero cælo permit blue, or like axure. Cæsůlus, a, ung of a.grry.color: terc; to let fly abroad. * la cælo Cæruleum, ei; n. a kind of. Sand Cæfum, i, n. part of a felong .con- fum, I am a brave fellow.' *Ver found among the gold and fluer, subring. no perfect fona; alfo a tind: titur' cælum,, is of another ajoret, and uſed by paizuters, of weapon, *Cælo, addcre «dera, & ibrew CERULEUS, a, um ; ad). Ca cce- Cæsūra, æ; f. [à cædo) a gur,gal water into the foc. lum.] blur, axare, sky-coloured, incison. Cest 1 1 $ m .. }braken in Calimita, æ: là calamis] « linie Colatia, a city of Campania. CAL CAL CAL Casūrātim, adv. briefly, by pieres, dys Calanus, a fountain of Lycia. + Calamonium, ii, a pon bath. foort claufus: + Calagiæ, « diſeaſe of the go-browi. Ca amos, a toron of Ada; a city of + Cæsūrātum vas, : a vild cut or Calagörgis, a city of Aquitain. Phoenicia and Babylonia. 01dbrd round about. Calagorina, or Calagurls, a city of CĂLAMUS, iz m. là nhauC] A Caſus, a, un [of cædor) cut, beaten, Spain rend, an arrow made of an Indian Dain. Inter cæfa & porrc&a, + Calais, idis; f. & precious Lone Itke cane, a fo made of an Egyptian in the interim, amphire. rud on osten-pipe, an angling rod. CÆTER, a, um, adı: (vai repe'] + Călals, ide wicked son of Boreas, • Calami aucupatorli, line-swigs.. the bar who wmt with his brother Zethes # Calami arborum or plantarum, Cætera, ado. furthermore, as to other with the Argonauts to Colchos, Sets or Aips · Calamus odoratus things. Cæterà doctus, otherwiſe hain by Hercules, and emned into or aromat'cus, a swers come grow- I learned man. certain winds, which ariſe sight days ino in Arabia. Cætěrò, adv. ' as to the other time. before the dog-llari CĂLANTICA, 2; f. [à vándustpay, Ceteroqui, } ady, otherwiſe. Calama. a city of Africa, and a vil ornamentum, vel à xápa, caput] Catēroquin, ·lage in Carmania. 4 coif, or foundkarchief. Cretērùm ; ady. but got, moreover, t Călamacus, ci; m. a kind of clofe Calani, a prople of India, of whom oberwife. witre. Clcarchus lays the Jews forang. Ceterus, a, um ; adj, the rel, other. Calamæ, a city of Meßenla in Pelo- Casāhus, an Indian philoſopher, who • Ad coeten, as for the rel. ..Et ponnef is. finding himſelf folk, made a great catera, and ſo farib. Nunquid + Călămancas, ci; m., a kind of cap. fire, and burnt birafeif before Alex- me vis cætcrum ! wuld you have + Cala'mantius, i, m. an organiſi. ander. any thing elſe with ou? Calamārium, it; n. (à calamus) Calaon, a river in Afia. Cetheus, a conful without any col pon cafe, an ink born. Çalapis, a remarkable rider of Pan. legur, A. U. 1257 Calamárius, á. un ; of pos-or quils. nopia. Gætulum, a city in Spain.. Theca calamaria, a peni-tje. Calaris, the chief city in Sardinia. Cetona crndum, grem or undried + Călămăticas, a, um ; belmging so a Calarna, a city of Macedonia. Jalt-fib. cloſe mitre. Calarus, the name of an iſland, called Cæyx, cæycis, a kind of alcyon. Soc Călămentha, a city of Lybia or Phe otherwiſs Atopecia. ceyx. nicia, Calafaroa, the city Campana in Cala- Cara, a mountain which Mahomet Călăcenthom, bria. says holds up the heaven e vine propi + Calaſaſter, 1 ; 1. be that harha Cafago, a fountain in Laconia (ra. or rather lavings tus of (while fit- fariil voice. Ibrt Cacago.) ting ur) by the uni-dreffer. Calafiris, part of Egypt. Cifanes, 4 people of Mauritania. Calamina, a city of India, where Calafirli, the inhabitants of Calafiris. Cagent-er, ri; m. icu. they say the body of Si. Thomas was Călăgs, a kind of coat. Caicus, river of Myfiz. found + Calaftica, orum, purging medicinos. Cajeta, a promontory and port-town of Calamine, or Nympharum inſula, Calafyris, a linen coai, corn by the Campania. certain finds in a lake of Lydia, prople of Egypt.. Cajetanus, a, um , adj. f. Caleta. which thive when you dance upori Calata, a city and town in Sicily. + Calous, or Calus, or Calocus, iba tben. Calatarz, a people of Br&riana. kidney-bean of Málaca. Calaminthi, & } f. calamint.. Cairas,. or.. Alcairus, and Babylon, Calaminthe, es, Calaterium nemus, the forest of Gal- tres in Yorkſhire. the greated city of Egypt, they say Calimis, a name of a famous an. Calathana, a town of Macedonia, five times bigger than Paris, and grourt. Calathe, a city by Hercules's pillars ; besides the suburbs, has sbirty tbou- + Carămiſcũs, ci; m. a little can alſo an African iſland. fand howujeta dlelick. Calathiana, æ; F. (à figurâ calathi) Calus, a mountain in Spain, alſo the Calămiſſus, a town of Locris. the power ancholis, or blux vip- name of divers Romans. Ubi cu Ca'amift-er, i, m. a criſping-pin. lets. Caius ibi ego Caia, I have as good călămiftrāculus, a, umį jomewhat. Cala:hion, a mountain of Laconia. a right to the state as you. frizled. From Calathis, a city of Illyris: CACA, a; f. (à xanov lignum) Călamiftratus, a, um ; trimmed, frix. Călăth:fcus, i, m. a little baskıs. club, a faff, billet; alfo a ball. lod,. crifped. CĂLATHUS, í ; m' (x2000). A Calabaftores, a town of Africa. Calamiņro, are, to criſp, to 'curl the basket or Aase. Effigie calathi, Caláber, ! ; m. ant barbarous man, hair. From in form of a pine-apole or top. Calaber, bris, of Calabria, CALAMISTRUM, 1; n. [wanauis] Calarhus, the fan of Jupiter and An. Calaber, the fonts Jupiter, brother of a criſping-pin. "A calamiftris in. tiope. Tzharos. and Careftus. urere, to garniſh with words. Calathuſa, on iſland between Cherſo- Qu. Călăbac, a great port ibat wrae; Calamitas, ātis; f. [à calamus) the nefus and Samothrace; another in fourtem books to perfect what Homer lodging of corn by a tempeff ; alſo Pontus, and a town of Arabia De. wanind concerning Troy. calamity, mifery, miſchief. ferta. + a dargy. green frog Calatizo. a people of India. Calabria, ; f. a cosentry in the ut- + Calamitis, a kind of gem. + Cul ciæ, impudent, laſcivious men. urmeſt sart of Italy, almoſt an iſle, ſ * Cālănirifum, i; n. ihe herb nepe. Cal t-bus, a city of Lybia: med called Terre de Labeur. + Ca.àticum hordeum, barley tbat Calabricus, a, um ; of Calabria. + Călămīto, are, to make wrdehed. has two rows in each ear, + Calabrio, a kind of bird. Călă mitosè, adv. miferably, wretch-Calatis, a town of Pontus, and a Calabrites, a city of Peloponncfus. edly. sity of Thrace. Calabrus, a riun in Calabria. Călāmītõſus, a, um ; wretched, mile- CĂLATOR, õris; n. (ab ant!q. Cilabrya, a plau in Aga Minor, rable, full of calamily, burtful.. calo] an opparitor, bailiff, (ryer, called from the ſprings and gold wa Hordaeun cx omni frumenta clerk; he hat carries wood for bi Io. minimè caladiitofum, leaf subjęt foldiers. Calachana, a country of Armenia to lodge. Calatum, Tadcafter, in Yorkſhire. Minor Călămizo, are, to pipe or fing + Călatus, a, um, called. Calata Calachena, & ceaning of Affyria. + Calamo, arc, to glean corn. comicia, affomblies for the cleation of Calada, a city of Sicily Calamobas, a frname of Antipatcr, Flamines. Calaftinus, a, um, of Calaa. who wrole vehemently againya Car Calavii, a prople of Campania. Calacticus, a bag of Spain. reades, t Calzenæ, arum, solitary and ſecret Caladunum, a city of the Calalci Bra- Calamochnus, the salt fraith cleaving places. -carii. to canes'in ſens. Calaura; æ; f. an iſla in the Argolick Calæ, city of India, and an iſland + Calamogroſtis, rud-graiſs. . gulph, where Demofthenes, Aying Taprobane. Calamona, w town of Egypt änd A. the perfecution of Antipater, poison'd Calaga, Wittenberg in Germany. - Tabia. timelf; they suy Neptune gave De- Calæi, illands in the mousb of the Per-1 + Calamônia, z; an organi pipe los io Latona, for this iſland, whrnce Sen gulpb, the ta. j CAL CAL C À L the prouerb, pro Delo Calauria, one spurning, wincing, or. Hlinging. i Călefactor, ari ; to te mad good turn for another. Calcitro, arc; [qu. calce tero] " Calfactory hot. + Calazia, a precious Bons with spars kick, Spurn, winci, not to obij. Călētadlus, a, um ; part. of calefto ; like bail. Culcitro, Oris ; . a 'wincing horſe. heated. warmed, artgered. Calazophylaces, Grecian prießs, ob- Calcãtrolus, a, um, adj. friking, Călefa&us, ismi an heating, feruers of bail. wincing, kicking backward. warming + 'Calboei, orum ; m. bracelets givm Calco, are ; gå. Là calx] to kick, căla.fio, fiaes suni, fiēri; to be to foldiers. tread, trample on, suhdui, deſpiſe,! warmed, healed. Calbis, a rioër of Caria. to brucije. * Æquor calcáre..10 go Calem, a city in Portugal and Italy. Calbitio, önis; f. grief or forrow. on the jos. Tuam ipaus terram CĂLENDÆ, āram ; t. (aB antig: + Calbo, õnis ; m. a dog. calca, keep off. Cakire librum calo) the calends o: first day of Calcaneum heedl. 041-17 Calcăphorum, a kind of gem. to turn over a book. morth. Calendae foemineæ, the firft of March, when they brought canea camelorum, camels books, preſents to women. # Ad Gracas + Calcanthum, i, n. shoe-makers-1Calcula, a ſoldier's boy. calendas, at laiter . Lummas, lie black, vitriol. + Calcůlārius, a, um ; adj. belonging neper * C. lendis Jani, on tbt CALCAR, āris ; n. [à calx] a spur. 30 eccomipts. frh of January Calcaribus egere or indigere, to Calcŭlātio; õnis ;. f. a cafling of 460 + calendālis, ic;, adj. of the calend's. be pull. compts, calculation, Călendāris, ré; adj. Of ibe calends, Calcaria,æ; f. a lime-pit or lime-kiln. Calculator, oris; m. 08 accomptant, * Calendaris Juno, Juno the profi. Calcaria, Tadcaſter in Yorkſhire. or cojler up of accompis. dent of the calends. Calcārius, a, 401 ;[ à calx] pertain- Calcălābtix, icis ; f. loi that calls af- Cálendarium ii; n. a calendar, an ing lo lime, compis or.calculaseib. elmanak, a debt-bock ; alſo lending Calcárius, ii ; m. he that burns or Calcŭlo, are; Cà cálculus] to reckon, money by the month. works in lime. or cafi accompis. Calendārius, a, um: adj. pertaining 4. Calcătæ, arum ; f. bundles of Araw + Calcůlõlitas, ātis ; f. a waxing to calendar or accompls. or busbes. fiony, + Calendarios, il; m. nn uſurer. Calcātio, õnis ; fi a treading or calculoſus, a, um ; fony, grilly, gra- Călendātim, adv. upon the firft day. famping. villy; alſo trowblad with the Hone. of every monıb. Calcãtorium, 11.; 2. & lime-pie; also Calculus, li; m. là calx] e pebble, it ćålendrum, i ; n. a perriwig. Sed a place where grøpls are lamped. or gravel-fone, a ihoſs-man, or table caliendrua. + Calcãtrepha , jf. she herb larks manga counter. ; a ballet, or fuffrage + Calendúla, æ; f. the herb marigold. heel. by black and white pebbles, for ne- Calens. ntis ; part. of calco; warm, Calcatūra, æ ; f. a cialing, or pero gative and offrwative ; dificulty in bo:, * Calentes adhuc ab recenti getting, a buſineſs. Plin jun. income orºre pugnâ, coming fresh from fight Calcatus, a, um, adj. trodden upon, venus. Colum. Reducere ad Calencum, 2 foron in Spain, where trivial. calculum, to cart up a fum, as in they make bricks that will fwim upori Calcātos, 2, um ; ad). cielod, arithmetic, + Album calculum ad. the water. Calccācus, } white.limed. derc, to give one's approbation. Calentur, they are heated. Calce, a city of Campania. Parem calculum facere, to return Calcnum vinum, rich wine of Cale- Calcenen, iais; A. ? a look or the like; alſo to ballance an account. num in Campania. Calceamentum, i; 0.5 Jock. * Calcu!um de fe permittere, rocalēnus, a famous fodshjayer of Etru. Calceārium, ii ; n. a place sa kup ſubmit one's fulf to anxherit confureria Rodes in ; alſo a great quantity of * Ad calculos reverti, to purjuc his CAL.EO, ui, ére ; nsut. (à xmpos, Aboes. former defign afresh. calculum callidus, vel ab Heb, kaluh, torrare): Calccātusa, um, adj. food. reducere, to change one's mind, te be hot, evrnet in Ave. veked, in Calceārus As ; m. any kind of ſtoe. + Calcus, the fourth part of a circle. curly man's mouh. * Laodis cu- + Calcedo, inis ; f. * Bone Joining + Calda, a; f. for calida, hot water, pidine calere, to be very defirods af fire. Caldāriolum, li; n. a little kettle, praiſe. * Res calet, 'sís piping hat. + Calcendix, icis ; f. & kind of from. • Caleo audire, I would ruin biar. Jbollit. Caldārium, iiin (à calidus]a kentle Home Judicia calent; triile are dif- + Calcentērius, ii; m. & cafer of or cauldron. * Caldaria, orun ; par.bed apace. * III: rumores ca. Accompis. bot baths. lucrunt, that was much etárd of. Calceo are ; act. (à calceus) to put Caldārius, a, um ; adj. pertaining tot Căleptra, a place where wases on Nives, to ſboa an horſe. Cal a cauldron or heating. * Metallum breed ; a mitri, and a kind of ceare aliquem ſociis, to put on his caldarium, any metal ibat may be grain. socks. melted, + Calos, m. & fove. Calceolārius, ii ; m, a joe maker. Calderus, the river Calder in York. Cales, a wart town of Bithynia ; Calccõlus, li ; mi a little foos or fan. pire. alfo a river. dal. + Caldīcum, an open walk or gal. Călcf.co, cui, cere ; neut. to was CALCEUS,ei ; m. [à calxi a bor, lory. hor. patten, sock, Cacci Sicyonli, de- Caldius, e name givm Claudius Ca- Calcianus ager, a place in Italy , licate Soft fboss worn, by women. * ſar, by a military jot. Caleta or les, a' people of Gallia Mutare calceos, to be made a fon Caldone, a promontory of India. Belgica. nator (becauſe thi sonators wore bees Caldor, oris ; m, hest. † Cāielārius, Il; m. one ibas carries' differing from the rel.) Caldaba, a city of the Turdetani. wood. Calchas, atis ; 8. a Greck footbfayer, Cale, a city of Portugal, called Pa- + Calctra, z; f. a wafp's neli. who wmt to the Trojan war; being crto; another in France. Cale:um, tbe sown Calais in Picar- overcome by Moplus, at a irial of Calc, cs, or Cales, ium, or Calenum, dy. their skill, bi dird for grief, a town of Campania, famous for Calétur, imperf. it is very hot wraz Calciari, 4 people of Germany. wine. ther. Caleiariam, ii ; n. See calcearium. Calearius, a lake in Africa. Caleva or Calieva, the city Oxford Calcifrăga, m; f. Là calx & frango] Calecantum, a kind of binding earth or Wallingford the herb hearts-tongue. like falt. Calfacto, are ; to ſet a heating. + Calcinātus, a, um ; calcined, dons Calccütlum, Calecut, the chief of the Calfacio. See calefacio. into powder. Indian cities. Calcufa, a city of Arabia Petræs. Calcinella, æ; f. a kind of files. Caledonia, Scotland. + Call, the berb glass-20071. * Calcino, arc; to calcins, beat into Caledonius, a, um Scotch, Scot-Calianafla and Calion:ra, two symrhi Powder. tilh. having their names, one from ruling + Calcitio, õnis ; m. rather calcitto, Calefacio and calfac!o, čre ; (à ca well, the other frown hanouring men a clown, ons that treads hard. lco & facio) to make hot or Angrs. Callcadnus, or Calycadnus, a river of Calc'tralia, the far-shifle. + Calefacior, to be inade het. of Cilicia. Calcitrātus, a, um ; kicked, Cătofacio, õnis ; f. a houting. Calicandrum, & promotory of Aſia Calcitrātus, us ; mafc, A kicking, Călčfacto, are ; to beat often. Minor. Nnan 1 ! 1 and brawny i CAL CAL CAL Callconi, & people of Macedonia, prieſt's head in facrificing. Sex c2 and fucb small creatures of ivory, *. Calico, are; to drink. lyptra, thas their parts, could not be dif- Calicula, ; a kind of bot. Caliphius a caliph; a dey or baſhaw. cerned, and other mm. Calicula, a city in Spain. + Calira, a; f. á prep. Callidè, adv. craftily: Călícůlārlum, li ; n. a cupboard for Caliſia, a town in Germany. Calliditas, auis; f. craftinofs, fub. Calltæ, a people of Libya. tlay. căiicülatim, ady, in the faſhion of a Cålſtūrus, a, um part, of calco; Callidus, a, um , adj. (à calleo) cup or goblet from. about to grow warm, craft skilful canning. Callidus Căliculus, 11 ; mi là calix] a litt'e Caliur, a town of India within Gañ lucrari, cunning to get gain, *Cal- cup or goblei. ges. lidus temporum, & fateſman. + Călidárium, i1; n. the place in a CĀLIX, icis; m. [å Xaùs] she hollow Calliga, a' town' of India within bir-bouli, wbare men do sweas. part of the cup, wbkh holds bi Ganges. + Calidi equi, borſes with white foreal liquor (Mcton) liquor (Meton) a cap, por, shalice, Calligeris, a city of India within brads. or other vifal to drink in ; a tum Ganges, called Cananor. Căliditas, atis ; [à calidus] heat. blor, tankard, rummer, or bearer i Calligonun, i ; D. way-graſs, inot- Calidioſcúlè, adv. somewhai hotly. a plattor of dif, to ſerve up fallad, graſs. Cálidiuſculus, a, um ; adj. somewhat beans, or the like, to table; Ovid. Calligraphia, æ; f. fair writing, bur. ike capacious part in a fiſh.bell. Calligraphus, li m. fair writer. t Calidris, a kind of hirons. It is alſo uſed to ſignify that part Calillogla, æ; f. greatness of speech. Calidromus, a promontory of Achaia. of a flower in which the leaves are Callimachus, an hiſtorian and poet, Călidus, a, am; [à calco) bot, cager, fapened. • Calix vitreus, a drink. overſeer of Ptolomy's library ; and hlavy, light, raſh. # Calidis pe- ing-glaſs; Mart. Calix coch Joutral other mon, dibus, swiftly. Icã, the snail'i houſe. Calix Callimedes, an Athenian emperor. CALENDRUM, dri n. [à xátus glandis, she cup of an acorn. * + Calllmus, a kind of eagle-fone. TRIX, ornamentum]' an ornamens Calices amariorcs, old wine with Callinicum, a town of Persia and of a woman's head ; a tower, or pe. a pleaſant tarineſs. Meſopotamia. ruke, or pertiwig, made of falla # Callæ, aram ; f. Smiths irons. Callinicus, a philosopher of Syria bair. + Callaica, a gem of a pale green. and Arabia; ha profolid at Athens, CALIGA, æ;. f. [ab Heb., nagnal, Callaici. a people of Portugal. and wroto of rhetorick and other id. vel à xaná laxo, vel à calx) Callaicus Oceanus, the Spaniſh fea. things. Bocking, jpatter-daft, crowis,clo- + Callalna, prerious plones, always Callinus, the firfi orator, and inueter quent Ayle. found many together. of elegiack varle. caligans, ntis; waxing dim or dark, + Callainus, 1; m, Venetian bright Callinufa, a promontory of Cyprus. or making dim. "colour, , fea grimi Callionios, a kind of filho. Căligāris, re; 3 [à caliga) + Callais, an Indian gem Callionimus, a fiſh whole gall ournh Căligārius, a, um, adj. 3 pertaining Callantlani, e people of Ponius. blood-bot, and fuperflous fitost in to a feking, or barnals for the leg. Callantis, a city of Sicily. • Clavus caligaris, & nail in at Callāris, or callarias, a baddock. Calliope, one of the mufes, mother of foldin's greauis. Callas, a river of Eubea, and a Orpheos; alſo a city of Parthia. Călăgārdus, ii;m, a hofer or trowxt place of Mauritania Cæfarienfis. + Calliopicus, naturally gioin to mu- maker. Cillatcbum, a city of Aſia Propria. fick. Călīgātio, onis; f. dimneſs, blind. Callatera, a town of Campania. ť Callipæda, æ;m. an old fellow nefs, darkneſs. Callatia, sr-antia, a town of Myſia. playing the boy. Căligătos, a, um, adj. hoſed or grow. Callatiæ, people of India, who ear Callipatira, a woman that came in xid. Caligatus miles, a commen their parents . won's apparel to the Olympick soldier, or one thar feignis himſelf Callc, Cale, or Callium, a city of games, whirb occafioned a law that wary for fear, Umbria. the gamefiers afterwards foould come + Callena, a; f. a kind of falt-petri. in naked. Caligii, e people in Arabla. Caligiaõſus, a, um, adj. dark, ob- Calleni, é prople of Campania. Callipia, a fountain of Epheſus. scurt, dinn, dusky. Callenicus, a town of the Senoncu. Callpida,, and Callipodes, a people Çalīgo, are ; to dazzle, make or Callens, ntis ; - knowing well, wife. of Scythia Eu ropæa. grow dark or dim. * Caligo in CALL-EO, ul, ēre ; là callus, vel Callipides, a Greek tragedian and fole, I can't fee. wood from trees. ab Heb. jakal, potuit] so be tough hißorian. Caligare ad aliquid, 10 böggle at a thing. Amacs caligant noba 'ufe, hes killed in a thing, know well. Callipolis, a city in Thrace and lis, the rivers have a miſ duer Plagis coftæ callcnt, are hard Apalla. th. ened with pripes. * Callere ad Callipos, a philofopher who joined CĂLIGO, inis; f. ágaus) dark. quæſtum ſuun, to be very expert of pleaſure to honefly. nefs or dinnef, blindneſs, ignoranu, getting meney. Callipus, an Athenian, fain at Syra. obſcurity, * Quali per caligioem Caller-co, core ; aeut. 80 wax hard cule for allempting tyranny ufier cernere, to loke upon a shing with or tough. Dionyfius; alſo a jown by the Eux- an undue medium. Calletum, a town in Spain. ine sea; and an bißorian of Co- Caligula, a Roman emperor, wbo/uc- Callia, a town of Ætolla. rinth. ended Tibcrius. Calliarus, 4 chly of Locris. Callipygos, a name of Venus. † Calilæ, aron ; f, chalices, cups ufed Callias, an hiſtorian of Syracuſe'; a Callirrhoë, . fountain of Attica, in lacrifices. comedian of Athens, who made ropes · hot bath in Paleſtine curing dit- Calinda, a rity of Lycia. for his living ian Athenian gene eales ; the daughter of Lycus; and Calindra, a city of Asia, and of In ral, a grammarian of Mcthymni, beautiful draughter of Phocus, dia within Ganges. and'a town of Arcadia. wbo had thirty rich young men of Calingæ, aram; m. a people of India, + Callibiepbara, the beſt kind of osters, Boeotia her ſuitors; but Phocus while women are faid si conerive of ith a purple jiring abont 'em. delaying them, they few him, and five years, and not to love above Call blepharum, i; n. a medicins to afterwards hy her means word pain righi. munka ihu eye brow black. themſelves, Calingii, a people of Arabla Fälix Callica, a city of Bithynia. CALLIS, is ; m. and f. [à calleo] and AG Callicatus, a sily of India within a beaten path or caufey. * Gallem Calingo, a promontors of Ind!a. Ganges. carpere, to beat woon the hoof. : Calinvaria, a town of India. Call chorus, & river of Paphlago. It Callis, is ; f.a fig, dried in the sun, Calinius, a Syrlan hijiorsan, who nia. # Callifco, čre ; lo grow hard. wrote of the exploits of Alexander. + Callacia, an herbe making water + Calliſta, æ; f. a provinu. Callnus, the name of a fatuary in 10 freest. Calliſta: an iſland in the Ægcan fea; Quintilian, Callícles, a famous Batuary. Callifthenes, a philoſopher familiar Callodi, a pea; le of Táurica Cherfo-Callicolcha. a place of Trois about with Alexander, who ſlow him be- narus. the river Simois. cauſe be oppoſed the worſbipping of # Ca:plira, 2 ;f, a covering for the Callicrates, a carver, who made ants, bim. Callisto, j t A L, CAL CAM Ople, nor. mum. oan Callifto, the daughter of Lycaon, Calphurniana, a city in Bæotia, vel ab Heb. kal, levis] bald, barri king of Arcadia, by whom jupiter Calphurnius,' tbe' nams of divers counterfeit. bad Arcas, who gave name to Ar mins. CALX, cis ; m, and f. (à nét, cal- cadia; Abe was turned into a bean + Calpitur, for calvítur, he deceivab. cibusj she fole of the foot; the buil, by Juno, and placed among the t Calia, a chefnut. a kick, goal, tbs end or foot of any fars or Jupiter CALTHA, æ ; f. (xemba] the berb ibing, Calcem rejiccre, to kick Calliftratia, a town of Galatia. marigold back. • Calce petere, to kick at Calliftratus, an Athenian orator; and Calihioridia, a city of Armenia MI- other men, CALX, cis ; f. [ xát vel KớxAA1 Calliftruthia, æ, f.a fg of an ex. Ca!chula, æ; f. a garment of a mari lapilius] ihalk, lime. cellent tafe. gold colour + Calybæ, manicles of the hands. Calliſtruthia, a name of several mon. + Calcudia, a holiday or feßival. Calybe, a city of Thracé ; Philip, Callithrix, lcis; f. a kind of ope in i Caltelum, i; n, a kind of girdle, Ibe ſon of Amyntas, fored it with Æthiopia. a bier, the idloff felows of bis army. Callitrice, es ; Bebe herb maid- + Caltum, i; n. the herp buphthal- Calycadnus, a river of Cilicia. Callitrix, icis if..] m-hair. Calyctlus, iim. [à calx) a little Callitrichon, no † Caltus, a, um ; unknown. bud; alſo the pricking skin of a Callixenus, a famous Ratuary ; and Calva, æ ; f. là calvus] a skyll, the hedgehog, or cheſnut. other roon. top of the bead. Calydium, a town in Italy. Callona, a city of Lesbos, very rich. Calvani, bald kites. Calydna, an iland in the Myrtoan Callosītas, āris ; f. hardness, brawns- Calvaria, ;; f. a skull, or burying les ; alſo a city of Thebes. nefs. place, a cbarnel-house. Cälydon, a city of Ætolia.", Calloſus, a, um; adi. hard. brawny, Calvarium, li; a. a sea-owl, paddle, Calydonius, a, um , 2 belonging so infonible. Calloſa tunica oruli, lomb (without feales. Calydonis, idis ; Calidon. the firf: membrane of the go. Calvafter, trim. [à calvus) one Calymna, the name of an iſland. Callum, i; n. 2 [à calx, calço, vel Somrwbat bald. Calynda, a city of Caria. Callus, i, m. cala,' &c] the + Calvala, æ;f, a Jurgron's lanat. Calypſo, -us jf. the daughter of Ocea- brawn of the skin, a difeaſe in trees. Calvātus, a, um ; ihin or bare. 'nug and Thetis ; he reigned in the *Callum aprugnum, brawn. Caivata vinca, 'a thin vineyard. iſland Ogygia, and entertained U. Callum obducere dolori, to grow Calucones, à people of Rbatia. lyſſes after his jaipwreck. infonbble of a pain. Calucala, town in Spaia. Caliptra, æ;f, a woman's boods or + Calmaria, the custle fill. Calvefio, išrl; to become bald, uril, † Calmltro, are'; foglion offer the Calvco, vi, vēre;. 80 be or become Calyris, e city of Syria. reapers. bald, bari, pilled. CALYX, ycis; maſc. [xáaugla + Calmus, a, um ; dear. Calveſco, čre; to wax bald or bare. bud, the autward pell of a mut, Calo, are ; to call... Calveta, orum ; downs, plains, bare * Calycem aperire, to blow (es & CALO, onis ; m. [à xaney) lig place. flower.] num) a soldier's boy or ſnap-jack-- Calui, I was bot. Su calco. + Cana, æ; f. a trucklo bod, boy; also a wooden sor or pat. Calvinārius porcus, a bog fed with Camaca, or Camæ, a people of grains, or the like. Scythia. Calobatartus, ii; one that gul on Calviſiana, a city of Sicily. Camalodunum, or Camulodunum, filts. Calvifus Tullos, a Roman conful. sither Colcheſter or Malden in Calodemon, a good angel. + Calvitas. Ātis ; f. baldachi, diſap Eflex. Calcnum, i;n. new wine boiled till pointment, Camane, e city of India within part be conſumed. Calvities, ci; f. baldneſs or bare Ganges. Calon the name of a fatuary. Calvitium, ii ; n. neſs. * Cal. Camani, a people of Germany. Calonis, rbe city Cieves in Germa vitium loci, « bare place, Camantium, one of the ſeven cities of лу Calumacuma, a town of Africa. Aga Minor, which Cyrus gave to Calophanta, æ m. an hypocrite or CALUMNIA, &; f. ]à calvendo, his friend Pitharcus. mocker. Sue balophanta. i, e. decipiendo? a calumny, Nana + Camara, 2; f. a voule under Călõpõda, æ ; m. baving. fair fast. der, falfe arculation. Calumniâ ground. Sue camera. Calopodium, i! ;D a boe-maker', ingenii, by fifts and wiles. • Ju- Camara, a mart town of India with- lal, or wooden sor. # Ferratum, rare calumniam contra aliquem, in Ganges, and a city of Cóçct. with bobnails on it. to ſwear one don't commence à füiti + Camaralis, greefer, unrumnes in Calor, orism. à calco] hest, out of malice, but purwy to get one's the heir polled, Dum calor ſe right. Camarata, e torun of Mauritania Cæ. frangat, 'till the weatber grows Calumniator, äris; m. à Nanderer, farienfis. copler, or falſe accufer + Camaria, æ;the arch of a build. Calor, a river in Italy: Calamnlatrix, icis ; f. foolhat accufos ing • + Călbrātus, a, um ; idi. bot or ar falſiy, Camaria, a city in Italy, dont. Cálumnior, ari ; to ſander, ar ascusa + Camarica, æ; f. a ship. Călārif-icus, a, um ; adj. making fallly, desrael maliciouſly. Camarica, a city in Cantabria. bor. Calumniose, adv. Janderouſly. Camarina, a city in Italy i, alſo a Calos limen, a heaven in the Eux-Calumnioſus, a, am; Randerous, town, and a finking lake by it in ine fea. ready to accufi fallly, Sicily, the draining of which, con Cálótechnus, i, m. A good workman. Calvo, are ; to make bald, frary to the orarlı, made a paffage + Calpæ, arun ; f. foldiers brace. Calvo, ere; and calvor, vi ; to de. for their enemies; whence the pro- lets. reivi, diſapoint. Sopor inanus verb, Camarinam movere, to be Calpar, an earthen veldl; alfo wine calvitur, floop deceives the hands. the cauſe of one's own ruin. let out of the veſſel for facrijiss, be De Calvo Monte, the family Chau. Camarini, Arabian iſlands. fore it might be tafled. Camarinum, a city of Umbria. Calpas, a river and baven of Bi-Calvor, vi ; to be diſappointed. Camarion, fi ; d. sbe uppermoſt bolloro thyniz. llle calvi ratus, thinking he was of the skull, Calpas, one of Hercules's pillars, a deceived. + Camāris, m. a bull unyoked, town in Spain, and the name of a Calupena, a country of Armenia Mii Cāmārus, a, um ; crooked. river. * Cãmārus, ijm. a 'crab.fish. + Calpes, is; m, a soldier's belt. + Calus, i, m. a bird's egg, a porcămā:us, a garment furred on bash or reward. maker's loji, and a veſel through fides, Calpetus Sylvios, ibi ninth king of, ibe which the wine is ſtrained. Camalulici, a prop's of Gallia Nar- ebo Latins.. Calus, a river in Colchis. bonenfis. Calphurnja, ; f. an impudent wo-Calufium, a town of Tyrrhenia.' + Cama, an ear of rudder. man that would plead ber coulo Calvus, sbe name of an anciens port in Cambabes, one of the names of the herself, which occafioned a law this Horace. bill 'Taurus. forbid the like for the future. CALVUS, a um ; adj. [parampos). Canibala, orum ; geld mines in Afis Nnnn C20 3 bata anger, bari love. mont. nor. nus. 1 of that country. CAM CAM CAM Campolides, a mountain of Pería. be in great bopes of enjoying one's | De Campania, the family Cham Cartibate, a rilate about Bargundy. miires. paigac. Cambel, an llyrian people. Capericum, the city Cambray en tbe Carapania, æ; f. a irojs fruitful Cambery.chus, a maish of ibu-vjper borders of Picardy.. country of Italy, now called Terra Ganges. Cămērārlus, a am ; adj. of a vault. di Lavoro, Camberis, a town in Germany Cameraria cycurbita, á chamber. Campanus, a, um; belonging to Cam. Cambetur, a ty of Spain, gourd ou polo gourdi her Camera- pania. Campanis moribus, ribal- CAM BIO pſi, bicum and pfam, ria (fc. puellaj a obambermaid. dry, *Campanum, des, a bell. bre - Lau sieu vel garage | to camerarius, 6 m a chamberlain, Campanule, is; n. tà Campani] a change money, Tight, bigin a journey. Căměrātio, onis ; f. & vaulting or belfrey, the hollow of the ear. Cambiſena, a country of Armenia. arshing Campanala, æ;f, a little bell. Cambifhoil, ispla India, Că:něrātus, a, um, part. of camc-Campanella, * Campanula hor. Cimb las, atsion exchanging ror; vaulted, arcbed. 'Vehicu- tenfis, bell-flowers.. Camb'um. Dex: bange, hartas {um camératon. Ä horſo litter. + Campārius, ii;m. he ibat keeps tés ing; also an o hango. * Cambi. Camerinun, a famous city of Um- fields, an hay-ward. on siccum, njury. bria. Cambles, a king Lydia, sogno- Camerinus, a Roman conful, and the campafpe, she mof beautiful and be- loved concubine of Alexander whom "dy, hår one night be eat up his name of a post. be gave to Apelles. Wife, and the next morning finid- Camerium, a town in Italy, ing her hand in bis mitb, be killed Căměro, are;. La cạzcraſ to vgult Campoſterz, tris, tre ; (à campus] of the field. * Campeſtris ager, a hiinfelf. or arch, to ciel. plain hold. Cambudurium, the city Munchen in Canicropis, 'a city of Indla: Germany ; 'a'jo Almondberry in Camers, tis ; and Camertinus, a, Campeſtre, is;. n. [ſc. tegmen] a pair of drawers to wreſtle or exi- um ; adj. of the Camértes, cife in Cambálca, a people of Gälliz Nas- Camertesa Camerinenſes, the people campetto, are; } to cover the fe- bonenlis. Camboricum, 2. gewin in England, Cameſene, or Camiſene; a very an- Campeftror, ari 1; } .cret parrs. cieril nant of Italy, ever fince Ja-Camphörāta, æ; t. Jinking ground- Tropojed to bi Cambridge. Cambra, ibe wife of Antenor. pine, Cambria, ha principality of Wales. Can:afus, a city of Thrace. Camicus, á city of Sicily. Campi Diomedis, & part of. Apulia, Cambricus, a, um ; Weiſh. which fell to his fare in the diviſion Cambrinus, a fierie king of the Ta-Camigora, a city of India within Ganges. įſcones. Camiléta, a people beyond Euphrates Campicurko, onis ; f. [ à campus & Cambro Britannus, a Wellman, + Camilla, f. a young priafefs. curro] a kind of exerciſing an ar. Comburii, mountains of Macedonia. Camilla, a queen of the Volcci, Main Campidoĉtor, oris , m. a corporala my ; called ako ambulatio. Cambus, a, um, adj. cro:bene or in the war againj Encas. writhen. + Camillus, i, m. or officer that inſluits young foldiers, Cambus; 2. riug of Æthiopia. & joung priel & drillor. Cambyſes, is in the son of Cyrus, Camillus, a noble Roman, called a among ibe Toſcans. Campidona, the city Kempten in king of the Mides ond Perfiang Germany. fecond Romulus, zobo, after he was has added Egypt to his dopinions ; Deniſbed, was shijen dittator, and Campīductor, Oris; mi. a field-off'er. Janding an army to Jepil the remale Javed Romë froni ibe Gauls. Campigēni, orum; m. [qu. In cam- of Ammon, ibey were huried olive + Cămīlum; e cabing. po geniti] tried soldiers fighting in in the Lybian Sandsbaving burti Cămina, if a foort hed, the second rank next before the jlan him af Rightly will his own word, Camina, an iſland in she Ægean De Campo Arnulphi, or Campar- dard. pa dyd of the wound : aljo å river in Ala. nulphus, the famiin Champer- Camþümany people of. Cyropolis. Căminātus, a, um ; adj. made like a furnace or chimney. * Camé, a kind of ſerpent. Cămino, arc; to make like a chimney De Campe dorido, the family Cham- Canechia, a town of Albania. or furnace. flour. Camela, tbe metropolis of the Mani. CĂMINUS, i, m. ( xáusv@ ) al + Çampio and Cambio, õnis; m. chai. ibinsy, furnace, beat, the top of champion. Camelani, a trople of Itay: Ætna. • Ex conceptu caminu,+ Campomētātores, quarter-mafors Camerarius, ii ; m. (à camelus) a by the chimney's täking fire. * Ole- 'catail driver, + Cămē!ār!a, or - fi1, æ; f. the dri- am addere camino, to incenſe one Campona, a city of Pannonia. already incenſed. Camponi, a posple of Aquitain. ving or kerping camels. Camirus, a city in Rhodes. + Campfa, æ; f. 4 chili. + Camelaucum, or gum ; acap Camiſena, a country of Parthia and Campla, a city of Pallene. wbi:h the popes jomstimes wear 'in Armenia Minor. + Camprare, to how or hand, to go proceffiin Camiſia, 2 f. (Arab) a surplice, to wards a place, Enn. to change, + Căniclis, æ; f. A loip, or birt. Sell, lend, or take money upon inse- Camel da, wo iſlands of Ionia. Çamma, a lady of Galatia; who, to reſt, Cujac. Cămâ'ins æ; f. tranda, wormfied, revenge the death of her busband Campiarl, - people of Africa. Cămölinus, a, um ; of, a camel. ki led by Sinorix, procured to be + Campsārius, ii; m. a chef-maker, t. Camel'on, a kind of barb. married to him, and scon ile wedut Campari.is, le ; that will bend. Camelitæ, people on the borders of ding-day drank a cup of poiſons to Campeoniſis, e river of Themi- Meſopotamia near Euphrates. him, {cyra. Camelia. a; f. [Conduinto] a kind Cammania, part of Theſprotia. Campliani, a poor people of Germany. of vef I. Cammărus, i;m, a jab-fil. + Cain pſor, āris ; mi a banker, x; Camclobofci, a people of Carmania. CAMOENÁ, ; f. [à cálo vel à Camcloconi, s pouple of Arabla. Cha’d. caman, abſcondere] a fong, Camptaula, , m. trumpeter, Camelodunum, Doncaſter in York air. Campter, eris ; a goal in the fields. ſhire, Camænæ, aram ; f. the muſes, daugh- + Campulus, and campellus, a little Câmě opa, dalis. js; f. a heall liks a tors of Jupiter and Mnemoſyne. fiilid. cninel ind pansker. Camon, an hißorian, who wrote of Campus, i; m. [Kidumes), a feld, + Cāmēlásodium, bore-hond. the invention of things. or plain, cainy, the publice olum CAMELỰŞ, i ; f. and m Plin. (Két Campa, a lea Warſe, a palmer-worin blies, any thing to which Lens ] A.camel; alſo a cible. Campagus, and Campacium, the em bends his judy. # Latiflimus di Çamenta, & ftemoniory of Cyprus, perori foor, differing in colour from cendi campus, a world of matter CAMERA, æ; f. Tac. (Kanáca] che Renator's, for an oration. Campi natantcs an arched riam: a grinary, a fhor CAMPANA, æ; f. (à regionc Çam. liquentes, the sea. . Venti can. nime, shamber. Vi Percutere ca pa'nia) a bell. pus, a light unconfant man. * 'Can. meran fcm'nę ponio:ym, br. 8 Campaijąrius, ii; 4. & tell-founder. pus Marcius, a field near Rome noun. to the army. rer. a man where, + WOMAN. canvas. 1 tree. CAN CAN CAN thiri the people smet for exurcijas, , Cănārius, a, um; adj. (à can!] of J Candara, a city of Paphlagonia, whirt and cleaim of magiſratis. a dog. * Canarium facrificium, a Juno Candrent had a temple. Camum, i; a kind of drink. facrifice to koip the corn from being Candar, a people of Sogdiana. Camunin, a prople of Italy. burt by the dog.Bar. Candafa, a caple of Carla. + Cämūra, æ, f. or camorum vas; a Canas, a town of Lycia. Candavia, a mountain of Eplrus, die pag.commonly borne covered before the Canaſida, a city of India. viding Illyria from Macedonia. bride, + Cănafter, hé ibat grows white or Candaules, the fourth king of Lydia, Camurifarbum, a city of Pantus. boary. hain by Gyges; at the command, of CAMURUS, a, um ; adj. [Hauovo Canaſtræum, & promontory near Md the queen, becauſe he would rieds O , vcl ab Heb. camur, clauſus] cedonia. few hot naked to him, whereupon crooked, crampled. Canaſtraum, a promontory of Pallena he enjoyed both her and the kingdom. + Camus, a, um , adj. crooked. or Thrace. Candefácio, črç ; [qu. candere fa- CAMUS,!;.' (romos ) bridle' Canath, a city in the tribe of Manar cio] to make white or bor. or bis,' fetters ; alſo the funnel into fa. Candci, e people of Arabia, who lior which the judges cuff tbair lots upon Canatha, & lowon of Decapolis, and upon ferpents. life and dearb. a ciry of Media and Arabia. Cande'a, æ ; f. fà candeó) candle. Camus, a city of Colo-Syria. Cunathia, a isand before Tapro- Candelaber, mi a candleſtick, # Cann, a basket ; alfo the medicine bane. Candelabrum,' ri į n. a candleſtick. Papacea. Canathus, a fountain dy Nauplius, Caddelanta, ze ; fi ibe derb mullein, Cana, a town in Arabia Fælix ; and in which Juno wis thought to with long-wort. other places. herfolf yearly to recover her virginity; Candens, ntis ; burning or red-hot, + Cănabi arborum, the ſmall threads imitaind afierwards by the, Argive fair, ruhits. or hairs in some trus, especially the CAND EO, ui, ese ; [à xaiw dro, ook, Cănātim, adv. like a dog. vel ab Heb. caduh, incandere to Cănžbinus, a, um , adj. made of Cănātlus, a high mountain in Spain, be while, red-bot, ſoine.glow like a Ses cannabinus. in the top of which is a very desp coal, + Cănăbúla, ze ; f. a kind of lone Ishe, into which, if you throw a + Candes, pl. earthm veſſels. il'ad for a lond-mark. Song, they say, there arifah s tempe + Candes, is ; f. a prinie's robe. Canaca, a city in Spain on a sudden. Candcrco, is, ere; neut. to wax bor Canacca, or Canaco, be doughter of + Cănātiùs, adv. more loudly. or white. olas, who having a child by ber Cagauna, a countig of Arabia Fælix Candia, a colony of Venitians in ow:r Brother Niacareus, her father Canutæ, omamets of the head. Creet, wboss the whole iſland is so throw is to the dogs, wurd fent Bar a Cancamum, i; an Arab'an gum, like called sword to uſe it according és La bad unto myrrh. + Cagdicantia, æ ; f. a gliftering, deserved i. Cancellaria, æ; f. [ſc. curia, à can bleaching, or making, white- Cánache, ês ; one of. Acteon's dogs of . Candico, are; ncut. (à candco] to called Darker. Cancellariātus, ûs'; in. the chancellor. be or maks white, Cano, slogun of Locris asi Æolia, ship. + Candidans, ntis; waxing while. and a siis by fyrris ; wbanse ju. Cancellārius, ji; m. a chanseller, * Prunus candidans, a cohily plug- piter was calle Canzus. rotary. Canagora, a ciiy of India. Cancellarius, a, um ; adj. of a chan- + Candidarius, il ; m. e bleachter or + Cămăle, is; n. a channe!. cellor or fecresary, whitfler. Cănālicola, æ ; c. (à canalis & co!o] Cancellătim, adv. lattice-wiſe. * Li-Candidātorius, a, um , adj. [à cain- ir helgarly follow, a shi-henzel. nèis cancellatim ducis ducere, to didatus] bilonging to or petitioning Canalicola färcnſes, poor men crofs out what is written for an office. forced to plural oy the channel, or Cancellātus, a, um ; adj. made like Candidātrix, icis; f. a laundreſs. labourers landing in the 1.3: kei 80 latrice, croſs-barred, cancelled. *Candidātus, i ; m. [à candidus. one be hired. Cancellato brachlorum amplexu, cloathed in white;aljo one that petiti- £žna!:cula, a; f. [à canalis] Plin. (of a Polypus] placing his ons for an office; a candidate,*Can Canaliculus; i ;m. lillie pipe or Inws in faſbion of a grate. didatus eloquentia, addiEted to gutter; alſo a splint la llay a broken CANCELLI, orum ; m. (xixgaísel oratory. • Candidatl, principal go. finger ; a channel in a pillar, vel à cancer) lattices, grates, tlemen about the king's perfon. Canalicīlātus, a, um ; ad faſhioned Cancellos alicui circundare, lo pre. Candidati principis or Cæfaris, like a pipe or gutter. Jaribe one his bounds. thoſe that had the prince's mandate CANALIS, is, m. and f. [à Xay's + Cancello, önis; m. a water-conduit to be chofon into an office, +"Can- hatuaj a ibinnel, conduit pipe, & Cancello, are ; to make like a lattice, didati milites, foldiers exempted chirurgical inftrument into which difare, cancel. from duty. bricken legs were put, to keep the bone Cance'lus, i, m. little criviſe, or Candidè, adv. plainly, fairly, gently. from Nipping out whin fer. # Ca. crab fi ; from. Cand!do, are ; to bleacb, to make nalis animæ, the wind-pire. CANCER, i;m. (Kapxiv] a crab; white. Cănălītus, a, um;nf a channel of pite. alroq canker or hard ſwelling ulcer; Candidūlus, a, um ; [ a candidgg ] Canaluvii, mountains in Macedonia. alſo one of the twelve figns of the withill. + Canām's, a Scythian perfume which Zodiack. Candidum, a promontory of Africa. - dr.es very much Cancer, ebe name of a tragedian. Candidus, a, um ; ad). (à candco] Canan, Arabia, ſo called from Cham, + Cancer, čris ; ni an ular or canker, white, bright, red-hot, Spotleſs, with who retiled there. # Cancérâtio, onis ; f. á Spreading out envy or malice, glorious, fortu- Cananæi, the Cannanites. of the canker or ulcer. nate, eloquent, deer. Candidum + Cănânca, & country of Syria, sot Cancero, are; to spread like a can ovis ex ovo, the white of an egg, called from Canan, the son of Cham. Candido lapillo diem notare, to Cananit's, it:dis ; of Cananea. Canchæl, a people of Arabia. mark a day for a fortunate one.) + Canap'ara, or canaptura, the place canchrys, the feed of libanotis fee (from the Superfition of the andi. or time of ligbling candles, Ariking cunda ; alio a medicinal pill. ents, who, for fuery day in the fire. Cancri, orun ; là cancer] lattices. * year, 'threw a pobble into' e box j Canax, a promontory of Mauritania. Intcr orci cancros adhærere, to be is a lucky day, a white ons, if un- Cănäria, C; f. [ści herba) beund hampered heiwen two freighis. lucky, a black one). grafia + Cancrina, a ſea-gen, colourd like Candidus, the name of a conful. Canaria, æ; f. an fand in the the crab. Candifico, arc; to make white. Atlantick jea, near ine Fortunata Candăce, es ; a queen of. Egypt, who + Candificus, aj um ; adj. making Ilands, so called from the great left her name to her fucceffors, whire. number of dogs; now all the iſlands Candali a pesple of India within Candiope, the daughter of Enopion, which the ancients caled fortunate, Ganges. de powered in hunting by her brother are called Canz, the Canaries. Candalia, Kendal in Weftmorland. Theodotion, who was thereupon bg. Canarit, a.posple about Atas in Afri- Candani, a mountain of Epirus. niſhed by his faiber, ca, who live like dogs. Candanym, a city of the Jaziges, Candi. fur'origs CAN C Α Ν N. CAN Candigarna, a town of India within ſwart brigr. * Rubus caninus, she ib mg. * Claflicum cancre to jound Ganges. wild cglan:int. * Canina facun an alarm. * Eandem cancre can.. Candolica, e city of Noricam dia, impudent brawling tilenam, to be always in one tone. Caodor, orlo; m. (à candor] bright, Canipſa, a city of Arabia Fælix, * Sibi intus canere, to speak to his neli, 4 bining, a whitmus. * Ani CĂNIS, is ; [Kun Kuvos ] a deg own ends. * Cancre sibi & muss, mi candor, Ancere afraion, plain or bitch, a hound, a cur, a doga to write beyond the capacity of ihr dealing fiſh, the dog-fiar ; A doggod, impu. prophani multitude, * Canere rc- * Candofoccus, i; m. vine, or dent, importunate person, a name in un capitis, to fummon a criminal 10 ſmall fire bens-with. tbe top to the railing; Ter. Eunuch 4, 7. 33. appear by the sound of a trumpet or ground, but it inay, grozo at both Acajt et dice lofing all; the ace at proclamation. emais. dicr ; a chain or follar, Plaut. Au CĂNON, õnis ; M. (Kw) a rule, Candoum, a German town. attendant, a waiting-man, Cic. ibe handle of a larget, the tongue of Candrogari, 4.sewn of Æthiopla, on Alſo the furies are called. Canęs. a ballanca, the yearly cuftor of corn, be banks of Nilus. * Moloſſi canes, majliffs, Hor. * a law. , * Canon artis, ibi model Candyla, a city of Lyc!a. Canis veftigator, venaticus, odo of an art. Candys, a city of Media; alſo a kind rus, or odorifequus, un hursing or Cānonārii, gathereis of taxes or mis.. ofi garzami worn by the Perſian hunting-dog. * Canis pecuarius, at Canonia, æ; a pretend or canon- kingi fospherd's cr bulchar's sur. Canis loir. Cane, a town upon the Arabian gulpb; villaticus, an houſe-dog. • Canis + Canonia, n. pl. the tranjoms of a alſo a promintory of Æolis, tergeñinos, vipereps, tartareus, ar ship, wherson the batches are laid, Canca, a town of Crect. triformis, ibe deg of hell, or Cero + Cánónias ; ma a tall man with a Canobrium, a rity of. Caria. berus. • Armillati canes, dogs flut belly. Canela e, a city of Corfica. with collars, bandogs. * Canis fc. Canonicum, i ; n. a place for devout + Cānelia, 2; cinnamon. mideus, Anobi's. Canc pejus regular perfons, e con l'ent"; froin Canens; bu wife of Picus king of & angue odiffe, to bear one a Canonicus, a, um ; ad). regular, ar- Laurenton, who wbin be fow her deadly hatred, Canis Gallicos, cording 10 rulo, authentical, caponi- husband turned into a bird by Circe, á gray.hound. # Canis feftinans call * Canonicæ hora, canonical piped 10. deadb. Cæcos parit catulos, she more haf hours of prayer. Canonici, those + Canenta, arum ; ancient attire for the wor; ſpred. Canis vlculus 16:16 try' mufick,, and live by rula, tbe bepd. non affuelc:t loro, old birds are not i. c. monks. &c. Canentálus, a river of Aquitain. Cirught with shoff Canonicas, i ; m. [à canonja canon, Can-eo, ui, ere; (à canos) to grozo Canis, a river of Arabia Fælix. e prebend of a chunib. old er grey, dacay or witber. Căniftellus, i ; m. 7 [à caniftrum] Canonium, a college of canons and se- Canophora, æ; f.a womon that car- Caniſtella, æ; f, $ a little bal- gular priais; olla tha town Chelms- rius a baskes on her head with things Caniſtellum, li; n. ko ford in Eficx brlonging to Mineiva's fucrifise. Cānift:us, a lackey of Lacedemonia,+ Canonizo, are; to canonizi, regia Carčphoras, i; mi be ibat carries who in one day ran twelve hundred jer, examine by rule, put in the sub bukets. Tank and number. + Canerit, yw cecir.crit. CĂNISTRUM, trl ; n. (Kárdogpor) Canonor, a csty of India, with 4 + Canes, is i for. canis, is. a basket or ponn er made of ofers. barbour of intolerable toll and suf- Căneſco čre la canco) to grow Canlties, ci; f. (à canus) gremess of tom. whinni grby or aged. Canefçit the bair, grovily. Cānopæi, the people of Canopus. orató, thi fixecb is very grave: + Cāniiūdo, iais ; t. the greyneſs of it Canopicon, a: kind of punge. Cancthum, a place in Eubea;, alſo a ihe buir, gravila, Cănõpicus, a, um ; of Canopus. mountain of Bæotia, Cānius, or Canis a merry poet fami. Canopus, & city of Egypt. whare Canganorum, or Cangorum, & pro milier with Martia!, that was Claudian was born. mintory in the wel of Eugland. alway's laughing : alio the name of Canopus, a god of the Egyptians, Cani, orum im.grey haris Cani e Roman Anigde ; hintfinely chouled wbs oz't came the Chaldcans goda mantcs, montains zuhire with fnow. by Pithius, who fold bin a jifh-pind fire, by the artifle of his priel, whe Cani arborum villi, moss upon without fiſh. made miny holes in a pitcher, peppade Irues. CANNA, Q'; f. [ Kaygo ) a rud them with wax, and filled it with Çania, æ; f. là canis, vel canus) a ar cane. Canna pulmonis, the water, which being ſuupon the fire, Swill singing nesle, whose palk wind.pipe. vanquiſhed it. Alſo a far in the Dings.us much as the loivis. Canna, 4 town of Æ01:2; and otber fouthern hemiſphere. + Canica, , whiqim bran. placas, Cảnor, oris į m. Là cano) melody, a * Canicaceus, a, um, adj.of wbraton Cannaba, a city of Syria; alſo a ge funcable voire. bran. neral of the Goths, hain by Valc- Cãnõrus, a, am; adj. [à canor) mi- + cặcủa ®;f fa can's} = title rjanis lodicus, loud, jinging. Jorill. bitrb; alſo a' dag-fiat. a dog.fiſh: Cannăbaceus,,1 2, 11m of hemp or + Cânülus, a, utm ; adj. full of gray _dog dagi, a lamprey, ibe unluckief Cuanabinus, canvals; from, h.cirs, houry. mit at ens kuid or dice. Caonžbis is; . 2[Kárvabis) bemp Capovaci, the wajern prople of Scot- + Cáncülüris...and.caniculata, the Cannabium, i; n. ' or neck-weed, land. berb'havioans. bump-lud, or hempen-cord. Canta a city of Spain. Cănícủlaris, read. [à canicula) Candæ, arum ; f. Candiæ, arum ; f.. a village of Apu- Cantabra, a river falling into Indus. canicular, j' the digitar, Dies lia, where Hannibal liew forry thou- + Cantabrarius, ji; mi an mign caniculares, the dog days. fond Romans, and so many gunsle bearer, Canidia, a; f. a womico in. Napies man, Ibut he font ihrue buals of Cantabri, a people of Spain. thai Feld oll, againſt whom Horace gold rings to Carthage, as a token Cantabria, a people of the Cantabri. Inpeighs as a witch. of his villory. Cant:bricus, a, am; of Cantabria. Caniformis, me , adj. 3 art.) à ca- Cannonâ, fc ; of Cannæ. Cantabriea, æ; f. (à Cantabri] thu ans &'forca) like a dog, Cannētum, iin. [à canna) a place wild gilipower. Canindana, e town of Ifauria. where canos or reeds grow. # Cantabrics, Scurf, dandruff, alſo Caộinerales, 4 people of Germany Canneus, a, um ; mode of weds. witars purling out of a ſpring. near so Baravia, + Cannitiæ, arum ; ibaiched houſes. Cantabrigia, æ ; f. Cambridge, e Canin us, a con, ul. for feven hours,lit Cannitius, a, um ; of canes town and univerfity of England, who died balne day he was choſo», reeds. Cantab:00,1; 0.[à canto) in in- which mode Cicerowy, he was very Canobus, the pilot of Menelaus's fign; allo bran, or bounds meat. wnichfui. becauſe he jept not all the Dips. Cantabundus, a, um, adj.' [à canto] time of his confulfip.. CĂNO, cecini, caotum, ērc ; (Heb given murh to finging. Căninus; a, vin , adj. (à canis) of grogav, vel ab Hcb. kanel, canna ) Cantacuzenus, ni ; m. a Greek hi- a dog, Spitful. # Caninum pran 10 fing, play wport an iplrument Jorian, who of tror became a diun, a dinner withsus wine, found, praiſe, write or talk of, pro. monk, and under the name of Chri- Canini dentes, the sharp eye-lecih pheij, ubiſt's. # Receptui canere , ftodulus wro!e she hiſtory of the im. + Rafà cauina, the eglantını, or to Jound a retreat, leave off doing any pirs of Andronicus and himſelf. . 1 Cagia CAN C A Pereira CAP mog. Cantæ, people of Rols and Souther tlum promontorium, North-fore., Capella Marcianus,an African, wie land in Sotland. land. 'wrote the trarriage of Mercurig and Cantāmen, inis ; n. [à canto) a Cantiani, Kentiſh-men, thi moff cour Philologia. charm, enchantment, teouls of all ihe Britains, according to Capellānus, 1;, m. la capella), a Cantātio, onis ; f. a jinging or e Cæſar. .chapalain ; alfo paribioner. chanting Caorluncula, æ; f. [à cantioj e Capellacium. a country of Germany. Cantātiffimus, a, um ; adj. famous, paultry ſong, ballid, cach. Capena, or Ca pinda, s town of HG- much talked of: Canto, are ; (à canoj to fing, charm, truria ;'allo one of the gilto:of He Cancātor,Oris ; m. arbanter, or finger. extol, inculcate, forewarn. truria ; alſo one of the gaighof Rome, # Cantator fidibus, a miniflral. Cantor, oris ; m. a linger, chancer. called now Porta di S. Sebastiano, Cantātrix, icls ; f. a woman-finger, Cantor formularum, a prating called allo haretofore Honcigais, an enobartreſs. lawzar. froin founinins close roi Cantātus, a, um , adj. lung of, m- Cantix, icis ; f, a woman-snger. Capenatts, the prople of Capena. chanted, fawows. Cantuaria, Canterbury in Kent.. Capenatus, a, um, adj. of Capena. Dė Cantelupo, the family Cantlow. Cantuariani, a people of Mauritania. CĂPER, ri; m. (á Tirrhcno Ke- # Cantcrinom, a kind of barley. + Canturio, ire ; to whišlle, pips, to apos, d.) a he-gaat gelden, stuck f Canterdum, li; n. a ſmith's infiru- be about 10. ing. aljo the ſmell of the arboles mont. + Cantus, a, um ; famous or known. Capes, e river in Carias disbe pra- Cantērius, il ; m. e gelding. See Cantas, lls ; m. a long; tune, sharm. per name of a grammari wa Cantherius. Cantzacium, a city of Perfarmenia. Căperätus, a, um ; wrinkled like a Canterius, e mountain among the S2. Canucis, a town of Mauritania Cæfa- goat's horn. bines. ricnſis. Căpēro, are ; [ã caper) to porinile. Canuchia, a xuvigable river running * Caperare frontem, 10 frowns or Lowr. into Ganges. + Cantharia and canthara, 4 kind of vine, Canuleia, one of the four. principal Capero, onis → Eraſin, in the Fran- Cantharlas, a Rons with the print of Vaffel virgins. ciſcan language, a hat. a bentle. c. Canuleids, a gribune of the Roo Căpěrõsè, adv. frowningly. Cathåris, idis; f. la Spaniſh ly, man people. Capertini, fields abous Mahilia. Cantharida, æ ; } uſed to raiſe CĀnus, a, um; adj. [Kaorós, vel 25 Caperturla, a city in Syria. bliflari; alſo a venemous potion, and Heb. zakon, ſénex] gray, boary, * Capes, is ; a houſe dafcending from the herb fumitory. aged. Malum canum, a quince. one's anceſtors. Cantharites, m. a kind of outlandiſh Cāóūrına veſtis, Là Canusium] c!ob Căpefsitūrus, a, um ; erdeapokring, wint, of rufot, or a brown colour. or taking in band. Cantharium; n. a promontory of Sa. Cănūsinātus, a, um ; arrayed in cloth, Căpel-lo, li and sivi, fum and fitam, made of the wool of Canulium. sère ; act. to take in hand, sur for Cantharolethros, a place in Thrace, Cănūſium, a lown of Apulia, where accomplifh. * Fogam capeffere, 10 where all beetles die, There is very firse wool. run away. # Capefiere fe do- CANTHARUS, i, m. [me%6&pcs] Canucius, Tiberinus a tribune of the mum, to go home. Capeicie ſe a tankard, beetle, Spras, of such like Roman people, præcipitem, to run headlong. filh; ibe knockor of a door. Canutius.' Daniſh king, and 351h Juria capeffere, to do as one is bid. Cantharus, a comical poet of Athens, monarcb in England. Curluni ad aliquem capeffere, , a in to run towards one. and an impoßor, who cauſed the pro- cápăcitas, átis ; f. (á capax] caps- căpětolius, the month of December. , Cantharo + Canthēle,: a city of the Libophe. city, largeneſs, aplneſs to reieive. king nicians. Cape, a city of Hellefpont. Capæus, a bay of Arabia Palix. Canthelia, a city near Carthage. Capæus, a rive cold as cher lop, and Capha, a eily of Pontus, taken by the Canthellus, kind of vefjol so carry warm below. Turks. Căpācủlus, a, um, adj. [à capax] Capharcus, the higheſi hill in Eubrea, Canthērjatus, a, um , adj. [ à can- jomewhat capable. againſt which many of the Grecian. therius propped, underlet. It Capana, or capanna, æ ; f. a little Mips were broken. Canthērinus, a, um , adj. of or like cottage Caphartobas, a town in Idumæn. a gelding, wild, * Cantherinum Capaneus, a noble Grecian, husband Caphas, a moun!ain in Lybia. hordeum, barlay with fix rows of 20 Evadne, who, being about to scale Caphers, a defart i and betwixt carn in an ear. # Cantherinum the walls of Thebes, was bear Chertoneſus and Samothrace. marrubium, ſinking hore-bound. down with portes. Căphūra, an Indian free fo big, that Cantheriõlus, im. a little vine. defences of vines. Capara, a city of Portugal. + Gäpiális, a crafly catching fellow. + Cintherium, ii;n. a kind of cha. Caparatæa, a town of Sarmatia. f Capiculum, the herb feu-hotr. riot cenſecrated só Bacchus ; alfo a Caparcelis, a town of Armenia Mi. Capidiva, a city of Myšía. kind of herh. + Сāpīdīnārius, a, um , voluntary CANTHERIUS, ii ; m. m. [à xaydn- + Caparienſe, a kind of load. fering himſelf. pios, a Grusvine-prope , a rafter Caparnaum, a fountain by Genela- Căpidula, a ; f. [à capis) a dijb, or a wide horfe to saw timber on, a reth, which ſome think is a vein of bowl with a handle, labouring brafl, a gelding, tho tiver Nilus. + Căpidŭium; or capidum, din.a bood. CANTHUS, * ; m. [à Kards, hir. Caparoſa, a city of Judza- Capicndus, a, um ; to be taken.. quas] she iron Prake of a cars. Capala, a city of Portugal. + Capieni milites, they that were next wheel; the corner of the eyti Căpax, ācis ; adị. (à capio) capable, to the ſtandard, Canthus, the son of Abas, one of the apt to receive, hold or contain, large, Căpillaccus, a, um; adj. [ă capil- Argonauts. fit for business,underbanding it well. ius] of or like bair. # Cantico, are, sa Ang or chant. Omnis fecreti capaciffimus, 10+ Capillago, inis; f. a bulb of hair. Canticum, ci ; a. (à canoj, a ſong, whom you may, diſcover any Secret Căpıllāmentum,!; n. a bulb or tire ballad, libel. whatſoever. of hair, perriwig: aljo Prings about Cantilēna, æ ; . [à cantus). fong, Cape, a city of Africa propria. oors, a very ſmall sink in glaſs. common speech, a vapouring; or bount Capēdo, inis ; f. [à capio] a flaggon. Căoillärc, is; ñ a coif, soul, bouda ing with words. roul. bowl uſed in Sacrifices. + Cantilēnblus, a, um ; adj, muss. Capeduncula, że; f. a little bowl or Căpil'āris, is ; f. the herb maidm- cal. jug. hiir. Cantillo, are; io chirp as a bird, Capeduum, a town of ibe Scordiſcl. Cāpillaris, re ; adj. 3.art. capillary, Cantio, onis ; f. a jinging, an in. Capella, a; f. (à capra) a kid j of or like hair Capillaris arbor, • chantment. alſo a ſtar, and a chappel. a tree sr. Rone or which the young Cantioebis, a city in Germany. De Capella, the family Capel. men and the Vejai virgins bung Cantito, are ; [å canto) o fing oftmi Capelli Antiitlus, tbe taaior of the their hair, when Ibey confecrated it Cantium and Cantia, Kent. * Can- emperor Commodus, *10 she gods. Căpilia water. probe obtine mail with slities for the Capaneius, a, am ;} of Capaneus. caphyundations or relation } nor F 1 CAP CAP: CAP CAUC. 1 Iraci, Capillati, a prople of the Alpa. Capitium, a sity of Sicily, called Ca- } Capras, a place in Tuſcany, where Căpillariira, æ f. a frizi. Ca prizzi, Troilas was Anin. pillatura fíoctor, a frizler of hair. Capitin), the rownſmen of Capizzi. Caprafæ, a town of Calabria, Căpilātus, a, um , adj. hairy, long- Căpito, onis ; be that has a great Capraſia, a mouth of the river Po. baired, as boys. hrad, a jobarnol,an obftinate fellow, Caprea, zi f. (à capra) e ro, wild choilitium, tí; n, a bup of bar. a sio called a chub. goat. * Caprea vitis, she tendrix Căpillor, aiz 80 grow, or make Capito, the sigbih biſoup of Jeruſa of a vinc. hain. Icm ; and other mien. Caprcæ, an iſand heyond Surreatuta Cãoillöſus, a, um ; bairy. Capitolias, a city of Syria Cava. in Campania, famois for abondance CĂPILLUS, i, m. [qu. capitis pl. Capitolinus, the name of ſeveral mon, of quails. lus) tbs bair, a brard. Capillas and firneme of Jupiter. Capreæ palus, the place wharo Ro- veneris, maiden-bair. • Capilli Căpitolinus, a, um; belonging to the mulus vaniſhed, and was nö moru 'cxterni, fulle hair, . Compoſito capitol. feen. ac delibuto capillo, being mug and Căpítõllum, il ; n, the great caple in Caprcolatm, adv. twining abot like trinh. Rome, the capitol. vine tendrils, Capina, nifland of Arabia Fælix. Capiton, 4 igrtain robber, who, Capreolācus, a, um, adj. turned a CAPIO, cepi, caprum, črc; a&t. being weary of his 'trade, retired bout, writhm. [Kaat, vel ab Heb.caph, vola bimſelf, and dwelt fifu years in a Capreolus, lii là capreaj a kid, ór manus] to take, concive. delight, little goat ; alſo the tendril of a vini; mitigati, destine, conceive. fufiain, Căpitoſus, a, um , adj. [à caput] of allo a vine prop; an iron inflrumine begin, ebuſe, find, krep. Capere A great and hard bead. Capi- with two grains to Make up the magiſtratun, so mter upon the ma tofa Atropha, subtly turnings. car:b. girasy. • Capere rationcm at, t Căpitulārc, is ; n. a tap. Capretæ, a propie in Aga. to find out a way to. Capere Căpătúlāria, orum ; n.[à capitulum) Capriæ lacus, a lake in Pampby- mortem. to fugir degth. Can Hatute-books, lia. pare tempns, to watch an opportu. Capitulārli, judgos upore life and Caprianus, a mountain of Sicily: nity. Cepi voluptatem, or cepit death ; alſo captains of horſe. Capricornus, 1; m. [à capra & cor- me voluptas, 7 delighted in. Ca- Căpītúlalia, adv. by articles, chap nu) the bgn capricorn, into which, pere augurem, 80 confecrats an au ters. or ſmall fums. whin the ſun miers, be makes the gur, to force him to take thi ofira. Căpītúlatus, a, um ; part. knopped, wintor rolſlice. Capłor, pi; past. to be sahin. * Na like a head, beaded. Caprificatio, õais ; f. a draffing of turæ impeiu capior I am ovara Căpitulo, are ; fi capitulale, or ſer wild fg-trees, or the cutting the swaged by my ozon inclination. doum by articles or chapters. hark of trees to let them grow big- Cápior Turris, a very bigb bacon in Căpitúlum, 1; 8. [à caput) a little ger. Spain, to direa mariners. head, a chapter or chapiter, the Caprificiális, a day confecrated to Vul- Capis, a colony in Italy. shapler-house of deanı and chap. can, upon which the Athenians be- câpis, idis; f. (á capio) a por ufod Capítulum Martis, fes gan the vintage of their ſuwimer in facrifice, a drinking-cup. bolm. bunny. Caprificiales dies, the Capiſa, a town of Paropaniſus. Capitulum, a city of Italy. deg-days, when 20mm Jarvifod + Capiflcna, the people of Capifa. Capituria, a town in Thrace.' under a fg-trie, Capifterium, ii;in. CoxadiothployCapnias, ; m. a kind of jaſper. + Caprifico, arc ;' ro drofs wild fig. a cribble, or four to cleanse corn. Capnobatæ, the people called Myfi. Cãoiſtro, are ; to halter or muzzle, Capnon,, -ium, liin. and nos, ni; Caprificor, ari ; 8o be ripened, as fig's CĂPISTRUM, 1; n. ( à caplo la f the herb fumitory. are with gnats ; alſo to dreſs a wild collar, halter, mkxxle, a hand to CAPO, onis ; m. [à Kína ſcindo] fig-fruk. sie vines. * Maritale capiſtrum, a'capons. Caprīficus, i ; f.a wild fig-fror; alſo wedlock, Capotana, a city of Agia. vain-glory: Căpital, alis ;. n. a capital crime ; Capotes, a mountain of Ala. Caprīfóliam, ii ; n. wod-bine, 07 alſo a coif or head ornament. + Cappa, æ į f. a cap. Capital admittcrc, to incur a pre- monachi, libbards-bane, or monks Caprigēnus, a, um ; [ à caper & . mumire, hood. gigno) of the kind of goats. Căpitaliay'sha higheſt mountain in In- Cppadocia. ; f. a large country of Caprile, is; n. a jable or pen for da. Afia. The prople were accounted fo goats. Căpitālis, le; 3 art. deadly, de. poiſonous, that their blood was mor- Caprilis, le; agj, of goats, grafa Serving deaih ; alſo fubtle, precious. ial to a ſnake, and of ſo baje a ſpirit Caprimai , a town of Carla. * Capitalis cauſa, of life and that when the Romans' proffered Caprimulgus, i;.n. (à caper & death * Capitales, They that fate shem ther freedom, they begged their mulgeo) a milker of goats,' a bird upon life and death.' . Ædis ca excufa, as Strabo relates, who him. that fucks goats ; alſo a baſe person of pitalis. in which a borrid villany felf was e Cappadocian. no.worth. is committed. * Morbus capitalis Cappadox, a river in Cappadocia, Caprinus, a, um, adj; (à caper) of a very dangerous diſeaſe. * Inſci. alſo a Cappadocian. á goat. Caprinə baccæ, goats. tla capitalis, the ignorance of the Cappagum, a town in Spain. dung or fratilos. phyfician endangering the patimi's + Cappar, årls the forub bearing Caprlēlaj as f. shi berb dogs. Capitalc eft, is deferuri Capparis, touch. death. per's Caprípés, čdis ; fooled like a goat. Căpitālíter, adv. deadly and mor-Capellianus, a governor of Mauri. Caprizans pulfus, an uneven beating tally, tania, who vanquisbed Gordia of the pulje. Căpitāncus, el ; m. [à capat) a cap- + Caprizo, are ; to leap like a goat, rain, or head officer. Capra, æ ; f. (à caper) a for goat, CAPRONA, if: (à caper, vel ca. + Căpitatim, adv. drilly, high in the firmament, a lop-wing. pero, vel qu. à capite prona, 8cc.] Căpitātio, õnis ; f. poll-money. • Olida Capra, the flink' of bel a foretop my forehead. Căpitātus, a, um, adi hraded. arm-boles, Caprotina, a name of Jano. Vinca capitata, a vins running w Capra, the name of a crtain gready Caprollum, a hávon near the mean- again a houfi. harles, tain, Athos. + Căpitčcenfus, As ; m. a crown Capraria a, 4 kind of feegroen,+ Caprunculus, an sarthen uc/el. worn upon the head, or poll-mo good again the piles Çaprus, a hauen in Cherlonclus. Capraria, an iſland in the Liguftick CAPSA, æ; f. [Karabx} a coffer Căpitellom, i; n. [à caput) a little fia, abounding with goats ; andher chii brad, a chapter of a pillar. in the Iberian fea, and one of the Capta, a city of Lybia ana Colchis. + Cãpītilāvium, ilin. Palm Sunday, Fortunate iſlands, calied Forteven- Capfaces, ze; m. (Kauwarmi] a cri. wben the infonts heads wms wapbed tura. vet for oil. againſt Eaſter to be bdpuszed. Caprarienſes, people and mountains of Caplārius, 11; he that whes buxas Căpitlun, it; a. [à capus] a night Mauritania. er farchelr, he that carristb bones Caprarius, il ; m.. a goal barb. after another. Capſella: nus. } sap, hood, V ? CAP CAR CAR Capíella, æ; f. (à caprola) a little very old man. Carannus, the srl king of Macedo- cofer or caje,' a chriſtmas-box. Căpălus, i; m. a'handle, baft, or nia ; also a baven of Phenicia. Capíellum, a trunk, bilt; alſo a kind of Abip, and a bior. Carape. a city of Armenia minor. Capacum, i; n. pepper of India. Capus, i, m. (xámos] a capon, or Caraios, a town of Africa propria. Capitani, a prople ol Afia minor. sunuch. Ses cipo. Caras, a king among the Carcs, who Capcaia, æ; t. (à capla.}.a casket. CĂPUT; Itis n. (Kspraai, vel ab for taught them augury. Caplum, 1; n. the breadth of a chuash Heb, caphach, curavit) an head; Carafa, a city of Aquitain. betwem ibi cuindows; alſo as [Met. I be fun, or principal print; Cararenl, a prople of Taurica, Capſus, i, m. (à capio.) a coach or an author, beginner., ring-lader i Caraftaici, e people about Mæotis. waggon alla' tbe pla:a where the & baper, particular ; an article Caraúra, a town of Thrace. palinger or conchiman fils. or cauſe in a difponerſe ; tbe begin- Caratæ, a prople of the Sacæ and No- Captālio, onis; f. là capto) a cath ning or upper end of a thing the ricum. ing af, dubining to:gái, a ſuperfiti. Lop of tree, plant, &c. the chief Caravia, a city of Spain. els offertuliskan ar cicrious ſeeking :city or metropolis; life, reputation, 1+ Căraxātúra, &if. a dafbing our Captātor, oris ; m. a defigner upon liberty ; the principal, or money with a parte any perſons or thing. let out to ufury; the brad or ſpringt Caraxis, is z. f. a chara&er. Captătorius, a, um, adj. deuitful, of a river ; she amount of corn, Caraxo, are ; 80 write, engrave. guilețul, futtering or of any other thing dus to the Caraxus, the brother of Sappho, and Captātrix, icis.; f. fe that flatters, it common-wealth by way of sax ; lover of Pyramis tba harlot: erdravours to gei. [Syncc.] the wbola mon ; (Me- + Carba, or -bas, -2; & foutherly: + Caprigēna, arum ;. c. born of tape dic.) ibe top or head of a bile or wind. divis. ulcer. . Caput facere, to come sa. Carbaca, a city of Paropanllus. Capto, onis; f. a toking, deuiving, a bead. Capite cenfi, the poor Carbam, a town of Armeniai catching, Cuvilling, nicely quirk? people not apped. * Capitis di- Carbana, a city of Lycia. * Captiorcs dialecticæ, Sophipical minutio, iofs of liberty. Agreste Carbania, a small island near Italy, fallacies. caput, & rudo. fellow. * Capita called alſo Barpana. Cap'iosè, adv. captiouſly, Jubilely. vel navim, froſs or pile. * Capitis Caroantorigum, the town Caerlave- Capliālus, a, um, adj. fallacioui, ra. arceffere, to call one's lifi in .rock in Scotland. villing, ſopbizical, buriful, proju quellim. • Caput & fænus, the Carbanus, a, um ; of a southerly dicial. principal and intereft. . Capiti wind. Captitius, a, um, adj. taken captiue. tuo of your own peril tuo it. arbāfeus, a, um ; (à carbalus] of Cáptivator, orisi m. ba ibat sakas Nec caput nec pedes, neither trying fax or linnon. Carbalcum priſoners. head nor tail, « sale of « tube # fcptum, toils to take beafls. Car- Captivitas. ätis; f. captivity, bond Caput frumenti, &c. tbe bend or bufeos anos, a fail. age. article in a law, speaking of impoll Carbăſinus, a, um; adj. Ses Captiuncula, æ; f., (a captio) a upon corn. # Sinc capite manat Carbafincus, $ carbaſcus. poor follary, a quirk, s fatih. res, she flory bas na akiber. Ca- CARBASUS, i, m. & f. [Kagoa. Caplivo, are ; 10 rake prifmer. put Auminis, the head of a river, CARBASA, orum ; n. :} acr] Sine Captivus, a, um, ad). (à captus] ibe mouth of a rivor. * Detrahere linnm, bo fail of a bit, a fine captive, tüken in war. Res cap dc capite alicujus, ta blemima one's garment. tiva. Spoils. cbarabar. Carbā tina, æ; f. a country ſhoe. Caprivus, ; m. a priſoner, Capya,, -yos, the son of Afaracus, Carbl, a people of Arabia Felix, Capto, are; (à capdo] to catch any and father to Anchiſea; alfo a Tro- Carbla, a city of Sardinia. deſign to get, defign upon, allure by lan, who came witb cas énero Carbilca, a people of Thrace. fastery. * Captare verba, to wraſ Italy, and built Capua. Carbilius, the first of the Romant words from their proper meaning. I Canys Sylvius, & ting of Albania, that pul away his wife for being * Captare ſolitudiacs, arborum father of Capetus- barrin. umbras, to long after retirement, ro Capytlum, a town of Sicily. sp. Carb:lius, bis freedman, that forf be in the shida. • Captare mo- + Cara, a parſnip, or carret. kept a publick fibool at Rome. menta temporum, fo watch narrow-Carab, a river of Scythia Carbina, a city of the Japiges. ly for an opportunity. . Admota Canbia, e town of Macedonia. CARBO, önis, m. (a Kappw. are- pure captare fonitum, to brarken to Canabis, a city of Spain. facio, vel ab Heb, charach, siccus the sound. Captare rifum, to get + Cărabolus, im, a wood of wbich fuit, a cool. Carbo aquaticos, a Something to make sither bimſelf, or mals are mada, fea-drake or cormorant. . Car- olhars laugh. + Cărabus, t ;m. a Ishher, or ſuch bobes laxei, foa-cal. Carbonc Captūra, æ; f. a prey, a little gain like poel.fipo; aljo a kind of dip. notarc, po fut a black mark upon or prizes, a catching * Capturæ, Caraca, a town in Spain. wiles. Căracalla, æ ; f. [qu. Là Kápo] ce- Carbo. the name of divers man. Captūs, a, um ; part. of caplor; put & calx] a coat ujud by big old Carbonāria ; f. a coal-pit.. iaken, derrived, delighted. 'Ocu Gauls, which Antoninus brought so Carbonaria, the mouth of the rider lis captus, blind. Captus mente, Rome, and bad a name from theme. Po. mad. Captus ager, a field markedCaracates, a pople of Germany. Carbonārius, a um ; adj. Of coals. cut by the augurs. '* 'Captus eft Caraccad, a prople of luly. Carbonārius, il; m. a collier. amors, be io in love. • Captus Caractacus, a king of sbø Silures is Carbonārius faltus, or Carbonarla mcmbris, one that has not iba uje Britain. Llyathe same as Hyrcanla Sylva, of his limbs, # Caracutium, a very bigb waggon. or black fore! Captus, da; 2. a taking, deceiving, Caridocus, the family Cradock ar Carbonarius Collis, Cole's-hill in capacity. #Pro captu iactantium Newton. Fliathire. rerum, according to the profont flate Carzi, a prople of Arabia Felix. Carbonella, 2 ; f. 'a carbonade, ar of things. Caraga, a town of Africa propria. broiled fife. Çapua, a famous city of Campania, Caragus, a carriage or carrying. Carbonoi, a people of Sarmatia Eu. near Naples. Caralia, a city of Libya. ropea. Căpăla, æ ; f. fà capis] a wino Caralis,the sbief city of Sardinia;whose + Carboniam, il; 2. tbe Smoaking er velja!, or ladle. Caralitanum promontorium, a pro Ainking of a fire. Căpularis, rc; adj. (à capulum] mantary of Sardinia. Carbrula, a defort Mand by Cherſo- ready for the diar. Senex ca-Carambis, a prosuntory of Paphla nelus of Thrace. pularis, having one foot in the grave gonia » Galatia. Carbulo, a town in Spain. Capūlātor, oris ; m (à capulo) be Carambucis, a river of Scythia. Carbuncūlātio õnis ; f.. blafting of barb, and trus. thar lagis oil or wine will a ladle Carambyce, an Hyperborcan nation, + Căpulici, a kind of sip. from the river Carambicos. Carbunculo, are il to be blaled or Căpŭlo, are ; (à capula] lo lado Carana, a igum of Pontus. Carbunculor,ari; break out with wine or sil from vild 19 veffel: Caranenfis, of Carana. red biles . . Carbunculantia ulce- Căpúlum, 1; n. (à capol a bier ; Caraoltis, a part of Armenia major. ra, plague-fores. alfo a cofin. *. Capuu decus, á Caranga, a city of Galatia. Carbunculolus, a, um ; parched with Oooo . . 1 the prison. ti CAR, CAR CAR beats full of red pimales. Cardiăcus, a, um ; adj. troubled in country. # Carere luce forenfi so Carbuncțius; i; m. [à carbo] a lit thu Bem.icb with a griping: give over plarding caufai. *Tui carendum cft, I mujt want your jlone, the ſmulliug or blajiing of Cardiccas, the fourth king of the company viner and asher trees, a burning Medes. Carcon, a city of Spain. earth mixed with dla:k Nates. Cardidum, & promontory of Africa, Carcotæ, e people of Sarmatia Eu. Caica, a city in Spain. Cardigania, Cardigan in Wales. ropæa. Carcarta, a town in Italy Cardinalis,'le ; ladj (a cardo] of or Carepula, & city of Mauritania Cæ. Carcarum, a place about Media. like a binge or boak, a principal. farienfis. Carcaſſan, a city of Gllia Narbo- Cardinālis, is ; no: a cardinal. Circs, the father of Caryadluss alſo nenſis, called Carcasſone, famous + Cardinäliter, *adv. principally. a fumous ftatuary, isholar to LyGp- for wool. Cardinalitius, a, um , adj. of a car pus. Carcathlocera, a city of Armenia dinal. Cares, pl. the people of Carla. malor, near Tigris. Cardinātus, a, um ; adj. banged or Careſa, an iſland of the Ægean ſea. CARCER, äris ; m..à coärceo] 4 pinned fif. Carcfius, a famous city of Troas į nur prison i also a juil-bird, Carce-Cardinātus, i; m. the chief man Pliny says, in bis time there was res, the Marting flare, or barriers. in a rank. nothing if it to be seen; alſo a city A carceribus ad mictam, from Cardinca, or. Carnea, a Roman god. of the ifand Cia. the beginning to the end. deli, prefidens over binges. Caretha, an iſland in the Lycian Carcerālis, le ; adj. relonging to a Cardiogmus, pain or griping at the sea. Carcérārius, a, um ; } pri on or jail. biart. Carcam ei ; n. the berb carraways, Carcčrārius, ii; m. a joiler or keeper. Cardifce, ûs ; f. a Bons in the pepe of so called from Caria. + Carcērācicum, i; n. the jailor's a heart. carex, ſcis; f. [à caro) ſedgę, or fees, CARDO, inis; m. (à xáptos robur, feer grafs. + Carcērius, a, um; . belonging to vel xpásos ramus, vel xpædam agi- Cargani, a people of France, carried to). hinga,' tbs chief point of a thither by Arioviftus king of the Carcha, & city of Affyria ne ir NI- matier, the kna'kke of the back-boni, Germans. nive: on which the head furns. #Haud Caria, a country of Aga minor, be- Carchabeld, a.city. by Euphrates. tanto ceffabit cardine rerum, she tween Lycia and Ionia. Carchédon, önis, f. ibi city Car won't lose such an opportunity. Cariapia, a promontory of Parthia. thage. Cardines temporum. tbe four ſea- Cariaia, & city of Baariana, which Carchedonius, a, um ; ad).' a Car fons of the year. *Cardines mun Alexander ourrihrow. thaginian. di, the two poles. * Cardo rerum, Cărica, 2; f. (à Caria) a kind of Carchédõnus, li; m. spre ious fone the juncture of off sirs. Cardo dry , fig i alſo be ship called a ca- found in Africa and Egypi. agri, tbe limit of a field from nortb rick. + Carchegurus, ii; a kind of frog to fouib. + Carica, orum; buildings on bgh wih yellow foots on the belly, * Cardo, õnis; a kind of thifle. places naturally fortified: Carchesia; one of the Cyclades. + Cardonettam; 1; no ibe thifle ca- Caricāna wafia, a frail of figs. Carchélium, i, n. in towl, the bord milion, whoſe fut in aged infead of Caricu, arc ; to load of a crore engine, the round top of Tennot. Caricontichus, a city of Lybla. a molt. + Cardopatium, the carline thifllo. Caricum, a ſolitary place in Mem. Carchi, a perle about Media. Caldõpus, i, m. a kneading-srough, phós. Car:cium, a city about Armenia, or bread butch. Caricus, a, um ; adj. vile. · Ciscina a Mediterranean city. + Carduinæ, veſils wherein carduw Carides, um ; f. prawns. Carci ethron, i'; n. knol-graſs. is boiled. Carides, a city of Phrygia. Curcinias, æs m. a gem of the colour Cardúchi, a warlike and rebellious CARIES. el; F. (xápuor, vel ab Heb. of a ſea.crab. people of Media barang, fodere] rottennels, worin- Circinires, a city of Scythia. Carduolis, is; f. [à carduus) a bird antnajs, dregs. . Trabere cari- Car:inndes, eos i n. a dijeaſe in the frading on ihiples, a linnat or gold em, to grow.rollen. nole ralled polypus finch, Carretes, a seiple of Spain. Carcinoma, at:8; n. a canker. CARDUUS, i, m. (ab antiq. caro3 Carga, e cily of Drangiana. Carcinum, a long propor:tory of Maga a thi!le or trzil. Carduus sa-Carige, a sity of India within Gan- na Gracia; alſo a city about. Pe tivus. or altilis, the artichoke, * ges. tilia. Carduus Mariæ, she white or wild Carima, a town of Galatia. Cárcious, n. a crobafiſ ; alſo the bign sbille. • Cardung ſtellatus, fions CĂRINA, æ : f. [Kapriy, ſcindere) Jo called. thifle, calibrop. A keel of a ship ; alſo a polpas kene Carcinus, o tragediin of Agrigen- Cardynós, a mountain by the river tum, obfcure io a proverb. Tigris. Carina, a mountain of Crete. Carcone, a town if Mauritania ce. Cardytenfes, a prople of Syria. Carinæ, arum; buildings ar Rome, farienfis.? Cardytes, a great city of Syria. in manner of keels, fucb as were + Carcăla, a; a little piere of Reti Carè, adv. dearly, as a great rate. within the temple of Tellus ; alſo a Su caroncula. Care, a town in Spain. women bired to mourn et funerals, Carcivium, a city of Spain. Carca, a city of the Tastars. brought from Carla. • Carina pu: Cwrdăces, a perple of Alia minor. Carecardama, a town of lodia witbin taminum bifida, the two balves of * Cardaces, Thirues, robbers, Ganges. walnut-bells. + Cardalena, a country ia Arabia Fæ. Care&um, i; 8. (à carex) a place + Cărinārius, 11s a kennel-rakor. ·lix -- : full of fidge. + Cărinātim, adv. like the kee! or bot- Cardamina, æ; a kind of water. Carei, a city of India within Ganges. dom of a pip srtles Carenc, a sown of Myfia. + Cárinātor, 'õirs; m. a jailer or Cardamine, an iſland in the Ara- Careni, a posple of Scotland ;. alſo a taunter bian gülf People about Perta; and belween the Cărinātus, a, um , of or like a kul. Cardamomun, f; n. grain of para. river Euphrates and Cyprus. Carinæ, a city in Asia minor. dije, a {picy leid from the Indics. Carenſes, poople of Spain. Carini, a people of Germany. Cardápum, i; s. garden.creles, # Carengs, a baker of meas. Carinii, a prople of Illyrium. Ca.damyia, a city in Argos Carentani, a people of Germany. Carino, are, [à carinal to make hol. C:rdava, i city of Arabia Fælix, Carentini, a reople of Italy., low like a kul. : Carca!us, a:play.crilled coik-all. CĂREO, 'n), itum andlium, ēres + Cārinor, aji; to accuji, rail, mock, Carilefus. Q 6117:0f Scythia. neut. (à carus:] to want what one like a waterman. Cardin. the beurt. depres, bo frue from, or ablent fromzi, Caringi, e people of Sardinia. Cardia, 'a city of Cherſoneſus, from deprive ol, spare. * Id quod amo Carinthia, & dutedom in Germany. its likene's so as he:""}, careo, I want what I long for. Caricus, a Roman emperor, proud, Cudisbanca; clown on the borders of Caruit ie febris, tha; agus fit was crudl, and very diſoluia. Perronia. Del upon yon. Carere domo, pa- + Cario, arc ; to roi, farváca. 3 ; f. musber.worz. triâ, to be from home, tout of one's: Cariobaizanes, a mountain between 's ! she CAR CAR CAR men. Iba Parthians and Mafragetes. Carminius, ihe name of a certain hj. Carnonacæ, a people of Cz:hasis in Cariofaellites, a reple of Gaulla Lug-florion, who wrote of Italy. Scotland. dunenfis. Carmino, ale; à carmen) to combl + Cai noſicas, ātis; f. Methineſs . Cariolus, a, um; adj. (à carics) or card wibolj ro. hackle ylax or. Carnõſus, a, vós; adj. (à caro) Hoby, rotten, worin carer, putrified, iCa himp. gros, plump, pith, # Carnorum rioſa terra, piff ground in wbishi Carmon, a place in Meffonia, anda veftigins, the foot of a dog, or any rain ſiands a great while ere is temple of Apollo in Laconia; a osher cediuie thui his not boofs. finks. river in Achaia, a mountain of Pet Carnulent:a, gefriels. Carlpeta, a town of Arabia Fælix. loponnclus, and a city of Spain. Ca'nulentus, a, um; gros, plump. Caris, the old nume of Cos alſo a Carna, a goddess who was thought to Carnus, un iſland of Acarnania ; aljo river in France, called le Cher. profae, over the vitals of men; alſo a The name of a poel. + Carifa, 2; a boun. sity of Arab a Felix. Carnutes, 4 people among the Celtæ. + Carilcus, ci; a little flie. Carnabas, a rert: in reel man, who Carnuti, a people of Germany. Cāriſeus, a, om: muldy. New bis farber Triopas king of the Carnprom, a town of France. Carilia, a city in Spain. Perrhabi. CĂRO, carnis ; f. (Kpens) feb, the Carifiacum, a town of Gallia Belo Carnālis, le; là caro) carnal; Aebly. Subiance of fiſ, fruits, frees; and gica. + Carnalitas, ätis ; f. fefalineſs. barks under the pill or rind. Cariffa, a town of Paphlagonia. Carnaliter, adr. carnally. Caro toſta, roaſ meat. # Caro Cariffarianun, 4 cali in Italy. Carnana, a city by the Red-102, putrida of fubranc da, Binking Cariſti, a propii In Spain. Carnapæ, a peiple about Mæotis. st. + Cariſtium, a green marble fone. + Carnaria, ja larder. +Care, are; to card.wol. Cariſtum, a'town of Liguria. Carnarian, jij n. (à caro) a bulib- + Carobe, the fruit of the carobe iru; Cărîtas, ātis; f. (à carus] dearib, ery, frame to hang meat on; allo alſo the free 1folf. fcarcity, high price. tbt lian of mout; allo the place Carodanum, a (ily in Germany, Caritul, a people of Germany. where they falted the meat. Carca, a town of Sarmatia Euro- Carlum, aplice in Cyprus, where A-Carnarius, ií; m. a butibor, a lover paa, pollo's wood is. of lean meat ; aljo a wether. Carolina, ibe wbite thille. Carlus, the ſon of Jupiter and Tõr- Carnārius, a, um ; adj. of flof, Carolinus, a carolus [piae of 70- Thebia, who, laring the nymphs Ang Carncus, } felby ney.] by chance, learned mufick of them, Carnarvonla, Carnarvon in Wales. Carolo Bergomum, thecity Karlesberg and sought it to be Lydians; ubere. Carnaſa, a city of India witbin Gan in Bavaria. upon he was bonoured for a god. ges. Ciroloftadium, the town Karlestadt Carleolum, Carlife in Cumberland. Carnagus Sallus, a town of Pelo. in Franconia. Carlina, æ; f. the camelim, or white ponticfus. Carolus, Charles, the name of foveral shifle. See carolina. Carne, e town of Phenicia by mount Carlomannus, the name of frueral mm. Libanus; alſo a city of Æolia. Caro'us Magnus, the son of Pipia, Carmacæ, a people of AGa. Carneades, a philofopbar of Cyrene, king of France, and emperor, whó Carmalus, a river in Ala minor and chief of the feet called Novi built the univerſity of Paris. Carmand, a city of Carmania. Academici ; olla anorber philosopher Carolus Quintus, king of Spain, and Carmania, wuntry of Asia betwim of Athens, Scholar of Anaxagoras. enperor of Germany, who resigned Perſia and India, divided into de Carncus, a name of Apollo, and a his smpire to bis brother Ferdinand, ſerta and culte, certain harper who overcar Ter and bis other kingdoms to Philip, Carmani, ibe people of Carmania. pander. husband of queen Mary of Eng Carmanis, 4 mart town of Perga. Carnt, & people near the Alps, of the land Carmara, A rily of ladia within Gan- country Carniola. Caronium, a city of Spain. ges. Carola, or -ca, feafs of Apollo, in Caropolis, a city of Caria. Carmartima, Carmarthen in Wales. Sparia, where Terpander got the Căros, furfeiting or lethargy: Carmc, & nymph who bore Britonar frift vidary, tis to Jupiter. Carnia, a city of Ionia. Caron; } she herb carraways. Carmclis, a c ty of Spain. + Carnīcủla, æ; f. a little fell Carota, the wild carot. Carmelita, a; m. a carmelite fryar. Carnicnin Julium, a fouins of Nori. Căroticus, a, um; cauſing flesp. Carmeliticus, a, um; belonging to the cum, Carõrīdes, carote, or carotici, the order of Carmelites. Carnifex, icis; m [â caro & facio] name of arteriss carried from the Carme!us, the nume of two mountains an executioner, hangman. · axillaris arteria through. ibi fide of in Judæa. Carnificida, æ; f. ibe place of exe the neck to the skull, + Carmelus, a place fit with trees, cution, the act of tormenting. + Carpa, æ; a carp. fruitful in graſs and corn. Carnificinam facere, so do the office + Carpāgus, 1; m. e baker of meas, CARMEN, inis; n. Iqu. carmen, of hangman. Crnificinam Carpafia, a city of Cyprus, an ifiind ab ant. carno pro cano) e pocith a lub!re, to undergo an inquiftion. in Cilicia. charm, a prophay, a form of prazer Carnificium, il ; 11. carnage, the of- + Carpalus, a kind of colour, and used by the ancients to their gods fice of a hangman. berb, Carnien crucialûs, the form used Carnificinus, a, um ; 24d). belonging Carpatos, & cuntain of Sarmatia by the judos in paſſing of sentence, Carnit iclus, a, um ; 1.10 a hing Rurooza. Carmen, inis; n. 1qu carimen, à * Carnificium cribeum, one Carpathus, an iſland in the Mediter- caro) a card for wool, a hatchel. that has been ſo will favouredly rancan Sea, bolwern Rhodes and Carmenta, ant -tis, an Arcadian whipp'd at the carl's tail, ibar his Crete. prophetes, mother of Evander; hence back is creaſed croſs-wife like a fievrit Carpătinz, eckers. - Carmcntalis, Carnifico, are ; io tormeni, execute, Carpe, a place in Spain. Carmentalia, foolis celebrated yearly Carpella, a promontory of Campania. in honour of Caracnta. Carniola, a country of Noricum, cal- Carpentarius, ti; m. (carpentum] Carmides, a Grecian of a pingular led Il Cragno. a carpenter, coachman, or coacho memory. Carnlolentes, the people of Carniola. maior, a. cartwright. Carmina, an iſland of India. Carnion, a town of Laconia, and a Carpentārlus, a, um ; adj. of a cari, + Carminārios, he ibat cards or picks river of Arcadia. Coach, er chariot. wool. Carni (privium, li; a. (à caro & Carpentarium, it; n.7. Ca ca:po, ye? + Carmīnātio, õnis ; f. a picking or privo] Lint time. Carpentum, ti ; n. ab Hebitha carding of wool. Carnithia, the same as Carinthia. chad, cquitavit,) a chariot or wag. + Carminātor, a cardor of wool. Carnivõrus, a, um; (à caro & roro] gon, + Carminātrix, Icis; f. Me shut cards devouring pepo. Carpentoracte, a city of Gallia Nar- wool. Carnius, the month May among the bonenfis, Carminātus, a, um ; carded, heckled. Athenlans. Carpefia, a kind of herb. Carmina, an ifland of Carmania. Carnodunun, or Carsodunum, a town Carpělil, a people of Iberia. Carminai, the people of Carml in Germany. Carpefium, cubebs, Carmini, Cardon, a town of Arabia Fælix, Carpèteni, oruin; s poeple of Spaia. Oooo2 1 man. + Cara CAR CAR CAS 1 nuts. * Carphedrum, pure and white frank- rafufas all thingı, ibe other sucks + Cartii, the barh called spurge. intele, them in. Cartil, à people of Perſia. Carphi, a pople of Africa.' Carro, arc ; to card wool. See caro, Cartī!áginoſus, a, um ; adj. full of Carphos ibe herb mugreek. Carrobäliſtá, a warliks inffrument, gripien. + Carpies filthy wool. carried in a cari. CARTILAGO, inis ; f. [qu. carni- Carpinetum. I; D. a place whereilt Carrocium, it; n. a coarb er ca. lago i a grittle or tendrel, Arun. carpine trent growi raach, dinis cartilago, the pith in the joints Carpincos, a, umr; of tbe' carpine-Carrodunum, a fown in Germany of a murd. trint. and nbor places. Cartris, a peninſula of the Cimbri. Carpinus, 1; F (à carpo, vel a Kági Carrūca, æjf. fa cartus] a plough, Caruancai, a mountain of Noricum. ou ficco) the born-bram-trus. a little cari. Carvin's, a cily of Cappadocia. CARPIO, õnis ; m. [Kepmoved] a Carruca, & foron in Spain. Garucntus, a cry of the Latins. carp-file. Cursūcarius, li ; m. a cart-maker, or Carul, I have wanted. Ser carco. Carpis, a town of Pannonia ; ayo.a; Carvilius, the name of a Roman, Su riurt of Myfia, and a town of Cairūcar'us, , um adj. belonging Carbilius. Africa. to a cars, Carum, i, n. Caraway. Carpiſculam, a kind of soe. CARRUM, 1; n. 112 curro) a cha. Căruncăla, æ ;-[la carco ] a liile CAR-PO, plí, prum, père ;: [Kapol-Carrus,!; m. } tiet or cart wag pince of field. Owà Keperds 'tradas) to pick, carve, gon, wain. Caruon s, a sown in Guc!derland, pluck i takı, And fault with, dimi-Carrus, the river Car in Dorſethire, called Grave. niſb by litile and Tirili. * Pede Carfa un ifand in the Ezcan la. Carura, a country of India wirbin carpere campos, si run lightly wir Carfe, a city of Armenia. Ganges she fields. • Carpere vitaleş auras, Carleæ, a prople of À da minor. Carus, the 36th. emperor of Rome. to draw breath. Carpamus dol- 'Carſcolail, a people of Italy.. CARUS, a, um , adj. (à careo, vel cla, let's be jolly. Carpere fa- Caſeoll, a town in Italy, ab Heb. jakır, prerioſum effc]dear, ciem, to tear one's face. * Carpere Carſeolanus, a, um ; adj. belonging coply. rura, fed castle upon a ground. to Carſcoli. Carulli, a people. bordering upon the Agmen carpere,' to cut off the Carficis, « port tawon in Gallia Nar Troglodytæ and Æth'opians. Bragglers of an army. bonensis, Carla, a country of Arcadia, and a Carpobalsamum, i j n. the fruit of Carsidava, a city of Dacia. city of Laconia and Peloponc- Ballamun. Carlitani, a people of Italy. fus, Carpocrates, , an herdi:k in the time Carfuli, 4 dly of Umbria. Caryanda, an iſland of Caria. of Adrian, who raugbt thar biCarca, & iisy of Hyrcania, and one of + Caria pontica, filbords, world was made by angelsa dmied Darius's prinies. Caryatides, images of women ſupport. the divinity of Chrif, and would Cartadolorum, a reuniry in the moun ing, buildings, * bave wives to be common. tains of India where are found fa-Ga'yinus, i a, um ; adl. of Carpocratiani, the followers of Car- yrs both four fasted and uprigh! ; Carynus, pocrates, but, by reáfan of thair (wifind, arc Cay:les, a kind of fpurge. Carpophorus, a, um ; bearing fruit. never taken bui when old or fick. Carynia, a city of Achaia. Carpophorus, a nartyr of Hilpalis ; Cartallas, a town in Spain. Carion, a welnur. . Caryon my- and a young men bilmid of Dom - t Cartallus, 1 ; baskei or pannier. rifticon, e numrg. tian, madi of ofers. Cariones, a people of Sarmatia Eu Carpophyllon, 1; . laurel of Alex, Cartalo, a proper name of a man. ropa2. aadria. Cartandus, a mountain between Perla Caryophyllata, the berb aves, from Casp-or, pi ; part. so be trubled, tropy, and Media. Caryophyllum, i ; n, a gillifower or gathered, &c. Cartarc, a Spaniſh fand. Clove, Carporo, are ; to wund Cartaſmi, a city within Ganges. + Caryophon, Syrian cinnamon. Carpofis, the sacrifice of Vee Carteia, a town in Spain. Caryopus, iba juice of a nu!. Amathus. Cartenaga, a town of India within Cariota, æ; f.? a dars or palmets + Carptariam, if; n. a wool-card Ganges. Cariores, idis ;) + Carptìm, ady. (à carpo) picking Carrenni, colony of Auguftus in Caryfa, a bay in Galatia. out 'ibe Bolt here and ihere, by pero Mauritania Tingitana. Caryſtæus, } sils, feparataly. * Carptim vocem Cartennæ, a city of Mauritania Cz Caryſtius, a, um; } of Cary. ſtus. reforbere, to pant. farlenfis. Cariſtus, or -109, -1; I e cily Cariſto in Eubca. Carptor, oris ; mi a reprovar carperi Cartenus, a river of Mauritania Cz- carder, caruer. farienfis. + Carytes, ja lind of ſpurge. Carptura, æ ; f. a gathering rogaber, Carreria;a iffand before Smyrna. Carium, a town of Laconia, whenua ferafing. Cartha; a city in the iſland Cca. plana is called 'Caryatis. Carptus, ùs ; m. a cropping or scrap Carthaus, a, um ; } CASA, ; f. e cottage, lodge, fol. ; ing, cutting."Trium digitorum Cartheius, } of Carthæa. dier's but alſo a land-mark. *'Ita carpius, as much as one can taki Carthaginenfis, fe of Carthage. fugias ne præter calag, don't tt up with three fingers. Carthago, inis; 'f. the no Tumbus Avoid one cvil run into a morber. Carptus, a, um ; cá carpor], plucked, city in all Africa, once contending + Casăbundus, a, um, adji" ready ta gathered, med. with Rome; for be empire of the fall, fumbling Carnudemum, a city of Thrace... world ; wared at laſ by Scipio. Cifa, a city of Pamphylia, and a CARPUS,i ;m. (Kopada ] the wriſl. Carthago Nova, city of Spain, village of Africa. Carpus, a bißop and martyy under built by Aldrabal, general of the Cifa Nugræ, & city of Africa. · Aurelius Commodus. Carthaginians, now called Carca + Caşāles, is ; n. ground, that'hath a. + Carpus, a, am wury, wife. gena.. land mark; alſo. a jord. Carra, a rive of Syria. Carthago. Vetus, a city of Spain, by Cafalas, a bay by the ſand of Cor- + Carra, orum ; holes. Jose Villa Franca, by others can lica. Carracca, abs city Carrara in Tul. taviila. Calama, e city of Palmyrene." 'cany Cartbago, a daughter of Hercules. Caſaman, a rown of Armenia. Carræi, o people of Arabia Fællx, + Carthamus, i mi tvild saffron. Caſamari, a people of Æthiopia, Carrago, inis; f. (à carrun) a sconce Carthera, a city of Meſopotamia + Człamçnwo, i ;:0. R.COLARE or barricado with carts. Cartheia, a mull ijland aboterDclos. + Caſanna, a ; f. A covering of a ship. + Carrāvānum, a cartavon, or compa: Cartharia, iht forf Leonafiery of the Caſandra,an iſland over again Perfia. ny of. merchants travelling trgahsı Carthufians near Genoble. Calans, nus; [à cafo)'ready to fall in Turkey: Carthufiant. Carthufian inonks inl.j. Caranti capite 'inccdit, he runs Carrha, a isty of Arabia, by the Red. 'tured by Bruno of Colen. A. D. headling. sa; alſo a city of Melsopotamia. ICSc. + Calaria, æ ; f.se that keres a sota + Carrinător, & carder of wool, + Cartíbulom, a little sable. Car:jnenfis, a field in Svain where it Carriculuia, i ; n, s hizo cart or t Calarlus, ii ; m. a' cottager. thers ar: iwo fountains, whereof ine' w.iggen. + Caſca- F . km. ncus. mon. CAS CAS CAS, f Carcabus for cacabus,, a caul., Cafpirus, a city of Parthis. While Lumine & æthcre CAli, dead dron. inhabitants are the swifrost that Cofa'dote virgo, a maid thii has Caſcandrus, a defort ifand towards are, no portion- * Calla præfid:a, wegk India, Cafpis, a city of Syria. Supports.: Caſcantenſes, a prople of Spain. Caspium márc, the Caſpian fea, le t Carsuta, or caflyta, the werd dod- + Caſcus, a, om; adj. very old, trueen iba Caſpian and Hircanian der or woodbine. Calculus, a, nm, Samewhar old. mountains. Caftabala, a vily of.Cllicia and Phce. Cāſcāle, is ; n. 1 à caleus 14 checlaCaffandane, the daugbier of Pharr.al . nicia. chamber of theils-preſs, a dairy. pis, and mother of Cam byles. Caſtabalenſes, the people of Caita- Caſcārius, a, un; (a caſeus ) of Caffandcr, the twenty fifth king of bala. chufe, Macedonia., # Caſtaldius, ii; m..a fuward or Cafeārius, il ; m, a chufomonger. Caffandra, æ ; fo the daugher of Pri bailit. # Calcatum, 1; n. curds made of amas and Hecuba i jas promifid Caftalia, the daughter of Achelous, whey. Apollo so lie with him for the gift and a city of Cilicia. Caſeera, a city of Thrace. of prophecy, but when he bad in Castalius fons, a well at the food of Caſellus Vindex, a famous lawyer. was wor'e thar bar word, wherea Parnafſus, Jacred to the Mufero # Caſor; m. an old man. upon he couled that none Mould be called Caftalldes from tbence. Caferotæ, a prople of Arla. lieve ber, which proved the ruin of Catalo, the greateft city of Oreca- CASEUS, i, m. [qu. coaxeus the Trojans; alſo the daughter of nia. CASEUM, iin. } cogo, vel à Jobates, who was married to Bc'le- Caftalonites, inhabitants of Caf Chald. eas, ſeneſcerej shofe. rophon talo. Calcus oculatus, chefe full of nya. Cafandria, a city of Macedonia. CASTANEA, æ; f. (xúgtevow vel + Careus Parmenſis, parmeſan. Caftanitæ, a prople, by the Red-fea. ab urbe Caftanca] benut * CASLA, or caſſia, a; f. [xotic] a Caffanerus, a city of Egypt. chefnul-tru. fwriti prùh wfed for cinnamon. * + Caffari, 30 6e deceived or milla- Castanca, a city about tbe river Pe- Caña lignca, the common cinna. . + Caffarius, ii ; a not maker. Caftănētum, i; n. a place fat with Cafia, a country of Scythia. # Caſsò, in vain. rhelnut-frers. Cafilinum, a town in Campania. Caffelenſis of Cashel in Ireland. Cäftăncus, a, um, adj. (à cafta- Caliliaus duvius, the fame as Val Caffera, a town in Macedonia. Căftăninus, * nca) of a che uut, 07. 2 turnus. Caffi, the hundred of Caifhow in chefnul-free Cafina, me of Plautus's comedies, from Hertfordſhire. Caſtaon,a town of Spain, the maid: Cafina, boloved of an old Caffia via, a bigh-way paved by Car-Caitax, a city of Iberia. man and his son. fios. Cafto,-iùs, iffimè ; ady, roofily, pure- Caſina, and um, a town in Campa. Caffianus, a king of Antiochia, a bi. ly, honefly, uprighily, devoutly, ra. pia. top, and diversetbers. ligiouſly De Caſineto or Caneto, the family + Calsicólum, i ; n. a little coflingo + Caftella meneem, i ; n. a kind of Cheyney. nel. meat dished up caplo-wife ; alfo A Calinus, a mountain of Campania, Caſsicòlus, i; m. [à caffus) a little part of a joip. where Apollo was worſhipped. net, a cob-web. Caftalāni, a people of Spain. - + Caſiola, æ, f. a ſurplics. Caſsida, a ;f. [à caſſis] a holmes, or Caſtellānus, i, m. (à caftellum) be. Cafiope, a city in Epirus. head-plate. that dwells or lives in a cafla. Cagiotis, pari of Syria, nrar Phæni. Caffida, a town of India within Caftellānus, a, um ; adj. of a garri cia. Ganges. fon * Catellanus triumphus, & + Caſitans, ntis, tumbling. Caffil, sountains of Scyth:a. triumph made after the taking a Cāfito, are ; [å caſo] to twable, or + Çārsīlago, inis; fo the herd'hon. fort. fall often. bane. Caftellarii, orum ; m. they that look Calius, a mountain by Euphrates ; Cafiliacum, a fewn of Rhætia, call. town to cafies or conduits, another in that part of Arabia.which id Romakefrel. Castellătim ; ade from caßle to eaf- from thmce is called Cafiotis, and Caffinitius, a river of Thrace that tle. Caftellatim ſerere, se sowi from thence Jupiter is called Cafius, makes borfus drunk. in heaps. who had a Temple there, and Pon- + Callio, (quali quatio] 10 fbake. Caftellio, onis ; m. a Greek profeſor pey had a romb there built by Adri-Caffiodorus, a nobleman and Jonator of Ball, famous for franflating the an ; alſo a mountain in Syria. of Rome; e maler of Theodorick bible, and for whar loamned works. Cifetum, & town of Gallia Bel king of sbr Goths. Caftellum, i;n. (à castrum) á litla gica. Casſiope, v Caſſiopela, wife of Ce calle, power, fort, bulwerk; alſo a Carmare, a toron of Mauritania Ca. pheus king of Æthiopia ; Allo 4 mill-dam or conduit ; a little walled farienfis. town of Sicily and Epirus, and o- Carmene, a city of Sicily. ther plass. Caftellum Aquarum, the city Baden Carmiſus, a furname of Mercury. Callios, a river of Scythia. in Helvetia. Carmonates, a prople of Liguria. CASSIŚ,is ; m. [ab Heb. kafs, irre. Ciftellum Cattorum, Caftel in Hal- Caſniniom, one of thefa towns that had tire) a not, bay, or fnare, fia. no efi:ers of their icon, out furto as CASS 1S. idis . qu. cara fis, à Caſtellum Hunnorum, the town Cal- were font thom yearly. xâex caput] a head-piece er hela tellaun in Viper Germany. Caſo, are ; [ã cado) to fumble, nod, mat. Caftellum Menapiorum, ibe town be ready to fall. Caffita, a; f. [d callide) a lark. Kellel in Brabant. + Caſona, æ; f. a woman's bodkin Caffitērides, iſlands in the weſtern Caftellum Morinorum, the terron Kar- for her head. ocean, whmua white lead is dig fel in Flanders, Cáros, and -us, an Ægean ifand, ged. De Caſtello, she faouil, Caftel, one of the Sporades. Cafsitorus, ; m. wbile-lead. Cafteria, cze; f. [qu. o xaraplu à oxé- Caros, a iſland and city of Perfia, + Calitas, be gum of a fir-frue. ow) fore boule where the sackling Cafpapylus, a city of India. Caffitira, an iſland in the ocean near 'of ſhips are laid up. Caſpalum, a river in Scythia. India. Caſtbones, a bay.of Thracia, .nadr Calperia, & country of India within Caffius, the name of divers Romans ; Byzantium. Ganges; alſo the wife of Rhæfus alſo a mountain in Spain. Cattianīra, re ; f. one of Prlam's king of she Marrobti į alſo a toum Caffianus , } a, um, of Caffius. concubines. of the Sabines. Caftificus, a, um ; adj. (à caftus & Caiperula, a town of the Sabines. Caffo, are; (à caftus] to frußrate or facio) making challe. Caſpiæ Porta, a city of Media. maka void. Caſtigábilis, lc; adj., 3. art. (à cafl- Caſpiana, a country of Armenia Ma- Caffop2, a city in Moloffia. go) worsby, Lo be cbaptiſed, that moy jor. Caffum, i; n. a fragment, empty be mendid, Calpli, a people of Scythia, wbo Bar Caſtīgātio, õnis ; f. a correction or 4- ved their parents to desh after they Calfus, 2, um ; part. of careo, imply, monding. were ſeventy years old. void. * In caflum, in vain. Calligatlüncüla, ; f. little corre&ion. town. buska Castle * , a ; a CAS CAS САР Caſtigacius, ady, more correaly. • Caſtra vinarla, a city of Spain. Căſus, as ;' . a falli fsrting, chance, Cartigatiùs vivere, to live more re- Caſtrămētātio, önis, f. a pu hing of peril, danger, decay, ruin, mister- formedly. camp funi, o'cafion ; the caſe of a noun, 'A Cáftigātor, o:is ; mi a chafijor, cor-Caftržaētātor, oris ; m.: the camp Cile or cauje in law an end or con- naor.. nafar. cluſion Carus nivis, the fall of Caft gåtus a, um , P. & A. corrie. Caftrámčtor, arl, (of caftra and me Snow. * Calus latinus, the abla- ed, chafilis, of waged; diminished. tlor to ecamp tive caſe. Fortuna calibus per- * Caltigata: frons, 2. well-propor. Caftranda, a 'kind of fruit. Drittere, t. buxura. * Si incide- tioned fare.. # Caftraogula. ; f. brom-wortor rit cafus, it need requireja * Ds- CASTIGO, arc, (qu. coſtum ago) water betony. re in caſum rem, 10 put il Poe to fbido, correa, Chifen.“,* Cita Caitrāta, 21 f. (à cator] a pure hazard. gat moras, ha chafins them for tar kind of red whait. + Cäta, a cat. rying.. Scd in hoc me ipfe caſti-Caftratio, chis, 3a gelding, prun Caiabanes, a people of Arabia De. go quòd, but in this I am angry Caftratūra, æ jl.) ing, diminit. ferta. with felf. ing. Catabaſis, eus; f. a defiending, Caftimcnfis, a firname of Venus in Caftātus, a, um, gelded, .we.kened. Catabathmus, a soron of Marma- Theffalia. Caftrenfis, fc; adj. (à caft:a) of a rica. Caftimont, a; f. Là caftus] chifilj, camo of army continenty. ſtrenſe, goods, gotim by forvice in where on fought with beafls; alſo Caſtinium, a mountain in Pamphy: wat, or givm by a farbar to bis son a prifon. 1:a. will be ſerved in the wars. • Res Catabolun. a sity of. Cilicia. Caſtinetes, 2 an inbabitant of Caſti. caftrenfis, warfare. & Çatabúlenſes, the governors of the Castinius, šnium. # Carriani, orum, fold'ers of the gar Catabolum, or place where beufs Caftinus, a Roman conful, rijon on the Romia frontiers ; also were kept Castitus, auis ; f. [à caſus) chaflity, a people dejloyed by Aurelian ibc Catacannone, a country of Phry - cleannifi. emperor. gía. # Caftitium, a ned'; a little building Caftrilamentuin, a puiding. Caiaceti, e people of Aſia about Mæo. added to a houſe. Caftrimonium a town in Italy. tis. # Caſtitūdo, inis ; f. chaſily. CASTRO, are: (à caftus, ves kép. Cătăchrēls, is ; f. an abufur or im. Caitologi, a people of Gallia Bel. inftrumentum quo cavarur e bur) DYO "VT «xprofoon. gica. to geld, lop, cui of, chop, mangle: Cătăchilmata, nuts or figs poured on Cartolus. a city in Lydia, * Caftrare vilem, to prune a vine. the new bride's or Jervants head, in CASTOR, oris ; m[xác spa bea Caftrale alvcaria, to like the boney! Soken of good luck. ver alſo raffron. away. + Cătăclida, the for ſmall bones in Caſtor and Pollux, twin-brothers, Caftrozorba, a town of Thrace. the beef. whom Leda bore to Jupiter ; Yrom CASTRUM, i ; n. (à calaj a safile Cătăcliſta, a fes gouin; or saf- 1b.ir clearing the seas of pirator, they or fori. sock. + Cătăclinica, a precious garment land were called gods of the ſea, Pollux Caftrum, acily in Sicily. defired Jupiter, shut his brorber Castrum Alatüm, Elimburg in Scot up and profed might partake of his immortality, land. Cătăchta, aif A garot to wear wbich bringgranted, they were said Caftrum Britonum, Dunbritton in ar tahle, to live and die by turns ; braujo beo Scotland. Călăclicum, i ; n. a bed or cover- let., ing two pars, the one always rolo Caltrum Carvolinum, the town Cur- wbin the other jat; alſo the name bcil in France. Catacliſmus, i; w..a doluge or of ſeveral ober men. Caftrum de Vias, Caſtrodunom, the food. Caſtorca, erum ; n, bewuero fonas. Deviſes in Wiltſhire, Calăcriſis ; f, condemnation, Casteoreum, ci in. bile of beavers, Caitrum Inui a fea-sown in Tuſcany + cãlacumba, æ, or catatumba, a fiones, called Cornetto. burying place. Caftoreus, a, um ; ad), (à caftor) of Caftrum Minervæ, the town. Grotta - Catana, u river of Africa. < braut. ria in Magna Grecia. Catadi, a town of Æthiopia. # Caſtörides, dogs bred of a fox or Caitrum, Stiliconis, e town of Inſu. Cătădromus, i ;m a place for races, beurr, and a bitch, bria called Caſtion. tı!t yard, a dancing rope, an en- # Caftorina, æ ; t. beaver's skin, Caitŭla, 2; f. (à caftus] an apron, gine so lift up and let down heavy * Caftorinatus, a, um , adj. waring Homacher, gorges, pesicout. things. å besucristo Caſtula, a toion in Tuſcany. Cătădupa, orum ; n. the places where Caftra, orom'; 2. a rampaibe folo Caſtalo, a town in Spain.. she river Nile falls with griot Liers, or 'ibi plaus wure bry ari onCASTUS, a, um adj. [ à xasos noiſe. camped, allo a Caftri ce ornatus, vel à Chal. kapoarb, or-, Cătädupi, the people of Æthiopia, rea, á bu biveCaftra caftris narej chake, incorrupt, boly, inno made dear with the noije of the conferre, jo pitib their tonis ont s. cent, pure. . Cafta fides, invio cataraffs of the Nile. gaiviſ añosher. lable faithfulnes. Caſtifini Catæa, a Perkan iſland. Caftra, a town of India wirbin Gan ſermonis homo, a man of a clear Categis, dis ja Formy or hollow . ges; a city of Norican and Macca file, witbout wind. affecting foreign donia. words. Catæonium, a promontory of Marma. Caftra Annibalis, a heavm of. Magoa + Caftus, ûs.m. chafine's ipurifying, rica. Græcia. a terenson) Carăgmatica emplaftra, plaiders for Câft:a.Cælicia, a cily of Po-tugal, Cāſuālis, le ; ad], [à caſus) having hroker bones. Caftra Cornelia or Corneliana, a city sofer: Cătăgrăçba, pl. n. images repreſented of Aria Propria: Caſualiter, adv. caſually: by chance, only in one pdı, or looking divers Cafra Conftantia, the city Conſtanco; Cafventiliani, a suple of Italy. ways. in: Normandy Cafventum, a river in the bag of Ta- Cstagraphe, ĉs ;.f. the fieß draughe C'Itra.Cyiis, a country about Lycia. renton, Caftra Gemina, a town in Spain, + Casŭla, a papijos prieji's upper vej? Călăgrăpho, are, writs out of ano- Caftra Germanorum, a town Madritania Cæfarienfis, now Brex Căsula, æ; f. (à cala) a little sota Catalaunia, a; f. a province of tage. Spain. Caftra Julia, the town Tragillo in Cafula, a city in Africa. Catalaunum, two cities in France, Spain # Casūra, æ;fo a fulling or fall. one in Campania called Chaalons, Caltra Lælia; a rily of Africa minor. Calurgis, the city Prague, the metro the other in Burgandy called Cha- Caſtra Lapidlarium, a city of E polis of Bohemia. lons, gypt. cafurus, a, um, part: ſut, in ras of Cătălecticus, a, um, adj., wanting a Caftra Larba, a cits of Thrace. cado, riady so fail, decay, that will hllable of an entire foot. Caftra Pofthumiana, a place in bite its contía. Căta'cpfis, * peeping fickneſs. Cafus, an ipand mit Rhodes. Căáleptus, comprehenſible. Cătă 3 Iber's copy at 1 Spain. CAT CAT CAT + . cars. Cătălexib, à finiſhing of a thing.“ Catarrbus, 1; m. rheum, a falling they are said to shuſe the faired for Cătá:ogus, li; må roll, bill, cata. down of burroury. their kings. logue Catarrhytum, a city of Africa, called Cathalysius, Nicanor, ſo called in Cătālyma, a refreſhing, an inn. alfo Hippo. Stephanus cătălyſis, is diffolution. Catarrhytus, a, um ; adj. watery, Caihania, Cathnos in Scotland. Cărainana, a city of Syria. moiſ, by which a river runnarb. Cathari, a people of India, tuhoja Căta miiio, are, and ior, zii; to pui Căta copium, ii ; n. A diſcovery cupom was to burn tbs wives with one to open foame, give one publick frigate. she dertajd husbands; also a pro- Correction: Cataſcopus, i ; m, a spyifcoul. ple of Gallia ; and certain ancient Cătămitus, 1 ; a ganymede, a boy ufed Cătafta, z; fa la xablogmuo. ftatuo) hereticks, which the prople now call for ſodomy, the fall on which the lluvas food Puritans. Catanspo, a play of rolling things one to which were to be fold, alſo a place Catharina, æ; f. a virgin of Alex. another. wberain Chriſtians uſed to be tor andria, adorned with philosophy and Catana, a town in Sicily. mented , alſo a fave. other learning ; in a diſpuse witt Catanance, rriinfon graße velih, Cataſtēma, ätis ; . the fate (of the so heathen gran marians and orators air. Catangius, a bay in the Afiadck ſhore De vanquiſhed and converted them: of Boſphorus. Cataſtroma, štis ; n. the upper deck, • Maximus was about to break her on Catania, an iſland againſ Lesbos, · where the am ſiand to fgbt. the wheet, but that being brakm by Cata ini, a people by the Caſpian Cataſtrophe, ês; t. she' Lafit a&t or a thunderbolt, for was behraded'; for. winding up of a play. ber body is ſaid to be carried by an. Cátaonia; à country on the borders of + Cătatus, i; a pave kept in Bride-listi's into mount Sinai. Capoado:ia. wall to work catharma, štis ; a facrifice to turn a- Cătăpaſma. žtis ; n. a dry medicne Carătechnos, a skilful artizan. way pelilince, cal into a wound. + Cătatecia, «boire porms. Cătharmos, purgarion by fire. Cătăphora, a dead herp. Catathre, two iſlands of the Red-fea. Cătharticus, a, um ; adj. purgatius, Cătăphracia, æ; f. a briaj-plate or Catatus, a city of Hungary. • Medicamentum catharticum, a ruiraſs.. Catalcopia, a name of Venus. purge. Cătăphractārios, it ; m. one armed Cătărypõls, a figure of doing a thing Cathaum, a promontory of Lybia: with a vuirafi ; alſo a lobler. by an enfumple of another. CATHEDRA,æ; f. (Kalédon'] Cătaphractus, i, m. a man at arms, ItCatax, lame. 2. chair, desk, pulpit, ibe bi bopis armed cap-d det; à ruir Der Catè for cautè ; adv, warily, Jer. Cătëphryga, Phrygian hereticks, who Catecheas, is ; f. e catechiang, an Cathédralitias, a, um , 'ad). attend juil.the Holy Ghil was not give infruction. ing on a chair. to the apofiles, but to them. Catech:Imus, izm, a catechifm. * Cătbedraria, ctuirs for chairs, Cátāpirāter, eris; m. a sounding Catechiſo, or zo, are ; 10 catecbife) Cathedrārius, ni um , adj. of a lead. inflruat. shaiter Jee. Ph:loſophi cathe- Cáiániromantia, æ ; f. divination by Catéchilla, æ; m. be that catechifdh, drarii, doctors. only of the chair, a glas. a cate' hil. net praaifing what they tracb, ter: Căſăpiaſma, atis ; n. a pooltels. + Catechizēta, an iniruelor. rugs. Cataplafmaia. dry powder for the Catēchumena, orum; n. the place Cathci, mountains .oj. Sarmatia in where the catechumeni did Band, Alia. + Cataplaſmo, are ; to poultos. Calēchumenus, a, um , adj. one in Cathelani, a people of Gallla. Cătăple&tatio, õnis ; fem. & re bis catechiſm; a profelyte, novice in Cathēměrina febris, a quotidian 1- viring religion. que Cătăp!us, a por! towm, a Reet for mor. Cătela, a bearded dart wiih a Cätheter, eris į m. a ſurgeon's probe chandizes the arrival of sips. Aring Cathilci, a people in Germany, van Cătăpótium, li ; n. and is, örum ; Cătēgorēmăta; um; n. predicables, quiſbed by Cælar Germanicas. a bill to be ſwallowed. ar prodicamasis. Cathippi, e city of Ala. + Cărăprotates, is ; a plummet,- or Catégoria, æ; f. a predicamini,acou. + Cathnæa, a kind of laiten ors. Jounding-load. Sarion, Cathnella, a country in the coaſt of # Cataprata, or calaptata, a kind of Catelani, a paple of Spain. Scotland. Catella, æ; f.' (à catena) a little + Catholiciſmus, i, m. univerfality. Cătaptõſis, a kind of falling fi:k- chain, Catholicus, a, um catholick, univar- Catella, æ; f. [ à cate!lus). 'little fal, general. * Ecclefia catholica, Cărăpalta, æ; fi a battering engine bitch. the univerfalichurcb. ta coji duris and Bones; a basierer. . Catellulas, i ;, a little puppgedog Cathon, an iſland among the Cy. Căcăpultār:us, a, um ; adj. of a bar. Căcellus, i, m. là calulus] a little clades. * Catapultarium pilum, dag' or whelp. Cathulei, the same as Cathilci. javelin fung from a barterer. CATENA, æ; f. [ Káenge a la + Catianum palatum, & lapofiwce, com + Căcáputia, æ ; f. the herb spurgo : chain ; alſo a meteor, and a kind of liquoriſh lips. olfo a ſurgeon's infrument to ſearch dance. Caricardamna, a city of India with. the bladder; and a tone for fores. Cătērarius, a, um ; adj. shrined, in Ganges. Cătăputium, il in a pill. linked. P. Catienos, one who lourd bis majler Cătă acta, a; f. 3 Ebe Dorp fail of Catenates, a pesple of the Vinde so well, that when hi was deid, be Cataractes,æ; m.a river, aflu burnt himſelf with him, a draw-bridge, á port.cullis, a fuf- Cătēnāt!o, onis ; f. a chaining or Catifons, a well in Italy. fuica of humours in the eyes. linking Carlli, inhabitants of the Alps between Cataracta or -es, a rity of the Sam - Catenarus, a, um; chained, linked: Pola and Sergeſtus. nites and the river Swale in York * Catenati labores, endless 12-. Căciina, æ ; maſc. a noblemion of Shire. bours, « Catenatus canis, a ban Rome, who conspired againſt his Catarictcs, Caſcada di Tivoli, a dog. country, and was ſuppresſed by Cl- great fall of tbe river Anio by Ti-Caleno, are; to chain or tis. bur; another of Danubius, called Cătēnŭla, e ; f. [à catena) a little Catilius Severus, a learned man, Scwycuffel. chain. Scolar of Papinianus ; alſo sbe name Cataractonum,or Cataracion, Carline CATERVA, ; f. (gu. qua!erva, of a conful. in Cumberland. xáonuacontraho) a com Catilātio, önis ; f. a being liquóra Căsăractus, 2, um ; adj. popping the pany of old ers or obers. iA. courje of water. • Porta cataracta, Cătervárius, a, um ; trooping in mul- Catilli, a people of the river Anlo. a port-sullis. titudes ; diſorderly, confuſed, Catillo, are ;. là catilius] to lick Caiari, a peuple of Pannonia. Căcervātim, ady. by bandi or compa. dife), or feed greedily. Cataritæ, & propie of Arabia Fe. nias. Catillo, onis m. s lick diſh or glui. lix. Cath, the son of Triſmegiſtus. Catarractus, a'river. of Crete and Carhæa, a country of India, where + Catil!ulum, Pampbylia. beauly is so mucb admainid, shat i Catillum, i; n. . Catillus . 1 rup. nels. ? BOY. lici. i CCTO. ton. 1 CAT C A U - CAү CATINUS, i, m. }(Arab, apie Catillas, ism. [ catinas) a little t căcŭlafter, tri.; m, ate that coun Duck behind bim, 'Caudâ blan: aith or porringer ; the upper mille serfeits a wholog ä whelp s alſo a . Inile: diri, to fawn upon ons. Norld, rumer whelp. Cauda, a rider in Cumberland. Catillus, i; a table to write 078. Cătúlina, 2; 1. [ſc. caro) dogs. Helb. 4 Caudacus, pleasant. Calillus, ibe fons of Ampklaraus, who Cătălinum,i's a little whelp. Caudācus, a, um ; with sail, built Tibur; alſo a mountain mar Cătălmao, a, am ; of a whelp. tailed, Tybrijs. Cătălio, ivi, icum ; codefire the mult,+ Caudecæ, arum ; f. little wicker Catina, s cicy of Sicily, and a soron or to go 10 rut. cujfers or junes to catch als. in Arcadia. Cătălidlus, a, um ; grudy. Caudeus, a, um z adj. (à caudex] Catinellis, i ; a fazer. Cătălitio, onis f. a gaing asfalt or of a jock or plant. of a fork or plank. Cinella cau- Carinulus, i ; a little diff, proud, as biicbes, dea, a wooden chef. CATINUM, I.; n. (Arab. a plett Catullio, ire; 10. hungır. CAUDB X, icis; m. [à cædo, vel ' ter, impor-Catullus, a poet of Verona, who corota qu. cauda arboris) the jump, Bork, ringer. Catinus Tuſcle an epigrams. or body of a tru; alſo a blockbead; cari her pot, Católas, i; m. [à canls vel citos) and a book of beards faßmed toge. Calius, the name of a inan ; alſo a a wholp, kitling, the young of all ther. : beatim god, supposed to make mwen brafts ; alſo a bound, and, a leafo ; Caudi, or Caudium, & town of the witty and wary, a dog.files. • Catalum in caleo Samnitcs in Italy. Catizi, the pigmies. emere, to buy a Vig in a poke. + Caudicæ, arum ; rafts, float-boots Cato, only in name of ſeveral am. Catulus, an erator, conful with Calus or rimbor. Contenti fimus hoc Catone, Marius ; and foueral others. Caudicālis, le ; of a log. • Caudi- thers ſeldom comes a burler. # Catumeum, a kind of saka ufed in call præfeci provinciæ, I have let M. Porcius Cato, called alſo "Cenſo facrifissa Jou to dear blocks, rius from his conferpoio. . Catunculus, Eraſ. Cato's moral varfeso Eaudicarius, a, um ; of the body of a Mi Cato Uticenſis, who wis grand. Caturica, a plecs about the Alps. Irse. Navis caudicaria, great child to the former, and killed.bim. Cotüriges, a people of Gallia Narbo. Bip mode of thick planks, of Caudiccas, ä tree. Val. Cato, &gramirian, who taught + Caturradtonium, Carlife in Cum. Caudinus, a, um ; of Caudi. many moblemion at Rome in i be berland, or Allerton in Yorkshire. Caudos, an iſland merr Crotc. time of Sylla. Caturriga; a city of Gallia Belgica. Cave, a town in B thynia. Cătoblēmas, the bafiliska Catus, a, um ; [qu. cautus]cunning, CAVEA æ ; f. là cáyus] a : cade. Catobriga, a city in Spain. circumfprei, wije. cage, a foffold to bebold plays, the Catochlics, procious Pone in Coro Catus, 17 (à capus, a, um) e cat. pit, any fmad plau. fica, of a clemmy nature ; alfo * Cetieuchlani, ibo people of Bucking Cavendus, a, um ; to be harded. kind of his hamſhirc, Hertfordſhire, And Bed. CAVEO, cavi, cautam, ēre ; ncut Cztoccellca,' ; tbe bely if the ford thire. 1 - [à carco) to take bord, beroare of paunih, + Cava, 23; f. the bole in which promiſe for, provide for, domani ſe Cato!üca, a town of Gallia Narbo. birds build. curity. * Cavere alicui, 10 jours nealis. Cavædium, ii ; n. (qu. cara ædlum] anotbor, Cavere ab aliquo, 80 # Catumidio, arc; to beat on be an open part or quadrangle in a Jiand upon cre's guard again ano- fou ders. hould thor, * Cavere teftamento, to or. Citomum, or -jum, a sbains for + Căýā.nen, inis; n. a hollaro place. der by wil. Cautum eft lege, the nr:k in forturing. * Tollere in Cavana, e city of Arabia Fælix. the law forbids it. * Cave facias, catomium, 80 bing me up by Cavaræ, es, and ri; a people of Gal. fue you do it not. Cavere fibi ibe heels. lia Narbonenfis, whoſe chief town ab aliquo or per aliquem ( in Catonius; i ; one that is crimp foul is Avenio. law) io give ori fake ſecurity, * derd. Cavarus, a king of the Gauls 2085 Cavere obſidibus de pecuniâ, to Catoni, e people of Scythia. : gears after the fiada give bojtages for payment of the mo- Calonianum, i; 0. a priſon, inso Cåāticus, a, um, adj. [à cavus] nego which Cato was thrown by the corr of a bole or cave. + Cavcola, z; a little cavi or cagem mand of Cæfar. Cavator, oris ; m. be bat makes Caveor, ēri; to be looked after. *Cæ Catonlatus, a, um ; adj. of Cato. boles or hallows, tera carebuntur, sbe rell ball be Catoptæ, bereticks called Circutriel-Căvātus, a, um ; adj. bollowéd, provided for lians. fetched out Caverna, ae ; f. [à cavus) a cave of Calopteriąm, a high place about Arie. Cauca, the city of Quenca in Spain. dens, con avily. moria in Phocis. Caucadæ, 4 pcope by the river La-+ Cavernātus, a, um ; made like a Catoptromantia, æ; f. divination by gous a lacking-glaſs. Caucālis, is, and idis ; fc baftard + Căvernīcŭla, æ; a little cave. Catofyřites, æ; m. a procious jone in parſley Căvernõſus, a, um ; full of boles or Cappadocia + Caucaligm, ii ; a. a drinking-glaſs. vaults. Citorthona, štis; n. a porkeat work a beaker, Căvernŭla, æ; f. a little bale or of. virnie, a jus and good dead. if Cau ālus, li; m. a pain in the den. Catortholis, a rightful doing çeins preceding from heat; alfo a + Cavernum, i; B. a den, Catraleucos, a city of Portugal. fervani. # Cavevs, ei; m. a pot or jug. Catrca, e ciry of Crete. Çaucana, orum ;. n. 4 part town in + Cavia, part of tbe Jacrifice near tbe Carria, on iſland in ib: Lybian Sea, Sicily. tail. called allo' Ægora. Caucaſus, á very bigb mountain in t Caviares hoftiæ, parts of ſacrifices + Calta, a name of a lip, a kind of the north of Alia, dividing India next the wil, offorid yearly for the engin ; allo a cas. from Scythia. college of priefts. Catcabana, a country of Arabia. Caucaſeus, and Caucaſius, a, um ; Cavicium, a city of Bætica Catty, or Chatea, a prople of Ger. belonging to Caucaſus. Cavii, & prople of Illyricum. many, whoje country is callód Her Caucenles, a people of Ireland. + Cavilc, is ; ni a hollow place. fen. Caucbæ.fields abont Ctefiphon, wohib Cavilla, æ; f. & cavil, Seeft, wrango Cati gara, s' bay and sity of the the river Tigris div.de. ling. Ser cavillum. Singe. Caucones, the people of Bithyoia and Cavlität:o, 7.jis ; f. La jefting i seof- Caircaci, a people of the Low Coon Meflenia, Cavillatus, ûs; m. $ fing, wrang- tries, + Caucula, orum ; little loaves. ling: Carucllani, the people of Buckking-li Caucus and caucaius, a kind of căviilātor, ör's im. a cavillor, muk hamihire, Bedfor Third, and Herte whil 11, wrangling follow. fo:dditre, CAUDA. æ; f. [à cavus) the tuil, Cavillor, ari ; pani. (à cavilum] to Catu'usia, gale in Rome ſo called. or privy paris. * Cauda Muris, make a groudloſs exceprion, to wran. Catularius, a, um , adj. [à catulus.) the hard racuſe tail. Caudam gle and jangle, 1 taunt,. to cavil belonging to whatss. trahere, to be morked with forstbing at. Caril .. tense. On12. ion. + CAU CAU CAU Cavillum, 1; R. (à carus vel careo),Caupõnŭla, a; t, a sap-houſe, tip ans; alſo a cardinal's cap. a je), cavil, taunt, dry bob, a pre pling-houſe. Caufani, a prople who bewail thoſe + Caupulus,. i ; n. a ſharp ship. tbst are horn, and count them hapa Gavitas, ātis; f. (à cavus) hollow-Caaralla, a people of Bztica. pj that die. nefs, Cauratani, a people of Arabia Fællx. Caufatus pater là caulia) a cards, + Cāvilio for cautio, a faking bad: Caurlo, il, ivi, ire ; (à ſono] to roar nal, or ine next to the bigh priest. CAULA, e;f Lallant a murpfald. like å pantber. t Caufidicina, 2, f. the projection of Caula, erum ; the pores of the Caurinus, a, um ; adj. [ā caurus] law, pleading of cauſes. body. of the north-weſi wind. + Causidicor, ari; :o alledge a caufi + Caulacus, and caudacus, a weight Caurita, the city Corita in Spain. or excule, of to drams. Caurlum, the town Coria in Portu- + Causīdicus, i; m. [à caufa & # Cauiedon, the breaking of a bone gal. dico) a lawyer, counſellor, or plez- length-ways. Cauros, the ifand Andros. der. Caulcl, 4 people of Germany. Cauras, i ; m. Lab Heb. kar, frigi- + Causifico, are; and .or, aris 10 + Caulcſco, ére; to grow to a falt; dus] the north-weſ wind. make excuſes. alſo to bring forth leaves. Caus, untis; a city of Arcadia, Caufima ligna, dry fuel. Caullas, æ; m, the juics of laſerpl rohore Eſcolaplus was worſbipped Cauſini, a people of Maurilanla Tina tium. by the name of Caurus. gltana. Caulicũlus, 1; m. (à caulis] a lile CAUSA, æ; . là quæſo, vel qu. Cauſodes, a continual burning fever. jtem or julk. caviſſa à caveo) a cauſe;'a defign, Cauroa, õnis ; and cauſos, a brat, CAULIS, is ; m. [xquios] a falk, or purpoſe ; & prelence, or colour; or burning fruer. the quill of A fossher, or boafts a motive, inducement, or reason; á Cauſor, ari; (à caufa] to plaid, al- rump, A man's yard, an arrow, cole caufa,fuit, e proceſs at law; ſake, ledge excufes, eloign, blame, accuſe, wort, or any borb. * Caulis Jovis, & account ; profit, or advantage ; commit a fault worthy of blámk. fengroen. “* Caulis masinus, wild reafon, for defect; an affair, or Caufari, to be found fault with. colewort. bupnea, a fate, or condition ; Q Caufa, i; f. a cauji. Ser caufa. Cauliſci, a people of the gulph of Æ. formal plea, or defonce in law; a Cauſticum, i; a. a cauſtick, thing, matter, fauls, or blame; kdo, Causticus, a, um, adj. corroſivt, + Caulo-rapnm, rape-cole, party ; and alſo seknefs, ar aitis is burning. Cauſtica fpuma; soap Cauluin or Caulon, and Aulum, a alſo uſed in Greck. Hence likewiſe to colour the hair gellow. 'town in Italy. cauſarius. Note, with a gmitive is Cauſtum, i; 2. a ibing burnt, or ibai Cauloniates, or. Caulonius, one of is found sometimes elegantly redun- may be burnt, that town. dans, in the same manner as the Causúla, z; if. [caufaj a little Caum, a town in Spain. Crecks inay be obſerved to uſe antia, Cauſ, or plea. Cauma, atis; . 'hear, burning, a and the Engliſh Somosimes uſe mat. + Canſus, a, um, adj. of the fre or scald in thi head. ter, bulineſs, or thing. • Cauſa burning Caumana, the channel of the river In ſontica, an excuſe from appe.isance, Caufus, i, m. a very larg foutr. dus. as fickneſs, &c. * Verbi causâ or + Cauta, 2; f. dog's-camomile, or Cunas, one of the Centaurs, son of Ix gratiâ, as for example. * Indicâ 07-yi. cauawithout a hearing. *Caufam Caute, warily, fubtlely, wildly. Caunaces, a kind of purple coverlets. non dico, I have no excuft, or no- Cautēla, æ; f. là cautus) s taking + Cruncas, for cave ne cas. thing to plead in my defence. * In hud, fecurity', caution. Cauna, or Cauncæ, a kind of fgs ciufà effe, to be fick. Per cau- Caater, ēris ; m. a ſearing-ironi. growing in Caunus. fan, under a colour. • Caust mea Cautēriātus, a, umadj. burnt or Cagnus, a town of Caria, by the river for my fake. Caufam dicere, 80 marked with a fearing-irons. Calbis , alſo a town in Doris, Crete, make one's defence. *Causâ cadere, Cautērio, and cauterizo, arc ; 10 fear Æolia, and the mountain of Mon 80 bo nonfuired. *Dcſercâ causâ via. with a hot iron. cayo.in Spain; alſo the son of MI cere, to carry the day. • Superior + Cautēriõlum, is n. little laring letas, who, being beloved by his filer causâ, having more right m bis fide. or burning Byblis, left his country, and built Accipere cauſam, to undertake Cauteriſasus, i; m. a cutting in the the city Caunus in Caria the suit; 80 excufa. Viro fit body for an inflammation or ſwil- Cavo, are; aa. [à cavus] to make caula, the husband has an opportu- bollow • Cavarc cornua (of the nity. Caufam fuftinere, so be Cautcrito, arc ; to fear with an hot mcon) to decreaſe. wholly in fault. In fuam cau iron. Cavoda, Cawood in Yorkfire,'. am recidere, to be in his formert Cautērium, ii; n. a fearing or + Cavo, cre; to take had. condition. Inimicus huic cauſa, marking-iron, an inſtrument uſed by + Cavonese, aram; Swart junksts, or not favouring this party. • Tenere painters. apothecaries jluft. cauſam, to get the better (in law.] CAUTES, is; f. (à caveo) a sliff, Cauphiaco, a city of Perga. Causālis, le ; adj, making ixceptions, or ragged rock. # Concurruat cau- + Caudilus. a cup, w little ship. or pertaining to a cauſa. tes, the rocks almost meet. CAUPO, cupo, or copo, onis ; and + Causāma, a; f. she ſwelling of the Cauti, à prople of Scotland, wbo inba. caups, ad Copa, m xing" fea. bil Murray and Roſs. 1a I a villualler, huskfier, jutler, Causārle, adv. upon juſt grounds. Cauticus, a, um ; adj. roogh or hard. inn-keeper, Cauſariè miffus, diſmiſſed with a Cautim, adv. warily. # Caupoius, i; m. a piece of wood puls-port. Cautio, onis ; f. [à cayco) a causa boilowed like a boat. Causārius, a, um, adj. (à caofa] tion, proviſon, a Jurety, bill of one's Canpona, æ; f, [à capo] A viftual Joined, or excuted by law. # Mi hand, an infirumınt, an alurance, ling-houſe, a cook's-pop, oy tavern; les cauſarius, a foldier having juſ remedy. Cautio eft, care muy alle a woman that falls wine. excuſe for his abſence. #Deus cau be taken. Mea cautio eft, is Caupõnalia, tents or boobs for vic ſarius, an aling scoth. * Caufaria I that muſt look to it. rualling; miffio, an honourable cashiering en Cautionālis, le ;. adj. pertaining a Caupõnaria, æ ; f. the kerping of an juft grounds, Cauſaril, crazy im. caution or ſecurity. inn. tawrn, viftualling-hour, potent folk, Cáutor, Oris ; m. [à cavco) a prsa Cauponārius, a, um ; ad). of a vic-Causateus, a, um, adj. which is the umier of bis own or anothor's dana trellur cauſe of any ibinig: ger,, cautioner, a counſellor direct. Cauponātim, ady, deceitfully. Causālio, onis ; f. an excufing or ing bis cliens so jowa him harmleſs. + Cauponiam, fi ; n. an ale houſe or quarrelling. * Dentium cauſatio •Cantor formularum, a lawyer, tausrn. or querela, the tooth-acb. & Caotum, i; n. a bar or pop. Caupon us, wo um ; adj. of a tavern. + Causāt:ùs, adv. with greater cause Cautum cft, impe:1. it is provided, Ars cauponia, the vinmar's trade. or rrafon. order is taken. *Crutum eſt po- Caupönor, äri; (à caupo) 10 huisier, t Czusătivus, a, um; quorrelfams. pulo, the people bad offurance given keep a civern or villualling-house. Caulennis, Keſteven in Lincolnſhirc. ibem. • Cauponari bellum, to drive, a Cauga, B; f. a broad-brim' bat ; Cautus, a, un ;P. & A, wary, sir- trade jor soldering the royal diadem of the Macedoni. cumspalt, willy, sure, * Cauto PEP opus ling. ponnelus. 15 neur. ..jnerezjing ::.Cavus ordia una cava, CEDO, ceffi, cefum, çedere; [Eixw; |a . CEC СЕ І CEL opus eft, there is nad of care and t Cecurri for. çucurri. + Ceirulus, the bar haleyori circumpofition. Pars cautios, the Cecyliftrium, a town of. Gallia Nar. 1 t Çeiſus, a kind of berb. furer fide. bonenfis. Celadonius, a biſhop of Alexandria. Cavum, i, n. fà cavus), a hole, save, Cecyrina, city of Achaia in Pelo Celādon, one of thoſe that were hair fink. Cara- dentia, hollow by Perſeus in the court of Cepheus';. :h. Cedar, à country in Arabia. illo a river running into Alpheus. Cavum Diram, Holderneſs in York- Cedens, ntis; part. of cedo i gield-Celadonc, a city of Locris .. Dhire. ing, changedfalling off, 0), decige 1. celadus, a river in Arcadia. CAVUS, a, um, adj. [ab Heb ka. Cedias, a lown by Sinueffa, another Ce aduſa, a fraall iſland by Dclos. vay, cavum fecitj hellow, deep, in Alri:a. Celadufiae, an iſland in the Adriatick wiled, full . fon. . á buchler. vel zes to gioid, full from, rock, an ifand before Tros. * Cava venia, the great liver-vein. itre. renounce, obes', gruni, fucceed, Celæna, a place in Campania, facred Cavarpinus, a hip. Cava fe fand infiad nf, huppen, fall out or to Juno. neftra, a bay-window. * #sca Lepon: + Cedec de juce, 6 Tall Cclæræ, a bill and town of Aſia, vum, a kelley trumpet. from one's rigbt: * Cedere lite, or whare Marly as is ſaid to 'contend Cayus, l; m #holiow place, cazar, alicul litem to yield ihi fuit.in with Apollo hole Omnia cx fententiâ cedụnt, all Celænæus, a, um, adj. of Celænæ.. Caye, 4 people of Germany. ibings run according to one's heart's .Celænia, ; fi o yoke of oxen. Caycus, the son of Cclædus ; alſo a wis. * Cederc • vica, 1. die. * Celano, one of the Pleiades, and in Mylia. Ceditur, they give place. Ceffe one of the Harpyes. Cayrethus, the builder of Myus. Cayſer, or trus, a river wbout Ephe is acceptable * Cedo tibi .con- Celætbi, pesple of Theſprotia. fus in Aga, whence Cayitrius alcs, dudlone, do the buſineſs, and take Celæthra, a city of Boelia. , ſwan, the wages. Quum ripe cedunt, Cerama, a town of Mauritania Ce. Cazeca, a town of Taurica Cherſo whm ühey are part of the bank. * jaricnſis. neſus. Cedere provocationi, to lauve Celans, ntis; part. of celo ; diffen- Cazim, a planak!s being withio fix appealing. • Cedit dics, ihe day bling. sem minutes of the sun. appointed for payment of the money + Célāriem, il; n. A box, or any + Quæ domui ccdunt, kind of buit: C ante E. 1be appurtenance's belonging to in t Celastra, a kind of vefel used by bou;e. * Hoc pro pulmcntario co Il epherds. Cea, or Ceos, Cos, Cia, and Cios, dit, il servas ror , fo:d, Cēlātim, adv. fecretly, privily, cloſely. an iſland by Euboea. Cedo (pl. cedite give, tell. Cedo Cētātus, a, um ; fecret, hidden. Cea veftis, á garment of filk or lawn, quemvig arbitrun, appoint what Celcbothras, a king of. Muzıris, ie made in ibat iſland. sirbitrator you will. Ccdo feneni, chief mare-rown of India. Ceades, a Thracian, who;e son Ea- let the old man com.. Celca, a.sity of Peloponnefus. phcmus aided the Trojans. Cedrālus, a, um , adj. [à cedrus] Celeber, bris, bre famous. Sa ce- + Ceanothus, a kind of thorn. anointed with the aid of ador, to lebris. Ceba, a town of Italy. harp from periſing. Cčičbrābilis, le ; with much falemni- Ceban; the people of Ceba. Cercanitæ, e people of Arabia Fæ- Cebares, the groom of Darius, bylix. Cělěberrimè, ady, molt famoully. whole craft he obtained the kingdom Ccdreitis, Diana so called by the OI. Cēlēpersimus, a, om ; adj. fuperl. of Persia, cauſing his horſe to nbigl. comenii, from her image in a mot famous or renowned. before the others, hy wheb fign they greji cedar-tree. Celčbrandus, a, um, tó be folemnized had reſolved to chujo a king ; Juftin. Cedrca, a city of Caria. or gra:fed + Cebicna, the herh origanus. Cedre, a prople of Arabia Petræa. + Gělěbrata, orum ; n. funerals, Cebrenia, a frall ccaulty in Troas. Cedrelæum, æi; n. vil or juice of celebratio. ons ; Cělčbrātiof. a folemnizinga: Cebrenis, idis, belonging to Cebre- cedirs. or exislling ; eflem, nia... Cedrclate, ĉs ;. f. the large kind of coCčiçbrātiſsimus, a, um ; adj. fup. Cebrianes, a baſtard son of Priam, dar. very romiponly reported. whom Patroclus jew with a fione. Cedris, æ; f. the liquor or ropn of Cěčbr.lus, a, um, P. & A. re- + Cobus, i; m'a monkey. ibe great codar ; also a kind of life nowned, haurred; much uſed,' or Cecia, d city of Auſtria, called Seif- Cedrinus, a, um ; adj. of the adar Spoken of. * Celebrata Græcs.& felmaur. Iree. Latinis literis, notably fenned in Cecidi, I fell, of cado. Cedris , idis ; f. the cedar-fruil or Grcek and Latin. Cecid!, I have beat, of cædo. Celctreſso, čre ; 10 grow famous, it Cecilia, a kind of lerpent. Cedris, a river of Sardinia.. CÉLEBRIS, bre; ad). (à 1996. .ce- Cecilia: a city of Syria, by Euphra. Cédrium, ii; n. the juice of these leb:o) renowned, bonourable, får tes. dar-trza. * Cedrium malum, an * Celebris civitas, a popu- Cecilia Mellinum, a city of Porto or inge or lemon. lous city Celebr:s rumor, Acur. gal. Cedromelon, a ritron, rent report. Cecilion, a place in Spain. Cedron, a brook between Jerufa:em Cělčoritas, atis ; .fo: renown, fama, Cecina, a river by Yolatcrre. and incunt Olivet. rcfort. In Daximâ cclebritate Cěcīni, I have fung, from cano. Ccdropolis, a town of Caria. vivcre, to live in a place of verg. Cecinda, a name of loveral men, Cedros, an iſland of Germany, full great report... Celebritas merca- Ad, Cecinna, a Roman énight, of of cedars, whenie azbar is said to tûş, « fair. Pompey's party, who ſent the news drop upon the rocks. Cělěbro, arc; act. [à celebris] 80 of the war to Rome, by Swallows Cedrosia e people near the Red.fra. frequent, celebrale, publiſe abroad: kept for that purpoſe. Cedroſtis, :S ; f. the white vins Celebrare lecun conventu; !! Cecrçna, 2 city of Troas. growing ini hedges, briony. gather together a great company in a Cecropia, the city of Athens. + Cedrúla; æ; f. ibe small kind of place. place. Celebrare ferias, ludos, Cecropida, people of. Athens. ledar to celebrate felivals, make palimo. Cecropius, 2, um ; of Athens. CEDRUS, I ; F. (xhdp I &. codur: Cc!cgri, fcopls ofMoefi. Cec:ops, op:s ;, the firm king of the tress alſo the oil ori redars, with Celein, or Celja, a town of the No- Athenians, who brought in mar which books were wont to be anointed ric. Tiagos, cliars, and sacrifices, and 10 keep them from being worm.edten Çelelates, 2.ceople of Liguria. built the city of Lihens. * Cedrus conifera, i be great isdar. Celemantiz, a town in Germany. Cecryphaſca, promontory of: iſland tree. Digna cedro, things worshy Cělcudre; dris: derinsing a colany of of Pelopooncſus. of everlafing remembrance, the Samii in Cilicia. + Cecerca, xiyound pit for a land- Cxfaia, in iſland of Africa. Ccicoria, w kind of miirk. nark. Celonius Bastus, à conill of ROWc. Celcr. ibenanie of a conul. + Cecubụn, i; a kind of wine. # Ceirih, a kind of warm. CELER, Čis, adj., (à x 156 c999, Cěcŭma, æ; f. an owl, Cuiris, 4 fullock.vr hulleco.. vel ab Hcb. kulala celerea eſſe) fwifi, barry. mous. 4 i gautos, 22, 2016 ?e la bida, conceal forn. Ce chris idis; f. a. kafirel.. CEL CEN CEN Swift, wimble. Italci celér, tel: Cel dils, drie of the Idæi Dactyll, who, Cenabúm. a city of the Cornutæ By. having ravished the niciho of the Cenchos, ir kind o siaroni. fi Cělěcanter and celeratim ; adv. göát; was rejcaed by his cher bre-Conchrămides, um ; the kernels of Iwfily ihren; he was wine is forge viry figs. Célēracus; ais um ; adi: quick, Speedy, good iron whence the proverb, Co Cenchranopala, e; m. a contritioner. + Cělěre, ado: (peedily. mis in ferro Cenchicæ, a town of Peloponnefus, Colores, um ; m. light horlomen; Celmus, whom Jupiter loved whe, he neur Corinth Celerini, a rabiple of Spain tonii young; bus corning to his king Cenchies, a 'king of Egypt, who pe- Cěleri-or, us adj. swifter, fafier. dom, was turned by Aim tp an adı... rife in the Red jeu. Cēlērip-es, čdis ;'ad: ſwift of foot: mant, for aying he wro morini, + Cenchrias. brent inude of miilet; Cěle-ris, re ; 2di. (wift. See deler.. Ce!nlois, river in Scollaod, co!lea alf a kind of toile', + Cělčrillimus for celerrláus. K:llian. Cerchris. isim. venomous ferpeni, Cěčrštas, ātis. quickneſs, hana, CELO are ; [à xasigve! Heb. 10 full of Drops ſwiftneſs. Celeritate uti Cæta- rianâ, to make quick diſpatch of a * Qui nos nihil celar, who no Conchris, the wife of Cinyras king of buſineſs. Suſcipere nimias cele: quunts us with every th.rig. * Ce- Allyria, the mother of Myrrha. ritates, to sutli along. lavit me de hoc libro, he would not Cunchrités, a mile précitus pone Celer-iter, ùs, -rime ;- adv. ffreedily, let me know ihe name of the book. * Cerchritis, idis; f. 3 rejembling inil- quickly, Töddenly Si hoc cc!ccur patrí, if yu can let:fdadi + Celcritudo, inis; f. ffiedine's keep this from my fuiber's know. Conchrius, a river of Ionia, where # Cělët iufcüld, adý. Somewhai quick- Latona wiz's warhed after her sbild: Celo; õnig ; "a Ay.boat or pinnale. birth by her narje Ortygla. + Ćēlēriuſellus a, um ; adj. fome-Ceræ, a town in Mir potamia. Cen. hron, an adunant in Pliny. what ſwift and quick. Celo:sium, il; ni a biskui. + Cenchrus, i ; m., millet'; alfa'a Celero, are ; a&: à celer) to make CELOX, ocis, f. [xgxgjs) a brigan kind of ferpent and barb. bole diſpar'. Selerarc cáfus, tine, hay, yechi. . Cenchryamus Bellonii, tbe bird to facet down + Celphi, wild beaſis in Ethiopia, je!'owi humber Cētes, ētis ; m. a rare horfe; a plea toiih feet like mens. Conclus, a'kini of sea bird. ſure-boats alje bi sbat rid in the Cella, a city of Spain. Cenderia, fen of Phoenicia, z bence Celsitas, ātis f. highneſs, lofti the river. Belus is incught to pring, Celethes; a peiple of Theſprotia. Cellitudo; inis; } nefs, mobility: + Cěncangia, cnpliness of the flomach Celetizontes, light hor feinen, or image. CELSUS, a, um, (à xáins, cques)..or guts; alſo wont of appesite. of horfenen high, lofty, nab!e, upright. Cala Ceneda, a town of Venetia. Celetruhla a city of Macedonia, graditür, Jor walks bolt-uprighi. Cencia, Atalanta, the dasghter of + Celeuma for celcüfma. Celius, a plagiary mentioned by Ho Ceneus. Celeus, a king of Eleuſida, fárher of race, and other men. Cerespolis, a city in Spain. Triptolemns, Ceta, de; m. a Frenchman. Ceneftum, a city of Cirfica, Cěleuſira; alls ; n the mark-word Celtæ, arum; m. a poople of Gallia Cencţium, a town of Polepoanerus. givm 10 keep time when the faimon Conata, between tbe rivas Garum. Ceneura, a promonocry of Eubea, de any thing together. na and Sequana. whenio fupiter is called Cineus. Cělcuítes, a mi hu that makes thas Celtja a, u sown in Spain. Concus, ... Thefta an thar :oold' not noiſe, or incouragath the siamin. Celtibēriprople of Spain, coming di wounded ;' whence the proverby Cēlexchc, a country in Armenia! from the Celta, and fortling big the Invulnerabilis ùr Ceneus. This Celia, a town of Noricom, Apülla river Iberus. min was banged from a woman 16 and Campania: - Celtiberia, the country of the Celtibe. ( min. + Cella, a kind of oli. ri, now called Arragon. Cen:enſes, a people of Gallia' Narbo- + Celibáris halta, a Sport with which Celtibericus. 1 a, um ; adj. of Ar nenfis. the bride bad her hair truſled up. Çeltiberius, I ragon, Cenimagni, for Iceni, Cangi, d'febpila Celida, a town of Panlapolis in Afriot Celtiblom, ii; n. bread. of England. ca. Celtica, æ; f. the country of the Cel. Cen!na, w city of Italy. Celium, acity of Spain. Cerienſes, the people of Cenina. Celrus, a mountain of Rome, ſo called Celtic!,, a people of Spaln. Cenio, a river in Cornwal. frorn Cellus, a Tuſcan general: Celticum, 'n promontory of Spain. (like Cenites, the founder of the risy C:nf- CELLA, 20; f. fa celo; vel cedo, as the Land's-end with us). ná, vel Heb.cals, claudete) a cellar, Celticus, a, um, adj. of Celtica, Cennaba, a mountain of Mwitania jtore houſe, bach, veftry; a bit Celtick, alſo noble. Cæfarienlis. Cella janitoris; visí porter's lodge. Celtiens, ntis ; adj. honourable. Cenni, a fcople in Germany, wib Cella promptuarla, a pintiriy, busi-Celtis. isi fi sa celſus) 4 ſweet tru whom Caracalla woged war. sery. * In cellam emere frumen in Africa, celled lotos, alſo a kind cănõdoxa, æ; f. voin glory. tum, to bicy corn for one's own ufe. of fibi Cenomani, peeple of Gallia Celtica, Cella, boney-combs. Celtis, is ; m. [à cælo) a graving in called Munſcaux.,. Cellæ, a place of Macedonia and A Arunent. Cenomani, a poeple of Italy, in whoſe frica, # Celtium, a kind of rortoiſe. country Cremona was. Cellaria, æ ;f, a cellar, or shia that Celloril, a prople of France near the + Conomia, a kind of Ay! keeps it Senones, Cenon, a town in Italy. Cellaris, re; of the cellar. Co-Celtof y:hæ, a nwthern people. Cčnotāphium, 1:; n. unendly marriga lumbi cellares, divis kept in lock. Celtum; a city in Spain. went in 1747ory of the dead. # Celundria, or celindria; Swift + Cenfa, orum; n pl. jicbiance, re- Cellarium, ii'; n. a allar, före-houſe, hip. or buttert: Celurca, Montroſs in Scotland. CENSEO. Cre; }(ab Heb. canas, Cellarius, ii :m. (à cella] 'a 'butler, Cema; a' river of Narbonnc. CENSEOR, čri ; } colligcre] to ſup- yeoman of the larder." Cemandri, a prople of lllyrium. poſe, think, tux, determine number + Cellaronarium, a fafa, ir cup.board + Cemas, a kind of goat. or muller the people, is give in the Cembani, e people of Arabia Fællx. value of one's effate to the cento, + Cellloros, or cilindros; a woman's) + Cembri, a kind of pine trie. ihink good, to be angry, vex. apparel. Cemcliarcha, 5t shut keops slow Jacred Cenſeor, ēri'; paff. to be numbered, CELLO, crc; [à włado, movco] 'to wels. vained, taxed, gieemid, riied.. beat or break. Cemelion, a precious velil. Cenfio, onis ; f. a punishment by the CellonzenYesy: 2 people of Scythia. Ceinencl.on; a rocón of Liguria. confor, a price, or advice. Cen- Cellos, a totein in Africa: Cenēpus, grout mouniu:n of France. Lonem facere, !lay a penalty use Cellula, æ; f. [à cella]" a larder, Cemos, a kind of herb. on onsCeifio bubula, a wbip- bulldry, a secret chimber. CelCempli, a people of Spain, at the foor ing julæ colunibirum cavatæ, culver- of the Pirenæan muntains. + Cengirio, onis; f. a taxing prima Cena, a ptace in Sicily. imgi Рppp2 Cen: it ขน๘ in the pantry: holes. 1 1 1 ther. , , ; herbim-* , -ford , ; CEN CEN CE P + Censitor, oris ; m. Afrward that caput] baving an bundred heads. & pondo].an bundred wright. korps accounis, or be sbar saxoih, Centiès; adv. a hundred times. Centumviralis, le; adj. 3. art.ba Cenfor, oris ; m. (à cenfeo] the Centitidas, a, um ; adj. [à centum longing to the Centumviri. * Hafta maltor of manners, or diſcipline & findo) divided an bundred ways, ccotuin viralis, judgment poled by who cviry fifih juar Survey'd and Centifolius, a, am ; adj. à (centumn the Centumviri, bacanjo while ebay olefed the effates of the Roman ci & folium) bearing on hundred were fiting, a spear was ju up.in tizens. leave. the wurt. Cansörinus, 1 az, um ; .adj. belonging Centigrānus, a, um ; adj. baving an Centumviri, õrum ;. m. å hundred Censorius,'to the mar, puniſha hundred sorng in an air. and frue judgu, choſen to determino ble,- Sevire. Homo cenſorius, Centiloquium, îi; n. Ptolemy's book private matters among the people of shat baih dari a confer. * Minimè of an bundrod Jintonces concerning Rome, Cenforium cft, is not at all like a affrology. Centuncălāris, is; } m. Là cento cud. imfor. Centimănus, i; m. baving an bundred Centunculus, 1; } weid,chrif-wad; Cenfuālis, ç; adj. 3. art, belonging. hands, as Briareus is féigned to hav. alſo a carfe garmeni. to numbning or valuing Centinödia, or centunodia, æ; fo Centúplex, icis; adj. 3. art. [of cen- Cenſum, a promontory of Eubrez. knos-graſs. tum and plico) a hundred yold. Censūra, e; f. ibe off of a confor, Centinum, or Sentinom, a lity in Centuplicato; adv. a bundred times the power of controuling; alſo a Italy. double. mifter-roll. * Cenſuram agere or Centipoda, æ; f. (of centum & Centuplicātus, a, um, adj. doubled facere, to tax, pes) a warm wiib many feel. An hundred times. Cenſus, a, um, part. of cenſeor, Cencipelſio, õnis ; m. (á centum & Centuplico, to fold an bundred cefled, taxed; pellie] iba paunch of A fag, the Centuplo, are, times, Cenfus. Ûs; m. (à cenſeo) an umbles of a deer. Centuplus, a, um ; adj. an bundred- ftate, the prizing or valuation of it, Centipes, the fiſh ſcolopendra, which fold. Jubfidy: fubfidy-book, an felmeni. having ſwallowed a book, rids him-Centupondium, ii; n. [à centum & Cenfum agere, to make a rate. - Jelf of it, bs cailing out his entrails pondo) an hundred found weight, # Deferre cenſum, to pay one's rate and fuking thein up again. an exueding great weigbe. according to the opement. Homo CENTO, õnis ; m. (X197 por) 2 6. Centúria, æ; f. là centum a com. line ccnſu, tenuis cenfùs, & poor verlut of divers pieces and freds; o pony of a hundrad; also a bundred man * Prædia cenfui cenſendo, poem compoſed of many fragments, of a hire. farnes that could only be bought or a quilt sr bed-sick. • Centones Centūriātim ; adv. 'by hundreds of fold by a citizen of Rome. farcire, to patch solledions Roge companies, thick and thru-fold, + Cenfuus, a, um ; adj. that may be Centúriātus, ùs ;. m. the office and bought or fold. Centobrica, a city of Celtiberia. fate of a centurion, Captain-ſhip. Cenia, a city of Mauritania Tingita-Centodemum, a place in the lourer Centòriātas, a, um, adj. formed in. na, 'called Binibáhalud. Myfia to bundreds, divided into hundreds Centaureus, a certain Galatian. who, Centon, e cafle in the Yome place. according to their aftates, Comi- wbon Antiochus waillain, mounted Cearðnārius, ii ; m. [à cento) a tia centuriata, the greateſ afom his horie, wbich in indignation leaped pascher of collections. blies of the people in Campus Mar- down a Dorg plare, and killed borb Centonarius, a, um , adj. of or for tius. * Leges centuriata, laws and bis ridar. pstching, made by Ibofrollamblies. Centurinum, a city of Corſica. tory: Centores, a peopic of Scythia. Centurio, onis, m. a centurion, cap. Centaureus, a, um, 3 of the Cm. + Centrālis, le';, of or in the center, tain. Centurio primipili, the Centauricus, a, um, tauis. + Cenuinæ, and ccauides, a kind of eldof captain in ibr Roman legion, Centauri, orum ; m. the Contaurs, a gnats. who had charge of tbe sogle, and the people of Theffaly, by the mouns + Centris or centeris, a kind of fer command of four bundred men. Pe!son, who firji brake horſes for pont. Centurio, aie; to divide into bun- war, and wire thought by their Centrites, a river between Armenia dreds neighbcurs to be but one creature. and Media, Centurionatus, ûs; m. the office of a The pepts frigu ihey were begotten by + Centrix, icis ; f. a whora. consurirn or coprain. * Agere cen- Ixion in a cloud, which he embraced + Ceniro, önis; m. a malefa&or turionatum, to look narrowly into infead of Juno tortured by prisking, 10 extort bis the carriage of a centurion. + Centaurida, a; f. the great con: confesion; Centurioncs, a city in Spain. Ceotrones, a gesple of Savoy, whole Centuripe. a field of Sicily: Centauris, a third kind of is country is called le Pais de Taren. Centuripinum crocum,. foffron grow tory toifc ; alfo e people of lower Ger ing ai Centuripe... Centauroides, hadge hilop. many: Centuripini, the people of Centu- Centaurus, i; ni a Centaur ; als + Centrophägia, c; f. penny.royal. ripe. the name of a ship, and a celeial Centrofus, a, um, adj. full of knots Centullis, is ; m. (pro centum asſes] knurs. a Roman coin, worth $ x Billings + Centena, a; mi a raptain of an CENTRUM, 1; n. (xsvtper) a cm. and three-ponie: hundred men; alfo an bundred. ter, a knot in limber or lone. Cenus, a proponlory of Italy, opere + Centenariæ, Alver in little balls or Centrum galli, the herb clary. again Sicily. : lumps. + Centua, a; a inafure of an hun. Ccos, Cco, Cća, one of the Cyclades, Centenari, Õrum; m. polly judges in dred feel every way: called Zca. hundreds. CENTUM, indec. Xatoy), a bun- CEPA, æ; f. [à xñas hortus, vel Centēnārium, ii; n. a hundred pound dred, or many. xe qadin capui) an onions. Ccpas wrighi. Centum Cellae, a city in Tuſcany ederc, to put finger in ge. Centënārius, a, um , adix (à cen called Civita Vecchia. Cepæi, æ; f. ſea purſlain or brook- cum) of' an bundred years, pounds, Centum Colles, ihe rown Zzfhaion in lims. or feet, Hungary: Centēnus, à, um ; adj. là centum) Centoncăpita, æ; f. [à centum & + Cepariſſus, as cupreſſus. Cepānus, a, em ; adl. of onioris. of a hundred, or a hundred years. caput) jea-hum or los bolly. + Cc pārius panis, houſhold.briad. Centēsin. a, æ; f. the ufury of one in Centumg čminus, a, um ; a hundred-Cepe; n. ind. an onion. Se cæpè. a bunased every month, st twelve fold, + Cěpcus, a, um ; lika ſra-purſlain or per cent. + Centni morbia, two-penny grafs. an onion, money-Word, Cephale, or -lis; a hrad. Centēsīs us, a, um ; adj. là cen- + Centumrodia, the same as corri. Cephilis, a wiody promontory of A- gola. frica, where the greater Syrtis bar tum) the bundredih, or hindrad. + Centumpeda, æ; f. a cantred: gins. fold. Contcfimæ calendæ, a Centumpcrança, an iſland of the Sen Cephalalgia, æ; f. the bead-ach. hundred months. tina, Genziceps, įpit:s ; c. [of cearum and Ceasumpondium, 11 ;. n. (à centom Cephalea, æ; f. a continual pain in she head, Cepha- tory bgn: mon. in СЕ Р CER CER Cephalalgicus, i ; m. he that curs Cēpitium, il; n. a bed of onions, Soc Corăras, i; f. a therry-trea. she herd-ach. ceperun, Ceraſus, untis, and Cheraſunda, a Cephaledion, a town of Sicily. + Cepitius, a, um ; ad. of onions. city in Cappadocia, whenee Lucul. Cephalene, and Cephallenia, an Cepoe, a town of. Boſphorus Cimme lus firſt carried berries into Italy. iſland of the lonian foa. rius. Cerate, a city in Italy. Cephalencs, she people of Cepha. Copos, a gardm. + Cěrătes, the fourth part of a fire lenc. Cepphicus, a, nm; very lighi, trilling, ple * Cepalcio, onis ; f. poll-money wird. Cěratia, æ; on herb with one leaf, Céphaleus, a, um ; 2dj. of the fish ce-Cepphos, of -us, i; m, a ſea- mw, and a greatfinotty rool; capers: phalus. carried every way with the wind; Cěrătias, æ; m. a blaxing.for like Çčphalicus, a, um, adj. balanging when's cepphi,' vain and fooliſh a horn, to the bord. • Cephalica arteria, Cěrauinus, a, um ; horned, intricate, the artery belonging to the head. Cepúla, æ; f. a litt's onion, or chib. fophiflicel. Cephaline, that part of the tongue bal, Caratitis ; f. borned poppy, whereby we tajle. Cēpūrica, orum; berbs growing in Cěratium, ii ; D. tbe carob.fruit, or + Cephalis, is; f. a bat or sapi a gardens. true ; alſo a coral or carat; alſo roll of a book. + Cepurius, a, um ; of a garden. candle-money, or fans for tapers of Cephallen, a famous mufcian, son of + Copūrus, i; m. a gardner. burials. Lampas. Cepus, '; a kind of age. + Cěrătonia, the carob-tree. Cephalodis, a city of Sicily, called Cepus, a city by the Euxine sex. Cěrātum, or cerorum, i; n. (à cera] Cefalu. CERA, æ; f. xapos wax, por a crecloth. Cephalceditani, the people of Cepha or ſide of a leaf. * Ceræ ultimæ, Cěrātūra, æ; f. a dreling with wax, izdis. the loft will and tolament. * loris or waxing over. Cephalocruſtes, a worm breeding in ceris radere, to raje our wbally. *Cerātus, a, um, adj. waxed. * Ce- the leaves of a ruch-tru. primâ or inâ ccrâ, in the first ralæ tabulæ, encimi writing-ta- or loſ bequeſ of a will. + Cephalon, onis ; she date-true, . Сcre bles. Cephalonnelus, an island of Taurica fexangulæ, the fix-corner'd holes in Ceratus, a river in Crete. Cherſonelus. honey-combs. Ceratus, a, um ; adj. belonging thereto. Cephalotomi, a people by the Euxine -+ Cěrábus, a kind of fiſh. Cěrala, or-les, æ; m. one bas blows fea. Ceraca, a city of Macedonia. a horn; a blowſler. + Cephalotus, or -tes, a great-beaded Cěrăcātes, 5 people of Germany, bo- Cěraunia, æ; e precious flone with a leek. yond the Rhine. Bar in ibe widt, found near plaus Cephalus, a fiff which bides his brad, Cérăchates, e; m. e precious ßone of blafled with lightning ; alfoa tan- and then thinks his whole body is bid; a wax colour, dar-ball, a pollard: + Cērāgium, a bake-bouſe. Ceraunia, a city in Peloponnefas, Cephalus, i; m, the son of Dcione-Cěrāgius, ii; a paflelor. and a town in Cyprus. us, and busband of Procris. Sur + Cerambix, a kind of beetle. Cěraunia, or it ; mountains in the Procris. Also an Athenisn orator, Ceramentes, a pecple of Caria. borders of Epirus. who firf invented prologue and epi. Ceramici, two places in Athens, in one + Cérauniæ uvæ, grapes es red as logues. they buried thoſe that were Bain in fire. Cephas, the name given to Simon Pe. the war, in the other harlots alive, Céraunias, a name.of. Jupiter, from ter by Chriſt after he had called him Ceramicus, a bay of Caria, near Ha the lightning 10 she apo:lefip; fignifying in Syriac licarnaſſus. Cěraunium, a kind of muſhroom in a rozk. Céramites, a precious fone of a tile Thrace. Cepkenes, or Cephediones, .. people colour. Cěraunõbolus, the table of Apelles, of Æthiopia. + Ceramium, a botib, or ſwelling of wherrini he had painiod thunder. Cephencs, dron's. corrupt fleſh. Céraunus, i; mia precious None. Ceph:us, ibi fime as Telphufa. Ceramium, a place in Rome where Ceraunus, a clear river in Cappado- Cepheus, a king of Æthiopia, and Cicero and Miio dwels. cia ; alſo a fimame of one of the father of Andromeda ; aljo one of Ceramorum Forum, & city of Asia Ptolom'es, the Argocaats. Minor, Ceraufius, a mountain of Arcadia. Cephcticum med!camentum, a me- Cěrămus, i; a potler,- Cerbalus, a river of Apulia. dicins to mgender filoſo. Ceramus, a town in Mæonla, and in Cerbani, 4 people of Arabia Fælix. Cephis, a famous. Hatuary. the iſland Archonneſus hy Caria, Cerherion, a town in the mouth of CephiGia, a small country of Attica, and anotber of Doris. Bofphorus Cimmerius. with a fountain of the jame name. Ceramyntes, a firname of Hercules Cerberus, izm. a three-hooded dog Cephiſidorus, a tragedian of Athens, among the Greeks. frigned to be the porter of bell, whom and orber mm. Ceranga, 4 city of India within Hercules bound and carried away. Cephiſis, a lake by the Atlantic fea. Ganges. Ovid Met. Ccphifus, or Cephiſſus, a river in t Corapla, æ; a blow or froke. Cercaphus, a mountain of Colophon; Bæoria, near, which food the temple Ceraria, a; f. a woman wax-chand. alſo the son of Poliades and Cy- of themis. ler, dippe, from wbom ibi women of Cephren, an Egyptian erant, Cerārius, ii; m. a wax chandlar. Rhodes were called Cercaphides. Cephus, i; m. ab Heb. kaph fimia) + Cerasbõlus, a jubborn and sougb Cercalorum, a town in Egypt. a beajl in Æthiopia like a man. followe, Cerceis, a fo:-Nymph. a place where the river Me Cérăsīnus, a, um ; [à cerafum] of a + Cerceps, a bealt with a long tail. ander falls into the ſea. cherry. Cercēris, a kind of bird. Cepi, I have taken (of capio.] , Cerceticus, a gulph in the Euxiac Cepiana: a city of Portugal. Coraſon Chryſeon, a promontory of fea calhd Gollo di Suſaco. Cepediaes, Cephedincs, rocks in the Propontis, whero Conftantinople Cercetii, a people about Cerceticus. fos. fanas. Cercetil, mountains of Theſſaly. Cipina, æ; f. (à cepe) an cnion. Céraſphorus, !; be that wears horns. Cercētas, a mountain of Samos, garden. Cēraftæ, certain iſlands near Cyrene Cercæ, iſlands about lonia. Cepio, a Roman citizm, memy po in Ethiopia. Cercidas, an excelles law-maker of Druſus, Cěraites , o -is; m. A little bodied Megalopolis. who drawing near his Cepio Servilius, a.conful, who came sorponi, borned like a ram;. alſo a death, told bis friends pleaſantly, to a miſerable and for robbing a worm thar breeds in trus; an herb. that he rejoiced at the expectation of temple at Thoulouſe in France ; + Cérattibola, placas about the hips. prefently misting with wiſe Pythago- whence the proverb, Aurum habet | Cěraftis, a painter. ras, the biflorian Hecatæus, the Tholofanum. Ceraſtis. The old name of Cyprus. muſical Orpheus, and the poet Ho. capionides, om; f. precious fontes CERASUM, i, n. (mepšíonov) a therry. mer, also an lam bick poet. clear as cryfal. * Actium, ibs black-cherry. * Apró. Cercil, a people of Italy. Cepiles or cepocapites, e; m. a pre nianum, the red, * Duraçinum, Cercina, or Cercinna, an iſland in cious done full of while freaks. she heart-sharoy. the Mediterranean jea. Çercin!tes, 1 C E R CER CER bow! ing. $ w1. i . } TH . Carcinies, a very little island, joined ( t. Carcõius, 1; . a little war.cando cernitur, the diſcourje is ojº divitis by bridge to Carci:a. Cěr-es, ēris ; f. a daughter of Saturn and human mosters. Cercidium, a town of Micedonia. and Ops, inventer of corn and til. Certua, ce; f. the filh called a rur. Cercius, ji; m..alreng soulsri wind lage; elfo brasid-corn. Cerngatus, a, um, bending, bont. ariſing in Narbonne. See circius. Cereffus, 4 cafile in Bæolia, and oft Cernulo, a:c; to turn ever' or e- Cercõlips, ip9 ; in. an ope without a Lower is Spain, tail. Cerctæ, arrople of Crete. Cernŭlus, a, um ; adj. buſy in Jering. Cercope, a lille grabarberi Ceretani, a priple of Umbria. fruits in other iten. Cercopes, a piipie of Pithecafa, Cercle, a rown in Italy. Cernus, are; to tumble, foop turned 'by. Jupiter nia apes for their Cerctani, the people of Cerete. it Cernus; m. ai basket uſed in fiſhing wickedneſs and deceit. Carctica, Cardiganſhire. for purples. Cercopián a town of Magna Phry: Ce!etici, the roople of Ceretica. Cernuus, a, um ; (à cerno) boving gia. Cerevifia; [qu. cereriga] the fame as down to the birth; decajing, lleop- Cercopithecus; ci; m. & marmoſet, cervilia. or minky. Cěreus; a, um , adj. (à cera] of Cernuus, i; m. a lumber, a rope Cercops, õpis; me a fabulous hiſto wux, yellow, Soft, dsinty, uncon dancer, fign; also my crafty deceitful rol. pant, pliant, fit, cnoinsid Cero, are; (à cera] to cover with lotu; alſo a Pythagoie in shilaopher. Cercus, i; mn. a tater, wax-light, or Cercos, a buzzard ; alio a tail, and torch, * Cereus Peruvianus, sorch-t Cēsõférāriom, il; n. a candlefiick kind of solle. thjile, Cercolum, a törun fortified by Dio. + Certicŭla, a; a fool, doftareli cérófétárius, ii ; m. [â cera & fero) clefian.' | Ceria, æ; sle, or beer; burley- a taror-besser. Cercūlus, ra, and -ron; kind of walor, or the like: 4 Corohinos, or cerchinos, a defire greut fois. Corizde, a tovin of Attica. to' cough. Ciscus, a bill of Bithynia. + Corialum, i; n. a bin whore bread Cērona, štis; n. an ointmmt whare. Cercyon, a king of Theffaly ; elfo is chipred. with weler's anointed themſelves; notable robber, uh, beirig wont rot Cērifico, are, (à cera & facio) ta the place where they were anointed j bend doior the follejl tree; tit mon make a clammy juhlunce liko wak, ollo switing-tab!c. XQ them, and rene on to pieces, as the purple Alhes do. + Ceronata, tum ; n, candlafticks, was üt laf leived ſo himself by Tic-Cerillum, a place of Lucania in 1- Cērùmaticus, a, um, adj. of oint - {cus; bene. ly rxent, betawkod. Cercyoncus a um. Cerimonia. Q; f. (ab ant. cerus, Ceron, « fountain in Heftiæotis, Cercyra, or Corcyra, an ijland in the i. ſanctus) a osreinony, while wairy's make the focep that lontan feo. + Cērinārius, it; be ibst dies gar. dr.ink it turn black. Cercyres, 16 si people of Cercyra. ments of wix-rolovar, Ceronia, e kind of tree, Cercyros, eco-fif in: Ovid. Corinthe, osif Cerdania: D. Frople of Arabia Fæ Cerinibia, æ; f. . honey - Suchle, Cerophči, a feiple of Africa Pro- s pria. lix. Cerinthium ; honey-worl. Ceroplastes, a maker of wax images. Cc dias, a sily taken and ruzed by. Corinthus, a vily of Grecce; allo e Cerofius, a ploce by the Ionian lea. Lyſander. town in Eaboca, und ihr name of a Cěrollrorum, i; n. the ſetting of litus Cerdici-Vauum, Chadford in Hamp horelick, who taught that Chrijl as Fieces of painted borti GT ivory in ſhire. bis leend coning : Tuuld give bis tabler. Cerditasj 100;? Jirita or. witty, · Desple all carnal delighis: Cerolus, a, um, adj. mixed with CERDO, unis; m. là xoxop:: lu- cerinum, i; a garment of 2000-c- crum:). 4 roller, ckriver, Smith, or len. Ceroti inſula, Chertſey in Surry. any fucb.like arrix n. Corinus, a, um, [à cera) of wat. Cerölun, a core-clo:h. Cerdo, os on, on kirstick, who held colour. Cerrciani, o people of Spain there were two Gods, sind. denied + Cēris, a kind of fim. Cerreus, 2 a, uma ; adj. belonging to Chrij? lo te":18166 12473.; aljo the third Cērites, æ; m. a wax-coloured pre- Cerrinus, the tree cerrus. bilhip of Alcxand:ja. cious jicne. Corritus, a, um ; [qu. cereritus à * Cerdon, leather. Cerit:s, a prosle whom the Romans Ceres] having bread or corn; olfo i Cerdonarium, ili ne e bark or tani vanquilsed, and would lutter neither furious, mod, frantick. haufe. to make mor have any laws. Cerrus, i; : là xépes cornu] a Cerdous, ide name of Apollo and Cerites tabulæ, the comfors tables. See kind of maj-braring irus; alſo a Mercury cæ:itos, C. kind of jb, and a rock. + Cěreagius, a baker. Cēricus, a, um ; dijiraflıd, frantick, Cerlunum, a city of Corſica. Cěreālia, orun; n. sacrifices of Ce. mod. See cerritus. Certa,.a city beyond Armenia. res. Ceriuin, ii; u, a kind of ulcor. Certāmen, inis; n. Liv. là certo] Cērcālis, le ; adj. 3: part. pertaining Cermalus, a place in Rome so cal A conteft, controverſy, detais ori dif- to Ceres or corn. * Cercalescens, led. pules a trial of skill; a battle, skir- fumptuous felis. Cercale so-Cermatz, a people enemies to ibe A. miſh; a bujile, noiſe, hazird, or lun, a trencher made of bread. garens danger ; a gume, or exercise ; an Cereales agia, winds ibat drive a Cermoruni, a tour of Macedon!a. tager pur;wil"; the thing Prisen for. icon wird mill. Ccrna, or one, an inand in the Æ. • In certamen deſcenderc, to play Corealis, ihe city Ebura in Spain ; thiopian Sea, called by the Spani for a prizi. Cic. * Honeſtum cer- alfo: the name or ſeveral mch. ards the fiind of St Laurence, but tamen, a commendable bickering or + Céreālium, puniry by the snbaojianu Madagaſcar. difputation. Cěrebellum i; n. (ă cerebrum) a Corne, an island in the Atlantick + Certāmino, are ; to lirive. limle brain, the hinder part of the ira, over-againll mount Atias, called Certans, otis ; jiriving, * Certanti. Madera and Gracioſa. bus animis, with right and main. & Ceičb-er, ri; m. she brain. Cerrietani, a people of Italy. Certātim ; adv. for a wager, as jiri.. Cérebroſus, a, um ; adli brrin fiki. Cernerum, a town in Italy, ving who sball de bell Cork-brained, ronieiled, liubborn. **+ Corricŭlam, i; ni a fiave. or bol certatim amainus, in whole love we Cerebroſus bos, a cred bull. ter, rival on another CEREBRUM, i, n. (à xápa caput] + Cernida, æ ; the ſame: Certātio, onis; f. a friving, andea- The brain, Cerebrain tlongatum, Cernitur, :mp. it is ſeen or under. VOURITIR, dabure. * Non fuit Ne- them.!!.0W of the bark tone lood.. rio par certatio cum Alpheno, Cerebro 'aborare, 10 re brain-fok, CERNO. crevi, cretum, nere; Alphenus hod the advantage of grow fulib. , Cerebru:n aiboris, lupiya ] 10 sec, perceire, krisw, como Nevjus. The with it arce. iind for fift, enorase judge, ordoin, Cer:ālor, õris; m. a Briver. Corefolium, ilin the herb bervil. determine * Cernere 'hærcditaCorta:ur, 'imp. There is contention or Cērē nāna, z; s. a lei einuny. See iem, to enter ugon on inheritunce. difference cæremonia. Cernere armis, to try it out by Certacus, ùs ; m. Set certamen. ceremonial. Es le ; adj. religichi, di arms. * De divinis atque humanis Cor- * vine, W.X. ) board Quem . CER CE'S C'EU or wa @r. fure on's. ironius, Certatus, a, um adj. about wbich publicani cervicibus ſuis, to ma- | Ceſtius Florus, a procurator of Judæa, there is much frife, nage the who's buſiness of the laser A. D. 64. Certè, iùs, iffinè; adv. Certainly, * °Elle in cervicibus, to be very, Cestlus, a bridge et Rome, salied St. nigh, of one's huls. * Cervix ar Barthclomæo. Surely, withiut doubt, yes, verily. * Ceriè quidem for the beginning boris, the top of a tree. + Ceftra, a; a battle-ax or pole-am ; of a fenienia. Quidemce:te, Corula, æ ; f. C'à ceia] a little wax allo ir kini of fiſh. [in ihe middlr) affuruly, Ceftria, a town of Epirus; called Sa- Ceriera, a peiple about the Euxine Corūpicn, inis; D. car-wax. polo. j6z. + Cerus, a creator, Ceftria, 2; f. Cheſter. Cé.c:Ga, Chertſey in Surrey, Cē uſſa, a; f. [ *gapoca ) aruje, Ceftrinus, the son of Hclenus and white-load, wimen's paint. Andromache. Cerchia, -29, or jus, a woodpecker. + Certifico, are; to certify.' Cerufsātus, a, um ; adj. rainted with Ceft on, and iros, she herb belony. + Certi-fio, fis; I am certified. (eru, 8. Ceftroſpherdonc, a Ring, an engine Cerama, a city in Spain. Cerutto, to proach, publiſh. loja war to caji darts, f Certio o, are ; act. to cortify, ad. Cervŭlus, i; m. á little bart. Ceftrum, i; n. (XES TPCY] a piorker, verlife. Cervus, i, m. ( à xipas cornu] a er graver, or difger. * Ceftram Cert:ſſa, a town in Pannonia. hart or nag; Io a fake. Cervi morions, the hero rud-mace, cat's- ocellus, wild parſnip. + Certio, use; 10 be certified or ſure. * Cervus tril, or tetiny. Certitūdo, iriis ; f. certainly, furuly, volans, a bull-fly, or horned osetic. Cetrus, a river of Pamphlia. Certò, adv. cert::inly, Surely, mani. Ceryces, heralds, from Ceryx the son CESTUS, i ; f. and m. (Kotus] a fefly. Sącin' boc certos are you of Mercury: marriage-girdle, wbicb the bride- Cerycius, a mountain of Baotia and groom girded the bride with, and Certo, arc ; 19 contand, friur, mdça. i Epheſus. deojid again the firf night ; alfo ang Vollr, comply with. *Certare ali- Ceryaia, 4 city of Achaia in Pelopon- kind of band. quid, to affect any thing. Certat neſus, and a mountain in Arcadia, + Cefyphum, i; a guint, being the Egyptus cum feraciiiinis ters, from whence the river Cyreaites righe ladz.num. Ægypt gives place to 110 sountry for Hows, wbich runs by this city. Cetaceus, a, um, adj. (à cetus] of à whila. fruitful.it/s. * Certare maledictis, Ceryx, ycis; a harald. to y cvile one another. Cefata, er du, a city in Spain. Ceta:ach, wall.fern, or milt-wort. Certoniuo, a town of Aſia minor. Ceſchus, a rity of Pampilia, ov (16. Cētāriz, æ; f. the place where great CERTUS, a, um ; ad}, -for, iffimus, : Cording so Suídas) in Cilicia. falt list is sold ; also be woman that (à ccrno) celtuin, true, nocellury, Ceſena, a town in Italy, Jells it. firm, determinats, notorious, qu:et or Cclennius Priſcus, a pretor of Syria, Cetaria, a sity in Sicily. calm. * Cestimest, I air refolued. A. D. 47. Cētāria, orum, and -riæ, arum ; * Mulier certa fceleris, reſolved to it Cēsón a, a piece of Hell on a coll's pends by the fea-fde, wbare great commit wickedneſs. * Certo cer- į forebied, of which ihey made an fiſhes are taken and kept. tius, nothing more certain. * Cerchaninmis, Eclarius, a, um; of whales, or great t'us alicui facere, cr aliquem cer- Celonius Pætus, abe colleague of Pe. ffber. tiorcm de aliqua re, to certify one, Cētārus, ii; m- a fijamonger of great • Pro certo habetur, 'fis believed, † Ceror, oris cutter. lea-nh. for certain. * Certum habeo, lam Cerpes, surf vide cælpes. CETE;n. Indec. pl. [ Khaw ) jura, * Cert: homines, mien zubom Celpix,' bruid or carrot. wbalas. I could name, Puliy: perforus. . Ceisābundus, a, um; idle. Celçus, a king of Egypt, called by the Certus mori, rcfolurd to dir + Coffwypoclo, bini-werd. Greeks Proteus. Cerva; a ; f. a hind; alſo tbi kob. Celians, ni part. of cefloluj!ering. Cathēgus, a Roman comful; alſo a palma Chrifti. Ceffans niorbus, the Conſpirator wish Catiline. Cervaria, a place by the temple of Venuslingering diſeaſe. Creticis, a magician, by whaſi dirai. nus in Aquitain; alji e city in Quiao, onis ; f. loitering, idleneſs, tion Bocreb ita, king of the Gela, Spain. • Magno foenore ceffationis vanquished the Romans. Cervarius, a, um ; adj. (à cervuedi colono reſpondei, abundantly re- Ceti, e people beswren ibe Cilices of a bare erag: 9 Lupus cervadi confences the husbandmin for its and Pelaigi. sius, a cat of mounain. Cervariling jill. Cetirz s, a promeniory of Apolonia. um venenum, a poison into which arqCelsator, oris ; m. o loiterar, Nug- Cetis, a country of Cilicia, rows were dips and ſhoot ct duern siird, iryani. Ce!lum, a fount of Noricum. Cěrūchus, the end of the fail-yardier.Cefsāturus, a, um ; about sa leave or Cetius, a mountain between Noricum she jhrouds belonging ther.co.in be left. * Cala ccratura, a collage and Pannonia, called alſo Kilem- Cervica, æ; f. a blow on ilus neck. in which he will live no longer. berg. + Cervical, - -le, lis ; 1. Là cervix) Ceſsātus, a, um ; parc. of cello, Cctobrica. or Cetobrix, the town sc. e pillow or belber. ceaſed, given ovar, not lilled. tayal in Portugal. + Cervicāria; æ; f. the berb. Caater- Ceffero, Cæfiro, the city Caures in + Cetõus, a, uin ; full of or belong. bury bells, Gullia Narbonenſis. ing to whales, $ Cervicarium, as cervica. : Ceffi, I yielded (à cedo. CETRA, æ; f. (à Keuw abſcondo, + Cervicatus, a, um, and cervicoſus, Ceflim ; ady, in recoiling backward. vel ab Heb, gedra feptum) a ſhirt a, um ; adj. Nif-necked, intractable, Ceffim ire, to retreat, or give or Square buckler uſed by ibi Spa- inexorable, ground. niards and Africans. Çervicúla, a; f. [à cervix) a little Ceffio, onis; f. a jielding or ſurren- Cetrātus, a, um, adj. having such neck dering: a target. Cervinus, a, um ; adj. [à cervus] cft Ceffius, 2, um ; adl, unconfang to Cetriboni, e people of India. a hart.' * Cervinus coler, tawney.! mind any ibing + Cette for cedite, tell, or reacb yo Cervina caro, . veniſon. Ceffo, are, (à ccdo) to loiler, liogor, bilber, Çerviſia, æ; f, berr or a'o. seaſe, or tarry in a place. Cc- ! Cetuma, a town of Æthiopia. l'evifia. fatum uſque adhuc elt, they have Cecus, i, m. (Kijtui] a while, or any Cerviſjäria, z ; f. a buttery, been hitherto negligent. . Ceflare great fill. # Cervifiäciun, ii; n. an ale hiule. amori, to mind lour. * Quod CEU ; adv. (ab Heb. ke) like, as it ☆ Cerviliatius, ji; m. a brewer. ceffac ex :editu frugalitate ſupple- Ceu vcro, asif. CERVIX, icis f. (Heb. gnoreph.) tur, what I want by reaſon of my i+ Ceva, a; f. a little milcb-cow. (properly]:he hinder part of she neck, Small revenue, I fupply by way; ibrif- : Couc!, a people of Spain. the neck, und jour.etimes the shoulders, ting's. Ceveo, ēre (à Ociya) 10 patter, or allo any thing like a nok. Melaph. Cefíos, õris; m. a loiterer. fawn pon by wagging ibe tal as Jiubbornnes, pride, # Abſcindere + Celticillus, and ceſticŭlus, i, m. dogs are uunt; & ſentu obſceno. cervic:bus ciput, to cut off the head a roll of cloth ar Araw, which ws-; Ceus, un ifand, where all abazie fixty from the shoulders. * In cervicius. mon lay on their heads, when they years old ware to poi on themſelves. imponcre dominum, 80 fat one up sorry, any:hing, that ibe rei might not want ; alſo a 1 cut bis rbrost. Siſtincre reni Ceftirl, a feple of Media. a city of Propontis. Ceus! or any * Sur ce were. 1 CHÆ CHA CH A 4 1 in brus. Cēus, or Crus, the son of Titan and Chaeroneus, a, um, 7 adj. of proverb. Tanquam Chalcid.ca no. Terra, who took up arms against Chæron cus, a, um, Chero bis perptit uxor. · Jupiter, for raviſbing his daughter Chæ onis, nc, nea. Chalc.s, id!s ; f. a kind of furbel- Latona ; but might overcam* rigbi, Chatæ, a city of Macedonia, and a firo, a wrnonors ferpent, and a and so he peripad. peaple of Scythia. h'wk, inny to the eagle + Ccvičrea, a kind of plánt. Chalæon, a haven of Bzotia, ond a Chalcites, a gem ojora's colour Ceyx, icis; m. a king-filhar. city of Locris. Chalc.tis, an ijland over again!Chal- Ceyx, ia king of Trachinia. for of Chalama, e city of Perfia, called alſo ccdon, and a small country of Me- Lucifer, and husband of Alcione, Cieſiphon. sopotamia, and a couniry of India who bring drowned in his return + Chalambri, a fore of herles so called within Ganges, ani an ijland in from Egypt, wit, for his wife's from a place in Libya. the mouin of the river Rhyndacus daily prayers for his fialety, súrnet Chalane, a city in which Nimrod in G. inte a bird of that nane. reigned. Chalcitis, tidis ; ' f. braſs orc, rd vi. Chalapetis, A country of Sufiana. trio!. C'ante H. Chă'aſſis, a kind of loof garment. Chalcocondylas, an hiſtorian of A- Chālaſtica, orum; rofolóing medi the i5, who wrote the Turkiih bi- C: H. for cuſtos hatredum, çines. fory in Greck.. Chaa, a city of Peloponneſus, which Chalaftra, a city of Macedonia. Chalocras, miney mingled with brass, occasioned the war between the Ar Cha'attricum n'tróm, sure fall-petre, Chalcog;ăphui, m. ani sngraue Crdians and Pylil + Chālātorii funcs. faji-rope), Chabacha, s city of Cappadocia. Chălăza, æ; f. chaizzium, it; non Chalcom.cdala, the wife of Arceftus, Chabarení, a prople about Calybe. pimple, or little wart under the eye . and grondinoiher to Ulyſſes. wbe put the children and raw lid; alſo msefels or kernels. Chalcophonos, a black bonc founding breaſts of Jirangers. Chăiazias, zin. a Bone like hail, like brals. Chaberia, a city and river of Indła, and la cold that no Are can hear is. Chalcopthongus, a precious fonr. within Ganges. Chalcæ, an iſland about Rhodes. Chalcoimaragdos, the bajard eme- Chabinus, a mountain of Arabia Fæ. Chalcæa, a city of Caria, wnd other rald, lix. places. Chalcus, i; m. the 36th part of a Chablert', a people of Arabia, Hexi Chalcæa. or Athenæs, orum ; n. druchin; ak a Dutch penny, the Nabathæi. feats of Vulc.n, but especially by Chaldæa, f. a f. A country of Asia Chabyr, or -a, a river and moun coblers and other handicrafts-men. malor, bordering on Arabia, plain tain of Meſopotamia. Chalcanthum,iin. Z copperas, vi without Springs, in which is the Chabria, town in Egypt near Ara- Chalcanthus, i; m. ſ triol. grest City Babylon. bia. Chalcedon, onis, f. an ancient city of Chaldæi, Chaldæans ; alſo a prople Chabrias, a famous philoſopher and ge- Chalcedonia, a; 3 Bithynia, where near Colchis. neral of Athcns, who was wont to the fourth general council was beld Childaus, i; m«A mathematician o ..Jay, that an army of harts with a again} Ncitarius, A. D. 453. Also fortune-teller • Chaldæorum pro- Lion general was msre than an army a litile river, riconing jor. Propon co:ffa, prognofications. of lions commanded by a hart. tis ; whmce the cirg: foot its name. Chaldaici lacus, lakes of Chaldea, Chabris, one of the ſenators of the city Chalcedonenfis, e, i its of Chalce- into wb ch Tigris falls. Bethulia. Chalcedonius, a; un; Si don. Chaldaicas, a, um, adj. Chaldean, Chab:ius; a river of Macedonia. Chalcedonius lapis, 4. taldony, a of Chaldea. Chabuata, a city of Arzola Fælix. kind of myx.. Chaldia, a ceuntry of Armenia, and Chadasa, a town of Albania. Chalcedra, orum ; bracert ciforns. oglier places. Chadæl, a people of Arabia Fælix. Chalcentorus, or res, un epither of Chaldonc, & promontory of Arabia Chaden, a people of Scandinavia. the grammarian Didy ipius, from his Falix Chadilia, a city of Leucoſyria. indefutigable pains. ::: Chalcos, a city of Achaia. Chadramotite, a people near the In- + Chalceos, a kind of thife. Chaleft a, arity of Theffaly. dian guiph. Chalccterium, e city of Crete. Chalia, a city of Boeotia. Chaaniiæ, a people on the foot of the + Chalcētum, a kind of herb. Chalintis, Minerva so called, from mountain Caucaſus towards the Chalceus, a, um ; made of braſi. bridling Pegaſus for Bellerophon. marih. Chalceus, i, m. á smith; alſo a kind Chalinos, a bridle-bit, and ibe corner Chamæ, a prople of Germany. of fib. of the math. Chæmides, a priple of Sarmatia, in Chalceutice, cs ; f. e Smith's forge Chai la, a city of Libya, and another Alia. for braſs. of the Amazones, whoſe citizens Chære, all huil, God save you. Chalcia, one of the Cyclades. are called Chilifti, Chæreas, the name of an hiſtorian, or Chalcidene, á fruitful country of Sy. Chalix,fine-flone. rarber a fabulous trifier. rià. Chalo, arc ; to hacken or lot down by Chærecia, a city of Pentapolis in Chalcidenſes, the people about Chalci- Africa. dica. Chalus, a river in Syria, where are Chæremon, a comedian, ſcholar 10 Chalcidenſis, é ; adj. of Chalcis. fer fifhes of a veti great bignols, Socrates; alſo one thot wrote hiero-Chalcidica, a country of Macedonia, and very gentle; which the Syrians glyphieks. and Syria, and Thrace, would not suffer to te wronged, taking Chærephon, an Athenian philofopher + Chalcidica, a; and chalcidices, is; them for gods. in the sime of Philip k ng of Mace f. a kind of shaldy carth, good for Chatuſus, a river in Germany, don, zobuje paleneſs and leanneſs - wheat, and a kind of forpeni. Chalybes, o people near Pontus, by caſionad the proverb, Nihu à Cha Chalcidicus, a mountain of Sicily; river Thermodoon, 'salled alſo rephonic differs. alfo a kind of cork. Alizonenes. Cherephyllum, i; n. ibe berb cbar. Chalcides, a kind of li- Chalybeus, a, nim; (à chalybg) of vil. Chalcid x, icis, wird. Beel. Chærinthus, a very beautiful boy, but + Chalcidicum, ci ; n. a kind of Chalybonitis, a country of Syria. one that profituled himself. building or banqueiting-heule. CHALYBS. ybis, m. ( xáaub ] Chæris, a fimple fidler in Arifto Chalcidicus, a, um ; of Chalcis. Jial, or many thing made of it. phanes. Chalciæcun, a foul of M nerva. Chalybs, a river in Spain wherein Chæronca, a town in Bæot'a, built Chalciæcus, a name of Minerva. iron is very well tempered, by Chæron, jon of Apollo bento Chalcope, cs; f. the daughter of Chaiæ, aruin ; pl. m. cockles, round Plinarch is salied Philoſopbus Æecis, ding of Cholcis, and wife Shell.tiſh. Chæronenſis Here Sylla, with the of Phryxus. Chamæačte,es; f. the herd wa'l-word. lofs of fourteen mon only, low an Châlcis, idss; f. a town of Eubea, Chamabalănus, i, m. earth-nut. hundred and son thouſand of Arche where they ſay brofs was found ; Chamzbacos, the dawberry-bufo. laus's men. aljo the name of ſeveral other cities ; Chamaebuxos, baffard dwarf box, Chæronenſes, the people of Chero. the name alſo of a woman that bare Chamacerăfus. i; a forub like this nca. a hundred jons, which cauſed ihr young boots of a plum-free. Cham.a. } + i CH A CHA CHA corns. ria. other mense beafs ✓ gal peels nos. Chamæciffus ; f." ground-ivy, hare., Chaonius, a, um ; of Chaonia. * mancı, hence the proverby Chare- foot. Chaonius v.ctus, a living upon a. tis pollicitationes ; alſo a ſoldier Chamæcifus, a little fun-filter. who wounded Cyrus, which made Chamæcypariffus, i ; f.' lavender. Chaonides, a kind of dogs. bim so proud thar ha grow med up. cotton. Chaonites, a Imall ccuniry of Ally on it ; alſo a Lydsan Baruary, and Chapædaphne, ĉs ; f. the herb peri- winkla. Chaos; in. dat. & abl chaos ; a rud Charctcs, a river of Pelopponeſus.. Chamædracontes, a kind of ferpent. and confuſed heap of things. * An- Charsala, a town of Arabia Fælix. Chamædrys, yos; f., the herb ger , liquior quàn chaos; older shan the Chāriclo, the daugbier of Apollo, and mander. creation. wife of a centaur. + Chamæficos; f. dworf fie-ru. # Chara, æ ; f. à certain roof. Charidemum, a promieniory of Spa!n. + Chamæfil:x, dwarf Bone fein. Charabe, a town of Galilæa. Charldomus,' an Albenian baniſhed + Chamæpēniſta, dwarf broom. Characa, a place in Phrygia. by Alexander, who fled to Darius, + Chamæglycimerides, a kind of fib. + Chărăcarus, a, um ; adj. Paked, and was of great uſe to the Perſians, + Chima: ris, dwarf Acuar.de-luce. trenched, or iniloſed. fill for bis petulanty Darius flow + Chan äita, drugarf-willow. Characena, a country of Sufiana. him aljo the name of a general un- Chamæ'ea, e; f five-finger-graſs. Characeni, a people of Taurica. der Cherſob!eptes king of Thrace ; Chanæleon, ontis ; m. the chime- Characia, æ; f. a kind of rued. and a cartain Roman caff to wild leon, or little tool that lives by the Charācias, æ ; m. a kind of spurge. air,' * Chamæ eonte mutabilior, Characina, a small country of Cili- Charien, a river of Themiſcyrena. a turn-coat. cia. Charientifmus,.i; d, urbanity, plea- Chamæleon, onis ; m. a kind of horb. Charachmoba, or Mobuchirax,a city Janines, a graceful way of speak- Chame!con albus, the carline or of Paleſtine. ing. white thiſlle. * Chamæleon niger, Characometes, ariver of Ala. Charilaus, a, noble Lacedemonian, the miry-hillo. Character, cris ; m. a branding-iron, who being asked why he was so little Chamælcon, a commentator upon four. Col. a character, Bile, form, or rious in his hair, joid, of all orna- falhion of writing, printing, or speak ments, that is mof comely, and leaf + Chamæleos ; m, a kind of crab. ing; allo a deſcription or chara&ter; coftly ; alſo being asked why Lycur- fin. angil or chcrm, mark, fign, privati gus mádi so few laws, he anſwered Chamæleucs, cs ; f. the bomb colts - token; or hierogliphie. a fow laws fuffice those that ſpeak foor. Chāracteriſmus, i, m. A noiging or but few words. + Chamælinum. dwarf-...*. marking: Charilus, a general of the Lacedemo- nians. * Chamæ!õDardalis, a herif as big Chāracteriſticus, i;m; dißinguiſb- as a camel, with a skin like a pan Charimatæ, a people of Pontus. iher, Characterizo, are į ta' mark will a + Chărida, ze; the keel of a loip. Chamamélious, a, um ; adj. of ca- character. Charinda, a river of Media. momile. Characto, are ; to print, mark, or Chariphron, ont of the mouins of the Chamamclum, i; n. comomile. write, river Indus. if Chamame pilus, dwarf-medlar, Charadnæ, & prople of Carmanila. Chăris, itis ; 1. a grace, pleafanines, # Chamamorus, knof-berry-buſ. Chărădra, æ; f. a chink or cleft of benifit. + Chamamyrane; f. butcher's broom, the earth. Charis, the wife of Vulcan' of Lem. + Chamænerion, ii; roſe-bay, wil. Charadra, a city of Phocis, where, -flower. Charadrzus, a, um ; belonging thers. Charica, a city of Arcadia. to. + Chamæpělõris, idis ; a kind of + Chărilius, a kind of cake. filh. Charadrius, a sez-hird, called allo Chariſius, an Athenian orator, and a Chanæpeuce, ês; f. an herb for a idterus and galgulus. grammarian, whose inſirutions are pain in the back. Charadrus, a river of Phocis and CI yet extant. Chamæpitys, you; f.ground-pine. licia, with a lake' of the lame name, Chariſma, štis ; n. a gift. Chamaplatanus, dwarf-plaintain. whoſe water caufa moles to be be- Charlſtas, a river of Colchis, called Chamzpus, õdis ; f. the bride, which Poker, Tamaſa. went home on fort to the bridegroom's Chăragma, štis ; n. an image or im- Chărifērium, a gratification or recom. boule. prufticn. pence for a good turn.. † Chamæpyxos, dwarf box-tree. Charandæis a people of Pontus. Chariſtia, õrum ; n. Roman feaſis Chamærododendros, dwarf roſe-bay. Charandes, a Tyrian law-maker a celebrated the 19h of February by Chamærops, opis ; germander. mong the Athenians, who ordered friends and relárions, who the gave Chamætēræ, and chamæterldes, little that none bould come armed into the prefents to one another, images placed by great ones, ofemoly. Chăriſtia, æ; f. ſweetness and gra. cious demeanour. + Chametrichẽa, a kind of fee- Charanda, a day of thi Arabian ta, crab. by the city of Arlinoe. Chărjíticon ; n. a gratuity, reward. Chamani or Chamavi, a people of + Chārantia, the male balm apple. + Chåriftiua marmor, green mar. Germany. Charativus, a, um, and charitati ble. t Chamos, an idol of the Moab vus, viry charitable. Chārītas, atis ; f. [à charus] charity, itcs. Charauni, a people and town of Scy. love, bounty. * Omnes omnium + Chămulci, engines to draw lips 10 this. charitates patria una complectitur, the bore. Charax, ācis ; . a certain filo tuhofo one's country ongrofes all one's love Chāmus, l; m. [xmuos] a bit or terth Pond out of her lips; alſo a and kindneſs. knofle. fay or frame of a vine. Chārites, tum ; the Graus, Aglaia, Chărax, a prieſt and philoſopher of Thalia and Euphroline : Pergamus, who wrote forly books of were painted naked, young, ſmiling, Chananæa, Canaan, or the Holy. Greek hiſory ; alſo a town of Ar and their aros linked together, 10 land. menia minor, and Parthla, and denote the propersies of bonafis and Chandanacej a city of Perga. ſeveral other places. mutual good turns. Chandanaccus, belonging to Chanda. Chārāxes, and -us; the brother of Chăritoblēphăron, a kind of sea. Sappho, who ſpent all he hid upon Brub... Chandane, a city of Apulla. the harlot Rhodops, and tben turard Charitania for Charlton mia, one of Chane, a river between Albania and pirate. the Graus; a pretty little moppet. Armenia. Carbanus, a mountain of Mcdia. + Charitānius, a, um ; Speaking Channa, di f. & fiſh like a perch, Charchafium , it ; n. a slender cup foir. breeding of itfelf. full of handles, Charmai, a town in Arabia. + Chaona, a rart, marcb.pane, or 166 Charenton, a równ by Paris in France; Charmande, e city beyond Euphra- like... it is famous for an echo which re ICS: Chāvacs, a people of Epirus. turns the voice twilve times. Charmi, a people of India. Claðnia, the country of the Chaones; Chares, ētis ; an Athenlan goeral Charmidas, a Greciau of an extraor- alſo a city in Syria. of many promifer but the perform- dinary memory 24.49. Chare They Chananitės , } the Cananites. nace. 199. 1 eHaroties Chårtas compone park't Chaus, 3. A cat ofimarkkia. j | Chčmoisa dijemper of the be when! CHA CHE CHE Charmidës, a famour champion, and a , Chartŭla , e f..a ſmall piece of paper, Chelidoni, e prople of Illyria, Maffilian writer Chartulæ luſdriæ, cards Chelidonia, a; f. the herb celan- Charmione, Cleopatra's maid, who Chartúlárius, ii; m. a regiſter, kasper Chelldonium, iís n. dine, a kind imitated her mifirofs in killing her of tuidmies or Account ; paper of gem, and a blue fig, alſo an alp. merebane * Chelidonium majus, great clan. Charmais, a city of Sardinia, built 4 Chårtus, i ; m. paper. dine gr ſwallow-wor1, Chelido. by the Charthaginians;ello a MastiCHARU6, 2, um , adj. lampigs.] dear, nlum minus, pile-wort. Van physcian, who in the colded beloved, acceptable. Charum ha- Chelidonias, ei the weft-wind, so weather wabed his patients in cold bere aliquem, to bave a tender called from the 8 h 80 be 234 of Warns. äffadtion for Coñir. Vita mihi; Pebruary, when ſwallows begin to Charmonia, a city of Spain. charios, dearer.do me than my owon appser. Charmatas, Bitvin'in Arabila, ala life. + Chelidoniacus, a, um , adj. forkas molt a hundred purlongs in compari: Chărybdis, is ; f. agulf of ibe Sicilian like a swallow's täil Chiaraus, a peel of Siracuſe, who Ja over-againi Scylla. Quan-Chelidonia,' two iſlands agning the would have a var fi or Jajing"exton tâ liboras in Charybdi! what a promontory of Taurus, called Coiy- pore foradary thing in the table. pack of troublas ibou art in 1 déla And Menalippca, dangerous to + Charmandarlus, il ; in. agutiner. Chafira, a town in Armenia minor. foamen, Charon, tis ; the Yuppoſed ferty man Chalma, stis; n. a gaping crooming Chelidonii (fc. lapides) little fiones of hell also the name of Taviral of the earth or firmament; also the in a ſwallow's maw, or of a swallow other men, and a dog's Name Loh, jaw of a ljon. colour. Charðndis, a Sicilian, wibo baving 'Charmátias, æ, an earihquake causing Chelidonian 'micròn, she borb futni. made a law that yine Tould cotat: Sush garings: sony. nito an ofſembly armed, and after 4 Chalmaticus, a, um, adj. bulong- Chelidonium, a promontory of Tan- wards breaking that lory hiwalf, ing 10 gaping or: opening being part in mind of 2 by the Chamauro, as, are; sogope or Chčidonius, a, um ; of 2 (wallow. * Jou next hin, draw our his chap Agroind doth, Chel grevus, the family Killigrow. Störd and killed bindir Cáſphon, a town of Paleſtine. Chclippus, a mountain in the ille Chironen, a country of Ara by the Chaluari, a people of Germany. Chaos ity Meandır. Chafzanemics, a cily of Pontus. + Chelidonius, a dry cough. porta, 4 góc đt Athens, Chat, the fan of Mercurus Trinct Chelmäris, a kind of fp. sbrough which malafa7bes ir kad giftuz. + Chelon, crooked. to their puniſhment. Chatenil, a prople of Arabla Falix. Chelonates, or tos, a prommtory and Chrover fcrobs, a cave in 'Italy | Chatracharia, a city of Bactrlaua in foron of Pelopor is.' (inding up pelilere air, AfTyria. Chelone, 2. promontory of Coos. Charolum, a rave derivem Tita!les Chatræi, e people of India within Chčlonia, z; f. a jone like the eye of and Nfa, dedicated to Piúro; Ganges, an Indian Sarki, another like a tor- by foxes siparious terindinis, f Chalamitis, & country by ibe Red coife. Fra: pete ilxugbt to be cured. Jos. + Chčlania, orum ; 8. the fida-pops Charonum, il n. bill, or a jupbord Chatramotitæ, or Gatramotæ, or Co of a wind-beam or crane. jago from Binar. trimitz, and Cratrimltitæ, the Chelonides, certain fons of Lybla jo- + Chäcopis, an impreſion or ifrige. prople of Chitramitis. terior. og hróps; the ſon of Eſchyius, and Chaticni, the inhabitants of Chaite. Chelonitis, idis; a precious fons - like 1418 prince of Athens, who wirs nis. a tortoiſe-jbell. be first after ihe perpsius! princesa Chatteria, a country ntar the Rod. Chělānium, ii, n. a portaife joello that was thajen lo reign To jedrs in Ja. Chčnolophagi, u people in the corner alfo diver's other min. Chatcaarli, a neople of Germany. of Carmania, who live on the flase que hcropus, 'atništte, plezjafir. Chraubi, paople of Germany. of cortolfes, and cover their boafer CHARTA,æ ; f. (xupin Ipapera Chauci, Cauchi or Cauci, a pespla of with the fuell. parshsmini, stirr, or any things to Germany # Chelvia, a kind of file. liniisión ; charter Charia au- Chaum, a mountain of Argia, and a Chelydorcus, a mountain in Boeotia. gusta, raja! Papora. Charta bje safile. of Taurice. Cherfonarus. Chelydrus, i; m. a tortoiſ«, water. , totsing or finibing paper. *Chaunasla, a city of Lybia inferior, Inako. Charta claudiana, large paper, and a propomory by ibe Atlantico Chelys, yas.; f. e fortoiſe ; Chatta emporetica, koppapir. * fre. made af jorraiſerfall. Chiaria' višgo, an sriginal not yet púbo Clawns,.. prople of. Theſprocia. Chelytis, a firndme of Dlana. 1:37. Charta plumbea, a bedt of Chauon, a copinery of Media. Cběmc, and ma iſ a ſmall Greek lead. Charta piata, in card. *Chauones, ibs pajple of Chauon. meaſure: Charta index, the trum. 'Charlas Chaurada, a cuyof Scythia. Chengiſia, a rity of Miſnia. diftribue, deal. Chariäs miſco, Ciaurina, a city of Alia.. Chemnis, an iſland of Egypt. H2 cards, aljo tbr fame a chips. the lids are turned by a vialebt in. Charla, a city of Tyre, from whina Chizéne, part of Mclopotamia. flammation, Dido si fridi to come when the built Chabron, a king of Erypt. Chenn, a'ciiy of Laconia. Chartage. + Cheiras, chops in the bands or:aber.Chenălopex, récis; f. a bird salled a Chinaceus, a, uin; 'adj: Là charta), parts. birginder. made of paper. Cheirăcālāttiſmus, a kind of tragicallcheneres, a king of Egypt. Chastuia, a city of Hircanla. dance, + Chenicida, & jurgeon's infrumana Chastanis people of Marmarica. Cheirodocus,, ; m. a kind of foort ujed about broken skulls, Chitlapoła;æ';im. a Pationer or pa cloak. Cheniſcus, ci; magolin, all ibu Cheironiàm, contory. Chartartám, il; n a bag of page: poup of a pip, or ibi figure of a a bag of patra. Chelæ, a place about Byzantium, and geofe, made there. Olttarius, li ; in. "Erafm. card. two promontorios of Africa, and aber + Chcnnium, ji; 2. a kind, of B- player. plaus. Charmarios. a. om ; adj. of paper. giprian birki Chelandium, a kind of bip. Chenoboſcia, or ium ; a city of Egypt Charia officina, paper-mills, Cbéle, es, The flaw.of file or Charice, a town in :ba illani ca. over ogiling Dioſpotis. Chela, æ; f. ' fcorpion. Cbelæ, Chenobofaiym, ii ; 0. gooſe pan, Chartophylacium,'ii'; n, the house of The fign. Libra in Lucan. or place where they feed. heids, Elace where tutitings are Chele, 2rum ; bulmarks or piles to Chenomicon, i; n. an herb that goeſ kept the rolls. briak ihe force of the water. are afrnid of Chartopflyidx, acis ;' mi the indſlei Cheleuma, a. foemakeris-bread, wtb Chênõpina, grphina, æ; f. the Fels. a brille as the end Paris balf pini, or our common Chartolus, a, 4.m.; fuil of pipe. + Checos, i.;'a luiani. pins. + Chortuarius, a, um, adj. for Chelidon, onis; f. a /wallow, allo.Chenopus, odis ;-goose foot ;-oran Min paper. be hublownes of the boof. berb like it, odjous to bees. Chena1 2 CHE CHI CH1 Chenotrophium, li ; n. a place where Cheſten, a village near. Jaruſalem. es and Mercury lay in one nigbe; non kepi. Chestria, Cheſter. Mercury be bore Autholicus,,to A- Cheops, or Cheopes,a king of Egypt, Chettæa, a town of Marmarica. pollo Philammon: who built that famous pyramid of Chia, fc. ficus, [à Chios] the deliti-Chronitæ, a peopls bordering en Per-. Memphis, at which so inany men ous chian-fig i also a kind of paini. fia, were employed, that he ſpent upon Chiaca, a city of Armenia. Chilos, an iſland of the Ægean som them ona bowland and fixin talents, Chibis, the herh fcortana. wibince comes the bell majlish, and only, in parſley, onions, and garlick. Chidnai, a people of Pontus. good wings and figs. Henle Appllo, Chephrem, iba brother of Cheops + Chidon, onis ; m. a Meild er buck. who had a tampla there, is called who reigned after him. ler. Chlos. Chepta, a river in Ana. Childonius, a river of Macedonia: Chiradra, and chirades, ruptura in Cheramydes; a kind of precious ſone. Chii, people who came drunk 10 the hands or feet. Cheremocratos, a famous antif, who Sparta, and bewrayed themſelves in Chiragra, e, f, and chefragra, the, was ſaid to build the temple of Di the court of the Ephori, zohence the gout in the bands. ana at Epheſus; proverb, Chins omnia percacans. Chiragricus, a, um, troubled with the Chercos, a cafle in Afia minor. Childafus, a mountain of Ireland. gout. t. Cheria, æ ; wild radim. Childebertus, a king of France, and Chiramaxium, ii ; n, a child's , coach Cherias, & champion whom Hercules others. to be drawn with the hand. flew with a fillie ; alſo a phyfician Childericus. a king of France, and Chirca, Chirk in Denbighſhire, of Athens. others. Chircheblus, the family Kirkby. + Cherīnum olcum, oil of violets. + Chile, a lip. Chirembólum, i, n. a beckoning or Chermos, a fickle; alfo a farla Chiliarchus, 1 ; a colonel or com leken, chiefly when the maſter of a grain. Chiliarcha, æ;m. } mander of a Ship bekons to a ferman. Chermula, a city of Paleſtine. thouſand men. Chiridota, zi f. a gurment with long Chernites, a jlone like so ivory, ont of Chilias adis ; f. a thousand. leaves to cover the bands. which the ancients made cofins. Chilianæ, arum ; the feat called MII. Chiridotus, a, um ; adj. belonging to Cherogypſis, a river of Thrace. Icnaries, holding that Chrif pould ihat garment. Chērophylum, the hero chervil. Teign a ihouſand years on earth. Chirocrates, the name of a famous Chērotrophiurn; ii; n. an alms-house Chilocomus, a part of Media. arching for poor widows. Chilladynāma, and chiliodynamisat Chirogilius, and Chirogenius, il; Chērotrophus, iin. a nouriſher of the herb polemonia, of a thouſand a hadga hogi widows, virtues ; a kind of gmtian, Chirogonia, a name of Proſerpine or Cherrældæ, an hauen of lonia. Chiliophyllon, the herb milfoil or Diana. Cherres, a king of Egypt. farrow. Chirogrăpharius,a,um ; adj.of a bill, Cherroneſus, or Chertonclus. 1 ; f. Chilis. the cava vena, or mother of hand-zoriting, or arquittance. . De- peninſula, or land compared with vains. bitor chirographarius, he that ac- thi ſea, only joined by a ſmall nock Chilmancnic, a town in Africa pro knowledges a debt by a bill of his 20 the continent ; alſo the name of pria. hand. • Creditor chirographari. ſeveral ſuch countries, of wbich theſe Chilo, onis ; one that has great lips, us, be that has but the debitor's bars five are of mod nose : 1 Peloponne-Chilo, a Lacedemonian philoſopher, one word for bis debt, and no mortgage. fos. 2 Cherronefus Thraciæ, of the ſeven wifi meri of Greece ; Chirographo, as, arc, to write or ser Helleſpontiaca. 3 Cimbrica. 4 bere were thru of his ſayings in A one's hand to. Taurica, S. Aurea in India, be pollo's temple at Delphos : Noſce Chirographia, æ; f. a hand-writing yond Ganges. Alſo a town in Spain, teipſum, Nil nimium cupias, Co- Chirographus, i; m. a band wri and two promontoriu of Sicily. mes æris alieni atque litis eſ mi. Chirographum, i ; n. } ling. Cherrua, a city of Lybia, called alſo ſeria. Chirogylium, ibe name of an island Cherioncſus. Chilocamus, a bridle or halter. in Pliny: Cherrus, a river of Phænicia, Chilpericus, the ninth king of the + Chiromànica, iron manacies or Chersidāmas, a Trojan whom Ulyfies Franks, a monſter of nature. band cuffi. New. Chimæra, æ ; f. a city of Epirus and Chiromantes, is im.. palmeler, Cherſina, 22; f. a land snail. #Cher Sicily i alla a mountain of Lycia Chiromanticos,ci; } one tbai tells fora finæ teftudines, land-tortoiſes. continually burning; in the top of it tunes by the hands. Cherapho, the name of a famous are are lions, in the middle paſtures with Chiromantla, æ; f. palmeiry. chitrå, goats, at the root of it ferpents Whence Chiromanticus, a, um, adj. Eraf. off Cherfit, a town Africa. it was called a menter fritting fire, chiromancy. Cherſo, a fra-lown of Pontis. with the head and breaff of a lion, Chiromaxum, i!;. n. a fodan of Cherſobleptes, a king of Thrace. sbe belly of a goat, and tail of a dra hand litter. Su chiramixium. Cherſonelus, as Cherioneluis gon, ſaid to be pain by Bellero- Chiron, õnis; m. a Ceol.iur, ibs ſon of Cherſos, land or ground unmanured, phon, becauſe he made the noun Saturn, who taught pbyfick to Ærcu- a continent. tain habitable. A chimera, whimſy, lapius, mufick to Apollo, and afire. Cherſydros, and chelydos, an Am idle fory. mamy to Hercules, phibious forpent. Chimæreus, a, um ; adj. of the mon. Chirõncon, or ioni, il ; the great cona Chertobalus, the town Charlburg in jer Chimera. tory; alfo gentian or folwort. Pannonia, Chimarus, a brook of Argia. Chironias, a, um ; adj. of Chirop. a # Cherva, the herb palma Chrifti. Chimaitrun, 1; n. a winter.gar. Chironia vitia, the wild or black Cherub, (Heb.] a winged inags like mint. vine.' * Chironium ulcus, a maligo * yoush. Chimerii, a proplo of Alia, next the nant ulcer, a griat fort, eſpecially in Cherubicus, a, am ; of cherubims. Amazones; and whoſorver inbabits tbc thighs and fut. Cherubim, one of the orders of ax: any rold countries. Chironomia, æ; f. & gelure in the gets. Chlmörinus, a, um ; of winter,or the band in dancing, pleading, &c. + Chcrucil, bipropes. Morteſ days. Chironomicus, a, um ; ad). belonge † Cherucus, i; m, a fano, or the chimerlum, a mountain of Theffaly. ing to geures with the brands in flag on the top of a man... Chimctium, and tium a kibe or dancing. * Chironomica faltatio, a Cherbſel, a puple of Germany, bilblain. merric dance, muomety Cherwellus, the Cherwell by Ox Chimo; a town in Egypt, by the McChirõnõmus, 1 ; m. he ibat, rrachas ford. diterranean Sea. enc golures in dancing, carving of Cherydra, a breash in the earth made + Chinādes, a kind of fiſh. meat, &c. A vorrice-dancer. by & Road Chinaphal, a river in Mauritania + Chiropedæ, gyves of the hands. Chegon, a town of lonia. Cæfarienfis. + Chiropedes, they that bave rupturea Chefioncus,an inhabitant of Chefion. Chinna, a city of Dalmatia. in their foot. Chegus, 4 river of Samos. + Chinus, i ; m. a writhing of sbe Chirothéca, f. (xri poln en}} 4 + Cheſna, æ ; f. an oak. mouth in mockage. glove. Chirotheca divæ Mariæ, Chefinus, a river of Sarmatia in Eu-chione, n noted barlot; alſo the daugh the herb ladys-glove. Topc. ter of Deucalion, with whorn Apollo Chirothēcăria, a; f. a glover's trade 29.4.42 } evil. cer. 1 niry-bird. CHO CHO CHO Chirothecārius, ii ; m, a glover. Chenicion, a furgeon's inſirument to meil-mill. Chirothēlia, æ ; t. ibs laying on Take out, little bones, called alſo mo- (Chondros, a grain of frankinione.; bands. diolus ; the navr of a wheel. alſo a grijllo. * Chondros xiphoi. + Chirræa, inſpiring or breathing. Chønix, icis; f. a quarter of a peck, des, the grille over the mouth of the Chirurgia, æ, and -ce, ces ; f. sbe by which the Grecians daily mea. Homach. art of (wgery. jured the com for one man, ó Chee Chondroſyndeſmos, a grinfly conjunc- Chirurgicus, a, um ; adj. of ſurgery, nici ne infideas, don't turn drone or tion. er a furgeon. idle-pack. Chonc, a city of the Enotri. Chirurgus, gim. furgeon. Chærades, a eily of the Mofynceci ; Choncs, ChiGolofugl, a people of Scythia. cariain iſles of Egypt, Italy, Pon- Chonii, } . the inbabitants of Chonc. Chitis, an iſland of Arabia. tus Euxinus, and the. Baleares ; Chonia, or Chonis e city of Calabria, Chitone, or Chitonia, a name of Di. alfo rocks before Eubea, and ober called Belcaſtro. ana. places, Chituæ, a people of Mauritania Cæ- Cheras, adis, Chonolomarias, a king of the Ale- the black top of manni. faricnſis. Chorada, æ,f. } a rock appearing Channobara, a town of India within Chitus, a town of Thirace. out of the waiter ; alſo the king's Ganges. Chius, a cal as dica. #Chius ad Choragium, il ; masking apparel, at- Coum, an unequal compariſon. Cherillus, a tragedian of Athens. tirs for the ſoene, furniture for any Chius, a, um ; adj of the ifte Chlos. suid by fome to to the firfl in venitor of buſineſs, Chiena, an upper winter garmens, vizards and fage-apparel. Chlamydātus, a, um ; adj. cloarhed Cherilus a good poet of Samos, who Chorāgus, i ; mi the keeper of the fiene apparel, a fetter out of plays, with cloak. wrote the Athenians victory ugainjs a loader of a dance. Chlansydia, an iſland amongi iha Cy Xerxes, and received from Archeo Chörālis, !e; adj. 3. art. [à chorus] clades. laus, king of Macedon, a piece of belonging to a chair, Chăaydůla, a; f. a little cloak. gold for every verse. Aljo a pm l Choromæi, wild people of Perſia, CHLAMYS, ydis ; f. (xacinus) a pori, who wrote the exploits of Al:X o jwift hat sóry wjil run down bort cloak or soldiers coat. Chla ander, from whom be received laver- fags. mys purpurea, the general's purple pieces of gold for jeuon verjas op- Choraſmi, a people of Aſia. . C077. proud of, and a box on the car for Chöraulis, æ, is, or la mia piper + Chlidones, a woman's ornament a- every one of the raj. with the sborus, bout the neck or arms, + Chæroſpelethon, gerden buglofs. Chloc, a ſurname of Cercs ; allo Chões, an Athenian frift upon the Chõrauliſtra, æ; f. a good dan- family of the Corinthians. twelfth of December, in honour of Chorax, the fifteenth king of the Sl- Chlorens, & skilful prief of Cy. Dionyfius Lenæus. cyonii. bele. Choi, a people of Alia- CHORDA, æ ;f. [ xopon 1 afring Chlorlo; and on, õnis, a yellow-ham. Choicos, a, um, earthly, sortal. of an, barp, luce, or any other in. + Chola, æ, or -120, a precious flone. Arument. Chloris, idis ; f. a griso-finch or la-i choago, a medicina purging cho- In grometry it hgnifits sbe right line, which is crown lor, with any arth, or pise of a cir. Chloris, the gediefs of flowers, called + Cholorgos, or Cholargi, a village cle, called alſo ſubtenſa. (Prov.] Flora, and a daughter of Amphi in she tribe of Acamant:s, 1827 A. Easien ſæpius oberrare chor- on, who bari Neitor unto Ne. thens, da, to be out often in the fume leus.. Cholargeus, one of the tribes of Chc fault. 'Cbloites, a green precious Bone. largos. + Chlorocārises, a kind of fib Chölcbefina, a toon of Sogdiana. Chordapſus, i; m the iliack pollion or twiling of the guts. + Chloroſis, the green fickneſi. Chelčdochus, a bladder of gall. Chord:raca, e city of Mesopota- Chloras, a river of Cii cia. Choleta, 2; f. choler i uljo tha sbo mia. Chlūnes, a barrow-bog. lerick péfion. Chordula, æ; f. a little firing. Chna. ihs country Phænice. Cholericus, a, um , adj. shuteriek. CHORDUS, a, um ; adj. (à Koupi- Chnaus, a, um, telonging to Chna. Cholian bi, orum ; lambiik verjas 81juvenills] born or Springing cut Chnavis, a city of Egypt. with a ſpondre at lejl. of the * Pecudes chordæ, & + Choa, a; f. á vefél wherein liquor Cholicus, a, um ; ad troubled with backward brud, Chordum fæe. offered 20 idols was put, aljo an At obolar or the sholick. sick meaſure. # Choa in triclinio, Cholidæ, a village in tbe tribe Leon-Chorea, æ ; f. e dance of many toge- num, latter-trash, a good soaker. tis. ther, a ball. + Choāna, an ingot. Cholidis, c ;ad). Choana, a city oj Media, Parthia, and Cholid cusa, uni ; } of Cholidæ. Chorcas, the meaſuri of ten bu- Mali, Baeriana, Cholimnia, & siry of Armenia na Choreuma. atis, a song or dance Choani, a prople of Arabia, jor. of many together. Choar, skifxuonib king of the Sicyo. Challe, a town of Palmyrene. Chorcpiſcopus, i, a bishop's fuffra- nii. Cholmadısa, erity oj Syria. siin. Choaraxes, a bound betwein Colchis Cholobetenc, o par's of Arme. Chorcūs. 1 ; mi or chorlus, a tro. and Armenia. nia. shee, or one long and one frost fille- Choarina, a country of Parthia next Cho'oe, a town in Cappadocia, oft ble. of all so India. which Tigranes was governor. Chorcutes, is, of -a; m. a dancer Chorfpa, a city of Arachofia. Cholon, the long gut. See colon, or chairman, Choaſpes? a river of India, ancther of Cholontichos, a city of Græcia. Choriambus, iim A foot with the Meca, 'whola wasors are so sweet, Cho!os, a kind of' çmera'd; alſo Srl and la fillable long and iba that the neighcuring kings uje no lame. two middle port, c!ber for thuir drink. Cholua, trino cities of Armenia ma-Chorienús petra, a place in In- Choaſpires, a precious Bone.green,and Tor. dia. refplendent like gold. Choina, štis; n. a ſhore cy water-Chouinæus, n skiful Rutulian duncer Choatra, a mountain of Af13. bank. Rainy Afylas a Trojan. Choava, ofise. Chema, a city of Lycia. Chorion a thin skin next under br Chobar, a river in Chaldæa, and a Chomari, a prople abini Margana.or dura bater, with which he brain is town of Mauritanta Cæsariensis, Baztriana. clad; alſo be after-bivih. Chobara, a river of Albania., Chompſo, an iſland of Nilus berwarna Chorifta. 2; n. a chorijier, Chcous, a river of Colch:3. Æthiopia and Egypt. + Chorizo, are, 10' danıt in comme Chochc, a sewn by the river Ty Chompletes, one of Chompſo. pany. gris. Chon, the name of Herculcs binong Choro2u2, a small counlry of Par- + Chocort's, books or millows. 1kEgyptiana, thia, Cboddia, a city of Carmania. I Chondrilia, a; f. wild mdive, w Cho:cbates, 2;.& maeſure twen- + Chomis the space of four ladian quin ci?ory, y jouse long, 4 ranfon's rule, or the siles eming the Jews. Chondrõõpium, a wheat-miil or cat- Chcel 1 Nike. CHR CHR CHR choir. . co3t. turg. Chorocithariita, a; he that dances, fi dorts, in the time of Julian... as a god by the Afforini, sbrough or plays on a kic. Chriſtodorus, an Egyptian post in the whole country is rap. Chorocithariftæ, aram; a concert of time of Calar Anaftafius. Chryſaſpidesum ; foldiers with gel- info kments and voicri. Chriſtophorus, the hundred and eigh din fields. Chorodidaſcălus, li; m. a dancing terneh pope of Rome, put down and Chryſe, a day of the safjern fia; alſo majier.. impriſoned by Serglus; alſo one who an iſland iheroin. Chorodna, a city of Perſia: is said to have propagated the gori Chryſel, Bars that caft light beams. Chõrcebus, an Athenian, who fir;? ine pel in Lycia, and to be bohedded Chryle!, a prople of India. vented the making of sarthen re- under Dicclefian. Chryscis, idis ; the daughter of Chry. fels; alſo a young man to when CHRISTUS, i; m. (Xplotos] Chriſ, ſes. Priamas betrothed Caſſandra. the Muliah, Anointed, Saviour. Chryſeleerum, yellow amber, very opt Chorographia, æ; f. ibe deſcription Chrobatæ, or Corobatæ, e people e to catch fire, a kind of jasinih. of a country, bout Dalmatia. Chrysēlearus, a, um , adj. of the Chörögrăphas, i, m. e defcriber of Chroma, štis ;. n. a pleaſant mu colour of yellow amber. countries and regions. fick. Chryſendeta, orum; , cups tipped Choromandæ, a people without usile. + Chromătiarii, having coloured and with gold, making a borrid noife; hairy bodies, tann'd skins, Chryfermus, a Corinthiao hiflorian. grey eyes, and dogs terih. Chromaticus, a, um ; adj. whoſe co- Chryſertium. a:word made by Eraf Choroftates, æ; m. ibe chanter in a Jour never changes. 108 for a cloiſter. * + Chrombus, i, m. a kind of fiſh. Chryſes, a prieſt of Apollo, father of + Chors, ortis; f. a yard, barton, or Chromios, she Son of Ncleus, Nain Aſtynome, called from him Chry. place where poultry is kept. See wirb his con brothers in the fight of feis. cors, the Pylii and Meſſenii agsinHer Chrysous, a, um , adj. golden. Chorfa, a city of Armenia malor. cules; alſo the fm of Priapus fain Chryüppa, ä сiry of Cilicia, from Chorfeus, a Tiver of Paicítine. by Diomedes, Chryfippus the founder. Chorfia, a town of Bæoija. Chromis, a fon of Hercules. Chryfippanus, a, umadj. of Chry- Chortacana, a sily of Aſia, taken by Chrnnis, is; á fiſh ibat makes her neft Chryüppeus, sippa. Alexander in the water. Chryżippus,' the chief of the Stoick Chortalis, Ic; adj. of a barton, coop, Chromius, the name of an Argive. philoſophers, a mof acute logician, or hon-yard. # Chrõneo!us, a, um, adj. as, roſa which made one fay, that if the gods Chortazó, a city of Egypt. chroneola, a musk roje. See coro. bad any logick, it was that of Chry. + Chorteus, ei; m. & ibick warm neola, uppus, ; alje the name of divers Chrõnia, ornm ; n. feafs of S2 obers. Chõrúlus, li; m' a little cboir. Chrylites, æ; m, a kind of precios CHORUS, i, m. (xópo) a chair, e Chronica, orum ; n. chronides, an Aone, ant ointment, hull, a company of dancers or fingers. nals. Chrvátis a place in Macedonia, * Extra chorom saltare, to be cut Chronicālis, lc; adj. of chranichs. called tow Siderocapſa. in dancing. * In alieno choro pe Chronici, orum ; m, regiſters, chroni. Chrysītis, idis ; f. the golden foam dem poncre, to bave an oar in an- cleri. of lead tried; alſo the herb mil- otber's bogi. Chronicus, a, um ; ad temporal, foil. Chorzena, a country of Armenia returning at a contain time ; belong.Chryfius, a river of Dacia and major. ing to chronicles. Spain. Chorziani, a people of Aſia about Chroniffo, are ; to carry lang in a Chryſo, are ; to gild. Perla. place, Chryfoana, a city of India within Chorroes, e king of Perſia, famous Chronographia, æ ; f. the writing of Ganges. for his Audy in the Greek philoſophy. sbroniles. Chyfoaipides, um; knights with gilt Chozala, a town of Mauritania Cæ. Chrõnõgraphus, i; m. a recorder of Ibields. faricnfis. titors. Chrysõběryl!os, i ; m. e crystal like Chrabaza, a city of Africa Propria Chrõnõleri, old dosards. gold Chremes, an old man in Terence. Chronologia, æ; f. chronology, Chryſobullum, a place about Tar- Chrčmētes, a very grous river of romputing of yours. fus. Libya. Chrõnõlõgus, i; m. a chronologer, or Chrylocalis, the barb parthenium. Chrendi, a ceople of Hyrcania. computer of times. Chryſocarpum, a kind of ivy. Chreftodemus, a Theban hiſtorian. Chrõnus, time. Satura. Chryfoceras, a promontory of Thrace. Chretológus, ufing, fair words to Chronus, a river of Sarmatia Euro- Chryſocolla, x; f. barace, wil wbicb Small purpofo ; who faith well, and paa. goldjmiths folder. dorh ill. Chryſa, or fe, a town of Cilicia. Chryſocome, čs; f. iba barb grow. Chreſton, the herb fuccory. Chrysălis, f. a certain worm, or ver foef Chreſtus, a jophilier of Byzantium, mine. Chryfocomus, having goldm hair. who loved wine, but in orber things Chryſantes, a general of Cyrus's ar. Chryfogloitus, Eraim. Alver-longu'd, very continent and vigilant ; for thor my, wbo, having lift up his ſword eloquent, hr were drinking till cok-crowing, to kill an enemy, and hearing the Chrysogonum, bringing forth gold. he went to liudy, before he went trumpet Sound & retreat, 'held his Chrysogonus, a nobliman of Rome; to led; alſo an approved Athcnian hand, for which he was condemned martyr'd by Dioclelian, wben the author. by Cyrus.. promiſe of the confulſhip could nos + Chreſtus, a, um ; polluted. Chryſanthemum, j; n. cTow.foot, tumn bios; and othen. Chretina, a city of Portugal. golden flower. Chryſanthemum Chrysõgraphatuo, a, um , adj. da- Chria, æ; f. a practical Jenimet quo Peruvianum, the flower of the fun, maskid, or graven with gold, fed out of an anshor, with his naine * Chryſanthemom fegctum, corn Chrysõlăchanum, the herb borage. added, an exerciſe in thetorick. marigold. Chrysõlampis, idis ; f. a precious fond; Chrlfma, ăcis; . chriſon, undion, Chryſanthus, a young man of Alex. pale by day, and brigbi by nigbi. anointing oil, chriſtianity. andria, wbo lived a virgin with his Chryfoleatrum, i, n. a gim, in the + Chriſmo, are ; to anoins. wife Caira, berunt a chriflian at colour not much differing from an- Chriſtiāniſmus, i, m. bor. Rome, was thrown into a citib, Chriftianitas, atis; f. }chriftianity . and poned under Numcrian. Chrysõlthus, 1 ; 10. a chryſolite. Chriftlānus, 'i; m. [à Chriftus] a Chryſaor, the father of Milaſus ; Chryſomalion, or -0s, the rain with chrijlion. alſo she forl of Medula by Nep the golden fleece. Chrifticola, æ; c. (à Chriftus & lune. Chryfomēlum, 1; 2. dx orange or colo) a worſhipper of Chrif, Chryſaoris, a city of Caria, and ſoms quince. Chriftina, a virgin of Italy, impriſon timnas Caria itſelf Chryfomnitris, is ; f. a gald-fisch. od by her fruher, delivered after. Chryſaorius, o srname of Jupiter. Chryſon, or -09, a kind of fiſh, agillo wards to the formentors, who, when Chrylaorus. a river that runs through biad, they could neitosy burn her mor the city Malaura in Libya. + Chryſón ovi, the yolk. of an egg. drowri bor, thrujt her through with Chryſas, a river of Sicily, we fpipped Chryfondium, a town in Macedonia. + Chry. " , . CH Y CIB СІ с Ooir. ver Indus. Chryſoprastus a, um ; ad)s fet wirbt Chyrăbus, a kind of birds CřBus, t'; m. fà Ricer, peraj geld Chytodit, a sign of Macedonia. meat, food, fuftenune, novoiſimme Chrysophrys a kind of foofili, Chyton, Amolti counting of Epirus. Cibus anceps, meat which is good Chrylopis, a precious lions lika gold Chyrox. a kutum of Cyzicus: for one, and nought for another. t Chryſoplontis kreds of sins. Chythm, da ja pipkin, poffint, or sale Deorum cibus, fumptuous chear, Chryfoplyfium, il jill this plica what * Flammâ cibum perert, to de gorld is wifidior trind. Chytri, a city of Cyprus; alſo an any thing for one's looing. In Chryſoplyres, a god-finer. Athenian Kraft, wherein they were cibo eft homini, ris m:ins moti Chryfopoli, Bithynia, and wont to boil all memer of leads to . In or ad cibos non admittitur a promontory of Asia. gether in die pot. echinas, is not ft to be eaten. Chryfopralnem indis, apresvietas fona Chytridium & little por. + Cibūtuni, a chefi like gold Chytrinda, æ; f...bol-corkles, s horo Cibyra, s city of Phrygia mafor, and Chryfopterus,ma kind of ropocz. miny plums for a penny ; alſo be Cilicia. Chryforrhoc, & people to conduced from tot plays at it. CICĀDA, æ; f. (Kixo, vel their river's hearing guldo tohich gave Chytrium, place in lonia. ſono] a small hot country inne occafion to the fable of the golden Chytiðpodlum, it's R. & sillet. Anging on the top of trees ſ alſo a there. Chytropola, a; m. a por-foller: grafhopper. Chryforrhoas, the river Padolus in Chytropolis á Small commory of Cicātrico, are ; fà cicatrx] to heal Sýria, with golden Sands, accofrared . Thrace. up into a far, to cicatrics. by Midas zoo bing ther; alſo com: Chyxroposi odis; n. a pofmos, trivit, Cicatricoſus, a, um; adj. full of ther in Bithynia siat. Themifcyra. er brandiron, ſcars and blotrbes. Chriyos, gold, Cicatricŭla, æ; f. a linle fear. Chryfoftomus, a billenty of Conftanti- Conte I. CICATRIX, icis; f. lqu. cæcatrix, nople in the time of Arcading and vel à XIXUw valeo] i for; alſo a Honorius, fo called from his ex- C. J. C. for Caius Julius Cæfar. chep in the baugh of a tra * Ci- collant 'eloquentehe died in ba. Cia, Cæz, and Cros, she ifkind Zea catrices oftentare, 10 pew the nifommt, and after one and thirty by Euboea, thot from frons Attica. parks of one's manhood. '• Inda- medysis will brought and interrod Cii, the people of Cia, who maintained cere cicatricem, to skin a wound there. neither horlois not fidters, as the * Refricare cicatricem, to Chryſoshales, the Effer wallpireny. Chit on the contrary WETT very effe rip up an old sore, . Cicatrices Wort. minato. Non Ch'us, fed Cius. in ftatuis, the hatchings in gravm Chryſothem!s, the daughter of Aga - Ciabrus, or Cjamurus, a river of images wherein thr gilding sticks. memnon and Clytemneſtra Dacia. + Cicatrizo, are ; to bral, lo ibat na. Chrysoros, a, um, gildachi Ciacis, & city of Armenia aulnor. thing but a fear appears. Chryfulca, aqwa-forrit. Ciena, a niiy of Goxia. - Ciccum, i; n. the imdar rind of a Chimylum, one of the mouths of Borri-Ciageli, a géple of Dacia. pomegranate. + Ciamis, a kind of word, Ciccus, i, n. a young granopfer. Chrylu, a' risar in Spain. Clanica * own of Armeniz. CÍCER, ēris ; ñ. à Kókus robur, Chryxus, a general of the Boit, and Ciata, a town of Babylonia. vei Heb. Hikar maffa, pars ro- grandson to Brennas. Cibalta, a fown of Pannonia, tunda) veteh, a kind of mall pra. Chthonia, Ibe sfand Crete. + Ciba is, le ; adt. Orlonging to mest, Chthonium, a foull in honour of Ceres Cicer arietinum, chich-peaje. of Ceres edible. Cibalis fiftula, she gul- Ciceris cmptor, or that fara among the Hormicnſcs. lot, i. e. the poligr whereby meat hardly. Chthonooyle, a woman who bors Phi geesh from for mousb into the floo Cicera, æ; f. the yellow while veteb. lius uni. Bacchus. achi + Cicerbira, æ; f sow shife. Chuhan a city of Aſia. Cibarci, e people of Spain, Cicercŭla, æ; f. the fat peas or peale Chuduca, city of Babylonia. C bāria, orum ; D. (à cibus.] food, cverlaſting Chullabi, & city of Africa Propria. moat, viltuais, for man, canile, Ciccrcūlun, i; n. a kind of colour Chuni, á propie of Sarmatia. filmes, fowls, &c. * Præbere ci collid kinoper Churitz. A people of Libya inte baria alicui, to find me in mrat M. T. Cicero, the moſ famous of all rior. and drink, the Roman Graters, and a great phl. Churnettos, the rive Churnet ix Cibarits, country of Aſia. Isfophor. Staffordshire, Cibārium, ii ; .' foo:?; alſo bran. Ciceronianus, a, um, adj. QF Cí. Chus, sbr sama mrafu aming the Cibārius, a, um , adj. of Mrati cero. Greclans as coagius among the Cibariu8 effe alicujus, [le table in M. Cicero, the son of T. Cicero, Romans. a man's houſe. * Cibarius panis, called Bicongius, by reaſon of his Chuſanrathaim, a king of Mclopo howbhuld-bred. *Cibarium vinum, drunkenneſs; he did norbing wor. tamia, commont wine,' Cibarius homo, thy of his forber, but that he ad. Chufarlo a river of Libya interior. a mean mun! • Olcum cibarium, hered obflinately in the mursberirs of Chata, a enuntry in Perfiam wbmce oil for an ordinary uji. Cæſar. Salmanaſar, brought peoplen inhabit Cibãtorius, a, am ; Adl. belonging to a Cicero, brother of Marcus, Cæ- Paleſtine. visuals. Tar's ambaſador into France. + Chut: 2, ai chytr, a pipkin. + Cibatus, a, am ; fed # Cicerus, i; the land crocodile. Ch zis, a city of Africa Proprit. Cibātus, îs má feeding, vidusl. Ciceftria, æi Neomagus, ibs city + Chyn, æ; a ſorprene's don. ling: Gratiſlino in cibatu ba Chicheſter in Suflex. Chyda, river of Sicily, and a fee. bent, thog eflem it delicati fare. + C:chia, a kind of fibi Bown of Lycia Cibicida, á; c. (à cibus & cedo] Cichoream, ci; ni cirhory, oy fuco + Chydana, a kind of datumer; alſo a cerver of moot; alſo a greedy. Cichorium, it; n.) cory, loc wild & ripi dan. gut. endive, Chydevs, t, um ; adj. silos vulgari Cibilitan', people of Spain, Cichoras, a troont of Theſprotia. Chydkud rinula, wins made of + Cib:lla, a round table. Cici, indec, an Egyptian tret. palm Cibiniom, a city of Dacia, called Cicianthi, a people of Scytbla AG2- Chydorus, , a row of Bceolay drunk Hermanſtadt. tica. quite up by Xerxes's ſoldiers. Cibo, are'; to feed or Merih. Ciciliani, a city of Spain. + Chydrat kind of pato. Ciborium, o Tiom, ii ; n. thi leaf + Cicilindron, a kind of pulſe Chylemath, a river of Mauritania pih beon colocaſia, a cap made roots. Cæfarienfis, thereof, a little coffor, o drinking- Cicimeni. a people about Mæot:s. CHYLUS, i, m. PXwmo's) the write cup like a bean, the pyx wherein CICINDELA, æ; f. [à cis & can- juit of the fir! concollion of wat in the haft is kept, deo] a glow-worm. the math, the abyle, + Cibositas, āt:s; f. plomy of vi&u- + Cicindelus, and -la, a lamor torch. Chypofis, & omiftune in the skin, als. f Cicinía, æ; f. a small Itallap jor- Lohich inclofs the eyes. f Cibofus, a, um ;'adj. full of meat. pent. Chymus 1 ; w. tbe juice of the fecond i Cibotides, a kind of fin. + Cinnatas, a, um ; adj. for cin- coalition Cibotus, ibi city Apamla in Ata. cinnatus. Cicleum / hon, CIL CIM CIN Cicinum olcum (à cici]-oil of the the proumb, cilix non facilè verum +.Cimica, avea to Swarm with pu. fad of Chrifti dicit. nies or word-lice. + Cicis, sbe little skin about an appli- cilícīnus, a, uma adj. E allicium) + Cimicolus, a, um , adj. full of kernel. made of basr or heirsdaib. floss or Pies. Ciclam, the e-lid. Cilicium, ii; n. là Cilicia) a baira + Olmile, is zin. abasor or duer. it Ciclus, a rirck, the ring of a florb, wiib.wbichibe Arabiaas. muide Ciminus, a late and mountain in chain. ibeir tents, a Areine, baltern er Italy. Ciçõnes, people .of. Thrace, wbom fieve; bair-jairt. + Cimiterium, forismiterium. Ulyffes fubcued after:be came from Cilicius, a, um, adj. (à Culx Cilio Gimmeril, a nursharn:reople; alfo ibe Troy cian; allo of hair or wulan-duh. people sin Italy, in dup valdies or + Ciconcum, ei; D. a crane to draw Cilimbefii, a people.of.Corsica. cave, bo jaldom or wroer ju ibu! up water by 4.Cilindrum, 'n kind of hende tulje. fun, Hence the proverb, Cimme- CICONIA, 2; f. fà fono) a fark; + Cilindrus, for sylindrus. riæ tenebre, thick darkneſs. alo, a trami or Inipi anda scop, Terra Cilifra, Cilicia. Cimačrisa pity of Troas: ello a by holding one's finger likela fork's Cilista, a cilj of Phrygia, or ibare mother af: the pods among tbs Cim- bill; alſo a kind of meaſurig in Co- abouts. mcrji in Alia lumella. Ciliffa hedera, tbe larp prisking bind-Cimmerlum, silown of Asia, by Bora Ciconius, a, um , adj. of a pork. wood, or juy. phorus Cimmerius. Ciconium, a promontory near Boſpho- CILIUM, i, n. [à cillca, vel cc-Cimolia terra [à Cimolus] fullord 1.45, called Cornio. lo) tbe sze-lid ; alſo ibe hair of the cartb. Cicon'us, the name of him that built so-lid. Cimolis, 4. townipf Paphlagonia. Brixia. Cilium, a city of Africa. Cimālus, an iſland of the Cretan + Cicātacia, æ;...a.crtain.horb. 1. Cillus, a, um ; of ath-co!mur. ta, +Cicăba,ae; f.a werd hurtfukio carn. Clix, icis: adj. one of. Cilicia, a10 Cimon, on Athenian, Ibe fonof:MI- + Cicuma, 2; f. a night crow. the son of Phænix. tiades, famous for his liberalicy, zábe CICUR, gen. Üris; adj. [à cis & cula, a sown of Africa. Propria, and made.gredt provision for she poor, curro] iame, gentle. Cicur in other places. he firji fos up schools as Athens, genium, a geile nature or difpen Culeba, a.city of Africa, Pythagons did:in:Italy ; alfo face tion. Cillæ, a'sity of Thraac. veral asbers. Cicůrio, irc; [à ſono] to chuck like a t.Cillco, ére; act. -40 Jir, pove, Cinedicus, ia,iami; wanton. Twinkle, Cinædior, and -us, more wicked a Cicuro, arc; to woke tame. Cilliba, a dining-table. impudoor. Cicurris, is; a bag bred of a mild Cillibantes, pl. m.;rets today, bields + Cinædius, a kind:of Bho. boar and tame fow, Cinædacolpitarummons, 4 manntain Cicos, i; m, or -um, i, n. (à réxUR + Cillo, is; the same as cilleo. in Arabia Balix.. robus, vel XINHOS diſcrimen) br. Cillones, or eylones, obfcane minCipædopolis, an the of Doris. skin bat divides the grain of a frels. Cinædulus, prettyjmyudmt dan. pomgranate. Cilus, a coacbman af Pelops. CICUTA, æ; f. (gu..cæcuta, vel àcilma, a city of Africa Propria. Cinædus, j; m. a ſodomite; 'cala. cicus,&c.) bamlock, a kex, a:rud; Cilmana, Adity about the bay of mite, alſo the falk boswarn iwe knuts, and Gades. Cinæi, u pople about Libanus and Joepherd's pipe. Clinius, a firname of Mæcenas. Amanus. Cicata, the Mume of very cousious CILO; Onis ; m. (nespad.caput, vel Cinatius, ... promontory of Pclapon. ufurar. xiados afinus) one ibai bass bigh neſus. + Cicularia, 2; the ſame as myre crown like a jagar.leaf, jer a great Cinambri, isi despla of Illyricam. rhis. for bead, Cinămologus, 1;. : 'bird that makes #.Cicīticen, or .cina, a piper me cilarnum, Charloun, Collerton, her nel wih, cingun. reed. or Collerford, in Northumber- Cinaodra, æ; f. fox. 14.Cicuus, a, um, adj. courteous. land, CINĂRA, æ; f. [xirágmimo arti . Cicynethus, an iſland of Macedonia, Cima, æ; f. the top of an, berb. Sve sboks.Cinara rustica, fullors called Pontico. сума. tražel + Cidāna, dina, and .cædina, at Cimacia, ocum ; n. things that are + Cinaroides, a kind of fiſh. pit-where-priſoners were fi:10.dig, four-ſquare. Lingenfes, a paoplosof Spain. Jones. + Cimacion, ii ; noin crown. Ciocia, a place in Rome, wboxe a + Cidăris, is; f. a Perſian farald or + Cimædia, æ; f. a whitegem in mountain was ermird m betur of turbant ;vbe high-priefrisimini. fib's head. the Cincil. Cidondum, is; ni a'quinsa. Sec.cy-Cimæus, a mountain a beus Treas. L. Q. Cincinnatas, a Roman takes donium. Cimara, a city of India witzons Gan from the plaugin to be a didator. Ciens, int!s firring up. gos. Cincinndis, is;if.:[[c herba]: Sofa CIEO, clvi citum, cière; act. càlt. Cimbălräis, is; f..an berb.grow. or flatı orrmain, or Ladies buir, clo, vel cis.& ico] to.flir up,'.pro- ing in lionte-walls. Somewbar. like t.Cincinnă culus, a, um, adj. rufe voks, cauſe, ra call upon, nami, 18- ius. ed, pelle. Manes carminibas.ciere, t.Cimbices, niggards that make such Cincinnatus, a, um ; adj. baving to raiſe the dead. * Agmen cerc, curled locks. • fo raiſe an army. * Alyum cieces Cimbina, a city of Media. CINCINNUS, fi; m.a.curled Isti, fo:mour.to Hool. Cimbri, a people of Germany, .wbare (metaph.) shetorical slogupcies, or Cicor, ari; to be round. country is called Cimbrica Oherſó- fgurus well adapind; as * Ciocia. Cierun, ácils of Baotia. ncfus. Di. oratoris, fins flourites and one. Cifra,.2;f, a cjpber. + Cimbum, the bottom of an carshan ments with which an orator dacks +Cigaitus, ûs, the crying of a foun. pof. his oratiti. filbanum, a city of Asia, by ibu rio + Cnelia terra, a kind of earth uſed Cincius, a preser who governed Sicl VT Cayiter. in pbyfick. ly in the foons Punick war; alſo Cilbioni, e people of Spa!n. Cimeliarches, and..cha, æ; m. a a ſmater.wbe wrops of military diſ- Cilbus, a river in Spain. church-warden ; or muller of the cipline. Ci'eni, a people of Spain. jewel-houſe. Cinclidæ, arum; the rails abur the 4-Cijātus, a, um, adj. besving fair Cimeliarchium,.il;.8. & jewel-boufe, judgmens-feat, chancel or altar, eza-brows. or vifry. + Cinclidārius, ji; o korper of the Cilicene, a city of Pannonia infe- cimclíum, ii; n...cabimet ofta rolls, or monument.and.murds. bjor. rities. Cinclis, idis; f.s kind of door; alfo Cilicia, æ; £. a very noted country of CIMEX, icis; m. [vis] a wood loujs. ia ka-bela. Аба, commonly called Carma or fick in a roton roft. Cinclus, i; m. a bird called a wag. nia; it abounds very much in fof- Cimicăria, æ; fum. tha børb Des.: fail, or diſh.wabar. fron. The prople were noted for bane. Cinco magus, a town by the Alps. piracy and lying, which occafioned + Cimicia, æ;f. kind of borb. Çincticŭlus, i;. m. (à clndus) a kind of little, ܙܪ CIN CIN CIR s kind of garmont girt about sbe me: Cingulati, ibi inbabitants of Cingu-| * Cinxlas, a, um ; of a'girdle, oř uit: lum. girding, t Cin&icălos, a, um ; neatly gire. Cingulārios, ii; . girdler. Cinyphies, the people of Cinypa. t Cinctim, ady Arially: + Cingúlatus, i;m a kind of foor. Cinyphios, a, um ; adj. of Cinyps. Cinctoriumi, ii ; n. facindus) a giro Cingŭlātus, a, um , girded. Cinyps, and 'Cinyphus, á river in dloor girth : + Cinguli, orum spample Blender about Africa near thé Garamantes, inct Cinctufiæ, aram ; a kind of images. the wafte, or girdle flead full of goats. Cinaūra, ae; f. a girding Cingúlum, a city of Picenum. Cinyia, & , f. & lute or barp. Cinclus, a, um, part. of cingor ; Cingŭlum, in (à cingo) a gir. Cỉnyras, a very rich man, whenee the girded, composed, befót wib, * Al-Cingulos, 1 ;midle; allo a joa. proverb, Ciniiæ opes , aljo å king te cinctus, allout foldiry with his herb like a girdle; alſo a ring: of Phænicla, who kept his court at coat fuck'd up. + Cindus ferro, Clogulo fpoliare, to put out of of. Byblus; elfo a king of Cyprus, the wearing a sword and betteIn fice. Jon of Celia,, who, by the jabtility of aliâ militâ cin&us, lifed in ano. Ciniara, a Pirong, aflle in Galatia, the nurje, lay with his own daughter thew..company, Malé cinctus, buik by Mithridates. Myrrha uriawaras, 'malè ſanctus, ungirl,' inblassid: + Cinifex, a kind of bird, Cinyria, a lown of Cyprus. Cindus, uism. Cöfi cingo.) « girdle Cinilo, onis ; mif à cints & 80) Cinyrus, a mountain of Picenumi a mose or fafbion... a blower of coals; a.curler or friz-Cio, civi, citum ; [ à Kiw.co, vel Cinąütus;'azum, adj. [à cinctus]|:.ler.of the hair ; an amament for the dulo divido] to move, divide, wearmg a waiſi-belt, rady.so fight. head ;' alſo a chyinift. + Cinocranum, the head of a pillar. Cindătifimus, bei play at quoits, or Ciniphes, (Kripos) listlefies or gnals, Clos, a mari-town of Phrygla; alſo a duf-point.nl cruel!, Minging.. river by it ; and a city of Bithy: Cindălõpectes, m. be that plays ar ÇINIS; čris; m. and f. (Kávls) aſhes, nla, called afterwards Prudas. dugt.point. in erabers, čiadors; (met) the reliques, + Ciparillus; i ; the name of an herh. Cindaphe, fi a fox; and memory of the dead, and ths + Ciphärius, i); a exp-maker. Godalus, a kind of wufcal. intrus body from the funeral pile: Ci Ciphra, æ if a sypher. ponunt, or a hirdi nis lixivua, ?re made of aſbest Ciphus, i; mie cup. Ciadayor; āris ;:m cogger, øv. Poſt cineres, after death. * Dare CIPPUS, i; m. the pillar of a mo- in bontor pænas cinct. alicujus, to fufir pu nument or grave.j.one; a horſe-block; Cindia, &witbin @*** tout :of ladia witbinhgrent for an offence committed alſo the stocks or pullory, á mile- e Ganges. ogoinjl the ghost of a person deceaſed. mark Cindrit, a people of Thracc. * Dies cine: un, Ab widne day. Cippus, the name of a noble Roman, Cineas, Theffaliaris and familiar suprema ferre cincri, so jolenz who having vanquished his enemies, of king Pyrrtaus, of om exrerding rixe one's funeral. and returning home, was seld by the good memory, zoboz when be was + Ciniſculus, t'; all athies. .: focshlajärs, that iſ be miered Rome, ambafador ar-Rome, did. call ail):Ciniant. a town of the greater Bale - he bould reign there; therefore call- kibra jenators and Axigbes by their. aris, Ing the people and Jenale rogerber names i and being asked what baCinna, & city of Italy and of other without the walls, and declaring thonght of the fonts und city, ſaid places; loai cruet Roman, who 'bis mirid, he willingly bonished him that the fonate feemed to him ani af In dis first conſalpina few.his fellow Felf into one acrt of ground, i forbly of the gods, and the people of O&avius, and in his fourth conſul-{+ Cipria, a; a kind of colour. Lernæan hyura's. Ship was Ponad to death at Anconi-;Cira, a; é fex. Cinefac-io čre ;:bring to afbes.. alſo a learnid poet ; and several Ciranus, for Coeranos, # Cincr, m. a coul. osbor mons. of Ciras, a launce-min. Cincraceas, a.0m ; adj} [à cinis] Cinnabari,in. CIRCA [à circus) præp: reg acc af ar alb-colour. f. [ relating to time or pl.ice ) about Ciněralia, oram; n, là cinis) An-Cinnămeus, a, um'; Jeiling of cin nigh to, by, again. + Circa De' Wedrefday, or the firft day of nation. Dietrium, about the time of Deme Lent. Cinnamologus, a bird that makes her trius: Circa occultandam elo" Ciačrārius, il ; 1. [à cin's] a tirei naſt of cinnamin. : quentiam, ami egy diſſem'ling his wit man, or wajóball inaker, Cinnamominus, a, um; of cinnamon. Vária cinta hæc opinio, there Cincreus, a, um , adj....of of: like.Cinnamuſ, cinnamon. vjere ſeveral opinions about it. • aftes. * Cinerea vitis, a bedge-Cinnamomum, i;n. Per inſeqüentes dies circa fingulas tine, Cinnamus; 1; the name of a barber; heminas,cvery day after nins ounces, Cinerica, 's an all-colourd bird. alſo an hiſtorian, who in brief write Circă, adv. round abous. Cincricius, a, um ; adj ascinercus the life of Johannes Comments, Circæa (à Circe) theherb night shade allo baked under a pesa imperor of Conftantinople. or inchanter. + Cinermi, little fas, + Cinnár:sra,or einare,an berb which Circæun, 1 a promontory in Italy Cîněrölus, a, um ; 7: full of is a remedy za a fiag againg poiſon. Circeium, } called Monte Circeló. * Cinerulentus, a, um ; } afbes. Cinnarus,a Celinurian, who goi murbl + Circanea, or -ja, a kite that fetch Cinefas, a Theban writer of dithy : wealth by pimping, which he promi. ab a compaſs in flying up ; alſo a Farnhicks. ſed to dedicata to Venus ; bui when nudle. Cinēcinda, a kind of play where the he died, the people Dared it, which + Circâncus, a, um ; fetching a com, forfellure was a kiſs. coufed ine proverb, Rapina rerum pafs. +Cineros, ij m. she ihickneſs of Cinnari," il gollen, ill gone. Circe, es; f. the daughter of Sol and clouds, Cinnjañaa city of Spain and Portu Perſe, a nosable witch, who poisoned Cingi; a river in Spain, gali her husband, a king of the Sarma- Cingall,' beggarsg. vagrants, Bypol + Cinniligium, ii ; ni agirdle which tians,and being expelled by her ſub. fes. the bride wore. iots. fled into Italy, where ſhe nined + Cingillum, i ; n. alitilo girdle. + Cỉnnomăron,,iin. oil of lilies., · Ulyſſes's companions into ſwins, and Cirgilios; 3 ; m: a fomather. + Cin nurid:9; & fort of little birds. for bis fake reflored them again, and CIN.ĞO, xi, cuin, gère's act. [ZwyCINNUS, I ; , [KUKEWY) a medley, bore him Tecgonus. *Very vel'a con: &'ago) 80 gird or gallimawfry alſo u gefur e or Circellum, i; n. a little ring or com- compofs about, tack up... Cingi nod, plaiting of the hair. paſs. cuni aliquo, robogned wih ere + Cino, ere; 10 MEVZ. Circenſes ludi, Roman gömes of * Urbconcnibus", cingerc, 10 Cinotus, a city of Doris. wrafling, running, tournaments,&c. wall a town... Cingerc filvan, Cinſternæ, a city of Africa Propria. in the honour of Conſul, god of to pill the tries in a 2000. * A0- + Cinſos, a kind of money. counjalsi bium nemus Marte cingcre, foto | Cínum, i; the brow or eye lid. Circenfis, fe ; adj. 3 art. (à circus] atlend upin the wars as net to forget Cinuta, æ; f. a: kind of mufical inf belonging to a round, or running. thi Mujes. frumeni. Circenfe tormentum, coarſe focks, + Cingria, e; fia ſhort and ſbrill pipe. + Cings, a kind of ires: or jufing of chat, &c. Cligula, ; 1.[ à cingo į a horse Cinxia, a name of Juno, iba reputed Circetienſes, ium, the inbabitants of girib, or cir cingle. patronefs of brides. Ibe bill Circeium. i i ވާ + Cir . . Circuius. 2. fit of an agiis, * Circuíciśd, ady: briefly, in few words, CIR CIR CIR Circéros, l, mand unyin, a girate the cycle of the run, a ring of people, bout to and fro, mp ujed in Alia. - - hoon Circulos conficere, Circumdātio, onis ; fila putting on . Circes, itis., M.Book of iron. the pars) to perform their courſe. of apparel Circes.domus, aitown in Italy: Circum [à circus) præp. reg. acc. Circumdītus, a, um, encompofredo Circeffum, a city by Euphrates, where abour, pound about, with, sm in Circumdo, ace; to encompaſs. : is the somb of ibeancperor Gordia company with • Mittere ciroum +. Circumcutio, xo shake about. Dus amicos, to send all about one's Circunduco, ère ; lo lead aboucling Circłus, a, u yi Erafm. of Circe. friends, Circam.eó, ire ; a&. 4 go thout, + Circiæ, the ſun beans. Circùm, adv. round about, on all turn about. ''Circumirc angulos, Circidius; a river of Corlica. fidesi * Colló dare brachla cir. 10 paſs through all found. Omnes Circinātio, onis; fi fà circino] 4 cảm, to kiſs; !! coll, or také abans circumirè cæfares, to record all she Børningisound in a circle, . Tirhe sad, Cæſars in ordir. Circināiò, adv, in a circle, with a Note, Circum in'comp, ante, c, 9.5, Circumēquito, are ; la rida about. circumforince. ·d, & f, mutat m in n; ut, cirt Circumerrăbundus, a, um, wano +.Crcinător; & is; m, a basket-bearer. cuncido, circunquaque, circuntuli, dering about Circinā:us, a, um';: adj. compafid, circundo, circunfero,i in quibus + Circumcrrātio, onis ; f. a firaping rounded. Circinatum tyinpa tamen etiain m ſcribi poteft. about, num, the moriher's compaſs.': + Circumactalis, le; adj. g. art. Circumerro, are ; to wander abour. Ciscino, are ; (à circinus] to mos turned about with caſe, Çircumevndus (of circumcor] to be ſure with a pair of comple:, * Au. Circuoiactio, onis frà circum- gone abrur, ras circirarc, lo llg found about. Circumactus, asm., 33gor) a turn- Circumferentia, æ ; , a circumfe; + Circinŭlus, i; n. a little compaſs. ing 'round: rence, tirruit, or compofs. Circinus; i; mi[à circus) a pair + Circumaggčrātio, -ōnis; f. a ditch. Circum-fēro ferre ; to carry about. of compalas. ing about, or making a rampiri. Purâ undâ circumferre, 10 purify + Creon, ji; buglofs, or langue de Circuma gěro, are; tocafi aheap about. by Sprinkling. Qui circumfertur beuf. + Circumăgito, are ; to compaſs about. nominc--, who goes under the name Circiter, præp. là c'tra] reg" acc. Circum-ago, eg), actum, agèrc; act. of.., Illud circumfert fama, that {relating to number or time) ciboul, 13 turn about; pursuri fot as liberty. is much talked of. Ad nütüm Il- nigh unto, almo'. * Circumagere le, "to turn this way . centium circumferri, to be for bim Circiter, adv. about. or ibag wy; Circumegit ſe an tbas bids mol + Circito, are ; to compaſs about: nus, a whole year pafed. Circumfirmo, are; rá Brengtbelt on † Circitores, then that go the rounds; Circumagor, gi'; pa. to be driven all parts, hedge, fortify. alſo puwn-backers. * Dux circito about, purſued, or made fru. * Nil Circumffe-dö, xi, xum, störe; act. rum, sbe captain of che wordt. opus te ciicumagi, you need 7108 to bend or turn round. + Circitura, the ſame as circuitio. do round, or out of your way. + Circumdedio, onis ; f. a furning Circius (à circum a whirlrond, et Circumambulātio, onis; f. a walk. round: wind proper to Gallia Narbonensis; ing About Circumflexus, a, um, part. of - alſo dizzines. + Circumambŭlo, are to walk about. cumflector.; byt round. Circius, part of mount Taurus.' + Circumami&to, are; so cleath about Circumflexus, lli; m. a bowing round, Circlus, i ; V.rgil) for ciscalus. often. A circumflex. +Circolare 1- to go abou, compaſs, it Çircumămi&tus, a, um; slashed Circumflo, are ; to blow on all fidos. or ſearch about. abcut, Circumfuo, ère ; act:: 10 flow round, + Circopa; he' that contenids, or looks + Circumārens, ntis; dried all about. for crowd together. # Divitiis cir- about. Circumăro: are; to plow or till round cumfluit, he is very ricb. Cir. about. + Circopaticus, a kind of monkey or cumifluxit nos cervorum multitudo, baboon. + Circumafpeétio, õnis ; f. a looking a hord of harfs encoinpalod uso. + Circopus, be that makes or fells abour. Circumfluus, a, um'; Powing about: ointment. + Circamaſpecto, are ; 'to look about: Circumfodio, cre; to dig about. Circos, a hawk Inme of one foot ;, allo Gircumaſpi-cio, exi, e&um; icērc ; Circùnförāneus, el; m. [d.crcım à precious Bone like ro wreains or to look round about. & forumi] a mountebank, jugglez. circler * Circumcæſura, or circumciſura, the Circumforaneus a, um, which may Circu-eo, ivi, tum, ire act. the fening out of images at funerals, no be carried about, going ahiye. Jame as circumco. Sembling the dead, Circumföro, are; o bord boles round Circuitio, onis; f. a compoffing, going Curcumcellioncs, um; m. [à circuar about. about, goingithe roundi.'"Circui & cella) alehouse haunters, night. Circumfra&us, a, um ; broken about. tione uti, to give about the buſe walkers, kind of wandering and Circumfremens, ntig ; part. raging Ciscuitor, or circitor, oris, m. the desperate hereticks, mand roaring all about. viewer of vátthes be that sells gar: Circumci-do, di, fum, děre; là cirCircumfrča:0, ere; to make a noite ments about the Pretts, a vedlar, a cum & cædo ) to circumiije; prune all about. basket-bearer. 17&os: Circumfrico, are ;. !o rub cut. Circuítus, a, um ; part: o circueor; Circumcin-go, xi, &um, gere ; a&. Circumfug-loj čre ; eo g abous, igone about do' compass abouti Circumfulg.co cre ; to lains about. Circuitus, îs ;, m. w going round, a Circumcirca, adv. 'round about, on Circumfundo, čre; to power our circuit; race... Circuitus febris, every fide. gound about one. Clicumfudit me lyxuria. riot hath supplied me orationis; period Circumcifio, onis; f. circumcifion, a mois superfluities . Circumfúa- Circolāris, se; (à circulus] of paring rourd, or cutting away. dere hoftes, to lay flat Ibi cnemies circle, yound. +Circumciſor, Oris'; m. a clipper of on all fides, Circulatim, àdö. by-circles, or cir:le. coin. Circinfund or, di; paff. to pour out wife. +Circumcisūra; æ; f. cutting round, abour, Ne lac circumfundatur, Circúlātor, õris.; m. a'jeffer or jug. Circumclū-do, Li, fum, dere; [à cir- that the milk run 20: oum. gler, a merenribarik. cum & claudo} to incloſe about. * Circumfufo, onis ; f. a fredding A- 7. Circủlātorium, a kind of.alembick, Circumcludere aliquid argento ab brnad on every ſide, Circălătorius, a, um ; adj. Of jejlers, labria, so rip with ſilver. Circumfuſus, a, um; P. & A, of jugglers, or the like, ' Circulatoria Circumcolo, ere; to dwell about. circumfundor; comprehended, com- jactatio, the impudent bogiling of Circunculco, are; (à circum & Paled avvirl, Sprind, or lying round a mouniebank upon the page. calco), to trample over. about. * Circumfufa undique mo- Circălātrix, icis f. a woman thor Circumcolumnium, a place fut abone leflæ, troubles on all ſides. ling: ballads, or paws any Ághts or with pillars; a cloiſer, piazz 1. Circungělatus, a, um, frysson about. tricks. + Circumcumbo, črc; neut, to fit or Circumgěmo, čre ; io road about. + Circůll, the pipes of the lungs. lie round about, Circumgefto, 1o curry about. Circilo, are ; to compaſs in a ring; Circumcurro, ère ; aeut. to run up Circumglooo, are ; to heap up in prate at rando. and down. round lumps. Circūlus, 1; m. [à circas] a circle, Circamcurſo, are į acut, to run.c. Circumgre-dior, dl; to march about, RTIS Circuma 1 i round. Circumje&us, ag. incompaſs, or comprimi? CIR CIR CIR Circamgrcfus, ûs ; mi a fosching a tbe board: ſpicerc, to look out for skulking holes. compelsa gring about. . Circumporo, arc; to drink rand. C'rcumfpicere. ada fua, to me. Circumhůmārús, a, um ; eartbed Circymrādo, čre; act. 10.fçrape or vinw one's aétions. Magnificè fc round abow, incloſed with earth. Navi about, circumſpicere, to be well opinionerid Circúmjăc-co, cre; to lie rounds. Circumralia; õnis; f. &fcraping about. of himſelf. bout. Circamrālus, a um; part. of cir- Circumitantia, æ ;. f. an muirming ; cumrador; Javed or croped about. circumfiante. * Circumftantia Rodis parietum conjectus, an Circomrētio, irc ; a&. (à circum & rationum,. the afinity of reafons to incloſure made with walls unartifici rete] te mnara. the points. all, built, Circumriguus, a, um, adj. watered Circumſtipo, arc ; act. to guard. Circumſic-lo, čre; act. to caſt about, round about Circumfto, are įto jand about. Circumjicere vallum, 20 inaka Circumrõdo, čre ; to gnaw round, 1o Circumſtrčpo, ère ; to make a mails trench about. take occafion of carping 46. round. Circumitio, onis ; f. [å circumco] Circumrörans, nus Sprinkling, or Circamſtruo, ère ; to build round. a reach or compaſi; going 'round a bedrold.about. Circumsūdo, are ; robi all in a ſweat. bour in a diſcourje. Circumrotor, ari; paff. to be whieled Circumfuo, čre; to fow round. Circamlambo, čre; to lick about. about, Circumtego, ere ; to reuer round. Çircumlatro, are stocare, o bark Circumſcāļpo, čre; act to scrat:h Circumtexo, čre 4 ro wave, rotend. round about, about. Circumtond-co, ē.e ; act. so have or Circumlătus, a, om į part, of cir- Circumſcarifico, are; act, to ſcarify poll round. .cumferor ; carried about. round abear. Circumtõno, aro; to thunder about us, Circumligo, arc; lo tie ubout. Circun ſcindo, ere; 80 Nu aboni. Circumtonſus, a, um; pirt, of ci:- Circumlino, ere ; 7to anoint round, Circumſcribo, ērc ; act. to draw a cumtondcor ; Shaved acout. Circunlino, čre; } 'beſmrar, doub. line aborit, abirati, let bounds unto, Ciicuntortus, a, um ; adj. twijled + Circumlito, onis; f. daubing circumuel, capire, blot out of a round, roll. Circumfcribere ieftes, o Circun tuli. Su circumfero. Circumlocutio, onis; F., circumlock refuſe wildeles Circumirėmo, ère to quiver in turn- sion, a speaking any thing by forch- + Circumſcriptè, adv. abſiraardly, ing sound, as the light of a moving ing it about. concifaly, expreſie: candle. Circunlucens; nris , glittrrin Circumſcriptio, onis; f. 2 Jetting Circumvādo, ère ; act. so invade or Circunluo, ere ; (à circum & lavo) down in place and order, a dgceiving. aſuult on all parts. to wall about. Circumſcriptor,: örs; m. a uzener Circumvăgus, a, um ; adj. wondering + Circomlīvio, and ium ; 4.rifing or or cheater, round about. water round a plat, #Circumſcriptorie, adv. craftily. Circumvallatus, a, um ; compoffed, Circummiffus, a, um ; part. of cis - Circumſcriptus, a, um ; P & A. of beleaguered. cummiltor rent' reund about circumscribor: doceived, limited. Circumvallo, arc ; 24t. to caſo sia Circumnitto, ère ; to ſend all round, Nihil eft circumſcriptius, nothing works round about, draw a line or bouti is more limited or equilable. inunch aboui, hem in, Tot res + Circummænitus, a, um i compte Circumſcco, are ; to cui round, circumvallani, I am so bejet. Dorind about, walled atou!. Circumlectus, a, un ; circumciſed;! Circumve&!o, onis ; f. a paffing Circummolc-eo, ērc; to flatter, or Com cool. reund, Solis circunvectio, the fra all abul. Circumsécùs, adv. all abous, ex borb courſe of the jun. : Circammīnio, ire; act. 2o fortify en sides, Circumvecto, aretu carry often ai all fidesa Circumsēd-eggibre; act. 10 fit down bout. Circumpūnlio, onis ; f. a fertifica. Circumfido, ere; } about. Circ Circumvčho, ére; act. to carry about rislon on all fides. fumf:dere oppidum, to'bebege a or round. * Circumveetas nave vel Circpomūnitus, a, um; part. of cir gown. cquo, having failed or rid abour. · communior, defended to all sides. Circumsēp-io, ire; ad. to hedge of Crcumven-io, ire ; et. to wheel Circummūrănus, a, um, adj. about face round. round, and fall upon the rear of an the walls. Circummuranaperi- circumsēro, čres, aci. 20 plane or army i lo decrive, durga wrongful- cala, a scaling the walls. low round. ly: * Circumvenire aliquen judi- Circumna-ſcor, sci; 10 grožo round. + Circumferio, onis ; a befieging: cio capitis, 10 cauſe one to be con- Circuwobruo ui; ülum, ère ; act. to. Circumfido, ére; 14. bebegee. denned fa!fely. queridhem with caribi Circumfigno, are ; to mark er feil... Circumventio. Onis; f. e derriving. Çircampaaus, a, um ; part: of..cir bout. Circumventor, oris; m, a deuiuer. compangor ; Tips round abous. 7. Circumfifto, ère ; 10.encompass,, ori + Circumventorius, a, um, adj. cir. Circumpačānus, a, Yai ;: adj. cbout Band obcut. cumunting be river Po. Circumfiftor, tij, to be ſurrounded. Circumventus, a, um ; part..of cir- Circump-ango, ĉg!, a&um, angere; Circumsitus, a, um, part of cir cumveniorz. compalıd about, oppref- act. to ram down all about. cumſidor, feased dwelling round sed on every ſide. Circumventus Circumpăv-lo, jre; to pave round. abodi, neccffitudinibus, bound by alliances Circumpăvitus, a, um ; paurd or Circumsõno, arc; 10 ring round - Circumverfor, ari'; to go about hisher rammed down all over bout. * Clamor hoftes circumro. and obither. Circompēdes, um; (à circum & nat, the front rings about the memy. Circumverto, čre; act. to turn round; pes] pagu, lacquies. 7. Circumfpc&č, adv, circumfpe&tly. alſo to decejus. Clicumvcrtere Circumpleao, cre; 10 fold about, t Circumſpectio, onis ; f. a diligent aliquco argento, lo soują one out Circúmplector, it; dep. to embrace, heiding of his money plecti alterius patrimonium, to take perl. Bofi circumsprei ir iary.. round, garniſo. Circumvcftire 42029 by extortion. Circumfpecio,.cre ; act. to survey the dicis to beguile. Circumplexus, ûs.; m, an erbracing, place riund. Circumvinc-io, iro; to bind about. or ampoling about. + Circumſpectus, ûs ; m. a jurusring Circumvila, ěre; a&. to fus on cury Cireumplexus, a, um; erivirmed. or lossing round, side. + Circumplicatlo, onis ; f. a folding Circumfpectus, a, um ; P. & A. of C.rcumvõlātus, a, um ; flown about. atout... circumſpicior, confidered, advied Circumvolito, arc ; 16 flutter about, Circumpllcatus, a, um, part. of cir wary, * Verba non circumſpccta, whisk about from one place to ario- cúmplicor ; iwifed about. inconſiderate words. ther, Circumvolitare limina po- Circupiico, are'; act. 10 fold of Circumspergo, čre : act. [à circum tentiorun, to run about with a & fpargo) to /prinkle or fcatter a good morrow, or how d'ye. Circumpono, čre ; act. to lay or put beni Circumvola, are ; to dj about. Bhout + Circumſpicentia, æ; f..a looking . Circumvolvo, ore ; : act. 1 roll ox 7. Circumporto, arc ; * carry about, sound, rigard, c-zfideration. • Circumvolvere fere Circumpācātio, önis; f. ö drinking Circumſpicio, čre act. to pare of arbor:bos (of an berb] 10. iwwiji iifelf Abouti of branding iba cu round 50% sboys, Latebras circum: about eraas Circum. borbi i I çorap about, wrap about. ! ?) A CIR CIR CIR bout; } Deus, &c. + Circunfitius, a, um ; add. cul about. Circung totoo suo circumglobo.&c. Circunvallatus, a, um ; befet, trench- i Circunverto, &c. } Se circum--, Circumvõlutor, ari; to'be tumbled a. Circunfluus, a, um ; flowing or How- Circunst-o, oti, itum, arc; to.compan! ed about, Mens circunfiua luxu, 07 Juna abrui. Circumvõlūtus, a, um, part. of cir Swimming in fenfuality and rior. # Circunt epitus, a, am; adj. beat- cumvolvor, rolled or wrapped. Circunfodio, &c. Sui circumſora en, upon with grsai szei:, reſounding Circun. Sne clicum. Circunforaneus, . all abous. Circuncidāneus, a, um ; ad). cut a Circunfõro, arc; to bore or make Circunftridco, ère ; 2 to bring or make dour. • Circuncidancum vinum, holes round about. Circunitrido, črcis a bidraus noiſe wine of the ſecond prising. Circunfofior, oris; m a digger about. round about. Circuncido, ére; act. of circum + Circunforsūra, æ; f. a digging :- Circunsūdo arc; to (wrat round - and cædo] to cut a cut, diminib, bout. bout and all over. circumciſe, to lop of * Circunci- + Circunforfus, 4, um ; dug abcut. Circuntectus, a, um ; part. of cir- dendum vinum eſt, be imut bir do- + Circunfrico, ui, ctum, arc; to rub cumtegor; covered all about. barred of wing. ahout. + Circcniecūra, t. A work.or. Circuncingo, čre ; act. sa compaß, or + Circunfringo, čre ; to break about. border about. go round abnt. Circangelo, &c See circongelacus, + Circumie&um, i, n. a garment Circuacirca, adv. rotund abnut. Circungelatus, &c. woven about with purple. Circuncisè, adv. briefly, fortly. Circangěmo, ui; Itum, črc; to groan Circuncondco, &c.' See circum-.. Circuncifio, onis; f. circumcifion. or bewail round about. + Circuntumúlatus, a, um ; braped, See circoncidancus. , j Circuncifura, æ; fi a cut or gaſ - Circungredior, di ; [à circum & ed abour. bout. gradlor) to go round about. Circunvactor, ari; to be carried a. Clicunciſus, a, um ; adj. cut about, Circuajăc-co, čre ; neut. to be fituate bout Saken away, circumciſed. Circun or lie about. Circunverus, a, um ; part. of cir- cisâ omni negotiosâ cogitatione, Circunjectus, a, um ; Atuate, made, cumvchor; carriid about. not at all minding buſineſs. or lying round about. Circunvcetud, üs; mi a carrying or Circunclaudo, ērc; act. to incloso, Circánlambo, čre ; to lick all about. taffing about. environ, or bem in 011 euery fide. Circunlāius, a, um; part. of circum- Circunvcnio, Circuncluſus, a, um, adj. four or feror; carried all about. cloſed in. Circun igātus, a, um, part. of cir- Circunun-go, xi, cum, gěre; act. Circuncolens, ntis; duelling about. cumligor ; wrapped' or tied about. io aroint about. Circunc-olo, õlul, ulium, olčre; rêt. Circunligo, arc; ro wrap or bind a-Circuco, ivi, itun, irc ; the same as 10 dwell nigh or round about. bouf, Úlnis circunligare, to 62- circumeo. Circuncolumnium, it; n. [à circum braca. CIRCUS, ci , m. (Kiguos, Kurtle] & columna] a cloiſter, a piazza. Circunlinitio, önig; f. a cleanſing, a rundle, or circle; i properly) the Circunculco, are ; to tread down on rubbing, garniſhing about. ring, or large place in Rome called quiry purt. Circunlinílus, a, um ; burniſbed, Ibi circk, Stuart bawaan mount Circuncurrens ars, an art not re trimmed, or anointed all about. Avcntinc' and Palatinc, ialled a- Nrained to any certain matter, but Circunlino, &c. See circum. bous, by Tarquinļus Príícos, wherea running at random, and modeling Circunlltus, a, um ; belukared or a in the people fate, and ſaw the goods with every thing nointed about ca led Circenſes, and other ſports, Circuncurró, ere ; u run hilber and c!rcunquāquè, adv. on curry lide. in imilation of the Olympic games; thither. Circunrālus, a, um ; bavrd about. tut chinily horſe-racing, which had Circuncurſo, ve; to run up and Circunctio, ire ei to catch in anat tuen injlitused before by Romulus, down. pitched round about. ond called cquiria. Noir, To the Circundandus, a, um ; adj to be Circuprētitus, a, um ;. entangled as Roman Circus belong the archa, compared abour with nets all about. cavea, euripus, {pina, curſus, + Circundātio, onis į f. composing a Circunro do, a, děre' ; to grow all carcercs, meta, quæ vide ſuis lo- bout. about, cis.--Circus alſo is found in all Circundătus, a, um ; compoſed, on-Circunrõro, te ; to bedew round - authors.10 hgnify the falcon gensla, Dironed. Armis circundatus, bon. a very ſwift bird of prsy, and the Armed. Circunroto, are; 10 wheel about. natural enemy of pigesnis. Likewiſe Clecundo, áre; (of circum and do] Circonſcárifico, are ; to cut or lance Petronius Arbiter uſes it for a gar- 20 compaſs about, en:loa. * Cir- about. land of flowers. * Circus candens, cundedit nova menia oppido, he Circunſcribo, &c. Sre circum--, cbe milky way, or galuxy, in apro. made a new wall round about the Circunſcriptior, ius , adj. more brief. logy, * Decirco aſtrologorum, sown. * Urbem caftris or urbit Circunſcriptive, adv. Zraftily, wa frolling fortune-tellerse. caftra circundare to lay frege to a rily, witbin fub a compaſs. Cirenceſtria, Cirencetter in Glou- city. Circuoſeptus, a, um ; irscloſed, bedged ceſterſhire. Circundolo, arc; to ship or how round. in. Cirís, Scylla, the daughter of king Circunduco, čre's ad to lead round, Circunfeſſio, onis ; f. . beſieging.. Niſus, wbi was changed into a to carry one to and fro, 10 decrive. Circunicíus, a, un beet, befinged. lark, A&um circumducere, to cancel a Circunsideo, ĉre ; to hit about, or + Cirmoli, a wild kind of a pine- duda • Diem circunducere, to Circunsido, erc; } hehege. Spend a day by various mtertain. Circunſpectans, ntis ; looking hither Cirna, a 13oxntain of Africa Pro- monts. · Circunducere aliquem and thither. pria. argento, to wbsedlo orss out of his Circunípectālur, Oris ; m. he whish Cirnca, z; f. {xpn miſceo] , money. Looks about on every ſide. winc por. CircunduAllis, le; adj. 3. art. 291 Circunípedátrix, icis ; f. fe that + Ciron, a betib er bile. 10. be turned about. watchath or looketh about. + Ciroca, a ſpear lika a zuhrel. Circundu&io, onis, f. a leading a. Circunfpectus, a, um, part. of cir- Cirphis, s city or mountain of Pho- bout, deceiving cumſpicior; circunfeat; alſo re cis. Circunductus, a, um ; part. of cir gardid. • Circunfpe&us honor, Cirpis, a city of Valeria Ripcnfis. cunducor; a turning round. a reverend aud rejpedide regard. * + Citra, a kind of fish, Circunferentia, 7 Sei circumferen. Circunfpectum populi Romani no- Cirrālus, a, um į adj. [à cirrus] Circunfero, &c. S tla, &c. men highly elecmed. baving his bair .curled and in Circunfo, arc; to blow yound about. Circunfpicuus, a, um, adj. which Tufts, . Circunftari ab omnibus ventis may be fun or all ſides. Cirrha, or Cyrrba, a town of Phocis, invidiæ, so be roſed with all envious Circunfpiracula mundi, ibe breathing at the foot of Parnaſt.is, where A- and malicious reports, plass, polo was worſh ppod. Circhnfluens, ntis', part Howing - Circanſātio, onis ; f. & fianding Cirrhadia, a country of India without bout. * Exercitus circunfucns, on round about. Ganges. army coming in abunduin se on all ſides. Circuoſtjpo, are ; 80 guard round a. Cirrhæi, people former'y dwelling Circunfuo, ere; to flow round above. bous. near Athens. REIS Corriger, . tyre. $ ܐ : dari Gitratusz:azam, the jarrs us citria CIS CIT CIY Cirrīger, 7 um; adj. (à cirrus & i binct. voke urine. Citare aliquem tef- goro) waring bair in tüfts. Chelluta, æ; få linie cabinet. tem in aliquam rem, in aliqua re, CIRRUS, 1; m. [oxiep, vel à Ciſtena, a city of Polis, and iſland a koulus.rei, to produe, witneſs for Kargin tondeoj a bup of curled and torin of Lycia: Citáre humorem illuc, 19 hair, etelt of a bird, plait in a'gara Cisterna, æf là 'Cintaj a cifern. draw down ibe bundur so ibat part. Cirri oftreorúm; little Critéroinus, a, um ; ad of a cif Citarc palm:tem, ia put forth * Dersincting to offers. arn. branch, Sirfocale, ia jwelling of the cids. Ciſternặlas ; f. a little sufferin. + Citocata ; op tium ; a kind of t Cirfolón, ihe same as cirſocèle. Cithus, forud' growing in the iſle chamricon. Birtha i ta, the city. Conftantina, Cyprus: Citra, prap reg: accor. là cis] on in Numidia. Ciftifer, a, um, adj. (à citta & this fide, withiut, before, bebither. Cis Peretoe) præp. reg. accur. on ferol bearing a chef or coffer. *Citra fenglús authoritatem, mouth- this baie bebitbit. Cis paucos Ciſtoboli, a people of Dacia. out conmiſion. Citra palveris dies, toithin a fawo drys. * Cis Ciſtophorus, In, an Aſian coin a jactum, er tactum, without pains. undique, all about the Cis naturae bont sbreepotica value. * Citra (pcctacuorum dies, un- Teges, leſs than the laws of nature Ciftúla, ; f. a lisile box. lefs on the days, wbon plays are con fer, cifus, kind of herbs alſo a blád bibited. Cis, a kind of worm hiriful to corn + Cltságo, bålm, or, balm gmile, not true, 4 wärvil. Citamom, a rown of Armenia ma-Citraa, pelos, a kind of herb. Ciſalpina Gallia, called allo Citerlor jor.. # Citraria, the Tenue as citrago. and Togata, the country of ihe Citangs, one of the Cyclades. Gauls durlling berwun the Alps Citaril; a people of Sicily. nus.' and ibè river Rubicon, now called. Citards, a diádeti, Citreum, eis in, an.orange. Lombardy. Citarius, midi din in Macedonia. Citrous, a, ums.of orange or citron. Cilagius, ä sity of Crete: + Citatè, adv. Ser citātiin Citrcă mala, citrens, melons. Ciſapenniba, tha part of Italy which Citatim, adv. Danili, Speidily. Citrinella, aif the bird hortulani. is ei that ſide of the Apcaninc hills | Citātio, onis; f. [à cito] an arreft, C:tinus, 1 a, um ; of. citron en los towards Rome, fumpons. Citrjus, mon. Ciſeruffa, an iſland near Cnidus. Citātior', ius ; friſter, nimbler., + Citro, onis; a citron, melon, by Cilia, ihe moiber of Memnon, from Civācus, a, um, haftened, jüddin, pumpien. wbom the citizens of Sula Uxre rummmid, provokad, Citātus pul- Citro, adv. [à cis] on this fide. called Ciffii. fus arteriarum, the thick beiling of Ciriõpedes, or fitropedes, carth Cifanthi, a piropli bordering on Scy: the pulles. Citato equo Lárisfam veleli with long ful. thia.. contendit; higallipped's Laritia. Cifröſus, a, um, adj. the same as Cigārius, iiz: m. (à ciliühj'a carter, citātus, us 3.m. a motions or carrying. citrinu. • Citrofa veftis, a le- or carman. + Citéria, a fi a puppat. mon colourd garmene. + Čisībilites, m. a kind of Jwdes drink. Citērior, us, gen.oris; ad. (à cítra) + Citrulum, and citrullüm, stitrul Cilipades, a people of Africa Pro nig her, or nearer to us. * Clierior or citru-cucuinber, · eti poena quam scelus, the punij Citrum, i; n, the word of the citron Cifüm, ii; . [à cærus] cant or merit comein ſhort of the fuft. or lemon tree.. chariot. Cithæron, ons; - famions mountain Chrus, i; f. a citron or lamon-tran. Cilpollo; čre ; to: krop one from en in Bozotia, whole foor, Alopur waſh. Cattampelos, the herb helxine or paa tering to pluck to one, rietaria, Ciroii, a prople of thiopia. Cithāgo, inis; f. cortile-wed. Cittolis, a fault in vines, whm tbt Ciſplus, a bill in Rome. CITHARA, æ; Kiboc) u cilterri; grapes fall and perib. Cifthēnānus, a, um; ad), Fà cis & & or the muſick of it. Non omnes Cigulèz adv. nimbly, quickly, Rbenus) which is on this fide ibe qui citharam tenens funt cithac-Cituorum, an iſland in Danúbios. Rhine. di, many talk oy, Robin Hood ibal Citus, a, um, part of cicor ; pro: Cifra, a river of Pontùy called Qülfia, nevnt 160* .hit bowo, vokid, moved; aljo ligbt or swift, and a city of Thrice. Citħăriſta, and -res, ie; m. a plajar sudden, 1cole, divided, torni alunder . Curranthemu, a kind of with wind on ibr ciftir: * Cítioris curæ megetium, an af- or low-bread. Cithariſta, 1 promontory of Gallia fair requiring more exprdition. * Ciffinthèmus, wild. vine, briony. Cithaintes,} Narbonangis. Alvo cito, being laxative. C:ffanus Cous, a very richimini, ivren Cithariftia, '; f. fbé shiae playı on a Clvaro, oj -on, the city Chambery in ro a proverd. cittam. Savoy.. Cifle, & sity of Mauritania Czfarien-cithărizo, ase; in play on the cis- + Civeita, a; civet, or the civet cat. fis... tein. Civica Pompcianus, the colleague of Cificne, a mountain of Thiace Cithărcedícüs, a, um; äcl. balöngling L. Csionius Commodus. Ciffeus, a king of Thrace, fiber of to a sittern, bird, or minfiril. # Civico, are; to do or be like a ci- Hecuba, from bim calle CH. Cilbäraedis, ; m. plasser or ini tizer.. fcis. citlern, a fidler, Aulædus fit; Civicus, a, um, adj. cà civisj of H Ciſs, a people of Cappadocia: gai citharodoseffe non poteft, 'lis city or citizen. • Civica corona, Ciffibium, il; n. See ciſlybium. better to play at i Jrasll ĝarne sbian crown given him that reſcues a Ciffites, * prisious jone like an song 10 land oor. cilixon of follow-foldier. * Civi- leaf .. Cibarus, or sytherus, a fiſh whoſe cum jus, ihe civil law. Ciſtus, i, m. a tirid of ivy growing werh are like A faw. civica, pleas in defence of ciri- witbou fay Citimus, a, uni; adj. [à. cio) neareſ). Cifue, a young man;, who, dancing nighely, next. Ciuma terris luna, Civil-:5, 3; adj. ior, iffimus ; [ă ci- before Bacchus, fell down dead, of all the planes ibe inoon is neared P./s) civil, courteous, of the city. and in honcer of Bacchüs, ivy. the carib. Sermo miniind civilis, o dominer- Sprung up in tbs place; alfo Citīpes, Edis; ſwift forcd. ing spooih. Undæ civiles, the mountain of Macedonila, and a city Citum, a town of Cyprus, and a sing cares tending upon jare buſineſs. of Thracc. of Malfula; callid Citz. Animus. civilis, an humble mind ciffufa, a fountain übare Bacchus citfimè, adý fuperl, by-and-by, 7708 affe Fing. La dominer, elle #Agere was zonſoed, when he was a child. very quirkly. ſe civilean, not to nedalo much. Ciflybium, il; n. tup bound abour Citius, ady compar. Sosper, ſwifter, ruitb Pare affairs. * Dics civilis, with ivy, a brown oow!. , Dicta cft:us, be ibe uvil days, diverly reckoned by CISTA, 2; f. [K:gris) a chil, or for a man can rell what's this. countries, foine orginning at one time, ballot-be*, Ciò, ady. {wiftly, fortly, ſuddenly. forme at anotbar. Ciftartium, s bread-bakar. * Non citò dixerim, I can foarce Civilītas, ātis; f. civility, courtroul- Ciftella,' a; for little tref, casket or 14, can bardly toll. nejs, gentioneſs, bobaviour lika fal- Cito, are ; 2. to ſummon, quose, pur low citizens; also solicy. Circllatrix, icis ; f. a woman for on, or joir u, wedge; praile, call, Civilitèr, adv. like a fellow-citizen, V:71 that carries bot siltrefois can relkie. * Citare urinam, to pro. sivilly and courteouſly, according lo pra # Arma heforo rather bax. veie. man." privilege of a freeraan, -thalit Clancūlus, a, um ; adl. ferrd. Aria CLARUS, a, um, adj. ior, iffimus, C LA C LA C LA the civil law. Pluſquam civill noiſe, Clamor militan, a foout, Claritas, atis; f. frarneſs, bwrights ter, u'civilly. * Civiliter conten Excipere aliquem clamore, to nels, excolimy.... Excellere c:26 derc [Of cruizons) to baus a con Te:sive with great acclamation and ritate inalcendi, to be of noble ex. troverſy wish, rosens of joy. traatlon, Bfte in claritate, to Civilius or Clivius, emperor of the Clāmõlus, a, um, adj. loud, bawl. get a name. Volſci, vanquiſhed by Geganius. ing, clamorous. Căritūdo, inis 3.f. brighineſs, famiones Civilius Tullus, a tribune of the Clampctia, a place in Italy among nefs. sildiers. the Brutli. Clarius, a river of Cyprus. CÍVIS, is; c. [à.clo 1o cliżon, Clanculārlus, a, um; ad), fora, pri. Clarius Deus, Apollo . subject, or member of a jate, a free- Clāro, are ; fonake fumuus oma. * Civis meus, my fellow Clancúlò; } adv. (à clan) cloſely, nifeft, silin. Clanculum; or privily; by pealeb Cläror, Gris ;-mn. brigbinojs. Civitacălan, li; n. a little city. Clanculum patres, unknotun to Clarotæ, or “tes, fervants among the Civitas, äuis ; f. [à civis) a city, thi sbrir fathers. Crctans. Hate or whale juriſdlaion of a city. Ci. . vate (à Kaças gloria, vel gaaugos (pien- vitas regia, monarrby. Civitas Clandeſtind ; adv. privily; by Bealih. didus) bright; mielligible, minifch, populas 8, popular government, Clandeftinus, a, um , adj. (à clam) excellent, fumour, clear, loud and Civitate donarc, or darc alicui privy, lucrat, bidden. fbrill. * Lox clara, broad day-light civilacam, to infranchize, or marka + Clanca, æ ; a Scythiaa gen, sky Sonus claras, a florill found. *lc- frut. • Deinprio'csritatis, a de. coloured, and Sported like gold tus clarus, a fair and full blow. ' priving of frudom. Clancs, a river rifing in Vindelicia, Rumore claro apud vulgiim eflc, Civita tula, æ; f. [à civitas] á litla and falling into Ilter. 10 bave the good word of the popu.. † Clanga, < bald buzzard, kire, lace, • Clarum fignom or p!2u. Cxius, i; e grahopoer. + Clangito, are; to cloack or ring. fum dare, to clap (of a play.) C.zara, a cale of Paphlagonia. CLANGO, xi, étum, ĕre, (xná sociárus, a city of lonia, famous for, Cizya, e city of Thrace. to found a trumpes, cry like an eugle an oracle of Apollo ; alſo an iſland or gooſe. in the Myrtoan fea, confecrated a C ante R. Clangor, oris ; m. the sound of a Apollo. trumpet, the cry of a bird, the noiſe Clarus fons, Sherbourn in Dorſet- CL. for Claudius, or clariffimus, a bird makes when it bakes its wings. Alire, + Clabüla, æ; a graf. * Clangoren fundit. vaſtum, he Claſſetre, people of Aſyra. + Clacendix, or calcendix, a Roll makos a terrible noiſe. Claſjäril, orum ;m. Soldiers which fifb, alſo an indgn. Clānius, and Claris, a river of Cam farve af faa. + Clādēcúla æ; a little leſs or over. pania noar. Naples. Claffiārius, il; m. a. frumpeter, throw. Clanos, an iſand in the Ægean joa. Claſſiārius, 2. um, (à claſlis) belong CLADES, is, f. [à gladius, vela Clanum, a city of Gallia Narbonen ing to be nady, diligent, wiáco clango) an overthrow, Daugh. fis. Claſsicon, inis; m.-Tà clifficum & ter, defrat, ruin, delirxetjon. : Clanas, or -19, a river of Etroria. cano] he thai colli the navy tog'a- Cladeus, a river in Peloponelus. s. Clara, se inſituted an order of ther. Claen, a fountain of Phrygia cafting Nuns, 1224, (alled after her nare. Claffici, orum ; m. rowers, they that un llones, Clarafontanus, of Sherbourn in Dor found a charge, or call the people 10- Clagefurtium, a city of Sclavonia, ſetfire. gether. whose citizens are inexorable to Clarana, Eraſm..a nun of the order of Claſsicŭla, æ; f. fà. clafis] a mall thieves ; for ont fufpreted is imme- Sar.cta Clara. navy. diately hanged, and the buſineſs ex- Clārănus, the name of a grammarian; Claſsicum, i ; n. an alarm, call; examined three days after if bebe alſo the family Ciare, trumpet ; & blowing like a trum.. clear, they bury him riibly, if guild, Clare, lùs, iſſiuè; ady. clear!y, ma pel. Cancre claflicum, to found barely, nifofly, forilly, diflinaly. • Dic a charge. CLAM, præp. cum accuf. & abl. clare, tell me plainly. Clanicus, a, um ; adj. [à claffis] of. [*Exaa uquéros vel à celo]by. Nealth, Clārcdo, inis; the ſame as claritudo a fivet. * Bellum claſſicam, a les privily, ſecretly, unknown to. * Clam Clarens, ntis ; (à clareo] well kuoron, fight. * Claſſici, fubßdy mm of patre, unknow ito mj futbar. * famous. Ibe firs of the five rank or radise Clam uxorem, witbous smy wife's Clarcntia, æ; Clarence in Suffolk. Claſſici fcitcs, trudible witholos. privity. Nec clam te eft, nsi. Clarco, ērc ; Deut. (à clarus) to be Claffici authores, thoje which are ther are you ignorani. chver, apprar., or be famous, Claret of prime exibority. Clamans, ntis; part. of clamo, cry. mihi, I underſtand it. CLASSIS, is F. (à Kangos poco) ing, &c. Clareſco, čre ; neut: { à clareo ) to & nauf, e flett, a Bip, a forme; an Clämátio, önis ; f. [à clamo) (ry grow clearer and clearer. * Placru Army, a troop of herja, a rank of ing clareſcere vulgi, 10 bo prayed by alisans, as they were 'rared in the Clāmātor, oris ; m. be that calls a 1be prople. Aliud ex alio iclatel fubfidies, whereof there were five loud, or cries out. cit, one thing gives ligbe to another. # Claffis procinata, the battalia Camālorius, a, um, adj. clamorou, Clarla, the county Clare in Ireland. drawn up. • Prima claffs, of the bawling. Clariæ, a people of Thrace. fint rank. Clāmātus, a, am; called unto, upon, it Claritico, arc ; to call aloud. Claffis, a fown near Ravenni, of or after. Clarificatio, onis; f: 'a clarifying. which nothing remains but a mis- clāmitans, ntis ; crying after Clārificā! us, a, um ; carinod. nollery of D. Apollinaris. Clāmito, are [à clamoj so call of Clarifico, are ; to make clear and Clasſius, A river of Gallia Narbo- ten and loud. * Venit ad mc.fe plain, io clarify, to glorify. nenas. pè clamitans, he often comes bawl. Clarificus, a, um ;adf. drar or loud. Claftidiom, a tozon of Italy ing to one. Carycas clamitare, Clārīgācio, õnis ; fi e proclaiming Claterna, or Cliterna, she tour. Qua - 80 cry his figs, * Illa ſupercilia war upon rejlitution refused, a ſub derna in Æmilia. clamitant calliditatem, shole ge fidy granted by common conſont; Clathratus, a, um ; lantiſed. * Fc- brows. ſpeak bim a cunning one. letters of nart, repriſals. neftra clathrata, a laniſe-window. CLAMO, are, [Kandy, Kab.Kw] Clarigo, are, (à clarus) : 30 proclaim Clathro, are ; no guard zotibi croſs- 10 cry aloud to call one aloud,afirma, war upon refusal of reſtitutions ; 'to boys, gratis and lattiſes. or complain. * Clamarc de re'a. arraft, or take furisirs of. Clātbrun, 1; in. } [Kaki Spor] a grate liqua, to make a grirvous, complaint Clarigatus, a, um, denounced. Clatrus, i s'm. S or latriſe ; alfo of a thing. * Clamare aliquem, ro Clarisonus, a, um ;(à clarus & fono) a harrow, bawl to one, * Clamat veritas, the founding clearly and aloud. Clatos, a city of Crete. truth loudly proclaims it. Cla- + Clariſsimālus, us; m. the dignity CLAVA, - ; f[à Kõnev lignam, mabant omnes qui aderant,all that of a fenutor et conſular prefidmi. Kyásos, ramus, vel Heb, calaph, were there prefently cried out. Ciariſsimus, a, um, adj. ſuperlat. ferire] a club, a pick with a great Clānxor, äris ; mi a foski, elry, a mojt noble or mowned, hrad Clávarius, of years. looked up. tafanib the blood. Cliqua menempion CLA :CL A CLE Clärarius, ü; m. he sbat fights with Clavena, a town of He'vetia. nator's robe. Clavi annales, A dub; a bradli, a moct bearer. + Clāviarius, or clavicarius, o lock. brass nails driven into the breb. Clāvaplus, a, um, ad). bard-fufid, Smilk, or key-maker. walls yearly, Jeruing for a chronicle smilton wis cudgels. * Pula cla- Clavicula. æ; F. Là clavis) ibe ten - vasla, a gof-ball, or low ball. dral of a uine, clitsle kry, is chan-Clazomena, a city of Ionia. · Clāvātor, oris ; m. he that bears of nel.bone, ground ivy. Clazomenia, an iſ.ind of Mæonin wfes a club, Clāvicála, a; f. [à clara) a lintlo Clazomenil, she inhabitants of Cla Clāvātus, a, um, adj. [ à clavos ) sub, fiick. zomcnia. garniſhed with nails or ftuds fudded. Clavicularius, - ii; m. A turnkey, Vina Clazõman la. winis heretofore in Clauda, an iſland near Crete. porter, great requeſt with the Romana + Claudaſter, ri; ma lame man, Clāvicŭlārius, a, um, adj. of a + Cleagia, ; « crane or hook to frigning to go upright.'. kry. Faber clavicularius, a lock draw up water, + Claudeo, and -dio, ta balt, Smith.:. Cloander, an Arcadian foorblager, * Claudi, & prople in Numidia. Clavicŭlātim ';. adv. wrinkled oy Cleandria, a place in Troas, from Claudia, a town of Norican; alſo a wreathed like the tendral of a whence the river Rhodius hows. vefal virgin, who proved her cbäſity vim , Cleanthos, a Noick philo;opher fu:relor by drawing the image of Cybele up Clāvicúlātus, a, um ; nailed, wreathed of Zeno, who pudied by diiy, and Tiber in a bip with her girdle: like a vingi drow water by night, whenet he was when no other forte could neve it: Clāvicólus, i ; m, a ſmall nail, or alſo called Phrcanties, and bij It is a noble family coming front ibi tandrel of a vins. exrefive pains caused the proverb, Sabines, Claviger, a, um, adj. [ à clava & Ad Cleanthis lucernam evigilatum Claydla, and Claudia caſtra, the city gero) be-ring, a club. cft. of Gloucciter. Claviger, a, um , adj. (à clavis & Cleanth's, the name of a woman. Claudianus, I; M. Claudian, a fa gero) baring a key. Clearchus, chi ;m. a fiholar of Ze. mous latin port under Thcodoſius LAVIS, Is ; f. (Kasos] a key, a lack no, who wrote upon ox-bonies and and Honorius, or boltEsc ſub clavi, to be sile.shards for want of paper ; alſo a Claudianus; or Claudius, me of sbo Lacedemonian general, who was Roman emperors. Clavo!a. 2; f. (à clava]@ groft, a 2oni to say, this the general was Claudianus, a, um, adj. of Clau Nip of a free, more to be frared than the enemy; dius Cæfar.' * Claudiana charta, Clauſentum, Southampton. and other men. royal paper. Claufor, oris ; m. an officer who Clcartus, a son of Marmarica. Claudias, & city of Aga minor. looked to the repairing of walls. Cleěmpus, a phyficiun, to whoin fomo + Claudícārius, a, um ; adj. abar is Clauſtrālis, le ; ad). {à clauftrum) of do afiribe that took of Pythagoras, foon lam. or but up in a cloifler. De magicis berbis. claudicātio; Onis; lammelig balt. Clauftrarius, ii; m. one that lives in t Cleida, a; a kind of bor. ing: a cloille, or a maker of locks, keys, Cleides, a neck or throat bons. Claudico, are ; neut. [ à claudus) so &c. Cičoštis, idis; f. the berb periwinkle, limp, to be fable er, maimed. + Clauſtrellum, i ; D. a little cloifer, t Clemātites, Jaracens herb. Claudicat oratio,the purch is faul or closet, CLEMENS, ntis ; adj. [qu. clinans • Claudicare in officio, not to + Clauſtrenfis, fe ; adj. 3. art. be mentem, vel ab Heb.ihamlab,id.] ds one's duty roundly longing to a cloifer. mild, calm. Clementiffimus ab Claudiculus, a, um , adj. fomewhat Clauftrinus, i, m. a keeper of cloi. innocentâ, very mild sowards the lan. pers. guilslejs. Clemens alveus, a Claudiocaſtrla, the city Glouceſter. Clauftritimus, or clauftrituos, he Smooth aream. Claadionerium, a city of Spain. that looks to the locks. Clemens, tis, m, Clement, the third Claudiopolis, a city of Cappadocia Claustrium. il; n. the putting 10 biſhop of Rome; a bearer of St. Pe. ond Dacii. gather any thing. ter, who fent Dionysius Arcopa. * Claudipes, edis, lame of a fool. Clauſtrum, i; n. (à claudol a bar gita to Paris ; there is extant an e- Claudicas, āris 1 f. lameneſs. cloſe gata, or doijler. * C'auſtra piple of his to the Corinthians; alſo Claudius, a muuntain of Pannonia. nobilitatis refringere, to pull down ſeveral poprs. Claudlus Agathernus, a phyſician of the fences of nobility, to inake it very ciemens Hiſtoricus, who wrote of the Lacedemoniz.. Acceſſible. Sutrium clauſtra He kings and emperors of Rome. Claudius Cæfar, he fucceded Cali truriæ, Sutrium is the key to He- Clemens Alcxandrinas, the muſer or gula in the empire. truria. Origen, who flouriſed under Scvc- Claudius Nero, a conful, wuba New Clauſula, æ; f. [à claudo) a clauſ, rus, and wrote many excelisatirea- Afdrubal, alſo the father of Tibe she end of any thing. Clauſu tifes. rius. lam imponere, to make a con-lise-clemen-tèr, fùs, iffimè ; ady, mildly, Claudius Tiberius Nero Cafar, the fon. * Claufula clauda & pen gently * Clementer volo, with third amperor of Rome. dens, An imperfect or unintire . Claudius, an iſland in ibe Cretan fea, clauſe, Clēnentia, a; f. mildneſs, gentle. and the name of divers Romans. Clauſum, i; n. an inclosed place, a nefs. it Cleaopcia æftatis, she CLAU-DO, fi, fum, döre; act. (KAFE clog, pable, fall. moderoimefs of heat in summer, Smà Kws) to bui, dose, finil, Clauſura, a.; f. a loutting in, a for. Clementinus, the colleague of Probus. ſurround, befoge, or fail. la fres, Clauſurae tempus, ibe time t Clena, a; a cloak anguftum claudi, to be driven to a of a fege. * Clenodla; fair promiſes, Aragbi. Claudere fanguinem, Clauſus, a, um;: part. of claudor ;|Clēõbicinus, a garment worn by the fut up, cloſe, impriſoned, bid. • Argives locum illum, that place is encom clauſum mare, the time from the Cleobis, the son of Argia, the prieſt. pofid with water. # Nolo tibi third of the ides of Norember, 80 efl, who with his brother Biton, ullum commodum la ms claudier, the lixib of the ides of March, where when the borfes were tired, draw I will be no late to your proht. # in navigation was forbiddm or for their mother's coach to the temple ; Claudit mihi meus pudor conſue born by the Romans. for requested of the goddeſs 80 bestoru tudinem, try modello would not ler Clauſus, a king of the Sabincs, who upon ibem the greateſ bleflingy pofi. TAs forape acquaintance with him, afified Turnus againſt Æneas. ble, and in the morning they were Claudere omnes adicus, or aliquid Clavủlus, i ; m. a fioll nail, both found dead. ex omat aditu, to baus no pafage. CLAVUS, 1 ;m. Là Kaga claodo] Cleobula, the wife of Amintor, and Claudulus, fororohar lamp. A nail, a pin, a button, sbe liars of a mother of Phenix, CLAUDUS, a, um , ad). (xuds} spits government, corn in the Cleobulina, the daughter of Cleobu. lamı, haliing, feeble. Ciaudus fooi, bila ; a diſlemper in irvos pro. lus, who wrote certain enigna's in Deos, halsing Vulcan. creding from a fralding bear of she Gresk hexameters, + Clāvēcimbalum, i; the virgi. fun; a nud of purple, or the like,up-Cleobulus, the son of Eoagoras, ne nals, on garments. #" Clavum Qavo of the fouen wife men of Greece, + Clavellatus, ad). Herba c'avel pellerc, to drive out one thing wish and other men. lata, herb-trinity, or hearts-cafe anolbar. * Latus c!ayus, the su Cleocritus, the son of Cybele. Cleoda, + * my heart, 1 years and, inan, CLI CLI CLI Clcodamas, a philosapher, and geome., Cleprammidium, li ; n. clepſammos; counful or aflanc., trician in the time of Plato ; and and clepsamaihos, an hour.glaſs. + Clientia, &; f. the briaking of one's otbers. Clepſydra, æ; f. an beur-glass of Jelf into another's proreaion Cleodcmus Malchus, he wrote an water, a water-pos ; alſo an intru + Clientūlus, i; a poor or little dient. hiſtory irr imi:ation of Moles. met 'wiib which affronomers mear Clima, atis ; ni a dimara;a 'meaſure Clcocora, mother of Parnaffus, from fured the bigneſs of the lars. of 6c foot curry way. wborn the hill Parnaffus had iss.Clepſydra, a mountain of Athens and Climater, čris ; m, a pot-hot, or por mama, Mefina. banger, the round of a ladder, Cicogencs, the son of Şilenus, + Clepſydrârii, thay that meaſure the Climacercs,the termes of important Clcoma, the barb spear-wort, or hour by the infrummt clepſydra. changes in sbe bodies of mo ai ribe · boire-wort. Cloptes, is"; a shief, end of five years. Cleonachus, a champion of Magne- + Cloptus, a, nm; polm. + Climactera, 2., the perilaus time Cleri, a people of Africa. of one's life, curry leven or nine Cleombrotus, the son of Pauſanias, Clericalis, le ; adj. of the clergy. Soneral of the Lacedemonians,örer-/+ Clericaliter, adv. clerk-like. + Climacie icun, that which aftend- Ibrown by Epaminondas; alſo, a Clērīcālus, ûsi; m. [à clericus]clerk etb by degrus; an uncertain divina- Ship. tion. young man, who read ng Plato's book of the immortality of the foul; threw + Clericitas, clericalltas, and cleri-Climacricus, a, um ; ad), climaan- bimfall iwadlonginio, sho fea. monia, clorkſhip, a being in orders, rical, aſconding like a ludder; dan- Cicomedes, a famoui chimpicris what Clēricor, ari ; to do sbe office of a gerous. * Aan 1 climacterici, 49, being sheased of a prize which he clerk or clergyman. 63, or 81 years. Won at the olimpic games,.ru nad Clēricus, ci į m. A clerek or' clergy- + Climatias ; m. a kind of caribquaks at his return to Anypalca he puiled moving fide ways. docön a shaol and killed any abilCleromántia, æ ; f. a footh fajing by Climax, acis F, a ladder or file, a drinį bus bring fought alurin pa lots. going up by, degrees willed, beger into a Jepuisbre, and Clero monia, 2; finn beritage. Climax, a mountuin of Phænicia, Typs.mopar foon after they.confultad. C'erõnõmus, iim, an beir. and other places. the orade conserning hiz, and.ro Clērus, i ; m: a lot, chance, heritage; Climbertum, a city of France. ceived this anſwer, Ultimus heros; anollembly of clergymer, she clergy; + Clināmcn, is ; n. a declining, or um Cleonedas Artipala us. alſo a mill worm hurtful to beas. turning aſide. Clėömēnes, -a Laccdamaian gene. * Concio ad clefum, a latin or vi. Clinas, & muſician and philoſopher of ral, vanguiſhed by king Antigonus fitation ſermon. Pytagorass fit ; if at any time bu alſo a Sicilianthus conspired with. Clegides a fainas painter, who abuſed was.provoked to.anger, he pacified it Verres and others, tbe quan Stratonice, becaulo bar did with his muſick. c.con, general of the Athenians, not refpra him. + Clipatus, a, um ; bowid driors. and others, Clefis, a river in Italy. Cline, 09.; F, a bed. Clcone, or Clcāne, or -na, a town.Cletabeni, a people of Arabia Felix. Clinidion, ii; n. a little bodo or in Pelopponeſus, between Corinth Clatharro, a town of Arabia Petræa. couch, and Argus Clēthus, the husband of pallenç, şi-+ Clincmos, a barb that curi she Cleönzéius, a, um ;'adj. belonging 19 thon's daughter, who gave nards to difuafe, bui causes barrenne]. Cicona.- ciry of Thrace. Clinice, es.; f. the art of pbisica bral. Cleonicon, the Same as cllnopo- Clevum, Glouceſter city ing by djats and medicines, un Clczas, a mountain and river of Ly Clinicus, cij.nl, one shat is bed-rid, Cleonymus, an Athenian capiain, dia, or a phyſician caring by dists, who throw away his buckler,' and Clibănārius, a, um, adj. (à cliba + Clino, arc, so bend or incline.. iron away, whence ihi proverb, Cle nus) of arinour, &c. Ciibanaria | Clinõlarius, il; a jeweller. onymo timidior. fabricá, a forge or work-houfs wbere + Clinodia, Grum, one's proper goods Cleopatra.. æ; an Egyptian queen armour was made, or inberitance, daughter of Auletes, hiler and wife Clíbănārius, ii ; m, me armed cap. Clinopăle, is; n. a bed-wreſtling 10 Prolemy the lall, 'a molt impudent 4-pet ; alſo an oven-maker. Clinõpēdium, a candlelick. women, bril beloved by Jullius Cæ- + Ciibanicus, or occur, ay on, of an Clinopēgus, ; moe bod-maker, up. far, to whom he bore Galario, af. ourn or furnace. ' haljerer. terwards by Mare. Antoa us, for + Ciibằnom i ; D. a breafl- plate, Clinopodium, ii ; 9. wild-bafl. whoo sko he aſpired to the empira; ČLIBANUS, i, m. (Kabryos] a De Clintona, the family Clinton. bus being vinguiſhed by Auguſtus, Bill, a moveable oum, or Pové, or Clio, us; f. the obief of the mufer, hollow hissfel, and he thereupon hot-boufa; wifo compleat arbour. + Clipeola, a; e ring. fuffered herself to be fucked to death Clibanus, a mountain in Italy fear Clipeus, as clypeus. with alps. the promontory Lacinjum, and a Clifis, a declination or bowing: Cleopatris, or Aranos, a city of E town of Ilauria. Clifthenes, an Athenian, who firs gypt. Clidemus, a very, ancient, writer, inurnted oſtraciſm,ar banifoment for Cleopatrus, a castain of Corinth. whole works of plants are very often ten years, and is ſaid to be the firſt Clophantus, the son of Themiſtocles, quoted by Thcophraſtus, and his that was so banified. eljo, a phyfitiar and a painiar Protogenia by, Athenæus. Clitarchus, a hiſtorian and compa- Corinth. Clides, & promontory of Cyprua. nion of Alexander, wobo fabulouſly Cleofbion, 4 tragedian of. Athens.' Ciidichus, the 261b prince of the A wrote his acts. Cleopompus, a noblo Athen.an. thenians. Clite, o city of Bithynia. Clepstrātus, ti, mi a noble and an-Clidium, ii ; n. tbi tbrodt of the tuny. CLITELLÆ, arum f. [d c!ido, vel cient plilosopher, who Brij. zorota of fiſh. à KASTÌ locus declivis) dorfers or she twelui pgns especially aries and CLIENS, -otis ;c là colo, vel Kusto panniers ; alſo a way leading to fagittarius , alſo a young man upon. cclebro] a client, a' wilal, a 10 Rome, in form of a pask-laddie; à whom the lor fall to be sacrifice to riant, a retainer. kind of bmwiſhment. *Clitellæ bo a cruel dragon among the Theſpians, Clienta, æ ; f. a fhe-client or tenant's vi ſunt impofitæ, the charge is com- but,bis friend Mencfkatus New sbe wife. mitted to one ungt for it. heal, and delivered borb biin and clientalis, le ; adl of a client. Clitellarlus, a, um ; ad). bearing A she city Clientēla, æ; f. protea ion, a retinut, pack.Juddle. Cicoxenus, an hiſtorian who wrote an uaffalage, or being under protection. Clitellarius, ii ; m. [ſc. equus) 4 hipory of Perla, which Polibios fi * Commendarc ſe alicui in clien-. Sumpter-horfi. niſhed. telam, or in clientelam aliqujus, to + Clitellãcus, a, um ; adj. baving a Clepidava, a city of Sarmatia Euro put one's self under another's pro pannel or pack-fuldla m. paa. Teftion. + Cliteaus, abe berb periclymenon. CLEP-O, fi, tum, čre ; a&t. [Kabo Clientelaris, re ; adj. 3. art. of a cli. Cli-terium, a city of Arcadla. TW) to Acad, or take away fecretly. * ent, doing homage. • Prædium cli- Cliternia, & foron of Italy, called Sermonem clepere, to lic upon the entclare, a fre-farm or copy-hold. Celano. catch, to c1vos-drop. of Clientēlārlum, a yearly fee for Cliternini, ibu people of Clitornja. i + CII- nour. of 1 CLO: CLU CL Y t Clitérni, -nini, citertai, and to Clodico, are, ró limp. Clanla, a city of Spain. unt, ibs, Hones, Clodii forum, toon in Italy, + Cluniculum, i ; a kind of word, Clitla, a river of Gauia, callid ibe Clodiorum familia, ſo called from Clūniculus, i ; u. (à cluniaja Zela Clain. Clodius, a companion of Æneas, haunch or bullock. Chotiachus, chi; m, a Carthagi. Clodius, m. lbe name of leveral it Clanicus, a, um ; adj. dijeased in nian philoſophers Wibo zahon be was Romans his bustock. Forty years old win Athens, and p, Clodius, an ennemy of Cicero, Clun'enſes, the people of Clunia. Prihod po much to joort a time, who suuſad his ixile a noted adulo CLUNIS. js ; m. and f. (climb, the Wateront plumes, and terer, taken in woman's closbes er vel à Kauçu pargo) a buttock of Tacettendo aller Carricades ; the sacrifice of Bona Dea ; whenes pavých, a crupper, alſo the log of alf a champion to sholde har the proverb, Clodias accuſat mee aroafed fowl, rabbas, &c. Tony Tatted jaunitz, he would pro chos, the devil vetsukes fin. Clunium, a city of Corsica. Fenily deparis Clodo, ērs, to four. Sæ claudo. CLUO, čre, [KAU] tfine, befa- Cliton, a river of Arcadia. Clodoalrus, the fort of Batamas king mous, purge, make dean, fight.' Chitonymus, an itallak Kilorida. of the Slcambri; , alſo the son of Clupca; æ, f. the file called a bad. Chop hon utroy Rhodes, übezarote Clodoveas who threw Sigismond, Clupea, or Clyper, & city of Africa. the hiftory, of India, France, and the son of Gundebald, king of Bur . Propria gundy with his wife and children't Clura, the fame as cluna. Olhora acon Arcadia, near which into a wall: 7. Clarinin, thefario, as clalnum. the folhalt Clitoring, which Clorlovcás, a king of the Franks. t Clafa, *; a valley. makes him ibu drink of it sa Taasb Clelia, a nobile family so enlled from it. Clutarius, a. uin, but up, Lörde for nr. Cloelius, "es companion of Æneas; adel.Clala, the chalta daughter of, king, # Chtorium, i, a woman's forets, a noble maid of Rome, who being Tuſcas ;" when Morquatus would Clitumnus, 1; a river in Italy, wbich giveti. wirb some others, as a boffage bavi mürried; her, pebrew herſelf makes the basehat drink of it Tura 1o Porſenna, dessived her keepers, from a loroer, but by the favour of dobiti and fuam över Tiber. and ibre the wind jou had no harm. Clicus, ti; m. Alexander's foller-, upon had a Patue raiſed to her bo-Clūälls, le; adj. (à claudo) caly to broshur, and melmati friend, whorn be out up. in a dränen. fit hi jezis, belanja bs Clogio, or dio-e king of ihe Franks. Clūfini, people of Hetroria. spoke again the Persian wanners Clonas, alegiack and epick port, Clūsīni fontes, barbs in Taſcany, , but berig fobar., be war jo sorry, that" iCtonia ti lakstof Libis interior. called Bagni di S. Caffiano; Duyunded thrre days, and world have Clõnjus, one of the five Beocian cap. Clufinum, (ic, far} a kind of wheat. Starerd himall, but ibar'his friends tains, who went with fifty fips To Clufinus, Janus ſo called, becauſe in diſuaded him, and to be buried him, Troy: puce his temple was used to be fout -moto jumpričomjly. Clopia; f. sheft i also: a kind üpi iClitus, a, um, ad): pleriones danya. Clūlinus, a, um, [à Cluqum) ofs, ! Cliventia, 2; apries, giadines 'lit Cloppus, a, um ; lame, whitiſh yellow. Clsvia, æ the city Cleves. iri Ger; Cloſmus, il se clacking with the t.Clufio, onis ; a loutting mary: tangüt. Clufiõlum, a równ of Umbria, now # Clivina, a bird which in footbr, Clofter, yhgfon of Arachne, who in- lon.is Flying guia fi bat the thing vented Spindles- Cluqum a town in Tafcany, called Ybould not be done. Cloſtra, a soin in Italy. Chiuſi, where Porſenna was buried: 4. Clivias, iglap singaly: *** Cloftrüm, ani incloſure. See clau-Clufios, the river Chicle in Gallia Clivis aufpicia, forboding or for- ftrum: Ciſalpina. bidding obert Clota; of Góta a river of scotland, Cluſaiæ, arum, clofets, inclofwores, iCiivõlus, a, um, (àllivus). crages culied. Cloid or Clyd. Clurus, a; um; jaut, compared. See AN, AND Yown. Clotarios, the ſon of Clodoveus ; and clauſus. , Clivnlus, 110, all alone o:bers. Clutus, a, 'um; noble, famous. houting Clotho, one of the definies, L. Cluvius, a Roman knight, ipboje CLIVUS, i, m. (natür à xhir] Cluaca, u city of Media, daugdter was fruik with a thundar- ding 'Selforty, gaming, or hoping Claáčina; Venus so called, whose bolt ground, rix afcent, particularly the image food in the place where procs Clymene, the daughter of Oceants afront or draint of any hill, I met.) was made betwen the Romans and. and Tethys, the wife of Japetus ; labour, i muutty Hence comes ibe Såblges. alſo Helena's handmaid, and ibé prowrb, Sudamus in uno slivba Cluana, a cicy of Plfenam. mother of Phaeton, called from her We roll the famour Clucidatus, a, um ; fwrit, pleafant Clymeneia prolcs CLOACA, 2fya Kucza.purgoat Cludeninis a crooked loft beld' Clýtettēldes, 'dum ; f. Phaeton's Anka sjukrs. Cloacz poblice by the mimi. ? Flers. the common ſewers. (Prov..] Ärcem Cluído, , fum, dere ; act, to foglior Clymenēlus, a, um ; adj. of Cly- facere ex cload to make upouts. Clymeneus. mene. * ciyme- vain of a molr-biil. + Glidus, for clzudas, lame.“ nela proles, Phaeton, iCloacālis, le jag. 3; art of a fook. Cluens;niis ; ſhining, zoalling, Clymchum, water-bistony,, and fapo- Clpacale fumen common. Cluentia Roman citizen accused naria. Clymenum Italorum, fron or foton Unib: by bis moder Saiſia of killing his agnus caftus, or park leaves. + Cloacare, to defile.or"pollute, Father-in-law Oppianicus, and de-"Clyinene, a none of Pluto: Cloacariumil, in: Yeaumger?sfps fended by Cicero Clypea, æ; 1. a kind of file. for Kleinting. Ginks. CLUBO, ērt; ncut. (Kauli audio).+ Clypearius, il ; a bucklerimiader. Cloacarius, a, um, adj. - bulonging so he reputed, afişemed, renowed. * Clypeatus, .2; 20., armed wicb: 10 ijinks or shaxüls. Hujus ani facerdos claco, I am a buckler. Cloacina, the goddess of., Saks, confe pritfit of this temple. Quæ nigra Clypenus, a bay in the Gerinan -fos. crated by Tatius king of Rome. eluent, which appear black. Clypeo, are, (à clypeus] to arm Cloacăla, æ'; f. a little fink. Clúcsm. a thumb. wish a bucklar. + Cioax, an arth, or vaule under, Cluida, the river Cluid in Denby: + Clypcoides, round, in fashion of, ſhire target. + Cloca, 2;,a cprtain.sune jung 10+ Cluinum pecus, ſwine foeding 4-1+ Clậpeõla, æ; f., a.roll.or ring. the pike. broad. + Clypetam, i ; n. a piaure. Ciocca, 2; a clock or bill. +Cluma, arum, barley husks. Clypeu:an, , n. [ à gte una cul- Clodia, a rich no.1% woman of Rome.) Clupa, an age. Clypeus, i ; m. $. po, vel. Xar bunta * Clodia via, Belgren Lucca and it Clūnäbülüm, a dagger, or butcher's tego] a field, buikler, or target ; Rome. Anife. alle an image painted or grauen on Glada Foira, ale równ on the Adria- + Clunaculum, için. (à clanes] the tick More. Jaims a clanabulum. Clyfinus, i; m. ? a purgation, or Ciodiana, *.8qwn of Macedonia. t., Çlunar, açis ; . the husk of birliy, Cyſna, atis; nos waſhing i a Clodianus, a river of Spain. † Cinnal.cus, ci, a fuult-finder.“ glyser. Clyfa. ground. $ CO. COA СОВ.. Clyfona, a garriſon in Egypt br br Co, præp. for con. Coagmentātio, onls , fi a comentings gulor Arabia. Coa, & town of Arabia Felix. joining or gluing together, Cyster, ēris ; m. 7 a glyſter, or gly. Coa veftis, a very thin garment of Coagmentātus, a, um, P. & A. of Clyfte:ium, ant Š Ther-pipe, a ja folk from the iſland Co: coagmotor; joined together. Clyttrum, i;.n. ringe. Coacce-do, ſii, frum; (of con and Coagmento, are; act. (à con & ag- C:yftrus, a town of Cilicia accedo) to be farther added. men, vél à cogo) to join or glue Clyiz, a people of Micedonia. Coăcervācim, adv. by braps together, Verba coagmentare, Cytænnerra, the daughter of Tyn- Coacervātio, onis ; f. a beaping up to knit word; togarber nearly, darus and Leda, wife of Agamemo together.. Coagmentum, 1; A. joining of non, in wihaje abſence, at the Tro. Coacervativè, adv, by heaps. Things toguiber. Coagmentum lan Jan war, De lived in adultery wirb Coacervator, oris ; m. a beaper up. næ, a pack of wool. *Coagmcata, Ægiſthus, and at his return New Coacervatus, a, um ; bopped roge- the mortar, or pieces cementing. bim. ther. Coägūlatio, önis; f. a curdling, Clyta, or.-C, a nymph beloved of A- Coacervo, are; act, to beap up toge-Coāgúlatus, a, un; P. & A. of.co. pollo, till she told Orchamus of his ther. agulor ; coagulated, congealed toga. ther. lying with his daughter Leucothoe, Coaceſco, ui, čre ; n. to wax four and thin Apollo made her burn in or tart fogather Coagulo, are; to curdle, commis as love with. sbe fun so long, till soo + Coaclices, m. a kind of bread, cheeſe , to make fit join. was turned into a heliotrope ; and + Coặcon, i; n. a black plaiſer. Coāgŭlum, l; A. (à cogo] runnet, others, Cordilia, um ; n. (à coactus] clofa curd, that which joins or is jpined Clytius, the son of Laomedon, and rooollon cloths for package, woollen #Fides amicitiæ coagulun, faith brother of Priam; alſo a young man facks. draws frimds together. brother of Cydon. Coaciliarius, il; m, a fele-maker, + Coalb.eo, ēre ; to make white. Coadilis, e ; wrought up as felis. Coal-eo, ui, eſcere ; to cloſe again, Canlı M. Ceactim, or -te, 2dv. forcibly, or by on grow ragather: * Coaleſcere in corpulkon. unum corpus, to become one body. CM.for comis. Coactio, onis ; f. a gathering foged Coălltus, a, um, part. of coalelco C.M. for caufa mortis, civis malus, 3 increaſed, nouriſhed. ther, compulſion, levying. centum millia, or clariffimæ me. Coacto, are ; to work up feles; to Coall;yo, ui, učre ; [of.con, ad and moria, confrain murb or often. luo) to caji fund on braps as a river Coactor, 0:is ; m. a gatherer soge- doih. C ante N. ther, a colleétor, a railer of laxei, a Coamani, a people of AGa. receiver of debis. * Coactor agmi-Coambulo, are; to walk together. CN. for Cncius, er Cnevius. nis, & forjeant of a company. + Coămicio, ire 3 10. Clarb rogaber. C. N. for civitas nolira, or civis no- Coactrix, icis ; f. for shas confirains Coămicus, i, m. a joint frimd. ſter, caufa poftra. or gathers. Coanca, a city of India within Gan- Cnacadium, a mounsain of Laconia. Coactum, i; n. jelly: ges. Cnacalus, a mountain of Arcadia ; Cordura, ze; f. a thickening, age. Coangufto, are; a&t. to ftraiten, close whence Cnacalyfia Diana. thering, a heaping together. togelber.' * Legom coanguſtare, 19 Cnagia, Diana jo solled from Cna Coactus, a, um, part. of cagor ; put narrow bounds to tbe law. gius a Spartan, who, being sold by offembled, gatbered, grown together, coarctatio, onis; f. fireining or ibs Cretans, fied into his own coun conſtrained, wrougbi, congealed. * profing ingecher try with the image of this goddeſs. Coactæ brevitatis, keps down with Coaretains, a. um.; Brain or.proffed + Cnaſo, onis ; m. a bodkin, or crifp sutting. *Coactum cornu Phæbes, together. * Coarctatus in oppido, ing-pin, the full-moon. kepe within the town. Cneccius, a river of Laconia. Coacus, us; m. confiraint, compul coarcto, are ; to Rrain or pressionen Cnecus, or cnicus, wild saffron. pon. * Coactus alvi, a barid ther, make narrow. Cnemis or Cnemides, a town and Jool. + Coarcurio, onis; f. a joining or mountain of Baotia, whmie the f Coacuo, čre ; to Jarpen. bowing rogelber. Locrians are called Epicnemides. Coad-do, didi, ditum ; lo soff or add Coarg-uo, ul, ūtum, aěre; 10 rebuke, Cncorum, or -109, 1; n. an herb or together. diſprove, convince, Mower wjąd much in garlands, one Coadj-icio, eci, ectum, icěre; act. * Coarticulo, to mgage upon articles. kind is wbite, ano:ber black. [of con, 'ad and Jacio) to call to or Coaſpernor, ari ; io doſpije together. , Cneph, a god of the Egyptians, 10 together. + Coaſpides, a gem of a green colour wbom alone they attributed the cro-Coadjumentum, 1; n. a jaint brip. mingled with gold. ation of the world. + Coadjutor, oris ; m. a fellow-half-Coaffado, onis ; f. a boarding or Cncus, the firname of many Romans. 4T, co-adjutor. planking of a floor. + Cnicus, and -um, bapard-soffron. Coadjūro, we; to help sogather. Coasta, are; to board. e room. Cnidos, an hurb iu Pliny.. Çoadūno, are ; so unite together. *Coatrae, or Caactiæ, inhabitants of the Cnidus, or Gridus, a sity of Caria, Brachia ftatuæ coadunare, re solder mountain Choatta, between Allyria and a promontorý. Here was an the arms to the image.- and Media. image of Venus, an excellent piece Coædifīcatus, a, um ; built hard by + Coauciio, onis; f. an increaſing. of Praxiteles, and bere for was Locus coædificacus, ground built + Coaug.eo, ērc.; to increaſe roge. worſhipped. upon and freighined. Ther, Cnipologus, a water wagtail. Coædifico, are ; lo build hard toget Coauctus, a, um ; increaſed toge. Cnips; ipis ; a little worm bruding ther, take up with building. ther. in the bliſters of elm-frees. Coæqualls, e; adj. aqual with ano-It Coauxilior, ari ; to belo together. + Coiſeps, an herb like parſley, tbor, 60-equal. Coaxatio, onis : f. a boarding ; alſo Cnix, icis ; D. & fly liks a gnat. Coæquo, arc; to equalizi, fill up the croaking of frogs. Cnodax, acis ; m. an iron spike, the Coæquus, a, um ; equal rogether. . COAXO, arc; n. [à ſono) to cronk gudgeon of the ſpindle of a wherl. Coæftimo, are ; to effeen ulike. like a frog ; alſo as coasſo. Cnopodium, the herb polygonum. + Coztâneo, are ; to be of the fame Coaxum, i, and coax ; the croaking Cropupolis, a city of lonia. oge. of frogs. Cnodus, a river, the ſame as Ifmc-coætaacus, a, um ; là con & ætas) Cobali , certain ſpirits of Bacchus's living in the ſame age. train. Cnoſus, se fueue as Goorius, Coæternus, a, um, ad). 60-clerol. + Cobaltum, i; n. a Noni uſed in Coævus, a, um ; adj. [à con & 2 medicine, C ante 0. vum 1 of the same age. Cobandi, e people of Germany. Coăgitātio, önis ; f. a Nirring toge. Cobatas, a famous magician of Media, Co. for conjux or controverfia. tber. in the tiine of Alexander. C. O. for civitas omnis. Coăgito, are ; to move or Shake loge. Cobio, onis ; m. a gudgross. Co, a city of Egypt. ther. Cobitis, idos ; a Smelt. Co, Coos, 'or. Cos, an ifand in the Coagmentandus, a, um ; ito be co-Coboris, an iſland in s be gulpb of A- Ægean sea. monlad, clapt or joined together. rabia. $ifi Coblius nds. 1 1 man or woman. or boil. COC C'0: D со. Е Coblius, a tóion of Lybia. Cocles, itis ; c. (nu klart] a one-eyed likewithe a fick ar buvin, Cato 130. Cobrys; a city of Thrace. In the plural, it fignifies papers Cobum, or, -bus, a river of Colchis, Cocles, a Roman, who kept Porſenna wrapped and Sealed up, as wri's und abounding, with gold fands. and all his army back, till the bridge lajit wills, epifles, loiters; and let- Cocála, a city of India within Gan was brekon behind him, and then fors patent of a prince, Suec. Claud. ges. throwing himself into Tiber swam 29. * Codicillo dare, to grant by Localia, esity of Pontus in Cappa to forei dard of gift. Codicillorum in- dòcia. + Cócolobis, a Spaniſh grape. ſignia auferse, lo fake away one's Cocalus, a king of Sicily, who enter. Cocoffates, a prople of Aquitain. parent or cb..rler. tained 'Dadalus Aying from Miros. Cocolli, a posple of Mauritania Tin- + Codicium, il; n. a bork. Cocanicus, a lake in Sicily. gitana. † Codiculus, and codicellus, a littls Cocarus, the river Cock in York-+ Codia, a kind of drink made of book. ſhire, and Cokar in Lancaſhire. feddm corn. + Codion, a kind of lettuce ; also the Coccalus, \ ; f.ſa pins-apple kernel. Coltiæ, or Cortiæ, & name of the flowers of codiaminon. Coccelus, i, m. ibe nathe of a man Alps, from Coalus a king of the Codon, onis; m. liels boll, she in Horace, &c. Qaulo. mox:b of a trumpet ; a praling Coscimelus, i; the name of a true Coctibilis, e; adj. [à coquo] lighe or talk ujve fellow. Coccinātus, a, um ; adj. (à cocci rafy of religion. Codonophorus, i, m. be that rings e fum) artaged in fearle or crimjen,+ Cotilla, un; n. charcoal, or tiles bell in his band before the corpje. dged ſcarlat. and bricks. + Codra, æ, for quadra, 2; f. 4 Coccineus, a, am į adj. of fearlet Coetills, c; adj. [à coquo) drefjed tran:ber, or crimjon. by the fire. * Muri coctiles, brick Codrava, a city of India within Gina Corcium, Ribblechefter in Lanca walls, ges. Thire, t, Coctilitia taberna, a 10:3l-kiln, a Codropolis, a city of Iliyria. + Coccoclāvātus, a, um, garniſhed place where they le'l coals. Codius, i; m. 1h: jauen!h and lufi with fearlet. Coat:llācio, onis ; f. a pouching of king of Athens, who, in a diguiſe, Bocconagæ, a people of India withis eggs. expoſed himſelf to death for his coun. Ganges. Coctilatus, a, um ; porched or boiled. ity, becauſe the oracle ſaid the Lace- Cocconagata, e city of China and Costilio, are ;.act. Cà coquo) to posch dæmonians should overcome if sbe India wirbin Gangc9. did nos kill him; alſo the name of a + Coccos, fea-spurge ; alſo the black + Codio, or cuctio, önis; m. a pro port, whoſa poverty became a proverb, chinælcon, and the frid of thymne- lar, Codro pauperior. laa. Coctio, onis; f. a cooking, or dreſſing Cecile, a city in Spain. f Coccula, or cocula, orum ; vilels by fire, a digeſtion. Caecinum, á town in the gulph of to bake or boil in. CoAito, are ; (à coquo) 1o cook. Scylla. Coccim, or -08, i ; the grain, al- Coctīvus, a, um ; 2d, is to be drop Caulus, by firnime Saturnus Jun!or, kirmes, wherewi:b fcarlat is dgid; bad, rafil; boiled, Moon ripr. who rrigned among the Aborigines allo fcarlar. +Coconum, i; n. cotton. the sist tafore the building of the Coccygius, a mosnrain of Pelopon-Coctor, Oris; n. a boiler; also a rity 807 ncrus, and a name of Jupiter. Spend thrift, Cadamuſri, a posple of Mauritaaia Coccinum, a promontors about Sicily. Coctūra, æ ; f. e dreſſing of nitat, Cæfarienfis. Coccylo, are ; to cry like a young cope or ib: mear draffed; allo e diger Cola, a ſmall country of Aitica, made yrl, lingibe old tuno. tion; a good foalin for sbr ripening famous by the sapulchres of Milt- Coccyx, ygis; m. a suckow; a gur. of appies ades and Thucydides. nard; alſo the three lafl bories of the Cactus, a, um ; part. of coquor ; Celaretæ, a peuple of Thrace. fodden, foddon, ripe. Celebs, ibis ; c. a ſingle perjon. Ses Cocetum, i; d. là xuxán miſceo] Coculum, i; n. a kettle; aljo dry calcb3. Troad made of bone and poppy-food; fricks to burn under it. Coelectus, a, um ; chosen together. a borch.po:ch, any mingled drink. Cócủlus, i ; p. [à coquus] a little Coc!erini, a people of Spain. Cobhc; town of Arabia Deſerta. poor or under cook. Colett:s, heavenly See cæleftis. + Cochilia, æ; f. 'an ofrent by wind. Cocundæ, a people of India. Cæleſyria, or Cce!oſyria, all that ing fairs. Gochilia columna, a Cocus, i, m.accol. Sue coquus. country beyond Seleucis towards E- pillar with winding fairs. Căcytus, i; m. a river of hell, sowing gypt and Arabia. it Cochlacæ, round jones in the river from Styx Cælia, the belly or fomacb. like Snails. + Coda, for cauda, a 1a:1. Coeliacus, a, um, adl. troubled with COCHLEA, a ; F. (xoxaías) a cockle, Codane, an iſland of Gedroga, the belly-ach, griped in the guts.. Snail, or lnsil fell, a periwinkle, a Codania, Copenhagen, 64 metropolis Celiaca paſſio, the cbolick. * Cee- vice, a skrow of a preſse 4 pair of of Denmark. lacus morbus, the wind or Hone- wisdirig jairsa a pump, a kind of. Codanenia, a Daniſh iſland in the cholick, griping in the guts, á Cochlea margarltifera, Baltick feu. Coeliacus, i, m. ho That is troubles i mother of pearl. * Cochicæ vita, Codanus linus, the Baltick fea, Bu with the beliy-ush or gripas. living always at home and nearly. elth, or the Sound. + Cælīgěna, a ; f. begosten of sbc Cochleare, is; ni" (à cochlea) a + Codatrémnúla, a bird called the wa. gods or in heium. "Spom or fponful. Cæ'imontana, one of the gates in Rome. Cochlearia, a; f.ſpoorsport or ſurvy. Coddu:a, a city of Indla within Gan. grsfi. ges. # Cæliſpex, om affrologer, a Bar. Cochicarium, ii ; n. 'a spoonful, the Codēta, æ ; f. [à cauda]ground over. gamer leaji ninafure of liquids; aljo a place groun with horſe-tail graſs. Colires, um ; the gods. Su ccelites. 10 ke:pisellofis or fnails in. CODEX, icg; m. [à cædo) the Rock Celitùs, ady. Là cælum ] from hea- Cochleárius, ii; m., a lea:Bone of or body of a tree; alſo a book. balls and gravel congesled ; alſo a Codex robuftus, the Rocks. Rc Cælius, one of the bills of Rome, poon-maker. . ferre in codicem, to book a thing. cailed Aaguftus, by tbe coramand of Tiberius. Cochleum, Cochlidium, and cochlis, t Codiæ, the tops of poppy, . idis; winding-faits. Codicarie įſc. naves) Bips made of Coelo, are; to carve. Su cælo. . Cochlites, a precious flone. thick plants. Caloma, atis; n. a long bollow fors Co. hlula; an iſtand near Lycia. Codicarius, a, um ; (à eodex) te. about the circles of the eye. Cochryma, a river of Thrace, which longing in the Bock of firemp of a + Cælon, a kind of bil, or painter's yakes tbe purp, thus drink it bring free. Colour: yorth back ldiibs. Códic'llaris, e; zdj. granted or helden Cælophthalmus, one that haih bol- Cocilium, à town of Myſia. by patent. · low 4,23. Cocintes, or .tum, promontory of Codicillas, i; m. & ledger-book, a co-Calosa haven or ging of Thrace. Magna Græcià, dicil , Supplement to a will; a writing Coelofía, a mountat néar Philus, Cocio, onis ; m. (à focus) podlar whereby a dan dispoſes of his goods, Celottomla, æ; f. a speaking, holloza or backfler. Hot durving loſure to make a will; in the mouth. Colum, Zoor. fer-wagtail. ven. 7 1 3 Vice. [. wbul ; , &c. СО Е C.O E CO G. Cælum, i; n. heaven. Sa colúm. æ; f. Althineſs. Coexercitatos, a, um ; sscerciſed or Coemeterium, ii; n. a church-yard, Cænofus, a, um, adj. (à canum) pradiled together. a dormitory. filihy, dirty. Cogamus, a river of Lydia. buy up in great quantity, barrow, or dung-cart. Coggyria, a tree that lifesh iti fruit Coemptio, önis; t. a buying, up, i Canūla, æ; f. [à cena) a little in the cotton about it ; Venice na aljo a formal pursbaſe whick the Supper. mach, ar filk-fumach. bridegroom made of the bride af bea Cenúlentus, a, um i full of clay. Cogitābīlis e ; adj. (à cogita] to be troshing. COENUM, 1; n. [Kosov].dirt, or a thought on. Coemptionālis, e ; whleb is often in dirty fellow. Cogitabundus, a, um ; ad). miujing buying Conus, the ſecond king of Macedo- in a brown judy. + Cocmptor, oris; i, be that buyub aia. + Cogltāmen; inis; n. a thoughs. or adopteit. Co-co,, ivi, itum, ire ; [of con and Cogitāte, or -lo, adv. upon defigni, COENA, æ; f. (Kidna fupper, om co] to mort, or come togober, cloſe, adviſedly. any meal.; for in truth cæna an jain, couple rogether, agree. *Coire + Cogitatim, adv. the same as cogt- (wers our dinner, or rather was bub In liten, to confpire in trouncing tate. tb: dinner and ſupper of the anci mien, and sharing what they can get Cögitātio, onis ; f. & thought, insis- ents, becauſe their prandium, which by falſe accufation. Coire ſocie- tion, advice, device, imagination, we underſtand dinner, was in the tatem aliquo, to join alliance with Homo nullâ cogitatione, a man inorning. It alſo fignifies the room any one. Coire focletatem alt of no fore-coſ, duil-pared. where they ſat down to meat or to cujus rei cum aliquo,' to be par: Cogitātiuncula, æ ; f. a little cogita . ſupper. Cæna cynica, a ſordid air with one in a buſineſs. Ci tion, or mußng. Supper, *Cæna dlalis, rieb inter catrix colt, tbe ſcar cloſes up. *+ Cogitātivas, a, am; adj. muſing, fainment. *Ambularis cena, when Coeunt milites, the fight begins, penſive. there is bus ont dish handed about coepi, preterperfect imfe of the old Cogitātun, is d. a thought or do- she table, * Cæna terreſtris, pbi. word coepio, I have begun or taken 10,0phers fare of barbs and roots. in hand. Alium queftum coe- Cogitāt98, a, um ;'ad), thought uporis Capụt cena, the firſt diß. *Cee piat, let him. sake up some orber intended, confidered, deviſed. na reda, a far or fuil ſupper. trade, + Côgitācus, us; m. # device or pro- * Cæna, a; f. a dining room. Coëpiſcopus, i! m. a fellow biſhop. jeet. Cenācularia, ce ; f. a letting aut of Cæpto, are so beginattemps, set COGŤto, are; 9. Là cogo, vel qu. Tooms, *Cænaculariam exercere, upon. coagito) to think, call with one's to kero lodgings to lett. Coprum, 1; n. an attempt, enter- Self, deviſe and confider. * Cogito Ceaācălārius, j! ; m. one tbar hash prize, or beginning: in Tuſculanum, I intend to go 10 bired a cock-logrį or he that provides Cæpturus, a; am ; part. fut. in rug my Tufculani houſe. . . Cogito in a supper. of cæpi ; ready to begin. Britanniam, I have a deſign to Canaculum, i; n. (à coeno) a jup. Coeptus, as ; mi a beginning. saki a voyage to Britany Cras ping-room above fairs; alſo a gar-Coeptus, a, um ; part. begun. * cogitabat irc, be bad thoughts of Tel, where she poorer fort wert woni Captus ſum, I have begun. going to-morrow, to lodge and car. + Coěpúlānus, i; m, a fellow ban. tare de aliquo, to bear ones Cænāticus, a, um; adj. of ſupper. gutter or reveller. grudge. * Spes cænatica, kope of getting a + Coepúlor, ari ; to feaſi zogether. Cognabanda and Cognabarz, citiss fupper, # Cocquatus, a, um ; made cuin, of India within Ganges. Cônatio, dnís ; f. a fupping-rom, a Cočquito, are ; to ride ragerhar. Cognāti. orum ; m. [à con & natas) parlour. Cocquota, a town of Aquitain. kinsfolk by blood or birth. Cenātiuncula, a; f. a little parlour, Coöranus, ibe name of a river ; Cognátio, Ônis ; f. kindred, alliance, of fupping-room. man hain by Ulyffes ; and a bip likeneſs, and agreement. *Ut qulf- Cænatoriuin, il; n. a night.gown, or wrack'd man jain by a dephin. que tc maximè cognatione aitian Suppor-garment. + Coērāriug, ii; m'he thai has the gebat, the nearer any was a-kin to Cænätorius, a, um, adj. (à cana] charge of wards, &c. of ſuppers. Coërcendus, a, um ; to be chaſiſed. Cognātus, a, usri; near to, aking Cenāterlo, ire; n. 80 bavi a mind Cocrc-eo, ui, 'icua, cre ; a&. (of alliad; alſo alike, or agrnable. 10 go to. fupper. con and arceo] to hold hard, bri. Cognātus, i;. a 'kinſman or courirs. Cænātus, a, um ; part. Of cono ; dle in, tye up, comşel, correa, PL Cogai, a people of Germany. which hath supped. niſh, fubdue, refrain. . Modico le Cognitio, onis ; f. [a cognoſco) Caneum, a promontory of Eubea. coercere, to conleri bimſelf with a knowing, bearing, or judging, of on Cænipěta, ; c. (à coena & peto] little. • Omnia complexu fuo cauſe, acquaintance. Dies coge a small-feuil, one that hawks for a coercerc, Lof the world) to contain nitionis, the day of trial. Cog fupper or comprehend all things. nitionem fuftinere, to delay iba Cenito, are ; to sup often. Coörcibilis, c; adj, that may be re- trial of a ſuit. Cæno, are; là cana) to be at or go Brainud. + Cognitionalitèr, adv. thoroughly, to füpper.' • Alienum cænare, to coërcītio, or coörtlo, õnis ; f. ara with perfcal knowledge. fap at another's col. • Olus co Araint. Cognitior, and -us, besser known. nare, to fup with herbs. * Ecaſtor Coërcitus, a, um, part. of cocrccor; Cognitor, dris ; m. a ſolicitors are cienabis hodiè ut dignum eft mag reſtrained, hopped, compelled, &c. attorney num malum, you fall be dealt with Coërētio, the ſame as coërtio. Cognitura, æ; f. the office or prattica according to your deforts. + Coëro, are; to have the charge of. of an atlorney. Cænoblarcba, djm. The prior of a Coërro, are ; to wander sogether, Cognitus, a, um, part. of cognofa monaflery. Cerulcus, and cærulus, a, um ; (à cor known, board. * Cognita Cænobitæ, arum ; m.pl, the follows cælum) sky coloured, blue. causâ, be caufes being fried. of a monaſtery. + Coäftimo, are'; to ejeom or honour Habere cognitam, to have know- Coenobium, ii ; n, a monafery, com. Brgethor. vints or cloijer. Coëftiboci, a people of Sarmatia Eu- Cognitus, l; m. on acquaintanci. Cainodoxus, a, um, adj. vain-glo ropea, + Cognobilis, e; adh. 3. art. clearly rio + Coēlus, a, um, eaten Noguber. to by known. Cænoenum, the city Laufenburgh in i Coëffe, so te together, Cognomen, iols ; ?n. a fir-ramı, Saxony. Coēternus, a, um ; co-elernal. Cognomentum, 1; En&a'leo + Cænofactorſ, and -ium, the daw. Coets, a posple of Aga, by the Euxine ra cyclamlaos, cognominc cifran- birs trade. fea. themos, there is another kind of low. go Cænofactorius, it; m. a dawber, COETUS, ûs ; m. [à coeo) bread, fr-named cilanthemos. or trlar. meeting, multirade, fleck, rabblo; a Cognominis, e; adj. 3 art.-braring Conopollum, il; 0, a cupboard, or feditious puting ar riot. the same name, a namo lake. place where the ſupper is droled. Coeus, a river of Mesſenia ; alſo a Cognominātus, a, um ; for named. Cenösītas, ācis, and cænolencia, gians, the son of Cælus and Terra. Cognomino, arc ; to fr-niamsi. Sri + Coga . Malè cogi. you. ledge in. A 1 to. heaven. by joint. Colancorin, a city of Germany. COH COL Сб. Cognoſcenter, ady, knowingly: of the Roman provinces, so it is Colchiacus, a, um , adj. of Col- Coga-oſco, ori, icum, ofccre . act. saken to fignify a life-guard, rai-Colchicus, 3 chis. - (of con and boſcoj to Imoso, per nus, train, or company of servants + Cochicum, i; A. the barb dog's. ceive, iwon, take cognisense of, bo attending upon any nobleman; Cic. bank, or meadow-Saffron. informed, bear and determins, un ...Si plura de cohorte fcire vells Colchinum, a term of Dalmata, derfland, Homincm. prudentem adl Lipfiuà de mil. Rom. Dial. 4. called apierwards Olchinium, cognoſces, you will fmid hin so be C. 2. Colchis, idis ; f. a country of Alia a wiſ man. Cognofcitc, priglt Colortallnus, & foldier waiting on near Pontus, the kingdom of Æetes, brarkın, underſtand. the magißrates. and cluntry of Medca, il is full of Ço-go, egl, actum, gère; act. Cor Cohortalis, e; adj. 3. art. crimined, paifons. con and ago) to draw together, or kepe in a bartoni or pon, Colchus, a, am; adj. of Colchis.. compet, te curdix, pue in rank and Cohortandas, a, um, part. fut. in + Calcis, a falſe or counterfait co- order, drive in, conclude, and prove dus of cohortor ; to be exbuted. lour. by argument, to milk a brojt. *Co-Cohortātio, õnis ; f. an ensourag- Coldull, a people of Bohemia. gere medicos, togel phyſicians to- Coleatus, a, um ; [à colcs] of the gether. Cogere lagam, to work + Cohortātiuncula, æ;f, a little ex. male fex. wool for falts. • Cogere pécaniam bortation. + Colema, atis ; n, an ointment uſed or agmen, so levy monty, or raiſs an + Cohorticòlæ, arum; f. small bands by wreſtlers, aring. In aubem cogitur aër, of min. † Colēna, æ; f. an herb like origa- the weather is wr-cal. Cohortor, ari ; dep. [à con & hor num. Cohærarius, jis m. (à con & hæ. tor) 10 exbors, encourage, bearken Colenda, a city in Spala. res) a joint-brir, tmant, or officer. Colenis, Diana ſo called froin Cole. Cohærens, tis ; agreeing or banging tСõkortātus, a, um ; encouraged. nus, who reigned boforo Cecrops. fogotber. + Cohum, 1; n. the thong whi.b ties Colens, nưis ; religicus, devout, &c. Cohærentla, ze ; f. a cobormue, hang. the ox-bow and yoke sogether; alfo Colentium, an iſland of Iliyricum. ing rogather. Colentini, the inbabitunts of Colen- Cohærentiùs, adv. more agruably or Coſbilis, ci adj. 3. art. (à coco) tium. fily. hanging togesber # Colephiam, or coliphiam, a collop, Cohee-reo, fi, fum, tore; (of con 'Coibiliùs, adv. with better sebe. Pisces of füine's frijp, cow-hal, a and harco) 10 bang together, to be kind of dry food wiib which wroft- fellow or joine-heir, so cleave unto, Co-ions, euntis ; part of coco; lers were diried. to agree well with. Hoc non co joining or coming together. COLES, !9; m. [à xounds Icapus] hærent, shefe are not all of a piece. 1 + Coincido, cre; n. so fall in loge a man's yard. Cohæres, ēdis ; c. a joint beir. ther, fall pat, jump right, Culetiani, 4 people of Pannonia. Cobatrelco, ērc; n ding tagaber. t Coinguino, aro į to defile commonly Colcus, ei; m, the Bonas, cullions. + Cohæredilo, and cohæro, arc ; * or together, to defame, Coll. a people of Caucaſus. Inherit togethe. Cointa, a noble woman martyr'd af + Colia, ae; f. a kind of dance. Alexandria under Decius. + Cohaurio, ire ; to draw Together, + Coliācus morbus, the holic. Cohibentia, s; f. a keeping una. Coitio, õnis ; f. là coco) a confpi- Colias, æ; m. a baſtard-sunny, 07 a der. racy, encounter, or a coupling toge mackrel. ber. Cohữb.co, vi, itun, ēre ; a&. [of Colias, a promontory of Attica. con and habeo] to hold or krop in, Coſturus, a, um ; about to meet, &c. Cotice, ēs"; f. the chilie. refrain, contami Bop, reprefs, hup Coitus, a, um ; njembled, entered Colicŭlus, i ; in. [ă colis ) a little Rolki Morh forbid, tie up. Cohibere into, or come together.. Colicus, a, um ; of the cholic. * Co. affenlionem, to suspend one's belief. Coitus, ûs ; m, a gathering or soupling licum medicameatus, A medicine Coh!berc fe, to moderati bim Bogeiher. * Coitus luna, tbe con good for the cholic. junctim of the sun and inson. * Colimbus, i; m. e conduit pipe. + Cóhíbilis, e; adj: 3. art. genilo, Coitus húmoris, the gathering of 1 + Colimphæ, aram; bips. an bumour, Bali to teruled, + Colina, for culina, a kitchen. + Cohibilitèr, adv. briefly, + Colx, Icis; o basket, a kind of Coliphium, il; n. wreplors diet. ofas, Cõhibitio, onis ; f. a retraining or Colippo, s town of Portugal. belding in. # Cola, a; f. á frainer. # Coliria, a kernel or ſwelling in that Cohibitus, a, um ; part.of cohibeor; Colaca, premontory of Ellopia. thigh. refrained. Cohibitum genus di-Colala, a sity of India within Gan. +Co!irīda, æ; f. orrad osade triangle- cend!, a moderatelyle. ges. wiji, + Cohianio, ire; acut. so neigh lo-Colalium, & promontory of Tapro- + Colis, is ; m., the fiem of a vine, gerber. a tender branch, or a spoof of an + Cohivum, i; 2. a roſe-brad no Coiana, e town of Armenia Ma- sar. Ses caulis, Jully blown. jor. Colla, ajf. glew ; also a kind of facrifice. Colaphizo, are; to buffet, or box Collabaſco, črc; act. (of con and fuffruges, honour. about the cars. Cohoneftor, art; to be ſet off, or labeſco] o jogger, or be ready to graced. Colaphus, 1; m. la buffet, or blow fall. - Cóhonoro, arc'; to bonour rege- Colaphum in with the fil!Colláběfac.io, čre ; [of con, labes ther. Colaphum alicui ducere or ifli und facio) 10 break down or doe Cohort-co, di, ēre ; a. to tremble 10 gere, to give one a bat on the 13r. Broj. geber, Colapini, u people of Pannonia. + Colláběfactio õnis; f. a decaying, Côhorreſco, čre;. n. to liver with + Colaris, is ; m, the name of a Cellăběfacto, are ; to batter, or make bird. cold or ſear. 80 Zotter, fright one from his purpoſe, COHORS, ris ; f. Liv. (xoptos] a Colarfini, n people of Portugal. Collăbef-io, icri; nent to be foukon, yord, backfde, with one boujes, Cõiafis, correction or picniſbmane. call down, weakened. where poultry is kept, a barion or Colaffis, she ſcholar of Lysippus, who + Collabelio, are ; to kiſs made the Coloffas. coop ; a pen for berp, or other cattle; Collárcſco, čre ; neut. (à collabo:] Vért. a band of men, or ſoldiers, + Colātorium, ii ; n. a Brainer. to tofter. a regimmt of foot in a legion, of 1 Colatum, i; n. a wine-vefſel. Collăbi, orum ; m. virginal keys, or which there were X manipull or Colacus, a, um ; [of colo] Jrained. the pegs of any mufiral infrumint bands XXX centuriæ or companies Colax, acis; a flattarar. Collab-or, eris, i; dep. (0 con and LX. Vir. Gcorg. Alſo an olombly Colaxcs, the ſon of Jupiter and Ora, labor) io nido or link down. * Ani- or company of what people forver Rain by Jafon. mes collab:tur, ibe mind da ponds. Stat. and a crowd or pack of in Colbi, a people of Æthiopia. + Collăcero, are ; to tear in pie es. animate things; Hor: * Colors Colchi, a mert town of ladia within Collachrymātio, onis; f. a weeping prætoria, wire thoſe foldiers, who Ganges, called Colchin. with oiheis. accorrpanied and guarded the ma- Coichi, urum ; the city of Col. Collachrymo, are ; ta lannent oust or gilraso, when he was sent into any chis. with others, + C1!3 COL CO'L COL take courage. + Collacrymor, ari ; ibt. fame ass Collectior, ius ; more close and com. Toprofs. or take awaj, to corsa pro- collacrymo. al pad. bond. Colligare impetum fa- Colcctanca, æ; f. foſter-ffer. Collcaitlus, a, um ; adj. gashered of re'ntis, to pop his mod currer. Collectaneas, l 'cl; m. A foper-bro. all or many ſorts. Coll-igo, ēgi, cctum, jgère ; act. Cof Collacteus,' sher. Colle&tivus, a, um ; adj. gathering con and lego) to guiher or bring 10 + Collacto, are ; and -20, ére, 10 or gashered together ;. colloffius. gaber, prepare reckon, rehe:rf, con- give fuck. + Collecto, are ; to gathertogetheri clude, Geek, gei, receive, rack up, in- Collætor, ari ; to rejoice tggriber. Collectum, i, n. that which is ga clore, call to mind; perceive, recreate. + Collambo, cre ; io lick sogatbar. thered together.. Vivere collecio; Vara colligere, 10 truſs up but Collapſus, a, umí part, of collabor , to live apon one's hores. and biggoge, as in a marih. *Cola Aid or fallen down ; diſcouraged., Collectus, a, um, part of colligor; ge ligere haitam, 10 pieck up one's Collapli cineres, afhes out of which thered together, afembled, gotion, Spear. * Colligere re in idum, the fire is quite gone. • Collapia recourred; living within a mirrow to call up his whole Arength that he tempora, hollow and funk temples. compass may give the hardor blow. Col. Colláqueo, are ; le miangle sognbar. COLLEGA, æ; m. Liv. [à con & ligere rationem, to sum up an af Collare, is; n. (à collum) a nuck lex vel legare) a joint commiſſioner count, * Ambitus capitis centuma band or collar. or pariner in ofice; colleague. duos pedes collig:t, rakes up an Collaria, &; f. an iron coliar worn by Collega, the name of a Roman con- hundred and two rest, Me ipſe malofadors. ful. collegi, I want aside. Se or ani. Collaris, e ; ad). of or for the neck. Collēgātārius, ii ; m. he that partakes. mum coligerc, to come 10 bimgelf, # Coilarłam, 11.; n. a cloib so wipt of a legacy with another. Ebe eyes wiib. + Collēgātus, a, um ; ſent with others, t Collimācio, õnis; f. an aim or level, Coltātácus, a, um ; part. of collator; \t Collēgiālis, e; adj. of a college ort Collimbris ; f. a ducker or didaya enlarged, amplified. fociety. per. 1. Collatenas, a friend or companion. + Collèglātus, a, um ; of the fume Collimīniam, ii; n.[con & limen) Collătčrālis, e; ad). collateral, en company, collegiate. the incuting of bounds. the bide, or oppofie. + Collegiādi, watchmen or warderi. Collimitatus, a, um, bounded or bor + Callătéro, are ; to join fide by fide. COLLÉGIUM. Il; n. [ à collega dered together. Collatia, a town in Italy. yel à colligo) a college, society, or Collimitium, li; n. [ à con & li. Collatina, a garo of Rome; allo sbe company ; ibe time and office of two mes) the meeting of bounds. goddeſs of bills. tegabar. *Acciper auxıliatur col. Collimitor, ari ; to border or butt upina Collātinus, i, m. ant of the feum legio natura, tko hawk bolps (the the bounds of another. hills of Rome, alſo the busband of owl) being by nature's appointment Collimo, arc, Cof con and limes) to Lucretia ; Liv. of the same college or society. level, to airn with another. Coliātio, onis ; f. a joining or coupling + Collègo, ēre ; to read or gaiber Collina, a gate in Rome. together, a contribution, a club, a witb ofbers. Collinco, are, (à con & linca] 10 collasion, comparing, * Collatio ligo Collēgo, are ; to send together. level in a right line at a mark. norum, the onſet. + Collenio, ire; to make soft or Collīno, and" -ino, ini, ut and ivi, Collatitius, a, um ; adj. contributed, gmtle. itum ; to anoint or daws over. • Ceeaa' collatitia, wobare curry Collëvo, arc ; to lift up, mitigate, or Collinus, a, um ; ad). (à coliis) of a man brings his difs. lighlen, bill or billock; growing on a bill. Collativam, i; a benevolence, ſubidy. + Colleurina, 2; f. & piece of ord. Collinus, the family Knoilcs, Collitivus, a, um, adj. clubbed for ar nance called a culverin. + Calliphia, orum ; n. chefe cakes. brought in by joint paymeni. • Colo Collibentia, æ; a willingneſs. Colliquālio, onis; f. a melting i lativus venter, a grint and ſwallmt Collibero, ac ; to make fre toge alſo a dangerous flux. belly. * Collativum facrificium, ther, Colliquef-ac!o, čci, actum; žcore ; a facrifice of many offerings togetber. Collibertus, į; m, he that is made act. to melt down. Colläto, are į act, to m'arge. frue by the ſame maſe. Colliqu.co, ērc; neut. to mult of Collātor, oris ; m. be obat pays con- Colibet ; imp. is likes me well. Colliqueſco, čre; } be melted. tribution, Utcunque animo collibitum eft Colliquiæ, arum ; f. (à con & li. Collatro, arc; act. to bark together. meo, as the toy takes me. quo) water-furrow,drains, tronches, Collātus, a, um, part. of conferor ; + Collibiſta, a; be that receives or Colliquo, are ; to conjume of midt. conferred, affombled; crmpared. gives collibia. + Co llirium, il ; a medicine for thi Collatum eſt decies, there was a + Collibium, fi ; a little gift, apples, con ribution made to times, Col. nuts, &c. COLLIS, is į m. [Komm] a little latis viribus, with joint forca. + Collibo, are ; to tafe regerber. hill ; the riſing of the back. Colātus, ûs ; m im. a comparing or join- + Collibro, are ; # make sum, or Colligo, onis, f. [à collido) a ing together, a lax or gathering. wrigb togabır. dalhing, bruijng. of battering toge- + Collatum i; n. a largifs of the + Collibrum, i ; n, a kind of money, tber. prince to the people. or all the money waig bed together. Colliſtr!gium, ii ; n. [à collum & Collaudabilis, e; ad). praiſe worthy. Colliciæ, arum ; f. gufers in the ftringo) a pillory, Collaudātio, önis; f. & crying up or field to drain ihe land, or on the Coll!fus, ùs į m. a squerzing, thruffe commending boufe-savis to catsb the rain. See ing or dahing together. Collaudātus, a, um ; conamded. colliqula. Colliſus, a, um, part. of collidor ; Collaudo, are ; to cry up by joint fuf- + Cellicinus, i; m. a dog's collar. Jquiized or beaten togeibor, • Cola frages. Collīcūlus, i ; m. [à collis] a hil. lilum vulnus, a bruija. Collecta, a; f. (à colligo] a colla lock. + Collilo, are'; to place on a hill. tion or club; alſo a fhos or reckoning, Colli-do, fi, fam; (of con and lædo] † Collixo, are; to boil together. a tax or contribution ; alſo a colle to knock, baffer, or dalh one aguintji Collobium, it; a kind of coat. or sort prayer, another. Colliduntur leges, she Collocātio, onis -> f. a placing in + Collectáculum, i; a. a gathering laws contradit one another, ordar. • Collocacio Giderun, the together. + Collifani and collifana, orum ; poſition of the lars. Collocatio Collcctănea, orum ; n. a colleation of socp kept for ſacrifics. fillæ, the danghter's portion. divers matters into one bundle. + Colligāmen, and colligamentum ; Collocãtus, a, um ; part. placed or Collectaneus, a, um , adj. gotbered a knitting or tying together. bollowed. or drawn togerber in divers parts. Collīgātio, onis; f. [à colligo) a Collocc, are ; a&. Liv. Có con arid Æs colectaneudi, old braſs. binding up, a tying fajl, e pinioning: locaj to plare in order, to let cut, Colle Sārius, ii; m. a tax-gatherer, Colligātum, 1; n. that which is bound below. * Collocare filiam fuam collector, banker. together. alicui, or Collocare filiam naptum, Colicas, ady. briefly, compendi- t Colligatura, æ ; f. a krot or band. } to inarry his daughter. Collocare Colicdim, outfly. Colligācus, a, uin ; part, of colligor; aliqucm in ædibus, to reinilute one Collectio, onis : f. & collision or bound or joined together, in bis houſe. Collocare filiam 8a87ering together; aljo an impor. Colligo, are, (of con and ligo] to nuptui in parte agri, to give half a humo, and a conclufion. bind up, 10 lic faft, so entangle, field as a portion with his daughier. the Colla 1 * C 0 L COL OOL . Colloc ve ſeđantes in caplta, so Collèvies, ci; f. } là colluor] | Colonárli , orum ; renants in villain- appoint query min to pay a faribing Colluvio, onis ; i. Jini or kennel, age. Collocuplėto, are ; to enrich, or pick : filth, naughtineſs, bale company. Colônārium, ii; n. a tax upon lands, up ricbes togetber. + Collyba, fig.carss or the liké. a land-twx; or for 'columnariam, Collocutio, önis; f. & conference or Collybirta, æ; m. & bankır, or a tax for the reparing the bigg. diſcourſing togelber. Collybiftes, $ martey-changer. ways and way-marks. Collodis, an iſland near Sardinia, Collybifticus, a, um, adj. belonging Colônārius, a, um ; ad). of busban- + Colloncs, great bips for colonies. to a bankor or' money-changer. * dry, or of colonias. # Collopes, she pins of a lule or barp. Symbola collybiſtica, lekors of ex- Colonc, a city in Phocis, Erythrza, Collops, a city of Africa. chingi. Theffalý, Meflenia ; and rock in Colloquium, ii'; n. Cic. e diálogue, Collybus, l, m. the loss for exebang? - Ada, by the port of Boſphorus a diſcourſe or treaty, colloquy.. of money, alfe exchange, and a kind Thracius. Colloquium avlum, the chatroring of junkets. Colly bo pecuniapa Colorii, orum ; Lív. inbahitants, hus- of birds together. curare or mittere, to return troniey bandmim, algo people (ont from one Colloquor, qui ; to confor or diſcourſe by bills of exihange, place to dwell in annber. together, + Collynum,iin.a little piece of money. Cðlônia, ae; f. Liv. a colony or plan. + Collorico, are, to cloaib ons will Collyca, æ ; f. a pippel, fizinel, or tation, either the place itſelf or the & coat, or mail. bun. people ; a fee.farm, ar copy-bold. + Colloſtrati, children fucking the first Collýrida, æ; f. & cake; alſo a Colonia, a 'cily of Cappadocia; and milk afler birth. kind of paini ujed by womm. other places. Collubet, imp: it likes, is pieafathi Collyris, idis; fi manches-broad.. Colonia Agrippinenfis, the city col- Collacātio, onis; f.la cutting of boughs Collyrium, ií; n. rye-falva ; alſo a Icin in Germany. in a forel. fuppofitory, frrhines, and powders Colonia Viaricensis, Maldon in El- Colluc-co, ēre ; " fins all over, 10 for the cars, &c. * Eodem col ſex. 1. br evident. . Vidi coluccrc om lyrlo mederi oronibus, to uſe one Colonicus, a, um ; of husbandry or a nia furtis tuis, I ſaw the marks of plaiſler for all fores. colony. your shirvery cuery wbera. + Collyrum, & listle piece of money. Colonis, an ifand in the Argolick Collūco, are, (à con & lucus) 10 Colmarina, ibo city Colmar in Al gulph. lop irues, so that a glade is made fatia. Colonos, a place near Athens, where in a wood. Colonius, the river Colne. dipus lived in exile, from whoice Colludātio, onis ; f. a wrelling with Colp, are, (à colum, vel Kaluw ar. he was called Coloneus ; this place 07; together. ceo] to jirain, purge. was conforated to Neptune. Colla&or, ari ; to wrelle with or to- colo, ui, cultum čre; act. Cic. à Colonus, iim. Là coloj a busband. gether, Kasto celebro, vel ab Heb.culaci man, a farmır, an inbzoitant of a + Colludio, onis ; f. a playing .10 perfecit) to worſhip, bonour respect, foreign plantation. * Colonus ca- gether. inbabil, till or drifs, exerciſe, main. tenarum, that lives in chains. + Collūdium, ii; n. a playing toge sain or keep, follow or delight in, Colopena, part of Cappadocia, and a ther; alſo collofion or dereit. to be grum to. Inter fe colcre, city of Æolis. Collūdo, fi, fum, dere; neut. [à con to love and live togaber. Det er Ser: Colophon, õnis ; a concluſon, rip or & ludo) to play together ; alſo to vitutcm apud aliqucni colere, to chief: acknowledge feigned execution, ſerve under one, • Colere vitam, Colophon, a city of lonia, famous for whereby to evade a true debt. to paſs one's life. * Qui cfficaciùs an oracle of Apollo. * Colopho- + Collūgeo, čre, and -cico, ère ; to coleret, that he might gain the more nii, the people, who were very firong bewsil together., by courting her. in ſhipping and cavalry, so that wbo- Collŭlum, i;n, a little neck. tiones, to blow the coals of ſedition, forver had the Colophonian borſe COLLUM, i; n. [à Kolov.mem-Coloa, s city and lake of Ethiopia. promijed tbemſelves viaory : wbenie brum, vel Kauaog Icapus] the neck; Coloblom, ii; n.a jacket or short cout the proverb, * Colophonem addere, aljo tbs ſpace between the top and Colobum, i; with Half Reeves, ro perfed, finift. Hence Homer (faid the middle of a bill. Co!õbõma, alis ; n. a maim, or lack to be born ibora] is called Colopho. + Collumbar, is ; n. a pillery. of any member. niacus. * Collumellares, ium ; m. she check- Colobona, a city of Spain. Cõlõphone, a pound in the Cave of A- terib. Colobrofius, á sown of Pamphylia. polio Clarins, by the drinking of Collūmīno, are ; the same as col. Coloca, a promontory of Africa. which frange oracles were given. luftro. Colocacia, æ ; f. an Egyptian bean, Cõlõphonia, and Jam, (à civit. Co- + Collūminor, ari ; to be enlig hined, of whoſe leaves they made cups ; al. lophon] ihe herb ſcanmony. * Co- Co luo, al, u:um, ère ; act. (à con ro che harb aron, or calves-feat. lophonia reina, pin tre, roin. & Layo) 10 rinſe or foxr. Colocaſia, & temple of Minerva in Colopiani, a people of Pangonia. + Collurcinatio, onis ; f. a gormon Sicyon. Colops magaus, the royal city Giger dizing. Colocalium, fi ; n, the root of the in Zeugitana. Collurio, onis ; m. a field furg. whole plant of the bean colocafia, COLOR, õrls ; 11. (à colo] colour, a Collufi, I play'd together (of colludo.); Colocaurum, a city of Germany, prstence, beauty, ihe Base or condi. Collabo, Snis ; f. a colluhim, or shrat- Colocyntis, idis ; f. coloquintida ; tion of life. • Colores rhetorici, ing among lawyers, &c. a wild gourd, durging phlego. the ſchemes or tropes in oratory. * Collüfor, oris ; m' a play-fellow ; Colõe, a Ičke of Æthiopia, and thru Colores ſomniorumi pbantaſms. alſo be that wforb collufion. cities ttere; alſo a place in Lydia Cölörātius, a, um ; adj. having a good Collusoriè, adv. with covinand fraud. near Sardis, by which there was a colour, Colluftrans, ntis ; clear, ſining. temple of Diana called Colocna. Coloratior, having more colour. Colluftratio, onis ; f. a shining or mn. Colõephryx, a mountain of Bæo Colörātus, a, um, adj. colosired, paint- lighining: tia. ed, sun-bumi. Colorata virtus, Colluftr.cus, a, um, part. [of col. Colomanus, i ; m. a king of Hun- virtui in appearani. luftror] enligh!ned, made clear. gary, who pät out the eyes of his bro- + Coloreus, or -jus, a, um ; of a na- Colluftro, are ; a&t. (ab con & lu ther and grandfors to make them in. tural colour, not dyed. ſtro) 10 jurvey, or view round an capable of reiging ; and being 19-1+ Colorificus, and coloriaus, a, um; bout i oljo to make clear. ken with a fudder forknes his brains adj. colouring Collútulo, are ; act. to daſs with Colorina, a city of Arabia Deſerta. mire ; deplı, defame. Colomeftrum, dog-bane, or wolf-bane. Coloro, are ; To colour over, clack, Collūtus, a, um ; part. of colluor ; Colon, and, -um, i ; the great gut, in muco iirid. rinled, fcoured, which is the cholick diſeaſe ; also half Coloror, ari ; to be diſcoloured, tanned, + Colluvāris, c; adj. 3. art. of a a period, thus (:) lui burni. Jink, or wallowing in the mire. * Colona, æ ; f. , (à colonus) a dame or + Colos, oris ; colour. See color. Colluvlaris porcus, a bog fed with farmer's wife. + Colos, ; m, the fundument. draft or ſwill. Cooox, a place in Troas, near Lam. Coloffz, or .fis ; a town of Phrygia, Collóvjárium, li; n. a fink, or cost lacum, and another in the out. near Laodicea, both which fell with raon fewer. wird part of the Hellcipont. an earihquake in Nero's time. Colora I . came out. V COL COL COM 1 Coloſſenſes, the inhabitants of Co. Columbuius, i ; m, a little dovr, or, Colymbus, i;m. a didapper, or das loffc. young pigeon, chick ; eljo u pond.. a, um ; ad;. like the COLUMBUS, i, m. [à Kórusov, Colyrides, small leaves or manrbets. Colofficas, image" Colosſus, vaft orinator) a cork-rigeon, . doue, acolytrus, un Athenian people of the Coloſus, tall. culver. tribe Ægæis. Coloſus, 1 ; m. a giantly flatus, the Columella, æ; f. (à columna) a CoMA, F. Vir. (Kiren] the hair. Colofle'at Rhodes, 70 cubit, bigb, liule pillar, á ſquare inonument on of the hard or locks';. Ajo sbe leaves, one of the wonders of the world. a tumb, the vrula ; alſo the chief of ribs. * Comæ priores, womens Colofis. an berb callat by the Greeks fervant of a hour. forelocks. pyrethroa. Columella, am. he wrote excel. COMA, atis ; n. a leibargy or sonti. Coloftra, &; f. [à callum, vel ca 1 lent books of huſbandry in she timno of nurd jleeping, leſco,'vel Kósan, gluteri, &c.] the · Claudius. Cómāgena, pure of Syria above cul- boflings; the firji thick mlk after Columelläris, e ; adj. 3 art. quare cia eufward. birib. and Aar like a tumb. * Dentes co- Comageni, the people ibareof, famous Coloftrātio, onis ; f. a diſeaſe inci lumellarcs, the beck 140:h. heretofore for jooshfusing, dent to rhildren from fucking fucb + Columellus, i, m. the fusk of a bear. Comragenus, a, um, adj. of Co- } curdled milk, COLUMEN, inis; n. Vir. (Kancin niagcna. * Comageiium media Coloſtrātus, a, um ; thick like bulle vel à colo) a pillar, a l'ay ay but Camentum, an oinimeni of of gooſe- ings, ditempor'd like fucb milk. trefs ; alſo the top. *Colunen acli grueſe. Coloſtrun, i; n. beefling miik. Ser onis, the main prop of the cruſt. Coprāna, orum ; a city of Cappa- coloitra. Cõlů nis; e ; found, rafe, benlily. docia, famou. for a templo of Bel-, Colotes, a famous painter of Teiumt, Colúmicas, "alis ; hialib, to st": lana. in Paphiagonja; uljo a fibolar of Columna, a; f. La columen j a Copiana, a city of Armenia MI- Epictetus, refüred by Plutarch; and round pillar or poff. nor, Tapiobane, Plırygia, and Pl. MOKS carver. Colunina rcgia, city of the Bruiii. fidia. 4 Coloutia, or Co'outea, a true bear. Columnæ, arum s F. ihe uprighe pols Comani, the sacred fervonts of Bel. ing bludder-nuis, the baard ſena. bearing the wind-team; ibu boruors lona, whereof Strabo ſass' in his Co pe, a city of lonia. of a country. time there were above 6320,who all Colpos hat pars of the paps that con. Columpe, ſmall iſlands of the Red obeyed the name and command of the tains th: inilk fou, prie;i, cind ipon some for feces of Colli, a city of Armenia Mijor. Columnæ Hercu'i, Hercules's pils Boliona, butchered one anoiber. Colta, a place in Carmania, by jhe lars; two mountains at the streights Comani, a people vinguiſhed by La- Rodes. mouth; Abyla in Africa, and C..pe dinlaus king of Hungary, at the luks Colchena, a city of Armenia Mdo in Europe. Hood, A. D. 1279. jor. Columnarium, ii ; n. a Hibute cx-Comania, a country of Aſia about Colubæ, a people of India. ased for every pillar of a houſe. Hyrcanda. COLUBER, i; ni. (xbaudp:s) + Coluinnārii, Orum ; in the col- Conans, gen, antis z. adj. 3 art. ha- Snake, an adder. leators of thif tribule. ving long hair, leaves or mins. Colubra, x; f. a female ſnake or ad + Cołuméār:us, a, um ; adj. having Siella comans, a blaxing ftar. der. many pillars. Comarchus, i; mi an earl or.go. Colubrala, a mediterranean iſund Columnātio, onis ; f. * building or vornor of a.sown and city, burgo- full of nakes, called Dragonera. proppirg witb pillars, infier. Cóūbritei, a, um, adj. Là coluber Columnātus, a, um ; adj. propped Comarin. a people of Aſia, beyond & fero) barring nakes or adders. with pillars. * Os columaalum, the dijäris of Scythia. - + Colubrimodus, a, um ; adj. like leaning on one's arm. Cõcarum, i; n. a crab, or wild- suake! Columne!la, æ ; f. Là columna] ing. Colubrinus, a, um, adj of a fragke, little pillar, Coinarus, i ; a crab.or grab tree. crafty. + Columnclli, orum; the dog-treth. Comarus, a haven by Nicopoiis. † Colubrum, i ; n. a kind of inſiru. Columnifer, a, um ; adj. [à colum- + Coorātor, oris ; m, 1 fnar or trim ment. na & fero) ſupporting a pillar. COLUM, 1 ; n. [à colo, vel kə oy * Radius columniſer, a pillar of Comāru!us, a, um , adj. (à coma- membrum, vel Kaduw arcco, &c.] fire. tus) fine and trim, wearing hair a rullender, a Prainer, 4 wheel to + Columnŭla, æ; f. a little pillar. forrewhat long. catch fiſh ; alſo the cholick. + Columnos, for culmus, shefalk of Comātălos, i, m. he that has a fair Columba, æ ; f. a pigron, a dove, or corn from the root.co the car. head of hair ; a fop. culver. See columbus. Colonum, Colebrook in Bucks. Comatus, a, um ; wearing the locko Colunvānus, he was born at Colum Colura, and -ja ; bealls which haur lung, alſó buſhy wish leaves. ba in Ireland, went into France to ne tail, and may ays be sacrificed. Comazon, the name of a conſul. pripagate the gospel, and was ba- Coluri, orum; the soiures, iwo ir Comba, a city of Lycia. niſed by Thcodorick.. cles, which paſs through the poien, Combana, a city of Carmania. Columbaria, an iſle in the Tuſcan and divide shi globe like an apple Combe, the daughter of Alopus, res, in four egual paris. who is Suid for to have invented Columbāria, orum ; n. pigeon-holes, Colurnus. a, um ; adj. [à colyrus] brass armour ; where the is alſo a pillory er proces, mortife holes, of bize. called Chalci. &c. COLUS, i or ûs; f. [ à colendo, + Combernoncs, companions in the Columbāris, e ; adj. 3. art. Of A vel à Kang lignum] & diftott * fume w.182on. dove or pigeon. Colus ruitica, wild baſlard saf-Combi, or Ombi, a city of Egypt. Coumbarium, ii; n. a doue-houſe or fron. Combi-bo, bi, bitum ; to drink 10- dove-cours, † Columbarium fiétle, Coluftra, &; f. l à coaleſco]bre gether, to keep company, Artes an earthen por for birds to breed Coluftrum, i; n. S jiing.milk, Sec combibere, 10 learn the arts with in. coloftra. orbers, or divers arts, Columbārius, ii; m. a dove-keeper or cõlūlea, æ; f. a true braring bladder. Combico, onis ; m. a pos.compa- Seller nuts, or St. Anthony's nuts. . nion. Colunibātim, ady, like a dove, + Cõlutcun, a great quince pear. Combinātio,onis ; f. la combination Columbina, æ ; f. vervein. } # Coluthea, orum ; junkits. Combinatus, ús ; m. a coupling to- Columbina recta ; Areigbt or uprigbs + Colycæ, arum ; caves wherein falt gener ; a doubling the same word, vervain. peire is found. called alſo cpizcux's. + Colucabinus, a kind of gem. Colycantii, a prople of Alia, now Corbinātus, a, um ; combined, cou- Columbinus, a, um ; adj. of a deve. loft. pled together, compounded, Columbina terra, a kind of marle + Calycia, or corycia, or corythia ; Combino, arc, là con & binys), t. to fat ground. a kind of Jbell.fi. combine, couple, or glue lógahar. Columbis, a kind of duck. Colymbades, um ; f. pickled olives. Comb:cæ, the people wbo worfoipped Ý Colombo, or -bor, api ; to biflor Colymbarium, a promoottory of Sar- the crocodile a fi like davis. dinia. Combrea, a city about Pallone. Çombre: 1 . COMI COMM COMM Combretonlum, Breienham.in Suf- Cominſena, a country of Parthia. Commani, a prople about Margi- folks. Comiaus; ady. Liv. (of con and ma 202. + Combretum; /; n. thg berb- volu nus) nigh at hand, hand in hand, Con manipulatio, onis; f. a ga. forthwith. thering together of foldiers of one + Combū-ro, fi, fam, rĕrc; ad. COMIS, me; adj. for, [mộous] band. [of con and uro] to burn upcr cor. courteous, cffable, good-norarid. Commanipularis, 78; m.[à con & Jume. Combarere diem, to ſpend Comiſena, province of Armenia Commanipulo, onis, m. manipu- all the day in a cbimiz-corner. Major. lus) e ſoldier of the fans company, a Bombulla, a cire of Gallia Narbo. Comiſsatio, onis ; f. a rouilling. comrade, follow-foldier. cnfis, about the Pyrenean hills. + Conille, for comediffe. + Commarceo, ērc ; to wishor, wax Combustílis, and combuſtibilis, c; Comisfor, ari, [wwuášv). !revel, lither, or heartleſs. that may be burned, or el good sbier. See comef-Commăritus, i ; m. he that is inſead Anbartio, onis ; f. a burning. for. af a busband, or partner in a wife. Combuftus, a, um ; [of comburor); Cómiftrum, i ; n, a porter's fare, or Comma!củlo, arc, (à con & maſcu. burnt or conſumed. a carrier's hore, lus) to put on manfulneſs. Com- Conc, és; f. the berb goat's-beard. Coinitas, ātis; f. [à comis) kindneſs, maſculare frontem, so for a bold Comedæ, a poopls of China. gentlenifs. *•Exquifiuffimæ co face on a thing Comedendas, a, un to be confumed, mitatis coenam dare, to treat ore Commata, um juices of water. gasen up, &c. af ſusper very courteouſly and frank- + Commăl-er, ris ; a god-mother. Comedim, for copedan. Conmaticus, a, am ; of foort la- Com-odo, ēdi, ēfum, er eftum, edérc + Cõnitatengs, e; of the fire. tences. Commaiica pronuncia. or effe ; act. to eat up, contume in t Comitendis, or comitatengs fabri tio, a pronouncing by Jbort pieces of rios, to forget. * Comedere ali- ca, a court fältion. fonimees. quem, to cat ope out of biuje and Comitātier, us ; better accompanied t Commaticus, i ; verfifier, home. ar attendid, Commatiin, adv., briefly. Cănědo, or io, onis; m. e glutton, Comitātus, a, um ; accompanying, or + Commãtūrus, a, um; riie sogee Spendibrift. - being accompanied. ther. Couedas, is the same as comedo: Comitātus, Us ; m. a train, retinue, Commcans, 'ntis ; piling ro and a- Comenii, a prople of Illyris. county cr bira. gain. * Coinmcant:s, wuy faring- Comenic8; ;thi people of Comum in Comitellus, i, a little companion. mon, or ſoldiers upon a convos: Fiancé. Coniler, ady. kindly, lovingly. Commcātilis miles, a ſoldier sillow'd Comerus Gallus, a Frenchman who + Comitia, or -uiva, a; f. an earl. meat for part of his wigos. led a colony iñito Italy, called the door, the dignity of a comes Commcator, oris ; m. á mellenger counting by his rinme, and taught Comitia, orun; n. p!..L!v. (à con belween two pariios; poft. them law and juice. & co] a niceting of people for the Commcarus, ùs ; m. [à commeo] Com:iðs, Scytha, a 'Scythian why ele&tion of burgeles, &c. a parlia. Safe conduti, a rol-port, leuve to be taughs :he Italians to build a city of mens-hour. * Indicere comitia, abfent ; alſo the time of that liber- Waggons. to appoin: the day of afembling. #y; proviſion, communs, a pedige COMÉS, -itis; c. Tacit. [à con & Constialis. e; adj. of the freeting to and fro, a convoy, * Iniciclu- .co] a companion, a follower ; allo for eie&jins, or coancil houſe. * dere hoftes conmeatu, to inter.' an earl; alſo a tutor of great mom's Mirbus com.cjalis, the falling-fo:k cept the ene::y's conucy; Jika Iber children; the bad of any libosl or nel which did put hy the day of proviſion. * Commeatum totius fociety; any one of the emperor's cliations. Comitialis homo, one æftatis obtinebat, he get leive to COUTI or train. • Comes domicit! troubled with the falling.fickneji, or be ablent for the whole jummi * corun, the maſter or compiroller of a buy-body. Accepto commeatu, having got a the king's houshold. Comes pri-Comitiáliter, adv. like one troubled pa's. vara rei, she kesper of the privy. with the falling-firknes. Comměditor, arl.; 10 liudy hard, com- $Hoje. Comiles jud:cum, licu:e- Comitiarius, a, um ; adj. pertaining fair with one's felf, to make a miar manis, facicsaries, or ſuch others as 89, or after the manner of anodem- re'emblance. accompanied for olijed judges or the by of the people. Commeio, cre ; lo pis together. shiel gour noss of provinces * Co-Com:tiātus, a, um ; comfen by content + Commembrum, a. fellow-member mes genius, one's gmirdian angel. of the peopla Comměnilo i, -iffe ; to tear a thing Comeſsãbundus, a, an ihas uforn Comitāius, úsm. an aſſembly for well in one's mind. to go a revilling. chaions. Coniačmorābilis, e; adj. 3. art. fit . Comitiffa, æ if (à comes] a couna to be reckoned up or remembred. Comcfsātin, õnis ; f. a revelling, an lefs. Commemorandus, a, um ; adj. to be meaſonable or unreaſonable ras- Comitium, ii ; . Liv. [qu. coitium mentioned. ing à coco) a part of ollembly, council, Commemoratio, onis; f. a remeno Conseſsator, õrts; M. reueller. or parliament huſe. brante, commemoration, monsioning comeffor, ari; (à comed, vel à + Cómito, are; the rime as comi pulling in iniid of. * In aldua Koues temülentiæ Deulj 'lo revel, commemoratione omnibus effc; cat riolouſly. Cómitor, ari; 80 accompany, wait to he often remembered by all per- Comcft, for comedit. ufon, or follow; alſo 10 be followed, fons. * Comoftio, onis; 'f, an esting. &c. Commémoro, arc; to tell, rebearſ, Comeſtor, oris ; m.:an rater. Coma, atis , n. the point of a ſingle report, put in mind of Comcitūrá, a.; l. an esting or feed. fentence when it eniers into a colon Commcnales, a river of India. ing or period; alſo a ſentence compriſed Commcndābilis, e; adj. 3. art. com- Comertus, a, um ; part. [of comc in one ſop; alſo a piece of baſe mi mendable. *Nullo commendabilis Comelus, } .dor] caton up, riotouſly. ney. • Mali commatis, not worth merito, having no merie for which evafted. a great. he could be recommended. Cômēta, &;. ?m. acomet, or blaz. + Commăcălato, onis ; f. a spotting. Commendatio, onis ; f. a continend. Comētes, æ ;} ing ſar., Coasinäců acus, a, um ; Spotring ing or praising. # Ponere in pri- Cometes, one of the Argonauts, father Commăcủlo, are ; to pot, dekle, or mã commendationc, lo praiſe mof of Asterion. fain. Comi, a prople of Baatriani. Commăd co, ui, ore; to moiſon, wt; Commendātitius, a, um; adj. ricom- Comice; adr. pleaſantly, comically, alſo to be wet all over. mondatory, Litcræ coinmenda- as in a rome ty, + Commăiaxo, are ; to plaifter, poul titiæ, letters of racor mendation. Comicus, a, um , adj. comical, of a tefs, or al wage a wound. Commendātor, oris; m. be that com. comedyDavus comicus, Dayus Commanducatus, a, um ; chewedo mendeth. charakterized by Terence. Commanducātus, a'; m. e chewing. Commendātrix, icis ; f. Me that com- Comicus, i į m. a writer of comedies. Commandūco, are ; ro chew, mendeih Comidava, a fouin of Dacia. † Commanducor, ari ; the fame, Commcndžius, 2, um ; commmdod, it Cominia, to kind of olive. Commăn co, fi. fum, ére; açat. committed to chirgs, praiſed, e- Cominium, e city of the Samnitcs. carry foguiber. Dearned. Commcndatum habere tor of all. $ ali-] * Coinminativus, a, um ; adj. of Commixtus, a, um ; patt, of conta a good turnt, gain, opportunity nodd, 80 put in mind, adzonifb, rohearre CO M M C O M M CO M M aliquid, to be entrujied with, 1o. lake Gommilito, arc; to fight or farve in to be mixed. an eſpecial care of a thing. #Com war fogather. Commixtio, Enis; f. a mixing togde mendatioris effe famæ, to be of Comminātio, onis; f. a threatening. ther greater clem. Comodendo, are'; act là con & threatening mjiceor, ; mingled. mando] to commit one to the core or Comminifcor, fci; [à con & mic-Commodācio, önis; f. a lmding favor of another, to cominand, fatmini) is deviſe, invent, frign. Commodātor, oris ; m. a lenda. forth, give one a good chara&ter Comminiſtro, a c; to farve or help. Commodātus, a, um ; filled, or inada Vina facco fuo Conóc dans, ina. + Commino, arc; to grosson ; alſo fit, frited, lone fruey. Cibus ito. king wines by its juice mire palata to land or drive, as herds of cati'e. macho commodatus, muat juiind or ble, Coin minor, ari; to threaten earneſtly Irade fil for the lonach. Com- Commenſus, 6s; m. (à commetior) t th band and wordi. Irodati actone agere, ro fue a max an equal proportion or meaſuri. Comminuendis, a, um ; part.-fut. for 1.0t refloring femalhing lent. + Commentāculum, i ; the rod of an in dus, to be diminished. Con modè, iùs, iltiine; advi will, uſer or moormal. Comminuo, ui, ūtum, čics to break bandjomily, conveniently, filly; to + Commentārienfis, is ; m. a a regi in picces, bruilo, abar, nogle7. 'thi purpose, luckily, sovintageouſlys -giller or jailor. Comminùs as comiaus, ady, nigro as * Commodè cault, it happens luce Commentăriõlum, i ; u. a little re band. kily. : . Minùs commodè audire, gifer-bock or journal. Comminūtim, adv. by frids or pircas. 10 be ill spoken of. Sarilne Illa Commentārdam, ii; a. a priſori or Comminūlus, a, um, part, of com como: oid dici poffent Latine, jail. mivuor; dininihed, broken in piacos. whether they may be bindfornily Commentārium, in a commi # Comminurus refamiliari, imgo turned into 1 alin. Commentarius, ii ; mis tary, regi- Viriſhid. Commoditas, aus ; f. commodity, fer, a comment, expofition, fort te- Comaſcco, yi, ſtum, ere; to mingle convenience, advantage, profit, oopore membrances. * In commentarios Roger bar. Abco ne quid tecuiti tunity, fitnes, gemileri, sibility: rcferre aliquid, to regiſter a thing. confili commiſcean, I depart that + Commodito, are, 10 land often, 10 Commcntārius, ii; m. a commenta I may not be privy to your defign: plesierä сote. tar Commiſc-cor, cri; part. to be mix. Conmodo, are ; act. Cic [à com- Commentatio, mis ; f. a meditating ad. • Commiíceri mulieri, to lic Dodus) to pleafürt, hitp, lend, aps e deviſing, a drbating, a defcrip. with a winan. Ply, trim, make fit ; alſo to borrow. rion, commentary. Commiſerans, ncis ; taking pity, Commodare ſeveritatem pecca. Commentātor, oris ; m, a devifer of Commisčrātio, onis ; f. compaffion. tis magnis, ia punift groot faults Inventor ; & cogidintator. Commiſercſco, čre ; ta pity ople, feverely • Commodard loquelam, Commentatus, a, um ; invented, diſ Mc ejus coinmjſercícit, I pity his to ſpeak flly so. Pated, cominented, or explained. caſe. f Commodò, adr: fitly, ora in good Coamentlor, iri; Polye or frign. Commisēror, ari ; to have pily upon. time. Commentitius, a, um, ad. Là com- Comuiffio, onis ; f. a matching two commödůlč, ady, somewhat stly, of mentas) invented, frigned. antagonifts together to gros proof of conveniently. Commentor, ari ; [à comminiſcor] their irti a commits.ng ta cuflody Commodum, i; n. profit, advantage, to Budy, inueni, compoſe, diſpuni, alſo a beginning, a compofition. counterfeil, think upon, treat of. Commiffor, oris ; m. a Farfer. Commentor, āris ; m, an inverser, Commifforia, lex, a clauſe in a con to advantage. * Si ei commcduni or deviſer. tract contuining an exception. effet, if it would turn to his advin. Commentum, tl; n. & commont or Cominiſfum, i, n. an offmei, trof tage.. * Quod conimolo tuo fiat; exposirion ; also s device or le. pofs, forfeiture. In commirüm to it be no prejudice to you Coinmentus, a, um, part. of com or in caufam commifi incidere, Commodum, adv. in good time, con miniſcor; deviſing, commenting ; to be confiſcard. Commisto tol wniently. * Commodùm ad te alo invented, forged. lore or vendere, to foizi on as for miſeram, cam, &c. I had ſcarcely Commco, are ;' to paſs to and fro. frited font to you, but, Sec. Quos ei Com s'ercium, it;n Cic (à con & i Commiſsüra, a; f. a fiam, joint, commodum fuit compellavit, bis McFx] commerce, truds, acquaint closure of any thing. * Commoisia. Spoke to whom he thougb! fit. ance, dealing together, Nec ha ra verborum, an apt connsation of Commod-us, a, um; ad). -ior, iffi- bet ullam cum virtute commerci wurde. Drus (à con & modus) fit, con umia um, he has nothing to do with virtue. Commiſſus, a, um; part. of com ent, good, profitable, tractable, libe. Commercia venarun, the cloſing mittor; committed, mingled, began, ral, curicous, trimmed, comely, lus. of veins, Commercium facere fet toge:hir į alſo forfeited. Scipu. ky, ib:ifty. *Minùs commodâ uti thoris, to fall frankinienje. latio commifia, a promiſe that ought valetudine, to be out of frime. * Commercor, ari; to trafik or trade. to be performed Capitis mäci de Homo commodâ ftaturâ, one of an Comměr-eo, ui, itum, ēre; and cor, votionem convicta & commir. indiferent height. Cominodius ēri; to demerit, incur a penalty: * fam putabo, I ſhall thiné myſelf viſum eſt, it immed much betur. Fatcor me culpam com meruiffc, I liable to make good my vow. Conradus, a' Roman emperor; for confefs I have committed a fault, Commitigo, are ; to of wage another, and ſucceſſor fo Antoninus, very un. Comměritus, a, um; having deſerved. or pacity like his father ; alſo the name of • Æftimaiioncm commeritus, one Commitendus, a, um ; parti to be two confuls. that deforuri an ampiament. committed, or aſcribed. + Commer-co, ui, ăne; to ourg + Commelsālio, onis; f. a rovelling. Comm-itto, f. a rovelling. Comm-itto, ifi, iffum ; t enirull, together + Commeſsātor, onis ; m. a reveller, commit to be charge of anther, jiin Commol-ior, itus fum, iri ; to endea. † Commcfor, ari ; 10 Tiot or revell. and put together, commit, begin, vour together. See comeffor. cauli, give occafion, refor 10, umiuro Commõlitus, a, um, part. of com- Commētior, iri; to meaſure. deliver, compara, 'alamble, prouske, mo!or ; ground, broken, malbid. + Coumeto for commco. confiſcate, Committere maria, Commolo, úl, itum, čre; acto to Commi&ilis, le ; adj. [à commingo) so let in two seas one upon another, grind or bruiſe sogathor. contemptible, to bi piſ on. * Committere hiftoriam, lo enter .commonc, an inand hard by Ephc. Commigrātio, õnis ; f. & flirting upon a hiflory. Committere pal fus. from one place to anorber. pebras, to fout the eye-lids. *. Commõněf-acio, ecl, actua; acčte; Commigro, are ; to remove one's Committere frigori, 10 expoſe to dwelling bag and baggage. the cold. • Committerc fpcctacu- commono-fio. faalus ſuns, fieri; * Commilas, itis ; m. a fellow-foldier. lum, to ſet out plays. Commit be warned, advertiſed, Commilitia, æ, f. Za company in tere mul&tam, so deferve ameria Common-co, ui, irom, Sre; act. Commilitium, ii; n. 5 soldiery, fola mont. Committere aliquos inter Clc. to give a general warning, to lowſhip in war ; alfo fellow-fuden. le, to ſet them Logether by the cars. adviſe, pur in mind of Com. Committere prælium, to join monere aliquem miſeriarum sua- Commlito, õnis ; m. a follow fola barile. rum, officit Tui, to put ons in mind dier, comrads. Commixtilis, le ; ad). 3. art. mix, of ons's miftry, cury. Tito Com : Th&W Wir (omorer. Cornua .difputationis commorare, Comedicus, a, um ; of a comedy. "Я C O M M COMP COMP Commoni, a prople of Gallia Narbo & munis] commons, publick, appro. Compāgo, inis ; f. Su coin pages. ncalis. vad of all. * In commune libo-Compar, ar.s; adj. squid, even, well- Commõnitio, onis ; f. a publick wari rant apes, upon , cornmon account. marched. ing er aduertiſement. Dies communes, half-working Compar, äris ; c. a march, compa. Commõnitoriqm, li; no letters man. days, Res communis, the cons nion, bu band or wife, datory, a private conumiion without mon-wealth, Compărábīlis, le adj. 3. art. that record. Communitas, ātis; f. a community, may be compared. Commonitus, a, um, part. of com: participation, forsety, a heving in Co:n părāndus, a, um, part. in dus ; mopeor, admoniſbed, warned. common ; alfo jufiica. to be compared or equalled, Commonftratus, a, um ; forwd. + Commonite, adv. flrongly. Compărăsc, adv. comparatively. Commonftro, are; to liw ugeber, Communiter, adv. in common. jointly. Conpărātio, onis; f. froniifion, pre- to tracb. + Communitio, Jols; f. A fortifying. paration, getting comparifon, pro- Commoratio, önis; f. an abiding, Communīcus, a, um ; part. of can portion, regard, wgrement. WCoin: Haying ; alſo a jopping another. munior ; fortified, foued. paratio novi belli, iba levying a Commor-deo, di, fum, dērc; 10 bile Communitus. adv.by.common content slike or bara, Commurmurātio, onis; f. a mur. Compărativun, l; n. The comparative Comměrientes, dying togeiher, 4.10: muring together, mumbling. degree masdy ſo called in Plauius. Conmurmuio are ;. 7 to inutter or Compărătivus, a, um , adj. compa. Commo rior, ri i to die together. Commurmuror, ari ; } mumble. rativa, At to be compared, Commor or, ari to abide, ſojourn ; Commūtabilis, le ; adj. 3. art, incon- + Compărător, viis į m. a gatter or alſo to pop another. Commorari Aant, afly changed. verbis pluribus in rc aliquâ, so in Commūratto, ānis ; fi a shange or Compărātus, a, um ; ordained, pro- bft muzb upon a thing. sbanging vided, received into uſe. Co:n. Commorſus, a, uni part, of com-Commūcātus, a, um; part. of com paratum cit, it is an order or wa. mordcorbinen. mutor ; changed, altered. Coinpar-co, ci, corc; 10 spart, jerapa Commortalis, lc, adj. 3. art. wholly Commūtātus, us; m. a change of together. My living very near. trail, mori.. alteration, a buffering, trucking Compar-co, ui, itu:n ; to appear or Como oficus, a king and high-prieit Commūto, are ; act. to barter, or be in hghi, exlant, at hund, or of the Cetæ. change one for another. Com forth coming. * Qui morto nur Commõtāculum, as Commentacu mutare verba, to chop lrgick. fond quim conparebas, bar lately plaid lon, and prove. # Vitam com morte Taiff in sight Comparebunt quæ Commõlio, onis ; f. a commotion, a commutare, lo die. imperas, jour communus fuit de Pirring, a mioon. Como, are ; (ä сoma) to attire, to obeyed. Commotiuncula, æ ; f. a ſmall to waar a bufla of hair. Comparilis, le ; ant. equal, cum. tion or paffion, a grudging of a fi. Com-o, priptum ; (acou vel à Compar li ratione, in like dunner. Commõtus, a, um ; part. of commo- coma] to comb, deck, trice and frim Coinpă:0, are ; do march of compare voor moved, troubled, angry, da Dum moliuntur, dum comun rogether, order, gat, toifa. procura, fraid, difracked. . Commolas für annus eft, theſe women are a join, plos, pur bile. * Ego me sta mentos reftituere; to reſtore folks to Iwelve month equipping and aftiring compa avi, I h:106 brought sjef their right wird. * Ego jam te themſelves. lo shut paſse comparare lecta commotum reddam, fi vix every Comedia, æ; f..a comedy, a play, urere, 10 go about to fire the boufe. vein in your beurt. repreſenting, es in a glafi, the courſe * Comparare inter fe, 10 agros Comm.Ovco, Ovi, ötum, dvēre ; act. of a private and ordinary conuer/ upon. * Comparare vultum fuum 10 move or jir, vex, Temeve, raiſi ex vuilu alto:jus, to let his own up, afonif. * Conmovere pecu- Concedicè, adv. pleaſantly, waggiß. Coun$cnincs by another's. n'am. to taky up montey upon ulo. ly, like a comraian. Compa-ſco. ſcui, ftun, ſcore, 80 fred soge:hır. to refute a dilemma. Comodiðgrăohus, i; m, a pori sbar Compa.cuus, a, um ; adj. common Commol-ceo, a, çēre, act. to paria writes comedies. for p?uraze. *Jus compaſcuum, fy or afwage. Côn:cedus, i, m. a lage-player, an right of commoning, + Commulciäen, inis; no anias actor of comediess, Compallio onis;f.a fufiring together. wwging Comapolis, is ; f. a large village. + Compaffum, a compa's, dial. + Commulclum, ii; n. the mark of Comopolis, a town of Afryria. Compaſſus, a, um ; part. of compa- a blow about the syt; alſo shamo Comolandalos, the power hyacinthus. fior ;. having ſuffered together. and reproach. Cõmolis, be drogs of wax, the fift + Copaiticæ delicia, vuin glorious Commulco, are ; so friks or preſs to - foundation of the bie's work. burfings. gober.; alſo so wbip. Comol-us. a, um , adj. -jor, iffi Compăter, tris ; me e god father. Communc, 13; n. a common-wralib, mus; (à coma i viry.bairy, full of Compā-tior, fi'; to ſuffer together. city, univerſity or college. kavis or branches. Coup trjött, a; m. (à con & pa- + Communicabilia, Ic; adj. 3. art. Comotriæ, chemder-maids or tiro triaj a fellows-countryman, whi:h may be communicated. Co:1 patronus, i; m. a copririner, Commúnicátio, onis; f. a comuni. Comotion, a curling-iron. Conipăveico, črc; to be fore afraid. roting, imparting, conſultation. Compactilis, lę; adı: [à compa&us] Compăcivus, a, um, adj. cruſhed, Conmūnicātas, lls ; m, on impart framed ergesher; jsined. or iramiled on. ing Companio, onis ; f. a joining or ser + Compavo, and -jo, ère ; to beat, Comunicatus, a, um ;-part. Dada ting: - Coupactio acabrowia, irampla down. or making another pariwis a knitting the limbs together, + Compecto. čre , to comb ingether. Communiceps, Epis; ... [à commu- Compactum, i; 8. a company, comso- Compēda, æ; É. a' folack. nis & capio) a Townſimon or fol. jition. agreement, bargain. *D: Compëdes, a, um; f. and abl. fing. lozo.cirixin. compacto agere, so act by compler compcde (à con & pedes) foisor's, Commüni o are ; act. Cic, to come or combination. Shackles, floppages, birrisadors ; alfo municate, imrari, inske common, dif-Comp. tus, a, um ; part. of com. women's ornarnenis. courje together; alſo to defie. pit.or; wollniet, mufled, or joined Compēd-10, ivi, itum, irc ; xo facile Communicare inter fe aliquid, to together. CT Tetler. diſcourse of a thing privaidly.' * Compāges, is ; f. [Of compingo.) a Compēd tus, a, um ; part. of com- Co amunica mecum hanc provia. joint, or joining together. pod or ; fallered, jurkied. ciam, alii ma in this bupneſs. + Compagia, the heads of the borust Compédo, ère ; so fari sogesher. Commun-lo, ivi, irc, itum ; act. 1o where they are joined together. Compegi. Set compingo. Sortify on all pdes. + Compāginatio, onis ; f. a joining Comfeltátio, ūnis ; f. a chiding, call. Comunio, onis ; f. a coinniunion, or ſetting together. ing by ram. joint part:kingi Coupāginācus, , 2. um ; part. sei, Compello. are ;, act. to acreſh, Speak Commüni-or, 15 i gen. -oris ; adj. framed, joined together. urio, accuje, blaine, 16 bring one's nort cornnon or familiar, Compāgino, arc;, ă compago) 10 nome in que son. • Compcllare Com mūnis, ne ; ad}: 3. art. [à con cloje or join together. lcge, to sue at law. Como tion. wonnen. 5 yuars old, pr XI. !!! COMP COMP COMP Comp--llo, úli, ullum, clère; a&.1t Compeſcāt!o, ons ; f. a good car + Comple&ite for compleetimnt. iu drive rogorher, to compell riage of one's life Complc&or, čris, ti'; to embrace, con Ad laqueum cum compulit, h Compeic-o, ui, erc; a&. (à con & tain, ſum up, confider, concriur; do. mude him hung hineif.' lo le paſco) so relirain, Ranch or quench, Sorine, handle, fociate. * Amore thargum compel ere to bring ons elwage, crafe, kat papurt together, comple&ti, 10 love entirely. into a lothargy. • Ad humanos cl tp:10, forbear. * Compefcere vi Comolementum, i; n a filling up bos complit, he drove them to eat tem, to prune a vine that it may finihing, a complement. mun', falo not run into too much wood, Compl-co, ère, ēvi, ecom ; ncut. + Coinpeliū ceo, xl, core ; to Compétens, ntio; ad). Computent, Liv. to fill up to the top, fulfill, ar- Joine through. proper, fuficient, conveniens. compliſh, set about. Complere Compeilucidus, a, um ; adj. phining Competens judex.cft, he is a pro tres, to do as much as three. Tot through por judge of it.. * Competentes, annos complevit, he is full ſo many + Comdendiari, to be abridged. rivals, I. eg suitors, or patiijonats for * Complere cohortcs, Compendiariò, ady. Orioly, compon one and wi famshing. to recruit the companies. divully Compèrenter, adv. agreeably, filly, Completorium, i, n. the compline, Compendiärius, a, um ; adj. Jourt, suficien:ly, indifferenely. the loft of the canonical baurs, ahridged. Com pčientia, æ, f. convenience, the Complētus, a, um, part. of com- + Compendiātus, a, um ; Soortened grirarleneſs, fitneſs, compotency, p!cor, slied up, perfekted Coispondif-acio eci, a čre; a&t. 10 Compétitio, on's; f. a competition, Complex, icis; C. a partner or com- abi's.ige, Morten, alſo to gain. Ariving sogether for the same thing. panion ; an accomplice. : + Compendio, arc ; so contract, or Competitoröris; m. a compasitor, Complexio, onis ; f. a comprehende draw rogeeber: hoibit jiands for the same office or ingi embracing a dilemma, or ar. # Compendiosè, adv. compendiouſly. gument priking borh ways. Cornoendiositas, āris ; f. compen- Compétitrix, īcis ; f. She thai fues for Complexivus, a, um, adj . clopping. douins s. the time thing with another. . Coniplexiva conjunctio, & con. Compendiõſus, a, um ; adj compin. Compělo, ivi, itupi, čre ; act. to fuo junien copulatiue. djous, brief profitable, giçinfus. Sogether for the sume dignity or Complexus, a, um ; p art.of com Compendium, it'; s (à con & pen Prix, to meet, hold out, hold good plector ; embracing or embraced, do) gain, profit ; who a port cut in law, to be in health, to fall out contained. an abjiraff, á brief iclarian. Ver or bnpion. # Ncquc oculis ncque Complexos, us ; m. an embracing. * ba conferre in compendium, to be auribus competebant, they could Craffitudo ad trium hominum com b.iof • Compendium operæ cft, neither fue nor haar very well. plexum, ibrio fathoms about.me ir faues labour or pains, Ubi recti augulorum competunt Totius complexus gentis hama- Compendium. the City Compeigne, iaus, where the right ungles meet. næ, all mankind. Complexum or Caro'opolis in Picardy: # Competit in cun alio, one miy accipere, to admit of a falute. + Compensācè, adv, with full recom enter an action agama hin. + Complicabilis, le ; cafl, folded, pence. Compilatio, onis; f. a compiling, Complicatio, ōnīs ; f. a complication, Compensācio, önis; f. A recompen:e pilling or robbing. or folding together. or requital. Compilātor, öris; m, an ex!ortioner. Complicãtus, a, um ; part. of com- Compensātivus, a, um ; adj. racorn Compilatus, a, umi robbert, pillaged. piicor ; wrapped together. penjang Compilārus, ûs; m. pillogo. Complicitas, āus ; f a confenting in Compensātos, a, um, part. Of com-Compilo, are; acli' 10 pill or pris, cuil. panſor; required, fatisfied. heap together. Compilare hære- + Complicitùs, adv. folding or boca Compenſo, are ; to make amends, ra. ditzaien, to defraud the heir of part ing wifc. guite, value or ffeemTardita of the inheritance. Compilare Compl!c-o, ul and avi, itum and ienque fupplicii gravitate com ſcientiam alicujus, by. Subtle prying Kluni, are to fold or wrap up: peniit, ho makes up the flownsfs by and ab/ervation to losen a man's Vela complicare, to furl the fails. the ſeverity of the puniſhment. skill or art. Complo-do, fi, fum, dore ; (à con + Coinpenſus, a, um ; recompensed. Co.np-ingo, égi, actuin, ingere; a&t. & plaudo) to clop she hands toge- + Compercco or comparcco, ore ; (of con and pango) to ebrupt in, ther, or foamy. neut. 10 forbear. join togetbor, frame, Compingere Comploratio, onis ; f. la mourning Compörendīnātio, õnis; f. a pulting in carcerem, to clap up in prijon. Complorātus; ús;. S ovir One off from day to day. * Compingere folum axibus, 10 in company. Comperendinator, õris ; m. a pro- plank. Comploro, are ; act. 16 weep sogather tradler of ſuits, Compita, orum; n. cross-ways or Compčrendinātus, a, um ; prolonged, fruits. Comploſus, a, um, part. of com- aajourned Comperendinat! rei, Compiialta, orum; n, wakes, fairs, plodior ; Ticken or joukon togabar. priſoners reprieved, or for at liberty: whitjun ala. Compl-uo, ui, utum; ro rain uport. upon bail or parole Compitālis, le ; adj. 3. art. of or in Complures, ra, and ria, umy many. Compērendinātus, ùs ; m, a delaying. The croſs-ways. * Lares compita!cs, # Nova hic complurla, baro ir Compèrendino; arc'; to delay, or do bouftold-gods, whoſe chapels were in much usus. fer from day to day, the publick pleces. Complurics, adv. Many a time. Compë endinus, a, um ; adj[à pe: Compitālicia, orum; n. plays at the Complufculi, æ,.a ; a pretty many. rendiè adjourned, deferred, corners of Broors. Complutica, a town in Spaia. + Coupèr.co, ire ; to die fogether. Compitālītius, a, um, adj. belonging Complūtun, an univerfiy in Spain, + Compor-io, ire, tum ; [à con & to wakas, called Alcala de Venarcs, pario ] so know by experience, to find Compītum, 1; n. (à compero) a Complūtus, a, um; part. of com- pluinly, learn of another. prect or cro's way. plúo, covered or wai with rain. Comper.ior, iri; dep. to find by ex. + Compitus, i, m. ibe fame. Complüvjālus, a, um ; nade guller- perience. Complác-co, ui, itum ; to be liked wife. Vina compluviata, a Compernis, is ; c. (à con & perna] Complãco, are ;, to appeaſe, to parify. vine.Syed along a frame, having one's knees howed inwards. Complānābilis, lc ; adj. caly to te Compluvium, i.; n. là pluvia) a Compertiùs, adv. wiry Turedly, for made plain. common gutter betwem iws bougar. certain. Complānātio: Onls; f. a plaining. • Compluvium crectum, an up- Comperiò, adv. ky experience. Complānäcor, oris ; m. he thuit plains. right or rup pet boufs, Compertus, a, um, part. of com Complānācus, a, um, part of con. Compluvius, a, um ; receiving rain. perior ; found out, convilled, known plano; plained, Smoothed. Lacus compluvius, oluredly. Comperto matrem dc- Complāno, are ; act. (ex con & ciliem to catch rain-water, and pre- ceffiffe, it naing certainly underſtood planus to make oven, levei and ibut his mother was dead. Com smooth. * Complanarc domum, tot Componiſta, æ ; . a composer of pertum eft mihi, I know affuredly. raje a houſe, * Complana e opus, mufick Coinpertus ftupri, found guilty 16 finish a wark. Comp-ono; oſui, Jsitum, onore; act, of whoredom. Complau-do. ſi, ſüm, derc; act. so lug' together, comdoje, fel in ordo Compos, ēdis;f.a fesler. See compedes. to cap bands togelber at ong.. compara, build, colioti, or made wa Ttit OVIT 76. wstor. Serve it. . ! 3 arcouns. ! or ret mon. , COMP COMP CONC piriss" repoje, viwange er imioth, hendere aliqucm humanitate, to be compulſo, are ; to beat much as Lay out, make up, and agris. * civil and kind to one. • Compre- goinji. Componere filia, to pack the cards. hendere alicujus adulierium, to compulſor, Oris; m. a conflrainer; • Aciem con ponere, to jes in ar Seke one in the very act of adultery. alſo an attorney or pro&tor. ray. * omnes com poſui, I hide Comprehensè, adv. briefly, in few Compulſus, a, um, part. [à com. pe!lor, compelled, driven, beüten. cietateni cu:n latronibus, to be one compréhensibilis, le ; adj. which compunctio, onis ; f. a compunction, of rbe ging. Componere falla- may be comprebended or underjord. pricking or pitch, a spring pain of cias, so ingent lists, guapons, crickin Comprčhenfio, önis; f. a comprehend the pleurils, or the like to pur a thing Componere ing, containing, underfonding, dif- Compungos popugi & xi, atom, aleam, to rog a dye. covering; alſo apprehending. Com ēre; to prick, Jing, brand, mark, Comportionālis, le; adj. [à portio) prehenfio verborum, a period. vex, ofoniß, offend; Compungere in rofefion of divors men. Comprchensīvus, a, um ; adj, laying aciem oculorum',. 80 dazzle iba Comporto, are ; to convey or carry 10 bild f, apprehending, comprehenſive. jes, gabar. Comprchcnrum. ; n. that which is Compurgo, are. ; to clear or eleonſ, Compos, otis; c. à con & potis) underflod. * Comprehend nihil Compūro, are ; 30 clornje together. biving obtained his defira, a par haberc, to be quite ignorant of. Compuſa, a town of Athynia, near raker ; alſo containing bimſelf; * Cotipičhenſus, a, um ; part. (à Chalcedon, Vix præ gaudio compotes; foarte comprehendor] comprehended, hila- Compūtabilis, le; adj. that may do able to contain skerrelves for joy. en, concerned, compaffed, concluded. reckoned. Miferiarum compos, mijbrable. * Comprehenſus animo, conscrived. Compūlārio, onis ; fi an account or Compos vi&oriæ, phat has carried couprefsè, adv. briefly, compaatly, accounting, compulut.on. tbe day. Compos yoti, that has clo,aly.. + Coniputātiuncula, a; f. a small bis wip. Com pos mentis, ani- Compreffio, onis ; f. a compreſion, mi or animo, in bis right fonas. nipping, or Squrexing. + Coopūtātor, and computiſta, æ; Composite, adv.orgerly, nearly. Comprenior, ius ; adj clofer, b.urder. m. an accountant. Composītio, õnis ; f. a joining toge Copipreſiuncūla, æ; f. a ſmall pres- Compŭto, are; 80 count or account, ther, an arderi, plating, an agree fing, or ripping eleem, reckon, ſcore down; to prune, ment and condition. *Compo-Compreífiùs, adv. more briefly or or log off. sitio unguentorum, a confeaion of clofely. Computreſco, erc; ncut, to purify ungusius. . Compositioncs gladi- Compresor, oris ; m. a deflowerer, atorum, the fining combatents toge. raviſhar. Computus, l; m. an account, reckoning. ibor to begin the fray, Compieſus, lls ; m. lying with wo Comum, a city arid colony of Inſubria. Compositiùs, adv. more orderly. Comus, the brothen god of revelling Couposito, zdy. upor deſign, by com Compreffus, um; part. (à com and dancing i. alfo a loopberd's primor) brujl, prelid cloſe together, dan'e. Compositor, õris; m, & composer, kept under, fupprefid, raviſbid, hid.Con, the fame as cum. framm, joiner, * Compoſitores don, diſembod, * Annona com-+ Conaisundus, a, um; endeavouring. gemmarum, je wellers. preffa, cronih oj vizuals. Calicu. Conad pſas, a courfry of Scythia. Compositūra, 2; f. a compoſition, lus oris comprcffioris, a cup with Conallea, Tirconnel in Ireland. framing, con calon. a very narrow mouth.' * Compres. Cõnānien, inisin. (à conor) an. in.. Compositus, a, 400; part. of com fis manibus ſedere, to be idle. deavour, enterprise, diligence, force, ponor ; compoſed, compounded, join Compr-imo, ēſli, ēflum, iměre; act. Cõnamentum, i; n. an aid or hele; od togerbar, fat in ordor, fafbioned; [à con & preno) to Sgucezit toge- that which one reaches et, und son. allo Disper, neat, calm. i Ex com- Ther, kep closy krop in, keep down, not cafiy come al; alſo a garniſhing. pofito, f87 the noget. • Litera cling together, ravifo or deflower, 50 Conapleni, a porple of Saroatia in compoGriffin æ, Iniors very curioully moderase, or appoife, * Compri- Ааа. wortion. Vi comipodium cum mere aliquem, to make one hold + Conārium, ii; n. kernel like a co fucrat, as tbe agreemt was. one's guste. Alvum comprimere, pine ript ile oulade of the brain made. to bind the body Conarús, the rvientiesh king of Scots, Compofleflor, oris ; m. pititor Comprõbātio, onis, f. an approving, and the fir thut ez?!ed any tribute wib another. commanding, or allowing: of thex, who was before rat in . priſon, where be died mitrally, St. Jago or St. James, whoſe se Proves or commendi, an allower, + Conätun, i; n. tha: about which Jiques, are short worfhip; ed. Comprðbo, arc; act. to approve, com- pains has been taken. Compoftus for compoGtrs. mind or allow. "Re aliquid com- Cônātus, ûs; m. an endenvint. Compötātio, onis ; f. a drinking toge probare, lo forw by the fifts that Magno conatu magnas nugas 2- it is so. git, he rakes a great pir to no + Compūtatiuncula, i f. a little Compromifsārius judex, an arbitra purpofe. . drinking: tor, to whole award iwo parties en- + Conbibo, čre ; to drink logaher. | Compāļātos, oris ; M. a pos-com gage 10 land. Concăco, are ; 10 hewray Compromisſum, 1; n. or engages Concædes, lun; t. pl. Là cædo] bár- + Compātālrix, icis; f. & cup-gemp. mmt to land to be arbitrator's a risidies or simbor, loopings, Dirvins. Compotens, ntis; baving, bis Asfire. ward. + Concæno, ore; 80 jus together. + Compõțire, 10 obiain. Comprom-illo, ifi, iffum, interc; act. Concalēr.aco, ēci, actum ; 80 brut, Compotifta, æ; m. an accomptans. to Pui lo arbitration. inflame, make warm Compoto, are ; 36 drink rogaber. + Comprðvinciālis, epiſcopal, a biſhop Concălētactio; õn! ; f. a warming compõtor, oris ; .m. & companion in of the ſame province, together. drinking Comora, a town in Italy. Concă!ěra&torius, a, um ; henting, Compõtrix, icis; f. a drinking soup. Complan, the people of Compla. Concă čf.&tus, a, uni ; made bot, im. a joint-jacurity Complicus, a river of Thrace. chalec. Comprand co, ere ; 10 dine together. Complè, adv. neatly, finely. Concă'élio, išri; ta be beated. Compranfor, õris; m. he thai dines +Comptõsius, a, um; adj. adorning, Concăl-co, ère; ncut. to be bot, or with anosbar. Jesling a gloss upon. beated, vexed, chafed. Comprčcālio, onis; f. a fleam fupCompirix, icis; f. Eraſm. She shat Concaleſco, ére; ncut. 80 brgin to pliction. combs ar dreſas, be hoi, &c. Comp:écor, ar! ; to giene dy grayer, Compras, a, um ; adl. là comor} Concalfacio, čré ; to makt hoe. to prey many or with many, 19 de- comlid, trimmed, ne-s. Concallatus, a, um, part. Of con- Pre parnelly or folemnly. Complus, ùs; m. a,Itiraming, deck calfio; bestea, inade her. Coinprehendo, di, fum, děrę; a&t. 10 ing, attire. Concall.co, crc'; to barcon, I be forpsehing, couprija, sum up, con- Compugno, are; to fight together, C! (winy lain, underpand. conclude, oblige, queridone with another, 10 brizi. + Concă!o, aic; to call regether. operolied, frize Comprehendere Compulfio, aniz ;... compulfior, con-.t Concaribio, incisostninge. Ferram, no joke roos. Compe- 1 Noaint, a driving rozciher. Cobācus, a, um ; endeavouring. Con- tbar Panion. CONC CONC CONC 1 Concăměrātio, onis ; f. an arching Conception, notion, breeding, gather. codo] to fall down, die, fains, be or väúlting ; alſo the vau, or ing together. # Faftidiosi concep killed, bé demoliſhed, allayed. * cjeling: tus, leashing of viauals. Camini Concidere animis. or mente, to be Concăm črātus, a, um , adj. of or conceptus, a chimney casting of out of heart. like a vault. fire. Conceptu mortuo, the child Concico, ivi, itum, eres, act. 10 Sum- Concăměro, are; act, to vault, arch, being deud in the worab. mon, call taguiber, fir up: or cial. Concerno, -crēvi,-crētum,-cernere ; Concilābulum, i ; 'ñ. « council-house Concana, a city of Spain. to perceive or fue clearly, * Concer. or conventicle, a crew club. Concanus, a, um, adj. belonging to ni, to be incorporated. Conciliabundus, a, um ; adl, pro- Concana, Concerpo, pa, ptum, perc; (à con curing love, or piquaintance, or Concanglun the barony of Kendal in & carpo) to rend of thar in friendſhip. Weſtincicland, pieces, Conciliatio, onis ; f. a reconciling, Concani, people of Munſter in Ire- Concerptus, a, um ; forn in pieces. procuring love or friendſhip. land. t. Concerræ or concerroncs, ratlers. Conciliätior, -u$ adj. more favour. able. Concaſtigo, arc ; act. to corred with Concertātio, önis'i f. a wrangling, Olbers, debate, Arift, variance, Concīliātor, õris ; m. A rolonciler, Concatčaātus, a, um ; chained toge- Concertātivus, a, um ; contentious, procurer of favour. * Conciliator ihar. Concertātor, oris ; m, & friver. furti, be that warches whilf another + Concateno, are ; 10 chain up one Concertālārius, a, um ; adj. conten deals, a felter, to another, tensious, recriminating Conciliātricŭla, a; f. a mean or lit- + Concatervālus, a, um ; adj. hraped Concertātus, a, um, part. of con- the woman th:11 proturis marches, together. certor; debuted, or contended for. Cociliātrix, icis f. a fhe procurer. Concava, orom; n. ditibes, Ser Concerto, are ; to debats, wrangle, Oratio conciliatrix humana Concavus. Prive. • Te audio neſcio quid maximè focietatis, Speech chiefly Concavātio, onis ; f. a hollowing. concertaffe cum hcro, I bear you brought men into bodies and socio- Concavitas, ātis; f. & concavity of bave had a quarrel with my maller. ties. hollowneſs. Conceſsãdo, onis ; f. a Isaving off Conciliātūra, æ; f. a reconciling; Concăvo, are ; to make bellow, fo work, a loitering bringing into acquainsanie. bend in, to scoop Conceffio, onis, f. a emtoſion, para Conciliātus, a, um ; reronci!ed, pro- Concăvus, a, uin; billow, bending. miſion, leave, arquitting, releaſes cured, &c. Conciliatumm20 Conce-do, fi, fum, děre"; act. po | Conceſsivus, a, um ; adj. permitting, Conciliatus, üe; m. a procuring fa- cipium, a bought llau. yield, condafund, pardon, depari, granting. dir, grans, or allow Concedere Conceſto, are ; to be quiet or idle, lo vour, a compoſition or mingling. Dumcro, to be fewer in number. leave off work, Concilio, are act (à conciliünl) to * Concedere in gentem nomen-It Concestor, oris ; m. be that grants draw tozather, procure, Toloncile, que imperantium, to be taken into or gives leave, allur, ndemble, . Concilia eum the couniry, and under the name of Conceffum, i, m. a thing granted. huc get him to come bither. * Con- thoſe this cominand. * Concedere Conceffis, a, um ; part, of conce cillare veftem, 1 full, or ibicken alicui artem aliquam, to grant one dor; granted, lawful. closh. Conciliare colores, to to be well skilled in an art, • Con Conceffus, ús; m, a gransing or al- mairh colours cedere furtum lance & licio, to lowing , agrumeni, pardon. Concilium, ii; n. (à con & cillun) Search for pollen goods with a bajon CONCHA, ; f. [ xogxn la fbell council, rambly of counfillers, and linnen girdle. or pell.fiſo, a bajon, s'wind-inßru. a company or multitude, an' herd, + Concélèbrātio, onis ; f. a celebra ment, the bollowneſs of the sur, a crew, or park, Cic. Allo an agru. rion. wine-pot, a meaſure of two Spoon- ment and mixture, as of the + Conce čbrātus, a, um ; celebrated, fuls or fx drams, a box or safe. Klements'; or & roagmentation, as Concčlčbro, are ; to celebrate, kerg, * Concha anaciferæ, barnacles. in mixs bodies, Lucr. l. 518. feleminize, make frequmt. * Concha margaritifera, mother of A place of muering, Pluut. And + Concellanci, Õrum ; monks of the fearl. * Concha veacrea, a lean the white power of the herb jafionc, fame coll. Snail. * Concha ſalis, a falt-fallor. Plin. XXII. 22. Concilio con- + Concelo, are ; to conceal from one Conchātus, and -chcus, a, um ; adj. vocato, the council being met Concentio, õnis ; f. (à concino] a winding like the fell of a fiſh. Concilium lominis, be mat:hing Confort of voices, barmony, melody ; + Conchilēgus, a, un ; gathering of purple. allo agreement. cockles or malls, Concinentia, a; f. [à concino] har. + Concento, are ; to agire in ine lume. Conchis, is ; f. a bean boiled in ibi mory.. Concentricus, a, um , adj. [à cen full. Concinnātio, õn!s ; le a tricking, trum) baving the ſame contro. + Coachitæ, arun ; mi pell-fibers, trimming, or making up. + Concenturiatio, onis ; a banding Conchites, a pearl found in a shellConcinnātītius, a, um , adj. neatly of men. filb. and ſprucey ordered. + Concentorio, are ; * gather into + Conchlearius, a hard spungy fons. Concinnātor, oris ; m. a trimmer, companies. Coachus, i, m. the hollowneſs of the fister or forger.: # Caufarum con- Concèntus, ús ; m. a jinging in tune. eyes. cinnator, a barrefer. Concepi. Su concipio. Conchus, i ; a pearl. Concinnatorius, a, um ; adj. dreſling Conceptaculum, i ;D. a receptacle, Conchyla, 2; f. a little soll fiſh. or muking for. a collaien, a dlais of Springing up, Conchyle, is ; n, and conchyllum, Concinnātus, a, um ; adj. trimmed, a link, or fough. ji, n. a shell-fish, eſpecially that of fitted, apparelled. Conceptio, onis ; f. conception, a con whoſe liquor purple is made ; alfo Concinnc, adv, neats, ſprucelý. ceiving. Formularum concep The purply dye. Concinnior, us; ad). comp. more río, the formul words of a publick + Conchylias, a ficne baving in it compra, handjower. aft. be form of a cockle. Concinnitas, āt's ; f. } prettinefs, Conceptivæ feriæ, murable feafs Conchyliącus, a, um , adj. of purple Concingitūdo, inis maines, kapt at the pleajure of the magi. colour. properneſs, ſuccinctneſs. Jirate. + Conchylio, are ; 10 dye purple. Concianiter, adv. Priitily. Concepto, arc ; to conceive; alſo to Conchyra, æ; m' a purple-fish ga. Concinno, are ; to make spruce, neas, projelt, or reisb' at, sherer, an oxfer-men. or callaur ; to trim, make up, forge. + Conceptor, õris; m. A praaiſer or Concidentia, æ; f. a like falling in * Me inſanum verbis concinnat, prestitioner in the law. the end of words. be makes me mad. Concinnare Conceptum, i; n. the conceis, or the + Concides, great rank: of trus. te levem fuis, to put bis friends 10 thing con'eived Conci.do, di, fum, dorc ; [of con ſmall coll. Conccplus, a, un ; part of conci and cædo] to cut in pieces, minie, Concinnus, a, um , adj. (à cinnus) por ; conojved, taken, purpoſed, he maim, brat, kill, rail ar. * Con nuit, ſpru!e, quaint, prally, fine, gotien, &c. * Concepta verba, ibe cidere aliquem totis voluminibus; compas, courteous, form of an cash, &c. 80 barkere with harp invrtives. Concino, laul, entum ; (à con & Conccptas, ûs į m.' a conceiving or Concido, idi, öre ; neut. (à con & Cano] ** Ang in confort, to conſent, ii to on orator. ther in a naus. the fea. bis fingers. CONS, å CONG CON C CON N С to agra, ta foretall, proife. # Fata bope. Ter. Enn. 2, 3, 56. A forint Concorporalis, is m..che foreman coociauntur, definirs are read. of speech takon from a cudom of of the file, the file leader, Coac-lo, ipi, luni, ire. act. Bo calling the dead party by bis name party by his name I Concorpörălus, a, um ; conjoined. mour, ftir up, call together. for aight days "ſucceſively on the Coacorporo, are ; to incorporate. Concia, onis; f. a milie or desk, minth, concluding him at all hopes Concorpóror; arl, so be joined in one e Timbly, oration, prib, bsringue. of recovery, thay carried him forih, body: Concionabilis, le of an oration. and buried him, Concors, dis; "ad). (à con & cor] Concānābandus, 4. um j.adj. good Conclamīto, are no cry out aloud; all of one mind, agreable; uncable, marking speeches, about after him. Civitas concordior, a city nort al Concionals. Je ; ad). 3. art. belong. Conclāmo, are ;/act. to fheut out with · unity. # Concordiflimi principes, ing to an aſembly or oration. one voite together, prociain. = Con agreeing yalling wall together, Concionarius, a, um ; adj. of the clamare ſocios, to call for his fol-Concrāditius, a, um , adj. made of elembly. lows. * Vala militari modo concla hurdles, watilid, twiped together, Concionator, oris m. an crater. mare jubet: he gives orders for marih:t Concréditor, oris, m'he that Preacher, ing with bag and baggage, as in the lends wirb anorber. Concionatorius, a, um adj. propor decamping of an army, Liv. 6, 29. Concreditus, a, um ; lmt together, t Conclaffo, are ; to join pips foge. Concrcado, didi, ditum, dere; Concionatrix, icis ; f. Esaſm. A for eritruf with another. Concredere bolder forib. Conclāvātus, a, um ; adj. lasked 10 mari navigia, to commis viles to Concionor, ari, to preach, or make a gether into one chamber. publ. oration. + Conclau-do, li, fum, děre; a&. * Concreduor for concredam. Concipălo, are ; to take or bandla to Jhut up together # Concrèmātio, onis ; f. a burning rudely, to pull one by the bair. Conclāve, ls ; n. (à clavis] a r007 together, Conc-ipio, ēpi, ptum, ipere ; a&t. under lock and kay, a dining-room ; + Concreónentum, i; n. a gathering (à con & capio) 1o take hold of, the conclave. poge:her. to concrive, brand, contrivı, sum up. It Conclavia, æ f. the joining of Concreino, are; to burn register. form, garber, entrepriſe, rehearſe. chambers together. Concrep-o, ui, itum čre ; ncut, to * Conciperc verba jurisjarandi, to Conclavlum, ii ; ni a parlour. criak, cry fofely, make a sound'. site before him the words of bis + Conclauſus,a, um ; ut up together. Concrepere d'g't!s, to kn ick with oath which be muſ rake. * Ignen + Conclino, are ; to forink back toge- ther. tonc pcre, to break out in fire. † Concr-eſco, ēv!, ctum, eſcere ; n, . Concipere fummas, to sum up + Conclī.do, li, fum, dère; act. Cà to grow together, congeal, po groza parsiculars. Concipere vadimo con & claudo] to conclude, but up, hard together, so be formed. nium, to make recognizance. jsop, comprehend, make parfait, finib. + Concrétise, that which many be Concipere ferias, to give notice of Pagnuo concludere, clincb hardened, or cong sales holy-days. oni's fil + Con 'rētim, adv. conge sledly. + Concípiones, num ; f. m.jars fa conclusē, adv. briefly, clofingly. Concret:o, onis ; f 8.0 pounding, vourab . at the conception of a man. Conclado, onis; f. a conclufion, and, concretion, congénling, shikoning. + Conciſc-o, čre ; to grane. cloſure. + Concrētivus, a, um ; conge ling. * Concise, adv. briefly .compendiously. Conclūsīvè,adv.briefly, or butting up. Concrètum, & ibing omgenled; + Conciſ), onis ; f. contracting Conclaliuncula, æ; f. a ſmall cinilu alion accident considered wirh she Concisorius, a, umj; adí. contrading fon. ſuhjeet, the contrate. Philor.Term. • Ferramentum conciſorium, Conclūlus, a, um, part, of conclu. Concre us, a. um ; part of con- farrier's buttreſs or paring knife. dor ; fut up, concluded, perfield. creſco ; joined, grown or congealed Concisūra, a jf.a rutting or dividing. Concoctio, önis; f. a concoction, di together, composed. clettet. Ru. + Concifus, a, umzpart. of concidor; &ion. morcs denfi & concreti, coming (4! foort, braten, mangled, killed. Conco&rix facultas, the natural power thick nd huddling together. . ad diaglion. Concētus, ùs ; m. a thickning ** thickening op rongesling Concitālior,' us ; adj. comp. ſwiftar. quor ; digefiet, jod, boiled. + Concriminātio, onis; f. a joint Concitātiffimus, a, um , adj. Superl. Concenat:o, onis ; f. a supping toge arcuſing . ther. exceding Swift. Curſu quam + Concriminor, arl ; to charge or ac- concitatiffimo, as faff at his legs + Concepto, arc ; to deviſe or enter. cule of many things could carry bim. prije togather. Concriſpare, so brandiſ, Concītâtor, oris ; m. he that moves Concolor, oris ; adj. of the same co-17 Concráciābills, le ; adj. worthy of lour. torments, or firs up. Concitātrix, icis ; f. He thirt meves Concomitor, ari ; ro accompany. f Concrūciābīliter, toymeting-wiſe. of raias a tumult: Concoquens, oris ; ripening. "Con-| + Concrūciāi'us, ii ; m. a tormentor. Concitātus, a. um ;flirred, provoked, coquentia medicamenta, medicines + Concrúc ālio, onis; f. a formenling. whamoni, ſwift. to help digeliion. Concrūciātor or!; m. a tormentor Concito, are; act. to fir up, provoko, Conco-quu, xl, cum, quère ; act. to + Concrúcio, arc; to formene. mourags, prick forward. * Pitui. boil, conced, digoffi • Concoquere + Concrůcior, ari; 10. be tormented, tan concitare, to breed phlegm. injuriam, to put up a wrong. or fympharizt with others in formma. * Expectationem fui concitarc, to concordantia, æ; f. agreement, at Concruſtatus, a, um ; made hard. make his company very defirgable, concordanie. + Concūba, be or for which lins with and to be even long'd for. Concordātus, a, um ; agreed upon. another Concitor, öris'; m. a Birrer up.. Concordia, æ ; f Cic. [à con- Concublenſes, a people of Umbria. Belli concitor, a railer of war. cors] concord, agreement, barmony , Concubina, æ ; f. (à concubo] A the herb Agrimony or liver wort Concitus, a, um, part. of concior ; concubine, a je bed-follow. fumisenied together. Concordia diſcors, unhearly fellow- + Concübinālis, le ; and concubina. Concītus, a, um ; part. of concicor ; Joip. rius, a, um ; of a concubina. moved, troubled, b:efened, provok. Concordia, a Romangoddeſs, and the Concăbinātus, as ; m. the keeping of Alyng conciia, a lask or city Cochesberg in Germany; alſo a curtcubine or Arumpet. a city in Spáli, and others places. loolanefs. + Concubinŭla,æ; f. little firumpet, Concordienfes,the people of Concordia. Concūbinus, i; m. a paramour, an Concivis, vis ; c. follow-citixm. Conc:uncula, f. [à concio) at Concordiðſus, , um, adj. full of adulterer, catanike, concord. + Concubitor, oris ; a bed-falowo. Conclamatio, onis ; f. a publiek. t. Concorditas, acis ; f. an agrering Concăbitus, us; m. a lying with one. together. Concubium, ii; n. midnight'; alfo's baut, Conclamātus, a, um ; adj. Lucan. Concorditer , iſiimè; adv. with a. lying together. right underbanding, and mutual Concubius, a, um ; of midnight. Conclamatum eft, is given our for confort, + Concūb-o, ui, itum, arc; to lid wirb one, delparald, and, pas? recovery; thero Concordo, are ; 10 accord or agrok 10- is no more to be laid, it is paft all gather. + Conctido, ore ; to Jamp or coin, + Concula, 1 # * drad and buried. 1 CON-C. CON D COND + Concula, a dr. m and half. + Concūſas,a,umi Bamped, coined. cor, appointed, denounced, promiſed. Conculcario õnis;f.a trampling upon, Concutiens, acis Deaking, rouxing * Ćcena ſubica & condiâa, ajud. Conculcatus, a, um, trodden under. Conců tlo, ſi, fum, těre:; [ à con den luoper of ordinury rare. föös. & quatio] to make, make to trem Condogne, adv. fitly, fuiribly. Concuico, are ; [à con & calco] 10 ble, extort by violence; Jirike. * Te Condignus, a, um ; worthy ſuitable, frinplo upon, ſuppreſs. ipſum concutc, examins yourſelf.. Condig amma, a town of Carmanig. + Conculpatus, a, um, blamed, Condabora, a town in Spain. + Condilomăla, orumi n. large 4- foind fuuli with. Condalium, -lum, condalus, and Cosculpo , arc; to blame, find -ulus, a taylor's thimble. Condimentārius, a, um, adj. of fuit wih. Conda'ns, a lieutenant in Lycia, un Sauce or ſeaſoning. Concumbo, ere; to lie together. der Māufolus,king of Caria, whoju' Condimentarius, ii; m. bebas folls + Caocúmulatè, adv, with good mea ing the people mucb diligbed in ibrir ſalt and pickled things. Jurk, fully hair, pretended an order from the Condimentum, li ini sauce, pickls, t. Concă mulātìm, adv. the same as king to cut off their hair and land it Syrup. Condimentum amicitiæ, concim latè. bim ; but if they would give him i the ſealoning of friendſhip, that + Concŭiuúlátlo, onis f. a heaping Sum of money, he would buy hair of which gives it a delicate rolijo. up. ihe Grecians, and find it infiead of COND-10, ivi, itum, ire ; adt. Là -, ? ivi, ivi, itum, ērc ; to theirs; by which means he raijed a con & duo, i. c. do 1o Bafon, Concupiſco long great ſum of money. powder, pickle, preferox, Suectors, ambalm. Concupifcens, ntis; dafiring, covering Condate, Congleton in Cheshire. Concu..ſcentèr adv. coverouſly Condate, a city of Hainault, called Condilcipúla æ; f. a Sze soboul. Conc .pſcenta, e; f concupifcmce, Condet; alſo she city Rbeing in fillow luft ger dobre, or evrnil deireja Britany Condiſcipúlatus, ùs ; m. & School couting as 101 of good. Ibingi asit Condatores, um ; m. they which fellowſhip of evil. Legitur hæc vox .ap. are of she jame mystery. Condiſcipulus, !! ;m. & School feldowa: Cut 6, 8. 19. Quæritur tamen Condocens,, ntis ; part..convenient. Con-diſco, didici. diſcere ; a&ti to an ft locus genuinus ? Videtur Condécenter, adv. handſomely. learn with others. enin verbum efle purè eccleGatti Condéccatia, æ; f. comelinefs. Condira, um ; 0.[à condio]wat. cüia apud Chriftianos ugtatum: Condécet, imperſ, it is becoming, meats, junkets, comfits. Coscop:c: bilis le; ad). 3. aft, ear-ti Condeclino, are ; lo recoil together. Condīta, õrum ; a. (à condo) corn ne ly, defiring, or defiradia.' Conděcorè, adv. gracefully. laid up in fiore ; magazines. t Concupitor, oris ;. m. a defrari Conděcoro, are ; to see forth, make Conditaneus, a, um ; adj. sobre lepe Concupitus, aj..um.; adje, susted, brave or gallant.. in pickle. eagerly defired * Condecurio, arc; to bring the files Conditio, ön!s f. [à condic) Concurator, oris ; m. a fellow together till bay make up the ranks. powdering, Jawring: Jeafening. guardian. Condemnā:io, õnis ; f. condemna. Conditio, onis ; condemne-Conditio, önis ; f. Cic. là condo] Concūro, arc; to dreſs, tirki caxo,0%. 'tjon. condition of free, manners, meam, Concurritur, imperf. (ab illis , they condemnator, Gris ; m.n.condemner, quali'y, property, choire, covenant, fall on, charge one another in batllé. accufir. the creation of creature Pacis Concur-ro, ri, fum, sère ; neut. 1o Condemnatus, a, um ; condemned. cond.tloncs, articles of peare, * Du- CCTICOUT, to run or flock together, run Condemino, are ; act [of con and ra conditio, hard terms. Con- again and anciber, to charge. #Con- damno) 10 condemn. ditioncm Gliæ quærere, to get a currere obviam alicui, is run to Condensātio, onis; fi a thickoxing busband for his daughter. • Con- maet one. * Tot concurrunt veri- or hardening ditione tuâ aon ular, I don't like fimilia, so many likely things meer Condensātus, a, um , thickened. your propoſals sousebing the match. segesher. * In pignus concurrere; Condensātus; as ; m. a thickening. Condiionālis, le ; adj. conditional. to be partaker with him in the pledge! I Condenſeo, erc; to grow sbick. Conditionālitcr. adv. conditima 1. Nomina concurrunt, what I owe Condensitas, ātis, f. thicknoft. Condititius, a, um ; adj. powdered, 20 oshers is as mucb as others owe to Condenio, are; act. to kicken or preſerved. maka shick. Condītiyom, i.;0. , burying place. Concurſans, ntis ; part. mering, at Condeofum, 1; thick place. Conditivos, a, um ; part. of condor; going together. Condenſus, a, um ; thick, cloſe toge that may be laid up. Concursãdo, on!! ; f. a menting to ther, Conditivus, a, um, part. of condi- gesher, or skirmiſhing. + Condentalis, le ; baving. bis teeth or, se bo powdered or pickled. Concursātor, oris ; m. animble i groting in a rank. Conditor, oris i me a feasonar, charger in be war. Condeplo, ui, irum, čre ;' ast. so pickler. Concursātorius, a, um ;, skirmiſing. knead, or make palle: Conditor, oris į m. fof condo) Concurfio; õnis ; f. a menting or on-Condercum, Chefter upon the street, maker, akibe, soumier, compoſer countering . in the biſriprisk of Durham, builder. 7. Concurfito, are; to flock together. Condi.co,, xi, atum, cērc ; act, t0 Conditorium, ii ; n. 4 vault, Soporto Concurſo,, are; (à concurro) to run appoint by comenon confont, to agree chre or ſtore houſe. aboul, skirmiſa. upon, to claim at laro, promiſe, de. Conditrix, icis ; f. for sbat makes or Concorſus, ûs ; m. a concourſe, run. clare, require, dmy. * Cænam builds: ning, or flocking together, agtiement. condicere, !o promiſe to come and Condicum,i ; . hippotras. . Coa. . Concurvatus, a, um ; made crooked. jup with one. * Pater patratus re dicam rofaceam, wine of refu, &c. + Concurvo, are ; to make crooked. rum aut litlum condicit, the herald Conditūra, æ ; f. a picking or face † Concus, vus ; f. the Bay of a lone queſtionsth for ſuch matters and con- cing. that lirikes, tbe clarb shick. iroverjes. Nummos. alicui: con Conditus, a, up part. Of condior; Concuffio, onis ; f. [à concutio) a dicere, to demand ironing of one. pickled, sealoned tempored, te concuffion, Shaking, or dahing toge * Condicere operam, to undertaka balmed ... Condita' oratio, sher. * Dentinm concuſſio, the A work. speach cornid.wish wing conceits and craſhing, gnaſhing, or chastering of Condiétio, onis; f. a perſonal a&ion . expreſſioni. the teeth. Crimen concofonis, againl any one . Condictio inde-Conditus, a, um, part. of condor; violent cppreffion and extorsing by bili; an agion againſt a perſon to biddon, laid us, made s also stali, terrifying people. force him to repay what was paid rank. * A condito ævo, tim opet + Concosto, are ; to make often. so him upon miflake. * Condictio of mind. Concuffor, oris ; m. he that Shaketh. ex ſcriptura, a juing one upor a Conditus, ûs ; mia fraſoning, Cunculaūra, æ f. a minting 80 bore promiſe mads. Conditus, as į mia founding * tremble, Condicitius,a,um ; ad. claiming: building. Concuffus, a, um ; part. of concu Actio condiäitia, a perſonal adion. Condiviacum, ibi city Nantz in tior ; Jaakon, movid, troubled, dout Condido, are ; to sell or appoiws. Britany, caring. Condi&tum, 1; n. a compoſition or no Condo, dīdi, ditam ; to lay or board Coacuffus, ús ; m. a faking together, greement between two. up, bide, build, compoſer appoint, or treinbling Condidus, a, um, part. of condi get, enjoy, conjurate. Condere hugo, COND CONF CONF humo, 'ta bury Condere diem, ducera opus faciendum, so take, Confarreātus, a, um ; lawfully mar to spend a wbole day. #Condére rk by thì giai. * Qua ad yell yird. ·lumina, 15-cloſe up the ages of the tris victum condocunt,celly-timber.. Confarrco, are ; (à far) to marry, dosd. * Condere iram, to dif- with the folemnity of a bride-cake. Semble his anger. Condcre car to turn 10. the publick advantage Contālālls, !c? joined together by men, to write a porn. * Aurea * Conducere vulnus, to skin or deſtiny fæcula condere; to bring the golden heal up a wound: # Nihilum mag: Confceta, orum ; n. things concluded age again. * Condere jusjuran no conducere, to buy, too dgar. by reason. dum, to appoinz an oleh to be taken. Non adżepol conduci poffum Confeétio, onis ; fi la diſpatching or + Condo, and io ōnis, a fencer. vita uxoris annoa, I can't believe finiſhing, a digeſtion of mingling, Condocěf-acio, ēci, atun, accre ; my wift will live a year to cins ind, Confectio tributi, an ofiling. to inform one of many thing!. Conducor, ci ; sabe lei or brought to- * Confe&io eicarum, the chswing, Coodncéfactus, a, um, raught. geiher. of meat. Condoc-co, ultom, ēre; ait, to + Conductārius, a, um ; adj. guiding Confcctor, Oris; m. a defroyer, seach many or publikly. rogether; diſpatcher; alſo a dyer. Coafe- Condochates, ta river of India. + Conductibilis, le; vaſy to be hired. ctores cardinum, ſuch as break opens Condolenter, adv. with grief. * Condu&tim, adv, bringing joinily. door's Condolentia, is a condeling, com. Conductio, on s'; f. a gubering soge-Confc&ura, ee; f. e making or ming- Condol-co ere ; neut to be pained Condo&titias, a, um ; ad: hired, or Conte&tus,a,um; part. of conficior i all over, • Condolnit , caput de to be hired, perfected, Nain; undons. • Con vento, the wind mide my head a.b.t Condu&o, are j act. to lead or feáus ætate or anais, grown fcable. Condo-eſco, vi, ere; neut. to be -bring together. Conferb-co, čre ; to glue, or folder pein'd und aching all over, Conductor, õris ; m. an birer, far. together. + Condolo, are ; to rake: Imooth. mer, or be ibai sakes work by the Confer-cio, fi, fum, cire ; [of con * Condominari, to biar rule. great. and farcio) 'rollut, heap logether, † Condoainātus, ûs ; ' m. a bearing Condu&um, i, n. a thing hired. gorge, drive ibick together. Tule togetlur. Conductus, a, um, part. of condu-l * Conférentia, æ; f. a'conference. # Condomo,' are ; to fame or ſub cos ; hind, broughi together.. Con-foro, -toli, collatum, terre; to dui. Condu&us, ùs ; m. condunt. Sal bring together, to profit or ſerve, jer Condonātio, õnis ; f. ą giving; or vus condu&us, a paſport. forih, prepare, diſcourſe, compart, forgiving, or indulging t. Condum;i; n. a cup or pos. contributa, delay, join, apply, biflow, 't Co donātor, oris , m. a' pardoner. t Condūma, a naefary place. * Conferre pedem, to join ilue, or + Condônatrix, icis ; f. The sbat Conduplicatio, önis; f. a rapeiting, fland to it. Conferre manus, ** pardoncih, a doubling the ſame word: come to bundy blowi. * Conferre Coadonātus, a, um ; part. of condo- + Conduplicãtò; doubling ly. gradum, ro go shost by joll. Con- nor. pardened, forgiven. Conduplicatus, a, um ; adj. doubled, terrc figna, 10 fgør a pit hed barske, Condono, are ; act to forgive, in folded. Coaferre culpam in aliqucm; to dulge, bar woh, give. Condo. Condúplico, are 10 double;. fold; lay the fault upon any one, Con- nase aliquen cruci, to deliver one line, pay double. ferte conſilia in unum, to confer over to be crucified, Condonaret Condürdon, an berb good again the rotesy w lay their beads together, aliquem pecuniam, to forgive one king's-evil.. Conferre. plurimum ad vi&o- a debt. + Conduro, are; 10 harden greatly. riam, so belp forward the victory. Condörm-10; ire; to fap together. Conduslam. Là condo) a caitrit, • Conferre verba in pauca, to Condormiico, ère ; neut. 10 go to butler, Deward ; alſo a kind of cup. drawupin short what me bas to say, peep wiib others; Condax! Sre Conduco. * Confcrrc capica, to diſcourſe so- + Condormitātor, oris; m. he ibar Condba, a city of Lycia. gether of any buſiness. • Confero feeps'with another. .... Condylea; a city of Arcadla. me in or ad campum, I walk into + Condormitio, õnis"; f. a Reaping Condyflaw. i n. a ring. the fields. Verba in rem con. together Condyloma, ātis; n. a ſwelling, ing. ferre; to make one's words good. Condormito, are ; to perptoge- fianimation of the fundameni. Conferre in diem, to pur si ther. Condylomātīcas, a; um ; adj. full of f Conferrūmino, ibe same as ferru- mino. 1 Condormitor, oris ; m. a fellow-, knofs, Necper. Condylus, i.; mi a knuckle or joint ; Confert imperf. it profinh, helpelb, + Condotālis, le; ad). 3. art. baving alſo a ring or thimble, is expedient. a dewry together: Conc, a final ifand near the mouth Confertia, adv. cloſe together, in a + Condotāri, to have a dowry wish of the river Ifer. bzap. another. + Confābrè, fily, handsomely. t. Confertio, ānis ; f. a Bufing. * Condõtātus, a, um ; having a + Cónfabréfacio; tre; to mare fino Conforlus, a, um ; part. of confer- dowry with another. or fitta cior ; puffed, filled, gørged i alſo Condründös, king of the Al- + Confabréfactus, made fine or neat. cloſe and sick together. Con . mains. † Confabricator, oris ;.m. he that ferca legio, an army very compa& Condrufi, . people of Belgium, whoſe devi cib. and cloſely ranged. country is called Condrotz. Confúricātus a, um ; buit róge. + Conſerva, a; t. the berb {ponge of Condrilla, æ; f. the barb dan ther; baving devised. the river, bairy river-wed. Condrillum, Il;n; } or Confabricor, ari; to make or forge. Confervefác-io, erc ; to make hor. gün-cichury. + Confabrilis; lc'; adj of almish. Confery.co, čre į neut. le boil mp, Condris, f. the harb falfe ditrany. Confābúlātio, onis ; f. pruting or ar. br. knit regerberi Confervent * Condubitanièr, adr doubting soge talkinio sogeshir, confabulation. offa, the Donor grow tgeber again, ther. + Confabulātor, oris; m. a prater. Conferveſco, čre ; to begin to boil. + Condubitation, adv. doubtingly. Confabulo, arc ; L 10 diſcourse, Dalk Confeffio, onis ; f. a confeffion. * Condúbīļātus, a, um ; doubsed of Confabulor, ari; 3. or praua together, . Confeffione illlus ævi, as thus by many. tell taler øge asknowledged # Condúbito, are ; 'to doubt of. + Confămúlātus, as ; m. a follow. f Confoffionālo, lis ; the place where + Condācībīlis, le , adj. 3. art. ad Service the prieft bears confedim, vantagesai, profieable, available. Confãmúlor, ari; 10 ferve leguihor. Confeffor, oris ; m. be that confef- Condūc 1, [imp.] cum dat. ;. it is + Confimulus, i ; m. e follow- futh. expedient. Conducit faluti tuæ, fotoint. Confeſsorlus, a, um; of confeffion, ir conducer much to your health, Confanones, banners carried in Confeffus, a, um, part. of confiteor; + Conducium, ii; n. a warden-pear. prorili on. contuling of confufes. Es con- + Condūcius, if a wardm-tree. # Canifarcio, as confercio. fchione, confeffadly. . In confeffo Condū.co, xl, Atum, cere ; act. 10 Confàrrcātio, onis ; f. an gating of cit, res confeffa eft, it is certain, bring with or together, lead, ofim bride cake togeshora folemnizing of no man deniss it. . Confeflus æris, ble, rent, to bire, agret for. "Con e marriage, acknowledging the debr. Confettim, delion, 1 . H or CONF CONF C. 0. NF Confeftim, adv. [à festino].ſuddenly, Configūrātio, õnis ; f. a likoning 10-1+ Contāgito, are ; to imporlune om prelently. gether. requen carnally. Confibula, 2; f. a clap or tack. Configūro, are ; ! shape or fabion Confagrans, gen. tis ; fup. tiffimus, + Corfibulo, áre; to buckle or button alike. carnefly depring, Scorsbing, burning rogerber # Confinalis, le ; adj: 3 art. nsat, in love. + Cónfica, a'; f. The herb lupine. or bordering u on. + Conflagranter ; ady, burning Juri- Conficiens,ntis ; n finiſher.diſpatcher. Confindo, idi, furn; so rive or cleave. ouby Conficientiffimus, a, um; ſaperlat. Continç, is; n. [å finis) a border, f + Confagrantia, æ ; f... a burning, *Literarum conficientifina civi marih. hot dofire. tas, a city kreping a diligent regiſter Confingo, xi, aum, ngěre; act, to Confagrātus, a, um ; A.P. of all that is done. fabion, devija togelber, contrive. conflagro; foton fire, ounid. Canf-icio, eci, cetum, icere; act. Confin-io, ire; n. 80 burder upon, Confagro, are) n. so be on fire., (of con and facio) to finiſh, dif-Confinis, 'ne; adj. adjoining, border Flammå amoris conflagrare, to parch, doflrny, gritur, explain, gan ing upon, like. burn in lour. * Invidjâ conftagra- sher, provide, bresk, commis;- chew, + Confinštas, atis,f. neighbourhood. re, to be much envind, digal, conclude, make, pond.' Con- + Confinitè, adv nearly. + Conflanomātus, a, um, adj. m- ficere fame or frigore, 20 farde one + Confinitio, õnis ; f. an ending or flamed, jos on fire. with bangor or cold. * Conficere bordering noon. + Confātile, is ; n. [a conilo] a mol- cibum, so digeſt meat, ÞI:n, tocbrw Confinium, ii ; n. nearnefi, the fron ten image. meat, Liv. * Rein conficere, 10 tiers, marches, or borders of a coun Conflātilis. lc ; adj. cal or, molim. Spend un balt. Reliquum num- try, Confālio, on:s; f. a neliing down ; moruni confeci, l'hive made up Cortio, leri ; lo be made or done. alſo a procuring. what was wanting of the lum. *i * Confirola major, will-wort afs- Confātor, ör:s ; m. a founder, maler. Alicui centurias conficere, to get car, or comfrey. Confātorium, i; a. a forge. fuch a hundred to uste for one, • Ex + Confirmadien, inis; n. A confirms - Conflātūra, æ; f. a'casting, melting. quo conficicur, from wbence one ing Conflātus, a, um ; adj. blown, com. may conclude. Confirmatio, onis ; f. & confirmation, pua, procured, forgid, coined. Confícior, ēris, ci'; pair. to be fore affuring, frergrbining. Teſtes confiati, Jubomed witnolos.' broker. *Angore confici, se pine Confirmatlor, us ; adj. fup. Pronger, t Confic&to, xi, um, &tère ; act. 1o awcy for grief. Donec bruma mory refoluir. bed or bow. confictatur, till the winter is pop. * Confirmător, oris ; mi a confirmer, Confiexilis, le ; adſ. 3 art. Là con- Conſectuin eft, the buſineſs is over. Arengthaner, surely for. flecto) pliani, wafly turned. + Confictè, adv. ſeignesly. Confirmātus, a, um , adj. confirmed, Confexlo, õnis ; L. A bending år Coofailis, ie; adl. frigned, forged. Drengthened, conſant, refolute. turning Confi&tio, onis ;:f. (à confingo]'a do- + Confirmitas, aus ; f. refolution, Conflexuosè, adv. bindingly. vifing or feigning. confancy. + Conflexuoſus, a, um , adj. binda + Confictitant for confingunt. + Confirmiter, adv. Arongly, ing, winding Confiditius, a, um ; adj. deviſed, Confismo, are act. 10 Brengthen, Conflexura, æ; f. & winding.' feignod. confirm, brarkın, recruil. • Se ad Conflexos, a, um ; part. of confcc- + Confiétor, āris ; m. a feignet, for. omnia confirmare, lo harden him tor; bent, bowed. ger. filf against all accidenis. Ut Condi&tātio, onis ; f. & content or + Confictrix, icis ; f. a witch. confirmare poflum, as I dare a. bickering, Confi&tus, a, um, part. of confingo ; vouchi • Membum confirmare, Conflictātus, a, um ; parte of con- Jeigned, counterfeited, It make it perfiftly well. fiator i vixed, troubled, Confidejuſſor, oris; ni. joint ſecurity | Confiſcārius, il ; m. a promoter. Confi&io, onis ; f. e daſhing one an. or furety, Confiſcātio, onis ; f. a conplcasion. olber, a conflict, a combating, com- Confidens, nt's ; confident, prafump. Confifcator, oris ; m. be that confil frariey, oppoſition. i Tucus, fool-baray, nubborn, confiant, cate:h or ſeixath for the king. Conflato, are ; & -ori arc ; [à con- Confidenter, adv. confidently, boldly, Confiſcātus, a, um, part. Of confif. figo) to conflia, contel, griove, an- without fear, with alurance, in a cor ; confiſcated, ſeized on. noy, to have to do with, to be trou. good ſenſe. But it is more fre. Confilco, are ; act. [à fiſcus) to com bled with, be annoyed by. Magna quently uſed in a bad fenſe, to sig fiſcate, foixs as forfeited to the prinie; inopia rerum neceffariarum con bify bamsfully, impudently, alſo to arreſt a man in the prince's 1.cari, to want nncelarias, Qui Confidentia,' a; f. confidenci, bold: name ; to lay up in the exchaquer, cuin ingeniis confidatur ejuſmodi, nins, fouineſs, alſo confimre. * Confilio, onis ; f. a ruſing, or rely be that has fucb men to deal witbal. Confidentiam habere in ventre, ing upon. Confi&us, ùs ; a combat, confilia, to burve one's belly full, so dofi bun. Confiſus, a, um ; part. of confido; skirmiſh. frusings boping, having confidence Confligātio, önis; f. a rubbing together, Confidentiloquus, a, um ; adſ. bold in. + Confligion, il; n. a menting of and profumptuous in speech, under. Con-fiteor, feffus fum, fitēri; dep. daſhing together. taking greui matters. [of con and fatcor) to confuſs, pro + Configo, arc ; 10 fight or contend. Confidentiffimus, a, um, adj. fup. foſs, acknowledge. * Ut dc mc Configo, xi, ctum, göre; act. to very confident and peremptory, confitcar, to speak my mind freely contend, combat, batter together, te Confido, idi and ifua fum, děre; and ingmuouſly, be consrary. Ratione confligere, 10 truf, rely upon, be confdmr. Confixi. Su configo. to manage a diſpute by reafon. Conhidere animo, to take courage. Confixilis, le , adj. 3 art. built or Conilo, arc; a&. to blow togelber, to * Nihil nimis oportet confidere, faftened together. caf metal, to put or contrivs, forget me ought not to be cop confident in + Confixum, xi; 8. a fage. or make, gasher, composer * Socie- any shing, Confixus, a, um, part, of confixor; tatem cum aliquo.confiare, to join # Confieri, to be done with others, to faſoned, thruf ihrough. * Senten friendſhip with one. # Invidiam be made up, produced or diſpatrbed. tiis confixus, condonaned by moja. Gibi conflare, to make himſelf to be Configo, xi, xum, gěre; act. to fas- Confixus, ûs ; m, a ſlicking or ibruſe enviad. • Sibi condare æs alle, len, Settle, repose, thruſt through. . ing in. num, to run bimſelf into debe. Oculos configere cornicum, so outo Confacc-co, ēre ; ncut. th wither or Conför.eo, ērc; n. to flowr il soge. do others. Omnes configere cu- faint, ber. ras in reipublicæ ſalute, to mind Conflaccefc-o, ère ; 2. to be allased Confluttuārim, adv. in 4 Moring nothing but the concerns of the com or weakened. mon-walıb. Con Aagellător, oris; m. & whipper. Confluctuālio, onis, a Arwing coge- + Coufigú'āris, re; adj. of a potter. Confāgel!ātus, a, um ; whipped, Ther. + Configújā:us, a, um, adj. made by fcourged. + Confuctuo, are ; to wave. a poffer. + Conflages, places to which many Confluctuor, ari ; to be toffed up and + Configulo, are ; A. to play the pot- winds blow together. down, to be in doubt. + Conflāgitator, oris ; m. an earnest Conflu&uõſus, a, um ; adl. ruſhing Configürātè, adv. in the ſame faſhion. Juisor. or flowing rogaher. Uuuu Con manner. CON F CONF CONG Conducns, ntis ; mi a placu wisret Conforto, are; to comfort e oboriſ. Confultus, a, um, part. Of conful- two river's must. Confoffio, onis ; f. á digging, Hab. cior ; under.propped. Confaeacia, 2; 1. an abundance; a bing Confumo, are to ſmoke or molbar. flowing together, falling down of Confoffor, oris ; m. a digge, ſtabbor. Confu-ndo, di, fum, ndëre ; to con- humours into any part of the body. Confofus, a, um ; part of confodior, found, ajioniſ, mingle roguber, put Confgcntia or Confluentes, the city digged, Babbed. Conlofñor, us ; out of order, Coblentz in Germany, where the comp. fullor of Nabs or wounds, + Confunero, are ; to bury. rivers Rhinc and Molel meet. Conf ovca, ovērc, čvi, Õrum ; 30 | Confungor, gli so be diſpatched. + Confūges, places to which, divers nourij, or deep warm log aber. Confulančus, a, um ; adj. [à confu- rivits-fun. + Contrac-co, ére; to wax rotten. fus1 confounded, coarſe. + Confluito. are ; to flow togaber. Confra&io, õnis ; f. a breaking. Confuſco, are ; to make brown. † Confulālis; lej adj. adjoining to Contractus, a, um ; part. of confrin. Confusè, iùs; adv. confuſedly. a riut, sor, bruiſed, brokon + Confusīlis, ie; ad). 3 art. safly Congue, xl, xom, čre; no to flow, + Confrăges, as conflages. mixed or confounded. como or get together, Confrăgose, roughly, ruggedly. Confuum, ady, promiſcuouſly. + le adjoining " Confrăgorus, 3 a, umadj. rough, Confufio, onis i f. confufon, diſorder, } & river. Confrăgus, rugged, pony, forag: a mingle-mangle, di maging. + Confluviātus, a, um ; joined to a AI, hard to underland, boarſi. * Confufior, us; adj. comp. mors rivery or conuized by a juice. Verſus confragoli, rough hewn uer. troubled or confused. tConfluvium, ii; n. the inlet, or fes. Confuſus, a, um, part. Of confun- mening together of divers Mreams. + Confratriffa, æ; f. brotherhood. dor, confounded, confuſed, proubled, + Confleus, a, um ; adj. Powing to- + Confrémčbundus, a, um , ad). abafed. • Suffragium confulum, osther. making a great noiſe. a bobhiſ alation, # Confiaxe, adv; ploring'). + Conſsemitis, as ; m. a terrible Confutatio, önis ; f. a confutation, # Confisxio, o ujs ; f. a confluxion, noiſe or roaring: difprouing. or flowerig. togeiber. + Coatremiſco, čre ; neut. to grunn. Confutātus, a, um ; P.BA. of con- # Confluxus, os ; m. a sonfluxor ble together. futor, accuſed or charged. concourſ of watır. Contrčino, ui, ĕre ; ncut. to mur. Contuto, are; act. to confute, dif- † Confocilla:io, önis; f. a iberiſhing, mur logether. provi, al wage, mix teĝaber, ro- Confūdico. arc; to lab or dig. + Conircndco, ēre ; to grahina testh Brain, dixxi. • Paulâ confutat Conf.od:o, ādi, offum , act. to dig, Confrendo, ērc; to challer with the truâ, is cools with a little ladle. + pierce, or run through. 8o Babi Seth Alicujus audaciam confutare, 1. Hortum co.: fode:e juli, i ordered + Confréquento, are ; act: 89 hruni chach a malaperi lawin-tox. the gardm 10 be dug, Plaut. * Ju. togahır. Confutūrus, a, um, part. of con- gulum confodiam ci, I will cur his + Confricatio, onis ; f. a rubbing. fore, which will ensus. ibroai, Vulneribus confoderc, + Confricatus, a, um ; rubbed or Conga, æ; f. a town of India wirbin to wound in many places, ſeratcbrd. Ganges. + Contodatio, õnis f fi a deling. Confrico, ui, com, ore ; act. to + Congarr-io ire ; to prole togather. + Confedātus, a, um ; polluted: rub, chale, duunt. * Boves confri. Congravata, Roſe-caſtle in Cumber- # Confederatio, onis; f. confonly a carc, to rub down extn. land. grument Confri lio, önis; f. a fratling.e cha- + Congaud eo, fre; ncut, to rejoitt Confeděro, arę ; fà foedus) 10 Cox fing together, feni or agree together.' Confrigefio, óri ; to be made cold. Coagedas, a riva in Spain. + Conrado, are ; ad. to defile or + Contrig.co, ērc; 2. to was old. Congelabilis, le ; sufly congealed. polluta. Confrigero, are; to make cold. + Congolaico, čre; to grow bard or Confædaftl, contıdrratas. t.Co Trigo, erc; to fry together, thick. + Contænerātor, ö.is; m. a partner Confr-ingo, ēgi, a&tum, ingére ; act. Congélãi:o, õnis ; f. a frerzing or in ufury. [of con and frango) to breide in aangealing + Contoneratus, a, um ; put in ufury, piers, break up, spise, sonfume, make + Conzčlativa medicamenta, Ropping +Confancro, are ; 'act. to put out *• bavock. . Rem confringere, to or drying medicines. wafı an aflate. Coagělatus, a, um ; congealed. Confceto;are ; to bring forth togetber. + Confrixorium, il; n. africafy. # Congělidè, adv. very coldly. Confæcūra, a; f. á bringing forth * Confrondõſus, a, um ; adj. full of Congēridus, a, um, cold. postrig togetber. bangla. + Conge!!us, i; be that was to fur. + Confæcus, a, um ; big with young. + Confructus, ds; m. e mingling or ad the patriarch. Sus confata, a low broughi sofa parting of fruit. Congéla, áre; to congeal or freest; crifice will all her pigs, + Confruor, ni; to enjoy regather, alſo 10 mortify. Orio congelare, + Conſoliatus, a, um, adj. having * Confuga, a; c. a refugio, one that to grow dull and unadive for want Iraurs tegorher. has tatm funduar. of bufines. Confore, infin. of confio, that will * Confugātio, onis; f. a pulling to Congelor, ari; to be frozm. come to paſs or fuccued. fighi, lying for ſucrour. # Congčmendus, a, um; to be lamm. + Conforio, ire; to defile witb dung. + Confugela, æ;f, a Nying for ne. tad. Conformātio, onis ; . a conforming, Congčminans, niis; doubling. forrning, fabioing, an intitution, Confugio, ūgi, itum, -čre ; neut. 1o Congěminātım, adı, jointis, doubling- and redreſsa Ny for refuge, to appoil unto. * in ly. Conformātor, õils; mi a fajioner, miſericordiam alicajus confugere, Congčminātio, onis ; f. a doubling Tefembler, a conformiſ. so make any inan's goodnefs or ten or repearing Conformātus, a, um;P&A of con: dernos a reireat or place of furcour. Congēminātus, a, um ; doubled. fo-bor, conformed, made alike. Confugium, 11; n. a refuge, a refors Congěmino, are ; a&.' to multiply or Conformidātio, onis ; an offright: for Juscour. double, laus congeninne, 10 Conformis, c; adj. 3 art. (ex for- + Confugo, arc ; to pier to flighi. lay on th:rk and threefold. may confermable, ſuitable, alike, a + Confulcimeatum, ti ; n. a prop or + Congčmiſco, ui, čre ; so high orila. fay. mmi together, to crup or crack. Conformitas, ētis; f. conformiry, Conful-cio, ai, tum, circ; act. to Congemmatus, a, um, budded. fuitablenes. short or prop up. Congemmo, ait ; to bud together. + Coulormiter, formully, orderly. Confolg.co, čre ; n. to glifer, Jhine Congemo, è:c; to lamint or groan Conformo, are ; aci. to conform, or togaber. fufion like another; suprofent, frume. Confulguro, are ; to lighten. Congèncr, čris ; [of con and genus] Sc ad voluntatem alterius con- + Confulminātus, a, uin ; adj. Druck of the jame kind for narc, to comply with. with thunder. t Congenerabilis, le ; ad). 3 art. Confornico, áre; to bowo, or make like + Confulmino, are; are; ro Brike with kafily engendered. thunder. Coogenerātus, a, um ; adj. begottes Consortātio. õnis ; f. a firengiben + Confultūra, æ; f. an uphor-prop itgeber. ing or confuriing. ping, Congěnc: 0, are ; to a fociate or ally. + Consi . greable all over. ! an arch. his knussi CON Ĝ CONG CONI * Congěnicio, or congeniculo, are ;, Conglóbo, are; e make round, om-Congruens, tis ; ad). agreable. 1. nal. body, gather into a thick party. Congruenter, adv. agresaoly: + Congěnſtūra, &; f. a being born being born + Conglóinerārius, a,m; adj. wind. Congrucntia, asf. congrully, agree. togelber. ing upons a bottom. Congruitas, atis ; } ableness. Pro- Congěnitus, a, um ; part. of congig. 1+ Conglomerãilo, onis; f. a beaping nunciandi congrucntia, comily pro- aor, born togerber. Pill conge together, # winding up. muniston, niti, bairs that we are born will. Cònglonerātus, a, una; part. of Congru-o, ui, ère ; (à gras] to gret. # Congentilis, le ; ad). of the famo conglomeror, heaped fogather. * Tempus congruit ad illod, she province or family, Conglömčro, arc ; act to wind yarn Tiine jerues well for it. Mulleri + Congenŭlo, arc; to for one uport m boltoms, no offenbla or galber 10 magis congrult,' it better ſuits a gebri, to burny tempefiuifly. unmin. Id non congruit ad go. + Congěnuo, are ; to join the knot. Conglomčtor, ari; par. 10 De wounds Atras literas, ibat is unſuitable to Conger, rl; n. a coger ed. Su or burried about our learning, congros. + Conglūcināmcntum, i ; n. a gluing Congres, i ; m. (nóngas] a conger Conger-les, lei; f. (à congero) a together, ell. beap, a hard, a pila. Conglūtinātio. opis, f. a gluing or congruus, a, um ; adt. Juitable, c. + Congěrminālis, lo; adj. of the joining rogeiber. gruable, jane jest w rool. Conglūtinaior, oris ; m. be iba + Congusto, ate; fo rafie tegober. + Eongerminaico, čre ; and -no gluss. Conguſtus, e ciry of Galatia. care ; to bud or grow sogeiber, 10 Conglūtinatus, a, um , P. & A Congylis, lis ; f. & rapo-rom. be allied, afficiated. glued together, compact. + Congyliun, if, D... a naphro or # Congermminātio, onis; f. a bad-Conglatino, are ; act. to glue or join turnip. ding together. Sogether. • Vulnus conglutinare, + Conhibere and conhlbantia, for + Copgermidātus, a, um ; part. so klofe up a wrand. connivére and congiventia, grown up fogaber. Congluc.io, tre; so swallow togeber.Coniaci, a posple of-Spain. Congermino. are ; to grow together, Congræco, arc tó tipple and make Coniades, a Gruck aurhor. Cong ēro, orli, eftum, črère ; act. to Congræcor, ari; } merry rogerher. merry repaber. t Conlātes, e parater. of walls, or galbar or brap up together, to charge + Congrand io, ire ; to wax great anointer of wrodlers. one wirb, heag upon, to make a nej. all about. Conica, a city of Paphlagonla. Viaticum alicui congcrere, no Congraſsator, 0:is ; m. a follow-shief Conicus, a, um ; adj. conic or coni. give one things fit for one's journey. or robber. cel, Marp at the top. • Aram congerere, to raiſe an el Congaſfor, ari; to rob or feal. + Conje&abandus, a, um , adj. full tar. * In aliquem maledi&ta con-Congrātanter, adv. very acceptably, of conjectures. gercrc, i rrik one. Congrātīficor,ari ; to gratify rogabat, Conjectanca, õrum ; 2. books wburrin Congerro, Inis, m. (à gerræ vel + Congrātúlābundus, a, um , defr. w write our conjetunt, gario) e prasing companion. ons to be ibankful and few bis good. Conie&tanter, adv. conje&uro-rolfe. Congeftátio, önis; f. á braping toge will, Conjectatio, Önlo; . a gusting or Iber or carrying about. Congrātilatio, onis; f. a congratula conjofturing Congeſtātus, a, um, part. f con. sing, or wißing much joy. # Conjeciātor, oris ; m. a gueror. geftor, carried about or fogahar. Congratulātor, oris ; m. be but yo. Consediatoriè, ady. by gues. longefte, Jady. by heaps, confufid- jorreth af ini's proſperity. Conſcalo, õnis ; f. á gurling or calle Congefin, ly. Congrātălor, mi ; dep. to wiſh one ing together, Congeftio, onls í f. o gathering or joy, or rejoice with bim, Conjecto, arc; adt. [of con and Jac- haping rogabar. Congrávido, are; so make heavy or to) to gurfs, divint, cali. All. Congcftitias, a, um ; adj. call in dig with child, quid argumento conjectirc, to guals braps, raiſed by hand.' • Locus Coogravo, arc; to make bravy, 10 är a thing wiib fome reaſon. congeſtitius, a 'dunghill. : load, wrigh down. Conjc&tor, āris ; . a footh-faser, Congeftitus, a, um ; call on braps. It Congredias for congrediaris. divinary prignolicator, interpreter of Congefto, are ; to carry rogather. Congrcdiens, tis; going together. dreamı, Congeftas, a, 'am; part. of conge-Congredior, čris, congreffus fum, Conjectrix, fcis; f. an interpretels. ror ; braped up, call regerber, coured. ēdi; dep. (of con and gradior) to Conicatūra, æ ; f. & conjccture or Congeſtus, As; m. a beaping up. walk rogether, 80 mut, engage, dis guelling. * Dé sc conjocuram fa. Avium congeftas, a bird's nejl. # pure, encounter. Adutum con cere, to judge of by one's felf. Congchus copiarum, ibe main gredere, go salk with himas promily. Conjedūrál:s, le adj. 3 art. sonjat- forces. • Alicui quotidianâ confuctudine tural, only guelled al. Conglalis, le; adj. [à conglus] be congredi, to converſe with one dai Conjecturalitcr, ady. by gueſt. longing to the meaſure congius. ly. Conjc&ūrārlus, and conjectärlus, a, Coogʻārium, ii ; ni a largeſs or dole Congregabilis, le 3 adj. 3 art, raply um ; adj. of gurfing. of com, wine, or given specially brought together. + Con cetūrāticus, a, um ; adj. if by the Roman emperors as their coro. Congregātim, adv. in companies. efficacy abſoluta. nation. Congregatio, onis ; congregation, + Conie&uratio, onis ; f. sonjet- Cooglārlas, a, um , adj. of a Ro. oljoondly, gathering together. twring. man gallon. * Cadus congiarius, Congrčgātus, a, um ; part. of con- + Conjectūro, y'e ; il conjecture, a gallon rundles. gregor, gathered togabar. Conscctus, a, um ; part. of condicior, Congigao, ēre ; to get at me. Congrego, ape; act. lă grex] 10 affo. iaff, thrish, dgained. Cong io, ire; act. to augment or ciale, father sogatbor, . Se cum conjectus, us ; mi a calling, hurl. gather-logaher, æqualibus congregare, to kaup com. ing. Oculorum conicctus, the + Congium, il; 2, 6 gallon. Se pany with his follows. rilling about of the eyes. congius. Congrăınlo, are; to lull aflop Conifer, 2 a, um ; [à conus & Congius, ii ; m. (zous, vel à concha Congreſſioonis; f. a seling, honnt. Coniferus, stero] bearing long vel congero) a Rowan gollon hold. ing, vifting, confermie, encounter. bun.bes, lika ibu sud of cyprus, ing 6 fextaril, my wine-pints and ing; ascefling ivy-berries, grapes of pine-apples. one rigbib of á pim Congreffus, a, um ; part of congre. Conifera arbor, . free thas + Conglabro, arc; to make bald er dlor, afaulting, coping, joining. beareth Super fruil like the pine- bar. Congrecus, is, m. ; . congres, mil apple ; Orld. & Vir. Æ. III. Conglăclātus, a, um ; frozen. ing, en ounteringi Impar con 680. Conglácio, are ; 10 freizi, or be idla. greſſus, an unequal march. *Re- Coniger, a, um; the same as conl. + Tribunatus conglaciat Curioni. lervare aliquid in congreffum, to fer. Cario did nothing remarkable in his reforur a thing till a mining hop Conti, e people of Spain. vibunoip. pan. Conl-icio, ici, cauin, icăre ; 28. Qonglobátim, ady, in a round lump. Congr-ex, gen. čgis; ad}. 3. art. of Cic. (of con and Jacio) to caß to- Conglobātio, onis ; f. a garbering or she same fork, hord, or company ; gaber, hurl, drivi, laj, put, con- coming 11 å round lump. lying, walking, keping .company or vey, maks, withdraw, bellow, park, Conglobātus, a, um ; part. gashered converfing sogather, add 10, digol, gueſs. In • In vlocula round. U 1 1 1 = con-1 : 1 7 } CONI CON N CONO conjicere, to caf into prijoni Sc tion, joining together, affinity, love,, Connicto, čre; neut. to open as a in pedes conjicere, io butake bim. nuomess. Conjunctiones, hypo bound whm he has the fiens. fulf to his besls. * In fugam con 'tbetical propofitions. Connicto, are ; ncut. [à conniveo] Jicerc; to put to flight. Conjicere + Conjuncionális, Ic; adi. of a con to wins often. latro, to run in a-durs ; Ter.. junition or joining together + Connictor, ori ; to futter with the Orationtm in aliqaem conficere, Conjunctionāliter, conjuntionally. ti talk of a parfon. Conjicere Contuáctifsimè, adv. molt cloſely, Connidifico, are; to build a palllum in collum, to put op & Conjun&ivus, a, um ; adj. faliened Connidūlor, asli nel. cloak; or clep it on the souidors. * together, Connigrefac!o, čre ; 30 make black. Aliquem in lætitiam conjicerë, 80 Conjun&ura, æ; f. a joining togetber. it 'Connigr co, ērc; to wax black. maht one glad. lo me colpam Conjundus, a, um , adj. ior, iffi: 1+ Connigrico, are ; to make foru: conjicit, hilays ibe fault on me.. mas; (à conlungor] joind, allied, wbot black, In librum conjicere, to put it down, faithful, familiar. Fannio ætatc Connigro, arc; to moke black. or write it in a book. In yorum conjuadus Ant!pater, Antipater it Conniſus, is; m. an efny.. ſe mente ac cogitationc conjicere, was sotemporary wish Fannius. *1# Connitco ērc; so shine together. toifall to making verfes. Inter fe conjun&iifimi, mof dear Conniudo, are ; 10 make brigbe. + Conila, æ, and le a kind of poi friends. Connitor, čris, nixus og -fus, ti to birba Conjun-go, xi, Cun, göre; 28. to endeavour carnally, rug hard, lein Conimbrica, Colmbra, e city and join together. * Dextram conjan upon, bring forth young. In fun- univerſity of Portugal. gere dextræ, to jaka bands, mum ſugua conniti, to get up the + Conjocos, arl; to je togetber, + Conjunx, ugls į md conjugis, ge ; bill by hard labour. # Conjoculáris, re; ſporting, jefing. adj. joined together. Connivens, ntis ; part. a winking or + Conjoculārius, ii; m, a buffoon of Conjūrāmentum, tin. a conjuring difembling. Oculi fomno con maki-ſporti or conspiracy: nivcnics, heavy with flerp, + Conjocủlātor, oris; m. a jgfor, Contürāti, örum; m. conſpirators. Conniventia, æ; f. á winking or con- Conion, the harb bambusk. Conūrátim, ady: by cm/piracy, niving af + Conios, ibe firf foundation of bu çonjurātio, onis; f. a conspiracy, Conni-yco, vi, and xl. vere; neut. work. confederacy, 10 wink, wink ai, difemblo. + Con podes, a fos worn by winton + Conjūrātó, adv. by conspiracy. + Connivum, 1; n. a roſe-bud. perfons. Conjūrātor, oris ; mi a conſpirator. Connexus, a, un ; part. of connitor; Conifalius, an Athenian god, war. Conjūrātus, a, um, part. of conju endeavouring, leaning, yawning. Dipped after the fans nanner as ro.. conſpiring together. + Conno, are ; to ſwim together or in Priapus among the Lampſaccol. Conjūro, are; neut. to conſpire loge. a Shoal. Conifct, a prople of Spain. ther with an oath of fecrecy, (in a Connodo, are; to knit togober. Coniſco, arc; ad. Lo bultas 4 good or bad sense ;) to engage in + Connoteico, čre z: 10 begin to be Conifio > raw. musually. "Amicè conjurat, ugras known. + Conifici or coniftra, a place of lovingly. Conpūbiālis, lc; adj. of wedloch. wrolling or exerciſ?, Coninx, ūgis ; c. à jugum vel + Corinūbiláre, maka cloudy or Coniſtērium, 11; n, a place whers Conjunx, sjungo] a yoke-follow, wreflors biduled one another, busband or wijt. Connūbilis, lc ; ad), marriageable. Coniftiam, a town of Teutbrania Conizı, as conyza. Connūbilus, a, um, dark or cloudy. near the river Clycos. Conlāborcollabor, &. Connubiya, ii; n, marriage, wed- Coniſtorais, a city of Spain. Conlatro, arc ; so bark, carp, or rail Lock, Conſum, a town of Mylia in Afia. as continually. + Connubius, a, um ; of wedlock, Conítom, iin' a kind of offering + Conlaudabilis, lc ; adf; commed- Connū.bo, pa, ptum, bére ; to marry m whicb Hour was caſ. able. together. + Conjūbīlātio, õnis ; f. a rejoicing Conluco, are ; (à lux) to lop Connūdătus, a, um ; part of connu. together. bought abbructing the lighe. dor, mada bare or naked. # Conļūbilo, are ; to rejoice together. Connacia, Connaught in Irc!and. Connūdo arc; act, ia maka bear, or Conjūdīcatò, adv. with good advice Conna, a city of Phrygia major. uncover, * Conjudicátus, a, an; judged 13-Connatālis, le; adli baving the same Connūgārius, id; m. S. Connugator. gether. birth day with another. Connūgacor, oris, mi a trifler. + Conjūdico, arc; to judge sogesber. + Connatālītium, ji; A. the fame + Connīgātorius, a, um; adj. iri. + Conjuga. ; f. & wife. birth-day with others. fing, foodilo. # Conjugālis, le; of marriage. *Dil + Connátio, õnis ; f. a ſwimming Connugor, ors; to-srije, 8oy, dally. conjugales, gods prefiding over mar- together. + Connůměrātim, or -LỘ i adv. by Tiage, Hymen, &c. + Connătilis, le ; ſwimming together. number. * Conjugamentum, 1; R. a coupling) Connāto, are; fo ſwim togeiber, so Connůměrātio, õnis ; f, a reckoning tegether, court the ſame women, up. + Con ngārius, ii ; m. be that yokath. Connāvigācio, õnis; f. a failing to Connumčrātus, a, um ; part of con- sögothir. gother. aumord, numbered together. Canjūgāta, orum.n. derivatives of Connāvigātor, õris ; m. a fellow. + Connuo, ère ; to nod together. the same original, conjugares. Jailor. + Connaptialis, le ; adj. of marriage. + Conjugatio, onis ; f. & yaking toge-Connāvšgo, are ; to fail rather. + Connūto, are ; to ned the head. ther, conjugation. + Conneuſeo, are, to be an forka + Connūtricātio, onis ; f. a nourib- Conjūgātor, oris į m. be that joins or Connc-cto, xul, xum, &čre ; ro knit ing together. matches togaber. together, fallen togosbar. *Tempo- + Connūtrico, are ;-80 Tiurſe or nok- Conjúgātus, a, um; joined, wedded, ra lauro connectere, 10 bind the rijf together. Conlugluá, il ; n. wedlore, marriage. sempels with laurels. + Connier-io, ire; to facrifh together. Bina conjugla, twp couples. + Connexilis, le ; fily joined, # Connūt:itias, ii'; m he that is Conjúgo, arc; to maub, wird, or tyo Connexio, õnis ; f. a binding or tying brought up with anorber. together. tegriher, a conclufion. Connütritus, a, um; nouriſhed toge- | Conjugūlom, ij n. popi-wird or Connexivus. a, um , adj. coupling or shar. Morbus connutritus, ars. with-wind. joining togubor, old difemper Conjugūlus, a, um ; adl, joined. + Connexo, arc; to knit or ise soge- Conoides or -odes ; like a pire-ap- Conjugus, a, um, adj. soked or joined ther. ple.. together, Conncxam, i; n. a connex, or con. Conon, önis; an biforian, a famous, Conjuncta, orum;ninfopirable as. clufon in logick. sashematician, and, a general of the cident. Connexus, a, um ; [of connector] Ath: nians, who, bring buatan. by Conjunciè, ius, iffiniè; ady. jain! joined, truled M8 together, inngled. Lylander the Lacedemonian, will- by friendly. Amare conjuncte, Conncxus, Ûs; m. a joining or ment 'ingly baniſed himſelf into Perfia, to love entirely. ing together. where he prevailed with king Arta- Conjun&tim, adv. togalhar, nearly. Conaictatio, onis ; f. a iwinkling or Xerxes to aj be country in reguin- Conjunctio, onis ; f. Cic. a conjunc winking of these ing their former liberty. Coro 1 mon. CONS CONS CONS clam, to make one pridy $og LA Cononienfes, & people of Gyllia Nar-, Consīburro, are ; to ballaf a joip. bonenſis. Confalaneus, oi; m. be that fits borom one's fell to any one. Cononis, ara, a place in Ethiopla, the ſame sale or mofs. Confc-indo, idi, iftun, indore ; to by the gulph of Arabia. Conſalutātio, onis ; f. a joint ſalu cut in pieces, Nice, sah, or carko- Cononium, Chelmsford in Effex. tation. nads, gird, tauni, iwit:b, or pina; Conopas, the name of a dwarf o Conſalutātor āris ; m. a joint faluter. 10 senfure fewraly'; C:c ad Attic swo feet and a hand's breadth, af. Conſalūto, are ; to great me anorber. *Sibilis conſcindere, to buscoff frated by Julia, ibegrand-daughier Consāncico, čre ; to grow whole or Conſc-lo, ire; ncut. to knoro in Ori's of Auguftus. well. fdf, be privy to. * Nil confcite Conopc, a city of Acaroanla. Confanguinājis, le; of the same blood. fibi, to know himſelf to be dear. Conopæus, Confanguincus, ei im, a coufin.ger Coníciðlus, a, um, ſomewbat guilty, Conſciicendus, a, um, to bi goriophia Conopeus, a citizın of Conope. Conopites, Confanguincus, a, um, a kin by blood. Conſciſco, ivi, tum, čre ; to voia bagi Coaõpetum, i; n. a canopy, lent, or Confanguinītas, ātis; f. kindred by common, conſent, ordain, procura, bed's teller. blood and birth, confanguinity. ammit, gathor. Sibi mortem conſciſcere, to kill binnfalf. * Sibi Conopon or Dlabasis, a ſmall ifand + Conſanguino, arc ; to be of the of Myfia Inferior, jame blood. fugam & exiliam confclfccre, Copops, a gaat Consáno, are, 10 heal up or le bizled. go into voluntary banilommi. Conorari [ à xovén, feſtino] to en- Confarciendus, a, um, so be patebed. + Conſciſcilis, le ; adj. cafig auto de veur, altemps. + Conſarcinā:ius, 11 m. be thur Confciffio, onts; f. a cuying or paring. Conos, a kind of trut, packs up: Conicifura,æ; f. Mabigan, hacking . Conorlum, Conway and Abercon-Conſarcinātor, āris ; m. o parcher, Conſcifus, a, um , part of conſcin- way in W2!es. or packer, dor; forn and out in pistai, back'd Conlarcinātrix, icls; f. a woman + Conplūrinom, a tabernacle. and jugend. + Conpluvium, as compltivium. taylor or besiber. Conſcifus, ùs; toie cutting. Conquadrātus, a, um, jquared, nado Confarcīnātus, a, um; part. of con- Cons:ītus, a, um, part. of conſcif- Square, darcinor, patched or pasked. cor, ordained, &c. Conquadro, are ; to Square. Conſarcino, are ; to pack or hundle Conſcius, a, um ; adj. [à ſcio) como Conqualsātio, onis ; f. afbaking 10 up; alſo to patio or mond. fcious, privy to, guilty. * Tui gether or vexing. Confarc-ioj irc ; adł. to piece or make conicius alicui, privy to ant's inunn whole. Conquaſsātus, a, um, part. of con: tions. quaffor, jbaloni, diſquiered. Confarculatio, önis ; f. a wording, Conſcobino, are;to ſaveof a wound. Conquaſſo, arc ; act. 10 Jake and raking, or borrowing. Conſcortātor, õris; m. a compaxina break in pisces, wafe and trouble. Confarcălo, are ; so rake or wud. of whoremaongeri. + Conquaterno, arc, so for in ſquares Confarr-ip, irc ; to wed up, purge. Conſcortor, ari ; go go zhoring, and Squadrons. Confarritio, onis; f. a warding. + Conſcotinus, a fellow in darkneſ. Conqueror, čris, queñas ſum, si Coufarritor,õris; m.a wider or rakır. Conscribillo, arc, to enroll, foragol, to wheal, dep, to complain or bewail. • 'Tibi + Confartor, oris ; m. a beteber or conqueritur, be makes his soan to suylor. Conſcrībo, pa, ptam, bere ; nå. write down or regiſar, te compoje. you. # Conſartus, a, um ; part of confar- Conquestio, õnis ; f. a complaining cior; kaps ſafe and found. Milites conſcribcre, to lif sale Conqucftus, ùs ;-a. a complaint. + Consătellitiua, il; n, guard of diers. + Conqui-co, čre; sa refs together. Conſcriptilis, le ; adj. 3: :t. that Conqui-eſco, cvi, ērum; roʻrep, ac-+ Confatiātus, a, um ; ſatisfied. way be written, joined in the same quiafu, iske content, cafe, be al-+ Consătīvus, a, um, adj. sown or feruice or feet. layed. * Ab armis conquieſcere, planted together. Confcriptio, onis ; f. a rarding, to be at peace. * In ftudiis conqui. Consătŭro, are ; to ſatisfy or fill. Conſcriptor, oris; m, an insoller. eſcere, to delighi him/elf in learn. Confauciālio, onis ; f. wounding. + Conſcriptorius, a, um; adj. of ing. Sanguis conquicicit, the Confauciātus, a, um, wounded much. writing or regifiering. fux.is Raid. Coofaucio, arc; to wound dup. Confcriptus, a, um ; A. P. of con- Conquiniſco, iſcère; to nod. Confauclor, arl; to be wounded. fcribor, mnrolled, mugered,regifer'd. Conquiro, fivi, icum, rère ; a&. (of Conſcătūrigo, inis ; f. ibe bubbling of Conſcripti, orum, pl. m. five con and quæro] to gal, to jak - a ſpring. patres confcripti, lenators ; yet not bout, fearch for diligently. Mi-1 ConfcäcGr-io, ire, to spring er bub thoſe firſt infitured, but lurb only as lites conquerere, to raiſe ſoldiers in ble up. Wort saken into that order out of the suury flare. Conſcēlērātè, adv. wicked!), gentry by_Brutus, after the expulfion Conquiliè, ady, exquiftels, chaisely, Conſcělērātus, a, um, miſchievous, of king Tarquin; and theſe corre rarely. involved in wickedneſs. called conſcripti. tp difling wib tben- Conquiſitio, onis, fia diligent ſearch Conicélcro, are; act. to defile, de folus from the Patricii, at which ing or providing* Militum con fams, involve in wickedneſs. time the number (which in the time quiatio, a prefing of soldiers. + Conſcelérõlus, a, um ; add. full of of Romulus warz an hundred, and Conquisītor, oris ; m, an officer that miſchiof. doubled by Tarquin) WAS Augmented to three hundred. prefes, keeps orders in tbe theatre, Concelcftus, a, um, wicked, naughly. that follows a hue and cry, Conſcendo, di, cum, dore ; (of con Conſcrūtor, 2r1, to ſearch all about. Conquisītus, a, umpart. of con- and ſcando] to climb or go up. In + Confculpo, ērc, to carve or engrave. quiror, rart and choice, exquifits navlm con cendere, to go a lip. Conſculptilis, le ; rafily carved. and curious. &c. burd. * Equum conſcendere, 1o Conſculptor, dris ; m. an engravur. Conradinus, the son of the emperor take borſi, Conſculptūra, æ; f. a carving Conradus.. Confcenfio, õnis ; f. an embarking, Confculptus, a, um ; part. Of con- + Conrado, conrepo, conrldeo, &c. mounting. ſculpor, engraum. ai corrado, &c. + Conſcolaris, a ſchooll-follow. Conſec-o, ul, tum ; ta muat in pisus. Conradus, di, m.ani emperor, the fon Conſcla, and ola, a maid which ist Conſecrabor for confecrabo. of Frederick, poiſoned by his phra- her miſirofs's confidant. Confecraneus, a, um ; conferated. cians, corrupted by Manfred, who Confclens, ntis párt. of conſcio, Confecratio, onis ; f. a dedicating fucceeded him in the empira, guilty of privy to. Confecrator, oris ; mi bo bat ante crates. + Conregio, õnis; fi a region (aterm Conſcienièr, adv. knowingly, willing in awgury} Conſecrātus, a, um, part. of conſe- + Conreus, ci ; m. fellow priſoner, Conſcientia, æ ; f. Cic. conſcience ; cror, confecrated, givm; alſo wicked. an accalory to a fca. the knowledge of or refledion upon Conſecro, arc; ad. (of con and ſa- + Conruo, or corruo, čre ; to ſubviri our own actions. Reus conſcien cro] to conturate or dedicats, *Scrip- and overtbrow, tie, acould as an acceſary, * Suz tis conſecrarc, to sterniz. * Mariis + Cooruſpari, to ſearch diligently. conditionis babct conſcientiam manubias muris conſecrare, to find Copſaborrenſes, a people of Conſa he knows his own ebare well mough. jome time for extriſe of the pex s- grum, or Confaburan in Spain. Afumcre aliquem in conſcien Tidy the moife and turules of war. min. Con. ; fan appeaing, CONS CONS CONS Conſearaneus, a, um ; following. Conſepel-lo, fre; to bury together. Confeffor, oris;m, he that fits by others. Confc&arium, ii; n. & confeitary of Conic-pio, p.fi, ptum, pire; a&t. 30 Confeffus, üs ; m. an Timbly joated conclufion. incloſa, or hedge in. on benches, as in a ſchool, ihiatrs, Conſectárius, a, um , adj. following Conteprum, 1; 2. an indofurs, closet. &c. upon anorber thing. Conſeptus, a, um ; part of: conſe Cons-idco, ēdl, cffum, idēre ; neut. Confe&ārius, ii;m. a follower of pior, incloſed. [à con & fedco) to fit by osbars, any party. + Confequax, acis ; adj. 3. art. fol. take up one's abode or ref, to light Confcatio, önls ; f. e following, lowing, or pliant. upon, se fill, be allayed, to quarter purſuit, imitating Consēquēla, æ; fo a conclufion, sequel. or lodge. * In mediocritatc confi- Confcetãtor, oris ; m.a follower, pur. Consequens,ntis; part. of coníequor, det, & is plain and ordinary, fur. following, conveniens. * Eit con Nomcn utriuſque in quatturâ con- Confe&atrix, icis; f. fe that follows. fequens, it follows. ſedit, neither of sbom got any bonour Confeailis, le ; ad), saly to be cut. Conséquens, ntis ; ſabft. 2. a conclu. in the quaforbip. Conic&tio, onis ; f. ai custing and hon, + Considerālis, le ; of planns, pruning Conséquenter, adv. by conſequence. Considcrantia, æ; f. warinefs, adviai. Confe&tivus, a, um , often cut. Consequentia, æ; f. á conſéquence or Considérantiùs and aciùs ; ady, mori Conie&or, ari; dep. (à conlequor ) Jaquel from the premiſes conſiderately. to follow iloji, run after, mdua-+ Consēquia, arum ; f. fequels. Considcratè, adv. circumfpraly, we vour to know, imitate, affia, recite. + Conscquitor, örls ; m, follower. rily. • Bencvolontiam largitione con- Consč-quor, cutus fum, qui ; dep. do Considératio, õnis ; f. confideration, Sectari, to fusk to get good will by folloro, overtakı,' win, purchaſe, confidering, cantemplation, rogard. bridas.' Conſsaari convictis, to comprebend, expreſs, overcoma, imja Conşīdērātor, oris ; m. be that con- Tail at. fati. * Verbis conſequi, to expreſs. nders, + Confe&ūra, æ; f. a culting. # Memoriâ, conje&urâ conſequi. Consīděrātas, a, um ; confidered, cir. Confe&tus, a, um, part. of confecor, to remember, gueſs. Eum morem cumpra, difereat, Vcrbum con- cm. conſequar, M'l do it jull so, I sideratiflimum, amodeji word ſpoken Consecutio, onis; f. a following, sb- imitate or follow it. after mature deliberation. laining, conſequence. Volaplatis + Consēquas, a, um , adj. confequmi, Consīděro, arc; to confidor, ponder, con!ecutioncm affert,, introduces conſonant. rogard, viero. pleaſure. Conséquutus, a, um ; part. of conſc. Consideror, conſe- Consideror, ari ; 8o-be considered, + Consécūrint, adv. confequently, quor, obtained blaped. + Consécutivan, a, um, adj. follow. Consérénat, it is fair weather. Conliditur (ab illis ] tbey ref. ing by confequence. + Consērēnitas, aris ; f. fair weather Conl-ido, ēdi, effum, idöre; to fit or Conačcūtus, a, un part, of conſe for a long time. link down, to ref or Jarle ligbi, be quor;, following overtahan, ab. Consčrēno, arc; ncot to be fair, al waged. * in aliam partcm tained. # Confermo nor, for fcrmocinor. confidere, to bi of another mind. + Consēdātè, adv. qutly. Cont.cro, ēvi, itum, črère ; act, to • Ardor animi conſedit, ibu paljon + plant, sow or jot in beds, ordain, is porr. Nir up, Spread upon. • Leges con Consigilläris, re ; adj. of Joeling. + Consedátor, oris., m. An appeajor, āris; m. amappeafer , Coriseres, ui, lucah, merez adj. 10 plot Consigillatus, a, um ; Jozled or Consigillatim ; ady, one by one. pacifier. Consēdātus, a, um ; quided, calmed. or fje together, interming's. * Ma marked together Consēdic or Coſedla, ia town in the num horte conferere, io fight hand Consigillo, are ; 80 seal together, dukedom of Luxemburg; to band. Prælia conferere, 80 Conſignācŭlum, li ;'a. a marking * • Belli artes inter ſe + Consēdo, önis ; be that fits with Sealing together. another. conferere, to diſcourſe togetber of Confignan-ièr, -iè otiùs, -tifimè; Consēminal's, Ic ; of divers ferds. Pratageois adv, evidmily, notably. Consēmlacus, a, um , adj. sown with Conferratus, a, om; P. & A. Jawed, Conſignātio, ons ; f. & fealing up, mingled ferdi. * Silva conſeminca, or like a jowi a band writing Agned. a wilderneſs in a gardm. Conicrro, are ; 80 faw together. Conſignātorios, a, um ; adj. of Consēmino, are ; to fowo rogarber. Conſertè, Zadri fall, jantly, cloſe fealing, Confencſco, ui, čre, neut. to wax Conſertim, Šly, in links. Conſignitūra, æ; f.a fealing togeber. old, or grow into difrepute, Sub Conſertor, oris be that fights Conſignātus, a, um ; part. Signed, armis confeneſcere, to load all bis hand to hand. marked, rogiſter'd. life in war. Conſertus, a, um ; part. of conieror, + Conſignificantèr, adv. as fignifying Confenfio, onla ; f. e consenting, ar joined, interlaced, befei. Arva with another. cord, conspiracy. conforta gentibus, countries inha. It Conſignificantia, æ; f. a fignify- Conſonſus, a, um, part. of conſen- biud. ing with orbers. tior, conferind unto, granted. Conserva, æ; f. a follow maid-Sør. Conſignificatio, önis ; f. a fgnifying Conſenſus, ts; m. confent, agrer- by tokens. Conſervābilis, lc ; adj. eaply keps. Conſignificātus, a, um ;. Agnified with Confentānous, a, um, adj. agrua. Conſervatio, õnis; f. a kouping or others, or by tokens. ble, convenient. * illis conſenta preſerving. Confignifico, arc; a&. 10 fignify with neum eft, 'tis according " their Conſervātor, oris ; m. a preferuar, whers, or brw by tokens. principle. maintainer, deliverer. Conſigno, are ; ri feal or mark, add Conſentes, the twelve principal hea. Conſervātrix icis ; f. pare that pre. a condition to a thing already writ. thm gods. fervorh. ton. Literis conſignarc, to poti, Comentia ; n. facrifices appointed by Conſervālus, a, um ; preſerved, ſaved. Jus down in writing. the conſent of ihe family. + Conſervilis, le ; adj. of servanis. Consīl-co, čre to deep Slenet, be Conſentia, &; tbs cbiof rity of the Conſerv.io, ire; to jerve together, Conſilcſco, ere; or grow Hill. . Brutii. , i; n. in Dum hæ condleſcunt turbæ, 'ill Conſentiens, ntis ; agrering. # Fama Conferyitas, ūtis ; f. } Servica. Ibis bluffer be laid. conſenticns, a current report, Conservo, arc; to keep, maintain, Consiliāns, ntis ; part. giving, taking Confentini,ibi lownfmm of Consentia. preferus, deliver, fulfill. or asking counſel. Confen-tio, fi, fum, dre; act. to con. Conservŭla, æ; f. lille fellow Consīliārius, ii ; m. a counſellor. feni, agree witb, de comunione. maid-forvent. Consīlīgo, inis; she bord pomelea or Secum or ipſi sibi conſentire, so Confervulus, i, m. #litte follow foltorwort. be always like bimſelf. In alle man-feruant. Conglinum, a town in Italy, near quem conſentire, so eru to make Conſervus, i; m. a follow-forvani. Tarcntun. Jherb a one umire. . In eum omnes + Confeſsibulum, lin. a benıb 80 jt Consil-io,. ul and Livi, ire [of con illud conſentuát cloglum, they all on. and falio) to alwuli, sbarge, and give bim this commendation. + Conſefsilis, le ; firing tegather, or fall on together. Conſentityr (ab illis) impers, the which may orfily fit together. Conglior, art; dep. fà confilium) !! or agreed upon it. Confeffio, onis ; f. a firing together, treab Sogether, to ask or give counſol. Con join barele, vans. 1 man. Man, . CONS CONS CONS Consillofus, a, um ; adj. wiſe, full, Consõlător, oris ; m. e comforter, Conſpěcólārlus, ii; im. & watch. of wbolefoms advico. Consolātorius, a, um ; comforting. Consilium, il ; n. Cic, (à conſulo) Consolida, æ; f. [à conſolido) the + Conſpergo, inis ; f, * water. counfal, advice, purpoſe, inimi, ap. herb confroy. * Regalis conſolida, prinkle. polniment, the council, persons afin wild cummin. • Media conſolida, Conſpergo, fi, ſum, göre ; ad. [of bled in council, In concilio ba. bugle. con and ſpargo) te sprinkle, featier all about. bendum eft, it is to be thought upon. Consolidārio, onis ; f. the having of # Habere or inire confiliun, to pobeffion or profit with the properly, Confperfim, adv. ſcattering, enter into conſultation. Soum con Arengibening. Confperfio, onis ; f. a sprinkling 4. temnere con Glium, to diſlike his own Consõlydātus, a, um ; confirmed, baut. deſign. Eit confiliam, I intend. made ſure, Conſperſus, a, um ; part. of con- Consimilis, le į adj. very like. # Consoliditas, ātis ; f. foundneſs, ſpergos, (prinkled, &c. + Consimilitas, aus ; f. likmeſs. Consolido, are; act. io folder tegaber, lt Conſpicabilis, le; adj. evident, Consimilitèr, jul fo. or make found. eminent. Consimilitūdo, inis ; f. great rejom. Consolor, ári ; to confort, encourage, + Conſpicābundus, a, um ; adj. cery blanc, mitigare. beautiful. + Consimălāmen, inis ; n. A rejom Coacom niātio, onis ; f. a dreaming Conspīcātus, a, um ; fecing or ſom. bling togahar. together. Conſpicax, acis; adj. clear, evident. Consimúláte, adv. with ro'emblanc. + Conſomnlātor, oris ; m. a follow- Conſpiciendus, a. um ; part. worthy Consimŭlātlo, onis ; f. a mutual 18- dreamır. to be rigurded or afrsnud. somblance. Conſomnio, are ; lo dream together. Conſpicilium, ii; 2. a prospettivt. Consīmīlātus, a, um ; refemblod, Consõna, za ; f.[ic. litera ja consonant. glaſs, Spectacle, or loop.bile; a lat- countørfois. Consõnaas, 'ntis ; part. of conſono, tice window. # Consīno, čre ; to pormit, sufrr. founding together, confonant, agrua. Conſpicillo, õnis ; m, a soy or waisb. Consīpio, čre; (à fapio) to favour or ble. Litera contonantes, the be wiſe with others. lollers joined with vowels in their Conspicillum, i ; 8. See Conſpici- + Confiptum for confeptum. found. Conſonantior, making a liom. Conäftens, niis; durable. • Vloun greater found, more agriable. Contp:iclo, exl, Rum, ic res[à con confiftens, shat bears its oge well. Coasõnans, ntis f. a conſonani. & antiq. fpiclo to look upon,confider. Coafiftentia, a; f. a thickening. Consõnantia, z; f. barmony, agra- Conſpicior, ci ; to be bohaldgór bad in Con Go, -is, ftici, fitum, -fiftere; ing of voices. rogard. . Animi bors confpici, neut. to pop and jay, to conff, 8o-Conlonè,adv. with one accord or voice. so be eminent for bis and parts. journ, lap, to depend upon. in + Consõnito, are ; t. found togetber. Confpicor, ari įto be ld, meet with. anchoris claffis confiftit, she flar Consõno, ui, ase ; ncut. 10 found 10- Conſpicuus, a, umjag [of confpicio] rides ar anebor, . Fluvii confiftunt gather, sccho, agret. # Sibi confo ranurkible, onmi, arinmi ; frigore, the rivers are froxm up. nat, he is fill the ſame man. allo quick-fighla. Magnitudine • Mente confiftere, to be in one's Consõnos, a, um ; adj. agruing in confpicuus, found for the great right wiss. • Legatum confiftit, found, conuen ent. the logacy is good in law. • Paul Consop.io, ire ; 10 coff into a nap. Conſpirans, udis ; part. agruing. liſper agmen confiftit, they make a Consõpitus, a, um ; laid a floep. Conſpirātio, onis ; f. a conſpiracy. bale . "Ica congrie, fand. Fi. Conforanni, e people of Aquitain. Conſpirātiùs, adv. more feruently. des confiftit utrinquc, they both + Conforbllis, lei fie to jup sogathor. Confpirator, oris ; m. a. conspirator. kerp their words. * in judicio cum + Conforbillo, are ; n sup ofum. Confotrālus,a,um; conspiring, banda allquo consiſtere, to go to law with t Contorbio, ire ; to sup with anorber. od ingather. • Confpiratum eft, Conſors, tis ; c. Cic. a copartner or they plotted his deftruation, Confiftoriānus, a, um ; adj. of the jbarer. • Publici conalli confors, Conſpirātus, ûs ; a. a kross league, confifory, convocation or parliammt. a parliament man; it may alſo be conſpiracy. Conaftorium, ii ; 8. a confjory,soun- uſed for a common-council-man. Conipiro, are ; là {plro] to conspire, ril, council houſe. Confors gencris, a kinſmon, blow rogarber, /ints and mater into Consitio, õnis ; f. [à conſcro) a Confoss culpæ, an acccelary... a league. planting or ferring . Thalami confort, a bud-Fellów. Conſpiro, arc, là ſpira) to wird - + 'Confitivus 'ager, a field good for Conſors caſas, tbe like iſ, * Im. bond like a snake. vinss. peril conſors, a royal conjort. Claud. Confpiffatus, a, um ; tbickoned, Consitor, õrls; m. a fotter, planter, Nupt. Honor. Conſortes, they confpiffo. are, to make thick. grufjor. whore. lands bound togarber. + Conſpõllum, a kind of cake for fo. Consitūra, æ ; f. a Sorring, planting. Confortio, onis ; f. a fellowpip. crifice. Consitus, a, um ; part. of conferor, Confortior, IN ; to draw lots. Correlpon-dco, di, fum, dere ; ad. fot, planted, moved. Conſortītio, onis ; f. a caping of lots. to promiſo one anosbor, Conſobrina, æ; f. e fier's daughter. Conſorcitò, adv. by lor. Coniponior, õris; m. a joint fecurity, Conſobrinus, i, m. a serije son, Conſortītor, õris m. he that draws Confponfus, a, um ; adj. murually coufin german by the mother, by lots. agrud upon. * Confponfi, bound Consocer, čri ; m. one of thoſe two Conſortium, il; n. a partnership, ar in lesgue with one another. whole lon and daughter are married quaintance, the marrying wild a Confpūmātus, a, un ; covered with bond-woman. together. frorb. Consociālis, le ; of allies er fellows. t Confpectabilis, le ; to be seen. Confpūno, are; to froth up. + Consociālitas, atis ; f. fellowship. It Conspectāmen, inis ; n. a Agbi. Conspuo, ui, utun; to spit upon. confederacy. + Conſpectātio, dais ; f. a bibolding Conſpurcatio, onis ; f. & dofiling. Consociaiiter. adv. lika fellows. together. Conſpurcatus, a, um, polluted. Consóc:aclo, önis; f. an aſociating t Conſpectātor, õris; m. « SPJ or ob. Conparco, are; so difle, bewray. or joining together. Server. t.Conſpūtător, üris į m. a spisser Consociātos, õris; m. 7 he or for that + Conſpc&ātrix, icis ; f. fe ibat prys upon. Consociātrix, icis ; f. } joins in into everything Conſpūto, arc ; to be pawl, pit upin, friendfip. Confpc&tio, oats ; f. a fgbt or be to miſuja. Consócio, are ; f. offociate or join to bolding. Conſtăbil-io, ire ; adto make firm, gather. Confpeéto, are ; to debold, or joy our. Arong w jeady. Consõclātus, a, um ; affociated. Conſpectus, a, um; part. or conſpi-Conſtabilis, le ; adj. Juri, frm. Consõlābilis, le ; adj ibat may be cior, behold, gazed upon, illuflrious. Conſtăbilitas, ātis; f. pability, frm. , comforted, or comforting. • Ne in ipsâ urbe mors confpc&ti- ner. Consõlābundus, a, um ; comforting. or foret, leje in the city bis dearbConſtabilitus, a, um ; part. of con. + Consolamen, inis ; a comfort. hould be more remarkable. ſtabilior, elund, out of danger. Consõlang, ntis ; comforting or com- Confpeétas, ús; m. upon sebe, an Conſtăbūárius, it'; man hollar, fortable. afmå of pars. In confpc&um conflable. Consõlātio, onis ; f. comfort. " adoittere, to suffer ono io come into conſtăbălātio, onlo ; fi o fabling or Conso:ātiolum, i; n. fmall comfort. bij profonce. bouing of beagi. Con 1 moush. Confižbulo, se š 10 de mp in si CON S CONS CONS profix, pur. * Pecanlam conftitu., Constructus, a, um, part of con- Beble, to keep ir pand de li. re, ta promiſe payment at a certain ftruor ; build, framed, cajt up, fur- wry. day. Diſceptationem or contro niſbed. Dentes in ore conftruati, # Constabulus, liim, a conflable. verliam conftituere, to agrue..on sbs terib (omisodiouſly ranged in the Conftagno, are.; so fand Bill,as water barb pide upon 4 point [in pload- in a pond.. ing.] * Amicitiam conftituere, to Conttr-uo, oxi, uctum, uere ; act. to Conftans ntis ; adj. confiani, fedfall, mlar in frimdbip. * In or cum re build up, conflrua, compoſe, beap to- refolule. præfcaciconftituerc; to delinea bu gather, dreſs, confirm. Conftans, ibe brorber of Conftantinus nes upon the very place in deba:t Conſtūpčfailus, a, um ; afonifhid. and Conftantins, and obers. Actionem or judícium conftituere, Conſtupéfac-io, érc; to stonish.. Conftantes, ius, iffimè; ady. con. of the Roman prator) te order the + Conſtūpeſo, ieri ; to be anozid. jantly, Jedfalily, like itfelf. proceſs in law. * Queſt'onem con- t Conſtūpeo, ere ; to be in amaxe. Conftantia, &; t. conjlancy, refolution, stituere, to cauſi information to Ardfafineſs, gravity. be brought in, and the crimirial Conftuprātor, orls; m. a ruffian e- Conftantia, 2; f. * city of Cyprus, 10 be arraign'd. • Vadimonium dullayer. Germany, and orber plaits ; alfo confticuere, to summon one to ap. Conftuprātus, a, um ; deflowred, the nimi of a woman. pour corrupted. Constantienas, ſc.; of Conſtance. Conftitūta, orun; no Basutes, do- Conſtupro, are ; to ravib or deflower. Conftantina, *;f, ibu metropolis of $14. t Conſtuproſus, a, um ;,adj. whariſh, Numidia. Cuftitutio, onis ; f. an ordinance o corrupt. Constantinopolis, lis ; f. she city con conflitution alſo the complexion ; the Conſta-dco, fi, fum, dère ; to per- ftantinople; or Stamboli, as the compafs of a ſong Juide togeiher or carneſ). Turks call it, the ſeat of the Grand Constituciúncula, æ, f. a nudless Conſualia, orum ; 0. plays in honour Soignior, upon the borders of ordinans, a filly creatony. of the god Confus, upon the eigh- Thrace. Conftitūto, adv. by appoiniment. icenth day of Auguft. Conftantinopolitanus, a, um , adj. Conftitūtor, oris ; m. an ordainer. Confuar.cte:, a people arong ibe Alps. of Conftantinople, Conſtantinopoli. Confitātorius, a, um ; adj. of ap- Confuani, s people of Gallia Narbo- pointment, nenis. Conftantinus, ni; m. the name of Conftitutum, l; n. & purpose, oppoint. t Coasuāsibilitèr ady perfuafively. fouxral man. ment. . . Habere conftitutum cum + Conſuālo, onis ; f. e perjuaſion. Conftantinus Magnus, the son of Con aliquo, to have a day of bear. Contuāſor, õris ; m.a joins perfuader. ftantius und Helena, ibs first shri. ing lot down between him and Conſuaviātio, õnis ; f. a kiſing or Pian nngaror, who resourd bis four another. embracing to. Byzantum, from him afterwards Conftitutus, ùs ;'m. multitude Conſuzviātor, õris ; m. a Sweet called Constantinople. Danding fogabir. dilir. Conftantior, -iſiinus ; more and more conftitutus, a, am; part. Of confti. Confuavio, are; conjant, &c. fluor, ordained, eppointed, arraped, Confuavior, amel"; } so kiſs or. Jalute Conftantius, ii; m. a Roman empe complexionud, &c. Benè conft- + Conſubado, čre ; the fame as con. rar, and obar mnen. tutus de rebus domefticis, wali so fido Conftat, imp. He is certain, manifes, conto, iti, acum, and itum, are ; Confubftantiālis, le adj. of the ſame + Confubftantia, æ ; f. confubjanci. Conftātūrus, a, um ; wbich will coj. neut. to continue, confit of, col, fubjianus, confubftantiul. Constellatio, önts; 1.2 a conſellation, jund in, rink, agrer, depend up. + Consūdaſco, ére ; to break forth in- Conftcilātūra, æ's fi} or company m, Sejourn, arform, buy.' Sibi 10 a ſweat all over. . of pars, conftarc, so bolso one's principles. + Consudātor, oris ; m. be bat Conſtellātus, a, um, adorned with * Rationem contare oportet, bo ſweats all over. Bars. * Balthci conſtellati, balts muß have a good reaſon for it. Consūdo, are ; to ſweat all over. Dudded with gold like jtais. * Mence.vel animo conftáre, to Confuef.açio, eci, actum, acere ; 10 Confternātio, onis ; f. ajionifmami, be found in mind. Magiſtrati inurk, accußom or uſe ons to do, offrigbmeni, Jedlton. bus reverentia conftat, revermes + Conſueo, éle; to be wont. Conftcraātus, a, um ; aforibed, de- due to men in office. • Non con- Conſu-eſco, ēvi, ētum, eſcărc; neut. Sporale. ftat ci color nec vultus, his counte to be wont or accujom on's foll, get t Confternium, li; n. tbe place where nance comes and goss. a babit. . Alicui conſucſccre, to Bey laid their cloaibs wbile tbey Conſtrātor, oris ; m. be that allays of be muh in one's company. * Con. barhed. makas calm. fuelcere cum mulicrc, to have to do .Confterno, -navi, nare ; to offrighi, Conſtrātus, a, um ; part. of conſter with a woman. # Magis humo difcoupage. . Ad arma conſterna nor, frnwed, pavid, covered. * Na. quàm ftagno conſucvcrunt, shey tum cít, they roſe up in arms. · vis conftrata, a ſhip having a dek, are more uſed to land than water, Con-sterno, ftravi, fratam, fternore; or beaten with a tempeft. *Pon. * Mori conſuelcamus, let us pras. to Arow, pavi, cover. tium conftrata, the archas of tije dying. . Juvencum aratro + Conſtimulātor, oris ; m. be that bridges. conſueſcere, to accujlom the lar to priiks forward, Confrépo, poi, pītum, perc ; a&. to the plough. Conftinūlātrix,icis ; f. for that moves make a noiſ. Together, + Conlucic, and tim; adv. uſually. or pirs up. Conftri&tè, and cim ; ady. Praight-Confuetio, onis ; f. an accufloming. Conftimúlāras, a, um ; part. of con ly, partly, briefly. Conſuetiffimus, a, um, adj. fuperl. ſtimulor, maped, inconfod. Contrict:o, onis ; f. A binding faſ). ufed very often. Conſtimulo, arc ; to mour, 'urgo, 4.1tConstricto, arc ; to rye together. Conſuetudo, inis; f. Cic. cuflom, Conftri&tus, a, um, part. of conftria ulugs, falbion ; aljo intimary and Conſtipātio, onis ; f. a company gör, bound, regained, etc. familiarity. Morbi confuetudo, thru cloſe together ; alſo a guard. Conſtringendus, a, um part. fut. in the fit of a dijemper coming at a fet ing dus of conſtringor ; to be bound. fiina, * In conſuetudinem alicujus Conſtipātor Ors ; m. ho that hops • Conſtringendum le libidinibus fe inſinuare, ro fide into one's as- placci, or thruſis together. tradere, to gield bimſelf a have to quaintance. Conftipatus, a, om; guarded, of his lufis. Conſuetus, a, um ; part. of conſuef. shrut log sihari Conftri-ngo, nxi, ctum, ngöre ; act. co, accuftored, winiet, uſual. •Conilipo, arc ; 80 crowd o puff in; to tye hird, bind up Areighs, compell, Consūgillo, are ; to Nander, der alſo to compaſs abait. relirgin. fume. + Conſtirpo, arc ; 80 p!ani one by Conſtrutilis, le ; adj. fit for build. Confugo, èrc; to fuck together. another ing, afly built. Conful, ulis, m. Liv. là conſulo) Conftituendus, a, um; to be op- Conſtrušio, onis ; f. a building up, a conſul, whereof 1706 were chosen pointed, &c. conilruäion or order of fpurch. yearly among the Romans to gouern Conſtit-uo, ul, litur, učre; act. Cic. Constructor, oris; m. a builder. [after the kings ware depoſed) she Lf. con and ſtatuo) so for appoint, Conftrua ura, æ ; f. a building or pure of an jear. Te conſule, or pitsb upon by agreement; defign, framing. in your conſulſhip. Con. cite CONS CONT + 01 Tp. Consularis, re; adj. 3. art. belonging fimus juvenis, a molt accomplifbed, † Contans and contatio, forconadas 10 the linul Candidatus confun young man, and cunctatio. laris, he 'thit ponds for the cortul. Contuin mo, are ; to compless, Anith, t Contardo, áře ;' to be Noro orlag: Nisip ni Kir conſularis, he thit his fum up, confummite. of Contarium, ii;n: Tehr. brin contul. raa confularis, Consumo, pa, ptum, čre : act. to coni Contatê, adv. Jo! Cortatiùs the oge of forty-three years, fume, jpend, wojía, finilb. o Con. credere, to bv härd of teje. Consiláris, is; m the profident of a funicre orium or ic apus, to ſpind 1 Corcait, orum į pike men op lanciers. proviñse; allo sbi arriperor's licúra. time. * Confumere verba, to ufo Concālio, onist [ à contorja nant commanding the army. wordies lirtie purpose. beating down the price. Consătarīter, adv. like one that has Consū por, ēris; part. 19 be spont, Contcchinor, art i Cà techn3] ro.in- been conſul. wirn away bestowed, &c. vent, devile some oiçk or wile: + Conſulārius, a, um ; of a conful + Contümptibilis, id , adj. 3. art. Conicctus, a, um, part: of contegory 7. Consulārius, ii; in. á complotter, which may os w. Pod or confund. covered im. the conjuiſbip. Conſumptio, Gnis; f..a wafting, Contě.go, xi, Etum, göre; act, to Consýlens, ntis ; counſelling. spending, alſo be conſumption. cover clere or all over Consúlítur, impcif. advice is given. Coopfumpiör oris ; m. A conſumer, + Contěgulāris, re; ad!. tiled. Consút-o cre, qitum ; ac. Lex Spendir † Coacčgulacio, onis fi a'tilingi con & filco vel falio] wirb an ac- t Confumpluărius, il; m. aspandi Contègülator, äriô, mi tilor. cufative] to any counjel or. confult ; thrift. + Contčgŭlo, are ; to tile. [with a detive]:10 give cound, to Conſumptuosè, adv. riolouſy: + Contorudratör, öris ; m. a violatori provide for. * Neque id te con: Conſumptus, a, um į part.of confu-Concēmõratus, a, um į degled. fulo, I don't, and your advice in it. mor; conſumed, withered away, Contěmēro, atc; tó viotain, pollute; # Perfimè iftuc in te conſulis, you dead. prophana take a very bad course. • Vitæ du- Conſuo, ui, cum, čre; act. to fewContemnéodos, a, um ; part "fat. in riùs conſulerc, to entertain thoughts sogelber. Conſuere dolos, to play dus of contemnor ; to bi deſpiſed. of deſpair. Æqui boniquc con- the knur. # Contemnenter, adv.contempiciously, Tulo, I-take it in gord part.' * Coa- Coniurgitur, (ab illis) they riſe up in † Contemnificium;lt; fi a depifing. fulere tempori, 10 comporize. *Con isken of irruerence, + Contemnificus, a, un ; di piling fulcre in commune, Ter. in pub-Confurgo, rexi, recium, gère ; act. Contem-no, plí, ptum, nêre ; act, licom, Plin, jun. in acdium, to rile logether, grow up. * Confur to defpiſ, jet ai noughl. Liv. in unam, Tac. to do or pro gere in iras, to be wroth. • Con- Contemporans, ntis; part. terpering, vide for the common or public walo Turgere ad bellum, so be up in armis. mingling . fare or goed. * Confulere la lon-Confurreétio, õnis f. a riang roge- Contcmpcratio, onls ; fi a mingling, gitudinem, to haos' a goricah ; to ber. + Contempérativas, a, um ; adj.tim. provide for the sime to come. Confus, the heathen god of counſel. gering Consúlor, li; paff. to be conſulted, *+ Consā:arius, tij mia srafij com-Contemporalus, a, um ; mingled to. Nihn coafulltur fcnatus,they never Plottori zeshir. ask the ſonate + Confutela, æ; f. a crafty.device, Contempéro, are ; to mingle. Conſultatio, onis; f. a conſulting. Consütilis,le; adj. feroed together, Contemplābilis, le ; adj. 2. art. in Nulla cibi hic jam conſultatio eft,Consulum, i; n. afiom. open bght, aminent, expert, bere is no time for you to con- Cansúcūra, ze; f. a ſering sogeiber. Contemplabiliter, adv. svidently, 18- . Consütus, a, um ; part. of conſuor ; markably. Confulto, ady. adviſedly. fowed together, forged. Contemplatio Onis ; f. contemplation, Confultiffimè, adv. Curiy prudently. Conſyderg, arc; as confidero, &c e fladfaj beholding. Conſultiſsimus, a, um, adj. fupcrl. Confygne, the wife of Nicomedes, templationc, in regard of you. h:ving good skill. king of Bithynia, who, as he was contemplativus, a, um, of or given Confultłus, adv. with better ad. winton playing with her husband, ' to meditation, speculative. vice. was toin in oires by dogs, Contemplātor,oris ; m.agani uport Conſulto, are; (à confu'o] to give or Contabeſco, ére; to pins or wape Contemplatrix, icis ; fibe this my ask counfel. Conſultare alicui, to nuray. ditares ar bobolds. beflow ſomething upon anyone, + Contabularis, re ; adf. 3. art. Contemplārus, tijm.com!emplation. Confultò, £dy. adviedli, deliberately, bourded, fit for boards, Conicmplor, art'; (à temp.am] 50 of ſet purpose. Contăbălárium, ii ; ncut. a boarded behold earrels, medosnie, Iced round Conſultor, arl; to be conſulied. plass or floor or willy on a thing. Costultor, oris ; m. a clime whages Contādůlātio, onis ; f. a harding or Contemporalis, adj. living both 10 counſel; alſo a counſellor. plunking, a floor or wainſcotting. Contemporaneus, a at the fanno + Conſultorius, a, um ; adj. of ask. Contăbulo, ale; 10 board or plank, Contemporarios, time ing counſel. Hoitia conſultoria, 10 join planks roguiber, ti coper at Contemporo, are ; to live at the a bullock facrified, by whale inwards pluie, ſame timi. the foorblagers divinid. + Consacrum, il; n. a writting-book. Contemptioils, le ; adj. deſpicable Confúlirix, icis ; f. She sbar forcalls, Contactus, a, um ; part.. of contingo; t Contemptibüicas, atis ; fi contemp- that gives or takes counfil. souched, nained, infeliid. Con tibleno. Confultum, i, n. a decree of the tactus religionc dies, a day religi- Comtempim, ady. Scornfully, dijdain- council. Conſulto opus eft, we ouſly obſerved, or kapt folemnly. fuily, Contemptim, audite, to muſi rods advice. Contactus, usim.a foab. hearken carelilly and headlifly. + Conſultum eft, I can tell, Contadeldus, a river of Thrace. Contemptio, on:s; f. contempt, dr. Conſultus, a, um ; part of confulor; Contāges, is ; f. a catching dil-piling amfulied, inquired abons, skiful, Contagio, onis ; f. caje, conta. Contemptor, āris ; m, a dopiſer. wiſ, gårbered together. Juris Coniaglum, ii ; n. giin infec- t Contempto, and -or, ari; to Nlighed confultus, a counellor of law. * tion. Contagio belit, the raging Contemptrix, icis; f. A ſcornjut Conſultâ operâ, adviſedly: or ſpreading of a war. dame Confaltus, ds; m. [à faicus) a leap Contagiolus, a, um ; adj. contagious, Contcmptuofus, a, um ; ads.contemp, ing together. infaltious. tuous.. Conlum nābīlis, le; adj. 3. art. 10 + Contamen, inis ; n. a deflement. Contemptus, a, um ; A. & P of be porfraed: * Conſúnmabile - Contaminātio, onis ; f. a defling. contemnor ; depifed, vile, wojeft vum, middle-age. Contaminator, oris ; m. a defiler. * Homo conicmplifficus, a very Confummatè, adv. abſolutely, fully. Contaminat-us, a, um ; adj. -ior, deſpicable felloro. Conſumpātio,onis; f. a comple ting, -iffimus ; defled, corrupied. , Contemptus, ùs'; m. comtemor.Com ibe total sur ; also an accomplish. Contamino, are; act. so defile, mari comptu effe, so be scorned. #Cun ment. by mixing, violate. Contarcioare temptui habcre, to scorn, Con. Conſummatus, a, um ; compluated, 'fabulan, to patch up one play out of temptibus cxire, to cors into rigual perftard ; ello consumed. * Con : Jeveral i ro tranflare ſuch an aw out again. fummati gladiatorcs, frad from of one, and borrow a frone or two Conten-do, di, mom and lum; düre further service... Confummatir. out of another, to contend, bruin, or perforin á X X X X thing Tul con- C Ο Ν Τ. C Ο Ν Τ C Ο Ν Τ sbing with utmol force, go toward a ſtor, witaffed. Lis conteſtata, ; Contingens, ntla ; ad). contingen, place; alſo to bend, tio faj, defra an allion wherein the plaintiff bai happening. carmedly, anpare. Contendere put in his accujution, and she do- contingit, imperf. It happeneth, iter, « Itinere, 10 marcb badily, . fendant his anjwer. Contingerunt for contigerunt. Contendere ab aliquo er a!iquid Conteftificatio, onis ; f. a bearing Contingo, igi, actum, ingere ; at. ab aliquo, i to be importunate witb. witness. (of con and tango; to fouib, come Arcüm contendere, to benda Conteſtificor, ari; dep. to beur wit unio, happen, or full ons, anoint or bow hard • Ut contendit Arcle- hofs. powder, fair, dye. Contingere piades, as Aſclepiadcs holds or Conteſtor,ari; dep.ro invoke, or rail regiam propinquitate, to be of the ofirms. Contendere omnia, to to wiinals, to makt protiflation of blord royal. 'Crimine contingi, quellion every thing. . Contendere • Conteftari litcm, to put in the to have a band in a villainy. inter fe verbis, 10 difpute or bold an plaintiff's declaration, and the de. Contingere lale, i powder, Gralon argument witb.. Contendere rom, fondant's anſwer. wiib falt. cic. rem .cam aliâ, Apul. rem Contex-o ui, tum, čre ; act. to Continuãiè, adv. continually, incolo alteri, Aufon. to compars together, weavi, twill, or join tegaber, com fantly, ti fut ong again another. pofo, diviſe Contexere 'inter. Continuatio, onis ; f. continuing + Contenebrit, it grows dori. rupta, ro hidga up gups. • Contex or holding on without chang. * Contencbr-elco, clcère ; to grow ere crimen, 80 from something Continuacus, a, um ; continual. dark. whirowish to accuſe one. • Extre- Continue, adv. continually. # Contencbroſus, a, um, ad). dark ma cum primis contexere, to make Continuitas, ātis; f. a boing all of or duk all of a piece pilu. + Contenſas, a, um ; very ſwift.. Contextè: adv cloſely, as women togelbor. Continuo, adv. forshwitb, premely, Contente, ius, iffine; adv. sar. Contexun, adv. interwervedly, } • Non continuò, not trrefort. Contentin, najlly, Arrigbily, wirb Contextūra , æ; f. a composion or Continuo, are; ad. ( à continuos]:0 all one's Preſs. Illum mater con making a contixture. continus, hold on from one to an tcntè habet, his mosher kupi bim ſort. Contextus, ùs ; m. a weaving to other. Continuat dapcs, he foss Contentio, onis ; f. contention,frain- Contextio, onis; f.} gathergü braid. the diſhes in order. # Continuat ing; alſo a diligent comparing Arife, ing or twiſting. Contextus re mortem or ultimum fomniom, bo brawling, controverſy. ' Conten rum or ſermonis, the order ar con kills him in bis fup. Continu- nuexion of, Uno contextu, fole a:c domos mænibus, to make a up all the forces of ine's mind, so lowing one after another. continued row of boules. employ all one's faculties aboul. . Contextus, a, um, part. of contex- Continuor, ari; to accompany, to be Veaire ad contentionem de accu. tor ; wsum legeber, interlurad. joined, so touch one another. fando, to be very carefi ro arrude or Conticco, ēre ; n., ( à taceo) Conrinuta, an fund bordering upon Ollaint one. Conticeſco,čre; } be plll or sient, Spain. t contentiosèy, adv. camelly, Hub. reaſe. Literæ conticuerunt fo-Continuus, a, um, adj. (à continco] bornly. renfes, pleading ious quite laid continual, incolant, touching one Contentiofus, 2, um; adj. contentious, gide. Nulla ætas de tuis lau Another, Triduum continuum, quarrelljoms, vehement. bibus conticefcct, the ages to come thru days together, Contentus, a, um, part. of contincor, will sng forth your praiſes. + Contiquia, 2.;. f. the gathering of contained, alſo contented. Conticinium, ii'; n. the dead time of Bower!, Contentus, a, um ; part. of conten the night when all aro bufo. Contogati, ibny that are of the same dor ; Brelcbed, Arained. Conten- + Conticirco, fer conticeſco. amico. tis oculis profequi, to look willly, or Contificium, il ; neut. (à contus & + Coneõlèrantèr, adv. Patiently. dari upor's. conficio) a killing of beajis with + Contoléro. are ; to ſuffer patrontly. Contörebro, are ; # bore sbrough. darts. # Contollo, čre ; aa. so lift up to- + Contoraināls, le; adj. 3. art.niar Contignātio, onis ; f the timber. gather. . Contollam gradum, 1 the bound. work or frame of a building. will put on faſer. Conterminātio, õnis ; f. a bordering Contigno, are ; to frame the timber Cantophori, orum ; m. lanciers. wpon. work. Cantor, ari ; [à contus) to jound the Conterminātus, a, um ; part.of con- + Contignum, i, neuf. a piece of beef depth, jeareb diligently after. term!nor ; bordered upon. of fruin ribia + Contorpeſco, čre; io be amazed. . Contormino, sic ; to border upon, or + Contigo for contingo. + Contorquatus, a, tum ; wearing & lie war. Contiguus, a, uin ; adj. [à contingo] chain or collar. Conterminus, a, um, ad). bordering touching, adjoining, very nsar. Contorquendus, a, um ; to be wreded; upony nar., + Contilus, i ; m. a kind of bird or Contor-quco, ſi, tum and lum,quère Contornatto, onis ; f. a dividing by Jerpent. to wind round, wre, call or Ring, tbriu. + Concinctus, a, um ; part: of con• make intricate. • Contorquere all- Conternātas, a; am ; part. of conter tingor, died. quem ad triftitiam, to make one nor; divided by thrues. * Coatinellum, i, n. a ſwoling. jad. . Contorquere verba, so give Conterno, are, &. (à terhus] di di- Continens, tis ; adj, adjoining, of one words anotber meaning. vide by thrres. piace ; also chile and remparare. • + Contorrcfac-lo, čre ; si broil. . Cont-čró, rivi, ritum, crčre act. to continens imperium, an uninter. + Contorr-co. ērc ; 10 broil, fcorch, brwiſe fmall, 10 Spond, grind, weary. rupled empire. Continens bi. burd. Contcrerc injurias oblivigne,ui. duum, two days together. Con + Contorridus, a, um ; parched. teriy to forget an injury, Conic tinens, the point ibat determine the Contorno, onis ; f. i wrojling or iere aliquem oratiche, 80 worry matter. wrcashing .Contor Goncs orationis, me with impertinence. Continens, ntis; f. the continerit, or the windings and turnings of an Conterraneus, a, um ; add: of the main land. oration, the teaches of a diſcourſe. fame land or country: Continenter, adv. continually, wirbout Contortè, adv. indirily, intricately, Conterr-co, ul, itum's to affright. interruption, temparately. by long windings. Contcrrito, are ; to put into a fright. Continentia, æ; f.shabiiy, temperans, + Contorubīlis, Ic; adj. 3 art: capa. Conterritus, a, .un part. of contcr a tordering upon * Cont!nentia ble of being wrolled. rcor ; frigbina. urbis, tw luburbs of the city. | Contortilis, le; wrang 18. Contefišratio, onis ; f. [à refera) a Continentiffimus, a, um ; very consi. * Contortiloquium, it ; n. crooked or loague between Brangers, nent or ſober. intricate diſcourſe. + Contelačrālus a, um ; bound in Contineo, ul, encun, ē:e ; act., [of Contortio, onis; f. a forewing or league. con and tenco) to contain or bold, turning round, Conteſtania; a country of Spain, in 10 kerp within bounds, forbear, reo Contortor, oris ; m. a wrofler or which New Carthage is situated. Brain. . Continere :e, to kung wracker. • Contortor legum, he Conteftātio, õnis; f. a calling 10 quis. Vix mc conunco quin, tbat Perverts the meaning and intent witneſs. I can hardly forbuar. . Contincre of the laws. Conteſtātò, adv. before witneſs, alvo, to be with child. Contortulus, a, um, adj. turned . Conicitārus, a, um ; part. of conte. Contineos, eri ; so be suntained. round in fine ſmall rings. + Con ! con. i > CONT CO. N T CONT + Contortaolus, a, um ; adj. winding rio, on the contrary, • In contra-Contrūcldātus, a, um ; part. wund. miny w! rias partes de omni re dilputare, ed, left balí dead. + Contortuplicator, oris ; m. be that difpure upon all things pro and Contrūcido, arc ; 1 back and how to folds in crooked linus. death, maſacre. Contrtup:i atus, a, um ; folded in. Contraſcriptum, 1 ; n, a writing which contrū-do, li, fam, dčre ; act. t. eric:rels, onſ:uro, horfh. is gain't one. Crowd, thrufl in togetber, Contortuplico, arc ; act, 10 roll up in 1 Contratto, are ; 10 wichland. Contrūnco, are ; act. 11 dinini, cut a .piral line. Contrāven-lo, irc ; to oppoſe, to come away, or mangle. * Contruacare Contortus, a, um, part. of contor 'before, to mori, na happen. Si cibum, to show sir mirati quco. ; witíed, i wified, curled, de literis corruptis contravenit, if Contrūſus, a, um ; thrift sogaber. abil uns, hurled with violence, be accujas bim of fulffying the Contubernālis, le ; ad). 3. art. of the Coniifolia, a city of Spain. letters jamquarters. Contra, præp ferv. acc. Carti vel à 1 Contraversùm, adv. contrarywise. Contubernālis, is ; m. 8 comrade, og con gain, ever-again't, toward,Contractābīlitèr, abv. Jongbly, pal. bumber-follow. * Contra aarom væneunt, they are pably, Contubernarius ii ; m. a sban. worth their weighs in gold. Contrectatio, õnis ; f. a handling. + Contubernio, onis; m.} bar.fol. CONTRA. adv. contrarywisa, in lika Contreutātus, a, um, part. of con low; comrade fort, over-ugain again. * Quod trector ; handlet often. / Contubernium, ji; n. [à taberna) contrà est: which is contrary.. StatContrecto, are ; act. (of tradio) to a quartering many soldiers 11 contrà, be cando right againſ. bandle often, to penk of.. Oculis geiber, a tant for ſoldiers, and a # Nostri contrà ingruunt, ours on çontrectare, to have a full fight of. landi.prefado a rabling together. the contrary bde charge ind fall on. • Co trcetare menta varlas volup. * Manat 1h contubernio watris, Contrà ac, contrà quàm, contrà Lates, 80 enjoy divers pleaſures in. : Be was under ber mother's g. atque, c:b:rwiſe than. wurdly and within himſelf. Contubero, are ; to put up, or bo Contractin, onis; f. a contration, + Contrěmčbundus, a, um ; quaking proud. fbortoning Arinking, or shriveling for fear. + Contúbulātio, õnis ; f. a ſwelling up. Contradio animi, difrelsi, Contrēměfăc-lo, čre ; to offrigbt. of plaits in garments. anguin), Contrēmiſco, ère ; so quiver. . Con. Contúbulo, are; o lay pipis for Contractiuncula, 2; f. a little foort. tremiſcere injurias, to be afraid of water. ening, or grief. injuries. + Contúdito, are ; to work at the envil, 1 Contra&o, arc, so handleor treat of. Contrčm-o, ul, čre; neut. 10 Shake or Contractorium, il ; 11. a jiring or cord. waver, to be amazed. • Culus + Contucatus, a, um , dafondos. Contractura, e; f. the laloning of virtus nunquam contremit, whore Cont-acor, gitus or utus fum, učri; pillars about the top. courage never abatrd, faultered, or dep, to behold, or look wijlly upon. Contraélus, a, um ; part, of contra- foruna from. Contuens, nus; part. debolding, hor; drawn or gasbered together, it Contrépidantèr, adv. froublingly. Coatuītus, esim. en samneft babald. Bortnarrow, freigt ned, wrink + Contrèpidè, adv. frarfully. ing. led. * Contractæ res, bargains, + Contribúlatus, a, um, adj. brokm, Contull, Set confcro. • Contracta paupertas, pinching bruiſed. + Contòlus, i ; m. a little poli. poverty. Contribõlls, lc ; of the famous tribe. Contúmácia, z; f. contumary, abbi. + Contractus, ùs ; m, a contract or Contrib-uo, ui, utum, učre ; act. to nary, Gubbornafi, wanej, Route bargain ; aljo á lefening contribale, give account, divide. seft, + Contrade.orus, a, um ; difponef. * Contribuere fe alicui, to be at Contūımācitès, adv. Aubbornly, wil Contradi-co, xi, Quin, core ; to con- one's command, to join in a leagur fully, contumaciouſly, tradix or gainfiy. with. In cam oram contribuun- Contum-ax, gen. acis ; ad), -acior, Contradiaio, onis ; f. a contradiation tur, they are accounted among the -clffimus là contumeo) obbinste, or gainſaying. inhabitants of that country. iubborn, wilful, reis, Bout, and + Contradictiuncula, æ ; f. a small Contribula Julia, a town of Beturia contant, # Contumax mori, shas contradiaion. in Spain. doch no prefently dis, that lingers Contradictor, oris;m. • gainlayer. Contributārius, l1; m.a contributary. out a great while. Contradi&um, i. acut. & ibing Spaken + Contributim, adv. tribe by triba, Contūmella, æ; f. [à contumco) an again one. Contributio, onis ; f. a contribution, abusa, riproach, robuki, ciempi, Contrado, ére ; to deliver up. er giving with others. # Hanccinc ego' contumeliam asmo Contradūčo, čre to lead againſ. Contributor, oris ; m. a contributor. cipiam fall I let it did for? Contra-co, ire ; 10 go again. + Contributorius, a, um ; adj. oft Contūmelio, are ; 0 reproach, in- Contra-ho, xi, cum, höre; act. to contributin. Sult over. draw together, gain, enter inte. Contributos, a um ;-part. of contri.t Contŭmellor, ari ; to carry mo's puribas, bargain witb, gel, abridge. buor ; contributed, given, counted. ſelf: conlumulionly, or fornfully. • Æs alicnum contrahere, so run Contritātio, onis ; f. a forrowing, Concūmclior-c, iffimè adv. diſduin himſelf into debr. Contrahcre Contriſto, are ; a&. to make forry or fully, reproacfully. frontem, to frown. Vela con fad. Contumeliolus, a, um ; abufue. trahere, to furl the fails. Ven. Contriftor, arl; to be forry. + Contěmco, ērc, or -cſco, čre ; u trem contrahcrc, to make coßive. Contritio, onis ; f. contrition, or fwell together # Res contrahere, to bargain for nearly forrow. + Coatumia for contanella commodities. * Lac contraherc, 80 Contritor, oris ; m. be that wrars out Contūúlātio, onis ; f.4 curdle ibe milk. . Haud abi con or conſumus, Contritor comide. Contūnūlātus, a, um ; momibed. traxit, he he may thank himſelf. dum, a nave, Contúmulo, are ; to buryi alfons * Contrabere animum, so make sad. Contritus, a, um ; part. of conteror, make a nef. * Contrahere inimicitias, to get broken, bruiſed, woorn. • Contrita Contumultuatio, õnis ; f. a great nu- ill:wili. præcepta, comoon preopts. mule. Contra-hor, hl, &tus fum ; past. 1o be Controverfia, æ; f. a controverſy,Contumaltuosè,adr. in a burly-burly. contraded or drawn together, to be debats, dificulty. Sine contro-Contu-ndo, di, fum, adère ; as, to Jorund in, &c.Cic. Vide contraho. verfâ, without doubt. * In con break in pieces, knock down, pound Contralic-eor, eri, 10 cbrapen, or bid troversiam venire, to be deboud. in a moriar, unguori. . Contun. againf another. Controversim, adv. dubiouſly. dore iras, to sbate or leffon fury. Contraposicus, a, am ; fut againg. Controverfiola, o ; f. a small do. + Contuoli for conaivoli oculi, pink. + Contrapuactus, lls, m. or-com, bate. ti; ni a counter.point. Controverfioſus, a, um ; adj. litigi-lt Contuor, ul; to bobold Medfastly. Contrariè, adv. contrariwija. sus, wrangling + Conturbāte, adv. confufodly. Contrāričtas, atis ; f. contrarinty. Controverfor, ari ; u conteſ or de Conturbātio, onis ; t. & confounding, Centrārior, ari'; 10 oppoſe of be repuga bars. diſordering. nant. Controverſos, a, um ; deboud, cono Conturbatos, or's ; m. 2. triublar Contrārlus, a, um , adj. (a contra] frourried, doubiſul ; alfo quarrelling, bankrupt. Conturbator aper, a contrary, over again'. *contra contrary, far dijiani. wild boar ranfushing ibi felds. xxx x2 Con. G - NT CON V CONV Conturbājus, a, um ; disguid, doc:{+ Convēlificatio, önis; f. a jailing it Convernils, Ic; adj. saviſb., Contu; bo, arc; a&t. to disorder, trou. Logethm, ble, confeunds, Wales 10 break and Convēlificor, ari.; lo sail togethe: Converriculuni, in a dragor fwup.net turn bankrups. Conturbare raul Convellicatio, onis ; fi a pluckings + Convertitor, oris ; m. a sweeper, tlogos, urun beyond in confiable. Twitching, depraving brufber, cleanſer. Concurg-eg, ére; 10. prill Convellicătus, a, umi; twitched, Conver-ro, ri and a, fum, réie; to Conturālis, le:; of the ſame troop: taunted. fwup clean; alſo to bgas. Goularmo, aro; to join froups. Convellico, are ; act. 80 pluck, Converſa, 2; F. Eralm. one living CONTVS, ... Ins) à long Twitib, ems, teunt. fomowhar sujerely, in order 10. live Palai: Juch as-bungainen, A. Conv-cllo. eili, ullum, ellöre; act. in 4 nunnery: ContūGo, oņis jf.: a contusion, bruiſe 10793ļa the foundationroot up, Conve:fąps, ntis ; turning about. or 'bruifng. Conuufus,: Ag. 9m; part. :of contunoyobg, remove weakers , confule, difurb, defiruga Conversātio, õnis ; f. conuerfation, # Convellere. acta fimiltariij' ; öllo a whirling - dor; beaten, bruilod, foundid, &c. alicuga,.ro null what artorber did. bout. + Contūtātus, a, um , difonding to Convellere aliquid dente, ferro, Conversè, ady. neally, cleanls. to est, cut. Contūtēlaris, re'; ad); of 2 guardian. Convélo, are ; to cover with a vejla wi Conversim, adv. by changiw chang- ing + Bensūtēlatius, 'its, m... felloedo Convěnze, arith; c. (à convenio Converfio, onis; f. a sónörrfión, turn- .guardian. or keeper. Nrangers coming togetber to inhabd inga sangiok, rüslation, wbitling + Contūtorg.or;34. mi a fillow.tutor a difart place. of on army, turning uphiai down., Priguardian. Convense, a people cand city) of Aqui. Converſo, are ; là converto] 10 + Contutor, ari: to defend fegerber. tain called Commingeois. wheel ør turn'offin abbus, Contyrannus, 1., n. a fellow-grant. * Convčačno, are; in peilon .sogo- Converfor, ari ; to be converfemi.ox tiCanvāşillatio, Diş fo Wuors ibor. keep company wiib. ing. unconfiny. Corvéniens, ntio ; . considg sagatbur, Convorſus, ùs ; m. a turning about. Convācillo, are ; tó, zawó, be puta, convenient, agrenoble. Converſus, a, un ; part of conver- ble, ancertain, Convonienter, adv, conviniimtly, tor; convara, lurred, "ibanged ; Conrādājus, a, um part.of convaigricably, olſo contrary, dor; going under lurety'. Convénientia, ' * ; f.agrotableneſs, Convertíbilis, fe; adj. 3. art. chunge- Convādo, ére; rouge rogether. Juitableneſsa abli, converible. Corvādor, ari; to engage for id ipri. Conv-ěndo, ēni, cntum, čnire; n. to Conver-top ti, fum, tère ; at. to fondres, apprarape, come togetint, meet wishe agree, convert, turn, ihanga, rilurn, 1. - Conyāgor, :Ari' ;:10 wanderingebui fummon, bifil, ingendes espojal, mour, trunjate. ***Convertere fe Ganya leoērc;:10-8e relevered, , . find, de belrothad unto. Conve domum, 10 go.home. Convertere Canvaluit.opinio, she opinion, wat nire allquem, to give ons a mine ad hattan or ſcutum, to wbell e- fill mintained. in alfoto jur'on*., Nón bene bout to the right or rift. Coprălefčo,'êre ; to Teluvit or onid. convenidot,' thay . 27 Jat twy Conver.tor, lē-is,,fus, lam, tijdep, + Conválido, art: io fringtban.com bordas rogether. * Convenit mbi to iwn, return, &e. confirin: tecum, we are ogreed. * Arane * Conveſcens, niisi rating sapatbor. + Conválidas, a, .om; ad), fru; codvcniunt clunibus, ingindar by, t Convelcor, ſci i ro cat röguber. Dringibmid. &c. . * Convenire. debitorem, Convēſt-o, tres to cleath all mar. Convallātus, a, um, part of con dun. one, dimand a debt. *Con Conveftitus, a, un C01. Convefticus, aj um i cloaibid or in :vallor.: pariwibrit, indend. venire aliquem in:Ius, 10. full one. compared Convallis, is; f. A valley with bills Convebin in ufuras, 10. br.fed Convexa, On's ; fi f. a bring arohad, pit all sides; for not paying ibe interes...Con Convexitas, ātis; F. a convexity, božu. Contaļum's i; n, t'e Jamie ai yeniri in manum viri, 18 de mur. ing. . bending congallis. ried by matual agreement or coimp. Convexó, are ; to fortient or 'vem. Convallo, are; attito inelofe or fmce tionis Convexus, a, un part. of. conve- wpich : trenches, words and pallija- Convenit, imperf. it is agresadle of hor; convix, crooked, bowing, bola dors, to draw the league-ljne.... low, voulted. Tädct cali con- + Convăriabilis, le ; bangeable. Convennos, the iſland sheppey :by Yexi cueri, I am weary of my life. Lonxărjātios odis; f.;a bongo utbe. Thmes moulb.. Convibro, arc; to brandilo. Convārio BIC ; ito bespar:or pickle. Conventiculum, li.; B. a small pri. Conviciator, oris oris ; ñ. .e railer, Convifo,, Tc;:{à Fras) 'to fruftup bag vara Jombly. It Convicinluſ, ii; neut. ñeigbbour- and baggage. Conyentio, onis.; f. 8 bargain or had. + Convaltatio, õals; f. a waling, agreement; alſo an olandling. + Convicinus, a, um ; adj. nsar, faciling. Conventionālis, le; with greomene. Brigbbagring: + Carvadātrins icis ; sto je bar consens.. convicioumºl; n = conticiimg welahani + Conventito, are ; - 50 copie often to a chak, frunt. + Convafto, are, toypoil, lay-wafle, garder. za Convicior, ari; to reproach or abuſe. maheshavere of... Corivento, are ; fa convenio] 10 Convičium, ii ; n...a vocis vél vox] Coaäbioza for condubium..., refort ofion together.... a ririacb, shork, rauni, jeji. Fa- Convectarias, a, um ; :of.carriage, Conventria, Coventry in Warwick cere conviciúm ante fares, Ro maka or carrying tagaber, ſhire, a bawlirg before ihe door. Convectátio, pois ;F. A carrying to Conventum, i; n., a fumant op a Corvialio, osis; f. là convivo) gather .. ment. living 'sgather, conviction Convectio;:onis; f. s. carrying Conventus, ĝe; m., an alombly, a Convi&tor, oris ; m. a tábler., board- Conycalo, are ; so sorry together covenant, clima, couniy. * Conven- gus circúmirc, to ride ibe circuit, * Convictus, a, um, part. of convincor; Conyedo, are ; [convcho].50, cary. Conventus agerc, to keep.an-elize convin:cd, varguſed, conued. Fiorogwe had often, ...!" -or-saloons. Convictus, îs; m. a boarding or ra- Convector; ári ; '80. be carried togo-Conventus, a, um ; psit, of coave bling togeiber, foriely. * Conviąu's Cibr. nior, agreed upon, * Conventu ai.. humanis, good company. Convector, origi; im.a fellow-pal- opis. quo hoinine ypus eſt, I fulgol.Ccnvig 10, ase; to zvath together, finger ſpeak io fornebody. Conviic to, ire'. so bind together. Conyccium, t'; D. previfios, fora, or Convenufto, are so beguti Convinico ...cium, nëčic; to con + Converbcrātio. õnis ; f. a beating 'vince, risal ve svirsoise #Convégétatio, onis ; fo:e.firmigth toger beror much. Csivna os olis"; fa conjunction ening of quickening. + Conve: beratus, a, um ; bezien.bi or A:0ling. privši koz xl,. cum, hčre ;!to.coxry! Converbero, are ; to cudgel-prieac + Convola, are ; to violinsa, much. t.Corviresco, ere: Vgram. * Convčižmen, inia; H. o. cougring, Convergp, čre ; to bow: together, Convilo, 's fum. perc; *roºvilit. cate; cevernig sihat. + Convernaculi and convejod, ſlaves.Convit'ātor, .cris į m. born in ihe ſame houſe.. bicier. 1 . ammun tion. ز or conury. * railer, Cin. / room. low up: Coopertus, COO СОР, C.OR. Convitiolum, convittor, and convi- Coordidr, iri ; to begin together. COPULA, T. (à compello, vel tñm, as conviciolam, &c. Coorior, 'iri'; to rise of a ſudden gilt ab Heb. saphal duplicare] doga Conviva, aj, c. Là convivo] a gift over; alſo to efaulle' comple, a felter, or any band: ar tabbe, Cobrtus, a, um part, of coorlor ; It Copulārius, ii'; m. á dog-coupler. Convivátor, oris ; 'm. an entertainer. begun, riſm, gailing, * Coörti ad. + Copūlātius, a, um ; ad), joining Conviviālis, le';'adj. 3. art. of fraj's beAum, tåling up arms. together or guilty Coos, Cos, Co, or cima, an iſland in Copaāte, adv. enjoinedly. + Conviväriam, 11; ni a biangudring ibi Ægean ſea ner Rhodes, Copülatim, zdv. jointly, in couples. Copa, ze f. tex caupul an hideft Cõpulátio, onis; f. a coupling. Conviviones, ónum ; m. pos.com- + Copadium; il; ni a little piece of Copylātivus, a, um ; ad).. binding, panions. fafa. ting together, Conviviam, 11; 8. Là convivo] Copæ, arum; a place in Greece by Copülātor, oris ; m. a coupler, join- fral, banguet, or collatior.. she rivir Ceph!fus: Convi-vo, xi, átäm, vere; n, solida Copar, a town in Arabia Felix. Copúlātus, a, um; adj. coupled 10- or board fogeiber. + Copes cr -pis, .pc ;. plenicows. gabir. • Nihil eft copulatius, no- Condivor, ani; to fedf repaber. Copharitia, a haven of Carmania. ibing is moro united, clofer linkedi Convivi de pablico, ro betraud Cophantis, a mountain of Bactriana, Copúlo, are ; to couple sogatber. upon the public iccount, always burning Copůlor, ari; to be joined togerbar. Convocatio "anis į f., a conuecation, Cophen, the same as Arachosa. Coqucdo, -dus; the river. Coquet in jummoning, or calling rogolhor. + Copher, camphire. Northumberland. Convoco, arc; Po call yogriher. Cophes. á rivor of India falling into + Coqueftrinus, is ma boilor or + Convõlito, are ; to come er fly to- Indus. takar. gesher. it Cophicas, a blind or flow-worm. Coquimella, a codling-irk. Convold, are ; to Ayor rain Vogelher. 17 Cophicarius, it; m. a box-maker Coquina; ae; f. [à coquo] s kishin, Convol.vo, vl, úrum, vère ; act to: or ſeller, or cookroom. Coquinæ fuſorium, fold, 'ot roll ups.enótipaſs, or swal-'| Cophīnus, i ; m. a basket, boš, bet, the place woboni sbe foullions waſa Contro'yére verba mag-: or cofin. their diſhes. no curfu; ro ihrow out words bithily Copholis, f. drafnofs. Coquinaria, a; f. cookery, and riddly. CÒPIA, æ; f. cic. (ab ant. cops] Coquinarius, a, um, of the kitchen. Convolvõlus, 21; m. a calerpillar; abundance, plenty, fore, wherawith Coquinor, ari ; to practiſe cookiry, .; Convolvulus, 3 algo the berb bitd. el to do a thing, an army, forces, a Coquings, a, um , adj. Es coquus) weed, company of men, help. Dare or of a cook or kitchm. Poruc con + Convğmo, ui, cre; to baſprw, facerc coplam, re give free loadi, quinum, any place white cooks full Convoti, orim;m votaries, ſworn # Bonam copiam cjurare, 10 fwear Ureat ready droged. bratbron, they are not worth so much. *Co-Coquito, are ; to uſe to dvoji mrat, or +Convor-co; arë; no vozo together. pia cft lill, he mag. to dreſs is by /016-fire. CONUS, 1; W. (müvasi] a pine-apple, Copta, the goddess of plunry, and com- coguo, ai, aum, qučre; a&t. La and all such fruit, dil bunch, fruit ; panion of fortune. x 17W (cindo ) 10 cook or drops wat, alſo she creof an Bildiet where the Copfae, arum ; f..proviſion; allo forses. or to fret and vex, plot regether, di- plumas dvi fick, a figure like a J- Coplădes, um ; f. dainty uils. gel, ripen. *. Cequere bcllum, to garloaf. + Copiarlas, ii; m. be ibat furniſhed prepare for war. pripars for war. * Hoc cogais Convulnerātus, a, um ; fore wound ambo ladors in foreign countries. me, this fras me. Copias, a lake and river of Boeotia ; t Coquŭlus, H; m. a Binilo cok. Convulněro, are s to wannd very alto a city thereabouts, Coquus. i, m. a cook. : *Coquus muib. + Coplāta, æ; m. be that attends the nundinalis, a calerar orwompple.? Convulfio, onis; fie plucking s7 poor in their fickneſs and burial. COR, cordis ; 1. Cic. (xñp) the rending up, the cramp or convulſion Copiõla, æ ; f. [à copia) fmall abi. heart, courage, affich, wit. Corn lity or provifon ; a little company of di cit, it pleaſes mno. *Corodese, to Convol:īvus, a, um , adj. of the con- hldiers. frui se's fulf with diſconimi. ..Cúi wallion. Copior, ari ; to be fored. cos Capit, or qui cor habet, wbs is Convulſus, a, um, part, of con. Copios-è, lùs, iffimè; adv, abundanta me feaba i man thas knows bimſef, vellor ; plucked or reoled up, taken ly, plentifully; allo eloquently, that bas guts in-bis brains. with ihi itamp, diſocated, confuted. + Copiositas, atis ; f. plenty: Cora, æ; f. an Athenian coin ; utfo Conyza, the herb Rea-bime. Copioſus, a, om ; adj. plentiful, rich, the fight or black of the go, + CoodTbiles, båteful togeiber, largo, populous. * Copioſus ad di- Cora, an ancient town in Inly. + Cooleico, as coalefco. cendum, one of a large invention, Coraca, a tozon of Arabia Petrza. Coon, the con of Antenor, Naims by that never wants matter. CoraceGus, part of some T-soros. Agatcmnon. Cõpis, idis; f. bunter's spear; alſo + Coraccos, ei ; m. a kind of th. Cponcio, áre; Pof con-end onero] a Persian fword. + Coracias, the bird chough. Lo burihin togeiher. + Copo, Onis ; m. and copona, for Coracii, à country in Æthiopia, where Caõpěvārius, ii; m. a fellow-labour. caupo, &c. are abundance of Indian.cars. + Copoli, orum, or caupoli, the Ger. Coracinus, a, um, of er like a crow. Coopěrātio, onis; f. a working to man cable-boats. Coracinus, i; m. a black fra stoffa, witb gather. Copon, a very populous city megy a head joining like gold. Coopěrātor, bris; m, a fellow-work Thebes in Egypt, rased 20' the Corac-om, a mountain of lonia. ground 'by Dioclefian. Curacodes, beum of Corſica. Coopercủlum, li ; n. a cover or lid. Copos, wiarineſs by Labour. + Coraconii, a kind of birds. Coopérimentum, i; n. a coveriet. Coppâtiæ, arum; m. horſes marked Coraconnafus, a Lybian iſland. Cooper-io, ul, tum, irc; 10 Over- with the Greck kappa. + Corāgium ; ii; 2. an impofition up- wbalm, civer all over, bury. Coprcas, ai in corn ; alſo an interlude. Cooperto, are ; 80 cover over. Coprcus, ei ; m. a fcoffer, joler, Coragus, as.choragas. Coopertorium, li; 2. A cover or garo Coprias, æ; Coraiicicus lapis ſa coralſus) a wbite Copros, i; D. dung. Arabian fone like ivory. Coopertorius, a, um ; adl. covering, Coprophõrus, 1; m. a farmer of pri. Coralium, li vies. Coralios, a river of Phrygia, called r! or, covered, buried. *Coaper-| + Cope, copis; (ex con & ops) a ſo Sarigarius. tüs milcriis, soupróbolmed wieh vich, plentiful. Coralli, a fiancı people of. Pontos. miseries t Copļus, a, um; plentiful. + Corallia, 2; f male pimpernel. Cooptātig, Onis; f. an cleling by Copta, æ ; f. fhip.bisket. + Corallia, æ; f. the brb coral":or + Coptavium, ii; n. a praoral lo dung-wort. Cooptātus, a, um ; eleltid. Zeng. + Corallis, a pruious ſtone like red- Coooto, are; ach to shuje by votes. Coprog," or fus; a mori-town called inad. * Cooptăre in collcgium, so chooſe Can, common to the Egyptians and Coralliticus, a, um ; adj. of er like into a fociety. Arabians, towards the red-fea. coral. + Coral- 1 ét. }m. meni. tiples. tbe judge. . 17m COR COR COR t. CoraHiticus, ija: a kind of map. Corcaglenfis, to be the firſt that propbefied by ix- ole. Corcentcs, as; } adj . of Cork. {piration. Coralliom, it ; n. coral.. Corce, or Cornc, a city of Armenia Coretus, a bay of the lake Moeotis. Co alozchátės, 4 Sterge witte golden Corfinium, the metropolia of the Per + Corchológig , cercolopla, er cerca ligni, called Pentinia. CORAM, præp. fà xôpm pupilla, vel lopex, an ape with a tail like a + Corgò, adv. for cordc ago, truly. ab Heb. kadam ante) before, the fox t Coria, orum; rows of hones or prince. * Coram judice, before Corchorus, i, m. the berb pimpernel. bricks in a building. . Co chorus inter olera, Jack - Corra, or Caria. Corebridge in Coràm, adr face to face. • Coràm mong gentlemen. Northu'uberland. - cum fumus, when we are toge-1t Corclovia, a prionte cello. + Co:iaceum, els neut a thing of ber. Corcova, a city of Tap:obane. leather Corimbe, ĉs; f. colrwort. Corcoras, the river Guk in Gernia. Coriaccus, a, um ; 2d). [à corium) Corancali, a pesple of India without пу. loutborn, Ganges: + Corcorus, d; a kind of fiſh and barb.Corlāginolus, a, um, adj. hidro Corani, w people of Italy, or the Inha. Corcůlum, li í n. [à co:1 a ſwut. bound. Coraginoſus jamentum, out-ints of Cora. beire; allo a diferent fuge person. a lean carrion jude. C:vanitæ, a people of Aribia Felix. Corcyra, an illons in the loniaa fea, Coriāgo, inis; f. la corium] the + Corranitus, ; . 4 wbite hard nei Epiros, under the Venetians, dilember of bring bide-bound. Slone callet Corlu, where Ulyffes fuffer Corialæ, arum ; * kind of fibri. + Corionus, i; t. 4 kind of fib. sd Jhipwrecks and another within Coriandrum, i; a. tbe berb corian. + Coraplus, a kind of bird. twnty miles of the former, der. Coras, the brother of Carillas and Ti Corcyris, a city of Egypi. + Corianus, i;. m. a ring worn by burtug; whence the city Cora had Coreyropolis, 1 Inwn of Corcyra. women on ibrir fore-finger. its name. Cordi Se govarum, Dumfrife in Coriārius, a, um, adj. (à corian) Coraleni, a prople of Alia.'' Scotland. of , bide or tanner. Coraliæ, the ijland Crufſie in the + Cordaciſmus, a kind of unfermly Coriarius, li; mi a tanner, currier, Ægean 11 . dancing keither.droflor; an bab in Pliny, Coraliui, a mountain in Antioch. + Córd ciſta, or chordaciita, ; one u br tanners. Cora(pki, a prople of Scythia. that kings to an indrunnen!. + Corlas, æ; a kind of fiſh. Corax. acs i m. la ruven, a dog's Cordaplus, im. puin in the + Corlbantia, a jeeping like a hare gats with one's cu opm. Corak, s rhetorician of Sicily, who Cordītè, adv. wiſely, diſcrutly. Coricæ, tu iſunds before Pelopon- forii wrots of rhetorick; being over: Cordālus, a, um ; adj. wie, judici. nerus, rendbedid, the sophyfry of his own ous, underlanding, sncare. + Coridcftras, rc;m, a kind of fe!l jcbolar Tifias. he o cafened the pro. Cordax, acis, mi a kind of country. fiz. verb, Kirxi Köpax Kokosov; d.ince ufod in comedies, + Coridolum, ll; n. « buffol. alſo a mountain in Sarmacia, « Cordes, a river that runs through the Corgia for corrigia. city in Taurica Cherſoneſas ; alſo Persan cilj Cordo # Co: giztas, a, um ; bound wib bu that flow the port Arch:lochus. Cordialgia. 2; f. the hears-ach. thongs. Coraxus; a towniain on the norib of it Cordžlis, is; the nations of an + Corigio, are ; to bind with things, Colchis. bero, or make la chers. Coraci, perple Colchis, whose + Cordicitùs, adv. from the heart. # Corimbas, i; m. an ivy.berry i conl is commanded by Strabo. Cordillio, a Stoick philoforher of Per. alſo the top of higher part of any Coraxici montes, part of thun Tau. gamus, who Nighied the friendſhip thing. Corimbl, the tvinding: rus. of all kings and princes, frings of a vine, Sue coryuubus. Corban, indec. Hcb, an offering to + Cordiſci, weak untimely lenbl. Corindlus, a city of India wisbin the poor man's box. Cordõlium, it; n. là doleo] a vex: Ganges. Corbana, a Perfian, vanguined by otinn ar beari, a hrase-breaking. Corinca, a counity of Armenia ma- tbs Cbrilans in a battle wherein Cordūba, the city Corda in Spain. jor. a hundred thoufind Barbarians pe- Cordom, di; n. latter.mab. Sue Corina, Cornwall. rijet, A. D. 1099. cordus. Corinium, Cirencelter in Glouceſter- Curbaſa, a sity of Pamphylia. Cordueni, a people of Afia. ſhire. Corberatus, a city in Galatia. Cordula. a haven ör Themiſcyrona, Corinna, & nime of thre wimm- Corbiana, a province of the Elymai. by the Euxine (es. posts. Corb:lo, a mart. town of France. Cordus, an hitrian wbo wrote the Corinnus, an ancient post, who wrote + Corbimus, or .binus, a, um ; lives of the emperor's; and ſeveral the wars of Troy boforo Honer ; double-beartad. other minn. out of whom Homer is bought to + Corbio, bajo ; m. a basha-maker CORDUS, a, um, adj. [à Kopírico hive laten his ground-urk. or carrier, Juvenilis? Spr:iging lase in the year,+ Corinthas, adis ; in hard who? Corb'a, a town in Italy. luteward, out of due sim, late worn; juice is good again finging of fora CORBIS, 19; f. and in (à corrus] and for sbal reaſon has become the A wicker-basket ; alſo the top of thi Smamı' of ſeveral great mon. Corinthiăcæ uvæ, (1 Corinthus) co- maf. Cordi, weak chlorm. rAgni cor- Cyba, ;f [à co:b:s) a boy. + di, sudes lambs, or lanbi jouned. Corinthiăcus, a, um ; adj. of Corinth. Cciocem operam hanc, ne corbi after Laminas. *Fonum cordum, Corinthiarins. a nick name given to tar date, make all speed help us. Lant:r-muth, or latew.rd by... Auguftus Cæſar, from soviting the • Corbitain cibi comeffe poffunt, Cordyla, or Cordylla, the fry of a veſels of Corinth. abo.art ronfrous gormandimors, suny.fill. + Corinthias, marble of Corinth. + Corbito, are; to load a hoy, or fill + Cordylus, li; m, a kind of fish. Corinthieniis, c; the belly Cordylus, a city of Pamphy'i3. um } + Corbona, æ; f. the treaſure of the Codyluf, un find about Rhodes. Corinthium, æs; & pure kind of mor- Jcwith templa. Corç, she daughier of CTC8. tal of Corinth, of great valud. Corbronæ, w people of Media. Coreum, the faults of Core. Corinthus, i ; fi a famous and weal- Corběla, æ; f. fà corbis) A band- + Coredŭlus, a kind of bird. thy city of Achaia. in the middle of basket, or mound. Corelliana, a Corellius a kind of the Peloponneſian Iſthmus, burnt Co:bŭlo, õnis; a. a porter, or bal chelnut, by the Romans, and reedified by kut-bearer : alfa a proconful in Sy- Corelllus, the name of a Roman Julius Cæfar ; and fell into the ria undar Neio. knight. hands of the Turks, A. D. 1451 Corbů'un, i; n. or us, i ; m. a Corela, an ifand of G:ecce. Corinum, or Corinjum, & fown of little basket. Corelia, the name oj Minerva in Ar Liburnia. Corcagla, the city of Cork in Ire cadia. Cocinus, be river Churne by Clren- lund. Coretus, the name of a sospherd, faid ceiter. Coriolanus, a nobls Roman, compared b 1 rinis, 1 ? 1 COR COR COR a horn. by Cicero with Themiftocles; borb Cornesco, ere; (à cornu] to grow + Cornuo, are; to bend the born of a bow. of shorn wiro boniped by ibi un bard as horn. grateful people, and turned so be Cornctum, i; n. [à cornus] a plase Cornūpēta, e; a goring or bune. anemia, full of cornel-irus. ing (heiff.] Coriolana pyra; pears so called from Corneus, a, um , adj. (à cornu) of CORNUS, 1; ond us ; f. [Kgávier] Coriolanus of like horn. Ora cornea, a bird's a cornel-iriti ured alſo by ports for Corioli, er Coriolla, a town in Italy. bil! a bow, becauſe uſually made of ibat wood. Cornčus, a, um ; adj. . [à cornus] of Coriosani, the people of Corioli. Cornus foemina, bo dog. + Coriõlus, lijm. a bucklor, cured comel.wood. with skin. Corni, a propie of Italy Cornus, a city of Sardinia, pow Co:: Corion, ibe herb St. John's-worf. Cornial. ti crople a. Galatia. neto. + Çorlõlus, a, um ; adji clad in lea. Cornicen, ics.;.c. à cor Cornicen, ic's C à cornu & cano) Cornūla, æ ; f. the sea-fiſh called a tber. a blower of a born or cornet. gurnard. Corioyal' am, the town Valckenburg 1 Cornicina, æ ; f..a voran.blozur. + Cornūtāmentum, i; n. the top of in tbe Netherlands. + Cornicino, arc; to wind a burn, Coris, ibe herh Str John's-wort, or Cornicor, ari; (a cornix), to Brut, or Cornutum Monafterium, Horn-church ground-pine. 6:w like a crow, gage like a trovo in Eflex. Coris, a mountain of Theffaly, where for a pray. Cornicari aliquid fe- Cornutus, a, um ; ad, horned. * ibe forpenis called dipſades are bred. cum, to mutter out something, 10 Cornocam beftiam petis, yox roue Coricus, ci; m. a 'ligbi dart, grumble within himſelf. a fuping lion.. Coriffia, a town in bu iſle of Cornicula, e; f. a jark-daw. Cornutus, a Stoick philoſopher of Lep- Coriffui, Coos, Cornicúlans, ntio ; ad). putring forth tis in Africa ; alfo & pretor of borni. Corifſus, a sity of l'inia. * Corniculans Luna, bo Romc. Coritani, pauple of Northampton, Lel now troon. Corocondame, « town of Sarmatia ceiſter, Rutland, Lincoln, Darby, Cornicŭlārius, a, um; an officer in. in Alia and Nottingham Dires, der the tribunes of the foldiers. Corocota, a; f. a ſhot, or young hag. Coritus, or thus, a mountain of He- Cornicŭlātus, a, um ; adl. horned. Corodamum, a promontory of Arabia truria, from king Coritus, the buf- Corniculum, lin. (à cornu) a little Felix band of Elcara, and father of horn, Alar whiple, an ornament Corcebus, the son of Mygdonus, Dardanus. gium to foldiers as a badge of their greatly in love with Caſſandra, who Corinus, i; m: a quiver or bew-cafe, valour. wamed him to forſake Troy; to do Su corytus, Corniculum, a town in Italy. void the danger that was coming ; CORIUM, iiş n. (ab Heb. gnor Cornifer, a, um ; carrying á horn. but be not hearkening to her, peribad pellis) in leather or bide of a Cornificius. an excelleni post in the that night the town was taken j braj, the skin of a sfe, the pill of Time of Saluft. benes the proverb, Corcebo ftulti- a nui, &c. De De alieno corio + Cornificus, a, um ; ad). making tior. ludere, te sport at another's peril. horns or lantborns. Corolamus, a limle king of the Boll. • Pernicere corium, to dreſs or tan Corniger, a, um, adj. wearing Corolla, e town of Arabia Felix. laurber, horns. Corolla, æ; f. (à corona), corner Coriza, o coryzi. + Cornigènus, a, um ; of a borned or garland. Cormalas, e river of Troas. kind, Corollarium, ii; n. vanlage, over- Cormanam, a city of the Jazyges Corniger, a name of Bacchus. meaſurt; alſo a confeitary that falls Metanaftæ. Coralpes, &dia ; boing borned bout. in beſide the quellion provid; a ſmall Cormala, a city of Pamphylia. CORNIX, icis ; f. [nopeuvo) a crow, prefent ; little covonets given to the + Corna, æ ; f. baruaf. a knockor of a dor. Cornix fru: thor oried at plays and fears. + Corta, a city of Cappadocia. gifera, a rook. *Cornicibus lupet-Coromane,,or -atis, city in the Per; Cornabii, op but, people of Strath ftes or vivacior, exterding ancimi. Gan gelph. narvan, op Satherland,' in Scot- CORNU. n. indec. (xepas, Heb. ka- CORONA, æ; f., Liv. [nopvn] a land. ron) a horn, corner, winding, A crown, circle, bapler, ihe brim or Cornacum, a town of Pannonia In lanibirn, #Acici cornua, the wings edge of a pot, the cleliab Aign Ari- ferior. of a battalia. Cornua arcûs, the adne, the ball 19 circle about the Cornaglum, li; a. Armure in borned tops of a bow. Addcre moon, the brow or cornice of wall, she norib, by blowing a born at the cornua paupcri, to hearten a poor • Vulgi corona, a ring of people. approach of an enemy. * Cornua diſputationis, the . Corona regia, tbe herb molilor. Cornavii, people of Warwickſhire, principal arguments. Cornu cer. . Corona terra, ground ivy. Sub Worceſterſhire,Staffordſhire, Shrop vinum, owks-born,, plantain. corona vænirc, to be sold in the Thirc, and Cheſhire Cornga fluminis, the windings or market. as ſavas taken in the war Corne, a bill in Tuſculura, which reaches of a riur. Cornua 2n uſed to be, baving crowns on, bad 4 barcben grove dedicated to tennarum, the main ends of the Corona, a conſellation, the crown of Diana. fail yard. * Obvertere alicui cor Ariadne. + Cornca, &; f. a trumpai, nua, zo inſult over, hunch. * Fee Coronālis, le; adj 3 art. of or like a * Corncata opcra, work agyud upon num habet in cornu, a proverb ar. by the dig till candle light. noring a miſch cuous perſon ; Hor. Cõrõnāmen, inis ; n. a coronat or gar: Corneates, a prople of Pannonia. Sat, 1. 4. 34. taken from a cufton Cornelia, a noble and coques lady, of tying bay at the tip of the curft Coronā iientum, i; n. the matter of wife of Semp:onius Gracchus, and inw's horns, to prrumt sbrir doing which ga: lands are made.. musher of Tibcrius and Caius any miſchief. Cornu ammonis, Cõionária, æ ; f. the clove.gillifowa ** Gracchus. airwel like a ram's born; Plin. er; alfo foi ibat makes or falls gar- Cornelianus, the collegue of Perpe • Benignum corna, fortune', horn, lands, tuus of the horn of plenty ; Hor. Coronārium, il; n, a preſent to Coracllas, the name of divas noble. Cornu Byzantis, the juburbs of Con. prince at his coronation, crownage, ftantinople. gilt brafi. Cornelius Nepos, on eloquent man in Cornuārius, ii; m. A maker of cor. Coronāriús, a, am; adj. of garlands, the time of Cicero; he wrote the Coronarium æs, latim motal. lives of fimous na, whereof only + Cornuatus, a, um, pars. of cos. Opus coronarium, work mada Pomponius Arti:us is extent nuor ; horned, crooked. round in the falbion of a crown. . Cornelius Tacitus, a famous hiflo- Cornubia 2; Cornwall. "De Cor. Aurum coronarium, gold given by rian. nubia. tbl family of Corowall. sba vinguiſed to she vi&or, a gift Cornendi, a posle of Sardinia. Cornucopia, &; f. abund..nce of all belowed by tbe provinces upon be Corneõlus a, um, adj. ! à corneus] things Roman emperors. like horn. Coincolus fuit, bet Coraugrāphium ; il. a. an inko Coroninius, it; m. & maker or fullor was a heart of oak. born of garlandı. + Corncolus, i; f. a little cornel. Cornum, i; n. (à cornus) a cornel, Coronatio, onis; f. a crowning, or wild cherry Coronátor, Orls ; m, a crowner. Coro VHN. Town **R7. 1 nets. COR COR COR Coronātas, a, um, A. & Pifco- + Cortāsimus, a, um ; corroftve. Corrogātus, a, um parti: if corro- ronor ; frownida Correctio, onis ; f. correction, amend gor; gashered, musical, Corānālus; i; m. a crown (of money:) bris, redresſing ; a figure mirbuloric, Corrogo, are ; to ask or gather from Coronic, a city of Transylvania, Pc when an improper expreſſion is helpid miny * Corrogare. nudimos, to loponneſusi.and asher placek. out by one more proper. get motor frin divas. Corores, a city of Bæoria, wkor 70 Corredor, öris ; m m corredor, a Corroſus, a, um ; part of corrodor; moles will live , arbor of Pelopon mender. Correctorcs, officers be endrim obout, a juridor, ar ir iwa. nelus; and aber places. twam the conſulares and the prze. Corrotundo, are to make mind, Coroncola, æ; f. a musk-roſa. sides. Corruda, z; f. [d.corruo} wild afr + Cărònices, pales, or such. like; before I Corre&ura, a; fi a urrain. paragus. houjos; alfo a partition of boarda. Correctus, a, um , part, of corrigor; + Corrudago, inis; the fame. Corons, idis; f. e pinnacle or fans currried, redreira. Corrligació, önis; fi a'zninkling, of a building the top, end, or cont. Corregionālis, le'; adj. 3 art. of Corrūgācus, , um ; wrinkled. clufion; a little croched line at iba the funt country + Corrugi, bram ; furrow in hills, end of tragediss; the cordis of a Correlativa, orun ; N. correlatiuu. to conury water for the washing of pillar. + Corrēnigu, are; farow together. ore, Coronis, a goddeſs worſhipped in Sloborē.po, plii ptum, pērc ; to cresp. Corruga, are ; to wrink's. Corru- cyonia, and i nymph by wobom A Secretly into. * Correpare in ga garc frontem, to finin, pollo bad Eſculapius. nesa, to crop into brothel-bonjas. Corr-umpo, upi, upturi, umpere ; Corānilma, atis ; a. * Ang sang by Correpte, adv. in sort. act. (of con and rumpo T to cor- ba coronilta. Correptio, onis.; f. e carre&tion, re rupe, bribe, dilalues break akundiers Coroniſta, æ ; . an idle detal that buke, reproving, ſbortrding. deflower, debanth, forge, or falfty, went about carrying a 'croca, and Correptor, .āris m. a reprvet, poiſon. begging for him. chider Corrug, ore ; to fund down, com Corono, arc ; act. to crown, anan. Correptorius, a, um, adj. chiding. to ruin, full.in ; alſo to throw PASI, environ. Vina coronant, Correptus, a, am į of corripior ; or beat down. *Corrucre divitias, ibey fill briramers, or trim the bowels plucked ballily, blare, &c. la brag up wealib. with garlands. *Coronat folio [of + Correus, as conreus, Corruptè, adv. corruprly. an berb] coronats are made of its Corrha, a foron of Armenia major, Corruptēla, ed; f. 2.bone and.ſpoil, locuri and a city of Perſia. whoredom, + Coronon, she foarp prerafs of the Corrhagium, a city of Macedonia. Corrupúbll's, le ; adj. corruplible. mather jaw. + Corr:atus, a, um ; bound with.laa-Corruptio, onis ; f. corruptim, u dij- Coronopodlam, ii; 8. fwines-cref bor. Corooopna, õdis ; f. folving, Spotlmg. } + Corricean, a place where the girls Corrüptor, oris, m. a corrupter, 1. Coronopos, buces born. uſed to play togerber. Spoiler, debauchar. Coronta, a city of Acarpania. Corrl-dco.fi, fum;, [of con and ri-Corraptrix, les ; fi a baud. +- Corõnula, a; f. á little crown. dco] to laugh sogarber. Corruptus, a, un ; [of corramper] Coronus, & mountain of Ala, and (CORRIGIA, 2; f. fà corium] a corrup, Spoiled, &c. the name of fourral mm. for Bring or latchet. Corrigia Corruſporgari; dep.co ſearch diligently, Cosópafías, a town of Lyconia. canjna, a thong.of. degis leather, CORS, tis ; f. [x PTO] him-yard, Corope, a city of Theffaly. + Corrigjārius, ü; mi a knacker-or or barion. + Corophlum, ii;n a kind of crab. poini-maker Corſza, a place in Cilicia. fb. Corrigiātas, ay on; adj. syed with Corfæus, a, um ; of Corfæ. Cõroplāthus, i; m, a puppet-smater, Leather + Corfalvion, 11;: n. fage. .Corpicenci, a people of Sardinia. Corrigibilis, le ; adj. corrigible, Corſeæ, Ionian lands ever.agains Corpilli, a people of Thrace. + Corrigio, are; 18 make paints. Samos. Corporale, His; n. the limon upon the Corrigiola, æ; f. ibu berd knot-grafs. Corfi, a people of Sardinia, who CAME altar, wobercon the hoſt is laid after Corr-igo, exi, ęquan, igērc ; a&. (of from Corúca. confecration ; Alſo a communion-cloth. con and repo) to.corriet, amend, Corsia, a town of Baotia. Corporālis, le ; adj. 3 art. (à corpos] make amends for, fraighten. *Cor- Corſica, ar ifand in the Liguſtick for porcal. Corporalis postertio, rigcrc aliquem ad frugem, to make fea, between Italy and Sardinia. a politim, as of hoafos ar lands. One • good busband, + Corlion, the toto-foot, + Corporalitas, aus ; f. bpdily femte. + Corrigria, a; f a true with fruit Corfipium, -ii; neot. en Egyptian Corpo aliier, adv. bodily, Corpo. lika, adrashne. coin. Hlitcr jorare, to take a folemn alb Corr:špio, pui, cptum, īpère; act. Corsordes, a certain Hons of a hour by.laying one's pand up the bible. [of con and rapio) to match us in wbirendy. Corpójāuo, onis ; f. the quantity or habe, bay hands on, to take foort, Corforie, a city of Great Armenia, Aate of a budy.; a corporation, las graminarians do ſyllable) foro mcompafod with the river Marca. Corporátūra, a; f.thi buldof iho body. prove, chids, catch up fort, catch Corftopyram, Morpeth in Northum- Corporātus, a, um ; having a body, fuddenly. Corripere aliquom in berland, or Corbridge upon Tyne. big limord, incorporaud. nervum, to hurry one to the blocks. Corſura, on sfond in.ibir iniddle of Corporeus, a, uni bodily, corporal. Corripuit impcnlas ludorum, llins she bay of Carthage. Corporo, are; to form into a body, ed the sbirges. Corripere viam,+ Cortālis, le; ad). of an hon-houſe. Corpor.or, ari ; 'to become A body ; to make fired, rid ground. Corterhacun, the city Cortrick in Corrivales, ium; m. competitors for Flanders. Corpulente, adv. grafly. the same waren or any thing elſe, Corterlacenfes, the prople of Corterl- Corpůlcntiz, æ; T.:corpulmie, grise Corr:yzlitas, atis ; f. rivalip. Corrivātio, onis; f. the misting of CORTEX, icis.; c. Là corium & Corpūlentas, a, um , adj. Bably, rivals; the drawing urator into lego) thrrinder bare of a trat, a fat, corpulent. cominon chinnal. jell or pill. * Cortices roliram, CORPUS, oris; n. Cic. Expwes Heb. Cortivatus, a, um ;-fun together. the furlinla landet abonerofertuids. guphab) a body, the flesh of sbordy, Corrivo, are ; fex con & rivas) to Nare fide cortice, to go at sand ... unume, fociety. Correra cul. draw many priams into one. on his own legí. Cortex avata, lodia, um, courts of guardi, #Cor Corrivor, ari; to be drawn into one a miak; Vir. Hinc Anglicè, Cork, pus line pe&ore, that has no guts channel. Corrhaca, a cin of India without in his bruin.. *Corpus, amittere, Corrivus, a riurr drawn to the tops Ganges. to fall away. * Corpus arboris, of mountains for the wofbing of oft + Cortatus, Him. a king-fifor. the flex:of a true, gold. Corsicata, a Spaniſh ipand.ond city Corpuſcălum, li; a. a litde body, a Corroboratus, a, um ; adj. frength. in Batica. mite or atom. sned. Corticālus, a, um,; 'haoing a rind er Corrado, a, fum, děre; a&t.of.con Corroboro, are ; act. to frengthen, bard. and rado) to forape together, alienata, confirm. Corticcus, a, um ; of rind oy bark. Corrāga, inis; f. Là cor} sbs borbi bo- Corró.do, fi, fum, děre'; act. to gnaw + Corticillus, li; and sorticŭlus, li; rage. aſunder or in two m. A thin rind, Cor. . oljo so kill. acua. h aus. Tauin. CORTINA, æ; f. [à cor:um, vci Cory.cus, i ; m. a famous wreller. + Cofaulæ for coro!la. COR COS COS Coruco, are ; to pull of the bark. , promontory of Crete, and a haven, Colamba, a city of India within Cort:colus 2, um; thick barked. of Ehiopia. Ganges. Corticula, a; f. a thin rind. Coiycum, il; n. a wallet for vielu + Colamb';.for corimbi, + Corticus, 4; m, a bow-cafe, als. Colas, a river of Italy. A ab. cora, res rotunda, &c.) a who gave sconfion to the proverb, Coſcinomantia, a; f. . divination curlain, a dyer's furnace, a painter's Lucari cum Coryco, to atimpi by e fevr. colour.pol ; Apollo's.drevet or inword any thing beyond one's fringib; also Coſciņus, a town of Apamia. velry, wbinie the oralle was given. a very high mountain of Cilicia, Coſcynthus, a river in Italy. Cortina cæli, the hemiſphere. and a town of the ſame name, where Cochlia, 4 city of Italy, culls Con. Plumbea cortina, tbe vilil racsiv ibe belt raffron grows; at the foot of enza. ing oil from the prefed alives. the mountain was the cave Cory- Colentiaii, the inhabisants of Cofen- Cortināle, is; ni The place where cjum, dedicated to the Mules, ubi tio. vats and cauldrons food. from ibenics were called Corycides; Colcnus, river of Mauritan'a. Cortinalis, le; adj. of a cauldrons. alſo a mountain of lonia, full of Coriana, a cofile of Paleſtinc. + Cortinarius, a, ums of curtains. robbers; whene the provarh, Cory Colmanales, a people of Liguria. + Cortinas, and cortinaria, a make czus auicultavit cum, bis whole Colmarcha, æ; m. the prince of the OY Spreader of curtains. design is diſcovered. world. + Cortinon, rodif food. + Corydalis, an herb good ogain the Comarchia, 2; m. the government Cortinŭla, 2; f. A little curtain, chorick. of the world. sauldron, or dying pat. Corydalla, e city of the Rhodii, and + Coſmarius, or coſmarchas, ibe lord Corton, a city of Theffaly, taum abowe Athens. of the world Cortona, an ancient city of Tuſcany. Corydallus, a town of Attica, and Coſtheta, z ; m. a gentleman ay Cortoncnfes, a prop's of Spain. Lycia. groom of the sbarnborg en opparel + Corcumio, onis; f. diligent be- Corydalus, i ; m. a lark. lar. holding and confidering + Corydalis, a kind of fijo. Coſmiana unguenta, ſweet ointments, Cortuoſa, a city of Tuſcany. Corydon, ons; m.' the name of a Coſmia.us, a, um ; adj. of Col- + Cortula, brari-sar, fanicie, foepherd. Cortynia veftis, a hunsing garment. Coryla, or -leum, a town in Paphla + Colinjaticus, -am, i; bire paid for Corty:a, e shall country of Laconia. gon'a riding poy, + Corvini, devourars; as cernui.(Corylētum, i; n. a kaxel.copr. Coſmicus, a, um ; of the world, Corvinus, a, um adj.of or like a + Coryllion, a kind of bird. worldly; alſo perfumed. Stela Corylón, a city in Italy: larum ortus coſmicus, the rising of # Corvito, arc; to devour. CORYLUS, i; f. (Kópur) a fila thelları with the fun, * Corvitor, or -bitor, Oris ; m. tart-tree. * Sylveſtris corylas, the t Colmitto, for committo. grudy caser. baxel-nut tree. Colmius, a, um, adj. of Cofmus. Corula, a city of India within Gan. Cõrymbe, the fans as combe. Coſmographia, & fe the deſcription ges Cõryabjcus, a, um ; bufet with ivy of the world! + Cõrůlētum, I ; Q. a place where berries. Coſmographicus, a, um ; adj. of Cõrymbifer, a, um; bearing barries cosmography, Corŭlus, i; m. spillet of a woman's like ivy, Cofinographo, are ; to deſcribe the bad. Corymbifer, an soithat of Bicchus, world. Coruncanus, the frf pontiſex maxl. whoja priels were crowned with ivy. Coſmographus, 1; m. 4.colmographer, mus, sbsson from among tbe common Corymbion, a peruke or corina. er dejiriber of the world. paspla; and other mm. Corymbites, a kind of spurge. Coſmos, e town of Judæa. Coruocula, a city of India within Corymbus, im. an ivy-berry; allo Coſmus, i, m. the world. Ganges. the form of a ſhip. Cofmus, a fasuous perfumer, Corvorum Infula, ax ifand in Arca. Coryna, a city of lonia. Cofoagas, & navigable river falling dia. Corync, a city of Elis. into Ganges. Corvorum Antrum, a mountain in Corynephoros, herbai carries a club. Cafrocs, king of Perſia, who few Cilicia. Corynēta, o -tes, a famous robber, 90.cão christians. Corus, i, m. the portb wel wind the son of Vul:an, pain by The Coſta, a city of Tuſcany ; 4 town of cor, or Hebrew meaſure if 30 busb- -ſeas. Umbria ; and a city in Calabria, Coryphæum, a mountain in Epidau called Coafono. Corus, a river of Arabia, falling into rus, whire Diana Coryphæi was Coffaa, æ; f. a town of Thrace, she Red-fea. worſhipped. and part of Perlin Cõruſcāmca, inis ; a, lightning, Hale. Coryphæus, !;, n. a ring-leader, Corfæi, the inhabit ints of Cofiza. chic, principal. Cofrecaria, a counlry in Spain. Cõruſcātio, õnis ; f. e gliſering,+ Coryphano, a ; f. a kind of fib. Coſsīcus, a, um ; adj. belonging to brandifing Coryphantis, & town on the Adramyt. cofra, or algebra, we art of Agura- CORUSCO, are ; (à xốpus, galca) to tentan hore, tiur words, glipir, lighton, brandih.' * Arbor Coryphas, a town of Troas. # Coffi'ires, and caffilires, pragglors, coruſcat, ibi frue is Bidon. Coryphe, the top or bright of any vagabondi. + Cõruſcun, a thunderbolt. thing + Collim, on both the bips, Soe cox- Cõruſcus, a, um ; glittering, bright Coryphe, mountain near Ganges, and quick..., and a7101er in Syria, between An- + Corlini, the same as Oftioncs. Corufia, a city of Sarmatia in Aga. tiochia and Berhæi. Coffinitus, a river of Thrace. Corvas, i, m. (Kép-El. a raven, a + Corython, a rock, Corfiun, a town of Aguicaia. corror-crow ; alſo a kind of bllo, Corythus, the town Cortona is Tur- Coroanus, a river of ladia running and a dofmfive mging in war. ints Ganges. cany Abiad corvos, go and be far enough. Corytus, i ; m. a bow-cafe Cofius, i, m. (KÌS] A worn thar + Mili corvi malum orum, like Coryza, æ; f, a pose of fluffing in frets wood. farbar. like son. the head. Cofius, i, m. a mountain of Bithy- Cory, an iAand of the sain fua. COS, cotis; f. fa Kórtu, ſcindo) nia, and the name of faveral mon. Corybantes, the mad priefs of Cybele. ewbieloné. * Cos rotaria ai gy-id+ Corrus, a, um ; adj. naturally Corybantia æra, cymbals. ratilia, e grind.fone, Scrupu flirivellad. Corybantiare, to Dep wiib one's eyes loke cotes, rugged ways. • Alis Coltia, the wife of Cæſar, of the open, of be troubled with viſions cotem, you feed one that foaines fainily of the Coffurii. that one cannot help. bis ke:per. Colturii, and -ani, « Roman Corybas, a painter, frholar of Nico. Cos. Coog, or Cous, an ilıind in the mily. machus, Ægean lea , alſo u city of Egypt. COSTA, 22; f. [à confto, vel èsà, Corybus, a promontory of Crete. Cora. for causa. ofia] a rib. * Cotta, arun, she Corycæus, ei ; m. riſpy or hearkener. 1 Cora, a city of Etruria. lides. t Coſtu no:hz, 16 Thors ribs. Corýcia, the mother of Licorus; a Cosäbus, i, m. kind of barqueting- хууу dib. Coſta, nuts grow, 1 nor. frica. Cotārlā, æ; f. fà cos] & quarry out Cotylæus, Æſculapius at Eurotas, COT CO X CRA Coſta, 4 king of Spain, brosher of Cotriæ, the Alps. Herba ccxendicum, great ponny. Rodericus. Coutiara, a city of India within Gan urt or Venus-nivel. + Cortarium, it; n. the place where ges. + Coxigo: are ; to be lame. the ribs art. Corrlario, a river in China. + Coxim, for coffim, adj. upon the Coſtãtus, a, um ; adj. biving ribs. Cortis, a town of India within Gan. buttocks, # Coitella, and -ula, ; f. a small ges. Coxõlus, a, um ; adj. mad, from. rib, Collium, 4 place of Gallia Narbonen tick Coſtobocl, a prople of Sarmatia Euro fis, about ibi Alpes Colcia. + Coxula, ; f. a little tbigb. paa. Cottobora, a town of Gedrofia, and it Coxus, a, um ; adj, dame. i Costrus, or caftrus, the general of A of India within Ganges. Coymaleni, a people of Corſica. camp, or king among bess. Cotton, a city of Aſia Propria, Cozala, a town of Armenia Major. Cortim; 1. n. (à coitus) balſam. Cottona, a baven of Ethiopia ; alfo Coziftra, a city of Cappadocia. * Cofuma, a; f. citam. a country of India. Coſtus, 1 ; fshe beró copmury, or Corcuantí, a prople of tbs Rkati, Canin R. the balfam-iru. + Cottum, i, n. cotion. + Corymbe, a knet of bair tied on the Carcus, a giant with an hundred C Ri for criſpus, Creticus, contrac- gown. bonds. tum. Cõſyra, a baryen iſland in the Llby- cătūla, æ ; f. (al cos] a little whal-C. R. for civis Romanus. 10 Jens jone, Fætida cotula, may-weed, C.R. C. for culus rei caufa, Cofyræl, ibe inhabitants of Cofyra. # Coturnium, a wine.velel' uſed in Crabafia, a city of ibu Iberi. Cołyrli 4. prople of India. facrifres. + Craber, a, um , thin, Nandor. Coſyrus, an iſand by Selinus ; alſo a Coturnix, Isis; l'optug] « quail. Craboniſta, a kind of inftrument. river and sily in S!cily. Cotus, i ; anger. Crabro, õnis ; m. (á cracco, vel à Coryte, a city of Umbria. Cotyeom, a city of Phrygia. Klpas, cornu) a kind of great wapi Cotace, a town of Alia, Cotyla, a; fi a half pint ; alſo a a hornet. Irritare crabroncs, so Cotæa, a country of Armenia Mi drinking-cup ; tbe bero may-weed ; awake a ſnippiſh cur, or 80 meddle sbe hollow or pan in which a bone with a ſpiteful and angry people, Cotæna, a sity of Armenia Minor. turns. (Prov.] Cotabba, a town of Peilia. Cotylæum, a mountain in Euboea. Cracca, & Saxon forcereſs, who could change dijous of mode into frange of which whalfones an dag. a river oj Laconia, to whom Her forms, whereby me was thought by Cotenfit, e people of Dacia. cules bwile a temple when be was the fimpler ſort to be a geddes. Cotes, or Cottes, a promontory of A. bealed of a tuannd in his band, + Cracentes, sonder. Cotylc, es ; f. tbe hollow of a cup. + Cracco, ēre; to be lleder. Cothon, an ipand by Carthage. LACOW hand, or huckle-bone ; alſo the play Cracovia, e; f.' the city Cracow in Cothon, õnis ; m. Jan huum, key, pick-pack. Poland. Cothonum, i; n. $ whurs, pier. Cotyledon, ons ; f. the berb nauil-Cracus, an Egyptian to wbom ibry Cothurnārius, a, um ; [à cothurnus) wort. • Hirfuta cotyledon, hairy facrificed all things, lofty, tragical. kidney-wirt. + Cracutæ, mongrels begotten of wolves Coburnālus, a, um ; 2d), wearing Cotyliſcus, and cotylus, i;. m. a and dogs. kuskins, pantofle, muitas ; written kind of quofing cup. Crade, a city of Caria. in a high fyle. Coryliui, a mountain of Arcadia. Cragus, a mouninin of Cillcla, part of Cothurnus, i; m. a buskin, high shoe Cotylum, a linile hill upon mount Ida. Taurus, conferrated 10 Apollo. worn in tragedies, and by bunters ; Cotyrga, a city of Sicily. Cragius, a, um ; of Cragus. bence taken for a lofty Nyit + Cotiarius, iimgrinder. Cotys, the name of several kings of Crainbe, és ; l. colewori. *Recocta Thrace, whereof one being of an craobe, a Losthjome repealing of Colicŭla, æ; f. fà cos) a bone; alſo angry difpofition, when profonied with things. a conchione, morfar made of a Some rarthen ware, broke it all in Ciambura, an iſland of Cilicia, and fins. pieces, to prevent his anger with a city of Lycia. Cotidianus, and cotidie, for quotidi- orbiri tbat bould break it. Crambutis, a city of Lycia. anus and quotidie, q.V. Cotytto, a laſcivious goddess, wborCrambutis, e city of Egypt. 4 Cotina, æ; f. A cup. fucrifices called Cotryttia wure per C:ana, an iſland of Laconia, called Cotlaus, i; f. a kind of wild olive. formed at Athens in the night be Helcna. Cotilo, a king of the Daci, while bar prieis called Baptæ. Cranates, an inhabitant of Cranac. artay, invading Pangonia, was Cotzlanum, e city of Phrygla. Cranaus, a town of Caria; alſo a vanquiſbed by Corael. Lentulus, + Covalos, i, m. a bobgoblin, er svil king of Athens, who furcsard Ce. Auguftus's general. Spirit. crops. Cotomana, a town of Aſmenla Major. + Covellus, a, um ; hravenly. Cranda, a town of Ethiopia.. Cotona, coctona, or cottona, orum; Coventria, Copentry, Cranc, és ; fi a city of Arcadia, n. a kind of fgs. Caugium, A city in Spain. where many fir-trus grow; alſo the + Cotonāria, a; fi shajf-wort, cud. Covinarlus, il; m, a Britiſh charie name of Á symph given to hunting, wort. ther, or 'bo that fighlı out of one, whi having deceived many Jwtors, at + Cotonafter, a wild quince.free. Covīnus, ijm. (à cavus] an iron laf was prevailed upon by Jangs, + Coronca, an berb fo called of ibi cbariot of the Britains. who, to recomponfi bor, wadi bar a Venetians. Coun vinum, wing of the ifand goddeſs om hinges, and gave her Cotoneum, ei ; a. (Kubánov] a quince Cous. . power to drive bugs from children or quiddany. Coūnio, irc; act; to anita. cradles; ". was called afterwards Cotoneus, a, um; adl. of a quince. Counos, a Britiſh iſland. Carna og Cardinca. t Cotonia, a quarry of Rint. + Coural, drink, ale or burr. Cranea, ami a small country of the Cðtrades, a city of Iſauria. Cous, the face upon the dye. Ambraciica Cotriguli, a people of the Huns. Cous, a, um ; adj. of Coos or Cos. Cruncum, in a certain knool at Cotta, un orator; and other men. Couterinus, ; m, o brother by the Corinth. Cottäbus, 1 ; m. the noiſe of a whip: mother's fide Craneus, ci;. m. the firſt king of and of liquor poured out of one velit Coutor, u; to afe together, Macedonia, bofe fucilors reigned fel into another ; alſo a play among | Corum; 1. 2. heaven; alſo a lea till Alexander, almof five bundred young mm,. by tbrowing what they ther thong. jedrs. left in the cup upon the ground, and| COXA, æ, f. (Koxúm] a bauneb, Crania, the ancient name of Tarſus gueſfing, by the found, of the future bip, huckle-boni, in Cilicia, evint of their lover, Cortæobriga, a disy of Portugal, + Coxalç, is ; a, a girdlı or covering Cranide, ĉs ; f. & city inhabited by of the bips. the Thali, and afterwards sallad Cortanun, ni; na hind fmall Coxarias morbus, the hip-gout. Philippi. + Coxendica, æ ; f. rbr bip. Cranides, a town by Pontus. -Olteſvoldia, Cotſwold in Gloucer-Coxcndix, icis ; f. the bip, thigh, or Cranion, a city of Cephallenia. terſhire. buskie-dome; also she bip.gous.' *Craniuni, ii ; 1. [Kpánear] the scull CRA CRA CRE or • Liv. 4. 50 or bruin-gan; alſo a cup. going the Vandals. + Craura, Ibe wurtain in bogs: Cranon, or Crannon, e city of Ther Craftus, a city in Sicily. + Crea, 0; f. the skin of the logi faly, where they ſty. there are only Cralægönon, she berb wild cow- alſo filth. two ravens, which having bred, ga wheat. Creabilis, le ; adj. 3.art. [à creo) dway, and leave only two. Cratais, the moher of Scylla. which may be created. Cranior, üris ; m. an acadernick phi. Crate's, a river in Calabria C:cacentrum, i; 2. Adpa-fork; el Losopher, scholar 10 Plato; he wrote CRATER, ēris; m. a gobles, larding.lick. e bok dc Conſolacionc, imitilled by Cratēra, ; f great lowl, Creagoa, e, f e fosh-hark. Cicero ; alſo the armour bearer of a dijb, platier, a por that meat ist Creamcn, inis ; 8. a creating, Peleus, Jain by the Cmiaur Dc boiled in, the bacon of a fountain, a Creātio, õnis; f. creation or procrea: moleon. Compellation. * Crateres, the vints tion t Cranum, the fruit of the corneil of mount Æuna. Creator, ār!s; M. a crator, Crc. Crater, a bay of Campania, called ator urbis Romæ, the founder of t Crapatolu., d; n. a Perlian voin. Golfo de Napoli. Rome. Cră půla, 2; 6. [Kpas tonn, furfuit, + Crater, a, um, adj. binding one Creātrix, icis ; f. fe ibat creates. drunkennes ; a!forbe drigs of rofin Creatūra, a; f. a criaturs. put into ryw wine. * Crapulám + Craterculus, a little bowl. Creātus, a, um; realed, born. edormire, to take a nap to recover Craterites, a precious fline very bard. CREBER, ra, rum; adj. [à creſco, one's wits. Craterra, aifo a bucker. vel Heb. kaber, multiplicare) fro- Crăpă'ārlus, a, um ; ad). of a furfuit. Craterus, a Macedonian of Alexan- quni, thick. # Creber in eo fu- t Crăpůlātus a, um ; 201. druntin, der's company; who wrote bis afts; ifti, jak repeated it again and a., # Crăpúlor, ari; to Surfeit or difem. alſo a famous phyſician, liatuary, guin. ger onr's relf. and painter, Creberrimus, a, um, adj. vin of. CRAS, (Heb. machar] adv. ts-mor. CRĀTES, 1s; f. [tápp.) a hurdle row, herraftır. of rods wantled fogscher; a drag for Crebrè, iùs , adv. often. Craferium, ii ; a. 4 country in Sici barrow to break clads ; a graic of + Crebreo, ere; neut, to be free ly, brafs or wood; Stat. & Juv. an quoni. Cralis, is : f, the complexion, or mix. inſtrument ako to torture one to Crebreſco, ére; neut. to come tbicker, fure of humours. déutb', Plaut. Pen. §. 2. 65.& multiply, wax commin. Craſpidites, a day of Phrygia. # Spinæ crates, the + Crebrifarlus, ji m. a place beant- Cradāncn, inis; n. (à craffus] shine of the back. od with thicus, grounds, dregs, ſedimens, groffness." Cratca, a Cynic philofopher of Thebes, + Crebrifurum, and jus, di fronte Crafāmentum, i; Q. shicknals. wbe turned all he had into monsy, forriged with paliſades. Crafsè, adv. thickly. de;obting it with one of Trapezus Crebritag, ātis; f. fà creber) free Crascico, cic; a grow fat or gro's, for the uſe of his ſons, if they quintyy a landing ihick. thick, big proved nos philoſooberi; if they did, t Crebritèr, adv. uſually; oftin. + Craſimentum, i; n. thickneſs, for the uſe of the poor. Olber's jay, # Crebrisūdo, ials ; f. thickneſs, often- + Craffipelles, fools, thick-frulled. he tbrew his wealth into the fedig meſs. Craffities, ei f. grofnafs, fainos, suying, Nl drown you, let you Creb-rò, riùs, errimè ; ade. frio Crafsitūdo, inis; } ibicknifs. drown mi. Allo a comical port of quently. Craſtitius, a grammarian at Rome, Athens ; a grammarian, who wrote Credens, atis ; believing, &c. maler of Julianus Antonlus. a grammar while be was amboffa- + Credentia, e; f. a believing, . & Crafo, are ; to make groſs. dor ar Ronc, from king Attalus ; pledge of fidelity, wears of cream # Crafor and craftator, for graffor and others, done, and gráfiator. Crăceata, æ ; f. a cobiron, or rack for Credibilis, le ; adj. credible, likely: Craffwa major, ibe herb orpine, or Ibe spit. Credibilitèr; ady. credibly, probably. low long. Craffula minor, worm Crathis, a pepherd, who fell in lows + Creditărius, ii; m. arbamiberlaini. grafs, great sone-stop. witb a goar, and begat a child with alſo a sounſoller Crafulāgo, inis; f. the fard of or the nerber parts like a dam, and Crēditor, oris ; m. 2.creditor,londary pine, the face like the father; alſo the entruar. + Craſſulentus, a, um ; adl, viry gro's. nams of two rivers, one in Achala Creditrix, icis ; f. me that londri Crafsúlus, a, um ; Somewbat grofs. Propria, she other in Magna Græ- Creditum, !; n. debt, credit, athing CRASSÚS, a, am, adj. (à Kgames. cia, nar. Sybaris, whoſe water is commillid.io fruft. caro) grals, fal, thick, dell, homilj. ſaid to make hair yellow. Creditur, imp. paft. short is truflings Craria Minervâ, bluntly. Cratīcủla, æ;f. (a crates) e gris. 'mon, balioue. * Non benè ripa Craffus, the name of several nen, iron, creditur, '/is not safe frujiling iba whereof one was she grandfarber oft Craticŭlo, are ; 10 cousi wirb gratis, bart; the rich Craffus, and was calles or burn coals on a grate. Creditus, a, um; part. of. credor; Agelacns, becauſe he never laughed. It Crauiculum, i; m. a gridiron. biliyyed, lont, mirujted. witb. Lucius Craffus, a janowi oralor. Craticulus, i;.m. a linla goblet. CREDO, didi, ditum, dere; ad. à Publius Craffus,' a skilful lawyer, Crărinus, a famous comedian af A Kapdía cor, vel.a. Kpuso mutud brother to be orator. thens; a famous wroflor, a alu.. do) i believe, commit, ruft, loner Marcus Craffus, the son of Publius ary, and a river in AG2. difcloſe.". In navem fc credere , Crafus, she richeſt of all the Ro Crātio, ire ; [à cratos) 10 harrow, to truf: himſelf aboard, Alicut mans, wbi laid nooi was to do ac wattle, or swift bundles. de re aliquâ credere,i to: beliau crunted rib, but he that by bis n Cratippus, pi; m. a philoſopher, wbas ona Jays of a thing, Alicui ornye could maintain any army; in Mitylene, wobo saugbe Marcas the conglia credero, ta diſcloſe his in- a. war, with the Parthians, hi lop son of Cicero at Achens, and morte sensions sa one. Alicui pecuniam 30,000 Romans, and his own life; ing Pompey, after his aurrtbraio, credere, to intruf: monty with ant, the Barbarians thinking he made Comforted him like a philofopbar or to land one monn. Iba, war. for sbe love of their gold, with a diſcourſe of provideria, and + Creduas, for credis. poured it melted into bis drad body, the neceſity of Rome's downfal. Credulitas, ātrs; f. credulity, light. + Craftes, is ; dry bay, Grīdis, is f, a jack for bay. Su mult of belief, + Craftinātio, onis ; fi a delaying Crates. Credilus, a, um ; adj. light of bo . from day ra day: Crātitius, a, um ; adj. (à crates) of listing 1. Craftino, are.; [à cras) 10 pues of burdles, wasled; Crefenné,.poeple of: Scandia, called from day to day. Cra!os, power, dominion, Scritfoner Craftiga, adv. ou be morra. Cratylus, an Athenian philoſopher, Creius, a mountain of Argia. Craftivus, a, um ; adj. of Craftus. after to Plato. Crema, a city of Pontus. Craftinus, a, um, adj. of so-morrow, Cravalidæ, or Cravagalidz, a country. Cremefius, belonging to Crema. new, daily. In craftinum, until of Phools near Cirrha. Cremaſtores, : -rum; posr books ; alf et Againſ ta-morrow, • Pructus. Craugiæ, two ipands of Pelopan the nervas upon wbich the leficios craftinus, now fruit. nelus. hang. Craftinus, a Roman gmural. Sont a- t Craugon, or -gus, & wood-pocker. Cromātio, onis, f. a burning, Yууу. Cre. 1 ܀ , um; CRÉ CRE CRE ... Crèmātus, a, ungs burned. Crephagcaetus for Cnephagenetas, , t Cre:pinus, i; the barberry-tru. Crçmuala, orum-aidnats, or ratios aged of the Thebans. Crcfia, as Crefa ; alſo a city of Paph- which children play with, Crepi, the Luperci ſo called. Wagonia. Cremen, inis; ni an increasing Crepida, a; f. fà Komple) a Nipper, Crefle, for creviffe. + Cremento, a e; to increaſe: e sose Sola with a drap fejlen it Crelea, a couriry near Pallena. + Cremontum, jin increat. lever, a face maker's lafi. Hencs pro-Creflius, 1 a, um ; adj. of Crete, Cičměra, o river or Tuſcany, farverbialitèr, *Ne futor ultra cre- Creflus, } Nota cresta, a white mous for the laughier' of this hun, dam, lot every one mind their own mark Agnifying a lucky day. ared Fabii cirokounted by the busineſs, ar loi bo cobler fick to bis Creston, a town of Thrace. Vivientes. Loft. Creitonæus, 1 + Ceniales arbores, trees for fre. Crépidārius, a. um ; ad). of Rippers. Crestonicus, a, umjadj. of Creſton. wood. • Crepidarius cultellas, ador. Creſtonius, + Creminium, ii ; n, a facrifice. miker'i piring-knife Creſtones, a prople who bad asb of Cremoium tis [à crcino] brufe.Crèpidāriųs, ii; mi a fipper mekar. rhum joveral wives, and when the wood ; aljo é difb of Scaks. Crèpidātus, a, um , adj. baving Hip busband died, ſhe that could prove Cremma, city of Lycia, pers on. She bad loved bim te, was gorge Ciemo:a; a city of Creit. CREPID 0, inis ; f. (K Sajsis] tbs oufly attired, jain by her finsfolks, Crémmyoli, or Cronimyon. A town edge of of a blok, any bigh place by a and buried with him. maior Corinth, wbure There's, low road-lide on which beggars lil, the CRETA, ; f. (ab infula Creta) a low of incredible bignieſs. brink of a will, the brow of a rok sbale; alſo the goal or mari at she Creamyonius, a, um, adj. of Crem or bigb ltiora, a key or wharf , allo ond of a race. # Marina creta, moyon. ibe rump, a creak, or corner, *O Semphira, * Notare creta, fcora Cremni, arcos, 8: nart-lown of the beliſci crepidincs, the ground-werk or chalk ko. lako Mæotis, nrar the river Ta of ai obolisk. Creia, the grroios Fland in the Che- nais. Crepiděla, æ ; f. a little pontage. tan fer, called Candy, where Jupi. Croonifcus, a town atou: Iker in + Crepidulum, i; n. an ornainent af ter was thaught to be borns ; ulla Şarmatia. the bead. a town in Scythis. CREMO, are; (Heb. cimur] to burn; Crepis, as crepida ; alo a kind of Creticcus, a, om; adj. of Crete. or jet on pire. berb, and a fine cake meds of honey | Cretaceus, a, un'; shalkı, growing Cremona, a fortifsd city of Gullia and jower. in a chally piace. Ciſalpina, nos fur from Muncua, + Cropita, ;f, a her: or (ave. Crctæ, certain iſlands of Mæla. - wbich keeps its name to this day.' Crepītacillum, i ; n. a final roule. Cretælodina, ae; f. a marl.or balk- Ciemonis jogam, a part of the Alps, Cičpitacólum, i; n. [à; crcpicus) a pit. where some sbink Hannibal purjed synbal, a raule.. Crateus, the nase of a post in Pra- Crepitans, ntis ; part. ratling. pertius. CRÈMOR, oris , m. (Kprutor, vel Dentibus algorc crepitans, chutter Cretæus, a, um ; adj. of Crete. à cerno) ihr juice preſsed out of any ing by reaion of sold. Crētāriun, ii; . e chalk-pit. grain jospid, cream or burin. Crepito, are ; (à crepo] 80 ratlle, Crētārius, li ;m.' a worker in chalk, Cicmucium; ii ; n. a whole burns. meke a crackling noijo, break wind Crotātus, a, um, adj. challed. offering backword. Pedes cretati, llaves whited feat. CRENA, de; f. [à Kphon fons, yel à Crépitus, ûs , m, a crackling, cread Cretea, a country of Arcadia, where Kágurty ciput) noich, nibor, Nit. ing, chaitering, grating, jingling, the inbabitants jay Jupiter was Crenātus, a, ura adj. 70kbed, jag. clöfbing, Napping, Inapping, jiamp brought up, and not ins Crete, ing, dabing, rattling: * Ventris Crctcma, a plaie in Rhodes, where Crenides, .' üg, of Sicily, which Crepitus, a trogling wind backward. Althemenes dwell, who, when the Philip called afterwards Philippi; CRÉPO, ui, ițum, are ; neut. (à cradlo sold him be fould kill his fa- and other places fono) to crak or criak, brag of ; ther, fled to avoid it, and in the Crenis. a nyeph in Ovid. alſo to wbing a complam, 18.crack night lighted upon a dip wbere he CREO, are ; at (à Kév!mpcro, in breaking thougbe there were pirates, and now vel Kefán Bíceo] to croari beget, Crēpundia, orum; n. [ à crepo I his fatber. caufoor procura, to shoorn. '* E ralt'es of other baubles to jingle in Cretenſes, ium ; m. pl. the Cretans, Juonas alicui creare, to bring sriu rhildrens binds; alſo their fordi apo noied for their lying. blss to one. parsi. Cretenfis, fc; of Crete. Creten- Creocaccabas, Atif minced wiih blood, Crepus, & prieß of Jupiter. Sis Cretenfem, knavu will mata fugl, and fueur liquor ; a halo + Crepuſcia, thingborn or bred a Cretus, a, um, adj, of balk. Cscodæræ, Lacedemonian officers, bput iwilighe. Crethcus, ei; m.'s sone of Æolus, who dißributed the meat. + Crépuſculaſcens, Atis i growing wbo hegat Elon on Tyros, dough- Crcococon, a befel 2 keep filed in. dark. ter of his brother Samoncus. Creomilum, i ; n. the fruit of the + Crépuſcủ'o, are' ; so grow dark. Cretheia virgo, Helle, the grand- tref.crcomitus. Cičpuſcălun, i; n. (a creporos ] daughter of Cretheus. 4. Creomitus, 1'; f. a kind of tru. iwilight, either before sun.rifing, or Crethmos, a kind of borb. Crçon,. nis ;.m.. miuniain of Lef äfter fun-fetting. Crethon, ib for of Dioclea, Aain by boas. Cres, ēriş , adj. 3. art. onge of Crete; Æncas in the Trojan wars, Cocon, ontis'; m, a king of Corinin, allo ihe fire king of the Cretans. Crèticus, a, um ; of Crete. fo.so the jobber Siſypus, whó Creia, or Cresta, a town of Caria. Creticus pcs, e foot of three Allabes, married his daughter Creuſa to Ja. Creſcens, aus ; m. a nobleman of the forf and laſt long, she middle fon, after be bad divined Medea Rome, hain by Otho for bis ambi foort, called otherwiſe amphimaceri laking of Thebes, who refignes jion; and obber men. Créticus, the name of an orator i foms. bir königdem se Edipus for expound. Crefcens, ntis; increaſing. &c. times of any judge, ing, Sphinx's riddles all the food Crefcentius, ii; m. the name of ſuve- Cretincorum regio, a nowntry by E- yearly govorner of the Athenting ral n. pheſus. Creontiades, a forr of Hercules by Me- Creſco, crēvi, crcrum;acut. (à creo] + Crerinos, a kind of herb. gara, the daughier of Crzon king of 70*grow, incruelo, bo promoted, aug: Cretinus, & magnesian general in the hebes: mented, dets-mine 'zoish one self. war with Mithridates. C.cophagi, a stople of Æthiopia. In cujus domo creverat, in Crētio, õnis ; f. [ à cerno ] a folain- Cicophilus, a poet of Sainos, whi ca. whole houe he had been brought up inity or fauf kept at the merance up. Siriainea Homer, and is thoughie by # scribendi materies diibi crcícii, on an inheritance, ullo the pollution ome to oe' mis maler, I have more ind more 80 write to itſelf. Libera cretio, an entering Arefatio, õnis afa rushing or you. upon an alare without paying any botyring Cregom, a city of Cyprys. thing out of it. Crepassen. ācis ; adı: 3. art.mnking Creus a bill in Arcadia. Crctis, idis; f. any woman of Cretc. rorling . Creſpa, pri Crexa, a city of Liburnia. Csētizo, arc ; so ploy the Cretan, or Crépérus, a, um, adj. là Krėpas ça-Crephonies. « king of the Mefenil, : detrivo. ligo) ungariain, dombiful, 0.1*. Juin ir populer ſadition. Crotopolis, a city of Pamphylia. + Crēto- 3 ! ! CRI CRI C.RO # Crétositas, atis ; f. abundance of hair of man or beafit, a hind of, Critæ, judges in prizes, &c. wchulk. band made of hair, the fings of fish, Critelua, a town of Cappadocia. Crētolus, a, um ; adj. full of sbalk. the locks, * Vitigni crines, the ten Critenfi, a people of Alia. Crētăia, 20; f. pie'e of chalk. drels of vines. *Veneris crinis;a pre- Crithe, ĉas a barley-corn; alſo + Crētūra, a; f.a Ifting ; alfa coorso cious ſtone with hairy Mining rayi: * wart or jy upon the eye-brow. moal, gurgjans. Empti crines, a parriwis, Crinco Critheis, ebe daughter of Atellis, Crēlus, a, um ; part. of creſco; do caperc, to lay hold of an opportunity. mother of Homer. fronding, barn. Cr!nis, one of Apo!lo'spriets, who Crithiaſis, the foundering of a horſe or Crotus, a, um ; part. of cernor; fol nuglsating the sacrifice, had all kis furfaiting. dernd, parted from, &c. fruits satin up wiib mire, but: upon Crithöte; a city of Hellefpont, and Crcuga, the name of a famous sham his repenting, Apollo. Now the mici, promontory of Acarnanta. :: pion. and from thmie was called Soin Critias, a philosopher, who bold shar Crēvi, prætor. of creſco, I am in - theus; alſo a Rock philoſopher. the blood was the soul, alſo one of reafed in age or oftare ; of cerno, Criniſus; a river in Sicily near the the thirty Tyrants of Athens ; and I entered upon ansiou, deamin'd. city Segetta, who in the ſbape of a oshir mon. Creūra;æ it. the daugbler of Creon dog, or ruther a bear, is raigard to Criticus, a, um ; adj. critical, con- king of Corinth, whom Jalon mata lia with Hegeita, and begee Aceftes Juring, derstory. * Dics critici, rind, having abandoned Medea, afterward, king of Sicily the days upon which she phyſicians who tvartupor fent her a box of Crinitus, a, um ; ad). having, long judge of difamper. wildfire, which burnt the whole locks, * Stella crinita, a cometi Criticus, ci ; m. a critic. curi; alſo the daughtar of Priamus, Crinomčaon, the fue of a ſuit at Crito, an Athepian, familiar with and wifs of Æneas ; id oher law. Socrates ; and other mon. womm ; alſo a tozun of Boot'a. Crinon, a lilly, of the power of the C:itobolus,'li; m. a phyſician who Cribello, are ; 15 Aft. gourd. drew an arrow out of king Philip's Cribellum, ii ; n.' [ à cribrum) + Crinositas, ātis ; f. hairineſs. eye, and cured bim wish:ut dif. Jeitieer little frus. Crio2, a town in the tribe of Antio guring his face. Cribraria, æ; fine fine flour thrice chis. Cricodemus, the name of an bißorian. fified. Criobolluda, ebe ſacrifice of the ram. Critolaus, i ; m. an Athenian gene- + Cribrarins, ii; m.. a baltor or Crios, a ram ; alfo a kind of peale ; ral, who defroyed Coriath;21/o. An focus maker. and a ſhip whoſe øgn is a.ram. hiflorian, anda Peripatetick philoso- Cribrārius, a, um, ad). of ejeve, Criſze, a city of Troas. pher of Athens, fent amb ajudor to Cribro, arc ; to lowlt, lih, foarce, Cr!his, is ;' the judgment of phyfi. Rome with Carneades and Dio- CRIBRUM,i; n. (a cerno) a feve. cians concerning a difeafo ; ut any genes, the Stoick. Aquam cribro haurire, so labour judgment. Criton, shu nin11-of an hiflorian. in viin, + Criſoberilius, a certain gim. Criu-metopon, the promontories, one CRIMEN, in's ; n. Cic. Là Kpivm Crlſpa, æ; f. a tuft. of Crete, the otber in Taurica Cerno) a crimi, fault, blame, ac Crifpang, nt's ; parit. of criſpo, curl. Cherſonelus. cufation, imputation infamy, reproach, ing, brandiſhing, &c. Naſus criſ. Crius: part of Attica, and a river of defaming, adultery, a false ſuloi. pans, (in derifion) a wrinkled noſe. Achaia. cion, the cauſe or occafion of [Met:] Crepitus criſpans, a noiſe coming Crixa, a town of Liguria. ? a villainous perfon. Habere cri- now and then. Croatia, a. Liburnia. men ab aliquo, to have an accuſa Criſpātus. 2, um ; curled, faken, &c. Crabialus, a town of Paphlagonia, . tion againgt by infermurjon of any + Crifpicans, curling a little. Crobylus, li; m. an ornammt for the one. * In crimine erle, to be foulty: * Criſpicapillus, a, um ; ad). baving bead. Criminālis, le ; adj. 3. art. criminal, curling bair. Crobylus, a comical port ; alſo a bal}, wonoxious, + Criſpina, a rasberry, that uſed to draw in cullirs and pick C. Imināiiter, ady. criminally, un Cri!pina, e city of Pannonia.. their poskets : Hence Crobyli jugum. law'ully + Criſpinus, i ; rasberry-buſ. Crobyzi, a people by Iſter. Criminātio, õnis ; f. Cic. a bloming, Criſpinus, sbe name of ſeveral men. Croca, Cracow in Poland. taxing, charging highly. + Criſpifulcans fulmcn, the lightning + Crocactum, i, n. an berb of which Criminator, oris ; m. an acculer. coming down wrinkled. poets made their garlands, Criminātorius, a, um, adj. Cic. full Crifpitja, e city of Dacia. Crocala, 'a fandy iſand about the of crimes or accufationı. t Criſpitūdo, inis; f. curlednafs ; mouth of the river Indus. Criminor, ari ; to accufe, complain · alſo a wanton making of the body. + Crocalis, is; m. A precious fons of Aliquem alicui criminari, Criſpo, arc ; [à criſpus] to curl, fri. like a cherry. to complain of one to another, * A x'x, brand'p, make to Dino. + Crocātio, onis; the cowing of a pud fenatum criminari, 10 charge Criſpor, ari ; so be curled, &c. with before the ſenate, Crifpulus, a, um , adj. somewhat Crocātus, a, um ; adl. (à crocus] Criminose; ady. by way of accufation, curled, or cwled into mall rings. Juffronod, with seffron. Panderousy. CRISPUS, a, um ; adj. [à upuris Crocea, one of ibr hundred cities of Criminofifsimè; adv. very rspreach. curvus) curled, frizled, crumpled. Laconia. fully. * Uyä сrlſpæ, gooſeberries. • Ma- Croceus,a,um ; adl. or like Jaffron. CriminoGisious. a, um, adj. fuperl. teries elegantiz criſploris, wood Croclas, a precious Fone like to saffron. mojt niasie-worthy, &c. curiouſly Breaked and wived. Crociatonon, a city in Gallia Lugdu- # Criminosilas, ais; f ill report. Criſpus Saluftius, a norable Latin nenſis. Criminālus, a, um ; adj. ſcandalous, hidorian, linientious and foort, Mu. Crocillus, a Shepherd in Thcocritus. defumatory, blame-worthy, punijlo laring Thucydides, and ut grear Crocinum, i, n. an ointment of lafran, abir. enmity with Cicero. Crocinus, a, um ; adj. of Baitrun. Crimila, a city of the Lucani. Criſpus, the fen of Conftantinc, Nain Crocio, ire ; (à fono} to caw or crial, Crina, Glnia, or crunona, oil of by his father, and others. Crocis, a kind of herb. liilies, Crífra, or crifa, a fea-town of Phocis, Crocitātio, onis ; f. Col. & cawing, Crinā!c, is ; n. (à crinis] a bodkin; built by Crisus the ſon of Phocus S croaking allo a coif. alſo a town of Calabria. Crocito, are ; to law often, C: ina'is, lc ;ad). 3. art. of she hair. Cristeus, a, um ; adj. of Criſia. + Crocitus, ûs ; m. a croaking: # Vitta crinalis, a hair lace. Criffo, are ; to uſe a lußful pofiuro or Crocius, a field in Theſaly, ibrough Crinas a Maffilan shifician.who gave mution. which Amphrylus ruos. all his phobic by objervation of the CRISTA,æ; f. Liv. (à Kása, caput) Croco, are ; to caw or crouk, planuis. a crel, ruft, the cup or como of a Crococalana, or Csocolana, or Coro. Criniger, a, um ; [à crinis & gero] bird. Galli crista, the cock's lana, Ancaſter in Lincolnshire. weuring 199g brir. comb; alſo the berb yellow-rattle. Crocodilea, 2 ; t. shi fweat-ſmelling Crininus, a, um ; dj. of lillies. + Cristallus, as Cryſta!!us. dung of the land-stocodile, which Crinio, ire ; to cref, to 641. Crinātus, a, um ; cefed, copsad. the woir en ufod jor paint ; alſo iba Crinior, iris to be creped or hairy. Criſtoniis a pople of Scythia., besji itjej. GRINIS, is ; m. (^ Kgives decerno) Criſtã a, z ; f a little creff or sip. Croca- Crow. Crocoditines, a, um e RO CRU CRU up adf. of or like making a forill wife won hit me gus] razo, unripe, gren, fruta, a crocodile. Ambiguitatca.cro again another, Sower, pot diguſed, Korca, Cruda codillnæ, jog biſini, caption argue. Crotaliária, a; f. a woman playing terra, unploughed land. Crudus •2 sbr cymbal. homo, one of a bad digefijon, or ine. Crocodillom, i ; n. on barb lika so Crõtalum, iin, Plia. a tiniling of a four look, * Cruda rencatas, chamaleon niger. Symbal, drops and Infly. Solum crudum; Crocodllopolis, a city of Thebais in Crătălus, i; m, be 120 bas a ſhrill A halk of land that lies unplougb- Egypt by Nilus.; alſo a tiros in: voic. Phænicia by Mount Carmel. Crotalas, e nauigable rider of Italy. Gruentatus, a, um, part. blood-loos. Crocodilus, iim, a crocodile. Crõtăphitæ, arum ; m. pl. the muf. Cruente : adv. bloodily, Crocodilos, a mnountain of Cilicia. cles of the temples. Cruentius ; adv. comp. DIR. or any Crăcămagna, atis; n. an ointment t. Crõtilus, a, um ; ad). Jiandar, bladily. of lifrin, alſo the dregs of the oil Crotan õnis ; f. á kind of forub, Cruento, are ; act. to imbrue of saffrm. fuma und , &c. blood, to fetch blond of. Croconus, a rider of the Brutil, jato Craton. & city of Italy in the bar of Craentus, a, um, adj. (à cruar ] which if any thing to saff'risiruped Tarentum, the country of Milo ;] crust, bleedy, all over in blood. over like a flanci 166 air was tonparata, evin it a Nota cruenta, the track of the breed, Crocopeplus, with a wllace oil, an proverb; whence Crotone ſalubrius. Crūma, ātis.in. timbrel. pubel of Aurora. Crotopus king of the Argives, and CRÚMENA, a: f. [à corium, vel Crocota, æ; 1. a. yellow gown. farbar of Plammathe, who bora Li K SEMás ſuſpendo, &c.) A purfa, 4 Crococarii, thay that make ſuch gowns. nųs to Apollo, who was therefore leuther bag. Generofusco. ex Crocotinum, i; B. a kind of gel Med Crotopides. crumcak, your gentility lia in you low cale, + Crõtta, ;7, a crowd or fiddle, walıb. Ciecotta, a kind of beaſt in Albio-Crocus, or ton ; tbe for of Eupheme Crunēnārius, il ; mica purſo-makur. Cramênisčca, 2;c. (à crumena & creacula, æ ; f. (à crocota) a yol-Crite abilis. Te; adj. 3: art, painful. ſeco) a ru-purſe. low coat. t Crèciabilitas. ācis ; f. formani, + Crumēnisčcium, il ; 2. A custing Crocorkārius, il; m. a dyer of sel-Crůciabidier ; ady, fármintingly. Crucianer, igla , D. tormønt.. + Crumén:fex, a cuipurſe, lowo garments. Crocoius, a field near Theffaly by Cruciancatun, f'; 11. a tormenting. + Crūmerum, the town Camarin the riun Amphryfus. Crůcions, ntis į tormmling: * Equus Pannonia Inferior. Crocura, 1 ;. and cus, ci; m. faf Crucians, a hard-trotting harſe. Crunos, a haven Thraces and fron shicors, or little Prings in the Criciārius, a, um ; of torment, or of other places. middle of powers. ibe crofs ; worthy of a biler. CRUOR, öris; m. [å Kfuos frigus) Crocus, a bunie, by the prayers of the Crüc:āta a; ferros.wori, mug.weed. blood from a wound; or, as we com. Müfes, placed among the Dars, and † Cruciätio õnis; f. a tormenting. ply Jay ght blogd. called 8.gittarias alſo a boautiful Crucătory Oris; m. e tormentar, t. Crupellaril, foldiers. arni'd with powih, bo, for the loze of Smilax, + Cruciatorius, a, um ; belonging to And, that they could neither do por pinot-awuy in:0 a fower of wat tornani. take barm, XA1AL. Crèciātus, lls ; m. torment, anguiß. Crūrālis, le ; adj: Là crus] of the log Crocuta, a; f. a beaff a bralt begotten of a Lateris cruciatus, the pleuriſ. of Amee. Faſcia prorales, gartert lioneſs and hyæna. + Crucibuum, i ; n. a crucible; alfo for lockings. Crocylcum, or lium, a city of Æo à crafii, watch.candle. + Crúrācus,a,um ; adj. baving great Ha. + Crucicola, æ ; c. a worſhipper of thighs. Cralus, i, m. the son of Halyattes, the croſso Crürlfragium, ji ; n. [à frango] A thi viihut man ibon living whence Crucicŭla, æ; f. (à crux) a little Oryaking of iha legs. Croef digitiæ : Thinking bimſelf tbe cros. Crur fragus, i; m. having bis logs bappigt man, be asked Solon, whom Crucifer, a, um ; adj. croſs-hearing broken... het bought mod happy? he told him Cruciferi, Eraſm. Crutched friars, CRUS,crūris;n. Plin (Heb;) carang] xi mod wis bapey before desth wbo samt into England 1224. Hof. the leg, Sbank. • Crus arboris, tos being taken priſoner by Cyrus, and pitaliers of the Holy Ghoſt. The Bock of a true, ruody to to burnt, be kried out, so Trinitarians, 1257. The Bethle. Cruſa, an iſland bordering upon Asia. lon [ Salon ! So'op ! being osked the mites, who plamed at Cambridge, t Cruſcinium, il ; a. a ſwelling in reolen by Cyrus, be told biin So 1257- the thighs. lon's words ; Cyrus the cupon javed Crūcik-go, xi, ctum, gěrc; act. 10. Cruſculum, 1 ; n. a little log. him, and uſed him as bis coun crurify, bang. + Crufculus, a, um ; baving line ſellor. Crucifixus, a, am ; part crucified. logs, Crois, a city of Arabin. + Cruc.fragium, ii ; n. the breaking + Cruſcancŭlus, i ; m. swelling in † Crolla, for corollà, a garland. ine's legs on the croſs ; alſo ha that the legs. Crumites, a country in Peloponneſus. is so broken. Croſis, a part of Mygdonia. Como yon, an onion. # Crucifižgus, i; m. a banginan. Crurgia, žtis ; ,' the tinkling of a Cromyon, a promontory of Cyprus, Cruciger, a, um ; ad). bearing a mbal. city in Libya ; and other places. crosi. *Cruciger nummus, a "cross CRUSTA, æ; f. (à Kluos, frigus) Crom yonclus, än fund before Smyr Danny. e cruſt or boil,rougb.calling Mardia Crècio, are ; act. (à crox] for # Crufta marmoris, thin ſquares of Cromaa, a town of Paphlagonia. pieni, to break upon the croſs or marble. . Cruſta vulaeris, the + Cronia, orum ; feasts dedicated 10 whol. Ne crucia te, don't vix fcurf of a wound. Crusta Nu- Saturn. yourſelf. midæ, marble parget. # Helladum + Cronicæ, fasues in honour of them + Cruciſalus, I im. A bang man, cruftæ, cups of amber, shar were thrie conquerors in the gellows-climbarqa wag-balier. Cruftārius, ii ; m.& plaillerer, majes. Olimp.c games. + Crucius, a, um, adj. formenting, Cruftārius,a, ym; adl. of plaiflering. Cronium, a mountain of Peloponne. umpleajant. Cruftātus, a, um, part. cruſad,par. ſus ; a city of Elis ; and town of + Crūdaria, æ ; f. a vein of fluer at jetred, crared with thin Mates of, or Sicily, taken by Amilcar. she log of a mine. inlaid with marble, thin-shelled. Cronium mare, the Adriatic sea. Crūdēl-jo, e; adj. lor, iffimus, Vas crustatum, a fluer cup for Cronlus, one of the Centaurs. crudus) crkıl, fierce, inhumane. with plauas of glod. * Animalia Cronocrator, planel which is lord Crūdēlitas, ātis ; f. cruelty, fiersėneſs. Cruftata, animals caurred with a of 119 years. Crudel-itcr. iſfimè ; adv, orwelly. jell, or ſcaled, Ferro cruſtata, Cropia, a pown in the tribe Leontis. + Crüdeo, ere ; to be raw. porta, a dcor plaud' with iron. Cros, e city of Egypt, Crūdeſco, črc; to grow rac, fiff or + Cruftcqua, i; 1. a warden-pear. Crosta, a city by Pontus. hard, jore, fierce, | Crufusicus, a, um ; bringing e Croffea, a country of Greece, + Crūditas, ātis; f. fiorimess, raw- bard skin or ceret, # Crostus, ii a wine-pos. nefs. indigenion. Crufto, arc ; act. to plaiſier or rougb. Crotalia, orum ; n. precious Aones CRUDUS, a, um , adj. [à Ksues fri cot, cover with thin nates of marble. Crustofus, 1 12. i I bun. CTE CUC CUI Crunāfus, a, um; adj. having a Ctcäphon, ontis, an Athenian whe' Cucadra, asown of Sarmatia in Aſia. fooll, cruft or feale ever it. perſuaded them to crown Demol- Cucasbiri, a city of Thrace. Cruftula, a; f. a Nate of marble; a thenes with w golden crown in the Cucci, a city of the Lower Pannonia. toin pill, crup, or cream. theatre ; alio au hijjorisp and archi.. + Cudio, á huggling . Cruſtúlārius, li ; mi a pairy cook, or het, who is said to build abs temple i Cucuba. æ; f. ffreth orol, cake-man. of Diana at Epheſus; alfo a nion + Cucubulum. i; n. a herb wbofa Crostůlāta, 2; f. a wafał, puff paffe. in 'Affyria; and other places, teavit site good again tbv dinging Cruštúlum, i; 2. 'wafor, aume, Ctolippus, the son of Chabrias, brought of frorpions. up by Phocion, after his fathar's + Cūcubo, arc ; to boot like an owl. Craftum, 1 ; a. a loat, crup, or piere ctatb, alſo an bifiorian who wrote Cucula, or cuculla, a repihalick of any ibing that is to be mat. 'Sre of Scythia. plaiflor. crufta. Cielius, Jupiter so called among the Cuculio, onis; m. là cucalus) * Cruftumcrlum, er -!a, a lowon of ibe Atheniania nighi-cop. Sabines. Ctylindrint, a place in India wirbin Cuculla, a; f. a monk's-bood, soul. Cruftuminom, a town in Tuſcany, Ganges. + Cucullaris, ubrukela moving the Cruftumina pyra, catbarine-pears, arm upwards. Cruſtumini, ibe inbabitants of Crus- C ante V Cucullatus, a um, Sooded. tuminom. Cucullio, onis ; m. a travelling-food, Cruftumjom, a riure riſing from the C.V. for centum vlr, clarifimus a night-cap. Apennine mounsain, and running vir, or cauſa virginum. Cucullium, il; n. a little Bud, a by Ariminom. Coarlus, a rives near Coronær. coronel of pepor vfød by the groceria CRUX, ūcis; f. (ixprov, vel à xepas Cuba, æ; fi a harſo-lisur, or pallot &c. vallum ſudibus acutis munitun) bed. CUCULLUS, i, m. [à Ruxtos cho a crois gibbat, gallows ; alſo afiliaion, Cuba, a goddeſs taking care of prople culus, vel Koncos culeus] a couch tarmom. Crux ganiana, a very in bed; alſo an iſland in America, or friar's boid ; alſo a cuckow. high gallows. and a city of India within Ganges. Piperis cucullus, a parper caſe for Cyra. a city of Lycia. Cubātus, us; m, a couching or lying. pupper Cryaffus, a city of Caria. # Cabātorium, ji;' a. bed or cúcúlo, are, to cry like a custowo. Crynis, 4 river. of Bithynia. courbe Cuculum, toronem India called Cryon, a river of Afia minor. + Cubator!us, il;m. a dormitory, Scutula. Crypia, *; f. & grot or caue under + Cubebæ, arum, cubebs. cócŬLUS, i; m. (à fono] a cace ground. Cubi, e people of Gallia Celtica, cale how. Crypta Neapolitana, 4 way made led alſo Bituriges. + Cůcūlas, for căcălub, antiq. with hands under pre mountain Cubicularis, te j adj. 3. art, of the Cuculus, Jupiter so called, borowſe Pauſilypan, from Coma to Naples, bed-chamber.. onli, wanting Juno, he turned him twelvi foot broad, and twelve high, Cúbicólārios, the same as cubicularis. fulf into this bird. and a mile in length, coramonly cale Cubicŭlarius, it; m. e chamberlain, Cucima, æ; f. (a coquo] a kettle, led Grotta di Napoli. groom, or gentleman of the bed a burking or bathing tub. Crypticus, a, um ; adj. underground, chamber. Cũcümella, æ; f a skillet. *'Homo crypticus, a clofe man. Cubiculatæ baves, pleaſure boats. Căcumer, éris, (à gixues, vel à che Cryptoporticus, ùs ; f. a cloijlor in a Cubiculum, i; n. [à cubo] a beda cuma, ] cucumer ; ali tbe ppo cafe (baubar. gret under ground. lod a ruff. Cryptus, a haven of Arabia Fellx Cabicus, a, um, square like dice, Cucumorar!um, ii; n. a melon gar- and Ægina. + Cubiformis, e; ad). four ſquare. don, a house for ſummer fruits. Cryfta, E TIVET of Troas. Cubile, lls ; n. là cubo] a bed, a + Cúcůměrarius, 1; m, and -ia, z; Cryſtallinum, i; a crypal-glaſs. dm, a nali, a bur-biva, a mine, a f. he or for that hasps or fullsckcko- Cryſtallinus, a, um ; adj. of or like little chapel, courſe in building. bers. Cubilla, um ; n. morrico-holes; the Cūcūmis, is; m, a rurumber ; alfo a Cryſtal!um, l;n laying of holes cose rogerber. bullion of copper fot for an ornament Cryſtallos, i ; t. Cubital, -ale, is; n. a fore-flesve, upin bridles. Su cucumer, a cufbion 10 loan upon ; alſo thas + Cucurha, a cabli tode. Cantt s. place of the breas where the arms CÚCURBITA, æ; f. fà curvas), a are joined. gourd, (Koping glass, ibu belly of a CS. for Cæfar, cauſas, conGllarius, Cubītális, Ic; adj. 3. art. (à cubitus] jug or other will. communis, or confol. of a cuois, + Cucurbitarium, il; n. & placu CŞI. for controverGa. + Căbit!ffim; ady. by elhows. where gourds grow. C 3. L. comes facrarum largitio-cúbito, are, [à cubo] to-lie down + Cucurbitārius, ii ;.m. a lower ar often. Icver of gourds. C. S. S. cum fuis fervis; conſulcs. Eŭbitor, oris ; m. be that lies down, Cucurbitinus, a, um; adj. grurd-like. or couchas on the binder parts. • Pyra cucurbitina, long ways. C ante T. Cubitun, i; n, and -tus, m. on el Caput cucurbiringm, a blockbrad, bow. * Cubito cmungi, to be no Cucurbītŭla, z; fa linle gourd ; * CT. for caput, or civitas. venly, Cupping-glaſs. C. T. certo tempore. Căbitus, 1; m. a cubit, a foot and e Cúcurbitularis, is, field-opprefs, of Cteatus, the fasher of Amphimachus, half. • Cubitus geometricus, as pround-pine. one of the your captains of the Epel, much as fix of our cubits. Cubi- CÚCURIO, ire. (à fono) to cluck as roho went forib with forty Joips #ibe tus communis, half a yard. Cu. a rok wbm he calls ibi bens, frege of Troy bitus facer, a full yard. * Ille cu-It Cacurma, a kind of a threesommerid Ctemēne, a city of Tbefaly, wbijo bitum nullum proceffit, be is not inhabitants are called Dolopes. gope oni jep forward. + Cucurnum, i, a kind of breatha ; Ctenes, um ; m. the four fore-testh. Cuvitus, i; m. a laying doron, brood. alfo a huniing.moe. Cteniātri, farriers. ing, a couch. *Cubitum ubi ftru. Cucurrio, the same as cucurlo. Ctenos, a bavm of Taurica Cherfo. ere, to make him a had of loaves, + Cúcutium, a coarſe meg. neſus. + Cobius, j; m. a kind o fil. + Codes, is; f. a jirby or Anvil. Ctefias, « phyfeign of Caidos, and CỦBO, are, (xv«TWto lie along or CODO, onis ; m. Kau Being capat; orhir men. down, kup one's bed, for at table, ve! Ksvou tego] a learber or furred Ctefibius, the wame of an biforian; lie in childbed. • Irc in cuvitun, cap. alſo an Athenian parafite, who bra CU-DO, 1, fam, dère ; a&t. (a cæ. ing asked, what he had left of pbilo- + Cübūla, æ; fo a cake for fatri. doi to coin, hammer, forge. sophy? anſwer'd, dovußónas Svirrein, fia, * Ifthæc in me cudetpr faba, this to sup of frue rol. Cubulterini, a people of Italy. miſchiof will light on my head. Ctenbochus, a famous painter, who Cubus, ii'm a die, a solid square, Cudum a promontory of India. drew Jupiter bringing forib Bac the turning joint of the back ; alſo a Cujas, ātis, of wbat country, fea, o chus. fou four.ſquarı muery way, party, Su cujus. Cajatis, Boryſal num. cane, to go to bed. CUL CUM CUM A tut rake. quilt. Cajatis, c ; adj. of what country.. CULPA, æ; f. (ab Heb, chalapb, no, iprinary between us. Cum Cujavis oratio, any one perih. transavit) fault, miſcarriage, potcitale eſte. so be in commiſſion. Culcui for cuicunquc, of quicunque. blome • Culpa lata, & prefump . Cum primis dives, one of the Cuicuimod', ar cu quimodi, of what trou, offence. * Haud culpâ carerit, richell. Cum diluculo diſ cfit, fort forver. they compris adultery. he went by break of day, * Cum Cujus, a, um , adj. whole. [à quis.] Culpābštis. le; ad). blame-worthy. bonâ gratâ, very will satisfied, Cojuſdammodi; of what fors forver;' + Culpabilītas, alis; f. guiltinit, without any diſlike, *Cum co (pacto) Cujuimodi, of what fore or quality, Culpate, adr. blame Worthi y. upon thit condition, with a proviſo. Cuiuſmodicunque, of wbât manner Culpatio, önts; f. a blaming, * Ager effere or efficit cün decl- farurr.' Culpāliùs; adv, comp. moic blame mo, the field returns ten buſbels for Cujuſqucmodi. of cuery fort, worshily. wie rown. . Cum fide, benefity: + Cal, for quale. Culpatus, a, um ; part. blime worthy. Notr, com is always to be fer after *. Cuibitio, onis ; f. ibi jirangary. Culpito,' are, to blame, thide, or shell ablatives, me, te, ſe, nobis, † Culbo, etc; to have the brangury. vobis, qui & quibus, as mecum, CULCITA; }; Là calcolia Culpo, arte, act. 10 blame, find fault &c. CULCITRA, I quilt, a bed or rick , diſtike. Cùm, là quum] adv. vel conj. when, poffed. *Culciram glad!um fa- Culponei, orum, clowniſ soon, as what tips, becauſe, for as much cere, to fall upon one's sword. + Culpúla, æ; f. a ſmall fault. as, ferinz rbai, alibo, albeit; (wisen Culcitrarlus, ii ; m. an upholjerer. + Culpullula, æ; f. a very little rail it follows or anſwers to tun) as, Jo; Calcitricula, a boller, tila mal- not only, but alſo, indeed, but epe- + Cultellatus, a, um ; part. of cul cially, Anse. Multi anni ſunt cum + Culcitro, are ; to quill, or make a te lor , sdged lika a knife. ille in ære mco eft, it's many a war Cultello, are, to cut ploix of 20. fince he was in my debt. Cùm Cu!cliricula, &; f. [à culcitra) a Coltellus, ijm. [à culterja lite.. minimum, at the leaſt, * Cùm plu- lifle tick, &c. Inife. rimum, at the mall. Cùm max- + Culcitula, or culticula, &; & lit- CULT-ER, ri; m. là colon knife, imè, the mo't as ever. * Cùm re- t! Hvit or bundle of wood uſed in A coulter. * Tonforii cultri, bar mel, as ſoon as vyr. Nosa, Qui ſacrifice. hers implements. # Caltar ſato plura de hac particulâ cupit dil. Cilcua, a colony of Numidia. rius, a pairing-knife. * Cultert core, conſulet ſelca. LL, obſerva- + Caldcus, and colideus, a grief. venatorius, a woodman's hangers tiones a Joanne Kur ſcriptas. Cūlearis, rc; adj. 3. art. [à culeus] * Sub cultro linqui, to be left Cuma, a city in lonia minor; and of a fack, or the pipe-meafus. * Do great danger. os be places. lium culcare, a Roman pipe Cultio, onis ; f. a 'tilling, manuring. Cumæ, arum, a city of Campania + Culeõlum, i; n. the upper groen + Culto, are, to cultivate or till rar Pulcoli. Dell of a nut. often. Cumai, tbs inhabitants of Cum. Culeõlus, i; m, a lakhel, or knap- Cultor, oris ; m. a riller or reve- Cumaní b:aſſica, red coleworts. jack, Yen'er, worfoipper, shihiler. * Cumanus, a governor of Judæa. Culcft, Plaut. for qualis eft. Cultor veritaus, é zealous lover oft Cumalas, i; m. a thick garment. Culcus,' ei; m. (Kouagos] a leather the trub, Cumatilis, le; adj. 3. art. là Kürd, fack ; alfo e pipe containing about Cultrarius, a, um ; adj of a knife. Au&us] of or like waves, * Cuma. goo pinti. Cultrārius, ii; m, a outlery or see tilis color, sky or waler-colour.' Culex, icis ; c. (Kúraw] gnit. crificer. + Cumba, 2; the same as eymba. Cūlicarius, a, um ; of gnais er Riss. Cultātus, a, um, part. of cultor ; + Cumbaria, a kind of boats. t. Culīcārius, i ; m. A pollo, so called mace like a knife, barp. from his driving away flies. Cultrix, icis ; f.'a she-reveren:ET, CUMBO, ére, ('Kurta) so lie down. Cūlii panes, groet brown leavis. worſhipper, liller, + Cumbon, a fauler. + Culicilèga, æ; a wing-tail. # Cultro, are, 10 plow or fill. Cumbria, æ; f. Cumberland. Culigna, æ; f. (Kung) a drinking + Cultrum, i; n. a knife. + Cumbus, i; ihe bottom of an carthen bowl, or wine pot Cultum, i; n. plowed land, por. CULINA, æ;f, (à colo vel colluo], Cultūra æ'; f. plozing, husbandry, Cume, the same as Cumæ. a kitchen, dreling. . Cultura potentis ami. Cuméra, e; f. Là Kauape, fornix] Călina, arum, publiek burying places, ci, courship and ſervices done to karp a meel-tub. pluses for the four; aljo priviss. a great man's favouy, Cuměrum, i, n. a urfel uſed at Culinārius, a, um ; of the kitchen. Cultus, a, um, part. of color, deck. weddings, wherein the houſholda + Culinor, ari. to do kitihan-work. ad, trimmed, &c. jup of the paris to be married was Culiola, ir cullcola, green fills of Cultus, ûs; m. a brimming, attire, laid, nuts, Teveren:6, worſbig, tillingi PYD- Cur:erum, & promontory of Pice- + Culix, an berb 'with wbich sucum vifox, habitation, breeding, im- ber-fords bring mingled, bring su froument. • Affectare cultum Cumi, a town of Æthiopia, on the cumbers without fred, cffufiorcm in verbis, 10 be 100 cu. banks of Nilus # Culla, æ a cowl, or monk's hood. Tsous in the choice of words, to be Cumillum magnum, a vily of Italy Calla, or Colofs magnus, a city in pedantic." called Gigognola. Africa, finows for purpis. Cůlulus, i, m. (à Kunig, vel a cu-Cůminilector, oris ; m. 2 piacb. + Cullatus a, um ; adj. baving a leus), a groot pircher; alſo a chalise coul on. uſed in Tacrifice. Cumplurimùm, adv. ci moji. Culleātus, a, um; adj. put in a fack. culus, i; m. (à Kouages, vagina) Cuminum, i; n. cumnin. | Culleolus, i; a little Jack. the fundament. Cumprimis į adv. efpuially, for the + Culle:s, 1 ; m. a leather jack 10 carry CUM; piap. ſerv. abl. ſour] with, 79. part. -liquid :birgs. Su culeus. together with, again?; (forsesimes) + Cuntcrritus, for territus. Colmei, æ; f (à culous) a mar. in ; (and it is uſed elegantly so deniore Cămălate, ius, iffime; adv. abun. CULMEN, inis ; n. (à culmus, vei the quality) in conjunction wish, af dantly, plentifully, + Cumulatif, columen) the top of pack of a thing ; fifea by; so that provided that ; and fimè referre gratiam, to make a alſo pubble, and a thatched houſi it is ofim exprelled in Engliſh by an notable and mof worthy return for adverb fgnifying the manner, and a kindneſs. Culmeus, a, um, adj. of liraw. it is alſo elegantly sedundant. Cumúlātim ; adv. in. braps. + Culminātio, onis ; f. a coming to Cum primis Itare, in the first place, cŭmulārio, onis ; f. a heaping up. the higheſ, or to the meridian. especially. * Cum di&to. forthwirb Cimulātus, a, um, P. & A. beag. + Culmincus, a, um, adj. oj the 10?., Hraitway, impiediately. Duo ju ed up, augmensed, large, abfoluti* or llubb!c. venes cum cquis, two young men on Cumulatiffimos ſcelerum, Plaut. + Culmino, are, 80 come to the top or horſeback. Cunu primo luci' sr a pickled rogus, a crack-rope. meridian. primâ luce, ai day-break, as soon as Cumŭlo, are ; act. to houp up, f!! # Culinites, ri.b roep. il was dig.' Cum co mihi omnia with heaped msajuit, overwhelm CULMUS, i; m. (Kahoyos) firaw, funt, he is my intimale friend, • Cumulare honore, muneribus, 10 Hubble, baulin, Mihi cum illo nihil est, 1999 is below hupout, gifts, &c. • Cumu. lase num. $ 1 CUN CUP, CUR Su cupa. patar' 1 lare fibi invidiam, to bring batrid à Kuu pario) e conky, 67 coneg ba .. Cupire, and cupirgt, for GUASTO uport himſelf. rough, a mine or pipe underground. and cuperet: + Cumuloſos, a, um ; full of haps. # Cuniculos agetc, to undermint. + Cupifco, črie; to begin to seurs, CŮMŮLUS, i, m. (Arab. com). Curculis oppugnase, so under. 'Take a liking to. heap, or beaped meaſure, advan. mina craft:ly Cặpītor, oris; m, e defirer. sugi, an addition 10,vansage. • Cu- + Cunifer, a, um, bearing.: Bunsbes Cūpitus, a, um ; ad)." defired; ega mulus gaudli, a great dial of joy, like a pinefrut. vated. mirib in abundana. cũnila, æ.; f. Savory; ſmall marjorama Cuple, couples in building: Cūnābūla, orun ; n. a child's blan and broad penny-royal. Cuppa ; 1: [KUBBAT på rüb dets or clouts,cradle, infancy, a bird's Cūnijāgo, inis ; f. flea bang, ref. Gentis cunabula, the first Cunina, a.goddess saling.cara if.sbil.. Cupra. a tozon of Pítettumi.pl · riſe of a family. dren's cradiu. Cuprenſes the sown/mm of Cupra. + Cunacantha, a ja Sorub thai bears lt Conio, ire ; so defle, bewray. Cupreisęgum, i la cupremus]. grapes like a vine.. Cunnion Charion, A proszoritory of Cybros.grour. CÙNÆ, arum ; f. [à Ruw pario, vel Sardinia. Cuprafticus, 1.4, um gads. com Kiren moyeo) a cradle. Agitare l+ Cunnulæ, arum's "little "swädling Cupreisinus, 5 pro cunas, to rock the cradlo. · Hiran. bands or cradles Cupreſsifir, a, um, ad bearing 'rg- do cunas facit, sbe ſwallows builds Cunnus, 1. (Könai, vėl à Kiw i presse bar neft. parlo] fersale priviries. Cupremus, äiuinadh. fcyphapi Conaxa, a place in Afyila, where Cánultani, people of Sardiala. Cupreſias; ; or us; fi (Kura pigãos). ebe battle' was fougbe between As. Cunyzamis, idis, Aca-baneta para a Copreffus Seuca; taxerxes and bis brother Cyrus. Cupa, æ ; f. [à Kurn cayeria, vel a kind of ravint. Cun&ābundus, a, um , adj. loitering, à capiolº a wine-vas, para a Cuprema, um; adj. soppant : nor buſy to do. vittualling-house. Cundans, ntis; P. & A. and lor, mag utrâ, to drink ar pleatwe. Cuprum, 1,: copper cà Cyprus:] lifimus ; lingring and now. Cupas, adis; f. a hogas kead... Cupulā, 1. (a cupā), on atorn- Cunctanterjadv. Fackly, without spurdi Cupedia, æ ; t. (à cupedo) any im- up 7. Cunaum, ade: flowly, wiib ad. of Cuquenl, or cocuenta per of A- vice. Cupedia, orám ; n. 7 dainuies, deli- cuinadv. (à quaisit , e ngare Cun&ātio, dnjs; f. delay, domur, a Cupcdia, arun ; f. 5 cacies. doubting, Hicking as. + Cupēdiárius, ii ; p. e confationer. why, wherefors. + Cunctatior, us ; more foco. €úpēdinārius, a, um, adj. of delica- CURA, 2; f. [à King cor] care, anxi. Gunctātor, oris ; m. A delayer, line ety; alya d ture,chargio (Urari bip, gerer t Cupedlos, li ; m. a liquorififellow. • cura epiſtolarum 4 ficretaryfipy Gundātus, a, um ; delayed, Now. Cupido, inis ; m. the name of a Ro Cura foræ,, the fwine-bord, + Cundim ; adv. wbolly, fully, alto man mighi, whoſe hou as being pulled Qui agis curae funt mihl, I have gelbar, down, in the famy place was built on go to what you dos * Cura + Cunctio, cuaio, and coclo, a buck. forum cupedinarium, or the market maxima eft, I and mighilly cono? per. where they fold junkers. cerned, 'lis may shifof tars... + Cunaſpotens, ntis ; almighty.. Cupēdo, inis s f. [à cupio vel cupes] Cūrābilis, le ; adj. 3. art. curable: + Cunäitănens, nusi; policlong all a longing after darniisi. + Cūrābulum i; ai ditadle. Ibing. + Cupedula, 2; f, a small dainty. + Curagendarit. orum, officers, muf- + Cunelo, are ; for cundor. + Cupellua, iinia litie sup, a tulla. ſengers of the chambr. + Cunctor, art; dep. (à cunclus) 60 i Cupeacus, a priel (in the Sabine Corallúd, for koralium. linger, delay, doubt, tarry. language: + Carafun, khi turkin Alcan. CUNCTUS á umadj. (a fur cam, t Cupes, is ; liquorish, ſweet toibed. Cutantia, se'jf:caring or curing. vel qu. conjecus) all, wbola. Cuphe; a city of Libya Interior, Curaporina, a town of India within Cuncta camporum ; Tacit. all the 1+ Cupherlon, a Aux of blood at iba Ganges. felds, noje, happening so. borſe sbat are + Curafcere; to brgin, to cara. Cúncālis, c.j adj. [à cancus) wedge Over-rid. + Cürātè ; adv. diligmilj; casfully, wife. Căpidè, iùs, iffimè; ady.. ergerly exaaly. Cūncātim; adv. by bands or wid. forwardly, covelously. Elūs ier. Curailo, onis ; f. a bealing or curing, mone cupidè fruébar, I lood a great a locking ofter, purveying, rollisting, Cunctas, a, um ; part. of cuncor ; deal of delight in his talk. adminijtring.Iftec cui eft cu. widged, pirkod: + Cupidicinus or cupediclaus, habar ratio, that's your concern, you ougbe Cuaco, are; act. to wedge, peg or pin, wants a ſupper. to mind that draw up, in battalia with a firait Capidincus, a, um ; adj. of lour or Cūsatior, jus ; aid). comp.. more ex: frine and wide rear. • Hifpania Cupid. act. cuneatur anguftiis, Spain runs pat cupiditas, ätis ; f. courrouſness, 64. t. Cūrā ium ii a marcbafli Ponki in a point m narrow neck. groefs, defre, luft ... Cupiditas Cūrät:ùs; adv: comp: more curiously. Cuncõlus, I; D. & livile wedge, or cibi, & paro apparire. Cūrātor, or's; m." bwilif, yurveyor, tent for a wound. Cupido, inis; m. Cupid; the god of *gaard:an, tutor. *Curz:or prais Cunel, a people of Spain. love, who is ſaid to have two daris, A jubice of peace, or connubio." Cunedio, Malborough, or Kenoct.. on boaded with gold, principing love, Cu:ator palati!, be-bigb Wiwpoid. * Cūncus, ei; m. Là conus, vel à the other with lead, protwing ha Curatores urbid, iba'Wldamin. Ker finde) a wedge; alfo an army fred. Curatoris agere; 2o be firifor Bed. drawn up wedge-wiſe ; ibe coin of Cupido, inis; f. [à, cupio] diftelor, a wall; benebes in a Theatri, nar covnoufreſs. •lacerlit cum cupido, Cūrātotli, ; fa guardiantaip s the row near the fage, and wider bor be had a great define a pint des curing part of phyſick. bind, Cupidus, a, um , adj. ani idimus ficuñátrix, ici tie tharhah * Cuni, a town of Gedrofia. asfirons, covetous, grody; alla sbarge of Cunici' a city of the greater Balearis. ling. * Homo noftri.cupidicimus, Cutatur ; imp: par: (ab illis) cart Cuniculariæ, imalli bands baiwan ons tbar bugely defiros my welfant. is token, provibon Ys mide.. Corfica and Sardinia. Cupiens, ntis ; adj, debringigiardy, Cūrātūra, 2;.f. adining; ordering, &c, * Ut quibuſque bellum invi: drilling, trimming, , Cunicularis, ils 2. } a pioneer. uis aut cupicntibus erat..Tacit. Curatus, a, um, pat-looked: afuri Cuniculatim ; adv. Channel-wiſe. as every one was again't a war or trimifmosth, in good pligbı: * Cu: + Cuniculina, 2 ; f. A rabbot. ratus ſermo, a niat binalar dils + Cuniculinus, a, um ; of rabbats, Cup:enter ; ady, prirdily. courſe. Cuņiculoſus, a, um ; adj. full of mines Cuplentiffimus, a, um ; very difrons. Cūrātus, 1;. m. a curateteise og winding holes. cup-lo, svi, drum, čre's caplo, yel. + Curax, acis; adj. 3: art.careful, † Cunicom, 1 ; n. tbe bringing of. Heb.' shau, dilex't) to dobre, long minding bufnefi. wister by a pipe under ground. after, wife ons wille * Cuperc ali- + Carcio, onis ; ni. a vipir. CUNICULUS, i, m. la concus, vel cui, a favour or will one will. Curcuba, æ ; i. A cadla-rope. Z z z z. .) i läm: pe . for a war *i S... CUR. rent. about. i 1 rorj. one's whola lita urricu- Tuppoſed to live under Veípagan. CUR CUR CUR CURCULIO,On's ; m.( à gatcur] Curidfolitæ, & people of the Cellæ. parrow, cuckold. youcuit ; alf the wind-pipa. + Curiosūlus, å, om; adj. somewhart Currūco, are ; to corrupt anorber's Curcul lunculas; i ; m. a miss, trit, bufy, pretty . coife. mbing Curtolus,'a, um ; adj. careful, inquit Currulis equus, & pof-horſe. Cuscun, a town of L burnia, called Stivepragmatical.' Curiofuras Currus, ùs ; 9. Là curro a charist; Couck stus, Ilean Inth. • Cariolus me the horſes in it, Vorg.ulfo a fhip; Curcuri, buad Hall dicina, having a love to phyfisk. to a triumph Currus boren una Curgura, qui Adriatick ifand. Curiofus; 1; m. :an informeri sayo hit, the cart beforo the horſe. Do + Cure, you cùirer Curis, in the Sabine tongue, figriifes cli curru 'delapfus, talking ot random.. Curcna, a city of Madla. . spear; alfo a barber's inftrumentjand+ Curruft 1, a; a covering or BONUS - Curenjesa e papel of Italy. name of Jano. Cures 01.a tron of ibe Sablocs, 1 Curitis, be that carries a Sprar, Curſario, onis ; f. a running. whoji titizris wmi called 91. Curitis, the name of town wallowed, t. Gaikator, oris; m. Artering, files. apn the carth. : * Cursīball:er, adv. curforily, Cureles, a prople of Crete, called Curlum, a city of Cyprus and #to #Cursitis, e ads.curler. alla Corybantes, and ldæi Dadyll, la 2. Curolo, adv. with running, hudily, roming from ida, atam o Curias, l; m. 4 Roman citizen, of by the roat, Phrysla, to wborn Rhan conmiladgroot ng ality and fortudo Curso; oniá; f. a running, military &xercija. CURIA 2, f.Kupte principalis,: bused four derai to ruiry foldierzine Corsíto, are, Cà curſo) to run up and Ic. conventus) ibe bigb complejpar. rolerud na mtoto for highly; as he diwr : liannas ; alone in the go wards får of the firebsling of grapes, the Carló, are, (à curio) 10.gallop or run of Rome's 'Tample or shapol Satanica offord hind great fum holenging 10.0 pk tribe, in which ilong of minori which he refused, ind Curlor, oris ; m. a runner, sacer, farrihed. Cuila calabra, 1950). faid, bv bad rasha rule thi' rich, ladkey pus. * Curforcs, lighi bàrja lege of abronione. Cins Horttia, than bindeb himſelf, alla a presbyter met, van-couriers, :: who formage-boule brilt by Hartillus. Alexandria, rolled for bir gruas Curso jus, a, um eds. 'running a- Curia municipalid, aguja bali learning Origencs junior. orice Navis-carforia, a pictet 60.24. Curiąlis, ead.-3. art. 7 The court + Curlinus, it; m. a twiew. + Curſorius, ii; m. & courfer. w founcil.bouse, of the same word. + Cucmuadula, & patror burb of, sot Curigales equi: pon-horfos. Curiales mensæ, tables on whicha, thin a rind, ibir shey sas if 1973- Cursūra, æ ; i, a running, racing: they lacriard 10 Juno called 'Coris. pilled. Curſus, ûg ma race or courfi, pied, Cūrtália , qn alderman na sangat.CURO, BIC ; act. là cura] to take falling, Pying journey, Wy bon council-nan. ' care look 30 or after, refrep, poll. Curſus publicus, a vjding & Cūraļītas, hia, f. courtlines, make much of, fodder, krs, pis poti yox erat in curſu;ithi wis: + Curialiter i de courtly. part, amifail to vi pia. Curate shing on. • Sceondu cunu proće., Coriandra, a town of Badriana. cadaver, 'to lay opt a dead boch.dere. 10 muet with na rubi. Car- Curianum, A promontory Of Aquitain. Curare vitem falce, od prent'a! fus & recurſus maris, Aosdirndobb. Curiz, Prizmy of Cyprus. vine. Sat eft; curabo, * 'be con. Curta, the town offen in Hungary Cüracim , adv. ward by ward.' tort, Til Sa'ir done,'Curarc ali- Curta, orum ; n.Sormes," defects Cūciatus, a, um, ad). of the common col pecuniam, to provide bums. Curtatio, onis ; f Erafm."'an saureil. Försi comitia, a bill niy for one.' Molliter fe curare, bridging, curlailing viecling, « general al amably of all to be very tender of himſelf, to be Curti, o people of Anti the Roman srites to give bir vais mighty nic, Curare rebas pobi Carricciſa, a little yard, Hmoi Cariaca lex, a law made in licis, to look after the offairs of the t Curtilegium;il;n.0 kit hen garden, such an almoly moral publich. Curtis, a gärd 16 keep bralis in Curica, a city in Spain. Coropalatis, is; m. the drafter' of aljo a territory, i t Cūriceamar place where they pulled iho bonifold' to the Greek empe- curtius, it; mi a noble Ronan youth, their bead, and parid ur nails , who gave his life for his country, title. for wom the caxch" - opened in thi Cariata tha vand. Voga against the Curopolis, o lily of Cariai midt of the Forum, and they were lyria.. Çurotrophiam, it'in a house ap jold it would nosi chafe unlef ifome Curlfugla, a farm-bouse of Nicolaus ponied for the bringing up of chilo noble young man was cah into it. Perotcus in Italy of a wboljomeji- drix bir voluntari y clapped. Spursite bil Huation. Curotrophus, 1 ; m. the water of the borſe, and leaped into the mouth of Cūrilīnus, dian, curlew. curotrophjum. Hello a Roman knight, who jup: Cūrio, onis, m. (a curia) curate, Currax, acis ; adj." (à curro) rupa ing with Cafar, took a Meän bird as alderman of award; be thai ning, buefydiligent, Nodus cor out of the diſbjánd diskrd him whether facrifud af, hbg!!.mpeting i alf rax, a.ruyning kitorg he night ſend it, who anſwering & try • Cyrio agnag, a less Currens, nels : bate v currorum. him, why not, he preferitly brow' it Lapab Piring away for wint of speel ning &c. out of the viridow, hi underfanding pang. Curried, adv. with a quick pare. she quibbie, only laughed at it." Cario, the name a family in Rogge. Curriculob, i in. (à curro] a light curriculum, i ; ni Cà curro] a light Q. Cuitius, he flouriſbed undor:Tibe- Q. Ourla, ibe father, a famous ero Tharing racu' or sourje. * Curri rius, wbs covered the me.inners of 14, bet af naman ; in a contain "culum Bijuge; a with and pair his cxiradion by this-camildirch oration bi sallid Cæfar ibe man of borfes, • Meatis curricula, Curtius mihi videtur ex feinatus. all worden, and the wongan of a water wherein the mind i exird Curțias Rurus, a fimoni hifioriai, mm. ajili Pedesin curskulum con who wrote thai lift of Alexander, e. Corio, the sono a fridung fibule sicers, run aiday. comuni, wry luxurious and an a daritt implining. At Caefar ; beting xije* Defe&cre fe de cor convold 40 miles upori onarch of wp is the stars in debts to get out of mieure peutionis, 19.givi over Joli- une fo high. shar it was eafly , brought is, tos jul Gæsar upin beginning the duil war. Currícius, f; m, (a cuius) & liste Curto;, are, [à corrus). 10 forin, Cariola, kif a little com. Chariot mangle, quif Curtapalns, us so surahip. Curriture Imap: past. (ab illis) there CURTUS,, um'j adj, cà Kopres Curtones. A propla of Germany:. *ij aming. curvus) bab-tail'd, mangled Mori, Curlonia facia. facrificii made in carto. CURRO,cucorpi.curſum, čre i neut impty, circumrijed," Curioniun, jibu swate's, fu for à fong), ran, rail, AJ Fruttina Curvamen, inis"; n. a biping, Currialing. çurrere, labour in vuis *bonit . Arquitum curvainen, arché + Curiodus, the fome, as Curio. f Cursodrepanusi jm. an'appard wife, figured like an arch. Curlosc, s, iffimd ; adv. curiaula and booked shards inpenzeelglalnit curvātio, onis ; f. abinding, a rundle Curjäsitas, atis ; fe priufnelia prog: Corvātns, 2 um ; part, VETOT, maticalness. Curruca, * ;.' (à fono) a bodge booked;" trenit. + Curvefio 1 siting 4 tara. : 077 , CUS C Y A C Y C Curveſco, ère ito become crooked. næ cuſtos, a ſurgeon's fruflin. quent hunting, tay in the wodT 10 to Cusvipes. ēdis ;.c. crooked.fonted. Cuftos in vitibus, a, branch of a watch bim, and was forn in piacos Carvitag, ätis ; f. crookednejs, á bend ving left after pruning, to carry by his dogs, whereupon by filled ing fruit. himself t:Caula, æ ; 4. a ship rope. Cúructani, a pople of Italy, Cyanus, i;m. a lappbiro; alfi fobia Cůrālis, e, adj. 3. art. currus) + Cufus, i ; a. a wood-worm. Morir called blur-bortis. a chair of Cuſus, a, um, part of cudor ; coin-Cyanus, a river of Colchis. Hair. * Æduis curulis, she lord- Cyaraxes, « Cyaxares, the form of Jurvijor. Ca:cletas, an iflond about the Greater Phraortes, king of 16* Medes and Cúrūlis, is; f. [å fella) a chair of Syrtis. Pergans, and forher of Aftyages; saje. + Cutella, 2;. f. a pimple or wheal, be forf divided the prople of Asia Curvo, are ; to bow or band, ibin skin. inio provinus and sair oibar is. Curvor, 2ri ; part. 80 bo bene. Cátha, a country and river' of Per dors. CURVUS, a, um, adj. (Kuprès fia. Cyarda, « city of Carla, from Cyar- crooked, bonded, bowed;ibar hash Cuthzel, the inhabitants of cutha. dus the son of Bargalas. turnings and windings. Reâum Cuthbertus, the name of tural mm. Cyauiffo, are ; so skink, or posure out dignoſcere curvo, to more good Cūticula,æ; f. [à cuis] Ibe upper drink. from bid, mal thin skin which is raiſed in Cyathus, i, m. e rip, a wine cup Cúla a river of Mauritania Tingi oliflors. Curare cuticulam, to four Spoonfuls or on ounce and make murb of one's fef half; alfo a kind of pincers to pluci Culco, a very great city in tbs Weft- Cuticŭlāris, e; ad). the skin. out buliats or arrow-blads. Indics, Meatus cuticulares, the pores, cyathis effe, s ad cyathos ftare; Curculis, a city of Thrace. Cutilia, ataka in sbe folds of Roate, to be one's cup brarer. + Curculiam, ihe grain of the tror wwberatu a woody Land continually Cyąhus, a river of colla. ilex, Hoated up and down. Cybaizon, a name of Mercuryi ai t Cuſcata æ; f. dodder or withwing. Cuillium, a wwn of the Sabine .. mong ibs Lacedæmonians. Cuſin a city of the Lower Pomerania. Catio, onis ; f. [ cutis), a boolip, Cybăle, the maid-foruarie of one Syó # Caſio, onis ; a coining. warm with many fat, kitebe Curiones, for coriones. bob, or low. Cybaltus, os Gaballus, a city of Coi 7. Culo, are ;-10 inums or devifo. + Cutiones, hard borgainers, ria. Cūlor, oris ; m. & coins. CUTIS, 8 ; f. {emuros]ibe skin, thin Cybea, * ; f. a kind of great hij, Cufpidātim ; adv. with a point rind, pill; also leather. Tcrrae Cybèle, or Magna mater, so saltid Carpidatus, a, um ; pointed. cutis, ib. fuperficies of the carth. from her driving me into madneſs Cuſpido, are ; ! barpo, or for a Tonera orationis cutis, the air of Cybělo, and Cybele, the daughter of point upon. an ization. Adcutem uſquc ra Cælum and Terra, wife of Saturn CUSPIs, Idis ; f. à cudo, vel cæ. dere, to have one the quick.. called Ops Rhea, Veſta, Migna do) a point, fpoor or arrow head; Ego te intus & in cate oorl, I mater, Dindymenc, Berecyachta, Ringan rarthan pipe. Var. know you will ensugh. Całccus Perlinantie. Cufpis longa, a spit. eft fartus terque quaterque cute, Cybelea, sity of lónia and Pee. Curpus, i; n. a Freach labor, or slimind and abbird over and our. onla, wioden An, . + Cutitus, a, um ; adj. corrupted, Cybeles pomem, e pins.apple. → Cuftodih, jf. cupodj. de flowed. Cybclus,' a mountain of Phrygla, Cuſtodes, dum; no.ibe patron goods of + Cútornium, il; a. a wine-vitel where Cybele ibe washer of the town and cities, Canes cul ufod in facrifices. gads was worshipped. Cybernefia, fials infiituted by The. Custodia, æ; f. a korpiag_sr pre- C ante Y. ſeus wbin be covee from Crete, ia feruing, charge; wach und ward: bonjour y Naufithous bis pilote [met.itbe kriper og guard, a prijon Cyalus, a city of Lycia, build by Ju- Cyblotales, a people of Egypt, called v plure where priſoners, are kepleie piter. elfo Cybiofaäcs. watch-tower a prisoner Suct. Dom. Cyamea, & ;. f. a Home wbich bring Cybira, town of Lyconla. 14. a campany of priſoners , i ld. broken is like a bean, Cybirucus, a, um ; of Cybira. Nerv.. 31. Alo fuition, or education; Cyamon, a promontory of Crete. Cybiftēma, atis ; ni afory of YA os, in Quintus Curting wi read of Cyamoforas, a river if Sicily. bling, cuſtodia pedagogorum, she tuition Cyămus, i;m. a bran , aljo a fort of Cybißcter, or Cybiftet, eris; mai of schoolmipersand cuftodia ma berb, tumbler, sanit, or divor, erum, the tuition of mothers, Hor. Cyana, a virgin or Syracuſe, who Cybilra, a city of Armenia Major, Cuſtodia militaris, was when the being raviford by her own father called Arminacha. priſoner and his keeper unre ridd to Cyanippus, in bis drink, baled him Cybiyoe, ii ; n. a fina four-square, gribar wiib ibe rame thuin, that by the hair to Apollo's altar, and Cyboides, the fourth done of the foot, they might not go alunder. Sen. Ep. there pero boro bim and herself to called alſo os..cublforme, 15. Cuſtodia libera , liberty to walk fog she plague,ibat wes fons among Cybus, & city of the lonians in Ly. all about iba prijon. . s.l!. Catil. the people for their office. bia. • Custodia fui, & diligent care of Cyana, or -ne, a Sicilian nymph who cyceon, õnis m. a candie. one, beath, going to help Proſerpinc,again Pluto Cycchum, a city of Peloponncfus. Cuftodia, arum ; f. the watch or was by him changed into a fountains Cychramus, i, m. a bird eccomipang.. war:bam. Corpora cuſtodia of that nasi, ing the quails over loa. rum, course of guard. Cyane, a town of Lycia. Cychrous, the son of Neptune and + Cuſtodiari, keepers of priſons, Cyanca, iſlands, , or raiber ronds won. Salamine, who for his crooked con- | Cuitodiarium, il; a. a priſon or der the Thracian Boſphorus, not ditions was called Serpens. Cores gaie houſe. far from one another, in Eleufine took him for ber priest, Cuftodio, ise; 14. [å cuſtos) 10 Cyance, or -ca, a nymph, ibe daugh and from him the iſland Salamis, is koop, guard, have in charge, ob ter of Meander, who baro Byblis ſometimes called Cy hræi. five, watch, defmd. • Nung te and Cannus, iwins, so Miletus, the Cychri, e people of Thrace. ipfe cuftod:s, now you are your own Son of Apollo + Cyclădātus, a,' um ; dod wish a governor Cyaneus, a, um ; adj. of bright blue kertle. Cortoditė, adv. Jürely, warily, watch- Lapis cyaneus, the Cyciādes, iſands of the Ægean fer fully. azure or lazul-lione. about Dclos, in number 53, oll in Cuſtoditio, onis . a keeping, Cyanippus, a Syracuſian, who con. Yound. Cuftoditus, a," um ; part. of cuſto temning Bacchus's facrifices, was. Cyclaminus, 1 ; f. or cyclaminum, dior, kopi, ſucured, preferved. Muck with uch a drunkenhefi, innt in the herb fow.bread or Mary's CUSTOS, õdis ; c. [à cura) a he lay with his own daughter Cyana facil. keeper, witchman, guardian, war. in the dark; also the name of a Cyclaminus, an Agrick bay of Bor- den, Cornpirollor, ouitfur. * Cuftos Thcrlalian, wheſe wife bring jasa phorus Thracius, called Golio di facrorum, she facrill. Membra. lous of him by roofin of his free Botania. . Z Z Z Z 2 Cyclas, 1 i Or UTE. weils dany; 1 Cydippc, a beautiful maid boloved of it Cymbalaris, or laria, baſlard na. C Y D C Y M CYN Cyclas, ad.is, ... kerlić, a widow's Cydonites, a mrat made of sod quin. Nercus and Doris. Virgil calls cas, pears and boney, marmalaia. ber Cymodocca, and reckons her + Cycleium, ii ;o, a kind of poti Cydonism, ü; n. a quince or quid amongji thoſe nympho into whicb Cyclicus, a, um , adj. creular. Æncas's pips were turned. Cyclicom jomentum, at haw, Cydonins, a, om ; adj. of Cydon. Cymofus, a, um ; adj. [à cyma) ha- ing the vues, Scriptor cyclicus, Cydonia mala, quinces. ving many Sprouts. a poultry Scribblar. Cydræ, a city of ihe Byrdi in Ther- Cymothoc, & fea-nymph, the daugh. Cyslobogóus, a river in Africa, zbích ſa'yo ter of Nereus and Doris ; alſo a waalf Tucka noiſe thas CyclodorlCydrata, a city by 'ebemountains of fountoin in Achaia. vox iiwed as a proverb again/jela. Phrygia. + Cyr.a, a; f. a tree in Arcadia, of porcus people Cydrete, a city of Armenia. which they make carbs; alſo a La- Cyclopædia, univerſal knowledge of Cyera, an embryo' 110% get of 1200 cedæmonian cap. all liences. movib: Cynacantha, the capor, or gooſeberry- Cycloves, the Jons of Neptune and Cygnçus, a, um: adj. [à cygnus) of bub. Amphitrite, 'levants. 10'Vulcan in a ſwan, eloquent, white, harmoni- Cynætha; a city of Thrace. forging Jupiter's trunier-colis; ibej! : 'ous. Cynäthium, a city of Arcaiia. bad one large nye in the middle fit Cygninys,.a .um.; ad). Swan-like Cynethenfes, the people of Cynæ-' their forebeeds; the chief of them t Cygnicus, üs; ' m. sbe longing of a thium. were Brontes, Sti ropes, and Py: fuan. Cynærhus, a famous post of Chios. racmon. + Cygnuļus, į; m. (Kux!cs.]. a tiule Cynægyrus, į; n. a valiant Athe- Cyclopün, ſcopuli, thice rocks near swar nian enftsin, who in the Persan Sicily ; Cyclopes were the prin in- Cylabaris, the name of a school in war held one of their lips with his babitants of Sicily, accordir a Dio Argos. right-hand, and that being cut off, dorus.. Cylasiani, maguniains in Phrygia with his left, and when that was Cyclús, i; mi a round place; alſo a Maior, wbance sbc river Cayitcr cut off, with his senth. ispin, and a difq; in Grafis called Aows. í Cyravolgi, a monjirous people of Æ- thiopia i the vive, who firneli arijs under Cylandus, a city of Ca:a. their ears. Cylices, a people of my icum, 'where + Cyna.bolgus, a kind of bird. Cycnitis. a country wburo Cycnus shere is a monument of Çadmus and Cynancheles; f. the quincy. reigned Harmonia. Cynanthemis, idis ; f. ftinking camo- Schus, i; m. the son of Mars, ſain | Cylind:aceus, a, um; like a roller. mile, by Hercules, bring holpen by his + Cylindrites, 2. long and round il Cynāpes, e river falling into the þarfs Avion, which Neprane beger Bone, Euxine fra. in 'the foring of a horſe whereupon Cyiindrus, i ; mi a cylinder, a roll. Cynara, æ; f. an articbrat, Mars was úlour to fight, hin, but ing Pons ; alfo a pearl long and Cynara, un pand in the Ægean ſea. shar Jupiter parted them. Alio she lon round like an egg. Cynarcus, a, um, 'adi. or Cyna'a. of Hørie; turned into a lwani Also Cy'ifra, aiis ; n. a, tumbling or + Cynalonas, a woman's bodkin for 2. king of Ligur'a, who bewailing rolling her hair. the death of Phaeton; wis turned Cyliflarnus,, a river in Calabria, Cyndon, a river of Hellefpont,' » inig, a blid of that nams, tudafon Called Pazanello. Peloponneſus. of Neptane, who was all over in Cyleliaris. · See Cy'abaris. Cyne, a city of Libya. vulniracle, which Acbilles under-Cyllabarus, the sono s: henclus, with | Cyneas, an cloqume Thesalian, am. Aand ng, in a combat ibrew him robon giale, Diomedes's wife is ballador from Pyrrhus to Rome, gown and ihrottled bim wiih bis said to bave lain in the time og ibo where he learned in one day the kpeas, and going to rifle him, found Trojaa war. nimes of all the fonators who jume hit armour imply, and Cycnus turn. Cyllarus, one of the Centaurs; alſo id to him as so many kings. 8d inn a bird, as the pools ſeigned, the horfe of Pollux. Cynegetica, õrom; n. books of hunt. Alſo ibe name of a horſe in Statius. Cyllaftris, or cyllcftris, a kind of ing Cycnus, i, m... swan. coarfe bird in Egypt. Cynegius, a con'ul wirb TheodoGus Cycona, a people of Afia. Cyllene, a city of Elis in Peloponne Auguftus. Cydå, a Cretan, ibum Anthony choſe sus; alſo a mountain of Arcadia, Cynelii, or Cynetz, a piople in the one or ibi judges ai Rome, A wir where Jupiter bega: Mercury upon fartheſt part of Europe towards the diſolute person. Maia. fea. Cydaras, a riist of Taprobaac. Cyllenius, Mercury. Cynethon, a port of Licedzmonia. + Cydirum, i, n. a'best. + Cyllo, onis ; m. a calamite, Cynethuda, an iſland in tbe Ægean Cydatus, i, m. e river of Thracc., Cyllpas, s turning of sbe logs out- Cygathencom, a town in the tribe ward. Cynetia, a city of Argolica. Pandionis, the country of Demo- Cynia, z ; f. and -alis ; n. a sprout Cyneticam, á pla:. of 'Iberia, near charus the comedian. of coleruoris ana jush like herdi. Cyddeſi. a propie of Bithynia. Cymalilis, e; like the sea blua. Cynia, a large lady in Acarną. Cydias, a painter, whoje piece of the Cyma!ium, ü ; n. a kind of graving nia. Argonauts Hortenſius the oralar reſembling waves. Cynicauma, ātis ; o. an inflam- Opught for 164 talents. Cynba, oi fialnar, mation from the bite of a mad dog Acontius, who won ber by a ber by a Megbi. wil-wort. Cyoice, ĉs; f cyniciſm, moroleness, Ser Acontius. Cymbaliſto, are ; .10 play with ym churliſhneſi, doggedness, ibe cmical Cyoippys, 4 Mantincan, who wrote tals. of the inyeniors of things. Cymba'iną. z, or ires, a; m, a Cynici, a salt of philoſophers following Cydną, gicity of Macedonia, called player on the cyrobal. Antifthenes, which began Anno Pydna. Cymbaliſtrią, æ ; f. The thaiplays with Mundi 3600. Cydnus, a river of Cilicia running byil: cymbals. Cynicus, a, um ; adj. dogged, chur. Tarſus, where Alexander want to Cymbalium, ii ; n, mountain penny lith, Bria and four. * Cena cy. walb bimſelf, and was almof killed wori. nica, a ſuper of herbs, &c. with the cold, Cymbă'um, i; n. ącymkal. + Cyniphiä pellis, a gost's skin. Cydon and Cydonią, a town in Cýli.bi:m, 'il'; 'ni á toat sud. Cynips, iph's ; m. long. legged Cretc. Cymbủia, æ , f. là cymba) a little gnal, a inidge, 'a' doz-fly. Cydonjys, a, um ; belonging to Cyo boal or skiff Cynna, e sown of Heraclea, don. Cyine, a cily of Æolia. + Cyliobalanc, kind of camo- + Cydonago, a wild quince-free + Cyminalis, the herb gentian. mile. Cydonia, æ;' f. e quinq-trée. Sex t Cymindis. a night bird or hawk; Cynopbala, mountains of Theftaly, Cydonjus. Cymindector, ai cuminiſceor. a city of Locris, and a caple of the Cydonią an ijand beforo Lesbos, | Cuminum, i, n. cummin. Thebans. and a city o! Libya. Cuminus, a lake of Et:oria. Cynocephali, & pappte of India, reo Cydoni Perlicum, ploscteon. Cymodoce, a fra-nyinph, daughler o ported to "bave heads like dogs Cyno the ſea CYP C. Y R CYS nus. c Cynocephalia, a; flea-bane. Cyparislus, t'; f. the shorels tru. celor Cynocephalis, is; f. a baboon. Cypariffus, the son of Telephus, a Ccrcnius, a governor of all Syria, Cynocephalus, the Egyptian gud A beautiful young man of the iſle Cea, placed by Auguftus Cælar, by whom nubis. belowed' of Apollo : who pining a- he cousunandad ihr making of thas Cyaocrambe, és; f. dog's moun. way for accidenially killing a tame general tax. Cynodonies, um m. ibe dog-tonb; Bag which he loved, was turned ny Cyret:a, Juno. alſo a certain fanfil him into a spreji dru; aljo a city Cyriaca, a; f. a church: Cynoglosſus, i ; m. bound's songxo ; adokt Delphos, where cyprefo-stars + Cyribia, orum ; a. chat of wbras allowa foliitb.) abound, or: barley, Cynoides, a kind of herb. Cyparifus finus, Golfo di Arcadia. Cyrillus, a bilbop of Dalmatia ; ano- Cypomazon, i; n. an barb deadly to CypaGs, a city abows Hellefpont. ther: of Alexandr a; a deacon of dogs, if pus in brorb. Cype, a caſtle of Sicily. Heliopolis, who in the rime of Con.. Cynomosion, it ; n. choke-wud grow - Cyperum, : cornerid ruile, wild ftantine, dejtroyed mini brathm Cyperus, galingale. Cyperus idols, for which in tbe time of yue ing among com Cynomorphos, faffron. Babylonius, common galingale. llan they ripped up his belly is Cynomia, z; 1.8 borfe-y; al jó fica. Cyphanta, a foron and bavin in La bishop of Jeruſalem, ofion bunijbeste bans, conia, and: at laß martyred by the Sara- Cynodneſus, an iſand of Lybia. Cyphata; a cofile of Theffaly: cens. Cynopes, graceleſs, impudente. Cyphus, a city of Perrhábia and Cyplnus, e Roman, wboſuffered as- Cynopojis, o city in Egypt, where Theffaly. der Dioclcuan. Anub.s is worſhippad. + Cypiros, the plant gladiolus, glad. Cyris, the instrupolis of the sa- + Cynopus, a kind of ball-pl. - der or ſword-grafs. bines. Cynorrhodus,!; m. and dón, i; n. Cypre, the name of Ceres, amerig the Cyrites panis, o pyrites, fins bread. the yellow lilly, the wild roſe. Cnidlans; alſo a mountain in Cy. Cynos, e city of Locris and Theffaly, renaica. Cyrizoborca, « town of India. the Teot of Deucalion; where bis + Cypreffus, is f. the forefs.free. Cyrmianæ, a people of Thrace, wifs Pyrrha was buried, Cypria, iru barro iſlands by Cy: Cyrnaba, a river of Scythia. Cynoſarges, a kbool.in Arlita. prus. Cyriæus, a, um ; of Cyrus: Cynosbatus, i; f. ant -ton, 1; n. Cyprianus. 1; m. Cyprian ; and a Cyrnea, zi f. a wine Aaggon. oglantine, or ſweet-brier. bilop of Carthage, tebeadid wrder Cyrnus, an ifand in the Ligunick, Cynoſcepbalc, á hill in Theffaly ; Valerian, A. D. 150 jes, ſo called from Cyrnus, 'The fon and a small country of Thebes, Cyprinus, a, um; of cypreſs. of Hercules. whire Pindar was born, Cyprinus, i; m. a'carp. Cyprinus Cyrnii, the people of Cyrnus, wbo Cynoſdexia, æ : f. a kind of fig. Jatus, a broom, "live very long, by reaſon of their Cynoſorch's, idis, and a; f. tbe Cyprius, a, um ; of Cyprus. • Bos saling busay, which is very pioniful horb dog's-Gones. Cyprius, a doll. among them. Cynoſpaſton, i. glan'ins. Cyprius, a, um ; of coppar. Cyropolis, a city of Aſia. Cynorrhodos, the wild rojo. Cyprium, or Cyprium æs, copper. Cyrrha, a city of Phacis. Cynofsēna, a promeneina of Thracla Cyprogenia, &; f. a name of Ve Cyrrhadæ, á rude prople of India Cherſonglus, wbore. Hecuba was within Ganges. buried, by extremity of grief turned Cyprus, i ; f. she privat-true. Cyrrhes, a people of Macedonia, nos into a dog Cyprus, an iſland in sbs Mediter. far from Polia. Cynosūra, æ; f. she far in the rail ranean sea, between Cilicia and Cyrrheftica, a country of Syria. of the luffer bear; alſo a promontory Syria, só fruitful thif it was called Cyrrhus, a city of that country. of Arcada, and other places, Macaria, the happy ifand; it bad Cysalus, an Athenian foned to death, Cynoſurci, a tribe of ibs Megarcn- ancimil, all theſe names, Acaman- for perleading the youtb to diſpone (cs. tis, Amathura, Alpetia, Celinca, things. Cynoſura ova, addle eggs. Craftis, Cryptos, Sphecia, and Cyrärldes, um ; f. the cells of bees. Cynozolon a kind of pinting shifle. Ærorahence Venus is called Cy. tCyrſerum, i; n. a great joip. Cynthia, a very beautiful woman pria, Cypris, und Cyprigena. Cyrta. she feas of Syphax in Africa mintined by Propertiis. Cyprela, or Cypſella, a city of Propria. Cynthus, a mounloin of Delos, lo Thrace, near tbu city Hebrus ; Cyrıca, a city of Baoila. high, that it is said to badow the allo scople in Arcadia, and a city Cyrtus, e city of Egypt, she country of whole iſland; in this moun!ain La. in Spain DionyGus the phyhrian. tona is ſaid to have broughe forih Cypieles, or "los; ear-wax, the bole Cyrus, ; m. she ſon of Cambyſes by Apollo and Diana, from where of the car, and any other hole. Mandana, daughter of the king A- me is often called Cynthia, And be Cypſelidæ, the people of Cypſela. ityages; he iranlared the empire Cynthius. Cypfelus, i;..a martlet. fron the Medes to the PerGaas, and Cynura, a city in Argos or Argo Cypſelus, a tyrant of Corinth, that Jubduing Alia, brought all sbi saf lica. was hid in a chef by his mother under his power; al lai, waging when they fought to kill him. Cynuræl, a people of Arcadia. way with the Scythians, quren To. Cýnys, a town of Locris, and a river Cyntaſia, a city of Galatia, called myris sut him it, together with two Carola. of Arabia Felix. hundred thouſand Perfans, so that there was not one left to carry the Cyon, city of Caria, called before Cyra, an iſand in the gulph of Perſia, Cancbium. Cuites, the citi and a mountain of Cyrene. nows; and cutting rff Cyrus's head, Zens. for throw it into a tub of blood, Jaya +Cy'agricus, one that has the gowi or Cyoncius, an iſland of Nilus sver a. cramp ing, Satia te fanguinc quem atifu. gainſt the town Cynopolis. Cyranis, an iſland of Africa. Just. Cypä, 2, a kind of forp. Cyrblana, a province of the Elymæl. Cyrus mlqor, the brother of Arta- Xerxes. Cypära, - city of Theſſaly. Cyrenalcus, a, um ; of Cyrene Cypatha, a city of Lybia. Cyrenæus, Cyrenaici phi. Cyrus, the name of a post, made a Cyparis, a kind of plant. lofophi, pbilo ophers agreeing with : biſhop by, Thcodosius; alſo a city + Cypariffz; or ifimæ, fiery mete Epicurus in his chief sinets. built by ihe Jews in honour of Cy- Cyrene, the daughter of the river rus, who freed them from their.cap. Cy.pariſfæa, city of Triphylia, Pepeús, with whom Apollo was in tivity ; a city in Eubea, and a ri. which was called Franna. Love, wbs carried her into that part uer in Media ont Scythia. Cypariffza, Minerva ſo called. of Africa, which from her was af- Cyla, 2-town of Carmania. Cypariſa, -ia, or 08, a city of Pelo terwards called Cyrenaica, whero Cylenis, the daughter of Diomedes ponneſos, at iba moutb of ihe river be begat on her Ariltæus. king of Thrace. Cypariffeis, Cyrche, or 'næ, a famous town of Cyfsites, a precious fient, which ſeems Lybia, briwain Syrtis major and to have asker lille fines wihin it, Cypariffias, 2; f.' the great kind of. Spurga. Marcotis. one of theſe wbicb maka Cyffus, i; m. ivy growing alone, Cypariffium, promontory mos far she Pentapolis, built by Baitus The Cyften, a town of Æthiopia. from ibi city Cypariſfia. reús, called by Callimachus bis an- * Cyftle! } 1 . DAB DÆT DAM Cyftiolotbi, jones that girto in Dabin, thu nema by d city in the tribe Datas Ibo farber Macherous, that porge, od ove good for the broad of Jada And Simoni prie of Dolphos, wbio fiero Pyrrhus der. Dabrona, a riger of Ireland. Jom of Achilles Cyäts,,Dfi fit blandit. Dachürenis a people of Arvia. Dætor, a name af o Trojsa in Ho- Cyta, a city of Colchis, the colors of Dachinatides, a suitry of India In- Medca. doftań, or Milabar. Dagala phas, a confial wirb soverinus. Cytais, idis, for Medea. Daci, à people of Tranſylvania. Dagnieſſus, a city of Armenia minor. Cylized's, à, um ; of Cyian Dacia, contine Scytia. Horond Dagobertas a 'king of the Franks, Cytæum, a city of Crete; and of Hungary, divided into Transylva A: D. 639. and amiibo 745, Taurica Cheilonefuz. nik, Váláchta, and Moldavia. Dagon, an idol of the PhiliAinek. Cfrais, a country of Germania: Dācicus, äg um ; Eyfeinus, à; om ; adj. of Cyta. } of D- Digonia, a town in Armonia mirior, Dicius, ch. Dagiæ, a town # Cappadocia, Cylcorum, or . Cotyórum, ä trims of 1 Dacrima, for lacrima, a tot, Capoadocia, églied Cecino: Battonium, a town in spala, salted Dai, a people of Persia, ale thep bords. Cỹterinm, a city of the Oenotil. Cibidto. Diamcnos, a gmoral of the Aal. | Cytharas; a kind of tardor. Di&uy Ii. Idadi, the fans ni Curites and Daic, the arugbrir of Oceanus. Cythcra, orarh, or ifland againi Corybantes, Dalacáriża, a city of Pontos. Crete, called 'Cerigo, datitatea in Dactylicus, , am ; ad}.. 7.arti de- Dalanda, a city of Armenia minor. Cythorea; Vorius jo dalled. longing to s daty or to a flitetDa'alarba, a town in Thrace. Cytherels, idis, or idos, Venus so Dactyl cas numerus, a dutyf. Dalaſis, a furning in Cilicia. callid. Dadylion, it A. a ring, alſo the Daldis, a site of Lýbia. a, un ;, ad). barb framemonyo Dale, a mon in Teuthrania. Cythetiits,' therea. Cythe-Dactylis. fotots erörvari, t. Dileris, '; a. a Dutch dollar. seius heros, Æneas son of Verius. Dazylis, idis 3 borring a long frelsi Dalluuntun, a wwn of Dalmatia.' Cytheris, a famous haridi, made frie • Dactylides vites, rajin-vims. Damäti, a; m.,à Dalmatian. by Voludinius, beloved of C. Gal- Dactyloidess forigerigrass Dalnara, iba inbabitanti of Dalmä- lus, atid called by Väg#; Lyco- Dictyotheca, zile a box for ringsins tià. sis. a glove or finger.ftall. Da'ınatia, appel af Illyricum, called Cytkèras; a Port of Elfs, ikdié 'city Daaylorun, 1 ; n. a kind of cap. Sclavonia. by Actida. * Dactyluro, is no á ritg., Daimaticarus, a, um, clad in while. Gyihina; a city of Thetaly. Dactylus, i, m. c.date, finger { a Dalmaticus, a, um , adj. of Dalma- Cythnius, a, um ; adf: of Cythnos. dadyl, ons löng Albobl and to a. * Dalmatica vc&is, a furplice * Cythnæ calamitates, very grito. soort onen; allo. tbs berd dog's toonb, or prieff wbire germent, foi with dus sufitings and a muſcle-fija ; alfo e genti, in purple Ands. Cyrnios, cor of the Cyclades, called Pliny, Lalomena, a country of Aiyra allo Ophtura and Pryopts: Dacus, a, um; of Dacia... Dalterni, a people of Gallia Narbo- Cytinum, ty of Noricum. Daci, orun, and Dačas mum; tbor nenſis, Cylinus, i, n. the flower des Dacians. + Dalum... oke bow.sprit jali. pimegtaitán-fra. Dui, a city. of. Pifidia. DAM, 2; (Kuras vel à déue ti. Cytis, an iſland of Arabta; to birre Ibe Dadai, mountains of India mor] ajallow dur. tofas ir found. Dadaftana, a nity Bichgols. Dāmu, a town of Arabia Felix;, ako Cytfu, i, m. the badder or battber. Dados; a promieniony i Cyprus a daugbierof Pythagoras, a follower Cytoni, a people of Pannonia. Dadicæ, propie o Scythia in Afia. and expounder of bis philoſophy. Cytoniant, a city bilwiin My fri and Dadix, icis, a hind of minafura Damai, à people by the Ichthyophä- Lýdia. Dadachus, chi; m. « forcb-besyor, gi. Cytoron; di city of Paphlagonia, by Dadichus, ibe chief price of Hercules Daqathos, a king of Caria. the Euxine foc, called Cartelle. 1. anong ibi Athenians. Dadania, a nity in Spain. Cytotus, a mountain in Galatia,'+Dædala, a bow ta ptay.m a vidl witb.Da naris, a woman's nams. wir very tiub bot grotos. Daedala, « city Lydia, fo called Damas, an biftorian who wrote the life Cjtrgo, inis; f. shu bois belie. from Dedalas burind some; and of Eudemus Rhodius. Cyriarus, i, m. the high part of that. Wher placak, Damaſcenos, Jobn, en bifforian and ármammt; the holes in a boney. Dædalens, là dæditus | farber of 'ibe church under Loo Cottb; And ihr bask if sorin. Daedalus, a, du ariful, ing Ifauricus; alf. Nicho'as, a poripa Cyzicus, a dity of Myha by Propon-i gonious. setick pbiloſopher, familiar, w.tb Ha; altes Chiz.co, hored for deli. Dedalia; a city of Italy, built by Da. Auguftus Czlar, Bagi and Srarfumus. Hoté rbe proi dalus. Damaicēnus, 3, Boo;. adj. of Da. vib, tinatia Cyžicena, sgoing Dædalidæ, a foron of the tribesi Coro. maſcus. t Damafcena pruna, da. Boſe sbat do any ünbimdjme thing pis in Attica mask prunes. for fedt. *Cyzicent fatetes, si Dedalion, ibe fow of Lucifer, bruibor Damaſcus, a Rock philoſopher under poutroially for any thing fainly; of Cayx, and father of Chione. Julian; be wrote commentanus in Dædalus, i, m. a wong orgonioss. ar. Plato, and otber things, tificer of Athens, who invented ihi Damaicus ; f. a very ancime city or law, axi, plummet, sugre, glue Syria, abounding in palm ani plutus, faits for paipso made thi latyrinthy now collad Schap » Sean; and is Minot king of Crete, into wib cb he under the Turks bimſelf was put for being pring to the Damalia, a town of Raätum. Dante Ai adultery of Pagphae, from whence Damtſia8, « yearly magijiraic at A- he sferped, iniib bis fom Icarus, by thens, /Mafuíc. ap. rétt. Fritegrat' voces the muation of fails. Hnace temi, Damafippus, , basa Roman, who Ggnavit, qui quidèm ulus ctiam gris Dädalols, witb deximit and faded with Malus again. Sylla, nc Difcum manet i vaigo chitni pud. and facrißced iba mall , noble cui gins fcribitus D pro D., Dirts, Decl. Didaleuo, a, um, of Dedalus. like beaſts, bus, at lg was lain by us, Decimos, Diebus, Devotus } + Dæmogorgon, mature, the stulbor Syllabor mim, De quoque in nomieris qutogenu And now ifhm of all things, Dámaſithynus,ons of Xerxes'scaprains, fotit, Dæmon, onts, moc an ongel, dtoilit Damalonium, a kind of berb, D. B. M. de denie sherentibus, hagi hobyvo in Damalus, a Spanish poet indor . D, B. 1. Dils bent jayantibusi, Dadion:acw, , o szt. iad, lu ropius and profon, who bring D.D. D dat, diat, dedicat. rhousý chred by a droit; alfo de made por, compoſed thany bymno, D.D. D D. dignum Dco donum de demniani alla federal, bers Demonšcus, a, um; drilio Dancas, a famour Hatuary: Da sus dic, and dabo för dicam. Dæmonicum, ti ni wangal.gooid or Damia; a. arnamn of Cybele. Dad, Dyling, or Dai, o podle vyscy- bad, molt inimionly the divil. Damianus, a famous somber os Ephe-; chia by the Cariprani fää Dæta, shume of Thyeftes, in oboma Tus a great favayrity of lammed Dabadægoris, a country of Arabia. bv begai #riárcus Dæmon men, being very rich sind powerfül. } ! dit. D. Da næus. . pro- DAM DAN DA P D. Dimianus, a phyſician, the brother and defraude eg by she bird man in Dummoplosana regio, Derontahes of D. Coimus Medicos. their inndhia: Dinles, Florentine per favoured:o Domjum, a private secrifics-of ibo podo Damon, á Cyi caran, who wrot of many kings and prinies. dos Damia. philboplats i ama oplar, ym. Dantcliiica, 4 country of Thrace: Damnabilis, e; damnable. Damophilas A Grecian, rifs of Paw-Danth-letha, 1 ise propis' of Dantha- Damnābilītas, ātis ; f. deprnadle. philus; for wrote many parini, Danthelitæ litica. nepi: Damoph'los, a jophifer brought up bgDaquilcum, the city Danczick on How Damnabilitèr, adv. damnably, Juliano con and winer mm. borders of Poland, Damnandus, a, am ; 1o be condemned. Damoſiatus, a philoſopher, who wrna Danubius, il... , the Danuba, hr. Damnanitani, a pouple of Spain. swedly books of flbele Dangw, therfujiriwa of Europe Damnas atis; 'sdi condemned. Damoxenus, a comical Putof Athens, called alle fer, as pretos by by: ricum Darc damnai cito, los him be obliged wboso plays ant mmsioned by Aikee it rrisives into it 60, more i to pay wer, and fuffs: in the Euxine Damnatio, vals; f. condemnation, Dampella, whicily Torano. of Bible Joa. condemning, calamiy. Brucii. Danum, Doncaltar in Yorkha're. + Damnādflimus, a, um ; poff.dam Dampolis, & caftle of Thrane, + Dinunt, for dant; table, + Damulag a fawn wr little dovro Danus, she River Ding in Lincoln Damnātor, Oris ; m. a condepiner. Damyrlasgo nitur in Sicily, uts. Dan in Chethire, and, Dom Damn:torius, a, um, condonning: Damylus, tbx ſwifteli of all she gianta in Yorkihajre, • Damnatorla tabella, a verdie of bis time. Daona, a city of India ww.sbin: GAB- finding one guilty. Dana. for. N. Taprotrane fastida geo. Damnātūrus, a, um ; which will con. to the main, and a Lour 0 Cappa. Dagnium, o fra loun of Thrace. demn or blanir docia. Daor zi, the people of Liburnia. Damnātus, a, um ; part. of damnor, Danaba, -4.89 of Palmyrene. Dolpalis, 19:1 w. -3; 21. [l dans condemned; &c. * Damnatus voti, Dapatic; A soron in Perfia. lumpiuous, duinly. bund : so perform hit promile. Dansary Cheron't faire pour joue daad menasiques : 49;adj. At postes Damdatus ad metallum, condemned mon's mouthii to juvery. • Damnaças ad gladius, Danaë, és ; f.sor daughter of Acciait Dapcos. etc to make sood chaçi, condemned.co fibi for ople's life, sius king of the Argives, who be: Dåpes, ums f. Haintig sudimo Damnātas, As; m. a. condamnation, jog told by the oracle sous be logged Dapha, . Hy of Araşin Deferta, Damnia, a country of Arabia:Felix: bi nuin by bis grandson, four bar up Daphies, the manmarim.crmsifiad and Dámnifico, arc; to endadag!. in a fronica cerita, but Jupiter content main. Thorax fr.canting or Dimnificus, a, um ; daanijjing. inte bar ist, in a power of gold, trines Demnigěr ulus, a, um andamaging. through the tiles, and begaf Perleus, Daphne, es, Folk, dayah..of Re- Daoinii, a people of Cłuydiſdale, Siri. when Acrifius caufid to be thrown 9448m Ladon, um Kying from veling, Rife, and Lcaox in Scot into the set in a retin, but a fitar- the vialnie, of Apollo, ant tallinn land. man taking bim and his morber up, in hefurber for barn wo durant Damno, are ; a&t. (à damnom) to propted skim ta Pilumnus ding info 4. bay truallin godbl. An- condenon, blime, difallow, "dijn of Daunia, who married, ber; and tjoch, enda jagam in Egypt. birit. Capat dāmnare orco, 19 Perſeus ofterwarde coming sa Ar; Daphala, s fe a peasie onk.good Cinderin to death, * Verrco dam. gos, turned his grandfarbor inna a againjl the falling-kone's. navit, be saf Verscs. • Heiedom Amne, by Amazokny bies Modula's D.pholding oiland of 'Hoa Trogle damnare, to bind an heir to the bead, dytek paymims of legacies: - • Damnare Dame, es; f. lowd of Alexandrin. Daphnion of baxt. majeſtaus, er te, si conden yor Danaëius, 1,.um, Danao. Da. Daphnis, idis, R. a giungometime of high reason. napius heros, Perfous fex of Da- Sicilyn the front of Mercy, we Domnonii, a people of Devonſhire nac. covenanted with a number when he . land, in whichovat of Ala- montorium, St. Michael's mount, naus. laud their faith. Hould leta Abrir o the Lizard point. Danala, one of the above cabiss f. Ga pu, j, baratjag his permite su Dannor, ari ; pafl.. to be condemned latia. ju lave with answer, and war.ac. or putifered. * Damagri capite, 10 Danaus, 1 ;. ling. of the Argives, cordingby puniſhed by the godt';, olfo be condemned 18 dir. brabir Egyptus; be married bis 14 say of Paris by Denone; a Damnosè, ady. hurtful, with grass fifty daughiers to bis brother's fifty Commity of Lycia, and a sebum of E- damage. • Damnose blbere, to Sons, and caused them all, Save. Hy SY.PL, and her place. drink bigb. permncitra, ta hay ubeir busbands Daphnis ots; Arabian solida/H. + Damonositas, Atis ; f, burtfulneſs. the firſt night. ing lika spired wine. Damnoſus, a, um ; adj. berful, la. Dandaca, a sity of Taurica Charlo-|Daphnoidca, is; f. a kind of loweral , visha prodigal. Dampofus fenex, ncfus. periwinkla. sipaining great loftes. Dandaceny, a born in Cappadocia. Daphnon, on:s; m, a place where # Damnulüm, 1';.n. a little loſsa Dandagula, a foron of India within bays. or lawd grows. DAMNUM, i, n. [à Satán fump Ganges, Daphpas. A city of Phocis, s.rigerat tus nofi, detrimmi, but, damage. Dandarii, a poole about Caucaſus. and a tribe ngar Cea. • Damnum faccre to be damnified. Dandon, an Illyrian, wobo lived 500 Daphnul, apoplez4r Olympus in Bithynia, + Damo, are ; to taki dur. Damocles, a fimlerer of Dionyfius Dandoxina, a city of Armenia ML- Daphnūsium, a town by Rheglia the Sicilian jyront. nor. Rear. Thrace, and, ansiber. in E- Damocrita, a Roman matron, the Dandus, a, um ; part. be giurx. gypt. wife of Alcippus ; tbe killed her Danduti, a people of Germany: Dăpifcr, a, umj ad). bringing a bax. daughter and her df, being forbid- Daneon, a h.iven by the gulpb of A guit, den "to follow ber husband into ba. rabia, zobenia Sefoftris infimded 7o Dåpifer, i; m. a/aluar, or, butler. niſbamr. draw a navigable channel as far as Däpiferia, æ; fo the butlerfeip. Damocràtus, 1; m. ax blerian, who Nilc. Däpilis, c; adj. cofly, fumptuous. zörote of the famous and TaAicki. Dangulæ, people about Aracolix. + Dăpīno, arc ; to provide a bangart to feaff. Dametas, a; m. the name of a forpa Dani, orum ;:the Dancs, in Cimbri. berd m Virgil. ca Cherſonelus, and iba adjacent DAPs, dapia; f. [à.8mės.epuluim, vel Damon and Pythian, fws Pythago. ilands, Samsára ſumptus), delicate maats rea'ns, whersof one being condemned: Dania, Denmark. junksis, nible feast or starten ment. Daps afarla, nad miat by Dionycus ibe tyront, and de- Danica Glya, she forest of Don.in Áring a few days to get his boufe; Glouceſterſhire. + Dapra, a kind of Jagrifice made in the winter time. In order, the other freely offered him. Daniſma, atis; n. ufurg. + Dapsīlè, adv. daintily, canly. felf as a pledge till bis rawin, and Daniſta, ; m. a. bankar, feriumor. he came accordingly; Ibe tyrant fra Daniſticas, a, um ; of. uføry. Dapsilis, e; adl..3.:, art, (Safran ising iboir faithfulneſs, acquitted him, Danaonii, as Damaonli. cally, fumptuous, liberal. Bap: . Da. 1 DAR D A U D E A 1 . 1 cian. Dapsilitas, ātis; f. plenty of good Darrhiz, a prople by the Red-fea. turned into a bird. chiari Darſania, a city of India. Daulum, word half burnt. Dapsilītèr, adv. delicately, dointily, Darfii, o proplei of Thrace. Dauni, a people of Italy, whoſe coun- Dapsicus, a, um, adj. fumptuous, Dartos, and '-ton, 1; a. the ticket ry is called Daunia. ample, of the four ikini obás cover the tefti. Daunius, the same as lambus. † Dapos, l; a great bangust. (les. Daunus, the Jon, of Pilumnus and Dara, a city built bj Arlace, and a Darvenum, Canterbury, Danac, grandfather Turnus ; river of Carmania. Darvernum, Rocheſter in Kent. alſo the son of bas Daunus, and as Daraba, a city of Arabia. Dalæ, ihr lame as Dai. river of Apalla. Darabcs, a priple of Bactriana. Darcæ, s city of Arcadia. Daurlter, or -fco; a valiant captain of Daradus, & river of Lybia, called Daſcon, a country of Sicily. Darjus, treacherouſly hair by the - Driros. Darcyleum, or -lium, a city of Bithy Carii. Daraniffa, a town of Armenia Ma nia by Propontis. Daurona, a river by Kinſale in Ire- jor. Darcylium, a city of Caria..so. ulled land, Darapafa, rily » Badriana. froir Daſcylus, son of Periander;, Dauſara, a city about Edella. Daras, a town of Par:hia, and other plsins. Dauldara, a fawn:of Lower My Ga. Darbia', or Derbia, Darby Pozom. Dafcylys, the father of king. Gyges. + Dautia. for lautla, gifts givın 10 Dirblenfis comitatus, Darbyſh!re: + DAG, ordari, to bi gium, ambofddors. . + Da ccus, a filo ab:ut Orieaas und | Daga, korineſs of. breasb. Dautona, a city of Pannonia. Blois, lefi ihan a herring, Dalis, ine of Darlus's captains, Daxareni, a prople of Arabia. Darda, a posple of India. Dafius, & pbybcian in Martial. Daxata, a city of Scres. + Dardana, ; f. the great clott Darmăphon, a kind of blarei, cows. bur sry mufard, or wild fma... D ante. E. Dardanārius, ii; m., asi ongroffor, Dafíarcia; Daffaréni, Daffariti, and fore.jallar.. Daffaritil, Diffarctii, and Daffa - DE for declus, or decurio. Dardanarius, a; um; 'of Dardanus. senſos, posplo' of. Illyricum DE, præp. [81of, from, concerning, Dardania, the old name of Sanothizo Macedonia. or about, ajut by* De nihilo, cia'; alſo a town of Trózs. Daftrachus, a mountain of Armenia for a thing of nothing. • De in- Dardan!æ artes, witchcraft: Minor.. duftriâ, for the monit. * De com. Dardania, idis; of Dardania. Dälypus, odis; m. a harc or conty. pacto, by complet or agreement. Dardanius, a, um; of Dundanus. Data; a city of Aſyria. De integro, of asb. * De piſcina, Dardanam, a promontory if Indla. Dātārius, a, um;'adj. fruly giutn. out of the fiſo pond. De ſcripto Dardanus, 1 ; m. the son of Jupiter • Nulla eft falus mihi datarian I dixit, bi rad i freos a poper.. by Eletra; having fldin bir brotbir cansu live by giving. Quo de agitur, what is in hand ? * Jagus, b: fcd into Samothrácia. Dātātla, ady by giving another. De genu pugnare, lo fight, on his afterwards into Afia; wbore he Datatim ludere; to play an imais knos. De cætcro, bereafter .. built a city, calling that and all the or pool-ball. De mco, de tuo, &c. at try country:Dardanla, which bis grand-+ Darblăthum, a coarſe kind of fran. and cbargus. son Trois called afterwards Trola; kinemja. Dea, æ; f. [à deus] a goddess. also the name of a wriched magi. Daricha, a city of India within Gan-Dea, the river Due in Scotland. ges Dea, or Dia, a city of Gallia Narbo- Dárdalli, 4 people about Mæotis. Datii, a people of Aquitain, nendis, called Dic. Dardi, a people of Apulia Daunia. Dātio, onis ; f. a gift v giving. Deabolis, « callef Macedonla. + Dardus, i; ma 2. dert op. Ibing Datifmus, an imitation of Datis, Deabus, atyrent of the Celtiberi, brown miblemen of Perfia, who was wont called elfo. Geryon. Daremæ, a Troglodytick nation in 'to repoul fuperfuruly; msomajirel Deacınātus, a, um ; poned, having Æthiopia. τέρπομαι,και ξαίρομαι. the kernels salm'oui. Darenús epiſcopatus, the bifooprick of + Datitius, ibe same as deditias. Deacino, are; (ab acinus] La fone, Kildare in Ireland, Dåtivas, a, um ; adj. dative, giving. pick out the kernels of. Dares, ēt's; a Phrygian biſorian • Dativus tutory appointed by ibi + Deactio, for peraétio. who wroti tbe Trojan' war, wberein judge. Dealbārlum, il;n. wbiting our. he himſelf ferved i alſo, a shampion Datia, a town of Media. Dcalbātio, onis; f., a pargeting in Virgil, who beafled mu:b, and Dāto, are; act. Là do] to give out Dealbator, dris; 2. a pargatter. performed lintir. 'or oflen. Dealbātus, a, um, whited ouir. Daseiis, a country in Macedonia and Dător, oris; m. a giver, Dealbo, are jto wbilm, blanib, wbite- Media. Datum, ijn & gift. Jime. Dargidus, a river of Baariana, Dātūrus, a, um, about sa gior. De alto Pecto; she calla ja tbe poak Dario, é sily of Macedonia, callo Datus, a:sity of Thrace, where shore of. Derbyſhire alfo Anastala, being built by sbs are gold mines. + Deamanior, adv. very lovingly, smpara Anaftafios, Dātas, as; m..a gtving, granting. † Dcamābilis, le ; very lovely, Daricus, i, m. an ancient roin 'abows Dātus, a; um ; grunted, given, * Deămāro, , are; 80 mola very bite two jiliings and four-ponse, with Datylepri, a prople or Thrace. Daridæus, hing of Perlia, in the Datylus, on Athenian, who arrived + Deănātio; õnis; f. a loving in- to vory, great bonour, which arcan sirely. time of Tiberius and Claudius. fioned the ſaying, Datyl! dies. + Dcāmātor, oris,; m. a boriy lovit, Daridni, e city of Paphlagonia. Davares, a prople of Mauritania Déambulacrum, i; a. A gallery m Dardiragum, s city of France called Dachila, s people of Lybia Inte wall, Vannes. Deambúlātio, onis; f. « going or Dariftant, a city of Perſia. Dauch!s, a mountain of Æthiopia. walking abroad. Daritæ, a people of Perſiz. Dauciones, a prople of Scandia. # Dean búlātiuncula, a little walk. , a of Phrygla; Darius, 1, m. the long time of Perla Danma, i; m. s 'wild carrot, or bird- Deambulator, osi; m. wulker. Deambulatorium, 11; 8. a gallery, wbo, defpifing Alcxander's youth, Dardiana, a town of Armenia Ma. walk, of alloy.. engaged wirb him, and was bearm for. Deambélātorius, a, um ; ad). walio in ibrus groot battles, and in bis Dave, a city of Arabia: ing, changeable. fight was killed by bis own miez' Davelli, a paiple of Æthiopia. Deambůlätrix, icis ; 'F. Joo tbas gads and Jourral obers. Daventria, :Daventer, a city of Over or mincos up and dozon. Darmafcus, for Dama/cus. yffel. # Deambúlātus, . Ú8 ;. n. a walling Darna, a city of Aſſyria. Dávid, idis ; the fon of Jeffe, pro- up and down. Darat, or ii, people of Ulſter in 'Irea' phat, and a king of Judah, : Deambtlo, are ; to go forub, or walk land. : Daulis, a nymph who gave name to abroad. • Multa cuni deambula- Darocana, a city of Paropanjſus: A city in Phocis, whence Philomela veris, when you bavs walked a good Darpa, A fown in Egypt. is called Doulias, aging in this city way. Dez- 1. 1 fiori 1 3 1 OVIT, OVET ten. OUIT. # Dece- the sop. D E B DEC D E C Deamena, æ ; f. the goddeſs of men Debitrix, icis ; f. for that ewes, praring about the same thing.. Juous woman. Debitum, i; n. A debt.. Decaptācor, oris ; m. man finger. Deatro, are; to love entirely, heartily: + Debituri, for debitum frj. Décãous, i, m. (à decem) Acaptain # Deargen tafierc, to pilfer or deal Debitus, a, um ; part, of debeo ; of im, a file-leader ; alſo a dean. dur. Ferre debitas penas, to + Decapillātus, a, um, part, of de- mon. + Deargentatio, ônis, f. Ở floring Swjer accordingly. * Debilo officio capillor ; wboſo bair is of fungi, - do one's bounden duty. Decăpillo, are; to pull the bair of Deargentätor, osis; he thai filuers Debläterātio, onis ; f. a babbling a- Decăpito, are ; na. to beboed. broad. Decapolis, a country of Paleſtinc.con. Deargenteus, a, um ; flvorad svar. Deblătčrātus, a, um ;, blabled. taining im citius. # Dcargento, are; aa. to filver ouer, Deblăíčro, arc ; to praxe, babble,chat. Decaprot, the same with the Roman or take off fluer Deblătëror, ari į to be babbled abroache Decemviri, + Dear mātio, õnis ; f. a diforming. + Deblāto īre ; to tattle or ull sales, Decapŭlo, are ; to empty, or power out of ont vital into another. Dcarmācus, a, um, part. of dear Deboma, a town of Macedonia, call. ed Drdaffi. Decharcus, i ; m. 4. captain quer mor; difarmed, laying down arms. Dearmo, are ; to difcrm. * Dcar- Deborah, the nami of a womion. mare fagittas, to unhead the arrows. Deborus, a city of Macedonia. Děcas, &dis ; f. a decade, or the num. Dearmātus, a, um; diſmember'd. † Debraccho, are 10 pull of one's ber of im, the ten at cards. Deartro, are ; ad 10 disjoint, diſ bruebas. Decaſtadium, a sity of Calabria, calle od St. Anna. member, quarter. Deárcuarc 0 + Debrevtātio, õnis ; f. an abridging. pes, 10 wafe an eftate. Debréviatus, a, um ; atridged. Decatara, a city of Dalmatia. Deafclacus, , um; bowed small, Debuccinātor, örls ; m. a great com- 1t Decarores, or iones, gatherers of mmdor. titbus, Squired with an axi.. + Deaurãito, onis ; f. agilding. Debuccinātus, a, um ; part. of de- Decatorthoma, atis ; n. a raedecine Dcaurātor, oris ; ma gilder. buccinor } publifb'd, blown abroad. of im ingredimis. Deaurātus, a, um ; part. gilded. Debuccino, are ; to trumpet forth. Decauleſco, čre ; to grow to a falk, Deauro, arc; act, to gild over. † Debullio, ire; to bubble or futbe or to loſe or bed the fialk. Deba, a city of Comagene in Syria, Deccates, a prople of Gallia Narbo- Debullitio, onis ; f. a boiling ruir, nenſis. and another in Meſopotamia. Debacchātino, adv. ragingly, madly. Deca, im. Décèdens, ptis ; part. of decedo ; do- Debacchātio, onis; f. a ragging. Decăchinnor, al ; dep.ra deride, or parting, etc. • Dies decedens, Debacchor, ari; ta rage litt 4 drank laugh af. fun.lating. Profperè decedente en man, to be wild or angry. * Deca. hordium, il; n, an infirummi bus rebus, bis offairs fpueding well. Debacchari in aliquem, to abu's of ten drings. + Decederit, for dccefferit. Decaclinion, il ; n. 8 dining-room Deco-do, fi, frum, dère ; ncut.Cic. Debæ, arum ; f. a poole of Arabia wirb ten fests. to depart, or go away; to give place, Felix, were there is a river with Decăcūminātio, õnis ; f. libe lopping or part from, to dit, to caſo, or golden Lind. of the top. de diminiſhed. * Deccdcre de ju- + Debarbatus, a, om; baving bis Decăcūminātor, öris ; m. Ibas lops of IC, not to ſand upon it. heard fbaurn off dere viâ, 10 fop afide. • Decedere + Debagātor, Orls ; M. a dor Decăcūminācus, a, um, part. of de. ferâ nocte,, to dipart lats. De- Debaltātus, a, umpart tillid. cacuminor ; whoſe rop is lopped off. ccderc officio, 10 quit an office. Debatz, the fame as Debe. Décăcūmino, arc; a&t. (à cacumen] Nihil decedit pericult dc 'causâ Dcbellandus, a, um ; to be jubdurd. to lop, Arike, or take off the sop. Illius, his buſineſs is in the fame Debellātio, ānis ; f. a fubduing. Decaduchus, one of the im Aihenian danger fill, Debellato, adv. tbe wir being anded, governors when the tyrants were ex. Dece-dor, di.; to have the way given Debellator, oris ,.m. a conqueror. pelled. Debellatorius, a, um ; of or like at Decalanticare, to put off the head.Decella, one of the imur cities which Cecrops fei in order; alſo part of conquttor. + Debellatrix, icis ; f. Bis that con- + Declacatum, decalicatum, the tribe Hippothoontis. queretb. dawb'd over with lime, DĚCEM (Sixa) indcc: tens. Debüllātus, a, um ; past. Subdurd. + Decalclätor, oris ; m. be that white. Décember, ris ; m. the pensh De- Debello, arc ; act; to subdue, van limoth. cember. quiſb, overcome. * Debellatum eft 't Decalco, to white sver. Docembris, bre ; of December. com'. Græcis, ine war wirb Ebe Decalogus, i ; m, the decalogue, or Decemjūgis, ge; adj. 3, art. of som Greeks is onded. to commandements. borſes coupled two and two roge. Debens, ntfs; swirig, of which ozostb. Decalvātor, Oris ; m. be that makes ther. * Dies longa videtur opes deben bald, Decemmodia, vefils of im bufals. tibus, labourers think ihe day long. Dccalvcfeo, čre ; lo grow bald. Decempagi, a city of Germany call DEB.EO, ui, itum, ērc ; neur. (ex : + Decalvo, arc ; 80 make bald, ed Dicuci, in. Lotharingia. de & habeo] to owi, be bound 10. Decameron, fim parts. Docempeda, 2; f. [à pes) a parch, Magnopere tibi debeo, I am Decamnichos, one of Archelau's or meaſuring pole oj ten feet. duply engaged to you, Debco, I courtiers, who upbraided Euripides Decempădātor, oris ; m. be tbar meni muft. with his linking breath, and was by suresh with a perib. Debibo, čre ; 10 drink up all. Archelau's leave well-favouredly Décemplex, icis , adj. 3 art. ton DEBILIS, Ic j'adl. 3. ait. [å de & cudgelled for it, and upon that ac fold, or sen. rimas cald. : habilis) weak, lame, freblo. coune was the sarja of Archelau's Décemprimācus, ûs ; 2. the office of Debīlītas, acis ; f. weakneſs, fable death. the Decemprimi. nefs Decanatus, us ; m. a company of ten Décemprimi, general rectives of trin Dobilitātio, onis ; f.a weakening. men, the fire of a doon. buta, charged with whatſauer is Debilitator, āris; w. A weakener, Decani, orar; bearers, or carriers wanting, on tublar. of the corpse of the deceaſed to be Decemſcalmus, i ;m. a boat of ION Debilſtātrix, icis ; f. for that wrak. buried. + Décanlı, æ;f, a deanery. Decemviralis, lc, of the Decemviri. Debilitātus, a, um ; part. weakened, † Decaniſſa, æf. a dean's wife. Decemviratus, ùs ; m. the office of Debilitatus animo, daunted. * Dccantātio, onis ; f. a banting, the Decemviri. Debilitèr, adv, weakly. or praiſing Decemviri, orum; m. Liv. a come Debi:īto;' are; act. ro weakm, dis. Dccantatrix, fcis ; f. a woman finger mittee of ten moblemen of Rome, Decanta lus, a, um ; charmed, mis wbe governed whm theconfuls were Debilitor, ari ; paff to be mfubled, bearſed, rush [pokon of. * Décan depoles ; alſo trt mon appointed to back-broken, dijeted. tara fabula, a common Rory. keep and expound the oracles of the + Debitžtudo, inis ; f, wrkneſs. Decanto, arc; act. 80 praiſe much, Sibyls. Debitio; õnis ; f. an owing. Speak often of. Itidem de rebus + Decendium,, il ; R. abe space of ten Debitor, oris ; m. A debror', femper decantare, to be always dass A: a a a 1 1 sari. courage, waim. DEC gebris down. . & , the song take away the calcar. DEC DEC Decennalis, le 1. adj: 3. art. of an dere pro libertate, ro-bave their + Declaratiyus, a, um ; declira live' liberty granted in tbe agreement. Dçclārātor, öris; me he that do- Dernna, orum;. n. folenn games Decidere, prctio cum aliquo, 10 clares. inniha me Gállíčnás, agroc, upon a prise with any body. + Declārācriz, icis ; f. for that de- Doron? 24:adja tosi routs o!d. Cætera propriis dccifa funt ver ciares, Decebirüm ishofà decem & an bis; who orber things are expressed Declārācus, a, um ; part. declared, nusiha Touc of ini jenis properly, or in je terms. Declā o, arc act. to declare, toll Dëans, i s'; ad! :or": tiffi aus Decidijus, a, um , adj. [à decido) plainly, densunce, proclaim, De- (d'oni, mvi niont comély. Falling, or ready to fall, fading, cur clarare muncra; to ſet forth grores + Dicontārius a, um j witr ,copious. or plugs. Dē.enter; rey de entj, corely. Decies, adv. ten times. Decies Declinans, nuls; drawing to an end, Derentiafideincy, comcliniji, centena, rën hundred thouſand le pall the bel. Docenti a devole of Pannonian spriss. * Plarquam dccics bibere, Declinātio, õnis ; f. A declining, e- Docentifsimus *2, 'Un ; mors omely, : voiding, turning avay from a de- cleviſion ; tbe facing abous of soldiers. his brother Magnentius and banget Decii ara, a moory place in Moefia. Declinationcs muqdisbe climatis, himi!f. among the Seroncs. Decii, valiant Romanis rūbo offered + Declinätorium, ii ; n. the fame. Decept: Sre Dacipies ** their blood for the sake of their. Doclinācus, a, um, part. delaid, DEC EO; u credoxisco, videor) avoided. # Déclinata ætas, old la opcome, becam.. uge, + Deccoril: , le : adj. eaſily, dictivia. grandfarber in that ögaing Pyrrhus. * Declinis, ne ; ad). 3. art. and us, Déceptio onts';'f a di riving. Décima, 2; f. Cic. a tentb or tithe, a, um ; adj. declining D:captiuncula, a; f. a little dereit. a part of a fire. Declino, are ; to decline, turn away + Deceptivus, a, um ; di siving. Děçiņa, arum; £. fc. partes; tithes, from, avoid, pass by, lead from one + Décepto, are to deceive after, tinibs, place to another, alior, af wage, de Décapto', āris ; m. a deriver. Décīmānus, a, um ; adj. ithe tent), inclined. * De vjâ decinavi, I + Daccptorius, ā; um ; ducetful, large, great. * Decinianus limes, went out of my way. Huc de 1 Déccptūra, æ; fi couzenage. a trench from north to you!h in mea clinabam.nec invitus, I made this Déceptus, ûs is, deceie. furing land. Se decumanus. digreſſion willingly. * 'Declinare ad Doceptus, a, um ; part.of dec: pior; Dězímātio, onis; f. the puniſhing hastam vel Icutum, to face sbou! devived. Deceptæ tabellæ, let. cuery teh man.. to the right or left. . Declinare toys intercepted Décimo are ; [à decimus] to sihi; agmen, to lead the army to some + Decormina, orum ; or decermi. or take the tenib part,. take the befit. other place. Declinat in zurum, nationes Ibr paring 9. b. Légiones dećimantur, every tenth it..comes near to a pillow colour.. Dec.erno, jevi, rétum crněrc; a&. man la punibed. Declivis, ve ; adj. 3. art. (à clive) 10 ceru, ordaing corrmand, try. Pecimodiæ, aš decembodia. bending, or lganıng downwards, decida... Decornere fupplicatio- Dčcimula, æ ; fi a small thing down hill, faolving. * Etate de nça, to appoint's day of 'hüm liaDecimum, adv. thi tenth time. clivis, very oldi som Decorncre pugnam, 10 Dicimus, a, um; ad:. [à decem] Declivitas, ātis ; f. a decliviis, bend- beat a battle. ihe tenthi ing, or hanging downward. Docar-pa; pfi, prym, pčie ; a&. [of pēc-ip!o, ēpi, eptom, ipère j'act [of Declivus, i; m. a defcent. de and cal po] 10 pult of pluck off; de and capio] to deceive, pas ouer. + Declirus a, um ; adj. bending diminis, gather, ratdi. NeDacipula, æ; f. down. gold locus decerporet de gravita- Decipulum, 1; n. ja pilfall fnare. f Deco&ibilis, le ; adj. safly ſodden. Gjini his marriment pould dist Decircinātio, onis ; f. a meaſuring + Decoctio, onis ; a deco&ion. pomipoſe his gravity. by compafing. Decolor, -jus,adj. comp: Swedier, Diggerpeus a, un part, of decerpor; Decircino, are.; to unbend, make perfe8er. patbered reund, so draw by a pair of socis. + Decodito, are ; . so fdoshe often. ti Recenăun.ady Arivingly, e:gerly. + Decodivus, a, um ; aſily fodden. Desera fa ons; 1. aftriving, Fight Děcilēmis, is ; f. (à decem & re- Decoçor, oris ; m, á bankrupt, a ing, trying mus] a galley with ten cars, or fenil spendthirft. Decertālārius, a, um contentious. ranks of oari. Decoctum. i ; . the, deccation where- Docertiur. imperf. tbs quarrel is. Decifio, onls ; f, a difcuffing, decifion, in any thing is boiled. Decorlacus, a, um ; contmdid for. determining, componending: Decoclura, æf.a decolior., or boil- Pecetto; are ; voor. ''fight, Brive Deciſes, a, um į part. of decidor; ing, hroth, liquor. soniend. Nd.cives cúin civibus Turiff, derided, ended. Deco&tus, a, um, part:of decoqoor; armis decertarent, 17 they should Decius, an emperor of Rome, and well boiled,furged, boiled away, pro Sake up arms one ogains anosher. feveral other men. digally spene. * Decocia (aqua) + DecoFvica, are 10 bobead, Declāmărio, on!ß; f, a declamaticn. fodden water, Decelfie: See Decedo. oration made upon a theme;adeclaim. Decoclus, is ;ro. & decoétion, boiling, pēceffio, anys; f. a departing giving ing, or ſpeaking in subli. upon ſome + Decæterò, adv. again, afterward. Nave: da ling: particular ſhject; (Meton.) the Decollātus, a, um ; part. beheaded: + Décerto, ère ; to driline or go back subject of a declamation. Decollo, are" ; (à colium) to tebead, Dacestor arism. a predoziför in an Déclairātiuncăla, æ ; f. a small de 01. cut off the neck, fail, dirappiint, office, be th. departs or gives place clamation, or fchool-exercise. Si ſpes deco!labit, if I am dif- Doeffus às ; ma departure, Döelämātos, oris ; m. a declaimer. appoinird. pocet, impert: is before or becomes. Duclamātòric, adv. in manner of 2. Decollor, ari ; 10.be beheaded. &c. Daciaga, ority in Spain. - di lamation. Deçõlor, gen. -āris ; adl. 3. art. ill Déciani, a posple of Spain. Declịmātorius, a, um ; adj. Of, de colorired, ill-favoured, having lof ths Desjatiam, ; e comery of Ga!lla Naro laining colour, Decolor ætas, the age shap Dorende Declamatrix, icis ; fi Do that de: hai loj irj besny. De:ibilia, le ; derent, comely, claims. Decolorātio, onis ; fi in faining, or Pacitium;ii; nilà decido, a fz!!, Declămicans, ncis ; declaiming of!on. Loofing the colour, surniſhing, e falling down or decry. Decānīto, arc; to declaim often. * Decoloratus, a, um, part. of deco. prelda ore"; rieur. for de and cado) De aliquo declantare, to make a loror ; having lof the colour, 19 wilt dorong opifrim ; 20 die, loud anal viheinenit.complaint again Decoloro, are; acto pain, Spol, or hang down, decay. . . Deciderc oils. fpecor de Spe," so mifs cne's hose Declā.no. 250 ; neur. Quint. so de. Decălārus, a, um;" adj. i!l-colouret. Decidcreab a chciyp. to differ clajin, rail, inveigh againji, to plead + Decomo, ère ; to undeck froin, of net come up is roe paillern for or riggins , * Decompoſio, adv. of fet fyrpo??? Qcclārābilis, lc adj. 3. art. which by cornplet. Recido, dy fem., dore ; .ae. (of de may be dicared, + Dçcant-or, ari ;ro fing, or delity. and cædi! to cut off or awry de Dcclárātio õnis ; .f.a detlaration, Deco.quo, xi, qum, quere ; a&t. 10 Parca a decide coplado; passadgalaring, Shewing.plainly. conjume or feelhi awiy, digeftpsi: Pealla + 1 or cosy wp- waiming on dorots. DEC DEC : D E D JAPlj; cortoert; lo tion into, of wote, Deculpātió, önis; f. a blaming. Decursoriumi, it; R.. a place of oner. deco + Detoxit creditoribas, bet Deculpātus, mum; part. dlamid, the artillery ground is beves Decoquere ad tertiam, or blame-worthy. Decurſus, as ; m. La decúro), a run- fextani, &c. ti fiethe till skil shird,+ Decalbo, are to blami naich ning down or duir.' . Detúrug fith;-&e: part be conſumed. Desi Decylto, are ; to hide privatelj, Honorum, a piling through all of cöquote Doria, to spend an effate Decuma, a town it'Spain Hae) Dentitit ante dccurlinghe buildly and rjótoufly. Decuda, mes; fithi irribor eitth. poppid berora bora ho to the end of Décor Oris; m: Virg: Là detto] Documæ,arum; } See decadūs, 168 racza coihalings; 'bequly, gracefulnita Decumaat; ibé gásherers of tiibus or Decurfus, a, um, part of accutro Amittcre decoreni; to look pale and post bizt, archited ended war. Decumani, a people of France: .. Decurla abs le bec funt bicviter, Décorāmen, inis; n. a garniſhing Decumanus, i; iifarmer ojt ide you run over ibije ibing's ligh:ly, + Decorāmentum, 1; n, an adorning Documánus, a, um ; adi vérth, large fitborn or prodor of bihotice, Décurtat o, ön:s ; f. a jotiening or Věcõrātio, Jhis ; f. a beautifying. Décoratus, a, um ; brautiful. Finge: Decumanu: Hu&us a hug, Decurtātus, a, um ; piit. curtalled, Décorè, adv. gracefully, handſomely, and toiferous wavit; either . bed! msined. † Décorio, arc; 10 Ata off ibt'skin. she teneb is oblerura' ko be greater i Decurto, 2re ; lo cut if, borten. † Décoriter, handſomely, or from the superlitious obferurtion of Dicurtor, ari; to be currilet. * Décoro, are; [ă decus] to beaulid that number oy the Pythago:canis.lt Decurvo. arc : 80 now or hom. adorn, commend, Jet forib. Decumanos ages, int jeld sith ble. Décus, oris ; 11. decro. bonour,rs- Décörölus, a, um ; lovils, fair Decumani milites, joldiers of thell, putition midifi', chillilj. † Décorofiffimus, and decoriffimus, terisit cohortDecumana potiag.t Decusāciın, adv. neatly 2,40; adj. ſuperl. exceeding ocima thi Stik gart of a cump: # Decusacus, a un part. adomida tiful. hones, fair. Decumatcs, fields in Germany, dbouers Drcuſo, are alt tandort. Decorticātio, onis; f. a pilling, al: Wirtemborg **) Decupain, ady. cross pulling off ibe bark. + Decumātio, õnis; f. 'a panijbing Decursăt. o, önis; f. fellinig crossa Decortico, arc; (à cortex] ső bark, curig tenib foldier. wije foter lsies drawi "cruls like or pilt a tres + Decumātus a, um, part. of decu- Décorum, i; n. & decortin, comelje mor; rimſbed by santhi pécils, is ; m, [à dccen " as tem Tils, good grace, honety. Docu-inbo, bui, bitum, mbore; ncut. Taswbout ferien.pin e b*77.penny, Décorus, a, um, adj. graceful, come to lje, fit, or full; to lie apon, he ne number of len, u figure in the ly, borzas, hunoarable. fick, and die. Decubu't febribus, form of an X. # Decotes, tbred.bare garmenisi be dipt his bea of a fever. Déc:fii, ale; to divide pols wile. Decoxt, of decoqao. Decumi, a prople of Dalmatla. Decuilus. Os ; 01. apiriking, or jhaking Decrēmcntum, i; n, a detreaje. it Decŭmo, arc; to puniſa yanabis derin om...) Decrepitüs, a, um, adj. (a crepe. t Decomus, a, um; thi tenib. Sec Dec ffus, aun ; öart. of docutior , rus vel crepo) décrepit, very old, Decunix, uncis; (à decem & uncia] + Dącutes, this chave garments: fb ken for d:wn. f'Décropo, čre ; to wax old, imp tent ouinces. it Dicuplex, ic's; adj. ten.fold. quário, torike; or.1-ke do un ir of: Decrelčens, ntis; part. of decreſco; Decuplo, adv. tin.fold. Dedēc co, ère; so m's barome dedräftig Decuplus, a, um, adj. adj. (à decem} Deičcet. irripet. 1 is unleemi y, inila Decic fco, vi, tum, fçere; neut, yo to times so much. becomes Didecet illud eum, it! déreale, .dicáy, grow less. *Veftcs Děcūres for decuriones. mishe omie, bin decrefcunt pueris, the boys outgrow Decūría, e; f. fiue companies of judges Děděco , gen, õris; adj. 3 art. un- their cloutbs. among sbi Ronans, a band or jilo conely. di bon jl. Decretālis.le; adj. 3 art. decretal, of of tan soldiers';' allo company Dētěcorans, ni's ; diſgracing: - or by decru. revillers. Decicla ſen..coriá, a Dēdēcórätó, Õis;f a diſgracing Docretiffa; ; m. a fudent in the committee of fenators, Dëděcoratis, a, um, difbononred, + Decuriāl:s, is; 'm. a judge or Dēděcoro, are, act: io dilborasur, dif- + Decrētörlus, a, um, adi, judiciol, counjelior. gru, de'ame. critical, s'dereed. Decrcto:ia Dccariātio, ons ; fi a dividing into' :+ Dēdecorosè, adv. diſsvourably,: arma, weapons to fight in carnif companies. baruf Illy wish, Sarpi. Decretorius ftylus, Ducuriālus, Ûs; m a dividing inso + Dēdēcõrõlus, a, um , adj. fame. 8. graut way of writing. # Tem trosps į be ofie of a decurio. ful, diſgraseful. pus er adus decreto.iun, ibi tini Decuratas, a, um, pårt. of decurior; t Deděcorus, a, um, and -ris, -TE; divided into companies, for judging of fulute evenis. Décréttim, i, n. a decreas.criinanse, Decurió, are; to divide into comp1- Dēdēcus, or s: n. di honour, shame, or farare; alſo a principle or axion nies or ranks, in foron the militia. di grave; alſo a dihirst aition. in mathematics. Decrcia fena. Děcūrlo, onis, m. a file leider a Delicato, onis; f.a didicerion, cone tûs, aits of parliament. corporal or captain of ten min; alſo furarion. Decrētūrus, a, um, which will de. a fenator, counſellor, alderman.Dedicativus, a um ; afirmative. crie, Decarlo cubiculaciórum, the lord Dedicātus, a, um ; part. dedicated. Deoretus, 2; um; part. of deceräor; chamberlain. * Decurio equitum, Dedico, uie i act to dedicure, confe. decresd. a cornel, or one st' commands. the crate Jet up; declaro, wire, to put Decrevi; of déccinio and decrefco. third part of a troop. into the roll of one's gate, + Decruito, are; to Baki of bark. Décūriõnalis, lę; adj. of the decurio. Dedicor, ari į to be dedir:ted, Deštadas, an biſerián činimended by Dacūriónātus, ùs; m. the office of a Děd gnātio, on's; f. a diſdaining. Parthenius decurio. D dgnor, å i; dep. to diſdain, di- + Decúbalio, õnis; f. a lying down. Dccurrens, ntis; running down. Spitelcorn, Aight # Decăbiæ, arum;' f. watching, keep-Decurricur, imperi. bere is a run-it Dedini for dederim. ing ont's ord, and wohin in tra. ning, recourſe is bad. Didilco, ded aici, ere; W anlóan, vail. Decutro, s, and decucurri, decur to forget what one haib leinaid 7-Decúbis; tä ihar lies from bis bed fum, -rere; to run doion or toget Deditim, adv. Fai dingly. fellow. iber, march down, fail, dafcribi, Deditio, onis ; f. L.v.,a yielding was Decubo, ui, lium, are; to lie dowon. pass over, run 4-cili, * Verrude. a surrendering. Décodes for decuriones, q. Y.. currere pugnas, to write a battle Dedícius, a, un ; ad). Jielding, füba Deculani,'a prople of Italy. milling Deculcário, onis; f. á trampling un. Decursim, adv. with hity running, Dēditūrus, &..um; ready to gield. der foot. Deca: Go, onis; f. a courſe, a running Deditus, a, um ; part. of dedor Dēculcatus, a, um, trampled upon. yielded, ſurrendered, Dedtâ opei Deculo, are ; act. (of de and calca] peftris, a training. Decurfio Tâ, for the nonce to freed on or spon. cqu. tun, an inroad, or javafion by Dedmasa, a city of Caria.; Dedulcor, ärij no bi trodden uponi, horfemen. Dēd-o, idi, itu, čre ; & tof de A à 1.0 2 decritals. 1 1 1 in verle. 1 D E F :D E F D E F 2: & do) 10 zidd, fubmitą. Surrender Defalium, 13 n. s. default. cenfum, to carry in the value of give up. Dede manus , confefs. Dafāmātlog.onis ; f. á defamation, or one's aftale to the confor,. * Ad me Dedere se voluptatibus. 3. Dalamaulisimus, a, um ; ad], ſuperk . .. delatum eft, one told me. • Quanti deferatar? what price is pus upon Dedo tibi iftid negotii, I laval my infamous , is? # Iņ beneficiis ad ærariam ibis busineſs to your management, Defîmātus, a, um, part, defamed. aliqucm, deferre, ri procure one a Dedor, di ; past. to be furrindad. Defamo, are aa. lfamaj to de. Panfon from the l'air. .'.Ad ures Dedoc-eo, ai, tum, Trc ; ad. to un fanie w Nander. viros deferam nomen tuum, ego F trach, teach o herwie. Dedocebo + Defamatus, a, um, ; prophaned. will complain of you to the shruemon. te iftos'morcs, I'll teach you better Défătigabuis, le ; adj.cafly worried. Defčr-or, ri; to be conveyed, oford, manners. Defătigatlo, onis ; f.a wiarying run, or be caſt down headling, Dedölátio onis ; fi a hewing, smooth. Défatigatus, ,, um ; wsried, fired. Defervefac-io, ire ; so make it boil ing Spent. * Defatigatum folum, found mucb, and sbon let it cool again. Dèsolátor, dris ; mi a hower plainer. worn at of beart. Defervofactus, a, um ; boiled. Dēdõlātus, a, um ; howed, quared. Defätigo, are ; to wrary, sira out, Deler-vco, bit and vi, vērc ; to cool, | Dadolenter, adj. as seafing from Noli defatigari, be sal weary. , or wax cold, be abeted, allayed. * grief: Datatilcor, .cí; to be wear). Defervit adoleſcentia, his wild sats + Dedolentia, æ;f. a coafing from Defeci. See deficio. are frwn. grief. Dolcedo, onla ; f. a defellion; a re. Defervefco, erc ; to begin to cool, sa Dedol-eo, ēreneut. to ceaſe from oolting, rebilling, lejening, folling have done working. * Dum defcr- grief, pain, forrow ; 10 be:paſ she away. Défeâio à concepta, veſcat (ra, till his anger be over. Fonſe of pain qualms coming dine the popsaeb of Defeffas, a, um ; part. of defetiſcor ; Dedolo, are ; to cbip, bow, cut, plain brueding women. Dofcatio fous, Wear). IT Square. an eclipſe of the fun. Defetiſcor, effus fum, iſci ; [of de Dedolor, ari ; to be plained. De- Defcftivus, a, 'um ; adj. defektive, and fatiſcor) to be faint or wrary. dolari fuſtibus, to be well cudgalled. wanting Deficiens, ntis ; failing, in an 8- Dedů-co, xi, ctum, cěrė ; a&. ${+ Defe&o, arc; act. to cleanſe froti clipfa. bring or lead docon, out or frem; 10 drogs. Def-icio, eci, ectum; [officio) drais off, take away. abate, deduet. Defe&or, öris; f. A revolter, de. caafo, decay, fail, faini, laikrowell, * Deducere al cui faſt dium to get Jarter, be in adipf&. Uxor deficit à me, ene a fomash . Deducere in t Defectum, ti; 2. a defra. defea. my wife forſakes me. * Sylva de fraudem, diſcrimen, to ondamage Défc&us, a, um ; part. of deficior ; ficit glandes, the word ofords no or endanger. * Deducere in jus, defective, wanting, failing, witbero more maſ, • Tempus anni ad 'to arreſt one. # Deducere vocem, ed, decaged, forſaken, walled. De bellum gerendum defiçit, the cam- 70 lpsak with a ſmall or low voile, fease ſenectutis homo, witb one paix.is at an end. * Deficcrc ja Non.co dedocam ut, I won'l.be foot in the grave, * Defcetus fa mucronem, to run point-wife. the cauſe of that. cultajibus, a bankrupt. Deficere animo, 10 fwoon away. Dedū-cor, ci ; to be brought, &c. Daſcalus, ô: ; m. a defe, want, fail. + Deficiſsor för defetiſcor. +Deductilis, le ; eaſily deducted. ing, fainting away, ſwooning away, Defi-go, xi, atum ;. 1. Pick or fajien Dedu&io, onis ; f. a lending, con-, revolting, Defe&us animi,faint in, Plazrike , di ve, declare afte- duating.conveying ; alſo a diduftion, heartednefs. Dcfcctas folis, an nil, to embroider. * Altiùs terra dedutting, of taking away. • Ut uclipſe of the ſum. defigitur arbor, tales duper roof.. deduétio fieret moribus, that the Defen-do, di, lum, dere; act. [ab Deggere animum alicujus, to con. ejeament might be according to cus antiq. fondo) 30 defend, beat; cr firm or ſirengthen one, 80 ſurpriſe ex. keep bask, maintain a cauſe by ar treamly. Dedađior, -jas; adj. comp. more gummi. * Defenderc injurias ali- + Dcfingo,, xl, ctum ; 10 fafion.or thin or fender. cujus. to reumge one's wrongs. form. + Doduaivus, a, um, adj. derived, Defendere frigus, æftatem, to keep Defin-io, ire; to define, boud, limit, compounded of the cold, hiar. determine, Definire aliquid ali- Dedu&or, oris; m. a condu&or, con- Defen-dor, di , pafl, to be keps, &c cul, to give a particular charge, to Defensäcalum, i, n. a defense. chalk out a shing to ene. Dedu&us. a, um ; part. of deducor ; Defensātio, önis; f.a defending. Definitè, adv. exprefly, namely, with led, broughe, diminiſted, derived, + Defensator, oris ; m. & dejender, fat bnnds. divided, Nender, mean, drfeended Defensātrix, icis ; f. fe that defends Définitio, qnls ; f, a defnition, limit- from. * Deduciâ claffe, 'baving put Défensātas, a, um ; part. defended. ing, declaring to fed. • Tenui deducia poemata Defenfio, õnis ; f.defense, or de Definitivus, a, um, definitive, limit. kilo, of a fine thrrad. finding *ing, declaring. Deera, a field of Suſiana. Dëfengtātio, ānis;f, a frequent de Définitua, i; n. that which is dea Decrābundus, a, um ; ad). erring, finding. fined. • Definitum eft, I am den wandering Défensīto; are ; a&. 14 defend very termined. Dcerratio, onis ; f. a going aſtray. ofron Définitus.a, um ; defined, determined. Deerratum, i; n. & fault, rrror. Défenſo, arc arc ;;act. Cà defendo] 10 Dět-io, išri; so be wanting. Deerro, are ; neut. 80 evr., wander, defend often. Defioculos, i, m. wanting an eye, go ajira), tó miſs, go befode. • Sors Defenfor Orls ; m." a defender. + Defit, imperf. there is wanting. dęerrebat ad parum idoncos, ibi Fidei defenſor, difender of bot Defitcor for diffitcor. lót fall upou or favowed the unde faith," a title proper to the kings of Defixio, onis ;. f. a conjuring.up.of farving England. Spirits, a bewitching, Dees, a tovor of Arabia Falix. + Defenſores, propol, or foldiers Ibar Dēfixus, a, um ; (of defigor) fafine. Dētäcãiè, ady, cleanly, purely. kerguard. ed; fixed, Meas humi defixa, a Derecatio; õnis ; fi e purify ng. + Deſcńsorius, a, um ; of defenſe. worldly mind. Dāfæcajus, a, um i part of defacor :lt Defcaluri for defenfum iri. + Defaccare, to wear refined, purged. * Vinum defæca? Defenstūrus, a, um, part. fut. in rus, Deflagrātio, onis ; f. & burning or tun, w.nia purged from the lees. * of defendo; ready to defod. conſuming with free Defæcatus animus, mind F, Defenſus, a, um'; part, of defendor ; Defiagrātus, a, um ; burnt up, from trouble or priejudice. defended. Deflagro, are ; to be burnt down, de * Defæcis, cc; gd). free from dregs, Dēferbæo, ui, ēre ; neut." to grow aff waged, wax old. * Deflagrare Dereco, are ; act. [à fæx) to cleanse; cold . Credebam deferbuiffe ado communi incendio, I have a hair * purge froin fars or dregs, dium, liroini Jelcentiam, I thought be hud Town in the publick miferies.&r calami. Delado, arc ; act. to moke clean. all his wild oats. ties Defalcatło, on:8 ; f. & pruning or De-féro, tūli, latum, ferre ; to carry t Deflammo, are ; . 80 queneb, pur cuting of. from, relile, accuſe, confer, declari out, Defalcarus, a, em ; sut of or away. befioro, complain of, con ult, open a Dellccto, xi, dom ; to bend, or makia Defalco, arc; al. (à falx), to cus, cafe to cnt. * Difeisc aliquem, lo crooked, digreſs, furn afide from or Apred, purgo, pare itt, defalk. informi againſt onl. :. Deferre'in out of the way.. * Dcicetere à tom. VI), guide, veri. 2 DEF D E F D E G A * veritate, so err from the truth. defcribe. ! Tragica (cenæ defor, Defunctus, mi and defandum, Amnes in allum .carfum deflec. mantur columnis, are for forth i;ia, a dead corps.. tere, to turn the rivers another way, wirb pillars. Defü-ado, di, fum, ndëre ; a&t. * Dēl-eo, cvi, ētum, ere; act. to be Deformor, ari ; to be disfigured, &c. pour eut, down, ay into. * Vinum moan, bewail, mourn fór. + Deformoſus, a, um ; the fame.. asi defunde, fill out the wins. Dafetló, õnis ;.f. beweiling. deformis. Defun.gor, gēris, ctus fum, gi ; dep: DeActus. a, um, part. of deficor 31+ Deforo, are ; to carry out. cum abl. so be rid of, delivnih bewailed, lammed. Defosſus, a, um ; part of delodior ; from, diſebarged of, perform te diene Deflexūra, * ; f. a little bowing digged in,.burried under ground, Non levi defungi peena, to ba s docon. fui falt. a great amer:emont laid on binas. Deflexus,is ; M. a bowing or croxling. Deforfus, As; im. digging down, a Utinam hoc at modo defunctum, Deficxus, a, uni; part. of desc&or r; burying or biding. I wiſh it would pop bere, Vita hendid, diverted. Defrenatus, a, un ; unbridled, un delungi, to dia, Dcfigo, če ; to afiliat fore, tamod, unruly Curſu defræna- + Dtfurno, are ; 80 lete sut of an Deflo, are ; to blow, blow off or a-. to, wirb full fouedi suen or furnare. way. + Defraudátio, onis; f. a beguiling, + Defuſtasio, dais ; f. a cudgding. Defloccatus, a, um ; worn out. * Sco defrauding # Defustā:or, oris , m. a cudgeller. nes defloccarl, worn out with age. Defraudātora öris;. m.; a dusivir, 1 Děfuſtātos, a, um ; cudgeliis. DeRocco, arc ; ad. (à Aoccus) to cbearer. + Defufo, are; to cudgel," lamm. Shear or war out. sbe nap of closh. Defraydo; are ; a&t. eo defraud, der Defufus, a, um, part. of defundor i Dcförā'mentum, i ; n. A garland crive, concen. Genluo defrau poured out, bod. or nofogas. dare, ro turn pinch.belly. *Se victu + Degal-co, care ; 10 difarm, or take + Dekoratio, onis; f, a deflouring fuo defraudarc, ta grudge one's felf of the belmet. Dciðrālus, a, um, part..of defloror ; vlauals. Degendus, 2., um ; part. tatis deflowres, diminipood, bald. + Defrendo, čre ; to gnaße wirb the degendæ,robe led or lived, Columel. Definreſccns, atis ; part. fading, sealh. Dégèner; gen. cris ; adj. 3. art. [à Defürelco, cărc, and -sco, ui, ēre ; + Defrens and defsenfa, the corx out genus) degenerate, going our of to loſe the power or beauty; to fade or down. kind, baſı, unlike his anciers, fali away. * Deforefunt amores, t Defrenjas, a, um ; worn oui, lopped Ricus humani degener, differing the pleasures of love vaniſ. off. reaped. from all other people. Defloro, are , (à flos) to deflower, + Befricáte, adv. merrily. Dēgénèiātio, onis ; f. a degenerating. defile, saks away the grace and bowlt. Defricatió, õniss foi rubbing Dēgēgērātor, oris ; m. be that dags- Hour of. down, taunting. neratai. Defluo, ux, uxum, učre ; neut. Defricālus, la, um ; part..of defri. Dēgonero, are ; to grow baſe, or un- to foco dozon or away, wafia, or Defri&as, } corrubbed off. like his ancfors. In fcritatem come to nothing, came off, In Defrico, ut or -avi, idum or -atum, degenerare, to grow wild. Po- Rheqim Moganos dcfuit, ibe are ; act. ti rub hard, or all over, ma degenerant, grow. worſe and Meya omplies thelf into the Rhine. rub decon, curry, Bannt. the Sale wurſe. Hanc ne degeneres, don't Tantum ab illo deduebant, they multo urbem defricuit, be wrote diſparage her. come as sort of. bim. . Ad ali. Darply again the vices of Rome, Dégens, ntis ; living.. quem defluere, to redound to me's reproved them with great fredon Dego-so, ffi, ftum, rere ; act. Sa profit, to accrus to oni. # Ubi de and ſeverity, bring or carry out of one place into fluxit falutatio, 'when the clients Defrig-eſco, ere; to grow cold: anaber, conjunt, eafo one of. bave givm good-morrow. + Defri-go, xl, ctum; to fry nuch. Degl, infin, of degor; to be led,pofed. + Deflūtum, i, n. a tbing fodden. Defr-ingo; @gi, acum, ingere; act. Degia, a city of Asyria. Defluvium, ii; a. a falling off, moul fà frango) to break off or down. Deglabratorius, a, um ; adj. taking dering, or Nowing down. * Co.t. Dofrond-co, ērc, and -eſco, ēre ; away the bair : marnm dcfluvium, thi medding of to bed tbe leaves. Deglabris, bre ; adj. bare or bald.' bair. # Defrudctur for defraudetur. Deglabro, arc; 10 Dave, maka bald. Defluus, a, um '; failling, foedding, Dafrudo, arc, for defraudo ; to beat, or pluck of bair. Defluxio, Onis ; f. la defluction, og defraud. Degla-bo, bi, bitum, běre; to pill, Dofluxus, us;im.rheum. A!vi + Defiugātio, onis ; f. fucking or Hea ; pull of the bark.. deRoxio, a loofmeſs. drawing out the ſubflane. + Degluptus, a, um ; ad). Berd; cor- Děfo-dio, di, ffum, dère ; act. 80 dig + Defrugo, are ; to fuck or draw the cumciſed. down into, bury under ground. fublancs out of. Segetem ne dei + Deglūtinātio, Önis; f, an ungluing. Defæněratio, õnis ; f. å taking of fruges, don't work out the heart of Deglutino, are ; so unglus, looſin. muñidy upon ufo. the carih. Deglūt-io, ire ; act. to devout, wala Defcenerator, oris ; m.be sbat lets or + Defr-uor, ali so gather all the low doron. takes.upon aſe: fruit. Deglutitio, onis ; f. a ſwallowing Defæneratus, a, um, part, of defce. Defruſto, are ; to gather by pieces. Dē-go, gi, gērc; act. (of de and neror ; indebied, ingaged. Defiútārios, a, um ; of fodden wins. ago i to pass through, Live, : bring Defoeaeror, ari; to take upon uſe. Defrŭto, are ; to boil or burn wine. so an end, continue, pluck off, tako + Defætus, a, um ,, pajt bearing ; Defrūtam, ! ; a. [à defarveo) wine away, look for. * Nunc ego iftum empty, baje miferabla. whoſe half or third part is sodden laborem degam, I will rid you of + Defomitatum lignum; wood that away, burnt wine. thar trouble. is shipped or barked. # Defoat for deficiat. Degor is ſeldom read but in the third Děfore or defuturum effe'; Infin. fut. t Defuga, 2; M. d. runagalo, de perfon. Vita degitur, life is paß. of defum ; to lack or be wanting, Serter † Degrădātio, onis ; f. á degrading. Deformātio, onis ; f. a deforming, Defúgio, ūgi, tum, ere; act, to fly * Degrādo, are ; to degrade, depojas defacing, defiguring, alfo perfe& from, avaid, uſobow. • Authorita put out of office. forming tem defugere, to leave in the lurch, + Dcgrandeſco, čre ; to wax leſs. Delormarus, a, um; part. of defor Plaut. to diſobey one's command, † Degrandinat, imperf. Ovid. it bails mor ; disfigured, deformed. *Fruc Ter.net to execute what is within downright or extremily. tus deformatus, fruit formed or rba verge of bis power, Cic. Degrasfor, ari; dep., is afaull, rob, buitied upon the bedding of the blos- Deful, of delam, I was ablene. riot, plunder, k.ll by the highway, fom. + Defundè, adv fyrediy, fully. • Degrafſuri deorsum, so fail down Deformis, me ; adl. ior, iliinus ; Defun&orič, adv. ligbily, Nightly, (as clouds) in rain. deformed, defigured, foul. Carclefy, coverty, secretly, Norhfully. Degrăváte, adv. warily: Deformitas, āts, fi deformity, foul * Defunctoriè causam agere, not Degrăvālim, adv. heavily. mifs, ill favouridoofs, d.grace, in to mind the cauſe in debate. Degrăvātus, a, um ; weigbed down. fumy. Defunctus, a, um ; part. of defun-Degrăvo, arc ; act. to load, maka Déformitèr, adv, miſbapenly, foully, gor; having done or diſebarge!, beavy or burthonfom. Deformo, arc ; lo deforme, deface, diſ Vitâ defunctus, decrafed. • Pe. Degrăvor, art; paft.ro će snade heavy, figure, defils, defroy, Spoil, delineats, riculis defunctus, paß dungersi over.prefed, ſurcharged. 1 God, NOIU. DET DE 1: DEL Dágrè-dior, deris, ſus fum, di dep; ; + Dejărător, oris ;' mi a greith Delçania, a counting of Spain about Lof de and gradior) 'to @efrond; go fwrarır. or pays down, aligbt.. Dejēro, are ; (& juro), sa Sibres so- Deštas, ātis; 1. Là đcus] ibo Drily Degreffus, ay DM parts of dogre- lemnly or deep againla Bing: or Godbrad. dior ; go or going down...? + Dcifica, are ; to drifyi # Dejud.case for difudicare. + Degruzomor, ari ; to dire8 or laj, † Delficus, a, um ; cauſed of schrby Dejugātio, orilo ; f. an intaking by Lini. Dcjūgator, āris mi hr hat uns + Deguic-for.degit; bash-livada ir Det-idio; oci, calümi fterc'; act of poketh. Degulātor, Orls ;m; he sbat de de and facio) rtbrows, com Déjügis, ge; adj. dodon ihr DNI. Dodars or con fuese frike down. Delicere de podte, Dčjogo, are 3.0 unyoke, uncoupl!. * Degulo, arc ; to drveur or conſumine to dobar tre from fiung bis he + Dejugūlatio, onis ; t. a killing. n'gluttany. * Dejicere de gradu,ti put ofte but Dejūgulātor, āris ; m. a killer. ft Degumio, arc; to devour. of the ; alſo to maki" exe'r givet Delúgŭlo, arc; to kill: Degattatio, onis ; fi atafiing of, or ground. # Alvun deficere, to go to Dejugus, a, um , adf: unyoked. ſmackëring pool. # Tabulas affixás publice de Déjün-goi xi, aum, so disjoin. Degallo, arc ; 29. to safit of, or jicere, to pull down a proclamation Dejūriui, ii; a. a drop or folemn tortib wiib ibr.lips; also to view, l: Jluck up. sash againſt a thing. watcb., look ajte. Irán convi. Deilochus, ibe for of Hercules by D-Jüro, are; scuti crocar desply or vam deguſtes, sound bim. Cruo Megala. folemnlyi remo degoſtare, to take a little blood Dejothum, Godltow by Oxford. + Dėlurus, a, um ; adj. Swearing so- away. Dein for delade, adv. stribermott, lannly. * Dchabeo, ēre; to want. 1. and thin, + Delŭvo, are ; not to belp: Dchau-rio,' a, Tum, riro; ic. to Deinceps, adv. from bimisforth; up the Dela, Deal in Kent; also a city of drà trout. Amarcam dehidrito, tbit, again, thm, foen. Arabia Feline drawsftbe less of the til. Beinceps, gen. cipis ; adko. [d dein De'n-bor, biris, lapfus fum, bl; dep. Dchine, adv. frow benefortb, mere & capio) the next. * Die deincl- 10 Nide; Hip or fall doron, be .con- over chereafter, and then, jócondly.pcg the day following, futned, decay, inclint "loward's: Dehiſco; čre ; so gape leave ajunder Deinde, adv. ordinis. (ex de *In aliqucai fermòriem dclabi, ro imurigh again}, "In Bratum de-, inde] front'ibmu; from 1926 pluie fe'l upon a difcourſe. • Res fami- hiſcere, to rail againg Brutos. and there next after that, afin liaris diclabitur, bis d'ate wafies, Dahoneftamentum, i ; ' Odln; wards, bortanter, beide forwardi griwr loſs and leſs. Aur, or blemini difgrace: + Deinfüpdr, adv. forrbotininity Firim Ødlacéro, a no sean in pièces. Debăncitātus, part. of dchoneſtor; abokk. Opes Jolacerarc. to find an difgraced. Vultus deboneftatus * Deintegrò, adv. dgan's afriji, di Bitte baving left the beard. Delachty mātio on!$; t å würping, Dähõneſto, arcy acte to defact, dif- * Deintegro, are'; w dinmis aitite: mulh waitriness. grace; difcredit. Deioces, the fifth king of the Medes Delachrymät: vudi s um ; adl: tho- Děhoacitus, a, um; adj. ingrateful, Deionc, the mother of Milenus, rudla ving stars, bringing down Dumours difcreditable. ed from thence Deïntoidtsi by A from thi bead, Dčhonoro, arc ; so diſonour, pollo. Delachrymo, até ; to warp Dehortáto, onis ,. f. debortation, Deioncus, the fifiber of Cephalus. Dilaallio; önts if a widning, difuafions. Deĩopeia one su Juno's injungh, Dlactatrix, icis ; f. Bi biar weens Dehort-or, ari į dep. 1o. debatry dif- o urfus. Surde, ádvifi mne to the contrary. wife. Delactatus, ut ; part. of detac, finrath of Gallo: Deianira, æ ; fi the daugbier |Deïorates, & . tot; urlop dr winnad. neus king of Æolia; betrothed Gracia . i Delacto, are ; to wint. frl to Achelous, and afterwards to Dcïotārus, ri; m. Cic. he was Delcevo, are í rö Mimooth or Hércules. She new herself berrugi made king of Galatia by Pompey's plain.. be burnt himſelf to avoid the for hisans, mbol part be fool aguin Dēlambo, čre ; to lick off or over. ment cauſed by the fire. Hoe gave Cælar bue bundling himself, w's Deiã mcator, arl; to bewail great. him to goin bir lovey. bring preſented pardonned ; being accuſed afterwards ly. her by the centaur Neffus, wbin be of confpiring 'Caſa's deve was Dzlanio; are ; so cui in pieces, de- wis wóknded by Hercules's arrow defended by Cicero ; allo joueral froy. for attempting to raviſo har, when other. bir bad carry'd her cut the river Deipäkos; ay anti; là parto) bitring Delapid, are ; to pávr. Delă pidăta, orunt; n. pavements. Eacnus. God • Deipara Virgo; the Virgin Delabrus a, "m; part. of délabor; Deicidasæic.Cà dcus & cæloj a Mary. duicide. Deiphobe, bes; f: 0 % Byb of Cuma, ' t Delaqueo, w claqueo Lening, or Nidden down Deicoli, ; c. à deus & colo) • the daughter of Glaucus, who lived Delas, o river whil with Tggris coorſbipper of God. Æneas to bell. Minor tntpelfith thi city Aội- * Dcicus, a, uma ; adfi of God.. Deipbobus, the son of Priamus: by! Dördamlas ; f. iho diughter of Hecuba; after the digit of Pamb Delafsäbi!is, te'; adjwráriable. Lycomedes king of Scyros, on he married Helena, who beliggen! # De'aſsātio, õnis fe wiárying . whom iAchilcs bogar Pyrrhos wbilly him to the Grectähs Inling 168m De'alsätur, oris ;'m: De that wearias he lay bid in women's attire among into his chamber when he was or intumbot's. ibat king's daubiors. aſlap. Delafsātus a, um, part. 15 delaftor Deidanum, Dandee ist Scotland. Deipinas, a town in Theffaly by k tridt; quite tired. Dejeci. Su dejicio. Lariffa. Deliffo, áre; të we thing of tire, Descaio, õnis; t. a cajation, a cap. Deipylo, the daugbiler of Adrattis, Delator, ari; 7. be quite lived ing down, a purging, string ini a the wife of Tydeds; by' whst loe Delätid, onis"; fa facris accufation, had Diomedes. or complaint... Faaitarc dělatio. Deléatoi are'; '{ à delicio ) to copDoipylas, the son of Stbenėlus, and nek, id tant informnif. down uften. fåfibful friend of Capineus' in the Dalātof, oris in IR informasi, Dejcétor, oris, M. & cafter down. Trojan war. facral druk ir, complainer. Dele&üs, 6s; m. a cafling out or Deira, Ibat part of the kingdom of thi Dilátotius, a; uti 1. of informing. down; also an embolinime; thi da Northambers, ibat laj štz this fidc Dclātus, a, um ; part. of dc/cror; funt of a bill.. Tinc carried or broughs boſs, accused, Dejcctus, a, um ; part. of delicior; Deirades a town in the Iribe or informed again. cap down, abatid, low. Vutrati Leontis ; alſo a proto toring bold city. + Delatùs, adid. by or on the ſide of. dejectas. looking downwards # of Æthiopia. Dezvo, are ; ito waps away or off. Conjuge defecla mulier, Q. women Déiri, thi Northu'm borg' on this fidel Deldon, a king of the Mya and Ba- deprived oss or ibat bas buried her Tine. ſteinbe husband. Deiro-liiva, De:rhuifc in Gloucéfter. Delėbilis, le ; adi. ſ. art. which may Dcjērātio, anis; f. a fwearing folemnly. Thire. di bolled oil, defind,doproyed. De mea. / 1 + 1 1 1 . on. t DEL DE L D EL Delectabilis, le ; adj. 3. art. deleita- they facrified, or powered qut their + Delico, are; 10 unfold, explain, in. ble, delightful. Delectabilitèr, adv. delighefully. Delibātus, a, um, part. of delibor :- Delictum. i ; . [å delinquo ] 4 Delcetāncagum, i; n. merrimeni, tajed, rholm, violated: Flos de fault; offence. delight, paftime, libatu populi; the people's chosen | Delicus porcus, a wsaned pig: # Delectancus, a, um ; adj. pleaſant, ont, iheir darling + Delicoum as deliqulum. delightful + Dulibcrābuadus, a, um ; demurr: Delīgātio, onis ; f ö binding up. Delectatio, onis ; f. delight or peaing, saking advie. Dçligator, oris; m., binder up. Jure, éft delectationi, it offördo Deliberandus, ai um, part. fut, in Deligātusi'a, um ; bound up. dolighe. dus.of deliberor ; 'rá be confidered of. Delizo, ate; Cà ligo) sa bind up, ft Delcetatior, us; more peafing and Deliběrātio, onis f. a deliberation, knit, fatin. * Ad palum deli- delightful. dating aduter. Res jubet deli: garc, jo tie one to be wbipping- Delc&io, onis; f. a.chufing. berationem, the thing diforuts cons pol, Delecto, are (à lactol to delighe, Sdaration, is worthjº2p be paused. Del-igo, ēgi, cētam ígére ; act. La allura, refreſh. * Sc de'c&are, 10 lego to chafe, gaiber, cúll, pick plane himnelf in. Deliberātiis, adv. more deliberately, out; alſo to diftrali, briak in pices, Delector, ar to be delighted. Doliběrātīvus, a, um'; ad): taking it Deligurio, as ligurio. * Delc&um, i, n. a choice. advice or counlei, deliberative. Delimátio, onis; f. a filing, porfia. Delectus, a, um ; part. of deligo ; Déliběrātor, oris ; sa. he has ad ing shifen. vi ſetb or takaherunfel. Delimātor, oris ; m. a filer, per Delc&as, As; m. an deflon, choice, Delibcrātum, i; n. ą tbing con lifbar. picking out. Milltum delcctus, Julied-of, Delimātus, a, am; part. of delimor ; a lavpirit of ſoldiers. Deliberatam eft, imperf. part. [ à filed, or Daved off Pelēgátio õnis ; f. she alignotion me) I am refolvid. + Delimito, arc; ro bound from. to an offic; charge, or commilion, Delibcratur, imperf. if is debated. Delimó, arc.; so fle, 01" Aive off. hormoni op i debi, Sending Deliberatus, a, um, part, of delibe: Dēl neātlo, onis; i. a delineation, os. away, ror ; debated, conſultad. first draughi. Delēgātus, lim, a delegate having Delyběro, are ; to deliberate, adviſ, Dalincāto, oris ; m.si pourtrayer. comm'nin to determine matters ; taks counſel. Dēlınco, arc.; act là lincalto deli- an artorney, plmipotensiary,.commit Dēllbito, and --sor, ari ; to safle neate, pourtray, deſign, or male iba Aunor, often. firi draught of Delēgālus a, um, part of delegor ; Delibo, are; act. to tufe or pouch Dēline.or, ari, pafr. so be delinenied Soni away, baniſhed. with the lips, facrifics, violart, di. or, painted. Delēgo, are ; to align to some ovoce miniſ, deirait. * Materiam ali- Delin-go, xl, gère ; to lick up or eff or charge, land an ambaligs, des quam delibarę, to handle a ibing Delinimentum, i; n. an afwaging, pute, afga over, * Ei quod dcbc Bightly, to skin it over, mitigating bat a mancipe delegabat, he Délibrātio, onis ; f. ásaking off she Dalinio, ire; a&t. 10 anoint, rub aligned thi buyer to pay him bark. ſoftly, mitigart, dilight, or footb. sbi debl. he surned the debe Delibrātor, oris ; m, he that lakes off Délinior, iri; to be appeared, &c. ouer, &c. the bark, or unfolds matter. Delinitio, onis ; f. 2 pacifying. + De!cnificum, cl; n. a mitigating, Dělfbrātus,a, am; unbarked. Diljnitor, oris ; m. an appeafor, an + Delenificus, a, um ; pacifying Délibro, are; là libcr] io pill, or of wager. # Verba delcnifica, soft words. pluck off the bark, Dalinitus, a, um, part. of delinlor 3 Delēnimen, ins ; or delinimentum, Délibro, are's (à libra] so wright. al wagid, anointed. i; n. a mitiguting, or an El waging Delibuo, ere; act. [afiß) to drop De-lino, love and -līni, linītam, Il- medicing or pour out ; alſo to anoint. nire ; to blos, defice, or defile. Delen-io, ire ; to mitigate, maka Dēlibūlus, a, um ; part. of delibuor; Dalīnos, ni ; paff. to be daubed. ginila. anointed, beſmeared; filied ; alſo de- Delinquentia, 2;f, a fault or omis- Delen-jor, iri, to be mitigated. filed, painud. * Gaudio delibutus, fion, delinquence- Del-co, evi, ctum, ērc ; act. to blor mighty joyful, «xceeding glad. Déli-nquo, qui, ctum, nquere , lo our, defale, dejiray, demoliſh and De ibīius, ùs ; m. an anointing. omie fail, ofend. * Quid ego tibi rafe. * Omnes ex animo delere Délicātè, adv. delicately. deliciouſly, deliqui? wherein did I ever wrong mulicres, so make him forgel, &c wantonly, niuly. you. Del.eor, čri , paft. to he blosled cut. + Dēlīcātudo, inis ; f. deliciousneſs. Délin-quor, qui; paffto be left un, Deleffa, an iſland of the Ægean Sea. Dēlīcātŭlus, a, um; ad;. very 'dili. done, omitted, committed. * Siquid Deleterius, a, um ; hurtful. # Mc cate or dainty. delinquitur, if there be any fault. dicamenta deleteria, poi, ons. Dēlicātus, a, um, adj. [à delicium, Delioli,' gardens about Naples. called Deloiilis, le ; adj. 3. art. blotting .vel antlq. delico i. e dedico) Poggio Reale. out, defacing, defroying, delicate, wanlon, dainly. Verfus Dēliquamen, inls; n. a dripping Dulciio, onis ; f.' a blotting out. delicatiſſimi, verſes piling pleasanı Dēliquālio õnis ; meliing. Del:titius, a, um, adj. ap! to be and wity. Deliquarus, a um ; molion. blotted out. Tabula deletitia, a Delicæ, arum ; f. (à lacio) delight, Deli-quco, cui, quere ; ncot.io mali table-book. merriments, a minion, toys. * Fa or be about me.ting. Delctory. Oris ; m. be that blors cere delicias, to be squeamiſh, play Dellqucico, cre ; neut. to begin the winton, make Sport, take pare. 10 milt, er melt by degrees. De'etrix, icis ; f. She th.je rojah or • Populi dellciæ, a jack-pudding, Poma cum muſto deliqueſcunt, blastech out. buffoon. * Pucri deliciæ, pretty the apples boil into pap. Alacri- Dolctus, a, um; part. of deicor i children. * Eja delicias facis, tatc dcliqueſcere, to be exceeding bletted out. ay, you mo:k me. joyful. Degovetla, Godmanham in York- Delicia, æ; f. a kind of rafter placed. Deliquiæ, aram ; f. gutters wberr- rit the caves of a houſe. See deli into the boufe caves drop. Delia, a city of Caria ; alſo Diana quic. Deliquium, ii; n. (of deligoo ) a so railid. t. Deliciatum te&um, a pens-house. draining; pouring out, making Deliacus, a, um, adj. of Delos. Delicios, ci, f. delight. clear. † Deliacus, ci į m. á gelder of † Deliclo , are ; and - is, črç; to en- Deliquium, fi ; n. (of delinquo) de- cocks. fedi ar lack. * Animi dellquium, # Dolbāmentum, i; n. a ſacrifice or + Deliciofæ, arum; a darling. a siyoning: * Solis deliquium, an drink offering to the devils, Delicio!um, i, n. 8 delighi, lour, eclipſe of the ſun. Délibato, onis ; f. & taling, or di darling, minion. Daliquo, are; act. to. drain cr pour miniſbing, facrificing i Dzliziosītas, ātis ; f. delicious- out, grain make clear. De! bátor, oris ; ma tajler, or Tief. ť Deliquum for deliquium. + Delicioſus, a, um , adj. delicious, Dalirābundus, a, um, adj. degting Delibătorium, ìi ; n. the place where Swat. Dēlirāmentum, ti ; n. doasagi . pěliçium, 1; n. delight, pleafure. qui deliramenta, to talk ididly Delirans out. tire. Crver. 1 DEM : DEM D E M 7 1 Dc'irans, ntis ; part. doating. Deluctati'), onis ; f. a wrefiling. Damcns, gen. entis; adj. 3 art. mad, Dēlırātio, on:s ; f. a making of baulks Deluctāco-; oris; m. & wrepler. fooliſh, out of one's wils ; [alſo from in ploughing; allo a desting Dē.ucior, ari ; dcp, to wrejile, Arive, dam:o) taking away, + Déliritas, atia ; f. 'doasage. or Bruggle with, Domenlum, iinia sul allowance! or Dalirium, ii ; n. a doating, or bring Delodificatio, dais; f. a fouting, commons, a monthly allowance. out of one's rigbt mind.. | mocking corn to laves. Deliro, are ; neut, to bavik, doat, 89' + Delūdificātor, Sris; . m. Jofer, Demenfas,a,um ; part. of Demetior ; out of tbe right way, de out of ma's meckor... maſured. wits. Delūdificor, ari ; so decriue, muk. Dementatio, onis ; f. á bring or Dëlirus, a, um ; adj. (a lua] doasing, Delúdiun, li ; n. a cesping from play. making made filly, simple, raving. Dēla-do, fi, fum, dere ; ad. to do Dementâtor, õris ; m. he that makes Délitens, ntis ; part. lurking. aive, mock, abufi, frufrate, Arive mad, an enrager, Delít-eo, čre; neut. (of de and le. hard at play. Dementer, adv. foolifoly, madly: tco] to Turk, or lie hid. Deluentinus, a god worſhipped by the Dementa, æ ; f. folly. Deliteſcentia, æ; f. a seulting. Romans. Dementio, ire ; neut, to go out of Dēlīteſco, čre; to lie lurking or hid Delvina, Delpla in Westmeath in one's wits, grow med. der, scult, falter one's falf.' In: Ireland. Dementior, iri; dep. ta lye greatly. alicujus authoritate de'iteſcere, to; Delumbātio, õnis ; f, & breaking the. Dimento, are ( à demens ] to Delter one's self under such a man's back or loins, a weakening, Dementor, ari'; } make her become authority. Delumbător, oris ; m. berbas breaks mad. + Dēlities, el; F. delight. the loins, Demco, are to defcend, go dozon or Dalitigatio, onis ; f. a wrangling Dēlumbaras, 2. um ; broken-hipped. own. Deltigător, oris ; m. a. wrangler, Delumbis; bc ; adj. baving the loins Demercndus, a, um ; part. fut. in Dēlitigo, are; 8o wrangle, "brawl, broke s weaky feminatr, dus of demercor ; to be deferuid, sbida sarriefly. Dēlombo, are; (à lambus ] to break sarned. Dalitu", a, um, part. of delinor ; the loins or back, onforble.. Demer-eo, ui, Cre; to deferve, to blatted, before iteit, anointed. Del-uo ui, utum ; [of de and lavo car. Delium, a town in Bucotia ; ajo A to wash awi), or clean, waſ out. Demore-or, itus, fum, ēri ; dep. 10 pollo's temple. Dēlūlio, onis ; t. a delufon, mccking. deforus well, oblige, or be worthy of Delius one of Anthony's captains fent Délūlor, oris; n. a deluder, mocker. one's favour. Civitatem henefi- to fetch Cleopatra; alfo a name of Dēlūlus, a, um ; part. of. delador; cio demereri, 80 .win the Haris.of Apolio. doluded. the Citizens by a fingular Favrur Delli, very deep lakes not far from Ca- + Delŭtamentum, i ; 1. clay, portar. confered on thing. tana Delŭtātio, onis.; f. á daubing Demer-go, fi, fum, gère ; act. to die Delmatia, or Dalmatia. Dě Titio, onis ; f a waſhing or plunge all over link. + Delorico, are; fo.uni. Delulo, are ; (à lutumj to lule, daub. Demer-gor, gi ; past. to be funk Delos, the moſt famous of oll the Cy over with clay. Demeritum, i, n. demerit clades, in the Ægean ſea, wher:Demadeo, to be molened or be. Demeriws, a, um, part. of deme- Latona is luid to bring forth dewed. reor: deforved, demerited. Apolo and Dara, W bence it Děmādes, on Achenian orator enemy. Demerlus, a, um'; part. ef_demer- was alſo thought to to be confectue of Debiofthenes. gor ; dipped, plunged. Ærcalic- ed to bem ; which opinion keps: Dēmaardus, a, um, wel, troiflened. no demerſus, funk diep in debe the Perſians from ottempting any, Demænetus, Eſculapius so called, Demerſus, ùs ; ia finking, drown- thing in ibeir war og eina Greece from oni Demænetus, founder of ing tbey brought up n dog in the his temple. Demeslus, a. um ; part.of demetor; iſland, nor buried any one in it, Damăgis, adv. very much ; alſo very reaped, gathered. nor juffered any woman to lie in littla Demciz, people of Weft-Wales. there. Dēmågogi, popular and fuaious Demetātus, a, um; adj diſtinguiſhed, Delphi, a rity of Phocis in Achala, fellows, quartered, encamped. Signia de by Parnasus, famous for an Oracle Dēmăgoras, & parafits, whom the meiata, figures, placed in order, and of Apollo. Athcnians ined len talents, for at an equal diſtance, Delphicus, a, um ; ad). In uſuall calling Alexander a ged; also an Demeter, (quaſi gus su TNP ) a name epitbal of Apollo. Gladius del hiſorian. of Ccrcs. phicus, applicable to any sbing that Demandātio, Inis; f. e commiſſion, Der.ctia, ze ; f. Weft-Wales. fervus for fundry uſes, '. Umbra or committing uxlo. Demct-ior stus, and demenſus fam, delphica or afini ombra, a sale of Dēmandātor, oris; m. he that com irl ; dep. to meaſure exaily, 'a tubi mittatb or givrh in charge. Demetitus, a, um, part. meaſuring Delphin, and delphis, iais; m. a Domando, arc ; to give in commiſion or innafored, deſcribed. dolphin. or charge, Alicul suam vicem Demeto, are ; act. to meaſure or fet Delphini portus, a town in Italy. demandare, to barge merns with ou bounds. + Delph'n.scus, i; m. a little dolphin. one, * Aliquem demandare, 10 fond Deme-to, flui, ffum, tčre; act. to Delphiniumga heaven in Baotia; alſo one wpin a commiffion. neap or mow down, gather Ca- a place confecrared. to Apollo and Demandor, ari ; 10 be given in charge put enſę demetere, to bobead. Diana by King Ægeus af Athens, or font away, + Demetria, æ; f. baſe or flat ver. wbare the cauſes of furb wire board Demäno, ale ; to jow out, or tricks, vain, who did son if the murther, but jul. Demanātos, t! ; m. a Lacedemonian Demetrianus, ni; m. e biffop of An- tified ihe act captain, who bring baniſhed, and tioch. Ann. 254. Delphinom, a caile of the Chil. living at Athens, gave notice to his | Derocerias, a town in Theffaly, from Delphinus, i m. a dolphin ; alſo the own country of the Atheni!ns deſigns Demetrius, who reigned there, being name of a conſellarion. againſ ebom; alſo a rieb machine called before Pegaſa ; alſo a town in Delphuſa, a fountain of Delph.ca. of Corinth, the farbar of 'Tarqui. Macedonia and Perſia, and one of Delphuſia, a city of Arcadia. nlos Paicus, the Cyclades, called Paros. Delta, a port of Egypt; alfo a town Demarchus, a ruler or protector of the Demetrium, i; a city of Æolia ; iu that counting, and an ifand and people į alſo the name of a champi. and other places. city of India. on, who is ſaid to have salled the Demetrius, i; m. the son of Anti- Delthanii, a city of Peloponēfus. onirails of a child offered in facri. gonus, king of Macedonia, for. Delthoides, ibiu ſquare, like the letter pics, and iberupon w21 cbanged into named Poliorcetes ; after Alexan. delta; alſo be name of a mufels a wolf der, he paſſed the Euphrates, ond upon the top of the arm, Demcácūlum, li ; n. [ à demeo] polifsed Babilon ; warring again? Deliāton, ijn. a confiollation in format deluns, or going down into a collar, Selçucus, he was tukm priſoner, but of a Greek delta. &c. was allowed so much liberty, that DELUBRUM,II n. (à deus vel de- t Demembro, are ; lo diſmember. by his luxury he fell into a dißempor, luoja oboppel or. vidry, a niebe or Deměmini, I forgos. and died. place for the beathen gods. + Demendatio. Su commendatio. Demetrius, Phalerebs, a foholar 10 : The- DE M D E M DEM wal. 1 Thcophraſtus, who governed Athens which were more noble, shry that Dēmonftrativè; adv. demonftratively ten years, and was honoured with could bear, or they that utiered fucb Dēmonitrātirus, a, um, demonftra- thirty-fix fatuos of braſs, alfo. tb Specches. tive, declaring nimes of orbers. Denocles, a flasterer of Dionyfius Dēmonſtrātor, öris; m'he that saws # Demiculos, im. a ladle to fill the tyrani, who cauſed bim to be or declares thing, wine out of an open velfel into a arrayed and ſerved as a king as + Dē.nonſtratorius, a, om; of new. cup, after the Perſian manner. tabla, and hung a naked ſword ing or pointing. * Digitus demon- Demigrāt:o, onis; f, a remiving, or over his head, with the point ſtratorius, the fore-finger. changing of placa downward, ried only with a hair, Dēmonſtrālus, a, um ; declared, ma- Denigrātor, oris; m, a remover, or which kape bim frem tefling bis nifefled. Pitter. dainties, or taking any comfort in Dēmonſtro, are; to demonflrate, poing Denigro, are; to pass away, or re his royal allendance ; alſo a beau unto, show openly. move one's dwelling. * Demigrare tiful young man, wbs to avoid be.. Demophilus, fochiffer, who wrote to è vitâ, to die. ing abufed by Demetrius Poliorce Lollius Maximus of the lives of Domingo, čre ; to hejmuish. tes, drowned himſelf in a cauldron the ancients. Derningi, a people of Lower Myſia. of bot water. Demophoon, ntis; the fone of The Deminuo, ui, útum; to diminiſh, or Democlides, the phyfician of Polycra feus and Phedra, thu twilfth take from. tes, of Samos; he wrote a book of king of Athens, who, as bi cams Deminūtus, a, um ; diminiſhed. medicinas. from Troy, was mtertained by + Demion, a kind of the precious flone Democoon, king Prlam's baſard, who Phillis, daughter of Lycurgus, illed farda. kapt his ſwift horſes at Abydos, and king of Thrace, and afterwards Demirābundus, a, um, greatly mar. was hain by Ulyffes in the Trojan forgat her; alſo a port that foretold villing. ibe danger that was like to befal Demirandus, a, um, to be admired. Democrates, an archiuiet of Alexan-t. Alexander. Demirātio, onis ; f. a wondering. dria; alſo a wreftler, and several Demopolis, the son of Themiftocles, Dealizātor, 0;is; m. an adunarer cthors, who, with her brother Neocles, Demiror, ari; to admire or wander Democratia, æ; f. a commonwealth, was oned. to death by the Albe. much. or fret eſtàte. nians. Demiſsè, ius, iffimè ; adv. husnbly, Democraticus, a, um ; favouring or Demoratio, önis; f. a llaying. low's, bafely. • Demiſse ſentire, belonging to a free spate or common Dēmorātus, a, um ; Sayid, Hopped to have low creeping thoughts. walth. Demor-deo, di, fum; to bile ay ; down. abatingdejelion. Democritous, a, um ; mo- Dēmorior, tris and cris, ori ; to pe- Demiſsimè, adv. very subenifively. critus. rijd utterly, * Demoritur ea de te, Demiſsitius, a, em ; low, long, Democritus, & pbiloſopher of Abde- be dies for love of you. hinging down. ra, receiving his portion from his Dēmoror, ari; to pay, detain, pauſe Demiffus, a, um; (of demittor] let elder brother, he travelled over the upon through fuar, dwell or abido, or call down, ſubmiſſive, humble, de greateſt part of the world to get to 7. funded, low. * Demiffa per au Anoruledge ; returning home, be kips | Děmorsico, are; to bite of. rem, things beard. • Demifio ca bimself within the bounds of a litile Demorſus a, um; (of demordcor]bitim pite, hanging down one's bead.. gayden, to contemplate the nuture off. Nec demorfos ſapit ungues, il Demiffa loca, low places, of things; to which purpose he is put one to little or no pains, it had Demiffior, ius , adj. mors lowly. ſaid to blind himſelf by looking on a. no olbow-greaji beffow'd ons. Deinitigo, arc i to mitigate. braſs balon. He confiantly laughed + Demortuus, a, um ; quite dead, Deritigor, ari; to be more remifs at the follies of the world, which . Cænæ demortiæ, fuppers lof, and salm. made the Athenians think bim not tafed of. Dem-itto, iſi, iffim; to le, caf, or mad, wbo fant Hippocrates to cure Demos, a place in Ithaca. lend down or from ; to humble, con him. Hippocrates, after some dif- Demofthenics, an Athonian, the mo} lume, abere. * Demittcre animum, courſe with him, told them, that not eloquent of all the Greek orasors; to depair. Demittere aliquid in D:mocritus, but they themſelves be inveigb'd much againſt Philip, pectus, so take notice of a thing, 10 were mad. Alſo an Epheſian, who and when Antipater ſucceeded mark it wll. * Demittere librum, wrote bocks of the temple of Diana at Alexander, he low himſelf in of a trso in the ſpring) ro haur ins Epheſus. dangar, and died in Calauria, and bark looſe from the wood. * Demit- Dogodocus, the name of a harper in when Archias was ſent to oppre- terc corpus à cervicibus, te inclino Homer; alſo an hiſtorian. hend him, he poijoned bimſelf ; the body to one ſide. Dcuogorgon, a magician, who was alſo a Thracian grammarian, and + Demium, a jewel of the farda ſaid to commend the ſpirits, and pue others. niſh them, if they obey'd him not. Demoteles, one of thoſe twrive who, Demiurgus, 1; M. e chief officer in Dēmālior, iri; to demoliſh, pull or Pliny fuys, wrate of the pyramids of Some cities of Greece, like our Speaker caſi down. D:moliri culpam de Egypt. in parliament ; alſo. a workman or ſe, to excufe himſelf. Dēnātus, a, um ; [of demoveor] handicraftſman. Dēmõlitio, onis; f, a demolibing or removed fent away, baniſhed DEMO, pſi, ptu'a; (ex de & emo, pulling down. • Gradu domotas, having given bark, vel à téuvos, recoso take away, Dēmõlitus, a, um, demoliſhed. abate. Demcre cerviccm, to be + Demollio, ire; to foften. Demoveo, ovi, ötum, ēre; to rentout, biod. * Demere aliquid laudi, 10 +. Demolo, as moio. put away or ofde; to banijk. Demo- detra& from one's praiſe, * Deuere Demonax, a philosopher under Adri. vere aliquem ex fententiâ, so beat uogecs, 10 pare the nails, De. an, who, contrary to other philofo one out of an opinion. mere nubem fupercilio, to look. pbers, bated folitarinaſs; he never Demptus, a, um i Lof demor) taken merrily, be galliard and brisk, had any provifons for his journies, away, plucked or pulled of, coept or Damocedes, a famous phifician of but when he was hungry, went inso gathered, * Pumum arbore demp- Croton, who bring taken priſoner the next houſe he saw open, and tum, an apple' pulled off the tree, by Darius, cured him of his lame. got himſelf viftuals, * Dempto fine, for ever, for aje. ness, which all the phiſicians could Demoneſus, an iſland of Propon- + Dēmuco, are ; to cleanſe from Rof do; for which he was greatly filib honoured by the king and all the Demonica, a woman who for gold be- Deinūglo, to bellow much Perſians. trayed Epheſus to Brennus. Demūgitus, a, um ; bollowing much, Dēmochărcs, an Athenia, orator, Demonidas, a lame podant, who hay. ringing with a moiſe. nephew to Demofthenes, being fent ing lost his poes, wiped they might Deanl.ceo, fi, fum ; to preko fofily, ambaſador to Philip, the king ask bi his fert ihar Pole chim. mitigati, co.x. ed him bow be might pleaſe the Démonſtrabilis, l. ; demonſirable. + Dēnulcia, a; f. a choice or colo leaion. Athenians, who told him, If he Demonftratio, õnis ; f. a demonfra- would bang himſelf ; the king feat sion, a clear and undeniable argu-+ Dēm ulcimeo, inis; n. a Broaking, bim bomo Fafe, and bid bim ask mons. appeafing. Bbbbb kind. tis. 1 namos. names. nimic. out. .. "OR. DEN :D EN D E O E ; Denul&us, a, um ; (of demul.eor), Dēnominātio, õnis ; f. ibi naming of + Dentíců!um, 1 ;. n. the Harp point vicd apprijed, nil red. a thing of a thing ; alfo a neodle-cafe. PEMUM, adv. [8n, vel à demo] al Dēnāmi ātiſsimus, a, um ; very fa- Denticulus, 11 ; m. Là dens) a litus lali, indeed, then, orly. mous, well known. tooth, the coz of a wheel, the din- Demungo, cre; to cleanſe from + Denomināvivè, adv. denomina sils or unb in a cornich of Bilb. tively. Corinthian or lon!ck pillar, ju Demurmŭratio, onis ; f. a murmur. Dānominativus, a, um, denomina above ibo cymarium or throat of the ing. tive, naming, derived of a noun. frerce. Děmurmăro, are; to murmur, mul- Dénominātor, oris ; m. he' that + Dentiducum, an infrument to draw ier, wimble, or whiſper over. terih, t Demus.for. Demum. Dēnõınīnātrix, icis; f. Jos that Dentiens, ntis ; breading teeth. Demulsātus, a, um ; miuttered over. Dentifrangibulum, li; n. I a slonch, Demuſfiata contumella, a wrong Denominātus, a, um ; named. Dentifrangibă!us, ll; m. } fift; alfo bardly put up. Denomino, are; to denominata, give a sufian. + Demuffo, arc ; tomutter, diffom- Dentifra-gibulus, a, um; breaking bla. Denormātio, onis, f, a pulling out the teab. Dēmutabilis, le; rofily changed. of order. Děmütātio, õnis ; fi a cbangir.g. Dentrifricium, ii ; n. (à dens & fri- D@normātus, a, um, put out of * Demū'ator, oris; mi a changer. co) e dentrifice, or powder 10 fower order, teerb. * Deniūteo, ere; to be dumb. + Dēnormitas, ātis ; f. irregulzrily. t Dentitogus, a, um ; gathering up Dēmūtņio, are ; po ruim, cut it; Denormo, are; (à norma) to put out tenth. make imperfett. of ordar or rule, maki unequal. + Deatillo, aro į to begin to havs Pēmūto, are change alter, 76Denõtātis, önis; f. a noting, mark tarih voke, differ. Ton dem ulabo, I ing. Dentiloquus, a, um, p:oking through zvon't ſwalimi words. Denotatur, ör:9.; m. he tbut m:rks. the teeth, or or spitting out bis Depa, a river or Abe: deen in Scol-Dēnotātus, a, um; marked, drawn treib. land. Dénārius, a, um ; [à denus) ike Donoto, are ; so dmode, mark. " De- Dentiſcalp.un, ii į n. [å fialpo) 4 Dentro, ire; to bried forth, chatter, Sonih notare probro, no defame or brand. 600:h picker, Denārius, ii; m. the Roman pering, * Denoiare crezâ, to feore. Denti:io, onis; f. n breeding of teeth; Iin ases, atqut jeven-pince half-Denotor, arış to be rolád. alſo the pain in brueding. penny DENS, ntis : loads) n toorb, any thing + Dento, onis ; m. he that hath great Denarrabilis, le ; which may be de :like it. * Dins aratri, the plow. ta:b. clared. Mare. Dens an. horæ, the fluke + Dentālus, a, um ; full of great teath. Denarratio, onis ; f. a dglaring. of an anchor. Dens lconis, dont Dentrix, a kind of fift. Denarrátor, orisi , aiellar. dylion. Dens Lybicus, ivory. *} # Dentbilis, le ; marriageable. Denarro, are; 19 tell in order, de. Dens Saturni, a fickle. * Den-Dchū-bo, pſi, ptuin ; 10 be married clari. tes, canini, the ere teeth. Den- 10. a man, : to match beneath one's De-naſcor, natus fum, naſci; to dis, tes genulni, the fartheſt leesh. rank. go on 10 Solution. * Denies in fores, the fire-tee!h. Denūdātio, önis ; f. e making bare. Denaro, are ; to icke away tbe naſe. * Denies maxillares or molares, Denūdātor, öris; m. be that makes Os mordicus denziare, so bile of Ibe check teeth or grinders. Den hare. one's 110,$. 1c3 exerti, tusks or sufhes, A Dentdo, a'e; to 'spoil, Brip, pill and Denato, are ; to swim. qua dcntes habct, witar is a poll, mcke bare or wakad; al, o to Denbigluja, Denbigh in Denbigh wojler, declare. thire. Denat:o, onis ; f. a making or f76w. + Denugor, at nigor. Denda. part of Macedonia. ing thick. Dējůměrācio, onis ; f. telling of Dendrachates, æ;.m. kind of Dansātor. āris ; m. a thickoner, Toner damunt, taking down, agare, repreinting a fhrub. Densātus, a, um ; thickened. Dendritis, id:s; f. e precisus fione, Dense, às, iflimè; ady. thick, sloje: down money. Dönünērātor, öris; m. he that tells which being put under a tre!. is together Denůmēro. are ; pay down ready - Jaid to keep sbe ax in cutting from Denleo, ere; to make or grow ibisk, money, 10 tell out or count money, beng dulled. #Lic deníct, the chiefe comes. * Mihi dename:ato, tell over the Dendrociffus, ci; f. a kind of ivy + Denſerier for denſari. morze, 10 me. grow.ing alone. Densificg, are ; to make thick. Dendroides, ; f. a kind of ſpurge. Densitas, àtis; f. :hickneſs, Denunciālo, onis ; f. a denuncia- Dendrõnă'ache, čs; f. a large kind Denſo, are; to chicken. fet cloſe toga- tion, forewarning, brtaining. * Denunciatio teftimonii, a ſubpana of math-mail:ws. Thir. • Dentarc ictus, to lay on! or injunction to appear. Dendrophori; wood carriers or fel. hwick iowack. : Dēnun jācor, āris ;. m. he that fore. DENSUS, jor, ſfimus; (dagùs] thick, tells or threatens ruil to come. Der.dus, i, a kind of life cond-cled, cloja, dark. : Dēnun'c o, arc; to denounce, foretell, Denegy, are ; to deny, refuſe, to deny Den:ā'ę, lis; n. the plough tail, the utterly, firewarn, * Denunciare ieftimo. culter, hartow. Deni, a, a; ten przether, és by lens. t Dentaria, æ ; f. fouth-wórt or hung- De:yo,' adv. Igu, de novo] again, nium, to ſubsana a witneſs. Denicules feriæ, the days when the anow, ort'e again. :hehens urged:hèir bouses after oro t. Dentarpăga, æ; f. an inff. umesit Denuptus, a, um ; [of denubo) mar. had died out of them. to draw teeth. Denigratio, onis; f. making tlak. + Dentārim, ady. 1001b by taotb, like Dco, Ceres so called by the Greeks, Denigrātır, öris; mi one thus makes teeih. frorr ler invention of corn; benie black. Deniącus, a, umi toothed, jagged, Deo s her daughter Proſerpine. Dentgrātura, æ; f. a making black. indented, having mini cr giel Dcobriga, a city in Portugal. + Dengreſco, ere; to begin 19 te teeth, Chaita" dentaia, raper in D:e brigula, foren in Spain. black which a futyr is written. Denigro, are ; to inoke black, ſmul or Dentarys, furnsme of M. Carius, Deoccalus, a, un ; ha:rowed. Deoccalio, onis ; f. a barrawing. who was born with teeth in hiDcocco.ire ; to barrow. here. Tifli, fin,lls. + Deodandum, i; n. 2 deodand, or Dentex, icis; m. [à dens] a kind of Donz: king of ibc Saracens, Il ne forferred so the king's almoner, halb hiving been the infrumsal of killing + Denticălătim, adv. Biks little secil, Dina, Hiin of Ethiopia. no only thing chance. šggeaily, † Dons, ac ; *3 juim with the Derilicu āius. 2, ùm ; havin? I'tike Desgrifias, a biſhop of Carthage, Dituus 'for piery, wh, in a great Archi.. teeth, ingged, or soothed like Denādo, are; to unije, unbend, or nerellity and perfasution, soid all faw unjiringi the church plate for redeaning of + Denticŭlo, arc; to thrup in his tweih. captives. Deo. 1 wuort. ried. A. D. 777 thors. days. to up. D E P D EP DEP Deonératio, onis; f. a disburdening. t. Depčculaffere for de peculaturum Deplänātor, öris; m. 4 píuindr, or Dconero, arc; to unload, diirharga, effc. explainer.. lighten, to cloor from a crime. Depeculatio, onis ; f. a robbing of the Deplan-go, xi, aum ; to lamint, or Dconuito, are ; ió disbariben. late. bewail greatly' . Deopale,' a city of Iridia within Depoculätor, öris; m. a robber; ix. Deplāno, are to make plain år Ganges. tortioner, Smooth, * Monics deplanarc, 10 Dco:cales, a kind of beaſ. Depěculor, ari; 80 rub the para or level mountains. # Deoro, are, che same as oro. conmontuwalıb. Deplanò, idi. ox plain ground. Deoriam, adv. (á de and verſum] Depellendus, a, um, part. to be Deplantātio, önis ; fi a taking up of downward, brow, Surfum deor- driven awagi plants. fum curlitare, to run uy and down. !+ Depellicior, ari ; to derive, Dep'ánicor, oris ; m. & trans- Deorum currus, a mountain of Lybia (Depelitało, are ; Là pellicula ) roflea planter. Interior, where the king of Portu- the skin ef + Deplanus, and run; the firoke of gal hab geld mines. Dep.ello, úli, ullam; to drive out or a plane, a plante Dcorum infulæ, Spaniſh iſlands in chals away, ihrup out by force. *Depl.co, cri, ctum ; fo ladi, out of. Gallicia. Depcllcre à latte, so wean. . De enply, broach or rack. # Dep!cre Deorum portus, the town Mazzagan pellere aliquem fententiâ, to make fanguinem, toilet bloed. in Barbary. ont change his opinion. Depletio, onis ; f. an emptying, Dcofcélātio, onis; f. kiſſing. Depen-ceo, di, fum ; to depend, hang Deplexus, a, um, winding of caspa Dcoſcu!or, ari ; to kiſs. downi. ing abort, Depaciſcor, -acius fam, -ſci; to make Depen-do, di, fum ; to expend, wich, Deplicatio, onis ; f. an unfolding. bargain, promiſe, agree, com- . Dependere caput, to juffer + Deplico, are ; to unfold, or make pound. # Depaciſci mortc cupio, de:utb Dependere panas, to fa plain, I deſire to die for it. the Depaciici liify for a crime by puniſhinint. Deplorabundus um; greatly bac honeftiffimo periculo, to grapple Deper.dulus, a, um ; hanging down. wuling with a bazardous but honourable + Depenneſcerc, to moult. Deplorandus, a umro de lamented. Enterpriza. + Depenno, are ; to pluck off the fia- + Deploratio, onis ;'f. a lammting Depactus, a, um ; [of depaeiſcor] Deplorator, öris; mi a lamentar, hav'rig covertunted, agrerd upen. Depenfiu, āns ; fo a weighing or Deplõrātus, a, um ; deplorable, with- Depa&us, a, um ; Fof depangor) Pying cut hope given over. fofimed down. Depalus vitæ Depčasò. adv. with ready money, Deploro, ara; to deplore, lament, bs- terminus,a lot or appointed time of Depenſus, a, um ; (of depcodor] ex- w.sil. • Deplorire de incommo- life. amined, &c. dis fuis, 10 make grievaks complaints Dēpálātio, onis ;. to the increaſing of Deperditus, a, um ; utterly.loll, un of ihoir inconveniences. done, come to nought. Deolūmātio, On's ; f. a plurking of Dēpalmo, are: (à palma] 80 cuff, or Depeido, idi, itum ; to loſe, Spend, ibe feathers. Arike with the palm. to miſur. * Deperdere de exifti: Deplūmātor, oris ; m. be that placks Dēpălo, are ; eo mode manifeß. matione, to loſe somewhat of his re the feathers off Depālo, are; to pala round ; alio ti pure. Deplumis, mc , plucked, ithoui faze unpali, diſpark. + Deperduit for deperiit. thers, unflodged. + Depampino, are ; to pluck off vine Depereo, ire ; to die, perill utterly, Deplumo, 2.2; to unfeather, Stoil. leaves. to be call away, be love fack. De-Depluo, ère ; to rain downrighi. Dop-ango, egi and 2nxi, actum ; to çerire aliquam or aliquem amore, + Depluvium, li; n. a ſpout, ara fajlen into the ground, ram in. or alicujus amore, to be deſperately fall of ram. + Depannis, ne; without cloash:. in love with, so be ready to die for Depodes, martlets or ſwifts, t Depango, are ; 10 unclotho, tear. lour of oni. Depoiio, ire; to polib, parfalt, put Deparco, cre; to foart. Deperitūrus, a, am ready to perifh. an, and to, Deparcus, a, um į very paring, ng. t Depeſco, ere; to drive from paflure. Depõlitio, önis; f. a poliſhing; ſmooth gardly. Depefius, a, um; [for depexus] ing: Depafcens, atis ; eating, con uning rent, torn, D:põlitor, oris ; m, a poliſher, Depalco, avi, ſtum, ere'; to feed as + Depeſta, orum; ... wine veſſels Depõlitus, a, umpolifoed. cattle, grazı, 10 feed cattle in a xfed in the ſacrifices of the Sabines. + Depolitom cſt, it is finibed. bas sat the graſs foab. Verbum deponens, a verb dopo clafe. "Depifcere ubertatem ora Depčeigāſus, a, um ; fcabbyleprous. Depono, oſut, itum ; to lay doroti, tionis ftylo, to prune an oration. Depexo, arc; to como often. • Depafcere poffeffionem alienam, + Depexūra, æ; fa combing. lay a wager, put away, 'diprive, to fed his cattle in another man's Depexus, a, um ; fof depector) ] depoje, give in truſ, plant, Jasis- ground. combed, srimaid, ibinod-bare, fi, quench, full down. * Depo- Depa-ſcor, ſci, Aus; par. to be fed, Adco depexum dabo, I'll jo trim ncie animum, to deſpair. * Da. caten, or grazed. Cic. de Lego Depilius, a, um ,, , (of depingor) bị. poncre aliquem vino, to drink one dorun, # Deponere memoriam Depa-lcor, fci; dep. 10 eat up, 10 painted, embroidered, lei, lo forget. *Deponere egrum, feed upon. Sylvas depafcitur + Depignoro, arc; 80 redeem from to give himn cuir. * Deponere 21 quadrupes, the horſe sats up &c. . pown. quem imperio, to twin cup of au. Febris depuſcitur arcus, the fever Depilatio, onis; f. a pulling off the fhor is', caſhier. Deponerc ali- feeds upon the joints. bar. quid in plicujus fide, in fidem, Depārtio, onis ; f. a feeding, eating Depilator, oris ; m. bi that plurks of apud fidem, 10 entruf with, puf up. the hair. into one's culody, to commit to one's. Depāſtus, a, um ; (of depaſcor} catmn + Depilatorius, a, um ; caufing th: ſafegua: d. up, or having saten, • Florema de hair to fall. Depontani, ibofe Romans that wird pasta faliati, having browzed upon Depilatrix, icis; f. Nie that plu:ks above fixty yeurs old, and were not the willows the hair. admitted to give their votes, * Ho- Depāvio, dre; to ra down. . Depilatus, a, um; made bald or thin. mo dcpontanus cft, his cindle Depaupero, arc z 10 imoover . Depils, le; buld, without hair burni within :he focke:. Dcpěciſco;, ici'; [of paciſcor) 10 Dcpilo, aie ; make bald or Depovălātio, õnis; f. á rööbing, frike a bargain, ugree. mooth. flundering Depo-lo, xui, xum ; to.comb.or trim Dep!n-8.7, xi, &tum ; to paint, draw, Dcpopuiäior, oris į m, a robber, diafir106. * Depingere, verb:s, to jpoiler, wafler, deliriyer. # De- Depe&or, it; to be scraped or combed cxpref: lively. Depingere cogi populator fori, é pluncster, pil- of · tatione, to conreive, to have an ix luger: Depe&tor, Oris ; m, a ſolicitcr., El idea of thing. Depópůlor, art ; la depopulaiá, dis- Depectus, a, um ; [of depeciſcor] + Deplamentum, i, n. 1 diminiſbing, liroy, spuil, hurraſs. having 29:10a bargain. Deplānātio, onis ; f. A making Dcpcriatio, onis; f. & tranſporto bbbb 2 signal + I. 21. to 3 bair. 1 drives away. . 1 a; , 2:; Nighi, . , ; à DEP DEP Ꭰ E R . tien, carrying, conveying away as a Deprčcator, oris ; mi an intercalfor, Depolsātio, Ôns ; f. a repelling er priſoner. * Doportacio in loculam one thas pleads for another. De thrußing away. or inſula, a corifinement in an precator fortunarum alicujus, the Depulsatcr, oris ; m. be that puts or iſland. preferuer of a mun's glore. Deportator, oris ; m. tbe aficar bak + Deprecatus, 2. om; vile, (on- Depulfio, onis ; f. a driving aw..), away baniſhid men. banimed. Deprécor, ári ; to deprecate, or pray or thruji away Deporto, are ; to carry away, tranf. againj?. * Deprecari invidiam, to Depollor, oris ; m. be that repels or part, bring. • Deportare in inſu importune that one be not expoſed to puts away. lam, 10 Jand one prifonit into an envy. * Deprecari periculam, 60 Depulsdrius, a, um, driving away. iſand. -Dcportare triumphum, hope no danger may happen. Depulloria facra, facrifices To to have leave to triumph, os entor Deprehendo, di, lum; to furpriſ , or enter avert cuil. Deprendo, } .sake unawares or in Depulſus, a, um; (of dcpellor) dri- Deportor, arl'; to be banijbed. the very fact, to overtake, Occi um or brufi away. • Depulſus De-peſco, popofci, ere; to defire ſum dcpicndit, he found that be lacte, weaned. Jam periculum much or carnefily. In pænam):2015 juin. eft depolſum, the danger is suer. or ſuppliciam aliquem depofcerc, Deprehenfio, onis ; f. a taking in- + Depulvéro, are ; to beat or reduce to demand jujice on one. * Æqua-rusards, difrovery. to duſ or powder. lem ætatis fuæ memoriam depor + Deprchcnſor, ör!s ; m, a diſcover. Depunútor, 'oris; . he thit difpof- cere, to write ibu ihronicles of his er, apprehendør. jefes or difinbarits. own time. Deprchenſus and deprenſus, a, um ; + Depuratio, onis; f. a cleanſing of Deposītārius, ii; m. he that is me filthy mnster from I wound. truped, that herps Bakes, or a napping, or in the very aa. *Tel. Depūrātus, a, um, dlarned from pledge. tis deprehenfus, a wienes fauller pilih, Depositio, onis ; F, a depeflion, com ing in his evidence, catched erip. Depurgo, are ; la purge out or away, mitting to truji Cr do pledge ; alſo a ping. * Depurgare ab herbâ, to weed. deposing, pulling down. # DiesDepreffio, onis ; f. á finking doron. * Depargare crimen, to clear one's depostionis, ibe day of one's | † Depreſsītas, āt.s; f. a lowneſs, self. '* Depurgare piſces, to ſcals death Shallozonefs, or gal filhos. Depositor, oris ; m. be that puts 10. Depreffor, oris ; m. be that keeps or + Dapuro, are ; to cle:nſe or prerify. trul or to pledge. preſes down Deparātus, i; m, a depury or under- Depositum, i; a. a gage, pledęs, or Deprcflus, a, um; (of deprimor] officer, Jaki ; any thing intrufied 10 an preljed, weigbed, or Surik down ; Depiitātus, a, um ; part, deputed, other. lolo, hallow, flat. offigned. Depositus, a, um , [of deponor) laid Deprētiator, oris; m. he that beats Deputo, are; to judge, eitung depute; doson or afide ; alfo deſperate, or down the price. prune or cut off.. Deputare recuni given over, Deprènātus, a, um,; made cheaper. rationes, to call up his accounts. + Dep: fivl end -iffe, for depoſuiſſe Deprēlio, are ; [à prelium) to leffon Dcpůvio, ire; [of de and payid) to and depoſui. the price. firike or beat. Depoſtúlāto, õnis ; f. a domanding Depiecior, arii; to be cheaper. Depygis, ge; having little buttocks. ons due Depr-imo, efi, cffum ; [of premo} Dcquc, (adv. for dcorſum) down- Depoftūlātor, oris; mi be that re io keep down or under, to weigh or ward. * Sufque deque, up and guires his dus, prals deron, depreſi, plant or fel. down Sufque deque fcrre, or Depoſtúlo, arc ; to require or dimand * Deprimere vites in terram, 10 habere, 10 Night. cal': dur. laj or propagare vines. * Depri- Dequěror, queſtus fum ri; to la. + Depotior, ius; more drunkm. mere navem,' to find a hip. mont, bowail, complain greatly of. + Depotior, Iri; to mjoy. Dēprocul, adv. from afar, Dequeſtus, a, um ; complained, or + Depræcipio, ère ; io command. Deprõm-o, pfi, plum; 10 draw, or complaining Depædatió, önis; f. .• robbing, bring eui, daclare, Dera, a city or country of Iberla. plundering. Depromptio, onis; f. A bringing Deradio.es, a name of Arollo. Depiadātor, oris ; m. a*plunderer. forib, or furniſhing. Derādo, āfi, fum ; to have or ſcrape + Deprædatrix, icis ; f. fe thar Deproraptor, õris; n, a bringer- of or away. Deraderc ex mc. plandais. forth, dilcorersr. moriâ, 16 blok or put of mimo- Dcprædico, are; Eraſm. to relate. Depromptus, a, um ; (of depromor] Deprador ari; to prej, rob, plunder, draun, taken, or brought out. Deradrz, a people of India, within take bootier, Deptoperandus, a, um ; to be ba. Ganges. Deprzliätio, õnis; f. a battle, bigbe- Bened. Derangæ, a prople dwilling by the ri. ing. Deprõpērātio, õnis ; f. on hallen. var Ladus. Depræliãtor, oris ; m, a fighter, con- Deranobila, a town of Carman!a. tendur. Depröpěro, are; to hallon, or muke Derafidæ, inands by Magnefia. Deprælior, āri; to fighs, combat, in halle. * Deproperard aliquid, to Derbe, the city of Dervale in Lycao . Courier . nia: Doprávātè, adv. depravidly, corrups: + Depfiticus or depfititius, a, um ; Derbia, the town Derby. odly, stockedly, again; right and knsaged, 1911ded. Derbiccs, a prodlo by Caucaſus, more reulon. DEPSO, ere ,'86] 10 mckld, rigid than the ſoicks; they puniſ Deprāvatio, onis; f. a depravation, knerd, or make Jofr. the smalleſt fault with death; thay 67. corrupring, writing. Depra- Decābis, be ; ratio verbi, a miſconlruction of a Depuber, čris ; } worſhip she earth; neither cas. mor age, Sacrifice any japale creatura, cat word. + Depublico, arc; to lay open unso the fesh of their kinsfolk, anid Hill Deo ärātor, oris ; n. a corrupter Spoil. all above ſeventy years old. mifirii preter. Depudco, cre; to be braxen-facod 07. Dercei, a people of G:ecce, on the Deprávālus, a, um, dopraved, cor poft home. borders of Thrace. Tupied. Depudico, are ; 10 deflower, Derce, fountain batzoeon Bibilis Deprāvo, are; (à pravus] 19 de Depegua:10, õnis; f. is fighting fout and Serobriga, viry cold in fuman P.V. corrupt, wieſ, engke ill ly. crooked, Depugnālor, oris ; ma champion. Dercčto and -tis; a goddeſs called by Deprecabilis, le; adj. eaſily eno) Depugnātur (ab illis) shey fighs. sho Afryrians, Attrcbatis, worship Depugnatus, a, um , flourly fought. ; Shipped at Joppa, having the face of Deprecābandos, 2; 0m ; praying, or Depugno, arc; to fight, Drive, or a woman, and body of a fim, is be prijed for diſagree. * Nc depones in alicno Descillius, the 0718-and-thirtieth king Deprčcilio: õnis ;. f. a doprecatingi negotio, fight dog, fight tear, of the Asyrians, praying for pardon, pusting away by Depulfatus, a, um ; having left of Dercylius, one oy: Pyrrhus's oficors. prajer, mourning Dercyl. poung, under 1067 a ITP.11. DER DES DES } ca. } , Derciliidas, a king of Laccdemona, Dcrógã ürlus, a, uni ; derog 100 - Defcenfio, onko; f. la deſcending or who. fumedad Thimbron, Derogativus, ry, taking a way Detrc:ſu3, ûs going down, Derciſlus, the name of an biforion. frog. + D:fcio, re, not know. Derk or Dire, a nars town of Ethio- Detögito, ere; to pray or deſire ear. Defciſco, ivi, cre; to Terike, pia, by the gulf of Arabia. nelly. sovii, rebell. Delclfcere à vitâ, Dorca, a city of Arabia. Derogo, are's to derogaik, take away to din. * Huovdum folum deſcil † Derebitor for diribitor. from, aboliſh, undi, abridge. * Dc. cit in pracum, wursery land lcromes + Desectaril, such as enter hoteles with Togare fidem alicui, or de fide a incadow, * Deſcicu'n cft (ab un intent to Beal. aħcujus, 7208 !! fruft him. • Şibi illis) they revolled. + Derectum for directum. derogare, so dijable or make himals Diſcõbinātas, A, um ; havidoff Derčljetio, önis ; f. A leaving, an wanker than he is. parcd, Scraped, filed ; also maiin. utter forſaking. Derofırs, a, um ; part. of derodor ; Derčictor, oris ; m, he that forlakes. niboled, gn107. + 'Defcobino, are ;' 10 Scraps, fcratch a, uin; part. of derclin Derra, a ciry of Macedonia, and or 16 AT. quor ; uiterly forsakm, Jolitary. * osher places Defcri-bo, pfi, ptum ; to deſcribe, Pro derelicto habere, to give over Des: ha, a pe:ple of Thrace and Ara write down, copy owl, difpofi, de- for loj. bia Fclx. figni, limn or draw.' Solarlum Derčliétus, is ; mi a1 ulter leaving Derrhima, a city in Syria. dcfcribere, to make a fun dial. or forfaking. Daroliauí habore, Derchis, a promontory of Marmari In deos deſcribete, is canonize. to abandon, make no account of. Milites deſcribere, to levy fala De: čl-inquo, iqui, i&um ; to leave Derſæi or Dof:8; thue jame. Der- diers. Tribatum dcfcribere, co quitt, forſake utterly. rhæ. impoſe a las. • Duodena deſcri- Deremiſtæ, a prople of Hlyrlum. Derton or Dertona, e city of Ligu ut in fingulos homines jugera, Deremma, a covn of Melopotamia ria, hi allosed 10 suery mun twelve Dereotivadum, Dertford in Kent Dertoſa, the cown Tortoſa in Spain. acres. Derentus, the river Darent . Derts. Derventio,the river Derwent in Der- Deſcriptio, onis ; f. copying out, in Kent. byſhire. Yorkſhire, and Cumber a difeription, writing down, fete Derepente, ady. very sudden. land ; ollo thi torun Holdby upon ting in order, an explaining * Derepentino, ly, all on a fud. Derwent in Yorckſhire. Equitum defcripto, the marhal- den. Derumpo, ūps, uptum ; 80 break off. ling af the horje. Populi de- Derepo, pli, čre ; to creap.down or Deruncināt:o, õnis; f. & curling of: fcriptio, the numbering the Roman away. pruning. people, dividing them into compa- Deretini, a people of Dalmatia. Deruncinātor, öris ; m, be that cuts Der-idea, il, ilum ; 10 deride, Scorpio Deruncino, are, to cut off or in Deſcriptiuncŭla, 23 ; f, a foort doo mock, taunt. fiipsion. Deridīšúlum,li; n. derifon, a mocking, piaces, Deſcriptor, örls ; m, a defcriber, en- frorn, og laughing at. * Deridicu. Deruo, ui, útum; to fall down, rollar, regifter. lum corporis, tbe difformity of sbr pull away, or take from. Deru Deſcriptus, a, um ; part. of defcri- body caufing. laughter. ere de laudibus Dolabellæ,00 Sprei bor, deſcribed, writtex out, apo Deridicălus, a, um ; ridiculous, to be ill of Dolabella, diſpra.ſe one ** pointed, dividid. laugbed as. treamly. Desoco, ui, Atum ; to cut off or a fun- + Derigco, cre; to be dif with Deruptum, i; n, a fleep broken place dor, rrap og mow down. sold. a precipice. Desecratus, a, um, degraded, we Deripio, ui, eptum [of de and, Deruptus, a, um, part. of derum hallowed. rapio] to take or Snatch away por, br.gken; allo ßrep down. Deſecro, are ; [of facro] lo unballaw, from. Derulici, a prople of Perfia. prophane, degrade. + Deris, is f. a hide or skin,,a mat- Derwatha, Derwa:h-caitle in Ire-Defcatio, onis ; fi a cutting off, or trofs or hammock. land afunder, mowing down. Derilio, onis ; f. e deriding, laugh- + Des ! for bes) cighe onces. Deiecior, oris ; m. a culter down or ing, mocking. + Desăbŭlo, āre ; to jrow with gra open. Deriſor, āris ; m. a fcorner, mockar, vel, le rzake a causes, or lo take gra-Delc&us, a, um, part. of dcfccer flatterer, buffoon, vel from. cult, down or open. Derisörlus, a, um ; ridiculous. Defacro, are ; to hallow, conſecrate, t Deedeo, ēdi, ērc; to fil down. Deriſus, ùs ; m. derifion, mockery. # dedicate; alſo to prophane. Desencfio, ui, eſcere; to grow oldin Eft omnibus deriſus, he is every Deſævio, irc ; to rage, or rave again, deuy, be abuted. body's laughing-flock. alſo to ceaſe to be angry. In on- + Deſc-pio, pfi, ptum ; to bedge er Deriſus, a, um ; f. part. of derideor; nes 'defavirc, to pow extream cru- compaſs about. dirided. elty towards them all. # Deſcptus, a, um ; environed. Dcrivātio, önis ; f. a derivation, a Defáltātio, õnis ; f. a leading or end- + Desčrātus, a, um ; unlocked. turning water another way. ing a dance, + Desčro, are ; to unlock, or lack Derivativus, a, um ; derived of ano. Deſalto, arc ; act. 1o danice, or mid fat. a dance. Desčro, ēvi, defitum ; 80 klant or Derivātor, oris; m. he that derives Dcfarcino, are ; to unload or unbur row ar turns away. khen. Desero, ui, fertum ; to leave or fara Derivo, are ; fos de and rivus) to Defarena, a counity of India within fake. # Caufam deſererc, 10 km derive, drain water by another way. Ganges. fall a ſuit. Illum vita deleruit Culpam in aliquem derivare, + Delcapů:ātus,a,um ; that wears bis in mcdio curlu, he died in the 80 day the fault upon any ons, Ploth: joojely or povrniy about bins. middle of his age, + Eum fides Partem curæ & cogitationis in Deſcendo, di, fum (of de and ſcan & fama deſerunt, he is quite out of rem aliquam derivarc, so below do) 10 defiend or go down, ulighe credit. Eum.genua delesunt, his part of his care and meditation in yield, fink. * Deſcendere in fele, knuas fail bim. Signa dcferre, Yome buſiness. Crimen de 3 Li to. confidey oric's ſelf. Deicedit to run from one's .colours. * Scío quo derivare, & acquit one of a ad byacinthum, to reſemble the ja. deferere, not to put one's fulf forth. crime. cinib: # At arma deſcendere, 10 * Vadimonium defererc, not to Derma, ätis ; n. a skin or hide. sake up arms. In partes defcen. appear of the day appointed, Vi. + Dermio for doraslo. dere, to come over to one's ſide. tam ſuam deferere to kill himſelf. Dermoncs, a people of Libya inte In jugulun enfcm eſcendere, 10 * Selc non dcferit, he funds to his rior. tbruf a ſword into one's throat. 126&ling Derõdo õli, ofum, to gnaw off or a Vulnus defcendit magno hiatu; Delērpo, pli, ptum ;.10 crop down て ​the wound wis large and deep. * or along. Dérogātio, õnis f. a derogating, a Deſcendere in amicitiam, 10 ante Defertio, anis ; f. e forfaking or Gridgment, taking away from.. into friendſhip: * Defcendere ad legving. Derogator, õris ; m. he ibat duo. exircma, to be put to one's hifts, Celertiffimus, a, um, very folitary gaiss. make use of the left comedy, and wafe. + Delerio, tber. ܪ܂ 1 1 , DES DES D E S # Deſerto, arc; to leave onu after marked out, preord sined. Deloëror, ari; !o be despuired of. anosbar, io forfake wholly. Designo, are; 10 defign, fignify, at Delperſim, adv. diſpersedig, Deſertor, oris ; m. a diferier, ark led, mark, chufe, exause a defign. Deſpicabilis, le ; adj. deſpicable. wolter, traitor, fugitivi, Ami Notâ ignominiæ delgaart, toj Deſpicātio, õnis ; I. a contemning's corum deſertor, a betrayer of his brand. dulpifing. Delili, a puple of Thrace. Defpicâtiſfimus, a, um , viry deſpije: Deſertum, i, n. a 'dofart, wilder. Defilio,ui, ivi and il, ultum (of aola. de and folio) 30 leap down. Ab Deſpicātor, õris jm. a deſpido Deſertus, a, um ; part. of deſero, equo delillrs, to alight. Deſpicātus. Us; m. de pighi, con- ul, deferted, forſaken not. keps of t.Definarc, for definere. fempr .. Deſpicatul duci, to be performed; d'art, folisary, lone- + Desīnātor, oris ; m. he sbat leaves bad in contemps. fome. .off for want of help. Deſpicātus, a, tum ; deſpiſed, Déſertus, a, um, part. of deſero, Desinitur, imperf. an end is made, Deſpiciens, ntis ; looking down, conta evi ; fuck or for fall, all is dors temning De:ervio, ire; ro farve humbly, to be Desino, ivi, itum ; to wale, leave Deſpicientia, 2; a deſpiſing, Al orie's teck, provide for, cberiſh. loitor, ind, hold one's peace. In Delp-iclo, xi, ectum" ( of de and Stadlis defervire, to apply bim cacuminis finem deünit, is has, a fpccio) to defpile, look down, look self to judy. lborp sop Artem delinere, 20 away from, perceive., Deſérvitor, oris ; m. bs that forves leave of one's trade. In volant Delpico, are ; to pull in pieces with or waits upon. definit, it comes ne sy a violat-colour. borlis. Deſcs, idis [à defideo) laxy, idle, Dēsīpiene, otis ; fooliſh, dosing, filly. Deſpicor, arl' ; to defpiſe, contemn, unemployed. Dēsipienter ; ady. fooliſhly. # Deſpicus, ci ; m. a watchmin. Deficcátio, 8nis ; f. a drying up Dēsīpientia, jf.a doring, salking + Deſpino, are ; to pick out thorns. Deliccatus, a, um ; dried up. * Ha idly Delpõllābülum, li; n. . plase all lec deficcata, a fhotten herring, Desīpo, ui, and ivi, čre ; (of de revelling or riot. Deficco, are; to dry up. And lapio) so dose, grow folith, Defpõllätus, a, um ; part. ſpoiled, Delidens, ntis ; (à degdeo] idle. play the fool. - Mentis defipicbam, robbed. Deſidens, ntis (à dcfido) draying, . I was not well in my tuits. Deſpolio, are ; to ſpoil or reb. finking, dying, corrupted every day 1 Desīpiſco, ērc; to begin to dote. Delpõlior, ari ; to be ſpoiled, robbed, more than other. Deiſtens, ntis ; ceping, ending tripped, Desīdeo, ēdi, ēre ; [of de and fedeo) Autumno delftente, toward the Delpon.deo, di, fum ; to promiſe om 10 bu idle. fit fill. latter ind of autumn. betroh, to defpond. • Animum de- Desidčrābills, le ; defreable, to be Dcfitto, titi, itum, ts defif, leave 1ponderc, to deſpair, defired. off, pay, rijl, depári. . * Oppugna. Deſponſauio, onis ; fo an affiancing Desiderātio, onis; fi a defire, will tione deaftere, : to raiſe ibe foga. and betrothing. ing, lark, mifing. * Pucllam defifte, for her down Deſponſátor, oris ; m. A betrother. Desiderātious, a, om; of defiring, Dicere dcfiftatous, let's ſpeak no Deſporfatus, a, um ; belrosbed, pro- defiderative. more of. miſed, made ſure. Delidčrātor, oris ; m. he that defires, Desitum eít, imperf. it is ended. Delponío, are ; à defpondeo] to be. Desitus, a, un ; part. of deteror, trosh, promiſe, efpoufe, Desidčrātus, a, um ; defired, wiſted plantıd, foron. Deſponſus, a, um ; part. of defpon. for. Desitus, a, um, part. of definor, deor, promiſed, butrosbed. * Prow + Desiderlöſus, a, um ; very plea forlakon, left, diſuſed. vincia defponfata, e government pro- fant, delightful. Deſmonja, Delmond in Ireland. miled. Desiderium, ii ; n. defire love, want, Dermophylax, acis ; m. jaylor or Deſpota, eim. a lord. miſling, abſence, dearb. Poculum keeper. Deſpiētus, a, um ; part. of deſper- defiderii, a love porion, filira. * Delinoterioa, li ini a priſon. nor, greatly defpipd. Meum dcfiderium, my ſweet one, j + D::āciare, 10 Separate from com Delpāmātio, onis ; fi a foaming. my honey; Dcipümātus, a, um ; clar fed. Defiderius, the laf king of the Lon. Desolatio, önis ; f. defolation, confu. Defpūmo, are'; to fuum, or take off gobarbi. son. the frum, vint, ond diget. Desidero: are ; [à deſidero] to defire Desõlātor, oris ; m. be that makes Deſpuo, ui, utom ;. 80 fpit down, do- or wiſh for, want or miſs, require defolata, 101, abhor, shed or pour out. • Tuum amorem defidero, I Dcſolatörlus, a, um ; making defo. Deſpuor, ui ; to be doned, spis one porerive you don't love me. late, comfortleſs. &c. Matrem defiderare, to cry: after ib. Deso!ātus, a, um ; defolalt, solitary, Deſquamātio, önis ; f. avfealing of dag. alone, only. fillo. Deaděror, ari ; to be wanting, ab- Desolo, aré ; [a ſolus] 10 maks dajo- Delquamātus, a, um ; parto ſcaled, fent, lain. late or wille, barraſs. barked. Desidia, æ; (à defes] Noth, idleness. + Delopio, ire ; to riſe from ſleep. Defquamo, are ; (à ſquama.] to fali Delidiabulum, i ;0. e penniless Delpeclio, onis ; f. e looking down, fiſh, take off knobs or knofs, laka spots bench, idle corner defpifing, contempt. out of cloashs. Dcfidiatus, a prople of Liburnia. Deipcéto, are ; [å de{picio) to leak Deſquấmor, ari, 10.be scaled, or 10 + Deſidies, el ; f. Noth. down, oflen or long. have the ſcales saken off. Desidiosè, ady. Nothfully, lexily. Deſpcctor, oris ; m. a defpiſor. Defrobrica, a city between Aſturla Desidioſus, a, am ; idlá, lazy, noth- Deſpectus, as m. a looking down or and Tarracon. ful, Juggiſh. away, a dopiſing. Defterno,ravi,ratum ; to beat down, Delido, ēdi, čre ; 10 file down, go to Deſpe&us, 3, um ; part. of deſpi. #'Equum defternere, to unfaddle- fool, Ank down, fetila, cior, defpifad. a horſe. + Delidaus, a, un fathful. + Defpenfatus, a, um ; difpenfed. Defterto, čre; to leave of Snoring, Deſignātè, adv. deſignedlý, pointing Deſpērans, ntis; depairing, awake froin dreaming. Difpcranter, adv. defpeiringly. + Deſtico, are ; to make a noise like Defignatio, õnis ; f. a defigning, de Deſperatè, adv. deperately, claring, marking, determination, ap- Delpērātio, onis ; 1.a despairing. Deſticos, a small iſland by Thrace, pornstemont. * Operis deſignatio, Dcípērātur, imperf. it is po hopo. not far from Cherſoneſus. the contrivance of a buſineſs on Deſpērātus, a, um ; dajperate, do + Deſtillāt io, onis ; f. a falling of foot. Spairing of. rheum. Defignator, Oris; m. a marpal ort Deſpērire for difpcrira. Deftillo, are ; act. to dißill or drop virger, he shal appoinis and orders Deſp-erno, revi, rétum ; 10 dilpiſe down, funeral ponps, a misler of the cere much. + Deſtina, æ;m. an upholder,under. moniei . *Diverſorioram deágnator, Delpero, are ; to defpair, and deſpoir Looper. the quarters maffer of be out of hipe. Deſpcrarc Dcitinātè, -tò; adv.on purpoſe, with Deſignālus, a, um ; defigned, ligned, faluti, falutém, de ſalute; to give e full intent, at a price. ordained, cleared of choſen, named, omg over. Deſtinātio, õnis ; f. a defination appoint- or lack. * drar. ܪ ! 31 f • DES DE T D E T. appointement, purpoſe, aiming af. ingenium, a giddy crown. ur, finiſh. Detexere aliquid ab Deſtinatius, adv. wiib better aim, Deſultūra, æ ; f. a leaping down, cxordio to mal bis entrance at Deſtinatus, a, um ; appointed, deler. an alighting ; alfo e vauliing from the first parti mined, aimed at,* Deſtinato iau borſe to horje. Dete&tus, a, um ; wound up, wriatb- jacere, so Shoot point blank. De-lum, fui, effe; to be wanting, ab ed Dettino, are ; (ab antiq. ftano vel fent. Deeffe alicui operinot Detineo, ui, entum ; (of de and te- fino ) 10 deflinare, appoint, deſign, 10. help ont. * Mihi vorba deſunt, nco) 10 detain, with-hold, reftrain, ordain, pitch upon, mark out, pro. I wint words. * Decfle occaſio mtertain. Detinere ſuſpenſum, miſs, lei a price upon. * Deſtinare ni, to let an opportunity Nip. De to hold one in ſuspenſo .. Detineri ſcopum, to fit up a mark, # Quan fit mihi fides, let me not be believed. ventis, to be wind bound: i deſtinat ædes; what dors ha * Non defuni qui, there are some Deton-deo, di, ſum ; act. to have a bold his houſe ar? # Deſtinare who. Jhave off. puellam, to batroth. * Spe defti- Desūa-o, pſi, ptum ; to take out, roDcfpondcor, čri ; paff. to be clips, narc, to have one's eje upon. shule. Deſumere abi hoftem, to morn or cut. + Deſtinor, ari; ta de apointed. fingla out an enemy. Dětòno, pi, arę ; to thunder, make a + Deſtipúlor, ari; dep, so deny one's Deſumptio, ūnis; f. a choice or taking groot noiſe, give a crack, to give over promiſe, out. thundering, Detonare irâ, ro- Deſtisuoj ui, utum ; (of de and fta- Defuo, ui, ērc ; to low behind. tume and chafe. tuo) to diſapoint, itavi or forſake, Desúper, adv. from above. + Detopfo, are ; to cut much or of- fail, defraud, unſettle. • Deſtitu-{ Deſurlarii, a paoplo of Gallia Narbo ten ere navem anchoris, to weigh an. nenfis. Detonſus, a, um ; [of dotoodcor]cut chor. • Obtutum in mc deftituit, + Defydero, as defidero. off, Jaum. be fixed his eyes on me. Detecilo, onis ; t. an opening , difco- Detonātus, a, um; furned with a Dcítitütio, õnis ; f. a forfaling, fail turing lathe. ing Detector, oris ; m. o discoverer, Detorno, are ; to turn all turners, Duiti atos, a, um ; Cor deít tuor Delectus,a,ain , (of detegor) diſco- wind about. deliute, forfaken, decayed. # De ured, nokia. Detor-quco, fi,tum and ſum; 10 wroff, ftitucus bonis, baraft of bio goods. Detë-go, xi, ctum; to diſcovir, dif far away, miſinterpret; turn afida, + Deito, are ; to land behind, c!ole, manifeft. * Enſem detegere doprave. Deftrālus, a, um (of defternor]un vagina, 15 unbrab a word, Detoclio, onis ; f. a turning or bmd: fadd ad, unfurniſed, Daten-dogli,fum ; to unbend, Id take ing afide, † Deitricare, to conſume or finib. down a tant, Aretch oui. Deloríus, and -tus, a, tum ; of de- + Deitrice, for diſtricte. + Detentācor, oris ; m. be that keeps torqueor) wreathid, turned Deftriatio, onis ; f. , binding hard. back anobur, dur. way or afide, milakın. Prave Deftrictus, a, um; (of deftringo) Detentio, önis ; f. a retraining, with. Detoita opinio, un odd parvarſe bound bard, curried. holding. opinion. Deftrigincntum, i ; n. that wich is † Dccntor, õrls ; m. with-bolder. Detortor, oris ; m. be that wrraibs, scraped or pulled off any thing. Detentus, a, um i Lof detincor]with or turns aſide. Dcftringo, xi, i&tum ; to bind hard. hold, kept back. + Detractatus, ùs ; m. i ni. a plucking rub ſcrape or pull off, Arip. • De- t Deter, a, um ; ill, naught. away. ftringere acicm oculorum, to dux- + Deter-geo, , fumand detergo, Detractio, onis ; a draining or 18+ ze the aus. 10 wipe of make clean, cui off* king away ; [met.) detraction, fan- Deltructilis, ic; corruptible, which Detergere faſtidia, to procure an dering, backtising. * Detractio fan- may be defroyed. otpetite. guinis, blood Inring ; Plin. * De- Deitru&t:o, onis, f. defiruan. Deterior, ius,gen.Gris ; worje. De tractio confe&ti or conſumpti cibi, Deſtructor, oris; m. a derroger. teriorcs cffc jure, to be in a condition the going to pool; Cic. Deſtructus, a, uin ; (of deftruor) de of getting leſs advantage by the law + Detracto, arc ; to handle ill. Prayed. than osher's Detractor, bris ; m. e dotrader, back- Deftru-o, xi, ctum ; to delroy, throw + Deteriorātus, a, um ; made vorle. bilar, ſandarer. down, ſpoil, abate, diſgrace, bafle. Determinatio,, ons ; f. a determi-Detractus, a, um ; [ of detrahor] * Deftrucre navem, to pull a bip nation, conclufion, limit, border, withdrawn, pulled away. in pieces. • Diftruere teftcm, 10 * Determinatio mundi, 'the bori- Detractus, Üs; m. u drawing away, make the evidence of a witneſs void. Nanderig. Deruafor, oris ; n. a diſuader. Determinātus, a, um ; determined, Detra-bo, xi, ctum ; to detra&, drazo Defubitò, adv. on a ſudden. limited. st, from or away, 10 diſgrace. Desībúlo, arc ; to pierce thorough. Dctcrmino, are ; 10 delarmino, ſer Sangainem detrabere, to los blood. Di ludaba, a city of Media. bounds or limits, diſcuſs, define, con- * Plurimum detrahitur pretio, the Dēsīdāſco, čre'; íe ſweat muih. clude. prire is very much abatid. Do- Desūdātio, ön's ; i. a ſweating. Det ero, rivi, rilum; to tipar out, di. trahere fidem verbis alicujus, to Desudātorium. ii, n. a hat-ho: fo. minilb, confume, life, spoil. * De muke one be disbeliku'd. Destido, arc ; to ſweat, labour car. tercre famæ alicujus to speak. a. Detrectatio, õnis ; f.s refuſing, Shift- nefly. grinſ, difpraiſe. ing off Deluefacio, eci, acom; to bring our Deterreo, ui, iium ; to dator, diſcou- Detrectator, oris ; m, a reſufer, back- of uſe or fashion rage, offrighi, foart from. birer, + Deluefactus, a, um ; brought out Deterrimus, a, um ; worfi, . Detrecto, are ; (of tracto] to refuſe, of uſe. Deterritus, a, um ; [ of dercrrcor] fbijt off, soun; alſo to diſparage, des Dcluefio, -ěrl ; to become out of ufo, affrighted, diſcouraged. srher from, kclipſe. Detractare so be broken of an uſe or fashion. Deterfus, a, um ; (of detergor ]wiped principem, not to own as a prince, Deſuco, ēvi, ērum ; to bring out of off, ſcoured. + Detrimentābilis, le ; burtful. Hle, 10 difuſe. Deicftabilis, ic ; deteflable, abomi. Detrimentoſus, a, um , harmful. Deſueſcendus, a, um ; to to difuſod nadie, Detrimentum, 1 ; n. [à detero) de- or forgotten. Deteftandus, a, um ; to be abborred. triment, domage, loss. Defuerco, ēvi, ētum; to leave a cus- Deteltātio, onis ; f. a deteling; ab. Detritus, a, um ; [of deteror] warns tom or faſhion, so difuſo. borring, curfing, fumraoning i alf. cul, bruiſed, Deluctudo, inis ; f. difuſe. gelding # Detriumpho, arc; so triump over, Deluctus, a, um ; one of uſe. Detestator, oris ; m. he thus adbors. Detrūdo, ūg, ſum ; 80 sbruff down, Defulto, aré ; là dedillo). 10 end the Deteitātus, a, um ; detefied. of or iui, drive of, drive to extre dance, Detcſtor, ari's to detel, abbor, call mities. Detruderc comitia, to Dcfultor, oris ; m. e vaulter from to witneſs, curſe ; aiſi to god. *De put off the afombly, Detrudere one horſe to another, a light-borſe- teftari irama Dei in caput alicujus, in pænum, to cauſe one to be pu- man * Deſultor equus, a light to pray that God would be pleajed niſhed. horſe. the new his judgments upon jurban Detrūdor, di į to be thruf off, &c. Deſultorius, a, um ; eaſy to bo lapid * Ad mendicitatem detrudor, upon, unconftant.' Delultor ua Decx.o, ui, tum ; to weave or wind am brought to beggary, Dêtrullo, . one. DEV DE V DE V oril. . Detrallo, are; (à tralla) to pus out Develo, are"; to diſcoveryuncowryun. • Tibi non erit devium, quons be our of thr way, # Via devia; Detruncado, onis ; f. e shopping of Develion, a town of Thrace, with a or unpaſsble way. cutting morti luke of the fame name. Dennana, Duncaftor in Cornwal. Detruncatus, a, um ; sus fbort, be- Divčněror, ari; to worhip or reue: + Deuacius, a, um , adj. of loven biaded. rence greatly, Unus, Detronco, are ; to Lope of cut of.D:včnio, vēni, ntum i to come down Deunx, cis; m..(ab uncia) a pound Caput detruncarc, to babesd. from high to low, chaneo, huppen. * lucking an ounce, or elever sinces. Detranco:, ari ; to be trained or be Devenire in maturitatem, ta ripen . Ex deunce hæredem facere, 19 beaded, * D:venire ad juris ftudian, da maks one heir of druen purts in Detrüfio, onis ; f. a ibruling down Judy the law. In cxtremaa vi. twalue. Detrūtor, Oris ; m. thraffer s:n. litatem devenit, it is grown a Devoca io, onis ; f. Cic. & calling Detruſùs, a, um ; [ordeirutior]] mer diu?. down. thruft out or down. Davčnufto. are ; to foul, defrica. Devoco, are ; to coll down or away, + Détrux, licis , down.. * Ad Devesběrā.o, onis; f. á bessing, tor bring down. # Devocare in du- u!tima falutis jam detrux, driven 721 ? bium fortuoas 1u.s, 10 buzard to extremities, Deverüero, are ; to beat fore. their fatis. Detuběro, are ; to level billocks or + Deverbiuni as diverbium. Devocor, ari; to be called or fetchid fewllings, Deverge tia,a ; f. a bending down, dowr. Detuli Su Defcro. decliving Dēvõlātūrus, a, um; ready to fly Detúnco, etc, so affwipe or grow Devergo, ère ; to de:lins, or bond down. lofs after {willing. Mae dc!ul- เ loun. Derālo, are ; to fx down or away, met, the far 85 or is cilin. Drverra, a goddeſs whipped by le sp down. • Devolant omnes, Dctunda, a town of sbe Turčull' in the ancients for encouraging boufo. tba; all varijs, quit the plara. Spain : oifing Devol-vo, vi, i tu:11 ;' to tumble or # Derunſus, a, um; baaim, Arick Dever-10, rl, fum ; 10 Suvep away ro!l down, * Devolyi ad otium, 10 cie:in or off. grow loxy, turn idle pak. De- + Dctu:bāto, onis ; f. throwing Deverfatus, a, ann ; turned. volvcre verba, to turrible out bis down,'troubling. + Dererfiro, are ; to turn offen. words. # Deturbátor, oris ; m. a tumblert Deverfiis, a, um , turned down, Devol-vor, vi ; to be rolled, turned, down, troubler. # Deverti: ulam for diverticuluin. Devolfilio, On's; f. a rolling. Deiurbātus; a um dilurbed, of Dever-to ti, fum ; to turn afice or Devolū!us, a: uini [ of devolvor ) down. Iraublad, away. tudi sled or rolled down. #Devo- Detuito, ave; 10 saj dotem violent!, Deveſto, ire; to dives, uncloutb,dis luta hereditas, coming from one sbrua dowon'or out; njia, difpofejs Ploft. to another. #-Ed rcs cít dovoluta, Ed:bus dcturbare, to ihrieji sus (Develo, are ; to forbid, the miller w1 brought 10 thar of doors. * Detürbare de menie, + Devexä!us, a, um ; vixid fore. pafi, so put one out of his wits. #. De-Devexio, onis ; f. a bending down. + Dovom-o, ui, itum: to vomit out, turbavit Hi vërceundian, be has Devex!or dies, lun.jetting, Devona, the city Newinark in Ger- made him quite ſameless. Deycxitae, ātis ; f. a bmding down, many. Derurhor, ari; to be can dowon, dif the hollowness of a oalley. Deronja, Devonſhire;' quided. Děrexo, are; to vix or trouble-fart, Devõrātio, onis; f. a dovuring. Derurgco, tre ; to uffwoge or be a Devexus, a, um ; Devexus, a, um ; (à vcho) bowed Devõrätorius, i, m.a dovarir. band. down, hollow like a valley, hang- Devõrātus, 2, um ; devoured. Deturpatio, õnis ; f. a polluting, ing. Devoroarc ; actio divour, marring, disfiguring. + Devian, are ; to corrupt, deflour. fume, wwjle, break through. • Die- D:turpo, arc; to foul, marr, dis. Devictor, oris , m. conqueror. ta devorare; in aftend diligently. figure. Dcvictus, a, um; (of devincor) van * Devorare ineptias, to paſs by Deva, æ ; f. the river Dee in Che quiſid, outrcantil follier, * Spe lucruri devorare, fbire. + Dovigeo, erc ; to shrive oy grow 70 grip# grudly astor gain, the De- Deva or Devena, she sity Chefter or rich. vorarc noblen, 10 forget one': R::. Weft-Chefter. Devileo: cre , to grow vile. & Devorare librum, to underſtand Devadæ, illunds of Arabia Felix in Devin-cio, x!, cum ; to bind fall, a book thoroughly, 10° comprehmd by fúdian.ja. oblige, miangle. + Affinitale ic the authors meaning and intention Devāgiño, are ; to unfbratb. alicui devincire, 10 inter into ala throughout. * Devorate orarioncm, Derāgor, ari"; to wander, or go a- liance with * Devincire fe ſce to bearken to an oration with a Aray. leri, 10 commit a fuuli. greai daal of plesire, to underland Devaftatio, önis; f. « toafting, Spoil- Devincior, iri; past. to be bound, it well. tied up's (mót.j affured, engagedi + for diverso. Devastator, Oris; D. a wafier, Spoil. Dov-inco, ici, i&um ; to overconie, Devoti, õrúm; . vafals tbas put vangwib, get the vidtory of, over themſelves under the protealon of Devaftatus, a, um ; adj. wafad. tbrows: another people or prinu. filed. Devinctíor, jus į more bound or obi Devotio, õnis ; to devotion, devoted Devaſto, arc ; to walk, ſpoil, de@roy, liged. ſervice, a vow ; alfo a curſe, on- Lay wefile, maka buvok of, har Devinctus, a, um ; [of devinclor] cbanimeni. ras. I bound, obliged, lird, allied. Devotiffimus, a, um ; adj. much ad. Deuation, õnis ; m, she son of Pro + Derio, arc ; to go out of the way. diard, obliged, bound. metheus, who, with bis wifi Pyr * Deviare å se aliquâ, to wonderi Devoto, arc; là devovco] to devora Tha, justo saved in a wat from a from a thing, digrofs, not to keep so bind by www. general deluge ; feigned by the pris ibe ſubje&t. Devotor, oris ; m. he that vows or to prople the world, by calling Homes Devirginātus, a, um ; deflowred. dovotes. over their heads. Devirgino, are ; [à virgo) to deflour Dēvoiðrius, a, um; belonging to 4 Devedio, onis ; f. a carrying down a virgin. vow or curſo, by or in which is or away, + Deviſceratus, a, um ; embowelled. vowed. Dovector, oris ; m. hu that carries Deviſcèro, are ; lo imbcwel, or take Devotus, a, um ; [of devoycor! de- decor or away..i out the entrails. voted, vowed, dedicaid, currjed, ex- Devě-ho, xi, &um; to convey, corry Dēvītābilis, lc, eaply ſhunned. communicated, down or away. • Devehere ad Devitātio, ' õnis F. an avoiding, Devövco, ävi, Õrum ; act. to devota, aftra, to extoll, jounning, ofcbrwing- Vow promiſe, curfi, wiſh evil to Devclātiò, õnis; f. arquealing, an- Devitātor, oris ; mi on avoider. dedicate. * Devovere ſe populo, covering, Devito, are ; to avoid, chew. 10 facrifice one's ſelf for the pub- Devclātus, a, um ; uneouured. Devlus, a, um ; (à vâ] out of the lick, Devovere diris aliquem, Dev-ello, elll, ulf, ulfum ; to pluck • Æqui derius, werving to wiſh all manner of evil muj ligos off er away from cquiry. ** Ayis devia,an owl. 67 ons. I Den. corner. an. DEX DIA D I A Deuriopus, ty spam, a country and It Dextralicium, li; n. the same as, Diadūmönus, a bezutiful young man, town in Macedonia. dcxtrale. fon so the amperor Macrinus. fluint Deliro, ufi, uftum, čre ; to burn up, t. Dextrárii , two hores joined in.a soge:her with his father, by Helse añflame. team. gabalus; and other men. DEUS, : ; n. Cic. (@gr] God. * Dextrarius, ji; m. a war-bor'e Dikrēlis, is ; f. a diviſion, a dividing Deus natura humana, a man's Dextrātio, õnis ; f. a burnsting of one ſyllable into two. genijus. Dii patrit, boulbold gods, borſes. Diæta, ; f. diss, eating or drink. * Cuin Deo, with God's help. *Dextro, are ; to harne's a frem, or to ing, a regulared courſe of diet and Si diis placct, marry.com upi, in load on the right hand. exerciſe ; a dining room, a couruji good time. # Dii faciant, would to 4 Dextrocherium, ils n. a bracelet of late. God, or God grant. • Dii bené, of precious fiones, Diætarcha, a; f. a fewer. vertant; -may ſucceſs attend you. Dextrorsùm, adv. towards the right. Diætaris, ii ; m. á waiter at th: Dii bonil Dil immortales! O bea. hand. table. ums! goca God! Deas vitæ Dextrorsùs, adv. rigbe-hand. Diæterica, æ; f. a dirt drink, that meæ, my tutelar angel. In qua Dextroversus, } ward. part of philice which cures by diel, tu mihi femper degs videri foles, Diæicricus, a, um ; pertaining to or in which I always admired your o*- Danie I. preſcribing diet. :? cellence, even adored your fingular Diag'aucion, n. a medicine for the skill. • Dlis inimicis & fratis DI and dis [à S.à, vel à Sis bis] pre jes. natus, torn undar än ill planet. pofisions uſed only in compositions. Diagonalis, le ; 2 adj diagonal, Deus caballinus, ibe herb benbáne, Dia, one of the Cyclade iflunds in the Di2gonius, a, um; } from cornur. 19 Deusdedit, the fixty sixib pope. Ægean fea, wbre Bacchus mar- + Deuſticus, a, um ; adj. burned, rită Ariadne, when he was for Diagoras, ræ; 19. a philoſopher of parchid. Saken by Theſeus; allo a riiy oj Athens, called Atheos, whi de piſcic Deuſtus, 2, um; part. of deuror ; Theraly, built by Eacus the beathin idols, and was bunijh. burned, o:ber in Thrace. Eubxa, Pelopon ed, a bulent being promiſed to than Deuterogamia, æ; f. fecond marria neſus, Portogal, Italy, Scythia, thet fhould kill him; alſo a philofo- agt. Caria, and Bittiynia; alfu r name pher of Rhodes, who jaw ibret of Deutcron, ri; fecond. of a goddeſs among the Sicyonians, his sons crowned in one day at the Deuieronomium. ji; n. the second ibought to te the same as Hcbe iha olympick games, and dicit for joy: Idi, or the repeating the law. goddess of yourb. Diagramma, ätis ; decrer or fene Deutěroproton ſabbatum, the first Diabalatarius, be obdt for his work ronct, the title of an in a figürc set Sabbats after the ſecond day of the deferuas two half-penre. by gesimetrical demoration, propor- Faltuer, Diabāte, an iſland by Sardinia. tion of ineaſure in mulick. Dexamène, part of Ambracia ; also Diabathra, orum ; n Sandals, pan. Diag ăphicc, ĉs ; fi painting or ġra. a fia.nymph. tojles; alſo a pair of Jairs, and a ving Dexari, á people of the Chaones. ladder to go a ſhip-board. Dlagum, or -gon á river of Pelo- Dexicreontis, a name of Venus. Dlabathrarius, ii; m. a maker of! ponnclus. Dex montani, a people of Carmania. Sandals or pantofles, Dialcetica, æ; f. the art of logisk or Dexiplianes, the father of Softratus Diabaticum, ci ; n. toll paid by ver. difputing. the archierit. chants for poluge. Dialectică, orum; n. matters of low Dexippus, Herenncus so called, 'an Diabete, an iſland welward of Sardi. gick. Athcnian oratur under Valerianus; nia and Corſica. Diale&ticc, es ; f. logick. alſo a a phyſician, a ſcholar of Hippo- Diabētes, zim. conduit-pipe; Diale&ice, adv. logically, by reason. crates. alſo an impotency in holding one's Dialecticus, a, um ; adj. logical. Dextans, ntis; m. [à de & fextans) evator. Dialecticus, i, m. a logician. itn curtes or inchis, ton parts out of Diablintres, Dlablindi, or Diablitæ, Diale3us, 1; f. a dialea, particular twelve. a people of Gallia Celtica. manner of ſpeecb. Dextella, æ; f. a little righe-hand. Dlabólicas, a, um; ad). deviliſh. Dialcucon, ci; 2. a kind of Jaf. DEXTER, cra, erum, or tra, -trum Diabolus, li, m. en accuſer, or ida fron. 201.[@] lucky, propitious, righi, verſary, the devil. * Morſus di- Dialexis. eos; f. a difputing. handſomrie, apt, convenient, on the aboli, the herb devil's-bit. Djālis, lc ; (à dics) brionging to Je- right-hind, dextrous 48. Mundi Diáchytoo, i; n. A kind of muß or plier, or to a day. He Dialis cana, dextra, the north part of the world. sweet wine. fumptuous foaj. * Dlalis faneng Dextro tempore, in lucky time, Diacodion, i; na fyrup of poppy Jupiter's high-prieſt. in a happy juncture, tops and water, Diallags, es ; f. a bringing many ar- Dexter, a conful, the colleague of Fof. Dlăcõnātus, ûs į m. deaconſhip or guments to the fame purpuł. cua ; alſo a general bifiorian or Bar densry. Dialog:ſmus, i, m. A man's rcafon- cino. + Diaconia, the deanery, or places ing with himjilf, Dextera, a; f. she right hand. for the deacon or dean. Dlalogiſta, æ ; n. he that diſcourſe Da dextcram mliero, help e poor | Diaconiffa, æ;f a desconeſs, haredomsly. wretch. Dextera gobernatoris, Diācānus, i, m. e descon, jeroant, Dialogium, li ; n. as dialogiſmos, the mojler's right-hand Rale, miniſier Dialogus, i; ah. a dialogue, colia- Dexteram jungere dexteræ, 10 Diăcopenc, a country of Cappadocia, 04. Säke bande by the river Halysi D'alulis, or Dialyſis, want of con. Dexičré, adv. Filly, proſperouſly, band. Dicopus, i; mi a breuch in the junarlens. Jomely, bank of a river; alfa a Nvice. † Dialutcnſis, a kind of purple.ff. Daxterior, õris; more upon the right. Dlacrea, a tribs of Attica, ibe jest of livicz by times in rundry parts of * Dexterior humcrus, the right Pallas. joulder. Diacromnyon, a medicine of onions. Dia!yton, i; D, a want of conjunc- Dextčrītas, ātis; f. dexterily, apt. D:actor, õris; 'm. a meſſenger. refs, propinaj, readineſs, Tumli. D'ailor, a firname of Mercury. Diameſtigölis, a kind of facrifi:e a. nefs. Diacuista, a famous city between Pla mong the Lacedemonians, wherein Dexterrimè, ady, very firly or hand. centia anid Ginoa.. fürne noble yikin meil whipped one fomely. Diacum, a town of Lower Myla. another before the rliur. + Dextimi, borjomm on the right Diada, Athens, ſo called. 20 lille soviding wing: Diadēma, atis; n. , } a diadem, tur. Dianactros, tri; f.} A gure into Dextimus, a, um ; là dexter] miß bant, fall worn by the effern ein. two equal paris. * Ex dinnetro or full on the right-hand, perors. diture or opponi, to be diretily op- Dextra, e; f. the right hand. Ser Diadēmātus, a, um; wearing a dia. poßir. dem, turbani, crown. Diamuna, a river of India filling + Dextrabus for dextris. Diadochos, a fione like a beryl. in?, Ganges. Dextrāle, is; n. a brasili: for the Diadochun, a sity of Perfii, 1108 for Dinna, the douchier of Jupiter by right-arm. from Cic&plione Latina, twin sijaar of apullo, thi CCCCC maider. . . 5 the (ta. trons. dextera. cam. DIA DIC DIC muiden goddess of woods and bunt- Diafyrtīcam, ci; n. biting or Tre Dicātas, a, um ; dedicated, ing ;- ihr noon, called alfo Diâynna, proacbful taunt on the equivocalneſs Dicax, acis; (á dicol talkativi, je- Hccatc, Lucina, Noctiluca, Pro. of a word. ing, prasing, bantering forpina, Trivia, alſo a river in Dialyrtícus, a, um ; df such a re- Dicdica, a city of Africa Propria. Spain. proach or taunt. + Dice and dicem, for dic and di- Dlanz Fanura, a promontory of B:Dialeffcron, a fourth in mufick ; alſo thynia.. a plaijier of four ingredients. Dice, the daughter of Jupiter, the Diana Fons, a town in Sicily, whore Diathaca, f. ja tajlament, or meiden goddess of jullica and judge the water will not mix with wine. Diătheca, orum ; n. 3 inberitance mami. Diana Oraculum, city of Arabia falling by teflammi. + Dicebo for dican. Felix. Diathyrun, i, n. a ferien, a veil, Dicendos, a, um ; to be Spoken. Dianæ Portus, a baver in the copy of a finit, tarnpike. Dicencus Boroiſta, a learned counſel- Corsica. 7 Diatini, day by dag. lor of the Gothis. Dianenſes, a prople in Spain. D'aconi, or Dlatónl lapidos, binders, + Dicentarius,. its m. a pleader of Dlancs, a people of Galatla: band-Itones, caufes. Dianlum, 4 sotun in Spain ; alſo an Diatonos hy paton, d-fol-re. Dichoræus, 1; mi'a foot confilling of ifand in the Tyrrhenc loa; and a Diatonos piefon, &-fol.Fe-ut. two fro:hras. fewn of Lucania and Liguria, -- Dlatonun, or Diatonicam, plain Dichotomia, ; f. a cutting or di- bounding with wins. Song: vidling in twain. Dlagica, } Dianoia, æ the underfand. + D atretariſ, tumers which make Dichotomns, a, um ; divided in the ing. embalfed cups, or perforase pairls. midf?. Dianomc, és ; f. a diviſion, difiribu. Diätrēlum, i, n. a curious engraved Dicibilum, i, n. an exerciſe of zion. Egyptian cup. pleading or declaiming: Diapaſa, átis ; n. a pomander, or Diatretas, a, um ; turned round. * Dicis causâ or gratia (dixņ) Črexa) perfume of dry powder. Dlatrctus calix, a fouriſhed and for form or falbion's fake. Diapālon, an eighth, the mof perfra raiſed chalice, + Dicito, are ; to ſpeak often. conrord in mufick. Diatriba, #; f. a place of exerciſe. + Dicicur, imp. it is faid, or boy Diapente, a fifth ; a farrier's compo- + Diaiurel, they this guarded ſoips for ſay. Stion of myrrh, gentian, birto wort, their dies. DICO, aic; act. [à siru, lus] to de juy, and bay-berries. Diaty poris, a delineating, drawing dirats, vow, or contcrate. Me Diaphancs, a river in Cilicia, Lo Diaula, one of the four porches in tibi in clientelam dico, I commit sallıd from the slearneſs of the wa Rome, looking fouthward. mysely to your tuition. Dicare ſe Daulas, a meaſure of two furlongs ; in civitatem, to dwell always in a Diaphanus, adj. gran parint, clear as alſo a pipe, or any thing like it. city. cryftal. Diaulus, a quock in Martial, termed DICO, xi,&um, ēre; act. (8 onVULLI] Diaphonta, a; to a difcord, or dif bearer of ibe dead. to ſay, rell, or Now, call, name, pro- formt jound. Dibapha, æ; f. purple, crimſon, or mife, or o firma. Dicere diem, to Dlaphonium, a city of Arabla. Scarlo in grain. fummon one before a judge. * Di- Diaphora æ; f. difference. Dibăphus, a, um, double dyed, in cere caufam, to anſwer me's sharge. Diaphorēticus, a, um ; piercing grain. * Dibaphum cogitat, be #jus dicere, to paſs fentence. through, diſruling humeurs. feoks to be angur. # Vitanil ftiu. Dicere muleam or mulEtationem, Diaphragma, aus n. the midrif, mam faccrdoti dibapho veftiunt, to inflia a penalty, Dicere fa- or apron, parting the breaf or po they cloaked ibi infamy of Vatinius, cramcntum or facramento, to take mach. by giving him the priehood. an oath of obedience. Dicere le- Diapolitas, a king of Egypt, called + Dibe'lum, 1 ; n, the second war. gem, to preferibe a law. • Di- alfo Amafas. Dibrachys, a foot on iwo ſhort søl. cere ſalutem alicui, to fond com- Diapontius, by or upon the ſea. labler. modations. Dicere dotem Diaporcas, isi f. e doutring. Dibu!ades, the firſt potter at Corinth, aliquid dori, 10 'promije ſomething Diapfalma, åtis ; 1. a change of the who isught to make vifels with pic. for a dowry. Cænam alicui di- song SKTIS of men. ctic, to invite one to ſupper. D1- Diarium, ii ; n. a journal book, one's DICA, a; f[Sixn] a cauſs, altion, cere inducias, to make a league. day's allow ones, wherbar in ment or proceſs, controverly. Sortiri di- Dicrotum, i; n. a galley with two wigos, • Poſt afellum diaria non cam, so chaole judges by lo.. Im Oats on a fart. fuae, lay nof a shurl upon a gen .pingam or fcribam tibi dicam, PILD:&āmen, inis; n. sleman. inter an aâion again you. jcripi, rule, example. Durins, a, um fà dics] of a day. Dicacitas, āts ; f, raillery, abufue- Di&amnum, i, n. dittany, ſo called Diaria lebris, a quotidian ogue. nels. from a town in Creet of the same Diarrhæa, a haven of Cyrenc. Dicaciter, adv. abufively, launting. nime. Diarrhea, as; f. a lask, pux, er ly. + Didrārium, ii; n. a sprach or lef- loo mifs. Dicacŭla, æ; f. a tasting gebie. jon. Diarafa, an iſland by Chios. Dicãculè, adv. malaperily, jaucily. Dietāra, õrum ; neut. precepts, ordi. Dias, dis; f. the devont, or two. Sc Dicācủlus, a, um ; talkativn, nancei, injiructions given so sebo. dyas. Dicăcūlus, i, m. (à dicax] buf. lars, Dlas, a city of Lycia, which Diades foon. Digātio, önis ; f.'a diasting any built. Dicæa, a city of Thrace. thing to be writto. Dias, a jopbiler of Epheſus, in the Dicæa, or Dicæarchæa, the old name Didior, āris; m. he that indites or time of king Philip. of the city Puteoli, becau's of its jul! diantes; alſo a cbief officer among + Diafcordium, ii; a. an eleifuary governannt. The Romans, chim in times of great of ſcordium. Dicmarchus, i, m. aju;? governor, a danger, who governed the Jais for Diada, frais of Jupiter at Athens, Meſſenian philosopher, who hold for months. kope with a paculiar kind of lad! that men hid no beginning, and Diclātorius, a, um, adj. of the dic- nei. ibat the ſoul and body died roge!ber ; tator. Diarphendonomeni, such as wort alſo a Laccdcmonlan grammarian, Dicatrix, icis; f. be that di&tates or bound by the logs to the tops of trees lebolar 1o Ariſtarchus. appoints; the miſrofs of a fiaji. drawn iogether, and pulled ajurder + Dicædio, is; to carve branch work. Di&tātūra, a; f. thi dictatorſhip. by letting thim go. Dicæogenes, a fragic poet. Dictc, er Dictæus 'Mons, mountain Diaſtaſis, is; f. 4 difanc. Dicæoogia, æ; f. « jullifying of of Creet. Diafēma, ātis; n. a dirlonce of plare. one's coule, Dictērium, il; n. [à dico) e scoff, Diaſtole, ĉe ; f. the largohen ng of a + Dicaſſis for dicas. gnunt, mock. Sliable by nature ſtori; alfo'the di t D callit for dixerit. D!tæus, a, um, ad of Crect, lutation of the heart and arlarios. Dicasterium, fi ; neut. a judgsent. Di&tidium, a town of Greece. Diafyrmos, i; ma. an extclling of a hall Dictio, önis: f. Quint. a word, speak- person of thing, by way deri. Dicātio, õnis; f. Za dedicating, de ing, uttering, an oration, an orails, Juun. Dicătūra, æ; f. $ voting, viwing. Ble or manner of writing. - Dic- tio / OT 1 a dictadt, pre- ! ܚܫ܂ bath, D I D D I-D DIF w tio tcftimonll, depoſition upon poror of Rome, a very frugal also an academical pbilosopher, and Dictioni operain dare, 10 man, who made the law called others, fiudy oratory. Dictio caulæ, a Didia lex, to reflrain exceſs in Didymus, a, um ; adj. a twin, double. defence, (on law.) fare, • Didymi, the ioliicles. + Dictionare, to join words together. Dido, dididi, itum ; (à do] to digel, Diecủla, æ; f. (á dics] a more day, D Atlanarlum, ii; n, a diaionary. diſtributs, give or sell abroad." or a little while. Dialous, a, um ; full of words. Diditur in venas cibus, tbe meat Diclcyſtinda, æ; f. the play called + Dictiofus, i, m. a feftir, aftor digeſtion is diſpersed into thosun and mnoon. Diais, a cily of Galalia. veins. Diemeron, ncut. the space of two Diditatio, onis ; f. a frequent 11 Dido, -us, or Eliza, the diugh:er- of days. pearing or warning- Belus, king of Tyre, and wife of + Dicnnio, ne ; of two years. Dictitālor, oris ; m. he that incul. sichaeus, prist of Hercules, Diennlura, ii ; n. (ab annus) the cases, or warns often, whorn bis brother Pygmalion few Space of two years. Didito, are ; (à dico] to inculcate, for his wealth ; whereupon The Dicn'es, a people of Macedonia. or all ofim, plead. went into Atrica, and, bought as it Deo, ere; to make a day.. Dietător, ari ; to be told, tauglii, gium much land as me could compaft Dierectè, adv. in an unluiky day, in charge. with an ox's bide, which being with a miſibief. Dico, arc ; [à dico] to di&ale, or cut into ſmall thongs, incloſed a t Diere&ti, crucified in the open air. indite, suggell, or give out, counſel, great quantity of ground, upon which Dierna, a city of Dacia, called Tore promifs. • Dietare actionen, to Jbe built Carihage, and the caflı renburus. mter an action againſ. * Diftare called Byrfa : When Iarbas, king DIES, ci; m.& f. Cic. (à fis, fios, rationem, se caji up. of the Getulians, would havs rorud Dieſpiter) a day. • Dios Solis, Di&tor, ari; to be saugbl, given, or her to marry her, sou choſe resher to Sunday, Lunæ, Mondur, Martis, copied out. kill herſelf. Thi Dory of ber and" Tuesday,, Mercurii, Wedneſday, † Piator, oris ; m. A tencheri Æneas is proved io be fabulous, from Jovis, Thurday, 'Veneris, Fridux, + Dictorium, ii; n. an auditory, a her building Carthagc, ihre hun. Salurni, Saturday. Dies feftus, place where the hearers fand. dred and thirty years after his com an holy-day: * Dics profeftus, + Dietoſus, a, um ; the Jane As di- ing into Italy. holy-day que. * Dics feftus or co сах. . Didoron, n. a tile of two bando mitialis, a court day, a court day. * Dies juf- Didum, i; Q. A word, laging, pro brea dib. tus, a day appointed for the pay- verb i alfo 4 jel, tauni, or Dare Didorus, a, um, adj. of two hands ment of a debt. Dies natalis; a libel. • Dicto audire, to obey ore breadtb. birth-day. Dics emortualis, tbc * Dieta parentis non funt, bufo Didrachnum, i;. n. a Roman coin, day of one's death. * Ante diem words are unbecoming a parent. worth about fixteen perut. mori, to die before one's time. Dictum, Digaawcy in Caernarvon. Didūco, xi, Atum, ērc ; to bring, or De die, fuery day. * De die in Thlrc. convey to ſundry places, dividı, dif diem, day by day. * In diem vi- Dicurio, ire; to be about to speak. join, ſeparate. * Diduccrc digitos, vere, to live from band to mouth. Dictus, a, um ; part. of dicor ; spoken, to open one's finger's wide, * Di. Pics adimit ægritudinem, time appointed for, told, dediccted, pro ducere orationem, to bring down will wear grief away. mije, &c. Dictum iftud?' do or allay his speech Diducere in + Dielçit, it downs, or waxes day. you say true ? " Diaum eft, I am varla studia, ko for fagions one 1. Diclis, is ; f. the quarter of a rona. refolvid upon it. Dicium fac. gainſ anosbar. Dleſpiter, tris; m. [qu. dici pater) inm, dictum ac factum, dicto ci. Didū-cor, ci; pall. to be divided, Jupiter. tius, in the turning of a hand, diſtributed. + Dicl, imperf. it is day. while you can say this. * Honore Didu&io, onis; f. a deduction, di- Dětēris, the space of two years. dicto, witb a fr-l'currence, saving viding into fundry parts or places, Dicthofa,' an iſlond by Thrace, not your prefonu, with your leave. Diductus, a, um ; part. of alducor ; far from Cherſoneſus Dialynna, a Crotian nymph, who was divided, ſeparated, gaping fitud. + Dleticus, a, um , adj. regular, thought to have invented hunting, dling Foribus palatii repentè keeping from day to day. nets, and from thence had bar name, diductis, the doors of the palace belt Dietim, of -atim; daily. being called before Britomartis ; ing all of a ſudden ſol oper. + Dictó, are ; to keep a dist. others ſay, that Aying from Minos, Didugna, a city of Babylonia. Dieuchcs,' the name of a phyſician in jog threw herſelf down a rock, and Diduri, a prople near the Labieni, Pliny. was taken by fibermens nels, and on the confines of Albania. Dicuchidas, on hiflorian who write thence had her name ; alſo a city | Didyma, a place of Thebais in E tha Mogarick hilory. of Crete. gypt i also a place and oracle of | Diexodus, a going forth, a large ex- Dietynnæum, a promontory of Crete. Miletus, ſacred 19 Jupiter and A preſion. DiAynnzus, a hill in Crete. pollo ; alſo founinins in Theſſaly, Diczugmenc paránete, a-la-fol: Dlayota, Orum ; n. buildings full of mountains by Laodicea, and two grates, the gratings in a pip. Small ifands wear Scyrus. Diczeugmcnon nete; .la-mi. Diays, a Cretian hiſorian, who, go- Didyme, an iſland in the Sicilian Diffimabil.s. lc ; capily dofamad. ing with Idomeneus te Troy, wrote fea, a sily of Libya, and a lowon in D ffanātio, onis; f. á defining. all that way in the Phænician lan Sicily. D ffamator, oris ; m. a defamer. guage ; alſo a ctutaur pain by Piri- Didymaon, n. A famous artificer o D famārus, a, um, dafaned, spread thous at the marriage of Hippoda- all abroad. mla; alſo the fibermen that brought Didyme, one of the Cyclades ; allo Diffamo, are ; à fama] defame, up Pericus. city or iſland of Sicily, and a to bring up an ill report of, pube + Dicundus for dicendus. Town of the iſland Gaditada. lilla + Dicu-tio, fi, tère; act. (of di and Didymeum, a temple dedicated to A Diffimor, arl; to be andered, tra- quatio).to beat or fake in piares, pollo ar Miletus, duced. + Dida, 2; f. a nurſe's word for a Didymeus, Apollo so called. Diffurreatio, onis ; f. a parting cake, dwg or feat. Didymi, a mountain of Aſia the a ſacrifice at the divorcement of Dida, a governor of pæonia, who Leís. Ariel's wives. poiſoned Demetrius, the ſon of Phi- Didymoticos, a town in Thracc, Diffurrcatus, a, um; divorced. lip į alſo a famous champion, and other places Diffarreo, ars; (à f2r] to divor'a, Didaſcæ, a people of Ethiopia. Didymus, a town of Argia. # D.ffaſcio, are; act. 10 liniia, una Didaſcalia, ; t. doétrini, learning. Didymus, one of Alexandrla, who swarhe. Didaſcalicus. a, om; do&rinal. was blind frem a ofy, Jet a very Differ.cio, I, tum, cire ; (of dis and + Didaſcălo, are ; to teach, inſiruet. learned and famous ecclefiajicili. farcio) 10 jief is, embalm. Didaſcălus, li; m. A maſier. writer ; another of Alexandria, Differc-ior, iri ; to be fiuifed or filled. Didattium, a city of the Sequani in ihe son of a fiſhmonger, e grimina. Differens, ntis ; different. Belgia: rian, who is fuid to have viritton D férenter. adv. wib diferenik. Dldautana, a town of Bithynia. Ihree thoufuru five bundred books ; D férenuli, : f. a diferire. Didius Julianus, the twentieth 8m allo a poet who wrote Gcorgicks ; Diffcro, diftüli, dilülün, differrc ; ccccc2 act. ars. ung rd. : get. of dis and féro Differtus, a, un ; parti of differcior; Diffugo. are ; to cb:ifo divars ways. Pyets diſeaſe. DIT DIG DI G lay, prolong, tear in piece, difer, down to the cotton. Digitellum, 1 ; a. or mouſe-Sail. break in two, rend afunder, let al Diffi-irgo, egi, actum; (of dis and Digiti, oruin ; m, muſcles, or ſuch a dijan.e. * In diverſuma quadri- frango) to orkije, or break in pires shell-fish. gis differic, to pull in pieces with Difrin-gor, gl; to be broken in pieces, t Digico, are ; lo finger ,or handle, four horſes.: * Fama dialit, art-Diffudi. See Diffundoi point unto, port was ſpread abroad. * Tem. It Diffugela; a place of ſu!cour to fly Digitus, i; 2 m. a little finger peftas nos differt ab illis, separates, into, Digitellus, is alſo a puſ or rap. D'fferri lætitâ, to be tranſported Diffúglo, ūgl, cgitum ; to fly bither • Ad digitalt crepitum, at shu bilan with joy. Diffcrre vallimonium and thither ; to avoid, fehew, refuſe ing up off the thumb. cum aliquo, 10 put off the trial of * Diffugere ex caftris, to run from DiGirus, i, m. (gártudos, vel à a fuit. Quod diff:riur eon aa orie's colouys. dgero, vel Seixvuur, oftendo) fin. feriur, forbeurance is no acquis- Diffūgium, ii ; o. e flying or run ger, claw a finger-braidih or length, janie. ning, sway, a refuge ; alſo the play a certain quantity of water, adgi. D'ffcrto, are ; juf often. prifon baja. * Digitus infamis or famofus, the middla-finger. * Digiius medius or juffed, filledi Diffulwino, aic ; 'to lirike cr brat annolar!s, thering.fiser. * Digitus Diffibů:ātus, a, um, unbuttoned. down, as with a thunderbolt. quricularis, thelittle finger * Digi- D ftibulo, are ; to unbutton, unburkio, D'ffundibulum, i; n. a ſlave or tunnel. tus pedis, the tot. * Digitum sol- + Dinindito, are ; to spread, divulge. lere, to jhew favour 10 ore. * Di- Difficilè iùs, -illimè, adv. bardly, • Ubique fefc diffunditens, bearing gitum deprimere. to diſcoun:enone, difiiulily. binelj big or give his vote ag:::*. * Digita Difficilis, le ; Ad}. -ior, -illimus; of Diffundó, ūdi, ūlun, ūndere ; act, to inonffra'i, to be poin'e ait, or iried dis & facilis] hard, uneasy, dift pour on, ſcaltar abroad. dilate, noot up. Digitis micare, to play ai cult, inoroſe, mcody forth. * Diffur.derc dicn, for dit. buck's-born, D ffic liter, ady, dificultly, hardly, finderc, to pot fi Diffundere. Diglădiãbilis, le ; adj. fizisting toge- with quebirouble, Labour and gains. animum, so make one cheary, * In ther, + Difficul for difficile. ora honinum aliquid diffundere Diglădjātio, onis ; f. fening, Difficultas, ātis; f. Cic. dificulty, 10 mije abroad. * Diffundere vul- Diglždiātor, oris ; ma fenior, frcuble ; alſo wani, ſcarsily, a dif. tum, 10 look merrily, be pleaſant. Diglădi-or, ari ; dep. rojenca, lirive, # play prizes, * intcr lc dig'adiantur, rändi, fortreſs of breath. • Diff largely. ibey are at dagger's draiving, cultatem facere, to be troublejome. Diffusilis, le ; adi, 3. art. Spreading. Diglitto, the river Tygris, where it Diiñciler, ady, hardly, with pain or Diffuſio, onis ; fi a ſpreading, pour rolul Now as far as the borders of diffrutis ing out, Sprinkting abroad. Media. Diffidens, niis; mifiruping, &c. + Diffūlu, arc'; to ſpread, or ſcatter Dignandus, a, um ; to be goned, or Dfiicñiér, adv. doughringly, deſpair hare and there. ihought worthy. ing's, with dijirus, diffidently, D ffiiſor, oris ; m, a ſcattorir. Dignantèr, adv. wortbily. Diffidencia, æf diffidence, miruſ. Difūſus, a, um , part of diffundor; Dignatio, onis ; t. a gued er grest Diffi.do, ſus, fum, dere ; neut: 80 spread, large, ſpoiled, scattered, heng reputation, favour, credit, requeji ; mifruf, doubt or deſpair, * Difido. ing losje, Donrad cut. Diffurum alſo a lifle, sip, or draughs. tibi or de te, I dare not truſt you. vinuin, racked wine. Diffuú Dignitus, a, um ; Thought worthy, + Diffi-go, Xi, xum, göre ; to loofen, campi, a ve y large plain. Digne, itis, iffimè ; ady. warsbily, ho- unftjan. Digžna, æ; f. a woman having bad neſtly, deferuedly. + Diftiguro, arc ; 10 disfigure, or form to husbands, Dignitas, ātis; f. Cic. dignity,zoorth, diverfij. Digamma, atos; n. the letter F. majelly, gravity, vimntion, comelia Diffi-ndo, dl, fum, nderc; a&. [of Digămus, i ; m. be that has bad fwa nefs. * Dignitas vultûs, the wir of d:s and findol to leave or cut fono wives. the countenance, * Pro dignitate dir. * Diffinderc diem, to adjourn Digena, a city of Arabla Felix, vivil, he lives like himſelf, a buſineſs. Digentia, a river in Italy. + Digni:āſus, a, um ; very worthy. Diffingo, xi, cum, göre; to unmake, Digori a people of Thracc. 7. Digno, are; to think worthy. mart, undo, make better. Nihi gèric., ei ; t. a digeſtion, diſpoſition, Dign or, ari; dep. fà dignus) to poifum diffingere, I cannet deng ir. order, ejleem or account woriby, vouchiare; Diffin-io, ire; act. to defni, limit, Digo-ro, fli, ftum, sčre ; act. 80 di. alſo to be reputed worthy. Ha. or Bund. 881, diſpos, divide, make plain, fet nore dignari, to be thought worthy Diffinitè, adv. definitely, in order, rxtenuate, weaken, pro of honour, Définitio, onis ; f. a definition. voke, cariny hither and thither, adress Dignorātio, onis ; f. A marking, know- Distilor, oris ; m. a mjinter. and trim, * Jus civile in genera ing , Diffiffio, onis ; f. a cleaving aſunder. dirigere, to dijlinguiſh the civil law Dignorātor. oris ; m. he that marks Dilfiſtusa, um ; part. of diffindor; into different kinds, * Ita digerit or knowus. cut or cleft afur.der. oinnia Chalchas, after this manner Dignoro, ārc; to ſet a mark upon. Dificus, a, umj part, of diffidor; Chalcbas interprets all things. Dignor o!, ari; to be marked or knowon. mifrufing Digeſta, örum ; B. the books of the Dign-oico, ovi, ötum, ofcčre; act.[à Dimit-eo, ēri ; (of dis and fateor] civil law, noſco) io difcern, or know, anong to deny. Digenibilis, le ; cafly digerd. others, to dißing tilh. * Invicem ic Diffixus, a, um , part, of diffigor ; D geſtim. adv. in order. dignoſcunt, they know one another, 2008 d. Digchio, önis; f. a digefiori, diffofing, Digno ſcor, [ci i paft. to be known , Diflétus, a, um ; trwailed. * Dif Terring in order. or difcerned. Hetis bcnè ocoliss having alooft Digelto, are ; to fel in order, + Dignoras, a, um , very wor:hy. riep: hij ges Ont. Digeſtor, örl! ; m. be that orders, dj. DIGN. US, a, um , adj. jor, iflimos; Diffio, are 10 eufor Mow gruay, is vides. pl..ces. 181 mois) vortly, ricci, convenioni. oüirturn by blowing. Digeftus, a, um, part. of digeror ; • Dgna & indigna pati, 10 paſs Diflucns, niis ; part. of D'fluor ; digofied, di fooed, dividid, diftuled. through different conditions. **Ut Ico;e ready to fall afunder, + Digeftus, ûs ; m. & difribution, dignum cft credere, as we may Diffluentia, æ; f. loojene's, or low ordering we!! hine. ing forib. Digitálc, is ; n. a thimble, or finger- Digrédicos, niis; part. departing. Du 0, xi, xum, ếc; nent. to fb :D Jirill. Digrč-dior, fíus fum, di; dep. (à gra- abrord, run cut. mi D. Fuere (u. Digitālis, le ; adj. 3. art. of a finger dior 1 to digreſs, deparl, go awige or dort, to be all of a ſulat. * Dif · or inch. * Ariun aliæ digitales, from one's puerfosei + Digredi ad - fiucre voluptatibus, io ſwim in plea fome birds bava daws, ad pedes, so light on fooi. Juras. * Diffiuere otio, 10 live al Digitālis, is ;. f. ile bellpower, rox- Digreſfio, õnis ; fo digreffion, de eule. glove. parling Diffuus, a, on ; adj. feuimming, or Digitātus, a, um ; part. of digitor ; Digrcffor, oris ; ni. he that deparis Deeped in, having fingers, toes, or claws, or goos ofide. Digreffus, 1 1 wys. INC. ster off. 1 D' I L D IL DIM Digreſus, a, um ; part. Dj' digrcdior, t Dilargus, a, am ; liberal, free. Dilucu!um, 'i ; n. (à lux] dawning departing * Dilātamen, iais i n. an onlarge or breaking of diny. Digrcftus, Ms ; m. a digrillion, or de mert. Dillidium, ii; n. Là ludus) a space parting from. Dilátātio, õnis ; f. an enlarging. between plays. Dli, a people of Thrace inbabiting Dllátātor, oris ; m. e finibar. + Diludo, ērc ; to mock. mount Rhodope. Dilātātus, a, um ; fratched, en † Dil-110, ui, ūcum, ere; act. (of di- Dii [for divi) the gods. larged. and layo) 70 wash, rinfo, cleanse ; Dii patrli or tutelarcs, ibu patron gods + Dilăteo, ere ; to he bid dioors put away, temper, mix, declare, of cities and countries. diminib. # Diluere crimen, to Dijambus, confipirig of double 1192- Dilălēſco, ère ; to begin to be hid. clear hin felf. * D !ucrc vino ni- bucks. Dllātio, onis; f. a delay, preferring, ver, to daſh the wins with snow- Pejicio, acl, črr., C of di and jacioj prolonging. * Dllationcm petere, weier. Diluerem moleſtlas, 10 to caß arody, down, or afundar, $0 emparley, to 'defire time ofi the drive away. vexations. Dilucre Diis for divis. 'court to deliberate., res leves, . !oconfule trifing ob- Dijudicatio, onis ; a f. determining Dilāto, are; rà latus) to dilate, jeftions. Diluc mihi, declare to difesrning. pretch cut, enlarge, delay; # Dila- Dijudicātor, oris ; m, an arbitrator, tare orationem, to enlarge or Dil-uor, ui ; 'to be rinſed, judge. lengthen out a ſpeech. Dilü:io, õnis; f. a cleanfing, anſwer- i Dljūdicãtus, a, um ; determined. Dilātor, ari; to be enlarged. ing, solving Piſīdico, are ; to dijiorn, determine, Dilātor, öris; m. an enlarger or de. t Diluto, aume ; to spread. or judge between two. larer, D lulum, iin.lin infuſion. • Dius, Dijúgăto, onis ; fs ſevering, dif- Di'ālārius, a, um , adj. delaying. tum abſinthii, wormwood drink. jening, unyoking. Dilatrā:or, oris ; m. he that barks ei. Dilūtus, a, um ; part. of diluor ; Dijúgator, oris ; m. he that parts cr Dilātro, are ; to bubble, bark, or bait ufled, drillied, weakened. unyokes, al one. Diluviāiis, le ; adj. 3. art. of a de. Dijuza, ale ; to ungoke, separate. Dilātror, ari; to be baimed at. luge. p jümor, ari ; so be parled. Dilātus, a, um, part. of differor; de- Diluvics, ci ; f. a deluge or inunda- # Diuna:o, onis ; f. c disjoining. layed, dejarred, sorrad abroid. tion. + Dijun&tior, -jus ; gen. ioris ; far. Dilaudatio, onis ; f. a comme:iding: Dilúvio, are ; to overflow, drown, Dilaudātor, oris ; m. A commender. Diluvium, ii; n: Là diluo] a deluge Dijunctor, õris ; m. he that disjoins. Dilaudo, are ; to praiſe or commend or great food, dejtrue.on. Dilun-go, xl, ctum, gčic; to disjoin, greatly, Dimächæ, arum ; m. Jurb as fight Jeparate. Dilaudor, ari ; to be greatly praiſed. either on foot or horſeback, as occafors Diva, a h.turn of G.llia Narbonen Gs. + Dilavo, are ; to cleansé througbly, t. ferves; drag cons, D.labins, nris ; part of dilabor, lip or we all cuer, Dimales, a city of lilyria, taken by ping or falling down. D:lceta, æ; fi a turtle dove, Æmilios, Dilbidus, a, um ; adj. easily falling Dilectio, onis ; f. love, charity. Dimanātio, onis f. á flowing or or jipping. Dilcctor, fris; m. a lover, Springing our. Dilābi.is, le ; ad). sojily Nipping. Dilectus, a, um ; parc. of diligor ;D.māno, are ;. !0 flow, Spring out, Dilā-bor, plus fum, bi; dep. P lide, beloved Spread abroad. * Dimanavit: ru- nip melt, Borl away, fall dowen + Dilectiis, ùs ; m. as dilect:o. mor, the report goes, of in pisces. D:!abi in agros, 10 + Dilego, tor diligo. Dimas, ihe name of a famous racor. ruire mio the field... Res dilalun-Dilemma, āris ; . an agreement that Dimaftus, an iſland about Rhodes. tur, the project is dofrared, the de- corvinces cuery way; sillo a bill in Mycone, whoje inba. Sign is quashed. # Diligens, ntis ; loving, diligent, bitants are ſaid to be bald. Dilăcărandus, a, um, part. of dila indutricus, wury. # Diligentiffi. it Dimcmbro, a.e ; 10 divide, diſ- ccror, 80 be torn in pieces. mus oificii, exceeding careful to member, Dili č.ātio, onis ; t. A tearing in perform his part of duiy. Dimenſio, önis; f. a meaſuring, di- piece. Diligen-er, jùs, iſfimè ; diligen:ly, meroon. D lăcărālus, a, um ; forn in picca:. carefuliy, with care and exaenes: Dimenſor, õris ; m. a meaſurer, Jur- Dilăcérs, 2'e ; to fear in pie'es or * Diligenter hic erain, I watched alunder, defroy, worile, spoii, srouble, your water, obſerved jou narrow!;. Dimentum, in. a portion or. mia. mangle, ruin. Diligentia, æ; f. care, diligence, pre Jure of corn, montbly allowance Dilacčror, ari ¿ to be forn, &c. cileneſs. from inajiers to their naves. Diam-67, bl, čre; to lick. Diligentiffimus, a, um ; very diii, Dinnenfus, a, um ; part.of dimetior, Dilamino, arc; 10 cleave in two, gent. muafred, or having meaſured. Dilancinatus, a, um, cut, g2fbed. Diligo, exi, ectum, göre; act. [à le- Dimer-go, fi, cum, gère ; ta drown, Dilancino, are ; to war in pieces, go] to love, beat good-will, to din plurge over head and ears. thruff or break through. vida. • Diligere fe, to buve at Dimneffio, onis ; f a meaſuring: Dilaniārio, õnis ; f. a rending in fond conceis of one's ſelf. + Dimcſſionalis le; adj.of mefuring. picies. Diligor, gi, to be loved. + Dimcflus, a um ; meaſured. Dilaniātor, õiis ; m. he that ronds or Dilogia, æ ; f. a vain repetition of Dimeta, a people of Weſt Wales. the fan word. Dimētātio, onis ; f. a meaſuring. ¡ D:lanio, arc ; to tear in picies, rend Di!orico, are ; to unbrace, rend open, + Dimētālus, a, qm; meaſured like a bulcber. rip. * Dimeter, of two feri. | Dilanior, ari; to te quartered. Dlloricar, ari; to be unbraced. Dimctiens, ntis ; part. meaſuring: Didāpidālio, onis ;f ..? Spending will. Dilūcco, ērc i to become bright or Dimcticns linea, a diamcin. manifej, fhine forth. * Dilucet Dimērior, enſus fum, iri; dep. 10 Dilăpidatus, a, um ; part, of dilapi res, 'lis a plain cale. moiſure, reckon, rehearſo. * Dimes dor ; quandered away, fallen to Dilūcef-co, ère ; to begin to be light tiri digitis, to fc-. ruin. cr day. Dimě-to, ffui, sľum ; to log, cut Dilăpido, are ; to throw out the fionas, Dirūiidātio, onis ; f. an explaining. doun. so rid a place of jones, to spend glos. Diměl-or, ari ; to meaſuri, or ſcore waliefully, squander away. Dīlūcidātor, oris ; m. an explainer. Dilāpidor, ari, to be Spont. Di!ūcidè, adv. clearly, plainly, mini. Dimetria, æ; f. a poem of diastor Dilapfus, a, um ; part. of dilabor ; felly. lumbicks. Mlipping, decuyad, periſhed. * Di Dilúcido, are, to decları, explain, Dimicālio, onis ; f. a fighting, skir- Tapia mu'titudo, the company drop Dilūcīdor, ari; to be made plain. miſing, contending: * Inter ipſam ping away one ofter another. Dilucidus, a, um ; adj. brighe, clear, dimicationem, while they were Dila gior, iri; to give largely or libe manifej. fig bring. rally, heflow. Dllucularcit, it begins to dawn. Dimicātos, bris m. a fighter. Dilargitio, onis ; f. a free grant, Dilūculat, imp. ii downs,' or grows Dimico, arc ; 30 fight, or skirmiſo, or Dilargiior, Oris į m. Þe that granis light. centered. or gives frankly. Dilūcủlò, adv. at break of day. Dimidiäum, adv. by balves, Dimidiatio, .0۴ر2 Iners. out. dear. POJA. DIN: DIO DIO Dimidiatio, õnis ; f. a parting in the Dlnias, an hiſtorian who wrote the take this away whiih he could not middle. Argolick nffairs. give him. He asked the oracli which Dimidiātus, a, um ; halved, divided Dinocrates, & rjorows philofopher of way he migh: excel, and doing sold in tro, Meſſcoa by cojning of money, he did it, and + Dimidičtas, atis ; f, the half. Dinocratus, an architect of Alexan for doing it was baniſhed. Coming Dimidic, adv. by ibe half. der's, who built Alexandria in E to Athens, he was taken by a parale; Dimidio, arc, to halve or divide in gypt. and fold to one that for hims frenand 110. Dinodo, are ; to untie, or unknit. gave him his children 10 stich, with Dimidlum, il'; R. ibu balf. Dimi. Dinogetia, the city Drimago in Lower . whor Diogenes, chofe raiber io live dio charius, dearer by half, Di Mefia. than he rideemed by his friends. imidium animæ meæ, my dearef Dino'achas, e name of a viry ſwift! Alſo other men runner in Pauſanias. Dlogencs Lacrtius, an bllorian who Dimidlus, a, um, adj. [å medlus 3 Dinomenes, a tyrant of Syracuſe. wrote the lives of the philoſophers ; balf, that is divided into two parts. Also a famous fiatuory. he lived about ibe time of Antoninus Dimin-uo, ul, ntum, ère ; act. to di- Dinols, is; f. vehemence. Pius. miniſb, make lefs, break in piates, Ditro or dintrio, [à ſono] to cry like Diogenianus, o grummorian of Hora- forisn. : * De bonis diminuere, to a mouſe. cica in Adrian's rims, who wrote impair one's effare. Tibi caput Dinůměrātio, onis ; f. e numbering, un alphabeticul di&imary. diminuam, I'll break thy head. reckoning, poying. Diogenis, a promontory of Ethiopia, Dimin.uor, ul; to be diminibed. Dinúměracor, oris ; m. a reller, a by the Arabian gulph. Dimīnutio, onis ; f. a diminiſhing, Dingnetus, ibe ſeventh judge of A. impijring. * Diminutio capitis, Dinúměro, are ; to number, rerkon, thens. Also an hiflorian who wrote an out-lawing Pry: Dinumerare pecuniam, to the expeditions or Alexander, whom + Diminutive, adv. diminutively. pay down upon the nail. Pliny says he followed. Allos fue Diminutivum, i ; n. diminutive. Dinůmēr-or, ari; to be cold, mous painter in the time of Anioni. Dimioutor, oris ; m. diminiſter, Dipus, a haven in Lycia. nus; and orhers. Dimioücus, a, um, part. of dimi. Dinus, a famous phyſician of Florence. Diomeda, the daughter of Pho:bas, nuor ; diminiſhed.' Diminutus Also a lawyer in Bononia. whom Achilles brought froin Lesbos, capite, oul-lawed. + Dio, a kind of isla. and with whom he was wont to die Dimiffio, onis ; f. a diſmiling, charg. Do, a Roman conul. after Briſe's was taken away. ing, leque, Dio Caflius, an hiſtorian, and consul Diomelca, a city of the Daunii, built Dialloorius, a, um ; ad), dimifir), of Ronc. by Diomedes diſmifing: • Litterz dimifforiz, Diobea, people of Thrace, by the Domedea avis, a heron. letters of appeal, river Neftus. Diomedeæ, two iſlands ovar-againk Dimiffus, a, um ; part. of dimittor; Diobõlaris, re ; adj. 3. art. tought or Garganus, whe' eof one is inhabites, diſmifid, terſakin, divorsed, low, hired for two half-pince. • Diobo the asher not, humble. lare proftibulum, a common whore. Diomedei Campishar part of Apulia Dimi-tto, fi, frum, tière ; act, to dif- Dobõlárius, a, um ; the fame. which fe!l 10 Diomedes in dividing miſs, diſcharge, ſend away, let go, Diobõlus, i; m. a ſmall Athenian the kingdom with Daunus. give leave, ceaſe from, diſalur, ja. coin, a fenny: Diomēdes, a king of Ætolia, who tisfy, or pay off • Dimittere fcho-Diobulium, a lown by Ponius. went to be Trojan war, and was lam, to break up school. • Dimittere Diocæſarea, a city of Cappadocia and rackoned the moſt valint Greek, fe, to ſubmit one's felf. . Dimittere Phrygia. next to Achilles and Aiax. Airo a uxorem, to divorte. . Dimittere Diochites, a town in Egypt, where king of Thrace, who fed b's bordes aliquid de ſummâ, 80 bate one ſome Gris is buried. with man's felh, till Hercules over- what. * Dimittere fanguinem, 10 Diocles, the fiel king of the Medes. throw him, and gave him to his own det blood. + Dimittit cum dolor, Allo an ancient comic poet of A horſes to be satın. Aljo an ingenious be pain cafus. * Dimittere reum, thens ; and many other men. grammarian. to absolut a criminal. Eò rem Diocletianopol's, a city of Theffaly. Diomia, part of the tribe Tigris. dimittit Epicurus, Epicurus went | Diocletianus Jovius, sijo egbreenib Dion, a cily of Eubea ; ality and pro- So far, brought it so that point. emperor of Rome, whi having mentory of Cretc; a city of Epirus ; Dimitror, i ; to be ſent away. reigned twenty-two years, and ace! and othor pl cas. Dimõrio, õnis ; f. a rimoving. chieved many noble enterprizes, re-l Dlon, a famous philosopher of A'exan- Dimorus, a, am; part. of dimóveor, ligned the government, and retired dria, who bring grievuſly reproached, remooed. 10 a country life. An/wered no more, but Ne gry qui- Dimorco, Jri, ūtum, ēre ; 20. 10 Diocleus, the ſon of Or Glochus. dem, which accafioned the proverb, retrieve, take away, expel, put back + Dio titæ, or dioctoniti, light borſo. Dionis gry. Allo a nobleman of or abdo. # Ora dimovet, be open- Syracuſe, wbe loved Plato, by cth hit mousb, Dimovere bonum + Dlodēla, the herb milfoil. wboſe counſel he rid the country of & malum, so diſtinguiſh good from Dlodori infula, an iſland in the mouth Dyoniſius ihe tyrani. bad. * Dimovere aliquem de of the Arabian gulph. Dion Callius, as Dio, Bs. fententiâ, to make one of another Diodorus, the name of several learned. Dion Pruſiæus, a ſophiſter and philo- wind. sopber, called allo Chryſoitom, ho Dimov-cor, ēri to be removed, &c. Dlodorus Chronus, o logician of appeared in publick cloarhed in a + Dimulgatio, onis ; f. a publiſhing, Jaffus in Afia, in the time of Plato, lion's skirt, and was familiar with # Dimulgātor, üris; m. a publiſher. jihalar af Apollonius 'Chronus, Trajan. † Dimpigo, are ; [ror divulgo) to whole fame be obſcured, and ufurped Dionäa, Dionc so called. publift abroad. his name. Dionæus, a, um ; of Dione. Dimur., e city of the Lower Mofia. Diodorus Siculus, an hiſtorian of Si- Dione, the daughter of Oceanus and Dimuri, a people of India, about the cily, in the time of Julius Cæfar. Tethis, and mother of Venus by riwr Indus. Diæcēsānus, ni;m. a diocean, Jupitcr. Dimyxos, a lamp tr candleſtick with Diæcēgs, is; f. a dioceſo, juriſdiction, Donia, a city of Cyprus. · two ligbis, a candle with iroo wicks, province. Dionymus, í ; m. baving iwo names. &c. + Diæcēta, a collidor of tribule, D:09yga, æ, f. ivy. Dinarchus, one of Delos, who col Diccētes, æ; m. a hailiff, governor, Dionyfia, orum; the feals of Bacchus, lefted the Çrctiqn fables'; and other or soll gatherer, ſieword. Dicce- Dioryſta, arity in Italy anit Egypt. tes regius, the comptroller of the Alji a woman martyred ar Alexan: Dinarctum, & promieniory of Cyprus. king's boufold. dria, under Decius. Dindarl, a people of Dalmatia. + Dictarli, as dirc&tarii. Dionyfaci dænioncs, auiliniriis that Dindrymæ, a.cile of Macedonia. Dlogenes, nis; ñ. a cynick churliſ polised the priefeles of Bacchus. Dindyma, orum ; mountain of Troas. philosopher, who dwell in a kind of * Dionyfaci artifịces, mimiiks, Dindymēnc, Cybele so called. Tuh; who wlien Alexander asked him bufons. Dine, a place in Arcadia, by the ſea. whit hi should give him, bid him Dioniſizdes, two in inds about Crete Dinia, the city Digns in Francc. jand out of his jun.livric, und nut Also a town in Africa, pionyfias men, Men, funt. 4 DIO D I P DIR Dionyfias, an illind called otherwise) Dioſcorides, the napbew of Antigo. , Dipolis, Lemnos, c callat hreauſe it Naxus, so called from their abun . nus; alſo on Athenian, jon of Dio. contains Hæphcftia and Myria; dance of vires. nyfius į a one ey'd Cyprian jon of alſo a city 'mear the Exposicnſes, Dionyfias, adis ; f. precious Pone Tiinon, and other min. divided by a wall. wiib rad ſpots. Dioſcorides Phacas, a phyſician in Dipondlarius, a, um ; of two pound, Dionyfides," a tragic post of Tarſus. The time of Antony and Cicopa!ra, Dipendius, ii ; 0.2 [å dilo & pon- Diony Godorus, a famous geometrician, who wrote of the names of media Dipontium ii ;n. I dus) iwo pound cinu. in whole lopulchre his friends found weight, a meaſure of two fast, an enifle 10 the gods. Diofcorides Anazarbcus, a phyſician, Dippo, a city of Spain. Dionyfiopolis, a rity of India by the who wrote of medicines ond antidotes Dipſacon, in. wild teaſel. Dip. river indus, called alfNagara and under Nero, whoſe works art gel Dipſacus, i im.) facus minor, Niffus ; another in Lower Myfid, Mecherd's rod. called Varna, and heretofore Crunos. Dioſcoros, an iſland on the borders of Dipſas, ădis ; f. a certain bawd whom Dionyfinpolitæ, the inhabitants of Italy, Ovid inveighs again. diinyliopolis. Diofcorus, a mariyr under Decius ; Diplas, adis ; f. a kind of Serpont, and other mon. Dionylius, Dcanis. A naor of Bac- which cauſes them that are jung chus. Also tuo tyrants of Sicily, the Dioſcūri , the ſons of Jupiter, Caſtor with it so die wish shirl, farber and the son ; thelal of them and Po'lux ; alſo fres appearing at Dipſas, ntis ; a river of Cilicia, 4. being the greateſt tyrant, and hearing fea, adboring to muſis and jail. riſing from mount 'laurus. an o!d woman pray for his life, asked yards, and belokuning lucky Dipron, 4 dry mountainous place in her the reaſon, the cold bim, that Arabia. voyage. when he wiſhed the death of other Dloſcurlas, a city of Colchis by Pon + Diptonia, æ; f. a ſingle word with tyrants, skers Bill came a worf, tus; alſo an iſand in Africa, ano. e double meaning and the feared it might be so if he tbar in the red sea, and a proton Diptòton, i ; n. a noun that has but lived two cajos, a diptore, contemprihle ai Corinth, which occa- Dofcyamos, henbanı. Diplycha, jf. a pair of writing- fioned the proverb, Dionysius Co- Dioſpage, e town of Meſopotamia. tables, 4 table-book, rinthi j and at laf surnud fihoel- Dloſpolis, a city of Egypt, Arabia, Diptychum, i; a. a table with the mafer. Bithynia, and obber places. name of famous men recited as the Dionysius Alexandrians, a gramma. Dloſnyros, F. tbe herb llone-crop. altar, the living on one side, and the riun in Trajan's time, and desper D:oftecoolia, a fountain in Andros ; dsad on the other: of his library. every yeur, upon the firſt of January, Diplycus, a, um ; adj. having two Dionyfius Milchus, an hiſtorian who of wine. leaves., Wrole of the affairs of Perſia. Dióta, a; f. a wine-pot, or drinking-Dipyrēnun, fin. & ſurgeon's inliru- Dlonyfius Halicarnasſeus, an hiſo cup with two 6:175, on Burebon mont with a knob at both ends, used riin of Halicarnafſus ; a city of jar. abour fore mushi. Caria. Díðtime, a woman philoſopher, al Diayros, ri; c. fwies in the fire ; Dionyfus Pericgetes, who wrote a whose lotures Socrates was not a Phacton so called, bring chanel- led. geography in Greek hixinners, Mamed to be prefeni. which is yet extant. Dictimus, an' Athcnian, firrimed Dipyrus, /ea-bisket. Dionyfius Areopagita, a nobleman of Chone. D!ra, a city of Ethiopia, cx the banks Athens, difiiple of St. Paul;who be- Dioxippus, & comic port, famous of Nilc, ing in Egypt,and seeing the silipſe of wrofiler also a valiant Soldier of Direccs, part of the tribe Lcontia. the fun of the paſion of our Saviour, Alexander's tobo Rew Corragus. Dirădiātio, onis ; f. an enlightening, faid, Either the God of nature fuf. Dipæa, a city of Arcadia. or ſessing in faſion of jun beams. fers, or elſe ibe frame of ibe world Diphilus, an Athenian general; allo Dirădio, arc; a&t. to make or set it will be diſolved. an arshireet jo now, that be cauſed the form of fur-beams or branches, Dionyſius, the name of ſeveral mon, be proverb, Diphilo tardior; And • Vitem diradlare diradlare, to plalh Dionysonymphas, an herb, which be- other pren. vine, ing bruiſed in water forells of wine, Diphoreticus or Diaphoreticus, a, um ; Diradiotes Apollo, so called from and yet refijs drunkennes, ad). piercing ibrough. ** Diaphore Dira, a place where he gave om Diopc, s city of Arcadia. ticus ſudor, À faint excellive oracles. of Diopites, certain frogs. fwas. Diiæ, tbi daug blers of Nox and A. Diophanes, e raborician of Mitylene, Diphri, a sity of Phoenicia. cheron, the punibers of wicked con- mafor of Gracchus; and other Diphris, e precious llone, whereof there friences. are 1200 foris, male and female,wbile Diræ, arut ;-f. [à dirus) surſes, Diophantus, a Lacedemonian, who and black. #xerrations. Diris devovere ali- wrote fourteen borks of antiquities. Dephryx, or diphryges, gis; she drosso quem, to curſo one to the pit of bell, Dlophantus Syracuſanos, a Pythago- licking like aſbes to ibé bolsim of the rean philosopher. furnare. Dirbæ, a place in Scythia, wherein Diophantus Alexandrinus, an arith-Diphiera, æ; f. the pupherd's polt; is the city Theos. metisian, alſo the skin of the gori Amalthea, Dirce, the wife Lycus king Diopænus, A famous engravar of whersin Jupiter was laid to regifer Thebes, turned into a fountain of Crete. miens faults; whence the proverb, ber nant, not far from Thebes. Diopolis, a city of Armenia Minor, Sero Jupiter diphtheram infpexit, Dircæus, a, um ; adj. af Thebes. so called by Pompey, being called pris long ere be puniſhes. Dirce Babilonia, was turned into a before Cablia, and afterwards AU- Diphthongus, i ; f. a diphthong. fiſh by Pallas, for contending with guſta + Diplc, a marginal 1056 for the cor- her for brauty. Dioptics, cēs; f. thas part of affrology sraing of a fault. Dircenna, a very cold fountain in that fearshes the difiance of planets Diplinthlus, a, um ; adj. swo brikes Spain near Bilbilis by perfpeâives. thick, Dire a promontory and city of the ſame Dioptra, aif quadrans, perfpec- Diplois, idis ; f. a doublet, nami near Ethiopia. five or oprick glaji ; an infirumeni Diploma, štis ; n, a bull, writ, paſs. Direciarli, orum ; n. night thieves. to take the altitude and latitude of port, charter, or letters parmi , alſo Directè, ctò; adv. rightly, Sraightling Speed and baflening of a journey ; direaly to the purpoſe, finely, zadba Diordali, a people of Taprobane. a double cloth, and the pill called out complimeni. Diöres, a man hain by Turnus. Balocum Mariæ. Directio, 'onis ; f. a dirsalon, aim- Dioryctus, a place in Acarnania. Dipnias, a city in Theffaly, where ing, drilling Dioryges, ditches in Egypt. 80 drain they say Apollo firii dined when he Director, oris ; m. a diretor. The waters of Nile into the fields, returned from Tempe. Directrix, icis ; fe that directs. Doiyx, ygis; m. 4 ditch thade with Dipodia, æ; f. two fut in poetry. Dirceum, i; n. that which is rigbt. hindi Dipena, a town of Arcadia. Directus, a, um, part, of dirigor ; Dios Hieron, Jupiter's tomple, a town Dipenus, and Scyllis, the firt that dire&, or direllid, righi, plain, juji. of lonia. were famous for graving of marble. t Direnigo, are; to row diverly. + Diremprio, places, . ! ! very fight. change, Direincor, dl; to be cleft, &c. deous bawling. '* Dirumpercs li-i Diſceptātrix, ich bigrator. DIR DIS DI S + Diremprio, õnis ; f. a separating, Diņuncino, are ; ad. to cut up or in walsh lies at Bake. * Difceptare a breaking alunder. pieces, controverfias aliquorum to hear Diramptor, oris ; m, a ſoparater. Drancīnor, ari to be cut up, and decide n.ons controverfias [us a Diremptus, a, um, part. of diri. + Diruacio, ire ; to wurd, deanſo, judge.] mor ; fiparated, broto. * Di. purge. Diceptor, ari ; to be tried; examined, -Tempta mari gens, a people living Diru.o, i, tom, ere; to bresk down, ! handlo. 00 ibu mber side of No fea, defroy, demoliſ, overthrow, + Diffeproofus, a, um , full of Diremptus, ŭs ;.m. a feparation. Dir uor, ui ; to be pulled down, &c. Prije. Dircptio, onis ; f.e robbing, pillag- Diruptis, õnis; f. a burjling ajun- Diſcera. 2 country of Cyrene. ing, jacking, or ranſacking. der. Diſcernicŭlum, lí i n. a difference ; Direptor, oris ; m. a robber, Spoilet. Diruptor, oris ; a breaker, Alfo a bodkin to Japarate the hur. Direptus, a, um, part. of diripiorº; wajter. Diſc erno, sēvi, ictum, crnère ; to robbed, Ipoiled, plundered. Diruprus, a, um ; part. of dirum difiern, Jeparate, diſlingui, diicr. Dircptus; us į m. im. a robbing; taking por ; broken afunder, Stent, Beep, mine. Diſcerne.c armis, to fighe away, plundering rigorous,: * Diruptus bomo, me! il cuit. Diribco, ērc ; [à di & habeol to le broken-bellied. Diſcer-nor, ni; to be ſeparated. parare, diflributi, pay the ſoldiers. DIRUS, a, um ; [Sesòs velà Dei Diſcer-po, pa, puno, dore; 22. (of Diribeor, eri; to be difrihúted. ira) terrible, cruel, arcurfed, borri dis and carpo) 10 diſmembri, 1:1 Diribitio, onis ; f. á dividing the ble i alſo griat, dreadful. in piccss, divide. Rem propoli- Spoils. + Dirutor, oris ; m. a delroger. tam in meinbra diſcerperc, 10 Diribitor, oris ; m. a pay-maſter, Dirūluj, a, umį part, of diruor ; hindle a ſubjea analytically: difributer, catuer, oy waiter. cal down, dezgolijed. Diſce:prio, õnis ; f. a teiring iri Dīrībitösiom, ii ; n. tbe place where Dis. Ditis, the krother of Jupiter and piccis. common ſoldiers. are muliered and Neptunc, gode of bill, called alio Diſcerptor, oris ; m, he that rmds or paid. Pliito; alio the same at Semothes, pulls in pieces. Dirigendus, a, um ; part. of dirigor ; the ſon of Noah, who forf planted Difcerptus, a, um ; part. of difcer- to be directed, meifurod, &c. the Celtick colonies. 1 por ; plucked or fórn sjunder. Dirigco, ui, ēre ; ncát. to be numbid, Dis, ditior, ditiffimus, a, um ; [à Diſcoſſio, onis ; f. a departing, going Dit with cold cr fear. Diriguit dives) riib, fertile, amrie. auny, con defiending, divorce, Dil viſu in medio, be grew cold at the Dis, a propoſition uſed only in comto ccffio tcrrae, a gaping of the ground. nition, fignifying diverzity and dizi. * Difceffio in fententiam, a veiing Dir-igo. exi, ectum, igere ; act. (of hon. with anorber, di and rego) to direct, maks righe + Disbullo, arc ;. to take away a Diſceſsūrus, a, um; part. fut: in rus, or Brail, conduft, neaſure, frame, Sign. of difcedo , ready to depart. level, reſemble, cus afunder, Co-Difcalceatio, ūnis ; f. a pulling or Diſccflus, ùs ; m. á departinggaping, gitationes dirigere ad rem, to let putting of foces. * Difceffus cælf, achaos in hi one's throught about a thing. *Diri Diſcalceatus, a, um ; unſod. beavens. gere aciem, to draw up the army, Difcalcco, are ; to unbic, put off one's Diſccus, ei; a comet or meiasr. * Acu dirigere, to mout at. shoes. Difcidium, ii; n. (à diſcindo) e di. + Dirimo, are ; to jest narrowly. Diſcanto, are ; 10 fing, diftant. viſion, divorce. Dir-imo, emi, emplum, imore; act., Diſcantus, us ; m, difcant. Diſcifer, ori ; 1. (à diſcus & fero] (of dis and emo) to diftinguiſ, fe- + Dſcăpēdināíus, a, um, diſclosed. a din teater, wailor. parate, interrupt; alſo to delor or Diſcăpēdino, ale ; là capodo] 10 Diſcinctè, adv. loosely, diſſolute . put off ® Dirimere litem, poput ca, am: in:5. an end to Brifr. # Dirimere nup- + Diſcarpo for difcerpo. Diſcinctus, a, um ; part. of diſcin- tias, to break off a mitriage. * Di-+ Diſcaveatus, a, um ; fet.open. gor ingirt, looe, diffoluli, careleſs, rimere concilium, to adjourn a Diſcă-veo, vi, utum; to be very aijarmed. # Diſciactus ncpos, coun:il. * Dirimere auſpicium, inicraperate debau:hid fel [of an unlucky token appearing] to Diſcedens, ntis ; parting, almoſt a: an low, put an end to the divination. end. Diſcindendus, a, um; part. fut. in Dirimnor, čris, i ; to be diſtant or Diſccditur, imp. paff. d!fceffum eft dus, of difcindor ; to be aſunder. Dirimuntur unius diei or fuil, there was a departure. off. itinere, they are one day's journey * Diſccd:tur in eam fententiam, Diſcindo, ſcidi, fciffum, děre; act. alunder. they are of that opinion, clearly for to cut off, alunder, or in piezas, break Dirini, a people of Italy. that fide. or Nit. Dilcindere amicitias, so Diripio, ui, uptum, čre ; (of di and Diſcc.do, fi, ffum, dère ; reut. 10 cauſe varianco, Tapio) 10 Snatch away, rob, Spoil, plunder, pull dowon, out, or ajunder. condeſcend, accepi, obtain gopa, Ye-Diſcin-go, xi, ctum, gěre; act. to • Diripere victorian, 10 buin a cede. Difcederc in ſcrientiam, undo, ungird, confute, degrade, vi&ory ſuddenly. Diripere de to aprove one's opinion. In au! caſhire. * Diſcingcre dolos, io dif- authoritate alicujus, to lilen or a. ras diſceffit, it vanighed. * Diſcc couer a plot or intrigue. bate one's, au bority. dere è viâ, to die. * Diſcelic in- Diſcin.gor, gi; so be ungirded. Diris, a mountain of Mauritan'a, ferior, he was overcome. # D (cc Diſcingi arpis, to be diſaimed. which for its bright they called the dere in duas partes, to be divided. Disciplina, æ;f, (à diſcipulos) dif- pillar of heaven, and is now called Diſcedere in alia omnia, to be ciplinc, order, doctrine, injlru&ion, Atlas. of a quite contrary opinion. * 7'er learning, manner, faſhion, training + Diriffimus, a, um ; mof cruel. sa diſcedit, the tarih opened. up. * Haberc è diſciplina, to get Dirītas, ātis ; f. ferriblneſs, cruelty, Quum diſcelli à te, nemo mihi by fludy or reading. Diſcipllnæ vmgeance. #D'ritaš norun, rude. charlor, Serting you afide, no body is aliis eram, I was a pattern of uir. nofs, barharity, more dear to me. fue to others, Dirphya, Juno so called. # Dilcento, are ; to ſing treble. + Diſciplinābilis, le ; adj. which may Dirphys, a mountain of Eubcea, Difccptātio, onis ; f. e dijputing, be taught or learned. · where Juno was worshipped. friving in wordi, a debore. + Difciplinatio, onis ; f.orderlinefs, Diru-mpo, pi, ptum, mpère ; act. 80 Diſceplātioncŭla, a; f. a ſmall con keeping or living under difci. break or burll afunder, break up troverſy. pl.ins. or off. * Dirumpere re, ir bazard Diſcepta:or, õris ; m. a diſpuler ; + Diſciplinātos, ûs ; m. a correr his lungs and fides, to moke a his a judge sion. that shore envy putes, judgis, or examines. in/tructed. and choler. Ditccpto, arc; là cap:o) * difpure, t Diſciplinor, ari; to infirudi. Diruncinātio, onis ; f. a cutting up ruajon, contend, fry, examine, dis-i Difcip inõlus, a, um ; adj. full of or in picres. courſe about Arm, is diſccptare, Diruncinālor, õris ; m. he that cuts sa fight. . Omnis fortuna reipub. D.fcipüla, æ; f. a fhe diſciple or ap- up. licce diſcepat, the whole coinix... prentice. + Diſcipă- wary. an 1 1 • Ruºn ng • 1 $ into divers, parts: : DIS . DIS DIS + Difcipülaris, rc; adj. of a diſcia Diſcrepito... are; 10.difugree often, Diforsilā! or, orisi . w for framp ple, or Tiholar, Dlicrop o, ui and avi, arc, itum; and down. + Diſcipů'ātus, a, um ; inflruated. neut. to give a different found, 60 Diſcursito: are ; neut.. là d:ſcurſo + Diſcipúlatus, us; m. rholar]hip. en Hirs up and down. + Diſcipulo, are ; to infrud. Difcrepane facta cun dictis, bis Diſcursătores, unr; n. light soldiers, Diſcipólus, i';.m. (à diſco) a ſcho deeds and words are not all one. Diſcurſo, are n. (à diſcurro corun lar, apprentice. Dilciopat inter aụthores, subpra oftest ep.and down. + Difciffioncs, um ; f. great goſbes , agree Rose, Diſcurſor, orism... vagrani, wart- deadly sounds. Diſcretè, adv. didina'y, Jeuorally. derer Diſc:lus, a, um, part: of difcindor ; Diſcrecim, adv. Separuerly, Dif:urſorius, a, um , adj. wander. cut or forn afundario Difcretio, ānis ; f. diferation, diline, dering Diſcludo, 'fi, fum, dere; act. (of tion, feparation. Diſcurſus, ùs ; m. Quint. a running .claudo) to put out, separate, diſ- + Diſcrctorium, ii; N. council. 10 und agria, a diſcourse, an inva- jain, 10 fet aparty. to fout up apurt: chamber. fion, running about, by itſelf Diſcrētus, a, um ; part. of diſcernor; DISCUS, c/ mn. Cic. [siya Diſclūdor, di; past. to be fout guig Separatod, portad, not confuſed, di pilgter, or guoit, 16. vifble Separated, or partid.. Diſcravi. Sre diſcerno. body of the ſun. Diſclūkio; "õnis f. lutting out, or Difcri-bo, pli, plum'; to faribble. Diſcuſſio, õnis jf. Cic. a difenfring Jeparariin;- difraction. Diſcrimen, inisin, Cic. [à diſcerno.) diſolving, debating, fifting; dalping Diſclūlor, oris ; m. be that fouts out, diffirenci, diverſity, parting of the or abridges another. man's liberty. hair, Aillanii, danger. In dify Diſcußor, oris ; m. a autor, fear Diſelūlus, a, um'; part. of diſclúdor; crimine eft utrum, sis controueried chor, solor, roleri etifeludad, pariéd. or in debate whe:bar. * In difci- Diſcurorius, a, um ; adí. diſolving. Disco, didici, core ;'act. [datu] to men exitimacionis. vcnirc, to be, Diſcuſſum, i; n'a shing diſcuſedi learn. #.Diſcere.fidibus, to leam in a fair way to lose his reputation. Dlicurfus, a, um, part of difcutiar; 10 jiddle. . Dilcere literas, to gie Diſcrimināle, 1913-n. a beiralace, a diſcused, broken, driven awago learning criſping-iron, a bodkin to part the Diſca-tió, vlisiuni, töre; ace. [of + Diſcobinātus, a, um ; part. filed bair, dis and quaţiol to diſcuss; diflur, aſunder, woundedo: + Diſcriminālls, le ; d:finguiſbing. Take or Drike efi; drive away, 6x4 + Diſcobino, are ; le fearr ar waund, Diſcriminātìm, adv. diflinétly, jove amine on leirih for, debats and con- Diſcobolus, i; mia quoit-cofter. rally, afunder. Futei Difcutere red, to sift a Diſcoctio, onis, f.. a boiling Diſcriminatio, onis; f. A diffinguish. buſineſs,, Ixamine it shoroughly. : Diſco&us, a, um ; part.of.dllcoquor ; ing, ſeparating. Diſcutere febrem, to fright away will boiliá: Difcriminator, oris;:m. a separater an ague. . # Diſcutere matrimo † Diſcollafmus, the play called, Fox Difcriminātus, a, um ; jep trated. nium, "ro null á marriage, pronounce so thy bole.. Diſcrimino, are; ace. (à diſcrimen) ir void Diſcolor, oris ; adj. 3 art. parly-cou to dißinguiſ, put a difference bo- 1 + Diſertātlo, onis ; f. a diſputing, lowrid, of diverr.colow's. Iwgm, rank, Jet in order. + Diſertātor, oris į m, a diſpuser, Diſcoloratus, a, um ; pari-colored. + Diicriminoſus, a, um ; adj, dan- Diſcrte, ady. «lequently, expresy. + Diſcõlörlus, a, um ; of divers co gerous. Dilërtim, adv. diflineily, planly: Zours. Diccruclātio, onis ; f., a torpsinding, Fuit diſertim, i wis la indeede: + Diſcoloroj are acte to make of di- Diſcrèciālor, õris ; w. a torménier. t Diſertio, õnis ; fi a div licn. vers colours. Diſcrèclātus, a, um ; tormmred, + Diſerto, arg; to diſpute or explain. *Diſcolorus, a, un; of divers colours. Dlſcrèclātus, üs; m. tortent. of Diſcrtūdo, inis ; f. eloquente. Diſconducit, imp. it is not profitable. Diſcrūcio, are ; 10 torment or VIX. Dilçrt-us, a, um, adj. -jor, iffimos; Diſconvenienter, adv. jarringly. Diſcrúcior, ari; paff to be tormmted. (à différor] well.spoken, c!oqucnte, Diſconvě-nio, ni,,otum, nire ; n. • Diſcriicior animi, I am fors + Diſgrcs, as ſegregas. to differ or diſagree. *Diſconvenit Troubled in mind. * Diſgruo, čre, 10 dilugree. inter meqoe & tc, we'difer, are t Diſcritor, ari; to rig er equip. # Dilico, čre ; to break ajundor. not of the Same-mind, Diſcúbātio, onis , f, a lying down. Disſcctio, önis; f. á eshing anwn. Diſcoöper-ió, 'di, ire';' act. to dif- + Diſcúbitio, onis ; f. a fitting down. Disjccto, are ; [à dispicio) te breck clofe, diſcover. # Diſcúbitoriam,il; a. a bed-cham. in picies, scarler, or diſcomjit ofien. Diſcophorus, ri; m. a diſh-bearer, ber, or dining room. Disiector, ari; to be ofim coji dicon + Diſcopulo, arc; to unceuple. + Diſcůbitòrius, a, um, adj. of lying Disjector, oris ; m. a scatterer, caper Diſco.quo, xi; ctum, quere ; 19 boil dozun. doron, much. Diſcúbo, vi, itum, are ; re lie down Disjecius, ûs į m. a ſcattering, livre Diſcordabilis, le ; adi diſagreeing. to ſleep. ing Diſcordans, ntis ; part. "out of tune, 1.t: Diſculpo, arc , 10. jujiify or clair. Disicctus, a, uro; part. of disficior; jorring, dijagysoing .Diſculus, li ; m. A litile diſh, plote, Scattered, dispersen, cap down or Diſcordâtio, inia f. a'diſagrering, or quoit. afunder Acics disjęcia, än ar- Diſcordis, 19 ; f. for diſcors, q. v. Diſcumbitur, imp, parte (ab illis) any rutinio Giorder.fr diſarray. Diſcordia, a ; 'f. Cic. (à diſcors] they are ſet at table' Disi-icio, oci, crtuin, icere; act. 19 diſcard disagreement, drbate, dif- Diſcu-mbó, bui, mbore ; n. to hit af fratter, coſ jurider, put to Nighi. fontion, Brije. the table, lo!l, on lie down. Disji-cior, ci ; io de carterod.. Difcordiasis, le; adj. making diſcord + Difcunducit for diſconducit. Disjūgāto,.,onis ; t. a disäning: or Arife, Diſcūncātio, önis; f. a cleaving with Disugācus, a, um,; disjuinud, + Diſcordiblos, a, um, adj. conten wedges! Disjúga, are ; to disjoin,.part, fever, sious, quarrel fome, Difcüncātor, oris ; m. a cleavcr. D!sägor, ari; part. to be levered. Diſcorditas, āris; fi difcord, variance. Dilçüncátus, a, um ; cit. *Diſcu. Disfunciè, ond -im; 3dv' feveralij, Diſcordo, are ; 2. to jart, diſagret, neata cochleæ: 540ing Ibell.fiphes. Disjunctiv, bis ; f.' a disjunction, jo- be at variania, or cut of 'tune. Diſcinco, are ; [à cuzeus) to clear'a payuring, jevering Diſcordare, cum aliquo, adverfus with wedges: Dijunctive, adv. disjunctively. , aliquem, ab aliquo, o diſagies Diſcủp-io, ivi, čre ; to fuel, ar do- Disjunctivus, a, um ; disjunctive. with one, to be of different ſenti fire greatly, long for: Disjunctor, õris; in. 6. wijines - ments, nöt:10'66 at union. Diſcur-so, ii, luin, röre; act. 10. run Past'arer. Diſcors, ordis ; ad). 3.art, là cor] hisher and shisher, Jorrud broad. Disiunctum, i, n. a thing disjointed. diſagreeing, jasring, unfunrable. Famā cjus: Urbem diſcurrit, the Disjunct-us, a, um ; ad. -ior, illi- Sibi. difcordero eſſe, to be at varje fame of him runs over the rity. mus; (.1* disjungo;} Kparcted, -, ance with himſelf. ; Diſcurian!, Olis ; part running up fundir, fir derris, dij groeing † Diſcredo, čre; not to believe, and douin otton. t. D:sjungai:o, ins; f. a divjoining. Diſcrčpåns, ntis; part. diſagreeing. Diſcurfim, adv. runningly. + Disjungacus, a, lim; disjois,ed. Diſcršpantèr, adv. diſagreeingly. Dilourlo, onis; f. a running about. I + Disjurigo, are; 10 disjo97, ungake. Difcrepantia, ; f. diferenci. Diſcussitātio, onis ;- f. a running hi-Disjun-20, xi, tum, gére act. to Diſcrégātor, Oris; m, 6-dikpreor, ther and thixhar. diij.is, fover, fopurait, .part. Ddddd · Dis. 1 . 1 1 Fior. Non diſpar animorum, os Diſpertio, ire; fa , a; ; . DIS DIS DIS Disfungerc, à main mâ, to wran. · waſing, undoing. the rain. Disjun.gor, gi; to be disjonid, wean- Diſperditus, a, um ; lol, undone. Diſpõliabúlum, li ; n. a place of rob- Difper do, dipi, ditum, děrc ; act. bery, naughlineſs, a robbing. + Diſmembrator, oris ; m. be thas. to dejlroy, loje, Speid, wape, Dilpollatio, õnis; f. robbery. diſmembers. Diſper-dor, di; to boli, &c. Diſpoliātor. üris; K. a robber. Diſoro, a peuple of Thiace, Diſpěr.co, svi itum, ire ; Deut. so Dilpolior, are ; act. (a ſpolio) to Diſpālātio, onis : fo aleattering" perife, be undore, utterly teff. Vooil, or robores of all. wandering abous. Difpercam Gilet me periſo if. Difpondæus. i ; n. a double ſpondu. Diſpālātus, a, um, part. of diſpator'; Diſper-go, fi, ſum, gére act. [à D.ip-ono, oſui õlitum; öněre; act. frattered, diſperſed. fpargo) 80 difperfi, row, Jcatlır, to diſpoſo, determinegi put in order, Diſpāleſco, ère ; n, to become publicki. Sprood abroad. *Diſpergere vitam fut in array, give... Diſponere ty to publiſ abroad. in auras, to die. diem, to order the day after she fe- Dispālo, are; act: to fratter, wander Diſper-gor, gēris, gi ; paff . to be varali bufnitesa about berome common. Spisas abroad. *. An tibi mavis + Diſporto, are; to carry into divers # Diſpompino, are ; to take ift. ibe cerebrum difpergi? had you rather parts, vine lieves. have your brains Inorked out ? Diſpoſité, ady, orderly, in order. Difpan-do, di, jam, děte; act to Diſperse, adv: Seatteringly. Diſpositió, önis;.f. difpofition, a fer- Aratch out, opon, ar pyaad abroad, Difperfim, adv. hero and there, in sing in order.g alſo provifion, ſepara- Difpag-dor, di: to be pread abiond. Several places, * tionpolicy. Difpansio, onis ; f. a spreading a Diſperfio, onis ; f. a ſcattering, Difpofitiùs, adv. shore.orderly. broad, † Diſperſor, oris ;'m a ſcattarer. Diſpositor, oris ; a diſpoſer. Feller Diſpanſus, a, um, part. of difpan; Diſperſus, a, un part. of diſper in order: *Mundi diſpoGior, God. dor, dijslagrid, Spread abroad, gor; difperfed, Sprinkled, ſcattered, t Diſpositūra;æ;..ia difpofing: prelibed cut. lying out at Imgib. Diſposilus, ayum ; part of diſpo- Diſpar, gen. Ăris; adj. z art. uno. Difperfus, as; me a ſcattering, of nor; diſpoſed; ordered. * Difpoata qual, unlike, unft, unſuitabis, infe- Spreading abroad. in o.nnem forunan confilia, dif counſels rçady to encounter any arti- courageous as the beſt of them. Difpertior, -irl; } tribute Dif dent whatever, *Diſpărāla, örum ; D. things unlike, pertire exercitum per oppida, to Diſpositus, ús; m.. a ſetting in ora divers. quarlar the army up and down the der. Diſpărātè, ady, diverſy. villageri Difpertiri. in multas Dilprētus, a, um, adj... [à fpretos] Diſpărilis, ic; adj. unlike, immest. curas, to be diframed with cares. : deſpiſed. tior; dividid, parted Pamed. Difpudet ojbi ac data Diſpăro, are; act. .10 ſeparate put Difpéfceris, ntis; part. of difpeſco; eſſe verba, I am sumed to be ſo. apart, diſagree. separating. rouxen'd. Diſpăr-or, ari ; pafr. to be fevered, Dilpeſco, ui, inm, čre "act. [à Difpulſus, a, um ; part, of diſpellor; Dilpart-io, irc ¡ act. to divide, or paſco) 10 ſeparati; to fund severally, drium away, parte afunder. drive from pallure. Difpulvěrātio, õnisz. t. 4 reducing Dipart-ior, iri, itus; part, to be di- Diſpcſcor, ci'; part. to be driven from to dun. vidad. paiunt. .:: + Diſpulvero, -are j. act. 80 reduce Diſpart-ior, iri, itas fum ; dep. Difpefcuus, a, um, adj. fed ſeveral. unto powder. Jureconfulti quod in unâ cogniti ly, or driven from.paiure. + Diſpulvér-or, ari , past, eo be re- one pofitum eft, in infinita dif. + Diſpex, icis ; adj; quick-fig bred. dured 10. poruder, partiuntur ; Cic. de leg. 2. 19. # Diſphendonomena, a Perlian pu-+ Diſpumatorium, ji; n. a soummer. + Diſpătes-co, cēre ; in. to bi ſpread nishment; by tying the legs to the t Diſpūmo, are.;, to four off, soam abroad, publiſed, cops of trees, and drawing them a up or about, Difpe&tus, us m. (à diſpicio] con funder, Diſpunctio, onis; f. a pricking up, a fideration, choict, diſcretion. + Dlſpicientia, &; f. circumpalon, P.rying or requising. Diſpellens, ntis; driving away. confideration. Diſpuncior, oris ; m. he that pays. Difp-ello, ūli, ulſum, eličre ; a&t. 10 Diſp-icio, exi, ectum, Icere; act. (à Diſpun-go, xi, ctum, gěre; act.ro diſpell, or put into ſeveral places. fpecio] to look diligently conſider prick out; examins particulari, finiſ Diſpcllor, li'; past. to be put ajunder: well, diſim. or.diſpatch. Diſpungerc rationes, Diſpendiosè ady. with loſs. Difplicatio, onis; f. a diſplaying. to examine accounts. + Difpendiofitas, ātis; f. lofs. + Diſplícātor, oris, mi he ihai un-Diſputābīlis, le ; adj. diſputable, D!ſpendiõlus, a, um , adj. burtful, folds. Diſputans, ntis. part. dijpurting. dangerous, colly, fumptious. Diſplícātus, a, um'; part. of difpli - Diſputatio, õnis ; f..e diſputation, Diſpendiom, ii; n. exponice, loss, cor ; displayed, Scattered, not in arguing, reasoning, charge, roll, the furahajl way about. fosks. D:ſpülātiuncula, æ ; f, ia mell de- Difpen do, dl, ſum, děre ; act. 10 Difplicens, ntis; diſpleaſing. nate, ... employ, expond, beflow, pay, layout. D.ſplicentia, ai fi a diſplaying. D.ſputator, õris ; m.: a dispuser. Diſpendere curam, to take up Diſplịc-eo, ui, 'icum, ērc;tof dis + D.{pútātorius, e, um, adj. of. dif- one's whole cor, and placeo) to niſpluaje.. puri, difpurable. Diſpendo, ere; ford's and pando] + Diſplicina, æ; f. diſpleasure, dis- Diſpūcātrix, içis; f. 9.She-diſputer. to fretch out at length. cient. Difputātur, imp. there is a dipure. Difpenno, are; act. [of penna) 10 Diſplícitus, a, um; diſpleaſing. Dilpútātus, a, um ; part. diſputed; frerch the wings out. D (plico, ui and avi, tüm and. a- Diſpăto, are ; act. so diſputa, debatt, Diſpensātio, ānis ; f. a diſponlation, tum, are ; act to diſplay, lay open, reofoni, triar of; to prune. # Dif- diAribution, charge, or laying oui unfold, pluck in pierede. putare rationem, cum aliquo, io money for anobar, Difplic.or, ari ; to be unfolded, &c. realon out the caſe, or make up a + Diſpenſativus, a, um, adj., order. Diſpo.do, di, fum, děre; (of die reckoning. Diſputarc: aliquid all- ing houfbold affairsi. and plaudo) to break :n ſunder with cui, to make a thing plain io ons by Diſpensātor, oris, mi a buller, New a great noile, 19 applaud, cozimend. difputation. , : ard, one that lays our money for Diſplódot; di; paffto be broken a- Dildāmātus, a.um ;-unſealed. another; alfo the family Spencer, fundor. Dlyvāmo, are ; 19:unfiele. Su de. Diſponíatur, imp. it is jo orderad, Diſplofio, onis ; f. á breaking with a iyuano, Diſpensātus, a, um, part. Of diſpen- 1291e. DIqui ra, avi, ficums Сof dis aud for ; difpojed, granted. Difpiciis, a, um; part. of difpiodor; quæro] 10 inquirt, ferk, or Search Difpenfo, are ; [à diſpendo] to diſ burf afunder, Shot off * Difploſis sor. penje, difriture, lay out money, to naribus, flvtonosodo Diſqui-ror, ri; the jought, guvern, have the management of + Diſpluviatum: pr. d Tplurium, ij ; Diſqu fiuo, õnis ; f. en inquifition, Difpenfor, ari ; paſſ. 10 beluid our, n. che place which reisives the rain diligent fearsh or frial, inques. Difperců.cio, lb, sum ; . 10 dalla c4?. w3lzr. venire in difquifitionem, to be D:[perditio, 'õnis ; f. a defroping, Diſplăviātus, a, um; keeping away tried by a jury or inque. 1 Dif- f . N } DIS DIS DIS Diſquiſitor, oris ; a diligent foarcher, they would make a breach beswar us. , Diſsõlátio, õnis; f. diſolution, di/o- examiner, + Diſfignator for deſignator. fusineſs, a diffolvings Joopings Dlſrāro, are ; a&. 10 make rare, or. Diſfigno, are ; so unfoal, cancel, break, Disolucio naturæ, dratt. "Diffo ibin; also to gild. open.. lotlo ſtomachi, the weakneſs of the Diſr-umpo, ūpi, uptum, umperc; Dicilio, ul and -ivi, utum, ire ; fomach. at. to break alunder. ncut.' [of dis and fallo) to leap | Diſsolūtor, oris ; m. e diſſolver. Diſrumpor, pi ;. to be broken, &c. down, to leap or jy in pieces, chop * Dllso!ūtum, din.sa diſſolving, + Disſavior for diffuavior. afunder.. Diſsolūtus, a, um ; part of diffol- Diſsčcātio, önis; t. a cutting ajun. Difsīmīlāris, re ; adj. diſimilar, un "vor; diſolute, riotous, difolved, un- dar, like. bound, weak. Diffolutum navi- Diſsecātor, oris ; m'a diffiator. Diſsimil-is, e; adj. -lor, -limus ; gium, a foundered ship., * Diffo. Diſsčcātus, a, um ; part diſited. unlike. * Difimilis fozi, no$ like lutis criminibus, baving julified Diſsčco, ui, &tum, are ; act. 10 dif- hiirelt. Difimilis in illum, not himſelf. fii, Anatomixe, cut in pieces or Tofumbling him. Dirogans, nuis; diſagreeing. open. * Serrâ diffecarc, to faw an Diſsimilitèr, adv. differently, Diſsonantia; æ; f. & difcord, dif- Sunder, Diſsimilītūdo, Inis; f. unlikeneſs, agreving. Disſec-or, ari.; pafl . to be cut ajundir., Diſsimúlābilis, le; adh: which may be Diſsõno, ui, itúos, are ; ncut. w'dir: Diffcctio, onis; f. a curring in piaces. counterfeited, diffembled, agreb, jarr; be out of tune. Dificctus, a, um ; part, of difecor ; Dilsimŭlãmentum, i; a. a diffim- Dilšõnus, a, um, adj. diføgruing, cut aſunder, dificid, bling, counterfeiting untuneable. *.Dſsēdo, arc; to apprafe. Difsimülantèr, adů, diffomblingly, I † Dilor!cs, to whom the inheritance Diſseminātio, onis ; fi a fowing a- cloſely, is divided bout. Diſsimulantia, æ; f. a diſembling, Diſtortio, onis ; f. fà forp ) thi divi. Diſseminātos, örls; m. a lower, or cloaking, concealing: ding of an inheritance betwem co- Spreader about + Diſsimúlāris,.read). unlike. heirs. Diſsemino, are; act. 80 fow here and Diſsjmúlātim, 'adv. diſemblingdy, Diffuā-deo, fi, fun, dere ; a&t. to Ibare, divulgr, Spread abroad. Diſsimulātlo, õnis ; f. a difembling, difuode, reagon again. * Legem Diſsēmin.or, ari; to be sown, &c; & making as thor one did not know diffuadere, to be againg the polling ;. f. 2. , con- whar be does. of a law. Diſfenſus, ùs; . $. trariety of opi. Dlſsimŭlātor, āris ; m. a dilember. Diffuālo, onis ; f. a diſſuading. nione. Diſsimúlātus, a, um ; difombled., Diffuālor, Gris; m. a difuader. Diffentâncus, a, um ; Alfagrue Diſsimúlo, are ; act. i diſamble, ión- + Diffuāvlātio, õnis ; f. a swert kill- Diffentiens, ntis ; ing. cal, paſs by, iake no notice of, ferm ing + Diffentio, onis; f. a difension, not to know.' Difimulare filentio Difuavior, ari; dep. 80 kiſs swutly variance, diſagrement. injuriam, to put up a wrong. or muih. Diffen.cio, fi, fum, tire; .n. to dif Dilimulát fc voluifle, he makes as + Dikuetūdo, inis; f. a difusing. fint, diſagree, be of a contrary opi. thoBi had not been willing. Diſfuicos, as diſulcus. nion.. * ab aliquo, .cum aliquo, Diſsīpābīlis, le; adj. 3 art. which Diffultātiö, õnis ; f. a leaping up alicui diffentire, not to agree with. may be ſcattered abroad. and dowon.. Dilsēpimentum, i, n. a.dam, hedge, Diſsipātio, onis ; f. a scattering a- Diffulto, are ; n. (à diffillo] to leap partition, the diviſion of the broad, diſiparion. up and down, burll afunder. ters of a walnut. Diſsipator, õris; m. e fratterer, † Diffumi, i ; n. or birtam, a morſel, Diſse-pio, pi or pa, ptum, pire; act. Diſsipātus, a, um, part. of diſipor ; or bit. to separata by a hedge or incloſurs ; scastered, diſperjed. *Diffipates in Difl-uo, ui, utum, uěre; act. to ripa 30 diſpark. inftruendo, confounded in giving in 67 unſew, break off by little and Diffepium, 2. ti; n. an incloſure; little. fructions. Diffepium; } Diſſuere amicitias, to diſ- alſo the midriff. + Diffipimentum, i; n. a partition folue friendlip, by degress. Diſačiēnat, imp. it grows fair. in the midſt of a walnus. Diffuor, ui ; 'to be rippedyundone. Diſsčrendus, a, um ; 30° be trans- + Diffipiun, iin. one of the three Dilūlilis, le; adl. cofily unſewed. planted. principal anirails, ihe midriff. Diſsūtus, a, um, part. of diffuor ;- Diſsčrēno, are ; so clear, up. Diſsipo, are; act. (ab ant. fipo) .to unfawid. Dilsēro, ēvi, itum, ère ; act. 80 low Scatter, diſperſe, puniſh, spriad - Diſta, a town in the country of Aria, Scatteringly, tranſplant. broad, Tquandır away, diffolue, dif- It Dinab.co, ēre; noto pine, or com- Diſsero, uj, ertum ; lo diſpule, na cuſs. Diſſipare conviviis patri.: ſume away, fon, debote, * In utramquc par. monium, to spend an efiare in ban-Diftabelco, čre; a. 80 conſume, or tom differere,, to diſpute pro and quatting. Diffipare famam ali. pine away apart. Differere aliquid, de re cujus rei, to noiſe a thing abroad. Diſtæd.ct, uit, ēre; imperſ. it aliquâ, 10 handla a meiter in diſpu. Dlſsitus, a, nm.; part. of differor ; loaths or irks. * Diſtædet me, I tation, diſant, remont, am quite weary of it. Diſsč-ror, rl ; paff. ' 10 .be sown or Diſsociabilis, lie; adj. 3 art. unfori- Dilans, niis ; adj. diftant, differing. fcattered abroad. able, hating company. Distantia; æ, f. difanis, differencja + Differpo, ērc; to Spring up here Dilsociatio, onis f. a diſunion, dif- sprcc barwien, rofpeft. and there. rance, parting, Jotting at odds, break. + Diftempcramen, inis; n. dipompe. Differtabundus, a," um ; adj. bot in ing of company. diſpute. Diſsociator, oris ; m. a ſeparater, + Diftemporantia, 2; t. difampera- Difertātio, onis ; f. a difputing,con- Diſsociāļus, a, um ; lepurated. sure. tending. Dilsocio. arc ; 10 pari, ſeparate, Diftampério, and diſtompero, are z. Differtātor, oris ; m. a diſputer. break the company, diſunite. 10 difemper. Differto, are ; lo diſpute," or re.ison + D! lsõi-co, ēre ; 'n. not to be accus. Piften-do, di, cum and tuno, děre ; vehemently. toned. act, to jiranih 'out curry wy, jf, + Diffico for diffeco. Diſso!ūbilis le;'adj. eaſy to be loojad; or pill...Diftendere aciem, ta on- untied, nelied, difparched. + Diſsidens, ntis; part. dijagruing lurge the front of an army. * Dir Diſsidentia, i; f. 'dilention, dif- Difol-vo, vi, acum, vērc ; act. 80 lendere rietum, to gape wide. cord, a bring out of joint. diſolve, melt, diſparh, looſa, un.Diftentio, onis ; f. ajlretching oui, Dint-ideo, ēdi, cffum, idere ; neut. bind, pay, * Diffolvere am citias, trumming, difension. Diftentio [à ſedeo) to diſagree, de as vari. so break friendſhip. Diſſolve me, nervorum, a cone alfion. ancı; alſo to be divorced. A veri put me out of acubi. Diffolvere Diftentusimus, a, um, adj. fuperl. fide diffidet, is unlike to be true. religionem, to put down religion. of diftentus; very buig, full of bu- Cuo: causa diffiderc, to hate the Diffolvere ſc ex re aliqua, to rid quarrel.Adamas cum magnete himidlt of a buſiness, difintangia Diftento, 2se; act. (à diſtendo) ta diffidet, the diamond is at odds with himialf out of it. jluf greatly, stretch our much or the load-fons. Ditolyor, v! ; 10 be diſolved, or dir. gfren Diſsidium, ii; n. difcord, diffention. Diſsolūtè, adv. difolutely, carelessly, Diftentor, õris; m. a fluffer, Brotb- * Inter nas diffidium quærunt, Jackly. Ddddd2 Diſtcian, quara com. tature. #r, rücker. DI-S DIT DI V feat. . + Diſtencas, a, imi pact. of diftendor; in tbe middle song in honour of him. Jüffonda frutting ous. Diftra-hor, hi ;pafl. to be drawn Ditio, ānio ; t. (à dives vel dol ja Diftentus, a, um, part. of diſtincor; away, to be in doubt, not to know rifdiétion,empirc authority; a dioceſe. urry, buly, or binderid by divers by which way to take. * In ditionem venire, ti come in- finala, Diſtrātas, , a, um ; coverid! dor, becomis fubjitt so, become tri. Diftentus, asm.. Niretching oxir, Diſtrib-uo, ul, ūtum, učre; aa, 10 busary to. Difermigalio, onis ; f.a dividing of diftribuli, divide, deal, diſposa Diciones, a prople of Dalmatia. limits ar bovends, Diſtribuére csalám, to flase a cafe. Ditior, -ius, gen. -ors; adj. comp. Difterminātor, oris ; m. a remover of Diſtribu-or, ui; pall, to be sprintiid, of dives or ditis, richer. Se dives. dividid. + Ditis, e; adj. 3. art. rich, zöealthy. Dhermino,are; to boieraid, or separate Diftrībūlè, ade; difributively, difint - Ditißimè, adv. ſuperl. very richi į place from place. Dltiffianus, a, um ; ad). fuperl, of Difterminor, ari ; ?be litnited. Diſtribūtim, aby. dipindly, by paris, ditor very rich, wealthy. * Di. + Difterminos, a, um Jeparated or in parcelsa tiffimus agri, á landid man. # Difterno, čre ;, to unfaddle. Diftrībūrio, õnis; f. difribúriotidi- Dito. are ; to enrich. * Diftčio, tivi, tritum, ere; to pound, viſion, parting: Ditonus; i ; mo. & third in sufick. bray, break ſmall. Diſtributor, oris ; m'a dilribütör, Dicroccæus, i įN, a four of two tro. Diftichon, 1 ; : dißicb, or pair of divider, dealer. Theas, uples Diſtribūtus, a, um, part. of diftri, Dittani, a people of Spain. Dintichum hordeum, a kind of bara : buor ; divided, 'beſtowed, paried. DIU, adv. (a djes) long, a long wbile. ley, with two rows of grain in the Diſtri&tè,.adv. frialy, Morthy, presiſe. * Did eft-qodd, his long time 15, freightly; ſharply: fince that. Diù multumque, or Diftillárius, il; i. a dizilior, Diſtrict ady.. very harply or flyright multam diuque; a great while and Diftillātio, onis ; f.& diftilling, drop ly. Dlltrictim nolle, to bt refo in a great meaſure. ping, rheum, setan). : ſurely bent ogainf: D!0; ablat. ant. of dies, by dig. Diftiliator, oris į m, a diriler. Difricio, onis; f. a dificulty, trouble; Diva, a; f. a.goddels, jaint. Ditil!o: arc ; to diffill, drop bilurily bindering: Dival, the river Dee in Scotland. # Diſtilare lacrymam, te bid a Diftri&tiùs adv. comp. more freight- t Divāgāoilis, le ; adj. wardering i lý, more briefly. Divagor; ari; to wiñadr.abtuit, go baillar, ari.; to di dipiled.. Difictor, öris; mi á hinderer. ajuray, Animus huc & illuc di Diftin&, adv. dijinctly; Joos. Diſtrictus, us ; m, a precine, difrift; vagatur, my wits 'ara göre a wacha Distineum, rally, gathering Dininato, oals; Pasapintiin, ja Distriểus, a, um Difrlaus, a, un part. of diftrin- Divālis, le ; ad;. divine, parazir, difference, point. : gor, fah, bound freight otros Divāsicātio, onis fi ajraddling, Dainder, or18 m... ditingi bez. + Dilrigllāc!o, ona ; 7. a currying, Jening widi ajinder:. Ditingos, a, um, part. of diftin or ruboing down. Divaricātus, a, urn ; part oyidivari- fuori di inguiſbut, diſcerned;. Cherr + Diſtrigillător, oris į m. a curriär cor ; firadaling, play fooled. Di. Added + Diſtrigillo, arc; to curry, or rub, varicatæ tibia, howing outwards. Diſtinctus, ús; m. a difinition, dis + D:ftrighentà, "õrumsn. broken Divārīco, are ; act. 10 jride or trad- uch varioty pieces. dlag fot oren like a pair of comples. Diitineo, ul, éntum, čre ; at Cor Ditringeris, ntis ; Bšnidine, rubbing. * Ramos arborum divaricare, to is an içgeo.) 19. Robelia itake, up, Diſtri-ngo, nxi, stum, ngčre jact. Cal plaſh tries. Kira alundar, separate, drive away, ſtringo) 20 Brain : hard, Bing funt, Divadurun, a city in France. bastback. Diftinere pacem, 26 ſcrape of gether or Arip frui:: iza + Divè, adv. divinely, holily. binder peace. be bough, rub, cleanſe, sürriy, † Divcetiar (diesj arawing towards D.ftingar, Erl; part. sibe employed, wound. # Diſtringere gladium; 80 an end. or taken up. draw a ſword: Diftringere cru-t. Divetlico, arc ; to pull divars wars, Doftlöguor,&I, dam, güères at. ftam panis, 2 cbip bread, * Arun- Divello, eill and u's, ullum, eliérc; 18.4071cw] to dilinguiſha, divide, do diftriošit ſumimum corpus, the a&. to draw or pul! tf, aſunder, or. Jeparati, put a difformie betwem, arrow rdjed his skin Diftringere away... . Mordicùs divellere; to Hot or beaud with nails &c. min. aliquem negotiſs, fo bamper, che in traj away with the tech,''* Divel- gie. * Difingaére gemmis, to be busneſs. * Daringete allquem á lere vulnus to make a wound wider. fat with pearls. maritudine carminum, to write a Divend-o,idi, Itum,čre; to fell ábriad. Dinin-guor, gui; part.ro be dinin mall biting saiyr again one. f Diventilo, zre; to fan, guid, Intervallis diſtingui, 10. Diftrio-gor, gi; part: to be Prated. Diverběrātio, .onis; ident,' a driking de ledigt dijance, Diftruncatio; gnis; f. a moiming, Diftito, are; 80:lland apart or ata : cuiling off or in pietos. Diverbero, are ; to Briki brough, dijladeas.. Diftruncālor, āris ; ma maimar. beat, clrave, or cut. DI@an are: La sto] 'to differ be dif- Diltranco, are; at. to maim, lop: Diverběror, ari'; so bi pricken Through. tant, unlike. * A veritate diftare, Joyed, cut off or in, pivobebrad. Diverbium, ilin. à verbum) a to the midoof truth, beirille, or quarter: * Medium diftrunciboproverb, or old staying a bye-word, Ditorqueo, fi, tum, quêre 40. to til cut jou in tivo. a funeral fong, and the firſt part of wrth orijft away...... Diftorquere ... Diftorquere Diſtranc-or, ari ;.to be quartered. a comedy, i os, lo make a wry mouth. Diftruo, xi, aum, čro la ftruo] 30 Divergium aquarum, [à vergo), a Dinartig, önis.sif. . wrafling, diſor. build ajunder or at a difanit. parting of winra's, jo es to mukaan sion, farting awry, crokadass., Dituli. "See differo. iſland. Distorier, äris; m. højhus wrafcib Dinurbātio, onis . f. a defroying, gi- Diversē, adv. diverfly, čbnorelily, , un- afide., in Hing, throwing down. likely. Deftortus, ...., um :. part of ditor - Diquibacor, oris ; m. a troublár, bin-'+ Diverficlinis , ne ; adj, diverflyde- Quicor.i wrelad, writhen, deformed derer. clined. Pillsactio, onis, Jeparation, alii- Diſturbātus, a, um ,, thrown, down. + Diverficlinium, it ; . in Pleice Ha- nacion, Valling, drawing olunder. D'i furbo, ore ; act. to cel, beat, or ving mony ways. Diftra dirimus, a, um very buſy: throw down, dillero, overthrow, pyll Diversifico, are ; lo diverſify, or, usry. Distractar, oris ; m. s divider, feller, down, diſorder, brick and fox, bin- + Diverdiloquium, ii ; 'n a differens äijrador, dor, * Diſturbare vilæ focietatcm, D-ftra&us, a, um, part. ofdiftra 10 interruge om binder conimisto, 1 + Diversi!oquus, a, um ; açi: Speak- hor; dritted, drawn afur.dor, a dealing trade. ing diversiy. "lienated... + Dulcus, cis m. O hip wirb ébe Diverfifsime, adv. very differently. Diftra-ho, x!, ctam, hèse; ad. Po brifiles of bis nek divioei. Diversitas, āris; f. divorțity, diffe- diffrakt, draw, or pull afundet or + Difulto, are ; to leap up and down. renst, unlikeneſs .contrajiely. from difer, fall. Diftrahere con- Dítātus, a, uim onrichez. Divercitor, ari ; [à divertoj to refore, Propergom, to end a controverly .. Ditelco čre ; (a divcsy to grow rich oferi, decling or jurn to. Täūros nons diftrahit mediaq A. Dithyrambus, i ; m. a Brname of Diversīt'or, örls; m. ant sth. Reon. hain, mount Tauruş divide: A4: Bacchus among the Greeks ; also a Diverlar, ari ; dep. to fojurn, lodge, .:: i { : spte h. 1 . lóng 1 1 DI V Ꮩ . DI U DO or refort unta. Diverſari apud Diylnè, adv. divinely, tranfiendens-y very long and laſting. aliquem, to board with one. ly. Diuturnitas, ātis; f. longib of time, Diverfor, õris; m. a gueſ, ſojourna. Divinipotens, gen. ntis ; adj. 3. art. continuanie. lodger, boarder. skilled in divine things. + Diaturno, are ; to prolongs.. + Diverforjarius, ii ; m. an inn- Divinătas, ātis, f. the godbead, cd-Diuturnus, a, um, adj. continuing kespor. nimizarion, divinity: - Diversăriõlam, li; a poor or blind Divinitùs, adv. Liv. divinely from Divulgātio, õnis ; f. a divreiging, inn. God, publiſhinig. Diversõrium, ii; ni an inn, ordina- Divino, are ; to divins, prophecy, fore-i Divulgátor, oris ; m. & publiſer. ry, via ualling-houjo ; a lodging. tell, conjecturo. Divulgatus, a, um; P. & A. ior, Diversõrius, a, um, adj, of an inn Divinus, a, um , adj. [à dvas) dt -iflimus ; published, abandoniicd. or Lodging vine, godly heavenly. * Rci divi Divulgatiſfimus inagiftratus, an of- Diversum, adv, differently. næ operam dare, to attend the fice caſily' asiainublo. Diverſus, a, um , adj. -for, -iffimus ; prayers. Divulgo, are; act: to publiſo, report, going out of the 'way, 'wandering, Divinus; i ; m. a divine, or diviner, make known or comicon. * Cujus diverle, differenl, unlika, contrary, Southlager; fortune-teller, wiscard. primuu teinpos ætatis ad omnes direály oppofile, * É diverſo, on Divio, the city Dijon, the metropolis of libidines divulgatein, who was th: contrary. * In diverſum, bark Burgundy: vny lewd and intempérate in his se back, -il 10 snil. * Diversi in- Divipotes, Caſtor and Pollux. yoxıb. terrogabantur, they were asked le.. Diviſa, or Diviſio, the Vies, or De Divulgor, ari ; to be divulged, verilly. Ex diverfo cceli, out of viſes in Wiltſhire. Divullio, onis ; fi a .pulling ijuna det. farne obſcure univseth place among Division, } advs ſeverally . Divulſor, öris; m. hi tbas pulls as Diverticŭlum, li;in. an inn, digraf Divisio, õnis ; f. a divifion, parting funder, hion, bye pain; a cunning Mift.. diminuting Divifioncs dare, Dyallus, a, um ; part, of divellor ; Diverticulud quærere peccatis, to to make a dole, pulled off or a funder. cloke, bis faulis, carry ibens under a Diviſor, āris ;: m. e divider, partery Divom, iz n. the open air. vizard. diAribiaer, almoner, Divus, a, um ; ad). [Seos] boly, di. vine, Diver-to, ti, fummi töreact. to tatin Divisūra, æ; f. a diviſion, cleft, or notch. afide, go from one's purpoſe, make a Divus, i; maſc. ore canonized, a digreſſion, bait, or go soon inn, Divifus, a, um ,, part. of dividor; faint. lodge, differ, aivoris. * Divertunt divided, notched. * Non diviſa Dizerus, a city of Illyria. ML- mores virginis longè ac lupa. 10: ſunt temporibus tibi hæc, shis plos Dizoatra, a town of Armenia nor. was not luid feaſonably by you. manners of a maid and a barlo diffor greatly. . " Divertere à pro.. Diviſus, ûs ; m. a dividing: polito. to go froin the ſubject, di. Dlvitlacus, an Heduan, ë friend of D. ante . grejs. Dive: tere apud hoipitem, Cicero. 19 eske up one's lodging: Divitiæ, arum ; f.: (à dives] riches. D. 0. abbreviat. for Diis omnibus, Divertor, ti.z.io turn apde, &c. ! Divitior, oris ; adj. richer. or Deo optimo or omnipotenie. DIVES, gen. 1::3 ; ads. 3. art. (AIG Divitiositas, ācis ; f. wealthiness, Do, dedi, datum, dare ; act. (80cm divus] weatlby, rich." Dives in. t Divitiõlus, a, um ; very wealthy. siswa) 80 give, permit, grant, ofa genium, an eteltent wit. * Di. † Divitiſsimus, a, um , very rich, fir, declarr, make, submit, come ves pecoris or pecore, having mücht. Divſto, are ; to make rish. mil, deliver, puig appoint, foll, or carsla. i † Divịtor, ari; to be mriched. fer, give cut. en Vitio. dart, 10 Divexatio, onis ; f. A vexing great. Dium, ii; n. [à dus) the open air, blame. * Darc utcpdum, to lend. Ly. Morari fub dio, to lie" abroad * Dare opcras in portu, to be cus- Divexo, are ; to vix or trouble great- all night tomer, or resriver of a toll in a ba- ly, rifie, plunder, * Divexare 1- Divodorum, the metropolis of Lotha ven. * Dare le Tomrio; 10 80 80 gros, to forage.. ringia, called Metz en Lorrain. Ngop. "Effc&um darc, to accon. Divexor, ari; to be vexed. Divortium, ii ,n. [à divertoja path, prib. * Manus dare; to yield. Divi, orum ; m. gods, canonized divorsi, diviſion, Jeparation. * Dis Poenas dare, to foffer, Operam saints. vortia itinerum,. the bye-ways thay dare, lo endeavour. Diviana ( qu. diva Jana] 'an epithet mufl travel in. ternum iftud dediſti, pour father of the moon, Diur, a river of Maurliania Tingi would not have dini ſo. Verba Divida, a; f.:[à. divido) wrari: dare, 10 deceive. Dare actio. fourniſs, rediousmass, trouble, dis Diurēcicus, a, am ; adj. djureticky .D¢m or judicium, to give one rored. provoking urina. leade to comprence a fuis. Dare Dividicula, örtm ; n. conduit-beads, 't Diurnālis, le ; adj. diurnal of the linteamentum in plagam, to und Div-ido, ili, fſum, idělc s'act. (He day. i wound. Dare præcipitem, te truſc. idroj 10 dividi, d'Aribute, t Diurnata, 2; f. a day's journey. (brow down beadlong. * Darc align, Pari; cut in pieces. Divi- Diurno, ares' to live or lali long, torga, se fugæ or in fugan, to a journal biok, a run away. dere ſententiam, to draw ap bis Diumum, i; n. * Dare, vindiciarato opinion into certain beads, and so day's biri or provifion. adjudge the free enjoyms of liti, declare one point after another. Diuraus, a, um ; (à dics] done in ģions Lend ( while she cafe is.de. Dividuè, ady: by balvai. or belonging to the day." * Diurni pending) to him ibai seams to have + Dividuum, of uitas, ātis; f. aidi. comentarii, day-books. * Diar; of right to thein. Dare comi- vident-divifion. num victuin quærere, 10 varnone's tein, to accompany. Dare fame, Dividuus, a, um ; adj. divifble. * day's bread. to publiſ. * Dare cruci, 10 crus Dividua-luga,.of a quarter old. Dius, an hiſtorian who wrote of Phoe. My Dare se in laqueum, 80 Diviliria, the city Dublin in Irc. nicia. hang one's jult. * Dare mutuò, se land. Dlus, a, um, adj. 'Als] divine, *• lena. Dare oblivioni, 10 Yorget, Divina, 2; f, the that gueffis, * A-cellent, of an ancient and noble # Dare operan mutuam, to help vis divina imbrium, a bird boding family, again. * Dare operam liberis, in Plútinè, adv. very-leng. rain. begat children • Dare vela, te + Divinácilum; li; n. an 'oracle. Diūtinus a, um, adj. a diu]m haiſe up. Sails, * Daic mihi, land * Divinalis, le; adj. Of divining. during long me your help • Ut felc dan't rea, Divinans, ntis ; part. divining, guo- Diūtiffimè, ady. fuperl. very long. as ibe affairs go. "Faucís daba, Diūriùs, adv. longar. I'll tell you in a word, sing: # Datuk Divinaffo, čre.; '80 conjecture. Dlutiuículè, adv. Eraſmus's Little cerncre, one may ferociue. Dare Divinātio, onis; f. a divination, di while. mancipio, to alienate, fell outrighe, vining, forstelling, guoting. Diülurnè, adv. a lorg whilo. * Dase natalia, 10.koop one's birsbo Divinãlor; āris; im. o diviner, be Diŭturnior, and -29; adj. comp. day with meriinont and good cheer longer, more lejling. # Si dabitur, if 'will be granted. that foretells or gurffas. Divinatus, a, um į part. guelfid. Diuturniſfimus, a, um, adj. fuperl. * Dare operan tonloribus, to be Haurd * Haud pa- tana. 1 1 D O D DOL D. OM 1 3 trick upon. braus. David, 'Quantum datur, as far which was a groue of oaks confe- Dolarlun, it in a wine cellar , allo 9 maybe. iraud to Jupiter Dodonaus; and Döanas, a rivetof India, without the moſt ancient oracle of all Greece, Doliārius, li ; m. a cooper. Ganges. where they said the pigeons and intes Dollca, iſands of Arabia Fellx. Doāni, the people about, Doanis. gave forth oracles, Doliche, a town in Macedonia, an * Doarium, 11; n. & dowry, Dodonæup, i ; n. a kind of sm ife in the Ægean fes, and a city of Debora, a posple of Thrace. bal rattling day and night, ap. Syria. Doberus and Deborus, & city of plied to men that are over ialka- Dol chiſe, an find over again -). Pæonia. Hive. Chimæra, Dobuni arid Beduni, the people of Dodonc, ĉs : f. the daughter of Ju- Dolichurus, long-tailed. "Glouceſtershire aud Oxfordſhire, piter and Europa jallo à Fountain Dollenus, the ionsh biſhop of Jeruſa- Docendus, a, um, to be taught. which puts out lighted forehrs; and lem, DOC-EO, ul tum, ēre; act. (à 89 lights ofbers. potichus, i; m, the space of twelve *&w. exiftimo) 80 tioch, in ruce, Dldonides, the nurſes öf Bacchus ; turlossgs; alſo a French bean. advice, inform.. Vim affcrre in called alfo Atlantides. Doliolum, li; n. a lila barrel. docendo, io forie a belief . La-Dodonius, a, um ; ad). of Dodona; Döliolum, n'hill at Rome. tinè docere, so trach one Latin. + Dodra, a fie drink of nina fever Doliones, or -nil, the inhabitants of Docere aliquem fidibus, to uach ral ingredients. Cyzicus. one mufick, or to play. Dodrans, ntis ; m. [cui deeſt qua-1 + Dólito, are ; to how much or often. Doceor, ēri ; paff. to be caughke drans) nini onces, or inches, three Dolizūrus, a, um ; là dolco} ready Dochl, a people of Æthiopia. quarters of any thing'; alſo a full to grirue. + Dochimalčus, a, am ; conffing of Span, + Dölitus, a, um; hewed, ſmoothed. a dochin us. Dodrantālis, le ;'adj. of nine cuneest Dolivium, li ; n. a broad or chip- + Dochimus, & foot of five fillabes. or inches, ping-txt. Dócibilis, le; ap! to tearn. Docentes, a field and sity of Phiy. POLIUM, ii ; n. Feft. (à do'o, vel + Docibilitás, āris ; f. a being teach. gia. H:b. daloh, hauſi) a run, rub, able. + Doerlum, ii; n. a dowry. hog head, or any grias v tel. . In: + Docibiliter, adv. trachably. Dotris, Dover in Kent. cxpleb!le dolium, one cwotous, pro. Dócilts, les ad), 3. art. (doceo) + Doga, æ;f, a kind of boat; alſo a digol. apt to learn. * Dicilis pravi, ready. wine-vrfél, or bout-cup; a warer. Dolo, are ; a&t. [ab Heb. dalal, to learn naughtines. * Docilis fal. pipe. alienuari j sro bow, chip, or square, lendi, he that soon gets the knack of + Doga, æ ;.m. a niat hord, # Dolare opus er rationem, deceiving + Dogarius, of docharius, o cooper Smooth or odling a difcourſe amore- Dôcilicas; ātis'; 1, Apineſs so learp. belonging to the vefſels celled dog.e. 110%. * Dolare. dolumn to put a Docimum, a city of Phrygia. Dogna, āts; 2. a murived' opinion, Docirata, a cily of Dacia- deres. Dolo, Docis, įdis ;'F. 'a fiery' meteor like a Dogmáticas, a, um , adj. wiſe, pofi Dolon, õnis; m. a.fuck, or rapier } in a cane ; alſo a small tive, dogmatical. Sail called the top.gallant, Doclca, a city of Dalmatia. Dogmatiſtes, the author of any frå or Dolomena, part of Affyria. Docicatæ, the people of Doclea, opinjon. Dolon, õnis; m.....(wift Trajan, Docte, ids, iſfime'; ady, learnedle Dogmatizo, are ; to injirua. taken and lloin by Uliffes, having Doctiloquium, il ; , a learned dif- Doil, 4 people of Arab a Felix. firji in hopes of life) revealed the courfe. Dolabella, æ ; f. a little plans. counſels of Troy, + Doctiloquus, a, um ; [praking Dolabella, she name of a Roman'fu. Dolõpcs, people of Theffaly. learnells mily. Dölor, oris; ni. Cic.[à doleo) grief, Doctor, oris ; m. Plini a doctor, Dolabelliana pyra, pears with a long pan, ach, anguilb, forrów. Do. Wacher. * Nullo doctore; having Halk lor quibuſdam non dimittit, the no male. Sapientiae doctor, & Dolābra, e; f. [à dolo] 's 'carpon poin foliows ſoms to their graves: philoſopher ·tor's axi, or great plane. + Dõlorificus, a, um , cauſing grief. Doarina, ; fdeatrine, a way of + Dõlabra, arc ; 'to how or plane. + Doloro, are ; Ro cauſe. pain or for- traching; theory; as oppoſed to prae-T+ Dõlabrum, i; a. a hewing, plane: tice; infiruaion, the free of 18acb. ing. + Dölārāſas, a, um ; adj. full of ing learning, erudition, wiſdom, Dolãmen, inis ; n, a hewing, ſquare. pain. pbilosophy;'an art of frience. ing Dolosè, adv. deceitfully, + Doctrinālis, le ; adj.of doctrinr," Dălătes, a prople of Umbria. + Dolofi for dolori. * Doctrino, asc ; 10 inftru&i. Dõlātilis, le ; adj. eaſily howed. Dálosītas, ātis; f. Yecret molia. Do&rix, icis ; f. a mhi-tracher, doc. Dölārim, adv. artificially, mosshly. Dõlõſus, a, um ; adj. deceitful. tres. Dõlātio, õnis ; f. a smooshingi plane + Do'ümen, inis ; n. a chippen-axe. Doaus, a, um'; P. & A. -lor, -iffi ing. 1 DOLUS, i, m. Cic. (4.105] deceit; mus'; (à doccor] taughi, learned, Dölător, oris ; m. planır, turner. also treachery, wafle.' Dolus ma- wife, a good ſcholar. Doctos fa- Dö'atorium, il; n..an axe of planı. lus, a plot to wrong anoiber. . Do- gittarum, skilled in fasoting. *Doc- + Dõlācura, æ;f, a planing, how. Jis incidcre, to, ustemps so wring cus.ad malitiam, unhappy, miſchie- Deus. *Doctus deccs, tell me + Dõlātus, a, um; hewed, moothed, Dolus: Mendelus, a famous bilorian whai I know not, Dõlendus, a, um, to be be wailed, of Egypt. Döchimen, Inis ; n. @ Infon, clity. Dolens, atis į grieving. Doma, atis ; n. a dome, the flat roof + Documentātio, õnis; f. & trach. Dolenfis, and Dola, the city Dale in of ari houſe. Gallia Celtica. Domāvills, le; ad)..tancable. + Documentor, ari; to inflrua. Dolcnièr, ady sorrowfully. Domacia, a city of Theffaly. Docŭmentum, lin. Cic. infruction: Dolentia, ze ; f. forrow, heavineſs. Domada, a town of Arabia. a 'lefon, exampla, proof. Docu- DOL-EO, ui, īcām, ēre ; neut: (à Domana, a city of Armenia Minor mento haberc aliquem, to follow Snaen ) 10 begrieverd, forrowful, full and Arabia Felix. any one, to ſquare ine's actions after of pain, ach. * Dolet dictum; it Domandus, a, um ; to be tamed. another man's rule. grieves me that I ſaid it. * Do-Domanctica, a fruitful country of Pon- Docur, ci; f. a beam; alſo a metror. lent ocull, my eyes are forc. * Do-. tica. Dodecaceris, idis ; f. the space of leo vicem tuam, I pily your cujo Domātio, onis ; f. 'a taming. twelve years. * Dolcre caput,' to have the heid. Dómátor, ör!s ; m. a tamor, Dodecatchorium, the twelfth part of acb. * Dolendam cit, it is a great Domātus, a, um ; tamed. the zodiack, or any thing elſe pily. Doniazencs, a people of Arabia. Dodecahei, the twelve chief gods and! + Döleſco, ere; so begin to grirur. Domeſtica, æ ; f. [ſc, beftiaja tamis goddeffes. Dāliaris, re; adj. (à dolium) of or .bralt, Dodecáthcos, a privare banquet that like a ton. * Doliare vinum, quine Dõmcficālim,adv. from houſe to houſe. Ostavius made so twelve gueſs. in the hegmasd. Doliaris anus, + Doneſtīcātio, Õuis ; f., a kooping as Dudona; s cily ff Chaonia, rear a tun-bellied old womanh, bone, + Dămẹ- . roc. : ing. one. 1 . 0 DOM DON DOR + Domeſticātus,'ús ; m, a being of | Dömitātio, õnis; f. a saming; allo al + Donātrix, icis, f meihar gives. the houſhold. going bome Donatus, a, um ; given, or to which Domefticor, ari ; to dup at home. Domitianus, i ; m. Domitian, a mo a thing is given, endowed. Domeſticus, a, um , adj. (à domus] roſe grammarian among ihe Re-Donātus, ti; mi a biſoop in Burcea, of the houshold or family, domeflick, mang; alſo a Roman emperor, who who is reported to work many mi- familiar, mild, same. ** Domeitl crudly perfecuted the chriliuns, ba racles; allo e learned grammarian, cus otlor, I paſs away the time in niſted St. John, and would be called maſier to Sr. Jerome ; alſo an Afri- my chamber god; whin he had nosbing elſe to can heretick, who ſaid the Son 1085 Dometiopolis, a city of Iſauria. do, be killed flies; wharcupon, when left than the Father, and the Holy Domicillum, ii ; ñ. Cic. a manhon Priſcus was asked who was with Gholf leſs than the Son, whoſe folo or dwelling.hox's. * Mutare domi him, he anſwered, Not so much as A lowers were called Donat'lts, cilium, to change one's dwelling, fly. Donax,.acis ; f. a reed of which they * Domiciliun ſuperbiæ, & baughty + Domitio, önis ; f. a going to one's made arrows, an angling-rod, and place where proud prople live. houſe ; alſo a taning. a kind of file, # Domicillus, and dominellus, young Domitiús, the name of ſeveral men. Donec, adv. là donicum) until, so gentlsman. Domitius Marſus, i poes ibat zorost long as, whil. + Domicilla, and domlaella, a young epigrams, and the war tetween Her Donetrini, a people of the Moloffi. gmilewoman. cules and the Amazons. # Donicum [à' dum & quum) she + Dómiccenlum, 11; n. tà coena) a Domitlus Nero, a Roman emparar, ' fame as donec. fupping at home, Domito, are; aa. (à domo) ta tame, + Donifer, and -rus, a, um ; carry- + Domicula, æ; f. a little houſe. conguer ofrm. ing a gift. # Domicus, a, um ; of the house. Dõpitor, oris ; m. Plin. a zamer, Dono, are; act: (à domum) to give, Domidūca, æ; f. She that leads the breaker, ſubduer. preſent, offer, forgive, indow. Do- bride to the bridegroom's houſe. Domặtrix, (cis; f. for that tamus or nare 'civitate, to'enfran:hife. Doniduca, a name of Juno. fubdues. Donor, ari; paff. 10. be rewarded, an- + Domifitó, are to build boujes. Dõmitūra, æ ; f. a taming or break, ... dowed. * Donatur auro; he has Domina, 2; f. là dominus) a lady, ing: belowed upon him, mifrets or dame; alſo a wife. Dómilūrus, a, um ; part. fui. in rus, Donum, i ; n. Sall. [à.do] a gift, Doánınans, ntis, bearing rule. of domo ; about to same or ſubdue. preſmi, rward, bribe, ofiring, so Dominanciar, -lus, adj. comp. bear. Domitus, a, us ; part. of . domor; crifice. Donum honorarium, ing a greater ſway, samed, subdued. * Dominum han preent given to patrons inlend of Dominatio, õnis ; f. cic. & lordſhip, bere, to keep in order, refrain,' . fo. Sovereignty, rule, polufion, power. Dómitos, 19; m. a raming: Donus, a rivir of Moloffia; alſo the • Habere dominationcm, to be fo- Donmonia, ; f. Devonſhire. fixty fixth biſbop of Rome, A., urraign. Domna, a name given to Martia, 354. and another in A D, 6340 Dóminātor, oris ; m. Cic. a lord, shi wf of Severus. Donuđa, a ſmall ifle of RhodesTinto governor Domna for domina, a lady. which Bacchos brought Andre Dominātrix, icis ; f. a lady, goddeft, Domnonia, Devonſhire. from Naxos, wbon ber fashant MIL- governafs. Doranonienfis, fe ; of Devonſhire. nos purjud bor. (160P Döminātus, is; m, Cic. lordſhip, + Domnula, a; f. á litle Ndy. Doguria, a caſtle of Achaia, orifs aushority, maparſnip. * Crudelis Domnus, for dominus, a lord. Donyfa, one of the Cycladcimum dominatus, iranny, Davilo vaf-Domnu9, the son of the biſhop Deme the Ægcan lea, wbre choreo Salage. trianus, who, when Paulus Sando g60n marble. Dominladis, the major of the fatenus was excommunicated, was Dora, an iſland in the galf of Pod; house. for over Antioch, and a fountain of Arabia. Dominica, the wife of the emperor DOMO, avi and ui, acum and ītura, Dorade, an ifand in the Depan Valcns, who appealed the Gotha are ; aci. (Sagan] fo tami, 607- gulf. when they were about to defiroy Con. quer, ſubdue, • Domare equos, ro Dorata, a city of Galatia. 19:00 ftantinople. brpsk horfus, * Domarc terram a. Dorath, a town of Maoritanizaſy + Dominicale, is ; n. A linen glovs Dorcades, ifands in the Atlantial uſed by women in raviving the sa: Domor, ari ; to be tamed. foa. 001001 crammi. Dðmuis, for domus. Dorcas, àdis; f. a dor. Dominicalig le; adj. 3. art, domi. Dónaitio, onis ; t. [ab eo] o - Dorcas, the name of a woman; Bib!. ntcal, of the Lord. Dominicalcs furning home. Dorcenſis, ſe; adj. of Dorcheſter or curiæ, court barons. Dömuncula, a; f. e cottage or litla Dorſetſhire. Dominicanus, a, um, ad) Eraſm. bs boule, Dorceftria, Dorchefter. longing to the Dominican fryars. DOMUS, 1 or us ; f. Clc. [sua] Dorceus, cizm. one of Adæon's + Dominicda, ze; m, he that kills a boufi, family, boufbeld, lineage, a dogs, Spy-all, or Quick-hight. bis maſter. naſi, cage or jable. • Domus aml- | Dorciani Civitas, Dorcheiter, ixOx. + Dominicom, i, n. a church or af ca, domus optima, home is home, fordſhire. Sembly be it nouir for homely, * Domi eft + Dorco, õnis ; m. a gluten, Forell- Dominicus, a, um ; of the maſter or animus, my mind is hornrword. fraſ. lord. Dominicus dics, Sunday: Domo cænarc, to ſup abroad. Dores, a prople in Aſia, fubdued by Dominicus, a monk who founded the Don, e river from where some day Crafus. order called ordo Prædicatorum.. Dodona has its name. Doria. And Dorica, part of Achaia Domin!cus Michael, a famous ge- Donabilis, le ; ad). deferving.' near Athens neral of the Venetians. Donacefa, a nantaina of Phthlotis. Doricus, a, um, adj. of Doria. Dominiamy: 1; n. a lordſhip, fove. + Donacitis, our lady's thiſle. Dorias, a river. of India without yoigniy, dominion. Dönandus, a, um , deferving. Ganges. Dominor, arl; to bave dominion. or Donariolum, i; D. Eraſmi a small + Darica, æ; f. a grave kind of mk- government, bear ruls, rule ovir. * offering, or gift ; a fairing. fick, Quam diſpari domino dominaris! Donārſum, ii;ni'a gift, or offering. Doricè, adv. in the Doric dialat. by what a different lord show.art Donāticus, a, um , adj. belonging 19 Dorienſes, a people of Crete und Cy- pisoded! * Dominatur in affcal a gift. * Donatico, coronæ, gar- fenalca.. bus, it works hugely upon the af lands given to thoſe that win friscas, Doricum, a sity of Phrygia. feation, Donātio, onis ; fi a donation, pre. Dorian, li ; n. the grave kind of min- + Domžaŭlus, ll; m. a young or litla Senting, or giving a gift. fick. Lord. or maſſer Donatitius, a, um, Erafm. given, Dorion, a town of Peloponneſus. ' DOMINUS, i, m. Gic. (Heb. adon) beſtowed by way of gift. Dorīphägus, i; ma devourer of a lord, majer, owner, husband. Donātivum, vi n. a largert, or. gifts. Dominus cpuli, the major of the dole; a genoral's gift to the soldiers; Doris, Dover in Kent. foaf... a donative, Doris, a fea-nymoh, the daughter of Domiportus, a, um ; [à domus & Donātivus, a, um ; able to give. Oceanus and Tethys, who, mar. porto] carrying his bouge, Dodālor, ocis; m. a giver. rying her brother. Nereus, brought forth ratro, A till. (11 i DOR DOT DR.A nia. .. farib abundance of other ſaa nymphs back, A promontory, a bed in agar, Doto, arc; act. so endow. called Ntrcides tukan alſo for the dm, a Joelf of land in the yea Dator, ari; past soidi endowed. Dorfplus, um; adj. gruqr backd, Doveona, a sily of the Dadurcl in Doris, . . country of Greece by the full of ſelves. Gallia. .i, : mountain Octa, jo calier from Do- Dorticom, 4 city of Mysia. Dovus, the river Dove in Derbyſhire. TuS son of Neptune. Doribus Dorventnia, Derbyſhire. Doxa, 2 ; f. glory; opinion. Doricè loqui, 1o cable mucb like Dorus, the ſon of Epaphos, and fa. Danie P. Doris, idis ; f. 2.cesk-knife; alfo en Nepcane, who reignet in part of berb colied anchufa. #Doris dia Greece, alloro city of Caria. D. Pabbreviat. for divus Pius, diis leétus, the Doric diolest. Dorx, cis; f. a ree buck. penatibus, dotem perit, devota Doris, the wife of Dionyfius, the Si Dórychnium, ii; n. a veneinous perb perlopa; or dccrctum principis. cilian rant..... is wh which they poisoned darts. Doriſci, a people about the head of the Doryclus, a bollard son of Priamus, D ante. Q: river Indus. tinryAjax; alſo the brother af Doriſcump, and ca, a place in fibrace Phineus king of Thrace, and others. D. O. abbrev!at. for dealque. by the river' Hebrus, and a premon- Dorylaðs,.a city of Phrygia. Majori D. Dis Quirinalibus tory of Attica. Dorylas. one of those what con pirad D. 9. R. De qua re. Doriſtus, sbe fifth king of Laccdemo aguinho Perſeus, and was juin. by 1.D. & S. De quo. fupra. hinn alſo a cenizur. Dorium, a town in Peloponnefus ; : Dorylars; an excellent fldier of Crete, Dante RSS and other places. Familiar ww sh Mithridates. Dorlos, the river . Douro in Portugal, Doryleus, a Phrygian river. DR. abbreviat. for Druſus. another in India without. Grages. Dorylius, the ambulidas of Deiota. DR. P. Dare promittit. Dormiens, ats; part. ſleeping. Draba, Por drabe vulgaris, “common DORM-10, ire; ncut. Tà Sapua, Doryapoles, be that wont before the Arabian mfard. Drapa repens, pellis] to fees, or be aſleep. * In bull that was to be facrificed so sünn creeping rejs. utramque autem or utrumvis ocu- ..,piter. Drabeſcus, i, mis piall country of lum dormire, to be very fasure. Dory.phorus, i; m, a gentleinan pen- Thrace. Dormico, esc; nout. so be seepy, 10 honor. Drace, a people of Afia:abous Cae- number. Dos, ātis; f. Cic., [bus vel sóis] caufus. Dormitans, ntis; part. flumbering. a dpwry or portion, in mansy, goods, Dracæna, æ ; f., (à draco] the female Dormitărio, önis; f. a Numbering. or lands, givin with wife in mar dragon ; alſo the fiſh' quavivet. Dormitātor, āris ; m., à Reeper, B4no: riage.; alſo a property, a nature, Drachanus, ni; me, the mountain borer, Jug-a-bed. advantage and privilege ; a fubie, white Jupiter Oroig be forph Bac- + Dormitio, onis ; 'f. Roeping. añ argument, (as in Phadrus. we chus. Dormito, arc; neut. 80 Number, sake, read Quplex libelli dos eft, .sbis : Drachioa, arum ; pl.m. people of ia nas, be negligent, careleſs Ali Dock contains 1200 ſubjias, ar proceeds Afia. . quando bonus dormitat Homerus, on two arguments). Dotes datu- Drachma, æ; f. Cic. a drachm, the iis a good horſe that nover Bumbla. ræ, natural partsen Dojęs. præ .ejghth part of an aune į an Atục Dormitor, Oris; m. a proper. diorüm, Yüch advantages of farmed, coin about two groats, paflingar Dermitorium, li; a. dormitory, as.plough: book, hedge toot,. &c Rome for a denarius. bed-chamber, sleeping-place. Dora, a sily. Afiyria, and a town Drachonus, the river Drawn in Gal- Dormitorios, a, un of or for. Noep- of India within Ganges.. lia Belgica ing. Dolareñi; a people of Arabia Felix. DRĄCO, onis; in. Plin: [spasmas] Dormitusio, ire ; acut, so be sleepy or Dofaron, a river of India within a dragon, the pack of.a vine, Dra. drowry. Ganges, co hortenus, the bert taragon. Dorob: tza, a river and city of Illy- Dolcl, people of Aſia, by the Euxine Dracon, önis; m. a very antieni law. ris: 14. giver of the Atheniaos before: 30- Dorabrevign, Rocheſter in Kent. Dóladas, the author of a path. writ lon, who cauſed all bis laws to be Doron, i; ni agilt. in form of an aleak. abrogared, excepi , tboję .concining Doron, arity of Cilicia. Dogades, an hiloriawho worets of murder, becauſe rbey ordained death Doros; a city of Phænicia and Caria. the struire of Crete. ' for curry small fault; alfo.a mount- Dorothea, sejf Dirothy, a woman's Dous, is; 1. dofe, so much of phy tain in Ala Minor. nome, and a noble maid of Alex fick ez is saken at ove jina: Dracon, onis ; m, the river Dragone andria, wbp, being a chriſian, would Dokiheus, än bihorian mentioned by at the foot of the muniain 'V.e- not proſiruse horfilf to Maximinus, Plutarch, and obar men. uvius. whareupon be confiſcated her goods, Dolo, a name given to Antigonus, Drăconārius, il ; m. an enogr braser and baribed her: from bis Large promihing and per of a parsicular company. Dorotheus, a pretor of Armenia, A. forming nothing, Draconigeną, æ;; c. bred of a pro D. 29, and.cber:mm. Dolopes, large promiſes. pent, Dorpendanum, Orpington in Kent. Dofſuārius. a..um; carrying out his Dțăconigena, æ ;.f. the city Thebes Dorpia, the fir dey of the Athenian back. . Doflyaria. ſumenta, pack in Boeotia, built bê Cadmus and feat, called apzturia. bories. Dofruarià. corbis a duſ five men which prung up of ibe Dorfanes, Hercules, fo relled among basker, dragon's tomb uphich he few. the Indians. + Dollim, fax dorfum, the back, Dracon!s, an iſland in zybla. Dorfenus Pabius, a comical part. + Doffuria, ordoftuaria, pannels, 'Draconites, or dracontias, ; m. a Dorſetia, æ, f. Dorcbefter. pecky.ddles. dragon-fone, Dorſctania, Dorſetſhire. Doralis, ide; ad). [à dos]...dowry Disconon, num,,a topun and moin- Dorficulum, i;.n. A little bark. .pr.persion tain of Icaria: Dorfuāle, 18; n, a horſe-cloth. + Doralitium, ji; nia, dowry.. Dracontium, i ; n, the görater dra- + Dorfuālia, lüm; n. skreeus for sbe + Dotattius. -a, umad).o dowo gon-wort, back. Dracontius, ii ;-mi e. poet of an un- Dorſuālis, le; adj. of the back, car. Dotaria, 3.f. & dowager. ; . . , æa certain time; he wrote, his bexame- rying packs. Dotārium, ji; n. a dowry.. gon, or 200rk of fix days, in horoick Dorfuàrium, ü; n, a. pannel, a pask- Dotācim, adv. plentiful, verfu. faddle. Dotātio, onis; f. an endowing Dracuina, a town in Rhætia: + Dorfuārius, il ; m: be that carries Dotãtiifimus, a, uni ; adj. richly enDracunculos, li'; m. la draco] on ibis back, dowed. little dragon ; the leger dragon. Dorfuārias, az um ; adj, Erasm. Dolātor, õris 3. m. he that , opdows, wore; inelore bile. belonging 10. the back. Dotātus, a, umpart. of dotor; &n- , . Dracun teus, or contius, on iland . Dorsūgo, inis; f. sbe marrow of dowed, having a good portion . by Africa Propria, called Cleibi. the back.bone, Doublon, en!8; . a bile, Dracus, a general of the Achæi, v..15- DORSUM, i; n. (à dearfan) big Dothlum, e city of Theraly, . quiſhed by Lucius Mummius. 1 Drag ? ? 1 2 $ + + { + DRO DR Y DUC Dragmus, a city of Crete. medicine to take off hair, loter: Dragogi, « people of Ana. Dropici, a people of Perſia. Dryopes, um; pl. a people of Epicus. und obers about Parnulfus, and † Dragoments, or dragumanus, an Droſache, a city of the Scres. interpreter. Drošica, part of Thrace. Oeta, whoſe country is Dryopia., Drāma, ātis; n. a comedy, reproien. Droſomeli, n. binez-dew. Dryophonon, ni; yellow-preſs. Sarion, ding, the change of the per- Druentia, the river Durance in Gal. | Dryps, op! ; m. & wood-pocker: lons in a play. lia Narbonenſis, Dryopieris, idis; truifem. + Drāmžticum, ci; n, a comedy. Drugeri, & propie of Thrace by the Drys, sity of Thrace and Oeno- Drāmăticus, a, um ; of a comedy. rivir Hebius. tria, and a sorun on Lycia. Diances, an eloquent but weak cour Druidz, or..des ; pl. prieſti, the Dryla, the onioni simre of Sarros, tier of Ring Lalınus. fume among rbo Gauls as the Gre- Drýſmus; i ; a'umainous worin arabe Drangæ, a peope of Persia. cian Piilofophi, Perſian Magl, root of oaks. Drangæis, and D:angrana regio, Indian Gymr.olpkistæ,' Allyrian Chaldzi, and the Roman Sacer- Danie U. country called Sigiſtan, inhabited by dores. They facrijled under oaks. Dranfi, a posple of Thrace ; they Druna, the river Dronix; whul treaks D. V. abbreviat: for devotus vir; or TOUTT, al ibe bir of children, and forth from the Alps. diis vo!entibus, or dies quincus rejorc ar their funerals. + Diungarius, a, um ; adj. of a D:V.C. abbeviat, for dedico, vovco, D:2pct2, : m.arunoagate. Land of forciers. · Koniccro. Drapaca, a city of Bactriana † Dr: ngörius, ii ; n. a caplain of a t Dua for duo, ne band. Draloca, a town of Paropan:{us, cand Duālis, le; -di. La duo] of iwo, dual. of lodia within Ganges. # Dringil!us, 1; m. th: fant. + Duol tas, aris ; f a being twofold, Dratygenia, z; f. a city of Crete. + Drungus, i; m. a hand of ſoldiers. Dualitèr, adv. in the dual number, Draudacum, a calle o Peneltia. Divo: hytes, a kind of frogs. Důbe, adv. doubtfully." Dravus, the river Drain Pannonia. | Drupa, 67 -elz, atum ;. . black + Dybletas, at:3 ; ſ. doubtfulneſs, Draxum, a confecrates place in Sicily. ,ripe olives rendy to dorp † Dubingenioſus, a, un ;. of a bad | wil. Drocanuma place in the iſland Cua. D.uphcgis, a city of Dica. *.Dremon, a kind of fish. + Diupus, a, uns ; rip: and ready 10 + Dubinus, and enus, för düblus. † Dienſo, are ; la fing as a ſwin.' full, + Dubio; are i, a doubt. Drepanz, e city of Lycia. Drubas, a city of Judæa. Důb:olus, a, um ; adi, doubtful. Drēpānis, f. a je rofwallore, Drutilia, æ : f. wife of Felix, go-Dubis, the river le Doux in Gallia Drepanum, e city in Bithynia, called verner of Ladaa; Glotte nane of Belgica. afterwards Helenopolis in honour Livia, wife of Auguſtus. Dnbitāb-lis, Je'; 'ad). 3. art. which of Helena, Conſtintine's mother ; Drufillanus, a Cervant of ite c.perse riay de doubled of. also a promontory in ſeveral plures, Claudius, Dăbicans, htis'? part, doubling: Dăbitantèr, adv. deuot ngly, Drepanum, ar .na, orain ; a promin. Druficara, a city!f Thrace. tory and city of Sicily. Diulomagus, ariyor Rhætia. + Dübit:ntia; cè; f. a doubting; Drepla, or Darapla, she metropolis of Druſus, 1; 9. a n: hie und eliquent Dubitapes, a famous pofter, who prin Sogdiana. Roman, but ambisous and proud, made vefels::.ted on:lla. Drefa, or Dreſda, the town Dreſen or Cato's grandfather alſo the son of i Dubitatim, adv. doubtfully Dreſden in Upper Saxony. Livia Auguſta, who died in Ger. Dúbitacio, ons ; f a doubtings allo Diega, a city of Phrygia. талу. a Tharorical theme. Dricca, a river in Scytbia. M Livios Draſus Salinator, he and Dubiiācor, ö;is ; mi a doulyer. Drilon a river diviaing Macedonia his colicague Nero cuercume Afdru- Dúbitatur, imp. it is a doube: from Illyricum, bal Dubitatus, a, um, part. dombled. Drille, e scope of Cappadocia. J. Drufus Publicola, bis house food Dübīto, are ; to doubt, mijrüt, be. Drilogius, a very great city ix Cel- do that the people might look into thinka Band in a fiudy, be afraid, tica.. the windows, and when a carpen * Quid dubitem; what may I mu Drilophylitt, a geople of India will ter poatered for. five inlenis to take Dubitare aliquid, no doudt in Ganges. ir down, and build it more convenir a thing. Drinza, a country in Greece, in or niently, he told him, he would give Dubium, ii ; n, o doubt near Parnafins. him ton, if he would make it sol Dubium, a country of Peiria, of, Drimati, a propke of Arabia Felix. (pen, that all the cils might ſee what anholefone Air Drinius, or unus, river in Macc. house be kept ; fer he was medej, DŮBIUS, a, um, adj. [à duose donia, and onclher between Illyri- thrifty, and virtuous. via) doubtful, uncertain, un'onftarit, cum ord Myla. Druzon, a town of Phrygia Major dangerous. Dubius dies, waver- Driðdones, gods so called by the Lace- Dryadçs, um; fo myophs of the ing wegiher: Dub'a coena; dæmonians. woods. fuppsr where there is variety Driös, a mountain of Arcadla. Dryæna, a city of Cilicia. built by diji.or.ibia lux, izviligin:. Drobeta, a city of Dacia. Dryanus, called afterwards Chry Dubium argentum fufpicious mines, Drogo, a iarl of Apulla. ſopolis. * Vitæ dub us, not knowngwa: Dronæus, Apollo so called of the Dryantides, the name of Lycurgus, ther be Mall live or die. * Non cft Creians and Lacedæmonians. Ring of Thrace, the son of Dryas. in dubio; Pris ñct quelined Drömas, õdis; f. a dromedary; aljo Dryas, ntis; m, the son of Hippolo-Dublinis, cr-Jum, Dublin, the cbief a dog's numi. chus, and furber of Lycurgus. city in Ireland. # Dromedarius, il; m. a keeper of Dryas, adis ; f. ibiz drughter of Fau- Dubiis, ihe-fra-soumi Dover. dromedarias. nus, who hased the light of men, + Duca, æ, f. fortune. # Dromedas, i; n. and da, jf. and was never seen to come abroad; Ducæ, a people of Mauritania: Cæſa. a ſmall fwift camel. rohence it was forbidden for men rienfis, Dromcus, th: 731ne of a parahie. to be at her facrifires. Dūcālis, le; adj. 3. art. [à dux] of Dromilcos, an iſland by Miletus. Drybacte, a people of Sogdiana. a duks ir augsmain.. Dromo, onis; m., a carival, or ſwift | Dryites, n. a precious gone found in Dicāt:o, onis fi a condueiing. bark; alſo a kind of fiſh. the 109 of frers. Dicātor, oris ni. a conduiter. Dromochetis, e king of the Getes, Diylæ, a town niar T.apezus Pon- + Důcatrix, ic s.; f. a je-leader. who hiving taken Lyfimachus pri 11C2. Ducātus, ús; m. aduirdom; dutchy, ſonor very civilly releaſed bim. Dryma, a city of Libya. a general's or aplin's offie. Dromos Achil:is, a peninſult'of Sar. Drymia, e city of Phoc.s. Dăcătos, i im. å ducat. matia, called Fidonil. Dryatodus, the country which now is + Duce for duc. Drongilum, a small country of Theſ called Arcadia. Ducenārius, im. a saplain of two faly Dryo:us, i; f. a ritg. bit wien Attica hundre. Dropaciſta, æ; m. he that pulls off and Bicocia. Důcenārius, a, um ; adj.of two hun- hair. Drymuſa, an iſini ef Ionia. drod. * Ducenarii procuratores, Dropax, žcis; m. a depilatory, er Dryode, és ; f. a nymph wbom Apollo Roman collectors of the city revea buy wi:b, furnud ajterwards into a Eeeee Décēni, A on. 1 nurs. r A.TV 1 DUE DUL DUO Ducēni, æ, a; ad}. [å duo & cen-;* Duellarlus, a, um, of war. nnon, and all the nel flaves ; alſo a "tum) two hundred. # Duellător, oris ; m, a warrior. city in Crete, and other placas. Düceas, pels; part. loading. + Ducllicus, a, un ; of war, war. Dulus, ijm. a fervont or llave.. Dudentesimus, a, um , adj. the two DUM, adv i dny, diù] while that, bundrerb, + Duellis, is ; c. an enemy. until, as long ai, after that, upon Dutentiès, adv. two hundred times. | Duello, are ; to fight. condition that provided thai, so that, Duccocuplus, a, una; adj. two , Duellona, the ſame as Bellona. 125 got. * Dum res mancant, pro- Hundred fold. Duellum, i; A. (à dico] war, á vided things remain as they are. * Ducenti, æ,.a; adj. two hundred. durl., Nhil duin enim fciebant, for they + Ducilla, æ ; f. a little duchefst Duicenfos, laxed with another, of know nothing as yet. * Dumbo. aljo s täp or piger. double-luxod. minum genus crit, as long as the # Dacillas, i, m. a young or linia + Duidens, neis; a farep having two world endures. * Dum ne inter- duke. teetb, or two georj old. pellent, do they don's hinder. Důciffa. æ ; F. (à dux) a duches. + Duigæ, as, bigą. Duola, os Idumea,; alſo a city of DU.CO, xi, cum, cere; act. (8n Dullius, a Roman who firf triumphed Judæa. ta] ta lead, bring, guide, govoril, after 4. Teu 'victory; when he was + Dumnalis, le; adj. of bushes or briars, judge, accuni, shink, contratt, pro sold of his flinking breath Abrood, Dumana, a róun in Ala by the fide long, make" tedious, fabion, draw, he shid his wife becauſe she had nor of Arabia. convey. Ducere mucronem,, to told bim of is tefore, who said, the Duma:ha, a city of Arabia. bold the point level to, one's brsal world have done it, but that ſhe Dumbarum, a town in Scotland Ducere fomnos, to take a ſecond thougbt all me bad ſmele so. Du:nblanum, a city in Scotland. Darps Ducere uxorem, to marry + Duini, as bini. Dünētudi, i; p. a place where briars Dučcre ſuſpiria, to nigh. * Du- † Duis und duint, for des and dent, and thorns grow, * Durcta Stol- cerg.chorcas, to dance, * Ducere! 07 dederis, and dcderlot. corum, the iniricery or dificulty of familiam, 'to be the chief or princi- Duitæ, arum ; m. ſu:h as Marcion, Suojcifin. pal. Ducere æra or aliquem who held, duiry of iha godhead, Dum modò, adv. jo ih 1. ex ære, to caſt one in braſs. * Du- t Duitas, atis; f. á duiry, Dumna, an iſland by Scotland, called cere laudi.or in gloriamg, to fake Dulcacidus, a, um; Cà dulcis & aci Fa:r ine. As an honour, Ducere abl.ala dus) fwret,feur. Durniſſas, a place by the river Mo- pain, to give himself a box on sbe Dulcamara, 23; f. wody night shade. fella. he sweetly Duminonil, as Damnonii. a good while ai.a time. Ducere Dulcedo, inis; f. Tweelness. Dulo + Duno, are ; to bring forth bushes. rationem falutis, to have a cute of cedo iracundiæ, pleaſant anger. + Dümāsītas ātis; f. buſhine's. bis health. Duccre, ſe, so witb- 1 t Dalc.co. Zre, to be ſweet. Důrāſus, a, um ; adj. full of busbes, drawu. Ducere claren, to be Dulceſco, cre ; to grow ſweet.' A sely. the higbel Jabolar in the seas. Dalciarius, a, um; adl. of ſweet - DUMUS, i, m. [à ságyas, frutex] # Duco, arc; to govern. meats, Dulciarius panis, a merch. a bujh of thorns. Ducona, a city in France, called Da pane. .* Dulciarius piſtor, e con- Dunax, a maintain of Thrace. hors en Querci. frationer. Duncheldinum, she dukedon of Dun- Dacor, ci; part. to.be led, forged. Dulcică:us, a, un; adj. jweniſh, kelden in Scotland. Spe duci,' to be deluded. + Dulcīférus, a, um ; tearing surat. Dinelmenfis, ie; ad). af Durbam. # Ductabilitas, āts; f. a feolib loft. † Dulciņuus, a, umí adj. flowing Dune!mum, -us, or -ia the city Dur- nels, apines to be led, with werinajs. ham or Dureſme in England. Ductárias, a, um, ad). leading + Dulciloquium, il; n. Sweet speech. Duncftanvilla, the family Dunſtarile. drawing, guiding. Ductarius furt Dulcīlõquus, a, am ; ſweet ſpoken. Dunga, a soumn of India within Gaa- nis, the rope of a pulley: Dulcimodus, a, um ; inslodious. ges, Daaātio, onis; f. a guiding, Dulciðlum, i ; n, a junket or ſweet- Diinium, Dorcheſter. Dualis, le adj. csily led, puided, me.it. DUNTAXAT: adv. (à dum & trawn or beat out thin. DUL-CIS, e, ad). 3. art. -ior, iffi taxó, vel à rò ueTag, intercape- Ducia, adv.. by little and litile, by mus ; [ztuxus) jwet, delicious, do) onls, at leal degrers, leiſurely. pleaſant. Linguide duicis, Iwert. Dunum, the city Down in Ireland ; Dadio, onis ; f.'a convey ing. " Duc . ile. * Dulciſſima epiftola, c.moji alſo the city Chaſteaudun in Gallia tlo-alvi, s provocation to pool. plealans kriter. * Dulce an:arum. Celtica. Doctítātio, önis; f. a leading up and que unà nunc mifces mihi, jou DUO, 2;. adj. pl. (Sun) two... dowon: ferd we like in ape will a bit und Duabus fellis ſcdet, he bolds, with Dü&titius. 2, um ; adj. rofily led. a knock the bounds, and runs wirb the bare. Dubito, are act. La ducho) to lead + Dulc:ſida, sbe herb prony, + Duo for duos. abdue to aid. Iro. Rettim ducti i Dulctionus.a, um, were founding. + Duo:tcccnnis, ne; adj. of twelve :: tare, lo liad a dance of all the com- 1 Dolcitas, atis ; . Sweetneſs. years. Dolc-iter, füs, -istime; adv. sweetly. + Duodecennium, i!; 8. twelve years. Detto, are, ad. La duco] Io led - Duſcitius , a tribure and notary of the Duadecies, adv. izveive years . bien condua, delaya derevez elem, einpercr, un executor of his com- | Duodecim, indecl. twelve. obsajn; alſo to keep & whare. mands again the Donauins in Duodécimus, a, um; ad). the twelfth. Duääre aliqùem dolia, 10, delude Africa. + Diodona, if, a que or jury; one. • Ductare.pro nihilo, to make Dulcītūdo, 'inis; f. /weetness. Duodčpārius, a, um, adj. the twelfth, no account of Dulco, are ; 20:{wre:an. of twelve Ductor, ari ; to be led or guided. Dutcoi, āris ;. m. Spectreſs. Duodeni, æ, a; adj. twelve. Du&or, oris ; m a leader,: guide. I Bulcoració, onis. Foi fwec:- 1 Duodennis, ne; adi; of twelve years. • Duforordinum, a se jasnt at Dulcorāius, ùs ; m. ning : + Duod nonaginta, indec. eighty-eight, + Dulcoro, are. to twedist. Docdonum, i, n. a doxın. Ductrix, Ic8; f., preleador: Dulgibini, a jappies of Germany. + Duodēnus, a, um ; ads. of twelve. Du&us, a, um; part. of ducor.; led, Dulia, æ; f. Jervice of a bondinar: s Duudeoctoginta, indec. eventy-eighi. guided, drawn, derived, deceived. lave. Diodcquadrageni, 2, 2;.adj. thirty- Ductus, ùs ; ma guiding, leading, t Dulicè, ady. Jarvilely, bzzly. righib. drazoing, fashioning, conveying: Dulichium, nijand of the Ionian Duodcquadragslimus, a, um; ad). Ductus literarum, the frame and fra under 'Ulyſſes. ths cight and thirtieth. compoſure of the ie!fera, Duiicbrus, a, lin; of Duiich'um. Duod quadraginta, indec. cight and Dudini, e people of Illyricun. + Du ipanum, i; an African hai, thirty. Dudua, a city of Galatia: Dulociatia, ;.. f. a government by Duodequinquagchirrus, a, um ; adj. Dudun, a town of Libya inicrior. Navas. the eight and forticib. Dudùrr., adv. (à diu. & dum] lotely: Dalopolis, a city in Libya, in:o ubi:h, Duodequinquaginta, indec. cight and cum notu, a good while, A $8881% if any five brought a jione, be wa farly. while ſince. made frer. Inother of the Hiero. Duodetriccimus, a, um ; adj. sbo Duclla æ ; the third part of an cunce. duli, where there was out one free cighe sind twenziich. Dua + ** 1 1 crims. : DUR D YR DYS en. -07. ble pay: Duodetricles, adv. eighe and twenty Dur-co, ērc ; ncat. to be hard. hard-hearted, cruel, Purdy, nit, timer. Durcſco, čre ; ncut. to begin to hard hardy, hurtful. * Dorus ad ftu- Duodetriginta, indec. twenty oghe. * In alicujus lc&tione durer dia, unreachable. * Dura water, Duodeviceni, æ a ; righteen. ccre, to read an avibor over and the outward skin tbt covers this Duodeviceamanus, a, uin; the righ over, burdly to lay him out of one's brain. Duro animo, Jubborn, '* teenih. hands, Durus homo, a ruflick, boor.', Duodericcimus, a, um; adj the Dureta, æ; f. veſols to bathe in. Durum telum neceffitas,need makes Duodev'gefimus, } eighieenh. Durga, a city of Africa Propria. the old wife trot. Duod viciès, adv. e ghteen timss. Duria, a; f. Dorſetſhire, Darus, the town Dover in Kent; alſo Duodevigefimanus, a, um ; adj. the Dur'a, pri Doria, the name of two the river Stour in Dorfctſhire. eigh'eenth. rivers in France. Dulare, a rock and very high hill oft Duoicviginti , indoc. cigbiéen. Durias, Turia, or Turulis, the river Arabia, from Dufaurus, their name + Duonus, and um, for bonus and Guadalquiver in Spain. of God. + Duribuccus, a, um, which will Dularcni, the inhabitants of Dufarc. Dupia, cif, e kind of velli. not open his jaws, + Durmofus, for dumoſus, buſby. Dupla, 2; f. twice as much. Ser + Doricordiam, ii ; n. hard-barted. Duumvir, iri ; n. one of ebe two duplus. nefs, magißrates of Rome,ruhich had ou. Duplares, Goldier's having double Durícorius, a, um ; adj. having a thority over priſons, &c. alſo a fis- allozu.ince. hard skin; ulfo laleword. rifi Duumviri capitales, judges + Dupläris, re; dublo. . + Duricors, dis; hard hearted. of life and dearb. Duplālio, onis; f, a doubling. + Dūrilõquium, il; n. a hard ſaying. Duumvīrālis, le ; adj. belonging to Duplex, icis ; adj, (à duo & plic8) Durion, or -um, á sown in Gallia she duumvirate. double, twofold, broad, crafty. Narboncnfis. Duumviālus, ùs ; m. the duumvi- Duplicarluscor dupliciarius, a, um ; Durine, a town in Sufiana. virata, or office of the Duumviri or ad), having do:cola pay. Dupli- Duriopus, a sily and country of M2 Maritti, carii milites, ſoldiers receving dou cedonia. Dux, ducis ; c. (à duco] a captain, Dūrītas, atis ; f. hardneſs, ſolidneſs, guide, 'ringleadır, commander, duke, Duplicărio, onis, f. a doubling. vigour, ferneſs. e lieutenant-general, an admiral.. Duplicătò, ady, doubly, two ways. Dūr-iter, -iùs, -iffimè, ady. Bardly, In Leuctricâ pugnâ, Imperatore Duplicātus, a, um ; doubled. cruelly, feverely Epaminonda, Pelopidas fuit dux, + Duplices, um ; books of privalo Dericia, a; } f. hardneſs, rude Pelopidas was lieutenant-general. lerieri. Dūrīties. ei'; } nefs, ruggedneſs, Corn. Nep. [Pelop.) * Dux & + Duplicitas, ātis; f. a boing two Durites animi, hird-heartedness, præfectus claffis ; admiral of the fold. Daritia alvi, coliveneſs. Recr. * Naturam ducem fequitur, Duplicitèr, adv. deutly. + Durītūdo, inis ; T. bardneſs, diſ he followish nature's conduct, + Duplicium, li;n, á doublut. courteouſneſs, Duplico, arc; act. Là duplex] to Durius, a, um ; made of wood. D ante Y.. anie dou'le or in reife. * Duplicare Durius, or Dorius, the river Ducro aciem, so double the fries. in Portugal. Dyas, adis ; f. the deuce or two. + Duplicelarius,a, am ; having double Dūriuſcủlus, a, un ; adj. somewhat Dyman, a tribe of the Dorienſes. allowan'e. hard. Dymas, the name of a man in Virgil. Duplio, onis; m, a double mula or Durnomagam, the city Durnomagen Dymc, she farshest city of Achaia,well. ameriament, twice as much. in Lower Germany. ward ; alſo a city of Thrace. Duplò, adv; twice as much. DURO are ; (à durus] to harden, Dimethus, a city in Sicily, called Duplo, are, to double. o make bard. • Ad plagas du Farro del Oliveto. Duplum, 1 ; n. twice as much, the rare, not 10 frel jrides. Dymus, a river of Sogdiana. double, DURO, ate ;'[Heb. dur.) to edure, Dynaneme, a segongmph, the daughter DUPLUS, a, um ; adj. ( 853) lof, continue. Nequco durare in of Nereus and Doris double as much more. his ædibus; I can't abide to Ray Dynamis, is; f. power; plenty. + Dufondiarius, of two rounds. here. * Durare in æternum, to be Dynamius, a Roman conful. Dupondius, a, um. [à duu & pon immortal. Dynafta, or tes, æ;, mi a prince, dus of two poitrids. Duroa, a mountain of Mauritania polentate, lord, or baron, Dur, a river in ircland. Ting'tana. Dynaſtia, æ;f. power, government, Dura, r valley in the provinsi of Ba- Durobriva, Durobrovæ, and Duro a dynally. bylon, and a city of Mcſopolamia; cobriva, Hertford. Dyndaſum, a city of Caria. hinc. Durenus, a, um. Durocaſis, a town in Gallia Lugdu- Dyos, a river of Mauritania TVagi- Duraba, ine city Der in Babylonia. nenfis. tana. Dürābilis, le, durable, lasing long. Durocaſtrum, Dorcheſter in Oxford Dyras, a river of Trachinia, Durakina, Persica, peaches, Shire. Dyraſpes, a river of Scythia. Durācīnus, a, um ; adj. [à durus] Durocornovlum, Cirenceſter. Dyrbäel, a people of Bacinia and In- whoſe skin or kernels are hard. Durocotonum, a city of Belgia. dia. Duracinæ uvæ, mwradine grates, Durocottorum, a city in Gallia Bel- Dyrrhachium, & city in that part of Cerafum duracinum, a Spaniſh gica, called Rheims en Cham Macedonia which lies upon the cherry. paigne. Adriatick fea,called novo Durazzo, Dūrāmeng inis ; n. a bough, or Durolcvum, or Durolenum, Lede where Cicero continued till he was Dūrāmcnlum, } arm of a vins i ham in Kent. recalled from banifoment ; also a cily hardneſs, conftaney. Durolipons. Godmancheſter in Hun of Laconia. Duranius, or Durenus, the river La tingdonſhire. Dyrrodotis, a viver by Caucaſus. Dordonne in Aquitain, Durolitum, Lciton or Oldford in Dyrſela, a town of Pamphylia, . Durang, niis, enduring. Effex. Dyrta, a city of India. Dūrātcus, a, umjadi. of wood. Duroiorum, a city in France. Dylares,an Arabian god, supposed to Equus duraleus, a wooden borje. Duionis, a town of the Sainoites. be the sun Duratio, öns; f. a continuing, perle- : Duronum, city of Gallia Belgica. Dyſcæliús, hard-bound, cojiive. vering, duration, Durolipons, as Durolipons. Dyſcola, a difficulty, waywardnes, – Dūrātor, oris ; m. e continuir, Duroſtadium, the town Ducrftade in Dyſcolus, a, um ; adj. wayward, un- hardner, I Gue!derland. toward Dūrātrix, icis ; f. fee that endures or i Duroſtena, the city Doria in Lower Dyſcralia, æ ; f. a diſemper. : hardons. Myſia. Dyſenteria æ; f. she bloody lux, Durātus, a, um ; hardned. Durotriges, Dorſethire men. w11 wringing of the bowels. Durbera, a city of Meſopotamia near Durorernum, or Durobernium, or Dyler.tericus, a, um , adj. troubles · Tygris. Darvernum, Canter bury. with a dyſentery. Durdum, a mountain of Mauritania. Durùm, adv. hardly, Dyfis, a place in Picenum. Dūrè, ady, bardly, feonly, Jurdi DUR-US, a, um ; adj. ior, iffimus; Dyfnomia, æ; f. an ill conflitution of cruelly. à Super lignum] hárd, ſolid, firm, the law. Eeee 2 1 1 D.ylo- : 1 ivori 1 E BD E BU -ЕСС Dyforum, à mountain of Peonia , Ebido, bi, bitum, běre; act. to Ebullo, are ; lo luible; or bubble out. in Thrace. drink up all. 15:bere fangui • O a præclarum funus patrui Dyſpatia, æ ;f difficulty ta endure. nem, to ſuck one's b.cod. * Ebibere ebullet! wiuld I could borily jes Dyspepſia, a, f. bsd digojijon. imperium domini, by drinking to my uncie fairly buried! Dylphylus, i, m. a false friend. forget his maſter's command, ÉBŐL-UM; ; ; n. or us, 1; m. (ab Dyluhonia, a ; f.dificulty of sparsh, t Evicólum, i; n. the back of a Exbina erupt o ) dune - worly or Dyſphoricus, a, um , adj. hard,rigo knife. dw.!rf elder. TOUS. + Ebion, onis;.m. a poor man, EBUR, oris ; n. (à barrus) ivory; Dyſpnea; æif. Purfineſs, difficulty Ebionitæ, Ebion.tes, 'beretick! 'deny. any thing made of ivory. * Fbur of bro:shing ing Chriji's divinity, und obferung curule, the chair of late, in which Dyſpnoïcus, a, um jad). purſy, phibi. Mulès's law. the chiefg7 of the Roman mugißralis fical, bort-brva:b'd. Ebiſma, e city of Arabia Felix, were carried. Dyſpontium in city ef Pifæa ; from Eolæa, a cily of Albania. Ebura, she city Tulavera in Spain. Dyſpontius, the ſon of Pclops. Eulava, Dublin in Ireland. Eburarius, it; n. a worker in ivory. t Dyfrigi, very cold. Eblandior, iri; dep. to obtain by fair Eburātus, a, um ; adj. overlaid with Dyntrapelus, implicable. woras; alſo to be mitigated, * Qui ivory. Dyfus, a city of Eubea. bus ablardiantur folitudines ruris, Eburiacl, or Eburaici, Ebruici,Enroi. Dysūr:a, f. a difficulty of making which render the rolitarines of a cæ, or Eburovices, a people of Gila water, ; the frangury. country life delighome and nothing liz Celtica. whose city is called Dysūricus, a, um , troubled with the irkſome. Evreux ir. Normandy. drangu.y. Eblanditus, a, um ; part. abtained by: Abuincolus, a, um ; jet with small Hattery ; alſo plesning, picie if ivors. Eb!itæ, mountains in Arabia Fæ- Fourneus, and nus, a, um ; of ivory, lix. as while as ivory. E ante A. Ebode, a fouin of Arab'a Fælix, and Eburobritium, a town in Portogal, a city of Arabia Petres. called Evora de Alcobaſlih, Ebodia, the ijle Aldercay or Oinay. Dburones, e people of Lege in Ger- Ei for eft ex eius. Ebodarum, e city of Rbatia many. ! E (ab ex] piæpi serving to an + Ebor, oris; n. ivory See ebur. Eburonicæ,' or Eburovices, thoſe of abl. out of, ucsording:0, froin. E Ebora, or Ebura, ibs sity and univer- Evreux in Normindy. contrario, on the contrary. • Ex lity of Evora in Portugal; and two Ebururn, the metropolis of Moravia, ordine, on rr:W. * E longinquo osher cities of Bætica. called Olautz afar of E regione, over.ngain. Eboracum, York, a city in England. Ebulus, an iſland in the Balerric * E facili, BuglyE republicâ, Ebörārius, ii ; m. one that works in 18, where 920 buriful creature is for the good or ibi commonwealth. brod. Laborat. c ronibus, he is a bõrātus, a, um ;'adj. covered with Ebutius He'vius, a maſer of ibe horix pain in the reins. * Emco qui- ivory. to the emperor. dem animo, truly in my opinion. #borcus, a, um; made of ivory. Ebutios, ile 4140112 of a crafts knive, Nole, E in appoiitionc & composi- Eborus, an ifand in ine Balearic, siguinſ ubon Cicero inveighs. tione invenitur anie b, d, 8.1, in, jou. 11,., & antc j &... loco conſo- + Ebri.i, æ; f.a wine-wiel,a drunk- E ante C. nantium. Ea, fem of is ime, + Ebrlacus, a, um, drunken. E. C. E Comitio or Capitolio. Bà, adv. iher way. Ebr:ctas, ätis ; f. drunkennes, fuld † Ec, the ſ2me as ex. Eadem, fem. af dem, the fome - ness of juice, Ecăildus, a river in Tuſcany, called ...man. Ebrimirus, the son in-law of Thco Caldano. Eadmodus, a king of. Eugland, whoja datus, who foll away to Beliſarius. + Ěcaliidus, a, um ; inconfiderate, biad being out of was kept un Ebro, arc; ro make drunk. rah. tou:b' by a wo!f. Ebsiolo, arc ; 10 sipple or ssakei Ecaineda, sh: daughter of Arhnous, Eale, on Indian beult like a hare. drunk. giren la Neſtori + Eample, for cam ipfam. Ebrio!us, a, um, adj. rippled. t Ecardia, w kind of amber, having Eanes, un hijtorian of Cyzicus, in Ebriðfior, ius ; adj. more drunk. the figure of a heart in it. Pigma ion's time, Eoriosītas, ātis; f. fortifonoſ. Ecaftor, by Caſtor, an outh of the Eanus ibe ancient name of Janus, Ebriõlus, a, um ; adj. forrijb, a com- Roman womon. Eaproptèr, adv. tberefors. mon drunkard. Ecožlis, is; t. a digrilion. Eapſe, for ea ipía, ine jame woman. EBRIUS, a, um, adj. [amour, vel à Ecbatana, prum ; ihe metropolis of Ear, aris :j n. the Spring : bria] drunk, saufing drunkenneſs, Media, built by Seleucus, called Eares, people of India. plentiful. * Ebria cena, a dainty Echolas, adis ; f. a fig which cauſes alſo Anasha. Earious, the name of a kinti; ul boy Jupper, a gaudy. in Martial. Ebrodontii, people of the A!ps, abortion. Eaſis, the metropolis of Gedroſia. called Le pays d'autour d'am Ecbolia, orum, i n. and ecbolina, Ealium, a city of Achaia in Pelo brune. aruni; f. medicines to bring away ponneſus. Ebrodunum, and Eborodanum, the a digid child, Ealo, the city St Sebaſtian in Spain. city Ambrunc in Gallia Narbonen-Ecca and cccam, for ccce es and Ealēnus. adv. so far forib... Eate Gis ; alſo the town Yuerdon of the ccce eam. nùs quoad, eatenus ut, so long till. Switzers. Ecce (ab en & ce) lo, bebild. . * Primù catenùs interycniebat ne- Ebroinus, a very wicked man, of Ecce autem, but behold. * Ecce quid perperam fieret, at firil ha great power will the king of tibi Sebolus, and preſently comes inly hindered what might be done France. Scbofus, amifs. Ebrus, as Hebrus. Eccentricus, a, um , moving at an un- + Ebuccinor, ars; to found out, com equal dißance from the contre, out E anis B. mend. of order.. Ebudæ, Æbudæ, Hebudes, Hebri- Eccerè, by Ceres. E B. abbreviat. for ejus bona, and des, and Ebonæ, five iſlands wel Eccheuma, št:s ; or eccheumatum, Elcēlor Bavaria. of Scotland. ti , n. a pruring out, bejmeuring. Ene, a cily of Tuſcany: Ebullio, ire ; ncut. so boil or bubble Eccillani, for ecce illam. Ebaccher, ari ; 30 bo Swingingly up, louk baughtily. * Ebulliri Eccillum, for ecce illum, look, here drunk, virtutes, 10 vaunt of beir virtue. 1 he CoinCI. + Ebcatus, a, um, adj. deprived of Hoc Epicurus fo'et nonnun. Ecc ftso, for ccce iftam. happines. quam ebulliri, this Epicurus is Ecclefia, 2; f. a congregation, aj- Ebellanum, a town in Spain. ofron forud to confeſsy pris so evi Jembly, the church. Ebenvin, i; nebeny, · dent. Ecclcfiarcha, a; m, the governor of Ebčnus, i ;t the eben-erge. Ebullitio. õnis ; f g boiling, bub the nurin. # Bbco, are ; 10 deprive of happineſs, bling. Ecilafiaſtes, is or æ;m, a proacher, Ecclc 7 Womun. . VO:04. rant. xes's ritmy. Cinoru. ECH E D A A . E DI Becle iaiticus, a, um ; adj.esclefiajli. Echite, ĉs; f. a kind of ſcammomyop eating, gormandizing: an. Echites, á black bone refombling * + Edācitor, adv. greadily. + Ecclelo, are ; 10 gather together, viper. + Edāculum, i ; n. Short commons, provoke. Echo, lls ; f. Ovid, an' echi, the found Imall pittance. Eccos, for ecce eos. of sbi porre + Edācủlus, im. a prelty great ettar, Eccabi (ab ccquis) any where, Echo, úg ; f. Ovid. & nymph of the Edana, r сily of Euphrates, which ibe Eccum for ccce eum) look, here is. river Cephisius, who bring in love Phænicians did inhabit. Ecdumna, 1 city of Galicia. wish Narciſſus, and nighted by Edax, ācis ; (ab edo) a great eater, Ecdicus, a prodor, or an allorney of a bim, pined away into an acho or glutfonas, esting iniz:b, gormandiz- town, reorder, ing ; (met.) waliong, conluming. Ecdiopa, town of Phoenicia. Echoicos, a, um ; of or like an ebo. Ecaces curæ, cares that waje the Iccbolius, a fophifer of Conſtantino- Ecleda, orum ; n. colle&tions. boby, ple moted for his frequint apojla- Ecligma, or .cgína, ātis; n. a loha:b, Eddara, a city of Arabla Deſerta. an aletuary. Eděcímātio, onis; f. a puni bing auf ry fenih man Ecelinus, the naine of a. cruel ty- Eclipfis, is ; f. an erlipla. + Ecliptico, are ; 20 cclipſe. Edecimātor, oris ; m. he that puniſors Eceltienſes, a people of Sicily. Eclipticus, a, um, adj. of an eclipse. or prirks cul avery lonth man. + Esfcccris, for effcccr:s. * L nca ecliptica, the ecliptic. Edčcimālus, a, um ; adj. every tento Echecæ, a town in Altica. Ecloga æ ; f. á title, an abridgment, being choſen. Echcdam!a, z city of Phoc's. fainiliar diſcourſe between friends, Edécimo, arc ; to choose out the tenth. Echedorus, a river in Macedonia, hen:e Virgil's eclogues. Edecimor, ari ; to be charm, &c. whole water is as too liul: for Xer. Eclogarium, ji; n an epitome. Eděcůmātus, a, um , adj. deprived of Eclogārius, ii ;m. an epitomixır, an tichas Echelida, a town in Attica, intruder, an auditor. Eden Heb. plenfure ; alſo a country Echemenes, ios nume of an hijo. Eclóg um, ii; n. a pretty ſhort dish in the caf; the naine of the garden rian. Curfe. where Adam Sinned; and the name Ech:mon, the fon of Priamus, Nain Ecnephias, a form where a cloud is of a mun. by Dioinedes. broken. Edenburgus, Edinburgh, the metropo- Echemilid, æ; f. fience. Ecnomus, a fortreſs in Sicily. lis of Scotland. Lich:m:1us, be that keeps flenir, + Eco, for cgo, I. Edendus, a, um ; to be eaten. Echeneis, ïdis; f. alca-iumprey, or Ecobrogis, a city of Galatia. Ēdens, nt:8 ; part, eating, Encona, a city of Greece + Ede ntâhulum, an infrument to Echancus, the most generous of all th. Econtrà; adv. on the contrary. plock out teeth. Phraces. † Ecors, ordis, fain:-hearici, Eden:ātio, 'onis 3 f. drawing out Ech-tæ, finging graſhoppers. Ecpciala, orua ; n. wide cups, Mat Edentätor, oris ; a teeth.drawer. Ech.tia, a city of Italy. bowls. Echelit, a city of Sicily. Ecphanius, a philosopher of sýra Edentātus a, um, part. of cdentor, E hetra, n riiy of Italy. cuſc. having his teeth drawn out. Echeverenſes, a perple of Arcadia. Ecphöra, æ; f. a jutty in a build - Ede-nto, are; act. [à dens) to draw Echidna, 2 jf. a viver. or dath the tech cur. 1778 Echidne, és í F. quren of Scythia. Ecphrăſis ; f. a declaration, or inter- Edentŭlas, a, um ; ad) toothleſs.' Vinum cdentulum, old heurtlafs by whom Hercules had three chil: prutalion. Aren at a birth, and appointed .bim Eclepſis ; f. an afoniſhment. wine. 10 fuccsed him that could bend bis Eupyčma, a gushering Rogerher of cor-11 Eděra, æ ; f. ing. bow when he same to age ; which ruption. Edepol. See ædepol, Scythia only could do, of wborn ibe Ecquardò adv. whaber alany time. + Edcfius lap!s, a painter's font country wos named Ecquid, adv. whather or no. wich they grind their colours on. Echidníon, ii; vipers buglofs. Ecquis, -qua, .quod, and-quid,when Edcfía, a city in Syria,called allo An- Ech nädcs, small iſ.indi by Acarna ther any one * Ecqua virgo aut tiochia, Callirrhoe, jaftinopoils, nia, called allo Ech ra, and, vul mulier' fit, if the c be any muiden and Rhoas, build by Nimrod. gerly Cozzulari, Edetana, a country in Spain. Echina.us, a, um ; [ab echinus) !al Ecquiſnam, .quænam, quodnam, or Edgarus Athel!ng, being, heir to the with pri kles. • Echinat'ls calyx, quidnam, the fams. crown of England, and ſering the the prickly husk of a cheint. Ecquò ; adv. whilber. ccuniry in diſorder, attempted to go Echincus, the fifieenib king of the Sl. + Ecícriprus, for exfcriptus. with his mother and fijlers into Hun. cyonians. Ecitafis, is; f, an extaſy, or trance . gary, wbere he was born, but was Echynomētra, a kind of ſhellfiſh; a Ecſtat:cus, a, um, in a trance, driven by a tompelt into Scotland, hadge hog Eaafis, is ; f, the making a Mort fyl- where his fifer Margaret married Ech.non, a city of Thrace. labe long. Malcolm the king, and had by bim Ech nisj, or untis, a city or iſland Eetenz or ni; a people of Greece, fx fons and two daughters,wberoof in the Agean ſea ; alſo a city of who firf inhabited Thebes in Bæ. Edgar, Alexander, and David Jur- Phthiot:s, and cher places. otia. ceeded himn in the kingdom ; Baker's E hinodpora, e kind of feil fim. Eahlipfis, is ; f. a cutting off. Chron, Echinopus, a, kind of herb. Eatymata, litila wcheals. Edi, a people of Scythia. ĚCHINUS i; m. Plia lexirala Ectivi, a people of the Alps, conquered Edico, xi, &um, cere ; act. 80 pro- hedge-bag, a fori of crab fijb, and the hy Auguſtus. claini, commund, publiſb. • Edicere conventum fociis, to warn them to rougb mell of a chelnut ; a vellal to Ectomias, æ; m. an einuch. walb cups in, a brißle bruſh, and a Earăçēlus, huge, monffrous, unnatu to mout at fuch a time. * Edicere kind of hricceler, the rougheſt part of ral. alicui, 10 give one a fria charge. a bey's belly, a box into which the Ectroma, žtis ; n. an abirtion, Ed:ctales, judents in the law of two voices were put af trials;. also a Ectropium ii; n a diunder in the years fand ng. quarier.reisid ( in a pillar ) and sye, when she sic:her lid will nos Edictalis,lc ; adi: of or by edift. jometimes more, j welling, above the come to the upper. Edi&tālio, onis ; f. a proclaiming. kinaires, 17d cormonly next 10 The Ectypun, 1;n. counterfeit, 4 thing Edietător, oris ; m. a proclaimer. ab Teu curu'd with ovals and darts. mide by a pattern. Edictio, onis ; fi a charge, proclama- fion. Echinus conditaneus, a fut rripe. Ecūlcus, ei; m, a rask to punif of Echinusta, an iſland hy Eubaca, called fenders. See equuleus. Edicio, are ; to decları, promounts, afie wards Cimo'us. Ecus, a town of india within Ganges. give publick norise of. Ech on, one of thoſe that belied Cad- Edictor, oris ; m. be that proclaims nius to build Thebes ; hence Echio- E ante D. or orders, Edi&tum.ijn, niæ Thcbcs, and Echłonide, the a proclamation, ex- Thebans. E: D. for ejus domus or dominus. prefs chirge. Edi&us, a, um ; part, of edicor, pro- Echion, or -jum, vifers buglofs ; allo Eda, á river of Meſlenia. medicine for eyes. Edācitas, ātis; f. (ab cdax] greedy, claimes, appoinicd. + Edi. Or woman. fely a knowledge of one's countenania, Edor, elus or eſtus, cdl ; 10 be eaten. 'to ear, or conſume. Edare pugEdoctus, a, um, part. of educor ; Eftero, are; to enrnge, over-run. Edcre partum, 10Ějūlium, ii , ni faod, man's meat. ED O E ET E F F + Eu culum, i, n. a fobolar's commes, it Edomābills, le; ad). Samecble. Eetionea, a pronontory of Piræus, Edidi. See edo. Edomātio, õh!s ; f. a faming, Eccioneus, a, oni ; of Estionca. Edilis, le ; adj. 3. art. Gatable. : E- Edomātor; öris;'m. 'a samer. dia, man's meat. Edous itus,, um ; part, of edomor, E ante'F. Fetilitas, as ædilitaş. taned. E. F. abbreviac. for ejus fil'us. * Edilitlus, iim the clerk of the ědõn-o, ui, itum, arc; act. to iame, Eſercm, or Efrem, of Ephraim, the marker. break, or jubdue. 1318 biſhop of Jeruſalem, A. D. 126. Edin, fox edam or ederim. Edonor, ari; pafl. 60 ba tamod or Effábilis, le ; (ab offör] Ulterable. Edinburgum, the city Edinburgh in framed. + Effäbilitas, at:3 ; f. puak olene's. Scoiland, Edon, a mauni sin of Thrace. Effæco, are ; [à fæx) to cleanſe from Ediſcendüs, a, um, part. fut in dus Édone, a kind of fish. drigs. of edilcor, to be learnt by beart. Edonis, idis; f. á city of Phrygia ; Effecundor, ari; to be in de fruitful. Edir.o, edidici, cre; a&t. to con, or alſo a be-print of Bacchus. : + Effämen, inisini fresch. lein by heart. V lcum alicajus Édõnus, a, um ; adj. of the mountzin + Effauino, are ; to ſpeak. ediſcere, to indeavour after lo por. Edon. Exar-cio, i, tuin, cire ; to fluff hard, to cromo in. as to know him from all others, Edormior, ire; act." sa jeep away. * Effaris, si ; to speak out ; to pronounce Edifra, or Hadiffa, ihe ſame as Eſther. *Edormire vinurn, to turtzer one's certain forms of prayer Tas the prieſls * Ed Isējātor, oris ; 01. a dhilarer, wits again by taking a nap. did at thecon ecrasion of their temples.) Edilsēr-o, ui, tum. to declari. Edormio, Iri; to be Trent in fliep. + Eff.:ſcimentum, i; n. a bewitcbe Edificrto, arc; to rabe irſi particularly. Edormilco; čre ; 16 llop out, or digejt Eff ſcinātio, onis; F. irig Ediffertor, örin; mi a rehearſer. by iaking a gentle nup. Effaſcinātor, oris ; m, a bow tsher. Edito, onis; f. Cic. an edition, fet- Ēdormitio, onis ; fi a ſleeping. Effaſcino, are ; (of ex and faſciao] ring frih, publiſhing. Editio con- + Edorsātus, a, um ; brokera bucld. # lewit h. fulum, tbe !e&tion of conjuls. + Edoſſo, are to break ibu b.ck. + Effifi atus, a, um ; loo's, at liborty. Edit or, us; adj. comp. bigher. Edola, a cilj in she guilph of ihi Tro-Effa:u 7), ; n. an axiom. Edititius, a, um , adj. publiſhed. glodytisk feu. Effära, õrum ; n. oracles. Judex edititius, an arbitrator nana- Edrei, a city of king Og among the : Effātus, a, u.n; ſpoken, conſernled. cil by orie party Amorltex + Effaxillo, are ; 10 fre! b cut to Editor, oris : m. a publiſer. Edri, the iſland Bardſcy 01 the coas arm foss the arin-hole is jeon. Ēditus, a, in ; part of cdor ; pub of Wales, Effeci; fue efficio, Lilaed, usteed, declared, Spread a- Edron, a haven by the river Po. Effe ioonis ; f. an arromrlifting. broad, named or appointed, jal furth, Edvardus, ii m. Edward. a man's . Ef sivus, a, um ; cffettuil. made for the publick. born or begol name, and of ſeveral kings of Eng-, Effcétor, oris ; m. an acrompi Sher. tondefiinded, prung ; _[met. ] land. Effictrix, icis ; she that accomplifbas, bat bad, brough forth. Edit ut Edücürius, vi ; mi a nouriber. a procureſs. diccs, shojen juuges Educatio, onis ; f. a mourißing. Effatum, i; a. an effit, Edit us, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Educător, or sim. a ricuriber. + Effectuolus. a, 0:0) ; effetual. -iftinus, fup. higb, lofty. * Locus Educātrix, īcis ; f. ? nurſe. Effcctus, a, um ; part. of efficior, edītus, a lofty or bigb placı. Edúcā:us, a, um, part. of éducor ; accompliſbel. * Hoc tibi effectum Editas ùs; m. i fërring fordi ibe nurture brought up reddain. I'il diſpatıl: thit. dung of besls, as the crosell of a E:ūcālus, ûs; m. a bringing up. - | Effectus, ùs ; m, can sffect häre, iba liumber of i fox, &c. Edůco, arc; act to bring up. * Edu- ' Efferāte; adv. wildly seriouſly, Edmund: Birgus, St Edmuod's bury care mammis, to fuckle, * Educare, Effé ātio, õnis; f. amidding, m. in Suffok. oratoren, to train up opte in the raging. Edmondus, i, m. Edmund, a man's rhetorick Sobool. Efferalior, -ius ; adv. more favige, tams, and á king of England, chilen Edū.co, xi; ctum, core ; act. to bring Efférātus, a, um, more onróged. by the Londoners at the death of ar draw forth, deliver, raile, bring · Efterbeo, ēre ; to boil over. his mother, whilf another party chaſe wp, drink all off Eduxi à parvu- Efferc.io, ire ; (of ex and farcio] to Canules, whom ofter many battles lo. I broughl him up from a child. puff, cram, fill. Edmund made his egriner. *Educere cælo, to make excreding Efferens, ntis ; lifting up. Edo, ēdi, ēlum or eftom. cděre; act. high. Effereſco, ērc; to grow mad. ños, to be foundly rubbled. brought up, raiſed" high. Immanitate belluarum cfferari, to Eda, opis, m. a great dater: Eduinus i; in Edwin, amin's name, he laid wife by wild bett's Edo, cdidi, cditum, edere; ac.acc. a king of England, ſon of Edmund.''Effero, extuli, elātum, cfferre ; [of to put forul, utter, publiſh, execute, + Edülçabilis, le , adj. very ſweat. ex and fero] to bring ous, lift up, com nit, flew, bear, read, name, Edulco, are ; [à dulc:s) to ſwasten. bury, tranſport. + Efferre laudibus, Forgal. Ovun edere, to lay an! | Edulcoro, are ; ihe jane . to cry up. * Efferre pedem, lo fir Egg Clainorem cdere, to make a jĚtūle, is ; n. (ab edo] fud. out of doors. * Efferre iracundâ, noile. Operam annuam cdere, dūlis, le, adj. eatable. to tranſport with unger. Efferre Terve para gear. #Edere ſcintillas, šdūlitás, āts ; f. "a prince's largols to læcitiâ, to make one glad. *Efferre to ſparkle. * Ëdere animam, to give 1be people in time of dearth. je, to se daug bly 'Efferre.malum up the ghof. aliquod, to overcome an evil. * Ef. bring forth. Edere urinam, ło Edulias, a mountain of Spain, called feri fe alveo Nilus, Nile overflows maka warcr. * Edere nomen, to 1. Moncayo . its banki. *Efferri in amorem, to givs in bis name to the pralor to be + Edūlus, i ; m. a great cater. he beloved, anrolled. Edcra tribus, to chule, Edumæl, e people of Arabia. + Effertio, ire ; 30 juff or cram. or call out ſuh a wird. * Edere Edūrātio, onis ; fi á bårdening. Effertus, a, um, ior, iffimus; part. rationes. to caß uy accounts. Edūrè ; adv. very hardls. of offercior ; fuffed, craramod. * Exocenicr; adv teachingly. Edūro, are ; so endure, burden, or in- + Efferven-s, -tior, -tiſfimus forvent, Edoce, ui, cum, cre; to certify, in. ure Lo hardship. # Effery.co, ēre; to boil ouer, be an. form, trach thoroughly Edūrus, a, un ; adj. tough. Wedura gry: *Effervere in agros, to ever- Edo.ibills, ic; ad). salily taught. pyra, choak gari. How the fields. Edactas, a, um, part. of edoceor, Edula, the goddess that prefded over Efferveſcans, rtis ; part. of effervco, infructed, informed Edoctus eating very hot, chafing belli artes, well skilled in Soldierý jEdya, a nymph and daughter of Oce- Efferveſcentia; æ ; f. a boiling over. and taaiks. anus and Tethys; Efervcico, orc; to be very hot; to Edola, a city of Arabia Felix. Edylius, the mountain whence the ri. cool, was cold. Dum effervoſcit Edolātio, -ōnis; f. a plåning. ver Affus flows. hæc gratulatio, while gratulatory Edolàtor, oris; m. plaqur, poliber. Edyme, u ciiy of Caria. compliments paſs. Edolo, arc ; to plant, or polish, finiſhi E and E. Effervo, 'vi, ērc ; 10 boil over, Edoing the counlry Idymæa, so called Eetion, the father of Andromache, Efferus, a, um ; adj. (ab ex & ferus) fron Edom of Erau. | who raigned in Thébes. crist, javage. + Effexis, 1 1 0716, out.. E F F E F F EFT + Efexis, for effeceris Efluentèr ;, adv, abundantly. Effrico, are ; [of. ex und frico] 10 rub off. + Embulo, are; to unbution, unclaro. Efluentia, &; f. a flowing out, or Eficācia, æ; f. cffiucy, force. running over ; the piling away of Effr ingo, @gi, aQum; [of cx and Efficac:or, jus ; comp. more offe&tual. ſraigoj to breik oren. Down, or in Eficācītas, ātis; f. Arength, forra. Eflui, a deople of Germany, inhabit ple'es. *Animam cffringerç, to kill. Efficac-itèr, iùs, iſimè; adv. offrau ing Lifand. Effrons, ntis; impudeni, ally, with vigour. Emu-o, xi, xum, ěre; act. to loak, + Efúgātio, onis ; f. á putting to Efficax,, gen. ācis; adj. ior, iffimus.; run oui, pass away (as tiine) night. (ab efficio) ff.duul, prevailing. Nip out, run over, he publiſbed, for: Effugiendus; a, um tó be avoided. Vir efficax, one that goes through gollon.'* Muere ex animo, or e Eggio, ūgi, itum, er: ; act. soa ſiitob with a bizantis.. mcmoriâ, to be forgotten. Id ef word, ofcape, fin wway.' Me cffu- Efficiens, 'ntis; part Accompliſhing. ; fluct, "willout, I can't keep mily git memoria; my memory fuiis mi the effisiens (cauſe.) * Efficiens uti counſel, Etug'um, 11.; n. Aight, refuge, cya- I:falis, profilable. Emūvium, ji; 1. a running out. fon, a way to ifcape, a lift. . * ÉS- Efficienter; adv, with effect, Emuus, a, um, adj. running out. fugia pennarum habere, to be Efficientia, 2;.f. virtus, power, E:fluxus, ûs ; ni, a powing out, or winged to fave theifelves by Efficio, ĉci, cctum, icere ; act. Cic. running fight. (of cx and facio) to accompliſh | Efatio, onis; f. a chorking up. Effigo, are ; to pur to flight. bring to effe, perform, m.ke good. Effoco, are ; [ab.cx & Faux) Effiigus, a, um, jied away, * Efficere epiftolam, to write to choak, Arangle. Efful cio, civi, citum and tum, circs * Argentum cfficcre,alicoi, Effódicatio, onis ; f. ä digging up or to bear up, under propo to procure money for one. * Efficere, Eff.Igensntis ; ſpining:... aliquid in ftudiis, to profit in learn- Effodico, are ; to dig up or out. Efulgco, l, ģēre'; io fine or glitter, ing. * Similitudinem panis eífi. Eftõdio, õji, oſumn, crc ; act. to dig appear. cicbat, is served inflead of bread. up, pull ous, vex. ' Effodere ali- t Effulgerientia, a; f. the falling, Efficitur ; imp. it is brought to paſs, cui oculos ing rear out ono's eyes. Ackneſs alja a shining nearly proved. • Effodit, illius memoria pealus Etilgidus, a, um ; hining, bright Efficio, õnis ; f. á faſhioning, meum, the remembrance of him . Effulgo, éreztó joine or plijiti. Eficlus, a, um; part.of eilingor; pierces my very heart. Efultus, a, uin, part of effulcor fabioned. Effrecundor, ari; 10 de made fruit under Atria effulta montibus; + Ettigia, æf. an imnge. ful, perches borne up by marble digged out Effigiatio, onis ; f. a fahioning. + Effädo, are ; Po defile. ef, inauniains. Efiglātor, oris ; m. a fashioniri Effe:ainatè; adv. affirmingtelj, nice Eff-undo, ūdi, ūſum, underé; aut Eftig ātus, a, um ; fuſionid. Liv.. [of ex. and fundo) 80 pour + Effig:ālus, us ; m. a fashioning, Effeminātio, onis ; f. an effeminat 041, spill, conjume, lavih, jpread Effigics, ei; f. (ab effingo lan image, ing abroad, difconfit, run over last loage, form, likeneſs. * Habere Effoeminātor, āris ; , an efeminarer: river) 10 diclofet. Civitas cffun effigiem thuris, to be like, frankin. Eifæminātorium, ii ; n. a few. dit , the people Hoit oui. * EFT conje. * Muta effigies, one wbilly Effominātrix, icis ; f. a brwd. fungere iram in aliquem, to wreel mule in a play. Efeminārus, a, un, jor, iffimus upon ona. * Effundere + Effiglo, are ; to make the jape of effe minars, niie, delicase. * Arte's fictus doundantly Ef any ibing, draw. effæmina:æ, wariton ſports. fundere lc in libidine, to give him: Effi-ngo, xi, dur, ogčre; a&t. 30 Effcemino, are ; là fæmina) to effe Felf up to his lufl. Efundere fifhion, reprezent, exprefs, defcribe, minate, unman, *Effuminare puc equum, 80 rids full speed. - * EF: frign, rui, or angrave one's picture : rum, to abuſe again nature fundere cullum, to drive bard. • Effingere vim Demoſthenis, 10 Effcele ; adv. birrenly, wrakiy. * Efindete ſplritum extremum, powerful as a): pajt animam, vitam, to give up the Demofthenes. having newly brought forih, wak, gholf. Effundere ſarcinam, 10 Effio, effel! 19.dum, -ieri; n. to be conſumed. Effeia gallina, a ben Ibrow down his lading (as a horse.) brought to pass poji lajing. Effeetus grex,. the Effundere primum impetum, to Efāgitātio, 'onis; f. an 'importun whole lister brought forih. * Effæ give the first charge. ing: tus ager, a field warn put of heart; Effundas, a, um, ådj. turzied upſida Emagitator, 'āris; m. an imporsuner. impoveriſhed. down, Effagitātus, a, um ; part.of Magi- Effor, ari's so speak out. Şee effarisi Effüse;, adv, largely, exinlavaly. tor; garnell, begged. Efforo, are ; to boro or pierce ibo Effusé ridere; to giggle. Effase Efāgitátus, ùs ; m. imporțunity rough. fugere, 10 fly away haſ il;, and in Emfāgito, arc ; 10 crave, erneilly, 10 + Effoffo, arc; 10 dig 0:4t.or tho: diſorder. obtain by importunity. Effsgitare rough. Efulio, onis ; f a pouring out, a great convicio, se go from by dawling, Effoffor, oris ; m, be abzt dig's or Tour, prodigalily, efifior. * Exulo dụnning, or with much 'ade. breaks thorough. animi, ibe enlargement of the mind Emāmino, are; 10 blaxe vul. Effoflius, a, um; [of effodior] digged (when joftil.)... E fulio hom pum Effins, ntis ; part. puting, or ſearched cut, ex oppidis, the lacking of the people + Emātio, onis ; f. a belcbing, break- + Efforco, Ore ;.10 cbariſ. out of the towns. ing of wind, + Effovcor, ērij 10 be cheriſhed. Effuſor, oris ; m, a prodigal,spordi + Effiatus, ùs ; the fame, Effractarius, ii; m. a burgler, breaker thrift. Em-eo, ĕre; (of ex and fileo] to weer cpon. Effuforic, adv. prodigally. out, waße with wreping. *Emere Effractor, āris ; m. a breaker oprit Effusorigin, ii ; n. an infirummerb oculos, to wrap one's jos out. burler. pour cut by. EM:&im, ; adv. vehemently. Effrađūra, æ; f. a burgling, or break. Effūlus, a, um ; part. & ad). jorin EM &io, onis ; f. an afflicting. ing open. iffimus; [of cffuador) poured on Emi&tus, a, um, part. of effligor ; Effractus, a, um; part. of effringar; overflowing, ſcattired, prodigal, afiliated, murred broken, broken down or open. *Ef prone. *Effatiffimis habcaia, w.th Emi go, xi, tum, gērc ; act. ro beäe fractus iamc, bunger llarued. full speed. ** Effüſuſimo, ſtudio, down, cash againj, afilial, loroont. Ef ænatè ; adv, looſely, wirbrut bri with the greateſt carnepnieſs. * Ef- Emo. are ; act. to blow out or away. dle. fufa lætitia, exceſiva joyi In Effare animam or extremum Effranātio, önis; f. rashneſs, unruly verbis effufor cultus, & 1o greu halitum, io breath one's laf. + Ef beadineſs. literty in the choice of words. fiavit animai ipes, iny hope' is quite Effrænātus, a, um, lor, iffimus, in. + Effütilis,.lc ; adj, babbling, Ronie bridlid, loofı, yaf, unruly, Effût-io, ire ; nso bled out. Effu Efõrationes, wheals, puſles. Eff. ano, are ; to unbridle, let lopje. cire foris, to tell tales abroad. Effor-co, čre; n. 80/pring forib. Efrænus, a, um; 21 ab ex & træ- Efütītius, a, um, adj. forving only Ellio:eſco, ere ; . Spring, blow, n. to spring, blow, Effrenis, ne; adj. 3 num) unbridled, to fill up ibe 70cm. ficarish, abound, so grow into repue fierce, unruly, Effütitor, õris ; mi a blabber, bablar, Effricātio, onis; f. s rubbing off. tell-tale, Effe- earing ) } Laison. 1 + ; town. EGI E JA E LA Efirtilus, a, um, blabbed abroad. and a Spaniſh cardinal. Eacúlātor, oris ; m. alhooler forih. + Esfüto, are "; 10 confefs. D. Egidias, Srini G lcs, a biſhop of Ejaculălus, a, um ; parc. of ejacu- Noviodunum, tuha converted the for ; Boot, cujt out or up. E an!! G , Flemings and Picards. È acủlo, are ; to Nosai, cap out ce Egion; a city between Æolia and Ejaculør, ari; } afar off . Egberius, ti; m. Egbert, a kng of Peloponneſus. E'chitidin, the city "Eichftadt in England, who firit fübduidsbe Egipla, a king of Spain. Bavaria. Welſh, and forf impoſed the rude Egirtius, a'rivor of Aquitain called Eidomene, a city of Macedonia. of England upon this ifani.. Gers, Ejecāmentum, i; n, refuſ, off.Is.. Egelane, a town in Spain... + Eglenieriumi il; a, the eglantine Eicctatio, onis ; a cafting out Egelastanig: the inhabitants . of Ege 10ft. Ejcctio, onis ; a cajling òr Spitting laste Ezloceros, anid ægoces 03, Capri out, seation. "Egčlātus, a, um; adj. lukewarm. corn. Ejcctitkus, a, um ; adj. call out young, Egeijde ziady lukewarmly. + Eglāměro, are ; to unwind. cuft before the lime. Exčiido, are to ibaw, difolur. +.Ezlutio, irc ; la vorait up Electo, are ; to spit out, vomit. Egelidus, a, um ; adv. ibiwed, hiv: Egnatia, or ignarla, i town of Italy, Eccor, oris ; n. a cajler out. ing the cold täkm of, alſo very cold. whiferuins ara Nazzo. Ejectus, a, um, part. of ejicior;. Egělo, are ; ta take away the cold EGO ; pron. perſon. Lew] 1. caff or cut ous, pipwre:k'd. Egemnon, ibe much king of Corinth. Ego ipfe, I ryja f. * Ego fum, Ejčro, are ; [of è und jero) to excep? Egemon, a "port who wrote the war Pris I Egonet; it yle.f. *Prox against a judge. between ibe Thebans and Lacedae imus :ecomet mini, charity beg ni Ej:ico, eci, citum, iščre; act. (of monians... at bome i è and jácio) po cijf out, Aing, con- égcīs, niis; part of egeo, and adj. t Egon, onis and cgonü, ze; or aga. veya raft off, call the young, miſcarry lor, iffimus; needy, popri that can Egola; the town Gauden in Catalo #Ejicere in exiliu'm, in baniſh. *** fcarie liv., * Animo egens, cow - ala.. • Ejicere navim in terram, to drive ardly. • Egins confilii, nes know- Egra; the city Menofgada in Boļiemia; the ship againſt the ground ing whit courſe so tak: ; alfa a city in Arabia,.. Quòd cà naves ejicere poffint, be- Éģeous, a, um, adj. "Ly: poor, beg: Egre-dior: děris, egreffus fun, di ; caule there the fips mou come ta garly. Res egere, great wint. dep. [of è an gradior) to go forth, flat shore, or jirand.: * Ejicere fele ÈGEO, ęre ;..(ab aya, duco) 10 trunfgress. # Egridi à propofito, cx opp!do, lo pack away froine she be in want, and in need of -- to swerve from his purpoſe. * Egredi Egetur acriter; I am in great want. annum centefimum, to be above an Eileceriana Vallis, the vale of Alcf- Egeo conflli or confilio, I know bundred years old, bury in Buckinghumihire. not what to do. ;. | Egregíatus, ùs ; mi expellen:e. Eimipalium, a.city of Dalmatia. - Egeria, cei fi a nymph to who the Egregie, adv. excellently, fingularly. Eimotus, ibá river Eimot 1: Cumber great-bellied women facrificed, and greatly. . *Egregiè fortis, very com land. with whom Naina Pompilius faid Pogaoks, Einarųs, a city of Crete. -- be converted rivery nigbe.; also Egregiùs ; adv, imtre rxcellently, Eon s city of Cherionclus, and other a fcuntain of 'Rome without the Egrēg'us, a, um, adı. Pyked ont, ex places, gasi Capena. cellent, pafing good, rare. Egre- Eione, a promontory of Coroconda, Egérics, ei ; f. [ab egero] e caffing gius linguæ, eloquent turning out between Pontis and. · out, voiding: Egrēgo, are ; (à grex] to separate, Mpotis, Egermjaātio, õnis.; f. a budding fui apart. Eiones, a town of Argia. Egrefſio, onis ; f. a going out. Eioneas, a Grecian prince fisin by Egerminātus, a, um ; budded. Egreſſor, oris; in. a Jiraggler. "Hector ; alja, a Thrac:20, father of Egcimino, are ; to bud our. Egreſsorium, ii, n. a pivce of. Rhæfus. Ege ro, ffi,'ftum, verè ; at. to iaf ogreſs. Eires, a mountain in Meffenia, in Joribe spend. • Egerere urinari, Egreflus, a, um; partof cgrcdior; which tbe Meffenians defended to make water. • Egerere {crmo gont out or beyond. themſelves eleven Jouts againſt the nes, to order or diges diſcourses in Egreffus, us ; ini « going forth, a Lacedæmonians. writing palage. Elrcfidz, a town of the trile of Acha- + žgeſco, ērc; neut. to Band in Egi-ex, égis ; adj. excellent, choire. need. + Egúla, æ; f. brimfone uſed to Eiſcadia, a siis of Portugal. Egefinds, a philofopher, and sobolar of whiten wool. Ejūlābitis, l¢; adj. bowling. Evander. Egurgitatio, onis ; f. a diſgorging. Ejulātto, ons; f. a yelling Egeſta; læ; f. the darghter of Hip- Egurgitātor, õnis; i. diſgorger, or Eglātor, ör:s ; m. á bowler. potes of Troy, upon whom Crinilus Eŭ'atus, ùs ; m. e wailing.' begat Aceftes ; alſo a city in Sicily, Egurgīto, are ; [à giurges] do dis EJŪLO, are'; cà fona) io wail, or built by Encas, To called from bir, gorgs, bowl. and afurwards talled Segefta. Egurri, or Égonarri, ponple in + Ejunat or Jeluaat. Igeftas, ātis; f. [abegeo] neid, beg Spain, whose town is called Medina Ejuncidus, a, um ; (à juncus] loan, garlineſs. • Egestas patrii fermo de Rio Secco ill-favoured, dwindled. ais, - ibe poverty of one's moshor- Eluno, adv. by Jugo.. tongue, the want of expreſions in E ante H. Ejūrārio. Onis ; f. a temomſrance, 'te- one's own language. fignarion, proteling againſt. Egeft:o, onis ; f. a cafting oul, void. E. H. abbreviat: for cjus hæres, or Ejūrātor, oris ; mi a renouncer. ing, laviſing, waping: ex hæreditate. Ejūro, are ; to renounce, protep a- + Egeftolus and cgeſtuoſus, a, um ; Ehe le dan inierjection of afloniſh gain, get quit of. * Ejurare bo- very goots ment, alas! nam copiani, to fuorar hais not able Egeftum, i; n dung, ordure. Ehem felUJ Interj. alas ! + Egeſtuostas, ātis ; f. extreme potho, or ehodum, interj. ho, sobe. * Ejuſmodi, ejuſcemodi, indec. of the verlg. Eho'lu, fou, como hilber. jane ſort, ſuch lika. Egefus, a, umj [of egeror) saft Ehud, a judge of the Ifraclites, wbo Eizc!os, a cafile in Sicily. forih. delivered than from the tyranny of Egeftus, ûs ; mis vaiding, by calling! Eglon. forib. E ante L, Egcus, or Hegai, am eunuch of ibe E ante I. king of Perfia. E. L. abbreviat. for edita lex. Eghelo, an Italian ward for Beantri- E, I. abbreviat for elector imperii. Ela, a city of Idumea, e country in foly: Ei, ihr dative fingular of is, ea, id. Alia ; alſo he fourib king of Iſrael, Egica, a king of Spain, 'who New EJA (sia) interj. away ! s malb, and others. Faalia, that he might enjoy his Come on then. Elabacārc, a place of India within wife. Ejaculat.o, õnis ; fo an ejaculation, Ganges, by the fea-bdi. Egidius, i; m. Giles, à man's same, Sopoting forth. tāpīlis, le adj. hiding, fading Ela.! 1 forth. mantis. devourer. to pay: + ica. non. E L A È L E E LË Elabontas, a rjvar by Antiochia. Elaphus, a mountain of Abia and between the Jew's and Samaritang. Eļā-bor, boris, prus, fum, bi ; dep. Arcadia. Elcazarius, the form of Annas, made to acape, Nide away, give one ibe Elaphula, an iſland in the Adriatick high priei, A.D. 20. Sip: * Speg clapfa eit, there is Elecebia argentariz (ab clicio] hapa no hope * Eabi ex criminibus, to : Eläpida:io, onis ; f. A. picking up lors, get clear of crimus laid to one's fone. Elc&a. a woman 10 whom St. John barge. Eläpidător; õris; m. a poze gotherar, writes his jerond spille. E'ăbõrans, ntis; part. labouring, Elăpidālus, a, om; free from Piones. Ele&tè, ady. chairely Elăbörātè, adv. ixadly, painfully: Elăpido, arc; to rid of Borus. Ele&tīlis, le ; ad). shoire. dainty, Élåbärātio, onis ; f. & diligené ona. Elapho, önis ; f. a Niding away. Ele&tio, õnis ; f. a choje, cietion. deavour, a working out. + Elapſo, arc s ro hide away. Ele@juncula, ; f.' a little choice. - Elăbörālor, oris ; m. a perfidir, Elapſus, a, uin part. of elabor; Eletivus, a, um ; adj. of sletion. wrker ont, pains-taker. efeared, ripped" ww.g, inadviſed, Electo, are; act. to alluri, stica. Elăbo:ārus, a, um, part, of elabo [Met.) gant, pofElapfus Bac- Erectory Oris; m. on elector, chooier. ror; diligently and exactly done. chidi, having Joifted off Bicchis. Electra, a town and river Oj Meffe Elăboro, are; &t. to work out or 1x. 'Eapra ett ocul's, ſhe is flispod pia : alſo a fes-nimph, the wife of quiftely, by labour, to spend - out of hghi. * Elapſus eſt telis, Atlas, wheſe daughter alſo wat one's paini in. Elaborare verſus, he eſcaped the durt:.' Spcs clapla called Elcara, on whom Jupiter to hammor sham okt. In literis elt, all hook is gons. begas Dardgous; alſo the biler of elaborare, to ludy hard. Elaqueātus, a, um, part. of elaque- Oreſtes, and daughter of Agamem- Elacatæum, a mountain of Theſſaly, or ; fet at large, rid of frares, where there is a remple of Jupiter . Elaquco, arc ; act. -10 vinſnare, un. Ele&rides, ilirds in which are the Elacatzus. fold. ftatue of Dedalus and fcarus, in Elacatena, or elacata, æ; f. an old Elargior, iri; dep. 10 give liberally, the German jar. kind of fuuit, or Silt file. laviſh out, w.alle. E e Ariæ, the inhabitants of the E- + Elacero, are ; to 18ır, Elargitio, onis ; f. a giving liberally. Electrini, 3 le&rides. # Elacterium, ii; D. a medicine if Elargitor, oris ; m. e frunk giver. Electrifer, ra, rum;. adj. bearing the juice of wild cucumbers. Elašieſco, orc šlo tire, or bring so de- amber. Elaetçſco, čre; neute to turn white Electrinus, 2, um ; made of ors. as milk. Elatas, a river of Bithynia. ber. Élado, are ; to fuckle. E!aiè, adv. brug brily. Electrum, i; n. (615XTpoy). amber 2 Elza, a city of Æolia in Alia ; allo Ecate, ĉs ; f. a-kind of dose-frer. oljo gold aliayed with the fifth pars an iſland of Propontis, a city of Eatea, a great city of Phocis, ano. . of Alvar. Phænicia betwem Tyre and Sidon, ther of Theffaly and Theſprotis, t, Electres, a, um ; adj. of amber. a promontory of Cyprus, a city and called alſo Elatria. Blcatrion, the son of Alcæus, the fa- thru ifands of Æthiopia, Elateius, Caneus. ther of Amph:tryo. Elcæ, a city of Thrace. Elateriuin, ii: n. a wild cucumber Blectuarium, id; R. (ab eligo] :an Elæc poria, &; f. a buying of oil. alle a medicin nede of the juice of lealary. Elzognus, fwari willow.gall, or dulch. cucumber. + Elcatura, a; f. a choofing. Elarine, ês; f. dag's bur, fuellin. † Elc&urio, i e; neot. to chrom, bo Elæomeli, n. gum dropping from Elatinus, a, um ; ad). of fir. in doubt, defat. the olius.8906s in Syria. Elātio. õnis ; f, a lifting up, haughti. Electis, a, um; part. of cligor; Elaon, i; oil. nefi, jollisy, loftine's. chofon, Elæophyllon, l; n..she herb mercury. Elatites, a kind of blood.None. Electus, ús; m. a choice. Elæsthefium, il; n. the place wbire Elatratio, onis ; f. e barking out. Elcdona, a kind of polypus [files.] bez anojnied their bodies after bathing. Elaträtor, oris ; m. a barker, pan- Eleemofyna, æ ; 'f. alos, Elarigātio, onis; f. a: Smecthing. derer. Elcemolynaichus, ij m. the lord al- Elævigātor, oris ; m. a ſmootbır, po- Elatro, are ; so bark, yolp. lifbar. Elātus, a, um, part of eff:ror; lifted Eleemofynaria, æ; f. fpe that gives Elævīgo, arc; to ſmooth, plani, po- up, proud. errogant. aims. lijs. Elatus, the father of Cæneus. Elccmofynarius, ii; mi an aloks. Elæus, a haum of Epirus, and obar Elaudātio, onis ; f. a commending, . giver. plares. Elaudo, arc; ro rommend one. + Eleemofyno, are;. to give alms. Elæuffa, an ifand of Cilicia. Elaver, be river Aller in France. + Eleemofynor, arl; to receive alms. Elaites, a wood in Egypt. Elavia, a cofla in Sicily. Elecs, the rivir Broli, near Erea in Elangucfăc-lo, ere; to make faint. - £!-ăvo, ävi, otum & autum, avare; Lucania, Elamitæ, the princes of Perla, and a&t. to waſh clean, spend all, rid žleēron, have pily upon. a people of Arabia. one of all h: bas. Elavare fe šlégens, .ntis; part. of elego, M.- Elana, a city of Arabia Petræa. bonis, to ſpend all, make himſelf a gant, neat, Jpruce, shairi, deitsy, nics. Elancorum, a mart town of India gentleman. * Elegans formaruin fpecta- wirbin Ganges. Elautus, a, um, part. of clavor jt légant.er, iûs, illime ; adv. nearly. tor, an exalt judge af. brasty. Élango.co, ērc; and elangueſco, čre; well waſhed, -nout. so languiſh, pine away, loja Elaxatio, önis; f. a loging, unfying. * Elegantèr acceptus, nebly miér. tained. courage, abate. * Differcndo res Elaxo, are ; to loafer or widon. elanguit, she matter grew neglelfed Elbeſtii, & people of Libya. Élégantia; æ; f. neatneſs, slogan. by delay, Elbo, an iſland in Stephanos. Elanguidè, adv. faintly, fickly. Elbonthis, a city between Egypt and Elegarda, a city of Armeni: Major. Elanguidus, a, um ; adj. feble, faini. Cyrene. + Elegatus, i;'m. a kind of foa.file Elape, clope, claphe, or elaps, A Elbora, the city Talavera in Spain. Elcgca, a son.ill country beyond Ea- kind of farpet. Elcebus, the city Schleſtadt in Alfa- "! Elaphebolia, Grecian frants in Fe lia. Élégcla, æ; fo an elegy, a mournful bruary, wherein flags were facrified Elcephium, a city of Sicily. Song to Diana Elaphebolla. Elcoboris, a town in Portugal. Elézia, orum ; n, mournful dirties. Elaphebolion, the month February Eldamarii , Arabians aboutºMeſopo- | Élégiăcus, a, um ; adj. of slegies . Among the Greeks, tamia, * Carmen elegiacum, a fort'varfe. Elaphiza, Diana, so called from her Eldana, the city Daennos in Spain, Élēg dārijn, a di:o:t porin in Elegiack nurfı Elaphia. inolher of India without Ganges. verfe. "Elaphites, an island in the Adriatick Eldredus, i; m. Eldred, a king of Ælugidlum, ii ; n. a mournful song. D. žlčgiographus, i; mia.writer of Elaphobolcum, ci i a n. a wild parf Elea, a city of Lucanii ; another in elogies, nip. Holia, where the philosopher Zcno Élégus, a, um ; adj. mournful. Elaphonelus, one of ibs Sporades ; was torn, called from bence Ele- Elegus, i; m. a mournful versa, with a city of the fame nams, ates. flčgeia, 2; f. an slegy- Elaphos, ij a bart. Eleazar Dinæ, author of the fedition i Elogia, a city of Armenia. Fifff -Elei, moner, phrates ELE E Lİ ELI 1 Elel, a gaple of Peloponnelus. Sorwards meaniad, laid down his of cligor ; to be sholen. Eleus, a, um, ad), of the Elci. žlčleides, Bacchus's women priefts. Elethera, a city in Crete. gum, who had been a goldimithing Elčleus, onis of Baccbus's ſurnames. Eleuthera, a city of Boolia, Pontus and gave to the poor all bo gos by , ifi and Lycia. his trade, A. D. 650. fag Eleutheria, arum ; n. facrifices so Ja-El-igo, ēgi, célum, igöre; act. (of Elémentārius, a, um ; adj. of sh. piter Eleutherius, keps curry fifth è and icgol to elect, pick, chooſe. mois, principes or leisers, learning jaar. Eligūr-io, Irc ; to devour. the fri rudiments of A, B, C. *Elcatherinæ, 4 city in Crete. + Elīgüritio, onis ; f. a dsvour. Literze elemcatariz, the alpbabet. Eleutheris, a city of Bocotia. ing. ELEMENTUM, i ; n. (ab antiquo Eleutheriſcus, & city of Macedo: Elīgūr’tor, Gris; m. , liquoriſ de- oleo, pro, olco, i. e. creſco] an niz. VOKYIr. i!oment, principle ; a later, as A, Eleutherlam, a sown in Myfia. Elimālè, adv. ſmoothly, curiously. B, &c Eleutheríus, a name of Jupiter, gium Elimätor, oris ; m. a poliſor. Elenchus, i; m, a confutation, a table him wtm the Grecians cut off Mar- Elimātus, a, uin; poliſhed, finiſhed. of the heads of a difrontfi ; aljo a donius, and three bundred shoh + Elimentum, ! ; n. filing!, dross. greas long pearl Jand Perfans, not leaving one. + Elimcs, a banißed man. Elenaicus, a, um : adj. reproving. Elcatherocilices, a people of Afia. Elimia, & city of Macedonia.. Elento, arc, arc ; Cà lentos) 10 soften. Eleutheropolis, a fine city with laws Elimiota, the people of Elimia. Elco, ere; 10 spor or ſpoil. propor to themſelves; alſo a city of Eliminärlo, önis; f. & turning out Elcos, a nigbe hawk. Paleſtine, called also Hebron. of doors, Eleoſelinum, i; ni smallage, Eleutherus, the twelf.h biſhop of. Elimino, are ; act. [à limen] to turn Elcoftaphyles, a vina graffed ex an Rome ; alſo a river of Phænicia out of doors. . E'iminare dieta, olive, and sicily to tell tales out of doors. Elephantia, æ; f. (ab elephas] the Elcatho, a goddels that was thought Eliminor, ari: paft, sa be turned or laprajy. to effit at womens ladour. sold out of doors. Elephantiacus, a, um ; adj. leprous. Eleutri, a prople of Apulia. Elimo, arc; act. [à lima) to puliſa Elephantialis, is; t. the laprolj.. Eigos, town in Lycia. with a bla, perfe&t. Elephantina, a city in Egypt, and an Elias, adis ; adj. of Elis. Elincor, ari ; (à linca] to be rafod, ijand of Niius. Elibatio, onis ; f. & falling or fasri. or blotred out. Elephantini, or -tiæ, a people of A ficing. + Elinguātio, onis ; f. a plurking out pulia., El běrat:o, onis; f. a delivering oi che tong us. Elephantinum, 1; n. a kind of black Elibero, are; son of liberty. Elingvātus, a, um, part. of clin. paint made of burnt ivory. Eliberri, or Illiberis, a town in Spain, guor; whoſe, tongue is pulled okl. Elephantious, a, um ; adj. of or like and Gallia Narbonenſis. E!:nguis, gue ; ad}. 3. art. tongueleſs, an elephant. E!ibo, are; 10 safie, or pour euf ; 80 per blos. * Elinguem reddere, to Elephantis, an ifond ol. Nilus ; alſo maim. nonplus. a portals who wrote of omory. Elibro, are ; so weigh or poiſe. Elinguo, are; pet. (à lingua) to pull Elephantophagi, Æthiopians niar E- Elsbyrgæ, & city of Tarteiſus. er rend out the songus. gy.of. † Elicator, oris ; m, he that frekt cr Elinguor, ari; paff. to be longueleſs, Elčphas, antis ; 1 an eleph.int; ivo. finds fountains. or tongur-tied, Elephantus, i; m. i alſo a ſea. Elice, as helice. Elini, 3 people of Theſprotia, whole morfier, a lohfer. Éléphantum Elices, m. pl. [ab eliclo) gutters. country is Elinla, and a city of Si- ex muicâ facit, he makes a moun. It Eliciator, oris ; m. a drainer of cily. sain of a mole-bill. Elcphanti waler, El-ino, ēvi, inerc; ad. to raje, or corio circumtegi, properly to to Elic-io, - ui, itum, ērc; act. [of è covered with an elapbant's skin, 10 and lacio) to draw from, get our + Eliochryſon, the borb aurelis, or he all wer in a scab. by fair means. • Elicere premiis, geld flower. Elephas, & mountains of Æthiopia, to mix by rewards. * Elicere al- Eliocrata, a city of Spain called Lor- called Felles. vum, to make one looja. * El:cere C2. Elcte, A city of Caloſyria. falmen, to fend down lightning. Eliones, a people of Africa Pro- + Etěvāmen, inis ; ålifting up, Elicitātio, onis; f. a draining; allo pria. comforting, prizing Elionora, a; f. E'enor, a king of Elevāmcntum, i; n. a helping up. + Elīcito, are ; to drain often. England's daughter, wife of Al- Elevātio, onis; f. a lifting or haaving Elicitor, ari; dep. to oxi-bid. phonſus king of Spain. up; an exslamasiin; alsó a dini. Elicitus, a, um į part. of clicior ; Eliquabilis, le adj. 3. art. which nilkirg. drained, draun out. may be melted. Elēvātor, oris ; m. a lifier up. Elicius, a, um, adj. cafling out or Eliquīmen, īnis ; A. she dripping of + Elcries,' oi; f. & winnowing, dozen; hence it is en spitbit of ju. meat, any liquor drawn out of a cleaning piter, from his coming down light. shing, Elčvo, are; act. 1. lift or heap up, ning. Ellquatus, a, um, part. of cliquor ; so fight, undervalue. • Elcvare + Elico, arc; to drain water, inm moltsd, clear. * Eliquatum vi- invidiam, to lem or take away upſide down. num, burnt wine, or aqua vitæ, much of the muy. • Elevare tefts- | Elicoci, a posple of Gallia Narbonen- brandy. monlum, to weaken obe force of an fio. El queſco, ērc ; neut. 8o melt away. vidmce. Elicones, thay that turn things up. Eliquo, arc; o melt down, purge, Elevor, ari, atus; paff. to tomado Ade down. sleanf, Orain, confume, spend, to low, to be loffened, is de fighted, Elicranum, a cis; af Illyrlung. mince it in ſpeaking, &c. so de diſparaged. Eli-ce, ſi, ſum, dore ; act. (of è and Elis, is of idis ; f. a city and country Eleuntil, the people of Eleus. fædo] to dash out of gainjt, break, of Peloponnclus botwem Arcadia Elčus, ntis; f. a city of Thrace. fquuzi, pound. Tehno E'idere ignem, and Achaia. E'čus, a, um ; adj. of Elis. to Brike fire. * Eidere murum, Eligo, onis; f. an slipon, a squeix. Eleusa; sown of Cilicia, and on to break down a wull, Elidere ing; or curring off. iſland wir-againſt Cyprus. parom,, to make o niftarry. . Elifphafi, a people of Peloponneſus. Elevfin, la city of abr ißand The Eldere Fauces or ſpiritun, 10 cbook + Elite, for clidiſe. Eleufis 5 * Elidunt fetus ſues, overley Eliſlus, a sity of Arcadia ; alſo a Elevfinia, örum ; n Grecian facri. their pigs. * Elidere pontum, 10 river of S'cyonla and Elis. fou of very great picem among them, dam up ihn.co. Ell[us, a, um, part. of elidor ; Eleufius, the name of a man whom Elidor, di ; par. to be daſhed or broken, squeezid, jirangled, daford Ceres fought all manner of agri killed. . *Elndi ægritudinibus, to be again. culture, who gave name as the city quile nuafed and spent wish Vixe + Ëlitigātus, a, um ; without contra. . Eleuſis ; oli a biſhop of Cyzicus, Lions, fckneſs. virly. who fell from the catholich faith 10 Elicnfis, le ; adj. of Ely. Elix, i cis; m. (ab clicin] water- the Macedonian herely, our af. Eigcadus, a, um; pars. fut. in dus furrew. blot cut. 12. 078. Elixi Ε Ι Ο EL U - Ε Μ Α 3 COTOT Elixariles piſces, very ſmall shos. waſhed clean or clear. Elut, or Elns, a city of Idumaa. Elixātio, onis ; f. a boiling. Elperior, one of Ulysics's companioni, + Elūce, adv. cesnly. Elixir, n. indec. an Arabian word wibo had been turned into a kog by Elutherla, æ; f. liberty, frusdom. for quinteſence. Circe, and bring repored, broko bis Elutia, orum ; n. (ab clotus) gold Elixo, arc; act. [ab clixus] 10 boil neck. mutel. or lath. Elpia a city of Dagnia. Elutriātus, a, um : part poured from Elixoca; an Hyperborcan iſland loft Elp.dius, a Cappadocian, who lived mi vifal to another, rasked. than Sicily. 25 years in a caue, and sat but Elūtrio, arc ; (ab cluor] ro pour fron Elixus, a, um į adj. (à lix) fodden, twice a wark. vifal lo vele, to draw of liqdors. boiled, Elpis, the wife of Bætlus. Elutus, a, um ; part, of eluor ; wab. Elixus, a river of the iſland Ceos. Elteſhamum, Eitham in Kent. ed, rinfid. Nihil eft clutius, Eliza, or -sa, the same as Dido + Eluacrum, i; n. a backing tub. nothing is more unfavoury. Elizari, e people of Arabia Felix. Elucens, ntis; ſhining out. Elŭvics, el ; 1.2 (ab eluojihe break- } Ellam, for en illam, bebold her. Elū-cco, xi, cēre ; ncut. 10 Dine Eluvio, onis; ing in of a great Ellandunum, Wilton in Wiltshire. forth, appear. . ln caufis & foro ford, an overflowing, a contagion, Elleborine, the herb cpical is elucere, to be an inninn lawyer. * Amb of mifebief, a soun-ditch, + Elleboritis, ibe lofter centory. Elūceſco, ērc; nent. to appear forth, furrows made in the earth by the Elleborum, i; n. helleboro. wux trighe. violent defront of rain-water fronte Ellipás, is ; f. « dofili, a crooked line Elucidatio, õnis ; f. « gloss or com- the mountains. in the crojs raion of s cons or <• ment, Eluxātus, a, um ; part of eluxor ; linder Elūcido, are ; ad. to make bright or our of joini, difloraird, sprained. Ellopia, a country of Euboca, and the clenr. Eluxo, are; act: 10 sprain, or put orat ifand itſelf, from Elops sbe sen of Elūcīfăc-io, čre ; a&t. to cause to of joins. Jupiter. Shina, Eluxurior, ari; dep. to groro rank Ellopium, a city of Ætolia. 1 Elūcifico, are; 10 pluck out ong's ges. or luxurious to be over full of fruit Ellom, for en lllum, bere he comes ! Eluctans, ntis ; part. of clucto ; Arie or bunches (as irus.] + Ellus, for ille, be. ving to get forth. : E'ydna, e city of India without Gan- Ellus, the fib Roman conſul without Eluaätus, a, um, part. of eluctor ; ges. a colleagur; allo a river that emp. baving overcome by wrefilling or frug. E'yma, a city of Macedonia and Si. tius itſelf into Hermus. gling. Obftantia cluctatus, have cily. Ellychnium, il; R. a math, or wick ing tw mounted all dificulrir. Elyma, a muniry in Aflyria net of a lamp. + Elusto, for cluctor. Perſia. Elman:Ica, e city of Iberia. Élucior, ari; dep. to break through, Elymais, a country near Pergia, and Elmj, inthis & kind of earth. prive, or Aruggle with. a city in Perfia.' worm. Elīcubratus, a, um ; part. of clucu- Elymas, an Arabick word for a for- Eloco, arc; act. so put out of its bror ; poliſed, Judied. place, só let or logje out. *Se cu Elīcubro, arc;' work or Rudý Elyml, allies of the Carthaginlans. sandum elocare, bargain with Elūcubror, ari'; } by candle-light, eo Elymiota, a people of Macedonia, one for his curs. • Filiam elocare, do any thing with great care and whoſe country is called Placani. to his daughter, pains, Elymnium, an iſland and a city of E'ocor, arl; to be hired, diſplaced. + Elūcus. cl; m. a lover of trifles, Euboca. + Eloco, for illicò, prafently, one that is bck of seierday's drink Elymus, a nobloman who gave nema Élocutio, õnis ; f. wilarancé, locution, ing. to Elyma in Macedonia. ready delivery. Elūdens, ntis ; declving, Elyrus, a city of Cretc. Elocutor, oris ; m. an oraler. E!ū-do, a, rum, děrc; aft. to Dift Elyal, a prople of Germany. Elocutorius, a, um ; adj. of elocu • off, deceive, bafile. Cancs elu- Elysium, il; ni (sausloy paradiſ, tion. dcre, to put of the dogs. the place where the ſouls of the Elöcütrix, fcis ; f. Ime sbat Speakinea. Elū-gco, xi, ctum, göre; brwail; blefed inhabit, according to the po- dily. alſo to leave off mourning. Elocītus, a, um ; Part. of eloquor ; Elai, a purple of Aquitain. Elysius, a, um ; ad). Elyslan, of baving spoken. Eluja, a sity of Paphlagonia, paradiſe. Elysii campi, a plea- Elogium, 11; n. la logos] « pub- Elvidlus, fi ; m. scholar of Auxen Tant place in Boeotia, or, as the lick teflimony, declaration made by tius, who confolad shat Mary was ports foign, the receptasis of the the fryer, commendation, laf will, a virgin when the brought forth Je bluded souls departed. she reason, caufo; alſo an inforip- ſus, bui said that afterwards the siin on a tomb. * Elogia, the con- had other children by ber busband, B ante M. fations of a priſoner. which St. Jeron confuirs as on idle Elohim, the Hcbrcty word for God, opinim. E. M. abbrevlat, for ejuſmodi. Eloi, Hcb. my God. Eluina, a name of Ceres. E. M. abbreviat. for ex more. Elonc, a city of Perthabia. Elul, an Hebrew month anſwering 10 + Em and im, for com, Elongo, aré ; act. to longeben, defor, part of Auguſt, and part of Sep. Emăcéracus, a, um ; part. made leani prolong tember. Emăcēro, are ; ac. to foak, waſte. Elops, or ellops, opis; a kind of fills, Elumbātus, a, um ; adj. whoſe loins Emāciātus, a, um ; part. made loon. and the name of a Centaur are broke or wrak. Emācio, are; act. to make lein. Eloquens, nt:s ; eloquent, well spaketi, Elumbis, be ; brokm-dock's, fueble. Emācitas, āris; f. [ab emax) s de Eloquenter, adv. eloquently, Eldo, u!, utom, ucre; act. [of a fire of buying Eloquentia, æ; f. eloquenti. Elo and lavo) so wat dean of Cri. Emăcreſco, čre ; • grow lean, quentia lucrofa, pleading men cluere, 10 deør himſelf of a | Emacror, ari; dep. to grow or make Eloqucntiffimè, adv, very clequent- crims. loan. ly. Eluri, a puple of Scythia. Emáculo, are ; a&. to take our spots. Eloquium, Il ; n. speech, eloquense ; } + Elus, for olus, a pol herb. + Emād.co. erc; neut, to be wat. alſo an oracle. Elura, a city of Gallia NarbonenGs, Emānātio, onis; f. a flowing from, Eloquor, čris, cotus fum, eloqui ; and Paleſtine. prouuding, ornanation. dep: 10 ſpeak out or eloquentlyElufaberris, the metropolis of Aqui- Emänāturus, a, um ; part. ready to Politè eloqui, 10 pronounce like an tain. called Aux. Come out, orator Elulates, a people of Aquitain. + Emanceps, ipis ; adj 3. art. free Eorini, a prople of Sicily. Eluſcaria, onis; f. purblindess. from bondage. Elorias, a, um ; of Elorun. Elvſco, are ; (à luſcus) to make pur. + Emancipālio, onis ; f. a ſetting Elorum, and -rus, a river of Sicily. blind, or put out one eye. free. Elos, she maid of Athmus, who gave Elufil, a people of Mauritania Cæfa. Emancipātus, a, um ; part. of eman- name to Elos a city of Achaia. ricnfis. cipor ; fer at liberty. Emancipa- Elora, ferjeants, or juch like officers Elufio, õnis ; f. a deceiving, moking. tus fæminæ, bewitched to a wo. among the Lacedæmonians. Elūlus, a, um ; part. of cludor ; de inan, under a femalı yoke. Elātus, a, um, part. of clayor ; Iuded. Emancipo, are ; ad. 1o make fru, Fffff2 alienoten 1 Emachia, æ; insistor. Osis ; m, a counterfeit or E MB E ME E MI climate, to give one's faf up. Embroche, es ; t. it. Watering ; a Emergi, sa be rid of. Emanco, arc, act. ro nuimi cut off. babing any pars in liquor, and ap- Emericus, a king of Hungary, + Emando, are ..o diſpatch away. plying of contby dipped in oil, &c. Emer:ta, she filer of Lucius king Ewan-co, fi, fum, ēre ; ncut. to ab. Embronlum il; n. a kind of gar England, who was burnt for cbrif- fine bitfilf from bis colours. tinnity. Eingno, are neut. to flow or run Embryo, On's; m. embryum, yi ; l'Emeriia Auguſta, e city of Spain an out, to br'divulged, . In vulgus ncut. an untimely fruit or birth, the borders of Portugal, famous for. cmanare, become common. the imperfe&t foape of a child un purple, Sanicm emanare, se vid corrupi born, Emeritum, ti; n. an old foldier's bload. Embryore&tes, aim. an infrument ponfion. Emanfio, õnis ; f. an obſmting one's to draw forih dead children cut of Emeritus, a, um, part. of emercor; föll froin one's colours, the womb. buving' ferved his sime, diſcharged, Emanfar, oris ; m. one that ligi na Emcalus, , um ; pajjed hy. put 10 penſion. • Arma emerita, of his quarters ; e truant. Emcatis. us ; n. the mouth of a river. wigoins laid up after a vittory. Emancer, adv, Jaleably. Emoditātus, a, um ; pranedilated, Emer:tis ftipendiis ambitionis, all Emanuel, elis ; m. an emperor of Emeditor, ari; 10 premeditats. ambitious bougbis being diſcharged Conftant:nople, and ober men.' Emedullacus, a, um, whoſe marrow and disbanded † Emarcum, ci; n. a kind of grape. is taken out. Emerſurcs, a, um ; ready to afcape. Enarceſco, črc; to fade, wither, Emčdullo, are; [à medalla) ro lake Emerfus, a, um; part. of emergof; Emargino, arc i to pari stf the jourf out the marrow, declare fully. rifun, or coming out. + Eacrius about a fora. Emčda'lor, ari ; dep. to have the ab admiratione animus, bring come Evalcủlātos, gris į m. a gelder. marrow taken forth, oo itfelf, having left wondering. Ewaſcălo, are ; à mafculus] to geld, + Emem for condem. Emerſus, ùs ; m. and cmergo, onis 3 abuſc cgein nature. + Encmbris, re; out of joint. fi e rifing up: f a famoks country of Emembro, are ; (à meinbrum] 88+ Emortio; onis ; f. e diſcharge. Europe, calle afterwards Mace dilinemor. Emeticum, ci ;.. e demit: donia, and is forntimes takon for Ememor, oris ; adj. uxorindful. Eme-tior, tiris, nſus fum, tiri; dep. Thefly. + Emenda, æi f. a mu!t or fine. to meafure over, perfra a long work. Emathlus, a, um ; adj of Emathia. Einendāpilis, fc ; 2dj. amindnble. * Emetiri iter, to travel, take a Emaihius, a granulon of Noah, suid Evendā:è, adv. correftly, exaftly; journey. *Emctirl'voluntatem all- to poles and give name to Erna Emendācio, õisis; f. an amending, cui, to fulfi: ona's defire or wiſhes. tha. correcting ; a'lo a penalty, Emč.to, Sui, sum, tere; act. to reap. Emātūrelco. ere, nout. 19 grow mild Emendātor, öris; m. a correttor, re down. by age, to riim.. Ira Cålaris c former, + Emēto, are. Su emeto, ère. maturuit, Cæſar's anger is will op-Emendātrix, icio; t. for that cor- \ + Emicãdium, ii ; n. an oil-vefal. praſed. reas Emicans, nris ; part. fbining forth. Emālūrus, a, um ; adj. rotter-ripe, Eiendātūrus, a, em; part. fut. In + E:nicantina, and ter ; adv. fbir- Emas, acis , adj. 3 art. (ab emo] Emendātus, a, um, part. of emen. Einicaim, Epicá'im, adv. glitteringly. given to buy, a great buyer. dar ;-amended, congruous, bettered. Emicātio, õn's; f. a jbining out, Embäcida, a god of the beathens, Emendicābīl!s, le; ad!. 3 art. which Springing or caping up. Embamma, alis; b. Xoco. may be solaines dy bagging. Enico. are ; reut. to joing forth, Embărus, a madman in the iſland + Emendicābúlum, i; n, a begging. Spring or leap up, «xcall, fare up. Pyræum, who only could be por-Eucndicātio, onis ; t. a begging. Præ omnibus emicat, he furpo fes ſuaded to effor his dowgblor in fa. Emcndicator, oris ; m, a beggar, their all. crifice to appease the wraib as the Emendicatrix, icis; f. Doe ibat ib. Emigrans, ntis ; part. departing. gods, beiving sent a famine ammg tains by begging. Eingrātio, onis ; t. a removing. them. Henre Embarus fum. Emendicatus, a, um, part. of enen. Emigrāto's oris; m. a departor. Embas, ădis ; a buskin. dicor ; obtairud by begging. Ho- Emigro, are; n. to depart or TEMIHUB. Enbata, packas-boats. nos emendicatus, bonour got. Og Emigrare è vitâ, to die. Embătes, eris; m. ibs sghs in a crinzing and crephrig. † Emina, buly a fextarius. croſs-bow. Emcadico, are; ia. so bog, obtain Eminātio, onis ; f. a tbroorening, Bmbateaticom jus, a law by which by begging Eminens, ntis; part. fema:nco ; they might be things pawned. Emcodo, are ; act. (à menda) 10 iminent, excellent. * Émincns in Emblēma, štis; n. an sablom, pis arend, correa, CUTE. *Alvum cl. genium, a notable wit.. turt, chequer-work of marble, e tam emendat, it fops a lask. Eminenter, adv. eminently. Small image, or rasher ornament to Emenſús, a, am; parti of emetior; Eminentia, æ; f. evinenie. •Emi- forow on or take off at pleaſure ; having meaſured or poffed. • E nentiæ in picturâ, rifings or ami- alſo a groft. •Emblematibus ex menfus eft Sol ardoa, 'its afternors. nenus in a picture cauſed by ſeeming ornare, to adorn, Set of cubillig. Ementior, iri; dep, to forge or frign, Sadows, a relief. + Embola, the compoßtion' wheat, make ljes, counterfeit. Stirpem Eminentisor, gen. Oils; adj. comp. which obe Egyptians paid yearly to cmentiri, ro diſown bis fumily, to ffinus; mon exrellent. Ronc, pruimd hin elf of another linsage. Eminentior, Exftonnels in Suffolk. Embola, orum ; neur. interludes in Ementità, adv. lyingly, falfely. Emin-co, ore; (ab è & manco) ta plays. + Emcntitio, õnis; f. a forging, be apparent, over top, excell. E- Embo!arla, æ; f. a rooman-player, m!nebat aquam, it food above the ; be compoßtion called embola. Iyar. + Emingo, ere; to piſs far. Embolimaus, a, am ; ad). inferied. Ementitus, a, um ; part. counterfeit. Eminilcor, ſci ; 10 remember. . Embolimæus annus, the leap. + 'Ementum, i ; a feigning: Eminitor, ari; to ihrctron much.. year. Emercālio, onis ; f. a buying off Embóline; ês ; f. a forub in Afia Emcrcător, ör:sm. a buyer off. Eminor, ari ; dep. to threaten aloud, charge one. good against poiſon. Enercor, ari ; dop. to buy att Eminulus, a, um, adj. of eminco 3 Emboliſmalis, le; of the leap-year. Emér.co, crezio ferve out one's dinding, a little higher, Embolil.n08, the adding of A day in Emēr-cor, Erf';} wbale time faith-Einínuo, čre; ac. to diminile. tot leap.ggar. fully, to be made free ; po merit. Eminùs, adv: (à manus) afar , a! Embolium, it; 1; the entrane of a Emer-go, a, ſvin, gère le riſe above u dijlis. comedy and ibe lineb pin of. A wafer ; to come pus of adverbisy, ob. Eininút o, önis : f. a diminiſhing. whale ſcurity, poverty ; get clear o;*. Em uiilor āris ; m. a diminiſber. Ambālus, li m. ib. bar of a door, letudine inconi inoda cmergere, 10 + Emio, ire; io adorn. or'any thing put into apotber, ma Yeover health. "Se ex malis cmci Emiror, ari; 10 gore of wonder at. fering upon a journg, ibs Brak of a gerc, to loose or free birif frosi Emila, a cilj of Phoenicia. Joip. Dail: biefs. * Ex quo cinergit, imit cco, cus. cēmu, zum ; adt. 10 Babrimium, li ; n. a lind of bed, whence it follows, fill or pour oul, water. Einil. own. E M O E M P E MU Emilsārlum, ii; n. a Juire, food, Emõtus, a, um, part. of emovcor ; | Emptionālls, lc; adj. of buying. reinoved, call away, off or up. gale. # Emptit!um, il;ni a marker-town. Emiſsarius, a, um ; ad). Sara out, fal Em-ovco, ovi, ötum, ovērc ; act. 1o Emptitius, a, um ; adj. faleabir, that apart. Equus eniffarius, a hal remove, put out of place, enkondle, is or may be brught. lim. Palmes cmiffarius, a twig raiſe upwards. Emprito, áre; so are to buy. or sprig. Empanda, a goddess suppoſed to profide Emptivus, a, um ; adj. bired. Emiffarius, üm. a scout, spy, isto ouer opon things Emptor, oris; m. Cic. a buyer, cuf- former, lacquey, or pol. Eppar.na, acis ; a. a powder to allay tomer, chuporan, • Bonæ fidei Eniſsilis, le , adj. 3 art, wbich may inflammation, and fearify she out cmptor, he thot bugs o ihing inno. be font or thrown out. fide of the skin. anily, ihinking it to be sbi ſeller's Emisfio, onis ; f. an omiſſion, lend. Empedocles, a philopher and post of ing forth, a Booting forth, deliver Agrigenlum, who wrote of the na- t Emptorium,.ll; D. & mari-town. anca, liberty, of things; he would have not Emptulus, a, um ; ad), wbich may + Emiſsītiæ, arum; f. things call thing. aaten ibat had lifo; be faid be bought. out for a firamble ; also refuſe. all things confised of love and dif Emptūr-io, ire : ad. to intend or long Emiſsītus, a, um, adj. ſpying, font cord, and that the foul was in the to buy. 140 for a sey, thrown abroad, of no blood; they fay be fell into Ætna Emptūritio, onis; f. a longing to value, trup. Oculi eniſitii, as he was ſearching the nature of it: buy. others, that he threw himself in, Emptus, a, um, part. of emos, "Puring @yas. Ediffus, a, um ; part. of. coittor; that he might be formed a god, bought, bribed. font or cold forib, ultered, Voxe but the fire calling up his iron lip + Empuris, iba borb ſamphire. mn!ffa è coelo, a voice from beaum. pers, borrased hin. + Empus, ris ; n, an impofbume. + Emiftis, & quaffing cup of ine Empclathra, a city of India within Empūra, æ; f. a hobgoblin. * Lu- draught. Ganges. dus cmpulæ, fcotch boppers, or fox in the hole Em itto, ifi, iffum, Itière ; act. to Empetron, i;n the herb Jamphire, jend or brow aui, publish, empty, Emphăfis, is ; f. a figure whereby | Empyēma, atis ; . an impeskume, or Jout out, lay or brud. *Sanguincm an accent is put upon a word; car. gathering of corruption betwem the emitterc, to let one bloed. Manu noflneſs. breaſts and lungs, cmittere, ro let one go free. An Emphatice; adv. emphatically. Empeas, is ; f. a kind of impoſibums culcos in aliquem emittere, to give + Emphătico, are ; so speak éarnefly. in the fide or fomuch. oni rewd culting language, to make Emphărïcus, a, am; adj. empbais. + Empyi, ſuch as have an impoßbume Sport with, cal, samel, forcible, in the Pomach, and spit corruption. Emmanuel, Heb. God with us, Emphracta, õrum; n. a kind of doips Empylus, an orator" familiar with # Eamaton, or emmoton, a medi with decks, Marcus Brutus, cine in which tents are dipped. Emphysēma, atis ; a ſwelling of the Empyræus, a, um ; and - jus, a, um; Emni, a prople of Taprobane. guts. adj. fiery, ourning. Cælum cm- EMO, mi, emptun, emère; act. (ab Emphyteufis, is ; f. a grafting pyraun, the higheſt heaven. Šuc meum facio) to buy, purchase, Emphyteuta, and stes, im. an Emūcīdus, a, um ; very muldy. corrupt. Decumanas or vc&igalia inprouar. Enugio, ire ; 10 do:low out, try 4- cmere, to farm the ihes or taxrs. + Emphyteutaris, ji; m. he that loud. Emõdůlātio, onis ; t. a Anging in wakes a thing better than be re-Emulc.co, čre; to broke gently. time and meajure. ceived it. Emulärale, is; n. a milking-pais. Emoditácor, oris ; m, a finger. Emphyteuticus, a, um ; adj. farmed Emulgatio, õnis; f. e publijbing A- Emódúlor, ari; dep. to sing out. out, fut out to be improvrd. broad. Emodus or Hemodus, a great moun. Empiria, æ; f. experiencs, skill. Emu'gātor, oris ; m. a reporter. tain of Ala, dividing India from Empirice, .es; f. skill gained from Emulgentes venæ, the pumping-veins Scythia. practice in phyfick, paling from the hollow vin so the Emõlior, Iri; dep. to put out by force, Empiricus, ci; m. an empiric, or Trins. to endeavour to do. # Fretum cmo phofisian thai cures by receipts takon Emal.geo, 4 and xi, &un, gère; liri, 10. srouble the sea, to make it upon truf, a mountebant, quack. act. to milk opt. rege and roar of the winds) Emplagia, æ; f. be palſy. + Emulgo, arc; act. to publiſh or Emollerro, čre; to mollify. Emplafticus, a, um ; adj. ef or liks blab abroad. + Emollidus, a, uin ; adj.soft, nics, a pleifer, Emulſus, a, um ; part. of emulgeor; Emplaftratio, onis; f. a grrfing. draum dry, drained. Errolliens, ntis ; part. mollifying. Emplaftrāturus, a, um; part, fat, in Emunaio, õas ; f. fofing, wip. Emo'limentum, ijn. A ſoftening. rus of emplaftro, about to groff. ing the noja. Emollio, ire; act. ro jaftan, loofen, Emplastro, are; to inorulase, or lodge Emunctor, oris; m. a.cheat, roxanne civilize, seminate. Algun e a hud by inciſion. sr; clean'ır, mo'lire, 10 make one looſe. Emplaftrum, si ; R. Cell. ('ÉLETTA2O- Emundorium, il; n. a pair of fruf- Emollicio, önis ; f. fofining. tporld plaifer of clay or wax put fits. Emollitos; a, um ; part. fofimed. about a groft , bring lodged by inci. Emundūra, a; f. a candle fnaf. Emolo, ere, to grind oui, conſumo. fion; any plaiſler, Emunétas, a, ilm; part. of emungor ; Emolumentum, i, n. the increaſe of Empledon opus, & work well knit cleanſed, nuffed, choufid. meaſure by grinding ; soll, profit or and coached sogaher. Emundātè, adv. very cleanly. gain. Emolocii, fealls at Athens, wherrin Emundauio, õnis ; f. e cleanſing Emõn eo, ui, itum, ere; act. to wim, , the womm uſed to go about wirb thcir Emundo, are ; to cleanse, mske clean. admoniſh, give a brii charge. bsir swified. Emun-go, xi, aum, gere; act. to wipe Emonia, she iſland Maid in the e:ff of Empnea matofis, is ; f. windineſs. the noſe, ſnuff, chour. * Emungere S. oc'and. Emponēma, a maling berter. ſ: cubito, to play the Noven. Ar- Enorālus, a, um, well-mannerid, Einporēticus, or .cuticus, a, um, gento foncm emunxi, I have got + Emord-co, Cre; to bite out. of merchants of tourkels. *Charta Jomething out of him. Emoribundus, a, um , ready to die. emporetica, brown paper to wrap Emūnimen,, Înis'; n. 2fortifica- Einõ.rior, roris, ri; dep. to die out- Emunimentum, i; n. 3 fion. righe. '* Řiſu emori, to be in a Empărcuma, åtis ; n. merch.indize, Einūn.io ; irc ; act. 10 fortify, raiſe Drange fit of laughing's so be bir with a tarantula. Emnórium, 'li;. n. lfurópriv] a + Emūnītas, ātis"; f. freedomi Emoriri for emori mrl, or maket.sown. Emūnītor, oris ;:m. & fmur, fortie Emorlus, ùs ; mir einorfe, gnawing, Emporiain, a city in Macedonia, and dier. Emortualis, le; adj. of derth. * Dies olher planeta + Emurmărātio, ön's ; f..A murtur. einortualis, the day of one's de.th Empóros ; m. a merchant, inig Einorthus, a, um ; paita o cmorior , Emprolthotonus, a ramp in the Emurmūrātor, oris ; m. . grale deud, unprofitable. fore-part of the body; end bonding Enāt.o, onis ; f. a Pirring forth, emp the body derriwards. Emurmŭro, are ; so mutier or oum- 1107. Emptio, önis; f. a Ouying. ble, Emur- wantent. were in 7 81. + E NC END EN I 1 1 Emuſco, are. act. [à moſcus) to rub 't Encholpiſmus, tbs injektion of a into beaven, but fulling in love wisb medicine into the womb. Juno, and lying with a cloud in + Emulsitātus, a, ami adj. wrought 't Enchombomata ; A. womens gar. ber Read, be was thrown down, and by rule, ments. condemned to perpetual peop; wbmet Emut-lo, ire; acut. 10 nutter or + Enchordus, a, um ; freched with be proverb Endymionis fomnan bum. frings. dormire ; aftowards the main fell Emūlo, are; act. 1o sbange frotr rigbt Enchrifta, z; f. tpin ointment. in love with him, and hid him in 10 wrong.. Enchufa, z; f. wild-bugloss. a cave of the mountain Latinus in Enchytus, a, um, adj. poured or Caria, where he converſed witb E ante N. dropped in. bim : be was indad an ajronomer, Enclans, is; f. a bruijo, and field found out the courfo of sbe E N. abbrevlar, for etiam nunc, eft Encliſis, is ; f. inclinaison, alteration, To:7. nofter, or & non. maod, + Enebra avis, an unlucky bird. NN. for enim. + Enclitico, are ; to incline. Eněcatio, õnis ; f. a killing owl. EN, (vi) adv. lo, debold, look thors. Encliticus, a, um ; adj. inclining, righe. Enacim, the Anakims, giants driven giving nack, andlitick. Eněcatus, a, um ; killed out-right. .CH3 by tbı Canaanites. Encolpiæ venti, winds that ariſe cus. Eněco, ul and ari, cum and alum, Enæ!ncn, a medicine 10 pop, blord, of crooks and corners, are ; ad. to kill 44B-right, pofler oni. Enxorēma, atis; R.' that which Encombomata ; women's gar- • Fame enecare, to farvi onis. szins in the middle of the surja monts." Enc&tas, a, um, part. of enccor, mil. Enconiaftes, ; m. an monial, one killed, in difirefs. Enagora, an iſand of Alia. th.ut mikes an oration in praiſe of Enčdria, f. & pain in tbe funda- Egargia, z; F. mergy, evidmce. another, mini. Enarracilis, le; adj. 3 art which Encorilafticus, a, um, adj. in or for Enelata, orum ; the ſides of a ladder; muy be recognied. one's praiſe, alſo ibo linch.pins of a wheel. Enariklio, Önis; f a full account, Entonium, 11 ; Cic. légucursor] an Eněma, or eaičma, acis ; n. a glifier Enarrāliùs ; ady, very plainly. oration in praiſe of one, a common or gliſlar-pife. Enarsāler, öris ; m. he thai daslardi. dariin. Energia, æ; f. energy efficacy, force, Enarro, are ; ad. to declare at longih, Encranion, the brain-pan. virtus, recount over the whole. Encrāsicholi, unibovies. Energumenon, a maffar-piece. Enarthross, is, be joining together of + Encraticè ; adv. temperately. Energuměnus, l; m. a dommisek. the bene. Encratitæ, hereticks following Satur- Enervātio, onis; f. a weakming, or Enalcor, fci; to riſe from, be born nious and Marcion, wbo defpifed making fable. of. marriage ; Encrasicks. Enervātor, õris ; ma teakmer. Enårātio, önis; fo a swimming out Eacris, idis ; f. a pancake fried with Encrvātus, a, um, part. of ener. Life. oil and honey. vor, wakened, nire. • Oratio e- Enăto, are : ncut. to ſwim fare to Encyclides, round, vircular. nervata, 4 wak triding ſpeech. hind lix the proper and figxtutive Encyclius, and -1cas, a, um; round. Enervis, vc, - Hadj. fuble offr- Senſo.) Encyclopædia, æ; f. ibo circle of li- Enervus, a, um ; ) Drinale, Enātus, a, um, part. of enafcor, biral ſciences. Enervitas, ātis; f. w.iknefi. prung of. + Ende, ancoily for in. Encrvo, arc; act. [à nervus] to me Enāvācus, a, un ; belowed upon, Endelechia, 2; f. A continuing, uxr fuble, werken, feminasi. * Pop- Enavigandus, a, um, part. fut. in lollingneſs. lites enervatc, to hamiring one. dns of enavigor, to be failed out Endemas, or endemius morkas, an Enēts, people berotojere inbabiting soidemical diſeaſe. Paphlagonia. Enavigācio, onis ; f a failing sui, by + Endeploro for imploro. Eneris, idis; adl. 3 art of the Encti. or through. Endera, a place'in Æth opia. * Equæ Enerides, mares coming Enavigācus, a, um ; fuiled through. Endcrum, a town if I!lyricum, from Paphlagonia. Enavigo, arc; ncut. to fail out of, to + Endiadis for hendiadis. Enclus, a, um ; adj. of the Eneti. come to Jafé harbour, io ejcope, ger Endiæum, i ; 11. ibe chitb or cork of a +Encus, or cnncus, Jupified, dumb. fra fros. glifter.pipe. +Engaria, compelled ſervice. Enāvo, arc; act. to offen by indufiry, Endidcium, a city of Rhætia. Enga frimutbi, that speak out of their endeavour earnujtly. Endigeti, a people of Spain. bullies. Encænia, orum ; n. frafts of dedica- + Endiomis, or endiomcdis, or en• Engenales, & people of Illyricum. tion among the Greeks. diomadis, is ; f. a rough garment + Engiſoma, an inflrummt ufed about #Encanio, arc ; 80 renow or fift, of a ram's skin. broren skulls. put on any nou ibing. + Endionus, a rough or lined gar- + Englanterium, for eglanterium.: Encanth's, idis; f. a lille knob in Engonal, or - fis, Hercules on bis the corner of the eye. + Endivia, æ; f. garden endive. knu, a confellation. Encardia, æ ; f. á pacious fons with Endo or indu, within. Engyum, a city of Sicily. the fourt of a beari. Endocluſus and endofcfto, for in- Enhamum, « medicins offeemal in Encarpa, orum ; n. fruit-wortbox clusus and infefto. contracting scars, fower-work. + Endogenicè , adv. naturally. Enhippus, a king of the Arglves, of Encauſtes, æ; m, ax mnamilier. * Endogenicus, a, um: natural. great ſuccefi, whoſe buckler among Encauſtico, es ; mamelling, # Endogredi and endoïtium, for in The Grecians was carried before Encauſt cus, a, um, adj. enamel. gredi and initium. iboſe who bad done any notable ex- Encauſtus, } 'lad. Endomata, or endomatica ; nthat plois. Encauſto, arc; to ananol wbich the emperors allowed the pudo Enhydris, is ; and Enhydrus, i; m. Eocauftum, i, n. anjine licans to oxna for thonfelves over a water-nake. Encē'adus. di ; m, the ſon of Titan and above the publird tribuie. Enhydros, i; f. around, Smooth, while and Terra, 'the biggo of all the + Endopec.Sco, endopedilus, cndo pone, wherein ſomewhat seems to giants but conſpired agairl Jupi peralor, endoploro, endoprocincta, move as it is foeken. *tcr; whom he now with a iban. and ender guus, for empelco, im- + Enidco for eniteo. derboll, and laid bim under mount p.ditus, imperator, imploro, in Enidios, a kind of Rone, Æna. procinau, irriguus. En'cnles, a .psople of Greece. Encentris, is ; f. a ſoate to ſlide upon. it Endodicus, a, om; laid up within. + En'gma, āris ; n. a riddle. Enchelez, á town of Myris, near Endromidātus, u, um ; adj. having | Enigmatizo, arc ; to speak mugi: wbicb Cadmus and Harmonia bis an luiſh mantle on. cally. wigo were turned into jorpents. + Endrðinides, dum ; finglod.fo!ed Enigi eo, ère ; Enchir'dion, acut. to grow ti; n. a handful, Arors or pumps. } Enigrefco, čre; black. Enchiridium, monusl, porket.book, Endrómis, idis ; f. a coarſe winter Enim, (à nam) con) for, truly, in. also a dagger and a bundle ; thai gown, an Irich manile. dred (when a caſual, his plared part of 18 sar whiib is held by the Endymion, õnis ; m. a jepherd, the another word; when an af. Tower . jon of Athlıus, wbom Jupiter took frnative, at the beginning of a fen- } garment. } S ble. ENSIS, 15 , a ; f. , ENO EN U E O fenten) 41, Eaim cognovi aunc, reſembles a refliile. Enucleanter, adv. pithily, žactly Plaut. now indeed I know. Enormis ,,me; adj. [à norma) irre. Enucleatè, Enimvero,.conj truly, forſooth, con- plainly, evidently. gular, ill. proportioned. Enuclealim, frariwife, to wie. Enormitas, átis; f. mihapeneſs, huge- Enoklātio, ūnis; f. an unfolding, Eningia, Finland, in the north parts nofs. explaining of Europe. Enormitor, adv. irregularly. Enucleālor, oris ; m. be ihst une Eniochidas, an Athenian general. t Enoron, raging nighs-fhade. rolds. Enjopæus, i ; m. Hector's coachman Enoſis, an iſland by Sardinia, called Enuccatus, a, um; part. of enuclcor; hain by Diomedes. St. Pierre. explained, manifejied. Enucleata Enipeus, a river of Theffaly, near Enotabilis, le; notable, remarka-1 iaffragia, fuir cliaions. whick Cælar overcame Pompey: Enucleo, 2re ; at (à nucleus) 10 Enifis, a city in Sicily, cailed Nia. Enõtātio, onis ; f. a marking out. take out the kemel, to reach the Tube Eniſpe, a city of Arcadia, nrw loff. Enõtâtor, oris ; m. be th:m.17ks Hance of a master, diſcover, make Eniſus, a, um, part. of enitorſtain oui. plain. ing, endeavouring. Enõtātus, a, um, marked out. Enūdāto ; adv. very plainly. Enit-co, ēre ; neut to line forth, Enoteſco,õtui,ěre ; neut. 10 bo known Enūdācio, önis iti a. making fardo Eaiteſc-o čre'; } excell. # Enitent abro.id. nakid. Athena cun&is gentibus, Athens Enoto, are ; to obferue,"mark out, Enūdo, are ; a&t. so 'make Barhnavede is emprefs of the univerſe. Entoceta, a porple b.iving beir 89 make plain and evideni, Eni-tor, těris, fus and Xus fun, ti; cars banging, down to ibair anals, Eaula, [ab helenium} dep. to mde vuur, Arain bard, to able to pluck up itses. by its roots. Enula campana, }elsrampante. climb up wirb difully, lay at, &c. Bnalus, one tbar was Javed by e del bring forib. * Eniti ova, só lay Enovācio, onis f. a rmuwing. phin from drowning. sggs. Enovācor, oris , m. be that runswi Erúměrābilis, lc wbich may be En:sc, iùs, illimè; adv. with might or changer rockaned. and main, carnefinaſ. Enovātus, a, um ; adj. reneurd. Enůměratim ; adv. by number. Eqixim; adv. with toosh and nail. + Earythmus pulfus, a futural pulſo, Erömöräilo, onis ; f. a rockoning way Enixus, a, um; ad), lor,.iſfimus;part. and in good order, Enůměrator, oris ; m. a reckoner of enitor ; indeavouring, carnef, Ens, ntis ; n. (à ſum) a bring. Enůměro, are ; to rockan ting fully, to having surned. • Enxoris opcro + Enfatos, a, um, adj. armed with count, to pay fibi conſcil, knowing iboy bad le. a ſword. Enumeror, ar!, atus, paſt. 1o be rela bourid too bard. + Enficiun, a killing or cutting with koned up, to by paid. Enixus, ùs ; m. Cic. a travailing, fword. Enunciatio, onis ; f. Quint. e dicta. bringing forth. Ensīculus, i ; m. a little ſword. ring, proportion, axidir. EAna famous city in the heart of Ensifer, eri; m. a ſword-bearer. Enunclative; ady, in terms, clearly Sicily, whore Ceres Ennca had'à Ensiformis, mc; ad). of a sword fa. Enunciativus, a, um ; adj. thot com templa, Aion. plains, declaratius. + Engam, for etiamne. built by Piiftratus; alfo Athens it. os hanger. or makes propofitions, self. Eatělěchia, 2; f. an alt, under. Enunciatum, i; A. a propositions, Enneadecacteris, the space of nineteen landing, power to move or aff of Enunciãtus, a, um ; part. of cnun- years. infolf, tior; declared, pronounird. Ennea phorus, « concaphibongus, Entella, e city of Sicily, and a city Enuncio, are ; a&. fo xeitt, tell a. having nine sounds, of Liguria. broad, declare, diſcover. Diftor- Enncaphylion, i; n. a berb with nine + Entēni, a kind of earth-worms. tua crunciandi gengs, an awke leaves, + Eateana, æ; an infalt. ward way of explaining Eoncas, adis ; f. the member nine. + Enterātus, a, um ; emboulled. + Enunquam, whether # any time. Endlus, a famous and ancient + Enterione, the pith of word. # Equo, ere ; to deny. Latin pust, born at Rudin in Cala - Enterocele, es ; f. burſonnefs. Enuptio, onis ; f. á marrying below brian brought to Rome by Cato Enterocelicus, a, um ; burim. one's degrees Ceníorius, so beloved of Scipio A-Enteron, i; a. an mirail. Enūtr-lo, ire ; act. to nourriſh or bring fricanus, ibat be caused his image Entheatus, a, um ; inſpired. to be ſet on his own fepulchre; he Enthēca, 2; f. á caje, pore. bonsa; Enyal'us, the son of Beliona ; alfo ar wrote the fecond Punic war in box alſo a bip's lading, epiibet of Mars, and fomimes amaier virke; be died of Ibı gout, + Enthecarius, it; i, a mercbant, contrasted by hard drinking ; Vir- Eathemata, um ; n. tenis" wbicb Enydra, a city of Carioris in Syria. gil faid, bi gathered gold out of his Bop the bleeding of wounds ; groff, Enydris, is ; f. an offer; also a walir. dungbill. Alſo sauber that wrolo Entheo, are ; to inspire. ſnake. augury. Entheus, a, um, adj. divined, in Enydros, i, m. a kind. of forpant į Enncea, the mind, thought. Spired. aljo a precious fone sweating cus + Ennômio, onis; m. ba ibat regiſters Enthugaſmus, i; m. enibuſiaſm, fan moiſure. the wills of the dead. cy, delafon. Enyo, ûs; f. the ffler of Mars, in Latin Ennõsigaus, a firname of Neptunc, Enthusiasta, æ; m, an mibufal, fa. called Bellona, and is put for from his making the carib. natis, Eno, are ; acut. 10 swim out, fave Enthufiafticus, a, um ; adj. mibuf- him folf' by ſwimming, to pack a. alir, fanatical E ancı O. way. Enthymõma, žtis ; n. a fillogifm, Enõdâtè, iùs, iffimè; adv: plainly. wherein one of the propofitioni is Eò [ab is) adv. by so much, there- Enödātio, onis ; f. á miaking plain. fupprefed ; an entbyrammi. fort, for as such, to the end, II Enödātor, oris ; m, an explainer, Enthyfiafmus, i ; 'm. an inspira . that place or point. Eò loci, ir Enādātus, a, um ; explained, cleared, ration. shar place, in that condition, Cic. Enodia, a name of Hecatc. Entolina, 2; f. an ambuſador's com * Eò fpecat, it tends to that. Enõdis, de; adj. 3. art. having the mifion. Eò inſolentiæ proceffic, he is cane knors, done away, smooth, eafy, that Enroma, orum; no infia. to that degrue of pride. '. Eò ad, which is not perplex'd. + Entoridia, in the mean white. dum, untill, till ſuch time as. Enodo, are; act. (à nodus] to take off Entribæ, a Deople of Thrace. Eo, ivi, jtum, ire ; neat. [Ew] to go 'sbe knots, explain, refolue. • Eno- + Enūbilis, le ; adj. paff marriage. come. * Ire in matrimonium, to da mibi, tell me ibe borrow of it. + Enūbilo, are ; to make or grow marry. * Ire cubitum,to go to bed. . Enõdulo, are; act. to make plain, clear.. * Ire inficias, to deny. * Ire in ſmooth, even. + Enūbilus, a, um; without clouds, opus alienum, 10 middle with an- Enona, a city of Dacia. Enu-do, pſi, ptum, bere ; to marry other's bupinefs. * Ire ad arma, to Enope, a sity of Peloponneſus. below ber rank. take up arms. # Ire in conſiliam, Enorchis, á fiore shat being broken + Enuclea, * ; f. a kernel. to, conjuit. Ire fuppetias, te help. i war. A war. * lrg E PA EPH E PI * Ire obviam, to ment. Pedibus Epanorthoſis, is'; f. á recalling and , whers was the temple of Diana ire, so go on foot. Ire in alice correding of ſomething before jpokezo one of the Seven wanders of jus fenicntia i, to condefcend 10.00y Epanterii, a people of Italy. the world. one's opinion, Ire perdztum, 10 Epaphærefis, is, f. a moiching of the Epheta, arum ; pl. m ffy Athenian take a course towards one's ruin. hair, or lasting blood. judges, and as many Argives, apo *l in malan rem, go and be hang. Epaphis, the son of Japiter and low pointed by Demophoon to judge of ed. * Valetudo it in melius he who built Memphis in Egypt; elfo manfangbter in ibe Palladium; thay grows better and better. Peffum An hinorian. were to be fifty years old, and of ape ire,. to go to wrack, * Segcies eunt Epaphroditus, a maſier of requeis to prruid integrity. in articulos, the corn begins 10 be Neco, condemned to die bi Donj. Ephialtes, e; n. the night MATI. krsties * Ire in duplun, to pay cian for affiling Nero in killing Ephralies tbs son of Neptune, who a double mulet. Itur ad me, himylfi alfa a grammarian' who is fra 7:2 inches na morub in tbay corpe to me. Jaid to have thirty tsusand sboire height, and otlap with his brot bar Eoa, a city of Africa Propria. books in his liorary, Ochas, nido war again ibu gecko, Eodanda, an ipind of Arabla Fællx. t Epar, for hepar, the liver. and was ruck wirb o band-bali Eodem, adv. in the same place or Eparchia, æ; f. a province. to buil; alforbe god Pao. md. Eodem loci, in the fume Eparchiotes, one of provin'z, Ephialuá, ár.ion ibe herb prony, good place, in the fame flais; Cic. * Eo- Eparchus, i '; m. s prouincial, or press again the nigbi-mare. dem lendunt, ibry sim al ibs same dont of a province. Ephialtlum, a promontory of the iſland mark Epardos, a river running through the Carpathus. + Eon, the comoafi of the eye. cowitry of the Mardi. Ephidrofis, is ; f. a ſwearing about the Eon, or Eone, the true of which the Epar tæ, & people of Arcadla: head and breah. Joip Argo was made. Epaſco, avi, erc; to est up. Ephipparchia, cif, a body offixteen Eordææ, the couniry of Mygdonia': Epannum, the Pau in Aquitain. troops of horſe, one thoufand twenty- and two more, ons in Iberia, and Epauxēſis, is ; f. an increaſe. four. another in Thraoc, Epettaus, is;f: a producing. Ephippiarius, a, um z of a jucale or Eordæus. a, um; . , srappings. Eordus, dææ, ponnelus Ephippiarias, ii; m. a faddla. Ęordi, a prople of Theſſaly. Epelacum, or Epiacum, Pap.Caſtle Ephippiatus, a, um ; faddled. Eprdiſta, one of Eordææ. in Cumberland Ephippiuin, il ; 31. & faddle, or Eoriz, n..peaple of Arachoia. Epenthčís, is ; f. she infortims of a Ephippla, orum ; cuines used be- Eos, i; f. The porning. Leiter, fore the invention of fodd'es. Eos, a mountains in Egypt. Eperingium, ii ; R. dodder growing Ephippio, arc; lo fado!e ar themeſ. Eoveſum, Eveſham in Worceftera about Jei bolon, Ephippus Cumæus, fbilar..of llo- Ahire, Epetini, a people of Liburnia, cratcs, who wae a hiſtory of thirty Edus, i, m. ene of the barfes of the Epèciun, iba sown Spezza in Illy : books from the doludion of Troy in fun, the day-far. ris, his own time, Edus, a, um ; miliem. Epeus, the son of Endymion, wbo.fr Ephod, Hebelino garment worn by Eoufque ; ady. lo fuir, long or largely ; found out the battering-rum, which the J:wiſh priats, Bibl. unie, 08 till 191. gave occafion to the fuble of bis mak- Ephoria, e; f.she affice of the epho- ing the Trojan horis ; alſo a very ri. Eanie P. fearful caward, who caused ibs pro- Ephori, orum ; m. Lacedemonian Urb, Epco timidior. magiflrates, anſwering the Roman EP, abbreviat. for cpiftola or.cpu. Epexegeis, i8.jf. on explanation. tribunss .af sba prople, and as they datio. Epha, an Hebrew measure of nine might appeal from ibe conjuls to the E.P. abbreviat. for cdendum parcè, gallons. tribunes.a ſo from the hings the or è publico. + Ephalmator õris ; mi a leaper, cphori. Epacria, a cilj of. Attica. tuonblor. Ephorus, am bifterian of Cuma and Epactæ, arum.; f. sbings added. # Ephalmo, are; to tumbla, bere tricks. others. Epæa, A.city of Greece. Epharmāls, is ; f. a:filling, comper- Ephyra, an iſland in the Argolic:gulf Epal, the citizens of Epæa, againji ing. ..allo a Name of Corinth. wbom Neftor waged war. + Ephčbatos, a, um ; come to fifica Ephyræus, a, um ; i Epāgoge, es ; f. a comparing things years of age. Bybyre v8, a, um ; j adj.ofEphyra. Tegriner shal'are aliks. Ephebia, æ ; f. ripeneſs of age, Ephyreias, adis s Epăgon, ntis ; m. a pruikle in a crane, Ephebicus, a, um ; adj - youthful. Ephyris, a town of Laconia. or the like, Ephēbíum, ii ; n. a plase whare young Epjacum, Pap-Caſtle in Cumber- Epagris, one of the. Cyclades, called men exerciſe "land. alſo Hyduirfa. Ephebius, a, um , adj. pfyowh. + Epialis, is ; f. a hudgeosparrno. Epamanduodurum, a town of Gallia ĚPHEBUS, i ;m. (épnea 1.a @jp Epilos, or la febris. a fever cauſed Belgica. ling of fifteen years, 4 youth, a lad. by cold fegm, where is heat and cold Epaminoadas, dæ; ma great cap. # Excedere ex ephebis, to be at at the fams. time. Bain of the Thebans againſ the La man's mots. Eptbădos, am ;if..paffage. boasse cedemonians, for virtue admire. of Ephedra, æ ; f. e leat; elfo-an berb Epidatæ,arum; m. Foldiers pateboard all, outßripped by none ; be never growing upon trues. for forvice, told a lye ether in je cr.carnet ; Ephedron, i ; n. the herb horfo:tsil. Epibatorium, si ;:n.- peech made by being wounded at Mantinea wiib al Ephemera, a j. f. a quotidian for him shal-was returned from a long brad of a spear, he lived to hear bis voyage. army bad ihe villery, and then com- + Ephemercita, æ; m. a fernant Epibaterius, a furname of Apollo, 80 manding is to be plucked out, Jaye that gave notice to the guests when wbim Diomedesi dedicused a simple, ing, he bad lived long enough. they fould pt down, for bis kaping & compujt ibat ship- Epanadiplogs, is į f. a beginning and Ephemeris, idis ; 't a dial, journals .wreck!d.abe Greeks m.bur return ending-witbithi fume word in a sen. or day-book. from Troy. Ephemeron, ri; n. lilly of throallies. Epibatbra, a; f. 'the ladder Epanalepſie; Js; f. a repetition of the meadow raffron; ajo a day:flyi fhip. Jami wnd for enforcement fake. Ephemerus, a, um , of a day: Epicaria, f city of Dalmatia. Epanaphora, æ; f. when the same Ephefinus, a, um ; of Ephe- Epicauma, štis; n. a foul fare in the word begins ſeveral.fentences: fus. Epanaſtrophe, ĉs ; f. ersturning and Epheftii, ibe howbold-geds. Epicēdium., 11 ; 1. a funeral song, Autting things in order, Epheftria, Theban: frajts in remon or diſcourſe in praiſe.of.sbs derd, + Epanconiſmus, a leaning won the hrane of Tirellas Ep!charmas, a philoſopher of Syracuſe, ribow. Epheftris, idis ; f. a garment worn who firf invented comedies among Epangelia, æ; f. a promiſe. Quer ur mirr.. them. Epanodos, i; f. a ripotition of things Ephčlus si ; a famous mart tozen of Epichirema, štis ; 2. ar undariak. in an order inverted, lonia, built by the Amazons, ingy: An argumenti, a reaſoning. . : . Same Sphere muss} Epi. ropes. Epiglottis, idis,}" the throat-flap, EPI E PI EPI Epichylis, is; f. a tunnelor funnel. for the hopping of blood. theus, and wife of D:ucalion. Epichyium,poured upon. Epidcimus, i; m, a binding or ſwath- Epinone, ca iti a tarrying long upon Epiciiharifma, atis; 'n be la part ing. one fubje&t of matter. of the interlude when mufie playo Epida, the iſland Ila in Scotland. Epimychium,' ii ; n. the moral of a Epidi&ticus, a, um ; ad), demonſta-fable. Epic'er, a famous harper of Athens. tive: Epinicia, õrum ; n. Songs of triumph, Epicliniz, aram, cort:quakes móving Epidionis, idis ; f a banquétting.dib bonfires; o feon made upois a victory fidelóng after dinner or jupper. gained. Epicenus, a, um ; common to both Epidium, cr Epidiorum, promontory Eplniais, idis ; f, wheal riſing in the fóxis. in Scotland, called the Muiloj skin by night i also a night-regiſſor, Epicoinbla, orum; n. coney or the Cantire. and a diſlemper in the eye. like ſcarrared among the prople at a Epidromea, is ;. ?f. the arming of a Epiphănes, the surname of Antio- coronarion, &c. Epidioms, idis ; I nt, she drawing chus king of Syria, who built ihe Epicopus,D; ready to fail, riiy Epiphania ; und other in. Epicralis, is ; f. á low and moderate Epidromus, i, m. the poop or miſin. Epiphania, appearance, ' epiphany, or evacustion of bad humuur's' fril. twelfih-day. Ep.cratesis, 18';,f. the dignity of a Epigžum, æi ; n. near the earth. Epiphania, a city of Bithynia, sy. piunt. Epigaſtrium, ii; n. the outward part ria, C:licia, and another by Ti- Epicriculum, i; n. a kind of yellow of the belly from the Romach to the gris. cloak. navel, Epiphanius, a biſhop of Sa'am:9 in Epicrocus, a, um ; ſhining sellow. Epigencs, an affrologer and hiſorian ; Cyprus, who furiſhed under The. Epicrotus: i.;, .paved way: allo a tragical pont of Sicyonia. odosius Magnus ; ho left a book of Epictetus, ii; m. Epictetc, a Stick Epiglo-lis, f. eighty herefies, and condemned the bilojephør; of . Hierapolis in Phry. Epiglottis, idis, } or aftor-tongur, We of images and pictures in the g'a, Servan! 10 Epaphrodius. Ne cloſing the larynx. churih; alſo a fophifier who wrote To's favourise Lucianus a Syrian Epigoni, örum, ſuch as are born of exercitations while he was a boy. gave Three hundred drachinas fer Second marriage Ephiphonēma, štis ; n. on arclina. his candleich ; his, Enchiridion is Epigoni, the authors, of a ſecond The. tion, or antentious cloure of a dif- 4 extant; he compriſed all h's ban war, and the new brood of MR courſe. philosophy, stwo wyords, bear and cedonlans, by the women of Alia, Epiphora, x; f. an fuxion into fortear, under Alexander. the 6;&, with a water iſſuing out at Epicūrcus, a, umjad). volupluous, Epigramma, åtis; n. an erigram, Epicurus, izm,,one chat gives himſelf Superſcripsion ; alſo the brand of a Epiphorcmaia, -um ; n. the ſecond wbolly, I pleaſure, oni spiru e. villain. courſe, Epicūrus, i, m. án Athenian philo- Epigrammatàrius, 11;?m. a maker of Epiphthegma, ātis ; n. an acclama- jopboer, who placed the chiefe bappi. Epigrammat.sta, i epigrams. tion in a camp, when they aro re- xels in i be pleaſures of the mind; Ep grammatographus, i; m. a wri. moving big and baggage theught God regarded mot the offairs ter of epigrams. Epiphyſis, an oddition, or coggin- of men, and that she foul died with Epigranea, a fountain in Bæotia, not tation of a bone with a peculiar the body far from Dirce, circumſcription. Epicus, a, um ; heroical, lofly, epic. Epigraphe, ĉs ; f. an inſcription. Epiploce, és; a gradual rifing of Epicyclus, ; a. a leger orb, u holot Epigri, örum, pins that lajim pieces che clauſe of a fen!ence cut of ano- critor is in the circumference of the of wood together. ther. greater. Epigryphus, m. herbal has a crosked | EpiploócÉle, es ; f. burflenneſs. Epicyema, a ſecond conception upon an nole, Epiploocelius, a, um ; burſlen. ber. Epii, a people of Ætol 2 and Elis. + Epiploo.niftæ, 8r62t, fat, goi-bellied Epidamnus, or -num, the town Du. Epiicia, à; equity, moderat.ng the Tazzo, in that put. Macedonia rigour of the law. Epiploomphalon, a falling of the caul which lies upon th: Adriat:c jen, Epiicizo, are ; to mitigate the rigour out of the navel. Epidaphwe, toe dame as Antiochią in of the law. Epiploon, the coul. Syr a Epilepſia, æ ; -is, is ; f. the falling. Epipo!æ, 2 cuntry near Syracuſe. Epidaurus, or •4m,, a people of Pelo fickne;s. Epiponipcuticus, a, um ; adj. of or ponneſus, fanious for a temple of Epilepticus, a, um ; troubled with Ælculapius, and from whence the thì falling flus. Epipoinphalon, li; the falling of the Romans in a great alague were bid | Epilcutadis, a city behind Acarna coul out of the nare!. by the orgelo_1? falch Æſculapius. 10 nia. Epirhedium, ii; n. [à rhoda) a Rege: Röine; but when the people were Epilimma, alls ; n. an cintment. unwilling to part with him the god y + Epilobium, ii; ni narrow-leaved Epirota, one of Epirus. is said to have ſwam to their sip in willow Power. Epiro:icus, a, om; round, copped. the form of a Snakewhid they + Epilogo, arc, 10 conclude. Lp:rsēma, štis, shat part of a comed; brought to Ropie in great folemni- Epilogus, i; m. an epiicgue or con: wherein ihe chorus ſpeaks. ty; alſo the city Ragula in Dalma: clufion. Epirot!cus, a, um ; ad of Epirus. Epimachus, a martyr of Alexandria | Epirus, ri, f. 1 country in Greece, Epidelius, Acolo so called from the under Decius, called at firf Molojia, un'1 ajiri gaun Epidei:a, mear Ma'ea, a pro- Epimarjtaną, a people of Arabia Fæ wards Chaonia; it was fruitful in inin'ory of Laconia, where he had a corn and bread, and hisd in exul umple; forzyhan Delos was taken, Eplmedion, ii ; barrenwort. lent breed of mares. a barbarian threw hi jirage into Epimolas, & white precious font with Epifcenium, ii į n. the upper part of the sea, which Jean ļo Pelopon a black colour ever it. the theatre, where she principal or nefus, where the Laconfans točk Epimeliš, a meglar-tree. naments were placed. bim urs, and wer bifred him by thai Epimenią, örum ; n. gefes piven every Epifchidion, it ; n. a wedge. monih, also a month's pag. Epricopal s, le; adj. of or like a bi Epidemeticus,ci; m. on barbinger, Epimenides, dis; m. an pack poet of loop, eni;:fal bat provides lodgings fut a prinie's Crete, who being sent by bus farber Epiſcopatus, iis ; m. epiſcopzet'; t14in.. Agalarcius 10 keep leer, Nept je. tiinc of the biſby's continuances an Epidemia, es la journey ; alſo a venty jear's logether; wherre: shil. epiſcopul fee. parilme, and unyerial firies. Proverb, Epimenidis fomnum dor-Eciícopium, ii; n. a bishop'as pa Epidemicus: 1 a, um ; ad. Seneral, Atro leveral other inen. lee. Eplenius, - } epidemical. Epimetheus, ihe son or japelus, and Epifcopius, a, um;'ad): "Menit art for Epiderma, atis, in the offide, ſur brother of Prontihers, who hay. ti elpy. Phaſelụs epifcopius, 4 face. ing'made an im-ge of woont" in brigentina. Epidermis, idis; f. the cutward skin clay's ruas turned into !... Ep scopo, arc ; to play the biſhop covering the main siin of the body. jeni inilo she iſland Piihctails: to overlook diligendly, Epides is. To a binding of a joint Epimcih.s, the daughter of Exime- G&& g's men. with pomp: coach. 1 ;" namit. mire Epiri 1 ard. i marts. EPI E PU E QU Epiſcopor, ari,. 10"btcome a bibig. ning over ſeveral things for brevity corporation. Epiſcopus, i, m. (inion:of]. « die Sale: Epulo, the proper name of a man in Shopa oriekleier, Epiſcopi vicário Epicrope, 9 ; f. parmilion silber ſeri Virgil. us, a suffragan. ous of ironical. Epūlor, ari; to food or banquat, Epiſtalra, ăţi8 ; 2. a prince's chop:crophiun, il; a. an boʻpåal for Dapibus cpulamur opimis, we milions. poor children, mala gallant chur. Ep:1tála, 2; 5. a woman avere. Epitropas,, i, m. a farmer, bailif, + Epülāsītas, kus ; f. a great baxa * Eplitata villatica, a farmer's prodor, Factor, procurator, tutor. quatting. wift. Epitymbia, Venus so called, before Epuloſus, a, um ; full of feaping, or Epiſtates, ; m. ap. Overſeer or low while fatur at Delphi they were liberal at fuais. wont to call upon the dead. Epúlum, 1; n. (90. edipulam) Epiſtathmi, bartingers for a prince's Epityrum ;. n. 's kind of Jauce made publick fiaf, folemn fragt er 6.in, train, of olives, alſo a cheila-cake, quit, • prias irrat or regaleja Ediftathmia, ; f. the office of on Epium, a city of Arcadia. i meal. Epulum funcbic, a fune- harbinger, Epizophrii é people of Locris, zoith. ralfiaft. Epiſtemorarcha, a sitha of tbe emner. whim whoſoecer drank wine mine + Epūlus, a, um ; adl. of fraps or ars of Conftantinople. than the phyſicians prajiribed" wire banquets. špifto:a, 2; f. an epiple, letter'. puniſhed with desth. pytus, or Epilas, a king of Alba. Épifto!āris, rc ; adj. oj or for a letter, Epizcuxis, is ;if. an immediata repa. epiftolar. I'llon of the famous word. E ante R. Epiftolicus, a, um ; 20). of an epite. Epizygis, is, f. the hole whernin oba Epiſtolium, ii; n. a little letter: nut of the feel-bow lies, EQ., abbreviat. far equ:s or eque- Epiſtolophorus, i; m.a letter-cer Epocha, æ ; famous suoni, py ftris. riar, Epoche, es; f.} action from Uhonda Equa, æ; f. [ab equus) a mart, Eplſõnniom, ii; n. the cork of a con orher actions are wont to be dured ; Equabona, the city Couna in Spain. duit pipe, a piggol, the blogple of an alſo a fufpending one's alsont or judg- t Equaplum, ii; n. aliſander er organ-pipe. ent, love-age. Epifrõphe, es ; f. when divers Seni Epõdes, is; m. a kind of flinking Equāria, a; f. a ſlud of borſes or tences and alike. ffin. + Epiftrophcus, çi; the firf joine Epodus, 1 ; an epode, kind of lyrict Equārius, a, um ; adj. of horſes. • the nick upon which it turns. poily, wherein the firſt verſe is longer Equarius medicus, a farrier. Epiilophus, a king of". Phocis, who than the facond. Equários, il; m. horse-breaker. came to the Trojan war. Epol, an outh ly Pollux. Equārius, ii; m. [ab equus) .a borſe- t Epikõla, 2; f. an apifle, Epomis, idis; E. Armourning or li. man, a knighi, ibu borſe or cavalry, Eplitylium, ii; a. tbe chapiter of a uriy bood. and in the cards the inave, pillar. Epona, a beautiful maid, the daugh. Equefter. vel -is, re; adj. of the Epitagma, štis; n. the main body of 118 of Palvius Stellus and 4 mari, bar, knighily, equeftrian, the Roman 'harle, of xyfon Epona, as Hippona, she goddeſs of la. Equeftrc, 18 ; n. the race of a borſe. troops, «t four thousand ninety Ex bsuring beolls and mulctars. Equcitrid, fourteeni rows of benches for 0, Epope, she just as Acrocorinthus, gentleoren to fit in the theatre. Epităllum, a city of Triphylia, called where Siſyphus faw Ægina ravib Equeſtris, Venus ſo called by Æneas; Zunthia ed by Jupiter. a city of she Sequani in Gallia, Epitaphium, il; n. an es tiph. Epopeus, ihe ſeventanih king of be calleá Neufchäftel ; And other Epitalis, 9 ; f. the ſecond or busy part Sicyonians. places. of a comedy, Epopeus, ce-pus, & mountain in A+ Equeſtris, is; . a horfomon. Epitaifa, & cicy of India within suna, under which Typheus is Equenris, re ; adj. of a horſeman or suppoſed to lis and belch out flames. gentleman. Equeſtre agmcn, a Epitcon, the son of Ne!eus. Epops, õp s, a lapwing troop of borje. Ars equeftris, the Epithalamium, ii; n. awedding fong, Epopia, arum thoſe that are part art of horſemanſip. • Annulus Epitheria, a city by the gulph of. Ara their brf init:ation, and are admir equeftris, the ring of . Romaa bia, called alſo Arfinoe. ted to the fight of myfterius. gentleman. Epithélis, ja ; f. a counterfeit in.crip: Eporcdia, a city of the Salaffil. | Equicervos, a toaſt bituins horſe tion. Epos ; ind. n. a poem. • Epos trip and a fag Epithčies, is ; m. a deriver, ton, an heroick poem. Equidem ; adv. [of et and quidem] Epithetan, or -tum, i; n'an epithet, Epoſtraciſmus ; -. a play called a Jurely, truly, adjeve. duck and a drike, and while Equiferus, i, m. a wild bárfe. Epithymia, a; concupiſcence, defra. penny cake, with an oifler ſhella # Equ!la, a; f. a mare. Epithymicus, a, om; concupiſcible. Epolo, are, to drink up all. Equiic, is ; n. a horſe-lable. Epithymon, 1; dodder, growing about + Epotorium, ii; n. a tippling- Equllium,' an island of in Veneti. boufo. ans, by the mouth of the river Po. Epitimia, æ; f. orehuling. Exotus, a, um, drunken. Equimentum, i; a. ibe hire of a Boilógium, ii"; n. Là jogg) a lasjet Epudoratus, a, um; Bang'eſi. Aallion. koper foment. Epula, the city wixb is now called + Equino&ialis, le ; adj. equinoctial, Epítőipc, és ; f. an abrida mene. Ambracio. of the equinox. + Epitome, are ; t) abridge ŠPULÆ, arum ; [qu. edipulæ) Equinus, a, um ; ad), [ab equus] of Epitonia, orum ; n. the pins fa banqueli, feafls, victuals, diſhes of A borſe, fringed, ingrumint. meet, or food for men, and foddor Equio, ire ; to defire to go to borſo. Epitonium, jj ; n. firietihing in iru for tra,is. t. Equipafter, a horfo-kaper. ment; allo e ſquirt. Épulandus, a, um ; to be salon,' de Equipcofito, are; # judge e- Epitrachetium, ii; a. the patriarcb. viured, or fed upon. right. tand. épülaris, rc; adj. of a foaft. EfEquiria, orum ; a. tournaments on Lpitiagi, akiád of worms iafelling pularis fermo, table-clé, şarjeback. Epůlārion, ii; a. a banqueting- Equirine, an oath by Quirinus. Epitraga, Y.cnus, o called, because houſe. Equiſelis, is ; f. the hard Dorfo-tail. Hoe turnei barſelf into a gear. čpůlátio, onis ; f. a banquetting, + Equiſeſfor, oris ; a borjo-rider. Eritraglas, a kind of fb that linke Emulātor, oris ; I. a banquetser. Equisčtum, i; the herb borfosil. like a goat. ĚpůlZtārius, a, um ; adj. fit for ca. Equilo, onis ; m.& groom or jockey, Epigrapezia, orum ; vefals belonging tertainment. + Equifatlum, i ; a. the Panding of 10 ipe iablo Epúlātus, a, um ; having feaſed, Epitrapezius, a, um ; of the table. Epūliş, idis ; f. ibu excrofrancs of Equitabilis, le; adj. which may be ad Epitritus, i, m. foor of your Golla. Refo about the gums. ridden, bles, the porn doors, and the alber. Epulo, onis ;.m. a gueſt or gluten ; t Equitarius, li; m. a farrim. allo e provider of leafts in the ho- Equitatio, onis ; f. a riding: Epitrocharmaus, i į mo e Migbe run niur ajº she gods; a brother of alt équitātor, ärla ; m. a rider Ganges. thyme. thrae long- Equi: 1 min. 1 g ERA ER E ER Equitatus, Ûs; m. thi cavalry. Eroftus, a chamberlain of Romc;.com- } Erelus, or Ereffus, a city of Lesbos, i Epaitisa, ; f. [ab eques] a wo. uwied by St. Paul. the ecuniry of Theophraftus. man-rider, Erafus, a, um, part. of erador s Eretria, é famous city of. Eubea, Equ!cum, ii; n. a frid of rant of rafid out, taiered. • Timore fron Eretrivs ibe son of Phaeton ; Borfes. rafus ex animo, « mind quit of all alſo a cing of Thesſaly, calied Va- Equitias, ibi Amame of a Roman manner of fear. lia. family. Eratc, a fea-nymph, daugbier of Oce- Eretria, æ ; a kind of coruſe. Erë- Equito, are ; to ride, beſtride, anus and Tethys. tria icrra, the while earth, Equtus, a Romaa conſul with Gra- Erăto, üs ; f. one of the Males. Eretum, erozon of the Sabines. tianus. Eratoſthèncs, philoſopber of Cyrene. Erevatis, e city of Lycia. Equoturium, a town in Apulia Dau. keeper of the king's library, called Ereuthalion, a fumous warrior whomi nia, called Foggia. for his learning, Plato Minor. Nefor Mew. Équala, w; f. (ab equa) a filly, or Erbeflus, a city of Sicily. ERGA, (ab epyor. opus) præp. ſery. mare-colt. Erchia, part of Attica. acc. towards; againſt, over-againſ. Equuleus, el; m. a horſe-all; alſo a Ereinia, as Hercynia. • Divina bonitas erga homines, rack, or wooden horſe Erciſcendus, and ercifcundas, a, um ; The goodneſs of god towards man- qoulus, i; mia liitla horje. part. 80-be dioided. Judicium kind. EQUUS, 1; m. lipni a borse, familiæ crciſcunde, a writ for E:ga, a town in Spain. battering run, and a rea-fiſh, a parting of an spate in ixrcution of Ergane, a river who's water makes conlellation. Equus O&tober, a a will. min drunk, bufo facrificed every fifib year * Erciſco, čre; act. (ab 8pxsor fep-Erganes, king of Æthiopla, who Mars. Equas admiffarius, a tum) to divide or part [an efatı.] How all the priel's of Jupiter, and jallion, • Equus tolatarius, an Erciſc-or, -eor, ert. Sei erciſco took away their priedhood, becauſe anblar, Equus meritorius, a Ercius, a name of Jūpitcr. they were wont in their zeal 10 barinn.. . Equus fufpiriofus, at Erdus, a, um, ajvided. command the kings themſelves to be broken-winded borje. • Equus de- Erdfonia, e city of Applia Daunia. Nain. {altorius, a pad. mag. Equus Erdſordia, the inetropolis of Thurin- Erganica, of cum ; a city in Spain. helciarlus, a drawer. Equus gia. Ergaſtes, or -icus, ; m. a work- fcutulatus, a dopolo.grg. Equis Erdini, a people of Fermanaugh in & quadrigis, or vells cquiſquc, Ireland. Ergafteria, 4 toon between Pyrgamus with migbt and main. Equus Erēbeus, a, um , adj. of hull. and Cyzicus. Trolanus, ibi caufa of miferini, Erebinthus, a name of Bicchus. + Ergafteriacum, ci; a. a tribute Ercbinthus, i, m. chick peaſe. paid for Joops. Erebus, i, m. hell, or the god of Ergafterium,' il; n. a workbouje, hull. bridewall. ËR. for crit, or crunt. Erectheus, a king of Athens. Ergaftularius, ii; m Ajailor, the BR. for ea res. Erecia, a town of Atuca. ovirfear of the bondmen, † Era, for æra, a file or account, Erectio, onis ; f. a lifting so. Ergaftulam, i; n. lepraothpor] † Eradicator, Orls; m. A router up. Ere&or, Oris; m, a lifter up. woorkhruje, or bride well. * Brga- * Erādicitùs, adv. from the net. Erectus, a, um ; part. of erigor ; ftulo nautice mancipare, to make Erădico, are ; act. (à radix] to 7881 raiſed, forward, ready.' * Erecta one a galley Neve, up. Eradicare agres alicujus, figna, banners diſplayed. * Erec- Ergaftulus, i.; m. a bondman, Made to make a noils in a man's sarh, to tus animi, bold, courageous. • Ca kept in prifone to woork. wtary opt with idle babbling. . pillo crc&o, bis hair pending on Ergăta, a ; f. an iron crow for a Dil tc cradicent, a miſibief light end. prali, a cop-fan, wind-brans, crani, thu. E regloac, juft or againſ, aver sbi Ergavia, arity in Spain. Era-do, fi, fum, dere ; a&t. so forape. waj. Ergavica, a lowur in Spain, • Albo fenatorio eradere, to put Erembi, a prople of Arabla. Ergavicenſes, the people of Ergavica. ONE ons from being fenacor. Eremia, for è re mea. Ergetium, a city in Sicily. Eræa, city of Greece, now loft. Eremicola, 2; m. an bermit. Ergetini, the inhabitants of Ergeti- Eranarches, is; m. e collector of tri. Erēmīgātus, a, um ; rownd avır. bete. Eremipeta, 2;m. Erglas, ch hiſtorian of Rhodes. Eraniſtes, a collodor. Eremita, æ; m. an hormir. Erginus, a king of Orchomenus, Jain + Eraalos,, a, um z adj. of the tri. Erēmitārius, a, um ; of an hermit. by Hercules, becauſe bi exa&rd bute cranus. Eremodicium, ii; 8. ibi lating of a yourly tribute of Thebes ; alfo a ri. + Eranthemum, i, n. a kind of 48 fuit fall. vor in. Thrace. momile witb purple flowers, Eiēmus, an iſland about. Lemnos, ERGO (ab epgor] conj, sherifort: * Eranula, an iſland in Locsis. and a country in Æthiopia and Ergonc ? is it even jo? Žrănus, 1 ; m. e contribution ; alſo Germany Ergo (ab apage] adv. (wtb a genitive the fteso called the turquoiſe. Erēmus, a, um ; adj. dofart, folita. cos) for the ſake of. • Illus ergò, Eraphiotes, Bacchus, Jo called from bis railing of frife or coritmiion. e Eraga, the daughsor of Phineas ding mult. tormenting of Io ; alſo a sily v Ma. of Peonia. Ercnătay for è re nata, as ibi pro cedonia, Éráfiñados, an unfortunas genaral, font para requires. Eribotes, a very skilful phyſician, wbo who 1994 all his men and himſelf, Erene, an ifand before Taprobanc. cured. Oileus. which ocsaponed the proverb, Mili- Erenia, 4 town of shie Megarenſes. ERICA, æ; fo (époxa] bezibor tavit cum Eraisinade, all shings go Erč-po, pf, pore; to crop up, out, or ling: wirb him. Ericæum, honry gashered from heath. Erafinil, a people of Thrace. + Ereptatio, onis.; f. a tyleping out. Ericates, one of Lycaonia, Nain by Erålinus, ibe river Ragno in Pelo Ercptator, örls, m. crisper forth. Meſſapus, ibi companion of Encas. ponneſus, and another in Arca-Ereplio, onis ; fi e taking away. Ericea, a gown of Athoas, dia. Erepto, arc; to crop out. Erīko, oals; f. a raifing, ir blotting Erepcor, oris , . away, a nalibor. or place where beath grows. firaliftratus, a famous physician of A. Ereptus, a, um į part of eripior ; Erichcho, a Theſſalian witth. riſtotle's family, saken away, alſo refrued, dead. Erichthonius, the fourib king of A: Erafmus, i, m. a man's name ; a Tempus ereptum ex ſummis of. thens, brod of ibi fod of Vukan bilog of Carpania under Diocle cupationibus, time pinibed or Asleri falling to the earth, in his friving Gan; a ravm is reported to bavi from very urgent bufneſs bàs re to lie with Minerva ; bring deform- fid him in the defarts; alfo a nutid quired it all. ad in his fut, he found out the # commentator and grannarian in Ercs, a hedgs hog of coaches to bide is. shi sftimih century, awther of the Erefii, a prople of Æolia, Eiſcinum, a town in Sardinla, and a Colloquios saugbr ai fihool. Ereila, a city of Æolia. city of Macedonia, G g g 8 g 2 Eric ua, Bar 1 ERI ERR ERU -brezia for anger. now. 16r. upon it. i Er cius, wandering about, Ericcos, 'i; m. cullis ; alſo an Erithaces, the herb'ħiufleek. Erranaboa, a river in India falling Dragi bog. Erichini, on yni, rocks in the Eux into Ganges. Eriçurla, un iſland of Æolia and inc fereby upon the coajls of Bichy- Erians, ntis ; part. af erfo ; wander- donia. nia. ing. Sydera crrantia, the pla. Eridanus, a river in Italy, called alſo +Erithrataones, a kinchor wild gero, nets. Padus. zobich, beittg kept in the boxe, dio Errantia æ; a wandering. : Erigčron, untis; m. sbe harb ground- Erraticus, a, um ; adj. vagrant, Erithrodánomid;.n. the hard wood- Jlroying, creeping. # Febris crra. Erigidus, a, um ; very cold. roof or m.iddur. rica, an ague coming as unerlain Er igo, exi, ectum, igěre; act. [ab+ Eritudo, inis; f. feruitude. timer. Herba erratica, an herb è & regol 30 raiſe up, comfort, 16- Erivātio, onis ; f. á draining of wi. growing all about in the fields. * * Er'gere mentoin, to take Stcllæ erraticæ, the plannis. courage * Erigere aurcs, to hest. Erivo, are; (à rivus] to drdin' away Erratilis, le ; asj. wandering. kin.'"* Erigére ſe, to take heart of, water, Brrātio, ôn:s; Fią wandering, going grace. icis † Erix, icis ; heath. afray. Eri gor.gi; pasil . Po be lifted up or Érizeli, a preple of Phrygia. Errãtitius, a; um'; atj. wandering, raifud, to be incouraged."* In di: E-müz, an ijland by Sardinia: Praying gitos erigi, to fand on tip tor Ermione, a sown by the Argolick 'Errātor, oris ; m a wanderer, Erigone, es; f. the daughter of Ica: gulph. Eriātrix, icis ; f. Thisbat wanders, rias, wbó for grief of ser farkar's Ernein, a kind of wine-viffol. Erratu., ti'; n. m error, fuult,“miſ- carth (hing dun by the drunken Ernoduram, a town of Gallia Lug. fade. ruflicks) hinged herſelf, and was dúncnfis. 'Errātur, imperf. there is a miſtake. 'tranilised to the fagni Virgo Ernulphi Curia, Finsbury, or St. Erricŭlus, a, umº; ready to err. Erigonéius canis she dog-far. Neol's in Huntingdonſhire. Erigonus. a river in Thrace and t Ero, onis ; 'a leather bug. Erratus, a, umwandered about, dont emifs. the name of a famous painler, Érocade, piri-of ide fribe H ppothoon- Errhinum, i; n freezing-powder. + Eriu, for eun. tis. ERRO, "are i nèut. (éppw] 50 syr, Erimum, a city of the Oenotri, callid Erocós, a city of Phocis. wander all abrut, fray, or go out of Regina. Erodius; 11 ; ma ger-falcon: the way, miffate, run crookedly, Erimaceus, ei m. [ab eres) a Ero-do, li, fum, děre; act. to gnaw Toto coelo, or totâ viá errare, to hedge heg. off or abour, be very wide of the Watter. *. In Erinæ, a people of Sarmata in Afia. 'Erogārió, önis;, fi a laying on or aliquam rcm errar, to blunder Erindos, a river of Afia, Tpending, beflowing. * Tenco quid erras, I Erincſes, a river in India: Erögātor, oris ; m. an almoner. know where the millohe lir!, Er- Erincus, ei ; f. a city in Doris, Italy, Erögātorius, a, um ; ad). beloiving, rabatque aures & tempora circon and Achala ; alſo a city in Sici giving out. **Modiolus erogato crebra manus, he boxld him about ly, rios, a bucket drawn up with a The head and wars ſöxndly : Si Erinjates, a town of Megaris: pulley, and so emptying itflf. erratur in nomine, if sbiy miſcall Erinna: a poctes; and a familiar' of 'Erögājus, a, um, part. of erogor ; it, give is a wrong name. Sappho. Olejsowed, laid out. Erro, onis ; ni. a wanderer, viga. Erinnys, yog, and yes';'f'the nime Erogénneton, i; n. an hard posuring bund. * Erroneus, the planes. of the furies of hell. Love, Erroneus, a, um'; adj. errortrots, Eriophorus, a, um ; bearing wool. Erogito, are ; to defire warnelly. wandering Erlöpolium, 11; n. a woot-marker. Erogo, arc ; act. to spend, lay ort, lit 'Erronéas, ei ;o.'ausgabond: Erioxylumns ni the 'wool of the below; alſo to bog. . Pecuniam Error, örism. an error, wandering, Thrub xylon; coston. erogare in clasſcm, to be at the miliake, drcdil. Efröres Ulyffis Eriphia, æ; f. an herb that brings charge of building a fleet of ships. the long and wearifomie voyages of forik legves in February. Eropæi, & people of Africa Propria. Ul;fics. Eriphia, m; fe a wiríh that be Europia, one of the Cyclades, called Erruca, a vily of Håly. witbed whatſoever. natures for alp Syphños Erlenius, a famous foneer. † Eropolitcs, 4 word made by Plau. Ertha, a city of Paribia by Euphra- Eriphryla, an iſland of olla. ļus, to signify ſold for love. tes. Eriphylc, the wife of Amphiaraus, Eros, the ſervant of Antonlus, of Ertizica, a country of Armenia. whom for a golden bracelet je bo wbom, when Anthony called for + Ervangina æ; f. a wiid winding traged to the Theban war, whers his ſword to kill himſelf, he took she abois corn, oribink. bie periſhed. sword as if be was about to give it , + Erub.co, ère; n. 'to bluſh. Eriphylæus, a, om; 'of Eriphyle: him; but killed himſelf. Erubeſcendus, a, um, to be afbamed Er-ipio, ipui, eptun, iperc; act. Eros, love. of. [ab è & rapio) to 'rake away by Eroſio, ānis ; f, a conſuming, 198- Erubefcens, ntis ; part. huming. force, reſcue. *Orationem eripere ing up: Erubeſcentia, æ; f.-"e bluſhing. ex ore alicujus, to sale the tèle our Eiftratus, a villain, 'whis, when he Erube!co, čre'; 'nčuc. to bloß, zo be of one's mouth, so ininrupt in ſprak could not get him a name by virtua ahmed. Erubeſcere aliquid, ing • Eripere aliquem à porte, ous' «xbloits,' set on fire the temple Cic. aliculus, Quint. Curt. aliqua Cic. Morti aliquem, Virg. Mor of Diana ; but the Epheſians to re, Ovid. to be afraid or aſhamed of tem alicul, Sen. to prejerve life. fruftrate his intent, 'c:minanded he any perſon or thing. Eripere ſe mora, to go inſtantly should never be named : yes they Erubrus, the river Rober in Germa- about it. could not binder his nipit froin ity. Eris, the name of a river, coming to us. ERŪCA, æ; (ab, edo) a carkir. Eris, idis ; conimtion, and an Egyp. Erāfus, a, un; part. Of çrodor ; worm ; alfo ibi' herb rocket tian herb with a leaf like wake. gnown about, calon in two. Eructans, niis; a bel?hing out. robin. Erotēma, ātis; n, an interrogatory. Eructacöt, ors; 'm.de belcher. Erifilhon, onis ; m & Theft lian, Erotematicus. ci”; m. be that exa- Eructo, are ; ad. [áberugo) fóbilih who flighting Certs in cutting down mines upon interrogatories.- out, ca up. Éructant lcrmoni- har grove, was made to hungry that Eroticus, a, um ; auj. of love. bus ſuis cædem bonorum, they call .He eat his pun flek. Erotopægolon, a point of Livius An. out big words Tow they will naj te Eriloa. àlis; n. a part ladder, dronicus concerning loving 10). good and virtuous. Eriſma, arum ; butirefes, shore.ppts Erótylus, ; m. s preous Bone like Eru&us, a, um ; part. of erogor ; or props. a fint, 'uſed in div nution: + Eriloup, i ; n. wild mullard-feed. Erp:llum, i ; n. wild thymi. Erudero, are ; [à rodus] to take A- Eritthelies, the son of Medci, whom Erpis, a city of Mauritania Tingi. way rubbifh, to cleane. He now because he did not fight tana. Erūdicadus, a, um, part. fut. in weit. + Errābills, le ; adj. which may err. dus of erudior ; to be inliuded. Erichrace, es; f. dees-wax, E rabundus, a, um , adi; (ab erro] Eru- A looked upon. belched upi --- 1 3 } elser to Erumpet in nervum, 'wih! Erythinus qucm Cartes, puerum artibus, ERY E SC E SU Erñdio, irë ; act. (à rudis) to teach, , Erysipēlas, atis ; n. St. Anthony's grid-irona inkrult, train up * Erudire all fire. Elcharoticus, a, um ; ass, bringing Houbled to a cruf Train ap any one in-arts. noith St. Anthony's fire. + Elcit, and cfit, for erit. Ecŭditè,"iùs; iffi nè ; adv. learnedly, EryGfceptrum, Engliſh galingalı; Eſco, are ; to feed upon. Erīditio, õn's ; f. leirning. * Vá. pat. vendaire Elcor, ari ; to be fed upon or with. rta eruditione replecus homo, Eryſthea, a city of Cyprus. + Efcoſus, a, um ; adi full of meat. man of great learning, & gengias Erytbaec, és ; f. bus neat while shari, Elculentia, æ ; T: falnojs. - icbalar, labour, honey-ſuckle: Eſculcntum, i, n. mear. E:ŭditŭlus, a, um ; adj: Smallsringi + Erythanon, an exprefence about the Elculentus, a, um ; ad, goed 'to tal in lourning root of ciftus non ladanifera. • Horno eſculento ore, ove with Eruditus, a, um ; adj. & part. of Erythca, or thya, an iſland between meat ficking in his teeth. erudior ;, learned. Pulvis cru Gades and Spain, now.loj. Eſculētuin, i ; n. (ab efculus)? grove ditos, ibe skill of mothematicks, Esyihini, a prople of Paphlagonla. of ouks. and the place where they draw Erythra, a city of lonia, called Eno- Eſcúleus, thely figures. • Eruditum palarum pupolis, another of Lybia, Locris, | Eſcălinus. '&, um ;:ad). of anoak. a delican palate, or a found judg Bocorla, and Cyprus, called alla Eſcủlus, i; l. (ab elaa) on oak. mans. Paphos. + Esčcātio, onis; f. cutting ofis Erūgātio. Onis ; f. a moolbing of Erythrabolos, a promontory.of Lybiai child out of the womb. - wrinkles. Erythræ, a city of Aga, the country of Esčco; are ;,80 cut out. Erāgālórias, a, um; making ſmooth. Sibylla Erythrza. Efernius, a fumous fencer, who wis Erūgārus, a, um ; part. smooshed. Erythræis, id:3 , of Erythræa. marched oniy by Picidianus, which Erugo, are ; 10 moob, or iake away Erythræum, a promontory of Crete. occafioned the proverb, Elem:us cum wrinkles, Erythræum mare, a part of the oceil Pacidiano. Erugo, čre ; l gauwv) so helch. an waſbing Arabia from the jourh, }'Ega, or Æga, a river in France,calt- Eryllia, æ; f. birds peaje. See bounded on the well with the gulf od Ovíc Ervilium, i; in. S } ervum. of Arabia, on 1bs all with the + Esillo. ile ; to leap out. Eru-mpo pi, ptum, mpere ; Act. to Perſian gulf, to calied from king Efioncoſos, a peuple of AGa. brenk forth, soll, our. Erumpere Erythias, son of Perleus and An. Ehs, 2 river in Italy. in nayem, 10 board a ship *Erum- dromeda. Esitat:o, 'õnis ;'f. Feſt, in casing pere - Stopiachum.in aliquem, 10 Erythræus, a, um ; adj. red. * Ery ofron, a freding' upor.. ving one's paffiin upon one, *Quor ihræus lapis, a kind of pearl. Esitātor, oris , m. be that eats nyim. ſom hoc erumpet ? wbus will this + Erythranon, a kind of svo. or feeds uponi. come'ro. * Erumpere in actum, in Erythras, the son of Perſeus and An. Esito, are ; (ab cdo) to eat often og cffeetim, to sake offrai, come to a dromeda, who regned on the bor feed upon, hend, be juß ready to put in ex¢14 ders of the Red lai. + Efo, for cro, 1 Bill Bs. riun.'. Erumpet in nervum, 'I will Erythrius, ? i;m. A rosked ; a rea- † Elopin, a feat. fish, all red saving the Elopos, in a kind of wild lettuce, Erunco, are ; to wied out. belly, which is white. Eſotericus, a, um , adj. sfoleris, ide- Eru-o, i, tum, čre , act. 10 pluck up | Erythrodanum, i ; n. madder with ward. or aut, demoliß, wish much ado to which they die woollest, + Elox, a falmon or lax. bring to light. Aurum terrâ eru. Erythroides, the second skin of the + Eſpinēta, the virginals. erc, no diß up gold. four.covering the lellicles. Erqullive, and E'quilinus Mons, ore Erupia, a city of Arabia Deſerta. Erythron, i ; a kind of night-badi. of the ſeven bills in which Rome is Eruptio, onis ; f. A brigking sul, Erythrotaon, õnis į m. a buſtard. built. farta Jalle. Eryx, ycis ; n. the ſon of Venus, who Eslai, or Efeni, the Effenes, mong- Eruptorus, a, um; rady to break was woont 10 challenge all jirangers Blick philoſophers among the Jewis, Hrc quo cruptura lint at whirlbats, and having fan who kept neirber wife nor feruunt, timco, I am ajraid what will be many, was ai laf pain by Hercules, referred all 29 doliny, shougbl the conie on's, át bis return from Spain; alſo a Joul mortal, &c. Eruptus, a, um ; part. of erumpor ; misuntain in Sicily. Eilc, infinitive preſent ienſe of ſum' or Eryxias, the twentisth prin:e of A. edo; to te, or to sat. + Erus, i;.m. a Navr. thens, Elsčda, a; fi (ab aſlideo] A ſeat ja Erutlus Clarus, the second conful of a waggon. Rome with Cethegus. E antı S, Elsēdarius, il ; m. a waggoner, or one Erutus, a, um, part. of eruor ; werd. ibar fig bis in a waggon or chariot. od, ſubúerled. E. S. abbreviat. for è ſenatu. Elsēdoncs, a people of Asia about ER YUM, i; 11. [02:6G] bitter Es, for cde, or eſto. Mocotis, weiches or fares. Efacus, a ſon of Priamus, who drown. Encdum, 1; n. A chariot, waggon. Eryannos, a river of. Troas flowing ed himſelf heinufe he bad been the Sec efficda. from mouint. Ida. ceuſe of Heſperia's death, whom he Efientia, æ ; f. alienu, being. Erybium, & sily of Doris under Par loved. Effentlalls, lc ; adj. clenrial. Esbonitæ, e people of Arabia Petræa. Eilentialiter adv. tentially Eryce, a city of Sicily. Esbus, a'city of Judæa. Effexia, Effex, Erycina, a name of Venus worſhipped Eſca, x; f. (ab cdo] food, provender ; # Efii, for cdi, I have eaten. ar Eryce. aifo a buit. Eſſui, a people of the Celia. Erycinus, a, um ; of Eryce. Eſcāle, is ; n. a platter. Effus, a city of Locris. Irymanthis, idis ; of Erymanthus. Escalis, le ; adj. belonging to food. Eftiones, a people of Helvetii. + Erymaathum, or on, a wild boar Argentum cfcale, plate for the Elto, eft lum, be it fo. of Érymanthus. table. Eftola, the river Elta in Spala. Erymanthus, a mountain of Arcadia, Eſcamus, a river of Melia. Eftor, oris ; f. a great citit. where: Hercules tamed the wild + + Eſcaria, æ ; a grid-iron; table. Errix, icis ; f.a raumnuus woman. boar that walled the country, and Eſcarius, a, um , adj. of.or.jor food. Eltur; imp. (ab illis) they sat: byought him ülive to Euryſtheus, at Våra eſcaria, dimes of meat. Elubiani, a pripís of ihs Alps. whirl Prange jght be ran under a Eſcarouicus. a, um ; cauſing a cruſ Efubopes, a king of Colchis, who is ketrle. upon a Juared wound. faid to have dug up mucb gold and Erymanthus 2, um . Ery i ; a fish which filver. manih us. cheus the iud.. Elula, 2; f. (ab-edo]the herb fpurge. Erýmnæ. arity of Lycia. + Eccalills, le ; adl. of or for food. Esåsiaiis,'le; adg. hungry. * Elu- Erynge @3; F. Elcasio, onis ; f. a fading. riales ferir, falling.days. } sea.holly. Eryngion, itins + Eſcendo, fue aſcendo. # Eluribo, fer cluriam. E yfiche, a city of Acarnanla. Erchara, a; f. 1be cruj upon. A feared Eluribundus, a um ; very hungry. Eryfimum, i ini bank-orelos, hidge wound. Eluricns, ntis; part of curio; hun. kufare, Eſcherites pands į bread baked on i gry. Egů. OHI. broken out, ; Daftas. : dior OUIT. E T H E V A E VA Esūrientèr ; acv. hungrily. Ethnarchia, a; f. principality. Evagino, are ; founßratb. Esőrles, ei; f. Efurigo, inis ; f. } a greae Blomdib. Echaefta, a people of Thefraly, from Evagio, irc ; to cry like a child. Ethnetus, the fon of Ncoptolemus. + Evago, arc ; ré wander oui. Esărio. ire ; (ab edo) to be hungry. Ethnicus, a, um ; adj, stbrick, hea Evågor, ari ; dep. to wander out, Esūrio, onis ; 20. a good tranebir. Ihmish. digrefsi, rus or spread abroad, ovira Esūricor, oris ; } man. Ethnicas, ci; m, a hraiben or gen flow. Evagari in luxuriani, Cof" Efuris, she city Xeres in Spa'n. sila.' a true) to run into wod. Esūritio, onis ; f. hunger. Pater Ethologia, æ ; f. buffoonery; the coun. Evagoras, a king of Cyprus, . 10 eluritionum, & mifer Irrfaiting men's manners. whom Iſocrates wrast; aifo an bipo. Esūriujx, icis ; f. for that baib a good Bthologas, i; rian. fomacb. Ethopieus, i ;) m. a doufoori. Evagrius, i; m. a presbyter, wbo re- Esaritūrus, a, um; part. fut. la rus Ethopedaj a jf, a repreſentation of Dained fourteen years in solitude, of clurio ; rady to hungor. Inciners. and lived upon bread and oil, and Elus, ús; m. an eating, t Ethronus, 1 ; a jack out of office, was wont to dip bimſelf in a will Elus, a fountain of Rhodes. Etiam ; conj. (of et and lamj alſo, to alloy the best of the filele. Etiam atque etiam, Evagrius Ponticus, 4 deacon of Con. E ane T. again and again. Tu tacos e ftantinople. tiam ; do you not bold your peace? Evagrius 'Scholafticus, a writer of ET, for etiam. Dam etiam, yet. Tom ctiam, an ecclefiaßical hijory, in fix books, ET (ra) conj. and, as well, barb, untill then. Etiam nunc, imme beginning wbers Socrates and alſo, and yes. . 'Et quidem, no diately. Thcodoret lajt off, and continu- marvel ther. . Me afpicis, & qui. E!lamnum, tiil now, to this preſent. ing to the twelfth year of Mau- dem ut iratus videris, jom bebold * Etiamnc amplius! what mors sitius me, and that with a ſour look. Eval-co, ui, itum, ére; ncut 10 Et quidem & velo, and furt s. Ellamfi'; conj. although . Etiamsi Titover health, to be wib o A. nough. fint maximi, be they never ſo great. ble. Etacis, s city of Laconia. Etini, prople of Sicily. Evăleſco, ère ; to get noget by degrus, Etalus, a king of Corlath. Etoce um, ss wall about a mile from begin to amend. Etaxalos, un ifand of Arabia Fa. Litchficld in Staffordſhire. Evallatio, onis ; f. a calling out « of lix. Eth; conj. although, ſurpoſe. doors, or darring sut. Ethurga, the daugblor of Edward the Etymologia, æ; diymology, or a dori. Evallo, are: (à valvas) 10 koop off by daar, king of England. vation of words from the original. a bulwark, Aut out of doors. Etearchus, á king of Oaxus in Etymologicus, a, um, adj. slaidlo + Evallo, črc; to winnow. Crete. gical. Evan, a Amanit of Bacchus, from the Etelefta, a city of Spain. + Etimologizo, are ; to dorive words, noijs of the worm, called Evantes, Etenim ; conj. for, becaufi, furnly, Etymologus, i, m. an etymologixır. celebrating bis frojis. but, wnd, allá, likewiſe. Etymon, i; the etymology, Evander, dri, m. the form of Carmen- Etenimverò, for fruly. tes, and king of Arcadia, Bajing Eteõcles, the son of dipus king of his father by chance, bis rather Thebes, by his own morbor Jo- E ante v. perfuaded him to flir into Italy ; caſta. where he drove out the Aborigi- Ereocreta, ancimt prople of Eu ; interl. will. ncs, and buils rbs sown Pallan. Crete. Eva, æ ; f. Ere, the Art woman ; tcum, upon ibu bill Palatinus, Eteones, the city scarphe upon a bill Bibl. a rily of Arcadia. wberi afierwards Rome ws in Eubea. Evacuatio, onis ; 'f. an emplying. buils. Eteſia, arum ; m. Curtain caferly Evăcuätus, a um ; emptied. Evandria, a town of Portugal. winds blowing yearly about the dog. Evăcao, are ; to impij clean, Evandrius, a, um ; of Evander. days. + Evadatus, a, um ; going under lu. Evaneſcens, ntis ; vaniling. Etesius, a, um ; afferly. tellus. Evān-co, ērc ; gcnt. to vanib a. Etenicalātio, onis ; f. á gelding. Evadeſco, cro ; to decline in affima- Braneſco, cre; } way, cure 60 no. + Eteftiolo, are .; lo geld, tion. thing, be gonie, let, grow out of Éteta, a city of Maeca called Re-Evadac, the daugbler af Mars, and term. * In tenuem auram evanuit, C202. wife of Capancus, whom she loved he vanifbed out of ſigbt, Oratio- Etexo, čre ; to unlwij, msirely ; the threw herſelf upon his aes reliquit, quz lan evangcrunt, Eigarus, Edgar, a king of England, funs ral-pile, and was burne with be left irations behind him, whics who built as many monacrini as be bim. are now quite loj. reignind years, Evā-do, a, fan, dčre ; a&. Cic. Evangelicus, a, um ;' if. tbe 80- Ethalla, an ifand in the Liguſtick 10. afrape, get safe away, get up, Spel. fea. appear, be or become, to purpose or Evangeliſmui, ! ; m. good news; alſo Ethalion, one of the Tyrrhene Sea upgo Vi. , wlady-. mert cobich wetu tumed into dol. tam evadere, to die. * Huc eva. Evangeliſta, æ; m. an evangeli?, phins. fit res, the upſhot was this . * Evangelium, ils n. the gospel, glad Ethanim, the fronth month among Quorfum hoc evadet.? what will tidings; facrifices offered to the gods; the Jews, anſwering to o&T Septem this come ta ? Spes evafit vana, etbankſgiving for good news received 13 ber. the hope wis frußrated, alſo a roward given him ibas brought Ethecuſa, on iſland by Carla. liquod cvadet magnum malum, it. Etheg, a town of Moefia. "swill be a bad buſineſs in the md. Evangelizo, are ; to preach the gospe. Ethelbaldos, di; m. Ethelbald, * be Annem evadcre, to paſs sorr a Evangelus, i, m. a bringer of gond third king of England. river. Ethelbertus, ti; m. Ethelbert, the Eræmon, the father of Eurypylus, Evangelus, a Greek hiſtorian, wbo fourth king of England, who came with forty ibup10 wrote of military diſcipline. Ethelsedus, di; m. Ethelred the sib Troy. Evānidus, a, um, adj. vaniſing, and 13th king of England. Erænetus, a king of the Lacedemos vain, frail. Ethelwoífus, & m. Ethelwolf, to nians, wbs appointed by the Gre- Evango, are ; to fan or wimono sa Illh king of England. cians, regaiher with Themiſtocles, way, fry. Ethemon, the name of ſeveral men. keps the entrance of Theffaly aginj Evanoridas, one of Elis, who wrote of + Ethefios, a Hone of whirb they were Xerxes. 11x Olympic vifiors. wont to make mortar, Evagātio,, önis ; f. a wandering or Evans, ntis , rejoicing ; alſo raginig. & ; roving about. Evanthe. tbs mother of ibi Gracas. j Evăgător, oris ; m. a praggler, Evăporatio, onis ; f. a jeaming or Ethicus, a, um , adj.moral, of man- Evžgātix, ic;s ; f. barbar Prajs, breathing out. Evăginatio, õnis ; fion unleashing Evădoro, are ; un fram out. Ethini, a people of Africa Propria. Evăginātor, oris ; m. he thai nn- Evarchus, a river in Aha, dividing Ethoarchus, a ruler of the people, Nocetos. Cappadocia from Paphlagonia. Evariaus, In 1- now. / 3 pancar. COS E U D . E V E EV I berare fluctus, to row. Evar!lius, the fourth biſhop of Rome, Eodemus, an bilorian of Naxos, and A D. 192. an orator of Megalopolis ; alſo she Evergancus, a, um; weil wrought. Evarix, a king of the Goths, who jour frumih king of Corinth. Evergoiæ, & people of Scythia. up beir ibu ches, ani impriſoned Eúdiæum, æi ;] n. the thread of the Eaergetes, a frame of Ptolemy king the clergy. Euciacan. i; } glifier-pipe; alſo the of Egypt, who fuccuedad Phíadela Evālio, onis ; f. [ab cvado} an tok fcupper.bole of a hip. phus, from the many favours be bs. fon, efcapirg. Eudipnc, the iſand of Lybla. jowed on the cities of Greece, Evaftário, onis ; f. a w.ling Eudipus, a city in Cappadocia, Evergo, ērc; to call ous. Evaftātor. Osis ; n. a waller. Endixata, a town in Aracaia Ma. + Everrātor, or everriator, oris ; m. Evafto, are ; to waße utterly. jor. a cleanfir; alſo an executor, or ad. Evax; interj. O brave! ab! Eudo, o river of Caria; alfo a king minijratır. Erax, a king of India, who wrote of the Franks, A. D. 899. and Everriculum, 1; n. a drap-npr; also to Nero concerning tbe nature of duke of Vaſconia. an extortioner, a befom. + 'Everri- Eudocia, the daughter of Theodoſius, cu!um omnium malitiarum, that gems Evazz, people of Sarmatia, about and wiſe of Valentinianus. prromis all quarks. the river Tanais. Eudora, a lea-nymph ; alſo one of the Ever-ro, fi, lum, rère ; # ſweap feven Atlandides. claux, examine, + Eubages, the Britiſh bards. * Everre fer. Eubius, a certain authçe Bentioned by Eudorus, the son of Mercury, by Po. monem, to look into a diſcourſe nar. Ovid. lymcla, who followed Achilles 10 rowly, to cleanſı, reforin, and mend Eubea, the large;} iſland of the Æge. br Trojan war. it. an lea, called alſo Macris, Abantis, Eudoſes, a people of Germany. Everfio, .õnis ; f. an overthrowing. Chaltis, Aſopis, Oche, and El!O- Eudoxia, æ; f. a good name or fame. Everſo, 2rc ; in ourthrow often. phia, and now Negroponte. Eudoxia, the wife of Theodofius Jo- Everror, oris ; m. an oumbrower, a Eubcus, avd Euboicus, a, um; adj. nior. fpendihrift. or Elba. Eudoxius, a Roman conful; alſo the Everlus, a, um, part. of evertor; Eubonia, tbe Ille of Man. - forø biſoop of Germanica in tbs bor- overthrown, braken, fet azory. * E. Eubulc, one of Orpheus's grand. dars of Syria. verſus fortunis, undone, daughter's, Eudoxus, a famous aßrologer and geo-Everſus, a, um ; [of everror] made Eubulides, an hiſtorians who left a meter of Cnidus, wbo firli regulated clean, brubechi book concerning Diogenes. the courſe of the year among the Gre- Everto, ſi, lum, tērc ; to overthrow, Eubulus, on Athenian, that was an cians ; also an bijlorian of Rhodes, turn upfide down; aboliſ, diftroy. and otber men. • Evertere aliquem bonis, to turn enemy: 1. Demofthenes ; alio on hi- Borson who wrote concerning M. Eudrapa, a town of Meſopotomia. one out of all be hos, thra ; alſo a comedian. Evcaio,' õnis ; f. an advancing, Eveftanum, Eveſham in Worcefter. Euburiates, a people of L'goria: lifting. • Evcctioncs, polowar Shire. Eucæria, æ; f. opportunity. runti. Evefperis, a ci'y of Lybia. Eucarpia, a town in Leffer Phrygia, Evector, oris ; m. a lifter up, ad. Eveſtigātio, onis; a farching our. where clufiers of grapes grow Eveftigatus, a, um: part. Sarched: big; that one of them often breaks Eveftrix, icis ; f. fe ihat advan. Evestigiò; adv. forshwith, one of band, a cart, and is foigned to be be- queathed by Jupiter io Bacchus and Erectus, a, um; part. of evchor ; Eveftigo, are ; to ſearch out. Cercs. advanced, canied out. Evēto, are ; to forbid or forcuam. Euchania, a city by Conſtantinople, Evectus, ùs; m. an exporting by fea, Euexia, 2;, f. & good jate of body. called afterwards Thcodoropolis. or carrying forth by waggon. Euexippe, ibs daughter of Scedalus, Eucharis, gracious. Evč-ho, xi, dom, hčre; act. to lift wbo, with her Iller Thcano, was Euchariftia, a; f. a thankſgiving ; up, extoll, advania, carry out; son- raviſed and pain by certain Spar. alſo the Eucharif, or Sacrament of vey. Evcherc merces, to export tans; who their father could not the Lord's Supper. commodities. have jufics again shem, he New Eucharifticus, a, um ; ad}. of thanks Eve-hor, hl, Aus; paff. to be carried, himſelf. giving, cuchariftiral, or of the eu. or conveyed oui, [Met.] to be ex + Eufortunium, H; n. 80sd luud charijl. alled, praiſed, lifted up, extolled, Euglacton, i; Q. in barb to breed Eucherius, the name of two tihops of advanced. milk. Lugdunum. + Evēlātus, a, um; winnowed. Eugamon, on biſorian of Cyrene. Euchteſtomata, tum ; profits. Ev-ello, alfi, ulſum, ellere ; to pluck Euganei, a people dwelling by the A- Each(eria, orum; n.oratories, or places up or away, deliver, ubalij. *E. driatic fea. where-baoks. of record were kepa. Yellere fibi fcrupulum ex animo, EUGE, Efür el interj. O brave ! wall Euchyla, s euchyma, orum; n. 19 move or take away a doubt, dane! meats of good juice. · Evellerere acu!cuma ſeveritatis, !0 | Eugenia, æ ; f. noblends of blood. Euchymia, æ; f. goodneſs of juin. abaie the edge of: Eugenia, æ; f. she daughter of Euclides, a famous geimetrician in Eucmcridas, an hiftorian of Caldos, Philip, a nobleman of Rome; the time of Piolcmy the firſt, who Eucmcrus, an hiſtorian of Meffana, joo embraced the faith of Chris, wro... of geometry and mufic; and wbo wrole of the gods, and forsord her parents ; fhao went another of Megara, Scholar of So. Evēn-io, i, tum, ire, a&. to come to in man's babit, and was made crates, pass, como cui, to ond, 610.6 to on governeſs of a monaflery in Egypt; Euchraga, æ; f. a good confitution of i[ue. returning afterwards to Rome, ma body. Evčnjt ; imperf. it happens. was pain on the 29th of Decem- Eucrates, a ſubtle fellow, who always Eventīlātio, onis ; f. ö winrowing, ber. found some hift res orher to break Eventilātor, oris ; n. a winnower Eugenium, a city of Illyricum. his promife, which cauſed the pro- Eventilātus, a, um ; winnowed. Eugenius, a name of fevral pont. verb, Vias novit quibus effugit Eu- Eventilo, are; so winnow, fan or kft. Eugepæ, 'o baus boy ! bravely done! cratc8. Eycotilor, ari ; to be pfred, tried, Eugia, a country of Arcadia. Eucrarida, a city of Baciria, Eventum, i; n. an avoni. Eugoa, a town of Ærbiopia. Eudrelii, a people of Peloponneſus, Eventurus, a, um ; atout to happen. Euhins, or Euius, a brname of Bac- Eudæi, a prople of Paleſtine. Eventus, ûs; m, the ifue er fuccais. chus, given hiin by Jupiter at the Eudemon, bappy. Non ane eventu, witb a good war of the giants, whin be turned Eudzmon, the nam: of Arabia Fæ rom: off himſelf into a lion, and flexo one of thiin. lix; alſo a grasamarian, and Greek Evenuni, a river of Troas. post. Ercnus, a river of Ætolia ; alſo the Euhoë (lui) Interi, hallow ! ho! Eudæmonia ; f. bappine?. ion of Mars, and an Elegiack poet Euhydra, a city of Phoenicia. Eudæmonidas, a proper name of a of Paros ; ello. a philosopher, who Euhydrom, a city of Theffaly. zens wone to say, Hunger was the Evia, a cily of Macedonia. Eudanidas. the ſon of Archidamus, bel Jauri. Evibrātio, õnis ; f. 4 brandiſhing, and brother of king. Agis: + Everběratus, a, um ; beaten out. durting Eudemia, an iſland in the Agcan roa. Eves běro, are; ro trai out. #Eri. 1 man. Eyes + 1 . 206) .naus, the je 1 turned up. DTM E V O E UP 9 Evibrator,. Örls 3 randiher y enfiled him, at his return, in killing | Evndius...the firsi biſbon of Antioch or darler. bis wife's woors. fler St. Peter. Evibro, are; to drgndih, medt, or Eumeccs, a flind of balon,, alſo a Loi [fuai} in!er). the noiſe ihas sororo at a diflance:*"* Ad rabiem përjónsspione, which, being put upon Evohe, Bacchus's priels were want quibrare; 10. maka oro ftark mad: one's bond, is ſaid throufo frange to make. Evian, önis;; 'f; tbai rerovery. Of. a dreams, Evoläticus, a, um, adj. lying or gad.. thing un awfully alienared; an - Eumelis a famous foethoger. ding abroad. viltiet by.low.. Eumelast the son of admetus, king of Evolàtio, onis; f. 4.flying car or so Evigor, oris, mile that prevdils Theffaly aifo « Trojan, and bi-, way. Ex! dxSgt.as lim, parti of evincer-; Dorian o Corinth. Evõlátor, Gr!9.; me that fins a. coft, Ourrone. Bamenos, akinig of Bithynia, and way. Evidens. niin, evident, pain, clear. ibe.fub bilbop of. Alexandria. Evo ito, are ; to fluster or fx often. * Evidentā'is ie; asta cuidont. Eumenia, a city of Phrygia, Thrace, Evolo, are ncut: 'to fly off, aus, eria- Ekidentöre, ius, istime; ady, rui. Caria, and Hyrcania. way, scape. * Pænam cyolare, dently. Eumonides, um, the Furies of net so be puniload. Evidenia, &;...cidencen clearnefs. ' bell.. Evolo, arc; à volo) 0. Deal away, Evigilandus, * um : part. of evigi. Eumetris, or cumetres, a green filch. lor, to be.pafted without prep. frecious, Jione among the Alyri-, Evol-vo, vi, ūțumg, věre; a&t. to Evigilatio, ūnjs; fi a-waking unfold, turn over, rund, meditate, Evigilacus, a, um, zdj. done hy Eumolpus, an Athenian poet, the Search oui, feparatı,. procws, ex-, candle light quith good advico. for of Mufæus, more ancient iban plain. * lovolalun cyolvere10 Coppillata: dvigilatas, defgns will Homer, supposed to be the initi rid one's. Jelf s** of trouble. * Se. wegbuiten sowi..... tutor: of the prielius cuiled Eumol. evolvere turba or cx turbâ, to Evigilo, are; to waiçb, compoſe by pidæ. get out of the crowd. * la pare (endle light, Bunæ a city of Caria by the river EQ evolverc' fc (of rivers) to fall into Exii, a poplesof E'garla. • Mcntc aliquid cvok. Évileſco. ěro.3. so bacoma vile, to fall: Eudæus, the fon of Jaſon by Hyp vere, to pondet upon a thing. * io difcredit. pyle, the daugbier of Thoas king of Argentum libl evolvere, to get him Evin-cio, xi, cum, cire; act. 10) "Lemnos. fon.e money: bind for ornanimi, #infigni regio: Eunapius Sardianus, a famous phyf. regio: Lunapius Sardianus, a famous phyf. Evol.vor, vi; paft. to be rolled or aliqucın avindrca to pat a diadem cian,: lepiller, and hiſprian, who on rrebead of angione, wrote the lives of the sophijters, and Avõlū!:o, onis ; f. an unfolding; alſo Ev-inco, ici, Aam, incère; za so: bow lives of the Cæſars, whore He cowilir-marihing. * Poetarum e- queresting carvince, parfuads call and sodiaa loft off vo!utio, a reading the poets. Yalovar by law. * Ratio evincit, Eundi, geruna of.co. Evõlīļor, 'āris'; man unfolder: realon makes it apparent. Euntis, gin, of icns. Evõlūtus, a, um ; part..of evolvar; Evinctus, 2.0; part. of evincior; Eunice. ibe name of a woman. unfolded. * Bon is evolutus, pila bour.d.ups. Eunicus, the naine of a placuery. laged of all. # Evindico..gre; Je vindicate, re- Eunomia, æ;f. a juf.conftitution of Evono, vi, jtum, čre ; act. fo vomis inge. jaws. out, pour out, uller, Iram in Evippe, a, a, aj Caria. Eunomius, the scholar. antorarg'or aliquem evomere, so wreak one's Evīrália. Onis ; f. a gelding. Bo E:ius, and biſhop of Cyzi :(9. anger upon any one: # Nilus elo- næ foci evirz.tio edt, 'sis in. vain, Bonaſtii, an huven of Egypt.about mit multis faucibus, in Ægyprium ar to no purpple. Pharos. mare, Nilus jalls with muny incxibs. Evitātus, a, um, gelt, effeminite. Eorlofius, a god of the Tanigiai, into the Mediterancan. Evirelo, čre i Syrow.green... into whole timplo' no women mighe Euonum, Dunitaphage, a firing cafle E:iro, are; fi vir). to gold, or moks: Come; und if any misfortune hapel in Scotland. fiminate pened to them, shey diligently in- Euonymja, a city of Caria. Evilcē ātio, onis ;f, a taking out of quired whether ony.uomen had hap. Eusnýmitæ, a peuple of Egypt. the lowest tons to come there, Euonymos, a mall ijl:ind of Æo. Evilcērätor, oris ; m. a boweller. + Eunuchinatus, a, um, geldete lia. Ev.fcērātus, a, um ; hower'led. + Eunuchinus, a, um, of an eunuch. Euonymus, i ; tbe ſpindle-ira, or Evilcējo, arc, là vifcus.); to bowely or Euriuchion, ii; 'n.. a kind of broad prick wood. rak ant baguh... lesture, exleiding cold. "Eupagium, & town of Peloponne- Evilcēror, ari, to be, boundled, or + Bunuchiza:us, a, um, galdeci ſus. gripe use bus * Eunucho, -chizo, or .chino, are ; Eupalcs, the two and thirtiesh king of * Eviſcus, or hiolicus, great wild. to geld. Allyria. mallow Eunuchus, i;. 00. an eunuih. Eupalia, a city of. Lacris. Evilapilis, coadj 3. art. which F.vicans, ntis, calling for tls. Eupath:a, a; f. apineſs to endure, way.de gunned. Evocati, orum, od polaiers forving ufer. Evitato. niş; f. an avoiding, zoluntarily; allo penſioners for the Eupator, the son of Antiochus. + Evitāror, oris ; m..an avoider. #usiperor's guads Eupatoria, a city of Paphlagonia. ☆ Eviājus, a, 13; DAIL: of:cvitor; Evõcātio, onis ; fi a calling forth, a Eupatoria, æ; f. and cupatorium, juured of haved, preying of Joldiers. ji; n. egrimony. Evita ara ja to avaid obow, foun; Evõcātor, oris , m. be shae calls or Eupatria, & fty of Lydia: 40 lo take away the life, allurer forsh. Eupetalos, i; f. e prerious fone of Evitor, ari; to be funned or kil. Evõaátus, a, um, colled out. cariffed. four colours, fiery, blue, vertaillion, led. summoned. Eul. méggelEularum, ova, fly. Evoco, are alt. to call oxi, invite Eupheme, the nurk of the Muſes, and Clarusi .. abroid, draw out Fuldien, so salit mother of Crocus. Eulab:s, religious, careful. up, xq wirbdraw. Capillubic. Euphemia, æ; f. a good name. Puigus, rior OX Suliana, called vocarcia muke she lair grow. * Eunhem:a, the wife of the emperor Eulai, and now. Trit:ri. Animùm à ncgotio crocare 10:lay Justin. t Eulalla, a afi Ne that speaks will. afide a bwiness. #Zephyrus ver? Euphemiſmus, i; m. a speaking will Tulcea, a citro Cappadocia. nas.cvocat herba8: she gentle winds of, pui.ing a faveurabh conliruation Eulogia, aj pruife, benodigion, fors up the harbs, makes them Eulogicus, a, um, well-'pokeria spring. Ad zema cvocare, d Euphonia, 2; f. Imicilnes.or: pro- Picgunt, ii; sommindudiiti caure 19 taki p. arms. * Milites nounciation. Eulogios. a vreshtor, who was joid.10 qvocarct 19 raiſe tunsulticary forces, Euphorbcnig en people of , Phrygia Anomaliy faroko showg his of, thoi Vis vit:& omnis .cvocatur in Mrior; that came to him, palmites. The whic'e Arangid of the Emphorbia, æ; f. A free first roind Eumarhivs, an hiſorienjof Naplce. vine is in the branches, the branche -by-king Juba. who wrote the hilicry of Hann hal. only bear fruit. Eupho bium, ii; n. tin gum of the Eugæus Vlyilesi's wine herd, wha Erăcor, ai i to be colled out or up. free, cuphorbia; and the tree inelf: Euphora 1 and green. na si ma in 1 biar arms. : EUR E UR E UT Euphorbus, the pbyſician of king Juba ; quer insa Crete s affo a: Sea-nymph., Kuryngduxa, tha mashar of. Ibu Grises, allo, a Trojan Nain by Menelaus, Europa, ejf. one of the four Paris of: Eurymæna, ty CX DE THefoly: whoje. Joul Pythagoras affirmed 10 ibe whilda Europe Eury.mid: a fosblarer whaM!d Pa, have palad into bim. Europæus, a, um, adj. of Europe. lyphelous Ubat Poulut bappan 30 Euphor on, a pint of Chalchis, trans-Europs, a king of the Sicyonii, and him by Ulyffes., Lased by Gallus. anusher of Macedonia. Kusy minys, sgttain claw bark wbo Luphranos, a famous saruary, wobo Evropum, ang puso. 4, sity of Syria Rudies 16 make difference bus.ween wiose some volumes of proporcion-and by Euphrates, and others Castor and Pollox, bus. Bring and caleurs, Eo otas; a river of Lacoala, and an sury was punibed by both of shoh. Euphranta, a city, Lybia. o:her of Thesſaly, which Horns into Euconyna, 4. JAA-pumphitha mambo Euphraſia, a; E. the harboje-drigos. Pencas; but mingles, mugith it of Leucothoe ; a!ſo a daughiori off Euphrates, a famous river of Melo gliding on ibn top. Like al... Apollo, and masher of Adratua: potamia ; alſo a philosopher, who Eurocios, i ; a kind of precious fone. awd. Eriphyle drank . poison before the emperer. A EURUS, 1 ; m. Vir: Csüp@-] the casti Euryone, the daughter of: Amyotas drian, to frue bim from the miferias wird. king of Macedonia, wbow the deli. be lived in. Euryale, the daughter of Minos, who pred from the tripshary of hier min Euphrafyag, és; f. burtage, alle ens bort Orion to Neptune , alſo the thor of the Groups daughser of Præcus, and one of the Eucy pylus, ihs for of Tolophus, Stain Euphrofynum, i; bugloško Gorgons; Oyid. in the Trojan war ; illo ibu jon of Eupilia a lake Guia Ciſalpina, Euryalus: Am af iba priniu of. Pc'o Horcules, úboreigned in Cose and called. Ligo di Purno... ponneſus, who want agains. Troy ;; was the skilfull of all the Greek Eupnela, 9 sind bregshing, and antiher yobo, with his brorber augurs. Eupolenius, 40 bifforian who gress of Hyperblús, built bowser of brick. firpi Euryſthaus, the son of. Şthcaolus, anid Tacitus, and whermen. at Athens. king of Mycenae whag by Sano's Eapols, a comical poet who reproved Euryampas, a city v. Magnefia. Herluasan, fot. Hercules to undergo the people's Saules with great liberty, Euryanalta, an island in ib. Ægean the adventures 80 ruin him;' bus and was pain in the way between fod, over-againg lonja, he queria qe shim ol, and grow.ib. the Athenians and Lacedemonians, Eurybates, Agancmnon's servant more famous, jo murh laormied, that they made a whom he smi with Ulyfies as facch. Eurycanca, 'a perla of Italy. - Ato- law, that'nu podt afterwards fauld Briſeis from Achillca. Eurybatus, a fervint of. Crefas, who Eurythcus, an exarch of Italy.. Eupom pus, Macedonian, well slik appointed hims to raiſe an army, Eurkchain ; f. a juj. proportion of led in aritbmetick and geometri; alſo which he gave all i. Cyrus, bis the memories. a lianer, who taughi Pamphylus, malier's enanay. i alſo a nutable'roba Eurythmus pulfus, iba natural and the maſter of Apelles. ber., who being apprehended, and dr. orderly bearing of the pulfo. Eaporja, e city of Macedonia: fired to forw how he climbed up Euryton, VK of ihan Argonauts.; alfo Euporus, ri i m. she ſervant of Caius walls, bound on his iron daws, and a felverfinish, and oshir mer, Gracchus, wbs defunded' bis maler so made bis ejian Burytus; king of Occhalia, whepoo. du bo pad' from the hill Aventinus, Eurybia, a nyah who brought furth mijed bis daugbjer , Jole it wils to and when he was killed, now bimo the Bars and Lucifer. him thai.could out tool bim, which Eurybiades, ony of Xerxes's caglains, wben Hercules had done, bo'ren Euprepia, comlinggo... be admiral of the Giccan fut a fufed to perform, and Jo was killed Eu prolopen, a promotory of Phoeni. agindl Xurxes. by him, i alſo a Gansaur, lain by cia. Eurycles, a propbet wba always di Thalgus; as, he was carrying away Eurantum, & town in Carla vined Somme ill himalalt. Hippodamia # Furcos, prựious Aonii lite av Eurycita, the nurſe of Ulykęs, whom Ericheme, handjomelyi ". aljue kurnal. bis father. Lacites longhi föreničnly Eufebos, valiginais, Euricus, a king of the Vilgothi. Burebla, æ ; f. giety.. Euridas, 31, umadj. of the cast Eury.dawas, , e name of Hector ; Euſebla, a city of Cappadocia, called Puricius, wind. also a Trolan, who interpreted Ewipides, dis; D. a famous tragi. dreams; Homer. Euleblus Pamphilus, a bijbep of Coperte col pert, in great favour with Ar-Eurydeme, ibu daughter of Diactor, tarea in Palestine, chelaus king of Maceuonia ; .ba and wife of Leuty.chides. king of Eulemata, sity of Armenia Minor. was born at Salargis that ſame day Lacedæmonia. Eustathias, 1; m. a conful of. Romc; shat Xerxes's army. was roured by Eucydice, ca sf Orld. the wife of. a martyr ametig Tralaa's courtiers sbi Athenlang; he worla quinty. Orphcus, wbs flying from Arifta. and a bilmir. of Antioch under Con- four tragedich, whereof ningun only ug; tho would bave raviford beira stanung, wobe.moriting againg ibig. are extant; from his basrid of wa was Dain by a ferpent ; Orpheus, Arians, wai baniload.to Tripolis, mon, he was called Miſogynes; he with his wombeke perfunded Pluto where he was buried i alfian drch Wşi forn in piacas by dogs in the to let him haur his wife again, upon biſhop of Thcralonica, who en 73h gear of bis age. conditio tbas be lauld not look upon monied upon Homer and Didoya Euripus, i; n. angrinum 129 betwagen bar till they came upon the earch: fus; and another who writi. iba i Boeotia and Eube, were Arif- which bo failing in, Joe ugas fokan kifery from Encas to Anaſtalui totle is ſaid to hive drowned him from him again. Af the daughter be emperor. Jelf, bạcause be could not find out the Clymenus and wife of Nelor, Euftaphļus, 2. lopbifter of. Aphrodifin. caule of illebbing and Bowing, by whoop for bad loven sons and one Euttochium, à Roman worden very which was (even tise in a day; bus daughter. well skilled in Latin, Greek, and he dy'd a natural dnalb, Eurydomcoe, the name of a na Hebrew, and was called tbe niw Euripus, i; m, a conduit-pipe, whoſe - путер. windar of the world, wire mounts aloft ; alſo, wbirls Burylcon, o king of the Latins, call. Eultochius, a sopbiakr. f. Cappadocia, pool; a Ireneb encompeffing am « Alcanlus. wbs wrote of the antiquity of skut and other countrie). place; an arm of ibs ſea pled with Eurylochus, one of Ulyfies's compa. baru nions, who alonu igbed nor of Circo's. Euſtratias, a philoſopher' who come Euroaquilo, onis; m. sbe norib tal (He, and therefore was not turned mented uport Ariftotle' Ethicks, wind. into a hogs alſo a king of Phlegya, and was buried at Bethichem. Eurgaulter, il; m. the fischeraf whe began to build Thebes, which Eutæa, a sily of Arcadia. wind. Cadmus finiſhed. Eutune, a town of Caris. Eurociydon, onis ; m. she foamen's Burymachus, a nobleman of Thebes; Eutafana, a city of Arcadia. plague; a famous north ijt wind. alſo one of Penelope's woours, Eulaxia, æ ; fi good or dari Euromus, a rily of Caria. Eu .ymcdon, tbe father of Peribaa, Eutcrpo, me of the Mafa.. Euronotus, i, m. the fouih-eol wird. in whoin Neptuno begat Naua. Euthenz, 4 city of Alm. Europa, z; f. the daughter of Age. thoug ; alſo the son of Faunus ; also Euthericus, é conjjel rajpb Bböchius, nor king of Pharicla, ruhom ju on Athenian caprain, and a rivor of and another with ſuftinus. pitcr, in the form of a bull, seriind Pamphylia, wbicb divides the count Euthycles, a comicas pes, in wo. Hhhhh Erthy, i up. * E X E X A. EX A Buthcrates, an exrallent pointer, the pofi) from, (roffeding time to come ;)| Exædificatio, ön's ; f. a buildin fon and fibila of Lyfippus. in reſpect to for the ſake of ; for Euthydemus, a rhetorician and rra-, fros (ibe formar late;) after...And Exzodificator, oris , m. A builder tor, wibo added mub 1 tbe wralib as you may adferue in the following up. bis anciers ; a pbiloſopber txamplus, ex many time with its Exædificacus, n, um ; built wo, Maffilia, wider of Apollonius cafe ongbs. to be read ádverbially ; Exædifico, aro ; act. to build up, Tyankos. ai, • Ex animo, haerlily. * Ex perfelt.. Exædificare Inchoatam Endymancs, e.geographer y Malli- temporc, or a sudden' Ex re ignaviam, to run through all de. th tuaj ex ufu tuo, to your advantage. press of laxingfs. • Exædificavit -Euthymedong, abe name of sotain • Ex contiacnui, ſuddenly. • 8x meex ædibus, be shrow me out of philippber. inſperaia, unexpeäidly. Ex pro dears. Euthymegos,' a . cntain bronlger, feßio profilodij. • Ex abundanti, Exæquabills, le : adj. 3. art, which wbi /ngs that Houer pour ford to rupt and above, Ex illo, Ance may be levalled. forber wirb Hefiod. . bark• Exaquamentam, 1; A. Euthymia, e ; t. tranquility of mind, Exæquatio; f. } Euthymius, a Greck bigt man, who monus bi #dedi • Ex toio, 'wholly. Exæquatus, a, um ; leonlled. wrote of the Suracons, and com.. • Ex vano, in vrin. Exæqua, ae; ad. to level or wake mnuud upoá too Psalms and Fur N. B. Ex in compofitionc interdum , compare, to be equal. • Eize. Evengalis. negat, interdum auget, interdam quat pretio omnia fura, money.is Lyrhymus, . fanions obampion of Lo. in eadem voce contrarias admittit she rule ibat be givo justice by. orts, wbo:offied cury one iba war: fignificationes, v. 8. cxarmart, et Exæftuacio, õnis ; t..bailing wr. uranged armis privare, ce armis inftruere Exafluo, are to boil' up, call up Lothy.porus, going direally m. cft. wius, be very angry...Exata- Eurocius, an Ascalonite, who am. Ex ante vocálam et b, et ante copi are irâ, I do in a very bigh pafia moud wpm Apollonlus and Ar 9,1, etſ, rctinct fuum * : fed fon. chimedes. ante vertit la fimilem, ùt, offers Exeituofus, 29 om ; ad). raging, Rutochụs, the son of Apollo and Cy et inte reliquas, depoſito x fi s. troublefome, Coc. Ex1, ibo river Ex in Devonſhire. Exævlo, ire; (à farlo) to spend its Eoirapolus, a very craft follotr in Exăcčtātus, a, um; winnowrd. roge, grow mild. Hoiace, and a boyber in Martial. Exăcerbārio, onis ; f. a vixing, gall. Exagella, cilitbe bundle of a ba- Latrefis, a town rigar Thelpia, where ing, provoking. Lante. Apollo bad, a temple ard araile, Exăcerbātor, oris ; mbs tbui gallo + Exaggeratim; ade, in heaps. Baurelites, Apollo ſo called. Exaggeratio, onis ; f. heaping up, Euucfium, a city of Arcadia. Exacerbatus, a, um , prousted. aggravating, loftindi. Eutrophia, 20; T. Rond nonvilainent. Exăcerbefco, črc; # be mub imbit. Exaggčrātor, orism. a heaper up. Eutropies, an Italian sopbifter, and a Gured. Exaykorátus, a, um ; beaped up. conful. + Exžcerbo are ; to imbitter, provoka, Exaggero. are ; hoap.mp, raiſe s Eutyche, a woman of Trallis, who Exăcoro, ale ; to winnow. bulwarki inxtort, aggravite. bid ibirly childrm, and was carried Exăccrvans ntis; part.of exacervo; Exăgitālo, inis ; f. a diſguisting: to ber grove by swmh of them, Coraing thick together. Exagitator, oris; M. a difquiiter, Entyche, tis ; m. an abbot in Con. Exăcervatim; adv. by heaps. invrig her againji. stantinople, wbi denied that there Exăcervatio, onis ; f. a beaping. Exăgitātus, a, um, part. of exigi . court rum naturos in Cbrif; and Exăcervatus, a, um, heaped up. tor, moved, roffed, turmented, Said bis body came down from boa- Exacervo, are ; to brap ingeshir. Exagitata fylva, a wood bag's boa. um, and only sumed to be born of Exăceſco, čre ; to grow vary angry or ton as in buntix. Ibe virgin Mary Exăgiro, arc ; a&. 1 thrust from Eutychia, an iſland near Theffaly. + Exăcinātio, bals; f. sbe falling out Hace to place, pufo aboni, diſquial, Eutychianus, ibe twenty-fifth bißop of of kornals. tars and sofs up and down, t ex- Rome. Exacino, are ; to sake out koul. nola afperae. • Exagitare leporen, Euryctides, a fantis platgan. + Exacon, a kind of seniory. part a bari. • Exagitare rem all- Eutychus, a poung man rufed froms Exacratio, onis; f. an expiatim. quam, * dobate a sbing, bundy it the dead St. Paul. + Exacrator, oris ; m. an exojator. abour. Bralgitio, õnis ; f. a publifting st Exacio, are ; 1 expiars by facrifici. Exiglum, ll i n. a plan of gold; also Arnad. Exade, iùs, iffimè; adv.rxaaly. a Hind of wright, iba jandard. Evulgator, ör:s; m. a publiber. Exadio, onis ; f. an exa&tim, a lawy. Exigoga, a; formly roumus ; a cure Erolgates, a, um, s publihed. ing of winny, driving away. ning out. Evolgo, are ; a&. sa publilo abroad, Exador, oris ; m. collear of m+ Exagõga, x; m. a carrier forth. mal town, diviige. my, o finder of faulss, and a driver Exagogicus; a, .um; belonging to 14- Erollo, dnia ; f. plucking up or away: *Exador ſupplicii, be aber portor.ion. punifbes, Exagonus. om ambaſador of the O. Evallor, orla; m. e plucker dat er Exa&rix, icis; f. for that alleas w phiogenei af Rome, who having diſcoursed much about the piltuar Eynllus, a, Qm; part. of evellor, Exa&um, 1; A. an exa& ibing, of barbs, suford bimſelf to be placked out or up. Exaétus, a, um, part. of exigor ; thrown into a veffal full of for- Eoxenidus,& famous painter, major exa&, finifed, compleat; allo 1x08. Ponus, which did not only forbear of Ariſtides. ad, lovird, sormented, thrup Ibrough, bising of him, but licked bin witb. Euxenus, a post wbo wrota of the an driven out, confumed, pent. H:S their imgues. fimt and fabulous times of Italy. demum exactis, that ibings being Exagrias, city of Sicily. Eaxinui Pontos, a fus near Thrace, accomplifood. • Exactæ ætatis, viry Exalbeko, čre ; so look wbitiſh. sowardo Mar Maggiore, and Mar ancicat. Exalbidus, a, um ; pall, bleak, wbi. Negro, ... Exa&us, ùs ; m. an wirerancs or falo rife, Euzomor; f..on; n. tbe hard rocka. fherb of ww!.. Exalbo, are ; to wbiten, adm. Exăcu-o, i, tum, cre; to prini, maks Exalburao, arc; [ ab alburnum ] to E ante X. pricked, to wbut, pirjen, anger, pro rals ous the fap. vode, prick forward. Exacuare Exalgeo, erets be wory cold. Ex for exigitur er exa&us. vifum oraclem oculorum, to help + Exalgeſco, čre ; to grow very cold. Ex, (E) præp.out of; for, or by res. the fight, to make ont for plainer, Exaltātio, onis ; f. praiſe, exallation. Jon of; bw, or according to ; from or Exăcisio, Onts; f. the making of «Exalcator, öris; m. an exaller, by (iba sficient cavije ;) with, above, thing very bare. Exaltatus, a, um ; exalted. or cafori; of or from (s perſon ;) of Exăcutus, a, um ; ior, iffimus; part. Exalto, are; so szalt, extolli praiſe, or from la place ;), of, locfore the of exacuor, doarpand. raiſe. matiger er in (rbe part afrand;) Evadverso; paly. right againſ, by Exklúminātus, a, um , clear like al- of the dijiompar :) Os, among, or on Exidversion ; 3 contrariri. lum. * Exaluminatik unio, an ori- of from or finer, (refpeaing time Exadvocatus, ); m. he that has been antal pearls Admin. Exambituas 0 and anger. much corn bj ploughing. ; 10 engrave Excalfacio, } cie ; ait; to beat paf.ripling• Exceltic E XA E XB Exc Exaribitus, a, ami, goston by fuit, , purge from fund. Exbua, wanad children, tippling fucingt Exär co, ēr: ; ncar. to dig drv, wi podlios, EXAMEN, in'g in. Vir. (ketu tber, drey, pine uway. Exaruit + Erbuo, de, to drink or draw out. adnecto) a fwrong toal, jock, the yetuftate hæc opinio, this opinion Excæcatio, õnis zif. a maling, fark. tongue of a balanna ; alſo a triil. is grown 'old, and out of date. blind... Examināt-c, ius, iffioc ; adv. adv. + Exargentare, to reduir inte mmei. Excæcitor, oris ; m, he that blondi. Yodly, with due trial, Exar mitio, onis ; a difarming; wa Excæcatus, a, um, part. of creacor, Examinatio, onis. f. an examining, barning qurte blinded, fiopped up. spoigbing, pinsering, saribing. Exarmatus, a um ; P. & A. ex-Excæco, are; act. to inau fark blind, Examinātor, Oris; m. an eximing, armor, dijarmıd'•Exarmata ntrig durivi, hele w Examinicus, a, um part of exami. menta, points witbout regs. Ex Excalccätus, a, um, part. of excal not ; examined wrigbed. armatum equor, ihr enl.n ſea. ceor, unpod. Eximino, are ; l'ab examen) to exa- Exurmo: are; act. 10 difarm, un Excalceo, arcs ad. to place of our's mint, ſtarih, wrigh,orud foorwi. barnefs, wiatur. • Exarmare le lows. + Examitum; lin. a popish priet's ras, to parritbrir claws, break their + Excalculari, to be calculated, lirtn under-garmint, on siniri. furth, cut their borns. Exarmare + Bucaldacio, õnis i .. *parboilinga + Exăino, arc, lo love derrly. accuſationcm, to confuso in alck- + Excaldo, are.se parinil, Sald, darbo Exampcas, or -pas, . fountain of jation, sne's ſelf in warm 2001r. Scythia, Exăro, are, to plough w!, to hiw brry Eximusco, are, (ab amurco) to lakı much. atoay the Itas. Sy write, 4 Exararc rugis, ** Excalfadlo, önts; f. a htating mub. Exămurcor, ari ; part, ta be cleaned wrinkle. Excalfador, dris ; m. a buster.. from droge. † Exarticúlātio, onis; f. a bring our Excalfadorius, a, um ;. adj. beding Examuſsim ; 2:!y. exaflly, ho rule. of jointi murb. Exäocillor, ari, dep. 't wait upon, Exarticultor, Orla ; m. be shat puts Excalfio, lerl, to be mub bodhed. Exanchõro, are, to wrigh an bw. out of junt. Ex alpo, plii ptura i à fca!po) to Eringuis, gue ; ad), 3. art. '[à fan- Exarticŭlo, are, * put one of joint. borisbrough,engrout. guio) blondiefs, pile, dead. Ex. + Exartuācio, õnis ; f. a dismeny. Excamblum, in, an exibange. anguc cumigon, скаnіn thаt bering. Excindefaclo, čre; act. & heas rod caulei palmos. • Animą or 60+ Exartuator, oris ; m. 4 difimo hot, inconia, inhance. . Excando- bræ exangues, desd men's ghois. darar. facere annonam, 1. mole previſion Exanguis, guc; adl. 3. art. (ab an- + Exa:tātus, a, um ; part. of exar. duar. guls) wiibout ſnakes. tuor, diſmembered, carord. Excandeo. gre ; neut o be inunod, Exingúlus, a, um, without corners. Exartuo, arc, lo diſmember, carui. Excandeſcencia, æ;f, great wrab Exănimālis, le; ad). 3. art.duador Exaſciātor, oris ; . a bowier. deadly, afonifting. Exaſciārus, a, um ; rough.brwid. Excandeſco, čie; neat. to be of a Exănimatio, onis ; f. & putting me Exarcio, ure, o bau wi. light fro,all in a Rame, le incmid; into a frighi.fcoring one into a fwoon, Exaſperātio, õnis ; fi a harpming, olto to grow light. Exănimātor, oris; m. ant affrighter. vexing. + Excanonicor, ul, so be degraded Exănimātus, a, um, part. of exant, Exifpčrător, örh ; m. o foarponer, from orders. wo!, ejenilbed, killed. Excantātio, õn's ; fiam. oncbanting, Exănimis, me; adj. dead, with. Exaſpăratus, a, um ; pare of exaſpe: Excantator, oris ar mchanur. Exaalmus, a, um; 3 ous l.f«,cum ros, barpond, provided. * Excantātrix, icis ; f, en mon- ed, Aonifad. Exaſpero, are ; act. # xaſperate, trofs. + Exanimiter, adr. faint!). perpon, wx.' Bufperare undas. Excánto, are: a&. fi mabent, on # Exănimo, are to diſmay drike dead pi make the water rough. mowe dy enchaninind. Exănio,are, là funtcs]. jquerxe out Exătistus, a, um, utisfid, glutted. + Excarnatus, a, um, mada laan, mu- Corruption. Exărio, are ; (a Satlo) to fatisfy or ibing but' skin and Suno. Exante; prep, bofors. flur. + Excarnificátio, onis; f. e plucling Exanthêmăca, um ; n, she waſlos. Exătúrandus, a, um, to be filled. the Bone from the bonas. Exaotlātio, onis ; f an emprying, Exătūratio, onis ; f. a filling.gorging. Bxcarnificātor,õris; m.e hrmmler drawing suts Tufaining. Exătărâtor, oris ; m. filter, gorgov. Excarnificatus, a, um, part. of el. Exantlärus, a, um, part. of exant- Exãtūrātos, a, um, part. gorpod. carnificor, qwertmed, haud in lor, drown out, fullained Exălůro, arc. to gorena glui, fatisfy.' pieces. Exantio, are ad. (ab agulla] 1 Exaudoiamcatum, 1; a. a diſburge. Excarnifico, arc; af. ti forunt on draw out monitb dusins, imp. Exauctorātio, önis; f. a dirbanding ally, merr limb.mul. Exantiare labores, to papi sbrough Exaudorātus, a, um, disbanded. Excarnificor, ari ; part. 1o da bacias budbip. Exauctoro, are, 10 difeborgs, dirband, in pincei Exupto, are, to make it, degrade; alſo to give Foldier loowe + Excarpo ērc, lo pick and chooſi. Exaptus, a, um, very fi, con of. $lay down bis armnt. Excastratua, a, um, golded. Exărästo, onis ; f. an engraving ; Exaudibibillo, le ; ab), tably brand. Excăvātio, onis, fi e ballowing ; ala plughing Exaodio, irc, to hear clearly, to brin. A drop bellownefr. Exãrator, orts im. o engraver ; hon to me's politinn, grunt eni's mo. Exivātus, a, um, madı hallow pluupber: Excāvo, are, so make hollow. Exărātus, a, um part, of exaror, Exauditus, a, um ; heard,granted. Excedo, ffi, fum dē.c; ncut to go engravin, ploughid w, dofaced. Eipu-gco, gerc, &um ; * inche : forit, exaud fxpallideport. + Exarchlauru, i; m. kovo but was Excedere è vita, o de med!o, to phokiriam in ordinary. Exsugurātio, önis ; f, . prophaning, dir: • Exceffit ex ephcbim bi is Exarchus, i, m. A linimenter vice. unballowing Exaggrator, oris ; m. a degrader. moriâ, I have forgotten. Exce t Exucino, arc, to disburdm. Brangurātus, a, um, dopoſed. dit aurium fenfum, .if atomos Öxar-deo, &, fum, dère ; scut. te Ezauguro, are, d'unhallow, profane ! brard. • Exceffit res ad publicima burn vialmtly, bs cagar, innuafo. place contrated. querimoniam; rory or complain. • Exurdere trâ, indignatione, in Exauſpicātio, onis ; f. an unlucky od of it. " Exceffic jam mihi eta3 iras, to be in a rage, to be wroph. beginning. ex maglitcrlo, I am too old to su Exardefcendas, a, um, to be burned. Excufpico, aro, to do a thing unlucki. und WKT lah." Exardeſc-0, čre ; ncut. to break ons ly, come in a bad bour, Excellens, gen. tis; ad). ior, Ifimosi ini e vialons fame.. Exardefcere Exautoro. Su exzudoro, oxrolling, «Xidleni. Excellent ad aliquid, to be in love soirba Exbaliſto, are, to focus ons va cross ore, olegunt, thing bow, to derive Excelenter, adv. excellenty Extreho, eri; neut. to be clean + Exbola, z; f.she bolo of the Artur. Excellentia: z; f. excellenry, Ex veſco, ere; drind up, wiiber, Exbromo. are. [à Beaunes, groveo Excel-lo, lui, ium, lére, to sxculty decay, pinu iwas, icng so cleania (waas ibat is to be Jurrasia go beyond, lift up on bigb. Exărtoo, are; 20. [ab arena) 1 dre.) Excelse iis, finc, adv. loftily. Hhbu ? Excel Wxor. 1 · ques } toof. E XC EXC Exc Excelsitas, älds ; f. loftinefs, boig bs. MP, call out, provoke, awaken. cxclufiffimus omnium, I have this Excelfitas animi, maznaninin, - Excluc lachrymas, so make she lears) least credit of any man living, mo- äberusalnuſ. • Excirc fomno, è fomno, body will believe or bearken to me. + Excelsitudo, inia; f. pbe same as è cabilibus, to Texf, giur one a call. Exclufus. ús; m'a.Muring out. Excellitas. Bxcipiendus, a, um ; to be sxiepied. Exco&tus, a, um, part. of excoquor ; Excel-as, a, um all, ior, iffimus; Exc-ipio, ēpi, epium, ipere; a&. lof will coiled, pure, oplys, vel excello) bigb, Yofty, ex and capio] 0 Exups, take up, Excolico, arc i Cà codex) to opm tor moble; magnificavit, ja excelfum, to entertain, harbour, separak, sale alatt, by craft, gother, hecend, or follow, Excogitātlo, onis; f. « druifing. Exceptatio, onis; f. a calibing, brarken të, write after one, lighe Excogitātor, õlis ; m on inventer. Exceptionis f. an exception, ., upon, ward off, surprift, iniwrceps, Excogitātos, a, um, part. of exco- slanje limiting contraat and trag. inbrary. Exciparc fc pedibus, gitot ; inuenird, exquate. Ex- ries Allo in excepsion, ut ip. by the so.ligbe upon his fool Excipere cogitatiſſimas hoftias inftituit, he difondant to make wild be ples of ſe in pcdcs, to get upon his fest. appointed this mof rare and choicef the plaintiff. • Excipere injuria, to deliver from facrifices. Excepultus, a, um, adj. exceptes. injury or wrong Excipit Alca. Excogito, are ; to think on førjouky, Baxopta, care act. (ab excipio) 1! niys, Aſcanius replirse. Hæc ex to devila, inuens. pand caribing cipiuntur cerato à rosâ facto, rhoja Exc-olo, olai, ultum, olčre; a&. !! Ekopploks: Ouş: 30. a color of nitas, cling Bogether being put upon u plaißer trim curiouſly, to ſet forth compleatly, bitbar writus fuero16. of profeso dres, perfect, accomplif. t Excapforint, it;: Dv * ciften, t Excipium, i; n. a bunting pola. + Excolubrö, are ; adt, so search out, Exceptorios, a, um, adj. receiving. Excipulæ, arum ; f. wolle for ff. as ferpents do. Exceplorius liber, a notebook... 7 Excipylum, di na furgeon's por- Excommunicatio, onis ; t. excommu- Exceptūrus i im, past: of exciplo; Excmputas , lli; m. a wel; a re-ipieno Excommunicātus, a, um, adj. ox- nication, Expapius, a, um, part. of exclpior; fel under a pill. ixiepied, revivid, tatertained. Excipuos, a.um; received. Exconmūnico, are ; act. to excom- Excopio quòd, four tbar. Exciſatus, a, um i part, of exciſor; municare, * Excorebrātor, oris. m., be that: cut off, woanded. Excompado, adv. of let purpofe. dufuri ate the brains. Excido, õnis ; 1. demoliſhing Excompoltà, adv, defignedly. Excerebrātos, a, uma adj. brainteft. Exciſo, arc; ad. [ab cxcldoj to fino Excondico, are; to clear bimself. Excērčbro, are ; to defa oks. ib and Pir. Exconful, ulis; m. ans that has been. Excisórias, ty umi;, adj. cuiring, conful, t Egica obrofus, a, um sibram-sek. Exconfularis, is; ll. the famy sięx- Excerniculum. 1; n. a ferner pour Exciſam, a city of Gallia Lugdunen conful Excuerto;rovi, retum, eroore ; act. fis, Éxcontinenti, adv. aid of band, Shift, purge she evil from this good. &xclus, a, ún. part. 1.excidor ; 1 Excopio.. are ; to copy oue. Excerpens, ntis ; part. picking out. me or down, rafd. Exco-q00,. xi, dan, quere ; get to Excer.potki, pluto, père: Aary Excitandus, a, um ; to be raind up. boil fully of away, refine, dry up, cy and carpo) to pick on the bryl, Excitālē, lus, iſfime, ady, vetement devija Excoquere alicat ma- ole bite of, cul... Excoppere 'ls, livrlily. - Gemniæ cxcita;iùs hum, to barih mifibief againg one. Se vulga, Sout to follow :ibi multi: tu gent. the diamonds art of at Excorio, are ; to Aer off the skin. tvde, n laauribi catardan ruud. mire gay and prime Blow Excors, gen. -ordis , adj. 3. art. [à Excerptio, pais; f. 4 picking, or Excitādo, onis; f. a propaling cor) boartleſs, witlofs. booking, Excitat-us, a, um adji lor, immus. Excortico, arcs to 'take of Shu-Bark. Excerptus. , ut.; . part. of excer: moved, roiſid, urheimt. * Excl- Excrăpŭlo, are no furfuit, por: 1. Ficked sous. tadſfimus odor, a very prong smell. Excrcābilis, le; adj. 3. art, wbicb Excers, as ; m. milfs, departure Excito, are: a..jir up, but up may be spit out. dab, digreom kdnging outstreift, oricouraga, procára. * la for- Excreātio, õnis; f. a spitting out ingen Excellos montani, por .. tunas excitare incendium, 10 Seca Sperling. potrin. ont's bouje on fires, or procura on Excremcntum, !; n. ** extrimoni, Excetra, zi f. Fab excrefco] be very great freuble Excitarc ocu Purging ; alſo the offalor refuſe. name of the forpan ydin. lorum aciem, to clear se gr. Agby. Excroo, are los ex and creo] 10 fpit * Exchalcio, arc; to take away one's * Excitare obertatea lactis, to the out, Ipowl, puid jegw by bacoking. sangaty bond pour it in their prim . raaje milk. crtaje wilt. Excitarc apus, 10 Excrefco. Zyl, črpm, eicere ; nent. Bxcidio, onis ; & ibi dinalising of vale a building, any ma work 10 Mosos forib, grow up, increase Exekidor; 3: foratsa Exčitor, aris iparr..so be guichaned. Aqua excreſcit & decrefcit, the Exci do, di, dere; neut. (of ex and Excitus, a, umpart. of excior water rijas and falls. cadott fell ont, fail; to borginn, called up. Excrétio, önis; fi sie weiding of the be dijetpaintis, Herus-vxore et Exciyito, arc.; # disfransbifo. altato is like nego sarita Exchaatio ona i f. A crying wh. Excrcium, i; a. brau, refuſo offel. bi wife • Excidit tão tamnis, Exclamator, oris ; 10. sirger aus. Excrētus, a, um, part. of cxcerno; bé irrikin soft met of dotos. Balino. Voi 10. 18 or out, maar Purgoda Afund. cidit wihi veibum qoro, out. * Exclamarç allquem, to call Excrētus, a, um ; part. of excrefcor; nord: to 'Wortt. Bgoll alwa upinangi we grown. * Archilocho excido, Farnesor Bacla-do, 6. fum, děte.; 1&, fufex! Excribo, ere ; a fcriba) 19 wpy out. Archipehab's virtus. and claudo] 10 jour oui, exsupi, re-Excupçor, oris; m., a smjer but. Excido, dl, 'lusa, dete; Borex and jud, histb. Exreludere alicui ocu: Excruciabilis, le; adj. g. art. rhwn by do] Jomysius ir idom, to make flum, so deal or dalla ane a stan's of torquent to the ground.Excidere änne: Excludi tempore, ir tom-1 Excruciatus, a, um, part. of care- To onion, 1o.difroni bife. poris fpatiisin 10-de Araimed as to cior ; ipasnied. Dare aliquam Excited, um rdecaying. bios, nes labour time, : excruciatum, to have opit torupied iBxcl co, ere; tuproche + Exclūsárius, ll;m. -porter.'; Excrucia, art ;-a&t. 10 torment foraly. Excitio,ve; mi interesa Exciddo, onis ; f. -Britting otas, Excrucjat animam, hw-for BOUS Honum (dndb] te donioliſh, cui dabarring his mind. , ront sur. ExclūGiffimus, a, um, adj. fuperl. ad Excūkātia, Qnia; f. 'Wateblois Excta.go, an, damagéseg to depuit, very one-cop. ormd. Exclusivè, adv. ixclufusly. Excūbatur, imper. watch ishop Excin&us, a, um, part.of excingor;. Exchūsdribus, a, um, adj. Abasitting: Excubre, Arun; f. the watch, in failed. oul, excluding city or an army) + Excinörätus, 2; am ; hiding the Exclisūrus, a, umi; part. fut. in its Excúbīcūlārlus, il ; m. one sbat kost Aut'suikin yiom it. of excludo ; ready to exclude. won a chamberlain. Excīněto, ate; to diſcover by taking Exclufus, a, um, part. of exclador;}Excubitor, oris ; mi a walchman, # away the line fbui sus, debarred; batched, Sum wandet,'aifmind. + Bxc-io, ivi, ilum, ite; Act. sopir + Excă *• exitumu, 1 ? t } / Exc E XE EXE ☆ Excibitum, 1 ; . nihgt-guard, Excifio, onis ; f..e soining, bearings Executia, Onia;. for an executionty 4 Esúvitus, ùs ; m. awarding or fit- performing ring up. at night. Excūlo, are ; fà caula) to ircaje, taExecutot, dris :: mi a performier; . Excubo, art, neat to watch abroad; alledge for an excufi, ta foign. omgar, fujiant, an exatto. alſo to grow. Excubare animo, Excalat valetudinem, he brings his Exccatos, , um ; parc. of exequor; to or digilant. Excubat taurus Acknofi for an excuf. following, be that has followed. ante !imina, there is a laurel-fra Excuror, oris ; m. á roiner, printer, Exedentalus, a, um ; soothies. plented defnite the door. • Excu: foundar. Ex-čdo, adi, cam, adore ; act.cotat batør rerum , non animi pretlis, Excufabills, le; rably baken off. up all, conſuomi, rool tut, Exe- mon are more carifal to grozó rieb Excuffio, õnis ; f.a foaling of dili dere aliquem, it'eat one out of butun than dirixon. gint foarch, excufiin. and bite # Exedor mlſer, I RUS + Excedia, and -4% ; a foingle. Excuffor, oris ; m. fake ofbfter, fretted myſelf almol 1. dearb., hund, * Excufforcs tritici, wimnowirs of Excdna; a; f. ? among tbe Ros + Excudipes, is ; 4 fwingle.four. wboar. Excuffores equi, gerking Exedriam, ili n. mans & porch Excū do; di. fum, dore; act. a deas or wincing borfos. or gallery, where were many, fonts out, forgs, print, barchExcudit Excufforius, a, um, adj. faking, to ar m, and commime, tog bor ; mihi hoc, he wrong it out of me. winnowing. • Criorum cxculo: barelerore philofopbers and orators • Excudere fcintillan, frike fire, rium, a courſe prvi taught in ibum : Now tbs chapter. • Excuderc dicta alicujus, to pon. Excuffas, a, uni ; part. of excutior ; bwaft : convocation-baile. dar upm any entr's words. soalm outRung. xsmined, dif-/+ Excdrtola, æ;f, a little parlour. Exculeatorcs, m. pl. fingers, run- charged. •Er dum & excuffüm Excdam, 1; n. (ab exedo) an berb eft, it is brought in a trial and gtad againſt drewneſs. Exculcatus, a, um; balne, wirn judgment. + Exeffic-toj ērc; to performi, bring out. Excūlus, a, um part. of excudor ; Exculco, are ; [à calco) to kick out, förged, coined. Exegelis, is ; f. an expofition. zoring cust. Excutia, æ; f. a brust, or rub. Exegeticus, 2. um, explaining. + Exculpo, arc ; to bear one's fulf Excutium, ii; n. bar. # Exemplābilis ; ic adj. which may Excul-po, plij plum, père ; [of.cx Excŭtlendus, a, um ; to be shaken de imitated. and Iculpo) to grave or you out. off. Exemplar, aris: 3:11. patter Exculperc allcat oculum, to rend Exc-litio, uffi, ullum, utěre; aft.[u thing containing an examplo.. out one's * Exculpere alicui ex and quatio] la caff or poker til + Excmplarlum, U ;ni on swample verum, to get ihr srurb oblet with brat or throw out, fuarth narrowly, or pasion. much ads, alſo to rod, Exciterc debitoren, + Excmplificator, orlo 3 Excultus, a, un; part. of excolor, so inguiri wbilber a. debtor die soli omplifier gamined. Excultus .ad hunia. umi. • Excitere feras cubilibus, Excmplifico, ac ; 10 exemplifte mitatem, civiliscodo to bant beads one of their balesa *EXEMPLUM, i.; n. (ab. amplius, † Excurciri, to be drivn out with a Excutere alicui vomitum, to make vel fimilias an example, pauor; wedge. ons vomit. Excnicre alicui mch: pruedeni, counterpane. Res per # Excup io, irc; to define einaily. icm, to mtali one mad.. Excu tinet ad exemoplam, it is a manar # Excūrātus, a, um;xfly wrought. icre intelligentiam, to muler up of confequmus. * Teftamentum do.. Excur'ātio, õnis ; f. a puting out of all one's faculties. * Exsurcre ju plex ſed codem exemplo, owo wille Court. ventutem ex omni Italia, 10 booſt running in one forma 10 tbs fant Excurio, arc; a&. fà corla] to re the jouto hut of all Italy. fa. *si mcum exemplum cffet, moon from íbs fmate. Excu-dor, ti; to be examined, &c. if I had fell intended it. Ex Eacurior, ari; to remove from Ibe spent. Exdocīmātio, onis; f. á tating the empli gratiâ, for infants. In Excūro, Irēj to work of dreſs ruri. terib. excmplum abi proponere. to take mully. Exdēcīmo, arc; to titbr. for a mpya Statuam in te er Excurreng, ntis ; .part. roming out. Exdorsātus, a, um ; Split out. cmplum, Ml make an example of • Summa excurrcns,a broken fum. Exdorlo, arc, io flaw ir split out, you to all the poorld, # Sub. Ex. Excur-70, ri, ſüm, rdre ; ncut. tranExdorſuo, are ; (à dorſum) 1o dread emplo, quoting ibe subor. • Ra. out er hastily, make an inroad, li the bark. Exdorſuare piſcem, to rilimi uxor exempli, a wint Sooret out. Oluli, Aigros. In pericole Split a fills along the band. n bi parallo's. cxcurrere, ti rimany beadlong into + Exdute, arum ; m. ibe. adda's Exempelis, lę ; adj. 36 art. which dangers. • Decem aurti & quod cajt skin. may or takm out. excurrit, kom mrowns and widmExčcitio, onis ; a cutting out.. Exemptio, onis ; f. a' taking out, an Decem milliarta & quod Exceftus, a tyrant of Phocis, who excepcion, excaption. excurrit, im ailes and a touy-bir. carried aboué two inchanted ring, Exemptor, oris; m. a take out, a Excursător, oris ; m. mm-ridir, and by their noiſo know the timid digger of ponos. one that makes an ex**rjun. of any adson; ju he was treach. Excmptus, a, um ; part. of eximor Excurfio, Ön's ; fi on ixrarion, stir. erouſly jain, ibu' it was forudd by exemplod, privileged, take out. thiſ. * Excurſio orationis, a di. the same found, + Exentera, orum in, sbr infrailt .. proffen Exčco, ui, &tum, are ; a&. [of ex Excntčrātio, õnis ; fi A taking out + Excurſo, are ; ta ran out aftm, and ſeco) to cut 181, wraken, gold' be bowls. Excarfor, oris ; m. A skirmiſber, be • Exccaic nervos orbis, to cut off Excatërātor, õris; m., boweller. that makns un forud. the frength of a site. Exentēro, are; (EASTEPI ) ti orwel; Excartas, a, um, part. of excUTTO; Exccrāb:lis, le : exkrable. oply, drin. Man füpium exe poffed over. Excufo am prope Execrabillcas, āris; f. curſedneſs. calcrare, to pick one's poches. Spuid, bauing aling's rå, his rate. Exictio:liter. adv. Farfedly, Excntcror, ari; pati na be wixed, Excurfus, ûs į mo an exterion, Execrandus, a, um ; to be curled. frared. dignofion, Execratio, oris ; f. u caring. Ex-co, ivis leam, ireneuti e ga it Excorus, a, um , ad), without'rurg, Execrātor, oris; o, a curſor. forth, excud, declips, get out of Excūzābilis, le' , adj cirujablai Execrat-09, a, um ; P. & A. ior; Jook up, do published * Exire Excufans, nuis, extujing iffimas; curſed.Execratiffima vita, to dir. Dics exlit, is coste Excūsaid, adv, with a good ratuſ. auguria, mot unlucky tokens, to an md, Exlre in luminis Excūsatiùs, adı. wish tops dame. Execror, ari , dcp. (à facro) to curfi, oras, to be born. Exlrc modum, Extūbatio, onis; I. ** **14, . doint. Execrari aliquid in ca. to excixd, pals, boyana dur bounds. Exculatonem accepit, ho apprrord pat, so wift some miſchief may light Ja caldem literas exeunt, try of the vxtu. on one's str. ind in the same laurs. Exire Excusätor, oris ; m. an exiufur. Excetio, onis ; fie cutting off à fe or de mente, to be out of ano's Excūšātorius, a, um, adj jarving Exectus, a, um ; part: of execor ; wirs, • Exire ex animo non po- for an awesult. ai out or of Exe&tos bonorc, teft, I mu bo of opinion thu. Excūsātrix, icis; f. Nou sh 18 rxcujos. deprivad of asshority: Excphēdus, i ; mi me pof a pripling Eircüsät-ud, or, iflimus, 18:uled. + Excctuus, a, um, whicb is or mug Exequens, ngis ; parti expruting. Excuse; adv. 630lj.in print. be cut off. + Exequenter, with cars to perform: Exsquen. ! the root, EXE EXH E X I Exequentlfimm, 22:00; ad). br. Exertim, ady...outwardiy. Exhauſtio, onis ; f. a drawing sål moet dirigent abous. Memoria Exerto, are; so pand shrufling out. or digging up rum.veterad exequentiffimus,shat. Exertus, a, um ; part. ; of exerorit Exhaufto, a.ejto draw out. has aarefully and fasthjully writim powed, drawn, or pul oue. • Ex Exhauftam; i ; inu sbing finiſhed, a de biflory of the ancimis. crta vigilia, continual wall, .. pains ting Exèquia, trum, f. ( ab exequor ) Exerti dentes, tusks. Exhauftus, a, om ; part. of exbau- be train at burials, a funeralis Exēlor, prita; m. .a confumar, éder rior, drawn aut. Spont, turid. *. lte exequias, u argompany is erps out, a great pler. Aano exhaufto, the year bring ind. o sbarcb. • Exerto, for exba' eſto, deparli ed. • Exhauftas eft fcrmo homi- Exěquiális, le ; ad). of a furural. : . withdraw nom, bere was no mare talk about it. - Justi exequlálta, Juneral serDNO- Exõlas, a, um ; part of exedor; rat Exhčbenus, i, m. a white bone will up...confans, balliw. : • Exera whicb gold foreitbs polil gold, Exequior, ari.3.10 mals or attend as sodes, deraysa boufesor Exhérbātio, onis ; f. a warding up. frumrals, Exfacili, adv. cafily Exherbo, are (ab herba] to word wp. Exequor, queris, curus ram, qui ;Exfavillo, are ; u rale for ashes. Exhibens, ntis; part bewing. dep. (à lequor.) to perform te gaan + Extebruo, arc i to parity, purge. Exhib.co, ol, itum, ēre ; [of ex and prosecute, Gounge, follow. ExeExfibratusi &; um. ; plucket up, bio : habco) to: vxhibii, bring out, phe. qul verbis, to rolate fullyo Exe ving the root and Prings broken. Jone manifejl, procire, reſemble, to qui ærumnam, so juffer. Exe- Exfibro, are ; to break the Arings of furniſh or provide with ncceffiries. qui patronam, to pray to lori god. Exhibere negotium al:cul,to put dels to be their patron. Exequl Exfibulo, are, to unbution, . ne se trouble. Exhibere reum, fogam, martelo, to . dia. Jus + Exficusi Ûs; -m. a purging or to cauſe e perfin under bail to make fuam exegoi, ko purſue his righi. cleansing a perfonal appearan's, Exčqqutus, a, um, part. of exequor; * Exfidè, adv. faithfully, Exhibicio, onls; f. an exhibiting, bruing lowed, &c. + Exklātio, onis; f. á Bitching with giving, repreſenting, «xbibitions, Exercendus, h, um ; to be exerciſed. ou.. t Exhibito, arc; to exbibit often. Exerceng, niis; part. exercing + Exfilatus, a, um, adj. fit:bed will. Exhibitor, öris; m, 4x* exhibitor. Exer ceo, ui, Itun, cre ; act (of ex Exbibitos, a, , part, of exhibc.. apd arcco]te exerciſe, uje, pradila, + Exfilo, are, to fitebox, Sirip. or; axbibitid. for, till, purſua, vex, gain, • Ex + Exfo, ire, to clean or purge. Exhilaratio, onis ; f. cumfarling, · arcere fimultates, a bar a grudge. + Exfitus, ùs ; m. a purging Exhilărâtor, ör!s ; ma comfort. Exercere odlis,. 10 moiet one Exf-odio, odi; olun, odčre; 10 Exhìărātus, a, umas comforird. Moikrowy... Exercero tauros, to dig out. + Exbī'ăreſco, cro; to be brary. plow witb oxın. Exercerc fump-+ Exfreto, arc ; to launch ont. Exhilăro, arc; (ab bilaris) .só bear. tas, 16 cann ona's living. * Exer- + Extrīco, are ; la rub off or comfort. cere statem, so five. Exercerc + Exfunditio, onis ; f. & calling out Exhio, are ; to gopo wide, tá danier. Tegaum, so roign. • Vim domi- of the ground. Exbomologefis, a confeffion. - mattonis exercere, & lord it. + Exfundo, are; # cal out of obe + Exhonoro, are; to disbonnur, Exercere ſe, to employ himself. emand. Exhorreo, ēre; to dread, tromblo Exercipes, õdis ; c. ligbrof jus. Exfundātus, a, um ; ce nuit of Exhorrcſco, čre ; } for fear. + Exerciront, for farcircnt ibe ground. Exhortans, ntis; part. exhorting. Exercitatio, onio ; f. frequent exer- + Exgregius, for egregios. Exhortatio, õnis j f, an oxbortation cijo. • Ludicra exercitatio, ſport, + Exgrex, čgis ; without the flock. encouraging paflims, recreatim.. diuertifoment' Exgrumo, are. (à grumus] to come + Exhortător, oris ; m. on mourager . Exercitator, oris ; m. a maſter of ex. Out of a billork. Exhortātus, a, um ; part. f cxkor mlang. Exurgitātio, õnis ; f. a diſgorging. for ; exhorting, u ixberted. Exercitātrix, icis ; f. br shat ex8. Exquigito, are, lo digorge: Exhortor, ari ; to exhort, encourage. cifs, Exhæredans, ntis, dianberiring. + Exhüběro, for exebero, are; no a. Exercitat-us, a, am ; for, iſſimu. ; Exhæredātio, õais ; fs a difinbariting, bound. exerciſed, experienced, wimble oi. Exhærcdātor, oris ; m. 9.2.Anbariter. Exhydriz, winds ari ng wirb. musb Exercitatiflimus liétor, a bang. Exhærādātus, a, um, dignherited. rain. kan wonderfully dextrons at sying + Exhærēdito, are, to difnbarit. Exibilātio, oris ; f. a biling owi. the fatal knot. Exharedo, arc, (ab hærcs) to difn: Exibilo, are là fibilo) to bys out. Exercitātus, ús; m. an exerciſe,trial, horit, deprive ms of bis inheritanci. Exiccatio, önis; f. a dging up. : offiation. Exhæres, ēd19; c. on difinherited. • Exiccātos. 2. um, dried up. Exercitio, onis ; f. mmsy zaken for Exhæreded vitæ fue facere, 10 Exicco, ae; ad. (of cx and ficce) carriage by water, 80 dry up. Exercitium, ii ; a. an exorciſt, prae Exhærefimus dics, the day added t + Extco, 210; (of ex and icco) to ibe lang-gear. tuur or worry Exercitiùs, adv. more bully. Exbalans, ntis ; breathing'our. Exiens, .cuntis part. going out. Exercito, ac ; (ab cxercco) to exor. Exhālātio, õnis ; f. on exbalation, Ex-igo; čgl, a&tum, igere ; a&. lof sije ofim. fol. fumo. ex and ago) to require, de mand, Exercitar, dris; 2. a mellor of exer. Exhalátus, a, um ; pare. of exhilor, gut in, pali, finijo; examins pundu.. cije. Exercitor davls, the owner breathed out. Exalata anima, ally. to. lovy, pitub upon, turn of of a Abip.. the ghoff given op: wirb dlifts, drive aui, spond, ex- Exercitòrius, a, am ; adj. belonging Exhūlo, arc, te bredbe out. form unt, « wrong one, dispute.. • Exi. to the rest of a joip.. w trak omu. • Exhalare crapulam gere pænam, to saka friat punido. Exercitus, a, um, part, of exerceor ; vioun, to digo a furfrit. Ex. mme. • Exigere ferrum per pia. exerciſed, madiijod, well werfed. halare vitam, to breasho one', lag. cordia, to thruſt one through. Ex- Mulla lectione exercitus, one of Exhu-sio, &, ftum, rire ; ad. Ho igere nebulas, 19 coff up wifi. • great reading, mo shat bas turnud drew int, omny, spond, conſumi, Exigere ſues pastom, to drive out our a world of books. rob, spoil : defroy, accomplife, jus. the bags into ibe folds or wmds to Exercitas, um ; m. an hoſt o army ; tain, below, avoid ; to overflow, ford. Exigerc aliquem honori alſo cancije, turdm.' " Exhaurire vitam Gbi, bus, so deprive me of bmours. E Exčr-o. ul, táp, čre ; a&. (of ex 10 med bis own blad. Exhaurire Exigere columnas ad perpendicu- and fero o inueft rut, so draw me, furum fcntinam ex urbe, 10 scour lum, so make pillars frait uprigbt ; hip up. Staw, uiter. jiretrb wit, bill, the city of thicos. Exhaurire ollo to try, with a pluud-line whaber angear, Exerere linguam, to lou mandata alicalos, fo poform what the be so made. • Exigere de re me the tongue. Excresc mentis one is commented to do. * Partem aliquâ fi sxemine arbing broughly. Socreta, te speel what's in mo' aliquam laudum alicujus exhan-Exi.gor, gi į to be biſod of the page; bind. rire, to attribute fame proi'us due 80 Ter. • Exigor pecuniam, I am Exerroj are ; to wander out of the way, a mother to bimself . Penurun made to pay sainty. Exeric, jue, Ifiae; adv. plainly, exhauftum eft fatis, I have suffered Exiguè,; adv.fcantly, sparingly. • Ex- realy, vigorush punifuent enough. iguè (criptus, plain, not adorned. 1 kill ons. i adoro Exi: 1 1 E XI Ε Χ Ο EXO Exiguitas, äria; f. ſmallnoj), pon alterum existimare, to medjure looſed. dannel. others corn by abeir own hubel. Exomataja pooble of Sarmnitia in Aſia. Exiguum, ul'; in little, Existimor, arı į pail. to be attemed. Exõmis, idis ; f. a jarket, or Mulus- Exiguus, lor, iffimus ; (ab cgca, vel Exiftimatur in probro, 'ris tukan leſs coat. exigo) litli, mall, foder. Ex: for a riprodch. Exomnis, ac ; adj. (a cdranus) wiib. iguo post, a lints after. Exiito, exuti, čre ; (à fiftolto exiſl. out fup. + Exilicus, a, um ; of an exile. appear, riſe, prient ivjelſ, 10 08 Exomologcfio, a confolient. Exilio, ilul, ulrum, Ilire ; neut. Tof born, Exow phalong a ſwelling of the navel. ex and ralio) io fart up, Aing out, Exitani, e people of Spain. Exomphalus, i, an whoje now is Jesp, Joring, or Hyup, parko• Exidabilis, le ; deadly, deflruäive.. burft 'Ad tc cxilui, "I ran to you im- Exitialis, le ; deftruttive, dangeroun. Exõnõratio, onis ; f. á disbunbring. mediasıly. Exilio. õnis; f, a go ng foreb. Exõnčrātus, a, um ; diſcharged. Exilior, us ; adj. comp. mallar, Exitioſua, a, um ; adj. deadly, dan Exonéro, are ; to diſchargi, wload. . EXILIS, le ; adj. (ab exen, velgerous Exonchic metu, to put onir out ÈTAAN, effugio, vel Širineva. Exitiria, Grecian fuifse wherein she of fear, Exonerare in aurcm, nidus, fender, lean, ibin. Exilis forft fruits weis offered 10 ribu gads. to wbijper in one's car. ; oratio. filly apply Speab. Exitium, it; n. (ab exco) ruin, dr Exonto, æ ; f. Excier in Devonſhire. Exiliffa; a city of Africa, called Step jsouftion. Este exitio alicui, Exophthalmus, li a. Bogle gedi ta.and by the Spaniards, Accura. de the cauſe of one's death, whose spi's Hand out. Exititas, itis ; f. forderniſt. Exi- Ex!cur, imper. ſomebody comes out. Exopinato, adv. expičndly, Nec litas orationis, . whäd and boyil + Exitūra, a; f. a deparling. exopinatò, unexpattedly. spurb. Exitūrus, a, um ; adiut to come our Exopnlis, a city by the river Tanals Exilitèr, adı, Menderly. or and. in Sarmatta. Exilium, 1 ; n. (ab exul] a bande11 Exicus, a, um ; ended, going pul. Exoppofitò, adv. over again. Exitos, lls, i m. e going forib, ind, or Exoptabilis, le ; adj. darable. + Exillò, ady. Snce that time. fue ; draib. Ad exitum, ar lajl, Exopriater, adv. degrously. Eximiè, adv. angularly, notably, • Exitus accerfit verbis, what he Exoptācio, õnis ; f. 48 carnet win. # Eximictas, aris ; fi excellenty. formuld came to pass ing Eximius, d, om ; adj. (ab uxlmo) Exļuro, arc ; to ſwear point-blank, Exnptatò, adv. as one would wils. excelleni, sboico, sei opars, fingular, Exlčcebra, ; f agin, or device 10 Exoptat-08, 3. am ; adj. for, iffimos; notable.. Ud nemincm eximium drain ar draw out. samnefly wilard. habear?: maj? I exispy no body? + Exlēguitas, Stis ; fi s being our Exopto: are ; n wi@fmomily, Ex-imo, coi, cuplug, imčre ; a&t. lawid. Exorăbitis, lc ; adj. which may be (of ex and emo] 10 ixemps, rakst Extego, are ; 80 outlaw. prevailed wib. Sul, frue from dolay, dig out, do. Exlex, cgis ; c. an outlaw. Exõrābilitcr, adv. dy raſy iniresty. priur. • Exlmere nomen de ta- + Exloquor, -qul; to speak out or elo Exorabulum, i'; n. ['ab cxoro ja bulis, to nofs but.debt, • exi quently. crafty argummi. mere aliquem de or ex reis, 10 Exmovco, övl, otum ; : Tomoue, Exõrans, ntis ; obtaining by requish, acquit one. • Eximere seum, to + Exo bliquè, overthwars, acroſs, prevailing. difiburge e guilty parlon, • Exi- Exobliviſcor, fci; to forget. Exõrātio, õnis f. a preusiting by mere In jus vocatum, to get off Exobrutus, a, um ; overwhelmed. intreaty, orie's appearance. Eximere aicm+ Exoblecro. wc i to requot samneily Exorator, oris ; m. e prruailor. dicendo, to sound a whole day in and prevail. Exoracas, a, um , inirealed, obtained ploading, so spin na simu in, Etc. Exobygitæ, & people of Sarmatia Eu. by riqueſ, wm by inviatjás. Eximprovisò, ady. on a juddur. sopza. Exor bco, bui, ptum, bäre ; aet, Cab Exin, or exindè, from ibencforib. + Exoccafu, ai nuting. ex & farbco) · jup up all Exlaanto, tre ; act. to omyly utterly, + Exocco, are ; to barrow will. Exorbcrc animim, to kill. • Er. rob, so debajo one's folf very much, + Exoccultò. privately. orbere difficultatem, so ſwallico a become vile. • Exinanire aliquem, Exoche, lxiallo's, dificulty, so undergo bardjoipi, pafs to take away all one bath, ne 6 Exocclus, a file that flergo' uphi the by a rub. leave a penny s belp one's folf. land. f Exorbllantia, lum ; n. things one + Exinānitor, oris ; m. ir smptior, Exoculo, arc ; to put out one's gos. of order. wafar. Exūcůläius, a, um ; blinded. Exorbitātto, õals ; f. « going as of Exinānitio, onis ; t. an attor omply. Exodiarius, ii ; lm. '* malor of farcus. she road. ing Exodium, ii ; 8. a faru atted at the Exorbito, are ; [ab orblia) to go Me Exinanitus, anon quite emptied. and of iragedirs, &c. of the road. Exindc, ady from thenieforth,iborrow, Exodus, 1 ; f. a going out.. # Exorbo, are ; to deprive, derique. Ex induſtria, for ibe nonre. Exõlco, cre ; to witber, fade. Exorcifmus, i ; m. a cofing qui. + Exinfúlo, arc ; to forw, or pus : Exõlero, are; so pluck up barbs. Exorciſta, 2, m. An adjører. forib. Exol.efccns, ntis ; decaying. Exorcizo, arc ; 19 raf ewe by abjura. + Exinhaukus, a, um ; which can: Exol-efso, ul and cvi, eum,élcere.; tion. not be drawn dry. neut. ['ab exolco ſ to decay, grow + Exordeſco, čre ; u grow dafo. Ex loadiis; Dy czbufbmmi. oms of uſe, leau growing. • Ætas | Exordiarlus, &, um ; beginning. + Ex inſolentia, unuſually, tua jam ad ca patioada exolevit, Exordizrios, li; m. a orginair. Exinspiráló, ady unexpectedly. your age in the fubla so dear be Exord Inè, adv, in order. Exintegrò, ady, afroll, anew. ibidigs. Exor-dior, fus, fum, diri; dep.to be- + Exintegro, are ; to reſtore, or make + Exolcto, are ; to grow fale, gin an iration or relation, the Ugen Exolērus, a, um ; part. pet growing, ibo looo, + Exintervallo, adv. with space bo out of uſ, fogutm.. Exoleti, Exordium , ii ;0. a profas, begin. barda fora ning, entrance. + Exinuo, are ; lo caff B, unfold, Exol-vo, vi, ufum vére ; act: [ab Exörlens, ntis ; ariang: + ixjocor, ari, « jeft or sport iba ex & folvo) te undo, or unbind, Exor-dor, iris or čris, tus fum, ti, Limo away. take away, pay of fully, porform. dep. 10 Spring, ricoup, or born Exiftens, nus, being Pena exolvere, to deliver from appear, prorred, invade, dlant, dig Exiftentis, a'if. a bring, punifozent. • Panas mortc cx. rifrobord. • Exoritar ull color, Exiftimātio, onis; f an opinion, 1T1 • olvere, 80 de punilood witb. death, his colour mes. . Ego nunc pau- dir. Magaz cxiftimationis, ra. • Exolvere nodum alicujus rel,to lum exortor, I begin to be a lista niwned, famous. unravel a perplexed busineſs. • Ex bearful. ExiAimāror, oris ; m. fuppofer. olvere religionc, to take away a Exormiſton, 1; f, and n. a kompre. Exiftimarus, a, um ; fiumed,valued. fcruple. Exoraāic, adv. gorgerufly. Exiftimo, arc ; act. (ab ex &'cstimoExolūcio, onis ; f. ful payment; alfo Exornātio, onis ; f. an adorning. to ſuppose clam, judge. • De illó a general loopene;'s of the joints. Exornator, oris ; m. an adorner. bene exiftimant, they have a pood Exdlütor, oris ; m. a diſcharger, Exor nātrix, icis ; f. for that adorros, opinion of 'bin * Suis moribus Exðiūrus, a, umj parti of exolvos ;) Exorpātus, a, omi aduinit. Exorno, 1 1 - DOW. E XP: E XP E XP Exorno, are , act. ra adorn, garnilo, out for, wander, spread abroad, Españno, arc, pluck off featborte deck, salon moi * Exornate.guaphi wude, to enlarge win a ſubjed.. Expenſa, L. and expenlum, i, n. ce, set forth in bia colours. .Ex Exparo, are, it come into an open expence, charges. • Codex accepta ornare to lepidis moribus, do get a plou, & expenfi, bordo açsuunt. complaiſant and winning carriage Expatricids, fi ;. m. omg ibás beth Expenfuo ferre, to inter money. bebaviour, kun Sanator, Expentö, ars, to pay eine bis ežyen. Exoro, arc; act.ta prevail by ingraatExpatro, are, to spend riefaufs. + Exorare tiniyam aliqujus, logeExpavchac-lo, čre, to frighe 'one. Expenfas a, um į part of expendor, oping to be abpaglut: Facies.exor- Expãy.eo, Era, o be afraid ut any wrighed, considered, luid oil. * nat amorem, bır' very countenance thing Exocolo gradu, with a flow pare, walls are in brue with her. Expăveſco, čre, ep fear.greasly. (i ling bis aper Exors, gentis;-ad):3. art (a foraj Expavidus, a, um, part frigbled. Expergef-acio, cei,'actum, acērcjact. wobous pere or lears free from * Expedžbalis, le ; also a gxpected. 81. gwal, raiſe up. • Expergeta Exora calpe, bawin mo bang is a: Expectans, ntis ; ads expoeing cere aliquid malum, to rub in an + Expe&tate, adv. expectedly; old førs. Exorsam, i, n.reginning Expccátio, onis; looking for. Expergefactus, a, um, awalonet. Exarlas, Amai put v exordior Expectatio ezca, en un ertain Expcrgofio, eri, te bi awatengt haping bagus. hoping foro" la lumma effe cxit Expeggifice, 15c; act. to awake. Exorfus, As; m: 9. beringing pc&ationc, begrundly Corked af.Expergifcus, a, um; ft. awaiming. Exorom, 119. Cab.cxons baing ur, or watched for. Habemus Gallo:üm carmca expergificum, wishorit 29&S dass expectationgs, we in great cock crowing: Exortikos pr. adj. egipte care for two things.. Expergifcens, acis ; awaking. Exortus, a, um, parti of exorlor, | Expediátor, oris ,. m. an experer. t Expergiſco, čre ; " awake. rifen, beguns. Expectatus, a, um, ad), -jor išgaus, Expergifcor, experrc&us fum, fci; Exortus, m. 4, ribng ; the expected, dered, welcome. Ex: ( ab cxpérgol # aw ton, sake coin- mobile growing on the male peagi, parçotes, parents whole tugee lively, Exos, -fis, amely deaths art wilbed by their ibildion. Expergi: adv. waishfully. Exorculacio, onis ; fi ajaluting, Ante expe&tatum, faoner but Experzitás, az. Mese ad. spakened Eräſcelatore aris im. falo. was looked for. by anorber, Exorculatrix, Icio i do 48 sa: Expcco, are ; a&t. (à (pectol do ex- Exger-go, fty göre, 46. (ex and tas. ped, larry, or look far. De C.Grac {pargo) to by sprinkle Habber. Exolcalor, w i ofalu ambrat, chi tribunatu quid cxpedtem, ubat Exper-go, rexi, se&um, göre, 20t.so Ifrar may fall out form Gracchus awalen. Exöror, oris; m. bager. bring tribune, Famem campecte Expérgosi gi, paff . in bn. awakened. Exostavim, adv. by baning: obambulans be walls up and down Esperlendus, 4, anh to.de wird. Broſsatio, onis ; t. a pluusing one the tą gat bim a lippines , Expedens, nçis, parte de experlo, borasi Expectoro, are, zo cart out of she breaj, trying, asperinisid. Exoſsātus, 2 ans med or jonesto to raje pe pind. Experientia ; f. experience, trial. Exoſo, arc; azt. 30 done. Expedioror, ari, to have his courége Experientifmus, a; om ; ad. of + Exoffus..ang un.; adj. onclufs, ar parts taken away. grat Qerimus. 7. Exoftae, arom ; f. balconies. + Expectus, a, um ; carried or looked + Experimentālus, a, um, id). full. Exoftra, it, a potard to break opm of experimea. fatas. Bxpēculiarus, 2. um ; ad). beving Experimentam, 1. th an exgariment, Exolus, a, um, [ab edi] bated or loll all be bad. trial. beting + Expedibo, for expediam. Esperior expertus fum. -gi; dep. Exoricus, a, um, ads, fareign, ost- + Expcdimcntum; 1; n. a furiharana, pario) to try, prova, ajax. Japdip. Expodio, lre ; a. la pes] si diliger, aera experiri, to find by the ija). Exod.contti, · Arias bersticks which diforigagi frem, dispatch, rid, fair in Plud cxpcrior, I find is by expe. taught that this Son God was made readine, relax, perform, conclude, ringe. Vltima cxpcrisi, 10 Band Pof his fabianco sheen Expedire manus, lo hold it was to be lol. Experiri Juse, Expall.no, re, qndexpaueico, cčre ; up bands in sign of confini. • Ex to try it ons by law. to be a grow pále, pedirc pecuniam, to get a fun t Experitus, a, umi unililled. Expalllo, arc, pallium] to take a. ready. Expedire uno verbo, 20 t Expernor, ari, dep. Is diffije. wody one's cloak. ull in a word. Experie&us, a, um, parpos expergor, Espaigātia, anis, to a getting away Expédit. imp. It is expedient goed arwahead, fired up, brik, livply or mail by pary. fall, profitable. Omnibus bonis Expers, gen -us ad. (ab cx & pars] Expalpove, to get away' by fiqhay. expedit, it is profitable for all good without am part, fou from, beſprink led. Expers humanitatia, woly * Expandior, als m. sercader a- + Espědítātio, õgis ; R. thawing of. vaid of humanity. vaid of humanity. Expera Fama brand, Expanditor apnis, a ri. dogs, or a quing out ibu balls of &c fortuáld, itas' bas lain bis ged ür spreading beyond all bounds. fbgir frut. nads and ulasa, Expan.do, di, fam, deie, aat. 1 dif- Expedite, ius, lime; adř. readily, Experfas, a, um ¡parts of expergor, Olay, sarjad on and Bazgır. fridily. bajprinkled Expandere diala, so sxplain. Expedicio, õnis ; f. an expidims, Expertor, oria, . atrzar. Expaago, xi, dum görcs ac. ulat marth, dispaubing barum expertor, ampiar of trig- bounds mus. Expedidonails, le of an rxpedition. bles. Expanfio, onis ; f. 4 diſplaying, + Expedito, uf, so law dogs. Expertos, 2, um, part.. of.cxperior, Baifampi; i, thì imag. Expedītus, a, um ; part riady, in export, experienced, stilful. Ex- Expansas, a, um, part of expander, seading. Expeditus miles, a pertus loqyor, ! ipeed by itrigir dili kagad, openiad: Pighi-harneſ ud foldier. . ln cxpc ixperimco.' •Expertus fagitta, a Expapúlatus, a, um, with davo orals. dito, ruailm crily, Expeditum good peber. Homo caporte in. Expapilo, ze, to lay the breasts bars, erat, it was a short and ready way. du Aria, a person of approved dili- Expérieto, are o cativ doin. * Expedita cena, a light ſuper, gence and oaivity. Exparte, adx, in party partly. Exp.cllo, ali, usuin, Ro*expally thout Expes (à fpes] bogatejs. t Expartus, a, um, wibati 2478. cuh, roja* Anjaam expellere, Expetendus; a, um, to be defined. Expanse a um, part...of expander, to enExpellere ſec periculo, Expetens, nus ; part of expc to, da Spread abroading ogonid, 1a 89hut of danger. Expătians, ath, running abroad. Expen-do, di, fum,döre; act...owigb, 7 mxpctibills, lė, dearcable. Exgătiätio, ogla k a zipning i compdor diliganila, PhD or Super Expetiíso, crc, act. Eab cxpetoj sp broad. Hunc hominem decet auto cxpen; long or lingar aftur. Expītiātory:oris ; mi 4 wanderar. di, he is an Xellent fellow wosibl Expčiilor, oris, m. 4 defire. Expăriājus, a, um, part. of expatior, bis weight in guld. Expendere Expetitus, a, um, greatly defined. Ipeading appad. pænas fcelcrum, 10 b. punished for Expčto, ivi, inim, to dare camofly, Expätior, ari, dep. [à fpatior) to run beinens farliso med after, falloul, Ponas ex. petere • Fur- Kring count be Down, E XP E XP E XP peterc ab aliquo, to wreak one's Explend-eo, qre; A. (à fplendco)| Calarle, se take away Cæſar's digo anger. * Bono fiquid malefacias, to bing out. nity. Rtatem expetit, if you injure an Explendeſcens, ntis; part. Dining, Expol-io, ire; 18. to Sural, boneſ man, be'll muir forget it. Explendeſs-o, čre; to joine forib. Paip nustly, to finido, bring to per . Fixo ina expetant meadacia in + Explenunt, for explent. faloni crgo illius, pil make bis back pay Expi.co, ērė; aft, to fill up, anſwer Expălità; adv. uiry accurately. for thoſe lyes that Iboll ment for fully, Jatisfy, accomp.ih, empty; and Expolitio, onis ; f.a burnipoing, nou thers. Expetitur unguentis ra- diminiſ. • Explere annos ducen polifing dix zaſpalathi, ibs roor ajour-lady's tos, to live full tivo hundred years, Expolicor, Oris; m, a polifosi roſe is very gosd in ointment. * Explere quatuor digitos longl. Expõlitura, æ; f. a polishing. Expiabflis, les ad). whicb may be tudine, to be four finger's long. • Expõlitus, a, um ; P. A. lor, ili- cleansed by facrifice. Explere animum curis, to frie ebe mus, poliford, Smuthed. Expiamentum, i; i, a cleanſing by mind from caris. 'Explore mor- Expompo; are; - diſgrace. facrifice, Talitatem, 20 die. Expo:idčrātio, ānis ;. f. a wrigbing Expiatlo, onis; f. Liv. Satisfa&lon, Explētio, önis; f. a filling up. thoroughly. purging by facrifica, Expletivus, a, um ; ad). Alling up. Exponderátor, oris ; m. weigber, Expiator, oris ; m. Cie. a fasiifier, Exp Clus, a, um ; part. of expleor ; confierer. purger . filled ue, perfrård. Expondéro, are; act, to wrigh tbs. + Explaidriuin, li; n. a place of %Explicābilis, Ic; adj. which may roughly. piation. darlared Exp-ono, oſui, ositum, öndre ; a&t. Expiatus, a, um ; expiated, purged. t Explicabilitcr i adv. exprefly, . to fos forth, expon, lay bars, ex- + Exp:co, arc ; to three com.. Explicatè, iùs, iffimè ; adv. plainly, pound, and declari. Ex memo. Expictus, a, um, part. of expingor; clearly. riâ cxponere, so toll by heart. painted out Explicatio, önis ; f. an explaining, Exponerc cpiſcopos, 10 degrade. + Expignoro, are ; to reduce from unfolding. them. Exponcrc_vigorem, te lay Explicator, oris ; m, Arl' explaint. afide his oigoar, • Exponcrc argea- +Expilātio, onis ; f. a pilling or poll. Explịcıır!x, lcis; f. albe explainsr. tum, lo ln om umsy to uſe. Ex. ing, a robbing Explicātus, a, um ; explained. ponerc infantem, so drop a child. Expilátor, oris ; m. a pillor, extor. Explicālus, is ; m. an opening, ex •Exponerc igni, ia air by the fire. finor. plaining # Explicatus crurum, + Expopinator, ocis; m. abimantor Expilātus, a, um ; robbed, pillid, Aireshing out the legs, of caverns: Expilo, arc i act. (à pilus, vel null, t Explicit; impers. Pris ended. + Expoplnor, ari;. lo baunt :1UIKI, complano) 10 pill or pell, oppreli by Exp!icitus, a, um ; unfolded, dr. Expõpúlātio, onis; f. e wasing all exallion; piunder. clared. maly, anded. • Explicicius about. + Expindior, oris ; m. a painter. videbatur, il sosmed mere say, Expopůālor, oris ; m. be that loys † Expictus, a, um į part. of expia. Explico, ui and avi, itum and s 2:0r. gor; drawn out, painted. com, arc ; act. so unfold, diſplay, Expópulos, ari; dep: # wishe far and new Expi-ngo, nxi, Aum, ngöre; act. to draw up, accompliſ, difintangla, lion, draw one's p.eurs. make plain and jusooth. • Expli-Exporgo for exporrigo. Explo, arc ; act. Liv. so pürge by fa. care enſem, to draw a ſword. • Exporre&us, a, am ; part. V expor- crifici, expiato; alſo to punilo, to fa. Expiicant ædes umbram, the houſes rigor, Sretched out, muthed. tisfy for, maki riparazion. • Ex cafe long fbadnos. 'Explicare Expor.rigo, rext, rigore i 10. a piare manes mortuorun, to ap. ter, to perforn a journey. Ex reach oui, prolong. • Exportigere peaſe the ghops of the deceaſed. p'icare frostem ſolicitam, ... un- frontera, so be worn. Luxom populi expiare ſolent bel bond one's brows, to look merrily. Exportātio, onis; f. Feft. a *** la, wars uſually ibafije people for Ligna explicat natura in Aammis, porting, conveying, transporting, da sbrir luxury: wiod is naturally combuſtible. nifomuni. Expirans, ntis ; part. of expiro; Explo-do, si, fum, doreact. [of ex Exportator, oris ; m. a tranſporter. brsorbing ous, yielding up the ghop. and plando] ° expledo, hifi out, Exportatus, a, um ; part. 8xpwted. • Expirante libertatc, ibeir liberty, drive one will clapping of hands, Exporto, are ; " export, convey out. bring at its laſt gosp. dilippruus. Exporco, ſci ; čre; ad. to 'regues Exprātio, önis; f. a breathing one's Explorāte, jùs, iffiac; adv. for a and desire chrnekly: coitainly. Exposite, adv. fluinly, manifoly, Expiratur ; imp. a man dies Exploratio, onis ; f. á frying, feareb-Expositio, onis ; f. an expišsim, Exp!raturus, a, um, at dejtb's door. ing out. narratim. Expiratus, ûs; m. a breathing okt. Explorato ; adv. upon dur ſearch, Expofititlus, a, um, adj. Xpoſedo Expiro, are ; n. (of ex and spiro) Explorator, õris ; a. a spy, fcoul. laid out ti perill. to brusthe out, or brown one's tall Exploratorum caftra, Burgh upon Expositor, oris; m. en expounder, alſo to decay. Sands, in Cumberland. Expositus, a, um ; part. of exper Epiſcor, art dep. I ff out by exa- Exploratörlus, a, um, adj. belonging nor ; expoſed, ixpanded. • Puer mining. to searching expoſitus, a foundlinz•Expoate Expiflo, arc; adt. (of ex and fpiflo] Explofātrix, icis ; f. for shar foarcb mores, pliable and kerty mai. to make thick, &tb. sions. + Explăcito, are ; to prevail by plaad. Explorātus, a, um ; adl. lor, iffi. Expoftūlācio, onis; I. a requesting, ing mus; certain, furi, tried. Ex a debating of a worm. Explāco, are ; act. to appeaſe. ploratum habeo, and exploratum Exponu'ator,' õris; m. bo tom dan Explānābilis, le; adj. 3 art. which eft mihi, I am ſure of it. • Vic- bafts & wrong. may be explained. torla explorata, a flere victory. Expofīlātorias, a, um ; adj, of de Explánātè, lūs, iſfimè; adv. plainly, A tlmore explorato literæ, letters bating, expeludatory. clearly, that free us from all fear whar. Expoftulatrix, Icis; f. fe abat dr butos, Explanatio, onis; f. an explaining. Exp'ānātor, õris; m, an expounder. Explôro, are ; 28. to Syy oni, find Expertŭlo, 20; a&. ro debate about Explānālus, a, um ; explained, ext, brwail, drive out, sry, atay, & wrong fugled, regulad samnetly, Explāno, are ; act. so explain, maka and dry up. •Expotalart aliquid or dc aliqua jmouthExplanare verba, 10 pro- Exploko, onis ; f. a cabing of re, to complain of a Ibim, tali in nounce words diſtinctly, Explolus, a, um; part. of explodor; ill at one's hand. + Explāntātio, ūdis; f. a pulling up exploded, rejected. # Expolo, arc; n drink up all. of plonts. Expolia, pray for from an eno + Expotos, a, um, drunt up. Explantātor, Oris; m. a plucur up. Buprzicpid i adr. by command. Expianto, arc i act. 86 pluck up. Expollitio, onis ; f. pulling Expræparard ; ady. by appointment, Explaudo, si, ſum ; to drive away. Expăliālus, a, om; spoiled, robbed, Exprzierzo adr. Jo wowi was Explēbilis, le ; adj. which may be 14- expõlio. are ; att. Lof ex and ſpolo) PAR. to sake away from, pillage, Arte Expresse; ady. plain Explēmcntum, i; n. a ſatisfying. me quite. • Expoilare dignitatem Expression ; ly Iiiii Expiele IUT. sady: exprofils , pleine ors, &c. row, 10 mike one Expun-go, Xl, dum E XP E XS E X T Expreſſio, onis ; f. Quint. a frain-| Expulſo, are, (ab cxpello] to put or , Exſcri.bo, pſi, ptum, böre; act. ? ing or lqueezing out. jrike from ons. copy out, Exícribere patrem fimi- Expresfogare ; Col.coprain or Squeexo Expulſor, õris ; m. a thruſter ont. litudinc, to be very like ons sifa:hır. agr. Expulfus, a, um, part. of expellor ; Exſcriptum, i; n. a copy, cziralt. Expreñor, õris; mi to ibat wrings expilled, driven out. Ex{criptus, & um; part. of cfort- our, + Expoltor, oris ; m. he that drives bor; copied out. Expręstus, a, um ; part. of expr out. Exſecror, ari ; dep. do curso. mor, expreſs, soparent, pourtray'd, Expuitrix, icls ; f. fe that drives oul. + Exsēmínāto ; adv. by the root. drawn to the life, frained; wrellad, Expūmjcātor, oris ; m. a ſmoother. + Exſenſus, a, om; without fenja. wrung out. *Expreffior loquacitas Expumico, a e; ti poliſo or smooth. Exſequlæ, árum ; f. funerals. certo-generi picarum, jare i batter. Expūmo, are, Cà fpuma) to caſt oui | Exsèquialis, le ; of funerals. pies come nearer cur talking. foam. Eicsēquor, -qui; to follow out, Expr-imo, eſſi, cffum, imčič; act. Expundio, Jais f. a paying off; Exſerum, Cic. [of ex and premo] to expreſs, crofling out. Exibilò, Se exertio, &c. wring cr Iguirze omt, to declare, re- Expunctus, a, um į part. of expan- ExGcco, Prefeat, draw, franjass, force. vieta gor; crofid out, calliered. # Exsico, aro; to cut out. Exprimere rifum, laugh. . * Exprimere effigiem ad blot, croſs, or wipe autį ta priek ; mark, vivum, 10 draw a picture to the life. compie to Expungere nonen de- + Exsiliātus, a, um; baniſhed. Exprimere. verbum verbo, de bitoris, to iro,s iba door. * Expun. Exfilio, irc, (à Jalio) to leap out. verbo, or è verbo, to tranfie word gere milites, so cajbier Soldiers. Exfilium, li; n. Cic. baniſoment. for word. * Ut Græci magis ex Ëxpungere raciones, so make cuen Sie exillum primunt, as the Grecks exprefs it accompts, put a final end to them. + Exſinceratus, a, um ; blodied. much beiter. Expun-gor, &tus : paff. to be crored Exalto, črc; neut, 10 exif. Exprobratio, onis; f. an inbraid. out; Piaut. Su expungo. Exſomnis, ne ; adj. 3 art, woking. ing. In exprobratione ere, to be Expuo, ui, utum, čre¡ [of ex and Exlordeſco, čre ; to grow very baſe. laid as a reproach. ſpuo) to ſpit out. * Expuere miſc. Exfors, exſpumo, exſtercoro, ai ex- Exprobrātor, oris ; m. an uphraider. rizm ex animo, ti diſcharge or eaſe Exprobratrix, icis ; fi fod that up. bis mind of grief. Exfuccus, a, um ; juiceleſs, dry. braids, + Expurcālio, onis ; t. A purging, a +Exſynccraſtus, a, um ; without mar- Exprobro, are, (à probrum] to up clearing a man's felf. braid, call in one's teeth. Expurgātor, oris ; m. a purger. Exta, orum ; n. Liv. (ab exto vel + Exprócor, ari , 1o get the love of Expurgātorius, a, um ; purging. qu. exceta) the entrails of beafisa one's swiet-nesit. + Expurgia, a; f. iupod-fpurge, Exta crítici, coarfe mial, gurgions. ExpromifforOris;, m. e furety. Expurgo, are; act..to purge cut, clear Exiabeſco, čre ; n. 10 pine away, Expromi-ito, ſi, tum, ttere; act. t fully. • Expurgare ic, 10 jujify Extabuit opinlo, Bhis opinion was pass one's word for anosbar. himſelf. quite laid aſide, Expröm-o, pfi, pium; čre ; act. 10 Expătātio, önis; f. a losping of trees. + Éxta!cs, ium; the entrails. draw out, uller plainly, diſcover, Expūtātus, a, um ; lopped, rafined, Extans, ntis ; extant, Banding out. * Quoran omnis vi. Expůso, are10 lop fries; imagine. Extantia, &; f. a panding ous. gilandi labor in antelucanis conis * Non poffum exputare, I cannot + Excar, ar!s; n money given at the expromitur, they aruer it up but deviſe. door for entrance ; alſo a pot to foethe as banquets sbút hold all night Expuir-co, ērc ; oeut. 10.rot. emtrails in long. Exputr-eſco, eſcère ; a. ** grow all Extaris, rc; of or for mtrails. Expromptus, a, um, part. of expro- Extaſis, is; f. an extaſy, or trands. mor ; drawn culs ullered, riady: Equæſtır, oris ; m. be that bas buen Extāturus, a, um ; about to appear. * Exprompta memoria, a quick queltor. Extemplò ; adv. forthwith, prefently. memory. Exquiliæ,cy Eſquiliz, a hill in Rome Extcmpõrālis, lo ; adj. 3 art. faid or # Expropitio, are ; Bo purge by. fa which Tullus Hoftilius added ro the done upon a ſudden, crifier, to satisfy. cily, and built bis own houſe there- Extemporalitas, atis ; f. an ability t Expudoratos, a, um ; impident. to say or do on a ſudden. Expugnābiiis, le ; whiih may be saken Exquileus, a, um ; adj. of Exqui- , a. by force. là Extemporārlus, a, um ; extemporary, Expugnans, nis; P. & A. toking by Exqui-ro, fivi, ſitumi, rërc; aët. Çof Extemporc ; adv. on the fuddin, force. * Expugnant:or herba, an cx and quæro] 10 feirih out, in without any ſudying berb of greater virtur. quire diligently. * Exquirere ab + Extempulo , adv. oul of hand. # Expugnaftor, čre ; to astemff, af ftirpe, to earch at the bottom, fouch Exten-do, di, fum, děre; act. 10 ex- fiyle. the foundation. tend, jretch cul, enlarge, prolong, Expugnatio, õnis ; f. Liv. a taking by Exquisitè, iùs, ffimè; adv. exqui Spreid, enterpriſe, altsy + Cutim olult. fitely, ex18ly, accurately, extendere, lo ſmooth the skin, or fill Expugnator, äris; m. Liv. an af- Exquisitìm ; adv. exquiſitely. up the wrinkles. # Extendere vi- ulter, conqueror. Exquisītitius, a, um ; gotten by art. tam, to live long. # Extendere le Expugnatrix, icis ; f fee chat conquers. Exquisit-us, a, um ; adj or, iffimus, fupra vires, lo do more iban one is Expugnātus, a, un; won by ofault. (of exquiror).exquiſite, choice, daina able. * Extendere omnes imperii Expugno, are ; act. Liv. to cade by fy, proured with mu.b pains. * vircs, to employ the wbole force of joris, convince Expugnare pu Exquif:un eſt. "tis known for cor his kingdom. • Extendere iter; to dicitiam, to raviſ... Fortunas Izin * Exqu:furior adu'atio, more travel large days journeys, to go patrias illius expognavit, he vis genieel flottery. large flager. lently seized upon his patrimons. Exquò ; adv. Since which line. Exien dor, dl, ſus; past to be ex- Expuitio, önis ; f. [ab:expao). a Exiad co, are ; to root up. tended, ſiret:hed oui, deferred, con. Spiting out. Exrõzo, arc ; to exempe from an old tinued, made bigger or longer, ein: Expullātio, onis:;. f. a batıbing. law, plored. Expullcſco, čre to begin -so be at Exfacrifico, arc ; to make a great Extenſio, onis ; f: Jun. a firetshing chickm. sacrifice. out, she convulfion. Expullulo, are ; to begin to bud. Exfæv a, ire ; to caife ruging, Extenſiyus, a, um ; adj. which may Expulpo, arc ; là pulpa] 13 conjume, Exlanio, and exſaturo, as exanio be ftretihed out. to pluck away the feſh. &c. Extenfus, a, um, part. of extendor; Expüllatus, a, um, part. of expul. Exfcendo, čre; [à ſcando] to do. jretched out. for ; dafiroged, raſed. Seend. Exento, arc; act. 10 Bierch cut to the Expulsim ; adv. by potring. *Ex Exſcenſio: õnis ; for landing; or go ontmot. puisim lydere, to Arikibe ball as ing abore. Exlentus, a, um ; part. of extendor; langıb. Exfccnfes üs; ma ; mod going down. pertahad out, line, fuorill, Exten: Expullo, õnis ; f. Ly. a thrufling Ex!cidio, onis ; f. a domiciliſing. tiffima vallis, a very wide valley: cu!, «xpelling , Ex:cindo, čre ; to cui exs, to demoliſh. * Excenta itinera, great journal, rotten, on; Liv, Ex. ! E X T É X T... E XT Extčnuandus, Å, um; to be lefened. Extillatlo, önis; f. a dropping away., Excortus, a, um ; part of extorque: Exičnůāt:o, onts; f. á lofening, weak. Ext.Jlātus, a, um ; dijiillei, or ; wrejled, forced, or torrentada mning Excilo, are ; n. (of cx and stillo] Extra CT præo. without, excepte. Extěnuator, äris ; m. 4 diminiſher. to drop away. * Excillare lacry. beyond, out of, over and above. Extěnvātrix, icis; f. She that impairs, mis, to miell into tears. Extra le nemo, none but you. Excēnuālus, a, um ; foned. Extin.co, cre; ncut. ts fear, Extra locum, criouls. + Extenuifimè, ady, very ſlenderly. Extìmcfc-a, čre greatly Exirà, ade, without, abroad, elfe. Exičnuo are; act. [à tenu:8] to lef. Extimeſcendus, á, am ; adj. to be wberei Extra quam; excspring Jon, extenuate, debase, make ſender greatly frared. Extracim, ady, drawingly, by livile and Is:dle. or thin, to chow. *Extenuare cen- + Extimo, are; (for exiſtimol to fus, to be lower think, Extractin, önis ;f, a drawing out, + Exičpeſco, čre ; to wix lukowards Excimúlātlo, ūnis ; f. a pricking for. Ex!ractor:us, a, um, adj. ape to or cold ward. draw oui, Extčpidus, a, um; adl. cold or (bill. Extimů ator, oris; m. a pri:ker for- Extractus, a, un ; parts of extrahor; Exter, a, um ; adj. jirange, foreign. ward. dsium out, Su externus. Extimŭlätus, a, um ; pricked or Hir'd + Extra-co, ire ; to go out. Extercõrātio, onis ; fi a ridding &• up. Extrăbo, xi, cum, here ; act. 70 way of dung Excimŭlo, áre; [of cx and ftimulo] draw out, io solicit barnelly, to pro- Extercărâtor, oris ; m. dung-fer- sa prick forward, en jer on. long, delay, di cover, bring to light. mir. Extimus, um ; adj. [of exter] laj * Extraherc diem, '10 Spin o:ll the Extercoro, are ; [à ſtercoro) to of all, tie. * Extrahere judicium tó cleanſe, cr rid out dung, Extindio, önis; f. a quen hing. * ndjourn a trial, * Extrahere se Exterebra:io, onis ; fi o piercing Extin&iones, coals or bricks Weated cx negotio, ic draco'lis neck-out of through. and quenched, the collar, Exterobro, age; to gierceor bire Extinctor, õris; m. e quencher, de Extramuranus, a, um ; adj. without through ; alſo to ſcrew.ont facret. itroyer. the walls, Extergeo, ēre ; , fum; ñ. to wipe Extinctus, ùs ; m. a quenching. Exırâncus, a, um ; frange, foreign. Exterzo, čre; } clean,to rub things Extinctus, a, um ; fart.of extinguor ; Extraneus, ci; m. [sc. homo] a fo- till they thing. quenebed, dead, adoliſhed. reigner. + Extergimentārium, ii; n, a lawal Extin.guo, xi, cum, gučre ; [à Extraordinarius, a, um ; adj. exsra. Extěrlor, ius, gen. -oris ; outermol, ftinguo, vel tango] 10. extinguiſ, ordinary. * Exterior fis, ge on the right fido. guensh, put, spoil, defroy, aboliſh, Extraquam, adv. Javing that, exeept. Extera inātio, onis ; f. a roosing out, dipinguillo verfialy.. Qui extin: | Extrārlus, a, um foreign, range. ? Exterminator, oris, m. a defroyer. gucs artificcin ab Inſc!o? how will Extrčın iſco, čre ; 10 quake for sear. Exterminatrix, ic.a; fi mo ibai de. you dijlinguiſ a workmun from a Exirenitas, āt's ; fi exirenity, the froys, bungler ? * Animam extingucre, edge, briin, poine end of a rbing. Exterminatus, a, um ; part. of ex- to kill. # Extrcmitas regionis, ihe frontiers terminor ; overthrown, banibed. * Extin-gpor, gui, aus ; part. 10 be ex- or marcbas of a country. Exterminata refpublica, a compain. ringuished; appealed, or aboliſhed, f Extremo, arc ; to make ouimot. wealth utterly brought to ruin. Extirpatio, on!s ; f. a rooting out. # Extremo, ère ; to quake for fear. Exterminiam, il; n. baniſmeni. Extirpator, oris ; m. a rooter out. Extremò, Extermino, are ; " so drive out of the Ext:rpo, are ; air. (à ftirps ! ro roos Extremum, adrluß of all. bounds of one's dominion, to defroy, or juub up. Extirparc humani. Extrcmun, i; n. an end or 109, din. bring to nought. Exterminare tatem ex anino, to grow inhumane, ger, beginning, # Ad extremum, morbum, to rid away a diſeaſe. turn cannibal. a! the Tall, or uimo? end. Externācio, onis ; f. an affoniſoment. Extirp-or, ari, atus ; paff. to be root- Extrēmus,a,um ; adj. (ab extcrnus) Externātor, oris ; m. an aſtoniſoor. ed up, or extirpaled. the 14/?, uitermol, worl; also the fire Externātus, a, un ; part. of cxter- Extiſpex, icis ; c. (ab ext's infpici • Extrem i homines, the lowe;' rank nor; oſloniſed, frighted. endis ) a foolhjager, divining by look of men. * Extrema metuentes, Externo, are ; fof ex and fterno) to ing into the entrails of beafls. fearing dea!h. * In extremo ter make one mad or frantick, to afonif, Extiſpicjum, ii; n. looking into tio, towards the latter end of the fright greatly. ibi exirails of beafls. third book, # Extremum anni, the Externo, are; (of externus] to make Exciturus, a, um, part. fut. in rus larler end of the year. a franger of ine, dijnberit. of exto ; about 10 foring up to be. trenum, of the info cai or laji push. Extcrnus, a, um; outward. foreign. Ext.o, iti, itum and ālum, are ; n Extricabilis, Ic; adj. 3. art. wbich Ext:ěro, rivi, ritum, erēre; to threß, (à ftoj to bo. fand above ground, one may rid one's self of. to wear out by rubbing or uſing, bu bigber, be known. Extant ve 'Extricātio, õnis ; f. e deliveren:e, raſı oui, concret. Cibum cxtc- ſtigla, she marks aru jer ſeen. * {cape, rere, to show mest. Extcrcre Extat memoria, '818 pel remembere. Extricatus, a conful of Ronie wiib. literam, to dallo out a better. Præſens. Exterraneus, a, um ; adj. là ter:a) Extɔllentia, æ; f. pride, a liftin; us. Extrico, are ; act. [à tricæ] to dis- forrign, jirange, born out of simo. Exto!lo, extū'l, clātun, crc ; act. enrangle, rid out of a net. Nuo- Exterr.co, ēre ; to refright greatly. to lift up on high, magnify, bread up, mos undique extricare, lo prape + Exterricincus, a, um ; adj. frange, prolong, pul off + Extollcre libc money tegelhor. forsign, abortive. ros, to bring ur children. * Lum- , Extricor, ali ; paff. to be dilatan. Exterris, is ; a baniſhed man. bos extollite, mew your firongih. glét. * Ager extricatur, the field i wreded. Exterritus, a, um ; greatly frighted. Extor quco, fi, cum, querc; act. to Exterfio, onis; f. a wiping out. wrejl out, wren:h, confrain to con- ' + Extrilidus, a, um ; pale blank. Extergorlus, a, um ; aft, fi cleane. fe's. *Errorcm extorquere alicui, ' Extrin-go, xi, gère ; 10 bind, Exterſus, a, um, part. of extergeor; to make one for his error, undacive. Extrinfecùs ; adyo Extrinfecùs ; ady on the ouifde, wiped, cleaned, datroyed. * Ex * Extorquere articulum, to put out frem withou;. terſun fanum aliquod relinquere, of joint. * Citiis clavam Hercu- Extrinsccus, a, um ; adj. [ab extra] 10 pillage a church, to carry away li cxtorſeris, :4 dare as well tuke ourward, all that is in is. a bear by the foorb. Extritus, a, um ; part. of exteror j Extérus, a, um ; (è fúrsp@Idrange, Extorqucor, ēri ; to be extorted or frotted or rubbed out. * Ignis ex- foreign. wrglad from. tritus, jie Bruck with a fint. Extérus, i, m. (fc. homo) a franger. Extorréfac-io, čre ; 19 porch or broil. † Extro, are ; to go oui. + Extefticulo, are ; to geld. Extort-eo, ērc; to loaf, roof; purch. Extrorfum, ada. (kb extra & ver- # Exteftinus, i; m. a franger. Extorridus, a, um ; dried, parihed. juin] cusward, from withour.. Extex.o, u, tum, čre; act. to unra- Extorris, is ; c. à terra) on outlaws, Extrudio, õnis ; f A builaing or vel, divert one from his purpoſes ons that is han:hid. piling ap. Spoil, make bread-bare. * Extc- Extorfio, onis ; f. a wringing out, Extructor, oris į m, a builder up.. quem, to, phe one out, to Extortor, āris į m, in cxtortioner, Extructos, a um ; .part. of extruor; binder one that's buſy. créator. built up. liiii2 Ex- * Ad ex., + man. Exultantia as leading for joy. . E X U E X U FAB Extri-do, fi, fum, dere ; 2CA to thruf to dry it up with a napkin, Exū-ro , ffi, itum, rore, to burn upi out valmily, pme off, joll. . Extra + Exvilcſco, čre, to grow vile, Exuſcitátio, onis ; f. s raiſing us. dere mcrccs, to put of wyni. • EXUL, ülis ; c. [à folum) a baniſed Exufito, are, i à fuſcito) I rarje up, Extrudere tabellarosto bafot e- awakm, bouřkon, en.ouragr. • Ex- way the latter-carriers. Exulans, ntis, part. daniſed. uſcitare fe, to belir himſelf. Extrudor, di, 80 de purif, vilmily + Exălārius, a, um ; of baniſhment. + Exusitāte; idv. cut of uſe. thru out, + Exălărītius, ii ; m. a vagabond. + Exuftich, orum; m. branded vil. Extru-o, xi, &um, öre; act. (of ex Exulceratio, onis ; f. bitterneſs of lains and Ardo) to build or pile up. * mix fucking revenge, foreness. Exuſtio, onis ; ihs fring of couririn, Extracre menſam epalis,to fui ment Exuicčtãtor, oris ; m. bt that raiſesh a burning up. upon the table. * Extruerc verba a fort. Exuftor, oris ; m, a bumer. in numerum, to place bis words, or Exulcčrātörlus, 2, am ; adj. that will Exultatio, alis; I. ' fcorching, order bem artificially, draw a fore. Ex«ſtilātor, õris; 01. a ſcorcher. Extra.or, i, &us ; past, to be eritrd, Exulcērātrix, icis ; f. for that raiſeth Exuſtalo, are, to ſcorih, jinge. built, or furniſed. 4 blain. Exuftus, a, um; part. of exuror ; Extuberans, niis; part, of extubero; Exulcējātus, a, um ; part. of exul. burned up. rijng up. * Extuberans gemma, coror ; made fort, galled. Exūtus, a, um ; part. of exuor ; pur a precious Bone bumping our. Exulcero, are; act. (ab ulcus] to make of or omt, Spoiled, deprived, # Extūberărlus, a, um, ad). ſwell. fori, frete exasperate. Exúv!28' arum ; f. (ab exuo)_closbrs ing with anuy: Exūlo, are ; ncut. to be bonifded. put off or Aripped off. * Exuviæ Extūbčrātio, das ; f. a rifing sp, or Exultabundus, a, um, rejoicing. ferarum, the bides of beaffs. * Ex- froelling. Exullaas, ntis ; past. rejoicing: uviæ ſerpentum, Jinks or call-cost Exiūběro, are ; neut. to ſwell, riſ Exultanièr ; adv. wiib groot joy. of ſnakes. me in a fore. f. & triumphing, + Exuvis, is ; fo ajalu. Excali, preterperfect. of effcro. Exultatio, on! Ezechiel, ēlis ; m a Jewiſh pist, who Extum.eo, ērc, and eſco, čre ; 10 Exulum; adv. skipping about. writ a tragedy of Moſes ; alſo be Aul-up. Exulto, äre, neut. [à ralio) 1. leap name of a prophet. Exiumidus, a, um ; ad. welling up for joy, boall, bubble, Lætitiâ Rrçally, cxuitare, to leap for joy. # Auda- + Extonc, from that time. ciùs exultare, to glory foolifbly. • Ext-ando, udi, ülum,undere ; a8.50 Exultarc in aliqueo, to infult over É anle A. hear, forge, or fad out. • Labor tond-t faftidia, labour gets ene a Exūlūlătio, ön:9;«f. a foreiking or F. for fælix, fuit, fit, figura, filius, Jomarh. • Extunderc aliquld, to get bowling. fcfta, feria, Auvius, a thing with pain and difficulty. Exilūlātus, a, um, part. of exululo; FA for Slia. Exturbatio, onis ; f. a c. Ring out. bowling, or filled with howling, FAB.1, æ; f. à págu odo, vel a Excurbātor, ons; m. be that cafts out. Exulŭlo, arc ; ncut. 10 bowl, or fill Dor. aba pobes) a beant; alſo a balo Exturtālus, a, um ; part of cxtur- with howling los, a white and black bean uſed in bor, shrug out, rohird out. + Exum, -effe, so be without, judgment for abſolutim and condome Exturbo, are, act. to caff out, difpof- Exunctio, onis ; f. a befesaring. nation. • ifhæc in me cudetur of, dinuro Exturbare cil00. Exundang. ntis, sverflowing. faba, I fall ſuffer for ibat. Faba los, lo drewd the pione in the bladder. Exundantèr ; adv. Iverflowingly. Jovis, ſuilla, porcina, or lapina, • Éxturbare aliquem fortunis om-Exundacio, onis ; f. an overflowing. ban-dane. nibus, to take away all one bash, Exundo, arc ; nout. to overflow, or Făbāceus, a, um ; adj. of a dean. leave one nothing to help me's falf. break out. Făbacia, a; f. a bran.cakt. Extuitio, ire; act. 10 vo.d with cough-Exun-20, xi,&tum,göre; act soffend + Fabaclum, ii ; n. a bean falk. ing to cough oul. in ointment, befmiar all our. Pabaginus, a, um ; adj. of beam. Exluffior, iri , jtus ; pafl. to be doid. Exungŭlo, arc, to break or part of the Făbago, inis ; f. coin chay od dy coughing, horſes hoofs. Făbale, lis , n. a bran-falk. + Exuber, a, um ; ad). wraned. Exuo, ui, utum, čre ; (&aduw! 10 un. Fåbālis, le ; adl. 3. art. of a bear. Exūběrans neis P & A. abounding. doath, put of clothes, spord, deprivt, Stipula fabalis, bean.jiraw. Exūberant'a, æ; f. abundance. lny spde, break, looje. • Exuere + Fabana, æ ; f. bran-poitage. Exūberantiſfimus, a, um ; adj. Superl. hostem caftris, to bear bim out of + Fabaria, a; f. orpins or live long of exuberans, moj plentiful. the field... Exuere tributa, to refuſe Fabaria, an fund of Fiifia, callid Exūbērāito ðnis ; f. an abounding. paying triburi. Exucre animam, alf Burchana.. Ex&bero, arc; ncut. (ab uber) to a- to die * Exucic fidem, or pro Fabaris, a river of the Sabines. bound. • Ea res exuberat favos, mitſa, to be worſe than one's word. Făbārius, 2. um ; 20). [ à fab 3 ) of Alls the combs. Exuere homincm ex hominc, to brans. Fabaria calendæ, the ca. Exuccè; adv. drils, wiibeut juice. dive himjalf of all humanity. lends of June, branje on ihar day + Exocco. are, so profu out juice. t Exuper, æ; f. Brait wrvain. the sacrified to the dogs who had Exuccus,a,un; adj. (à ſúccus] dry, Exuperabilis, le ; adj. furpalable. the care of coutu. without rap. Exuperans, atis z part. excerding. Fabarli; they that sai paribed beans. Exuctus, a, um; part. of exugor ; Exupcranters adv, exauding: + Făbataria orum ; a. difons for jucked out, as dry as a kuck, Exupčrantia, <; f. an excelling. beans ond praje Exüdatio, onis ; f. a swecling out. Exipirantiffimus, a, um ; adj. fuperl.+ Fabatrum, i ; n. the ſcarla grain. Exūdātus, a, um ; wanted out moll exullme. † Făbătum, i, n. bian-broth. Exūdo, tres for ex and fudo] so Exupérācio, önis; f. an cumsbarg- i Făbatus, a, am, of brons. ing Fábca, a ; f. a little girl beginning Junt ar pleading Exudarc la- Exūpērācus, a, om ; ſurpoſed. 10 Yosak, borca, i work till 0078 (wears at Exuperb.io, Ire ; aeut. to be wary Fibella, & f. jun. (à fabu'ala lit. goin informi. Ile jjory of ide. + Ervého, čre. 10 export, carry cl. Exupéro, are ; a&t. Là ſupero) te jur. Fabellarius, li , n. a Hallo of Bories. Exve'atus, a, um, difcured, pals, exced. + Fabellatio, õnis ; f. a selling of Esvello, čre, to pull out. + 'Exucủlārius, ii; m, a pruner, Nories. + Exverta, or rriæ, arama fwepo Exurcŭlo, are, là furculus) so pruno Fabellator, oris ; m. a reller of sales, . ing clean with particular kind of Fabellatrix, icis; f. a prattiing susp. broom wbore dead bodies, wars car + Exurd-eo, ēre, so grow dear. Tabello, arc ; acut to tell sales. ried forth, Exord-co, ēre act. Cà furdus] 20 Tănes, a, um ; adj. ingenious, artif. + Exver-10, ri, rore, 10 ſwap our. naky deaf, bonurb, Exurdare rind, wikmin-like. Exverto. 1, čre, it proveri. palajum, to take away ibs $218. FĂBER, ri; m. [à facio) coolanen, + Exuflat o. onis ; t. a blowing our. Exurgco, á, fum, göre, to custowi. Faber ferrarius, a dla djilb. Exu go, x, aum gere; act. (or ex Exurgo, čre, forijo wg, increale. # Faber lignarius, a carpenter. # and sugn} s'uid cui » up. * Exu. Exurgere ædificiis, (of a sily] Faber ulzrius, a gold.mil gere ſudoren. 1o wipe off (be fungs huve jituly and losiy buildings, # Fädcrelius, i; m. amalt arrifier, Faber F AB F AC F AC }. Fantneys . fins conceits, Faberrime; adv. very cunningly, Fabules ala, bean-llalks, . Facere nomina, to chin ovir Făbcrrimus, a, um, very artificial, Fábălor, ari ; (à fabula) to prate, depes. * Facere ova, to lay eggs. Fäbētum, 1; 3. Col. [à faba) a place di/courſe. • Facere periculum, to try. * Fa. wbrre beans grow. Fäbilo, onis ; m. e proter, buffoon. core quzftuc, to gain. Facerc # Fabeus, i; m, a boy beginning 80 t Fabulonla, 2, f. bers.bans. rem, to improve. • Facere vadi- Speak. Fäbülõse, adv. fictitiouſly, monium, to enter into recognizinia. Fabia, e Roman women, wbo sow Fäbúlēgtas, ātis ; f. feignedreſs. • Facere ve!a, 10 fail, Facere Fabius Fabricanus, thai sou might | Fábrilõlus, , um , ad) fabulous, fic vitium, to decay. * Facit ad vi- live in adultery witb Petronlus ritious, much talked of. peræ morſun, 'tis good again Valentianos. Fábulan, i; n. bean.shaff, Fabu. sbs fling of an adder. lllc facit Fabianas, ni ; m. Fablan, a skilfulium marinum, sea.poppy mecum, he is on my fide. * Facere natural philosopher ; allo the nine Fábulus, li, m. [å fåba] « linte sibi moren, to bring biinelf into a ternth bijbsp of Rome who ſuffered bean, cujio n. * Facere vestigium in pol. martyrdor, A D. IGI. Facc. ineperat. for fac. Seffionem, 1o. lrize upon an inheri. Fabiola, a devout woman of Rome. + Pacchie, is, a kind of pulfe, Imtil. tance, take pulfion of it. Facere + Fabiolun. l;n white papry. Figetia, xir a little torch nomina cum vincis, to call up wbar Fablus, th: name of Jeveral Roman Făcelsicor, oris ; m. a diſpatcber, bis vineyard bring, him in. * Fa. moblessen. Fliefsitus, a, um, part. Of faceſſor j cere paria. lo aguil, to regaire. Fabius Maximus,conſul withC. Julius aiſpatched, troubled. Non faciam ut, I won' undertake Cæfar ; alſo a general of the Rosnan Făceft-o, i and ivium, and itum, čre; 16--., . Facere teftudinem, to (TUP army againg the Carthaginians, act (à facio) 1o di passb, diſmiſs, Iske a tortoiſe, as the Roman infans- wodi lal oli his mo, and being mor. accompliſ. Faceffere negotium fry did when they made an aſaule; tally wounded bimſelf, dire as he alicui, to find him hujine's enouglo. overy one being covered with hii was about to apralt Hannibal ; also • Fascffere pe ſculum, to bring burder, whicb reprefented the name mother oboje did ator againſt Han inio danger. Hæc hinc facoſat, of a fortoife. nibal, wbi by bir prudmt dolaying les her br gons. + Facltergun, li; a. bandler regained what abors by their raf Paceffor, ffi ; past. be troubled. ibiof. noſo lift. † Făcēta, a ; f. a fible, comedy, Pacitor, for fit. Fabra, * ; f. workmanſhip, the car. Făcētè; adv. Wiltils, pleafamly. Fadio, onis ; f. « ma king, Action, penter's inade. Făcētia, &; if. raillery, plea party, ribes, authority, e inol Fabra, fabrorum ; cunning lifts. Faceliz, arum; . band, playing at tennis. . Fadio Fabratcrla, a town in Italy. Facetl or, ari ; dep. to be pleasant, teftamenti, che privilege of making Fabrè ; adv. artifcially, so jef, droll. a will. Fabrcfacio, eci, čre, so waard arcu. Făcctiffimè , ady, very pleaſantly. Faculosè ; ady. faaarfr. ramly. + Făcētoſus, a, um, adj. full of plea- Faiofus and Igatieffinus, a, um ; Fabrcfa&us, a, am; part. of fabrefid; adj. faaious, leading a party, also artifcially wrougbi. Făcctos, and fácētiffimus, a, um ; ricb. Fabrica, &;f. (à faber) a building, ad). [å facio, vela faodo] witty, Faaltātio, ons ; f. a usng no do. a carpenter's top, cunning device. pleaſant. Factitātor, öris; m. bi rat uſe:hts * Fabricam fiagerc ad aliquem, \ t Facialis, a handkerchief. do, to put a trick upon one, 1 chouse, si Făciendus, a, um ; part. to be done. + Faaltātrix, lcis ; f. for that prac . a parfuss. Făcleos, ntis ; part. doing. tilos, Fabricatio, onis ; f. & framing. FXCIES, ei ; f. [à facio, vel à qáa' Faditias, a, um ; adj. made by art. Fabricator, oris ; m. a framan, luceo) ibi fact, fighi, symmeiry, Faalto, are ; act. 10 praaiſ, do nju, worimar, inuenior, Fabricator Urbis facics, 'the guiſe of the sity. ally. • Fazitare coactiones, to mundi, the crnator of the world, • De ficje noſcere, to know by fight be calleder or receiver of rents or Febricātūra, z, f. workmanlip. only. • Perfricuit faciem, be's in saxts. Fabricăcus, a, um, frained. pudeni, . Faclc tcnus, in outward Factitor, ari, pail. to do pradifed, Fabrißenfis, is ; m. a furveyor, pow. • Vertere ſe in omnes fa-1 + Facto, are, io moke. + Pabricia, a; f. a bean-sále. cles, to uſe all means poſſible. Fador, oris ; m. Clc. doet, maker, Fabricius, li ; m. sitizam of Rome, Făcil-è lùs, limè; adv. uhly. worker. wbi could not be corrupted by sbr Facilè princeps, extremely,thi beft. Factum, i; n. a dud. Bonum fac- Samnites, although he was sooner that • Facillimè fe agere,to be at beart's tam, [a forms of Spurch before an e- bis daugbters portions were fain to ef!, 10 bave whiraivithal 11 live. dia] may it fuccnd. be giver out of the publick treaſury. Făcilis, ic ; ad): 3. art. ior, illimus, Factura, e ; f. e making, framing, Fabricius pons, a bridge at Rome, (à taclo) frafible, eaſy, favourab!, + Facūrio, ire. to be forward u do. built by the conful Fabricios, propitious, sady to be entreated, ligbi. Factūrus, a, uni ; part. ready to do. Fabrico, are ; to work, forge, or • Facies oculi, rolling cor. • Factus, a, un ; palt. of fio ; dani, Fabricor. ari i frame. Multa Lutum facile, pliant clay. * Ex madi. Factam tibi rem ftatim fabricantur 101mo, bs inverts many facill, witb o wat finger, purall, you were cock-fuss.. Bene ways. Făcilitas, acis ; f. safneſs, genilmes, factum argenrum, well-wrougbr + Fabr'culus, i; m. A liela wara pliableneſs, a babit. plate, * Ad jocum lactus, a merry + Pacillatio, onis; f. a Arangling. grig, a droll. + Făbricus, a, um, of a workman. Facilātor, oris ; m. a frangler, Factus, os ; m. Cic. a making donés. Fabrilis, lc ; adj. 3. art. of a milli Facillo, arc, to jirangle. • Olei lacus, eny whole prop of or carpenter. Făcinorosè , adv. wickedly, brinouſly, oil. Fábriliter, adv. workman-like. Făcinorõlus, a, um, ad). heinous. + Facul, for facilè, capily. Fäbúla, 2; f. (à fando ) a fable, Făcinus, oris ; n. (à facio an alt, Făcăla, 2 ; f. (à faxí a lisilo forth sale, comedy, the matter of a come exploit ; also a heinous crime. ar brand, dy, common saik. • Fabulæ, sullo, FĂCIO, fcci, factum, ere; a&t. [ab + Făcúlz, aram, e considlarion. very tridu. Fabula cadit, the Heb gnasab, Tolga, vel à pár, 10. Făcutārius, ii ; ma romb-beurt. pluy dolb not take. * Jam nos fabu cco) to do, muke, prizce, jacrifice + Făcuiente, adv. gligoningh. læ fumus, now we are the town. suffer account, raiſe, kerp. now'l + Făcălcatia, a; f. a gliisring roll. * In fabulis effc, to be com gebry, praftifs, pred Facere # Făcălcntus, a, um, gliforing monly talked of. verba, zo diſcourſe. Facere cer + Faculo, are, to make forsbos. Fabúla, æ; f. (à faba) a little tran. tiorcm, 10 acquaint, Faccre Facultas, āris; f. [å facul.) a farnity, Fåbilaris, re, oj a fable or fiétion. • facturan, 10 loje. Eccre ægrè ubility, power, madinejs, opportunity, Hiftorla fabularis, a romance. alicui, to do one Shread turn. virtue or for e. Facultates, + Fibulārlus, il; m. a tale-bearer, . Foere copiam & puteftatc.nl, • Nummoruin facultas, Fábulator, oris ; m. a tallar of tales. impart, and pler arroni . Fa A good de l or « bank of money. • Fabúllnus, 4 god fo.ppofied in lood 10 cere fidem, tu liars. * Facore quorum crit facultas, lush as we shildren who thu) orgun to speak. graciam delati, 10 peraon. Nau. (un gut. Fabulis, le ; adj. 3. art. of a bran. fragium 'facere, co bs cal swas. Facuudè, adv. eloquently. Pacundia, an. we:lth. FAL FAL F A M Facinius, a, um'; adj. gielding fore Mon, } Facundia, æ ; f. sloquiner. Falco, Oais; m. (a falx] a falcon, 1+ Fulfimonia, and jum, it ; n. full- + Facundio, are, to make cloquent, hawk, or cupon. hood. + Facundiofus, a, um, jadj. full of Falcones, ſuch as have crooked tori, Falsiparens, ntis , having a wrong cliqueries. + Fa'cor, ari, to be mowed or cut. faihar, Facunditas, atis; f. slogumre. Falcŭla, jf. a little fickle or hook; Falsitas, atis ; f. deceit. Facundo, are, to iraka claquent. alſo a tulon, and a bank-martinet Falsito, are, to uſe so anceive. Facundus, a, um ; adj. ior, iffi.nas, Falcunchlus, l, m, là falco) a lana. Falſo, arc, to forgs, falffy. (à fando) eloquent, Speaking with Falso, ady. fallly, wrongfully. good grace. Falenfis Portus, Falmouth in Corn. Falfun, i; u. @ falfily, 178. In Facundus, a Roman conful colleagus wall. falſum, befide the mark, witbout with Nepotianus. # Faleræ, arum ; t. pl. horſe-trap doing execution. of Fadelfium, or Faderfium, ii ; a. pings. Falfus, a, um ; part. of (allor ; de. a hotch-porch. + Fälčre, 1s; n. a pile or buttres. crived, falso counterfeit, mißuken. Fæcatus, a, um, unfined, not fettled. Falerit, a town in Tuſcany. * Ea res me fálfum habuit, ibar Fæces, um ; f. pl. (à fæx ). ibi colour Falerina, a Roman tribe. thing fell out contrary to my exf®- with which as its plainied themſe’ves Fälernum vinum, fack, muſcadine. fariin. Fulfus animi, deceived. of Falernus, a miuntain and country of FALX cis;f (ab Heb palach, dir. Campania, wery fruitful, and bear. fecuit) a foyiha, fickle, ar pruning: of loss. ing excellent wines, het, a cramp.iron. a bill. Fæcorus, a, um, adj. full of dregs, Falilca, æ; f. [à Faliſci] a crib or FAMA, ; f. (ghun) fame, rapor!, Facúla, æ; f. [à fæx] ſmall dregs or rack for braſls. renown, * Ut fana cit, as there lus, wine Jodden to a thick Jub. Faliści, a people of Hetruria ; unhon port goes... Darc fama, la spread Banca, lo lu-aloes made of wine Camillus 'befregad ihon, a ſchool abroad, noile about, Intra famam dregs to dlow the hair. maſır offered to betrøy unto him cſíc,to be in leſs repule than reported. Faculcnté ; adv. dreggily. ſuch noblamen's children as were in Famaguſta, a city of Cyprus. Fæculentia, a; f. draggineſs, filthi his care; but Camillus cauſed him to + Famelia, æ; f. a family. nefs. be Bripped naked, and whipped by Fomelice, adv. hungrily, Fæculentus, a, um ; adj. full of drugs his scholars back ognin ; whi:h piece Fămēlicus, a, um, adj. [à fames) droly. of juſtice cauſed them so piala she hunger-farved. Fasculinus, a, um ; adj. upon the city so him. + Fāmella, m ; f. a finall report. lus. Faliſcus, a, um ; adj. of the Faliſci. + Fănellus, i im. a littia fervant. Fædus, a, om, filtby. Su fædus. Fäliſcus, ci; m. a hez's pudding: + Fagen, inis; n. Sporch. Fælula, a cilj of Hetruria, near Falifcus venter, a bugrife, or hög's- † Fáico, ēre, to bi hungry: Florence. harfleis - Fames, is ; f. Cap.vw vei à váyu FÆX, fæcis ; f. [atexul, craffus,vel Fallăcia, æ ; f. Cic. deceitfulness, a cdo) bunger, famino, fujiing. Au- singls, coagulatio). dregs, less, chut, trick. * Homo fine fuco ri ſacra fames, tbs unſatisfied depre grounds, drofs. Fæx civitatis, & fallaciis, a downright honet of gold. she feum of the people. Făneſco, ērc, to grow hungry. + Fagin cum, i ; n. a grove of beschisit Fallaciloquentia, æ ; f. deritful t Fimicida, a ; m. 4 funderer. Fagineus, Speaking. # Fămicus, ci ; m. á place where Faginus, a, um ; adj. duashmi + Fallacioſus, a, um , adj. deceitful. viftuals aro fold. of burch, Fageus, Fallaciter, adv. de'eitfully. Fāmiger, 2, um; adj. carrying news. + Fagopyrum, burk-what, buch-Fallax, acis ; adj. 3. art. [à fallo) Famigčrábilis, le; ad). renowned. daritful, falſo. Fāmigčrācio, onis; f. a carrying of + Fagoria, a; f. a woman-cork. Faliendus, a, um, part. fut. in dus tals. FAGUS, i; f. layou) a buecb-free. to be decived. Famigērātor, oris ; m. a news-mon. Fagotal, a ibapei confecrated to Jupi- Fallens, ntis ; part. of fallo ; de'eiv geri ter in Rome, wherein there was a ing. * Fallens veftiglum, « falſFāmigčrātrix, icis ; f, so that fara beccb, Arp. Fallentis ſemita vitæ, an ries-news. Faguralis, le ; adj. of besch. objcure life. • Fallens clivas, a Famigěrātus, a, um ; part.renowned. + Faida, a deadly faud, a profecution jerp hillock farming aherwiſi. Fāmigero, aic, so forge or carry about to death. + Fallībills, lc, dereivable. FALA, æf. (à pang montes). FALLO, fefelli, falfum, ére; act. + Fimīgěrulus, 1 ; m. a little news- turret of wood. Falæ, galleries, Copánna] to deceive, beguile, fall. monger. scaffolds. * Fallere tempus, to pass the time. Fămilia, æ; f. Cic. (a famulus]a fa. Fala, the river Vale in Cornwall. * Fållit me, I am ignorant. * mily, Cock, fuif, the Servant, of a Falacrlum, & promontory of Sicily, Fallere dextram ; Virg. promiſ houſe, a housbold, a feet of philofo- called Raſocolmo. ſum ; Quint. Curt. to break one's pbers. Decem dierum vix mihi + Falanga, æ; f. a club with an iron word. * Qui per b'ennium ſeſele erit familia, all my goods will lerat, that continued two years an ſcarcı farve'ım days. Cordium + Falangarlus, ii ; m, a porter, inocon, that lay in obfzurity, &c. eft familia dominatrix, hearts are Falarica, æ; f. a ſpear fuck with * Ut viſum fällat, that he cannot trumy wild-firs, foot from an engine to fer be perceived. * Fallere facicm ali- + Familiareſco, čre, to grow fami. fire to a place. cujus, to counterfeit or go for any liar, Falaricus, a, um ; of ſuch. Spear. one. Fallere mandata, nor so do + Fămillaricus, a um jadj. of a family. Falcarius, a, um ; adj. (à falx) bau. or to avad' wbit one is bid. * Sella familiarica, bog-houſes. ing a feythe, forkle, or will hask. + Fallônia, ; f. felony. Familiaris, ſe; adj. 3. art. familiar, Falcarius, ii me maker of ſytbes, Fallor, i ; past. to be deceived, miſ of the fame family, common. * Res takan, Fallitur 20ro Supiter ; familiaris, one's private aflate. + Falcaſter, and -trum, an iron hook Propert. Homo familiariffimus mihi, a man with a long bandle.. Falsārius, il ; m. a falfifier, forger. met intimart 'with me. the Stella fa- + Falcātio, õnis ; f. a moving. False ; ads, falßy. miliaris, a close.pool. # Familiaris Falcãtor, 'āris.; m. be that cuts with Falsidicus, ci; m. propheſying falfly. Italiæ vbor, a true growing sumy Falsificatio, onis ; f. a fallifying where in Italy. Falcātas, a um ; adj. booked. *Fal. Falsificator, oris ; m. a fuiffier. Fă miliäris, ris ; m. a familiar frioad, catus enas, a falchion, kiymetar, Falsificātus, a, um, falfified. an acquaintance. oy banger. * Falcati currus, chao Falsifico, arc, io fainly. Fămīliáritas, ātis; f. familiarity, ar- riats of iron armed with ligthos. Falsificus, a, um , adj. afting falſiy, quaintance. Fă cifer, 7 a, um, adj. bearing FalGjurius, a, um ; adj. fwearing Familiäritèr, iùs, iffimè; adv. fami. + Fulcifer, 3 a fcythe. fallly. liarly, without ceremony. • Fam. * Falcilla, æ; fi & lus, i; m. a Falsilóquenta, e; f. spiaking liariter ferre mortem alicujus, to Pruning or grafting knife. falfy. lament oni's drarh bitterly. + Falcito, and falco, are ; to mow, Falsilóquus, a, um ; adj. /peaking + Famillarlum, il ; n. thás which is rep, lap, chtoff. falfly fit for a forvani, + Fam- com. Nrws. Mower. a bill. . tire; Vints. FAR FAR FAS + Faniilias, gen. for famillai Farcimentum, i, n. a Nvfing. Fartus, us ; m. a cramming, filling: + Fäinosè, adv. famouſy. Farciminālus, a, um, adj. having Fartus, a, um, part. of farcior" ; + Famositas, žtis ; f. relown or in. the farcies. fuffed, crammid. fumy. + Farcino, arc ; to juf. + Farus, i, m.& f. a watch power, Famõſus, a, um; adj. ior, lffimus ; FAR-CIO, ſi, dum und tum, or beacon. firmous; infamous, muih spoken of. act. (à quáoow, conſtipo, io suf PAS, n, indecl. (à fando] lawful, * Libelli famoſi, libels. * Digi of cram, inake far. * Farcire pan. right. * Exucre fas, not at all so tus famoſus, the iniddle finger. num in os, to ibruji a linnon tont regard juffice or equity. + Famul, for famulus, a man fer in:o the mouth. Fas, the an:ient name of the goddeſs vant, Farcior, iri; paft. so'be jufid. ſoſtitia. Fămŭla, æ; f. a woman ſervant. Farcitus, a, um ; buffed. Falcolis, ' a firmame of Diana. + Fămúlāmen, inis; n. a family. Farctor, faictum, farctus, for fartor, Falcellina, a toron of Sicily. Făvúlans, ntis į P. & A. Soru ng. &c. FASCIA, &; f. (p&oxis, vel à far. * Famulante fortunâ, fortune bout Farfara, æ, f. the herb cole's-fout. cis) a ſwarhe, a faſh, turbanli friending one. + Farfaria, a; f. betony. diadem, faces (as ſome soll berri, Fămūlanter, adv. as 'a fervant. Farfarum, i, n. [à Farlarus] the as others) fillets, bends in an archio Fămūlantiffimus, a, um ; adj. very white poplar.free. Iravi, .A cloud Aretched out like. 4 ceedient. Farfarus, a river of the Sabines. funthe, Juv. Faſciæ, the Zones. Fämůlarè, adv. ſervant.like. Farfugium, il; n. wbite poplar. * Farria: leati, the covering of a Farina, æ; f. [à far] mezi. Fa. Fămúlaris, rc; of or like a fervant. bed. Faſcia crinalis, a hair. Famúiātio, önis; f. a farving or tend rinæ venter, coarſe rossal, gurgians. lace. Faſcia pe&oralis, a fo- ing: • Cornûs cervi farina, powder of macher or bib. Alſo a garter, and Fămilātor, gris ; m. an attendent. birifhan. * Ejufdem farinæ ho a long kind of wor773. Fămīļāırix, icls; f. A woman fer mincs, mon of the same quality. + Faſcāle, 18; n. a ſwathing-band. vant.' + Fărinaceus, a, um ; adj of meal. Far:jatim (à faſcis) bundle wife. Familātus, îs ; m. a retinue. + Farinária, æ; f. á mill. Faſciātor, oris ; m. a ſwaddler, + Fanúštas, ātis; f. an attendunie. + Färinārium, ii; n. a meal-cham- Faſciāuix, icis ; f. the shar swad- Fămúlītium, ii; n. a company of jer- ber. dler. Färinārius, ii; m. A moal man. Faſciatus, a, um ; Swaddled. + Famulo, are; neat. so be a ſervant. + Fărinoſus, a, um ; fuil of meal. Faſcicŭlāris, re; adj. of a bundle.' Fándlas ari; dep. to ſerve. + Fărinŭla, æ; f. fine flour.. + Faſcicŭlāria, ium ; n. burdens, TĂMŬLUS, i; m. [ab Oíco fimul] Fărinůlentus, a, um, adj. full of bundles, forage. a fervans. • Famulus facrorum, meal or flour. Faſcicŭlus, 1; m. [à faicis] a little a surute, or pariſ clerk. Fārio, onis; m. (à varius] a trout. bundle, a gripe. handful, noſegay. Făinūlus, a, um, adj. fubje&. + Făriolus, ; m, a prophet. * Faſciculus foliorum, a pack of sards, Fana, a noble virgin of France, who FĀRIS, fatus ſum, ari; verb. dep. bring compelled by Herzclius 30 imperf. (8w) to ſpeak. Faſcinamentum, i; n. a brwitch. marry, wept her eyes out, Farnus, i; f. (poyos) a fir-frer, ing. Fänãticc, ady, madly. Farnus, a king of the Mcdes. Faſcinans, ritis ; lewitching. Fanaticus, a um ; adj. onthufiaftical, Farracea, the caramonies of marriage Falcinātio, onis; f. an enchanting, giddy bruin'd, fututiik. at Rome. Falcinātor, oris ; m. an enchanter. Fandi (or faris ) of ſpeaking. Fan Farraceum, ei ; n. frummly. Faſcinātrix, icis ;. f. an enchantreſs. di doctiffimus, well ſpoken, eloquent. Fairāceus, a, um ; ad). of wheat. Faſcino, are; act. (Bacxaiyu] 10 be- Fandò, adv.by report. Farrăgināria, õrum; n. a hodge-podge. witch, an'hint. Fandus, a, um ; so be spoken, law- Faprāgo, inis; f. Cic. [à far) maſlin, Falc'nor, ari; 10 be bewieshed. ful. hodge.pedge, fodder, mixed proven. Faſcinum, i; n. an enchantment, bem Fanenſes, the inhabitants of Fa der of ours and beans ; a mixture witching Faneſtres, num. of good and bad together. Faſcinus, the name of a god among Fancus, a river near Beneventum. + Farran um, i; n. a kind of herb. the ancimis, driving away with. Fannia lex. & law among the Ro- + Farrarius, a, um ; bearing corn. craft. cans, which appointed money for Farrājum, i, n. frumonty, or other Falcio, are; 10 Swaddle or bind up. the ſetting out of plays, food made of corn. Faſciola, æ ; f. a little ſwathi, a Fannil, iwo orators. Farreātio, onis ; f. Col. an eating garlet, and a garland. Fannius, the name of a poet, not very of the brida-cake. + Faſciolus, a, um, adj. of a ſwathi good, ist his prens 'wers brought Farreātor, osis ; m. he ibat joins in or garland. in!o the temple of Apollo and The marriage, Faſcior, arl ; paff, to be ſwaddled or Mules. Farreātus, a, um, adj. married. Fannius Cepio, being taken in a con- Farreo, arc; to celebrale marriage. FASCIS, is; f. [opáxendos, vel ab Spiracy againt Auguftus, killed him. Farreum, el; u. Col. A barn, or bag Heb. kephash, ligavic.) A faggot, a felf. pudding bundle oj ong thing, a bundle of # Finon, or fenon, a Rag. Farreus, a, um, adj. of wheat. rods carried before the Roman man Fans. niis; part. Speaking. Farrca nubes, dandrit. gilirates ; alſo the office and dignity FĀNUM, 1; n. Liv. [à Yando, Fau- + Farriculum, i; n. a lump of lesven. ilfelf. Submittere faíces, to hold no, vel quattros confpicuus, s sem- + Farrināccus, a, um ; of meal. * macs downward, to vajl ibe bon. ple: + Farrinārium, a menlushamber. Fanum, a ciry of Umbria, en the + Farrinārius, li ; m. e bolter, lifter, Fafelus, or faſeolus, i, m. a French. Adrialick More. meal-man. bran, Fanum Martis, & foron in Luxem- + Farrinus, a, um ; adj. of wheat. Faſsūrus, a, um, about 10 confoss. burg, called Marche en Famine. + Farfa, æ; f.or-um, i, n. a pudding. Faſſus, a, um ; fart, of fateor; ba. Fanum Neoti, Śt. Neot's in Hun- + Farsūra, æ; f. á jufing, crop ving confuſed. tingdonſhire. ming . Fafti, orom; m. a Roman calendar, Fanum Regull, St. Andrew's. + Farticula, æ; f. a little pudding. in which their feads, ceremonies, Fanum vacuna, the town Vacone Fanilia, ā, um ; balls to cram poul. of the magißrates, and among the Sabines. working days, wire les down.. Fanus, a god of the Phæniclaas, ex- Fartils, le; adj. fuffed, crammed. Faftorum liber, the Roman cúlon- preffied by a ferpeni web a sail in Fartìm, adv. by cramming, in dor, 0918 of Ovid's works. See his mouth, ti donote the course of heap, Fauftus. . Fartor, Oris; m. £ maker of pudding, Faftidientis effe ftomach!, to be FAR, farris ; n. [Heb. bar] broad. ct saufoges ; alſo a cr. inmer. lquramiſh. Fartum, i; ne pudding, et olher Faridientèr, adv. Faramundus, the first king of the Arfing. * Veitis fartum, the body. + Fait dilièr, Franks, A D. 421. Fartūra, æ; f. a lufting of trum. Faltid ló, ire; act, to defeiſe, diſ- Farciren, inis ; n. [à fascic] a ming; allo the filling of walls up dain, loarb. * Faſtidit nei, his puddin'', saufoge. wird rubbiſh. fels nought by me Faftidlogi } bound up. names A the years, C0777 : } diſdainfully. 1 F A T F AU F A X i Faftidior, iri ; in beloathed, &c. whet. Fatigare regni vires, 10 on the fifth day of December. Faftidiosè, iùs, iffimè; ady, diſdain impouriſo a kingdora. Figare | Fauni, õrum ; mi gods of the wds fully. Squeamifly. vinclis & carcere, to stop by chatni and fuldı, called alſo Sanrs. Fastidjõlus, a, um ; adj. lor, ifimus; and impriſonment, Fauigaro ter- + Faunicus, a, um ; adj. wild, rude. diſdainful, Jqueamin. * Faftidio gum, to bolobour one, Farigare Faunus, she son of Picus, and falber fos fierarum Latinarum, lo2tb. for fatigari, to be wuaried. of Latinus, the third ling of ibe ing Latin, having no mind arall Fátiloquus, a, um ; foretelling dofi. Aborigines, and father of ihe other to it, Fauni. Faftiditor, oris; m. a diſdainer, + Fatim, adv. abundantly. + Favoniālis, le ; of the wit-wind, Kcerner, + Fatio. õnis; f. a quen bed fire Favon:ana pyra, karbcrine-pears. Faſtidltus, a, umį part. of faftidior; trand. Făronius, ii ; m. (à favco) the welf. forned, dulied. ** Viri :.on farti Fäciſco, ēres [qu. fatim hiſco) 10 wind. diti, mia of good effects. fail, river wiib sinks, gape, be Făvor, äris; m. favour, god-will. Fast dlam,:ii;.n. Cic. [à faftus) a weary. Favor, or Favo, an hear at Rome, lo-hingi dejdain, dijafe, ſqusamilo + Fato, arc; to deſtinate. who, ar Vefpafian's drah, imitated nefs. + Fător, ari ; to speak murb. his munners whilji alive.. | Faſtigator, oris ; m. he that rules Fătua Su Fauna. Fårörābilis, le ; adj. 3. art. favour. the end of a thing forp. Făcuè, adv. focliſh!y. able, or favouring. Faſtigātas, a, um ; pointed. Fatuelis, as Faunus. Fåvõrábilitèr, adv. favourably. , Fătiitas, ātis; f. foolifanefs, impartia Favorinus, a philofophor, and febalar Fattgját:0, önis; f. & making point- of Dion, an sunuch, enemy to A- FATUM. i ; n. Cæs. (à fando) fate, drian, who said, but in hindi Fastigator, oris ; m. be that makes deftin, an oracle, death, nature; Ti are thru miracles; that being a pointed providence; alſo life. Præcipi Frenchwan be ſpeke Greck ; tbst Faft giātus, a, um, pointed. • Faf tare lata veneno, to prevent a na being an sunucb, be was bought to tg auflimus, very proud, taral deatb by poiſon. be an adulterer ; and that bring an Fast-gio, are; act. se point, or faßt. + Fzcuo, are ; to make or grow foolo many to the emperor, bo wa s- ion with a ſpire. live. Faftigium, ji; a. Cic. (à faftus) ibe + Fătuor, art; to be in an apaly, or + Favoroſus, a, um ; full of favour, top or spire of a tuilding, a pinna. out of one's wirs. Fauſta, the wife of Conſtantino, Nain sle, iba dopih, sate, dignity, she Fatuor, ari ; to play the fool. by him. armt over letters, a vane. * Hu Fā:us, a, um, part. of fari; having Fauſtè, adv. luckily, happily. minum faftigium exccdere, to be Spoken. Fauftianum vinum, excellent wine of above the pill of bumon condition. FATUUS, a, um ; ad). (Heb. peth') the bill Falernus. • Faſtiglum componcre, to com. foo'iſh, unfavoury. Fauſtinopolis, a city of Cappado. plear. • Faftiglum tenere in'er + Favalor, oris ; m. a fiſher. ciz homines, to be of a good rand, or a Faucia, one of the tribes of Rome. Fauſt!nus, the name of two. Roman person of quality. * Faſtigia rerum, + Fauciõſus, a, uma ; confenting in confuls. the rincipal points. Forfitan & ill. Faustitas, ātis; f. good luck, bappi- Scrobibus quæ fint faftigia quæras, Fauces, jum ; f. the upper part of nels. parbap! you demand of me how deep the throat, jaws, chucks a channel, Fauitulus, a Marbod, who found ibe dilches rufi be. Tra funt the mouth of a rivit, narrow pal. Romulus and. Remus, expoſed by agrorum faftigia, campeftre, col. Søge. Fauces fali, ibi jaws of thi Tiber, and brought them to linud, & montanum, there are death. Sue faux. his wife Ljurcatia to bring up. Ihre forts of fields, the plain, billy, Faucula Clunia, a harlot that ree Liv, and Rountainous. loved the caprives taken by Hanni- FAUSTUS, a, um,;, odj. (à pám, + Faſtigo, arc ; to point ibe top. bal a Capua. lucco) fortunate, 'luidy. Faftosè, ady, diſdain'ully. Făvers, neis; part. Savouring. Fauftus, the frame of many Ro. Faftalus, a, um, adv. proud, furly, + Făventla, æ; f. a favouring. Barry: Faventa, a city in Italy, culled Fa. Saoſtus Afer, a Manichæan heretick, Faftuosè, adv.fcomfully. CAZA ; ello a town in Spain. who wrot again the oribadix Faſtuõsiias. ātis; f. didsinfulneſs. FĂVEO, ravi, fautum, ēre ; cal fai:h, and was an wered by St. Faftuous, a, um; diſdainful. páw, dico, luceo) 8 faveur, sake Auftin. FASTUS, ûs ; Liv. là fari, vel à Orie's part • Favere lingu's, to Fauftus Quint:lianus, a fenator in the oán, apparco) haughtinesia furlie Speak nothing but good words. * Cre. fime of Juliin. naſs, Bars, pride. ditur favere formæ, 'sis i bought to Fauftus Sylla, the colleague of Syl- Faftus, uur; m. Liv. chronicles. Proforve brouiy. vius Otho. FASTUS, a, um, C c. [ant:a. 048 Faveria, a city of Iſtria. + Faut:dius, ii; m. whole fayings are por, vel å fas, vel fari] lawful, Favatur (ab liis) nm fuvour. favoured, luciy, * Faiti dies, ploading days, Faviani, young min, who, by the ap- + Fautio, or faucio, onis; foa yao torm-time, pointment of Romulas and Remus, vouring, Fåtalls, le; adj. Cic. (à facum] ac von about" naked as the foal of Faucor, oris ; m. a fronwner, main- cording to the laws of fate, faral, Faunus. tar, shar. deadly; (thia word is taken siiber im Fävilla, æ; f. (à favco) vel à + Fautorius, a, om; favourablo, a gcois bad fone.) autu, ſplendco) wbite ashes, or Fautrix, icis ; f. ne ihas favouri. Fataliter, adv. faialiy, by neceſity. ombrs. Fauturus a, um; part. fat. in rus, + Fatatum, or fata'e, fatul. Făvilláceus, a, um ; adj of embers af favco; ready to favoar. Fatendus, a, um ; to be confiſed. or aſbes, + Făvŭlus, 1; m'a little isttle bonty. FATEOR, rfus, fuin. tēri ; dep. (à + Favillos, 1m. pair of ſnuffors, torno. do, d.co) to confeſs, Offion. • De Faviffæ, cellars in the capital, where Făvus, i, m. Piin. [& faveo, vel le fateri, to confesi ingerouſly. they kept ibeir andars for war, ab usos, opus textom) a honor Faticanus, a, um; (à fatom & and the money whi h the priefs . comb; alfo a fix.cornerd sile, and F.ticinus, } cano) sorotelling, future played about coremonies. an nilcer. Favinor Oris; } FAUX, cis, f. Vir. (à fari & vox] Faridicus, a um, telling fortunel. Fävitor. oris ; m, a favourer. she chops, thi Proights of moun- Fātifer, a, um, ad), deadly. Faula, Hercule's harlor. tains. Bolum ě faucibus eripe- Fătīgātio Onis ; fi a wez ying. *Fauna, er Farua, a goddeſs lo whom rc, to refour out of f***dan.. Fatigat'o agrorum, the impoverish. the Roman matrons ſacrificed by Rer. ing a phere of ground. night; it was dicath for a man to FAX, făcis ; f. [à saw, lucco) a Fătigātor, Gris; m. a wigier. look into her temple, becaule in her foro.brand forih, fogpof. far, mur- Fátigatrix, fc19 ; f. Jse that peries. life-time she always keps herfe'f in riage i alſo an incendiary, ring- Facigātus, a, um ; wraried, tired. ber chamber, and never low any leader, Addere faces alicui, FITIGO, arc ; qu. fatim ago] to man but her husband. encourage any one. uvary, tișc. importune, wear ous, Faunalia, fogjes in honour of Faunus, Faxim, is, it, Int, for fecerin, &e. manis, fuents. Faxo, } F E L FER F ER VIDA. all 뻬 ​5 fruer., Pixo. for faciam o fecero, I joall| Felicula, æ ; f. a maid who cou'd not be brought by forrent from ab* Foracitas älds; f. fruitfulneſs, + Fixo, are, to view the warcha Chrizin religion, and sherefore was + Förāc-ilèr, jus, iftime, fruitfully, (w::hered in a privy. * Fě:ācīłus, a, um, somewhat fruite Fanie E. . Fe!iginates, a peole of Umbria lub. Fell us, a, um of a cat, Féralia, orum ; n. facrifices among iba F. E abbrev. for factum eft, funda- FELIS, 'is ; f. &'m. (ganini anaoupos) Romans to the Dii mancs, folenn verunt, fo tem, or familæ. ferfis in bancur of the dead. F. E. for filius ejus, or lacrum cft. FE-LIX, gen. icis; ad). 3. art. icior, + Feralis, e; adj. 3. art (à fera) ba, FEA abusey. íor fæmina iciffimus ; (ab meg. ætate vegeta longing to funerals, miumful, dife FEB abbrev. for Fcbruarius vel æqualil buppy, . favourables mal, deadly Febricitans, nuis, Ad of a fever. fruitful." # Felix domino, uifui + Feralis, is, a wild planet being 4. Febricitanio, ons; f. a be.ng in a and profitable to his maler. Felix tone in a hon, uer. çurarum, one who is curis bring home + Feralrina, a; f. a park. + Febrăcătator, üris; m. one in a profit. Férax, ācis; adj. !or, iffimus, [& furo] Felix, the name of ihrer biſbozs of fruitful. '* Ferax miracolorum, Febricito, are ; nçut. to be in a jo. Romc, fumo con uls, a governor of sfording plenty of Bronga things. Febricitor, ari; } vor, Jadæa, and others. Ferbeo, ērc, so be bos. Febricua, æ ; t. a fourriſo d'ilemper. Fellator, öris; m. a fuckir. + Ferbelco, ere, lo grow hoi. , Fellcnlus, the intclar god of sbi Aqui- + Ferdium er fertuin, for fartum. Febricu.aris, c, leienſes. + T'crcularium, ii; n. a votdır. Febriculosè , adv. frvariſbly. Felleus, a, um, (à fol] of gall, bitter. Percólum, i; n. (à fero] a diſo, Febrīcủositas, āts; I. faveriſhneſs. + Fellibilis, c, dacritful. bid. Perculum pompa, a pageant, Febriculofus, a, um , adj. frvril + Fellicatio, önis ; f a fucking. or repreſentation of pities ir ralles Febriers, nlis; part, in a fever. + Fellico, arc, to furt, win front she anony, and. whib Fcbrifúga, æ; f. lever.few. + Fellicus, a, um, of er like gall. ſerved beratofort at Rome 80 adorn Febrilis, c, of a fover, Fell:fluus, a, um ; adl. à fel & their triumphs. Fabrio, lie, to bave a feur. Avo) jowing wisb.gal). Ferdinandus, i, m. Ferdinand, she FEBRIS, is; f. få ferveo) a frumr Fellito, arc, to fuck. nome of feveral kings of Spain, and or ugue. La "orarc fcbri, 10 buls ! Fellitus, a, um, full of gall. emperors of Germany, a feuer. F.biis colliquans, a + Fellium, li, e mufical infirument. Ferd; adv. (repl) almol, for the most very ardent fover voiding the very + Fello, are, to fuck. part. Ferc plcrique, the majt. Subſtanu of Ibi body *Febris epi- t Felonia or fellonia, felony. Ferendis, , um ; part. to be borns. ala, the fover very hot and cola in Feisina, the city of Bononla in Italy, Feisina, the city of Bonon'a in Italy, Fereas, atis; part. bearing. Fe. cuery part • Febris lipyria, out and Bolognia in Gallia Togata. rens laborum, enduring labour. wardly cold and inwardly bu. Felfinus, a king of the Tuſcaas. Pereatani, the people of Ferentanum in Italy. Febris, a goddeſs ivormpped by the Feltrina, a city of Rhætia. ancients to prevent burt. # F-itrīnus, , um, of a filt. Fereataril, drum ; m. (à fero] ligbe. Febrifico, čre, to be feveriſh. & Fitrum or filtrum, i; n. atok. armed foldisrs. Fcbrua, a goddeſs preſiding over mm. * Fēmellarias, a, um, given to wwen. Ferent'a, she people of Forcatia in pruoli women. Femen, inisia. (ab ant. feo, vel Helruria. Februa, orum; n, (à ferveo) sacrif fotos) the thigh, iba inward part of Ferentinates, the people of Ferenti. ces to the Dli manes in February, Iba thigh. num in Italy. puofrasions, Feminalia, ium, a breeches, drawers. Feren:om, swn in Italy. Februarius, ii; m. February. + Femin.cruralia, õrum ; a breaches Fescola, a; f. là fero] A kind of Februara, Februalis, and Februa, and jockings together. fruitful wine. names of Juno, whoje facrifices wrré fémorale, is ; a. armour for the Feretrius,, a name of Jupiter, from 17 February thighs: the ſpoils which Ronulas carried Februacus, a, um, part. of februor ; Femoralia, lum; n. brucha, drawers. and iffured to him in the capical. purged by ſucrifa. Femur, oris ; A. (ab ant. feo] the Feretrum, i; n. (à fcro] bier or Februo, are, to purge by Sacrifice. thigh, abe outward part of it. coffin ; alſo a (birist for a pageant, Februor, arís past so be purged. + Fenatro, õnis ; for fænatio, a Feria, io; f. là fero) a holy daj; Februum, ulin a purification, fawning allo a kup.ng boly-day, a frunt, Februus, the nume of Pluto, to whom + Fendica, zi f. a fulago. wwping from Fcrlie cſuriales, they facrif:ed in February. # Fendo, ere; inus. eo provoke to an- falling days. Feriæ ftativa, in FĚCÍÄLIS, is ; mi Là facio] an han ger, Hence are derived offendo, de. moveable forh. Feria preceda- rald at arri. fendo, ECE neæ, vigiis. Fěcial's, e; adj. af arms or berolds. Fenero, arė, to put out to fra. SI Fčialis, cffival., . Prælium fine * Jus fechalc, shi luw of arms. rænero. fer.ali officio, without cufations, + Ficinium, ii ; R. A ſmall grape. Foncſtella, æ; f. (à feneftra] a little | Feriaticus, a, um ; af leiſure. kernel. bole or window. Ferfatio, onis; f. a karping holy.day. + Fecinius, a, um, yielding dregi. Feneftella, a Roman hiftorian under Feriātus, a, um ; al}. af leiſure, idle. Fredericus, Ronn amparor, who Tiberius Cæſar ; alſo the naras of * Fortau dics, bo'y.days. Male how his own ſon Henry in frifon, ont of the gates of Rome. ferlatus, risbout good employmimi, becauſe be sbought he favourid pope FĚNESTRA, a; f; là poivw, appa- + Ferlacus, as.; m. Leifuri, sclonefs, Gregory ico) a window, breach, inlet, pre quietneſs. Fēl, lis ; n. (xoan] gall, poiſons, bit fena. Feneftræ cavæ, bay win. Feriendus, a, um; part. f be Brickm. terneſs of spirits. • Fel terræ, con. dows. * Feneftram ad nequitiam Feriens, atis ; part. Ariking: saury. Sales fufful felle, Dary aperire, so wake way for Ading Férifēræ, sed wld beajis. quirps. wickednes. Feriferus, a, um, adj. mad like a Félcı, is; f. &m. a cat. Feles Fēneitrālis, m; ad). of a window. wild beat, virginaria, a pander. • Feles pola Porta foneftralis, a caſament. Feriaa, æ; f. (à fera) vinilon, laria, ore 1bs8 frais children ; a spi. Fčneitrātus, a, un ; pa't.' of fancf- Fērine; adv. wildly, beaply. rit. Ser felis. tror; having windows or holes. Fěrinus, a, um, adj. of or like wild Felicitas, ātis; f. barpines, fruitful. Feneftrati calcel, out lobors. trafls. Caro fcrina, um.fon. nis. Feneftrinula or feneftricula, a linie Ferio, are : Deut. 10 make holy.day. Felicitas, the name of a Roman god- window, FÉRIO, ire; act. (à ferus ) to Arike, deft; and a Roman women wibo Feneftro, are ; to wako windover no smire, wound, jacrifcr. Perire was glad to fu har fons die for the les in the lighs. • Fcrire for pecuniam, 80 coin. Chriſian religion under Antoninus. Feneftror, ari; to be opmed. Sam, to nije up a trench. • Ferire Felicitāras, a, um, modo happy. # Foriculung-1; n. finnsl. narcs, to offend the noſe. • Ferire Felic-itèr, iùs, iffimè; adv. baprily. Fenui, prople of Finland. fædus, xo inake a league, Perire • D.Qu'n feliciter, joy was given. Feo, antig à Aww, produco. munerc, to put who to the charge of Felicito, are, (à felix í to make happy. FERA, æ; f. [owej 's wild braſs, pri ini. Kkkkk + Ferit: . : FER FÉR F E X marko ܪ t Ferlociculum, a tjor for a corps. of iron. Fater ferrárius, a finih.!.it Fervo, are and cre; or forvio, ire ; Ferior, arr; ta faraj to keep ho!%. • Aqu& ferraria, Mil's water in so de hot. day Farfari iludiis, noe som nad sbe .cold trough, Oficina forra- +.Ferronim, i; n. a cauldron. The's book ria, . forge. Fervor, āris; m à feryco} brat, vt Fetitaş, ātis; f; crudly, wildneſs. Ferrādilis, • ; adt Aavish. bemence. cryor caris, the boil- + Folier ; adv. wildly. + Ferratūra, æ ; f iron 2002 ing of the ſea. Fervo: ætats, + Keritoru n, ji; n. A bordedore. Ferrãius, a, um, plared with ven. thi ſprigbilines of age. Kerlingiun terra, a furlong. Agmina ferracá, troopi armed. Pervõrium, is n. a cauldron. Fermé ; adv. la fere) almohl, nigh, Ferrcum, ; n *x andir. FÉRUS, a, um, adj. [à one, fata): ordinariy, tigbily. Fericus, a, um, adj. of iron berdas Savage, wild, fieras, crul, are in Fermentacips, a, um, of caven. iron, not to be mire trd. Fcrrcus voted; unlearned. + Feras ulegs, Fermentatło, onis ; f, a lesuming. Scriptor, an author that bas a rough ở Parkin.. Fermentāros, Diis; mia kavener uneven nie.' * Fcrreus ſomnus, Ferus, i, m. [fc. 2per, cervus well Fermcataluda, umpart. of fer. diraih. equus..a wild csajt, particularly a -mentor laqveni puted up. + Ferricrepididæ Infula, where irons hout, tog, or barfe. Fermenteico, čré, to take overth, to single about their husly. Feſcenata, or jum, a town of He- her. Ferriidding, ; t. an iron saint, truria. Fermento, aici act. 1 letvog. * + Ferrigor, ari; to be howed. Fciceonine, arum; f. fongs of nurses. Fermcnzare terraa, to make sbor + Ferrif.cri, 1.16 kled paves. Fercenninos, a, un, 20?xton, 198414.. etib have up. + Forriteriun, itin. in priſon, er • Fekeanlagu carinen, obſcene Ferogeninn, i; n. (a férvco) leiven, tackles. variu. In fermenio iacá eß & jacct. + Ferritibraces viri, ſhorklot haves. Feſsiiūdo, igio; f. wirinajs. The ts in a sallion. + Ferro arc, to pioke with iron. + Pifo, are, to be or make weary, * Fero, ac, to make you or fruitful. Ferrūgineus, a, un ; z.dj. rufiy, ruf. Feflus, a um ; part of fatifcor, wra. Fero, on's; maineler gør. coloured m, tired ois (in bidy or min.) FERO., Lull,' saium, ferre; ad. de Ferrügil://os, a, um full of ruft. + Feitāiis, e; adj. 3, art. Nlival. fecla (geon) to boer, jufför, breed, Ferrūgo, inis ; f irox rub, a ru!'y Feftinans, ntis part b Fenixz, elrap's dislora, sereive, huu!, er, colour, the fringe al out a canupy, Fetin inièr ; adv., b: niy, spredity. , inke , refer &c. + Feitinant:a ait hide, spera. quira agrue. Furt anunus, I FERRUM, 1; n. (à fcrior, vel fe- Refinant feín:us, a, uin, veri biliny. bare in mind. Ferre áligaem, rusį iron; aljd a sors of wispons Felt nantiùs and feft:nat us j ady. to let only known af Quijnt wil. made of iron, as a word. &c. mora brig Ecoc aliquaun in oculis, to tour. Fero & fummâ res geritur, there's + Feſtinatio, önis; f. a befening. mirely drofonitaly. * Neque id nothing but fire, and ſworo. Fer- Per- Feſtivalò; adv. in bijic Accujič fejemo da bu difentle is, rum equinuni, hari be verch. Pent nātor, oris ; ma bilder fta ferunt rationcs mie, fych Ferrūmcn, inis; A. floar. Per. Feſtinātus, ùs ;-m. a m.foning. is the fælgeke of my firs. 4 runion camentorum, Vime, Reftinātus a, um, bipered, certy. Bicol tibi fcio, I'anaent të vhit Ferruniontum, i, n.oldirigire &c. Restinata mors, an unriindly and euur judge you foull namie. • Ferre Fertūuināt'o, osis i f. fo dering. Fcítinè; adv with hans er free. conditioncm ornpin och fo give Ferrīninātor, dris; m. a folderer, + Feftinitas, Que; floatine's. ens paskice. Posie is bim, con- | Ferrumīno, are, ro olher. * Com FESTINO. ere i ca onauk w vc! sb für:am o puncta in centuriâ, 10 miffuras navium pafci co.tâ for & vody propius, vel qu. fettim, i.e. ge: the voices of such a friday &c. ruminric, to caulk pops: tertia col to pred or hifton. Elo cnari fosendo, 10. be able to Fertilis, e ; aus. (â fero) fruitfull, * Feitinare fugam, to be in a ſudden : 'bris å burden. * Ferre ventrem, Terra fertilis uva, a grapo hindi frar. te te with peong (this is (pılan of all Fortiſtas, älis; f. fertility, renkneſs. + Feftinor, ari, se bo di poſed to haf- fort of reatures)' * Ferre Hæfti- Fertiliter ; ady. forfielly. tily. nem sprotify the partijos o riebs. Feruim; adv. [à farcioj thisi, sloje, Feftinus, a, um, balls, foudy. #grè ferrc, 19 take'ill. • Bx- together. Fertion, and jus; ad comp. more pensum ferre, 10 mier Lionsy led Fertum, i, n. a cale of fevral grains pleaſant. * Fcftior annus out, may put." Sele of pedem fcrre, 10 go, ard spices offered up at the atar.. this year prou wure fortunate. Ferre, manum, 10 jain in battle. Ferlas, a, um, adj. fruitful. Feſtive, ids, ifimè; adv. p esfantly, Konc primo, to be chief. * Ut Fervcfacio, čre, bedrer make bat. merrils, cheerfully. Jert conjustido, w the lufton is. Fervofactus, a, um, healed, shafed. Peſtivitas, atio ; f. mirib, hesrful. nels. Dum rcs keit, ubila ibe time. Fervens, niis; part. for, iffimas; Jerutsi boiling hot, feruent, wbrini, * Festivitér ; adv, shearfully. Fogcia, i F. ferignols, cruelty. Facere aliquem ferventem flagris, + Feſtivo, arc, to krep buly-day. Ferocla, ire, to be curl or force. 10 lsja one foundly . Fervons áni. Feft vas, a, om; adi. for, iffimgs, Férochas, Stio ; f. fiorentina carno mus, s nimble lioply wit. (à fetus) merry handſomt, di Ferventer, lùs, isiwe; adv. bosky, val. Feroe šter, ws, iffimè; adv. forsey. carnally. FESTUCA, 2; f. (Hcb. mo'x, vel āculus, a, um, poft and surf. FERVEO, i, cre; neut. (Bpásou, à ferus, vel fifcus) Bost, Draw, Faronia, a; f. agaddals of ihe woods, vel a sopa, caleficio) 1 bf hol, or more, fescue, wild oats, the preferi's whole grave, by the mountain Sgrac sech. Marc fervet the sea ragu. To or staf with which the fauss te, baing, burnt by cbine, and the eine Opus forvet, she work is plird. we Aruck at their manumifio. * pople abous tę carry guy ber jour, • krà totus fervel, he is all m fire, Ne move forucam, don't now he the Thi tused. prefontis prung up arreda; CY Oxlentely angry. leafl mile. plſo a city at the foot of Sorade. Feryaleo, ère ; ncát to grow b:$. Feftucago, ina ; f. wild oats. Feros, ar! ; par. to be lid, sarried, Fervidè; adv. botly, carnofily Fcfūcarius, a, om, of a young fos or diffrared, inclined, telhas of.. &c.' + Fervidītas, mis i f. hou. plant. Vis feſtucaria, tbr peraar Fčo gen. cis , adj. g. arcclor + Fervido, are, soʻmake bor. of the pritor, citmus, Cà feia) spurasiges, fest. Fervidus, a, um į adj. kalding hos, + F. Hulum, i; n a porr fraft: ?ng no colours, forse, trul, cura?. erindi, poffinati, lively, vigorous. Fettan, i; n. [à fcftus) a anff. * Ferox forma, prate of bis Denu. Pěrula, æ; f. fa ferio ibe hom of a Poft feftain vcpis, you come 4 day ty. irre ; alſo a pulmer, and the borb, after the fair. Ferramentasi!, o:um; m. Smiths. fennel.giant. ** Ferulæ, fplints uſed reśTUS, a, um, adj. (ab ġorida Eer vientum, i; in. qn iren :ol. by bons fusters: teftum cclebro] folean, feftively Percamcata, orum, long wes Pértitaceus, a, um ; adj. of or like merry, plesfant. pons. the bord Terula Feftus, the name of ſeveral Romans. Perrazian æ; fed from maine ; alio + Fěrulātorivni, a place full of fon: f Frudatarius, a fiudatary. water botani. Perraria mibor, a- . † Fcudom, i; 2. u fes, viniloge, a. grimmy. * Feira; adv, wildly, tenure in forvice under a conquorer, ** Ferraria, a prop.mnlarg of Spain. * Förūmieng inis ; n. an offence, re Feudum colliatum,an futsenteilichon Fcrrarius, a, um ; adj. (à ferrem) presih.. Fex, fecis; f. Gee fæx. F ant 1 1 } Aree. . Fibilātorium,ii; n. A place where Fideju.beo, fli, fram, bērc, soundir: FIC FID FID Mixtor; Gris'; m. former ar Yation. * ad fidem, futbuy.Publ. 2 in.F. m. poller, Eictor legum, an in lide" guitbrington and say:: * venter of law. F.de alicuius lunere pecuniam, F. F. abbrey. far fratris filius, Florius, and feet ofus, a, um, 19 fake ip morting pun anacthar's CTB- FiF A. abbrev. for bllus famillas. deviſed. die # Filo iuş, il ; t. a feigner, forger. FIDES: 2:5; f. fovísks, chardæla Fative . + Fidorus, a, on, Yall of ying.. FLDIS, urenring i alſo a fideli, or + Fiericòla, 31. wifels, other firinged informiert. # Con .. abbice, fo fieriffofit. F:&trix, iciè'; fiderar fruines or rai- ſpicuus fide, An exulicni.plager Fi and fito, the implius of Ho. in the inte Flava um, a city of Cappadocia. Fiatura, ; f. e frsming, deving: Fidīcea. inis ;. m. one the play on Fibe'ta, ile the moon. Fiktig, a, un ; part. of fingor, fram “ny jringed in rumens, « lulaxis. FIDER, 1); m. egos, mollis) a od, joigned. Fiai tinni, a poruke. Fiúicina, æ ;.f.a wiman player. bral called a booper Jong take in + Ficulica, ; f. a little thing or 16- Fijicínus, a, um, delonging in a pu- for a badgär or oro gry. birinn o- gumik. FIBRA, Bf. (Av. fijnbrla: vcl ab. Fcuinea, an arsimt rily of Italy. Fidi:ŭ'a, 2; 4. fá fidis) a lima d. antq. fiber, extremua) in Ficuinetum, i; n. .a fc par. ale, a coriul Fion. Dorier or bm.nl of a thing; a Youll der. Fidiculæ, arum ; f. wires of late- trin or Aring af sharoos of burbs * ficulneus, and ficainos, a, um, adı. Aring to rock one exanin'd. Pibræ pecudum, the inward parts of (à ficus] of f3-8944 word, waak, pi. Fidiculanus Palco!a, a Romania. begysa * Neque mihi carnea fabra Ist very balu and in online, eft, nor asa I to dull and Jone'a. # Ficolus, 1, a line fo. f Fidicu!izo, are, to fidala. Pibratas, a, um, having fraali Arings. FICUS, i and us ; f. (Heb. fhug] a Fidingdes, a kind of birds, F brenos, a river in Italy, fig or fig-irn. Fidius for filius, the vent of Jupiter, + Fibrito ai f. 4 door or . Ficus, i, m. she bimorrhoides er pilel. and god of faithfu! Rejs. Priloga, B:verley in Yorkshire. Ficus, a town in Mauritania Cæfari. FIDO, &, fum, dere; neut. [à a aby + Piorinuti, i; n bos wiol. enlis. pcrſuadco) to trul, rely 4000n. Fiorinus. a, um, là fiber.) of abatur. Fidè, iùs, iflimè; adv. failbully. Fido, Argive, wbs tund out mana- * Fibrisſae, acum, citriffi, orun; + Fidebo for fidam. fures and weighis. thi hairy of the nodrils. + Fidccúla, æ ; f. a little credit, Fiducia, æ; f. confidenst, boldnes. + Fidefragus, i; a. a traitor. + Fibrālus, a, um, full of fibres. # Miniinæ fiduciæ exercitus, an FIBŪLA. &;. La fibra .vel figo] Fideicommiffarius, li; m. a feffet arky not to be frufied. Fiducian bution, buckl, dap, the lejer bomo in trup. committere, I'll a thing upin of the lg, the name of a livel.bajo, a Fideicommiffio, onis ; f. fasfit condition of buying again. * AC- Birurgion's ditebing guill, abs key of Fidcicommiffum, i; a. I in truf. cipere fiduciam, to buy a thing on a building Fideicommiffor, oris ; m. a fouffer. the same condition. Fibilăcius, ; m. a button or point- Fidcicommiffus, a, um, feffaa. # Fiducia!'e, e; adj. irufy. Fidcicommitto, ērc, to mfrontse, give + Fiduciālirág, átis ; f. trillineſs, Fibă!ation õnis ;. f. a hnilining. in Iru. Fiducialiter; adv, with confidenca. Fioulātor, Grisn. a buttaper. Fideicommittor, 1; 10 be enfreud. + Fiduciarlum, ili n. an imberitance heldon by worégage. Milony aromage and foldi take, angage. Fiducärlus, a, uml; adj. taken on Fiduālorius. bpm; id). caith bal- Fidejulio, önis: f. an engaging, un, Iru: Fiduciarium regngo, sons.or dufos. dertaking: kingdon poluled for a time. : .Fi- Flbúlo, are, 10 tuition as fallen. Fidelufor, oris.;... Jurity for ano duciar:us cmpior, e sha bepude *Fibülor, ari; sa br.f.fionada ther, engager. ops condition to ſell again.. Fina1,4,cing in Italy. Fidejülsõrjus, a, um, of jurit hip. Fiducurus, ii; m., star in traf. Ficazia, an illud rear Sardinia, + Fidelè, adv. faiththll. Hiduclarus, a, um rut ist tre. Ficala, æ ; f. là ficas].a fg.fred or + Fidelia, ; f. [à fidélis) an agreh. Fidūrió, atc, so inike condition of fr gardens a wot ar piles. on gásjalfi fitymrer's challed truft. lige. * Eadem fidelia dao parie- Fiducioar), 10 be put in patriot Ficarius, .a.,um ; adl. of a free or fig tes dealbat, he Kills two bindi with srum tra, Crates ficarje, hurdles on one llogue. + Fydonctilgs, a, 40, faithfuil. which gs was luid: Fidclis,e; ad). 1or, ifimus, fà fidesi Fidus, a, um ;, adj. ior, isuus, [à Ficãcius, ii;m. a te gasharer. traballoyal, resonably earne. fide 3 faithful, zruny, lod. Ficatum, i; n. mat. made of rigs; Pidelis ad veralta tem materia, Fiduſtus, a, um, of good credit. allo.thr livmof a hod, or GANT, com timbar sbat lafts Long-Fldcliáš Fieodus, a, um, to be nada. or fid witb.ar pice oxplendis riwis, that pops Figlinn ef. i figalina)..per's Ficēdéla, 2; 1. fg.ssiker. cbiñks osiser tbın pirch. urada or workbcuse. Ficcdu'enfis, e , adj. of sifiliforder. Fidēlicas, ātis; f. faithfulneſs. Figlinarius, id;j m, a potser. Foçelia, or Volavia, the coober. Fidzl-itèr, iùs, fimè, adv. faith. Foinuta, i; no carlher-ware. wcſel by. the Rhiae. Jully. Figlious, a, um, to aspettare + Ficciúla; ; f. a likle fig. Fidana,,or Fidena, a city in' Italy. + Figmen, jnis , n. a frigning, Ficétuin, i; D.a gordons of fiz Fidens, ntis ; part. fruſing: FI- Figacnicasos, a, um, grad. dens animi, fearing sabits. Figaencom; lin. (à fingo) a fisi + Ficcas in..um, of a fig sxst. Fidenter.; ady..confidently, boldly. mon or forgordany, ibing side of enrohi (in the Scriptures) Figmca- + Ficitas, ātis; f. abundantit of figs. F deata, æ; f. a Irufing, boldneſs, + Ficitor, oris ; m, on water war Eidentia,sity in Spain, called also in arca, trals zustk iberer of foot Julia. FI-GO, xi xum, gere;at (719-108] Picolenice, a people of Italy. Fidentin), the people of Fidentia in to fix, fallen, ki se Brady, sluna. *+ Ficolia, m; Tia Jake dr. antoa Italy. • Palum humi figere, * drive a fr 1466. Fidentiffimus, a, um, molcans dont. Baße int? ihr ground. Figere alik + Ficon, ; n, a fig: Fidentiùs; adv. confidently. quem malcdict.s, !! rail at one. Figere caroe a vcrubps, to fpirpikat, Fico!us, a, am, wil of fixe iz tbe Fides, ci; f. Cic. (à fidol fonth, had ar fundamenty Jabby, pece ruth, loyalty. Fidea liberare, * Figcre pedem, to hand jiill. kr. 80 perform cata's Arosiſ, Fidem Figere olcula,.fo, kiſ, Figere le- Fiąè :adv. Faignedla. fallerc, to break orix's. Word, Fi: HES' er tabulas, contra lacus Esådan isi Rashire made of dem nterponcrsa, one's (properly 10 hing her up being shoes word. Græca fidc mercari, '80 carth. in drats.) Fictilie, ejadi. Ca Pingal sarthen, buy with ready ruly, Conicaf Figore,i; pair.. be fixed, &c. guide of aarthi La fides, crackd sredit. In fide Figitār's, c; adj. o porter, for a Fiaio, asia, faration, devfing, jcujus cfie, is be under one's pro. porer's leje Eittituus, a, um. adj.devidad, coun. teftion. In fidem reciperc, ço + Figuārios, i, m4. pogle. torfeited. proient ont, Bonà fide, in truth, | Fīgu'ālus, a, um, zibicno mod. ܃ K k k k k Figy 1 : FIL FIO FIS 1 Figülina, ; f. the potter's' ari, a lom filum, the Aring ibar, songue what will be ome.of mot Com potter's workbonji. ties children. pro populo fie ct. when they were + Figulicus, a, um; os figulinus.' + Filumina, or filominia, loving or at ſacrifice. Fiat let it be yo... + Figülo, arc; 10 fabion as a porter. lovely perfons. Fient in illum exempla, bo fall + Figúlor, ari; to be made of sursh. + F:lus, i; m, a bread.. ferue for on kumpleto shery. Figūlus, i; m. [à Ango) a porter. Fimārium, ii; n. (a fious] a dung. Ut fit, as it ofim boppins. * Fit Figuli opes, a boat in peribudle bill. abſynth'um in Arabia, wimwood W.1743. Fimārius. Il; m. 10 farmer of grows in Arabia, . Figura, æ; f. [à fingo) a figure or i+ Firmātor, oris ; m. privies, Firmāmen, inis ; .n. Surely, fiability, japa, impige, loopt, likeneſs, como FIMBRIA, &; f. [à fimusla fringe, an etabliſhment plexion. Figura negocii, the face bem or welt.' + Fiobriæ corylo Fienāmcntum, i; n. a ground or fax, of an efair, the condition is is in. rom, casking, conormation, the shiof point; alſo the + Figüranria, ; f. a japing. Fimbria, a proud feditious Roman, firma:nene. • Firmimcola mem. | Figurăt ĉ, -lui, ifiac; adv. figu. Fimbria'c, is; n. a fringe. brorum, tbnerun und mufeles. ratively. + Fimbrlātrix, icis; to a femelrefs. + Firmafium, and fermarium, ii; A Figūrărio, onis ; f. & fophicRing, a Fimbriatus, a umpart. wiib frin non infirmory or bospita!. Thelorical juppoſition, « conceiving gas; bemmid jagged. + Firmātio, onis ; f. á frengthening. Figūrāt:vus, a, an ; adj. figurative, Fimbrio, are ; to bem. Firmātor, oris ; m. A confirmer. in a figure. Fimētum; i; n. (à fimus) & lay + Firmatorlum, il ; a. s hay or Figūrztus, a, umpart. fafioned. fall, dungbill. prob. • Æs figuratum, poniy coined: Fimālus, a, um ; full of dung. Firmãros, a, um ; part. of firuor ; Figūro, are ; act.'en fabion, form, FŤMUS,'); m. and um, di n. là fiablished, afirmed. • Fırmatus ci- coin, imoginı, Fgurare caſeum, fio, i. c. olco) dung ;'allo a dice bo. rofrebed with meal. to bring milf to be fubftants of box. Firmè, iùs, iffimè; ade.. froly, obseje. Figurare os pueri, # Finälls, e; adj. final, of the md. ped top!y. Firniè accurarc rem croch rbild to speak. Fināllier, adv. finally. inamo, so be very diligent abous bis + Flacarios, l1; m. one of the clerks + Finctus, for fi&tus. cfairs. or the king's-benih. Findibilis. c; adj. which may be Firmītas, äris ; f. Sundneſs, durable. # Filac.sta, a; f. a pinler. clert, nejs, juraneo. Firmitas animi, # Filzcium, li; n. 1be fits in which FINDO, fidl, fiſſuni, findere ; reſolution of mind. records bang. .cxísw] to desve, rive, divide. Firmiler, adv. conftantly. Filago, inis ; f. [à filum) cofler - Fina or, čris, is paff . 10' de rleft. Firmitūdo, inis ; f. fajnejo, cofaney, wied, or bloody flax-wid. * Finditur cor meum dolore, mg refolution. Fiamentan, i; A. a. fmall Aring. helrl is quila broka wiib grief. Firmiomor Firmom, a clony and t Filárium, ii; n. a bittem of abroad. + Finga, andiz, arum ; f. a kind sity of Picenom. Filatim, adv shread-by-threid. of sradable apoi. Firoius, a governor of Egypt: # Filanista, æ;m. and f. a ſpinnir. + Fingites, is; m, a pellucid fons of Firmo, ara, act. 10 Arengiben, com + Flatrix, icis ; fi a a lempires. Cappadocia firm, firma, lailla, hind, or maks Filatus, a, um ; made into thread. Fl-NGO, xi, dục;{à họín, con cofiive. • Firmare al cul rel fidem, Fiia, æ; f. Cic [à fiiius) a daugh. ftringo, vel à congruul, pango) to to pruh a thing to be believed, tor. Filiæ conditionem qua. foign, form, falbon, would, coun- | Firmor, ari; 10 bo Arengthmed. rere, to pria husband for bis duugb terfuit, devijo, imagine, • Fing's FIRMUS, a, um ; adj. ior, iffimus; 1er. ex natura två cælcros, you mu's as (ab è fua, fulcrum firm, fedfaji, Filialis, e; adj. child-like, of a child. Joe ufi, Fingere crimen, to fure, confiant, is grod bialıb, bold, + Filialiter, adv. like a cbild. contrive an accuſatim againſ. Teſolate.' . Cibus firmus, nouriſ. Filiafter, f; mia ſon-in-law. Pin.gor, gis to be framed, &c. ing meat. • Copiæ firma, forces Filiaſtra, z;f, a daugbirr in luw, + Fini for fide. in good poſture. Vina firmiffima, + Filiātio, onis ; f. and fillatus, is ; : Finiens, ntis ; the horizon. prong bodied wines. m. sonship. Finio, irc ; a&t. là finis) to finiſ, Firmus, an emperor of a large fature, # Filica, æ ; 1.fern. define, bound, sie. * Vitam finire commmly called Cyclops. Fiicatos. a, um ; nr.bed like form. laquco, so bang himſelf. Finire + Fiſcalinus, i; mi a foil-gatherer. Filicetum, and flicarium, i; n. (à diem, io pisch upon ſuch a day. Fiſcalis, c'; adj. of ibe exchequer. filix) a heath, of ground sverorNE Finior, Iri; parſ to be finiſhed. # Fiſcalium, ji; n. that which be- with form. FINIS, is, m. or f. Cic. Là fio, the longs to the exthoquer. + Filiccus, a, um ; ad). of fors. mnd, conclufion, bound, ibe frontiers + Fiſcarius, li; m. an ovirust of Filico, are'jto met b like ferr. of a country, definition. Conti- the exchequer. # Filicones, follows good for nougbi. nere fe finibus rerum fuarum, 10 Fiſcella, æ ; f. (à fifcina] a baskoi, Flidon, ; a. a bearb. Si filicc weddle with no body's bufortfs but head.Bull, a muxoxla. tum. his own. F:ſcellus, part of the Apenninc moun- Filicula, a; f. polypody, wall.fern. Finitè, adv. diſingly, confefedly, laini in Umbrla. + Filio, are; ti beer or make a fin. Finitimus, a, um, adj. bordering F!ſcellus, i; m. a gruen-chule eeter. Filiola, a; f a young daughter. upon, nighto. Bellum finiti Fiſcina, 2; f. (à fifcus) a pannier, Filjõlus, i, m. a young fon. mum, a war with the borderurs. A money-bag ; alſo a font, Filipeodůla, æ; f. [ă fium] drop- Finitio, onis ; f. a bounding, or a + Fifco, are; io confiſcate. wi.. definition. FISCUS, i; m. Loioxos) ibi 14. FILIUS, il; m. ſúòs, vel à disfag Finitivus, a, um ; adj. bounding, de cboqurt, great pannier, money, amo) a fon or ibild, the young of fining. mafuri. •F.ſcum agere, to ex08 brutes. Fratris filius, a nephew Finitor, dris ;' m. be that ends « vibute. Terræ filios, a bajiard. Fi. thing, be that bounds or limits; the Fifficúlācio, onis; ' E. & cutting open. llus familias, the man's son of the horizon. Finitorcı, ſurveyors of Fiſicůlātus, a, um; cut opon, and houſe, or one of the boulbold. land. Isoked into Fortunae filius, fortune's' darling. Finicus, a, um; párt: of finior ; fic Fillicŭlo, are.; [a findo) to open the • Fillrs lunæ ir aëris, she dew. nite, finiſhed, bounded. antrails, and take sbom rus to di. • Filius felis, the day. . Filius Finitus, îs ; m. the ending. * Acu vini by. vitis, wine. tus finitas tibiz, a loud sound of + Fifficŭlor, ari; the same as fiffi- FILIX, icis; f. Ban Xyor, vel à fi. the pipe at the end.. culo. luru) fom, braki. FIO, fa&us fum, fieri ; aeut. part. Fifsilis, et ad), which is or may be + Filo, are; to make thread. fa quw, naſcor] to bi, become. clest.' * Fiffile caput, a broken pati. + FJtrum, di n., e lirister. , mert # Fit Fiffio, onis ; f. a cleaving. FHUM; I; D. (Heh. puthil] ihreod, vis in eum, they uji violenie to Fifsipes, ēdis ;. c. clovin foted. . line, yarn, A carpenter's link, Blyle Lourds him. . Fict tibi acceptum, Fiffun, i, n. a cleft, ibe skix shot of an oration, lineamients of the fore, they will thank you for it. Adi. dividus ir liver, obferuid by footh- Fila aranc.sum. ,pider, wehs. quid fiet cibi, some meat loll de foyers. • Fiffum familiare, ſuch a Fila lyra, berpijrings. *.Mt mude roods. Quid de me fice? sám that berokmi geod, Fitura, 1 mans. mine: Uke runos. FL A E LA F:L 'A F fsūra, æ; f. left, partition Flågellor, ari; to be scourged, &c. Flaminius, the name of foveral Ret: Fiffus, a, um, part. of findor; lo + Flăgellõſus, a, wos; adi: foundly un, divided ubirged. FLAMMA, 2; f. Ovid rà pizza, P:ffus, üs'; mi a sloft or rut Fågelun, i;. n Cic. [à Ragram uro a fume, great dangere, pis- FIS I'VCA, æ; f. (ab iarmui, vel à a twig, rod, whip froures, Hiil, rion, vrbimmacy. Flanıma 'fumo alores, fidelis) a commanders, barrladore. Flag-la, orum ; she proxima, no Jmoke without ſome fire. water pile fledge; alfo & rammer. ilaws of fish or be grung iwigs of * E fumg in flammam, okt of the È fūcātio, onis, f. aramiding: Flagello ad noncre, to frying-pun into sba ffre. # Fifūcitor, oris ; m. he ibus roms. Anke, er fake the whip. Flainmans, ptis; Harning. * Flame Fiſū aius, a, um ; raramed. Flăgitans, rtis; part. importuning, mantia lumina, parkling gjes. Fiftūc: arc; to ram, drive in piles. Eigitatio ons ; f. an importuning. Flammatio, onis ; f. a järting on fire. FISTULA, ' ; f. là Sona) pipe Făgliator, 'āris ; 'm. an imputunute Flaunmāto, ors; m. an enflamer, Conve; trg water, au hifle, fugel. Flammātus, a, 'un ; part. of lam: lel, ino warfand, a tup, s ciping. Făgitatrix, icis; f. for the impor mr ; enft-med, armed with fire. pin ; alſo a flua art. F.Atulu Flamearius, li; m, a willmer; aucuoatoria, a bird-eall. Fião tio, are ; to commit a villainy. dyer, a maker mm faller of pillows Fiftiäris. e; adl. of a pipe. Făgitiosè, adv. villano'nfly, Jeanda- biods, Fiftúlātio. Öns; f. a piping. louſy. + Plammco, ake; I'mfixs, make Fittiiliv, adv' as out of a pipe. + Flăgit osītas, ätis ; f. lewdreſs, yellow. Fiftūlātor āris; , appar. viliziny. Flammco'um, i; a. a litik yelloxo Fiftūlātorius, a, um ; of piping. Flýgl:iðlus, a, um ; adl. Jsandalous, hood, a Rog or banner. Fiftúlātus, a, um ; jiulous, billow. y cious, debauchid, lowd. Flauncă'us, a, um ; adl. rellowij. Fiſtuloi 250 ; 10 di bollow, Sping). Făg'lium, !1 ; De Cic. Là fagito) a + Flamacſco, čre ; to break out inte + Fiftilor, ari ; to pipe, crime, Liendel, lewdneſs, Damijul a funt, Fistů dlus, a, um ; adj. boilow. offence, danger. Flagitium eft, Flamacum, ci; n. the brides yellow Fiftulorus cancer, an uler, full of Hirl done, ve:1, the high prioff's wife's veil, a litrde boiss. Făgito, are ; act. cum duplici acc. a mnm, Fiſus, a, um ; part. of ador ; bo La flagro) ask importunoich, 46- + Flammeus, a, um, adj. (à flam- lieved. Cufe, decame. * Flagitat nacid, ma] Aeming, burning, flame.colour. + F.ic, the imperat. of fio. he defines that carnefly of ne. ed. Flammea vertigla cerva, | Fitial!8, e; adj. pleaſani, slegumi. Flagjior, arl; to be importuned. the swift footings of a bind. # F xúla, a; f. a bution, slalp. + Fiagra, aifa ubip. + Flammeus, ei . a wil, Fixūrus, a, um ; ready to fafion." Flagrans, gen. Lis; adj. 3. art. -otior, + Fiammidus, a, um; plane-coltur- F.xus, å, om; part. of figor ; fol. -ifimus ; flaming, burning, samed. od. on'd, confiani, certain, fixed. * Si • Flagrans puclla, a very prow.+ Flammiſer, a, um , adj. blazing. hæc mala fixa funt, if bei ruils #Fiagrans amore literarum, a + Flammiferarius, a, um, bringing o unavoidable. great louer of learning or caufing fire. Flagranièr, -iùs, iffiuè.; ady. barot Flammīgčas, 2; c. borss of the Fame L. Dally. flane, Flagrantla, æ; f. a burning, flaming, + Fiaomiger, a, um, Haming. F. L. abbreviat. for filius, Aamon, carne inels. • Flagitii Aagraatia, Fiammigcro, are, to blazı aut. or Flavius. the very height of wickednes.. Fla- + Flamilia, æ; f. a ſmall blazı, + Flabarius, il ; m. be that drives grantia oculorum, 'the parkling oft Flammino, are ; 10 flame. away the flies. * Flammolás, a, oni Aaming. + Flabella: æ; f. a fly.fap. + Flagratores, they that for reward Pammito, are; so flame, blasze. Flabellifer, a, um , carrying a fun. juffor themſelves to be whippid. Flambivomus, a, um; adj. vositting Flabellam. 1n. [å Aabram] a fax. (+ Flagriſer, a, um ; 'bearing a whis, I our fra. Flabellum ſeditlonis, an inum- * Flagrio, onis; m. s jave under Flammo, are: l'enfi ame; or coiche diary, flama, 10 Mir up, wtcut. + Flaber, I ; a. a bufing fellow. + Flagrirriba, 2; m. a fellow wed Flam.Dor; ari; io by enlamed. Fläbilis, e; ad), airy, windy i alla to be beat. Flamauia, a; f. (a fiinma) a little Spiritual. FLAGRO, ate; neut. (qaegu ro f37; alfo rhs berb srinity or bearts- Fläbrālis, c; adj. blorem or breathed. burn, fame, blako.' Flagrat 6:1- Fiabrum, 1; n. [à fo] a breath or lo Ita.ia fora, all Italy is up in F andrenſes. Flemings. blas. * Flagrase (tudlis, to be a Flandria, Fianders: Flacc-co, ēres là laccus, vel magáns Flagranten. fà Aagro] a fourge. + Flātiis , is ; (fc. accentus] an ef- Flätiiis, e; breathing, unconftant, Flacceſco, cincut. to grmo lank, * Flag i gymnaſium, á whipping." ! + Flatilitas, ātio ; f. unconfilares. wrak, witbered or calm. . Flac fark. cercłt oratio, his diſcourse grows + Frăgurio; ite ; to frigbe with a . Flasilitas, ats; f. unconflanty. work and pat. wbip. + Flatilitèr, ady unconſtantly. Flaccidè, adv. faintl). Flamen, Tots; m. Liv, a Roman Flätor, oris ; ma blower, piper, Flaccidus, a, un ad), fagging, priet, wbreof Numa Pompilius ap. rounder lank, decaying. • Flaccidæ aures, pointed obru, vis. Flan en Dialio, Fiātúlcntus, a, um, adj. windy. hanging cars. Martialis, and Quirinalis, ub: 19. Flátuosè, adv, w'noily + Flaccor, oris ; m. and Hacciditas, cr.fired ro Jupiter, Mars, ona Ro- F! tuõlis. a, um , adj. uindy. āris ; fi a flagging: mulus. Flatūra. 2; f. melting of metals. Flaccus, a impul, cellesgue wild Gal. Fiären, inis; 8. Vir (à ilo]a biaji, '+ Fláturarius, or Shakularius, ii; los. puff, an inſpiration, founser, caftar. FLACCUS, a, um ; adj. (Brás, vel Flamingi, people of Flaoders, Fie- ' plāt's, ùs ; m. a puff or bloff. à Parg we deorfum dejicio) bading mirgs. + Flavè, adv. yellowilbly. broad banging cars, flagging Fiamina. « rouniry of Italy called Flavedo, inis f. geilouimeſs. + Flacitiam, for flagitium. Romagna. Favens, ntis; part. yellow ; + Flīgella, a, f. a little whip. Flaminia, a; t. ibx boule of the arıb. Flaveſco. ère ; to grow yellowa Flăgellarius, llim. a beadili prints. Flavia, 2; f. frity of Palettlaei Flagellatio, onis ; f. a wbipping, Flaminia Vin, ibe hipb war trim sulled from Flavjus Velpadang + Fågellat:tłus, a, um, adj. luurgad. Rome to Ariminam. bring built by Herod, and und Flägerlätor, õrio m. á wbipper, Flamin'a, drum ; : ibe' ebiet faizi oplore Cæ:arca. shrefter, ingrofer. Fsviales, ium: I. foldieri added Flagellatus, a, un; part. wbippeid. Fl.minica, Ibo orrb.prie; s wise the legions by Vefpafian.' Flågello, are ; a&t. to whip, laß, nop. Flaminiuin iz airbe urib-priel's Flaviana, a city of Sicily Flagellarc annanam, u mbance office, priefhood, Flavianum and Flaviniinum, or Fla- the price of commi. Arca flagellat Flaminius, a, um , adj. belonging to Vin um, sbe forum Foriano jn Tuf. opes, the sheh is very full. on arb.prige, cany by Tiber. + Flávia : the gas. 1 the laflos arms. 1 } 1 Syesor tider, F L E F L O FLU. + Flávicomans, ntis ; and -mus, an, † Flexuberys,'ātis; f. crpkednek Flores, is; f. frebe, proin, lwyn um , adj. 'wish yellow.hrir. Flexoslos, a. uv ad). sor, i Elorcfco, arests idiom, grow inte + Flavidus, a, up; adı: yellowis. mus; turning, winding in and out. reaution, *Flavixa, e; f. a treejury. Flexua, 2; f. a binding, Flórētuo, į i the,et garden. Fimii, Romian fruly, of which Flexus, a, um, part. of Factor ; Florçuş, 2, um ; of Powers, forory, Park Yelpa Gian and his sous Tilus bened, curled, reputed. - Ore Fioranus, the sparar who fuccededi and Domitian. Crefaris in trift ham flexo, Cælar Tacitusi krieving but Prabas was, + Faviobrg, a foron in Spain, looking (adly upin't. Dies in ver. i byrea by the greater part of the en Klavlopolis, a city of Bithyna, una peram flexus; The dimly growing to oly, has apenad his son usin, and Sicily; alfo a town of Thrace. an end, Sled' binto io dirib. Flavium Brigaotiang. the city Com- Fexus, üs ; 2. & winding. • Flex Floricānus, a, um jet wist Axwars poftella in Spain. us ætatis, the time whor Jirough abg she hood. Flaviüs, the name of fooeral men. declines. '. Fickog autunn, iha Floridc ady. Hourijdingly. Flavlus Cizpdius, the two and thir. point of the equinox, Flexus.mcm Floridūlus, a, um ; adl. Jomewhe, fiabmperor of Rome, wbt siew of brorum, the ogility of the limbs. four fing. fbGoghs ibn bundred and turn Fexus vocis, the command of one's Flor dus, a, anoi, adj. Morbing, tbufand. Dire, flowry, freb, lively. Florida e Flavona a town of Illyricum. Flictus, ûs ; m. afiriking or da ling tas, ibe flower of age. • Floridas FLAVUS, a, um ; ad). Là flamms] againi, a dlow. orator, an orator tout les wery ab. law. + FLIGO, čre ; act. (JNIE» Ito afilia, gant expreffe ins and phraſes, Flebilis, e; lamentable, to be wipe . Brike, beat, defa. Flöri.et, a, um ; adj. bearing Boro- Fligor; i ; pafl. to be tormented, sry. Flabil.itèr, -iùs ; adv. mournfully, FLO, are ; Cà fono) to blow, well or FiFlor:fortuo, 1; A. a Raman buy. Fle&io, onis ; f. a bonding, turning, cal. Simul ftare & fordcte baud doy. declining . facile fa&u eft, one cannot do two wewävílagus, a, um ;, ad). Ans & FLECTÖ,x's, um, Arc;,aa (TAF- things at once. lego) picking powers; Spurezing out ) to bina, turn, da-line. * Frec Floccidus, a, um ; [à flacoub] full of ir juice. tere precibus, to perſuade che.. fiosks ar nap.. Florius, s.river in Spain. Fledere promontorian, a double Floccītăc-lo čie; ad. to fighi. 1 Plor, are ; to far with flowers. 4 cope. Fleae'e Leucitem, to Flocci non facit fidem, Beaus nult Fiorůlengus, a, um, Rowery. .80 jtrait 10 Leucates, * Flattere take the 103) cart to terp bis ward. Flarus, a, um, Howriſing frog. in ambitionem, to hankar after bo- + Floccinus, liim, a fluidy of now. PLOS, ör:s ; mn. Ovid. cxhás her. Floccipendo, čre to at lig by. burum yfror) a Moraer, the prips, Flect-or, i ipar. to-be bowed, &¢: Fidccipendor, dl; zo be pighied. leauty, Juest fimi, virginity, fins + Bloginua, i;, a. ſwelling of the f Flocco, are; 80 now. HiswerFlosi rolæ, the inllore Flocculus; fim. a little fuck or fords of'a raja. * Flos Zacharias + Flegma, ātis; n. fegt. Aske. a blue-borne. Flos lactia,.crom. + Flegmăicus, a, um, fogmatick. FLOCCUS, i, m. Plaut, [à atómos * Fios cerevifa, yerf. * Grzc: + Flegmen, inis; n. a Twilling of coma plcxisis) a flick of wel, leofe fos, the thiwriſping time of that the legs by mub walking lint. * Flocci facto or peado, 1 estate. Flores adhibere, tout +'Flemina, orum ;. n. a Jalling down value, stof bir. rbadorical ne napoenis. * Flos ka of Hlond to the anilos 'by to mucb Fioces, cu..(à floccus, vel à quoc, lia, the ihsize of all Italy. willing flamma] the drege of wine. + Fial.allup, and fufculum, ignis Fleadus, a, um ; to de lamentad, Fiogites, the bierb submullein; alfu a little flower. Plens, aris; waping. a bright rypal. Floícůlusi;m, a little Power krav. FL EO, ēvi, dium, ēre's act {x^or (w] + Flowos, '; torch burb. Umornament of batorick. to WXEP, wwrp for or voer; drop. Flora, 2; f. a goddess of the Rodang, Flota aruin ; f. l.) fifa Ple, or, Tri ; paff, ra de lamented. wbim thuy thighs to prefide 2197 Amazing on the water. PlEcifer, a, um, alf. yulding fears ficwir's ; ihry jay De was an briost Plox, ocis ; drogs, wbr. bivirg ga gags sata, tri Fluat for factus. Fletor, (ab illity imp. they wrop, queathed it to the vily for the sele. Flocticúlus, n; n. (à fa&us) a little Flatiros, a, um, about 10 wrep. brating her birthday wib. plags Fletus, a, um, part of fear; la called Floralla, « ludi Flors:.; Fluctifer, 2.400; adj. causing www. menind Elcellaogulne, more and in Aruſ of live the imate. Flyatıfragus, a, un ; adj, breaking ed in blond.. bring, asaped of bit original,mide The waves, Fletus, nisi erosping. Pia bter a goddes;; the fezjis write ob. Flucisõnus, a, um ; ads. Sounding Liqui fletu, to use ever. ferved on the four iaf day of April or roaring like waves Flevom, or Fleri lacos, by the and the first of May. Flydirăguã , a, um ; adj. 1sted with Germafra.. Fioralia, ium ; n. plangs to the benour ibu Wuy. Pleran, a town of Frzeland. of Flora Flactuabundus, a, dum;.ad)..tanpol- Fleximus, , um ; là facto). turn. Flórālitius, a, um; of the pligs. tucus, wr verir:g ing the mind. • Flexanina axatio, Fiocalium, iis. 4. Rawprugar. Fiuctuans, ntis; pagting, doubtful. inirnaling rhetorick: don. Fluctualin, adv..wish billecas, vain- Flexibilis, esadi. 3: art, flexible, + Floraline, il'; ne a garden gloriously. traåsble. Flexibilis, ætas, on froecolours, Fiuftuacio, onis ; f. a. ſwelling with age that is pligole, which may.Ar Eloren-s, nt19, P.6. Ai tier,.-lille W.264, s.rocking upon waves, un. and om way. mus ; Aousibing, hirving TipRulation. curtaiftty. Flexidantas, atis ; f. rudablemeſi, Ambo.forenies atat bia, helb in Bluctuator, äris ;. m. 6. wateter. Flexibititèr, ady, trattany, the flower of their oy. Fluciuatus, a, um, part. Of Auctuor; + Flexibuluan ay um, adj. borand, or Florentia, se cilly, Clarence in Tulsa Wyld.wiib wami. bozorg cany Flaštvo, ara; act..to riſe in wades, Flexilis, le adj..cably omil. Florontinig, the ipoabitants of Flo . 17 roil upon ibe Wami, be in doubt, Flexidang 2.upi.ad).csabiques, by unfailed. equivat. Fiorent:ola, the name of tranfalons, Fivduor, asi; pafl . to be unfailed. Elesia, anda handing, derisining, one in Tuſcany, and washar in Fluctuoses adva.zagwyringly. meno vocisng the quausring of Gallia Togata Fru&uofug, h, i um. adj. full of bil. iba waist in Auging Fiorentinus, 18" name of divers mer. lows. Flexipes, edis; brilleged. + Fioranus, a foron me, worth three Fly&us, us , m. Ovid. là Aug) :a t Bex eroo hoo or bend. fo:Pings, the other tighteen.pr wavs, furge, Rillow Treubje, dij- Fistud, auf Pandora Florieq, oro naut. Là fos].40 for qmiatrals, viilent offuels ; unda + Flexamspicion of dexamidean light mp. 60/1991, the famour. Fig. great multitude. Fluctus-for- horjesecu denizle.es rerc in foro, 'de, renown'd for una, tbs.jnunlapcy of fertuna. piFlexuosè, itt..." windingle, buylanding* Florenc:ncmoriâ. la ifden fluctibus laborant, shar oookedy. 10 burr e good frienary. ati in the libere danger. Wout. 3 Florenting rence. Fluens, 1 tbe w318r F L U FOD FEM Fluens, ntis ; parc. of fuo ; feroing, Fluxio, onis , f. a flowing • Fluxio ver] to dig', till, pur, pimie. Do- jareiding, hungong siden." Moi veniris, a shirt couring or loolmejs. lor fodit, griaf rosibas me # son bus Aucba, intien of the air. *Fluxio fanguinis, the blossy.flux. quicke Eike foderc, to jtab. Fluentes capilli, obe falling or foued-Fluxiālus, a, un'; adj. Anxible, Fodior, iri; paſſ. is be dug.. ding of baits Filtons veftio, a loos, brindle. + Ecco, are ; to inaks drogs or loese irsin ſweeping the ground, Libere Fluxura, ; F. lafciviouſnets. + Feculentia. æ; f. dræginoſo. fucas aratio, on ammion rhoning in Fluxūrus, a, uns about to flow.. Poe:undatio, onis ; f. 6.2 skipis fruik. * very ſm2016;jle. Fluxus, a, um, part. Of fluo; logo, ful. Flucotée ; adv. Anvingle hanging down, Aswing, wlands, Focavator, oris ; m. ba 13-maki's Flucadia, 2 fe a riswoniga tranfitory." Fluxâ fide homines, fruitful. Flucntia, the city Fiorence in Tus. inionjant. mm. Flu Aun vas, a Fecundè, jūs, ilimè; adv. Cl. cany Jobfumul thar be writ. lerking vaffel. • Fluxt homines, frust'ully, duke Charles Juid, it was fil only lowd ant laf:ivious men. Fluxa Facunditas, ātis; f. fruitfulnes. to be foun on holidays; it was buiti veftimcnta, looge garments banging Fecaoditas animi. a very large og by Lucius Sylla, the digitais, A.M to the pound puisy of mind, pregnant parts. . 3865. Fluxus, üs.; 0. a fux or flowing. Fæ.unda, arc; to make fruitful Fluentini, the people of Florence. Fæcundor, ari; to be made fruitfal. Flueitisonas, a, um'; *oaring with F ante M. Fecundus, a., 473; ad). an SUPR. of kiln. { : $ miner. 1 E OS FRA FRA Förüll, īrum, là fori) blachos, whet. Fodio, ôni:; f. a digging or. ditibus be brokon, briuile, cri:Xy, bruskling, in books, wire'iegttajas or. foedus ting: frail. alſo long narraw furrows. Fofitla nigra, rea-coal. - Fragilitas, atis; f. frailty. Farolus, 1; n. por forath. Foſsitlus, a, um, which may beFråg!lītèr, waakly, rozcily. FORUM, i, n. Liv. i dop@, à fero]. dmg. Prăgitider, the twelve great vaims on a mwakes place, thusxchange, a court + Forro, are; po' dig, dețue. pach side of the neck. of jafiu, pleading place. Fo: Fostor, õriss m. digger, ditchery Fragium, ii 8 m. * digger, diecker Fragium, il n. a breaking. rom piſcatorium, a.pl-market. * Fragnon, ints ; 70.. a pints, frag- Uti foro, to be a good market-das. Fotsdrius, a, um, which is dug. Fragmcatum, in ment, Krop.. Foro cederc, so be a bankrupt.. * Folsüla, a; fi [à foffa), a little + Frago. to break. Sue frango. Auingere forum, so fallou pleading, ditub. Frågor, oris ; m. & crack, craphing be a lisminde, Foſsūra, zi f. Anturibing. noiſ, laud Mout. Korom Allicni, a city of Galia Cical- Foſfus,an var ; part. of. fodior, digs - Frágosè šùa, nimè; adv. with a pina. ad.? loud crack. Forum Bibalorudi a rily of Spain. -17 Portia for hoftla. Frăgālas, a, um ; adf. -ion ikimus; Forum Caltai, she cily Vetrallt in Focio, õnis ; f. a chariſhing, broken, untuin, crxgly. * Erzgefa Tu cady: + Fotura, a F..e nouriſh.ng. Oracio, un oration orice in a rough Forum Cellæ, the town Force!lc in Potus, a, am; (of forcor liberiled. jiyle Tarcany. Fotus, ûs ; m. A cheriſhing, Komenta. Fragrane neis; ſmelling fwrot. Forum Claudlla wh ciny Farentofa in tion, Fragrantèr; adv. fragranily., Savoy, Fovea, ze ; f. (a fodio] a pitfal cave. Fragrantia, sejf.a imelling wisi. Forum Clodi, the city Tolſa Nova in F&V.50, tovi, totum, cre; acto i Fragralco, ore to grow /wrot. Taſcany. (à qw; calor) to cheriſh, bug, sip- FRAGRO, are, (à Irangoj se faull Forum Cornelii, the city Imola in ple, kup, warm, koalrau. favour. rrect. Godlia Togata. Curta loycre, to keep cloſe wishin + Fragyla. i f.afirawlerry buſh. Forom Docji, a town of the Sabors. the works, Fovere vulnus aquâ FRĂGRUM, i ; *. ?à fragra, vel à Forum Diguntinorum, the town Cre & olco, 60-batbe a wound with wa págios, acioulus) uruwberry. ma in Lombardy. for cod vil, + F:agus, i ; tho jirawberry. Daxb.;, oljo Forum Egaciocung, the city Medina Fox.cor. ēri ; past. to be cheriſhed. the knee and the bowing, #. del Rio Secco in Spain. + Fövcõla, ; I. a fare in the black FRAMEA, æ ; f. fpermain) a hal- Forum Flaminii, a city of Umbria. of the eye. hard, partiſan. Forum Fluvi, Valenza sn «Lom- F. B. for fidel promiffas, fides pro- + Framea, inis; n. the firawberry i bardy. Dilafalda ox- forma publica. Yoof Forum Gallorun, 4 city of Spala. F. Pp.Ri foc foram populi Romani. Francfordiz, z; f. Francfort, a city Forum Julii, Friuli in Italy, and in Germany. obrt place. F ante R. Franci, iba pagple of Franconia in Forum Limicorum, a coy of Spain. Germany; alſo the French. Forum Livii, the city Fórli in Gallia PR for frater, fronte, or forun. Francia, the country of France. Togata. F. R. Far forum Romanuin, or alius +. Francifio, are.sto jpcak. French. Foruin Narbafarum,. the souri Arvaa: regis, Franciſcus, 1;. Francis, o king of in Spain. + Fracellums ? ; B. La portar for. France, A.D. 15 15v.alſo the foun. Foram Neronis; a city of Gallia Nar- † Freccillum, iin. . fpice. dar of the Franciſcans i and orber bonenfis. Frăc-eo, ere. Ea fraces) to turn to Forum Novum, a city of the Sabines. clots with Panding, to putrify. Francofortum, the city Francfort in ihe Forum Popilul the city Forimpoli in Fracesiam ; f. the less of oilSu Germany.. Italy. trax Franconia, an e:Porn seuntry of Ger. Forude Segufiancran, a town of Gal. Frăcide; ady, mienly. many, called Frankenlandi. lia Lagdunenás. Fraceſco, čre to grow, rollen or Francus, the son of Hector, who Forym Sempront, a city, of Umbria. moldo rigned among ibe Celtæ, after the Forum Tiberil, a city of Helvetia. Frăcidus, a, um, cotty as oil, rouldy, defru&ion, of Troy. Forum: Trajani, a 'sing of Sardinia. + Fradilis, e; frail, briula. + Frangibiiis, e; which may de Forum Truentinorum, the city Bren- +. Fractuium, lib. & peftle. brobyn tinore in Italy, Frad'a, önis; fa fraction, breaking. + Frangibilitas, ális; t. frarsible. Forum Vibily-the in:B.blena in Gal. Fra!ūra, æ; f. a breaking, burning. ngs, breakabloneja. На Тваараdана. Fractus, a, um, part.of. frangor; + Frangibilitèr, brinleiy, crazily. Farad Voconii, Yocondi, a truun broken. Fractus animo, quia dir- Frangibula, æ; f.va.crapkan of Gallia Narbonenfis. aucoged. Fracta Spcs et, bare i Frangibulum, a baker': braka. Forem. Vulcani, or CampiPhlegral, is no hope left. FR-ANGO,ěgi. adum, angère ; aet. a glacem Campania within two + Frænárius, a, om ; of a bridle. (pngxùb) to break, overcoming defroy, miles of Naples, called Lr Sol Fa Frænārlus, ;m.' si lorimerjad . fübdur, tranſgreſi, allars, confuts, tara, swingly caping out fry and lor crack. '* Frangere diem, to wal? fulphur. Franālio, õn!s; f. a bridling. time of employmenfi Melis fran. Forno, 1. toje dok of jpip. $. Frænālor, oris ; n. a.bridler, curber, gere, so grind. "Comam in gra- forl. Frænatrix, īcis ; f. fe that bridles. dus frangera, 1o curl the bair. # Horvos, drum; adj. hol Fraugus, a, um, adj. bearing a + Franguldyz'; f. an alder-true er: poli, Amloof Germany. brid! Frænigera alá, a squa prick-wood. Hosti, asf, Llv. là lodio) a ditch, drop of berfa. Fratellus,d; D.a liitle brotbur, t:mco, molk, Roſtam ducerog to Freno, are ; to bridle, curk, bud. FRĀT-ER, ris; no, Cic..[à opetup rall putranch. Frænor, arl; to be bridled. wibuls, val Heb, garab, fætif.. Fota Corbulons, the rivør Leck in FRÆNUM,'i; for pl. - vel-a, Cavit) a brother, conſiderate, frist. Holland... (zaalvos, vel à ferrum, &c.] a * Frater germanud, ... Brabar dy fie Drofanæ, the river Yffcl.in bridle, or the bit of a bridlo, a curb falber and morber, Frater uta- Guedeslagde for a horse ; (mct.) a chuk ur curb. rinus, a breher by the moshar'shidt. Fcfte Mariai, s city of Gallia Nara * Dare fræņos, to jusdur. *Acci * Frater geminus, a twin. bonen Ges..called Aguce Mortes, pere frænos, so jubmit to the yoke. I + Praterculo, are ; to bave the pops Fofre Neroals: a tratar which. Nero Frænos inj.cere aliquin 16 Hop prow.dig: jindeavoured ro.drato from the laka one, heup.ono bark Mordere træ- Fritirculus, i; m. a joung or little Avernus.89: Oſtia. num, to get the bit between bin tedbbrother, Pora Papysianar a city of Tuſcany. run away with ona. Fratería, a city of Dacia, called Brof. Roſsă ius, ii; m. a ditcher. Fragaria, æ ; f. (à fragum) A fraw- fa and Zarzuara. Roffuz, ; fie water furraza. barnr. 64. Prāterra is, c; adj bratborly. + Rosator, oris ; m. a ditcher, + Fragec, cre, and fragefco, čre ; # Fraternālītas, 'Quis ; if.. brabara Foſsātam, iznis place intronebud, ito ba broken or brittle. boed, Foſsitis, o ; dug out of the ground: Fragilis, e; ad). (à frango) $0.00 Fraterne, min. . i 1 } FRE FRI. FRI ► 1 viry cool. Fräiernè, adv. after the manner of. Freginacos, a people of Italy. Fr:bu' gim, iwa cites, ime in Swit- breibrin Fromčbundus, a, um ; razing, roaring. zerland, and amorher of Germany, Fraterağas, ātis; f. brotherbood. Fremens, atis ; part. roging. · the vai of billnp of Bill. Fraternus, a, um ; adj. brotherly, Fremeſco, ére; to begin to rage. + Fribufculan, frigulcalum, a fria + ,Fratilli ar tactillt, she bottom of Frēmitas, iis ; m. a raring, raging' , volour Night, reporaiiin of a mom and Rospillry, the nay of cloth. a grese fandt ; «Io fretting. *Fre wire for a fee on, + Fratilluin, i; she williness of a mitus cquorun, ansigbing. *Fre: Erwātio, onis ; f. a rybbing, chafing. dunghilti milus ſecundus, a humming noise Fricãror, oris ; w. a rubber. Fratria, æ; f. [à frater) a brother's of grad liking. Frirat. lx, icis; f. fboo shit rubs. wija; alla fraternity or company. + Freimus, i, m. for fremitus, alt Ficātūra, æ ; f. u rubbing. Fratricida. æc. (à cedo]. be that fratring. Fricatus, a, um, part. rubbid. Rills his brother. FREM O, ni, itum, éro; neut ére ; neut + Fricillam,.i; 'n a dung bill, or BC- Fratricidiun, ü ; s. ibe killing of a (Bpluáro) so riør, cry oui, raga, ile his of. dunig brusher, furnir, bray. Fremit ereptio PRIC-O, ui ond avi, tum, and a Fratrimonium, li ; n. an emotining Gbi conlulatum, he is forely grieved tum are, ad. (tpiso, vel ab Hcb. by a preber. that, &c. pur, diſrumpil 1 rub, hafs, fret. Fratrlate, i ; 04. a brorber's fon. Fremor, ör:9; M. a roaring. Frior, ari; par to be rubbed. † Fratrio are; ta qe like a brother, Frendens, ntis párt. of frenden Fructio, onis ; f. a chafing, rubbing . + Fratriffa, æ, f. a brotber's wife. gnebing. Frendens dolor, grief + Friaorium, ils n. m. frying pan. † Fratro, are ; to have the brnalis cauſing gnaſbing of the teeth.. Fridriccs, women uſing unnatural Frend.co, ērc, là ficino] to gnaſto or luf. + Fratrucles, ium ; brasbers childron grind the teeb, grunt or graan.; + Fridūra, æ;f. a frying + Fratruggy i; m. a brother's son. + Frengeras, a, um, having a bridle. Fridus, a, um ; part. of fricor, fried, Fratuortium, town of Apulia Peu: Fretani, and Ferentani, a people of parched. cecla, called Terza. Italy. Fridlus, a, am ; part. of frkor, Tube Fraudātio, onis ; f. a defranding, Frenorculus, a fore about the mouth. bod, dbafed. Fraudātor, dris į m. a duniani. FRÉQUENS, tis; adj. 3 art. for. Fridericus, i; m. Friderick, the Fraudātörlos, a um ; beguiling. iffimus, [pu. fere coicns, vel ab name of jounal amparors, and other Fraudatrix, icis;f, leibas boppilas. ŠTippTW adrepo, vel à páginas Fraudāwa, a, um; devived, browled. ambio fequent, coming often, jland. Frid:gernus, a king of the Gothi. Fraudo, are ; ut. (à fraus) to do. ing shick, common, well Amed. + Frigecics, ei; f. cold. fraud, wrong, bagwla, kep back mar's Frequentes falmus ad ducentos, we Frigēdo, inis ; f. fà frigeo] coldneſs. dur, deprive of. Frzudare ge wure two handred Hrong. Beluis Frigětăcio, ērc; to cool or make sold. nium, to be indebted to one's billy. frequens, full of wild boafsi Sue Brigefa&io, onis; for a cooling. Fraudare fe vi&u fuo, fario io cretis frequens, often called so conn-Frigělacto, are; to make very cool. afford bimſdf viftuals. cil, * Veno in fenatum frequens, Frigeraçtor, oris ; m. be that cools, + Fraudăla, zeif a kind of bird. I am ofion at the parlianent bouje. Prigělactor, ari ; pali. Jo be made Fraudulcocer, adv. deceitfully. Frequentanen, Tais;.nfrequent. Fraud alcntia, se; f. deceitfulneſs. Frequentâmcotun, 1; a. A divifio, Frigefio, ori ; nent. to be sold, Fraudulentus, a, um ; decuitful. warbling upon frings. Frigens, ntis ; cold, fearful; dead, + Fraudūlolus, a, ám, full of craft. Fréquentarius, & um ; frequent. FRIG.EO, čre ; ncut. (pigem to be FRAUS, fraudis, f. Corpcon, yel Frègnentārio, onis, f. a rejorting cold or inadius, froezie. à foro deceit, Jengn, prejudice, disa soicing close and thick. * Fréquen, Frigoratio, onis; fe & cooling: anage: danger, pramunire. *Frau Tatlo verborum, the frequent ufing Frigerator, oris į m. be that cools. dem facere legi, ta elope the law. er repeating of the ſame words. Frigērātorium, ii; n., a cooling.borſa, #Nc ca res mibi fit fraudi, thar Fréquentativus, a, um , doing often. I + Frigěro, ari ; to be cold. it may not prove to my damage ar Fréquentatiò. adv. often, frequmuly, Trigeico, cre; neut. tawax cold, go diſadvantage. • Fraude peculatlis Frequenlor, oris , m. a reforier. Mowly on. *Frigoicit, it is cold. carere, 1 bt found nos guilty of Frčquentauix, icis; f. for that fro- Frigida, æ; cold water. robbing the exchequer. quent Fr:gidāriun, il; n. a cold bab. Fraufus, a, um ; having decsived. Frequeotātus, a, umy part of fre- Frigidārius, a, am i of cooling, cold. PR 4X, ac ;, f. [tpuš, vel à pàg, acinus), moher, less. Frequenter , , illine adv. often- Frigiditas, átls ; 1 coldnela, frigidity. + Fraxãuo, onis ; f. a walking the sites.' Frigidiulcủlè, ady. somswhat coldly. rounds, Frequentia:æ; fa refert of people. Frigidiuſculus, a, umj ad}. Fowle- + Fraxalor, oris ; m, be that goes the + Frequentidicus, i; me prater. wh it could rounds, Frcquento, are ; ad. (á frequens] to + Frigido, arc, frigideo, Cre, and + Fraxillus, i; m. a popper.mill, or frequent, rapeat, vifit, relort unto, -{co, ere; n. Io ratl or be cold. mujiard-mill. draw togesher, oxbl. • Frequen- Frigidúlè, ady. (billy, Fraxinclla, æ; f. là fraxinus] bas tire aliquem, to take siin men- Frigidúlus, a, um , adj. chill. dard-dittany. tion of any one. #Solitudinem all. Frigidus, a, um, adj. lor, sfidus, Fraxinē!um, ; 8. a group of afh-treet, cujus loc! frequentare; to prople ( à frigco) cold, nadius, danger Fraxinetum, the town Frafinato in a plan that was without inbabi. OKS, frobla, feolith, dead. Frig.de Ligurla by the river Po. tints. Frequentare aliquid va. menta, ibe Roman anpepallt of rold Praxinum, the town Freſno in Spain ; rlis nominibus, to call thing by mati.. all aloqun in Portugal, fourral names. *Frequentare com- Frigidus, a river of the Japodes, be- FRAXINUS, 1; f. là fraogo, vel ab mercium literarum, to write lollers twen Aquilea and monia, where Heb. berofa, abies) an ap-troo. often, Thcodosius vanquifbol tbs tyrant Fraxinus bubula of Glveſtris, wild Fréquentor, ari ; paff, so be frequent. Eugenlus; alfo a river in Tuscany eh. rd, people, pefored. called Freddo. Fraxinus, a, um ; adj. afben, of Freffus, or freſus, a, um, adj. if FRIGILLA, æ; f. [à fono) a chaf. Fraxiacua, 3 afbo frendeo; bruiſed, broken, makida finch. + Fraxo, are ; to go the rounds, view Prēta!is, e, adj. of a narrow fea. Frigillago, inis ; f, the great tit the watsb. FRETUM,i ; n. (a fremno vel fer mouſe. Éredericus Ænobarbus, an emperot,, veo) a narrow fea, Breight, sound, Frigillarius,. ' ; m. mi & Sparrow zoho went to the expedition of Jeru. or arm of the fo.. buruk. Lalem, and having taken como souna Fretum Britannicum, Gallkam or RRI-GO, XS &um, gore j ait. in Armenia, died in pafing a ri Morinuin, the channel or freight of (pure) so fry or pareb. Calals, the Sleeve. Frigor. Oris; m, coldnefs. regella, Hæ city in Italy. Frecus, a, um, part. of fruor ; 16. Frigorificus, a, um ; adj. procuring Fregellani, the people of. Fregella. ly.pupon. sold, refrobing. Fregellan, vids, vine sbat grows Friabilis, e; adj. which may be t. Frigălo, ace; to collar like a jay, af Fregella. crumbled. FRIGUS, õsis'; in ogn] cold, Frogena, & rown in Tuſcany. Frigātio, ön!s; f. a crumbling. froj, a folling out of lovers, be- LITTI2 irig > VET. 1 1 1 $ FRO F:R U F RU ing pureur, foar, death. * Frigore.; tifpiste.. made a biſhop by Athanafius, ferire, to will with cold; Fronutērlum, il;n, cloiſor, walk- Frūmcntor, ari, to forrage, or convey Friguicŭlum, i; na litla rold. plsce. corn in'o the camp. Frigūrio, ire, to guide for cold, pras. Fronto, onis } .m. ong with a broad Frumentālus, a, um ; ad). fudiof com. sle. for head. Frūmentum, i; n. [à fruor] corn ; FRINGILLA, *; .f. (à fono) a Fronto, an orator and pbilosopber, who alſo the grains in a fig. finub. Baught M. Antony, who lourdbim + Frum-io, ire, to pluck the bair Fringillāgo, ins; f. the greas tit. tbe so well, ibat he got the ſenare to em from leather, maxle. ria bim a monummi + Frumitor, oris ; m. a fannst, Chr- Fringilarius, os fr'gillarius. + Frontofus a, um ; adj. impudent, mier. Fringal-lo, irc, in quauir, ſpeak fab bigb foreheaded. + Frumitorlum, ll; a. a ten houſe: bingly utter. + Fros, froris, a green leaf. + Frunder for frondes, Frlo, arc, (9pxww] to crundle. † Frucellam,!; n. a bag o win. + Frundo, ērc, to kill. + Friſchlaga, a; f. a great porker or . Fracem for frugem. + Fruniſcor, ari, to enjoy. bog, Fructifer, a, um, adj. [à fru&us & + Frünirus, a, um ; adj. wiſt, trupy. Friſboncs, a peuple of Germany. fero] frui-dearing. FRUOR, čris, Trados or ilus fum, Frill, a propke of Germany. Fruajfico, arc, to make or be fruitful, frui; dep. (à deg, fero] mjoy, Frifuga, a city of Vindl'écia in Ba to fruttify. ull, take the profil or pleaſure of varii. + Frudificus, a, um, adj. bearing thing. Frui logenlo ſuo, to bi bis Frit; n. ind. (i far vel frlo) the top fruit profit . own mafier. of an ear of corn. Fru&uarium, !; n. a vino-branib Frosira, a city of Campania. Fritilla, a; F. (a frit] a kind of pulie bearing fruit. Frugnates, the people of Frufina. and grus. Fracluārius, a un, of bevring fruit, Fruſtātin, adv. piece-incal + Fritillaria, 2, the barb fritillar. the fruit. , advin small pieces + Fritillumi; n. a morfar. Frottuðsè, iàs, iffimè; adv. fruitfully. Fruftillam, i; a. a litle piecs or gob- . FRITILLUS, i, m. Jun. à fono) + Fructuositas, ātis; f. fruitfulnes. adf.box, 11 Fructuoſus, a, um, adj. fruitful, pro- + Fruftito, are ; to break in places. FRITINNIO, ire; Cà ſono) u sry Atable. Fruftrá, adv. [å fruftum vel frango) like a wallow Frullus, a, um ; part- of fruor ; bzv. in win, without caufi. Fruſtrà # Friviculum, i;n, a small rold. ing enjoyed. effc, to miſcarry, come to nothing. . Frivõla; õrum ; A. lumber, baggage, Fru&us, us ; m. the fruit of trees,'er Fruità habere, to diſappoinë. trumpury. of the carib ; profit, aduintage, for Fruftrà eft homo, she min is mija- Frıvõlarius, a, um, adj. of or for vice, pleafum; rent, or rouinus cof lumber, &c, land; delighi, fatisfa&tion, interoff Froſtrātio, on's ; f. a diſappointing, Frivõlārius. il', m. e pedlar, broker. of menty ; alſo the uſe of a thing. failing. Fruftrationem injicere FRIVOLUS, a, um, ad). (Avagos) Fruendus, a, um, part. of fruor ; to in aliquam, fruftrationes darc ali. frivolous, Night, of no value, be mjøed. • Juftitiæ fruendæ cau cui, to daeive ins. Frixa, fried fifa 1r Arbe, (fc. ciro.] sâ, to have juſtice. Fruſtrātor, oris ; m, a dereiver. + Fs:xo, arc, 10 yng. Frugalls, e; ad). 3. art. lor, iffimus; Fruftratus, a, um ; part. of fruſtror; Frixor:um. ii ; n. a frying-pan. Là frugi) ibrifty, sobar, mean, time. derived, or deceiving, Frixūra, æ; f. A frying. ly. Fruftrātus, us; m.& desider.. Frixus, a, um ; part. of frigor ; fri. Frúgālitas, ätis ; f. frugality, tbrifti Fruſtatui habere, to make a fool of ed. Fro, the name of a Saxon god. Frügāliter, adv. thriftily. Froſtro, are ; act. Cà fruſtral: 10 Fromus, ibe river Frome, in Gloucer- Frúgāmentum, i, n. arn' bufness. Fruftror, ari; dep. diſappoint, terſhire and Dorlethlrc. Frugèria, a; f. the goddeſs of corn. fail, fruſtrate. • Fruftrari laborem, Frondārius, a, um, adj. of leaves. FRUGES, um ; f. (à ppós os corrco] to labour in vain. Ne tc fruftere, Frondātio, önis; fi a lopping, browo all kind of fruit, especially corn. don't miſtake yourſelf. Jing. Recipere fe ad frugem bonam, 1. Fruſtror, ari ; part. to be diſappoinued. Frondātor, oris ; m. 4 wod-man, a take to good courſes. Fruſtŭlātìm, adv, by piere-naral. fdler of timber. + Frūgeſco, čre ; to be fruitful. Froſtülentus, a, um ; adj. broken in + Frondacus, a, um, leaved. Prügi, adj. indec, thrifty, a good huf. pines. Fiondens, atio bearing leaves. band, temperate. • Frugi ædifici- Frartúlum, ; a. a little piece, goba Frondeo, ēre's neuf. fà frons) to om, a small convenient durlling let, grain. baue keurs, house. FRUSTUM, 1; n. [9psuptor, vel Frondefco, čre; ta dwe fortb leaves. Frugifer, a, um, adj. proflable, bear. ab Heb. paras, divifit) a fragment, Frondcus, a, um ; adj. lesy. ing fruir, fcrap. Fruſta pannorum, rogi. # Frondīcuja, æ; f. a little branch. + Fragiferans, ntis, bearing fruit, * Fruftum hominis, a diminutive Frondifer, a, um ; ad). leaf bearing | Frugifero, arc, to bear fruit. follow. + Frondis, a leaf or bransb. Brugilēgus, a, um, garbering corn. Fruteõlus, a, um ; adj. full of thick- Frondo, arc; act. to lop, cut off. Frugiperda, 2; c. à spoil fruit, falfe eis or forubs. Frondor, ari; paff. to be lopped. + Frondofitas, ātis; f. leafineſs. Frute&um, Frondofus, a, um ; ad). full of leaves. Frugipěta, æ;f, a kind of pigeor. FRUTEX, icis ; m. [à Bpow, pullu- FRONS, ndio ; f. [à fero vel Bouws Frugivõrus, a, um, devouring fruit. *lo), a forub, young tool, an herb pullulo) a lraj, or branch, *Fron- + Frugo, are. ro gather fruit. with a great palk. des vefcæ, browſe. Fruiſcos, ci ; dep. [à fruor) te uſt, + Frutians, or frutlalls, a multitude FRONS, otis; . (à Fortis, cogita enjoy. of jialks. tio, ) ibe forehead. front, losk, model - Froitúrus, a, um; parts of fraor, Fruticans, nt's, fpringing, Booking. ty, leverity, frontiſpiece. * In fronie, ready to enjoy. + Fruticatio, onis, f. a running out in breadth." Frontcm perfrica't, Fruitue, a, um, having enjoyed. into fruitleſs bran.his. be is Hamile's. * Frontem capera. Frūmen, inis; n. [à feroy the gulleti Fruticátor, oris, o. & Sprouter forib. re, io frown. Explic re fron. also a kind of pritage. Fruticeſco, črc, 10 ſpring forth. tem, to be morry, Prons litcra. Frumentaccui, a, um, made of wbust. Fruticētum, i, n. a sbickes. tus, Bigmarized. Frūmontarius, a, um; adj. af com, Frutico, are, } to sprout or boot Frontálc, is , n. a fruntles, head.fell, , ari, forehead sloth. Frůmentarius, ii; m. a forrager, Fruucolus, a, um, ad). overgrown, Frontācus, a, um ; adj. fit iw the PUTUSJOr.'' running our into fruitlos branches. frunt or out-fide. Frūmenāto, õnis; fi a forróging for Frutinal, alis, n. a temple of Venus + Froniicŭla, a; f. a linla forchrad. corn, also a gmeral dole of corni. Fruci. Frontinus, one that write of military Frūmcntator, oris ,. m. a forrager,+ Frux, frügib, f. fruil, formso A kipline, patvir. fruges. Front.fpiciam, il; n. [à frons & Frumentus, one that preached the Fruxinum, a city of Vindelicia in Specio) the fors-from, outpdo, fron gospel in India, and was therefors Bavaria, called allo Frifinga. F ante ont. BC directemente care traie cites not. Frutetura , la compreendichos or una ! out. . 1 $ * 5 FUG FUL ne M Fügitūrus, a, um ; part. fut. la sus Fullo, õnis; m. [thuvw, lavo, vel F anla V. of fugio ; ready to fly, Buktów, denſo] a tucker er fullor; # Făgivăgus, a, um, fugitive, win also an ear-wig. FV. abbreviat. for fraudlive. doring # Fullo, are, to full clorb. Fu ; indec, a kind of barb. Fúgo, arc; a&t. 80 put so flighs, drive pillona, zi f. a fulling-gill. + Fu, fu ; interj. phr. 'phy. away, banih. Fullonica, a; f. a fullor's trade ar + Fuen, as, at, for Gm, sis, fit. Fúgor, ari ; paff . so he sh-fod, &c. pop. Fucæ, arum ; f. spots in the face. Fui preterperf. of fum, i bave been. Fullõnicus, a, um, adj. of a fullor. Fūcātio, onló; fe , painting, dif: Fulcibilis, g, odbly underprojpes. Saltus fullonicus, full.ng. guiing. + Fullonium, ii ; n. & fuller's Apo Ficitor, oris ; m. painter, Fulcimentum, i; a. }a prop, ſhore. Fullonius, a, um , adj. of a fuller. Fücātus, a, um, painted, dood. FULCIO, fi, tum, circ; act. (à du. Falmen, ins; n. Vir. (à falgeo].4. + Facilis, e; adj. falfo-coloured. 1Qxcuftodia, vel ab Hcb. prisk, Ibunderbola. * Apri fulmon, the Facinus, lake in Italy, called Lago barumlum) 11 mier-prop, ſupport. susk of a boar. . Fulmina verbo. dl Marlo. • Fulcire pedibus, si tread upon. rum,. forrible words. Fulmina Fuco, ase; act. 18 colour, counterfein, # Fulcire porticum Stoicorum, to fortunæ, great misfortunes. pains: kurz, up Sroj:iſm, Boully to defend Polmen, inis ; 4. (à fulcio) a praca Fü:or, arl; paff. to be pointed. Steveks and their prin'iples, Fulmenta, f.a jooo fols. Pūcēlus, a, um ; ad). printed, mak. + Fulcis, õnis; f. an under-propping. Fulmentum, í; , on under-laying, ing a fair pow. 'Fucosze ami. Fulcior, iri, to be under.proppid. feat.pool, prepo cltiz, frign'd awit, # Fulclius, a, um, under prepped. + Fulminaft:er, rl; m, a poor our FOCUS, 1;m. (Heb. qui, vel à pô. + Fuko, a duke of Anjou, ihe fifth derer, ſmall lighiner. xil, alga) paint for sberbagus, dying king of Jesuſa'em, whoſe borſo shrow Falminātio, onis ; f. a thunder-frik- Huf, a dourable premi; alfo bim and killed bin. ing. droni, Anggord, and abby.lubber.! + Fulcralia, bed ornaments. Fulminā or, oris ; ma thunderer. • Fucus marinus, la-graſs. • Fult Fulcrātus, a, um, under propped. Fulminatus, a, um, thunder.firuck. cus agreftis, baford-ffron. + Fulcro, are, to make a bid. Fulmiacus, a, um ; ads, of or lika Pufidius, a wicked ufujer in Horace. Fulcrum, i; n. [à fulcio) a bedfied, shundor and lighining, impolutus, Fuga, i f. (quan] Aigbe, banilla- violent, prop, butirofsg a bridge of a fringed Fulmino; are; act. so thunder and mont, & race. Fuga honoris, a inirurint. rojufing of bonon. , Fulda, bo metropolis of country in lighien; also to fire and split share + Fúgacitas, ātis ; f. a running a- with. 1 Germany called Bucconia, from the way, inconiany. river Fulda which runs by it. Fulminor, arl, ta be thunder-Pruck. Fugăciter ; ady, in a flying popuri Puigens, ntis, fining ; part. of Pulli, preterperf. of fulgeo, q. V. Fügālia, õrum ;.n: Roxan feasts dept FUL-GEO, ſi, gērc ; ncut. (à Profil Fulfinates, a people of Myrium. in February, in remembrance of be Hamma, vcl diogu, ero) so glitter, Fullgium, or Fulginium, a city of hings being banibed Rome. lightm. Umbili, called Foligino. Fugācio, onis ; f. a putting so fight. Fu!gefco, čre, to begin to shine. Fa'rio, onis ; f. an under-propping, + Fúgātor, āris ; mi a driver a way. Folgeirum; 1; n. lightening, a falb. Fultrum, ; n. a prop, under-lay. Pügaturus, a, um, part. fut in rus + Fulgide ; adv. Joiningly. Fultara, ai f. an under propping. of fugio ; abous to drive away: † Fulgiditas, atis ; brigbineſs. Fultas, a, um ; pact. of fulcior ; Fügātus, a, um ; part. put to fighsit Fulgido, arc, tá bi' or make pin under propped. Falta yitis, a Fugax, acis ; adj. 3. art. cior, scif. vino soorid, up. ing: fimus, fping away, ſwift, coward. Fulgllatus, a, um, blaſed. + Fulve; adv. yellowibly. 19, timorous, of soort continuare. Fulginates, * people of Umbria in + Fulvēdo, inia; gelownals. • Fugacia poma, fruit that won't Italy, † Fulv.co, ērc, and eſco, čre ; deut. lol. + Fulgitores, um, Scoobfayers. to be or grow gelow. + Fugela, æ; f. e flying away. + Ful-go. , fun, gere, to glitter. Fulviana, a; t. (à fulvio, invent.] Fugiendus, a, um, tó be avoided. Fulgor, öris ; m. afbining, glinering. an berb good to provoke urine. Fügicos, atis, awiding. • Fuglentes Fulgores marini, Caſtor anal+ Fulvidus, a, um ; adj. yellow. literæ, latters almalt worn oui. ollux.: Fulvius, a Roman fmator, intimate Fuglentes venz, pulſes faintly beat gora, she goddess of ligbining, wirb O&avius, who divreĝed the ing: Fuglens vinum, wine'ibar Balgārus, a, um ; adj. Joining. emperor's council to his wife, and foon decays, Fulgur, úris ; n. (a fulgeo] A flaſh shi 10 other women, and was ibaren Fugiens, ntis ; m. the defendant. of lightning up:11 Jo tartly obeskid; that they both. + Púgillator, oris ; m. bug-bear. Fulgurális, e; ad). of lightning. killed themſelves. + Fugillo, are, no Arike fine, Fulgurācio, õnis; f, é lighening, raff. Fulvius Flaccus, a confor, who took + Fugillus, i; mi a jteil to Brike fire Fulgurātor, āris ; m. a lightner ; also off the marble courring of Jogo LQ: with, cina's temple,to curr another wbicb FÚGIO, i,, čre ; neut. Peug) 10 a foorblayer' expiating places Bruck be had dedicated to Fortuna Equeſ, tris. flot, slepi, forgat, refuſa, give place. with fire and lightning. * Fagere Ic, shange bis mind. + Po'gūrātus, a, um, Aruck with FULVUS, a, um , adj. Ovid. (à Patriam fugere, to go into banilo- ligbsning furvus, flavus, vel fulgeo] yellow, fallow. ment. *Fugere laborem, to be laxy.Fulgúr-lo, ire ; ad, 10 prika with w Me fugit, I know it not. * Fuge lightning + Puma, a; f. a warnan cook. fufpicari, be far from fuch asboughai + Fulguritas, atis; f. ligbining, join Fulagium, il ; n. heartb-monty. Fugitans, gen. ntis; part. of fugito; ing. * Fumans, ntis, Imoaking. avoiding, bating. * Fugitaas litl} + Fulguritaffunt, they are lirickon with Fümārium, li; Q. Là fumus) a fun- om, not loving to go to law. lightning nel of a chitanny, a smak.loft, a + Púgitas, ātis ; f. å running away. Fulgòricos, a, um ; part. bricken with Jave for the fooaking of wini. Fugitatio, onis ; f. a hafly. Aging. lightning, shunder-pruck. + Fumarlus, a, um, of a bimney. Fugitätor, oris ; m. a helly Ayer. Polguso, art, to lighien or glitter. # Fumarius, ilim. & frullion. Pügitivārius, ii ; m. one that fatshes FULICA, ; f. parexpos, vel à Fümātio, onis; f. á (moating, buick jorvants that run away. fuligo) a moor hun. Pumātor, oris ; m. a fmonkar. Fugitivus, a, um , adj. running a. + Foliginatus, a, um, made dari. . Fumatus, a, um ; ad). Imoaked. Diy, turting' afide, Nitting. Fu- | Fuligineu, a, um, blask, Foody. +Fum-eo, Ere; acut. 11 ſmoak gitivus lapis, & grent Bone loft by. Fūligioo, are, to beſmear wiib soop. + Fumeſco, ērc, so begin to smoak, the Argonauts in Cyzicus, which Puliginose ; adv. fontily. . Fumcus, a, um, Smoaky, ſmutty. the townſmm fajiened down with Fuliginoſus, a, um ; adj. Jooly. + Funicus, a, um , adj. (moaky. load to keep it from going. Fugi. Fuligo, inis; f. [ă furyas, vel fymus] # Fumiditas, ātis ; f. Smoakinejo. tiyus rei familiaris, not minding foor, crock, 4 oy. # Fümido, arc, 1 fmoak or rock. his own concems. Pulix, icis ; ( nug] A fia-CM Or Fūmidus, a, uni, finoaky, Smutly.' ! Fugito, arc, to foun much or harily. moor-bon. Fūpifer, um ; adj. um ; adj. tringing Făgitor, oris ; m, be that runs away. Fullatło, õnis; f. a fulling. Smoak. Půmi- ? 20:9 FUN FUN? F UR Funificätus, a, un ; perfundd. Lefs of judiciFradere felgum • Funera facere, to kill. Fümifico, are; act. 19 pirfuse . fpicas, to put forth the war. Fun Funwlúlum, i; a. a little funeral. Fūorificor, ari; pall..to be parfumed. ditur in Rhenum fluvias, ibu rivir Fuo, iz no or. Fumificus, a, um; ad). Sonding cus falls into the Rhinc. FUR, furis; c. Phædr. [pws] a thief, megé. Fundor, art, paff, to be fawnded. drone, Payr. + Fümīgabundas, a, um ; adj. full Fundor, di ; part, to be poured out, + Furabilia, orum ; the dark thirving of mouk. Fundia, ;f. a litslı Ring. time. Fumigans, ntis ; p2it. Smoaking. + Fondúlum i; dia pudding gul. t. Förāci'as, siis ; f. thirvifmist. Fümigātio, onis; f. a perfuming. Fundúlus, i; ma tistle piant of lands Fúrāc-itèr, - jùs, -iffima adv. skinuo, Fumigator, oris . mi a perfumur. olja a gudgeon. inly. Fumigo, are ; act. to perfume, dry in Fundum. 1 ;0. . For or bottom. Furatlo, onla; f. fealing, Ibonoak. Fuodus, i'; m. Supos vel á fundo] Furator, oris ; m. jisala, Fumigor, ari; part. 1o de moaled. a piece of ground, a farm, founda. Pürātas, a, um ; Molin. + Fümitus, asm. a little ſmpal. tim, batsom, slut, outbor, bo ebar Fürs-X, gen. cis., ad), 3. art. -clor, Fumivenduluş, 1; a. a braggadocio. authorizes. • Sera eft in fundo -ciffimus, fbiavih. Fumo, ase; to forek, reti parfimonia, sis 800 late to spare FURCA, ; 1. Lop zit, vel foro) + Famositas, ätis ; f. Somoakinefs. whin all is gone. * Fundus fep fork, gallows, or croſs wbicb malam Fümölus, zjum ; adj. Stosky, black, tas, a close or fort. fadors bore." Parca cuacrorum, Smoaked. Funebris, c; adj. 3. art. of mano'n. Ibu davr of arabs. FOMUS. i; m. Liv. (Sumòr] fmaak, ing on funerals, fad, sorrowful. # Furcatus, a, um ; 2d). forked.. a great undertaking without ff. + Funeræ, pram went wbom | Furcella, and furceilula, a; fia # Fumog terra, fumitory, * Von ibe funerals belong. Birste forks gibbar. dere fumos, si make court promijes. Funérale, 'is ; n. (à funus) « funge Furcifer, de soni bas been Funāle, 8; 8. (à funts) # lini, a condemnet 16 bi gallows. coid, baltir. Funéralia, lum; n, funeral riter. Furcilla: el pit;bfork, gall- Funalis, c; adj. of a cord or link ; Funerālis, ej adj. of a.funeral. Furcala, 3. lots, claws. alſo hot. Cercus funalis, a torch? Fundrarius, and funcralitius, a, um; + Furcillis, is ; .. a glutton, great * Funalcs equi, borſes barnofed. adi the fumo as funcralis.. rater. Funambulus, 1; m. e rope-dancar. Funě:ācio, onis; f. a burying. + Furcillo, aret; to hang on a gibbot. Fusarius, a, ua; odt. of a rope. Funérātor, oris ; m. a burier. + Furco, õnis ; m. s riat ford, and Fun&tio. õnis ; f. the bearing an of- Funeratus, a, um ; buried, killed, a facrifcing Anita fear sbargo; alfo.refiering a shing Funércus, a, am; adj. of a funeral, Furcūlus, ; m, little thief, barrowed. unluky. Furens, atis adj. raging mad. Fonctus, mum ; part. of fungor; Funčro, are; &t. to bury or kill. Furcoter, adv. ragingiz tragerly. having performed, mded.. Functus Faucror, arl': paff. te dé buried. FURFUR, uris. (a far, vol Bóps fato o norte, doad. * Funérõlus, a, um ; ads, mournjal. 6ápos, fordes) bran, Fourt, Lananit. FUNDA; *; f. [operdoro, vel à Functātio, bals; f. á pollution by Qui alant farfure lues, who fud fiodo] a ſling, leather purſo, cat. fouebing a dead body. thuir bogs wirb bran, Furfures ing_cut; also the colle of a ring: Foneftator, õris ; m. li tbat pollutas capitis, fwf in the brad, Plin. a foundation, by Soubing dead body, Fundamentum, 1 ; 'n. Su Farida- Funeſte, adv. defiledly. Farf üreus, 3a, um . add. of bran. tenta facere falutis alicujus, to Funetto, are ; a&t. to pollute with a Furfūrāccai, 3 Panis furfurcus, begin to provide for the ſafety of any dead body. brown bread. Fuocſtor, arl ; part. to be polluted. + Furtúrācülum, i; n. the dark. + Fandanus, or fondurius, ii; m. a Funeſtus, a, um, adj. deadly, pola | Furlŭrātus, a, om ; adj. branny. busdundm... luted by a dead carpla. Arbor + Furf trio, onis ; mi a bird fuoding Fundar:0, õnis ; f, a laying the four funefta, the fres who boughs urs m meal. dotion, used at funerals, Funerta fami- + Furfurus, a, um ; adj. brams, Fundātor, bris; -m. a founder, lia, a family, of wbi-b ona lius drad srurfy. Fundātus, a, um ; founded, engraved. in the houſe, Fúria, æ; f. [à foro] fury, rage, Fundatiffima familia, a mojt an. Fünčtum, !; n. (à funis) - wiri. Fúrlz, arum ; f. the three furies of cient and wealthy family, ing of vine twigs me about, ano- hell, Alcao, Megara, TiGphone.- Fundens, atis ; part. of fundo; pour- ther Fürālis, e; adj. furious, raging. 7 Fūnētus, a, am ; bent, bowed. Fúriālītèr, adv.. fieriouſly. Fuodi, a town in Italy near Cajeta. * Fungia, 2; f. á kind of Bone, to Fürjātus, a, um , adj. enraged. Fundin lista, j} m. finger. and bread. Fúribundus, a, um ; fark naked. Fungibilis, e; adj. (à fungor) which + Fúriens, nt's; adj. raging. Fuodibălacias, li ; may be changed for anabar. Furina, z; to the goddes of thieves } Fundibulator, oris; mieflinger. Panginus, 2, 40; adj. if a muſb- or of lots. Fundībulun, 1; n. a Ring. Furina Lucus, a groue in Italy, Fundībălos,-1, m. a flinger. FUN GOR, gěris, etós fum, gl; whart Cajus. Gracchus waislam. * Fupdicarlus, u; m. the maſter of dep. qu. fincm ago) to bear & Farinalia, or Furnal:a, the frafts of the the mip. shanga, difaharga, executs, endure. . goddeſi Furina. + Fundicus, 'i; m. pop, work Fangi fato, to die. Fungi ſtipen- Furinus, a, um; ( far) of thieves. houſe. dio, 10 bo in wage. * Fungi ma * Furinum forum, a rmdrzvori of Punditātlo, onis; f. frequmt ping nere, lo execute an office, below a rogurs. ing: prani. Khrio, are ; aa. to enrage, or púr ons Pandito, ak. m. [å fundo) so pour Fungositas, atis; f. Spunginos. out of bis wird cut, much, wale, babble, ſing. * Fungofus, a, um , adj. Tils à mujo. Fŭriose, adv. seriouſly. Fundicare rem, to find an fiat: + Pariolicas, aus ; f. Carlouſons. idly. Fungus, i, m. [opeyso I a mush | Fūriõsim, adv. durragooush. Funditor, ari ;- pafl. ro be:bit with a room, toad Boo!, soul-wood; a Forioſus, a, um ; 1d): -lor, -iffimus; jsing. candle-fruft and a dúnce; a dif furioni, outrageous, mad. Funditor., oris ; m, a dingar. temper in olive-treas, , ariang from Furius Camillus, à cotful witb Do- Funditus, ado. from the soundation, shi for vehement heat of the fun. mitlus Ænobarbus. பயர். * Fungo fambocinps, jew.cars. Furnaceus, a, um ; ad). {á' furnus) Fondo are; (à fundus) to found, • Fangus palvurulentus, a fux bukid in an oven. lay the foundation ; alio io hing. dall Furnäria, 2; s. the art of boking or FU-NDO, di, Tam, ndëre; A. Funicu!uš, I; .. a ſmall cord. filling i atto a bake bouje and a Lxviw] 10 power wut, shod, spill, cop Funisapus, i'; m. å rope.doncer. woman.bakar. ostal, TORI, $urume, water. FONIS. is; to and f, Coxoiros) o Funarium, l}; n. a shirani). Fundit fe juftitia in cæteras vir. rupe or cord. Purnāžius, a, um ; adj. of an oven. tutes, jußice runs ihrough all aber FUNUS, čris; n. (à porc, cædes) Furnārius, 1i; nie buker or filler virtuet, «very virtue has more o • furural, corpo, acaib, tbs gravi + Färö-co, 1. ing kue, Toom. room. F US G A G G AG # Furn-co: ére, and furno, are ; ta, Fuſticulus, 1 ; m. a Ning with a foff Gabalesy a purple of Aquitain. make . furnace or oum. four funt long. Gabalus, a Roman emperor, of a ris- + Furnicus, a; um , roofid, arbed. Fuſtībulator, Orls ; m. a Ainger. touts and debauch'd life, who was # Pemio, arq; ts bake. Fuftabulen, i, a. a Ding fluff. at lah killad, dragged through the Furnius, a conful with Domitianus Fasticulus, 1 ; m, a Jiulepuff or cad. city, and thrown into the Tyber ; be gel. Augaitas ; also a friend of Horace. would be caled the Sun, and there. Färnus, '; m. (à farvus] an ouer, Fustigatio, Onls ; « cudgelling. fore was named Heliogabalas. kiln, dr pill. Fustigatus, a, um ; cudgelled. Gabalus, i;.m. and -um, i;. & # Faro, onis ; a kind of braft, Fustigo, are ; to cudgel. labrur. gibbet or gallows. FURO;=re ; acat. (ofponcrivel à qua Furtigor, arts to be cudgelled. Gabaon, the metropolis of the Hi- po miſceo) to rage, to be diflraaed, Fuſtim, adv. with cudgels. vites, fifty furlongs from Jeruſa. or tranſported with palfion. • FR FUSTIS, is į m., forlan à poftis) lem. rit te reperire, bo would fain find club, cudgel, faf, a button, [met.) Gabaopolis, a town in Galilee. Jou oui. a blow, Non opus eft verbis, Găbăta, æ ; f. [qu. cavalad a plaster, Poror, ari; dep. [à fur] to.Bral. fed fuftibus, we muſt turn from porringer, Furor, Oris-z m. madnes, furg, rap. words to drivs Gabba, a city of Syria. turt. + Fuſticudincz infulæ,a foigned word Gabbenus, an inhabitant of Gab- + Furta, orum ; n. trushery. for she place wburo Baves were beatm. ba. Furtificus, a, um; adj. Shieviſbygiven Puftuarium, iii ni a baſinado. Gabbatha, pavement. to frating +Fuftuarius, a, um ; of bouting. + Gabca, a kind of Hrd. Fortim, ade. fecrals, by fabb. Fattuarius, ! , mi sbe deadle of bag- + Gabella, gabellum, of gablum, Furtive, adv.Vetretly, gar: or Brideviell. tol). Furtivas, a sadi. Bolm, ferrat. Fuſulus ia little ſpindle. Gabellus, a river of Lombardy. Literæ furtiva, ophors or one. Easūcas ; f. a melring: Gaberius, it; m. a Roman knight, Taies. Furtiv res, adultery, Fofus, a, um ; part of fundor; pour. wbe thought to have enriched him- Furtò, adv. Jesretlj, by Aralib. gd omt, mited, pain, largo, fonoab. self by kieping goals, but ſuffered * Fartăłam, fin. i pelry ibefe. Fula cupresſus, & Spreading ty. great leſs thereby Furtum, ii ni theft, thinvers, aiutato preſs-tru. * Fui crines, featterid + Gabidus, a, am ; adj. adj. cold. buirs. tery, ambuja, surpriſe. Furta Găblēnus, a valiant ſoldier -of Casa Concoptus, a bafford. * Furla Fuus, i, m. (à fundo ) a ſpindle. far's Náin by Pompey. belli, Hrasagems, * Fulus agreitis, bahard-sajron. Gabli, & city of the Volſci, stomiy # Furtuolus, aj um ; very tbiquit Fut, or Phrhut, indec. à river. of miles from Rome. + Fury.co, ēre, and -eſco, -cfcčke j Mauritania, not far from nouni Gabina, Juno worſhipped by the Ca- to be or grow black. Atlas. bini. Faruncălus, i į m. & little thief; alio 1 Fucilè, adv. vainly, idly. Gabinus, a Roman bißorian. 'Jalon, and forret. Futile, ; n. a vefil ujed in ihe fa- Paulus Gabinlus, a governor of Sy. * Farvulus, a, um ; ads. blackiſo. frifica of Vera, or a vefſel narrow ria, who refores Prolomy to hin FURVUS, a, um ; adj. (ab épospas, at Dolton, which cannor hand, but kingdom, and was therefore con- orci caligo) dark, dusky, blask, ob- mujl be sither hold or drané up. demned. fourt, Fūtilis, c , adj. cracked, running out, Gabinus cinctus, iho polurs of wear, + Fulanam, 1; 0.and-fafaria, e; f. Fütilitas, ātis ; f. a leaking, fooliſh leaking, vnin, diffoluta. ing thegowon, which the conſul wed wbon hi declared wnr. Folarios, 1 ;. m. [à fuſus) a Spindle - Futbitēr, adv. vrinly, idly. Gabranconicorum portus, Sucrby is maker. Yorkhire. Foſcario, onis ; f. a darkening. Futio, irc ; [à fundo) to blab, lead, Gabrcta part of the world between Furcator, õris ; m, a darkener. minut. Bohemia and Nortogola. Fulcatorius, a, um ; apt to darken Füttur, iri ; to be poured out. Gabri, a propla of Sa matla in Ada. Falcatus, a, um, part. darkened. + Fulis, is; a ladle. Gabro:entum or G brokentums Gates: Fulcianus, & conful with Syllanus. + Futo, are; to cool with a ladle, to head by Newcastle. Fulcina, 2';'f (à turcs) a fork, ori. confute ; alſo to have often bum. Gadalaipbus, & cenful witb Gratia. + Fator, ari; paff. us be confused or doniz, trout or ul-fear Farcinůlaze ; f. a little ferh or fefb- Futum, i; n, là fundo] e ladļe er roprovid, shid, Gadanus, 1 ; m, an auferi man. who bock. lived in great abflinen by.she rider Fufcitas, ātio ; f. durkinafs. Jorisklar. Jordan. Falco, are , so darkan, overcaf, Futuo, čre ; to lie witb a woman, Gadara, æ ; fa city of Palestine in Farcor, art:be darkened. Futuor, ti ; paff. zo be lain with. Celo Syria. + Fuſcotinctum, dyed fuflian. Fúturitio, onis ; f. a future being of Gădăreus, i, m. e Sophißer, who ar FUSTUS; *, um; ad). (aadè fuíctor) 'a shing forji wandered up and down bigging, (gaios,vel à pústu, ustulo) browon, Fótūrus, a, um ; fut, in rusof fum ; bot afterioards was made conful by dont crourid, dusky. * Fuſca vox; future, which will be. In futu A bollow usic. # Animæ fufcio rum, bereafter, Gideni, a priple of Scotland. res, mere. corrups Sonis. Fuſca Fututio, önis; f. a. lying with wo. Gades, or Gadira, ibe iſlands of Cales laterna, a dark laniborn, in Spain. Fuſcus, & Rowan conful with Dex. Fütt-er, Oria; m, rlx, cis; f. hef Gaditanus, a, um ; adj. belonging to or love that lies in an obſtone (mſa.) Gades, tcr. Puss, adv, largely, abundantly. Pyternus, or Tyfernus, a river of ibe Gadetes, e city of Syria nu far front Būsidius, 1; m. the name of an ora- Ferentiani. Aſcalon. for; anda kurer. # Gadira, E; f. s cloſe or hedgero Fusilis, e; adj. [à fundo) molim or + Gados, a kind of fim. woltable. Gæa, city in Arabia Felix, Fugllus; 1; m. a little spindle. Gælatæ, & people dwelling by. Rko- Füſim, advipimterfly, all abroad. danos, who with the Scoones: took Fuſio; Õns.jifi a preading of cafting Rome. of meals. Gente A, Gælum, i ; ni gaulich jabrlin. Sa Gefum. + Fuconaticam o fafionalitiam, di ; n. a multing fumace: Getulia, a country of Lydia Interier, Fulus, the nime of an orator in C-G for Gaius,, gaudium, Gelllus, Hear the Garmantes. Gætüll, the inbabitants of Gctulia. cero, apiſo in imitation, gens, genius, gratia, &c. Fafor, oris D. metal-founder. Gabala, a city of Arabla, Phænicia, Gætulus, a, um ;.of. Geruliai Fügóriam, it;.n. a pink. Gætulicus, atriain Diforian: Fūsõrius, a, um ; adj. of melting, Gabalium, the fruit of an Arabian Grgaſmira, a/sily in India within 'or- made by malling. true of which they make an oinMAI, Ganges. Fusterna, 2., f. (à fuftis) ibe upper Gabalaca, a city in Spain. Gagatc8, i ; m. jot, and knottery part of a fir true. Gadale, a city of Media.' Gigates, & rider of Sicily, where tha nus. 1 &c. G À GAL GAL * 1 Thract. SOT. : , i she borta of shat name was forf | GALBUS.a, un, adj. [a zróa gra from the rider Gallus, who's water Yound. men) lighe-coloured, greenifs. thay drank, and were preiently mo Gage, a town of Lycia, from the Gale, a wrajol. raged, and gelded shemſelves. rruer Gages, wher: jet is found. GALEA, ; t. (golfi] a helax or Gallia, * ; f. France; Cæſ Gallia + Gagites, & præicus Jona found in biad.p:oi«, the top of a mall, and a togata, that part of Fiance ben an cagle's helt, wbicb being fboken g-ley. twar the Alps, and the river, Ru. frems to have another in it. Galearil, drum'; m. the forvand or bicon. • Gallia Braccata, ihe prea Gaia, a river in Spala. bangbys of an army.' vince of Narbone, + Gaizcun, an Indian wood's good @ Galearius, an hiftorian, who wrote Gallia comata, all France m this gainſt the French diſeaſe. eigbt books of be modem oftaire: af Side of the Alps, vix. Belgica, Cel- + Gaidembalgla, a kind of plant. Italy. lica, and Aquitanica. Gainas, 'a tyrant of Scythia. Gileārus, a, um ; ad). baving a bus Gallica, æ; . a kind of maple + Galoli, moribpanes. Mul on... Gallica'' forid, the city, Praga in Gaitanum, i'; 2. a girdle. # Galčdragen, « wild kind of na Spain Gaius, i; m. she nume of ſeveral fol. Gallica Palas, Ibe mof inward part: Romans; alſo the futb'bibop of t Galega, &; f. goats-rus. for Adriatick sea, where Venice Jeruſalem, and the fix and wen: Gälēna, æ ; f. a lead-mine, fiands. riotb king of Roa c. Galenus, 1 ; m. Galen, a famous Gallicæ, arum ; fi gallorbos [ſc. fo. Gala, -ettis; n. mill. pbofician of Pergamus, who livid Ica.) Galabrli, a Dardanian people about me bundred and forty years he wrone Gallicanus, ds; m. lack-rooings fifteen volumes, bofides bis noies upon Gallicanus, a conful of Atillus Titia- Galactis, she herb tithymallos ; aljo a Hippocrates. nus, and others precious Rare with white vrins. Găleo, are ; to put on a hors. ; Gallicanos, a, um, adj. of France, Galactitia, æ ; f. a charla-cake. Gilcola, æ ; f. a lintle bred.piecr, a French. Galadophági, :a prople of Scythia in buljow we jel like a helmues. + Galicentrum, or gallitricum, sive : Al:2. + Galcopfis, is ; f. rinting derde Ty, Sage of Rome. Galactophagus, i, m. a: milk satır, a mottle. Gaélicinius, id ; a.rock crowing: milk los. + Galeos,otis; a lampriy; alfo a kind Gallicriſta, æ; f. penny grafo. Galactopôla, æ ; C.6-milk.filer. of erwine. + Gall'çula, z'; f. egallabear Galactopota, a; c. a mill-drinker. Galcola, certain footb-fuyers' in Sicl.. + Gallicuia, orum ; n. gruien wall- Galadiopora, o people of Scythia, ly. nut Dolls, who love upon' mold for wint of+ Galeo'cs, a kind of lizard, mec Gallicas, a, am ; adj. French ma terpenti. Gallicus canis, a grey bound Galada, Guladene, or Galaditis, a Gáleothic, a people of Attica. Morbus Gallicus, the,pex. country of Arabiz. Gilepſus, achy of Thracc. Gallicnus, Romaa mirror whten- Galadra, a city of Macedonia. + Galera, æ;f, a has. durid bis.lotos so patiently, ibat be + Galanga, æ; galingale. Gåléracus, a, um ; adj. baving a bat turned them intojejla.. Galanth's, Alcmena's waiting -200 oni, Gallina rustica er fylveftris, & pars man, who, wbin Juno would not + Galerià, æ; f, a hat. fridges : * Gallina Adriana, good suffer hur mißrefi lo be delivered, Gålēriculum, i ; n. 2 a little or nar. laging ben, Cullina Africana, a run to ber and told bor fe- was i Galericulus, i ;m row-brimm'd tørke ben. Gallinæ filius albæ, whereupon she aro's, and opening bat ; alſo a periwig. e white boy. her biwitebing. bands, Alimena Gălērita,a ; f. [à galerus) a larki Gallinaceas, 1, om ; ad). Phædr. of was in shat infantes brought to bed, I + Gilcrlum, ii ; n. a hat made of the a hen. • Crifta gallinacca, up. Juno in her rage turned her into skin of a facrified ball. right vervain. * Gallos gallina- weifel, and for telling « le + Galerius, a king of Tuſcary, and ceus, a dung bill-cock. ; cauſed her to bring fortb at ber a Roman emperor, who perjelaud Gallinacens, ci; m.;a cook or carrel, Routb ; Ovid. Chrifions, and othéri. Gallināgo, ials ; f. a. wod.cuk, Galarma, a city of Sicily. Gålērom, i; n. 2 (à galea) a hat or Gallinago minor a fripe. Galata, an iſland by Melita, a city of Gälērus, 1 ; in. 5 perriwig, a plumas, Gallinaria, an ifand in sbe Toſcan Syrja, an iſlund of Sicily, and a of feathers, aljo a dos fills, and a maintain of Phocis. sea-calf. Gallinariz alva; A word near Ca- Galatz, the people of Galatia. Gălēlus, a river of Calabria ; alſo a 2. Galatim, a lua nymph beloved by Po rich countrymau of Italy, who in Gallinarſum, il; n. & coop, bartonger Typhemus ; and a counny girl in terpofing to make peace between the gard for poultry Virgil. companions of Aſcanius, and the Gáillnarius, a, um , adj. of keeping Galatian, « country of Asia Minor, the.bildren of Tyrsheus, was fainil poulin, bordering upon' Phrygia. himself. Gallinarius , il; m. me ibat loopa Galatas, the jon of Polyphemus by. Galetes, a beautiful young man, to bens. Galatza, well beloved of Ptolomy, that as bis Gallinala, d;f, a pullet, or moore Galaya, ¡Wallwick in Northumber requeft he pardmed fome sbet wire ben, land. going to by barged. Gallinicus, be tbird «xareb Im- Galaxlas, asm. a milky pone with | Galgulus, (à galbus) a bird, wbieb ly. bloody upin ; alſo the milky way. being locked upon by one sbai has obe + Gallinum, i.; n. bms milk. + Galba, a; f. a mile, a maggot. yallow jaundice, curos she ferforjand Gallio, a preconful of Achaia. Galba, a Romga emperor, and leveral cins stjólf. Galliopavus, i ; m. 4 French pig, otburs, Galilæa, a country of Syrla, on the cock. + Guia; arum ; f. bracelets givpn to north of Judæa. + Gallipes, ēdis ; c. foted like a foldiers. Galilæus, a, um ; of Galilæi. cock. Galbănātu, a, um jadi. Le galba Galizike time beiwoon Eaſter and + Galliprgnasium, il ; D, a ruk-pit, nam) wearing light-coloured cloaibs. Haly-thurſday - cose-fighting Galbaneus, a, um ; adj. of tbegum Gabrum, it; n. (gánre} the berb Gall:tæ, people of the Alps. a, um ; . rennet, or ladies bed-praw. , prople of India by iba Galbanus, i jm. (xoa Bárd]thegwm Galia, æ;.f. 4 woman-priejt of Cy. river Indus. Galbanum, ist. S galbanua. bele. Hi Gaililricum, i ; the barb dary. Galbánys, a, um , adj. lafcivirus; of GALLA, & f. [à xodda gluten)| + Gallium, il ; ladies pod-Araw. faminasi ... Galbana, oruo; a. gali (1 kind of fruit) an awl; aljo Galllas, a, um ; adj. of France, ligbt-coloured cloashs. a.coarjo black wine, 'whores gallam French. + Galbcum, ci; n, womens, attire. bib:rc, me or foering. Gallius. Vibius, an eloquent man, who , Galbincas, a, um ; , adj. laſcivious, I + Gallacia, æ ; f. cryftal. counterfeiting madneſs, run wid.in- ominate, light-coloured. I Gallarla, æf, a lamprey. derd. Galbula, m; f. a zoitwall, or yound. Gallcora, Sicilian footh-layers. + Gallo, are to be mad like Cybäle's well, Gallerium, a city of Epheſus, prisps. Galbulus, 1; M. o orf-pulp. Galli, Cybele's prieis in Bhrygla, Gallochjus, il; in. a gallebe. nbe Tuſcan Gallery Ġ AM GAR G AS his dogs. ܪ JONI. honey Gallográcia, a couniry of Aga, called 16 converſe with firangers. Garcus; an iſland before Taprobanc., alfo Galatia, bordering upon Bithy- Gamos, a wedding: Gardél, a propio of Sarmatia in A nia, Cappadocia, anid Pamphylia. Gandara, a country of India. fia..! Gallogræci, the inhabitants of Gallo Gandärif. the people of Gandara. + Gardianus, i; m. a guardian. . Gandavum, Ghent, ihe metropolis oft Gardinarius, ji; a. a gardenir. Galionus. a zvery riotous man, of Flanders. * Gardinum, i, n. a garden. wbom Lucilius ſays, He never ſupin Gandaicnfis, ſe, of Ghent. Gartale, a people of Arcadia. pod well, becauſe he signer wus in Gandericus, a king of the Vandals, Garcathyra, a town of Cappadocia hungry. who, having sakin Hiſpalis in Gasgenius, a promontory of Apulis, Gallovida. Galloway, a county of Spain, and being about 10 pro Tunning out the hundred førlengs Scotland. phuni be temps, died on a jud. into the Adriat.ck fea, now called Gallubri, the posple now called Ro: Mon St. Angeli. mandioli Gandri, e people of Afia Interior, Gargaphia; i va!lry and fountain + Gallula, æ; f. a licile gall, GÃNEA, und -cuml; (à gára, vo- where Ahaon was forn to piutes by + Gallŭlg, are, and gallulaſco, ére luptas] a broskel-houſe to bavi a big voice or beard. Gānco, 5 :ļS; } m. a haunter of pows, Gargara, a mountain and secon of + Gallŭlus i; m. a cockrel. Gancus, ciis a rufian. Troas, on the tou of the bill Ida. Gallus, a, um, of France, French. # Gâncus, a, um, luxurious,. rio Gargarenſes, « seople mixed wirb the GALLUS,!; -m. cAEXTup, à fono, Amazons. vel à galcâ, vei à xandal:x, cjus Ganga, and ita; a river of Thrace. ; +. Gargaridio, arc, 80 pratile. palcâ] a cork, an runurh. * Galli Gan æ, a city of Lycia. Gargaris, a king of ihe Curetes, zoba cacaturas she draft of kend, Gal: Gargama, a pare about Mæot's, forf Jouni cut the uſe of gettering, lus marinus, a dors, or gold nih. whers filh ari dug out of the ice; * Gallus (pado, a capon. bure Caſaubon rakus it for a kind of Gargariſmps, i; m. a gargarifm. . Gallus, a Frenchiman, alſo one of Garga izatio, onis; f. a gargling of Cybele's priefis, and other wen. Gangan, the people of Connaught in Garga: Izatus, ûs ; in. } the morib. Gallus, a river in Phrygia and BI. Ireland. Gargarizatus, a, um, gurgled. thynia, whole water being drank Garganorum, ibe promontory Lheyn+Gargarizo, are, to gargle the mouth or Sparingly, purges the brain, and cures in Cacrnarvonſhire. throat. madnefi, bus too much makes one Gangara, a town of Albania. Gargarum, a równ in Italy, and other mad Gangaridæ. a piople between the Affy plares. Gallus, a young man beloved of rians and Indians. Gargc, a city of Lyblai Mars, and set by him so keeo the Gange, a royal city of Italy, called Gargettius. part of the cribe Ægeis ; door, while he wmt in to Venus ; Benga'a. alio a dog that kept Göryon's trans, but falling aflero, be let the fue soy Ganges a very great river of India, killed by Hercules them, and was therefore turned in the narroweſt place right miles Gargilianus, a wanion follow in Marm inio a cock. broad, ond in ſome places iwmiy ; tial. Gallus Cornelius, a poat, governor of and another in Taprobane. Gargilius, an hilorian; who carefully Egypt," whi, bring forty years old, Gangelicus, a, um, of Ganges. wrote the life of Alexander the kled himſelf. + Gangites, jert. Great; a'o a bunlar Gallus Hoſilianus, the thirtieth om. Gangliom, ii; n. a waterih diſem-Gargus, part of mount Taurus. peror of Rome. per; alio the praining of a snow. Gariannonum, Yarmouth in Nor- Gallus Sulpitius, the firi Roman that Gangra, a city of Paphlagonla, ano. folk. found out the relipfes of tbe fun and ther in Arabja Fælix and Pon- Garites, a prople of Aquitain, called tus. Agcanois. Galmodreeſi, e people of Alia teyond GANGRÆNA, æ ; f. [gágs ganya) Garmaa a roun of Thrace. Ganges. a gangrun. • Addidifti gangræ" Garoceli, a people of the Alps. Galorum, a city of Galatia. - nam, you have made it zucrfo. Garodes, an iſland of Nilgs. + Galum, 1; n. the green ſparrow. + Gannatura, & , f. mimical gelico-Garopola, an oil.man. + Galvus, a, um ; adj. preen. lation. Garpheti, a people of Arabia, Galyba, a city of Africa Propria. GANNIO, ire, [à ſono] to yelp (as Garrha, a town of Mauritania Caſa- Gamalaba, a city of India within a fox) 10 whine, ricnlis. Ganges Gannitus, ùs; m. a golping, whining, GARRIO, ire, [ympuan, à ſono) 16 Gamanedurum, a city of Noricum. hovling, gr nning, prate, chat:dr. Gamarga, a country of Medla. + Ganno, arc, to sport.67 toy. + Garritido, are, to shatter, chirp. + Gambara, a biſhop's crozier.poff. Ganodurum, ibi ritg Constance in Garritus, ùs; . A shulering, pra- Gambreium, a city of Ionia. Helvetia. ring: Gabbrevcs, a town in Æthiopia. # Ganţa, æ, or Ganza, e; a goose or Garrúlītas, āris ; f. a prating. Gambrivii, ib. Hamburghers im Ger gonder. + Garrúlo, arc, to chut:er, prate. many Ginymēdcs, a very beautiful young Garrúiālus, a, um, full of chat. Gambúa, a city of Phrygia Mijor. man, son of Tros, whom Jupiter Garrulus, a, um, praling, chatting; Gambuga, a kind of medi ine fell in love wiib; ond font an eagle ibirping. * Garrulus rivus, a purl: 'Gamelia, a name of Juno, alſo mar 10 carry him into heaven, where he ing Brean. Garrulus cantus, the riage feoffs in the month Gamelion, made bim bis rup-teaser infead of whijad ng of birds, wbrrcin Juno was worſbipped. Hebe. Garlia, a king of Navarre, Gamelion, January. Garamantes, a people of Lybia Inte- Garfias, a king of Spain, ſon of Al. Gamellus, a, um; of marriage. rjor. phonros. Gamelius, ii; m, a name of Jupi. Garamanticus, a; um, of Garama- GİRUM, i; n. (zágew'] pickle, Sauro, tia. anchovies. + Gamelas. 1; mi a camel. Garamantis, id:s ; f. of Garaua. Garumna, ; f. the river Garonne Gamma, õus n. the three-corner'd ta. in France. letter gamma. Garamantītes, a kind of carbuncle. Garus, i; m a kind of lobßar. Gammace, a town of Arachoga. Gărămas, antis; m, one of Gara- + Garyophyllata, æ; f. the herb a- + Gammadæus; jim. a pigmy. matla. Gammadium, ii; n. and -adia, Garamat, a king of Lybia, and at Garyophy!ll, orum'; m. the spice æ; f. a three-corner'd garment lika mountain of Allia. called cloves a gamma. Garapha, á baven in Alrica Pro + Garyophyllum, a clous or gilliflower. Gammarus, i; m, (qu. camcratus] pria. Su caryophyllum. a river-crab. Garaphi, mountains of Mauritania Garyophyllus, i; f. a clove trar, + Gammoides, an inftrument to take Cæfarienfis, Galandæ, a people of Arabia. matter out of a fore. Garates, a river of Peloponncros in + Garidanes, or Gatidanes, a gen Gamphaſantes, a people of Æthlopia, Arcadla, shat breeds a young one once in three naked, and utterly ignorant of arms. Garbata, a mountain of Ethio monthi. and thersfore neither mest nor able pia. Gartriinargia, 2; f. a gormandiz'ng. M moi mm Gaitri- Moon. i ter. Vans, in. G AZ GEL GEM Gaſtrimargus, is mafc. a gormandi. wiera terrible. G ante E. Gelonium, e pool in Sicily, the girik Gaſtromantir.æ;f. divination, found. whereof drives away all that come ing out of the belly. Gos, a torin near Petra in Ara- å Gaftronia,, a csunity in Maccdo bla. Gelonum, a city of Sarmatia in Eu. nia. Gcbbanitæ, or Gelbanitæ, a prople by rope. Gathea, a city of Arcadia.. the Red Sea in Arabia Deferta. Gelorophyllos, an herh about Borys. Gathis, a queen of Syrla, who con. Gobbaniticos, a, um, of the Gebba thence, which, bring drank in w.718 manded that ne fit fould be saten nila. and myrrh, caufas laughter, ** Sep Be was prefent, and is ſaid Gebeana, a town in France. Gelos, & pors toun in Caria. at lap to be devoured of silo bar- Gedale, seuntry of Arabia. GĒLU, indec. n. à gone, ſplendor, Gedanum, the city Dantzick in Po . vel Kónda, gluten, &c.] froh, icon Gathynia, a city built near the sea by land. sold. king Lacon. Gedrofia, a country of Ala called + Gemca, a wing of Moldiers fo called Gaudara, a town of Macedonia. Tarſe, Circan, and Geft. among the Macedoniano. Gaudens, ntis, rejsiring Ged, oli, the people of Gedro. Gěmčbundus, a, um ; full of bigbing Gaudentius, a pious and orthodox Gedrofii, lia. ir groaning biſbop of Ariminum, in tbe tima Gehenna, æ; f. (74€v2] the valley Gemellar, a is; n. 2 [à gemellus) } of Conſtantine, who, becauſe he of Hinnon" by Jeruſalem, where Gemellarium, ii an oil-vefil. would not yield to the Arian bi. they facrificed sbeir, shildren 10 Gěmcllipăra, æ ; f. a woman that Abops of mbled thm, was cruelly Moloch ; from which barbarities, has twins. Rain. and she fariaks of the murdered Gomellus, a, um, [à geminus) dok. GAUDEO, gaviſus. fum, Cre, (ya babu it came to be uſurped by the ble, twin. Ofw, Heb. chadhab) to be glad, prophets, as she moj fignificanı place Gěmell:8, a Roman, wobe kept a rejoict, delight in, love. Gju. (known to their hareri) to fignify bawdy. houſe, and profituled Matia derre gaudium totakı joy. Gaude. Hell. And Fulvia, and a noble young magn dere in Gau, to laugh in one's Geiza, a king of Hungary, Saturninus. Narve, Gěli, a famous city of Sicily, near a Gemendus, a, um ; to.be lamented. Gaudialis, le, jovial, jocund. river of the jam name. Gömens, ris; groaning, Geinens Gaudibundus; a, um, jocund, merry, Gělabilis, le; cußly frozen, rota, , - ferueting, whul (wbon the joyfi. Gčlaſco, čre; to frust. cart is overloaded.) + Gaudīloqucs, a, um, Speaking joy. Gelafini, örum ; m. the fore-fach Geminālis agreftis, clary, teeth fuliy. lowed in laugbing. Gěminātim, adv. dounly. Gaudimonium, ii; n. a rejoicing Gelarious, i; m. a dimple in the fute Geminārio, õnis ; f. á doubling. Gaudiolom, i; n. foort joy. by reason of I-ugbingi a tuffon, Geminatio verboram, a repenting Gaudiun, lin. (à gaudco) joy, jaler. * Cave ex gelalino fiat of words, mintb, delighs, glad ridings. catalegafinus; bewari iri whi's you Geminālor, bris; . a doubler. + Garcſco, čre, to rejoice. make ubers laugh, you are you are no Gémināt. s, a, um, doubled. GAVIA, æ; f. (Kauns) e foi gull. made an obje&t of derifon your. Gucinitūdo, ins; f. a doubling. + Gavilo, čre, to be glad, Gěminc, arc; to double, couple, in. Gaviſus, a, um, part. of gaudeo ;. Gela Sinus, a, um ; of laughing. rreale rejoicing, glad. Gelalus, a bijbep of Rome, A. D. GĚMINUS, a, u:nı, [à górum, fæ- Gaulcs, or -leon, an ilond near Ly 1118. cundus double, equal, alik, Ge- bía, wbere no ferpent breeds or lives,' Gčlātio, Inis ; f. e frux ng. mini, orum, twins ; alſo be fign and the du;s of the country kills for Gčiātor, oris ; n. a congooler. C.ſtor and Pollux. pontı any where. Gēlātus, a, um: congralad, Gěminas, i; m, a twin. Gaulus, i, m. a mill-pail, a boat. Gelbis, the river Kal, emptying ilfalf Geminus Rhodius, one who wrote of Gaar aca, a; f. (Kauraxx]a into ibr Moici. geometry in Cicero's time. Gaunacum, i; n, % Dagged gar. Gelboe, e Gilboa, a mountain in the + Gemiſco, čre; to fgh often. ment or invering tribe of Manaffeh, fex miles from Gomites, is; m. a precious done with + Gaurito, are, to rejnire. Scythopolis. the picture of two hands joined. Gaurus, an in.nd by Carthage; and Geldris, the province of Gelderland Gěmitur, imperf. there is a groan. a mountain. in Campania, where in eke Low Countries: ing: There l exellent wine. Coclicidium, il; n. [à gelu & cado] Gemitus, ùs ; m. a groan, Agh, ſob. Gauſapatus, a, um, covered witba! an iceicle. GEMMA, ai f. [à royalea, ger- Gelidè, adv. coldly, fearfully. men, vel à Seu, plonus fuas] GAUSĂPE, indec. (, ātis; f. coldneſs. gem, jewel, vino bua. ; n. budding, à gostipium) a rug, a rurkey compet;! cold. precious foner. also a long rough beard. Gelidus, a, um ; cold, frozm, fear. Gemmārius, ii; m. a jeweller, lapi. Gausăpiau, a, um, rough, frerx. ful. dary. + Gausipiunr, li; n. cotton. Gellfas, a very liberal man in Agrl. Gemmarius, a, um , of jewels GAZA, 2; f. [Pcrfic.) a treaſure, gentum. G:mmalco, ère ; to begin to bud. of treaſury. | A. Gel.ius, or Agellius, a gromma-Gemma'io, öns; f. a budding Gaza, a famous city of Paleſtine, so riun, author of the Noctes Atti. Gemmātor, oris; m. a jeweller. called from the resſure Cambyſes cæ, nu long after Plutarch's Gemmālus, a, um ; budded, judded, king of Perla bad ibere ; Alexa : death. ſet with jeweis. der hardly and is in two monibs Gello, a virgin of Lesbos, ruho died Gemmifer, a, um, wherein there are sime. Hincu Gazet cus, a, um. young ; ber khol was bought to precious ſlones. Gizaca, erity of Media. walk and to deliroy. inf.inis. Gemmo. are' ; to bud or Spring. , , Ge'o, a toy, who was happily pre + G:mmor, ari; so te budded.. Gazcticus, Served by a wolf (naish ng his book + Geomositas, āt:8 ; f. plenty of + Gazella, æ; f. a beajl like a rot, away, a little before the col for jewels. of which comu; musé. and killed illihe sot. Gemmõſus, a, um ; full of jewels. Gazeta, a people of Galatia. Gělo, are, à ge:u) 20 frume. .si Gemmúla, aj to a small bud or Gazi, a king of the Turks, taken by gele: t frigora, if the cold weather jewel. Bildwin king of Jeruſalem, A. D brings froit. GÉM O, ui, icum ; (à fono, vel Gelor, ari sa be frozen. seus onuftus fum] to groun, high, Gazophylacium, ii; n. a trezfury. Gelo, or on, apyrant of Sicily. dewsil. * Turtur gemit, the tur- Gazophylax, āc.si m. a treaſuir. Gelon, one that went about to poiſon Ile (903. # Gemult ſub pondere Gazorus, a city of Macedonia. Pyrzh:s. cymba, the boat was ready to fint, G.zūla, a linile freaſury. Gélon, or-nes, prople of Scythia, Gemona Scala, a piace in Romc Gazus, the largoft city of India. who paintes therjeluss. 10 from where malofactors were execu:ea. + Geino- IIZI. 1 ; 1 Tidn. Nume. G EN GEN GEO + Gemonidæ, arum; womm wish | Genethlialegia, æ ; f. a calculating ; + Geno, õnis ; m. a brgeller. child. of nativities. + Geno, ui, itum ; to begut. Gemonides, um ; f. precious fones Genethlius,dies, one's birthday, Genoai, a people of Moloffia., helping women in trava:l. Genethlius, Jupiter fo salled, as pre- Genobardum, i, n. the car's beard. + Gènior, i, to be bewuiled. Iding over nativiles; also a very Geoocha, a dark yellow beat leſs.shan Gomưus, a, uma ; mournful, lament learned fophifer of Paleſtine, a fox. aile. Genetylis, a name on Venus. # Genon, a barp kind of onior. Gemoria, ; f. [à gemo) a corn Genera, a fra imperial city of Savoy,GENS, ntis ; f. (geros) e nation, upon the link toe, &c. upon sbe borders of Helvetia, at the people, lineuge, swarm. Gentes, GENA, æ; f. (gerus) a abeck, alſo going out of the river Rbodanus, lum, pl. the beathens, gentiles... the OC OT 8; lid. from the lake Lemannys. Gens hominum, mankind. "Gens Genalum, a town in Gallia, Orleans. + Gengibia, arum ; the gums, humida poati, she fiſh. + Genavius, a, um, gluticnous. Gengidium, ibu berb tvorb-pick. Genſericus, a prince of the Vandals, Genauni, u people of Vindelicia. + Gent, for gigni, wbo plunderid Carthage, how ibe Genealogi, orun; m. abofe that ca Génials 'e ; [a genius) full of citixins, and turned their burcbor nativities. minib. Geniali3 dies, a gaudy into jobles. Genealogia, æ; f. a genealogy or po- day. Genialis homo, dº good Genta, a city of India witbout Gan digru. componion. ges. Genea ogicus, a, um; if a pedi- + Geniālitas, ātis; f. good company, Gentiana, o ; f. gentian, felwort. gru. minib + Gentianella, æ ; f. baiard folwort, Genealogus, i; .. a writer of pedi- Gěniālītèr, adv. pleaſantly, merrily, Gentianus, a conful wirb Barlas. greci. + Genianes, a fons procuring punib-t Genticus, a, um ; of a prople or Geneoria, a learned woman of Vero ment to a man's enemies. nation, national. pa, under pope Plus 11. 'who ro- Geniānus, a, um, full of mirib and + Gentilicus, a, um ; of begensiles. bourjed opifles if her own full of good cheer, Gentilis, e; of the same nation or learning, + Gěnīcúla, ; fa little knus or family, called by ibe fome nazzani GĚNER, 1 ; m. [gau@pas, vel à joins. ge- proper or pauliar to ſuch a country ; nos) a los in-law by marrying one's + Gěnicularla, is ; f. gardm valo a genuile, heathen (in ecclefiaffical daughter. writers.) Gentile facrum, pri. Gěnětābīlis, Ic; vafly engendered. Gěnicũ!ārim, adv. joint by joint, from vate chapel-Service Gentiles do- Gondra'is, le ; gmeral, univerſal. Anot so kros. minorum ſervi, sares called after + Generalis financiæ, a treaſurer or Geniculatio, onis ; f. a kneeling. sbeir majori namus, chamharlain. Gěnícủlātus, a, un; knosted, crook-Gentellimus, i, m. beathenijm. Gěnērālitas, ätis ; f. gmerality. ed. Gentilitas, ātis; f. 'lineage, pedie Gončrāliter, adv. generally, Gčnicŭlo, are ; to joint. gra, kindred ; alſo the priper lan- + Gěnčrāmen, ins ; n. á begetting. Geniculor, ari ; to be jointed. guage of any country.' Genti. Göncrans, ntis; brgeting. Gčniculum, i, n. (à genu) a litla Titas nominis, the nearneſs of Gěněraſco, ère ; to grow. enue ; alſo a joint in the falk of an Gěnorālim, adv. in general, by every herb. + Gentilitèr, adı, beatbenly. kind. + Genīmen, inis; n. fruit, gmera. Gentilītium, ii ; n. propriály or cupom Gěněrātio, önis ; f. a generation, be: tion, drawn from ancefors. getting + Genioſus, a, um ; wilty. Gentilitius, a, um ; that is common Gěnérător, oris ; m. à begulier. + Geniſcula, a; f. & waiful. to a country or family, propor or pee Générātorium, il; n. a power to beger. GENISTA, æ;'f. là genu, vel ant. culiar to fuck a nation. # Genuil. Gčnčrālus, a, um : begotten, bred. geno) broom. * Geniſta ſpinoſa tiæ bæreditátes, inberitances by dr Gönsso, are ; [à genus) 10 beget, furzt, whins. femt. bring forth. inornt, or druife. Geniftella, 2; f. fwun broom, Gentinus. a cily of Troas, built by Gěněrösè, iùs, iffimè; adv. nobly, Génita, æ ; f. (à gigno) a daugh one of Æncas's fons. courageouſly ler. Gentius, a king of Illyrium. Gěnérositas, āt!s; E. courage, nobility, Gěnitābīlis, o; ladj. of the foed, ap: GENU, indec. (yoiul, a mur, log. kindnes, Gênicalls, ;'s no engender. * Genua, uum; n the runs. Gěněroſus, lor, iſfimos; one of nob!e Genitalia corpora, the four ele. Geaua, a famous city of Liguria, extraction or family, valiani, kind, menis. called Genoa, eigb: miles in compaſs, courogrous. Vinum gencroalfi Génitale, is; n. the yard. and curiously built with wrought mam, prong wine. Genitālis, is; glader, or ſword-graſs. marble. Genele, a city of Laconia. Gěnitā'ītèr, ady, by gmoration. Genuale, is; n. 4 gartır. Geneſis, is ; f. a generation or nati- + Genitiva, the genitive faculty. + Genuarius, il; m. im. mne that makes vily, the far reigning af a nativity. Gěnītivus, a um, genitive, natural, legs or courtefias. Nora mathematicis generis tua, baving power to beget, of be famil+ Genaclarc, to bow the kner. the aſtrologers kniw under 'what pock. *Genitivæ notæ, marks from Genuflectio, on!s; f. a bowing of the planet you were born. Aljo she first one's birih, knuo, knurling. book of Moſes. Gěnitor, oris ; m. e begetter, fa. Gčnufc&o, čre ; to bow the knee. Geners Gallus, a fcribe, wbo, bring ther. Genuinus, a, um ; [à gigno) natu- commanded to write the dias a Gönitrix, Icis; f. a bruder, mo ral, peculiar. * Genulna dontes, gainſ the Chriſtians, throw away his ther. the grinders, Genuiol tcrra. pm and ink and Red, ond ar lan Génitūra, 2; f. she fud, bogatting ; alicujus, the natives. Genuia was martyred; alſo a buffoon, who alſo the potion of beaven at ma's num frangere in aliquo, or radere was woni to forf and jar at the nativity, aliquem dentc genuino, to back- Chriſtians, and at laf ſuffered him-Gěniturus, a, um, about to beget. bire, folf under Domitian. Gēnītus, a, um ; lá gignor) begotten, Görulo, are ; to kneel, + Gencfta, æ ; f. broom. Su geniſta. born, brud • Pedibus genitus, + Genus, a, um ; glutionous, Genetes, a bavin and river of The born with the fut foranoi, GĚNUS, ?ris ; a. (ghros] a rare, miſcyra; bence Generæum pro. GENIUS, ii; m. (à gigao] a good Block, lineage, a country or people, a montorium, where was a temple of or ruil angel faid to attend every sort or kind. manner, or fapien, a Jupiter Hoſpitalis. me ; the spirit and nature of a pender. * Genos Thebanum, the Genethle, ĉs ; the ſame as Venus. man, dilpsption. * Indulgere ge. Theban seople. * Ett genus ho- Genethlla, orum ; n. ong's birth-day, nio, to make mucb of one's jelf. . mmum, they are a jout of mon or feaſing upon it. Defraudarc genlun, to flarus one's Cujus tibi videbitis generis, of Genéthlia:a, orum ; n. birib-day fols. what faſsion you please feafs. Genius, the god of nature among the + Gerus, m. tbe knu. Genethliaci, orum; m, calculators of ancionis. Genŭſus, a river of Macedonia, fall. one's nativity, Gennadius, one of Maffilia, who wrote ing into the losa u!RM. Genethliacus, a, um ; of one's natin of famous men in sbe linu of Theo. Głotæſia, æ; f. umi:furing of land. vity. dogus. G:odcies, a jurveyor, M m m m m , Gioil } his age; G ER GER GES Geographiä, f. geograpbijo: tbe de-, Gormania, Germany,or High Dutch-1 Gerontia, an island before the gulf fiription of the 2016 land. Pagaricus . Geographus, l; m.'a grographer, Germania inferior, 1b. Low-Coun. Gerontocomium, il; n. ; . an alms. Geomantos, a: conjurer waking circlai tries. houſe for old men. in: tbi.carıb. Germanica [legio) the seventh Io. Gerontopogon, ibe berb priet!! Geomancia, a ; 'f.conjuration by cir. gion. beard.: Germanicia, ar.cea, a city. of EuGERR/E, arum; f. [zęppalhurdles, Grómetra, æ ;.m. a geometrician phratelia, hy mount Amanus; and i Røydi * Gerra Sicula, old woments Ceomsues, a; M. menjurer of another in Galatia. iales. Witbeeartb. Germaniciżnaa city of Africa Pro Gerræ, a northern people. Geometria, æ- f. gromiry. pria. + Gerranea, orun; n. toys, trifles. Geometrica, .ejf. the skilli of peeGermaniclani, Roman soldiers warring * Gertatus a, um, inclosed' with in Germany hurdles, Geometrica, orum; §. treatiſes of Germanicopoʻis, a city of Aga Minor Gerrcs; is ;- f. (à gerræ) a pilchard, promiatry, the elements and rulus of about Hellcipont. Gerrha, fes-town of Egypt. geometry Germanicur mare,the jua that.wales Gerrhl, a prople of Sarmatla in. Alia, Geometrice; advi geometrically, by Germany between the mouths of the and Arabia Falix.:: Rhine end Alb's. Gerro. Dals ; m. (à gerrz]a talkor Geodētrice, ês; f. tbe ſcience of gro: German cus Cæfar, the son of Drafas, of trifles. - String. adopted by Tiberius, and poifurined it Gerla, æ; f. black, grease,ſmut. Geometricus, a, um , of or skilful in by bien in Ebehirty-fourih year of + Gerſo, are, to-colly or imut. * Gercibulum, i; a. a cup-board for! Georgi, prople of Iberia in Afia. Germanicus, a, um, of Germany, wine-vefiis. Gerrylanay, tbe country of the Goor Germanit, a pirople of Parlia. '. Görúla, 2; f. [à gero) a maid ibat gi... Germanion, the swenig eighth biſhop rends a child. Georg/ca, orum ; n. treatiſes of buf of Jeruſalom. # Gerülātor, oris ; m. & perier, : bandry. Germaniias, ātis; f. brotherhood, or herer, Gcorgicus, a, um ; of huibandry. * Efter hood, finrerity of effection. Gorulos, 1 ; m, a porter. Georgicum carmen, a porm treating Germaniter ; } adv. bratherly, con. Gerunda, Girona in Catalonia. of bufoandry. Germanitùs ; } didly, and.cordially. Gerundium, ii ; n. a gérund.. Georgias, George, the name of feve Germanopolis, the sigy G.nopoli in Gerundivus, a, um, of a garund. ral nen; alſo two kings of Fapland. Paphlagonia. Gerundivus, a, um, [for gerundus] Georgius Cappadox, a tribune of the Germānus, a, um, (à germent of to be born, oldiprs under Dioclefian; faid to the famsel Hork, right, rral, rue. Geruniom, thi tiun Cirignola in 4. havi lain a buge ferpent, rond deli • Germanæ gerra, very rifles. pulia Daunia. wird a muid rabom bi was to devour; * Germani/fimus toicus, orghe Geros, or Gerrhus, e viver of Scy- allo ibe tutdary ſaint. of. England, Meiek. tbia. Georgius Trapezuntjus, a famtisus Germanus, 1 ; m. one's hun brother ; Gcruſa, a city of Sarmatia in Aſia. pbiloſopber, wbi in his old age albo 4 near kinſman Gerufia, 2, a fent of old mm ; alſo Arget all bis learning und his very Germanus, a, um, of Gormany. the jonate-houſe nome. Germanus, a bijusp of Capua, A. D. Geyron, or Geryones, e king of three Georgos, i ; m. a husbandman. 525, 4'Yo o bilbop of Auxerre, A.D. Spanilh iſlands, pain by Hercules, Gephyra, a city of Bæotia. 731, where he called the B.cions from thence feigned to have three Gephyrsei, Phoenicians who came yile.Cadmus ato Greece, Germara, a prople of the Celtæ, who Gēsāli, a kind of fuperftitions moet G:pbyrote, a city of Lybia. by day cannot fu. who did publickly whip bin. Goræti 4 sity in Portugal. Gcrmca, ins; rifà genoja (prout of felves. Geraftus, e town of Eutca, where a fruk or berb. Gelelithrou, the bole from whmce bad # Germicŭlum, i;n. a little sprig. Pliny Jays the nortb-wind blew. Gerabaya, sity of Phrygia ; alſo a Germinālis, e ; A ſpringing. Ger: + Geſcoreta, a kind of lpg-boar. siountain betwein Megara and Co-oinalis arbor,' tree.coming out of Geſedanum, the city.Salzburg in Ger- rigth, from when06. I no threw ber. .4 forcut. many. Tai headlong, when fri flow from Germioafco, cre, to begin, to foront, Geffaces, o mountain of Pannonda, Athamas. Geräinātio, onis ; f. s sprousing, called Shekel. Géranites, a jewel lile crone's Springing. + Geffampini, trees bearing cotton. 10. + Germinātor, Oris; m.. Springer. Geffen, a country of Egypt. Geranium, ii ;0. the borb fork.bill, Germinātus, úg ; m. sprouting, a Gefforlacum, Calais in France. Grano's-bill, or dove's.foot. budding, Geſlus, a river of lonia. Geranthe, a city of Laconia. Germincus, a, um, of a sprig or Gefta, orum ; n. publick cats, ex- Gěránæ, fourtain wonton appcinted byl bud. . ploits. the king of Athens.g.-10 Jusrific to Germine, are, (à germen] 18 sprout Geitāmen, iols ; A. that which is Dionyfius in private. or branch carried, a mart. Geraria, æ; f. (à gero) « maid for Germinor, ari, co be blofforned. Geſtandos, a, urn, to be carried. my young children about, GĚRO, fi, ftum; (à Xưip, --manus] | Geftans, ntis, carrying or carried. Gerala, a siry of Coelofyria to carry bobava, da, achieve, exk+ G:ſtarius, il; m. å ineſs of meat, Geraflus, the son of Mygdon, from cute, demoon. Mnrein gerere, Geſtātio, nis fi a carrying, a rid. whoſe daughters Parthenopolis in to obry or humour • Rcs alias ge- ing in a chair or litter, Syria took its name: rcre, to mind something befide The Geſtãtor, oris ; m'. a bearer. Qerdlus, a boy, forvant, main buanof. Iram in promp. Geſtātorjum, li;ni'a chair, feden, Gerea, an Indian city tu gerere, to be wapiti Civi. Gcitātorius, a, a, um, Serving for Geren, a city of Lesbos. talis perfonam gerere, to repreſent brering. Sella geftatoria, kjo Gerendus, a, um ; to be carried. the whale city, jamicitias ge den, Gerenia, a city of Mefrenia. rere, to be aí enmily: * Rem ic. Geſtātrix, ic's, f. Me that bears. Gorens, ntis ; part tearing. viter fine cruorc gerere, to win the Gertātus, a, um, born, worn, cor- Gergina, a city of My Ga. field without bloodshed. ried... Gergis ar Gergithus, a city of Troas. rerc pro vice, to pand inziend of. Geſtãtus, Gs ; m. a corrying, bear. Gergiib'us Apollo ſo called. * Bellon gerire, 16 wage wir, ing. Gergob!2,she town Gergoy in France; Gerere partum or uterum 80 te Geft:bam, for gerticbim. and other ip!dies. * Gerere lutelam a. 'G:íticala, if a morrice-dance. + Gerit:o, onis ; a doing - ferry. dium, do keep the house. Geſtii d'aria, a; f. f... Maid-me. ing. Gěro, onis ; mi a carrier, or por- rian Germana, æ ; l. one's own far. + Gestīcēlārius, a, um, of alling Germāne; "adv., bresherly, Triendly, Geron, neis, a old man; alfo.cGifticălātio, onis : f an qiling. Ancerely; candidly. Gifticălător, oris ; m, an i&tor. a mit Sc ge: with young | priej. Ger-1 11 1 baripilled, to GIG Gio GLA Geiticú or, ari ; se act like a player, Glgantes, fons of she carib, of a upring was anointed ling * Gciticulari carmina, to dance to bigh Baturit, having dragons feria Gippius, a Rogan, who made as if the surie of a long who made war with the godi. bi nepi while his wife was naughiz + Gefticuloſus, a, um ; full of ai. Giganteus, a, um'; giant-like. but when any came that be liked, not, iion, Gigantis, an old name of Arcadia. be raiſed himſelf, and sried, non Geftiens, atis ; rejois ng, greatly dro Gizantom achia, x; fi a fight if gi omalbus dormio, which grew into Sring. ants. a proverb. Geſtio, ire, (à geſtus) la rojoius,lear Gigantum, or -ta ; 4 town of Phant Gipratus, a, um, plaifered. for jos, defia e irneilly. nicia by mount Libanus. + Gipfum, iin. plaiſir, mortar, Geſtio; ons ; f. [å gero) « doing; GIGAS, ntis ; m. (risas) giant Gir, a river of Libya. ading: ex!uding great. + Glracula, orum ;.n. childrons toys. Gertitācio, õnis ; f. f. & carrying up Gigeria, orum ; n. (ab Heb, gnagar] Girgillàs, i; mi i à gyro ) a ral and down, anſer) goli gibbletts to win. yzon.m.. Gertitācor, õris ; m. be that carries Gignentia, æ ; t. 4 goiting, bruding Glrim, a mountain of the Garaman Ho and down. + Gignlo!a, a jf. tree like a palm. tes, producing gems. Gertīto, arc, là geſto] to carry up Gignis, is ; f. a woman. + Girulj, orum, minnows. and doron G IGRO, ēnui, čnitum, [yevám} 80 Gilira; the city Önc in Africa Pro- G-ſtitor, ari; to be carried about. bezel, bring forth, fashion, invent. pria. + Geftitör:us, a, uin ; Serving to Gignentia, things growing out Gilra, an iftard of the Illyrian ſex. of the ground. + Git er Gith, the herb nigella Ro- Geſto, arc, (à gero) to bear up and Gignor, i ; to be born. mana, or coriander. downt, wrar. Puerumr geftare, Gigonis, a city of Thrace. + Githiado, or Glitado, field aigella ; ir dann a child." Geitas animun, Gilda, a city of Libya. alſo cockle. meum" you know my very sbaughes, Gildo a king of Africa. Geſtor art ; to be.cari jod, &c. Giligambz, a poople of Libya. G ante. Lo Geſtor, öris'; m. à porter, hiarar, in-Gilinerus,, a king of the 'Vandals. formier, prosole". • Geſtures lin Gilippus, a general fons with auxi: GL: abbreviat. for glozia or gallus. quis, tale bearers. liaries froni Laccdcmonia 10 Syra.. Glabella, ze ; f.'the space belwan ibo + Geftorium,di; n. a fed in or chair, cuſc. cje-brows. + Geftum;i; ni bormi ar ja;. + Gllo, õnis ; an ear of com; alfo Glabellus. a, um ; bald, bairloſs. Geſtuõiè, ady, huhly. a gill-mesſure. GLABER, ra, um, (gradufes ] Smooth, + Gertuositas, āris ; f. busineſs,apih. Gillus, a banibad man of Tarentum, hald. nijs. who with his own money redier'd + Glabis, e ; bald. Geſtuoſus, a, um ; mimi:king,aaing, the Perfian Spies taken by pyrates, + Glabra she same as glabella. jull of tricks. and brought them to Darius ; and + Glabrātor, öris ; m, be that makes + Gelūriens, ntis; gladly defiring. being whatſoever reward bare. Guitūrus, a, um ; abous do carry or be would asi, he only defined 80 be Glabreo, ēre,neut.), to become Smooth, da. G'abreſco, Getus, a, um ; (of geror) carried, GILVUS, a, um, (K.gpos] an irin- without graſs. aine, m naged Bnc gefta res, grey, colour'd like a badgor. Glabrētum, i, n. a bare place on the noble . Geltus eſt mos, be it Gindanes, a people of Libya, who ground. 2015 otorid live iniy upon the fruit of she love- Glabrio, a conful with Ulpius Traja: Geſtus, ùs ; m patur. behaviour, nus, and others. derranour. Geltus tulc!2, the Gindarenſes, and Gindar!, a people Glabrioncs, um ; bay that hawe go government of a wrd. of Gindara near Antioch. hiir on their bodies, GESUM, i, n. (savads ] ani old kind. Gindes, a river of Albania and Mo- + Glabriofus, and glabroſus, a, um; ojo French weapon. fopotamia. without brir. Geta Cæſar, the colleague of Plautia- + Gingeria, orum ; n. goole.gibblets. Glabritas, ātis; ? f. baldneſs, Smooth See g:geria, Glabrities, ei;' } .nas Göæ, a people of Scythia in Europe, + Gingeriator, oris ; m. & piper or Glabro, arc ; to make mooth or bare frods whence the Goibs 410 thoughé fialer. • Glabrare ſues, to fald bags To pa. Gingiber, ēris ; n. (Friber) ginger. Glăciālıs, e icy, frozcon. Gethufia, a city of Libya. Gingidium, ii ; 8. ibe hergrooth-pick, Glăcians, ntis ; fraxing - Gethyum, a hoilow leed. fennel. Glăcjátor, oris ; m. a freezıy. Geticus, a, um ; of the Getæ. GINGIVA, Z; f. [qu. seruos sua Glăclātus, a, um ; froxin, congealed. # Geum, i; n, the herb uuensa menti fosſa) the guns or jaw. + Glaciccula, æ ; f. • little ice. Gingivula, æ ; fi a ſwelling. under Glacies, el ; f. là gelu) ice. . Gla- Ganie I. the ears. cies aris, the folidity of braſs, Gingla, a town of Comagene near Glăcio, are ; to freezá Gibba, æ;f, a bunch on the back. Euphrates. Glăcior, ari; to be frizen. See gibbus, Ginglymos. the joining of the bones, GLACITO, "are, (a fono) to goggle G!bber, čris ; m. bunch of well so that the ſame receives, and is re. like a gooje. ing crived. # Gladiālls, e ; of a ſwird. G.bber. a, um ; crooked in the back, Ginglymote, a city of Phænicia. * Glădiātio, õnis ; f. a fencing. Honding us.. Gingras, a kind of pipe. + Glădiātor, Oris; āris ; m. · fence + Gibberositas, ācis , f. crookedneſs. Gingras, Adonis, so called by the ſword-plajar, cui-throat, Gibbčiõlus, a, um ; cracked, bunch. Phæniclans. Gladiatorie ; adv. foucingly, Gingrina, æ ; f. là gingrio la kind Gladiatorium, il; n. a facing-libool. + Gibhosè, adv. crookedly. of piping ; a ſors pipe with a fad Gladiatorius, a, um ; of fencing Gibboſus, a, un ; (Took-back'd. Morill sound. sword-playing. Gladiatorio ani. Gibous, a, uni bajed, crock backd. Gingrinator, oris , m. a piper, fid mo, with a miſchievoks inimi. GIBBUS, i, m. (Kūpos, Heb. gau] -ler. Gladiātura, æ ; f. a fencing, durl. a bunch or frolling. Gingrio, irc, (surríça, à fono) * ing Gibclini, and Guelphi, iwe fasions gagg!e like a goole. + Glădiātus, i; m, a fencer, in Italy, who laughterid one an Girgilius, ds; m, a gaggling. + Gladii, orum ; my rolls of wooll siber, ibe forf favou: ing the empe.+ Gingron, a kind of pipe. ready for the whol. rox Frederick, bring erommkar + Grgrum. i; n. a giggling. + Gladio, are ; to kill with the ſword. caled for coming into Italy, obe + Gingula, æ ; fithe gum. Glădiõlus, i; ma dagger; alſo con- oiber the poço. Gingumum, a mountain or Umbria. A ag ar (word-grafs G braiter, a noted fown and moun. Ginnus, i ; m. a, muls. Se hinnus. Glădius, li ;m.(ab Heb. catal, occi. lain in Span, at the reigbes. Gion or Gcon, the same river which dit) word, /word-fifo. Gladius mosuth, called former, Calpe. sho Egyptians call Nius alio a delphicus, a thing fit for di. G gancúm, a city of Colchis. mountuin of Judza, whers Solomon Vers uses. . Gladius plumbeurs (QS. 1 } niwo. the ears.' GLA GLO GLO o Siculneas; a wol, argument. + Glauciam, il ; n. the juice of mins Glābātlo, onis; f. a making round. Suo fibi hanc gladio jugulo, :) wfed about the gu; alſo a feldfart Glăbător, oris ; m, a winder, Jake him in bis icon divire. • Ad or coat Globātus, a, um, made round. gladium damnari, so te pus into the Glaucoma, ātis; A. & pió or web, in G'obo, arc, to make round, wind up. fencing-ſchool! the gi; alſo a wall-eye. Giõbory ari, to be wound or made + Glagulas, 1 ; 2. an alive-dornal. Glauconlum, id; n. ponny-royal. round, + Giada, æfi the rheum of ibe Glaucopis, idis ; f. The thus' is groy. Glõbõsè ; adv. roundly. Gus. ed, an epithet of Pallas. Glõbõlitas, atis ; f. roundnifs. + Glancea, R;f;a widgim. GLAUĆUS, a, um, [gaexos) grry, Glopofus, a, um, rrund. fi Gandacus, a, um, belonging to of dluila bay. Glõbulus, iim. a pollet, bullit, bowl, mai Glaucus, the namie of ſeveral mon, a lonton loaf, and a cypreſs. # Gandārius, a, um of acorns or whereof one was a fißer, who laying Globum, i;n, a bowl, or any round YA. thi fill wohib be caught upon the thing, t Glandātio, onis ; fi a ferding with bank, obſerved that they talled of an Globus, 1; m. [à Intoors, tumulus] or za:hering of acorns, berb, and leaped into the fra again, & globe, bowl, slot. company, any + Glando, crc, to bear acorns. which bo imitated, and became a round thing. * Globus navium, + Glandia, æ ; en inflammation in god of the fea; alſo a fooliſh captain Squadron of lips. the nola. that changed his own golden armour + Glocido, are, so cluck like a box. + Giandicula, æ; 1. a little acom.' for Diomedes bis brazon armour Glociens. atis, clucking. + Glandifer, a, um, boaring scorns the proverb Glauci & , irc ; (KA fono] or maji: , Robin GLOCITO, arc to click like a *Glandinofus, a, um, full of maf. Hood's ponny-worth. brood hm. * Glandion, a wrtbring of the fs Glaucias, a king of Illyrium. G'ocitātio, õnis f. a clusting. Glaux, cis ; an owl, alſo the herb t. Glomeri cris; and glomera, a; + Glandionia, or glandionica, the mill-wort; a kind of coins jamy. a bottom of thread. duinsieft part of a raine, 68 wirb an owl ; and a kind of | Glõměrābilis, e, (à glomus] wbicb * Glandiolus, a, om ; full of may. dante. may be wound up. Glandiu , ii ; n. (a glans] a bog's GLEBA, æ ; f. [Binès, Meb.regebi Glómēralis, le, winding, turning's jionet.bread. a clid, rurf. Glebam in os in Glõměrāmen, inis ; ni a bottom, , Giando, inis ; f an acorn, jicere, so fill the grave, luop, pelle, pill. Glandom'rum, a city of Spain called Glēbāl!s, c, of clods or rurfs. G'oměrans, ats; winding up. Mundouincdo. , Glebäclus, ii ;m. a ploughman, Glömērārias, a, um, of winding, Glanděla, æ : f. [à glans) a kernel or Glēbārius, a, um, plougbing. Giăměrātim ; adv. roundly, freely, nur in zla piel of a man er broß. + Glebâtim; adv. clod by clod. plentifully, Giandu'æ, arum ; f. she almonds of Glebclla, 2 ; f. a ſmall clod. Glõinčrātio, onig. f. e. winding of + Glebo, onis; m, a ploughman. brand, fetihing round. Glanduloſus, a, um, full of mafs, or Glebūsītas, atis ; f. cloddineſs. Glomerātor, õiis ; ma windor. of kernels, G'ébõlus, a, um, full of clods. Glorěrātus, a, um, wound up. Glanicus, a river of Italy. Glēbŭla, æ; f. [à gleba) a ſmall | Glõmëro, are, to wind thread in a clod, Glanis, a river of Coma, Iberia, and bostom, heap up in a lump, whirl Italy. Glebůlentus, a, um, cloddy. abour. Glomerare gressus, to Glanis, is; a hig's ſweat-bready + Glocon, the hero Fenny rogal. amble, Glanus, i ;m. also a crafty fins + Glelda, æ ; f. the herb piony. Glömēror, art, so be gathered round. whub wibbles a way the bait. Gleffaria, an iſland in the German • Aves glomerantur, the birds Hock Glannibanda, Bainbridge in York fua. togelber. ſhire. Gleffis, a city of Bæotia Glomerālus, a, um, gathered round, GLANS, ndis į f. [3ásayos] an a. Gleſſum, i ; n. or glæfum [a German lluarmed togelber. corn, maf, shefut, bulla, kernel, glaſs) amber. + Glomerun, li a. a pagbard's fuppoflory, ibi.nut of a man's Gletes, a pesple of Iberia. cloak, yard. * Gians terræ, an earth. Gleucinom, i; n. oil of olives not + Glomicellus,and - lum, i; a. a a lie nat sboroughly proffed or mixed with kle bottom or claw. Glanom, a town of Gallia Narbo- wine and spices. G!õmŭlus, i.im, a little bottom or nenfis. + Gliconium, ii ; n. camomile. round heap. Glaphyræ, e city of Theffaly, and † Glinon, a kind of maple. GLOMUS; 1 ; m. 2(Heb.gulen) a town of Cilicia. Glfrarium, ii ; ne the place where dor. GLOMUS, čris; n. } bottom of thread Glaphyrus, a noted adulterer in Ju mies are kepe. ar yarn. Bonorum glomi, ebun- venal. + Glirius, gliricus, and glirus,a,um, danico wealth. Glaphyrus, a, um ; neat, pleaſant, drowl, like a dormowla. GLORIA, a; t. (Kagos, vel à rūs. merry GLIS, Iris ; m. [6A GLO8] a dormouſe. os lingua] glory, rmown, • good GLAREA, æ; f. (XXdpor, lapillus) Glis idis ; f. La sagos fordidus) name, or a notorious ill name, m gravel. Asuldinejs of breud. Spelt, vaunting, boafting. Glārcola, æ ; f. grit. G'ig, iffis ; f. (gair gluten) a rhifle. Gloriabundus, a, um, greatly bouf Glarcoſos, a, um, full of gravel or Glis, iris, Ignioxipos, viſcoſus) poétor's ing. grit. clay. + Gloriāmen, inis; n. honour. G'arona, the city Glaris in Helve- Gliſcens, nt's, glowing, raging, Gloriandus, a, um, so be boajed of. ti2 + Gliſcerus, a, um, increaſing, lin. Glòrians, ntie, bogding. Glaftinus, a, um ; sky colour'd ing, fumptuous, Glorlātio, onis ; f. a bouling: Glaſtum, 17 n. (à gelu] the herb + G! ſchromargon, a kind of white Gloriātor, oris , m. a boaſter, bragger. waad ; alfa amber.' marble. + Glorificatio, õnis ; ;. a glorifying. + Glaucedo, inis ; f. greyneſs. + Glicitor, for glicit. + Glorificātus, a, um, glorified, + Glaucia, the herb celandine, GLISCO, čre, (rarxondi appeto) | Glösīfico, are, to glorifj. Glaucia, a town in Ionia. to defire greatly, 20 grow hotter, Gloriõla, æ; f., Little gloriation or Glaucias, a skilful anaromijl. grow, proſper. • Gliſcit terra, ibi glory. + Glaucdcu, a kind of file. land grows far. Glorior, ari, to glory, boaf, crack, Glaucīnus. a; UTA ; grey-colourd. + Gliflera, a kind of table. brag. • Glorlari aliquid, de or in + Glauciolus, i ; a horſe with a wall. † Gliffeus, a, um, of a thiple or re aliqua, ob rem allquam, to brag bur. of a thing Glaucippus, an hiſlorian who write ofit Gliftoſus, a, um;full of burs. Giörlose, lùs, iſfinè; adv. gloriouſly, ibo Athenian faolis. + Glitcos, a, um, of pollers clay. boallingly, vainly. Glaucciſcus, i ;m. a fifa that breeds + Gutolus, a, um, full of clay. + Gloriolicas, atis ; f. gloriouſneſs, push will in women. + Glitrus, a, um, ihin or lighe. Glor Oſus, a, um, glorious, praiſe. + Glaucītas, ātis ; f. gromnes. GI!x, a filo called alſo hippurus. worthy ; allo vain.glorious. * Glo. Glaucīto, arc, Cà sano] to cry like a + Globas ; fi o joining together. rlofüs mi!cs, a breggadocio. Iwbelp. Göbaum, (à globus) ady. roundly. GLOS, Orls ; f. (rános) the hul- band's 1 1 mimi. mimi.. like a tongut. GL Y G N O GOR band's Hillar, er brother's wife. man in Horace; alſo the pbyfician Crete, where Minos kept his court. + Glos, oflis; m. rotton wood. of the conſul Panſa, who was..cent Gnot, for norit, he knows. Gloffa, æ; f. a tongue, an outland. into priſon upon fufpicion of poiſon- + Gnotome!, clis, the grace of God. in woord in any writing or diſcourſe, ing his master's wounds. # Gnotus, ùs ; m. knowledge a fost comment. Glycupicron, bitterſweet. G'offarium, 11; n. a diffionary of di. Glycy incrides, a kind of delicious fiſb. verſe languages ; alſo a bier. Glycyrrhiza, æ; f. liquorice, O ante o + Glosarius, a, um, of diverſo lan. + Glycyſancon, she herb fcuthern- guages. 2000d. Gloſarius, ilsm. a wriur of glob. G!ycy Gde, be herb pimy. + Goa, æ, the arched fig-free, one of Olymes, a town in Lacedæmon!a. which grows.ro a whole wood by the Gloſsātus, a, um, expounded. boughs turning downward and iai. Gloſsēma, štis; no alrange unfuit- ing root; alſo a city in China. able word; alſo a glofs or expofs. G ante N. Goarene, or Gorrea,, a country of tion. Arabia, near Damaſcus. + Gloſsčmáticus, , um, of A com GN, for geas, genus, or Gocus. Goatha, a place near Jeruſalca, oy + Gnæus, i, m. a mark in ibo body some thought to be Golgotha. + Gloflo, and gloſsúlo, arc, ti com - by which one may be known. Gobar, « governor of Meſopotamia. Gnapharium, ii ; n. cudwort, or cot. Gobaum, 1 promontory of Gallia Cel. t Gloflocomion, or glottocomion, an ton-weed. tica, called Cape S M he, infrumont in wbiłb broken members + Gaaphalon; i ; a. a fofing of flax Gobazes, a king of ihe Colchians. GOBIO. õnis; (cób] mari. Gloſtogrăphas, 1; m. an interpreter + Gnaphălos, i, a fair-solowrid bird, GOBIUS, siz, m. S nus, . wbiting, of Arange wirds. with a loud voice. and Auv'aiilis, a gudgom. Gloffopetra, æ; f. & precious pone + Gnapheus, ci; a fuller, and a fiße Gobrias, a noblarnan of Perfi... one of called a rucker. thoſe that conſpired with Darius e. Gloſsŭla, że ; f. a ſmall comment mt Gnaphas, 1; a fuller's trazel. gain the Magi. expofition, Gnar-e, or iter ; adv. skilfully. Godefridus, a king of the Dmes, and Glouildis, she wile of king Clodoveas, + Gnarigare, to de:ları. another of the Normans. who left her wealth, and fout bor Gnäritas, ātis; f. skil/ulnafo. Goctia, a; f. wit heraft. Self up ma nunnery. + Gnaritur, it is known or declared. Gogarene, s country between Colchio and Iberia. Glõtõro, āre, (à ſono) to cry like a Gnarrat and gnarraffe, for narrat fork. and narrafle. Golgi, orum, a place in Cyprus, do- Glottis, idis ; f. she weasand of the + Gnaruris, rc ; adj. acquainted, in dicated to Venus and Cupid. ibrost i alſo a kind of bird. formed. Golgotha, the place wbere Chriß was GLU-BO, bi, bitum ; (gA UON] 10 + Gnaruro, are, so inform. crucified. Hay, bark, Mour. GNĀRUS, a um, (qvapiga, agnoſco) Goliah, or Goliath, a giant fein by David. +Glucidatum, made swart or pleaſant. Le skilful, expert, well known. Glūma, æ; f. [à glubo) a busk, Gnāta, 2 ; f a daugbrer. Su nata. Goner, a Hebrew mrafuri, fome. cbant. Gnātho, onis; m, a parafto, fall what above our gallon. + Glumca, æ; f. the nightingale, Jsaf. Gomerus Gallus, ibe forf wabo reduc? + Glūmo, arc, to ihrefh out. Gnatho, a Sicilian glutton, who was bis colonies into a kingdom (which + Glūnor, arl, 10 be ibrohed out. want to blow bis noſe in the diſhes, afterwards was called Italy) and + Glūmúlum, i; n. a tuft of corn sbat orbers forbearing, be might sat taught the laws. falks all. Gomolita, a people of Idumca. Cluo, ere, to wring er brain bard. Gnathonicus, a, um, flattering. Gomphena, a; f. jealouſy; alfo fos i Glus, utis ; a Sghing, Jobbing. + Gnāto, are ; and gnawrio, se ; 8) herb ropinjay, GLUTEN, inis; n. (xodda; gaia] get childrm, Gomphi, a city of Thcffaly. glur, folder, pajie. Gnatus, i; m, a ſon. See natus. Gomphosis, is whm ens done is fala Guridæ, arum ; f. a kind of + Gnāvitas, ātis; f. induſtry, adivity. sted in another, as the tseb in sbe Snak.. Grāvītèr ; adv, indufriouſly, Hoully. jaws. Gluināmen, inis ; n. 1 palle, or glu- GNAVUS, a, um ; (gevaid ] Bout, Gonagra, z ; f. the knee-goue, Glutinamentum, i;n.) ijo matter. induſtrious, act.vr. Gondzo iris, a king of Spain. Glatinans, ntls; gluing, cloſing. + Gnepholum, 1; n. darkneſs. Gondræ, a people of Thrace. + Glutinantèr, Diskingly. Gncs, a prople of Rhodes. + Gonglium, a pill in pbyfick, the root Glūtinātio, õnis ; f. a gluing. Gnecam, ii; n. the right engle. navrw or turnip. ' G'ūlinätor, oris ; m, a gluer. Gneus, the name of foveral Romans. Goniades, nympbs having a chapel + Gatineus, a, um ; of glus. + Gnidium granum, popper of sbe by the river Cytherius, whoja Glūlino, are, to glue together, folder, mount. waters are sboughi s: heal' tbc fck. Gnidus, as Cnidus. Gonni, a city of Pyrrhæbia. Glutinor, ari; to be glued, joined. + Goitur, for gignitur. Gonoeſla, a city of Ætolia. Glūtinālus, a, um ; clammy, Bicking # Gnitus, for genitus. Gonorrhea, the running of the rains, + Gaixus, for nixus. Gorama, a country in Arabia. . Glutinum, i; n. glue. + Gnobilis, for nobills. Goramcal, the inhabitants of Gora- GLUTIO, ire, (à gula) 10 Swallow. Gnoma, a; a moral fententi, an in. Glutire voccm, 10 rastle in the Brummi to murojure lande Gordiæa, a country in Perfia. broar. Gnomon, onis ; m. m. the cock of a Gordiæus, a racuntain of Armenia, Glutā, õnis ; m. [à gula) a glutin. dial, á borfo's tcosh porwing bis where Noah's ark rejied. + Glutto, ire ; to cluck like a ben. age, a carpenter's squire; alfo a Gordianus, the nains of three Ro. Glottus, i, m. (à gula] the shroat, quadrant. man emperors, the firſt had in his gulles. Gnomonice, cs; f. ibe art of dial. library fixty, and two thouſand + Glutus, or gluttus, a, um, ciupart, ing books thrup cloſe together. GnoGacus, Go:dicum, e city of Magna Phrygia } + Glux, ucis, f. fas and clammy Gnofius, a, um, of Gnoſus. by Cappadocia, callea Sardis. carth. Gnolippas, i, m. fo notorious a glut Gorditanum, a promontory of Sardi- # Glycea, Õrum ; A. Sorus in the ICA," that ihe Athenians forbad nia. nale. their children cuir eating sating with Grdium, a city of Phrygia, by the Glycéra, æ, the name of a beatiful him. river Sangarius. inaid in Horace. Gnoſis, idis; f. Ariadne. Gordius, a king Phrygia, being Glycer:um si; f a Theſplan bar. Gnofticus, a, um, knowing. a husbandman befort, and choren lot, who gave the Thcfpians tbas ftici, orum, bereticks premd.nz king by Apollo's orarla, leiaufe bo piece of Cup:d wbieb Praxiteles great knowledge, denying a futu. forji onlared the temple in memory judgment, holding iwo gods, &c. whereof he hung up his cords theri, Glycon, the name of a very Arong Gnoſūs, er Gnoffus, a famous cisy of SIE 17 fush w knof as w s thought indil cloſe up 10. ma. gave bir the Goths, A.D. 9 3. GOT G RA GRA indiffolublo, si eraeli alſo afirmifand in the Baltick sea, noir ground, to' lonfa his n fare. ing, that bu ibat wpidid it Jould Denmark, called Jutland. Græa, for Tanagræa, a sily of Ere- rule ouer bofe countrie ;.. whicb, Gothinig, people of Germany. tria. wbm Alexander could not loole, Goihunni, a people of Sarmatia Euro. Grææ, three phers, the daughters. orria be cut it. ajundor, ſaying, it was a. mixed with Goths and Hung. Phorcus, who had all but ong byd no matter how, so it was unidone ; # Gotricus, a, um, dolijh. and one tooth, which they uſed by wobence the proverb, Nodus Gor- i Govius, ii ; m, a gudgeophie turns. d anus, for any great dificulti. Græcanicus, a, um, Grec an. Gorduni, the people of Gheat in t Græcatior, 119, mo'e Greck-liks, Flanders. G anté p. Græcè ; adv. in Greek. Gordynia, a city of Macedon'a. Græcia, ai Gicece, a large part of Gorgias, 4 famous, rhetorician, who G. P. abbreviat for gula parentum Europe, the nurſery of ancieniilearsin wrote a good book, De concordia, ing, proweſs, and all aris. at a time of difference among the Graecienfis,. c; of Grecoc: Greeks, Gants R. Græcia magaa, ihe urtermal coaßs of Gorgias Athenienfis, one who wrole Italy, Vuodued by the Greeks. of the harlots of Athens. GR, abbreviat. for gerens, ģerit, + Græc:1:0, arc, ko im taie shi Gorgias Lcontinus, a philofopber, gratia or gratis. Greeksi fiholar of Empedocles, and staffer G. R. abbreviat. for genus regium Græciſm :8, i, m. thi cufiom of sbs of locrates; he got so much money or rerum. • Grceks. : as to place & golden ftatue in sbe + Grabatarlus, it';.m. a maker of Græcifo, arė, to imitate the Greeks. temple of Apollo ai Delphos ; 'ha beds. + Græcolanus, and -onus, ons skilled declaimed and diſpuled on any gur- Grăbātolus, ; m. a little couch, or in Greek. fion extimporr. Irundle-bed. Græcor, ari, aspeak Greek, so spell Gorgippia, a city of ladia, Grăbācus, i;.n. (ypáleet) a Gorgo, the ship in which Perſeus re Trundle-bed, courb, or palab. Græcoſtaſis, a place of Rome where turned after he bad conquered Me- Grabium, il., n. a kind of forch. the ambafiders of the Geeks lay. dura , Gracchus Sempronius, the father of Græcola, ; f. a kind of roſa. Gorgon, an ijand of the Tyrrhene Caius und Tiberius, who bring p!o-Græcūlus, i, m. one shat has mas. fia, conful in Spain, ſubdued the Celti. tering in Geck, a popí Greek. Gorgõnes; sbe thru daughters of berians, repaired their town Illur- Græculus, a, um, of Greece. Phorcos, Meduſa, Stheno, and cis, and called it Gracchuris. Græcus, the name of a man who gavi Earyales ſaid to bave frakes in- + Grăcir è, and iter; adv. ſlindarly. name to Græcia and the Greeks: Dead of hair, and to kill min by i Gracilens and gracilis, jender. Græcos, a, um ; of Greece. Grecian, tbeir looks. + Gracılcatus, a, um, adj. (part, * Græca fide, for nady miner: Gorgoes, or Gorgades, ipands in the Nim. • Græca nux, an almind. Gras- -Atlantick ſeg. Gracilcſco, čre, to grow lean or ſien. ca rola, a mall role without Gorgoneus, a, um, of the Gorgons. fiasll. Gorgonia, æ; f. the name of Pallas, Gracilipes, čdis, ſender-legged, an Græes; a people of Æs'ia. from her helping Perſeus to dill vpithat of a york Grölügºn, e; c. {à Gaius & Lig- Medūfa, who had propbaned her GRĂCILIS, le, [qn. gradilis, vel no 4 Grecian horn. temple. ab antiq. gracco) liender, ſmall, Gaus, &z un, Grecian. . Gralus + Gorgonia, æ; f. coral. weak. homo, an epicuri. Gorgon.us, nobleman zbo under. Grăcilitas, ātis; f. lesmned, ſlender Gallæ. orum ;'f. (à gradior} cout- Dioclefian was hanged for the nefs. Gracillatem exigere- fty. ches, Riles. Chriſtian religion'; his body was lo, to write in a fort Dile, 10 ufo Grallator, oris ; m. one that gors cal to hungry dogs, but they would childish phraſes and expreſſions, upon files. not, touch it'; alſo a Pinking fellow + Gracilium, il; n. Sonderneſs. Grailatorjus, a, um, grant, large. in Horace. Grăcillo, are, là cano) to carkle like Gradus grallatorius, a largo pep. Go:gophorog, Pallas ſo called, be- Grallīpes, ēdis ; a great falker. caufe in her jbield Meduſa's hand Grăcălùs. Ji; m. [à fono, vel xbga3 + Grallo, are, 10.80 Jlraggling, or on was engraven. Corvus] a jay. 8:lts. Gorgus, one very skilful in the busi- + Gracus, a, um ; filihy, foxl. GRAMEN, inis ; n. (ypaonici grass; nult of metals, wboſi belt Alcxan-Grădărlus, a, um, going ſoftly. * and all kind of borbs, Vir. Æn. il. .. der nade uſe of. Gradarii equi, ambling birles. 471. Gorgylenfis, a name of Bacchus. Grădātio ; adv. by degrees, liep by Gràmia, æ; f. [jaimeen) rheum in Gorgyia; a place in Samos. fiep: Gorgythion, the fon of Priamus and Grădătio, õnis ; f. a going up by Gramineus, a, um, of or like grafs, Cattlanira, hain by Teucer in tbe fairs ; a figure in rhetorick. Graminca corona, a crown mide Trojan war, + G adator, oris ; m. be that goes up of gram graſs, given so him that Goricum, « city in Holland. fairs, a guer. railed a kege. Gortyn, ys, and -yna, a town in Grădälus, a, um ; adj. made with + Granino, are; gramincoy and Crete, near the Lethean labı, firp. -eſco, ere, to garbar • fil" with Gortynenſes, the people of Gortyn, Grădiens, ntis; párt. going, wald pres. Gortyni-a, or -10, a town in Arca ing. Grāpinālus, a, um, full of gross, dia. + Gradilis pants, dole brrad, Gram sofus, a, um, blear-eyed. Gortyniacus, a, um ; adj. of Goro Gradior, greffus fum, di, [à gradus) Gramma, žiis; ni a letter, writing, Gortynius, } tynia. to flip, mouch, wolk, jalk. fcruple in weghi. Gortyrus. a quiver or bow.caſa.. Gradipes, ēdis ; a now bird, a bux. Grammáleus, é ; m. a nasary, t Gostampinns, 15. 1. a cotton.Incl. d. !cribe. Goffipidus, a, um , of cotton. Goro + Gradir, the palm of the hand. Grammat as, or grammatis, a jaspor Gpina veſtis, fufian. Gradi ico!a, a; C. (à Gradivus & with white lireaki. GOSSIPIUM, it; n. cotton or the coio) a worſhippers of Mars. ettron-Irti... Gótha. a city of Thuringia, built by mirrhing, Grammarica, orum ; A. the knowledge + Grădo, are, so go by degrees. or rules of gramsar Gothfredus," a court of Apulia; and + Graduis, for gradûs. Grammălīcālis, lc; of grammar. Dlher mm. armong whom Godfrey. GRADUS, ûs į m. [ab Heb. darac. Grammaticālīter ; adv. grammasi- of Bologne was wada king of JCM inceffit) a digrer jlep, jast, adeo cally, ruralcm, A. D1000, gree of quality, condition, ant kin. Giammat'caſter, i; mi a poor paul- Gothi, ar Gotthi, a fierce people of drid, beginrung. nirance. try graminarian. Scytha, who wäßed a great part of dum facere, ce at a llop in clamo Grammaticè ; adv, according 10 gram- Chriftiendom. bering: Pleno gradu, spack. Gothia, the country of the Goths, an De gradu dejici, io or made to give Grammaticŭlus, i; m. a pedont. Gran. a ben. Gradivus, ut none of Mass from Grammatice , as f.} grammar . Gra mir. ) * mont. one. GRANUM, i; a. [à.gero, vel Heb. GRA GR A GRA Grammaticus, a, uin ; adj. belonging Granionariuin, the city Baraborg in teri of Jupher and Venus,goddefes to gy..primor Gerimany. of friendſhip, alfo handjomi condur- Grammaticus, i;m. Cic. & gran + Grano, are, to kornd like corn. faston, and clegans, turian, + Granomaſtix, the irse from wbanse Gratianopolis, the city Grenoble in Grammatita, .c8, i'm a poor or m:firck comos. Gallia Narbonents.. Joung graminarian. “ + Granomellum, i; n. grout. Gracianus, i, m. Gratian, the sm of Graumatophorus, i; m'a carrier oft Granones, the hairs whout a car's Valcotinianus, who succeeded both ubi his father and his unclo Valens, in Grammatophylac!um, li; A. a placa Grādoſus, a, um ; adj. full of grains ibi impire ; ad fo a monk of Bogosta, wböre publick writings ar kops. of kernels. brorber to Peter Lombard ; be fri Grammicus, a, um, made by lines. Granta, Cambridge. reduced thi decreas of the poprs inca Grammlum, a city of Crete. Granúlum, i, n. small griin or one voluine, A. D 1189. Granmitæ, and Grammii, the inha kérnal, Gratida, a women spothriary, and bitants of Grammiog. witob of Naples called by Horaca + Grammofus, un, blear-sed. geron, area) a grain of any corn: Canidia. Gramplus, a large mountain of Sco! & kernel if any fruit, a barlı-corn; Grātificatio, õnis; f. a dring of a land called Granzebain. iks leafl of meaſures, god turn. Grãožsium, i, n. (à granum] a Granum viride, the fruit of the tur. Grātificātor, dris ; m, hi that gratia Ramnor, barn. gia-re. fas. + Granata, ; f. a kind of garmmt Granum regium, palms Chrifti, Grátificor, arl; dep. fo do a favour uſed by thromperors. granua goitium, popper of the zor good surn, befiow freely. Granata or Granatum, the city Gra mount. Grātīfices, a, um ; adj. thankful. nada in Spain. Graphe, is jf. a writing, an indite- Gratis (1 gratia) fruely, for nothing. G:ānātum, j ai pomegranate. See gratia Grānātus, a, um, part. of granor, Graphiarion, lin. a pen-cafe or + Gratilla, æ ; f. a cake used in faa b sving many grains or kernels. Ink born. crifice. + Grand@v-c, & iter adv. gravely. Graphiärlus, a, um ; adi; of writ. Gratidla, a; f. hidge-hylop. Grandavitas, kus ; f. (à grandis & ing. Gladiolus graphiarius, Grālio:c;. adv. for favour. Zvum) old age, antiquity. pen knife. * Theca graphiaria, s t Grātfośītas, ātis; F. popularity, Grandævis, a, um; adj. very ancient. pon-cafe. Grātiālus,'a, um ; ad): ior, iffiaus; + Grandebalæ, arun, bairi underthe Graphice, ês ; f. the art of painting, popular, mucb iſlemed, having Arn-pits. pourtraging, or woning and comparing great friends, * Gratiofus alicil Grandeſco, ērc, to grow big. elaborately or apod aliquem, wboje company is Giandicūlus, a, um, ſomewhat big. Grăphíce ; adr. exaaly, to the life, pleasing, or will approved by any Grandif icus, a, um ; adj. gredi, graphically, brave, noble. Graphicus, a, um, adj. cxa&, deli- Gratis ady, freely, fronkly for nothing: + Grandigro, are; # hilon away. niated to the life. Graphicus ho- Grātito, are, to gratily ofien. Grandiloqucntia, æ; f. loft, language. mo, a perfea man, a ſprucigneur Grātito, are, à ſono to goggle lido a big words, dreled man. gooſe. Graadii quus, a, umjadj. ſpeaking Grăphis, idis ; f. she draught before Grātitūdo, īnis, f, thankfulness. in a high bla. the painting ; alſo painting. Gratò; ady, thimkfully, + Grandimacula, a, fo a riot with Giaphiccus, ; m. an infirument to Grātor ari; dep. To give one tbanks, Grandinatus, a, um, full of hail. Graphiam, fi; n. an iron pen with Gratuito ; adv, freely. * Gratuitò Grandino, arc, (à grando) to bail. which they uſed to write in tablas habitare, 10. fit rent-free. Granojnõſus, a, um, adj. full of hail, De our; alfo a Byle. Grātuītus, a, um ; adj. gium froils, bringing hail + Grupho, arc, to write. witbout defért. Graddo, Ire, so make great, Gran- + Graphos and graphus, i ;'m. a Grálólábundus, a, um ; adj. rojoking dire gradum, boden. writer greately a bis own or Anorbers, Grandior; fri, to be increaſed. Graffa, æ ; f. a ficp, fair, god. GRANDIS, é ; adj. 3. ari. ior, iffi. Grastandum eft, a man wuj proceed. + Grātīlāmen, inis ; n. juicing with another mus (à gegar, ſenexl group, illas-Graſsātio, onis if. a rabbing or killing irious, anciou. * Grandis natu by the highway + Grātůlantèr ; thankfully, jofully. agid, Graſsātor, oris ; m. . bighway. Grälůlātio, õnis ; f. a giving one to, Grandiſcaplus, a, um ; ad). wish a. mar. a rejoiing on one's bihalf, a giving great top. Graſsātūra, ; f. a p!undering. thart, Grandīronus, a, um ; adj. maling Graſsātus, a, um, crud. paffed, gone. Srātútātor, oris ; m. be this congre- great noiſe. Graffor, ari; dep. (à gradior) to tulates. Grandītas, atla ; f. bugeroji, large majd along, kill or rob , the high Grātolatrix, icis; f. Me ibas Congra. nefs. Granditas vorborun, a way, forage, plunder, rage ; alſo 80 tulates. lofty Byle. Aafter. Grātúlor, ari ; dep. 30 givi aniq joyi Granditer; adr. hugely, mainly. Graftillus, a city of Macedonia. rejoice on one's behalf, to thank.. Grandlufculus, a, um, of a good fa. Grātābundus, a, um ; adj. joyful for Gratulari alicui adventum or de ad ture or age, somewbas big. gord fuccefi befallen anoibor. ventu, co rxpreſs 'one's jos si bis GRANDO, ins; f. (à granum] bail; Grataos, stis.; adj. rejoicing on one's arrival.. Gratularl alicul in hâc, alſo a litla bärd froulling in the eye. behalf de or pro hac re, 10 wild a body jog lid. Grātantèr ; adv. sejoicingly. for farb o fóing + Granca, ia meat of parshed Grate, iùs, iffimè, adethankfully, GRATUS, a, um ; adj. -lor, iffimus, 667; alſo a kind of blive. willingly, josfully, ploafingly, (Xap als) ibankful, aceptable, kind, + Granellum, 1 ; n. a little kernel. Gratcõlons, ntis ; molling well. pleaſant; welcome. * Gratum fa- + Graneo, and gränesco, čre ; to Graces ; t. pl. thanks, į ihe sells of cere, 10 gratify or comply with one's have kernels. bres. humour.. Granlacum, a proinentory of Corſica, Gratis, 2; f. Cic. (à gratus) grace, Grăvamen, inis ; n, burden, grief, a culled Amanza. favor, good-will, thanks, the re grievani. Granicus, a river of Bithynia, famous membrance of a good furn; comili- Grăvens, ntis ; part.leading grieving, for a battle bawim Alexander lineſs, fake or cauſe. * Habere gra-Gravate; } adv. griuvomiy, unkind. and the Pergans, whirrin wire tiam, to be beholdene Eft gra. Gravatin ; } ly. Nain and routed cocce Perfans tid, 'I acknowledge myſelf bebold. Gravator, oris mi a griever, leader. by bis army of 3cooo foot, and 4500 m to you. Agcre gratias, o Grăvatus, a, um, palt: -gravor, barje. tbanko * Facere gratiam, 19 par. diſasining, luth, bravy, drowly, Granlfer, 2, um ; adj. bearing kernels den. Effe in gratiâ, bi in Gravè, gravely, heavily: er grains of corn. high gum, Grăvedinosè ; adv. drowſily, bravilz. # Grinificium, ii . a making of Gracle, arum ; f. the graces, Aglaia, Grăvēdinālus, a, um, having a henus malt. Euphrolyne, and Thalla; dough head, or cold causing ſuche dutemper. Nnnna Grå. } GRE GRU... GUA sbild wirb yung not , Grărédo, inis ; f. (@gravis] beào. Gregorius Nyffenus, brother of B2 a place where four ways moet ; alf aus, dixxinefs, filius Magnus, and honoured by the a trat; and an infrumont 10 mil- Grăveſco: čre ; to grow heavy, or big Greeks, with the site Patcr Patrum;. fure land wirb. with child. be pourilbad in 380. + Grūmari, to overtbrno. Grăveolens, acis , adj.Smelling Irong, I + Grellas, is m. a kind of bird. * Grumaticus, a, um, a meaſuring, Ainking Gremia, orum, splits or billets of &c. Grayco entia, æ; f. fring fiinking wwd Gruocatum, a city of Lucania. ent. + Grčmālc, is ; a bib, or apron. † Grumo, arc, 10 dirit for meg- Graveſcens, ntis, growing big, worſe Grémio, are, to make a lap or skirt. Jurs. and worf. Gicmiolum, 1; n. a little skirt. + Grūmõrus, a, um full of clodi. 'Gnvicelius, a, on, ſomewbat i Grčmiõlusia, um ; & grenlauus ; Grūgula, æ; f. aliile bran. fram. having a great lap or bojorn. Grūmůlus, i; a. a mole hill.garden. + Gravicors, dis; c. baving a beavy GRĒMIUM, ii ; n. (à gerol a lap bid. beart cr' bolonds Gremium Greciz, the GRUMUS, i, m. (3 poucos]a billork, Gravidatio, onis ; f. A gering with middle of Greece. Giem.um Au lump, clod. * Gruwas falis, a corn . vii, she bed of a river, or channel of ſalt. Grávidātus, a, um, with child, full. in which it runs. + Grunda, æ, the boufe-saves. + Giăvidīcus, a, um ; adj. Speaking + Grefsibilis, e, able to go. Grundatorlain, ii ; n. the caves ; gravely. + Grefium, i; n. a pure. allo' the water running down from Graviditas, ätis ; f.'a being greas + Greffuo, are, lo jurk or fear.b. thinie. GRUNDIO, 2P Grăvido, are, to make great with Graſſus, ûs ; m a pap or pace, a fep- GRUNNIO,} to grunt, intrunt Joung ; to make forgile. ing or walking grumble, Grávidor, ari, to be with young. Greffus, a, an ; [of gredior) going. 1 Grundo, are, to drop or run. Grăvidus, a, um ; (à gravis] beavy, 't Greffuras, a, um, having greit füet + Grundúla, æ; f. little rrues. burtbened, great with young, or long leps. Grundūl., or grund:les, brudhold gods Lingua.gravida' convitiis, Rande. Greſtonia, a country in Thrace. infiirused by Ronulus roibe boncur tous tongue. GRE X, čgls; n (3b dy pw, con of a low that brought forth.thirty sigs Gravil, a papple of Spain. gregoj a fock or hard, a company, at a litter, + Grīvīõqucntia, a; f. a speaking crew, gang.* Vigärun grex, a Giunnitus, us ; m. a grunting. Jolidly. bundin of rods. Grex arpen. Gruno, a duke of Friga. Gravilõquus, a, um ; adj. Speaking torum. & drsue of great cartie. Gruo. ere, so try like a crane, crunt. gravily or wifrly. Grex hominum, company of GRUS, uis; m. & f. (zipayosja + Gravio, or graphio, a judge of the crone or on infrument. Exchaquer. + Gricena, a thiik or Brong cord. + Grusſus, i, n. a wallas. GRĂVIS, c; adj. ior, Ifimus grave, Grilletun, a place full of crickets, + Grúfus, a green fig. griovarus, brauy, wrigblyg, big wirb Gril o, are, to cry like a cricket. + Grutaria, junkets, child, fruitful, finking, laden. * + Grimini, orum ; m. land-marks. Gry, a grupi. Adverfarius grav!s, one that fits + Grincio, ire, to cry like a jay. + Grylletum, i; n. a place full of upon another's skirts. * Argentum _GRIPHUS, i ; O. (ruoc'a net, crickels. grave, fluer in bullion. • Navis ridale. Grylli, orum ; m. anticks in paint. gravis a moribanimin. * Gravis + Gr'fus, a, um, grily, hairy, rough. 100g annis er ætate, very ancims. | Griora, a; f. thi hisoner of a Gryllus, i, m. (gQUA AOs) a cricket. Grariſcæ, a people of Tuſcany. ricet. Gryllus, the son of Xeriophon,, who # Grăvisõnas, a, um, greatly found it Gilzcíco, ère, to grow grey. died wulianely fighting for his coun. ing . + Gtoma, & caling out of the round ir), whoja praise and epitaph is Graviftellus, a corpulent urin. for quarters, forsifying a car wrote by many. Gravitas, ats; f. gravity, feuerily, t. Gromaticus, a, um, belonging there. Grynca, a.sity of Troas and to- bravine,i,' • Gravitas apnona, lia. dearth of viduals. * Auditûs graGromphena, a; a bird in Sardin!a Gryneum, .or -jom, a town of the yluas, thickness of bearing. Gra like a broni. Myrinæi, wherein there is a sample vitas cæll, be weatber, over caji. Gronia, a city of Phocis. of Apollo, who from thence is called • Tenere gravitatcm, to continue Gronii cor Grorli, e people in Spain, Grynæus. in a grave poliwrs. * Gravitas o. by the rivpr Durius. Gryncus, the name of a Cmlour, ris, a Bining breasb. Groninga, Groeninga, and Groninga, Gryphites ; m. one with a crooked'nofa Grāy.jter; ſùs iffimè; adv. gravely, a famous city in Germany, the me like a book's bill. heavily, griguously. Graviter lo tropolis of Frisia. . Gryphus, i, m. a riddle, a cafling- Dare, to bave a low found. Ara- + Groffapina, æ, cotton. net; alſo a griffin. ylter [pirarc, . to buvi a Brong + Grofico, and großeſco, ére, to be Gryps, ypis ; m. a griffin, breath . Graviter fc haberc, 20 groſs. Grypus, with a crooked noſe or brak. de Sck. + Groſfitas,groiſitics, and groffitudo, + Grăvitudo, inis ; f. heavinafs, inis; f. groſneſs. weigbeinefs. + Groffium or us, a quiver. Ganta S. Gravius, i'; m. an sarl or gover. Groffo, arc, to make fat or groſs. Groſsúla, æ; f. [à grolus) a goofe- G. S for genio facro. Grăviuſculus, a, um, (à grapis] berty. G S. for gravitas, geaus, geſit. fericwbur griturus or heavy. Groſſularia, æ; f. e groſeberry-buf. Gižyo, are, to burdm, load, grieve. Groſsúlus, i ; m. a ſmall groen kg Gravor, ari, to'be grieved, to disdain, GROSSUS, 1; m. Là c:ailus, vel ab Gania T. loathe, noi to mdura, lo diſike. Heb. gries, comminutum, vel ge- + Gredibünduş, a, um, walking of - relh, eletum)a green pig. GT. for gentem or gehtes. n. Groffus, a, um, grofs, thick, dull, G. T. far gravitas tua. Grčgālis, ç ; [à grex) of the same + G.ucula, æ ; f. á little crane. fuck, common Gregales tui, sour Grudii, the people of Lovain in Bra- companions, abofé of your gang. bant. G ante U. Grčgarius, a, um, of the Rock Grc. + Gurga, æ ; f. a kind of brad. garios miles, o conmon soldier. Gruina, and gruinaria, the herb (GU. for genus: Grčgatim ; ady: by flocks or compa. crane's-bill. G. U. for Gravis Valerius. nies. Gruinus, ą, um ; [à grus) of or like a Guajacum, a Wex - India drying + Grčgo, are.; to gather into flo-kr. Tanr. wood, good againſ ibe French dij- Gregorius, G.egprlus the name of di- 't Grulida, æ; f. a porch. virs bilang and learned non | Gruliſio, arc, to cry like a quail, Gualterus, the name of ſeveral om. Gregorius Nazianzenus. 'who flouriſht Grulli, orum, a kind of sips, Guardio, onis, or Guardianus, iim, od koçer the imperor Valens. Gruma, æ; f. (à gruo, vel congruo, a guardian. Guari 1 to, 1 1 : 1 . 1 I } governor 3 GUR G Y G G Y R Guarimarus, a forman prince, fiain ft Gurgus, a, um, ſorrowbat ſwift. brother to Brarcusalii a ertain hy his own intr. A D. 1049 Gurguitiðluin, i ; R. W liude lodge. Lydian, who killed the king-Car. Gubernaculum, i ; nithe ferner rud. Gurguftiain, ji i n. Là gurgulio) a daules, and enjoyed hir crown and der, the helm of government , Cortage or cabbin. wife, whom hr hud fewn bim natt Gubernătio; önts; fia governing, t Gurrio ire ;, ncut. 1o Ang as a ed. He is fuid so bave a ring wbub ruling, guiding nightingale dosh, made him inuifible, which he found Gubernātor, oris ; m. a 'governor,+ Guitabilis, e; adj. rafiao!. on a giant', bund in the hally of guider' Gobernator navis, the + Guftarius, ii ; n. a sufer. brazon borſe in the carb , alſo a Bearsomen. Giftātio, on.s; f. A Pofling. beautiful young man in Huracejend Gůbernatrix, icis ; f. e gouernes. Guitatorium,ili n. a purlour, dinning olbors. Gūbcroātus, a, um ; part. gouirned. room ; a cup to talla in. Gylacca, a city of Illyria, called alſo + Guberneta. 2; m. Guſtātus, ùs; m. a tajle, tafling. Apollonia. + Guberalo, onis ; msgewrnor. Gultātus, a, um, part, called. Gylippus, a vrliant Lacedæmonian, Gübcrafam, ii iij. n. the rudder ; . . who annoyed the Athobians very much. GUBERNO, aic; ad. [kulepyaw) GUSTO, are ; act. (geureon 1.0 talle, gouern; guide, Brer. to have a ſmack of. Guftare dc Gyanas, ădis; f. exerciſe of body or + Guberoun, i ; n. a bip's rudder. aliquo, to make trial of bin. mind. Guelphit, the famon in Italy ibes op- Guſtulum, i ; 2. a taſte or dite. Gymnagarcha, 2, and -u9, Im.iht poſed thr Gibelini. † Guftum, i ; a. & tape or draught. bead malier of an exerciſe, the besd Guido, the nang of ſeveral men. Guftus, is į m. a taf., ſmacks or of a college, ſchsol, &c. Guido Lulignanus, a king of Jeruſi. rolife Gymnaſiarchia, æ; f. the office of o- lem, A. D. 1184. and a king of Guta, a people ſuppoſed to be thoſe that verſu'ng'ix orciſos. Cyprus, A. D. 1191. inhabited Gothland. Gyınna Gölum, l ;. a little lihool. Guido Novellos, a duke of Florence, GUTTA, e;f. Cà ſono vel à xun, Gymnaſium. I i n. a place of exer- A. D. 1260. fundo) a drop, very littie, a ſpot in cije; a fihoal or college. Guido Petra gala, a bibey of Millain precious fones. Six appendent drops Gymnaita, 1 ; w. a mader of the who crowned Ludovicus Bavarus the fuening te trickle down from the Gymnaftesgame or exércio. emperor with an iron crowx, A D. channels of she triglyphi, thro' tbe Gymnastica, e; f. she art of exora 1327. nathar tania. cofing Gulielmus, :; . William ; ond Gutta!us, a river in Germany falling Gymnaficus, a, um ; ads, belonging a king of Sicily, excommunicated into the German osan. to exerciſe, by the rope, A. D. 1153 Gattāmen, inis ; n. a dropping. Gymnefiæ, ir ifands of the Iberian Gulielmus Conqueftor, William the Guttang, atis, dropping, dikiling. jöng called alfo Balearcs. Conqueror, tbe firf Norman king of Guttum ; adv. by drops, drop by Gymnctes, a people of Æthiopia, al- . drop ways nuked, generally living above Gulielmus Rufus, the son of the former + Gattātorium, il ; n. a place where . an bundred years. Wilian, whe jucceded his fatber droppings fall, Gymnicus, a, un ; adj. Of *xacijo in the kingdom. A. D. 1089. Guttatus, a, um, part. of guttor ; or wreſtling. *Gymn.cl ludiexer- GULA, æ ; f. (à ſono, vel ab Heb. Spotted as it were wish drops. cifus in a ring, where they Bripped the n'alues. luang, deglutiri) the gullet, breas, + Gutieraa, , a sors ibroat. wealand, glutlony, alſo the nose of + Guttia for guttatim, by drops, Gymnolog zo are, to diſpute naked, a pair of bollows. + Gutuito, are, to drop ofteri or lite ibi Indian philoſophers, , Gŭātor, oris ; m. a ravenous glut- + Gutto, are, to fall in drops. Gymnoſophilta, arum, Indian philo, + Gartõſus, a, um, full of drop. "Sopbers ib at endured best and sold, + Guliocæ, tbe green pells of wal-Gattŭla, æ; f. a ſmall drop. and all hardſhips. nuls, Guttŭlps, izm. a llele cruiſe. Gynæcēum, eli n. 4 nurſery where + Guliuca, and gulliaca, õrum, the GUTTUR, ŭris; n. (à gula, vel only wonen refide. finees gu!l'ocæ. gutra) the throat. Gynæciæ, arum ; f. ibi palons af + Golo, are, to devour gradil,. + Gucturilla, ke; f. A viltualling; 2010en. Gúlones, um ; (à gula) belly gods. houſe: Gynæciaril, orum, they that belong to Gůlöse; adv. giurionovfly. Gutturnium, il; n. an awer, the womens room; allo ih bajer Güiositas, āi's ; f. glutinny Gultūroſus, a, um ; ad). having a of craftſmm. Gúlofus, a, um, glurronous. • Gu. wide throat, frog-throated, having Gypæ:onoal,certain Atehenians who lofus le&tor, one that has reud had the overfighe of (outs, alſo twen- much. Güftus, im. (à guita] a narrow By men who were to ever!cok the wo. + Gulus, i; m. a kind of ſwip. neck'd glaſs, or bottle, & vial, or min, and their bab.iviokr. * Gumia, że ; f. gluitonj. cruiſe. Gynä сopolis, a city of Phenicia and Gummātus, a, um ; adj. gummid, or + Gutuna, i; n. porage made of.praje Egypt. Cearing gum. ar ci:c. Gynæphilus, i ; t. a frimad toivom GUMMI, indec. (rćuullgum. Guturnuo, i ; 1. a velit made of a Gunolīnus, a, um, made of gum. fiſh Shell, Gyndes, a river in Allyria, next in Gummit!o, õais; f. an anointing with + Guya or guvla, a capping-glaſs. bigneſs to Euphrates, whicb popped gum. Cyrus in bis march ag.ting the B2- Gusmõlus, a, um, adl. full of gum. Ganu X. bylonians, and drowned ons of bis + Gindúla; æ ; l. kind of boge. friends, whiih made boncus it inia Gunianes, a precious sans ſuppoſed GX abbreviat. for grex. forty-fix cbanr ello se ibat it run not to work revenge upon enemies. above knee diip. Guntia, e city of Rhæția, by the Da. G ante Y. Gypfatio, õn's ; f. a plaiſlering: now, called Gunzburg. Gyplator, oris ; m. a pluierer, Gurdus, a, um ; [Hifp.] fioliſ. Gyarus 1, and Gyara;õrum; an iſland Gypfatus, a, um plurifored. * Gyp. Gurdus, i, m. fool. in thi Ægean 162, whither the Re lata manus, & white or o derruful GURGES, itis ; m. [ gupgalos, à mans trumported malefadors, hand. foro vel à gyrus] a whirlpool, the 'Gyas, one of Æneas's compunions, Gypſels, an il.nd. Æthiopia. foz (in postil; an inſatiable devourer, allo a part of Syracuſe. Gypleus a, um, of piariier or lions. spendibrift, glutten. Gypiæus,&!ake of Lydia, ailed after-Gypſo, are, so whurn or plwijlsr. Gurgco, the ſurname of Q. Fabius. wards Colonus, joriy forlongs from Gypſor, ari, fu or whiten'd, &. + Gurgiuinus, a, um ; ad). of a wbirl. Sardis. GYPSUM, 1; D.Of-uş im igubos) pool or Agreem. Gyge, a waiting gentlewoman to Pa wbite linne p! inter, + Gurgitivus, a, um , adj. 'of a gulf, ryfotis, quoen / Perlia, and mother Gyraculum,... n. a whirligig. + Gurgito, are, to ſwallow. of Cyrus. Gyr til:s, e; adj 3. art. 10 ca zrnar GURGŮLIO, onis ; f. [74pgapur] Gjgcmorus, , 3 bill moso far from ocus, the Cos gyrati! s, w grina. the pipe of the mouib, he wealand; Th-ffaly. pona. also a caterpillar Gygc, in biodred-banded giant, Gyratio, onis ; f. & ubedling about. Nanna 2 Gyrātor fot. ihs mumpa. 1 Ren. 1 * 1 H A'B H A B HÆR I 1 bant. Gyrätor, öre; m, he bar turns k. grè habere. to take grieverly. ris habitus, in god plight. Ha. Deut. Etalcm benè habere, to live mer bitas locorum, hi Askation Gyratus, a, um, adj. #4.2.d round: rily, * Æs alienum habere, to Plures: Gytgathus, i, m. aplari'wbare mad run in dibt. * Ciceronem haberc Hac; ade. this why, by this means. folks or laper's are kept. authorem, to imitate Cicero. *] Haceldama (Heb] fuld of blood ; Gyrinus, i, m. frog or tadpole. Habcre calua, it be in diriger. * the name of that field bought with Gyro, arc; aa, to turn ar iobrel a Habere cenfum, to muller. * Ha the money for which Judas betrayed bout bere cultu flberali, to kag de-mil, his M-sferi Gyror, art; to be turned round. apparilled * Habere dicm Via Hatěnùs ; adv. bitberto. Hactenus Gyroſus a um ;, adj. having the fall. 'caum, to be at leiſure. Habere cxcanduit, he was ſo far tranſport ing fickness ar dizainajs. ex ingenio, to inven:. Habere od Atque hæc hactcnus, so * Gyrovagus, 1 ; m.wandering round in memoria, to remensbe.. * Ha much for this time, bere in votis, to defre. Habere Hadalia, the fame as Efthar. Gyrtoner Gyklona, a city or Theffaly ludibrio, 10 nok. * Habere pra-Hadria, æ; the Adriatick fea. and Perrhobia. tionem, to make a ſpeech. Se Hatrobolum, a ſweet ſmelling sun in Gyriinculum,ti a nplay-thing parcè habere. to live hardly. *Ha Media, for children. bere ſcholam,.Is berp Irhol? Ha Hadroſphzrpm, 1;, a kind of spike- GYRUS, I; in. [yupasa tuming bere ſuſpectum, so ſuſpect. Baf. 1 mara with busad trave. about like a circle, actrcuit, race.. que deque habere, 19ļigh!. Sine Havudes, as Ebades. Agere gyros, so yung or turn round. fic habire, ſuppoſe it be fo. * Ha + Hæderá, æ; f. ivy. Su hoedos. *Dacore ar compellere in gyrum, bco, ncccffe dicere, I muj needs Hæderacea, a; t. & garland of to block up in a ſtraight place. speak. * Habet Agam, he dwe'lsius. Gythem, a town of Lalonla, built by in Afia. * Audire babio quid fen. Hædillus, ? Hercules and Apolo, taying aſide tiat, Iw:hid bear whit h: things of Hedulus, f. 1; me a little kid, ibuir grudges, nowicalled Pi copo!. it. Hædus, i; m. a kid. Ser hædus. Gytbites, an ijmd 'nar Æthiopia, Hõbeor, ērti paff. to be worn, ac- + Hævola, arum, a kind of grapes, called Genia pani. countes, &c ber wer purple and black. Gyzantes, a people of Africa, called + Habert for habeat, let him have. Hæmachates, a blend coloured fee. alfo Zygantcs. Haveſius, a city, Lycia, called af- Hæmatinon, a kind of red glaſs, terwards Antiphellus. Hæmatites. 2 ; f. a bloodfone. Habil is, c: adj. -ior, iffimus, [ab Hæmatopus, odis; a red-lbank. babco) ft, handfame proper," serisa Hæmusiiens, a balf tertian sigue. abla, able; round. ** Habitts 'fru- Hæmochares, on piibet of Mars, de- mencis torra, good.comn ground, lighting in blood Habilitas, atis ; f. fimes, handsome. Hæmodes, a mountain of Lycia. ul. Hamon, á Theban young man, who Hanu A. Hăbil-iter, iùs, iffimè; adv. fiely, w15 ſo deeply in love with Anti- brandfome!y, nimbly. gone daughter of Oedipus.and Jo- H for Hadriande, hæres, habct, hic, + Hăbălitūdo, înis ; f. opineſs, filo Caita, that whm foe was pain by homo, honcſtas, honor, hora, neſs. sbs command of Creon, hi how bim- . &c. Habis, a king of Spain, who tnushi felf upon her grave; alfo a viun bj HA ! [as interjution of theking] fr the barbarons. prople to plow with Bæotia. rab? isbill!', Ha, ha, ha? Can interjetion of Lough. Hăbitabilís, e; adj.- habitable ; alſo Hæmorrhagia, æ; f. a burfing out- in óleding ing] bu, bi! inhabited. Hæmorrhaa, æ; f, a fix of blood. + Haba for faba, absor. Hábitācủlum, i; 8. an habitation, Hæmorrhoidalis, e; adj. of the em- + Habi and have, for aye, hsil. dtorliing-plair. rods, hemorrhoidal Habčaa, æ ; f. (ab habco) a rein, Hàbitandus, a, um ; to be dwelt in, Hæmorrois, idis; f. the tripods or ibong, governmt, the cock of a fun- Hăbitans, ntis, dwelling. piles; a!fo a ſergent caufing the bited tain Furit immiffis Vulcanus Habitació, õnis ; f, a dwilling ; to fart out of the viens. habenis, she fro ragash angeresful houſe tent. Hæmus, a muuntain dividing Ther. 'ly. * Immittere babenas claſki, Habitacioncula, &;f, a little dwell laly, and Thrace, on the top of I fa: fail. . Ad habenam, to the ing whicb Mars dwelt, famous for cold. left. Hõbītātor, oris ; m..trix, icis; f. & nefs. + Habenārios, ii; m. a coachman or dweller + Hærcdicapa, be that takes another's hummels mon. Hăbitatus, a, um, part. mbibited. inberita te. + Habenātus, a, um, having a rein. Hăbītatus, ùs; m. a dwelling, Hærcdiõlum, i; D. small piece of Håbendus, a, um; to be bad or steesel Hăbitio, õnis ; *. [ab habeo] a bau: ground fallen by beritage. ed. ing Hzredipěta, æ; c. one that by bribes † Håbēno, are, roʻrein or bridle. Hàbitior, lus; gen. oris ; adj, band infinuatas himſelf, upon deſign of be. Habeas, ntis, having. Somaly madi, ing made on hair. Hábeptia, a; f. fubßante, riches. Hábito, are; act. 'ro inhabit, dwell, Hæreditalis, e; adj. of inheritance. Hábēnula, æ ; f. á finall rein or lodg., be converfant in. " Tecum + Hæreditamentum, i ; n. an bers- Italo. habita, keer at home. • Habitant ditament. HABEO, ui, itum, īreact. [ab in vultu corum nculi mel, my eyes Hæreditarlus, a, nm ; ad). beredita- Heb, bobah, fuit) to have, hold, e are never off of the... ry, de rending by iri heritanni. fiera, account, bandle, dwell, Isad, Hábitor, ari paff. to be inhabited. Hæreditas, atis; f. an inheritanie, underfond, Juffer, dotain, give. * Hábitor, oris ; m. o dweller. + Hæredito, are; act. Yo inheris.' Occultum habere, to coniral. Häbitudinārlus, a, um, adj. having Hærcdium, 11; n. (ab hæres) a piace Habere fruftra, 10 fruſtrare. Ha. on babi. of ground falles by inkaritanie, bere comiter, to uſe kindly. *N:- Häbitudo, in!s ; f. habis, refpe&i,com- + Hæredo, are ; to neke an beir. hil penfi habere, to Nighi. *bene plexion, fiete, plight, or liking of tho. # Hæren for hereden. or bei:è habere, to be in good bealth, body. Harens, ntis; part. Nicking to. fuuud wall. 'Habere rationem, Hăbitūrus, a, um ; about 10 h.:Ve. HÆREO, îi, fum, rere; neut. dat. to make an FhokDI. * Habere, fi- Hăbitus, a, um ; part. of havcor, Cic. (ab alpio, deligo, vel ab ipa, dem, to give credit • Habere had, inilined, acicunroth; al, o tend. necto, vel e pov, apto] to flick, doubt, gratiam, to sbank. . Pio certo «d. Habitus duro imperio, bardig clauve, 10 fomu rime: * Agua ha- habcre, to knowo urtainly. + Ha dealt with ret illi, be rids no work. In bere quæftul, to make g.Egin of: * Hăditus, a, un ; 'adj. ior; iflimus; equo hærere, to ride. In cem. Lites habere, it be bi lawu. 6 H far, well-living, in good cafe. prexu hørere, to embrare heartily. bore abviam, ti . # Benè ha Håbītus, és ; ma babit, she out Criminibus repetundarum ha. bet, it is well. Habco facere ward shape, jesturi, 8'ure, ap rebant, they could nos dear ihome aliquid, I am to do a thing. # paril, difpofition. * Bonus corpo felves from bribery. * Hæret apud } 115 + mcrc. H A L HAL HAM modn1. a town. meretricen, be is deeply in love # Halcyonci dics, or halcyonides, 1 Halophanta, a;, m. a bule platforer. with a harlor. um ;, 1. the ealn: days, when the Halos, i; f. the circle about the HÆRES. ed 8; C.Cic. (Heh. jo king-fiſher builds on the fea, Tib) an baix! Hæres ex afle, Halcyoniam ir, n a hrad form of Haloſachne, the dry froth of the jua, an heir to the whole. * Hærer ar the es, of thich the bricon's miej? :whisih amber. * Boris, a you regloos. im.de Haloſis, 18 ; f. the parking or taking of Hæres, á goc inj: :0.whom they idee LECēcis ; f. and n. (ab ëns, * Trois halofis, ibi de- wont to fairthe after they bag er; mire terring, alſo she liquor of Hudion of Troy. terad upon a ir: heritance. :: villolved, fauce. Ha!s agoras, a heap of sale in bo + Here'90, čre ; en jsek faf. Ha'æcula, æ; f. a pichard, spraf. · market; a ſlinking fellow, Hære barch, it and 'us, Y; 'm. 1b6 Huchina, a city of Sicily. HALTER, ēris ; m. fanthp:) vintedc.der of a berely, Halccus a place in Epirus, where weighi to jump with, the pole which Hært.is, is ; fe a-wlul opinion, much folt je made; Hilo e river and rope-dancers uſe. sta, am herein, miuntain not far from #tna, whore + Halus, or alas, comfrey. Hæretice; ady. beretically. Proie pine gathurd 'her fowers. Halus, a city of Achaia and Phthio. Heretitüs. a, un; ad). heretial Haleſus, the founder of the Faliſci. tis. Härčricus, *; on barelia Halex, cis, f. a herring, Halyztus or Halyzetus, the name of Hæ:itabundus, a, un, full of doubt H. tee of the fun kupl at a man, who was changed into a bird Hæfits, ntis; part llursmer.ng. Rhodes; lo ale nyinsph, and the of thot-viaine Hæsītartér, adv. doublingly, 12.716 ors Iheffalonica'. Halyatics, a king of Lydia, father of doubtins Hidcron, a rive · 17 Macedonia, Crceſus, who from bim is turnerid Hesitatio. nisi } Panmering Haljaetus, a kind of eagle ; an of Halyaricos. + Hæstatiuncula, a; f alisia Proy Halys, a river ariſing at mount Teu- dobling. Hilarius, a city of Boila, built by rus, watering Cappadocia, Syria, Hasivativus, a um ; doubtful.. Hilarius the four of Theríander, and Paphlagonia'; is empties #folf Hæsītāte.. 0r:9; m'a doichter, pan. Halicacabụs, i, m. alkakengi, or into the Euxine Jem towards the meer, im er. winter-cherry north. Hæsitātus, a, um, doubted of. Halicarna fius, a city of Cala, a calo. Halysis, is; f. a circle absut the Heito, are, neit: ab bæreol to ny of the Argives; the country of jun. jlick fali, cerebt, or jammer. In Herodotus, Dionysius the biferian, Hamas ; fi [un] a hork to pull coden haltas lute, you are as a sep Heraclitus the port, &c, once feu down houſes on fire; alfo a leather in us euer. nous for the Mauſoleum. bucket and wine-veld. , inis; fubtfulneſs. Hali ya, « city of Sicily. Hamadryades, um ; fimpinphs of the Hæsürüs, a, um, part fut. in rus of Balicyenes, the people of Halicyæ. Hämattis, e; ad). şart. (ab hamusi hæren; ob'ults fick. Halicyrna, Harnja, ihe sily and univerſity of Co Halieutica, orumį neut, treatiſes of of a haod, drawn by a hook. penbagen in Denmark. fibes." Hämātor, óris ; mi a booker, catcher. Haga, the Hague. the ball village in Halizoticus, a, um ; of filb, or fiſhHămātus, a, um ; ad). booked, crook. Europe, where the fields of Holland ing. ed, entangled. * Hamatæ tega- kup their court. Halimus, a shrub good to badge will; læ, pan-tiles, • Hamata manera, Hagenoia, the city Hagenaw. in All alſo the oil of almonds; and free bribes, ta: Furnrin. Hamaxa, æ; f. # waggon o wain Hages, one of Alexander's fatterers, Hatiphleus, a mu with bitter fruit, Charles's wain, or the seven Bars, wb, togesbir with Cleon, honrur: wbieb ne boaß will souch but swine. Hamaxa, a country in Bithynia. ed him as igid wbile he was 2- Heliplaunon, kind of fiſh. Hamaxagoga, æ;m. A carter, want livt. Halito, are ; [ab halol to breathe Hagiographa, orum, n. holy writings, thick," to ſend out a Heam or va- Hamaxampeus, part of the river Hy- and in particular Ruth, Pfalos, panis, mixing with Xampeus. Job. Proveros, Eccleſiaſtes. Can't Halltuoſus, a, um, adj. which Hamaxintina, part of the tribe Hip- ticles, Lamentations, Eſther, Ezra, may be voided by poros. pothoontis. Samue!, Kings, and the Chrori Halitus. Is ; m. a breath of vapour, Hămaxārius, ii ; m. e carter. cles. an exhalation, Hamaxia, a cing of Cilicia Afpera. Hagiographus, i, m. a writer of holy Halizones, a reuple of Paphiagonia. Hamx.cus, a, um ;.ad). [nb ha- things. Halle'uiah Heb. } praise the Lord, maxa} of a wain or cari. - Hagan. s place in Schythia where + Hallex icis; c. one th... jinks of Hamaxicus, i, m. e carur, wain- Ælcalapius was warſhipped. Pickle, 2 drakord. Halo, a town in Bæotia, und woher Hallucinātio õnis; f. & mifiate. Habaxolitæ, or Hamaxolii, ai prople places. Hallucināros, Oris ; m. of Sarmatia Europæa, whoſe houſes Halæa, Minerva o called from one or one actelved. ran upon whuuls. Haikus shat buili her temple, which Hallucinor, ari; jep (ab hallux] to Hamaxor, ari ; 80.draw a waiti. being. burni, ibo Tegeare reduilt it m Aake. See allucinor.. Hamburga, et .gum, the city Ham- BROTT fumptuouſly when Auguftus HALLUS, i; } in [ab ãancual] burg in Saxony. Overcame them, be took out of ite HALLUS. ūcis ; the great E. + Hamedo, a time, which cannot be temple the turb of a Ca ydonian Hal .:ades, um ; f. pickler olives. caught without a hook. boar above an all long, and carried Halmes, she son of Siſyphus + Hami, orum ; a pair of cards for them to Rome. Haimydeffus, a city of Thrace, called wool. Halæſus, or Haloſus, the son of Aga Stagnira Hamilcar, aris; sh for of Hannlbal, memnon; alfo & mountain ond H.Imyris, a lake in Lower Myfia, called allo Borca. fountain neur Halæſa in Italy. made by the Danow. Hamióta, 25 m. [ab bacaus) a Halæus, Apollo so calied by Philocte Haimi rodes, fui ar jalt. filler with hooks, an angler. tes, wbo, bring minded to put an HĂLO, are ; láálni vel à zaanw, Hammanienſes a prople of Africa, md to his travels, built a temple to taxo to breithe favour. among) wbom ibe carbuncle is found, Apollo Halaus. Halo, onis ; in. a circle about the wboſi boufes are made of falt. Halarodil, a prople about Pontus. # Hammites, e precious lions like the + Halatio, onis ; f. abreushing. Haloa, an Athenian feaf. Spawn of fib + Hālātor, oris;.m. a bragiber. Halone, an land of Propontis, be. Hammochryſos, a precious fono lika | Halātus, us; m. a breathing. fore Cyzirug, with a town of the gold mixed with fand. + Halcedo, inis, f. a king-fisher. ai nam, Hammodara, 2 rown bolwen Egypt | Halcito, onis, n. a kind of ſnake: Halonneſus, in iſland in the Ægeon and Ethiopia. HALCYON, õhis, m. (á axumur). Jer near Thrace, once held by wo- | Hammon, the son of Triton, Noah's king.floor. mm, all the males being fain: Fir grundfon, king of Ala, wb, mar, Halcyon@um, ' ; n, a kind of medi. this iflana. Philip and the Atheni ried Rhea į alſo a surname of Ju- cine. ang confonded. Aifo anobar in lo. piter, suproſed to be found in the Halcyoncus, a, um; of a king-fifber, nia, fund, having the horns of a rain, from 7:171 rouri, 1 man. dici ver, moon. HAR H AR HAU froin thoſe cattle, amongſt wborn bet Harmoges, is ; f. order, harmony. Haruga, æ;; f. a ſacrifics. was found. Harmona, æ; f. barinony, comfort, Harundinerum, a place where reeds Hammonis corau, a gem like a ram'. agreement. grow. bom, gold.sldared, molt precious and Harmonia, the daughter of Mars and + Harundo and harofpex, as arun- Jarred in thiopia. Venus, the wife of Cadmus. do, 6':. Hammonis fons, a ſpring cold by day Harmoniacum, i; n. a con:ort of Harvipex, icis; m. a foosh-fager. Ses and bit by right. mufiók: arufpex. Hammonium, or ammonium, e dark + Harmoniacos, a, um ; of harmony. Hărulpica, &; f. a me dipinır. ruddy colour. Harmonicè, adv. barmoniouſly, Hărulpicina; æ;f, the art of divina. + Hame,. are ; act. to bow like a boot. Harmonicus, a, um, adj. barmonious, tion, + Hamor, ari; pafl. to be enſnared, tonnable. Haruſpicinus, a, um ; of divination. caugot. Harmonides, a Trojan, whom Mi- Hărulpiciam, li; n. rooibſaying, + Hamotrahones, fiberman, or they nerva dearly loved, and inspired + Hafpcue, or hapſeum, eli n. that draw dead bodies with books. with all kind of art. lack of wool. Hawula, æ; f. [ab hama] a bajon + Harmola, a; f. ibe food of rue. HASTÁ, æ;f L'y. [à. Oraw, fto, or goblet. + Haro, a kind of fern. vel újoosi p!um] a spear, Spike, Harpúlus, 1 ; m. a fib-book, e jur. Harpa, æ; fo (apen] banger, javlin, a&ion, or opin sain of goods. gron's intrument. wood-knife, faulchion, Somitar ; Hafta pura, a Sprar-laf witboul HÄMUS, i, m. (@un, falx) a hook, alſo a barp, and a ravenous bird. on iron bead, '. Hastam abjicere, the crooked bead of an arrow,, Harpacton, or harpa&ticon, a kind / to give over a fuit. • Haftan mit: chain; alſo a bitsbeli Meus hic gunn, and a plaijer.of brimfone and tere, no proclaim cpin war. • Ad eſt, hamum vorat, be bites, I have turpentina. haſtain, to sbi rigbi. * Hafta ba- him furi, be is hampered. + Harpaga, c; f. e cooper's addire, na fubjiccrc, to ſoll goods by wuetion, Hanapis, a river in Scythia. + Harpagalus, a, um ; taks away by * Haftárium, i, n. A felling good's Hannibal and Hanno, aj Aanibal force. by cuticn. and Ando. Harpagium, il; n. a watering-pos. Haltārius, a, um ; adj. of a spear or Hannoncs, a posple of Belgia, Harpagium, ii; and Harpigia, orum ; javelin. Hannonia, a country in Germany, a rown in Phrygia, from wberte + Haltārius, ji; m. a spear-man. called Hainault. Ganymede was taken. Haſtātus, ijm. a pile man. # H1- Hanton:a. æ; Hampſhire. + Harpăgo, are ; to draw with a drag ſta!us primus, a captain of iwe + Hanus. barbaras, a great bellied or'grapple. hundred in thi mide of a legion. por. Harpago, õnis; m. (ápragn} & Hafticus, a, um ; ad). of a prar: Hapalus, a, um ; soft, tendor. *Ha grapple of a ship, a drag to draw Hafticus ludus, a running af till. pala ova, poa bid oggi. things out of a well. Haſtifer, a, um ; adj. bearing a Haphe, es ; f. the ſenſe of souching it Harpagor, ari; to ſnatch. Ipear. å Sprinkling of wriflers with duſ Harpăgus, a general of Cyrus, who Harile, is; n. a spear, Haff or pole, after sbry wire anointed ; alſo a ſubdued theloner Alla. The pike isfelf (in prois.) blow, Harpalice, or -lyce, the daughter of + Haftilud or, ari; to run at tilt. Haphra, a ling of Egypt. Lycurgus, given to hunting, wbo, Haſtilūdium, li; n. (ab hafta & Haplus, i, m. (ab antolai, tango) when her father was taken by the ludus] tournammt, running at A lock of tarded wool. Getæ, immediately raised an army rile. + Hara, æ; f. a bird uſed in footh. and repored him; alſo a maid, whó, +.Haftilūdo, čre; to run as sile, saying being in love with Iphiclas, and ( + Haſilūſur, Oris ; m. A tilter. HAKA, æ; f. [à Xopi, porcus] < Nigbled, died for grief. + Haſtina, a; f. á spear. hogally or gooi-pen. Harpalus, the name of a dog i allo.c. + Haftula, ei f. a little spet or + Harácium, and harracium, apud robber, who laughed al the gods for javelin. Hartola regia, yellow of borjas or, mares for bried.. Lolling bim live so well; and ano alphodil. Haraldus, o king of England. ther who ran away from Alexan. + Haftuſpices, for haruſpices, foosb- Harbon, a king of the Celtæ before der. fuyers. the building of Rome. Harpalycea, a city in Phrygla. Hallo, an archbiſhap of Mentz, whi, Harcalo, a conjuro who could handle Harpala, orum ; n. a town in Afia, In sbe time of a great jamins, ga- lions without hurt. where share is a great rock which shared many poor people into a barn, * Harcnifodina, æ; f. e fund pit. ons moy move with a finger, but not and burnt theor, saying, They were Hăriõla, a; f. a propbetes or with will one's whole body. but rats that devoured corn; but w21 Hăriðlans, nt's; part. prophelying. Harpaftum, 1; n. a grest ba!). al left oun binjal by ruis, who Hăriõlātio, onis; I. e profaging, guel Harpalus, a river in Caria. also gnawed his very name out of ing. Harpax, ăg!9 or agos; w.agropple; the walls and bingings, Hărioläror, oris ; m. a diviner. alſo a whirl, and amher. + Hatubus, a, um ; faultring in HĂRIŠLOR, ari; dep. 80 foretell, Harpe, ĉs ; f. the faulchion with Sprach projage, gues. which Mercury New Argos, anut Hau, Interl. O Brange. Hário us, i, n. a ſco!bayır, wizard; Perſeus Meduſa ; a banger, ſymi. | HAUD, adv. Lavel in no wife. * alſo a mad-man. tar. Had fcio an, porbaps, and not Harma,, a sity of Bæotia Tanagrica, Harpčdone, és ; f. the ſoooling.wbre!. unlikely. Jei abut with rails, becauſe An- Harpis, a city of Lower Mysia. Haudquaquam, adv. by no means. phiaraus was there ſwallowed up Harpocrates, the Egyptian god of + Have, haveto, all hail. by she carib ; So extrable, thai shes lence, w th one hund upon his mouih. + Haurcax, m. 2 wheel or truckle. Jaynasher birds nor teofis will touch He was indeed a Greek philofophor, HAU-RIO, ai, ftum, rire ; ad. Cic. the plain. whoje precepts.commonded Blen: (ápur) to draw, amply, endurs, + Harmala, æ; f. wild-rue. and preferred it about all things ; Jwallow, devour, learn, hear, sro Harmaſtis, a town of Iberia, Whing ihe proverb, rcddcre Har. relata, Bell, wsund, pinier, end, Harmata, a city of India. porratem, to make one mute. and fixin.' * Hayrire gaudina, Harmatas, a town of Troas. Harpocration, a foph Per, who wrote dolorcm, to ruitive and paſs over Harmatapolitæ, the inhabitants of of thoſe things thatoricians wet& igno jor, grief. Inceadium halat Harmctas. rant of, and ogainſt be truth of urbem, iberity is quire burns down. Harmodius and Ariſtogiton, confpi. Herodotos's hiſtory. Su.das men. • Haurire auribus, to bear rators again the Athenian tyrants; tions three store or that name. Haurlt corda pavor, feär makes they were so bolovid of Leæna, á' Harpyla, a city of Illyria. them ifraid. Haurire patrlas famous barlot, shas soe would pct., Harpylæ, the ihrer d sughters of Pon opes, to wale an affare. No- diſclose their conſpiracy ; best bring ius and Terra; Aello, Celano. dum hoſtis latus ſubjecto mucrone sormented the bit of her tongue, and and Ocypete, filthy mindrous ra hausit, be ran bis nikss, enemy frit it in the grant's face. venous bird, with. wernes fuces, Through. . Supplicia haurirc mc- Harmöge, és jf. the tempering of so vultures claws, &c diis (copulis, to be cop awny upon lours. Harudes, a peaple of Gallia' Celuca. 4 rock, Haurire lucem, to he born. + Havri. 1 ! + ra op. ; , ] an H E B HEC HE G Hauritorlum,,li; a. a wheel of a Hohetácus, a, um; ad). dulled. of a hundred min. well. Hčbětelco, ère, neur. to grow dull | Hecta or hetta, æ; f. a little puf + Haoritörlus, a, um; of drawing. er fupid. 'rifing in baked bread; 4 trifle, ga. * Hausbil.s, e; which may be drawn. Hěběto, are ; a&t. 10 dull, bluni, pu ping, vexing. * Hectæ me facit, + Hauſorium, us bauritorium. pily. Hebetari umbra terra, to he foss little by me. of Hauſtellum, hausticulum, and bau. be in an eclipſe. Hebetatur fpe- Hectica, æ, or hectice, es ; f. a ſtillus, i ; a little drought. culi fulgor, the brighiñefs of heatick frver or agua confusing the + Haulto, are; to draw ojim or the Tosking giaſo is spoiled or dark body. much, aned, Hecticus, a, um ; adj. heftick, in a Hauſtor, āris ; m. a drawer, Hēbětudo, inis ; fi dulneſs, bluni conſumption withia heatick frukt. Häuftran, i ; n. a wheel to draw nei. Hedodarum, a city of Rhætia. up water, a buskot or wine-pol, a t. Hčbčics, a, um, adj. dull, blockiſh. Hector, Orla; m. Hector, e man's pump, Heoræl, the Jews, so called from He name, the son of Priamus and He- + Hauítulos, 1; m. a little draught. ber. cuba, the moff' valiant of all the Hauftun, i; n. a draugbi. Hebrides, iſlands upon the we? of of Trojans, and pain by Achilles. Hauftus, a, um, of haurior ; drawn, Scotland, called aijo Ebuda Hectorcus, a, um , adj. of Hector. ſwallowed, drown'd, drunk up, con Hebrus, a river in Thracé, having Hecuba, a; f. the wife of Priamus, fumed. * Multæ naves hauſta golden funds, into which Orpheus's joigned to be turned into a bitch of mari, feveral pip) were junk. head was cal, when he was for the rating of Troy, becauſe of Hauftus, as; m. a draugh: or fup. torn in pieces by the Cicones : allo her railing agajni sbi Greclans, ** Hauftus laminia, the corrowed A city by the river between #mus Hecuba Sepulchrum, a promontory of light. • Exiguis haufibus bibere, and Rhodope, called allo Trimon Thrace. tium. Hecyra, æ; f. a mäher-in-law, the Haut, adv. (OTT) nu. Se haud. + Hebulus, i; m, wall wort. See name of a comedy in Terence. ebulus. HĚDĚRÁ, ; f. [ab edo) ivy. Hanta E. Hecale, a poor old woman who brought Hedera ſaxatilis, rock alehof. Up Theſens when he was young ::ědčrāceus, a, um ; adj. of joy, HE! HEU; [ar, an interi. alas! thence the proverb. Nunquam He- made of ivy. + Hegna, ai f. a foundation; alſo cale fies, you ſball never be poor. Hěděratus, a, um, adj. wrought wiib thé dallaof thip Hecallus, on attribute givin ju; 44: ivy-work. Hcautantimorumeros, l; m. a dif by Theſeus, frin Hocale, whind + Hědčrus, a, um ; adj. of ivy. continued, fretting, Self-termeling debeted berlalt for, bis life return + Hederifer and hederiger, a, um ; farlon ; the name of a comedy in from the war. ad). bearing ivy. Terence. Hicamede, the daughier of ArGnous, + Hědě:inus, a, um ; of or like ivy. Hebdomas, adisilf.a wak. * Heb who fell to Neftor's lot in the tak-Hě čroſus, a, um, adj. full of joy. Hebdomada, æ ; } domas magna, ine of Tencdos. Hēderula, æ;f, barren ivy. • HC- the poſſion-week.. Duodecima an- | Hčcàte, ĉs ; f. the fifler of Apollo, derula aquatica; wakr-ivy. norum hebdomas, the sighss feurih and daughter of Jupiter and La-Hederani, a peopic of Spain. your of one's age. tona, called Luna in heaver, Di. Hedonacum, a town in Breotia, + Hebdomadarlus, li; ma cook or ana in earth, Proſerpine in hell;' Hedones, a people of Thrace. caterer for a week. alſo the daughter of Perles, skilfuí¡ Hedra, *; f. a feit; also the but. Hebdomadarius, a, um ; of a work. in herbs and poisons ; She reignsd in Lecks, Hebdomarius, il; m. be that waits Taurica Cherſonelus. , + Hedrinus, a, um ; ad), of idy. in bis week. Hecatæum, a frightful ghof bought Hedrus, she island of Berdley by Ise- Heb:, êg; f. the daughter of Juno 10 he ſent from Hecate. land. without a forher, the goddeſs of Hecateus, a Milefian hiflorian, who Hedui, a people of France bordering youth, fou conseived by eating of firft wrote a hiſtory in profe, on the Arcrni, whole thief town is lettuces, and Hebe for her beau- Hecarcis; f. libbard's-bane, wilfisa Auton, sy was made cup.dearer to Jupi. banc. Hedychrum, i; a. a perfume, or ter, till Joe Nipt and Jorwed ber Hecates, an ifand before Delos, and sweet mil, niketriels, for which so was diſ another about Lesbos. Hedyliom, a mountain of Boeotia, miſed, and Ganymed: put in bier Hecateſia, the city Idras in Caria. Hodymcles, a harper in Juvenal. plair ; lut Homer fags she was con- Hccatis Nemus, a propentory of Sar- Hedyofrios, or pium, the herb mint. reived of Jupiter, never turned out matia Europaa. Hedypbon, a river of Babylonia. of her amics, bul was imp'bearer to Hecatompe, és ; f. a kind of farin Hedypnois, idis, fi fuccory, dando- the other gods, As Ganymede fire, wherein 249 killed a hundred was 80 Jupiter, and when Her of ihe aime kind; an hacaromb, Hedypnus, a river of Sufiana cules cams to heaven, married Hecatompedon, a temple of Minerva 4 Hedyfarum, 1 ; A. Boneyſuckle. him, and at bis intreaty reficred of Athens, lping epen an hundred Hedy{mata, umi swert ointments, lolaus, ihe son of Iphicius, 10 bis runs curry way. Hcgcmon, a poet of Corax in Phry. youth, Hecatomphonia, Mesſenian sacrifies 12, Hébenaceus and hebenus, a, um ; so called from the laughter of an + Hegemonicus, a, um ; loading, ad). Of ebony. hundred of beir enemies. principal. black wood, from its ; alſo the phos Heteo, ērc; to be dull or blunt. country of Laconia. Hegeszna, an hiſtorian of Alexan- Hěles, etis; adj. 3. art. (ab Heb. Hecatompus, õdis; mi a file with an dria, who wrote of Troy, gravih, crasſus fült] blunt, dull, hundred feet. Hegelius, a philepher of Cyrene, Now, heavy, dim. * Hcbes fios, Hecatompylos, on epithet of Thebes who set out the miſeries of this life a Power withsue fuell. Hebes in Egypt from its hundred gale; with jo priuen eloquence, shot many, 09, à mouih without a palate, alſo a city of Parthia, Hyrcania of bis auditors killed themſelves, and Hebes gyftu, flut. and Libya. Therefore wss' filmed by king Plo- Hebeſco, čre i neui. Vir. to grow Hecaton, an hundred. lemy. dull or blunt * Nec fruftra ad Hecatonchiros, a evibet of Briareus, Hegeſigoeus, he wrse of the firange verſus implos hebefcere fydera, from his hundred b.inds. Shures of mon ir: Indla. nor is it for neughe that the Bars Hecatonnchi, iwenly ſmall iſlands aa Hegeſmeus, he wrote a poem concern. disappe:er while theſe villlains are buur Lesbos, ſo called fron Apollo. ing Attica, playing their pranks, Hecatus, who was muih worſhipped Hegeſiphyle or Hegefipps, the daugh. Hebétātio, õnis ; f. & dulling or in thoſe plasas. ser of Oloris king of Thráce, and blunting Hecatonftylon; i; n. a gallery in wife of Miltlades. Hěbčiātor, oris, m. be that of wages, Rome, with an hundred pillars. Hegcſippus, on hiflorian who wioso blunts, of dulls, Hocatontachiria, the city which now fiue bocks of church acts; and o- Hēbětātrix, icis ; f, be shat makes is called Creſtiades. thers. dull or Bupid. Heca:ontarchus, d; m. the saplaint Hegefiltratus, li. an Ephefian who } lion. HEL H EL HEL beros «y*. who, bring barilfbed, come to Del of Soloph busband of Mary. king of 'Thebes, who falling from phos, and inquirts Sharehe jbsurd Hella, a small iſland of Sicily; alio the bark of a golden ram into the dwell; and being aftſwered there the city Eły ntar. Cambridge Ponuick faa, accaponed the calling coba ho saw the custods dancing Hellacus, a, um, adj. of she funt. * Vit He:lefpont. with ilive-crowns, hi went into A Heliacas ortus, the apprirince of Heileboraiteri sbr great, ax-badi. Gia; and joring inth a thing there, a bar, whoreh jeforewis hicidm by Hellevorastrun, i; 8. the roof of ibe built rbu city Elea the ſun-beams. Heljacus 'occa Hēgētēria, æ; f. the Athenian nams jus, 'wbina Hur ss bid by ite jun- Heli bor:ne es ; f. wild white belle- for a fig, because they lrvid upin it Dens. hora before the finding of corn. Heliades, daughters of the sea and Helleboroſus. a. um ; having taken Hegethmatia, the city Lignitz in of Clymene, hors of Phaeton ; ith oth in do'i of hellebert Germany. iros ní that were calira Laut petia HELLÉBORUML;O Plin. (Enne- Hegira, the fight of Mahomet from and Phacthufa, who bewailing ebe HELLEBORUS.i;m. Bopos) bel, Mecca, from wbrih bogins the Tur darth ng their irother, were surned isnore. : - Helleborus albus, lung- kich opo: ha, or computation of tme, ialo alders. W:71, whye prof pokes freezing + Hegamenus, the geoernor of mo. Helæa, the presel judgment-loat s powder. * Helleborus niger, bear. hafidry. mong the Athenians. Jout, or iet-wort. HEI! interf: (ill aids ! 709! • Hei Heranthemum i; ni Eugliſh.cijo:. Hellen, a young men brught up in mibi! wo is inse! * Hel! vereor, Helsaſtæ. arum ;, 10. SETIA. A the ministry, and guide to bave alas! I fear then an judges wobo far in ure' oren w-orgbi many miraces, and car- Heidelberg 2, the city Heidelberg in plave. ed ore m bis hofon without harm. G:rmanyhe l'1 of the count Helide, es; f. & confolacion, Urſa Barin. Palatine of the Rhine. Major. Hellencs, the Greciana i alſo the city. + Hejulo, arc; to bowl, Helicon, onis ; m. onis; 'm. a mountain of Pontevedra in Spain. + Hel for inel. Buxoria, 'onloored to the Muses, Helleniſu.us, i; n. a Greek phraſe, Hela, * poutry of Alia. no: far from Paro'sffus or feesting in the Greek jyle. # Hefacathenes, certain: {re-fifes, Helicon, a river ; M.ccdonia and Helicnifts, æ; m. a Grecian ; alfo a He!clarius, li ; m.prx ibor ws si Sicily: graciring Jew, born cut of Judæa, boat er op * HClåtrus cquus, Heliconius, a um; 'adj. af Helicon. und wug the sepsuigins irrinflation a drag-burkt. Icon'ades ar Heliconides, the Mujes, of the hible. Helciun, ii; n. a borje-collar, draw Helinle cænobium, Ely-minſlır. Hclienopoiia, as Helenopolis. inig harneſs. Heligaftes, a famous prophet and priot Heles a title oj Aries Helcyíma, átis; D. the drofs of filver of the Sicanibri. Hellc[pontia, a nirio.caß wind. or oibir metal. Helingas, a city of Soaln. Hellefpontus, the Holieſpont, a nar- Helea, ; f. a certain finging-bird in Helini, a porpla of Theſprotia. row for by Conftantinoplo, dsvi. ſenny.plares. Helioc minus, i; ma sunking ding Aſia, from Europe, called # Helebria, æ; a kind of black bolle boude tretto di Gallipoli, or Bracci di bore will readih leaves. Heliochryſus, i; m. gellow-camomils, Georglo Helēna, æf. Helen, a woman', gold forver. Helle:a. the name oj' nflar. name, parti ularly the daugh: Heliodorus, a famous fphifer, whol Helleviones, 4 people of Germany by Jupiter by Leda, in the form of a bilory of Æthiopia is get extant; Dagtzick. (wsa; ſhe brought forth two seg', alla a tragedian, philirian, and the Helluo, õnis , m. glutton. Set One of one case Helena and Pol torician, helvo. lux, out of the other Caſtor and Heliogabalus, the ſon of Antoninus + Helmus i ; fedge or hear-graſs. C'yiconeftra ; he was foren away Caracalia, born or Emilla, where Helops, õpis ; m. * fish of delicate by Thecus, and rouard by her he was priol of the god Algabzlus ; brabas; Be war afterwards mar. being made emperor by his mosher's Hclorius, a bird with a long crook- ried to Menelaus, and antired a means, he lived diſoluisly, ed beak, with brocon Spotiid fea uwy.by Paris, which accafioned the Helionora or Lecnora, daughter of the thers, Trojan war. kinz of Portugal, frowned ar Romo Heloriun, or -49, 4 river and down Helena; or ine; an fond of Africa, with Frederick duke of Auſtria, in Sicily. where Heicna arrived after the A.D. 1451. Helorus, a river of Magna Græcia; taking of Troy, now called Macro- Hellopolis, « city of Egypt, Caloly. alſo the lon of Iſter, Anin by Ajax in alfi ; alſo a fountain of Chios, and r:a. Cilicia, and other places ; Co. that fibi whirb ibe Grecians bad * city of Byíhynia and Palestine, roth w.is alſo once fo called: with Telérhus. borb' bule by Helena the metber oHellofcopium, id; n. a kind of Spurge Helos, oily of Laconia. Conſtantinc ; and other places, with a leaf like purſein. Helotæ, the people of Helos. + Helena, ; an unlucky fery app:-Hei ofclinon on burb 13ko Smollege Heluabundus, a, um, adj. pery ritimat fia.' with one leaf, iuxuricus. Helenium, ii; n. flecampane. Heliosis, is; f. a funnirg. + Heluac'a, æ; a kind of Lydian Helenopolis, ihe city Frankfort in Helloftrephón, s; the harb turnfle. 8. Immt. Germany. Hcliotropua, ii; n. the hard juin Haluatio, onis; f. a gormandix'ng. Helenus, the son of Priamas and He- Helvā:or, oris ; m. ravenous do- cuba, famous for foothsaying, ana Hellotropium, a city of Th. ffaly. was ibirefore preferred by the Grc- Helius, river of Attica. + Helucus, i ; m. e furfoić. . clans; he foretold their foipwrick, Helilyci, a people of Liguria. Helvecones, & prople of Germany. and was bonowed by Pyrrhus, wh: Helius. a potent flatterer of Nero. Hpluellæ, arum, f. (ab helus pall gave him Andromache to wife: Helix, ici ; f. a ſpiral line; alſo the Sallat-herbs, Sprouts, and part of his kirgaon, which barb alebxor. + Helvenus, a, um ; of a felh colour. from his brother he called Chaoniz, Helix ē? an Hyperborcan iſland as Helveõlus, a, um ; ad). (ab helvas) and built a city like to Troy, where big as Sicily; the iſlands are called purple colouied. afterwards hi mtertained Æneas; Caran:bycæ Helvetii, orum im. Helvetians, a allo a king of the Sicambri, who fc' Helixus, a river of the iſland Ceos. prople of Germany, whole country is his laxineſs was fried to lay down Helled us, the dijiple of Sc. Bafil, Helvetia, Switzerland, divided in. his crowns, and his furcellur ; be left a book of to tbirlean caifions, Heicoſelinum, an hub like to small his mifier's life. Helvelum, a city in Germany, called oge with one laaj. Hclladius, a, um adj. Of Schieſtadt. Hlekepolis, f6; f. á batéoring-ram. Hellanius, Greece, Helvii, a people of the Celtæ, called Heleiri lucus, a grout about Romc Hellan!cus, a name of swa hiflorians, Albigeois. and the Tiber.. Hellanodiccs, a judge at games and Helvina, or unus, a fountain in L- Helcihcurl, a people of the Celtæ exerciſes. taly, whinne Cercs is called Hel- TUXY the Cadurch, whoſe twn is Hollis, the name of Greece; alle vinz. called Orillac city of Theſialy and Celolyt:3. Helvinum, a river of Picegum, cal- Heli; a Jewiſh prikl; alſo the father Hella, the daughter of Athamas led Plomba. HE I VIurer, i HEM НЕР HER country, Herms. a.. "} ner. HELLUO, õnis ; m. Cic. (ab eluo, | Hemitritæos, or us a samiration | Heptagoniæ, the name of a place in vel Heb. bilang, ablorplits a glur que, returning in thirn-fic bours. Livy. ton, ravimus devourer. Helue Hemixeſtes, demi fextier. Heptencfia, a city of India wishin Librorum, an unfuriable reader. Hegodes, fouer iſlands in the Ger Ganges. Heluo patriæ, á digoyer of his man les, Scelandt, Fuyncn, Lang. Heptapachys, « muafure of soin the landt, Muin, Falker, Loylandt, bits. Helvõlus, a, um ; adj. purple-coloured. and Foindren. Hetaphonos, a pored in yolla Holvolum vinun, claret.'. Hemodus, a mountain of India. whicb turi the voice fouin sintes. Helvor, ari; to arviur trurnsufly. odious, Heptaphyllon, the hard sorūsen:3}.or # Helus and helwa, for olds and Hemus, or Humus, 8 ball in Thrace. fee-foil. olera. Hendecaſyllabus, a, um; ads of eleven Hepápolis, & country of Egyptubes Heivas, a, um ; adt. Equ: gllvus) of igllables. Hcplapleurus, in racion plan. a pale red, Bob-caloursă, carna- Hendiadis, one thing exprefed by iwo tain. tion, Heptaporos, i ; mi a riper of. Tro. Helzine, és ; f. selitory of the wall. Heachot?s, a counin of Saraatia in Helymus and Panopes, is hunts hfa. Heptabylos, ar epilber of Thebes in men, companions of Aceites king Hertel, e people of Paphlagon'2. Boeotia. of Sicily. Honctia, the ſame as Vanette. Heptapylus, a, um , adj, having HEM, later). (à fono) o frange ! Heniocbls á people of Sarmatia in fopen gutel. saks ibat, loos ibere, bo! huin Alia. Heniochit, HLAINS - Heputadium, il ; ni a place gained + Heinanthinum, i, n. a kind of wong them ediled alfo Coraxici. out of the fra by Cleopatra, red glajdi Henlega, Hen'cy upon Thames., Heptikonos, boving Seun murushs. Kemaftal, a people of Dalmatia. Henricus, 1 ; m Henry, a king Hipeátechnus, a, um ; mat. of the Heincra, a day. Germany, A. D. 926. and right leven liberal fcimces, Hemerekus, , umof one day. kings of England, &c. Heptateucus, i; m. fryen volumes, Hemeridion bar which enduras for. + Henula, zs.fi a lirsle ebappel. kohe five books of Moſes, with Joſhua . day. Heoria, a town of lower Paanonla, Hepriklauso Okseven Srings or notes. wa Judges. Hemcris, abe duirf-sak. called Hardberg + Hemcro, onis; m. a fnstebing Hepar, åtis ; A, Plin, sbe liver; allo Heptazon", a, um ; 14. wish your greedy fellow. ats ſo called. girdles. + Hemerobaptiſtas 2, m. ene 163 Hepatarios, a, um ; adj. of the Hepter, or hppterls, is; f. e. fdip baptizu dagis. Hepaticus liver, witb Jaum bankı of rowers, Hemerobius, ii; m. & worm that Hopatica, a; f. liver-wwe, • He- Héra, 2; fi (ab herus) a lady, ni. lives but one day. pasica paluftris, white crow-fort. Bref, dan; alſo the herb clary. Hemerocallis, yellow or day-lily. Hepatici, orun; m. Just whoſe livci Mera, æ; f. á name of Juno and Hemerocetus, a neb-bf. is diflempered. Ceres ; alfe e city of Sicuy, and Hemerodromus, i; m. a pop or run- Hepatites, aim. e precious fons like orber places. a liver. Heraclea, æ; f. a city of Sicily, a. Hemerologlan, ii ; n. a day-book. Hepāris, the great carrying viin. the foot of mount Taurus ; antibat Hencroſcopium, scily of Celtibe. Hepatium, il ; n. the Ituar. in Caria and Sicily ; allo St. Giles riz. Hepatizon, ont's; a temperaturt in Gallia Narboncals, and other + Kemi (in compor.] hilf: of braſs referbling the livera placus. + Hemicadium, ii; A. half a hogs. Hephaeſtia, z; f.° a city of Lemnos. Heraclea, Ponti, city of Bithynia, heid. now-defroyed, alſo a town in the called Pendcrachi. Hemichara, a town in S'clly. tribe of Achamantis, wbere there Heraclea Thracæ, a large city in the Hemichorium, or .cum, balfa was a temple of Vulcan. Noar mouth of Propontis, called Panti- 4 dance. Ibis foron is a fun-burnt bill, upon ro. Hemicrania, æ; f. half the skull, wbich they ſay Vulcan fell when be Heracleo Beucoll, a town in Egypt. the megrim, was thrown out of heaven for bis Heraclcoa, an Egyptian gramns. Hemicranicus, a, um ; adj. praedled deformity: rian, who commented upons Homer. with the megrim. Hephæfides, the people of Hepbæ. Heracteon, water-lill, of yarrow. Hemicraniom, ii;o. half the skull. ftia. Heracleopolis, the name of sbrar cities, Hemicyclium si ; n. fardingale. Hephæſtil, siuntains in Lycia; being one in Egypt, anosher ,ndar Pe Hemicýclus, i; m. balf a cirile, a sourbed with a burning förch, sbry logium, the third by the mixth of. cbuir half round. burn, and the very pone burn the Nilus. Hemicyncs, a people near the Maria. Hcracicos or heraclina lapis, ebe getæ and Hyperborel, who (Apol. Hephestion, õnis ; m. Curt. one of load-foni, lonius ſays) bart like dogs. Alexander's commanderi, wobou be Heracleotes, Dionyſius, the pollofopher. + Hemidolium, fi; a. b.:If a bogs. loved, and was wont $ compare ro called; also an iſland betwixt hrad, wish Craterus, saying he lowed A Italy and Sicily. Hemimeris, half a foot (in portry.) lexander, and His lat or king ; Hörăccoticus,a nay adj. as, He- Hēmina, æ ; (ab nu, dimidium] he spent at hi funeral above 12000 racicotica Qux, a haxel.nul or fla balf a ſextarius, is nine ounces, talants, Alfo norian of A- berd. • Heraclcoucum origi- Hominārkārum ; n..mall deles, lexandria. num,,baflard magjorum. Hēminārius, a, um, adj. abors en H ephæftites, a; m. e fory precious Heracleum, a promoniory of Cappa- hemina, in a small quantity. Aans. docia, and other plares. Hemlogus, a king of the Danes. Hephæftum, town of Lycia. Heraclidci, is į m. Sophifer of Hemlolion, a kind of bras. Hepha{tos, or -tus, a name of Vol. Lycia, who fought af Snyrna ; Hemlolius, and hemjolicas, a, umo; alo a famous grammarian of Mop, as much and balf as much mort, Hephæfunca, iſlands of Vulcan by ſus in Cilicia and 4 pb.lofopher of Hemlonidis, idis ; f. tbe berb small Adiabena. Pontus, wha hepra. Plato and A. moon, or Splun.2017. H.phchemimeris, she fourth half nitoue; he wrote of a certain wo. Hemionium, il ; n. the herb darts. foot, a foort fyllable after shru fest man who bad been dead ſeven days, tongue, maad, long by cælura. and card to life again. Hawniopus, a kind of pipe, + Hepiala fcbris, a quoridian ague. Heraclitos, is m. e philofophor of + Hemiphorium, ii ; a. a kind of Hepsalus, iim, a candlo.fly. Epheſus, wbo much ofiard disk garment Hicpitalium, a city of Triphilia. jfesches ; and shes far.be wise Hemiplexia, or hemiapoplexia,z; f. Hepsērna, åts; a. new wine boiled wepwhen he wint abroad, ona but an apoplexy: that he had no other mafier bus away to the third pari. Hemiſphærium, ji; n. a hemiſphere. Hepta, or heptas, the joventh. himſelf; he fourifoed under the latt Hemiftichium ii in half & urrje. Heprichordus, a, um , adj. of ferren Dailus, There were four orbers of # Hemitarichon, a kikes of Julafin. Orings. the ſame name. Hem'togiu n, il ; n, a bill gown. Heptacometæ, barbarous people inha. Heraclium, it; a. the water.lilly. Komitan:uia, ii ; R, balf a note. bising mokré Cyzicus. Heraclius, a river in Greece į ato oooo waler can. 011 HER H ER: HER 1 wher por. Phocasion Herculeani, jola Heraclips, lápis, ibi.load-fore diors ſo called by Maximinus ibs Herennlus Senecio, a Roman bißo- Herea,a promotory,aver-againſ] Chal. emperor. rian under Domitian, who caufed codon; ind a city of Arcadia, : + Herculearlus, a, um ; difficult. bim to be pain for writing the life Her feats of Juno Herculcè, adv. valiansiy, loudly. of Helvidius Priſcus. Heum, the temple Juno. + Hercules, and herculus, a bajtard.+ Hercs for herus, a malor. num, a city of Thrace, and a Hercules, is; m. tbs some of Jupiter († Heraſtrata, the king's high.war. towaardinia. And Alcmcna, origaged by Juno in Hercus, 4 mountain of Sicily. wordens bayan of Bithynia: wulve dangerous enterprises, which HERI, adv. [X00') goberday, very Heras u gor: Hisöldus, ; M. Ha bi overcame: I Ha fleco a lion dat lately, rola; ai lungi of England, A. D. the word Nemza. 2. The wonder + Heribanum, an dia for voluls to 1038. Hydra of Leraa. on certain day. Heraltai apiland in de Ægein ſsa. Erymaathus. 4. The Centaurs, + Heribióus, the penalty laid on bim , " HERBA; f. Plin (Chald. gresba. 5. He om fost took a flag running. who, bring ſummoned, comes not to vel à paper påbulge] ax barb, 6. Hi Rew the birds Stymphalides, the army word, gruji. • Herba S. Petri, a which sat up his fruits. 7. Hi Hericius, il; n. a bedge-heg. Su coinlin. Herba_beaedicta, Sprar. cleanſed Augcas's fable. 8. Hi cricius. worl, . Herba Paris, thi berb draw a bull over.ebe ſea from Crete Hěrilogi, z; C, ono sbat tuns fronas frui-lriw • Meffis in herba, corn to Grcece. 9. He gaur Diomedes, his moffer, newly ſprung. • Herbim dale or ding of Thrace, so be estan by bis Hérilis, jad)of a major, postigere, to yield thavatory, own horlos. Io. He Spo·lex Gerion. Hěrilis, is ; f. a mifreſs. Herbáce:s, a, um ; of borby, or grafa II. H. før bed Thefcas, Pirithous, Höriiitas, ātia ; t. maferfig. Herbanum, sbe itun Qrvicio in Tur. and Cerberos from hell. 11. Hs epok + Heriliter, adv. fordly, caoy. the golden apples from the Helperi. Herillus, a philoſopber of Chalcedan, # Herbárium, il; a. a grim arbor. des, and low the dragon that kept Zens's fibolar. Herbārus, a, um , adj. of herbs. thors. Henis Herculel labores, Herinaccus, ei ; m. a budge-bog. A:s. berbaria, fimpling; : impofibli attompis. Fruftra Hero Heriſco, čre ; so part outweens st- Herbārius, ii; m. on berbaliffime heirs, plari praija them whom their works como + Heritudo, inis ; f. mellorbip. Herbafco, s čre ; co.ſpring up in a mond. Hercules & fimiz, an un- Herius, a river of Gallia Lugdunch. Herbeſco, } blade. Jagzaly comparijon. • Hercules bor Gs. Hérbäricas, a, um ; adj. grafing. pirator, he is very sedious. Varso 't Herix, a badge-big. * Herbeo, ere; to da grenn or grally: rockons Ibra and foreg of his nama, Herma, acis; a. a firme play, a loipos Herbeſcena, nitis ; growing se s whereof the abief and most famous balloj, Blade. was called Thebanps and Amphi Heras, a city in Spain. Heibcfcida, a; n. a wower. trioniades. Hermæ, arum; Mercury's caruid Herbeffusa non in Sicily. Herculeum, A promontory of Cala. Hatues, Herbcasa. om ; 20). grim as grali; bria, Herman, a promontory in Africa. alſo of birds Herculeus, a, um ; adj. of Hercules, Hermæum, a promontory in Thrace Herbido, are ; to groza grass. vuliant; alſo the name has Maxi and Sardinia. Hei bidos, a, um ; adj. [ab hçrða] urus brcmporer rook so.binált Hermăgoras, æ;. & famous wheta- fra grein Herculcus Licus, a lake in Sicily, ridian, who wrote fx books of thato. Herbiler, a, um , fruitful in birbs, .callad Lago di Leontini. rick ; alſo a philojigher of Ataphi- Hörbigratia; * ; f. e frail-treeping a Herculia, the town Altophen in Low. polis, who wrote many dialogues ; er Pannonia. And ano;ber, who was bobb å pbi- Herbīlis, e ; for neding on herbs, Herculis caitra, the town Erkelens lofopber and an orator. Herbipõlis. tbi chty Witzbash in ** Guelderland. Hermandyri, a poople of Mirala in Herculis Ço'umna, a place in Friſe Germany, Herbirt á site is şicay. land, beiwien Groeningen and Cou- Hermaphroditus, i ; m. en berg- Herbstion ii ; n. harbige. reiden; alHercules's pillars at poredite, borb man and woman. # Herbo, are ; to fear with or fod tbe freights mouib. Hermaphroditus, the son of. Venus upon berbs, Herculis fadum, a town in Tgica. and Mercury i wondering in the + Her bosilgs; Itig; f. “abundance of iny; and orber places. woods of Caria, o nymph fell in herbs and graſs. Herculis infula, ibi ifand Alina love with bird, out when she could not Herbālag; a, dia adj. fall of Erros in Sardin:a. pruunil, jou bid berjolf near a wal op gro!. Hercules Bortus, a baven in Toſcany wbora bo sam to wall bingolf, and Herbulk, jfa litla bub. and Calabria. fbough for embraced bin park nokid, Hertalenſes & perpis of Sicily. Herculis Promontorlum, Capo Can yat be would nol yield; wbiroupon # Hérbuletus, a, um, adj. full :/ tia in Mauritania Tingitana ; also foe fraged that borbibeir bodies bebe or grabs. Hatland-Point in Cornwall, might be turned into one.. : Herbuleva, i; 2. a kisbon gar. Hetcyna, z; f, a comparten of Pro-Hermathena, she image of Minerva d ferpinc, of whom ibi nuer 'Hercy. and Mercury joined together. + Herbulum, i ; A. rbu berb ground na rook its name, In the temple Hormatotrophi, a posple about Margl. was this virgin's image with a goose Hercæos, i ; m. a pals or badgę bai in bor hond. Hermcas, a famous captain under fort agate. Hercynia, the largel wood of Ger Antiochus Magnus. Hércetos, a mof Jupiter. piny, of sixty days joumay in Hermedone, ĉs; 1. & certain congela Herc fco, čiç; fab foxios, feptum) length, and nine in braideb. lation divide, part. Herdonia; a ropun of Apolla, now den Hermelas Methymnæus, an bißorian Hercle. 3 adv, by Hercules, trus Jiroyed. wbo wrote of Sicily. Hercule, $19. Here, ady..gelerday. Su herj. Hermelion, a fiery precious flore. Herculaneud, of -num, a town of | + Hčičbus, 1;, m, hall, Hermēncums, āris į A. w interpro. Campania. t Heredicăpa, æ;m. be tus deprives tasim. Herculaiias, i; m, the colleagues of one of his birib.rigbt, Hermoncumaticus, and hermeneu- Afporatius. Herefordia, enten; f.sht city of Here. tiçus, a, um , adl. interpreting. Hercilānua, a, um ; adjectiv. of ford Hormcneymatizo, are ; a&. rr inter- Herculaneus Hercules; vlani, Heremia, æ; f. á wildernes. prei. Hercălcānus, dificult, invincible; Heicmila, a; m. an bermail. Hermenia, ait. interpolation. *Hercolanca pars.ibe bitbis offered Hörēmitorium, ii; D. an hermit's cell. Hérmerácia, a llotus of Mercury berniujore to Hercules.., Hercu Herèn, a mountain of Mauritania i witb the head of Horcules. Juneus morbus, the falling bckneſs, Cæſaricnfis. + Hemerotce, imall pictures, as of Hercuieanus nodus, a fiting bai, Horegalių, tiran in the Low children with wing, &c é pouto qualium ; Aljo i br bride's Countries. Hermes, is and ēlia a Macs Germany. 202. 1 name other min. HER HER HES Mercury, tha mulonger and inige called Mojcaſtro, and by the Turks of Disna at Epheſus, priter of the gods. Belgrade. Heroum, i, n. a monument of forms Hermes Triſmegiſtus, an Egyptian Heraoathis, a city of Egypt, where nobleman. philofopher aftor Moſes, in whose Jupiter, Apollo, and Iris were wor- Herous, a, um ; boroick, moblé." time pbiloſopby began to be pudied, 1 Bipped. Herpedítani, . a people of Mauritania whereas before they only judied ufro Hermopolis, a city in Esypt, where fingitana. nomy, and things relating to it. He they worbippod Pan and a goat. Herpes, ētis ; m. the ſingles, or $1. acknowledged one Ged to creator of Hornopoliani, itin, a place where Inwony's fire. all, and confefed the errors of his images were sold; alſo a place of Herphe, a city of Armenia. forefathers in worfipping idols j for for good cheer. + Herpica, æ ; f. an barrow. baging obfarved ibat a beaji, dedica. Her motinus, a Lydian, whose soul, Herpicarius, a, um ; of an arrows; $40 to Serapis, made water twelve "Sis feid, war, unnt to wander from Herpico, are ; 19 borrow. simes in a day, hi divided the day bis body, and rown with foreign + Herpil:us. i ; wild running beton; . into twdu bourd, which bas bem ob noros, till arse bis enemies book bis Heric, the debter of Cecrops, 6s- forord quer pince body, and burnt it in the mean lourd of Mercury Hermias, an ainush, /ebolar ta Plato while, Heralia, the wiſe of Romulus, turned and Ariſtotle ; alſo a lad úborra Hermula, æ ; f. (ab herma, & ;] a afterwards into the godda'? Orai dolphin carried into the fus. Barns without hands. HÉRUS, i ;m (abisa; heros, vel Hormin us, ji s m. a mountain in Hermupoa, a; tbe barb mercury. Heb. borob, genitor) a ford or Portugal, called Monte Armiño; Hermus, a riuer of Aſia Minor, with maſter, alſo a German captain, who bow golden Sands, Hesus, the fifth biltor of Antioch. Vargs the ambaſador of Auguſtus Herne, a great bone. Hiſa, a city of Sic ly: and thru legions of soldiers ; alſa HERNIA, 2 f. (ab &pro, ramus] Herenus, a moun: in wbich divides a rupture, burlennefo. Pa:nonla, and Media. Hermiona, a.city upon the Egean lur. Herncarii, æ ; F. rupturo-wort. Hefiodus, i;m Hefiod, a poet born Hermione, the city called alja Lace. Heratci, orum ; m. people of Cam at Alcra.in B.eot'a, ubo, bring Jone ria; alsó a temple in Peloponneſus, pania, inbibiting roky places, by bis faiber to keep ſheep falla- conferend, so Ceres and Profer- Hernioſus, a, um, adj. burito. heep, and droiinid thu hom was a pinc, which was a fan&uary for Hero, Qui a beautiful maid of Scftos post on a ſudden; he wrwi of buf- ofendors; and she daughter of Me. in Thrace, to whom Leander ufod bandry: and ibi ĝinsulegy of iba nclauand Helena betsorbed to O te swim from Abydos, till er length gods. reftes, and given afterwards to be was drowned ; le froing his body Hefione, ĉs ; fi the drughter of Lao- Pyrrhus, who was therefore Nain call uy, brow berſelf bsadlong into meron king of rioy, wborn Her. by Oreſtea in Apollo's temple. the 103 ; alia e city in Ægypt. cules deliurred wbm Doar was ex Hormtopes, a posple of Germany, Herodes, is im. the name of thru poſed to do devoured by a fra-nos. tbrugbs by Toms to be there of Po kings of Judæa, Herodes Magnus, jler ; Laomedon denied bin bis merania. who ſaw the children ; Herodes gromiſed reward, wberrispons Her. 'Hermippus, an Athenian comical poet Antipas his fun, who New John; cules Jacked Troy, and gave her to withone 94, who wrote forty plays ; asid Herodes Agrippa, the grand. Teamon, who firß got wpm the alſo à philofopher of Beritus, scho Son of Magnus, who now James. wall. lar to Philo Biblias; be wr ar many, Herodiani, a Jewiſh fazi, wbi Heſpera, & very great iſland, in who thing's inder Adrlan: belirved Herod to of the Meffias. feat of the Amazon's. + Herma, õnis ;. n. a kind of for. Herodes Alticus, one of the conſular Heſperia, a congen mamu bosb of pent.. dignity, And of great eloquence. Italy and Spain. Hermocrates, a philoſopher of Phocis, Herodianos, in hiſtorian of Alexan. Heſperides, um ; f. the daughters of whom the orperor @qverus forced 101 dria, who writo eight books of bilio Heſperus brochii of Atlas, called marry an il-favourid daughter of y from Commodus to Gordianus Ægle, Aretbyla, ane Heſpere- bis joruary Antipater, wbom after- 't be gonger. thula ; they wire foigned to bawi wards by divorced, Heroiias, æ : f, the grand-daughter gardens th it bors golden fruit, kept Hermodactylus, i, m. the borb dose of the forf Herod, by his son Arifto. dy a vigilant ins walchful dragon, Ames, or wild. Nitrots. bulus, irl married to Philip, and whow Hercules Row ; alfo ilunds 'Hermodõrus, i; m, tbe nans of ſo. taken from him by Antipas. in the Atlantick ſea, diſcovered and veral philosophers, whereof one was Herodotus, a.frumpeter of Megara, poopled by the Portugaoze, Auw an Epheſian, wbi caused to be made sbot ar me time would eat twenty called. Iſole di Capo Varde. the twelve tables et Rome, and pounds of folk, and drink two gal. Heſperii, a people of Africa. bad sbarefore a Basur wisted for loss of wine, and found two trum. Hefperion Cornu, 4 promontory of hinn. pats very loud at one time; alfo an Libya, called by the Spaniards Ca- Hermogenes, a pbiloſopher of Tarſus; bißoriun of Halicarnaſſus, who wrote bo Verde. when he was ficon years old hining books under ibe names of the Heſperis, id's ; f. damps.violer. was an excelleni fsholar, and now nine mujos. Hefperius, a mountain in Æthiopla, crivid many gifts from Marcus An. Heroes, noble and famous sen, eta near which the fields Joine on nigbi toninus, but afterwards grow scorſe coupud next the iropaortal gods for like furs and wife, which made Antoninus their mually exploits. Hefperius, a, nm ; adj. wajiem. jaj, tha Hermogenes was an old Heroicus, a, um' adj. bergick, noble. Hcloěr:us, a, um ; adj. of Italy op man in his childhood, and a child * Pes heroicus, a dgøyl. Ho Spain. in his old age. roica tempora, iha timas in which Helpěrug inis ; f the evening-far, Hermoglyphus, a graver of images, ibere were the most valiant and | Heſperus, i, m. the rening -jiur, or eſpecially of Mercury's, couragonus min. furning Hermolaus, a grammarian of Con Herojna, æ; f. 4 & nable woman, Hefperus, the son of Jupiter, and to } Itantinople, who wrote an ipitome Herois, idis lady, prinseſs. branber of Adas, who, bring 19.fbed of Stephanas de urbibus, and do. Heron, an Athcnian orator, who by his brother, went into Italy, and dicated is to the emperor Joſtinian; carmented on Herodotus, Xcao called is Hcrocria ; .ome fiy, thes alſo another who inſpired againg phon, and Thucydides i alſo a be went to the sop of Atlas 10 Alcxiader; and a flatuary. martyr under Decius. onferve the jars,, und was forme + Hermolaus, bedge-fumitery or hens- Herona, a city of Dalmatia. no more, when be was thought to foof. Herophila, the Erythraean finyl win, be turned into a War of his own Hermon, a prince of the Pelafgi; who bring dmnied by Tarquin ihi prire was forud for fear of Darlus 10 of ber three books of prophecies, burnt + Hefternò, or -um ; adv. yoſirday, abandon Lemnos, but made as if two, and received ihe whole price Hesternus, a, um, adj. (ab herij of he did it willingly, 10 gratify the for shat which was left. Deterday yorday's. 1. Athenlans ; which cauſed the pro- Heropolis, the city of heroes in Egypt. Hetæn, part of Thesily, and os her virb, Hírmonlum officium, for a Hēros, õis j, m. a noblemun, an horo, places, forced kindneſs. domi-god. Heſus, o god of the ancient Gauls, Hermonata, á city of Lower Myla, Heroftratus, be that burnt she temple thought to be the ſame as Mars. 0 000. 2 + Hesy. 714m: A H.I.A HIE HI M Heſychalta, Xi mi amarsberito,, Hiarbas, a king of the Getullans, who, Hlérocæſarca, e ciry of Mæonia, in ping fratr wirdly firs. made war upon Dido; becauf. for Afia. Herychias, fotos Mileſian bigo would not marry him: Hierocepia, &; f. an iſland of Cy. in the time of Anaftafius ; Hlaſco, erc; to wpm, cleaur, or gape. prus, ngar Paphus. alle graanerian and whers. + Hafto, and biarto, arc j to gape Hierocomita, a prople of Hicrocome Heiaria, 2; f. fellowfir. wie. in Caria. Heçæriarcha, man abbor; allo + Hiātor, oris, m. a gaper. Hieromium, a Spittle, hofpiral. the funeral of sbe allies and aux | Hatala, zf. around gaping Hlerodalia, æ; f. a profeſion of 16- ili zrins. poallittb ligion. Hetoriarchia, æ; f. an abborhip. Hiatus," üs; m. a gaping, jawning, Hierodulan, 4 city of Libya. Heterocitos, a, um ; ad), inregular opening.. Hicrodulus, ; m. å miniflır. in Herlining + Hiberis, idis ; fi a kind of welfos. Hicroglypica, orum ; n bieriglie 'Heterocranis, seif, a diftat in the Hiberna, orum ; winlar brand, aching engine fwolling with Hibernacula, orum ; no: $ guarters. Hicroglyphicus, a, um ; adj. of bie- little puiules. Hibernia, æ; f. Ireland, roglypbicks. Heterogeners, a, um ; ad), of ano- Hibernus, a, um, adj. (Xevpapuyos] Hieroglyphus, i ; m, a gravar of fa- ther kind, harrogeneous. of winter; to an Iriſhgan. med or ſecret things. Heteromarchala, and heleromaHa, Hiberus, a, um ; adj. Spaniſh. . Hieron, a prominiary of Ireland. orum n. garmmis priraded but on Hibiſcum, 1; A. 7 (Isigmor] marbh. Hieron or hiercon, a chapprl. one fide, or beving hul one lave. Hibiſcus, i, m.is mallows. Hieronicos, or cus, m. 8 winner of Heteronymon, having another name. Hijris, idis ; c. a wild bog, bred of the prixı in public games. Heteroſcil, inhabitants of nitbar im- A 1404 few and a wild boar ; & Hieronymus, 1; Hicrome, a man's perust Xon, whore fadors are so mongrel. Su hybris. nome, and a Sicilian tyrant ; al, one fide, and contrary to those of HIC, bæc, hoc; articulas pronom. an acclefia//ical writer, verg: elogurni, the wher imperait sans roxe, hiccci & per Apoc. hic] thing wbo tranſlated ihe Bible into Latin ; Hetrurla, ; f. the dutedom of. Tur.. be, such a ons. Tu Ghic fois, aliter he was born af Strido in the confinss cany in Itaiy. ſentias,' if you were in my place, you of Dalmatia and Pannonia. Hetruſci, orcm ; the people of. Tur. would be on another mind. Hoc Hicrophanta, &; mian expounder 2ay eft quod, this is the reaſon why. of ſacred things. + Hetta, æ: f. sbe lighe shippings of Hic, adv. bare, at this time, then. Hicrophylax, a shurch-wardm. brud.. Non hetta facerc, to da- Hicce, bæcce, hocce, this oribus, Hierolarchus, 1; or -cha, æ; m. the : spiſe. Hiccino, hæccino, hoccine, this. ihief pries. + Heitz, inters. olard! + Hida, e; f. ibe skin of a pome. Hieroſolymi, æ, ond: Hteroſolyma, Hew, inter). (Průj ala! will a day! granate. orum; n. the city jcrufalem in Hcurctes, 2; m an inviter. 4 Hidroa, &; f. fecuat. Palcftiae ; hence Hicraſoly marlos, HEUS, intcrl. fo br! do you bear! Hiems, čmis; f. winter. Su hyeras. a title given Pompoy, and Hicro- come hitber! Hop! confider, mind; Hlera, a conferrated garland, when folymitanus, a, um , belonging to as, Hous! proximus ſum egomet two run in rast, and wilber out Jeruſalem. mikl; Tor. nun the other, Hicrotheca, 2; f. the pix or dex Hex, præpof. in compof. ix. Hiera, on iland of Sicily, called wberrin the byi was kept. Hexaclinum, i; a. a place where fix Vulcano, ſending af fires; ond + Hocto, are 3 and _-tor, ari; to gape couibus, according to the cupom of osher places; alfo bi wife of Telc. or ogen. . dhe ancimis, san land rounde phus, ſaid to excell Helena in brouty. + Higra, e; f. a rost of popper, table. Hicracitcs, a precious fons of a Hawk. Hijărārio, onis ; f. a maling merrya Hexagon, anumba fade of the Ophi. colour. Hilărător, oris ; m. a tierry maker, ogcncs. in Cyprus, brown by the Hieracium, il; n. brwk.wred. Hilarātus a, um, part. made morry. Roman conſuls into a tub of ! Alçr&a; a country of Cyrene.in Libya. Hilărè, iùs ; ady, merrily. pents, who, in lead of biting bim, Hicrana, a city of Caria, Hilărcíco, :c; lo chiar up. Ticked him with their tongues ; alio Hieranneſus, an iſland of Crete and Hilaria, um ; n. the faffivals of Cy. any thing with fix corners. Egypt. bele, or any folemn fafival, Hexagonus, a, um ; of fiz umers. Hicranihcmis, as cranthemen. Hilarion, a famous bormit, said to Hexamcrinus, a, um j. adj. of 6x Hieraphe, an iſland of L'bya. work mong miracles, days. Hiera ytcra, a kind of spurge. HILAR-IS,' e; adj. lor, iffimus; Hexamcron, the space of six days; Hierapolis, is ; f. a city of Syria, livspos] merry, joyful. allo.a treatiſe of the ſix days work. under tbe archbilòp of Antioch ; Hiláritas, atis, and tudo, inis; f. Hexãmeter, a, um ; adl. of box fui. and another in Phrygla, under she: joyfulneſs, minib: Hilaritas dici, Hexapoda, æ; f. a fathom, or fx frat. patriarh of Conftantinople. the learneſs of the day, Hexaphoron, i; n. a jedan carried Hiera Pytna, a city of Crete. + Hilaritùs, adv. joyfully. by fix.. Hierarcha, æ ; m. á haly print, a Hilarius, ii'; m. a difhop of Polatlers Hexaplus, a, um ; ad). px'fold. prince of the conclave. in France, who was banibed by Hexaprotus, a, um ; adj, having ſex Hierarchia, m; f. the biorarchy, or the Arians; and other mm. ca's. boly governismi. Hnăro, arc; to make mercy or joyful. Hexa., ădis; the fx; Hierarchicus, a, um ; adj. of boly Hilarcedus, Tj m. a finger pf amry Hexaftichum, i, n. barley with fix government. Songs, rows in an sar; alſo fix virjes to- Heraſus, a river of Dacia. Hīläror, ari; ped' to be sharid. Hierarcus, a, um, adj. religiouli, dt. Hilarulus, a, um ad raty chear- Hexecortalithus, i, m. a ſmall pre dicared. ful. cious lions of divori colours and core Herax, acis; m. a young man surn. Hilărus, a, um; ad). merry, rear- ed into a hawk of that mame by ful. Su hilaris. Hexeres, 19; f. a gallay witb fix Mercury, for atalmning Argus, Hilla, e; f. ? [ab hilum, vel hi- Tank of IWAYA, when he would have folen lo away Hilla orum; nra) e chittırling, from hini. + Hile, i; n. the ſmall gut. Hante I.. Hierax, acis; m, a bowk. + Hllo, õnis ; m. the ririh wind. Hicri, e people beyond the Sauromatæ, HILUM, I;n (ab Heb a:il, nihi. H I abbrev. for hæreditatis jure, bald and has nofed by naturs, called lum, the black of a bann, a rifle. herclc juravit, or hic invasick. ficred, becauſe of ibrir fimplicity and * Ne b'lum quidem, vot a ju.. Habundus, a, um, gaping gaping. Plain dealing. + Him ( for hinc) hence. + Hiacinthus, i ; m. the herb dci- Hicricho, or chus, untis į the city Himantopodes, á crump.footed people phinum of Jericho. of Æthiopia H ang, ntis; part. of hio ; gaping, Hiero, õnis ; m. one of Syracuſe, Himantop.us, odis ; a kind of bird. grody, ill joined. Hians oratio made king by the Romans, and Himcra, æife city in Sicily i allo on inconijient difcourſe. • Emplo. their perpetual friend ; and others 4 river in this ifle,' parind" inte rem induccrc hiantem, 18 decsive Hierõbõlanc, is j f, bag or flas ver- two channels, she ono frojo water, • grudy buyer. vain.. than other jalt, + Hiling ! gohan. I + n. r 1 i WHN. 1 HIP HIP HIP #llin, meaſure of 'tuslut fexta anorber city not far from it, sallid, † Hippolegus, 1 ; m, a borfo-Geaker Diarrhytos. Hippolochus, the son of Bellerophoan Hinc ; ady. (Erex] from, hmit. Hippoboros, a fesder of her'ss. and falbur af Glaucus ; allo sbr raus Hinc & hinc, hinc & illinc, on Hippobo!os, a very large field near of Antmachus, pain with his bro this file and thar fido.', Hinc cs ihe Caſpian Birrighes, where filty thor Pifander in ih. Trojan war. vh, one of our city. • Hiac a prox thousand horſes were wont so fud, Hippolytc, cifra qurm of 1.b. A. imo, from burd by. Hippocam elas, a mnonjler, balf borfe mazons, wbim Hercules overcarut Hincheſega, Hinkley near Oxford. and ball camil. and gaus i. Thcicus. Hinna, 2; f., bind, puls. · Hippocampa, 2.; and .pus, i; m. Hippolytus, 1 ; m. the son of The Hinnibilis, e, adj. apt to righ. fou borſe. ſeus and Hippolyte ; be was sir# Hinnibundè, adv. neighingly. Alppocampinus, a, um, ad). of a fea in pinces by his chariot borjas os be Hinniculus, i, m. a young mule. horfi. flid, wbon he was accuſed of adul. + Hinniegles, fom ; m borja. Hippocentauri, a wondrous kind of Dory by his mother-in-law Phadra, + Hinnilito, are ; to wbinny. mton by 'Theffaly, near Mount Pe. whose ſolicitario bi refuled. : H:9n-1o, ire ; neut. (ab hinnus, vel lion, ſuppoſed to bave sbar upper Hippomarbia, æ;f. a sombat os à fono), muigio or wbinny. parid like men, and their lower paris horjiback. Hinnitus, üs; . Juft. a migbing * like borjes ; Si. Hicron Speaks of Hipponachus, chism. a main mix- whinnying, hippocontant bat spoke 11 - St. An pral Athens . Hinnilus, 1; 7m. 4.young muli, 4 thony, and for bine in bis way, Hipponăncs, 18 ; n. a pion of pop Hinnuicus, el is fawn or bind-calf + Hippoclaſta, orum; n. frentou set on the bead of a colt new foulea, alto a deg.fiß, 'rbe poring of aber untb Bates to rumhrow borfomen. wbib hi mares bite off with, bas. Hippocomas, i, m. a horſe-courfer, wbich bay luy witches make yours HINNUS, J; : (wyrol, qivros)* jackey. mad, Jin gutted null; a nig, a bind. + Hippocoum, a lind of wins brought Hippomarathrum, wild formel. Hío, arc i neut. {Xá., à ſono) to from Cous, Hippomčnics, Is í an. he fell in love 8409,b4, blow, admin, dont Hippocrates, is; m., a famous phyſ with Atalanta, and wiming of her watch for wtb MD Arub. #Hiarc cion of Cous, Jeholer to Democra by his golden apples brown in bor. ad aliquid, to bave s pery great de tes ; he lived with Perdiccas king way, lay with bar in Cybele's te Are for a ibing. of Macedonia, and died in the ple, 'who thoroupm turned him into + Hloto, arc;ncut, to pawn. 1041h gear of bis age ; and orber A lion, and her inco a liones ; alfa Hippace, es ; f. coufe made of mari's the twenty-lovensh prinus of Athens, milk. Hippocraticus, a, om; ad). Of or like who gavi bis daughter Limonc, bise + Hippaco, are ; to forb broash often. Hippocrates, Hippocraticum vi ing taken in adultery, tu to decourtd + Hlgpaglum, ui ; 2.carriage on horſe num, hippocras winte. by wild horfos. Hence the proverd, back, Hippocrene, a fountain of. Bzotia Magis impius, Hippomeac Hippăgo, inls; f. 1 nour Helicon, supported so be made by Hippomolog', a proplo of Scythia. Hippagóga, æ ; f. borſo-dont. sbi bouf of Pegasus. Hippona, ibe giddeſs of borfes. H:ppagns, i; n. Hippocrenidos iba mufas to wbom thur Hipponax, acisz n. an Epheban put + Hippagogeus, or hypagogeus, a : fruntein was confaralet. jo deformd, that Bupalus drew bis cubion laid upor porters shoulders Hippocutæ, two cities of India within picture to be laughed at, wbico To for safe. Ganges. inconfed him shat he wrote an in Hipparchus, i, m. ibr maller of the Hippodame, es ; and Hippodamla, vrtive again biling and made plus horse. æ; f. the daughter of 'Cenomais bang-bimall. Hipparchus, i ; m. e afronorner of: king of Elis, when Pe'ops won ' us Hipponeſus, a dily of Caçla and Lyo: Nicka, who wrote Ariany. Plato, • race wiib har fasber by corrupting dan Hipparls, a river in la marina, fome bis charist-driver. Hippoplates, a baj of th. Tyrrhene- ofwboft water is fofo, and cons H!ppodamia, z; f. the wifo of Piri fta, cafted Golfo di St Eufemia. fome falt. tous, whois the Centaurs went to Hipponlum, the sity Bivona in Cala- Hippafus, a philofopber. of Metapon - take away wpon her wedding-day, bria. fus, Pythagorai's fibolar, whi af. and wire Auin by Hercules and Hipponouus, ;'m. e borſe-keeper. Armed that all things were made of Theſeus i allo sbe daughter of Bri- Hippopera, kita mail, pori-mantia. fire ; alſo one of coi Contaurs. icus, whom Achilles look from Lere cloak-bag Hippc, the daughier of Chiron, ibe nesus, called from himn Briſeis. Hippophacs, a reajal, or jarumns bxr. Centaur,.wbo oning got with bild in Alſo the daughter of Anchiſes, and I. Hippophagi, a people of Scythia in hunting, and fearing ber farber's wife of Alcachous. Ai. dilpleafuri, was pined by the gods, Hippodomus, i; m, a breaker of Hippophorbus, 1 ;m. a hero.hard, or turned into a mars, and carried up borſas, feeders of borfes into braum. Hippodamus, e philofopbar of Milc. Hippoplanus, i; m, a chráter in barse. Hippeus a camel; alfo a crab.file. tus, wbo forf writz of A will go touring. Hippia, the nume of Minerva in Ar virtud comraon-Walth. Hippodolcs, a pople of Scythia, who cadia ; alf a city of Pyrrhobia. Hippodorus, izma prince of A (Sollaus Tays) reformola mon its + Hippia, æ; f. ibisk wod. thens, who uſed wucb ſoverity te all parts but their focs, whicb r- Hippiades, um ; f. images of wimm wards bio childrm and kinsfolk, to femble horfose in borje-dark. ingratiate bimself wirb the propla i Hippopotamus, 1; w. # fea-horfa. + Hippia, wumi A ſwift kind of he cuuled a daughter of bis (rakm in * Hipporcdicus, ; m, a barlo-rida crab.jpg adultery) 10 be bound to A barior or broker Hippias, a mio philofopber of Elis, and forn to pieces. Hippos, a horſe ; [and in composti] who placed the abiefot good in bring Hippodromus, i; m. A rare-place or graat. content wiih but wbicb fufiut nu. courſe. Hippes lingu, tbe barb alexander. ture; be was skilled in all arts and Hippodromus, a Theffallad pbllora- Hippotades, Æolus so called, fcimus, pher who taught at Athens in ore Hippothela, a jf.a foal of an afs. Hippiatrus, i ; mia farrier, time of M. Antonious. Hippotoxota, æ ; m. on gribir gut Nippice, és if ax borb which bring Hippoglofa, æ; f. or-sum, 1 ; a. the borſeback. carried in the musb prevmis bun. herb horſe-tongut. Hippotyphia, & ; f. onry great pride. ger and thirt, Hippoglotion, or hypoglottion, lau. Hippuacra, a city of Libya. Hipp.ci, mountain of Sarmatia in rol of Alexandria. Hippuris, an ihond in the Mediter- Aga. Hippo'a, e city of Laconia. rancan. Hippoa, he that taught medicins 80 Hippolapatkun, 1; n. patients, or Hippūris, i8 ; f. the herb borfetails lcuiapius. monk's rbubarb. Hippariſcus, an iſland of Caria. + Hippito, arc; 10 gape or yawn, + H ppolaphus, I ; m, a bral like a Hippurus, a kind of lobfter, kuaping in Hippius, Neptune ſo called. llag, wiib hair and beard like a holes during winter. Hippo, or Hippon, a city in Africa, Hippus, i; m. a river in Colchis; of which si Auguſtine was bibop + Hipp lassa, æ; f, a driving of also an ijland of Eretria, a nity of called by Livy Hippo Regius; and harjes, Sicily and Palestino. Hippus, HIR, HIU 1 H 0 L . ! 3 + young kid. A Hipous, . kind of urry ſwift crab. wings ; alſo dry seads in a horſe's filbi H ante L Hir, iris; the pain of the band. + Hiſciatus, a, am ;: gaping. Hira, ab hir) the hungry gur. 4. Hifco, ire; to sale or end. H. L. abbreviat. for h?c lacus, or ho. HITA, a city of Mellonians and other Hjſco. čre ; ncut. (Xásku, ab hig) to nefto loco. places. 892, yawn, muiyar, divine. Nec Hiranus, a, um ; adj. [ab, hircus) hifcere,quiſquam audebat, no ory. Hank M gratifs. durf opm his mouth, + Hirciolus, i, m. a ligle gogt. Hifpalis, tbe city Seyille in Spain., H. M. abbreviat. for honefta muller, Hircīpilas, i, m. one that be hair Hifpalus, a king of the Celtiberi. hora mala or mortis. of two colours, or brifly Hiſpanach, the harb, pinage, H.M.D.A. abbreviat. for hoc man- + Hircius, a, um, adj. o 0964 Hilpania. <; f. the country of Spain, davit dari Auguftus. Hircoſus, a, um, adj. Dinking like a called also Iberia, Helperla, and H. M. P. for hic mcmoriæ poſult, guar, rangife Celtibcria : It is divided into free er hoc monumentam pofuit, + Hircul, gran oporters, parts, to wit; Bætiça; Luatania, H M.S.M. abbreriat. for hic mater Hirculatio, önis ;f, a dilemmer in and Tarraconenfis, ſua mortua, or kora mala fumpat a viga; turning aų its fubfianu insa Hiſpaniolus, 1; mi a spanigl. moram. w042. Hiſpanicus, i a, um , adj. Spa- Hirculus, i, m. a kind of spikes Hifpanus, $ nih. H ante. O nerd. Hifpan!ensis,- €; dwelling in Spain HIRCUS, i, m. Plin. [tpares, vel Hiſpellum, and -ui, *; a town in HO.abbrey.lat, for home or honcſtus. ab birçus) a giat, she suxaf under Umbria. Hoba, a cuniry of Syria. 15 armpits (Met.] a Ainking, Hiſpellates, the sowinj mor of Hispelo Hoc, ' reac. Eab'hie) so much the mert; hither. catbold.' Mulgere hircun, to fuck + Hifpex, m. "prickly Ibern or Hodle ; adv. tot hoe diet se day, A bull. Olcre, hircum, to sell brilla.. nowsa dan, at this very time. rank. Hilpidos, ari; to be prickly. Hodiè mano, to day morning : Hirininiom, ! ; n. a river in Sicily + Hifpidolus, a, um, full of brifle. Hädiernus, a, um ; soj. of this day, Wrnea, æ; f. [ab bir vel hira] afH fpidus, a, um ; adj. rouges brißly, Hodierna dies, this vry day, kind of veld. booriſ. Hodedocus, a highwaymon. Hirpiæ familiæ, a puple near Rome, + Hüter, trl; m. Liv. a Tüſcan wird Hodceporicum, itinerary, a piyagie roho wore went pearly, in their fa. for player or tumbler, or journey deſcribed. grifio to Apollo, to walk upm fire Hiſt!pa, a sily in, Eubea.. Hodaporus, i; m. á trausllor in the and for bu burm, and therefore by « Hiftiæus, a ini,ant of Miętu, banged hiphway. perpadual decrue of ibe foals zoete for conſpiring againt Darlas. Hodomanti, a people of Thrace. frud from all kind of duty + Hrpex, wood burning in sbe fri. Hodile, is j a. a place wbare kids en Hitpini, e pesple of the Samnites; the + Hifton, onis ; m, a, urruer. kept. . biu from whance the river. Aufidus, HISTORIA, *; £. Cia. (loropía) en Hædillos, and hædiculus, t; m, a in Apulia Pows. hiſlory or narrative of my or ihings; Rypinus, 1, m. the name of a Paldy alſo a tale. Hvedinys, 2,0 ; of a kid. but in Juvenal, Hiftorlalis, c; adj. bißorical... * Opus + Hædūlo, 210 ; acut. 10 sport or play Hinguinus, a, um ; adj. gratiſh. hiftoriale, binery-wurs in tapetry. :like a kid. Birqu'tallio, Ire ; neat. La bave one's Hiſtorice, es; f. that part of grammar Hædūlus, i, m. a little bid. urice break, w3%.goasiſ.. ihat teacherh one to unfold aubits; HEDUS, i, m. Plin. (Heb.godbi, Hirgaitallus, i, m. (ab hircus] ont the way of writing bilpry. à fonoy a kid, guong goal. pas fourteen years. H foricus, a, um, adj. biliorick.. + Hoelixi, icle. to opening of a pipa. Hliquäs, i ; D. Lab hircus). the coyo Hiftoricus, i; m. an.birian. Hæmatopus, odis; m. thi dird called er of the ye alio one that is.gog Hitorio, are ; 10 write am, hiftry. the red bank. gle-eyed; alſo a goat, Hiſtoriographia, 25.1. A writing of HOL, (07.j Intery. alaot wall-a-day ! t. Hirn, ihe snarling of a dog. bißory, Holcas. adie; a hoy. Hiir-io, ire; acut. I fone) i snarl + H ftoriographo, are ; it-urila bif- Holce, ca ;k's dram. "Tike a dogó fory. Holcimus, a, um ; safly dromena Hirritus, mis ; m, * ſnarling. Hipóriogrăphus, 1; m. an hißorje- Hocus, t'; a. wall-barlo. Hiraptus, a, um ; rough, bairy.' grapher. Holcades, apople within the river Hirsūcè ; adv. nugbly, + Hiftoriola, æ, f. a little flory. bbcras. Hirsū:17, ; f. roughness of hairs. Hiſtriculus, a, gm"; adj. of er like a + Holiopogomenon, comprobading + Hirſuticalus, i; m. on with an page-player ; hyperritical, many things in few words. bairy neck. + Hidricus, a, um ; adj. of a pley Hollandia, 2; t.' Holland Hirsūtác are; to make rrugb or hairy. or 4dor, Heftricus, imperator,.25€ , Hollandus, i, m. en Hollander, HIRSUTUS, a, um ; adl. (Heb. chief actor. Dutchman Sagnir, vel abi sipy, lana] hairy, HISTRIO, onls; m.. Liv. (ab He Holmi, e city of Cilicia Aſpera. multa quergreum, rude, rougb in man. Hiſtrionalis, e; adj: of an witor or Holiday homeostockholm, the Astro- Hrdug, conful colleague with Panſa, Hiſtrion cus, a, um ; aging. Holmium, a city of Bocotia. bash Bajn as they went to relieve Hiſtrionia, &; f. the art on ſcience of Holmosa portar, a cup like a born} Brutus befeged by Anthony at Mu atting alſo a man's breaji. tion, die in hitoriari, who wrote Hiftrix, icis ; f. a: portugine or hedge. Holo, diety of Spain. be dgbib book of Cæſar's French heg. Sre byſtrix, Holobryzus, a, um ; all of gold. + Hltta, æ ; -sbs-skin of a poprsgra- Holoberus, holoverus, a, um ; adj. Hirtuoſas, 9. am ; adj. rough, Mafe: a frijis. all of trur purple Jongerd, Hirinouſus deus, Pan. + Hittio, l.c'; to fuent, as the dogs in Holocauſtum, i; a. a bolicaul, ir Hircos, a, um, adj. (ab hirſucus.) hunting, burnt jarrified hairn, rough, Nusriſh. Hulce, adv. gaping!). Holochryſus, a, um, all of gold. HIRODO, nis; ti Lab haurio, vel à Hiulco, are ; to cleaur, shap, cut. Holograromon, or hologrammaton, a Puo, traho] a harle.lesch; alfo a + Hiulculus, a, um ; adj. gaping a wil writim all with the user's Toençibrit?, forfumar, Hirudo fo. renas, a partifogger. Hulcus, a, um ; adj. [abblo) gaping, Holographies, }a writin" With bis Hirundinaria, ze; - f. great colondine. as parcbed ground. * Hulca gens, Holographus, * Hirundini 'midor, pilawort. grady folk Oratio hiulcas an own hint Hirundincos, a, um ; adj. of a ill-compoſed oration. Holographum, 13. the original Hirundininos, coby HIRUNDO, inis; t. Plin. (TENS*] Hololampus, a, um, adj. all in a å sono},4 fwallow ; alfo (02-1516 Alumi, jbiring brigbi. witb fins like a ſwallow's tuil and Holopechion, & while cubit. Hobre 2 Wir. oma hind. 1 : wort. mad. ? A HOM HON HOR Holophanta, ; m. one tbsp will lye of ſeveral kinds ; doubtful, ambigu. Honorific-e.cntius, entiſſimej adv. for mall after.. bonourably, creditably. Holoporphyras, a, um, adj. all of Homopathos, Juifering zogeber. Honorificentia, z; t. wo-pip. Purple Homopatória, Athenienfess, when Honorificentior, jus, ger, joris , ad). Holopyxos, a city of Crete. father's met together 30 mrall their compar. mrs honourable, + Holor, oris; m, a war. ibildren, + Hõnõrifico, arc; t bontour or re- Holos, wholo. Homophagia, 2; f. an eating taga- dit. Holoſericus, a, um; adj. all of Alk. ther, an cating of raw meats. Honorificor, ari; to be credited. Holofeon, cl; n. th bard' pinb. Homophalis, doubtful exposition. Honorificus, a, um; bringing honour, Homophỏnos, of the same found. creditible. Holothuria, a prickly fea.fifa. Homophylua, of the fame tribo. Hõnõiipěra, æ; m. sre ámbitiöis of bonour. Hõlus, čris ; a, a pot-berb. Homopſychus, of the fami mind.. Honorius, i; m. she forfy.fixth ampe- + Homagium, li ; a. bomage, fide- Homos, like, : lily. Homotechnicus, of the sami art. ror of Rome, wirb bis brachir Ar. Homeliuin, 1; n. a kind of cap. Homouſion, confubfunt:al, as the Son cadius; alſo the Axty-sighth bilbop of + Homer, a meaſure of 45 gallons. of God is wilb thi Fathur. Romc, A. D. 619. and orber popaso. Homeritze, 4 people of Ethiopla and Homouſius, a, um ; adj. of the fame Honoro, arc; to honout, rovaronis, Arabia Falix. subflanci, confubßantial. worfip. Homcromaft.x, Homer's wbip, Zol. Hõmŭlus 1; m. 2 (ab homo) Honoror, ari; dep. to hondur, lus ſo called. Homoncio, onis ; m. Så little man, Honoroſus, a, ur; ad) full of bonicer. Homērus, i; c. Hower, the soft fa. dwars. Hõnorus, a, um, adj. creditabli, bo- mous Grock pres and beggar, about Homuncionitæ, bereticko denying HÖNOS, örls; m. Sall. [ab : nourable: A bundred grid Axty years before thi Chrift's divinity. building of Rome, Joven cities om. Homunculus, i, m. a little or poor preuun) binour, Honos wribus tmsed for brs dinb plau, Smyrna, st, faving your SIVITICI ; Curt. 51. Rhodos, Colophon, salants, Chi-Hõncitāmentaa, i; n. an ornament. 38. Su honor. os, Argon, Athena. Hõncítás, átis ; f Cic. beriely, dig. Honus and bonustus, fór onus and Homicida, 2; C.' (ab homo & cæ. nity, or a wrhipful perfin. onuftus. do) a man.nagar, murderer, Hõneftatio, onis; f. an honouring. + Hopia, 2; 4 precious for i alle s kind of poijott. Homicidium, li; A. manſlaugbtur, Höncftator, oris ; f. an borourer. murder Hincítātus, a, um ; bonoured. + Hopiſtocrepidee, kind of women's Homilia, 2; f. an homily or farmor. Hõneflè ; ady. bonifly, borsurably. four, Homolla, erity of Theſſaly. + Hõneftitūdo, iniis; f. himely, dip-Hoplias, a river of Bæotia, Homiliaticus, a, um ; adj. of an bo rily. Hoplites, æ; m. a man of war. nil, diſcourſe, or Jormone Hõnefto, are; 1. bonour, take bo-Hoplodochus, i; m. ari armed fm- Homillus, i, m. [ab homo) a litt's niurable, man, Honeſtor, ari; to be in credit. HORA, æ; f. Clc. [wpa) an hour, or Həminatus, and hominium; ll; a. Hòneftum, i, n. boxely, virtue. gay part of time; I wenty days al- homoge. Hõncftus, a, um; ad). -lor, iffimus; lowed the plainnff for drawing his HÓMO, inis; m. C!c. ab Heb.om, honej), civil, courteous, bonourable, plea againſt the defendant.. Om- populus) a man, man servant, bu comily, nobly. Homines honore nium horarum homo, a man jo manity. Hominem exuere, to honefti, men of bigb rank . Ho. mirib or tuſineſs. Yu fuls vo- Hir. • Homjacs fumus, non dii, Acfta facte virgo, a maid of a ris, to ſpend his time in--,' Scp- the beft muft bave their grains of Suamly look. tembris horæ, the monih Septem. allonianse. Homo es, you are a HỎNOR, õris; m. Cic. refpea given ber. * Hora annl, ibs fason of the min every ineb of you. 10 any one, bonour, arenent, brak. your * In horis, sury bour. Homocapnus, a, um , adj. living in ty, love, facrifico, reward ; alfere. Hora, a Roman, goddeſs of biaudy. the faine baj, by ihe jume fire. proach, infatny. Mortis honor, Horacitæ, a people bordering on Illy- Homoeologia, a; f. likeneſs of sprich. The funeral serenties. # Sit ho- Homcomeria, a; f. likenes of parts nos auribus, fir-revstenta. Su ho- Horce, a-sity of Calabria, in the nouriſment and aruriſhed. nos. Hoia, goddelos, the daughters of Ju- Homouploton, i ; n. the ending of Hõnõrābilis, e; adj. hmourable. piter and Themis, divers claulus with the like caſos, Hõnārābūſtas, 'ālis; f. bonourable. Horzus, a, um ; adj. fair, fafenable, Hirmuoſis, fi millitudo. neri, Hora:jum, ji; n. a dial; waith, clore. Homeoteleulon, whon divers clauses Hõnõrabilitèr ; adv, bmouribly. Hörārius, a, um : adj. of an beur, end alike, or with the famo cadon'e.! Hõnõrandus, a, um; to be honoured. hourly. Homogaiados, und -tus, i; m. 8 Honorarla, örum ; a. plays in bonour Horatæ, a people of India. folle brother of Bacchus. Horatius Cöclcs, a noble Roman, Homogeneug. 2, um; adj. Oft sbe Honorārium, 1.in.a prefent ta om who, when Parienna had taken J1 same kind, homogenicous. bajadors, princes, landlords, &c. niculum, and was riping into the Homogenia, a ; f. afinity. Hórõrārlus, a, um ; adj. of honours sity, oppoſed the many lo lo long, ill Homogloffus, a, um, adj. of the fame appoinsed by the pretor. Hono. the bridge broke under blm, wbsx language. raria opera, an endeavour to racon Joaping into the t.ber, ha swam Homographia, æ; f. a like writing sile iwo perſons. Honorarium safe to land. or painting vinum, wins presented to great Horatius (Flaccos) i, m. Horace, Homohypnl, örum ; they that feep * Honorarius conſol, she lyrick post, and fatyrift of Venutie under the ſame roof. conful oleat. * Honorisla litera, in great favour with Augustus, ty Hono.e. a mountain of Theffaly, a letters of preferment *Honorari reajon of his patron Mecanas -5% feat of the Contaurs. um jus, an order of the council-table, made the emperor his brir, and war Homolca, a mountain of Magnolia. lord mayor, &c. buried nobly near Mccænas. His t Homoleum, ei; n. kind of cap. 'Hõnõrāie; adv. bonourably, . porns are fill extant, and in greu Homollin, a town of Magacha und Hõnõrācio, onis; f. an honouring. repute, of which be bimself togs, Macedonia. Honorārus, ior, wifimus; bopound. Exegt monumentumi teie pered. Homolog a. 2; f. a conseloon or at Honorculus, i; ma little credil. gronment. Honor'a ibi Afer of the emperor Va- Horbatil, a people of Illyrium. . Homologus, a, um, adj. confiling, lentinian Haschia, a goddess of Tuſcany. ugreting Honorichus, e king of the Vandals. # Horciolus, for urceolus, kind of Hononcea, ron'ınt. con ord. i H norificabilis, e z: adj. cupable of meaſura. Hio::onytnia, likimefs of nime; equi. 1. HORDA,æ; f. a cow with calf. Sie VKotim. t Hunor ficabilitas, atis ; honorifi. Sorda. Hilnmoiymon, 15:4 which bis tbe juma bilitudo, inis ; honorificabilitu- Nordcāceas, a, um; made of barlig, ditas, äuis; f. honourabhenols. Hordcās us, a, um ; adi: of ripe bar Hjonionymus. q 'um i adj. hovingt Honorificabiilter; adra bonour ley. Hoidearia pruna, plums of a the futen name, tbsugh iba shings bol adiy. barley.colorir 2, or brinig rige aboutbar. le rium. 1 nius, 1 1 ..^ ms. } fans. $ HOR HOR HOS ky-haru. Hordear! 23, 0- Horrides adv. roogbly, grix's. Hofz, a kind of bw:hin, Ney given troopers infaad of barlo. + Horriditas, ācis ; f. roughneſs, Hora, a city of Tuſcany, called Mare + Hordelas, a umj of or lika barlo. trendling tba. Hordeālum, i; n, a wbral on tbe és Horridiuſcule; adv.fomewhat rougb-, HOSPES, itis; m. Cic. (ab ögtis, lia, the top of the rump. ly. quiſquia {{cil. advenit) on bojl, or HORDEUM, 1;a. Col. (ab hor- Horridūlus, a, am ; adj. grievtufy, gue, a frangor. * Hoipcs in re rco) berley. Hordicidia, arum ; D. Roman fojia quiorring with cold forcubas rough aliquâ, one wisxperimerd in a things &c, a novice wilso wohm bry sacrified cows with Horridus, a, um; ad). [ab korrco) + Hoſpinus, a, um ; noiving brots calf. Su fordicidia. horrible, untamed, cold, rougla Hoſpita, æ; f. án boles, or land. Hordanienſes, 4 pople of Apalia.. brifling. Horrida oratio, a rough lady, alſo a granger, + Horecticas, ., um ; adj. gusing a unpol fbed. specb. Horrida vita, + Hoſpitalarlus, il; m, the maſter of Homachi a lavage kind of life. an boſpital, Horeſti,.. prople of Scotland. Horrifer, a, um, adj. samling rold or Hoſpitālis, e; ad!. [ab hoſpes) of a Horla 23 f. [ab.mps, terminalis) grief. gifs or eximlaining; wijo bounti. a fiber, onar. Horrificè, adv. horribly, frightfully! ful, kesping a full and pop boufo. Horici, a people of Italy. Horrifico, are; s make to quake. # Hoſpitale cabiculam, . guf. Horlola, a; f. a little sher-boat. Horrificor, ari ; to be affrigbles. chamber Horizontalis, c adj. 3 art. bori. Horrificos, a, um ; adj. terrible, na Hoſpitāliflimos, a, um ; adj. given Burtal, of the borizin. king to quake. much to hoſpitality. Horizon, onts; m. rbr horizon. Horripilatio, 'ön's ; f.' tbe faring of Hoſpitalitas, aris", f. hofpirality; Horma, a town of Macedonia. ibe hair, courteſy in lodging Prangers Hormaldes, u Chaldean god, ſupposed + Horslpilo, and -ar, ari ;' to havs Hoſpitalitès ; adv. courteously , like an to be Jupiter, thu bair rough, or Band an md. bijl. Horacion, fory praioui fone. +Horrisono, ale ; to make a dreadful + Hoſpătăle, is; n, and hoſpitaliom, Hormidium. i; n. dary. Hormi. noije. i; n. ax hospital. alum fativum, garden clary, Sage of Horrisõnas, a, um , adj., Ovid. m. + Kolpitārius, and hoſpitator, örls; Rome. Su horminum. king a dreadful noiſe. m. an enteriainer Horminius, a mornt.rin of Bithinla. Horror, oris ; m. Cic. (ab horreoja + Hoſpitātrix, icis; fins that mere Horoinõdes, a kind of precious fone. quivering for cold or fout; dread, Horminum, i; n. [Epurror) clary. Horsùm ; adv. (ab hoc) birberward. + Holpitātūra, æ; f. an entertaint- Hormus, i, m. a kind of dance. Hortãoen, inis; n. an advis ment, + Horno, for hoc anno, this year. Hortāmcntum, i; n. hg + Hoſpitārļus, ii ; m. an inn- ler. 1 a, um ; ad).' Lupide] Hortans, ntis, exhorting * Hofpiticida, 2; £. a tillar of Horatinus, saf qb'i,near. Hoflanum, a city of Tulcany. guelts. Hornõišaus, i ; m. a fawn a bind- Hortátio, onis; f. Cic. an exhort- + Hoſpītiõla, ; f. a liste inn, ralf. Horrātos. als ; m. 3 ing, adviſing, Hofpitiðlum, i, n. a little hoſpital Horodes, si ling of Parth!a, nain by Perſuading o lodging; frimd bio obliging ** Ms, Craffus. Hortatiuncula, a; f. a little mitu. lodging Horo'ogicus, a, um, ad). of a clock ragment, Hoſpitlum, ii ; n. Cic. (holpes) an Horologicos, l; n. clock maker. Hortativus, a, um ; adj. ferving for inn, ou lodging, miertainmerit, Horologium, ii; o. Jun. a clock, dial, exhortation, friendship. Hofpitium poblicum, bour glass, watcb. Horologium Hortāter, oris ; n, an exhorter. sh hofpisel . Arenæ hofpitia fciotacricum a Coldrum, a fun- + Hortātorius, a, um; exborting, prohibentur, we ari forbidden 10 day. Hortatrix, icis; f. for tbas oxboris.. lond. • Hoſpitium calamitatis, a Hom, a barind or trim. Hortellus, lím. A very little gar filter agamji all manner of cola # Horoſcopaotja ſigda, be condella. dm. ariy. Hur ari ng at one's nativ.g. Hortenſia. æg f. the eloquent daugh- + Hoſpitivas, a, um, adle of an inn Moroſcoplum, li; n. a dial. fer of Hortensius, who, wabm the or lodging Hyroſcopo, arc; to calulate are's na. Roman matrons were taxed by sba Hoſpitor, ari; dep. to lodge is so tivity: triumvirl, and no mas durf pload jour; alfo 'ts miontain, miertain. Hoſpi- Horoſcopus, a, um , adj. ariang at for them, pleaded the caufo fo ele tatur aqua in co loco, the water be all wbin one is born. quently, ihar be bad a great part lands in that plucr. Hoſpitari Horoſcopus, 1;. be that calculatos of it sakm off neſcit caftanea, the cbenus-tru A nativity. + Horten lana, the name of an berb. puja nit de roniurd or tranſplant- Horrcārius, i;.m. col. she kuver of Hortensis , adj. (ab hertus) of a gar. ad. a barn. den, Hofpitus, a, um ; ad). Brange, enter. Horreaticus, a, um, ad. of a barn. Hortenaus, 1; n. m exullmt Ro. laining, or entertained. * Hoſpita Horrefoc io, ērc, act, to offrigbt. man. Dralor, called the king of flumina, which may ſafely de paf- Horrendàm , adv. dreadful. cauſes, and admired for his mie les. Horrendus, a, um , adj. berrible, to Torry, being able at night exaltly to + Hoffimi, o hoftimi, boje sbat arı de dreaded, write all that was done at an Mu 'nosed, or born withiut nofrils, Horrens, utis; part. of horreo, af an&im or outery the whole day be. Hoitanus, a famous magician, one of frighud, rugb, prickly. fort, Alexander's companions. HORR-EO, ęre ; neut. (Heb.gur, + Horticola, 2: m. and hortilio, Hostafius, a prince of the Ravenates, timult, à fono i to quiver for fear õnis ; m. a gardmer. binifood by the people beliuſe be as cold, to or airaid of, be rough Horticultūra, æ; f. she art of gar he grow idle and unfit for gooem. ihrough fear or aponijmout, look dening ment, gboply, so fror or fand in arms of. HORTOR, ari; dep. acc. Lir Cow, Hoftea, e city of Italy; allo e girl Horret divinum qumen, he greatly excito) to exbmt, adviſo, perfuade; whom Propertius lourd and called frars God. alſo to be exhortad. Cynthia. Horreõlum, lin. a little børn. Horiŭ'ānus, 1 ; m. Curt. a gardmer. HOSTIA, &; f. (ab hoftibus domi- Horrcſcens, atis į trembling, part. Horiūlus. !; n. a lutle gardm. tis) a farripus; alſo the popillo boll, of HORTUS, i; m. Cic. [à Xbpr, wafer for the grirl's we in de Horreſc-og čre; acut. 10 trembla, graacn, vel 10%pxos, plantarum maji, w, particola is for the cous. frar, grote rough. i. Tempeftas ordo) a garden, orchard, farm, munirunt. horrelcit nimis, it grows thick and Hortus conditus, a falla. • Hor. Hoftiæl, or hoftiones, & perple by ibi dark. cos indlligens, a neglected garden. wejern organ. Horreum, ci; n. (ab horrco] a barn, • Horti pendles or Adonidis, gar + Hoſtiarius, il; m. an bopler, er garnir, forr-bruje, wine-coller. dess on the rops off houſes, ar Oml af dur.keeper Horribilis, e; borrible, frightful, windows, +Hoftātus, a, um; bringing facrifice, Horribilitas, āiis ; fi horribleneſs. Hõróla, a; f. (ab hora) a litle hour. i Hóſticăpax, ac!s a lakur of oneniis. Hossibilitcr; adv. horrible, urrible, Horas, the jon of Iris ; alſo a king of Hofticida, a; c. a killer af rusmies Horticomis, c; Magged, long baired. Asſyria Hofticum, i ; 2. tbe enemies country's † Hon H'U M HU M H Y B Hofticolus, i ; 'm. The sbat dwells in bones, Humotenùs, adv., on the ground. an enemy's yountry. Humānus, a, um, adj. [ab homo] HUMUS, 1'; . [ab humco, vel Hofticus, a, um, adj. (ab hoftis) of human, of a man, courteous,, gon xallal, humi) the bare ground, Hoitilis, e ; San memy; hostila ile, kind,' *Lac humanum, breaf moift carth, dufl.; Host:it's, aris; f. hodility. milk, Hundeldena, Hunſdon in Hertford- Hofilièr, adv. in hofiile'manner. + Hómātìm, ady, by burying, thiro. Hortimentum, insa requiral. Hůmālot, gris ; mi a burier, Hungaria, Hungary, divided by the Holio, ire"; 28. [örur síu, ve! ab Hümātix, icis; f. fbe that buries. Tun Danubey into ibe hither and hoftis ) so zoquits, inste edin, firide, Húmātus, a, um; part. buried. fariber. oftend, refirain. Humbra, Hamber in Yorkſhire. Hungárus, i ; i.:an Hangarian. + Holio, zrelo-facrifice. + Humedatio onis ; f. and hamec. Muingerforda, “Hurigerford in Be-k. Hoftiðla, a; a little facrifice, link tamentum, i; ni a moifliming, conince alad bol. + Humena:or, oris ; mia moyenpr. Hunni, the Huns, Scythians' tbt HOSTIS. is; m. Liv. [ab hofpes + Hūmečtātus, a, àm; moftened. over-ran all Gallia and Italy,:N vel an 'istis, qultquis) w cenny. Hūncatè, adv. moiſly. at the strenty of Per Leo, thay.re! • Höftis non hoftis, an merij th. t' Huaecto, are; të moißen, wt. tirad themfilves ifto Hungary. has not prorlaimot hoflility, Hūmccus, a, um ;'adj. -ior, iffimus, Hundum, Seventhile in Northu'na Hitios Hoftilius; 'a valiant Roman wit, moiſ. beiland. nou ned by Romulus with a coronet: + Humefacio, ērc; to make miſ. Huntingdonda, æ; Huntington of leaves. Humefactus, a, umpart. riade Soun. Hoſtorium, ii; a. a frike to tuon moijt. 4. Harpiccs, barrdros. furis. Aumens, ntis; part. moit, watery. + Huffus, i; f. a bollo trin. + Hortas, i; m. so much, o!1 #sisbe Hüm-co, ērc; nin: (ab humus, vcl olives yield di every prefrig, ab uue, pula) io to war or moitt. H ante Y. Homěrāle, it ; ni a fost cuft wer The H ante P, Joulders ; a doctor's book... Hyacinthia, orum; n. Jilemnities kapi Homerālis, e; adj. of the shoulders, in the nigs big rhi Lacedæmonians, H. P. abbreviat. for hora peffima, + Homercólus, i, m. a little foul- in bonur of Hyacinthius, whom A- honcſta perſona, honeftus puer, der. pollo fleuwih u colt. hic poruit, or bærcditatis poffeffio + Humerillus, i ; m. the lineb pin of Hyacinthinus, a, din adj purple a whirl. Tuboxred: H ante R.: "Humerose, ev. bumourouſly, moi. Hyaciathiz-ntes, a kind of emeraldı. ly. Hyacinthos, i, m. e viclei, a jacinis HR. abbreviat. for hæres. + Humcrofitas, stis; f. möftrios. Allo a garmoni tof purp!i. H R. for honefta ratio. Húměrolus, a, um ; ad), having broad Hyacinthus, 1; m. the ſon of Amyl- H, R. 1, P. hic requiclcit in pace. Joulders.' • Locus hümerolus, a ca9 he was ar önce" belovid of the plære full of bullocks. phyrus and Apollo ; Zephyrus bexi Hanie S. + Húmorilas, i;.m. a little ſhoulder. ing Nighted, turned his love into ba- HŮMĚRUS, 1 ; . Cic. (c) the red, and Llew a cost threwori by A. H. S. abbreviat. for hæc oy hic fit, Shoulder of ran or dealt allo the pollo 'upon his head and lilled him. hoc fatis,-hora Jatra, Herculis Ta Halk of a vine. Hyades, fithi frúin ſtars in the head crum, or hominum falvator. Kumfrédus or Hamfridus, li min of Taurus, which in Thrir rifinig and: Hi-S. E. for híc afas dr fepultus eft. Humpbry, a duka of Glouceſter, ferring llir ip rain. H. S. F. for hoc facelluo fccit. 'great Worrior; and others. Hyæa, city of Locris. H. S V.F. M. hoc fibi vivens fieri Huml [ab-kun us) on the ground. Hyæra, a fi a besl Hke a wolf, mandavit. Humiditas, ätis ; f. mifure. riih amane and long hairi, ale Humido. are ; n. to morfisri. courited the fablilus of bacts, often H ante U. Hiridólus, a, um ; pretty r.oiſ. in mnging fox, and counterfeiting Humidus, a, um ; adj. ab hümeo] man's voice ; aljo a fea-fish, and by HU abbreviat. for hajas, Imciß, wi, watariſ. Humidum fome a ciüit cat. H. V. for honeita vita. pz!udum, where the marſhes were Hyænia, and lum; & precious Ponti H. V. H. P. herus verus honoruma Hindi, Tama; adj. mailening Hyalc, one of Diana's wapb! forint in the blyšena', iger. · poffcfor. + Auber, hubero, for uber, &c. that which brings mituri''or hü- Hyalinus, 2, um į adj; of glass, * Hubiola, hops. mour. glafs-coloured. Hut, adu. [ab hiel to this end of + Hamifico, are; 10 moiſler. Hyaloida, of hyaloides humor, the plare, hithar. . Huc & huc, nsw Hütliricus, á um ;'adj. moking moif. ibird humoir of she opej like-smale in the öre fide, now on the other. + Himigātió, önls ; f. a raoiſlening. ed glaſs. Huc & illuc, hisher and thlibera † Hūmigătus, a, um; will morfered. Hyalotheca, æ ; t. & glaſs cafe 'to Huccine? 2dy. vohat biberto? Humiliatio, onis ; f.' an 'hüinbling. cupberrdi Huccofque, adv. bithirso, Humiliātor, õris ; . be thai hum Hyalui gus, i; i. & glaſs naker or Hugo, onis ; m. Hughie a king of the mutilacus, a, um ; humbled, abaſid. Hyalus, 1; mi a glaſs; alfogtoon glafier. Franks, A.D. 938, &c. colour. Hui! inter). (à fono] 'whoop! hay. Hinitio, are ; to buible, abaſe: - day! + Hūmilio, õuis ; f. un humbling. Hyāmæa, á city of Mefrenia. Hujuſće, gen. of hicce. Humil-is, e; adj. -òr, limus, (ab Hyampolts, a city of Phocis. Hujuſcemodi, indecl. of this fort: humus) humble, low, mean, vile,Hyanthes, the peopla o Boeotia; + Hulcuſculum, i, n. a hitila wpral faini. Ars humilis, a pitiful kenc Hyänthus, an epirbes of Cad- Hullus, the tiver Hull in Yorkſhire. in-wfiderable trade. mus. + Halala and Hululo, as vlula, Br. Humilitas, atls ; f. humility; lowneſs Hyancia, a city of Lacr:9. of mirid, puters, or condition, Hyant:us, # Humānātio, önis; f. & bring in de 2, vin; ad}. of Bdes- Humiliter, iùs; lime; ady: lowly, Hyanteus, Humandus, a, um ; to be buried, bafely, haviſhly, miranly, poorly, bego Hyapea, a sity of Phocis. Humāne. adv. gently, courteously, garli. Hyas, ntis; me the ſon of Atlas ; allo Humānitèr, friendly, paciently. Húmilitudo, inis; f. humbleneſs. à king of Bæota. Humanitas, átis., f. Buinanity, cour - Hă mipēts, æ; m. sparrow-hawk. Hyxſis, a city of Lybla, called 'allo Ozíis. ieſi, genilenels. Humanitaris du- + Humírubus,'i; a diwberryabsisb. dla, the liberal arts. Hŭme, are; act' (ab humus) ir bury, Hybanda, onre an iland. of Lopia; Humānitùs, adv. after the manner of cover with earth... Humáre ta. And now joined to the continent: leas, so for Borks for grafis. Hybcle, « city of Carthage. Humano, are ; act. to moke human, Humor, üris ; m. a humour, moisture. Hy beria, æ; fi as focria, q.9. + Humador, ari; to become human. Humor aquoſus, the dréfly: * Hyberna, orum'; to winter-quar- Homānum,'ii n. ters: n. mankind. * Si Humour Bacchi, wine, exos humanum, if im bad no lt Humorositas, mis ; f. moifinefs. Hybernia, æ ; f. Ireland. P P P P P Hyber. ja mar. men. 1 HYD HY M HYP Hybernaculum, i; A. a place to win-Hydrophantica, a; f. a fear hong of Hymettus, a wount in of Attica, a- ter in water-forings. botending with bus and good honey ; Hybernātio, önis ; f. a wintering Hydrophobia, æ; f. a being bitren me Hy nettius, a, um. Hybernator, oris ; be that win. by 4 maa dug, and fearful of ww- + Hymnicanus, hymnicinus, and hymnidicus, i, m. a ſinger of Hybernicus, a, um; of Ireland. Hydrophobus, i; m. be that is bie bymns, Hyberno, are; to win!ır, be in win ten by a mad dog, and fears the Hymnnifer, a, um ; making hyrans, ter quarters tualer Hymnigraphia, a writing of hymns Hybernus, a, um, [*quoply@, vel Hydrophylax, acis ; m. a keeper of Hymnigraphus, i; m. a writer of ab hyems) of winter, wo nurly, bymns. Hyola, or Hyble, a mountain of si- Hydropious a, um; having the drons. Hymnus, i, m. a hymn or long, cily, abounding with thyme and + Hydropipet, eris; waterpopper, Hyops, a city of Iberia in Cherfone- beer; bence Hybiaus. a um. er arle (17!. fus. Hyblon, a pití king of Sicily, who Hydropifis, is, f. the droply. Hyofciaminus, a, un; of herbame. gave name to the rity Hybla, with Hydropolis, Dorchefter in Oxford Hyoſcyamus, 1 ; m. hanbans. Hy- was afterwards called Megara. thir: olcyamus Peruvianus, tobacco. Hybreas, a famous orator of Mylafa Hydrops, opis; m. the dropy, one in Holeris, yellovo fuccoury in Caria; his father left bis no a drply. Hypatyris, a river of Scyth a Euro- thing but a mule. (whith kept him Hydruntum, and Hydrus, the metro- pæa, called Delda while he ſerved the ph la apbar Dio-polis of all Apulia, colled Otranto Hypæa, an iſland of Maffilia, one of trophes) and same at laji to govern Hydrus, i; m. water ferpent. tbe Stochades. the cottonwealıb. Hydrala, a city of Attica; Io the Hypæpa and Hypæpa, a town in Hybrianes, a people of Thrace. in nd Andros. Lydia, flored with beautiful women, Hybris, idos, and hybrida, æ; f, a Hyela, the city Vella in Lucanta. and dedicated to Venus. mongrel, a pig who e fire or don t Hyemaculum, i; n. a baule to Hypælia, a country of Peloponneſus. war wild. Vox hybrida; a word winter in Hypæthrum, an open gallery, made of 10 languaget. Hyemalia, um ; n. winter-quarters. Hypäthrus, a, um; open above. Hyccura, 4 forun in Sicily, where Hyemal se; ad), winterly, Hypallage, és ; f. a figure putting on Luis is ſaid to be born. Hyémátio, on's; f. a wintering, the fgutt for anotbr. Hydara. arity of Armenia Major. winter time. Hypans, a river in Scyth a very Hydarcze ladians who fought againh Hyčmátus, a, umpartfrezen. Juet, till aftor forty miles running Bacchus. Hyệno, are ; 10 besointer; allo it merta woh a little fream called Hydarnes, a nobleman of Perſia, who make like winte mpafluer. Exampeu n, whicb tibitsers it. conſpired with Darius again the Hyemat, the box winter is come Hyparchia, æ; f. a Grecian women Mag. will reas in philofophy. Hydaipei, a river of Afia, running Hyems, ēmis: (xclusv, vel ab uw, Hyparinas, , m.. king of Sicily. througb Sabana : And another of piuo] winter, a florm, ke; a 4 Hypafis, & rivar of India, the bounds India, the bounds of Alexander's year of Alexander's conquals. expedition in this river is much Hyetius, e cily of Boot'a. Hypata, a city of Thesſaly. gold and precious fiene. • Hydar Hyetofa, an fand by Cnria. Hypate, hypaton, b, mi. pi, the people thercabouts. Hygaffus, a city of Carla. Mypate melon,, la, mi. Hyde. a ride of Lydia. Hygera, the daughter of Æfculapius, Hypates, a river of Sicily. Hydiros, a city of Caria. called alj Salus. Hypatia, ; f the daughter of The- Hydra, a; f. a water adder. Hygernenfrs, a pesple of Alia Minor. on, and wife of Indurus; the Hydra Lernæa, o ferpent of fifty Hygiaa, M nerva la called, taught at Alexandria, and bad a beads, of which zuben Hercules Hygiana, a city of Triphyllia. very fuliy auditory rut one of two come in the rool; Hygremplaftrum, i; n a moi plaider. Hypatius, be confpired againt Jufti. alſo an iſland of Lybla, ond opher Hygris, the city Sabardi in Sarmatia nian, mada bajelt emperor, and place! Europza. was overthrown by Belliſarius, and Hydragogia, æ ; f. the conveying of Hyl, a people of Sufiana. put to dealb with bis accomplicas. water Hylador and Hyax, Barkar, Cosa- Hypaton, parlay pate, c. fa, ut, Hydragogus, a, um, adj. conveying ter, one of Adæon's degs. Hypatus, i; ma conſul, water away Hylæus, one of she Centaurs. Hy pelate, a kind of laurel. Hydragogus, 1; m. he that conveyelb Hylami, s city of Lycia. Hypenemium ovum, an addle eg. water. Hylas, the ſon of Theodamas, who Hyper, adv. in compoſ. above. Hydrargyrum, i; n. and -us, i; m going to felb Hercules some water, Hyperaſp ftes, is, m. e preſerver, quickfilter fall into the river, or (poetically) defender. Hydraitina, a; f. wild hemp, was pulled in by the nampbs, being Hyperbalis, 2 & tranfgrefſing the Hydraula, an organ carried by water; in love with him. Hyperbaton, bounds of natu- alfo a playar om fub an organ. Hylatæ, & people of Caloſyria ral order in expreſſion. Hydraulicus, a, um, adj. driven by Hylates, Apollo, warſhipped by Eryr. Hyperberetnus, the month O&ober thæa in Cyprus among the Macedonians. Hydraulus, i; . an engine or infru. Hyle, a city of Cyprus, where Apollo + Hyperberetza lase fruits. ment driven by water, or to drato Hylates was worſbipred; alſo a city Hyperbo zon trite, f. fa, ul. wp water. of Locris and Boeotia. Hyperbolæon nete, a, la, mi, re. Hydrea, an ifand by Treezene, Hyleffa one of the Cyclade iſlands, Hyperbolæon pacanete, & jol, rey Hydrela, a ty of Carla. called alſo Paros; aljo an epithet of Hydria, æ; f. a pitsber or water.pot. Zacynthus. Hyperbole, és; f. an expreffan be Hydrias, a country of Afia M nor. Hyllis, a peninſula or promentary of yond the truth, either in excels, Hydrinus, a, um, adj. of the ſerpent Liburnia; and another of Melita, called auxels, or diminutiòn, called Hydra. Hydrina vulnera, wounds whence the poop' Hyllienſes in Il me'ofis. prven the ferpent Hydia. lyria; alſo a river in Lydia. Hyperbo'cè, adv. byperbolically. Hydrocele, és ; F. burflenneſs or fall- Hyl'us, the ſon of Hercules by Deia- Hyperbolicus, a, um ; exceſive. ing of 1be water into the foretum. Hyperborei, a very northern people Hydrocel cus, a, um ; ad), burfien. Hylonome, f, the wife of the centaur Deyond Scythia, Hydrocephalos, a buscar bettveen the Cyllarus, who, when her husband Hypercatalecticus, a, um, ad) bad. skin and skull. was dead, fell upin bro ſword. ing a Jilable or two too mubaribe Hydro'opathum, 1; n. a water.dork.+ Hylom, es hilum. end Hydromantia, æ; f. divination by Hymen, enis; m. a thin skin, men Hyperdexion, a country of Lesbos, water, brane. where Jup ter Hyperdexios end Hydromell, tis ; n. metbeglin, med. Hymen, enis, And Hyrenæus, i; Minerva Hyperdex'a was worn t Hydromo'a, 2; f. a water-mill. m. the god of marriage ; ello mar Jbippped. Hydrophanta, æ; m. be that ſearches rioge, or a wedding-ling, Hyperdiffyllabon, a word of more and ſouri water channels. Hymeni, a people of Liburnia. ihan tuo fillables. Hyperia nira race. HYP HYS JAC С Hyperia, æ; f. a city of Scily. ſediment at the bottom of an ari Hyſteron proteron, a Speaking proper Hyperechios, grammarian of A terowly putting the cart before she lexandria under Marcian, wh Hypotonuſa, æ ; a fione line. bera, an Iriſh bull. torate of a noun, verb, and eraba Hypotheca, a; f. á gage or pledge, HYSTRIX, icis ; f. [dotpię] & por grapby. Hypothccar us, a, um, of a pleage. cupins. Hyperefia, a city of Achaia, from Hy Hypothecarius, li; m. a puwn. peretes, the ſon ol Lycaon. bruker Hyperta, a fountain and city in Hypothefis, is ; t. the general argu. Thefly, and ober places. ment or fubjea of a diſcourje, u Hypericuá, i; n. Sr. John's zoort. pofition. Hyperides, an Athenian erator, wbi Hypotheticus, a, um ; ad). condi. emulated Demoſthenes. tional Hyperion, the sun, of the ſun's fa Hypothyram, i; the threſhold Jante A. ther, the on of Cælus and brather Hyputrachelium, i; n. ibmain of Saturn; be first found out the body of a pillar. I In numeris eft minina figura & motten fibellari. Hypotrimmata, um ; n, banquetting- Hyperionius, a, um ; ad), of the ſun J. abbreviat. for Jalius, Junius, Ja. Hyperis, a river of Perſia, Hypozeuxis, is ; f. when every clauſe cobus, or Jelus Hypermeter, having # fyllable above of a jentence bai iu proper verb. JA. abbreviat for lam, the common majure. Hypla, a river in Sicily. JAD. for jamdudum. Hypermeneftra one of Danaos's fifty Hypsēa, a noted blind woman in Hoi imper. fec. përfſing, of co. daughters, commanded to kill tbair * Hypfcâ czcior, as blind Ja the younger daughter of Atlas. husbands, the fifiy fons of Ægyptus; sa beetle. Jacca, a city in Spain ſhe alme joped bar busbund Lyn Hypſenor, the ſon of Dolopion, Jaccetani, ihe paple of Jacca. ceus, who afterwards killed Da prie as much boneured as a ged, Jacchus, a name of Bacchus ; alſo naus. juin by Eurypylus at Troy. wine. Hyperocha, æ ; the value of the pledge Hypficratea, the wife of Mithridates, Jacea, æ; f. the beeb trinity, knap- above the ſum of the debt. who followed bim in ell bis wars in wird. Hyperthyrum, the lintel of a door. man's ayparel. Jacens, ntis ; part of jaceo, lying, Hyphæus, a mountain of Campania. Hypſicrares, a Phoenician biferian ; faint. • Animus jacens, an af- t Hyphaar, milleto, birdlime, alſo a grammarian. flicted comfortleſs mind. Oratio Hyphen, a note of union, the firoke HypGile, ci Egypt. ſacens, a fat ſeeth. Confilium between two words or Jyllables. Hypſipyle, ueen of Lemnos, acens, a bort or Dallow reach. Hyphormus, a baven of Achaia. banished from there for ſaving ber Jac.co, ui, ere; 9 (3axiw Heb. Hypoale, ês; f. a furpent whoſe ping father Thoas, when all the men of pacav] to lie, abide be fituate or ing cauſes a deadly drowfineſs. the ille were killed by women; dead, flighted, confounded. Jacet Hypnoticus, a, um ; ad). prockring bance Tellos Hypſipylæa for Lem graviter, be lies fick. Jacent pre- frop . nos. tia prædiorum, land i cheap. Hypobarus, a river in India, by which Hyplus, untis, the son of Lycaon, Jacent rationes, I can how you no the free drop amber. who built Thyreun in Arcadla. Tiafon wby. Jacent fuis teftibus, Hypobolam, i, n. that which the Hyrcanla, part of Aſia, bordering they are pus to a pand by their own budand bequeaths to bio wife above Foulb 07 Armenia ; hence Hyrcanus witneſſes. Tantum campi jacet, ber dowry. a, um. So large is the plain. * Non aliter Hypocauftum, i; a. a fove or bot- Hyrcanus, the fon of Joſephus, who cineres mando jacere meos ja jo bouſe. killed himſelf. would I be buriad, have my abes Hypo halcis, a city of Ætolia; bence Hyreus, i, m. a countryman of Boe interred after the ſame manner. Hypochalcideus, a, um. olia, to who was born Orion of Jacinthus for hyacinthus. Hypochondria, orum; n. the fore an ox's hide water'd by Jupiter JACIO, ēdi, actum, acère; act. part of the belly and pder about the Neptane, and Mercury, who he (ab inut se, mitto) to caff, foot, Dort ribs. bad entertained. utter, make, lay. In vulgus ja - Hypochondriacus, a, um ; ad), trou-Hyrgis, a river of Scyth a Europea, cere, to publiſh. * Fundamenta bled with the plan and melanholy called Scoſna. jacere, to lay the foundation Ja- Hypociſtis, an excelene of the plant Hyria, the same as Paros ; ella a cere querimoniam, to coraplain, ciftus., whoſe juite ftops Auxes. country in Boeotia, and other places. Jacobea, z; frag-wort, /eger.m. Hypocriſi, is, f. bypocrify, diffam Hyris, a promotory of Bithynia. Jacobus, ); m James. bling Hyrium, a city of Apulia Daunia, Jacabandus, a, un, adj. boafing. Hypocrita æ; m. an bypocrite. called Rhode. Jacimen inis; n. vain glory. Hypodēma, atis; n, a bor. Hyrnine, a town in Peloponneſus. Jactans, ntis ; part of acto, cofing, Hypodiaconus, ſub-deacon. + Hyrna, a chitterling, or fall gut bragging. Jadang fui, a brag. Hypodlaſtole, ês; f. a fub difinion. falted. gadocblo, • Jidantior gcftus, a Hypodidaſcalus, i; m.an uber of Hyrtacus, a sy of Crete; alſo a fa faunting, carriga ther of Nifus. Ja&anter, lùs; adv, boaſlingly. Hypodromus, a city of Æthiopía. Hyrtha, an illind unft of Scotland. Jactantia, æ; f. a bragging Hypodytes, the high prefe's inner gar Hyfæis, Arup ifunds of Ethiopia. Jagātio, onis ; f. ſwinging, ding, Hysbe, a city of Lydia. Cofling, bonfing. Hypogaftrium, i; n. the groin, or Hyſcana, a city of Tlyricum, Jadator, oris ma bozfer. #Acer Towar part of the belly. Hyſginum, i, n. a plant which dyas Inguæ jactator, a railir. Hypogeon, ei; n. a vault under a light red. Jaaatus, a, nu, ofed to and fro. ground . Hyginus, a um ; of a light red. Jactatus, ús; m. s tujing or toeping. Hypoglittis, idis ; f. the little fie Hyna, a city of Baotia. Jaditāt.o, onis ; f. a bouling or to wbib fafens the tongue to ibe ne ber Hyflopites, ism bylop-wine, ing part of the mouth, Hyſsopus, i; f. hillip Jadiātor, oris ; m. a boaller. Hypomnēma, atis; n. a memorial, H ftipa, a pople of Perſia. Jactito, are; to brag, or toſs about. more-book, commentaries. Hyra pes, the ſon of Darius, and an Jaco, are ; act. (à jacio) to tot, Hypomnēmatographi, orum; other the father of the ſame Darius. fitig abune boaf, torment wx writers of commentaries. Hyſtera, õlum ; 2. the woms; alfo A facie jactare manus, tod efi one's Hypomochium, ii ; n. a roller laia the after-bi th. felf. Juare dida, to give out under timber for the more eaſy con Hytteralgia, æ; f. a pain in the words. Jactare aq ritatem 'R- veying it. belir or worn. joriis, to perolex a cause. • Jactare Hypopia, the bones under thu ayes. Hyſtericæ, arum, women troubled le, to wstene is, to bs big with conte. Hypopium, orion, the bluntfs un with fits of the mother. of one's jeif Hyſterologia, æ; f. a placing that Ja&or, ar!; part to be toffed, &c. Hypoſetium, i; lovage. Tuft in difcourſe which foould be pirit, .Hoc vulgo jactatur, this is the Hypostăſis, cos; f. fubfienie, the and è contra. common talk. Jaetetur namus, PPPPP 2 ſobool. a der tbs eyes DA) JAS may be loft. . : ing » tiff do Calcnatus janitars a: mai- Jafoniga, a proposn fazy. of Cappado- JAM ICA the moning is for anhanted and de- 1 Jagodqdùng Jaſins, the form of. Abas, and brother hafid, bit the rate itsurlains, Jurpridem, Of Dardanus, + Jacvarius, a, um j:Muffering. lofs. Jamprlınù n, t Jaime, or Jaunio4n, jamminki, Juose, ads: boeffingli.. Janicula, rbe old name of Tuſcany Jalon, önis,. m. the son of Æfon, Jaduofus, a, um beaping, insolmt. Janiculum, a joun, beyond Tyborg; en wbó built the ship Argos, ond, by Jadura,"; f. damage, lovsya Ibrozo the bil Janiculus, Medga's; help brought away she gold ing goods outroboard in a Moro, Jamulque, ady. tuer linie. den Annie-frits. Colchis), and other Jaduram facere, to loſe. Jžyitors, Oriss. [januz): 4; por medy Jacturalis, c; adj. of Lofs; or wbicb clas called Ss Thomas. alia city (Jacus, a, um, part, of jacior; caß, Jänitrix, iç19;3. f. a porires. * Janit of Murgiana, and; oiher plaus laid, trix vena, the pors-vein. Liu Jaſpidcos. a, um, adis made of jalger. Jacus, lls ; music throw, drought of tus janitrix, the laursliet sherei: Jaſpist idia; f. a jueur, llong. FAC- Aml. Bafilicus ja&us, the best paori gain, Janitslees, ihanjuas pis:acr.znía, a; turquoiſe throu: die Si illud, quod of two brothers; alſo, the bride wor Jalpanixz.a.kind of japo maximc opus est, iaçtu.noncidity Tatralıptes, ; m. balhiti cures by if w 4opt throw ibe call wom J20taculum ; i. n. a breakf:. Svo oinftcents, and; frigjions. defire ientacalum. Clairáliptiče, és it.. a swing by:oins. Jácủlabilis, e ; --Edj.. wbirbtiny bo janthe, a. Cretan maid, the daug bier cenii.and, rubbing fung. of Te'ella.wborum her wedding. Iatronice, és; fir & tremiſaariphyfick. Jácolámen, inis, n, a sbrowing.. day, ww, transformed inla 4; man, laronices, a; 2. a.m.perpbyficina. Jacủlaris, eadlı of thropping, Janthina: Qrum purple garmentt., lairon), 1. j... Mbiscina, Căcủlätio, õnis ; f. a darling. Janthinus, a, ua; ad). purple.crl Jaya,"ibe city Loan:Sprian. Jăcălžtor, on pra:dariet; a fiſher valedicelogrednio Laxamaies, c Eximatze, a perp! 2.a- with a caying nu.. JANUA; 2. là Janus): a gajo en kut. Mæolis. Jäcülākõrius, a, uin; adj. Of.or.for enirance; tbe begioning of a dif- Jaxaries, a pesple of Sogdiana, wbme Porting to Turks areluid to proceed. Jăculatrix, icis; f. Are that darts, Janual alis.; ti a cake facrifised: 60 Jáxarta, a groae river of - Sogdiana, Jācīlātus, a, um; b ping thrown, Janus. whichibu Scythians called schitesi Jácūlātus, û:; m, a briwing, dans. Janualis. porta120085.gok in Rome. Jaxiesą angther river in ibe. Juta Januar's, c; adj. of Jaqrary; colintry Jácýlo, arc ; to fing, throw, dari, Januar:us, ii ; ben hazatonth Janua-Jazges, 4.prople of Sarmata Euro, Jáculor, ari ;) James,, ajm; alfa to ryin: päai alla pegple y Metagana, Helir..or resch gt: t. Jānuator, oris ; D.4.parler..: and a country of Europe, bestuussa Faculum, i, n. (a jäcio) a cari, Janus, 1 Dibe:12.0p ancient kiong; of Moravia, Tranſylvanian Painania, calling-nair. Kaly, otio ipferiamed Saturn tom *In Roland; called Ongaria, di la Jaců!46., i, m. a:fexport that dorts howu banilood from Crete by fu Danubio, -himſelf from tress. upon beals that piter, and having learned husbun- paſs by.. dziej bime gaurhim. part. ofrebe I anto. A. Jader, ü rivar of: Dalmatia, falling kingdong , at his destb. bei vias defi. into sbe Adriatic Jedi Dear: whicb.is ods and la temps hujui hita, by: 1. B. abbrev, far in brev). the rown Jadera or Zara, under se Nuina,..which was opored in time.ft. Iber, imber; ar umbory mulai Vencl 21s. war, and sout in time of..praca ; Iberia, zi f. country of Afia be. Jelia, a city in Sicily. wbence bois called Patulcius and tivern Colchis:and Albania ; also Jugautis a sity of Mauritania Tingi. Cluſius, and w.us piðarad with two an ancieni name of Spain. facesso alfa 4.Hlase in Rorieg rahme Ibcrl, or, Georgia:dj a people of Ibe- Ja!emus, the son off Calliope; a very his image wijs, and. wbire ufurers ria. Disiful foppler, whence he is wine. To Ibèrica; æ; f. the herb. ſpartum, be put for a mourajul-dir.y. t: Jaoa, hearben sprapt.word. for. Je- Inëris, idis ; f, feiatica-crijes. + Jalopa, æ; Jaiop, z bland Weft novah, Iberus, i; m. a famous river of Spain, - Lidian root, purging waterij.bean Jagnitæi 2 people of Lydia; Cullud alla solled. Ebro. Ibepl. Voex, icis; a Cleve] a rorsbach Ja!yfus, a.sity of Rhodes.' Japocas, tharlor of Tytan and Terra, IBI, adv. (EKGvel ab is). Shirin, JAM; ady. (ab Heb jon; dies) now, A powerful Theffaban, father pf shon. Ib. loci, in that place. Jul, miracuh, by and by, already, Prometheus, Epimciheus, Hefpe: Ibi nunc fum, thara bowls. I'an.. por fine, Jam hìc aderit; belt rus.com Atlas, Ibi, & prople of India, thesgbt. to be here prefmilj. *Jam diu, this Japodes, a Celtick peoples towards Spring from Hercules. good. wbile Jamdudum, tois. Illyria; alled Oradel; :fubjca 10th. Ibidem, adv. in the ſame place of pomy god whila; bizi Jape fani, im. buja af Auftrig 1 matter. Ibidem loci reserlig meditaly Jam olim,' graal' Japyges, the people of Japygia, a.pe will oz.in.the large cafu ill. wbie ago. Jam pridem, & pretty winfula on ibi tordens of Italy, cal Ibis, ls, or idis. f. sho. Egyptian while ago. Jam nunc, ill juled all Meffapia, Soicntina, and led allo Meſſapia, Soientina, and Jork, which davsurs ferpents: row, * Jam tum, at that very Calabd2: Ionalack; á king of the Saracens and time. Jam lndesfrerá honix ontb, Jagygiam, ibi promontory Capo dis. Spain, A. D. 717 lately. ** Jam primum, ill and Maria, * Ibrida, be; a bafiard., Ste hybris. forement. Jamne ibis 3 Will.jom Japys, a. southfuges and musician to Ibus, for ils, ls, ca, id. tre gons so yoon ? Virgil Ibycus, a very famous port of Rhe- famæ: a popla i Beythla... Japyx. Sen of Daedalus, Founder lum: Jabbeus, *. } a, um, adj. iassa. of she. J pyges. Ibylla, a city of Tartefus. Iambicus: bick. Janyx; -wejlern wind blowing from Ibyllini, the citizens of Idylla, *'Jainblichl, a kind of Malt, good to the coxfits of Apulia. digol rdw humouts. larbas, ir Hyaibas, a king of Getulia, I anta C. Jambichos, chi; mie Pythagorcan the fan of Jupiter and Gásama0118 , philoforber of Chalcis. in Syria, a funer to Dido. JC. abbrev. for juris confaltas, Je- Jahorarro Porphyry, and reckoned Jarchas; the chief of the Indian philo ſus Christ. Hiki so bim at Rome in the size of Jopharly J.C. Jer Julius Cæfar, jeras Chrißus. Conſtantine. Jordancs a king of Lydia, and.fainer 5. C. E. V. for jufta caufa effe vt Jamboius, he wrote of the frange - Omphale." i detur, hapus of Indians, Jardanus, a river of Cretc and Lyr, Icadifta, the Eplcarcans, le siled Tambus, i; m. ar iambick, the firs dia from their kraping she twentieth day Syllable foers, und the laſt long. Jala, a city near the Rid-jaa. of every Amnib, upın which Epicu. Jami, a people of Scyihia. Jalion, the son of Jupiter and Elec rus was born. Jaima, a ring of the fa · Balea - tra, browd of Ceres. Jasionc, es ; f. a kind of wisk-wired. carius, jm. the len of.Qebalag, corde father of Erigone ; having. 110k, Murs. 1 . . TITIUS Anont. Det en 1 ling rium maro ICO I DE IDY. received a bottle of wine from. Baca thir lively image of a thing. 4. Idealis,e adj. formal. chqa thut haraight sie w im vb. Iconifmus, inj, a pourtraging to the Idem cădem, idem ; pron demandi. benefit of it, tawint into Attica, und life. tof is and depum].ibi force idem'ać si, in all one as if. made forate Shopbard's drunkwbo Iconiut, li ; a. a:licc!e image Thinking. be had poiſoned. Ebem: kirled Icóniam, it'; 11. a city of Lycaonia, Idem ætatis,, tha fama.ago., hings and ibraio bim inti a well. called Cognis Identidem, adv. off-timis, azer and his little dog. Mora: went back to Scor, ici, ri of mitten or blapted. Erigong, and binosegins her to be Icos, evie of the Cycladesi.“ Ideò, adv, therefore. . Ideò quòd, place where his day for: for grior icofinn, á lown of Mavritanii bgerufe.- bangei herals, and the dog pined farionus, built by twenty of Hørdur Ideira, 23.9 city in the confines of away; wburaupin Icarids was trem. Ideiş. Arapaniin. Colchis and Iberia. i fer de neo. Holds, Brigone into the Icriumai a gibbet ; alsoia pircbi fortidetes, a Pecple of Iberia. jgn Virgo, anc Mæra ints the dig Jout fored.oni. Ideus dactylus, ansron-colored . Dort Portalda Lacodadonläri, fasbes 1ačrias, m. 4.precious fine good fori in Crete, lih2 A bumb. to Penelope, the yellow jaundice. Idicys, un, Idæus, a, um, adj. eyes Icškus isu to ne pomi. of. Dædalos Istoricus; 1; m. onie Bok of the jaiın the mountain Ida.. wbo, dging from Crete, roge:per dire, 'Idiographum, i; a private wri. with his fainen, Axw" bigbo iber derus,.; t. thu jaundice ; aljo a, his faiber bodo bimmaltra ibe: wax wir wall or word-wall, Id:ographus,., .,, um ; adj. writem with bis own band. of bin wings, and fell into the fa idinus, is a kija: bitwier Alcyana, and Syafis, it:Aioonis; f. liriking, Idioma, ati: ; . an idinis,,, a Pro- which fro#ssbonis was called Ica: iatis. is-or: idis ; a ferrat. per form of speecb. i laito, icio, &uo, are ; so prika lalomelum, in a coniicia for a kcărus.. oricarie, one of the Cyclades; ofien. (orlain day: called before Macris. leküg, az uma part of cor. fpirken. Idiopalke, or idiopathla ; f.,the loas, ädis ; titwentieth day of the dlandi. letum fcedus, a'league prepar. polion of a difcat. 17.ontb, being the fejlival and birth. made. *l&o caplti fetvor, acced:01a, or diõlęs, am an idiota day of Rpicarus dit; ths wine got inti his head. private mahi laymari, or fool. Icatále, people of-Sarmatii in Ada. &tus, Us and im. a fripi, Iroke, Idioticus, a, un ;.ad); of an idist, Iccirco, threefort. Sur. Idcirco or Chloro, a bield or biting solfo 2. Idiotiſmus, 1, mi an idiorija, a prae locius Porths, this porttrun Calais courſe (ai a riwr.) . Uholatu ar priety of peab. in France. a blów. Addụn cervleem darc. Idmon, a lobbfejuar of the Argonpois, Icclus, one of the Tons of Somnus. 10-futinis ansa's alfito the faini roket. Idòlicus, a, um ; adj. of an idol. Iceni, the people of Suffok, Norfolk, Subjecu noftro.po&tum est, ' it Idolium, il ;.n. a place where idols Cambridge and Huntingdonſhire, puis wider our Comisind, they are ure keps. er, by Jome, Ellex-och. left te agr governanc. Idoldlätrą,...C. an.idoldur, Iceſia, an island by Sicily, caled Idus, a fémious wreplt of Taren- Idõlölātria, .; fi idolatry, image- Pannaria, Lyu, who, to-traforje lis firengib, worbip. Iceſia, un ifhind in the Perſian gull abfieinad all his tiri tine from. 2010Idololatria, fcis ; fi an idolatrijs: at the mouh if ibe Euphrates. Įdo!opccia, ibe bringing in a drobe Ichoz, avesty of Micedonia, wbënie Icuacüla, arum ; f. little images, plan, ibai.country is called Ichpæa. puppets, Idolotkylia, 4 facrifting to sdals. Ichazumov, õnis ; m: and ichiduta, + Icüs; a kind of precious foons, Idolothyton, a thing sacrificed so-idols. æ ; on Indian raouji, aw Egyptian Idolum, i ; n. (fi Somov.] or idali Winter.rut... image, vain, fancy:. Ichnobates, Tracer, a dog's name. Idomenc, or Idomena, 4 cily of Ma- Ichnograpbia, æ ; f. a ground plot of I. D. for fodex; ldus, or idemi cedonia. a building. 11. D. for interis dilis, in dimidio, orldomčacus, i; m, the form of Dea- Ichnuſa, f. a name of the iſland járis dicendi calion, and grandchild is Minory Sardinia, being made like sbi prins 1d (acpt. ab is] thit. Id ætatis, drivon from his kingdon, forsterking of a joit. Aboué thar agt. to facrifice. his son. I according to his +: Ichreacinusy.the Herb marjoram; ida, the name of mountain near vow) being the fird. ibas un biare Ichthyobolus; a fer-. Troy, upon which Paris gave his aftor his return from. Troy. Ichthyocollen ae;f: mouth glue, ana judgment for Venus againa Pallas Idoneès ady. astly, ftly; properly.' the filbiof woboje ſkin it is made: and Janó;, eljo a mountain of Idoneisr, more fit. Ichthyophagi orum'; m. people of Ctele. it Idoneitas, āțis ; f. Opineſs, fitneſs. China, who lived altogether.upon fift. Idæus, a, um, adj. of Idea. IDONEUS, a, um, adj. lutoosg: pro- ond water, 684b thuy, and sheir satili, ldka, the bar of the Gods. prius] apt, pt. proper-, mut, conve. - with u bijelief thay fed their fith, Idzel Dactyli. the sons of Minerva nicat. * Idoneus agthor, si person iboy built their boufos with fib-bonus and Sol, or by. Some Saturn and of credis, Idoneus debitor, ore and bills, and made their bread-of. Alciope, called also,'Corybantes, able to pay: bis debes, fiff dried in the fun, and a little · who first found out iron, Idothea, the daughter of. Prætus corn mixta for ihowgh ihey had no Idæus, a poæt of Rhodes, who wrote king of the Argivos, cured of her rn, gu thiy bad aills thru thousand inrfes of the Rho. madneſs by, Melampas's alfo, Júpi- Icthyophag!ca, oritm ; ni s book of dian affairs. ter's nurſe, and the daughiara Enninseton:hing fading upon fill. Idžas Sinus, part of tbe Ægean sea, Protcus. Ichthyophagus, i ja fillo enlar. between Myfia and Lesbos. Idrias, A city of Caria, csilled before Ichthyopola, e'; wa filh-monger, Idalús, a montain of Cyprus confe. Chryſaoris. Ichthyopolium. ji; n. a fil-market, crated to. Venus, wbo from Ibence, Idubca, a mouniain of Spain. Ichthyola, Ichthyula, or Ichihyo. Ichthyoi is called Idalca. idulis, a peep offered to Jupiter upon · effa, the iſland Icaria. İdanthyrius, a king of Scythia, who all the Ides. Ichthyotrophium, ii; n. a fish pond fubdurd a good part of Alz. Idum:ana; be river Blackwater it or trunk to keep thin: Idás, the son of Neptung, who by force Edex, Ichthys; a proxioniory of Els in A carried away Marpelia, the daugh. Idumc, Iduma. a country of Syriaj chaia. ter of Evenus, os for was dancing so called jrom Edom, Elu", son, ICO, ici, i&um, icčre ; a&t. (Heb. in Diana's groue, and when Jupi- Idumæus, a, um, adj. o Idumc. bircah) prike or south. *Icere ter gave her the choice of clssving Holt Iduo, are ; to dinde. colaphum, to give ons @ blow .bim or Apollo, the choſe. Idas, |IDUS, uum'; f. [ab Hetrufc. iduo} Farius icere to make a coveriani. 1611 Apollo Soould forſake her in bar iba ides of a month, thi fifteenth Icolania, a f:inage-wo:lbip. day of March, May, Juoc, and Icon, onis ; f. an image, pi&ure's er.Idcirco,.conf. [à circa) therefore, for October, and in other monibs the Likeneis of onribing ibat cauſe. thirteenth 24h: * Ic.nicúla, æ; f. a mail image, Idenorfoape Idaus, a, um , adj. divided. iconicus, 'as um ; ad); reprefenting thing. Idyia, the morbor of Medea in Cice- 1 wiin. I SMK D. * . old cig. 50, IGI t Tow. } Jantāculum, IGN IL To called by Ovid, Ipſca I lyllium; i;nie hnd of aclogue or id agitur) therefore, then,bencefor. Ignifpicium, il, n. divination by fire wird. ignitabulum, i, n. a befing-dijon i foort.port. Igaarè, adv. ignorantly. warming-pan, fre.pon; alfo fual. Idyma, - city of Caria, by the river + Ignarla, z; 1. a kind of Sigren. + Ignitegium, ii ; n. curfew; alfa Idmus, Jgnarium, ii; n a' tinder-box. a raking ep the fire. Idyrus, scily and river of Pamphy- + Igrarius, ii;m..a kind of fire- Ignitus, a, um , adj. fiery, all on fire. Ha. song, • Vinuro ignitius, belter point, Ignarus, a, amįadj. (of in and Ignivõmus, 2, um ; baishing out as, I anle E. gnarus} unskiſull, ignorant ; also ignobilis, c ; adj. 3. art. por la and ankrown, obfcuri. Nihil tam ig nobilis) unknowon, ignoble, obfeurs, I. E. abbreviat./or intereſt, la 'eum; narum barbarig quàm machina of low birth or limarion. in ære, or udex esto. menta, thoſe burberous people ore ignobilitas, atis ; f. ignobility, bafe. Jcbus, the isine as Jerufalea, very mucb unrequainted wirb the nejs. + Jecinõrõlus, ar içcoroſus, a, um ; ule of warlika angines, + Ignobil-itèr, -lùs ; adv. ignobly, dijojes in tie liver, Ignatius, 11; M.a bilbop of Antioch, Drangly, + Jēcóraria, æ; f.liver-wort or word. A. D. 91.be was brought to Rome, Ignomincs, um ; m. me wilbost and Idiown to wild beajis. name, praiſe or glory. JĚC-UR, oris or {noris ; Ignave, ady. cowardly, Nab. Ignominia, 3 ; f. [à nomen] igno. the liver, Ignaviter, § fully. mniny, roproach, foorn. Ignomi. Jeculcŭlum, 1; n, a little livir. Ignāveſco, cre ; neut. to grow idla: niæ eft fibi, 'tis a diſgrace to you, Jehova, a; m. (Heb.) the peculiar Ignavia, æ ; f. noh, cowardice, idle * Ignominiis afficere, 10 Honder. nume of Gid. neſs. ' *Ignavia odoris, the buving. Ignominātus, a, um ; part of Igao- Jēlūnātio, önis; f. a fafing. listle or ni ſmell. min'ns ; defamed, reproached, Jē;ūnātor, ör:s ; m. be that faßs, + Ignavitas, itis ; f. Norbfulneſs. # Ignominio, arc i act, to define Jcjūne, adv. ſlenderly, soldy, barels. Ignāvus, a, um , adj. (of in and and Nandır, Jējūnitas, ātis ; f. barerieſ or barrin. gnavus) idla, laxy, Roibrul, foar [gnominiõsc, ady, ignominioully, no. nefs, abljinenre and enprineſs. ful, Ignarus fuccos, juice with. proachfully, Jējūnium, il; n. a fol or falling. out force or virtue. * Flos ignavus, ignominiõlús, a, um ; ad). full of Jē, ūno, are ; ncut. to fall. a flower without smell. infamy and Nandu. Jējūnolior, and - ius ; more hungry. t Igncarius, a, um ; baving a fira. Ignorabilis, c; which is not knowon. Ja ūnum. i ; n. the empty gut, 'gn-tac-io, čre ; 10 let on fire. + Ignorābīlitas, ātis; f.. bring borda JEJŪNUS, a, um ; adı. Tabivenu va Izncolus, a um ; adicsomo what fiery. ly known. cuol fajiing, nbvining emety, Ignoscens, ntis; part. of igneico; + Igno: abilitèr, adv. in an unknown grody, barren, fairit. Jejunum growing hot like fire. manner. inteftinum, the 'hinguy gui. * J:: Igneſco, če; ncut. [2b igas) no Igaõran-s, tis ; part. of ignoro;(-tlor, Juna anima, a Pinking breath.. burn, bei on fire or enraged, -tiflimus) ignorant. Jeiunus animus, a poor mind un ignetes, a pespie of Rhodes, the firji Ignorantèri adv. ignorontly. qurmilhed. Jejuna oratio, un inhabitants. , f. enply ſpeech. Igneus, a, um ; ad): fiery, of or like Ignorātio, onis ; f. unskilfulneſs. Jena, a city of Thorlngla ; alſo the fire. ' * Igneum ſplendens, while Ignorātor, ūris į m. ont ignorant of. river Ken in Scotland. peoper. Igaõrātius, a, um, adj 'lor, unknown. lens, geil. euntis; pa!t of co; going. Ignārium, il in. ang dry thing th: Ignoro, are ; neut. (ab ignarus, vel + Jeniacuio, are and jentaculos, acis perfenily' carrhes fro,' as tinder, à ympísm, noſco ) to be ignorant, io hrakfast mulibes, &c. puel. Nemo ignorat, every body knows. i Igniãrius, a, um ; adj. of fire. Igni. Ignoror, ari, acus ; paff, not to be Jenratio, onis; f. a breaba ing: arius fomes, rindor or tourb-wood.. known. Jesrätor, oris ; m. he that breakfußs Igniarius lapis, a Aint. Ignoſcendus, a, um ; part. in dus, to JENTO arc ; ncut. (à jejunus, vel t ignibulum, 1 ; n. a cenfer. be pardoned. ventus] to broukfal. Ign:cöm11s, a, un; having fiery or red Igaoſcens, ntis ; part., pardoning for Jerico, unt's a city in the tribe of the hir, giving. Benjamin., + Ignicrčmus, a, um ; burnt in the fire. Ignofcentia, z ; f. a forgivinz, Jerna, A river in Spain. f Igniculum, i, ing a confor or fire. Ignofcibilis, e ; adj. raflj purdonable; Jerne and Jerna, Ireland Porn Ignoſcitur. Imp. there is a pardon, Jerufalem, the metropolis of Judæa Igniculus, i; m. a little fire, spark, Ignoſco, õvi, oram, o cérc act.( ex whers ofus Chrij, was crucified, built rinbeys, an incentive. Igniculus in ei noſco) to learn of oni, know, by Melchiſedech, as Joſephus lays, defiderii, a motion. Ignicalus to forgive' to pardon. Hoc nemo Jes etis, a city of Achaia, or pro. caloris, a lisila heat, ignovit, no one was ignorant of is. monilory of the ſame name. Igoifer, a, um; adj. bringing fire. Igno!um eft, they were purdoned. + Jeremin, jeleminun, jclminud, or * Ignifer axis, the chariot of the Ignotürus, and ignofciturus, a, um ; jaſminum, jaſmine, fun. * Ne ignifer quidem relic part. fut. in rus of ignoſco, ready Jcfuila, the Jeſuits, a religious facia ilis est, not one efsaped. to pardon. ty in the Roman (burch founded by ign fluus, a, um; cofing forth fire. Ignot-us, a, um ; gen. -jor, -iffimos; ignatius Loyola, abour the year Ignigēna, æ; c. bred of firs. (of in and notus) unknown, igno- 1540. Ignigenus fol, ibs hout of a burning. rani, of obfcure. * Ignota capica, Jefu,u ; F.elus, a Sadicur. glaſi. mon of no account, Jeſus, the name of Joſhua, and o;bor Ignio, ire ; 89 inflame, fet or be on Iguvlum, a town of Umbria. fire Jetcrue, 4. qiver of Mefia flowing Ignipes, ēdis ; c. having fiery fut. I ante H. from Rhodope. Igridocens, ntisadj. ruling the fore. IGNIS, is ; n. (Heb. ob, vel qu.) 1. H. abbreviat. for in honcftatem, I antr F. ingenitus foro, heat, love, lighs. or juftus homo. ning, a fever, barlol, occifion or I F. abbreviat. for Julli filius, in motter, .Ignem fubjicere, to pur I onto J. foro, interfuit. fire to. Ignis mcus, my ſwreb. IFr. abbreviat. for interfuerunt. heart. Ignis facer, St. Antho 1. J. abbreviát. for in fure, jus, la- ny's fre. * Ionis fpcculatorius, randum, or juſte judicavit. I ante G. à bracon. * Ignis Græcus, wild fire 1.1. abbreviat. for inibi. • liquidos ignis, the clear element J. J.for fufta judicavit judic'a. I. G abreviat. for igitur. of fire. lgne ferroque minari, li ihi nom. plur, of is ibey. 1. G: abbreviat, for in a?ro. to shresten forely. * Ignem igni Iis, the dut. And abl. plur. of is, Izad ta, a sity of Portugal. ne addas, 2on't exafperole a rally Igilium, in" iſand on the Moore of porion. Sopitos fufcitat igncs, 1 ante L. Tuſcary, enlter Giglio. be rakes in embars, souchas an de IGITUR,Conj. [ord gàp, vei qu. fore. 1. L. abbreviat. for illuſtris. . mon. 1 1. L. 1 เ I nerd, 0 moni, ILL IL L I L L 1. L. for in loco, ſore legis or juſta, Illachrymandus, a, um, part. fut. in [Ille-X, gls, without law, lawleſs. lex. dus of inlachrymor ; to be lament 11-ex, gen, ic8; adj. 3. art. [abili # Ila, a Riseb of bacon. lic ojalluring, entiring, Ilapinaftes, a jurname of Jupiter at Illachrymārio, onis ; f. a bewailing. lll-ex, icis ; f. an allurement, an in- Cypras. Illachrymo, i arc, to burð out into vrigling, iropunning, a pale, decoy, Ilarchus, i ; m. ibo captain of a treep Icars, or wrep over. Illachrymat lure, of borja. marmor, the marble /wrats. + Illà; ady, there, is that place, Ilaris, a city of Lycia. + Illactcnus; adv. jo fur, illibãić; adv. purely, inecrruptedly. Ilba or Ilva, a Tyrrhene iſe. + Illæ for illius, of her. Il!ibātus, a, um; ad} puis, whole, Ildericus, a king of the Vandals. Illæc for illa hæc, ther very woman, un:ouzbrd, uncorrusted. Ildoradus, a ding of the Goths. or thoſe very things. Illibenter ; adv. unwillingly. ILE, I ; D: (ab co, vel ab žindus Illaſus, a. um ; adj. [of in and 12. Iliiberāls, e; adj. ccueicus, pinch involvo) she plank. Sus] not huri, untouched. ing; bajo, uncourteour. Illiberale Ilcon, ei ; n. the shird gut from the lilæxigatus, a, um ; not ſmoothed. facinus, an unginioel Qaion. veatrisli, lilætabilis, c'; adj. unpleaſani, jor. I:!iberalis ars, a fordid mechanick Ileos er ileab, ci; m. she pallion of rowful. trade, the guis called aifo iliaca paffio, ond Illapſus, a, am; part. of illabor ; Illiberalitas, ātis; f. niggardlinals. milcrere mei; alſo the lang gut. Niding or falling. Ill:bo âl-itér, iùs ; adv. niggardly, co- lleolus, i, be shar'is arouiled with a Ilapſus, ús; m. a Niding in. reiouſly, pain in bis gues, panting. Illăqupatio, onis ; 1. an enſngring. I'libēris, a cily in Spain. Ilerda, ihe city Lerida in Spain. Illaquéātor, oris ; m. an mianglor. 11:berini, she people of Illiberis. llergctes, a people of Spain, lliáqueātus, a, um, part. Of alla. 1.liberis, c; {à libcr) willout shil. ILEX, icis ; f. (ab Heb. clah, quer. drin, qucor; enſnared, cus) the fearlet oak. Illaqueo, are ; act. [vf in and la Illic; adv. [ab ille) there, in that Ilia, ium ; n. the fland, /mall gutt, quco) to annan, entangle, sash plait. , Ducerc ilia, to be one of breath with a net. Illic, illæc, illoc; pronom, he, jor, Sx ile. Illaqueor, ari; atus; part. to be m. thir, Ilia, the same as Rhea, the daughter Ivancabilis , ez adj. withowe breadth Ill-icio, exi, cctum, icčre; act, (of or Numitor, in and lacio] 10 alluri, invriglas Iliacus, a, um ; adj. of Iljum. Illătěbrātio, onis ; f. a hiding in cor entire, wind in. Illacus, a, um ; adj. Of ibu guts or I.lico, i, cctus ; pafl. to be allurid. Chalice. Illălčbro, are, act, to hide in a dark Mīcilè ; adv. uhluwfully, diſonsi. Ilias, adis; f. Homer's iliad ar poem or jacret corner. 19. of the defruction of Troy : Hon's Illatebrūſus, a, um ; full of corners. Illicitis, a, um ; ad)." unlawful, dif. honel. jias malorum, sbundnnio of evils. lllatenus. adv. so far. Iljas, a Trojan woman. Ilātio, õnis ; f. an inference, inter. I:licium, ii; n. allurement, entier. Ilicet for irę licet, incontinently, pre- jenils, forebwith, away, de gone. * Hlácrátio, onis ; fi a barking ot. Illicius, a, um ; adj. alluring, this Thicet patafiticæ arti, away wish Iātrātor, oris ; m. e barker, valico inadv. Iqu. in loco) i and by llicctum, i; n. (ab ilex] a grove of Illaro, are, to bark af, Nander. Ili: do, li, fum, de c; act. Cof!n and frariat 128s. Illatus, a, um, part. of inferor ; lædo[ io bit, dal, or brat againſ. Iliceus, a, um ; adj. made of the brought in. • Illidere dentem ici, to je bis tooth in it. fearini oak. Illa dăbiis, c; adj. niet worthy so be Il cò; adv. [qu. In loco) anon, by pruiled. Illigātio, onis; f. a funing unto. and by ; alſo in the same place. + Illaúdābīlitèr, adv. uncommenda- !ljyator, oru; m. a fajiper, , Ilicnles an ancient prople of Sardinia. bly Illigatus, a, um ; part. of ill gor ; lligenus, und i'ignus, a, um ; ad). INaudatus, a, um; deforving no praiſe. fufioned. * Illigatæ poft tergum of the fearlei oik. t. Illaudo, are, so diſcommend. manus, his hands bound behind him. Ilinge, the proplo of Lcigaltz in Ger. Illau!us, a, um, unwashed, foul. * Amicitiâ alicui illigatum effe, to many: ILLE, a, ud; pronom. perf. (Hcb. be much obliged to one. Nione, the eldest doughter of Priamus. elleb, illi) he, sh.16, the joli jame. Illigo, are ; act. [of in and ligo] ro and wife to Polymncilor king of * T!le alter, that other follow. bind, rye, or fifien 10, entangle, in. Thrace. Ego illc ratus fum, I play, his terlari. Illigare fc bello alieno, Illòncs, thallon of Phorbus a Trojan part. to intermeddle, or interefi himſelf in wha followed Æncas into Italy, Illēcěbra, e ; f. [ab illicio an en another's guarrel. und being sloquent, wus font by him tirement, a lure; alſo the herbfione- + Illim for illinc, toence. upo11 lavoral imbolies. stop or wall pepper. llimis, c; adj. without mud of Illift a river in Altica, confecrated Illecebrātio, onis ; f. in oricing, Illimus, a, um ; S dirt. 10 the Majes, salled from thence II. Ilécebrātor, oris ; m. an entiser. Illinc; adv. (ab ille) from thenceye liffides + Illecebro, are; 2. so alluri, in. from that part. Hinc illinc, 10 Ilithya, a name of Juno. sice, flarer. arid fro. llium, or Ilios. the sity Troy. Illecebrosè, ùs; adv. enticingly, flar. Illinctus, ùs ; m. (of in and lingo) Ilius, a, um, adj. of Illos. teringly. broth, or liquor to bri fupped. + Illà; ady. That way. Illécebrórus, a, um ; adj. enticing, Ill-in!o, ivi, itum, inire; act. (or in illabčfactus, a, um, unhaken. full of flettory. ond linio) so unoint or beſmear. IJA-bor, plus, ſum, bi; (of in and Illcctamentuni, i ; an enticemini. lll-ino, ēvi, ini and ivi, itum, inere, labor ) 10 ſide of, or fall into illecario, onis; f. an enticing. 10 inaint with any liquor. * Illinere: Illabi u:bi & mari, ro Hip into the Illeéto, arc ; {ab illiclo) 10 allure, or chartis, to put in writing. * Bru- city and learn entice ofion. ma nives illinit agris, winter covers Illabörātus, a, om; ad. mide with. Ilicctum, l; nie thing nos riad. the fields with ſnow. . 11 linteo- out pains, eaſy * Fructus Illabo-1!lectus, a, um ; ad). If in, and lec lum illinere, to ſpread upon a rage rali, ſpontaneous fruits. ius of logor) unread, ungathered, 1!īpula, a name of iwo sowns in Illăboro, are ; (of in and laboro) 10 reproved, rejiaed! Spain. labour upon. . Illaborare domibus, illeclus, a, um, part of illicior; ul. Iliqueíac.io, čre ; a&. to multimeo to take piins about building. lured, provoked, overcome. any thing. Illac ; adv. that way, through that illeclus, ùs ; mi an alluring, miice- Iliquětactus, a, um, melted into. plair. Illac facere, to be of that meir. Ill.qucfio, jčri; neut. 70 ba malted, Aide. Illagitiinè ; adv, unlawfully. inio. Ilăcărābilis, e; adj. whiib cannot be illegitimus, a, um ; adj. unlawful, 1!):ſus, ûs; m. a hilling or dolping Tone or torn, urito or againl. i lilăccflicus, a; um, knprovoked. Iličpidè; ady, unpleaſantly. Illilus, a, um ; pa:t, of illidor ; dopo. Iliachrymābilis, e; adj. inexerable, Illépidus, a, un ; adj. (of in and le- ed againi. niet to be moved by pity. pidus) upisujani, without a grave, + Illiterate"; a lv, unlearnedly. Illik 1 6:16. born I L L I MB I M I $aves, . Illitčrātus, a, ums pdf. unitarned. bfcidarid garments. Imbellk, e; adj. (ab in & bellum) Liturg!, city of Spain, raped by Ululas, is; m. a fofing. AGB fit for the field, fearful, timorous, Scipio, for revolting to the Cartha-1 + i!lauibarbus, a, um, adj. having IMB ER, ris ; m. Cubposla ſhower! gisians. a Lonal orari. of 'roti, ir are the one thad! (in the JUitus, a, um, part. of Illinor; 2- + Illutbills, c; ad). at to be deaned poets. Per imbreia, in rainy nointed, befoseired, painted, embroi or wall out, teatbat dered.. A liūtis, a, um, unwrfedblihy. Im berbis, & ; (a barba) beardleſs. Ilitus, 08, m. e befmerring, daubing. * Illuvies, cis f. [ex in & lavo] Imbib-o, i, team, ère; acț, to drink * Ilitus coloris, ib: for furiing of ind, uniluinneſs. in, concelve. Imbibere animo, a pi&ture. I!!uvious, a, um, adj. nalily, filthy. toimmtertuin ſuch an opinion. Illiuro odi, Indecl. of that fort. Illyricum, Illyris, and Illyria, the Imbracteātus, a, um ; part, if im. I":X, īcis; fo on alluring, invigling. 'Coursty called Sclavonia cr Schiavo bracteor; covered with slites. See ülex. Imbracteor, ari ; là br.:Aca] to be Iild ; adv. to that place, th iher. I!!yricus, a, um; ad). of Illyrican. gilt cuir, harnelen. 11:ộczbi'is, ;. adj. not to be hired, Ilva, in ift ind by Tuſcany. Imbralius, a river of Samos, rating Ins ous, or pus of in marriage. 1!us, thi lon or Troas king of Troy, froni thmci Imbrafia. Illoraùn; adv. thilberward. 2018, when Minoruz's rimpla was on Inbrex, icls ; i. (ab linbes) a gufe Illolus, a, um ; agj, unwaſhed, foul. fore, run in and ſaved the Palla ter tiis, the briige of the noa, an Illor's manibus, irrivermily, diur, amd n015 juriskon blind, but applokis, Shouting. rafhly: afterwards thegiddels wat opperfeda + Imbrcāmentuin, .d.;' . cho house # lliubricana, otio s hiding; an zous fiin his jigo! again; !fu ber Vluc; ady. 80ihat place, ibither. the roma of Alconiug.. Inbricälim; adv. in the fashion of Hluc'; pron. [ for illud) that thing. Illius, arit liioicus, a, no ; of Ilus. guMerriles, * Illac ætatis, stort that oge. + Ioibricatio ; f. a laging of gutter. Illū.ceo. xi, cele ; (of in and luceo) I cinte M. tiles. 10 fine, appoir, and now itſelf, a. + linpricius, a, won ; adj. made like riſe upon (üs the fun.) J. M, abbreviat for fam. lor with gurler rilas. Illūce{co, ére, to grow light, or tegin IM. For eum, bim Imoricātor, oris'; m. be that rains to fine. Illucefcet aliquando dies, imacharenſes, the prople of Imachara Showers. the dury will come. in Sicily. Imbricitor, oris; m. saing, cauſing Illūcido, are ; a&t. to enlighten. Imanuchi, at people of Scythia on the rain. Illucidus, a, um, adj. obfcure, with. ridge of Caucaſus. # Imbricium, ii; n. the covering of cut light, t'Ioraginābilis, c; adj. conceivable. hut. Hluaans, ntis ; part. of illucor ;+ft:āgingbundus, a, um, fanciful. Imbrico, arc; act. to cover with roof- jwilling, refping, hardly pronounced. imāgināriis, a, um, inginery, coun: sini, lo filhian like siles. Ilactor,, ari ;.dcp. io lirive, contend, refeit. * Imaginarius miles, one + Imbricorus, a, um ; ad. full.com Aruggle, aten in at a roufier, a fuggot. rock-tiles. Illūdens, niis; part. morking at. Ipaginārius, 11 ; 10. ho th:r carried + lobricŭlus, ; m. a lit:!e mozet. Wlado, a, suni, dere ; neut. [of in the onperor's image in ihr army. # Imbricus, a, um, adj. rainy; full. and ludo) so mock, derids, jet al. (Ienāgjuatio, õnis į f. imogination, of showe!'s. # Pecuniæ illudere, to ſpend money ros:c0:1. Imbiffér, a, um ; adl. rainy, formy, fooliſhly. * Chartis iluderc, to + Imaginativus, a, um ; adj. funtal * 1:briler arcus, the rainbowo. urite romance, # Pene illuli vi siwl, conreiter. I.!! hros, Or Imbrus, an nini near tam filiæ I have almoff call away Imaginator, oris ; m. on imagine: Samoihrace, abound;s:g in hares, moy daughter. Imáyinārus, a, um; part. of imagi- and dedicated to Mercury, now Illa dor, di, ſus, fum; paff, to be de- nos į sriiginid, or carved with i wolled. Lembro. rived, played upon, laughed to Σπας 13. Imbrius, a, um, adj. of Imbros. Scorn, &c. + Imaginifer, cri ; m, ibi eiga peror's I + luribubinatus, a, um, polluted. Illuminate; adv. clearly, plainly. img+ bourer. # Imbubino, are, 10 pollute with ym. Illuminatio, onis; f. an enlighting ; ít linagino, arc, to make imeges, ti sirurus blood. allo baptiſm. repeline the supe of things (as a + Inabulblo, are, to defile wirb bil- mūbinator, oris ; m. on erlighenet. Icoeing-glaſ) drens ordure. lluminäins, jcis ; f. pe that an. Imaginor, ari,' to imagine, conceive, I + Icabull , õrum, warlike plants: lighiens. fancy. # Imbumentum, i;in. pbrings Iluminātus, a, um, lightned. + imaginofus, a, um, full of images, jjaining Illumino, are; act. so enlighten, il • Morbus imaginofus, tbe bip. Imbun, vi, ūtum, čre ; aa. Eh Bow, arate, adors will figuron, illumi. IMĀGO, inig; f. ['ib imitor) on s. farcio) to imbruc, Dain, dyr, rosa make, mage, likeneſs, pattern, a funey er on with liquor. * lmboere ſc ftus Alliuminus, a, um ; adj. without vifiin; ello a Deuih. Imagines diis, to furniſh bimfalf with leirn. light, dark. fubiræ, uplat geniry. Imago ing. Ipfe taom opus imbue, de Wlanc for Ulum, him. hurana, a rourt card. Imago you frß make proof of your own Illunis, c; adj. (ab in & luna] with. Jccola, ihe cho. Imago Ilberta. workminbip, out moon bine, dark. tis, a bare now of literty. Imbuos, oi ; pasl. to be taught, Illarcis a city of Iberia, called after- Imāguncula, æ; f. a Smail image, e ; Caſtrenſibus fipendiis imbul, to wurds Gracchuris. pupprt. be trained up in murticil diſcipline, llluro, « town in Catalonia. Imantion, the fulling, of the uvula. + Imburlo, arc, ro make a purje, Illusio, onis ; f. drrifion, mekirg. Imans, the greated mountain of Scy. Imbutus, a, um, part. of imbuor ; Illufor, oris ; m. fcorner, merker. thia, part of Taurus, dividing is imbrud, infeld, inflructed. IUuftramentúm, i; n, an enligimning, into the bitbexi and fariher Scy- Imitabilis, esadl, imlable. anamunt. thia. Imitāmèn, inis ; n. an imitation, Illuftrandus, a, um, to be adorned. of La bainīties, el; f. negle of wash a repre, 'enturion, counterfeit or dis- Plustrans, ntis; neut. adorning. ing puiſi, a pattern or fumple to fol- Illuftratio, onis in f. an illuftration, + 1x barbeſco, čre, to begin 1 to have a low. brautin haking manifejl. deurd, imītāmcntum, li . an imitating, Ilaftratus a, um enlightened, Imbarus, part of mount Taurus, counterfeiting. + Illuftric, lús, isimè; ady, plainly, Inbécillis, e; , famiuſly, , di bacillum'}} Imitans, nțis'; part. rojombling, nluftris, e ; (ex in & loftro] illuſ wenk, feeble. # I'mitas, atis ; 1. the bottom. Irious, bright, renowned, famius, Imbocillitas, atis; f. fubleneſs, wrak. Imitatio, onis; f. imitation, Hutro, arc.; A&. (of in and luftro] | neſs. + Imitativus, a, um, adj. done.by to iliufiras, make monifel, rtear Imbecill-iter, iùs, adv. weakly, fuini: imitation. and rambur. Ab fole foto dic 11-1: ly. Imitātor, oris ; m. an imitator, luftratur, the fun lies upon it dl day. Inbellia, ; f. cowardice, want of initātrix, icis; f. fe imitat. Illufus, a, um j part of jllador; 1 courage. makid. Veitcs illufæ agro em Imi 1 ath. . var. Cul multomia moriger, dirns, IMM I MM I M M mitālus, a, um ; part, of iunilor ;'}{mmigrāllo, onis ; f. an eniring into . xnralinef:. immeriod. u osora Iminud status, a, um i part. pf:im. imiror, ari; dop. curve bolest }o Im Tierātor, oris ; m. ho chut paffes madtror ; inmederale, anriety, ina. imitált, fellow, relemble counteriti into plac terrerne.' Imirus. adv. (ab imus) from below: Iminig o aro; ncut. I come into a Iranoděror, acl; dep. to 0176:21per, Inmacủālus, a, um ; ad1. unfputuod, I boujelig luisú to develd where I I. diorner. purt.. inigrare in ingenium fùum,tolinc, Inmodeite, adv. in morelly, unman. Immåd to, ore; to be wet or moit. at his osun pie furry fe follow his nerly.. excelivery: l'mminè, adv. excesively, mighi own fanz. Immodestia, it iin nadely, exceſs, Immänilar, lily. Imminens, gen. ntis ;.'parl. of. im- i. lick suf mur.ners and grad behavs. Immān-18 e; adj. ior, -ilimus ; minto ;: imminentzat hartd carneil. 11. [ab ant. manis, i. bonus).crui • Artcadem imminens;. indy do immodestus, a, am ; ad); immodeſ, burbarvus, huge. * Immane d Etu, commit murder. # Imminente efte unnunarly 71710 prots. mais intriibla .Immanis pccu. avaritiâ, to nindi nöbing tur hosp. 1min . od.cè, adv. exce]ively, beyond nia, a very great ſum. ing up wealth,.feruping riches roze. 726ſwr. * Img.odicè facere, to Immänitas, átis* ;. f. exceflivenofi,c*! ther. heig impasionily. elty. Imminentor, adv. imminently + Inmodico. arc; to brisme a prodi. Im manfuetès,adf. ungentlely. I'm mincota, ze;' fia hinging over, gal, wii:hout inoderation. Im mānfuctus, a, um, adj. -jor, ifli. Imminico, ere; ncurf of in and Iminódieus, a, um ;. without mersura mus“:: unentla enirnatable, fierseb. manen) robine Urt, to threalen, or moderation, Immodica 012- In marcoſcibilis, czadni urfading,, or be bird by. Mors, nob:s quo. timmtedious long specb. uncorraar; tidiè imuninit drishis daily at hindi lm.nõdúlātè, adv. withut melody. I'mmarceſco, čre:; neut. to putrifyi * imminci belluny, we are like an Iinarodúlātus, a, u:n ; ad). wiibout voi wishin,, wither: havn wu*. * Ispinindre alicui, to proportion, tune or sistidy. Immatū:. adv. antirely, too haſily. lie upon the catch. Immolario, õnis ; fi a farrificing. Immātūrilasy aris; f. uripeness,oz47Innrinuo; vi, ūdutan; čre; ait. lo di- Immolã:itius, a, um'j adj. of or for busineſs. minishi loten; afiv.ige, brrak. *Im facrifice: Immā:urus, a, um ; adi..r of in and minucrc virginen;" to nepower a Imniölātor, Oris ; m. a ſacrificer, of maruris ]nit ytt;ripr, wuinely,rubi virgini farer. ThOf marriageable. linminūrio..onis ; f. a diminifting, immšļātrix, icis;.f. Me shut farl- Immediatè, adv. immediately, with. lotining. inninusioni. ficul. mians. Imminūlus, a, un ; ' of innyinuor ) Iuvo:ālus, 2;. um lacrikredi " Sa- Immédicāvillegie ;.adt, incuralla. diminiſhid ; alfa moldirinilised: c.a. h..ud immolata davorat, he # Immédicārus, a, um ; ad). wurde. Imunit-ceo, cu', tum; corey;.adt, for cunrouy till gruso be jadi rired, dauded. + Og immcdica in and miſccoſtu iaingic; or yneddle innclicus, a, um ; part. of iamo. tuco, a beſmeared or paimed (ace. with. Be to fcimmifcere, sogal 1:0 . ovilt, roured spett. In meditatc, adv. withouri premedita- into the wars: • Nuctróſc:inimii. Imaolo, arc; act. (a mo'a] to say, sion. cuit atæ, fibri vaniſhed in ily dark, to facrifice, offer. Imbičditātus, a, um ; ad). unprome # Suwmis immiſtuit:ima; he surt. Immord.co, ère ; to bite in swa. ditated, or not baving promedicated: ed all sopsy-turur: a; un ; adj. diſobe. ImiR-elo, inxi, ictum ; to piſs into. cft pipesis ctiam alcribus immit livmorigerus, Immémor, gen: oris ; adt. 3.art un. ceai, he bat' bor good jiore of Immo-rior, ri ; dep. (of in and mo- mindful, forgetful, ungrauful. - buitor may lay it thick upunt: his rior). 19. dit in or upon any things Imoč.ñórábilis; c; adj. not worthy brood. Studils immori, 10 d.o.1 one's remembering, inuxpreoblo. Spa Immisčräbi!is. e ; not worthy of pity, sudy, ? in , a, um ; ready to: die rium immemoziale, lime cus of Immisčrābīlitès, adv. pitilaily. und Immifericordia, æ ; f. unmirciful. Iminor-or, ári ; dcp. 10 dwell uponi Immčmõrantia@; f. unkindful Tif. # 'Neterrenis iminorer, noi to,lapse nun forgastulneſs. Immifericorditer, ado, unmercifully. I. upon thinge bere below: Lume mūrātio; õnies f.a forgetting. Imuniſericora, goa. ad's adj; 3 art. Im morfus in ut ; part. of immor- Igočnorātus, a, um ; adj. nor men urmercilul, deor ;. bieten in twa, folenning: : the Immemorara ferens, tells Immiffarius, ii ; mi (ab immittoja Immortālis, c;. importal, never dy- in the truer heard of berori. fuborned accuer ing + la parotta æ; t. unwindfulneſs : Immiffio,. Õnis ; f. an' ingrafting, im Immortalitas, ātis: ;.f. immortality, forgastes. miſion, enrring, a piling grow. lamortālicer, 2 adv, immortælly, to } immen dvhugely, greatly. Immortale, Immillor, oris; mian encerer. tuar. #Immorta Immensitas, -ālis ; fi immenfits, huge- Iniciffum,dj n... laxing of. rafuara lite gaudeo, I am wonderfulglad! nals, paling greatneſs.. Immiſsūra, æ; fi the intering of u Ininortuus, a, um ; part. of immo- Immunſu8, um ; ad'); [of in and tenata ixto mimorst/ rior; dead, forgotin ; alſo ya aitur menfus iuxiofive. wishoat measure, Immiflus, a, um'; part. ofijmmitior; Immölus, aum ; unneved, frm. hugt. Immeorum quantum, in pus, laid, crit of thraf in, funuo mūy.io, ire ; Deuti to' low like it credibly grouti ornad, hanging down. immifta cow, Ocllow, rour. Immeo, are ; 10 anist 01 paſs into, barbag. a long bourdo * lomug Lor, oris , m. a bollower. laněreno, nisi undanfarving immiſtus, a, um ; part. of immir-Immul-gco, ſi, ar sl, sum or lung Immčrenier, ado' unde es vrdly. ccor ; in'nglied tigaher. gēre, act. io milk into. Inmēr.go, fi, fumy, gére ; act. to Immilis;e; adj. ungentis, cruel; oi. Ini mundicia, æ ; pling og dip into, drawn, full inlo. goretes, unripa, lour, tempio uous, * lmmergere të aliquò, to jispinta 19m-itio, itl, fun, Hilčie ; act. Cof1mmundus, a, um ; ad). filiby, soul, a place. in and suntio].ro puit; suglor fena uneixen, l'omertiſinc, adv. suo inwaly. in, juborn. Ichigrow' ar length, in 1+ Immungo, čre ;. ro disanje, un mēritè,.adv. witbuit defert: · Ciani imircic habeous: it ramunīfices, a, um, adj. niggard. inmeritus, 2, um ; unde orving, * he giver clash exough: #immittere ly, cousious. immcrito meo, without any arfari to in voluptalcs, to give himſelf up.Immünis; e; adl; (ab in & mo. of mine. lo pleaſilies. nusj' free, without ofice or chirge. Immersäbills, c'; ad), which cannal Inmixtus, a, 'Um; part. of Immiſ immon's trairi, which nower Ank or be drowned'; rofaluit in ceur ; in-ngled tegeiber: draw the picsgb. hearing afflich:en. Imuò adr. jos. # Immò ctiam, burl:Immunitas, als ; fi eximplion from * Inmersātio, önie: fi a difping or what is thore. Swimò. hargey privilege plunging in Im rõvi 13. c; unmove idla, fallmed. immunitus, ita um ; adj. nos forced lámerlio, onis ; f. a arowning, im- + Immobīlitas, ātis ; t. wmoveablo or fort pad. merfron, plunging or diving into. nifi. Inmurmurācio, ünis ; f.a murmuring i t Immerfo, arc ;Alungi or dip in, Immobilitèr, adr. inmcurabiyi to one's jelji Inmerſus, a, un, part of unicro Inmodčiaid, adv. immoderately. Immurmuro, arc ; ncut. to murmur! - gor ziplunged, drowied, wipped into. 'n nodčrātió, õus; t. immonerasion. 10 one's lull. 24999 of immuf Immundit:es, ei!; } t. Justiſhneſs. .. stb. 1 1 I MP I MP I'M P + Inmaffulos, + Immufculus, izm. an opreg, It Impedatura, æ; f. a fool-Bap. Imperatrix, icis; f. an noprofs, lady: or kind of cagle. Impédalus, a, am ; propped. lmpératum, in a commandment. t lamustulos, † lapēdia, a; f. ibo upper leather Imperata facere, so sbey orders: Aminūtabilis, c; ad). immutable, un of the low. Imperatus, a, um ; communard.. changeable ;. also changeablı Impediendus, a, um; part, to be hint Impercè, with safe to one's Jelf. Immuabilítas, aus ; fi unchange der's or bound up. Imperceptus, a, um ; adj. not to be ablenaj.. lapodimentum, i; a. Cellian impe perceived. Immürābīliter, adv. unchangeabh. diment; bindranso , Impedimen- Impercitus, a, um , adj. niat Aruckor Immülāt.o, onis ; f. a singing, a ta crurum fatiers. linpedimcnta moued facing about exercitūs, the carriage. Imperco, čre, (à parco) 10 make Immdiator, oris ; m. e changer. Impodio, ire , act. (ab in & pedes) much of ori's ;df, 10 puse no cot. Immūcātrix, icis ; f..poi ibat change to hinder entangle incumber. Fra Impercalſus, a, um ; undaunted. nis impediantur equi, she borjas Impercuffus, a, um ; adj. nul witten Immutātus, a, um ; part. of immu. are bridled Toi me impediunt or tricken. tor ( chenged, un hanged. curæ I have so many irons in the fire, Imperditus, a, um ; mit deffroyed or Immuteſco, čre ; to de aumb. Impediuo õnis ; f.' hindring, des. laji. Immūc-jo, irti to grumbia, mutter. ting I perfcalo, onis ; f. imperfektion. Immuto, arc ; 24: is cbinge, Sc Impeditor, oris ; m. bindarer Imperfe&tus, a, um ; imperfet lili immutavit, be changed bisofer impeditus, a, uus ; fackled, bindered. t Imperfidus, a, um , adj. verytrea. tion toward bim, . Immuta, fara a 'Impeditiffimæ fylra, zosods fo cherous. .ba. abick that ons san bardiy crap sbro Imperfoffus, a, um ; adj. nor thru IMO, adv. [Mercur vel ab Heb. im, tben. or dug through. ]tus, jos, rather. lmpčdo, ate ; to underprop. + Imperabiliter, , adv. imperiouſly. Imola. a sing of Æmilia in Italy, Imp ello,uli,uifum,cllère; [ of in and impēriālis, e; adj. imperial, royal. railed alſo Poram Cornelii. pe:lo) ia drivs on, perfuade, mforc, Braffica imperialis, a cabbage. + lmpācābilis, e; adj. not to be ap. provokr. impellere in fugam, * Impēriosè ; adv: lordly, severely, im. peafed. pur to figot. * Impellcre in frau. periouf, with comprand. • Impe. Impācālus, a, am ; mi appeafed. dom, iorfuade one to that whiih riosc præccpit, be commanded it Lrapaao, onis ; t. a daßoing together will turn to one's hurt. paughiily. or again l. Impellor, i, ullus ; pafl. to be shrull, Impériositas, ātis ; f. lordlineft, im- Impacto ,oris ; m. e driver in. pulbed, or drous forward ; 1o be bout periouſneſs. Impactus, a, um, part. of impingor; or drive from a place, &c. Impériolus, a, um ; adj. having great dakbed again), call into, knormed or impcndco; dorc, sum ; act. eo bang authority; imperious, lordly, havgiy. Impa dus in carcerem, clapped over, bo ndar ar band. # Tanta te Imperioſas abt or sui, commond- into prijin. impendent mala, so great coils hang ing his polion. Æquor impe- Impages, is; f. [à pango) the amon svar your bead. • Nunc jam alia rolios, a very boiperoks jia. put inu tbe mariija; . woodden pin cura impendet pedori, now I bavi + Impērítabundus, a, um ; adj. riso or hoop: others things to mind. ling with auihority. 't Impalàm ; ady. oponly. Impendio,; adv. (ab impendium]be- Imperite ; ady. Cic. ignorantly, un- Impah.co, ère ; neut. to grow pale. yond meaſure. • Impendiò magis, skilfully. Impallefco, čre ; acat. wax pale A great deal more. Impéritia, æ; f. Cæſ. unskilfulneſs, uponi. • Noáurnis impalleſcere + Impendiosè ; liberally, prodigally. ignorane. chards, to look pals will judy. Impendiofus, a, um ; ad). prodigal, Impērito, are ; a&. It rule with ou- Impallidus, a, um, ad), undaunted over liberal,. thority, sot pale. Impendlunr, il n. (ab Impendeo) laporítus, a, um z adj. Cic.ignerone # Irapānātio, onis ; f. a turning into expanu, col, interes. unskilful. * Impericam vulgus, the bread, Impen-do, &, fum, dère ; to fpond, Elly multitude. † Impancro, are ; to invade, defroy. boflow, employ, Impérium, il; A. Cic. (ab impero] Impar, gen. ärlsad). 3. art (or in Impendúlus, a, um ; adj, hanging empire, ausbority, dominion, rule; and pas) unequal, nut wall matched, Querit in. a folemni charge or commandmmi. • • Fortuna impar animo, an efate Impõnetrăbălls, c; adj. impenetrabla, Imperium acciperc, 10 obg sbe below bis wind. Luderc. par not to be mter'd. com qand, impar, ta play at run and odd. + Impeoctrale, is; n. the innermod Imperjurātus, a, um ; not forum: + Impā ātè, adv. unpreparidly. ruum, into which me might not come, Impermiſſus, a, um ; neklad Impărătus a, um ; adj. unprepared, lmpeonis, e; adj. (ab in & penna) Impermūtātus, a, um ; unchanged. umprovided, witboue wings or fistbers. Impero, are ; 22. (of in und paro]to * Impareng, ntis; adj. diſobedient. t lmpendo, arc; to Nick with feubers. command or rule over to lous. # Imparentia, z; f. diſobedimu. Impenſa, æ ; f. Liv. (ab impendo) * Imperare equitcs civitatibus, to Imparilitas, }ūtis ; f. inequality. ixpenca, charge ; alſo worsat ; air enjoin the curies to find borlimen. lmparitas, the batter for a pancaks, olmpenſas Imperare animo nequivi quin, I Impărītèr ; adr. unequally, agere in rem aliquam, to lay sus could not knp myelf frans. + Empart-io, ire ; lo import great deal upon a thiag. Impēror, arl ; 10 be commanded or impa-Ico, vi, ſtum ; ro fud within Impense, iùs, inimè ady, exreeding - livied. * Malo imperari, quàm a place. ly, grezily, asgerly. Impensè ini. eripi mortcm mihi, I had rather Impaisībīlis, c ; which cannot fuffor. probus, 2.viry nang by follow. de ferred to die than live, Impalsibilitás, átis ; f. impoſiblity. + impensībīlio, c ; adj. wbicb can. Impersonālis, e; ad). impersonal. Impaſtus, a, um ; unfed, hungry. not be difcerned or weighed. + Impersonālster, adv. imperſonally. Impatibilis. c; ad). wh.cb cannot Imocnſum, , n. a benefit, expence. impeiſpicax, gen. acis ; adj. 3. art. Suffer, or be ſuffered, unfuforable. + Impenfus, ust; mi expenses, chargei. improvident, not forofaring. Impātiens,gen ntis; adj. 3. art.Cic. lippenſus, a, um; part. of Impendor ; Imperfpicuus, a, um ; adj. no clear, imparimt. • Impatiens laboris, tijoues, also not payed; infolent, no ruident. that connef Aduri labour. Im. inſufferable, withoui modely, for Imperſuasibilis, e; adj. 3. art. not to patiens iræ, not able to tale one's impenfior cura, a mere be gerjunded, pohon. diligent heeding Impatienter; adv. inpatiently, bordly. Impērāt:vus, a, um, adj. imperative, impertinens, ntis ; ad). impertinet, Imperterritus, a, um ; undaunted. Impăt:catia, 2 ,f. imparima, 10 Commanding, or commundo, derne. Impatientiam nayſcæ | Imperātor,' oris ; m. Cic. a general impert-lo, irc, act.lof in and partio) 10 impari.giur, befow, deal. * Lau- vitaro, 30 avoid tbs trouble of being or omperor. dem impert're alicui, to give one • fra fek. Imperatoria, a; f. Plin. the berb Saare in the praiſo. Tempus in. Impăvide; adv, witbout fear, holdly. majior-20171. pertire ftudiis, to allot a due tiibe Impăvidus, a, um ; ad), without fesr Iinperatoriè, ady. imperiously, for Oudies. # Diem feftuin alicui or dresd, bold. Imperatorius, a, um ; adj. for like impertire, to keep a foltval jiy one's # Impeccabilis, e; be that cannot fin. an emperor. Jus imperatorium, be honour. Imperiit tibi falutem, Impedandus, a, um ; toto propped up. fous ? (nau jer over bisfoldiora. be lalwiss you. Imper- 1 r wins, t I I MP I MP, I MP } . : lmpersior, iri ; to befow, deal, &c. Impiagere altcui calicem mu'fi.80 caused by ibe rain. Impertitus a, um ; mada partaker of. drink to one. • Impingere bafia Impluvia, æ ; f. a riding cout. Imperturbacus, a, um ; not diſturbed, {piſillima, .so give hifles thick and Impluviātus, a, um ; of a fad brown calm. thrafold calor, Impervius, a, um ; without pellage. Impiogor, 1 ; part. 80bo dabed or impluviom, it; n. a plane where it Impefco, ére, of in and paico) 10 faien'd upon, &c. Sil. 4. 299. rains in the lakurt, or top of a ball lum bef's inlo rank pagwe. Impingvātio, õnis ; f. a making fas. left open for lighi; alſo a square yard Impete, from impetus, í of the old Impinguācus, a, um ; fained, or court; 4 gutlet. word impes) with force or violence. lapingueſco, cre; to grow fas, + Impluvias, a, um, wel with rain. + Impe:cius, a, ua; carried with lopinguo, arc ; [å pinguisj to make it Imoenitendus, a, um ; HI to be force. fat. repented of. lmpetibilis, e ; which may o may impio, are ; to defile, pollute. Impoenitens, ntis; impenitent. not be aloil'd or hurt. Implus, a, um, (of in and plus] impolitè ; adv, rudely, without po. + Impetiginõsītas, aus ; f. grabbi. wicked, ungedly, cul, pirileſs. liſbing. nefi. Implicabills, e; not to be appeaſed. Impõlitia, &; f. rudeneſs, Bauinlä: + Impetiginoſus, a, um ; fcabby. Implacabilitas, atlo; f. inexorable. nefs. lapetigo, inis; f. (of in and peugo) nell, linpõlitus, a, um , rude, rrugh, un. aring-worm, or dry feab. Implācātos, a, 200 ; not appeared. poliſhed. + Impetigofus, a, um, ſcabby. Implicidus, a, um ; extragsous, un. Impollūtus, a, um ; undefiled. + Impetitio, onis ; f. 4* impearb. quiet. Impõmenta, orum, (qu. impori- # Implag'um, il;'n. išttle mut. menta) things fut on the table ofter Impêt-o, ivi, itum ; 10 invads, aft lmplănätor, õr's ; m., a deceiver. supper, fault, fel upon. + Impláno, are ; to dusive. Impono, oui, itum,cos in and pono) Iapetabilis;e; safly abtained or implecto, čre ; to wrap or fold. to impoſe, put in or upon. . Impo- obt sining. I'mpetrabitis orator, luplementum, 1; n. A fling up. nere.fincm rei, 19 put on md 10. ons thai nuowar muns wirb a denial. Impl.co, evi, ĉtum, (of in and pleo] matter. • Imponere abi leges, ta, + lmpetrallo, arc ; to obtain by re to fill up, fulfil, perform, make up, refrain himjelj. * Imponere all queft. ſatisfy, imitare, ſupply. . Implevit cui, deriva me. .' laponcrc Impētrātio, õnis; m. an obtaining by annos feptem, be is full feven years frumentum, to ofiso one juch a requel. old. Fortiter implere arcum, quantity of corn. Impetrator, oris ; a. an obtainer. to draw ibe arms up to the head. Imporcátio, onis, f. . maling of bauks. Impetratus, a, um į obtained, at. Imperatorem implerc, to make an chieved, fira. accompliſh'd emperor or grasral. Impoucatus, a, um ; baulked. # Impetrātus, us, m. an obtaining. Implére libram, to weigh o pound. + Imporcator, ? ods; M. a baulk. + linpetrio, ire; to ratify, cmörm. • Imp.ct ulnas hominum quatuor Imporcitor, Su impeiro. hoc arbor,this true is os big as four Imporco, arc, (ab in & porca) te un can fashım. lopetritus, a, um ; fws and cortsin, maka baulkı, obtained Implētus, a, um, (of impleor) flied, † lonportātio, onis ; f. an importa. lmpétro, are ; (of in and patro) 10 finiſhed, rarifed. sion, or bringing in. obtain by requip, to aschien, finiſ. Implexus, a, um, (of imple&tor ] Importo, are ; ti carry or bring in, • Equum bonum Impetrare, 19 folded rogatbor, braided sugarber. Importūne ; adv. importimarily, ux- get what is ane's right. Implexus, ùs ; m, an inwrapping. fraforably. Impetuosè ; ady. violently. Implīcātio, önis; f. e wrapping or Importānitas, ātis; f. importunity, † impētuosītas, tis ;t vielantneji, Jolding together. • Implicatio sci une asonablefs, outraguarafs, er- Impetuõlus, a, um , vielmi, forcible. familiaris, the embroilmon of on oliy, Impetus, lls ; m. (ab impetq) inua ate. Importūnus, a, um, [ab'in & por- fon, afinit, violence, forul, pang, Implicatè sadv. intricately. tus) that haib no graceful carriage; or pofion, a fil, bruſb. * Impetum Implicator, õris; m. ho that encraps. from lefome, importunate, nor frafm- facere, to jault. Impetun ce- Implicatus, a, um ; wrapped or folded able, cruel. • loporluniffima bel- pit, he had a ſudden violmi incli. togaber, intricate. * Implicatus ad lua, a moj fausgeben. narion, • Uno impelu, 'at Inst, ſeveritatem, benil 80 feverity. • im. Importuðlur, a, am ; having no ba. at me afay. plicatior ad loquendum, more ready Impexus, a, um ; unkcombud, unirim. of Speecb. Impos ötls; (ab in & pos, vel potla) meid. † implicifcor, ſci ; to be out of one's kable, forble. # Impos animi, not Impia, A srcple near the Perthebi. wits. found in judgwieni, beſide himſelf. Impiamentum, i : A. & prophaning. Implicite ; adv. intricately, implicitly, • Inapos voti, ne able to have his Impiatto, onis ; f. a defiling, abfcurely. wife. Impiatus, a, um ; polluted. † implicito, arc ; to miangle. Imposītio, onis ; f. a laying on, im- Impicatus, a, um: pitched quer, Implicitūras, a, um ; about to braid Postim. Impico, are ; to pitch our. of deck up. Imposititius, a, um; imporod, put Imple i adv. wickedly, cruelly. Implicitus, a, um, (of implicor] en. Impolitirus, a, um} on, unnatural. Impičtas, ātis ; fimpiety, ungodli tanglid. * Viæ errorc implicite, Nomina impoſititia,mado names. ways full of turnings and windings. Impositor, oris ; m. an impofitor,mo. Impig er, ra, om ; nimble, quick, • Luto implicitus, mired. Impignoro, are ; to laj, to pawn. Implico, avi, acum, and ui, ilum ; Imposītūra, a ; f. the monitor's office. Impigre ; adı. quickly, diligently. (of in and plico] to wrap, Hait, or Imposītus, a, um '; [of imponor) fer Impigritas, ātis ; f. nioblemesi, dili. fold together. Collo implicuit bra. or put on, givin. gence chiave clapped him round the neck. Impositus, us ; n. a pulling or laying Impilia, orum ; a. [à pllus) weollm • Implicare caput ad fpcculum, foeks. to drejt the head at the larking glass. Impofsibilis, e ; imposible. Impillum, it; A. (ługinity] o bair. • Implicar) morbo, to lie by it. Impoſsibilitzs, acis ; f. imp-fibility, fact, a coif Imploratio, ons ; fi calling for Impostor, oris ; m. (ab impono) am Impingendus, a, um ; to be dafbed hole, befruching impolor, cheat, costaner, or de againi. laplörātus, a, um ; implored. river, a falfo pretender. Imp invo, egi, actum ; [U in and Inplöro,are; to implere, befeath wish Inpoſtorta pila, a running aft, pro- pango) to bras, or des againſ, Sears, call for help irnard one way, and ihroum anosher. knock or Aling again. . Impingere Implam's, c'; (ab in & pluma) cal. Impostüra, 2;f de nit, roxxonage, fuftem alicui. 10 cudgel ons. Im - low, without feathers or huir. Impoftus, a, um ; detrimd, . pingere dicam, to enter an agion Impl uo, 41, vum ; to rain 'inta,:bro' in polu!. Su Imporo. again ons * Irapingere mulfum or upan. Cum implult tæteris, I:n põlens, ntis; imperent, wand, pio. lo os pueri, to top his mouth with ne impluat mihi,, whm.evil hup !mt, ouirogaru, not able to rule the sugar.sops, # Imping 8 me in mag. pons to others, may it not light upon affeäions. .lapotcos irk or an:- nga litem & moleftiam, you will sol, paflimate. bring ou into very great trouble. * Iraplūtus, a, um ; wat with rain, impotentes; ady. woahy, paffion-sely, 99992 Ven. ( TUIGT. 1 01. 1 me. egion 1 I MP IMP.. IN he lips patenterreginaca,.10. Fuld. I mariner, a, um ; umpuppy, unfue-nique pour boya, wadefiled, spre Impotensia, ipe ; f. wegknals, infirm pro pěsè.;-adv. unfortunately, Impūtè , adv. filthily, unilanly. montajomzaleney, wiljuluess Imo Improtectly, a, um ; or proceed Impurgabilis, c.zinat to be cleared. potcntia. acaris, forlifoses. or guardous. lopurgo, aic; to diſdain, nos to Impræmódītātà, adv. without. Arct Imprõride 3.adv.: imprevidently, carga diante... jaus medication, lofily. Impürita?, ātis jif. filthineſs, bafeneji, Impræpodie adv. without f4il:or Improvidentia, æ ;, f. carelemmels. lewdneſs. Impræpēdito ; ), bindrania. Impræpēditus, a, um, mes . hindard. Improvidus.se, :um...care's so mithout Linipuoline, arum ; majinas, filib, Impūro; are;ra desde upralçatiarum ady....for the pu- Imprāvisel adv. suddenly, val Impūrus, a, umnofun.and: purus:] Improv sò ;) wares. vnclean, impure, foul-mouth'd. Imprætermilse;.-ndy, :without:mifImpõrisus, a, um j unlopkodifør; fud? Imptitātor, oris ; on impuler, sea dea, proacher, wrots againſ epe. I morgoſas. 2. um ; nor -h.iving.dine!. Imprūdens, ņtis; imprudeni, umid. Impūtātus, manj izputed, bef Imprecationis; f. 4.cucing. vijed, not knowing... Imprúdons Brunod or lupped. Imprecor, ari; 10 cuvje. fedes, shince-viedlapit Dinint! Linoties, arcs to, impuden , impearb, 1. Impregnate, issiges with bild. prudens avcılabar, 1 was, wil charge with, let upogiipi's:/{, Imprefse; adv diligmzis, forcibly. lingly again it ifta prügeris nel Impătreſco. ere.. toirot:wirbir, Umpreffio, õn; f. imprellioni gotis, knowing: nothing of:sicoptt Impudridus, ra, cum imel rollar, prinieslault. Impreſioneir Iniuluş,:a, ami a ditto touardi tha: facere.in 5o4c9-19 sbarga sbrens Inprūdeotèr, ; any indilerrally, un+ bottom. DU advicoly, rably, aforilly. Intimus, k, um, fab infim's] the lowest Appreffar, oris ; m: 2, primlar.... prudenièr copprimere, so iske ord, deret; at the coorsom. * Ima * Prepos, a, um, (of imprimor? nudina . .. corporun velamenta, ifbirts or Rround. Futbajonet, bruijs in.; alfo Imprudcolid. 2 ;:f. rathnais, foulin.1 smocks. pasję, irrasyideratena:3. Enpruden, Laiyra, e city of Phoenicia. Imprelus, usi; 1. in preting for flan ocuiarum adjicere, TB look in ward, quwd. << I cute N. i Rimiş, ; a tv. (ab in dei primus) Lapūber,.eris; ex in & pubes) forji of a!l, chiefly. 1:0, pubis, e, .unsipe. IND abbreviat for intercif:13 des. Lo primorelli, elruni, spf ioan it Impābes, in his min:rity; 'beardla, J. N.2: for. Juftum non effc. preno) to print, mark, thout in. tip. IN, prep. figr]: cam accuſativo no- • Impriucic sgilla,#olkshumtLogūbefcens, otis ; besiedlefs. tat motum, cum ablat. verò quie- Prinsre aliquid ag.no, Dranimos Impūdclo, icrc i to grow, intresse, Roni frequenter, ; [iwib. 2n accus m animum, sto impriprakpaigha Igo pūbium,ii; 2. she haitafani ibo tive] intenso; '897, for, unde ipd. 1 privit.gs. after, or according to, towards, ever, mprobabilis, c ; improbable; inn- Impūdens, ntis ; impudent, thamdiels. Ibrough, upom ( place or thing). upin likely In probātło, onis:sf...condanning, ffully Inpudencor. adv.jppudente.yolbame time prefixec) for (noring dura: . tian;). and 19 ia dijributive Confo is! difullying Ippudcodia, æ ;if..Mhameleſwift' . is:randorld.heach, rudry. (Wiben Inprobātorreón;, D. disallower. + Impudentiulcălus, a, um ; Joze: Ablul.in, as amongs, wirbini.com Improbatus, a, au ; diſallowed, want what impudeni. arning, in the power of, web,be degred. + Inpūdicākus, a, un debauched: fort. did abſorut, that junetimos! Improbe i adv. wickedly, nsugbuily, Inpudicè;.ad7.. un balety, lewdiya it jumas keduniaal, soraaliga uleds Irrodiy, Saucily, boldly. impudicitia; æg, finibuflity, wint i in circumlocution of anoshör cafe, Jorarõbitas, atis, f. wickedness; dried cleanness. and femte;tynes & Headboth inten. metodais # Impudico, are ; -80 dibaneb. fsusly and relatively inibe farre word Amprobo, are, (of:In and probo) 10 Impadicus, a, um ; une bäſlo, un leanapidu brisame vaibor.In. unâ ha- serrudebuih, diſapprave, dif::lowdy malupert, Sausy. * Diglas rä сbibere, refaidrinting an bour. Ollow, conduinn; make oull and impudicus, this middle.finger In paucis diebus, in a few days, quid. + Impôdorācus, a um ; impudent # In amicis:qs, thaari onenet.my Improbro,are ; to reproclb in words, impugnātio, oals ;if. an.afraisling,. friends. In Angulos dies, for lng pzõbõļus,ad, 4111.jifancy. falling upon, oppofition. very day. * Ia diem vivere. 101 Impršaus, a, 4401, [of inaud, probus] Impugnatus, a, um ; :ofiulld, M. live from hand to mouth. . In greta Kopracjaks, nugby, crust, filled, taken ; alio not foughs agat manü noftri iestuit ds in our power.! half a miki, wickade inot approved Impugno, are'; to bigbenguini, ali . In genua afturq he llands uponi of, foury, bold. Improbi poſtes, Jault, fall upon, opport, dipinti his kners. In lucem bibit, ha! olup gaiti. Labociimprobus, Impugaars. morbam, lacure a dife: drank till day light. In lauden great pains, 'Improbum testa. tronger. dixit, be pakr::to his praife. * In corum,an perfot. will. Na!- Impulfo, õnis ; f. an egging.png os laudavitqi bo praijed. bin before litercicft improbus; be is ud shruling on. his face. Frumenti in anoom? diard 105ng asharivice. + Impulſo, a.c;.ca egg on, thruſ for latis, sorø Rrough for pujar. In dmprocărus,,a,,am ; ofadow Ba wardı. Ipfos reges, over kings themſelves, tura, Soort, dwarji. Impulſor, oris ; ma forfuader, *Me * In.anie, before. Lo imaan Japocreabilis, singl begalan. impulſore boc non fecit, I - PAUAH lum, ex eadingly* Ja.obliquum, umpialefius, a, um baving mui:con. colchfelled him to do it. 2 - Xoss. In orbcp, cound. In fulud or declarad bis male, Impulſus, u8 ; m. perſuafon, enforce pokerum, barnafter, #Intanto, Improlos,,ja; wh:us ilus; net.jet ing. Impulſus rcgcorum, the so far. * In tolum, wholly, * in mrolled and made free. dabing togeiher of bucklers. uoguem, exaály:* Inipromptu, Imprā:n:ſcuus, a, um ,wamixed, nor Impun&as, a, um ; pounced, fes will at hand. • In publico, abroad. * prisks. In vicing.or: prox!no, hard. by. Improvaprusia,um ; unap!, Now. Impūnè, lùs, iffimè, adv. without In principibus, one of the shief Imprõpërāfus, a, um ; nice bajtened, punisment or danger. Ceſtit im In pedes naici, so be born with ibe Now ; alfa hapened. pune, there comes ino Promo of it,', part foremo. In rem prefanten Improporsum, il;in, a nisk-name, Haud impunè fercs, yok ifball. 2008 venire, to take a view of sbe landı impropero, are ; 'SA upbraid, reproach, eſcape fcos freclame in controverly. Compoſitione fignif. Dickiere ; alio balleto go in. Impūnis, e, Çab in & pana Vnfe and in, inio, upon ; as, lajicio, infundo, jarprojčcus, a, um ; making 70.hr found ; unburt, unpungsod. irruo ; fæpe, negat cum adj. vel Nowy. Impūoltas, atis ; f. an ecaping, with partic, ut, injuftus, infeclas ; a- In propriè; adv. inproperly. out purifamni.. liquando intendit, ùt, infractas.--- oprăprios, a.fm ; inpzoper. Impūnitus, a, um , adj. unpuniſbad. 9.B. Il compofitone ante labia- Implapugoātus, a, um; imot.de- Impuno, õnis ; a. an impudine lcs b, m, H, vertitur in m, ut, im- mua. fellows bibo, imminço, impredens. IN . . ! 1 : 4 $ INA Ι I NA INC { built upon 1 . wish'age: IN...fex] -un--- wid, vain, poor, idle. • Inanis , Inquris, is ; fi an ear-ping. *nabruptiis, a, um ; mot broken of rebus, not able to pay bis del coloauritus Inauritus a, um ; without cars. Inabsolūcus, a, dm; imperie&t. Epißola inanis aliqua re utih & Inauro are; ta gild, enrich. + Inaccedo, čre; so ender upon the fuavi, a lile wieb nothing pleajari Inaufpicāto ; adv. unluckity: diego or profitable in it, Ina'stpicātus, a, um ; unfortuniste, Inacceffus, a,.um; inaccesſible, which Inānītas, ātis; f. amiptineſs, wanity. unlucky. mandat ho comie 'unto, Inanštër; ady empsily, valy. Inaufus, a, um ;' whiçb rione' dares ar- + Inaciulabilis, c; not to be arrufed. Inãifitio, õnis ; f. an emptying: ferngt + Inacao, iro de Abarp, prick, or Inānitus, a, um, empried. tilnauxil!atus, a, um,; withput help. Inacoſco, ere, griove. inante : ady, before. + Indonātas, atig'; flowineſs: Inachir, Peloponneſus, so called from lit Irapiehālus, a, um ; nos fummond Incædius, a, um ; which no mar cul- the riurr Inachus. sonli 10 bear winsfs teth. Inachium, a town in Peloponnelus, Imăperius, a, tim ; riit opened, Shill, Incăleo, cte ; ij be hot within. In. called al.o Argos Hippium. Torra calù e vircis, courago ibigan toin. Inăchus, the river Planizza in Polo't Inappărátio, onis ; f. lack of pre- ponnoſas, and another in Acarna? paration, mogligence, Incăleſco, čre ; to griuhat or fierce, Dia ; alſo the forjl.king of the Ar-lit inăquõlus, a, um, wishout water, Incalfácio, čre ; to make hot: gives, the father of lo Incallidè 20ř. Neolithiyi'fimily, Inadyendum, on sbe other part. + Inărăbilis, o ; inot drable. Incallidus, a, um; fimple, not crafty. Inadūlābilis,,c; not to be ensiud, #Inărārus, a, um ; inolowed, untilled. * Incălo, are; to call wipen. cought witb.cbaff. :"it Inarculum; i ; n. a twig of a pome-', Incandeſco, crc.; ito be all on fir on line or Inadutus, a, um's not burnt. granule, or other fruitjuk rritJa very angry: t laæ, krum;' f. Small brings or upon the head of the queim.prinſ, + Incandidus, a, um,; zithout wohlte. veins ;. Asuin.paper aggs, &c. when for ſacrificed. I'ncāneſco, ére; to grow white: haary. Inædificātus, a, um ; unbuils; also. Inardeo; ere ; 10 burn or be on Iacaatamentum, i; ni enthanımır. Inardaſco, ore; S'fire. Incantatof, oris ; m. an en bañer! Inadifico, ase ; to build-in-or by, roInasefactus, a, um ; dried up or Incanto, are; to ensbapis chirpa pull.downi powder. Ying upon. Inesquāvilds, ; unequal, unjuſs-wp-Ināreſco, ērc; to dry up, grow drier Inçãous, a, um, very white and honry proportionable. and drier, Inæquabilitèr ; adv. unequally, adinargentātus, a, um ; wahid or co-Incăpax, acis ; incapable. .Hrigual, proportions. vered with filver! + Incapacito, are ; to incapacita Inzqliālis, e; unequal, unovin. Inärgenço, arc ; to waſh or cover with #. Ancăpito, are ; to begin. Vixit:igequalis,ibenwuu was fes-l folür. + Incarcărāmentum, .am impriſon. tled in all hisslife. Inarglice'; · ady. urimittily, withtue Inæqualitas; -ātis ; fo- inequality, in fubeily Incarcératio, āris; f. an imbriſoning. justice, univennefs. Inargūtús, a; um ; knwilly, du!l. Incarterātus, a, um ; impriſoned Inæqualītèr,' unequally, unjuſtly, Inărime, an iſland in the bary of Pure-, lacarcéro, are ; so imprion: #loæquito, arc i to imaké unequal, oll. nonr Naples: wherein á misun-+ Incarilnātus, a, umi; pasipoed. dondividy. inin, Shakon, with an earthquuke, incarnatio, onis ; f. incarnation Inæquo, are, to.make.plqin or.cven. brought forsbanother ißand calledly, bringing or bring made pij. Ínædimabilis, c ; inalimable, not 10 Prochyte. Incarnātus, a, um ; Nefbcoloured. Bevolvid., alſo of.na value. Inăro, are ; to plough up, overwhelpost Ihcarnous, a, um ; without for Inæſtyo, are ; ito'barn.or bail wirbin. Lacarno, arc, (à çaro).Co bring Mob: Inateroùm ; adv. for. kuar. Inartificialis,. e ; inartificial. lidori, fill up witb felb. :.. 7 Laffabilis, c,' wncourtecus. Inartificialiter ; adv. inartificially.' i+ lacafio, are; to make void. Inaftostātua, ia; umidor viaed, not Inaſcenſus, a;umhard to become at. Incaſsum, adv. in vrin. 100 curious. Inafpectos, a, um , unjčin. löcäftīgātus, a,, ua; not chenije Inagitabilisie ; unmoveable. + Inaſpicuus, a, om; hard to be ſeen. corretted. Inagitatassia;um;. not moved, driven, Inalsātus; "a; um; thoroughly roaled.' + Locaftitas, atis ; f. unthafneſs. ixxid, tolyd. İnaſlučtus, a, um, unaccufomed. Incaſtro, arc; to fetite the flocks or na belco, etc,.30.grow wbile, pale. + Inataros; "shole ihas märgiod two pillory. Igala coji ērc; to grow or Bick toge brothers. # Incaſtus, a, ur; un botter ibar Inattante ;-adv. inconfiderately: Incaſüras, a, um, [of incido) like to Inalgeicb, čre, 10 grow cold, Inatičnuatus, a, um ; not diminiſhed. happen. aalienus, a, um, .wo1 frange. Inatteftatus, a, um ; *08. sünnmgned Incātēno, ad ; to enſnare; Inaltěro, ase, inosito change. er biar witnei. incărātus, 3. um ; race hollow. tidalto, pare, xa Axols on high. Inaudax, acis cowardous, fearful. + Locăvco, ērc ;- so die warya, Japabilis, .e. anumiable, * Inaudibriis, e; Hot to be hearif, bud. 1 nămareſco,jére, ido_gkow.bitter. * Inaudientia, & if . diſobedience, + Incavillātio, onis ; f. markery, Tier- Inăarātus, la, um, leveleſs. #Haud inaudo, tre; to hear, or ovir.bsar- : ing inangatus, lovely. Inauditiuncula, es fa cinning, Incāto, are; to make hollow, 1. Inaga bitiõling; thym, without ambi. pretty-kruck not beurd pf before. + Incauftum,; n. ink. ciones Inauditus, 4, om ; unbedrd of, Dropgo, incautè , adv. unwarils; umircum Inabolatio, onis ; f. a zisiting in Sprefly. placro Ităveiſabilis, e; inevitable. Incautus, a, um, unwary, uncircum. Gunbýlo, ase, soiwalk in a place Inaugco, ere; to mireaſe. fpe&. * Iter hoftibus incautum, Inamoenitas, ātis; f. unplea jantness. inaugurātio, onis ; f. dedicating, Ter. a poruge not objerved or bird Ināmcenues , a, um , tripleufunt. inlialling id by the memy. Ināne, is ; n. a vain impiy thing or Inaugúcātio į aly, with rites of divi- Inc; ēdos,cifi, esium; ro go ox walk, plau sialfa sha:a:r. nation, luckily, ferforably. come, prince with a Pately gait. Indneſco, ere.; -80.grow.cmpty. Inaugúrātus, a, um , injialled: In- lacelcbratus, a, um, ploure i ofino loania, æ; f. emptineſs. auguracum eſt, "sis granted by the fame. Laanejõgusalim, avain blabber. + Inan loqu.um, ii; n. viin talk. Inaugúro, rare ; to foretall things, to finishing and requirting celebration, uma Inānilóquus, Yn; {ab'inanis & lo. come by obſerving iba plight of birds.; Incendiarla, æ; fap ap upluskrbird, quos) Imking or babbling vainly. to judge of this good or bad ſucces! the "bagbe' whereef caused there to Inānimális, e, without trife or soul. of an interprizi; to infall, didia prgé'the city by ſacrifici. Inanimacus. , um, without life and cats, confucrate. * Inaogorari in incendiarius, 2. umi-saring on freni Inapim18ag um, Soul, dead, ·locum altorius, to be made priiſiin fiery: * Incendiarii ſiphodes, forg Inânimentum, i, n. emptineſs, another's place. buikeis. Incendiarium olcum, #Lránino, arc,::8 encourage. Inaurātor, Oris; -m. A gilder. wildfire. Inanio, ire, to amply, or make void. Inauratura, 22; f. Bral, a gilding: :laçendiaplus, ii; m. an insodigri, ANANIS, , living Inanio) amply; Inautātus, a, am ;-gilded, or ungite. boutefoi. ce Incen. Il . 1 hew. 1 INC. INC INC + swift 1 ONE. one. ly. 3 Incendium, il ;.. an inflammation, inceftus, begotten in inch. Mente incitatus, troubled in mind, burningmuy, batred, lowe. An: + Inchoato Onis ; fe a beginning. Incicatus, ; m. a bor's of Domitian, nonæ incendium, en onbencing of + Inchoativè, beginningly. highly priced for his racing. Inchoát rus, a, um ; beginning + Incitega. 2; f. a thing fat under Incen-do, di, fum, [uf in and can- Lachoātus, a, um ; bugun. pors to for the table. dco] to anfieme, i ndio, far on fire, INCHOQ, arc, (à xów, aggerem Incito, are ; to privite, ftir uo; ex- incenje, prevoke, mbanci, maka fa ſtruo, vel ab ant. cohum, i. 8. cha. bart, spur. • Incitare currentem, mous. Clamore. Incendunt cæ. og, Initiam] ts heg'n, Rorform, Snijb. to four a free horla. Incitat avi- Jum, sbay make the gir ring again. + Incicur, uris, wild. ditatem hæc herba this herb guts • Incendere in ſe odia, to make t Incidcater, incidently. an appetita, midos ono. hungry. one's felf odious. lacido, di, ére, (of in ani cado] * Incicus. a, un: (of in and cio] Swift, Incense; adv. very earnefly. fall sue or happen. • Mihi incidit Speedy, cams, proveted. Inceolio, õnis; fi a burning or in fufpico. I have s jesloufy. Incidi Incitus, ùs ; ma orousing. Haming. In latrones, I fall among shiruesi Incivilis, e; uncivil. Incensílus, a, um ; peor, not ruckan. *Incidit portis exercitus, the army Inciviliter ; adx, uncivilly, clowniſly, ed. Se incenſus. Aies to be gates. * Al ud ex alio inclānitor, oris ; mi a cryer, fore Incenſor, õris; m. an in indiary, incidit, me thing brings on anubar. jeani. Inccafum, i; n. inconj, •In cunten. Incidere, u light upon Inclāmīļo, arc ; to call often after incenfus, a, um, Cor Incendor] in- ore as bs goes. famed, fot on fire. locido, di, fum, [of In' and cædo) Inc'amo, are ; to cry out. • Incla: Incenſus, a, um, Cof in and cenfeor) to cut or gravi, lrar in pieces, break mare contra aliquem, to bowl at Boo! magztered or enrolled among the off, wraken. Inciderc ludum, to • Iaclamare aliquem, to call citi cent; that has not give' in se break of u play, aloud after ans; to ratile mne found- value of bis elate to the confor. locidaus, a, um, [of in and" cæddus) + Incentio, õ.is; f. a finging, bare, unfolled, uncut, or wbich may not be Inclāreo, ēre; to be famous and moriji enchanimmi. ul. Inclareſco, čre is known abroad. Incentivum, i; ai a molius or prevent Inciens, atis ; a woman naar her Inciēnens, atis ; mercileſs. rigorous. canim, fuil. travail, Ioc!ēnentèr , adv. rigorouſly, cruel. Incentivas, a, um, (ab incino] Biro't Incico, cre; io incile, provoke. ly. ring up by Anging or playing: Incile, is ; A. (ab incido] « gutter to inclementia, 2; f. rigour, unmsrei- Incentor, oris, m. be thai hings the comiy water; a trenchy gap. fulnes. Inclementia cæli, sbe derant ; alfo & malebail, firebrand, Inciles, Ifurrowia trenches for foarpneſs of the weather. burraieur. Iaciles fofre, convejanie of water. Inclinancntum, in. a dacionim. + 'Inceps, for deinceps, afterwards. + Incilo, are ; to rebuke,.reprovs, ro-Inclinans, aga ilaning, looping, + laccplit firinccperit. progch. Inclinins ad crocum, uning near Iaceptio, onis ; f. ax minprixs or Iaçınctus, a, um, girded; allo wome tbe fuffror-colour. beginning girded, loose, Inclinātio, onis, f. an abapng, incli- Inceptivus, a, um ; beginning. Ircin go, xi, &tum ; to gird or com nation, leaning 17 bending to. Lacepto, are; 10 begin, enterprixty paſs about Repentina voluntatis inclinarlo, a Lindertake. Inc-ino, inul, catam, Cof in and ca fuddm change of mind. Incoptor, õris; m. a beginner, 10) to sing or em:bint. Inclinatos, a, um, inclined, bowing, Inceptum, i; n. a beginning, an m + Incipero, for impero, I command. dresying, flager. # Dies iaclina- + Incip:ſcis, for inccperis. tus, ibi laiter part of the day. Inceptus, a, um, ( incipior] be-lac iplo,.çpi, cptun (of in and ca Inclinatus ad cauſam plebis, on gun. pio) to begin, gº about, enterpriza. leaning to the people's fide, & popus- Incorātas, a, um ; 01xed over. # Incippo, are ; to inclose, som in. lar parfon. Inclinatus morbus, a Ixcerniculum; i; a fan-for cim; Incircumcllus, a, um, unsircum de:lining difamapor. alſo. fione, frainer, or cilinder. iod. Inclinatas, üs; m. a drelining, In cerno. crevi, cretum į ro aft, Inc rcumſcriptus, a, um ; not bound. Inclinis, e; inclining, bending. search, inquire narrowly. ed. Inclino, are; to indina, han or bond lacero, aro; to cover with wax. Incise; }by piece and parcels; piatt towards, decay. * Sol ſe inclinat, Incerte, adv. un'ertainly. inial. the sun is going down. Inclinab Incertitudo, inis ; f. uncertainty. Incido, onis ; f. e outling, engrav acles, the army gives ground. In- # Incorto, are ; to make uncorrain or ing, lancing i alfia fport clause of a clinarc omncm culpam in all. doubtful. Jantante. quem, to lay, all she blame upon Iacertè , adv. uncertainly! • Incer. Iacıſores dentes, the four forintys • Dies inclinat, the evening tò fcio, I am uncertain. tech. draws on. Phalcreus eloquentiam Incertum, t; a. doubtfulneſs. Incisorius, a, am cutting, paring. primus inclinavit, Phalereus was Incerius, a, um, uncariain, doubtful, * Distes inciſorii, the fore reetb. the firjy sbat debafod eloquen's. wavering. Incertas animi, not Inciſum, 1; n. a fort member of a + Inclītus, a, um, renowned, famous. Anowing whas to do. *lacerto pede Jantence ; a comma. Inclü.do, &, lum, [of in and claudo) ferri, to go aggering, Incigūra, 2; f. an incifon, cut ;, a to induda, inclos, Jout up,' to me Incefanter ; adv. in:efanily. line in the palm of the hand. grave. • Vocem includit dolor, Incefl-o, i or Ivt, itum, [ab incedo] lacīſus, a, um, [of incidor) cut or he cannot speak for grief. Inclu. 10. priurde, cxifperare, inuade, or engravi, indented or jugged, dere gemmam in fcyphis aureis, Saigt upon, * Mæftitia inceffit a. Inciſa fpes, fruflrated. w enehajo precious fones in golden nimds, they grow fad. In te lacllas, ùs ; m. . In te Inciſus, ùs ; 2. a cutting or caru- nova inceffit religio. you are griwon ing + Incluſarlum, il ; n. A pound, er nice and ſcrupulous of late. Incīta, a; f. (ab incito] necefis, a pinfold. Inccffus, a, ua, befoged, ofoulied. freight. Incitæ, arum, check-Inclusa, æ; f. an inner garment. laceffus, is; m. A walking, a gait, or matas, Ad inciras redactas, non- Inclufio, õnis ; f. an incloang, bout- manner of going. Fractus incer plu'd. ting up. ſus param viri Gignum cft; 4 mine. Incitābūlum, a firring up, Inclalor, oris ; m. an engraver, ing gase is the figx of an efominala 'Incitamcacum, 1; A. jeweller. mind. + Inclūsörlus, a, um ; foutsing up. Incertè ; ady. incefluouſly, filthily. Incitātè, adv. ſwiftly, vehemently, # Inclūsorius, ii; m. a pinnor, pound. Inceſtificus, a um; defiling by incest lacītātio, onis ; f. an in itasion, pro er, or parter. Inceſto, arc ; to defile by incat, po vocation; a violons marion. Incláſus, a, um, [of includor) inclu. inte. Incitātos, āris ; m. A szover, infiga. ded, ſour ap or in. Verba inclusa Inceftam, i; n. modis, verſos, mert. Inceftus, ùs ; m. inces. Incitātus, lla ; m. an inligation, flir- Incly.cas, a, um. [xdur@, vel à cluo) t. Inceſtuolus, a, um ; incefluous. ring up. Tenowned, famous. inceftus, a, um, (of 'In and caſus) | Incitātus, , um, ior, iffimus ; TROV. Lacoactus, a, um; unconſtrained, us- dehind, polluted, impure, Filius ed, mouraged, swift, samnefi. lunian, willing. • Lac Incoactum terpriza. mmi. 1 INC INC INC in cofeum novom, soft or grem Iacomparabils, e, incomparable. Inconftans, ntis ; ad). inconfant cbrcle. Iricompertus, a, um, un ertain, un. given to change' Incodilis, e; adj. fodden'in a thing known, * Incompertum habco, I Inconstanter, adv. unconßanily, ligbe.. sinned or louded. • Incodilia, ium, know not in the leaf. ly. wafels sinned or loaded: + Incompetens, atis; adj. unſuitable. Inconſtantla, æ; f. unfabliefs, light- + Inco&tio, onis; f. a wansing Incomposite ; ad). inordinaidy, diſ nefs. conAlien. orderly. Inconfultus, a, um ; part. unatruf- Inco&us, a, um ; part. of incoquor; Incompositus, a, um: adj. difor tomed, not uſed. fodden or boilea in ; alſo unfodden, dered, confused. • IncompoGqas Inconfultè ; 'ady. Cic. rojhly, wad. raw, infected, dyed, or induid wirb. moribus, a diforderly perfon, looſe vifidly, * Incočtuna generoſo decus bo. in manners • Motus incompori- Inconfultò ; adv.‘Liv. unawares, neito, a righi hogs mind. tos darc, to dance rudel, and dis- Inconfultus, a, um, adj. upadviſed, Inccenatus, a, um ; ſupporleſs. orderly, fooliſ, of one's own head, raſ, no Incanis, c; adj. not baving sat Incomprěhenfibilis, e; adf. inom confused. • Me inconſulta, wish. fupper. promfible. out asking my advice, laconſul. Idceno, aro ; neut, to fup. Incomprchcnſus, a, um , pait. not tus abiit, he went away witbuut Incepto, as incepto, 4. v. comprebended or underfad. asking any thing of counſel. Incogitabīlis, e; adj. tbowgbiles, in- + Incomplè; adv. Novenly, careleſsly. Inconfultus, ùs ; m, a not domand- comprehenfibile. Incomptus, a, um; adl. not docked ing or giving counſel. - Incontul- Incogitans, ntis; incons dorate, raj. or frinmied. tu meo, within making we as. lacogítancia, æ; f. rafinefi, unad- Inconceffus, a, um ; ad). Hot por quainted vifodneſs, mitted or granted. Inconfummatus, a, um, adj. 'MIR Incogitātus, a, um , adj. inconßde- + Inconciliaid; adv. uncompondly. parfrård, unfinished. rats, Knebought of. inconcilio, are ; a&. to put out of Inconfumptus, a, um , adj. nos con- lacögito, arc; Polbink. oder, diſorder, provoke, deceive, fell, Sand, Spot, or wald. Incognitos, a, um ; ad). unknown. ond call befort a cowil. Incon- + Inconfutilis, c } adj. foam. } • Incognitâ causâ, without ex cillare fibi'aliquem, to make such a Inconſutus, a, uó ; lofs. amining tbe tafe. ome bis enemy. Incontaminātus, a, um, ad), uncom + Incohbeſco, čre; not to be able to Inconcinnicèr , adv, rudely, indemt rupted, undefildd. refrain. ly. Incontentus, a, um, unbons, fork. + Incoh bills, c; not to be kept in. Inconcinnitas, atls; f. ungracefulneſs. Incontiguus, a, um, adj. not to be touched. + Incoib'lis, e; adl. not to be joined loconclnous, a, um ; adj. amhand- with anorber. fone, unft, improper. Iacontinens, ntis; incontinent, intem- Inon inquinatus, a, um ; not defled. Inconcitus, å, om; gmile, son perati, immoderate, , * Incontinens Incola, a; c. Cic. an inbadirani, Inconcuſſus, a, um ; nor Daken er ſui, that cannot bridle bimſelf. Branger, Jojourner. Arbor incola, moved Incontinentòr; adv. immoderately. a foreign tru planted here. Incondemnatus, a, um, uncondened. + Incontincnti; adv. prefently. Incolatus, tis; m. an inhabiting, laconditè ; adv. out of order and inconuneatla, æ; I. incontinenus, journeying, pilgrimage. fajion; conjufedly. wont of moderation in efraion., Inc-olo, ui, ditum, olere ; u inhabir, Inconditus, a, um, uncovered, out of Incontinentia urinæ, difficulty dwali, Iacolere vitam, to be alive. ords and fapoion; diſordered, con in bulding one's water ; tbs pran # Incoloräte ; adı. with colour. fujed, unbunted. * Inconditus ex. gary. INCOLŮMIS, e; ad). Cic. Là colo, crcitus, an army in difarray. lacontrariam ; ady, on the contrary. columen, vel culmus] safe, found, inconditus, a, um , adj. not fuafoned, loconvéniens, n'is; adj, mionuenient, wbole, fra. I columis natus, inppid. unſuitable, uncomiy. good plight of body. Inconfe&us, a, um ; adj. baving nor Inconvolūtus, a, em ; ad). unplded. Iacolumitas, ātis; f. foundnes, pero conſoled. + Incoprio, are, to scoff, jos. feat health and safely. Inconfūsibilis, e; ad), not so be - Inco-quo, xi, dum, quere ; 28. 10 e; + lacõmes, itis ; without a fellow. shamed. boil in or wiib, ro tin or blver ouer, incomis, c; adj. uncourteous, furly, / Inconfuſus, a, um, adj. not un. Incoram omnium, in the fight of at sloumiſe . founded or aparard. that are preſent. Incomitatus, a, um; unalionded, Ir.congèlābnis e; adj. zobich camot + Incordia, are ; 80 pit into she heart, without company, elona, omgeal or frerzi wp. perfuado. Incomitér, adv. difcorrigufly. Incongruè ; ady.. abjurdly. Incoronātus, a, um, adj. not crowned. + Incomitas, āris; t. clownisomess. Incongruens, atls; adj. not agrar. Incorporālis, e; adj. incorpo # Incomitio, are ; to bring, or be incongrous, a, um ; } ing, unfuite- Incorporeus, a, um; real. i brought before en ofimbly, ble, abfurd. Incorporālktas, atis ; f, a being incor. Incommcabilis, c; adj. anpefulle. Incongruenter; adv, unſuitably, poreal. Incommendatus, a, um, part. of Incongrucntia, ; f. incongruity, Incorporo, are ; to errorparass, oma incommendor; 7308 commended. Incongruitag, ätis; f. absterdness. body; Incommobilitas, āts ; fiup dity, Inconnivens,'ntis ; part. not twink. Iacorre&us, a, um, uncertested. Incommodātio, on's; f. difprepi, hart, ling the eyes. "Incorrupte, adv. purely, entirely, damage. Inconnivus, a, um ; adj. tbe fast as + Incorruptēla, æ; f. uncorrepinefsa Incommodè ; ady.. hurlfully, unpre inconnirens, Incorruptibilis, o ;'adj. incorruptable. fitubly, unleaſonably. Inconſcius, a, um ; 2dj, nat conſcious, Iocorruptio, onis ; f. pwrity. Incommoditas, ätis; ätis; f. unprofitable. unprofitable. ignorant, innkent. Iacorruptus, a, um ; part. of incor- ne's, damage, unſaasonablmefs. * Inconséquens, ntis ; inconſequmi. ; Ancorrupted, pure, entira. Incommoditatc abftincre apud con. Inconsčqueasia, æ í f. a nu follow Incoxo, are; cout. to pt cross leggod, vivas, not to difpleaſe the gueſts. ing. or on one's breab, 10 courb down, Incommodo, arc ; to indommagé, hin- Inconsiderans, atis ; adj. inconfide- Incraffatos, ., un, wade groſse dor, hurso. Incommodare alicui, rate, rah. Iocrasſo, are, to make thick or grafa. so do one a diſplaajure. Inconliderantia, æ; f, inimbiderats. Increatus, a, um, adj. unrated Incommodum, i; n. damoge, loss, mals, ralones. Increbeſco, čre ; ncut. (brul & bul) hurt, difplrajuri. Inconsiderārs ; adv. inconfiderately, to he musb moun or ſpread. In- Incommodus, a, um ; adj. burtful, Inceosiděrātio, onis ; f. rafowafs. crebuit aura, obe wind i rifm. unp: ofitable inconvenient, unfis Inconsidérātus, a, um, unaaviſid, Incrcbult conſuctudo, ibu (ulton abo + Inconiuge; adv. in common, in inconfiderare, raj. rained, us grow in forur. differently; for the publiek good. + Inconfilior, arı; to be called before Increbro, arcs [à creber) to bave Incommunicabills, e; ády, incommu the coun'il. oftm or wany, nicable Inconsolabilis, c ; adj. comfortleſs. + locredendus, a, um, not to be ba. Inconmūtābills, c; unchangeable, Inconsonantia, i fu unapineſs in licvut. + Incómo, ērc ; to diſorder, found. Incredibilis, e; adj. incredible or in. + Incompactus, a, um; disjointed, Inconfpicous, a, um, not remarkable. credulcus. bungled, ill-piered together. Inconſprētus, a, um, ma diſallowed. Lacrēdībilitās, ātis; fi igredibility lasredi- } adj. . 1 i tbe 50- 1 guarded. INC INC IND Intercalofritert,adi tersediblj. 1. Inculpatus, a, um ,, párt. of Incal. irroad, encounter. Incredītas, a, um 1 adj not belicoed, por, wiiblue blame or fault. # lacurvātio, onis ; f. a bmdinga. Inercdurias; ait ; fi meriduiiij. + Inculpo, are, to excufo make blame- incurvālus, ay um'part of iqour- Incredūlus, a, uw ; 20): incredulous, leis vor: bowed, bens. + Incurvatum Hutbetreuirig, nor tã hr Felírved. Incu je; adv. grátis, mandelg. bacillum, a bandy. # Inc.edendus, a, um, in:redible. locultas, a, um, adj. antilled, rude, Incurveico, čre, to grow.crooked: * Incemerto, ato , so give micrease. Geført, Antrimmed. - Incolie ora: Incurvicct vicus, a, um ;' adj. wigs * Incrementulum, í ; n. a small in. 110, a rude oration, not rloquent. narked, In cultns ús , m. wint of a Hling, Incurvo, art, ast. So bowo, bend, Incroinen: um, i; n. Clo. increas rudeness, loviniino's. Toale: crooked angiomräilonis. protestion, líberality, Inc::mba, æį f. the port of a pillar Incurvus, aš um ; adj. very crooked fribile. on which the pillar lies į and Axtum. # Increpatio; õnis ; f;, a mhiding: pitol as a pilajlar. Incus, ūdis; f. (à cado.) an anvil. Indrčpito are yo baka ? (ous neile; incumbo, incubui, incubšiuc, băre ; * Sub incude, nor finiſbed. *Opus chiar; zahuktfarp'), iate upcrt. ncut, 10 lie er loan. upony andeitvous ablatum mediis incudibos, word Intrepitus, a, um pail a inicro 10 give diligensi unlo, nk down or tuken before it is finifeed. t-Bedha por ; tabelid. chidden. rth upon, to pobleſs, and kopsafoi dere verſus Incudibus, so polife Increp 9, ate it and avi; itúth; act. lapia bere ad or in aliquid, to virjes. ſacus mileagie soldier ebas to ma sonra onlarg atfe to thide, ëihplayines útmoſt force about a is ofion katoni pinah, tidyreres prit forward. * thing.. Studiis ficumberey to hoop Incūsātio, onis; f. an accufang, blaming, Iacrepare aliquem avaritiæ, to cloſe so oni'; hook. *Licumbit in Incūsätor, õris ; m. an awfor. blathi anion's Poutyouſneſs. In ejus perniciem, he incunrjously in Incūsātus, ty um, accued, blaoud. crepare lyrim, to play upón ibe deaveurs bis ruin. Magia „yib Incūſo, are, to rebuhr, blame "hay veoulin marcincubuit, ag'at jerm Incuffio, onis ; file dafing a Incr.eſco, cti, dram; to increals, grow arora. Incuabit illi fpos fuccelli Ingurun, ûs; m. } gains.. store and more, over' or 'upon. onis, be is in a fiir znog so be hair. Incultad, a, um, part of Inquiler ; Incretớ are, [à crea] to chalk. Incunabula, örüm ; h....cradlm. in dabad cg ring, bruiſed againts tricteras. a. ÜlH; part. of, incernor; 197's, beginnings, eth place. Incuſtoditus, ay um ; adj. ned kapt or fifted, purged cloned; also niri fiftis. AB incunabulis, from one's crad! * Incrim taro, onis ; fi mibiamas or infanty: # Jovis.ingugsbula. CreIncuffus myk um, part. Om jocoddr ; 1. Betis. ta, Cicle she birthplace of Jaraginchi pirkond, indented, fafbioned as Incrim!nor, ari; dep. not to blames Incuñadula-virtutis, the first firing - be anuil... aithful ings of virtus. Ingu tioffie ffumy: tére; act: Liv. warudesc-0; uí, čre ; neut. Erafm incunctabiliscsadl. not to be döubii (of in'and quatiol 10 tinand data to grato radi idior adlased. agrinji. Morbum alioat inco- Intiventatus, a, om; part, not fained Incunctanter ;. adv, without delay or feie, to cast one inib.ct fichus. with blouet doubting. Vim yentis incutercn.to caudluf Interventos, a; in; adj. unbloedy, Incūrātus, a, um, not cared or re tering weather. * Incutere pol. without dlocd-mhed, where rio blood garded Ilcom limini, no Aumble at this has been spet Incūria, . f.. là cura) carelijms., breskold. incutere religionem, Konctftatio onts'; f. Vitr. a pargos! nig igenis to make fcrupulous, tender, or lourb ting sidling, wanforcing. Incuriose ;, arty. carelessly, negligemily, 10. do. Tcrrorcm laicutere, o Atrifātus, a, un part of incrat Incurlor:us agerc, to be too niegristo fcare'ott; tot ; Vtr. pargeted rough-coiff, # gant. Indāgābilis, o ji adj, to be inquired Opus inciunatum, wain}çot. Incariālus, dz. um ; ad}. negligent, alrer, alſo rxcujed. Hierdið, ate; act, Jun. to pargets careleſs. Incuriotus proximo Indãganièr . adv. by following obte bring, Cros. Calicom ir rum, not minding things; near and track, with diligent frotib. Coltare, id rub thi par's briñ with idly to human underflanding. In. Indagārio, õnis ;. f. an injuiftion' or og oranga pril. curioși fuorum etas, lailing all ſearching Iniciratio, onis"; f. 2a fitting upins, or things pa i wiibout the land notice Indāgātor, oris ; m. fan inguiſtòr or Incubatus, ús., m... brooding, * Intatatet, ofis : « broőder' or Incurrltür ſervis, they fall upon the Indago, are ; adt. Fof in and ago} to fervonis. foärch diligently, bunt: or trarti, Inétorid, Bits; f. á lying or fuiint Incuriùs ; adv. somewhat remifsly. Onnibus veftigiis indagata res eft, upon. Inedr-ro, ri, ſwa, rore to run or This hufiness hus, ban sboroughly Incutito, are its li up. ruff upin, incar; inake an inroad Seartbed and bolted cubio, are, it, itum to'lic or lian into a countryRumblé at. * Incurt Indaga inis; f. a diligent ſearch, the upon, Incubare ova or ovis, o Terc. voccs malevo'orona yto be-it Junding of ia. hound. e. nel pichid incubare (illonie ;) Col. 10 Ai upor lcoken of by the onondum la: 0541 about word into, which brijfs are eggs. * Incubare Jovi, 1. lie in los ſxcurrera, to be an exisme * drium. Indagine pcentrum cir. the capitol, 80 receive dreams fruit Quem in diem incurrit nefcio, I gin to be surrounded with paint and Jupiter. Incuðare thefauris, 10 know not upon whar dayi is. Hope Ili brooding over bags., Incubar pins. INDB, adv. (1788}. from there, out flle pecuniae, bis watches sarriols Incursorusy a um.; part of incora of shit place, and ther, afterwards. for the shoney, bis fingers iteb at if. for : faulted, invaded. . * Hins iada, on fuery fida: * Sara ** Mens incabajt dolori, badrioss Incursins, ads. b smily, quicktz. inde, as faun any even from Inde Jhad his mind. Inoartio, onis; !. Liv. in imur boots uçquo, front that time to bit. Jácudo, onism, he that Bij brood invasion. The Incurfio atomo um, Inde adcurl and upon this accomi, ing ; alſo the night-mare. the mosting or condux of Bloms. Incubos, in the night-mirr. Incorsito, are; nedt. to run vary of. + lodčbilos adv. + Inctido, okis; m. a worker at the ten spen. Indebitum, i; 2. & thing yok dur; mon. Incurſo; are į act. Liv. Fab incur- Indebitasa, um; adj. not dus of * Incido, 1l, tudi, dere; act. to coin, so} to run often wpisy julle, ona owing Damer ut. counter, invade: • Incarcabit doo Indoceas, Atis ; ad). underent, unft: "Inculcandus, uel; part: füt. in lor in te meụs, yowll. bo forry an Indecenter; adv. underently. dds of ricalcor ; to be brukt or well as * Cui nullus alios €0. Inděcet; imperf, it becomaih Dua forced in lor incurſaveris, mixed with indeclinabilis C.; adt, nor. bo te of- Inculcatus, a, um ; part. iniuland. other colour, # M-lices. i:lculant caped, no bonding to 'ona fide o ia Inculco, dre; act. (of in and calco] agpost the foldiers mud aniriad: "iber; alſo underlined. • Indeclina- torrad dr bruff, or beat oftén into Insugare in aliquam, lai charge billa animosa confhana frm mind: inculcare. * Alicui inoulcalc.ali. * lącurſáre oculis, to to an Indeclinatus, a.um, adfinot eſcaped, quid, is bratoribing into one's head. 196-fre: pugnis. & calcibus,in med bare Indeclinati amicitia; Inculpabilis, c; adla blomstefs. cncfare, in box and kick ones Settled friendlyfing Incapace, adv. tamaaliſti, Incurfus; ûs; įmi Livian irivifion, Locor, ā.is, 'mos decoming. * Non fortures. + ladebito {unduly. onic, erimus : } 1 J I N D IND I N D erimus regna indecares, ve faall, Indicai!o, õnis; I. a foiing the price, 'Indīgito, arc, "[dig.cas) 20 64.63 mens tie par worthy ihe kirigdom. A forwing. Tua indicatio eft, nijas, law with the finger. Inde. o:c, adv. inss entiy. You ought to ſet the price. Ind gnabundus, a, um? ad). tating Indéco: õlus, a, um ; 'adj. unfeem- indicātiřtio, a up;'adj. indicative, !. jnuty, chafing, ungry. !y, un'eroming, Mewing, derlaring Indignandus, a, um ; adj. ! He + indecorum, i; n indingnicy, + Indicātorius, a, um; diſcovering: jefied, Nighted Indcccrus, a, un ; adj. unfuem- Indicatura, 6;f, an apprizing: ladignans, ntis ; adj. angry, taking ing, unworthy. Inzi. alus, a, um ; part. of indicor ; :li, or in wratb. *Servitud indig: Inddfárgábilis, e; adl. no fubj:87 so prizad, uttered, declared. nantiffinus, no endw.ing Aava). waarineſi, not so be tired. Indícina, a; f. a diſcourring, bow. Indignan'èr_adv. diſdainfully.. + Indefcctus, a, un; adj. wirbrus ing: fign. Iridignāt:0, õnis; F. Cic. indignation def.al Indicium, ii; Cic. a diſcovery mark, crash Indefenſus: a am, undofmded. Agn. * Indico eſt. it hgn:fles. Ind:gnātiuncula, &; f. a little anger, Hudofcisc, Meo indicio mifer perii, I have pet, or chagrin. Indeteſim, adv. unwrarådly. bewegged my own neft. Indi- Indignātus, a, um, part. of Indig: 'Indēl: flus, a, um ; adj. unwearied. clum profiteri, to diſcover his com nor; myird. angarid, tempurus. + Indēliciens, ntis, nor failing. rades. * Pungem indignalus, not enduring indéfinitè, idý. indefinitely, obfure. Indico. are; act. to show, declare, a bridge. domonrais, acuje, iar a price upon; Indigne, rụs: adv. unusrtbily, bafely, indefinitos, 2. um. indefinits, obfcurt, a! l0 promil. * Rogito piſccs, grinvoudly, heinously: *Indigač pa. ombiguous, unbountai. indicant charos, I ask the price of ti, to take t;ill, hirdly to broku, Indēflictus, a, um, roof lamented. the fifth, but they had them at 100 Indignitas, āt:s ; f. unworthine's, an In ēfiexus, a, um ; 2dj, not bont or high a rate. abuſri infamy, dowed, corylan:. Indico, xi, qum, cère; act to de. Indignor. are: dep.zo be angry wroid, Indejectus, a, um, part. mot cap noun:s, proclaim, rman, fax, ap or diſconien:ed, thinle lourn ofr Bake down or dejifted. paint. * Indicerc bellum, to bid heinously. Quidam indignantur Indclē: i!is, c; adj. which cannot be difiance. • Indicere fupplicatio imperta, como refuſe ofices of NA olo'lai out. nem, to enjoin prayers and ſuppli. marid. Indēlectātus, a, um, no! pleafed. • Cotions to be made on ſuch a day, Indignus, a, um ; adj. anunrthy, une Non indclcctarus, well pleased, either for Quiring threatened judg deferving, beinous, barbarons. *la- Inde ibālus, a, um, entirs, net die monts, or toffer bankſgiving for digez lurres, very high rowers, minibad, un:ou hed. Biefings received. Dignos atque indignos adibo, 21 Indemnālus, a, um ; not condemned. + Indicator, oris ; m. ho that indires, try every one. Indemnis e; adi: cà damnum)with or prefer an indetinant. Indignus, a, um.; adj. [ab indigea) our burt or damage. Indictio, znia; f. a laxing. In pror, nudy, in wani. Indemnitas, ātis; l. indemnity, frus 940s libcra eft Indičiáo thay that Ind·ligens, ntis ; 20). negligoni. dom, pardm. are tributary. l.: diligens hortus, a garden nofily t Indeinno, arc., 80 pardon, arqurinr. Indictivus, a, um;' adl. proclaimed, keri. Non indiligens, diligent, Indemonitrãbills, c; adj. thit which publifo:ng. Jadlligen er, adv. nepligomily. can:in bs depon/rufid. Indi&tus, a, um ; part. of Indicor ; Indlligentia, æ; f. nogligmis, foch. + Inientatus, a, um, toothleſs. amounced, proclaimed alſo unjaid, Indímcnſus, a, um ; adj. unatafuro- + Indēpictus, a, um, not pa nied. 3211 to be utiered. Indi&â causa, able, infinite. * Indepilcor, ici; dep. fu obruin. without pleading to the cauſe. Indipiſcor, fci; dep. (ab ihn & anti ind plörātus, a, um , adj. not be Indicum, i; n. ladian Dlui. ap:ſcor) 40 purioule, obtain, berri wa.ted or lamendid, Indicus, a, um ; adj. Indian. falten. *ladipiſc pugnam, be Ladēpravārus, a, um ; adj. net do- indider, ady. from that lain place. sin she fight... Indipifcl animas; preved, ua orrup:ed. Indiès, adv. drily, frora day to day. to get by heart, beu al mes fing Indēprēcăbilis e; ad. indeprecable, Indiffciens. nois ; indiffermt, wird not to be p led by for any prayers. out dif.nation, ** Indiferens circa Ind:rcctus, a, um adj. unfurly, Indep chensibilis, e; adj. riot to be clbum, not forupulozes in dies. out of order taken or laid he'd on. Indifférenier, adv. indifferently. Indireptus, a, um, nof pullad.down. Indeprchenſus, a, un part, of in. Indiftercater ſerre, to be uncon orna lund ſciplinātio, onis ;' f. mifrule, dcprchendor ; not taken or found. wani of diſcipline. † Indopro, are; io abt uin, get. Indifferentia æ; f. indifference, like. 't Ind ſciplinõſus, a, um, adj. l- Indeptos, a, um, part, of indepil neil. bred, untaught. cor i gosten, or biving gotten. Indīgčna, æ; c. Liv. [ab indc & Indiſcretas, a, umi adj. non sapa. indeſertus, a, um ; never left or for. gigno) born in the same country. I rated. Indilcreia Gallitodinis fakın. Indigena vinum, wing coming from imagines, piąures attremely alik, Indeles, idis ; not idle. quick. fush a rountry, made there. Eitwsm whi:b no difference can be + Indesircns, ntis; continual. Indizenitālis, ė; natural, narius. diforned. Indosinenter, adv. continuully. Indigans niis; ad). pior, nnedy. Indiſcriminatim, adv. imidifferently. HudeſpeAus 2, um ; not defpifod. Indigenlèr, alv. poorly, nudily. Ladiſcriminātus. 2. um ; adj. not fro Indēterminale, adv. indelarmiw.goly. Indigentia, æ; f, want, powerty, pirated, without chore. not preciſely. need, indigonca. Indiferto, adv, unsingumotly. andētonfus, a, um ; part. noi polled. Indig eo; čre; neut. 1o want, so be liadise cus, a, um ; adl. nos cligumi. un forn, in extreme poverty, Indige:et Indiſpensātus, a, um , adj. iniom. + Indetribilis, e; ad). not to be worn auxilii adjumento, io want aid, fiderats, without refpra ir propos. sue o wapod. help. tion Indoritātus, a, um, nat addidid, + Indigeres, ei; f. indigopian. Indifoõşitè, adv. diſorderly. + ladēvõiio, onis; f. went of depo Indigoite adv. confu edly. Ind.(posilas a, un, out of order. tion. Indigeſtibilis, e'; adj. nos to be di. + Indiifimillous, a, umi; adj. fup. ladex, icis ; m. Liv. (ab indico) an getais. moiſ unlike imperher, discoverora touhilomio, Indígento, onis; f indigeſtion ladimulabilis, e; adj. 3 art. nor to ibe fore.finger, an index or table of indigeltus, &, um ; adj. confuſed, not Es diffemblat. a book, an nuentary, then, fign, Set in order. Ind gesta ligai (im. Indiffi -ulātus, a, um ; not diſimbled. guide. Index charta, bo trump plicitas, solid word with:us sty Indiçõlgbilis. e; adj. 3 art wbuch * Index nauticus, she mariner, grain or ſperk. cannn be difatuid or long COTAPaſs. Indigēles, um; m. gods made.of mon. indiſsolūtas, a, um, parts of indir- Indi, orum; m. the Indians, Ind.getur, imp there is want. Silvor i mos idoled or dilovat. India, a very large cuntry of Afia. t Indig:tamentam, , ' ; n. a lleong Ind Nan:år, adv. indifirully. Indica, æ; f. an Indian presious pointing. Ludigila denta, orun; indiſtincte, adv. confuealy. flere, which in'rubbing breaks osut na ralendar of canonized ſaints. Indiftinctus, a, um, confuſed. into a purple frust. Indigitãi.o. Onis ; f. a mining, Indiftinguibilts.c; adj. moms to be dif- Indica, a city of Igeria. po niing, CCNT.. X'**8. Cinguibid. RIRI Irdi, ing in. IN D IN D IN E Jadittulaus, a, um, unburt, noi raſed. Inducere aliquem in errorem. : $?! yam, so be depraved with vicious laditor, oris ; magivir, an im diinive oni, biw one's trick hibitis polar. ducere fcuta pellibus, to cover wuor Indūro, are ; a&t. to make, bard: Indijus, a, um ; part. of Indorsput the targets with skins. • Inducere + Indūras, a, um, adj. very hard. in, built upon Vincià indita, aliquid alicui, so put ibing down Indus a famous river of the eal, brzos laid fift. * Lecticæ indi. 10 jucb w.man's account, fallnit to wuhing India on the wilt: 203,, put into a fedan. bim, ' *Induccre frond:8, fructum, Indus, a, om i adj. of Ind a. + Individuè, adv? Infopurably, to put forib leaves, bear fruit. Indūlia, æ; f. á waillcoat or ſhirt. Individu tas, Luis; for snforgrádlonefs. Ingenti pecunia vobis indu:etur,+ ladūlia den, 10:3; n. a garinoint. Individuum, i ; an afon, a ſmall j: will call you a good round sum. + ladůGirlus, ilſ . i mrker or bodly not to be dividid, me partitis * Inducere aliquem in affcctas, to foller of Diris. la thing. deur one's offeaion. Indūfiatas; a, um, having a Mift on. Individuos, a, um ; adj. individual, Indu&ile, 'is ; n. a wino.pat. + Induco, are, to put on cloaibs. yot to be parted or Jeparated. Inductio, onis ; f. an sridua ion, bringt Indugor, õris ; m. he sbat bath & ladiesībilis, e; ad': individblę. ing in sonvejania, perfuafon, can birt on. ladivílus, , am, Wndivided : ceiling, a general sin lukion from the ladūQum, il; n. (ab induo) a joint Indivulſus, a, um, un aparable. enumeration of particulars. In: or fift. In-do, did; ditúm, dère ; &. [of in du&tio aquarum, a ronduit, a con laduſtria, æ ; f. indiefiry, diligence. and do) sa pur in, giviziale, fx! vring of water. Inductio anini, • De or ex induftria, for the noncı. • Nomen indiainis Tyndaro, 'yo i ferfuifon, rsſolution. Induſtrie, -iùs ; ady, induürituſty, dj-" called him. Tyndarus. Indere * Indere Inductor, õris; m. an introducer. ligonily, cléatrices in fcapulas alicujus, to Induétus, a, um, part. of Inducor ; Induftrius, a, um ; ad!. (ab intus & male fears in any mio's fooulders. indures, broughi in, ſmiebed, cover ſtruo) indulgrimui, ailigent, careful; Indăcibītis, c; aduniaasbable edialo foreign. luborious. Jatózilis, e, adj. 3 art, unpathable, loductus, ùs ; m. 9 parfurfim, by inz. Indītus, a um, part. of induor ; Knapi 10 learn, gull. Arbores put on, anointed, cloathid, indociles narol, true that will not Indůcủla, R; f. (ab induo). an un. Indūcus," üs; m. an arraying, cloatis- grow. Indocill,'gutture vernat, der garmerie, a whilcoat, &c. . ing, putting on. * Indutus impe- sings naturally. + Indugrcd.or, i; dep. to enter in. ratorius, royal robes. lodócilitas, atis; f. untsabablmef:. Indulco, į arc i act. to jwiu. Indure; zrum, f., [ab indoo) an Indocte, adv. untilfully. Indulcoro, S Indo&us, a um ; ads. wlaugbt, un, Indulgens, ntis; part. gonile, cork Induvlum, ii ; n. the bark of a tree. learned, unskilful. sring Indu'genuior facics," a Inebræ, arum; f. lab Inhibco) bin- + Indolentèr . adv., wirbout grisving pli ifant and ſwart countenance. drances, unlucky birds. ladolcnuia, .; ti want or abſence of Indulgenter, 1ů9,-irline; adv. ein + Inebriacus, a, um, adj. drunken, grief and forrow. derly, favourably. Inebriācio. Onis; f. a meking drunk; Indõleo. Cre; 'Indolcico, čre ; neut. to begin to Indu'gentia, æ ; f. indulgen's, gen. Inebriãtor, ''oris; m. a drunkard: } gricue rot. tienes, mildneſs, liberty to do any maker, Indöles ia s.' [ex in & plco) ! ihing * Indu'gentia cceli; the Inebriālus, a, um, made drunk.' wardunes, difpofition, increaſe, ng. floarnefs and serenity of she' bei nebro, ace; a&. 10 mika drunk. Equorum indoles, the race Inebriūlus, a, um , adj. drunkon. of borfes. INDUL GEO, fi, fun and tom, Inēdia, a ; f. lab cd ) famine, want + Indoloria, a f. a bring witbext gere; act. (ab ürgeö, vei à Singroos of mar, grid. Dulceol to render, cocker, Rive li- Ineditus, a, um, adj. not publiſbet. Indomabil:s, e; adl, untamrable berty, so have regard for, make much + Ineffáber, a, um ; ad). Sungling, Indomitaş,- 1. dm ; part, of indo of. Lachrymis indulgere, 11 wrep. Ineffábilis. c; adj. unjperkidle. mor ; unta.ad, unruly, invincible. much. Indulgere gealo; to pamper + Ineffabiliter, adv. unſpeakably. Indormio, irc; nchi. 10 ſerp in or . up one's felf. Indulgere amicitijs inefficax, acis ; adj. 3 2Țt. toitbour upon, so be fack or negligins. "in novis, so doat spon now acquaint force or virtue, dormire ciasz, to sleep as it were in Tempeftas indulget im. Ineffigiātus, a, um; without former plesding. brious, it rains hard. Indulgere fibien Indo-lo, arc; to put on the back. gyanaſais, to addig one's idf 10 Ineff ugibilis , adj. 3 art. inevit. ladotātuá, 2, um ; adj. baving no Sports, and manlike retrosions. suola, unavoidable, fungral riles. Indulsitas, sonce. a little trouble. Indů, Indonrendo. adv. wirbin, Indulus, a, um ; pari. Of indu'gcor; Inclégans, ntis ; adj. nu gay pr. irim, Indubid, ady. withoui douai. cockered, fuffered, borne with. Inclčganièr, adv. without a grace or Indúbil bills, e, not to be doubted. Indāmen, ins; 2in. apparel, veurs, beauty. lodúbitan tèr; ady.' undoubted.lodumentum, i; 1 garment. Inēlágantia, ; f. flovent res. Indúbilātes ly, IND UO; ul, ūcum, uěre; act. C!c. Ineluitabilis, cadj. wbi.b annos Indubitatusy 2, um ; parti of Inde Iš dow) to closih, put in transforma, be conquered,' unavoidable, .bitor ; undoubted, certain. counterfrit, inlangle, cover, contoin, laemendabil:s, c; adj. 3.915. wbich Indúbito, are; 10 doubt:of, daudz faflın, "Indult le nux in florem, rarinst ce mended. mu b. the moud-Ir blodcmed. * Induere Iněmendārus, a, um, not mended. Indūbus, a, um, queflim'efi, iwe of animum artibus, 10 furniſh the inēmõrior, i; to do in a thing. doucht. mind. • Induere foleas fumeatis, Inetaptus, a, um, not boughi, fra. INDUCIÆ, arom; f. [ab otium] to floog horſe. In the induerc loi fras, Incnarrābills, ç; adj. unullorable. I trus, re pi'e. * Inbic inducias, so grow angry, '*Induere fe iel-It Inēnarrabilītèr, ady, unſpeakably. to enser into a 11 412, clap up a prait, publicæ, to intermeddle with the In narrālus, a, um, untold, pulled In'uc.arias, a, um ; adj. of a cffrirs of she fitu. • Induit illa by + 1:iducialis, ci } : irure, pat em, Mi blindfolded her futbor. Incnodabiils, c; adj. 3 art. not to be + Induc:o, are, 80 make a truci. Indui fuâ confeffione, to be taken luosed or unsied. Indū co, xi um, core; act. to load, in his opun confefian. Inenādātus, a, um, not explained. bring or draw in, indu's, feriadi, Ipdupedlo, irc, to bindur, ent.:n- tinčnodo, are, to unlooje, unti, b.oi out, roje. canel. * laducere ogle. + Inenormis e, adj rol exceljive. anind o in animum ut -to Sep Indupěd tus, a, um, hinde'd, &c. la co. ivl, īrum, įre; act. to go into, Jurdi one's iet shut -., Inducere Indupěrátor, Örls ; m. an emperor or undericks, lis with one (iarnally.) animam ad aliquid, or aliquid in gener... Su lmperator. Inire conſulatum, to enter upon the onimum to give one's mind to a + Indupěro are, la command. conſulſo.p loire gratiam ab ail: thing. "Inducere aliquem, or a!i- Indūrátio, õa:s; f. an hogening. quo, ta get into one's in favour, quen loquentein, to bring any one locīrālor, oris; m'herb burdens. Iniie aumcrum, to count, mufior. in reaking in a foreh, dialogue, Indūrātus, a, um ; rart. hirdened. * In rc dexu, to some snio on &c) * Induccre ca'ceum alicui, Indūr co, ēre Indūr co, čre ; indurefco, čre , . i to eng-gement * Inire certamen, to to put on a man's look for him. # Induici.cc in pra begin ihe combat. . Inire çatlo- nças, 1 onre. eturas person, not bonoured with industriaisas , } licet. indul . In de los moments de um ; adj. done with 3 grow.bird, ridden upon. Inermis, c ; İ N È INF INF:gen nem, I deviſe. * Inlit'te febris, {Inexpectatus, a, um ; adj. inexpect. Hinder, defroy. Ut tua moderato you have a fever, 6d, unlooked for, to a!jorum infamat injurias, four + Inčphippiātus, a, um, unſaddled. Inexpedibilis, e; adj. that ons cannot your mild tomper rendors the injur incptc, adv. fooliſly, befide the pure get rid of. offered by them comempuble poje. Inexpēditus, a, um ; adj, unfurniſ. + Intandificus, a, umi adj. doing Inepria, a; f foolishneſs, trifling. ed, unready, things not to be named. Ineptio, ire, to triſte, tulkiale. Inexperrectus, a, um, not riſen up. Infandam ! ady. O barihli! Inepritūdo, inis; f. unfitneſs, trifling. t lacxpcrs, rtis ; adj. unskilful. Infandas, a, um, adj horrible, not to + Inepło, are, to triſte, play the fool. Inexpertus, a, um ; part. of inexpe. be ſpoken ir named. Ineptus, a, um, (ab in & aptus] rior not proved or fr.ed, unexpe• | Infans, ntis ; c. (à far!) An infant, unfit; napi, fooliſh, find. rienced, not having prived. babe, she young of houps or birds, Iněquštābīlis, e; adj. 3 art. not to be Inexpiabilis, e; adi, 3 art. inexpia. * Homo infans, a poor perkir. Alon not to be cleanied or appealed. Peaus intans, a sbild's bidalt. Iněquitätio. Ôns ; 1 e riding upon. Ol!um inexpipolle, an irreren- Infans belacus, a young mushroots. Inčquilo, arc, to ride upon. cileable batrid. • Nihil Lentula Infantius, 'no man + Inermátus, a, um, difartrid. Inexplatus, a, um ; adj. not cleanſed living bud loſs eloquence than Len. adj. [ab arma] tulos. or apprafad. } Inermus, a, un; unarmed, naked. Inexplānābil's, c; adj. 3 art. not to Infantāria, jf. a diming woman; + Inerono; are ; aft. 80 difarm. be explained. alſo a woman lying-in. + Inerrābilis, e, not wandering. Inexplánarus, a, um, not made plain, Infantia, .; to infanty, childhood, Inerrans, n:is; part. windering in ; fluttering: dijability of exprefing one's mind. alſo not wondering. *Stellæ inter Inexplabilis, e ; adj. inſatiable. Infanticidlum, ii; n, a killing of in. rantes, this fixed dars, Inexplētus, a, um, nos filled, not fi. fants. Incrro, are ; n. to wander about.' nihad. Infantilis, e; adj. of childhood. Ignis incrrat æd!bus, the fire sterps Inexplicabilis, si adj: 3 art. mot Infantiffimus, a, um, my childi. about the bouge. 10 be explained. • Inexplicabiles Infanto, are, to fuld children. Iner-s, tis ; adj. 3 art. tiffimus; (ab fraudes, deceits from wbich there is + Infantula, a; f. a little girl. ars) Nothful, Juggiſh, ignorant of all no riddance. Infantūlus, i; mi (ab infaas] a little Arts and frientes, dull, spiritless, Inexplicabiliter ; adv. inexprofinly. infant. fruitless, barren, unJadirty, unfit . Inexplicatus, 1 a, um ; adj. intricate, Intar co, ci, tum, cire, to All, Aaf * Ætas incrs, old age. Anima Inexplicitus, $. not to be unfolded, • Infarcirc verba, 80 crocbd 18 iners, a coward. • Pondus iners, hard to be wodafood. words. a great lubber. * Inert:Nima ſeg: 1 nexplorātè ; adv. not making prof Infatigabi's, e; adj. unutaried. rita, very great forh. # Iners Inexplorarò; } or trial. Infatigabiliter ; adv unwettiddly. membris, having 10 Wie of his Inexp!drātus, a, um ; part. of Inex. Intătgātus, a, um ; adj. unwarinda limbs. * Caro iners, unjavruly ploror ; not dried or ſearched, + Infatuatio, õais j f m biforting, Nalb. Inexpugnabilis, jadj. 3 art. im 7 lofátuālus, a, um, part. of Info: Inertia, æ; f. ignorance of arts and pregnable, invincible. tuor, fupified, diſtracted, fiionises, Nuggiſnefs. • Sirenoa in- Inexpugnatus, a, um; part. of inex. Infat :o, are ; a&. (à facaus] to make crtia, unskilful diligence. pagnor ; not overcome Aupid and coolsh. + Inerticula, æ; f. & vins that bears Inexpūtābílls, c; adj. 3 art, whiib + Iafāvorābilis, c ; adj. 3 art. nu to very small wine, or which does not cannot be unbered. be favjured. bring the gout. + Inexterminābilis, e; adj. 3 art. Infauftus, a, um, unlucky, unhappy. + Inērticu!us, a, um; adj. fomewhat whirb rannst be driven ont. Infectio, õnis ; f. infra.in. luzy, never hurting the finews. + Inexumābilis, e; adj. 3 art. which t Infecto, are, to calcur or dje. Incititūdo, inis ; 4. Lazineſs, cannot bo flesmed, Infector, oris ; m. a dgor. Inerůd.te; adv. ignir int'). Inextin&us, a, um, nos quenched... + Infe&tor us, a, um, dying, + lacrèdit:o, Onis f. ignoranti. Inextinguibilis, G, unquinchable. fictoria (pina, buckthorn. Ineruditus, a, um ; adj. unlearned, Inextirpābīlis, e; adj. not to be roble Infc&as, us; mia dying. ignorom, ed or plucked up. Infettas, a, um ; part. ab inficlor; Incrcatio, õnis ; f. a baiting, inveig. Inextirpātas a, um, part. of incx dyed, infilled. ling tirpor ; not rooted or plucked up. Infecus, a uin; adj cof ' in and Ineſcātus, a, um, derrived, fed. laextricabil's, c, of which one cannot faétus) undone, not finiſhed, unfea. loeſco, arc, (ab cicaj to lay a bait, rid bim/elf, hardly pluched uf. fible. • S: omnia pto infedo ant, deceive, allure. Inextricātus, a, um ; adj. not unfold Suppoſe nubing were done. • la. laevectus, a, um, exaltıd, or not ex od or freed: feétum argentam, un torought plati, alied, Incxupérābilis, ; adj. 3 art. not s01 Infelicitas, ātis; f. unbappines. Inē:ītābilis, e; ad). unavoidable. be opercome or polia. Infeliciter ; adv. unhappily. inēvilātus, a, um, nos avoided. Inexūpčrātus, a, um, not overcome. + Infelicito, arc, to shake unhappy, Inexăcărābilis, e; adj. 3 art. infatia Infăder, a, um , adj. bungling, inar. Infelix icis; adj unlucky, whippy, able, not to be filled sificial. difmal. • Infelix arbor, 4.giobet, Inexātūrātus, unſatiated. Infabrè, infaberrimè; adv bungling- + lafendo, čre, so provake. Inexcitabilis, e ; adj. 3 art. not to be ly, clouserl, Infense; adv. angrily. awaked, Infabricãtus, a, um, not wrought by Infenlo, aro, ſo anger alſo to be angry Inexcitus, a, um, not provitad. sbi carpenter, rough hown. or diſplaufing. lofenfare pabula, Inexcogitabils, e; adj. 3 art. nor to Infăcēte : adv. unpleaſantly, to harraſs the pidures. be found out. Infăcētia, ārum; f. dull humours, Infenfus, a, um, adj. i's, ifimus; Inexcogitātus, a, um, nof deviſed. pitiful conceits, witleji merrimeni, (ab ant. fenius, i. c. iratos) ingry, Inex ultus, a, um, unpoliſhed, hitacētus, a, um, dull, unplaajant. difplaajedi allo hateful, a hited, Inexsūsābilis, e; adj. inexcuſable.' Infacundia, &; f. want of liquinie. cuging . Intenfi valetudo, fckneſs. Inexcūsātus, a, um, net excufed. Infāçundus, a, um, adj. not cliquent. + Infer for infra, beniaih. Incxercītātus, a, um; / adj. not as - Infallibilis, e; adj. infallible, + Infcrcio, ire ; ad l.fin and far- Incxercitus, a, um ;') e cijed, 100 Infāmātio, onis; f. á defaming, cio] R0juf, fill. frediid. Intāmätor, oris ; m. a dofamer. Infèci, Grum; a. (ab infra) ibi geds tIncxformābilis, c; adj. 3 art. wbich Infāmātus, a, um, defamed. op jouls in hell. cannot be faſioned. lofämia æ; f. là fana) infans, à Intèriæ,ārum; f. facrifire: ; or the dead. Inexhauftus, a, um; part. of inex bad nams, reproach. Inferālis. e ; adj. of uufrals. - haurior, which cannot be wafled, Infamis, e; adj. 3 art. wil spoken laferior, ius gep. osis, inferior, lowm. spent, drawn out or filled. of, Mundored, and penderous ; aljo Infcriùs ; adv. lower. Su in'ra. Inexõrābilis, c; adj. 3 art. inexora unlucky, difinal. • Intamem fa- Infčrius, a, um ; adj. [ab inferijson . ole, implacable. cerc, u defame, jecruted to the gods, Inexõrātus, a, um, not entreered. Infamifsimè; adv. moji infamouſly, La crnalis, e; I. infernal. Inexpedājilis, e, not to be expelled. Infāmo, are ; ait. lo dijami, suproacb, Infernas. ätis, which is from benerh. Rrrrr 2 Inferne, + t * . lofoftivus, a, um , adj. unprofani. Inarmus, a, um , lor, iffimus fiebte Inlorator, oris ; m. & pierar. INF:: INF IN F Laferno; adv. from hinnab. Infigūrabils, e, not to be defcribed ! pafion with his tears. Infertiam, i ; 8. bull. or pourirend. In Aētus, a, um, unlimented. Kalerausum, whice ii baloro. Lofimātes, ium ; m. the meanss of the Index:bīlis, c, inflexible, not to be Infero, Incali, l'atum, infente; 14. prople, Brie raſcality, I heute sum acc. to bring, in, rugle. or t. t.fimātus, a, um,obafod, deprofied, 't Inflexibilitas, ātis;, , inflexibility, rotiri, add, conclude, bury, al. cajt down, Inflexio, onis ; f. 2 a bowing or bonda lodgao je Inferre minus alicus, ft Infomitas, etis, ; f. lowritis, bojeInflexus, ùs ; m. ing in. laj bands m me. . Inferre lau. Inflexus, a, um, lof infcctor) bow. dbus, to put into one's monik. . In It Inamo, are, to dopredi, o sest sd in, chunged, dúdlined. ferre abortum, to make one wi Awn. InHaus, a, urn; part. (of indigor) things. laferro figoiz, to marib infimus, a, um ; fub infra) lowel,!. inflicted, dalbea aguing. wiib maionys, Ut magnificè in: Heanett, vilop.. Ii fimis precibus ; Inf:go, xi, dum; to infis, frida; fert (c ! hora Aoidly br makes his petcre, to intreat you bundix ping. Ini gerc cokepham, 10 entry. lareira liter capitis in Inando are, to cut, doave, or graf give one a box, * Infligere. aby aliquem or periculum capitis ali- + Infinibilis, c. infinite. turpitudinem, to diſgraçe bim- cult its serok ant of felony Ser infinitas, ātis; f. ingniy, Andhiefs. solf. mouom hac de re Intuut, he dis neſs. Info, are, to blow into, or puff up.. cour (od of wis mestier, trated of lain.te; } adv, infnitely, millefs Infarc fpem, to increaſe bope. it. Infeire rationibus, to cap up. Infinito + Influctuo, arc, 10 swirr or low ip. * Inferrc mortuúsa, to burry **. Infinitimos, a, um ; nigh at hand. Influentia, cz; f. r flowing into, in- Infinitio, opis / 'f. infinitonoja. Auence. infertilida harron, unfruitful. + Infinitivus, a, um, infinitive, undon Inquo. xi, un; to low into enter in Inferio, oris ; ms that forum up terminid. Esmul, Aow together in a heap. the wat, Infiaitus, a, um, infinits, without lucré in aures populi blandir + Intortum vinum, wima facrifard number of and. Ad infinituir uis, to win kos oftcaion tbipró- int Fored' at ibu altar, for ever and ever. ple by lottery. Lofervefac lo orc';.ad), so wako be. Infirmarium, ii ; n. on hoſpital. Inflexus, ts ; m. an inpugnari flow. Inferyco, eres nçut. to or hory + Infirmarlus li; m. bio tost is f!k, ing on. Inferveſco, čre ; boil. or looks to be fick. Inf-odio, ādi, offum , to dig inte; ita Jafa vefia, čri, 15 de made het. Infirnátio, onis; f.a wrakming. loforas, a, um; adj, (ab infra, vel in infiripätor, oris m. a wrokenor. Infæcunde ; fero) wbib ix Smartb. adv. barrenly. Maretat Infiimālārium, it's D.' an bopi. lolocandos inferom, the Tuſcan fox, trenil, Infoecunditas, Itlo ; f. unfruitful rum limen, eherrebold. Dofircostus, a, um, wralmåd, wand . nej). + Infeffus, a, um:; ad), wunariid, ed, dimin, Infæcundo, arc, to make barrm or Warniudiak. Infirine ; adv. faintly; feebly: unfruitful. Infanátio, onis ; 1. a urnikg, troke. Inft witas, atuai fi furbines, work. I foecundus, a, um, unfruitful, bar. Bring. ne's. Infiroritas Gallorum, the infeftator, orismi a träbler, roboty. Lovity of the Freach. 1. fcclix, unbappy, wnfruitfül, sola- Mlettatus, a, um, part. Troubled. Inferno, are, t. UxRkMconfuts, dif. fel:x Lafete, jūs, imme: adv. doublefonly, folur. InArmae iets, to make it Infatus, a, um, darro maliciouſly. thair evidence void: # Införācio, onis ; to a piercing. Jafèfta, ara, ai i wt,rinblico. work, infrm (in body. or. mnd) Informatio, õnis ; f. e faflming; tapt. Infipi ſaporis vinom; wral wine; forming, draughi, model, an idea Flatcftus, a, um, adj. (à fenas velit. Spiritlali. of the thing, the foape of it in feno) amurg, troubleſome, deadly Infit, (à diuis dico] he begins or obe fancy. walicious, bojila, Spigbirl,' angry ſays. Inforinător. Orls'; m. 1. fabbisnier, alſo mirially batid. Valerat ie? + Infigeos; eri, 1o deny. Informatrix, fcis, ; f. } informer. pera, ronds haunted by sb'sou: + Inficias, for inficts. Informātus, a, um, informed, fabing- Mare Safeítum haberes.-te pictures Infitiatio, onis ,.f. a drying. .d. oniy begun, not finished, no pot malol by piracy. + Infixio, ūnis ; fi a foilmning or in execution . Animus à natura Infrbūlo, arc, tí tlaj, durm. tbruling in bene informatus, à mind will Anticotikezrum ; f. dull infpid Infixus, i;[ab mfigor) fajimed, tran.ed, opt to revive any virtuous thru ia or ebrough. InRxa anti imprefien. metais,'tj'um joy of in and fi. mis religia, religion imprinted uport Informldatus, a, um, rosfetrid. cetus) dalts anprafani: the mine, Informis, ciſ à forma ) withosco Inficiālis, e dj; or vidential. + Inflammanter, fornia fiara o condolineſi; ill fa. Joficlandus, jums to be dinird: j lam veured, ugly. Jofcias,' acc. ple dontal. Dificio inflammators oris ; m. 7 an infilars. Loforasītas, átlá ; f.. déformily; ugli: - as tres u dangt Inflammatrix, icis ; 1.}.&r.. Inficiatio, Ontto ; ti danying Ingamwitus; 2. ominid. "'IN Informo, are; to forma fision, in- Inficator, orism. a dontier, The Hammata laffitudo, on imma. fruto train up. Informare dcos: dijous a dibi, &c. tion from too matib tsbuler, satijing conje&urâs to gueſs what the gods Infiélarixi icis ra omlar: harfonofs: Inficlens, ndiaadfiidid, melyzed. Infammo, are ; [à fiamma) so in Inforo, äre, to pierre, or bora a bale Inaclens: Aris: part infico, djingi sami, inunjé, provoki. "Inaam- into, to publiſ at the markör, pliad, Inficio, aci, é&um, pro's aa. to! in mare Invidiam. to heighlin city + Infortio, are, to confirh. and facio) ió dje.colours, Frifin, Irflare, ids; adv. prouidlj, punigt, infortunate; udv. unfortunitelj: frain, pillule; in A, corrupt, over- oficio, onis ; f. a puffing up will.. Infortūnätus, . * um, wnfortunitas caj, Delici: anitaum Inficere, ing with wind. Mignam ha unhaphy, to depravi bo mind csirb cöpiñes, bet infationem, It briidi wind ex+ Info tūnītas, atis : fi tahappiñe's. • Inficere artibos, so trdih ine the fromély, InFortūnium, ii, nes,fortant, miſ: ali. Infatus, a, um, bliun. or miffed shef. Info cunduin fiabétes so Inficior, ari ; (a faclo, vel farcor) la up. bu inscrubk. diny, refüje, diſown thide whirl wai Inflarus, lls 3 m. afwelling:or putringil Infortuno, are, somake linapos, refused. up, injpiration: infofus, a, umn; digged, bidding on Infido adt: tres birtily. Inflectio" önté ; f. a bowing, whul. Krie in. Infidclis, e, faithfifs, aifoydl: INFRA ; præp. (dpdx) Benrath, be. Infinĉitas, atio ; fi injdarity, difor finde eto, xi; xom, to bow or band. dizo. Nin jotra novena, not in, daunt, darline, # Solusi hic Sewer than nine. Homorus non Inadelitèr ; adv. unfaithfully. inflexit ſenſus ho alone medo me infra loperiorcm Licurgum fuit, Infidus, a, om ; adf: unfaithful sbingi rin mind. • Lachtym Homor did not livé ajter Licurgus lobi go, xi, ana, to fai on, Wick in. me intiexit, bo moved nie to com the alcat, hacamata Sient an infairning: Linformitate cia ; f. deformity; ugli: ling abir, In. " 7 dwer. t 'INF ING ING Infrà 3 adv. tolow. Milto fatra, Infułcio, re, to bring in by heart and ingénikus, a, um, inbreda.nisural. ar & much lower, rate. Jboulders, thrul, crom, or soil on. | ingin um, !i,n wij natura, inili Lorra&lo, õnis ; f. . heavy breaking Intulcit nomen leveri, he wurp nursion, dynafitox.Ita raibi oma. Jarntneji. od the name o' Severus. nia ingenia funt Í b'ue' lo muy lofra&us, a, din ţ [of intrinġor) t lnfulgens, ntia, binning, fliflering. hu:zours. * Ingenium foli, then. greasy broken or bruitid ; alſo won. Infūinatus, a, um, dried in ihi/moke. ture of the Joil, og ingenium ton, mijra. latractus fermo, Infumata caro, 'bung berf. Luum reverti, to be the fame inan poft peurb. + Infūnibi'um, ii n. the sunnel of 8. 11. • Ingen un con, the come Infrænktus, a, um, bridled or un a cbimus. piest selling off a fuppor. bridled. Infümo, rc, to fake, or dry in thu 1 + 19.čnor, i; Lab ant. genco, i. c. ſmoke. Infrenta, e; ads: 1(a frekum Juoith g'gnoro be bredin. dat bridle or Infandíbúlum, i ; a. (ab infundo) a flagens, ntis ; [à, gens, vel à geno]: Hag unruly. Infrznus cursus, uunnit; alio 4 mill-bopper j. also ibu great, bugos spouso pont, . Anl full sond. brain, tunnel. mi ingens, T.c.courageous. * in. Infræno, arc, to bridlo, curb, back, Inf undo, ūdi, üfum, to pour in or up gers pcewaia, a ĝrest (um of to- bold in. on – Infundere vitia in civitatem Infràgilis, c, firm, Brong, nos foun to drbaucb a city, + laučnuatus, a, , will principled . brotin. Infurnitúlum, iin, [furnus) a peri una édu.wted. + Infraoires, the mugacbes of the to fat brouet with Ingčiuè ; adv. Ingenuenfzi fredlys beard Infaícātio onts; f. & darkmmg. hengity. Jafrangibilise; not so be broken, Infulaatus, a, um, darken'd, Koudid. Ingénuitas, aris ; fi ingenuity, honets, Infromo, gli irum, to roar. iniuſco, dic. 10 make dim. dark, or Moolmeiseguiradom. Infrendco, ère ; to greift or grind the dusky, to dye of a dark colour. In lingénuus. as um, ingennius, honaji, turib, fulcare vinum: to mingle wint with free dira. • Ingenáz facics,the load 't Infrondes, lum'; c. sbildrm wilb winter, 6 dajo it with water. of a gentemon. Ingenyus co- out teab. Eos aliqua barbaries infuſcaverat, lor, a n tural sclow. Aig + Infrcadeſco, ere, fi grushole, mut. they were fome-wbat ride and boor genua, ibi liberar urss. ill. ingé ro, li tam, to bring, par or pour Infrequens; ntis, thin, mot frequented. Infuſcus, 2. um, dark, ſwarthy.brown. in, lay on by hospi, rau uguinjt. . nor haunted, alſo orj bied. • In Infafio, onis ; f. on infupont, pouring Periculis ie ingerere, format bim Icholâ infrequens, a feldom comer into or upon. Self ints dinger. * Sacrilegum to fibool. Infrequens mijlo; a' + Lalufo, are, to wind on a ſpindle. ingerere, to commit facrilege. *50c- Araggler, Infrcquens fum vocum Infuſor, oris ; m, a pourer in. lus celeri, Ingerers, to be4p vào L tinarum, I am not acaujoñed to intisoriam, il; n. a Tunnel, trufe or crime upon anorber.. * Ingerore the Latin tongue. Sc alicui sci, io add's with a boite- A Intséquentātus, a, um,mt frequent. Iafuſos, a, um : (of infundor) over. finefs. Nomina clarorum viro id. few'ng. Mens infula per artus, rum fæpe fuis liberis ingerunt; Infičquentia, &; f. a small number, ibe for sprcet oury bolimos, they often make montion of Jumann thi biriners of a company. Infulus, dis; M. a pouring in or upon, mon to the r childrm. Infriacus, a, um, crumbled ſmall, . Ingæroncs, a large people of Ger. Ingeftabilis, c, not to be borine.' Infrīcário. Onis ; fi a rubbing in. many Ingeitus, a, un ; (of ingerol carrito Infricāçor, oris ; m. e nobar, atar. Ingauni, a pople of L'guria. or raft in, Inf icātus, si ünn; rubbed in or up. Ingēlābitis; e, whicb inixab not, Ing-igno, enui, ěnítum, io, engindor Logelidus, asum, not froxın. Infric-o, al & avi, tum & atum, Ingčninatlo; õn's jf. a doubling. + Ingicas, atis ; f poverty. fi rud in or upor. fm, In čminatus, a, um, doubled. - No Igloméro, arc, ro fold ór roll fogo. Iber. + Infrictio, onis ; f. a ribbing in or bil:tas inkeminata, nbe on 14- 40oh. ther's ant trorber's fido... Inorias, 3 2; ad; [à glórlei Infri&tus, a, um ; [v Infricor] rubbed Irigēmino, are. to double, reprar + Inglor ofus, inglorioni, otne to in or upon. logeminant auftri, the winds nown itimation. Infricius, a, um ; part. Cofinfringor) rile. Inglutio, ire, to fuollow down. trued in. Ingčminor. ari, atus paff. to be man Ingluvies, el; t. (à gula) glutiny, Infrigido, sre, to imals told. peatrd of doubled oron. grad, sating: a bird's gros Infri go, xi, ätum, fri ini or toge- Inrčatfcos jére; 10 groen, bewail, Ingluvions, a, um, gluriensus. ther. Ingčine, Ingolſtadium; a city of Bravaria, called Intr-ingo, eg i, atom; (of in and fran:imgěnérabilis, c, shei whiib caninos Ingolſtaat. go jej break or bruije, brekk in piciuri 68 mgonderid. Ingrandcro, čre, to grow brig, ins- to wrakın, diſcouraga. Lingua Ingěněráca's. r. am, not borgs op he (renta infrlagitar, he can't pied for four. gosto, naturali ingenerata fa- Ingrano, are, * carry ini corn: • Intringere hominem,to obate the milite tuae frugalitas, all of your ingrales adv. ungrasfully, unkind's man's inaragi. • Precatu Deos in family are sober and thrifty. * ingrarè ferre, not so tako kontables fringere, so pour she gods by prayer. Ingnčnfrog. are, te ingendár. to of oifpleaſed at. Plus quingentos colaphos infregit Ingencror, ari, to be ingendered ;* Ingrit fcus, a, um, ungrateful, una mihi;, be gave me above five hundred alſo to continue long, thankful.. cufi. + Ingèniatus, a, um, natwally dist. Ingrat.Olus, a, um, out of form Infringor, i ; poff to be broken, &c: por Infr:0; wc, te brook into small pines,+ Ingónicŭlärtus, li ;m. a kneeler. Ingrat is,. fà grat'æ)monop. abli crumbli impo. Ingóniculo, are ;? [à geno! so knal, njpile of one's recib... Ingratis Infrons, dio; withiut leaves or Ingenicolor, arl; } bow the knus, tuis, whether you will s7 no, no Infrondlane, Irvis. make a leg. Irifrumuõfas, a, um, 2 urifrieltful, bar. Ingen:cu!ug, 1; m: Hercules upon ingrat:s ; adv. in spite of Ohi's Infrugiferus, a, um, $ rm. bisknuus, (a confellation.) sinib. Infronitas, a, um, fortifs, dull, vän + Ingéniculus, a, um, upon his Ingráticado, inis ; f. ingratitude, ux- glorious; doating. knus. ibankfulneis. miūcátio, nds; f. e painting, coleur. + Ingěniðlum, i; n. a little or prutsy Ingrātus, a, um, untankful, umpian ing over. junt. lr gratum alentiundo a Infūcātus, a; o'm, printed coloured. + ingenior, ari, to exerciſe his Torrad Alone. Intuco, art, to paint, coloitr over, wit. Ingrīvātè ; adv. without grumbling. cloak. Ingénloaè ' ; adr. ingeniously, wini. Ingiavoſco, čre : ro grow heavy, big, '+ Infugio, ūgi, itum, to fly unto. Worse and worſe * Ingiávelcic Infula, a; f. [ab ant. Infilo; loc. Ingéniositas, atio ; f. w:ttindis annona, cirn Prows dear. relo) a mine. Ingenloſus, a, um. ingenious, witty. Ingiavo, are, io sxgorale, aggrar Infulātos, a, um, mitred. Inful. * Ager ingen iolus ad legetes, & vals, rautt grovoni, or worſe. tus myfta; a bishop. fruiiful fila. Ingrédior, di j ( in and gridior) 1 UDUT thanks to you. WX1. man. res, s INH INI INJ to go in, inter ubon, begin. * Ve Inhibitus, a un, Lof inhibsor) bin. Inýmico, are ; eo fet ar inmiy #giis patris ingredi, ro tread in dorad, ropped. &c. Inimicor, ari; to fall oui, or become his father's páps, imirari him, - * Inhio, are ; to gape upon, follow with Inmoins, Quam vitam ingrediari wbat courſespen mouth, jonk greedily. * In. Inimic us, a, um ; lor iffimas; hate- of fo fall I follow ? . Spem in barc aliquem, i gape for int's ful, bud, hurtful, bopile. gredi, to be in hopes. coming Inīmieuo, i') mi (of in and amicus) Ingreffiö, õnis ; f. a going in, inhoneftamentum, i 2. a raproash, imentum an crew, a back-frirtil. Ingreffus, a, um, [of lagredior).on. bome Inimitabills, c; inimitablo, not safly ind. Inhõneſtas, ātis ; f. diſbenefy, baſe. followed. ūsm nejs, ill-favouridneſs. + Ininde, adv. from that place. iranie the beginning of. Inkoncitātio; onis ; f. a diſhonour. Inion, the binder-part of sbe bead. + ingroffor, oris ; m. an ingrofer. ing. Laique, adv. wujudly, partially, logroens, ntis ; nier at band, Iohoneftè, adv. difbmerly, diſsnoter- Iniquitas, āris ; fi unsvennef, unjuſ: . Ingruo, čré, [å grus) to indade, af ably. noſi, unequalnefs. * laiquitas loci, Jault, approach. Ingruit frigus, Inhonefto, arc, to diſponont, dis the odds of ibe ground. the cold weather is at band. • Im. grace. Iniquo, arc ; 10 vex, griovi. ber ferrens ingruit, a great fbower Inhoneitus, a, um; diſbmeft, filthy, Iniquoſus, a, um ; unjaji, partial. is ready to fall. nafas Iniquus, a, um ; jor, Ifimus, [of in INGUEN, inta; n. (ab rgsurov, fde - lohonorabil's,' c ; difhonourable. and aqub8] Unwin, unjut, un. (as) the twij, groin, a boil theria, lohõnõrātus, a, um ; diſbonoured. * naslonable, unkind, unfriendly, par: àb-uts. Tranſire aliquid inhcnoratum, to tial. Loco iniquo pugnatum Laguinalis,e; of tbe groin. pass a thing without giving in its cft, they fought not on ruin ground. Ingolnālls, is i due praiſe. Iniquo onere premi, to be over- Inguinara, 2;3 f. fare:wort. Inhõnõrus, 2. om; difponourable, buribined. Spaliis iniquis ex- Inguin', a prople of Umbria. without bonoser or renown. cludi, to be Ortigbimud for room. + Ingulſotus, a, um ; burdened, bur- Inhorreo, ērc; to be afraid, grow * Iniquo vultu ipectare, sa loob a- Inhorreſco, cre ; rough. wry upon. Ingargitāto, onis i'f. e devouring, t Inholpce, itis ; be shie lodges 29 t Inirafcentia, æ ; f. wont of angor, ſwallowing up + lairrigātus, a, um ; anwatered. Iogurgitātor, oris; m. a daucurer. Inhoſpitalis, e; unlind, resciding none + Inita, .; f. e point or ribband for Ingargito, are, [à gurges) so drvnur, to lodge, nos inhabited, a soal before. willow up, droton. Se cibis Inn hoſpitalitas, ātis į f. inbospitality;' Initin,õrum ; n. the myſteries of Ce- ingurgitare, ro.craw himſelf. In bad entertaining of guais. gargliare ſe in flagitia, to plunge Inholpītus, a, um , harbourlifs, very Inītrālis, c.; animi, fira. hin fulf ouer bead and cars in vil aps for lodging, rade, enorcilefs. laitlanenta, õrum.; n. the firſt prin- Banr. + Inhuber, čris; fasall, fonder, ciples of religion. Ingoftabilig, e ; not to be salied. Inbūmāne; 2 adv. inbumanely, dis Initiatio, onis ; ti a beginning or on. Ingoftātus, a, un ; not toled. Inhumaniter ; } courteouſly; tering upon. Innábilis, e; adj. unapi, unweildy, Inhūmānitas, átlo; f. inbuiranily, Iniulator, oris ; m. the biſhop's Juffra. unh. un'ourlenfneſs. gun. + Inhãox;tas, āts ; f. unfitnes; un. Inhūmānus, a, um ; inhuman, unci. Iniuārus, u, um ; initiated, mtered weildinafs. vil, ungenile, immoral. upon, licensed Inhabitabills, c ; uninhabited, not to Inhằmātio, onis i f. a burying.' Initio, are to enter inso she myl- be dwell in. Inhumātus, a, um ; unburiid. tories of Ceres, infrus, licenje. + Inhăbitantes, iom ; inhabitants. + lohūmigo, are ; to water, Her • Initiarc munditiis, no prich and lahäbitālio, onis ; f. an inbabit How. frim up one': felf; go neat and gin. ins. Inhumo, are, to interr, bury. tel. Liberis initiintur maritus Inhabitātor, oris ; m. an inbabi. Inhúmor, arl; to be buried or un & uxor, men and wife are taff tani, burund. linked tog aber by she fruit of their. Inhăbito, are ; to inbabit or dwell. Inibi, adv. in that fane.plau. bodies. Inhæ-rco, ii, um ; 10 ſlick fuff into, + Inicere, no Brika ar drive in. Initior, ari, to brgin, be admitted, in or ut. • Tohærere voluptati. inicia!us, for initiatus. licensed, bus, to be wholly give to pleajure, Inidoncus, a, um ; unft. Init:um, il; A. (ab inco) a begin- Inbæret illi lingua, he is congue. Infectio, ôn:s i f. a putting or iaf. ning, entrance, ris, birth, Initia tird. Inhærcic veftigis priori ing in. * Manus Injectio, a laying prima, the first principles. , bus, 10 follow his old wont. Initor, oris ; m. a hallion. Inhæres, ēdis; c. he that is no heir. Jinlccto, are ; oftm to call in or on. loitus, a, um (of laco) begun, un- lahæreſco, čre;' to cleave 11,jlick in. Injectus, a, um, (of inſicior) cale or dartaken. Inbælo, onis; f- ficking to or in, ibrown in or upen. loit: s, ûs ; ma coupling together. Inhālātio, onis ; f. Ióbālātus, is; m. a breaking or Injectus, ús; mi a caping in or u. Injicundè, adv. unploafunily. } blowing in. pon. Injūcunditai, ätis ; f. unpleaſans- Indalo, are ; to breathe or blow in or In-icns, cunt's, [of inco] beginning. nefs. pon. . Ab incuale ætate, som b.Injucundus, a, um ; unpleasant. lokāmātio, onis ; f. a hooking. yoush. Injüdicaoilie, c; nol 10 be judged, # Inhamo are ; so bang on ör sake in-igo. egi, actum, [of in and ago) Injūdicãtus, a, um ; unjudged. with the houk. 10 drive in, throw down. Injug:8, e; without yoke or conjuno- + Iphianter, gapingly, grudily. Inj-icio,oci,ectum, lof in and Jacio] Inhiatio, onis ; f. A goping upon, to caß in or upong slay in, In Injunctio, onis ; f, on injunétim. Inhiatus, as; m. } a thap in the jiccrc manun, to challenge a thing Injunctus, a, uin ; juined sopetokr. Gurih. for one's own. • Religionem ali lajun-go, xi, cuoi ; 10 join, to m. Inhiaror, oris ; m. A goper. cerc, to raise a ſcruple. • Fruſtra join, to put in commiſſion, grve one + Inhibæ, arum ; f. unluckly birds tloncm in aliquem injicere, to bo charge or communid .. Injungere en foothíaying guile .. Ini cere ſpem, to give detrimentu w reipublicæ, to me Inbīb.co.ui, itum, (of in and ha. ons bipus, Glebam in os injice. damage the commonwalıb. • In- beo]te h.nder, pop, with hold, bold IC, to fill up the grave. Inicio Jungere abi tormcntum, so perplos in ihe reins. * Inbibcre remos, to illud, moreover. one's full deff from an undertaking. In-Inimicè, adv. like on enemy. Injurābilis, c ; which cannot be called hibare fupplicia, to tbrezio punilo.. Inimicitèr, adv. Spitefully. 10 /WOHT. mmt, * Inh.bere retro navem, to Inimicitia, a; fi enmity, hatred, Injūrālus, a, um, unſworn, without draw backwards, Caperc inimicitias in fc, to bring /wearing Inhibitio, onis ; f. an inb b!tion, for. himself into diſpleaſure. Inimici- Injuria.aif. là jus) on injury, bidaing ti ſunt intor cos, the une fallen prejudice, wrong Ab inju já ob- Inhibitor, oris , m.a forbidder, bin. out. blivionis fc aferere, le muke bimself drior; a (rrjeant or beddle. Inimicitialis, e; ſpiteful. immortal. • Injuriarum forraula, 1 1 hold on. + t : ! IN N: Ι Ν Ο INR . an od on of trojpaſs. Injuriam Innovātor, Oris ; m. aronowar, Inõpăco, are ; so boude or jadow, cum aliquo ag, ie, to su upon an † lanõvātus, a, um ; renewad. + Inõpcrio, irc ; to diſcover, or un- action of Irofpaſs. • Nec injurian Innovo, arc; to rmew, make or be cover. and not without caufe. One now. Inõpcrtus, a, um ; unlovered. * lao. Injur â. abi. ? wrongfully, unde- Innoxius, a, um'; adj. ad). innıcın, Injuric, adı, } perto capite, impudently, forvidly. barmles, and unbarmed. Inopia, æ; f. (ab inops) wint, pou Injur:or, ail; dep. to injure, wrong, Innúba, æ ; f. for that never was verly. Inopia & icjunitas ora. Injuriöse, adv. injuriofly, wrongfulig, married, tori cavenda, an ar alor ought to take • Injuriosè tractare. to wrong. Innlidi'ātus, a, um ; ad). clouded. care his oration be finewy and pithy, Injurioſus, a, um quadj. injurious, do- Innūdilo, are ; to cloud. Inopinābilis, ej adj. niver thought ing wrong Vita injurioſa, e Innübūlus, a, um ; ad). clear. of, unlooked for. manner of living burtful and of- Inny.bo, pa, běre; to marry into. Inopinans, Atis; uncircumſpili, net fenfue to others. Innūbus, i ; n. [å nubo) he that awarı, Injorius, a, um , adj. doing wrong, never was married. Igöpinаnter, ady. unawari unjunt. laněmerabilis, e; adj. innumerabls, Inopinatè, befide expråa. Injustas, a, um, adj. not companded, + Innúměrābilícas, atis ; fi an infi. Inopinato, tion. not authpixed. nite number. Inopinātos, a, um ; not thought of or Injuffus, lle; m. wint of warrant Inněmčrābilitèr; ady, innumerably. · looked for. Ex inopinato obfer- or command. Injuffu mco, witb-+ Innůměrālis, C; ad). number- out my bidding or auiborily. vare, 10 watch Nily. } innumerus, a, um ; Š lo's. Inšpinus, a, um; the same as inopi- Injuftè, adv. unjujlly, wrong fully. Innuo, ui, ucom, čre'; to nod, fignify natus. ljuftit'a, æ; f. injudiso, wrong. by nodding, hini, iniimase. + Inopioſus, a, um ; very poor, Injustus, 2, um; ad. unjuſt , unnta- Innuptus, a, um į part, unmarried. Inoppidarus, a, um ; nu inhabited. Forsble, exrellive, cruel. • Injuſto Inguptae nuptiæ, where the uſual nopportunè, adv. unfeasonably. ſub faſce, with 100 great a burden, ceremoniu are not perfyned. Inopportunus, a, um ; unfeaſonable, + Injix, ögis , adj unlanned, Innūtrio, ire; act. to nourile, bring importunale, troubleſome Lalžqucatus, a, um ; bound, 67 un RP, in om os. Inops, opis, [ab ops vel opcs] nudy, bund. Innuiritio, onis ; f. a bringing up. pior, belplass. * Inops confilii, + Inlătebro, are ; u bide within. lonucitus, a, um, pagt. of Innari. wanting dire&ion. *IRɔps verbis, #lolecebrosè, unalluring), unplus. or ; brought up, in or at wanting words to sæprofs mo's family, lao, ûs : f. ihe daughter of Cadmus mind. Inlex. icis ; c. (ab inlicio) a decoy. and Harmonia, and wire of A. Inoptā bills, e; not to be difred. Inlicics canales, channels in Thamas, who, in his madneſs, ſup. Inārātus, a, am'; unrequired, apsold. Srints, Sre illex. Deling herine bebe lianes, druve ber inordination , adwordiforderly, and + lalicentiofus, a, um ; excefiur. Inlicio. ērc; 10 entire. Ser illiclo. Inõbediens, atis ; dijibidieni. Inordināto, onis; f. a difordering. + Inlicitātor, oris; m, he that buys, inobedientia, æ ; f. diſobedience. + Inordinātus, a, um ; out of order, or bids pore, Inoblitus, a, um ; unforgetful. in diſorder Anliqyčíactus, a, um ; melted into. Inobrurus, a, um ; adj, not over. Inõri-or, ri ; to begin to ariſe, + Ioliteratus, a, um ; unwritten, whelmed. Inornācè, ady, rudely. Innabilis, c; adj. not to be winned Inobſcūro, ere; act, to make dark or Inornālus, a, um; unirimaid. or failed on. obſcure, + Inõrus, a, um, without a month. Innaſcor, natus fum, fci; dep. to be Inobsèquens, ntis ; difbedient, + Inotioſus, a, um ; not idle. born, or ingender'd in any thing. Inoblorvābilis, e; ad). unobſervable. Inovo, are. Bo triumph, rejoice. Innătābilis, e; no lo be ſwimmed in. Inobſervantia, *; f. inadvertency. Impofterùm, adv. bercaftr, for the Lonžiātio, onis; f. a ſwimming upon. Inoblervatus, a, um; unobserved, future. lanato, are; to swim in er upon, Inoocālus, a, um, harrowed in. Imprimis, } adv. forf of all. overflow, itup into. Inocciduus, a, um ; ad), never dy mlmprimùa, Innatus, a, um, part, of innaſcor ; or [etling. + Imprópcratus, a, um ; nos ſwift, born or' ingendard in. Inocco, arc; to harrow in. fow. Intāvīgābilis, e; adj. unnavigable, Inocălătia, onis; f. an ingrofing of Inquam, I lay or did say. Se in- nor 10 de fajled on or in. i hud, quio. Jonavigatus, a, um ; part. of 10na- Inocŭlātor, õris ; m. an ingrafer. Inquantùm, adv. for as much. vigor ; not failed on or in. Inợculo, arc, (ab oculis) to ingraf Inquantumcunque, ady, 'as much as Innāvigo, are ;ro fasl in or oss. or oud. lanc.cto, xud und xi, xum, Ağre; Inodoro, are ; 10 ſwxslm, givé' a la Inquies, ēris ; adj. relles. to knit or sig tegeiber, llop about. . * Inqu'es, ētis ; f. difquietnili, want Morzs innectcrc, i prolong. "Inodorus, a, um ; adj. wirbout fu- of ri. Innexus, a, um ; past. af innector ; Inquiētātio, onis ; f. a baunting, tied, fafaned. + Inoffenac, without fumbling, inof. difquirting, Lani-cor, xus and fus fum, ti; dep. finfively Inqulciator, oris ; m. a difquiser. 80 Bay or loun upon, endeavour, lvoffen!us, a, um ; adj. 7102 fumbling, Inquiétātus, a, um ; adj. difqu.rind, lonixus, a, um, part. leaning upon. simburs, inoffenſive. * Iter inoffen bounted Inno, ure; 16/wim in or upon. fum, á plain way: Inoffenla Inquiētè, adv. relleſsly, unguiatly. Innocens, quis ; adj. innocent, guil.. tempo:a 'à valctudine vivere, to Inquiēto, arc, 10 difquiet, trouble, leſs. harmleſs. liur in perfect health. * Inoffenſa bount. Innocenter, šùs ; adv. innocently. copulatio vocum, « Smooth join-Inquletūdo, inis; f. unguistness, Innocentia, æ ; f. innocency. ing of words, not grating a cxrious trouble Inno:cntius, Innocent, a man's nami, Inquicius, a, um, iffimus ; unguill, the name of leveral popes. Inoffic:āsè, adj. uncivilly. troubled, troubleſome, Innocuè ; idy, harmleſsly. Inofficiālus, a, um, adj. o&ting - Inquilino, are ; to dwell in a frange Innocuus, a, um ; adj harmleſs, in gainſ dury, bonelly, or frimdbip, plice, to be a tenant. nprint, unduriful. INQUILINUS, di, m. (ab incolo, -Innodacus, a, um ; Anil, faſtened, + Inõ'ens, ntis ; without ftell or ja. vel à co'ina) an inhabitani, imant, Innodo, are ; 10 Anit, sie with a knor. an in mate, Innominābilis, c'; not to be n. med. Inol esco, ēvi, ētum, and -ui, itum. Inquinamentum, i; n. filihine. + Innominācas, a, um j., adj. 7108 cſcărci neut. so mncreaſe, growo Inquīnātè, adr: filobily, barbarouſly. nained. within or bigger. * Natura inolo-inquinācio, önis ; f. & depling. Innoteſco, črc; ncut. to become fa vit, nature bath prengthened, Inquinātor, oris ; m. a defilar. mous and known. Inol•tis, a, um ; inbred, that which laquinātus, a, um, .ior, illimus; Innoto, a:e; la infèribe. one is siccufumed to. defilet, + Innótus, a, um, adj. unknocon. Inb.ninalis, c; adj. unlucky. INQUINO, are ; ( 476m) 19 defile, Innovato, ons 'f, an innovasion, Inominatus, a, um jadj. unbsppy poliure, corrupt, Toil, diſgrace, • In renewing forefpoken. quinare velļus musice, so dyo the wool, may be. vour. VOUT. ear. vour. INS INS INS in. have for you. wool purple. Inquinare famam, my privary. Ensăminātus, a, um ;. Sowed or grafted to fully a man's reputation. Inſcienda, o ; f. ignorancs, folly. INQUIO, is, it, (ab inquies, vel + In-lcindo, ſcidl, Sciffum to can- Insēmžno, are; to sow or fot in. iosto] I say, quath's: cel, rafe our. + Insēminārio, onis; f. ibu want of t. loquiritus, a, um ; unlaught, Inícitè, adv. unfermly, awardly. a palb. Ingui.ro, fivi, acum, cor in and quae- Infeltia, &; fi ignorans, folly, un. Insēucko, ērc ; to grow old, or spend ro) te inquiri, futrih, domande ! shfulneſs one's wbole life in a busing's: Inquirere in hominem, to iske Infçlius, a, um, -lor, iffimus ; fool- Inſensātus, a, um, Son tiefs, fooliſh. informsiis about a mun. ift, unbandfont, ill. fuviured, un. Inſensibilis, e; infosible, which, cun- inquisit o, onis ; fi on inquifitionele known. joercb. Loſclus, a, um ; ignorant, unitilful, Inſonsilis, ei jupid, fonſolaſi, with- Inquisitor, oris; m. an inquirer, Kwalib, uninown out frelmg. jearcher, promoter, informae. HRfcri-bo, pfi, pium ; to inferibe, in- Insēpărăbi'ls. c; inſeparable. Inquisītus, a, um, fof Inquiror]. dite, urite in or upon. Inſcrip. Inčnărăbilitèr, adv. infeparably. caribed. fere Dcos fcelerl, they made the Inscpultus, a, am; unburied, ins: Inrecogitäto, onis ; f. inconjderate gods a look for their wickedneſs. * perfelt. Lafcribere æd:s mercçdi, 80 km Inséquens, nuis ; following next. +-Inredivivas, a, um ; mrreparable. bill upon the bouje. * Corpus tuon Ioséquenièr, adv. inconſequently, * Inreligiosè, adv. irreligiouſly, pro vis infcribam, rll mort your back it Insoquentia, æ; f. & bad conse- phonely. quance, nos following. + Inxeriſse, carefully, spreddily. Inicri bor, bi, ptus fum, part . to be Inič-quor, cutus fum, qui ; to fol. * Inreftin&tus, a, um ; unguenhed. writ in, to be inferibed, &c. low after, purſui, inwigh againy, Inrilib:lis, e; which cannit laigh. Infcriptio, Onts ; f. an inſcription, roboarfe in order. Inſequi con- Inrlſus, a, um, wirbsus laughier, placart, title. • Inſcriptiones fron tumcliâ, to speak ill of pere + Loroſus, a, um ; not gnawed. 119, moris or fears in the fore fon. + Inrurzbls, c; not to be broken. boid. Insēšēnus, a, um ; cloudy, not clear. Inſaluber, lasā'àbris, es unwboleſome. Inicriptum, i; n. dill, ſuperfirip. Inb-oro, cvi, icuta; to fow, ingrad, T$0:1, a primie's later, a polpert. inipline, in till. lnfere aortos, Intalūberrimus; very unwholafame. + Inſcriptūra, æ; f. the title, super. 10 plint & rdens . #Insă!us, a, um ; abſurd, sousijb. fcription. Ins-ěro, ui, tum ; to foi o put in, f Insălutato. without faluring: Inſcriptus, a, um, [of in'crlbor) add, mingle, interposé, buly himself. Ensălutatus, a, um; unfaluted. In wriston upon; alſi unwritie. * In * Vitæ aliqucm inferrere, to bring falgrato hoſpite diſc dere, 10 (criptoro pecus, carile not intered one to life. without bidding his but larruxl. in the roll-bork, * Inſcriptum ma. Inſerpo, če; to crop ini Insānasil's, c; incurab . leficium, a prime not provided a Inferia, æ; f. e piace put in, an oro Infanctus, a, um ; unbely gaind. by wint wriston law. , • la. nami. Insane, ady. medly, excultively, fcriptus ſervus, a branded Navr. Inſertatus, a, um ; put or thruft in, Insânia, zf. madne's, furieufne's, Iníciūtábilis, , unfoarchable. Inſerum, adv. by sbrufing in, exzelfrueness. - Infanla villarum, Inícul-po pſi, plum; so ingrave; or insertio, bais; f. a purring in or bra ex!ellige jumptuouſnais in building. Curve in, imprint. twisn. Infaniens n's; regirig, mad. Infculptus, a, um, Fof inſculpor) laſertivus, a, um; inforted, not na. Ini ranics, ei; f. wge, madnes. ingravin. Set loiculotus animo, Tural. Insan o, ire; to be mad, tranſported, imprinted upon be wind. Ioferto, are, (ab infero] to put to or sult of one's wir. Infanire infa- Insēcābits, ė; whicb cannot be cus, in ofim, apply, 10 de Fuer and anots niam bilarem, to be pleaſanily nad. dividid clapping to * NIG ego inſanio, if I am in my Insčc-o, ui; tum ; to cut or fica in, + Infertorium, 11 ; n. the bandle of a wits, or underland any rhing. to antrail farget. Jasānitas, ats; f mednojs. Inscco!, ari; past. to be pruned; Col. Inſertus, a, um, (ab inferor] put or Inlanum, advox tfively, Inſecta, orum ; n, infelis, ſmall fleſh caff in, inſerted, mingled. Insanus, a, um, -ior, i limus ; mad, lefs and boneleſs virmin, nos divi. Infervio, ire; to forus, to do all one dijlrosted, exceffiue , aljo uity wire. ded into joints, but as it wert di. Suis infervire commodis, * Inſana herba, hin.boine. * Inta- vided between bead and body, ms to drive on one's mom ands, Va. næ vites. vines inut baar iwili a Nias, & letudini infervire, u allend one's juur. Inſani Hudus, mighly ſurges Infectādi:is, e ; niet to be followed. health. Nihil eft à me inſes. and billows. Iniccianièr, adv. rsproashfully. . tum temporis causâ, I did nos ſerve + Inſaporitos, a, um ; infpid, with intega:o, onis ; f. a pursuing, in the times. tut toite, vrig bing againſt Infervo, are ; to obferor, kug, de ; , ; . a . . Insatiabilitas, átis ; 1. inføriablmes. Infe&tātus, a, um ; purjurd, ro. Infeffor, õris; m. a robber on the Insă ciabiliter, adv. infariably. * In prownia. highway. fatiabilitèr al quem di flerc, to take late&tio, onis ; f, a declaration, dis Inſeđus, a, um, (of inſidcor] be. on 1x!renaly for courla, carting Saged, loaded. Insătialus, a um; anfetiffed. Infecto, are, (ab inſequor] to pur.it Insēto, are; to post a hair 18 • #Insălietas, ātiq; f. inſatiablene's. Inſcctor, ari, fun, failow otter, The Sobremaker's thread. * Insätivus, a, um ; nown, grow. prooch, fue at law. Inicitari a. Insibilo are ; to whiffle or blow ins. ing of its own scrard. 1:quem walcdialis, 10 rrujle one, Inficcatus, a, um ; undried. Insätūrāb:lis, e ; in stiable, nos sa bs gsur me bose language • Infe&tari | Inficco, are ; to dry. tailed. terram raftris, To Puke the weds + Infciarios, li; ma faufage.maker. Insätūrābi:iter, adv. infatlab'y. + Inficiun, ii; a. a fuufüge. + Inf sucius, a, um ; 'Hot waunded, Inf:dus, a, um,: [of inſtcor] cui, Insidens, fisting or lying, in r on. unburt. cloft, entrailed. LAGdans cura, a continual care. Inicalp-o, fi, tum ; to engrave upon. Inlecut o, ön a; f. a purſuing. Ins.idco, ēdi, eflum, [of in and le. Inícen do, fi, fan, (of in and ſcan. Inséculor, dris ; a. a perfecutor, deo] to fit upco, remain, fink deg do) to afund, gut ipinio. Insčcūlus, a, um, (of inícquor] hao into, to watch, foize. * Infidere Infcenfor, foris ; m. e foa fodier. 'ng 'olloud. * Inſecutis mencbus, arcem militibus, to garrijan a cadia. Lufceriſus, a, 100, lof inſcendo:1 ] in the following months. InGdcre iter, is jut a watch on mounted, dimbud, lored into. Inščdábilis, ci that cannot be apo shi paling Inícenías equarun, the covering of pedie Insidiæ, arun ; f. [ab infidcol an + Insédzbijler, unoppenfably, . @nbulb, lying in wcit, treachery, Infcie, Insēdātus, a, um ; unquisi, trouble confpiracy. * Ex infidiis aliquid jowe agere, to do a thing staflily, Iniciens, Nils ignorant, mot wit. + Integnis, e; difigens, induflrious. Indienter, adv. by Secres ploos, tingly.' • Abi his infcicns, away \ + Instiniālor, oris ; m, he that joros. Insidiátor, öris in wait. in fol. Me inscicate, wiec bort Insidiair1%, icis ; f. le 3 001. Infelenter , } ignoranily. > 1 INS INS INS. Inlidtatos, a, um ; part. of trifidor3| + lofitium, id;. n. a faufige.. Inspectus, lls ; mi a bahalding, virw.. Insillyus, a, nna adj. ingrozites. ing Insidior; ari; dep. (Ab inſid æ) e lir Securicula Laçiva, a grfing Inſpecābilis, c; ad), which cannot be in raait of ambuß, muurap. . ln. Anijo, tolicued or hopad. Adiari tempori, se war an oppor. Inator, oris ; m. e grasfor. Inſpērans, ntis ; adl, without bape or Insius, ; n. Col. a groff, Art, Bip, expulsatian. Infidoie; ady. Cic, dweitfully, young ſex In[pērätò; ady. Sall. unexpedidly. Iandiofus, a, am ; ad). deciful. Insitus, lls ; m, a profang, Inſpērātus, a, um ; sd), unexprád, las-Ido, di, esum, tdère; to fit insicus, a, um, part of inforor ; graf: unlooked for. * Éx infperato, bec down upon, aliebt. Ank.no In Jedin, nor naiurel; alſo naturoi. rond expeftatio. fidere in memoria, s. be fixed in • Insitus menti amor cognitionis, Inſper-go, fi, rum, göre ; ad. [of la the every the actual properes the mind bas and ſpargo) to print's in or upon. Infid.or, i; paff. to be nefied upon, or No learning Infperfio, onis ; fi Cic. a sprinklings loaded with + Inaoclādilis, c; adj. not to be join bolpitlering. langac, is n. Liv. (à fignum) on mt, unfuciablo. Infperfus, a, um; pajt. of inipergor ; infigni, badge of honour, mork, In- Insoc.ātus, a, um ; adli not mixed or ſprinkled upon, bupasturad. figae regni, á royal diadam. joined. lofp-icio, exi, ectum, icerc ; act, (of Ipugnlo, ire; 2at 10 raki arainent or Insô abiliter ; adv. un'omfortably. · in and ſpecio) 10 look in or upons, remarkable, Insõjällo, ānis ; f. a blacbmg or view, fourch, overju, Inſpicerc Infignis, e; ad). 3.21t. Cic. famous, arying in i be fun. fententiam alicujus, to faxrib into remarkabla, eminent, evident. In + Insolă corium, id; n. a bleaching. 's meaning and intention. Ognis equus, a barse llrangely Insõlācus, a; umi juunad or jwany. Inſpico, arc; act. là fpica) to make marked Inägnis al deformita * Infolati dics, fun-fining-soys. fo-try like the ears of corn. tem, very uply or informed. Iasolens, gon. tis, idi. tior, tiffimus, Ialpiratio, onis ; i Cic. an inspiring, lafignlta, örun, n. natural mau. inſolmi, hangbly, arrogant i allo breabing inta, Infignite ; adv. Cic. notable,, re. maswftsmed, marquainted. In- inſpirator, oris ; m, an inspirer. Inágnitei ; 3. mariably, evidently. folens lattia, jamuderade joy. Inſpirālus, a, um ; part. inſpired. Inſignitio, onis ; fi a parking, Quid tu Athen's aſolens ? bow Inspiro, arc; alt. acc. to inspire, Insgric-us, a, um ; ad). ior; mark CAME this brange ting in pajs to fes brearbe, or blow into. * Inſpirare , regarkid's, nwabla. fou in Athens ? Bellorum in literan, 10 aſpirate a letter. Insile is; n. (ab inglio) a triadlerf ſolens, not used to the wars, a raw Inipõliātus, a, um; adh, me spoiled, Wudvar', lown. raldier Aripped or plunderid., Insil-so, ui & il, Indulcum, ire; Cor Insolenter, iùs iùs ; adv. infolently, Iaſpuo, ul, utum, ère ; so spit upon, in and fal!o) to leap wpm or indi. proudly; alſo wjually. Inſpüto, are ; to jpis often upon or in, + Iafiajlis e adj. unlike. Insolentia, ; f. info!&nby, Afrogan. befpawl. Infimùl; ad regether. ey, haughsineſs; alſo frangoest, nt. Intãbīlis, é: adj. Cic. aflable, in- In Gmulatio, ānis ; f. an accuſing, wmtedneſs. conftant, changeable. bluring. t Ingöl-ca, ēre; neut. 1o be inſolent. Inſtabilitas, atis ; f. inconigane, un Infiuudā:or, gris ; m. an accu'er insõlcic o, čre, to grow proud., flableneſs. Infimŭlo, are; act acc. la aurule. lay Insólıdùm; i} adv. whiliy, through- Inſtans gen. tis ; ad.--lor, iffimus ; to opi's birje, conterfeit. 1o6. Lofolido; ly. imani, urgens, nigb at bund, mulare aliquem avaritiæ; Tor. lo. Insolidus, a, um, adj. unfound, weak. Intantāacus, a.u.n; adj. momentary, fimulore aliquem facinus ; Plaut. losõlite į adv. Cic. unuſually Initanièr ; adr. Cic. injiantly, sar: to accu's one of avetomfruoli, ulay Insõlitus, a, um, adj. inujual. un. beply, without giving sver.; alfo in- a grionus crimt to unes charge. wanted, unacco Amed, fofolitus differently, Infintat o ōnis ; f. on infinuation. rerum bclicarum, 7183 knowing whas Instancia, ae; f. infinit, carnefinaſi, + Infinuativas, a, um; inanmating. bularys to war.. praling. Infinuator, oris ; a. an innuaier. t Infollicitus, a, um ; adj. caelofs, Inſtar, i for ad inftar) adv. tils, uit Inanuācus, a, um, part. bowed or improvident. W***, as big as. folded one will n'anasher, Insi- Ingolo, are; so bleuh or dry in the sun. Inftar ; n. indec. a likeneſs, propor- nuatis manibus, with hands in the + Insõlūbilis, c; ad). not to be injid tion. . Ad Initar inclyti montis, befina, or required. Hke great maantuin. Insīuyo, are ; 28. to put in ibc bolam, Insolubiliter ; ady, indiſolubly. laftat ; verb. Imp. it is near, or wish. ininuuts, or creep int. * Insuare Insolūtus, a, um ; part. of inſolvor ; in e linke. aliquid alicui, & in:irnate to oxa. unpaid laro'utum accipere, to Inftaurātio, Onia; f. Cic. a riflesing, * Infinuare ſc in al:culus ac c.ti lake foncthing for fatisfaction. repairing, inlawujon. am, ta frow himals into ete's far Inſomnia. æ; fo n waking, walibing. Instauratie:us, a, um, ad). www- vour, Infinuare' e in cauſam, Inſomnioſus, a, um: dressing ofim. Inftaurativus, mode, renewed. to learch the bottom of the bufinejs! Insomnis, ; adj. [à lomaus) Jesp. Inftaurativi ludi, jelion plays re- Insipidè : adv. infpidly, fodifoly. lof, waking vived afior difuse. Insipidus, a, um ; adj. [à lapidus] lofomnium, ii; n. Cic. a dream, or Inftaucālor, dris ; m. Liv. a repairer. un(svoury, without safle or fenje. vifion in mo's ferp. Initaurātus, a, um ; purt..of inftau- Ingplens gen ntis; ad). 3. ari. (of + lasõnātor, äris ; ma ha sbat sounds: ror; repaired, reneword. in and fapiena) unwife, foo.ill. in or about. INSTAURO, are act. (ab Inftar, Infipientèr, adv. foolilbly. Iosono, are ; neut. 8o found into, al, vcl à otoupám, palam depango) to Infipicntia, æ; f. Leolijbreji. or abiur. repair, reſtora, renew. Inftaurarc Ensipo, arc; to want or pop in, throw Infans, ntis , ad). innocent, gwlties. fibi manu mentúm, to errüt bin á. upon. + Infoatia, ; f. innurency. Tomb. * Inſtaurare animum, to lake + Ioſiftendas, a, um ; to be finid in. + Insõnus, a, um, adj. having mo heart or courage. #Instaurarc cuni. In-fiſto, Aiti, fitura, fuftere; to inh found. Infone lite'æ, taxtis. cam adverſus hyemem, to gabim upsit, profs forward, tarts, or fland Insopītus, a, um ; waling, preples. a neto coat againyl winter. upo. Inflore vtis ; Các. viara,+ lafogoro, are; to wake or watch . ftaurare acics, so rally again. Iter Vir. u travel, walk. • Ing. Infortītus, a, um nu divided by let, Inst-crno, ravi, ratum, internere ; ſtere veldgifs alicujus. to tread in Inspectatio, äois ; f. a bebolding, to coorr or ſpread upon. jush o hart's foolepi, initofe bim.. looking wifly upona Infligātio õnis ; f. Cic. an infiga. Omnes veflgía instant fua, let lofpoetatar, oris, mi a bohilder. siax, provoking. all perfonas do at the please. * 10. lafpcdio, önis if, a diligent baholdInsigător, oris ; m. Giftcbat in manu Cereris famula ing, overſight, . Tcia.; : chrum Vi&orias, Cores bold the Inspeão, are, ab iafpicio) .so bokald, Infliālus, ûs ; m. a privating- hlasua of be goddefi Videry in ber to congder often or wiedy Instagātus, a,'una ; part provided. bands, Inſpector, āris ; -man. Ouerfale, br Instige, arc; a&. acc. L'x. (à as itu, Infitio, tais ; f, a grafing. boat louks upon any th-ng u buy it. pungo) 2. incis, provola, Diru, Inat tlus, a, um, adj. ingrattad. Infpectus, a, um ; part, af lofpicior, priik forward, in ligata Inficitias farmo, forviga tongue Looted in sr Han. loft llatio, onis ; fan in Filling * Siro drop, 1 . In- 1 : INS INS IN T 7 I . dropping in. making a biling noiſe. up again or upon, framp upon, tri. Inftillator, oris; n. an infiller, in. Inftriaxo, xi, ictuin, gère; act. to umph, inſult over. . Inſaltare fo- juler,' bind hard, alſo to unbind. Tes calcibus, to kick we the door. I ſtilātus, a, um, infilled, infufada Inftrocto. Enis ; f. Liv. a furniſhing, Intultūra, æ; f. a trampling « leita Int le are; to infill, injuis, drop in. inkruding. nig upon. Inſtiaŭlātlo, onis; f. á pulling for- Inſtructor, oris ; m. e furnibar, in. Intuitus, ûs ; m. an effouls, « tri. word, an egging on ruiter, orderer, preparer. umphing solr. Indtimulator, osis ; m. Am Eger on Inſtructus, a, um, part. ior, iffimus; In ſum-füi, effe, to be prefont or in, privadar, [of inftruor) infructed, furniſhed: Infumma ; ady. briefly, in concluſon Inſtiūlo, are; act. 10 put forward, * Instructiorcs pcd cum copiæ, the Inſummo, arc; act is perfect. briſhe riprovar, Bir up.' infantry marſhalled. Ingūnorpi, prum čre i ad, so spond, # Inſtinctor, oris ; . provoker, flir. Instructus, asm. a fu niſbing. confun, below, lay out, ajjumi, Inſtruendus, a, um ; to be inffruded, take, polos, compass. Inflinctus, us ; ma an inſtint, an in. Inftruens, tis ; infrufting, &o. + Joſumptio, onis ; f. a befowing. : ward motion or purſuasion of the leftrimentālıs, c'; adj inftrumental. Itomptus, a, um, part. of Infumor; mind, natural inclination: Inſtrumentāliter ; adv. infrumonially, Spei, &c. Inſtinctus, a, um; pa: t. of loftin. Inftrumentum, i; n. Cic. an inflok Inſuo, ui, utura, ère ; a&. *• few in, : guor ; j'irred up, provoked. mini, sool, weapons furniture, & jliuch, jorn 19. Initin-guo, xi, lum: goere; act. (à dod or svidinis, an inueniory, regi- Insúper ; ady, nevet, ever and a. OTI pungo) to provoke, perfunde. Jler. Vetus & novum inftru bove. • Inſuper habere, f Night. Init:nxa nos ad elegantiam, ha uentum, the old and new tejameni, • Inſuper his, MOTIVAT dirredows up to ajaa slaganry. Inftruo, xi, aum, ère ; act to order, Lasăporab:lis, e; ad). inſuperable, insa + Inſtipo, are ; to hop rhints or clefts. put in rank ond file, prepard, equip, vincible, unpalable. Inft púlar, ari; dep. ia bargain, in furnish, infrua, trash, dijpose. Inſuperhab:tus, a, um ; Migbind. dmt. agrut. Inftruere locyn inſidiis, 10 let om. Inſurgo, rexi, scctum. zere; nçut. 80 Intota, 2; f. (ab indíto) a well, duſhes. • Aciem inſtruere, to draw rife up of or againſt. * Ioſurgere gard, lace.. galloon, a waths, up an army, * Inſtruere poteftate, publicis utilitatibus, to have great Instite, arum ; bed girths. to impower. * Inſtruere accuſatio regard to the commin-weal, *Infuso Inftitio, õnis ;rf. un infilting, faging nem, to make a ſuie ready !or trial. gere remis, to tug bard at the mari. Instito, are; (ab inftoj to da ur hand, Inftru-or, i ftus fum : paff. 10 hefur- Infarct'o, onis; ? an injuridion. inforce often and much, with'aid, niſbed, prepared, &c. Inſt. uar į Inſufceptus a, um , adj. not takın. Inſtítor, örs; in, it merihani-man or consiliis idoneis ad boc nostrum Insuſurratin, õnis I. a whoring faktor; allo o pedlar, brokor. In. negotium, I fall be will propared in the ur, it'tos veftis, the ſevenfri. * Inſti for the offir of ours. Ingūſurro, are ; neut. to make a gen. for eloquentiæ, a padling foribber. * Inftūd'ofas, a, um ; not fludious. Ile noiſe, whiſper in she eat, raport Inttitorius, a, um į adj. af * præor er Inftúpens, nus; afwiſhed, fenflefs. privately padlur. Intúp eo, ērc; to be amazed, nummod, Inſurus, a, un; part, of infuor ; + Inft trx, icis; f. a won't.factor Inſurafun, i, n. là fuadco vel ſuavis) lowed in. ft prdlur. a fellow moaky colour. Inſyncerus, a, um , adj. not incore, Inft. ca o, i, tum čre; act [of in.ond Infuālus, a, um ; not perluaded. corupt, unfound. Itarno ordaing appoint, injirua, Inſuavis, ; not sureet, bitter. * In- Intābeſco, čre ; neut. so pins, mell, begin. • Officinam intituere, ta ſuavis vitá, an unplesfunt lifa. wer away. ses up hop. Collegium inftituere, t Inſuavitas, ātis; f. unplerininasi, + Intábulo, are; to write in tables. so found a college. * Ita in animo Insúbide; adv, rahly, headily. Intaatilis, c.; adj. not to be tourbid, inftitui, this is my re/clurin. Insób dus, a, um ; ad). rob, precipi. Jotactus, a, um, adj. untouch'd, un. Irft tu or, i, tus ſum ; pag.ro be or tale, beady. talled, whole Virgo intata, a dained, refolurd. begun, laughs, &c. Inſubjectus, a, am; adj.-7286 fubje&t. frtu naid. • Intacti relig one 1 - Inftliūrio, onis ; f. Cic. on ingodu. Iofuoria, a country of Gallia Ciſalpina. nimi vir, an othaijt. * Intactus à tion, inflru&tion, beginning, teaching. (Infubres, the inhabitants of Infubria. Siollo, never expoled to laughter. Inſtitut:0 operis, the jetting upon Injubtilis, e; ad). not fubtils + Intacłus, lls; D. a pot fuling » a work. Inſubrilitèr , adv, unjubt:lly, groſsly. touching. Inſtitūor, oris; m. Cic. an infrifter, +Insúbilum, a weaver's turning beam. ' + Inteliatio, onis ; f. a carving. teacher:. Infucco, are; (à fuccus] « wet or Intalsator, oris ; m. d farver. Institu'om, i; n. Hor. a purpose, in. • melen, fuo in 1 + Intalio, arc;te carve, cut into form, Hrvatini trade, cuflon, *Hii in. Insūdo, are ; ncut. to fwrat at. Intāminārus, a, uin; part. undified, ftituto fuo, to do or be was wont. Infuefa&tus, a, um ; accuflomat. . f Intāmino, arc; to arfle. Inftitutus, a, 40 ; part. of inftituor ; Infu.eſco, ēvi, ētum, eſcere; 10 aCk Intantùm ; adv. for so much, inftruded, aspointed. jom, or to be accufiomed ; to train up. Intectus, a, um ; part, of integor, Inftio. iti, itam. are; neut' to enforce, Inſulcor, Colum. to.bs uisufomed. byde ed, arined; also uncourred, profs on, be at hand, be carne, in | Inductus, a, um; part of iniucrcor ; # Iniega, 2; f. á sable carpal. SA upon. * Noli mihi instare, do nacruflomid. * Iniuctus laboris,, Iniegellus, a, um ; adj. [ab integer) not unge me. . Inftarc Ogirl, 10, not uſing to take pains pretty whole or found, biften be work. *R-cram inftas + Infuffio, are ; '10 puff fnuff. INTEGEER, ra, rum; adı. (ab in & viain, you are in the right way: insúla, e; f. (à falam] an iſland, a tago, i. e, tango) who's, insiri, Inftare veftigiia, to follow fæp by palace' or 'great bouji, without any Jasa sound, uncorrupsed, lobar, luny, fup: • Inſtant me tid! bona. I will heupe sajoining uprighi, fre, not meidled with hortly do you a kindne's Ille in Inſula, aruin; f. the city L'Inc in * Integer vild, an innnocent man. ftat fadum, bu fonds. in it thar · Flanders * Integer ævi, in his primi, * In- "was fo. + Insóläneos, el, m. an iſlander. tegrum inftituere, 10 fot one in ftatu Initrāgulana, i; a. a fudd's cloth. Insularis, ci adj. of an iſland. 90 pr us. * Integrum ſervare, * Inftramentum,' i; na coveriet of Insularius, li ; n. he shar inhabits sy } Inſtrācum, i, n. to keep himfel: di engaged from any a touch or keops a great house fut by isfelf in a party. Mihintegrum ett lax ftair, a hirje cloth. cit, an ijander free to do i., * De integro, ofroj. Inſtrātus, a, um ; part. of. inft:rnor ; + Insū'atus, a, um ; mude an ifend. Iničgo, xi, atum, gēle; to cover Huer, covered, Spread upon. * Inftratus insŭ loſus, a. um : adj. full orijlandsi Integraſco, čre ; (ab integro) so be fragminibus panis, pelled wib Intulfe ; ady, unfarrurly, foolifoly, rafiored, grow now again brown bread. * Inftratus equus, Infu'sitas, ātis; f. unfavouriness, Intcgrāt'n, õnis; f. a reewing a borſe rasayfaddied and bridled. fooliſhneſs. Integrātus, a, um ; rmowed Iakrenuus. a. um, adj. luXy, remifs, Incullus, a, um ; (of in and falſus) 'In cgrè, crrimè; ady purely, uprightly, In Arēpo, vi, fium, no make a noiſe. infipid, ur favoury. freß wirle :gaull. Iraegritas, atsa; f integrity, uprighi- Inftri&tus, a, um, part, of inftringor; Indultātio, onis ; fi an inſuliing, do nus, the repite between the his of an * Dolorc inftrsctus, waxed or touche minering over, irom, ling uponi, out RUI lategritas corporis, purgia od with grief. rageous, invrig bing again. bealth.. + ints.delis, ntis ; part. of inftrides, inſulto, ale; Lof in and falto] to leap + Integritudo, f, integrig, foundneſs, lategros 1 3 1 1 mrin. ) Brike one. 1 iniuriede, come in der wen; binarr, INT INT Ι Ν Τ. Integro, arc; act. to renow, repair, Bretched out, Omded; Bratched out, Omded, attentive, It Intercarpens, ntis ; . Jukmg 100.1 rellor. carnest. thu midalo laičgumentum, 1; n. a cour", dark + Intentabilis, e; not to be tempted. Interco do, , fum, de e; act la Ipasih. . Integ ualenca Hagiua. Intentatio, onis ; f. a threa'rning. runi, oricus prelenres to cover uile + Intentālor, oris; m, u threainer, withiland, * Iniercestuin éit auibo. trimes 11apter. ritati, authority is opp? Ira Intellectualis, e; adj. of the under. Intentārus, a, um; adj [of in and inter cos interceſfit, they are not landing tentatus] fused or wind. Cullerolsuíns. Intercedit ill to + Intellectualités ; 'underflandingly, latentatus a, um; pust, of intentor; cuin amic.tla, there is'a grout deal Intellectus, a, um, part. of intelli. roudy drrwn, ready to Aride, pointedat. of friendſhip berween him and you. gor ; underſtood Intent è, jùs, iffine; adv. diligeni), * Inisrcedere pro aliquo, so buil Intellectus, Gs; n. underlanding, alſo arcurately, one ous, Sinification Incentio, onis ; f. a freshing, hend. + Intercontor, oris ; m. be that fongs + I tellexes, for Intellcxiffes. ing ohi, intention, employment, a Intell'gens, tis; P. & A. of intelli sharge wgoinf one, the wuguanling Intercentas, üs; m. Cà cant:s; the 80; urderbinding. Inteligens of a quality, • Intentio aninri, the mran pa.t in multik. princ!pis, purjialy understanding the earmainele of the mind, Inten- Interceptio vois ; f. an intererpring, humour ani inclination of she prince'. t'one alligenti notare, lo note very incroa hing. Intelligenter ; adv. underſtandingly, carefully. ° Perdere intentionem, Interceptor; õris ; m. an interceptor, inrelligentia, æ ; f. knowledge, prue to mifcurry in his fuit. deriver, forajtller. Interceptor dance, wit, wi dom, Intento, aic; art. ro prarch out often, litis aliena, ho this carries on ane Iatell'igibil.sy.c; ad), intelligible, threason. * Intentare actionco, po sher. Aan's ;uje for him, that spouſes wbith may be underſicod, sommen'e a fuit ingring one. * In- bi cau . + Intelligibilitèr ; adv. inte'ligibly, tentare alicui manus, to offer to Intercepius, a um; part of intercipi. Intelligoexi, 'e&um,“ igěre; 20:. or ; ſurpriſed, prevented, foreſtalled, Lof inter 2x1 lego) to underland. Intentus, a, um; jor, iffi nus [of in Interceſſio, onis ; fi un interceding, 'Malè intelligete, to mifake. tendor) Sraiched upon, diligent al wirblinding. hinder 73 Incēmērandus, a, um ; ad). mój to be work. Intent.cr cuſtodia, a more intercent, or s; m. an interceffit, prafaned or violated. careful warch: . * Intents alimen hinderer, spoofer. + Intěmiératè, adv. andefiledly. torum prctis, dat growing dearer. Inter-eſſus. ûs ; m. [ab intercedor), Intēınératus, a, um ; adj. indefiled, Intento opus cft animo, ina sonid a coming between, entreaty. inviolated, uncorrupted. be very ferious about it. Intercideng, ntis; part. of intercio; Intempăran-s, ged. tis; adj. tior, til latentus, ùs ; m. a fresching oxi. falling bawaen. • Intercidens al. ficus, intemperate, overpowered by Intčp.eo, ēre; es, an extra0 dinary or crisical day his pojfions Intepefco, ele foo grow zarn. forced by the malice of the diſeaſe. latempérant-ěr, tùs. Iflimè adv. in- INTER, præp, cum acc. [uetà, vel Intercident:a, 2; f. the falling of a. Temper:trly, inordinatı!). ab in within, berwren, Goreng humour. Intcmpčiantia, ai f. interperance, #Inter coenam, at suppor-zime. Iniercido, čre; neut. [of. Inter and incontinence, exisfs. * Intemperan * Inter, ambo!andum, as I ivas cadol is decay, periſh, full between, til coll, nad air, walking • Inter patrcs le&us, be forgotten. Si intercidcrit tibi Intemperäiè; ady. intemperiteiy. Lhofen jenator. #Inter fc, among one aliquid, if you forget any thing, Intamporalus, a, um , adj. intemps. anorber, Inter opus, in the caian, Into ci do, di, ſum, dère ; act. (of rale, iomederate * Inter facrūro faxumq; ftare. ** inter and cædol ro cut ujunder in Intemperia, æ; or es, el ; f. fury, bo in she mouth of danger. * Inter thi mian, cut off or in pieces. modne's. inicis, as the teginning Inter Intercilium. ili n. the far beswren Iotem pcriæ,farum; diffraaion, furies, hæc, in the mean time, the eye brows Inteni peftas, ats; f. unfoufonableneſs, Inte: albico, are ; neut. ta be white Intercjnctus, a, um ; part of inter- unbeslihfuil weather between, or to have white mixed cingor. girded about iba middle. Intempeftivè ; adv. urijeaſonably. . with other colours. Ince.cino, inui, entum, inérc, of Intempestivus, a, um , adj. unreaſon Interamna, a city of Umbria. inter und cano) to fing between or able, out of due time, excajive, of Interamnaics, the paiple of Interamna. in the middle part bad abod Interam012, the city Terano in A Interc-ip'o, ēpi, cptum, ipère; ait. + Intempefto, are ; to malot, deflroy prutiusa. (of inter and api.., so intercept in- with tempeft. Intčrān:a, õrum ; n. (ab intra) the crouch, prevent, jorotall, ſurprise, Intempeitus, a, um ; adj. unſeafone. bowels. rade wil makadain riddancs, * Ina ble, untimely. • Intempeſta nox, Inièrāneus, a, um ; adj. of the bowels. . tercipere veneno, to poisoni. • In- midnight inward. tercipere iter, to pop up or binder a + Intemporalis, o ; adj. sternal. + Intera:cko, ere; so become usterly al gr or way. • Intercipere vic- Intendendus, a, um ; adj. to be mark dry. toriam labore alicno quæfitam, ed, conded, intonaed. + Interalim; xdy in the men while. 10 trijute viaoriy to himilds the Intendens, ntis ; part. of intendo ; interbi.bo, bi, bitum; to drink ows all. another bas obtained inclining, bmding , mdeavouring + Interbico, cre i to come in the mean Interciperet ob :Viu, ialt st hoida bir Intendentibus fe tcncbris, grow- while forgiften. ing darkar and darker. Intercalārds, c; adj. fet or put be. Int rciſa, the city Rachekel in Lowe láten-do, di, ſum & cum, děrc; act, · twain, * Annus intercalaris, lite er Pannonia. acc. to bend, brain, Aretch, obſerve year. * Dies inici calar:s, the odd Interc'sc; adv. by pieces, lirups. diligently, faizle, apply, inforce, in. day added to leapjerr. • Verſus latcrcifio. Ons ; f. a culing off or teafa, purpoſe, continue, declare, to intercalaris, the hurtbon of a song. between Intendere formulam eriac 1 + Intercalāritas, ātio ; f. á pulling Intercitus, a, um ; part of interci- tioncm, 10 sure ont. *Intenderc lo. belusin. dor, dividid, cui aſunder . Inter- cum fertis, to bang garlands about Intercalarium, ü ; n. the addition in cil dies, huli zorking days *Inter- a place. Intendere digitom, to a leap-je.it ciiæ pact:ones, burgains oreks off : poin:. • Os in hoftem intendit, he latcrcalatio, onis ; f. the passing in intcrciāro, are; 10 cry out sinong or fuces the enemy: * Iter intendere, of a day, month, &c. betworn. marsb. Intendere ferrun, Intercăļālor, öris; m. be that puts in. Intercio do, fi. fum, dore ; act. (or bold she ſword 10 oni's throat. *'Se Intercalatus, a, um ; puf bilurin, inter and claudo] Po thut up fron, adverſarium in aliquem intendere, infarted. llop. comuns. * Onnes pouioncs so declari himſelf fucb u man's enw Intercălo, are ; to put in a dur og aquâ frigidâ intercl. derc, ie drink wy. # intendere craditioncm, fi year, infat, defer cold water witor ull orber liquors Jei forth learning, make it appear. Intercăpedo, ins; f. fà capio) dir # Intercludere commcatum in ini. Intentio, onis ; fi a praining, Preto. 'tance of space between rime or place, cis or inimicos cammeatibus, . 10 ing, dilig macan purpoſe, an action delay, ispite. Nulla cft interca: 1. keep the enemy from priurhan. aguinſ ara, a change, pedo molertiæ, continual trouble Interclūko, onis ; f. a f. a cloſing or jion tatenlus, a, um; part. of incendor; und miferj. ing of the way. Intciclufio a- Siria R! Ne qua to go, 4 INT I N T Ι Ν Τ $ 1 njma, a diffrally in breathing. Interèquito,are; act. to' ride in the Intér-inio, ēmi,cmptum,imérc; act. Interclufor: õris ; 2. be that pops up midp. (of inter and emoj to kill, deiros, of nuts of Intererro, are to come or pafs buwan tuin. . Intcrimit me hæc oratio, laterctüfus, a, um, part: of inter or Among this difcowyfe very much diſpleafor no. cludor: dolid, popped. Intereſt ; {mp. (ab interfum) it be. Iată:ior,ius, gen:oris ; adj (ab intra] + Intercolo, čre ; to procura favour. longs, it coniurns, it is good, it is mure inward. Interior epiftola, Iatercolumniura, ii; n. [à columna) the duty. • Permagni intereft,there the latter ibat is in the middle of ibi para ástwun two pillars, isagrout difformier. Hoc inter pa. the packet. laterconcillo.'are ; to procure favour irem ac dominum latereft, a karbor + Intcritio, õnis ; f. a porijbing, de o friendship beturin swo. and mapar differ in this. Totereit Brulion, Intercoſtalis, e ; betwin the ribs, inter duos amnes, it lies between Iarcrittrus, a, um, part. of Interco; Loterculco, are ; a&t. (of inter and two rivers, #Triduum non in like to die and be forgotim, calco) to tradic upon, bewern, or terer æfatig uter major act, there interitus, Gs; m. dejlru&ię, abo- in tbe midy. is not three days difference in our. litton, destb. + Intorcumbo, čre ; to lie er fit bo ogé. Sur Interfum. Interitus, a, um , ad! Nain, doad. fwrin. Interfac-io, čre; to inaks up, let anri's intcrjun&us, a, um, part. of Inter- Intercurrens, nt's; running batwien. band' so the work, to work by fits. Jungor ; joined' bet wion, • Intercúrrens pulſas, an odd pulfe Interfae-is, t; to iniarrupi, to speak in Ioter un go, xi, tłum, gěte ; &: 10 cording bulwenn iwo'orheri. ino's diſcourſe. join bulwien, roubo one another, 10 Intercurro, ri, fu ; to run betwem, Interfatio, onis, f, an interruption. bant by the way. • latorjungere befall. laterfeaio, onis ; f. a killing: cquos, to unicam horfos, + Intercursātio, onis ; f. a frequmi Interfcctor, oris į m. Intčilùs, adv, more inwardly. coming between Jnterfearlx, icis ; f. } Interlā-bor, běris, apſus fum,bi; dep. Intercurſo, are ; (ab intercorro) Interfectus, a, um, part, of interfi. 10 1.p or ſide away. quis often briwson, 10 prika or cior; la.n. Interle&tio, onis ; f. A reading bs • drrak. + Interfeminium, ili n. the privities. iwaon, Interca: [ds. Os į m. a running or interf-icio, cui, 'ectuia, irčic ; att. Interlčgo, čre ; a. 10 gaiber up here commg beturm, intereffion. [of inter & facio) to kill, nay, de and there, Intcicos, ūtis ; ad). (à cutis) botwin Broy, deprive of, burn up. Inter - Intërlido, čre ; act. [of inter and the skin and fileſ. • Aqaa or vi. ficere aliqcem peffimis exemplis, lado) tillrik btwain, Gravem thum intercus, the droply. . Inter to make ine a terrible example, Interlidere denten, so give a bi- cutibus vitiis 'madentes, full of fe- Interfinlum, li; n. là 5nfs] ibe Space ting, taunt. at viros. betwoner bounds, tbe bridge of ibi Interlago, are ; act. to bind botwin. + Intercurſor, õris mi a ruller off. noft. Intcriinda, f. an intarline # Incercatáncus, a, um ; within the + Intcrfia, čri ; neut. to perish, im Interlinearib, é ; adj. fnterlied. kin. 1. Jumaway. loteri.ino, int, ēvi ind ivi, ituna, in- 4 Intercăt-o, čre ; (of later and Intcrnu.o, xi,dre ; flow bolwer. ērc; act. to interlini, roſo or blof. quatio), Brike duurm.. Interflous, a, um į powing between. Interletus, a, um ; (of interlinor) to' + Interdaius, a, um ; ad odigridurid, lnrcrfod-lo, čre ; to dig or enter inse. terlined, laid outumn, cancelled. or put biswein Interfæminium, as interfeminium. Intertõsūrio, õnis ; f. an interlocution, Inteedistus, a, om; in she das Interior. See Interfatis. interrupting Adsther's sale. Interfr-ingo @gi, affum, ingère ; (of Interlócūörlus, a, um , adj. Spokon + Interdiarius, it ; i. be that rubs inter and frango) to biro. afundo. beiwern or by the bye. by day. + Interfulg-co, čre ; peut, i fins Interloqu-or, éris, urus fum ; dep. Inicrdi-co, xl, etum,cere ; et. acc. beswxm. 10 interrapi one's ſpeaking, to dalej. & dåt. 14 forbid, raferin, keep from. + Interf.undo, udi, ufum, undere ; wine a controverſy for a while. . Interdiccrc aqua & ignc, roba. act. to your betwern. Interiācātio, onis , f. the cutting of nilhi. Interdixit mihi ne quid Interfūro, čre ; ni 10 be mad by boughs to let in light, mirer, it kept me from wondering fits, or roge be wren or amingj. Interlūc.co, cre; scut. to fine be- Nihil interdicn, I cars not. Cui Interfūſus, a, um ; part. of Interfun. tween, appear int the wid, pand ncmo foderdicere poffit, wbon no dor, powind betwrin two. • Gena thin, body can gain jup: interdicere interfulæ macali, Spékled checks. Interlūco, are ; că lox] to cut off veltiglis, is forbid one coming or go. Interfūtīrus,a,uor ; part. fut. in rus, bought make a glade in a wud. ing suar, of intcr.um. į like to be preſent, Interlūdens, ritis; part. of Interludo; Interdic.or, i, tus ſam ; past. to be + Intergarrio, iré ; 80 práce biwion. playing between or among. forbidden, hinderit, &c. Iotergarsitus, a, umí chatted briwaen. Interlualu n, il in an interlude, . Interdi&to, õnis s fa probibition, * Parculis verbis intergarritis,af-Interlunis, c ; adj. 3. art. (a luna) Imordidum, 1; 8. $ forbidding. fer a Ittle prating without light. . Intorlunis nox, Interdictus, a, um ; part. of incord!. latcrgerīnus, a, um ; adj. put den that night the moon changes. cor; foroidden; alſo enjoined, ar. Intergerivus § 'tworn. • Interge. InterTüniun, 1, n. abis change of the grund rinus paries, a middle er påriition moon, whe, nisiiber now moon por Interdit , adv. in the day-time wall, ald moin is feon. + Interdius, a, um, adj. daily, con- incergėriuta, il ;no' a middle-win. Interl-uo, ul, ucim, učre ; to Row or rinually, Interx.čro, ffi, stum,rère; act. 8o car swam bitcoin + Interdo, are ; to diftribete. Ni- y or put trimrin. Intcrlŭvics,el; for bu interdare, and foccum non in- Interhac ; ady, in the mean sime. a Nowing or t Laccrfúvíum, ii; a. } walking de Iordaré, to fighti.. lateriācens ntis ; boing bilwun, swimn. Inte, duck, jano, so called from bring. Interfacco, ērc ro tie or te bel ween. Intermän.eo, fi, fam, žre ; le abide ing homa ibe brida. f Interfac. 10, cte, act. to fall be. or tartj. ta worn or a mongo Interductus, fis ; m. a d'firietion, a twrix, indirmingle. Interovědius,a, ucis ad). in the mid). Jpaca berwun.. Inicdvctus libra - Interibi , ady, in the snian while. Interinenftruum, ui; a. the new moon fii pointing: + Interibilis, e ; adl. sorruprible. or hange. Interdum, adv. Soonetimes, now and Interjectio, õnis ; f?s caſing or Intermen truus, a, um , adj. in the thm, in the main wobila. Interfectus, lis, m. } pulling be conjunétiin, licerca, adv. in the moun whilo, ne iwan ax interjection. Interfcctu interanco, arc ; neuti to go, flow, or vertheles. * Interea loci er icm temporis, soms time bereafir. mojs between paris, in the mean time. Interjectus, a, um ; part. of interji- Inicroeftris, c; adj. [å menfis) be- Interemptio, õnie, f, a killing. clor , cap, put betwix. * Longo longing 10 ibo moms shange. In- Intéremptor, Gris ; m, a killer, Intervallo insericcto, a great' wbte termoftris lunes, the moon in 507 - Intercmplus, a, um ; past. of Interi- junetion. Intert-icio, čci, calum; [of!nter and t Internetium, lt; a, sbe space de. lotěr co, in & 11, ituín, ire; af. 86 Jacio.jlo suji or pus on woon, mix. sworn the goals, dy, perife, die, wiar www:: Interim; ady. Sab iter) in the mean Intermicario, onls ; f. • pjning in Fame laterisc, la brjlarv'd to death. time, fuddin:j, notwithblanding a / * mor; killed Abe self inter- tasamna i worn. INT INT IN T Inderwico, arc ; to fins between of know one thing from another me interponerem zudaciæ luce! Adiong Internuncia, aj 1. a woman matin. for why Thouia I give a shack to your Interminātas,a,um ; adj. (à minor] ger between two. boldrejo? • Interponere poftula- baving thressted' or sbarged, for Internuncio, are ; a&. 88 carry a tam, to make overtures maly 19 amuja. bildim. modtage buwan iwo. people, laterminatus, a, um , adj. (à ter- laternuacius, il ; m. a miſinger er laterpon.o, nl," Glus rum ; poft, i Spokefinan networn sw. bu pur detwinn er mixed. lderminesmarl ; dep. to threaten internundinum, } aum. Interpofitus, ts ; . } puseing bo. [a pundi- Interpositio; f ſetting or fore, so charge upon a penalty. Interminus, a, um , adj. bound! ossprio iniwan fairs, , nine days of tworn or a long Vicc rélicitate interminâ, I working + Interposiior; öris ; m. bi ihar por wiſh you mdlas huppineſs. Interaus, a, um (ab intra) inward: betworn. Iniciai.lcco, icui, itum, fcire ; 2a. Intxoro, rivi, riun, orcre (à tcro] Intcrpõsicus, a, um ; part. of inter- *i mix with others or betwem. la graie cruiable in. Tutc ponor, Put buwan or among. *ln- Intermiffio, onis ; f. e forberanie, hoc intrift:, Ibe fault is yours, y.lt terpo qiis quinis dicbus, five days caping, breuking off, Inicrmiffio. did it. afur. • Per Interpolitan perſo- nem tacere, I furrerje. + Iničrópus, while the work was doing. nam, by proxy. Interdiſus, a, um, part. of Inter. Intero:dinium, 11;.n. (ab ordo) ibe Interprémio, ii, flum, more, nd. millor; left off, dicinsinued, land Spure but wren ranks. 19 thrufl or preſs ostcoren. ing a fundir. + Laterpart-lo, ire , ad. to divide bo. Intarpres, cria; c [à pras vel para Intermiffus, as sm. a leaving off or iwem er among - Mea buna in-. tcs) an interpretar, expounder, ir- cöfing for a time. tcr partiant, lai sbor part my goods diator, fushayer. Interpres pa- ; part:of inter Ortworn shim. cis, he for Inler au jxcus, milccorý mixed bo-laterpāt-co, ère ; ngur, to lie opon t Inte, prētabilis, c , adj. capily ex. , }a. swun or IN Obers. barwren pounded. Interii-tio, ; ffunt teěre, act. io Interped-io, ire, Cà pedes) « binder interpretamentum, ! ; n. 2 an intern leave off or case for a time, * Com. between. Intergrētār-o, -ōnio ; f. $presarion, füctüdinem intermittere, to diſcon-lt laterpellatim ; ady, pop by fop. expofition, 'conjeture, judgement finus argu cintance, Loferpeilācio, õnis ; f. an interrap Nec interpretatio et facilis, stor Intermixtos, õris, meddler. sion, bindering. is it eaſy to judge. Intermörlot, u; dep. * die in the Interpcllator, oris ; m an interrup. Intero etātor, oris; m. on interpreter. ter, difurber, hisderer, Interpretium, ii; n. the priu bidden Intermoriturus, a, um, part. fut, in interpello , que me interesting interprétor, art; dep, (ab interpres) rus of intesorior, ready to dir. Intermortaus, 1, um, part. half • Interpellaro debitorem, 16 interpretgi lx pound, tranſlati, rox, dead. Intersortuæ conciones, to już bit. Prae, junge, rium. lnterpretari wral and forble orations. Interpensiva, örum ; n. (à pendeo) moihorie, to bring to one's TICO- Intcr mundium, si, A. (à mundus) a kind of penshouſo. branie. In diverfus fatorgretaris the Spare beswert divers worldo (as Intcrpenüvi partcces, walks that are to miconrur. • Giato animo in- juppiled by Epicurus.) raiſed upon another buildiwg without terpretari aliquid, to the thing in Intermuralis, e, ad). Là murus) be a roundorion in the grounä. good part, like it exording wall, tween two walls. Inte, pcosyas, a, um , adj. hanging Inichpundio, onis ; f. á pricking * Inter-BascorsaaScorla,nālus fom, nar bol waar turtain bounds. pointing betwem. cl; dep. to grow bóluren or amongt Iniespert-o, irc i act to parti be. Interpunctum, . ; 2. A difinations lötörnātus, a, um ; part. of Inter. twin or omong. pois. hafcor, grow.or jprung up among: + Inscrplacito, de; to handle insi. Interpunctus, a, um ; part. of inter- • Internatæ faxis herba, wards amt motter befwirbe principal, puogor; diftinguished by polis, Seringing up among stones, Interplīcātio, onis ; f.' a folding of Interpuo-go, xi, chun; gěte ; ad.tt + Internecida, e;c. one that kills a plaising betwem. prick or point betwer. man, oy forgos e falſe will, loterplico, are ; 78. a fold or plait Interpurgato, onis ; fi o purging + Internēcics, ci, s. the killing of a barwoen. here and shine. Interpolatio, õnis ; f. a new drofing Interpurgo, are ; aft. to priih bira Internecinos, a, um; adj. pernicions, or polisbingo und stets tobat is japer jixtus. deadly, mortal, Interacclaum Interpolator, oris ; m. 26 furõibir Intercitātio, on 9; to a pruning Bato bcllum, a mole bloody war. Inte polatrix,icis't. 3 of disper Interpo, sro ; 18. so pruns or sit Interneclo, Ônds; f. a gmaral of old things. Interncátló, Jaughter. "Ad In- Interpõlis, ci adj. adj. now drefid, ternacioncm cæl, nos a man left frowed, rubbed up. Intesque-tor,ri; dep.cocompiata fina to carry niwi. laterpoltio, Als, f, a poliſing, quity, Jataíněcing, adv. to.be wter ds. Intes põlo, are ; id to furbſ, dressit Interqaics, a!$; f. á Pifting . Internecive, 3 prudion of bord parties, upfourlatcrpolare thura, to Iwrin, Internčcivus, a, um ; ad pernicious, roting ibe frontincenje. Paratam Interqut-elco, vi, atur,eftere ; deüt. storial. præſentou que victoriam intcrpo. to rojt or puwjo in doing. Interněc-, ut, tum, and avi, ätum, lare, ro hinder u viðtory ulmys ge- Intorrá-do, f; fum,dčre ; aat, 10 fils; are ; act. to kill all, * Satietatem epularon ludis polilo litapi about Interne-eto, mud and Xi, am, adre; interpolat, he frontirid sbe un Interradlin,' c; liripode or laurd, act. ro knit together, ploojantnsis of the bancais coito + Interraföt, āris ; m. a firapor os. Internector, ari, -atus fum ; parr. pleajan: and delightful fports. mravtr abour. so be doflyi ored togober. Interpois, 3, um ; adj. [à pollo] Interrafuà, ta; rt. of water • Internectus, a, um ; part. of Inter. new trimmes or drepid, dor; liraped, carved, or facrd A. Accor, lain all sogarber. + Intcrpondium, ii; n, tbe dhirense brut t Internicida, 2; c. a mordert. of weigbls, loterrex, egls ; m. a regent gaurtina + Internicidium, it; n. murder. Interpo-no, lui, situm, nere; g&t. to ing front ihr deurb of me till anobri intçraidifico, are ; adt, to build a neji pui deswien cong, 10 mingle, bị bofan. Delmen intermedde, ſuborn, rasli, derer. Interregaun, tin. Ibu Pue betwem Intcrnigrans, gen. otis ; adj. having In cam rem ſe faca arque fidcm in. ths deuch of ovie king and she sbufing black mixed wiib oshor colours. terpoſuit. be under fork gir 11. of Ancher. Internit-cor. ērc.; acut. to ſbine te Operam ſuam interponere, ri do interritus, a, um ; adj. fexrlofs, un tween of anong shs beft he sun. Iniciponcre pce dawnita. Intornodium, li; a. l she place die nas, 80 thraam. . Me pihul in- Interrogatio, Onli; f. in interroga- Internödluse it ; m. terpono, I will not nirdalo at ultrion, queflion. kness. Internodin digitorum, the with it.' . Judicium fuum inter- Inicri ögativè, sdv. iiirrigötjörly. knucklas. ponere, to determine, give bis judge. Tacórrogatiuacuta, ai fi a linie Interno-ſco, vi, tum, ſcore ; act. to mens upon a ibing Quid cnim quo;lson Intes. } twin 1700 1 INT I N T I NI 1 wants. interrogātor, oris ; m. a quelioner. Interftitio, onis; f. a coafing er purloinar. Interrogatorius, a, um.; adj. by way leaving for sime. In erverfus, a, um ; part. of inter- of queſtion and anſwer. Interit tum, it; na foaie or di verior. i turned or conveyed awiry Interrogttoria, orum in. queflions pur tance birwein. * Interftitium lu • Interrerlo regalı dono, having to wi. nefas, interrogatoriss: nz, the chinge of the mostli neilly i bowsed than of be king's pre- Joterrogatus, a, uin, quellioned. t Intersto, are ; to fand betwem. Intcrrogo, are ; ad. a quellion; ask, Interſtrātus, a, um ; part of inter- In cover.to, ti, fum, rère ; to draw argur, ch, or accufe. sternor, prewed or laid between. away suddenly, Beal, purloin, iarn Interruarapo, pi, ptum, mpêre; act: Interft:ép-o; ui, itum, čre ; ncut. to upſide down, ibaligh, aciray. to interrupt, break afunder,confound, 1.ke a noiſt among oihers. Interver tor, ſus fuin, u; paff. to be to dtfieniinur. Interftringo. xt, ictum, čre ; act. to furnia hide, &c. Interruo čre, to ruſh betwem. frain or preſs but wun. • Gulain Intervigilaco, onis ; f. a waking. Interruprè; adv. brokoly, by fits. Inserftringere, to choak. Intervigilo, are: 10 ba totween licep. Interruptio, onis ji. f. iterrupsion, Interitruct:0, õnis ; f. a building be ing and wiking. breaking off wron. Intervit co, ērc; ro hadi gran mixed Interruptor, oris ; man interrupter. Iater itru-o, xl, &tum, ēre, is build with o:ber coiour), Interruptos, a. um; part. of inter and join lauatel things together Intervi.fo, ii fum, sčre; a&. 31 vißt sumpor, interrupted, broken, dij- Intes fum, fui, eße; to be projent or nowi and iben. continued. • Interruptis vocibus uit hand, to ditfir. Sss Inc:reft. INTÈRŮLAZ; f.(ab intra,vel tero) uti..en pammer, or sprak Barmer. Intertexo, ère, to weave borwoon. a ſhirt, waijico.it. ing!y. Intertextus, a, um, woven or wright Inccrundo, are ; to difinguiſh wirb Interſcalare, 18 ; D. [à ſcala] a lad. between, anbroidared. der.doj Intertign:um, ii; n. fà tignum) ibi Intervācāištèr ; adv. dloud, between Latcriciimium, ii'; n. {à fcalmus) Spice between two raftips, whiles. tbe fouce betwem ears in a golloy. Intert natus, a, um ; part. of intertin- Intervomo, čre ; neut. 10 vomit be- Interſcap llum, li ; n. 1 à fcapula ] gor, died or pollaa here and their tween or fumetima. sbe jpact bowien ihe joulder-Intertingo, ère ; act. to use or jpor Interuſurium, ij; n. (ab ufura) uſe blades, be:ween. or intereſt in the mean time. Interfciado, fcidi,fciffum,čic; ad. Intertră-ho, xi, Etum, hčre ; 2ct. 10 Inicitabilis, c; adj. wbo by law can to cui ajunder, or in the midjl. draw out from beiwim, sakr' away minke no solament, or of siken for a Interſci-ndor- , sus fum ; pafl. to all * Animam puteo intertrahcrc, witneſ; deiefable ; gelded. de cut in the m:djl. to draw a will dry. Inteftato ; ady. without a will. Intericri-be, pai; pium, tére ; adt, 80 | Intertrigātus, a, un; gallod. Intertātus, a, um ; adj, intajları, ba. interlins, wriis between. Intertrigo, inis ; f. [a tero) a gell: ving mad? na will, nos proved by laterfcri bor, bi, ptus fum ; par. 14 ing toe skin with long going i alla wirnu's, out of credit ; gelded, or written between, interlaring Intestina, orum ; n. orum ; n. the enirails, Interfcriptum, i; n. an interlining. Intcitriucntum, i; a. los, damage, bolols Interečcãuio, On:S ; f a curring in the the dross of mital. Inteſtinum, i; n. (ab intus] an en. nidals, latertrkürz, 2;.f. the loss of waje Ir.:il, a gui. Inteſtina terra, Latersēc o, ul, tam, lo cut off in sba ef coin in wiring. earıb.wums. Toteftuny.3) ca. middle Iatcrturbācio, õais ; f. difurbing, com, the fourth or sind gut. In- Lole. fe&tio, onis; f. a cutting off. hinarring tcftinum duodenum, the gui next laterséminālus, an, um ; adj. Jowed Inicsturbātor, öris; m. a diſturbor. to the remarh Intestinon quin- belwain, or dumg: Interlurbo, .are;. act. 1o diflurb, if. tum or craffum, the fams as colon. Intersčp.io, a, tum, ire ; act. ta Serruol, binder, # Inceitinum rcctum, the brait or . simpaſs, or cloſe round about, hedge Intervăcatio, õnis; f. a bring vacant arle-gut. in, o divide by a hedge. or ar leijura. Inteftinus, a, um ; adj. abin. Interfeptum, i, n. a partition. Interraco, are ; neut. 10 be vacant tus] inward. fucrit, deadly, Spigha- Interfeplus, a, um ; part. of interle berwron. ful • Inteſtinum bellum, a civil pior, inclosed, bedged in, Jout ud. Intervallārus, a, um, which comes # inteftium odium, a furat Inierſ-ero, éri, itun, erērc ; a&. 10 und gors by turns, intermined, pust grudge. * Inteftinum cpus, waina grof or plant balwian, barwion. * Fcbris int. svallata, on fros * Inteftinum pavimentum, latori: čro, ui, cum, čre ; ad, to put ague coming by fils, periodical, boarded floor. mingle belroun or among Intervallum, i ; a. ſpürt or defiance Intex-o, ui, cum ; to wedge in ar + Interfigaum, 1 n. a warb.word. betwein, puuſe, repite. * Ex in. betwein, interweave, cobroider, loter Giftitur; Imp. [ab illis) they liop. tervallo, by and by. • Longo in. Intexore aliquem oracioni, to bring loter-lifto, ftiti, fifterc, 10 Aopor may tervallo a great way off # Eo in a ferfon :n a dialogar, berwron. dem intervallo, at ibe jame time. Intexius, a, um , part. of latexor; Intersītus, a, um, part of interſe Ne joiervallo quidem facto, interwoven, ror, fowed or for betwein. In without Any delay Intextus, &s , m. en interweaving, terſita peregrinatio,a pleasant jour. Interv-ello, ull, úlfun, cllère ; so incombroidering, nry accompanied wiib variety of ob. pluik froin botwean,s here and share. Intimas, ātis ; m. (ab intimus] jes, Intervčniens, nt:s ; part. of intcrve friend, Sirklary. lote sõn:0, ni, are ; neut, to found Dio'; coming in the interim, lying Intimātio;.õnis i f. an inti nating, between or in the mean whila, between; Intervenientibus de. fgnify ng Interſperſus, a, um [à por ſus ) fertis, deforts boing between. Intimă or, Osis ; m. an intimatır. Sprinkled, cantored here and there. laterven-io, i , lum, rc; 10 como louime; adv. very iowardly, from the Interſpiratio, onis ; f. breathing upon one fuddenly, corror in the mean buttom of be hrart. bssturen, Sine interſpiratione, while, flow or be between, Cefall; Intiino, are ; act. to infinale, fgni. in a rearb. intercedi, oppofi. Malo ne inter: fl, relate, love sbtirily, regijler. Interſpirator, oris ; m, 4 breather veneris, have a cars you don't run latinor, ari ; part. so be merid into. ·bplwren. inso mi chief Intīmus, 2. un, adj. (ab intra] in - Inidrſpiro, arc; aeot. 10.. umi or Intervenium, il ; n. (à vena) ibe simals, molt inward or jurat. • In. treuibe betwem. Space betwien veins in the carth. timi dentes, be sbuck such. la.. Lpter terro, ravi, jātum, crnčre; act: Intervento, Ō.is; I. a ſureship. timus alicu us efic, to be one's con. to jpread or lay between. Interventor, āris ; in. a Aidiwlor, fidont or herompirnd. Interftinctus, 2. um, part. of inter jurprofer, Jurety, sroker. Intinétio, onis ; to w dying, dipping. finguor, 'dißinguiſbed, separated, Interventum eft; imp: they canne la nctor: ör:s; m. å dyer. pointed here and there. Amictus suddenly upon. Intiadhu', îs ; w. auct. interftinétus ftellantibus oculis raso Interventus, as ; m. a, coming in Intiadius, a, um ; part. Op intirigor za ment ſet with pars she mean whi's, an overtaking, me agod, dipped, aljo not dyed. In- Interſtingo, and interſtinguo, nxl, diation. * Interventu noctis.oy the octus ante, sborcughly infruald in inctum, ère (à opisapungo] to, night's Dealing upon them. wth art. dijimnguito, Jovar borteon, jop. Intervcrfor, oris; m, a turner ever. Iorir-go, X1, Etum ; te dye, die in : f W1r. 1 IN T I N T IN V 1 1 que of. march ont. Initūlācus, a, um ; part. intituled, grated or iranmed in, having heheld. kautu o arc; act to enuile. Intro; Wirbin Intrò ferre, 10 car. Intuitus, ùs ; m. a hidfuftbeholding. loiõěrnb.iis. C; 20). intolerable, ry into the house. Intúli, of intero. Iniölērasilièr; adv. intolerably. Intro, ale to enter, go in, infinuali, Iniúmeo, ērc, to Swelle Inco'čraudus, a, um , adj. nos so be, or ifeep into. + Intumelcentia, æ ; f. a ſwylling. corns with In trocedo čre, to come in. Incumclco, čre, to begin to y will. Inio:crans, ntis ; adj. impatient, nor Introclü do, ai, fum, dere; alt. [ab Intůmúlātus, a, um, adj. unburied. able 10 beor. . * Intoleia cuiaus ingio & claudo) to but within. Intusor, čris, itus ium, i, to bobold. laboris, not enduring to work. Introc ulu, a, am ; part. of intro. Intúrbātus, a, um, mas dißurbad, Intolerantèr ; adv. impurimtly, cludor ; fout in. Iniõõrantiz, æ;f, impatiense. + litroscrro, čie, so run in. Inturbidus, a, um, 7701 troubled, nk In o'lo, čre, to lift up in high. Iniţõdo, are, to enter er get in. In difurbed or mudded, clear, Intonātus, a, un ; P. & A. thun tiodebat fc, ho ihrupt himself . ing + Intūris, is; f. rapers for fauce. darıd. intruded, IN GUS; adv. levy) in, within, Incon-deo, di, fom, to jest or have + Introdūca ; 'f. De that leads the from within. About. doj the bridegroom. Intuſiun, :i; n. a ſhirt. Suindufiun. Intón-o, ui, are, to thunder, make a Introduco, xi, cum, cere; z&. r Inlu:us, a, um, ad), unjuje, waje. wife, speak with pasjion. * Inco-l introduce, bring bring or lead in, entor in cure, dangerous. nare minas, to ihr36 tm terribly, ajcience In'ybum, 1; n. end'ur. Intonius, a, um, adj. (or in and Introducto. õn's ; f. a leading or Inva.do, G, ium, děre; act. so invade, Lonius) un boven, unfhorn. bringing in, an entering on. olault, fes upon, enterpoiket, rakı a. Intor-quco, fi, fum ard tum, querc; + Introductor, õris ; m. an intro- way by force. Invalic cup d:tas $0 waf, wie ihi, hurl. * Intor- ducar. pleriſque, ef wert" had a defiro. . qurre talune, so pr in one's ontle, Introdu&örlus, a, um; adj. of bring. Invadere viam, 10 fake a journey, Intortus, a, um : part of intorqr.eor;!'. ing in. wrejted, crooked, intricate. Incoi- Introductus, a, um ; part. of intro-Invăg no, are, to Malb, put up. ta oratio, a perplexed fprach. ducor ; brought in, Invalcntia, æ; f. Ackneſs, fehlene's. + Intocùm ; adı, wholly, altöge- Intro-co, ivi, itum, ire ; neut. to go Invăl-co, ere; neut to grow strong or ther. or inter in. in uſe. Invaluit confuetudo, be INTRA; adv. & p æp. (ěrdox. &7- Iatrosfēro, túli, latum, ferre; act. cujion is prevalmi, or obwins. gòs vel ab inter) within, less than. to orar or carry inz. Invålelco, ēre, to grow firons, pre- intra hæc, before shefe things were introgiēdzor; , dep: [of intro and vuil; alſo to grow weak and cut of wie. wi! keep it to myself. * Intra ve- Ini rogerius, a, um ; part. of intro- invălctudo, inis ; f. unbealihfulness, ba delipere, to expreis folly in words gredio i onte ed in. peknei, weakneſs. only. * Intra fainam effe, not to Intro-lens, eunt's ; part. of introeo ; Invål dè, adv. weakls, Ackly, anſwer the opinion the usorld coneives going or entering in, Invalidus, a, um, adj. weak, feeble, of one Intra modum loquendia + Introitor:us, a, um, of enleving in. fick; ollo very Jirong. by way of diſcourt. • Int. a lcgcm Intro:cur ; imp. there is un entering, Invalo, onis ; f. an indafon, luule. epula, to live huser than the Introiius: ûs ; m. an entrante, pul Invāſor, oris ; m'en invarer, juil. laws allow. * Intra juventam ra fage or going into. pi, lo die in one's yourb. Intro tus, a, um ; part, entered in. lova:ūrus, a, um, part. fut. in res, Iniradabilis, e, adj. iniraaable, Inuolātus, a, um, part. of incroſc. of invado ; about to invaar, rude, force. * Bruma Intradtabiis, ror; trought or carried : 12. Inūber, eris; ad). 3. art. (of in and, a very mury winter. Intromiſio, onis; f. a laxing in. uber) Small, ſencer. Intracrācus, 3.4m; adj. unruly, not intromillus, a, um ; pait. of intro. Inutero, are ; act, (ab uber] to gius jubdued or broken. mitior ; let in. fuck. Inirăbo, čr: ; act. to draw in. Intromi tlo, fi, ffum, utěrc; act. 18 Invectio: õnis; a carrying or bring- Antramuranus, a, um ; adj. within fend or la: in ing ; on cutrage of words, inveigh. The walls. + Introneus, a, um ; adj. inward. ing. * Invcciones lunæ, the courſe Intrăneus, a, um, inward, within. Introrsum of the mion Intranfitivus, a, um, iniranptive, in- Introrsùs i fugi inwardly, with invectitius, a, um, adj. imported, commun:cubie, nos tranſtory. in, toward the infide, carried in." Louārius, a, un, inward, with'n. Introru-mpo, pi, plum, mpöre; act. Invectiva, æ ; [fc. oratio) an in- Intrālūrus, a, um, ready to enlar. 10 ruſh or break in by violen'e, vetive. Intrātus a, um ; ad). miered into. Introruptio, õnis ; f. breaking or + Invcêtivalitèr ; adv. invectively. Intrātus, ùs ; m. an entrance. rujhing in. + Inveét:vus, a, um , adj. inurlive. Inisēmiſco, érc, to fall a trembling Introfpe&io, õnis; f. a looking in or iqvecto, arc. to carry in alten, latron.c, ui, ère ; ncut. 10 fremtle, Invecios, ā.is; m. a carrying in. be afraid. Introlpector, oris ; m, a looker in. Inveclus, a, un ; part. of invehor 3 Intrčmūlus, a, um, not trembling, Introſpectus, a, um ; part. Of intro brought or carried in, befallen. Intrèpidè ; adv. without fear, boldo spicior ; looking inte, diligmily an. Invectus, ùs ; m. A currying in. ly. Kidered Invēhens, alis ;. part. of inveho ; Intrépidus, a, u'm ; adj. fearles, cou. Introfp-icio, exi, ectum, icēre ; act. inv.ighing, carrying. sagrous. (of intro and ſpecio) to look in, con- lověhu, xi, &tum, so carry, dess, or Intribuo, ère ; act. to contribute, fidor diligently- bring in. • Invehere oceano co Intribút o, onis , fi a contribution. . Introvocālus, a, um, called in. pies out in fer. Acics inrexit ſo, Intricăè; adv. intriigialy, Introvoco, are ; act. to call or cause the army charged. Intribūrio, onis ; f. 2 an elung to come in, lovchor, čr.s; part, to rall, defame Intricātüra, æ ; f. Intrū do, di, fum, děre; act. 16 thruf with angry sooras, te furious, drive Jatrico, arc ; act. (à tricæ) to wrap or hour in. furiou Ay; to be conveyed by loip, sba. Together, nord, entangle, take in a Intruſus, a, um ; part. of introdor j riot, an horic buck. &c. Snart. latricarc peculium, to thru in. + Invěnalis, c; adj. not to be fold. pawn ir mortg:ge- latubus, i; m. } Invendībilis, e; adj. net ſaleabls. Intrinſecùs ; adv. (of intra and focus] Incubom, i i n. Invendītus. a, um, unfold. from within, on the inſide, Intūbāccus, a, um , adj. of endive, Invēri:o, ēni, entum, enire; act. to Intrinsè.us, a, um, adj. inward. it Intuburina, æ; fondiva. invert, find, gol, daviſi, forkout. + Intripola, æ; f. an od gument + Intúbürinus. a, um , adj. of dive. Nomen invenire, to gas a nick nume, new droled. intucns, ntis, bebold.ng. • lnvenias ubi habitat, know where Intrita, x; f. grated bread. Intu cor, ius fuin crl, te bebeld, he lives. Intritum, i; n. a high made of mine regard fedfasily: • Acrioribus ocu- + Invěnibo, for inveniam, of ioveniQ. cod mias; Ane mortar, loam pul lis iniucri, 10 behoid camejily. invenitur, imp, there is an invention, bout graf Intuegi, a people of Germany, laventarium, i); a. an inventory or Intritus, a, um, part. of interor ; lalu tüs, a, um, part. of intucor ; tailer. * In 11 3 . ling · . . , , . IN V IN V I N. V Inyentipills, C, which conna be tinuance. + Invitro, arc, so glazı will glaſs. found out Invěcitus,a,um; ad). Det forbidden. Invitus, a, um , adj. for, iffimas, [ + Inventicula, &;.fo a small divice. Lavia ; [ſc loca] unpaffable placas. vito vel vita) unwilling, contrain. Inventio, onis ; fo an inumtion, find. Invicem : adv.by turns of courſe, one od, in spite of one's turbi ing tu. after another, Invius, a, um ; ad). Sall. (a vla] Inventitias, Il; m. a foundling. Invictus, a, um, adj. invincible, nor without way or pub-ge, unpoli- Laventlunatila; æ; f. a ſmall inuun. SUITCOME Inviaus a labore, in ble, tians. defatigable. Inula, ab Helenium) elecam. Jarentor, ör!s; mil an inventer, delt Invidt ; adv. Aviouſly, maliciouny. pant. laventrix, icis; f.} viſer. lavidendus, a, um ; part. fut. in Inultas, a, um ; ad). Unrevenged, Invontam, ; frigned Bory, dus of javideo ; to be savied. fool-fru. Inulrum auferre ali . Inventus, ds; m.} lyr, an invin. Opes invidendæ, abundance of quid, not to bi punibed for it. 11097. walıb. Inu mbrālo, ānis; f. a badowing. lavcatus, a, um ; part. of Inven!or; Invident'a, æ, f. malicioulnafe. Inumbrâtor, oris ; m, a fadowar. invented, getim. "inventag in culo lavi deo, di, fum, dēre ; ncut: toen. Ingabrātus, a, um, part. of Inum. pâ, found tardy. Non eft inventus u grudge, to deny, to give. In bror, haded, diguiſed. • Qales qui---, there is not wanting one videre laudes alicui or laudibus inumbrata, unquias Aug. to.. Opus eſt invento, it muji alicujus, to envy one's praia. Inambro, are; ca. 10 cap a-give a be found. Invideiur ; imp. there is a grudg. jadow, defend, field. Invonatas, Atis ; f. uniunilinofi, ing Inuncātió, Õhts, f o booking unla. Invěnuste ; adv. unconely, without Invidia; & ; f. (ab invidco] (xuy, Inuaco, are; 'act. coich, draco grace. milice, basing, or being bared. with a bock, Invenuftus, a, um'; adj. unfoext'), Ere ia invida, habere lavidlam, Inunctio, onis, f. en anointing. ungraceful. to branvird. Mihi iavidlam con-Inonctor, oris, m. an antinier. Invērēcundè ady, impudent's, bold fluvit, he bath brought me insa dib- Inuodus, a, um ; part. of Inungor, ly. grace. anointed Invērēcundla ; ; f. impudener. Invidiola, æ; f. a little grudge or Inundālio, onis, f. an inundarim, Invērēcundus, a, um ; ad). iur, iffi. inoy overflowing, a pond. mus ; libamees, impudent.smmodes. Invidiosè ; adv. spighsfully, mul. Inunditor, oris, m. am over flower, Inrergo, ére, to fide in, in:lina, pour sufl. Jaundo, arc; act, to overpow, bread mom or in. foop a velil. Invidiofus, a, um, adj. envious, or in upon. . Inundare falorno, to Inverfio, onis; f.a turning inuurd, mvisd. • Hoc mihi invidioſum fue be well plied with good wine. er üppide down, inüerkon, inverting torum cft, this will cause you ill. Deng foundantur Troes, the Tro- ro isto files. will, jans throng in. + Inversùm ; adv. orderly, in order, Invidus, a, um ; adj. savious, inali. Inun go, xi, &tum, gěre, to anoint. Inverlis, a, us ; part. of Invertor; sivus. Teightful. Inunguom ; adv, as the fingers ends, Cupid inward, or upide down, Noé Invigilātlo, onis; f. e diligent witch. 6x1als: tranſlated. • Invertum mare, a ing. Inunio, ire; act. to units, make ori, boid arcus fee. * Inverſi morcs, Invigilātor, oris; m. & watcher . launitus, a, um ; part. united. Annours extrmely altered Invigilo, are, to watch, give dili. Ia-universum ; adv. gmerally, whil. Inver-to. ti, fum, tore, to them the gence. ly. infide ens, or up de down, pervers, + Invulcſco, čre ; neat.-so grow vila. Invõcātio, onis ; f. & calling upon. dillurb. * Inrettore ferobes ocsi + Invilito, arc, so make vila. Invocátus; a, am ; part. of unvocor, to mak: trenches for olives. • Inver Invincibilis, ejad). invincible. tere cadam, to tilt a barrel. Tovincibilitèr , adv. invincibly. Invocālus, a, um ; part. of invasor, Invofperafco,cre; neut. ro grow lata, + Invioius, a, um , adj. tomparatı, unbidden, not invited. or towards night. refraining from wine. Invoco, are; act. to call upon for Inveft gibitis, & ; adj. which cannot Invlo,are , ncut. à via) to go or walk, belp; also not to call. be found out Inviõlābils, e; adj. inviolable. Involatio, önls, t. a Hying up Investigaodus, a, um ; part. fut. in + Invið!abiliter ; adv. inviolably." Involatas, as, m. 08. } dus, of inveſt gor ; to be foughs ous. Inviõlātè ; ady. unlorruptly, purely. t Involãior, õris, in. he that filios Invefigārius, _ 1; m. ą blood hound. Inviõlātas, a, um , adj. inviolated, upon İnvest gátio, õnis ; f. . foarching or unhugt, found. Invõlito, are, to fly in ofter, hover finding.nu. + Inviſcatio ocul!, « Niminejo in the Javoft'galor, oris ; .m. a trifft, sjes making be lids ſtick together, lavolo, arc ; neut. 80. rum violoni'y frareber, or finder out. Invifco, arc; (à viſcus] to sube wiib, upon, dap hands upon, fly at.. #A Inveſtigātus, a, qo; part. of Inver birdilme. nimum cupido (avolat, quickly on- tigor, searched or found out. Invisibilis, e, ad), inviſible. • Involarc in poffeffione:D, Inveftigo, are ; aa. (à veftigium) 10 Invěsitālus, a, um; not vifted. lo ſearch, frace, find or hunt pur, Invisito, are ; 22. 19 vifie orten, Invõlúc-er, ris, re, adj. nt Podgad, + Inveſtimentum, i ; nola girmeni, Inviſo, fi, um, čre ; act, to v fit. some Involucris, rc, which cannot c!ogik og or go to the set Ay. ļavchio, dre; ad. so inuet, garrillo, Inviſer, Öris i m. an envier, biler. Involucre, is ;. n. (ab invol70] a deck inwurdly. Inviſes; a um ; adj. :or, iffinus ; of durhn's Town.. Iorefis, c; ad!. 3. art. beard!efs, invideor] haird, odioes, roffesa. Invõlu:2001, i; n. & covering, ang witbout hair or onths. Invitabillis, e; adl olluring, irita.. Ihing that revers, clocks oy bider. Jovaftitūra, æ; f. an ipuiting, give abla, fir-ſpoken, Involucrum figris, the cup of a ing pobellion, livery or writin. Invitāneatum, i ; n. an cl!uring, 1 flowi. + lavolucrum majus, agri. Faveſtilus, a, 4a, inclosthod. drisin , efling. † lavefo, arc, is warm or boil. Iar cãs: 0.0.31s tien inviting, † Involuntarlè; adl. unwillingly. Inyctěralco, ère ; nour, ta grow Hd, Inviati vinis strinding collation, luvõluntiilus, a, um, unwilling. to grow in ox out of stom, to de Invitācar, 6. j n. the officer in. Invol-vo, vigūcam,vērc, act. acc.perſ. cay, green. virinz widers to sup with the empe- & dat. rei, to roll, wrap tigether javčterārio, onis ; f. a growing in or ugon, ta infold, bous ensis solf close ufa by long rufous ! Invitātus, a, um, invitad, allured. up. • Involvere ſo literis, to, kar Invětěrātus, a, um, part. if invete Invictus, ûs ; m, a bidiing, calling, cloſe to his Audy. Nimbi invol- ro; grown into ali by (180m. * In. inviting. vêre diem, the day is over-saf. veterata barbaria, bety winked tor. Invite, rus, iffimè; adv. unwillinghy Invoivulus, i, m. a caterpillar. berity. Inveterata querela, em + lovitlo, 23€, to ſpoil, pellule. Invõlutè, adv. coverly, safely. Jd complaint. Invito, are y act. act. "là via) to invilo, lnud:ūrio, onis, f, an infolding. Invčičro are; neut. [1 vetus) roba. bida enteria in, allers, provoks. • Involūtus, a, um ; P. & A. folded, corns old, grew hair or in win, 'de Invitarc aliquem poculis, so bido coured, intricate. # favolatum furled. Inecieruydt hæc opinio, "Invitarc fclc lạ cena, bellum nomine pacis, a war cloak. ibis apinton has been of long con to fall to and under the name of pojke, called upon. 1 aver. ► . Badili ) vor. A Inur. Inūsitāte ; } adv. unusally. 3 Jelves in the Witing18 JOCUS, i, m. (à Juvo, yel Heb. JOC JOS IP Η nurbane, ady, wcivilly, unnuritouſ- , Jocủlaris, es jocular, Spoken in je. Jolippus, on biberian, the son of Go i; Jõculariter, ady. jefling!y, merrily. rion. Inu: bānus, a, un'; xdf. umivil, un. Joculārius, a, um, adj. joſling, in Töta, she Greck name of the litter. I, tour trous, unmannorly. jal. * Jocularlun malum, a plea A jol, metle, a thing of no valus. Inúrans, ntis; paft. fcorching. Jant mijchief, a.prally kind of harin. Jorabis, an ifand in the gulph of A. Inorgco, ere. Bo nige again . Jocủlātos dr!8'; m. ajelor, rabia. Inu ribo are; co plunge and walo tom. 1.Joculatorios, a, um; done in je Loraciſmus, a frequent beginning of Jācŭlass, acis, adj. full of iofs. the letter 1; ajo a fault in pro- Yaü-ro, i, itum, röre; ia to mark Joculor, art; 10 jill, be merry: nouncing is so bratdi with a hpi iron, to enanol, imprint Jõcủlus, .; m. pratly conceit, merry Jotæ, a people of Scythia. • Inurer famam ſuperbiæ alicui, tale, Jotapata, a city of Syria. to make one always be Armounted + Jocunditas, adis ; f. jorundness, locape, Lombardo in Cilicia. roud follow. Tavrere calam) minib, Joviacum, Saltsburgh in Noricum, ftris, to curl Ibr boir. + Jocuador, a'i; to be merry. Jovlagu's Pontánus;q.pbiojapher and Inu-ror, ri, tus Tum; pass. so be burnt Jocundus, a, um, jøsund, merry. port, who wrote many things in priſe ini met.) 80 ble branded wiib. and verſe, which are yet extant. achak, wait) a jell, merry poryJovinianus, a namin uibict Maximi- , ful, laughing Hack. * Ridicali nian took from his exploits in Uly. Lausitātus, a, um ; adj. una culomed, Joci, pleasant jails, gantal raillery. ricum.. jlrange. Johanna, æ, f. Joan, the name of Jovinus, a Roman conjul with Lapi. Inuffus, a city of Egypt. fauerei wasiin; all of a pope. cinus # Inuktio, önts; a cauterizing, Johannes, is; m. John, the name of Jovis, là Jchovah) she old nomina . burning in. frumral min. tive (bus now be genitive) of Jupi. Inuitus, a, um, part. of inoror ; Johannes Chryſostomus, rs Chryfor ter. Jovis arbor, the ord. Jo. barn in, fear'd with a bor iron. semon, a biler of Conſtantinople, vis barba, fongrun. Dies Jovis, Inūtilis, e; ad). unprofitable, uſeleſs. depofid by Theophilus bijbop of A Thurſday, Jovis flos, role-cum. Inūtilitas, átis ; f. unprohtableneſs. lexandria, and Danied into Pon paign. * Jovis glans; chelnut, Inītiitcr, ady unprofitably. tue, where he died, A. D. 403. Jov!: ſaba, binbane. Jovis Invulgatio, ānis ; t. a divulging. Jol, a city of Numidia, called after: ales. the eagle. lovulgātor, āris ; m. divulgar. wards Colonia Cæfarea, now Al. Jovis Fanom, a'rity of-Lydia. Inrulgo, are ; ačt. to divulgs, pub. gier, and by the inbabitants Gola Jovis Fons, a fountain in Didone, liso, make, known. zir. which is always dry it noon. Invuločiã oils, e; adj. invulnerable, Iolaus. the fn of Iphiclus, who help- Jovis Mons, a ponálnin in Spain, which cannot be worndod. id Hercules in killing the Hydra, called Monjui. Invulnerāços, , um ; noi wormded. , feuring the neck where a head was Jovis Promontorlum, a idond Iduus (ab inco) the night.mars. cut of, that what's might not ſpring; Taprobane. Inycas, e city of Sicily, called Lon. i in his old age be was reffored so his Jovis Servatoris Portus, a baum by gobardo. youth by the prayers of his uncle the Argolick gulf. Inynia, jeafts.celebrated at Lemnos, Hercules. Jo!cos, a town in Theffaly, called I ante P. I ante O. Jaco. Jolciacus, a, um, adj. of Jolcos, 1. P. abbreviat. for in publico, in J. O. M. abbreviat. for Jovi opumo Lole, she daughier of Eurytus king of poffeffionc, intra provinciam, joita maximo. Occhalia, beloved of Herculcs ; perſona, juſtas poffeffor, jus pre- lo, interj. (ne particle of joy ! when Eurytus was overcome, and toris or pontificlumn. grief, oh i bey he! rfujed to deliver ber according to Ipana, a citly about Carthage. Log Lus, the daughter of Ina shus, bis bargain, Hercules' low hinn, 1phianastı, Iphino, and LyAppe, ube inined into a cow by Jupites sbal carried her away, 4x1, afterwards daug blers.of Proteus king of Argos, for might nos be known by Juno,. sav. bor 10 bis jon Hyllus. who prefarring.thair beauty before whi anoud ber irito Egypt, where !olum, a mountain of Perrhæbia. Junio's, ware by har pruck with me rucovered her former sbage, mar. Loli, the inhahitants of lolum. mudneſs, imagining ismiuurs to be rud king Ofiris, and after her Ion, a tragedian of Chius; and wher death was worſhipped by ibe name Iphicles, or Iph!clos, the son of An: of Ifis. Ione, a rily of Paleſtine, called, alfo ph.trid by Alcmena; who bro bien Jobicchus, a frame of Bacchus. Gaza ; allo Antiochia so called. with Hercules at ons binib (by Ju. Jocabundus, a, um, adj.full of jells. lonia, a country of Agia Minor, be. piter). Jocscitár, adv. jellingly; merrily. tween Caria And Holis, now called Iphicratcs, an Athenian captain, who † Jocāimon, inis ; d. a je. Sachiam, and by the Turks, Quil baniſhed' bimall, becauſe they would Jocans, nais; part. jsjling. 'cum. pot be guided by him.. localta, the daughise of Creon ting of lonicus, Iphidamas, ibe fons of Antenor, fairs Thebes } a, um ; adj. if lónia. by Aganca non in sbs Trojan war. busband' Lalus, the unwillingly Ionicas, a foot of two long sllables, Iphigenia, Agamemnon's daughter, married her own jon Oedipus, by and iwo foort. . lonica faltatio, who bould b.ipe bien facrificed to whom he had Eleoclcs and Poly & wantin dance. Diana, becauſe ber fatbır bad hain Diccs, who killing one another, lol lonis, a kind of carbuncle fione. a bart of hers; but the guddelt pitiid caldo dilled her.ily. lonchi, warts a pimples, the fired down her and for a hart 40 de stored in focátio, onis ; f. 'a jeling, bor jend. † Jócātor, oris ; m. ajolar. Jopas, a king of the Afii. one of Di: Iphimedia, bong ravishid by Nepa + Jocãtorias, a, um , adj. jeling, in do's ſuitors, and an explot mup lunc, ſhe brought forth Iphiaftea cian. and Olus, who grow furry minib Jocītus, a; um ; adt. jeling, Flaying Jopis, a country of Laconia. mine, fingers in longsh, ull helping upin. Joppe, a sity of Phænicia and Thef rbe giants agrinjl the gods, Ibiy were Joshabela, the probar of Molos, Juin by Apollo. Josó, adv, in jeff, merrily. Jordáncs, a Roman conful with Se- Iphingá, ; f. a kind of precious Jocor, ari ; (a jocus] to je, make verus. tone Sport by.jofing. jordanes, Jordan, a aj pleafant ri. Iphs, a young man wibo honged him- jocose, adv.jedingly, marrils, vir of Judca. jelf jor the rock of Anxxare.c; who + Jocõsătas, ātis; f. marrinefs, aljei J.raandes, o Gothick hilorian, was alſo turno, oto spione. ing Jos, an iſland in the My toan fra, Iphos, a Cecan virgin, tärnid inlo Jocoſus, a, um, adj. juro's, jeling, famous for Homer's jovulibrs, and a man in her wrdaing day at iba merry., Jocoſa imago, an athi. the birth of Homer's mother, prayers of hur me:her, Po uvoid the Jocritus eh! jom of Licurgus. Jol: phus, the name of foveral ten, anger of her husband Lyğdus, who Jocólans, nus ; Juling, el; scially of a famous Jewiſh hijos juppoſed ber to be is niin, ná hud Joulart, a. pl. bracelets, jeweis. provided her a wife, bo baving com- Ttitt nonush of hair. faly. riad. IRE I RR IRR . a; .: manded bor mulher; if sos brought. Irenopolis, arity of Cilicia. + Irrčmanžrabilis, e; ad). mi ob forth a girl 10 deflroy it. Tregone, un blive-bough' will wool paid ar recompensa. Iphiftindo a people of Athens, sbour it ; also all foris. of fruits ai +Irremunerātus, a, um ; unrequired. Iphitus, the son of Eurytus king of: fefivals. Irrčpărābilis, e; nit to be repaired, Dechalia, wbun Hercules (having Iria, a river in Italy. Irrčpărābitīter, adv. unrecoverably. Bain his" fasber) brow headlong Irbe Flavia, a city in Spain. Irrepertus, a, um, part: not found. from the tower, + Iricius, ii;m a hedge bogen Irre-po, psi, ptun, père; neut. (of Ipaos, untis ; .country in Sanos, Iricolor, oris; Lab iris) of all mlours in and repol to creep in, pide in wbare there was a temple of Jupi-. of the rainbiu. sunningly." * Irrepere in tabulas ter lpnuntis. Irinum, i, n. an ointment made of publicas. fo inroll by fealth. Ips, ipos; f. á little worm bred upon power.de.lura. Irrčpoſcibilis, e; not to be required. tress by the fouth-wind in Spring- | Iriawn, a, um ; adj. of the flower. Irreprehensibilis, & ; unreproveabls. time. de-luce. Irreprehenſus, a, um ; adj. not to IPSE, a, um; gen, ipaus, dat. ipa; Irio, onis ; m. [ab fris] bank-creffes. Irreprenſus, 's be repnurd er bla- pron. adj. reciprocum ; (ab is & Iris, Iridis ; f. the rainbrur ; also a sed, faultlos. ooà, ipfi) be, binjelf, the fumar, Hower.de'luce, ond a fox-corner'd Irrepto, are;' te creep in ofim, peal Dery. 4:0 note, that wbm it comes precious fone, and the black circle into. before a verb of the hij parfon, it is about the nipple: Irrequies, ēris ; f. relefrafs. to be engliſbes by 1, and in like Iris, the daughter of Thaimas, feign: lrrégulētus, a, um ; adj. rollefs, buly, manner by thou, when coming be ed by the ports to be Juno's: melen never quin.' fore a verb of the fund person. geri alſo a river in Ana Minor. lirëſeatus, a, um ; not pored or cut. Ego ipfe, I myſelf. Ipſae veni-, 'Irland,a, 2; f. Ireland Irrcsolubilis, e; adj. not so be losfed. unt ad cauldra capella, they come : Irnea, æ; f. (ab opvis, av!s). Irresolūtus, a, um, adj. not sacked of binelui. Agar per me (Irncum, e!; n. wine-veſel und or loo ed. jpsc, I'll go about it by myſelf. *Sc 17. fucr pies al'o a cake in fobion of Irrêt-lo, ire; act. (à rete) to inian- Fannius ipfe perenit, Fannius a bird Su hörnia. 8!!, fake in a net, entire, killed bimilf. Triginta dies e- Iromųs, a king ojo Tyrc. Irreitor, oris ; m. an onlangler. radt ipri, for thirty days togetber. Ironia, æ; f. an irony, when one Irretitus, a, um, part. vf irretior j # Ipfeis, for ip113. spouks a th.ng jelingly, and means antanglash, anfnured. Ipiemet, he himself, The contrary, *s ne allâ mcher: Irretorquibūtis, c; not to be rutorted. * Ipfi, for ipaus, of him.' culè ir nâ loquor, truly I don't Irrčtortus, a, u'n'; adj. not cas back, Ipacuri, e people of L gurla. jell with you, frais, frue from envy or grief. * Ipfipe and inſipte, to himmle!f. ,' Irônice, adv. sronically, by contraries. Irrčvěrens, ntis ; adj: irriturront. Ipärsimus, a, um, ad). ſuperl. [ab I onicus, a. ura; adj. - ironical, Irrévérencër, adv. irrnverently, ipie) ibe ury falfofame. ſpoken jongly. Irsěvěrentia, z ; f. irreverenis, bold #Ipiuilces, or ipiplices, leaves grow? Ironicus, i; m., a jeßor, fefer. nels. ing wisbin one another. lipex, icis ; t. (ab õpenlerpo, vel + Irrčvēr-eor, ēri ; dep. to diſbonour, Ipſus, a, un'; he himſelf. Su ipſe, . azprši rapax) on jron raki to grub not so fruerence. up winds wib. Irrevocabilis, c; adi irreukable, not . I ane R. Irpini, a people by the hill Saractes, to be called or pulled back. Jo called iron Irpus which among Isèrõcandus, a, um; part. fut. in Ir, the bollow of the hand. ini Samnites is a wolf... dus of ifrevocor ; not to be roralled. IRA, iæ; f. (ab Heb. sbarah, exarsit Irădiātio, õnis ; f. a caging of bians Irsèvõcātus, a, um, part. of irrevo- drâ) angır, wralb, rage. * iræ, like the jun. cor; not reviked or called back, fellings wur. Maris ira, the rag. Irradiator, oris , m.) an enlighien-Irrëvõiūtus, a, um ; not rolled back, ing of the sea. Iriăd ātrix, icis ; f. er. not turned over, Ira, a city of Meffene. Irradiātus, & um ; part enlightened. Irrhelia, an iſland in the Ægean fea. Iracunde, adv, angrily, belily, Irradio, arc; ncut. (if in and radio] Irri-dco, si, ram, dere; neut. [of. Iracundia, a; f. watıbfulneſs, bali to line or cajt beims like tbe fun. In anu ridco) to mocks laugh, or aofi. Irralus, a, um ; not move or clipped. scoff at; alſo to flatter., Iracunditèr, ady. Ang tily. Irrationabiiis, c; without reason. Irridicule, adv. wishont:mirth, un, Iracundus, a, um ; adj. - wrathful, Irrationaoilitèr, adv. irrationably. merrily, bluntly, nor wittingly. bajy, topy, Irrātionălls, e; adj. unreaſonable. Irridicñlum, lin, a laughing-flock. Ira-icor, ſceris, atus, fum, fcl ; dep. Israucio, irc; nout [of in and raq. Irrigatio, onis ; f. a wasering., so be wrotb or angry. • Iralci vi cio) to be hear;e. Irrigātor, oris ; m, a waterer. cem alicujus, to be angry on the Irrauceſco, čre ; neut. 1o grow hearſe. Irrigatus, a, um į part. of irrigor s behalf of antiher, + Irrecompeniatus, a, um ; unriqui. watered. • Plagis irrigatus, whipid Irat-è, iùs, iffimè, adv. angrily. tud. sill the blood comes. Irat-us, 2, 0m ; adj. jor, iffimus ; + Irrecordabilis, e; adj. 3 art. not Irrigo, are ; act. log in and rºgo) * (of iraſcor) angry, moved, tempefy. to be remember'd. water the ground. • lratum habere aliquem, 40 Issēcủpčrabilis, e ; unrecoverable. Irrigua, örur; n. little brocks to wa- make one angry + Irrécupéro, are ; not to recover. ter the ground. Irceus, el; m. [ab hiraj a kind of isdědivīvus, a, um, adj. not ta be Irriguus, a, um , adj. well watered, puddings wled in facrifices, Tevived or repaired. mail, fuddled." + Ircipes, čdis;' a harrow, Irrčdux, ăcis; whmce nme return. † lrr-io, ire ; 30 fnerl like a dog. lie, the infinitive of co. Irretrăgābilis, ez adj. invincible İcrīp-io čre; act. (of in and rapię] Irccos, e city of Spain. Irrětūtabilis, ci noi 10 te diſproved. 30 (narih in. Irelandia, a; f. Ireland. liregulāris, C; adj. irregular.. irrifio, õnis ; f. a ſcoping al. Irenæus, i, m. e learned biſhop of Irregularitis, 'āts; f. irregularity, + Irrifor, oris ; m. affer, scorner, Lyons in France, A. D. 179. diſorder. ni officer of the , Irriſus, a, um ; part. of irridcor; Irenarcha,' } - night in jupite of Irregulātus, a, um ; ad). difordered. Irifus, üs ; m. derifion, peace, , a, ; Irritābil:s, c; adj. Bafily provoked. Irene, the mother of Conftantine the Irréligiosè, adv. prophanely. + Irritabilitas, āris ; f. an aproefs 10, joventb; Je reigned with him nine Irreligiõsitas, atis ; f prophaneneſs. be provoked. pars, be then expelled her, and liselig.orus, a, ura s adj. irra.igious, Irritāmen, inis; ?n. A provocation, reigned alone ſeven years; again for prophane Irr tāmentum, iis exufperarion. took bios by craji, put cui his eyes,+ irreligo, are ; to unbind, loofm. Irritatio, onis ; f. a provoking, an ap- and caj him in priſon, where he irrčmcabilis, e; adj. 3 art. from s'asire. died, and then be reigned alone four whence none can telur. Irritātor, öris; m. @provoker. Jaars. Irremediabilis, e; adj. incurable. Irritāt-us, a, um ; P. & A. ior, il- Irenica, örum ; prayers for peace. + Irremiſsibilis, e; adj. unpard473 mus; provoked, nettled, angry. Irenicus, a, um, adj. belonging to pote IRRITo, arc; a&. lépebw] to pre- prart. Irrča.õtus, a, um, adj. unremoved. voks, kinule wrath, inconjo. * No- owl. / ! > A IS A ISE IST S : + A rus, It irritare crabroncs, don't middle t"the emperor Frederick; arid lleum, a city of Egypt, jo called from with waps. iber wonnen. Ils. Irrico, are, act. (ab irricus] to dif- Ilacius Angelus, an emperor of Con. Ilcium, ii; n. [ab inſeco)a 5-3- annul, make void, ftantinople, whom his brother de. Sage. Irritus, a, um; adj.(of in and ratus pored, blinded, and deps in priſon. + Ilicius, ii, a Saloon. void, invalid, nuli, vain, of no of. Nacios Comnenus, a Greck emperor, Ilidos plocamos, a foa-forub like a. nir. Irritus fpei, diſappoin'id. fo continent, that bo would never ral. Irroboro, arc; neut. to grow irong, lie with his wife after the bad a Ifidorus, Isidore, who ſuffered martyr- prouail. child, that the phyhcians adviſed his dom at Alexandria undar Decius. Irrögātio, onis, fi the impoing of a to it for his health's ſake. logonus, an ancient oulbor of Nicæa, penalty. Irrogatio mulaæ, an Iſæus, an Afiyriaa "katorician, who and others. amercing. Spent bis youth very diffolurity, ya Ilis, a certain plaifler ogainſl molana Isrögātor, oris ; m. on impofer of peo becane a very good man. choly, nalties. Iſagoge, ĉs; f. an introduftion. Ias, a river in Colchis; alſo she Irrögaris, a, um ; pirt, imposed. Ilagogicom, i, n. ſebelars entranie. Jame as lo. Irrögo, arc; act. (of in and rogo) inay; aljo ibe rudiasenss of any ismaela, a country in Arabia: "Set a pmally upon; alſo to below. Irinaciitæ, she inhabisants of Irmacla. * Irrogare mulata, to ameua. Ifagogicus, a, um , adj. introdutory. Imara, a city of Armenia Major by Irrog-or, ari, alus fum , pafl. to be Iſagogus, i, m. a teaber, infiruler. Euphrates. impoſed upon, &c. Ifagrus, an Athenian gmeral. Ilmarus, i; and ilmara, örum ; a Irrorat, verb. imp. it millas, Ifalecus, e city of Patugal. mountain of Thrace by the rider Hebrus, Irrorātio, onis; f. a Biling, bedew-famnium, a promontory of Ireland, ingi called s. John's Foreland, or Port Ilmarius, 1, um ; adj. of Ilma- -}": Ifrõreſco, ere; neut. to grow moij ifroaricus, muck. wtb dow. Ifander, the son of Bellerophon. Ilocac, the daughter of Oedipus, Irroro, gre, to fórinkle, bedaw. Ilapis, & river of Icaly, called Sacro. epçu'ed to a young man of Cyrrha, Irroror, ari, atus fum ; paff, to be be- Ifar, or Iſara, a river in Gallia Nar- who zone pain before his marriage by dnord, Sprinkled, &c. bonnefis, called L'Iſere, 'Tydeus. Ilmcnias, e curtain Irroio. are, ts.trundle, whul abous, Iſarci, a people of the A'ps. muſician of to skira flat penes on ibs water, Ilari, e people of India. Thebes. Irrüb eo, ere; ficut. to grow 1 fatichæ, & prople of Carmania Dc- Ilmcnus, a rivar of Brot'a. Irrabeſco, erc; nud. ſerta. Ilochronus, a, um, contemporary.' Irructo, arc ; act. to belek upon. Isătis. idis; f. word. Ilocinnamon, she ſweet. herb dapho Irrüfo, are, la rafus ) to make redih. Isčtõdes, a blurish colour. nois, Irrügātlo, onis ; f. a wrinkling, Iſauria, a country of Afia Minor by Ilocolon, when two fonimus are alike Irrūgātor, Oris; m, a wrinkler. mount Taurus, ſubdued by Publius in length. + Irrūg.io, ire; to roar out, Servilius, who was therefore called Ifocrales, is ; m an Athenian orator, Irrūgo, are, to wrinkle or, rumple: Ifauricus maler to the chiefel orat.rs of Irrug or, ari, atus fum ; pali. to be! Ifaurum, or facra, a city of that Grecce; he never uſed to pronounce wrinkled, curled up, ce foaming like country, called allo Claudiopolis. bis orations, by reason of an impera the roaves of the sea, when agitated Ifaurus, a river of Umbria, called fedition in his ſpeech, and 10 avoit by tbi wind, la Foglla, and another of Magna the muy of his cloquma. Irrýmitor, õris m, he that ſuckles. Græcia, calied Donata. Iſocraticus, a, um ; adj. of Iſocrates. Irrūmo, arc, (a ruma] to lauklo or Isburg!s, the wife of Philippus Theolodomon, an uniformity in building, the give fucki datus king of the Franks, wbo being llonoz, a people of Sarmatia in Afia, Irrompeng yentus,'« violent wird. divired by her busband, because he llopyrum, the barb phaſolun. Irriumpo, ūpi, uptun, umpere ;-). sbougs her somewhat a-kin to him, Iſora, a woman of Verona, who pro- (of in and rumpo] to break or rush lived in a continual continent... feled philofophy; so wrofe a die- in by force. Isburus, & river of Sicily, called logue, wherrir be inquired whatber Irr-uo, ui, vitum, učre į neat. [of in Mayhaſoil. Adana or Eve committed the greate and ruo) to run or ruſt furiously Isbus, a city of Ilauria. fint; fe lived and died a virgin. haon. • Irracre in malum, so run llca Danmónlorum, the city Excoſter. I foſceles, an equclity of fides. bradlong into miſchief. Iſca Silurum, Caerlcon' in Mon licftxres, he hat ever fees a shing, ibar Irruptlo, onis ; f. á breaking in by mouthſhire. it ts equal and righe. force, lſce, cjuſsc, [ah is] cum he, he bim- Iſpa, 4 sity of Armenia Minor. Irtiola, a kind of oins. felt. llpida, a; f. a king-filer. Ifraëlitæ, arum; m. tbe Iſraelit:8, Irus, a mountain of India, and a city Iſchādes, dry figs, jor Theialy. Iſchemon, onis; m rock's-foot gras. Ifa, ( if and in the Illyrian jos i a sity in Lesbos; and the name of a Irus, 4 meſonger datwson Penelope iſchalls, Ilcheſter in Somerſerire. and her ſuitors, called allo Annæus, Ilchas, adis; f. fow thifle. little dog in Martial. whim Vlyfles killed with his sift Ilchera, a sity of Lybia Interior. Iffaris, a city of Parthla. Fa beggarly, that it cauſed the pro- Iſchiacos, a, um ,, adi: troubled Iſiedon or Esedon, e city of Scythia }. and Scrica. verb, Iro pauperior, as pror as Job. Iſchiadicus, Iſchiadicus dolor, the ſciatica, or Ifforta, Diana so called. I ante s, hip.gout, Iſtoriam, a mountain of Laconia. Iſchias, adis ; f. the friatice or hip. Iffus, a rily bawem Syria und Cill- 1..S., abbreviate for in ſenatu, Judi gout. cia, whore Alexander overcame Da- cium folvi, folius, or ſenatûs. Iſchium, il n. the hip, or buska : rius, and called it Nicopolis, 1. S. C! abbreviat. for in fenatua- bene, Ifàc, adv. chat way, + Iftace, for iſtic, conſulto, or judex ſacrarum cog- Iſchnon, a fine ſonder shing, nitionun, lichnotes, & pronouncing too ſmall iftacionàs, adv. thus far forth. 1. S. S. abbreviat. for infra fcripta lchomache, she wife of Pirithous. ISTE, a, ud; gen. iftius, [ab is) bis, funt. Iſchonachus, a famous wrofler, be, shut. * Tu iftis faucibus, you Is, 4 river of Sufiana, falling into the ſchopolis, a city of Poprus, called having fuch e throat or ſwallow. Euphrates. Tripoly. Iftoga, æ; f. the dictiof u joip. la, ca, id, gen. ejus; pronom, he, Iſchuria, æ; . a dificulty of making ifter or Iftrius, an hiſtorian, jeholar of Callimachus, whice be was called ibar, sbe laork, juib a one. Callimachius. id, Hque id, idque, and much Ircia, an iſland wuer-egaina Vella, enori, and th.ii. Duo fill id a called alſo Oenotris. Ifthic, inhac, ifthoc, or. Jithuc, shis tatis, two Sons of that age. • Et Ifcina, a cily af Africa Propria. jami, the folf-fame quidem id temporis, and as ſuiba Ildicæa, a rity of Thrace, Iithic, adr. ibere,' there where youe time. Iſhigeries, e king of Perfia. Ifabella, æ; f. Iſabel, the filer of Ilelfta, 2; f. On entrmet, Ifhinc, adv. from thence. Henry king of England, married life'asticus, a, um, of an entrants. lithmia, brum; R. one of the four so- Ttt $ 2 ! - waler, lian). Savm of: Arabia Felix:. ITÉ I TY I U D laman games kape wert:fiftb. reue in ITER, itēris and itinerlei n. (ab, Axfwallow, Philomela It, 4. night. Greece, in bonour of Neptune, the co) a journsy, a road, prarch, pro. ingals, and Itys to a pleasant... conqueros.were frauind wirb pine: grafs, uwagan . daben, undertaking, Uthmiacus, a, um ; ad). of an aypalga boy waters Hor facere J ante: U. Atmicus, ifbas. to Intel: Itor habere, te os jm. (Sjovoda nack wpon taking a journey..., Medier pro... Vabbreviat. for juos vir. , of land between two num ad honorcs, a way way or Iva athritica, groundspins, fioldo Joan particularly that wburon Co; meant *cams. . bonour. Her rinth Bands g. alſo the bridle of sbor diel,,a,day's jmenter, • Patiamur Jubi, a im. Hirt. a king of Maori- noſe, and the rest of the wrafanda flom ire noftris. Itlacribus,, WR tania, a: congadt friends sp. Pome tripa, a city of Eubea. may lot. bina follow on way of pey and his party brand Retror htæotis, acownity of Groeco.. writinga us now me another, whakabay Mic, Iftac, Aboc, ibis, sbat. Itoracò, adv. Agrain. might not TNI: init:Colas banda * Ifita, ai!. the waij. Igērātion onis ; f. 4. repenting, doing and others. Mitiuſmodi, zdj. Indec. of the same againg the second ploughing of JŬoa, mi a Copólo]: 1%enana: of a fore, facha grund, or ibi fecond proting of horja: o, wher.beaj: Juba gallipas to, ady, thither, so that plau.. plives. ccoram tha:fenthers.of cost about Hitoc, ady, this way, from abas plan. Itčrátor, örio ; le repeatur: his neck, which he boldsb.:47 whm Iftone, a mountain by Corcyra. Itčrātus, a, um ; repeated doubled. be fighsch Morsum, adv. ibaj waj; sowards Hora, sre: adt., : Topeat, doubla, bai Jūbar, aris ; n. Cà. Juza) iba brighx- sbih plano igin again, renu i alfde rahaa neſs of the fun on lising the fut: litri, thi people of Iftria. journey, Iterare pugnam, ta bi beant; alla the morning-far. * Fitria, a company in Italy. gin the fighl: fr. terére 2 Album jubars , the moon. triana, A city by the Persian fex. quor, be tukt a fucind usags: by Jubatud a, um adb b-ving aming Hrianus, A rue of . Tautica Cherſo.. or erin. nelas called Calgalia. Itèrùm, adr. (ab ite val item): JŬ-BEO, f,flum böre; acts on: Inici, a pimple by the Euxloc fea. gall, the second time. korut ac. en veli ab Hob.jaav,:deQdera rious, a, um ; of Iftria, fæpius, more than anus or twicas vit);t, commande charge ordata, Iltropolis, a sity of Tibrace Iteful, a people. Gallia Lugdunco v apprint, bid, dofare also to ratio Iftrus, sity of Crele, and mber fio. fy. Jubco. Dionyfam: Calyero, places. Ithabaluss, a: Hng of Tyre. Comprana m:to Dłony na us: Ifùcj adv. sbither, 10.1ba1 place. Ithaca, an iſland in ibs Ionian fua Juditkus amua, [Heb jobal}]; bun Jitus, for iftud, the fat, ibis.. coded droia del Compare jaar of judilat Aming the Jews it: tus, an illand in Africa. Ithacclus, 7 a. um ; adj. of India WAS: AVREY. fiftirih jeans and power ſuell, a prople of Æthiopla. Ithactius, ca kopi ate Rome: every swmty fofile Mara, an iſland in the gulpbrof. Arae Ithon, 4 tin Theffaiy. year, bigioning: A. D. 14758 bin, Ithoaca, e rily of Brotia. Júbilātlo, ona jf: a.crying out for jy, Ifurlum, Aldboroughs in Yorkſhire. Ithyabus, a ſong in bonour of BAc- Jubiläkuaz ûs 3:40. Jooste in isken of Musna. Fon of Prizmus.; alja a viver chus joy! Baotia, Ilyphallica, abrani psuen se. Ithyphalluss the ſame as Polamus. , io anto T. iudom, ady. (ab tabia lile tacnner, Júbilum, ; n. on oul-cryifu joy. jo, after the same fors + Jūbölus, mum having a larger IT. abbreviat: fir Intra. 7. Itiner, čris ; n. a journey. mans... 3. abbreviat, for intra tempus, or Itinerãesum, it; n. a dekription of Jucca Peruana, a plant cohase-700* jure teftamenti: vajag., journali #frinerarium fo makes the Indian breed.cfara, ITA, ady, [esta, OOTW, 2b is) fo, parc, L. found ataarch.. Jucundè ins; iffimè ;adyplafamily. yes. "Ite oft, "ris euen fo. Non Itinerāc!07, a, umj adj. af a jour. Jūcunditas, atis ; f. plenansneji, do- ita diffimili fant: argumento, sbo lightfulreía. * Jucunditati ſe: dare, Subja 116 f3 eury link diformi Itinéror, arl to go a journey: 1o. divort an:').jald: Itt ut re e at, as in urry dud be Itio, ôn:3 ; f. 12b co] a gengs walk-. Jüçundor, ari; dep. to take, iyful of ing Kadè; inidad, it is so.? . Itane voio, Ito, are ; 15.go.ta-and fro.to frequene. Jucundus, a, um , adji -jor, -iffimus, do you spook as you think? I tone, a city of Epirus, Italy, Breo (à juro, vel jocos) pla:ifant, do Kalia, * ; fs Italy, one of the top tiz and Lydla. lighiful, jucundus alicui, hk: famens corpsrips in Europe, Osswein Itonus, 4 king The Aaly, fon" of. Thouring any mis ibo, Adr'atick and Taican Jang its Deucalion ; hi invented ibe mali Judaa Chananæi, Chanaan,the Holy sbiefall city is. Romic, wbare the paper jeg of witals and aiming of Lind, or Lind of promiſ, being a has bis fossi part of Syria. Italica, a city of Italy, called allo Itur, imp. [fe: ab. Ills) they are gore Judæus, a, um ; 1. of Chanaan. Corfiniam ; And another in Spain, or going Judaifmus, 1; m Judaiſm;the fajih xbe country of Slijas. Italicus; and Itaroa, a.comntry.of. Pelcftinc, called culona on religion of the Jews. be superor Trajan. allo Trachenitisi Judijzo, he neut, ia judici, or Fălicus, a, um ; ad). talicks. Ita- Iturai, the people of dari wobo imitate the JCW& Häluo; } lian, of or from Italy fught with bows, Judas, æ;m fudds, the name of K- Italus, 6. Aus, the nano of Kitilm Iurienſco, a propla of Spalni veral run, whereof ene betrayed king of the Janigenz ; alfo the fen Itarifin, a vily in Spain. Cblia: Jude arbor, Judas's true of Telegonus who gave nga 1 Iturum, a ciij of Umbria with broad raus, whermon be ir Italy ; and others. Iturus a, um ; (of co]rady (4 89, Suppoſed to baw banged binjefo Aalst a of Spain. Itylos, he was jain by his own-mohin Judex, icis ;c. Cà Jus & dico) a Itanus, ibi city Paleocastro in Crete: Ædon, infrads of Amaltus the sonº judge. Judex corum, a prizory Ităque, con). iberefore, thor, and so of Amphion. or appraijer. * Juuicum princeps, the Itargus, a river in Germany, calisdj Ity moncus ibe font of Hyperechus, lord shifjuli: Sumere jod:cca alle Viſurgis. Rain by Neftor. al!quen, to make one umpirai Htea, the daughter of Dinaus, wbb klys, a viour inisbe 2002:of Scotland, it judicabitis, e ; ad. which may be jew ba buſtand. Antiochus. called Alfin. judged ITFM, adv. vel conj. (ab sira,de Itxo, he was pain-by his own mulber jlidicamen, idia; ni jadgment: iode, vel ársi adhuc), in liht Progues , and jus bufore bs forher i judicarius, a, um ; ad). of a judge. "Tannk7. * Itemquc, and more. Tørcus at a banqueiis for defiówer + Jadicar: us; 11.; m. judge. • Spectaculam tibi upi-in ing.ber élur. Philomcla , he per i Juditaifit; for judicaverit, jacuodum, cætcris, non iico, ante. civ.ng the inurdir, pur ned them Jūuicātio; õpis ; f, unplealunt fight to you onlyy tossberi wirb hii madad ſword, but in their judicatus, us ; m: morbing fo. Alight they couvre changed, Prognere jūdicãtò, adai adviſedly, win rapidy, Jubiliuss , a king of the Horsendat. Was. "} } a judging? Jūdi 1 > $ i 1 ; Jun , [à . JUG JUL JUP Judicātoriam, ii ; no the place of juin Jugula, ;'f. ibe constallation of a Germany, regned the gears, and rion. wis dabbed in the finite boufe, ji udlezuela, bola ; f. floke that júdgerh. Jugulāris , e ; adf. of the throat. Julius Cordas, en hiſtorian wbo wrote Jüdicatum, i, n. a judgment dorord: : Jugulātio, orris a throat.cuising, the lives of the mapurors, Audicacum facctor to obey thr de murthrring. Jalius, liim. this month July; ſo era the court. Jūgulātor, oris ; m. a 'cut-throat, named in bontour of falſus Cæſar, Jūdăcăcas; 2; um ; parti or judicor ; : * jugălatoride; a, umi; d) of throat being called before Quintilis. judged codorned; raj. . Jadi cutring or killing. lülas," she ſon of Æneas; called alſo catus pecunia, finod, Jugulātas, a, um, killad, fabbled, Afcanius. Judiciālim of adj. judicials, porten. Jūgulo, are 24. I cut one's phras fülos, 1 ;. the down upon fruit,'* ing tu jindgrama No laudatione pab, kill, deflroy, Spoil. * Sua glan little working binding in oints and li quidem judiciaik darai mom' giving idlo jugulari, la br difproved by bisl salu ,, the page and critins of winats him so much as ordinary comment own words, and bexile. datim afforded friends mpon the Jugulum, i;.n. the throat, wind. If fopentarium, il ; de a part for tida Jugūlus, 1 ;.n. pipe. * Oftentare Judiciárlus, mum; adl, of judge Jugulam pro capite alicujus, to; Jūmentarius, a, um ; ad). of cattle: or judgmenti • Judiciarii'dice, bażerd onto's life for another: 'Ju- Jumentaria wola, a borſe-raill. law-days. gulun petere, to Brike at the threat; + Jumentarius, if i mi es fardor of Judidāļum; 1; n. amuan judgimti allo ro lunch the main point, il caula, judicium,' zn. judgame, fuii, sono JOGUM, i zn. ( Gröjos , vel #jum- Jumentum, 1 ;. n. [à juvo) a bight of tone, ripa, afann.. *Dosent go) geke, Navar), a auple, wenn labour and burchm. aifo alinli cari ful judícil rem non effe, shey say ver's loom, the bead of a balance Jumontuna, clicllariund, a paiko Emparab!ate their mindse a bench of rowers the top of a matar. horfe. * Jumcutuni plauftrariaro, Judicit fuprem, laf willer tema tsin, a rank of polis; as mu: a cart.bony's Jumentua wola mont. ground as tw nim can plozo: in 1. rium, a miller's-borje jūdico,, are j. ad. to judge, oprüfe, day-; tba doftal for Libra ; alfoo Juncata, or junceata, freicher: rondom, 'try, Judicire capitis, to gollows mode of spears, under. caftich # Juacenus, t; dwarfirum. call for life. Judicure perduelllo. Priſoners of war wir mada to Juncĉium, ! ; . t juncus) a plan nem arcui, ta try a fruitan ja marib. Mittere ſub Jugui, to who bratrüfbroogrow. dicara lub formula, 10. prorerd: 46 bring one's nack under the yoke, m-Junccus, a, um ; 221. of orlikta dula cording to be rigpar. of ihnlaw. lavr, * fuga, förky'running croſs rufbetalendero Juvenca virgo, a Judocus, i, m. the son of a Britiſh a vine frane. Small-bodied maid. me, who sursal bisonberi tumorjend Jugurtha, *; . a king / Numidia, Júncidus, a, um ; adpur of or like a chathed hiraſif wirb rug!. ialo by the Romans afim a long Juncinus, asumis bulruposendor. Ivernis, a town in Irelind. war, and brought # Rome, whme juoco: onis ; ft á net-Sparrow. Stigalic ;:20). [a jugum of the be he died in priſon. Juncoſus, a, um, full of bulrußrs. law, coupled or yoked. * Vinculuni Jugurthinus, a, um, adj of Jugur- Jundinjatvi jomily, withiur difamn. legates, wordtest. Locus jugalis, tha. Junctio, onis; f a joinging. the marriage-bod. Jugalca, horfoi + Jugas; čris; n. a furlong, of land, Jugdor; örts; ma. a joine. barnefndi Jujuba; x ; n. the jujube-tru. Su z Juncura, &; to a joint, coupling, sk- t Jigamento, arc, thirauplo togaber. Zyphum *ing, the closing of brards. jugamentom, i, n. ayoko, skupla. t Julepus, i, m. 4 julap. Juncus, a, um, lor, iffimus'; adj. Jugantea a pint of Britain, Jaleus, a, um ; adj. of July. and part, of jungor ; joined, fami. Jugaris, j'adj. drawing beyote Julla, a city of Italy, built wy Dzda diar, nous, a din, dear, Ex me Jugarlay it's ni brisbat yokst owin. or lus'; alſo the daughter of Augar- & ie Junútus, having bli momb: borfes. tus; baniſbord by her father for her made of mine and bine. Jūgaunus, a godi supposed to preside adulterio ; and the namr of fo. Junculi; õrum ; pl. m. juokits 3 own poker viral wonm , alſo freſh chuje. + Jugatio, onis ; f. a poking'; also a Juliacum, the city Gullck in Gér- Junculas," rj mi o lilila bulrum, a taxa ugon curry sort of ground. many. cratnel. 1. Jügător, orle ; #, a poker. jugātārdus, a, um ; ads, desusomad Jallusas , }ace a lui Juilas JUNCUS, 1 m. [rzeiros, vel & jungo) a buliu. . la, Spaniſh chorries, Jungiria, or Juacaria,qctty of Spain.. Júgâtudy aty pasti of lugor; pok- | Julianus, i ; : Jallan, a bifbop of 7 Jung bilis, ; wbiih may be joined. anked: Jugatæ virtutes, Alexandria, A. D. 181. aljoa ma- JON GO;xt; etwor, gøre ;14. (Stury virinos linked together, having a IT under Decios at Alexandria, VEUW) to join together, oficiat, bara .nter wymiig ni with another. A. D. 251. olfo Roman smperor majs. * Tongere alicui Locletatem, Jugotatim ; adv. afre by acro: firmered the Apoftate, for his fall. 80' maka an' atliance' with, or mtar Jūgerum, fi Ni [' jugum) atre ; ing away from chriftianity to bra: into bonds of friendlies with any ofte. ir mit land u tws 8xem can plötu thoniſm, &c. Juniculus,!; A. junior) á very * . dag two bundord foot square. Jullobona, city of Callla Celtica, long vina.bran:h. Juges, yoki s'or pairs of oxun. Jugte 's adj. continual. • Jugis of Austria; called Vienna, , . putebo;. a. perpetuol water pring. Jullobrica, a city in Spain. Junipērus, 1; fi [d Junior & pario) **Jogis qui, running togtor. Juliomagus; tbt city of Anglers in ihe juniperiurar, Jüpitas, atje:; fi continuansa. France, called allé Aabes and' An- + Junis, c , adj. .gcung. Tugiter:;: Adv. continually digari; ello iba'sity Pfullendorff Junius, ibe name of frueral mm. + Jugitcs, pode-fellows in Germany Janlus, il jm. tbe mortib Junc. + Jugito, are, io consthue, porfiume.. Jeliopolis, a city of Bithynia. runix, idis; f. là javenisja brifor. + Jägitus, 09. the crying. of a Julio, idis ; fi a kind of filter Jano, onis ; f. ibe daughter of Saturn- Julls, e city in the info of Cca; Ebe. and Ops; twin filer and zoife' of Juglans, ndis ; f. (qui Joris glans) country of Slinonides and Erotiſtra. Jupiter: awalnut or walnut mi. tus, Ibey had a lot to kill all that Junoola: avis, a peacock. Junonla Júgo, are ; act. 1o yoke, couple, or nie wir above axty years old, thatorbors roſa; tbv lilly. so riber. Juga, si giur rant: osigbt not wani. Janon la major & minor, two of the Vitce jugantur, vinss #re plante Jullum Carnicum, the city Zuglio, Fortunato Ilands, ed againt wölls or other trasi betworn Italy and Noricum: Junonis'ora, a promontory of Gades. Sugate juvenem puella,, to marry Julium Prælidlum, sbs city Saataca Junonls promontorium, a promin. e joung couple togetheri 11 Portugal tory of Peloponnclas, callid Capo Jugo, čiej (à jugis) som like a Julios, the name of divers Romans. : Gualto kile. Julius Cæfer, the first Ronan eppe Junonis Sacrumi or Templum, a pro- Jūgājus, a, um ; adj. full of ridges or rorib 'ſubdued France, Spain, puntory of Melita, Britain, and the greatej part of Jupitcr, gen. Jovio ; 10. tbe some of Saturn : . JUS shar cits. 1 } 1 I U V I XI Satari and Ops, born in sbo iland, t Jaſcellarlus, li im. a maker oft vātio, onis ; f. a helping, Crete; be conspired again bil father grath. Jūvātor, oris ; m. a helper. expelled bim, and divided the empire 1 Juicülum, I.; n. pottage, grusl. Jyvanla, the city Salzburg. in Ba- bawoon binaſal Neptunc and Pluto. Jurculum coactum, jolleys, varla. Varro reckons no 300 of this name, Justūrandum, jusjurandi, n. slo: Juvavius, tbe riqor Saltz running by and the explains on all Ara altribusid lemn oath. Jusjurandi gratiam ti this me. facerc, no. difpenfa wisb taking an Juvčnallaí örum ; a. 'games cele. Jura, a mountain of Gallia Belgica;. uith. Juvcgilia3. brated for ibi health of lupuraring the Sequana from the + Jurgaiamus, i '; m. bonbans. youtb. Helvetil. Judjo, onis ; for command. Jūvěnālis, is j'm. yovenali e fattri- Juramentum, 1 ; a. an oanh. Ju Jutior, oris ; m. a commander. cal poet of. Aquinum, who flouriſhed samentun agerç, sa adminifler art Justulentus, a, um, ads, lowed in under Domitian, and wbofe fatira jaib. Oro. are fill extanti Jurandus, a, um ;ad)... be sworn by 'Juffung, 14. n. a command, Juvěnälls, o ; adj. belonging to youth. Jūrāta, "; f. a jury. jurrus, os m. skarga. * Jurcnālis d.cs, ons day added to t Jurgio, onis.,, f. 11*7.: }*. Lapathum a: long fed at Dyrrachium ; whence laplanâ vivere, so live burdly. Sto Lānifiia, æ ; five spinner or workor cutuin, four.forrel. lampſana. of woul. Laperfa, a mountain of Laconia, # Limpfanium, ii ; n. broth of lap. Lānificiun, ii ; n. a working of wool; Lapethus, a city of Cyprus. fana. of moking of Lorb. Laphyra, a name of Minerva, from Lapſans, Atis; part. Jiding down, Lānificus, a, um, working wial, the spoils whish the vidors carry Wispery, Lanio, onis ; m. A bulcher. Sre la from the war. Laprias, a river of Bithynia. Láphyfjum, a mountain of Bocotia, + Lapsin, adv. Didingly. Lanio, arc, (à lanius] fó quirter, cut whene Jupiter is called Laphyftius, † Lapsina, æ ; a nippery place. and the Bacchæ, Laphyitiæ. Laplio, õnis ; f. a Nipping. Lan onrus, a, um, adj. Of or like a Lăpicida, æ; m. (à lapis & cædo) | Lapſo, are ; i Nip ofren, trip. burcber, a anfon, digger of penes. t Lapsóriom, ii ; n. a Niding place, Lanipendia, æ; f. a spinner or weigh. Lapicidina, æ f. a fonte quar. Lapsūrus, a, um, like to fall } er of wood. Lapid:cina," } ry. Lapſus, a, um ; part. of labor ; bs. Lānipendium, Uin, a weighing of Lapidariu, a, um ; adj belonging to ving fallen. Lapſus animi, out wool. Jones. Lapidarla latomiæ,guir of one's wiss. Laplus facultati. + Lānipendius, ii; m. he that parco's ries of pont. bus, that has led his share. * Lap. out wool for spinners. Lăpidārius, lim, a majon, or digger fa confuctudo, a cuflom out of uſe. # Lanilcus, i; m. a fod of wnol. of fos:ss. Lapſus, ûs ; m. Cic. falling, Nia Lan'lc, an iſland in bu qegean Läpidātio, önis; f. a jioning 10 aing; a glan'a, courſe. Lapſus fre. douth. vo'ucrum, the flying of birds, . Lan'ta, 8 ; m. [à anio] a fencing- Lipidāto, örls ; m. 4 burlot of Laptus fidel, a long ve cred: . mufler. * Laniſta gallorum, & cock jones. Lapurdum, ile city of Lourde in A. mcllar, Lápidātụs, a, um ; part. poned to quitain, + Lānitium, il; n. a trading in wool. death, balls'ed with Hone. Lapyges, a' people of Sarmatia. Läpidatum eft, imp. : it rains fonas, Láqucar, is ; 2. the roof of a LANIUS, 11 ;. la lacera, vel à Lápidelco, ere ; neut. so grow bard + Laqucare, $ chamber embowed; A xrivo, fodlo) a buliber ; also a Lke a pone, to petrify. also a plain beam in a roof. 0.rd. Lăpideus, a, um ; adj. made of fone, + Lắqueārius, a, um ; adj. of a roof, + Linoculus, 1 ; m, he that wears & cravy, bard as a pone. . Lăqucātus, a, um ; part. mtangled, cloth before his eye. Lăpido, arc ; act, to fone to death, fnarıd; aljo aribid, vaulted. + Lānālus, a. um ; adj. full of wool. cover with a heap of fones ; alſo Tectum laqucatum, 'a banndled + Lantana, &;.f. the wayfuring - neut. so rain llentes. roof Lăpicoſus, a, um ; full of Bones, bard Laquco, are ; [à laquear] to lay the Lānūg'noſus, a, um ; adj. full of as a fong. roof, so loof cosion, inofs, or down. Lapillos, i ;m. a little one, a pre- Laqueo, are ; aal. Cà laqueus) i m. Lānūgo, inis ; f. (à lana] down the Clous Hone... Nivei lapilli. pearls. sungle. mois of fruits, the firſt down upon the * Virides lapilli eralds. Lăqueõlus, 1 ;m. a little ſnare. checks ; Juro uji; also a diub or + Lapio, so harden, makaburd, grire, + Láqueofus, a, um ; full of ſnares, Jurrow. make heavy. t Laquctiſmus, i; m. ? gin or ſnare. Lãnů a, a, f. a small lock of wool. Lähis, idis ; m.inále nisiyel à LAQUEUS. ci; . Cic. I, narxis Linurlu.Da city of Italy. númedor, pavimcatum) . jione. fovea, vel ab Heb. la barb, ccpit] Lanuvinus a, umjadi. of Lanuvium, Lapis mo'aris, a mill.pone. a gin or (nari, a halter, La LANX, ple; t. Là Asnúyy]a platlar, Lap:s redivivus, an old Nona pur quei judici!, the penaltigi of the bunin, or scale of balance. into a new building. " Lapis bi law. * Laqueus laqucum cepit, Lacoon, she son of Priamus, and bulus, a pumire-fina* Lapis pa one knaue has caught anber. prief of Apollo ; he diſuaded the rius, white marble, Laps ter Difputationcm laquel, nicoties, ſub- Trojans from ruriving the wooden minalis, a boundary. * Ad tertium tlaties. horfe. lapideo, three miles off. • Lapi- Lar, the river om in Arabia Fefix. Laodamantia, an iſand of Lybla. dem verbcrarc, to loje one's labour. LAŘ, äris ; n. (Hetrufc. princeps] Laodamas, tbe son of Alcinous. • De lapide empti, pavis bought A haufbold god, a haufe bearib. Laodamja, e; f. the daughter of in tbe market. Homo inccrti laris, one that has Bellerophon, je brought forib Sar-L?pis, a Creian king. no certain abid ns-place, pedon king of Lycta tó Jupiter, + Lapiſta, 2 ; f. a jione trough. Lara or Larunda, one of the Naiades, and was the with her own arrows by † Lapiſtrus, i ; m. dock. on whox Mercury, inſcad of car- Diana, also the daughter of Acaftus, i Lapit, lipit, or labit, it grows hard rying her to hall for revealing to Ju- who defiring to fu the ghof of her asllone. no ibu lave of Jupiter to Jucurna, busband Protealaus, died in his Lapitha, o people of TheTaly, the begat two twins called Larcs. armi. first inventers of bridles and faddles; Läranda, e city of Lycaonia. Laodice, ĉs ; f. the daugh'er of Pri. alſo a mountain in Laconia. Lararlua, il'; a. a privata shappel amus and Hecuba ; alfo ibi daugb. Lapithe, a city of Theffaly. for the Lares. ter of Agamemnon. Lapitheus, a, um ; adl. of La- Laraſſa, a city of Media. Laodicea, æ; f. a city of Coloſyria, Lapitheius; } pithe. Larbalon, antimony. and another in Lydia. Lapitheum, a sily in the mountain + Larcus. i; m. an suriban firo pan. Laodocus, the form of Antenor ; in his Taygetus. # Lardarium, ii ; a. a 'larding -juica; Joape Miocrva samo 80 porjunde Lapithus, a city in Cyprus. alſo a larder Uuuuu 2 + Lar. irir. wioner. . , ] , æ . . , ; a meller-roll; ello L A R LAT LA T. Lardo, 150; 80 lard, bajle wich, Larſus, a, um , skj-coloured grey, Latè, iùs, -iffimè; adv. Cic. large. lard. Lariani a city of Epirus, called bafore ly... Longè lateque, far and f Lardolus, a, umas adj. full of for, Ambraſia. wide. it Lardulum, i;in. alle bard.. LARVA; 2; E. Là lar) a vzordu Lătěbra, ai f. Sall. (a lateo] 4 CLARDUM; 1; 2. CLc. Là 1 • hasn mak; ülfo á maskar,musmer,night lurking ble or corner, a don, neft ; Larendani, á prople of Arabia Fe ghal, bahgoblin, an excufa, prstence. * Laicba'ta lie + Larvale, is; ni a ghos, hobgobling bellae, the judge's giving his fers- Läreatla, famou burlat. a: vikaard. tence in writing. • Latebram qux- Lares, or Penates, the houshold gods. Larvalis, cis of a vixırd or ghoff, rore perjurio, te asiguijt å falje Lares, a cilj i Afca* Proprja. Lisrvātus, a, ung part. bading a use oaib. I Larex, er la:ga, the Tib-trer zard on frighted with gbolts, Latebricõla, æ ; c. one sbat plays ar Large, -iùs, iftiae ; adv. C's large. Larunda, for Lavanda, or Lari hide and fak, I, plentifully. Laruneda, un islund.in ibe. African + Latebro, are ; to lurke or bidr. Largiticus, a, um ; adj. bountiful, fea. + Lätebrölus, adv. Secretly. Larglauus, a, um, adj. Powing off Larvo, are ; to wear a visgard, Lätebrõlus, a, um, adj. dark full large Larvolus, a, um ; adj. frighted of.corners or linke holes. Late. Largilõquus, s, um ; adj. Spesting with Spiris, baunis, þroſa Aumina; rivers whoft/pring- maib or freely. Larus, mountain and river in Ita head is unknown. Largió, freito give literally, to Lăcentèr, adv. quietly, fecretly; Largor, iri igrantpermit. Larus, 1; m. [nápos) a jes-sob.; also Lãtentivora, æ*; c. one ear drueurs Civitatem alicuri largiri, tomoka a gaping Secretly, Si tempus non largit Larvula, z; f. a little masa ask or LATÉ O, ui, itum,ère la myoto) tur, if nine won't give lsiulo ghoff to lurk, or lie hid. * Latet pie 08. Largitor de te; puer, doy, azi, wer LÄRYN X: gis f. c A águšt] the top que, met men are ignorant of it. for yourjelf: of the wri/and. LA CER, ēr:9; m. 1 à lacus, vel à Largitas, ātis f. Cic. liberality, Laryfino a mountain of Laconia. háas, lapis) a brink, or tile. * La: bountifulneis. Lasi e city of Laconir. ieres aurci, wedges of gold. Largiter ; adv. Cic. largely; literally. LẶSĀNUM' t; n cng cardi] a cloſe. Laterem Tavare, lojé ino's la. * Lugitèr piercedis, a great re baur, ward, + Laf ia; æ ;-f. lace for garments . Lăţērālis, e ; adj. [à latus) lateral, Largitio, ānis ; f. Liv. prodigully, a Laitive, adv. wantorily. orlonging to a jde. Lateralis do bribe, largojs. Laſc.y a,.a;.f. wintonnes. lor, ibi pleurify: Largitionalis, is im. a kind of al. Laſcivirundus, a, um ; adf: - very ! Látčiālis, is; m. a waiter, page, Winion † Lätčrāmcń, inis ; D An curtben m * Largiuit, icis; f. · bribar growi Tant Lăě ānus, i; m. a Román patri: f Largitüdo, in s; f. liberality, + Lalç viosè, adv. lafe: viouſly. ciart, wbs hid himſelf from buf- Largitus, a, um, put. given, fred. Laſciviosītas, alis', f, daſciviouſ noi, and being defign's conſul, wig #Lagiriis, adv, literally.. nals. Rain by Nero's command ; sbe La- | Laigiuſculus, a, um , adj. sone. Lalciviofus, a, um jadi laſcivj. teran pälvre, wh: h. Confta- what large or sciintifil.. tine gave the pops, and did dring T. Largiusfrp man . Lafelvūlos; now titor är Röne Lärgus, i, m. the colleague of Mesra LASCIVUS, a, am ; adl; -for, -1M guard. ir pius; Cic finsguios, dragăsv.ci Lätērária, aire à later) a brick. LARGUS, a, um, adj. -for, -iſi à laxus] wwiiun, fomitati, punk, tiin. Fall oy Lătčiārlus, a, um, adj. (à latus) belonging to a fide. borals fall of salf prodigxt. Läfer, čr:s ; n. the gum baizin, SH | Lăičiąrius, ii ; m. [ä later) a brick. Lifgee opes, abundance of riches or laſerpitium. wealih. Largus lachrymarum, Laferpitatus, a, um , adj. mixed + Lătercalenſes, lum ; m. pl. pl. they warning sick. Largus donando wirb tu 3.11. that kept the emperor's bath. beuptiful adj Laibagara, e cily of India wiiboni bancoin. a ligte; and the empiror's botb. Gangcsi Láſerbitium, ii; a. fà lacLãtèrculus, 1 ; 10. jute or tile. Laricosis people of India wishin Om virgultum uode exudat laser} Lăcerendis, is in a waiter. " Gángta , alſo a city of Noricum. thiferite + Läiègicum, iis; n. a brick poor, Lariccus, a, um ; adj. of a latih. Laſes, b:ujtológods Lățéritius, a, um ; adj. wads of brick Láfös drive-in Crete. or tile. İLar.cina, ; f; furgentini. *** Laſsātio, on s.; f a tiring, Laterium, ibe farm house of pici. "Lársduin, i ni bacon. Șre'lardum. t La sätor, õrje ; ma curarier. céra. #Lariérus, and largenaæ; c. born Exisātus, a, um, part. wenriede Laterna: ; f.[à latco) a lansburn; Liffcrco, čro , ncut, to tire, o grow also an eje of a needle. Larigna, së; fe.guin of ihr larch. wilury.' Laternius, ii m. & Anthºng- Laſå, she iſ Andros. branit, Larina: an Italian virgin, who of Laſsirudo, inis ; f: wearinis, lozi. Laccrnüla, æ ; « little lontborn. eid Tuinusugain? Eneas; aljo ines, the green-fikriejs. Lătčro, onis m. là latus ja yeoman fountain in Atrica. Laffo; ire to tira, o moke zgry. of thi guard. Larinum, city of Aprucium. Laftulata, a jf. the hard coffimary. + Látéro; are ; to put to the fide! Lirnatcs, ibi prople of Larinum. Laſsilus, a, um fomewhat wsary. † Lătěruacúlaria, &; fichiſs- i Lar:ox, ģis ; fi the top of the LÁSSUS, 1, yai, adj. [qu. laxus, board: * Laringa, æ ; } wefand sis la vel ab Heb. laah defatigari, vel * Lătcruncăli, orum ; chalsmm. JyX shala, debilis fuitweary, sired. Lateſco, čre ; neut. 1o grow broad. Larile, a city of Æolia. • Res lanta, adviršij, . Lärifia the name of ſeveral cities. Låtefco čre; neit. 1o bide, ér be Laſtenia, a woman who went in Lariffenus, a, um ; adj. of La-man's apparel 10 bear Plato: LĂTEX, icisim. (Heb. lahädb, Larifæus, Tiffa. Lalus, the firf that write of musik, vel à latro) all kind of juice or lis Larlus Lacus, the largoft lake in Italy, in the time of Darius king of Per. quor; alſo a fountain. sulled Lago di Como, conilaining (:a. from norib to ſouth byly miles. Lara, a; f: a losh. Lathyris, idis"; . } the hero spurge, LARIX, icis ; f. (a tapos; dulcis) Litage, es ; f. the drink thrown out Paralisi e; adj. Italian, of Įraly. the larih-irds, whoſe wood is very * of a rup'; alſo the noiſe of the fall. Látitúio, arc; i 10 burs or lii bid durable, Larameda, a river of India wiibout . Laivalof, ari in 'a 'den or Larpor Larono, a river in Tuſcany, Ganges: corner, 1 late. . bidden. Lâti- } onit. season. Lsucus; i; miell L: A T LA U LA U Lățibilam, t; n. (à latco) do, y Latrātus, lla, m, a-barking, inveigh. Liuda, a fine given by a new.ife- a luring-plact: ing nant. Lit'clavia, æ ; f.sso. tunica) 4 gar- Lutreus, one of the Centaurs. Laudābilis, e; adj. laudable, praise. mear, whind the Roman sanator's Lairla, æ ; f, religious worship to God Werthy, wors, with a broad purpla fringe ; alone Laudabilitar, jūs ; adv. laudably, iba dignity of a fenator. 17 Latrienſis, e; adj. worſhipping commendably. Lati:lavius ayum jadj. wraring ſuch Latrina, æ; f.' Là latco) a privy ; Laudanæ, arum, srnaments hung up a germent, or belonging thereto. aljoa kishin or waſh bosh. before the altar Laticarlas, it's mi (a larus & cla Larris, a German iſland called Friſch + Laudato ; adv. laudebly. Vusl a fanator, Aldermans Narang. Laudātio, onis ; f. s pra.fing. + Laticolus, a, am ; ad). waierad, LATRO, are ; neut. { vannoo, à Laudātuvus, a, um'; adj. praifng., logo) ... bark as a dog, to inveigh Laudātor, oris ;. m. a commender., Lāc:folius, a, um ; adj. having broad againſ; old to cravi. Laudátrix; icis; f. a.commender. Ingves, LAI'RÓ,'onis ; m. (Aintni, vel à Laudatus, a, ur; P. GA. of faire Lätifundium, il, n. a broad or wide Altpis, fervusta big wayman, cul. dor, jor, iffimas, commended: ground; large pollution, shroin ribber, hired soldier, a life- Laudicæna, ki 81 ini bired for a Latinze arum; .. holy days to Jupiter guard man, a non at tables.' Laudiccnus, 1; supper to preift of Ladym. Pralia latronun ludere, to play ai Lêtine; adv. in Latin, plainly, after chii. Laudo, are ; act: [à laasi) to praiſa; the twinner of the Latins. La Latrācidal's , s ; adj. of robbing or commend. Ego Jovem fupre- tinc fcire, to underfund Latin. robtors. inam teftem laudo, I call Jupiter Laritiends, e adj. of Italy: Latrācinātio, onis ; f. a robbing. to witness. Laudaro author! Lõunitás, ütle:; f. 15 Latin lan- Latrocinātor, oris n. a robber. laiem, to deliver his tisli so bis gangasbs privilege of the citizens Latrocinium, il; ni robbery alijo lunds defort the court, of Rome, wurfart. + Ludominium, it ; n. fomowbar + Lălino, ire'; to imitate the La-Latrocinor, ari ; dep. to rob; farve given bifide the pmfion. + Latinor, artistinifta. in the ways for money, + Laudum, 1 ; 2. an award, deter- minution Lžtinus, i, m. an unriént king of Latrunculator, oris ; m. a ſearcher Italy, who married his daughter to for robbers, a produt-marſhal. Laudanum, the city Laon in Gallia Enans.' Latrunculus, i, m. [à lalro) a little Belgica. Larinus Sylvius, the fifth king of the thiof. of thiſ man. • Latruncu. Lavendūla, æ ; [à lavo] ladin- Latins. Iis ludere,' to play at shifs or der. Lătinas, a, um ; adj. Lating of Italy. tables Laver, čris; ni & f. [à lavo] wa. Lālio, onis, F. a currymg, ora aining. + Latum!æ, arum, fones.quarries, 20 117.Parllog • Latio fuffragii, a giving one's which vagabondi Ware condeaned; Lave na, a Roman goddels, from 20:18. ne priſon. wbom the bison wri called fi- # Latipes, dis; c. broad-footed. Lacuniarius, 1; m. a jail bird. vernidacs, as bring under her pri- Laurátio, õnis ; f. lying hid. Lalu miom, ili n. a quarry, an in- Arument to dig Ai. Lavérnalis, o; adj. of Laverna. Latitatrix, icis; 1: } - lurker. Látūra, æ ; f potigo, a porter's fare. Lavern:o, önis; m. a thief Lătito, are ; calateo] s lurk, lie Lātūra, a bay in tbi Libyan jea. Laverniuua, the temple of Laverna, bid, skütk + Lājūrārius, il; me porter. Laviacum, city of Auitria called Lauffen. Latitudo, iniş ; f. latitüde; breadsh, Lāl&rus, a, um part. lui. in rus of largenes: fero ; about to bring or bear. Lavinia, 2.; f. the daughter of La- Lätiom; 1; ni Italy, properly the Lātus, a, um, part. feror; broughs, tinus.and Amaia, berorhid firji te part of it' sallee Campagna di carried, ordained, &c. * Lex Turnus, but Æneas Rew bing and Roma. lata per vim, a low made by force. marriad ber. Lăcius, a, um ; adj. Itatian. * LID- LATUS, a, um, adj. (TAATUS] Lavinum, 1 a city in Italy; built by gua Lafia, the Latin congue Æneas, and so called Larmus, a mountam of Cara. LATUS, čris; n. (Heb. telang, y1 from his wifi Lavinca. Co, áre. to make wide. à KATER, declivitas ) a kido; Lavinus, a, um adj. of Laviniom. Látobrigt, t people of Gallia Belgica. Jirength of vöise ; alfo a rompanion. Laumellum, ibi cilj Laumchio in la: beswein the Allobroges and Hel # Dolor lacerum, a pitch or plouri. fuorsa. Yet i. fy. Honor lateris, a taking thi LAVO, lavi, laurúm, lótum, and Lato s, idis, Dinna, the daugbrar os mpper hand, vatum, äre, ; a&. (aval do nie Latoni. + Latus, or latos, i; kind of puge, bo wit: La vare pecca- Litoma, e ; f. a jioni quorry. biſa. tuin, 10 dear himself of a triti laid Látomiearum prion at sy. Latufates, a pouple of Aquitain. 80 bis charge. faculcyspla whish Verres cajt ma- Latuíclavus, i.; M. the purple gar- Lavo, če ; act. 10 wib.. mont or dignity of a smutor. Laura, å į f. s pris, märka-place. Komen also fit islands in the gulf Lătufcŭlum in mouth hindre Laco. I + Lauraso, inis ; 1. a bay st. of Arábia. Litõmus, i; m. a quarrior, a digo Laurea, eli laurel er bay-tris, & ger of Inner Lävācmim, si; n, o waping-plare, garlund, triumph. Latona, the daughter of Cæus, one of font. . *Lavacrum veneris, juller's.. Laurcālus, a, um, part. ef laureos, the Titans, of whom Jupiter bigar . crovimid with louredi Apollo and Diana. Lăvârsen, iais ; a. a wabing a wafbing or Laurcntalja, umj, pli pi fodiváls in Latone, a sity of Egypt, called alſo wabing-place. honor of Laurentia, Latopolis, where ina Pyramids aro. Lavandula, m ; f. [a laro) lavan- Laurentia, or Acca Laurentiä, ; f. Latonius, a, um ; adj. Latona. der. the nurse of Roúiglus and Rbico. Lätory Oris; m-' a carriir, bearer, Lāvātlo, onis; f. a wabing. mus. melimpar, giver. * Lator legis, a Lāvātor, orta; m. a wajar. Laurentius, i, m. Lawrence, ibu law:giver, + Lăvatorlum, ii ia. a bath, cón nima it ſeveral men. Latoriâ lex, a Roman law again; the du.t, or font. Laurentum, a city of Italy. wronging of orphans. Līvatrina, m; fi a link to wap|f Laurcacum, i; a. a garden of lay- Latorum, a city of Egypt. diſors upon ; alſo a bashing-lub. Latorici, a city of Pannoija, Lavatris, Bowes upon Stanmore in t Laureo, arc ; act. to crown with Latrans, ntio , part of tátro; bark- Yorkſhire. luurel ing, gratay, crying like si yaven. Lávatr x, icis ; f. a laundrei. Laureola, æ; f. a little lavdral or gar: Latraxio, onis ; f. a barking, Lauce, lhs iſant Achillæa in Pontos, land. # Laureolami in muſtacco Lavatór, oris ; m. e barker. copio ; quærere, 10 jook after pruija o Latratur, imp. site is barking. a kidnapper, and fetters. trifling La traius, a, um, part. of latror ; Laud á Tiüer' of Mauritania Tingt- + Lincoluni, 1; 0.a Jurgeon's indru. burked as į tagged tana. Aint to draw.ous builiii. + Lan , n:2. . LA X LEC LEG Laureolus, 1; m. a kind of inter- Laxamentum, 1; n. releaſe, reers 1+ Lectarius, ti, m. e maker of bad Iude. tion, and refreſhment. Darc legil Peds. Laureolus, i; m. a robber who wa lasamentum, to abate the rigoue of Lecte, iùs, iffime , adv. choicely. binged and devoured of wild beys, the law. Lectica, 2; (à le&tus) a horje-lit- which pory was afterwards ofen Laxamina, um; n. pl. the reins of ter, a chair, Jean. Lectica ed at Rome. a bridle. arborum, little beds in the forks of Laureātis, idis ; [ à Laurion ] Laxatio, onis ; f. a lesſening. treus aihes that come of the trying Laxātus, a, um ; ads, leo ened, del-t Lecticājis, e : ad). of a horſe-litler. Alur. vered, fund, Laxatior membra. Lecticuola æ; f. she ibat loves a Lauretum, 1; n. a place fel with bay. na, a larger best of purch cent. fed in man Laxe, iùs, iflimè; adv. loosely, at a Leicārios, a, um ; adj. belonging + Laureum, ci; n. a laurel-leaf or dionice to a bed or borſe litter. gurland. Laxitas, ātis; f. lobaneſ), breadıb, Lect!cārlus, į m. – ſedan-man ; Laureus, a, um , adjof the buytres Irgenels; alſo che ones fo a rotin-hearer. or durel. Laxo, a e adt, to hea, Park, unlock Lecticīla. æ; f. a little chair. Laur ces, um ; m. (Hfpar loung unie, releaſe, refress, te abaté. Lectio, onis, f. a lofon, reading, rabbet tu ost of the damer belly Munera Bacchi laxarunt mentem, chaja. • Lectio lapidum, 4 pick- er risken from the rear, and to w nem.de bim marry Lax ing up Bier. dret are te pus, to prolong the tot + Lecionar um ii ; n. 4 mifal, or Lauricomus, um, adj. baring Laxar le molenti's, t free brafoldarvia book buy louis or treas. of troubles. * An mam laxat, the Leaftern stor āris; m, a bad maker. Lurer, a, um; bearing bay trees. price of online Lectifternium, 1; n. a ſpreading of Lauriger, a, um, adi wearing a Laxra a city in Spain. funeral banquet. Earlus Lure LAXUS un; adi (Xanás, lago, t Ledritrāter ons ; ma bed-maker. Laurines, a, um, adi, made of hays ve ab Heb. bilats. liberavit Lectito, are act. (a logo] to read or Lunel nick looja, large, free unbound, often, gaber ofte Laurioa a place about Athens where Yong, werk. • Laxa dics, a long Lectiuncula, «; f. [à le&ioja limle were filter mines, or fbart felon. LAURUS ûs ; f. [Sat, vel à Lazi, a people by Sythia Lector Oris ; t. a reader. laus] lourel dedicated to Apollo, Lazūlus, i; m. Arab, axl] a blue + Lectorias, a, um ; ad of reading. end uſed in triumpbs and vidtar es kind of marble, of which they make + Lectrual, i, n. a pulpit, reading - Laurus ſylvatica, coild bay wib exure colour, much uſed in pbyfok. out fell. Laurus taus, a wild Lidualia, oram; n. bedding, bay. L ante E. + Lectusrias, a, un; of a bed. Laus, & city of Lucania. Leccaria ſindon, a peet. Laus Pompeia, e city Lodi in In- Lea, axiland about Crete. + Leada, æ ; f. a little bed, a hen', fabria, Lca, a; f. fà leo] a lioneſs. maji LAU-S, dis; f. là ant populus, Lca, æ; f. Cada ] a kind o cole- Leaülarius, ii; m. one that is bad- vel a Adw loquor) proje, commen wit. riddm. dation, ranawon, 4 laudable aud. Lea, a peuple of Poonla about Ma- Ledulus,i ; m. a pallet or courb. Et tua laus, thus fonds to your cedonia Lectum, a promontory of Troas, call- commendation, . Quod Metello Leana, the name of an Athcalan «d Scorpiata. laudi datum eft, for wbuh Metel harlot. Se: Harmodius. Ledūra, æ ; f. a ledure, reading. lus is commended. Leanz, æ, f. (Arava) a liene). + Le&tūrio, tre ; neut. to desire or be t Laudo, are, to applaud or commend Leander, dri; m. 4 young man of about to read. ofton. Abydos, who was went in the Lectus, a, um , part of legor, rad, Lauſonium a city by the lake Le night to foin over the Hellefpont choſen, notable, excellene. mane, called Laufane. to Hero, one of Venua's uns et + Lectus; üs; m. a choice or dation, Laufus, i, m. the ſon of Numitor, Ceftus, till at length be was drown a gathering and broíber of Ilia Sylvia, hain by ed, LECTUS,i; m. Tas Tp. 1 a bad or bi uurle Amulius; alſo the for of Leander or Leandrius, a Mlefian cou b Lectus luneris, tb bier er Mezentins, flain by Eneas, w be bijlorian. coffin defoded his faiber, Leandis, a city in Armenia Minor Lechytus, i; m. an oil-cue; also Lautè, ùs, iffime; adv. daintily, Leanitæ a people o/ Arabia Felx ; the yolk of an g; Non eſt ole richly, bravely. Lautè loqui, to bence Leanltes finus. um in lecytho ba nexorable deliver himſelf in clean language. Learchus, ch!; m. the ſon of A ha- Leda æ;f the drug buor of Theftias, Lautia, orum; n.2 là laatus the mas and Ino, lain by bus fuber in end w fe 1. Tyndarus king of La- Lautice, arum; f. Roman preſenti a rag ng madneſs, taking him for a con a;being drive by Jupiter in to fore gn anbefadors. Lautia lioni's whelp, the form of a wan, ji bought forth loca, places of good entertuin- Learchæus a, um, adi o Learchus for eggs, whereof one produced Pol Lebadca, arity of Bæota oy the vi. luxud Helena, the other Caſtor + Lautico è; adv plenifully, colly. vir Cephiſs and Clytamneftra + Lauticofitas, atis ; f. bountiful. Lēbēdus, i, m. a city of lonia, Lēda, æ ; f. kind of ivy. Se nal. woble there was a college of eters Lēdum, i;ns lada. * Lauticoſus, a, um , adj. pleaſant, whe afled every year in the boo. Le aus, a, um , adj. of Leda. delig iful. of Bacchus. Ledz foboles, the fige Gemini. Lautitia, æ; f. daintineſs, fine Leber.s, idis ; f. dry skin of an Legum, « river of Narbonnc, called nader ; che a centy, and a kind of Le Lez # Lautrices, um; f. the wives of two hird Le um Arpinum, afwert mountain orothers. Lěves, et's; m. faseat) kettle or roſ tres Laatulæ,or lautolæ, arum ; f. car. cauluron. Legälls, c; adj. (à lex) lavofal, be- caint hors haths wear Rome. Lebui, a peple of Italy. longing to the law. Lautumarius, ii ; m. a bridewell or Lebung people of Soan. + Legalitas, atis; I. loyalty. jail bird. Leby thus, or Lebinthus an iſland in t Legamen, inis; n. mding away. Lautumia, arum, Kone quarries. See the Egean (40 ne of the Cyclades. + Legarium, ils n. all jorts of pulje. Latomia. Lecano mantes, æ; m. he that ds Legata, a; f. a woman melinger Lautus, a, um, part. af laver, wash vines by water in a baſin. Namorffudor. ed, also dainty, neat, Spruce, rih, Lecanomantia, æ ; f. á divining by Lēgărarius, a, um, adj. bequeathod fumptueus. Lauridima cena, , * water in a bohin. by will. very noble fupper, Lautiores fervi, Lecano manticus, a, um ; adj. of ſuch Lepätários, ii; m. a legatea. Jurvants having - neat carriage fit divination Lēgātio, onis ; an amballage, lieute- for any man's ſervice. Lecæum, haven of Corinth. antjoie. * Lax, deceit, fraud. + Lecebra, 25 t, an allurement. t Legátluncula,af.a little amballage, Lega. thent . L ET L EN LEO } law. Lēgātivum, i; n. tbe.orAbafado's Th tains ibat went to be Trojan war. bawdry, inurigling, tos great skrio. compence or allowanca, Leleges, a people of Afia of a Greck finiricking and trimming, Lēgātor bris, m., e fator, be original. Hmie Lelegeis, the ifto Lonocinor, ari ; dep. to pruaire que ther. Milctus. haudry, to prorurs. Libro no Légātuin, 1; n. a legacy. Lelegam, the city Mégalopolis'in vitas Icnocinatur, she nownsis of Lēgātus, i; m. Liv, an ambalidor, Icarla. the toek brings it into riguel. legate, litutmant, Legatus clar. Lēma, & l. a tear or humour con. Le õn:us, a, umi;'adj. bulong ng 'to a fis, 'ibe vice-adviiral. Legatus goolid, beredneſs of the ejes. buwd or bawdry. generalls, a loutmnt-general, Lemanus, Lmc h:11 in Kent; OLEN-S, dis ; (a lentis fimilit.] a Lime in Dorfcth're. nir. Legatus illitaris or belli, a com- miljury-general, Lomanus, a king of the Celtæ ; alſ LENS, nes ; f. [å lents vel lentus) a Imtil. Lögātus, a, um; aligned, appointed. : the lake upon which Geneva finds, + Ligenda, æ; f. 15. Roman legend, Lerbarla, orum ; folari farving in Lentārus, a, um ; adj. drawn okt ef or fabulous traditions of Saints pinnares to guard the Rhine and longih. lives. Danow. Lenc, -iùs, -!flime ; paskiy, leiſurely, Leges, 4 people of Ala. Lembuncūlus, 7 i; m. A little bark by line and limle. # Legibilis, c ; adj. legible. Lembolus, OY pinnsce. Lenteo, ērc near. so bi powo, pliant, Legifer, a, um ; adj. (à lex & fero) LEMBUS, i, m. (AEM6os] a bark, or gleuih. giving or making lows, or will joip. Lenteſco, črc; neut, so grow finder Légifer, ēri m law.giver. Lemigius Thrax, tbe fixth exarih of or pliant, ta flick, is du clanmy. LEGIO, onla ; f. [à legol a legion, Italy. Lonticua, æ; fi o lungil, or lontil- brigade, confifiing of 600 horje and Lemma, štis ; n. an argument or potrage ; alfo a rb-i'morya pima 6000 fout. ra,ои, ples pub.. Leoricula paluftris, Legio Secunda Augufta, Carleon in Lemnia terra, red carsh, from Lem- duck's mrar. Wales ; alſo a sity of Mauritania nos. Lenticularis, c'; of er like a lmtil." Cæfarienas. Lemniacus, a, um; adj. of Lemnos, Lentienfes, a people of Vindelicia. Legio Sexta Nicephorica or Vi&rix, Lemniſcãtus, a, um , adj. with Lent.folia, æ ; f., a wild-roſo. York cing, Brings hanging * Victoria lem. Lentiginoſus, a, uta'; adj. full of Legio Sepuna of Germanica, the niſcata, a very bonourable pittory. fratlos. atry Leon in Spain. LEMNISCUS, 1, m. (Ameríoxos) Lentígo, 10!s; t. (à lens) a freckla Leglo Viceſima Victrix, Cheſter city. label or ribband binging down or piinple. Legionā: jus, ia, um, adj. of a legion from gurlands or crowns, a bawk's Leatinl, or Lentill, the surname is a legionary. jefas. Roman Jumily: Lögionātím, adv. by legions or bri- Lemnos, an iſland in the TEgcan ſe.2, Lenculitas, o ba'ng of the family or gados called 'niw Stalimcnc. the Lentuli. + Inegirúpa, a; , a law breaker, Leon'us, a, um, adj. of Lemnos. Leotipes, ēd's ; C. Now footed. Legildoctor, oris ; m, a doctor of * Malum Lemn'um, very greze Lent citer, a, un ; braring maßlick. rvil, and Lomnia manus, a very Lentilciférus, a, um, adj. braring Legislator, oris ; m. dlaw.giver, wicked hand. mg?ick froes. Logllperitus, i, m. + Lemnuncūlus, i; m, a little label, Lentiſcinms, a, um, adj. of maftich, + Legifta, 2;m. }a lawyer. Lemonlum, iii n. là Armwr, pra Lentiſcina reſina, malik ise Legitime, adv. lawfully. tum] an herb in Pliny. Jolf... + Légitimo, are ; to make lawful. Lemovices, or Limovici, a people of Lentiſcus, is t. fa lentus] the lon- # Legitimus, a, um ; adt. lapful, Aquitain. risk co mohiktree; 10. mafick according to law, commimt. Le-| Lemovii, a people of Germany, 160:h.pick. gitimam Infaniam facere, to make LÉMŪRES, um ; , cà Remi loter. Lentitia, æ ; f. Downeji, Pliannefs, inter- one Park mad. Legit mi milltes; feel umbra] bobgoblins, Sofinels. of the banding number. + Lomuria, pl. faills dedicated to the Lenticudo, ins; f. Nachnaji, niglia + Légito, are ; to read oftm. · Lemures, genre, loitering + Lcgium 11; n. s roding.desk. Lēna, to; f. [à leno) a bawd.; Licnto, are ; a&. to make pliant.' og Legiuncuia, &;. f. [à leg oj a little Lenzus, a furname of Bacchus. Moxiblo. logton. t Lendicŭlõſus, a, um; full of mag. Lentor, õris; mi slamminoſi, tough, Legna, a city of Galatia. gots. ness. LEGO, aras aet. [à lex) to send on + Lendiculus, i; m. a little maggor, Lencudum, the sily Latenberg in ambafudor, to deputa o lieutenant, fr-blaw. Pannonia. to bequeath, to impute or blame + Lendiginālus, a, um; ad). full of Lontalus, a, um ; fomewhsi pro Legarc negotium alicui, so intrap Rock, pliant. me with a busineſs, Lradix, icis ; f. [à lcas) a maggot. Lont us, a, um, adj, -'or, iffimus LEGO, legi, lcgěrc, lectum ; act, +Leodoſus, a, um; 2d). full of mag (à lenio jack, Now, limber, clan. (aign 1. to read, aull, gotber, shoose gots. isly, remifs, cardlef, tough, seoly, dark pirk, Dail, Legere vela, to furi Lenc, adv. gently, pleaf.nily. * Lentus color, a jad and the rails. * Legere fermonem, to + Lenibo, for leniam. dark rolour #Telus lenta.gclu, 1he biarkm to one. *Legers veftigia, Lenimen, inis , n a mitigating, frozen rarth. * Lenta vivacitas, so follow hep by pep. *Legere o Lēnimentum, i; n. $refreſhing, af: a lingering drish. ran Ilaliæ, to call along Italy. 'waging Lenuilus } djm. (a leno) a pro- Legerc in fenatum, io chooſe one Lēn-lo, irc ; peut. 1o mitsgate, ap. L:nulis Jendror, Legere milites, to lo Raid polith Du ? 'sæ lcniunt, L:nuncălus, ;m. a 1:11le pander ; Soldiers, Legere fenatam, to re- ill this wind be blown over. allo a filhar.bort, view the fonators, make a reſearch | LEN IS e. adj. ior, iffimus ; lacus? Lenos a country of the Pife. into their actions. niid gentie' jmooth, week, qwiri. LEO. õnis ; mi ratov) a lion; alſo Legúla, 2; f. A linla law; alſo the Lone vinum, wine pleaſant to #crad, ſerpmi ; alſo a leprosy ; our lapa b. Pune. and roleftial ben. Légüleluo, id; mi a lawyer, young + Leniſc-oi, 1 ; 10 beglid. Les, the numni of leveral mon, and clark. Lenitas alis; f. wrotnieſi, mild of ten bißops of Rome. Ležūlus, i Linitudo, inis; neli joftness Lco a porable or olivgi, pinilano's , holar of Plato Legum, e city of Italy, Léniler, ady gentys Joff!y, msekly, Leo faurus, sbe seventy-fit emperor Lèzūrnen, inisin. (lego) all kind Lēn:rus, , um ; Pied &c. of Rome. of pulje, LENO' önis; 'm. Ta enis) a pimp Lco carduus or ferox, the ſbarp pricka Légüminārius, ü; m. a joller of or panii, on umb / dor, Jy hills. pulje. Ler, bates, a reader of grapes. LEO lēvi, lēlum, löre; act. (à now, | Legum, marlus, a, um ; of pulſe. Lēnā.inator. O is; a rander, æviyol to cnoint, befogar. Leioftrca, õrum ; a kind of oiflers. + Lehecinc, rdv, bawdily. Loochårtes, a famous car orr, who Leitus, one of the five Bocotian copilf Lccöcinium, ili n. the praairs of , wraight at the Maufulcum. Lcocorion, 7 1 .ܚܝܗܝ L E P LES: 1. É V 10ne. xalisi Y Ligocorton, a muudene at Athens ſcales. +Lisbias, a precious fone found in mrefted in honour of one Len, the ſon Lepidorum, a city of Egypt. Lesbos and Lindla.. of Orpheus, who lacrinred his threr Lepiddić; adv. Ter. pleasantly, + 'L sbjudi, ji; n. kind of vefel duvghters so oppia ja ihe gods and + Löpidúlus, , um , adj. pretty pies curiouſly wrought. divert great plagu. Lesbos, an ißand in the Agein fra, Leocrates, the sig blirbtb prince of the Lěpīdùm ; adv., pleafanily. Row called Metclin. Liesbias, Leodium, the çily Liege pr: Luttich in Lepidus, a, um, ad fà lepot] pret- Lesbods, a, um ; adj. of Lesbos. sy, pleasant, witry, nisi. LESSUS, as, m. (à fono) lamenta. Lcagogas, the father of Andocides Lepinus, a moriritain if Ialy, tation. * Leffum facere, to tourn. an Athenian srator, mous for wine. Lefforum regio, a country of India Loonyfrowintory of Eubčer called i Lepis, ihe Drols of fluir or braſs. without Ganges; the people are Cabo Mantello, and aristber. in Lepiſtaas (Aernom] a little vial ſaid to be wild, and dwe'l in caurs; Crece; asta river of Phægicia. uid in templos. the kingdom is called Pegu. Liora, a city of Gaula Celtica. L-pontii , a people of the Alps called. Leiyras, & river of Iberia. Leoniccs tha preole Lcona. Rhinwalders. Lelandsos, an find in the Ægean Léonatæ, ... poogle of Pannonia. Lepor, oris ; '. Cic. fà sextò, fub. Leonatas, a noblemos of Macedonia, illis) gloajantnefs in reéb, a gef-'Letanym, a rity of Propontis, builo brougbi up with Alexander: turi,, grau, tomelinofi. by she Athenians, Lconicha, a city of Spain, alſo part | Leporana. jfa peeping with Lete, a city of Macedonia, from a of Rome called Bo go, walád about the pas open. semple of 'Latons, bard dig. by popier Lco E 446. Leporala aquila, a fader. Lethæus, a river of Lydia, running Lcónicenfis, a propia of Spain. Lepõrārlain, il n. [à lopus] park by the city Magnesia, called Fiume Leonidas, a famous captain and king or any place to keep buajts in for Qi' Magncia; ancher in Mace. of lbi Licedæmonians, who kept tbr, pleaſure. donia oy the Tricca, where Ecu- Braight of Thermopylz, with 4.0 + Lčpõrārlus, 11; m. gropbound. la plus is said to be born; and ano mm àĝaini Šerxes's ton hundred † Leporina, ai fi" she herb' hari's Thorin Citte. thorfandi Hi incouraged his yol Lethālis, e; 4d1. [à Ictham) duid: diers, by telling them shey fould Lepotigus, a, ūm; adj. of a hari, da "ly. Dont's fup witb Pluto; bring Hlain, licati inty, + Lethalitas, atis; f. diadlineft, mor- and opened, bisbeart was all bairy, Lepos, Oriñ: plaajantnofs. Se'le. Cor. Nëp. por Lech liter 3-adv. mortally, dvadlily. Leenings, a, um ; ad)of, a lion. LEPRA, Qi Cell. (néopa] she Lethargla, æ; f. a lothargy. Lcon's pes, lion'i turnip. (profy. Lethargicus, ad vin', adj. of or bava L.onigildas, 4 king of the Gorks. Lyprium, it; 1. a'town of Pelopon-, ing the lasparg). Leonthariba, city of Boeotia. helus, or rather Arcadia, called Lettiärgus, 1; me the lethargy of L'eontiče,fwila Chirvil. Chiappa. drowy picknes. - Leontini, the city Lentini in Sicily. Lepilni, or Lepreatæ, the people of Lethalus, a, um ; killed, pur to death Lconnus, ii; m. a pracious Bone like · Leprlum. Lethic, a søer of hellrappoſed to cauſe a lion's skin. + Lepiõsicas, cât's ; f. leproufreſti forgetfulness Lconclus, it jm. a Róman imperor ; Leprous, a, um ; ad), ieprousa Lethes, ibe name of tro riders in el famous flaruary ; a bibber of Leptea sa, ä-premontery of India and Spain. Antioch, and others Egypt. Lethcus, a, um; adj. deadly, informali Lcontocephale, ä vöry Areng safle of Leptines, an, Athenian orator. Létbiler, a, um ; adj, dreadly, bring; Phrygia. Lept 3, ibe name of two cities, in A ing death, Leontopetalon, lion's foot, our Lady's frica. + Lethificus, a, um ; adj. mortals manile. Leprocarya, örum ; , filbrdı. Crufing.death, Leontophõnos, i ;'m a little worm, Leptocolauriom, a Hnd of miau. Letho, aro; to kill, put to death.". Lion if Lethod, i river in Africa. and if he hin. Leptan1 ; 1 m. Là págas Leontopodium, ji; n. the berb lion's very finall coin on dead bodies, Moot Leptophyllon; true-lithynol. LETHUM, i;n. Viri[à anen, obi Leontopolug, sy of Phænica, Leptorages, a kind of grapes with LETUM, 1;. n. liplo) death. another in Ifauria and Herleſpont, frro and ſmall kainals. Leti, a people of France: Leontychides, a king of Sparta, who, LEPUS, oris ; m. Plin, (Aagebe]: Letini Jetini, a prople of Sicily., in an expedition again Theffaly, horo; alfo .jar, and a fifo bar' is Letóa, an inand in the Libyan for Bring found traarberous, was baniſh; peifon to man, and man to bimai Timur' Crete. ediy. Tegeas, zobera bedied, have Lepus eft & pulpamentum quærit, Letus, 4 mountain of Ligurlay:balled ing tegnind 13 years ett fajce than pig. Alpi del Peregrino. Léopardus,,,!; n.. Tapos apdails, à Löpuſeŭlus, i, m. å leveret. Lctuſpolis, a city of Egypt: Ico & pärdus] a leopard, bred of a Lepyddus, the busband of Methym. | Levaci; a people of Belglam. Hand pantheri Lěvamén, inlo; ni an dofing, ligbra Leopoldus, i duks of Austria. Lcrafe, the calf corn of Ireland, ' Levameniam, i; n. ming, confort. Leos.or Leo,;thi Jon of Orpheos. Leria, a city in Spain." • 'Legamento effe, to jaje i bilo L'cofthenirs, a now married many + Lerla, örum ; wimsus garments a Levana, a goddess suppiled to profidi who bring Rain in batlls, his wife dirni'd with.gold over children lifted up. Demontiä Kiiled berſelf. Lorina, a ifand of Narbonne near | Levafto, for.lcvavero. Leofthenium, bay of Boſphorus Antidolis,,called St. Honorato. Lèvātia, oils ; f. an refing of pain, 17. Thračlus, called Sthemon, Lerinenfis, c; adj. of Letina. comforting, lifting up: ' Lcofftatus, an Atheniari geretol. Leina si Leine, a leke near Argost. Lövātos, orig; ma lifterup. Leotionides, a Dithyrambick, poet, whrri Hercules flaw'Hydra: Lecc | Levatórium; 1; ni'a ſluk.jione, To lean shug'be became a proverb na malorum, mony witſchins sogo Loyacus, a, um, lifted upi naſed. Ipadala. Q; f. an and of Sicily ther. Icuca; arcity of shi Salentines at Lepas, ads f. afbell-tih. Lerna, ef, & water-ferponi, iland of Crete, and of India wishin Lecas the tip of a pesp rock by Sýra Lernæus, a, um ; adj. of Lerna. Garges. cuie. Lerniferus, a, um ; adj., of the for LUCA, æ; f. f. Liv. (Aruxo, vel Lepetbymus, & mountain of Les: pont Icrna. A Euxos, albus) a langur ; als half bos. Lcros o Léria, amifind in the Ica & mile Lépidè ; adv. Cic. pleaſantly, wisti rlan 114 Leucacantha, a; in the St. Mary- ly. Lorii, the people of Leros, herdefork tbiflo. + Lēpiditas, āts. f. pleaſantneſs .; Lepidum, ii; no diriander und pep: Lertoſa, a city of Spain, now Teri Lecacbates, æ; n. a kind of white tola. Leucæthlopes, puple in the middle Lepidetes, é preciou dono like Albai Lėlá, a sity of Sardiniä. of Lbya nsar Getulia. L:0 . 3 i but the woman 7 LE ·Leucantheois, idis ; f. 7 double ba. colony. + Löylſcor, fet ; dep. tz forget. Leucanthemum 1; 'n} .monica Leucopblegmatia., •; f. a drop) | Lerifomnus a, um ; adj. wechful, Leucárgilion caused by rub ophlego. rifly wakened. Leucargillum.} ! ; n. zubite slay . Leucophorum, i ni borax to folder + Leviſt cum, izni nlifandir, lovigo. Leucarüm, Loghør, in South Wales. gold wirbal, Livita, zimie a loville, or Jewiſh Leucas, Leucadia, Leucate, and Leucophrus, a-temple of Diana, and priefi. Loucates, an find in the Ionian a lake betwem Tralles and Mæan Lévitas, ātis; f. lightneſs, inconfancy. fea, culled St; Mauia, where there der in Lydia Lov-iter, jus, iffime; adv. Cic. toas a temple of Apollo, frequensed Leacophthalmus, i; m, a precious lightly, Nighily. . * Lieriùs anifes; by lour-fick ersons pone reprejmiing a black and white nat jo miferable. L vier 'ferre Leucalia, æ f. an iſland in the to bear patien'ly. * Leviter bene Tyr-tiene jos. Loucopolichna, a city of Sarmarta. vel e alicui, to bave no kindneſs.ws Leucaſpis; a companion of Æneas, Leucopolis, a city of Cara. all for one. drowned in the Tyrrhene jea. Leucoſis, an ifand' in sbe Tyrrhene Leviticus a, um, adj. of.a lovilo, Į: u catcs, a promontory of Acarnania: jar, alſo the biof city in all Cy. loviti, al. Leucix, acis ; m. a precious Pont. ptas, called alio Nicoſia; and the Levitiffa; ; f. a minifer's wife. Leuce, a im.ill ifand of Pontus. - ancimt name of samothracia. Lèvlüscalus, a, um, adj. (à levis] Louce, es ; f. á cobite poplar; an Leucoft&us, is a precious floře voicb fomewhat of the lighielt, « little seo barb like mercury, alſo the white white spots; white spotted marble. light or wanton. morpbew in the body. Leucofyria, part of Cappadocia: Lconi, a prople of Vindelicia. Leacija posple Gallia Belgica, Leucotyrus, a river of Cuicia, called Levo, are, a&t. Cic. to ligblen, lift will sk!l!ed in darling, whoſe city is aftarwards Pyramus. up, cure, of wago, refreds, extenu. now called Toul ;' aljo s priple of Leucothea, an ihand in the Tyrrhene: ald, bring down the price. Si. Peloponneſus. ſea , alſo a fountain of Samos, and tim levare; to quench one's shirit, Leuciana, 2; a city of Spain. a city of Arabia and Ezypt. Ære a ieno ſe levarė, to pay debts. * Levare måni, to lead by Leucımna, a promontory of Corcyra, Leucothea, Ibe wife of Athamas, cal. called Capo Bianchó.. led alſo Ino, who, fecirig her husband rbei hand. #Levare -terapus, to Leacippides, the daughter of Leucip- Aill har sin Learchus, ran away paſs away ibu tine, * Levare tri- pus; ravibid by Castor and Pol. with ber orber Son Melicertes, and butum alicujus agii, to taks up thy Jox. ihrew befolf and child into the for, Mont of a field. *Levere actum fer Leucippas,!; m. a philosopher shat by the pity of the gods ſhe was turná pentis, to cure the biling of Cerpent. said all sbings ronfjed if plenom into the goddeſs Maruta, and be in:o Lev.or, ari, atus ſum ; pairi 'so be & inane. Palæoon or Portunus ; Ovid. lifted up, taken of, &c. • Livari Leuco, a king of Boſphorus. Leucothoe, so wis turned into f di penâ, sa 'de safed, cr get rid of pain. Plin. * Obfidionc levaris Leucobibia and Loquabria, a country frankinienfe-tres by Apollo, ruhahid in the web of Scotiand. gut ber with child, for which fue was to be delivered or frued from a firge; Leucochrum, Small white wine mix'd buried alive by her friher Orcha- L'yi with water. mus king of Babylon; Ovid. Levonæ, a people of S-andinavia. Leucochryfus, a jacinid Aone with at Leucrocuta, æ; f. a stift Æthio. Lcupas, haven of Arabia Fælix. whisa vein mixed with gold. pian beaf, counterfeiting -- Than's Leuphana, the city Hanover in Ger- Leucogæus. Collis, and Leucogæi voice. many Fontes, a place in Campania, be- Leudra, oran; n.. a town in Beeo. Leuphitorga, a city of Ethiopla. I wien Naples and Puteoll, called tla, near which Epaminondas tbl Leulana, a city of Pannonia. la Lumcray the water thereof is Theban vinguiſbed 'the Lacedæ. Leuſiniua, a vily of Dalmatia. laid to Brengthen the unth, clear iba monians Leutychides, a Lacedæmonian, .the eges, and cure wounds, Leuctricus, a, um ; 2df. of Lcu&ra. enemy of Demaratus, after whoſe Leucographis, idis ; f. an herb goed Leuetrum, a ciry of Laconia in Pelo fight he was made king of Sparta. agamit spitting, of blood. ponnefas. and another in Arcad:aLex legis, f. Cic. (à lego), a law, Lcuccion, ii; n. the white violet or Leucus, a kind of fih. derie, order, condition. * Lege in "gillifower. Leucyanas, a river in Peloponneſus, aliquem agere, to axe:ute ibi law Lencola, an hausn of Cyprus, where Leuga, e province of Africa. upon one. Eâ legc, upon that con shey fad agate. Leugæſa, a city of Armenia. dition. Sinc lege capill, hair die Mevel'd, tut of order. Solvcre le- Leucolachanon, i; n. 6orn-fablesLevior Lava; a people of Liguria: . Lovfathan, indecl. (Heb.) a crocodile, gibus, to keep one out of the rearts of Leucolithi, a people of Lycaonia. or whale, ihr laws. Ad legem hanc, a- Leuco!la; a promontory and if and of Levicũlus, a, um ; adj. (à levis] cording to this parlern or rule. Pamphilia. Somewbat or very lighi ; vžin.gliri. Lexlanze, a people of Arabia Fælx. Leucopa, štis ; a. the web in the ous, waggiſb, wantin. Lexicon, i, n. a di&tionary, sys; the white of an sggº; allo. Lěvždenſa, æ;f, a coarſe garment. Lexipyrēlus, a, um'; adj. good is gainſ aguas, white table containing the frames of Lovidenas, c; adj. [qu. leviter den. officers and yearly acts. ſus) very night.' * Lividenfis vel. L:xis, los ; f.'a wide Leucon, a city of Africa, about Cy. t!s, a coorlo garmeni. Lvidence Lexobli, the people of Lia- renes alſo a king of Pontus, Juin munus, a mien profint. Lexovii; cux in Norman by his brosher Oxylochus, for lying Lčvifidus, a, um ; adj. Tighe of faith. Lexubii, dy. with bis wife. Lèvígātus, a, um j adj. lightened of, Lanta F. Leucon, a schita beron; alſo a dog's diſcharged. Lèvixó, arc; act. [à lev!s) ro ere Leuconis, a lake in Baotia. lighion, or make lighs. L. F. abbreviat. for Lucii fillus, ox Leuconlum, il; n white cotton, down. + Levigo, are ; [à lzyis] to smootb. Locil filii. Leuconicus, a, um, adj. of vitlan. † Lovio, are; to lighien, Leuconius, 's fountain in Arcadia. Levipes, ēdis ; c. light of foor. 'L'ante G. Leace:ion, a sily, of Pannonia. LEVIR, iri; D. (sand] the huf- Leuconotus, u dry south-weſt wind. band's or wife's bretour, LG: abbreviat: for legavit, leges or Leucopary phos, 1'; m. Onu ih u wetu. LĚV.is,c; adl. -lor, iffimus Carinen, lėgioi white garments, but not uply. enagpost Right, inconpani, small, Leucopciutos, white precious. quick and lively • Levis armatu Ianis H. Hond: with golumn jireks. ræ milites, lighi-area ſeldiers, Leucopetr., æ;f' a promontory bo Levi fcncendia pueri, shildren mot L, H abbreviat. for locum bune; or yond Rheglum, calied Capo' del liking one thing Long *Haberc locus hæredum, Arme; allo a mountain of Aſia ds. aliquid in levi, not so rogard or viding Parthia from Hyrcana.. elleen # thing. *Leviore nomuic L ante 'I. Leocopheatas, a, un'; d) clothed appellare, to call one by a.leſs'ödia L. J. abbreviat. for lex Julia. L. I: J. abbreviat: for locus in Jurc- Lepio hæus, a, ani; ad of agroplēvis, c'; adı. Sinóerb. “ Sie lævis XXX X X Lianum rabuat wanities 1 gut. < in gray 0143 nami: LIB LIB 'L I B 0 ing pound. ...1. Lianym, a city of Darmatia Europær. paints • Liber à fide, having di. kropola wore bired and hid fub Lide, * iſland of Carmania, and sbarged by woord. • Vobs libe. things as belong to burials. anorber. in br lodian les. rum crit, ball be at your choice. Libiuna, as a bar or corpi, the Libadiam, 11 ; n. the lader.cmcaury. Libera, z; t. Proferpinc. funeral birgus; al death. Liozon, ? ; n. the vega wherein ihs: Liberalia, um ; n foals of Bacchus. Lib tinariis. f?; in. 'hotbis alle boly oil wir kent. Liberalis, c; ad). z art. or, iffimus; provides ibinoi needful or burials, lidmal, free, grasle, generous, free an underiraker ; alſo be ibat baj Libameglunni; "in. }e facrifico. born, Liberalis caufa, wbich can! me foot in the grave. Libanus, 1 m. ajophifter of Antioch corns one's liso ty. Lerde con- + Libitinārium. id; n. . Nervelops ndor Julian. jugram, a marriage betwein, shof? ! pirmont uſed by the monk of Bgypt. Libindi hrust; m, a precious font this so free . Liberalis forma,, + Libitūdo. igis ; f. ple furi, will like frugtinemj. bntone ferri. Liutungi; n. (à liber) be will, Lib.not's, idis ; f. ro'mery. Liberālitas, āt's ; f. liberality, bounty, : Liocus i į m. s pleaſure + Libanoius, ti n. the fourt-jura- kindnek. hinely Libitus, a, um ; well pleafne. wil wind. Lidera itir ; adv. ltherally, fredlo, LIBO, rres ad. Cual ex} to tako, Libănus, 1 ; f. ibe frankin:anje tras. boxxful.j. • Exerciium nimis li. pick, pour out the host cup of wina L bartus, i, m. (ab Hcb. lebumah, beral'ter' babot, bo let sbe army o part of it in firing, so suurb thus.) 19 mliacinio baw ibeir wills too much. * Li lipbilo ſprinkle, lucrifre. Ofcu. Libanus or Lebanon, the greate? beralitèr gon'tun, of a imder com. la bavit naiz, be killed b's dumbo oyntain of Syria, comraining in piexion * Librral ter eruditus, & longth rigblein wiles, upon wbiib pe-jon of goud binding L bu, dia ; m. lbonans of a Roman shere is great plenty of unaus. Liscatio, õnis ; f. : frening, deli citizen. Libārlus, il; m (à libum) be tout oxing, letting at I borty. Libaeus, o river of Ireland, called make or felis wa'a:s. Li črätor, oris ; ma deliberar. the bay of Siege. Libätto, oni; f. a jurifcing, tap Libērācus a, u.nl ; delivered. L'bona, 4 0 19 of Arabia, ins, libati n. Libere, advfrulygeneral li m. ibo wo wind +Libacor m" L'bo'a, bu city Talavera in Spain. * Libacorium, 'it; ni be place of la.Liberi, orum; m. (à liber, a, um ;] LIBRA, K;. Cic. [hitpa]á poundo crifice, alſo a silice, bildren. wright ; alfo a pair of ballanos, Libitus, a, um; part. of libos; Cic. Liberius, 1; m. sbe thirty-fourid di carpenting line or "W!, muntar facrifond, rafted. * Cui mei vir thug of Rone, who fubferided to sbs poto ballan ng cleftial Agn. giniai tibata eſt, who bed any Arian harufy. Infra libram maris, lower than the Msdmhead.. L:berlus Miximus, dº governor of Ju. L!bella, æ; f. Tic. (albraja ſmall dæa, A. D 75. * L brza, zi f. a ſuit y apparel. mix. absut shrut. forih ng: ; alſo a Ličio, arc; ad. Cic. 1o Osliuer, + Libräle, is; A. the draw of a bolo lime level, billinu, a dragon-fly. frei, fut at joerty, to por form, draw • Heidem facere ex libela to out. L'berorc fc ære allena, 50 Librül s. c; adl. of pound, wright make ane beror all. * Ad I.bellam pay his deb's. • Culpâ liberare: 10 & normas exigere, so in dili jugify, . Fidom Iberate, to be as Libränen, inis; no a lowelling, com 8004 as bus word. • Enfcm vagini terprifng. Lioellarius, a, um ; adl, put into liberare, to draw a fuord. Librimentum, l; n. a wright. • Ll. coriting. + Liberta, 2;f a fra-women. bramentum reäum, a.plurb lina. Libellaticiorum; m. sbofe Chrißians Libertas, ats; f. the goddeſs Liber- Libraria, 2; a library, a bood.fel- shut fubfsribed in her free from wor ty frudom aj fra h, licensionfuefs, lo's ſoup alſo a woman slow weigbo Airping idols ; Biron. à fra nature and conditja, Vin wwl or Rox. Libel'oncs, ibrilords to the malers dicare in ilbertatem, set ons al L brāriālus, $1.03. a potty krivinar, of requalis. liberty. un inder-flork or book deeper. L bell:, orum ; m. lnsters milivo. Libertina, 2; f. Are that is born v Librarium, 1; n. a box to pur donde +Lībrllio onis; m. a laser curier; iss, a grofs regijior. alſo a Londfille. or writer. + Libertinitas. atis; to a being born Librarius, a, um , adj. (of liber] be. Libel'alis, i; m. Cic. a lisile book. or mai fine longing to books, * Atramentum Libellus, ii m. Cic. (à liber ] a litt's Libertinua. i ; a. he that is dok of I brarum, writing-ink. . Seal book, a libe! writ, Øll of proofs. free porn'', I made fru. prum l'brarium, . pomnife. fortificate, pilport. a kind of man + L berto, are ; to nake me fros. Taocrna librasia, a forp wobain bola fure, a slau. * Libellorum ma. Libertus, i, m. • Synnun are old, gifter, the wailer of requests. Li 7. Libelco, ere ; to begin so pleaſe. Librarius, ii; m. 4 Batimor, book. We'lus fupplex, parision* L LIB ET, 0.t. itum eit; vorb. imp. w..ur, natary, bl-imper. bellum porrigere to put ix a pot ( ab Hcb. lob, cor) i oloasosh, ir Librār us, a; um, adj. cor Ubra) Libellus famofus, .lbum liketh wall. Non libet mihi, I a putand weight, raus libel think it not good. L brāt o, onis ; f. 4 weigbing. Liben-s, tis ; P. A 8.'lbeo, unde Libethra, a fountains of Magncfia, Liurātor, oris 1 3. wigbar, dim. & tior, iflimas; willing, with farred to the Mules, ger or Doofer, & como yer of wauts good-will, tolling!. Libentiffi Libethrides, the Mirai. from (prings to conduití. ents or n bus, with the.conſent of all. Lid as, a rit. of Jud and another Libritus, a, um ; adj weigbed, le- Libent òr, rus iilime; ado: willing of Paleſtine, du lt by Herod, calied oslik i, del brate, weigby. ig. L benter vivere, to lawet, alio L via and Jala. + Libril 8. c; adj. of a pound. fare well. Libeniér folt, be wa Lib'dinans, ntis ; adj wonton, Librilc, is; n. i de hain of a hela will'ofertained. + Libidinārius, i; m. 4 wbore. lance. Libentia, 2; f. will, planfure. mmer. L'brilla, orum ; femei fung one of Libencina Dea, Venus or Proſerplac. Libidi or, arl; to addia bimself to luft engines, or the fings ibnjam. LIB-EO ēra, (ab Heb lab, corro Libidinosc. adv. unjuply, lub ju!!). + Librillo, arc ; to burt wird singing plozjo like. Libidinõlus, a, um ; adj. -or, ſli pones, Liber, coi; a child, one free-bern m.18; lufiful, bent so plea'ure. • Libripcis, adin mi a wigher, a Lib.cr, eri; m. the god of wine, Bac L:0'dinola dapes, do my fort. bolor of the ballant, « cloth chus Liber flos, fragrans wine. Libido ins; f. Cic à libetl lui, markar. LIE-ER,si; mm. Plin. (^noj sb unlawful appoile, bibemunt defie' lt Librifi, &; l. . dog-whip in wa rint of a tra, a bol, in one's will pleasure. Si tibi bona i L briun, it; a. ibo dajs ir orna. yxorary, sifars lafcribere il libido fuerit patrize, if you take any ment of a belmat. brum alicujus domiai, to dedicata delight in your country: • Habe- Libro, arc ; a&t. libra) 'weigbe, book to any one bent libidinem in armis, they we's lovel, try by plismb.rules: dividi LIBE R, ra, tum ; adt. (Ascorp) way will pleased with doing in agua ly, to bird, wing, lift up. fr... Jofa, wid if, large, at one's Librat felç ex alto aquila, the plaws, finding owl. * Liber 14- Libuftus, a city of Thrice. ogle hvers or fears bigb. • LI- barun, rol Labouringi waing no Libidna, a Roman goddijo in uboje drare glandey, tá diſsbirge bwilens. Qrios. 1 } cha ipnin? permitird. • Licet tibi, you may. Ligit o, onis ; f, a binding, sying, a LIC LIG LIG •Librarc aquam, to found the depth. I fou, where be wus surnoi into sage ; alfo iba part of the rinfre # Corpus 1. bravit in aë e, bo Irk; Oy.d trap so wbich the ball bingo poiled bis body in the air Lichas, a fran from the thumb to Ibu Lizer, a Rutilan, ſair by nén: Libror, ari; past. 1o de gagıd, &c. fore-finger's and. Liger a Ligeris, a famous river if LIBS ibs im. Ain j thi jow:b Li hen, anis; m. a totter, ring-worm, Gallia, Celtics colled Loirc. wall wind. al, she bord liver wol. Lichen Ligas a pouple of Gerinany, whoſe Lib'um, i; a. (à libo) a wsfer. marinus, *yor.grim, a kind of fua. Country is called Silefia. LIDUQC1, a rity in Spain. wojs. Llgillum, lin. là lignum) little Liburna, a city about Dalmatia. Licheni, a prople of Arahla Fællx. Pick ; alsó hovel. Liborba, &; f. (a Liburala) a L'chindus, siity of Scily. Ligi., ihe river Bochirin Boodia. Liburnia, brigantine, gallos, fri. Lichos, a river in Phæa cia. Ligma, ats; n. • medicine du gue. Licatorum, it: A. (à licium) . Ticked down. Liburni, orum ; m. liiter bearers. ws10er's fouille, ibo yam-beim. Lignārium, 11;. n. (à lignum) • Liburnia. a country of l.lyris, bo. Licina æ; t. (ab laventare] luwon ifria, and Dalmatia, Called Liinana, 20; los lind of our ; aljo Lignārius, a, um , adj. belonging as Coatia. bafı vervuin. wood. • Faber lignarius, a cor. Libural, the Imbabitants of Libur. (Lic.n'angs, put squal and neigh. ponier. nia. beur to Martial, Lignarius, li ; m. a forogor, or bewone L.burncus, a. om ; adj. f. fri- it Licia ua, idin. garment wvven of word, gate. • 'Liburnicum imperium, throughout ; also a fuo ng wod. Lignācio, onis ; f. « gaibering of the admiralfip. Licinius, n'imperor of the eve718 wordt al;o a wondy pluri. L burnim, din. 4 litser wide lite my to the Chrißians, und pain by Lignālor, orlo ; m. dww.d.wongat, a 1., wbrinin ibi noblema Contantine , und ſeveral orberi. carrier or forger. Romo were were to be carmed fol+ Licinus bos, biving bus borns Ligneðlus, a, um ; adj. mato of Woid. caply .bout boy wigo write, red, turned upwards. Igncome hominum figura, papo w do ang ibing in it. Licitālo 'onis ; fi a prizing or puts of wood. Llburnus, a mountain of Campania, + L'gnerin, i ; n. a badge of wood; and a bown . Tuſcany. Lirītaior, örls, m. la primer boys. alſo a ani Bell. + Liburaus, 1 ;... a common mal. Licitair x icis ; & } nur, sbapman Ligneus, a, um ; adj. trade of wood. or chapwomen. + Lignicidi, aim a windmilor. + Libus,l; m. a wafor, Licic, adı, lawfully. Cic. # Ligaiciſings, i, m. a cover of Libya a; f. the daughter of Epaphus Licito, word. by Carfiopæin, froin whom the ibird Licitor. ari ; dep. à liceor) priece, Lignile, is , n. a wwad bouje w wind- port of its world, wabub we call A chrapen; mbinse ibi priue ; also to pile. frica, had iti name. skirmiß. + Lignipedium, ii; Q. s worden. Ans. + Libyana,æ, f. puster nade in Libya. Lic.turun et it bould be lawful. or patia, Libycontes, carbunele Isaias Mel Licitus, a, um ; parc. of l.ccor i | + Lignipos, cdis ; c. baving a wudon clear. having cheapned or prized. tag. Libycus, a, um , adj. f Libya. Licitus, a, uin ; part. fiicet ; law. + Lºgnis, lo; f. a kind of burning- Libia. yos; m. a man of Libya. ful, graniet. Pene. Libinta, z ; f. a woman of Libya; LICIUM, ii ; n. (à lixum, vel la Lignisčca, æ; m, a wund-cutter. alſo a river of Bithynia and a wing c.o, vel à Ais obliquus]' wruits Lignisicario, bols ; f. a cutting of There caliud Polach, where Han. sbrood or garn, a felvedge. wod. n bal diss. L'cnēni, pople of Corúca. Lignisčco, are ; si cur wnd. Libyitæus, 1, um ; ad). of ar Li&or, oris ; m. Ca ligo) a forjeant Lignor, asl; to forage, or guber wond. L byfticus, or ſuch like officer. from Libya. Lignoſus, a, um ; adj. full of wood, Lidystinus, LiNorius, a, um ; adj. of forjesni, · her a wood. Libyitial, paple near Colchis. Lide, 4 mountain of Carta. LIGNUM, 1; n. EUAOV, vel i lego, Libyftinus Apollo. so called by ibolt L duda, ibe niny ride. &c.] wound, timor, fore or her. of Pachymus. in Sicily, from his L.cbr's, a city of Phænicia. wel; also ladles of wwd to write in. desroying she Carthaginians boir LIEN, õnis; ni Corante, vcl à nii In lylvam ignum ferre, 1 carry onom.es witb poflione. mollis ibi mile or plans; Coll. to Newcaſtle. Libyftis, « women of Libya. Llēnicus,a,um ; adj. troubled witb LIC O, are ; at. Cc. [, Auris Licatii, a prople of Vindeli. } L.chates, viacn) to bind, tro, drwilib.In cia Liênis, B. the plom. catenas ligare, lo ab iin up. Licens, otio ; part. of liceor ; asforing Liênālus, a, um a1). ditempor'd LIGO, ontsm.'l'Arogard * Maroel a price. Ad nutum licentium in the splorn. • Spade. circumferri, tego 10 b:that offers Ltentārda, æ ; f. the fux, doufonofs. Ligonizo, we ; so dię o col up Licntcricus, a, um ; adj. troubled Hirib. Licenter, às ; adv. licentiomfly. wib be pux. Ligua, ; f. [l lingna) point, Licentia. æ; f. licmio, leave, unru. Liga, too ifand Ligon in sbo British Toto Bangus, fpoon, junce, ladle. lineſs, frue Sparch. Licentia ferri, Ligula cruralis, a hiyo gutter. Li- Iba raging of the ſword. + Liga, 2; f. a lorgue ; alſo the sl- guls catccorum, « Adre.duke. Licenciatus, a, um, adj. licenſed, lny of muiel. + L gulātos, a, um ; adj. tyed wito approved. Ligácūlom, 1; A. (à ligo) a foor! jaringes points, Licentior, ius, gen. .oris; adj.comp. or maulkin, + L gulārus, i, m. a ona over diſolwe. Līgāmen, iais; n. } a band, liga. Ligulo, se i to tye will & point or Licentioins, a, um ; adj. licentions, Ligamentum, i, n. furt, any place, diffolute. ibing to the wild.. Ligurin, xif. sbe mam olimo conn- LIC-EO, ęre ; (à laclo, vel à sinn, Lipaniia, & ; t. a city of India within iries in Italy, one by the ſea-Ado, jus) to be for PTICE Ginges. called La Riviera de Genova. Lic cor, ēri ; dep. 8. brapon, bid Ligarius, a mobleman of Rome, Pom wb-fo metropolis is Genoa, who order monty, priece. payl: friend, difonded by Cicero e Gill a Clladpine. + Liceffit for licuerit, gain't Tubero. Ligures, the map of Ligurla. LICET, licuit, and licitum ell, it is Ligárius, il; m. a kind of glo. + Ligurinus i, m. bird called a filin, irc i aa. Trupės, M.do liceat rivers, if I may bus bo ng tongue tod. fuas a) to play tor glutton, 16. elcape with my life, + Ligátor:um, il ; n. an apim.pring. www.L guire rem aliquam, Licet, adv. & cont. ba ito, alibougb. Ligatūra, m; f. a I gainne, batid covet groodily, Lichades, ibre ifunds in aber fee of Pring + Lightrio, bois, m. . dowwer, come Euboea. Lig:tus, a, um; part. of ligor,bound, fumer Lichas the boy wbe brought Hercu. Ligea, a fea-nymph, dinghio ar No Liritio õnis ; f. gluttmy. Los ibi polloped sin frin Delante rcus and Doris. + Liguritor, dr': imi a lutton. rag for which he brow him in:Ligallum, i; n. a {imle bruge or cor- Lipuriun, " ; n. asa-boro jesen XXXXX sbollern. LIM ; LIM 1.LIN $ 1 one Toros. upon it. Lbya. um. in Tmeli and here in taffe. againn ferrents. Limos, a, um ; adj. (à Agru, lin- Ligusticum, i, n. (a Ligurja] Lom Linentinús, she god prafiding Over quo, vel A spla, cochica quædain bardy Iguage. 'tbijboldse tortuoſa) Croskod, a.dow, awry. Ligurt cuí, a, um, adl, of Liguria, + Linentis, is ; m, a kind of marble 'Limis obrueri, to look awry upon Liguftrum.1, 0. (à ligojprival, or of which ihre bilds are made. primo peine. Llincatum, in. a shreſold. LIMUS, ; m. Auglis, vel à A chicarse Ligyes, a prole of Al. who afyied LIMES, itis; m. [à limus, vel à locus, haniidus vcl à noies, lævis) Xerxes ugning the Giceks. Acura, locus reli&tus) a croſs way mud, Nimr; aljo. « gorrasnt from Ligyrgum, i ja a mountain of Ar. or paib; alſo a bound. Limes the navel down to thi frat. cadla, decumanus,' the bound from sajt 10 Limula, a. ciry of Panonta, - called Ligyſtus, Ibe for of Phaëron, giving well. Idem limes agendus er ty Munsburg nome ti Liguria wa muji go the same way to work. ? Limyra, a cily of Lycia, from the via Lilæa, e city of Pbocis. + L.mcam, ci ; n. tba berb with ver Lloyrus Lillaceus, a, um, adj. of. I:Ilies. wbicb bunuisar poiſon their ar. Limyrıca, a country of Indla within Liliastrum,. 1, a. bind-wud, Ganges. Lllierum, di n. a place where liliini Limici, a people of Spain. Lina, örum, n. (à linum) bays, bun- grito, Lim.cola, æ; c.'[a'limus & colo) tors nets, LILIUM, 1 ; a. facicsov? a lilly' living in mind. Linamcntum, i; n a sent for a Lit um conra!luni, she canval or L'miger, a, um, adj. havinig mud wound, linnm shroud, einale-wicka Min lilly, Liliom inter fpinis, + Linangina, &, fi dodder, or witb. a wlod-cine. Liminare, is; n. a threſhold. wid. Liţium, ; n. mari-loron about Liminaris, e, adj. Of a threshold. Linaria, æ, f. wild-fax, road flax; Pontus, + Linincom, e; n. baniſmert. alfo a linnes. Lillybæum,i n. a promontory and Limino, arc; to make a phrebbold Linarium, 11; n. a flox.ground city of S.c:lý, locking towards i molaleum, in. the city Gucína Linarms, ii ; w. bé thui je ls flax or in Poland, clo:h Lilybæius, a, uz; adj. of Lilybæ + Liins, C; aij crooked askow. L'narics, a, um, adı. of rloth. Limitaneus. a, um, adj. belonging Lincaril, à people of Narbonne. LIMA, æ; f. fà pire, sel à Awów, 10 the fron‘iers .. Limitanci du- Linaus, a, um, (of lingor) licked. Javigo) a file alla correction. po ces, marqueſes, wardens of the Linctus, us, m.alicking, lapping. Jifbing... R:ſus lima, correded. marches. Lindav'um, or Lindoia, i besity Lin. Villimâ mordacios, to be to Laitaris, c; ad), of the bounds. daw in Germany. rigorousa Limitātio, ás; f. á l.miling, board Lindistarnia, Holy.iſland, near the + Limaca, e; I. a houſe-mail. ing. mouch of the river Twedd. 'Llaza, iar i f., she river Lethe in Limitātor, oris, m, a limiler, beund. Lindon:um. ii ; n London. Portugal. Linduin, i, n. the rily of L ncoln. + Limaria, æf. ibi tuny fifo. L mitãens, a, um, part. bounded. Linca, a, f. [à linum) lire, linea L:028 aris; f. a kort.r. oge, a circle about pillars, a threud, L matè, ùs, iflimè; adv. porfast!y, + Limitor, ari; povprain, cut off ; }" beund, a fring of beads. * Linea corrvaly • Lioratiùs quærere, to Limma, atis, n, half a note. alba, the umbilical. vein, Lincam fuck very narrowly. Linnatis, a name of D'ana. immittere to found ono's depgn Limārio onis ; fi a fling, poliſhing. Limnefium, ii; n. là níurn, palus) A lincâ incipere, so begin at the + Limator, oris ; mi a filer. the lofter (onlaury, head of. + Limālü'a, æ;'f. a little file. 'Limnjudes, nymphr of the laku... Linealis,, , adj. of a line, lineal. Limātýlus, a, um, adj. mat!s po L!mn08, the island Ramſey, between + Linealiter, adv. lincally, lifbed. Wales and Ireland. Lincãmen, inis, a. e garment of liny Limātūra, æ; f. a filing ; alfo ibe Limnothalasſa. an iſland near Spaln. jcy-wolfes. plings. Liro, arc ; Tà lima] to file, polith. L'ncamentatio, onis, f. a drawing Limatas, a, um; part, of llmor ; Limo. are, act. (à limus) to join, the firf lines, filed, polifed, nont, logant. * Li look askew, corer with müd. Li Lineamentuo, i; n. the ſoape, pro- matum uigcotom, refined Alver. mare caput cum altero, to join beid portion fir draughs. * Llncamen. Urban'tate limatas, çivilized. to be.de ta, diagrams in geimstry. • Orationc maximè limalus,' wing Limo, õnis, m. (à limus, a, um J Lineāris, e; adj. of a line. e pare Nyle The beam between coach borfes. + Linckum, adv. lincally. Linex, acis, m. là Ilmus) & houſe. + Limocõla, ; c. a lover of mud. Lincātio, onis, f, & drawing of . Snad: alſo a filber, and a barlot. Limon, a place in Campania, between lins. Libātor, osisi m. an embroider Nap'es and Paleol. + L'ncātor, Orfs ; m, a drawer of Limbatrix, icis, f., S. er. Limones, um, m. Là Adunría, pra- lines. Limbātus, a, um, part. of limbor; ti vsror] lemons. Linctus, a, um, part. of lineor; garded, sabroidarid: Limonia mala, lemons, drawn, ruled, Limbellus, 17m. a narrow late or Limonla, &; fi tbe herb anemone. Linco, arc, act. to draw lines, rule. Limbung, i, } .fringe. I!moniades, the nymphs of nowers Lineõla, , f. a little line. + L'ubo, arg, n. lave or bem. and Breadows, Lineusu, um, adj. [of linam) of Limbolárius, ii; m. an embroidereç. Limoniatos, an emerald. flax ar linna. • Linea veals, a LIMBUS, i, m. [Nobos] a wait, Limonion, ü; . ib. berb winter. Jurplice, gard; lare, bam, bordir ; alſo pura grein. LÍN.GO, xl, gére, act. Csgow 10 gotory Limonlus mons, Plim-Limon bill is like, sap, to let hip down the ihroor, ĻIMEŅ, în's ; n. (à limus, vel'à Walcs. Llogones, a posple of Gallia Belgie Alugh, portus, ve! a aktura, locus Limonium, thi town Limon in Polc- relictus) a threſhold er mirince ; t'ers. Lingonicus, a, am ; of the Lingo- alſo the Asriing -plaus. Limon Limolilas, ätis, f. muddinofs. fuperum, skar lentil. * Ad limina Llooſus, a, um, adj. muddy, Lingua, , f. : [à lingot & tongue, Servus,, a porter. Limine ſub: Limpidè, adů. clearly, like water, language, a' promontory, ramy i movere, so forbid one the house. + Limpiditas, āt!s, f. elgarnefs. thing like a hangus. Lingua bo Malas vix à limine falutavit, bo + Limpido, are ; 21 mah clear, vis, buglofs. • Lingúa pagania, hördly knows what they be. LIMPIDUS, a, um, ad). [à lym berjo-tongut. Llogue winor, the Limenarchi, z; m. á warden of a pka, vel à Adlero, luceo] clear, flop, that covers the wind pipe, a port town. bright, Pure > iranſparent, a glass ; L'ngua avis, w pafferina, vilkeys. Limenia, æ; f. g city of Cyprus ; dlpar, as water. * Yox limpda, á Linguara. oculi.præciderant, the alo à name of yenys, among clear will voice. big bose pouck bime dumb. . Dceras Hermonii, 10 sobom ske virgins fa- Limpitudo, Inis, f. clearnefs. lingua palato, be culd not speak kripcra before speir marriage, as alfo + Linula, & f. a little filé. Tela lingua, reproacbur. Lin- widome nariring a focond time , * Limold, adv. rozneubak irukądly. guas bominuro vitare, 10 apsid ri. +Limehki, am abs-coloured floms; gud Limžius, a, um, adh. fomewhat ', proaches and ill language i Ca. ncs. 3 Lin- mon. + L'qoare vean t d I mi, | . , ; , a; LIN LIQ L ngvāce, čs; f. the file-fille. Linisarius, 11 ;. [à: latex] boute the same as tut signoramus, nefer Lignácious, ális ; f taldir umeji...' ing ihet "10 Yaribat erial. Lingācólus, a, um; adj. img-sangued, + Llatrleŭlus, diz mi a little bosie's Liquide, 2 ůsffimc; adv.clinr. liuller. } pruling Liquido, vi planly, wih a good Linguarrom, li ; Q.. a gap sa pop mo's LINUM, i, a. (Abror]: flax or lin- concirnes, mouth. nen ihread, ftprope, a cofing-nes. + Liquid:ufcblus, *, um, adj. Some + Linguārios; , 'pm; ad). pratini * Lini fupa, tow, burds, outbum bar more chaust optifmoob. foelifbly. Linom, a promontory of Calabria. Liguido, are ; 68 moiſen or clear, + Linguacus, a, um ; adj. full of called Capo di Verre. Liquiun,'t ; n. moiſturi. words. Liaus, a.fountain of 'Arcadia, deeping |L19.kus, a, um ; ad callquce), Linguax. gen. ācis; adj. 3. art. longo woman from miſsarrying. 104. kierr, r4, ingi'atij; ma. songwed, babbing: Linus, the son of Apollo und Pfam nijent, Shrill. without worrow, profpe- Lingüla, 2; f. a little to gue, an'a, mathe, who biding b malf among the • Venter' liquiqus. alcoje: porhecary's Aire, aſpoonfud, prument bufbes, for some faulss; was forn in noſsy, L:qu... ochapiino, "be not Sory, asement for a mortifs, « ladle, picces hy she dogs ; alfo a famons troubled. a long fart of dager. mulici..n who taughe Orpheng und Liquo, are act" (à llaneo]'Po mely Lingŭlāca, ara fool, pratiler, 4 Hercules, who kroked him (they fan:) or couſi 19 meli Selo (ih); the herb oddur's congue. on tbe.brod for laughing ar bis un-1: trem, to on iki hi only Linguialus, a, um ; adj. having handsome playing i Ovid. Liquor, ari ; påff: do te meted, mis tongue or linin. + Linutum, i, n. a caji mgonist, நp jould acwn, weu: .wy. f Linguositas, ātis; f. talkativena's. rose, flax-thread, or any thing fab i Ligi or, čris, : ; Poët: ca. erec. Lingeõſus, a, um ; adj. conig.lingurity for weiving - fup. dep. aut fisicni par abt. praling, Lottling: Llnx, a river and city of Mauritania. act. to be diſolved or meitet, o drop, + L!nia mcntuin, i, as lincamentum. LIO, are, (à AC@ lavigoj ro jiop to Sun, or glide img ai rini's do; wirb mortar Linibrium, fi ; n. A heckla, a braka. (met.] 10 toal or wear wity as Liniennus, she river Rother br Rye, Lipăra, e;f, a felve w loft, plaffer. * Liquitur ùc glacica, 18 + Linīfex, icis ; f. a Raz.woman. Lípăra, soif. an xollan ijiand, so molts like vie ; Diid: + Linificium, it; n. linnen work, called from Liparus, predes for B0 Liquor, õr!9 m. [à liquco] L.guar L!nifico, arc, zo saks limen, Æolue. juire. Æternt. Ilquoris vomica; . + Linifio, on:s; m. a maker of limm. Liparis, an oil, river of Cilicla. quick filue + Linifrang baium, ; n. 1a brako Liparis, a kind of lizard, and precious LIRA, æ ; f. (à lyræ timillt. vei å + Linifrangibula, æ, f. for him jlona; alſo a fiſh, Chald. nira novalc), a ridge be. or fax. + Liparium alunan, rugb-allum. fwrm two furrows, a baulk. L!niger, čra, črum ; wearing linnen. Lipaxus, c.city of Thrace. Lirātim, adv; ridge by ridge: + Liniger, éri; . a priet. L.popfeuchia, alf. a ſwooning a. Liria,'d river of Narbonne, alled Le Linimentum, i; n. linimons, an cint-Lipoihynia, æ ; Lez. 1. Lippidus, a, um, blind, purtlind. Lirici, āram ; pl. m. Igrisk porir. Linlo, ire. Śce lino Lipp o, iie, so te blear.cyed cr pur- . Liricina, a, fo woman.barper, + Linlpha, æ; f. a flix fineh. blind. . Lippiunt fauces famæ, my Lirimitis, the city Mulheym in Sax. Linipidium, 'n and lin.pes, Lippilūdo, inis ; f. blearedness: teeth water for hunger, ony: cd.s; a linnm.fock. Lirinum, i; n. the oil of lilliąs. + L'olpulus, i; m. a Arick of flax. Lippitur, imp, the man is purblind. Lrinus, a, um ; adfc of lillies + Lins, is to a certain vefil belong + L'ppolc, The failing of words, not Liriõpci o Joa-nymph, daughter of ing so Springs. golwering the greatneſs of the matter, Oceanus and Tethys, on whom L'nitor, öris; m. An Anointer, dauber. LIPSĂ, um;'ad): (à Arieco, ft llo, Cephyffus begat Narciſſus, Lipicus, a, um, part. of linor ; beo vel à Aime, humor pingu sj blaar- + Liripipium, il; n. a tippet. Smeired. syed, wile, imlucky #Lippus ficus, Liris, a river of Campanla, running + Linitus, ûs; m. a befmearing, fig' true robuje juice is good agaraj by Minturna, calles Gariglia or Ga. Linium, fi ; n. Là linum vel úclum] rigliano. the woof: Lipſana, õrum in. ſcraps. Lirnytis, a city of Pamphylia. Linnæ, arum ; f. (à lana) a kind of Lipia, the city Leipfick in Milnia. Liro, arc, to make ridges, dig tbs. Tough manila. : Liquabilis, e; adj. cafly melted. rough. LINO, nivi, lint and levi, nitum ; Liquämnen, inis, 'n. dripping iriod. LIS, Its; f. [Epi si vei ab Activare- act. (a leo, vel à A fairw, pollo) + Liquaminārius, ili n. a chindler hemens obteftario) Drife, debato, to anoint, befmcar, gild, fios. or oilman, ini that ſells lard v tried controverſy, an action or ſuit at law, + Linodlum, ilin a heap of Arx. Suat, Dare litem fecundùm adverſa. * Linoſitasq ātis; f. plety of fax. Liquatio, õnis ; f. a melting, rium, to give fentence for the aduar. L:noftrophon, 'di ni ibe hero bure Liquator, oris ; m. amelier. sary. * Lite peiſcqui bona, 1989 hound Liquätus, a, um ; ad, melted. Bo law for orie's goods. L'noſus, a, um ; adl. full of Aax. Liqucfac.io, čre ; to molt or cauſe to + Life, árum ; f. the greap throas Linozoftis, ibe herb mercury. malt , muke fuble and stominati. veins. L'ng'ons, ntis ; part. fainting. Liquefactio, õnis ; fi a melling: Lisbona, a; t. the city L’sbon, ibe moirspolis of Portugal. (Arith) to leave, for , . * hoj melted, diſoluid, cleansed, Liſmora, æ, f. a city of Ireland and Lingucrc animam, or linqui animo, tled. * Coagula liquefacta lade, Scotland. to (woon, curds and reum. Lilla, án iſland in the Illyrian fea, Linteänen, inis , n. a fast. Liquětio, čri ; . acut. paff. to be dij and a city of Spain. Linteārius, a, um , adj. of linnen. Lolved Liftia, a Britiſi iſland called the Lintoārius, li ; m. a linnin-draper. Liquons, ntis ; P. & A. liquid. • pulf. + Linīcātor, õr's ; . A maler y L quentes campi, be joa L'flon, a river. in Sicily. compofer of linnin. Liquentia. a river in Galliaefcalpina. Liſus, s city of Macedonia ; olla Linteātus, a, um , adj. slombed with LÍQU.EO, ērc; ncut. X, 1, c, river in Thrace, one of thoſe dried Jinnm. aqặa, vel à Arxw, lingerklarißw wp by Xerxes's army. Liaico, onis ; mia limon-weaver. killoj so melt or bu milua, to con. Litace, à city of Laconia. Lincolam, 1;.n, a cloud, fume. Litman, inis; n. • facrifice.. LINTER, is m. ar f. [a. Anvòs, al. Liqueſcent'a, ; f. a melling away. L tapa, a wood of Gallia Togata, vcao) a Jislo buat or whitry; all Liqueſco, čre; neut. 80 de ready to called Selva di Lugo. a trough ir tray. Tule. Liquefcere voluptatc, . Lltanla, a; fom, a litany, fupplica- Linternum, s city of Calapania. abandon one's julf to pleaſure, to live tion. Lintornus, a, ubi; adl. of Linternum. voluptuoufly. Litanicus, a, um, adj. of supplies. tions. Linseum, eli n. là linum) all lind Liquet, verb. lop. it is clear or ap- of linnon, Arnt, fail, soul, wapkin. parmt, L'quet mihi delerare, Litātio, onys; f. an appealing of God L'Ateus, a, um ; adj. of liten.. I con boldly ſwear. Liquet inter with facrifice, Iyalci libris mapso ros, we are sure. Non liquet, Litātò, ady. by facrificing. Lita- blear sys 1 1 i cua. Lithoftrotum. '; n. A place powd Livil, e people of N-rbonne L IT LI X LOC Lichtor, oris., m. a facrifier Litigator, oris ; m. • Priorr, furto Litätas, a, um ; part. of litor ; op Li izātriX icis ; f. law. LIX coit. là Afíxo, lingo, vel ab pealed by facrifici grwn to God. Litīgātus, fis ;. *. A Capelanding, de. Heb. luß, depleie) wibusgle, wa. Lite, a city of Macedun.a. Oute + Biltemads, immunfu-dung. Liugiõlus, a, um , adj. contentions in LIXA ;.. [à liquori a foullion, Litera, & if(a lingi a lair, pifle, debite. trop fack be, s drudge. title, inkription, a bundl. (in wri. Litigium, il ; A. & controuery. Lixt a city oy Lybia, from the river ling.) Litigo, are; neut. 8o Drive, dobite Lixus. Liid, Irun ; f. *** spifle, de:14 80 te law. Lfxibundus, a, um ,. ad). drudgingo bill of comm, dreds; alf learning. Liro, are: 14. (à Aigais preces) Lixinsen in:S ; li; buling in stadions, and writing. • L'tera. to appeafe by fee fiet. L 12 entam, iss Weter, Laurcatze, latters from the general L tõrālis, c; adj. (à lkus) near tb. Lixitūra zji' bouling. the pare, af en winbow given for phone + L xālus, a, um ; ad blod. enomy. Trlum literarum homo, Ltörārus, a, um ; adl. soiled, beurtes L xeo. Cre, ne play:becul, . tbins. Literas appellare, t. wird ed. + Lixo, on:a; m. & w.ser-bearer. proniknie ibs is. Litoreas, a, um ; ad) by the Lirivasium, li ; } a. a bucking- + Litòricus, a, un; } foort Literalis,c; adj. literal, Literária. 2. granmır, Litõrõlus, a, um ; adj. by the puri Lix vato jura, il;n a bwking tub. Literārius, a, um ; ad). belonging to er ca. L xivia, ; f. là lix1 l, made Lilotes, eds an eximuariou. L xivium, ii; o of bus. Literate ; adv. leomedy. Liisa at a G.eek sound rentaine | Lix vus}" in vinain, the , om adj ; Litériulo, on's; f. felly lasrning, po ing a "oui ton ounci daniry, Lit.niu u, the :ity Lutach in Nur hi: wine oming with ut praffing. Litorilor, or's; m. ona : 16 baigos : Lixo, arc, to borl in water. W in lour, * fmasters in leaon Liiū'a, a; f rà lino) - tlo, dopo il + L xo, dnis; m. a wa.er.bearer. clje a gering a ſmearing i. Xus a u?; adi, hailed, sowam, Literātortus, a, um ; adj. very loern Lúrārius, a, um , adj. of oluiting or Lixula, 2; f. 'a carje a.fb like baly od, 18.ga: ng. pudiling, &c L'edato:a, 2; f. 16e art of framing Li!ūrā, us, it; m. a blatre“, simb Liz has ihe city Laoszates in Tran. the-larini, i mine ſylvania. Literātus, a, am;idh leamed, Budi Liturgia, •; f. a litures, publik of ours, bevirg Intersporven on, jig fisije: 14. Lange L. mitigud. L terute fiet les co:1 L turgicus, a, um j.ad). of the litur. tola eartbm une-sof, tiib Ibron TL abbreviatyr Lælius or legibas. fu!, pague wyon tbem, Liturgis,'1, a.a min Hor. L L 2obreviat for Lucius libertus. + Literio, Ins; m. i book to four Lituro, are; ia to blet or blur. LL PE abbreviat for liberis I. Litus, a. Qiu į part. of linor ; bra bertaubus pofteriſque corum. + Litero, are, to teach me domeid. 10144 rod, pot ad. + Litérõlus, a, um , adj. learned or s; n. (à part. litus) Law & M. Lličrúla, c, f. w litsisisiwr ar epif LISTUS. ibe Sea-fbure, of, the Spe?68 .bout the bar, Arare lit L M abbrev at. for libens merito, Liibanicus, I; A. the troubled with tus, oliw in vain locus monumento o mortuorum. the stone. Llius Aliun, or Ripa Alta, Tarb,th Lithaathracody um, fora • mal, pit. in Scotland. Lantr N. LITUUS, i; m. ll Artò tenuis Lithargyros, 1; n. the froth or femme vc. à Aigle Ar:deo) a crochet born L. N. abbreviat. for Latini nominis, of blur.. ir trumpat, a corneh, an augu ' Lithebos, a name of Apollo af Ma erceded Lad O. lea. Livens. gen dt's past. f. liveo; Lithlafs, ls; 1. the song in the blad. black and blue pining. Loba, æ; fo ebe Hall v Indlan der or Honors, a little wb.io bord |LIV.20, ērc ; neut. large for, ve à wbeat, fuelling an ibe x-lids. Aigu', Aferj to be black und Olur, Lob. tum, 1; n, the city Albanacin in Lith contot, a kind of pele carbun- 1. Antung Spain. Liveſc o, è e. to grow bluck and blu, Lobstani, ibe popla of Lobelum. Lithobola, ferde among the Tree. kome muions, Loco., 4x Argive, who wrale a book zeni, tó aproape the ghosts of twLvia, æif a liouk dove. Crcuan maids Moned in a rod. Lva, æ if A guftus Cæfar', lady Lobrin), mountain of Phrygia. Lvianus a, u«; adj. of the compress Lovus. lim. ebolip of the car, and Lithocolla, R; f. a comens for Homes Livia. ibo paris of the liver. Lithoglyphus, i; m. e graver, flore Livice dv. bluels. muiorfs. * Locabilis, c, wbib may be plese + Lividit. it's; f. oln naji. d. Litholdes, . bont of the templa. L vidu'08, 2, um ; adj. binoite, fomen Lord is, e; ad). Of or in a place, Lithoſperinum, bo hard wb. & enviaus. Lithoſpermon, i; a. s wel or gromd, Lividus, a, um ; adj. black and blue, L'c?nos, a river øj Magna G. scia. • Lithoſpermon minus, daylard wun, envi us, tacleious. Locar.um, i ; D. ibi yare of a pie ted.**. + Livies, e ; f. the meſhes of bogs. or pour. L!thoftroton, 1 Lotariu, t; m. o pow huoper, a $ with Monos. + Livio dnis ; f. a conſumption. Lithõlõmla. & f, a jone-quarry, a Livius. a, um ; adj. of the emprats Loc ftra, a rity of Medla. malon's work houf, und prifm fer Livia Locālio. Ön sit, a letting aut, e foto malefaders at Syracuſe. L sus Redenas, a king of Tuſcany 1. ng ent to be Lithõõmus, i; m. a fone.culier; r: Living Ruman birrian of Pa Lăcător. Or's ; m. a 'dio iut or later alſo a furgcon sbar (ation for ibi dua hus ixolod all tobor. so bire. Localor funer:8, bo ibat sions. L ponese pople of Sarmatia, Euro talos order for a burjul. Lithrus, e city of Armenia Minor. pza. Guldd Lifflanders + Löcātorium, iij Ato ibs rmt 17 Lithuania, be; f. a moriſ and woody L von a, the country af ibu Livonca. bre. Part of Poland, wbojs bief sy is Livonicus, a, um ; ad). of L vonia. Lăcătorius, 4 ; w. o lower out 10 Vilma. Livor, diis; bluendi, ibe pript of bire, Lithurgus; i; wa bower of worker ajiroko, muy batred, Locatus, a, on, placed, hired out. of fione. + Livor, a:1, to mey, .pite, Lõcellus, 1 m. [à loculus) a little Litlcen, in's; n. La lituos & canens) | Livõrõlus, a, um, adj. muiows, purſe or bog, • trumpatur. (piteful. Locha, a priat city in Africa, then + L'tigames, īnis; n. a camersworly. LIX of Lixus, the riger Lufio in end plundered by Scipio's Aldiers an Litigatio, önis ; t. . contading. Mauritania Tlogitana ; alfi o in- guinf bis will. Locha. } / S } 67 g Locorttua, ebe city Forcheio in Logistical ače, } adv . logically. th ! Logium, it; n. a rulonably anſwer, Longinquitas, āt's ; f. a long dibero place or for, a pula, packa, lealber Ligaguphus, ;. riddir. LOC LON LON Lochagus, ibo prepdeni of ibo com-y Locītus, a, um ; part of loquor ; the largest and moſt beturiful in the 1 baring spokens. world. 1749. pinj. Lochins, a prowentory of Egypt mour Lodicüla, z; F. Joel blanket Londinenſes, una; m. Londoners: A"exandria, colind. Castelletto L.dix, icke ; că lava) • Hanket for Londobrio, bo iſunds Barlogues Mon Lochis, a vily of was natia in 41a. hed. the..028 of Portugal.. Locuind loca, Orain, the womb a Loedorsa, ; f. a biting taunt, Longævitas, atis ; f. great age. matrix Lelaps, apis, m, a wbirlwind, tom. Longavus, a, am ; long lived, Láito, arc; a to 't: mi to hire. Poji. + Longile, is; A. AX Axle tres. Loc o are; act là locus iso place, Lodenius, a jurname of Apollo, pivm Longanimis, c'; } adh,long-fuf- fos, lat sut i b«: . fogain, og #Lydians for removing the Longan!mus, a, um ; } fncing som lay up. Custra la-arc, plige. Longanimitas, aus; f. long Juffer piich beim Fuenor. loca e, Log, ex Hebrew maſure of fix 48• lo Pu! oni to win. Beneficium lo. Bencficium lol. jells, or balf a pini. Longanimiter ; adv. patimily. circ, 1. osion a bonefis. . Lucare Lõgir:ura, liini a little reclining. Longaạo, õnis m. ibe dreight or nuptum, to matıb qui. • Liidias Logi. ibo poople of Strathnarveny arkigut. locais, to lie in artups. Locare Loga, o river in Iröland. Longanos, a river in Sicily. Orbera, ro. Ouid & city. * Operac Logica, ae; f. logick, she art of rea Longātio, onis ; f. a lengibening (a fuam lacare, u unzerial work as torin used in alebymy.) e fortum rail, Lõgicalis, e; adj. logical. Longatis, a country of Bosotia: Longè, ùs, isfinè; adv. by far far Franconi. Logicè of Longè princeps the mola. Locozus, a city in Phrygla. Loxicus, a, un, adj. of lockch. collini, Errat longè 1 is ex Locra, a river in Corlice. Lozica, opum ; a. difputationes, troma'y out. Longiffimè abet à Locri, she inbabit-inu of « city of the Logion, ii; n. a judgment Test, an verdris a great untu:bw falfy. fantu meni te Magaa Græcia. oricle, a book of accounts, Longè antè, long before. Locris, a country sa laining a Paolo. Logifma, ätis ; . a due, judicious, Longiuiduai, a pouple of Germany. Local and locrcaſes, the people of and ratimal wonderlanding of a + Long loqolum, 1 ; a. a long difa Locris, wbo, Jor wint of in./s. court. wifeed a little worden ong. H.BL Loghita, ce im. An accompani. Longimanus, Artaxerxes King of Fos. Locrea un bos, for a contemptible Logistice, és ; t. ibi art of. confering, sa, biving on band longer pour Rifi. Thny broke the legue wbieb arshinerick. ordinary. they made with Peloponnclus ; Logiſtoricus, i; a rozila fine benc Locrense fa&um,ag wing trulo Log.ftoricum, 1; n. 3 saol ibings Longinque; adv. afort } , -. Lăcălincntum, 1; n. a lecker,plate am sracle, the bigb priofi's breafl. of Nace or time, long life, cumin witb batle dexos ir bole ; • bird's plate. met. Loculamentum' apuin, a LớyIdædalla, æ ; .f. an afiliation of Longinquus, a, am i ad). afar of bay.comb. • Laculamcntum fic xow.pingled words. Brangi, continual, pow. • Longin- tiic, a sparric MS. Lögodãdalus, 1; m. m afficher af quum ifthuc amanti, thor's ndious Loculárius, 11 ; m. a pure malor. www.fingiad words, to e lower, E longiaquo, at a Losūlītus, and localoriis, a, um, Lögödiarrhoea, 2 f, as inconßdores diſtance, baung many places w bitós. pouring out of words, Longinus, a conful with Decius. Locului, i;. [à locot) a little Logõgraphi, orom, lawyers clarks, Longinus Caffius, a bilo saber maar Aurelian, and mix of Porphyry : bag i aljo u bin icofix, Lögð.lachia, a ; f. conlonsuon in or bo left a book, Do ſublimt diccadi Locuples, gen cuis , adj. 3. art. u brut words. geacre, which is not extant. locus & plenus) 'rich, wialihy, Lõgõmachus, i; mia contendo in Longipes, ētis; c. long-fonted. Pious; of gold iridis, jubponial, or about wird, # Longiſs-o, ērc, ba o proro Anaus locuples, frugibus, a planti. Logus, os m. a word, sprach, saying, ling ful year. • Locuples tabellaris, fable. * Logos vendec, to amufo+ Longitèr , adv. afar ef. a truly melengar. Argumentum with words, to give one nothing burt Longitrorſus, bratebud om locupies ef. 285 G (splous. (ubica fair words. length. h write in. Logus. the river Log in Wales. t Longitudinalis ſatura, sbr fram Löcup ētátus, a, um , puti of loco. Loliaceus, Ja, um , adj. (lollum) froin ons bide of ide skull so esa o. pletor ; oriched, sword. + Lo rius, ther, Locupletiffimè, adv. fup. mg! riebly. Lõligincus, saum, adj. full of the Longi ūdo, inis; f. longth. Cona Locupſčio, are ; sa so meiib, jione! Liõlus, } Bulba ulimery. Tulere in long cudinea, io forufu LOCUS, i, m. Az, focus ing. LOLIGO, in & ; (à no vodo, v Af or at dits accomodus] a place, w jinad, abonos, auimcntuos fcpiæ4 61: † Long Curnitas, atis; f. long canti- the bead of a common plus, condi. lumary, cuule.fife, Haven alio tion, cofom, sredir, frivias, a point Longiurcŭlus a,um; adj. fomerabas in sby lodios. • Loco or in loco, Lol guncula, ; fi little caluma. of the longo. for fortably. Do sumuno loco, of + Longo, are, to make long, Pogle groality by birib. Pelarc lo- + Lõioſus, ., am ; adj. full of cocks Longobardi, a people of Germany, to co, ne worje pals. Si 10 tboc LOLIUM, 11; n. là Ancov, ſéges & called becauſe of ibeir long beards. fica loco, wro is my business: 17 SALUNI perdo) cockle or daradi * Longobardia, æ i f. Lombardy, ar COVATN Ad id locoium, 20.30 Loliu viet.carc, 10 bave bad ejesynas Gällia Ciſalpina. till rhm. tour d'ourly, Loayonc, a city of Sicily. Lotus Felix, Wells in Auſtria. + Lolius, ii, smell fit like a sala Longoricum, Lancnefter or Lango LOCUSTA, 2 i 1. ( ab Heb. deal, chester in Northumberland. edit) a lot or grafsbopper; alſo a Lollianus, the numat of foons mm. Longula, * jt) of the Volſci. lossor. + Lomentarius, it; m. Joller of Longulo ; adv. somewbut far. Locutti, A urban stilled in sulfons, WWW.01. Loogilus, tum ; adj. Jurubat fint for out of Prance, who Louentum, i ; A. (à livo) been lons fred Nero in killing Britannicus, meal; ollo a nind of pant. Longum ; ady, a long time. mnd Agrippina in killing Clau. Lonentus, s city of Italy. Lingum, a promedio:y of Sicily. dius. Lomini, shree sons of Giryon, wbs Longurtica, ibe any Guardamar in Lõcūrio, onls i 1. a fuging or put, built the city Lomone Spala. ing. Lonch tis, idis ; t. lplum wart, Longulo, onis ; m. a full mar, long Loculor. Oris ; m, a ſpeaker, toller, Londinum, Londinium, Long/dini gangril. babbler, um, Lundinium, Liddonium, Av. Longurius, li; m. m long pole lying Löcütulelus, üç mi a prantlar, bad. gutt., und Nova i'roja, London, ove thwart. blar. ibe inetropolis of England Anu Lo.gurus, a lake in Sicily. Longus, onlaus R44n't. in cord. . Li OR L:UP: LUC meie Longus, the river. Lough on the bor. coat of mail. Libentla, f. good will, pleaſure. aers of Scotland. Lörlcarus, 4. um ; part. of loricor ; 1 Lubet, imp. it likab. Lubet mihi, Longus, i; mi o fopbifte: why wrore clothed with a coat or mail, it is my pleaſure. Su libet. fourbuki of-paporals de Dipha de Lü:ico; are; alt. to put on a coat wy Lubido for libro. & Cloe, translated into Lii:n by mail or habergeon. hi. I have a depire, Gothofredus Jungermannos, and Lorīcủla; **. a little coat of mail, Lubricè ; idy. Hipparily, inconpantly, afterwards . By: Petrus Moll' Sneca a fenti or brodj-work. Lubrico, are, to make pippery. aus; aslo a krenul with Tiberius Locipes, ēdis ; c. having fut or legi Lubricum, the Nipperines. Lu. -C Cæfar. crooked er bowd bricum lingua, talkeliverieſ, brod- LO NÇUS, a, aon; ad). [doaixos, vel Lorfus, um, of 'ö leather long, les prating à Abyxu lancea) long, tall," largi, LORUM, 1 ;... Lua) acords of Lubrica:: a, um ; adj. (à labor čris) consinual, d«ngerous. * In longum, lap". aadi if a lowther thong, Bippery; inconlane, lungerous. for a great mobile, at longib. Né collar, a son of a bridle, a bed. 'Lubrica'ado cf:enua, ibr age, in longum fciam, riot 16 de tidious: which one is feldon iut of barm's. • Non eſt longom, 'is bule Little Lorymi, a dty of Caria, and a haven wbile. Non mihi longius quàm; of Rhodes. Lusa, a; f. a city of Tuſcany. nor de 1; dufsre any thing more im. Los, an itond about Thentaly, Lucæ, or luca boves, [à Lucania) patimtly than Lous, an iſlander of Los. elephones, + Longalta, är Longaſta, mifi a Loſa, a alty of Aqui alii. + Lucānar. āris ; ni a foxi's serib, of Braft with 1-1901b like a prar † Lota, æ;. f. s in the river A: bedgers,bile. Lopadafa, æ fi är iffund between raris. Lacani, be people y Lucania in Sicily, and Africa. Lotharirigla. æ; for the důkodom of Itay. Lõpzs, ādis"; f. a bell-ffb, a kind of Lorain in Gallia 'Belgica. Lucanus, a, um ; adj. of Lucania. viſure, and viljelo Lotharius; the twmvinb imperor of, Lacana palcua, fruitful pofiures," Lophis, a river of Boeotiar Rome; alſo a king of Fiance, and Lucānica, æ ; t. 'whii mini Lopa, a people of Liburnia.ro + Locānicum, i ; a.) } a sauſage. Lopud, a very longo dejart of Ba&rl Lotio, onis;f.a wabing, or lotion. #-Lucanicas, 1; m. á glüsion, belly: aaa, baunied wirb evil ſpirits, much Lotiolente, Binkingly, as of piſs. god. annoying travellers. Lot's a beautiful nymph, the daughter Lucanus, Lucan, a man's name, and Lõquacitas, ātio ; f. muih balking, of Neptune, whé Aying from Bila a famous post of. Cordubai batbling: pus, and calling to the gods for help, + Lúciņus, a, 20; ad). of the light Löquäciter , adm. bubblingly. was turned into a lose tree. it morning + Läquäcilo, are ; néut. to speak of. Lõtlüm, it; n. [à lavo) urine, pifs. it Lucānus, i ; m. the morning Light. inn, ro batter, Locoa, & Lccola, an iſland of the lit Lucar aris ; n, là lucus) the ma- Loquacŭla, æ; f. a tattling golfsp. Ionian fea. na given or a play, the price received Loquaculus, i, m. e great talisr. Lotometra, æ ; f. Egyptian bread for wood i alfo a kind of bird. Löquax,gen.ācis; ad): 3, art. clor, made of the suds of lotus. Lucaria, örug; n. pl. frafts kept by ciffimus, full of words; talkative. Lotophagi, a people of Africa, from the Romans in ihe woods wbere ibry • Manx puer loquacl, a boy, bg ibiir sating the fruit of the trer lo hidiomfelves when they were routed *, nifying his mind with bs band, tus, wbojo swirinefs makts , franger ty br Gauls. making fig.res: forget their own country. Lacaris pecuaia, money befowad. or 1 Löquela æ; . Sperch or taik. Lotophaglias, an African iland.callod given in woods or groves. Loquélaris, e adj. belonging to difo Lc Gerbi. + Lucarius, if; min wood man,', course. Loquelaris fervus, one Lotophagus, * ; m. be that fordson Lucas, Luke, u man's name, and font up and down on errands, tbe lotetu. one of the four ruangalil's. + Lõqyetaritér į adv. according to Lotor, oris , m, a waſher, \Lucè; adv. ni sbs day-tins, openly: putih.. Lotos, 1 ; f. a cane, red, pipe, Lucellum, ijn [à lucrum] Small Loqucados de um ; part. fut. in Lotrix, icis ; f. , landrajo. pain. dus, à loquor ; 10 bespoken of. Lö:ūra, oil, e waſhing, rinking. Lacenſes, the people of Luca. Lõguentia, a; f. prating. Lotus or lotos, i; f. the lose trii. Lucentia, a city of Spala, p. Loquitor, ari, to settle. Speal Lotus fativa, ſwall frifoil, or the Lucentum, e city of Spain. mwib. gardon-clover. Lucenres, the people of Lucentuma. LOQU OR:; čris, ! ; dep: [à no Lotus, a, um ; pajt. of Javor'; wajo. Lucens, alis; past. dzining bright, 70, fermo) to ſpeak, dulare, ut ed, dydd. Haud femel lorog, Lu ceo, Xl, cere ; ncut. Là lux) to ier, mutier. * Malè loqui abſenti, double dyrd. pins. Lucere facem alicul, to to backbite öne. * Loquitur fama, Lovanienſis, e ; 2d), belonging to iba cairy a light before orie, or bold cria the report gul, . Quid loquar mar sity Lovain. 4 candle * Lucent: rua officia, mora ? what fouid I speed of the Lovanium, the city Lovain in Bra your good offers appcar, marbles ? bant. Luceres, the third part if the Roman Loquutus, as locitas, 4. V. Loventinum, or Luentinum, the town pople in sbi time of Komulus, the Lora or lorca; z;. 1. lå lavo) free!! Powerand in Wales. other two boing Rhappenics and thin wine. Lövla, a city of Pannonia. Tatientes, + Löräle, is ; .' a bridle or Span Lous, a piór of Macedonia near A- Luceria, a colony of ibe Daunti in A- pollonia. pulla ; ala a name of Juno: Lörämentam,.i;8. a great thing. Loxa, sbr rior Löffe in Scotland. Lucerlus, a name of Jupiter, from Lörārius mi forjeant or mar- Lox as, Apollo, ſo called from his dark giving light to men. joat's mon thet forurges offmders. oracles, or ini sun's obligao poling Lucerned the city Luccén in Switzer- + Lörātus; is ; m, A ijing with sbrough the zodiack. tand, Thongs Lūcerna, z; i, a candle, a laup.; Lordiº ör Bord!, e people of Illyri- L anle U. alf of the landhsyn of she ja. Lucernâ eâdem fcripfi, I umir Loreni, a people of Lydig. L. V. breviat: for lex vetus. it at the ſame time. Loretum, i'; a. a place for wirb Lua, as wirb Lua, a spreiding över ludration Lucernalis herbz, long-zoort, tortii days, of purifying herb. Loreus, a, um ; ad). [à lotum) of a Luangi, 4 people of Spain. + Lūcernārlum, ii; n. A condlifisk, lolo or Iterbar. * Loreuma tcrgum, Lubar, she thountain upon which or candle ligbling 'm back foundly fcourged. Noah's, ark repad. Lūcernārlus, a, um, carrying or hold- Lorgliæ, & seople of Spain. Lubecam; } thaman, Lubeck in Ger- ing a lamp or light: Lorca; i ; f. (á lórum] a coat of Lubecom, Lūcernārus, a, um, full of righe.. mal, a parapet, or breat work and Lúbens, ngis ; part. of lubet; willing. #Lucernŭla, battlemeni, a dofina, the brow of a * Lubenti animo, freely, with a + Licernella, @; fi a little lamp. · wil. good-will. Lūceſco, ère ; ncut, to grow light and Lörįsātipi onis ; 2. a fenekny with a Labenter ; ady, willing). star. Luce. 1 com. . } 1 < in the day. LUC LUC LUC Luceicit; imp. it grows day, Xons with death, A. U..674. belaid, Luctans, niis'; P. & A. Ariving, Lucet ; imp.'it is broad day. down his offi's, and lived a privasi Luctantes venti, the winds friving Luci; adv. in the day.time. life, and died of the louſy die ife. 10 got (noje from Æolus's cloſe pri- Lucia, a shrifiian widow acued by Lucius Ort!us, in the time of the civil font. hrt r2n Son, a :d nartyred under wars be beraged his faiher to the Ludatus Catulus, a Roman citizm, Dioclefian ; atjó a maid of Syra- Triumvir!, when he was profcribed, who with shree bundred fips took cuſę, who gave away wh:ut her pen thu ho might onjog bis alate. and junk fix bundred of sbe Car. rents left her to Et poor, and was Luc:us Quintius Cincinnatus he was thaginian lips, and put an end to martyred by :he accujat 'on of her fatshed from the plough and mado thar firf war. own iwert beart. diftator. Luctätor, āris . 4 urgilor. Lucianus, '; m. a presbyter of An- Luc!us Septimius Severus.the one and Luctālus, a; om; buving wrolled. tioch, married at Nicodemia, un. twmrinh emperor of Roine. Lucifer, a, um, caufing mourning. der Maximianus. Lucius Tarquinsus Collatinus, the form Luâificabilis. c'; adj. "Sad, heavy.. Lucianus Samofatenas, an aliquet ronful with Lucius Join:us Bruius, Ludificus, a, um ; adj. cauſing writer, 7 firft A chrißion, after A U. 245. he laid down.sha conful mokining, lammtable. wards an aportale, who suffered for Dip dy reason of the idioufno's of Ladisonus, a, um ; ad). founding bis wickedni, s, being torn in pissus Tarquin's name, and voluntarily shownfully, pirifully. by dogs. banibed himſelf. Lucitor, ari; to wrifle often, + Lūcibils, e; adj. light of itfell, Lurjus, iiim (Auxel) pike and Lador, ari ; dep. [å luctus] toflrive, apt to fine jack; alſo one born at ſun.rifing. Aruggle, wreple. * Morte lactari, Licidārium, il; ni'a glofs er, com. Lúcopibia, Cai!ifle in Cumberland. to filruggle with drarhi mai. Leucotetia, the city Paris in France. Lucłuõse; ady. mournfully. Lucidè, his, ifline; adv. cisarly, Lucrativos, a. um ; takon w.rb gain Luduo, are, to moain much. plainly. or advantage, or gainful. Luduõlus, a, um , adj mournful, + Luciditas. ātis; f. clearnefs, bright- Lucrãtus, a, um, gained. sud. nefs. Lucret a he daughter of Lucretius Luctus, Ûs; m. (à lugce) a monene + Lucido, are, to make bright. Tricipitinus, and wife of Tarqui ing, towailing, lammling ; allo Lacidů'us, a, 10, somewhat heighs. nius Collatinus, raviſhed by Sex:09 mourning apparel. • Vocarc ali- Lūcidus, a, um ; adj. brigbicirer, som af Tarquinius Superbus, which quem in luctum, to make one fade. full of lighs. cauſed the baniſhment of bin end to make one full of grief. Lūcifer, črii m. the morning-far, kirgly government. Lucubra, æ ; f. Ser lucubrum, Venus, • Undecimus luc.fer, the Lucretllis, a mountain of the Sa- Lūcūorātio, onis ; f. a ludying by eleven!h day. bines. candle light. * Ad lucubrationem Lücifērus, a, um; adj. bringing light. Spurius Lucret!us Tr!cipitinus, the conficerc, to do a thing by cundia. + Lūcifico. are, to make brighi. father-in-law of Tarquinius Colla lgbt. Lūcifúga, æ ; c. ons that plays left cinus ; be juceredet Brutus in the Lucubratiuncula, &;f, a small work in fighe confulfibip. done by candle light. Lūcifūgus, a, um ; adj. avoiding the T, Lucretius, à Laun poet, who Lūcubrátorius, 2. um; adj. of or for lighi. wrote fix books of the nature of wprking by candle light, Lūcigena, a; c, ons born or begutton things, wherein be followed Epicu- Lūctibrātus, a, um ; part. wrought by rus and Empedocles ; be died by candle-lighi. • Nox lucubrata, Lucilius, un ancient port, who fira his own hands, being made mad by nghe ſpent in judy. write Jatyrs in Latin, calied by Ju- a love posion given him by bis wife Lücübro, are ; (à ux] to make any venal, magnus Auruncæ a'u nus; Lucilia. thing by candle-light. and ſeveral osbers + Lucrécupido, inis ; f. defira of Lucubrun, 1; n. (à lucco) e masch Lucia, the daughter of Nenelius gain. or torrb. the trbune, who was blind at first, Locrifacio, èci, aétum, acěreso Luculentè, ady. clearly z alfo at a and afterwards received bar fight of make a gain of. *Lucrifacere in- Luculentès, Š bgb priu. Stephen biſhop of Rome, and ſuf Jurlam, not to be bad up for an in. + Luculentia, æ ; f. and luculentas, feres under Valcrian. jury, not to be onelioned for it. ats; f. learneſs, brightneſs. Lucillus, a conjut' with Valerianus Lucrifactus, a, um, part: guined. + Luculeato, are, io lighien, watch. Auguſtus. + Lucrificabilis, c, bringing gain, Luculentus, a, um, adj. (à lux) full Lucil'us Tar: hæus, he wrote the hif. Lucrifico, are, to get of gain. of light, bright, clear, conspicuous fory of Theffalonica, notes upon A + Lucrificus, i; m. a paine. elegant, famous, rich, pleajant. pollonius's argon autisks, and pro- Lucriti.o, eri; neut. to be gained or Lucu'cnta plagi, a sound blow. verbs, golm in advantage. Hæreditas luculenta, a very conf. Lucina, the fame as Juno and Diana, Lucrifūga, a; c. one that flies from derable patrimony. prending ouer biribs. • Paci laci gain, Lucullus, i, m. e noble Roman, who nam, to breed. Lucrinus, a lake of Campania, so twice had the government of Africa, Lucinius, a, um ; adj. pink near Avernus, that in a tempat ihay overthreru Mithridates, grew very, Licinus, dyod. are sometimes joined; hence Lucri rich, and gave himself up to safe and + Lucino, are, to fains or glipar. nus, a, um. plesſure. Till growing mad, he was Laciola, æ; f. the borb adders-tongur. + Lucrio, onis ; m, a courtrous man; delivered to the care of his brother + Luc:por, oris ; m. the jervant of he th ar gainsibuch or by all means. Marcus. Lucius. + Lucripeta, æ; c. a jurker of gain, Luculleuw, ci; n. a kind of marble + Lücăsător, Oris į m. the father of an ufurer. forjt brought in by Lucullus. light. Lūcror, ari, po gain, get profie. + Lucu!us, i; a. a little grave. + Liciſco, čre ;-9. to shine bright. Lucrose : adv. grinfully. Lúcūmo, onism. [à Aux, lupus) Luciſcus, i ; mi he that bstb small + Licrolius, a, un, gained: a mad-Than. eyes, or jus bui l.stle in the cuening Lacrõlus, a, un ; adj. gainful, pro- + Lucus, nt st and lucunculus, i; eod' morning fitabia. m. aknt of spice cate, Luclus; the name of divers Romans LUCRUM, 1 ; n. [à luo) gain, pro- + Lucus, i; m. she morning. Lucius AntoninusCommodus, a Ro. fit, advantage, earn.ng. . Lucro Primo luco, af.d sy-break. man imperor, who had bror bunared effe or in lucro, to be reckoned as LUCUS, i, m. (46 % Hu) grow ; concubines, and as many rojs fcr bus gain. * Ponerc in lucro, 10.cluri alſo an abbey or monafery in á lun, and would be called Hercules it gain. wiod. and Dcus LUCTA, æ; f. {à Aww, folvo, vel tucus Augufti, the city Lngo in Gal, Lucius Cornelius Sylla, a conful wisb dentism, calcitrol a struggling or licia ; allo a ciry in the Dolphinates Pompeius Ruffus, A.U. 655.there jinuing, wrejiling. ramed La Luc. was a cinimuion alween bim ind + Luctabundus, a, um ; ad). given to Lucus Ferronke, a rowns in Talca. Maring about the Mithridatick war; friving ny, near the Capcates; and ano- when he was diaator he widiyran Lúctāinen. inis; n. & wreſtling, ther by sbe fer, called Petra Sanc- ny, orafcribed many, and was the Lufātio, onis; f. friving., firf Roman, that puniſhed his cine Luciālus, ùs ; m. Lūdt. orum ; m. pl. publick games, Y yy y y figbida . } ta. 1 > 1 moon. the misn. 1 1 m'on. LU: G LUN L UP hghes. pagsanis. ' * Faccre ludos, **urn fer Luna vicefima, the tum- to fet cul plajs. + Lugęíčo, ēre. to begin to mourn. s flash day after-new moon. Lufiz, ifi A xenon-player, Lugcuin rr Lugca, a lake of the Ja Luna Mons, a promontory of Porta- * Ludibilis. c, ept It play. podçs valid Z'richnitz, gal called Punta de Luna; a norber + Ludibriofus, a, am; ridiculous, re-Lugi or Logl, the people ar Sirathna. in Æthiopia, out of which, Ptole- porogcbfu! so vesn sp Scodaad. my fay, Nilus riſes. Lūdibrium,.i; n. mockery, a laugh. Lugidunum, the city Glogan in Ger- Lunarla.æ; f. torch berb, wool-blade. inz fick. In ludibrium referva many * Lunaria minor, mian wort. vit, he kept hin mo maks. ſpore with. Lugionum, 1 city of Lower Pannonia. Lunaris, ej adja of the moon, montb. Ludibria faunorum. n ght marti. Luyodunun, Leydon in Holland. ly. . Debere ludibrium ventos, tate Ligubritèr , adv. mournfully. Lūnācicus, a, um ; 'adl. lunatick, tofled to and again with the wind, Lūgubr:9, c; adl. raournful, lament Hid or nad at certain times of shi to be Sport for iba wnds, Ludi ab.6. * Lugubria, mournful appe- 779on. brio effe, to be an objek of daripon, rel. Lugubris ornatus, mourn. Lūnātlo, onis ; t. . bending like an La be laughed at. ing. bulf moon; alſo the masn's change, Ludibundus, a, um , adj. playing,+ Luzbro, are, to make mournful. Lūnātus, a, um ; add. like an ball Sporting + Lügobrgi, i; n. a lamenta. } Lüdic-er, ra, rom ; ? adj. in or full + Luguura, æ ; f. mun, borned, cruked. tion. + Lunchus, i, m. a ſperr. iLudicrous, a, um; of Sport, szeri- + L 111!0, on s'; f. ine paying of a Luneburgum, a famous city of Saxo. ery or jeding. Ars ludicra, the ranfio. ny. -art of a&ting plays. *ln ludicrum Luiturus, a, um ; part. fut. in rus, Lūno, are; all. to make crocked like proverbü kercerc, to become a by of luo ; like to pay or stor. word or froff + Lulligo, :08; fi acutile fub. Lūnůla, ce; f. a. litle or belf moon, Ludicre, ady. Sportingly. Luma, æ; f là duyen, lues, vel au e ring Lūdicr-is, e; aiv: in jo er trockery, ut, purgamentum) a sborn.grow. + Lunulatus, a, um, adj. like an half ; Ludicrum, ; n. plus, paline. ing in most places * Ludificãcilis, e, to be worked, Lumarius, a.un;211. of ſuch a thorns. It Lunus, i; m. a kind of girdle for. raking Sport, Lumbāgo; ir..s ; f. là lumbus) a feruants. Ludificatio, onis ; f. a mocking, dr. diffenpor or we kness of the loni, LUO, 1, čre; act. [auw), to pay, Jatil. ceiving + Luobāre, is; . a girding or gar ly, fuffer puniſhment, : purge, wah + Ludificator, oris ; m. a mocker. mane on.ut the leins. away, puy a ranſem. Luece pe- Lūdificātus, a, um, part.of. lud fi + Lumbifractus, a,..om; adj. having nas, to be purified, . Lucre le, cor, marked sr risking. 10 fra hovels, pay his ranſom. + Lūoificāļus, ùs ; mi moskoy. Lumbifraguin, 'it; n. a breking of Lucre capire, io jufer death. Ludificor. arı; dep. 't deceive, mesk, she loins. # Lumbifragium aufe Luvr, i; paff. 10. be attoned or jerr Luz ficari locationem, 19 108, sill go way wish your aud, Accrbum cft parentum make a burgrin yoid. limnos brolen. ſcelera fillorum pænis lui, it is a Lūtīmäg ft-cr, ri; ma ſibol.mafier. +Lumba, õn's ; monta girdle or ·bard copy that the h ldren mul ſuf- Lūdio, onis ,. m. * puppet.miuje, Liubator:un, i qevering fer for ihe ſins of beir parents, Ludios, y no me players for shelons, Lipa. æ; t. the same as. Arca Lag- + Lud x; i'is'; f. al.ght garment Lurabrirõlus. 2, um; full of worms. rentia, the wife of Fauſtolus, who ujed my wrifleri. LUMBRICUS, 1; M. (Hing, vel brougbi up Romu:us and Reilus. LO-DO, fi, fum, dere ; neut. [ab glumbusliun erth or belly-worm. * Lupa, æ ; 'fire s-wolf, a common Heb.luts, i!!udere) to play, Sport, Lumbricorum fenen, warm fud. burlos. derive, dolude, danrs, fing, writo Lumbúlns,!; m, a little lien. Lupanar, äris; n.. the common ver'n, lose. Ladere iu nune-LOMBUS, i, m. (à lubet, vel à lo Lupanarium, il; A. 3. Dows's ulję fumto dance the meaſures. #Lu. bis (renumi] sbe loin, funk, biun!h. an barlot. derc in catenas, to make as if br| Lūmęda, örun ; n. moißt places full Lápānāris, c; adj. of. tbe pows, wari iba net. * Ldere operam, of thorns. Lūpārius,' iii . he ibas hunts to lose one's labour. Ludere ver. Lūpen, inis ; n. (à luzeo) light, a Wolves; alſo a difemper is the fu, to write verfus, or any thing in duy. lamp, ajlar, sje, window, ex jaws. ..verfe. pofition, gliry, , beauty, firs, life, to Lupatum, i; a. à lupus) a larg Ludovicus, i; m. an omnyor of Suffundit lumina rorc, lao waps. Luparus i, m. s. bit of a bridle. Rome, A. D. 815. and ſeveral osher Ad lumina, by carsh or candle. Lūpacus, a, um, adj. bridled with min, lighi. Chlamydes veri, luminis, a purp bit, reserp like a wolf's D. Ludovicos, a, king of Erance, robe cleaks of a true purple dye. * Ora Youth. redurid ibs nobles robelling again tionis lumina, Arong tinar. + Ci: Lupercal, a place on the Palatino vitatis lumina, the principle mon of mount, conforasid to Pan.. Lūdólas, i.; m, a little pretty play. a city. Lüpercālia, jurn; n. fraj's of Pan Lūdus, i ; m. [à ludo, vel à Lydis) Lumioare, is; n. a ligh! or bright. upon the fifteenth of February a play or .goms, a place of exerrift; ref. + Tot laminaribus cxtin- Luperci, õrum im. the prices of Pan, eljo rrafs, derrit, a lang, merriment, t's, fo many gallant men bring de whp pon wo ond down nakady and Sport.. Ludus literarius, a gr471 realed. with a gout's skin flruck the women, mar.fiborl. * Ludog reddere, roft. Lúminario, õnis ; f. a lightening. so cauſe fruitfulneſs and raly deli play upon:1718. Aperire ludum, + Luminācus, a, um, enligbimed. verance to ſet up redcbing jebool. * Utlu + Lümincus; a, um ; id). ef light. Lapfurdumi, the cty. Leipfick in Ger- dos facit ! what ſport he makes? | Lūmino, are; act. to enligbirn, dya many. bow pleaſait be is! purp'e.jow on purple gurds. Lupias, Lapia, or, Luppia, sbi river + Luccŭla, z; f. a little in ration. Lūininoſus, a, um, adj. Muil of lighr, Lyppe in Germany + Lucla, æ; f. A puniſhment. Soining Lupicinus,.i; m. iba.callegue of Jo- Luendus, a, uu ; part. to be puniſhed. Luna o Lunna, the city Clagny-jin vinus, U C. 12:0. wbın at Con- Lucnunun, Powiſland in Wales. Gá}ia Lugdunenſis: Itantinople: the band killed many LUES, 18 ;f: (avienlabe pelilence or | Luna a town in. Tuſcany. full. men, and wool come down mixed ; murrain. *Lues deifica' or ficra, white martla guarries ; here they tuith rain among the: Atrebates in tha selling fickness. • Lues vene medo cheer more fumoris for bigne: France. rea, the French pox 1b37 goodneſs, as weighing forcima: - Lup!us, i; m .. a little wolf, or Lugdanum, Lyons in France, the a thiufund pounds. frepine ; ullo a kind of soin:' chief city of Gall a Celtica, from LOVA, f. lostýrn, Hob. qva Lypinari, orun; mi fellers, of 14- whicb it is cuilid Liidunenſis. 7b, vel à Auxxe, lucernal the pines uni Lugdunum.Batavorum, the city and moon, or any thing, ike it. * Dics + Lapinetum, a. plass.wbere lupines on erity of Leyden in Holland. luna, Monday * Luna di ridiáta, grow... + Luendus, a, um, so be bewiled. the hi!! 7:59. wt pope" guirler. * Lupinym, s.n.? (à Aveni, triftilla, LO-GEO, xi, &im, gere; neil Luns gib of the quarter. , Lucious, a mi vel ab. Heb.pol, 'Connubauà finojo lavisné, orwail, Silenic lucê, as she ib.nge of the fabaj a kind of pun, lupink,;.al.ca } bim. f Cound 1 : L U S L UT L Y C counterfeit coin made of lupines, Luftrichs, 1, um ; adj. for purif.ca. , LŪTUM, i ; n. (à 149. 1. c. I..Vos uled at play. . Ignorat qu d df- tion. Listricus dies, the oay on vet à AFUMS: a bus ]-dyers wiid , Aene-æra lupin's, 'he knozus nos a which the infunts were purified and ü'fo pule ya low. hawk from a bind.faw. their names given ibain, and on I Lulus, a, um, waſtod. Löp nus, a, ain; ady: of a woolf. whi b Lucrifice was offered upor LUX, ūcis; f. Lant' 'Auxo] 'light, + Lupor, ari ; dep. to karp or bauns thoir tobalf; with us she day af d.); brighinifs, an nje. tine, Lora jews. baptiſm grovt renown, ornamenk. 'Lux Lupůla, z"; f. a litt t she.wuf. + Luftrificus, a, um ; adl. purifying. mea, ny foot hesit." In lucem Lupulatig, a, um , adj. hiving hops Lutro, are; act (à lutsum; tom Dibere, so drink till dayligh.. Potas lupulatas, bier. paſs storia Jurvey, view. purgeg Cam pr'ınå luc: brak day. Lūpů'us, 1; n. bop.. mufer, go in prorelion, to enligb:sn. * Loces, the fiars. Anymoslu- Lúpus, i; m, (kuxna wolf, a Luftrare animo, is coff ubout and cis co.tempior, person s:t cuires starp bit ar ſon fils, a book to draw confider, . Luſtrare voftigia, So not to live. '* Æn va lux,che junts thngs up; a kind of fpider and lifb, trajl er trace • Luſsare laaspadc, metiere, a conjlolturioni, a hand jaw, a hop. to give light on all ſides, Luxit:o, Jais ; t. a putting out of • Lupus in fabulâ, ihe devil is † Luiro, on's ; m. a hiunter of liecos. joint. nova'.:rer thm when bs 11 talked Liftror, ar! ; dep. to b.senepows. • Luxalus, a, um ; part. o:ct of joint. : Ubi fuifti.ubi luitratus ? ubi bi.' Lixia, a river in Spain. Lupus, rhr 7.1979 of everal men. bittı ; whotra have you been wboring LUXO, arc ; acł. Lufito put out of + Lura, æ; f. the mouth of a fork or ani folling? joint. bussla, Luftror, ai, alus fum ; to be expias. Luxor, ari ; dep. to riot, reorl. Lurco, are, so eat greedily. ed, purjied, chaaned, or purgatoj. L:1x1rią a ; il.luxury, reperfluity, Lurco, onis ; m. la lura] a glutión, facrifice : Luxur!cs, el is 6x!efs (in dier or billy ged. LÚSTRUM, 1; n. (ahva, jordes, cliaths) * Luxur'es arborum,. tbs. + Lurconicus, a, un'; adl.glustondus. & AjTpov, redemptionis pretium) lasindi of 170's. * Segetig luxu- † Lurconinus, a, um, adi inſatiable. A Cave orders of wilt belts, the rles, ihe rankneis of con. + Loria honey and vinsger mixed. am non pews, : publick ſucrifice for Laxurialus, a, um, part. of luxurior; Lūridus, a, um'; adi pa!r, black and expisaon on.. in five youis ; alſo the hiving been exuifivi. blue. * Luridos fól, the Jun fin. fosue of five years. Luxur:or, art; dep. to be winlon,. ing waterijhly. Lulus, a, um, part. of ludot ;play. and given to riot i exocd, 'pring, Luror, oris ; m. [àlorum, vel lura] ed, mockid, grow rank. palenes. Laias, ús; -m. play or Sport,' * Lüxur:cse; adv. luxurionjlj, oxus- Lotatia, x; f. part of Saxony. Troiæ lurus, tournaments, Sivily. Liſca, æ ; f. foe wat hus but one eye. Lūtāmentum. i ; n. loans, mud will. Luxuriofus. a, um ; ad). luxurious, Sur luſcus. Lătārius, a, um, ad), living in clay. 6X:live, sumptuous in fore. und LUSCINIA, æ; f. (à lux'vel lucus] Lutāros, a, um, doubled with clay. clorhing, over-tunk. Luxurioſa nightingalo. Lutz, æ,ibe bórb carncola or Hydi. v tis.' a vine running too much 10 Lulcinlola, æ ; f. a little nightingale muachium. wood. Luſcinus, i ; a. be that bas but oni Lútenfis,e ;,adf. nouriſhed with mild, Luxus, a, um ; adj. (à luxo, vel à se, one that is din fighted. muddy living in the med. Juo, luxum] out of joint + Luſs.o, onis ; f.dinnals of fighie: Lotep', ; f. dear's ward or pillow Luxis, Is ; M. cxiu, riot allo * Luſclóla, Rif. the same as upupa. werd; alſo an din or yeliow hamuiner. Pallipg cut of joint: Luſciofus, a, um, adj. pur. Lătcolus, a, um , adj yaliowiſh. Lufcitlofus, š blind Luter, erls ; ma cup wherein they L ante Y. Luſcitio, õnis ; f. a being pw-blind. mixed wine with water. + Lufcitas, and luſcofus, a, um,pur. Lütefco, ērc, to grow lase. Lyzus, 1 ; m. a furname of Bicchus. Wind. Luietia Parilorom, the site Paris in Liębsolybis į m. the south wel wind; LUSCUS, a, um, diá@] berhat ha's France. See 1 bs. out one eye, a olink.ord. Lurge'anus, a, um ; adi, of or from Lybum, e city of Cæ'oſyria, between Lū1:0, onis ; f. a playing. the city Paris. Damaſcus and Liod cea. Luftania, Porcugal, formerly a pro. Luteam, eli n. the yolk of an ege; Lycabclus, 1, m. a mountain of At- vince of Spain. alſo woad. tica, near Athens. Lūsito, áre; Cà ludo] 1 play about Lúceus, a, um ; adl. (à lucuoi) mado! Lycæa, & ito a city of Arcadia. or Quib. of clay or morfar, carthen, unie, Lycæa, orum ; pl. n. fofs in honour Lulo, ör's ; m. a player, der giver, Luteus homo, á forry follow. of Pan. • Luror zmorua, a love pest. Lifcus pan's, black couría cread. Lycæus, i ; m. a moiniain of Ara Līsārtum, ii ; n. a playing.plıcı, a Lūteus, a, um ; adj. (à luteum i ypl. cada, sinjaried to Júpiter und *Deatri: low like the yolk of CM 488. Pali. Lusörlus, 2, um ; adj. belonging to tea herba, dyers werd. + Lutca L; cæus,ſurname of Pan and Apollo play, merry, deluforyLurorize viola, winter gilliflower Lycam bes, she jailer of Neobulo, naves, plafure boobs. * Armalu. lt Luteus, ei ; m. ibe yellow ham. when he hid epouſed 10 feel forla, blans weapons for extriife. t Lutca, æ; f. Archilacus ; hul refujing '10 SIVE * Luſoria tolmina, hermitſs lighien. Lt, people of Germany. her, he zoroso fuh bitser verii .. ing Lärilo, are ; act. to pollute, begrime, giving him, hat /07bin und h's Lufti, a city of Arcadia. Luio, art, sa cover over with mud, dilup her to hang themselves; han:. Luſſionicum,ihe city Pax in the Lower Joil, budawb. Ly Cumhens, a, um, Pannonia. Luro, arc, (à luo] to pay or suffer Lycanthropia, z; f. melanchols,fren. + Luſtrāgo, la!s ; f. fal or biļi' ver . often Xy, wwwling a man to think him felt vain. + Lútor, òris ; m. & bescher of # wolf, and avoid she ceinpany u. Luftrālis, e: adj. purifying. * Aqua cloths, Joitralis, baly: water. Lūtose; adv. dirtily, muddily. Lycanthropus, l';.m. eric treble Luftrâmer, ints ; n. 14 purificatim; Lúliuo, a, um ; adj. Jull of clay, wish this frensdy , indo forsker: Luftramentum, i;.d.) alſo rios. miry. wing to worry bunun crcatures, Luftrātio, onis ; f. a purging by fa- LUTRA, 2 ; f (à lavo] an offer. Lycaon, a king of Arcadin. birne: crifics, a procesſion; alfa Candelaars- + Luculente ; adx filhily. into a wolf by Jupiter, whim hap: day * Lücŭlentia æ; f. filshinaſı. tartained with man's Reb Loftrātor, Oris ;. m. he that gors in Lúcŭlentus, a, un ; adj. dirty, miry, Lycaon 0s, a, um ; adj. of Lycais proceffion, a párger by facrif'e. filthy. Lycaoniü corpiry of Atia thé Lils Liftratus, a, um'; part. of loftror ; Lululo, arc, to dirty, oodawb. whoſe metropa:is is Iconium; purged, viewed, gone about. LÚTUM 1; a [AŪur, fordcs]siri, a city of Phrygiag and fometimes :: Loftria, ium ; pl. n. falivals of Vul clöy, 's.on; 31/0 a dirty fellow. Arcadia Lulum afferatun, morlar. * In Lycones, the people of Lycaonia. + Luſtria, orun, the holy - water lulo hærere to lick fajl in the mud, Lycas, Wolf, a dog's nime Sprinkles, so bo'bamperod (in an offair,:) Lýcarte, the daughter of Priamu: Y yyyy 2 w01;F 7 cagi }ar 1 1 L Y C L Y M L YS Dife to Polydamas ; alfo a famous wuo who repulſed the Æthiopians Lymphītio, önis; f. barlot of Sicily, called Vcous, of invading Egypt Lymphārus, es ; m. ting whoin Butes begat Eryx. Lycopodium, it; Ą. a kind of moss Lymphātus, a.uin; part. of lymphor, Lycaftos, o city of Crete, so called of bulled wolf.claw. intoxicand, beſide one's felf. shu nyoph Lycafte. Lycopfis, id; f. grest garden-64- Lympho, are; act. to intoxicate w Lycaftum, city of Cappadocia, now glaſs. make med, Docaiteila Lycoris or Lytheris, the freed wiman Lymphor, ari; past. to be difurbed by Lyces, a river of Scythla. of the fenatur Volumnius, beloved reaſon of apparit.ons. Lycēum, a fibool near Athens whe's er Cornelius Ga'lus, but followed. + Lymphor, õris; m. water, Ariſtotle taught; and another of Antonius to ibe wars. Lymphorata, æf. a town about Circro, at his mansur of Tulculum. Lịcormas, a river, or Ætolla, having Gedrofia. Lychnidas, e city of Illyrla. yellow lands, called afterwards E. Lyncze, a city of Macedonia. Lychnis. idis ; f. the herb. campions, venus, and now Phldari. Lynceitæ, the seople of Lynccft's. Lychnis coronaria tr fat va, Lycos, the leall kind of Spider. Lynceitis, a country of Macedon'a. nofterumpions. Lychnis ſylves Lycoftaphylos, waser-elder, Lyncestius, a river of Macedonia, Iris, calves-four, Lychnis Cbal. Lycofthenc, a city of Lydin. whole watør makes min drunk. cedon.ca; roje-royal, nonſu h. Lycoſura, a city v Arcadia. Lynceus, a, um , adj. Of or like a Lychnires,'is's m. a kind of white Lycozea, o sity of Thrace, lynx, sharp-fighed Lynceis o- marble, i alja a red jewel fixing, Ly&us, a fimous city of Crete, called culis contemplars, so dosle througlo wry nnchiy randle light Paleocaftro. and through. Lychnites, a ren in Armenia Mijor, Ly&lus, a; um; adj, of Lycus. Lynccue, ine beni lynx ;'alid one calend Exiè:ha. Lycurgeus, a, um, adj. of Lycurgus. but is foarp-highud. Lychnitis, itidis; f. varvain, Lycurgus, king of Sparta, 'who bao Lynceus, i ; mi the.on of Aphare- Lychnioni, it; n. a candlestick. ving mods inany good laws, robgned tus, an Argonaut, so quick fighted Lychnobius, il; m, a nighe-walker the crown ta bis nephew, and killed that ine is said to ſee the new moon or worker. bimbelf: Alja a king of Thrace, at ber change, les, through pons Lychnocala, Condiemaſs.day. who yoosed up the vines to keep his walls, &c. allo ihe ſame as Linus Lychnopæus, m. a wax shandler or people foder ; henc Lycurgides, the shim of Ægyptus, spared by his sercb-naker. jon of Lycurgu:. wife Hypermnelira, when the rest Lychnuchus, i; n. a candleſtick or Lycus, a 'king of Baotia, who mar of her pijlers killed their busbands. lion't, a lungern, terih beurer, a riet Antiopc, and put her away Lyncurium, li'; n. a bright jione este lirikm411. when gorson with child by Jupiter gender'd of the lynx's urine. LYCHNUS, i, m. (Aurros! < litik in the form of w fatyr ; aljs a king Lyncus, arily of Epirus. of lump. * Lychnus ligneous,' a of Libya, who was wont 10 facrifice Lyncus, lynceas, or lynx, a moj zoodm lantern, bis.grijir; al.o a Tficban ixila cruel king of Scythia, who who Lycia, a sounig of Afia the Leſs, be. wbi, while Hercules wis gone to Triptolemus wisiant from Ceres turin Pamphlia and Caria, so 'hell, took ocafion to fiay Creon, to teach him husbandry, zuent to kill" called from Lycus the ſon of Pan and misy upen iba k ngdom; but as him in his fiery, but was turned by dion. he was about to raviſh Megara, Cercs into the braf lynx. Lycias, the river Lech in Rhætia. :: Hercules's unifo, he reluined in LYNX, ncis ; m. ir f. (nung) the Lycidas, one of ibs Centaurs plain by that infant and few hm; olje a Jynx, a Spotted and parp-nighted the Lapitha; also a sbepherd in companion of Encas. and a ſon of , broj like a deer. Virgil, Priamus, and one of the Centaurs ; Lynx, a city of Libya. Lycimnia, a mifres of Horace. a famous phyprian of Naples, and á LYRA. æ; f. (aupa) a barp; alſo Lyciſca, æ; fa mongrel bred be toy telovad of Alceus ; aljo a rigsr :onfiel! alion; and the fil cornuta. Lyciſcus, i; m. } Iwan a wolf and in Allyria, Aſia, Germany, Mace * Lyra, flim-Aum. a dog donia, and shar plass. Lyrcz, w posple of Scythia. Lycium, il; n. box thorn, or a decos. Lidda, a city of Paleſtinc, called also Lyrcæus, a maruntain of Arcadla, rion of it. Dioſpolis, and now Rama. where the city Lycæa was ; alſo a Lycius, a, um 3. adj. of Lycia, Lyde, the wife of the port Aneima. fountain, Lycius, a name of Apollo. chus ; alſo be clogy be made of her Lyrcelus, a, um , adj. of Lyrcæus. Lycoa, a city of Arcadła, where Diana death. Lyrcia, a city of Peleponnerus, culled har a temple, and from thence is Lydia, æ; f. & country in Afia the before Lyncas. called Lycoinitis. Leis, inade famous by king Crafus' Lyrica, dium; n. lyric derfos, or fangs Lycodonon, i ; 'n wolf-bane. and the river Pactolus ; alfo a wa to the barp. Lycopiedes, a king of the island Scy can's name. Lyricen, inis: m. me thar plass upon rua, omong while daughters Ach!). | Lydius, a river of Macedonia called sbs bure; a horper. les livä' in' wonm's epparel, to Caftoro, Lyricia, i f.a worrian har. keep bimpoif from she Trojan wars; Lydius lap's, a touch fone. Lyricina, æ ; pri. alſo the fon of Creon. Lydius modus, doleful mufick. Lyricus, a, um, adj. lyrisk, belonging Lycomcdig,' a lake in Africa, called Ljdus, the son of Hercules dy lole ; 80 the harp. Linxano. alſo the fol of Atys king of Mæonia, Lyriftes, Lycon, a city of Egypt and Portugal. who juiceeded bis father in that Lyrifta, a Lyconiafendis, be. wrote the life of kingdom, and called it Lydia. Lyrnatiа, a small country of Lycia. Pythagoras : aljo s periparerick th:- Lygamatæ, & people of Libya Inte- Lyrncflus, 'a city of Troas wajied by Toſopher, called Giycon for his alo. 110x. 1. ' Achilles, quency and others. Lygdamas, a famous wreßler of' Sy- Lyſa, a city of Arabla Petræa. Lycene, és ; f. « city of Thorce, and raculs, and a name wblıb Tibullus Lyfander, ri;.m. 1 valiant general & mountain of Peloponnclus a. gives himself. of the Lacedæmonians, who bons borinding in. cypreſs-reis. Lygdinas, a kind of pone fit for boxes the Athenians; be is reported to have ! Lycophos, the firſt appearing of day. to keep sintoiant in, diftring bus lis. Hind this say ng, When the livie's skin; lig bl. ile from alwballer, will nºt prevail,. Ons mun pus on Lycophron, atis; m. a port of Chal. Lygius, e rivir of Thrace. Ibe fox's tul. cis, one of the foum called Plcia. Lylæus, a river of Bithyn.a. Lyfacias, a Grecian orator, and other des, the other fix being Theocr - Lýle, scing of Arcadia. tus, Aratus; Nicander, Apollonóus, Lyleus, a, um ; of Lyle. Lyſiades, the son of the phiro ophies Philicus, and Honerus Junior ; Lytax, a river of Arcadia. Phædrus. be worsie a very opfiuro por or called Lymira, a city and river of Lycia. Lyſias, an excellent orator of Syra- Alexandria; alfitbe son of Perin- LYMPHA, æ; f. ruuan) warør. cule. thas ting of Corinth, who plow bis Lymphaticus, a, um, adj. mid; Lyfias, a ells of Arcadia, called Crega, molbar. allo mixed with water. Lym anner in Caria, and other places. Lycopthalmus, tim, a precious fone phatici nyomi, money shat burns | Lyridice, Čs;. the doubser of Pclops of four divor's colouri. one's parkas. * Lymph cicus pavor, and H:prodania, the mo:hov o Alc- Lycopolis, a city of Egypt, from the A jirange fright, nena, and grandmotheroj Hercules. } mez. Liyal 3 van ·lexander wat kinys, being called Machir:ātus, a, um ; part. of machi. M AC MAC MAC h. Lyfimachia. æ;-F. a city of Cherſone of Cous. Machæropæus, ; and machäropol fus Thracia, estled Hexa Illi, ond Mácaria, æ;f. the di.urbier of Her. la, æ; mſword-ruller, another in Ætolia, built by Lyri cules/ who far faced berulf 10.0p. Macharopolium, id; B. a sword. machus. palu the wrath of the gods alſo a *l*; ihop. Lyfimachia, æ jf. the herb loode city of Cyprus, and the wh.le iſt ind, Machageni, a people of Scythia. Lyimachium, i ; D. ::.. *Ly olja a fountain of Arcadia, und un Machaon, the son of Eſculapius and fimahir ga'er/culata, wallow-berb. jiland in the Arabian gulf. Arfinoë, 'who want to: tbd Trojan Lyfimachu:, :; m, one of Alexan- Macar mus.: ; 10. bippines; el. wars, and was flain. der's men s brown on a lion, whibli fo ex hymn so the honour of the Mackaon'us, a, uta: ad. of Machaon. he killed by pulling out his tonguri. Suinis. Machara, a city of Sicily. and wis ofterwards made king of Macarlug, ; m. a biliop of Jerufa- Machela, Mechlin in Brabant. Thrace; wilo a fiboal-maller of A. iem. A. D. 316; allo a mirtyr of Mcheloncs, & people. About Pontos. Jexander, and on bijorinn of A Alexandria, under Declus. # Machia, 2;. f. a fray, combat. lexandria. Macaturaz. a people of Pentapolia in + Machii, the robe of sbe spbed, Lyamachus, 1 ; m. ajone like Rho Africa MĀCHINA, æ; f. (unxar,) an in- 'dian marble wirb veins of gold, Miccl a people of Libya laterior, giria, in rumeni, dacrilg. craft.. Lyfimella, æ ; f. a lake in Sicily, Mecco, a city, in India Omnes whitere machinas, 10 wft elled Pantanella. Maccocalingi. a pe fle of India. all mems to do thing, Lyfiogë, a city of Alta about Pam- Maccuræ, geople of Mauritania Machīnālls. e ; ad). belonging to pbyisa. Cæfarienfis. giner, . • Menſor machinarius, A LyGppe, es; f. me of the daughters Mascua, nfsol. furveyor. of Proteus, who preferring -ibem- Macc, « city of Gallia Celtica: Macbinārius, ji ;. an cæginett, a worker of engines. følves before Juno, run mad, and Macednon, a small country in the mountain Pindas,. Macbipātió, önis , Lylppus , 1; m. a famous flauary Macédo, onis ; m. ske som of. Ostia, cttle wording, invention, contri o! Sicyoo ;'allo a comical poct. from whom fome Jay Macedonia Lyfis, a certain philofopher, robo faid had ist name. Mãchinator, oris , m. an inventar that God was an indiable number. Macedonia, a; f. a large country in of myints or deceits, . plofter, con Lyfis, a river in Alia about Pam. Europe, of which Philip and A. srivir. phylia. Lyfis, is, er-lygos; f. 'a loojening, defue Ænonia, Emathia, Edonja; nor, inventing Hinumid Solarion, gaping. Mygdonia, Peonia, and Pieria. Macbinātus, ùs ; Q.-device. Lyfiftrate me Ariftophanes's son Macedonicus, a, um, adj. of Ma- Machinos, art; dep: acc. & dat. *** so called. Macedantus, a, um ; S:cedonia. daviſo an engine or ing mous work, to work, Machinari mortem :a. Lyfiftratus, the brotber of Lyüppus Macedonicolis, e; the fatuary, Maccdoniug. i ; m. an horetick, who licuj, to ford a man's death, Lyfius, a ſurname of Bacchus in Be afirmed she Holy Ghaft to be a Machinoſus, a, um fe adj. deviſed by otia , and other non. (78:8.1rt, and not God. raft, uningly wrought. Lyfte, és : f. fury, madneſs. M4C::\a, æ;f, a city of Sicily. + Machipúla, a; f. lisile mgina Lylos, or Lyflus, a river of Arcadia Măcellarlus, a, um of the sambles, Machiones, workmen, masents net wbib was the forub of Ælcu. Măcellarius, il; a. a virtueller. Machliala, the city Mechlin in Bra- lap'us. Macellatora nisisimia busther. bant. Lyta, æ ; n. 4 batchelor at law. + M chlis, & wild, brag in Scandi. Lyti, æ; f. a fall country w Theta + Măcello. ase; to kill a boich. davia lik ibt alk. Taly. + Macellota, 2; f. A gardm-door, Machyles, a people of Africa, Lytarmis, a promontory of the Scy + Măcelluum, í; n. a litile butchery: Machorbæ, a baden of Arabia Fællx. thian soa. Măcellum, i, n. (à Mace.Uos, vcl 21+ Machplum or macholumy: a rick or Lyteria, orum ; bl. n. Agns of the uáxFanol, locis circumicprus) the ja?k of corn. going away of a difraje. humbles, or wity place where pro- Machurves ar Machurebi, a people of Lythirambus, i; ma surname of viſion is fold. Mauritania Calarienfis, Bicchus, from his oping sakon ove Macellas, a, um, adj. [à macer] Machufi, a prople of Maericania Ca. of Jupiter's thigh. ime:uhal lesn, bare. Cariengs. + Lytra, æ ; f. an oftor. Su ibira, MĂC. EO, ērc; peut. (Heb. masas] Maci, a peep'e of ArachoGiz. Lyirua or. lytron, i ; Qua ranfor. 10 OC le.in.c. pined. + Mácianum, i, n. A fub er wilding, Lytta, æ; f. the mad worm in a Macer, y port zubo wrote of the virtues + Maclanas, i; f. a cradisrer. dop's ungue, madneſs. of herbs, and what Homer bod o- + Măciatus, a, um, mada lain, Lyus, a river of Asia Minor. missed. Macicratis, i fily of Egypt: built by Lyx-a, a city of. Acarnania, Màc-er, ra, um, [à marcco) suor, in the Athenians. Lyzyżona, æ; f. a woman thai baih Hofb, meager, lean, thin, borren, . Macidatus, a, ūm's wet, mijlmed. lain with a man. Macérâtlo, onis ; f. a reaking in Mac!dos, a city of Thrace, rolled Maicos. Măcērātus, a, um ; part. of macero ; + Măciēcūla, æ ; f. 4 little leannafs. mn de lean ; ello fcaked. Măcics, ci; f. (à macco] lannneſs, + Mácēreſco. ere; acut, to be mous bortennefs. . Offa vix (exit macies, wet and soaked. there is nothing but skin :ind bonn). Manu A. Maccrla, 2; 3. Rf. wall of pione + Mācīlentè, adv. leanly pearly, + Maceries, ei; only. a row of It Mãcilonius, a, um, adj. (à macer) M. In numeris rille notat & ab reath, lounnels, barrmueſs. ziemy, less and ibin. breviat. for Marc-s, Martius, Măcero, are ; act. to fluipe snfule, or + Macio, are, ad. 8. make laun. meus, milles, modo, molcftus, no Joak in wuirt, so oft:& ar ciniums,MACIS, idis í f. luareg) mace numcntum, mors, mulier ar cu. 10 cauſe to pins away. * Maccrare + Măciſca čre : neur. 10 gronü loan, le ramma i bim falf. Maciſtes, a city in Triphylle. Macæ, a people of Arabia Fællx. Măceſco. čre; neut. 1o grow loan. Maciun, a privinu of Ludia full of Macaulize or Macçonitæ, a people of M: cftus, a river of Myua calied dephants. Maaritania Tingilana. Megifto. Macao, city of Arabia. Macara, a, an iſland of Lycia, Machabæus,' the furname of Judas, Macodama, a ty of Africa Propria, and a city of Sicily. the alar. Son of Mactathias. now called Macros. Macarce, a city of Arcadia, from Machæra, ; i. a ſword or fal. Macoliu, Mi:C, a town in Ireland. Macarus she fun of Laconia. chini, Macra iber der 'whicb'divides Ligu- Macareus. 1; m. ibe ion of Æo!us,Machæ, ar!us, ii; m. afgbler at ria from Hatrucia i alſo ou ifland wha.goe bio fßer Canace 20;th chilis {wordt met dagger. in the Myrtoan leis, wharsupon ber father jent her - Machæriui), ii; n, a little ſword. + Macrēto end macrituda, inis ; f. Sword where with the killed herjal! ;Machærophorus, i; m, o irourds. loannes. alſo an ansine hijorian, who wiose man, ono of ibs guard. + Macr.co, IC; bo or grow lean, Macreſco, mifer. I nus. 1 : Ca. M AC MÆ0 MAG Micreloj été y neut. to pinie or falli fom, adultery. "parts of Scythia, inki' which rünnitha !! way in jiub. Madavra, a city of Africa, wbansa be river Tunais. Micri, firidí do warn Bañóna and Apuleius i; called Madaurenſis Mocotius, a, um ; adj. of Mtai!a Ravcana in the way to Roine: Madefac-lo, čre ; ad to take wet or Meotic. Macrini Jawoll ifand.by Rhodes. Meotides, a filo jaker- out of the Lake Microcs, a poeple of Corfca. Mădefa&tus 23-um ; moifmed, dermed. Mæot's. Macrinus; ia Romani aperor, A. U. Mădéfio, čri ; nout. sida muide wal. Mapa, a city of Armenia the Leſs. 969. Mūdens, ntis; part. of madco'; Wet Mæpha, ibi matripolis of Arabia Pa. Macris, fbriſland Magti in 'the Rho For molt'; alfo-tippled... lix. dian' fuar alfe name of Eubea MĂD-EO, ēre; neut (à vudác, bu. Merong, æfif, a ring of Perlia. ana Chios by reaſon of their more nimio patrefco) to be wit-or, Mælius, ilį m. the month Meya Length: toil), bi tboroughly varſed in anyi Mælus, mount Olympius in' Mỹlia. + Macik, are to rack very loan. kuring, be well boiled. • M-- Malolia, a country of ladji within Macrobii main forig.liud peple of dere Te monibus, to te filled with Ganges. Meroe in Africa. diſcourse, . Madere vino, to have Malon, sti of Megara, from the M:.ro 149"long lib'd. uhal tai thi coverb Mºtor'ca Microbitis; '*; m. be connnientes upon Madelc.c. čre ; neute to be or grow d'eteria. Scido's dream, and write the Sa- wel. Hamore piadeſcit ungula, + Mæſortium, a wsinan's vei! of tarnaliz. ihr brof grows tender with wat. tink's house. Macro:cphávat people by Boſphorus Mădidāļus, a, ami midifened, SeakMagaæ; fo a witch, Sue magus. .. with long bends. ed. Magadium, it's n. the bridge of a Macrochir «Loögimanuá, 'she hame +. Mădidiras, àtis ; f. Thoiffurry coppolin, &c. O! A-taxerxes, .. nofs. Maoë or: Magnæ, Old Radnor in Matrechina, garment with long + Mădido, are , to make wer. Wales. :fecurs, i 1:02: Mădidus a, umadj. war, mold, Magæ i, a foscritain of Sicily, called Macrocālum, i; a. dump ;-alfo.drunk. * Vertis madı. Le fontana de la Magdalena. } popor-segal . Microcola; t." da cocco, a purple garment, Mägāle, is ';. 2 Punic. magar) Microcomuskini mi longobair'd. Mădifico, are ; a&t: ko moki duit. Magolta, lum; 0.1: buts, beorts. Macrocoſmus, izm the great Madiſantes 6-nus, a part of the Per-Magarſus, the .griari hill in Cill. world Stan joa collid Golfo di Sandra. Macrologia, a fi a long difcrerje. Midori horis ; mthoifure, aimpreſso Magas, ādis"; f, the nek 87: bask of Macrones; a propli of Pontus , Macrónoſia. äjf a ling fickneſs Meduſa, ; s.. }.m.drunkardi Magdalene, "és į f. Magdalen; the + Macropiperi eris; löng peppo. # Mădălus, a, um ; pretty moiff, name of a woman. + Macropterus, i a long winga Madyrus, 4 city of Helleſpone. + Magda!co, Onts ; mis a:lingüte, de howk. Mæander the river Madre or Palaz long plaifler like a rollar. Macror, õris's on frammifs: zia wpm Phrygia, fill of twinings Magdebusgumi, a city of Saxony, Macryes, a potple-ef L'bya'. and windings calles Magdeburg or Magdeburg. Macrynia, a city of tolia. Mæander, 7;, an intricate turna' + Magde:luth, i; n. sihambr-pot. Mzdtátor, oris ; m. sa 'killer, fåser, Mændrus, ing and winding, a la: Magé, adv. more or rather. Sri magis. facrifier. birinth, Migella, d'eily of Sicily. Maaātus. a, um ;. part of maxtor : Mændr, tos; a, um ; adj. intricately Magelli, a people of Ligurie. killed, facrifid, Mactatus efto wrought or farned. Maghe, a priple of Africa. hoc facrificio. may this facrifice Mæindros,'x' city of Magneſia, and Magetrobta, Mont Bellard in France. land to the farther felling out your a mountain of India witboris Gan-, Magl, a people abou: Media. great nimé andiglogy, ges. Mağls, a fountain by Syracufe ; alſo, Maaātus, us ; m. A killing for facri. Mæxtæ, & people of Scotland. a :ity of llysia and Caronania, Mædi or Mædobithyni, a prople of Magias, &; fi Torriory, inägick, Midle, là maltus] O brave? Macte Thrace. Mágice, ês; f. 'witchiraft. virtate eſto, igion and prosper. Mæma!leria, facrifice to Jupiter for Mägicus, a, um , ad): of witcherpni. ..Mzete"amare; to love excesding- tempoſti magica, she black and. Jy. Mæmacterion, the momih Septem-Magida, æ; f. a k.nd of broad plattor + Maden, arum f. 2 dainty diſors. ber. or board. Mactca, orum ; n' Gwartwars. Mæna, 2;f, a pilobarid, Magida, a town of Patnonia or No. cuflasds, &c. sho laf courſe. Mänades, the Jame as Bacchæ; or ibi + Macticus,"1; m. one that has great worsen-prielis of Bacchus. Maginamentum, bai'n.'a divina. Charks and a wide reuth. Mæpălis, idos ; t. of the bill Méha- Macto, are ; a&. (à madus) to ſay, + Maginor, åri; to trifle, go fowly to : ki!!, facrifice advance, ovirisbelon Menalius, a, um, ad) of the hill zorky honour, throw dowon headlongi to Mænalus. Magiovinium, or Magiovintum, Dan. violate... Macarc aliqucm infor-Mænălus and Manala, õrum ;'a very fable in Bedford Chirc. tunio, to do ons & Browd tuen e high mountain of Arcadia fall of Mag's ſcum, i, n. a cook, or sraum mifthief P!nes, and dedicated to Pang: fo imtag tibiini. Maso:iom; a city of Sicily, called called from Mænalus, the son of Magriscus, ici ; a little cook. Mazarino. Lycaon ; alſo a city of Aréada. Magirus, i; ma cook. MACTRA, é; f. (máxtpx]c knead. Mänatia, a Balcarick iſland, and Magis, idis ; f. ä Imråding trough, a ing troughs...? onosher by CorGca. pluse, and a round tables Ma&us, a, um ; adj:[qat magis au: Mänius, i, m. a Roman simul; also MAGIS, adv. (à užmonis, magnus] Aus] auginanted, more increased * pictous Stendthrift, wobo Jelling his more ratber. * Ut nunquam ma- and ml::rged: houtefeferund only ä balcony to de gis, os murh as eder. Magis MACÓLA, æ; 't Euràs, vel ab bold..bi stund plays, which wol Dagiſque, magla ac mag's, stora Heb macbuh, 'delevit) alpos, re bareford called Menang. and more. prouch, blemiſh, **. Small nook, the Mænomenon, 1; n. a kind of hmig + Magiftellus, '; m. lice's forry affer. mozfo of a net * Inurere ætern26 making then mad, Magiftci, rim fà mägis; vel maculas alicut, id diſgrace ore tier. Mænomona, mountains of Sardinia, Dagnus). a major, a wacher; a Mienulius, à fumains of Bicchus: governor, one ordered by the prefer Máctſātio, önls; f. a basqalting, de Mænuæ, arum ; Sprats. to fill the debtor's goods. • Ma. filing Mäeonja, ; f. A country of Agia Bifter dicendi, an orasor. Mu- Măcülātus, a, um, part. of maculor Minor, called afterwards Lydia. gider pecoris, a herifiran. Ma. Spallede blemiſhed, Mºone, tbi Mar: gifter populi, a dianır, Ma- Máculo, are ; a&t. 10 Spot, Bain, dr. Meon!oes, Homer so ca'led, gliter equitụn, à ferjeant majer file, aljo to wound. Morill, o propio of. Tuſcany. of the borte. #Magiſter militum, Măcu:@rus, h, um'; ed), full of pors; Mæotæ. the inhabriants of Mæotis. á ligutenant - general. ' Ma. Hained, freáldo Nefas 'maculo. Mæotis, idis; fi a like in this noith gifter arizorum, a corporal or driller. 1 fit. + FICUM. .: f10n. jus. 1> rally. Iwo; i Th ro. tium. M AĞ MAG M“A :) driller Magifter pay: or vigi, 2 , Magneſus, 2, am j'adj. of Mig. a great heart. Magna lingua .conducie, heavoarougio. Migitter | Magacflus, ncfia. proud larguage. Magnum 'masa ludi, s khulmajier. * Muğlter Magnetarchos, is; m, chil ma- a tevpofluous day (Catull. 23: 123 naris,.a pilor. girole of the Ath-nläng. * Magou'n fecit, bi did a gui + Magiftercula, æ; to a little mit: Magnetes, the jople of Magnefia. matter. * In magno negotio ha- Magnetem mala, great coils. bu't, he-thiugbt-ibi a-great rautfer. ť magifterculus, ;mi a little forry Magneticus, a, um ; belonging to the Magnâ ex pzrie, in grens mes: maper. load-lone, attra&iue, • Index mag sure. Magni-effe; to be bigh Magiſteriam,th; ņ, mallorbip ; al for neticus, the mariner's conpais. oilued. Magno vendere, te fall dear. a myßery or trade ; 4 erins iriums | Migacus, a Ame called cut fluer. # Magna urbis, Rome, so ed in phyfick as a pluiſer. Ma: Magniana, the city. Zike in Hungaria. called by the Romans. • Magna g ſerium equitum, a body of eight Magnidicus. i, m, grist bragger, dea, or magna mater, Cybelc, kao- troops of borjo, or fior hundred and Magnifác-lo, čre ; so sicer highly ther of gads. Mapnificatio, onis ; f. a magnifying. Magnus porcus, Porto Seren, in ibu Magiſtos, a city of Ells in Pelopon: + Maznitizātus,a um.; part of mag Atlantick, des j alfo 'Portſmouth in nelus, nificor ; magnified, Hantſhire. Magiftris æ; f. a-mijirefl, groernels. Magnificè, lùs, iffimè ; adv. noblyMago, the name of divers Carrhagi- + Magiſtrals, e; ad). of a mifter, funpluouſly, uselily. * Magnifice n:ans, v!z. ihe father a Aſdrubal Maglitrationcs p.iblicæ, publick fohools. aliqucm accipere, 'to be peaks min und Hannibal, who apped tbs Ro Magiftratus, as ; m a mag'firati, a in most reſpectful language. mans with one hundred and twenty auf officer ; alſo the office, auth M galficentia, æ; f. 1gnificence, joips in ihe Tarentine war ; anto rity, government. ► Mg!Aratus jatrinnels, nobleneſs, loftine!s. ther was the brother of Hannibal ; mafor furamus, a conful. Magnificentia verborum, quiety of ansiber was taken by Scipio, ani: + Magiſtrlanus. i ; m. a muller or words in a diſcourſe or spunch. fant 10 Rome; another Migo, wham Magiſterianus; i ; ş agent in a du. Magnificentior, ius ; adj. compar. Columella.calls Ruficationis pa. Aineſs. of mago:ficus ; more noble, &c. rentem, wrote twenty-eight books, Magiftro, sre'; } torult, govern, Magnifico, are ; a&, 10 magnify, tx. which were tranſlated into Latin by Magiftror, aris teach. Col praiſa. order of the finale, Magitz, a propie of Arabia Fet-x. Mignificus, a, um , adj. magnificent, Magön, a river of India, falling into Maglani, Maclenith in Montgomery - doing great acts; noble, fiataly, fump. Ganges. suous. "Magnifica verba, big words, Magontiacum į the city. Meatz in Maglona, or Maglova, the fame as a hufang Germany, whore printing is ſaid to Maglana. Magni:oquentia; ; f.' a speaking de fill found out the archbiſhop of Magma, štis ; ni. a wash-bali,pomen in a bigh Hyle. this city is the prip of the listing in der, &c. alio !he dregs of oinimene. + Magniloquium, Il ; 8. A lofly Sprach, the empire. # Magaatarlus, il; mis maker of of of great matters. Miguda, a city of Meſopotam!a. wifo-ballen Magniloquus, a, um ; Spraking loftily Magudaris, is ; f. she herb laterpi- † Migmentaria vala, the et putrlily; a hrdor, bojler. whomut.the bowels of teuflo wore Mignlpendo, čre ; to let much by. MAGUS i; m. [názor) on mchana brought to sh: altar. Mgnitudo, inis ; f. greatness, bigrefs, für, wixird, a wigo counſellor. in Migna, an island of Lybia. huigbi. magnitudo animi, un the Perhian arapirs, t Magņai, for magna daunted courage. Magus, o king of the Celtæ, of whom Magno, . Maznala, ium; h. Là mágous]grert Magnün, } Magno imputari, 10. Magufa, a city of Æthlopia. und wonderful things. of fat at a b gh price. Maguftano, a city of Armenia Major, + Magnamen, inis ; no courageousness. Magáõpēte, adv. [of magno and Magydaris, is; f. the bord lass-work. Magna iimus, a, um ; ad). pous, cou. operė) greatly, carnefly. * Non + Mahalab, wild rock, berrits of 44- rages, viliane. magnopere laboro, Fam not wib Itria. Magnanimitas, ātis; f. courage, fous- concern, Mahometes, an Arab!aq, born A. D. nji. Magnopolis, is ; a city of Paphlago. 572. bis faibar a Pagan, and his Magnanimitèr, ady. courageouſly. nia ; alſo the sity Mackelburg 73 mobor a Jew, captain of a robel: Magnārius, it ; m. a great dealer, or Germany. lious crew, among upon by the haip wholeſale orn. Magnum pro pontorium,a promontary, of Sergius, a Neftorian monk, ha Magnas, ātis į m. a noblezian, peer, of Portugal. at the m:uth or Ta. introduced the Mahometan zdigim, grandar. gas, culled Capo de Cariais, or contained in the Alcoran; allo shi Magnata, a city of Ireland. rather the rock of Lisbon, alios name of ſeveral Turkiſh cinperors Magnates, ibu people of Magnata. promontory of Mauritia Cæfari after hira, + Magnacus, izm, a grandes. enfis selles Capo de Odcne; años Maia, e ; f. a few.trab. + Magnè, adv. greutly. ther of Sicily, Arabia Felix, und Maia, æ ; f. the daugbier of Atlas, Mugnent!us, a Roman emperor who Ætbiopia: and one of the Pleiadca, in whom being vunquiſhed, fied to Lgdu : Magnus, a conful, colleague with A Jup ter begat Mercury , alſo a god num, and running mid, wounded pöl onlas;, and other men. . anfi, the daug bier of Eaúnus ; and his brother Deſiderius, killed ſome MAGNUS, &,' um į adj. (ulyas] a city of Hellefpont. of his friends, and ut laji himſelf. grere," large, notahle, weighij: Malalis, is ... (à major) a barrow- Magnesētis ; m. Cudgens) a load Magnum iter, a long way. * Mag-: dig er bog. Aune, wbile property is so driw iron nus, natur, an old man Magnus Majestas, nedidelis daughter of Ho- nos and Reverentia Magnes, an ancient comedian of. A. Mögnus animo, viry, courageous. Maleſtas, āris ; t. (à major) majéfy, thens ; alſo a youth of Smyrna, * Magnam par:em in his paitien: exsilloniy, qu'hority, ſovereignty, ja. exceeding be.uli/ul, skilled in poca ds & definie: dis occupati ſunt, credne's., Majcftateni lædere, to try and mufick who going ubows froin they spend got part of the time in coinmit high-treason. • Quantâ in lity so sily with a crown of gold, dividing #d, defining theſe things. oratione maleitas, with what a wis telcuid of miny. ofrecjali, king # Magnus numerus frumenti, a comoly grant did hy deliver bış ira- Gyges; bus his parents williking it out praat many bufails of corn. * Mag ton ? of his boir, und polied ail his cri nus amatur mulcrum, 4 mighly + Majeſtat-ior, las ; adj. more maje. nainents, uber pipon Gyges made loveri Magnă voce, with a loud locull. war upon the Magnefli. voire. *Dima:ni, the great gods; + Majeftativus, a, um ; zdj. majefli . Magnega, a, farity of Aſia, where as Jupiter, Mars, Mę: cury, &c. cai, full of mojefly... : Ener iftocles, died in banilinens, Magni duerl, great sensors. May-or, and us, gen. Õris ; ad). the king of Perſia hiring given it Magnâ & veteri proſapiâ, of a comp. of magaus i pregter, bighir, to himn ;. alſo a city of Lydia, 'unda. rich and aniont family. * Mag Older. Major morbus, the fall. counsy of Macedonia.,boluren Pie nuis opus & arduum, a difficult ing ficknefi. Major focer, the ria.rd Theftaly unde Baking Os magnum, wife's great.groñorasbai, Major, Magnea's, idos; of Magaclia. jjring voice. Pectas "magnum, domus, ibi isward of ihe boushold. 1 reje. *In iborat: + Meleberbis, c; ad). baving a ibin Mãičvõlus, a, um ; adj. [à malè & . MAL MAL M A.L In maju, celebrare, fot ont tania Cælarienfis. 1. me habet hes res, ibis thing uexus, Biyond the mos And traubles me. : Male mctyo' Maleventua, - city of Campania, Mijor si a major, fignior, illaa, I dread him. Mde vins ; called afterwards Benevcatum. Malorada tarbe:bart Swat-mar vere, to live poorly, * Male eft Málč eftitus. 2, um; bad wspardlid, animo, I am ready to faint, fink + Má čvõlè, adv. spitefully, enviouſly. Mirjoratas, disim mayeralt or aldor daun, Malévolens, neis; adj. envious, un- DR Malca, a promontory of Laconia, called Lusig. Malevolente ingcnio az. Majores, ampla i krafters, fore Capo Malio, so dongeruus - 10 fail-tus, norn in an ill hour. ors, 1b u is cauſed the.proyers, Cum Mălēvolenter, fùs, iflimè ; ady.me. Majorlan, if a kind of slive, , obliv!! . z en rige tillthi begining of Fe quæ funt domt; alfo a miakin Málčvoleasia,"; f. ill-will, Spite, bruary ir raorobanc: Masro, wc; to make great. Mais rivir wiladin betwein Gan egd. vo!0) Spitaful, xD:ous. ges and Endas Malecena, a ; f. a cisy of Armeala Malcous; a mountain of ladia. under Mäiscayoniüácity in France. "Minor the equato". MAIUS, IT,sm, là malores, vel at Miledeus, ci ; m. an evil ſpirit, Maliaca, the city Xavgrado in Spain. Mila iko morbor of Mercary) ibe Merlicè, adv. riproachfully. Maliasus finus, guif over again't month May... Malesiccacia, 2 ; f., reproacb, reil Eaboca Msius, nun jad). of or in May, ing, viliting Mal:4utha, a .ity of Acabis Petraa. Majúſcalus, a, um ; adj. fomswbis Mălediccati-or, as, gen. Öris ; adj. Ma! buy a city of India witbout Gan- Digga comp. :ffimus, lo malcdicus] ges. Mozum, li.a. mais em Turkey more Randerous or vilifying: Miscorium, ii; a., 4 pornogronale. Mãičdi-co, xi, cum, cerc; to rouils, thell. MALA, ; f. {näháy] the checks or 10 put again Mă'iter. a, om jad). bearing appler. theek-beni. Måediatlo, onis ; f. a reproaching, it Mit zaè ; adv. maliciouſly, Ivaringly. Milabathrum; 1; n. op.ladlan leaf ailing, urfing: • M. gne virens, af a dull grem. Sviziming in ponds, of wbich bay t Măčaictor, oris ; m. a railer, Malignita. itig, f. walica, il-zoll, , roluje, niekordliness. hun, language,' Maledi&i loco, as an Milionor ari; dep. to malignt, muy, Malacha, or Milaga,' a baven of abuja hait, .urſe. Andalusia tr, Spa A, nosed for frí. Má:ču:&us, a, am ; part. of male Máiignus, a, uin; adj. [ à malus] d.cor ; reviled. rurjed. m1l1 1141, fpreui, unkind, nigeurde Mlăche na large kind of mil. Mälčdicus, a, um, adj. reproaching, tri malignini. Malignus, agera loss vilifying * Maled.cus in omnes, bar'm 'sil * Muigaa lux. vidim Malachites, a jone of.. dark green railing againd every one, Ighe. Malgau.n olcus , venimous solow, + Mălcłaber, a, un jadj. ill wroughi Maligai ad lus difficult Malachra, æ ; fibe true from which or diviſed. and dungerous pofages comes the gum bdelliua. Mãičf.acio, ēci, a&um, acère; act: Malionus, a mountain of S:cily full Maarhus *f Marachus, a pass of: & do ill, to buri, to do one a diſ- of apples. Bypatiile, wb, neugt wroit better pleaſurt. + Maliga, &; the ſpring tide. osa wbm throughly apgerid. + Málčfactor, õris ; a. A nalofac. + Malinus, a, um ; of an apple-tree. Marcia,' ; t. calmws of the loa, Malefaçırıx; İC:s ; f. tity ruil Ma' opala, a sing of India wiibin becamadness, Qusabaas o fomech, door. Ginges. * Toniging Mälefa&um, i ; n, an evil dui. † Mãiicas, ātis ;. f, illneſs Mátácido, are ; a&. e sofrern, iame, Mz!efiae, adv. milthiewuſly. Målītia, a; f. wicked refs, naughil- reale penult. Maleficentia, æ;fa mifcbirdous derd. me/s, alſo justilty * Malitia cell, Malacltanus, aum j' adj. of Mala..+ Mälčácloie ; ady. wickedly, wif- , j the maslignant influence of the bra. cha hqurully, Malacocifus, 4 kind of joy., Mälőficiun, ii ; 2. miſchief, injury, i Mälītiosè, iùs ; adv, wiſebieronjly, Malacodormusy I' 'm any file with alſo carcery. Ex:rcitus tian it jo brilly, a loftball . line' malefico, the army marsbes + Mălitiõsitas, āts ; f. miſobidvorf- Micoftratas, a, um ; adj. millify along very orderly without doing any neſs. ing, looſening; bure at all. Mălitiáfus, a, um , adj. miſibi vous, Milacus, a, um , adj. aft, delicare. Mălčácus, a, um, adi, miſchievous, svil, wicked, wósile. Malacúm palliolum, a fins coat. burtfule" # Arics maletica, for. Mallaba s city of Arabia Felix. In latacun modum, in an eaj M:llada, a city of Pertia. Donner Ma!efidus, a, um ; failblafs, not to be Maliæing a six of India wilbins Gan- Mala, a city of Arcadia. fruſed ges. Milan Colon, promopt.ry of Cher + Malefragus, a, um ; adj. foro Millc, sor magls velle. foncfus. Aurea, broken. Mallcitor, oris , m. a worker will Malagwa, it's'; . pauliefs. - #Muiegeolos, ii ; m. an coil firit. a bammar, a ſmi:b, or. cinir. Mahanius," the sily Made of the Oct Mă'e.' cas, niis ; m. an untrifly Mallcitus,a,um; banmırd; beaten. noti. PIT un + Mallenlis, is ; m. a larper,pleador. Milatlo; are so made fost, ripe or + Málčloquor, qui; dep. ti çursa, * Mallco, asc; se bainnar, beat out. lender reprodid + Mallcola, æ;f. little bommer, Valchas; ch! ; m. am hilarion, who i Målemateriātus, a, um, adj. mada M .lico aris, c adj. of a homeler wrote an, bijlory from Controtine of bad master. branıb. * Malleolaris virga, an tl Anaftafius ; alſo a name of. Por: Male meritus, a, um ; adj. having hort fis for planting. phyrius. úefurid ill. Mulleolas, i, m. a little bammar; Malcom, potle of Libya Interlor. + Mäleõleng, gen. atis ; i!l kesed, alfs as joung fasot or dine-franch, a Malcolmus,a king of Scotland, A. D. #inking. bavin or ſpray to fire a plane. Mal. 1154: Malcos, one of the Æbudzilands. lcoli, the anile bunes. #Maldlús, 11 a bushel of Brike, *ld Mula ; also a mart town of MALLEUS, ci ; n. (Heb. halmush, + Mildra, maldrus, maldrum, mil Æthiopia: à fono) a malla, hammer, bulla. tum, four bufools, half a quart Mālép:ccor, arl ; fe curſe or bun. Malli, s prosle of India about the Malefentiens, nts; adj. thinking head of Indus, who appojed Bac- Malè, adö, badly, naughsily, Shrowd ill. chos, by. Male audire, to bivt an ill Maleſuadus, a, um ; adj. (a foadeo] Mallois; entis ; Apollo's remp's at pene. * Male loqal, a prveill perſwad ng to. miſchioſ, giving oad Lesbos. Janguage. ** Mile 'olcie, to pink, counſel, Mallophoros; Ceres, so called a Mc. Mile fdaderc, to give bad coun. Mäleluctus, a, um ; adj. ill-accu- garis. Mäle fortis, effominate. * frornad. Mällos, a sity in Cilicia. Nale condu&us, aflý. * Male Malchabalus, a mountain of Maurl-: Mallus, a mountain of India within Ganges soften VOTII. Jel. 1 Tree Won M-AM M AN Μ Α Ν Ganges: * Malli, the inhahitants. come to know it, be caujed him to be Manaridum, Manrick in Holland. Malluviæ, árum ; f. fà manus & torn in pieces. Mabármanis, a haven of Germany lavo J. a baſon to wan hands, Mamertina, the city Mellina. called Marna. Malluvianus, a, um ; adl. of walo Mamertini, a priſon in Rome; alfManates, a people of Italy, ing the hands. # Sordes malluvi a conſul. Manātio, onis ; f. a Aowing from, anæ, filth coming from the hands Mamertini, a people of Italy. a Springing out of. in waſhing Mamertium, a city in Italy. Mancaleus, ei; m. the fourteenth Mālo, mavis, malle; verb. Irreg. Mamilla, the city Ceitz in Germany. king of Babylon. [qu. magis volo) to be more wil. Mamilla, a; f. a linha dues or pap. Manceps, ipis ; c. (2. manus & c2- ling, to have rather, Mimillana, a; f. a kind of fig's like pio) a buyer' of publick think, far. + Malobathrarlus, ii; m a maker or paps. mer, buckfier, broker, an undertaker Seller of ointment of spikeriard. Mamillare, is į 0.8 gorget, a braoft of a bufinefi, he that warranis bis Malobathrum, i; n. ointment of closh. goods at the ſale of them. Spikenard. Manitus, the sbirlanib king of Al. + Mancinitas, āt's; f. maimedneſs, + Malogranatum, i; n. A pomegra ſyrla. lanets. nale, MAMMA, 2; f. Cuauun) a dug or + Mancinus, a, um ; adf. left-hand- + Malogranatus, i; f. a pomegranate op; alſo a grandezza; a bud of a ed. A mampâ disjungere, 10 Mancinus, i; m. Roman conful, + Malomellum, 1; n. a ſweeting- who having made a diſonourable apple. Mimmæus Pons, the bridge Ponte prøre with ibe memy, was delivered + Malomellus, i ; f. a ſwirling-trut. Mammolo, quer the river Anio, so up to than thor jo shey might be Malope, ĉs; f. á kind of mallows. called from Mammaa the thor of frud from the conditions. Malfane, a city of Arabia Felix. Severus. Mancipatio, onis; f. 3 felling be- Maltanos, a haven of Tuſcany. . Mammatus, a, um, adj. lik te or Marcipātus, ùs ; m. fore witnefs. Maltecoræ, a prople of Iodla. hading paps. wport warranty, a Jelling of land Maltha, æ; f. an oil or varniſh made + Mammeatus, a, um ; ad). having wi:h ſeifia. of wix and tar. paps ir tears. Mancipātus, a, um ; ad). fold or pal- Malthace, an iſland tot far from it Mammia, æ; f. a mam. fed over to apolber in bondage. Corcyra. Mammide, a city of Perſia. Mancipi, indec, zbatjocoar in + Malthinus, a, um; adj. affominata, Mammilla, the daughter of Telego- Mancupi, one's full power and soft. nus, giving name to the family podelion. + Maltho, are ; to varniſo over. Mamilli, Mancipium, lli; n. & captive pri- Malu2, a river of Africa, Mammilāris, c; adj. of or like tratha Mancupium, 3 soner takm in war, MALVA, æ; f. (Madarn) mallows. Mammiſza, a Istrareby of Syria. a purchaſe or propriety, u drudge or • Malva major, boly-oak. + Mammo, are ; Ro Juckls. Nave. Svi mancipii effe, to be Malvāccus, a, um, adj. of imallows. Mammona, riches. at his own diſpoſal. Res man- Malvāriſcus, į m. marſh-al- + Mammonius, a, um ; adj. for 100 Malvāriſcum,'iin } cpli, our proper poreffion. • Man- lows. much upon richess cipio dare, to give one pogoffion in Malvaticum vinom, (Gall. malvaifa) Mammofus, a, uca; ad), having great fue-simple. *Lex mancipii, a cauſe malmſey. paps. • Mammola pyra, great specifyid in contra, † Malvalina, vei fi a garmmt made pears. Mancipo, arc; so giur liberty and of mallows. Mammothreptus, i; m. a child fuck Selin, io difpofe. * Quædan mag. MÁLUM, i; n. (unacrt an opple. ing long, or wantorly brought up ; cipat ulus, uſe make some things Malum granatum vel punicum, a crkney. ours. & pomegranate. * Malum aureum Mammúlá, la; f. a little nippla. Mancio, are; to main or letrit. & Helperium, an orange. Ma- Mamphula. i f. Syrian bread sbar Mancunium, Mancheſter, a trading lum limonium, e limon. • Ma fell away inta als before it was town in Lancashire. lum cotoneum, a quinie. Malum thoroughly baked. Mancus, 2. um ; ad). [à manas] Claudianum, a qurin-apple. . Ma- Mamphur, urls; n. & round piece of maimed, lamı, imparfet.. # In lun fanguineum, a fummu-goldm. rinorr, with a learber ibing, uſed by quem manca roit fortuna, whom # Malam terræ, birib.wart or low turners, fortune alaulis in vain, attacks to bread. . Mala lignea, ibe tackle 10 Mamplarus, a mountain of Africa He purpoſe. hoill up the main-yard. Propria. Manda, a river of India within Målum, i; n. mifebief, an evil, Mamuda, e city of Æthiopia, Ganges. adverfry, misfortune, wickedneſs Mamuga, a city of Syria. Mandagandeni, a people of Troas. hardſhip. "Habere malum, to jut. Mamurlus Veturlus, a famous Smib Mandagrzum,' e river in Scythia fer wrong. . Malo vertcrc, to the in the time of Numa, who made Afiatica. ro il!, o be of ill conſequence. the Builds in the fabbion of that which Mandalum, 1; n. a lake in Æthłopia. Malum ! interj. O villainy ! fou from bravm. Mandalus, 1 ; m. a door-bar. Mälus, ; f. an apple-tui. * Malus Mamurra, a Roman knigbs, exlsava. Mandanc, és; f. the daughter of Afy: fylveftris, a crab-true, gans in building, wbo dragged that ages, sobo, as he thought in his Mālus, 1; n. the map of a faip: he had in his houſe whatever Gallia fcep, made so much water, that it MĀLÚS, a, um, adj. (à uaxaos, Camat could afford him. overflowed all · Ala; me married laſcivus, vel ab Heb. gnanal, la-1 + Minābīlis, e; adj. opt to flow or Cambyſes, and bore Cyrus 10 bin. boravit, vel amal, debilis eft, &c.] enter in, Mandaacs, iş; m, the second king of bad, evil, wichid, naugbly, forowd, Manācus, i; m. a monthly circle. ibo Mcdes. unskilful. • Malom medicamen- Manathus, an Egyptian of Dioſpolis, Mandanin, is; m. philofopher, who, tum, poiſon. • Malâ meate efic, who left poen of phykology and wben Alexander invited bim to the to be diſpleaſed at himſelf. Forma afrology fuaft of Jupiter's son, promifing a mala, an unbandfors featuri. Mapaita, a country of Armenia, como reward to than that cams, and Malys, the brother of Memprices. facrated to an idol of the Jani nani. dootb 80 thoſe that can dof, denied Mama, a city of Æthiopia, + bim 1o de Júpiter's fon, and Nigbird Mamarcina, a city of Auſonia. bis gifts, ſaying, bis own country af- Mamaus, a river of Peloponnclus. Mārālis, e; adj. få manes] of ghofis. forded bir neceſaries ; bu faid, bu Mamelus, the Axirraib king of Affy. Manalis lapis, be gast of hell, feared not death, but wilbud it, as isia. through wbich she Spirits called ma. being a change to a more happy con- Mamercus, 1 ; . a biſhop of Vienna, nes do paſs out. dition. who firji inſiruud lijanion, Anno Mānālis. cj adl. (à mano] Powing, Mandarli, e prople of Sarmatia in Dom. 453 * Manalis lapis, & fone by the AG2. Mamers, the ſame as Mars in the OS Temple of Mars, which, in the time it Mandātārius, ii ; m. be to wbom a can language. of drought, Ebe Romans brought commandment is givın. Magerthes, o Corinthian, who bring into the city, and rain ivomediaux Mandatcla, a; f. a command. defrows of reigning, low his brother followed. Mandatio, önis ; f. 2o connord. Siſapo's thildren; bus wbon Siſapo Manapla, Waterford in Ireland. + Mandātus is; m. sing. Z z z z z Man- 2 * Manale,}; D. en oum. * 3 M A N "Μ' Α Ν Μ Α Ν Mandātors oris ; ma epmipiander, Mandūcus, i; m., a great safer, al Mănicātus, a, un ; adj. having Juborner of witnefits. * Mandator motable tronchir-tin. jlocurs or manicles. cædis, hi sbat leis anaber in to Manducus, 1; m. an. uglj' wido: + Manicia, æ; f. agarment with cummit murdır. mub'd pidure carried about with i Maniciun, il; n. } Sleeves. t;Mandatulum, i ; 8. & little combiMag.remer. * Maniclavium, ji; n. a cudgel. Mandueſfedam,, Mansfield im Not- + Mánico, are ; peut. to go betimas Mandatum, i; n. a command, charge, tinghamſhire, e Mancheſter in in the morning commiſsion, infruation'. * Hoc mihi Warwickſhire. Manicon, 1; n. the herb nightfade. in mandatis dcdit, be laid a charge Mandula, aj f the lower jaro: Manicula, e; f. a little band of uport made about this. Manduriuń, ii; n, a lake in Apulia bandle; the plough.biff Mandatus, a, um, part of mandor'; Daunia; which they ſay is neither Manifeſtarius, a, am, adl. plain, commanded, rivin in charge. diminiſed by drawing out, nar . aug. clear. Manifeftarius fur, a thief Mandeli a peipe of India by Ganges mented by addition of waier. caught in ihe very fa&. Mandela, a town of the Sabinca. MANE ; n, ind. (ab ant. manus, 1.e. Manifeſtarus, a, um, adj. notorines, Mandepa, ai city of Thrace. bonus) the morning. openly known. Mandeirtum, a city of Dalmatia, Mzoe; adv. in the morning, farly. Maniféſtě, adv. plainly, cisarly, Mandladini, a prople of India. * Benè manē, very, sarly. Manifeſto, 3 ponly. + Mandianitæ, a roople of Arabla. Manebitur, (fc. ab ilus]. imperf. Manifeſto, are ; 14. to manifeß, Mandibilis, e; adj. establi. paff. they' will carry. make plain, difcwuer. Mandíbulaej f. 2. [å maado, Mancly prople of Spain. MANIFESTUS, a, um, adj. (à man Mandidnum, in se]bejau- MĂNEO, 5, fun, are neut.tuay] Qu8. & fcftuſ, . c. confeftim, vol bone or threk bone, to abide, expert, Nick 10, remember. à llav.si rarus & páwi luceo] ma- Mardibularis, e; adj. of the jows. * Promiflis manere, to pand to nifo, clear, plain. . Manifeſta ve- bono. one's promi... * Nec diù pax manna, a vein running through all the Mandiburgus, 1; m. an advorate fit, nor did the prace lafl long* parts. * Sceleris manlfeftus, con- MANDO; are;'act. (u$5w, vel qu.. Lex manet, the law is set in olled of a crime. . Manifestus. . manus do] to commind, give in force. Apud forum me manet.. vitæ, yet alive. chirga, commit, sond igjoy. * Man be carries for me in the market, Manitia lax, . law which admitted dare aliqd memoriæ. 10 tria Pana te manct, you will be ear those to hear ofire, whose Antofiors ſure up any thing in one's memory. tainly punibed, there is a red in had not borra nfrico in the common. - Mandare atcrnitat: or immorta piſs for yous. * Maneat ca cura wealıb. litar!, !o immortalige. * Mandare nepotcs, let tur pofterity fee to thot. Manllius Odavios, the amphor of the ſe fugæ 16 beraki himſelf to 'bis * Maneat ergo iftud, lat this theres family of the Manilji. ber's, to fly. * Mandate monomen 'fore and Cai. Manilius Antiochenſis, a famous us annalium, to bronicle, or leave + Manerium, il; n, a mansur, lord mathematician and port, the first upon recrà. Thip. Roman who wrote of affronomy. Mandor, ari, atus fum paft. to be Manes, the autbor of the seat of the Manimi, a people of Germany, givin in sharge, to be ordered or Manichecs, being the seruani of Miniolæ, iſlands over-againf India commanded, to be comimituch, to be certain Perſian widow who made without Ganges. exiled or font away, to'bs cippoint him her hair; and Jourral orders: + Manlola, aram ; f. vixcards or id, ordgred, or made. * Infra mor alſo the river Boagrius. bugbears to fcare childym witb. tuos mandator, he is perfecuted be- MĀNES, ium ;-m. Là maros, rarus] Maniolus, a, um ; adj. mad. yond the grave. sho pirits and ghoſts of the dead, Manipularis, e; adj. of a bond of MAN-DO, di, fum, děrc; adt. Chag. dead carcajos, and the punifomeni Manipularius, a, um ; } foldiers. 0w. ſubigo) to chees, champ, 31. of the dead. Quiſque fuos pati- Manipulatim; ady. by bonds or files, Mandor, čris yi; past. to be chewed, mar.mancs, we all ſuffer one' pu. Mánipůlus, tim. [amanus & pico) eam, or rhamped with the teeth, niſhment or anorber. a handful, a gantlet, alſo a band 4. Mandos, önis; m. gruas rater, or, Maasthufa, æ; f. a rity of Crete. of ſoldiers. # Fani manipulus, * chaust Manganur, a city of India within basilo of hay. Mandonios, a Spaniſh captain, who, Ganges. Manis, a very aniont king of Phry- with Indibilis, afilad the Romans MANGO, õnis; m, [à uárgyaror, gia, famous for bounty and power, againſt the Carthaginians, but be prædigiæ, vel à uígrumi, miſceo] from whence the Phrygians do jot ginning to revoll, they, weri only a broker, horſe-courfor, mercbant of call all admirable things manica. chili harged by Scipio. Ланг. Manins, a name of ſeveral Romans. Mandali, a prople of Libya Interior. Mangon, an Arabian iſlond. Manllana, the city Monte Major in Mandra, f. a jablo. fall or hold, + Mangonella, æ; f. an engine of Portugal; and 'Magliano in Tur. drove of calle; uljoa knight (ar cany bols.) Mangānicus, a, um ; adj. of or like Manlíana, õrum ;.n. a kind of apples, Mandrabalųs, 1; m. he buving found a brokry. • Mangonicas quæſtus; so called from Mahlius, wbo for forf A great creatura, offered up to Juno a borje.courfer's or friperer's gain: grafts them, for a golden focip, shiori a blver one, Mangānium, ils n. A fritning: or for Manlius Capitollnus, whm the com. cand lafly, a brazen one ; bence ting out of old things. fuls were overthrown by the Gauls, Mandribuli moic, worſe and worse. Mangānizatus, a, um, drifed up for he defmdid the capitol with a thou. Mandrăgora, æ, fa mandrake. Lalo. Mangonizata oratio, al land men, and was tbrown bradlong Mandrala, a people of India within Spuch furbiſhed or trimmid.up. from thimce by. She citizens, wbo Ganges. + Mangonizo, aros to paine and dreſs fufpreted his affraing the king- Mandro, a certain boatman, who up old things. for jale, o dom. come at Taft to be emperor. Mani, the morning, T. Manlius Torquatus so fouers, Mand:opolis, a city in Phrygia, Mania, e cily of Parthia, and a pro. thai be was alſo called Imperioſus, Mandrveni, a prople of Margiana. moniory, of Lesbos; alſo a gaddafs and cauſed the proverb Manlinna Mandrus, a river about Sogdiana, the mother of the Laresi Imparia, becauſe ho bobraded his Another of India within Gangco, Maniæ, āram ; f. bugbears with own jon for fighting ibi enemy a. asd a mountain of. Libya Intca wbib nurjus fright children. gainſi bis command. rior. Mania, z; fi mandous, fury; alfo Manna, æ F. tbe food which the Il- Mandibil, a people of France. hanbama. raelites did ist in the wilderneſs i Maidīcātio, onis ; f. an eating, + Maniæ; ārum; f. agly small ima: Allo a boney-dow gathered in Sy- chowing gas made of dough. + Mandūcātorius, a, um, adj. of. Manjacus, a, ummad, brain-ford. Mannacarta, e city of Arabia. carina Maniæna, ; f. á city of India with. Mannces, the country of the Arabi, Mandūsājus, a, um, part. of man. in Ganges. ans, rallid Manneota. ducor ; chewed, waten. + Maniaticus, a, um, ad). mad. + Mannio, ire ; to cite or luminou. Manduco, are; sd. to chew, Manira, æ; f. [à manus) a ſerio, #Manhina, æ; f. an agreement Mahd@cor, ari; đep. g.ove or mitten, a inanicks, suffor made with the adverſary. + Mandūcum, í; n. food.. gauntlet ; alſo a grapling-iren. Mannitio, õnis ; f. a jummening. Man. : wur, ria. } Μ Α Ν MAN MAR . } oron. Mannŭlus, 1 ; m, a little galloway, , Mantatus, a city in Phrygla. + Manubriatus, a, um , pait. of ma- nag, or hobby, + Mantatas, my um ; adj. waring a nubrior ; having a'bandle. MANNUS, 1 m. là sáros, ganus) short cloak, + Manubrio, are, to make or put on Magtēlc, 18 y ni manus) a nap a hundle. Minnus, the son of the god Twilco, Manteliam, liiskin, sowosl. Mănubriólum, 1; n. a little bafi, ebe from whom the Germans ſay tbey Mantellum, 1; 0.2a mantle, cloak. picked bafe of a penknifu. are called Alemanni. Mantelum, in Mantelum. Mõnubrium, ii; n. (á manus] MĀNO, áre; ncut. Là meo vel ab mendaclis, a sleak for 'lying, handle, haft, or hilt. Manabria Heb. majim, aque) 30 fpring, drop, Mantes,' is ; m. a foorhayer, prophet. cpiftomiorum, the keys of the ora or run oul, Svend, break out as the Manteum, i.; . a place were the gans, fun.'Arbor picem magat, the druils gave anſwer. Manucodlata, æ ; f. [Indic. aylcula tre drops pitch. * Manat fama, + Mantha agrettis, salaminib. Def.} the bird of paradiſe. i; report goes. * Manth's, ze; f. diviration; allo a Mãoudu&io, onis; f. a leading by + Manobarbuli, darts wrought with bulan be hand. laid, or thay ibai canird ibin. Mantlana, a falt fm of Armenia. Mánudu&or, öris; m.Zá leader.. by Manon, a kind of soft jpunge. MANTICA, 2; f. (Heh amtschath, Mănuductrix, icis ; Manrali, a pogole of Colchis, {acous) a wallet, a leather bag or Mãnúradur, a, um, made by hand. + Manſer, č is; a bufard. purlo; all' cloak. * Non vide- Manulca, æ ; f. a harur. Mansfelda, æ ; f. a part of Saxony: mus id manticæ quod in tergo eft, Mánulcarius, ji; m. a maker of 89- Manſio, Ūnis; f. a karrying, an abid we ari biind at home, and quick. ments with ſucurs. ing after a day's marrb. a lodging kgbied abroad; we preſently perceive Manuleatus, a, um ; adj, baving or of travillers. Manſionibus dao others faults, but never regard our wearing listuses diftat regio thurifera à monte ex- + Manulus, a, um; ad), club.fipéd. cello, Arabia Felix is oighe days + Manticatus, a, um, adj. carrying. + Manum, í; n. clear day. journey from the morni, a wall Mănumiſſio, 'õnis ; f. a making frus, + Mangonārd, is; i obopiMaņuico, ĉs; f. the art of divinations Manumiffus, a, um, part. of mana- Manſionāri.gm, It'; iatal. sål. +Manticinor, ari; to fleil cunningly, mittor, made frue. + Manſionārias, a, um, ad) & Manticora, æ; f. an Indian draft with Măguoletto, a, frun, ttere ; &. lodging. Manfionaril definato true rows of uth, the face of a maka fru, to mfrancbife. ICS, burbingers, man, and the body of a lion. + Manumundium, lijn. a town, + Mankõnāticum, i, n. entertain. Manticüla, a; 1.8 litla bag or Manuor, arl ; dep. o filcb, feal, ment.' + Manfifterna, æ; f. a pitcher or + Manticular-la, ium; 2. pl. things i Mioupletium, ü; n. a bandful. : water.pot. ready at band. Maoupracium, ili ni the price of Mansito, arc; nout. fà manco) to Maaticularis, e, of a bag or purſe. making that whereof anotbir finds inhabil, or deep in a placı, to abide Mantīcularlus, ii; m. a cut-purſo. the Auff. er farry often. + Manticŭlātio, onis ; f. a casting of MANUS, üs; f. (hápå vel á mývos, Mansito, arc ; act. [å mando, črc] purles, pilfering. sobur) a hand, a band, poort, to shew 013 often. Mäniicŭlor, ari; to pick a purſo, to an slephant's trurik, hand-writing, + Manatorium, il ; a. a manfion of Real. a blow, Lubfiriprion, help. * Ferrea lodging: Manticni, mountains of Armenia manus, a harping-iron. * Manas Manšuncůla, 22; f. a little manfion Major. elephanti, an elephant's trunk, houſe. Mantile, Is; n. Là manus] e carpet, Minus cxtera, the knocker of a door, + Manſo, are ; neut, to tary much, a towel, a table clotb. * Manum de tabulâ, forbear. 10 loilor. Mantinea, the name of two cities of Sub madu, out of band. Manus + Manforius, li; m. the muſcle mou Peloponneſus. manu m fricat, one good turn deferves ing the neiher jaw. Mantiola, a; f. a little towel. another. * Ad manum, readily * + Manftutor, oris ; m. & protector, Mantis, is ; m. a diviner. Manus conferere, to come to bandy- guardian. + Mantiſcinor, art; 10 divint, geefs. prokes. * In mana meâ cft, 'tis in + Manfucus, i; m. a gormin- Mantiffa, 12 ; (Thufc. vel qu. ma- } Manfucius, ii; Dry power. • Manibus pedibuſ- dixer. Mantila,' no tenía] advantage, que, with might and main. * Ma. Manruclac-io, čre, to tame, to cajole. OURT-Msafura num ultimam operi imponere, to Manſucfactio, onis ; f. a sáming, rB- Mantius, the son of Melampus. perfråt a work. "Ent in manibus claiming Manto, ûs; f. a forceroſi, ibdaugh. oratio, the purch, is publiſhed, and Manſucfacius, a, um; part. of man fer of Tirefias. in moſt mens liudies. fuefio ; tamed; alſo husbanded. + Manto, are; to carry long expecting,+ Manus, a, ua; , {adj.good, clear. # Manſuefa&tus locus, a piece of to linger long abroad. ground newly broke up, and put in Mancua, a city of Italy, on the river. Manutergium, ii ; n.a towal, Tillaga. Po, built by Ocaus the ſon of Manto. * Manututor, la protektor, defend- Manſucfio, ēri, to be tamed, to grow + Mantun,'i; n. a short cloak. + Manuftutor, 3 ir. anek or calm. # Mănuăle, is ; n. a manual (book.), Măpālia, orum; n. cottaga, African + Manfu-co, ere; # be appeaſed, Manuālis, e; adj. of a band, which buts. pacified, may be comprehended in the hand. Mapeta, a city of Sarmatia in A- + Manſucs, gen. tis ; adj. 3. art. * Manualis faſciculus linj, s hand Ga. gentle, same. ful of fax. Mappa, 20.; f. A sable-cloth, napkin, Manfucíc.o, čre ; acut. 1o be rulaim- Manuarius, a, um ; adj. belonging to powrl; alſo a map or chart, and the sd, grow muok. * Tellus manfuef. the hand, or gotten by handicraft. Ignal given by the prator for begin. clt arando, the ground bears cora Mola manuaria, að hand-spill, ing « 7068. bitter by tillaga. Æs manualum, money got by + Mappale, is , 8. a table-slosh. Manfuetė; ady. tanels, muekly, gently. handy.work. + Mappella, 2a; f. a little table. + Manſueto, are; a&t. to appeaje, po- + Manuarius, il; m. a filiber, a dex. Mappula, § cloth cify. ferous thiar. + Maracanda, a city of Sogdiana. Manfuetudo, inis; f. meekness, gen. + Manubalifta, 2; f. a crofo-bow 'uſed Marache, e city of India. tlongs. in war. Maraches, a prople of Ætolia. Maofuēcas, a, nm; adj. for, iffimus, + Manubia, a; f. a thunderbolt. Maracodra, a city of Bactriana. (qu: ad manum luctus] mink, same, Mănubiæ, arum ; f. (à manus) booty, Maraga, a city of Arabia Felix. mild, courteous. pillaga, fooil of ibe enemy * Ma- Maranatha, í Syr. Bibl.) the coming + Manſuia, ; f. a little cottage or nubias facere, so pillage, of tbe Lord. cabin. Mănüblälls, c; adj. belonging to booty. Maranthis, a city of Pentapolis in Minſum, i;.a. the meat chowed by . Pecunia manubialis, mongg for Africa, the nurſe for the child, whirb the booty is sold, Maradie a city of Arabia Felix. Manlus, a, am ; part. of magdor ; + Manubiarlas, a, um, got in booty. Maraſmus, i, m. & confumpion, or chewed, champid. Mänůbiärine, il; m. a parsaker of. the extremity of a heatick frier. M.aſus, îs; m, a manfion-bouse, the booty, Maratha, a; f. a city of Olrhocna. Z z z zza Mara- : + 7 TRET. Marr. num. MAR MAR MAR Märäckichum," a city of Caries Ephe- Marcludas, a notable ,rabber in the + Margineus, a, um; adj. having a ſus and Samos. . bordar or brim. Maracni a people beyond Tauris.. Marcoduram, a city in Germany. Marg'no, are; to make a brim or Marathius, ibi tbird king of the Si- Marcolica, a jamous city of Spain. border. Syonii. Marcomanni, e people of Germany, Margium, a city of Phrygla. Marathon, & city of Attica, tin bj the Hyrcanian forejß called Mo- MARGO, ins; mort[mergo, Maraſon, } miles from Athens, fa ravi. vel marc] the brim, border, or edge mous for Theſeus's vistory izom the Marcomicus, a ling of the Franks, of a thing, a margin, or the blank Marathonlan bull. wbo fubdued grege port of France. edges of writings, prints or books ; Marathonla Virgo, for Erigone. + Marcor, oris , m. e 'withering, cor frondier. Margincs impcrii, the marches of a country. Marathonias, a, um, adj. of Mara ruption, monaſs, forgetfulneſs, thon. Mahfulnofs. Margus, a rive in Aſia. Marathonia, æ; f. e city of Thracc. Marculus, i; m. a copper fuiib', bam- Maria, ; f. Mary, a woman's nams. Marathos, a city of Phænicia. Marlaba, the metropolis of the Sabzi, Marathrites, a; f. fonal-wine. † Marcus, i; m. a banner. Ste by the Red-fea. Marathram, i, n. the herb fennal. Mariæ glacies or calceolus, tw lady's Marcus, the name of frumral Romans. Nipper. Marathus, á city of Acarnanla. Marathenus, i, m. a citizin of Ma- Marcus Aelius Regulus, a valiant Mariamnia, a city of Phænicia. rathus. Roman, who often vanquished the Mariana Colonia, a city of Corſica. Marathūla, a; f. an ifand near Carthaginians, and being af loft Miriandynum, country of Aſia taken priſoner, was font to Rome io 1817 Bithynia. Clizomchia. Marathuſias, a, um ; of Marathus. frear of exrhanging priſoners, and Mariandyal, the people of Marlandy- + Marca, z; 7. a mark; (in money;) when he could stor prevad, returned alſo the marches or bounds of a to the Carthaginians, and was put Mariandynus tibicen, an unskilful to death. Drel or writer. country. Marca Ancona, a colentry in Italy, M. Calphurnlus Bibulus, the colleague Mariane, a lakt in Afia. of C. Julius Cæfar, but card no- Mariant montes, bills in Spala, di- formerly called Pifenum. thing of all; when once be opporod viding Bcerica from Tarraconensis. Marcæum, a city of Troas. Cælar, he call him into priſon. Marianus malos (à Marias] 4 pack- Marcala, a city of Armenia Minor. fork; alſo a forter. Marcellca, feaſts of Syracuſc, in ho- Marcus Eremita, while he was a bog and kept forep, he flow another boy, Marica, ihe nymph who married king nour of Marcellus, who had reigned and fed into the wilderneſs, where Faunus, and bare him Latinus. very well in Sicily. he dwelt froe and twmty years, and Marigori, a people of Æthiopia, Marcellinus, i; m. the thirty-Seventh was famous for bis manzory of the t Marinella, æ; f The berb valerian, bilbop of Rome; alſo a Greek bijoria holy fcriptures. Marici, a prosle of Liguria. an, and the name of foveral conſuls. a . Maridunun, Caermarthen in Wales. Marcellius, 1 ; m. a governor of Ju- Mardi; a people of Ara, me the con Marinlana, 'a city of Pannnonia dæa, under Tiberius Cæfar. Marcellas, 1, n. a famous Roman: Mardones, a people of Epirus. fines of Armenia and Media. Marinianus, e name of two conſula. the first who jewed that Hannibal, Mardon!us, one of Xerxes's generals. Marinum, city of 'Umbria, called St. Marini. night be overcome; he was five time. Mardus, a river among the Mardi. consul , arid was at laps sain by the MĂRE, is ; n. (ab Heb. mar, ama- Marinus, a, um ; adj. [à mare) of treabéry of Hannibal. rus) the leas; alſo pleniy. Maret Mirlo, õnis; a certain fill in the Marcens, gen. ntis part. of mar- maximum, the orean, Marc celo Danov cco ; de:ajing. Marcenic viſu, miſcerc, to throw the house our Marlonis, a city in Germany. the figbt growing dim. MARC-EO, di, ere; neut. [rapaira, mafter of the sea. * Nauſea maris, of window. Mare tenere, to be Maris, - laks in Thrace, called Laco di Marogna. vel à vapxiu, torpeo, vel ab ant. fee-ficknefs. *Mare ponti, the fali MĀRISCA, 2; f. [à mas, vel uw marcus, i. 6. murcus) to wither, of the sea. Mare Mediterrancum, pòs, fatuus « wild unjavoury fg ; corrups, rot, so be fall ripe. * Mara Magnum, Inferum, Tyrrheaum, allo the hemorrhoids, cet animus, my mind flags. . Marcerc vino, to be doz'd, quito dividing Europe from Africa and and Heſperium, the Mid'and jea, + Mariſcoſos; a, om; adj. full of biles. befossida part of Aga. Mariſcum, i; n. U[à mare) a flag Marcelc-ó, čre; neut. to wisher and Marca, a city and lake of Alexan- Marlícus, i ; m. o bulrush. Corrupt, faini, fag grow wiary. . dria. Mariſus, 2 the river Mariſch in Marcefcere otio, to grow dull and Mareotis, a lake in Egypt ; also a Maryfius, , Germany, 14%. part of Epiros, where Ixculme vinos Marita, if. a married woman. † Marcefsibilis, e stafily decaying. grow, whence the grapes are called Măritālis, e; adj. belonging to a buf- Marccſsibilitas, ātis; f. a being app marcotidcs, and the wine mareo band or marriage. to decay. ticum. Măritātus, a, um ; adj. married. Mar hadæ, a Troglodytlck people in Mareuta, a city of India within Gan- Maritellus, 1, m. a little husband. Africa. ges. Maritima Colonia, s city of Nar- + Marchia nova and vetus two coun. MÄRGA, ; f. (à Germ. margh, boone. tries of Saxony. menulla] mari. Marchio, dnis ; m. [à marchia) a Margana, Măsitimus, a, um; là mare) mari. Marquift. time, being or dwelling by the sea- a city of India. Margane, } coaji, * Maritimi mores, wawring Marchubil, a people of Africa Pro- Margara, a lily of India within GAD bugaurs. prla. ges. Mărito, aro; a&t. to marry, to prop Marcianus, & geographer of Heraclca. Margaris, idis ; f. a kind of date. vines againſt other trus. + Marcidioſus, a, um, adj. full of Margarita, a; f. 7a pearl; alſo a Máritor, ari; , paff. to be complet, Margaritura, i; n. white daijs + Marciditas, ils ; roflenneſi, * Margaritarum linea, a necklace Măritus, i; m. a busband, married + Marcido, are ; to make rottm. of pearls. man; and be male of oiber crea- Marcidūlus, a, um, fomething rotta. Margarita, Margaret, A woman's Mardidns, a, Um; [à merceof van, Măritus, a, um; adj. (ab ant. marior) withared, fagging, decaying. Mar- Margăritārius, ii; m. a foller of married. • Marita arbores, tres cida' yina, dead winis. * Marci. peurls. 80 which vines are joined. Ma- da aurcs, lap-cars, Margăritifer, a, um; bearing pearls, ria pecunia, marriage-money, Marcina, a city in Italy. Marcion, on meieni herąsick, zoho, of a Margiana, a conning of Aſia Minor, Margali, a prople of Mcdia. dowry. • Marita domus, the houſe of the married couple. Strick wiosphe, surning Cbrißian, Marginalis, e; adj. [à margoj be- + Marium, ii; n. tou h-word, denied Chrijs to be son of God. lenging so the brim or margia. Marium, a city of Cyprus. + Morcipor, äris ; m. the ſervant of Maiginãtus, a, um s adj. having a Marius, 'il ; m. the name of ſeveral Marcus. great brim or bødsr Ropang, Caius she len. ;' } name. 3 1 1 Martigenus, a, um ; 2di. begotten by Marcủlus, a, um ; adj. mals, manly, MAR MAR MAS Calus Marius, one that was seven Marrubium, ii ; n. a city in Italy. bullas; alſo, bullets; and applied in times conſul; he overcame Júgura Martucini, orum ;.d. a people of jeſ to choſe that love barbels: tha in Namidia, and afterwards Italy. Martius, a, um ; ad). belonging 10 troubled the commonwealth by the Marruvlum, the city Marrubium or Mars or war, martial, warliko.. diviſon betwen bits and Sylla. Marno in Italy: Avis martia, the wood-pecker. Marius and Cafprus, two very faith- Mars, tis į m. the son of Juno, with. Campus martlus, the publick fields ful friends. Dus ibe help of Jupiter, the god of by Romc for exerciſe and rensation. Marma, a city of Arabia Felix and war ; alſo war itfalf; and the planet Martius, ii ; m.ibe month of March. Phænicia. next above the sun... Proprio Martpurgam, the city Martpurg in Marmaces, a people of Æthiopia. marte, of one's felf. • Dics mar Germany. Marmacus, i já, the father of Py tis, Turday Martulus; i ; m. [à Mars] a hammer, thagoras. Mara, a valiant people of Italy, wobo Martyr, yris ; C. & martyr,, witneſs. Marmarica, æ ; f. a country of Afri bealed the bitings of Serpents with Martyriun, ii ; n. martyrdom ; also ca be:ween Cyrengica and Egypt, their ſpilda ; alſo a people of Scy. A place dedicated to martyrs, now called Barca. thia Europæi and Germany. # Martyrizo, are ; to martyr. Marmaridæ, arom; m. the people of Massicus, a, um ; ad;. belonging to † Maruda, æ; f. a meaſure of fix he- Marmarica, Marfius, ') the Marji in Italy. minas. Marmarlon, a city of Eubes, whenre Marfigni, 4 people of Germany. † Marviſia, æ ; f. malmſey. there was a famous people of Apollo Marlippus, city Phænicia. Marullus, i ;m. a Roman tribune, Marmarinas. Marlonia, a city of Pannonia. who took away the crowns from the Marmarit's, idis ; f. brar's-brusb or Marfpiter, the father of Mars. Hatuas of Cæſar Dictator, and im- furnitory, + Marluplarius, ii ; m a purſe-makar. priſoned thoſe that faluted bios king; Marmax, a river in Peloponneſus. Marſupicida, æ; c. a iut.purjo, whereupon Cæſar put him out of his Marmelus, a nause of Mars. Marſupium, ii ; n. a purſ, pouch, or place ; alſo a grammariam who re- MARMOR, oris ; n. n. [uapuap) learber bag. proved Tiberlus for a barbariſm, murble flona, Marmor Icarum, Marſus, i'; m. 4 king of Turcanv telling him he might make mim a calm fea, 318 years before the building of free, but not words; and ſeveral # Marmorālis, c; adj. of. marble. Rome's also a governor of Syria others. Marmorārius, ii; m. a.worker in under Claudius Cæſar. Marum, 1;.n. maſtick. murble, Mariya, æ ; f. a city of Phoenicia. Marundæ, e people of Media and In- Marmorātio, onis ; f. a building or Mariyaba, a city of Arabia Felix. dia within Ganges. crufling with marble. Marlýas, & Phrygian muſician, who Marunthas, æ;... a biſhop of Meſo Marmoratum, i; n. marhlo plaifler. challenged Apolo, and being over potamia, who by his prayers cured • Marmoratum aureum, war-w8x come, was fea'd for bis preſumption; Irdigertes, king of Perſia, of a Marmõrātus, a, um, part. of mar: alſo a river in Phrygia, so salles grievous pain in the head, when the moror ; pauid or over laid will from Marlya. Magi had given him over. marble. * Marmoraræ laudes, + Martellus. i; m. a little hammer. Marus, 4. mountain of Thrace. proiſer engraven on marble. Martes, is ; f. là Mars] a marten or MAS, aris : m. Arab mur.]ibe malı, + Marmorella, æ; f. agrimony,liver lable, whoe skin is a rih fur. A man, * Mas bomo, o man in- wort. Mirthula, æ ; f. a city of Pontus in dud. • Malè mas, an sfeminatı Marmoreus, a, um , adj. made of Cappadocia. marble. fining like marble. Martia, ; f. a Roman princeisa Mafaci, a country of Lower Germany. + Marmoriõlum, i, n. a little marble wbofe children within her were killed Malæſylia, a country of Libya. konc. with lightning, and me escaped; Mafæſylii, the people of Malæſylia. Marmoro, are ; act. 80 build with also the daughter of Cato Junior, Masanorada, e city of Caria. marble, so over-lay wish cruft of who being asked why she did not Maſara, a city of Armenia the Leſs. marble, engrave in marbla. marry again after her husband was Malari, a drople of Libya Interior. + Marmoroſus, a, um ; adj. like oferty dead, anſwer'd, Becauſe for could Maſca, a city of Celtiberia, and a full of marble. not find one that loved ber inore river of Arabia Deſerta. Marnan, temple of Jupiter Creten than her goods ; also the wife of + Mafchala, æ; f. crans to hoif as ar Gaza in Paleſtine. Cato Uticenfis, and others. goods in and out of sips, Maro, onis ; m. a name of the poet Martia aqua, the cleares and whole- + Maſchalioa, a basket of data-trees. Virgil, or Virgil's father. Somof water about Romc. † Miſchaliftcres, gorgsts. Mironcus, a, um, adj. of Maro. Martialis, is ; m, a famous poet born Maſchanc, a city of Arabia. + Maron, e kind of spice from Egypt. at Bilbilis in Spain, wbore epigrams Maſcoracus, a city of Libya. Maronia, æ ; f. a city of Thrace are extant. Malcorani, a people of Ala, inhabiling commended for wine. Martialis, e; adj. martial, warlika, Carmania Deler12. Maronias, « city of Syria. horn under the planet Mars. Maſcoranus, a mountain dividing Maronitæ, bernicko so called from Martiana Sylva, the German wood Parthia from Alia. Maronias, where they began. called Schwarſtwaldt. + Maſculeſco, čre; so turn rosbe + Maroolacidæ, arum; r. velle!s a Martianus, ; m. a Roman emperor, male kind. bout Sicily wfed in a calm fea. who fucceded Thcodoſius Junior; Maſcủlētum, i ; R. a place where Marora, a city in Cappadocia. be was wont to far, Dum pax con- male wings grow. Marpeſia, the firs quion of the Ama ftare poffet non ſumenda arma. Miſcălinus, a, um , adj. maſculine, + Martiatica, ſoldiers wages. of the malı kind. Marpeffa, æ ; f. the beautiful daugh- Marticola, 2; 6. a worshiper of 1+ Maſcolo, are ; to make of the male ter of Erenus, and wife to the Mars. kind. beautiful Idæus, who was saken e- Martigěna, æ ; C. way from him by Apollo. Mars. courageous. Marpreſſus, uinun in Myla by mount Bellua marugena, the ſerpont ſain Males, Ida ; alſo a mountain in Paros by Cadmus. full of while marble. + Martiaalia, martinkaſs.side, or St Mareui, the citizens of Maletus. Marpeſſius, a, um ; adj. of Marpel- Martin's feaft: Mafgaba, a king of Numidia. fus. Martini, a prople of Arabia Deſcrta. Mafices, people of Mauritania Tin- MARRA, æ; f. [uuppor] a matteck, Martinopolis, abo city Mersburg in giana. or pick-axı. Germany: Maficytus, the mountain tbas divides Misriche, a city of Parthia. Martinus, the name of foveral biſhops Pamphylia and Lycia. # Marro, õnis ; a kind of che nut. of Rome, and orders, Mafit, a pople of Perſia. Marrubii, orun ; m. a people of the D. Martinus, a military ſaint, biſhop Mariaiffa, &c; mi a king of Numidia, ciny Marrublua. of Tours, A. D. 415 ; he shrew at firſi a cruel enemy. but afterwards Marrubium, ii ; n. (ab Heb. mar, down many pagan idols, broke a faithful friend to the Romans ; amarus) hore-hond. • Marrubi their altars, and enjoyed bis biſbop. be bagat a son in the geth year of um çantherium or nigrums Ainking rick twenty-fix years. bore bound, + Martiobarbuli, ſlingers of hones or Mafiniffenſes, a people of Mauritania. Mai. wun. zons, Maletis.} a city of the Argives. 1 , his age. 1 }a : ) MAS M AT M A T Maatholus; 13 m. á rivoy :0f Libya who made room with a whip. Mathematicus, a, um ; adj. matbo- Interior. Muftime.prople of Æthiopia and Ratical. Magus, a mountain bagord NIG- Egypt. Mathematicus, i, m. 4 matbemati- Maliom, :) bls. Maitix, igis, ma fcourge, thonga. cian. Mason, (Heb.) the critical do frinu of Maftos, 1; n. tbe Spont of a jush Matfiera, a city of Italy, deflroyed by the Jews upon the Hebrew text. Tain. the Greeks, A. D. 979. + Maloretha an author of the Ma- Maftramelles s city and lake in Cel. Mathias, a king of Hungarv, 1460, Maforitha, fora. cica, called alfo Maſtramela. he ſubdued grat part of Bohemia, Maravia, ; f. country of Poland, Maftruca, & ito a leather pelt, a and was afterwards chosen their woboſo metropolis is Warſaw. furred winter germent. king Miſpita, Õrum ; n. the leaves or falk Maſtrucālus, a, um, adj., wearing a Mathildls or Matildis, Mand, the of tbi borbi wonit Jaferpitium Leathern pels. name of frural women, Maſpil, a people of Perga. Maſtrupor, ari,to polluto a man'sjalf Matho, onie ; m. A certain feditious + mafpiter, ris ; m, a father-in-law. Maftupror, African ; alſo a lawyer. MASSA, 2; f. (nádopinfo pofter, Maftus, is m, a dus, the speas of a- Mariana, part of Média. dough, a lump of all things thick and fountain. Matieri, a people of Alia next to Ar- maji, a wedge. * Maffa caricana, Marurlus Sabinus, a Roman Knight menia. a Frail of Ags. and lawyer, she bearir and sustador Marinus, a mountain of Apulla full Mafſa, a river of Libya ; allo . city of Atteus Capito. of box. of Tuſcany. Mataurus, a ciiy of Sicily. Mátſcona. a city of Gallia Celtica, Marraca, a city of Indla. + Mataxa, æ ; f. flk. called Marcon. Maffælybii, 4 people of Africa Pro- | Mataxz, arum, bundles of reds. Matium, a city of Crete, called Can- pria. * Mataxarii, flkinen, mertrs. dia į alſo a city of Themiſcyra. Mastaga, e city of India. Matella, a ; f. [à macula) an uri. Matralla, d:um ; ni iho feast of me. Mafrageta, 4 pagple of Sarmatia Eu. nal. trons dedicated to the inorning. ropza, by, ibe Euxine fua ; they Matellio, onis ; m. a chimbor-pot. Matra, à fumane of Vcous Among bive wives in common, they wor- Mateni, & prople of Sarmatia in the Persians. foip the sun, and facrifice a harfi Alia. + Mātreſco, čre, to be like a mo. to him. Matcola, æ; f. fà matcria vel mar- ther. Maitla, a city of Arabia Felix. tulus) a little millet Maricarla, æ; f. fruerforo. Maffalia, the river Morano in Crete. MĀT-ÉR, ils ; f. (unenpla mosher, + Matriccs, books of accompe. Maffani, inbabitants by the river dan, a purja, midwife, or any Matricida, z; c. a murtbarer of one's Indus. maker, principal branch of any virus mother, + Maſsaria, a grape of a wild vino she ſtock that produces ſuckers'; aljo Mutricidiam, il; a. a muriboring of in Africa, gashared with ths flower a matron. * Dura mater, the out one's mother, for medicines and for; uinit. ward skin that infolds the brain. + Matricŭla, ; f. a catalogus, lift, + Maffarius, ü ; mia paward. Pia mater, the ingoſ skin inelefing roll. Maffia, z;f, a town in Spains where the brain. • Mater matrina, a mo- + Matrículārius, ii; m. an alm- they make bricks tbat will not link. ther having her own mather living. man ; alſo a foxton, or ons ibut looks Miffica, 2; f. & country in Spain, Mater herbarum, mugworl. ro the church. WET-again't be Tartefii. A matre pullt, juf hatchad. Ma- + Matriculatio, õnis ; f. an enrolling Maſticus, 1;m. A mountain of Cam- ter magna, or alma, the carth, or matriculation. pania, where there is excellent wine Matercủla, z; t. listle maot her, a + Matriculus, i, m. a fea ſnail, or called Mafficom. Imdir pitying mother, Venus-sell. Maffilia, æ ; 1. tbt city Muſeilles in Mater familias, æ or as ; f. the good + Matrima, a; f. a godmother, France. wife or miflrofs of the houſe, Matrimonialis, ; adj. of marriage. MaffilienGs, e; adj. of Marleilles. Matēria, æ ; il [ā mater) maller * Tabula matrimonialis, a contract Maffo, are ; ad. to make thick like Materies, ei; f. for fluff 10 work of marriage. paje, : 10. knead or work into a upon, the ſubjeë of a diſcourſe, im Matrimonium, li ; n. marriage; alfo lump. ber. an eſtate loi by ihe mother, 'Te- Maſsúla, 2; f. a linle pays or pud. Mātēriālis, e, material, of timber. nere matrimonio, to live in wid. ding, a pill. Mātériāliter, adv, materially, accord lock with. Maffyla, æ; f. a part of Mauritania, ing to the bare jubilanie. Matrimus, a, um , adj. wboſa mober near the gardms of the Heſperides Māteriārius, a, um ; adj. of timber. is ya living, and mount Atlas. * Matcriaria incruſtatio, a wain- Marrinus, a river of Picenom. Marlyli, the people who uſe muitber corting + Matrizo, / arc, to imimate one's ms bridlı nor faddle, only a wand. . Matriffo, } Mailylus, a, um ; adj. of Mar. mongar: + Macriſylva, æ; f. wood-Dine or ba. Maffylæus, a, um ; fyla Mätcriātio, õnis ; f.? A timboring, ney-fuckde. Malta, a mountain and city of Æthi- Materiatura, æ; f. $ preparing of Matrix, icis ; f. [à mater]the womb, apla, called Gravo. timber. · the mot bar in women, a dam kapt Maitaura, a city of Lycia. Matěriatus, a, um ; part, of materi. for breeding ; alſo a Bock with jus Masthala, a city of Arabia Felix. or; timtarid, made of master, # Matrix gallina, a brood. Maftiani, a people by Hercules's pil. Māterior, ari ; dep. to cut timber. or hen. * Matrix fructus, sbr. beart lorsg. of the city Maſta. wood for wark. of a trst. Mafticado, õnis j f. a chewing, + Maternālis, e; adj. of or like a Mátrāna, 2 ; f. a matron, wife, a champing matberi grave woman: Maſticator.um (fc. medicamentom) + Maternālitas, or maternitas, ātis- Matrona, Juno, so called, prefding - fomething to chow. f. motherwood Ulr women fe to be morbers. Mafticãtus, a, um; part. of mafticor; Māternus, a, um ; adj. motherly, by Matrona, the river Marne in France. chewed, whimped. the mother's fide. + Matronzum, i ;0. a place for Maftiche, es.;. 1. thugum mofick. Maternus, the colleague of Bradua. matrons, + Mafticina, :; f. á garant of mal D. Maternus, tbe difciple of St. Poter, Matronalia, õrom or iom; n. frtiva! wbo firf preached the gospel at Co days wherein marronis prayed to Ju. + Manticinus , a, um; adj. of maßick . logne. no for their husbands. MASTICO, are ; aá. (vasása] 10 Macercăra, ze ; f. an aunt by the mo. Matronalia, c'; adj. aj a matron of chew, champ, rat. eber's fide. bonourable woman. Maitigaus, a, um, adj. deſerving to Mathema, ätis ; A. . Za learning by + Matronārus, is; m, matronebip. bi Toled. Mathclis, eos; f. demonfira Matruelis, is; c., an uncle or aunt's Maftigia, &, m. a nave er kned, tion, knorobedge vibe matbema. child. wiby to be Scourged. ticks. MATTA, 2; f. (ab Heb.-mitrab, Maitigophorus, i, m. a fellow wor Mathematica, a ; f. tbs mathema. lectus] a mat. sby to be whipped; alſo an officer ticks, Mattea, æ; f. Şu mattya. Mattiaca 1 MAU M A X M: E DA :} A, D, 253 Mattiacæ pllæ, web-balls. ritania. Maximus, f; m. a Roman rutperor Mattiaci, a peopleof Gailla Belgica. † Mauricarim, ady. like the Moors. pain in a fumult of the soldiers i Martiacum, city Germany, the Mauricias, a Roman emperor.cully alſo a biſhop of Jeruſalem, A. D. metropolis of Haltia. Nain by Phocas, with his wife and 149 ; and ſeveral others. Mattici; õrum ; mm with wida childrm, before the people of Con- Maximus Tyrius, a Platonick phili. nouths. Itantinople. sopberg: the maſter of M. Antoni- + Matius, a, um ; adl. Jad, moll, Mauritania, a country of Africa, di nos. foul vided into.Cæfarienli's and Tingi. Maza, a; f, bally pudding, mang for Mattya, æ; f. a 'junkos, dainty tana, the fire is contained in Bar- bounds, dithi bary, and the other lies betwhen th: Mazaca, a city of Cappadocia. MATULA, ; f. Plin. (duis, vel à Krin, iba.freights of Morocco, and Mazacæ, & prople of. Sarmatia in madcola chamber por ; alfo a timo Getulia Afia. . rous follow. MAURUS, i ;.m. [à rerupds, niger] |Mazacyla, a city of Marmarica. + Matulata, z, a pot uſed in the A 4 blackmos. Mazai, a people of Pannonia, of the thenian facriſus. Maurus, a, um , adj. of or belonging, country Lica. Mātūrātè, adv. Spadily, for adjoining to the Moors..country. Mazmum, a city of Bithynia. Matūrāto, onis ; f. a bajening, ripen # Maura unda, the waves of the Mazana, a city of Palestine. ing, a prtling forward. · Mauritanian coat; Hor. Od. 11: Mazara, a' river of Sicily, and a city Macuratus, a, um, part.bafiened, ri 6. 3, of Armenia Major: pened. Maturato opus eft, Speed Maurusi, be prople of Mauruga in + Mazara, æ; f. an old Caulifh muß be made, all diligence, multo be Africa, by Hercules's pillars, vrlin. used. Matrúfus, a, um ; adj. of the Moors Mazaris; a city of Sicily; Mātūr-è, iùs, iflimè: i rime adv. ør Magritani. Mazax, a prople of Africa, rxpert in in time, Speedily, berima. Maufocan a city of Hyrcanla. darting † Mātūr-co, Cre, to be ripro Mausoleam; i ; n. a famous marble Mazeras, a river in Hyrcania. Mālūreſc-o, ere, :10 grow ripe, • Que sojulero, one of the foven wonders Mazonomum, 1; *. a great characte citò maturelcunt, citò occidunt, of the world, built by Artemiſia for Mazonomus, i ; m. ger if máli foon ripe, Soan rotten. her busband Mauſolus, Mazula, & city in Africa. Propria. Mātūrifárius, a, um; fuperl, of ma - Mauſoli, e people of Libya Interior. Mazzabanes, « biling of Jeruſalem, turas, very ripe Mauſolus, a king of Caria... Mātürštas, ātis; f. ripeneſs; alſo the Maxala, a city of Africa Interior, firft ſeaſon. * Scelerum ac veteris Maxentius, ai crun tyrant of Rome, Mš arte E. furoris & audaciæ maturitas, the and perfecutor of chriftianity, raken ful growth of villainy, former mad by Conftantine, and drowned In Me, ebe accuf. and ablat. fingi of ego, neſs and impudmu. Tyber me, myſelf. Matūro, are; ha. # make ripe, Maxera, a river of Hyrcania called Meabills, c; adj. "palingoř. poffid haften, maka convenient ſpurd.' * tafly through. Maturare fugam, to poft away. * Maxcræ, the people about Maxera. Means, ntis ; (of meco) paling Matasate copia, to carry on an in. Maxies, a people of Africa, whi Meanria Gidera, sbe planets. torprize vigorously. book of their being derived of the Meapte à meus- & inclitic, pte) u Mācūror, ari ; dep. fo ripen. Trojans ; they wear the right fode or for my own. * Meapte causa; MATURUS, a, um, adj. [à matu of ibeir head chairy, save the for my own fake: * Meapte Spon- ta, vel Hebi matar, pluvia) ripe, osher, and paint their body will te, of my own accord. haſoned, mature, mellow, early. vermilion. Mearus, a river in Spain. maturus æri, one will Brickon in MAXILLA, æ; f. Clc:"(à mala, vel: Meatim, adv.; after iny manner of years. * Maturus militiæ, able to à Laoyann, axilla] the check-bone fajibiox: ' bear arms. # Animi maturus, Ir jaw-bone. Meatas, asm. a póffing, a postagi, fage dijcreat perſon. Maxillaris, c; adj. belonging to & going, Rowing i all the ports of Matufarum, a city of Portugal. jaw-bone. Dentes maxillarcı, the body; Meatus fiderum, ibe Mātīta, æ; f. [à mane) the morning, the great toerb. course and motion of the bars, break of day. Maxilua, a city of Spain. Mecades, an Athenlan prince. Macuta, the goddeſs Leucothea, she Maxima, æ; f. & maxim, principle. Mecznas, ātis, m. & benefattor to daughter of Cadmus. Maxima Sequanorum, a country of learning or learned men,' from Me- † Matutinalis, e; adj. of she morn: France. cænas, a nobloman of Rome, fa- ing. Maximates, potentates, the greated in vorite of Augaftus, and patron to * Matutino, adv. carly in the morni. authority, Horace. ing, Maximè, adv. ſuper). Cic. chiefly, Mecaftor [ adverbium Jurandi'] by Mātūtinum, i ; n. the morning, carly specially, mot of all, yes. Im Castor, an carb uſed by women. time, mo maximè, moſt of all, Ut Mecha, a city of Arabia Felix, 16 Mātūtinus, a, um , adj. early, foon cum maximè, more than curr. head of ibs Mahometan, fuperfli in the morning. Matitutinus homo, Tam fum amicus reipublicæ quàm titis: an early rifor: • Preces matutinæ, qui maximè; 7 promote the good of Mechanica, æ; f. bandicraft. mattins, or morning prayer. the weal-publick as much as an ion Mechanicus, a, um, performed by Matyceta, a people of Scythia. whatrupr. band, .Ars mechanica. any bans Matylus, a city of Pamphyla. Maximianopolis, a city of Egypt, dicraft trade. Musâ macchanica, Mavia, a queen of the Saraccas, A.D. Thrace, and Pamphylla. by painful indufry: 876 Maximianus Galerius, á Römän om. Mechlinta, a city of Brabant. Mavitania, a country of Spain. peror with Conftantius, 9 perſecutor Mecon, a cigy of Peloponclus, called Mauma, e city of Æthiopia. of the Chrlians. afterwards Sicyon. + Mav-olo, cíle; so have rather or Maximianus Herculius, Roman Mecon, Onta 1.4 -Poppes, be more willing. emperor with Dioclefian. Meconis, is ; f. a kind of lonice. Mavors orus ; n. the same as Mars. Maximilianus, an emperor of Ger. Meconites, lo , A precious fons like pipar Mavortius, a, um ; adj. of Mars, many, fon to Frederick the third. poy warlike. Maximilla, the harlot of the heretick Meconium, il; A. the juice of pop Mavortius, a Roman corful, A. U. Montanus, who banged herſelf. pos. 1189. + Maximitas, ātis; fi exceſive greas- Mecum, [for cum me] with mi, Mauregathus, the baflard Jon of Al neſs. for me, Mecum facit, bo'i on phonlus king of Spain, who by the Maximoperè, adv. Cic. [qu. maxi my fide, help of the Moors, after his fa mo opere) ſpocially, surnoily. Meda, a city of Arabia Felix, thor's deaib, obtained the kingdom, Maximus, a, um į adj. luperl. Medaba, a city of the Nabathai.. Maureofii; a people of Mauritania magnus ; greateſ), idei, niblatt. Medama, a vtuer and city of the Bru- Tingitana. maxima virgo or veſtalis, the til, the river. kuips its oionnameyin Mauri, the Moors, inhabiting Mau lady pryereſs of the vefal nuas; bui. the city was defroyed by sbe Spa- ។ 429 . MED MED M E D - + Saracene, and is now sallıd Nico vimenous. #Tela medicata vene-, Méditālus, a, um ; part. of meditor 3 tcra. no, poifoned darts. Res medica having meditared, prepared, forecall, Meddix, a chief magijlrate among thel tiffima, a thing much uſed on phy- meditated on. Orci. Ack, this is very lovereign. . + Mēditâtus, úg ; m. meditating Medea, æ ; f. à forcorals, the daugb. Medicina, ae ; f. phyfick, or the art of Mediterraneum, ei ; n. the middle of 107 of Ædtes king of Colch's, who phyfick. * Facere medicinam, i. the earth. ; ontertained Jaſon, afijied hiin in adminifter pbyfick. Mediterrancus, a, um ; adj. in thi galing the golden facce, and Aying Medicina (c. taberna, An apothee middle of the forth or land. *Mare away with him, she core ber young cary's shop, : Mediterraneum,ibe Mediterranean brother. Abfyrtus in pieces, and Medicinābilis, e'; adh, curable. reu. tbrew him in the way 10 Hop her Medicinalis, e, adj. medicinal, phy- MĚDITOR. ari; dep. acc. & dat. father's purſuit of her. fal. · Digitus medicinalis, iba Cic. (usketaw) to meditate, budy, Mēdēla, æ; f. [à medcor] a remedy: ringfinger. mu, exercise, forecajt. * Medi. Medicināliter, adv, phyſically, tari alicui infidias, 20 plot miſchief Medelicum, a city of Auſtria called + Medicinus, a, um ; adj. of pharek. agar one. # Meditabor me, I Mc!ck.. Médico, are ; aa. so anoint, duab or will graaiſe: Medena, æ ; fs.Newport, in weiße dip, beep or infufi. Med trina, the goddess of medicines.. of Wight Médicor, äri; dep, to cure or beal. Mcditrinalia, Jasrifico unto Mcdiiri- Medendo, gerund in do of medeor, Medicus, i ; m. [à mcdcor] a phy. na. in bealing, or wbill is is in heal: Scian. * Medicus circumtoraneus, Mèditullium, il, 2. the middle, the ing. amountabank. heart. Medendus,a, ūm; part. so be beated. Medicus, a, um ; adj. of a phyfitian Medium, the morgth of tbe Rhine. Modenl, 4 people of Africa Propria. or phyfick. Medium, li; n. the middle;. Pro- Medens, ntis ; part. of medeor ; Médicus, a, um ; 'adj. [à Media] of ferre in mcdium, to propoſe, bring :healing, alſo a phyficiun. the camery Media. * Malum, ine. forth. . Relinqucre in medio, io Medcon, a city of Bootla, Phocis, dicam, & limon. Gallina medl leave undecided. Tollerc de me- and Epirus. ca, a ben of the game. dio. to kill. * Quis è mcdio, ens MĚD-EOR-Cri; dep. fun souar] 20 Modic, adv. indiferently, in the of the throng. bral, cura, remedy. Mederi ali mddle, MĚDIUS, a, um ; ad). Cic. (urgos) cui 'rel, to heal or make up any bufa + Mēdiētas, ātis; f. the moiety, bifmiddle, in the midst, half, man, BaufiQuas minus medcri poffis, the middle : betwoun borb, manifejl, commin, in- which you can bardly cure. + Mcdilis, e madj. curable. different. Medion reſponíum,a Moderga, for erga roc, towards me. Medimpun, iazine coomb - and double equivocating anſwer. * Mors Medeacaftos, ä bafard dawgbler of Medimous, 1 ; m. } } half of corn, mcdia, the midſt of death. * Elo- Pslamus. + Médio, are ; to place in the midſ), quendâ medius, an indiferent good Media, æ; f. 4 pary large country of divide, interceder orator • In medium, in common, Ala, so called from Medus, the son Médiocris, e; adj. moderate, tompe openly. '• Medium aliquem arri- of Medez and Ageus ; 'tis divi ratt, indifferent." pere, : to take ons about the wail). ded into the grester, whose head is Mědiocritas, āt's ; fi mediocrity, a # Frigoribus mediis, in tbe skidf Ecbatana and the lejer, called meaſure or mean. . Mediocritas of winter. Atropatia: ingenil, indifformi parts. + Medios, fi ; 'm, a medintor. + Mediamnis,.e ; adj. in the mida of Mediocriter, adv. moderately, indif- Mediusfidiùs, ady, Cic. a swearing a river, or encompallid with a ri. ferens'y. by Jove, who requires promiſe-krep. Mediolanum. the city Milan in Italy, ing Mediana, a city of Oſrhoena. 192 miles from Rome , alſo the sing Mcdmafus, a city of Caria. Modlanus, a, um ; (à medius) being Kainctes in Aquitain, and Lan- Medme, a city of Liguria in Ita- in the midi. Paries Medianus, caſter in England. ly 4 partition-wall. Mediolum, A city in Spain. Mcdozus, a citizen of Medne. + Mediaftinum. i ; n. thi partition Mediomatrices, the disy and people of MĚDO, õnis; (à wedu, vinum) mead, in the belly, the midriff. Metz in Lorrain. matheglin. Mědlaſtinus, i; m. à media donio) Medion, a city mar Ætolia. a drudgi, Nave, frullion. Medlox.mk . or Mediozumi, a middle Meduacus ; } a river of Venice. + Médiaitūlicus, i, m.' a chief ma. fort of gods between the Inferi and Mcdobriga, the city Armenna in Por- giflrate of Campania. Superi. tugal. Mediatè, adv. mediately. # Medioximus, a, um ; 2 adj. of the Medobithyni, a people of Thrace + Mědiáticus,a,um j adj. being in Medioxūlus, a, um ; } middle. made up of two. the middle. ranks, - Medoe, an iſland of Nilus in Æthi. Mediātio, onis ; f. a mediating, in- + Medipontus, 1; m.: an infrument opia. torrading, or mudiasion. to making ropes, a rope uſed by those Mcdon, a baſlard son of Ajax; on e Médiātor, oris ; m, 2 mediator, sbat maka oil. of Penelope's ſuitors i alſo be son + Mediatrix, icis įF.' interceder,+ Mědītābundè, adv. penjvely. of Codrus king of Athcns, and a 'arbiter. Mcditabundus, a, um, adj penſye, river of Pcloponelus. + Mědlātus, a, um ; in the middle. masing.. Mcdoftanium, a city of Germany. Medica, æ trefoil "hardonid, clo- Měditāmen, inis ; n. a plot or deſign. Meduali, a people of the Alps. urograf, also a woman.phyfirian.. Mēdītāmentum, i; n. a training or Meduana, the river Mayne in Gallia Médicauilis, é ; ad). curable. exerciſng of. Soldiers. Celtica. Medicābūlum, i.; , a place of phy. + Meditārius, a, um , adj. of medi. Medubricenſes, a people of Spain, Ack.or remedies. talion. called alfo Plumbarii. Mèdicímen, inis; n, a medicine, te Méditātè, ady. paufingly, with medi. Moduli, a people of Aquitain. , dying lut tation and fudy. MÉDULLA, ; f. Cic. (reushos, ve! Médicamentăria; i ; to the apotheca - Mědītātim, adv. hy heart, without à medius) marrow, pith, Jirongosh, crum of bread. • Medulla lini, Médicamentārius, ä; "una ; adj. of Méditātio, onis; f. meditation, ſudy, the tror of fax, Medulla lanæ, medicinus. mufing alls á training and exer the finuf of the wool. Medicamentārļas, il; m. sans aporhe ciling of ſoldiers, praaice. Medullāris, c; adj. of the narrow, Meditātluncŭla, že; f. a little medi. inward. Medicamentoſus, a, um ;. adj. pbyf. sation. Medullina, æ ; f. a Roman virgin, cal; bringing rinit), Méditātivus, a, um ; adj. of Oudying deflovered by her drunken farhar Medicamentum, ; B. dress poifon, or deviſing diſcovering him afterwards by a ring, phyfick. + Modītáto, adv. advifadly, diſcreetly. which she plucked from his finger Médicātio, õnis ; f. e curiwe, anoine. * Mödſtā:orius, a, um ; adj. of me. the ſabbed bim at the altar, ink. Jesping, infufing. ditation, + Medullinus, a, um ; adj. of mar- Medicãtus, a, um ; P. & A. mixed + Mēditālūr-io, irc ; acut. to be a. with some drug or liquor infused, bout to medicale. Medol. DRY. 2 MEG MEL M E L pia. } Medul itùs,; ady, dreply, intimately, y Megiſtus; # river falling into the Melano, on iſland of Doris. from the heart.. €geap fea, Melanogæloli, a poplo Æthlo. + Medullo, are; act. to take out the Mercie. Jadva Swearing by marrow, Mehercule, Herculea. M: anopper. čris ; a. ibu borib bi. Mõdulŭla, k; f. tbr imder narre Mehe dates, a king of the Affyrians). Shop's worl, St. Kytharina's. Hercer in ſmall bras. uxdr Claudius Cæfar. Melanorrizon, Olick herebere Medullum, a city of Vindelſcla, call- Mei. (the gmitive of ego) of me, Mu'anter'a, 2if inkur blaid, with &d Medlingen. MEIO, minxi, didum ; (ab Heb. wbirbibey eas out puttifed pofte. Medallus, 1; m. a mountain of Spain. majim, qua) to woke water. Melaotçia, m.;_f. the daughter of Mrous, i; in a rival of Media Mel, mellis ; n. (pin) boney. Mel Deucalion by Pyrrha ' Medus, a, um ; ady of Media. meum, wy (weer heart' Met ac. Melanıbii, mits about Samos. Médula, &; f. the doughter of Phor rion and Torcidum, henry-dow. Melanthium, ii ; n, pepper.woont, 49: cus, having goldm bair, which'war Mela (Pompanius) a Spaniſh gro riander of Rome, turned into frakss by Minerva, for grapher, whose bood Dc fitu orbis Melanthus, in; a. an bijwian wiko fying with Neptunc in ber emplo Is get exson, wrote of Attica i alſo the grár bord Bericus out of her bead, and car. Mela, a river of Gallia Ciſalpina. of Ulysses buin by Telemachus ; ried it into Africa, which bas Melabathrum, 'i; Ai'an herb like aljo a famous painter, and a tra- abounded with formis ever since; camomile. gical prais, e river of Cappadocia, Medula, z; to the leffor plansain, Melasa, a town of Attica. and a mountain of Syria. rib. wort, Lamb's tongue. Mcæna, an iſland in the Ionian loa, Melantho', f. tbr daughter of Pro- Medyllia, a city built by the Albines. calied also Corcyra. teus, who wil wine to ride on a Mega, a promartory of Mauritania Meland, a city of Lycia, dolphin; unil Neptune in bat Cæfarienfis, Melænites, the people of Mc'ana. joan diriurd ond raviford bor. M-gabyzitbe priedli of Dlang at Me'æne, an enciant mimo of Cepha- Melanthos, ! ; m. a daniſhed Muffe- Megalobyzi, $ Epheſus, which were lcgia ; alſo a sown of Arcadia. nian, who baving bulpid the Aihe- ; to be curribs, and is rbersforo iaken Melaniper, a city of Lydia: nians against; 1b. Bocotians, 'war di for strainate perſons. Melampelos, the hero helzine. them bom ding ; alſo a river og Megabyzus, a nobleman of Persa, Melamphyllis; an iſland of Samo- Sarmatia Europæi one of the four who removed the thracia. Melanuras, i; b. afra-ruf with grunny of the magi. Melamphyllos, Samos, and a mun blaci (pot on the tone of his tail. : Megaclca,' an biftorian who wrote of 'lain in Theffily, Melapia, jf. a far.aai. Mclapiuo, vin. . fants mm. M:lamphyllua, 1; A. black urbine. Megaclides, a poripasnick philosopher Melampodium, ili n. black hello-l ' t Melarum, i?; a. an apple-lofe. in sbt time of Protagoras. Melampodlon, ii;n. $ bore. Melas, be seime of jouer rivers Megacio, the daughter of, Macares Melampus, a phalician, who under: Melas, anos, a kind of morpberie, king of Lesbos, who hired the muſes ford the voices of birds and barbe ; : Me caba, a city of Egypt. to be hur maids, and with their ping alſo black fast, a dog's name. Mcca 108, Hercoles among the Ty. rians. ing 80 pacify her frowardneſs fo- Melampygos, a name of Hercu'cs wards her mother from his black breacb. Metch ades, the twenty-nineb bipbop Molciados, Megacoſmus, i ; n. thegreat world. M:lampyrum, i ; A. coro-whent. Rome. Megæra, æ; f.one of the Furies, the Melanætus, á saler howk. Me'chjor, oris ; m, oni of the magi, daughter of Nox and Acheron. Melanchztes, one of Actzon's degs, or suur kings in Cologne so called from his black hair Melchiſedech Megalattus, Ccies so called. adec, a priest songs Megăſia, plays is honour of Cy: Melanclæni, a people by Boſphorus king of Saico bele. Cimmerius, irom ibair bluck gur. Me coman', a people of Dalmatia. Megaleascas, a, um ; ad). of Mega- + Melcălum, my lewear boxing. Icira. Melancholia, æ; f. melancholy, Meldaba, a city o Reypi. Megalla, æ ; f;, a small iſland of + Melancholicè ; ady. milanebolick-: Melda, 2 people of Gillia Luigda- Candania by Naples. ly, Meidi, nenas.. Megallum, ii; na ſwart ointment. Melanchólicas, a, um.; ad). melan- Mele; pl. a, tanes, notes, fongs, bala Megalopolis, is; f. a city of Arcadla cholick. lads, in Peloponnclus, enxher of Caria Mclancoryphus, i; m. 4 fig-pecher. Moleagincs, a famous Athenian ar. and Iberia ; alſo the city Meckel- Melandta, a country of Slcyonia. sbindt,' who built the remple of Mi. burg in Germany. Melandryon, « corn wird with a Megalopſychia, ; f. magnanimity, while lower; also the body of a Mileager, i, m. the son of Oencui greatnef of foul, tuny-fjla power'd. king of Caledonia. Meganira, a; f. the wife of Celeus, Melanc, an island about tonia. Maleagris, idis ; l, a turkey-bon. and ndiher of Triptolem v8. Melancis, a city of Eubea. Meleagrides, um ; f. the bfire ! Megāna, z; f. the daughter of Creon Melancs, Hack mountains by the de Melcager, :rchi buwaiting their king of Thebes, jain by her own farts of Arabia. brothers, were turned ipsi iw key- husband Hercules, bons, Melaneus, cl; m. the father of Eury- Megăra, brya, s city of Acha!.. tus, from whow Eretria is called Melcigrus, t; m. ibe thirty-fire king Megar.cus a, am ; ad). of Mega Melaneis ; alſo e' of Altæon's of-Meedonia Megaricafus, c; } ris. Rilus dogs, and a Cmtour, Melegene, ûs; f. an iland n * Adriatick fao. Megaricus, comidorate and unfeam Melange, a city of India called Mali- fonable laughter. Lachryma Mc pus, where the body of St. Thomas Meles, - king of. Lvd a garienſes, feigned tears. is thougbe to raf. Meles, 19;f, a badger. Se melis. Megarous, ibe farbar of Hippomenes; Melangitæ, a prople of Arabia Fe- Melen, čt-s, a river naar.Sayroa, also the son of Apollo, who built lix. wbib Homer was born, wband he Megara. Melani, menntains of the gulf of is called Meltigenes ; alſo city Arabia. Megäri, s priople of India about the of the Samojtesi riwr Indus, Melania, a; f. blackneſs, a freckle. Meletius, li m an Arlan Egyptian Megario, idis, a country of Achaia. Mclanlon, il; n. sbe black violet. bilap banilout under Dioclelan. Megarſus, a city of Sicily, and a ri. Melanion, mais ; m. a man to challe, Méll, bmes. wr of India. bas for botrá to womm be lived | Melin, a city of Carla + Megarus, 1; D. A nackaral. wild in ibr dofart, and bunted wild Mela terra, ax canib ujed its and by pamiers: Megala, a city of Libya. beats like a dog, and could never be Meges, one of the Greciao prints: reiliimid, wbonce the adago,' * Melibocus, a mouusain in Gerrogay. afilling 4Troy, Melanione cartier... Melibaa, #; f. a city of Magnelig Meglsba, 'a' lake in the ifle Tapro. Melanippion, a river of Pamphy- famsus for purple. bune. 11a Melibeus, i; D. a mountaid of Ita- Megifta, u city and inand of Lyca. Melanis, the name v Vonus, fram ily; aijo a Stepherd' name, Magiſtancs, um ; pl.m. Beblomon, bor loving darkness. Melica, a to musick, alfo surting greridt. Melanius, a dog's name, Coal. millet. Melica galina, turkey. (6) A bie nervą. porno 1 апа. mar 1 } . More for me, acc. of ego, my M E L M EL MEM hos, Su melicus, lusle lap-dog ; alſo one good for. :8 pretty little rigue. Melicēria, a; f. 2a-bile or in sol. naught. Mellona, ibi gidders of bars and Melicēro, idio; t. s bume full of Melitene, es ; f. & city of Cappido Mellonia, } bong . mauer: liki bmry. c!a, and a small country of Sog Mellus, a city of Greece. Melicerta, tha qon of Ino and Atha . Melo, ibe river Niluş. Melitis, & precious Done of a quince MELO. õnis ; m. [unang Ia melen. Moliculcros, a fone green on one pdo colour. Melobofis, a nynob, the daugbier of and galliw on the other, Melites, onte of Homer's fortunate Oceanus and Tethis. Melichros, & yelloio fone; alſo the fools; be conld never tell abous fius, Melocabus, the city Coburg in Ger. fame as melliculam. and being married, be durt no: mady: Melichryſus, 2; a kind of Indlah . tosch bis wife for fear oif:uld will Melodunum, the city Melan in jacinsb. her mosber, wbmve the proverb, France. Melicráton, i; mabeglin, mead. Melitido ftultior Me'odes, a maker of me'ody.. ; ad) o Media and wine; also a precious Bone, tajl. mwack. Meliai, @ People of Ther: ing like honey. Měodus, a, um ; ad) melodious. Malcnles, ſaly Melitta, a city built by Hanno, near Melodus, i ; m. Á shimer, varafor. Meligonis, an Æolian fand, called ibe Atlantick ſea. Meloeffi, an iſland by Sicily abound. allo Lipara. Melittæa, æ; f. e city / Theffaly: ing with peep. Měhotus, 1; f. the barb meilt. Melitton, õnis ; n. á plas ubere be Melomclun, i ; n a freeting. Melilotus coronaria, bird's-josi, fra are kape. Melon, onis ; m. an affrologer, who foil. Meliturgus, i ; m. be that keeps bees being lified for the war, and Jering Melimē!l, marmalade of quinces. er fells boney. himſelf on the wall fide, counter- Melimēlum, i ; n. a ſworeting, or as Melitufa, a city of Illyria. faired madneis, and for his bouje on Jone think a musk-melon. Mellus : adv. comp. of benė; better. fire, that be might be diſcharged. Melina, e rily in Argos, wben'e Ve * Mel:ùs Pompcio cft factum, Mēlõpěpo, õnis; m. a musk-wolon. pus.is: called Mel-nica, Pompeius is recovered. Meliùs Melopæus, * Meliùs Melopoeus, a, um ; adj. making me. Melina, 2 f. propis-skin or coat of crit ifti morbo, we hall find jour lody. skin ; alfo Reihrg in, aprill pipe, remedy for it. Me'o-s, dis ; n. geledy, sweetneſs of and a da!k yellow cloth Me'iuscule ; adv. a little better. mufick, consert, bormony, tune. Melinor hagl, a prosle of Thrace. . Meliuſcñas, a, um ; adj. josewhat Melos, á city and iſland by Crete. Melinum. 1; n. dalm, orange flower. Melõta, o fi a pele, fell, sharp's skin. water, oil, or 0:$imeni. Melixandrus, a Mileſian, who cortie Melphes, a river of Lucania, called Melinus, a, um , adj. a bafard yel the war detroren tbe Lapithæ and Molpha. low, orange, er praw-rologr. Centaurs. : Melphia, a city of Lucanla called Melinus, a, um ; adj. (à aclis] of a Meliz gara, a mart-lown of India Melphis, ) Me'fi badger · within Gages.. Melpönene, ĉs; f. one of the Mijos, Meliodunum, a city of Germany. Melizigara, a murt-town of India! inventer of tragedies. Mě! or, lus, gen. oris ; adj. comp. wihin Ganges. Mo!pomenos, a nime of Bicchas a. of bonus, beilor. Meliz geris, un iſland of India wiib wong the Acarnenſes. + Më'jörātio, õnis; f., a bostering in Ganges. Meſus, river in Spain. Melio:eſc-o, ére; neut. to grow bet. Melarsa, a city of Spain., Melus, i ; f. a town in Theffaly, Mellarium, 11;. là mel] a place whicb Ñ'cias cook by famine; whence + Meloritas, ātis; f. betterneſs. aubsre bres are kevt. tbe proverb, * Fomcs Meli. Melloro, are s act, to make better. Mellărias, a, um ; belonging to hme. Meloffa, an iſland near Iberia. , . ibu berbMellărius, i, n. a bue mojler, boney- Melyenles, a people of Ala minor. Meliphyllon, 1; n. ban. Memblsarius, i, m. one of Cadmus's Meli, is ; f. [hanis, à Mend, melja Mellatio, õnis ; f she hiving of bees. companions; and an island by badge or gray. + Mellatum, i, n. muß. Thera. Mēlife, a town of Magna Græclai Melleus, a, um ; of or like honey. Membrāna, 2; f. [ à membrum) Mélifla, æ ; f. bilm. Mellicólum, i; D. 3 th nig t to the memory: the MI T M I X MOD d. Nemini mifereri certum mithriaca facra, facrifices in honour mised, tempered. çit, I am refoluud to piry nons. of the furi. Mizraim, she country of Egypt. Miséreſc 0. čre ; in be moved with 'Mithrax, Za roſe-colour'd Ame chang- compafim sozoards.one.. Mitrex,' } ing Howy against the M. Ante N. Miſeret; imp. it pidas. • Mi- Mllere:cir; } feret mc iui ar vicem Mithridates, is; m. a king of Pon.' M. N. abbreviac.for mco nomine, or tuam, Ian forry for yeat. , tus, ubo ſpoke twiny iwe langaugas; millc nucanum. Misčrla, z; f. leg, wreabodasis; rebelling, and bring overcome by the MNM. abpreviat. for manumiffum. Misericordia, a; f. morty pity. Romans, he would bave poroned. Mna for mina, she ſum of an bundnd + Misericorditer ; ady, with pity, bimself, but could not, Indonesher Attick drachni. Mtsčricor-8, dis ; adj. gimciful, must; wbt colleard the spillies of Bru-Mnas, 4 pirate who infefed the Ita- full of campagnen. tud, prirxed by Aldus; alſo a king l'an couin ibu time of Pompey. + Miséritèri Adv. miferably, på fully. of Parthia, Pergamus: Armcaja ; . Moaleas, who ngme of thres biliorins: + Misèritudo, inis; f. pifory. and others, | Moauthods, * fumaus' Sicyonian Misēror, ari; dep. pity and + Mithridates, is z m, he ibat makes painter, compaffim upor. mithridate. Maalon, a grant of the Elatenfes, and other son. + Misčrūlus, a, um, very majorable. + Mithridatium, ii ; n, mithridato Mjlerùm ; adv. O jad! invented by king Mithridates. Mněmõnica, orem ; fi barps te the Miletua, a city of Macedonia. Mitificauio, önis ; f, a poftning,tan memory. Milgetes, a prople at Iberia. ing Mnemonicus 2, um ; ad); belonging Milgomenzariy of Theffalg. Mitiricatus, a, um, part. of mitia: # Miſipla;-;.fjja black-birá. cor ; mitigatid, digefird. Mnemoſync, es ; f. a Plerian nymph + M:lito, ire, so fond often.. Mitifico, are ; act. so inaka gensis, to who brought forib ibe nine muſes to M:ſnia, a prostate of Woper-Saxony. uppeafe, roncol, Jupiter Misögămia, æ; fi baired of marri. Mligado, õnis ; f. ani appealing, af. Maemofyno, és; f. memory. rongiori Memolynum, i; n. A mortet, Milogămasy an, um z adj. hating of Mitigātor, Oris ; m. on appeafer. pledge marriage. Muigātorius, a, um'; adj. beving Mneamăchus i; m. a comical party Miſognia, æ; f.'contempt of woom. Virtus and power to afunga. shru aj whole plays are mentioned by Miſogynus, i, m. 3 won is beter. Miligātus, a, um ; part: mitigated. Suldas.. Milpila, a city of the Medes. Mitigo, arc i act. acc. to mitigate, Mnasterys ri; m. & froman ofagrip. Miffaj m; fi la miibi fending a pref, effarga concit, i paž. pina, who won bis lady rons Hair 6011, tbr cbárub feruit; alji iha Mitigars ani; atus fum; post to be oy Naro's guerd, lliw himſelf. maſı.; and a woman finger, hained, made gos!, tá le afwagedi Maesthcus, izm. The name of a Tro . + Madatica, fan sifon appenfad, ebsted. Jan Sorung from king Adaracus MITIS, é; adt. Etiarre, vel à also the son of Petcus the cloumit + Miffaticam, i; n. a melugs. Herã, minuo) ripe, met gratis, 1. king vf Athens. i Miffticus tim, a manger, a mitd, rulmain mellow. Mite faga Mnevis.: 4x confecrated to the fun, inger at maſsa num, & fanding pool. Mites ar. which the Heliopolitcs worſhipped + Masicŭlo, are, trad to and fro. bores; trust planted by hund, M. fu agid. Misilo, -o; n. là mhto) – jave.in, tiorem in partem interpretari, 10 dari, adarguti, a snimble among put a favourable confruäion upon a M. ante o the people. Milsilt3, c'; adj. arthrowa. Mitra 2; f., a maitre, v Grecian MO. abbreviat. for modi, modo, or Miſlio, onis; f. a fending, a licente, coif; also be skin onwrapping the Dors. : pols.port. Sanguinis miffio, á ponas, Mosphernes, the uncle of Scraból letting blood. Muitam milia, 2. MITTO, li, fum, tele; ad, acc. mother difebarge of soldiers, (u Oruhy popura) jmd away Moba, a part of Arabia. Miſsito, are, [à mittoj to fod ostm. diſmiss, omil, cat, Bing, write and Mobeni the inbabitants of Mo- Muffus, ay Om; part. of mittor i font, Speak. Mitte me, let me go. } ba. throum. • Mifum facere: to let Sanguinem mittere, to lee blad. - Mobilis, e; adj. (a moveo] Drow- alone.. ..MIRO convivio, wben the In ora popula mittcre, to make one able, inconsani * Mobili effe a- dotb.wis lakes away., • Corpora the fiton talk. • Mittere ridicu n:ino, to be w.jusring and incons m ffa neci, niin tid . #Miffam lun, 'to break a jel... Unam Jan! facere uxorein; # put away inte's banc noxio inittc, pardon me sh... wiõbi!itas, āt's ; f. moosbloneji, in. w.fr. Miffum facere vadedom- • Mittere boxzm, to pardın tonianty. ut, to forfait his resgnixtie, mot a faull. * F.uclum mittit admi- Moviliter ;' adv, moueady, nimblyo 10 aptrar as the time wyponid. rabilem, it bours exore!lant fruit + Mobilítos are, to wake acuedbla, to Miffus, i . a kifingar. In caput mittl, to be briun down fer in morion. M-ffus, ùs ; m. sending away, a bradlong. . . Mitto maled.cta om- Mocasſus, a cell camtry in Thrace. putting forth, a natrh at a rais, * nia, Ijay robing of yoár reprowbMocata, æ ;f, asiry of Phrygia. ows or courſe. * Miſius ferarum, ful language.' Mittere in confi. Mochrra, ; f. a city-oj Arabia A fenting brafis Bogatott to fgbt. Diuma, to differe an immediare dukidno. + Miftarlum, ii'; n. a vital to mix ration abous, and death of a con. Michus, ium. a Phon'cian who wine and water. tiwah: wrats ihr biyopy of his own country Miftora, a; f. a mixture or mingling. M.tt.or, eris, l. miffus fum ; part. so in the famr lamuage. Miftus, a, um ; part. Of miſcoor; be font, &c. See mitto. Mocle, a city of Phrygia. mized, temned. Molus, 1; on, the fifto called limpina Modčrābiiis, c; adj. in bu ra'sd, no- Minylla,' the name of a corb in Mar See myclus. derats. ual. Mlylenc, Us; 21.am arcione cisy, Modčrāmen, ins; 20. male, gouern- Mify; yos's n. vitriol; alſo the fru's Mylenæ, arun; } and now sbi Möderamentum, i; } armi called thber, ef a good finall and wha's if and of Lesbos. + Modčranièr; agr. modenarnly. rajte. Mitys, a man whole varu fill upon + Moderate ; Lady madmady,tem- + Mite; adv.. jùs, iſfimè. gently, bin that few him, md killed biso. lt Moderatin; } paraulj. + Miva, x; f. marmalaas of quinces, Modératio, onis ; f. moer'at 07h, pe. Mitella, f. [å mitral a little mi. + Mios for meu!, mine. me; also fears n sang the arm i Mixobarbus, a, um, ad). porely Moderátor, oris., m.a povernor, pu- în. prore, and parily durbarous, having ler, gu der. Miteſco; čr; Beur., 10 grow mild ini parine a Grecian, and thi'ather Mõděrätrix, Icis; f. * pourruar. mesi, and gentle, grow rain and a Barbarlan Moderātus, , um ; adj.for, Ifimus ; ripe. * M refcente bycmc, the + Mixtàrius, ii; m. á cup to mix mode: 481, Cooperalt.** wards zoruther coming on. wine: † Moderne; ady. Jaitly, newly. ;'m. ? * Mõderuus, a, um ; adj. warmer a im PerGaas) bene Mixtus, a, ure; part..of miſceor j Möděror. 4 Mobites; 6 the mean. M O D M O E MOL Modčrör, ari; dep. to govern, retro dep. to govern, rula, Mõdūlātus, a, um, part of modü. + Moeitus, a, um, part. a mcercos guide, misur. # Modcrari lin lor ; wurdlid, rcmod, well.governed sud, forrowful. quz nur te lat the tong ur be unruly ar ordered Moga, the country called afterwards; Marc moderatur, houer-sales she Modúlor, ari; dep. (à modulos) to Cappadocia warble or chart, to order. * Modu. Mogrus, a river of Pontus. Mõleftè; adv. modellen, manner]), lari vocem, to govern the voice, Ang Moguntia, the city Mentz in Ger. bumily. according to iba noras miny, wbore they say printing was Modeſtia ; f. modifra humildy, Mõdūlus, 1; n. a line moafurs, a for inumied, A. D. 1450. subcrneſs. frame, model, a tuni, the chapiter of Migus; i; m.. king of the Gaulo, Modeftinus, alias Herenn'os, a pitlar, a fos-long. about 330 years after ibi flord. lacajer me the time y Alexan- Modura, the city Biſnagor in India MÕLA, * ; R. (),a mill, a mill. der. wirbin Ganges. Morii ; aljo the cbeakbene, a falfe Modeſtus, a, um, id). ( modus) me. MÕDUS 1; m. (ab Heb. maadbadh, conceptions and a cake or meat-o. def.Jobur, tempea:e, humble. mcnfus eft) a manner, faſhion, ing. • Mola msquarla.or trulati. Modeltus, the colleague of Ariotheus. means, meaſure, lice, proportion, and lis. a quern - bond-mill. :: Modi. oruma; m. 6: peafurity Tud, end, a time or meſure in vnufick ; Molæ, ertain goddeles the daughters of times in Enging. alſo a tunt, Major quam pro of Ma's, worfhipped at Rome, Mặdi&l:s, tỷà Buddlus] 4 buzbe. modo, above the duo proportion.' . Moła is, c;, ad). / a mill . Den # Möd ātio onls ; f. a buſhel mia. Agri non magnus modus, a mall tes molares, the chuck teetb or grim. Jure ; :If the meaſuring of liquid pate of land. Pomorom ingens ders. Lipis molaris,ta mil-pone things. modus, grat llory of fruit. In or grind fone. Möhlicè; ady, ntderatels, temperate modum, bandſomely. * In modum Möār's, is ; m. a book tooth, a piore ly, with meaſurt. Edificia mo hoftilem, like an inem. ' *Vitæ of milfont; alſo a marshafite. dicè extantia, fruiturus,alınleriing modus, a trode or way of living.; Mõlār um, sí; n. ibe miller's toll, *p. Ipíc modicè dicam, I'll tell * Modum imponere, to fet a bound Mõlarius, a, um ; adj. of a mill. you in fuori. unto. Eft modus in rcbus, abers Alous molarius, an ang ibat ini Mõdicellus, a,.am; ad). very lite is a juf Pint in actions. a mill. Modyti, a city of Taprobane, calx1 Molendinarla, e; f. e miller's wife, Modicò ; Pındar. Molendinārlus,-1, um; ad). belonging Mndicum ; }ade. a lille. Machi, a; f. an adultreſ. Sa ta mitt. • Mola molendinarima! Mödico, arc, to moderats, offuage. mecbus. aegrif mill. Modicum, i; A. aliule. Mechārio, ön's; f. adullary. Molendinarius, ilu, a miller. Modicus, a, um, adj. fitils, mar, Machâtor, oris, m an adulterer. # Mõlendinum, in a mill. mull, modernis. Cui animas Mochia, æ; f. adul.err. MOLES, is, f. (à mola. vel uczach cit modicus, a mind that is con- Mechiro, arc, to defi o wish adul vectis, vel ab Hcb. gnanil, mo- tonied with a little. Modicus ori. Jeftia} a maſs, buld, a huge pile in ginis, of bafo extreation. Peca- Mæchor, ari; dep. to commit adul. building, a mole, don, bank, a hard niæ modicus, one that is not will tery, play the harlor. tus. Moles injura, the great Jurniſhed with money, + Machūlus; i;. m. a lacherous.par. nels of the injury. + Mosíficītio, onis ; f. a proportion- Mõleftátio, onis; f. á molaling, ing MECHUS, 1; D. Tuyòs) an adult Moleste; adv. grievouſly, painfully. + Mõdif.cãtor, öris; m. A propor- ferir, leher, Mõlcftia, æ; 1. srouble, painful of MCENIA, ium &orum ; n. (à me. grievouſneſs. Modificātas, a, um ; part, of modl" TUD, vel ant. menis, i. s. munis] Mõle to, are; 4. *C- to trouble, ficor ; proportioned. Modificata any building, the walls of a rewn. dIqui. verba, words ufel fguratively. • Mandi mcenia, 'ibo circuit of sb Mõleitus, a, um; adj. [à molen Mod fico, are; 2ct. * proportion, zarla. troublom, sainji, grinder Modificor, ari; dep. } mrefurt. + Mænlo, are, tu fortify with a wall, Molesta tunica, a pitibed cost ix + Modificus, a, um ; ad), in meaſure, + Monitus, walled about, bwils. 'which nalefadors were burns. mielre, or bormony, Manus, the river Meyn in Ger- + Moletrina, if the worlbomla + Mõdimperator, oris, m. the maller mány where fades ground corn. an law-giver at a faj. Mærogencs, he wrote four books como Mõlilc, is; .n. (à molo) a pole, Mödlõlus, i; mig little meaſure, the Perning Apollonius. hand will, the inflrumın by which Mape of wberi, a cup a drink'in, Mæragetes, Jupiter so called, and the mill is drawn ir tamidi a tropiin-iron, or Hipocratcs's faw, formetimes Apollo. + Molimen, inisinandra: moes dins i form of carboli, &c: Meerens, nti brou), fod; part. oft Molimcntud, 1.97' uburimer, de- to wit, brackets to the corona of a Mærco, ere; neur. [à neige, faa Agning, attempting corns, Jupp ging the part of the tum, dolor, vel ab licb, mas, a-1 + Molina, æ; f. a wabtr-xill. hed; noulding marus] 1. be forrowful purn el, Moline, arum; plik AAMIII raid MÖDIOS, tl; [niódio 1. bubel. * to boradan. Alicnis bonis mee. by hands. Mod:us agri, a quare picts of теге, 10 rapide af another's wel. Malio, Jupiter so called. grand en hundred fui oriad, and fare. Mõlior, iri; dop. acc. [amoles) war. /cis, plorier. conunt 1 > Á. D. 1505 mogeni. men: MOL MON Μ.Ο Ν Montus, a, um, Los Molor) ground, , Molpis Lacon, he wrote of the Lace.f. Mõn29, ădis ; fi unity, an ace, a Mõlitus, a, um, lof molior) baving domonian commain-wallb. fran andeavourai. Moluc æ, fiue Nants near India, Monafterialis, c, of a monaſtery. + Moll co, čre ; neut. to be fofe. under the_squinitial line, called Mõnaſtērīolum, i ; a. a little monas- Molefco, čre ; neut. 8o grow soft, .; Tarinate, Tidore, Mitr, Machiani, terj, a cloifter Le appeared. and Bachlan, where the bird of Monafterlua, ii ; 8. a monafort, Mollcftra, æ jf.a fuer's pult. paradife is. † Moll. Itbp Peru balfam. + Molucrum, i ; a. a Squaro piece of Mõnaſtěrium, the city Munſter in '. Mollis, TI. timber one which shuy were wont Weſtphalla. Mollicellas, 1, om, adj. [of molli to grind"; also ibi trindle of a Monaſticus, a, um, adj. monaflical. Monaulus, 1; m, e-firglo piſe, # Mollicina, e; f. a fost garmens. + Moloſcha nox, a pifache nut. Monda or Munda, å roer of Portu- + Mollic'nlam empastrim, a mello- Molybdạna, a'i f. bradors, a vein of gal called Mondego, hing plejer. lead and Alver mixed. Mõnedóla, æ; f. (à moneta, vel Molliculus, a, um ; ad)..d'm. [à mol- Moly, yos; 'n., rue or heró grace. monco) a jackdaw. • Uls] very fast and easy. Molybdana, a city of tbs Midlani. f Mõnēla, f. an admonition. . Mol ficácio, on sf.a mollifying. Molybdits, load sborugdly tried ; Monembalia, a city of Peloponacſas, * Molin.ro, oris ;m.d.mollifrar: alſo the lowme of it. called Malvasia. + Mollifico, arc; act, acc; to multing, Mal bdoles, an illind near Sardinia, Monembalitcs, malmfoy. - 10 soften. Mõnens, atis part of monco; an admoniſber Mollimentum, in:} a Simoning, as- Molyadea, a city of Lycia. Molys, e city of Libya. Mon.co, ērc; ad. farás) to admo- Moll-io, irc i no Solten, make render, Mombiza, a far town on the borders niſl, warg, counſel, pus in mind or to affominste, app, afwoge. . of A'rịca, taken by the Chipians, TETA.sebranice, Monere aliquem · Moliro lanám, te dve wool. ut venjat ad cænan, to invite one Mollipes, ēd!s, feft 11 tender footed. Možemphis, a city of Egypt. is fupper. MOLLIS, e; ad). (xanaxos] soft. Momen, inis; n, la noveo} a mo. Moneris, is f. a gallay wirb one lander, niie, feminale, eaſy, ripe. tion. row of oars. Mollibus eft oculs, he wmps Momentancus, a, um ; ad}. memen. Moneta, æ ; f. & furns me of Juno, qui.ey: Molli brachlo objur sary, abiding but a little while, from the voice wheb was heard in gare, la correa gmtly, Molliffi. tranſitory. hør temple in the size of a great ma, icmpora fandi, a very fie rima. Moment:rius, a, um ; adj, done in a taribqurki, bidding them ſacrifice a to sprek. Sow with pig. Molitèr , ady. Softly, tenderly. + Momcntillum, i ; D. a little mo- Mõnēta2; F. (à monco) money or Mollitèr ſe curare, 10 make much roin ;'a!/ « mint, remembranes, of one's felt Mollitès ferre, Momenpò; adv. in a moment, pro warning, the womb, take puimtly. dile. Moneralis, e; adj. of coin of the Mol!ités, ci f fineſs, tenderne', t Movento, atc. to ſot right to a mint. · A'lum monetąlc, coined niceneſs, calmneſs. hair. go'd + Mo'lito, aré, to foflors. Monentālus, a, uti ; adj. of. fuerte + Moaciarium, ii ; n. she mine. Moll tido, inis ; f. Softneſs, delicate : 2941 important Mönētārius, a, ua; adl.' of the mint, Molivudo vocis, the tune Momentum. i ;'n. Cic. a moment, Mõnētārius, ii;m.e mint malar, 4 ableneſs of the voice. weight, that which warns the frein, coirier. Mullitus, a, um, Joftened, of waged. a weighty consideration, a reaſon, Mönālis, c ;a:11. of a monastery. # Mo'liuſcule ; ady. Jourwbat softly a minuts. Oculi womentum, Möniālis. is fiat pun. prenderly. the twinkling of an eye. # Res + Monibilis, c ; adl. cibly warned. Moliyr:ūlus, a, am ; adı, somewhat maximi momenti, a very weigh!, Monica. St. Augustin's mosher, , of the ſoftneſs. concrx, Muuentutu afferre, co whole life is, written by him and Mollugo, inis ; f. [à mollis] a kind bring some aduintage. Addito Maphæus Voğrus Laudenús. of jbe berb lappago. refinw momento, puising in a litla Mõnile, is; n.[ă.monco) a bracele, Molluſca, z; f. (à mollis) a pildebe rела. a necklace, the poitrel of « barfe. Momus, i, m. e feigned daily, the t Monimen, inis ; a. a warning. Molloſcuo, t; n. 4 plank of maple. Son of Nox end şomnus, whoſe bus - Monincntum, in. [ à monco ] 4 Molo, a famous oratir af Rhodes in, profs was to care and find fauls minumint,remembrance, record, ne. the time of Cicero.' wib all the other gods; hener morial, somb ; alfo favor, * Com. Mõlo, ui, itum ; la molo] zo grina. she proverb, Homo fatisfacere, moncfacere aliquem, bubulis moi Moloch, an idol of the Ammodites, to contri onk wbi ne man can nlacnels to remind one of a thing called.alfo Milchom. plafo. with a cart-whip. Moloches, es ; f. baly hock. Mona, the iſle of Angleſey, between Mõnitio; õnis ; f. a warning, ad. Molochinarius,ilim. ä dyer of violet England and Ireland; alſo a small. Mõnitus, ùs ; m. $ moniſhing . colour. iſland in :be mouth of the Rhine. Monitor, oris ; mil an admoniſer, Molochings, a, um ; ad): of mellows Mona ulterior, sbe ile of Man. Mõnitrix, icis; f. warner, en of a whitijo purple. Mõnabze, a city of Ifauria. informer, overſeer Molochites, is; m. a precious Bons of + Mõnacha, a; f.a nun, Mõpitòrium, ii ; a. a place of admo: a stisk grein. * Mõnachalls, e ; adj. belonging so nition, Molorchus, i ; m. An ancient ſorphard i Monachills, a monk or yun. Mõnitārius, a, um ; adj. warning, ther mtertairsd .Hercules, and 10 Monachiſmus, i.; m. monachiſt, or admoniſhing require him Hercules How ibe Ne. living, like a mink. Mõnitum; 1; n. an admonitim, coun. mcan lion. Monachium, ji; n. ibe ſociety of lai, advise Molorchæa, folemn soaps in bonour monks. Mõnitus, a, um ; part. Of moncor ; Molorchus. Monachor, aţi, to be made a monk. warned, adviſed. † Molo: thus, i.; m. a plum Tule used Mõnăthus, i ;m, a monk or friar. Monobeli, oruń, call people. in Squaring of Done and timber. Molori, a souple of Milostia, now Monochium, Bavaria.. Monachium, } the car Munchen in Monoblocos, by a book written fongly calied Pandofian Epirus, hence Montres. a king of Parth:a. Monoceros, 7:18 ; f. an unicorn, the dogs called Molofli and Mo- + Monalitèr, adv. single. : Monochordum, 'n. an inſirumme Tomcin which the : posts feign Pook Monalus, a river in Sicily. af many frings with ons sound. their original from a braxen cogMonada, the iſland Man. Monochromatus, a, um ; adj. of one made, by Valcan, which he gave Monarchi, æ; m. on emperor, king, color, 70 Jupitcr, and Jupiter to Euro. or monarch. Monocolus, a, um, of one member. pa, she to Procris; and fe ro Cc Monarchia, æ ; t. monarchy, the go- + Monoculus, i;.n. A one - Syed phaluş. vernment by i fingla perlen. inkini Molostus, 1; m. Cà Moloſſia) a mal Mönarchicus, a, uin adj. of. : Monodactylys, a premain of Ætht- of also a foort, sorce long Grillades neriby. ор а. Mono i 3 1 natur. Quins. MON MOR MOR lõnõdia æ; t. the finging of ont 4., Monſtrificus, a, um; adj. monffrousi Mõrātor,'āris ; m. a sárrier, sopper, lane a lammuable dirty. furprifing. hinderer, Mõ õdus, i, m. he sharings alone. Monſtro, ac ; (à monſtrum Jro hew, Mõrātorius, a, um ; adj. of tarrying Mõõdus, the son of Pruſias, who in tail, point at, tracb, inform, or draging Read of teeth had one sinsinued Monſtrosè ; adv. monflromly, again Mõrātus, a, um; part. of moror ; bons; the ſame is reported of Pyri having tarried. i rhos king of Epirus. MONSTRUM, 1; n. (à moneo) a Mórātus, a umr ; adj. (of mos) man. Monacus, an bium of Liguria. monfler, prodigy, a wonderful and no'd, nurtured, bausrig bed or Mónógămia, z; f. , being anre mare Arange thing again the cour's of good manners.. Morata oratio, a ried. narure; allo an bainous crime, and Speech touching mønniers and be an intruation. * Monftrun aluót, bivjour. Monogloſſum, a mart-Siwn of India . Quibus moratus cft within Ganges they are betching some mijobirt or mor bus ; whas end å condi. anıthor, tioned min is hi? Benè moratus, Monogrammus, i ;m, a lean ſpare man, a priture drawn w themel Montana, orum ; n. up!and places good conditioned. line. Montanus, a contain beratick, A. D Moravla, æ; f. a country in Bohe. Mõnõlinum, 1; A. A fingle jiring or 173. and anoher A. D. 154.wbancı mia, an imtly called Marcomannla. line the Montani and Cathari, Morbidè , ady. Nik!y, di sajid',. Mõnõ õgia, ; f. a faring me shing, Montanus Ju ius, a port who wrote + Morbiditas, atis ; t. dijajedneſs. afing ng 1978 fums. in hexameters and penlamelers. Morbidus, a, um , adj. difejed, fert, Mjaõõg:un, ti; n. a long tale of al. Montanus, a, um ; adj. [à mona) fickly, coxy, inced, and infråjous. inall matter of a moun!ain, hilly. Morb ficus, a, um ; adj. camping Mõnõiõgus, i, m. he that loves to Mont-s, the city Mons in Hannonia. Auknels. beur himſelf like Montes Ælli, certains hills in Sicily, Morb!!ll, örom ; m. shemafels. Monomachia, z; f. a duel. called Montcfori. # Morbonia, æ i f. a miſchief. * Ilo Mõ õmăchus, i, m.a dueller. Monthaburum, a wry prong infla of in morbon:20, go and be hanged. Nõağmēri, an rajiorn people ſaid 30 Germany, built by Bafanus Eng of Morbosè ; adv. fcily, difeufelly. bive but ine irg, und to bop excreding the S.cambri. Morborus, a, um ; fickly, difuzjed. (wifty, Monticola, Dic. a mountainer or | + Morbulentus, a, um ; adj. full of Mõnõphăgus, i; o, he ibat rats alons, inhabitant of the mountains. aifea es. or elmays of one kind, Monricălolus, a, um; ads full of MORBUS, , m. (wóros) fickne), Ņonophylloi, i; a. the hard one. Tule mountains, dileaje, a fore, trouble, defau's. blads, or in loaf. Monticulus, t; mi [à mons] a litilo Morbus fuens. or coeli, the plague, Mõnõpõllum, ilin, a table biving suuntain. • Morbus Herculeus, facer, or co- bur one foot. + Montifringilla, æ; f. a brambling mitiális, the falling fickneſs. Mor- Mõnõpõla. &; m. a minipilia. (oird ) bus regius, ibu king's evil. * Mor- Mõnõpõliun, 'li; n. a mon poly, a Montigēna, 2; c. a mountaineer bred bus Gallicus, the French pix. pelent for one perſon to job w com and born. Morbi in animo, ill humours, todily, Montīvagus, a, um ; adj, wandering Mordãcilas, átis ; f. a bitting, ping- Monops, a Peonian b6l, whi:h be. on the sountains. 'ing, Skarpneſs of words. ing purſuet, cafis.cus ordure deadly Montõlus, a, um, adj; full of moun. Mordāciter ; adv. bitingly. Shole it lights upon, + Mordācủlus, a, um , adj. fopumbat Mõnoptôton, 'boving but one caſe. Monumentarlus, a, um ; adj. of mo citing Mõnoſceli, Indians h ving but one nummts ar sepulchres. * Monu Mordax, ācis , adj. (à mordco] "log, colled slo Sciapodes. mentarii chocaula, pipars employed biting, Singing. • Homo mordax, Mūnoftichon, a single 'verle. at funerals. backditor. #. Carmen mordax, Mónoſyllabus,, i ; m. baving bu.. Monumentum, i;.n. (à monco) a a libel. one Gilable. denumimi, rimumbrante. + Mordella, ; f.a whall or blifera Mõnõtcchnus, i;m he that hiss but Monychus, the pronge of the Con- one calling or occupaiion fi truf 10. saurs, who plwedd up irtes by th. MOR-DEO, dēre;/act. acc. [å usipa, Mõnothelitæ hireticks holding bur one Ti035. divido] to bile, backbite, to prick nip. will in Chrill, following Sergius Monyma, the wift of Mithr!dates, taunt ; allo so drvour, walle. * biſhop of Conſtantinople. who complainsd that her diadem Hoc ne mordet, bis wext me, Monotrophe, a feeding alone without was good neither in proſperity nor • Morderi conicicntiâ, to bave re- any attendan:e. adverfity, bctan't it broke when bu morse of conſcienie. + Monoxyla, orum ; Indian canone. would have banged' borfalf after her Mordiæum,' a sity of Pifidia, called Mnoxylus, a, um, adj. of one piece husband waarsbrown. afterwards Apollonia. of wid, Monymus, the järvant of a certain + Mordices, um ; pl. the teub wird MONS, nils ; m. Curw, manco) a Corinthian, who ſtigned h mfalf wbirb zor bits. bll, grar hoop; alſo a roik. mod, th.18 he raight be diſmiled, + Mordico, are ; to bits, burl witb Montes au cos polliceri, to make and'hive an opportunity of besom. bitling great promiſes. ing Diogenes's Bholar. Mordicus, ; adv. by the teeth, bitingly. Moas Ferstus, a rountry of Italy. Mophis, « king of India conquered by . * Mordicùs tenere, to held fol. Mong Go pericus, Montgomery in Alexander Mordicus manuan arripuit, be Wales. Mopſopla, the country of Attica, caugbt bis hand betwir bis tuib. MO is Jov s, Monivi in Spain, called Mopias a god of the Cilicians ; alfo + More ; adv. fooliſhly. y joune Hang: 21', luidder. one of the Argonadis, and, a hop Morel, Moriences , ' } deathing in coddan Mons Penulanus Montpellier in Gala herd' in Viigir. lia Nirbonenfis, wbere shero is a MÕRA, Q; f. [ corn, vel uripo houſes, college of pbyprian, four.ded by pope divido]delay, a jipying, a larrying a MORETUM, 1.p. [nopat's uvoo. Urban. hindrunu, a check, a furnpike. * In göya cake made of milk, cbeefs, Monstrabilis, e; adj, to be mowed.. morâ cfle alicti, to hinder one. wine and borbi, a tanfo: Monitrātio, onis; f. a forwing. Neque alibi tibi ufquam erit in Morgant:um, a city of Sicily. Monſtrator, oris ; m. forwar or me mora, I am reudy to perform Morgentium, a city of Italy called Se. tolle. whatever you comm ind. Gcorgio. Monstrātus, a, um ; part. of non- Mõrālis, c; adj. orlonging to man. Morges, he sakeeded Italus in the tror ; Bewed, norable ! ding door of Italy. Monſtratus, ùs ; in. a powing & Sewing or Mārālicas, atis ; f. morality, a cha Morgctes, tbe people called before telling raller of difpofition. Enotrii. Monſtrifes, a um ; ad). bearing mon- Mārāl.rèr; ady. morally. Morgina, e city of Sicily. . + Moränen, inis ; n. a hope or Morginæus, a, um, adj. of Morgina. + Monftrificabilis, c; adj. antrous, Moramentum, iin, fuy. Morgus, - river riſing from the Alps, very Brang... Mõralia ; adv. by lojure, by de. and jalling into the Po, now called Mons :riccady. mun?rouſly. lags. Orco.. + Monftritico, are; so muke inonfirous. + Mörāto, 6nis ; f.s farrsing, laging. Moria, æ; f. foolifinaj, folly. !oonis , Möri. 1 ners, mor.l. .رویال ME mortar dead man. MORGötz MOR MOT Mõrībundus, a, um, adj. dying, bite often or a little. Mofa, a famous river of Gallia Bel- rady to die. gica Moricambe, the bay of Caerdronock Morheaticatio, } omis; f. e nip- Mofzus, a river of Sukana. + Morsificater, oris ; m. a nipper, Molaicus, a, um ; ad). Moſes, + Moricetum, 1; n. place where biter Moſaicum, in, mjaick work inluid matberries grow. + Morsilis, e; apt to bite, ſnappiſb. w th mall pieces of Henes, glaſı, Moridunum, Seaton in Devanflaire. | + Morfliter, adv. juappiſbly. felli, &c. Se mufiyam. Moriger, imzad. La mos & ge- Mersite; } + bite often. + Moſchata, orum; n. confellions of musk + Mörigērātio, onis ; f. ebedience. Mo fiercule, ; f. a little bite, Snap.It Mulchatala, orum ; n. mus peami. # Möri (ērator, oris ; man obeyir. Morfus, a, um ; part. of mordeor J Molchātus, a, um ; adj. of or like Morigere ; adv. obediently, bitten. • Nux moſchata, 4 aut- Mörigeror, ari ; dep. to be at com. Morfus, ùs m. a'bit, a taunt, a wand, to IBONT. backbiting, pain, remorſe, the buck Mofchata, æ ; f. a muk-roe. Morigērus, a, um ; ad), obedient, at ling of barnef Moclus gallina, + Mafchätus, a, um ; adj of musk. Comm.ind widdie chick weed, benbit. Moſcheuton, i ; a. a membagal Morimarufa, the northern fex w yo ng Morlas diaboli, devily bit. Mor- Scythia. fus rahæ, fregit. Moſchi, le of Afi. Morini, a people of the Low Coun - Morta, one of the Delines, the other Moſchus, 2; um adj. Of the Mof- tries, from whence Cæfar Jay, is Fwn being Nons and Decima, chi. the forte cut into Britain Mortā is, e; adj. martal, fubjea to Moſchocarion, a wutmeg. Morio, onis ; 13. a fool, buffoon. death, belonging to man. * Lex Mofchophag!, people about the Ery. † Morlola, æ; f. a kind of all mortalis, an alterable law. threan feu. Mortals, is; m. a morial man. Moſchus, i; m, a grammari * and + Morion, a bright black Indian Mortālitas, ātis; f. mortality; allo poet of sy acufe, fam liar with flone, wortal men, Jofrefs, delicacy. Ariſtarchus ; altha river Morus MORIOR, mortuus fum, morir + Mortāliter ; motally. va in Upper My morri ; dep. Là móp, fatum, t Mortar ola, oram in the fockets of MORCHUS, i trio x-musk, vel à Kape * +, dividor) to die pe the tuath. a musk.cat; alta calf. , be forgotten. • Morar, let me Mortăriolum, i;n, little mortar. + Mofchúlus, i; r a little colf. dia. • Dles moritur, the day MOR FUARIUM, ii; n. (à mois, Mofcovia, e ; f. Moſcovy or White draws to an md. • Virge hodie mordco, vel moretum), worlar; Ruffia in terzo morduntur meo, I ball aljo 4 sertar trough or hule Molella, a river of Gall a Bolgica. he whipt to-day as long as the reds where they fake lime, and keep Moles, is; m. the ſervant of God, by will bold. oboje appointment he led the Jews MA rileni, a perple of Thrace about + Morticalis, e; adj. belonging to DE of Bgyot, and gave them the Tha (berer of Pontus Jawned in the five first Moritūrus, a, um ; part. ready to dir. Morticini, örum ; m. wartror coru. bosh of the side, and ſo my be + Morius, it ; m a badcock. Morticinum, 1 ; n. ſudden death, al, called the whor of the first and Mormyra, a; f. a ſpotted fea-file carrion. molt ancient bulary of the world and + Morochthus, an Egyptian pone Morticinus, a, um ; ad). [à mors 3 churb from the creat on to the year with wbib ibu wb ten. dead of id. Caro moruicina, 2493: Mõrõlógia, a, f. buffonry. carrion + Mobilus, 7 i; m. a little (uf- Mõro egus, a, em ; adj. full of van Mortifer, la, um ; ad). deadly per- + Mofculus, š tow. tall, foolib. Mortiferus, miticus. Molos, the city Aricanda in Gala- Mörõlógus, m. buffoon. Mortif črè, ady deadly, pornic musly. tiz. Moror, ari; dep. (à mora ) to - Morsificato, onis; f. 4 mortifying. Moftellaria, one of Plautus's come. bide, darsy, pay a flop, defer, slaan, Morulficātus, a, um ; P. & A. 1307 dier. doubt, or flick us, expet. Ni. tified. Moftelun, ; n. (à monftraru] hl) moror, I care ast for. • MoMortifico, are ; a&. to mortify. little monter, or apparition. rari folat ouem, to pus of the payt Mortimentum, i, n. a kind of meat t Moftolus, i; m. a fiſh going before beaten in a mortar: the whale, and guiding her Moror, ari ; (pwpor. ftult us) to play + Mortinola, æ; f. a paling bell. Moſchylus, a mountain of Lemnos. the fool. Claudius inter homi. Mortualia Orum ; n funerals, rites, Molylon, promontory and marl-town nes morari definit, Claudius i forliſh and vain 1 in Æthiopia. dead, bas done footing or dwelling. Mortualis, e selonging to death Mofyni, a people of Cappadocia Mõrõe; adv. frowardly, doggedly. or the dead. Moffyneci, 3 by the Euxine ſex. Mörösitas, āris; f. frowardneſs, way. Mortuus, a, um pro morior; Mõtábills, e ; adj. [à moveoj mons- wardnej: daad. * Mortue vefacere, to able, always moving Mörõlus, a, um, adj. [à mos frow-l pe fuade one motor Motacilla, } æ ; f. a wag-tail. ard, prewif, wayward; elſa dan Mõrula, a; f. fra little fay Motacula, gerous. * Moroſa natu er naſci, or delay. + Motac!ſmus, izm. * dafbing out fof a true bard to be raiſed. + Morulus, a, um fomewbas the letter M. Morphe, és ; f. fern, ſhape. like blackmoor, ace und blue. + Mõtātio, onis ; f. a moving up and Morpheus, izm. the ſervant of Som-MORUM i; naar pay ja mulberry. down. nus, who imitated all faces, Words Morum rubi, 14 blackbarry. Motene, e cuntry of Armenia Ma. and geſtures Morum rubi Idi hindberry. for. Morphnus, ! , m. ex eagle baunting Morus, t; f. any tree. + Motenſes, mountabonkı, theats. fm, and lakes. Morus, a, um, adj.folijb. Motenum, a esty of Upper Paanonia. Morpho, a name of Venus duong the Morus, 1 ; m. a fools alſo a Moor. Motiend, a ſmall country of Iberla. Lacedæmonians. Morychus, a furname of Bacchus, 4-Motio, onis ; f. a birring, motion, Morphofis, is ; f. a forming ; alſo a mong the Sicil ans, who were woont + Mõtito, are, to move of tex. platform, and a thunging of forms. in bervell to dato bis with new Motiuncula, æ ; f. a little pirring MOR S, tis; f. [uópos, vel à mo. w me on fer alfo a tragedian dot Motivus, a, um, adj. moms rlor) Leath, bane, defruétion* rided by Ariftophanes. | Moto, are; [à moveojo Air the leap Fax mortis, faneral toreb. Dare Morylit, a wetern people of Mace ai may be aliquem morti, to kill one. 3a donia Mótor, or s; m. over, Birrer. tistacere morti, to kill tharsugly. MOS, moris ; m. [Nóreas) a manner, Motor curarum, a rocker Morsicans, nuis, biting, uppong, fathien, raujiem, condition, romper. Motorrus, a, um , adj. moping, Pir- Morsictim, adv, rippingh, bite by Mos tibi-peratur, let your piva furu be obeyed. Eò mores venere, Morog, a tant put into a wound. + Morsicātus 2, madj. fortebat the tuorld is grown to that paſs. Mõtus, a, um, part. of moveor; bitta. Moribus, after the fuel manner. moord Mortico, are; (à mordeo) 10 xip, Mori, est, inclosary. Molus, us ; m, a motion, moving, fedition, M UC MUI MUL newed. ineo) a woman, wife. fedition, viss, firring: * Morus a- + Muliorarlus, a, um , ad femina. nimi, a paffion. Terræ motus, Maciffus, a city of Cappadocia + Maco, are ; * my Muliercula, æ; f. a lit: warnion; an esrihquake. Motya, } a city of Sicily. tby. alla an barlot. Mucor, āris; m. waldiesmuſia Mållërītas, āts; f. womanlineſs. Motye, neſs, boarinaji. + Maliero, are; to make ofaminate, Motyæus, a, um, ad). of Motya. Maliërësitas, ātis; f.offemingtones, Morychanus, a river of Sicily called It Mücositas, atis, fuellineſs. Xicli. Mūcofus, a, um , adj. fnet), filthy, 11e herouſneſs. Mülīcrõlus, a, um ; adj. effeminats, Motyla, a cople near Motye in SI- Macre cly. tezom in Italy, Lecheraus. Movendas, a, um, part to be moved. MUCRO, anis, m. là Mixgài, te Mūtio, onis ; m. [à mulus] a mele Movena, ntis; moumg or table neis] the knife or word, let, a keeper of sules; alle a MCVEO,movi, motum, movēre; act. or of a black Por horſe fly, [Heb. mai, tsotus fuit, el à Mew tlaw. Macro defenfionis the Milionius, Miliónicos, dint or force of an apology. a, um; adj. of a mula (quato) to , fiv, parade, .*- bort, to begin, underto, quate. + Mūcrõnātìm ; adr. porntubija Mulioniea penula, riding-closk. Fidem movere, to change his pro Mucrāpātus , a, um adj. sharp Malleus, ein, La mullus] fena- pointed ter's purple fore mire. Caftra movere, to nerib Mollo, are ; to few or Bitch. away Movere fibi invidiam, + Muc onor, arl; to be pointed. to bring envy uson one's felf. + Mucula, æ; f. a jewel of a heart Mullulus, i, m. a little barbel. coleur MULLUS, i, m. (à mugil, vel Mevere alvum, to glue onio a fool mollis] barbel. Movere corpus ad numeros, tot Muculente; adv. fnoftly. + Mulo-modicus, i; m. e farriar, dantie. Movere fenatu, to turn + Muculentia, æ; f. footine. horſe-leach. out of the Senate hond. • Movere Muculentus, a, un : adj. fnotty. Romachum alicul, to put one in a MUCUS, i, m. IME1 fmos, (nivel. Molfeus, a, um, adj. wat, like poffin, make inangor. • Nec t Mufa, .; f. mumefs, mouldinaf.. boney and wins. me movet, hari 1. • Mo Magil, ilisam. fà mucus, vel e Malfum, n. [1c, vinum) a drink vere à fe moram, to nje ne delay Mugelis, is; 3), magnus) a chub made of honey and wine, mathelin, • Movere calculos in utrâque par- chevin mead. *Mulla loqui, 1 ſpeak me te, to raiſe deffulties on both sides. Magillones, a people of Germany. fair, give one ſweet words. Movere nummum ab aliquot Mugllo, sre; to bray like an aſi. Malſus, a, um ; ad), à mel, vel à Centents to borrow money of one + Maginabundus, a, um, adj. mu. mulceo) mixed with bona. war, paying monthly one per cent - fing • Aqua mulfa, maad. Mea mul- turu. + Muginator, oris ; n. a muſer. ſa, my foretheart. Moveor, eri, motus fum te Muginor, ar, ta mula murmurs, 9 MULTA, &; f. la maltus] pue med, firead, &e. nikad careleſily obowa bufinal, to b ft of mifbmont, amerrent, fine, forfait. (as the ſea;) to be an soit turn cat in pan. Multam committere, to incora fine. *Multam dicere, te amorce. earthquake ; to be made to peor MUG-IO, ire ; neut: [Muxus, à cono] te de changed or altered to be to low, beilow. Multangulus, a, um, adj. baving many corners. Birred or spirited to an inſur - Mūgitus, îs; m. a bollowing a reton, mutiny to be concerned, ing, bullewing • Mugitus nemo-It Multannus, a, um, adj. full of to dance, to be plated. Cum pri rum, the eccboing ar Tinging of the Jaars, old, word. Malearius, li; m. fa&ious perſon, mum aurora moyétur, as ſoon as it is light. Moglus, a curtain Roman from wbum MOX; adv. {à moveo, vel à Móris, the gate Mugonia bad its name. Multātio, onis; f. fining, punih vix by and bye, quickly, anon, pre- Mula. 2; f. lhe-mula. Su ma'us, Multätitlus, k, um ; ad), calerging fently, freight, afterwards, fome Mularis, e; ad). of a mule. Na fine ar penalsy. while after, in the next plaut, mutt Mu'câtor, oris ; th. a friker, maler. of all .. Quàm mox, bow joom, Mulcēdo, inis; f. 4 mitigating, af- + Multātor, oris ; m. 4 pun har, a- fweging Manta P. Mulcendus, ., um ; to be ap eafed Multātus, a, um, part. of multor : MUL-CEO, fi, tere; act. (MANOW, fined, amesed Multata con MP abbrevlat for Marcus Pacuvi. mollio, so if was, mitigand, pacify, Tia à fortuna counſel is het be- us, maximus princeps, mille par polil, anoint, frike. friended by fortune. fus, malè pofuit er pofitus. Mulciber, črie, di and bri; m. Multefimus, a, um, adj. opie of ma- MP.D. for majorem partem diei. Vu can. *), very greut 17 very litt + Mulcibilis, aly appeared. Multibarbus, a, um, adj. baving M ante s. + Mulcibilitat, undernej. Rreat beard. + Mulcibilities advaderly, gently. Mu tibībus, a, um; drinking mmb. M S. abbrevlat. fer memoriæ facrum. I + Mulco, se lewer kill. + Multicăvatus, a, um, adj. beving M. P. fer memoriæ fuæ pofuit. Muleagle wany bulas, Mul&a, a, filme puniſ- Multīcaulls, e; ad). of many Balks. M este T. mens. Sue multa Multicavus, a, um, ad). vary bollow Mul&o, are, act. toponib. Multicla, arum; f. la multis 14- MT.abbreviat. for mortis tempore. Mulara, a; f. Là mulgeo] 4 milk Multicia, oram; n. Scils, vel mal- M.T.C. fur Marcus Tullius Cicero. puil; alfo noso will, ceo, vel mollis, & fina garisons Molérale, is; milk pail. M ante U. Mulcrum. 1; n. Multicolor, oris, adj. 3. art. of di- Mul&us Gs; m. wilking vers roles. MU. abbreviat. for Mutlus or muller. + Mulgarium vas, mill-pail. + Multicolorātus, a, um z adj. di- + Muccāgo, inis; f. fnattinefs. MUL GEO, fixi, fum or aum, werfly coloured. Muccinium, i, n. (à muccus) a -gere ; [dubig).to milk, frake. Maltifacio, äre; a&, to prisce bigbly. muckender, handkerchief. + Malgo, are ; to publiſh. Multifātiem; } adv. mony wil, Muccoſusa, um, fnotty. Mulladas, a river of Spain. Multifarlè; nifold. + Mucculentus, a, um, adj. (netto) + Mulebria, um; the privy parts of Moltifarlus, a, um, adj. [fur] full of pot 4 wman. manifold. + Mūcēdo, inls ; f. mouldineſ, mul- Müllēbrie, e; adl. of balenging to Maltifer, a, um, adj bringing forth tinefs. Muliebris fuppellee many things, fruitful. Muc co, Cre; 1 [à mucus, vel tilis, fcolding + Multif ico, are ; to amplify, mata Muceſco, čre ; $ ab Heb. ma- + Múltēbritas, atle; f. alicateneſs, much kab, tabefcere) to grow beary and wentences. Multifidus, a, um , adj. [à fiado] moldy. Müllebritèr : adv. offeminately, faint baving many dlefts or craujas. Mūcide; adv. wouldily. brarted, hke a woman. Maltif oris, e; 2 ad), having me Mucidus, a, um, adj. mouldy, A-MULIER, ēris; f. (à Munas, molo, Multiforus, a, um; m beles. Multi a falan merrer like toffety. woon. 39. ing fadl. få lugum] 1 ? talk. riad irony. C , . , MUL MUN MUN Moltiformis, c; adj. of many lapos. Multare morte, to put to death. * Mūněrātio, 8nlo; f. a. rewarding: or fapims. Mitò , adv. grially, much, by farat Mūněrālor, örs i m. a reward. Multiformiler; adv, by divers fa * Multò maxima pars, for 'iht Müncratrix, icis ;, f. fions, after many ways. : grantes pare. + Münčiālus, a, um, adı, rewarded. + Mit génériq, se ; of diver's kinds, * Mulco, on:8 f. a fulling-will. i Mūnerigörülus, i; m, a, bringer. of Multigeous, a, um ; of: Jundry, jorts. Milioperè ; adv. grauj. Rifts. t Muugradus, a, um, adj. of many Mulcor, ant par. io li punihad, Müniro. arc.; act, munus dogrus. fornibedi . *Ager polfimè molta Müněror, ari; pafl. give a gift Multijugis, es tbe farm is viry ill husbandes.' : or reward, to tucanpınca, fwi., Multijúgus, a, um ; } divors, of di- Milótès ; adv. oftentimes. Regni cum focictate muncravit; he very kinds. Multùm ; adv. much, greatly, a great BNDI b'm balf' bus kingdom, Qui + Muitlaadus, a, aga s adj. very while, very, far, camgiefly, heartily. in civitate munciabantur, why do's comendable, - Multūra vivere cum aliqeo, 10 office in the city. Multiloquium, i; n. & talking be often at one's boufe. 1. Mūnērāfus, a, um, adj. bountiful. much. Multiloquus, a, um;. adj. full of" à moles,' vel Heb. millelb, imple. MULTUS, a, Im; adl. arods, vel MUN GQ, xl, aum, göre; (Muža. (w) to wipe, or how she moje, Pruf tto] much, manj, preot, ibirk a cand's Multimctcr, a, um ; adj. of divers : Multo manc, very early. * Multâ| Mūnia, õrum ; n. pl. fi munis) of- · adres or maujumas, Multimeter nocto, very late. * Radix multa, pres 10 de dons, or charg's 10.be verſus, a verſo of divers colours, a ſpreading.rai. Multus in o: borne * Obire regis munia, to an- Multimodis; adv. variouſly, perc, very buſy. Multi fudoris, Maltimodus, a, um ; .f wany, forts. dertake the office of a king: toilforns. + Munlatus, a, um , adj. þaving, un it Maltinodus, a, um full of knitsa Mulucha, a river in Africa, dividing office. Multinominis,c; of many namus, Numidia.from Mauritania. Mūniceps, ipis ; c. à munus-& ca- + Multinubus, i; a.lbc or fb has # Mulvianum, i; e quince that may po) a fni mun, a citizın, one thus # Muldinuba, 2 jf. } hath mar be esta raw. bas: right to be it office MULUS; i ; Multinūmus, a, um ; ad). very ricb, m. nulovos, vel à + Municipalia, ium ; n. offices in a MUAD), mo'a, vel Món@, labor, borough-town. a: that which cojis very much. & mule, dred of an aſs and a borſe; Mūnicipālis, e; adj. municiprd; de- Multipartilus, a, uda; divided into allo a porter, and a pack-fork. longing to a burgeſs.... Munici- many parts or parcels. + Mumia ; f. muomy. pale jus, obe principal law of cuery + Múltipătens, pils ; large, fubtil. Mummius, su nams of ſeveral mon, city. * Vira municipalis, . A pri. Multipėda, e; fize saiarpillar with ons was ſurnamed Achaicus, from vare life, Maltipes, cdis ; 3 many fut, a bis burning Corinth, wbich' was in Municipārius, a, um, d.of -bur. Phaethufa. Năvigator, oris ; m. a sailor. Nauſeabundus, a, um ; adli ready ni Neæthos, e river of Maga Græcia. Navigācur, v. imp. [ſce abusebiny oonili Ncacles, & fomous painter fail. + Nauſeatio,'onis ; f. a loctring, Ncandria, a city of Troas... Navigor, a, um ; adj. bearing a foip. Nauſeator, oris ; m, a loather, dis. Neanthus, a mám torn in pisces by Nivigious, ir a little whil. dairer, ini apt to be fea-fik. the dogs for bandling Apollo's barr Navig:um, it ; ni'any Mip viljely Naulco, are; 18. to loosh, vomis, to unsk:ifully, alſo ſailing hove a qualm come over oni's Sto: Neapolis, is ; f. the sity Naples ir macb, to coniem, rejeit. ..Campanla, jo called by Aguſtus, • in portu navigo, I am out of Nauſeõla, æ, fi a kisla qualm. being before called Parthenope; al danger. – Navigare mare, lo rida Naureorus, a, um ; adj. Lathome, So tzoa cities in-Afrxa, another in “ upon the main. cauping & vomit. Macedonia and Samaria, and other places. NĀVIS; 18; f. ["für} a pip. Navis Nauſicaa, the daughter of Alcinpus ::prætoria, the Admiral pip. Na. King of Phæacia ; Jos met Ulyties Neapolitani, orum"; m platbe inbs- vis ſpeculatoria,a triganiine, dr big fiprorrikid and naked, and brought bitants of Neapolis.. of erpial, # N.vlsractuar'a, galley, him to her father's paiare. Ncarchos, a very briautifal youth. Navis piſcatoria, a fiſherman. * Naufimenes, on Athenian, whose Neois, a river of Spaine Nay.s predatoria, pirate brigom. wife became parblaſs at her taking. Nebo, a sily asid mountain of the itine, Navem fraagere, bulge bir bildren in inceft. Moabites; alſo the neppe of a a bip: * In cadem es navi, Jou Niufithous, the father of Alcinous. grammarian ; indian god of the Ba- Come in the same caje. Nauftathmus, un hoven of Siciiy,and bilonians. Nāvīta, ælm. & fer-man, mariner, olbir places. Nebris, dis; the skin of a drom. Tailor. Su nauta, + Naſtibulum, f; ni an haren for, Nebris, the skin of a fáum which Nävitas, āùs ; f. diligenes. foips. : Bacchus djed 101 waar; when be + Naviter ; adv. diligently. † Nauftrolegos, i;m. a pilot. was called Nebrodes" *Narities, of; fi vatour, diligenza, NAUTA, , m. vauri's ) a seamar, Nebrites, 18; mi a precious Jone de- Navras: Actius, a Roman foothogar, mariner, or sailor. dicased to Bacchus, a kind of agats soba, to confrm bis augury to Tar- + Nau'ālis, e; ad). of marinters, or marble bazoling fone. quinos Priicas, cut awbetfione in + Nauca, æ ; f. the fish coming sitNebrodes, a mount un in' Sicily. trò qish arazor. of the hip's pump alſo curriers Nebrophonos, fawn-bane, a dog's + Naula, a; f. bla k. the herb brimy, fork. roster. # Naulum, n. asfaltert. Nautes, « Trojan fuoih; azer. Nebros, the most famous of the Aſ. Nzúlium, & city of Ligoria, callid Nautopibalæ, arum; m. pafengers clepladea, whon't tboy wire called Noli. who infe.d of payirag their fars, did Nebride. Naulochus a form in Thrace, alſo the duty of jeamer. + Nohrardca,"ibe gostels of brafts. an ifand in Crete. Naulun, 1;D: ( à revs, navis) the minit, Panis nauticus, diškis freight for polige over fea. . Pyxis nautica, the compaſs Blackbirds and wondrocks į alſo a vail. Naubach'a, a f.a fea-figbl, a Naut:cus, i'; the ship mafara p are prope for a reafigbe. # Nautilla, ei t, navigation. + N:bălātus, a, um j. adj. curred with chuds. Naumashiaring, a, om; udt of a les. Nautilus, 2. m.. a fib- infämbling. fighs. * Pons naumachlarhas, a Loip under faili NĚBULO, õnis im. [Heb. naval, bridge from whinte bey saw thereo Nautulphus, a lad born blind; and vci à nobula) a knavne lowed and preſentation of a fea-fighi. faid rceive bio fight by the pray. paultry fallow. Naumachiarius; üima fighter by ors of St. Henoch. + Nebulor, ari; depi to become wils. fia. + Nāvus, az um ; adj. aflive, quick, † Nebū!õsitas, atis; f. cloudiness, Nágocs, a xeople of the Alps, whole pirsing, diligent, valiani. Sco millines. tion is Nandiam. gnavos Nebúlolos, 8, um ; adj. fà nebula) Navo, are į na (à aivus vel Davis). Navia, pede; f. a city of Caria. 7ijxy, cloudiya so ply, an give diligence, to do a 1bing, Naxos, en fund in the Ægean sea, Nec i cool: (à neque] neither, noo. endrium. Stodiam faum na. called before Strongyle, and after. Nec diu, und nor yel, • Necr. vacy Pobrand all his care. * Ope. wurdi Dai minùs, and for all that . Nec ram naraic, to do his uimos. * Nexius, a, um ; adj. of Naxos. injurta; nor without regn. Nagate namri .. ! + 0 KONEC NEGi 6 N E O Nécrie, a promontory of Piſenum. a Alk-worm Négociātorius, a, am z adj. of or for Něcător. Oris"; makller. Necyla, a city of Umbria. trading Něcātūrus, a, um, part I ke to kill Necyamanſcs, is ; m. a necromancer. Negocãtus, a, um; adj. buped, in- Něcātus, a, um ; part. killed. Necyomantia. æ; f. necromancy. pluged. Necdum, conl. not get. Neda, fa river of Arcadia, exored- Něgottólum, 1; n. a little business. Necepro, a n401 of phyſcian. Nedas, Š ing crooked. Negotior. ari; dep. to trade, buy ind Jell, «xerciſe, bufniſs. . Animas ac. Necepfus, a king of Egypt, very skil- Nedon, city of Laconla, wobenie ful in afrology. Minerva and Nedufii goulart, to kill met for money. NeceTgārie, Nedům, adv. thor only, much more, t Negociositas, aus; f. fulness of ba. } adv. neceſarily. . Neceffariò, murb loss. ino's. Nēgõtlolas, a, um ; adj. full of bu- + Neceffarior, jus, gen, oris ; adj. Nëfande, adv. beniouifly. compar. mire naredigy Něſandus, a, um ; ady. wicked, abo Anes, very buſy. Res negotofa, Necesarios, a, um, adj. nusflug minadto, nos to be mentioned, A troubléfome misler... Dics ncgo- , ii ; , , . tiofa, torm.time. * Qud crudeli- Ba kinſman. ally, Netário tale ncgotiolius, what does store take up a man than crualty? NECESSE. Į indecl. (dváyxn, relNçfärsus, a, um ; adi, wikidi full of NECESSUM. à nc & certo me. knavery and wi kedneje.; Main-TNègetjum, il; ... [à nec & otium] bufinit, afairs, trouble, cumter. relry, red, ul. * Ncccffc cft huis ut ſubven'ag, you must reeds help Netas, indecl. n. on cxacradli di jommels, a way to remedy, a cafe in bim. Necefíc habere, to be con- villain. Netas ultimum law. Dari negotium, to give frained, put to it. thing imposiblan Nefas difu, • Faccrc negotium, to Në:eſsitas, āris; f. necesity, dire: Netafius, a, un; adj. unluky, un- not fet de spaken. trouble. Nullo negotio, rofily, without srauble Y public charge und nad, ini mnary of a:quaintince * Officii nece fortunate; ominous, dirsful. # Ne. Ne tota mite, mum-thaner. Sitates, binds of duty. Uti ne faftus dies, a dar on which there Nelth, Minerva among the Egyp. ceffitatc, to be driven to do any was $0 pleading tians Ibing * Nefetendicus, 7 a, um , adj. fi Neida, a mountain of Ithaca. + Něceffitudinārius, a, um, ad!, of Weferend:cius, young pige Ne!cynda, a country of Carmania. friendbip. Nefrentis, is já young pig twih. Necas, she fun of Neptunc, and fas ther of-Neftor. Neceſsitido, in's í fi near friend. + Nefrendda is out this. hip, arqušinignus, allienre, á conet Neſrend tium,-iz-nia roal paid in Nelcius, 1 2, um ; adj. of New ſwini's fieb. Neleus, fit. # Oinbibus neceffitudinibus leus: circumventus, de perotely pin'bed, Netren-s dis; m. fà frendeo, l. e: Nema, atis ; n. thead. Hot knowing wbih ws) to turn one's frango] a yeung scoiblefs pig's in- Nema, æ ; f. a wiady country of A. felf. fun!. 'chaia, where Hercules ſlow a lion Néchoo, Negabundus, a, am; adj.dın ing. of a wondrous bignofs i alſo a ri- N a king of Egypt. Negans, ntis ; part. denying. ver in Peloponneſus, a rock a- Necho, Néganta, bout Thebes, and a fountain of Necne, con). o no. Negato, onis; } f. a donjing, Spain, Necnon, alfe, and, jea. + Négātiuncula, zi f, a small do. Nemza, plays to beneur of Hercules, NEC.0, avi and vi, atum, and tun; nial, called allo Nemæus. tº tay, kill. * Hostes fame neca. Nāgātivus, 1, am; adj. tie- Nemen, ins; ņ. u web op Spinning vit, bi farved his enemies. Mor-Négātorius, Nemerobriga, a city in Spain called Val de Nebro: ſu necarę, to bite one to death. Su Nēgātor, örls; m. Nega!rix, !c:9; T. } a denger. Němčlis, she goddeſs of revenge, call; Necos, a king of Egypt, Negaiur imp. They Jay no, you have ed alfo Adraftia and Rhamnu- Necretice, a country of Colch's. nit liberty. fit; alfo ibo name of Tibullas's wifres, Necrogantia, f. riscromancy, como Něgātus, a um ; part. dmind. &c. fulling with the do:d. + Negito arc ; to deny often, to Band Nemctes, people of Germany a Necromagcicus, a, um, adj. of iba cut figfily in denying. bout the city Speyr., black art. Nēg'eâim, edv. negligmily: Neminia, a fountain of Reate, chieb Necromates, is y a neromon:ar, Negle&tio, onis ; 4, a' noglesing, by the change of its rifing proteads, a Necromanta, æ; m.) conjurer., Highling change of provifon Necropolis, city of Egypt, where Neglectus, a, um, part. of negligor ; Nemo, inís; c. [90. ne homo] 30. Cleopatra killed beriell. negliard, Nighied, condemned, fora body, no man. Nemo homo, not Any one, Necrothaptės, a burier of the dead. # Non nemo, fomebody. Nectancbus, a king of Egypt in Pla. Negle&us. lls; m. nrglia, contemps. Nemo non, curry body. . Nema io's time in Neuleetui cffc, to be Nighied. hominum or omnium, no-body in the world. NECTAR, āris ; n. [lixtol natir, Neg'igens, ntis; part . negligeni, idle. the ſupposed drink of ihi huuhen Negligentem feceris, you'il make Němõrālis, c; adj. of a grout. gods, feweet wine, honey, perfume, Negligentès, adv. nog?igently, Jackly, him altogether negligent.. Němõrenſis, c; adj. of a group of fo- and any delicacy: Tel. * Mel nemorcnſe, wood bye Nectárca, æ; f. slocampane. Nighsy. ney. * Rex ncmorenas, ibe prigo of the groues. Necărcus, a, um ; adj. Iske nuclar. Negligentia, æ; f. negligence, count. pleaſant, immortal. ou dnes. * Non hæc feci negli. Němõrivăgus, a, um, adj. (of nemus Nectarltés, adr nk made of cle:am. gentiâ tuâ, I did it not out of uny end vagor ) 2080d-ranging. • Aper Righting of you. nemorivagus, a boor ibst ranges Nectio, bois; f. a knitting, fofim. Negligo, cxi, e&um, gère ; act. ing la nec & lego) to neglett, despiſe,+ Němorositas, ātis ; f. fulneſs of NE-CTO. xul, xum, ačre, a&t acc, jlighi. woods. & dat. Ciem, vel. ab évè ta firmitèr Nego, are, (a ne & ago) todmy, 80 | Nēmērāfus, a, um ; adj. full of woods sctiucoj to knii, rie togeiher, work, fay nay, refule a proffer. er ferwis. invent. * Nectere alicui dolum, Nězõtiàlis, ci adi. of bufines. Nempè, adv. (à nani) Juraly, versig, to judy miſchiof. Ære nedi to be so wil. Nempe Jubes, you do Conftitutio ncgotialis, a caje about put to work in bonds. Ncetere matter of righs. command me then. moras, to ritard, latt. Negotiārlus, a, um, adj. of or for NEMUS, or.si R. [véuns) a grove, trade + Nectus a, um ; part. of necor ; foret. killed, desd. Nēgotiatio, bals; f, merchandiz, a + Neno and neau, for non. Něcüb, adv, leß in an plase, that is buying and ſelling. # Abiminanda NEO, ēvi, acum, ērc, (veu) to spin, in ne place. n'gotiatio, a taking of bribes. Neobule, the daugblar of Lycambes. + Necula, æ ; f. an eaſy death. Negot ator, oris ; m. 2 a mørrbant, Su Lycambes. Necunde, adv. Roll out or from any Negotiatrix, icis; f. ftro fickor, tro fickor, Ncoburgum, the name of fourral - place. Mercig fordida 'ncgotiator, a ped- sies in Germany, the chief of whicb Hecydalus, i, m. a won turning to ler, · An Naumburg betwem B:fordta, and } a ne nex. 1 pane about a groue. : 1 1 . 1 i 1 NEP N ER N ES and Lipan, and the city Neuburg, Nephriticus, a, um ; adj., nephritis, Nereides, dum ; the merrrido, troubled w tb the lions. , , Nert flus, a town in the island Cea. Neocæſarea, d.; f. the chief city of Nephritis, id:sifi shu Rond in the Nereus, a ſea.god, obe son of Occa- Cippadocia, callid allo Hidrlano- kidnnis nus and rethys, called by Orphe- polis, Nepththalitæ, _purple in the eafl, us, the moſt ancient of the gad! ; be Neocaftrum, 1;. n. sbechy Nicaſtro bordering upon Perka. bogas be fifty Nercides :: Ti do also in Magna Græcia. Neplfia, a city of Carmanla. figuratively uſed for the for, Neo:aftrenfis, ibie souple of Neo NËPOS, otis; m. (Negrous, vel qa. Im- Nericus, a city of Acirninia. caftrum. pos) grandchild ; alſo a prodigal, Nerigon, a peninſula of Scandinavia, Neoclaudipolis, a city of Paphla. Spindthrift, Nepotce, pojerity : under the king of Denmak, culled gonia, falled bofori Andrapa, and alſo ibu juckers of wines.. Norway. now Conique Cor. Nepos, ax hißorian who lived Nerio, Neoclcg, an Athenian philoſopher, the before and after Cæſar's di&tator. Neria ; } the wife of Mars. brother of Epicurus.; alſo the father Neripi, a people of Sarmatia in A: of Themiſtocles + Nepotalis. e ; adj. riorous, fiz: Neocorus, i; m. arburch-warden. Nēpotaţio, õnis ; fi a rising. Neris, a city of Peloponnelus. Neodamcdes, they that made fer. Nepotatu's, lls ; m. riotous or Juper- Neritia, æ ; m. * Bell-fish. vants free among sbe Lacedæmo- Nuous spending Néritos, a mountain of Ithaca. nians. + Nēpotātus, a, um ; adj riotous. Neritius, a, um, adj. of Neritos. Ncodunam, the city Dule in Gallla Nepotianus, one sabited emperor of Neritum, & city of the Salentincs, Celticà. Rome, und lains twmty-rigbl days called Nardo ; alſo the city St, Ncogamus, a, um ; adj. newly.mar . after. Mauro in the iſland Leucas, rad. Nepotinus, a, um ; adj. of a grand- Nerium, a prorronsory in Spain. Nedmagus, Guilford or Cravdon in sbold; also rrotous, diforderly, Nerium, it; n. a srce w.ib laves Susty ; and ſeveral ciridian Ger- Nepõlps, ari ; dep. roʻlive ietsufly. Like an almond, roſe-stour'd. many. Nepotulus, i, m. a young grund-child. Nero, onis i m. be mot cruel of Neomcnia, æ, f. the new moon. Neptis, js"; f. (à, nepos) e grand all the Roman amperws, who killed Neon, a risy in Phocis. daughter. his mother, his wife, napor, Ss. Neontas, . Paul, vs. Neonæus; a, pria. Nerones, kruol men. Neophytus, a, um ; adj.newly planted, Neptuni Fanum, a city in the ifte Neroniprcs, the moſt cruel. or ai. Calauria, and other places, Nero Caivus, a nick-nume of Domi. Neophytus, 1; m. young beginner, Neptuai Promontoriom, a promontory ciaqus, from his cruelty. a new conosri, nuohje. of Campania and. Arabia Folix Neroniana therman borbs built by Neoportus, Neivport in the' ile of Neptunius a mountain ind fountain Nero. White. of Sicily and Tarracina. Neron, an iſland in the Red fox' be- Neoptolemus, i ; m. the ſurname of Neptunius Dux, a name of Sexiùs foro Arabia Felix. Pyrrhus, Achilles's son, because he Pompeius, who dopred to be called Nerva, the thirteentho imperor of foris enter'd bim'elf at sbi Trojan tbs for of Neptyne, because of his Rome ; alfa a r.ver in Spain. war ; ben's Neoptolemica vin. father's powar by fea, + Nervãi:0, õnis ; fi ajiringibning , dieta, whın one, juffers she same as Neptunios, Neptune, the son of Sa a joinging together. be has done 18 olhar, becauſe he now Lurn and Ops, and goal of the jim. + Nervalor, or sim a frengtbner, Priamus by his own fire. Ade, and Nepus, anciein, Jutijo. † Nervia, æ;f. was himself si in by Apollo's altor Ncquà ; adv. by no ways or neon, Nervium, ii; n. } = fiddle:øring. ar Delphos, left by any ways or means, † Nerviccus, a, um ; adj.of or be. Ncoptolcmus, i, m. e freſh-water Nequalia, unin.' cerrimenis, longing to u jinew. Joldier ; & novie. Nequàm i adv. leß any way. t Nervicus,a, um ; adj. Snow-frunk, Neoriiæ, a prople of India. NEQUAM indecl.[ă nequis vel ne-weak, goury; Neotericè ; ady. Mimply, lauly. qaco) naughs, a knove, a wanun, Nervil, a people of Belgica, who dla . Neotericus, a, um, adj. neoteris, werin, good for nought med the ctber Belga for yielding * now, of Losé Scriptor nco.erd. Nequandò , adv. lejl af any time. the Romans, outer laſt were dan.' cos, e modern aurter, Nequaquàm ; ady ro, in no wife. quiſhid by Cæfari tho are now call- Neotericos, l; ma conjuly wil Neque, con). [unde, jnc and que) id Tornacenfes inbabising Torna- Valent nianus Auguņus. neither, and not. cum, Tournay or Dornick. Neotch tz, a poople of Æo'is, Pho; Ncqucdùm ; adv. not get. Nerv.nus, a, um , adj. of Iniws. cis, Thrace, Caria, and Sarwana Negu.co; trc ; to be unable. Re: Nerulonenses, the people of Noru. Jum. Neotrophiam, ii; n. a nurſery. Nerulum, a town of Lucania, and Nepa, a; f. là nepus, vel qu. Nequ cquàm ; adv. in vain, 10 nolanother of the Sabincs. limous, line pedibus) & fcirpion, purpoje. t Nervo, aro; to firengthen. Ibe conlellution so called ; alſo a Noquidem ; adv. no, not ſo much as. Nervosè ; adr. Brongly, rougby. lind of aconitum. + Nèquing, arc ; to deny, play sbeit Nervositas, āris ; f. fringth, the in buving Arong finews. Nedefini, the people of Nepe. , Ncquior, jus, gen.oris ; adj.compar. Nervõſus, a, um ; adj. bxving arong Nepenthes ; herb put into of ncquam ; worje. fines, rough; allo ary, and without wing to remove ſedneſs, called. ty Nequ-18, a, id or od ; left any, not moifure. # Orator acrvolus,a juba Some buglijs. any. . Neqald nidiis, tro musb offential pleedir. Népcia, a f. (à nepa vel napus) oni ih ngss good for nothing. Neruſi, u people of the Alps of the city Spis mini, * Nepeta scra, field. Ncquiffimè; 2dv ſup. moft wickedly. Nenza 'cats-sini. Nequiſfiinus, a, um, ad). ſuperl. of Nervulus, l; m. a small finow. Nephalia, orum ;pi n. Greclaagrafis nequim; Worl of all, well wicked. NERVUS, i ; m. (rüpty) a fnewing celebratra w shlut any rain. Něqui-tèr, us, ffimè ; adv. naugh a bowaliring, a luft-pring, pizzle, Nephele, és; f. the wife of Alhamas, , a cord to ye neck and buls toge- and the mother of Heile und Nequit'a, æ; f. l naugbrinefs, kna- '. ther; lirength, soughneſs'. In ner- } Phryxus. Nequities, ci; f. L'ery, fob, lufi, vu'ni ib.t, ho'll ta festard o laid Nephe'æus, a, um ; adj. of N phele. eugenoli, farines in irons. Eft nervorum tuorum, Nephelides, le spous in ins eyes. Nēquito, arc'; to live lewd. it is not above your frengib. Niphelis, a city of Cilicia. # Nequitor, ari; is. Neſa, a bill country about t. Nophelococoy gia, the largned riamo Ncquirtùs; adv. more maig brily. of a city in Ariftophanes. Newbus, unity of Syria. Nelcientèr ; adv. igner axtly, Nepheopira; a peopeng Sarmatia in Neratius, a famour luwyer; of whole Nefcientia, æ ; f. igowrance. Aliz writings share one some fragmwis Neſc.o, ise; Lof nç und Icio] nod to Nesher Cheres, a ling of Egypt. oxtant in the Pandeas. know, be sgnorant. • Nefcire La- Nepher.les, & sing of Egypi. Nercone, the wife of Mars. tine, so bazo no skill in L tin, * Ne back again. wonton. on } 02. N E Ô NIC NEGibt Germany Se acco. 0 11 * Nelcio, quis. I cannot tell whs. mali mor fomaler prorogar of rhetorick at Conftantino. lirati ncfciunt, they know no Neutiquam ; adv. (à ne & Miquel ple; alſo an excellent biporian, and bow 10 by angry. Parvum neſcio ni, in no, 2016, Id neutiquam olbers, quid, forse son ill master: * Tu pol mihi placet, I like that at no rose. N cer ; indec the river Necker in li szpis, quod fcis neſcio, if you Neutra'is, c; adj, noutral. of u beo bavi uwy wit, do not known nkner longing so nriiber of the two. N:ccrocianum, i; n. (zb inventore] any thing. Neutro, adv. neither to the one part a very pirafant oinemmi. Noſcitur; verb Imp. it is unknown. Mor to the other, neither way. Nicetes, e, . af bfier of Smyrna, Neſcius, a, um ; adj. ignorant, un : Neutrobi ifadv. in neither place. in Yavrur with the emperor Adio. skiljul, unknown. • Tolerandi ne- + Neutrubì. Nicētēria, orum ; n. prizti, row.ard's ſclu!, whicb cannot Jupir. Vic Neutrobique; adv. neither way. for vict.rio; alfo ibe fucrifices and ncſcius, not to hi vonquiſbıd. Neutro paliva verba, verbs of a niu banquets of Conquerors Neica, a; f. the name of a fro-nymph. fra! Tormination and palivé fignif. Nicia; a city in F.ence, and other Neſi, e perple of Scythia in Europe, cotion, Nicæ, place, heretofori fam us for good borins. + Nevult for nonvult. She nolo. Nicia, the river Lenzn in Æmilia. Neliades, small is nds in Franco, NEX., čcis.; f. (à rempos, mortuos] N cias, the : brician of Pyrrhus, who called Ines de Vannes. ruin, Naughter, dejirudin, drash. promiied Fabritius to Pifon bin, Neos, an iſland of Campanla, famous but Fabr tus woherring the na. for aſparagus. Nexil!s, c; adj. wbich may te knit write to Pirrhus to laware of bim j Neronis, a lake in Theffaly, called ar ried, winding alſo a grimmarian famil120 wib alfo Nelonium ftagnum. Nexilitas, ātis; f. fofinoy, compact. Pompey axa Cicero ; alio one of Nefron, a city of Theftaly. nefs. Nce who wrote the boy and lus. Neſlonjtes, ibe peuple of Neston. † Nexiliter j coffinnuf hijolaphers; alfou fameus Neſotrophium, 21; n. a place where it Nexim ; pa night of Athens, 'intent upon his Neflotropheum, s ducks are kept and + Nexo, áre, Cà necto) en knit fall or workin he often forgot to eat b:: falled. often. viftuals, and other man Neffus, i, m. one of the Centaurs foin + Nexõlas, and nexuoſus, a, um ; Nici: Vilia, a cily of Lower Egypt by by Hercu'cs for attempting to reviſo adj full of bands or karti. N lus. his wife, after be bad carried bor Nexum, 1; n. a mortgage, sbe work. Nico, čre; ncut. to !o'kon, or threatm over the river Evenus. ing out a debt in bridewall, the pub. with the bund. Nefiæ18, a, um ; adj. of Nafrau. lied work houjo, a k nd of fale ad oli. Nico, Ons; m. 078 of the thirteen Nestocles, a famous painary, mation (among rivi'ians) with a Tarentine prin:01 16 18 conſpired a. Neftor, dris ; m, the son of Neleus pair of ſcales and money in hind. gain) Annibal. and Chloris, an cloguint Grecian, Nexus, a, um ; part. of nector : N:cocha es. a Greek comical post. who came with fifty tops to ibe Tro knit, fafined, impriſoned. Res contemporary with Ariflophanes Jaa war, and lived' alwed thru nexa pignori, a pawn. • Nexus Nicolis. ,sim. a king of abe Sa'a. hundred years; alo a past of Lycia, ob as alianum, obliged to work out minil; alio a luxurious Cyprian. the father of Lyfander; «gramms. o de't. Nicocrcon, a tyrant of ihe Cyor'ans, rian of Alexandria : and a biſhop of Nexus, ùs ; m. o knitting Ingriber, who commanded Anaxarchus to be · Perga. martyr'd under Decius; alſo fafiening, knot, bond. • Nexum pounded with iron hamma's. a confeffor who fought with a giant inire, or nexum fc darc, 10 pit or N codorus i; mi a champion who is at Theffalonica. deliver himſelf into ibe hindi of his bis old.-go pudied ph lojeply ; aljo an Nu ftorius, i, m. e German biſhop of creditor, cill be bas worked out the Athenian prince. Conftantinople, who held that there debs. Nicola, æ ; fi Ņicaules, « gusen, of were two perſons as well as natures Saba in Chr it; he was condemned by the N. ante I. Nocali, orum. a kind of detai. Su ccuntil at Epheſus, A. D. 435. Nicelaus. Neſus, l; m. aruer of Thrace, di- INI; Son}. [H, MÊ nig) unleſs, bus Nicolaitz. a rumį m hereticks who viding it from Macedonia. exiepi, jau ibar. had sheir wives in comiaos, &c. Netc, ihe fovenih firing of a harp. Nia, a river of Lybia Interior. Nicolaos, i; a. Nico:as. ox mijirrian Nete diezeugmenon, «.la-mi. Nicu'ra, æ ; f. a city of Comageng. and phimber of Damaſcus. rami. Netc hyperbolæon, a-la-mi-ra, Nebis ; f a city of Egypt. liar with king Herod and Agur. Note Synemmenon, de la folore. Nibites, be propla of Nobis., tus Cæfar, inſomuch that from hins Nerium, the four Andri in Italy. Nicæa, a; f. the city Nice in B'thy the mperor called cert sin duos er + Netorious, a, um, adj. of spinning nia, famous for the council of bror cakes nicolai ; alſo the name of five or not work. hundred and righ'ren biſhops gainfi popes, and of other mm. + Netom, i; n. a thread-n. sbr. Arlans, A.D. 324, aljo a vily of Nicomachus. '; m. the father of A- Netum, a city of Sicily Ligur:a, und fx others. riotte, und a Pythagorcan ph lolo- Nētus, a, um ; part. of ncor ; spun, Nicæarchus, 1; in. a famous painter. pher, who wrote be life of Appollo- twijled. Nicænelus, i; m a certain hiftorian. nius Pythagor'cus; sind other min. conj. that neither, mor leaji, Nicægoras, 2;,w. an Athenian fo- Nicomedes. is; 01. king of Bithy. Nêve; } and not. shifer, the father of Minuclanus. dia, a friend to the Romans, who Neva, e; t. a city of Cæ'oſyria. Nicama, 2; f. the metropolis of Ja. laurd his heid,. tu! one cap, and. Nevidunum, Neuvy in Gallia Cels dia wiibin Ganges. Galled him of the Romans fred: tica. Nicander, ri; mi a grammarian of min; alſo on hidurion. Nerita, cim. A conful with Ma Colophon, and eshits. Nicomedia, æ;f.a city of Bithvnla, mertinus. Nicanor. õris ; m. the general of De. befwein Conſtantinople und. Nice, Neuras, ēdis ; f the herb poterion. metrius's army; olſo a Gicck phy. fumous for the dealbor Conſtantine Negri, õrum ; m, a prople of Sarma Scion, a grammarian of Alcxandria, the Gimt, who did bore in his tia Europea. and others. way to Jeruſalem, to be baprizad in Jordan. Neuricus, a, um ; adj. finew-forunk, Niarchus. i; m. a Corinthian phi. or; weak. lofopher. N conncd.um, a mart town of Bithy: Neuris, an iſland of Propont's. Nicara, æ; f. a ſmall iſland by Naxos, nis. Neurobāta, æ; c. a dancer ostb. Nicarius, a, um ; adj. o N caia. Nicon Gaten's father, mery skilful in ropes. Nicates, a mountain of Italy. grometry and arbitriure. Neuroides, wild latrices, Nicator, oris ; mi a jurname of se. N:cón a, æ; f. a ciry of Pontus. Ncuroſpafton, i, che herb rubus cant feucus, bring always victorious in Nicophones, a famos: punter. the Syrian wars. Nicophorus ;, in, a kind of ivy, call. ed ho imi!ax. Neuſtria, B; f. Normandy in Gal- Nicatoris, a city of Syria. 112 Celtica. Nicatorium, a moure un of Aflyiia. Nicopheron, a comical post at Alhens, Ncut, a country of Egypt. Nica, a city of Macedonia. contemporary wib Ariſtophanes. Neut er, 18, rum ; adj. of ne and Nicephorum, a viry about Edeffa. Nicopolis, ii f. a city of Myiin, pter ; neitber the one nor the other. N.cēphorus, i; m. the name of thru 'Thrare, Epirus, Armenia Mpor, * Neuter anguis, a fraks neither emperors at Conftantinoplc ; alio Paleftine, ind other places (р ico To Neu; nus. 1 NIG NI M 1 NIS farur, } Twinkling. 1 nejl. }ojnou. Nicoftrata, te; f the wubor of Evan- Ngra, ?wouli fall of towers. der, & prophatofs:called alo Car. Nigr. Sy river of Africa. NIMBUS, 1; m. [à visto, levo) menta. Nigris, a form, loreer if rain, femme, Nicottracus, 1; m, a, Macedon ang amma, zi f. a sity of Ind'a ſudden calamily, a watering-pos, orator, in the time of Marcus Anto wibn Ginges. perfuming hom alle ans embroidered ninus, allo a comical port. N'grans, ntis part, of nigro ; black, Nicotclús, a four drinker « Corinth. dark, Nia è iz adv. too much, above meg- Nicotera æfA city of be Brutii, + Ngrātor, dris; I. & blacker. Nimià; } funt. Nimio plus, ow called Nicedre. Negredo, ins; f. blacknell. Ireneli, beyond furt.. Nicotiana, a; fi fab autore) the Nigrifaclo, čre; a&. to make black, Nimičtas, aris ; f. faparfuity. berd todarc. Nigrifio, čre ; ncut. part. to be block. Nim:öpère ; ady. Overmach. + Niclaculus, i, m. the darling d. Nimirum ; adv. [qu. ne mirum ) Nigre.o. are ; neut. to grow Niaito, onis ; fa & winting o N greſco, črc; } fruly, so wir, without doubt. Nie black, 'mirum hoc illud eft, noto if ap. twinkiing, Ngricans, ntis, blackih browni. pears this is thai, Niaator, oris ; m. A winter. Nigrico, ārc ; neut. to grow brown of Nim; adv (ab mual, injuftè] Niet-o, ate; acut. (à nivco) to winh, bluckijos. too much. extelively. Nimis quam of twink with ibu gus. Ngris, fountain of Æth'opia, cupio, I defiro carnifly, I would NICT-O, čre ; neut. (à long] to open which fomi fuppofa se do the brad of பாy faix. os dog, but funt iba game. Nilus. NIMIUM ; ady. (Aial, vel qu. * Nia or, äri; dep. 1o wird, and caviar, Nigi ta, Minor, non minus) 180 murb. Se Nigretes, & prople of Lyb!a. n'm:3. N mium quantum, buge. Nictus. üs; m. là nivco) e whai, Ngrites, ly, I know not bow ruch. Nigritio, æ; f. Nimius, a, um , adj. [à nim/s] ex. Nicula, ; f. là dix] feet of Nigrit:es, el; f. bloknofs. tour too much, the great, above Nigritudo, inis; 1. mesure. * Homo nimtus meri,ons + Nidāmeatum, ! ; Q. place where Nigro, äre, lo moke or be black that bu takınt a cup too much. . bird, build ans, N gror, oris ; m. btasinis, darhnoji Nim'us imperii, foi lordly. * Sere 4. Nidellus, i; m. a little mot. Nigrutimi, a prophy of Afrira Pioprix. monis nimius, saldarius. NID EO, ęre; nent. [ugidido reni. Nh?; n. indecl. là nh lumi no Ninza, æ; f. á aty of Oenotrla, nosa dco) to.dine, gios a javour. ibing, nothing wirih, in voin, w ng St. Donato, Nidificaric, õnis ; fotbe building of A purpoi, nouir a whi. Nihil boot Ningidus, a, um , id). Snowy, nitatis, ni goodneſs. Nih: tibi Ning t. verb. imp. it snews. Nidifcom, 11 ; n, a mai, quicquam crede, I don's delici NIN-GO, xi, göre; ncut. [ropu, vel Nidifico, arc; nçut. so build a nejl., what you say. . Nihil est, tbrrr's à ca, lavol 10 now. N.dificus, a, um ; adl. making a no bpos. Nhil minus, not at all, ll Ningor, oris ; m. a tompes of nell. in ni wiſe. Nibil ſcio, I know + Niguor, oris; m ſnow Nidor, oris, m. (nidco Fibe smell of not uhy. Ninguidos, a, um, adj. Snowy, full of any thing burne or reajied; aljo Nibildum ; adv. nothing of yot. Jwow, by gbindo; or grmning and fearing N:hl, gen. / n: hllum; of no worsh, N nivc, e city of Affyrla, called alſo the rush in laughier.! morbing, Houghs, muurt, neunt Ninus, built by Affas. N drofia, a city of Scandinavia.. wbit. Ninoe, a city of Caria, sallad bafore N dūlor, ari; dep. 10 malo u nop, Nihilifacio, čre ; a&. I figbe, defriſa. Megalopolis. build, st uport 1885. Nibiifio, čri ; ncut. to boos was. Nlaos, a inty of Affyria, built by Ni- Nidúlus, 1; M. little mot. count. nus the busband of Semiramis. N:dum, Neath or Nyth in Glamor: Nihilipendo; čre ; a&t. to ſet ligbt by, Ninus, '; m. the fox Bclus, the fir ganilaire. to volwe we nothing : king of Allyria, for Belus bad only NIDUS, t; m. [tprila) a noh, a Nihildmiaos; adi, urusribad. J.bylon, tur Ninus all Affyria. trongb, a box, the young birds nibe Nibilam,i; a. (gu.ne hilum ]'morbing. Ninyas, z; m. a king of Ada, the for nejl, a pu in Jobim yoruß;... * Homo nihill, a good for norbing of Nious and Semiraals, who al. die biur, « little bild in a iradla, filow. ways took his pleaſure at boms, and a litter if pigt, a Bull, a partition of Nil (for nih!l) indecl: nothing, mit; was fort by wine but bis owx wives, a foulf in a library or bad coller's food, aj drofs, or filings of mual. Niõbe, es ; f. Tantalus's daughter, ibu wobole frame of drawers' in an Nileus, i; m. philofopber, who had, and Apphlon's wifo ; wbila se oporberary's, dressifs, or freer's As Athenæus lari, all Ariſtotle's was railing againy Jano, wbi Dop, &c. • Nidus avis, tbe bero boni in bis power. bud parfuaded Apollo *** bill her dird's muji. Nillacus, . om; 22d1. of the river. children, for was carried by a Nigdent, pouple of Africa Propria. Niloticus, a, um ; ). Nilus. whirlwind into Ala, and turned Nigella, . (à niger) tbe barb girb; Nulīzēna, z; c. born in or by the inia a fons; alle a fountain in L2- alfa ibu Guinea pepper plant. . ripur Nalos. conia. + Nigello, 1:, ti wake black. Nillion, ii, jions like a topax, but Nonæus, a, um ; ad). of Niobe. Nigellos, a, um, ad). Sonrubat darker. Nlofſum, a sity of Sarmatia Europei. black or wib as trims and gliper. Nilis, a leke of Lower Mauritania, Niphanda, æ; f. a city of Paropaniſus. ing blocksejs. fuppoſed to be made by ibe whics of Niphates, a mountain dividing Arna- Nigeel, rl; m. aris in Alrica, and Nilus. nia Minor from Allyria, and from the wards of frueral mm. Nilopolis ; i, a city of Egypt. ubraut 1ha river Tigris flows. Niger Pefccnnlos, a pro-conful of Sy- Nilus, i, m. e Gicek bijirian, and Niphavandia. æ; f. a city of Media. ria, wbs contended witb Septimius olhars ; alfo iba moll fumous river in Niphe, ons of . Hom Severus for the empirt, tut was Alrica, running throrgh Æth:opia N.pra, nions, vanquibud. and Egypt, almoſt shrue thouſand Nipſa, a; t. a sity of Thrace. NIG.ER, ra, rom; ad). unde-rior, miles, Jearly overflowing and far. Niptrom, 1; ni a bajon, barb, laver, serrimus, [à rempos, mortuus vel ning the lind 3, it is so diffckle so Nircus, i; n..ting of Naxos.hr molt ab artypis triftis) 'black, alfo died, find the bead of it, but it cou'd beow ful of all that came to Troy. dura, maliachi, mijebirvou, nargb. tbe proverb, Caput Nlli quærere; it + Nig for Nobis. .. Pijmiras. y Nigrum agmen, a warm of falls will joven months into the Me-Niſa, city of Hellas į alſo a wo. diterranean ; alſo a city in Egypt. man's name. Nigidla, , f. a rily of Lycaon'a. Nilüa, i; m. pipe coriveying water Nifær, Ibe lewe as Megaris. P, Nigiduo Figulus, in ansient Ro from conduits into haujas. Niſæc, the none of a nymph. maa philoſopher of Pythagoras's seat, Nimbātus, a, um, ad). perfumed; t'Nifi, cqul, a line of exielloni Por- a great frimd of Cicero. ello of no worth fian war. borjes. Nigilpia, &;.f. arily of Mouritania + Niabidus, a, um , adj. Hormy. Nifæus, i, m. a tyrant of Syraculc, Cæfariens. + Nimbifer, a, um, bringing formi. wholly given to luxury, for being Nigra,' f. a city of Lybia Iaterics, 1 Nibāfitas, atis ; f. florzinaji. told by sbs Soothsayers bu foruld talled Gober. Nimboles, a, um ; ad). flormy, tom foortly die, be Arni ibat Intle time > 1 I be. v igre, bairs. } cold.' . Nivalis dies, a Snowy day, Noëtico or, gen. bris; ad). 3. art. of NI T T- NOC NOL brbad in rinting and drunkenneſs.|Nitria, & more town of India by, Nõ:ītūrus, a. um pare: far. in rus, Nirin Indecl, the Hebrew month an Ganges. of nocco; like to hunt. wering 1 An March. Nitrālus, a, um; ad). full of falt.petra. Nocivus, 2. em; adj.roxious, hurtful, Nílarus, 1i; m. me if the Rhodl NITRUM, I ; n. 1Nlopov, Heb. art Nocłatlo, onis ; l. nigbe-wa ling: Nltarus, } głnt, noted for bir chiaj. shor] nilne, fult.posre, gun powder. Nocicſco, čre ; ncut. It grow night Naty: Nivalis, ci dj. (à nix) of ſnow, or dark. Nia, con). (i ne & 6) unleſs, but, exceps, fewe. Nifi á, unlufi. * Nivar'a, ma of the Fortunaia Iſlandi ; Adark colour NiG pero, unleſi, percbance. alſo a city in Spain. + Neftifer, a, um ; ads, bringing or Niga, e-bills country of Sicily, near + Nivarius, a, um, adj. of Snow. caufing night Ætoa. Niväticum, i; n. africa hall. No@ifcr, orm. the coming Nar. NIGbis, a alt ix Meſopotamia, and Nivātus, a, um , adj. covered or cooled No&ifūga ; c. Sunning or avid- another in Alu. with snow. -ing the night. Nificates, }a Nilica, a perple of. Athlopla. + Niveo, ēre ; to from, alſo to wink, Nocti ūca, a; f. Joining by nigbi, the Niveraum, the city Nevers in Gallia moon or candle, Nicope, an island of Lesbos. Ceit ca. Nocti'ucerna, æ; f. a glow worm, Nira, e; 1. a city beyond Tralles, Niveidumi, Lire In Brabant. + Noctivăgus, a, um ; adj. wander. toward be saft. Nircus, a, un ; adl. / Snow, wbite ing by night. Niſua, &; f. a disy of Africa Propr!a. 1 /now. • Masia otrca, a ſnow. No&ur' for no&e, by night. . Hoc Nilus, the son of Hyrtacus, and a ball. nocta, ts-nigbi. mod antant frimd of Buryalus ; Nvigilla, Nirelle, in Brabant. Noctua, æ; i. (à nox) an owl. adf. king of sb Megarenſes, + Niveſco ãe; neut. to snow. Noctuas Athen:smittere, fond foirned to be surned into a bawi. Nivomagum, 3 the city Numagen, onli to Newcaſtle. NISUS, t; m. (Heb. neteja par. N:viomagum, ) by the Moſcl. + Noctuabundus, a, um ; adj. walk. row, alſo a file Nivõlus, a, um, ad). full of Inow. ing by night. Niſus, .; m. Cà sitor) endeavour, NIX, nlvis; f. [Xim. Nige, vel Noctuinus, a, um , adj. of or lilo an labour, pains-taking, a tread, paci. ant. Níl í fnow. • Nives, heaps of owl. Oculi noctuini, cat's go, Niſyros, an iſland in the Carpathian Snow, Diffugere nives, the nowy faring by nghe, saa. wrashar is vir . Capitis nires, + Nectulagus, i, m.mourning by night. Nitarum, a city of Gala!ſa. † Nournalis, c; adj. of ihr night. Nitedula, a; f. [à nitco) a glow. Nixor, ari; dep. to lean or bear uyon. Nocturnus, a. amzadji (à nox]n.gbre wirn; alſo a fold.mouse. + Nixurio, ire; to endeavour or as. ly, in the night Nitela, 2, f. a glittering, pin- Nocturnus, i; m. the god of the night. Nitella, ; ing Nixus, a, um ; part, of nitor ; mol Noctuviglia, a name of Venus. Nitellous, a, um ; adj. of a dining draumuring, lesning, relying upon. Nocumentum, lön. barm, danoge, nellau kleur. • Nixus genibus, kneeling. Nocyus, a, um, adj. (à noceo]hurt. Nítclla, 2; f. (à niteol a toothpicker, Nixus, 1; m. a comfellation, Hercu. ing, anying ear.picher, or fach like instrument; leg on his hours. Nortatio, onis ; f. Anottines, alſo a field-moule. Nexus, As; m, a pong of travail,, a Nodālor, oris, n. a frétter, tior up. Nitens, ntis; part. of nitco; 8% Araining, child bearing, endeavour. t Nodellus, a little inos. gelloni. † Nadia, æ; f. 1bs herb mulany, wid Niteas, ntio ; part. of nitor ; enden. N ante 0. Jy curr ari. vowing, Nodinus, i; mi Roman gud ouer, Nitcntius, ady, comp. more brightly, NO, abbreviat. for noftrum. foring the joints in surn-palki. NIT-EO, ērc; ncut: [à viatu, lavo] No, a sily of Egypt, called alfo Alex. Nodo, are ; a&t. to inity to the knots, to fint or fliſer, be neat or Spruce, andria. to hut:on. fai and plump. Oratlo nitet, shi Noinarč;, neut. [N'] to ſwim. * Nõdose, adv: Inosily, rugged's, oration is nearly compoſed. Nare sine cortice, to be one's own 1 Nodogtas atis ; f. knorsiriofi, Niteris, a nation of Africa Interior. Nodolus, a, um ; adj. dificult, forte Niteſco, crc; ncut. so gl.tter, or glifler. Noz, a city in Sicily. Palous, Nitībundos, a, um; ad). sager, so. Noxus, a, um, adj. of Nok. Nodūlus, i, m.a little knot ;, allo s ing » « ibing with ons, utaot Noas, a river in Thracc. little ball like a buflon, Jufnd wirb nght. Nobe, the pigmies. food on a gick to turn the roughneſs of Nitide, adv.. jbiningly, neatly, garls. Nobilis, e; adj (a nofco ]moble, ex- Nitīditas, atls; f. Alainas, trigbron', celleni, fumeus, remarkable, known NODUS, 1. m. [ab Heb. gnanedb, gaynoſ. or well known, notorious. Ad alligavit) a knot or defileulis, Nitidiuſculè, adv. somewbat neatly or mult nobile fel, the gall of it is Nodus H:1culia, a love Ann. Ainingly. good for many things. Nodus arborts, the posting our of Nitido, are; act. to malo neat, brigbl Nobliffimus. a, um; ad). ſuperl. mul ines. Nodus digiti, a knuckls. and laining: notorious, or very well known; mo • Nodum in fcirpo querere, to be Nitidus, a, um ; adj. fining, Nijer, ramerkadla, famous, or excellent tee forupulous. ing, mual, 8, TPress, fat and mol gonemus, of be moſt excellmi Noduris plump.. brad things ibni Nitlobriges, a popla of Aquitain, peror's jounger ſons, and orbers that joinis. Nicocris, « quien of Babylon. wire the purple and were crown'd. + Nuegeun, e'; n. a noplin, a white NI-TOR, Xus and fua fam, ti; depo Nobilitas, atis ; f. nobility, excelimey, garmont yelled with purple. (ab Heb. naub, Jaclinare) in- Nocma, ats; nie ibughty. Jan. deavour, Orain or rug, Drive, lean Nobilitätus, a, um, sreblad, made tince wburiin one thing is spoken upm, smp, rely upon, roff. famous or infamous. and norber iniint. Huml niti, to go on the ground. Nõbi'itér, adv. nobly, ox:!lensly. Noemagos, a city of Narbonne. Purâ qui nititur Jhana, he bar Nobilito, are ; a&. l enible, make Noes, a city in Thrace. leani on a commanding-lioff witbout famous, renowned. Nola, f. city in Campaola. A bend of iron.. #Nici pro aliquo Nob:s, dat. pl. of ego. 10 NI. Nola, 2; 1 (à nola civity a little de zquitatc, to pond up for one, Nobiſcum, for cum n.bis, with us. dell. In cubicula nola, ne maintain judice and equity. Nii Nõcensinds; adj. burtful, injurjons, that pestisoo much as boni, und tu ad adera, to mount towards heavm. guilty linele abroad Nitor, ods; no. a gliſering, laining, Nocenter, adv. miſobinuouſly. Nolens, ntin; part of nolo, unwillinge Beatneſ, plump nefi. Nõcentla, ei f. a burling, injuring + Nolentia, 2 ; f. s.reftang. Nitrāria, jf. sbi place from whence NŐC.EO, u', i!umēroj neut. (Syr. Noli me tangerc, 4 kind of mercy, Salo-patre is dug. *160, nocuit). harm, hurt, annoy wboje loof fourts away whim it is Nitrātus, a, um, adj. mixed with wrong. • Nocera ncxam, so do one touchd; allo a pieru of Mufb in sbo fait-Arora, Pulvis Atratus, fun a dengage nofrils, growing' worso for bring parodar. No:ctus, verb, Imp. burt is dones, tourbid Nitria, e; to country in Egypt. + Nācībilla, e; adj, bariful. Nolo, nonyls, nolle; (qui non volo) 6 D2 1 The tongue. i i pour le com inte given the on. Nodutus , } li se upored to bring voisi 1 , rus. N ÖM NON NOT to be unwilling, will ne. Nolo of rolls, Nonnas, 1 įm. (Ægypt.) å mond offenſam, I will give yo offense. Nomophylax, ac!s ; a. a kaper and Nonnus,a Greek hijtorian, and others. • Nolunt ubi velias ubi no.is cu oferter of the law, a judge, or juf. Nonnus Panopolita, a famous part pluat uluo, wonder will bave sbrir tice of its peace. under Theodofius.. wils. Nomos, 1 ; m. a jurifi.aion, a urri. Nonnuſquam, adv. Jomewhere, in soms Nomides, a prople of Schyrhin Euro tory, a countri, a lsro, and a ſong place. peod, whore wbole life is spone in jung to an inriement: + Nongupcium, lizni the weight of Hosping cate's; alji o prople of Alia, Nomocheta, a; lm a law-malit, nins sanits. by sbe Caſpian lesions a piople of Nomothetes, æ ; } preferiber of law. Nonus, a, um ; 'adj, (à novem]ibs África, batwin Zeugltana and Nomus, a divifion of Egypt into thir- ninth. Miuritania, called als Numida. ty parts,into which it was dj. Nonyina, a city in Siclly, Now.x, aruai f. crosping ulaps. v ded by Seroftris. Nord, 2; f. erity of Sardinlı ; au Nomæ, a trzon in Sicily. NON, C ab Heb. 6) ady, ne- Nomæl, a people of Thrace, after- , a city of Cappadocia by mount Tau. gandi, nt ; non no, deniah mere wards called Scy:hz. im; banically ; Ter. Non modo iš Noracus, a city of Pannonia. Nõmarcha, æ; m. a mayw ar nhor road for nedum. Non w.tb on ad. Norba Cæſarea, iba village Alcantra governer, hiv ng the prima.noce in jective or participla, iniimaisth the in Portugal. the adminidration of law. sontrary. Sometimes it is tranſlated Nordoy cuia, 2 l;n the city Nor- No aarchia, że, f. shoes of jurid fiol si nub, but a. medium, ma Norvicum, 3 wich. dicit of a monarıb. guite, nos aliogabar. Non modo, Nercia, a; f. a.city of the Carai. Noxaſta, a propia of Scythia. non ſolum, ncquc modo, are read | Norexies, people in Sardinia Nombs, æ; f. a city Judæa. for non modo non, non folum non. Noricum, i, n. a country in Girma. NOMEN, ipis; n loone, vel à nos. 8. Conſules Fabri Lexicon in ny, iba griatet purt of which is 10) s namo, risle, « nun, renoun, vcrbo Nun. Tous you find non is B.varia. a árbt or dotter. • Nomine bono rendered mob. ammini by not, no, Noricus, a, um; adj.of Nor.com. aliquis one whoji nama partends good nor. . Non tacendus, to be cries NORMA, æ; f. laringiopa) & rule luik. # Nomen Latinum, ihs La. up. Non modò nel maly, mu.h or quart to work by ; a law, forn, tin late • Bonum nomci, a lols, not to say. Non nibil. Some pastern. * Ad normam rationis, M N whole ſe urdly muy be taken. 1h ng.. Non nullus, fome, Nul according to reafor. Nomco prufiteri, to be mutricu, Jus non, every one. * Non nun. Normālia, c ; adjmade efter rule darrd. Nomen ftipendii Impa. quam, jou:etimes, Nunquam non, ar guarı, Normalis angulus, a fuis propincæ he mide it a tax always. * Non 1:a pridem, lately right angle.. * Normalis diaca, a able province... Non tam tuo quàm # Non ſolum animum, mol to for terpendicular line. reipublicæ nomine, more for the the mind, Normāl tèr, adv. by line and level. she if ibe republiek ihan your own. Nona, one of tbe Dunia. Normannia, a; f. the province of Nonco dare miliciæ 10 sekı proſa. Noncar:8, mounia n f Pélopon. Normandy in Gallia Celtica. money, and be inroliu. • Expe neſus, in Arcadla, from whanc Normannt, örum , pl. the people of d:rc nomina, to pay his debus. . flows the cold water of Styx. No.mannia. Ad nomina reſpondere, lo be as a Nonacrinos, 2, um; aaj. of Nonacris, Normālus, a, um'; ndj wrought by a pufier. Nonacrius bcros, Evande'. Nomenclatio, onis ; } f. a numbering Nonæ, arua ; t. là nonus | tbe menes + Normüla, æ; f. á litla male or callms of of a month, in March, May, July, Samant. names by order. and O&ober, the Axib day after + Noro, are ; to knord. Noncaclācor, Orls ; m, & callar of the calmas į in the rall, the foureb. Noroſti, a people of Scythia, by sbe names in order, sorgir a remem- Nõnagēcuplus, a, am; adj. nine. mounsain Nororfus. brancır, a faciatury of the Roman Nonāgēcuplex, gen.icis; } ry fold, Northumbria, e, f Northumberland, spnpia.in wbofood for frises. Nõnāgēnārius, a, um; adj. of ninety, Nortla, æ; f. ibe goddess Portune NOscntum, is, toum of the Sa be pinstieb. bines, swelux Biles from Rone. Nonagenarius, ii; m.one ninely years. Norvegia, æ ; fi Norway, under the Nômeniānus, a, um , adj. of No- 0!d. Ang of Denmark. mcntaa. Nonāgāni, 2, & ; adj. ninery: Nos, wx, the plural of ego. Nomināli, o'} adj. nosi nal. ; . nine; mihalia, seipening days or frafis. ly, as if ons should know, defirous to # Nominārius, is in a learner ab: Nõnāgics, adv. ninety times. know, and iskt acquaintance 10 rood a-wbo's ward. Nonagiota, adj indec, ninely. Norcito, aic..so know well enough. Nominālim, adv. namely, by name, Nonani, ſildiers in the ninth legion., NOSCO, novi, notum, ère ; A. purliquiarlı, imprysly. Nonārios, a, um , adj. of nins. *No. Lysrasxa) to know, diſcern, undor. No, inaco, ons is a naming,, 09 naria aieretrices, conson harlors jiand. Novimus nos inter nos, minuing Nominationc Ivá no opening their door1 et nine o'clock, or w know one anorber. . . Novi om. mnerc aliqucm, 10 sold a person coming abroad at meal-simu. nia lecom, I know all as well as aftor bis own num. • Facere no- + Nonalin, or noauſis, wine pound yok. Bene noſcere aliquem, * 10 minat:onem, to nominali or boose weighi. underſtand one's meaning fully, A pirfor inuo an office. + Noncup!ex, gen. icls : 2 adj.ning. Noſcopion, a city of Lycia. Nominativus,a unii adj. nominative. # Noncuplus, a, um ; $ fold, of Normer, + Nowinātor, oris , m. 8 namirgap. nine forts, nins lima si mu . pointer. Nondům,adv. not yet Nosocomion, ïi; a. ian bopital or Nõnisãos, a, um ; part. of nomi- + Nongenarius, a, um ; all. of nine nori, namid, 1on1ward, bundred. Nělocomus, i; m, the maflor of an + Nominito, are ; s. n.me oftm. Nongentēsīmus, a, um ; adj.the nine boppitul. Noming, arc ; 27. (à nomen] 1 burd-dib. Notora, an ifand in the Red-fea. nome, vull by nome, to noninate , Nongentig z, a ; ad). nino bundred. Nofter, a, um ; pron. ad). poſteſt.[à an ofte, infiance in particulars. Nongentiès, adv, nine hundred simos, nos] Oxr. * Noftræ arborcs, the t Narninofus, a, um ; ad). famous. Nongcntus, i, m. the Roman ballos. Inut of our country. Noster cs, Konfora, a is; mors soin.d. ing box-derpar. you are one of us... Noniſtériaun, H; A. a city of Ger. Noningentiæ,a ; adfiring hundred. Noftrâpte culpâ, by our iwn fault. many. Nonius Marcellus, a grammarian, Noftras, gen. atis ; adj.of cur comme Nomlus, 11 ; m. Apollo, so called wbus books are oxtant. try or houpold. Noftrates philo- from his fading Admetus's :artla,or Nonga, æ; f. (Egypt) a mun, ſophl, philofopbers of our own folt, from the ſun's Juding All things Nonne, adv. da yox nos? is it not so 3 of the ſame judgmmt with us. Nonācahon, önis ; & table of laws • Nonoc vidcsce you mor? Noti, k; f. [à noſco) a mole, murk and sources Nonn.hil, indec. fo.idwbar, litilo. or fign, a cypher, chraltor, intami Nomod dig, -2:trosber of the Nonnellus, a, um , adj. sime. Ax ill name, a mark of diſgrale is Nomodidaicalus, latos. Nonnunquam, ady, jossimo, fonso Ebe renfor's dill; Alellar, dahaviour, Nomophylacium, ii; asbe shancery where. fajton, praise, judgment. Nos se incliure , among the Tuſcans. A isth. . Nolmelips, } we ourjelver . , N Ở T N O V NOX méHori nota commenda, comment, Notus, a, um; part. of norcor; dijagruing and burtful foadow. Has mon of hors? behaviour * Per known, notable, fimous alfa b Nõvercalis, e j'adl. of orl.de à ling's notas fcr.bere, or not's exprimere, that knows. metber, n'writi by cyphers, • Eximere no. Nova Civitas; an ancime name of Nõvercalītàr, adv. like a Rop.dame. tari, to rom:ta confure. •Vilioris Carthage, borb in Spain and Afri, Nõvescor, ari ; dep. to difford as notæ he, bæ, burbs of the common ca ; aljo Neustidi in Auſtria, and or play iba siop-mother, fort or vulgar uſo. other places. Rolabilir, ad cuident, notable, Nová Monia, tbe city Wiſſemburg Novarus , '} Lea Nouliers, in Agus- romarkable, blumeable. In pejus in Sarmatia Europaa. Novellum, ibe city Nuy in Lower norabile, to be found fault with. Novācŭla, jf. (à novo) a barbar's Germany. + Nõtabilitas, atis, f. excellmıy. raks, any foarp kaiſe ; alio a Novi, I koru, from nofco, Nðrābiliter, adv. nuadly, evidently, in. Novidunum, z town in Lower Mj. s remariably Nõvāle, is, a. fallow field that ij lia. + Nõtā:ūlom, t'; n. & mark. Novalis, is, f.3 is de sown the Arxl , Norientum, Eberſheym in Germa. + Nõtamen, inis; a. a note or Ágn. juar; ſummer-land. • Dira nova. ny Notandus, a, um, part. far. in dus, lla, reji, land. Novics, ady. nine rimes, à notor} notable, wirib sobing. Nõvandus, a, um ; parti of novor ; Nõvilūnui, il; n. (à luna]the nero # Notārla, æ ; f. matica, intelligerus. to be rinnord or dlured, 1up. † f. a for.rotary. an ancient people of Gal. Novimeftris, c; adj. (à menfis] of † Notārlum, ú ; n. a note, annota: Novantes, $ loway in Scotland. ning nerths. tion, Novao us, i, m. e river of Umbria, Noviodunum, + Notārlus, a, um, adj. of notes, * the city Nnyon.in whi:b rifos extraordinary about thi Noviomum, } Gallia Belgica, bi noted, or reprowd. fummer.pytics, and at mid-winter and other places. Notar us. ii, m. e ndary scrivent, is dry, Noviomagum, Odenheia, iň Upper clerk, Boort band writer.. Noia- Novar á, a; f. a vily of Infabrla. Germany; alſo Novenburg in Al- rius ſecretorum, a ſecretary, Novālio, Jais ; f. a maling news fatia, and Niacguen in Guelder. Notāt'o, önis; f. 4 nsring, obferving, ronowing. Novationcm, facere, land. Jeting down, a confuring, blaming. 11 renew a bound. Noviomagus, the name of ſeveral Notátororis ; m. An ebſerver, noter. Novālcr õris, m. / an ialarer, a towns in Gallia Belgica, Ceitica, + Nătatorium, il, 1. a note or park. Növātrix, icis, f. } TINWxr, an and other places ; alo Woodcote in Norācos, a, um, part of notor; noted ufurpat. Surrey, ten miles from London obfervid, 'writim. .Scçlere nota Nõvātus, a, um, part. of novor i Novioregum, the same as Noverus. tus, infamous. .. made new, rinswed. Noviſsimè, adv. lalily, fowly,leifurs. Noteſco, čre, ncut, 10 brcoms known Nõvātus, u; m. a change, altra . Nothia; orum ; 2. gifts ar lubjanse tion. Noviſsimus, a, um, adj. tbe laft, ebe given to baltardr. Novè, adv. truly, lately, Arange dafof. NÖTHUS, a, um, [VG) purious, b. Nõvitas, at's ; f. newneſs, freſhness, forged, foiled in, contuarfait.. Mu Novellctum, is B. a Nace planted bizongenes, a new-raiſed family, l'er noiba, a gelded man, wirb now' v'ns-plants, a nurfers. ları genir). • Mundi novitas, she Nothus, l, m, a ballard.' Nõvellītas, ātis; f. nouilt, new Spring-time. Noria, æ ; f. a procisus fine falling line. Nõvilèi, adv. newly, lately, down with flowers. Nõreito, a'e's to make now, plans Nõitlus, a, um ; ad). now, mwifo, Notificatio, önis, f. a maifiing, a with young vinss. riow come up giving notice. Novellus, a, um, adj. [å norus]new, Novi:jus, ll; m. a novier, fresh mon, Notificător, ör!s ; . & nulffer. froß, imdar and young. Ga'lina Novius,the river Conway in Wales, Nöcifico, arc, ad. to notify: give no novella, e pulia. Dentes no. and Nid or Nirth in Scotland. tiu, maka known, declars, velli, lattb newly cul.. Miles no. Nõro, arc, a&. do renew, make how, Notio, o:lisif. a motion, knowledge, alier bond. • Ne quid colpa- underpanding, an axiom or prin Norellus, l, m, ine of Millala,called tio novaretar, left any ulteranoa of ciple. Noilo cauia, the cogni. alſo Triconglus, srotors bis drink ng offairs might boppen in the moun scance of a call. Ibra gallons of wine at a draugbi. Notítia, æ ; 11. knowledge, acquaint NOVEM, ind. Tema] nine. Novocomenſes; tbe pample of Novo. Nõritics, ei; , ane, a breviary of November, ris ; mihi monib No comum, a city of infubria. Ibe dignities of the empire. • No. vember. Novogarnia, æf. tbe name of two titiz ſuburabcrc, to conccal from Novempagh, a city of Hetruria, called cities in Sarmatia. afterwards Balneorgium, and now Novopyrgum, ; a. a city of Myfa Notjam, a southern promontory of Ire Bagnarca Superior land, called Niffenhead; also a Novcmpopulonia, z; f. a country of Norunciun, li ; n. nine emners. city of lonia, Aquitain, bewien tbe river Garum. NOVUS, a, um ; adj. [NEU] w. Notiunſes, ibi prople of Notium. na and the Pyrencan bills and the freb, frange, unsoutb. Novæ + Nouius, , um ; adj. foulburn fou now called La Guaſcogoa. } + Notinus, tabulce, an ad for remitting debes. Novem viæ, a city of Thrace called * Res nove, change of gouern. Noto, are, act. (à noto) to nie, ob alja Amphipolls. ment, Novi homincs, uppgets. ferus, mart, asslinguis,comfure, take Nõvēnārlus, a, um ; adj. of sine, * Novus novitius, Spick and span in Noort.bund, write down wat is the ninib. 12.- indi&rd. Ignominiâ notari, ro+Nõrendcciès, adv. Rinetron times. Novus Portus, Newhaven er Now. de dograded. Notare res nomi. Novcadiālis, c'; ant. of nine days pori in the iſle of Wight, nibus novis, to call things by now continuance. Sacrificium noyen NO X, &!s, f. (Not) the night, namss." diale, an expiatory fairifica if min. lory darkneſs, ignoranus, deasb Notor, õris, m. di/auror; an in. Jers, adverfats, aingbi's lodging goger, or furety. Nõvendiāle, is ; a. a funnel larri Noti ladum æquare, to play all Notoria, æ f. an information, notics, fice, or the ninıb day after one's ' right, Nok manebo, I'll tárrt ? a tiiker, declaration or india meni. dearb. ali nigbs, Noctem rebus offun- Nðiðria, Orun 3. n. tolimonies in, 46. + Novcodlum, il; A. ibi same as no. derc, to put ibings in diſorder. cufations, vendiale jalo iba space of nine days. Noxa, æ; f. [à noceo] an office, + Notoriè, ady, notoriouſly, manifefly.. + Novennius, a, um ; nine years old. biams, burt. Noxam capere, 80 * Notorium, ii; n. an quidmu. | Norensiles, certain gods fuppoſed to take barm # Noxam docere, to Nõtõrjus, a, um , adj. notorioui, evi. • brought ano Rome by the Sai commie an offmce... Sine noxâ dins, manifejt. bincs, or twihar ibi forrign' deities ftomachi, without find ng iba Notozephyrus, i, m. tbs foutb saj focul ed. fonach. wnd. Novēnus adj. nine, Noxālis, e; adli ani offenze or ph. Notůla, æ, f. a little note, ticksi. NOVERCA, æ; f. [quo vix Gry milbenti NÕTUS, i, [ pótos ) ibe south nova dominaja jep muhar, or ino + Noxatio, onis ; f. a funiſhment, wind. ther in law. Noverca um bra, a penalty, + Noxe 1 } } small met. . I Norgelia.} Nubecula, 23.f. [ nubes) a linie + so #ds. N U C N U G N UM + Noxc, adv. harmfully. Nacerla, e ; f. a city of Italy, allo Nügatorlè, adv. Nightly, trillingly. Noxia, . ; f. blams, a fault, crime, the city Nocera in Campania, and Nugátorius, a, um ; adj. Aighi,vair, • Esc noxiæ, to prijudice one. thors plares. . + Noxiétas, äris ; f. burtfuineſs. Nucorial, iho prople of Nucerla. Nugax, gen. ācis į adj. a babbler, Noxills, c; adj. burtful. Nūcētum, tj.a. a place wbers Buts trifler, un importinini frivolous fol. Noxidlus; a, um ; adj. burtful, muis. low. chievous. Nuceus, a, um ; adj. of a retro + Nügiger, zom; adj. lipbl, vain's + Noxit, for nocuerit. of boxel pratint, impertinini. Noxios a, um.; adl. offending, hunto | + Núcicula, &; , Nūgįgěrůlus, ji ni in vain tatilor, a ing, ffmfui, noiſoms, guilty * Nocilla, & tale-024rir. Noyni, inacc. Nliu so called by the + Núcifrangibúlany i j. n. & nust Nagịpārus, a, um ; adj. bringing Bgyptians. crasher, forth togs. Noys, a riur of Clicle. # Núclouş, 2, 6m ; ad): fa un ar + Nügipora; 2; f. 4 grupo full of N ante U. + Nuclper Gića, a; f. & peach. t. Nügipcrus, a, um; ad). Iriding. Nuciprunum,'l; A. a plum gregedi Nugipolyloquides, a word frigned NU. abbreviat. for nuptias. annui.tra. o Plautus for a great prater. N. V. for non vis, vocat, er valet. + Nuclearium, il; a. a place where Nugivendului, ? ism. a feller of Nuagerta, 4.sity of Galia Belgica, frass grow. Nugivendus, } joys and trifas, a Noba, 2; m. e king of Denmark, + Nuclearlis, ii; f. Murfree. millener or small wara won. compelled by the empera Heary wit Nuclco, äre; so bide or cour. + Nugo, onis, ; m. a Irifler. Ars to Cbrifian. Núcicus, el ; c. (à nux) pus ur. Nuger, ari; dep. 10 frißt, dallo i Nubæ, a poplo Nibya suar Nilus, mel."Nucleus ferri, genl. Nu Speak vainly, fully or impertinently. called, alfo Nabal, Dabçi, end cleus allit, a dove of gorlich. Nūgosè, ady. Irisingly, Numides. Aclaorum auclel, ubi mual within + Nugositas, ātīs ; f. toifone. Nuba, a people of Aribla Deſerta. the kernel. * Pinguctudinis nu-Nūgāſus, a, um ; ad). sije, iri. clous, a lamp of fat. Ring cloud, wbite Spont of the mail. Nucra, a city of Tuſcany. cif. a small to. * Front's apbccula, a little nown | Núcŭla, a; f. là nux} a small mut. Jadnofs of countanannt. • Nocula terreſtris, an earth.nur. Nuithonęs, piple of Germany. Nubens, ntis ; part. of nubo ; ready + Naculus, i, m. a cataire, a sbild Nu lātěnus, adv. in 'n waji, by mo ** marry, upon marriage. doligbling ix toys. Cant. NUBES, is, f. (Nemoj dloud, st Nucuplus, a, um ; adl. absur nini. Nullibi, adv. *• wheri, great muliindi, adworbry, ſadneſs, + Nucus, If a nut-tru. + Nullitas, auis ; f. nullity, norbing, o cook, courr. Trimi aobe vita Nŭditio, onla; fi meking bare. + Nullomodò, adv. by no means, carct I livi pary bagpily.. # Na. Nědātus, a, um , ad). Rede bare or Nullus, a, um ; adl. Cic." [90. ne bem objicere fraudibus, to come or mited, Spoiled, berefi, difilased. * ullos) no, KIRE, :l, vid, pain. cloai knapiry Nudata meffes, en reaped down. # Nullus fua, I am undons. Nabia, æ; f. the enuntry of Pretor • Nudato pede, bari foos. Nullus dixeris, say nothing. #Nul John bordering spon Egypt, ones Nudē, adv, barely, apparently, opma lâ cffe fide, to bave *• credit. prufofing Cbriflianity, bus tiiw Jallon Nullo negocio, raflya. Nala from it, + Nudilus, a, umjad). lirfle siird. reſpuplica, a pitiful, initrderable Nubianj. vagabonds whs call shen. Nudipedalia, certain playi Lice. Commousalib, nos live scorronon. Saluus Egyptians. demonla, duge by the prigts bars- wealıb. + Nübidus, a, um j.adl. cloudy. Tured. Nulluſdum, adv. not 41 yet. Nübiter, a, um, adj. bringing clouds. + Nudipodla, æ; f. barsfoundnals. NUM, adv. vel con): [wil wherbar Nūbīlūgus, a, um , adj. cassering Nudipes, ēd's i adj. bariftotsd. or no ; etlim abſol. wbsiber. the clouds. Nuditas, ātis; f. nakedmiofi, dare. Numa Pompilius, the friend king of Nūbīgčan, ; C. bogos of a cloud, . ibe Roma, who inflituad Sacred Nudiuſquartus, adr (qu. nunc dies rites by the appointment(as ki laid) Nubiger, a, um ; adj. bringing or eft quartus I four days ago, of the goddeſi Egeria. during Daud, suri. Nudluiqularůs. ady.five days ago. Numana, al. a town in Italy. Nūbilar, aris ; ma bed or dama for Nudipffexiùs, adv. bx days ago. Numantia. 2; T. . sity in Spala, the bribing of dry. Nudluftertius, adv. thru dari ago.. whleb, with four buſand men, Nūbīlis, c adj. marriageable. Nudiu tertius (decimus, bisex bild out fourteen years against Nübilo, are; neat. to make or gna } diggi ogo. forty thouſand Romans, and af Nubilor, ari ; dep. } dark or cloudy, Nudo, are > act. 10 make bare o lap burni shim/olves and all they + Nübīlosè, adv. darils, cloudily, aghed, frig, uncwr. • Nudare bad becanja sbay would not be Nūbúlolar, 2, 0m ; adj. cloudy, full fcelus, jo dijuar a por. Nudarc ta kon. of clouds, tapefwowi. gladlos, to draw ſwords. Numanuus, a, um ; ad). of Numan. Nabilum, 1in. a cloud, darkneſs, NUDUS, a, um, adj. [à xn, non, tia. Sadurfio . Nabila humani animi, & duw, Induo inalid, dwi, plass, Numārius, a, um ; adj. monoy, ibe froubles and ouxprlans of sbi frippada • Urbs nuda presidio, & briond, given to money. Res nu. wind, sity ungarriſon'd. Nudo vesti. maria, & maflet of money, . Dif- Nūbilos, a, um ; ad). dark, dendy, menta detaberc, 11 rad ibu spisils, ficultas nuimarla, mans of my. Sad, next, .. From anbila, a lowr • Æftas noda, a very bot lamer. • Tefera numarla, dill of ex- in. Tempora & fucrint Aubila, Nomina muda, meri namus. change. if savoryty draws near, + Nuga, 1;., paliri follow. Nomašio, onis ; fmuch moxr, riebis, Nabitu, for nubic. NOGÆ, aram ; f. qu. nę ago, vel u roking up wialth togeiber, Nūbivăgns, .um ad). paling nex, vel ab. Heb. nuge, meſti, Nupatus, a, um; ad). minsjad, ricb. vel à lugco) 103, Ir.jle, sopperia Numella, æ ; f. là qumus) a pila NÝ BO, PA, besc, ptum, & nupta • Maximas nugasagis, Juk do but lory, be ks, slag, & yoke. hym; neut. (a subes, vel à Now js. Numelirius, Il ; m, & maker of modelus (nm ; vel ab Heb. nuu, + Nugálls, įw). Soppißb, Irifing. Doardles frndum ferre, navah, babitavit, * Nugalītas, átis?? A triling + Nümellatus, a, um ; adj. Sulled, & 120 bi ndrried to a husband, Nūgacitas, ads; ferrared. copar. Vir apbi uxori; the ws. Ņūgāmcptum, i ; ncut. - frille, jopa + Nūmello, arc; to jackla fotter, sleg DAN WATI the brushes. • Y tcs NOMEN, inis; n. (Natur, nutus] nubunt, thi vines are plabod wpus + Nagantèr, adv. Frifingly. sho" deity, wil, ona power of God, Dare nuptum, * dive | Nugarius, a, uod, nd. Brifing. a nod or bad, she weight of Jupreme A wrap in marriage. * Nugas, indec. bgobler, Irinar. anthirity. • Numinc affiatus, in- Nacamentum, 1 ; A. The cas's-sailon Nūgatio, quis; Spirid. me grus, or thy like. Nūgātor, orisi gi srifai, dallier, Nomenias; li ; m. a Syrlan, Pyths. Nucella, æ; f. là nůx) a little swt. gorean and Platonick philosopber. Númc. NUM: NUN NUT in ready mones; + Númerábills, ez adj. niemable, Nammārius, a, um ; adj. f money. folling sponly in be markui. caj to be counted, fow. • Nummarius Judex, & judge gu Nund'natio juris,taling of briber. Nůměrālis, e; adj. of number. Nu for money. Su numarlu. Nandinātor, oris ; m. a morebant, meralis fcientia, aritbestick. Nummātio, onis ; f. Sre numatio. dudlar, w marle-man. Wůměrārlus, il; m.& regifer,notary, t Numwositas, Stia ; f. abundance Nundinātrix, icla ; f. a market-wm auditor, accountant, ariibmatinian; of money. bian alo a super-mafer. Nammolai, a, ami adj. well-szonoyed, Nundīno, äre, 210 biscy or full eperly + Numératio ; adv. by neraber. rich. Nundīnor, ari, 3 in the market. Númērātio, önis; f. numeration; Nummŭlus, ; m. a ſmall piece of Nundinum, i; a. * fair or marhet, numbiring, ready mong. mont, Si qondine Nůmčrāid ; adv. by count or meaſure, NUMMUS, 1; m. [tónioue) monn, Nunquam, adv. à né.& unquam] prompily, at hand. # Nuncrato piece of money. # Millc nom never, not at all, it is impoſible, ylvcrc, to live from band so mancab. mum, twnty-five mons. # Nunquam non, sur,as all times, Númērātor, öris ; m. a rockoner, Numnam, adv. whether or Hl. Nunquandò, adv. whaber at any Nămēratas, a, um ; part. nuagbar'd, Nūmulārla, a; f. mong, or sba bord tine. paid. • Numorata pecunia, ready two-mie. money. Ingentum in numerato Numularius, i1; m. 2 a banter, ex. Nunquidnam,} adv. wbother. habere, so baut bis wits about him. Numulāriõſus, 1; m. } ibanger. Nunquis,c,id (a num & quis) whe. la numerato relinquere, te iraus Nūmůlus, i ; m.money, win, a piece Nunquifnam, nam, idnam, ºs riber of Sluer or gold. Su nummus. any one.. • Nunquid Romam ve. # Nomerè, adv. juf new, clearly, or. NUNC, adv. [16] now. . Nunc lo i have you any ſervice to commande dinarily, Jam, juſ now. • Nont nuper, of Rome? . Nunquid præterea ? Numeria, bo goddess of namboring. viry lately. • Nunc ipſum, at this wbas nothing elfe! Numerlanus, « Ronan empert. very inians . Nunc icmporis, el Nuntio, and auntius, as nuncio.&c. Númcro,are; ad. to namber, reskon, this preánt, + NUO, nul, nutum, nuere ; acut. Numorire pe Noacia, -; f. fe bar tolls nicos. veual 10 ned, signify by mdding. cuniam, to pay ready money Nunciatio, onis ; fi o declaring, toll. NUPER, J adv. Ivūs & mep, vei Nullo loco numerara, u for Rigbling, manifefling'. à novus) Sardly, but by, to night. Nunciacor, õris į m. , Illor, relater, of late times, of hulle not long since ; Numèrò, adv. pory soon, just now, Nunciatum, i ; a. a mellage, ropart. Nuperus, a, um ; adj. (vt in spoj á fow bowrs, days, years, ages ago. clearly, ordinarily Numérosè, adv. By dimension and Nunclātus, a, um, reported. Nun niw of lars. meaſurr, barmonioul). clatum eft, news was dringbr. Nupta, &; f. [d nubo)wife, + Nům črósitas, ātis; f. abundance. Nuncio, are ; a&. la nuncius) $ Spouſe. Nova nupta, a bride. # Nůměrdiitèr, by meajmed, mujh. well,daclara, do a milogo, or errand. F Nuptatörfum, il; n. a bridal, iar. cally. • Nunclaro monftra, to tell incred riage.. Nůměráfus, a, um ; add, nimensions, dible Jorin. Nuptiae, ārum; pl. f. a wedding, manifold, barmonious in mrajuri Nuncłólum,i ; n. a little wilage, an folemnity or time of narriage. and number, errand, Nuptialii, c; adj. belonging to more NUMERUS, 1; m. (a rouo, lex)Nunciõlus, 1 3, A. a rummer, a ſmall riage. • Thalamus naptialis, ibi a number, great quantity, sunk, melinga. bride chamber. burmix), proportion, a multitude; Nanclam, ii ; 8.6 miljago, nieros, + Nuptialitèr, adv. after she manner alſo a rand, party, or condition, tidings. Ad cum nunclum, at that of marriage. .' Omnibus numeris abfolutus, Nuptialitlus, a, um ; adj. of a wed. . complig in all parts. In nume. NUNCIUS, 11, m. (à nonc, vel i ding. rum, kuping timo. Armatura rio, novus, vel pourraits, Icicas) + Nupto, arc ; neut. 1o be married. numcros omncs docere, 1. learb a mulingor or mujere. • Non + Nuptorium, li ; n, the bridi bouse. #Re all the points of war. Ionu. · slum remittere, to imate or die Nuptarlo, ire ; neut. 10 defire or to mcro effe ir haberi, to be in ra. upont marriage. quell. In numeros nomen se + Nanc primum, adv. firy and foro. Nuplus, a, um, part. à nubo, mara ferrt, to do inrolled. • Maximus me. ried. Verba nupta, bread lan- vini numerus, great plenty of wine. Nuncūbi, adv. wobeiber as any time, fungs, • In numerum colligere engulas, in any place or ibing. Nuptus, ùs ; m. a marriage, wed. te amble. * Ad numerus eita, s. Nuncăpātin, adv. by name; S'don. ding.' . Collocare nuptui,so place wat one. Nuncupatio, onis ; f. e dedication, a • daughter, morny 10 any ine. Numicus, i; m. a river in Italy, in nominating Nuremburga, æ ;f, a very large wbich Æncas's body was found, Nuncupativum teftamentum, & will marl-town in Germany, callid and in whicb Dido's sper Anna made by word of mouib. Nuremberg. drowned burſelf. Nuncăpātor, õris ; m. a namer, pro. Nurfiz; ; f. a city of Plccnom. Ntmidla, a country of Africa, called Nurſini, the prople of Norlia. Biledulgerid. Nancūpātus, a, um; part, of aun. NURUS, Qr; f. [ruc@] & jon's wife, Númidiæ, & puple of Numidla. cupor, named, pronounced. a daughter in law, matron. Numidia Nova, pari of Africa Pro. Nuncăpo, are ; act. (qu. nomen ca. Nos, a river in Sicily, prla, called Guzantina, and Reg piolo dedicate, name, call by name, Nularpla, æ; f. a city of Indla wiibo no di Constantin ;' bence Sinus i Vota nuncupare, to expreſs vows in Ganges Numidicus, Golto di Stora formally. Teftamentum nuncu 4 Wuſcito. õnis ; f. purblindnss. Eftora. •Avis Numidica, e turkey or pare, io bequsasb an oftate by word + Nurcitioſus, 2, um ; ad). pur. Würitb. of montb, Norciorus, blind. + Namidlates, um; f furhry-dons. Nundina, a goddeſs of the Romaos, Nuſpiam, adv. (qu. ac urplam) 123- Numidica geriata, a puineyo turley so called from the ninth day aftes where. bm. the birth. Nuſquam, ady. [qu. ne uſpiam} * Numidicus lapis, a kind of marble. Nundina, āram ; pl. f. (à nonus & wbre. Nuſquam gentium, in Nūmiſma, štis ; ni o coin, a pire. dics] a fair or market, * Jus nun. no place of the world. Nofquam Numitor, oris ; m.sbefuther of Roca, dlparum petere, to demand the non, every wbori, in all placis, and grandfarber of Romulus and proclaimed law Nuſquam peden moreo, I do Rheraus, wbs reſtored bli so bis Nundinālis, e; adj. of a fair or mar. not wag & foot. kingdom ogain, having been baan het ; alſo ones in nine days. Nūtābundas, a, um ; adj. nodding, nibed by his younger broder Amu. Nundinārium, il ; n. the fair or mar fosforing, like to fall. lius. ket place. + Nutāmon, inis, n, a bunding, in. Numius Albinus, a sinful wiib Max. Nundinārios; a, um ; adl. of a fair clining.. Dexter. of marker. * Forum nundinarium, Nutans, ntis ; A. P. à nuto;nod. Numius Tufcus, a conful wlib Amu. the marketplace. * Oppidum nun ding. * Acies nutans, op army linu.. dinarium, a mari or market town, ball diſcompted. Nutantes ch. Nummārius, li im. coinrr. Nundinātio, onis ; f. & duy.ng and vitatcs, sitios ready to repili. + Nutārim, 10w. MwNC6T. } : NIC O AN OBD: + Ndātìm, .adv. moddingly, inson. Ny&oris, idis, f, a bat ; alſo a ind incon.j Nyatēris, idis, f, a bat ; also a kind. Danusa city of Lydia, and a ridur Aantly. of Sicily, pioitatio, onis ; f. 2.nedding. Ny&cus, 1 ; m. the son of Neptune Oarus, a river of Scythia Kuropæa. Not-o arc ; Deut. Eà nun] to mad, by Celone the daugbuer of Alles i Dafis, the name of i wa cines in Li. bgvis by nadd ng or to sing this alfo, sby father of Antiope, called bya, the greater called Gademez, beid, to wsg, land rostering dan from hin Nyctcis. and ib. later called Alzagar. gerously, trady to fall, to be yielding Nycticorax, acis; in. a night-rovers. Oaxes, a river in Creio, jo called and saj.able' niudgment and af Nyếimene, es ;f, the daugbier of frows Oaxes the son of Apollo. Gairon, Nutat in re få, br.is Nyeus, who having by her nurſe's Oaxus, a city of Cretei lo called from not offwrd it.' y Gorla notat, belp lain with her father, and Aying Oaxus ibe grandſon of, Minos, rbo vietors leins to leaba a fide, in. from bio wrabb, was turned into an Oaxius, a cikken i Oaxus. clines to fuch, a party, owl. Undc. Nätricātio, onis ; fi a nahrißing, Nye mčac, és ; f. an owl. O ante B. owling, branding up. + Nyctophylax, a watchman, Nutricator, oris ; f. a nouriſher. Nygbonite, prople of Æthiopla. O BI for obiit, obiter, or orbem. Nutricatus, ûs ; m. a nowiſing. Nygdola, ä сily of India wnbin |OB. præp.ſerv.acc.LÈmi, inoffor. by + Nutrkcia jum, it; n, a nurſery Ganges. reaſon of,wpon,againſ. Ob ocu- Nitri-a, arc ; act. to Bourijb, bring NYMPHA, æ; f. [illupu) a nymph los, before bis ges. Obrem, to up. or fairefs, a grub, maggot or young advantage. putris.or, ari ; dep. to purſe or bring bes, the neck of the mastic, arise. It Ob, a ſpirit or devil. kp,be nared, brought and reared up. bud, she hallowneſs in she neiber + Obācerbãto, onis; f. si exajpe. Nutricula, aif almall or finder lip is brids. ruting nunje. Natlcula ſeditloforum, Nympha, the goddeſſes of woods, moun. 1 Obācerb-o, are ; to exasperate. a nwary of faltious difunientes 8gins and rivers, + Obacor.o, arc; to flop sna's mouth. people. Nymphæi, æ ; f. an.jjand mur A: Obzrātus, a, um ; indebted, dup, in Natrinen, inis; n, nouriforent, food. drla, ubers Calypſo dwilt, and ded, Nūrimcntum, i; ni turiſbasni, anithex aboni Samos in lonia, Obimbu'at!o,on's; f. « wall ng a- one's whole bringing up, nurturi. Nymphza,; f. water-lill,,er wf bout, before or againſ. NUTR IO, ire ; act. (à vsótt, 18r-Yoja. Obain bèlátor, Oris ; m. la walker pullus, vel your boos, junior, vel Nymphaum, two promontorio of Ma-Obamabúlāuix, icis ; f. $ about o Y:Tigos, hamidus so nourih, bring cedonia, called Capo Nympheo, againſ. wp, Derith, tend the fiul and wound. and Capo Pali. Obambúð o,arc ; Deut. to walk about, ad Natrire: mammis, to fakt Nympheum, i, n. a wabing-plac, bufore or againg... Obambulare Nutrire vivum, to koup alive. bath or wava, a conduit in form of locam, io walk over a place, Lu. Nutrirc ulcus, to dreſs a fore gently, a nymph, a bridal-buuje whore pus obambulat gregibus, ibi will Nutrior, iri ; ta nurſe er de nurſid, the njmpbs or maids dance, welke round the folds. Nutritia, o:um ;. n. pl. the reward Nymphis, en hiſtorian of Heraclea, + Obärātor, oris ; m. a pieugher up of nurſi, she wages for a who wrote twenty-four books of A or about nwr-child. lexander's exploits. + Obarc-co, ēre; neut. to bo bu qe + Nutritium, li; n niarifommt. Nymphius, il ; m. obridegroom furious. Nutritius, ir ;m. a fler-farbir. Nymphodorur, 1 ; . an b porianor Obareni, the prople of Armenia. Nutrītor, örīs; m.eneuribor, bringer Amphipolis, wbo , wrila of the At Obareſc-o, ère ; 1: grow dry about, fatick lew and cudamas ; and ano so be parcbad os i bronsfide. + Natritörlus,a,un jid). wwuriſhing Iber of Syracule. + Obaridus, a, u:Djadj dry all about. of nouriford. Nyax; a city of Ccitiça. + Obarmātio, onis; f. an urming Natritus, a, um ; . part. . à nutrior, Nyſa, @if. the parli of Bacchus ; iba fora.part. moucihod. brought up. alſo a city Arabia or Egypt, Obarmātor, oris ; 01, an armor. Nutrltos, isim, a nowiſing, main. where Bacchus was brougbi up; Obarn-o, arc ; a&t. toarn on the taining aisia mountain of India, beri fore-port, Nutrix, icia; f. « surfe or nurſery, sboro ant «xferding grar lizards. Jobāro, ase ; to plough up or about Jaminary. Nutrices, a woman's Nylu, ; f. all of India built by Obater, ra, rum;ad). ſomewhat block. breas, Bacchus, at the fut' of the mounta Obaud.lo, irc, to obey j alſo sa. bear Nutus., îs , m. (à nuo) A.nod or back, sain Meros, ; alſo one of the tops hardly or unwillingly. oria's will or pleafwi, an inclining, of Parnaffus,conſecrated 10 Bacchus. + Obauditio,õnis ; t. } x'mitating. druyara; alá a jail. • Nuus Nylon, a must-loren of the Mega + Obaudijus, ús; m. conferre loquaces.ro Spoel by signs. renles, Obauro, aro ; act. * gild ruit. . Ad nutum alterius totum fc fin. Nyſes, a river of Africa. OBBA, 2;1.4 Aar bestou potir gere & accommodare, to be obfor- Nyfi:us, i; m. a name of Bacchus. noggin, a leather bottla. went at all turns.Suopte nutu, + Nygas.a; f..e kind of ivy. Obbi-bo, bi, bitum; bere ; act. to By bis in inclinatim. Nylia porta, on iſland of Africa drink up all, to drink any ibing NUX, ucis ; f. (Heb. lux, corylus] Propria. openly at the bidding of another. a nut, mul-tra, 4 walnu, and any * Nysa, o ; f.she bar at the beginn- Obbrúc-co, ère ; neut. to be afbe fruit with « bardfill. # Nuxa- ing of a rare } alſo the race itself. Obruteſc-o, čre ; } nißord, groma vellada, s flberd. , . Nux Græca brutiſ, loſe one's folf. Thalit, an almond. Nux jú- Obbruteſcencia, a ;- f. & becoming glans, a walnut. Nux piocan drutiſ. a pingupple. Nuces, sbillife Obcæcąco, onis; f. blindfolding. sports Obcæcăcus, a, um; part. blindfolded. O ante A, Oscac-o,arc ; 1. blindfold, boodrink, N ante Y. darkoni, cover over. Nycæa; a city of Corsican built by O vinters feruat . nomacc. vel + Obcal-co, etc ; 80 be but all as bayt. Nyfius Fefulanus king of Etruria, opii yomortales ! O Lord !,0 t Obcall-co, ore ; neụt. t grow Hru hundred years before the build. brive. O me perditum ! O un- brawny ing of Rome. ! done man that I am ! + Obcqötātos, a, um, part. mibans- Nyctalmitus, a, um , adj. troubled Oa, a lown in Attica. ed, brwitched. with the poſin nyctalmub. Oanes, la creature witb.fw heads,+ Obcanto, arc, 80. mibani, bewitsb. + NyCalmus, a visin or pation bap Oanoa, s'hi hands and full like Obciņus, a, um ; ad). portonding penning in the night. mens, and the ropt like a fine, faid bad luck. Nyaalops, Opio; c. purblind. to have come out of the Red-les to + Obdico, čre, ta ciniradia. Ný atelia, lum; n nghi.facrifies ux. Babylon, to teach 'namn orl kind of Ob-do, didi,ditum, dərc ; act acc. & it. Baccbos. ans and learning, and thence to have dat. PAE croſs or again, but, Nyatelius, i; m. a name of Bacchus; returned to the ſea again. * Pefralam oftio obderc, to bar the binh Latex Nyctclios,, wing., Oanis people of Taprobare.... . -Obdor: onth O BÉ OBE OB I Obdorm-lo; fre i to firm openlsi neut. Obēsætus, a, um, made fal or purify, obiraſcor, scla dep. in de very angry feep awa), er ligele by Sigging ; A. Obelco, arei aa. acc. to lays bar with. Undè. : cun acc. Obdormirc crapu. for files or birds.. Ob räius Ag um ; past. Vors, Mb lam, te llesp one's self fober. obēsitas, atis ; f. Plin. groffaus, $48 angry having sakin a pigus, Obdormiſc-o, čre i neut. io fall a nefs. Obilir; dv. by she way, by ihr'dy. Neep a: wirk, or before folks. bēro, are ; adt.'acc. to cram, make Obitus, aum í part of otsor dy- Obdū.co, xi, qum, act. cum acc. fut or purje. ing, dsad, mded. & dat. to cover, lap dolore, bring bef:s, , om; pa tifobedor; purly, Ooitus, us; mideak. decay, the . againg, or bofort one's face. Ob fut, eaten round abier .. Obcriiti ing af pur; alſo one consng acci- duiére adverſarium, to set up a mus venies, a gery Prit piuncb. meniilis. compairor. Obducere tenebras beundus, a, um, part. in 0118, oft Ossiū ät o, ön's; f. a binding by rebus, to clevd plain master. * Ob obcor ; to be done al como pu. ducere callum dolori, to skin or Obex icis ; m. or f. [ab oblicioil Ohiū klor āris; m. a binder by sarb. beol an urb. Qbiacere diem sa # latar Bop, a losd, bolt, des, 10. Obiurgāt o õnis ; f. a shiding, Jound the day within doors. Ob Dails, ab iruelion. reprozing ducere frontom, so cloud one's face.obfi māte; adv. Srongly, Bously, ah ob ingator, oris ; m. Undè. xingtair Ossigātrix, icis, : }a répravor, Obdücor, i ; pall. Jo be over-coff. Obfirmatio. Õpis ; f., a hardning. Obiugatorius a, ú.n; adj. belonging Obdu&io, onis ; f. 4. courring. Obfirmātor, öis; m. a buranir, flut cibid ne ar reuk ng. Obdu&o, are ; act. to bring under born ſellos. † Oourglièr ; adv. dingly. me's nofs, to cover, Obfiimārus, a, um; part. of obfir 05.urgi, o, are; så. co bide micb Obductus, a, um ; part. of obducor ;. mor; obßinais, ubborn, wil/4?. or oflen, covered 'rver, over-grown, wer-cub, Obfirao, are ;. act. io hold form or Oblurg o, ere ; a&.ro chide, ripreve, forgotten, fraroning. Obdu&am obftinately, be o dluse, so hardm. rsbuke, corriet, lo upbraid. Fal. jam cicatricem refricane, to rub #Osfirmoire viam, to go on with a gris objurgor o wbir ox. Ob- up an old fors, to bring a grievance thing refolutely, net so budge for any jurgare preyildam, 1 bok youth almon forgettın to remembrance. difficulty. for their journals. * Obdulcorco, čre ; & grow fwritt, Obfrænarus, a, um ; adj. held in t Oszuso, are ; 1o birid by orsh. Obdurātio, onio ; f. a bardning bridled, curhad. + Obled o, čre ; 19 buit or daß a- Obūrător, dris ; ma bardner, + Obfringo, ērc; to brank in pietsi. guins. Obdūrātus, a, um, part. hardned. Obfuſcatus, a, um, part. darknad. + Oblæfio, Önis; f. e burling or dafts. Obdür.co, ere ; neut. lognow hard, Obfusco, are; act, 'to make baik and Obaureſc-o, čre; } be hardned. Ob dark. Ob'angues, ore, ncut. so languifi durefcere labori, ad, of contra la-Obfuſcus, a, um ; black, dark, dun, Oblingueſco, ēre ; } or pink away. borcm, to grow inſensible of labour, Obzannso are, to whiſper in oxu's car, Oblaoguidus.um; adj. weryfsint. ibrough cudom not to feel it. to 6:1, filmne, ear with din. + Oblaquco, ac;. aa. u dig and Obdūro, aré; Deut. « bаrden grow Obgarrio, ire; I praks or halfer. open the roots of trus. bardy, not to fincb. Obhe-reo, Ulus; to flickfah unto. Obiat o, önis; f. ox mission, farir Odediens, gen. utis; adj. skeying, 'Obhæreſco, čre; to begin 10 Aick is. Odatsuncŭla, æ; f. act. A bittis ). obedient, • Obedientem fc pret Ojherbeſco, ec; neut to be must. lurinn berc, ti fubjad himself. grown wild grais. Oblātor, oss; m. be that the Obedientèr; adv. obedisatly, Obhorrco, ē.c; nout. to be borrible Obiaurácio, onis, . barking s. Obedientia, æ; f. obedirust. sinpleaſant, goist Obed-lo, Ire; peyt. cum dat. of Objăceo, čré; neut. dat. 18 lik xbour 05!atrā!o, .or':; M. od rod andło ; sobny Turpitu - or aguinſ, lig in the way, block ut. Icis ; dial obedire, to be a part one's Obje&acălum, i, n. * d. par tonk Obat. Og arc; adi so povsr rail ai. Juce. Ad verba nobis obediunt, Objectamentum. i ; nya tunds, coff on acum, i's 2.4n during tha obey se in swary point. i oblcctamen, inis } ing in one', Oblātusko um 3 part of offeror + Obědo, di, ſum í 10 27, confumi, sath, reprooch. #wed. • Per vim oblatam sta Er wejle the aufde round xboxt. Obrocłāto, õnis ; a Erding againson, prum, 4o. Obelia arum ; certain roll, of broad chinging Oblectanen, ials; n. 2 a dolgot.ro } Objedlä:or, oris; 2. & reprossbor, obcaameniùm, 1; n. confecrated to Bacchus Obeufculychinum, li; 0.48 ipfiru ushstgor. Slediáco, bois; fi a delighting or me in war service for a little Obcetatus, a, um, part. of objoclor; 1.sg perfume in. broshe ond a randle. Ibarged. laid againji. občuſcus, 1; m. an ablisty Beeple, Obid 0ānis; 8. am objedim. | Obicciatr x, ich... }a delighter. a grear fquart fions like a pyramid. Object-o, arc cum acc. & datOb'eclo, âre i act. so doligbe, moli + Obelo, are ; skill with lavoring. so call before, pure before the eyes, Road, refreſh, sizice biectat OBELUS, i, m. (beads 2 Broke in charge upox. Caput objectare vitam pane focalise, he lives con writing when ſomething is amifs. pcr culis, o endanger one's life. tautodly upcy vety can bread. ob co, 11, vel. ivi, itum, īre ; act. # Falfum crimen bonis oblectat, Meie oberies, could I wat nigohing of ob and co; to die, go about, be charges binelt men with sielje and selig befree to you. . ant. Ubilite rute, follow, Leaf hand, go down. crimu. obledlasti tam diu ! wbere bite you Pad:bus oblie, siroval over, Objcctam, i; o an ohjel. cun divort ng or recruiting yourfaf Vandimonium obire, to appear in Obic&tus, a, um, part of oblicor; oll this while? court. Obirc diem, or mortem, saj or laid again, before or in ibi Obledor, a i, afus fum , pał. to 'be Icthom, morte, to dir. * Campos way. Ad omnes cafus periculo se jg bied, to be parnjorled. abitur aguâ, iba field is competed ruo cbjcai rumus, we lie spon po Oblēn-19, irę į act..de vffwagt, saja about with water. * Obouncis:fo all dangeri*. Brror objectus, the All ouir. is partibus,' in the wiflern parli, happening of an aror, + Opleitor, oris ; m. ad Elinager. * Obire bæreditatem, to enter up. oblectus, asi m. ari objeding, op ulic-lo, čre; to delight, Raprofi. or an easy to inberit after an. pofing, our expofing, Obi:do, ſi, iom dere ; ft. of.ob.and ber. Diem audionu obire, so Objicio, aci, ectum, iccse; act.acc. ludo; to fiftig Chowk.to dealby, brusifs, De at an audion or public fals &. dat. ob and jacio; to chjult, crub. Oculig, obire, to look round atoni, fet in the way, so uporaid. 05. Orlīgātio, õnis ; f. 4a: obligasion, a Oblie pericula, so feat no colours. jicere de periculis, 10 cipole oke's binding. Obēquitatio, onis; f. á riding about. Alf. Objicero religionom, Obi gālor, õ is; m. binder, s Obequitor, örb; m. a rider.abour. mike forudies, to cauſe ane do ufo Olivairix, cis; f, Qrēqoīto, are cum. acc. Cwt. vel idla pur offs.ond Blly excuje. Ob * Qu'igātóriun, is unabigation. dat. Liv. to ride about gor wp to. licere mentem alicui, 10.pul sl.Obrigātns, a, um, part. et ob igor; + Oberrātlo, onis; if a windiring ibing inloons's hund, cauſe is to come obisgad, beund. * Obligatan" da- atour. into one's mind. pam redde Jovi, aforistp.sbjarri. Bberrátor, els ; m.in wanderer. robiranis...; adi. very,empiny w.viin, su to Jupiter, due to bim 63 your überre, arc; to wander atout, arr. boving thing to be fun in it. 6B 25!igos argileri foort. creats, } } vow. • Avg'i. Odotritæ, ja people of Germany, + Obligūrītio, O BL Ο Β Ν O BR, Obligo, are ; Act. 1o oblige, bind up! + Obliviosè, adv. forgetfully. procellis obnox'a, a vine lying.open or about. * Obligarc fc furti, to, Obliviðſus, a, um, adj. forgciful. to the ground. # Crimini obnoxius, berome lisbie to an action of theft. • Obliviolum maſlicum, wink that · blante woribr. • Obl gare ventis, 'fo fik Ob. dripes away care. Oonübilāt:o, onis ; f. á darkening: liga:c fidem, to undoiaks. '• Ob- OBLIVISCÓR oblitus,ſum,fci; dep.Obnūbīlātor, orism. a darkna. ligare pie nori,, to pown or more (zb oblino, vel à agleg.Ocl vium) Obonbillo, äre; act. to darken, cloud, Bago. Ob'iga'e fidem fuam, to to forget. overcaj. plight his faith to. Oblīvium, il; n. forgetfulnes. * Ce. Obnū bopiptum, böre; act. 80 Obligor. ari, atas, ſum ; part. to be pere te oblivia' noftri, you have lover, hide, hoodwink. sied or bound up, . for about to be forgoita Obnunciar o. õnis ; f. a telling of coil made liable, or obricxious to puniſh- + Oblivios, a, um, adj. obſcure by things. * Dirarum obņunciatio, a ment, to be bound; or se be under an being forget'en. rammination, engagemei, Oblöcātio, onis; f. * letting f. « letting out to + Obnunciator, oris; m. a mujerger Oblizūr-!0, fre; 267. to wafle and bire. 0; ill tidings. pind vlorously. Oblöcător, öris; m. a lesser out 10 Obnuncio, åre; a&t. to tell evil ti. hire. dings, wi:bfond a law. rini. Obloco, are; act. to let out to hire, to res obnunciant, the augurs foroid obligūritor, āris į m. & prodigal, undertake any shing for money. the aſſembly. Spondiori't. + Obiocüclo õnis ; f. a geinfaging, 1 Obnuptio, õnis : f. a covering over. Oblimatla, ōnis, f..a daubing ever, Sperking ogaini Oboca, the river Liphie in Ireland. Ob'imator, oris ; m. a'd uber. Oblöcūcor, ör's ; m. a gainſaying,de. Obõlço. čre; ueạt. to give an ill sa- Ob!ināt 9, 2,00; part of ob!lmor ; trafter, backhiter. viur, Bini, moll out. wered or filed with clas. + Oblongo, ārc; to prolong, difer, Bólús, i in. lobans] a half. Oblimo, are; sa. (ă limus vel à diny. ponny.. the loss Alhenian cojn. lima) to cover ar fill with clas, Oblongus, a, um, adj. more long Obolus terræ, five foot in briadih. dam up, Sport, con me, * Rem ob than broad, very or ſomewhat long. ani ten in longeb. Itrare, fo walte bis effote. + Obloquiuni, ji; . oblequy, re + Obominor, āri; dep. 10 hede evil. Oblinio, ire; act. to anoint about or proach. Obor- or, tus fum, iri; dep, to ſpring upon, to rub atout, smear ovai, 10 Oblò quor, catus fum, qui : dep. 'to up, bre:&forib. Poin, defame. gainfiiy, mutter og inß, rail ab, fl. Ooliniior, oris ; m, a dauber, ar poyt ill of. Odotril : nointer. Obloquutor, oris ; m. Sve oblocutor. Obpa'lio, are; to hide under a tlook. Obiino, čre; act. to daub of meer + Oblucino, are loor, + Ospav'o, IC; PO 6616 or Brika. over, to po:lule. *Oblinere fe mo- Oblucto, ār! ; dep. cnm dat, 2017 Obpünlo, įre; 'zo beat or switc., ribus ex!ernis, to apo frangers, fol. Aruggle or frive ogaint, refl. + Oorădio, ärei neut, te sono about lowoutlandily fashions. • Oblinere Oblūda fi, sum. dčre; to dally wish. · or ugoing aliquem verábas atris, to write a + Ob!ūridus, a, um ; ad salé, zoan. + Obrado. 4, fam, dère ; to save a- forire again ort, libel a perſons. Oblüſtro, are; to go assur. prinys the hair, Obliquatio, onis ; f. felting a wry. + Obmăn-co, a, cre; to abida long + Obraucātus, a, um; adl.made boarft. Oblīquator, ör's sm. a fester eury. Obmolior, iri; dep. cum acc, 101 10muco, are ; to make boarfe. Obliquãtus, a. om;, part of obli barricado, block up. obrẻp:o, i, tum, bc ; neut. to creep quor ; crooked, winding, € Obmon co, ērc, 16 admon D. on, come in privily, io deceive, geel Oblique, adv. awry, croſsly, over-17 Obmord-co, to bite close.. ix of upmi Obrepere ad ma- thwortly, obliquoli, [met.) indi. Obmurmuratio, õnis ; fi a mur gifratum, toget: or firew himſelf rialy, Nily, covertly, by bine, innú, mwing: into an office by indiriet means. indo's, or obſcuri infnussions, or aj Obmurmurātor, oris ; m. A mullerer + Oberplātio, ānis; f, afterling spon, We comprenly say, with broad ſigns. againſ. Obreptio, õnis ; f. a gruping in pri- Obliquītas, ātis; f. croakednaji, wry Obmurmuro, āre ; neut. dat, jo mur valely, an over-rearbing. neſs.. for before or againil, Obrepto, are ; to feal in or upon. Obliquo, āre; zc. to fit awry or troj, + Obmūt.eo, ère ; to grow dumb, Obrētio, ire; 26, to take in a net. nopt.'. Odliquare curſum, 10 féub Ombuteſco, čre į teasep silence, Bolt Obrl-deo, G, fum, dere; to mock 2 compa/s. Obliquarc crinem, to dill and buffi, not to be in requel. laugh at. curl ihe bair. • Obliquare finus Obnăto, ārc; to ſwim again. Orrigco. ēre; neut, ta be or grow in veaçem, to tack sbour .. Ob Obnātus, a, um ; growing about. Obrigefco, čre; } bard with cold, liquare preces, so beg coverily. Obno-cto, xui, etěre; act. to bind or De poff or frozen. OBLIQUUS, a, um, adj. acroſs, e- til fal. Obrima, one of the ihru rideri which wry, overibwart. Obnexátio, onis; f. a sying taff. compaſs the city of Apamla in A. Oblilus, a, um, part. of oblidor ; . Obnexus, a, um, knit or tied fie. burt or daſed ogaink. * Obliſo Obnigerora, rym; adj. black about, Ombrimo, furname of Proſerpine. collo, Oranghed, or blackim. Obrincus, A river of Gallia Belgica. Oblītēsātio. nis ; f. a blotting out, Obnī:or, ſus or xus fam, t; dep. Obrip.io, čre; aal. [of ob and sa- on aboliſhing: data to reff, wishpandBrive as pio] so nasib away Obliterātor, oris ; m. an, aboliſher. gain. Obris, a river oy Gallla Narbonnenús, Ob'iterātus, a, um, part of oblite- Obnixè , adv. with night and main, callar L'Orbe.. for ; blasted out, forgot'm.Ob. with all ony's force, + Obrīlio, On's; a laughing al, literata leges, a 'rogated law. Obnixus, a, um, part. of obnitor ; fifing Oblitéro, are : act. [å litera) 10 blot e ideavouring cgain, relying spon + Obrilum, 1 ; a. puri gold, perfraly in, agilib, cancel. * Obnixos opibus, relying murh tried. Oblitefco, črc; neut, to lurk, lie bid. upin n'y wealth Obroatis, the sity Omara in Perla. Dalštus, a, um, part. of oblinor ; Obnoxiè ;. adr. timorials, forvildy, Obro do, fi, fum, dčic ; so gnaw a- doubed, feneared over, polluted, doubtfully. Non obnox:è, evi. bout. Obl fus cibis ftomachus, a dlay'd svidently. Oorögātio. õnis ; f. an ahrogering, Paracb. + Obnoxic!is alis; f. obnoxiouſnels, Obrogo āre ; act, com dat: so gain- Obliras, a, um ; part. of oblivifcor s limblonefi. * Ex oina! folvatur ob. 141, norrupt, darogare, move 4- forgotten, er baving forgotten. Dexictate, let him be freed frem ail gaini e foronar law. Nunc oblita mihi iot carmina, I his novih terms and conditions, Obrous, a, un; part. of obrodor brve forgotten ja mpany verfus. Obnoxiosč; adv, impirierlly, Oblīvialis, c; Tevfing forgetfulneſs. + Obnoxlõlus, a, um ; adj. imperio Obrigans, nt!s ; part. belching out. Oblivio; õnis; f. a forgeiring or for obtin very sonoxisús. Obru.mpo, pi, prom, 'mpore; açt. getfulneſs. * Oblivioni dare, 10 for. Obnoxius, 2. um ; adl. (à noxia] to bierk with ilraming: get. Nos fervitulis oblivio cepit, obnoxius, guilty, liabla, ebliged, Oor uo, ui, utain, učic; act, to we forges that ruIT WI Wire Bavai, weakly, in continu-l frer, undir she cluer, overwhelm, ourbear.exi honge, * Venire in oblivionem, so bs for. builh, lubje 1. roccivo burmi Obu ever-charge, ouersoms Obrucrc a. 80;141). noxius uxori, a Dracock • Vitis Ilquem lapidibus, 10 brain one. Obrucrc *1 1 3 grown alour, I . } OBS OBS OBS Obruere le vinnig 'to make himself, swayed by one, Biumper. Obfidcrc aditus, safe arure. 05uere dolorem . Obsèquens,'aris; adt: cum dat. obes curi ihe plages. cop maar lýsw, forget is. * Ob diens, pliant. * Magiftro oble. Obadia, ārumi, pl. f. a lying in ruerc ære alieno, io sun one into quen's, ruled by his maſter. wait, or upin ihe carch. dett... Obséquenter; adr. obedients, pli. Obadianus lapis (ab obfidio invent.) Obrusia, æ; f. the drofs of gold, eniiy. Undé obfequentiffimè. connın coal. Obſidiana gemma, + Obrutancus, a, um , adj. fudimly Obsèquentia, æ ; f. a'complying. the blarkagat ar jet. Obadianum ouris brown. Obsèquībilis, c, diligenij af com vitrum, a kind of pure black glajs. + Obrute (co, čre; ncut, to become brand, Obsidio, onis; f. a foge, bafeging, Senſileſ, be alorijled. Obsčquiõlus, a, um , adj. compliant, ſurrounding or hemm ng in, e block Obrūtus, a, um, part of obruor ; chedioni, forviceable. ado, a loigusr. Sæ obfidium. ouerwhaimed, confounded, oppreljed, Obsèqu.uda, 11; . compliance, obe. Obfidionālis, c; adj. of or for a fege, firgolscu. disnc, Aastery. #Comes obſequii, * Corona obidionalis, the stown of Obryza, æ, f. o foachioni, er ful for The captain of the guard. * Doſe a commander who had raiſed a pigs, gold. quiuin animo camere, to take crue's Oudor, ari.;, dep. dat. Tie in Obryzom, 7; n. the purall gold. wing wait for one. Crabroncs obli, Ooryzus, a, um, adj. cell, fucefl. Obsèquor, cutus fum qui ; dep, to diantur apibus, the hornets watch Obrario, Irc ; ncut. to raze againſt, ebey, di as me would have, pleaſe, again the bre: come out. deal cruelly wish. pamper. * * Animo fuo obſequi, 10 Obsidium, ii ; 8. a foge or bafieging, + Obsalūto, are, to offer to faluti, follow one's own inclinations. * Obadhum facerc, ci obudio clau- Obsăcăro, āre, to fill very füll, to give Obsēro, are; a&t. (à fera) ' lock up. dere, cingere, te dafiege. • Obſi: one bis kelly full. Obſera intus fores, . belt up the dium folvere, or obfidio exiinerc, Obicænus, a, um ; adj. (à orola, doors., . Obſerare palatum, te te libcrare; to raise the fege. Obfcærus, }anftra) unlucky. filent, not to speak a wordi Obsido. čre, to befuge, bos, watch.: Oblcēnus, a, um ; adj. [94. obl. c. Obsèro, ēvi. lium, čre; a&t 10.foro Obsīgillo, áre, të jeal up, keep for ponè ſcenan] obſcene, unlucky, file ir plant. • Agrom vincis obferere, thy. See obfcenus, so fet a ground with dine plants. * obfignatio, õnis ; f. c figning or soaba Obiccenc ; adv. filthily, diſhonefly. Obſercre malos mores, to infuſo ing. Obicænitas, āts; f. filthineſs, rje nauphrineſ into one. Obſignator, oris; m. a figner, ſealer; baldry, villainy: Obferp o, a, tum, ére, so creSP A alji o publick notary, and a wilnej + Obſcono, to bring ill luck, to gain. to a deed. i Obſcevo, are; difile. Obſervabilis, e; adl. to be reveritat Oblignātus, a, um; part. figned Obſcenus, a, uin; adl. [à savas cod, obſervable, eaſily to be taken it ſealed, imprinted in the memory: inipurus) fignifying evil riding', tice of, for fun or avoided. Obagno, are; act. 8 bgx or fal, 16 or lome miſibanse to come, unlucky, Obſervans, ntis , adj. obfervant, do put one's hand is a thing.' filihy; impure. • lo obíscenis, cít, siful. • Tul obſervans, one that + Oblimėlātus, a, um, adj. without 18 curinol with modely be named. repeats and honours you exirenely. difimulation. Sre obfcenus. "Omnium officiorum obſcrvantil- Obsīpo, are; act. to call, Sprinkle. Obicū! ans, niis; part. hiding: Ca. Hous, one continually ready to lend Obrittitur , impreſ. oppofition, or rea his aljansa, to do a kindneſs or good fiance is made put obfcurante lacernâ, with his Plook thrown over his head. Ob-Gito, ftit, ftitum, öftere; acut. Obſcu-ātio, onis; f. á making dark, Oblervantia, &; fi roverenia. to wirhitand, Bind in the way, re- elipfing, dimming, Summa obſervantia colere; 10 11 ff Alicui obviam obfiftcre, Obſcūrālor, örs; mi a darkner, spot greatly, go lo niet one, Cui oblifti non Obicūrātus, a, a, uw; part. darkned. + Oblerrātè ; adv. circumfpetly. poteft; againf whom ni replanc Obſcūrè; adv. ofruely, darkiy. * Obſervatio, onis, obferuition, noting, can be made. Obfcure ferre, 15 conceal. confider:ng, marking, reverming, Obsicus, a, um ; part. of obſeror; Obicuritas, ālis; f. obfeurily,.dark. relpiaing. * la obſervatione effe, fet or planted about, compared, ouer- nejs, dimnes, meanrejs of birth. to be obſerved, to be a infom, ir grown. Pannis obiilus, sastored, . Oblcūro, arc; act io maka dark, ufual. all over. Obficus ulceribus, full of M.dow, h, de, put oul of riguel. Obſervator, öris; m. an obſerver. forts all rvar. Obicurare ftylum, ro write intria Obſervālur ; imp. it is obſerved. Odsõlcfacio, ère ;. act. acc. Arnob. to Cately. * Quan obſcura: e volunt, Obſervālus, a, um ; part. obferved. cauſe to be forgotim'or. diſujed. which (eufon) they would willingly + Obſervātus, ûš; m. obfervation. Obsõlēfactus, a, um, part, having Smother, Oblervio, ic; ncut. 18 atlind upon. lof his frongth, out of fe. OBSCURUS, a, um ; ad), Conlepos] Obfervito, are, to watch narrowly. Obsõlcho, čre; neut. part. to be out's obfcuro, dark, without light, of noi Obiervo, arc ; act to obierus, mask of ufa, bo defilad. credit or deem. o Obſcurus filius, pole, g, rolpeat, warch, gazi in Obsõlco, ore; to grow out of uſe a baftard. Vir obicurus, a deep the sky; obſervare Januam, 1 Obſervare januam, no obsoleſco, čre'; } and cuſtom, lofa and referved min. ' . Non crat kurp the gate. . Obfervare tem its graci: Obſolerit ifta oratio, obſcurum, it w.:s plain inough. . pus, to watch an opportunity, *Ob. shot phraſe is out of faſhion. Obſcaro loco or gcncrc natus, of iervare aliquem, to show one 70-Oosolete, obſoletely, out of uſe. • Ob- mean extraction, Spea, have a veneration for. Solctùs vertitus, in beggarly clothes. Obſecrátio, onis ; f. an comeff on Obles, idis ; C. (ab oblidco) on bo- Obsõlēcus, a, am; adj. 'sut of uſe, treaty or prayer. llog's, pledge. derajad, Sale, fiithy, Juttiß. Ob. + Obſecràtor, öris; , an samnef en- Obſeſſio, onis ; f. e befarging, a leig ſoleta veftis, an old shread-bara Irrater. ing on. Obſecro,, arc; act. {ex ob & facro] Obfeffor. Öris ; m. Obfeffor. Oris; m, a defieger, long. Obsôniom, ki z n. See opfonlum. to entrias ordbeieech. Obiecro an fitter. Obsāno, āre, to provide vietnals, is eft? is it he prithee? * Obfc- Obleflus, a, um į part of obſideor ; t. Obsono, are ; neut. to found it. cro tuam fidem ? what's become if beſieged, bejet, invirond. Obsõnus, a, um, ad). founding ill. your fdelity for Goa's fake? + Obſestus, Üs; m. A fogs, or be. Obsõpra ire, to be in a drop poep. + Obſccundanièr ; adv. obediently, feging; Obiorzo, ere; act. acc. 10 fup up. # Obsor.undājo, õn!s; f. an obeying + obabilo: are, to whiſle. Qbrordeo, čre ; neut. 1o be filihy Obiordeſco, cre; Sand Auit b. or forwarding. * Oblidātus, a, um, kept as a pledge. Onsècundālor, õris ; m. an obeser. I † Obſidātus, us; m. oo engogement, Oblāculum, i, m. an hindrance, Obfecundo, arc ; ncut. dat. to obey, & giving of hoffágos, tbe fait and cont Obſtesido, ére, lo fotogain..opo dinien of an hepage. pois. li firike in with counſel, come into ino's aid, obl idco, art, crium, ēdčre; act. Obferro, ēre, sa obtrude, pust iepon, Obsčp.fo, fi, tum, ire; act. so hidge Cot ob and fedco) 10 bafirge, hejet, Obſtetricium, il; n. mdu.ifry. up 'Obſcpire itcr ad honores, die watching, hem in, or compa's cofobílétricu, āre; 11 lock up the way to bonour. bour, Tempus alicalus obliderc, 0:ſtétricor, ari'; } wife. Obsčquela, æ; f. ebrdion't, yielding, to take of and prongthan one's i me. Obitētrix, icis ; f. [ab obalto) midwita. # Obſidcre Nuprum, to watch for a • Obliquclam alicui facere, so de 6E 2 Obiti 1 toor. i , ; , fi, . to bind yaf, to poligo, 19 clain. Outlo, onis ; f. a fogping, Jout. Obticentia, OBS O B. T ов, у Obiting i ddy. Wdinatilj, wilful'j., Otrupeo, Erc: į icüt. a. obtortilis, e ;' adj. cofily wroird or ObAshit o, onis f. Aúbburinn, Obftupefco, ere; š mazid,âbabodi, wriathid. wilfulneſqrupukorti om aponibid, Obortus, a, um; part. of obtorqueo; wrolled, wro.shed. bainax, en die internetobittipidus, a, um, ; ath. defleid, ria- Obtre&tatio, on:9 ; f. a back-biting, turn, antal, run. Obľum, fu, obesie s. to himdir, burt. fandering, diminiſhing. Obitino are ; neat. Là lo vel.te: + Obrao, ui, quo, ere ; to sow, ar l'obtrectător, oris ; m. d back-biter, 20] rodo abainali or Pubborn. '. ditub you about. janddrar, datrytr. dobitin vit grácia for the riafon Oblu,deo, ere ; neut. 1o grow obtecrātus, ùs ; m, a Bandering bi virgada po mify; Qolurdeſco, čre is draf. Obirecto, are ac. acc. & daccori Obrigator, frism. be but Nops Oblardus, a, um , adj. ceat. ob and tracto) la llindar, bort. chmiks.: Obsūtus, a, um, adi lowasa mbout. bite, Steak guil'of. *Obtrectare ali, Opltipātos, a, 4*.; adj. having the t oblea o, opis I. a covering cui, to carp or find fault with ona. bios Ao put. Obteaus, a, um, part of obtegor; • Obtrectare aliquid xlorlæ, to di- to nipetuigs, is m. bi thai bandı. Courred, silwed. minin one's reputas on. • Obtrec- bis brid, Qbičgo, x, ctü . gère ; act. acc. to sare laudes, to diſpraijo shus for, Qotipo, Erë, to pop sbinki. Ver Cuvetoukr. . Qotegere le corpore which one is cried up. ticem ovipörc, to lyg ibe head on alıcajui, robide himjelf bibind.Obtrītus, a, um, part. of obteror; one fide in a penfus fins. apofber. wörn out, bruiſed, redde undo obtipus, a, un any. [ă fripës jur. Odtėmpcranter ; adv. obadimírly, oor. Askid. Obtemperātio, õnis s F. obed ance. Obtritus, is ; n. a wearing oul, a Obitita, õrùm ;.pl. range Jig his. Obteuzpirator, or:8.; . ari adayor. Brilling, trimping under föor, work thangor.pruik. i Osléndicúlum, 1 ; a. a pretenie, öne, give again-bis will, prajs t Obftitus, us ;. sragikednels, excufe. upon, obito, fu itum, and ätumtre, Obten-do, di, cum, and tuma, dere.; Obtruncātio, onis ; fe s cutting off neur. ung againf wighfland, act, acc. to cover sy burg sust, 20 be top, bebrading. brnitin lop: si non obfticar, if mot pratique. Rationcm tyr- obtruncâtor, Orism. a beleader. ibero bono oppofiripa Huat. pitudini obtenderc, 19 have joineco Obtrunco, ārc ; act: acc. to cut off Obiträgū!üñ,'T; n. a cover, or 30 Icurable bowo fos bis naug hiinals. The tbp, behead, kill. urring Qbicoto, āre; act. to cheat in in. Obtūlus, a, um į part.fof obtrudor; 1,9bftraggūjātus, , um,ad).cbrak wardly, to uphold on every ade.. fortid upon ons. id, doet ied. Mc ſpecs quæda är obténiabar, had Obtu.cora tus ſon, pri ; dep. to look Obnicatus, a, um, part. of ob• a kind of perſwafion. wifily upen, debold Denfadly, frepo; making a loud noise. Obtentus, a, ún. part. of obtendor;Obtuitus, ûs'; m. aBidjaji behold. Qbftrepiturverb. imperf. ibsy. say covered. ind, bröguine. Doteritus, ùs ; m., a Bretching forth, Obturi, I offered. Sve offero. Obifrep a ul, iqum, čre ; neut. a hanging bacore omega pretere, lit Oblüm co ère ; neut. to ſwell a. stris aguinjt, droun anorber's colour. Secundee res mire fant gain, or abcur. biles, miersupi. Laudi alicujus vitits obtental, prosperityisan rx-Optando, ūdi, ūſum, underc ; act. obftrepere so derry sro Cla; cellent covering for navgbtinija acc. to make blunt or dull,to-thump, more obftrepi, ta be pirimid wib Ob-těro, ulv, tritum, čre's wear. brat, dun nr. • Ne.me do has se ob:undäs fæpius, inete me not Obk Taus, um ; part of obfuia dir foot, difgräco, confound. dray with the ſame thing told to For; wrid Maj Običron gris.be obtritüs fum; ipaff: from...' Vocem oblanderc, 19 obft #tus, usm. a couping for to be broker.ix. piacki, frufbed or me bake boarjo or hurt the uniu. Pune Jaungoida jo sparb, to be trampled Obtufus, a, um, adj. will kristid. Obntillaie, õnis; f. i currying, under for trod ladeatb, to be de-Ootură meritum, i; ni a flopple. noying at one. Teiſed, io lig diſregarded, to be sably Obtūrātus, a, um ; Ropped, fouf up. Oblrígulator, äris ; m. a naprouer, overcons, or furmikented, so the yon Obturbatio, onis ; f." a froubling, Dirijillo, arc; 10 curn, bard with a doroti, " di paraged. vexing parpinu divi, lo demue's errand. Obteſtātio, onis ; f. an humblo de Obtu, bãtor, oris ; m. e sroubler. Ooh iglium, 1;.n. ibe appor lea fring, beliabing Obturbo, āre; to diflurb, interrupt, Obttrigtllas, 17m. stbar o.fo ; obtenator, oris ; m. a bejeiber, , vex or trouble murb, aljo i be collet of a ring i Obiehor, ari ; dep. 19 bofauciben im + Obturgco, ērc ; to well up. Obitri-ngo, nxi, atum, 4gère ; a&. treat, cally to defra for God's sake. Obtūro, are ; to Rop or cloſe up. Suc Obrexo, ui, tum, ere; act, acc. TA obihuro. Obltringere fc parricidlo, to in:hr wiave round abiks, to sever Qbtūsè ; abv. dully, bluntly, be guilt of Obftringerc aliquega Obthuramentum,li na sopple,dam. Obtū[us, a, am ; part of obtundor ; Jurejurando, te bind any oxo by cars, Obthūrātus, a, um; tame up, bopped. maas bluni, dall, without spirit, * Obřgingere 'ſé hæreditari,'to re.Quibūro, āre ; act acc. Làs upa, ja * Obtulor oculorum acies, the on, inberitanas nua) sa jep cloſe up. move dim fight of tha sze}, sing me ong's Speech; the figure Apodopeas. Obtutus, ùs; m. alled for looking. Qoftrycto?, āris ; m an oblouder. Obtic éo, ēre ; [of ob and tacco) .to Obvagio, ire , neut. to cry out. Dit actas, na, ypa; part of obftraor ; Dr. Alms, Hop one's jpesih Obvallatio, onis ; fe' a' compasſing.4. Down up, joppid. Obt-inco, inui, çncum, inère; act. bour, Obstrüdo, f, fum, děrc, (ex obs & acc to obtain, got, to poftes, taka up! Dovallātor, oris ; a compaffir. itudo] 10 bide, jet sfide, thruje in: * Obiinere caufam. io carry a. caufe Obvallatus, a, um, part. of obval. be ground, so fand down ihsihijat, # Obtinere gradum, 10 pofte's a lor, environed, anirarched. - to.cat greadily. ronk. Qbunere regnum.so hold Obvallo, arc ; act. 19 compaſs with Opnuo, x, cam, črç ;'act. 10 Ang, tbt kingdom firmly. . Obtinere a dirch or irench, to Foriify, Artás up. guftruere aures; to retaile. co'orem. Po diep bis colour. • Sa-1 + Ojvăricātor, oris ; 'm, be than or to cinexoraole. Altersus I picntiæ nomen obtinere, 'to or morts a inan and furn: hiñn out of mia bus obftracic, si poljuduce the samod, a wiſe man. ligblu af anasher's Boula, 10 out obtingit, imp. ii bapponi or chanceu. t.Ou árico, are ; 10.80p or turn one som end slipje b:s renown. Obcingo, tigi, ère l of ob and tan- ut his way Qüntidros, a, um ; & it. of obtru. go) to harpm.fall bylos. Obăriçor, äri; dep. to turn or be qor z biaden, thrus üp'behind. + Obtinn:0. irc i to ting is as the ears, iumid out of the way, Obitupčacia, čre j.aci. to make fonse: Ontorpeo, ēe ; nout. to be or + Obvāro, āre; E.in. sa pand off, } oro ansamcik, isrrifi roubajh. O ator pcico, čre; grow numin, dijugres, 10 de' widts of fruib Qbitupefacrus, a, um ; part. of vingersjupified. How or dumb. pervert. gotujeto i ajien toisid ; allo svill 05:or-quco, fi fum and turn, quērczow-enco, čni, cricum, ērire , ncut. to wring or more about. 036. Cic. to meet with, to fall to one! bis way. 1 meon mı. 1 > 1 . . осс OCC осс ona's jours, to dunst, come in the hard and drawny. jare as, to cut or bruiſe onš's face. Obrenit, hæredicas; joecaliarus, a, um ; adj. Sen. made Occino, ui, colum, čre ; neat. Liva on fait falls to mni. bard and brawdy.. (of ab and caao) to ing to, or a. Obventio, 'ānis ; f, Vip, reumke, O:call-eo, ēte ; ncut.(of ob and.cal. gain, te prefage ill luik. rent. income. lco 10 bo bard and brawny, Oc Occ-iplo, epi eptum, čre.;. [of ob Obrerběto, ait ; na beat, lay upon. callult animds, the mind is fea and caplo) 10 begin, enter, full apo Odversācio, onis ; f. i woulling, often in one place Occallcf-co, ère; to grow brawny, l'Occipitium, il ; n. Plia. / Câ capac] + Obverlo, are ; umojm a. Occiput, itis ; 2. Perf. fibi bindur gants Occam, a famous divinr, A. Dom. part of the head; tbe noddle, + Obverſor, ārl; to walk often in ons 1330. Occifio, onis, f. Liv., a killing, plura, to be in virw, to traur. + Occanen, inis ; n. A breaking as Occifionc occidere, to make a ge- + Obverſùs ; præp.. bom ugaidi, with a borrow veral laughter. ourrthwartz. Occaa-o, ui, ere; 10 fing against Occlor, oris ; m, a killer. Plaut, Obverfus, a, um ; part, if obyertor ; Occanere cornua jullit, he .com Occiſus, a, um ; part. of occider; turned againg. * Obverſus Nare, mandach the cornets so found a sain, undoni caſi away, pa bope, 80 prnt to recriu a rharge with shange, deſperar. Cic. one's fake againſt ansiber. t Occanto, ārc ; to Ang øgainh Occlamitātio, onls; f, an sutery, di. Obrérto, th fum, lëre; act to turn Occalio, a houhan siddits with a purbanis. againji, turn bark or about. forslock, and the binder part of her Occlāmit-o, āre; neut. Paut. to die Obviam, zdy.com dat, in the way to biod bald. Hurb, (ry out againji Dieet mra. Obviam irt, ficri, v Occago, õnis ; f. Cic. (ab occido) Occludo, si, ſum, čre ; act. (of ob effc alicui, to meet, ercafion, or opportunity. * Tanta eſt and claudo]... mut up, fous salty + Obyjācio, onis; fi a prusting. liucrarumoccalio fai tadya mens Pop. Obviator, oris ; m. a muer. is learning goi riches. Nece-Occlufus, a, um ; part. of occludor Obvialun, (en) imp. ppostion was rai lapidum occafio, neitbar wars but, faf, ferret, Cic. madı. Ibra any florus 48 band. Occo, are; zat. Var. to borrow. Obyio, are; to meet in the way, Occaſioncula, it a little occaſion. Occcepi, ifto, verb. def. I begin. haid, relig. + Occalo, àcé ;. ncut: # be left, unt Occepto, arc ; to be juſ ä begin Obvius, a, um ; ad). dat. Cic. (a via) done, coros lo defiruaion. ning mating. Odvlum fe dare altcui, + Occafus, a, em; part. [of occīdor) Occubo, ui, itum, are ; nent. 80 fall to go to must me. Oovia medico fallen, fol. Lucii. down, to die. Virg. ram turba, the world fult of phy, Occcalus us in. defirmation, desi), + Occu.cātio, onis; f. e trampling fcidas, Uibs inimicis obria, the jetring of the sun, the well. црт. city way to be vaikus. O:cātio, oils ; f. a barrewing Occulco, are; act. Cato. Cos ob and Obutco, a fiy in Spain. Occator, oris, m añi harrower; allo calco) lo srampla upan. Obultroncis, a, um, adj. (fering for god of barrowing. Plaut. Occūl.0, ui, tum, čre; widt, ace. Stat. him;elf f uby * Occ?tsrinn, f1;0. au barrow. Lofab and colo vel ce!o] to cover Obum oratio, õnis; f. a midowing. Octatūrius, aug umzidj, of borrowing all over, 10 hide, conceal.. Obimorālor, oris; m. ladower Occatus, a, umpart. barrowed, Occultātio, õnis ; f. Cæſ. a' biding, Obumbralr:x, cé; f.* darkne. Occédo, ffi, fun, doc; nent. Les ob concealing. Obambratus, a, um ; buduwed, and cedo jo set in the way. *Oct Occultător, õris ; m. fax Obumbio, are, adicc. Ovid. to 0- cedere obylam lrato, ta copus in an Occuilâuix, icis ; f. ex hidạo vir Wadow, darken, bide, aufend. angry man's way. Occultātus, a, um ; constaled, bid. + Obuncitas, ātis; f. spookidnaſsa + Occentātio, oaze ; f. a folding, Occultè, jūs, iſimè; ady. Cic, slofa- ☆ Opunc-o, arc ; ito ibide. + Occentātor, Oris; m, a shider. ly or privily. * Ut quam occul- * Oduncus, a's um anointed ouira Occento, áre; (ab occiao) 24.fold, tiffimè, as jurdes m.OR... Oc. Obuncus, a, um, adj. very crooked. cry, or Ang agasif. Plaut. cultè fcrrc aliquid, 10 mdavoúr 16 Obandācio, onis ; t. flowing at Occentor, oris, m. he ibai:Angs concert a thing, to do a thing out of gain. the Irible. ligbr or in a corner, Obundãtor, Oris ; i, a flower a Occentus, ùs ; m. Plin. an ominous Occulto, äre, act. Cic.' to hide guinfi (ry-, a ſgeuk ng. 50;&, * Occultare fe ab aliquo to Orrindo, are ; neut. dat. to run er + Occcpro fós accepero, Plaut. I kies out of any one's fagbs. How again. all brgin. Occultus, a, um, part. of occultor Obungoa ere, act to aboms all over. Occidens. aris; m. Cic. Hor, the bid, larat. * Ex occulto, privily. + Odyõlātio, aus.; f. Mine a well, the, un fer. * Occultum habcrc, 10 amp clofe. gaini. Occidens, ncis ; ad). Cic. decaying, * Occulta faltyum, sbe sbicheft Obvõlo, are, io fly, againji. declining, Lucorna occidentes, Occu-mivo, bui. bitum , občic;ncut. parts of the forelis. Obvo:va, vi, utum, včre; ace.ro fold candles ir dy fe.go-but. or wrap regerehr,to musk veil or hard. Occidentalis, le ; adj. of the waff, (of ob and cumbo.j.to fall down, Obrolūtin, õnis; f. H:r a julding wciern, P.in dis Occumbere mortem, DOT- cogether, a rolling to and fro. Occidio, önts ; f. carnage, laugbier, ti, morte, to die. Obvolūtor, öris ; m. be that rells or barock * Occld:onc occidere, to Occupans, hitis ; párt he thus feixes, wraps tege.her. kill all. Liv, ► Occupantis fiunt dereli&a, polo Obvõ útorium, il; n. d net or har. Occ-ido, idi ; calum; nout. Cic..of fejjion 1 sleven points of the law. Obvõūtus, a, um ; . part. of obvol ob and cado) 10.die, ferib. * Sol Occupālio, onis ; f. Cic. "Hcupation vor, Cic. folded fogaher. * Obyo. occidit, tbe fun jars. * Ad cerram bxones, toplaymont, a prevention, luto capite. hooded up. occidere, ** fall 10-the ground. taking before. Obustus, a, um PGA. Vir.burnt, Ocuidi, I am undang + Occupācor, öris, m. ant occupier, Jirged, scribed, befted about, nip-Occido, dl, fam, jděré, act. acc. ufer. pod or frozen. (of ob and cædo se delle vous, beat. Occupālus, a, um, P&A. Ckipr, * Occidis m., you worry wit with fismus ; okcupied, bufjed, nor as Onte C. pruiting leiſura, raton up + Occidualis, c; adj. weborn patio. de quinto filio, I was ſome. Ocâlcs or Oca'e, e city of Roatia. Qcciduus, a, um , ad powining to what graudied about my Aftb.jon. 0.à cus, a, um ; adj o: Ocale. she woh, going, down ós. Jiske. son Occupatus amplitèr, very 'duly. OCCA,2; f. Goli (ao Hcb. Histach, * Aquæ occiduæ.be Hciperian * Animum habere occupatum 'in percustic) a huir.w, :-98. * Occidua le ect., s.Xirtim aliqua rc, to bo buy about a Oicæcălio, ő %; f. :,inuing oldige. Oviel thing..to smplay, all one's thoughts Occæcatur. õris, m. a o! 13 'er. + Occ:ild:or, oris ; ma, a brankar of Occaecatus, a, um, ; part pinced. clodds butto.tr. Olcůp o are ; act. Cic. (à caplo]to Occæco, are: cu ubrand cæco] Occillo, alt, ab occo) act acc Occido are; } DOC Colore vida ocsupy, preurat, rake bifore ano. 18.-0.snd, Liguriend in inveigle. ther; pofte's, to invmt, trouble, to break inte rouil pieces. Qccallát:0, 086, t. Celi, a making Occil jur.' * Occugat bellum facere, Eram occu. pon it. 1 . . Ό Ό Ε. ОСТ CCU Land they make trivation. Sobal Occapare jopbar, wbo-wrote of the nature of ; Oftaſtylos, baving eighis pillars. äbimuta jó fonambulo; "To gezi on the univerſ, tranſated out of Greek Odava, ārum; pl. 8. the Oétaves, A ropa-darior Occuparc pecue into Latin by Cord Emmaáuel Viz-. the eight duys after any principal niam alicui r apud aliquem, to zanius 1546. foaji. employmbinig of uje "Navis occa. Ocelum, a town in Gallia Narbonen Okavia, a ; f., the filter of O&avius pat sales, the nip gars durindo fs, ontther in Spaia. Cæfar, and wife of. Antonius,. wbo ihers. * Occap:s prior adlicy go Ocetisom ifand ix Scntland. afforwara's divorcid ber; allo sbe in bumbafefe he comos to you. Oc Ochila, a mountain' in Eubaca, and daughter of Claudius Cæfar, and coire militibus ftaliam, 10 fuizás the iſland itſelf. wits of Nero, by wbom for was lia'y, and garriſon it drongly. Ochanius, izm. the handle of . Occupare minifterium carnificis, ochana, æ 1. Dield or base oaxia: gens, the name of a noble kler family in pay hungrin. Fact dism occu. Ocheſus, an Ecolian captain pain in O&avia, porticus, two persbes in part, to kiil oniis felf The 'Trojan war. Rome; me, buli 1817 Marcellus's Occupor, ari; past tor: to be pof- + Ochi or Occhi certain trees like figoli thuolreny O&avia, biler of Augur- betod. *Ambufta aqués ü ftatim trees in the valley of Hyrcania. tas; the other built by Cn. Octavius OYO ocupentur puſtulas pon Sen. Ochra, * ; f. oker used by painters. clora by Pompey'the sire. tiunt, folding by waior do not blev Ochus, chi ; 'm, « king of Perſia s odav anus, thi furname of Auguſtus. Here if the white of on: ego be pre alſo a river of Ind a or Badriana. Odāvo ; adv. eizbily. jously applied.: Dles Tod's OC 't Ociabundus, a, um , adj. full of odāvùn.; ady.. the eighib;sime. Lir. cupantur, ibe days are taken up with idleness and leiſure. Octavus, a, um ; ad). she aghib. uplays... Oclmaſtrum, 1 ; n. wild bobl, or ba. O&avus decimus, the eighteenuh. Occurricar, imp: there is refiftene. Al mnt. Ofeni, æ, ajadj. pl. aigbe. escurro, 1, and cucurri, fum, ere; ocimum, i ; n. plin, the herb baglioEtennis, nc; adi fab ocło & an- Deet. Cic." (of ob, and curro] to alſo proumder, nus] of the eighth yost. met, moet will, some towards. prvo Ocnatus, ti; m. a river in Calabria. O&ennlúm, ii; in, the space of eight umni, wishlund, he good againji, Ocior, ari ; (ab oclum) s be idle or 12111. *.Qccorrere animis, to be rememia at rot. + Octenus, a, um ;'adj. ibi eighth. bord. Occurrerc oculis, so ob fot Oclor, üs'; adj. compar. [ uxemburg I Oatiès ; adv. eigbe times. Cic osfire one's eyes. • Venienti occur. Swifter. Su Odys. Oct ngénārius, a, um, ads, Var. of. ritc morbo, nip a diſeaſe in the Ociosè ; advi ar leifurt, idly, out of eighi hundred. bud, Occurram 'veftræ expecta: employmons. O& ngentefimus, 2, ua ; adj. Cic. lioni, I unſwer an obje&lion you + Ociositas, ātia ; f. idline/s. the right hundredih. will porhaps maks, • Occurrcre Oclofus, a, um, adj. ! idle, reling Oltingenti, a, a ; adj. might hundred, fuppetias fug'enribus ſuis,torun fo from løbour, at trijure. # Dies oci + O&tingentičs ; adj. ghe hundred the aid of bis min pul to fight olis, a play-day. * Præſtat ocio- * Occurrit peralonibus herba hæc, fon cffe quam nihil agere, 'tis + palngentuplus, a, um ; adj. righe 1bis borib is a porini rimedy e better to ou id! than to take pains, hunarod rola, faint or immediately cures kibes. to mo purpose. #O:!ofus fermo, a odipes, ēdis , adj. hav ng sight fus. Occursācŭiuin, i; a. whatſorver matts filly aj courie, leaving no impreſſion OCTO ; ind.' [ ].right. * Nodurna occurfacula, ap: #pen the mind. O lober, ris ; m. tbc minth October. paritioni in the night, Apal. Octe; a small ifand of Ireland. O&odēcies ; ady: sighleen timer, Occursātio. õnis f. a meeting, by + Ocitabulum, í; a. the weight of Otodecim ; ad). indec, sigbloon- running a bandying to get voices. jeum dra.bms, Octogēnārius, a, um ; adj. of sighty. p'o itèr ; adv. ſwiftly, ſpeedily. Octogeni, æ, a; pl. eighty. Occurfatri 2018; :}: a merier, OCIUM, ii; n. (ab pigritia] | oa elimus, a, um; the sighliath. Oscursio, onis; t. an cncounter, Sen. idleneſs, rep or leiſure. * Agere o odog:ès ; ady. sig hen times, Occorſo arc; Vir. (ab occurro] 10 cia, to live of soje. Operis oci. Qaðginta; adj. indec. ighly, four- flawster, murs, run again, so pra ům, having little or nothing to do. lice. vent, chack, thwart and croſs one a Sh Otlum oaõjugis, ge; adj. right in one con no:bar, Occurſare animo, 11 Ociùs,comp. ſlime superl. more Spade' plo, b nd or row. coprie into the memory. # Oddurfarc ily, sooner, qui:kly, very ſpeedily, Badrāris, Õrum ;pl. m. rullomersga. numinibus, tn.agene the gods, Ocnus,ni;m. ske fon of Manto flipo ber ng the eigbib part of goods. t. Occurforius,a,a2 ; adj. met with: poſed to buila Montua ; also a coroaõnārius, rii ; m. Var a juf of Occurſu:, ùs ; m. a'merling with. jain man in he le feigned to be consi. bigbi verjas. + Oceanicus, a, um ; adj. of the ſea, nually iwilling of cords, w th an ass Oaõnāríus, a, um ; adj. Plin. be- + Occapitis, idis, of ihe ocean. landing by wnd biting it off as faſt as linging to eighs. OCEANUS,!; m. Lucan.(w'xsards] be made its hear the proverb Ocnus + Odoni, æ, a; adj.pl. vigbi Ovid. the ſea, main (64, a great funicolum torquet, Spoken of any logophorum, ri; a. a jedan or obair vejel to bushi in. bas ladour in vain, and particu- carried by eight. Occānus, i ; m. she god of the ſoa, lorir of him whoje wife jponds at Oauplīcātus, a, um ; ad). multiplied Jon of Cælum and Verta, husband bome whut be gels abroad. by eight, f. Tethys, und father of ali rivers + Ocquiniico, to nid or bend a little + Octuplo, are ; to make right fold. and fountains, Oild. so ineline forward. Octuplus, a, um , adj. sight fold. Oceanus a, um , adj. of the sea, Ocra, the loweſt part of the Alps. Octuilis, is; mo. Hor.right alles worth buge, largs. Ter. Ocrazıncs, the 38th king of Affyrla. f*.pence of our coin., Ocelenles, a prople of Portogal sal-OCREA, æ; f. Liv. (à crus, vel ab Oculārda, æ ; f. the bora 'eye bright, led aijo Laricnics. expisy a biol or greave. Ocularius, a, um ; adj. of the syns. Ocolis, Faber ocularius, a spreasla. Ocrcatus, a, omad), boated, har. Ocelo, } a city of Arabia Fe'ix. nelid wi.b greuves, maker, Specillum ocularium, a Ocelle: arum ; .pli f. maids with Ocriculum, the faribe city of Um. pair of ſpraacles.. Medicus ocu- Hitile cres, pink op'd girls, bria towards the fouih. Jarias, Celſ. an oculif. Oceltātira, air timbroidery with Ocrinum, i, n si. M.chael's mount | Ocủātio, onis ; 'f, Plin. a pruning eles boles. in Cornwal. of vines. Ocel:ātus, i ;". Var.'a dze, peach. Ocris, a craggy billy Ocúlātus, a, um ; adj. having many fons or calk-isne, Ocrina, æf the mother of Tulius &yes, well-fighied. Teftis oca- Oçcilātus, a, um ; adj. having many k ng of the Romans. iztus, an eye-wimnos. * Docs ocu- djes or exciet-bales. + Ocreco, are ; 10 cut very much. lata, riady money paid on the nail. Ocelli promontorium, she promontory Octactēr.s, idis ; f. the space of cigbr Oculatiſfimus, moll clear, confpi. of Hoderneſs. years. Piellus, i, m. Ovid. '[ab oculus) « Octangulus, a, um ; right corner'd Oculeus, a, um ; adj. full of ses, ligle , a love look, a ſwiat-beatr. O&apitārum, the promontory of St. quick-fighted. Plaut. #Meus ocellus, why durling. Divia's Head in Wales. + Oculicrepidæ, Jurvants or haves Ocellus Lucanus, an ancime philo. + O&aplus, a, um ; adj. eigbl-fold. brain' about iba cer. Plaut. + Oco. > ocean, 1 to the ches. . 1 1 cther places. O DO O ED :0 Eis + Ocůļíferas, a, um ; adj. glitiming spies. Eft nonnulla odor dic., 0:na, a; f, a city of Hetruria. tatura ; there is ſome tikslibros o Osnantharium,. 1; n. oil a colle. Oculiſsimus, a um ; ad fuperl.ſur a diaator, guiniiua :) dred 96415 Door OPI OPP OPP Ophthalmica, æ ; f. she bord eye Nec opiau surilikety genlooked for., t. Oppicātio; õnis ; f. & covering with bright + Opīpărātus, a, am ; adj. baving pitche! Ophthalmicus, a, um, adi: of the eyes. mais good iber. + Oppicator, bris; m. a cauerer with Opbihalmicus ; man osulis. Opipare ; ady. jumorisoul). pitch. Ophi sz: a city of L'bya. + Opipāro, are, so make good shear. Oppico, are, to cover ever wiib piseb. Opice pople by the river. Indus. Opiparus, a, um ; adı: Lab opcs.& oppidžaus, a, um, adj. of the town. Opicc , adv. clownibly, barbaroullyparo] Jumptuous, coply, ruch, Oppidānus, i, m. & townſman. Opics, orum; pl. m: a prople of Can-1 Opis, a nymph, one of Diana's som. Oppidātim, s adta town by town. pania, called afurwards Aglonii. panien, alſo a city nour wbicb ibe t Oppidicus, i; me one living in a Opicus, a, um, adj. (ab opicis) fil. river Tigris fills into the jos. town. tby, foul ; aljo darbarous in spec.b. Opis, õpea, õpe ; f. ab. ant. dom. Oppido ; adv. very mucb, greatly, Opifera, am adj, helping : ops, help power, wealth. Non plainly, Spudily. Oppido pauci, Opifex, icis, C. A work pun, crafti. 0219 cit noſtra, 'tis not in our very few. Oppidò peril; I am miin. Opifex mundi, the creator, power. Dives opia natura ſuæ, Mifarly undoni, Opificioa, be; fire work-b-uſe. mature bas a great deal of power and oppidulum;i; n. & little równ. Opificium, ii; n. wird or workman- eficy. : OPPIDUM; 1, n ( ab ġ si ridor, Abip. Op sina, æ f A sity of Thrace. planum, quod in plano eit) a lown Opigena, æ ; f. an epithet of Juno Opiſtographium, in; a. a bosk written or borough, ajo a walled town,and from ber ehøing at wens labour, on Ibo boughan, a poffoript. a city, and (enpbasically) in par. Ooillo, onis, mi a Roman conjuil. Opiſtogrăwbus, a, um ; adj, written ticular the city of Rome (in ana OPIL10,0nis; m. locoadAO)Dep.: on bolb bdes, mdor, ed. cimt wonitors) Note, Etfi oppida in bere ; 4!!6 a kind of gira, Opiftotonus; i ; m. a crick in the neck. ct urbem aliquantum diſtinguunt Opillus Macrious, a Ronao emperor, Opice, čr18; ín. (à pater Jenowboje - recentiorcs giammatiftæ, ſcripto. Jaluud on, the army after the death of purix, i:is.; f.jaher died on fore res tamen optiml fæpè confun- Caracalla, ant Quin by the army the grandjaiber. dunt. alſo she jurting place at barfs- about a year afier. Opler Virginius Tricoſus, the rigbib Traces of the entrance of ibe Circas, 03:0, are so pick a bong.in sanjulionion she sjetion of ling!. so called because on the wall.jde Opimatio, on's, i f.a farning: Opitergium, the town Oderio, Uder- Opinätor, ör:s ,m.e fainer, were turiets und baulumatati as about 20. Or Qrederzo, in ita:y: . a town. it. Opinācus, a, um, adj. faned, Opitergini, orum; pl. in. The people Oppidum, thi rozon Oppido in Cala- onrisbed. of Overdozo: to bria. # Opimax, acis ; ad), very rieb, Oples, a Grecian lain he He&or. Oppidum Ņuyum, the city Rabuck wialıby. Opitýlāt o, önis; I. a help ng, fuerur. in Mauritania Tingilana.and other ad, risbly, abundantly. placet. Opimiana vion.Tab opinys, wine opitulainik, igy} .a helper.. Oppignorato, õnis ; t. 6 pawning." whiçb bas cmiinued good two bun. Opitūtor., ari dep. tab opis) to help t. Oppignorācor, oris; mia pawner. 07: 14ecour, 20.66 good againjt. Oppiga)ro, are ; act. cum accuf. to Opimitas, ātis ; 1.futkijs, abundance.lt Opiulus, a, un ; ad). baiping .. pawn. lay in pledge. - Rempah- ap:m'us, 1; 2. A. Roman conful, Op'tuluis, Jupiler o calied. licam creditoribus oppignorare, so A. U. 632. OPIUM 11 ne lotion libe juce of engage sbr. publick faith. Opimo, ac, acolo made foi, Op! pop y culing ſleipi : Opilātio, onis ; f. á popping in the mare ac ſam, to keep a good sole. Opius, a city of Poniusein Cappadocis. lungs. OPIMUS: 2; 40; add ab opis; ri:b, Opizan, a city in Torace. > Oppilátus, a, um, popped, ſout up. fai, forsilo. Res opima, a plore Opõba săciun, i įn.ch:juick of bolm. Qppilo; aro, so:1:6 joul; or fill up cous glande ? Opima fpolia, Spoils : the natural flowing ealm of Gilcadi Opolco, ēre.; act. to fill up to the säken from one caplain-general by Opozarpatham, 1; n. abe: 'vonsmous Oppievit hæc opinio Græciam, all engther. juiis if carpashunos, Greece, was of this opin:on. Opinābilis; c. which may be supposed Opon, a promintory in the web:of Crete. Opplētus, a, um ; part. filled.wp.: + Opīnābilitas, atis ; fi A bring to be 'Opedonax, ācis, the juise of alliheal. Opplörāslo, dois ; f. a bewailing, fuppofd. Oporicos. es. ; 'f. e modesine mods of Opploro, are; ncut. to deplorç' or be- t: Opinamentom, 2. A carneir. fruits... wail before ons. Dpinātio, qnls ji te a' jmprobing o Oporinus, a, um, of autumin.. ibinaling Oppo.no, ful, situm, ; act, com acc. Oporotheca, ; f. afruit-chamber. & dat. 1o oppoſe, object, fet againſ, + Opināto ; adv.: expiard!). Nec Opastet, ēnai, uit, ēré ; verb. imp. wager again. Pignori oppone- spinato, unadvifidij, ſuddenly, Na. it ough!, : il. nuje i Oportet me re, to paun. # Opponere auricu. looked for. I mult, Fadum oportuig is qugbt lam, to brar witneſs. . . Opponere Dpinātor, orla ; m. 2.4 deamir to bap bern done, 17.you bould bave caufam, to bring an excuſe. Op. Dpinatrix, icis , f. } support. done it. ponere infidias alicui, to lay gins t Opinālor us, 27 um ; opinionative, Opoftura, æ;f.a city of India with + Opinātus, lls.; m. e suppojng. in Ganges Opportunè; ady..fitly, in good feason, + Opinātus, a, um ; ad). tbsgbr Opp-ango, eg', i&um, angěre: ; ad. in pudding rine, upon. . Nec opinagus, unawarw, Cof ob and pango) 10. fajim or.join Opportūnītas, ātis; f. opportunity, sudden, agairl. + Op:bax, acis; adl. full of opinion, t Oppavio, tre, so be f upon or againg. fineſs of time, advantage, commodi. ouncil, profit, capnefi. m.8.fr, t Oppc&o, čre, lo COND, pick upon. Opportūnus, a, um , adj. [ex ob & + Opinladun vitrum, mamal, glass Oppedo, ère ; neur. Cet ob and pe- portus) fil, conwniept, in due tini, 10 mangt witb. do) to Nighi, fart againa, gainlay, Opints, Ogio; fon opinion, expecta · drive.mn xurry pide. proper, obnoxious, subjeti. Oppor- siin, judgquent, reputation. Ut Opperior, ertus; and ērītus fum, Iri; tunus injuriæ, -zohom 'tis no hard matter to wrong or injuri, *Oppor- mea fert opinion.as. Ishink...Am, dep. (à parto, vel ant. perlor) 50 tuna locorum, convenient plauti. pliùs opinione morabantur, ibry said tarny fer. Oppositio, on s; f. an oppopitim,con- Jonger than thy debond, * Opi Oppersilatus, , umjad). barred bolud, nionem omntum. Incere, to bi bit. * O peſsúlo, are ; act. 19 bar or bele. Oppositum, i ; A. the opposte, clon tor rhan one'is sakm 10. be by my}, Oppero, ivi, čre; act. cum acc. Lof contrary, Opintoſus, a, um ;. adj. opiniative, ob & p:to) 10 dic. Mortom.op. Oppositus, a, um, part of opponor, dogmasical, absnate :petereto fall in the bad of bonour. Jut of placed agains, pawned, leid Opiniofus, i, n. on old man ibat + Oppexus, üs ; m. a tombing. bas fingulur opinims. om som Oppoglo dedecoro; tbs Oppia, æ; I. vellal virgin convited jhane being di cuired. OPINDě, ari ... dep. (absariyogu, of adultery, and buried alive. Dopósitus, üs ; m. contrary in- vel ad **Tu] 10 bave an opinion. Oppianus, i, m. e famous pect of Dance, 'forsing againn, an interpo- O fuppuje, during think. Malè Cilicia, who raieved of the emperor Stion. epiqari de aliquo, to havt an, ill Antoninus Caracalla, for muery utrli | Oppreffio, õnis ; f. an oppiofing, opinion of any one. :: of bis perms, a pigce of.& pld,osipg in grieving, taking advantagi, & vigon Opaysa a, poz. 20). Pribable, all tygenly thousand.: Tabs profecution. Oppreſi, . 1 . OPS O.PU ORB : 4 be gone. Don. Oppreſfiuncula, az 1, a little opprel. Az opfonavi, I brve bought miat, Opus, indec. ad).[& fubft. reg.abl.] fon, Papillarum oppreffiuncu for ſupper. nerd, meedful, neredary.' ! Opus læ. dallianir, Optabilis, e; adj. 10"be.defredi eft cibus puero, the boy bus nud of Oppreffor, Orlo; m, an approfor. Optabiliter ; advt defiderably, as one meal. Opus eft properato, they Oppreilus, a, um; part. of opprimor; would wiin. - mult needi mele bajte. oppretrodi Optandus, &, um ; part. tp be defred. Opuſculam, i ; n. a linta merita Oppr-imo, effi, esfum, mère; act. Optātio, õn: ; idefiring, with. Opuſtorium, it: n. little junkus.. cum accafe to oppreſs, griovi, to ing + Opuftorius, ii įm, a confis-maker, furnix, kup dals, overwhelm, ra. Optato ;-adv. according to one's defiro, wiß. Os opprime, kaup your as hears would wiſt. Qantur. mouth fous. . re alieno oppri. Optativas; a, am ; adj. opratius, of mi, to be dorp in debt, • Oppri. wibing OR. for ordo, ornatus, ornamentom. mere ignem, so prevent a mijibief: Optātrix, icis ; f. for that defror. Ora, « city of India, taken by Alex- * Nox oppreffit, digbt cané upon Optātum, ii Dia defini, wij. In ; ander: thom. • Somous oppreffit cum,bo optatis eft, 1. defire greatly a ORA, æ; f. a border, coajl, assensor, ful aſleep. long for. slimate, a him, 'brim, a beginning. + Opprobamentum, i; a. a difgrass. Optatas, an African bibor who wrote . Oram legere, to coaft. Ora Oporobratio, onis ; f. a reproaching, fauen books again, the Dmitits, vulner:8, the lips of a wound fawid + Opprobrator, oris, n. a reproach. Oprātus, a, um, ad), defires, plea together. # Solvere oran, to depari fani. Quid mihi poteft cffe from ſuch a cool, wrigh unibor and + Opprobriöse; adv. reprodibfully. optatios? what can be more de. Opprobrloſus, a, oo, repraschful. Srable;. Id optatiſſimam abi pu. Oraba... ; f. a city of Oſrhocne. Opprobr um, lin. a reproarb, 14 i cant, shey are not a dulo ploiled Orācūlom, i ; n, (ab og vel oro]an buks, • Nec fuit opprobrio Gal- et il. sred't, an anſwer given from God, lo, nor was Gallus to be diſcom Optice, @si; f. ibe optick feimer. & wife fontenci, a opin by dream ) muended. Opticus, a, um, adj. farving for the elfs a temple. Oraculo uti, to Oporobro, are ; act. cam 26coſ. fgbt. conſult the oracle. Ex oraculo Plaut. to jprox with reproach, up. Optiletla, Minerra so called, dici, ta de saken for an undombiad braid, Optimas, atis ; ma grandet, great truth, Oppugnātio, 'Bais ; f. an efaulty Oræ, small country of Peloponne. fiego. Optimatus, ûs ; m. nobility, 6x:ul. fus, called afterwards Alchepia. Oppugnator, Orls ; man af vult. lois, grandeur. + Oramen, iais; oral i Oppugnatrix, iċis 3 f. Jer, bebeger. Optime adv. ſuperl. of benè, ax. Sprach. Oppuenātorius, a, um ; adj. for af callmily, very well. • Opume eft, Orani, a pople of Sarmatla in Afia. jau ting. I am glad on't with all my heart, O árium, 11; 9. sowel ; alfi á Oppuglātus, a, um ; part. ofaulted, Optimè omnium, si bap of all: dracon,s vedami, beſieged. Roma oppugnata pro Optimitas, ātis ;. f. 'an advantige, Orārius, a, um ; of tbe bounds, skirts, priis trumphis, Rome ováriumid excellanc, &c. or foar. Oraria aavis, a casting by its own vi&orins, Optimus, a, um ; ad). ſuperl. of bo . Oppugno, are; act. cum accuf. nus; bef, very good. Orāta, a jf. gilt:head (Feb] 1o ajuuſt, i fack, babogo, batter, Opulo, onis ; f. a choice or sletion. Orztha; at: e city of Meffene, ex- • Oppugnarc aliquem clandeftinis • Oprio at tua, take your choice. virorid with the river Tigris. consiliis, to plot or contrive sn'es Optio, onis ; mi a depuis, lieutenant. Orātio, onis ; f. an srasim, Spiro, ruin rovertly. • Oppogoare all * Oprio carceris, a marfsal.or prager. . Orationis operam com- quum pecuniây. 1 word upon o por: jailor, . Optio gubernatoris, the pendio faccrc,to juin up mni's spesib Jon with money . Oppagaare ve manar's mare. in bring bis zquitatcm, ropoak apaingt Optionarius, il; m. be that puts up Oratiuncŭla, jf.afoort (push. qulay sba foldier petition to the captain. Orātor, oris, j w. an orator, amb la- Oppůsãcio, onis ; f. a pruning. Onionacus, Gs; m. she office of dopu. a ſpokeſman, n Oppŭto, are, to prune, cut off boughi. rims ar lieutenants. Oratorla, aj f. Thetorick. + Oppuvia, orum ; n. flripas, blows. Optivus, a, um ; adj. adopted, infi. Oratoriè ; adv, rhetorically. + Oppuvio, irc (of ob and pavlo) 'to furious, Oratorium, il; a, en oratory, Art. OPTO, are; set. cum accur. rei & Oratorius, li ; m, a king of the Alle. Ops, Opis; the daughter of Colum dat. pers. (ab Topal] 11 ask, de, manni, and Veria, the finer and wife of fors, wilk, or chuje... Optavit lo. Oratorius, a, um ; adj. of an orator Saturny, sallad, a ſo Rhea ond cy cum icais, be made choice of a Oratrix, icis f. an sratrejs, media- bere ; tbi tarih. piece of ground wherein to build a truſs, alſo rbstorick. Ops, inulit.. ( b oris , cpra vel à bomje.. Orātum, in. a nequel, prayer. dea] gea. opis, acc, opem, abl. + Opulefio, ieri ; to grow ricb. Orātus, a, um ; part defred, befought. ope; relief; belt, wealth. Opis Opulens, (18 ; ad). we sliby. Orarus, ùs ; m, a praying, treating. egene, Banding in need of belp. Opūlenie, adv. richly, fumptu. Orbana, • Summâ ope niti decei, ibrey Opulenter, s ugly, thu goddeſs of Orbora, { æ; f.} partis bevift pould lirive with all their might, Opulentia, æ; f. richneſs, wealth. of their children. Opricella, 2; fo e city of Cantabria + Opůlcntitas, atis.; f. wialihinojs. Orbanasſa, æ; f. o city of Pamphy. in Spain. Opulento, arc"; act. so mrich. lla. Quligamia, ; f. a Lacedemonian Opulentus, a, um , adj. (ab opes) Orbátio, onis ; f. a depriving, er den law againy unmarried mm. rich, wealtby, plentiful. ing deprived. Ophinathes, æ; m. he shat learns or + Opuleſco, ére, so grow ricb. fors 10 ſchool in bis eld age. Opulus, 1.F. (ab op18) a true good to Orbairis, icis sa depriver.fieal. Oplicathia, 2; f..a learning late. Opsõnāt:o, Ons ; f. A catering. + Opuſculo, onis ; m. he that fings Orbeſla,, - country of Macedonia, Opsõnātor, oris ; m. A caterir, men. like a fhepherd. from the mountain Orbcyus. ciple, or jaward, Opuntia, æ ; f. an herb growing by Orbeſionc, és ; f a country of Arme- Opsõnātus, ùs ; m. e catorixing, the city Opus: nia Minor. Ouying of vianols, Opuntius, a, um ; ad). of Opus. Or bicúlāris, c; adj. orbicular, round. Opsonito, are, to prepare often for Opus, untis ; t. & city of Locris. + Orbicularis, is ; f. the borbe row- muris. Opus, érls ; (ab Ëmw. facio) work, brand, QPSONIUM, il; n. Coburroy J. all buſiness, labour. * Operc magno Orbiculăritèr;adv. trölcularly, round- vittuais except Dread; out specially verf rarnelly. Opere nimio, ly fill alſo foldiers pay. exeundingly. * Opus urbis, as big Orbicuatio ; adv. lika circlo, by Doiono, are .;'act. cum accul. 1a as 4 tj. • Opus otil, a. work of rounds. Opronor, arı; dep. } cater, to buy pince compoſed of Spure hours, o Orbicúlātus, a, um ; ad). sound like peat, tiga to market. Opronare simas fequcher'd from ordinary buß A circle. Poma orbiculata, or tamcn, to get one a jigsach, * Coe niefi. mala orbiculata, pomo-paradiſo. 1 mOrbesta Osbi. 1 1 libri. i TOR. O RC ORE ORI Orbicules, Lima Little circle, ..templo dedicated to the Gracer; and IO:cos, e city of Eabada. rametelis, ibi wbul of 4: pullopoo another in Arcadia. Oreofólinum, i jiQs mountain-perf- minder Orchonnenus, 1 ; D. & rior of Thef. ley, Orbicus...; am ad round, cira | Saly, sallad 'nfterwards Mynte Orelitrophas, 1} m. omeof Attron's tulay blolar rius, Osbia, is the cirds of a ran. 'Oretmana sponda, a bier or coffin', Oreftæ, arum; pl. m. a prople of E- wheel Qrcings, ay un; adl: (ab.orcus} pirus, and in Gedrofin. in Afia. Orbiluis, a wry barmogramamariety of longing to hell or Ploto Orates the form oni Agame maon, and Beneventui, in Cicero's time. Orcius m'Orcivus chefaurus, bet friend of Pylados y and other man. ORBIS, is; e (ab aivus, vel ab grave. Oroſtalon,' a om d. Arcadidy' ſo gpoco ) martie circui, revolu. "Orcèles ; f..a little or fol. with a catted from Oresthc ut ibi yox og ,bioen, an arg, rucnd.compats galpa big belly and a narrow mor). Lycaon. round table world, a sul: Orcus.im ÉPHOfeptum, Orectiay 2; t. . dity of Arcadia finida, a joat, & bottom of jams, vel com luramentum }' halk or by reftis, part of Macedonia. en el prove Cayus orbis, a d'exknes of bil, -the riotr SE9x ; Oleta, aran's pl. a prople of Sar- öurkit In orbem ira, 16 £! alſo the carth. Cun oroby tatlo matia in A412. Hund. Orbesing the ga, bokas. : nem babetes: to live in an unbelibretani..ONO pli m. the people of • Orationis orbis.a fulness ofperio fub air. La Mancha in Spain. dical claudio. Orbis Romanus, Oicus, & Theffalian river flowing Oreteaus; adv. sporta de math, tko Rotian empire., * In orbem Mt of the Stygian, take, to shick Oretbus, i ; m. a river of Sicily. volvi, to wind isfelf uy round like a that it floats on thr pour Fencia; Orcie, tin a city of Euboea. ball for in buster defans (as a farpin) alma kimo..of der Molds aboué o cusy an spicber of Bicchus, so Orbiti, ; F. cart wbich cont put, fann brendred roan before the betild. faun bundred yoan before na build..icabbad. from sbr. tlls up m. wbicb a cowgati, cirik. Orbita vincu. ing of Rome. they were wont to: facrifice to him. 11, the qark toy dint of a bend being Orcynum,.a montain of Lesbos. Grexia, is if apparit, diftroso. ; tik too bad. # Oreynus, * ; M. a kind of niny alſo vont. * Rapida orcxis, & Orbitæ, āram, pl. m. 4 people of In fjb. grady.won time dia. Ordoa, ;'acity of Macedonha.. Ongalemara; fi city near Ifter. Orbitas, Itīs; f. the loſs or lackof any + desceus, i am ; of barling. Organa, air an iſland of. Arabia Ibing, afpasially of parents or child: t Ordeõlus, i į m. fourf in the ye. Felix alfa a nine of Minerva : @chicas lumints, a being Oraco. Orgănārius, ii; n. an inflrument blind. Orderus, A city of Saroratta Buro: oakor, on organis. * Grbitatlo, ôn's; + going. g the pa. Orgànicèi j advi. wtb on infrument. nay. Onda, osum ; npl. beginnings. Organicis, 2; Qm; adj. of or wisho + rä 80, in lbr way. @rdiandas, a, um; 'adh. to be begin. on in rumıni, playing on or pnging Orbītūdo, ins Lebring bereau. Ordīgālis,'ej adj. belonging to arder. to an infringens ed, lofs, lack. # Ordizalico; adř: in order · : l'Organiſta, æ m. m organiſ. act.com acc. to baregur, Ordinarlum, i; ma a plati where ORGANUM. 1; n. 1S. s svoj.an in. deprive or Orbare aliquem fen tha ondience is dept. Arument (coscially muhal), an or. fibuenta rade, away ann'sanfas. Ordinarius, a, un ad), orderlys pur gon, a pafure or inflrument to ORBUS, um adf. dupitulas bas i in order • Servus ordinarius, mraſur laxed wird. refig. blind, fatbertist: fbidles. sbief. foroant. * Homo ordinarkus, Orgas and Orgi, a river of Magna Orbas palmes, a budłals van com mtions. Ran... Ord 0-1 Phrygia. bransb.". Osbus auxiliig windows soldiers in a coup, leader in an Orgali, oruot; m: a peopla of Scythia. bely gr. lacou army... Ordinariæ dfgretates, city 0.gega fantain and river in Pro- Orbos, Imi a rich old rinan tbet dignitiu• Ordinaria feroma; ads vence called La Sourgue bas nuo apparens briraifo ancorpbar, of feedi Orgellum, i; n. a city in Spain. ORCA, a fim, annumy to the whole ; & Ordinate ; adv.) orderly, by good or Orgelitani, the people of Orgeliam. dice-box, any. Bastow inocked pus, a @rdinālior ;. I. der,on sfior one. Orgia, æ: fi arity of Spain. porodering tube a bome ufad by women Orgia, orum ; Dipl. Ibn facrifus of to keep thair paint in. Ordināto, õniş; fra farling in order, • Bacchus. O.cades, the whirsy British iflos of adminißration of affairs; ording. Orgomciæ, a city of Illyria. Orkacy, on the coast of Scotland. Orgon, an iſland near Tuſcany. Orcelis, à cry in Spalå. Ordinātor, õnis , m. kan ardainer, Dagyla, æ; f. e farbimi, the meaſure Orcha, a city of iha Babilonians, Ordinatrix, ils, f. $ difpoferi of fx font. callad Alfo. Ur Chaldæorum. Ordinätus, a, um ; part. ab ord inor; Orla, a ; fi fab ora] a fiſher-boat' . Orchalis, a hill # Bocotia, called dijposed for in order, Oribarus, 1 ; m. & favourite of the afurwards. Alopecos. Ordino, are; act. ia difpofs, fotele, to emperor Jul ap. who coroto ſeventy- Orchanes, z; m-a. Turk ſa emperor. order, prowote. Ordinare fylla two books of phyfick tabo. fork Prula from, bo. Grectan barum literas, to spell. Oribafius, i; m. one ofAltzon's dogs. Amperer, A. D. 988. ORDIOR, orfus & orditus fum, trh Orichalcom, 1'; n. laten metal. Orchanga, ima king of Asſyris, dep. cum acc. (ab orior, vel om Oricilla, 2; f. lho rar-lap. who turied his daughter Leucorhoë exchol.10 begin, to wraur. + Oricola, o f. an berb in the Cana. alive for lying with Apolio. ORDO, inis; m. (Hebi tur, vel ab dies with which they dge cloch. Orchas, adis; f. a kind of juicy o op goby redus) an arder, rank, quan Orlcularlus, a, um, adj. [ab-aoris) livri Litt, fate ar drgnie, # Ordines of the car.. Oricularias clyfter, Orcheni, örum ; pl.m. , urtain fea quatuordecim. the knights brishes. a fyring. of Chaldean ajtronomers. The Ordine ducere, to lead a com. Oricam or Orlcis, & for town of O chestra, a; E. & plau near ibo pany. Extra ordinem, bafidasy, or Epirus: pops, where the sonators fats, among above the uſual course. Honelti + Oridicus, a, um, roughly ſpokoni, the Romans ;-the place where the i ordinis; of propy good fabiex.: ': Ortendus a; om; ad). cimi, do- Angersy dancars, wiha mufek fast, Ordovicæ, a people about Berwick. fromoud of amuigh the Grecians. Ordovices, s pouple of North Wales. Oriens, ntis , n. the ral, San-riſing Orcliimus, the father of Cydippe: Orea, æ; f. (ab auris) the beaspall Orlengyntis ; part. arifing . Orchis, itis ;. . ibs baba dog -liosal... of a bridla. Orlentalis, c; adj. 'Liv. oriental, Orchitis, is; f. a-large kind of absur. Orêades; tbe nymphs of 15 boken: Hopirn. C. Orchlus, i, n. a tribuind of the Orificum, ii;n. the mouth, mtranci, people, author of the lako called or: Orebatiss , a city of Perfia, or brits of any thing, s bung-hati. chia, by which the number of gwelts Oreges, part of the mountain loa. Origanu ray 1 ;. wild marjorams. Orani, #maopia *xt to sbr Celebesi Origenes, is ; , a famous ecclefiaf- + Orchomenius calamus, a rod be. on the lowth sick aurbor 20h1 golded himself. ing bollow throughours Orēon, ci in kind of Blocd-wori, Origenfani, bis followers. Orchomenus. doua Beoria, , ante omnes in the , Orcophanta, æ; f. a city of India, Originals, e; adj. original, primitive. wborg sbore is: wilbix ibe' great river Ganges. it Originaliter ; d), originally. ther. 2 * was limited : Qri. ORN ' OR T OS 1 1 MAI. Orton, :Originarius, a, um , adj. inberising fugam, io difguiſeene's ſelf for Highi. Orthe, és ; f. a city of Magnelia. dy birth. • Ornare aliquem fuffraglo; to give Orthi, ; f. Bians among ibe Liz. Originátio, onis ; f. a beginning, rtye one his voice, to gius on his good cedæmonians. mology, derivai.m. werd, Orthaix, the borinat o enlargement of Origa tûs s'adv. from the firy origi- Orgoi, asl, atus fom, pafl. re be the fail. NAL, druffed or adorned, to be o noured, Orthlus, a, um ; adj. upright, fors. Origo, inis ;. f. (ab orior) a begins. to be provided or get ready, Orthium Carmen, a kind of my- ning, original, ffopring. folerie, ORNUS, i; f. [Web.'oron) a wild sek in bigb turis, uſed by Arion rife. alls with bread loun, who be three himſelf into the 114. Origo ; f. the name of a barlet in ORO, are; ict..cum 2 accuſ. (ab 1 Orthocobantii, õrum ; pl. m. 4 people Horace. agato pray, befeuch, ensret. U of Scythia in Alias + Orinda, æ; f. bread made of the num vos oro, one thing Ilog of Orthod oron, i, n. a ſpan, the longib. grain orinalumo in Egypt. you. # Cauſem orere, to pleas a of ibu band from the wife to the Oringis, a'rity in Spain. canſo. * Orare aliqnem in auda top of the little finger, Oriola, æ's fi a liiste fiſbor-brar. ciam, to bid ont be of good courage. Orthodoxia, asi foundntfs.of judga Orion, onis ; m., groot hunter jiung Oroardes, ; f. a mountain of Ala, to de tb by a ſcorpion, and both pot of Taurus. Orthodoxus, a, um ş.adj. orthodox, og pluced among the compellitions. Oroalęs, the greutet river of Solana, good opinion and found judgmentin ORIOR. ortus and crfus fum, iri ; dividing it jroa Perla. Taligion, (ab ocw vel ad Heb., or, lux vel à Oroba; a city of Affyrią. Orthočpia, æ; f. arigts prennuncia. gnur, experig ſci, &c.] to rije, he: Orobanche, és ; f. troom-rapa...: LiqA. gin, be born, Spring Ojābates, a xity of Perſia. Orthögõnius, a, um ; ad). comffing Oripelargus; ijm, a kind of hawk or + Orobax, the herb picas, fgbt ang.'es. ragle. Orbinos, a, um ; adt. of sharvil. Orthogonius i; m. s right sxg's. Orifia, f. a city of Iberia. Orobis, a river of Gillia Narbonen Orthogrăpbia; że jf. orbigrapby, ente + Orilonus, a, um ; adj. founded with fis. Pelling and writing i olje a mode) the amuth, Orobitis, a grajs-grim. of building erected: Oritæ, ārum; pl. m.a parte of India. Orodes, a king of Parthia, who flow Orthographus, 1; mi a true writer. Oryth!«, æ ; t. tbr daughter of Erec. Craffus. Orthopoņa, ; f. pehorfingſs. theus king of Athens, with whom Osolaunum, Aslun in Gallia Bcl- Orthopoic4a, a, , adj; zwhippet Borcas rims in love ; who wb in be gica. able to broaibe without bolding hos could not win ker, carried ber by :0romaniecl, 4 people of Belglum. nisk Araigos. :': forie trico Thrace ; alſo aquim of Osomcdon. the bighat: mouniain in Ortholia, es f. a city of Phænicla; ibe Amazons. the iſland. Cos. alf a drmama of Minerva, fram os Oriturus, a, um ; part. fat. in rus, Orobics, is the greatal river af tholius pakpiaip af Licoaia. of orior ; about to, riſs. Syria; a mountains of Media; and Orthoſătæ, arum ; pt. f. A building Oriundus,, a, um ; adj. fprmmg from, a Lycian canain, who came from of fun ar timba perzjed. rife dr. Troy with Æneas, and was drown) Orthara, ; a large cigoj Ladizio Organus, 1 ; 2 Tiger of Arabia Felix. ed. Ortivas; a, um adj. saperly. Sol Ormenius, a mountain of By Chinia. Oronteus, & om, ad), of Orontas, ortiv.us, shefur rifng. Orminum, 1 ; ni.. the hard clarg. Osopite, és í f. A city of Etruria. Oroiſdores, a; a king of Parlia. } Oroplum, i, } * pwn in. Italy. Ortona, Ormus, i; fu'a famous city of Persia Oropus, á city of Macedonia, and o-Ortoſpana, e city of Paropanifas io in an iRaid abounding wisb souls ther plain. · Alia, called Candahar; that treed to be fuire pearls. O:ofc, es ; f. a city of Media. Ortoſpanya, a city of India. Ornamentum, 1; n. an ornament, Oroſelinum, f; D mouniain parfo. Ortus, a, um, part.-of arlor ; begun a gurniſhing, preferring. Orna. Orolins; i; m. 9 Spanith hilerian un bred, Sprung's prouiding. der Arcadius and Honorius, Ortas, us į m. birth, rifing, a gritaing omáte adv. neatky, vruly, eloquently. Orofperelai , } * nem in greatness roubt A in Spain, or ſpringing up's stockscal Map Ornātiz, õnis j f. on adorning ICFDO ortu, by the mapibcris de Ormācor, oris ' m. an scorper, gar. Pyrenoan. Orrygia Delos, so called from se A, nilshor, praijeri Opphantrophłum, Min. a place et bundance of quails; aljo an iſland Ornatrix, icis f. A tirs-womens help:ial where orpbans are brought in Sicily. bamberimgid, *P ;es Chriſt Church in London. Ortygometra, a; m. the captain - Orijātūra, æ; fan adorning. Orphanotrophus, i; in, the goverror mong quaili. Or fātus, a, um, part of 'ornor&adj. Of in hospital. Qrty-X, gls ; f. 4. quiil.. de hed, Burniſhed, trimmed, erlekid ORPHANUS, i, m. rop quyos) ant or. Orus, a king of Egypt, about nigde up. Ornatus.ex ſuis, virtprtbya, phantetheref child. hundrad quá ibinty years before the prderred according to one's deferis. Orpheus, i, m. a Thracian postwboft building y Rom; alfo Appollo a * Ornatus exerciius, an artiy vary barp is said to éramo smes, woods, wong the Egyptians'; 'Lagoije A wall appointed. * Ornatiffimos fun wild bouffs, & grammar inn, und orber man. dus, a.wory prtily living, or farm, & Orphitus, izm. tbe cellegue at Polſcus. Oryex gia ; 0.4 wild goat in Africa, meat or duent ſaat, Orphenus, i, m.one Pluto', horfas. juining 10 look up and wortrip theo ***. Ornatus, i, m. provifion, preparan Orphus -1; m, c1a-fish with great rifing dog far; alfo a thuitec.fade. , . eyes, ana tieth like a faw. Oryza,2; f. rice, Ornatus, usiz. m. apparel, dren, Orrhea, Newcaftle spon Tyne, and dating or trimming, alſo braviry. arber placis. O ante S. Arnea, orum';. n. facrifices of Priapus. Orrhapyglup, 11; n. the rooms of brnous; m. ene of the centaurs, bird er berji. OS. for omncs, [ap: vet. infcrip.] Ornithe, arum ; minuthern wieds, Orin, orum ; 9. pl. [ab ordior.) mm os, oris ; n. (ab. O hora vel.ch Tasbi blowing of which horks and terprixus-beginnings. vultus] the mouth, fart, sourie- ſwallows come over hitber. Orfata, æ; f. a city of Armenia minor nanes, an orifira, paffage, awrance, Ornithibofcios, 1; n. an aviary, aril OrWocbus, di m. 18 for of Idomc. bird's bill, a pungsbode: Duni plare to keep birdi in. neus, hain by Ulyfies; and others. oris, braxm.faced. • Equus durt Oin thogalum, i; 7. the barb. deg - Orfona, æ; t. acy of Spain. oris, a hredjiring horſe. lo. ore Drilon, War of Bethlchon. Orfos, 2, 4m; part, of ordlor; begin. alıoujus, buforo one's fare. 28 Orgıthon õnis ; m. an aviary, bird ning, or baving begun, populi, ibi arslam asics and good Orfus, ûs ; m. a biginning: word of. ibe puple. Diſcordia Ornithopodium, it ; n. binds-fors, or ratus, ' ; . tha grandson of a. ora, diffrent languager, sipar- birdr-claw. Horten Gus. tùs, the merance into a baviti . Ornithotrophlum; ii, n. ox aviary. Orthagoras, æ; f. be wroteske hiſtory Fleckckc os in.malitiam, he spam ORNO, are ; act. cum accuf.to - diſcontinend and troubled... da orc dorn, to dosk, 'gamifi, poliſ, Jod Ortha pelos, a vine that modes no ct omni popuia, is every one's forth, trim apo profer. in Ornarc.). propping: e diftourfo. OS, 7 1 of India. 1 Oſca; æ; f. the oder Hueſca in Spain. a mountain on the borders of { ins, O'S OS T'. OTH os. oslis; n. Löympty] . bons ;. alſo Oſrhoëne, ês ; f a counting of Syria, "Jbowed, sot abroad. • Oftentut the flone of fruit. Offa in igno, on the borders of Meſopotamia., Toli locus, a pluus lying open to be the heart of a true, Ofhocni, the propls of Ofihocne. fun. Ofanni., Su Hofanna. Offa, the rivir Fiore in Turcany Oitentus, ùs ; m, a powing, a mock; ing, by putting ut ihe Angor. Oſcarus, 1;, m. the river Quíche in. Thetaly Oftentui clic, to be expoſed. Gallia Céltica: Oſsārim, adv, bono by bone. Qtcodes, certain iſlands by Sicily. + Orcè; ads. Darbarouſly, filthily: it Oſsätus, a, um ; bony, full of bones. O Acritium, it; a maporward, peli. Ofcêdo, ins; f. [ab 09, oris) a, Offenburguni, la famous city of six tory of Spain gaping and yawning often, a sore Offnaborgum, ony, built by Julius Outla, ait: a city at the mouth of Cમતિ, mouth, fiinking brearb. Tiber, 'luit by Ancus Martius. Ofcen enis : 76. [ab 09, vel ob & Offeria, the city Onery in I:eland Ofienas, c; adj. Oft'a. Olclriis, is ; } cano)divining by Offerlates, people of Pannonia, bg) oft a; örunn. pl. a river's mouth, Anging, a ſinging bird. . 1 the river Diavus. the mouth of the ſea, the freight . Oſciphoria, õrum ; pl. n. Athenian Offeus, a, um, adj. [ab os, oſſis) Ofiarlus, si'; a. an uſher, portor, feats of or belonging to bonis. Manus door-kooper, alſo me of tbi minor er- Oia, orum; pl. m. e people of offea, a big-boned bond • Ofica ders in ihe church of Rome. Campania of a broad fprih forma, a skeleton or ghoff, Oftatim ; adv. from door to door. Oſcillatio, õnis : f. ſwinging, a king Ofsſcủlālia, adv. from bene sa bona. + on alor, oris; m. a parter, of play called Hix's mari. Olsículum, 1; ni little bons, a Oft gó, ins; f: (ab 08) the labs # Oſcillo, are ; ! (wing, 10 for.faw chomy jone, &c, about the mouths of fous, &c. 69. a bough, or with a rope. olifraga, æ; f. }[ab 08&frango] Ofiðlum, in, a wicket. Oſcillum, i; n. a little mouth ; also, Offifragus, 1; m. } an oprej. Ofloncs, she inhabitants of oftla. a little puppet paid to Pluto for the Offifragium, ii ; n. a breaking of 1 + Orior, ari, to be idle. pur/ms ir mm and their families; ! bones. Olippo, the city Eitopona'in Spain. alſo ſwinging.' Olifrăgos, a,-um; adj. breaking or OSTIUM, iii n. (qu: os ædjum, Orcinum, i; ni e a foorb.fajing by cracking of bones. vel ab obfto, vel when peilo, a birds. : Offilegium, 1; nthe gathering wys door, gate, miryo poluge, a kry-bole, Ofcitabundè ; adv, negligmsly . of the bones of a burnt friend. the mouth of a river or bauen. * Ab oftio quærere aliquem, 16 Oſcitabundas, az um ; adj. wory nego + Oſsilego, ēre ; to gather bongs. ligent. + Offilēgus, i; m, a bone gatherer. inquire wobother such a ini be wiih. Ofcitamen, inlo ; B.'s yawning, | Offilium, ija. }alittle bons. Oſcitane, nitis; part.gaping, ringligoni. Ogilæum, í in. oftomachia , -2 ; f. a playing with baños. Oſcitanièr; adv. Nabfully, careléfily. It Olsīnus, a, um, »dj. of bones. + Oſcilantla, a; f. fuggiſnefs. Orfonaba, 2; f. a city of Portugal. Ofracbias. 2 m. e precious fons like Ofcitātio, önis; f. a gaping or yawn. + Ofsõſus, a, um, bony, full of bones. an agait, and bristle. ing, negligence, operugbi. * Olcita - Offuarlud, i; n. a charnel-house. Ofraciada, a; f.. Summer or win!or, tones alicujus, beaks Baden in balle + Offum, i; ma bone. cross or pile, sbe ibrowing of, an wib small cars and no great pains. Often.do, di, ſum and tom, dère ; silier-fboll + Orcītātor, oris ; 29. at idla jela act. cum acc. so Shrio, opon, do? lortrachine, es ; f. á city of Paleline. cart, 80 prove. Oftendere fe Oftraciſmus, 1; m. a kind of baniſ- lowo. Osciro, are; neat. 2 so gape, of virum, to play the man, + Often mont by writing the name of a per- OSCITOR, arl ; dep. S jawn, to dere munus, to exhibit a power son on a fell. play. Se optiuè oftendunt, they Oltracites, a; m, eros or pile, far opon as powers. ar bollow. Oſcius. 10. A morintain and river approve Ibanfelves well. Oltea- of Thrace. dere (pem, to put one in hope. Oftracium, liz' n. . Dill, alſo an Oftcadere metum, to threatm. ony jone. Ofcophoria, orum ; .pl. 8:Palm. sun- Ofenſio onis, f. locoing. Ofrea, c; f. an affer .. day. + Oículana pugna, a fight wherein the Ottenlus , a, um; part. of oftendor ; Oftcaria, a ; 'F. Plin. anyjjer pis or victors are apierwards overcome. Orcūlātio, onis ; f. a killing. * Ortentāculum, 1; n. a fign or fhow. Ofrearius, a, um ; ad). of Borsa Oſcălător, oris ; m. a kiſfer. * Ontentāmcn, inis; ni a boading.. Oftrcarius panis, broad saian with Ofculor, ari ; verbi comm, so dils, Oftenlárius, li; m. an alirologer, he Syfers. cum acc. to be kiſid,cum abl. & à. ibas looks into and tells the moaning oſtrcarius, fi. m. an oyler.me Ofculum, i; n. a little mouth, alſo a of frange hghis. OQreatus a, um ; adj. like opens, Rijs. Olculis fatigare, so kiſs - Oftentātio, onis ; f. bragging, vauns- hard, rough..? gain and again. ing, glarying, ofintarion, Com- 1 Ofreõlum, 1; n. a little wyja. olcus, i; m. A king of the Tuſcans. poncre oftcatatoni, so make for Ofrcoſys, 2, om; adi. full of oyſters. Orcus, a, um jadj. [ab. dioxo-pu baw. OSTRÉUM, i; n. löstpery] en dor) filihy, abfionog rough. Oftentātilius, a um ; adj. for one for oglier. Osfregor, örls; mi a breaker of bones, soow. Oftriter, a, um, adj. producing opbers, Ofiadv. O would , ; m. a brogger, or she purple fish or colow, Ofi, drum vaunter. Oftrinus, a, um ; adj. of purple colour. : many Oftentāros, a, um; part..of often OSTRUM, 1; n. Cootpor) purple, the Oliba, æ;f, a city of Albania. tor; mown, preſenud, Oftcntala juin if a fils, of wbich purple is Oglia, æ; f. an iſland in the gulf of occaſio, an opporsunilje fored. made, a purple garment. Venice. Oftentífer, a, um ; adj. bringing Oftrys, yos;, à cujas. acc. oftrya, Osiris, idis ; m. i ling of Egypt, mongers. 2;f, a true of hard and firm limbar, and busbarid to lọ or Iliss worfbip. + Oftenilo, onis ; f. a forw.ng. Odārus, a, um, part. fut la tos of ed in the form of an ox: + Oftentionalis. 9; m. a feldier odi ; ready to bate. + Ofirts, f. read.pax, fain-wort. : waiting on the prince 48. publick + Ofas, a um, baring, diſdaining, Ofiritce; f. the herb synocephalia. fowi. Ofiſms or Offali, a prople of Gallia Oftento arc, pro oſtetido, lo show o O anu T Celtica. ofron, brag or brof. • Oltentare Ola anda; 2, the lurb ofmund.. jugulum pro caplte alterias, to of. OT. abbreviat. for oftium, Oſmos, iim. A rivet.of Myfia. far to lay down his life for another. Orácuta, a; m. a bearkner, informe Olochor, örs : m. e king of Egypt. * Orcntare periculum capitis, te er, or caurs-dropper. Oropium, a city of the carni. Threaten one's death. Otadini, Õrum ; m. pi. « people be Ofor, oris ; m. [ab oal] a baler,. + Oltentālus, a, um, Amongs, mos! yond.iba riwar, Tyno. frous. Otalgia, 2, « pain in the ears. Ofpbagus is m.ariver of Macedonia. Oftentum, i;. A. a monyer, a frange Qranas, a; m. Qranao, a; mi a Persian who come + Oſpratura, 2;. f. ibe sburge of buy. bght, a shing again the commin Aired wirb Darius against ybeMagi: ing mell fruii. courſe of nature. Otho, onis ; a. the name of ſeveral Olquidates, a people of Aquitain. Oftentus, a, um ; part. of oftendor; Roman impeurs; and ophor men. Othoca 1 + I 1 I 1 . + Ubyer. O VI O X Y РАС Othoca, 2; 1. e city of Sardinia. Ovipărus, a, um ; (abovun & pa., Oxyſchencs, I, a kind of bulimijl. Othocarios, a king.or Bohsinta. rio} that lays eggs or ſpawns." * Oxytönus a, um ; adj. wirb an acute Otbolias. 2. f. the country of Fife 0.1para gallina, a braid bm. on the lof Jyllable. in Scotland. Óvis, is; F Ipil a besp. Oven Othomanni, she Turkiſh emperors. lupo crcdcre, to put an oppireffer O anr z. Othona, Ithancefter in Eflex. into antbority Othonia, . German wood called Ot + Oriſpex, icis ; m. a mopherd. Ozana, æ; t. 'a caneous fort in tenwaid. Ovo, are ; neut. [â fono) to lokal nofo. Othonc, an berb with leaves full of for jos, rejoice faleinnly. Ozanitis, idis; fi a kind of ſpikenard holas, OVUM, 1 ; n. (boy ) an «B; alfo fonolling like poison. Othriades, the only ſurviver of three Spawn. Ovum edurum, an age Ozc, es zfafinking breath, bundred Lacedemonians, who b3d noither hard nor jo't. • Ovum tre- Ozone, the city Pali in India. Majas as many Argires, who writ. mulum, a poached ogg. Ozole, ing on his field, I have overcome, Ozoll, } feople of Achaia. killed bimjelf alſo. O Anto X. Ozymum, i ; n. a kind of racat made Othrys, & mountain of Theffaly, not of the incoards of. drags : allo sbo far from Oeta, a jest of the Con. Oxalis, idis; f. gruen forrel. birb (went-bable and a kind of Luurs and Lapitha. Oxalae, és ; f. á kind of pirkle. palle, Oria ; n. a knd of oliers. Oxama, er Uxama, the city Olma in Otles, a people of Cyprus. Spain. Otiðlum, n. a little leiſure.' Oxcæ, criain ifands, called allo E. Otlor, ari ; dep. to reports, to roj. chinades. + OtioGloquium, il ; N. idle talk Oxcas, the son of Hercules by Me- Odotus, a, um , adj. idle,as leiſur. gara. P ante A. Oris, idis ; f. bulard. Oxel, e people of Epirus. + Oiltes. 1s; Spaniſh catch-fly. Oxia, ve; f. a foarp difemper. OTIUM, ii', n. ab la brios, aurla , Oxlane, a lake of Sogdiana, made by P. abbreviat. for Publlus, publicas, pupillus or poluit, veloidbe, ſolitaric, vel ab Hcb. the riurr Oxus. gnetb, tempus) idlmefs, leiſure, tr.1+ Oximentum, i ; n. wine vinegar. P. A. for ploviæ arcendæ. Pofa. Su ociun. Ou plurimi. Oximum, she city Hyelmes in Nor: P. C. for pactum conventum, patres conventi, pecunia conftituta, er res, a bufineſs requiring great cala. mandy. ness, and tranquillity of mind. + Ox'falus, & meaſure of fifteen P. 'D. for publicè dedit. præfc&us caftrorum, Olla nostra, my verſes writim at arachis, my roft, with very little pains, Oxobapts, [ſc. veſtimenta] purple Pabo, onis ; m. a wheelbarrow. Pābūlāris. e ; adj. for fodder. Otreus, the ſon oj Ciffeus, and bro. garmmis of a dup dye. bor of Hecuba. oxoleon, 1; a. a mixture of sil and Pābūlātio, onis ; f. foraging, sendo ing. Orradini, a people of Northumberland. Vinegar. Pābūlātor, Oris; m. la forager, pur- Ottarizs, a king of Bohemia. Oxonia, } the city and university Pabulatrix. icis ; f. S of Oxford, called allo Päbulatorius, a, um, adj. of a fora- Ottorocorra, a city of Serica. Otys, a king of Paphlagonia, who ne. Bellofitum. volted from the Persians to Agefi-Oxonienfis, e; ad). of Oxford. ger, a foraging laus, Ire Oxos, vinegar ; alſo purple made in Pabūlor, ari; dep. fo forage, Phoenicia. pabulatom, fogo a foraging. Pa- ante V Oxus, a great river of Sogdiana. bulari olcas fimo, to dung the olive. Oxyacantha, a; f. á barberry, trees. O. V. D. for omal virtuti deditas. Oxyacanthus, i'; m. she wbile-bom, + Pābū?dlus, a, um ; adj. full of foda der. O, V. F. for oprino vivenu fecit. or haw-tbor. Ovāls,, e; adj. belonging to rejoicing. Oxy baphun, i ; a. a faucer, or dijo Pabúlum, ! ; n. (à palcoo]fodder, fo. of an 18, oval, Ovals corona, of u nagar. roge, padure, food, norisbami. Pabulum amor!s, but Emaintains a crown of myrte given Sion tbail Oxibil, ä people of Liguria. triumpbed on fool. Oxycanus, an Indian k ng. loux. . Pabulua ſogenii, that keeps Ovans, nts ; part. rajoicing folemnly. Oxycedros, a faall cdar full of Ovātio, õnis ; f. the ad of rojo.cing boughs and very burtful. Pācālis, e j adj. peaceful, betokening joleranly, triumpbing in the labor Oxycrătum, 1; A. & mixture with prare. triumph. vinegar. + Pacalitèr ; adv. prurfplly. Ovatio, an's; f. (ab oyum] the time Oxydates, a nobloman of Perga. Picãie ; adv. jerkrely, in quirt. of a hm's laying «g&so, Oxydrace, e people of India, from Pacatinus, ; ; m. a Roman conſul, Orátor, oris ; m, 7 a rejoicer, prefert: whom when Ptolemy bad delivered Pācātor, oris ; m. Z an Appeafor,qui. Ovatrix, icls; f. } er. Alexander, he was filed Soter. Pacatrix, icis; f. ster, reducer. Ovātus, 8, em, like an egg ; alfo Oxygăl-a, actis, syllabub. Pācālus, a, um ;P. & A appeaſed, brought in solemnity from conqueſ, Oxygărum, i; n. ansbowy fauce. calmed, quiried. Pacatus alicoi, Qvātus, üs ; m.publick folennities of Oxygion, it ; n. tbe dregs of vinegar. food friends with.... rejoicing Oxygonium,' il ; n. a thing with Pacatus Minutius, & grammarian + Orlaria, æ; f. a flosk of loop, or a Ponro corants. who wrot of comical and tragica! Rock of a great graper. Oxilapathum, i;n. four o ditch-dock, words, snid of Attick and Dorick tovlaricus, a, um, adj. of forp. Oximel.i, itis ; n, oxymul, a drink of proprieties Oricula, æ; f. (ab ovia) a lomb,lit vinegar, honey, and water mixt. Pachivi, muntains of Aſia Minor. tle brp. Oxymoron, 1; ne on spirbet of a cm- | Pachomlus, on abbis or father of the P. Ovidius Naſo, a famous Latin frary Agnification. eremites in Scythia. port, born as Sulmo, once in great Oxymyiline, butcher's brooms, Pachinus, 2006 of the three pronon- } Pachinuin sories in Sicily. favore wib Auguſtus, but after. Oxynthes, a king of Athens. wards banibed by bim to Pontus. t Oxypæderālīnus, a, um, of a brighe Pachynus Purtus, a haven of Sicily, Qvile, is; n. a föld, feup.cote, O opal or umathif colour, called Porto Longobardo. vilia, 4 place in the Campus Mar. Oxypõrópola, æ; c. a feller of fbare Pacifer, a, um ; aj). [à pax & fero] tlus at Rome, railed in, where the sauce. peaceffering Commons affombled to give their Oxy põlum, i; n. any foarp fause or Pacificát:o, dnis ; f. an accommoda- vojces, animmt iempered with vinag. r. tion an agreement of peace, + Ovillo, önis ; m, a pepherd, Oxyrrhodinum, 1 ; n. a compofitior. ar Pacificātor, oris ; m. A treutor for Ovidia, é ; adj. of Jup. vinegar and rofa-wato. Pacificatrix, icis; f. fracı, PE:( muker. Qrllus, a, um, of shine. Caro o Oxyrlachus, i, city by Nilus, so villa. puton. called from a fish of that 'name,which Pacificātorius, a, um , adj. in order Qrilutcun, ei ; n. the yolk of an egg thu inbabitants worſhipped as a ged. 19 74816. Ovinus, sbe name of several Romans. Oxys, cos ; f. wood-forrel; aljo a Pacificātus, a, um, part of pacifi. Qvinus, a, um , adj. Of foorp. veld of vinegari cor ; pacified, m:do preds, (6) G Pāci. i Wo wir 1 mon. PÆ D. PAG PAL Pācifico, are į ad. to appeafi, alons, Pædagogus, m. e tutor, w gover-, Pagatim ; ady, in every town of vil. maiondhe. nor of a child. lage, from town to down + Pac bicor, arl.; dep. ** treat for. + Pedaneus magifter, « fobol-mas. Pāgella, } @if. la pagina) a little peurd, to make un grinmadation. Paginula; } bide or pige, a quarry of Pacificus, a, am , ad pec-making: Pæderaftes, la ; m, a sodomite. glajs. Pacinus, grandson of ling. Vo'li. Paderaſtia, *'; f ſodomy. + Pagenſcs, ium ; m. trionfam. nie wobo gitu naná s'the Pacie Pæde os, õtis ; n. A fodomili : aljo + Pagillus, 1; ma little village. nalcs in Italy. the precious Jono callid opalas; Pagina, æ ; f. [a pango ) a fide of Pacifcor, paclus fum, id; dep. acc. alfthe bird bear's. dracb. a leat, a page, a joint in a votums to bargain, to agrus, promile. • Pa. Padia, ; f. Iba training up of chile or foroll. • Wtragique poginam cem paciſci, to agree wpin terms of facit. he bears a very great fupy, pene. Vitam pro laude pacif. Pædicātor, oris ; is all in all. } m. a lodomile. ci, rusdily to lay down one's life to Pæaico, onis ; † Pāgino, are, to paie lasur ligether. get renoon, PÆDICO, are ; (à airs, puer] † Pago, pēpīgi, pactum, čre, io bar- Paco, Are [à Pax] tw đegafe, Poi to bugger, abuje, gain, covenant, * primila fy,roduct. + Pædicoſus, 1 a, um , adj. Binking, Pagos, a moupra in of Æolis. Pacopia, an ifland of Sicily. Pædidus, } filihy. Pagraſa, a city of India within Gan. Picorus, be jon of Orodes king of PÆDOR. õrs; 'n. (Heb. poggul, ges. Parthia, Juin by Ventidius Baflus, vel á sis puer, vel quán, put Pagulum, i; na bridle. together with his wbole army, trefac o formlinel, malineji, tbe Pagulus, i; m. a little vwaga. Pacta, or Pada, a city of Sicily, sal Hind of the fuel. See pedor. Pagurus, im. a kind of sraw.fib. led Patti. Pædotriba, æ;m. an infructor of Pagus, the old nams a: Corinih. Paara, one of the Cyclades, children PĀGUS, I ;m. (mondja town or Paails, e j 'adj framed of several Pædo!ribia, a; } t. the exercising of borough i alfo a firect conton. pia:us. Corona paatilis, a gar- Pesotribce ĉs, child on, PĀLA, a ; f. (gsw, pango) a land red and fahened together. Pænani, a people of Belgium. ipids, suel, parla a 1 e ſhovel- the Padjo, onis ; f. an agreement. *Panit-et, ut, it irlab, repintoth. Orril of a 'ring. Pialo nuptial!s, a con'ro& of mar. Pæon, the name of sksfull phyfi. Pålābundus, a, um ;-adf. wandering rioge. vian, who is ſaid to have cured absur. Paaïtius, a, um, adj. done by agree.. Pluts, being grievouſly wounded by Palaca, ai f. a batchelors bar • mit or wron condition. Hercules, Palacc @s ; f. lot. Päetius, a river of Apulia. Pæoo, onis , m. a quadrij,llsb!: foot Palacra, æ; f. A widge of } Pacto, are, 1o agint, afint. of thrii foort und one long, variable Palacrana, æ ; & $ gold. Paclous, i má river of Lydla faser ways according to the ſeat of the Palemon, õnis ; m. the son of Atha- with gold colour's fandı suar Ance long ſyllable mas and Ino, filled alla Melicertc; Midas wiford bim calf in it. Pæoncs, a people of Macedonia. alſo a grainmarian and a ſoepherd Pactor, oris ; m. å bargojner, somPæonia, the country of the Pæoncs. Palamonius, a, um , adj. of Pala- tradır. Pzonia, æ; f. the borb piony. - + Paltoricus, a, um, of bargainning. Pæon:a, Minerva so called from bor Palæmonius, one of the Argonauts. + Paadriun, 11; n. a bargain ; also curing Palæmyndus, e city of Carin. the place of bargaining. Pæonfus, a, um, medicinal. Palæopolis, A little iſland of Spala. Pictorum Portus, a bavor of Taurica Pzſarca, a people at ibe fort of Cau. Palæpapban, a city of Cyprus. Cherronclus. caſus. Palæphátus, i, m. An splimt author, Pa&um, 1; . a bargain, calrad. * Pzfum, a town of Lucania. wabe wrote five volume of incredible Quo padlo, by wbicb man. Pafanus, a, um ; ad). os Patam. ibing.. Pa&us, a, um ; part. of paclſcor , Pesula, æ; f. erity in Spalo. Palæpolis, an ancient city of Campa. bargained, promiſed, or having pro Peluri, Din, epapla of Portugal, mijd, Tada pacta, marriage 4 Pæfurcs, Paleſtina, a pars of Syria, contain. • Paals legibus, upon Leſus, a city s Troas. ing Judæa, Samaria, and Galilce, conditions, Patalia, part of Thrace, Paleſtinas, a, um ; adj. of Palaſtine. Paxos, a, um ; past. of pingor ; Pæri, a friple of Thrace. Paleſtra, 2; f. wreyling, e ring for tefoned to. Pætica, the country of the Pæti. wrapling, a place for exerci, a Pacuvius, i, m. e fragical part of Patoglun, a dry of Auſtria. band;ome carriage or behaviour... Brundusinn ; end oibar wen. Paidlus, i, um ; ad). pinking. Utemur câ palcftrâ quam à te di. Padæl, a popla of India wbs are PÆrus, a, um ; adj. ca dicimus, we'll follow your counſel ſaid to see their kid. puer) pink.god. and adu.se. Padeborna ality of Germany. Pætas, the name of frveral mm, Paleſtrica, no ; f.a wman employed Padisajet, e people of Gallia Ciſpa. Paga, e city of Boeotia. about wreßlers. dan Pagal, a prople of Pagæ. Palæſtrice ; ady. like a wrapler, Padoa, a Venetian cing and univers. Pagina'ia, ium; n. feafts wherpin Palettricus, a, um ; adj. of wreſtling. iy, famous fo- ibo Audy of sbihck. villagers were wouns to facrifre 10 Paleſticus, i; ma wrofiling-mafler, Pidus, ils river Po in Italy. Cere. and Tellus. & dancing mater. * Motus paleſ- Padufa; e tronc drawn from Padus + pagānicus, a, um ; adj. of farmers. tricl, an offling garb or carriage. 1o Ravenna. Peculium paganicum, the rene Pălettrita, æ; m. a wraflor. Pærd, an's; m. a ſong in praiſe of . Apollo ; alſo Apollo himſelf, porch ball . Pæanlus, 'ii , 'm a Grecan fophifer, Paganiſmus; i ; mpaganiſm, hea Palalia, e sf. the hero fow-breed. wobe tranſlated the biforj of Eutio. ihmiſm PXLAM ; adv [ qu. palo, vel dla - plus into Greek, + Paganitas, āts i f. a multitude of Awun palma] openily, abroad. Paantladès, Philodetes, ib. fon of rupicks, the bring a Pagan, Ononis res palat cft, all the matter Puantius, + Paganitias, a, um ; adj. living in 15 eur. Palam populo, before all Peantides, precious lionu lika ics, good a village. the people. * Palam ert piſces au. for women in child binib. + Paganizo, are, to play the clown. dire, 'iis certain that file can hear. Predagium, fi ; n. 4 soridor child, a Paganorum infula, an iſland of Illy. Palanédes, the ſon of Nauplius kivig d.:'ling, a ibing wharrin sbildrm ricum. ofEuboea, who having caufid Ulyfies tre arried. Pagānus, a, um, adj. of the town of to go to the Trojan war againg his + Pædagoga, a; f. sutorafs, or go couniry. Pagani foci, town fires, will, Ulyſſes by a falſe wccufation vimals of childrm. Paganus, i; ma peasani, a pagan, coujed him to be joned so death; Pedagogia, aj f, the training up of for following the wars. alió a grammarian. bildren. Pavara, a town in Theffaly. Palamediæ, aves, the trend, by whoſe Pedagoglanus, į įm, a nice winton, Pagarze, Aying Palamedcs is ſaid to be Or Ganimede. Pagaræus, isarned to order an ariny, Padugogium, il; n the children's Pagaricus, jadj. of Pagafa. Palanda, æ; f. a city of Ind India wilh. sbambor; allo bond-feruire, a page. Pagasiticus PĀ nia. 1 Palitor, ari ; } to wander muih P A L PAL. PAL # Palinodiam bill. PALANGA, æ ; f. [fwdazzle levoj sounding a retreat. . Purimarum palmaruu homo, one that his orin ayton son. Palanga, arum.; f. rollers on wh tht Palloodicus, i, m. arran'er. queror pips are run ahore, "r.11šo the eail Palinurus, } a promontory of Luca Pilmaria, zeif, on iſland in the Palangārius, il; m, ons sh.4 tums Palinuram, Tu prhcoc fria. great wrig his in rollers. 7. Paliſcus, a, um, dari, sh dowy.' Palmār.s, c; ad), bearing a palm Palangą,; we, ta 14mn great wrights + Palito, are ; brunch, defarving monument of vir... on rollars. tory ; of à band bogearb. - Pal. Palans, nt's, Briggling, diſperſed. Pallīrus, i, m. a, a priskly bramble, mar:s fen:entia, the opinion 167: Palancaumi ::cing on the Palauno thi while iborni. Corries it, ibut his meſ trail of jes miunt, and anotbor in Arcadia, . Palla, a; to a city of Corúca,' sde. Palantia, a;;fon in Spain. PALLA,a, f. ( jug] a woman's Palmārius, a, um ; adj. bearing the Palantini, sbi prople of Palane'a. long gown, & veil that covers ibe prizi, of a bana breath. Hoc Palarla, æ ; fi place where a 10% i head. eft illi palmarium, harrin lje: bis Was fajlmed, about wbich soldiers. Pallăca, æ ; f. excellonci a concubinis. did exercija bem'clvu. } Pallace, es ; + Palmatia, arum ; f. earthquakes Pă!āris, c i adj. of a fake or pele. Pallades, virgins whom the Thcbans without over hrowing any thing Palatha, a ; fin slujter of figs. in Egypt confecrated to Jupiter. Polmātus, a, uin ; part. of palmor ; Palatina ; adv. Aragglingly. Palladia arbor, tbi ol us-sree. asbroidered, branibed with palma- Palatinatus, Os; m, a Palasinass. Pallādiem, it ; n. the image p Pal- daughs, alſo mirked with the palm Palatings, a, um ; adj. Palating of a 128. of one's' bind.' Palmata toga, a palace. • Palatina milicia, ibe Palladius, one that wordfe of agricul. gown weven with palm branches, prince's guard.. suro solſo an bilo ion, and orbers belowed upon , viétor, and worn by Palatious, jim. & Aame of Apolto; Pallantias the lake Triton, of which birn in triumph. and one of the bills of Rome. Pallas is ſaid to be born. Palace, iris., m. (à palaa) a vins. Palātio, :onia; f. foundation msds Pailis, the marke of a lake in Africa. branck. Palmes pampinarius, with pilas of timter. Pa'las, ädis ;f the fari as Minerva, A brunch b.is.ng only leaves this Pålāt um, il y no a palace; also the the goddess of w.ſdom and all arisa yeur. Palines fru&uariut, Palatinc mount. born of Jupiter's brain. branch bearing grapes this year. . + Palatual, alis ; nia facrifite on Pallas, nt:s; m. ibi fom of Evanders 'Palmej focancus, a bye Sproul, pronat Palatine.. also a fruid man of Claudius Cz Palmēlum, i; n. an oribird or groue + Palatüalis, 19 m, the priest who Sar, ribor by far thin Creeſus; allo of palm-srees. Sacrified to Palat a, 1be goddef of an hillerian, and others. Paimcus, a, um ; adl. of ship.rlok or the Palatiam. Pallatus, a, um, wearing a gown. dare. Tog's palmca, o ferean PALATUM;i;n Cà rau, edo, vel Pallenc, a peninſula of Macedonia, made of palm-coughs, Vinum pal. ab Hetroſc. falantum, cælom the whoje inbnis is called Pailings. meum, date w ni palast, roostof the mouib, cape. Hoc Pallens, nus; part. pale, wan; párt. Palmifer, a, um; adj. besring palm non lapait meo paiato, ibis is not of pallco. tree. for my tuh.. Subtllc palatum, a PALL-EO, ērc ; ncut. (à q11) VYA Palm:pčdalls. e; adj. of root andi dainų palati. albefacio, vel TEAOS, pallidus b.ind-breadth, twenty inches, Páļālus, um, difpared, fatimed. 30 laoke pole or wan, Ia be in a jud- Palmipes, gen. edis adj. 3. art. Palbus, a mountain of Africa. den frighi. Non llle palluit having skinny claws or feel like ducks, PALEA, jlà naman, vibro) iras, he feared nor anger, * Pallere Joolad libe a wirer.fowl ;'wlio sbs shit, ibe gills of cock, the lum, argenti amore, 10. be greedy after Jame os palmipedalis. idrosi e offaloe Corona palea, a monto Palniprimus, i'; D. an excellent fig: wife of puòble. Palleſco, ere ; ncut. Incept. to grow Palmiprimom vinum, fig-wone, Pžlear, aris; n. La galli palea ) - pale warior black. Palmiterlum, 211; n. a palmer, er Paleare, is the dewlag of a beaji, 1 t Palliacus, i, a briur, fursa , jula. gill, or doublą.chin. † Palliaftrum, i, n. a coarja or Mort + Palmito, arc; ad accito bind das Paleariumill ; n., a oboff room. monile, goibar; to mark wirb ibi polos of the Pălcātusa, um , adj. mixed with Palliati, the Grecians, hand. by: Luluopaleatag, wortor. Palliacus, a, um ; ad). wearing a PALMO, are ; act. [Hcbi bilen] to Pies, the goddess of Depherds of Grecian's gown, cloaked. bind together or cond.' padure + Palliditas, 2013; f. palmefs. Palmo, a'c; a&. la palma) to print Pilegimundus, ' a sily and river of Pailidúlus, a, um ; adj. somewbat with the palm of the hond. Taprobane. pala or wun. + Palmor, ari, dep. 80jlreák, footh, or Palluriya, an grator and lawyer, re. Paldus, a, um ,. adj. pale,, wan.' humour, ffrirer.! Moved from goo Jonate by' Domi. + Pallio, ôn:s ; m. a woman's laylor. Palmofus, a, um, full of palm-trus. tian. 1. Palio a'e ; act. to clock, conceal. Palmúla, 2; f. a dare ; alla thi bread Pallanla, s ciljef Serica. Pall.olātim ; adv, after she fuſsion of cr:d off an iar: Pallbochra, « Palimbothra, a city of Aitare cleak. Pumus, i; m. la palmala ſpan. Indla. Palljöālus, a, um ; adj. clad in a Palmus pedis, thrri inshu. Pallcenys: a fauntain of Sicily. Jbort cloak or coat, brodes. Palmyra; i; f. a city of Syria, chief Palici, fountaiós...S.ciấy, caligd alſo Palliõlum, i, n. a riding- hoed. of the couniry Palmyrene. Delli and Crateres. PALLIUM, ii ; n. [ à Boingiai, + Palmyrent, the people of Palmyra, Palici ir Paliſci, twin fonus of Jupi injicior, vel ab Heb. poin, occul- Palo: arc i act. Câ palosj to pole up. piter árid Thalla, che carth ſwallow taril a man's long and wide gown, Ut vicis pa!ccur, ihsi a vins may ad berup, and let out the children a Grecian habit * Tunica pal. be plobed upon polss. again, when their time came, inzo llo proprior, charity begins at home. Palor, ari, atus fum ; paff. (à palo) the world. See. palla. to be set or stipported womb pales or Pallia, ium ja the feas of the god. Pallos, oris ; m. palenofs , aitļo re pales, os vinos romñonly are. tenros: * Pallorcm capcre, t) Icok PALOR, ari; dep. (Hintonas, vel Palilogia, æ; f.' a reportion of the pala. â non â, vertojio windor abanti fans wirds. Palula, ejf. a Brnight and fort Palpabilis, c adjs pulpable to be felt, Pálimbacchtus,. itim a foot of two gown. + Palpãmen inis; n. a fooling. long Jyllables, and one bars. Palmı, æ ; f. a city of the greater + Palpancntum; i ; ni fustery. Pallia pirra, ae; f. 'tar twice lidden, Balcaris. Palpātio. 'On:9 ; f.a feciing, groping, Palim preston, I ; n. a table-book 10 PALMA.æ ; f. (gam apen] ibe palm froking ; alfo Pottery. writi in and wipe out again. of the hind; allo the hund, a polin. Paloilor, oris Palindromus, a. promentury of Arabia tree, and its fruit, prize, or vigory, Paloatrix, ics; I. 's a flarerer. Felix: the brond part of in our * Pal. PALPEBRÆ, aruin.gif. [Bae qudang Palingcna, a; c. ono born again. mæ virides, grien datus. * Pal. VCI Ê Os yo} the ms-brows. Palingencla, æ ; f. regeneration, mam dare, to yield ons "the day + Palpebralis; e; adj; of this is Pallnodla, ac ; f. a rocantation, a Palmam ferre, io brar away for, brown. (6) G2 + Palu mm thro falt. Cra. country life; Homer calls him the Pandātio, onis ; f. á brwing, berk Pălü rõlus, a, um, adj. Jenny, motor: Panace8; '15 ;. nccs chronion, Pandicularistdles, all-fainis.daj: Pamphilus, jam she son of Neoclcs + Panāriun ii ; n. a pannier, din. PAM PAN Ρ Α Ν Palpeorolus, a, um ; adj. baving of a vins bearing no grapes the firft Pancrătiaftes, is or æ ;'m. bisbar large or hairy cge 'brows. Joar. beurs away the prize at all mafie- Palpebrum;n. an 9u-brno. Pampioārlus, a, un, bearing leaves. Tils or games. Palpitatio, onis; a . f. à panting, beat Pampinātio, onis ; f. a prun ng of Pancrătice ; adv. Boully. Pancra- ing; hrobbing: dines. ticè valere. to be in the bigbelt t. Palpitātor, ör!s, m. a panter. Pampinātor, oris ; *. * pruner, vins- : pitch of luffineſs or Arengib:--- Palpitatus, üs'; m. a soubing, feel. drefor. Pancratium,. n. an exiteife at all: ing. Pampinātus, a, um į part: of pan. inalleries, or in all feals of naivitys, Palpito, arc.; 10 pant, bear, thrib. pinor į like a young vine braneb aljo e fez onion. PALPO, are 3 anaapovel wrough in branch work ; ll. Pancreas, atis. n. the Swist-bread, PALPOR, ari ; } Sárn, foveo) to pruned, bur, ful, grope, Broke, flatser, inveigle. Pappineus, a, um ; ad). of a vino - Panda, a; f. the goddeſs of peace, Paipo, onis ; n. a Patterer, pick leaf. • Pampineus odor, the Japps from the opening city, gasus xlso a tbank. of a pine.ltaf or grape, town not far from Alexandria. Palpun, i;.n. an alluring, Aattering . Pampino, are, to prune a vine. *!; Pandæ, a people of India, wbs only • Palpuin obtrudere, and palpo Pampināſ de, a, umjadj. full of vine art governed by women. percatere, to invaigle. Irauri, Pandelia, ae ; fi d large difo with all Palſus, a river. of Mauritania. PAMPINUS, 1; m. & f. [ab au bind of dainty mrats. Paltcs, the city Boldo in Phoenicia TEAN, vitis) & vine leaf or bud; Pandana, å gate at Rome always robern Memnon thions of Aurora alſo the br.Bles of the file poʻypus. opon for the bringing in things into is jaid so be buried. Pomprepius, ii ; m. e certum post, the city called alſo Libera. Palieni, the people of Boldo.. who fouriſhed under Zeno, and Pandariai 1 an iſland of the Tyr. Paludamcntarus, a, um ; ad). armed was in great favour with his. Panbataria, rhine sea. with a cagt ofnail. Pan, pinis;m. "the god' of Shepowds, Paodatus, the son of Lycaón'; and PĂLUDAMENTUM Í_0.5X1quv bunifoss, and all that belong to a «ther tim. 8100)general's coat of ingil ; also A hirala's.coat of arms, and a yo. fon of Mercury; he invented the ling, warping men's garante pipe; andiwus worſhipped, uſpecially Pandatus, a, um, bowid, brunk, Pālūdātus, a, um, adj. wearing a :n, Arcadia, 'Pandectæ, arum, f. the body of the general's rider Hanăcea, æ ; t. all-beal, wound-wort; civil lato. - Paludifer, a, um, adj. causing a fon. Pandemus, i; sbe irure of-a certain m.] parfrip Panax, ; f. PALUMBA, .; S., 2 [englas à alacampane. Pandi, jātio, onis ; f.a fgricbing er PALUMBES, isfono)flock- Paracra, miuntains of Crete: PALUMBUS, 1:3... done wood - Panacrus, a, na adj. of Pana Påndiculator, oris ;.m. 2 } gaper. Pigeon. Panacreus, Pandīcalcr, ari' dep. (à pando, vel + Palumbarius, a, um ; adj. of a Panacreon, á city of Cyprus. pandus) 10 Arab-and gate. V fork.dove. Panacreus, Palumbarius, ii; im. a múikat 6 Panacræus, a, um , adj. of PanaPand:on, the son of Ericthontus ting }a. of Athens, and the father of Phi- babby. Panærias, a polck philofopharof Rhodes, podiela and Progat; alſo the son Pålamolaus, a, um.jadj. of a Poik. : the mafior of Scipio, whom Cicero of Cecrop, focomid king of Ahens; inilates'in bis book de officiis; alfo and on Indian king in the sims or + Palumbúla, a; 1.2 liitle ring.dove the firji Scił an igrant. ho Auguſtus Cæfar. or clue. Panætolicus, a, um , adj. of shi ÆPandionius, a, um, adj. of Pandion. PĂLUS, ūdis f.:CÉAG , vel à Ninaos tolian dat er geniral council. Pando, are'; [ â pandos] to caüfe.to lutum} a fen, mirp. Panarollum, a wry high mountain bow, to wings to bind wirb overá PALUS,; n. nággal ] a pale of Ælla'; a general morting of the loading 73.07 jiaken: * Ad palum cxcrcere, ró Ætolia'ng. PAN DO, dl; fum (arrárvulu (to train. Ad pslun alligiri, tiibe Panæūra, a city by the river Indus Joe opm; to spröad, Fretch out- tied: 12 whipping: Pf. .: Papæus, a faxasus pomiar, iba brotbe Pandere viam ad, to make'wing for. adj. of : Immenfa panditur panities, Paluftristree and marbess + Panagæa, Diana'ſo called proverbi - Sex a viry. Cargo plaints Pamiſus, & rider of Mefenc in Pe: ally, Fronti bar wandering asid un Pandocheus ei ; m. an hof or inn: Pamifas, J.loponneſus, another in conflaney kapır. Th-italy on't Lower Myla. Panager, ri ; m. a ſweep.Buke, or ha Parochium, ll; 'n. An ihoa Pamatlia, crtains fojts among the that gathers up all. Pándor, art, pafl. t. be bonit dochi. Greciana, + Panitia ebrietas, arroganty. bards, 'ro'brdenti sbriiddia: Pamphagi, 2 prople of Ethiopia, Panarloium, i ; 2. a miund, breid. Pandor éris ; pullede hewn or easing all things. basket. opened, dobe je: opend be racimdid, Pamphagus, i ; m. glaston; alla at Panaritium, 11:n a whillow, a Stretched twr. Va "Izlatis, pan- i dog's name, kind of fore in the fingers. ditus, a way to ſalvation iropaned, # Immensa panditori planities, & and Pilto's fcholary.wbo was lain, † Paparius, ii; m. a bakir.' very great pain vximati #olf. an.1 1ev ved again after shirteen Panatheriæa, orum; n. ibe jeftudi Pandora, æ ; "thi fit qman Triade days, and related quhai jirange of Minerva, infibuted by Eriaho by Vulcan, and, in orded by all things be had ſeen in the sims of his nlus ihe son of Vulcan. the codi and goddenit ne fel a death's alſo a famous painter, who Panathinaicon, iin. mointment box to her spouse esimeficus, who fut down Apelles, and daug be none. in grout riquet at Athens. opening it, fitiuit rate wild will for lafs than a talent, no lt's time Panathena!cus, i; m. an.orarinn of all kind of miſeries and matchefs; : sban son yurs s.ralfo an Athenian i facrates, propoun:ed as Minerya's a'lo she daughter of Ertaheus, who robber, who being taken in the aft, foull. wib ber, filar. Polosenia ofered Crusoe the.prouerb, Pamphilltur. Panax, 20's.; f. cow.porſnigl . themſeves a sacrifici prin lifety of om , and ſeveral obers. Pancalc, ono of the Cyclades, rallra their country, i eljo the mosber of PamphyHa, æ ; f. crunity is Alia: als Amorgos. .: Deucalion From zomin Theftaly' is Minor, cables also:Mopſopla ; Biso Pinchæa, fart of Arabia at the guly', cold Pandora i, allo a name or a city *f Media. ነ mouth epithet of the earth Pamphylius, 2.4m; adj. of Pamphy. Pinchæus, Pandora, a sople of India, loing Jla. Luachaius, a,um;adı.ef PančHwa, on the valleys till"shoy ayriwa * Pampillum,.i; nho a kins. of deii Pacchajcus, -w hundred years old ; their hair in Paachreſtom, 1 ; n. a félve for every sheir jouçsh is copit, and in old age; Pampitaceus, a, um , adj. of the jort, ni catholicon ; alio jrointiniais oluicki Panch:05, * poscious Done of almot al Manduria, '; l. dty its Italy, thit Painpinäciuing il ; D. a young Bransh colossa. utioiher in Epirusi creon. dou. , litile ring- 1 $2,ut **!? .jos, L. Jik's .. + Pand 1 ad. of er like si, PAN Ρ Α Ν PAP + Pandox, a forall bowl. a loaf. * Panis Allgincus, white Panthicon, is A. & temple ar Rome, # Pandoxatoriua, ii; n. brow bread, • Panis cibarlus or ſecun dedicated to all ihe gids, and fance bouse.... darius, houpoold-bread. • Penis (Oy Bonniface the foarth) to the vir- + Pandoxor, ari; to brew. nauticus, fpip-bisker.' . Panis dul gin Mary, and all the faits, and is Pandrolus, the daughter of Cecrops cis, sugar.cakes, or plurn-Cain, *Pa- Galled St. Mary's the 'round. king of Athens, nis crocacus, a fimnel. • Pams PANTHER, ēris, m. navorg) ' Pandura, æ; f.. butyratus, bread and buller, PANTHERÁ, æ, f. § wila and Pandūris, 8, . } a bandari Panis, or Paoides, is a king of Tported beas. Pandurarlus, il m..a bandere Calcis, who foolifl, preferred Heſi. Pantherinus, 2, nm, a makar.. od before Homer, wohince she pro. paniber, * Pantherinum genas Pandurlitesse; m, a player m-zha verb, + Pandis fuffragium. hominum, a sort of wavering and bandore, Paniſci, inferior gods is the words, unſiedfal mm. . Pantherina mon.. le, tables of a curious ſpeckled gruin. Pandurizo, arc ; deut, to play on the Paniffa, a river of Thracc. bandore. + Pannaria, e; f. drapery. Panchorium, il; a. a posted braft like a piinther, Pandus, a, um, adj. bowed, bens, Paanarlus, il ; m. a draper,clothier. croaked, ſaddle back'd. Panneus, a, um, adj. [à pannus) of Pantheron, } !, a.. sramel, a ; Pancas, a fenntain of Palestine, cloth. drawing not. Panebl: :people of Arable. Pannias, the twenty fifth king of Ar- Panthoides, Euporbus Ebie son of Panegyricum,.i; n. a panegyrick or Syria. Panthodus, wobom Pythagoras said be himſvif was at the Trojan war, oration of general meeting in the + Panniciam. ii, n. a begge's pateb'd and was pain by Mcaciaus. praia of ſomebody Pånegyricus, a, um ; adj. paneyri- Panaicularia, orum; n. [[c. bona] Panticipza, a, f. a large city of cal, for at a general menting. sloans or other things of ſmall va- Panticapeum, 1, 2. $ Taurica. Panegyris, 16; f. a general meeting iwe which dre carries with bin inlo Panticapes, á riyor of Scythia Euro- & a fair, feffions, &c. alfo a pane Frifon or to his death.. pæs. Errick, or an onasion of praiſe. Pannicalarlus, ii, m. a draper. Panticcs, um, pl. mi the guis, Panegyrilta, e';.. fikterer, fair- Paonicŭlus, 1; m. fine slotb or fiufiepaumb. See pantex. alſo a rag: pantocrator, oris,' m. omnipotmi. Panegyrizo are, je to celebrare plays or + Paonicus, a, um, adj. patched, Pantomimus, i, n. ar aliwby ges- tures of divers perfonis, alſo a jigo afted. Panellus, a, am; adj. (à panus] Panntfex, icis, Panofi:us, /, } little bilet: ſwelling. m, a clathier, + Panucula, &; f. a munaver's fous- Panelas, a city aboui Pontus. Panaitonfor, oris, m. a fhearman. vil.. Pancroa; õtlo z m. a prerious fiome fup. Paanonía, 2; na vry large country + Panuelium, ii; 5. a bustle. poſed to tako umen fruitful. of Europe, divided into upper and + Padula, af. ibi caretail of a Pangeus, ijim. a mountain of lquer (containing Hungary) mulieree; alſo the barbs of panpick! Pangea, æ, fi , Thrace. Pannonij, she people of Pannonia. or millet, the knors of rufbri, and iba Pangaus, a, um; adj. of Pangeus. Pannonius, a, um ; of Pannonia. pod of a flower. Panurgia, æ; fi putery, craft. PANGO, 18, ai, peg! & pepegi, pac, Pannõfitas, atis ; t. ruggeants. aat. Langrua to Rick Pannoſus, a, um, adj. ragged. * Papyrgus, i; m. a curting docuit. or plant a jaka, ito fajian or drive Fæx pannora, dregs covered over ful und. arddling fellow. in, bwpols, ong, Pangere, in wish a thick oinew X-COAT. PANUS, i, m. (noort) 4 quill of ducias, tomgres upon a trusei : Panootit of Panotii, a people of Scy. garn; a riſing wnaer ibs threat, bu Pangöre ofculum; to:kiſs witb.af. thia, who are said to cover thoir bo- bind ihr gars, and under the groin; feétion. Pangere ſocietatem, 10) -- dy; with their sars. touch-wood. eterinia e league... Pangere ter. Paanuccus, a, um; adj. raggod, Panyaſus, ; me:ring of Mice mingsg, to ful bounds.or limits.. Pannuclys,'$ wrinkled, wiiberadi donia. Pangonlus, il; m. e precious stone of Pannulus, 1; m. a little slotb or Panvros, a rior of Lower Myfiae many anglis, : ; clour. PAPA, ;. m. [BORD 20.11] farbar; Panhelleous, all the Greclans. PANNUS, i; m. [à convosi ala] be dopo ir biſhop of Rome.' Pani, ani Angint nemy of Arcadla. . sloch's also a rag, and a rant for A PAPÆ, jaterj. (varal, pasa]! 'O Pāņića, a; f. (prváral.coma] the wund. frange! beard:of com; ears, budown of Panolbius, an epic port. Papa;fLá var, paſco] children's berbi, vil Panompheus, an epitbar of Juplier.' pop. Paniseur uma adj. (à panisl. Panopees, en die Peperibapiter , fo.called among the sheroh breatd.) Panopcs; a famous hun finan, a Pāpalis, c; ad). papals of the pope.. + Panloos, t;wma maker of bread. companions of Aceft:s king of Si- Papātus, nis ; m. ibi papacy or pope- dom. Paniculuga: tiia spout of yarn rudicily; for the loans161.: Panoplia, e ; f. an entire juis of ar. Păpăyer, čris : a. (á .papo) poppy. Panicola; É; f. 7 a red pimeitats; brogr... + Pāpāvěralis, c ; adj. wird poppy, Panicellon; i'mais tail, any rhing Panormus, i ; f. a city of Sicily called sbot piows round. and long; the Palermo. Păpāvěrátus, a, um , adj. made or head of a reed. Panog, a city of Egypt, the cruntry of coloured like poppy, *. Paparcratæ Panicum: 15 ":[à panus] panick, ubi put. Nonnus, who was called veftes, thin garments made of poppy Indian verheali" from thence Panopolites. down, Panicum, ty n. à Pan, a panick fear, Panſa, a; c. (á pando) Om that is Păpāyerçus, um; adls of poppy. Pantaus, Isim } fuddm fright, broad-footed. Papeberga, bu city of Bamberg in Franconia. Pânicus, a, um , adj. (of Pan] pa: Panſebaſtos, !; a precions. Done met Caras ar terror panicus, a taking away barreneſs. ; Paphages, s king of Umbracia, whe fudden fürprizing: frighi,, püsting Panſus, a, um ; part. of pandor ; a lioneſs and her wbalpi, and whole armies to Higbe without any Ipread abroad. was hain by bor. jul or viable ground. Pantanus, PandfoxVcis, the name of a very Paphlagonia, a fa comapy, of Aga Pantcnus, } learned dioint. Minor, Panificus, Isa Pantagias, a little river in Sicily,bar Paphlagones, um ; pl. m. the people Panificar æ, f. á baker's wifi. Uity (wift. of Paphlagonia, called by Lucian Panificma, 2. f. a bakr houſe. Pantanus, a lake of Apulla in Ita Superllitions and foolije. Panificium, ii, n. the trade of bake ly: Paphnutius, ii; m. an Egyptian bi: "ing', alfa bread or a loaf. Pantăpõles, is; m. an buberdaſher shop, one of thoſe 1h... Masiminian Pariionlua, a facred prve dedicated of ſmall wares. condered to the stines, having puut by the lonians te Neptunus Hello Pantex, icls ; m (á pando vel pa. out their eyes and cut off their left Cansus, where they gedrly performed nus} a fux of the belly, a great logs. the jacrifices called panonia. fal balls, and a fore is a börfe's . Paphos, a city of Cyprus. PANIS, is ; m. (à cow, paſcoj bread, muck, Paphus, phi; n, thi t cf Pygma- Liar com-rolt. ? + met } a. baker. 1 1 PAR PAR PAR : $ . lion, by an jodiy isange wbih be much knowledge as he. * Male me Paralli, the people of Paralia in At- bad made, whom Vebus as his ro reati par erit, he wil he quit wib tica. que turned into a wimun. him that dies him on ill jurn. * Paralipomena, remains, after-records, Paphias, a, um, adj. of Paphos. Parcm ctfc negotio, 10 to able tº the book of Chronicles in the Scriga Papla, &; a city of Inſubria, cal diſcharge a bupneſs. * Pareon efle lure. fled allo Tičinum · hoſt!, to be able to deal with an e- Parallaxis, is ; f. the diference bs- Pap'as, z. m. a grañaerian who .namy * Pat pari referre, to gius, When the true and apparait place write a Lilin diaionary a phahet: one is good as he brings. * Pares, of a far, by rrafone of our bobold- callys. olji diſiple of St. John, mateba', jollows, Par facere, to ing from ibe. ſuperfinis ofiibs and bipop of Hierapolis. rrum lika for likt, not to be behind. earth PAPILIO, önis, 'F. | úsicios] a bus. hand with.. Par eft, it is meat. Parallelus, a, um ; adl. equally difant. terfly; alfo 4. pavilion of painted Par, păris ; n. a pair, couple, maich *Circuli paralleli, abs circle on the platbs. Ladere par impar, to play as globe equally did one from ibe equie Papllioncules, i; m. a littla tulierfly. Quen ant odd. nostial in all their parts. Păpilla, ei fi là papa) a pup Părăbia; i f. drink made of 'millet Paraloglímus, d; ma fallacitur.fyla orial, the spallt of a faintain ; alfo and ibi herb conyza. logiſm, a flso erguing. on injammat on. Părābilis, c's adj. eaſy to be had. Paralos, on Athenian Dip, wherein + Papilātus, a, um, adj. having a Părăbola, a; t. e parable, a fimili. some called Parali come yurly to nipple jlanding out, tude; aljo one of the crooked linn Delos 10 acrifice to Apollo. Papinladus; i; m. a famius lquier proceeding from cutting a cone or sy- Paralus, i ; n. the firſt inventor of And a faururite of Severus, who lindar long fo.pl; alfo.a dry of Thelialy. committed his children to him when tParabolani, orum ; pl. mo, husbanda Paralyfis.is, F. the pally, Herba be died; be was afterwards put to men tied to till land all their lives; paralyfing the cowſlip, death-by Caracalla. allo certain officers looking to holos. Paralyc.cus, a, um, adj. baving iba Papinius Statius, a fitness poet of tals, from which they might neuer pally. ,: Napics. desart. Paramefe, b.fa-b-ml. Papyria, æ; ſy a noble family of Parabolos, a ſmall ſand againſ:Pha- Paranete, the baih Aring. Parane- Papyga, Rome. picia. te lynenmonon, c.fol.fa. Para- Papyrium, a city of Paphlagonla. Parabyſton, an Athenian court whers nete dlezeugmenon,' .do!a-fol-ri. Pspp2, æ, f: A teat, pop, or thicken'd sleven en decided tbs Imallar, et. • Paruncte byperbolæon, 8-More. milk, dad. Rappas, &;ma fofier-father. Parabyftum, 1; a. a truskle bed: Paraa'tcs,, kind of amaihd. Pappo, are ; (a papa) to call dad, Paracentērium, li ; n. an ingrummi Paranympha, a; f. a bride-musid. Papo, ajo io.cat pap. with whirb. they couch a catárost. Paranymphos, i'; m. a bride-mani. Pappus, 1; i, a grandfre, the down Paracentēns, is ; f. The couching of a Parapafius, a king of Parthla.. - of thiſtles, or of any herbs; the harb caterai, drawing of' w.ter from Parapegma; štis; D. & table in which groundfel. thoſe tha, bave the dropsy. afrologeri write their arts. Pappes, i ; , a philoſopher of Alex- Parachelolta, people of Theffaly. Parapherna, orum ;. 8. all thing! andria under Theodoſios Mignus, Parachlanys, ydis ; f. a garment which the woman brings babitsband s be wroti vighi books of mathématical uſed by Foldiers and bildrm. defide her dowry. colietions, and oster piecu. Paracletos, i, m. an advocats, com- *. Paraphoron, i-; a kind of allam. Păpū'a, æ; f. (a pappa) a dimple, farler, exhorier; the Hoy Ghil. Pārăphrafis, is ; f. a paraphraft. a ; pork, wheal, ifcäb amang caillé. Paraclytus, i, m. one difamed, or full declaration of my text of lab- Păpulantus, a, um, adj. full of. blipers. having an ill numi. jea, according. io išbe : fafe and Pžpúlo, arc; ro caule to blinter. • Parada, æ; f. á covered bout a words. # Păpuotas adis; f. fulneſs of foip; alſo a a kind of borb." Paraphrastes. 2.; m. an explainır. bliſlers Paradiaſtole, ēs, fi e dißinion, m. Paraphrafticus, a, um ; adj. expla- Păpulsſas, a, um;'adj. full of bliſers, larging by interpretation, watory. Papyraccus, a, um, adj. of paper. Paradigma, atis ; n. an example, Paraphrõnčás, lo; f. dallianse. Păpyreus, Volumca papyra- Parap:ani, a peuple of India. ceum, á paper-book! Părădiſeos, a, um ; ad). . Paradiſo. Parap!caicos, a, um nii adl. having Papyrifer, a, am; ad). hesring the per Paradificola, æ; m. the. kuopet of ibi pally at apoplexj. per-rud Päpyrifer amns, the Pa adile. Paraplegia Fiæ; f. dr apoplexy river Nile. Părădifus, t; f.s garder, thi gardmi Paraplexļa, or dead, palſy. #Papyrio, onis; the place where of Eden, Paradiſe. Parapotimia, æ, ftbe country next paper-rads grow. + Poraďogiam, li; n. mobility: ".. :: adjoining, so ti river. Tygtis... Papyrlós, iiſm. a noble young mon Paradoxum, i; a paradoxi a ray. Pararenchus, & ibit frigned bimſelf who went zoich bis father into the . ing contrary to the vulgar optriio. ofip while his wife was inaugbt Jonass, ond being asked by his mo. Paradoxus, a, um, paradoxicalijrom: Wabarbers; whence the prowrb, :- told Non omnibus dormla. : her, that every man hould have Paradrömis, idis; f. an spor gallery Pararius, a, um ,, ad). of a couple Swo wives; por gathering the women Or walki **s parariumz'lba par piven for together, went to the man, and do Paranėlis, is; f. an ezhutaijan. a coupir of Sroopers in lbs Roman : fred alfo, that suery woran migbo Parænětīcus, a, um(adh. borgatory: militia. bave two husbands; the abing being Parætace.a; f. a city of Media Părâriús; : it; m.. a . fcriumer that known, the young man's prudence Parạracent, the prop!e of Paiætaca: Graws up a bill of exibanje,&c. was comoded. Paratonium, a cily of Margar!ca: between parties; A brokerit. Papýrius Carbo, a Roman born with Parætonius, a, um ; adl, of Paræto: Parafanga, tæ; f. a Parlian-smile: :of his furth in his beod, who cuarthrow aium. . thirty furlong! se Samnites; ond with the ſpoils Parætoninm, it ; n. white paint, Paraſceve.cês; f. a prepardim tuilt a temple to Fortune. Parágaudes, um, ; f. weiß Papyropola, jmi a pasimer, pa Paragauda, arum ; } Paraſceve.magna, Gmid-friday. } Parăsiti, æ; f. for that. is a table! ser.fallır. 7-Paragaudus; as um ;, adj. ofl a friend. + Papyrum. i; a. an Egyptian rupa, wajſtroki. ..::: Parafitaftcr, ri; m. A.young, Dhade of rühish.shey made paper. Paràgögc. @s ; f. the adding a Vetler begniaing 10 live by bit 2.13 PAPYRUS,1; fi nárupolja porab or Jyllable to the end of a word, Părăſität o, ānis; f. a fastering. gixwing in Egypt, the bark oy whish Paragogia, æ; f. a plüce through Părăſiticus, a, um, adj. of or like a They y'et to wrile: ong hence then which water runs. paraf1a. for paper, Paragoaticus, a bay..in Carmania. Pă ăsitor, arl ; dep. to play the-pars. PAR, gen. paris ; adi. 3. art. 163. Paragraphe, es ; f. & marks in the fish, gu mouls by passring or piae, vel a soapà, juxta) equal. margin, ai.. faroning even, as big as 'antiher, able to Paragraphus, i'; m. a paragraph, PĂRĂSITUS, i, m. [rowpagetos] a marih, fitting. * Sc:encia par in pil crow, a podige or article in parasite;'a sable.friena, alidant in pobis atque in illo eft, wo bave as diſcourse. ſacrifi's, Păranădean * Altern. : .. 17", 1 ciais. mer. Tenis * P PAR PAR PAR Päraſtătes, um ; pl. t. iba jaumbi . of i Parecbaris, 18 ; f. an excurfion, di natural, a dour, greffion, error. Pariedras,, and Paradi, Õrum ; m. Paraſtätæ, āruin ; pl. f. fiona fet - Parc&atus, a, um ; adj. wewly come A very high msung in of Armenia, bout a pillar, the spindle.bons in the 1. ripineſs of age. from wbince Euphrates and A- Joank; under-officers in the wing of Parderas, i į mi an agrilor in judg raxes flow. a batile Păriens, atis ; travelling with young: Paraſynache. the falling of 16 al. Parelcon, onis ; n. an adjeäion 10 PARIES, ctis, m. (à par vel paro) monds, the suppl. the end of a word oberwiſo on. the wall of an houfa. Paries dt- Părātè, sdp. readily, with diſpatih. tire, plinthius, a wall swi brjike th::k. Parathēſis, is ; f. oppoßtions, or pur- Parclin, orom; pl. n. images or • Intergerinus paries, a common ring lo. reflections of the fun. wall. Intra domefticos parietes, Paratitia, orom; pl. 2. Ibi biods of Paremphis, a city of Egypt. within our bou's. baptors, ibi argummis. Parenchyma, aris in the ſubjena Părbētāria, æ; f. the barb pellitory Paratragedio, arc ; 10 kup a great of the liver, piron and ligbis. Părletina, a; f. an old wall, ruin; coil, to huf and brator, Părcns, at's; c. (à pario) a parent, alſo a politory, Paratum,; A. a provison. father or mobor, a fountain, .au. + Parleto, are;. 10 make a wall, + Paratora, 2; f. Ibe master of whicb sbor, a im frin'wbrace a groff is † Păriētõſas, a, um ; ad). full of any thing is made taken. • Prop go nova circa pa walls. Părātus, us ; m. provifion, furniture, rentem, the fuckers round about a Păriccălos, 1 ; m. a little wall. Induta Tyrios paratus, clearbed josk. Parilia, as Palila. in purple. Párens, ntis; part. (à parco) obadi. Părils, .e; adj. alike, equal, ſuitabla. Părātus, a, um, part. af paror; pro int, dutiful. # Parentiores ha- | Pž ilitas, žtis į f. equality, ſuitable. pared, preured, adviſed, riady, pro bucrunt exercitus, their armies whi! vided. Ceriamini paratior, more very ready to obey their words and Păril lèr ;: adv. fuitably, it like max. fitted for ongogement # Ab exer commands, citu paratus, in readinofi wib an Parentalia, sum; pl. n. objaquil, at Parlitium fidus, the Hyades, which army. the funerals of dreafed relations. are wont 'to rifi in bs birth-day of Paravæl, e people of Theſprotia in Păren!olis, ci adl. of a parent or pa Rome, April 21. Epirus. Parentale epalum, a fuo Påslo, are ; (à par] to quit, make + Paraveredus, 1; m. * poff-horfe merol feat. wen, to ballanır acismpts. mori th in ordinary. Părentāíio, onis ; f. a celebrating of PAR-IO, pčpëri, parcama, čre; act. Parazonium, il; n. a dagger, bang Junerals. (ab Hcb. bara, creavit, vel parab, Părentător, or's; m, a elebrater of fru&ificavit) to bring forth, to brgat, Parcæ, arom; pl. f. [a pa'co'vel funeral obſequios. pruur, breed, inomni. • Parere partio) the three fasal bilers, Depi- Părentèla, di f. the relation of fa. opes, to get wealth. Ova pa- nies į Clotho, Lacheſis, Atropos, ther, parmiage. * Dgnum paren rere, to lay eggs. * Pcrfugium pe. bearing, ſpinning; and cutting the tela fua putavit, he thought him dibus parere, 10 run away. * Ver- tbrord of man's life. worthy to be taken for his father. ba parcre, to devije words. Parcè, iùs, iffimè adv. [paringly, Parenthēlis, is; f the intersection of rere fibi Jethum, to die by one's titaly, thrifuly, frugal:y, moderate a jenimce. within two hunks, without own hands ly, canimouſly, (in word and desd) which the Sonimie remains entire, Paris herba, one berry, true-loos, rares, no tapiy, less, les eagerly, as (). Pårs, idis; m.. the son of Priamus • Parcè parcuga A pinch-penny. + Parentia, 2; f. obedience. and Hecuba,called alfo Alexander; + Parc-co, Cre; 10 forbid Påreniícide, R; c. a parricide, Nayer iho ſeduced Helena from Greece, † Parcepromus, i, m. A niggard, a of father or mother. which occafioned the Trojan war. pinch-penny. Parentium, a rin of Idria, Called Pa Alo a king ef Gallia,. about 600 Parciloquium, ilin a ſparing or years before the building of Rome, niggardly diſer/e. Părcolo, are ; to perform funeral who built the city of Paris, and Parcimonia, i f. Sparingneſs, Sc Parentor, ari ; } objéquies to a re Galled it by bis own name. Allo ani parcimonia, losion. • Parentare trairi, to keep aftor, a freed man of Domitia, Parcitas, atis; f. frantinefs, ſparing - a brother's funeral, - the anniver. Nero's aunt. nela faries of it. Par fides, a king of Pontus, in the PARCO, pcperc! and pari, core; PAR-EO, ul, @re; scut. dat. [ra time of Alexander the Great. neut. dat. Lab Heby. paruk, libera PELLI, adſum) is apprur, come into Paris, orum ; pl. m. the people of vit) 10 Spara, to pardon, 10 forover, bighi, odny. Parere omnia, to be Paris in France. Lutetia Pari. farve. Parcere fumptui, to.be obedient in all things. Promiffis Gorom, the city, Paris.' Sparing in laying out. • Natis par parere, ribe as good as his word. Par:ſthmia, orom; pl. n. two kernels ce tuis aurom, five your god for Parere gu æ, to be af ibs com in the jaws full of soifuri. your children. Parcerc ſubjc&is, mand of one's appetite. Păritas, ātis; f. equality. 10 deal gmily witb iboſo shar fub- Parephippius, iſ m. a' feoiman or Paritèr ; adv. equally, ini ke man. Parce metui, withhold Lackey, * Pariter cum corporcy. 10- your fear Parcite credere, de Parergon a } e busneſs by other with the body. nor, believe. * Neque parcitur la. Parergun, i; n. + Părīto, arc; be prepart, le gel oftia. bori, nor is any labour pared for. Pä ēlur ; impreſ. they obey. # Paritonus, i, m. a pinging-man. + Parcopoll'cx, icis, a thimolii Parëfis, is ; f. negligence, decay of t Päritudo,' inis; * bringing } Parcus, a, um, adj. fparing, tompe Brmgth + Paritora, z; f. forib. Vereris non parcus accti, Parhy pare, the firing next the base. Părītūrus, a, um ; part. fut. in free of old four wines. * Parcus Paria, a forall iſland in shi Phæni. à pario; absut to bring fortb. comitatu ſenderly attended, * Par cian fra. Parium, a city of MyGa in Ata. ciffimus vini, a very little drinker Pariani, a people in Helleſpont; uh Parius, a, um , adj. of Paros. of wine. worſhipped the god Amor. Parius lapis, i toxihflone, alſo: white Paradallanches, is; n. libberd's-bone. Părjātio, onis ; f. a making evin an marble. Pordălls, is ; f. she female isopurd, a accompt. + Parlamentum, 71, n. the court pancher. Pärlātor, oris ; m, he that makes even. * Parliamentum, of parliament. ardălium, ii; n. an ointment Smell- Paricane, 4 liiy of Perfia. Parma, a river Itály giving nake ing like a panther. Paricida, æ ; c.(a par & cædo] 'a 80 a city between Placentia and Pardălius, li; m. a precious fone payer of his equal. Cremona: Spoited like a pan:hır. Páricidalis, ci adj, of killing one's PARMA, Q; f. [mapun) albars and Wardălus, s; m. A dun.bird like a equal, cruel. Par c!dalem agere romad hield uſed by formen, plovar, cogitationems to be bloodily dení ro Parmātus, a, um, adj. Lield-bearing, PARDUS, li ma (apdos] « lib murder fisher or mosher, Parmcn.ds. pbiloſopber of Elis, i bard. Paricidialılès adv, bloodily. and friend of Zenophares. Palræns, æ ; m. a Snake with large Paricidium, si; n. a killing of parenn. Pármenio, onism jortes, Paricidus, a, um ; adj. crud, un Alexander's favourites, Parme icn20. shi bye. role. rus, the greateſ of Ť ** A 1 bus parl. PAR PAR PAR Parmeniſcus, an oſtriloger who wrde | Paroſta, a city of Taurica Cherſone. lea, bacaufi fe would not allur U. of autumn and virtage. ſus; Pliny ſays that the carth of lyrics and bis companiont paling by. Parodno, a mas's name among co ibus place iures all sorts of wounds. Parthenopolis, a city of Macedonia. widians. Parātig, idis ; f. foreneſs of the sais, Parthia, &:; f. á country m Ada Parmensis; e; adj. of Parma: • Artcrise parotides, the two arte- called Arach. Parnula, æ; f. alitile field, or any rier palling from ibr cars, Parthos, } a, um ; adj. of Par- Paroxyſmus, i, m. the fit of an agur, Parthicus, tha, thing like it. Parmúlarlas, il 3. be that wears a paroxiſm. Parthicarli, orum; m. drofos of small hold Perparon, a country of Æolis in Afia. Parthian leather mucb formed as Parnaffus, i; m. a mountain of Pho. Parra, æ; f. [à lono) a jay.. Romc. cs, fered 10 Apollo and the Mu. Parrhăfia, people of Arcadia in Parthini , c.people of Macedonia. jes. Parnes, a vine-beasing mountain of Parbafil, Stry of Lycaon, and Parthanc, és ; f. & country of Par- Allica. fomet mes put for all Arcadia. thia Paineffus, a mountain of Alia berwurm Parrbagus, a, um, adj.ef Parrhalin. Partiarios, adv. by way of pariner- Anaria, and Béctriana. Parrhalus, it; m, a famous Printer foip. Parnetcs, Srname of the Athenian wha firis gave somsing to victures, Partiarius, ii, m. a partner, one that prinu Call:ftratus, who cou od mo and drew 15 curtain whicb. Zeuxis receives part of the profil witb w. nog # be diſtributed in the afom thinking it was real, bud b m draw. * Partlarius redemptor, a trnant. blies, and occafioned the proverb, * Pari hela, æ; f. liberty of speaking Partiarius colonas, a farmer of Obolon repetit Parnetes. plaini another's land. Parni, copain Nomades, wbo invaded Parricida, æ; c. là pater & cædo] Particeps, geo, īpis; adj. 3 art. [à Parthia, she marthon of one's parmt or pars & capio) a partner, partaker, Parnopius, Apollo so called among counity, an elalin of one's.fupe. ſbarer. Particeps confilii, prive the Boetians. rior. or near relation. 80 one's debgn. Particops tori, Parnus, i; m. a corlain man who Parricidal:9, o; adt. bloedy, mur . a bed feliow. Rel participem lop a boat, and upon that account derrus. facerc, 10 part a thing. quarrelled with tzurry one be niet ; Pa'sicid'um, 1; n. sbe musikering Participalls, es jadi." of or like wban:e the prouerb, D!ſccptare ob me's parent ar print, .og deiraj. Participialis, cis participle. Pärni ſcapbu an. ing one's pritis. Paricidiom Participatio, önis ; f. e partaking, PAR O, are; act. acc. Tic.dat. Plaut. Patriæ, the wirer detruition of one's Participātor, õris; m. Apar- (trapsw, vel ab Heb. bara creavit) iountry. Participatrix, icis ; f. saker. to present, to get ready, to ares, 10 PARS, partis ; f. á alpes, termians, Partīcipatus,'ús ; m. A partaking. procura, order, bürt, Interitum vel ab Hebi para, divult) . pari, Participium, ii; D. a participle; alſo alicoi parare,' to work one's de pier, shirt. '* Vocandus in par o partaking. fru&ion. Itane parafti te? bove tes, to be called upon the joge to da Participo, are; act. to jaro, partalı; you lo bebaved yourjef. Hiſce * Pars magna, a great also to impari. . Paternum fer- ego non paro ut me rideant, I do напу: Quorum pars magna vum fui participat confilil, be do no go about so make myſelf their ful, whereof I was an actor, and makes his furber's Ran privy to his Bergbing lesk. * Vim pararc. to bore a great part. • Magnâ ex defign. Sermone aliquem par, make a flout defence, to defend for parte, or magnam partem, moſ an Licipare, to make one fand by And cibly ' or by arms. • Paratum eft ond. • Tenucrunt partesCæfaris, hear his diſcour's. this wfually comes on't. they were of Cæſar's party. * PriParticula, æ; f. [à pars] « ſmall Paro, õnis ; m. (à paros] a tirtle ores paries alicuí tribuere, to yield portion, parsisle, parcel. fibip, pimau one precedency. • Mcarum par. Particulāris. c; ad). particular, Parochia. æ; f. a pariſ. tium cit, or mcæ partus funt, it is + Particúlārīter, ; adv. particulary. Paroch'alis, c adj. of a pari. my work. . In omnes partes Particŭlātim ; ady. pince-meal, ix. Parochianus, is m, a pariſooner. wholly, to all purpoſes. * Pro ſua prolly, in parcels, in plain term. Parachás, i; m. ibe gue biuſe keeper; qui que parte, suery one as far as + Particuloncs, am; pl. m. co-betri alſo a parfon, be was able. Loquitur de me or partneri. Parodia ; æ; f. lbe turning a, verje & mea parte, be speaks of me and Particus, i, m.a peilar. into anarbor fignibrasion tj altering sy wit. Partflis, e; ad). divided, divifible! word. Paramonia. æ; f. [à parco) nar. Partim, adv. cum gen. partly. Parodos, a pofugo, letting pafı. nofs, thriſt nefs, breuit). Parf Partim hominum, some min. Paræcia, æ; f. a parit. monia lingua, refervédneſs, speak. Negligentiâ partim magiſtratoum, Parecopolis, a city of Macedonia. ing. • Parlimonia temporis, a by the negligence of some of the ma- Parecus, tamia 'neighbour, or one making diligmi uſe of time. gißrates. living berd by a pariſhionas., + Parumonicus, a. ut; adj. Igaring, Part-io, ire, ivi, itom ; act. Cà pars] Parcmia, e ; f. a proverb. thrifty. to part, pari, or divids, 10 decide Parcemicographus, d; m. a sollicor Parlucir, mountains of Afia. a controverſy, to agret. of proviros. Parfurus, a, um, part. of parco; a- Partio, õnis , f. #byiiging forth of Parroca, a country near the Red-foa. brut to ſp39. young in any creatart, a brooding or Parononceſia, æ ; t. om allufon, al. + Parta, a; f. (à parlo] « shild-bed laying of 88, Sitting a bread, feration in oppofits and different woman, ax iwi, the dark. Part-ior, iri; dep. to part, imparta fenfus. Parthanum, a city of Germany. divide Dars, Campim part'ri Paronychla, æ; f. a felon, or wbt Pashenalpates, a king of Pisthisa, limite, so bound out the file. * Per low, or whi'low grajs. Partheni, a people of Illyricumi. viccs partit aliqucm, injoy or Parony mon, i; ni a denomincrivs, Parthenia, a name of Saros. bave a perfon's company by turns, as the concrete and abiráet oftin Parihen a, z; f. virginity ohoons wbile, and anubor ano. are, Parthenium, & city of Eubea, and ther. Paropamiffada, frople of Aſia, another of Thrace. # Partiſculus, 1; m, a mallet, Paropaniſlada, u hoje couniry i Parthenium, il; n. ibe herb mug- Particum, a city of Hungary. now called Sablctton. tuort. Partheninm mas tanzör. Partitè ; adv. difinitly, Juveni Paropamſus, a high mountain of the Parthenius, a river of Paphlagonia ; mari and fare alike. P Paropanijos, } Paropan sfadæ propre also cift ergiack port of Nice; alſo Partitio, onis ; f. a dividing, loan of Taurus, gror whence the river a chumberlain of the imprror Do- diſtinction. F Bidt us and ladus flow.. mitian. Partio, are ;: act. ti divido often Pāropsis, idis; f. a aith or plotter. Parthenlus, a, um, adj. of Parthe Partitor, Oris; m. la dioida, la Paroræh, æ; f. a city of Arcadia and Partitrlx, icis; f. rer, Macedonia Parthenius, a, um, adj. of a virgin. Partitudo, inis; f. á bringer forilor Paros, wis of the Cyclades in the E. Parthenopaus, i; m. the son of Me y!ung . scan fin, called before Pactya und leager and Atlanta. Partitus, a, um, part: à partior di- M:noa tbr iſane produsei ſors of Parthenope, ss; f. one of the Syrens vided, diſiinguifed, dividis or robite marble, wbo ibrew hirjiif bradlong into the that bos divided Partor, 005 .. wiib young. per, a brat. PAS PAS PAT Parlor, oris , m. (à pario) e pure ,PA-SCO, vi fom, fičie ; a&. Paſterds, a city of Egypt.“ chiler, provider. naw, bioxo) to fad, 10 load.10 Paft bulum, i; n. Ang lump made Partŭla, æ; f. in geddes prefiding paſure, cherib. Paſcere oves like a little loaf. aurr child birth. alleras, to kup another man's forep. Paſtilārius. ii; m. a baker of pien Partumeius, a, um ; adj (à pa: tus & • Parcere animum, oculos, to in Partıllătus, a, um, adj. made into meio) fruitful, iciming. tertain the mind, delight tbe ¢s. little balls. Partonda, or parunda, æ; f. the same * Pafcere barbam, to war a long Pafullico, aie, to make into little balls, a Luc'na. toard. • Parci diſcordils, to love do adminifler pills. Partūra, æ; f. a bringing forth... fedition and rebellion. Pafccre Pafti las, i; m. • Paſccre Partilas, i; mi llà panis,vel paſta) Partūr-lo, ire, neut. (à par:0] to be 2 lorem, to keep up lour. Paftillam, i; n. fi lozenge, frashik in labour, to bring forth, Paſcor. (cl, to grazi, be fed or de. alſo a jwet ball or younder; alſo Partus, ús; m. tbk bireb er ca of ligbredi Paſcuntur Sylvas, they wood. bringing forth young, a tearing er pro brow'i m the woods. Paſtinaca, z; 1. a parfnið; also a dwing the maturity of a birih, s. c. Parcuum, i;. n. paflurs. Leta, puffin or fork fils the full time of bringing forib; the paſcua, ronk paſuri, Pafignāgo, ins; f a parſnip. embryo, or turdon conceived, before Palcuus, a, um ; ad). Of or for paſure. Partito, Ons; 1. Za bowghing,dig- the child quickens in the womb; that * Paſcua rora, commons, leaſes. Paftinārus, ùs ; i. Š ing which is brought forsh, any young Pasiphae, ês į f. the daughler of Sol, Pastinātor õris; n. a hougher. crraturt; the finding forth and found und wife Minos king of Crete Paitinātam, i ; n. sbe ground boughed ing colonies; and the coneprions of the is jaid to have been in love with wp. the mind; alſo the produ&tion of fruits. a bull, and by the help of Dædalus Postinātus, a, um, haughed, de! ved. Partus avaram, the bearing of to be ſhut up in a wooden cow, and Paftino, are. to hough, dig, atlie. grapese Ferre partur, to be enjoy him, and to bavi bíought forth PASTINUM i; ni (à now, pan- Adeft mulieri par a Minotaur. go, vcl à assw. pulvere confper- tus ay partus appropinquat, Donis Paſteles, a famous carvar, born igen gola bough, wibble; also the ground near hir time, bar rak ning is up. Greece, ond made a free men of brughed. Partus, a, um ; part. of pariors Rome. P ftio, onis ; f a feeling, palute. brought forib, porten, Paſithæa, æ ; f. one of the Grares ; t. Pero, are ; la fud olen. Parvi, õrum, lisile infants. alſo a f14-nynaph, and a daughter of Pastonis, inisif: « barnsdo for a Parvidū co, zi, &tum, to figh, fet Atlas. horſe's no's Parvif-ắcio, ĉci, actum, 3 light by. Palit gris, a name of the river Tygris. Paitona, ze; f. a city bg Euphrates. Parvīpcndo, črc; acto' to gieem but Pasta, æ; f. s riy of Thrace. Paltophor:.' öruin, the molt ſacred little. Pafila de Corintho, currents. priegs of Egy ft. Parvipenſus, a, um; ad} linle ſes hy. Puffalon, a city of Egypt. Postophoių . n; n. his chamber who kept the temple. Paritas ātris ini, litileneſi, meanines, Paffarize, fiecus paffus vel pal- Paftophorus, Venis in Egypt. Parīlis, id:s; f. ſwelling in the gums. PASSER, čris; m. [H:6. tripor, à Paftor, õlisi m. a Mepherd paflor. Pārùm ; adv. a little, too little Sono) a Sparrozo ; also a plaise, Paſtor, or.s; the collegue of Æl snus. Parum eſt, you are nos content with Aoknder, or ballibur. * Parfer ar- Paſtorals, e; adj. of a popor or shape it. # Parum habere to be unſatis- hord. fied. • Parum accipere orationem, + Paſsčrátìm; adv. like a Sparrow. Paftorátus, Üs; m. a pallor's plare or not so underhand arigbe. Una l Paſsercūlus, í; m. a little sparrow. of parum eft, if ore be 100 linle, Paisērinus, a, um ; adj. Of or like a + Pattorcŭ'us, :; m, a little ſouphard. Paru. pèr ; adv. a litt!e whiie ; alio Iparrow Paftor:lius, 2 a, um, adj. of a shepherd by little and littla. + Pafferniccs, wbita fones found in Paftorius, } or perfor Paſtor tia Parunculus, i; m- (à paro] a ſmall Italy. filtu â cxciperc, to whinle - one. Nie or kesih. Paffibilis, e; adj. [è pitior) able x Pastos , a Shrine of Venus in Fgypt. Parvò , adv. for a little. Juffer P stúl..s, i, m. A tro:buk. lezings. Parus, i; m. [à parvus, a tis-mouſe. Paffienus, the name of leveral mon. P.ftūra, æ; f. pajlure ground. Parvélum, i; n, very litis. Rcs Paſsim ; adv. à pando) all abroad, Paſtus, a um, pat. of pif.or; fed, parvuli, a very trije, cury whore. having fed, having bem fed on. Parvulus, a, um ; adj. very littls, of Pallio, ānis ; f. a pain or ſuffering, a Partus, ùs ; D. foraging, feeding, Hissle motoni. • Parvuli, lilla Proin or of eating. * Quobus in pastu eft, whi furd young ab.ldren. * A parvulo, sumn P. ſlive , ady. 'lively, promiſcuouſly. uron or I thouse from a child, + Pastivitas, āuis ; f. llentiojnieks, Palumena Terra, part of Tuſcany. PARVUS, a, um ; ad). In compar. virjableneſs., Patact; the images of godi upon the minor, in fuperi. minimus (bildle, t Palsīvītùs ; adv. promifcworfly. Phænician ips. Small) weak, young. Filius male. Paffiuncula, æ; f. a little pillion. city of Arabia, parvus, a faruling. Parva mihi Paſsivus, a, um ; adj. poffive com Pac ge and Phatage, @s; f an iftand eft fides apud tc, yiu have no great mon, vile, unconflani. Morſus among the Soprades. confidence in me. . In . In parvo, ale paffiv. canum, cruel bitings of dogs. Părăglārivs s';m. a taylor uho mot. i Parvo brevius quàm , Paflive uvz, raiſins. in das rich closrbs, a woman's day:or. thara dors not want much of Paffum, l; no raifin wine, baßard Pàlig:ācus, a, am ; ad), that wears & Paryfatis, the daughter of Cyrus, and wine. robe wuh gold lace; having knobs of: mother of Artaxerxes. Paſsūrus, a, um; part. fuc, in rus of gold. Palargada, æ; f. a city of Perſia. patior ; ready se juffor. Patagium, li; no a border of gold lect, Parcālis, c; adj. graxing abro.d. Paffus, ùs ; 2. a pure er ſlepi allo a golden button, she gathering of a Parceolus, i; m. (qaoxwacy) a little Ibi menfurt of two fret and a half. furplire, &c. purſe within a greator. * Paſius major or geometricus, Patagus, 'l; m. ibe plague or spotted- Parcha, æ; f.. the pallover, five fret. lever Pafcha, at:s; n. } cafer. Paſſus. a. om ; part.ofpandor; Spied Patala, * ; f. a city of Italy. + Paſchala, gammons of bacon. open, fallered. . Paffis manibus, Palatei, a farious port to run of India Paſcha'is, 19; m. Paſchal, a man's w th hinds spread abroud. * Ca' Păialis e; adj. bro di . Palal s bos, name, and the ninely-fzeh biſhop of pillus paſſus, dilnovelled hair. inox with wo.de branıb ng borns. Rome, A. D. 817. and another, Vela pasta, ſpread coils. • Fcus Palsus, Palius, an illnd My C.ir a. A.D. 1100 parfæ, dry figs. Uvæipasa.raj. Păsăra a city of Lyca, wberi Arollo Paſchalis, e; ad). belonging to safer fins, Lac paffum, wijk warmed gave fortb oracle during she px www- or the pallover, so make sbare. jer months. Pafchafius, i, m. 8 martyr under Paffus, a, um ; part. of pator: hov- Pă:ärcus a, um ; ad). of Patara. Genclericus king of the Guths. ing suffered. * Pasta fecula no- Paravia, æ; f. ebé city Puffaw in Paſchillus, on old Roman Jatur; vem cornix, a crow nine hundred Germany. afquillus, s alſo a libel wont to be Jaars old, Patavium, it;n the city Padua in fixed therein. + Paſta, æ; f. pails, pudding. Pas Venice ; alo a rily in B chynia, Paſcito, arc, to graxi, to nouriſh, ta regia, marih pana. callad Polmen, Păto. Plag > 1 + ÓH ' i | a , , z ) Painculcus, a, um, 'fillion 21e, paf. PAT PAT PAT Påtěf-; ioci, adun. acerc; act.co 'Pătlbúlātus, a, um ; adj. bung, in ibo fenatori duelt by the command Jei spen, diſcover Pencitam pa. gebhers in courged. of Servius Tuliús. tela ere, ad rega'tiam, to make påtībúlum,' izn. (à patco, vel pa- Patricius, a, um ; adj. fasher!y. way for wirkedne s Patefaceſe tior} a gibbbet, gallows, croſs; allo - Patric; adv. Farberly, loving!). odium in aliqucm, 10 jouw unde: door-bar. Patrima, æ ; f. uibia wboje father miable ickensyon hatred towards Patiens, nt's; ad). patient, brooking, lives. able to undergo. * Patiens navlun, Pairiuiôniālis, e; ad. sf @patrimo- Pălětaatio, onis; f. ſatsing " lay. pavigaklı, Patiens laborúm, sak- ing sports diſcovering- ing pains, Laborious. Patrimõnum; ii ; n. an siatg left by Paielacor; oris; m 2 difrovaror, Patienter ; adv. Patiently, courage . one's fether, a patrimoy: På facts, a, un ; part, o patefio; opfy Boutly. Amare patienter, Patrīmus, i, m. a godfather. diſcovered asmed to lout wih paffing by of wrongs. : Patrimus, a, um, adj. hov ng a fa- Putefio, ieri, neut. paſ, so to ful or Patientia, æ ; f. purients, obedience, the living. - Virgo patrimâ, Pal- laid ofen, be aiſcovered. on ability to bear. • Rumpeic pa las. born compleatly armed of Jupi- Patella, æ;f [å patina) a little diß, t:entiam jamdudan, no lo be able ter's brad wirbiui á morbor. o Pa- & plars, the mer pán; alſo the mia. to endure any longer. ter pats mus, a father whole fa xil or knots in a free forched with PĂTINA, ; f.° (watdim) a dup sher is living tbe fun. dify or ple t'er. * Animus cft in pa Patr õla, æ ; c. Cà patija] one's (fun- Păte!iaril, rorlajn gods so called from unis, nethinks my finger is in :he tryman or Wi:09, their bring apvajed with puns wird dis already mi mixa runs upon the Patriſſo, are ; Là pater) to be like or in lasifire. dainny fare I am to hour. coke ofrer. ihe farber Päiellărius, a, um, adj. of a litle Patinarium, Patritius, i; m. tbe colleague of lly- til ör somringer. Păcinārius, a, um , adj. of a plattor. patlas. Patens, niis a part of pateo ; open, Pätinārius, ii; ma gormandixer, « D. Patritius, S. Patrick, wbom the widi, difciverid. Patens yul Liquoriſ perla Iriſh buvo sukon for the profc&or of neri equus, a herfa that may be easi- PĂTTOR, paffus fum, pati, [oráo ww] ibeir nation ; he was the ſon of lo Joot wiib an erros or bulint. to endure, juffer, brook, undergo. St. Martin's Sper, A. D. 433. fons Via parcatiore ducuntur, they Pati à vitâ, 20 live poorly. • Fa by pope C:leftInc into Ireland, to marth along e. mort w.ds or open cilè pat:or, I am content. Нос convert them to the Chriſtian faith. way. patitur confuetudo, cuflom corries Patritus, a, um ; adl. of our fathers, Pătenièr ; adv. sponly, evidently. it. Patrila & ay ta phololaphia, fa- PAT-EO ērc; neut. (à mTawi pan- Patlorus, a city in Sicily, called Pa. thers and grandfires beeiing: do) to lie open, break foribi, be free, lazzolo. Påtrius, a, um; adj. (à pater) of one's be exposed. Locus Putet tria ita + Patiuncula, ; f. a roond pan to fatheri * Patria bona, goods left dia, thi place' is thru furlongs in les on a driver over the fire. by the fasher, plain. * Acot's morbis adoleſcen Cambyles. one's pupiry, * Dupatrii, the tia patct, paulh is fubjea to barp Patmos, an iſland in the Icarian ſei. the gods that guard our country ez dicaſes. +. Pator, Oris; m. an opening, gaping, family PXT-ÉR, rla; m. [athg] a father, Patracorii, the people af Perigort in PĂTRó, are ; là TOTTW, cxequor] France. xecute, of, , commii, Puter & natl, ibu llock and Patræ, a city of Achaia. get children. the suckers. * Pater patria, tha Patrans oceilus, a wonten ye. Patrobas, the name of mural men. prince. • Piter patratus, ibe king Patralis, & city of Pontus Patrocinātio, onis ; f. a pasroniz- # Patres contcripti, iba Patrātlo, onis; f. on otkuling, ef ing. Jmators mrolled. Palics allccti, feeling, accompliſhing. Patrocinātor, oris ; ma patronizer. gerfins by reason of poverig sholm P. trātor, or.s; m. an offer, exe. Pătrācia um, jiin. patron:ge, pro- Trom, knighes so fenators. feaion, mainluining ong', cause, de. Pžtēra, efi' à palco) a broad Patrātus, a, um ; part. [à patror] finca. borol, goblet. Comirited Pătrācănor, ari, jo maintain one's Pateræ, the priefis of Apollo in'orprot. Patr-es, um ; m forsfuthers, ancas cau, e, plesd for pria, Pattionizi. ing biş orarlos. Patrocles, an hiflorim. Pålerculus. i ; n. the name of fevral Patria, æ; f. (à patca) a country. Patrocl.des, one of king Philip's flos- '. Romans. * Patr â creatus eâdem, one's riun. Păterculus, i; m. a litile father... tryman Patroclus, i; m. Achilles's friend Păterfamilias, gen. pairisfamilias; Patrlamphes, Xerxes's coschman, Buin in Ach lles's cradar, which logo m. the 'maier of a family, Patriarcha, æ, m. a pairiarch, the borrowed; alſo a very rich man, Paterial ;-F. an iſland near Lemnos. ibief of the bill.ops. but Jo Jordid, that he couled the 7. Paternālis, e; adj. paternal of Patriárchalis, e; adj. patriarhul, of proverb. * Patroclo fordid.or. farbor. pot jarcb. Patrocli lolu a, on fare by Attica. Păterne ; adv. fatherly.'' Patriarchatus, îs ; m. the dignity of Patrona æ; f. a putrones. Paterniana, æ; fi the city Poftrada a purtdurch Patronālis, ei au). of a patron et in Spain. Patricia, æ; f. inalor's wife, ad uprato, Păternitas, āt's ; f. paternity, father. Patriciātus üs; m.she rank and dig- Patrõnālus, ûs; m patronage, pro- hood, a family. nity of the fenato:'s. traion. Paternus, a, um ; adj. of from or bp- Patric da, aici e murderer of one's Patrūnus, i; m.patron, advocate. longing to a father Pate na rura parent or deur friend. • Quo patrono? wbojo chtons is hereditary lands. • Avus paternus, 't Patricidalis, e; adj. of a parricide. ho? a grandiother by the father's side 17 Patricid um, it; n. the murdering. Patronymicus, a, um ; adj, der ved + Paterpatrimus, l; m. a fasher whoje one's prinre or near relation, the be: from parents or incofors. 1a:her is living. traying one's kuntry. Patruels, is ; ; acquifin german. Păreico čre; neot. to lie spon, come Parris: è ; adv. 118€ a reb'omon. Patruclis, e; adj. of a roufin-gerinan. to light, he Are!ched out. Patricius, ii; ni. aeruto: a derman, Patruusi; m. [à pate" } an uncle, Păiheticè ; dv. cretin! tris. nacleman. A Esite fc pairiciis, to er furher's brotbox. * Parruus ma- te degraded cod ob.fed. : for, my great grinjaiber's pro- Patricius, a, um ; adi born of a fo thor. Pathicus, i; e, a pathic, calamite. nosor, of the Jen.dirian ronk arid Pat.uus, a. 40'; adj. of an uncle j Pal flus. « lerige river in Hungary. highon nobiliey. * Patr:cius nogi. Tevere. * Patru ftimus, moi lo:ing. Path: peia, 'æ; f. an intridu ing of ifrarus, anofi e thas none were sa Patruæ linguæ verbera, Joves diſcount full of cffc Aions. pable of but endlors. charks Pathos, cos n. An offe&tor or pas Patricii, aighe deities Janus Sa:urnos, Patrikcion, on infamous calumniator fion. Genius, Pluró, Bäccus, Sol, Lu. of good tren, jioned by the pep's; Pát biiis c; adi, 10 bir bor:ni, tolerable. na, Teilus. whines she proverb, : * Paitæ-ioné ablo-18trar: Palr.cus, a leent in Ronc where calumn:ofior. + Pat'ydes, . as armi. cular.' TOTEMI. ? 1 : woman ܟܟ word, $ B:"p" of matron of Rome, who by sbe treg. Pauxillatia, adv. by a very littie and Pead. õlus, a, um, adj. large brea!! PA U P A X PEC Paltydcs, ste innsamojl kernel of a Paululatiou ; ady. Dy liule and lit-, Paxæ, riso iflundi deizoen Eucada pine apple. and Co cyra, x herref the pra ter is Paire us, funame of Jinus, whose Pau!úlùm. adv. a very little. *P.Q. alled Poxu, and the laffär Anti. lemple wus cpin in time of wur. lulum quiddan, a small m: 118%..! .paxu + Paliūlico, are ; to open. Paululus, a, um , adj. wery little ; Paxillus, *. m. (à palus) a little Patūlus, a, um, adjwide open. alſo very fow. Pro paululâ viâ, jlo e reg or pin.Ex. Dixillo Bos palulus, an 0x with wide for a litle way. r spendere, 10 hang on around. Spreading horns. Paulùm. adv. aliter, Pau!um | Puxiõlus, i ; n. the jalk of fruit. Patumus, a city of Arabia. aliquid, fome ſbort simr. * Paulùin Piramius, Panta E. novi, fome ſmall ailerotiin. a, une; adl. of Patumenus, } a. paturous Paulus, i ; m Pau!, the some of a Patycus, a city of the Oenotri, called mun, allo the ſurname of th: Æmi Pecāmen, -in's ; n. A firtning. Paola lian family, + Peccaminoja3, a. uin, adj. finfula Pava, æ; fare.han. Sa pavo. Paulus, a, um; ad). [waupe", small , Peccator. ārs, a Pauci!őqulum, i!; n. A proking lie little, Abors. Peccātrix, icio, F. & finner PĀVO, ôn:s; m. (Tarbes à long) a Peccatum, is ni a fin, cience, error, Paučilóquus, a, nim; adj. of few pourorka • Feminæ pavonics, pes. millako hansi Peccitum eftverb. imp. a fault is Pa'cltas, ātis; f. fowrie's, brevity. * Pavonaceus, 2 a, um ; adj la pia.. comma 11:a. Paucitas in partitione fervatur, a Pāvānius, s cock or pea.bon. Pec:ātus, ûg, man effin'e, crime. divifon oughe so le in as few words Pavor, oris ; m. fer, dread. * Pa: PECCO arc's act. (ab ame xw: difto, as may dr. vor ccpit ac, I was in a great vel Heb. puck, titubavitj 10 fin, le Paurülüs, aj um'; adj. very few. frighi. opena, ti due ved, mit-ks. Si- PAUCUS, a, umjadi. -ior, iffimus; Pavor and Pallor, two god's set up by quid erga te peccavi, of Th. ve [Playo 1 few. In paucis ir Tullus Hoſt lius. committed any ofrnce...grinji . you. intct paucos difertus, jo sloquens PAUPER, gen. ēris, adj. comp, pau. • Mbi peccat, he offends agasif that fou auld cospars with brea, periar, fuperl Fauperriaus (@au. * Si unam peccavıſſes fylla- * Paucis minus, within a few. * G] poor, needy, beggarly. Meo bam, if you hd miled bus in ons In paucis dicbus, quàm, not long lum pauper' in arc, I am poor, but Syllable. In matronâ peccare, so after swe nothingPauper:s hec res commit adattery, PXēracio; ecl, actum ; act. so af cit, this is a poor body's thing. * Pechys, yos; m, agrahır. frighi. Papper aquæ, ſoallow, not having Pecorinus, a, um, adj of castle, Pavefactus, a, um; past. frighined. murha worår in it. Pěcoso us. a, um, adj. abounding in Pāvēfio, ieri; nent to be frighined. Paupčráfus, a, uim; adj. imprurriſhed. cas le, wbare much iauli is; brenda Pavendus, a, um, dresajul. Paupercŭla, æ; La poer woman, ing much canlle.. Peventia, a goddeſs freopored. so keep Paypercủlus, a, um ; pisiful. door. Peeten, inis ; in. (à peciola comb, of frights from ihildren. † Paupčrè and pauperitèr, adv. poorly. she play of a welur', (som a drudge- , c![à t rake, ibe partı where ripanoji of age ilmor] to fear, drsad, mipiring, styl Pauperalco; } ecerneut . to grow Corse, a quill to frike the firings of Pauperiea, ei ; f. poverty. an infrumno: ; elle a hekle, ond a Păveſc-o, čre; - ncut. to be afraid of, Paupéro, arc; act. so maks pror, im jiol.cp filb. • Pecten, veneris, wild fall into a fright. pourriſh shervil. • Pectinje 'moderator, 4 Påvicula, z ; f. a paving beetle, a Paupertas atis; f. poverty, worſhipped rammet or commandot, a Jnup bancs : as a goddeſs in Ariftophanes. + Peclinacium, f!; no a comb-safe. Pavidè, adv. fremblingly. Paupcrtions, a, um ; adj. mean, be. Pecinar:us, i, m. como maker. + Paviditas, atis, f. fearfulneſs. longing to the poor. Pcatīnāt!; ady. wij een of 1seta Pārdus, um ; adj. fearful, quak. t Paupěrus, a, um ; adj. poor, of the ing for fort. poor + Pectinātum, i; ni'e roof.cofling ibe Păvimenia!lo, onls; f a paving. PAUSA, æ; f. (Tauw, certo) e dopo water two ways. Păvimcotatus, a, uin ; part.,paved. puuj, roll Pedinārus, a, um, part. à pe&iinor Păvimento, arc; act, so maki a ter- Pausanias, im a grammarian of toutbed like a comb.: raſs or floor, Cælarca, a gargrophor; a king of + Pectino, ale; act. to rake up the Pavimentum, i, n. a pavimens, a Macedonia, and ſeveral oshers. Looſe corns with a dridge rate or terrafs of bardned und svenci earth, Paugārius, il ; m: a brotſwain, be as in a bowling alley ; , ficor. ibat keeps time with the rouiers of a Pectis, is ; f. a bandori, lule, prala PĂV-10, irc ; a&t. (waw ) to pavi, galley. fery. leve! the earth with a rammer. Pausātio, ūgis ; f. a refing or Nopping, Pociſcus, a, um, part. (à pector; + Păvitābundys, a, um ; adj. quak. Paulia, jo uo; n a hard kind of napped, with a rui,ad nap. Peca ing for feir. Pauſca, s olives, Lucca clives. tila tellus, land very well bir Pšv.tzilo, onis, f. ä feie dreiding. Paaſias, a famous painter of Sicyon. sociad. Păvito, are ; to dread fore; alſo to Pauliacus, a, um, adi. of Paulias. PE CTO, xl and Xvi, xum; děre Isrrify. Pauglypum, a promontory of Campa: act.. (mbixw] to comb, card, curry. + Păvitudo, Inis, fi fear, dread. nia, nst far frons Naples. * Cicharam paliest, to run over Páv.tny, a, um; parc. (à pavlor] Paulilopus, 3. m. the third rup ar prings of a cistern with a guil. paced, louriled, -rammed. banquets, dedicated to Jupiter Ser: Paula. a; f. a Roman woman, who vator, from driving away caris. • floarb with a traxel. asser ber busband's death gave all Pavfiwachus, i; mien bijgorian of Pettorā'e, i; n. a oreal plale, a no Ate had to the poor.' Samos. Paulātim, 'adv, by litle and little. + Paulo, are ; to pop, roj. Pello:ālis, e; ad). of rba broil, Paulina, a; fo's notle and prudent Pavus, i, m. a peacock. Ste pavo + Pečtorlgtum, ita n. a burk. chery of the priufe was raviſhed in luule. ed, broad cb:fed the temple of llis. Piuxilliſpèr, ady, a very little while. Poctuncŭlus ; i, a: a follop so. Paulinus, i, m. a biſhop of Nola, uh, Paux!llùn, adv, a very little. PECTUS, oris, 8: Propert: là anya having spent al' he had in reduim- Pauxillus, } a, um ; adl. a yutu, pongo, vel à EXIS, pectina ing' cuplives, rodrimed a widow's Pauxilŭlus, tus] a bref or 11:6, he best! or Jon with his own body ; ulo 5 PAX, pācis, F. (a pango) peace soul, courage, wit Peaos ma- name of other mu? Pax-dcarum, an atonement of in nus, the back of the hand. Too Pauliſperi, adv, a little while. confed anities. * Pace tuâ, by your pectore, affilionately, earneſtly, vi- Paulo, a'iv. little, fomewhat. leiur. • Pases bonæ, happyleagues gorouſly. Pauiò minus, almof. Paulo of pesce Uti pace, to bi | Pectufculum, 1; n. slitla breafl. mox, by and by, a little after.. # Pecu; indec: castle. Paulò poft eum numerum, almol Pax, adv. buh to Dill make no words. Păcura, is; ni herd, nud, or Bleike! as many: Pax Julia, srity in Portugal. of castle, 6H2 Poci. Waltor. like a comb. iron. novihur. very doesia, fear with, 1 on je city of Illyricum. 1 , PED PE D PEL Pecuaria, æ. f. ebe grapors tradi, a Ditores podaril, frators who came Pedule, is;. n. a fro«il ; alſo a fock. purt or berd of cattle. 1. ibs houſe on fort, nor being alourd Pedulis, ei adj. of she foot. Pecuarium, it jin. a bord of caisle. the fella crulis ; or (lels probably) Pedum, a stum in Italy. Pecuárius, a.? om; adj. of 01.As. fusibo as gaur no volia in the lonate, Podānus, a, um ; adi. of Pedom. Ars pecuaria he skill of ardor but might come to the poll when the PEDUM, 1; n. (à pedibus.ovium) e, iwe raisle. Canis pecuariua, a biuſ was divided. Iberp-hook. Anar hard's dog Pedalus, a city near Pylas, adeund. + Peduſculus Pēcuārius, il, n. a maler of pocks, inz in wine ; aljo one of Achiles's | Pedunculos, }; į mi a little foor, a hardjman. borfes, and a man's name. Pegaſ., 2;. city of Caria. + Pēců 1ārius, a, um ; ra, brutal. Pedāt!m, adv. ene foot after another. Pegaſeus, a, um z adj. of Pegaſos soc # Pēcŭdardus, castle, underfening of vines or plants. from the fountain which was opened Pecunius, a, um ; ad). [ă pecus of Pedātom, 1; n. a fuosing, a march, by she bels of Pegalui. trajts or prop invaſion ;. alſo a marib. Pegaſus, Pcaſeus's fying horſe, bred Poculuio, önls';. f. a robbing of br Peda: úra, 2; f. a proportion of fut: of the blood of Meduſa; alſo a low- jate or publick friajary. Pédātus.'a, um ; adj. having furt zor, profeet of the city under . Ver. Pēcūlàtorors; m. rn opsrefor, a propped.up. . Malc podatus, ill- paſian. rabbor of tbr Nutri, an embraczclar of youred. • Pogma, at's ; a. a fraffold, a pall, a Flick 1:30iny. Podãtus, lls ; m. e march, on as pegiani. Pēcūlātus, ûs; m. s robbing or chest. Pedalu tertio, , ing 160 date. third onlet or attack. [Vix reperitur Pegunta, Pčcūlāris, e; ad). Particular., proper, In alio quăm caſu adlat vo.] Pelērālio, onis 3.f. * forfwearing. chore. ibot whib is a ſervini's. + Pědellus.; m. a little foot. :;* m. 1. Pēcūl'aritas ātis; f. pe uljariry. Pedoma, at's; n. a kind of danct. , icis; f. Pécū!:äritèr ; ady. ius, ilimè; pecu- Pedemontana Regio, or Pedementi. Pējěro, are ; neue. (à per & furo] to lirrlı as his sum. um, the comery Picdmont at the forfwear one's polf, swear fulfly. Pēcūliātus, a, um ; ad). very rich. foot of the Alps, dividing France Pēlor, gen. Oris; adj. compar. à 02. + Pēcūlo, arc ; to pillage, rob one's and Savoy from Italy, now under lus, worſa. In pejos sucre, 10 ned or hoard, id punim in the purſe; the king of Sardinia. grow worſe and wife Sumalus, alſo to bolow upon. + Pedcpreffim, as fofily as foot can Peloro, are ; to make worſe, impair. + Peculiðlum, 1; 0.2 l tie fubftante. follow frot. Peiſo, a lake of Noricum. Peculiofus, a, um, adj. waliby, Pedes, itis, on foot, a foes' Maser. Pejus; adv. compar. à malè, werfe, hoarding up. Acies pedido, this infantry. Pclagiá, z; f. a purple fif Pēcūlium, 11; n. (à pecus ) wsalib in Pedes crat in ſylvà, hi went Pel-glum, il ; 11. juice of the purple- general, fase, one's.propar goods, a through the wood on foot. fine. liorke in orci peculio numerári, Pedefter, ris, non sono fortalec: Pelagius, of the fear to counted for dead Podeftris, se; adj. S tlo pedeftris. Pelagius, on heretiik, A. D, 415, who Pēcuor, ari; dep. fo rob ar dofrand a profe. .Exercicus pedepris, a fool dmied original siri &c. ello a king provint, cowgin the fou. army. of Spain, and leveral popesi pecunia, &; ffà pecua) money, Pědčdentio ; adv. drawing one for Pelagonia, a country of Sicily. jubrania, paymeni. • Peconia nu. after another, softly, leiſwely. PELAGUS.I; m. and D. (rear) merata, pofmt pay. Pecunia Pediadis, a country of Bactriana. the fra, ibi durg, bestem of the lea. quæftuofa, r.:onn as wf . '* Pecu- Pedias, a tribe of Attica. Pelamis, idis ; a young tonyfil, of niam exercere, to employ monas, Pédica, æ; f. a Juare, Springs, futter, & jear old. Pecuniæ, árum; pl. f. gerds, riibas, + Pedicātos, a, um ; ad). Snared, Pelargus, i; m, a fork, and an caribien Pecuniarid; adv. witb mingya Pédicoſus, a, um, adj. louy. por with a long mouth. Pēcünleris, c , adj. of money. } * Pedicularla, 2; f. an horb good to Pelagi, the people of Pelaſgia. Pecuniarios, a, um; • Inopia till lice, Pc'algia. A country of Greece, called rei pecuniariz, want of money. Pedicularis, c; adj. of lice, louſy, heretofore Theffaly, Segistimes tako Pocuniardm, ii; n. 4 freaſury, Herba pedicularis, Pave's-acre. for all Greece, Pēcūniõla, k; f. a small ſum of mo. red-rattle, lice-bans. Pelargius, Pedicălātus, a, um, adj. having a Pelaſgus, Pē ūolositas, ātia; f.llert of money. fake. Pělalgicus, Pēcūniofus, a, um, ad), monsged, Pediculi, a people of Italy, Pelaſgla, a name of Lesbos. . fübt of conej, profitable. . Ars pe + Pedichlose; adv. louply. Pělalgis, Ceres callada cunioſa, a gainful stade. Pediculositas, äuis; f. loufineſs. Polaſgus, im. the twenty fiftb king 4. Pěcuðfús, i; m. one that has mucb Pediculorus, a, um, ad). "louſy. of the Sicyonii. cattle;. Also a bordforan. Pedicŭlus, !3 m. Cà pes) a little fonts Pčlafgas, i ; m. a kind of lawıl. PCUs, brls; nó là xG, lana] fald, a louifo. * Pcdicalus logul Pele, the name of two cities in Thef. cattle, « fwrn, a jo:k. Ubi aalis, a trab-louse. faly. com pecos, a youngjer atybred. + Pedio, ire ; to flamy with tor foot. Pēlēcan, is ; Pecýs. ūdis; f. fmallcaldle, Squan. It Pediolus. 1; m. aiilila foet. Poecānus, i; } a. she bird pelican. migerz pecudes, fiſh. Imporiſ. Pedipiludium, il ; n. fios-ball-play. + Pēlēcāaus, i, m, a glaſs vifel in Gnia pecudis ſordes, the dung oft Ped!s, is; m. a louſa. alchymy, this pliby felloco. Pediscqua, æ; f. a waiting maid, Peleccs, a city of Libya. + Poda, æ ; fca nipo spacesbe prine Pědisequus, ; m. & waiting-man... Pelecinus, i, m. 1a corn-wed, calle. of man's foot. Pědítājus, lus; m. tbe infantry, or Pelecinum, i; n. od ox wori. pidā'c, is ; n. (à pes] a foujini, a body of foot. Pelcoaria, &; f. a city in ibe Tro- sowel to wipe the furt, + Pedito, are, to go on four. glodyuick, bay, Pedali, a poople of India; who in 1 Pēdịcum, t; n, a foil or fixx!o. Pelendones, & pople in Spania ibeir facrifiint debire nabing elſe bus Peditus, asm. (à pedo] fari. Pelechronil, thi Laplih so called; jufiice, fuppofing that to be the foun. + Pedjom, ii; n the middie part of they are ſaid to have for fixnd out tain of all sher:things, the foos, anſwering to the back of the the use of bridles, and the breaking Pēdalis, c; adj. of a foor long. hand, of horſes. Pédalium, i; n. a promontory of Pedlus, a certain dumb puinaria Peleus, i, m. the one of Æacus, and Podafium, Cyprus. + Pedix, fcis; m. & fetter, fachlo. fasher of Achilles, called from bim Pēdamen, inīs; n. the prop of a Pedniliffus, a city of Pildir, Pelldes , iD. Podo, önis; m. one with sployeel, Pelia, the river Pagļia in Tuſcany. +-Pedaga, &, fi a letter Pēdo, are j to go on fort, alſo to in. Pcijas, adis ; Achilles's spear, whics pēdāncus, a, um ; adj. of a fut, 80 derpropi & vine or plant. none could wild but himſelf. ing on to. Magiſter pedancas PEDO, pēpēdi, dītam, dère. (tragicu, Pelias, æ; m. the son of Neptune ; a redani, Judex pedancos, a à ſono) to break wint bardzoara, 10 he was king of Theffaly, and uncle a junge of petty canfos. fart, of Jaſon. Pedárius, a, am; adj. walking, *Se Pålor, ārlej mi tbilink of the foot, &c. Pelicanus, i; m. * pelican, « faour.rs adj. having a pedalenseJaum,ad). of Pelaigla. } Pēdamentuin; 1 ;...} Sherler 1 + ron. , PEL: PE L PEN ler with a broad bill. + Pelliparius'li;m.e lesbarjoller, tants of Perificati Peligeni, a prople of Italy, whoſe chief pelt.inan, ionner. Pelosium, in. a bun in bo far. tauon was Sulmo; they had very bad t Pellir:s, is ; t. liathern helmet, the part of Egypt. from what you wine.. PËLLIS, is ; f. [ à oralijfquama, farthest mould of Nilas, dividing Peligneus, a, um; ad). of the Peligni. vel à pertos, cortex) a pelt, skin Egypt from All is called Peha- Peligaianus, 1; M. Ibe.colleague of orbidi ; alſo porimentezu, mail, sium of Peludacam. Pomponios. covering of tents. Ofta atque Pelusius, a, um , adj. of Pelus. Pelinæus, i; m, a orry bigb hill of pellis totus eft, he is nothing bur. 7 Peantiiofus, a, udr zad. flthy. Chios, under which isir bil.ory lays skin and bones.' * Detrahere pel- Pemple, idis ; f. a city of Egypt. thert lay a monitrous dragon. lem alicui, to feu one, or lay open whenre præfc&ura Pempritis. Pellapa, æ; f. a city of Thesſaly. one's intentions. *Sub pellibu's cffc, Pčnária, e, f. 2[à penus ja ftore. from Pelicus the ſon of Occhalius. to be in a leigusr or camp. Penarium, ii; n. I bees, 4 p.init). Peiion, monniain of Theffaly, Pelliior, oris ; m. a furrier. Pēnārius, il; mi a bullar, one ibat whole top is covered with pines, and Pellitus, a, um ; adj. clad in leather. kreps the Bore home or pantry, the rei of it with oaks ; alſo a city # Pelliti patres, leather-coated 18- Penārius, a, um ; adj. of or for pro- Tbefraly and Illyria. nators, visun. Pellus, 'fi Pella, are, 1o. drive, mavi, prak.} + Penalitas, ātks ; a ponplig or } Peliacus, a, um ; adj. of Pelion. PELLO, populi, pullum; (rinko fine. Pella, æ;fo acity of Miccdanla, the & SAND] to knock, to pus or Arivi PENATEŞ, ium ; om 'fà pcnu vel dirib-place of Philip and Alexan out, 18 repell, to move, to begin 10 penicus, &t. toujbold-gods. der.called now Jenizoj alfo a uly foweb, vix. * Tuae has pepüliſti Pěnātiger, a, um ; 2017 , dearing away of Palcâine, wbither all thé Chri forest did you knack at itoe doars? fiags repaired wbon Jeruſalem Pellere aliquem è foro, to drive + Pinätor, oris ; ma a carrier of was beiged. ; alf. A mountain on #1 an outlawn o Pellcre de viftuals, U Ethiopia. Sententâ, to drive off from an opi. Pendens, tis ; binging, 8.0. . Pen- * Pella, ze ; f. a blue bim. nion.' * Pellere paura, 10 put one dens vinga, wire get in the grape Pellaca, e'; f. Hatiny, damitfulness., from one's own country. Hoc Sci- * Pendentes (copali,exceeding bigla Marie peliacia, a great calm. pion's animin popullt, this Smile rocis hanging rvir me'l hard. tPellacater; adv. deceitfully craftily. Scipio's mind. Pellcro lyraw, PENDEO, pependi, pénfum, fre; Pellacoata, a riusr of Mcdia. to play ox iba barp. neuc. (à penis vel pondus) po bang, Pellana, æ ;f, the ſame as Tripollo Pellos, Bebanzia, depind, be in doubt, té i; n. & kind of boq } Pellena, a city of Laconia in Pe Pellus, weigh, tease. * Penderc ex nuta loponnclus. Pelluc-co, erc; neut. [of per and alterlus, to at:end at or upon to Pellandus, a, um ; adj. of Pallapa. lucco) to Sine through, to be trin. nisthirts baik. Pendere animi or # Pellārius, il; m. a skimmer, afall Sparmi. aniino, 10 bain doubt or perplexity. Pellūcide ; ady. very clearly. monger, *. Pendant opera imperfecta, the Pellātor, oris į m. e compeller. Pellucidus, a, um ; adj. Hanſparent, works bong on hand. Res pen- Pellax, gen. acis , adj. (à pellicio] Pelluo, u, ütum; (of per and layo) dent, she parties are in fuit. *Pon fiatrering, loofbing, delußve, fair. 10 waſ ihroughly, scour. derc promiffis,to rely uport growius. fookon. Pelluvie arum if. Capes & livo? + Pendigo, inis ; f. a voit hung ba- + Pelleare, is ; a. 1 an ex's daw. Pelluvium, il;lla S a bowlite was fora imopst. # Pellearium, ii ; n. lap. one's funt in. Penditur i imp. paft, rbiny wsigh, Pellectus, a, um, part. of pelliclor; Pe odes, a bavm in Epirus. allured. Pelopca, æ ;.f. The morbor of Ægift- Pendo, pependi, penſum, děte; at. Pellene, za town of Achaia in Po. hus, by her own fasher Thycitos: (à pcndco] to weigh, pandor, eflerin, j. } $0 pay, Jufer, rond. Magni pea- lef do, I fui a bigb rate on't. * Sub- mado; hance the proverb, Tunica Pelopla, æ jf. a sily of Epheres. plica or penas pendere, tluffer Pellcnica or Pellcnea. Pelopidas a famous Lacedæmonian. pains or penaliies. Pellepidue, a, um , adj. [of per and Peloponnesia, æ : f. a woman, who Pendúlus, a, um, adj. binging, lepidus) very pleaſant. for für ditaes broup bi ferih four cbil dingling, ropy, claramy doubifu!. Pelles, jum ; f. tmii made of leather. dren at a birth, PENE, adv. (á The propcjalne, Sex peilis. um ; . of will-nigli Pelleus, a, um ; adj. of Peila. Peloponneſusi Elis PELLEX, icis ; f. [vanhexal e con- Peloponnclus, the mifi famcu: Penin- Sicily.. cubine.. fula of all Europe.joined to Grecce Penelus, a, um , adj. of Pencu. # Pellicalio, onis; f. an inveigling, by a very narrow ifhmus barwam Penelope, ĉs ; f. ibi daughter of Ica- jealouſy. the Egcan and lonian leas, rus, and confant wife of Ulyffes, Peilicator, oris ; m, an invrig'ır. Pelops, opis ; m. the son of Tantalus wha to derrive her ſuitors, promifing Pellicāļus, ls im. tbe being a con king of Phrygia, who being kilied by her rripite till mas pinie of work. Jie cubin, wboridon, his father, and fat iefors the gods to hd in hand wars onded, undid # Pellic.ca, ère; act. to jøveigla. try their divinity, Ceres cat bis ty night whatfut pe did by Joulder, but Jupiter revived him day, Pellicius } a, um ; ad. Lestbern and made him an ivary one ; he gave Penelops.18; f. a guiney or turkis bm. Pcll-icio:exi, caun, icere ; act. (of name to Pelopopacias. PĚNES, præp. ferv. acc. Ter {Heb. per and lacio] to allura, imie, Pěloris, idis; f. a mulle. perum. interius] in the power of Pelorus, one of the three propuntories • Pencs tecs ? are you in your wisi? Pēllicum, a; 1. [à pellis] a small Pelor's, of Sicily, 'iis alſo called • Ifthæc pencs vos pralria, the hideg bare skin. * Curarc pelli Pelorias, ad S. finging winch is at your bufe. colam.co male nurbof one's carcaja, PELTA, 2; f. [91 Šian] a find like Penetæ, arum, e people of Theffaly. * Veteren tu tenca pelliculam, a balf moon. Penertia, a country of Illysia. you are no changeling. Continere Peliz, a city of Phrygia. Pčačtribilis, e; adj. cafily ciering, Ic In pellicula, o be content with Pellalta, eim. one baaring a half or cry to be entired into.. one's condition. mcon Mield. Pěnciral, 2 is ; n. an inner, fucrit, + Pallicólātio, onis; f. an inveig. Peltatus, a, am ; adj, arcard with a Pčaetrāle, for retiring rose, ling, covering with leather. half moon Shield, cloſet. + Pellicèlātor, oris ; 1. a furrier, Peltiſcr, a, um , adj.bearing a balf Ponctiā!is, e ; adi, inward; alſo Pellicòlātus, a, um, adj. furred. moen hield, piercing. Penetralis Germania, Pelliculo, are, to cover with leather Peliini, puple of Lycaonia. the inmon pari or hourt of Gercany. CT fur, PELVIS, is ; f. [GAUS ) a.bafin, + Penetraliùs ; adv, compar, more + Pelicus,a, umjad).made of Learber. Owl, or bath for the 1891. piercingly. Pello, onis ; m, a skinner, Pelusy an iſland tirar Chios ; ello a Pčnzgālio; õnis ; f. & piercing. + Peliparla, æ; f. leather-fol- miesain in Tuſcany. Pčnetratos, āris į ori a pigrier. } i Polliparium, 1; n. ing Pelunota, arum; m. pl. thumbabi. Ponet:ājus, a, um, part. pierced, Ponctro pay, &c. ! { 1 + Pengifers *Pconigeræ fag tie, PEN Ρ Ε Ν Ρ Ε Ρ Penegro, are ; act. [qu. penitùs in Penno rucium, Pencridge 'm 'Staf-, Penta meter, a, um ; of fiue fret; tro} to pierce to goi into anj dift. fordſh re Pentapharmacum cunvivium, mea! cult, remote or strong place. * Pcac- Pennoſus, a, un; adj. well-father'd of five air, ujed by Adrian she trare Atlantem, to get out or in pt Pennŭla, ze ;if. a little pon, foa- the Preghis moulb. * Penctrare in ther, or wingi Peataphyllum, i ; n. the herb cinque- coelum, so ges up into herum. Pe- † Penla, æ ; T. a payment, the price foil, or fivefingar graſs. netrare pedea in ra ades, to ge payed. Pentapolis, is; f. a country of Cyre- Into the boula .. • Penetrare lc in Pensābiils, c; adj. wh.ch may be re nak a: froin iis , five cities; Berenice, fugam, to foow a lighs pair of hails. Commanfod. Arſinoe, Pio emais, Cyrene end Penzus, i; ni a river of Thefàly, Pensãtió, önis; f. a weighing, confi Apollonia ; alfo i auntry of Pa- running berwen Offa and Olympos. dering Icítine about Sodom and Gomor- Penia, ; f. the goddeſs of poverty, Pensator, oris ; m rha; and Rally of Tuſcany. a pencil a spunge, , 'f. } , }maw. Pensātuspartà a wrigher. Pentapota, nourts of fue cales. Pent s, adis j f. cingue er in, a rent for wounds, * Penicil- Pe tasticha, arum ; f. porches with lum tc&orlua, a plaiferer's brukt. Pensibil s. ej adj.to ha urighed. for rows of pillars, Panicúiamentum, 1; na ibe skirts of Penfică āmentum, i;nia fringe of Peatate uchus, 1; m. } the Penta- a germmi. a gormint. Penta'cuchoa, 1;;.n..i touch, or Peniculum, 1; A. 1a, brush dub-clous, Pensicòlātè, adv. exa&tly, by wrigibi. five cooks of the law of Moſc s. Penicũlus, i ; m. I fox-tail Spung. Pensicúlātor, oris ; m an exami. Pentathla, orum ; n. the exercises of Péninsúla, æ; f. a place almof encom. Pensicù atrix, icis ; f. M. ner.. s för malerias, viz. leiping, ruń poffed with water, almoſt an iſland. 1 Pensică āius, a, um adj. part. ing, cutting, dorting and wreßling; + Pedjaſalātus, a, um , adj. mould weigbid. called in Latin quinquertium. almol round, Pensiculo, are ; act. to weigh for Pentecoſte, és it. Whitſunday, the PENIS, 3, [www, vel à pendeo) trial: fift ech day after Boiter.' a man's jard, a tail, a lint for a Penbilla, lum ; n. pind nis. Pentělčris, įdis ; f. be space of five wound Pensilis, e; adj. (à pendeo) 2:1998 Jers, + Pealſcilla, a ſoft founge, ing, dangsing. Hores penales, Penthe pimeris, ; 20of the firja Peniffimè, adv. fuperi. even, almoll, gerdins out of the windows jllable after the two Arj feet. wiibin a wry little Lect:s penalis,a bem mock, Urbs Penihčilca ; f.: a quren of the A- Pčnit.or, iùs, ády, compar, more ip pendiis a city vaulted ungernih. mazons fain by A Hillcs. ward, † Penfil:tèr, advi lightly. Penthous, i, m. obe son of Echion, Penitiffimus, a, ug sadjfuperl. mol Pensio, onis; f. & penfion; dent. verni pinces for our fing abs rites inward. **Penicillima Arábia, the Penáváārios, it'; ni pen boriti, hi of Bacchus. heart of Arabia. that receives or p..ys a penfion. P:nthic, a sity of Lesbos. Pěnitus, a, um, ad). inward, inti. Pentior, jus, gcn.oris ; ad). 3 art: Penthylus, l; m the son of Demo- inate. * Ex penltis faucibus, from murs 10 be valurd. nous, who broughi twelve .ps from the very bottom of the throat. Penitātlo, õnis ; font cxali weigh Paphos, r help Xerxés, und loll PENITUS, ady. sá 179, RATTERNS, ing and examining, a recompening; them in a tempeft. vel à penus, i.... locus intimus ] ridruming: † Pontrēmis, is ; fi a galley wilb jari grire, clearly, full. * Indicum Pengtätor, orie.; m. an exact pur benches of oars. peatus odium, maglice not foon for Penſitatrix, icis f. weigher, Pentorobcn, 1 ; 0 the harb plony. gotten *M-odare pcnitus animo, pondorer. Penti, the people of Borianum in ! to imprint is upon the mind. Pensilacus, a, umind) nearly weigh. Samnium. Penitus, a, um, là penis, having a ed, pondered, rxamined. Pena, indecl, provifion, Ste penus, • Penita ofta, a loin of park. Pensiio, arc, to weizh, to poiſe, 10 Pčnuar ús, a, um ; adj. of proviſion PENNA, à f.là otor,volucris) compare, 5 ponder, pay. PENŮLA, æ ; f. [kalkónn] a clouk a quill, wing, sine pennis vo. Penſiuncula, 2 jf. a low or Praall * Ira cum cis cg!, ut non fcinde- Jare hand facile eft, 'sis bard doing sint, a linha dongion. Tem penulas, I did not frafs upen in great fonts, if a man have not Penſo, are ; 2ct to try by wright, to than or was not importunate with wherewirbali * Deciſis humilis Dolue, to requite. Pay sir, inale wpi iben o tay. pennis, kirping below because his redoon. Penfare argento, to ous Pēnŭlārium, i... 6 dosk-bago: or wings are the. *** Majorcs ndo vnith money. • Penſare aliud ex profs for.'cloáths. peanas cxtcndere, no live at A alio; to truck, barier. Penſare + Penúlāto, onis ; f. a furring greatnr rate than one's condition vicem alicujus so farve in another's † Pčnúlātor, oris ; m, a furrier. will permis. • Penne renafcuntur, Penu'ātus, a, um, wearing a cloak. his foorhers are grown again, be is Penfor, oris ; m. a rooigher, .poiſor. Penul imus, a, um ; adj. iho la fave in the ſame condition as before. Penſum, iin. (à pendo) & task, one. * Penultima divifarum, di- Pennāris, e 2 adj. of a pars. * charge, a dift: fi o yarn on fax; la.folosc. Pennärius, a, um; Pennaria the. alſo regard, Penſa ducerc or Pênum, i, n. provifion, flora. * Pro: ca, a pm.cale. trahere, 10 fpin. Exigerc pen cura'or pens, the feword, she ma. Pennariúm;it ; 8. a pon caje, ponor. fum, to demand if the fort bi done. jor domo, and comptroller of the Pennārus, a, um , adj. winged or Accurarc venium, carefully to hou held. See peaus. Literæ pennalæ, lasers carried by perform one's work. * Nihil pea. PĒNŪRIA, æ ; f. Là m'girdw, efurio) Porto upon some sudamn occafion. * li habere, to have no regard of. ponury, fcarci, dostih, wint. Peonatus equus, a flying berje, Penſus, a, um ; . part. of peador; Penuria consilii, wans of counfl,a Penine, Villeneuf, or neufville; in wigbed, examined, recompenled. olunge. Galia Narbonegfis. Pentacontarchus, 1 ; n. a inptain of PĚNUS, I ; m. Bins, vel Penneds, a, um ; adj. of a wing . fifty. Penus, us ; f.' und m. s novos feather Pentada@ylon ,thi herb Palma Chris.. Ponus, ēris ; n. Labor ] + Penin:cúlum, !; n. A URTI, Of Wea ti. provifion, Bore, vehuals. cher-cock Pentadactylus, & mountain of Egypt. Peparelhus, an ilind in the Ægean } 3 a spis in five jed, with a town of ibe same name Penniger, , parts wrib one handia; who a kind fruitful in 's-itrs Ardged arrows. of Mell-filh. Peparina, an island of India within Penninus, part of the Alps, called Pentadorum, i; ni a brick fur hand. Ganges, Moni: St. Bernard, by wb:sh: Hindi. fuls broud. Pephron, e city of Laconia. bal polled his aris) inse Italy. Pentadryon, raging night-shade. Pepinus a king of France, the fa- Pcnnipes, cdis , adj. wing.fooled,an Pentačtéris, idis; f. five years {p.co. ther of Charles the Great; bj. rajon coither of Perſous, who berrowed Pentagamus, i ; m. onc married five of his great marits towards the Mercury', herl.wings. timas. church and pope, he was called REX Pennspotcos nus, rdj.light of wings. Pentagonus, a, um ; of five corners. CHRISTIANISSIMUS. + Penno, are ; nout. re begin to hursi Pentag ama, a; f. a sily of India Peption, fretbars. within Ganges. Peplis PEPLUM, . - nanaman rooom. } Pepilis} wild. Þurfaina www.minen 3 / 1 Hp. debauch away. PE R PER PER PEPLUM, i, n. (TTTA) a hood, Perequatio, õnis ; f. a moking even. , Pěrāreſco, čie; neut. to be parsband } PEPLUS, i, m. vel, korile ; aito Péraquālārès, um; pl. m.garheters up web inib: 238 of pili.Money. Porargutè ; adv. urry fubtilly. Peplus, i ; she borb dovils-milk, or Pěræquè; adv. jul alike. Porargūcas, a, um ; ad), very fubtil potty.spurgs. Poræquo, are ; to make equal, to fill in difputing, very frih in found. PÉPÓ, önis ; m. (mfrmx] a pornpion. pērāridus, a, um , adj. paribid na, Pepſis, is ; f concoction, digarion. Pěræquus,' a, um ; ad). very rum. very dry. Pepticus a, um ; adj. coniccang, vi. * Præituo, are ; to endure all the Pěrarmātio, onis ; f. an arming cap- pe ng fummer. a.pic. Pcpusa, a city of Phrygia, Poroffabilis, e; ad), very affible. Pěrarmo, äre ; act. to arm cap-a-pió. Pcpufiani, a fost of boreticks. Pérăgītāc.o, onis : f. allirring mbour. Përāro, are ;'act so plow ouer a frid. PER, præp.' ferv. accuf. [ mapie Porăgiio, arb'; act. to fir, af sult, * Perarare pontun, tó fuil over the TEME]ylgnifying the minner of un buke, gail, buns. JeaPcrarare tabellas, to write oètion, or the cauſe of an afticn) * Pér ago, cgi, actum, ăgăre ; ack to over letter: Per a'iques, hy one's means,uurho. load, bring to finiſ, performs, con: Pěraſper, a, um ; adj. very rough's. rity, power, minijiry, res/07 12:4nce; fider, digojl, thus through, work + Peraſperätio, onis ; f. a proviking. with one's larve, pormillion, no one out, make, follow, bring, live, re-Peraſporè, adv. very roughly. gainſaying, withjlunding or rejilling. beorfe, poruje. Mullas noctes per: Pěraſpergo, čre; a&. to sprinkle curr. Per me, tc, fc, br. alons, wish. egit info nncs, he polled many nigbes | Pēraſpēriter; adv. pery roughly ar sul ony oihir person or ih ng. It witbout one wink if lloep. • Pera ruggedly. likewis adinits the ſo:lowing fignifi gere scum, to rondemn one. Per- Pěraspěro, áre; to make rough, vex, putions, viz.under preisnis or colour; agere mortcm vel fabulam ætatis, provoke, by me.. Son af, becauſe of.for, on account to and one's life, to dia. • Pera- páraitūè, adv. very craftile. of, in, between, at or in, albwert, gere cibum, to digo meat. Peraltūrůlus, a, um , adj. crafty, ly. croſs, during, whill, when, et such Omnia iccum pesagere,to run queri Peraſtūrus, a, um ;acj. very crafts, time a', sbroughi ( i. c. the place all things in one's mind to fran and Porālia ; adv. bag by bag that is paired.) It is also used in weigh ibon well in one's thoughts. + Pērstrus, a, um ; uiry black. forms of ruraring and adjuring ; Peragere partes fuas, to ad one's Pöratten:è , adv. Diry, astmtively. and olbarwbiles it is an intenfiue pari Pěracteatus, a, am ; adj. very atten. particle put anfore other words, shs Perăgrantèr : adv. rangingly. live. Sometimes jepurised by emels, and Pērăgrätiu, ön.s ; l. s ranging, tra. Peržvärè ; adv, very courteuffy. Agnifes, very, • Per ego te Deos veiling over Pčrăvārus, a, um ; adj, very caustaus, oro, I hope of you for the love of the Pěrăgrator, üris; m. a rongor. Peraudio, Ire; to hear througbly. gods, • Per ludum & locum, in Pěrägrātus, n, um ; part. travelled Perbaccher, afi; dep.ro rant away, mirik and past, • Per me licct, ir travelling over. you may for all me. Per ocium, Pèrăgio, are ; 2a. 10 travel cuer, Perbcātè; adv. very boppily. at lui uri. * Per fpeciem vel cau. runge. * Peragiare mente, to jur. | Perbeātus, a, um ; ad). very bapr jam, un'orc colour, * Per te ferit, viy, ani ponuer. * Peragrare per or olaffed. it was; long of you. * Per occafio. animos hominum, to dive into mens Perbel e; adv. very prettily. nem, Eken be advantage, Pir thoughts. * Latebras ſuſpicionum Perbellus, a, um , adj. very pretty. tempus, in ihe nuk of lime. Per peragrarc, 10 And out all the sur. Perbenè ; ady, very well. nos, by our inediation. Per vos, miles shut cun poſſibly ariſe. Perbčnčvolè; adv. very friendly. by your baisnty. . Per luxum atque i Péralbus, a, um ; adj. very, white. Perběnčvoløs,a, omz adj. very friend- ignaviam, in rior and flicht Per + Pěralius, a, un ; adj. very bigh. hoc mihi mirum vifum eft, mas + Pērămābills, e; adj. very lovely. Perbčnignè;; adv. very bountifully: tbought this was very prange. 2. Pěrămantèr, adv. very lovingly. Perbeniguus, a, um, adj. very boun- Per cgo magni tfimo, I highly it Porămātor, oris ; m. a hearty lover. tiful. value it. * Per pacem alloqui, Perambulatio, õnis ; f. 4., walking Perbeo, are ; to mala wry bippy. 10 Speak in ldly und calmly to. Over Of about + Perbībesia, , fe a define to dünk Pera, æ;f.a city of Piſidia. Perambulator, äris ; m, a walker a. much. PĒPA, ; f. #P?) a pouch, Sirip, bour. Perbi.bo, bl, bitum, borc ; 2ct. to a.fatebal Pērambůlātörlum, li in. o walk or drink up.ell. Perabrurde ; ady, very abfurdly. alloy. + Perbito, cre; to be utlarly undone. Porabluidus a, um ; adj. vory abjurd. Perambúlo, are ; to walk about or Perb!ande ; adv. very smoothly. Pēráceo, ērc ; a grow your Perblandus, a, um, adj. very smooth, Pěrăcer, peracris, peracré ; ad). very + Perămicè ; adv very friendly. fair ſpoken, meal-muutb'd. four or jharp, Peracre judicium, Pěrămo, are ; act. so love theroughly. Perbõrus, a, um ; adj. very good and a very jound judgment, that can + Porample; ady. very burgeiy. kind. * Perbono loco es crat, easily dive inte ihings. Peramplus, a, um , adj. very large, was tery well, nothing was amiſs. + Perắce:bè ; adv.ury Jourly. futety, magnificent. Perbrèvis, e ; adj. very ſoort. Pèrăcerbus, a, um adj.very fort, + Perampúrátio, OA's ; f. a paring | Pes bièvitèr ; adv, wery Mortly, in a Pérăceſco, čre; so grow very fharp. Cor prun ng very much off". jrw words, + Poracidus, a, um , ad): very four. Porarigufto ; adv. very n rrowly, PERCA, 2, f. (aspis) a perch. Põractio, onis, f. w finiffing Poranguſto, arc ; ali. to drive indo Percãco, arcito difle all oder. Poractor, oris, m. a finiber. jrull. Percilefacto, “re ; to beat throughly. Pčractus, a, umpart. of peragor, Peranguſtus, a, um ; adj. very nar Percă fzétus, a, um ; part. of per- finiſhed. ca!cfio; shroughly braird. Përăcuo, ērc; to maks very harp. Peranno, āre ; to laſ, live, or make Purcălčio, ēri ; neut. par. to de Pērăcūtė, adíury Iharply or wir up a full your . throughly brated. sily. Perantia, scily of colia. Percal-eo, ere ; 780 de throughly Porácūtus, a, um, adj. very ſbare Porantiquo; adv. very anciently. Percaleta o, čre ; } brated. or willy, Pórant.quus, a, um; adj. very ancient. Percall-eo, ēre ; to be grown hard ; + Poradoleſcens, t's; C. very young Porapposito ; adv. very fiily, a. to know perfeftly or youthful. Pérapposilus, a, um , ad). very fil, Percallidè adv. viry craftily. Poræa, the farther, pari' of Judæa prepar, muh so ihe purpoſe. +. Percand-co, ēre; to be very white. next: Egypt, and a ſmall coun:ry + Pē. ārāiso, õnis ; f. a ploughing - Percandidus, a, um Percandidus,a,um ; adj. very wbite, of Caria over-againſt Rhodes. vir, a writing or engrav ng. very canard or couricous. + Pērædlicatio, onis ; t. the finiſh. Pērärātus, a, um, part. of peraror i Pe cantātio, õnis ; f. e charming. ing of a building. zu ssion. engruurd. Pei cantatr X, icis ; f. A forcereſs ; + Përædificator, õris ; m, a builder + Pérard.co, cici 10 burn ihrough. elje a finging wincb. up. + për:rd=1.0, čre ; neut. to begin Percārus, a, um ; adj. very dear. Po ædificilus,a um ; adj. built ap: 10 curn through Percauic, adv. very warily. Përædifico, arc; se finijih a building, Pěrarduus, a, yin; ad), very diffirull Percautus, 2 um ; adj very wary. ar higb. Puscc, en eld naar of Thráce. Perco. ver. . Tiw. build up. 21 1 PER PER PER loud. Percèlebratio, onis ; f. a crying up | Percontŭmacitèr, adv., orgfoutly, Perdelirus, a, um ; adj. doling: all abroad. Percontumax, gen. ācis ; adj. vary Perdelirum, an idle conseil. Percèlebratus, a, um ; part. cred up, lous and jiubborn. Perdcnſus, a, um ; adj. very thick. Porcelěbro, are; ad, to cry wp,extol, Percope, a city by Ponjug. Perdeſpuo, ère ; no defy:je greatly. Berecler, 19, rcadj. very fuift. Percopiosè ; ady. very pletifully, Perdiccas, ano of Alexander's com- Perceleriter; adv. vary louiftig. Percopioſus, a, um ; viry, plent.ful. puniors and fucillors. # Percělěro, are ; aut to make great Perco-quo, xl, cum, quere ; act. Perdic:a, 10:niry and haven of Lycia. bufe: Percello, percủli perculfum,ěre;a&. pofuih, cancock, or ripen thoroughly. Perdicru'm, ii; 4. Là perdix pellitorga try si ibi uimsi. Perdifficilis,e ; adj, very difficuli, Anike, overthraw, , Pecote, a city of Troas, Perdifficililer; and abus defer. Pieultrum per- Pereotinus, a, um ; adj. of Percote. Perdifficulièr; } cald, I hova run my wagon agcin Percotius, a famour footh layer, Perdignè, adv: very worsbily. ped and purieraand il* Id me friend to she footh/dyers, the father of Perdignus, a, um , adj, very or right perculit. this apunifour me, I am Adrallús und Amphius. Worthy. ngejt at it.. Percrebeſco, čre ; neut. to be given Perdiligens, ntis ; ads viry diligens. Percenf-co, ere; ac. to recount, tun out; to be genera ly reported, paps Perdil'gcatèr., ; av very carefully. ur. * Parcenfui carsim nudic. for a common truth. * Percrebuit Perdiſco, didici, čre ; di luar bi- pom-Iegionadag I run ouat in nul fama, it mas publickly reported. rougbly, learn oy beart. tering the line of the legions. + Percrčpicus, a, um , adj very old. Perdlic adv. dofruttively, extreme. Perceptio, onls į f. a gathering.com- Percrcp.oj us, itu m,arc ; io crácka ly, exceffively. # Perd te amare, reiung, understanding 10 ba defperately in love with. Perceptor, oris ; mis perleukt., Percriciätus, a, um ; part. af per- Perditio, onis ; f. a perdition, leſing, Perccptum, i, n. a ſparsla: 0%mo oructor-;, groetly for menind: โ lavishing tim. Pei.cructo, are ; to corràmi foré. . Perditor, oris ; m.a doftropar, loor. Perceptus, a, um, part. of percipior; Percrūdé; adv. very puwly. Perditus, a, um; part. à perdor;un. conceived, taken in, underjord. Percrodus, a, um , adj. quite raw. dine. ſpoiled, loji, de perare, lewd, Percerpo, črej, (of per ant carpo] Percudo, &, fun, dčre; act. to break Perditus afc alicno over brud and to garber all akut, A thin platefiflump or soin. Ova FATI IN debt. * Perdita valctudo, Perces, a river in Spain. percudere, to bardh eggs. a anling diflempor. Percides, a kind of je z-fifh. Perculſus, a, um ; part of percellor; Perd:ù, adv. a very long time, Percido, čre.; [of per and cædo) * mirren, Brück, rouebedi daſbed. Perdives, iris ; adj. viry rich, brst vahernantiy, to pierce. Perculiè, adv. very trimly,neatly Perdius, a, um ; adj. [à dies] all ibe Percico, ivi, icum, crcto difurb, Percultus, a, um, part. of percolor ; long, SRCU much, to be in mfed, very well sinathed or bred. Perdiuturnus, a, um ; adj. very long, Perciogo, xi, com; to:gird round: Percunciāto, onis ; to an inquiry, a Perdix, a huntſman who, day with Els ☆ Percino, čre ; fof per and cano) queftioiing, a farrging for. mother Policaſte , whib occafioned. Yoonis oui. Percunctor, ari ; to quition or in. the proverb, * Perdicis libido , alſo Perc-spio, ēpi, prim, ipăre ; act. [of quire of Percunctari aurem, to ibe nephew of Davalus, thrown from per and capio l to percrive, CIRCU.VE, try by the ear, so confuit the ear: a bigb tower by bim fr invipling toe and rative, sako in, underfand. *t Percúpidè; adv. viry lernet Juw, and was changed into a putridge, culis percipere; ** fx. Aori. Percñpido'; } ly, Perdix,icis ; 1. & m.(epigià fono) bus porcipere, eo bear. Fructus Percūpīdus, a, 40; adl. cornefly a partridge. Perdix ruftica, o percipereg to: gerber fruits.. ricard 18. woodcork. Percifus,9, um ; part. tus all over. Percúpio, čre; act. to define esmolly, PERD:0, 1d!, Itum,ěra ; act.[ à per Percitus, a, un jad); dißurbed; vix to long for. & do] loje, dejlroy, Spoil, to for- ed, aftoniſood: Percūriolus, a, um ; very inquiſitive. Qui inc perdidit, who bas + Perclam, ady- very privily. Percūro, arc; act. 1o curt perfually, undant mi. Perdese a quam, 10 Pcrclāmo, arc ;. act. to cry but much so take great cure about. spend the time imminen:ly. Per. Pardlū-do.fi, fum, dčre; act: [à clau Percarro, ri, and cūcarri, fum,ère; dere fugin, to loſe the opportunity of do so but fojt. act. to run through, to diſpatch eſcaping. * Perdijlt rem pater- Percnopterus, 1 ;.m. An eagle with spudily. * Legendo percurrerc, nam, be bas ſpent his eßate. Per. litle wings baunling lakosjebe bald to read fuer in. bife. Habili didi funditùs ftomachum, I cannst percurrit pollice cho das, for sou:bes be angry for a life, Percnost;a bald buxxıd. the lure world, Perdoc-co, ui, tuni, ēre ; act, 86 Percourdo, are ; act.to jirrigbim very Percursātio, onis ; f, the making on trach perfuarly, close. • Percoarctarc fanum in inroad, a plundering abour Perdoctè, adv. very skilfully. Arian, to cock the bay. Percursā:or, oris, mi be that makes Perdoctus, a, um, part. à perdoceor; Percoctus, a, um, part. of perco an inroad. very, kilful. • Perdocta eſt probč, quor will . fod, thorough ripe. Pcrcurfio, onis f.a ruming ourri je is not now to leam. Percognitus, a, um ; part. well or Percurſo, are; to make an inroad spen, Pcidol-co, čre ; neut. 8o refent a immediately known. 10 plunder about. thing to purpose, to be. tranſported Percogn-oſco, ori, itum, ofcore; act. Percurfor, aii; to run over haflily. with juſ indignation. to know intipatalj.. Percor{us, a, um; (of percurror] 'Perdomītus, a, um, wholly ſubdued. Percolatus, a, um, Arained through. over-rumpeted through, well known , Perdomo, ui, itum are; to fubdur Percolo, arc, to Jrain through. and confidered, perwed. wholly. * Provinciam perdomare, Perc olo, olui;ultamjolčie, ko bomour Percurſus, us ; n. a running cuer. la bring the provinse into perfe&i fute carefully and conſtantly, dross the Percusfio, onis ; f. a froko, or Arik jection. • Perdomare terram, to me. roughly, to frißi. ing 41, she kuping time in mufick. nure land, to bring it into tillage. Percõinii, e, adj. gry. civil and Percaffor, oris, mi a priker, an af. Perdoniun, il'in, wine made of Fellin, fiabbar berbi. Percomitèr, adv. um sivilly. Percutíus, a, um;part. of percutior; perdormiſco čre ; to floop all nigbs Percommodè ; ady, very conveniently. Ar.ckert, play'd upon, coined, call up. without waking Percommõdud; ä; um ; adj.very como Percusſus ûs ; mi a priking, keeping + Perduaxo, čre ; to defros. umimnt. sime, she pulja, Pardu.co, xi, ctum, core ; act, to + Percondliè, adv.. very cloſely. Percū tio, fi. fum.těre; act. [of per bring so an md, accomplijo, bring pc.conditus, ag-um ; ad). very sloje. ana quatio] Ariki, to jab, 070 tver, so beſmear rub all over, para Percootatio, onis ; f. an inquiring, nute, pain or csin, to aig. Hunc Suade. ' Perducere ad exitum, & quafliening. prope percutiam, I'ill give him a culmen or fummum, to compleet a Percentator, oris ; mu. an aster of * Percutere palpa, to thing, put an end to it. *'Perdų. Porconatrix, icis.fi Sasvims, Inveigle • Percutere foedus, to cere in ſcrum, to continuo a' bing buy-bodyi flrike a longue, * Percutere foffam, till evening, not to give over till Percontor, art, to inqaint, quellion. to cal up a trench." Jun fat. #Perducere foffas in al- • A coelo ad terram percondari, Perděcorus, a, um ; adj. very comely. titudinem pedum quindecim,to dig tau what one will: Perdel.co, čre ; to' blot out quilei dilcbus fifteen foot drop. Perdut & couritoasi soos blow, I 1 alty. . | ; . PER PER PER Perduaatio, önis; f.a leading of one. days bine. compleater, Perducto, are; act. 10 load one often Péronnātio, onis ; f. an abiding con- Perfc&us, a, um, part. of perficior, to a place, to lend one all the waj. fant, perfe&rd, fin sped, complert. Per- Perductor, öris; m. Cic. a leader of Perennātor, only; m. on abider. fedusGræcis literis, agond Grecian. one to another, o guide, A piny, Perenne ; ady. conftantly ; Col. Per-fero fers, tuii, latum, ferrej ad. ander. Pčrennia, 'ium; n. folemn cerimonies acc. to bring to crit,to endurn, to juf- Perductus, a, um, part. of 'perde. of the augurs; Cic. for to the end, to conduct quite tho. cor, Cærbrougbt, led, mduard, Pérennis, nc ; adj (ab annus]consi. rokah,logo longer with child shan the continudi nual, perpetual, all the year long. ductie Hecubi legati perculere, Perduellio, ön's , m. Cæſ. treason, • Perennis tons, a fount sin always when the ambrelladori orought thoſe robillion, Liv, murder ; Cic..Per running, that is never dry. Cic. Terms or tidings: • Perſerre man. duellioncs, perfors guiliy of treafor, * pérenniſervus, i, m. & conjtant data, to bring an errand... Per- radrlliont or murder, drudge, a fervant for term of life. ferre regnum, to get a kingdom. Perduellis,is ; mia rebel, traitor. Cic. Pére.nīt 18, ätis ; f. Plaut. durade Perferox, ocis, adj. way force. Perdolcis,ce; adj. very ſwast. nhafs. • Perennitas fontium, the Perfertur, imp. the news is com. Perdūrācio, onis ; f.an hardening, a continual running of fountans, Perfery dè ; adv. wory boty, lland.ng liff, ur bolding ont, + Perennièr, adv. continually. Perſervidus, a, um ; ad), violmily Perdūrātor, oris ; . in hardener. Perenno, äre, to abide constant to one ſcorching. Perdūrātus, a, uin ; part, hardened, dure for ever. Perf.icio, eci,ectụm,icărc ; act. acc. Perdūrelco, čre ; to grow very hard. Perenaius, ii; m. captain of the life [of. per and facio) parfra, pero Perdūr-o, are ; neut, to tap or bold Ruurd of the emperor Commodus. form, obtain, digo,to drefsilia with Hul, to mduri, to abide patiently. + Perenticida, 2; m. e lulpurſe, a woman, *Cithara perfecit Achll. Perdūrus, a, ain ; adj. very hard, Pěr.co, il vel ivi, itun, ire ; neut. lem, laught him it play, Perfice- Porodia, æ; f. Plaut. a great defire Lof per and co') to perish, be goni, re pellcs, to do is skins, Perfecit, 80 eat, vox fidicia ab ed.. Tof, to miſsarry, din, witbır, love ex he brugbi it us, or to that pass Por-edo, es vel is; ēdi. ēlum,čdere ; ofively, ta bo bankrups. * Perii, Perfide ; adv. Ulp. treacherouſly act. acc, 10 mar thorough, to eat oli I am undono. * Percam, let me die. Perfidelis, ic ; ad). very faithlul. by frassing or corroding; Cic. ** . Malè pereat Lesbia, & miſchios Perfidia, a; f. Cic, treachery, diſlos. conſumo, wajio, or make to pine a. take her, * Periit illi, pudor be is WAY. Quios durus amor crudeli grown foamslefs. • Periit animo, Perfidiofus, a, um ; ad). Clc. traite. tabe per dit ; Vir. or ab animo, his heart fails him ; roues, difayal, perfidious. Përfiuo, čre ; to low over. # act. 1o lovs dofperately, or to one's Perfidiõsc, ; adv. treacherouſly, &c. Perčger, gris, gie; gone abroad. ruin. • Perire mulierem, to dil Perfidus, a, um , adj. treacherous. Peregrè; adv. là perager] abroad, for love of a woman. + Pertig-o, čre ; acts acc. to bere or Peregri;s from home. Animus Percquito, are ; reg. acc. cum vel Ebruß iborough. eft peregre, he dors not mind what fine præp. to ride over or all about. Perfigūr-o, arcs to fapien thoroughly. be is about Pererråt o, ön's; f. a wandering over. Perfia o, irc ; act. to finiſh perfefly. Pčregrinābundas, a, um , adj. tra: Pererritus, a, um ; part, à percrror; Perfixus, a, um, part. of perfigor; : villing for abroad. Vir. wandered over:- Aruck rósrough. # Peregrina, arun ; pl. f, herlots. Părerro, āre; act. acc. to wander - Perfabilis, le ; adj. spen to the wind. Peregrinātio, onis; f. & travelling, • Peterrare aliquem lumi. Perfāgitiõlus, a, um j very wiekid, Peregrinător, orje; m. ? a traveller, nibus, 1 view one all over, to také Perfäcilis,les ad). blowing dongly. Peregrloātrix, icls , f, } pilgrim. special notice of any man's perfon. Perfītus, ùs ;m. a blowing iborough, Percgrinitas,' atis ; f. bring mefs. Pererror, art, atus, ſum past.' to be upon, or frongly ; Piin. # Ad peregrinitatem redactus, bis cverflowed. . Arva pererrantar un + Perfi co, ērc i neut di wup greatly. lost his freedon. • Peregriaftas in. dis, tbe fiolds are overflowm wirb Perfio, ore, aét. Vir. to blow vehi- fuſa eſt per urbem noitram, bare w.zler; Ovid. Amor. ii. 16. 5. mently, to beat upon. baroufnofi of language is proed all Pererudite ; Liv. very lainedly. Perfluctao, āre; to wallow, to fwsros. through our city. Păreruditus, a, um, adj. very learned, Peifluo, xi, xam, čre ; neat. Ter. 10 Peregrinor, ärl ; dep. Cic. to travel Perēlus, a, am ; parte of peredor; leak, riers out, run over or shariuga. abroad; to wander. * Peregrinatur goten up, wrakoned, worn out. Dlata perfluunt, they go in at one animus,his wits run a wool-gather. Perexcrūco, are ; act Plaut. to tar. car, and out at the otbar. Per- ing. • Peregrinator philofophia ment very exquiſitely. fluere voluptatibus, to swim in Romæ, philosophy is a Branger Părexiguus, a, um ; adj. very small. pleaſure and delights. af Rome. * Rom peregrinari, to Perexills, le ; adj, very fonder. Periuus, a, um; ad). powing ſmootb. fure fer for a thing.'. Veftræ au-Perexpedite ; adv, very nimbly. ly, gliding along. Peruus in res peregrinantur, you bear nothing, Perexpcditus, a, um ; adj. very quick Cc frus: a ſwimming gare. your mind is elfowhere. and nimble, Cic. Perf odlo, odi, offum, õdere ; act, Peregrinus, a, um, adj. Cic. Brange, Perfabrico, āre; act. to perfod a buil- acc.ca dig thorough, break thorough. foreign, outlandish. # Peregrinus in ding, raiſe a butlery againſ. Pesfollata, m; f. the herb sho agendo, a novice unex parienced in Perlăcētè ; ady, very pleasantly. Cic. + Perfoliatum,liin. 3 rough-wax, bunnifs. . Quære peregrinum, Perfácêtus,a,umas,ad, very plesjans. or sborough inajul. look ſomebody else to put tricks upos, Perlăcilè; ady, very early. Cic. + Perförale, ls i n. a pimur. we are no ſuch ninnies. Perfãcundè, adv. very cloquently. Perforaca, æ ; f. St. John's wire. Pěreg:īnua, 1 ; m. a foreigner. Ter. Perfacondus,a, umjadj. very eloquent. Perforācio, ānis ; f. a piercing the Pčregrinus ijm. Peregrinc,a man's Perfãm il aris, re; adj. very familius. rough,.perforatior. Pereia, æ.; f. a country of Thesſaly. Perfãous, a, um; very fortrih, filly, Perforacus, a, umi pierced shorough. Pěrë'égans, atis ; ad). very neat, Perfectè, iùs, Ufimè; ady, Cic.com + Per-fore, it will come to be, "dixit Porčlegaotèr, adv. very noully, pleatly, perfe&ly, fully, axdaly. perforc accommodatim ribi ; Cic. Loreloqucns, neis; adı very eloquot. Po fectio, onis ; f. Cic. compicashafi, i. fire tibi peraccoraxıdatud. + Parciptalia fulgura, ligbinings perfelineſs, perfusion, fulnefs ;ihs Performatus, a, um ; part. compliat: which defroyed the signification of complearing, or finiſhing of a thing; ed; thoroughly wroughi. all other ſigns ammg the rooshjayari. the making er framing of a thing Performidabilis, lejadj. to be dradod, Péremptorius, a, um ; adi perempto + Perfeaifimātus, as the dignity of Performidātus, a, um, adj. sila 17, down-right poſitive ; Dig. dis- greatly dreaded. salihing, diadly, mortal ; Apul.. Perfectiffimus, a, um; adj,fupcrl. wolf Performido, ārc; greatly la dirad. Pěremptus, a, um, part. af peri., perfe&i,compleat, dignified; a ide of Perforo, are ; act. to pierce thorougb. mor, killed, our righi. borour given to shi Roman prefideais Périoriter, ady Tor. very courage. Perendie; ady. Çic: [qu. peremptâ of provincias, wfly, wonderfully, noully. dlc] the day after ro-morrow. Perfe&tūrus, a,um; part. fut. in rug., Perfoſfor, Oris ; m. Piaur, a barglar, + Perendino, arc ; 89 pus off frogs day that will finib or compleat, accom a brauksr ibsrough, a jusher. 10 day. plish or athirva Liv, Cic. Perlofſus, a, um, part, of perfodiors Perendinus, a, um, adj. Cic, two | Perfector, ör18 ; 01, Cic. a framer, dug, or pierad iborough. (6) Pere 1 ! Pe part. 8 criander, dri;.m. a king of Ca. , PER PER PER Pertracie, adv.Cic. Noutly.lubbornly. nous, Perfuſa gloria fuco, fald, Pc: hūmane ; Perfr & o, onis ; f. a brsaking ibo counterfeit glory: Perhawanitcr; } adv. very kindly rough, or to piass, Perfra&us, a, um , part. of perfrin- Perge; } wbere Diana but a temple. Përhyemo,ale neut. io abido all } : Pěchūmanus, a, umadj. , gor, Ovid, broken to.pixies. The winist, Cols Perftemo, ai, itum; te róar all over. Persatia, } <;.f. Diana so called, Pēriannbus pess.a foar in verſi of two Perftitatlo, onis ; f. Marcellus ja Pergaſia, orum ; pl. n. the Trojan fbort fyllables thing our fea Perfecto, äre, a to paſs over fea. fed all buildings to be ſo called; also riath, one of the loom w fo men. Bertrico, vi, dum, arc ; to rub well place in Creic, where the fepulebre Pč:ibga, æ , f. ibs saus hier of Ed. clean 070- 80 powder. Parfri of Lycorgus is. symedon, who bare Naustbous to Care os & frontem, so berdin one's Pergamēna, æ ; t. [à pergamus } Neptic parchmont, velluor, Pčrībočius, a, um ; mucb fpoken of g Perfrlaio, õais ; fi [of perfrico] Pergamum, a sity of Thiace. renowned, g. Plin. rubbing bord. Pergamus, a sily of Troas or My fia, Peribolum, i.;a, a thick walli 8. Per fridrio, onis ;' f. Plin: (of per. Near br river of Caycos, wbore Peribslus, i ; w.. sircuit or compas.S. frigeo ) a grear cold, a quaking fit. parchami was inueniad, and when Péricardiam,il; n. Cc.f. tbs shin skin Perfri&us, a, um, part. of perf icor; Æfculaplus praaiſed phyſick, now wherein the heart ss wrapped, the will rubbed. • Homo perfri&tæ called Pergamo beart purje. frontis, a bramkaofa: dfellow. Pergantiam, a city of Liguria. Pericarpium, il ; n. a bust or hull, Perfrigěfacio, cre ; a&. acc. to make Pergaud co, ēre ; to rejoice greatly. alſo a bracelet mi quake with fear. + Porgēněro, are ; acř. to brand, or Poricarpum, 1; ni a round riat. f. Perfri-sco, xl, aum, gère ; Acut. bear to perfe&ion. Pericharacter, cris ; in, on.inßrudeni to be dy bags a cold. Per-gigno, gčaui, enitum, gigne:e; 10 partike gum from the web.g. Perfrigérātio, onis-sf a great cooling, to bear ali-over, 10 brar to perfe&tion. Pēricida, æ ; c. [à pera & cædo): Pcrfrigoro, áre; ait. Plin. topood, Pe:gin' for Pergiſac? doll show con a cut-purse. Braaitly, 10 refreſa. tinne? Per.clos clis; m, a famons Athenian Pesfr.geſco, čre ; 10 grow quite cold. Pergitur, verbi imp. they prxend. goneral.. + Perfrigide ; adv. very coldly. Perglifc-o, ere; neut. to be plung, Periclitabundus, a, um z adj. ready Perfrigidus, a, um, adj. very cold. · (as futed fowl, &c.] 80 make ironf. Perft-ingo, ēg', acium, ingére. act. + Perglūt:nófus, a, um, adj.very glur. Periclitāt., õn's; f. an.aduintaring, Lof per ena frango) 10 break tho- Pergnarus, a; um ;- adj. very skilful. baxirding, frying. Tongb, break open, breuk in pieces, Pergo, perrexl, perredum ( of per Périct:tātor, oris, m. an aduen- . tranfgrefs, corrupi with bribes. and rego) toga on, proceed, to con. Pár clitatrix, icis ; f. § Jurer, ha. Perfruor, čris, itus & Qus, fum, i; Ishule, Pergam ire or iter, Mil Xorder. dep. cum abl. 10 enjoy, mrke ujo. hold on by journey. * Pergo in vi- Pčriciltātus, a, um ; baxorded ; to accomplib. rum, play the 18, #Pergo præte- Petlūga, z; c. Cæſ. A diſorter, 18 rica, I mention not what is puji. Périclitor, wi; dep. (à periculum.} valtar, a-fugitive. Pergracīlia, le ; very ibin und Monder. so be ir danger or hazird; ollo 19. Perfugio, ūgi, ätum, čre ; neat. to Derg. æcor, āri ; 16 rruel, to play the haxand, trjPericlitari famây Bj. tar rajuge or ſuceur. mery Greck, a boon companion, to be like so 10's ono's credi, Pe- Perfuglum, itin. Clc. e refuge, a Pergrandis, de ; adj. very gredi, 26 riclitari de funnâ imperil, 1. felis, a retreai, an excuse. * uu ry tall or old. • Pergrand's natu, have obr wbolo empire. lia at Pals, perfugio, to make an ex:ufi, * Periclitari omnia, to hazard all. + Perfugo, āte; af. acc. to drive + Pergraphicè, ady, very ſprucely, things: quite away. Pergraphicus, a, um ; wry spruce. Pericium. Su periculum, danger. Perfalcio, bic; act, to prop well us. Pergrāic; adv. very gratefully. Periclyměnon, 1 ; word-bino, bear. Pertulguro,arc; neut. 10 fbins brigbi. Pergrātus, a, um ; adj. very welcome, ing the honey Juckle. Perfunaio, onis ; f. an undergoing, Ibankful. Pergratum mihi crit, Periclymenus, i, m. the son of Ne- difparibing • Perlunet:o labo. I fhall take it wory kindly, reus, and brother of Ncfor, who borum; Cic. a bring quit of labour Pergravis, vc; very hrady or grievius, had this gift. of hir grandfather a bring af safle. Pergraviter, adv. uery boaviij, very Neptune, that he could turn bime Parfunctoria ; ady. Petron. Nightly, grievouſly self into any hope wh:tforúer. coule. Përgúla, ; f. [à pergo] a gallery, Pericope, is; f. A cutting off or Perfunctörlus, a, um, adj. Bighi, severd walt, ponchouse, fali,arbor, carelesly done, for faſhion fake. a nuo of vines on each. Ide of a pericraniom, il; n. Celf. She bairy: Perfunctus, a, un ; part. of Perfun walk, or latelid frame. fcalp, the whole skin of the skill.. gor, difiharged gone througb,or un- Pergúlānus, a, um; adj. parched or + Periculor, ari ; dep. to make tryal. dergone. • Perfundus fato, dead. running on in latifod frank, Pčrículosè; adv. dangerouſly. De- * Perfunctus conſul cu, bs that + Pergulum,iin. a bopherd's coflage, ricalosè bycmc navigatur, 'tis dan. bas been sonſul. gerous bring at fa in winter, Perfundo, ūdi, filum, ère ; a&. io . Pergura, }e lake in Sicily. Periculoſus, a, um, adj. Cic, dan- Sprinkle, pour upm, to infufe. *Per- Perhib:co nt, itum, ere ; act, acc gerous, hazardous, perillous. fundere aliquem judicio, to bring Cic: (of per and habcole give out Perīculum, 1 ; 0, Liv.(ab ant. perlo) ons before a judge.. Perfonderea or in, to affirm, Speak of. Sie poril, danger, huxard. . Haud pe. Ilque a religione, to make one foru nomiac-perhibere, to call one by riculum eft, ihere is no fear. *Crc. pulous.Perfundere lætitia, to make one's nano. Quod perhibent, as are alicui periculum, or adducere one marry. • Perfudit me horror, the ſaying isy * Teftimonium per in periculum, 10 endanger. . In torrible fsar frized me all over. biberc, to bear "visneſs. periculo efle, ta be mauingered. * Der fungor, fungeris, fugctus fum, Poshilum,n. a tery litele. Periculum adire, to ventura ugon fudig, dep. cum abl. so diſebarge, Perhõnõrificè; ady very hmourably, Jomething that is dangerous, the Pe- exetute, go through, undergo, te ria Perhõõrikcus, a, am ;'adj. very bs. I coloic committers, to run a of * Per!ungi periculis, to gH sus nourable, righ; worſhipful. bizard. . Periculum facerc, 10 of danger. Përherr.co, ore; neut, to be af mike crpal. #Periculo tuo, at your Perfŭro, čre ; 10 rave and ragt. Perhorrefc-o, čre is frigbiod, roge. peril. Nihil tibi à me pericult Perfilo, onis; f. a belprinkiing. and rout, be tomter nous "Perhor cit, I'll do you no harm * Mibi Perfuſor, oris; M. a bajprnikler. rult ma'e, the lea was bojlerous.. famæ periculum eft, my goed namo Perfusõriè ; adv. Ulp. Nigbily, son-. Pěr borried ; adv. very fearfully. is in danger. · Veri periculos fusedly, generally, equivocally. Příborridys, a, um, adj. very frighea. non ad me recipio, I dare not a. Perrulus, a, um, part. of perfundor, Mul, ouer grown. vouch is jor truth. besprinklede bidowed, bijnared, Perholpitālis, le ; adj. uery friendly, Perido ce; adv. very filly: Peplulus cruore in very court rows 10 jirangers. Péridoneus a, um ; adt. Tac, wery L'y all of a pure blood, Dulce Perhoſpitaliter, ady, very copricouſly, $3. aine pe füſus; very bliib ona jor. Perhoſpilus,a ;us; much frequentes: Peridrõmis, idis ; t. Viti o zoalk. g. Pčridio. the eldejl: about. g m. g 1 bimfeli; alſo the name of an uw peripatetici, orum, the Perlpatetick Perlautus, 2, uin ; adj, wry dainty. Oflen, 10 draw by manj anticamera Perifcii, Õrum ; m' thoſe whofejaPerlibro, áre; 'act. to weigh: exili Perl-icio,exi caum,icerentionly, PER PER PER Perldromus, i; m. Vit. a' walk or | Poriõcha, æ; fo the argument or con., Perizoma, át18 ; n. an apron, pair :o) gallery, Tents draws or bruches. g. Pericrbidi, prople of Sarmatia inAfia. Periódicè; adv. a continued courſe. Perizonlum, ii; a. an apron, f Périgeum, i; n. the place wherein. a Pēriódicos, a, um ; adj. moving in a Perlābor, plus, ſum, bl, 10 Aide over fut is neareſ the sense of the eartb, regular compaſs, and having la in ſwim iver. * Volacria perlabitur Pérignārus, a, um, very ignorant, ter vals, periodical. Plin. auras, the bird suta Ibrough the air Pčri.cacus, 1 ; mio precious pone Periodus, i ; f. a period, acertain or with its wings, wiibs white ling about it, 8. full terms of time or senſe, the respit Perlætus, a, um, adj. Liv.very joyful. Perillægs, a, um ; adj. of Perillus. betwem the fits of an agus, go Perlapſus, a, um, part. à perlabor; Porillus, li ; m. a very ingenious Poriæcl, neigbbours dwelling sogether; Nid down, palad by. workman of Athens, who made inbabitants under the same parallel Perlātè ; ady. Cic. vary broadly, very a brazen bull and preſented it to or meridian, g. far abroad Phalaris, the Agrigenuinc tyrant, t Perior, in, to try: Perlator, oris ; ma bearer, bringen. br ada for the formenting, of me, and for Périoſteum, i, n. ibrah'a skin about Perlacus, a, um j ad). very a reward was made to handfal it binus, by the virtue of which they ans Perlātos, a, um ; part. of porteror; g. brougbi, conveyed, told. Czer. and a lawy. Porilluftris, c, adj. Cic. very eminent. or" Arlftotelean pbilosophers who Perlěcobra, ; f..an enticiment, + Porimbecillis, e ; Ladj. Cic. very wire wins to difpuie walking. g. + Perlettatio õnis ; f. & frequent Porimbecillus, a, um ; } wrak. Pčrīpācus, in the place at Athcas enticing. Perlmede, ês ; f. tbs name of a witch where Ariſtotle taugbi. + Perle&tător,āris;mia friquet epliar: in Theocritos. Péripālus, ùs ; m. a waliing ; alfo Perlecto, āre ; [à pellicio) to msice Perimcdæus,a,um; adj of Perimcde. a walking diſputation. Perimele, ĉs ; f. an island in ib. Péripétaſmata, um ; n. pl. the bang, Perlcctus, a, um ; part ruud over 'Ionian fea ings of a room, gi Cis. Perlogo, čgl, ectum, égère ; act, to Periméter, 1; f. above msajure, Poriphas, Theffalian, the father of road quite over, 19 Survey. * Perle- Perimetros, 8. Lapitha; allo.me of Pyrrhus's con gere oculis, 10 lauk jind faply in. Perimčtrum, i, n. the utmoſt line of panions. Perlēpidè ; adv. very drollingly. : any jolid body; alfo a orfe having Périphéria, a; t. the circumference Perlēpīdo, a, um, adj. very drolling. a babe too mucb. of a circle, g Peričvis, c", adj. wry light. . Pero Per-imo, ēmi,cmplum, imore; act. Periphoretus, tl; mia firnama of one levi momcato fortune, at sbsloa? acc. (uf per and cmo] to kill cut Artemon, fo efeminats, that he non change of fortuns. rigbr, to deſtroy, forbid. Perime. uer Dirved our bat in his coach. Peslēvitèr; ad). very lightly. re reditum,, to cut of one's refreut. Periphoſius, a hauen of Lybia. Perlibcns, tis ; very willing. Pocimere confilium alicujus, to Periphrăás, is ; f. a circumloqution, Perlibenter, adv, very willingly:Liye frufrale a man's insentions. or wing more words then needful. Perliberalis, c; adj. very bountiful, -Porimpl-eo, ēre ; act. to fill up. - Pčripncomonia, an infiaramation of Perlīběraliter ; ady: very bountifully. Perimula, e, a city of Cherſoneſus the lungs, with short breath. g. Perlibct; imp. it plaajab very will. Aurea. Pčripncumónicos, a, um , adj. Treble + Perlibratio, onis ; f. an exit Perinæum, i; n. xbs (eam parsing the bied with an inflaramation of the vieighing skin of the io!j'les. lung), and borinefs.of breath. † Perlibrātor, oris ; m. An exact -Porincertus, a, um ; adj. very uncer - Periusēma, ātis ; n. duß of fling, g. weigber. t4in, Periſcēlis, idis; a. a garter, an apron. Perlibrātus, a, um ; part, of perli. Porincommode; adv. very insccnue - or pair of broches. g. bror; Col. exeatly levelled. nimtli. Cic. Pērincommodus, a, um ; adj. Liv. dows arusap rnend about thera, Sil. Col.si Aling with an aimi. very inconvenient. Porinconsčqucns, tis ; adj. Gellivery porfluity. g. Liv abſurd, not at ail confequent. Părilsă'ógia, æ ; fi fuperfluors and lacio, 10 cajole by fine Sprachs, alluri, Pērinde; adv, like as if, alike. + impertinent ſprech. g. Iad. entica, wbeudle, draw in by flattery, Perindè diu, so long. * Perinde ut, Periftere, a city of Phænicia. or win by msicements, according as, Perindè ac, rum Periftereos; f. 7* p geen houſe ; Perlicior, 1 ; citas, fum, paft. Liv. * Perinde quali, as if; Periftercon, i ; . aljaths berb to be cajoled; allured, or intind. for footb. Non perinde, not só Darvain. g. f Perlid-o, črc; 10 bait or hart fort. wuh or well, Periſterides, small iſlands in the Æ. Perligātio, õnis ; f. a binding faj. Părindulgens, tis ; adj. very fond or gean ſea againy Smyrna, Perligātor, oris., n. a bindor imder of, highly revering Porifterotrophiam, ii;n a pigeon- Perligo, ārc; to bind fapt. Perinfamis, c , adj. very infamouth, hiusi..8 Perlinio, ivi, itum, ire ; ad. acc. having a very bad repori. Pčrifthenes, a city of Pontus, 11 rubör anoint all svar. Col.9.12, Lërinfiicus, a, um, adj. osry weak. Périnróma, àtis ; n. capillry. g. Cic. Perlènior, i, icus, fum,past. 1o,beruba Pěr:ngediosè, ; adv. very wibrily. Poriitylium,ii, la cloid er, piaz. bedor anjinted, or Sinagrad all over. Peringeniorus, a um; ad). very witty. Perittylum, i ; } 22. g. Pěriniquè ; adv. very unjufily: Macr. pērítě, ius, iſime; adv. skilfully.g, Perlin-o, perleyl and perlini, itum, Pērio,quos, a, um, aij. Cic. very Peritla, æ; f. skilfulneſs, Cic. čre; ad. sa davob over. Cic. bard, unreaſonable, wnequal, par + Pčrito, ārc , to periſh, die. + Periiqu.co, ecc and perliqueſce, 1:al, di/contented. Peritoneum, i; 8. the caul. Quint. čre neuti io melt. Perinjurie; adv. very wrongfully. Pčrīturus, a, um ; part. fut. in rus, + Perliquidos, a, um; adlı very ibin. + Pěrinjuriõlus, a, um ; ady: very of pereo, about so Pariſen # Perliſus, a, um ; part. of perlidor; injurius, Pěritus, a, um ; part.aband, perior; Perinātus, a, um ; part. of perlitor Pčrinjūrlus a, um;adj. very opprefive. skilful, knowing. Pěrinlignis, c; adj. very famoki and Perjūcundà; adv. very pleasantly. Liv. offered with tokens of Murceſ). remarkablo... Perjūcundus, a, um, very plafont. Perlito, ara ; act, acc. Liv tó facrifici Perinligaitèr, adv. diry notable. Dig. Perjūrātio, õnis; f. a for/wearing: with tokens of succes. Pčrintèger, gra, grum ; adj. viry Perjūrātiuncŭla, æ ; t. a false waih Pertītus, a, uo 3 part. of perlinor; Purt, intire, uniorrupt. for ſome party advantage. Cic. dixbad, samed. Perintegrè; ady, very Intiraly, &c. + Perjurator, oris ; ma forfwearer. Perlonge ; ady, very far, a great Porinthus, a city of Thrace, called 't Perjurātus, a, um ; adj. perjüred. als Heraclea. # Perjūrè,adý. in fur ſworn manner. Perlonginquus, a, am; Diry far off, Perinvalidus, a, um ; ad), very wrak. Perjūrātus, a, um forſworn ofim. Perlongus, a, um, adj. Cic. vers. Périoviſus, a, um ; adj. extremely Perjūrlum, il ; n. perjury, breaking long, far awuj, Iomer. bated, oni's outh. Perloquor, eris; dep, to speak put, Poriavite ; ady, very unwillingly. Perjū:0, are ; ncut. 10:ſwear fa'lly,so make an ind. Pcrinvitus, a, um ; ad). very un- forſwear. Perlubens, ntis, adj. very willing. willing. Porjúrus, a, um ; adj, lor, ifimus ; t Perlūbentèr ; adv. von willingly. Per.1o,1o, lo reacb, try, indeavour. for(worn Hor. .(6) 1% as if. Col. 7.5 way of 1 9 the body. over. &an. PER PER PER Perlubet ; verb. Imp. I bave a very Perminuo, čre; act. so lofon, great mind. Perminütus, a, um; adj. wendy femali. Bermultàn; } adv. Cic. very mucbo. Perlūcens, aus; very brigbi. Permire; ady, very wonderfully, Permultus, a, um ; Ci, very much or Perlūc-co; ère ; neut. to be trans- Permirus, a, um, adj.very woonderful. many. parque, io fine sbrough; to be very Permiſ-ceo, cai, tum, and xtum, Permundè ; ady, very sleanly. conſpicuous. Cic. cére ; to mix or blend together, 18 Permundus, a, um ; very neat, Petlucefs-o. ère, 's mine through raiſe a great tempeft, . Permiſcere ! Permung.o, ère ; act. to cleanſe. Perlūcide ; advi transparensly. omnia, to keep a great coil. • Per- Permūn-io, irc ; act. 10 forify Perlucidúlus, a, um, adj. nestly or miſcere connubio, to be married, strongly pratily transparms. + Perm fcbilis, e; adj. to be minigled. Permiollus, a, um ; part. of permu. Perlúcidus, a, um, adj. transparent. + Permiſcue ; ady. confusedly: nlor, Liv. Drongly forrified. + Perle&tor, ari; dep. so woreile. # Permisère ; adv. very miſerably. Permālābilis, le ; ad). cbangeable. Perlu&uose; adv. very mesurnfully, Permiserrimus, a, um ; adj. Superl. Permūtīt:o, önis; f. Cic. a shange to Perlūdo, fi, lum, dere; ncut. so play 6*-uding miferable. the contrary, great alioration, a about, play all day long. # Permiſſibilis, e'; adj. talorable. rout, Air, + Perlūg.cón ēre ; murn greatly. Permiffo, õnis ; f'a pirmißion, leiur, Perajutător, oris m. a changer. + Perlumbo ere; to break the loins, A ſending forth ; alſo a lesur to Permūtātus, a, um ; quile changed. Perluo, ui, utum, čre; a&. acc: Plin. dißrain. Permilia extra corpo. Permūro, are; act. acc. Vlr.to sbange, [of per and lavo] 10 waſ over, ra, attachment of goods, but not on exchange. • Permutare rempub. make clean. «Vivo: perlue rore licam, so diſiurb or alter sbe jlata. manas waſh your bands in running Permaldos, õris ; m. permitter. # Permutare aliquid pertio, 10 waler; # Permiffain, i, n permiſion, purchase any thing at a rata, Perlūsdrius, a, um ; ad). deceitful. Permiffus, a, um, part of permitior; Permutare pecuniam Athenis, to Judicium pe: luforium, a fallo, allowed, granted. * Uti permiſ bave money returned at Athens by mock lonience. So, to take shat which is grunled. letters of exchange.. Perlafträtio, onis ; fi a jurveying. Permistus, lls; m. Cic. a perm for.* | PERNA, æ; f Lnréyva] a gammon Perluftro, are; a&. acc. Liv, to ſurvey, Permiffu tuo, by your litave, of bacon. A band, ſpring, or log of : virw, ponder. Exercitum per Permiſte ;, adv pelmel, higgledy p'go pork ; Vir. a muille fiſh. Plin. luftrare, to mufer an army. gledy, altogether; Cic. confuſedly. Peroato, arc; 10 ſwim ihrough. Perlūtus, a, umí part. of perluor ; Permiftio, onis; f. a mingling rége- Pernăvīgātic, onis ; f. a failing over. Col. waſbedi ouir. iber, Cic. a diſorder. Sail. Pernāvigātor, oris ; m. Sen. Å failer + Perluyle, arum; pl. f, ihings or Peralftor, oris ; m, a mingler. bofons to. walo ihi feet in. Permiftus,a, um; part of permiſccor, Pernāvigātus, a, om; part.failed over. Permăcer, cra, crnm ; adj. Plin.very mingled, confu, ed. Pernāvigo, are ; to fail over leon and dry. Permitis, tejadj thorough ripe, mellow. Perne, es ; a city of Thrace. + Pcrmadčfac.io, čre; act. acc. to Permittitur ; imp. leave is Pernéceſsário ; adv. very necesarily. muke'tborough wet. Perm-ilto, iſi, iffum, ittère; act. acc. Pernéceſsarius, a, um ; adj. ab, olursa Permād co, ere; neot. to be wit Cic.si pormit,give lsuve allow; sield. ly na oflary, very familiar. Pesmadeſc-o, cre; to the sk.n, to delivit, sot down, find furih, com Perněco, are ; 80 kil. outrighi, bi thoroughly soskad. mit. • Habenas cquo permitiese, Pesočgātio, õnis ; f. a pit denial. Permādious, a, um, adj. thorough wat. 10 lay the ruins on the horſo's neck. Pernegãtor, ors; f. a Aif donyor. Permagous, a, um ; adl. zery great.: * Fquum permittere, 10 put. on Pernčgātur ; imp. they flatly deny. Permānanter; adv. Spreading!y. Lucr. wits full Jud. Permlitere Pernego, āre; act. acc. Cic. to dmy Perman-co, fi, jum, ēre; nout, to carlcas turbinibus, to run a drift. ping or urserly. ubide confiantly, Cic. Legato exercitum rermitut, be Pern-eo, Cre, aa. acc. Mart. to spin Parmāneic o, čre ; to come to one's leaves the command of the army to out all one's task. Incróledge, to bigin to come abroad. the lievinini general. • Permit- Perniciabills, le ; ad). ruining. Permān-o, are; neut. 1o run abroad, tcic maribus" toeminas, la the Pernicialis, le; defruitive, deadly, te difuſed, ſpread. Ne ad pa females to the malas. Pernicics, ei; f. Cic. Là nex) a trem hoc permanet, let it come to Perniixte ; adv, confuſedly. delirullion, ruin, death. my futber's car. Permodeftè ; adv. very midefliy. Sen. Pernicior, ius, gen. Oris ; adj. com- Permansio, onis; f. a continuing. Permõdeſt 9, a, uni; adj. very medel. par. Swifter or more ſwift. Permangūros, a, um, part. fut. in Permõdice; adv. very meaniy. Col. Perniciose ; adv. detrwaively. rusof, permanco ; like to consinue. Permodicus, a, um, adj. very litle. Pernicioſus, a, nm; adj. dolru tine, Permarings, a, um ; adj. of ibe ſea. Permõlefte ; .adv. Cic. very impor deadly Permatūreſco, ére;. neut. so come Punately, Perniciffimas, a, um, adj. mof ſwift. to be full sipe. + Permõlefte, are ; act acc. to mo. Pernicitas, ātis; f. Caef. quickniels, Permätūro, arc; act.ti make full ripe. lot or trikblo much. Aleaners, ſwiftneſs. Pe: mäturus, a, um ; ad). very ripe. Permoeftus, a, umj. adj. C!c. very Perniciter ; ady. Liv. very (wiftly. Permcābili, c; adj. poluble trouble!one. Perniger, a, um ; adl. very black. permeātio, onis ; f. a paling svar. Permolitor, oris, mi a grinder: Peraimjum ; adv. Ter. very mucb, Permédiocris, cro; adj. very ineffe + Permolio, ire; to fofton thoroughly. more than enough. * Permollis, e; very soft and sender. Pernio, onis ; m, Plla. (à perna) a Perthčšiocritèr, adv. Son, very ine Permolliterį adv. very sofil, and dibe, rbildlain, diffrmily, rafly. Perniunculus, i, m. A little rhildlain, Permenlus, a, um ; patt. of perme. Permõlo, čre; ad. acc. to grind. PERNIX, icis ; ad). Càntégra, calxj cior, meaſured or having meaſured thoroughly; to lie , with a woman. Hor, ful, Jwift, subborn. over. Iter durum permenfus, har + Permion-co, ere; id warn iboroughly. Pernobilis, le ; adj. very noble, '> ving gone a wrariſonne journey. + Purmord.co, cre; to bile thoroughly. Pernobili:èr; ady. very nobly. Permep, are ; : 24. acc. to paſo cuer + Perm-orior, ori; to dio utterly + Pernoc eo, ēre; neut. so hurt murh. jor through, to over yun, Permorio, õnis ; f. Cic, a Bring Pernodiātio, õnis ; f. a spending the Permerdo, arc; a&. defile all ourr. micuing, a pufin. whole night. Permer-có, cie; acut 10 forve to the Permotor, oris ; m. a great mover. Pernoaktor, oris end of the war. Permotus, a, um ; part. of peimove- all the nigbi. Pormeffus, a rivit of Bodotla, calied or, greatly movia, * Permotus Pernocto. are ; neut. to spend or a. alfo Permelis, idos; menie, difracled. bide the whole night. • Pornocta- Pcimeroi,permenlus ſunkiri; dep. Perm-pveo, ovi, õrum, õpēre; at. IC for 3 to knep abroad alb: nigbt. i açc. Cife to maolurs or gogor. to move greitly encouruz. . Com coris perpodarç, to be Permčty, cre; act, to fear. greatly, Permul.cco, fi, fem and Cum, cére; troubled will cares all night long. Permilitatio õnis; f. pulling iborough .80 jiriki, wago, to joo:b. Pernoic a. pernovi, pçrnotum, črc; cliefires in voar. Pero uctus, a, un ; part. of per act. to know thoroughly, jei into. Peimilito;'ari' ncat. Ulp. to ſerve in Permulſas, mulccor; appeased; Pernotelc-co, čre ; 1. os porfalily all the war. Aroked, cojoled. Cæf: Gell. Arown. Perming o, č.j.act. so bspiſs. Permulg.cor, Eri; pasto to be milked: Pernox; ctis, adj. onduring all night , # Pera or very well. a PER PER PER † Pernūbilo, äre; to make dork. Perpendiculum, i; n. a lovel, plumb- Perpi&us, a, um; part. prinied elli t Pernūger, ari ; !: Brifle groally. line. . Ad perpendiculum, by line Perpiger, ra, rum adj vary slow.. Pernumératio, õnis ; f. á rockoning and livil. Perpinguis, guc;. adj. very fat. all. + Perpendiõlum, l; a. a book & Perplac co. erc; neut. in plesje mneb, Pernumčrātor, oris ; m. a rekoner. bang things in. Perpumēro, are; a&. Liv. to reckon Perpendo, di, fum, dčre ; act. Cic. Perplecior, čris; ti ; to dind bard, tie taf. all, folk out. Reg. accuf. 10 weigb, examinie, confider dili. Pernūpès ; adv. very lately. Plaut. gently. + Peopi co. ere; act. to fill up. Pero ; F. ibe daughter of Heleus, and Peroenda, æ; m;a Roman who fol- Perplexābilis..be; adj.Picut abſcuro, hfer of Neftor. lowo1 Marius's party, and new biu bard 10 do in cipreted. Pero, onis . Juv. [à pera, vel a friend Sertorius at a fuap, that she Perplexabilitèr i adv. Plaut. by deri megórn fibula) a high-dos. Cru. migbe baur ull Spain to himſelf. and dubious Spurches, dus poio, a propus. Perpenſa, ; f. the herb cabaret, or Perplexe; Liv. Jad.: darily, ambi. Pērobícurè ; ady. Gell. very darily. bazlewort. Perplexim; Plaut. & growilly; paciſely. Perobſcurus, a, um, adj. Cic. very Perpensācio, õnis; f. Gell. an ex- Perplexio, in'sf, intricach dark and zile, intricate, er bara to ad weighing: Perplexitas, ātis; f. umbiguiry, briundoritood. Perpensător, oris ; m. An an exha Perplexor, ati; dep. Plaut, to enten- Peiūdiofè; adv, very batefully, or the weigber. glejto make things at on uncertainty, diouſly. Perpense; adv. confiderately. or ſpeak or anſwer ambiguouſly. Peroe, a fountain in Baotia. Perpensīlis, le; adl. very light. Perplexusia, um; part. of perplexor, † Perofficībse; ady, very dutifully. Perpensilītas, ấtis; f. iighiness: mniumglad, Snared, intricate, ambi- + Poroffic'ālus, a, um ; very duriful. Perpenso, are ; to wrigh «x«aly. gkous. • Perplexum iter, a difficult wij to find Perol.co, ērc; acut: 10 ſmall rankly or, Perpenſus, a, um, part. of perpen. † Perona, 2; f.sbobin-bons, dor i exstily weigbid, ponderod. + Perplicātio, onis ; f, a iwifing the Pērogātus, a, um; u raring big hues. Purpēràm ; adv. wrong, emiſs. Cic. gabar. Peroncicum, al n. a'rils of Thrace. Perperiiúdo, inia; f. rudeneſs, fool- Perpl!cātus, a, um, part. of perpli- Pěropportune; ady. very leafnably. Aneſs Accius. cor, Lucr. twifed, miangled. Përopportūnus, a, um, adj. Cic. ve- t Perpèritus, a, um, ad), very skilful. Perp!uo, črę; neut to sative the sy Seujonablo. † Perpčro, arc; to digrave, aa rably rain running in and brough a roof, Poroplato ; adv. Cic. very difredly. or foolihly. # Conaculum perpluit, the rain comes in at the garrot. *Ad to con- + Peropto, are; act ro wiſh heartily. PERPERÚS, a, um; adj. mégarep Perõpps eft, there is great need. lewd, rude, vain, autward at. dult a lot into; cum. ACC. Plaut, Pērõrātio, õnis ; f Quint. sbs coneix. PERPES, gen. čtis ; adj. [à pes, vel Perplures ium, adj. pl. very manj. Aon of an orariın. in étouai, rolo (ir.tire, continual. • Perplūrimùm ; adv. exieeding mm:b. Pérorālus, a, um, part. concluded. Perpetcm noctem dormire, ro Peep Perplus, ūris; ad): 3 art. much more. Pěrõrīga, æ; m.' Var. [ab auriga) all night long Perpolicodus, a, um ; part. fut, in she groom shar puis ibe Jallion and Perpeflio, onis ; f. Cic: a conlani dus; to be finiford or perfeaed, man fogether, Suffering, a going through. Pe pol o, ise;act, to palilo very ſmootb. + Pē or.ior, isi ; to login to arifa. Perpeſsitius, a, um; adj. uſed to, and Per polite ; adv. compleatly, cxals. Perornäte; ady. very neatly. fit for ſuffering hardjips Perpõlitio, dais; I. a complearing, po- Péro-nátus, a, um, part. of peror- Perpeffus, a, um, part, of perpetior; Perpólitor, õris;m. a complect poliſer. liſhing nor ; complently trimiıd. Pērorno, arc; aci, acc, Tac. 80 dress Pcrpēria, adv. (a perpes] inser: Perpõlitus, a, um, part. of perpo- or trim compleatly. antly, Bior; C C. poliſhed very mecih, ix- Pčrõro, äre; act. acc. Cic. to plead Perpétior, čris, ffus, fum, pěti; dep. all, excellent. Perpolitus literis, fully, m.ke a formal prach; ajo to Ter. Cà patior) 10. bear confiansly. a very excelloni Abolar. conclude the Perorare in aliquem, Perpeffudifficile; hard to be born. Perpõpúlātus, a, um; part.Liv. be. to make a parp oration again one, Ultima perpeti, te endure sbe ving plundered all about; à. de:laim inveftiusly again. utinei extremities. Perpopulor, äri; dep. acc. Liri's. Perol, a purple of Æthiopia, who live + Perpéto, čre; !. ask importunately. plunder all about, birrajs all over. wild lika brads. * Perpetrátio, nis; f. a committing Perpõtātio, onis; 1. Cic. a bard tip- Pěroſus, a, um, part. of perodi ; or doing ling, drinking iba boue dry. baling parjeetly. Perpetrator, õris ;. n. a dear, com- Perpõlātor. õris; 2. a hard tipler. Peroſes, a king of Perſia, 457. hitter. Peripõt.o, āre; neit: Cic. to ripple it Perpaco, are to fubdne porfialy, to Perpetrātus, 2, um ; part. dons, com. *Totos dics perpotabaty bs redu:e ints quiit and ſettlement. mirnd, brought to a full mnd. loy soaking all day long. Perpallidus, a, um ; ad). very pale. Perpetro, āre; [of per and patro] to Perprimo, elfi, effum, imčre; (of per Perparcè; ady. Ter. very sparingly. do, commit, execute, difparib. and premo] to lie bard upon. #Per- Perparcus, a, um ; adj. very near and + Perpètualis, le ; adj."bolding son primere cubilia, 10 fnug cloſe. paring tinually. Perproſper, a, umjadj.very profperous. + Perparvifácio, čre ; a&. acc, 10 Perpètuárius, a, um; adj. perpetual, Perprofperè ; adv. very prosperously. value at a loza rate. - without intermifion. Perpruriſc-o, čre;. ncut. so itcb minib Perparùm ; or all soir. }a adv. very little. Perpctuāt'o, onis; f. a continuing al. Perparvulùm ; wrys, Perpulcher, ra, rum; adj. very fuir, Perparvulus, a, um, adj. Cic. vary Perpetuitas, āt!a ; f. Cic. confancy, I Perpulcbre; adv, Ter. very well. diminutively small. everlapingness ...Ad perpetuita-Perpurgātio, onis ; f/ Cell, a 1be- Perparvulus, a, um; adj. verlaall, tcoi, for ever, without ind. -rough cleaning Perpaucủlus, a, um , cxeceding now. Perpčtuo į Jadv. Plais. continually. Perpurgātos, õrism. a sborrugb Perpetuò perli, I cleanſer Perpăvčlácio, čre ; to make jore e. nim undone for rver. Perpurgātus, a, um; part. of perpar- fraidi Perpetuo, a c; act. Cic to bold, our gatis auribus, very Antentively, + Perpăvětact-ya, a, um ; part. of conunually. Perpecuare verba, Perpurgo, āro; ad. acc.Cic.so cleansi perpavefio, greatly frighted. not to give over talking. thorougbli, to wake clean riddania Perpalūlùm ; adv. existing litis, Perpetuus, i, m. a Roman conſul finiſh, refolve doubts. Perpaulem ; adv. Cic. very little. with Cornelianus, Peipusillum ; adv. Cic. a very little. Perpauper, čris ; ad). very poor. Perpètous, a, um ; ad). (à per& pco) Perpủlllus, a, um ; adj. very little . Perpauxillùa ; adv. excuding little. coniinual, uninterrupid, suolaf Perpūto, arc; act. io cap up evidently, Per pello, pūli, pulfum, pellčie ; ing. Menſa perpetua a ling make sui plainly, to ful if all. a& 10 rue, o perjucide, sonjrain. fide table. • Perpetuo bovis teigo, Perquàm; adv. Cic. oiry much, *pe- • Perpellere ad deditionem, to with a whole shine aj dio/. • Non puli perquam indignis modis, I forie a pluu te fun onaer. eft perpetuuin, it is not ulwig's true. bute him very famofully. • Pere Perpendicīlaris, rc; perpendicular, In perpetuum, for over and ever quam velim. I wiwid fain, Perpendiculator, Jr.s; m. a miaſt. * Perpciui montes, a long runge Perquieſc-o, ērc ; acut. To be well as zor by a level. Parquiro, out. 1 1 of hisli. ! 1 i • Per- Jopiter and Cere PER PER PER Perquiro, perqulfivi, itum, sčre, act, Ibe ind, to preferibe. •Perlcribcrel- umph with his fons, and at lajt died acc. Clc. Lt per and quæro) to pecuniam, to fit down money, or by in priſon: He was wont to say he fagreb ini nurjowly, to ſurvey Arta. bills to raum is. • Perſcriberc in came of Achilles's race, but Livy by's Inquire diligently. * Perquiri. tabulas publicas, foregger. Says be was ſpurious ; alſo the fons of tur, fuarıb is made for, Perscriptio, onis; f. an mrolling, re Sol and Perſia, and indihor te bro- Perqubite, ady, cornfúlly, witb dilia gifering a pred of is man's own ther of Heliod. gone inquiry about. band also a paying: Persévérantèr, adv. L'v, consantly, + Perquistor, oris, m. 2€ diligent Porſcriptor, oris, m. cic. & nolary, firmly, fedfifly. Perqulfitrix, ico; f Searcbar. regiſter. Pérsévérantia, de, f. Bedfajinos, 617- Perquisītus, fi om, -part of pergui. Perfcriptum,!; n. Cic. a deed, record. Pancy, holding qui ta tbe lah. ror, diligmily:foribed: Perſcriprus, a, um, part. 2 porſcri- Persčrērātio, önis; f. a holding on, Perrirò, adv. Cic. very feldomi bor ; written, regiflerid. conpaniy. Perrārusa, gaw, adj. L'vi wery tari, Pericrútāter, bis ; m. Vegeta Persévérátor, vrls, mi a conßani a. ::: tbini ur for diligent Sear:ber. bider. Pe: repo, pa ptum, përé; to crespaver, t Pafcrūtogāre, att: 70 fearch all + Persčvērè, very feverely or confant- Perreptācio õnie, i, a crawling over. Perſcrūtor, ari, dep. } bixr. Portepro, are, act. to tratól ouer, 10 ſcrutart literas legis..so hift and Persčvēro, are, neat. to continue lled. go about feribing und ferking. thoroughly examine the law forms. fapt, pand cul, go on. * Perfeve- Perrhæbe, a town in, Thefaly Perſea, 2; f. an Egyprián fru liko ratua eft, shey beld out. * In ea. Perrhebl, the piaple of Perrhoebe, A prar-fre, always grem and laden dom fententiâ perſeverare, Cic. who want äriurn from thence by the wab frut. not to alter bis spinion.. Lapitha, and ſtased themſolva in Perſea, a fountain in Mycenæ in Persēvē us, a, um, adj. very confiant - the mountains by Pindus, which Peloponnefus. or fedfup, very harſh and cruel. Mounting from there is called Por- Parsockclo, onis, f. Cell. a lancing. Perſeus, i; m the son of Jupiter by rhobia, and Pindus Perrhebus. Persecător; õris; m. slan'ır. Danae; Mercury gave him buss Perrhæfia, aj ti a city of Turday. Persèc:o, wl, cum, äre, act. acc. Cic. kins of proof, and a sword, and # Perrādeo, ere; ra laugh baritly. 10 lanie. * Persecuifti vomicas Minerva a brazen bied; he cxt Perridicule, ady, very riäiculouſlj: reipubl.cæ, you have lanced ihr of Meduſa's head, and plived it on Perridiculus, a, um, very ridiculous. vein of the commonwealth. his. Dield, with which he turned Perriko, onis, fi a bearty laughing. Perledor, ārl, dcp. 1 run ikifay Atlas king of Mauritania in:o a fone, + Persīfor, dirs; . a laugher, coffer. over. for denying hin murtainment. Ha Petrodo, ēdi, faq; to grow brought + Perfe&tus, a, um, part. of perſecor; deltwered Andromeda, from a sua Perrogatus, a, umeukid shrougbaut, cut ibrough, spon. minu thas roould have drvourid Perigo, e, ad acé. Ter.co dobre Porsécatlo, onis, f. Cic. a projecüling. her, and married her bimelf. timelyi po take vatri or voices in Peisčcutor, arts, mi a profecutir, Perseus, a, um, adj. of Perſaus. commeil. w judicature. Persécu!us. a, um ; part. of perlc- Perſia, ai fi a famous cafiern hing- Perrumpo, upi, uptum, umpore; act. quor ; Cic. purſuing or parſued. deco, called by the inhabitants Fara acc. Liv tobrzakaſundor, breakihrough Perfedeo, ēdi; effum; ēdére ; ncut Itaa and Parfiftan. by forri, 10 ourer.power. " Perrun. Scritt ft ii out, for long by it. Perla, arom, m. pl. the Persians. perc agmen hoitlud, to force away Perfegnis, e; adj. very Hack on how. + Perabè, very craftily. through sbe menier mein bady: Peiſegniter, adv. very powoly or cow-+ Persibus, a, um ; adj. vere glute Perrompere leges; to break ibelaw', ardly ; Butrop. er witty. trangri. Þerrumpere pericu- Persēs; a fee nymphis Persica; æ; fi Piln. a peach tret. lam, to ircase danger + Persèneſco, čre; to grow very old. Persicaria, æ; f. prasb-wirt, dead Perruptio, onis ; f. a breaking Persènex, nis ; c. very old or aged, ' 'erfo-ſmart. sbrough. Porfentio, fi, ſum, riic; a8. a fuel Persicum, 1; a. Plin, a prach. Perruptor, oris ; m, a breaker at the heart, peritive, diſorder. Petsīcus, a, um, ad). of Perſia, very Ibrough. Perfehtiſco, -ěre'; to porieive plainly. torp, primely, royal. . Malum Periapias, um ; braken through. Persephone, es; f. the daughter of Perſicum, a peach. Porfa, æ; f. city of Euphtales ; alſo the dough:er i Occaans and Proſerpina. | Perficus finus, berwean Arabia, Tethys, en inbabitant of Perla, Perséquens, ntis, part. of perſequor, Carmania,'Perſia and Sofiana. and one of Plautui's komidins: and adj. purſuing # Perſequcns Perrideo, cdi, ckuni ; [of per and Porſocra, cræ, fi arity of India with flagitii, he that loves to be doing fedco, to pick cloſe, fie by. in Ginged milthief Persido, čre; ncut. Vír. 10 fink down Perfæpè, adv. Cic. very often. Perségüentiffimus, a, um, a. ſaperl. or inio, place darp, soak in. Persepo-i8. Ils; fa city of Perſia Un came in pu-fuit. + Perfignatio, onis ; f. fealing up. built by Perlebst which Alexander Persoqoor,cātos,lum,qui dep. Clc, to Peilignător, õris. m. a ſealer. in & drunlim pie commended to be follow ciofe, to purjur till oni obtains, Perfigno, ārc; act to feal sp. domot: Shad 80 fue for, niste profecute, or, perle. Persimilis, le ; adj..Cic, viry like. Perfaleč, adv. om folij ör witlily Promiffis fa&is perfequi, | Perfion, reging nightfade. Perfallus, a, vendary salt or witty, Jo second primiſes with performances. Perfs, idis, f. the country Perſia. + Persălătātio, 'onis, f. 4 viſliog, a Perſequi viam, 1 koco on one's Perfifto, peittit,perftitum, čie; neat. "yalari x!! nina: way. * Perſequi ſcripturâ, to w'its Cic. 10 pand it oui. + Peroa! Stācor; Oris; m. be that sa down or forwait to writing. Per- Perlius, a viry learned Roman. I whole' company, lequi artcm aliquam, fo mdiaubur Perſius Flaccus, a Tufcin port, ibat Persalūto, dre; act. acc. Clc. to Ja. diligenily to attain to the knowledge fouribed under Domicius Nero, war ihr whole company found. of an arr. art. Perſequi mandata Perſolara, a; f. [à fold the burdack. +Persānātto, onis, fi a parfed caring. alicujus, to do what we are com Perſolennis;ne, adj. Suet. very Saletan. Persanktor, oris, m. a parfe (ter. manded. * Jus fuum perfequi, to Persol co, ere ; neut. to be wort. Perfancte, ady vary bolily s folemnly. maintain his own by law. * Ini. Persólido, are ; so harden. tbrtugbly. Persāno arcaa Piſni to étre pornåtiy: micitias, paternas perfecutus eſt, Perſolvo, vi, ūtun, vērc; act. to pay Persăpiedi, nis, xd). Cic wory wire. be remised the injuries dene to his to the full.' *Grates perſolvere dig. Persăpienièr; adv. Cic. onry wiſely. father. Perf. qui promiffa älte nas, to pay.fufficim banks, *Qua Pérfanen, & country betwein Perria rius, to mind a man of his prom:{, itionem perfelvere, to anſwer a and Armenix. to defore he would be as good as his queſtion. Perſolvere ab aliquo, Perfcicnter, adv. Cic. cery knowing word. to borrow of one and pay another ly, wartly, judicrouſly. Persčro, evi, ājum ; to fou ell wit, • Penas reipublicæ perſolvcre, to Pertcindo, jás, 'ifum, Indére? aet, publih all-abroad. ſuffer for abufing the Commonwealih. acc: C.C. Lo marid guite shr.ugh. Perfervio, irc ; 10-Jerue fill. Perlolvere promiffum, to be as Perſcistas, a.um, part of perfeindor; Perſes, a.ş m. Là Perba) good good as one's wird. rrot in tws, of from top to bottom. haund and fighting dog wiibel. Perso us, a, um, adj. all alone, fams. Perfcribo, pa, digo, běte, ad. 10. Perfes,a lite of Macedonia who was Tuous, roll, C:c.tözörne all from the orginning is takan by. Enillus, and iod in tri- Persolūtus, a, um ; adj. accomoliſhed, PERSONA, 1 1 ވެ 7 - i . 941 fright. PER PER PER PERSONA. æ; f. Gic. [mapáowacy] a Perſtino, are ; to relove to give fuch or diſcourſe. Pertendere cum à person, an a&tor in a play, a vixard, a price, 10 bid money fut. Apal. liquo, to be at variance with any ibe cock or Spout of a fountiin, fountain, Perit o, îti, itum, äre, neot. dat. body. * Animo pertendens, oblis Perſona, arum ;, images of build. Liv. to continue refolute. * Perftare nately dont on, fut upon. ings. Inducere perſonaa, to put in fententia, so hold in one opinion. Pertentātio, ānis ; f. an allempting. m a mask or viſage. Perſonam Mens cadem perftat mihi, I am Pertentālor, Or!! ; m. an m, an alianpier. al'cui imponere, to put one into an pil of the fume mind. Poriento, āre; act. 10 Attaupt, to offiu. Tenerc aliquam perſo. Perſtrātus, a, um, part. of perftar ful or ſound one's mind. . Tacitum pam, to be of some rank or quality. nor covered all over pertentant, gaudia pectus, jos je Persönālis, le , adj. perſonal. Ulp. Perſtrop-o, ui, itum ; ērc, ngot. Ter. cretly'..ckle the heart. Trenor pcr- Personaliter, adv. personally, to make an aut.rry, to be beard all tontit cquorum corpora, a treik Perſona ia, ; f. the great } the bouſe over. blime le cos ibi harfes all over. Perſonalia,' a; f.. clodder. Perftri&tus, a, um, pari. os perftrin. Perteoror, ari, atus fum, part. Cic. Personātus, a, um, wearing a di gor; bound bard, daunted, taunted, to be broughly tried. xırd, an actor or nummer, Per dazolas. Partěnals, e; ad). very thin or fine, ſonaca felicitas, counterfeit happi. Perſtri-ngo, xi, &tam, ngěre, act., * Pertenula fpes, very ſmall bipes. nefi, kot real, the Perfonata yul. acc. Cic. to bind hard, to raxo the + Pertčnuiter, adv. war ibinly. nera, facrat wounds. skin with a light wound, daxicle, Pertărčbrātio, onis, f a boring ihrougb. Persono, ui, itum, äre, neut. toring tax, gemily, glance upm. * Perftrio Pertěrčbrātor, Oris on ebarer threugt. aloud, ſound clearly in the bearing of gere adres, to grate m the sara, Pertěrěbro, are, act. acc. Cic, to bare all, lowond all tbs room sury, to make * Aratro terram perftringere, .do or pioru through with a wimbla. loud melody. * Perfonnie zquora Jurn up a light furrow. with a Perterg-eo, ēre, 1 l, fumi act. te conchâ, to make the fee rattle with glough. " Horrore perftring), to be Perterg-o, ére, wipe down. the sound of a trumpet. terribly afraid. Fulmincum per- Pert ēro, rivl, situm, črère ; a&. sa Pereõno, ārc ; act.ro porforate, ftrinx!t iter, 'fwes as Swift as rub eway, or into pieces, Limâ make or become a perfon, lig ming. Perftringere som all: perterere, lo file througb.- Personas, 2, um ; founding all ovu. . quam, to diſcourſe of, or bindle a Perterrefăclo, čre, a4, Ter, so put Perforb-so. Cre; to fup up all.,! ibing briefly, to truth it only, to skins in a great frigbi. + Perſpectätio, õnis ; f. a looking all á thing sver Perterrefis, cis ncut. paff. to be about. Perfūdiosè, adv. umy carefully. fere frigblodi † Perſpe&ator, öris; m, a diligent Perftūdioſus, a. om, adł. very care- Perrerr-co: ére, act. to put ons into a oblarver, fully, very offe&ionite Cic. badi'y fear, to fright extremely, Paut. Perſua-deo, fi, rom, dêre ; " pero + Perterricrépus, a, um ; adj. giving Perspection, Nont : }adv . warily. fuade, exhort, provr. • Hu'c mag à foarful crack. Perſpecto, ārc; to look all about. nis pranils' perſuadel, he vins Perterritus a, um, part. of perterreor; Perfpc&us, a, um ; part. of perfpi him i by great proffers, * Is mihi Cic. frighted, in. a lamentable fear. cior plainly difcerned, tried. perſuadet, adviſes me all means. Pertex 0, ére, ai, tum, 98, 10 finifto Peripěcüleri, ari; to view diligently. Ita tibi perſuades, you take up a piure of clorb, io wowk of, conclude Perſpergo, c, füm, göre; act. acc. that spinion. * Mihi nunquam Pertica, tj. f a pole, Roman parel Pof per and ſpargol to walk over. pcrfuaderi potcſt, I can never be two gards, a vine prep. * Eâ. + Perſpicabilis, lc, adj. famous, fair, perfuades. dem pertiça, all under the. + Perſpicacè, ady: for perſpicaciter, + Perfuāsībilè, adv. serfuafively. Perücklis, le; adj. Plin. fit 10 maka in good credit and Bow ; alſo tbo. Posſuāsībills, le; adj. apt to perſuads a persh of: roughly, advifodly. Perſaāsibiliter ; ady. Quint. poriva. Pertimefanus, a, um adj.choroughly Perſpicácia, æ, f. Clc. quickneſs of fuely, plaufbly. afrighted. diforning. Perfuafio, onis ; f. & perfuafion, an Pertimco, ere; ncut to fall into Perſpicācītas, ātis, f. Cic. iudicieuf opinion taken up. Induere abi Pertimelco, če; nefsa acuseness of apprehending. perſuafionem, is de conceited f. Imperium pertimefcitur etlam is Tantâ es perſpicacitate, you are of Perſuaſor, oris į m. a perſuador levi perſonâ, domination in an in- sa acute a judgmmt. Perfuaftrix, icis ; f. } Plact. confiderato perſon is drradful. Perſpicax, gen. ācis; ads. 7. art. Cic. Perſuasorius, a, um ; ad): perfuafive. Pertinacia, c, f. Cic. wilfulneſs, Sub., quick.fipbied, dijmining, ju dicious. Perſpāfus, a, um, part. of perſuadco; borrels, obflinary, frowardnes, parfoto + Perfpicienter, adv. adviſedly. Pl.jan.perfuaded. Perſuaffimum veranca, refolution, ronian'y; Boutngs. Perſpicicientia, &if. a locking the- habere, noe to doubt in the least of, Pertinaciter, adv. Cc. joutlyi ip- roughly inte, a clear knowledge of. 10 be really and fully perfunded of. folvidly, Miffly, toughly, Perſpicio, exl, c&um, icěre, aa. Persūbītìm, adv. all on a luddm. Pertin ax, gen. ācis, adj. 3. art. Liy. aca. Hor. : [ per and ſpecioj 10 Perlubtilis, le, adj. very ſubtil, fine, (a tenax] bolding fajl, gudj, ablti- diſcorn plainly, difern learly, to have and fooall. nale, feafaj, confiant, implacabls. #Pertinax real, a flout vaintainer trial of * Perfpicere conje&ura, Perfubtilītèr, adv. very ſubrilly. to guess the very ihing' Persūdo, arc; to sweat abortughly. of r ghi. * Odiom pertinx, more tal batrid, Perfpicuè, adv. clearly, evidently, Perfulcātus, a, um, adj. mucb fær. Pertin-eo, @re, neut. (of per And.te- Perſpicuitas, ātis ; f. Clc. clearner, Perfulto, are, neut. Tot per ad fal- + , f, neo) to rearh from one thing to ano evidenie, tranparentneſs. ther, to beling* Eò perdnetera Perſpicuus, a, um, adj. clear, evident, to) ro frisk over. # Perfultare in to, the orasim dyiues ar tbar. tranſparent. . Perſpicuum eft om- agro hoftili, to make inroads into the Pertinet, Zbat, uit; imp. is pertai nibus, bere's no-body but knows. martes reuntry. sth, bebuveth, &c. • Pertinet ad Perſpirātio, önis f. + Perluo, čre; * few throughly. rem, 'tis to the purpose. • Pertiser through. Pertæd-co, črc ; nout. so be utlarly ad me, it behours de + Perſpirātor, õris, m. 4 dreatbar weary, be glutted with. Pert-ingo, igi, zauw, fogěre, nevt. through. Pertædeícit, imp. Cato it grows us Cel. 10 touch, be cloſe togasher, nach Perſpiro, are ; a&... break through. Periæd-et, ébat, uit, vel pertæſam of 20. Vena ab oculis porungit ad Perſpiffo, are ; to thicken. cerebrum, a vein roashes up from Perſpiffo, adv. Plaut. zwry powly, and cft; imp. Cic. is very much troubles. theid as to the brain. very dully. Pertælus, a, um part. ane verbo , + Perto ērātio, önis, f. Eutrop. Perſpiilus, a, um ; orry Now or late. Serv. waary of 'Vitam pertælus, mani bearing or suffering. + Perſputātor, oris, m. e pitter upon. not content with his profone condition + Periðlerātor, oris ; m. & celery hearer. Perfterno, perftravi, atum ; to cover, Pertēgo, xi, Aum, gěre, act acc. Plaut. or Pave all over. to cover ever and ever, to make a Pertoléro, are, a&t. to bear companilyi + Perftimŭjātio, Ön's; f. a pricking full end of í tile a biuse firals a + Pertollo, čré; a&t. to lift up. 0x Tpurring forward. gaini be winner. Pertond.eo, ēro, act, Col. to clip or Perftimŭlátor, dr:8, m. an egger on. Pertendo, di, fnm, děre; a&t. Livsbear all about.. Perftimŭlo, are ; 10 Spur er.prick ine to Bratih all along over, go direal, Pertorqu.co, cre, 4; a&. Lgcr. sé on, to grieve fore, on to car's journey's end, finish a work draw quise away, # Per- a a brearbing + } + comtion. Pertumelc.o.Leie; }rofwell macb. Permultuoſus, . PER PER PES : ; # Pertractabilis, te , very tra&able. 1 Pervăr'o äre ; to bange quite. preu il with great importunity. + Postractaic, adv. sboreuphly. Pervărius,a um, adj. porfiali diverſe, Pervincere aliquid dictis, to prour Pertractat!0, nsf. Cici un entire Pervaftatio, onis ; f. a wajing all # thing by rajoning. • Perrin- bandling, pondering, 0: treating. about. cendum eft hoc ubi, you must go Pertračatio postarom, the frequent pervafto, are ; act. to lay walis in Ibrough with it, not leave of sill it siraing of nopis. all parts.. be done, + Pert actätor, oris ; m a bandier. Parvežtus, a, um, qart. of pervehor; Pervir-dis, de, adj. very graen. Pertraaātus a, um, part. Of per• convejea bogo. Pervivo, xl, aum, včre; to live out a tractor i brugbiy banaled. Pervčho,xi,dom, horei act. acc. L!V. grert while, to live out a certain tom. Pertracto āre,aet: rcc. Cic. to handle to convey bome. * Adicillus per- Pervius, a, um, adj. (à via] pafablo. all over or througbly, to confio ful vchimur optacos, we are broug bi to • Noa will pervia reato, 7of opm 1. Pertractare pbilofophiam, sur us: sfos. to any wind. Angiportum non eft to trust or discourse of ph:lojachy. Pervello, i, ar ulli, alluz, lère, act. pe vioa, Ter, the oil, is no sbo- Pertrăbo.xi, &tum. höre, act. so drow 10 pluk down or away, pluck off, roughfare, unto. * Pertrahere vitam, to draw grieve, pincb. * Perveliere jus ci- Pěróla, z; f. [à rera] a lisil. Jerip out one's lila is a full length. vilc; to prak again the civil law, ir futebol, a purje. Sen, Pertraní co, iſe; to pafo faily sbrough bring it insa difrapuuts. Pervc'lerd Perunétio, ondo; Plin. f, on anoint- ſtop achum, to get a forach, to ing all over. Pertraoſū; idus, a, um, adj tranpa prourke opperite. # Perunclor, örla; m. an cruinter. rent, wholly Iran/milling the ligbt. + Pervēlox, odio ; ad). very ſwift, Perunetus, a, um ; ensinted all sorr. + Portrecto, áreito bonile or for Pervěn-lo, ise, i, tum, neut. to come Perungo, xi, eum, gěrc;, act. to 4- barr thoroughly. to u pleu, to get up, attain ante, noint all over. Pertrépidus, a, um, ad). very fearful. Se?over. Pervenlie ad primos + Pervolgatio, onis, f. Dig, a making Pertribuo, ul, ūtum ; to give, attri tragados, to come to be as good a ondta, give compleaty or gmirally, tragedien as the belt of shem, Per- Pervolgo, are, a&. to make connor, # Pertrībūtio, bais"; f. a compleat venire ad pommos, to bave bis debe pass through, frequent. Lucr. giving paid hm. * Pervenit mihi hæc + Pervðlatio.onis, f.a Aying to or soer. Pertriftis, te, adj. Cc, very sad, la rcs, I know it, 'was told me. Pervõlito, arc; a&. acc. Vir. to fly wn, doleful. Perečnor; ari; dep. to beat or bune to and fro, all over. Pertrītus, á, om ; part. of porteror ; all over, jork dilig mily aftor. Per.volo, vis, vellc; to defri vihe. rubbed or worn away. + Perventio, onis, f. an arriving minily. * Pertumacitas, ātis, f. frowardnes. Pervěrěcundus, a, un ; very bajbful. Pervõio are ; fly to, by, or suir, u ēre; Perveriè, adv. the wrong anay, por. . run nimbly. 1o. oerfly, croſsly. Perve:sc videre, Pervol-vo, vi, võūtum, vère; act. 80 Pertumultuosè, adv. with wiry great so fee things with the wrong ſide up roll, along, perife. * Pervolvitur upruar, words. Cic. animus, she mind is very buſy. # + Pervolve e librum to read over a of trouble. Perversitas, atis, f. perverfineſs, croſs- Percundo, pertūdi, ūlom; a&t. to nofs, frowardneſs. Cic. Pervo vor, čris, i, ptus fumpafl. 19 maka s bole in a wſdl. Crunc- Perresfus, a, um ; ad), rus, ill na. be rilled, to be disply ini ugon. nam pertundere, to cut & Purſe. fwred, propoßerous, ofguint, * Veft : Pervõlūto, arc, act. acc. Cichtun- Perturbare, adv. Cic. diforderly. perverſa, an odd diefs oscafionelly ble over and ruir, nad it diligindly. Periurbācioönis ; f. a difordering, wird. •scuta perverfa, a festebeon Perurbinus, a, um; adj. very civil pafiont of the mind. Coli pertur reverjed. Am. Marcel. and witty. batio, Cic. tempe wins Weather. Perverto, ti, fum, tère ; 18. 11.over. Pěrurg co, ērc; al. to break er Perturbator, āris ; m. throw, turn topſy-turvy, undermine, trull shorough, pur'ue hard. 10 peruers, Spoil, draw afide to evil. Por-ūro, ufi, ostum, urere, ad. acc.- Perturbātus, a, um, part. of pertura + Perverperd, very late in the evening, Liv. to burn up or all over, to bor ; difurbed, diſordered, mingled. + Perveftigātio, õnis; f. a ſearching Scorch. Pcruri fan'bus, to be gall- Parturbo, arc; act, acc. Cic. so di. ous thoroughly. id with fourgos. # Perusere cor Purb, difords, to turn topſy-turvy. Pervěſtigator, oris ; m. alicujus, to vex one so tbr brers. • Perturbare colores, s. mix co- Perveſtigatrix, icis; f. Peruror, čris, l, uftus fum, padr. to leurs, . Præcipitea aliquem per- Perveſtigo, are; act. to searcb or be burnt up, in de ſcorched to be tarbare ; ad Hercon. to fumble any trace our 1boroughly. blaſed; 80 ba bit and nipt with cold. one biadimg. Pervētus, čris ad). Peruſia ; f. a city of Hetruria. old. Pertpag-co, Tre; to well, be proud. Perrčiuftus, a, um ; Perulinus, a, um“; adj. of Perula. Perturpis, e; adj. very fowl, base or Pervicīcia, 21. f. Bonines, compancy, Peruſtus, a, um; part. à peruror, unbandſome. obfinds, wilfulneſs. Cic. burnt up, ſcorchid. # Pcruftum † Pe tuffio, irc i to bave the phibifike Pervicacitèr, adv. joutly, Bubbornly pectus curls, a mind tortured or Pertulis, is ; f, phthis. Pervicax, gen. acis ; adj. 3. art. (à Tarked with oixation and saydı, Pertūlus, a, um, part. pertundor; 'vidco) flous, fubborn, bent upom Perutīlis. le ; adj. very profitabla. . pirrus, brokm, jull of holes, Cao one's will. Pcrvicax ira, net Perūtiiñèr, adj. very profitably. lix pertulus, a cup that runis. In cafly appraſed. Pervulgatus, a, um, part. made roms- percoſuon dollum difta ingerere, Pervidco, idi, fum, dere; act. acc. mons, publiſed. * Pervulgatum ia Plaut. to loſe oni's labıur, co fling to see through Sua peryidere vu!gos, talked all the town cuer. Minns against the wind. mala, te overlook one's own faults. Pervulgo, aro; act acc. Cic. so Perrado, a, fam, dě e ; deut. Cic. Pervig.co, cre; neut. 1o be outy prolpe make commons, publiſb, proflitute. Liv. a, cum acc..Sall, to come all rows, be of great virtus and jiringsb. PES, edis ; m. Cic. Its a foot ; ouer, forxe upon, get up to. • Ea • Ea Pervigil, gen. ilis, adj. 3. art. Seni alſo a laula, the car of a dost, and a fama pervat forum, rbat rumiur watch ng all night. • Pervigil ig repe fixed to the corner of a fail to spreid over the combunge. nis, fire that's never put cut. fajin is. * Pes alaudæ, larki, Pervăgatlo, onis, f. 8 wandering up Pervigilātio, önis ; f. Cic. a wasibo berh. * Pes gallinaceus, fumitory. And down. ing all night. # Pcs miiy, dire's bul. • Pes Pervăgatus, a, um, part. baving over. Pervegīlātor. Oris; m. Neg. a watch Yinaceorum, the palk of tail of run or over-/pread, very coamin, ar all nigbr. grapes, Pedem cfferie, to go Pervăgor, art, dep. acc. Liv. so over- Pervigilla, R; f. La night rruel, a abrood. # Men' pedem poffe sun, Sproad abroad, be publiſhed, Pervigilium, ii, m. S nebi facrifice; fpcrafti did you think that I could Pervăgas,a,um; adj. roding all about. alfo a vigil befort a fajt. pit it out? Neque pes, neque Pervălíde, adv. D.8. very Brongly, Pervigilo, are neut Cic. to watch caput cotoparct, it balb neither Peivălidus, a, uni ad). very preng. or be aw.ke all night long. head nor tail. crvus ad pe- fi Pervăracio; önde ; fi am wier Pervil:9, le; adj. dog cheap: des, or à pedibus, a foot-boy. changing + Pervinca, a to the herb periwinkle, Pedem confcrre, to go ft a place. Pervăriator, orix; m. a changer. Pery inco, ică, inatum, incerc, ad. Podem seferre, to retreat, Suo Pervărio, ady. Cic. extinding diverfly, to overiem, get the better at laj, lo '1c pede moriri, to meaſure bis for Perturbātrix, icis; T.: }• diforder. }' Searcher . 1 1 } . PET PET PET fool by his gwn laſl. * Unà omnes Pčtălun, 1; a loaf ; alfo Square look for Evander. • Petero vea fecére pedem, all joined 10 bois marble, g: non, to attesipi te poiſon. * Cunu And diſplay the fail, Vineto pede Pětālurgas, i;m. a gold-brain, 2 peteic, to run unita, * Pctcrc blan- & foluio, in varlı ant proje Pe. Pelălus, l1; m. one of iboſe thee were ditiis, io cekes, Auribus & oculis dem dare, 20 a:d, Juccour: * Om. Nain by Perfius in Cepheus's court. petere, to hearken and look aftof, ni pede niti, to give all the afis. It Petaminerlus, li ;m. one that leaps Pelere alte lulpirlum, fo foi:b a tan! one can. • Preſto pede, Jo as ibat be jums to fly, dap 6gb. ſoftly, with:ut the laſt noile. Pětāsātus, a, um , adj. wearing a Pétoritam, 1; n. [à. Tegrapes Æol. Percennus, iij me a great friend of bruad brimm'd but. TÉToges quatuorja waggon, Cicero's, Petalices, is ; t. lag worl, buttero Pecorfi, örum; pl. m. a great and Peícennius Niger,a Roman emperor, bur, & populour nation of Lydia. who, a life is written by Ælius Spar- | Pěrālo, onis, m. (à petaſus) a Petofiris, a famous. Egyptian mesha- tianus. Spring, bund or log of pork, agam- mutition. Pēſcendlæ, arum; a people of Ethi mon of bacon. Petovio, 7. the city Pet opia. Pětălancólas, 1 ; m, a little gammon Petoblo, Law in upper Pclici, orum ; a purple of Sprin. of bacon. Pctovium, i; n. Pannonia. Peffarius a, om ; adj. [ä poffus) of (PETĂSUS, i; m [TÉTAOCS ) a Petra, æ; f. the metropolis of the Na. a fuppofstory. broad.brimi'd huf, the round 50 bathæl, whme that part of Ara. + Pericllum, ii; ni a little bar or vering of a house ; also a round ball bla is called. Petræı jolfo a town in boli. on the top of a building, Sicily; alſo a rown in Macedonia; Peffimè, adv. taporl. very bad . Pētauriſta, ,m. & donlot on the and oshar places Peſsimus. a, um, ad). ſúperl. à ma ropes, g PETRA, że ; f Liv. (7'si yet] a rock, lus, pejor, very bad or wicked, tbr + Petaurum, i;n. a rope to danse great font Worl. Soe Malus. upon, s roof, for poultry; a single, Petræa, x; f. thi nane of use Pelsīnus, untis; f. a city of Galatla a houp used by tumblers. nymph. on the borders of Magna Phrygia, Pētzarus, 'i'; in. o danear on the Pct. æon, a city of the Lizi in Scy: where Cybele hsd a temple; from ropese g thia thence called Peffinuntia. + Pétax, acis ; adj. [à peto] definius. + Petrarium, if į.0, a pme quarry. Peffium, il ; n. a sity of the Jazygos Petelia, the metropolis of the Lucani + Petreia, æ ; a woman ota powo Metanaſta: called Pelicaſtro, in tbe foor-wuy reprafeting a drunken woman. Peſsúlātus, a, um , adj. bolled,, from Romc to Greece, Petrcius, 11; m. a lisuiment if Cæ. PESSŬLUS, li; m. Vit. Cardooah-] Pēteon, a city of Boeotia. far's in Gallia, who afterwards a door, bar or doft. • Perluluin oft o Peteko, to look after, domaud followed Pompey, and was pui } obderc, to bolt a door. * Peflutum + Peusto, carnefly. to death by Cælar. reducere, to unbolt, Pětcfucus, ci ; facing of Egypt. Petrelæum, i, n. oil running natu- PESSUM;zdv. Sall. ('Oniow, vel at Perigo, inis ; the itch. rall, through'a fione. g. pes, vel Buocis fundus) down. Périlia, a city of Magna Græcia. Petrenſes, ium; pl. m. 2. the people of wird, downrighi. * Peffum pre- Petilius, li; m. [à petilia) a k.nd of Petrini, orum i plom. } Petra iñ mere, to find one dozon. • Pellum wild roſe. s cily, ire, to ank ong toward the boiton. PETILUS, a, um; ad). (NETTOS, vcl + Petrcus, a, um ; adj. jmy, rocks. Peffundo, ēdi, acum, ārs ; act. cum à métancy, follum] awindling, very | Petricoſus, a, um , adv. long, atrul Seni [of peffum ana do).to small, burd, dry, * Pet:la crura, Petrificatio, õnis; f. a diſeaſe in the prefs down, Hing down, so under Spindle banks. eyes or eyr-lids, foot • Peffundare iracundiam, Petimen, inis ; n. [à peto]tbe facion Petrinum, ni ; n. A town and cople bring down one's potion. in a horſe's Boulder, in Campania. PESSUS; i ; n. Cell. (TT605ÒS) . Pctičlus, im. Là. pcs), paille of + Petro, onis ; m. a clown, a ruſlick, Pull try or oiber fuppofitory of soft wool fruit, a mall spindle log: 4am; old. Penifer, ra, um ; adj. bringing the Petirgala, læ ; fi a city of Tadla with. Petroburgum, gi ; n. Peterborough plagur or other calamities, in Ganges. in Northamptonſhirc. Perifērc, adv. defruiu.ly. Petifia,,orum ; pl. n. (ab invent.) Petrocorii, orun ; pl. a, & prople Peltitorus, a, umi; add. pernicious. pippin's. Petrogori, 3 of Aquitain, called Peñílens. gen. nuis., adj, contugiaus, Pětilio, õnis , f. Cic. a petition, re Les Perigourdins.. ſubje&t at the plague. quell, Banding for, an aluling. Petronia, o ; f. the wife of Vitellius, Peftilentia, ; f. the peßiline, . • Implcre petitionem, to prove elfo a river in Italy. plague, infsition, unwhaleforands. what one fuci to be his right. Petronius, i; m. the governor of E. + peftilentiofus, a am , adj. bring. Pětīt uncula, aj f. Ter. a small n. gypt under Auguftus ; and overal ing she pligue. quef. obey mm. Peftilis, le ; adj. infe&ious, ſultry. Pčištius, a, um, adj. defiring often. Petronius Arbiter, an elegant, but tb. Peftilitas, ats; to the plague, an in. Pělitor, oris ; m. la fuer, a deman. feAinus time. Peritrix, icis ; f. 3 der, condidats. Petraraca, æ ; f. a small country of Arcadia PESTIS, is; f. CIC. [ ab Heb. pa. Petitorius, a, um ; ad). requeſting or joan, Spolavit] ihe pellilence or ſuing. † Judicium pe:itorium, an Petrolclinum, i; n. parſly, g. plague, any calamity, mifcbies, bane, action for arbi. Pctroffa, a; f. an ijland of C- licia. Speſilent or dongerous fellozo Ve Pet.tum, i ;n, & requefl or domand. jenti populo peitem minitante, Perītus, us ; m. a depre; al,o an in Petrolus, a, um; ad). rosky, traggy. throatning 10 plague tho Velan peo clination. • Petitu tuo, er goar Petrus, tri; Peter The Cruel, king of plai • Peftis adalta, a plague foro riqueff. Portugal, whojtów all the nobility, ready to break. Penis tenet, Jux Pětitus, a, um;part à petor, defred, and his rwn.rplations, A. D. 1343. are placuy mad. Abi in malam aſauliod, fershed. + Altè petitum alſo a king of Hungary, A. 1.. peftem, go and be hang'd. procenajom, a tedious preamble. 1043. also a king of Arragon, Peſuri; õrum ; a people of Lufitania. t Petivolam, n. a narke shoot at. A. D. 1283, and other mm. Pētālize, ārum'; a prople of Eubicea. PET-0, ivi and ji, Itum, ērc ; 14. Petrus Altiſhādorenfis, an emperor of Pētāliæ, arum ; f. four ißands in the Geeks. cum acc. Vir. (ETAITW) to ask, Euripus Euboicus. defire, request, reach at, implore; fue Petrus Lombudus, a famous divine Petalidcs, dum j f. fat bog', 8. bißop of Paris under Ludovicus for,farb, aim dirsekly as, ferk,go so, Petāliſmus, l ; m. a Syracufian be lay claim to." . Petere fugam, to Crafras niſment for five year's by writing súke to fight. • Peterc pedus Petuaria, Beverly in Yorkſhire. namas on olive leaves, 'g. gladio, to make a pulse af one's Pelubafis, a king of Egypt. Potalitis, idis ; f. the herb haris arraf. Cefim petere hoftem, Pētulans, gen. ntis , adj. abusive, 10 Ban with the edge of a sword. juury, malapert, bold and lujiful, Petalina,li; n. a leave a thin plais, » Cornu petere, to hunch ir gors Pētulantèr ; advi jaucily, luffülly. oil of Spikenard Laf, g: • Saxis petcre, to fling Poner er ene. Pčiūlantia, æ; f. Phædr. Taurinais, * Peraloides urina, urine will redi * Vultus pctcre, to fly at one's boldnafi, malaperinajsy luftfulneſs, ment like fifors scales. face... #Evandrum pel mus, we (6) K A horn, g. 1 1 fo Ang a PHÆ PHA PHA sutr-randns.; sheraging of a dif- Phstihon, ontis ; m. tba son of Sol ing desib by going to the WATI,,!%, tenpar, and Clýmenę, who depring his sp. sived a wound in his breas, which Pčxălcus, h, adj. buting with tbar to let him gade iha thuviot of curid bim; and other mm. barns running at, walan. the jup, for one duy, jel the world Phålēro, are ; a&t. cum accus. Plaut. * Pę:ūlors, arl; dep. ww. on fire, and was rurk, with a 19 adorn will trappings, + Parolusy i mblinker, one sbat thundar. bolt into the river Erida: Phileron, a bavin of Attick and Losts olquint. nus; Ovid. Theffaly. Patymj tis. l(Americ, petup] Phaethonteus, a, um ; adj, Phallic-a, orums.n, pl. the rite of Petunum, ai ; a.) rebacco, Phacchon. Bacchus et Aihens, infitured by Putuſcum, part of the city of Rome. Phaethontanidis ; f. } Phacthon's Pegalus Eleutheriènis. Peuce, esst an island of lower My. Phac:hontiades Apers. Phallicus, a, um, ad). Tafelvious, B. Ga at iby mourb of tbe river Ifter. Phagědæaa, æ f. a wolf or conker Phalliphörla, orum ; n. pl. she jacri. Peucădăuns, al ; m. 7 horfi - Brong, in a woman's bras, k. Cell. Hair of lís, wherein inpure ſymbolas Peucēdănum, ni: n. horse-frunge, Phagēdænicas, a, um, adj. belonging were fecretly carrud in an idela. foro-fennel, fülfhur wors. to, or baving a wall or canker, trous proceffion, g. Peucetin, if. Apulia, so called Phager, rl; m. Phallus, i, m.al man's yard. diflingwin it from the ouber called Phagcus, ri'; m. a fra.fifo. Phalora, æ; f. a city of Theffily. Daunia, mow Terra de Bari. Phagelia, jf. a gormandiging Phalorens, e jad). Peucetius, a, um : adj. of Peacetia. Phalerites, is 3 } of Phalora, Pexatus, mis um'; ad). Wearing frient Phago, onis ; & notorious plurien, Phalorias, æf. e city of Locris. garments, or high napped closbe who in one day as she table of Aus Phaloricus, a, um , adj. f, from, ar Pexim) adv. noull de taily rellangs eat up a whole boot, an belonging to Phalo:ias. Pexicas, ális ; f. ibe bighneſs of the bundred loaws, a weather, and Phanx, a promontory of China, coll.se 3 nap, parkar, and drunk a whole bop bead allo Moas Phancus. + Pexilo, are ; a&. so comb often. of wine. Phanagorsa, æ fi a dip of Surmaçla Pexo are acti Cà pedo) us.com. Phago.kedõrus, delighting in railing, in AGA Pexus, a, um, part of pecto, Arin- 8 Phanālicus, a um, Su Fanaticus, medy wsubed, baving a high nap i Phagres, a.city of Thrace. Phantas, z; m. á noble Cartbagial- allograft and rude. Pexa toga Phag caus, a, um, l adj. of Pha an who in the third Punic war a meg gown. • Pexæ veftes, Phagreleus, a, um ; gres. fell off she Romans. hich migo. gardines mudo oj bair Phagrorion, or torji Wnli, country in the Phanclii, orum ; pl. a. a northern } Phayroriopolis, 3 bay of Arabla by people ſaid to bavi sars so brond, Perican say :: .. A muf or cufpreom the Red.jp, but they cowred their wboie bodies, wirbaut any fact,& Phalachra, the top of mount 10a, where Phancta, a; a. a god so calied when Paris bad bis timber to build bis hi apprurid dorong 1bc Grecians i PAN, H. lips. alſo the jun. Phalacrous,!m. tbl. fon oj #olus. Phaneus, 1;m.a mountain in Chio, Ë. H. abbreviat faire poatus hîc, or Phalacios, bold or bat, where usry good wine growi, publicus honor. Phalacrocorax, acis; m, a sormorani. Phania, æ;m. acerlain man who Phadiraduïn, nis ni sbs sing Bremen Phalacron a promontory of Corcyra. madi min believe hi was much in Saxony + Phaia arum ; pl. l. forffolds, richer tbon he was ; whence for Phacioniga tonous in Theffaly. worden towars. proverb, Phan: janua. Phacius, a, um ; adl, of Phacion. Phalæcium, 1 ; 0. [à Phalacus, in. Phanodemus, nl ; m. an hilarian Phaičia, as fion ifsad in the lo- who wrote the antiquities of At- nian lea, called alia Corcyra. Phalaſia, æ; f. a city of Arcad 2. tica. Pliæices,iba pinupie i Pbæácla, neked Phala ng a, árum ; fipl. rowlers by Phanoreas, I fi a lity of Phocis. for their idlenifs and luxury, with fips are drawn afhore, g. Phantafia, æ; f. tbs pbanſy, or ima. Phæcālātus, a, um, ad). wearing a Pbalangari, orum ; n. pl. they abat gination, si while Jacordesal Jove. with paip rowlers bring up tipas Phantaſma, štis , n. an apparition, Phæcafium, iis . Eccl. a biſhop's Phalangita, arum; pl. m. Juft. An fpirit, phuny, l. whiiu for, g. Army ordered like the Macedonian Phantaiticus, a, um, adj. phantafii. Phædimus, mi;m. a farzeni runner; phalatix. Soldiers ir be wain hody. cal, muginar), ran slogiae post of Brzaritjum Phalangiles,æ, m. on herh that cures Phantia, æ : f. e city of Trous. Phædon, an Achchan, pain or a The 0.ting of the venomous /pidar. Phaoum, So Fanum. Geoff by iba iblrin rrant, bis daugb- Phalanglum, di n. a VeneDIOUS Spider. Phanus, ni; m. one that ſupported bil sor's win winyins, wibo embracing +. Phalangoo, āre; act. to carry upor wife and fordered bin doors, that one another, threw themelur haud row ars ; Reg. accur. shey could not be opened without Tone inco a wall;wilio a philopbor Phui.DX. Agis ; f, Cust, obe batralia making a noiis ; out for, admitting of Elis, to whom Piato dedicates or misin desiy of an army, taken from ber friends an other way, acaband :-his bord De immortalitate Animæ. the Macedonian milite i alſo a the prouerb, Phani oftiun, so pg Phæda, dræ; f. the daugbler of row'er to put under bips and the nify ſomething keps in vain. Minos, king of Crete, mrd wife 19 Space but wann ins knucklei, g. Phaon, ntis;mou young man of Lesbos, Theſeus, the fall in lour with ber Phalanx; mi the brother of Arachne. fuid to be made beautiful by on fon-in-inry Hippolytus, and, w or Phalara, æ ; f. a city of Theffaly, Hintment given him by Veous, which bis refuſing ng bos, jasly accuſed him and siber places. cauſed Sappbo to fall in love with To bir busband, acbe, enlling upon Phalarica, cæ; f. a jovalin. Pha. bim. Neptune for vengan.6, 'was the lar: a apua, a molt, g. Phar-æ, ärom ; pl. f. a city of Crete, cauſe of his defiruäion. Phålăris, Siciian tyrany who burnt and anubar of Mefisne. Phædrus, dri; ro. one of Plato's laba. Perillus in the broken bull. wbirb Phareus, a, um ; adj. of Phara lars, ander whoſe name he pui sui he had made for ibe for moniing of Pharaites, of Pharz in Crete. his boot Rhædrus, and ther min. olbars; also a rity of Tulany. Pharamundus, diam. Pharamund Phemonpe, ; f.shefirt pripheie,'s Pha'aris, idis ; f. moor-ben sbr rumiy-ourth king of France, Phomonoe, I a Apollo at Deiphos the bard bearing canary Sued, g. wbe removed bis jeni from the u- ſaid to invimi iha brrent yerle, Plialaſcrna, næ ; s. r.sity of Crcic. fern to the wofern part of France, Phæniana, is file city of Rhaetia, PHALER Æ,arum;p! (oite qurtaper] and made the Sulic law, Pheniana carra, $ Colind new Be. the syngpings of a horſe. . Ad popu- Pharan, indecl. a city of Arabia benb liun. pulum ihalesas, thaje says plesje the Petræa, and amount: in by she Phænicjas, ; m. the foresh-euf muls:ludy, don't take it for a yool. gulf of Arabia. wind, 8 Ph.:ěrât.us, a, um, adj. haping Pharao, ools ; m. the general tilla Phanlonezon, i n. an corrido iezie rich trappings. * Dida phalcrata, of the kings of Egypt. Phallgmetics, en frither of the La Volendid and pompous ſay.ngs, Pharaonis avis, a Turkoy or Guinea- COMID "7147. Phalereus, i;. ini that was given ben. fhænarnerle; id's; f. a kind of wo SURT ), obs phyſicians, by malen of Pharathus, thi; f. a city of Galilee, primus. gardiens, & am incurable impofhumt, and fork Pharbclue, li j. f, a city of Egypt: Phar. t ; also PHA PH E PHI Pharb:tas, a city of the E'etrienſes. the Lycli, sbon by the Pamphilli, who built the ships for Paris, wbani Pha codon, a city of Theffaly, aftervoards by the Cilicians, as laſ he was going for Helcna. Pharenfes, lum; pl. a people of Asia was demoliſhed by P. Servilius ; Phereclcus, a, um, adj. of Phete- by the rivir Mela. the inhibitions were woni 10 ſacrifre C'US Phares, étis, of Pharæ in Boeotia. fule ist without any blood, which 1. Pherecrates, a comical poet of Athens. PHĂRÉTR-A, ; f. Vir. (paperga] cafioned the proverb Phaſelitarum wboernd under Alexander in the a quiver. façsı ficiuna, walls, and wither of Douca Hon's Pbäretratus, a, um ; adj. wearing a PHASELUS, i;d gen Sall.(pimio] family. quiver.. :a pinnast, jarrb, or ple sfare.boil. Phcrecydes, an hilorian of Albicos, Pharla, *; f. on iſland again Dal-Pha:ělus, li ; m. 71 páosa G.Proés. and jouerol others. 11:atia, called Liloa. Phaſcolus, 11 ; m. ) 16.ja French Phere us, di: ari the twenty-fifth Pharicnics, jum; pl. 150 people of bian, king of Athens. Pharia. Phaſeluffe, iwa iſlands of Libya. Pherenicus, cl, mi a fabulous biſte- Phario, a river of Armeniai Phalanion, ii; nu jword graſs or rian of Heraclca. Pharis; a city of Laconia, glidder, g Phercpharta, tæ; f. Proſerpinc Phariik, 7 ide citizms of Pha- Philiāna, æ ; f. a pheaſant hen. called. Phariela, ris. Phasianarius, ii ;'m. a phrajans. Pheretrom. See Forctrum, Phariſa cus, a, um ; adj. Erala. Pherſephonc, és ; fi the fame as phari/sical, bypocritical, + Phafionophonus, i ; mia goſs- Proſerpina. Pharifæl, öron ; pl. phari'as, for hawk. Pheftus, tiim the two and train ish fuperatis, pretending to extra- Phälānus, i ; m. Col. [à phaſis) sieth king of the Sicyonians. ordinary hilinifs. Pheaſant-cock. Phe:earundirt; n. the city Halberi Pharmaceutice, ês ; f. the art of fe. Phals, is, and it is ; m. a famous ſtadt in Germany. letting, preparing, and mixing me. river of Colchis, and another in Phrala æ f. a lake in Coloſyria dicines, & pbarmaty, Taprobane. front when the rolver Jordan arijes. Pharmaccuuia, . ; fi a forcereſs, g. Pharma, ål:s ; n, an apparition, an PHIALA, æ; f. [planins a plain pos Pharmacia, bay by Boſphorus Thra hobgobling, g. with a wide rub so dritik out of, cius in Europe, called now Thera + Phäffachates, a kind of agat. a gold cup a "bruker ; Juv. 5. 19.2 pia. Phaſtea, æ ; f. a city of the Saca. vial or vele. tp drink in, mide of Pharmacit's terra, pit-coal, g. Phatcruncſos a deferi ijland about glass ; Pecron. H nc Angl. e phiala Pharmăcõpceus, iim. an apothecary Cherſonclus in Thace. corruptè viul, a viol. 1621 makus med cinos, g Phatoites, part of Egypt. Phiccon, « mountain of Baotia. Pharmăcõpõla, ze m. an apothecary Phaulia, æ ; f. Col a large olive Phiceres, a perple of Alia. that folls medicines, g. wisb a ſmall kernel g. Phidamus, 1 ; mi a very lafcivicus Pharmacopol!am, I; A. an apothe Phazemoniris, a country of Pontus epicure.in poot. cary's pop. in Cappadocia Phidias, æ; m. a famous Batuery. Pharmacotrophi, grum ; pl.m. a Phea, or Phcia, æ; f. a city of Elis. Phidiăcus, a, um ; adj. of Phidias. people of Alia Iuding upon poiſon. Phebol, an and by she gu!f of A- Phiditia, orum ; n. Lacedemonian PHARMẮCUM, 1 n. Phed. Đáp rabia. Abort commons in the public hal. Maxgy) a drug or potion, siber me. + Pheconobium, 11 ; a wild lestice. Phila, æif. a city of Macedonia. 'dicinal » poiſonous. Phædius, I; D. one who ded for hii Ph ladelphia, di f, * sing of Lydia, Pharmaculæ, ārun pl. f. iwo small country, and was prmmunred the and other places, iſando óy Attica. wifef and boppioll man by the oracle Philade!phia, a ; f. fruherly lour, g. Pharnace, ês ; f. the mother of Ciny: at De!phos. Philadeiphus, phi; m. (Ptology) ‘ras king of Cyprus. Phegea, a ; f. a' city of Arcadia, king of Egypt, who gathered a li. Pharnaccon, i, n. a kind of centaury, called before Erymanthus and af. brary of almos fifty thouſand books, Pharnaces a pople of Egypt, whoſe terward: Propb 8. and procured be tranfalion of ibs eyes are miſibiruins.. Phegeus, the futhar o' Alpheliboa. books of Mofes. Pharnaces, sbs son of Mithridaics, Phclefiæi, a purple rust thi Uabri. Phile, a listle iflind in Egypt. Nain by Calar Phel andrion, ii ; n. on hard good to Philäni. Orum; pl. m. Junt, two bro- Pharnacia, 2 æ; f. a couniry and city break sbe font, . thers' of Carthage, who, to dolor. Pharnacca, ) Pontus. Pheliæus, i; é mointain of Attica, mini che controver/j txt wasn then Pharnaceum, i; n. a city of Phrygia, and of any rocky pla't, having for and the Cyren!ans, about their Pharnucus Aliberus, or Nalberius, mauld fit for oliver: bunds, were to run vill they mit; he wrote an hiſtory of Perga. Phellodrus; f. a kind of cori-1786 cho iron, having gotten 156 mueb Pharodeal, orun pl. m, prople like an oal, g. ground, were killed by the aduerje Pharodlni., 5 of Germany, Phellus, 1 ; m. cork, g. pariy, and had oltars raiſed upon Pharos, a long iſland of Egypt, in Phellus, rwo countries of Lycia. ibair combs in hniour of skin, by the which is a power of the same name, Phenlus, Homer's mujer í ans an Carthaginians, built: by Softratus Cnidius. shor who wiose of thi Grecians Philäum, the cisy Groningen in the Pharpariades, part of mount Tourus. rerurn from Troy ; alje she pusher Noçkarlands. Pharsalos, crown in Theſſaly by of Ægæus. Philag.us.gri; m. a famous phyficism the river Enipeus. Phemonoe és ; f. Su Phæmonoc. of Epirus contemporary with Galen. Pharfalia, ; f. all Theffaly. Phencun, i ; n. a town in Arcadia, Pilagrus, gri; m. 4 Cilician fopbiler Pharfalicus, a, um ; adj. of Theſſaly, wbere ihe harb moly grows. viry pufionate. Pharus, '; d. gen. a pear or lanthern Phencatæ, sbe people of Pheneum, Philalethcs, a lover of truth, g. by the bears pde, a berCOR, who worſhipped Mercurius Quin Philainoion, the fori of Apolio, a fad orum; pl. people of tus. mous mupcian. Phauruli, $ Africa beyond Mauri Phoncus, a late af. Arcadia whole Philantropia, æ; f. a loving of man. tania, water in thi nghi is deadly, but in kind, g. Pbaricadon, a city on the river Pc the day is wobelefuino, Philantropus, 1 8: loving menkind; Phengites ; m. a certain brighe.pone. Philantropos, alfo a oure foicalled Pharygc, . @s ; f. a city of Locris, Phenion. the herb animons, g. from catching 'hold of every oni. called in Homer Tarphe. Pheræ, f. e sown of Meflonia, Ther- Philarchi, a people of Arabia Foelix, Philareius, ci; m. a man'ı nome, Pharygæa, æ ; f. Juno so called. faly, and otber plucos. Phalaelis, ia city of Judca. Phærcus, a, um ; ad). of Phoræ. Philargytus, i;m. a lover of money, Phalanla, a; f. a city of Africa. Pheraales, a certain Perſian, who of Philautica; a; f. felf love, . Pbaſanit, the people of Phafania. a poor man was made very rich by Philautus, ;m. A ſelflover, g, Phafalarium, ji, n. a place where Cyrus } but being very quickly Philcas, a country of Bizantium ; Frencb-beons grow. writy, and defiring to return to his alſo an ancient geographer. Phasēiinus, a, um, adj. of French. former Bate and quiet, gour all a. Phildphrus, phi ; i. an excellent beans.' . Phaſelinum olcum, ull war again, njerving only so himſelf pool or 'orotor. made of shofe beons, he board. Philērna, aus; n Akif, g. Phaſelise a city inbibited heretofore by Pherccl-u9, i ; m, a fip-carpinter, Philemon, A cemical pari, second so (6) K2 Menander ncus. I blown away. Ph ntong Phlegmaticus, a, um; adj. Ceif. flag PHI PHI PHL Menander; alfo a countryman who, Philcs, . iragical poet of Athens, Philotimus, a freed man or Ciccro's. havirigentertziord. Jupiter and Mer called allo Bilis, from bis being very Philoxenus, i; m. pbiloſopher wbo cary in his cortogs, was will his poflionata, wiſhed himſelf a merk as long as e wifi Bancis turned into a tria, Ana Pbildatētes, she son of Pæan, and cruno's, that he might take mort dr. his boufe into a temple. companion of Hercules, who left bim light in taling his ment and drink; Philena, an.baylor wbom Philocrates bis bow and psilonod arrows. alſo a grammarian of Alexandria, inveighs againſt. Philodoxus, i; m. Erafm. a lover of a Lyric poet; and other min. Phlleros, a city of Macedonia, And glory, one that is vain glorious. PHILTRUM, 1; n, Phædr. (piatger] the nans of a lear-carrier Philogonus, ni; m. a bijoup of An. a love potion. Philefius, 1; m, a ſurname of Apollo. tloch, A. D. 321. Philyllias, i; m. an ancient comical Philcgia, Orum ; pl. m. templos ded:- Philogyn'a, g. a diting of women. pust. cated to Apollo. Ph!lõhiftoricus, & a lover of biflory. Phllywythus, iim, Eraſm. a lover Palleta, tæ; f. a city about Carla, Philblaus, 1 m. a Pythagorean bị: of romances. Philetzria, a; f. wild jage, a kind Lofophar. Pbilyra, æ; f. Ovid. daughter of O. of bur; alſo incbaniments, g. Philo ogia, æ; f the pudy of human ceanus, on whom Saturn, in the form Philetas, tæ; a. an slogras part of literatures, & pbilo ogr. of a borje, is ſaid to teget the centaar sbe island Cos, be is ſaid to be lo Philologus, i, m. e humsnill, g. Chiron. fender, ibat he was fain to carry Philõmathes, g. defirous to learn. Pbilyra, æ ; f. the thin skin between liad abuut binn for fear he foould be Philomathia, dafiri of learning. the bark and the tree; alſo a skin of Philombrotus, an Athenian prinu. parchment, and a sheet of paper. Philetus, a, um ; ad). of Philetas. Philõmc'a, a; f. be daughter of Philyres, a pople of Pontus. Philetus, I.; ma b.ßor of Antioch, Pandion king of 'Albeng, whim, Philyreius, Chiron focalied of Phi- A. D. 214. and other in. Tercus king of Thrace raviled, Philyr.des, } lyra bis molbor. Philetymus, Eraſm. aliiroth. and cut ber tongue out, and berg Philyth us, 1 ; m. Erafm, a delighs. Philcum, Groningheo in Germany. Philia, a promontory of Thrace: fight from bim she was turned inic Phineus, 1;. na hings Arcadia. Philcos, an illind before Taprobane. a nightingali ; the night.ga!. Phineus, a, um; }adj . of Phineus, Philides, a sortain herfecsurfer, of Ph lomcllum, a city of Magna Phry. Phincius, a, um } wbom wbm Themiſtoc'es asked a gia. Phinon, a city of Idumea. burſe, and was denied, be ibreaned Philomelus, ll; m. a general of the Phinopolis, dis; a city of Pontus, to turn his borſe, ore long, into a Phoccnfes alſo a very rich harper. Phinthia, æ, f. a fountain in Sicly, wooden barſe, Phllonenes, a king of Paphlagonia. inro which ito say nothing will fink. Philippi, a city of Macedonia on the giving name to bis fucceflors. an ifand between Sür. } borders of Thracc... Philomuſus, i; g. one fatically given. Phintonis, dinia and Cordca. Phil.ppicus Bardanus, an emperor, Philon, a famous phyfician. Phircfi,orum; pl a perple of Scandia. who in ibe fecond year of his reg Philonides, dis, one of Melita of : Phla. æ; f. a ſmall iflund in the lake bud his you put out, and was call very great Bature, and very little T's tonis. into priſon ty Anthemius. wi, which cauſed the proverb, I.1. Ph'anatos, a people of Illyricum. Philippides, a comical poet, who in bis doalon Phi on:do. Phlanon, a city and baven of the ifle old age, and beyond bis expıftation, Philonus, a biven of Corfiça. Ablyrtus. being viflor et y trial of skill 4. Philonomia, æ; ;. the daughter of Phlebotõrria, æ; Celf. a letting of uong the poels, died ſuddenly for Nyćtinus and Arcadia, who, us for jos susb ibing bippened also to was a hunting with Diana, wasgit Phlebo:omo, are; Cell. to let blood. Dagoras of Rhodes; alſo on A with child by Mars, and brought thlebotómum, i; n. Cilo a lancet or thenian surnar, who is quid in one farib Lycatus aud Parrhasius, kings infrument to le blood with, g. night to live run fifteen hundred of Arcanja. Ovid. Ph'egethon, a fiaming river or hell. furlongi, to give the Lacedemonians Philopes, a difereji lever children; Phlegelhonieus a, um; } ad). of Phle- notice of the Paifang eming into e; gethon Greacc. Philos, an iſland againſt Perfia, not Phlegma, alis; n. Cel. fogn, g. Phl ippopolis ; f. A city of Thrnce by far from Caffandra. the river Hebrus, Philoſophaſt er, ri; m. & fattorer mutick, abounding with flegm, gi Philippas, piim. the son of Amyn in philoſopby. Pliegmone, ĉs.; F. a red swel.ing tas, and father of Alexander ehe Philosophia, 2; f. Cic. philoſophy, with an infammotiin of the blood. Great ; alſo a king of Macedonia, The fiudy of wiſdom. Phlegon, one of the horſes of the ſun. and a phyſician of Alexander the Philoſophicè ; adr. philosophically. Phlegont's, idis, Eraſm. d prejuus Grcat, und an biflorian of Amphi Philoſophicus, a, um ; adt, philofo- phlegonlitcs, is i) pont with a kind pol:s, and ibi ninih biſbop of Jerufa phical, of or about pbilosopby, g. ol Home, lem, a Roman emperor, wbs juraud. Philosophor, ari; dep. to pudy philo- Phlēgra græ; f. a city of Macedonia. ed Gordianus,and foveral other mnen. Jophy, to diſcourse gravely about ſerious Phlēgræos, a, um, of Ph!egra. Philippus, pl.; m. sa gulden_ccin and learnia qusiims. Satis phi-Ph'egyas, a city of Bæolla, from Philippeus, ei; m. S of Macedonia, lofophatum cit. I have played the Phlegyas the son of Mars and worth about three millings, g. philosopher long enough. Chryle, king of the Lapithæ. in Philiſcus, a town of Athens; alſo a Philosophus, a, um , adj. of a 'philo- Thentaly: he is les isnost a pront famous carui', 8. Bone in hell ready to fall on his head, Philift on; « comisal post of Nicæa, Ph.loſophus, is m. a pbilosopber, a for burn ng ibi temple of Apollo, whiidid with immedorai laughter; Hudent fucking after wiſdom, g. who had ravifted bis caughler Co- alſo à płysrian of Locris. Phloftephanus, ni; m. un billorian ranis ; Qyid, Philifius, n; m. a Milefian orator of Cyrene. Pblogyæ, & people of Theſſaly, who alſo on hiftorian of Syracuſe. Phllostorgius, i; m. Cappadocian boing, Sacrileg:oung and defpiping both Ph:) * ibi imperor Domitian's nurse. under Theodofius Junior, who write gods and men, were drowned by Philie; f. A country of Thrace. twelve desks of ecciefiafiical bijlery1 Neptune; Ovid. Phillyra. æ, the mother of the im. according to be twelve letters in his Phlias, an Asgn:ut, the ſon of Bx- saur Chiron, called from her Phil- cbus. lyrides. Philoſtratus, ii; m, the nome of le-Phl.us, antis; f. the name of two-ti- Philo, the faibor of Mercorlos Trif ural fomaus mm. 18. in Peluponneſus, mcgiftus, and loveral aber min. Philotas, iæ:a. a companion of Alex Phlöglics, a precious sosie reſembling Philobotus, mountain of Bæoria. ander the Great, to whom, ajter his the pimes. Phllacalus, i, a good man, 8: dasth, the kingdom of Cilicia full. Phlox, ögos ; f. a jure; alſo a gela Phuocandrus, one of the Cyclades. Philotera Philocaies, the barb boreh und, &.. Philojeras; low Aswer like a violen, g. ft. f. a city in Cæiofysia. Phiycenx arum; pl. f. pimples.or Philochorus ri; m, a, learned Athe. Philotcris; f. a city by the gulf of sub.es in the fire. 8 nian, Nain by Antigonus king of Arab a; inlled olfo Arlinde Phlygadia, a mounsa na againIllysl. Macedon, on fufpicion of his corral. Ph lothcoros, &. ona given to specula. cum and Adria. prioris with king Prolemy. sien. Palygonium, i, n. & city of Plious. Phobetol, blood. g. jopbar, g. nami. rug PHOE- P HR P H Y Probetor, sb: Son of Soninus, called five or fix hundred years, and the Clearchos king of Crete. alſo Icelos. i to burn barjerf in a soff of Spicos, Phrudos, a river of Gallia Belgica. Phāca, 2; f. a fes-colf, g. from wbojo aſhes Springs a young one; Phruri, a prople' of Scythia. Phocæ, arum f finall iſlanas of Crete. also a dare, or a palm-tres, and the Ph urium, a promontory of Cyorus, Phocæa, æ; f. r city of Æolis. yhilofopber's fone, g. alſo a city of India within Ganges. Phocæna, 2 ; f..a porpoiſe. Phreoila, a city of Arcania, from Phrygia, a; f'ecco countries in Afia, Phocarla, æ; f. an iſland in the E Phetas, the for of Alcmcnon. oni cailed Magna, o. Major, the gean jea. + Pho'a, æ; f. redplums olher Minor. Phocarum infula, on ifand in the Pholēgandius, one of the Sporades. Phryges, pl. à Phryx, the Phrygians, gulf of Arabia. Phõloc, mountain of Peloponneſus; nored for their caritimes and wan- Phoca', cæ; f. a Roman emper alſo a woman's name. tonneſs, whicb caused the proverb, who wjurped the ''empire, and efle Pho'æricus, a, um, adj.of Pholoe, Phryx verbcratus melior; Serò fa- bliſhed bis tyranny, by Haring 160 Phorous, a city of Arcadia from the p:unt Phryges. offspring of his mapler Mauritiu; tmtiur Pholus. Phrygianus, a, om; ad). embrol dired, the emperor, and then putting his Phonaſcus. cl; m. & maſter of pro wrought with Phiyg'anith-work. eyes out. This man conformed upon nounciation, g. Phrigio, õnis, m. an anbroiderer. or suffered she pipe so offiume she fine Phonicus, a, um ; adj. of a voice or Phrygius, a, um į ad;. Phrygian, found, , & Phocenſes, 2 people of Helrur:a, Ionia, Phora, ræ; f. a city of Armenia Ma- Phryna, æ; f. an Athenlaa bar. Phocis, and other places, jor. Phryne, es ; } lot. Phocias, a river of Theſſaly. Phoraphal, a king of Babylon, called Phrynicus, ci; m. A tragediya of A- Phocion, an Athen'an always poor, allo Phul. thens though he might have bem richibi Phorbæ, a city of Theffaly. Phrynondas, a upry crafty fellow of was never fun to laugh or wiIP Phorbantius, a, um, adj. of Phorbæ. Athens, .bo cauled be proverb, also.a peripsert ck of Spain, who Phorbantia, æ ; t. an ijiand of Sici. Phrynondas alter. wrest the dock Cernucopla. ly, called Lavenſo. Phiynos, i, m. g.thilargel fort of frogs. Phocis; 1. a country of Achala be Phorbas, she son of Priamos; allo shi Phryx. ygis; m. one of Phrygia. tween Buotia and Æola, whorrin fifth Athenian prince; a king of the + Phryxana toga, a friozs gown o? is the city Delphos, and ibeun. Argives, and others. tuin Parnaflus. Phorcus, a king_of. Corf:a, the con Phryxus, 7 the son of Athanas, and Pboclis ; f. city Arachofia. Phorcys, } }" of Poncus and Teira, Phrixos. brorber of Helic. Phoca, a mountain of Maur.tania the faiber of the Phorcydes and Phihas, Vulcan, fo called as doing all Tingitana. Gorgones. things arsificialy. and truly. Phocus. cl; m. the son of Phocion; Phorica, æ; f. a city of Arcadia! Phthem batis, a part of Egypt. alſo the ſon of Æacus. Phorlftæ, a perple of Alia. Phthcnotes, a part of Egypt. Phocuſa, fæ ; l. one of the Sporades. Phormio, ar Athenian captain in the Phthia, æ ; r. a city of Theffaly, she Phocuſa, iwo ifti nds in the Egyptian Peloponneſian war; alſo a Peripa country of Achilles ; alio a haven of ſea. tetick philosopher. Marmorica, called Porno del Pas Photylides, Grok post of Miletas, Phormion, g: an herb gaod againthe triarcha. and another of Alexandria, later pin and web in the 176. Phth otis, ine of sbe fous parts of Ibon him whole porm is extant. Phormus, mi; m. a comical peel of Theffaly. Phæbas, ādis ; f. a prieliefs of Apollo, Syracuſc. Phth ra, a mountain of Carla. Phoebatis, e city of Macedonia. Phornacis; f. a sig of Bætica. Phihiria as, is; the louſy diſeaſe. Phæbe, ĉs; f. ihe same as Dlana and Phorobreniarium, a city of L·bya. Phthirophăgi, oruin pl. a prople of Luua, so called of her brother Phee Phoroncus, i; m. a kink if the Ar Sarmatia in Aliu that rat lie. bus; and cthor worsen ; the moon. gives, the son of loachas. Phthifi.us, a, um, adj. Celf, troubled Phobi, a promontory of Mauritania. , with ibu phthifick. g. Phebigěna, Bæ; m. a furnime of Phoroneis, a . ncus. Phobilis, is ; f. Cell, the phibifick g Eſculapius, from his father Phce Phoruin, beover of Attica. Phthius, Achilles so cald frin bus. Phoruma, e city of Thrace. Phthis. Phoebus, bi; m, the Lume as Apollo, Phoſphorus, i, n. the morning-fer. Phthongus, i; m, a ſound or note, g. or she jin, the son of Jopiter oni Photinzon, city of Theſſaly, Pbihorius, a, um ; ad): Plin, ibar Laiona, at the ſame birib with D:- Pholinus, a hiſhop of Liins, and disi. brings away a dead rhild, s ana, called by the posts the gra of plo of Polycarp.i. alſo an berelick Phthuth, a rivor of Mauritania Tin. divination and mufick, and the in who denied the divinity of Christ. gita da, beyond Hercules's Pillars: vender of medicines. Phraafpa, pæ';. f. e city of Media. Pha, n. valerian, capon sail, ſet.wall. Phenice, es, f. Phænicia. 2;f Phraates, a king of Parthia, expelled Phul, indecl. a & ng of Aflyria. . a country of Syria. for his tyranny and afterwards re- Phuiafier, indeck a king of Babylon, Phenices, the people. Pored by Auguſtus. called by Joſephus Tadaphafler, Phænic:us, a, uin; adj. of crimson or Phraga, e cily of Drang'ana whish A. Phulbelochus, a king of Babylun. Scarlet; alfo a che nut colour. lexander efterwards salled Proph- Phapncna, a sily of Arinenia Minor. Phæniciza, a precious Hone like a date, thalia. Phyrnita, tæ, f. á sily of Libya. and tbe fouth fouth-eaſt wind. Phragmites, æ; m. g. a rud or cane Phuſca, æ, Phænicobalanus, i; m. a date or ta of the ſea. Phuſcus, ci, } f. a city of Carla. marind, g. Phraga on, a famous paruary and PHY, interject. abomin? foh! fie! Phenlcopterus, izm. a red rgbt painter. Phycis, is į f. Plin. Afifts speckled in ingale. Phrangi, a people of Italy near the Alps. belpring and wbite as all siher times, Phænicūrus, i; m, a red tail or red. Phranicates, a Parshian omperor. Phyciles, &. a groen precious llone. jart. Phraoi tes, an Indian ang. Phycolc, es ; f. a city of sylla, Phænicus, clíf a city of Crete, and Phras18. is,or cos ; f. Quint, the file called Cervia, of few inbabitants by an island by Lycia. ce manner of speaking, g. reason of che unwboleſome air, Phoenicuffæ, two islands in the Ly- Phraz', a city of Baarlana. Phycus, untis; f. a promidtory of Cy. bian gulf by Caribageand a city Phrčnéſis, is, or eos; f. the frenzy. renaica. of the Phoenicians in Syria. L'bya. Phoenix, icis , l. 2.1 of Crete; Premiticus, a, umalisframsick or Phycuffe, ilands of Phyculiai, í örum.;, m the inbabi: also a haven of Lyc.a, and a rivet Phronitis, idos, f. the lunary, g. Phycuffi,} Pants of Phycuffo. of Thesizly, and other plures. Phretes, a people of Libya. Phygethion, i; n. Cell. a botch or bile Phoenix. cis , in. the son of Agenor, Phricion, mountain of Locris, wboo Phyla, a cajille'in Attica. and brother of Cadaus, from wbti inhabitants ont celled Æoles and Phylaca, z; f. Plaut. a priſon, ward, fomu foy Phænicia had its name ; Phricancs jafo cultody, & also ibe naper Of Achllles; and Pliriconis, mbar mor. Hom. , }a Phylace, es f. a town in Theffaly, Phriconicis, noms of Lariffa. built by Phylacus, the son of Deion; Placoix, ics; 1. & phenix, an Ara. Phrlcones, the inhabitants of Larifia. hare Protcflags reigaid; alſo a sing b.an oird, juid so love alons About | Phronima, niæ; f. tho duughter of in Egypt, and other places. Phi, i ob nus. > bickway, truMyropium : alfo mountain in Migna Græcia Picātos, um ; ad), pitched. * Pl. + Pigellus, a, umj adj. fomewhat PIA PIC PI G Philacena, a people of Bithynia, or purgid by factfir, diverfly coloured, Vir. Phylacidcs, Protefila us ſo culled from Piaceat, ibi citsscens a Placus. Plaus, a, um, part. of pingor, paint- Phylice, Piacularis, (fc. porta].me of the gates Pimpies , } tuke 30 pawn, or dijirefs. *Mars for-] + PIL O, arc; act (Trimm] solbujt , , , , donia, dividing Etolia from Acar- | Piaus, i, and ûs ; f.m. (mitus) a upple; alfo a whirlwind. SaPinusPinythus, thi; me famous crctan PIL PIN PIO mortgage; elf to difrain. Pil-0, xe;{à pilus] Put fertb hairs, Pinguediaotus, 6, im ; fs!! f fat. Pogněror, ani; dep. cum acc. to neur. olfs vo plus cft the hair ; ac. Pirgo S. the waiwuen si sk141 cred field; Vir tilio am quemque ex acie pigoc. bi & ingether, to pile, und 10 fet. Pinguido, in sf. Jainas; Plin. rari folet ; Cic. the moſt valioni Palopaca, f river in Spain. . Ping.éfacio, čis; 20. to make ful.. are commonly pain pirin Pilolesia, æ; f ibe hert Taufe-asr. Bučko, iz:) ; neut. Es be jutimet Pigaðrifczptio, óds it. the taking + Priðsitas, 'atis ; f. Bairineis. Pinguca, öre; heute it her. of a piwn. Pulofus, a, um: adj. hairy, raugh;Cc: Pogueſco črsi neri. Vir to grow PIGNUS, ēris, and õris ; n. Cis. (à Pilulagnif. Pin. a litla vall, s imf baronis griaj, or sieniny, paogo) pawn, pledge, or wa. round écob, a pill. Piageiarius, ii; m. deler in fat, gornamkor tikon of. Porcre PILUM, i, n. Caf. {rias.) a RO a feliet 6. juri, lard, and sillow. pignori, to pawn. Pignora, man javelin five feet and se baby PINGUIS, e; adj. Ovid. [www] fat, children, peperity, affaity and long, with a frigulir head of fruitfil, gros, bungling, dull, nino inches, or nine cunies i alſo a thick, cletty. alliances, *Mutea pignora xroris, *P ngui M'nervo, muiuni marks of kinuntes. Cere pejile or rümmer. ...Primum pi. Elsu orly: * Pinguis quies, decy tare. pignus cum a'iquo, ito lay a lum, the colonel's own company Nesp. • Pinge coluin, thick wager with any one, Pignora huring javelins in their hands. air, a fog. . Pingue ptium, inoff retpublica, the fray of the common - Prima gloria pill, she dignity of piraping and delighsful effe or ra w21h. leading the firjl company. pole. * Pingue qu ddam ſonantibus, Pigre ; rdv. Plin. Newly, lazily, Plumnus, ni; n. the son of Jupiter, ciown bly or very, bread. # Pigredo, inis; f. farkneſs, flach. + Pigcefio, ieri ; hongo.Ni lazy. of daiters, grossly, clauteriy. + Pigreo, ēse; Perrin be lazy, ncut. PILUS, i; m. Cic. [à mtiac, penna) Pinguitūdo, inis; f. a fátting up; Col. P gues, Ibo brorber of Artemica. a hasr .. Non puli facio, I vite Pinguinicuius, a, um, id) Eralas. + Pig eſco, ére, neut. plia, 1. grit is not at all. # Equinæ çaydee pi- some what fat, prally plump. Rack or pow. los vellere, 88 48'e thing by T- Ploguus, a vivar sf Upper Myga. Pigrorluscomp. of piger, more pow. piasec ads, Pinter, a, um ; 2d), hearing pinas. Pgitia. 26 to joshjelpss, la- Plec penelia, æ ; f. laxifraga, ar bure PINNA, a; F. Cc. (Heb Pinnab, ex- Pigritics ci ; Szine'sCic.- ner. Su Blpenaella, tremitas) a quillar wing, a rinacis, + P gritudo, los, powneli, iin. Pimpla, a muunivin and fountain of dr ballliment, a fin offiſ, the + Pigritas, ātis; f. lofneſs. Macedonia, conseweted to the bried griltly part of ibs car, .be Pigror, art, dep. to be Bück, Now or cre of a helmet, she lice croſs- board of a millzobail. buskward. * Nc pigrare, do not Piuspluż, the Muſes sa called lsy Igo long. C.c. from Pimpla. PINNA,2; f. Plin. livva Juha nante Pigror, oris ; m. fuggionels ; Lucil. Pimprana, na if a sis about the tih, with a ruger brown Hall, Pulsīmus, a, um , adj. fuperl. à pi river Indus. ending nirrne, us; Cic. most dsdiful, &c. Pinācium, u; n. Erilm. A tronchar. Pinnaculum, li n. a pinnadlej Sipont. PILA, E; f. [à FIA ÉSU, denſo) amor Pinž. es. um, g. Lubles in Aone. Pinnal:9, e j adj. of the naor fibe. tər to peund corpo in bsfora the uso Pisăcăthēca, a; f. a room 50 koop Pinuītus, ai un adj. Cic bwing of millios piliai or poll exuding poures in ; Petron. quills, fins, or prickles, Pianaca th.ch, wherfing, or the work of Pinamas, a city of Egypt. fol a, jagged leaves. milos. Pinara, res f. A very pleasant city of fugor, ligh-ning fulling as it were PILA, 2 ; f. Cic. (miaos, agthala Lycia porntwife upon any thing. ball, e pill, any round thing. Pic Piparitæ, the people of Pipara... Pinaiges, ra, sum , adj. Lucr. finny. la roboris ; Viadic. on out-opple. Pinaris, on island in the Ægean fou. Pontrāp-48, i; ... Juv. Là pinna & Mea pila cft, now I am the next Pinarius, and Potitius, roua Il moon rapio) the net foncer, who frack or chief. of Arcadia, prsepis. of Hercules. at ini pſh. with a fin upon low's helmet, + Pīlāmen, inis ; B... racket to play Pinarus, ri; m. a river of Cilicia af inspis. and Syria # Pianolus, a, om; adj. Setting up- Pllānus, a, um ; [à pilum} fighting + Pinaftellus, i; m. big? fennale: ox bis erelt, poud. with a juvelin. Pulant, Linseri. Pinaft-er, ri; m, & wild pine-irse. Penoŭla, æ ; f. a little quill or fin, Pilaris, es adj of a pill, ball, or hair. Pin-ax, ăcis ; m. board. ar tabli, g. Pinnulæ, arum ;wings or round Pilārius, ii; ma cunning ulur f + Pincæ, arum ; f. fmoll Ships, pinkti riſings on sither ſide of iba nafai bills, a juggler. Quint. PINCERN A, e, C. (à noivo bibo & Pinsit-o, are's act. Plaut. to beat Pīlārius, a, um, ad). Of or like a ball, alpyáo, mifcco a butter, skinker, mall, sonſantly s opace. Pilāt m; adv. pillar by pillar, in cupotearer. * Pincerna pluviarun, Pinsitus, a, um, part." à piafor. Col. clcfi erdar. the ſouth wind ; Jun. pounded, beatin, baked. Pi dius, Wim..the Roman governor Pindarus, ri ; m. a Thuban,the shift Pinlo, are ; bray in a mortar. of Judæa, that condemned j. C. of the Greek Lyric posts, who in PINS.O, fal, pins, pincum, pitum, Pisztus, a, um ; adj. [à pium larmed be Dorick drett wrost bis 0. LUOJ j act. acc. (Tidow.jto ponad witb a icdn. lycopia, Pyth a. Nemca, and oth A Hortar, bake, * Ciconia pingit, Pitālus, a, um'; part. (à pilo] fet mia, whoja pyle Horace offirme so be the fiert parks, i. e, he is offed ai. clof, tsgathers fioddy. inimitable; alfoon Epheſian igrani. Pinſor, örls ;.. paunder, Vus. + Pilcarius, li; m. a cappor. Pindalus, a miuntain of Troas from Pintup, 1; D. baked mout. Pilcãtuo, a, um, adj. Val. M. Waar wbin'e the river Celios arijas, Piplus, a, um ; part. pounded, beators, ing a hat it can # Pileti fervi, Pindepistus, a town of Cilicia ex ibe Pinta, æ; f. 8.pint, Servants sold without any warrantija borders of Syria. Pintos, an Hand bitxosen Sardinja given to the buyer. # Pind-o, čre; act. cum acc. Perf. and Corsica. PILENTUM, A; n Vir. (à tincs, to pound as in a worlar, + Pioum, i, n. a ping-apple, or oil lana) a borfo lister, Pindus, di; m. a mountain of Mace of pins ; Salin. + Pileo, are ; to put in a.cap. Plleo. On:s; n. a balter er.capper. nanja ; alo a riest of Cilicia. pins true; Hor. alſo a faip made of Pileõlum, *; a la litla bas, A lap Pinca, &if, a pine trat, or pine. it; Vir. Pileo us, m. A coif, biggans. PİLEUM, el; a. }(radit, wiss} Pineālis, ej adj. ff or like a pine or bifhop, A. D 176; alſo a famous PILEUS, e'; m. spui, 4 cap. bon Pineapple granmarjar af Rome, nat; aljo rrudom. * Ad pileum Pinēlum, i, o, pine grour; Ovid. Pio, are; act. acc. to perform the vocare ; Liv. to miks one frue. particularly ibat in Emylia, talled Works of piess, to appeaſe by Sarri: Pilicreps, Scn. (à pila. & La Pineda. fice parge oway, atona, love im. crepo) a fustler that sufls balls of Pineus, a, um, adj. of pine. Vir. derly; aljo 10 défile. • Piare picta. pitb izzlo jupes. PINGO, Xi, i&um, göre; act. acc. tem, 10 di charge one's duty, s. † Pililūdium, ili n. ball play, ColorSw, illumino, vel à noitent : gious or civil Nomo eft qui ma. Pullūdíus, ii; n. Plaut. * cunning tabulas to paint, embroider, to do. g's ſuos piet liberos, no man is sofer of balls, a juggler. foribe, Jasoff, udern, adjup. are afidionate 10 bis children. • Pinnatus bis fola Pioni peep like a bicken bon, "Lamine: } Pila, & PIS 'PIS PIT Plon; a mountain of Tonia by Ephe alſo. a pua.fish like a frog; Plin. # Plhorienfis, fe'; ? adli of á bake fa's, on which s. Timotheus is said Piſcātāca, ; f. la fishing. * Pll. † Piſtrenos; i boule. ..Jus to be buried whim fimed by the propis. Plícatas, As; m. } catus meo ani mentum piftrenfe, a mill: horle. + Pionia: ; f. the barb pieny, mo hoc tibi bodic evenit bonus, Piftorias, a, um ; adj. of a baker, ir P:or, a famous monk, &c. truly I think you have had a baking Pipatio, önis ; f. a dueling like a bout on't here 10-dily, met with a Piſtrllia, æ; f. a band mill. bun. good prize. Piftrillarius, il ; m'a millerDig. PIPER, ēris ; n. (Terepi) poppar. Pifces, ium; f.ord of the twelvi jghs, Pitriaa, æ; f. Var. a baks-bouse, or Pipěrātus, a, um ; adj. popperid. # Piſc.ceps, pis ; 'm, a bar. bokar's fbip; a mill. Plpereus, a, úm; ad). of Piſciculus, i, ma fmall fill. * PifPift înālis, le'; d). of a millor pri- # Piperius, pepper. clculi, a little fry; Cic. Ter. fon, Lictor priſt ralis, « bradle # Piperinius lapis, a hard Pone wbi. Plicna; æ; f. a fiſb-pord or ſwim of boggars. till with red specks.. ming place + Piſcinz pecorum, Piftrinār:us, i, m. a millor or baker; * Piperis; f. ibx popper-trek. watering.pluras, # Piſcinæ lig alſo the over-lear of a workhouſe, Piperitis, udis ; f. pepper wirt, Spa nede, wooden trougbs; Plin, sho majer of Bridewell, niſh pepper, dittandor, Piſcinalis, e; adj.of a fil-pond. Cel: Piftrinenis, e; adj. of a bakehoule. Pipera, arc; to foajons with pepper. la piſcinalcs, bouin 4 fifa pond. Pift:inum, i; n. o takehouſe where + Pipila, äre,j to shirp' like a spar. Pilciņārius, a, um , aaj. of a pond llaves ground corn, a workhouſe or or PCic. houſe of correll.on. * In plſtrinum Pipinus, nism. Pipin, the farber of P Icinā.ius, fi ; * Cic. a moſer of te commitam, I'N ſend you to Charles the Gicat. fifiponds and pits. Brideviell. Pipio, onis ; mi joning chickm or Piscis, is;. m(à vionw, bibò} a P.Atris, is; f (rozistis: 1 a lea-monitor, pigem. Ath. * Piſcem deſquamare & cx the confia!l. tion Célus, and, the pro- Pipio, ic; geut. Col. [à fone) 80 enterare, to fals and draw a fill. por nine of a frip. * Pifcis nequam eft nil recens, a Poftr:x. īcs; f. Sen.. woman-baker: Pipito, are ; '70 prok hoarſe, to chirp. guaB's company foon grows trouble. alſo a wbile. Pipo, ireneut. Var, 16 dluck like a lome, Poftūra, æ ; f. thi diidir's trade; Plin Pilcor, ari; dep. fo fibi . In acrc Piftas, a, um ; part of pinſor, baked Pipo, a beautiful fea.bird. piſcari, tó Labour in vain ; Plaut. PISUM, 1; n. fraisovi peale. Pipulum, d; n. Scalding, the cluck. P.ſcõlus, Ja, um ; of † P.lus, a, um pounded, jiampech Pipulus, i; m. ing of a bm. Te Piſculentus, fillo. Pilye, a city of Car a. pipudo differam, Til foold' or rail picalenta, õrum ; n. filla provifion. Pisāne, ĉs ; fi a cily of Æolls, and Plicuri people of Afia. opher places... Piraa, a; f.a famons Athenian city, Pisēnor, one of the Centaurs. Pitapus, ni ; m. a rivør of Corfica. Piraus, Lobsvers ' at Athens, capu Piſcus, a; lng of Tuſcany, said to Pitaon. a city of Caria. invent the brizin trumpets, Piracus, } ble of bolding 400 tips. Pithaules. g. a bag-piper. Pirater, ilim, & wild pear Pisidæ, a barbarox, people by Cilicia, Pithēcium, !1; g. An ill-favoured Pirāta, asm. a porate, les-repár. called before Solymi. woman like an ape. Pralcrium, ili n. e refuge for pg. Pifidia, a country of Asia the Lefs. Pichécūz, an ißand by Catopania, rauki. & Pilidon, a huvin of Allica Propria. called all tharine und Æn- Pirätiča ce pyraty, roding; Cic. Pinates, a prople of Umbria. ria. ; ad. Livof Pifinda, æ facity of ! Pitheta, Pirene, a fountain at ibe foot of A- Piannus, 13 m. a young child. Pithiffa, læ; f. a city of Loraonia. crocorinthos, dedicated to tb. Aluss, Piſinoe, one of the Syrens. Pitho, ihe goadofs of slogamle ; alſo called alſo Fons Caballnus. Piaftiátus, ti; m. an hiſtorien of Diana of Corinth, and one of the Pirefira, 2; f. a city of Theffaly. Larifa ; alfo an eloqueni Athenian Atlantides. P.r.des, urtain ifands in the Egean tyrant; a king of the Orchomenli, Pitho@gia, õrumį n. a folomn feaf and laveral others. fus. in January, at the new broaching Pirithous, .l ; m. the son of Ixlon, Pilo, čre ; act. cum ga, to pound in of wine, g. and ſtoorn fr end of Theſeus, whom a mortar ; Var. Pithoicon, a pitiful pont of Rhodes, be also bolped.in ibe killing of the Pisones, noblemen of Rome, of Noma ridiculouſly mixing Greck with La. Centaurs. Pompillus's family, tin in bu epigrams. Plrum, & city of Dacia. Pironianus, a, um, adj. of the Piſones. Pithonobaftae, a lily of India without Pirus, tij. Thracian prig, Aain P.fonis Villa, a plaré near Baiæ, Ganges. by Fhois at the Trojan war. whithur Nero often reforied, now Pithonoſcome, a place in Asia, white Piroftæ, an Illyrian people. called Truglia the flerks, ci sheir firſt coming, mat Piſonos a city of Armenia Minor. tegeiber, Tearing her in piaces bet Piræus, a, um ;ad). of Pira. Pikant ni, a people of Macedonia: comus laß, and so depars. P:fe, arom, fie city of Tuſcany. Pilafphaitum, 1; n. summy, g. Pitiffo, are ; g. io hp or tafe. Pllander, dsi im. the mof Neftor; Pist:ſphaltus, i, a mixture of pitch Pitornius, a river, in Italy alſo an antimt part of Camtrus in Kad bitumen, g. Plin, Pittacium, fi; n. alohedule or Jerolos Rhodes, and ſeveral others, Pinelcon, ci ; ni oil made of pitch, g. alſo a piere of leather, and is place Poftia, Peloponnelus so called from Pifrus ; } acizof e city of Thrace. Pittăcus, cl; m. a philofopher of Ml- Plſaurus, ri; m. a river of Picenum | Þiffocernon, &. a mixture of wax tylene, one of the foven Sages of piſca, ce ; f. & city of India within and pitch. Greece. Ganges. Piftaclum, il;n a pijach nui; g. Pluthea, æ ; f. a town of Peloponne- + Pifcalis, le ; adj. of fiſh. in Platea Plicus, a, um ; adj. faiibful; aijo ſus, by Tizen, ar Træezen itfalk. piſcalis, the filo-market. driftich gi Pittheus, a, um ; adj. of Troezen. Piſcūria, a; f. Var. the sims frui ir Pifti•lum, 1jn. (à pinfo) a pipil, Pattheus, i, m. the grandfather of market. # Piſto, are; po pound or bake. Theſeus by.bis mother, who reigned Piſcārlus, a, um adj. Plaut. of Albes, Pifto , öris; m. e baker. at Trezen. . Pifcarlam forum, ihe filmari Piftor; a mame of Jupitcr among the Pitthels, for Æthra, The cos's mo. kut. • Piſcaria copla, abundunie Romans, oho bring tefaged by the ther. or pimty of Dista. Gauls, and almoji lambad, ' werd + Pituina reſina, ropn of 3.5e pit:b, or Pifcatlus, il;m.filmonger: Var. admoniſed by him to throw. whar red for-free. P ſcãt.o, onis ; fi fiſhing ; Non. bread they bid left into the enemuas PITUITA, ; Hor. (à vitre, pix, Plſcātor, oris; m, a fiber, or fiber. comp; the Gauls, despairing of viato vel à Kontua, coagulam] Rogo. ty, raijid tha fioge. * Arborum pituita, the gum of Pifcatorius, a, um ; 9d) of a fimor. Piroja, a a city of Hetru. • Gallivarura pituita, the min. • Navis pifcatoris, a fisher. Piftorium, is } ria, pip. + Plitoricus, a, um ; adj. of.. Pirultaria, æ; boat, æ' f. Plin. the bord f. Plin. Pifcatrix: kis; f. a hibexzeman, + Pastorinus, 3 biker ir buling. faves 4674. Pitui. lor, 8: t man Ovid, 1 3 $ * Pianudes Maximus : plant or lot. of St. Austin, ane sthir pooks, f 10 diis placitum so it jaemed Plandus, 83, m. Plini a blow, br. Planiúla, 1 t. 1 plans i oljo bo P LA PLA i PDA -Pituito us, a, um , adj. polugory, u sbink wall of himſelf the boal. rhegmatick. Placuda inhabitants of Attica, Pl_nçur, a, um , Pline la planca,vcl Pitulioji orun; m. pl. a people of .-:wbo, punibes adulterors very planus) broad inaku-1-ota. ! Umhria: truty. Plancus . mo... Boli (bezir@a Pityafus, a ; f. a city of PiGidia. Plăcido ade · Cic: calmly, gensly, & nd of large nuwki Prty 45 ; f. iba inmeil kand of the quietly. Accepta est placide orai Plāne, adv. Pl. Jun's fue uly,norainly, pins -pola, gi to the speech :1 row likes of cluarly, a vitonityydirsally, whity, Pityulf mal že 80. a ridiculeni go Placidia, æ ; t. the doublar of Va * Piano peididinti mulleicm, you Durr af hideos and Part. len:inian the sinperor. bave imlariy undong the winan, Pitynda, dæ; f the instropdis of Placidianis ni, n. the colleague bif Panemins werxiaskly! Ind.a wishin Ganges. Annæus Tacitus. Paneld, !11!illing of Spain, etürd liftido Denti: P.iyocampa, aruny pl.of. worms in Placiditas, atis; f culmina), quios. . Plase ipile-tree; allo 0. gullinzipen as, Milnef, Geil. PLĂTEFA, ; xayhons) a pla. in pour pires by sine s 11brevegtas plăcidos; a uni , adi. Lipicndon, not or condering . itogether, and in ga web Wiolence su w Buil, sami, ganila, a Coelum Plänziaris," re. j'adj of a planet. Pityncros on iſina of Pelopoonclus placiduin feir wedsbar. Plānārārius, id vartyrologer or agavall Bpidaurus. Plachia, læ ; f. the wife of Theo. calculator or wariuje wwiin Pityonices, attor in the Grecian dollis Magnus et'eedinghuitabla Pl.ingh, a; f. a bald butxirid. See gama cromed with pine-tress, to the poor;, who cuish her own Piancus Pityo' a'inaid beloved of Pin and hands adminijrid ikugs arádful! Plangenroom s plate priple of Urina Boreas; and favoured or Pan, was 14 thu hoſpitals. bring. drivin ipotihe rocks by Bo'cas and Plásilo, āra, so pleaſe well upor: 0X. PLANGO, 41, &um, eren act: Billedey dont the gamtb, pitying of hat, perience ; alſo to rland, art. Quid.littinfrä, à lono) to beat broughi försh a true of shui nani, Plăcitun, i ; 'n Plia, a decres, A& with a loud noiſe, 10 dewail, with which Pan anuns binnfell, 14!, ard.nance. grirve, Plenguno litora, the jošars and whirl wrepe as o'tan os 18 per- Pžcitas, a, um, liking, pleasant. ?Tand * Piangero pectora; ceiver Barcas Bi Blow Paet. Placo, ac ; act. Ovid (à placco vel bout Arias Pilgrma, štis. . a tulling of wine, paço) to affwage, quiet fill, pasif. Plangor éria pasti mobil bear, bio #spiring it out ng sin, g. Pladarai, a meshes prople willed, &c. Ond Pitytorius; a kind of a ground pine. t Plæriquc : S:t plerique , Plangor, Bris med brusiling of Picyüli, a,; f. 4 kind of spurge, g. PLAGA, æ, f. Ceil: Emmy) a besring of the breast's also a clap- Pityuſz, pl. f. twifandi in the Ibe. w.und, dlow, cut om gafle in a ping or fullaring: rian fa 1, wobertas the greater is.coli $164, great loſs or hurti Plangoncüld, a jf. a little batre sa Ebufus, and the lifler Ophiula. PLĂGA, æ, $. Vis. (Jacow or Pianiloquus, a, um; adj. Plaut. Irti. PIUS a, um, adj. Là do, deus vel country, live, rapiin.. truth, sposking downright. ad G mitis dusifal 1 G41 and PL GÆ, arum;t: pl Juo. Càndar: Papirčdia de f. comedy whereini man, pjous, conder, compaſſionate. Tw fingo) toils or not for wild she players wyra fimply arrajet, Pios, the name of ihre bilops of begjis; alfa capirlets,' vaibtapil cid bura faolo). Róme and oiboy men try. Insidere in plagas, to be + Planio dius, a, um, ad). bare. PIX, iaia i f. (gloou) piish. . Pix canch'd in a pil, so have a misfor footed, bordo ? liquida, sar. funt. plānīpes, édjs ; c. for,foods, bare Pixigo, inin; f. melted pikb. f Llagarli tib'cinos, pares of fulla: foorid, panie L. July for nothie Pianiſpbariui, li . 4 plain bitte, P. L. abbreviar for Publit libertus. Plagla, æ ; t. a bzuen of Ligeria as an ajirolabs. Placab lis, te; ial. Liv. caly s be Plaglaria, ; f. e cily of Spain. + Planitai, kus; to coarnes, appeared. Placabile eft, 'will, Plaga-ips itim..a manj.ealer, kid- Plānīties, di; f. a pláne, kuiri gröand; furoner causa reconci ement, rapper ; alſo be that puts suicon. alſo plainpes. make up the differenia. esbor's wisks for his own ; bo'lbar Plānitodo, in:s;f; Co! Plainny's. Plācābititas, atis ; f. eapneſs to be deals anorber's verlos. * Plāno, te, so pläne, or ſmooth, pucified. Plāgiger, a, um ; adj.baving Kopes PLANTA, ;. [wkxjen] be fole of Plārābiti:cr ; ady kapily, quatly, regiciently, ubi foot. Plācāmcn, inis; 'n Liviana] wK+Plagigcrius, il ;m. a fede ufed 80 PLANTA, æ f. [Bacomo plani, Plācāmonium, i, n. f ging, an of- be baaiert. spring parred from the three is prick Yoring to appeaje divine anger,, an Plāzlöſus, a, um ; adj.full of Brites. into the groună; a zsung to be + Plagipatida, e; n. 4 bufona kick.. tranſplanted, Plācās; adv. calmly, gentli, tinpo. kea ant brxed in every company to Planita lconis, santed or lady'i munisia. .pantly. #. Plačatius terre, to take make Sport. Plantago, inisi if Plin planicin. more patienily. Plagjun, ii ; n man healing * Plantago m.nosi il worlar Plicatio, onis ; f. Paot.- an appea. + Plägāſus, a, am; adj.fall of fripes, lantbir-congue. ing, queling, filling. liberal of Brokes '; alſo much beton. Plantarla, gumi; nflus; die + Plicato, orie, in an opprafor. Pagula, fa carpet or capo Aurjeries for young "freas. Plācātus, a, um ; part appeafed calm, bosrid club, a force of paper ; alja Plan:āris, se; adj. 3: aic. Státortha place, 84, t. any of Hellefpont. 100s; lo of uplne * Alæ plan- a, + Plagúla, z;f; a imrío. word or : fares, Mercury's 'hepl wings. Aripe. Plantarium, in. Viragoudy + Placcadus, a, um ; adj. that mult Plagula, a file bat gwins on har. plunt or riurſery naids plafo. Kide. Plantarius, a, uin i adj. Cól, for PLACENTA;æ f. [wtarzüs] a cake. Plamus, o city of Carla. planning, t Placentarius, a, um , ad of papry: Plāmaria f. an ifend hoyond Corfica. Piantācio, onis ; f. a.planting' or ser Pécentia; ; f. she city Placenza in Plānārius, a, um ; ad). plain, even, Upg Gallla Togata allo Cuby in below. Pianiātor, orismi a planier Spain, on the borders of Portugal.. Planalia æ;t.an iland of the Tyr, Plantatrix; icis a fi Placentia, .'; f. an endeavour to shene sedi, and 400 hor in Gallia Plantiger, 3. um; and Plan ofring pleaſe ; alſo pleafuri. Narnoncolis, called S. Maigi ce plant, orig. Pih prigs. + Placentinus, 1; m. a pajiry.look. : Panlo; t PLAG-EO, ui;itum, cre ; neut.cum Spird.. i dar. Teti (QUAEQ, diligo) Plancius; i ; m. an aliqueni Roman, ibe projervers of the Gfrca lorigue ; pleae. Non mihi iftuc falis wh:fe pijlles arreuunii bring go. he tranilated. item Cicek Cato, placet, I do not like it well enough, vernor of Gallia Comata, ho ho Ord's Metamorphoria, he works Ut plrcuit dolliffimis, as was founded Lyons. be refolvid on by the mot learned. Planctæ,certain iſlands in the Euxine dirti berno Conftantinople wis Sic placium, ſo it woss agreed, lng ; culled atjo Cyanca. tuken by ing: Turks ghd so ebé gods. • Sibi płacere, , waiting, laventing, dealing of hinge of a dor, (6) L PLANUS, 20 a net. Placianus, a, um, } .ads. of Place, Write una cos 6 + Plia broal, PLA :P L E PLE PLĀNUS, a, um z adj. Siponti[rd 4 poripardick philosopher ; alſo a • Ego plctar pendens, I fall be Tug) won, las plain, clear, eui. fibolar of Praxiphance and a mar. hangsd. dent. In loco plano, on the floor. Ur who fuffered under Maximianus. Plédor, erls, i, xus fum ;paffto be De on è plano aliquid facit la: Plåtonicus, a, um ; adl. of Plato. puniſid [met,) to suffer, to go to dex, judge dost any thing off the Platycerotea, balts with broad borni. wreck, Pleal capitc, to be be- amib Plani piſces, fat-fils. Piatyophtbalmas, i '; while wlabafer beaded. Cic. * Plccti tergo, do CE Plasam, facere: viam ad, 10 mmato found in Alver mines, antimony, g. wbipped or loped with rods. Hor. too way 10. Plani pedis adh. Matyphyllon. i ;'n. Plin. a kind of PLECTRUM, i, n. Ovid (TAPIKTP-Y) ciam, * building woboſe. ground Spurge,& a quilt to play in a sittern, a. diw ples is from, wtbout any inder- Plaud tur, imp. there is great joy. aljo. #cock's gone. . Plectrum digging, PLAU-DO, si ſam, derc ; act, acc. coxæ, the bollownop of the hip.bone. PLANUS, I ; m. (HRVC-Já sest; & dat. Virg. Cà laudo, vel ſono ſto • Pléctra lingua titubantia, & la a file that never knops whert beat, Arike, slup bands, ti suprave, futtering ang burifull thing is. Fratto rojoiu, to applaud. • Peanis plau. Piccola, a maid's name in Martial. crore planos, o begeer, with bis deres to fit'er, • Pédibus plau. Plegma, ăria; n, a wovent noi, cur. log bund up as if it was broken, dere. I trip aboui, cui capars. lod: har, Plaræl, Õrum j.pl, m. e pople of E. Equum plaudere. to incourage a P!cgra, a, f. « city of Calatla. pirus. · bore by clapping him on the back., Pleias, adis; ? f. the judge Bars Plaraca, a; f. erity of Carla. * Plaudere shl, s bug himſelf. Pielădes. on ; } faigned to be sbo Plafaa, ärias n. a creature mode of Plaudite, the conclufion of a play: daughters of Atas and Pleione. Iba sartb, workaanbis, a faien ; Plaudus, i; n. a blood-bound with Picionc. es ; f. she daughter of @cc great banging sare z alſo one with anus and Tethys, Ovid , bris,j m, & pottar or broad flat fest. Pleamyrium, a river in Slclly: plaiferar. Plaubilla, le; adl. favourably ne. Plēnè,iùs, iffimè; adv. Quint. Fully, Plaſmaturs, æ;f, a mating of earth. cived, playpole, generally appriyad. compleatly, • Plenè vitars, to avoid Plalmatusa, umjad). made of carib, * Lætus nigae plauſibilis locus, . altogether. Placno, ure; Jo mote of tartb pleaſant and taking Jubje&t. Plenilunium, it; n. the full moon. Plaſtes, asm. & -moulder' of eartbea + Plapsibilitèr ; ad plaufbly. + ātis ; 1. , grol calier of Batuesa g. + Plausidicus, a, um, adj. eloquent! Plenitudo, inis; nalsibicanifo. Plattice, es ; f. Plin. the art of mould. Plausito, ire; acue. to clap bands PLENUS, a, um , adj. innýgns full ing Barnes, of eartb, g. oftmn: and long porfia, rib. • Voce plenus, loud i partographia, æ, f. 1 auunter. Plaufor, Orls ; m. Hor, an applauder, ef voi'o. # Piona proprietas, é com- # Plaftographium,ü,n. 3 foining, á clapper of bonds, pleat tibe to the wboli, Pleaa mu. falſe writing. + Plauſtellum, i, n. 'a obilais cart. Her, a woman with child. In Platæa, æ; fian iland in thiÆgcan Plauſtrārius, a, um ; a cartwright. plenum d cerc, ** Speak gmirally. foa, and annbar in Cyrenaica, + Plauftrārlus, a, um , adj. of a • Plenâ manu dare, to give lito. Platæenſes, be prople of Platæa. cart 0 wags m. rally, Plena opera non exigco. Platas, arum; pl. f. a city of Beco Plauttrum, i ; n. Juft. [à plaudo) a da à teneris, a man's day's work uia, not far from Thebes; alſo ibre waggon or wain; welfo the ſeven liars is not to be required of sbilarm. Ad Small iſlands before Troas. in the bear cailid Charles's wain. plenum, perfealy. Pleniffimum Platage, on ifland, betroom Euboea Plauſu8,2,000 i part: Vir. fplaudor, teſtimoniua, a very ample tellimo- and Andros, now called Amorgos. applauded. • Plauſa colla juvant ny. • Plenos officii, ready to do a Platălca, Cic. Cànacrtus, latus] quadrupedes, horſes love to be clap good tum. . Picna feſtinationis e- a fhovilar (bird.) ped; on the neid piftola, a letter writin bafie. * Ple: Platanæus, a river of Blthynia... Plaufus, ûs ; m. a clapping of hands, niffim: ve!is navigare, to go with Plătănária, ;. Gerard. red-grafs. rejoicing, praila. Plaulum dare, all the la:Is up, so jail with a full 7 Platançium, 1 ; D. A plantation of to give a upimony of fuvoar by ap. wind, or the wind in tbe poop. plan-iros, plane and clapping of hands. + Pleo, ēvi, glum,' ere; sa fillo Plăcăn nusza, umjadi. of a plane-tra, Plautianus, ni ; n, sbe colleague of Pleonalmus, i m'a redunds are in Plătănifti, & -f. Plin.. pin in sbo Geta Cæfar, words, go river Ganges, wisb a front like a Plautinus, a, um; Eraſm. of Plautus. Plconexia, a; f couetsafnafs, f. dolphin, Plautius, 'i'i D. a Roman o troubled Pleral, a propia about Dalaatia. blancanistus, a trommtory of Pelopon for his wife's dearb, ibat be burnt Piēr-iquo, æque, aque; ad). ptioner neſus and oius ; algo a river of bimſelf with bor, bonus, ihe greatejk, purt of, Ple- Arcadia. Plautus, ti; m.w comical poet oj Um rique omnes, gmerally all. Platanine, a river. of Boeotia. bria.. Plcrophoria, æ ; f. a.fulneſs of pa- ons ; ma plane-groue,g. PLAUTUS, a,um ; adlı là matusi suapan, a fulneſs and evidence of Platanus, a sitz. of Phanicia. lalus) having great cars i alje fuish and alurancs, & PLATANU'S, 1; f. (@latayG] droed and far-fected, Plerumque ; adv. for the mall part. A pleno-fet, + Plebanus, a, um ; all. of the com + Plērus, a, um, adj. be greatoff Plate, ès ; f. ab ifand before Trons. * onalitz. part of. P.e.a pais, ibi mest pups. Platzat. an Ægóan iſland, and Plebčcúla, ; f. (à plebs) the loweſt See Picnus. another in Lybia. rank of people the meunat commoners. Plerulque, pleraque. plerumque; ad). Plateates, l the inbabitants of Pla- Plēbcius, a, um ; 2d). Lv of sbe undc pleriquc, the grouter part of Plate des 3: ca. Kur moneri, poor, mean, inferior * Juventus p eraque, mof of the PLATEA, 2; 1. Limpr: (whateid, Plebeius formo, ib. vulgar porch youth. Pleraque dei coenſa, PLATIA, ;f, 18805] a pencijalfo or language. when mol of the day was spot, a surt for people to meet in, and a Plebicola, 20., m. Cicia popular man. • Ubi plerunque noctis proceffit, pplican. Plebiſcitum;i; n. Liv. an order of when mell of the night wet ra. plătealit , te } adj.of a Bret. the common council. Plefimachus, i ; m be wrote ebo + Picbitas, ātis; f. Sipont, meane's Grecian's return to their country. Platcaimus, Im Quinto fooaking of quality. Plcstorius. a god of the Thracians. our brond, PL-EBS, ébis; f. Liv 7 the common. Pleihoa, æ; fonsboundance of hun + Platcátimadv. frost by prot. PLEBES, ei ; f. Sall. 3 air, yir: mours, 8- Plateis, an iſland by Lycia. manry. * Plabs cris, you fall be a plethoricus; a, un ; ads, abounding Platiæ, certain iſlands og Crete. commoner. Tribuni plebis, ibe with frumours, g. Platiga, naj me a librarian at iba chancellors of the commons, Plethrum, ! ;0. un acre of land, g. Vatican and a liarned antiquary, Plecta, örum ; B. twigs and rufhos Pleumasil, a piop'. of Belgum. who wruit of tbs lives of the Ró 10.ko Ossines Pleurcticus, a, uaj adj. Ask of she man bipops, Pleaille, le ; ad}. twined, plastid. plouriji g. Plato, onis ; n. the divine philosopher PLEcto;x,& xuj xua Gerc, act. Pleuritia, idis, f. Jun. the pleuriſyg. bort at Athos, chief of the aca. com art. &sol. Teri (masuu ncc @taun in Etolia. ademicks alſo an old comici post of Albens; a philosspbär of Rhodes j paj. • Plećti capite, to bé tibeaded. Pleutauri, a pesple of Luſitania, Plex . om Pleurone; } . ribed under Veſpasian, and ar|Pumbatura, æ; f. Soldering with PLUTEUM,el;n. Suet: verlo, vel Gact. Val. very mu:h, many ; miili Ploit Pnygitis terra, a black clay mai PLU PL U Ρ Ο Α Plexaure, ĉs, f. sbi duugbier of Occ: Plot:ur ; verb. !mp, it rains, more ofiera...Pluris te fesly I had anus. und Tethys. PLUMA,æ;f. Vir.intivov), feather. were formed you. Plures, the drid, # Plexibilis, e; adj. pliable.. + Prumarium, tij ne boller, Pluſcula. æ ; f. a claſp or buckle. + Plexibiliicr ; adv. pliably. Pudarius, i, m. Catal.'a worksr Ploſcolarius, dism. a buchle-maker. Plexus, us;m a bonding or besting. to, or favor of featbers. + Plyſcúlātus, a, um ,, ad), durklad. + Plexus, a, um, part. of plector, P.ūmārius, a, um ; adl. of feather-lit Pluſcūlo, are; to buckla. puniſed, twinad, plutted. wirk, Ars pluma-ia, imbroidery. t. Pluſculum, din somewh si mire. Plica, æ;t lá plico) a pleat or fold. Plūmātus, a, umpart. waring Pluſcòlum adv. somewhat more, son Plīcātilis, le ; adj. Plin. whirl wille mecb feathers, wrought with fraibers. fold up. Nay's pl catilss, a les- Pluntāgo, inis; f. Plin. (à plum.Pluſcŭlus, a, um ; adj. Ter. a little shorn sip 10 be folded, or spened as buan] load ore, a dulnefsin precious RITS, a pretty deal, a good deal. large.'nin Crifta plicatilis, a lap. jyones ; alſo a leazıl. Plutarchus Chæroacnfis, pbiloso- wing': efl Plumbaria, a;fa/mallifland of Spaia. pber under Trajan and Adrian, font Plicātio, õa 8, Plumbārius, ii;m. Col. a plumber: into Illyrium with confalar power, Pli-atū a, æ ;s } f. Col. « folding. Plumbārius, a, um ; adl, of load. and a comiend to all the magiftratus PLI.Co, ävi, and ui, ätum, and Officina plumbaria, a plumberstorp te aa norbing without him. itum, äre ; a&t. cum accuf. Lucr. Plumbāla, æ; f. Veget. a plumbat.or Plútcális, le ; ad). C.c..of a dark, [ransxw] to fold, pleas, wrap up. pallat of lord. Sigilla plutealia, imoga form a Plinius onis ; f. frame or desk. , Il [1 Spare hours wrote a pieur De rerum PLUTEUS, elim. Perf. Datara; he peribed in the fire of + Plombātor, oris ; m. solderer. à QARTUS !atus ja deski alſo a concb. Veſuvius, as he was searibing into + Plumbā!um, 1 ; n. a small coin of frans, and an engineer's approach, the cause of it. Trad, a dump. a profs for books, &c. a printer's cafe- Plinius Novocomenſis, the nopbow of Plumbātus, a, um, part, à plumbor, frame, the inner fds of the bed next Plinlus Secundus, under Trajan, loaded, headed with lead. the wall where the women lay. whole panegyrick he wrote ; bis Plumbeus, a, um; adj. Mart.leadon. Plūria, æ ; fin city of Sicily. life and minners may be learnt by Ingenium plumbeum, a heavy Plūtium, i, n. a city ofthe Tyrrheni. bis epifles, «tru copy of Atrick and Bull wit. . Iræ plumbcæ.jad Plūtinus, a, aon; ad. of Platium. sloquence and forsled spleen. Plumbco Jagu-Plūto, onis ; m. Claud. the son of Plinthis, idls; t. Vitruv. the loweſt lare gladio, to urge ax inconfidar. Saturn and Ops, ibeged of bell purt of obe befo of a pillar, g. able argument. and ribus.. Pllathlum, 11; 8. tile or any thing Plumbo, are ; a&t. cum accuf. Plia.lt Plūtoſus, a, um;adj. uery, wialiby, four Square; g. 10 avr or folder with load. Plutus, ti; m, the god of ricbet among Plithenes, a wanton parfon. g. Plumboſas, a, um ; adj. full of lead. the Greeks, frigned i de lande at Plisthenes, the jon of Pelops and PLUMBUM,i ; n. Plin. (uhau686) his coming and winged at bis de- Hippodamia, who died young, and lead ; also a plumbat or pollut of parling , alſo to be blind and wiib. left his fons Agamemnon and Me lead, and a difemper in. -11eyes. out judgment. nclaus to his brother Atreus, who * Plumbum argentarium, tin. Pluva, 2; f. [à.pluo) rain, brougbi them up es bis own; Ovid. Plumbam cinereum, pewter. + P.ŭviāle, is į D. a cloak u kup of Pliſtoboleo, lo rafle os at dics, b. Plūmcico, čre ; neur. to be fledged, rain. Pliſtolochia,æ ; fi wld mallows, g to begin to have fraibers. Plūviālis le ; adl. Col. rainy, Pliftorax, acis; m. a Lacedemonian + Plūmēcum, i, n. eplume of fea- Pluviátólie, } bringing rain. captain, ſon of Pauſanias. bers. Pluviālis, is ; m. Plinus, tijm, a river of Phocis, Plūmeus, a, um, adj. of feathers. Plúvlārius, idim. Plitaniæ,arum;f. glands before Troas. Plumiger, ra, um ; adj. Plla. wiar. Pluviðla, a; f. a little rain. Piocamus; i ; m. f r.xled hair, giling feashers or down Plúviolus, a, um ; adj. of much rain. + Plodo, čre, to pamp, clap hands. Plūmipes, gen. ědis ; adj. 3. art.Cat. Pluvius, a, um ; ad) rainy: • Aqua + Põrābi.itèr, adv. Lammtingly. having rough or festbered fun. plur., rain water. • Ventas pla- Plorabundus, a, um ; rrying much. P.ūmo, aie, neut. Gell.ro font forth vius, - wind bringing Jhowers. Põrātio, onis ; f. Firm. a buwailing. frathers ; 21,0 to embroider. Pluvius, i, m. e Dame of Jupiter, Porātor, õis; m.2 Mart, a tryer, t Plunosilas, ātis; f. fulnefs of fos. Plyncæ an inand of Nilus. Ploratrix, īcis ; f. } wrepir. ther. Plynteria,orum; pl. n. an Athenlan Pioratus, Gs,'m. a crying or weiling Plumõlus, a, um ; ad} full of fearbers. fogh in bonour of Ceres. Plo:ātus, a, um, A. & P. à ploior, Pūmula.., f. 'Col. a little feather. Sial. Drwailed, PLU-0, i, and vi, itum, čre ; ncut. Pants M. PLORO, a.c; act. cum accuf. Hor. to 2006p, cry, bowall, • Juvenem Yw] to rain. Pluit lapides, ur la- or pontifex maximus. raptum plorat ; Hori ha bewoiled pidibus, it rains flores, tbe youtb- P.ūrālis, ke; ad, Qulat. (à plus) Pants N. Ploftellum, i; n, Hor. a child's cart. plural. : Pnebeblo, a city of Egypt. Ploftrārlus, a, um ; adj. Jun, of a Piūrālītas, ātis ; f plurality: Pneuma, ätis; n. a ſpirit or ghu, a cart or wain. Plūralitèr ; advi plurally, wind; s blowing, 8. Ploftrărlus, li ; m. Dig, a carter, Pluricivus numcrus, abi plural nun- Pneumaticus, a, um , adj. praumaso wain-man or cart wright. ber. or winds, Spiritual. #Mola pneu- Ploft-am, in. a wijn er cari, Su Plurifariàm; adv. Suct. dioste ways, matica, 4 wind will. + Plurifariè , adv. many ways. • Organa Plauftrum. pneumatica, wind inſtruments, g. Plotz, arum ; pl. f. certain iſands Purifarios, i, um ; ad), Suet. of di. Pacumatomphali, boje wbofu nams of the lonian fra called Strophades. vets fafbiini. are shrufl out by wind w ingan. Plotina, næ; 1. the wife of Trajanus Pluriformis, me; adj. of divers forts. Calar, adorned witball kind of Plurimi, adj. pl. di. V. Plurimus. mation, onis virtues'; Joe put on men's apparel, Plurimitácio, čre ; 10 for much by Pneumon, onis, m.the lungs, g. + Pneumongathe, ês ; f. autumn. and accompanied ber busband into Plurimom ; ady. Cic. very mueb, bell power, bani ommi. molly, for tbe mot part. . Pluri. Plotinopolis, f. a city of Thrace. mua ibi eft he is there wolf an md. Pneumoala, a; f. a phibifik, g. Plotinus, ni; a. an Égyptian pia. Plūrimus,a,um;ad).ſuperl.or maltus, Pacumonicus, a, um ; sibacal. Ionick philofophor. Plotius Gallus, an orator of Lugdu. , rimus labor, a very great soil. 1 num or LiOAs in France. PL-US, gen. ürisjad. in fing, lantum Phyx, an Athenlun court or place of judicature. Plotius Tucces, an ancient interpreter n. la pl. 3 art. hi & hæ plures & of Parfius. hec plurla ; compar. Of mutus, Panta 0.. + Blaiclno, arc ; te rain often. plus, plurimus, more, linger. Plus Pluitalia," a jf. one of the facis, iso much, Plus minus, wer 'Poaftria, æ; f. a woman that works or inder. Eò pluris, of so mousb Pluvialla, 3 ipands, ubout or weeds berds, lo 1 (6) L 2 Pocillator 1 } aplooier . / 1. face. } portry. $ the.pages Vetient ad pöcala dama CRA,; f..ca or dayga) Počmonium; a city of Cappadocia: P OF N POL POL Polli&tør,:bris - midcup-liivat. Poenārluss, um , adj. about punila alſo a city of Crete. Poc:um, wina rupa Podl Polichozus, a, um, adj. of Pol'chga. jum fiätile, doll enhan tup: Poeni, nācum ; pl.-D. ibe Carthag - Polichnites, & cility of Polichina in Poceniug, its no banguw after sup. nisas. Crete. Poenicus, a, u0: ; adj. of ibe Car. Polleum, a city in Italy, called or . Póculentas, e, voy adlı gord to drink. tháginjans. fore Siris. Poculam, izn Suct. ( Huius acup, Pceaina Alpes, : pors of the Polimatrium, a city in Italy within A draught or orion. Pofulum dia. Peis, arum ; pl. f. Aipo divi i St. Peter's patriramy. tore, iba hilow of the band, . ding Savoy from Italy. Polimen, inis ; 11., } à Dolio) , 8 din of neg's- 3 fball come to watering Porcore Pinind of Aorts ; fo e trim'wg majăribos poculis, 10 wll for witid Peenitentia, æ ; f. Cic. repentanca, POL.10, ic; Copiekras. {plendidus] in lurpet. dowols.it regres, dißite' to polin, furbiſh, 10'edurn, drof. Podringer, ray jum ad} Claud. Pedi:chtiár:ds, 'm. la pets tmt Po: 0; õnis ; m. st. armanter, fura the goals in the forte DON, nitmtiary, if one that bilar. , biais sinfi hins, commonly called Poliones, the hard ne blad. be gands.in the far Podagi* contafon + Po'ipos, i; m. the pink of the the burb dadder or withtoindo, poenitet, ebat, uit; ucrat, ebit, ēre ; channels. Podagra. Diapa lo callid. veno mp, cum accuf. perf. &gen Pol B, a city of Egypt; alle Jupiter Podigricas, um Pllo. 7 ads rol; Cle it repris. Non pees zorbipped here Podagrolds. 1, ui Paot. 3 góidy. aitet virium, I do not mijike my Ro.ias, a woman of Pols. podalla, sf, Eivity of Lydia nýmgth. Me quintum hic ope. i Policia; a city of Troas. Põdä liius. isim bilan af ula. r's fit. poenitct, do we think ibis Pā.itè'; : dv. neatly, frimly. Po; pios,ʻubo wird bui brubir Machado work werth your pains. * Quaram Isc eloqui. ** (xprels ano's mind we called from Crete to thi Tio rorpa' fiquem pen.igt, if any para fully und dearly. jan war Jon vould have thing to have fallen Politcs. the fan of Priąrdus, whom Podarge, ks. kont of the barpies. Dun ochi wife. Pyrrhus slow befürs bis father's Podergii 4 pl. in apople of Thrace 17 poenitüdo, ip's ; f. repentan 6.08. Podargus, gim. fuift for a dog's Polites. t; m.l.iiixm of Po. name ; aifo Heaor's coachman. Prepbagın, iim. an Indian buust Po'i:us, i; m. } lis. Poderig, ios y fi a lomj garment down zoiro. - biry tail, of whico the wo. | Polidia, e; f., arity of Achaia: : to be fout, g. mm meki shin periwigs: g. Puiiche, if the poliy o gouren- Podex, ico. (a.pędo) the brush Poolis, to z 1. partiys g. wm of the late.fi # Podiſmo, es to compostes by POETA, m; m. (Piwnths la puel, Politica orum ; 9. pol.ticks, the art fers. Cic. of gouriammi, errealiſi thereo), PODIUM, 11s Sact. (à pas).ic Poēršca, æ; f. galery; falli pows the box Bear Poctice, j Poriticeorgas, a ciuntry of Aga Pro. Poèticè:; ady, Quint postiselly, pri3. Podoce,. a city of India within Betficus, a, un adj. presalingo Po'iticos, a, um ; ad), fit for pr skilled Ganges Poëticus, d, om ; ad). of a pia. 1 governami, politiik, civily.gi Podolia, æ ; f. a privine in Poland. Pbētos, arl; dep. Em Adlon Erafm. Politio, on! ; f.spil.fing, negt: Forbor of Ph loaços. to play the port Polities. eii'fes nas .. Poaniha, ési ti am' bund of the Poetria, mostra postrels. Policor, oris ; m, a polifer or fur. Euxine les Poga, gæ; t. a sy of Pamphylia Difer. Poesntiades, 2 Rhiloktetes localid. Pögon, w bar por Peloponneſos Politorlon, a city of the Latins. Poeantius," } from bir faiber Pean: Pogonias, de;m a boarded comit: g: Poljillas, a, um ; daineily furbiſhed, Poecilafium, D. *..**ing of Crete, Polj adv, by Pollux; an sanboy she Põlītūra, æ ; f. a poliſoing. clod Peutalo. Roman WIN. Poitus, a, um ; A. & P. à polior, Poecile;'s famous forrb in Athens, in Pola, la, f. * city of Iria. poiifid, furniford, adorned, frels which the Stojki ixodies, and ano+ Pilabrom, i ho fest og gerſe. nicat # Politæ facetia. gente mer- tbar in E18, woból kbo returned tbx + Polz, arum folaatta billi rimans, pleaſing ruillery . Omni DO & frieu times. Põarís, te ; adj., polør, of the poole. ..liberali doctrini pol tiffimus, me Bædicull, pl. sa... Aplaus Italy. põlea, jf. Plin. (à noncs, pullas] west soon in all bwman liar. Pædesta. 2; f.a rin in Ceos: The dining of a mou aj slojuri bor fool : ing. Pedeffias, á nmi adj. of Poedeffa. Poliup, It'; D. ibe herb palsy. Poēma, äus ; 8. Cit.' poema, g. + Poleion, iin. gardm gingir. Polla A gootaria, Lucan's wife, a Poēmānium, nu; 2. a ſmall country Pokm'us iam: the folle gut o Urſas. viry leurned woman, who bolped her Cyzicus. Põ!ēmon, 60;s ; 2.b king of Lycia ; husband in the corretting the thres Poēmaţicus, , um; adj of a poma.s. :adpoema allo a philpropher of Athons; · fir beobi of bis Pbartilia. + Pcēmatun, in a poets langt by Xono. ratcs. POLL-EN, inis; n. (Hann) pour, Pemen, a wountain of Pont ca and Polemona, i; f. Macedonia. or pre meal dig er fine powder. Polomonraing it } in % Pollcas, otis, adj. able, potuerful: tanti of Pamed Pocendas, a malt dejóri find by of power; alſo ciry prør 16 Perëhis, idis to one of that dogs Cherioneſus Thracia. Alps, tantons for wool; and a ibworld Accoa. POLENTA; ; fi Paat. Ildruvor, down in the greater. Balearis. PONA, f.$1. Insynja puniſh afvergo} barley do lédmali. Polentin, æ; 1. provulmey, ouiburity, terii, afais penály, a tury, re: Pocotarius, d, wins adj. of boilid priminary, ward, a fault, ujuzy Pétere, or baria, Pollentious, a, un'; adj..of. Pollen. exigere pöhusso require punih Polentia, æ; f. Polenzo in Liga tiar'. koene of any sumere or capere Rollentia, , } POLL EO, ēre; neot. Plin. Caransad poenas, total pupilement of Af Polent hus, a, um j ads. of Polenzo. • Du tum) 10 do muit, 16 68: abli, "ficere fenai to punis. Dare, Polentriduam, ; n. a bolting Thin. baur power, prevail, Pollere.pe. pendere op lucre ponas, to Tifor Poleto, a ijver of Mauritania Cæla. cunia, to be very woll i. pals in puniformit. ricnfis. Boney * Multum illk mart pollent Poenta, apo Beneficium, cursgir gods Poleurbræ; f a city of India within they are very patent at fea, cilicer eming thi Æthiopians: Gangco. polleni, ihe Cilicians are of 160. brf? Poenal:s le; di Plin. fonol, of pu: Pota, 2's fi a bord or drope of beafs, - arcount. * Himons Opera penalis. Lordibe bruiding of bo-fes, & Rollex, žcis ; m. (à po!leo} eithumb. imposed for pun Jomepas. "Panala Polianus, ni; ... meuntain of Ma Po lex .pedia, the greut sos. flauftra, priſons. ced nia alin Epirus. Piçmere pullicem, to approve by Poedálitas, lid's f. pinalty, suffer Polics, i snama of Minorya, bonding the sonynt. Utrogac delighting in cities. pollice; with bub: the thumbs t Penālſter i adv. Aug. pain'ulli: Polichina, ne ; fi a city of. Troas; vowed. Docło police famina locitat, wild fig! ! 0 . Poll: meets, Boris ; m. Pollicitor, ari ; dep. sum arcuf. Liv. Polyarnes, æ she thás has many Põlumacitus, ti; ma post of Colo- : POL POL Ром sale cheat, he playo eztelently sport Polyandrlum; i; A: Polyesen egyes 8. a garment of di- Pollicãris, ce ; adj. of an inch. art, a burcb yurd, J. E. g. Polymitarius, a, um, adj. of POLLIC. EOR, eri; dep cum accuf. Polyani, õrum ; pl. m. people by broidering Cic. Cà per & liceor) 10 Frants, Indus. Põlymitārius, il ; mi an embroiderer. undertake, warrani. • Tanium Polyanthemor, i, n. guld cup er Põłymtus, a, um ; embroidered, wo- van with diuits coloured breads. tibi poll ceo, I aſciirain you so far..gelden knap, bar helor's button. Pollicitārio, onis ; f. a frequent pros Polyara. æ; f. a. city of Carla, Põlyóneftor, oris ; m's king of wifing. Polyarcus, ci; f. a "city of Polyzra. Thrace. Pollicitãror, õris ; m. a promilor. , æ ; f. ; lambi, g. phon the son of Miletus. . Polybius, ii; m. á king of Corinth ; Polymyxus, 2, üm; d), with many allo ihi majler of Scipio Africanus, wiiks, branihus, matbes, & Pollicitus, a, um ; poniſed, or bau. who wrote the Roman bijorj in joriy Poiyn.ces, ; m, the form of Oedipus, ing promiſed. books. king of Thebes, and brother + Polliclum. Il; n. an inh, Polybus, bl ; m. a king of the Sisy Etcocles, who killed one anolber, Pollināriur, á, um; adj. Plin. of force onii, and orber men. and brir bodies being burned 10- flour. Arca pollinaria, a boule Polycarpus, pis m, a biſhop of Smyr; : gschar, the name is ſaid a divide ing trourh. Cribrum pollsaari na, A. D.GI. i fait. um, tarce Po'ycşfte, the daughter of Neftor, Polyphagia, æ; f. Eraſm. an ixcaj- Pollincea, l čre, nxi; n&um, io a- Polycharmus, mi; m. the name of a foi citing, 8. Pollincio, Š nosni, mbolm, to famous carVET. Pólyphagus, ; mi a groot dater, 8: Pollingo, Polyclētus, ti; mia famous batuary: Polyphenus, mi; m. tbe Bronged on anointer or | Polyclcteus, a, um, adj. of Polycletus, and faire of all the hundred ty. :dor, onbalmer, Polyclitus, ti; on hiflorian of Larifia. clops, hain by U.yffes. Po!lindun, i, n. a funeral jupper. Polycncmon, õnis; wild organy, PõlypluGus, a, um, adj., very rich, f. • Ad. pollinctum emelc, so nuj deor. Polycrates, tie; mi e grant of Sa. Põlypodium, llic polipody of the Pollin&tura ae; f. an'ombalming. moi, exceding rich and prosper oak or wall. g. Pollintor, oris ; m. a baker or fifter. rous, having coll his ring incorbe Põlyõpdūſa, æ; f. a Cnidian island. Poliis inis; f. four, mel, Sci fea, be found it the next day in Polyopdulæus, a, 400;of. Polypodura: Pollen. the beki of a fid, but was crucified Polypnëtes, æ}m. the son of Pri: Pollabrum, i ; n. (à polluo) e bafin, at laji by Orontes the Perſian. thons and Hippodamla. waſhing-bowl. Polycrita, te; .f. e nelle woman of Polypola, , f. Ecaſm. grras drink. Pollu-cco, x1, dtam, cere; act. cutis Naxos, who almoſt died with a fud ing and willing, gi accul. to provide fumprioko cbear. don juy Po‘ypõſus, a, um , adj. having fu- • Neut. 10 plne bright, to be fair Poydămas, ibi Son of Antenor, who, perfluous flop growing in the noje. and beauti/nl. with Æneas, betray'd Troy to the Polypragmon, õnis; mi a buy body,g. Polūcibilis, le ; ads.cofly, bounti Grecks; a famous champion, &:. Põlyptoton, having many safes, & ful:rs proviſion Polydectes, the son of Magnetes, a Pölypus, 1; or õdis; m. Cell Plin. a Pollūcibiliter ; advr Plin plotuully, king of the Nond Seriphus, who pourcontrol or many faored fib; fumpturujiy. brought up Perſeus, wbi afterwards alſo a ravenous parfon, a sime feruar Polluè, adv. sumptupiste. turned bim into a Boni. a divar of ſuperduous feble growing Pollu&um, i; n. jussprueus fart, Polydencéa, a fountain of Laconia. in the nof, g. Pollu&üsa: ., f. a jarrifice 1. Her. Polydicc, cs; f. a woman who be. Polyftephanus, n! ;m. an hißorians, culce, goodbrir. froy'd ber own father Pierclas wboje books contain incredible sbings; Pollactus, a, um ; part à polluceor, king of Thebes 1. Crcon. salto the city Tibur in Italy, cinfacraied. # Non ! Nonius ego pol: Polydora, ræ ; f. a sea nympb; alſo Polyſyllabus, a, um ; adj. of many luéta pago, I am one of thoſe bag. an ifand by Cyzicus. yllablos, g gagas hit refuſe no body Polydorus, ri; m. a famous caruer of Polyfyndeton. 1 ; D. frequency of co- + Põllulæ, arum; pl. f tbe soft tufs Rhodes; also the son of Pria Fulative conjuncions, g. upon reeds muus, joint by Polymneſtor, king Põlytimētas, ti; a river of Scythia POLL-UO, ui, ülum, učre; act. of Thrace, for the lurrs of his mo and Sogdianr. cum aucu L v. to polluie, defile. nry wbicb bis farber bad given with Põly trichon, i; n she herb meiden. Pollapice eq; t. city of Liguria, him. Põlytrix, Ichis; f. bair; alfo e pre called Finale. Põlygala, æ ; t. ibe herb milk woring. cious Ame wish greeniſ hair, g. Polluſtini, orum ; pl.m.'s people of Polygamia, á; f. pelogany, or mar. Polyxčins, li; m. a Greck comidien. jiige to many at ibi jame time. Pölyxena, a; fo ibe tog braktiful † Pollūlà, adv. filthily, + , Polygāa.us, a, um, ady being or he. daughter of Priamus, sain by Pyr. Pollutio, onis ; t. Båd. a polluting, ving been married more than oncı,g. rbos, ar her father's tumo. Pollutus, a, um, part. poleted, filihy. Polygius, Mercary ſo called - Põlixēnius, a, um; adj. of Polyxena. Pollux, acis ; m. tbe some of Jupiter Połyknotus, • wry ancient painter, Põlyxenus, a Greciaá captain ; and and Leda,' she brother of Caſtor, Poiygona, 2; f. } knce-graſs, &. Palyxo, a prophetes of Apollo ar Poët. P ygnnum, 1;. n. Julius Polloxg. 4 grammaziin under Polygonaton, 1; Solomon's leal, g. Lemnost who coufed all the ws- Commodus. Pöygosius, a, va ; adj baving ma me to kill their husband for the Polonia, 2; f. ibe kingdom of Poland. ny corner 3. ing them wives from Thracc. Po'õnps, i; m. a Polander. Po!ygranaos, i 3. m. a kind of jaſper. Polyzclus, an hißorian of Rhodes. Poltymbria, æ; f. a 'sity of Turace. Polygraphus, l; m. one shur bas writ Polyzonus, 8... precious fons wiib. + Pộlubrum, 130. a bagim, wife many books, g moniy black circles. bowl. PolyBynæson, A great company of Põmāceus, a, um ; ad). of apples. + Polulæ, arum ; pl. f, ballo pofid women, g. Vinum pomaceum, cyer. with soft leather. Pölyhiftor, oris; m. he that knows or Põmārium, ii ; n. an orcbard, apple. + Polulus, 2, um, adj. vry little. defi'es many things, & lofl, or fruit-shamber. Polus, l; n. a famous actor in Greece; Polihiſtor, Applon jo rulled; and an Fomārius, a, uni ; belonging to fruir. alſo a sophicer of Agrigentum. Biber hißoriun mentioned by Pliny. Pomārius, ii; m. e fruiteris, sefard. POLUS, i;m. Vir. (CAC) a pale, + Polyhydion, small canlawry. minger. the extremity of the axleórue ValPolyhymnia, æ ; l. one of the Mules, Pomarius, ri; m. a name of. Her globe ; ello heaven. *Polus Ggnitcr, Polydids, i; m a rhyprian whorescules, so whom in Boeotia thry ja, 16:26:diack.. jid Glaucus, the fo of Mirlos, 10 crificed fru r. Polycanthar, 1;.8. a juroshi'le or Tisa with a certain horl, whole 4,1 Pomum, iin. odor.. calirip. ha inained of a forfant wborn be fizo Pomela, æ; fi olack billebore. Polyagos, an iſland of be Egcanina cu", a dad ferpent with 11. Pomcrania, æ; f.. a tounsry in Ger- Polyandr a, æ ; f. fr... Jende sy + Pöyroquus, a, um ; a great lalk. many between Sweden and Bran. citizons, denburg : oibar men. Pomc a bigbo 10. free. PO, M P ON PON Pomeridiaans, a, um, adj. Of or in Pompilius, a, am; adj. of Pompilius, Ponor, čris, l, Gtus fum ; par. 18 the afternoon, Pomponia, a; f. Scipio's mother. be pui, or for, e be accounied, te Pometia, æ'a iity of Italy. Pompoalana, næ; f. an iſland of be file or planted in the carth, to Pomctina, æ, f.L V. one of ibu bir-Gallia Narbonenfis. be laid ande, to be expoſed. ty fiue Roman tribusi Pomponianum, pyrum, a broaf-pror. PO NS, nts, m. Virg. La pendco'vel Po netum, t; n. Col. an'orcbard. Pompon:us Atticus, a noble Roman pono, vel à Trops, tranfitus). . Pomifer, a; um ; 2d). Bud. bearing knighi, e great priend 10 Cicero in bridge ; alſo a pip ladder ; a fruit or opplas. his banibmin', ai a!jo to Brutus, and nirrow. tablo, in faſhion of a t Pämifero, are; a,"to beir apples. to whan, when he ned from the city litla oridro, on which the villal was Poaillo, Onis s m. La dwarf. Sur bejant a bundred soundı. H: bited fee to revive the voice at slaaiins, Pomillus, ti; m.Pumillo. i ly ng ana syars, and alwegs m carh sribo had ons. Pons verlaa Pomllius, a, um ; adl. dwarfiſh. GRevoured to be as good as h's word. ti:is, a dravo-bridge. * Aliquis de Pomo, onis, mi an apple kuper. Cncus Pompon us, a famous prator. poate, a vagrant come from lodging Pomoriem, lin. precinct or ter: Pombon:us Mela, the author of a under the bridge * De ponto ritory, a vid space by the town wall fimcus tince De filu orbis. dejici, to be turned away from both within and withons, which + Pompositas, ats} f. arroganty, giving his vors. Jungere ponte might not be built upon, & pride. fluviuin, to make a öridge over a Pomona, næ; f, the chief of the Or. Pompõſus, 2;'om; adj pompous, Basa river. cades called Mainland, with Pons Ælius, a bridge in Rome, by ricily callad Kirkwalij alfe the goddess + Pompuleatus, a, unj pompous,uiry which they gs out of the city to or orchard.. oróud. the Vifican, called Punic di S. An- Põnõlus, a, um ; adj. full of fruit. POMUM, 1 ; n. [à hiua potus) an gelo. + Corona pomola, ag.rlund made Apple, or any fruit with a skin and Pons Æli, Portland in North umber- of boughs full of frute. Jott hell, a mit; alſo the p mel of a land. POMPA; ; . Liv. [counti]a traim, word. * Pomum de g nanum, Pons Emilius, a bridge at Rome, procefon, few i Pompæ plena a calfis.hrid, ar colard. . Pomum called before Sublicius, and after. petito, un petition fruined in a manua, e crumpling. Pumun wurds Lapideus, now Marmora loty Jiyle . precox, a geniting, a ſummer.fruir. Pompabilitèr ; ? adv. folemnly, mag * Pomum ferot num, john apple, Pons Milvios, a bridge at Rome, Rompáliter ; ; nificently, with a or wire - fruit. wi:hout the gare Flaminia, called great pow. Põmus, i ; t. an apple-free, fruit. Ponte Molle. Pompālis, lc; adj. magnifirent, fo- Pons Saraix, Sarbruck in Germany, lemni palely. Ponděritus, a, um ; adj. weighed. balwern Allut.a and Lorrain. Ponpäticas. a, um ; adh. pompous, Ponděro, arc ; to wrigh, try judge. Pons 3:aldis, Condet in Haynault. Pompela ficus, a fig dried in the Ponděrcsītas, aris ; f. wwighlinijs. Pontes, Paunton upon the Thames, rum fo kasp all the goar, Ponděroſus, a, um, weighty, mo- beturen Lond.in and Oxford, Red- Pompela Plautina, the wife of Julius moulous, mally. of much au borily. ding in Berkſhire, or Culebrook Calar, whom she diperted from ex - Pondercla cpiftola, a huge ling in Buckinghamſhire. Lorling money from the people ; alſo lelter. Pontefium, Pontoyſe in France. ibi daugbur of Cneus Pompeius, Pondo; n. indec. pound weighi, Pontia, æ; f. á Tyrrhenc iſland; and wiſe of Julius Cæſar, who di alſo a Hone of twelve pounds. •Do. alſo a very ch.ife Raman woman, porced him about Jufpi.son briwim dians pondo, ibre guuriats of and another mored for cruelty: 10 bar hor and Clodius. pound. Libræ pondo, a pound, bildren, Pompełana braffica, colewirt of Cy. Pondus, eris; n. Ovid. (à peudo] Pontianus, ni; me the seventimib prus. wrighi, & moly bulk, a heavy thing, biſhop of Rome, A. D, 231: Pompelanam, . farm of Cicero's & burihen, authority, number, com- Ponticulus, 1; m. là pons] a little near Nola. piny. Habere pondos apud all. bridge. Pompeianus, ni ; m. the name of troo quem, 10 aws and fwdy any Ponticus, a, um ; adj. of a bridge or confuls. the fea, * Canis ponticus,a braurr. Pompeii, a town if Campania, Ponduſculum,-.; ni a little wright. • Nux ponticus, a filberd, built by Heicules. PONE: præp. ferv. acc. Liv. Ionisw, Ponticas, cimi a boy who suffered Pompelanus, um ; adj. j Pompei. vel à poro, vel ad žmorplatt, Tequor] margardon before he was fiftem Pompelopolis, 4 6:07. of Cllicia re, bolina, Pone caitra, vshind she j also a Roman post. duced in a pillage, and another in camp.' Aúv. Ponè lubit conjux, Pontifex. ic's; . Liv. a priei. Paphlagon a, called before Eupato my wife comes beh nd: Pontifex maximus, the bigh-prief; ria ana Trajanopolis. Poncio,clis, ci ciry of Thrace, by alſo by uſurpation, the pope. R Pompeios, he was ſent againy mount Rhodope, called, afterwards Pontificalis, lc; ad). prieſt-like, The Namantint,' and being beaten, Philippepol s und Trimontium. fumptuous, coply, pontifcal. • Pon made a difonourable pouce with PÖNO, põlut, pöfitum, põnere; act tficales libri, a boos treating of bera. cupr acr. Coc [à ac, laböro, vc! the dignity of the pope, and all Cn. Pompclus, the son of ibs former ab Heb. Banol, ædifii avit) to put, other things rela:ing to his holi. Pompey, wbi, from the greatneſs ser or place, so allay, rail, or build, noks. of his exploits, had the ſurname of figura, lay down, or apar. Po-Pontificātus, ùs; m. friefhood, the Magnus ; he was fiue to Highe by nere in dubio, lo queftra; Po papa y or the reign of a pope. Calar, in the civil wars ar Phar. ncid fc in poffcfionc, 10 boomi Pont ficia, orum, n. the pontifical, falia, and, Aping into Egypt, wis Lord of. "Veneoum alicui ponere, of book of shurch ceremonias, . pain by the reachery of the king. to for piifin before on. # Pone Pontificlun, il; n. the office of a He left two sons, Coeus and Sex. euin eſte victum, put the caſe be bo prieſt or bißop. 149. overcuma. • Poncrc palliuot; Pontificus, a, um ; adj. of a prin Q. Pompeius Rufus, the grandson of waga his cloak." . Ponere behchi or bilpop. Zylla. ciunr apud aliquem, roooong Pontina, a lakė near Appii Forum. Pompeios Lædæus, the fruid man of good turn. * Tyrocinjom poſuit, Pontinus, a, um jadi. of Pontina. Pompeius Magnus, who wrole of hi's pill a learner. • Principem Pontinus, ni; m. a valiant man, and birbs and plants. ailquem ponere, to respoa, or companion of Cicero, in his labours Pompelon, a rity of Spain. feam as fourt grindre. Pone e and counſols. Pompeloncnſcs, Jum; pl. adj. thi multum in fidc alicujus, to roig Pontius Aquila, a tribune of the peo- inhabitants of Pompelon, much upon ſuch a perlon's honej ple, who would not riſe up to Cæfar Pomphelyx, ygio; f. the sparkles ward Des multos in re or in rem when he pulled by in triumph, who which fly from mstal which is tried ponce, to spend mwib time alour for forre days after promiſed nothing in a furnacı, & a thing Ponere ova, to lay but with this exception, if it pleaſed Pompiliumd;m. the forvent of The grs. * Ponere hominem colo Pontius Aquila; he conſpired at laj ophrastus, gerkoned afterwards e ribus, to draw the pidure of a with Bratus and Caffios against mmg tbe ph-loopbers; alſo the fa. moni Ponunt phlofopbi, philo- cond line of the Romans. sopbors fage Pontius, 1 078, ,} jcars old bim, . POP POR POR · radi, Acts 2: 5 many bodi } IT dl. Pontius, li mi s certain descon, the Amicus fummus & popularis Porcius, lijme a name of a Roman inseparable companion of St. Cyprian Geta, my special friend and com family of whiib ibs Cato's were, to the day of bis death..: Popularcscuntrymen or Porcius Feftus, a governor of Judæa. Pontius Aufidianus, a Roman citizm, fellow-citizens. fellow-citizeni. Glires: acn co: wbo, when his daughter was abuſed pulantur nifi populares ejufdem Porculata, æ ; f. purſlainti; by Fannias Saturninus, her boole ſylvæ, dormire flock not together, om- Poredlātio, bois ; fi a resting of pig! majer, killed them both. cepe. They be members of the ſame Porcălător, oris į m. A. riarer Pont-o, õnis; m. a ferry-boat. wood, Populares conjurationis, pigs, PONT.US, i, m. (none) she fer. thoſe privy to a confpirary. Porcoletum, i; aia gardm.plat with Pon-tus, ti'; m. ovis. all that sea Põpúlāricas, žtis ; fpapularity, a that rrachith from the lake Mæotis facteus grautneis uitb' she proplo, Porcūlus, i; m. apig; alfo a pas 10 Tenedos, called in fourral places iba hunaur of she prople srallad a ruff Hellefpontas, Propontis Boſphorus Põpůlā.itèr ; adv. after the faſhion, or PORCUS, 1; m. Liv: (abantia Thracius, and Cimmerius; aljo a to the upprebonjon of the people. , aper, à fono) a big or country in Aca Minor, barwnn By. Põpalātim ; adv. by multitudos, rity fw.ne; allo fimala privities. E- thynia, Paphlagonia, and too Eu. by city. • Ego perdidi lc, qui om picuri de grege porcus, a far cita- xine fea. nes ſervos perdo popularlm, I have my of Epicurus's gang. # Porci fa. Pontus Cappadocia, part:of Cappa- undin, thu who am wong to undo cri, mint found and purt, fit for docia toward, Colchis... all farvants by wbaleals. Sarrike. Pontus Euxinos, ibe Euxine ſea, the Põpúlātio, õnis ; f. le plundering, Pordoſelenc, ĉs; f. an iland by Same as Mare Cimmerium, Cauca - Populatus, ùs ; m. $ pilluging, logo Lesbos. ſeum, or Ponticum, compared by ing, wafie, over.running. Por.ma, ata; 3. a confeitary, g. the ancients to e Scythian bow. Põpůlātor, oris ; m. la plunderer, | Poroſa, ei f. St Joba's wort, POP A, æ; m. [Sugus, Æol. quins) Populair.x, icis; t. ti? Spoiler. + Porosè ; adv: like porus or holes. & facrificer; alſo a glution. •Popa Põpůlātus, a, um, having or doing + Porefun, 1; nithe jud of venter, a bugs paunch. plundered 19 rified; alſo cut of. John's wort. Popanium, i;f, a Tyrrhene city. Popületum, i; ni s poplar greve. Porõſas, a, um ; adj. fall of your Põpăn.om, 1; n. a wafer-cake or + Popóleum. eli ni an ointment and litla holesa mini noftring. black poplar buds. Porphy,āticus, a, um , &. adj. of Popelloa, i ; n. the mean peop's. Populeus, 2, um'; adj. Viri, pwplo or porphyry. Popilius, i, m. the names of Soorral: Populacus, of iba paplar- Porphyrio, õnis ; m. a Spanish - Romans. Populnus, ver, g. C. Popilius Lænas, Cicero's time in Põpůliſer, a, um ; braring Poplars, Porphyrion, a sily of Phoenicia ; al- a capital cauf, whom he afterwards Põpůlif ūgia, Roman soalls in June, so an enzirnt commentator upon Ho. jewo ir remembran's of the people's Hring race, and one of the giants but M. Marcus Poplas, a Roman con- udden tumult from the Cauls, waged war with sbe gedi. ful, chief of the Popilit. Populiſcitum, i, n. An order of the Porphyriene, és ; f. an inand ins: Popin.a, 2;. f. Plaut. (à popa) a comtrions. Propont's before Cyzicus, called b. fola di Chizico.. vittuilling boue, Cook's pop i also a Põpül-o, are; act. cum accoſ. Vir. Pinking branch after ſurfeiling. to rob people ; alſo so gel the paspied Porphyria, she iſland Cythera. Popin., aran; pl. f. riorous bar: favour, to render gracious. Porphyrites, is į m. the m, the porphyra quels in enaki brufos. Populor, ari; dep. do plunder, lay jione, & Popinalis, le ;: adj, of the comb or cock's waje, pillage. Porphyrius, ii; m. a Tyrian philo. Dop. Põpulonia, a name of Juno. sopbar of a noble family, woba wrote Põpināria, æ ; f. á wiman cook. Populonlaalf, s city of Hetru: fiftun boods againſt the Chţilians, Popinarius, ii; m. & cook or viau. Populonlum, } ria. and feveral other ses. aller. Põpõlõſus, a, um , adj. populeus, full Porphyrus, ri;m. an India soppone Pěpinātio, onio ; f. e risting and of people. with a white brad, purple body, and debauching as ibi viltuulling boufos. POP UL US, i; f. Cic. [à máraw, no turih, whoſe unos conjunei whas- Põpināt.or, oris; m. 4 cominon huone quatio), the popler-tru. Populus Soruer is souviher ter of via ualling houſes. alba, The abgol trn. Populus ni- Porraccus, a, um ; adf. of or like a look Põpino, önis; c. a sauern baunter, a gra, the opine-fru. Porrcce; adv. Jiraight, one of glution, POPULUS, i, m. Liv. (à wone's length. Põpinor, arl; dep. fo debaurb in multus) the people, Duo populi, Porrosio, onis ; f a rearbing or a cooks and vidualors houſes. I wa ſwarms of bres. • Populi per- Preshing out. POPLES, it's; m. Cic. (à moinew, venit in ora, it was gor inte every Porrectius ; adv. comp. farther m. verto) the bom of the log ; ai fosbe om', mouth. Porre&us, a, um ; part. of porrigori knit.. Perala, the river Prut in Sarmatia dretched out or moolb.salbo drod. Poplitārlus, a, um ; adj. of Ibo him, Europæa. * Porrcctus pes, a full foot. • Pors Faſcia poplitaria, & garlo; Hul. Porc-a, æ ; f. [à porcus) a low ; ello rcctiore fronte lcqui, to ſpeak with Poppaa, Nero's wife, who food her a baald or ridge between Iwa furrows, a more pleaſing look. borjes with gold. Porcaria, æ; f. the berb purſlain. tum, cui ai lungih, Poppyfma, ātis; D. the Arching an Porcarius, im. a swine herd. Porric-io, čre ; act. cum accuf, (à- unruly hords with be band, g. Porcārius, a, um ; of a row. porro & Jacio) to throw iba msrails Poppyfmus; ' ; .. a clapping of the Porcella, æ; f.a little fow, a fow pig. of the bralls pain into the fires offer bands sogarber, masking with the Porcellia, z ; f. [à porca] purloin, up, to facrifi. mouth! g. Porcellio, onis ; f. a fow or shuflip. + Porriginõſus, a, um ; ad}. gangy, Poppyzon, ntis ; mo. he that prokes or' Porcellus, 1; m, a pig. Porcellus feald.pared. whifilas io a barbe, 8: Trojangs; a wobole boar, will ciher PORRIGO, inie; f. [å porrum, vel Põpůlād'its, e; adj. liable to be rob. Jmall booſts in this bolly, of the a citupa furfures) a fiala.pate, an bed or plundredi Ovid. Roman frafts. itch, wing, surf, dandruts, Huk. Põpúlābandus,, a, um, adj. Liv. + Porcom Cre; to put of, caff away, roin. plundering all abroad, laying waff, binder, PORRIGO, exi, calun, čre ; act. far and near. Porcetra, æ; f. a young sow ibat has cum accuf. & dat, vel a per & rc. Populāria, lum; pl. n. places where had. Pigs but one. go) 10 reach forib, Bratih jorib, loy the commons effemble, the foots in the Porcile, is; n. a bolly; a piepy. along. Porrigere manum, or dex- theatre for the conmun ipottarors; al. † Porcilius, a, um ; adj. of a bog tram, to bold out one's helping fo common facrifices of all the citixons + Porcinarium, ii; a, a place ro fund band, Porrigere herbam, so jield for the publick welfart of the people one's falf boatm, by bolding out a Popularis, aro ; ad) of the people Porcinārius, il fm. o felier of pork or blade of gress. Porrigere pedes, mean, vulgar, fubje&t 10, popular, Orcon, 80 die.' Porrigi la aliquid tem- liked by sbe people. • Nil tam popu. Porcinus, a, um ; adjs of a bog. pus, to be doforied for some time. fare quam bonitas, nothing takes no Caro porcina Pork. Porrigor, čris, i, cdus (um ; pas. mush wish the purple as bouniy. Poicitētum, i, n. a boply. 80 08 Ardebed, or ruched out, to .la portcc- 1 begs in. Peige Onr. 1 } . POR POR, POS og prolonged, continued, or ext! xigenta gallery, prih, a walk fot wish pila Portus Ulydis, Lognina in Sicily. lars, a pioxii. PORUS.'1;' moet nüjas the hard Porriga, mæ; f. ibu the ora 007 Portio, onis ; f. Ter. [à pars) a part skin of a fare e jundy wneijdens door panions of CroenlaiEvander's or pisce, & portion or proportion. gauty (welling of the joints. mobor. + Ad portionem virium, according PÕRUS, I; . Cell. Iar spos] a port, Porring, 2; f... led flerks. so one's jimmgth. • Vocem ha or lituo hole in be skin. PORRO, adv. Cic. imópu,longe) bet portione maximam, it bas a Porus, ri; Curt. 4 king of India ix. furthermore, morcoux, boniilorwürit wry loud viite imparring the bulk ceeding tail, vanquiſbud by Alexan- xw . Hunc maxima: porrò ac of body. der. cepit Roma, 819** Rome bus ro Portiſcúlas, d-z m. [à portus] the 1 Pos, [a potis) oble. criurd ik benre down, bort fwain Poſca, a; fi (a poto) vinegar and porrò, go on. Adeon' porrò in. + Portitio, õn's; f. a carrying. water mix, gratua inay; lo anibankful? Per Portico, are ; to carry to and from adt. POSCO, popolci, čro; a&t. cum acc. cipe porro, ibere is joinerobat o'le. Portitor; āris ; m. Vir: porter, for rei & perf. Ovid. Sã, vel a • Exigua porrò, har faoll: Ne. mon, and convejer. Glacialis på Txw, dico] te require, demand. goe porro; når yt: 'Qu'd tam portitor urla, this confitellation of In prælia porce. e, lo sballonge, porrò regiun, was so much like a Bootcs. * Res poſcit.' accafion requires. king. + Portitorium, i!; n. a sufora bikti, Por:c duos ventan, 18" iba ands PORRUM, 1; n. 1 [gadcy) a realita Portiuncula, &; f.- (mall panier forgiveneji... Rupto poſcentem li m, portion. fulphora v tros banging his make jballos. • Porum capitatum, the Porto3 Licinias, an ancient writer of che fur brokin glofer: ".Pofcere Jef or beavad-iak. Porrum lec epigrams. reum aliquen, to aruſ or atraind tilo or fc&ivam, the unit maidon PORTO, arc; act. cum accur. [à • Clamore aliquem poſcere, or bladed lack. poptys, onua) to bring, corry about to bowl after one, dun aloud in Porscna, na, 0, a king of the Tur on a burjie wegrert, or fait, to the prest caos, wobo mads war upen the convey. *Portare aux liom alicul, Poſidcon, a Grecian mob, anſwer. Romans for the maitution of the to aid any Dr. • Po.tare insidizs ing December Tarquins, an doing ready to run alicui, to lay ſnares so und dessius, Poidippus, i; mi a comical port, and into iba city, was fopped by the one • Jurgium portare ad axorem, to another who wrote of Cnidus. lour of Horatius Cocles, after go ant rattla bs wife foundly. Pofidium, 11; promontory of Bithy- wards beforging the city and, find- Portorium, ! ; 8. culom, soll, impel, ala, druher of Phithiotis, and ani. ing he could do no good, miurn alſo a task. thu in Caria; alſo a bivm of E- ed affoniſid et, the incredible va- Portofpaan, a; f. arily of Carmzafa. pirus. lout of the Romans, whereof Mu. Portogallia, æ; f. Portugal. Poſidan, the Greek time of Nep. tius Servola bad given him am ex- Portūta, ; l'a polain v w chul. tunc. ampk. Portoláca, ez l. à portula) prorflain. Pofidanla, æ; fi e alty of Lycanla. PORTA, &; f. Ltr. [à Tipog. tranfi Portamnus, ni; m. Palæmon, tbe Poſidoniotz, árum ; ibi porpls of Po- tus] espire gan; etfi ibe god of barbars. Gidonta. urin, a mouth and breach. • Þoi. Pircunalla, me of its four Greclan Polidonium; ii; 2. B grumentary of ta cell, the superior bmiſphere. * game, in honour of Palamon. Vibe Brutti Porta prætora, tba pirring the Portugaia. anifand of Illyrium. Poſidonius, il; m. an Apamian phi. bigb walk of the came on tht freA!, Portunda, æ; f. the goddef vube lofopber, who bould and tought of by whicbibe moral lod bis ang bed-chamber Rhodes; the yobur.and.jusiejor of may out so banila." Portâ eâ utar + Portunos, a, um ; ad}. quiet, bad Papætlus; alfo in hifcrian of Ol- quam primum videro, I'll make ving the burn. biopolts, who wrote the Alcick biftar ya ufi of the firf opporsaning but bap Portuālus, a, um ; adj. full of prod id four books, and sher things at bavens. an African biſhops shamber-follow Poria, the name or fourral places. PORTUS, ils; m. Hor. (@siges) an 10 St. Auftin, whole life he wrott, + Portabīlis, c;. adj. portable, * be baven, barbour, ar ksy, refuge, ſafe and front backs of bomilju, witb borno. ty, Stat in portu navia præda: other things. + Portarius, 11; n. a porter. torta, a pirats rides in the haven's Positio, onis, t. ftuation; also a † Portator, oris ; a carrior, 'mourh • In portu navigare, to be proposition bild and maintained ; bearer. pap all denpar la portu impla terminat:on or bading of a word, Portārds, Gs; mi e leøring, con gere, so founder in abi omy baven, Cadmut, or falling as, a poæied. veying to miſcarry at the beginning or con- Põsitives, a, um ; adj. polis.ui. Portella; 2; f. & wkkat og po dufan of a buſiness Põentor, āris ; mis jeunde.. jom. Portus Calenfis, city y Portugal Págicum, i; n. 4 waxin, fuppofition. + Portonala, a fi a little big of called Portugallo, giving nan 10 Pasitura, 2; ti a pojuri, Stuation, pándonia. the whole kingdom, placing order. Portendo, disintura, ere; (à porro Portus Hercolls, a baden in Liguria, Pósítus, a, um ; parte of panor, laid & tendo) ti bedny porimd, bete called Villa Franca, another in He afde, founded, Atuose, log, discou- truria and Calabria. raged, granted. Pofitus ſuper ar- Porteatificus, a, 'um; adj. monßor. Portus Lanæ, very large baven of mamentarium; tba comptrellor of the meling, werking winderi. Liguria magasgins. Pofitis rebus omni- + Portentosè adr. monpruug: val. Portus Augusti, er Romanas, a city bus, buving diſengag's bimſelf from of Hetruria, and abu platni. all things Portentoſus, a, um ; adj. monftros, Porius Magnus, 8: bawen in Spata,' Põsītus, ls; m. bruglimfounding, prodigious, vaf. Crillid Alactia, anuber in Maurka building! Portentuur, i; Dalà portendo) a niaCæfartenfis,called Marzuquivo, + Poſivi, for poſet, of pono.] prodigy, Pringe Bgbi, omon, mon. under the Spaniards, and amikor Porfesfio, onis ; f. a Dakot, proper Art. in the south pars of England, called ty, fubtanů. * Posiciño fiducia. Porthos, eos; m. & ferryman, g. Portſmouth. ra, a puffon in anus. Porthmos ;-g. a fraight or surrow Portus Mauritius, a boven of Liguria, Poffeffioncůla, es f. a ſmall pofchon. called Porto Morisco. Poticisivus, a, um , adj. bgaifying Portia,-æ; f. the daughter of Cato, Portus Mencſhe, « large town in Pellion, pour whas hearing that her husband Spoio. Poflchor, Orism a pofiller Brutus was pain at:Philippi, killed Portus Moncesl, the same as Portus Poffcisor:us, a, um , adj. (of poffi- herself. Hercul:s in Lgurla dcor) fold + Porcicze, arm; pli f. lirie gali | Portus Naronius, a bavm Corſica.lt Pofféftrix; iclo; f. a poe gelefor. laries. Portus Orcftis,. baum of the Brotll. + Poffetur, for poffct. + Porticala, zej.f. a ſmall gallery. Porius Romatinus, « large huren of Pofsibilia, 6; adj. poffiblag' which + Porticulam, 13.0.8 litli porib. the Carni, caled Porto Grunro. + Porticulus, 1 ; m. a little haven. Portus San:onum, Rochel in France. Pofſibilitas, atis ; f. pagibility, power. Porticus, Üs; f. Virs. Cà portus] * Portus Velinus, « baum of Lucania. Pofsideo, édi, china, ta potis, vel posro 3 may be. 1 BÖS dearb. LI. POS рот porro. & fedeo} to fofos, inhabir, Paſthama, é ; f. a veßal virgin, er:) Poftverca. z ; f. e Ronan geddels havi; orain, Públicè poffi. sulod of uduitery, decause of her feat prefiding (ver women in childbinh. deri, :o be forfeitad. ne's and Visbi corraight alſo the t Poitóls, æ;f, a cruppor. Port s.Mugacius, bi wrote thi bifory wife of Servius Sulpitius. | Portů amen, inis; n. a requal of the Amazons. Pofthumius Albinus, bring fint a. Pofă äuio, onis ; f.'cc a domand, Portam, põtul, postes, verb. ncut, gainjt . Jugurtha, and bribid by bin, requel, jupliiasion; ello a wrang- Ineg.:to..bove power be able, bé brougbi much damage to his country: ling. Arvocalorum poftulatio- in good huilib, de pérent or prova. Pofthumlus, the name of divers msn. nie; declaraistis - shinery: imi, . Non omnia porttimus on. Poſthumus, nii; n. the four of Æneas. Poftălatitius, a, um, adj. demand. ncs, ali of us cannor do all that is Peſthèmus, , um , adj. Cqu. pofthu ing or corondrd. to be done. • Valere & poffe, to matum (c. patrem torni after the Poniacor āris ; m.. Sen. a demanda have Jirongth or authority. • Potist farber's death. #Ogos post humum, er, resitioner, dılarer in ch rycery. fieri. it is poſiblei • Nil pofit, a piccs printed after the author's Poſtülātūrius, a, um ; adj. of a re. to have no ability, Ingenio parum quelli or command. poflum, my parts are very mean. Poft-a, ; f. & city of Italy, Poſiūlātum, si n. a demand. Poßunt ocull, potcft capat, both t Poftioi, adv. P.aut. after thet. Poftălzins, i, um ; part. à poftulor, eyes and head are in a good difpoja. Poiticiam, il; n. the buckfide Cofa Cia. demunded, accured. tion, noiking ails 'em. bouſe:) Poſtilātus, us m. & fequil. POST; præp: ferv. acc. & adv. Juft.' Particula, æ; f. & little back door. Postúl o, are ; act. cura. acc. to ask, after afterwards, bebind. * Poſt Poſtică üm, i; n. P.aut. & Hule pou demand, require, ro impeacb'or ac- homincs natos, poft hominin me.' Jern; wickel, ör back.door. fujo, 'dan, ballonge a debt. Ut Fooriam, fnci am could gean, iime' P. fticus, a, vin ; ad) L v. behind, tu hanc eripere poftuled, ibat you out. of wind. Por id locoruni, berkward. Portica Canna, a jesr Dould offer to take her away from afterwards.. Puft tergum, tehind. tebind the back. Póſtica para Poliglare advocatam, 10 . Poft ſexennium, within this fix palall, the back Aaits. Poft ca, regue one to be their advocate. years. (adv.): Multis poft apnis, (cl. janua, and poſt com, fcil. o- Portulabatur nur am, he was found many years of er It'ua, a poſlern or back door. ix an a&ion of trojpals. Fo. # Poltantè, adv. thorendouls. + Poftidcă for poftcà, afitrwards. ftulo pro te., I ſpeak in your behalf Poſtautumnal's, le ; ad), Plin. aftar Portilēna, air a srupper. to the judge, * . Poftulare que barvoll, larrward, Poftilla, F. a polil or ſhort expos ftionem, to demand « legal per Postbrachjäle;' js; n, ibu baci Hiin on thi Gujoul, &c.' ceeding oguint b.m who bas torongid the band between tha'wrif and fin. Poft:lla, adv. ſince then after that, POSTIS, is; M. V: (napaoras, yel Portvorta, shu Roman goddess which Poftc); adv. afterwards, elle. Qaid a policus) a pell, door pari, a door. Jowo things future from things pal. poftea 1 and what ihin / Ter. Pokliminius, a, um, adj, returning + Polābilis: le ; adj. which may be Poncagoàm ; adv. after that, Sal. from exil, or captivity. drunk, potable. + Poftellus, l; a. a drop. Poftliminium, it;n. Fert. (a limen] Poiamcnia, e ; f. a woman diſciple Posterganeus raptus, create surring • rojtoring or returning from exili of Origen, ina mo beautifúl of the bead back. or ccpivity, the rulurn of one thought women and marljis, whoraf her † Poftcrgo, āre; to losue debind, caff to be dond, reflored to his houſe by a death converted bar exe:utioner BiG. brbind the back, hole through the wall. * Poftit. llics, wlio was afterwards thartyred Poſtěrl, õrum; m. pl. Cic. po?erily, min'o recipere to receive a thing homiell. efspring. after it ww alienated from him. Põră nog ton, g. 2031er grafs. Pokerlor; jus, gen. õils ; ad), 3. art. Poftmóridiānus, a, um ; adj. in the Pólīmolacum, ci; ni a river and Liv.more backward, latoward, bajer. efter pront, in one's old age. illind of polis. • Noa poſteriores foram, I will polimitto, ère ; act. cum accus. ** Poiätio. āns, f. Ter., a drinting. : not come behind. * Suam falutem omis, wave, som lefs. + ro iicus, a, um, ad). Erzini, of poſteriorem (zlata, communi dų - Portmodò, adv. L!v, eftep during } cere, 10 roke more can of the som. Poftmodùm, wards, Porâtor, üris ; 1. Sen, : great 'mon good eban his own. * Onincs : Poftõm!8, idis ; f. barnac'ts for * drinkar, loper. scs pofteriores pono, atque ope- herfe's miſe, g. Potātus, a, um; part. Ovid. drunken. ram tibi do, I lay by ail things to Poft-po no, fu, situm, něre; act.cum Potā:us, üg; m. Scn. a sipling. hear, uitend, and ſerve you. ass. & dar. Hor. ii place behind, Põlc-D$. ntis; P. 8A, ior, nulltimas; Poſtéritas, ātis; f. Vir. Poperity. undervalu. * Volquc eft poftpo. Là poffim) pourjui, jirongposa Poſtěriùs į adv. compar. à poft. of nere natis aura ſų 's, the trade the loc. * Mu'ta potens, having terwards, Si poſteriùs fuiffet, had boldnes to farve you after har awn Mei potens, ma- he doon an age or two narir us. children. • Omnia pottpolu: dum. Jer of my own Pion. # Plebi # Poftëro, are ; peut to be inforiir modo præceptis patris parcien, 7 miſcere potentes, 10. mingle the į or wtſ. paried with all to otoy try farber. nobles with the commons, • Voli + Pofterula, e; f. 4 back way er lane. Poftposītus, a, um, part. laid ajdo. potens, having his cofre, lupe- Poſtěrus, a, um ; ad). Plin. next, fol. Poſtprincipium, it; n. 4. contintanit, rii potcns, politing the empire, lowing after. In pofterum, for progreſs, place of ſecurity. hearing rule. • Potens corporis, the time to codisa • Poftero, the Poitpăto, are; se inake leſs reckoning hiving the a'r of one's body, stung. day following of. Potcntatus, ùs ; m. Cæſ. greatness of Port-fero, fers, guli, latum,ferre; aci. Poftquàm ; adv. Ter. after that. Catharity, pre-sminenre, fuperisrity, à poft & fari, reg. arc, & dot, Poitrenó, adv. Cic. dally, the laf Potentèr ; adv. Hor. posúerfully, juis- L!.10 ebren lufs, For loi by; so ſot Poftremùm, } time in a word. mearb'or behind. * Libertat! pic. Poftremum mc vides, you will ne. Potcntia, æ ; f. power, auiborily, tys. big" ſuas opes poftferre; Liv.: vir fue me mots, you dri rak ng your dit. • Potentiæ promptæ, for- fel. more by ibi prople's liberty tbau lap ferdwel. werd erlen, tbrir own wealih. Poftrēmus, a, um ; adj. laft, lowejl, Potentia, a 1. a city of the Piceni, Portfoenum, i; a. feg or later-moth. bojeft. Noa in poftrem a eſſe, ro willed S. Maria di Loretia, Poftgenitus, s, um ; ads. dert wftor. od none of the mounell or worji. Porertläliter ; adr. Liv. pornerfilly. Pongeniti, fucceffori, poterity, Poftridiè , adv. Celi Igu. coftero Pulen::112, æ; f, wala lang, slver Poſthăbco, ui, itun, ēre, aa. acc. die) the day after Ponridiè bord, to fat lower, value luwir, . Om quans pater inortem ob it, the day + Potento, arc; ro dominger or ufurp. nes pofthabal mihi res, I lol ll ter bis laiher died. * Poftr dic Poteratur, or poterat. Non. things alone, I minded morbiug ur idus, the ory after the ids:. Polériotheca. i f. the plurs to jal Portſcenium, lijn. Lucr. a mairing the chips or glufes in. † Pofthabito, are; uses behind. Poſcenium, ' } plutely wiibdr.: wing Potër'um, ils n. a 808, cup. • Pote- Pofthăbitus, a, um ; undervalued. 1:0!!! 12:010:07, (int outthon pof. Poithac, adv. Plin. bereafter,. + Portfignantes, the rear of in army. Poteffusi, iar pofíum, Ter. Pofthaec, s hencoforward, Poſtvē-aio, ni, atum, nre ; neut. Poteftas, āts ; f. Cic. Là poffem) Pofthinc, ady, Liv, benieforward. dal, sa coma orbind or alsdr. power, wutbrity, cpporturiir ; wlfo (6)M > Touch power. + TA007. POT PR Æ PRÆ diw. 1 + prztorium: ficis ; f. Plaut. for jas ore, to or under snorber's com- Praalpa, pæ; f. a city of Atropatena. Præcantatrix, bat speaks or wand. Privare poteftate, to put Prachus, .chl; f. a city of Illyr:a. curſos, a witch, ors rute of commifon. * Facere po- Pradicus, a, um, adj. pradical, & Præcārus, a, um, ad). very dear, ; . teftatem, so give leave. Poteftas Pradias, s city of Pontes ; also a ri. Præcānas, a, un į adj. early gre, tibi fuit, it was in four power.. ver of Pontas. wory boary. Quoties mihi certorum hominum PRÆ, przp. Serv, abl. & aliq. adv. Piæc-äyèo, avi, autom závere; aa porcſtas crit, as often as I fall 'before, in compariſon, in regard, in cum accuf. & abl. cum prapof. munt with furb and furb men. Tajpre of; for, by reaſon of: Prefixed Lk. to be awars beforrband, n take Poteftan, for poteftatem. 10 verbs it cannotath before, before.. cari, forefri. Poteftatos, as in power, migbe, band, before or above: Prefixed to Præcautio, onis; f. a forewarding, + Potcrtur, for poteſt, it is Rollible. An adjoaiyo,exlerdingly, very much. Munting, or prutautien. Pothnas and Achinus, oi; m thoſe • I præ, fequar, go before, and I'll Præcautor, oris; n, Plaul. e forefur. men ibat flowo Pompey, wbsp he folloro, i Prz ftudio, ous of car. Præcautus, a, um ; part, * præa- fed into Egypt. naineis. . Præ manibus eſt liber, voor ; wary in forefrring what is Potidea, ejf a city of Macedonia. I have a book in jay bands. • Prae afar off, alſo fortfaring. * Præcauto Potideaola, 2; f. á city of Æolia. ſe ferre, to profefs openly, gior our opus cft, a great caro mufi'be bad, Potin' for potenc, canfl shop? Ter. * Parva res eft volupta ine muſi 1906 to himſelf. Potlo, onis ; f. Plaut. a drjuk, julep, tom' in vitâ, præ qua quod mo. Præc-ēdo, eſli, fſum, adčre; a&.cum & purga, o draught, e porion. * leftum eft, there is a ſmall.deal of acc. & dat, Vit. to go before,'out- Porio aromatica, biopuora. pleaſure in life, in comparison of go, (x4.. Præcedere aucho ri- + Polio. potire, ti male partaker. wbar is painful. • Præ multitu tato, 80 fel, me a presedems. Sa- Potire ſervitutis, to inflave, Plaat. dine, by reason of the multitude, perc præcedere, to tajje botter. Potronatus. a, um ; ad). prifined, † Przaccipio, ērc; to soke before. Præceler, m. adj. Plin. exuiding # Potono, äre ; act. Suet. cum acço Præācuo, čre ; to jbargo obs pojas Præceleris, f. to jalap, give a potion, fo' poiſon. of a thing Præcelere, a. wift: Pot-ior, 11-s, ſum Iri; dep. con abl. Præžcütc; adv. with a fars point. Precēlērātio, onis ; f a making bafie. 80 mjoy, Jeizi, or pabels, to assin. Præăcūrus, a, um ; ad). Cæſ. forp. Præcè črator, õrisi m. á baflener. Pottor roto, I obtiin my desire, pointed, willy, Præcéléro, arc i Stat. te. furpaf: its * Rerum potiri,..o be in authority, Præaltè ; ady. Enn. very highly. ſwiftneſs. and rule the iteks. • Ne potirctur Præaltus, a, um ; wry high or decy. Prace lens, atis; P.&A. lor, iffimus, mali, lej? fome miſibiel should light Pszambŭlo, aic; ncut. ro walk before: . ?xxsiling. : Preccllentes Ingenlo, upon bimn. * Potiri hoftium, to con- Præambulo, onis ; m. Erafm. a geo: excelling in parts, quar or be conquered by.ibe enemy. tlemon.ufser. Præcel-lo, lui, fum, lère ; cum dat.. Pðilor, ius, gen, oris ; adj comp åt Præambulus, a, u'n; adj. walking, Tac. 19 excel, 6xiud, ſurpaſs. potis, totier. 'Nihil mihi fuit hafore. Præcellus, a, um; adj. ex:ieding bigb. potius, morbing pleased me buttar. + Præaudio, ire; act, to hear before. : + Præcendo, cre'; so mflame. Potis; e; adl. (à miti, propclable, Præauditus, a, um ; part. huurd ba- Præceptio, onis ; f. thi Houriſh oribe- la poſible. Nequc ferri poris eft, fore, giming of a long, the turning of the nor can it be borne with Pracbenda, o un ; pl. n, Geil. ib. vpics. Potiſsime, adv. efecially, chiniy. allowance given to commiſſioners of Præcentor, Orls ; m. Jun, Iba forte Poulsimùm, S Neſcio quid expe forrign parts, or thoſe that travel man of the choir, the chancer. dlam potiffimum, I know not wbi:b upon public bupineſs, to wit, wudlt Præcchior:us, a, um; vfa sbonlar, 10 dipanb fir and fait. Conducere præben- Pracontr x, icis ; f. Frag. Poct. por Poefsimas, ásam; adj. Superl. Plia. da magiſtratibus, so tu ke woon one that kings forf. beſ, Arorgel, ib. deft. . Potiſhmon to furniſo thi magiflrates will proo + Præcentus, vel pezcantus, As; m. opus, the beſt piece of all. vibon. * singing be oro Poriftris is, &. the pot which birds | Præbenda, æ; f. o prebend or portion. Praceps, bic, hæc, hoc ; gen. ipis, drink in, bring fafened 10 she cage. allowed the members y a cathedral and iptis, begalong, dangerous, Pocito, 'are, so drink vien, tippls. cburch. öcry..bally or swift, rals, baira + Potitor, oris, m. a poffor. + Præbendarlus, a, um; of a prebend. brain'd, heady, dupferse, violont, Potïcos 2.4; part. a potior, Cic. Præbendarius, is; m. a probindary on. Promsing. *.Urfus præceps, the enjoyed, godten * Pctitas hoftium, affunt to the bifcop. beur thu hangs her head down, taken frifineriby the enernya Prab-eo, ēre ; act. acc. & dat, 10 • Turrim in præcipiti fanten, Potiuncula, æ; f. Suctia mall drink. fford, allow, show, manifejl. Præ. Randing on a pap hill. In præ- Potiùs, adv. Ter, rather, more efpo. bere aureo, fe attentum audito." cepe jaccre, to throw ons down cially, * Abeo, potiut; I bad raiber rem, to lend an ear. * Preb:t with the head forevol. Dare errorem, quod, hence came the mil prxcipitem, 10 Aling one down head. Potnie, the name of two towns, oni taka, bruusi... Præbire ludos long, bo præcipiti cſíc, to be in in Boeotia mear Thebes, where tbare 10 make ſpori for, so be laugh'd at. dejreni, to sumble lower and lower, is Poininus Fons, and anaberin Præbere ftrenuum hominem, ie * Præceps icneclus, extreme old Mignclia. æquum, :3 0& Costageus, dealifa .age. Potningus, a, om; ad). Potnia. Vakrably with , * Præbere tyran: Præceptio, onls; f. a commanding or Põi-o,,āri, & potus fum, ācun, and num, to e& syronnicaliy. infrusting polum ; 'neut. to drink or lippie. Præbia, orum, . pl. (a.p:oh beo] Præceptivus, a, um; adj. commanding. Toto die potatur, they were roping remedies oguing inchanting + Præcepto, are, is coinmind often. all day long. , thi Præbībo, čre; cum dat to drink unta. Preoccptor, oris ; m. a maior, in. mobil juis in ibi dys. * Dare Do- + Psabita, orum ; n.. i noi she allowance Aruar, tutor. • Malignus pro- tarum bobus, to water the oxın. of Naves. ceptor, a' naughty maper, that durs Pocor, oris; m. a drinkar, tuper. † Præbītio, ons ; fic giving, an of. not give his sobolars their due com- Putorium, i; a. a drinking bowl. faring: mendation. Prior us.'a, ám ; adj. of er for drink: t Præbito. cre; to kill , pass by. + Præceptārius, & om, commanding, ing. • Ampulla potoria, a glaſs to Præbicor, oris ; m. ca owar ,e giver, Præceprix, icis; f. a mijirus,fexbar. drink in, an almoner, Præceptum, lin, a cominand, in- Potulentus, a, um ; adj, in drink, tip. Præditus, a, um, part. of præbcor; Irudition, dir:ion, *Vivcodi præ: pled , alſo wbib may be drunk. Col. given, offerid. cepa darc, is infua in morality. Poius, a, um, part. à poto, drunk Præcalv-co, ērc;ts de bald before. Præccptus, , um, i part of praci. up, that has drunk. Pracalvities, ci; f. boldnels colore. pior, provenied, commanded. POTUS, üs; mCell. [GUTOS] drink. Præcalvus, a, um, adj. Sucr. Dild Præccrno, ērc; 19 foreja. befort, or very bald. Præccrp.o, l,. cum. čre; act. cum P nur R. Præcantātio, õnis ; f. Quint. A fore. accur. to gather of before it is ript, ſpeaking er, curying. or before the owner. P.R. abreriat for PopulusRomanus Przecanto, are neuc. Lucreia 80 fing cerpo frodun officii tuli. I do nor PR: abbreviat. præfe&us, prætor; before ; aljo so brou. sorotal your duty. Prec be gone. • Non piano 1 , a ly. a. ; . roß, ,a. PR Æ P R Æ PRE Præcertātio, önts; f. ad He:co, a bit-, Præcisè ; ady, preciſely, cloſely..Præ Ovid. to corrupt o hribe: before kering before the main mgagemeni, a cise negare, ia diny Hally. Præcorruptio, onis ; f. Tertia.com skirm lo. Præciſio, onis; f. a cutting off rupting before Præchārus, a, um; ad). dearly beloved. paring a way, brevity, á fazure in Præcorruptus, a, um, part. à præ- # Præcia, mesmo a forz Warner, bar. grammar, leaving Some:bing to be corrumpor ; Ovid. corrupt Bsföri. binger. underflood., Præcox, gen. ācis; adj. 3 art; eatly Præcla, &; f. a very beautiful Ro- Præcifum,i ; n, a part of the rails. ripe, pe bore ophers, puur-hajly, man woman, 'who won Cethegus's Præciſus, a, um, part. of præcidor, unomaly. Poma præcocia, epricats heart, inomuch that he approved of cuiring fcraggy, gelded. • Pra Præcox ingenium, a forward wit. nothing w.sbius her. cila narratio, a curtailed relation. Præcraffus, a, ud; ad). very thick. Præcidarius, a, um fore a fot pleulans. • Vinud przclum, wins + Præcīdo; čre ;- act. 1e to s before. timi,' * Præcidancá porca, a low of the firf vintage t Præculco, are ; act to read before. fain before entering upon harul. * t. Præclamitātio, onis; f. a crying Præcultè; adv. very neatly and trim- Agna præc!danea, a lamb ſain pri-before. paratorily so whor lucrifia. + Præclāmitátor, õris'; m. a sryer Þræcultus, a. um; part. of præcolor; Prezi-do, di, fum, dore ; act. cụm balore. broken up, and rilisd 'the first timna; accur. 'Sen. to cut off the end, fore: + Præclāmito, are ; a&. 1. cry bifore, alſo very trim and near. part, or lop, to deny. . Præcidere to make proclamation. Præcumbo, čre ; ncut. to lië defori. fibi gulam, to cut one's own throat. Præclarè; adw. bravily, gallantis, Pre:ūpidus, a, um; ad), very defrous. * Præcidere arbrem, to top a true. excellently will. . Præclarè me. Præcūrātio, onis ; fi a bajpaaling. Brævitatem præsidan, I'll lay cum agitur, I R deale pingulariy + Præcyrālor, āris ; m.ön harbinger. or mark it out in Alors, I'll pre- well with. † Præcüro, are ; to regard before. foily make an and on!t, Præclarus, a, um ; adj. very fa-Præcorro, ri, fum, rere ; a&. cum Pracmalo, onis ; f. a girding about ; motes, eminimt • Lux præclara, acc. to run bsfors, omf-firip. All: alfo a row of ten'bus aſimding in t'x broad-ſight. qucm ætate præ ufrcre, to live frats behind, och aber.. Præclu-do, & fum, dore ; act. cum Mafris his time. • Amor votis fuis Præcinctorium, ii; n. an apron. accuf. Cic. to put out of up to plerumque p:æcurrit, love mof an Præcinctura, æ ; f. a girdle, girding. block up, . Præcluderë tran&tum ind forrfials its orry wiſhes. Præcinctus, a, um, girt befort, anvi. alicui, so pop up one's talage. Præcorfio, onis ; f. an tut-running. ronet.. * Præcinéti pucri, waiter. Præcluens, otis; excelleni, mighis. Præcurfor, oris m.-a forerunnor. Præcinctus, nis mi a garmine fried Præclarus, a, om; fout, blocked out, up. Precursorius, a, um ; 'fore-surining. 10 half the body of breaji. PRÆCO, õnis; m. Liv. [riyuš, Przcarſus, ûs ; m. a running before. Præcir-go, xi, tum, gére ; a&t.cum Byúxo vel à prædico) a ciger, a Præcurrus, a, um ; ad). very srpsked, accoſ. & abl. Ovid.ro gird up publiſher, a bellman. • Piæco vir- PRÆDA, æ; f. [ab Heb. porad: Teo one's cleaths before them, so fuck up, tutum alicujas, ſitter out of ano paravitj s pray or booty by forke; addreſs, compaſs, prepare. Bber's viriues, a publiſkor of them gain from any fraud ; ſpoil, pillage, Præcino, ui, chiura'; [of prize and far and near. meat to be devoured; alſo an tarief. cano) co fing before, fratell. Piæcoctus, a, um, part. of præco #Agere prædam, to drive away Præc-ipio, épi, cptuin, ipčic; act, quor, 140 wuch boiled, very ripe. plundered carlls, cum accur. Vir. Lof præ and ca- 'Præcogito, are ; to think beforehand Prædābundus, a, un; adj. stunder. pio) to prevmit, command, trach, of, to premeditate. ing, pilleging, robbing all about. forefu. Præcipere animo vico Præcõgitus, a, um, adj. Quiot. fors- Prædāceus, a, um ; adj. of pray, rian, 10 promile öni's jelf the vic Anown, Taid down in the orginning plundering tory. * Præcipere animo pugnim, before an art. Prredamnātio, onis; f. a ondinning $0 forstajl ihe inganer of fight. * Pracogn-oſco, õvi, itum, orcčre i before trial. Gaudia præcipere, so rejoiss be- a&. cum acc. to know before. Prædampatâ fpe, were being no bipes fore the time. Hic artem napdi Præcolo, ere; 14. cùm nocof. 10 ieft. præcipit, ille trochi, che seashes to break ground, and below she first Prædamno, are; act. Livi to con swim, the other to drive the hup. tilling on it, ti prepare. domn before trial. Píæcipicans, ni!a; adj. raſh, vident. Præcompositus, a, um, part. à præc. + Prædāríus, ii; m. A free-butar. * Præcipitante republicâ, the com componor ; Ov!d. jai before helt Prædātlo, onis ; fia plundering. inmwealib failing to do:ay growing work, jafioned, 03 præcompol- Przdātītłus, a, um, adj. gotten for every day worſe iban another, tum, a faca fi! in a desoute poru". a prey or boosy. Præcipitanter ; idy, Lucr. rably, † Præcõrātus, ls im. * publick ix- Prædator, oris ; m. a pillager or boftily, blunderingly.. rolling: Prædatrix, icis;fs plunderer.ir Præcīpětant:a, a; f. a falling boid. Præconceptus, a, um parc concei. Prædătorius, a, om, adj. of robber long i alforenes. vid or gathered logother before. or plunderer. Navis predatoriai Præcipitārio, "bais ; f. Sen, a blun- Præconcinnātus, a, um ; part. fra-l. a piroteig. dering upon, Taſb and hafy hurry- med before-hand, Prædātum, i ; n. pillage. ing: a throwing down hradlong. + Preço:io, are; act, to try in the Prædātus, a, un ;, adj. biving pil; Præcipitātor, oris ; m. Quint. market proclaims. lugra, ladon with ſpoils, tumbler, hurrier. Præconiom, '11; 0. sheshing which is Prædělafo, areš to fire beforebind. Præcipitatus, a, um ;P. & A. hall. crled, a report, publiſhing praifa, Prædensātus, a, um; part. à prgdcn- ned. *Ætate præcipitatê, being old, commodationt. for ; Pilu. Crouded very thick, Præcipliium, ii ; n. as precipica, jup Præconius, a, um, adj. of acryora Prædenſo, are ; to make very thick. dosonfal, the brow of a hill. Præconsumo, čre; aÁt. so wafle before. Prædenſus, a, um ; adj. yıry to sk Præcipito, are; to rbrow down head. Præconſumptus, a, um, adj. jport Prædeftinatio, onis ; f. a determining long, to overthrow, come tumbling, before beforehund, prodejmation. * Precipitat hyems, the winter Præcontrecto, are ; a&. to handle or Prædeftino, are; to determina beforo- rupoes in violently. * Nilus pre- . feel tefere, baxd, 20. predel nats. , cipitat, Nic tumbles down the ca. Piæco.quo, 'xi, ctum ; quěre; a&. + P ædiālis.lc; adj. ef a farm, saraas. In amorc præcipita- cum accuf. to forth or ripon before. Preediālor, oris;. n. a counſellor wall vit, he is rafhly fallen in love. Præcõquus, a, um, adj. carly rije, vered in the conveyances of lands; * Præcipitare palmitcm,' is fuck allo e farmar. down a uing branch. Præcordia, õrum; pl. n. [à cor) the Prædiātorius, a, um ; adj. of lunds. Præcipitur, verb. imp. command is midriff, the paris about the hiart, Piad ātus, a, um ; ad). Well landed, given the breast; she shoughts and for Prædicabilis, le ; adj. 10. he spoken Præcipuò; ady: Clc. chiefly, efprei sions. * Fcrrca piæcordia, bard. openly, cridd ut, which may or as. allyPrzcipuè omnlum,. pe. harled, * Aperit præcordia l.bcr, tributed to a futje). Prædicamentum, ij na predicamente ciaily, above all. w ne makes men reveal focrats. Præcipuus, a, um, adj. (à præcipie] + Piæcordiālis, ke; hesriy, unfeigned. Prædicatio, õdis ; f Piin Ajpeak- chief, oprsial; * Præcipua cana- 1 Præcorditer ; adv. unfrignidly. ing openly, a giving out, reporting, tionum, the chief dining-room, Præcorrumpo; ec; act. cum accuf. frying up. (5) M 2 Preuk 1 } rash rips. 1 face. 5 PRÆ PRÆ PRÆ præed:cativa propoſitio, & fimplo pro.yt Præčmin co, ĉ e; neut. to appear ing outi poftim. bigb atovi others. Præfigūro, are ; ad. to fos the pape Pradicātor, õris; m. An open ri Pree-co, ire, föʻgo before, so bew ibe of a thing before ins: portar, crjerus. way. * Praire verba: to say cero Præfingo, ère ; to ſeigó before, Prædicárum, 1; A. the predicale, bas lain words whicb' another is 10 Præfinio, įre; & cuim acc. to beund which is spalen of the ſubject. repeal after him, Præcunt diſci. or determine before: Predicătus, a, um, parc. publifted. pulis præceptoreș, the moders’in. t Præfinitè i adv. preciſely by meoſure. Prædico, arc; ad. accuſ, to speak ru&their jibolars, Præfatio, õnis ; f. á determining penlj, pive wt, report, ofim, 1: Pralăcilis, le ; adj. very easy. before cttribute, ary wp. A&um eft a Pratandus, um ; adj. to be fore. Præfirīto, adv. wish a-limitsed jint. quidem hæc yerą prædicat, I am Jöokeriap faodi humoris eft. Praefinicus, a, una; part. 'a piæfinfor. undone if all of the ihall Joe Jays. vium, an involuntary discharge of determined tofore. . Prædicare de fuis laúd:bus, to urini. Præficiiño y adv. (a fafg'no) without brag of one's prales. , Audcs mib Præfari ; dep. Inant à præſor. to Præficini, smuide itJud. piædicare id; dare you avou bthat? Speak' before Pietari d'vòs, in Præfixus, a, um ; fart. of præfigor, Prædi co, xl, &um, cere; aä. com she firf Nice to inveka 'she gods. thrjet Through heidid with you oc, Cic, so toll deforpband, to fare. * Honorem præfar!, to acciji one ru præfixum laius, "ibrujl through iel, . Hoc primuin in hâc re præ anu bar with tiles of hincy. ihe hide with a frit. dico fibl, 'I all you this frji " and Præfātio, 'õnis į to a prejacs. 1 Præf.co, ēri, ērç; to brwail mu h. joramol, De quo p:&diximus, oft Prælătiuncula, æ ; t. fitue pro- Prefetus, a, um ; pait.' a prá¢co, wbuni w Spike ondere. geratly howailes. Prædi&tio, onis ; f. a forfelling.. Pref:us, a, um, part, à prælor. Piaflórátus, a, um, part. a præflo. Piæddum, 1; 8. a prediction. arro aid, having befpakin. ror arflowered tefore. Predi&us, a, um ; part of praadi. Præfcet ani. ārum, m pl appari- Pradõi.co, čre ; t.eur. to bl. Jom bo- cor, forgald, propbified. pra. 'toys, purſuivants or fejqants. five others. dido, when it was alrerdy re Palcabrius. a, um, adh. biving Præforeſco, ère ; neat, to fcuriſh or portid • Pradiaa cenæ 'hora, borno shot of mayor or aspetrh p. biolom bof.r. as the time appointed wbon suppor Præſeåū a, ae ; t. "Liv.de wylip, Præforo, arc.; to gather shs Power or should be reds. á liruien n'), the governtimnt or bluffom Dafore is aime so rpe fruit. Pædıõlan, t; n. almill irnemmi. province Præfečtura ürbis, thi Præfid.o. xi, xim, ere; nçut. ! Przdifco, črc ; 20. to form barne. mo yaralty, How.or run boyo-e place. Præditus, a, um, adj. (à darus) in Pæfelus, i; m. Juſt on ifier, a Przelocāta, z; f. a woning troubled duid, adorned, qualsped.. Grandi gruimer, preſident, lieutenint, de 211h fits of ibe assbar. vitio præditum exemplim, un it. Puty. pacctus annoinen ihe Præ'ocauio, onis; a choaking, Lopping, ample, biving a great now in it. flork of the miris. • Pialaus Präfo 0; are' ; to cha kijep up Sampo magiftratu præditus,. mnorum, shi overfoer of municre, Praetodido, odi, sfum. odčre ; ac, impowered with the beghe degree amator, prépiftor or Ogan Præ. to dig before-bury in the ground. of bmour. Præditus medica. fcctus præ or o, the capla ni of the Præfccundus, a, um, adj. usry fruit. mentis, medicinal. emperor's Tita guurd. • Præfe&tus ful. Prædives, itis ; ad) - exceeding ricb vigilum, the cupton' of 'ibot p afor. Sor Præfari. Prædiyinātoonis ; f. a prognosti susid. • Præf cus urbis, the major prælormātio, 'Oris; F. a forming te- caring. or the city. Præfe&u ceftrorüm, fors , Prædivinator, oris ; m. a prognofti. the quarter-maior general. • Præ Præformātus, a, um, part. præ. cator. fectus arcis, I be contable of the formor. Quint. formed before. predīvino, arc; a&t. cum accuf, capla, or locütenant of the tower, Præforaido, are ; 30 forbear before. Purs 10 prognofticals, guess before + Pizlericulum, 1, n. a grear brass Pràforca-o, arc i a&. com acc. & Prædividus, um ; adl, fortelling bajon uſed in ſacrifice. dát. to faſhion before, * prælorma- what is in "come Agnificative of future Prz.lero, tult. Tatua, ferre, ad. !! re literas inland, so let him a copy. profer, fus abeut, to manifós, make | Præportitèr , adv. very pringly. Prædium, ii; n. Cic. Là piæ) a & Perw of, diſcover. Facem præ Præfra&è , adv, ruggedly, roughly, faru, monour bouſe and land, ferre, to lead ons' ibu way. Præ cburlifbly. prædo, Onjs; m. Cis. (à præda) 4 fértur opin o, an opinion is ſpread. Præfralias, a, um ; adj. rough, rug- pillager, plunderer, piraie, a no • Prætulit triumphi d'em, he came gad, vragry, flubbarn. . Præfracta dur. Prædo hæreditatio, sin-in the day be, or riba iriumph Biepes, Humps (withoni' sops) vader of another's inberitanis. Præf črox. ocis; adj. vaarding Rout. Præfrigidus, a, um'; adſ, extending + Prado, arc; prog. Pržele rātus, a, óm; parti à præfer cold. * Praedoc-coetc; acte lo track defore. Tor, si, pod with irm. Hafta præ Præfr-ingo, ēgi, acum, ingěre; act. prædoctus, a, um ; part. à prædo. ferrata, & fprar wib an iron hrad.'cum accut? to break this and off. . ccor. Cic.' bffure indvand, bring + Præfer:0, arc; io tip with iron. Haitas præfregiffent, shey bod sangbt one! Part or !efon, Præfertiliś, lé; very fruitful, rank. broke the besds of brir Spears off Prædon-o, oi, itum, čre; a&. Sen. Præfcrridus, a, um, sxvarning bas.lt Præfúg-io, ēro; 'n By away in- to ſubdue before the afouli. Pæfeftinatim, } adv very Jadily, tors. Prædonids, a, um, adj. of a ribber Prælefinè; Pof balla: Præful-c:o, fi, cum, cīre, act. 16 r plunderer. Præfeftipātio, onis ; fi unha ming. sindorprop, .'11 fortif, make ſure bou '+ Prædonulus, i; m. a little thief, Præ!eftinātus, a, um; part. a præ Prædor, ari; dep. robi pillage, feitinor, too much bufmned: Præfulz.co, gre ; to shine before or Plaider. Przfeſtino, are ; to make too much Præda-co. xl, dom, cere; 1a. cura bugte, burry, † Præfulgeſco, čre ; to begin to be accuſ. to bring or draw before. + Præfibilo, are ; to bustle or button very bright. * Yallum oppido piąducere; to before, + Pramugidus, a, um, d), to be draw a line about shi town, Præfica, ; f. (a præfisiq] ibe mijire's very brigbl. Prædâlcis, ce ;-ad), seusaing wai. mourner which organ she lamentati- + Prefulguro, are ; act. cum accur. Diædürātio, onis ; f. making very ons as funerals. is lighion hsfore, Via's præfulgu. harda Praçf..ico, ççi, caum, Icčre; act. rat, heybines all the way over. Prædurator, gris ; a. en hardener cum acc. & dat. Juit. so for over, 10 Prælūmigo, arc ; to perfume before. before. opnoint. Præfu nium, l; n. (a" "furnus) any Pradiro, are ; so meķu very hard. Præfido, dl, lum acut, to be very oven's mouth, she plass to put igi Prædūrus, a, um , adj. luipullingly confidens, füel under a Willis arde-bole. bard. • Prædura ruas, an age Præfi-go, ,xl, xum, göre; i&t. 80+ Præfura, crc; neut. Teritor very Post and prong, s pick on the end or before. ' *'Fer exire:mly. : Pusele Qio, anis ; l. a obsoofing be ruma baltæ præfigere, so head a Prægelidus. a, um ; ad). very cold. spsar. Psæfigunt gra cap ftris, t Præzonitālis, Ic; adl. fry-born. + Prodigo, ērc ; act to shaole before. bay muxado wg their mucha web Prægermino, are; 3 ond or blogom Przemincaria, i fo praecinnica. pead bands, baying ibair mawils porce örjori orbars. Prac f TABLE 0 } $ r : PR Æ PRÆ • PR Æ B ing, tabre. Prægeſtio, ire ; to long earned -Praelatus, ;. a prelaid, bifhop. Pemātūrè; ady. 10 bajlily, before Preg igno, čul, énitum ignore ; t Prælavo, are ; to wall before. dus foafor. act. to. degu ári, u begin. Pralautus, a, umjadf. very luptuous. Przemjiūritas ātig i f, untimeliness, Prægnans, ntis ;'adl. 3 it. Pyn: (ab Prælectio, onis ; f. a reading of Præmătūrus, a, um ; adſ. very bath ant. geno, 'Bigno] big whinihila. thers, a låture. Ielon. suyun for sarly, tao 'rurly, before the sime.. Arbór prægnans, ster with Præe!egor, oris ; ma regidor to Preemēdicātus, a, urn; adj. ansidonda joung fruit in Canis prægnans, bet, à tutor before, bauing proferpativni A bitch wiib pupiy. Prælego, aic;26. to give an extra. Premědītācè , adv. Caef. adviſedly. Prægnällo, on's ; f. 2 Var. a breed . } ordinary legacy beſides ibi portion Præněditátio, onis ; f. Qulat. ą Pragnatus, ùs ; m. Pizlēgo, cgi, ectum,egére ; &.. fludy.na bijore. I Prægno, arç; 10 te wiss young. read is ano:ber : Pralcgere Cam. Premèditātus, a, um, pudied before, Prægrand's, de ; very greas, to great. Paalam, • Sail along ibe cap of Pieměditos, ari dep: cum acc.. + Prægrăvatio, onis ;' f. an'outre Campania. compider before, foreal. loiding + Präliätis, lc ; adl. of or for a war. Præmenſus, a, um, part.of præme- Prægcăvatus, a, um ; unloaded. Puæliaris, re ; ad). of a barils. Dies t!Of, mrüſured befort, poſed over. Prægrāvis, ve; ad vory' or to hravy. praelares, days thought' fortunále vo Præmercātor, dris; n. fore-faller Pregrāv-6, arc i neut. Sen to fur give battle in of the market. charge, to overloud, ro outweigb. Prael átor, oris; m. 8 warritur, Præmercor,ari;dep: cum acc. Plaut. weigh down. *Cum prægravaret skirmilber. to buy before, for jial the market. multitudo, the multitude prolong top Przlībātó, õnis ; fi safling bafwe. * Hoc illi præmercatus fum, I hard upon him. Præliber, a, um ; adl. viry free bought this out of his hindi Präägrč.d.or, flus fum, di; dep. (of Prælibo, are ; to Áp or pik belera. Præmeffum, 1;. n. 97 offering of te prre and gradlor) to go before out. Præliccntèr, ady. 666' bold y. fill fruiti to Ceres jirip, but False Gregi prægredi, Prälīgāncus, a, um, adj. Cato; forf Præmně-tior, nfus fum, tirisdep Ti. to lead the fuck. . Prægredi nun gathered. Vinom præl ganeum, bul. to weafure bafora, pels over. cios, de gre before the melingora wine of the firfi gathered grasas. + Præměto, čre ; to reap firit or before. Prægreffio, onis ; f. an our going, Prælīgātus, a, um ; part. á pizeligos, Præmčtuo, čre; to fear before the Prægreffus, do ; mis previmling. Pliut. id before or buto-mol CO Ming of an evil. Prægreſſus, a, ani ; partà prægre. Prælīgo, ac ; Yo tye before or anter. Przmiātor, ors; m. a rewarder; dior , Prægultātór, oris ; m. a tejer Prælıno, č , & Prælinio, Lejaa. Præmico, are's ncut. ti bine biferi prince or groue parfonage, he shut to flop up, doub over, touch lightly. or clearly, sakes a safe before he rate fralj. + Prælölum, i ; n. a ſwiali skirmiße Præmig o, are ; neut. to leave a Prægusto, are ; to rofile befora. Ovid. Prælior, arl ; dep. to skirm song ago, hours, or chunge dwelling before. Prænin.co, ēre; acut. de excel. Praguardando com } a people of Ita'y . Freliqu care neut se bo moia Prao Inifter, a, um, minishing before Præhendo, di fum, dere ; ac. zcc. Preliquefca,čre i5efore. Præhenfio, onis .Geli. a laying Prelitor' , ari; dep:} to sacrifice. Præm'or, arl; dep. Suet. to reward, hold of, catibing Prælitus, a, um ; part. of prælinor, below a gratuity; also it get money. Præbenr.Qarc, act. cum acc. Liv. fropped up, anoiniid before, Præmiõlus, a, um, adj. wealthy. to catib ai, 30 dick close lo. PRÉLIUM, it; 'n. Liv. (ab innag. Piæmisla, oruin; pl. ibe ford fruits, Præhenſus, a, um ; part. of prahcn Imen,vel à apya fbspropugnatores) P.æmiffus, a, um , past. of premii dor, take, caugbr. a banlı, engågohor, * skirmin. torijont before. + Præhib-to, ère ; to give forth. * Præla laronum lydcre, pidy Pranitiş, tejad. pory mild. Præjac.co, zre ; neut, to lis before. at chesi Piælium fecundum Præ-masto, idi, iftun, iitčre ; &. Prælăc.lo, čre ; at. to cof before. facere, 80, fight coith jurosis. cum acc. Liv, 10 fond or Jei before. Prælans, euntis; pa: t. à præco Qvid. • Ay prælium, sº give baur. Præmittor, čils, l, fiüs fum ; pan.is bu ene before. Cic. Actic. 7. IS: going before pecunte naturâ, Pralongo, are; a&. cum accu. Plin. by the condua of basura. to firetch wus very long. PRÆMIUM,|; n. Cic. ( Boabicov, Præļūdicatlo, onis ; f. a former de Praloogus, a, unr; 'very long or tall, vel à TROGLIGY procemium ja 16- serminatimi, ir determination ré. Præð-quor, cutus fupi, qui; dep. ward, acompinji, bine, wages. folod upon before the trial: cum accuí. Quint. so sprak before * Ego vjaticum cgo etiam prazo Przlúdicatüm, 1; , projedire, others, promiſe, prefare. mlum dabo, TAbsar your charges Prælūdicatus, a, um ; condemned or Psælūc-co, ère;, 80 hins before, 40 and pay you for your pains, * Sino determined before. . Preludicata carry a candle befort ; alſo to our præemio ſüm, I have ni money is opinio, an opinion one's prevodilad fine, excell, go beyond: Booá ſpe content you with. with.' prelucese in poſterum, Bird Præmodorans, ntis ; past. gourming, Præjudiclum, it; a. a presidmi in great bopes fer ihs fuinte. Premõdūlor, ari; to je a tunu thong judgigt, a forma determination, Prælūcidus, a, um ; ex ording brighi. to go at play 'bifora tu ordi, $ wrong Præludium,ii i ni a Mourifing before. Præmodlùm ; adv." Gell, vory , mulb. Præjūlico, are; act cum acc. Cic. the fight, a skirmiſbing, pickering, a Præmoleftia, æ ;.f: an anticipating, to give jenimci dofore trial, or hear. Prurils of mufisk before the play. fear of ſuffering : ing the cou'r, to give the firſt dis. Prælū do, fi, fum, dere neut. cum Præmõlior, iri; dep. cum acc. to patch to a cauſa ; ncut. cum dat. dar. Vir. to fcurib before: ha fight, draw tagsibo she majorials of a Ulp. io prejudice. to make a flouriſh of myck bufore a building, and lay the firf foundation. Præjarātio, onis ; f. tbe taking a Præmollis, le; adj. very sons or gaile. formal dash firß. , PŘÆLIUM, li; n. (à præluo vel Præmollitus, a, um ; part. fofimed. # Præjūrātor, oris 3 m. ba ibat it præaoj a preſs. Præmonco, oj, i.um; to give fair and first ſworn. Prælumb-o, arc ; to knock over the rindly wuriing, to forríarn. + Præūr-o, arc ; # ſwiar fire, or rub, break one's loins ; Næv. Præmõnitio, onis ;f, a fornoara. before others. Prælu.o, ere ; ncat. so waſ the firh Premonitus, ùs , m. ing. Præjúy.o, are ; to hefo forward, or lather ; alſo to run beforo, Pramooilor, oris , n. a forewargan. before, Pralūsio, onis ; f.Jun. fcuriſhing Præmónitum, il n. a forewards Prælābor, pſus fum, bi; dep.com before the fierce ona et. acc. Lucan, to hide before. Præ utris, re ; adj very brigh!,gif | Præmõnitus,a um; part. foramaruda Prælamb o, čre ; fup. car. act. acc. ter.ng. or famous. Præponſtrātor, Oris ; m. an adviſor to lick, ice, or prick before, + Præluftro, are ; a&. cum acc.Bap. before a work is done. Piala rgus, , um ; exinding large. 1o campofs or go about. Præmonftratuin, a' down and Jaguns + Prælatura, æ ;f. iho arch.draconis Piæwando, are ; to jend befort on an conveni in Normandy, and amber offie. &"Tind, to order aforeb, nd. in P.cardy, called Pramonftres Praiacus, a, uni ; part. of præfcror, Præm indu, ērç; to chew before. Præmonftro, are ; 24. cum accul. 10 preferred lying before. • Prælatus Præ. canibus, ad hana, in readines. forfbew, 19 Jeta ibing ablms bei dics, a day top foori.' Præmanfus, a, um ; chowed before, fore me's cyes, Hos ci pæmon. A na. PRÆ PR.. PRÆ pæcise; jiw him his, ariaj Præparātus, a, um par præpa - 17 Præquěror, ris ; dep. to complain webis bar imperations before. Or Rareds propaded.no hefort Pramo deo fun, dêre ; act, so bile Præ ratu, us , m. a proviſor. 1. Piarăbidus, a, um very r.ging. Grosbe onde fotúpidot of thing. Præparcus, a, um adj. overthrifty. Przera-do, fi, fum, derë j, ant. cuma Præmo-Flor, roris, vel tris; rl; dep. Präpăro, arc; act..cum ,acc. Cat: mave off the top. o prepare, prov di, wakiready (Prarancīdus, a, um, adj. very Aale Premortuus, a, um; part dead before. Hycolicibos przparart, to make and blaj, eful, baving a bogor, ok Præqov.com ere; ta move before. Anguifion of weats for winter, jufc Preñalliis, a, um mado' very west. Praepeligentam, 1; n. Pļaut.abin-Prærāpidus, a, um ; äd. "very fwift Præmūnio, irc. ; 'i fantify firji, tu pra derunik.. and vio enl. u.di for Pæpèdio, īre ; a&. cum accut.Ter. Prie:eplus, a, um; fart.of.præripi. Prizem initio, mois.; F forsifying des få pcs) to bindir fram. or, j'a:48 hod busy before the timi. fore the insiny approch. Præpčdiius. a, um. part. à præge. Prarija, Õ:Q 11 ; Di. 8. Apul. places Prænario are a&. Ter, to tell be. dior, hindered, intangled before the river banks. Jere asking Præpco-deo: di,! fuin. dere; nçut. Prærip-io, ui, eptura, čre ; & cum Prænăto, are, Plă. 19 ſwim befort, Propert. to hang doton ?.*10?. accuf. [ of præ ond rapio ): 10 run before PRÆPES, ger. ētis į adj. 3 'art: prevent, narch avriy, ERE awry, Prænāvigātio, õnis i f. a Tailing by or σέτομαι. Yolo, ve! 3 σροπέτος, ad from unoher. -* Confilia hoflaai before. laprain pronus) ſwift » Voigcre9 præripere, to forejlal the memies Pranavigo, pro ; Punto fuil by or præpcies, the birds that caſe the desgas. before. Prob. Præp:s ad inca Joy is, thi Præro do, fi. fum, dere ; act. cum * Præněco, are ; rafirangio e Ibror. Bounced ogle. acc., Col. co gnaw ibe top, forsparl, Præpefinthos, ont of the Sporades in or and, Prærodere hamum, to Prænefte, és ; f. ana of the most fa- thi Ægean je. nibble of the igit from the book. mous tiliai ir Italy, called Pale- * Præpero, etc; to go before, begin Præõgāt:0, õnis ; 1. U!p. a pirsing ſtrina, "kuilindrui fifium bundred fira. of money before it be due'. jears before Chris. Præpignorātu:, a, un ; part. a præ Piærogāciva, æ ; f. ! prorogativi, Prancftinus, a, um ; adl. of Paleſtri. pignoror, obliged before hirid. advantage, prurity in votes, a prie Nux præneft:na. A filbert, Præpilātus, a, um; ady Plio headed vilege in propeing laws. Non Præäimis ; adv. Gell. ixindingly, wirb iron; alſo headed wiib balls præ: ogativa iriumph, a triumph wermueb. will as follow up.n shir. Prænit-co,êre ; neut. Apul. xvfhine Pæpinguis, ue ; adj. very fat. Prærogātivus, a, uin; adj. leading, preally or openly. Præpolleo, ere; neut. to be very po. giving their votes in the firll place. + Prænīteſco, ere; neur: 'lacept. + font, furpat and rx.kl. Prærogālus, a, um ; part. à præ- begin to fine turi Præpozděro, are. ; act. cum accro rogor, asked before. Prænītida adv. very brighely. ws:gb, consider, ponder before, turn Piæ ógo. a e; to ask a min's voice * Prænitidus,i tu, ad). very bright. the scale, prefer before. or opinion before anorber's, to pay * Prænobilis, le ; adj. very nobis. Præpo-no, lui, situmindre; act: cum monty before it is die... Paro. Prætobillor, us; adf. compar, far acc. & dat. i* fer before or over, ito gare fcntentias, 14 ask' votes insbe · more noble, prefer. • Navibus aliqazm pre first place. Prænomen, inls : n. the fore name. podere, 80 miaka mi admiral. Præ:õlus, a, um ; part. of prærodor, Praen-ofco, ovi, ötum ; to foreknow Præporto, arc, 80 carry bafure. grawn about Prænofticam, 1; A. foreknow Præpos, gen. oils; adl. very' able Prær-un po, upi, uplum, umpore; to lidge. 1 Præpoſitis, õnis ; fi a forring avar'or break of, nbr top, foreport, or end. + Prandtātus, a, um ; noted, writtm. biforo; alfo.a prediftion. Præruptè , adv. croggedly. Prænorio. Inis f. & foreknowing, Præpositīvus, a, um ; adj. 60.60 let Parupius, a, um, adj. brekin.before + Prænoto, arc ; to make annotation firft. opte, unpil abs, craggy. Piærupci - or inferiprions. + Præpõlitor, oris ; m. a corpırošler, co. Viviorum gurg.tes, belly god. Prænūbilus, a, um ; adl, very cloud, over-for. PRÆS.dis; m. Là præ præſum vel o dusky. Præposiçura, a; f. an office or præſto) a furely, ar laurity.. Prenunciatívus, , um , adj. fore. charpe, Præsagio, ise;' to forcknotó, forect warning Præpositus, a, um ; part., o præpo- long before, foreboda * Prælāgie- # Prænunciatrix, icio'f. foe ibar nor, ful sver, or before, proferred bat animus, my mind gave me. brings nows before. before. Præfagiri conje&ura poteft, it may Prænuncio, are ; to forssel, to be the Præpositus, ti ; m. « governor, offi. be guated at beforshand. fof melanger. cer, e priveſi. Præpofitus facr: † Præsāgior, iri į to guess before. Pianuncius, a, um adj. foretelling; cubicult, the emperor's lord shimne i Præsāgītó, õnis; . prejaging, bringing news forje. berlain forebod ng, a guoling beforehand. Pi&nuncupatus, a, um, formaard. Præpoflum, peffc; verb. frreg. à præ Præsāgium, iin. & profagi, prog- Præoblcaro, are; to darken before, & poflun ; to be ever powerful. nafication of the weather. . Capore of" vury mueb? Præpoſtěrè adv. Prepojacoub!.. the præfagium, to prognoſticate. P:cecc.ido, idi, cālum, idčre;neur. wrong end foremoji. Præsāgos, a, um ; adj. fireboding, Plin.to fat or go down bafort another. + Præpoftero, arc 1,10 & propole mije ving Præoccupatio, onis ; f. an anticipa. rouſly, or crolly. + Præfalſus, a, um ; adl. very sale. sing, a premsing an objea ion. + Præpoftč:us, a, um i prepoleroas, \ Prælanalco, čre, i neut. to be Præoccupātus, a, um ; part. à præ quite croſs, backwards, contrary, grown will before. occapor; Cæſ. taken before hind. Prapõtens, ntis; part. à præpoffum, P.æsānatus, a, am ; part. à præ. Præoccůso, are ; act. çun arc.L:V. very powerfal, ex aiding Hrong and lanor, grojo well before. 10 pre-engage, pole's before, [4:2e confiderable. * Opibus præpotens, Præsāno, afew act., cum accur. to before another, over-rearb. Præ. viry wealibr. Cure or heal s'org. occuparé partes altcrius,to do whar Præpotentia, æ : f. very grent power.f Præfcalca, ērc; to be very fully or anobar rúld do. Præpoto; are ; to drink before. te resdy so run over. Præopto, are; Ter.. to chooſe rather. Prapropěrè; adv. ouer-haf:17with Præſcientia, æ; f. foro-knowledge. + Præordinatlo, õnis ; f. shefirior more hyt« than goos jpoed. Præicindo, ĉrc; act. tocul or chop of dinaha. Præfrõpéro, are; to make 100 mu:) Præſcio, tre; to foreinswi + Præ.rdinātor, oris ; m. the first habe, + Præfciſco, čre; to fore-appoint. ordainny. Præpropěrus, a, um; adj. over bays * Præſcita, õrum ; pl. n. prognolls. ☆ Præorujno, are"; 'lo' ordain before ; ralo, too sudden, in all h per carion, Coop. + Psapūd-co, cie; neut. coibe apos. + Præſcitio, önis ; f. a fore-know- Præpan.do, dl, lum,,dere ; act. 1, med before, ledge. declare opmly, to lay opon before. PRÆPUTIUM. 11; n Liv. (rorizm, P. elcitum, i, n. c.shing foreknown. Prepito, ond; fi a preparing. apami sa bu foreskin. * Præ Præſcius, a, om ; adl. forsknowing. Præparato adv. with preparation, puria ponerc, to be circum-iod. • Cæli venturi præſcius,wiashara Præpărătorius; a, um į preparatory. Præquàm ; adv, in comparijon of. wife. Prælcri. t 1 0 1 1 + tain prito ady. Là pælerendo) | Praeſ-ernogravlyratum crnore; act. PRÆ. PRÆ PRÆ Præfer-bo, pfi, ptum, böre ; act.cum gums where the sath jand. P:älēga, orum ; pl.Da.Ta TT&m acc. & dat. Cic. to write before, Præsépultus, a, um ; hurled before. go) o porch, go cavernd sorral write on the bead, o dat ons a copy, Præsoro, evi, jtum ; to low before. cloiler. to coinpoſe for one; ta ibald cut one's Præsèro, are ; to but or lose before.. Præstergus, aum, pleapjod."bufori: jer , te i frors out a line or bound... Ipfe #pocially, cum 2cc. to lay cushions and car. mihi non si præſcribat carmina Psälervio, ire; act. to do some.for: pots' rrjey 'hefert 'thi, eget come. Pbebus, Apolo' himſelf biuld not vice before it is. mjoined, : * Pseſternes id ad quod bortaris, make my verjas. * Rcus acculatori + Præfervo, are act. so prolerne , Prepira'a Smooth way to bus which prælcribit, ibi defendant 6x16pU delend. ugain ihr plusintiff. Præles, idis ; à præfideo] a licu Præftes, air a name of Minċiva. Præfcriptio, onis ; f. an order, rule, soncini, deruij, nefueril, de Præſten, içis; c. [aftola priel..pro a prelimining oxrepricn before we findor, hiper. • Pæres limita vol, ens that is so ous thors CORDS to the caufa, ihe toking for ncus, a marque's.. * Præles rérfilé leader. flopping a perceji by some previſed rum, the governor of a Bari Lo- Prestigia, arum ; f;.pl. [à præftin- plo.de un excuſa, pratenia. Averſa cus p.aſcs, A garriforur fo: rified go] juggling tricks, dole t; legerea à præliriptione rationis, contrary plain. árnain. 10 all she dieses of region. Præfidālis, le ; adj. of 4 prof.dont oi Præstīglátor. oris ; m. Piæicrpium, i ; n. a rule or direc, got'e nor. Piært:giatrix, icis m } a juggler. Ad præfcriptum agerc, to Præfidālus ûs, m., a preſident) ip.". Præftig öfus, a, um ; adj. full of co- follow another's copy. Præl-idco, odl, cflum, idérc ; neit Lining ipirksi. Præſcriptus, a, un ; part. of præ: dat. Los præ and fedeo l to have + Præftigiu, i ino; nchintment. fcribor, preferibed, opponcod. the ruls, and proleillon of, -10 pre. It Præſtigo, are; io juggle. Præsēc.o.o, tum, áre; act. to cut off fide cuer, to quarter uport, O:Vos.lt Præſtingu 0,- čre ;. ro duzzle. the 20p, farepart, or end of a thing dir qol huic ubi præfidetis,; y Præſtino, arc; act. cum acs[ad 20t. • Hoft.æ exta præfccuit,,be cus gods who are the particular gH97, ftino, i, e. ftaluoj to bargain for. out the inwards of the facrifics. dians of th:3 city. * Qui proximum U piſcium quicquid eft pre; Præſcous, a, umjpart, sul or cut off, exercitum prædrbat, who was 'cio prællinem, that I may buy up + Pæled-co, crc;ncut. 10 fit abour. commander in chief ovat the laſt all she bill in the marked as a 'cer: Prælegmen, inis ; a.a paring, Brid, Præſegnis, e ; adj. very forbful. Pizidérātio, õnis ; f. winter saimning Præit cor, öris; m. a performer, gi. + P.æsčmino, ue; to sozó before, very adrly, project. Psælděro, are ; neut. (à fidus) 20 Præſtit-uo; ut, acuin, vëre ; a&t.cum Præſens, a conful with Raffinus, and. de tempefiuous and wints-ises before acc. (of prze and ſtatuoj to wpprimat another with Albinus. ibe time. bufora, pilch ugon. Præſens,gm. tis; adj [à præ & fum) Präsidialis, lei, ads. belonging to a Preſtitutio, onis ; fi an appointing. profoni. • Mc prelenic, while I lieutmuni or deputy. Przítitutus, 2. Um; appointed, fet. was by. . In præfens, præſentla, Præſidarius,a,um; ad). of a garrison. Psæfto ; ady. here, upon the place. Ir piafent:arund, at the preſene. Militcs præſidiarll, Soldieri. in Præftò adfum. I am here in pri Animas præſcns having one's garriſons... Piæfidiaria navis, a fence. . Præfto effe, so be upon wirs about örse. * Sermo præfens, convoy. the place as an advocata or helps a diſcourla fase da fare. Vene- Præſidiācus, îs. m. e government, a!So to appear, being Juraimonid. num præſens, diſpatching poiſon. lirulenancy, prefident bien deputy: Præſto; itt, irum, and ätum, äre; • Nuinen piæſens, divine power ship.. act. io exol, sxrad, perform, war- ready to bulp. lorem prælcolem Præfidium, ilin (à præſideo] a rani, undertake for; make pied, to venire, in jurveye ih ng upon the guard, doftara, fort, Safı gward, prevent, giub, pow. Præftare plas well and locy. Przſens Prefident, place, the dangused, aliqucm, to engage for one. * P.a. pecunia, ready money, the out guards of camp. Stats ſtare aliquem in loco, is make one Præſcngo, Onls'; d. a knowing, fulle vúm. præſidium, a garriſon * In: farsh coming • Præftare fidem, ling, perieiying before, .mcis præfidiis vcrfaris, you are promidum, to be as good as ine's Præſcnſus, a, um ; perceived before. undir my defence, l'Il fusctur you. word. Pixitarc aliquem alicui Præſentāles, jum; m. life guards * Præſidio eft folitudini, 'tis good to negotio, to giur one the charge of Præſentaneus,a.un; gdj. at the pre drive away melancoly: diſpatebing a busineſs, • Præe. fent. * Venenum præſentaneum, Prældiuth, the town of Waiw.ck. ftare principca, todel or baheue polfm immediately diſpatching Præidịus. The colleague of Aferlus. himself like a princi. • Prz. Præſentārius, a, um ; ad). in pro- Præſignifico are > 10 Agnify before. staie culpro, io anſwer for a Jose. • Argcatum prælcntarium, i Przügnis, ne ; ad. very iminoni.si. fault. Pixſtare aliquem ante ready money; sabit. . Præfignis facie,exssilons ades, to lend one juff 20 tbe'door, Prælcotatio, õnis ; f. A presenting in fiäturo. * Præftare viccm alicujus rei, te Præſentia, a; f. prosince, à bring by. Præűgno, are ; to mark upon the ve. fupply the room of, or be infinad of • Præfintia animi, courage, ba. ry edge. any thing: Pæftare periculom, ving one's wils abors bim, Prze. Prasil-io,w,præfultum,ire ; [of præ to take the danger upon bimrolf. Icntiam sui faccrc, . 10 makt s pore and Silio] so spring or gusa oul. . Præftare fe incolumem, to kssp Sonel appearancs. + Prælpio, čie; a so by wife before. bimalf in good health. Præftare + Præſenitālis, lc; ad). preſent ready. Præhus, a city of the greater Myſia. quod fa&um eft impenfæ in bel Præſentia, fenfi, ſenſuu"; to bave Præsõlūlus, a, um ; adli performand lum, 10 diſebarge ibe expence of a the formi before, to perceive before. before. Animo præſenteret underpand t. Preeſpargo, 16, sum, ēre ; act. 80 Præftolans, nus ; part. Daring star. Præfentiſco, čre ; to cómo so perceive * prælpeculos , ari ; to love before. przemolatio, onis'f. e sarrying. bator band. + Präelpicio, ère ; so fu before. Præftat ; verb. imp. it is better, Präelenullimus, a, um;very effistual. Præftabilis, le ; excellor, which may Præftolor, ari ; dep. (quafi pre o. Prelen to, arc; n preſent, reprofons, be performed Itlo expecto, vel à præftojio tarny bring on before them. Præftandus, a, um , adj. to be given, for, so wait. Presepc, is ; n. 2 [à feplo).a mante Shat mult be taken upon one's fulf. Præftri&us, a, un; partà præ;: Prasēpis, is ifiseer Tibcom. Præftans, sig:5dj, ior, iftimus [à ftringor, quickly poffed by Ariskm. Præsēpium,lijn. heusi, jlwil jor presto) «xcelling, exuellent. . Pia Præltsi-ago, nxi; &um, ngère ; adt. oxan, A bricb 10 ſos ond prasa: in; Aangiflima fæminarum, ibe para. 10 gird wiih binding to bard, 10, alſo pows; and a jaw.bono. Ben of warran. , . Præftans vale ris on the fore part, to dazzle: # Prælcpelio, lic ; to bury before or tudinum, very braliby, · Aciem gladli præſtringit, bs froj. Præftantia, æ; f. xidimcy. sakes' of be edge of afwerd. Præle-plo, pire; a&t. cum acc.&dat. Przſtātio, õnis ; f...paping, fasif. • Præfringere, aciem ingenii, so Cæf. to barricade or bleek up. fying performing dull be wit, to abate 164 acuto- + Præſcpola, æ ; f. she hollow of the It Prefauro, are ; to raiſe up before. ness of it. Min. war. $ 1 PRÆ PRÆ PR Æ of our 1 Præſtrudus, a, um, part. præltra yond. contrary, tog abive, nigb. wiſe minded shm Tikes her parents Ör; Liv bu Ti before ready priparia: • Prie:er ocalos tranfeunr fancra, * Felix præterquain sui ca cn. Præitruo, Xl, Etuin : to build will ai a burying goes by cut tres or in dum quod erai, h.psy; juos only f), Mos ugs Fideni foi pæ our light. Equo ferè qui homi jór w art of your campiny ftruit, he goes himself credit for ni mo of præterque veficæ con Prictcrra-do, s, ium, dire , 28. . Aditum mortis puættraere, to verſio, a borfe was upon the point Lucr. 10 jcrape in peling: block upibe polage of death, ai man, dijales as a men, and Practervcælo, dnis, f. a fuiling by, Présūdo are, to jwiat in training more, the furning of the bladder. gui ni bayond before batlla Nemo præter me, none bur mie. Praeterveaus, a, um carried hayopd, Præful, gúlia pici præglio, vel • Præter morem civium, contrary Oratio prleteiveeta ſcopulos, an 1o'uola governor of a chur b. to ibe cujom of citizens. oration that is got lest of driptly + Praesúlātus, ūs; ; . prelasy. Praejèr , adv. Sail, morsover, püribir. or dangerous matter, Paic. à † P æfallus, a, um , adj. (à Lalūs] mort, lump Praetervčho; čre , to carry bj, besond, zery: Jali. # Preterågo, čre act to dr:ve in. Practerychi,or navibus Pialulco, are ; ncut. cüm dåt. Liv. Prierbito, are, to paſs beyond. practervehl, to fail by. * Prácter- of prae and ſalto] 'tò prance or ina! + Piætercurro, čie; to rün by. vcherc fi.cncio, not to mention at all. before, lesd, a dance, * Præıçrçurlus, a, um, part, à prae Praeterv rio, ére, to get beyond, re Præfultor, oris ; m. ibi leader of a tercurror; paid by, or beyond. prevent pretend. dance, the biof marrice, danser. Præte dūco, x!, &tum, čre ; a&. to Practer vole, āre, 10 filij begond or by. Præſultūra, ae ; f. a leading böfars. lead by, or befwg, Präetet:a, as ; f, jwall countr y nos Præſum, fui, eſte, to bi over, #Prż. Psäteroa ; ady bebidos, furthermore, far from Adria, effe quaeftioni, ft judge at a anj mora boreafuar. . Dio piæ Praetex:0, ui, tum, čre ; a&. cum trial. terea tales, iwo more such men. acc. to begin the web or work, ! Præsūmo, pfi, ptam, še: act acc Prætéreo, is and ivi, itam, ire ; border with, cover, hide alliage Cic to taka befort ..Palúmero ia. cum accuſ Tere 1084, * pafs excufos, to rank, wide., * Honeſto partes judicis, 10 eške womnium by of beind, to surpass Hæc nomine. praetexere culpam, 19 the part of a judge. Præſumere res me præteriit, I forget to fel a fair naine on a foul fan, animos, io fanily jiringly. Præ mention this. Me. præterire, . Praetexere litora relis, topsid fumcre mollitiem, to live seni. tboy have forgot v nogleAnd me. a grout fiut wsib fails along the nail , tes join, or early. * Prætcrire non potu! quin Suria craft... Difficultatis patrocinio Prælanptèedv. preciſely. berem, I could not chúra but write praetexious ſegnltiem, we fee Piæſumptio, onis ; t. ihi yaking us Præterire aliquem fuffragiis. not pleas of dificuky uport our own fancy or fröng mciit but a ining nie bis vairs.Præterire forh. Hall br; a preventing an objeäion, aliquem nobilitate, to be of a more prietexta, ze; f (fc. toga] « Ro- Præfumptor, oris; m. a prufumptuous noble bouje family. * Des, præ. m 40 child's whicé gown with a ufurer torlit, the day is part and pans. Wf of pople, as the noblemim's chil. Præfamptuālus, s, un ; a'di. Augi Præterčqui o, are Ko vidi By: dren had; ello e robe of lark. prefumpiuous. Práctercundus,, a on jeo be lot pays. Praetexāte i adv, winton!y. Prælyptus, a, ut ; [of præſumor.) Præfertëror, lacus fum, feris, padl. Practexãcus, 1; m. Plin. a young takm up before. * Opinio præ. Liv, to doled by; gor bryond. gentiemaan. Tümpia, a fancy takon wo befori. Pæferfluo xi, xup, čre ; neut. 80 Praetexātus, ti smo thi colleague of Præſmo, ere; so sow before, ar firp. How bi pojaway, : Sino præ:er. Atticus. Prælappono, ērc, act. preſuppoſe. Aue , i latihan bave iheir courſe. Praetexātus, a, um ; adj. waaring Prälu.go, čre i ro rifo before. Præter-geo, Si, ſun, göre; & cum gown with a purple lace on it; ab. Prælus, a city of Crete. acc, Lpor. w wipe or jou brofily, jo debsubed, objasni, and jonne- Präesūtus, a, um, part. præſuor, Præteigredior.greffus fum, di; dep. times chafe and honet. Praetex- Ovid. frwed hefore or abrui. !! 89 boond. talus affecla, a 281 of honour. Prætěgo, xi, tam, to cover uir. Præterhac, } ady. Plaut, morcová; • Pra:textata verba, buudry, Prácendo, di, rain, čre; ad. Plin. Prætcrhæc, more af:this: Praetextum, i; n. l á colourable ex. I pur a couerlei ove püe a fair Præterinquiro, čre ; act. A. Marc. Praetextus, ùs ; m., suſiprelmse, miedo.on a foul infide, to make a to mguire lurther cloak. fair diw of.' . Prætendere cau. Prætcritlo, õnis ; f. an overpaling. Praetextus, a, um past. à praetegor, fam, so.give one that for the cauſe. Prætěrītus, a, pin ;, pa't. præte. bordered. Toga praetexia, the : * Segedi prætendere sepem, 10 seo, pally gone, diad, repül fed. häbis of nobletres children till birder the coin with a hodge, Præteslabor, plus famibi; dep. Tacal sountern, and of city magifrases. . Marti prætendere, wuros, to to hide by. • Fabulæ or comoediae praetextæ, fight wiebin the wall... Piæ Præterlätus, a, um, part, a præter: plays where the ſcore was Rome ; iendere auribus, to lopubs rare. labor, puled by, gotien beyond. and great per farsi reprefented. Prae- Prætčner, a, um ; adj; uang aider. Præterluo, ère ; ncut. to overflow, teätum templum Augufti nomine, Prætensūra, æ ; f. a proiending; alfo Piatermico; are ; ncut. to pass to: a semplo dedicaiid 10 Augustus. o garriſon is foldiers. and fr, by, full by. Practim.co, ère ; n. dat. io frar ex- Præsentarus, a, um, part. à præ. Prætermiffio. Ons is. páling over. widingly, sibi practimei, be foars teatóry tried beforia alloyd Præretmi-tro; fi, flom, tère; to paſs befori hand, lo hi pould miſcarry, Prætentārus, as ; a. a tryir, groping oper, wvi, forget Præloral + Practime{co, čre ; ncut. to begin orifiding before tere Glentio, to! Nie. Præter to be afriad. Prætcnto, ire, azt. cum ace: & abl. miitere tempestatea, so Hay sill Prictin&us, a, um ; part. a practė. @v!d. to try, or farl befort, to ory. the form be over. * Heredišátem gor, dipped or sprinkled firſ Pedibus prætentat iter,herradi præter ältere to Be an issulor | + Practingo, xl,"ctum, gere; act, gingerly wib one fros fij. M- Jaip 80 Prætermittere fcelus, cum accor dip . fericordiam judicis prætcntare, riot 10 ná a vilding. . Prætermit? + Practiuni, 11 ; black hellebore. go" ſollicit the judge's companion be terç, peenan, to, parden an offense. Rractond-co, ērc i act. cum acc, jora band, Poufcę præientare, Prætercionſtro, are to pass by, or Apul. to clip or bear before, chordas, to sung ihi Aringi Wlib mnd some other thing, how orbir. Practor; öris;m. Liv.[a praefum vel me's thumbs before band. wife ebari one's duty requires. pracco) the Roman lord juflice of Prætęptūra, æ ; f. a covering, $ Præternāvigātlo; önis; f. a sailing the common pleas. Prietor Ur- cification. . * Præteaturæ, soldiers beyond. banus, the nayır, • Praetor pro- in front garriſm. t Praeterävigo, arg, to fail beyond. vincialis, ihosomriff. Praetor Prætentus, a, um, part of.prætendor + Prætoro, rivi, itum, čre ; aet. fiſcalis, A jufice of the king's bewib. covered, pur before or again, cu an "acc. 10 wear, frut, rub before, • Praetor fidei commiffarius, a Prætčnuis, e; adj. misrding thin. Præterproptèr ; adv. striibout, for maſter of the cb:incary. Practor Fila præienala, very fine ihreads. Anghar caur than. militaris, a captain gmeral. Prætěp-eg, ére, to be warm before. Præterquàm, ady ; exispl, beides, Praetorta, ae ; f. a prátorfip. PRÆTER, Præp. fërt, accor. Liv. but. Quæ propter fapit quam Praetorta Augusta, s city of Dacia, bolides, *cups, Quor and above, br. plácet parentibus; who is achier. called Braffuw. Practab the dyos. PRÆ PRA PRE Prætorianus, a, um ; ad). of the Praeverblum, il; n. & propofition in having dined, life-guard. . Prætoriani mltes, compoſition. Pras, & city of Perrhebla. guards always attend ng n thug Praeverno, āre; to make a forwara + Pralemus, i ; m. a dream neral. • Prætoriana comitia, a pring. Praha, æ; f. á place where luks or ſembles for cofing a pretor. Praeverto, ēre ; a&t. 2 ta prevent, out- other berba grow. Præõrit us, a, um; of the mayor. Praevertor, i ; dep. } Anp. put be- Prafias, a maro meor the mantain Prætorium, ii ; n. the general's fent ; fore, anticipata, obviate, to profer Obelus, where the Pæones inha- a commeil of war, a court-martial; before. Praevertere ferlò quod bit. farmor a70 boule, palace or dictum eft joco, I take in carne Prafii, 4 pouple of India. ball what was ſpoke in je • Praever- Prafinus, a, um ; ad). Irek-colour'd, Praetorium, il; n. a city of Upper tere animum, to work upon the mind, grum. Pannonia ; alf Coventry, or Pa- 10 win it. Praevertere al quem Prafinus, the barle of Commodus, trington in Yorkſhire. prae republicâ, to boem and va who built a fiately comb for his in Praetorius, a, um; d) of the lord jul lue e perfin more than the common the Vati an. tice or general. Cohors praetoria, wealth. + Illus praeve tamor, let's Prafina factio, that party in the Cir- the life guard • Porta prætoria mark or obſerve the fir. Manda cenfian games, wbo wert - gruen the gate for drawing out a war. tis rebus praeverti volo, I'W do livery. Puppis praetoria, the admiral: ſhip. what I was bid firji. Prafium, ii; n. the herb burebound. Vir p actor us, one that bas been Praevertor, črls, 1 ; par to be done Prafius lapiss a green-coloured Bone. chief magtBrate under the cenu, firl, or before any other thing, to be Pralocurides, little green warms either in civil or military affairs. turned out, to be prevented, or ob which ear late-bladis, &c. Praetorqueo, ere; act. to wreji before viated. Prafoidos, a kind of topaz. Ir very much. Praevčt-o, ol, itum, āre ; to forbid Prafon, a kind of Jei-weed as green Praetortus, a, um ; part, very much before. 43 a leck, awry. + Praevidentia. æ; f. a freueng. Paffebl, people of Theſprotla. Practracto, are act. to handle before. Praevideo idi, ilum, ere; a&. cum Praflaai , i; n. a promontory of Æthopia, + Prætrépido, are ; neutro tremble + Praevi-ncio, nxi,nctum, acère; act. Praftillus or Craft llus, a city of Ma- before or very much. to bind before cedonia, Praetrépidus, 2, um; adj. trembling Praevinctus, a, um ; part, bound be- Praſutagus, i; m, a king the for fear, fort. Igneti, wbo mads Nero beir with Praetrunco, are ; act. 1. lap away the Praevio, are; to paſs before, bis daughter. top or forepari, ta curtail. Praevifio, ons; f. a forekybt. Pratellum, i; n, [a pratum] the Prætuli. Su præfero. Pracvilo, čre; act. to forejer, defra berb melilot. + Practèmeo, ére; Z to fwell out to fee. Prātenfis, e; ad), wild, growing in + Praetumeico čre; } very much. Praevifor, oris ; m, a forufer. the fields or meadows. Praetumidus, a, um ; ad). ſwelling Praeviſus, a, un ; part. of praevl. Pratitæ, or Paredoni, a people about out very mu b. dcor; foreſeen. the Hyrcanian . † Practundo, čre ; to break in pietas. Pracvicio, are; act. cum accuf. to Pratoſis, is; f. the landing out of Praetūra, a; f. á mayoralty, jufiica corrupt, raviſh, poifon before. jbip or ganter alfbip. Praevius, a, um , adj. (à via) going Prātulum, i; n, a little meadow or P.actufium liin. a town of Picenum before, loading the way. clofe. Praevalentia, ae ; f. ex ellen... Praeumbro, are ; act. to overſhadow, PRATUM, 1; n. (apejua, Héb. Praevălco, ēre; neut. to be of greater + Praevo ito, are ; to fly often before bara, ager) a meadow, paſture. value, frengebor power. Praevolo, are; Plaut. com dat. to Pravè, crookedly, croſsly, untowardly. Praevăleſco, čre; neut. to come 10 By before. Pravitas, ätis ; f. crookednes, croſs- be to drong Pracū-ro, fli, ftum, rère; a&t. to burn maſs, frowardneſs, fullennes. • Cor. Praevalide; ady.very rongly or feutly. the lap or end, to burn before. poris pravitates, the disfigurements Praeválidos, a, um; ad), very power- Praeuftos, 4, um; part. à praeuror; of the body. erfil, mighty er potent. burnt at the point or round about. PRAVUS, a, um; adj. and iffios; Praerallo, are ; act. to make a trench, Praedt; adv. even as, like as. Hoc [a mapat, præter) crooked, bowed, or fortif before. nihil eft praeut alia dicam, that is naugbiy, froward, croſs, fullen, ill- Praerăricatio, onis ; f. a falſe plead nothing to orber things that I can Conditioned • Pravis obnoxlus, ing, a betraying the cauſe which we lay. bao ng ill qualities, undertake. Praga, the metropolis of Bohemia. Proxaſpes, æ; m. a noblomon of Per- Praevăricātor, oris; m. be that pleads Pragma, ätis ; n, an att or buſineſs. fia, who by the king's command flew faljly, me that is feod en beth fide, Pragmăticum, i; n. a publick att Smerdis the brusher of Cambyſes. one that betrays the caſe be under- Pragmaticus, a, um ; adį skilful in Praxeas, en beretick of Aſia, wbe do- takes. tbe law, nied the diflin&tion of perſons in Praevăricor, āri; dep. cum dat. to Pragmaticus, i;m. an attorney. the Timty, and was anſwered by Tertullian. balra, a caule,to plead faldly, to bring Pramntum vinum, good back wine arguments that m.ke for the adverfi of Smyrna Praxidice, ês ; f. tbz sober of Cra- party. Praevaricati accufatori v1- PRANDEO, di and fus fum, ere ; gus, who gave new to a mountain debatur, it ſeemed to make for the neut, cum accuf. viaûs à gads of Lycia. accufer. Dor này, vel év:O) to dine Prax:lla, æ; f. a portefs of Slcyon, Praevatus, a, um ; falſe, irregular. Prandere lufcintas, to bave night who in het verſes brings in Adonis Praevectus, a, um, part. à praeve- ingale for dinner. a ked tobat he left upon the earth, hor; carried or riding before Prandicūlom, i; n. 7 a breaktop or and anſwering, Solem, cucumeres, Praevě ho, xi, &tum, here; act. cum Prandiõlum, i; n. 3 short dinner. & mala, wbude ſeemd. abſurd, accuf. to carry before or forf. Prandium, ii; n. [à prandco] a din that it poffed into a preverb, Stu- + Praevehor, i; pafl. to ride before. ner. Prandium caninum, a dry pidior Praxilla Adonide. Praevello, čre; act. to pluck before. feaft. Prandium pafferinum, a Praxilus, 1 ; f. & city of Macedonia. Praevēlo, are; act. cum accuf. 10 poor pitlance. * Prandium ftata Praxilius, a, um; ad) of Praxillus. mask, wil, cuver tbe fare, rium, ſnatch and arday. Praxion, an bilerian who wrote of Praerēlox, ocis; ad), sxceeding Swift + Prandiuſculum, iz n. ſmall din Megara. Praevěnio ēni, ntum; a&to prevent, Praxis, cos ; f. praffite, adion. come or go before. Nuncios praeve Pransito, áre; to dine often, to make Praxitčles, a; m. an art famous nire, to out-run the news or me- a part d nner of. Polenta a prar fer grau ng in marble; be carved Jengar. fitare, fo dins upon white-put. Venus of Cnidos and Cos, jo szcel- Praeventio, onis; f. prevention. Pianfor, oris ; m. a dinner, or ester Jently, thet it brought abundance of + Praeventores, um; pl. m. fol. of dinners; one invited to dinner. ponple to thor iflands te behold them. diers in particular poes from the + Pranforium, ii; n. a dining room + Precabundus, a, um ; musb given main body, Pransörlus, a, um ; ad), of a dinner. to prayor. + Paeventus, a, um, part prevented. Pranſus, a, um, part. (a prandeo] + Précāmen, inis; A. & prayer. Pre. TOT. (6) N Coront. PRE PRI PRI Précandus, a, um ; to be catreated. to ſerve your lull. Nihil magis Priapoanelus, i; m. an iſland in 264 + Précanter, adv. by entreaty & from preffi, I urged nihing with greater Cēramick gulf Precario; 3 tbe good pleaſure of vehementy. # Premere lauces alt- Priāpusi; m. the son of Bacchus ansther. cujus defenfionis, to make any one's and Venus, the god of gardens and Precarius, a, um ; adl. obtained by delence inequal. bauns. begging, depending on the pleojueve Premor, čris, i ; paft to be maighed Priāpas, izm the city of Lap'y in of another. «Precarium imperium, down, so be preſſed or oppreſſed, to Priāpum, 1gn. Myfia, by the a government during iba pleajure of be pinched;[met. joverborne, geled, Hellefpont. the ſubjea or infied on, to be urged, to be im- Prāpusi; m. a mari's yard. Precātio, onis ; f. a praying portuned. PRIDEM; ady, a good while finte.. Precatiuncula, æ; f. abort prayer Prendavefii, a people of Dacia. Non ita pridem, not very long fence. of peltion. Prendo, ère; act. ta estch. Su pre- † Prides, is; f. the filb prawn. Precâtor, oris ; m. a putter up of hendo. Pridrānus, a, um ; adj. of the fore- Precatrix, icis; f. 3 prayers, a pe- Prensātio, õnis ; f., a laying buld, going day. titioner, canuoffing Pildie; adv. (q. priori die, the day Precător:us, a, um ; adj. of prayer. Prenſo. Sve prehenſo, &c. before. Pridie quam pater mor Precatus, a, um, part. having prayed. Presbyter, eri; m, a wrifler, tem obiit, the day nefore his father Précātos, ùs ; m. prayer, 4 Tegu. elder died. Uſque ad prid è Cal. Maias, Precian,pl. m. a people of Aquitain. Prcabytěratus, As; ma. elderſeip, pries till the laſt of April. pride Piccioſos, a, um , adi praticus, desr. brod . idus Sept. on the twelfth of Sep. Preeis, peci, precem, [of the old no Presbytérium, ii; n. an elderſhip, tember minatus prex] u prayer, petition, 1b ollombly of elders or minifiar's Priene or Palathia, arity of Ionia, mtreaty, * Picces dare alicui, to and ecclefajiral officers for church between which and Milet og the ri- entraat of beogeb any im. afairs. ver Mæander fall into the fer. Precium, il; n. the price or value of Preſsātus, a, um ; part. à preffor; PrlenenGs, e; ad). Priene. Prie- any thing. &u pretum. Irodden decor, oppreſſed. necfis juſtitia, rigbreces judgment, Precivus, a, um, ad).murrey celeur'd; Preſse, ady closely, fubfiantially. from Bias, wbs toas burn in this alſo roth-ripe. Preflion, $ Preſsè loqui, to ſpeak Precios ir m. a lake of Hetruria, murb in a little. Peillapum, i; n. a city of Macedonia. called alfo Preling Preflius, adv. sere cloſely. Prile or Aprilis, 4 river and lake of PRECOR a.; dep. astos ú gouet, Preffo, are ; to prea cloſe or hard, to Hetruria. vel ab Heb. bnd, benedixt] 10 Jqwerkt. Prima Juftiniana, - city of Macedo- Pray for or againſ, reg. acc. &dat. Preſsõrium, li; . a preſs for cloaths. nia talled L'Ocrida. perf. t. pray unto, reg. duplicem Preſsorius, a, um ; adj. of er for Primæ, arum; pl. f. the chief praiſe, accuſ. • Læta præcari alicui, to preffing. * Vas prefforium, & vat. the prizi. Primas ferre or to- wife one proſperity. - Alicui dira Preſsura, æ ; t. a proffing or Brain. nere, to cear the bell away. Pri- precari, 1o curſe me. • Precar ing mas da e or concedere, to yield one Deos bonas preces, to put sep prayer. Prenus, a, um, part. of premor pre-eminence, precedente, or priority. To the Gids for good. prefjed, compa&t. kotil, kept loſe. Su primus. Précula, a; f. a ſmall requel Preffi cop:a la&tis plenty of chefe. Primævus, a, um, adj. [à primus & Prehen-de. dt, fun, děre; adt. [qu. Preffo grada incedere, to tread ævum, in the flower of one's age. prenendo, vel à prendo) to carib, fure. • Qus in explicandis fen- Primani, orum; pl. m. the foldiers fake hold of, lelicit. Præhendere tentiis preffior? who is not cole, of the prfi legion. dextram, to take by fba band, Jbuke folid, and fubiantial in laying dozun Primārius, a, um: adj. cbief in dig- bunds. ſentences ? Prefiis modis, leiſuri muity, animal. • Cives primarii, + P chenſatio, õnis; f. e canvafing, ly. Preftis manibus tenere, 19 per fons of quality. of uing for veices in sanding for an hold fajt. Preffa eft infignts glo- Primas, atis ; m. a nobleman. office ria faci, the glory of that poble ac- Primātus, üs; m. pre-eminence, ſu- Prehenfio, onis; f. a taking, holding tien wos deprelud. P7liay. Preffus, is; me prefling down hard. Primicerius, il; m. [à primus.& Prehenſo, are : 2 a&. to catib af. Preiter, ērs, m. a pery ferpent ; aljo cera, the firſt upon the life of any Pienſo, are; Prenſareconfilium, a hurricane officer; a sbief fecretary, a principal. to jisik coa in t king an) ceunel. - Pretior, ari ; dep. to volue, prize Primigenius, a, um ; 2 adj. principal, Dextram prenſare, to get one's band Prčtiosè, adv. richly, preciouſly. Primigenus, a, um ;) frj-born, eri- in pomije of a voice and fillance in Pretiositas, ātis; f. preciom neſs. ginal, primitive. Pecuaria pri- fuing for a plore. Pretiofus, 2, um ; adj. precious migenia, cattle fit for breeding. Prehenſus, a, um; 2 part. prehen cbargeable, cofily, . Pretlolas emp Dies primigenius, s birth day. Prenlus, a, ; dor; caught, ter, one that buys a thing at a dear Primipăra, æ ; f. ſhe that is brought ſurpriſed. Prehenſus fut ma rats. • P.etiofi faporis, of a de to bed of ber firlit child. nifefti. ratbed in the dry ait. licate fajie, † Prinipeta, ae; c. one that ſeeks PRELUM, 1; n. Se prælum. PRETIUM, li; n. [à mgaw, vendo, the fieji place. PREMO, ffi, ffam, mere; act. 10 yel a piacial, emoj price, bire, rea- Primipilaris, e ; adj. of the firf cap. pra's, bear down, follow cloje, to bite dy money, gain ; uljo 4 prizi. * Lain of a legion in, keep close or mober, bus up, Homo haud magni pretii, aman Primspilatus, ùs ; n. the frf captain- drive, fggravate, to infft sarnoly, not mb to be valued. Germa ſhip. * Premere fulcoin, to print a fur nico pretium fuit convertere ag- Primip:lns, i; m the firf cap. • Ab ædibus premere, to men, was werth Germanicus's 10 Primipilaris, is; tain of a legion, Thruſt out of doors, Imperio pre bour to marib back. Corticis ad Primiplarius, 11; who had be merc, 10 krep under, *Nequid con medicamenta eft pretium, the rina charge of tbs jandard and four ful auſpicii premat, lo he conful of it is very good in medtestes, Pug hundred men. bould reerve ſome probibition upen næ pretium, that which they foughi Primipotens, ntis; adı, of chief power. fremce of an augury. Premere for the woeger er flure. • Pretium Primis, 4 city of Ethio- Virgulia, to jel young plants, * Pre facere alicui rei, to jet a price or Primm's, pla. mere propofitum, to keep firm ona value on a thing Primiter ; adv. firji of all. Sre primò. conjtent to one's puephe. Tumentia | Prčitus, a, um ; adj. early ripe. Primitiae, arum ; pl. f. the pri premere to toke down /wallings. Prex, écis, prayer. See precis. fruits, the bandjel. Prinitiae Ære alieno premi, to be drop in Priamējus, a, um ; adj. of Priamus, debt • Facta premunt annog hi. Priælus, i; f. a city of Crete. Primitius, a, um ; adj. Fored up as étionis furpajs bis years. Mam Pramus, i, m. for of Laomedon, and the first of any profit l'orris pri- nam premerc, 16 fuck. Viten kmg of Troy, in whoje time the city mtus, a brand offered up at the premere falce, to prune the vine, wus jacked by the Greeks. felling of a coppire. Premere veftigia, to dip, fena fill, Priapimts, 1; m'a aiſiale cauſing Primitivus, a, um, adj. primitive, to follez ct iha beels. Illius ux lujifulneſs, an extenfier or eredi 107 orem preififti, yet mede bis wife of iba yard. Primitùs; ādy from the firfi, beretofore, † Pi Tow. young vine branches, original 3 PRI PRI PRO + Primivirgius, ii; m, the king's afh. Priola, ae ; f. a city near H raclea. Pritis opinione adero, I will Prior, us ; adj. comparat. (à prae, here before I in leol'd for. Primò, adv. Ter.fire of all, at the vel à cagiv, priua the former. Ne. Pr.ufquam ; adv. Cc before, om be- que prius negre antiquus habuit, fore th: - Pralquan unciplas Primodum, adv. juft at the very firdi. neiber did me bercely or highly coniulto opus eft, ibre ir nera of Primogë itus, a, um , adj. for burn. efleur is. Subft. * Prores noftri, good deliberation before you fall on Primordialis, e; ad). original. our encaflors ar pradecells. Pri- PRIVUS a um; ad). Liv. Cab Hcb. Primordium, 1, n. Pin the rile, be ores alleai deferre, to give the upper parang, abſt--xit, ons stor in par- band or pre edency ticar. ginning, original. • Belli primor- # Pr.V.S tunicis donati dia, the grounds of a wir. Prorsum ady. La the farmer part milrtes, the ſoldiers 2018 tewarded Primāris zdj. def [ primus]the fore-Priſca, ac, f. and Maximilla, 1203 with a coat a pis e. mo), uimet, uppermot. Primores, fallorophaelles, and whares of the PRO, praep. ferv. abl. for, on account Ana primores viri, zaoblemen perjona be asck Mononus of, as a pri'e or rorompere; for, in of the greateſt quality. .Primores di- Priſce; ady. Cic. anciently, after the faveur of fou, inlend of as the giti, the tip of the fingers or toes. old fafbien. manner of acarding tesbeefore, as be- Dentes primores, the foretreib. Prildianus Caeſar'enfis, & grauma fore a place: m pive, with repet • Primoribus labiis geftare, to Fan wobo flourfbed as Athens under to, in compariſon of by te zjon of, in kiſs the tug, touch lightly. Juftinian defence oft Qai que pro fe, every Primula, a; f. [íc. vers) a prim- Priſcilla, ac ; f. the wife of Aquila one his utinoff. Pro curia, in the 70ja, or datfy. Ponticus open fenste. *Pro t-banali aparthe Primúlum, ady. Plaut, ot 18e , by Priſe'nus, 1; m. a Roman conſul. berb. Pro meis viribus, according depures PRISCUS á, um: adj. Cic. [å wpis 10 my most fregib. Pro caftris, Primulus, a, um, ad). Plaut, the very prius] anujeas, old. basre the camp - Pro eo eft ac fi • Primulo diluculo, at iba Prifcus, i, m. 2 hustlan (Murtlal.) non adh b'tus effet, it is all one as Dery peep of day. Priſcus Helvidios, freajurer of Achaia if he had not bees amplayed. Pro Primun; adv. fort of all, Ut prl- under Nero. meâ parte adjuvl, I liked as far mùm, as om as ever. auit boh ued Priſcus Panites, a fophiffer under Po portione, Primus, 1 ; m, a bijep of Alexan. Theod, fius Junior pro ra â portione, proportionab!. Aria, A. D. Tic. Priftinus, a, um, adj. Curt. (a priſ. * Pro meo. tuo, fuojure, lazully, PRIMUS, a, um ; adj fuperl. à cus] of former mes, on jent, old, of right, as I. &c. might very well. præ, prier. Cic. fir, Chiefej. A Priftis, e, f the jb grumpus al Pro; adv. [topp! before, forward. primo, from the beginning, afier a frigate fapıd fits thet fijh. Pro ; interl. ob; Ste proh. wards. • Primi juvenum, the Privana, ntis; adj. pru tive, contrary, Pronerelius, li ; m, a young man of choice and flower of the yeuth, Private, adv. Cic. privately,parsi Cæſarea, who came to Antioch to • Anni primi, the years of infancy Pavatim, 3 cularly, upon one's sw bear Ulpianus, and became bis and child bood. Primis lab is pul account, in the particular. * Publi. sbief ſchlir. tare, jufl to wet one's lips. - Quae cè privatimque alicno ære oppref- Proagogium, ii; n. wharedom, tibi putâris prima, what you took fua greatly in debi, both on the pri- Prožmita, re; f. a great aunt. for ſpecial god. * Partes prica, vate and publik fcore. Proane @s; f a city of Thefialy. the pc-eu.inense. . Primas agere, Privātio, onis; f Cic. a depriving, Proarna, ae; f. e city of the Mellerfes. to have the longest part in a play. rentoval, Doloris privatio, at I'roaucior, oris, m. the ch of au • Primo quoque tempore, at the free ng, or freedom from poi. + Proactor, $thor or antrofor forff opportunity • Primâ fpecie, Privātivus, a, um ; ad). Gell priva Generis p.oautor, the top or bord at fout. Pr mis tenebris, in the true, depriving of one's family. duk of the evening. Privātus, a, um, adj. Cic. Cà privus] Provia, ac; f. a great grand-motber. Py nastus, 1; f. a city of Caría. private, particull to proper Do. Prošvitus a, um adj. Ovid. deſcending Princeps, ipis c. Cic. [à primus & mus privata, a ſubjeci's boule. Ho from the great grand-Father. cap o ve! crput] of bigbut dig- mines privati, men out of plate or Proavunculus, ; m. the great grand- nily. Locus princeps, the upper cathority. Privati jedices, infe- mother's braiber, the great g7148- 205044 place, Qi princeps nun- rior courts of judice. clum attulit, he that brought the Privātus, a, um, part. Ovid. of pri. Prošvus, i, m. Cic. a great grand- news firſt of all. # Princeps in ſe vor ; deprived, berefe. Lumine pri father natu, a president or Tpeaker in par vatus, blind. Stigendio privatus, Proba, õrum; n. effuys ar fhews. liamentPrincipes in acie, the having his pay flopped. + Proba, ae ; f. a proof. funtpie. foldiers in the fore-front, • Princeps Privatus, ùs; m. Tert property. Probabi is, ez ad). Cic. probable. menfis, January Privernum, i, n. a city of Italy. • Probabilis orator, an indifferent Princeps , ipis; 6. Cic. a prince or Privernates, am; pl. m. ibe peuple princeſs alſo a title of the Roman of Privernum. Probabilitas, ātis; f Cic. probability, amperor's + P.iverus, a um; ad). pripale, Prosābilitèr , adv. Cic. prahtbly. Principālis, e, ad). principal, of or for Privigna, æ; f. Cc. Bep daughter, Próbat a, ae; f. a riur of Boeotia. prince all of a principal daughter in law, a daughter by a Probaticus, a, uin: adj. of Jisrep. Principālitas, ātis; f. princip.livy. former marriage. Probāto, onis ; f. Cic. a proving, Princ pålitèr, ad Pl. jun princi- Privignus, i, m; Tert. [à prac&gig approu ng . Implere probatio. pelly. like a pr ne. no e llep-fon, or ſon-in-law, alſo sem, to make our fully wha; uns 18- Principatus ùs ; m. Cic. preropative, a for by a former marriage tends to erade, principality, and fupremary. Prin Privilegiarus, a, um, adj. enjoy- Próbator, oris ; m. Cic. an approurr, cipatum fententiae tenere, to deli ing an imminun ty or protsalen. M alleur, 4 trier ver bis op nion for lies privileg arii, folders exempt Probatoriac arom; f. pl. Pancir. pa- Principia, orum ; n. pl. Col. the from bearing civil ebarges or offices, tents for the sak ne of offers. obofe place. • Pr ncipia in ca+ Pr vilegio, are ; to privilege. Probatus, a, um; P&A Cic. pro- ftris, the bead quarters. '. Princi Privilegium, i; n Cic. (à privas& ved, tried, allowed. Probatuffima pia in fronte, tbe vun guard. lex) e privilege, sxemption, prero foemina, e mol virtuous lady: Poft principia, isibe rear-guard, geriut, e particular law. Prõbe; adv C.c. wel, nigbszy, honet- sut of burn's way Prium, a river of Arabia Felix, and # Tenere aliquid probe, to Principi l/s, e; adj Lucr. of the a montam of the iſland Caex. knew any ib ng coeli. prince, prinsey, chof. Privo, are at. cum accus, & abl. Problanus, i; m. a Roman conjul. Principio, adv. Ter. in the beginning, [à privas) to deprius. * Ego por Probins, i, m. a Roman conful. at iba fire of all Principio ut, titorin privabo portitorio, Prob tas, ts; f. L. honely atque as Joon as ever. make the Jerry-raan go w then bis Problier ; adv. bonelly. See probè. Principium, il;n Ovid. a begin fregbt. Privare vità, to kill. Problēma, ats; n. Cic. a proolemi ning, proela, erigiral. • Artis ► Privandum eft co para motu, a quajsen, or work proposaded to principia, the principles, funda: we zull deprive bodies of motion. 73 artt. mentals, or maximus of an art Priùs, adv. Cic. (à prior before. Poblematicus, a, um , adj. of 4 Principior, ari , dep. to bar rule. Priùs orto lole, before sun-rijing pr.Blora (6) N 2 Probo, n. Orator, • In pro- Tan. to PRO PRO PRO Prób o, are ; act. Ovid. to prost, to vel à pré you, primas tenco brack fre labour to pleaſure approve, to allow, to try to make ets or corses in build ng ; alfoz clivi eft, it is mot say and ready to appear Se pro eunucho proba blemen and governors. be dine re, to make believe be it an sunub. Procer tas, ātisf. length, fallneſs. Proclivitas, ātis; f. Clc. peepneſs, • Probare boves, to try the ozon, + Procēri er ; ady, tally, largely. proneneſs. Probare fe omnibus, to get the good t Procerpo, ére, to pull in pieces. Procliviter, adv. prontly, down-bill- word of all people. Tuo ex in- Procerulus, a, um, ad) forinewhat ward. genio alienos mores probas, you Proclus, 1; m. a prophet, who foretold resſure abar men's corn by your PROCERUS, a, um ; adj. Vir.] spo the death of Dom tian; a biſhop of ozon bulbul. Lebens) tall, well-growr. Conftantinople, and a famous ma- PROBOSCIS, idis ; f. [apo Gooxis) Proceflio, onis; f. Apul. proceed. thanat cian the trunk of an elepbind. ing, furces, a proceffin. PROCO, are, 2 [a precor,velargas, + Probro, are ; ta reproach Proceffus, as ; m. Cic. a pafingoa, PROCOR, arl, 3 dos t1 was, to de- + Probrose ; ady. Teprosthfully. proceeding, ſucce's, . Proceffum ha. mand, to dally, to bebeld wantonly, Prohrõlus, a, um ; ad). Cic. reproach bere in litteris, to be a notable pro to flatter ful, dofam ri, roiling, fic ent in learn ng. Procceton, an ant shamber PROBRUM, i, n. Ter. Cà apsupépw Proceftrium, ; n. Plin. (a proce. Proconncfus,au Mland of Propon- objico) e reprosath jeandal, dif do, vel a caftrig) an open place a tis, malled allo Neuris und Ela- honefly, vil ainy Datum eft pro guller) to gº from one chamber to phonocius, and now Marmora. bro, it was objreted in reprob. another. Proconfal, dis; m Cic. a proconfult • Epiftolæ plenæ proborum, let. Prochirus, i, m. a dark or feribe of a the conjul's deputy, ihu lieutenant-go- ters full of reproashful teras. Ne quick running band. vernor of a provnice, mo id probro ducet Alcmena, no Procident a, æ ; f. Plin. a falling | Proconsúlāris, e; adj. Gell of a de- bedy will fcandalise Alcmena fur downward • Procidentia {cdis, puty or governor tbat, the coming down of the fundament. Proconsula us, Os; m Plin. 4 depu Probus, i, m. the name of ſeveral con- Prochyra æ;fen iſland of Campania. ty/bup or pruemnul's office. fuels ; ello e martyr under Genſeri. Proci da, di, cafom, döre ; ncut. (of Procopius, ji; m. an orator of Caeſa- cus; alſo a Roman emperor,and pro and cado) to fall all along, rta; lo a igrant of Conftantinople; Frimmirian who taught at Rome Prociduus, a um ad). Pin fallen and others. PRÕBUS a,um; ad). Plaut. (or perw] down, or opt to fall down. Procraſtinatlo, õnis ; f. Cic. e put- true, right, found, benef, gond, vir- Procl co, es ; a&t. to call forth aloud. ting full tomorrow. TILOS, ex elmt. Procillus, li; m. learned gramma Procraftinātus, a, um ; part. a pro- + Proca, æ; f. Cal. a fawn. Craftinor; put off till tomorrow. Prăcăcitas, ats; f. Cic huug bii Proclais.a cilp of India within Ganges. Procraſtino are ; a&t Cic [a cras] nafs, domineering, fornfulneſs, 17.- Procin&us, us; m. Quint. the intr to put of ti z tomorrow, to defer. laperinos. tary girding for a bigla In Procreātio, on!s; f. Cic. a begetting. Procaciter ; adv. Liv. malapertly, procinatu facere, to huddle a thing Procreatõr, oris ; m, Cic. a begeitar ſcornfully. upon the marcb. In procinatu • Procreator mundi, the Supreme Procas, a king of the Albani, the fa. habcre, bave in readings. Being ther of Amuliug and Numitor • In procincta stare, to stand so Procreātrix, icis; f. Cic. a brader, + Procraftrum, t; n. the gasehouſe of one's m. mother, dan a caffle Procinctus, a, um ; part. of procin - Procreātus, a, um, part. produud. Procax, ācis ; adj. Ter. malapert, gor; prepared, ready. Claffes Procrco, arc; to beget, to raije, or baughty, dominering, fconful, wan procinctæ, companies ready girt 16 coule. • Procrcare liberos, to bado • Aoftri procaces, ibe loud fall on, it to receive the tharge. iffue Tufling fouth winds. Procin.go, xi, aum, göre ; at. Procreſco, čre ; neuf. Lucr. to grow Procedens, tis part à procedo, I'v. gird for the bat:le, to prepara. upwards, or in length. going on • Proceden'e die, to- + Procino, čre [of pro end cano] to Procris, the wife of Cephalus, whom wards noon. • Procedente tem fing ploud. he few with his dart, thinking be pore, in progres of time Pro io, ire; act. Feft to call aloud, bad been a wila beal. + Precedentia, jum; pl. n. the pra ta di annul. Procraftes, ae ; m, a famous orator ullus in ines Procito, are, to provoke or call often. in Att ca. Proce-do, fli, flum, děre; neut. Liv. Procitos.a um, part of procior; di/- Prõcăbītor, oris ; m. Feft. be that to proceed, to go forth, to come to annulied. Teftamentum proci zoatebas, lying before the tent of an wards an onill, to go on its courſe, tum, a will publi kly declared wid. offer, or in the outworks of a camp to make a prografs, to arrive. # Cau- Proclāgātlo, onis; f. Quint, a pro or leaguer. ia poced the cauſe gees foirly claw trom, a publick outury, Procubo, are, to bow forward, lie all Ed info ent proseſſit, be Procāmātor, Ors, m. a publifher. aleng, lis in the out-guards. came to th-t pite of arregency. • Proclāmo, are ; act, Liv. to proclaim, Procu do, fi, fun, to grind, or beas Ubi plerumque noais proceflit, cry publiekly out, to bring forib, coin, invent. when the relt part of the n gbt was P:ocle, és ; f. a city of Lydia. • Procudere dolos, to batch lyes. fpent. Procedent ft pendia m-Procles, æ;m. the brother of Euryft. Procul, adv. (a procelio) far, afar litum, the ſoldiers pay goes on. hcnes, who all their life-time ba. eff. Procul hinc, get you away In philofoph a proccdit, bu is a ted one another; aſo un biſforian of from bence. * Procu! alliteris, ul- gond pbstoje bar for the time. Iræ Carthage. farly unlearned Procul muros, long'ùs procedunt, they are at dag- Proclidae, a Laconian family, called a great way about the walls. Pro- gari drawing c!o Euryt onidae. col ve o, far from being ſo. Proceleulmaticus, a, um: adj Ike Pro lināto, onis ; f. Vitr. a bawing Proculcatio, öns; f Cic. a tra- the cry of the boatſwain. Pes farword pling down. procereuſmaticus, foot of four Proclinātus, a, um; part. à proclinor; Proculco, are (a calco) to freader jort fyllables. a: Pělägiús. 1 bent forward ; alje grewn worje. trumple down, cartean, defpife. Procella, ac f L v. (à pocedo) a * Proclinatam rem adjuvare, to row Proculdubio; adv. withiul dezabt. form; alſo calamity * Procella suar a thing almoloj, to put life Proculeius. a Koman knight, and patriae, a ſeditieus iperndiary. into a th ng almoi depind of great favourite of Auguftus, roho Pocelo, procúli, proculfur, pro. Proclino, are ; ta bow forward. wbex his brothers Sc pio und Ma- cellère ; PK Jun to break in pieces, Proclive, is; n. Liv. the brew, 67 ræna bad lefther dates in the civil to turn de deun. hanging over of an bill. war, divided his own patrimony bs- + P. ocellositas, atis; f. Boraninos. + Proclive, adv. Ge!l. down tween the Procellolus 2, um; adj. Liv. formy, t Preclivi, ward. Procūlus, 1 ; m. [a proculj be that is Proclivis, ci ad). Eer, dozun bill born while his faber 1 out of the Proceraſtis, the ſame as Chalcedon in ready to fail, mely • Impetus country or old. Bithynla. proclivis undaruma, the curent ef | Proculus, 1 ; m. A very lafcivious em- Procere ; ady, in length or bright water m a defent. # A labore pro peror; and her sen PROCERES, um ; pl.m. (sporepet, clivis ad libidinem, cably railing Proc-umbo, ubui, ubituur; neut. Vir on. tempo uwan. ro liſh pastry. one's parints. PRO PRO P.RO doctus, induced by pa fuir promiſes to lie down all alıng, so lodge as corn. (Prodiglator,õris ;m. a frorhfajer, ani # Psocumberc ad arboren, to lean interpreter of wondrous and óminus , Procerna, æ; f. á city of Phth.ouis. agein. a 154. * Procubucse tecta, Accidentsi Pietidcs, um ; f. the duugbiers of ribe boufos fell down..** Procumbere + Prodigiolum, 1; n, a little prodigy. Pretus, wbs preferred brojeluas bo- no Juno, and were tberefore pure in caput, to fall upon one's bead. * Prodig ose"; adv. monpriuſly, omaja Prartimbere au faxi, so die by the Anully. nibed with madneſs, thinking ibm. fulues to be corsi blow of a jone , * Procumbere ad Prodig:ālus, a, um ; adj. nonfrous, genua; genibus, antc pedes alicu ominous, pirimding evil. Proclum, li ; n.black hellebert, beari. lus, to fall down or lia proprate at + Predigitas, ātis; f. prodigalily, la fool (wherewiib Pictus's dangbters one's feat wilonefi. Te cured Procủpido; Inis ; defire, luff. Prodigium, ü; n. (prod.gol Practus, 1; m. the ſon of Abas, king Procūrātio, onis ; 1. a Peward bip, prodigy, montier, a Token foriending of the Asglves, turned into a fiorio sbarge, ſolicising of bugneſs, an x- will. * Loco prodigli accipere, to by Pericus. piation, look upon as portentous. Implevit Profanātio, onis ; f. & profaning, Procūrātiuncăia, z; f. Small expi prodigium, be fullfilled the event Swaing, dofiling that which is boly. ation or charge, a managing of forest that was foretold.. Profānātus zum ; patt. of prodanor; Small work for anorber. fodīgo, čre ; a&t. to laviſl, loft oui, enfaned, divuigce. Prõcūrācor, öris; m. on attorney, som drive out. * Siquid felto dle pro- Protāno, are, to profane, pollase, de lisitor, prolior. Procurator mo. degeris, if you ſpend any more than file what is boly; allo sa publiſe. nete, tbe mini-nafer. *Procura your bari on holy-days. Profānus, a, um, adj. (à fanum] prefare, commen, unb.llowed, pola tog regni, a governor during the Prodigus, a, um ; adj. prodigal, la- prince's nuen age, • Procorator pe viib, over-yrer-' • Prodigus multæ Tuisd, wicked, irreligious, mi ix- ni, the butler ar caterer. herbæ, having plmsy of graſs. * pruded in the principles of ar ari, Prõcūrātörlus, a, um, adj..of an at- Prodigus arcani, that cannot keep not adesined 10 rsligisus ng laries. torney or prodor, a jetrei. Predigæ hoftiæ, sa- * Odi profoom vulgus, I bale iba Procuratrix, icis ; f. fe but tends crifices that were quite to be conſumed rout that at pot trained up to 7- the bufinafs of another. by fire. Prðar, ; verb. ab iaur. profor ; to Proceri. pl. mi a city in Taprobane. + Prod:aunt for prodeunt. Speak forib, openly, or aloud. Procuro, arc; a&t. to folisit aperher's + Prodiſpăro, are; act to make looje. Profālum, i ; 8. a maxim or principle. buſineſs, to inake much of, to expiate. Proditio, õnis ; f. á betraying. Qui rem herilen prevarat, he Proditor, oris ; ma burayer, re- Profālus, ûs , m. a pronoun: ing, ut: wbi looks ofler bis mujers cars, * Proditrix, icis; f. $ walor, diſvo- terancı, propheſying. Profcció, õnis; f. a journey, marido, Procerarc arbores, se drofs trus, utter. voyage. Procarro, i, ſum ; to run abroad, to + Proditoric, ; ady, traiterouſly, make on inroad, w lafbort. *P 0-1 Proditörlus, a, um ; adj.sraiterons. Profeäitia dog, a portion given by currerc in occidentem, to reach as Proditur ; imperi. sbe report is. fur os the wel. In mare pro- Proditur [fc. ab illis verb. is perſ. Psõfcdò ; adv. fruly, indud. currit, it bangs over the fo2.* Pro buy ari cording out. Profecturus, a, um ; part. fut. in TUB af proficio ; about to profit. correre vitæ fpatium pede inof- Proditus, a, um ; part of prodor; fenſo, to spend ani's whole life glo- hetrayed; alſo named as appointed Prðfectus, a, um, part of proficir. riouſly without the leaf'difoonour, Pró-do, didi, ditum, děrc; act. 1** cor; having gons, done, or procreded. Procarsālio, onis; f. & piequuering, betray, to occurs to give up, Ibrow "Troja protecti, boje ibat CATRI Procurgator, oris ; m. bs tbat pic off, diſcloſe, diſcover, delay or pur from 'I'roy. quals. 19, to deduce, deliver dewnward, Profc&tus, ûs ; m. an advancing in Procurſio, önis, f. A ranning forth, to commit. Prodcre excmplum, art i growth, Brength. excurſion, wide digreffion. to give a precedent. * Prodere fi- Prolerendus. a, um; part. to be Procurſo, if ; to gallop oksi, picquetr, dem, n breuk one's oath. * Fana brought forth, to is told abroad, to be Sally frequently forth. prodit, it is reported. Prodere mede public, 10 be carried on or Procurfor, oris ; m. arunnur forib. intcrregem, 10 chufe a regmt. * minaged Procui ſus,üs ; m. a galloping a bread, * Ut nuptias ailquot prodat dies Pro-fero, tõll,, latum, ferre; act. a falling out. . Ex procurſu fa. that he would put it the 20edding cum acc. to bring forsh,i so sprak, lirc, so tole med run and leap. a day or.sw.. * Prodesè dogu, pull oul, enlarge, utter, to put off or- + Procurvo, are ; so 'bow forward, 10 10 broa:b. an opinion. dorly, adjourn Boncficium pro- make to bmd. Prodocco, ērc ; to teach publickly. ferre, to brow a benefit, * In mc- Procurvus, a, um, adj. bowing for. Prõdromas, 1; m. a fora.sunner dium proferro, lo propound. * Ni- ward, crooked before. Prodromi, north-eaf winds which hil eft quod proteras, it fignifies Blan Plocus, 1 ; in. [à procor) a ſuitor, blow about rigbe dag harors the thing to spend against it. Proferre rifing of the dog.jiar. Prodromi dicm firipto, to put a fi foor dent Procynæa, &;f, a molt, 4 wbarf, ficus, roth rice figa. 80.--._ Proferre gradum, podema, a water bank, Prõdū.co, X., aum, cerc; a&t paſſus, via, to wank, march along, Procyon, onis; m, the litele dog-llar. produce, to druw out in lengih, so Proteror, ferr' ; pasi. to be carried Prodcambălo, arc s neut. to walk a Jull ona 071,1o bring forth, 10 non, ;orward, to be idu 'N'ed, to be spoken Turn or two abroad. to aciompany, hadvan't. * Funus " deslorar publ.ckly, 1o de produirdo Prod-co, il or ivd, itum, ire ; ncut. producere, to accomping the epito Prõeſfio, onis ; f.' a profofing, es- to go forth. * Obviam alicui pro- , Diem produ ere, lo know.saging, the giving is wbat dire, to go to must ons abroad. Pro. spend all the duy, M morian ali- one is worib to the prstor. dire in prælium, to go out to battle, cujus monumen!o ſcriptorum pio- Protefior · Oros; m • profeſor, a # Pradl co, xi, cērc ; to speak wilt, ducere, to lengshen one's mussory by publ:( roadır of any art, funct, 10 prille, the monturont of writings P.o- fáuliy. Agiorum profeffor, a Prod.daior, õris ; m. a vice-diaator. ducere filiam, 50 profituce bu profeſor in busbandry. Prodicus, a, um , adj. aligned, fet, daughior. *Producere aliquem fpe, Pšteflorius, a, um; adj. of A tagsbn peremploy). to fura one go with hopes • Pro- or malier. Prodicus, 1;.m. a sophillar of Cos ; ducere Gillabam, so muke a fillabio Profeffus, a, um ; parl. of proficor; alſo a phybrian the fobolar of Eſcu โ Long having prefelted or conflid. lapius. Pioduè, ady, at or in lmgeh. Ptõfeftus, a, um ; not fepioal, copa" Prodigālis, e; ad). prodigal. Productiiis, e; drawn out as length. . Dies profeíti, working Prodiga'ītas, āt's ; f. prodigality, Produ:0, Onis; I. & longibming, days ; alſo tb vigils of funds, Prodigalitèr, 2 adv. prodigally, laviſ. Prof icio, cci, ditum, icere , acot. Prodige, Produdlor, oris m, a longthaner. so avail, advantage, kalp, to pri- Prodigcntia, æ; f. lavijbne's, pro- Produ&us, a, um, part. of producos; seed, ti prevail. • Tantum excel (uſmaſ. brought forth, drawn our in imgsb ficate proficitar, jo muzh a damage Prodigialls, e; adj. fending or na • Productiffimus, drawn om at its comos by talnejsie moving monſters ; aifo monfrous. full longsh, Nullâ (ponfione pro- Profici-ſcor, profe&us fum, fci; dep. Prad.giälītèr's adv, like a confier. to g6 * vojage, expedition or jowa, TOODIT, to ihe grous. moni. a's:oing forth ; an bair. heavin. 1 own. Quol + Profúridos, i; m. the belly ; alfo i , ris PRO PRO P R O Proficiſci la cxlli- 1 Profundus, a, am ; 2d. Cà procul & , Proh, interj. indign. & féry. nom, um, to go far into bunijbini, fundum) dip, bigb, inſariable. acc, vel voc. Eu] oh! ah! O Proficiſci alicande, to bapu it. Prolundus venter, a huge paunch. Mrange ! did you ever fui, she like! from any ibing. * Pioficiſci ob Profunda gula, damnable aparise. + Probæ rc-9;dis c. one infied in viam,. to forth to musi. tc dicker proficiſci foras? whilbir Prohibeas ventui, a contrary z'nd. fball I ſay you are gone? Prof ūsčadv. diſorderlý, prodigally, Prõhib.eo ui, itam, ērc , i aa.com Proficuus, a, um, adj. profitable,ufa. numeroufly, violmily. accuſ, to prohibit, forbid, koop 90. or ful for.. Profūrio, onis ; f. á faedding forth frin, 'to pro'irve Tunc turci- Profindo, čre ; act. to cleave along. abundantly, a riotous spending: fer,ocis me procul prohibebis æ., Profitcor, affus fum, Sterl; dep. Sanguinis profufio, a greas blad. dibuś ? you have you have , will you , kurp me Là fateor] to proses, make a publicking out of my own houſ ?. * Prohibit promiſe to aviw ani decları spon's. Profūlor, oris ; m. a great fpinder. dolorem dent!um, it cures the footb. * Profiteri artem, to teach publik. Prõtūlus, a, uó; part. & ad), of pro. acb. * Aliquen ab, injuriâ prohi- ly. . Profiteri nomen, to mler fundor ; poured out liberally, lavis. bere, to treponit from being wrongd. one's nams in a tax-book. # Æs ed out, (pont windfully, excelliury * Voce prohibcre allqucm not 10 alicoum profiteri, to give in a dill riotous. * Cauda profuſa uſque ad let ons speak. of our creditors or debs, * Profi calces, a rail dangling down to the + Proh befto fir prohibicro. fitcri indicium, to confeſs the fuel. boels. * Sul profulus, lavilb of bis Prohibitio, onis, f. a prohibition, for. • Impudentiæ eft profiteri quod * Piofufus genitu murmu bidding: ro, being thrown all along, or caps Prohibitor, õris Prohibitor, õris ; mi a forbiddor, Jumpition to promift what one can't away, I fogh fora, difonder perform, Progemuo, arc, ncut. to bloom or Prohibitor!us, a, um ; adj. interdic- Prodātus, a, um, part. à profilor ; haut forth budsi tory, • Edictum probiotorium, a wered; alſo früfing. Piogeoer,čri ; m.2 grand-diugh!er's proclamation to forbid any thing. Profātus, ùs ; mi a puffing of, or blow hisband ; also the fon-in-law's fa. Prohibitus, a, um s part. forbiddır. ing: forih, a bla?. ther, Prohinc ; adv. from bine, there Profilgātor, oris n. a riotous con- Progēnčrātlo, onis ; f. a breeding fors ſumuer of his stars. P.ogěněro, are; acdo brud, bogel, Projectı, orum; n. pl. balconies, Profligātus, a, um ; part. utterly bring forih. bay windows, jutting: forlk. broken in pinces, totally rould, clearly + Progēnicŭlo, are ; to fall down Projectio, onis ; f. calling out, a anſwered ; (adl.) profligare. * Pio on the knees. jutiin: out of brams. A gati homines, Jpendthrifts. Prögēnics, ei ; f. on f spring, a Pidjectiuas, a, um , adj. call out, Profiligo, are, act. to rout, break in. rogony* Progenics vitis, tbs Aung away, expofid. piau, diſpatcb,.confuete utterly. fruit of the vine. Project-o, are; act. 80 tbrotu down Profligare bcllum, « put an end Progènitor, oris ; m. « grandfarber Nightly upon his ground, to be tramp- to a wir. of ancestor . led uponi, 11 revile. Projcctare Profilo, are ; at to put or blow out. Prögermino, are ; near to ſprout out. aliqucm probr19,40 rrvile a perſon, * Proflare maffam, to melt down Progěro, Ni, Rum, rère ; aci, to fling, give hiin juru.language. lung. . Poflare fomnum pectore carry, or lade out Prolec:orium, li; n. a ſwingle 17.1. 10 Snore. * Proflare iras, to raga Progěror, čris ; paff. to be laded oul. Projccttīra, ; f. the loging of tim- Prāgetans, atis ; part. carrying be bar over the brow or coping of a Profluens, ntis ; part. flowing • fore. wall. · Profluens aqua, ibe current. Píor-igno, enul, ěnitum ;act.co bring Proje&us, a, um ; part. & adj. ef Profjucns. ntis, m. allroom, spring. forth a child, &c.) to produce. projicior i caj out, thrown all á. Profluenièr ; adv. abund:intly. Prognäritèr , adv. very plainly and long, rxpofid * Ventre projecte Profluentia, æ; f. abun lanie. niselligible i eljo hardly, fuit, he bad a belly frutting out. * Profila-o, xi, xum, čre ; ncut. to + Progaati, orum, children. Ad libidincm projectiffimus; very flow forib, to ſpring, Spurt out. Prognåtus, a, um j. part. defiended lajcivious. In æquor pro caus, Profuere ad bominum famam, to from, cowe. lying out into the jis. Projcaa get fame, be in reputa. Progne, és ; f. the daughter of .Pin ſenatûs authoritas the authority of Profluvium, il; ni a gufbing cul, a dion king of Athens, and fijian to the fenste is very little regarded. * flux, a looſmes. Profluvium na Philomela, turned into ſwallow. Projecto podore, void of all mo- rium, - bluding at the noſe. Prognosis, is ; f. foreknowledge, fore defj. Projecta audacia, match- Profiuus, a, um, adj. flowing ini. ordaining, profaging. lifs audacity. Proforem, profores, profore ; verb. Prognoſce, z ; m. prognoſticador, Projectus, úg ; m. a justing iur. dofedt. to profit, do goed. forteller. Proj.icio, cci catum,icére; act.com Prohig!o, agl, Itum, gère ; to run Prognoſtico, are ; to prognofficate. acc. to cajt or fling away, to throw away, scade. • Confpeum ci. Prognoſticon, i; A. e token or book of down or along, to bring forth hufi. vium fuorum profugit, be is run profaging ly. • Prollerc fc, la defpond, to from the fight of his countrymen. Prognoſticus, a, um ; adj.preſaging, give all over for loft. '* Projicere Profúgium, ii; A. rofuge, jufe ry. foreknowing Ic ad pedes alicujus, to fall fat at treas, fan&uary. Programma, åtis ; n. a proclama. ope's feet. # Projicere animam, Profógu, a, um ; adj. fed faroff, bm- to be one's own murderer. Tec. Ribed, scaped. * Profugis vincu- Prõgě-dior, flus fom, di ; dep. Cà tum projicitur, the roof juis sur ose lorum, broken out of prisonte gradio ] to go for.h, in, or forward: yond the walls. Virtutem pa- Profundātus, a, um, part. a profun 10 advané, adventure, . In adula triam projccit, be is fillon much fundos, funded, grounded. tionem progredi, to fall to flustung. from the valour of his ancilors, * Profundè adv. deoply. • Plogiedi longius, to proceed on Sirato profecerat arcus, he lay all Profunditas, ātis; depib, fariner in difrourji. Digitum pro along upon the couch. Prof.undo; ūji, ūluna, ondère ; act. gredi non poffunt, they cannot wag Proin ; adv. Cà proindè] and therea to pour cut liberally, to wafle idly. an inch friher * Progreditur fore, whorelire. Profundcre vota & preces, 10 philoſophia rationibus, philosophy is Proinde ; adv, wherefore, and there. put up many and carnef vows and bandled by respon. upin, in like fort. positions, Profundorc verba ven-Progreffio, Öns; f. an advancing, Proa-bor, plus fum, bi ; dep to fide tis, 10 ſpeak in the wind. * Profun. a riding away. o tumble all along of one's jau. dere fanguinemn, vitamto pard Progreflus, a, um,; past. of progre . Prolabi ex cquo, 1o.fall from one's oney blood, lay down one's life. * dior ; having advunced. . Pie hurfo. • Prolabi in miſericor- Profundere vircs ingenii, ts rally grefiâ ætatc, when older, diam, u become merciful. • Pro- all the forces of his mind, engage Progreffus, üs ; ma progreſs, pro labi cupiditate, to tym shrough co- Per in the performanus of any thing. cusing on. * P.ogreffus facere, to veliwneſs. Prolabi in oratio. Poðfundum, iin badup, a gull, advance.wal on. nom, ta flip infmfbly into ansiber ibe foa. * Píofanda. terrarum, sbe Progyanasma, äris ; n. An illiy or fu.jel7. CAVI and pits of the rarth. proof in any exerciſe. Pro.aprio, onis ; f. a Nirping, Nids. ing, and fume. tion. . 1 • Siare pro. .کار gar, Eridial. PRO PRO PRO ing, tumbling all along. a Night skirmiſh before the main on. out difiination, biggledy. piggledi. Prolaplus, a, um, (of prolabor) falo gagnani • Promifcuè omnibus data, given len down. . Prolapia huc libido, Pibfu do, i, tum, dere ; Vir, to to all in common. ber lowdneſs came 20 this pitch. fourile before fight or play, to make Promiſc-uum, ui; n. a confuſed mate Piõlapius, ùs; m. e falling down. a preartble. * Jurgla proluders, + In promfcuo efe, to be in Prõlātālio, on:s; f. Tac. a delay. so rafft ut lapor suunts whicb' sauje common. Prõātātus, a, un ; part. à prolator; fowler wrangling Podalfcuus, a, um, adj. promiſessa adlased, onlargad. Prolag-eo, ēre ; neut.so wear mourne tus, miſcellannus,intermixed. Ope. + Prolubllis, e, op! to be pronounced. ing longer than uſual time. ram promiſcuam dare, te lend Prolatio, önts; tiu pronouncing, a Prõla.o, 1, tum, čre ; act. (of pro mutual huip. Divina atquc hu- delaying. Finlun prolato, mn. and lavo] to scour or walls clean, mana habere proiniſcua, 10 cons- largement of borders. to cleanſe. Pleno ſe prolult au. found divino and human things. Prolio, are ; act, so dil stl, enlarge, ro, be diensbed bim,elf in a whole i la promiſcuum uſum venire, so 10 defor's put off, Prolatare gelden gobblet. be bronght into contain uſe. diem ex die, to put off from day to Prõlūgo, onis; f.a foining or jou. Promifsè, adv. in lengsh, long. day. • Pro!atare vitam, to largiben rifbing before the combas. Promiffio,õnis; f. a promiſing. rut lijo. Prõlūrus, a, am; part. of proluor ; Promiffor, oris ; m. a promifer. Prðātus, a, um ; part. of proferor ; wabad clean, drenched, • Pro Promiflun, i; n. a promije. * Exi- órowght forth, mlarged, delayed, lucus multâ vappâ, lox'd. perc promiffa, to require perfor. adjourna, pronouncedo urtered Prolūvics, ci, f. the si-fconring; alſo mancs of promiſar. moved. Pro!alus callidâ era, a looseneſs or Hux. miffis, to be as good as one's word. very wroth, Prolatæ res, a va. Prolīvlum, ii; a. a foouring, laviſh- Promiffus, a, um; part. promiſed cation. neji, loofonefs, growing or hanging down long. † Prole&iblle, 13.; a. an olluring Prolyla, æ ; m. a licentiate of the Prom-itto ifi, iffum, Iltère, act. so motive, lacos, one wobo bas judied for four promiſe, undertake, to threaten. + Prole&ibilis, e; ad). alluring. . Minute Promittcre ad cæoam,to promiſe Pro'cco, ale jact, to ollura,inurgle. Promachldas, an hiſtorian of Hera. to come to upper. + Promittere Prolegomena, orum ; n. inflructions clea. barbad, to let one's board grow prenijed before the body of an art, Propachu, chi; m. a Macedonian long m Promiſ ullorem, I promiſed Prõlepſis is; f. tbe prruenting an ob crowned by Alexander for his great I would be even with bim. * Pro, jediors. drink.ng ; he drank threr gallons of mittere tela, to sali darts. Nec Piõles, is; f. (ab oleo] an offspring, wins of one linle meal, but died of ulla arborum ārid.us ſe promittit, the sening of braſs or birds. Pro. je within thru days. nor dosb any tree spread foſfor, soost Ics olive, the young juckets of an Promżno, arc ; 20 jpread abroad. out more young ſprigs. olive-tree, Promatertora, pe; the great-aunt. PROM-O, pſi, pium, ērc ; act. (à Prolētārius, a, um , adj. low, oul- Promachion, önis; ar hißorian who pro & cmoj to bring out of a fore * Proletarii, tbt WTHE of Italy, or mag Zink. Promerc conälia, commoners, ar shi mener fort. # Promercalis, c; adl. to be ſet to to diſcloſe counlols, Vinom promere Proletar:us fermo, the homely speab jale. * Veftes promercalcs, fola doljo, s draw wines. Cavo le of the vulgar, cloulbs. Aurum promercalc, robore promunt, they fror shem- Prol.bo, are ; act. to pour out openly gold for sale over and above one's felves from ibe boller oak. • Pro- in facrifice. private uſe. • Promcrcalla, things mere orationem de ſe, to make an Prolic-eo, ore ; a&t. [à liquco] 1 bought get adviniuge to be sold oration in one's own behalf. molt down. dearer, Promonia, æ ; f. a city of Liburnia. Pro-licio, ex!, edun, icăre ; 28. Promerclum, il ; n. a thing for our Pronxontorium, ii; n. [à promineo (à lacro ) te ontke forıb. to be cold. vel mons) A promontory, brow + Proliquatus, a, um ; adj. fent or Prõmercor, ari, dep. to buy at firſ of a hill binging over the ſea. sluing out, hand, ro,ell aguin by refoil. * Promontorium flccteroy so double + Prolitas, atis ; f. ifuo. Proměr-co, ēre, so deferve s requi a cape or point. Pról:xè; adv. long, iodiously, freely. Promcr-cor,ëri, } tal, Promereri Promório, onis ; f an advancing, Prolixit:s, ätis; f. length, liberalily. Deum, so pleaſe God. "Non ita pro- Promotor õris ; m. an advantar. + Prolix rūcio, inis ; f longih,prolixity: mcruifti de mc, you have nu de Promātus, a, um, part. advanced. + Prolixo, zře, to lengihen out. ſerved ju!h a requiral at my hands. Prom-ovco, ävi, ötum, õvcre; act, Prosxus, f, um ; adj. [ à lax us ] Bene promereri de aliquo, to 19 promote, to go onward, 10 pro. lih, tedious, frau, kind-bearud, Isy an obligation upon one. cerd, 10 pul of , alſo delay, #Ni. junginous, inclined io. Pro- Promeritum, in. efert, a kindneſs, hil promoves, you ria no ground. Sixæ abictes, isli redors, Pro. or obligation to gratituda. Cum abunde promovifler in ſtų. lixior :n Pumpciom, boaring more Promcrus, i, m. e certain coursier, düs, when he hide inade a good good-wirt to Pompey. accused to the king oy Euripides, Progreſs in learning. • Promovere + Prõ'ocutio, onis ; f. a furo fpub. which so inienfed him, that after imperium, to enlarge the empire. Prõlöglam il; n. & prologue, pre- wards he jer jome fiería curs upon + Prooptār.us, a, um , adj. of or fare, him, which killed him, whonse iha for jore. Prologus, i, m. 4 prologus, proface s proverb, Promcri cancs. Prompiè, iùs, iflimè; adv. aétively, alju ne ebae ſpeaks iba prologue. Promčthcus, i; m: she ſon of Japetus nimsóly, recoily. Prolongo, arc ; act. 10 prolong, pro and Clymens ; liealing are from Promptitūdo, inis ; f. aaivity, nina. roger adjaurn, delay.put off, Ut heaven, to put life into the image blonofs, reedinels. pio'ongetur tibi dies mortis orhil he had made, be was channed to Prompto, arc, to løy efon continual. icoutab 9. you will do any thing so Caucaſus, where a vulture was par ly, to diſclose. be reprinued a while. petually growing upon his l.ver. Promptu ; abl. in readineſs, at bånd. * Ros eft in prompru, the matter Prolāqu:um, it; n. A propofition, writ, Promico, are, ro Spring forth ; alſo wartunt, to Joine out, or uppeur. is caly In promplu habere, to Prolo quor, cũ:us ſum, qui ; dep. Prominentia, æ; if. a jutting out, bove it at one's fingers enas. 10 kitar, Speak sut or Main ; alſo or hanging over Promptuarium, ii ; n. a Bore house; 10 prefuce. Quid ego apud te Pror in.co, čre ; ncut. to jend up allou comision place dark. * Prompe proloquor, why do I pand 1.ling on high, hing ever, llreish forward. tuarium n2ois, ibi cok-room, • Promincrc in memoriam & Proinpluarius, a, um; adj..of or for + Proloquutor, āris ; m. & Speaker pofteritatem, 80 be extended 16 flere . Cella proppluarla, A ro. for albers, furunding rime and records. roflory jor, oring, s bultery. Prolub um, ii; n. [à lubet) prone. Promino. are; 10 lead forth as cat- + Prompiulus, a, um ;joprwhut ready, as of will, a propende dafire, an tie 10 wutering. Pronplus, a, um ; adj. lor, iflimus; eus nely inclination. . Prolubium Prominūlus, a, um ; adj. fanding a (*) promorj brought forth, active, fabit, I have ugrozt mind. laorle out. nimilo, reuay, Manu promptus, Prõlūdium, ii; A. (à ludus) a flou. Promifc.co, ère, td mingle together. a dia:1 bola in ittion and good as rish Lefore playing, a proparslive, Promiſcuè; adv. cenjujedly, "with. his woupon. . Prompium cft mi- , ! 1 yu u long lalei ܕܐܪܢ PRO PRO PRO } one pripboteft, hl, it is clely to me, *Nic promp. culufvis eſt pronunciare,ruiry body, Propõranter, ady. bali'y. tum eft dicere, nor is it sily to Cannot determine. *quam pro. P:opérantia,æ;f bajening, tell. • Promprus ingenio, of a nunciabit ſententiam, he will post Properatus,ûs;m. aling roudy wil. *'Prompte pe icola, right judgrmi. * Pagaunciare Propěrā:im : j adv. Ovid. bafily, in imginmi dungart. # Veritatis præliam in pofterum dtean, to bid Properato ; ). all balle. . exb: bendæ proire pt fimus, very far. battle sbe following day. * Pro. Propcrāt:o, onis ; f. á baßening. ward slay open the truth. nunciare militibus prædam, to pro- Propěratus, a, un ; part. hajimed. + Prompius, ùs ; m, readineſs, mift plander to the ſoldiers, Greffus propcratos, a great part. * Promulgus, iim. the rope with Pronuper, adv. very lately, Propě è į į adv. wnb loud, pure - which ibi fhip is bile. Pronŭras, às ; fá grand-daughie Propěritér ; } dily. Prāmalgatio, ouis ; t. pub:ibing, in law. Prozero, are ; neut. [à propc vel i proluming Prõnus, a, um ; ad). [à opnuus, vel Wepam, uanſeo) to make bafle, Promulgator, oris m. U.p. a pub prol dend.ng forward, tnclinir. baim any thing. Properare pro liber. Prona mara, tbc flat or fawing pero donum, I make buße so bie Promulgatus, a, um ; part. à pro Soos. Proniorei Rhodli regle me home. Properat omnia, bo -mulgor ; publiford, ac.sited, part bus, the Phodians wits more dors every thing batilly. * Pecuniam Promulgo, żre ; act. là vulgus) to indining so the king's party. • Pro properare, lo gather monry grea:ly. paoliſh, put forih, prorlaim, dated. ais auribus accipere, to hearkm * Laga properabantur, ihe wind Promulus, idis ; f. [à molſum) an willing', ond gladly. * Propa was made rudy in gredi baſe. enlopaj, a toof and wine tofors dies, ibe day alodoj pent. * Pro Propertius, ii; m, sbe chief of all the meals, nun ad honores itcr, ibe ready esgiac popis, born a Mevania, in Promontorium, 1 ; a. Su promon wwy to come '10 honour, Umbria. torium, Procenior, art ; dep. to prefu. (Prõpērus, a, um ; ad), befly, Pro- Promontorium Minervæ, the far Procmlatur aptè, bi makas fit peræ litcra, a letter Jont by the sbol promontory of Carpania, die premijai. poji. . * Properæ claffis dux, the viding it iron :be Piccarini. PROEMIUM, ii; n. [tpectuicy) a admiral'of a fisst Spordily jent tui. + P.omarāle, is; n. a.counter-wall, prologna e profil. Procenia • Properus iræ, cholerick, foons + Promurium, it;n. 16 Space wbout rxæ, she intrunit into a quarrel. angry. wall. Pröpāgāt o, onis, f. a planing of + Pröpes, čdis ; m. the cord at the Promus, i, m. [promo) « lieward. young vines, an enlarging, a pro-fout of a sail. • Promus condus, ibct lenging. Propexus,a,um ; part. of Propector; Salles in and gives out the provigon Prõpāgător, oris ; m. an enlargar. cimbed in lmgih, # Barba pro- for a family, a butler. • Promus Propagātus, a, um, partt enlarged. teza, a long beard. magis quàm condus,ene that perds Propago, ials; f. [à yw, pango) Prophanus, 27 profanus, mory tbi.n bis coming-in will beir. a jiond, Buik, llip, Act or pleni of Propheta, æ; m. propbat, alſo . Ego muco piomus ium pectori, 4 vins, a race or off pring. Propheties} a poet. I can aiſcover all my mind und in Propāgo, are;. act. cuni accoſ, 80 Propbētia, ; 1. prophecy. fontion. suwih down vine!, arcb.wiji, bar Prophēlicus, a, um, adj. prophetical. Promuścis, idis ; f. the trunck or nout the may ran along 'ro multiply, sa- Prophetis, id:8 ; f. of ans c'esbant. Pomu içis mufce, largo, nokrijh. sibi vidu feri. Prophecida, ; f. she fing of a fir. Su proboſcis no vitam propagabant, they lived Prophetizo; Promurous, a, um; adj. advanced, upon veniſon, Propagare com- Prophelo, are, ta propbely. paid bajore hind, mcałun, grant loviger leavi. Prophiladica, es ; f. that part of Propa!æ, arum; f. pl.a city of Şic:ly. pbifick which preounts diſeaſes. Propălàm ; adv. operly, before all, Propilo, arc, io foarpon the end 3 Pronatæ, ārum ; pl. m. an ancient + Propålo, are, 18 publij abroad. ufo sa cofly from cui ir diſcharge. people of Boolia. + Propando, čre ; 7ofprrad. Prõpioātio, onis, f. drinking to Proncito, xi, xui, sum, atère ; ad. Propanſus. , a, umpart. Spread a. 10 knjt an in lengib. Piopaffus , 3 brod, sproud wiet open. Prõpioātor Õris ; a drinter to AXD- Proncctus, a town in Bithynia. Projafio, onis ; f. ib. forji pustion ibor + Prončfas, a man fofi wickedness. or dejšro. + Propinātorium, ii; A. e tippling. Prončpos, Otis ; .. a great grand- Propatruus, izm, a great-uncla. horje. Propărŭlus, a, uin; -dj. wide spon. PROPINO, are ; act. to drink 16 Proneplis, is į f. & great-grand- , * In propatu o, abroud. 05:*, to suke an ansapaf. * Pro- daughter PROPE ; Adv. Corpo. Tapa) nigb. be. pino t.bi falutem, a good health Prônitas, ātis if, propinſeneſs, prome fide, aimy Prope toatum est, to you. * Hunc deridendum vobis Thes, inclination. it mild but little Propè ad. propino, I put this man into your Pronomén, inis ; . a pronoun. eft. fortly. * Propè folus, uy jull hirds to be laughed at. Pronomus, m. e certain fidler. and one or two mort, Propinquè; adv. cloſe by, who wors his beard so lang. that is Propecto, čie, io comb in legib. Propinquitas, āris ; f. nameſ), palled into a proverb. * Pronomi Propedièm, adv. Jhortly, r're long. alliance. barba, a long beard. Propello, čre ; mat. to drive off, to Proplaqua, äre, neut. cum dat. 80 Pronúdz. æ;f, a brida-maid. "P:0 keep of. Propellere pecus pal approach, araw ngh. nuba, Juno, who was prefaent of tun, to drive cattle to puf'urt. Propinquus, a, um, adj. [à prope) the mart:ud. Propemoduun; adv, ever, klingt. * Ex propinquo, frin hard # Pronubo, čre; to haos a rule in Propeni deo, di, fuin, de!e ; ncut. to by. • Canlanguinitate propinquus, weddings. wrigh down, to jWuy toward, so war allied. In propinquo, MOB Prõnúbus, a, am ; adj. à nubo ; of bow forward, incline. * Proper. far of weddings, dere in aliquen, to tour good-will Propinquus, 1 ; m. a kinsman, Pronůbus, i, m. e bride-man. towards any 9A6. Propior, jus, adj. compar. I pro- Pionunciabilis, e, adj. 11 which Propondeo, ère; acts to wsigh and pius ; nighar, nigher a-kin, more muy be expreſſed examine thoroughly. propitious. Id proplus fidem eſt P.onunciatio, onis ;f a pronouncing, Propendèius, a, um ; adj. banging or vero, that's more likely: * Pro- pronunciation , ulo an alien. down bezore. pius nihil factum eſt quàm ut oc- P. onunclator, Iris ; m. prs Propeneca javourably, with good in ciderctur, twenty to one but he Meunity. clination. had been paini Prononciat un tion, Propenfio, anis ; fi inclinablene's, Propitèr; adv. near, quickly. ..en axiom, maxim, Propenfilas,ā:18; 1.3 propenjaniſs, Propitiabilis, e; adj. cafly appeaſed. Produnciacus, a, um į pirt, proroup rerainos. Propitiatio, onis ; f. an eppoafing, red. Propenſus, a, om; P. & A. inclined, au atening Pronunciatus, as; m. as ; m. & prorzaun prine, ready, heavy, larga, bounti. Propitiator, oris, m. Hier, an ap. cing Jul. * Propenfus in alterado par. prafer. Pronuncio, are: act. cum accuf. 15 tem, lesning to the sha fode. Propitla torium, ii; 2. the merry- proscuri, dulari, to judge. # Non Propenſo animo, very willingly. jear. Pc Pronaos; } 1, n. a charcb-percko nar. A ܪ Tale. so the rigifter in a batb or fur. Propugnatio, onis ; f. & defendinga | Prorupius, a, um, part. of proruor PRO PRO PRO Propitiator as, a, um, adj. of alone. bis fide, Propter viam, by ipel Psorfus, a, um, adj. Arait. * Prorſus ment or reconciliation. way fide. limes, a bound drawn from eaſt 10 Propitiatus, a, um ; appeaſed. Proprercà; 2dV.. Therefore. Prop-wen. * Oratio pioria, proje. Propitio, arc ; act. 'to appeaſe, atone, tereà quòd, becauſe ibar. Proru-mpo, pi, ptum, mpire ; acli reconcileg to mitigate or mollify: * Proploſis, a falling of the eyes out of to break of the longib, to break thro? * Propitiare ſolicitudincm animi, placę. a guard, to fully out of a pori, ta to make chasrful. Propudiofus, a, um; adv. piblickly diſgorge diſcharge. * Prorempit Propitius a, um, adj. (à. propè] fa. Damifui.' * Propudiõla mulier, a Fous ab utrâque parle, a fountain vourable, reconciled: Commen Brumpet. gusbes cut on both ſides, Piõpis, ady comp. nigher. • Pro- 1 P.opūdiosè, adv. Shamefully. Böruo, ui, utum, čre act. to tumbli p us abcffe, to bi hird by. Propúdium, ii; n. (à pudet) an open down forward, to throng ose upift, Prop afma, atis; . a mould or mo diſcredit or reproach; alfa A forreo. she reck of another. Proruere in Poplaſtice, cs, F. the art of making Prõpugnacŭlum, i, n. a fortification, Proraptorēs, um ; m. pl. light borſe. ; Proraptorësborje moulds of clay (for image-work, or a fence, fort. * Propugnaculo effic sapling.) cæteris, to defend (or te a safe- Prorutus, a, um, part. of proruin- Propn géon; 1 ; n. án oven-lid; al guard to) the ref. por ; broken of; running violently ; hrady, . Proparides , un ; f. virgins of Awa: Propugnator, oris ; m. a defenders Piorano le the goddeſs of mid wisesi thus, who difpised Venus, and af: champion, terwards prejſiruted them elves to Propugno, are; neut. to maintain by werfbipped, that the child might be imçudently, that they were foigned war, to fight for, defind. broughi forth the right way. so be turned into fone:. Propulatio, onis; f. Cic. verb, a Proſa, æ, f. frogs. Profachium, a river riſing from mount Própola, æ; m. a pedler, a cotard. Having.or keeping off monger, a relailer, a ſhop-keeper, a Propulsător õris ; m. a saver off. Ida.and falling into the sea between jack of all trader, Hellefpont and Euxine. † Propolia, æ;f a pedlar's trade. Propulfus, as, m. Propulfus , is, m' } ward, tot hesp. Profaico, are ; to write in proſe. Prõpõiis, is ; f. the suburbs at the ing off. Proſaicus, a, um ; of or in profe. entranie of a city; all the gummed Propulso, arc ; to keep or have nff. PROSAPIA, æ; f.'.[coporcenei wex of bees on all the crannies of Propulfus, a, um, pait. of propellor; + PROSAPIES, 'ei, f S adnecto) the bive. kept off, driven forward. pedigree, lineage, deſcont of blood, Propono, õlui, irum, ēre, act. to pro- Propylæum, i ; n. Plin. a portal, poje, to purpoſe, to ſet forth, set up, gotchouse; a walk or clofler before a t Profatus, a, um ; defcended of. fet out. * Proponere animo, to pon. a church. Proſcēnium, ii; 8. a page, der in one's mind. * Propogere præ- Proquæſtor, oris ; m. the vice-trea. Proichion, & county of Ætalia, mium, to jet the prize, so ſlake the jurer, tbe deputy pag-mafier general. Profcholus, i; m. an uber. reward before the contenders for it. Proquī ito, are to cry out for help. Proſci-ndo, di, flum, nderc, act. cum Proponcre fpem, to put in hopes. | PRORA, a ; f. [rpớpa'] the prow acc. to cut along, Dash or gaſ, 10 Proponere alicui conditionem, of * ship. * Prora & puppis rel, cut up now or firit, 10 nffront; lo re- terms or conditions. ' * Pro the whole of a buſine's. vile, reproach, defunne bitterly. honum eft mihi, I am reſolved. + Prorcatè, adv. Brait out. Proſciffio, onis, f. & cutting up or A Proponuis, all that let which reaches Prõrēp.o, a, tum, ere; neut. 80 creep long. * Proſciffio terræ, a plough. from the Areights of Helleſpont to out, to crawl along. . Prorepere ing the ground, Boſphorus Thracius. in luxuriem, to spread over rankly. Proſciſum, i; ni ground firå broken up. Proponicus, aura, adj. of.Propontis, Prõrēta, æ; m. iba boatswain, who + Propopulor, ari; dep, so plunder, governs the bead, as the pilet governs Profciffus, a, um ; part. of proſcina to ranlack. the Bern. dor; cui or broken up y alſo reviled, Proporrò ; adv. Bill forward, further Prorex, ēgis ; m, a vice-ray, : Proſcri-bo, pů, ptum, bore, act.reg. and further. Prorideo, ere; neut, to laugh afar off acc. to see a bill on a thing to be Proportio, onis ; f. proportion, Prorīpio, ui, cptum, čre; A. Coffold, to ſet or poft up. Edes pro- Proportionātus , a, um, adv. propor pro and rapio) to fnatih away. * fcribere, 10 fet a bill wer a door- tioned, Proripere te, to fling away. * Ca. * Palam proſcribere, to poß up in Piāpositio, õnis ; f. a propofition, an fcrvas proripere in cædem, to poſt capital letters. Profcribere ali. Axion. away the troops to a fore battle. quem, to our-law any one by poffing Propositum, i, n. a purpose, intent, Proripiet ſe libido, his pollion will up their names. reſolution. In propofito perma. pluinly appear. Proſcriptio, önis ; f. an out-lawing, nerc, not to alter' one's mind or in- Proritātio, onis ; f. a Jarp humour confiſcating, banishment, attainting textion. knowing in the entrails of Bomach, Profcriptor, õrls ; m. An out-lawer, Proposiius, a, um, part. of proponor; a provoking, an alluring. a baniſiør, a governor or judge that attainis malefutors, ſet forth, proclaimed, purpojed, of- PRORITO, are ; act. cum acc. (ab fored. * Propoa! us ad imitandum, ÈPis, lis] to put on, provoke ; alſo to Profcriptusio, ire; neut. ta Have one's deſigned for imitation. tinkle or antice. fingers itch at the confifcation and plundering of men. Propætor, oris ; m. ibo vice pretor, P.õrögātio, onis, f. a lengthening, the governor's prex); adjouming, or delaying. * Imperit Profcriptus, a, .um; part. pored up Propriè , adv. properly, fily. prorogatio, & renewing one's com for Sale ; alſo oul-lawed. Propr:clarius, a, um ; adj. Dig, to milion for a longer term. Pro- Prosčc-o, ul, tum, ārc, act. to cut or whom the Property of a ihingbe. rogatio legis, a aeferring the pro Nice up, open, along, cr furward. long, mulgation of a law, Prõlecro, are ; to facrifice. Propriétas, ātis; f, a properly or pro- Prorogātivus, a, um, adj. for the t Frofectio, onis ; f.'s cutting up! priely. * Proprictas coeli, thend Lengthening of time, ordering to son- Prõlectus, iin,' entrails, or tbe in- surt of a climate. tinue long in commiſion, wards of the beaſt for ſacrifice, CHI up and chcaned, the hulle. + Prop.icio, are ; to make profer, so Prorogātor, õris; n. a prolonger. appioprinte. Prorogo, are; act. to adjour, delay, Pioſectus, a, um ; cut up or open. PROPRIUS, 2, um, adi. (à prope) Lerig hen out. * Piorogare'impe. Prolectus, ûs ; m. a cutting up. Prepor, fir, peculiar, one's own, jpe. sium in quinquennium, to continuc Prosēcātos, āris;. m. a profecutor, ciud; alſo perpetuxl. * Hoc eft one's commiſion five yoors, the Pro-l follover. cpilto'de propr um, this is proper '10 rorogare alicui fumptus, io biar Proſeda: æ; f. [à fedeo)ecommon an epißis.' * Proprium tibi hoc fit one's charges. barlet filling of the doct 19 allure fray God contirur it. Prorsiis, adv képew copón) quilc pallängers. PROPTER præp. sep.acc. (à prope) Prorsun ) and cien, wholly. * + Proſedanum, i; n. unapineſs for fur, lemuje of; hurd hy. * Propier Nihil prorsùs, nothing at all. generation in bealls by too much la- bour. quos vivit, by whale means ho lives, Curſaic rurſum prorfum, to run 10 Propter dormiet, wil jeep by and gro. 60 Pro. រ x , ; -, , a, , PRO PRO PRO Profelene, és ; f. a city of Phrygia, Prospěrè; adv. prosperouſly, luckily. tum profuit ad concordiam cipl Minor. Proſpergo, čre; ait.. (of pro and tatis, it is much helped to the agree- Proselēnus, a, um ;. adj. before the {pargo) to Sprinkle all over. mens of tbs Bate. mgon. An spilhat of Arcadia. Proſperitas, átis ; f. prosperity, felio + Profumia, æ ; f. a little bank, er +'Próſclyta, æ; f. a woman proſe city, good fuccefs. ferry-bear. Inte, or convert to any foa Proſpero, are ; act. to bring one hap: + Prosupéro. are neut. sipont. 10 Pyõsélytus, i; m. á Pranger joined, franger joined pine}s, 80 moke one proſperous. abound, lo have more than enough. to the Jewiſh profesion, a novice in Amicum proſperabo, I'll ſet sexy Prõſas, a, um, adj. Brait on. *Ta- any religion or feet. friend up a man. nica profa, a sbug.coat. Sox pror- Proserpināıns, a, um, part. à profe- t Proſpéror, ari; past. 1o be profpe fas, minori Jown or ſcattered ahout. rous, por enjoy good fuccefs, 10 flouriſhing Prõrymne, part of Argos. Proſemino, arc; act, cum accuf. to be in a happy condition. Prolymnia, Juno, so called from Pro- fow along in a bed or furrow. Proſperrimus, a, um ; mos fortuncle. fymnc. Prose-quor, queris, cutus fum, qui : Prolperfus, a, um ; part. å pioſper. Protagoras, æ; m. an Ab:erite, the dep. to purſue, follow after. * Pro gor; belprinkled. for of Menander, and fbolar of fequi domam, to follow one quite Profpicientèr, adv. previden:ly, wa Democritas. home. * Graco picque proſequi, Protagorides, ; m, an bilorian of to behave one's fulf ibankfully und Profpicientia, æ ; f. prov donce, fore Cyzicus. kinoly: * Dictis proſcqui, to lay righi. Protarchus, i : an hiſtorian of Trallis. down at largs in a relation. * Pro- Profp-icio, icis,exi,c&um, icčre, act. Protäfis, is; f. a propoſition ; alſo the ſequi amore, odio honore, verbis, [of pro and ſpecio) 10 view afar first part of a combay: 10 love, hatr, honour, sbide, Pro of, difccuer, def.ry. * Conic&ura Procaticus, a, um, adj. of a prolafis. {cqui fanus, to accompany the corpſe proſpicere, to gueſs that a thing Prote, es, f. an iſland in the lonian to church * Verlu proſequi pas. will come 80 pals. Ego jam pio fea. cua, to write paflorals in verje. {piciam mihi, I will now provide Proteas, æ, m. a very great drinker Pro!erpina, x; f. the daughint of for myself. • Proſpicere ſeneciu of Macedonia. Junter and Ceres, raviſhed to bell tem, to come in ken of old age. Prótcaio, onis,.f. protection, defence. by Pluto. Profpicuè, with foreligbt, provident Protector, öris; m. a protector, de + Proſerpināca, a; f. male knot ly. fender. grals, + Proſpicus, i ; m. be that beholds Prote&um, i ; n. the jutting out of a Profer po, pſi, ptum, pčre ; neut. afar off house where it . joins to ansi her. to creeo forward. Profpicuus, a, um , adj. Bonding Proteus, üsis , a covering over. an , e but forth in fight. Proicatus, a, um, part. of protcgor ; covered over, difendea ; allo viry made uſe of by teggars. P , ; f. : cloſe and reſerved. # Protectior Profeuchos, ari, dep: to ask alms + Proſtaterius dies, the day when omai ratione, für Bronger than rf1- Proaciæ, aruin ; pl. f. 7 the entrails they offered facrifice for wine. fon. Proficies, ci; f. • 3 of the beafts Profteroidium, ii ; ñ. & petrol for a Prõlč.go, xi, canggčré, a&. so pro- for facrifice. berje. tett, cover over, old. Protc- Proficium, ii; . a piece of meat for Pron-crno, rāvi, rātum, ernère, a&t. ' gere crimen, to-eleidke sacrifice. See profectum. cum accuf. Ovid. to lay flat on real it. Prosīío, ui, ii and ivi, ulium, ire; the ground, overthrow. Abji. + Protela, æ; f. a tajons neut. (of pro and falio) to Spring cere fe atque profternere, to te Prötělo, are ad cuni accés forth from # Profilire in altitudi- utterly diflroyed. Profternero or Dave attito pelt uwiy. nem, lo grow high (of trees). in terram viacas, to plant vins telare didis, to make one pand off Profiftens, ntis, part. Bonding out. cuttings. with high words. Proſtaabanonichos, ape (in mw. Proithčis, is ; f. an addition to the Prõtēlò, adv, immediately, readily. fick). beginning of a word. Prote!um, i; n.là teluin, vel à Tode Prosởc-er, cri, m. my wife's granda Profibula, a; f. Feſt. a common longè) purſuit, a thrilling forward, fasher. Arumpet, a team of oxin i alſo help, entou- Prolocr-us, is; f. my wife's grand. Prostibulum, i ; n. a common barlot; ragement. Protelo ductrc, .fo motber. alſo the flows. draw jointly. P.osodia, æ, f. melody, the law of Profit-uo, ui, utum, učre; act. [01 Prõten-do, di, fum and tum, děre; verk, fetting of tunes. pro and ftatuojto profitule, fet to pretch our at length, adjourn. Proſodita, a people of Marmarića. forib, to abuſo. * Proſtitucre.pu. + Protenfatus, a, um , adj. reſcued. Profopis, an iſland of Nilas. dicitiam, to abandon modely. Protenius, umpart. of proten. Prolopis, is ; f. the great plot-bur. · Profopon, i; n. za lillle iſland of eloquenie out for money, ta plad for journed. Proſopum, i; n. $ Africa, before any caufis wright or wrong. + Protentio, önis ; f. a propofition. Carthage Proſtitutus, a, um ; part, à profticus. Protènùs, adv. noi e great way off Proſopopoeia, æ; f. Quint. a perfe or ; prißituted, cominon. Psotermino, are ; to enlarge the nating an unreaſonable creature, or Proft-o, itl, itum, are ; ncut. to bounds, any abſent perfon, or feigning it to Band, or be ſet out to sale or hire. Pro-tero, trivi, tricum ; to flamp down Speak. * Proſtat venalis, it is to be sold. all along, trample under foot. Profpc&ator, oris ; m. e, protector, * Anguli prottantes, corners stand. Proterreo, ere ; to frigbt or fcare a. forefrer. ing out. way. Proſpectè ; ady. ceniderasely. Proftrācio, onis, f. an eztream weak. Prõtérvè; ady. wantoxly, froward- Proſpecto, arc ; dep. 10 fand looking nefs, a laying filat, proirasion, ly. on afar of 10 forece, Proſtrātus, a, um, pait. of pioſter- Prótervla, e kind. of sacriñce wherein Profpe&us, esim prosperit, fore. nor ; proflrate, Ising fat, debauched, all that was left of the banquet was light, a fight afar off' * la profpe deffroyed, burned. dum populi producere, 10 bring Proftropæa, a; f. a city of Sicily. Prõtervia, &; f. wanlonneſs, fauci- into the view of the people. Prosúb-igo, egi, actum, igere ; act. nels, malapertneſs. Proſpěcůlor, ari; dep. ta fcout, to brat up before him. , ire to wanton. PROSPER, a, um ; adj} [à após-le de profubigit terram, be paws Prótervitas, ātis ; f. rudenojs. the earts with his foor. 'Pro. Prõtervitèr, adv. wantonly, rudely: utilis) proſperous, sucre iful, benign, fubigere fulmina, só forge thun. Prõtervus, a, um , adj. à corvus ; fleuriſhing * Proſpera frugum, der. wenton, rude, unlucky, ohfeere.* beribing the can. + Prosúbulæ, arum; pl. f. the knags Profcrvus Africus, ibi rough ſouth- Proſpér, ri; m. e biſhop of Rhegiom, of an hari's horns near the forebead, weft wind. who wrote again the Pelagi. brow-antiers. Protěsilāvs, the son of Iphic!us, one ans. Proſultūra. æ; f. a leaping forib. of the Grecian princes, who was Proſpěrātus, a, um ; adj, made pro- Þröſum, prodes, profui, predeft, to told by the orarli that he ſhould 818 perous. profit, advantage, do good. * Mul firf af sba Tsojan war, yet would PRO PRO PRO + Trojan wars: , go, and was accordingly killed by Piotuli. Sec proſcro. governing provinces. Hector. Proturbo, äre; act. cum accuf. 10 Provincialis, is; m. a provincial, Protefilacus, a, um ; adj. of Prote rout, drive out, drive away. * Ab chief of an order, filaus. folio proturbare, to dethrone. Provinciatìm, ady. from one province Proteſileum, i, n. a city in Chero. Protus, į m. one of Phocis, who to another, foneſus. buill Mallilia. + Provinco, čre'; act, to overcome. Põleituntes, jum,m.pl pocieſtants, (Prõrūte'a, æ ; f. an endor-wardſhip Provindémia, æ i fo a far near to Prötcitātio, onis, f. a protefition, or or tutorſhip. Virgo. declaring in open court again't ar Proty pum, i, n. a pattern for moulds., Provifio, onis ; fi a foreſeeing or ufurpatiin, cr for one's right. Prove.us, a, um, part & adj. of taking care of. + Prõtcitālor, õris ; m, a prodeßor. provchor : put forth, advanced. Piovi-lo, li, lúin, sère; a&. cum, Pidieitor, āri, depilo delare in court * Provectus equo, riding forth. acc. fügo to take care, to look after agsins an injury, or for one's right; Æcate provectus, well Aricken in thing, co go to fie or view. aljo so beach or call upin. Jeuri, Prõviſor, oris; m. e provider, pure Piütcus, 1; m, n fourgod, who turned Provčoho, xi, cum, hčre ; act, cum riyor hiin elf into all shadas; hence the acc. to advanı, bring fortb. # Pro- Proviſus, a, um, part. of provideor ; proverh, * Proteo mutabilior. ychic ftudiofos, he promotes indufiri forolien, provided. Prothenor. oris ; m. one of the five ous fcholurs. Provīſus, üs ; a providing. Baotian afluins reho went to the Provehor, i ; paff, to be advanced. * Piovivo, ère ; to ſurvive, live efter Provehi longiùs in fcribendo, 10 fome great danger or trouble. Protheus, i; m, a Grecian captain, run out farther in writing than one Provócātio, onis ; f. a provoking, we went from Magnelia se Troy. intended. # Ubi funius in altun cha:longing: defying, appecling. Proihingi, m. pi a peoplene Scythia. prove&ti, when we were gut for Pro ocãlor, äris ; m. ä chiliinger; # Prothy nic, adv. readily, freely. into the main fea .* Eorum ufque alſo an appealer. Prõiby mia, æ; forradines linneſs. ad extremum fpiritum proveata Provocãtorius, a, um ; adj. of er te. Prothyrides, um; pl. he coins or eft prudentia their wiſdom conti. longing to challenging. corners of a wall, cross-cams, nued to the very laſ, Provocàlus, a, um, part. of provo- Prothyrum, i; a. a porch. Provonio, ini, ntuin, ire ; to come cor ; prou:kod, (ballenged. * Pro- † Protinim, adv. forskwith. forto openly, to ariſt, ſpring forth, vocatus beneficio, having re:eived Prūtinus ; adv. (à lenus) immediate Du bornie to come up into the mind, a kirdness from you firft. 19, next, alor:g its way, continually, ſuccred or thrive in bearing. * Psūvõco, are, atum, act. cum accuf. thereipin, at the furis time. under Quàm tu sectè provenifti ! bow to provika, challenge, call forihsp- the jume jouincy Protivus viri. excellenty you wot on! pril. * Provocare injuriis, to of. leni togam, immittigiely upon their Proventus, lis; m, a crop or increaſe, fer the fir wrong. # Provocare man's gown. an income, ſucceſs. Lactis pro litcris, lo otlige one to write by ſend- Protoapoftolus, i; ma a bief doctor ventus, a dairy. ing letters firji. in the Greek church. Proverbialis, e; adj proverbial. Provolgo, are: Sre provulgo. Protocollum, i; n. 'the regillar in + Prox rblor, ari; 10 Speak proverbs. Pāvālo, arc ; to my foreb, to run rul printing, Proverbium, ii; n, a proverb. In baſily, to break out of ambulb. Protogencsi the firſt of a family, proverbio est, 'lis grown a proverb. Provol-vo, vi, Itum, včre; act. Zo de bar prinds himſelf to be lo. i Vetent proverbio, according to tumble olong, to prograre one's falf. fotogenes, æ; m..a famous painter sbe old ſaying * Plovolvi fortunis, to become bank. Cannus; and others, Provertus, a, um, adj. right forward. rupt. * Provolycrc ſe ad pedes Bogenig, æ ; fi the Daugh!pr of Providè; adv. heedfully, carefully, alicujus, to fall at one's feet. Pericalion; ale the daugbter of confiderately. Prāvolūcus, a, um ; part. à provol- Precihcos. Providens, ntis, adj. provident, wary. Yor ; fullen down, thrown down, Protollo, čre, act. to lift up, to defor Providenier, adv. providently. Provomo, ēre ; 10. vomit, cap fortb. beyond the ſet time, to advance. Providentia, æ; fprovidence, forso Proùt; adv. according as, like as. Protomartyr, ris, m, ibi firft martyr, cat, Foreſight. Piagulgo are ; act. cum accuf. Là St Stephen. Provi.deo, idi, ilum, providērc, act. vulgus, to divulge. Protomyita, z; m, a chiof priel, a to provide, lock after, 10 fake care of, Proxěnēta, æ;m, a broker. billige to look to in time, so forefec. * Pro Proxčnčticum, i, n. brokerage, the Protono, are ; 10 thunder forth. videre in hyamem pabulum. Po broker.'s fue. Proton tanius, i ; m, a prevonotary, more proviſion for winter. • Pro- Proxčnēticus, a, um, adj. of a broker. a principal fecretary, videre publica, to take care of the Proxenctria, æ; f. Alba-broker. Protopirus, i; he that makes the firſ weal-publick.. * Providere rem Proxenüpolis, a city by Naucratia. ejay. frumentariam, to lay up fort of Proximans, part. being near or next. Protoplaſtus, i, m. the firſt man form. * Providere alicui contra Proximātus, us ; m. neighbourhood, ed of ihr sarth, Adam. aliquem, 10 protect or guard any one priority, Prototomus, i ; m. the top of the lieka again another. * Provilum cít le-Proximé, 2 adv, nxt or let, almol, (prouts cus for ſalads, gibus, the laus taka tore of it. Proximò; } very nigb; alfo' fir of Prototypographus, i; m the chief Providus, a, um ; adj. provident, con all, Proximè morem Roma- printer. fiderare, forecaſting, beadful. mh Re. dum, very little differing from the Prototy pon, i; n. the firſt potlom. rüm veftrarum providus, careful of cuflom of the Romans. * Proximè Prototypus, a, um ; adj. of the firſt your effairs. atque ille laboro, I am troubled at pattern. Provincia, æ, f. [à procul &, vinco] it as much as be. Proximè cum Protractus, a, um, part. of protra a province, a country governed by a doo in patriâ meâ fui, the laſt time I hor; drawn out. puty or lieutenant. * Obtincre pro. was in my own country, Protraétus, as ; m. a puurtraia, vinciam, to get to be sboſen into a de- Proximior, ius , adj. comp. mere + Prôtråd-o; idi, čre; act. cum ac. putyſhip. * Deponete provinciam, clojely conjoined, nearer. cuf.to deliver from one to another. to lay down one's commiſſions. Proximitas, atis ; f. neighbourhood, Prõtra-ho, xi, cum, hörc; act. cum Dare alicui provinciam, to put one nigh conjunation, accuſ, 10 draw, drag, er bale out, in commiſſion. * Huic' noftro tradita Proximo, are ; to border next upone to protract, prolong, drill out. et provincia, our man was put in Proximos, a, um, adj. fuperl. of Protrepticus, a, um ; adj. bortarory. charge with is. prope; nearei, next, mofi propitia Protrimentum, i, n. minud mees. Provincia, a country of Ous, vry near. . Flamma fumo Prātrīſus, a, um, part. of proteror; Provincia Romana, Gallia Nara proxima, there is no smoke with. trampled under foot, worn away. boncnſis, between the Alps and out some fire. Hic fenex de Protropi; pi. m, a people of Apulia. Rhodanus, called Provencc. proximo, rhis old man dwelling Protropum,!;n. wine dipilling from Provinciales, ium; m. pl. Juheats hard by. Egonet mihi proxious, untiod and unprefed grapes, dwelling under A lieutenant. charity begins at home. * Proximus Protrū.do, fi, fum; ro i hruſt forward, Provincialis, C; adj. of a province. . à poſtrcmo, laf'bui ons. * Proxi- Protubčro, are, neut, to bud or blos Comes provincialis, a land-grave.. mus Pompeium ſedebam, I sat jom, lofwell out. Provincialış icicatia, the skill of .next Pompey.. In proxigio, hard 6 O byu com: : . a false tree. tret. PR Y PSE PS Y by. * Proximum vino guftu, tajem cornroſe. ing much lika wine, P anio s. Pſeudomoly, baltard moly, or ladies Prūdens, Atis , ad} [qu. providens] 'cufbion. prudent, diferent, adviſed, undr. P.s. in midals, &c. for pleblicitam, Pieudonarcffus, i, m. the yellow Danding, skilful, upon advice, with pofuit fibi, or publica falus, doffodil, or crow-bills, deliberation, for tbi nonce. Juris Pſacam, ir n å promentery of Crete. Pſeudonardus, i; f. spike, laven. prudens enerell verfed in the law. PSALLO, ēre; ncut. [vaam] to der. Prudcos agricolationis, skilled in fing to an Infirumont, Pſeudonymus, having a falſe name. husbandry. Plajlocithariſta, æ ; m. finger 10 + Pſeudoporticus, . ùs; m. Prūdenièr į adv, diſcreetly, adviſed. the barp. porch. Plalma, ális ; n. a lejon to be fung) Plcodoprophela, æ; n. a fulie pror Prudentia, æ; f. pruden:e, difcretion, to a muſical infrumeni. phet. wijdomJoris civilis pruden: Pfalmift á, ; m. 1a pfalmil, com. Pleudoſphece, és; f.s kind of wis: tia, the knowlege of the civil|P:falmift-es, aim. } poſer of leffons ; fying alone, lew. a finger of praims. Aurclias Prudentius Clemens, . Pfalmosi, orum; m, pl, the cheriflers Pſeudothyron, i; n. a back-door, le- cret wicket. Spaniaid, who complained that he on both fides. Pſeudcnfes, æ; m. a king of E:ypt, Spent his youth in incontinency, and Plalmodia, æ; f. pfalmosy, a ſinging + Pfidrachium, ii ; n. a little psinple. wba zuben he was fifty-seven years or playing rogether. Pilas, Bacchus, so called at Amyclæ. bid, wrote an eccletajlical hiſtory in Palmographia, æ; f. the writing of Pile,'ès ; f. an iſland about Epheſus. virle. Plalms or fongs, Pfiris, a river of B thynia. PRUINA, &; [à peruro, vel à Plálmographus, i; m. a writer of Pulocitharilta, a; c. a harper thur ropasvos, macutinus s froft, the Pfalms. plays without ſinging. rise upon the ground, I Plalmas, i ; m. a pálin song made Phlouhrum, i; n. a depilatory oint. Pruiõlus, a, um, adj. frally, of or un God. metalo ielterórrty. PRUNA, 'æ; f. [à peruro, vel à Pláltēriun., ii; n. a pſzitëny, an in- plluin, in one of the meuths of múz; ignis] a burning coal. prumery rejembling an barp; alſo a Diaubius. Prurieila, æ; f. the bord felf.beal, libel. Plimada, a ſmall country of Ifauria. Prunellus, i; f. Là prunus) a bullare- Plalt-es, æ; m. a muſician; organis. Pinmythium, ii; n. cerufe, or Pſaltria, æ; f. a minjirel. white laud, + Pruneoli, orum ; Small uſbrcoras. Píaltrius, ii; m a mufirian. Plithium, ii; n. [ſc. vinum) roint Pruneo!us, i; f. a bullace or for Psâmăthe, ĉs ; f. a town and fountain made of rains. by Thcbes; alſo a Sea-nmph, and Pattace, es ; city of Tygris. Prūnātum, i; 2. an orcburd of plum. the daughlór of Crotopus king of Plităccus, a, um, adj. of or like a TIRS. Argos, who borc Linus to Apollo. parrot. Priltaveus color, a po- Prüneus, a, um, adj, of a plum. Pſammenitus, i; m. a king of Egypt, pon.jay green. Prunia, 20 monaftery where the me who bring vanquiſhed by Cambyſes, PSITĂCUS, i; m. [nfipraxe) a Prumia, } peror Lotharius spent the killed himjelf by drinking bulls parrot. rept of bis life after his reſignation, blood. Plilulcis, an iſland of India called Prunului, i; n. Plammetichus, i ; m. a king of E Palfo Scilluítis. Prunellum, i; n. a little plum. gypt, from whose cruelty, iwe bun: Psõphs, a city of Peloponnes Pruneolum, ijn.' dred Thousand of 'bis ſubjeet's fled Arcadia; called before Phegia. PRUNUM, 1; n. apsur:v) a plam, ir do Æthiopia. Psora, æ; f. she jich sme mange a noe. • Pruna Damascena, da: Pfamm!s, a king of Erypt. dry kab or ſeurf- a galling mask-plums, * Pruna Hiſpanica, Pfammites, a king of Egypt. ting, or wild itching of tbi skin common damfons. * Pruna cerca, or Pfammus, a king of Egypt. alſo the patrons's of ſcabs (in Erala cerio'a, wheaten plams. * Pruna Praphis, a city of the Oropli, mus.) afinina, horſe-red plams. Praph-o, õnis; m. a Libyan, who Pſoricus, a, um ; ad). Krabby, fritud, Prūnos; .; ; f. a plum-tret, * Pruni taugbi the birds to Jay, Plapho is a itchy, mingg.. fylveſtres, bullace-trus, great god, and so was deified hy the Pforopthalmia, æ; f. an isihing, Prü:igino us, a, um , adj. itching, people; hence iba proverb, Pía. Scurvinafs of the trows, full of the itch. phonis aves. Pſycces; f. the soul. Prūrigo. inis ; f. pricking or iteb- Praph-o, a country beyond Æthiopia. Piychia, æ; f. one of the Cyclades, ing, the stb. Psēcas, adis; f. a drop of ruin, a called also Amorgus. Prurlo, ire; act. [qu. peruror] ! grain of gold found among sand ; Pſychonachia, æ; f. a war beiween iseb.' * Prurire in pugnam, to be alſo a tire-roman she foul and body. viry defrous to fight. Pruriunt Plegma, atis ; n. the duſt of melted Pſychomant-cum, e!: n. the circle dentes, I could willingly sat some and faked braſs. wherein corjurers call up.Spirits. thing. Picphiſma, alis; ni a decu, Pſychotrophon, i; n. tetong. Prüritus, Os; m. the itch. Pfeifi, a people of Taurinia, Pſychroluties, ajm a lover of ſwim- Pruladas, }; f. a city of Bichyola, Pſeudacanthus, 1 n wild carrots or ing or bathing in colé waier, Dutch brank urfine. Pfyrchrus, chri;'m. a very cold river Proliacus, a, um , adj. of Pruſa. Pſeudăcõrus, t; ai. jillow Power.de. of Thrace, cauſing the sheep that Prufias, '; m. a ling of Bithynia. drink of it to bring forth back limbs. Pruffia, ai f. & couning adjoining to Pſeudanchilla, æ; fwild buglofs. Pſydracium, i, n. 'a bliſter full of Poland, Pleodapoftolus, f; mi a fulle apolie, jellow matter. Pryminas, æ; m, the fourth king of Pſcudartace, a hill near Scytha. Pſyli, Õrum; pl.m. a people of Li- Corinth. Picudisõdomon, a building with Bone bya, jaid 10 hind! c-pents, and kill Prymne, 1, a ; f. a city of Ionia. of an uncommon thirkne;'s them with their breath. Prymnorum, ii ; n. (a mpúrra, pup Pſeudobunlum, ii; n. the herbs Pſyllichus. chi, m. a largo deep bay pis) the cable by which ibs big'is Barbara, or winter treffes. of Libya, of ibree d.ly's Gail. fafiened to the foore, Pſeudocato, onis; . a file Cato Pſyllion, ii ; lesco:ine, Pryano, us; a [es-nyniph. Pſeudocheus, iż m. one shat makes Plyllium, ii; A. the city Piccllo in Prytan-cum, ci; n. the Athenian no hones of a lye. Bithynia. *Iower whir judicatures were beld, Picudodictănum, i ; n. baftard-dir. Pſyra, æ, f. an illund in the Egean and ibi' ball of publick entertainment iany. jes, producing no wine, whi:h for the officers: * In-pytanco all, Pleudographia, æ; f. a counterfeit caused the posuerb: * Pfyra Bąc- to be a penſioner of the Aiste, and writing. chum, rc. non producit. have, oma's die allowed in the pub- Pfeudo!us, i; m. a falſe ſervani, a Pythia, a, . [ugsa, vitis) a raifin cheat, grape, which inuce excellent raiſina Prytanie, one of the council of pisty, a Pſeudomartyr, ris ; m. one shat gives wins. chief oficer in the Athenian flate, his life in confrinution of a Milli Piyib'um vinum, roiſin wine. Peytanis, A riyor of Pontuo. . bood. Plyttalia, æ, f. a ſmall iſland berrien Plcudgmc!anthium, ii ; n, cochle or Salamis und Piracus. 1 Ba Panic t coino. water. weier. MAN. PUB PU D PU G PUBÉS, is ; f. (hen the mark of rine, Podenda, õrum; n. pl. theprivy , paris, P ante T. nefs of age, in sen commonly rifing Pudeos, entis ; adj, modeft, baving af fourteen, in women af twelur; some game in him. Plarmica, æ ;.f. fnsizing-wort. a'lo a band or train of youths in Padenter, jùs, iffimè; adv. modafly, Pielca, a; fi an antimni' nami of, E. their prinne. Pube tcnus, up to wirh lheme-facedneſs. phe!us. the twift PUDET, puduit, or puditum cſt, Pieleum, ei; no a fown in Theffaly Pūbefio, čre; neut. to boom, or pu: ērc; vcrb. imp.reg. gen. cum acc. and M:icnia. Torib ibe sign of ri;eneſs of age, so to be aſhamed. * Nos pudet quia Ptera, a very fleung city of Cappado- flouriſh, cum catenis fumus, we are albamed cia, taken and rized by Cyrus. Pubis, e; adj. rice in years. because we bave chains upon. 14. Pierela, æ; m. là ao repov, ala) a Publia, 2; f. mother of Chryſoſtom, * Sunt quos infamia neque pude- dog's nime, Surif!, or Tempos. baniſhed by Julian the apopate. at neque tædeat, some are neither Piēris, f. Jeith, ibe herb oſmond. Publianus, a, um , adj. charaderized abamed nor aggrieved at iboir dif- Puerāmata um; n. pl. ibe fide walls by Publius. credit. # Nonne effet podiran, of a church, or ober great build. Pubiica, æ ; f. a common harlot. were it not a great shame? · Publicānus, i; m. a farmer of the lt Piribundè ; adv. Damr-faced'y. JA- Pterophorus, a country of Scythia, taxes, a publican. Pudibundus a, vin; adj. Jhame-faced. from u hence the custom of wear. Publicatio, ūnis i, fi a confiſcatios, o Púdicè; adv. c.flely, nodejlly, vir- ing feathers in the huts is faid 10 publiſhing, or publication. tuouſly. Publice; adv. publickly, or openly: Pudicit'a, æ;f a Roman goddeſs Pteros, an iland in Arabia Felix, * Publicè dare fumptus, to allow Putiniuia, æ ; f. chali.y, modely. Ptčroti calices, cared cubs. maintainance from the puélick Back + Pudicitiùs; adv.comp.more challely. Pterum, il promoniory of Lower Myfia. * Publicè aliquem deporlarc, io Púdicus a, um; adj. chajte, virtutus. Pišrygium, ii; 3. a ribing of the convay one in: bunibment by 145- Půdor, āris ; m jams, Shima-jacedo corners of the ses, or of the fleſte te- lick order of ibs Bate. * Pubiice nefi, modely. * Mulus pudor, 100 tween the nails with pain. venire, 10 cams ar an' ambaſador much baſhfulneſs. * Pudor patris, Priſana, æ; f. piilan, or barley from the whole ci!). * Haud cocò a being albamed to look one's father mali quid ex hoc fit ostum pub: in the fare, Noftrum vulgat cla- Pulanarium, fi ; a. a cup for barley. licè, it will be long enough s'or this mote pudorem, with our tries be man be guilty of freagon againſ the difiovers our foul miſcarriage. Priſciana, æ; f. a city of Mauritania state. Puella, æ; f. a grown muid, damfel, Tingitana, Publicitùs ; ady. publickly'; from, by, Wench. Picchotrophium, li; n. a Spittal or or so the people of Pate. Publici- Puel'āris e, adj of a maid. hoſpital, tùs interest, it concerns the common Puel'ārītèr i atv. like a young wenib. Proembari, a prople of Africa, Said 10 good. + Puellarius, a, um; adj. of maids. have no other king jave a dog, whom Publicius, a, um ; adj. publiek, of the Puellaſco, čre ; neut. to grow wanton thes obſerved very carefully, taking fase. * lter publicium, the king's and effeminale. his motions and nods for commands. highway. # Puellatoric; adv. shildibly. Ptolemæum, æi; n. a certain School Publico, are ; act, to publiſh, diuulge. Pucllatorius, a, um, adl; childiſh- At Athcns. * Homines publicare, to confiſcute ly, maidenly. * Tibia puellatoria, Põlemeus, cï; m. Pto!cmy, the name * Libros publicare,, to pur a Shriil ripe. of ſeveral kings of Egypt, taking forih books. * Meretrix le publi- Puellula, æ; f. a little girl, their names from Prolomeus the cat, lets berſelf to open jale. Puellus i; m. a litt'e boy, son of Lagus, a common ſoldier un Publicola, a; m. a courtier of the PU-ER, eri; m. Liv. Ter. (mais, der Alexander; and the name of multithide, a flatterer of the common Hcb bar, filius) a boy under fe- several other men. prople. veniren; alfo a jaruant. Pueri Piolenais, idis; f. the name of four Publicola, the furname of Publius regii, pages of honcur. * Excedere riries, ore in ih:op.a, another in Valerius, the first conful with Bru. ex pueris, to be past a boy. Cyrenaica, the third in Phoenicii, tus after the expulſion of the kings. Pucra, æ; f, a girl. and the fourth in Egypt, by Nilus." Publicum, i; n. the common good; Puěralco, ère ; neut, to grow a bay. Ptolemais, a certain old woman who the open freet. The Carere publico, Pučicüius, i, m. a little boy. oll her life-time was in fome law. not to pir abroad, to keep within daors. P-črilis, o; adj. of a boy, childiſ. . fuit or other, whence came the pro. * Toneri publico, to be bound to Puerite cít, 'lis very filly and idle. verb, * Lis Ptolemaica. pay tax, tribute or offelment to Puerilitas, ātis; f. childiſmeſs. Pielis, is ; f. a raje, z fall; alſo a the common treaſury. * Publicum Puerilitas formulam audirc, 10 dife:de in the eye-'id. agere, to collect the tribule, # Non bear the warnor, of training chil- Prous, i; m. a mountain of Bæotia, hoc impendet publicum, this cup of dren. where ibere was an orale of. Apolio, PUBLICUS, a, um ; adj. (à populus) wine fall coft no tributs, Puériliter ; ady, childiſhly. Puc. to which the Thebans reforied. rilitèr declamare, to make a childiſh Plua, æ;f, e city of Armenia Minor. publick, common * Fides publica, de lamatier. Ptyas, adis ; f. a green coloured addor a paſs or:proteam. Bono pub. Pueritia, æ; f. childhood, also fpirsing venom inio mens eyes. lico, for ibc benefit of the farc. + Pueriljes, ci ; f. '* A Piychia, a; an iſand by Corcyra. Publius, ils m. ibe, nams of ſeveral plerit:â fuâ, from bis child- Ptychicus, i, m. an inbabitant of Romans, Piychia. Publics and Laberius, Iwo ports ya- Puerpera, æ; f. [à pario]. bild- Piynx, gis; f. & ravmius bird, enemy Publius Decius Mus, a conful in the Pucrporium, ii ; n. a child-bearing s miliar with Julius Cælar. bes-woman. jo tbe eagle, Latin war, who freely gave his life alſo the child new!, born. P ante U. for the good of ibs army, and a Puerpěrus, a, um ; adj. helping de- Son of his, who iraitaied his father livery, PU, in old authors, for pupilla. in his fourih conſulſhie. Pučrula, æ ; f. a little girl. Puani, õrum; pl. a city of Arabia Publius Rutilius, he died ſuddenly, Puerŭlus, i, m. a little boy or child. Felix, at sbe hearing of the news of his + Puěrus, i; m., a boy or forvant, Pūbco, ere; neut. 8o be flouriling, brother's loſing be confulfhip wbich * 1, puere, pulſa, gó, firrah, and ripe, so be downy or wody. ho fought for. knock soundly. Puber, čris ; adj. ripe in geors, grown Pucialia, 2; f. a city in Spain. půGIL; jlis; c. [HUXTNI) a fighter and flourißing. * Pubera folia, Pūcinus, a, um , adj. Plin. of tur. of cuffs, cudgelo or wbirlbats downy and mally leavis, pensine, * Pucinum vinum, Spruce champion + Pūběro, arc; neut to grow wine, Pugilāt'o āris; f. an exorciſing of Puberaſco, čre in 1c37s. Pūdčfaclo, črc; act. 10 put 10 jame. skill at blows. Pabertas, acis; f. the piouriſhing or Púdčfio, išri ; neut, to be put to Mame. Păgilātus, ûs ; m. the exerciſe of ripeness of age, the ſpace from twelve Půděfactus, a, um, part. Shamed. forcoing skill weapons, or fourlein 80 eighiren. Uva Pūdendus, a, um, adj. Mameful, to firength, at dry blows, champion. pubertas, the prime of a ripe grape. be aſhamed of. Joip. Pugi. 1 3 bcod PUG PUL P'U Ľ Ľ, + Pogllicè; adv. champion-like. * Va: PULCHER, a, um, adj. [monuyapisa fuckers of treesa Rana puill, young let pug:lice, he is in high plight Epixonani vel à màux pous, mul frogs. like a champion. lorum colorum fair, frautiful, ex PULLUS, a, um, adj. (WENÒS) black, Pugilicus, a, um , adj. of ar like a Tallone, good, brave, gallant, va. dark-colourid, mourning, champion, liant, wife.' Hoc facinus pul. + Pulmcnt-as, āris ; n. por-herbs. Pugillar, chrum eſt, th's is a fine det in- (Pulmegtar-18, 19; adj. of beled wheat Pugillare nose-bock. das. Pulcher' liber, a well or gruel. Pugillares, ian ;-*. pl. note-bocks, pan'd piece. Pulpientar-ium, ii; n. gruel. Pagluaris, e; adj. of the quuntity of Pulcheria, æ; fi a pisus empreſs who Pulmentum, i; n. (a.pu!s)gruel, pap, handful, as much as me con bold left all ber goods to the poor. bang.pudding, any thing wude of ist bis hard. † Pulchralla, lum ; pl. n junkets. cors and water oý milk boiled, bui. + Pugilatorium, ii ; no 'a fansing- Pulchrè ; adv. brave'y, fairly, hind, tered wheat, a pigce of meat or fiſh, ſhoot.: fomery, fiuels, joundly. Pulchrè pleasant food. Pulmcott laboris Pügillătorius, a, um ; adj. fit to be notus, will-known.. Tibi pula bus empla, food sade ploajant by Jiruck with the hand. 'Follis pu chrè eft, you are worn enough. a foma h gor hy labour. gillatorius, a great porrh-ballo + Pulchreſco, ère ; neut, to grow fair. PULMO, onis ; m. Plin. (y&WW.Y + Pugilla, onis, m. a sencer. Pulchritudo, inis; f. comolinos, vel à pello) the lungs or ligbes ; alſo † Pugillo, are ; to fight like a hundfomene;'s. a janjeless fith, gut giving police of a Pugillor, arij, dep, champion di Pulchrum,i; n. a promontery of Africa. Norm to come. fillicurt's. Pulėgiuin, 1, [Ban g'av) penngreja!; Pulmonaria, æ; f. lang-wort, Sage Púgillum, i; n. (à pugnus) a band Pulejum, i; n. also furtaines of dif of Jeruſalen. Pugillus, 'i;m.}. jul, a little fift. courſe, favourinps. Pulinönárius, a, um, adj. of the lungsi Pugilo, are, 7to tight like a bampion PULEX, icis ; m. iyuana) a ples. purity, Jhort-winded, broken-wind. Pugilor, ari, 3 at fſic.ffs. Pulicaria, æ; f. flec-bane. Pūgio, onis ; m. lå pungo] a deg Pulica:io, ci aci. of a fier, Pulmõncus, a, um ; adj. like the ser or banger. "Pugio plumbeus, + Pulicinus, a, um ; adj. of a plea. lungs, light, ſwelling a walk argument. * A pugione, Pulicòsit.s, acis; f. abundance of Pulmunculos, i, m. a p:eie of fieb a ſword-bearer. deas, like the liigs. Půgiuncūlus, i; m. a little daggery a Páricoſus, a, um ; adj. abounding or Pulpa, æ; f. [2 paipo I the fleshy or panjard, dag, Nilletto, over-run with flees. brawny part of the bowy, the soft Pugna,æ; f. là pugnus) a fight, a Pullaceus, a, um ; adj. of a dark subjlance of any fruit or fiſo. burile, guarrel, difputation ; alſo brolun. See puilus. Puipamcntum, 1; Di Colleps, # dainty race. Pugnam facere, so en Pullaria, æ, [ſc, manus] the righi. oit, gage in battla. Pugnam com hand. + Pulpido, ins; f..a roll of bread, mittcre, to join battle. Edere Pullariæ, árum ; pl. f. fome small PULPITUM, 1: n. (BCA@dly vel a pugnani, 10 cousa quarrelling and ifrands of Iſtria. paipo) a fostjold upon she noge Fighting, 80 ser together by the cars. Pullārius, ii ; m. a poulterer i a fort where the dators wnc, a pulpii, ur Venit res Id pugnam, they pro of foothfugers among the Romans, duk, a balcony. : reed to. blows, who divined of good and bad quos Pulpo, āre; ncut. (à fono) to cry like Púgnācitas, ätis ; f. fouiness, a great (es by the packing of fowl i a A vulture, forwurdreſs to fight. breeder of colis. + Palpūſus, a, uni; ad). brauny, feſhy. Pugnacitèr , adv. joutly, Nifty. Pallarius, a, um , adj. of chickens ; PULS, puitis; 1.(puigos] hill; puit- Pugnaculum, i'; n. a foriraji. alſo of bardaſhes ding; pris. ' * Plus frumcntacca, Pugnans, siis į adj. repugnunt. *Pillafter, ri; m. a cockeril. frumenty. Pugnantia loqai, io speed contraries. Pillatira, æ f. a puller. Pulsatilis. c; adj. bessing. * Vena * Sententiæ pugnantes, contradie- Puliatio, 'ānis ; f. a rearing of chic pu.faciles, the puiſes, tory propofitims. kens + Pultatilla, æ;'f, black helleboro. t. Pugnatio!a, æ; f, a little skirmiſh. Pullātus, a, um ; adj. rad in mourn. Pulsatio, ūnis ; f Ter deating or Pugnätor, oris ; m, a fighier, the Gal ing. Pullati or curba pullata, she Anocking, a playing on an injiru. Jus pugnator, a game.cock, meaner fett of peo; le wooring gray ment, + Pugnatoriõla, R; f. a little or dark-colourd cloaths; Circu- Pulſator, oris ; m. Plaut. a firider. fight. lus pullatus, the filly ignorunt com. * Cliha!æ pulſator, a toucher of the Pugriãkõrius, a, um ; adj. fit for pany luta, fgbling. Pulleſcen's, ntis; part. à pulloſco, Pulfatus, a, um ; part. beaten, fricker, Pugnatur; verb. imp. thra is fight. huginning to be a chicken. played on, liamped, pounded. ing. Gladiis pugnatur alucis, Pulleico, cre; neut, to sboot forlba + Pulsim ; adv. in a beuling manner. they are at barps, tinder forig. Pulſo, arc; act. cum acc. (à pello) Pugnātus, a, um, part. feughi, Pulletra," } æ; f. a pullet, young to knock, brat, jlrike, play on an ing Pugnax, acis ; adj. Rout; Sanding to Pulligra, hen. firuinent Pullant podus meum, si joully in fight, fühborn, guspiel- Pusllicčnus, i; m. a chicken newly they grote 78. some, contrary. * Pugnax oratio, harchod. + Pulſula, æ; f. a blijer upon one's a' thundering oration, Pulligo, inis; For a browmejs. or fort by too hard walking. Pugneus, a, um, adj. of the fift. darkness of wool. Pu!ſus, ùs ; m. Plin. a beating, a Pugnicula, æ; f. a little skirmish. + + Pullinārius, ii ; m. a poullair. pulja. Pugniùs ; adv, with the film Pullinus, a, um ; ad). Of a colt or Pullus, a, um ; part. of pellor ; fmit- Pugao, are ncut. Liv. (à pugna] pugna] chieket ** Dentes pullini, colt's ten, driven away, plased upon. to fight, Arize, contend, 10 dif teath. Pultārium, ii; n. a portinger. puit, endeavuur, dijagysPug. Pulicies, el ; f. Za brood of chickens Pultārius, ii;'m a pipkin. nare pugnain, to fight out an vit. Pulljtiess or other fowl, a Pulticŭla, a; f. pop or gruil. gaganini. # Hæc pugnant fecuoi, young rate of bers, Puliificus, a, um, adj. whereof ilsele things rontruditi an- Pullulafco, črc.; to [prout or shoot gruial is made, other. * Ex equo pugnere, so fight Pullŭlo, are; neut, s out, so spread Pulliphăgus, a, um ; adj." caring pap an horſeback. * Pugnaveris, you young Mocters at the roofs. or gruel. will get the maſtery. Pagnar Pállūlus, i, m. a m. a joal, chickm, a Pullo, arc, to kno:k often, to rap. cum ſcnecture, it does not egree little Sprout or fucker growing under 7 Pulver, čris; m. dun. See pulvis. engelllud video te the old pork. Pulvětārius, a, um ; adj. of duft. pugnacy see you contend about PULLUS, i, m. Plini (nātos, vel a Pulveraria theca, a jand-box. that. * Hoc pugnatur,, the debate puellus) the young of any same Pulvērātio, onis ; f. a covering with is about this. beaf or bird ; alfo a bordah. # light and looje' mould, a diffolving PUGNUS, i, m. Plaut. Coun the Equi pullus, & colt. * Alini púl. to duft or powder. clinebed files #Certarc pugnis, 10 lus, an a's colt. Aquilæ pul-t Pulvoreſco, čre, to become duft. bex. Facerc pugnum, io clinh lus, an caglat. Gallinæ pul. Palvoreus, a, um ; adj. dully small the hill. Jus, a chirkan. . * Apum pulli, as aul. Pulchellus, a, am ; adj. pretty fair young bean. Arborum pulli, the + Pulvcrizo, arc; act. powder. Pulvero, + + S ont with olut nge ger 1 PUN PUR PUT Palvěro, are, to lay duſ upon. - No.1 PUNGO, púpúgi or punxi, punctum Purpurariæ, iſlands in the Atlantick lo hic pulveret, there ſhall no dull pungère ; ad cum accuf. (nytus] Jes, about the fortunate ones. be vided to binder you. 10 priek, ding, vex. - Pungit me Purpúrārius, a, um ; adj. of purple. Pulvérõlus, a, um, adj. full of du. rurfus, I am troubled again. • Oficina purpuraria, 4 ſhop to Pulverulentus, a, um, ad), duſly, be- Punicans, ntis ; ad). ruddy reddming. dye purple in. dufled, very dufly Puniceus, a, um, adj. ſcarlet, lighi-Purpurafco, čre ; neut, to grow pur- Pulvillas, m. (à pulvinus) a tu red. ple-coloured. Dion, Pūn co, are ; to paint the fare. Purpúrātus, a, um ; clad in purple. Pulvinar, äris : n. a cushion, pillow. Pūnicas, a, um , adj. Carthagi * Purpuratus pater, a cardinal. A pallet on which an image was ex. Punicanas, s nian or African, red as Purpúrātus, i; in prince in rick poſed; alto a temple, and a garden. Scarlet Pomum Punicum, & port purple robes. Pulvinarium, il; n. the pallet on granate Fides Penica, falfboed. Parporeus, a, um ; adj. Purple-to- wheben im gewos expoſed ; 4 Feneftrae Punicana, wooden win Lourid. • Purpurei tyranni, ty fbrine or altar. dows with clofe joinis, rants clad in purple. Mare pur- Pulvinatus, a, um ; adj. Col. fand-Pūnio, ire; act là penal to puniſh. pureum, the sea reflecting the red up rend like a cuſhion, • Capite punire, to behead. fun-bermais, + Palvinitorius, ii; m. & garden- Panor, iri i paff. to be puniſhed. Purpúr flatus, a, um, part. painted bed. + Punitio, onis; f. a puniſhing. red. Pulvinius, i; m, a little cufbion, or Punitor, õris; m. a puniſher. Purpuriffo, are, to paint meil or car- bed in a garden Punītus, a, um z part à punior ; mation colour Palvinus, izm. Col. (à pulvis vel pel punibed. Purpuriffa, ;f. Spaniſh red lis) bolffer or pillow, a couch or cu-Papa, æ; f. a girl, baby. Purpuriftum, í; n . paint, ſhion ; a bed in a garden, a green te Pupilla, e; f the ball or apple of the Purpurites, a reddiſh marble of E- lie on, a high walk or terras, alſo a ye; alſo an orphan girl. gypt. ſhelf or land bank in the ſea Papillaris, e; ad). of a ward. Purpuro, are ; neut. to be of a deep PULVIS ēris ; c. Liv. [à mong + Papilláritas, ātis; f. nonage. Ted, to dye of that colour. lutum) duft, powder, ſpiu, 4 plate Papillo, äre ; neut. to cry like a Pårulente ; adv. filthily, with mutk of extreile, the lifts, a borfe rate. peacock corrupt matter. • In fuo pulvere currere, to fight on Pupillus, i; m, a fathule's boy. + Pürülentia, æ; f. corruption or his own dungbil. • Citra pulve- PUPPIS, is ; f. Vir. [à con dii matter. rem, with eaſe. tutelares ad poppim) thu pomp, or Pürülentus, a, um, adj. full of cor- Pulvifculus, i; m fine duft er land. fern of a bip alla thi ubole jhip rupt matter, filtby. Pulv.fculum, i; n. * Rem aufe and the government of a fate. Se- Püram, i; n. the open air. rat cum pulviſculo, les bim ſweep debamus in poppi, we were of the PORUS, a, um ; adj. Liv. (Heb. du and all Council of Bate. phar] pure, clean, clear, unmixed, PUMEX, icis; c. Plin. (à ſpuma, Puppius, ii; m. a tragical poet. without exception. * Para veftimen- vel à QUTUN fpuola pumice-Bone. Pūpola, a; f. the apple of the eye, ta, plain garments without gard or • Lævius pumice exceeding ſmooth, Populum, i; n. a city on the ſouth welt. Purim argentum, plate # A pomice aquam quærere, 10 fide of Sardinia not engravan * Pura hafta, ſeek relies from one that is bard. Popolus, 1; m a very little boy. truncheon without a focket of iron. bearted. PUPUS, i, m. [Bouak] a little Purus putus, uutixed, pure and Pūmicātio. õnis , f, a poliſhing, bey, a puppet. tried. # Puræ genæ, cheeks without + Pūmicător, oris ma poliſer, be Pure : adv. purely, cleanly, perfeifly, bair – Pura charta, clean paper the rubs off hair with a pumice. withiut limitation or condition. 71 yıt wrote on. pone. Purgabilis, ; adj. to be cleaned. PUS, üris; n. Cell [us] corrup- Pumicātus, a, um, part (à pumicor) Pargānien, inis; n the off-fcouring tion, maler. Movere pus, to polilhed, ſmootbed. Pagamentum, i, n. 3 or drauzbe in draw o fort. Maturaren Pumiceus, a, um ; adj. of or like a channels or privies. * Purgamenta bring a fure to a bead. pumice, dry, bollow. inte dam creat terra pro frugl- + Para, æ ; f. e wench or girl Pūmico, are; act. acc. to ſmooth or bus, fumetimes the earth bring forth † Pufeus, ei ; m. a little boy. polily with a pumice, to rub off buir rubbiſh infiead of good corn. Pufcius, a famous martyr under the Pūmicolus, a, um ; adj. full of pu- Purgātio, bais; f. Cell. a cleaning, king of Perlia, biving been the mizoftones; alſo dry and bollow like expiation, a purge, excuſe, Pur over ver of all his artificers. a premire , gationes foeminarum, wonens Pafillanimis, e; adj. cowardly, Pufillanimus, a, um ; } faint beart- Pumilio;} ons ; ma dwarf . Pārgātor, oris ; ma purger, cleanſer, ed, loro fpirited + Pamilius, ii; m. a dwarf. Pergatorium, ii; n purgatory. Pufillanimitas, ātis; f. faint-heart- PUMILUS, a, um , ad). Là suyun. Purgatorias, a, um ; adj. of purging. ednefi, cow trdice. pugnus dwarfish Purgārus, a, um ; part. purged, ex Paflănimitèr ; adv. cowardly. + Puncta æ; f. a thruft or fab; tuſed + Pafillūlus, a, um exceeding mall. alſo revenge. Purgito are ; to cleanſe mucb. Puſillum, i, n. a little + Pun&ariola, æ ; f a little skirmiſh. PURGO, are; act. cum accuf, Cic. Pufillus, a, um ; adj. (à pufio) little, Puncim: adv. with a prick or thruſt Iqu pus vel parum ago) to purge, mall, baſe, faint Pufillus homo, *Punaim petere, to fab, to run at, cleane, extufe Purgare rationes, a pitiful ye low. or make a ibrujt. to clear the accompts - Pargaret Palinus, a, um, adj. little, ſmall. Punctio, onis ; f. a pricking, a ftitch. alvum, to take a purge. Purgare Pulio, onis; m. la puer] a little Punctiuncula, æ; i, a little prick pifces, to waſh and ſcale fibes, child, bardaſh. wib & nedla, pin, or bodkin. Purgare faftidium, to cure theft Pofiola, æ; f. a little girl. Punëto, are ; to point. weakneſs of the formacb. to rw + Puliunculus, 1; m, a very little boy. Punétum, i; n. 2 (à pungo] a point, Squeamiſhneſs, and loathing of viau. Paftů a, æ; f Cell. (à pus) a blifier, Punclus, i, m. 3 title, an indivi- als. whual. fible mita, a prick or thruf, amo- Purificatio, onis; f. a purifying ; Poftălarios, a, um ; adj. Cell. riling ment, • Omne tulit pun&um, alſo the purification or candlemas. up in blifiers, Argentum paſta (Hor) be carried every voice. day. Tatum, embofed plate, Punctum junci, tbe picked top of a + Purificatorium, ii; n. a deanſer, Puitüloſos, a, um ; adj, full of bliſters. buiruſh. Purifico, are; act to purify, cleane. Pulula, a; f Cell. (à pus) a blijiar, P nêūra, æ; f. a pricking. Püritas, atis ; f. pureneſs, ceannafs. puh, alſo St. Anthony's fine, and Pun&tus, a, um, part. of pungor : Pariter ady purely, clearly ſmall ridings in loaves while & bak- pricked, vexed, fung; ato prieked PURPURA, æ : f Cic: [roupoupe} ing dlwn. purple ; alſo the purple fif; the robe Pafulatus, 7 a, um, adj. full of lif- Ponctus, is; ma pricking or flick- of Roman magijirates; magiſtracy, Paſulofus, $ ters, blains, whils. ing. Oculi pundu eruti, jer dignity + Pufus, i, m. a boy. pirked out Purpärāceus, a, um, adj. of purple. Patà; ady. Cà puto, suppose, for in- + Pungito, āre ; to prick often. Purpurans, ntis; bleeding or bloody. Dance. Puis, terms. nians, cranes. gefe by Rome. PUT PYR PYR Puta, R; f. Hor (or, præputium! | + Potrilentia, a; f rottenneſs. PYRAMIS, idis; f. (mupuputs] a a little girl, a ludie tronpet. Putris, e; adj. Fotten, light or brittle pyrand, obelisk, Beeple Putamen, ins; n 'Cic. a bell, pa In venerem putris, a goatiſ Pyramus, i; m. young man of ring, the rind, aup. leacher. Putre folum, light sarib Babylon, in love with Thisbe, Putauo, õnis ; f Cic. a pruning; al. dropping preſently into duft. whom be appointed to meet with Jo credit, worthineſs Putror, oris ; m. Follmnefi. out the city; but for being frighted Putativè; adv. Hier, in opinion or Pūtus, a, um ; ad). (à purus] tried, by a lion, ran away and left ber fancy, unmixed. * Argentum purum pu- fearf behind, which i be found, and Putātivus, a, um ; ad). Tert. imagi- tum, pure fine filver without dras. thinking the bad been lain, killed nary ſuppoſed. Patiffimæ orationes, very clean himſelf; ſhe returning, and finding Putätor, öris; m. Plin. a prunar, and elegant orations. * Purus bim dead, fell upon the ſame fwerd ujne-dreſler. putus eft ipfus, 'tis the ſelf-farre under a mulberry-tree, which turn- Pulātorius, a, um ; adj. Ulp. of er for perfon. od the berries from wbite to red trening Putus, i; m. a wanton boy or minion. ever fince Putātus, a, um, part. pruned, drefled. Pyramus, i; a river zubito runs Păteal, alis; n. Cic. [à puteus] the P ante Y. through the Breights of Mount Tau- cover of a well; alſo the ſeat of a rus and Cilicia. great ofiter or judge, an ersictory Pyahefia, facrifices among the Athe Pyrander, rl; m. & treaſurer of altır for places frunk with thunder- Athens, fened by the people, be- bolts the court of common.pleas ar Pychon, a cubie. cauſe in the time of war he de Rome. Pycnofis, a thickening, fapping. livered cut con tro paringly; an Puteālis, e; adj. Col. of a will. Pycnoftylon s n a clorier or other hiftorian. Puteanus, a, um ; ad). # Aqua place full of pillers. Pyrafus, i; ma Trojan Main by puteana, Plin. well water, Pycnus, 1;m a river of Crete. Ajax ; alſo a city of Phthia. Putearius, i, m. Plin. 4 borer, or Pyaa, 7 2; m a champion, a Pyraufta, 2; a fire-fly. diyger of wells. Pyetes, 3 game cock. Pyreicus, i; m. a famous painter. PUTEO, ēre; neut. Hor, to find. Pyetacium. ii; n. Lampr. a ſchedule. Pyren, énis ; m. the kernel of an Puteoll, o um; m. pl. a town in + Pycomachus, i ; a fighter at han olive, cherry.fione, &c. alſo a pre- Italy, called Puzzuolo. dy-cufi. cioni fone. Puteolani, the people of Puzzuolo. Pydes, a city and river of Pifidia. Pyrenæa, æ; f. a city of Locris. Putcoli, orum; pl. m. places of Jul- Pyčnis, a city of the Colchi. Pyrenæa Venus, or Templum Ve- pburous watirs. Pyga, æ; f. a buttock, neris, a town of Gallia Narbonen- Puteolus, i; m, a little well or pit. Pvgela, 2; f. a city of Ionia. fis, Capo de Creuz. Putelco, čre; neut. to grow rank. PYGMÆUS, i; m. (wuguetPyrene, 3 the greatest mountain PÚ TEUS, i; m. Plin. là an TP PO pigmy or dwarf. Pyrenæus, 3 of Spain, dividing it tus, vel à Bubos, profundum] a well Pygmai, mountainous Indian dwarfs from France, from the middle of or pit, said to have continuat wars with the which they say both ſeas may be + Puticuli, örum; pl.m the common feen. burying place without the Eſquiline Pygmaus, a, um ; adj. of the Pygmæi. Pyrenæus, a, um ; ad of Pyrene. Pygmalion, õnis; m the fon of Be- Pyrethrum, i ; n. bartram, or bafiard- Patide; ady. Cic. rank'y, offaftedly, lus, king of Tyre, and brother of relitor). odiouſly Dido, who ſlew Sichæus for bir me- t Pyrētum, 1; n. a place where peats Putidioſculus, a, um, adj. Cic. Some mey; alſo the son of Cilix, who be 80w what rank, or affedted more than got Paphus on an ivory fatue. Pyrētus, i; m. a burning fever. ordinary er fould be Pyla, a; f. a port or gate, a freight Pyrganum, ſea-town of Tuſcany. Putid um ; adj. dim. à puti or narrow pallage, Pyrgenfes, iun; pl. people of Achaia. what rank or effiod, Pylacæum, i, n. a city of Phrygia. Pyrgi, orum ; pl. mi ? a city of He- Pylades, the jure frims of Oreftes, Pyrgum. i ; n. $ truria. m; adi. Cic à puteo] who prefered to lay down their lives Pyrgenfes, ium; pl. the people of fedted.. Oratio pu for one another Pyrgtes, tum; pl. m. $ Pyrgi. an oration to much larded Pylæ, a city of Cappadocia, and Pyrgion, a city of Crete. wtb qurint phraſes. Vereor mountains of Ethiopia. Pyrglæ, arum; pl. m. the Cretans. ne putidum fit, I am afraid it Pylæmenes, a Paphlagonian captain Pyrgo, onis; f. the murje of Pria- will be altogether unneceffary and flain by Menclaus at the Trojan mus's children difpleaſing Pyrgobatis, a boufe built like a Patifsimus, a, um ; adj. fuperl. à Pylæus, I ; m, a mountain of Lesbos fotoer. putes; met accurate, Pylagora, æ ; f. Ceres ſo called, Pyrgopolin'ces, is; m, a great hector, + Putitus, ig m. a fool. Pylene, és; f. a city of Ætolia. all-vian-lir. PŮTO, āre; act Cic. Là wula, ex Pyleon, 1; n, e city of Theffaly. Pyrgys, i; m. Hor. & tozuer, dice- ploro, vel à patas) to prune, to pylora, 2; f. an iſland of Persia. box, a ballot-box ; alſo a troop of count, debate and ſum up, conf - Pyloros, a city of Crete. horſe. der. • Patare rationem, to make Pyloros, t; m. the nether orifice or Pyrgus, i; ma city of Marmarica, out a reckoning. * Patare aliquo mouth of the fomach, the maw.gut. called alſo Barda. in numero, to bave in jome eleem. Pylas, a city of Meſlenia, Arcadia, Pyrimons, öntis ; f the city Spyer • Rectè putas, you are in the and Elis, all three fubje&t to Neftor. in Germany, rig Dr. Pyllus, a, um ; ad). of Pylus. Pyriaſis, is ; f. a plaifer to ofwage Putor, Oris; m. Stat. (à poteo) PYRA, æ; f. [sup] a funeral the burning of a fever ; alſo a black tink, rankneſs, Nanciſci puto- pile, a bonfire. precious fone very much beated by rem, to have a fine ng imell. Pyracmon, önis; m. one of Vulcan's rubbing Putorius, ii; m. afischer, Servants. Pyrimalum. i; ni a pearmain. Putredo, inis; f. rettenneſs. Pyracmos, i; m, one ſlain by Ceneus. Pyrind-us}i; f. cities of Caria. Patrof-acio, ēci, a&tum, acère; act. Pyræa, e; f. part of Theffaly. Pyrn-us, cum accuf. to make rotten, or pulre- Pyræcmes, a king of Eubea. Pyrites; m. a thunder-fone, e cop. 18, diſolve. Pyræl, pl. m. e people of Dalmatia. peras-fone, a fire-fione. Putrefactio, onis; f. putrefa&ion. Pyrālis, id!s; f. a fire-fly, a candle. Pyro f the name of a fea-nymph. Putrefactus, a, um , pait. putrefied. Pyrobolus, i; m. PUTREO, ēre; neur. (auspal] to Pyramea arbor, Cà Pyramus] a mul Pyrobolum, i ; n. } a granade. Tet or be rotten, berry-free. Pyrocorax, acs; m. a crow with red Putreſco, čre ; neut. to grow rotten. Pyrămādātus, a, um; adj. rifing up feet and bill. * Patrido, äre, to make rotten. with a ſpire or Reepla-wie. Pyrodes, the ſon of Cilix, who is ſaid Putridus, a, um ; roften, parished. Pyramides, um; pl. f. Egyptian to be the fire that fruck fire with a It Putrilago, inis; f. a putrefying buildings like Jpire Peeples, being a flint. vain offentation of their wealth, Pyro's, oentis; m one of the horſes of the fun; alſo the planet Mars. † Pyro- war. or out. PY T T QUA QUA + Pyrola, æ; f. the herb winter-grens Pyth'a, orum, n. gamni infituled in Quadragesima æ; f. the fortietb pert Pyromantia æ; fi divination by fire. binor of Apollo, fur killmg the fer- 1. Lint. Pyron en boia, who thought that pent Python, Quadragefimal's, e; adj. of Lent,the after forty day. Adam entered into Pythias, a Pythagorean, the friend fortab. Paradile og ein, of Damon. Quadragesimus, a, um ; the fertigtb. Pyronxa, æ; f. a city of Locris. Pythicus, 7 a, um, adj. of the fer- Quadragies, adv. fartytimes. Pyrophlegethon, & fiery river in bell. Pythius, peni Python Quadraginta, adj. pl indec. forty. Pyropus, i, m. a caround!a fone. Pythonices, a conqueror at the Py. Quad angularis, 2 adj. four Pyroticum medicamentem, funa thiin games, Quadrangulus, a, um. cornered, cauflic. Pythls, a famous painter. + Quadrangulátus, a, um ; ad). made Pyrpile, ês, f. an ifond to the Pythius, Apollo ſo called from the with four corners. gean fed, wherz fire to ſupposed to be ferpent Python, Quadrans, ntis; m. [a quartus) prl found, and is thought to be the Pytho, e city of Phocis. Roman coin, the fourth part of the fame as Delos. Pythodorus, i, m. a famous tarder. as, near the value of ar balfpenny, Pytha æ : f. the wife of Deucallon, Python, önis; m. a ferpent of won made of braf er lead, with the pic- who with her basband, after the derful bignas, bred of the corruption ture of a ship or frigate on it wharice food ir faid to reſtore mandind by of the earth after Deucallon's flood, we read of quadrans ratis: throwing ſtones over their beads; alja Lair by Apollo, alſo a ſpirit of pre becauſe it was thewberry marz'sfare & city of Caria and lonia ; alſo an phecy, and ente pofleted there with. it wt alſo the price of bathing, pub- ifiind about Mæotis devoured by the Python, a mot eloquent prater of By lickly paid to the keeper of the bagnio; jes. zantium. the fourth part or quarter of any Pyrrh., 2 The fraly, ſo called from Python, 2 a place in Aſia, number, mesure, welgbi, when e we Pyrrhæa, 3 Deucalion's wife, Pythonoſcome, whare the flerkt af render 't a quartern and e farthing. Pyrrhæi, a people of Ethiopia. ibeir firs coming moet together, trar Quadrans affis, thrus sunkes. Pyrrhand-er, ri; m. amade crafty ing her in pees that comes lejl. Quadrang pedis, thrze inches. Jyrapbunt. Pythonicus, a, um, ad). poffeffed Quadrans opeia, the fourth part of Pyrrhandricus a, um, ad). of Pyr with an evil ſpirit of foothſaying day's work. rhander Pythopolis, a city of Caria ; and ano- Quadrantal, ālis, n. a cubical veſel of Pyrrhias, æ ; ma merchant of Itha ther of Mylia in Afia. a folid foot: the amphora, containing ca, who took pity of an old men, and Pythoniffa, æ; f. a woman podeled about to Engliſh gallons or eght bought bia of the pirates, together with an evil spirit of foothſaying. congil. with ſome barrels of pitch which be-t Pytiliflare, to go on tipto, frete. Quadrantālis, e; ad). ſpan, or four longed to him; and to requ te binn, ing ong band forward, and the other fingers long the old in diſcovered abundance of baskward. Quadrantāra, æ, f. a common barlot. money bid asuong the pith ; where Pytiſma, 2 štis ; n. spitting Quadrantārius, a, um ; adj. of or upon he grew rich, and facrificed an Pytiliſma, zborib farthing ex in gratitude to birn, which orca-Pyzacantha, æ ; f. a little box. Quadrantāla tirra, fartbing.deal fioned the proverb, Nemo bene Pyxadatus, a 21 ; mede box.wfo. of land. merito bovem immolavit præter Pyxidicula, c; f. a little box. Quadrarius, a, um ; four ſquare, Pyrrhiam. Pyxirates, the river Euphrates, so Quadraffis, is, f. forer pounds weight. Pyrrbichäslus, il ; m. e ſoldier dan. called about the bead. Quadrata, & place in Rome again cing in armour Pyx's, a city of the Oenotrii Apollo's temple; alfa Rome iftelf, Pyrrhiche, ês; f. a dancing in ar- PYXIs, idis, f. [EN] a box ; alfo ſo called, a city of Italy, and other the bellowneſs in which the knuck'e- Pyrrichius, ii; m. a fost conffing of bone turns. . Pyxis nautica, the Quadrātārius. i; m. a flere-cutter. two fhort fyllabler, as bonus. mariner's compaft. Quadrālim, adv. in a qu Pyrrhicus, a city of Laconia, Pyxites, a river sr Themiſcyrena by Quadrātum, i; n, a ſqua Pyrrhi, , ibo kings of tbe Moloſi, so Trapefus. Quadrātūra, æ ; f. a San called from Pyrrhus. Pyzus, untis; a city in Sicily. Quadratura lune, the half Pyrrho, onis ; m, a certain painter, Quadratus, i; ma bifhey who afterwards turned philoſopher alfa a Romani bifloriant, wobo Pyrshopcocilius, marble of which the fifteen becks in the Ionick dialett, Egyptians made their obelisks, dedi- reach ng to the thouſandib year after cated to the fun. Qante A. the building of the city. Pyrrhus, i, m. a king of Epirus, Rain Quadratus, 2, um ; A & P Square, by the fall of a tile, at his of or Squared. Saxtum quadratum. Abbrevlat. for quantus, quare, free-flone, Corpus quadratum, a called oberwie Neoptolemus ; alſo middle fixe. • Quadratum agmen, the twenty eighth king of Macedo tos, &. battle-array • Quadrati boves, nia, and the ſon of Dædalus, wbo, Quà, adv. (à quis) which way, by Brong well made ozon. as Ariftotle days, firf invented pains- whar method or way, on which Quadriceps, gen. ipitis: ad). 2 art. ing in Greece fide, as, as far as, bor, both, part having four beads, Pyrum, 1; 8. à nup, ignis] a pear. 17. Qua terra, qua aqua, what by + Quadricornis, adj. with for borns. # Pyrum amerinum. A winter or land, and what by water. • Qua + Quadricuffis f forty pounds weight. St. Thomas's fear • Pyrum cruf- gratia, qua de caufa, woherefore. Quadridens, gen. dent's; adj. 3 art. tuminum, a St. James's or Cathe Qua eft impudential how frangel, hau ng four treth or siner. rine pear. • Pyrum hordearium, inipudent is he? . Non qua filost Quadriduanus,a, um ; adl. os four muskpeare • Pyrus volemum alicujus, fed quà homo æftimatur, days, a warden-pear. Veſci pyris to he is not condered at the ſon of fucb Quadržduenn's, e; adj. of four days fud on pears. a perſon, but only as a men. continuons. Pyrus, 1; f a pear-tree. Quacunquè, adv. by what ſo ver way. Quadriennis, e; adj. of four years. Pyftria, æ, f. an illand beforeSmyrna. Cuadantenus, adv. in ſome meajure, Quadriennium, in [a quatuor & Pythagoras, a; f. a philoſopher of to forme degree. annus) be ſpare of four years. Samos, she first author of meten- Quadi a paple of Germany. Quadrifariam ; adv, in four parts, four plochopi, er tbe poffing of the jeul Quadra, æ ; f. (a quatuor] a tren- into other bodies. cher, a quarter, a ſquare, e quarry. Quadrifidus, a, um, adj. (a findo] Pythagoraus, a, um ; adj. of Py * Quadra placenta, a chefr-caka cleft in four parts. Pýthagoricus, $thagoras. • Alienâ vivere quadra, to live Quadrifluvios, , em ; adj. running Pythaula, æ ; f. e jong to Apollo. cu four veins er flytans. Pythermus, i; m. an bifferian of -Quadrag@gārius, a, un, adj. of forty, Quadrifóris, i; adj. having fear gates pheſus. forty years old. for a ſquare bale. Pythaus, i, m. aut exceading rieb man Quadrageni, a, a, adj. forty... Qua- Quadriforals, c ; adj. of a four-feld in the time of Xerxes. dragena annua, forty thrufund id- Pythia, æ, f. the prieless of Apollo. tortes per annum. Quadrifrons, ntis; ad). having fouer 6 P forebeads, INOUT. plares. Say goes also the fun of Achills. Q.quandoque, quartus, qui, quin- wy. upon another. rert QUA tion. Pedererrog, 2; um ; adj. baving the QUA QUÆ forebeads on epithet of Janus. Iquirt, make ft; Deut. 40 fall out life and dealb, an examiner,& mar- Quadriga, æ; f. [a quatuor & ļu sum, to bit. Quoniam ita tibi gum) a charis or house with four quadrat, becauſe you think it fitting. Quæfitum, ! ; n. a queſtion or de- berfest Quadrare in allquem, or ad-ali- : mand ; alſo a thing goton. Quadrăgæ, arom; pia f. a team of quld, to agrue or fuit exaftly with. Quosītus, a, um ; A. & P. ior, iff- our borfes. Quadrůla, æ ; f. a little squsre. mus,. of quæror) foughe for, sb- + Quadrigamus, !; m. e non fosse + Quadrülātus, um; ad). Iquare. tained, alſo exquifita, great. . tines Diarriid.. Quadram, i; a. a ſquare quarry: Quefitior adolatio, mire meat and Quadrigārly, ii; m, a tharioteer. la quandrum redigere fententias, bandjams collegping QCI. Quadrigarius, an ancims Ro. to frame ſentences to a juft number Quæfilus, 68 ; m. å fuking, . man b:Porian. of well-ranked words. Quæro, quaimus, verb. defe&t. Qqadrigārius, a, um , adj. of a cha Quadrůpědans, nt!s; part. à 904 (pro quæro] I pray, we pray. drupedo ; going on your feat. * Quæſo vos orvobis, I berech Quadrupedans Ionitus, a noiſe made you, Damp of a chariot in it. by the trampling of borfes, + Quæftlarlus, ii; m. an inquifitor, Quadrigěminus, a, um z fourfold. + Quadrupedaria, é ; f. carrying on @xurainer, t Quadrigenarius, a, um ; of forty: a jour-forted braft. Quæſticŭlus, i, m. (mall gain or Quadrigula, æ; f. á litli sharia Quadrúpčdo, arc ; neut, to gallop. profit. with your pitiful berfus, Quadrupedos, as.um ; adj. Janding Quæftio, onis ; f. (à quæro] a ques- Quadrifūgis, e; 2 adl. (à qua or going on four. Just cion, propoſal of a doubt, Searching, Quadrijūgus, a, um ; $ tuor &\u. Quadrúpes, gen: édis ; adj. [à qua e cale brought to trial, a puteing guv) drawn by four horfas. * Qua tuor & pcs) four.fosted, crawling upon the rack. • Ne mihi qua- drifugi and quádrijuges, four hores upon all four. Quadrupcdem ſtioni Gt, lef I be put to find him in a cbarior. conftringere, Ter. to 19e neck and out. + Effe or verſari quæftione, Quadrilătérus, a, um, of four fides. hels. to be debated, not to be agreed on. Quadrilibris, c , adj. of four pounds, Quadrúpes, ēdis 3, m. and . a • Habere quæftionem de re ali- + Quadrilinguis, e, of four imguoi horfo qua, & examine a thing thoroughly Quadrimănus, a, um, of four hands. Quadruplātor, õris ; m. an informer Quæftionārlus, ti; R. an examiner, Quadrimātus, is; m, the age of four whı is to have the fourth part of a An exocusioner, years, * Quadrimatom agere, to confiſcated spare. + Quæftionor, ari, to ask a ques- be jour jears old, Quadruplex, icis; adj. fiue fold, + Quadrimembris, re; adj. of four Quadrupiicātio, õnis ; fi an increas Quæſtluncŭla, æ; f. a litle, facri, parts or memberi. ng to a four fold (um. or eaſy quafion. Quadrimenfis, ci 2 ad)of Quadcuplicatio ; jadv. in a fourfold Quæſtor, o:is; m. (à quæro) a tres Quadrimcnftruus, a, um ; four Quadrupai praportion, Jurer ; alſo a juoge upon life and Quadrimeſtris, c'; minibs. 1+ Quadruplicitè, four ſeveral ways. death. Quadrimõdus, a, um, of four ways: + Quadruplic.o, are ; a&t. acc, so sn-Quæſtorium, il; in the treaſurer's Quadrimulus, a; um ; adj. almos, ireule four.fold. plari wbere bis office was keps, ibi or but four years old. Quadrupl-or, arl; dep. to play the exchiquer. Quadrimus, a, um ,, adj. (ab annus] informer; likewiſe to be amerred to Quæſtorius, a, um ; adj. belonging ia to Four years old. pay a four-old reflitution. The treaſurer or treaſury. Onadrinalls, o'; adj. of four years. Quadrupulum, i; n. four times to Quæftorius, ii; m, be ibat exercifoto Quadrigēnārius, 2g um ; adj. of four much. any craft or gain. bunarod. Quadruplus, a, um ; ad). fourfold. gæſtuos.è, ius, iffimè; adv. gain. Quadringenio. 12, a; ad), pl. four Quadrus, a, um ; ads. Four-square. Quadrubs, is ; f. sbe cit, Athens. fully. Quadrageni, bundrid." Quæſtuõſus, a, um, adj. gainful, Quadrieni, Quadruſfis, is ; f. jour pound weight, greatly thriving. * Quæftuofiffima Quadringentěnus, a, um ; adj. Quadrus, a, um; aoji four fold, falſorum commentariorum domus, Quadringentésimos, } ibs four hun. four ſquare. a boufe driving great trade, er nok Hudib. Quæ, the fem, goder of qui, who, ing great profit of forging and falf- Quadrigenti, a, a, ad}. (à goatuot which. * Quæ lua eſt humanitas, fying bills and bonds. Ager qual- : & centum feur bundred. fuch is your goodness. tuolas, be that plays the tillar well. Quadringentiès ; adv. forse hundred Quærītăbundus, a, am ; adj, ſeeking Quæſtura, æ ; fi the treaſuror's place times narrowiy. and office. + Quadringentěplus, a, um , adj. Quærito, are; act. ro ſearch narrow Questus, . us : m. (à quæro] gain, your hundird fold. Ty for, to ask earneſtly after. profit, • Quæftus habcnt male + Quadriaoction, il ; n. The space of QUÆRO, fivi, fitum, rère; act. loqui mellorious, they make a pro- your nigbes. acc. là xnpeuw carco vel ab Heb. fit of railince again their batiers. + Quadijoodus, a, uQ; adj. of four kara vocavit) to ask, to ſearch, fook + Is quæftus cft multis, rbis is tbe mots. for, to get to quellion, controveri, irade of many. Quadrinus, a, um ; adj. fuur. bring trial, in a , Quadrini circuitas, febris, 4 quar. Quālūbet . 141 Egut manibus,, to earn one's living by Qualis, e; ad). [à qua] fucb as; of Quadräpartvis, e, dizided ipso four, labour. Quæritur inter medi what fort, whit, eum as, cos, the quellion among phy@clans Qualifcunque, qualecunque ;, ad). Quadr partio, önis; f. a quartering. is. • Quærc qui malit, A rude 3 art. à qualis & cunquc, wbatfo- Quadripartior, ii; dep.ro quarter, and unmannerly refuſal. • Qua ever, of whst fort joruar. or diviós into four paris. rere invidiam ex re aliqua alicui, Quālijibet; ad). Cà qualls & libet] + Quadripartito ; ady. in four parts. 10 cauſe any one 1o de envied by wbatforver Quadripartitus, a, um ; adj. divi. others Quærere rem mercaru. Quāliſqualis ; adj. 3 art. whatlover Quadripertitus ded into four, ris faciendis, 20:get, an fate by is be, + Quadripunctālis, 6, of four points. merchandizing. • Quærere. om- Quálitas, fatis ; f. quality, or condi- Quaariromis, 19; f. e dalies wirb four nes ad anum cxemplum, 'to maa cion, nature of. henches of rowers. fire all ty the ſame pandard, * Qualiter.; adv. like as. * Qualitcr + Quadrirotisc; ad), having four Quærere fitim, to ondourous to be qualiter, after what rhonnerſoever. weals. albiil. • Quærerc fomnuin, to Qualitecongue ; adv. aftor.wbat Qurdriseco, art, to cut in four parts. canja 10 Norp. manner forvei. Quadriſyllabus, a, um, adj. Oft Quirrens. ntis; part.. of quæſo ; QUALUS,:1; m. a pannier, besker, four yllables praying QUALUM, i, n. OY tray. Qadrivālis, e; adj. of four ways. Quæfitlo, õais ; fe a ſearch, an exa-QUAM; adv. & conf. Cà qui] bow, Quadrīviem; lin. (á via) « place mination. Than, as it were as." Doctior pobere sauer wazi wn, as Carfax it Quæfita, -āre ; [à.quæſo] to dobre quàm ætate, more learned tbon is Oxford. often... ujual at his age. Pridiè quàm Quads-o, āre ; [à quadra)' act. 10 Quzsitor, oris; m, a judge upon abilt, lbs day before be wmi. Sep. quartered, } 1 ting QUA doors. . ever, finne. QUA QUE timo quam abiit die, fewn day: Quari, a prople of Gallia Narboncnfis. brandiſbed, thrown out. * Quatie. after hi went. Quam mox, im-Quariates. 'a peaple of Gallia Narbo. tur foras, be all be sborum out of mediata'y. * Quam brcvlífi .nè pot nonfis, called also Carvara, whole * Quati ægritudinc, Soy tcro, in as row woods as I cnn. metropolis is Avignon. I hüve a sharp noi of fickneſs: Quam velit fic polens, les h!m be Quarraděcīmānus, i, m. a ſoldier of Quaftriduo ; adv, within four days. ai migrais os be ple: es. the courton h leginn; alſo ibofe that Quatriduum. ii; n, the ſpace of biur Quamdui adv, asilong as, how would keep the Palouer on the lour. Guys, I Quatridui navigatio, for Tong teenth day of the moon in March, days fail. Quamdudum ; adv. how long finesa Quartana (febris] e quarinn ogur. Quācuoi, 2 adj. indec. (Tacompa) Quamlibct; 'adv, although, as you Quartānārius, is ; m. he ihil bo Quattuor, }, four. will & quart in ague. Quäturoděcès, adv. fourtuen timer. Quia nobrem; ady. wherefore Quartani, orum; pl. m. foldiers of Quatuordecim, adj. indec fcurtoer. Quanıpúrimò, ady, as daur as may the fourth lagiin. Quāruurvirātus, us; m. ihe offi... Quartānus, a, um ; adj. of the fourih, chief farvangurſbip: Quimpluriinus, a, um ; very mu.h. quartan. Quatuo viri, orum; pl. m. the chief Quanpridem ; adv. how long ſince ? Quartārium, ji; n. & quorter. Jeavengars or overfuers of the high- how long horore. Quartā ius, it'; m, a quart; alſo a wayı. Quiaprimām; ady, with the very quarter of a pound. † Quxxillum, i, n. a little wider bankar. foy'perdily, as ſoon as, Quartus, a, um ; adj. of the fourth Quand's; conj. anthough, Pori, quarlared. # Quaxo, are, la cry like a frog. QUANDO; adv. 16.eroy, muvinal Quattata serba, saint words whereof + Quaxumi i in the croaking of A whence, nnle, ecing ihal. Quan: The fourth con fiarse be heard. frog. do gentiüin, whin. + Quartãtitio, onis ; f. an adding a QU,ante E. Quandocunque ; adv melimes. fourth port. Quandoquidem ; adv. fince shat, for Quarticeps, gen. ip's ; adj. 3 art. QUE, con: copulat. and is added as much as. having four heads or parts. To the end of anorher word, (xal, , Quandústim ;ady how long ſince ? + Quarto, arc; to quarier or take the Tr) and, alſo; but, alibiugh, yea. Qianquam ; conj although, how fturib It is alio ufed nelitically at the end Quarto ; adv. fourth!y. of words, as abufque, &c. Quanti, for bow mu:h, Quant Quartùu; adv. the fourth time. Quels or quis, for quibus, See qui. quanti, for. how mucb juever. Quartumvirl, orum ; mi four joint- Quemadmoduin; adv. as how. Quanti veheret interrogavi, I ask. officers. QU-EO ivd, itum ; verb neur. ic. od him what he muſt have for the Quarcus, a, um, adj. (a quatuor]; Xux xw] 29 de adie. • Non quto, carriage. the fourto. rinnat ; Quantillo; adv.: fer how little. Quartuidicimus, a, um ; adj. the + Querariam, ii; n. a cuſtard. Quantillum, i; n, how lisile. Joktleenth. Quercerus, a, un ; ad). quaking Quantillus, a, um, ad)bow very Quilt;, ady. [a quam & G), as if quivering. * Quercera 'febris, 4 linele. as if it w811. Quaſi tu dicas, violmi feuer. So querquerus, Quantifper ; ady, for how little a your speseb implies as much. . HO Quercetum, i in. a grove of orki. ra qurâ foprima, about fiven a Querceus, a, um, adj. of ook, oaken, Quancītas, Qus ; f.. (a quantus] clock. Quercúla, æ ; f. oak of Jerufalem. quantity, meltirds, greatneſs, X-QuaGllarla, æ; f. a basket-wmeh, Quercula minor, gorunder. tent. Quafillar us, a, om; ad). of basket. i Querculanus a, um : adj of 0. tanto ; ad, how mucb. Quáallarius. ii; m'a basker-imakor? | QUERCUS, âg; f. (* xmriss galla, Quintopērc, ady. how exterdingly. Quadiluiti, vc vv, exatpcro 3 ta. } li se leo] a wester Qualillus, Quaniūlun, 1; n. how little. Curcus' c!viis, • crown of oak Quantulus, a, um ; adj. bow lille Quaſsābundus, a, um; ſoaking mun, branches given to bim ibni faved a Quantŭl-uícunque, acunque, umcun. Qualsācio, onis; f. i Aaltering. • citizu. que ; adj. bow linte huer. Teriæ quaffailo, an sardhquoda. Qučsē a, zs; f. a complaintor mb.m. Quantulumcunque id eſt, as liesia Quarezlus, a, um ; part. a quaffor; Querelt tomporudi, a ſpeaking as it is, justovod. • Quaffata refpublica, agand she praient government. Quantulunibct, as little as my be. & retningon-wealth ores oficted. Habere quere a.n, nos to be very Quantum, ! ; n. boru suih.. Quin- + Quaſſim ; adv. joukrag! wall liked or takin. tum maximum, sofer as pelo., . + Cuaſsico, 150 ; 't hou oftet Quěrelsi, ari ; dep. to complain, las Quantum in me cft, quantum por- Quarto, are; act ncc., (a quatio) toj wens. rum, as far as I am alle. Quan quash, brundijb, fbuke, thuscori Qučribundus, *, um ; adj. weiling. tum quco (cito) as follas I can. rullis frequens quaffayli ora, I was, Qüdricônia, a fi complaining. Quantumcunque, how much foruar. ofron vibind wisb a vialent cowgb. + Queritaka, vais; f. a piritul com- Quantumvis, adv. a'tha', however.. Quallas, a, um, part of quatior , oling Quantus, a, am ; adj. (a quam l how Buken. Quaffa vox, a low voisse, Quéritor, ari ;, 10 koep.a pitiful com, greet, as big as. Quantum eſt'ho us ; m. a lbidrag. minum, all tren that all. #Tumor Qualifácio, ése; act. acc. te cause! Quernus, a, um ; of in oik, cated, quantus maximus effe poteft, as to make and trinnble. QUEROR, queftus fum, qucri, dep. great a ſwelling as may be, * Par't Quaičnus ; adv, how far, in as nuh acc. (ab Heb kara clamav.l] to ora quanta anſeris, it lags eggs as 65; Soeing shal, to ihr end sbas. coupliin, lument, to warkle. * A- big as gogle eggs. Quater, ady. jour times, minos querilor fcelus, she lamongs tba lot of ber young ones. . . Apud Quant-ufcunque, acunque, umcun- Quaterděcičs, ady forly tiszes. que; adj. how greut forrer. + Quăicryĉni, 2, a; adj. four soge populum queſtu. cit, be made bis Quant ulibctalibet, umlibct, adj. 'ther, en lo the praple. Tote grear forver, Quăternārius, a, um ; adj. of four Quorqucdŭia, æ, f. a ka! Quantuſquantus, a, um ; adj, how Qirqděrı, æ, f. 2. cold ft. Quštcrni, æ, a;. ad). pl. by four and CUERQUERUS, a, um, adj.(a, Quant-uſvis, aris, umvis ; adj. as four. resposta per lemno vel a Xuxapor, much or great at you' twill. * Quan Quă!erno, onis ; ma compofition or caiperj quiviring, cold. civis pretii, worth any sony, collection of four, quarter. Qurrquetu'anus. a. um ; adj. of oak Quanvis ; conj. although. * Quant Quaternitas, atis ; .f. quaterpily, groves. The Gucrqucrula:12 viræ, vis fordidus, tho! neger sodal. fill perfons. Juno ai haimad yades. * Quanvis callidè facere, in Et Qitārnus ; adv, os quatenus, q. v. Qurrgučiuin, i, n. a grove of eaks, nouar jo murh like a knave. Quztio, li, llum tcrc: act. acc. 171- Cučiūlor, ari; dep. is complain., Quapropter ; adv, wherefore, réson, xushx] to muke, bailar, Qorul.s, a, umadj. coinplaining; Quaqua; adv. hy wat way. Forver. braniſh, wix. * Quatere terrorc iainenring; Jounding Brill Quaquaversùm ; adv. every way. populos, to per il se people into a ser Queitus: a. um į patt: o queror ; Quare ; ady. (quâ re) wherefore, rible friglt. compluining; or complained of wh, so the end thai, Quat-ior, cris į paff. to.be saken, Qucrius, ùs ; m.io complaint ar plomm. 6 P 2 QU 1 cot zuide. great foever. QUI QUI QUI tus efto, trouble not yourſelf about in dice. QU ante I. that. Mile quietus, & malet Qu niſc-o, ère ; neut. ta med or constant. • Animus quletus, 4 mind fbake the bord. QUI, quæ, quod ; ger. cujus, dat. free from anxiety. Quinquāgenārius, a, un ; of fifty fifty cui pronom. reletiv, who, which, Qu libet, quælibet, quodlibet 07 years old. # Grex quinquagena- that, what a one. Nec foto tam quidlibet, geg. cujud bet; every ring, fifty head of cattle. Urna iofolens, qui Jovem effe me di one, my body or thing, obſcure, of quinquagenaria, en un of fifty cam, nar en I ſo ſately as to call no account. pints. Well Japiter. Quem te appel- Quilos, a fair city in Africa, takon Quinqoāgenl, a, a, adj. pl. fifty lem ? what fall I call you, by the Portugueze, A. D. 1505. Quinquagenæ materiæ, timbers Qui ady, wherewith, ber, wby, Quimatus, is; m. (à quinque] the fifty feet long from where, would to God. age of five years. quinquagēles } adv, fifty time. Qui minus, why not. + Quinus, a um ; ad). five years old. Quinquagies, JUTA; adv. [Heb. ki] because, for QUIN ; adv. (Hebkim ruby nur, Quinquagefimus, a, um ; adj. the as macbos. out that, nay dut # Quia leno fiftieb Quianam ; ady, wherefore ? hic habitat, yes berz dwells a pan. Quaqu ginta : ad). indecl. fifty. Quiane, what becauſe der. Quin monuifti recè, truly + Quinquangulas, a, um ; ad five Quicquam, cujuſquam, any thing. you adviſed me right. * Quin ne Corner Quicque, any th ng, every ibing. gem ? wby fould I not deny it? * Quiaquàtria, oran; the feafft of Quicquid, whatever Quin nolo mcntiare, nay, I would Quinquatrie, arum; Minerva, in Quicum for cum qui, with whan. not have you be. Hic non eft inquatrus, pum;m. bunur of bar Qurcunque, quæcunque, quodcun locus, quin tu aliuzo quæras cui cirth-day, kept five days together a- que, wherever, zebaijoruar, of what centones farcias, bere jou can do no bout the 19th of March when ji bool- quality foever, every one. good, r'on go ſeek fome other person to marters we e paid thei falary. Quid ; neut. gen, of quid, what put pour tricks uport. Quin taces, QUINQUE indecl. v, vel qui. wherein, why, bow. Quid mu why don't you hold your pete? *** FYXE , & unum præter 4) five. lieris uxorem habes? what kind of Qulnārdus, a, um ; ad), of five. Quinque Ecclefiæ, & city in Han- a wife have you got? Quid id Quināvicēnāria lex, a Roman law, gary, zalies by the Turks Putr fit hominia? what kind of a fellow Forbidding to lend money to a fon un chen, and by the Germans Funt- is that? Quid pater, vixitne? der twenty-five years of age during kirchen what's become of my father, lives bis father's life, Quinquefolian, ii; n. c.ngtufoil. be ? Qu'd mecum eft tibi ; ubat Quincumpēda, æ ; f. a ferch of four + Quinquegěnus, gen. eris; ad). 3. have I to do with you? Quid illi Teet. art. of five kinds. fiet? what will become of bia? Quincunclālis, e; adj. of five inches Quinquelibrālis, e; ad). weighing Quid faciat aliud ? whas can be do or 622ce), Quincunctalis ordinum wue peunds. beſides 2Qurd qucrist who ratio, the p.anting mas the qusrinquemeitris, tre'; of five months. will you bave eje; *Quid multa! wile. Qulnq zenervia, a; f. ſmall plan. what need there any more be ſaid ? Quincunx, cis; m. à quinque un tain, ribwart. Quidam, quædam, quoddam ; pro che] fue ences; also five trees or Quinquennalis, e; adj. returning nom, à qui & dam ; face site inere, fo fat t gather that a regular vary five years; enduring five years, ſomething engularity and thorough proſpect is Quinquennis, e; adj. of five years, Quidem, adv. [à quiddam] indeed, left on every fide; aljo a neajune fue years old. Truly. Et quidem, you and that holding forneubat above half a pint. Quinquennium, ii ; n.[à quinque & • Ne quidem, no not, not so much Quincunx ufura, five in the ban ahous} the ſpace of five years. .Quidem certè, at loaf. dred. Quinquepartito; ady, in five parts, Quidem profectò, in good faith. Quincupèdal, alis ; n. a rule of five Quinquepartitus, a, um ; divided Quidnam, gen. cujufnar, whs. feet long Dunquepertius, 3 insa five parts. Quidam lle commotas venit; Quincŭplex, gen. icis ; 2 ad), five t Quinqueplico, are ; to multiply by wbat is the matter he is in a fram. Quincuplus, a, um; fold. fue. Quidni ; adv. what elje why ne!? + Quinděcērēmis, is f. a galley Quinquěrēmis is ; t. & galley with Quidni ego ficam , what fuld wubfifteen ſeats of rowers Ti ve benches of ours. I do out Weep. Quindecies ; ady, fifteen times. Quinqucrtio, õnis ; m, he that plays Quldplam, cujuſpiam, ſomething Ou nděcim ; indecl. fifteen. the five Olymp.ck prizes. Quidque, cujuſque, every sb ng. Quindécim viratus, lls ; m. the office Quinquertium, ti; n. (ab ars] the Quidquid, whatever. fshe quindecimviri. jive principal exerciſes at the Olym- Quidvas. gen. cu ufvis, any thing. Quindecimaviti, orom z.pl. m. fiftern pkk gamer. Quiduim , adv. how in ? commiſſioners, everjears of the śbyl- Quinqueviri, oruml; pl.m. fiue joint- QUIES, ētis; f. (70gía, vel à line oracles. comiſioners. *€ 41, quieſco) rejt repoje, fleet Quindônārius, a, um , adj. tof ff. Quinquevirātus, lls; m the office of Pillres from wind. Dura ques. vive commiſſioners, death. Quietes avium, roofs. * Quindēnl, æ, a; adj. fifteen. Quisiguies adv. flut times. Qaretes ferarum, dens of wild beat.Quinetiam, adv. moreover, but end + Qusaquinnatus, ús; the ſpace of Quies dottrinarum, & ceafing beve all th.. four years. from Budy, # throwing one's broks Quingenarius, a, um , adj. of five + Quinquinas, a, um, adj. of five efde. bundred, five hundred ye sad • years. Qui-efco, ēvi, ētum, eſcere; Deut. 10 Lanx quingenaria, a diſbe of five + Quinquipun&ālis; e ; adj. of fue rol, to be fill, pacified, be orderly, hundred potend-weight, or bolding paints, to flees, to be slent or dead, r lo five bundred pints. Quntadecumani, orum ; ſoldiers of content. Quiefce hanc rem modò quingeni, æ, a;adipl. five bundred. The fifteenth legion pelere, do but forbear this requall. It Jungchtarlus, a, um 3 of five hur- Quintani, orun; ſoldiers of the ffib • Quibus poterat quieſc fi hic ared. Legion quieteeret mbich might have been a-1 Quingentësimns, a, um ; ad). the Qaintanos, a, um ; adj. the filth. quiejed in, bad he been quiet. Quie five bundredeb Quintana porta, e row in the Ro- icant rem adduci ad interregnum, Qviagenti, æ, a ; adj. [ à qu nque man leaguer, tebind the generals let it be brought to an interregn. & centam ] five bored. quarters, wbare ford the funtlers and Qulētē ; adv. quietly, without diflur - Quingentes; adv. fue bundred times, Juch as brought commodity to ſell. # Queuiflimè fe recepc-Quingentilibrālis, e ; ad). of five hun-Quintanas, a nable young man who runt, they withdrew themselves with drid puunds. Tan at the emperor Commodus with out the last naiſe. + Quingentuplus, a, um, ad). fut a zakat dugger, faging, The ſenofe + Quiēto, are; act to quiet, pacify. hundred times as mub. fant ut bin, ou he was taken by the Quietorium, i, n. a dormitory. Quint. 2, a; ad. five. ſoldiers, and ſuffered for his mad- Qa @cus, a, um ; ad). -Jor, iflimus; Quinime; adv. get, ſo much as, but mifs. (à quiefco) quiet, peaceable, calm, rather + Quinticeps, ipis; the fifth head or content, afirep. De iftos quie + Qusnis, Onls ; f. the fue y cinque Perl. Quintilia, teen. Dance aver. QUI QUO RAB Quintilia, & ; f. the migreſs of the QUISQUILIÆ, arum ; f. (Heb. Quðtennis, e ; bow many years old. Poet Licinius kafb] weeping, subitlings, ends of Quotidiano ; adv. every day. + Quintilia, æ ; f. a bloom or bloſſom broken piiks, vif ref refuse. Quotidianus, a, um, odi. of every Quintilianus, 1; m, Quintilian, a Quifquilata veftis, & ſcarlet gar day. Forma quotidiane, ordi- famous rbitorician of Spain, who ndry beauties taught at Rome, under Galba and Quilquillum, il; n. thi Jcarlet berry, Quotidie; adv. [ qu. quoto die] -- Domitiaa ; br bad a grandfather of El kermes. very day. the femme name, whyje thoja decka-Quifquis, quicquid, whoſoever, what- + Quotidio, are ; to continue dails. mations are ſaid to be that go under joever ; habet tantùm nom.acc. & Quoličs į adv. bow ofien, as often Quintilian's name. abl. Quintilis, is; m, the fifth mentb, he Qaivis, quævis, quodvis or quidvis, Quotieſcumque ; ady, bow often . Einning the year with March,called any one, any thing. afterwards Jallus, in bonour of Ja-Quinza, a cuy of Mauritania Cæfa.Quotieſībet ; adv. as often as one lius Cæſar, by a law which the con rienfis, and a boon of Carmania. will ful Antonius made. Quolibet ;-ind, bow many ſerver. + Quintina, arum ; f. blooms. QU ante o Quot nen libus ; adj. montbly. Quintios, a firname among the Ro. Quotquot, as many as. Quotquot mans. Quò, adv. by bezo much, wbisher. annis, every year that comes. Quinto ; Quintùm ; adv. ffily. Quò ; conj. to the end toat, for which Quotūmus, a, um , adj. zobat Cits reafen, whereupon, to what end ar order.] • Quotumæ ædes ? bobo Quintuplex gen. icis ; 2 adj. five purpoft, many houses of Quintuplus, a, um ; fold. Quoad ; adv. wb li, until, bow long, Quotuplex,genicis ; zdj. bow many Quintus, a, umadj. [à quinque) as long as. # Quoad facere pof fold, of how many ſorts. be fif b. fum, as far as I can effe&. + Quotáplus a um, adj. how many ? Quintas, i ; ma frame of divers Quoad longiffimè poteft mens meal Quotus, a, um, was ſin pember. Romans refpicere ſpatium præter!ti tem Hora quota eft ? what's a clock Fabius Maximus Verrucofus or poris, as far back as I am able to Qubtuſcumque, quotacumque, quo. Ovicala, a very prudent Roman remember tumcumque; adj. as many as ever. general, who svercame Hannibal by + Quoadufque;adv. untill untill that.Quotufquifque. quotaquæque, quo- motbing more than abji aining from Quocirca; conj. wherefors ibere cum quodque ; adj à quotas & fgbting; from wbence be bad the fore. cunque ; one of how many.. Que firmame of Cundator. Quocum ; with whom. tufquifque præfert utili honeitums Quintuſděcimus, a, um ; adj. the fif- Quocumqae ; adv, witbatforter who in this world prafort conſcients rernth. Quod ; n. of quí; which. * Quod ad before interet. Quotaquæque Quintuſtis; f. five poured waigbe. me ícribis, as to that you ſend me rea evenit prædicta ad aſtrologi, Qu nus, a, um ; adj. five by five. word of. * Quod nunquam ferè, of the many things tbe aliralagers Quipote , ady. how is it poſible. zbicb is Dery feldon. . Quod idem, foretall, bow few cams to paſs, Quippe ; adv. (à quid] in as much, thar wbi b Qdovis ; adv. any whither. Quo- as, truy, that is to ſay, becauſe. Quòd; conj. (à quiſbecause, as for, vis gentium, any wbither in the Quippe qaí, es being one thu foraſmuch as Nihil eft quod world Quippequla; gaudeas, you have no reaſon to re Quoufnàm; adv. as far as. ady. bssasſo. Quippequoi ; joise. Quod qu a, but becauſe. Quoufquam ; adv. bow long, Quippiam fer quidpiam, any thing. Quodammodo , adv. after 4 fort. Quippini ; adv. why no, why ſhould Quod unque; ad), whatever. QU ante u. 1 otherwiſe Quodpiam ; adj. any thing. Quirinālla, um ; pl. n. the days Quodvis, any thing, what you will. QUUM ; adv. Cyryllyel a qui} whi:b they ſacrificed to Romulus. + Quoi for cui. when, whereas, although, fince that. Quirinālis, e; ad). of Romulus. Quominus ; adv. tbat 20. # Per Su cum Collis Quirinalis, a bill in Rome te factum quominus trift's fim, Quamprimùm ; adv. lo pon as ever. were there was a temple of RO you are the cauſa ab.lt 7 am not de + Quur; ady. wby. Sue car. mulus juited + Quirinor, ari ; to make a ſoldier. Quomodò ; adv. how, as, Quirinus, izm, a nine of Romplus. modo nunc eft, us the cale ands Quir's, itis, f. 4 (pear or juvelin. zpitb bima. Quiritāuo, onis ; f. 2 an exclain. Quomodocunque ; ady, howſoever. Quirltatus, ûs, m.ing, mourn Quomodonàm ; adv. how I pray? Ransı A. ing, ſbricking Quona nmodo, ady. b.w. Quirites, tum and iam ; pl. m. the Quondam , adv. [à quidam vel à R. C. abbrevlat. for Romana ci- quum] barutofore, once, at any t.me, vitas. Quiritius, a, um ; ad). of the Roman at longib. R. D. for regis domus. citizens Quoniam conj. à quum & Jam Raba, a city by be gulf of lonia. 2 [à Quirities co cry becauſe that. Quoniam quidem, Rabaihmona, azt a city of Pa. Quiritor, arl; Ance thai. leftine, stow called Areopolis, The follow citizens and countrymen, Quoniam and quoquàm ; ady. Any Rabbatammana,æ; f. a city of rosina for aid and help to fbriek, exclaim, wbisbar. tainous Arabia, complain, grunt Lke a buar. Quoque; con), alſo, likewiſe, truly Rabbi ; indecl. (Heb.] mafler, QUIS, que, quid or quod, [Heb. Quoquo; ady, whitherſpaper Raoblnu', * ; m. rabbin, e He- mi, tis) who, fome one, bow graas, Quoquomodò ; ady, bowever, in any brew doctor fognal, Qu:s lac eit mu wie, always, • Qaoquomodo po- Rabduchi, ſerjeants, beadla, ller? what woman is that. Quis tes, if yose can any way. † Rabia, a; f. rage, madneſs. eft omnium ? who is there in the Quoquoversùs; adv. towards cuery Riode ; adv. madly, furionfly world? Quoquoversùm ; } coaji. Răbidus, a, um ; adj, mad, inrages, Quinam, quænam, quodnam or quid- Quorsùm ; adv. (quò verſum] whl- RABIES, ei ; f. là rabio, vel à fo- Dam ? who or what? ther, to what ena or purpoſe. no) rage, fury, maana's (of deg?s.). Quiſquam gen. cujufquam, any body, Quot; adj. indecl. Paol] bor many, lidendi rabics, az unbrid ed appe- An quiſquam gentium eft æque as many 45. * Quot calend is, e- miſer ? in there any body ſo mifera very first day of the rain:h. #Quot + Rabio, ire; to be mad, to rags, ble? • Quifquam unus, any one. libet paffuum millia, bow many Ráblöse; ady, madly, ragingly, fus- Quiſque,quæque, quodque, every one. miles Jueur. riotally: Vix decimus quiſque, bardly one Quotaanis ; adv. [ ab annus) wery Răbłosúlas, a, um, wild, ſnäppiſh. in tm. Tertio quoque die, every hier Rabiolus, a, um ; ad). mad, furios, Third day. Pro le quiſque, curry Quotcunque ; indecl. bow many ſo angry, full of rage. • Signi Fabloli one acceding to a part, or what tempora, the dog-days. bis burt was Quoteni, a, a, adj. bow many? C. Rābtlus, Roman knight ; alf 4 por site. CUET. RAL RAP R.AR 1 . or + a pool wbs wrote, in a lofty Ayle, Rānāle, is į . dead bough cut, Rapicias, a, um, adj. of a rape op trwar betwein Antonius and O&ta from a frut. turnip. vius. Ramalia, õrum; n. Palm-ſunday. Răpidè , adv. haftily, ſwiftly, RĀBŪLA, æ m. [à ravus, vel Hcb. Rāmentum, i į n. Là rado) a na Rapiditas, āt.s,' f. heftineji, ſwift. rov, litigavit) a jangler, a barreter; uing or pirap ng, a bip. Aurum nfs, violence. ao A glutton. in Aumlaun ramen;is inven tur, Rápidus, a, um ; adj. Juddon, Swift, Rabulcala uva, [à ražus] a taimny gula is found in lumps of land in hall), v.olent. kind of a grups. riurrs. Răpiendus, a, um ; part. fuc. in dus Ricaislus, a, um jadi. bearing a Rāmeus, a, um ; adi. of a hranib. à rapior ; to bel natched up. emplo, shin, or Jiraggling bunch. Ramex, icis ; in. là ramus) bwrllen. Rapina, a; f (à rapio) rapine, pil- Ricemátio, Gaia i. f, Col. a gleaning muſs, the falling of the bowels into the lage, raviſh nga grapes. cods, allo she guts, und ihı yard, Räpina, a; f. La rapum] a rapi- Raccmātus, a, um ; hiving bunebes. Rāaicālus, a, um ; adi. burjlon ord or turnip-ord. Råcēmifer, a, um , adj. bearing and Ramiſes,& king of Egypt, in whose + Răpinātor, oris ; n. & raviſhing. bringing forth duffers. simi 'Troy wis taken. + Ráplnofus, a, um ; full of rapins. + Răcēmor, arl; to glean or gaiber Ramncs, Ronan knighes. RAP.10, ui, tuin, črc; act. acc.Cic. grupai. t Ramositas, ātis; f. fulnets of dotáci) so fareb, take a vay Racēmālus, a, um; full of clufars. branebes. hafily, bale, draw, allure, so rio RÅCEMUS, i, m. [ à Pag icinus) Rānālus, a, um ; adl. having many vijb. * Rapere ad pænam, to a clujter of grapes, and a bunch of bongbs or branches. carry to execution. * Rapore colo- orbir fruits or borries, Rāinõlõſusa, um ; adi, having mu rem, to take a colour quicly. . In Racha, (Hcb.) a form of reproacb. ny liule dran:bes, jprigs or Sprouts. jus rapcre, to irreft one. • De Racilla, a woman killed with her Rinūlus, i; M. dl bough (uce rapi, lo die, Narıbus odo- busband by the fall of the boufo, prig rem mpere, so frent quickly. * Ra. upon their wedding-night. RAMUS, 1 im. (Heb amir]a bough .pere aliquen la invidiam, to cauſe Radians, nuis ; part. glittering. or branch. * Romas montis, the e perſon to be balrd. * Ragere in Rādiālio, onis ; fi a glancing or saft. ars of a wouniain. • Defringere pelorem partem, to take a thing in ing of beans arboris ramun, to break of a dough the worj jon's. Radiātus, a, um, part. à radior ; in. yuch a man's ground before wis Raplftrum, i; a. wild nufard. having beams of brightneſs, Rota neſs, which was to give notice ihat + Rapo, õnis ; m. a ravenous glutton. radiata, a whirl wib spoker. • Ra. he was the right owner, and would and would † Rapo.caulis, rape-cole. dlatum infigne dlci, the sun. . make good his țitle to it by law. † Rapfellum, i ; n. a little rake. Rädicalls, e; adj. radical, natural. Rāmuſculus, i; m. a little beugh or Raptácus, a, um, part. á rapto ; Rādicātus, a, um, part. ropted. branch. Jnatibed away haſily. Radiceſco, ére; to pret forth a roof. RĀNA, ; f. Cà ſono, vel ab Heb. Rapim ; ady. Spordils, swiftly, in Ridicitùs adv. from ibe root, upto ranim exclamavit) a frog. * Ra 109.hafle. ibirou, utterly: * Radicliùs cru ne mura, frogs of Şeriphus. * Rapcio, onis ; f. a raviming, cre, to pluck up by the ropes, Ranz rubeta, paddocks. • Rana Rapco, are ; act... Snatch awayful- Radicor, ári; dep. to take root. piſcatrix, she frog-fijb. donly or baſily. In crimina ali- Rādicoſus, a, um ; .adi. having many RANC.EO, ęre ; n. [ à Pois car quem raptare, to cbirge any one roots. rumpo, vel à tágon rancor] to br with faults. Rādicúla, æ; f. a lidle roos or'radife, pale, moulds, or rossen ; to have a Raptor, oris ; m. e taviſer, er vir fullers-wide. hogor. lont taker, a fixer upon. Radio, are; neut. to fine, glanse, Rancelc-o, čre ; neut, io grow file, Raptum, i ; n, a ibing taken away • sal beams like yun. begin to grow jtrong. by force. Vlvitur cx rapto, they Rădíòlus, ; m. a ſmall fouttle ; alfo Rancide ; ady, Balely, frongly, with live by ſealing a little long olive. o bogu. Raptu, a promontory of Æthiopia. + Rād!ölus, a, um , adl. long like a Rancidūlus, a, um ;, adj. a little Raptura, a; f. taking by rod or fun-brain. wouldy, paliff, not sue frof. * Raptus, ùs; m. forie, Rădloſus, a, omi adi. caſing great Rancidulum os, a finking mouth. Raptus, a, um; part. of rapior; takon and thick deams, Rancidus, a, um ; adl, jale, mouldy, away by forci, rudibid. '* Oſcula RXDIUS, i, m. (P8680s) a ray, a baving a bogor, rank. * Rancidus ma è rapta, boiſlerowi kiſos. fun-beam, geomster's rod, awks aſpectus, « dark colour. Rapulum, i; n. a little raps or tur- ver's Quirk; the ſpoke of a whul, a Ranco, are, [à fono) 80 ] cry, like a nip. firike ; alſo a long live ; alſo ibe yger. RAPUM, 1; n. (Páqus] a rape or bigger arm-boxca Rancor, ūris ; m. rankneſs,rotionnels, tumip; alſo on excreſcence from the RĂDIX, icis ; f. [ Piga) a vost, a mouldings, palmifs, fournie's. roof of trees. • Rapun ſylveſtre, radilo, a primitioe word, ibe frún. Ranculus, a, um, limewbat nos. rampion. dations or principle of any ibing, the 1691, Rapunculus, 1 ;m. a wild rape. foot or bags of a bill. . Radix t Rinella, } æ; f. « litla frog. Raraffa, a city of ladia within Ranula, dulcis, liquorice. Radices agere, Ganges. so rake rout. #Virtos altiffimis det Raonētum, i; a. a place where Rārè, ins, iffimè; adv. rardly, thinly. fixa radicibus, virtua' never to be frogs are. Raičlăc-id; čre; act. u make thin. rooted up. Rinunculus, 1 ; m. [à rana) a little Rāréfactio, onis; I. A making shing RA-DO, di, ſum, (Eupec vel à páood, frog i alſo the herb crowfooi. rurefaim. felndo.) 10. jave, Israpa, 80 grade, Rapa, a; f. A rape, turnip, Sre raRīrētio, ēri; to be made thin, cuk, ily ſwiftly. * Raderc iter li. pum. Rärēoter ; adv. faldon. quidum, in cui ihe air, Radere Rapacia, } örum ; pl. 2. rape. Rarentus, a city of traly. littora, io coaſt along. kavrs. • Radere Rapicia, thin. Rāreſc.o, čre ; neut, to grow aures, 10 offindor grate tbe ears, Rapacidæ, aram ; m. thieves, Rareſcit miles, the files art ibin Raderc terram, to Jerape in the dur Răpācītas, ātisi; f. á ravming, extor- by reaſon of footany being killed. (as puultry.) tion, pillage. * Rareſcunt colles, the bills begin Radúla, æ; f. (á rado) a juiner's + Răpācīter, ; adv. ravenouſly. to diſappear. + Raparium, ii plane, a bread-grater. jn, place where Rärla, a field in Eleufine, whare Tri. Radúlanus, 19. um; part. Marin, rapus grow, ptolemus is said to have 'Jown sbe forapid of Răpix, gen. ācis ; adj. 3. art. rade. fi corn. Rago, the trwn and cable of Nor. noms, gready, covetens, devouring, Rarípīlas, a, um, having shin hairs, tinghami. Swift. Räritas, ācis ; f. thinars, feldomofs. Rala, æ; f. la rado) a ray, scale, or Raphaninus, a, um ; ad), of a radilh. Raritas dictorum, the few dla- Ibarabart, Rapbanstis, idis ; f. a kind of power. gant phraſes and witticinos in an + Ralla, æ ; f. á vett, a tbix par. de luce. orgjion. mon. RĂPHĂNUS, i, m [Paqara) Räritūdo, inis ; f. rbinaus. ' * Ra- Řallun, i; ni fà rado] a paddle or radio, ritudo terra, lighina's of mould, Plougb.gotta Raphia, a city of Paleſtine. Rarò ; ady. Jeldom, rarely, + Raro, } R A T REA -REC a inond's arm, ! + Rāto, are; act. to make thin. fuo) a raft, a fight skip, dogger-Reatinus, a, um ; adj. of Reate. RARUS, a, um, act. adj. ior, iffi boat, an oar. + Rcâtūra, a; fi beinig arraigned. mus, (ápaios) thin, Seldery 101 Ratisbona, æ ; f. the city Regenſpurg Reăcus, ûs ; m. guiltiness, a being in Bavar a. called in queflion ujien, rare, unuſual. Rarus po- tu, not using to drink much. Cri- Rătītus, a, um ; adj. ftamped with the Rebellatio, on's ; f. a rebelling. brum rarun, a coare a wide feve. figure of the ship Robellâtor, orisi m. } a rebel. • Racemi rari, a few ſcattering Ratluncŭla, æ; f. (à ratio) a reason Rotellatrix, icis, f. cluffars of grapes. * Facle raras, a of litt'e affia, a ſmall reckoning, Rebe:lio, onis; I. a robellion, rifing very beautifal man. Răcus, a, um ; adj. iffimus, frin, again). + Rāsāraen, inten. Joevings.. confiant, fable. * Ratuan habere, Rebellis, e, [à bellum) rebellions. Räsilis, c; ad). paved, or which to confirm. * Ratum facere, to roa Rebellum, ii; a. a rébellion. may be ſhaved. tify. Proces ratæ, propers that Rebello, are ; neut, to rebell, rife + Rasilitèr , adv. Havingly, are heard. * Ratum eft mihi, I againſ, • Rebellat vulnus, the # Rāſim, sadim liks, adv. am reſolved upon it. wound grows bad again. Ralis, a great pbilosopher and phrfician Ranca, æ; f. [à rayas) a warm brud. + Reb'to, ere; ncut. to return. of Africa, ing in the roots of iria. † Roboacus, ùs ; m, a bellowing and Rāsíto, arc, to have often or close. + Rauce; adv, hostfaly. founding again + Raſo, are, 10 fr.ipe or foave often. Raucēdo, inls ; f, a haarſeneſs. Reboo, are ; ncut, to hollow and Răror, : is; m. a ſcraper, Javer, Ragc-co, ère, to be boarſe. found again; to acho back. [ + Raforium, ii; ni a 'barber's Joop. Raucēlco, čre; neut. to grow hoarso. + Rebrachiatorium, ii; n. 2 lip abonat a , Rasõrius, a, um ; adj. Of or for Anario + Raucidulus, a, um, adj. fomewhat ing. * Culier raſorius, a razor. boarlo. Rebüll-lo, irc, to bsil np. • Spiritum # Raſta, æ;f a Dutch mile. Raucījónus, a, um ; adl. giving a rebullirc, ti give up.ibogbox. Raftellum, 1; ni a little rake. hoarſe found, Rauclſoni leoncs,. Recalcitro, are ; ad. acc. to wince Raftrum, i; n. (pl. hi naſtri and hæc Toaring lions. or kick backward.. raftra) a roke or harrow. Raucitas, ātis; f. hoarſmeſs. Recalco, are ; 20. acc, 80 trampla Rasmura, ®; f = 1ting or feraplug. RAUCUs, a um ad. a fono) ] upon, tread undar faof.. Rāſus, a, um, part. of rador; Joaven, borrde, alſo loud. Ser rayus. * Con Recal.co, čre, to be hut again. frootbed, cleaned, * Ralos lloa centus rauci, unpleasant mufick: • Recăleſc-o, čre, to grow but again.: liber, a book wel burniſhed. Nifi ipſe rumor jam raucus erit Recalfac-io, 2 ere, to make bu a- Răta, a; t. (à rcor] 4 rate, ar pro- factus, unleſs the report had alriody Recălcfaco, } gain. portion in a lor. clas'd unleſs there had bre no more Recalvafter, ri; m. funewbat bald talk about it. behind. Ratæ, aram ; f, the town Leicester. Rat aria, di f. a barge or ligbror. Raudus, a um, imserfect; unwrought. + Rēcalvitica. ei; f. boldneſs behind. Ratiarlus, il ; m. the major or owner Rauduſculus, a, um, brazı, of brons. Recalvus, a, um adj. ball behind. of a vesel. Răvenna æ; f. a city of Ga lia To- Recand.co, ērc, to be bus or wbiu 4. Ratialtam, a city of the L-movices. gata. fuppo ed to be built prafently gain, to be in a great beat. • Re- + Raticuia, z; fi a little osat. after the confuſion of tongues. canduit ira, he was very wroib, Rat.fi-ācio, onis ; f. a ra:fication.“ Ravennates, iht seople of Ravenna. Recandeſco, CTC, so grozo cobite or but. Ratifico, are, to ratify, confirm, + Raviātus, a, um , adj. mnade hoarſe. Recānitum. 1 ; n. a lisy in Italy, Ratio, onis ; f. fà reor) reason, re- Ravidus, a, um; adj. brown coloured. Recano, crengut. sing again, · * Oculi ravidi, grey Jus. gard; refpect, an account, or te kon- call back by jinging, found a retras, ing, a way, flion, ford, a rule, Rav-!0,lre; ncut, to rave, to cry till Recantatio inis; f. a recantatim. counſel, business value. * Ratio- one de hoarſe. Recantālus, a, um, ad), Jung again. nem habere. Yo havé "so do with, io RĀVIS, is ; f. (Bpás xes, vel à fono] * Opprobria rccaatata, reproacbes regard. Muliam rationem obti. borrlonaſs. * Ad raviam pofcere, 10 rewked and turned into praifa. nent venti, the windi cariy a great salt for a thing till one's abroat ho fare Recanto, are;, act. 10 uncbarm, to furie. * Conftat ratio, the account Ravius, a lake in Ircland called Erne. Tecant, to echo, or unta, again. holds. * Ritioncm commodi duce. Rauraci, a pople of Germa Recapitúlātio, onis; f. a brief 16. re, 80 h.. ve'regard to profit. * Prop. Raurici, ny, near the Hel. posting the heads, ter rationen belll, by reason of the Rauriaci, vetli. Recapitulor, art: to recapitulan. * Veftram nequco fatis mi. RĂVUS, a, um ; ad), (xageror) Recaptīväias, 2; um : adj. saken capa rari rationem, I cannıt enough ad Tulis gray, dull, blunt, dry, tive again. mire at the crurj« you to še to bring Recaitigo, are; act. 10.ravit. it about. Rationes Galliæ pro. Rania E. Recāſūras. a, um, part. fut, in rus curare, to he governor and dapury of of recido ; folling back. Gaul. • Ad noftrorum temporum RE, præp. (à retro per apoc. vel Recăvus, a, um ; ad). bollow and rationem vetus, an ient in compa. à Pew] in compoſ. Significat. * arched utward. riſon of the times we live in Retro, ut relpico, look back.*Rece-do, lfi, flum, dere ; neut. to de- + Rătioc'nabilis, e; adj. reasoning Russùm, ut rep:crafco, 80 grow a part go away, to recoil, to crafe, to Răriöcinātio, õn's ; f. s rajoning, child again. Contà, ut reluc werve from, mijlgla, auvid, 10 ritum, djipuling, or rariorination. tor to flouggle against. * Super, forget. Abhoſtibus recedcre, ti Rătăcinātīvus, a, um, of reasoning. ut redundo, u overflow. * Longe, * A vita de medio rece. Răliöcinător, oris; m. id reglener, ut removco, 10 put AW.13 ar di- dere. to die. • 'Tu-ab iftoc procul cafer nje accompis fance. Aliquando negat, ut re recedas, Hand you off from bim. Ratiocinium, li; A. a re:koning or tego, to uncover, * Alig. intendit, Quae procul recefice, which are arrompting ut remacreſco, to w..* very laun Alar off Rcceffil venter, ib. Răciocinor, ari; dep 10 reaſon, prove • Aliq: oil mutat, ut ſupinus, re: belly funk. and consiude by realni, accomps. ſupinus, with the fare unward. Recella, cre, to cell down, firika baci. + Răriõnābjiis, c; adj. reafenible. Note, Antc vocales et b interponi- RĚCENS, tis ; ad). tior, ciflimus; + Rätiönābi.itcr; ady, reaſonaby. tur d, as in rcdamo, rcdco, redi. Lab Heb. rojob, odor, vel reben, Ratlonāle, is; n. the bref plate of mo, redoleo, scdundo, redhibco. uterus) mai, frufb, lots, laft the Jewiſh high prio). Readopto, arc; act. 10 sdopt again, Milcs rccens, a foldin entering thu Ratlonā!is, is; m. a privy counſellor, Reædifico, aic ; act. to report and field. Recenti re, faribwib. Re- the emperor's recriver. build agoin. * Reædificare mers: cens ē provinciâ new come out of Råtlönárium, li; n a bosk of Accomfti tum, to get inn fodtur again. the province. * Pullus à partu ra- and reckonings, a ragiier. Reālis, e; adj. (i re: rral, 1142. cons, a role now foased. Recens Rāt:onārius, a, um ; adj of accompts Rcalitas, atis ; fi reility. ab illorum ætate, prefently after or reckoning Realitcr ; adv. rally, according to their time. Răcionātor, oris ; m. an accomplans, Irush. Recea: , adv. twly, lids, freya auditor: Reapfe ; adv. (qu. re ipfa] in trurb, Receni.co, ui itum,- 10 veitin, ri + Rātionārius, ii;'m a keeper of bearth. * Excrctum recenlera, to arcompts. Reaſsumo, cic, to take aguini major an array. pus rcconſcro, RATIS, is; f. (à rado, vel Pew Rcāte, a tiwn pr this Sabince. to review for cerrutton. Recen WIT. in very deed. I < ; gan. trobin princes for the delivering Np of Reclinus, a, um, adj. hanging or REC REC REC Rěcenfo, on's ; f. a mufiering of an, Rětinium, fi; d. (à reclno) a ſquare , Reclinätorium, ii; a. a place bend- anny, a taxing of citizens or ſub muntle uſed by the Romans. ing downwards. joài, e mbrarfing, reviewing. Roc-ino, inui, entum.[à cano]da fing Recinātus, a, um ; part, reclined or &čceasītus, a, um , part of recen ovir and over again to report. bending, or leaning towards, Scor ; reckoned, toid, viiwid. + Reciperantia, æ f. a laogur be. Reclinis, e.; Ricendus, a, a, um ; part. of recen- bending down, feor i reskonea, called our again, Any thing: leaning upon. Receifus, îns i per a reskonings new Recipero, arc, to refres Reclino, are; act. acc. to loan and kerfing." Rěc-ipio, ēpi ceptum, põre ; a&. boxe into. Ubi le dolor recli. Rucenter; adv. lately, newly. acc: (of rc and capio) to rectius, narct, when the pain funk or was + Recentia &; f. 'newnej. take again, 80 admit, to recover, fed. • Reclinare onus imperit Recenta; are, to repeat; rentu. 18 rolive, to previſe, renew. # In in aliquem, eorgh the preſs of the Řčceator; ari i paff, to be renewed. ſe recipere, to undertakı, * Ad ſe empire wpon one Recentūlus, a, um, very new, recipere, 10 entert ein or harbour. Reclives, e; adj. 2 bending somewh.ir + Recepſo, for recepero. Ręcipere.ſi, lo coriate to one's felf. (Rcclivus, a, um ; } upwards or back- Receptáculīn, i ini a place řs iv * Roc pe ad me, cone bitbor. * wardie :ing any ibing a recept:ele, refuſe, Recipere enlém, o draw out a Reclū.do, i, fun. dere ; act. acc. Lorchuk, Receptaculum omni sword. • Recipere tergum, to, [of,re and claudo] so opin, diſcloje, po purgamentorum, the comision. pur' in the rear. * Cum ædes ven difcover, 160 draw okt. fower. deret foliua paternum recepit, Recluso, onis ; f. an opening, Receptātioonis; f. an'often rettung. whin ho sold his house to kiss bis Reclūlus, a, uin; part. of rccludor ; Réceptâtor, oris ; m; a froquine re Father's chair. * Ad frugem. ſc rc. opened tirivir. clperc, to grow thrifty,. Reci- + Recoda, 2; f, raatfe chesfe. . Receptio; Orls' f: 2 receiving: pere caufàm capitis alicujus, lo Recoctus, a, um ; part of. recoquor; Receptītics, a, un; adj. rerved, be any one's counſel wbin tried for foddin cguit, well exer:iled, Fure, exempt, exempled from alienujon. bis life. porfest. *Recoctus fenex, a ſub- Receplo, arē, so rative often; to har. Recip.jor,čris, 1; paff. 80fe riceived the old man, of great experience in boxr. admitsed, &c. * Recipt ad Deos, the cfairs of the world. Receptor, oris, m. la reliyir of 'lo ba cincnixed. + Recipi la cl- Receno, are, to sup again or Receptrič, īcis ; f. * Polen górss, a · bun to be good to eat. twice, barbodiet of Thieves, & conitaler of Reciprocatio, õnis ; f. a relutning Rěcogitātio; õn's ; f. a thinking a- theit. uither wbon'e it came. * Recipro- Recepruun, ni a promiso. cat!e maria, therebbing of the 101. Recogico, are ; act. 80 confdar or Recçptum eft ; imp. it is approvid. t. Reciprocātus, a, um, returning to think upm again, to ponder. Receptus, a, um, part. of recipror; the lumi point Recognitio, onis ; f. en arknowledg. received, avid, + Reciproc cornis, e; adj. having gent, a ſurvey, or calling over 1 14. Receptus; 3. m. 4 reireat, or * barns turned backward and forward talogus, firing; a rofage. ' • Reccpai again. Recognitor, õris : mi a rooffer. canoré, 18 Yound a iertat, Reciproco.. arc, to return thither from Rccognofco, ävi, itum, orcérc; a&. Rcceffim adv, going backward, rei whirica he came * Si quidem ifta 'to achiwledg, knew again, to view tromingly: Lic'reciprocantur, price theſe ibings feriouſly, reviezo, to mufler, vift, Receffionis; f. lo ricoiling or go art to interchangeable. Recipro collea. * Recognoſcere decretom, Rěceffas, As; m. 3. ing back, a Je. care aërem, to take breath. to look a derros ouer again, to amend creiy, retreat. . Resellus ma- Reciprocus, a, um, adj. (à recipio] Something in il. - sis, the ebbing of the sea. Luna ruiprocal, resurning whence it come. Reco.l.igo, égl, cdum, igērc ; acc. accestu & recesta fuo folis. Sú men Amnis reciprocos, Piver whirl to gather together again, to recover, accipit, this mont borrows the ſun's ing back. * Argumenta reciproca, to recall, rmew. Recolligere vi. - lighi by rowing on or off Plus arguments capabša of being refort rcs à longâ ægritndine, 10 pick up habet in receffu quàm in fronte Strength afsar a long fickneſs. * Re- * promittit, it bas mort within tban Recisāmen, inis; 3 n. a paring, colligere animum iratum alicujus, is promiferb withousi Rectamentum, t'; } Shrud, rhin flics, to appeaſe any one's wrath. + Rechamus, *;*m. & truck's. Recifio, onis ; ta paring or cutting Rec-ólo, olui, oltum, olore Récidivāt o, onis; f. a Telepfe. aweya rucifion of a debate. acc. to till or droſs again, tu adorn # Recidivo, are, ta relaps, Feriew. Reciſus, a, um ; part. of recidor ; anow, to polift, to bring to mind. Récidīvus, a, un'; adj. falling again pared or cut off. Quæ fi iple tecum rccelis, if you after it was got up. • Recidiva Rěcitācio, õnis ; f. a robearing, re remember yourſelf. + Recolere ftu- febris, a relapſe into a frver. peut ng, rasding alcud. din, 10 fall a pudying again. Rě cido, cidi, calun, cidere ; ncut. Rec talor, õris; m. la loud rehears- + Recommendo, aré, to recomand, (of re and cado) * fall again, or Recicatrix, icis ; for. Recomminilior, i ; dcp, to pudy to bäckigard. . Eð recidit, the map. Recitātus, a, um, ribearfed. Re make nezo, to call to mind. : tor is come to this paſs. • Incaffum citatus hæres teftamento, declared + Recompensātio. õnis; f. a reguit- rocldere; to come to nothing. * Ad heir at the needing of the will. ing or making a ſatisfa&tion, paucos tecidit ars muſica, few men Recito. are ; ait. to secile, rebearſ, + Recompenso, are, to requite. are ports: * Quorluni recidet tuua read aloud, to say by beart. Recompono, čre ; a&. 18 make up s- reſponſum, what will you anſwer? + Reclāmā:io, onis ; f. a-crying e guin, * Hoc la' memoriam pueritiæ tuæ gain, a gainsaying. Recompoſitus, a, um ; part. à re- Tecidit, this puts you in mind of your Reclāóätor, oris; m. - bildbood. Reclāmatrix icis ; f. ja gainſager. Reconciliatie, onts; a reconcilia- componor ; made up again. Rěci:do, di, fum, děre; act. : [of re Reclāmitātio, ' on:8 ; f. a frequent sion, agreeing, a peace-making. and cædo] to cut of or a way to part, gainpoging. Reconciliālor, oris ; m.) a races. i geld. Quamprimum longas, Reclānitātor, õris m. a frequent Reconcillatrix, icis ; f. '$ ciler. Phæbe, recide comas, o Phæbe guinſayor. Reconciliālus, a, umn; part. ricon- cat of shy long hair very quickly. Reclãojito, āre ; neat, to cry often conciled, mode friends, agrued on. 4. Reciduo, are, to fall back or again, ogging. Reconcilio, are ; aa, acc. & dat Rechuun, ii ; n. the regromnart, Reclamo, are ; neut. dat. to say á pe:1. to reconcile, bring into favour or refdas. guins, gainſiy, to cry out in anſwer, ogain, so recover what was left. ** + Rocinācus,' a, um ;ladj. wearing 18 darbo back, to ring with ; to sp Animos populi fibi reconciliare, tb garmni recinium. pose. Reclamo tibi.pro rco, 1 to win the people's hearts to him. Recin&us, a, um, part. of rçcin din's allow what you urze og.2.94% Reconclliare filium domom, to get gor ; mgirti olio armud agoin. the criminali bis 0:1 home again. * Reconciliare Recingo, zi; &am; gerc ; act acc. Reclināt:o, On!s; f. a leaning or, exištimationem, to recover his for. to ungird, Prip. bonding towards. over reputation. Rěcināius,am ; adj. wearing the Recl nätor, oris ; m. la leraar op Reconcinno, are ; 28. 8 repair, gantint rečinion: brdar Sewards. mond, for togabar again, patch up. Rcoon- ; adt. 1 i } Rècorr-igo, exl, citan, igere ; 22. Récupéro, are ; a&t. (à capio | 1077- Redd:0, idi, itam, Coc.;, a&t. (of te REC RED RED Reconditorium, li; n, a chry or cof. Recubitus, úsį , a lying all along; 1 + Redadopto, arc; to adopt again. for..! a Janing or lolling backward. R-dāmbūlo, are, to wild back again, Resondītus, a, um'; part. of secon Rěcŭbo, are, ea lie all along, to lie Rěnămo, are ; (of re and 200} t. dor; bidden, laid up. i Voces buck. logie again. recondita, obblete words. Rocū do, di, dore; act, to work or aci, to work or + Rodandruo, arc, to roburn, Rocond-o, idi um ; act a hite or forge new again, to new con. * Redardcícuyère, so be enfamed a lay up. * Gladium in vaginâ re. Ridla, a fi {á rea a faz4 mil gain. condeie, to put up one's ſword. ter or thing Rédarguo, ui, ätum, pere.; a&t. 10 Récondu.co, si dun, quere ; a&.14 Réculcô. are ; {å calco) to trámp's diſprove, confuts, back, buma, find renew a laaa. under foot. farli wih. Réconfo, àre, so me!s or cap again, Rēcu'cus, a, um, past..of reco'or; Pedaril, a people of Girmany. repair. relied or drogad ugain. Redaufpico, are; } co begin again or ofrols. Rèco-quo. xi. cum, querc i 28. so Rocu-mbo byi, birum, mbere; neut Redaufpicor, ir?; fruibe again, to renew. * Feriuro 10 jt down, le..n bark, Reddcndus, a, um, to be reckoned. recoqaere, 10 coli anew rion. #Recupērāt:0, ūn's ; f. á recovering + Redd:bo for reddam. Pellea recoquere, normew yourh. again, rogaining, Redditio, õnis ; f. a rolering, fur. Rècordatio, onis ; fi a remembran .. Recuperator, oris; m. a ricorrer. roridering ; a los parallel Sentenco, Recordor, ari; dep. (à cor] to re. Recuperatrix, icis; f. fue chat rectº, or the applying a ſentence, the FADÓ mimber, call to mind, rel le. A väri. rilizing a fools. liquid cum animo fuo recordari, Recapēratores, judges of the cemmin. + Redditus, a, um, part. of réddor; to bring a thing to one's remense plaas. rejlered, lurrindrid. brinte. Recoperato jus, a uim, of recovery. Redditus, Os ; m. revenue. to correct again, idver, git ugoin. Somnuo recü. und do] to render, ſurrender, to ip- Recraftino, are, to delay, put off from perase to fall in love again. flore or deliver, lo diſpatch, to the day to day. + Rocủpio, c'è, no defire grisili, er hairlo, to relemble, 11 franſlati, 10 Rocrcatio, onis ; f. a refreſhing, 11 over and over again. perform. Lalum reddere, so Récūrātio, bais; f. & diligini do- Noring, a recovery from fickneſs. maki wiary. Cauſas reddcrc, te Recrcator, oris ; m a refreher. ing. hero a reaſon. * Animam red. Recrcarus, a, um; part. of recreor ; Rēcurator, oris ; m à recovertr. dere, to expire; alſo to trealbe, .. refrobed, recruited. *' E morbó Recūrātus, a, um, diligently done, Animæ redderen. to forcb one recrcatus, recovered. Récūro. arc, to do diligenily, to take gain who was in a ſwoop. So Recrementitius, a, um, adj of drops, good hud in doing, to recover or bral convivio reddere, to return to be again. fadli. Urinam reddere, so make dregs, or bran. Rocrementum, i; n. [à cerno] dregi, Rocu:-ro, ri ſum, röre; neut,to run waler. # Sine fcriplo redde:e, to kes, bron, drops, rofke. back or agvix, to bio roccurje umro. Jay by heart. * Ferro vitara rid- Recreo, are, to court or beget aner, lo la contrarium recurrcre, so bold derc, to ti fain by a suurd. retreate, refrolb, renew, recruit. githur way. Commotum cum reddidi, I have nettled him. Vini reddit colo- Se recreare, iD YOCOVET. * Conſulcs + Recurſotio, onis, f, a returning. recreare; t(pe.de conſult antw. • Recurso, onis; f.) a returning a ra. rem, jt COTAIS war she colour. or Carnem recrearç, to make new fios Recurſus, Us ; m.] rourke, a runa wine, Vim croci reddere, to 10 grow. ning back, * Curlug & recurſus talle like soffim. Alterius rei Récrépo; are, 16 found again. maris, ibe ebbing and flewing of the viccm rcddere, to ſerve ingead of Recreſco, čre, to grow again, foa. it. Hæc in ſuis loc's reddam, Recriminatio, onis ; fi a rarissi- Recurſo, are, nept.. to run again, to I will speak of thoſe in their proper nating. return often, to begin afrob. Hoc places. Ager seddit, iho field Rocriminor, art, to ritard o reproach anino recurſat, this comes ofton to bears a gocd 1702 or accufurion. Reddor, čris ; ; pafl. 'o be rendred, Recrüdeico, čre ; neut. to grow a Recorvātio, onis; f. a bending offerered in facrifice, or by way of new, frif or fors again, 80 break back, thankgiving. out again. • Pugna recrudu't, the Récurvatus, a, um, part, of recur- Reden prio, onis; f. á redemption, fight began afrejb. vor ; beni backward, crooked. ranjom, purchaſing. • Opcris ra: Redà; adv. fraight forward, right + Rčcervē; adv. crookedly. demptio, & friking work by the on, direally Recurvitas, ātis; crookedness. RcAa (ſc, túnica] a lif coat. Rochivo, arc. to make crooked, to bendt Redemptionālis, e, of redrera- Rectangulus, a, um, right cornerid back. ing. Recte, fus, áffiae ; adv, right, righe. Recurvus, a, um ; adj. very crooked, + Redemptito, arc, to ranijom one big fully, well, ſo, fumptuouſly, parioni winding bark, with wrinklings and ly * Faccre alicui recte, io do one cranklings. 4 Redempio, are, to redeam aften. a kindnefi. Rēcāsābilis, a; ad). pafufuble. Rödemptor, oris ; m. 1 a. rdirasat ; Recticaulis, e; with an upright palk. Recāfatto, onis ; f. a refuping, de- Redemptrix, icis; f. Realfico, arc, to hAtify. ! fan'e. veyor or taker of work by ibe groot. Rectuineus, a, um, of Praight lines. Röcüsätor, āris ; m. rufer. 'Caufarum redemptores, pelti. Redio, õnis F. a ruling, governing. Rēcūſo, are; là cauſo) lo refuſe, de foggers, RcAliudo, inis ; f. rgbtneſs, ftreghe. nry, not to be able, to be againſt. Redemptura, æ; f. A ferming, a nell, uprightneſs." Non recuſo, I am content. renting is publick clisti or cuf- Rector, oris, mi a geuernaur, gurr. Recufabilis, c, ibat may be fluickers tomi. dian, bi emperor. # Provincia bark, Pili recuffabilis, a banda Redemptus, a, um ; part, of redia rector, . deputy. holl. mor, redeemed, ricovered. Rectrix, icis ; fi e governeſs. + Recurſo, arc, 10 bear back, Red-co, ivi, itum, ire; peut; (of re Recum, iin ribi, integrity. * Recuſſus, a, um į pa t. of recutior; and co] o return, 19 come or go Animi rectum fervare, tolive up poker or braion back or in. again, to gield. Viam redire, to rightly: Receſſus. ûs ; i. a be ting back or go his way back again. * Ad in- Re&tus, a, um, part. of regor; ruled. - inward. genium redirc, 1o Teturn to his old Rectus, a, um ; ad). righi, raighs, it Recui-io, ère ; Cofre and quatio) Tuont. . Ad fc redire, so come to rall, Deady, men, juji, uprighe. so ihear collrike again. one's fenjer. #lo orbem redire, Cena redia, a complias foaf. Recülitus, a, um ; adj. [à cuits] ro come round. * Res redit ad Tunica rc&a, a jiff roar. • Ocu rircumciled. reitim, or ad raſtros, the matter is 119 afpicere rectis, so look fraight + Rodablol ro, vi, utume to absolve desperate. In gratiam cum all. forward. Facic realâ, confident. or : 04/0*ogain. quo redire, to be good friends wish Carus re&us, the nominative Redactus, a, um, part. of redigors any on. * Ex his nihil ad me re. ajo. Vlâ reétâ narrare, to all troughi by Jagie. In id redactus dit. I get nothing by thole things. any thing the dirti, ſbort; end plein fuo loci, I am in furh a condition • Ut ad paucam redeam, but to way. it + Reductus, ùs; m. rrverius, profis, moke sort of it. # Reditum eft 6R Romam my mind R E D RED REF ly. * Romam, they went back again to Redivius, i, m. a tick, or borſo turned from dingar er captivity rafa Rome. In ordmes redire, * Leach: 10 his own country i returning of rally,' . diſordered army. Rödivivas, a, um, adj. [qu. ředi bringing back, Rödhib co, ui, iruni, arc; aa. [of ens vivas) returning to lijs again, + Refarcio; are, te bind again, er un. IC and habco] to make ing saks A rruived, repaired, ſet up-niw a. bind. gain that which was fold. gain. + Refcctio, onis ; t. mending, Redhibitió, õnis ; fa refering a Redo, onis ; mi a fifo without cruiting, refreshing, repairing. returning upon one's bands. backbone, Refe&io ciborum, a ropaß. Redhibitor, oris ; m. a rafora. + Redoceo, ērc, to teach agains. Réfector, oris ; m. de mender, . Redhibitorius, a, um ; adj. return- Redol.eo, ui, irum, ēre; neut. [of pairtr. ing back upon the follor. re and oleo) to favour, give e Recclörlum, li; n. a common bill, Redhibitum, i; 8. ibing turned Imell dither good or bad, rifomolo. or dining room. on ini's bands. Situm redolere, te fmall moulaj- Rofe&us, a, um, part. of reficior 3 + Redico, ere; act. to tell again or Yoneurd, oftoi. + Redomo, are, so same again. Refe&tus, ûs ; m. i refreshing, re. Rediculus; i ; n. 4 wrtain god, zor.Rēdānātio, bais; f..a gioing e cruiting, repairing, mending. Dipped for frigbining Hannibal from gain. Račtello, čre ; ad. (of sc and fello) Rowe. Redono, are, to give again, forgive. to refill, confuts, difprovi. • Re- Rcid-iena, euntis, returning. * Luna Redordior, iri; [ab ordior) to un, fe!lere tcftes, to make their eviden. rediens, the new moin: waur, to undo, us uſelefi. Ača-igo, 'egli allum, igere ; &. of Rödorm-lo, irc, to flop again. Referb.eo, ērc, 'ta cool, grow cool! se and ago ] to bring. by force, lo Redormitio, önis; fi a falling allery Refer-clo, li, tum, cise; a. (of re. drive back, 10 gather tegeber in a fasond time. and farcio) to fill, ef full. one, to reduces Quæfām totam + Kcdorfatus, a, am ; par.: broken. Referendarli, orom, cicers who wiado ad fe redigere, 10 bring all the barkod. relations of petitions. prije to bis mill. Hoftem redi- Redorſo. are, to return back again. Referid, tré ; acti tó firike again or gere in caftra; to drive the merg + Redoſtio, ire, to give thanks, 76 back. into their camp. "Pecuniam re quire, rejiore, return. Rc-Féro, túii, lātum, to bring again, digere; 'to. haap money togetherRedū-co, x, cum, core : act. ra land reſemble, relate, refer, direa, add Ad mac em redigere, to make as or bring again. • Numer redu se, turn, renow, render, de, bold hari is a rake. cec, to stone the 'deiry. Re out, interrupt, appoint, account, to Rediniculum, 'i; n. the attire i or. ducere in memoriam, to call to confefs.“ Gratiam refcrre, to re- "naments of a woman's bood and mind. Reducere cicatricem, to quite scouriej: Referre fapa rzeck, as a bonnet, French buod, &c. skin « fore" Liberalitatem re rcm falls, to Be like fult. * Rc- allo a knot. ducere, so Braghion or refrain ferre morcm, 19. bring a cupom 4. RDIM-10, ire; act: [ab amicio, bounty, gain in uja... Rcfcrre aninum vel à 8eur, viaculum] : crown, Redu&io, onis; f. a leading or bring ad aliquid, 'to bend bis mind to a COMPAs about, ador. Crinem ing again. thing. Refersë cum aliquo, so redimire corymbis, to impale the Reductor, õris; m. á bringer a- smfor wilb. * Hæc reférunt ad bair witb ivy bran:hts and 'ber gain, fem, theſe things ancern the buk. Rcducus, a, um, part of reduco: ; nefs. * Referrc in album amico- Rēdimitus, aj am ; pari. (sedl brought back, rapered, reconciled, rim, 10 pads in into his wbite bock, mor; frowned, adorned.' festei winding. • Reducta vollis, it into the number of his frișnds. Redlmitos, û; ma binding about. a leefomi valloy, * Vircus'eft me: In dcos icferre, i canonize. In Rod-ino, emi, emptum, iměre; act. dium vitiorum utrinque reductnm, · libeilom referre, to regiſter, [of re and emo) to redunt, ranfori, virtus ir be mean between two con. Receplum rcferre, to acknowledge Ticauer, fars. Lites redincre an mg geoint. # Pedem referre, to compound a fuit. * Pacem libi Reduceratus, a, um ; part. of redule to rarrut. Referie rem or de redimere, to pursbaſe himſelf peace, ccror; made fore again, se ad ſenatum, to far over a debat • Opus redimere faciendum, 80 Rédulcore arc i act. to make fore to be daided by the Senate. take work by the great again, Refert; Imp. it belongs, concerns. Kèdiatèg-er, ra; rum. adj. (of re Reduncus, a, um , adj. bowed dack • Quid tua id refert, what is that and integer] mpored, resid. or inward, to you? . Id ipſum refert migno Fra redintegra; a quarrel broken out Redundanter; adv. fuperfluouſly. pere, that some thing is of very afrolo, Rodundantia, æ; f. an averflowing, or griet importance. Redintegratio, oñis ; f. & neporing, fuper fisous abounding. Refertus, a, um ; part of refercior; Yinewing: Redupdātio, onis ; f. ant overflaw filled, juffed, * Refertus cle- Redintegrātor, oris; m. e reforer, ing, abounding. • Redundatio phantoram, baving fore' of de Tenswer, ftomachi, the turning of the po phants, Rodiničgro, are ; a&. to rebore, se nach. Rěleiv-co, ero; neút. to be very hos; now, to fot on foot again. Anl- Rēdundātus, a, um ; part. overflow. alſo cool again. nom redintegrare, io put into cow ing · Referveſco, çre, te groww.but again rage again. Redintegrare bel. Rodundo, arc ; neut. [of re and er ſcolding hor. lum, to prepare for a het war. unda] to overflow, to redcund, to be Rèfibu!o, arc, 10 unbuston, unlace. Recintginum, e city in Böhcmla, super fuous. Uno digito redun. Rēl-icio, cci, caum, icerc; act. [of collid Tain. dare, to book ons finger too many, re and facio) to renew, refred, # Red munt for redeant. . Hoc facinus in tuum redunda delight, to mind.* Reficere tef Ředitpiſcor, fcis [ab adipiſcor] fo get bit caput, your bonas fall pay támentum, to make a new will. again, recover. for this villainy. Reficere tribunos, to make new + Rediſco, crc, to leam again. Redunarvium, ii; n, an agnail or .tribunes. • Rates rcficerç, to ca. Rěditioonis; f. a returning, or com whislovo. ruen ſips, * Rencliur ci tantung ing again. * Quid tibi huc redi. Keduplicatlo, onis; f. a redoubling, ex pofleffionibus, bis farms bring tio fuit::wbar made you come bither Reduplicator, oris; m. a redoubler. him in so mucb. Ricdūplico, are ; a&. to redouble. Refi-go, xl, xum, gère ; a&t. to purk Rēdito, are ; [à rcdeo] * return Redūro, are ; to open. uway shat which was faliinid, to often, to and fro. Redūvia, (ab ant. reduo, i. e. it: draw out, to refrind, abrogal! ; 'al. Reditas, As; m, a return, rmt ir rum veftio) the looſe skin at the yout to fallen again. Tabulas refi- rrurpur, a paffugi. . Ferre redi of one nails. gere, lo fake down proclamarioms. tum, to return Redūviæ, arumn, the cafe skins of for. + Refingo, gére ; a&t, so diſguiſe, + Redivia æ ; f. an aghail or whit ponts ; fragonents, relias. reforge. low. So scduvia, Reduvioſus, a, um ; adj. rough, rug: Refixus, a, um ; part. of refigor ; Redivfofus, Hy'ums adj, spugb, rugged: fixed, set fajt. ged. Redux, ūcis ; c. (à reduco) one 78 Refāgito, arc, it require sarmily, frary vices again : og ein, abai } be corn. gions REF REF REG to demond any thing 10 bo 184.° to rub hard or again, to pull be futare conatum alicujus, to binder Jored. skin of a forr thai was upon bal an enterprize. # Relatio, õn's; f. a blowing back or iz, renew, bring frash into memory. + Regaliolus, i; m. a wrm.. contrary: Refricat crebro lippitodo, I am Rēgalis, c; adj. 3 art. Là rex] tugal, Reflatus as ; m. & contrary wind. ofien troubled with a wariſ run vegal, king'). Rcflecto, Ki, xum, ateic; to bow ing of the go. # Regalia, royaltin, royal enhậnus back or again, to bring out to yield Refrig-co, ere; neut. to grow cold twelfib iide, and defi. from a firmy reſolution, to again. • Res çefrixit, the buſineſs + Regalitas, atis; f. majefly, return again. Podem inde se. is now paſt the time. Rēgālītèr ; ady royollt, majefically. Acxit, by went from once. Refrigčrátio, onts; f. a cooling or Regelo, a ; no 1haw or difolur: + Refica, ērc ; to brwdil again. mak ng cold. Captare aurse re- Rēgēlor, ari jure shuw erby.difuurdi # Reflexino ; adv. backward. frigerationem; to lis out a cooling + Regčmo, ére; to lamint again. Rcfitx:s, a, um, part. of refledor; by the freſh air? Regenératio, onis ; f a teng born bouwd back or aguin. Refrigěrător, oris ; m, a cooler, again. Reflo, ere; to blow againſt ; alſo to Refrigeratorius, a, um, adj. coling' Regenerator, oris ; m, a reneurs bred api to coll. Regēněro, are.; to engender:again. Reflômeo, ere; bleflom, ſpring, Refrigeratrix, lcis ; f. a cooler, ra. . * Avum rcgencravit, for borr one Refreſco. čre ; } er fourib again. frelber. like the grandfa.ber. Reflu-o, xi, xun, ere; peut. to abb, Refrigěrātus, a, um, part. of refrl- Regenſes, the people of Regiam opi full again as a food; alſo to pows geror; cooled, refrebied. * Refri. Regienfes, ) Reitz in Provence: geratus, rumor, Dory di molt for. Regentes, iam; rulers, governors... Reduus, a, um ; ad). ebbing or flow godten. + Regerendarius, ii; n. an officer ing again. Refrigerium, il ; 8. a refreloment. wuto fubferited patilins, &c. alſo as Refluxus, ûg; m. tbe ebbing of the Refrigero, are; .&. to cool, to make regijer. fea; alſo the tide and ford. cold, to take off, rufrufb, trala and Regcrolnātio,i õnis, f. a Jøringing + Relóciliācio, õnis ; f. a refrol vanin. + Refrigerare teftem, to ont again. ing: abajo or douat « witneſs. Rogermino, are 1.80. Spring out again. Retolllator, Ors; m. a refrifber. Refrigeſc-o, ērc ; to grow cold again, Regě.ro, ffi, fum, rere; act. to bring Rčiocillo, ic; io refriſb, comfort, to begin to caje. er cap up again, to retort, fing makr luffy again. + Refrina. a boon facrificed bask, to uom.); alſo to regiſter.. Ref odio, odi, osfum, aděrc; ad. 0 + Refrina faba, i } for good luck to Regerere invidiam in aliquem, to dig afrefo, 13 dig allt of the earth, i make others beti e perſon, lay open by digging. Refr-ingo, egi, actum, ingère; act. Regeftum, 1; B. e ridge in plowed Reformatio, öns; f. e reforming, [ure and frango) to break open, land, alſo a regifor-boak. renewing beat back, no diainish, abare. * Rc Règestus, a, um ; part. of regeror ; Rcformator, oris ; m. fringere vim Fortuna, 10 difarm brougbi again, Reforfratrix, icis; 1. a reformer, the powerful goddeſs Fortune.. Regra, æ; t. a king's hofs, palate or Rcformātus. a, um, part. of refor. Refúga, z; c. a fugitive, a run CONTI. Su reglus. mor; reformed, er forored again. away. Chrifti refuga, an art Regibilis, c; adj. nofily ruled. Rēform idatio, õnis; f. a Jeuring follare. Reg!? 3 adr, like a king, smperia greatly. Réfúgio, ūgi, gltum, gčre; to ful Regifice, s suſly, magnificently, Réformido, arc; to fear greatly, away, flue back, avoid, forbear. Regiacus, a, um, adj. royal, mage draad. # Anlmus refugit, my mind parts nificent, ſumptuous, Rěformo, arc; act. to reform, renew, back. # In ultimam-regioncto re-Regífugium, li; n. - Roman foaf. bring too new pepe, mend. • Re fugit, he flies for refuge into sbr ays kapr The 24th day of February ja formare ad excmplum aliquod, 1. dident country. Refugere judicem, the basisment of king Tarquin. muke a thing liks she pattern. to refuſe or except againg a judge.' Regigao, čre; a&. begee again. Ref oreo, ovi, otama, overc; act. to Refogium, it; 'n refuge, pallery Regilla, a; f. a pring's garmentz.al/ cheriſe and comfort again to re• Janttuary or place of refuge, kind of women's garment, # Rc- fiore to its former late.. Diſcipli- Réfugus, a, am ; adj. fying back. gillam indu't induculam, be was nam caftrorun lapfm rcfoverc, • Mare refogum, she abbing fas. clad in a rirb robe.' to bring martial defipline to its Cæluries rètoga, locks coff back. Regillianus, izm. a Roman who formir porch, to see the ſoldiers as Refulgentia, 2; f. á gliſering, baving foors ſoldiers at supper at his, well trained up as surr. Refalg.co, ērc ; ncut. so gliler, so. brus, and a queſtion being parted Refractariolus, a, um, adj. fome. Line brighi. concerning his nome, a tertain gram. what unruly, rolig, or judbo n. Réfulgidus, a, um ; adj. bright, marian derived it from res, woberts Refra&ārius, a, um ; adj. rebellious, fining upon they faluted him as emperor, obllinale, pubborn, wilful. * Equus + Refūmo, are; 10 fmoak again. and be was the next day falused ſo refractarius, a hard-monib'd relift Refu-ndo, di, ſum, nderc; act. to by au. horft. melt, to dijo've, taſks out again, to † Regilus, e city of the Sabincs, and Refra&io, önis; f. a roleunding, a pour back. * Pecuniam refundere, a lake in Italy. refleting to pay trzoney back again, + Rcgillus į m. a petty king, Refracum, i; n. a ground broken or Refusé, ids, iffimè; adv, dergely, a- Régimen,, inis; A. godpramon; alle. lajd fallow. bundantly, a loip's tender Refractus, a, um, part. of refringor; t Rěkūrio, onis, f, pouring back. Regimentum, 1;. Ni giornment, a broken up, weakened. • Refract is Réfuſor, oris; m, ha shui pours or regiment of soldiers. pudoris clsuftris, being quite ſoape- Regina, æ ; a queen, lady, lefs. Réfuſus, a, um; part. of refundor ; Rogio, õnist f. [à rego] a raging Refrænātio, onis ; f. & checking, eper flowing, spilled, overthrown, provinu or country, a ward in a Curbing, or holding in, poured in again, great, wide. city, a juriſdi&tion or limit, * Re- &cfrænātor, oris ; m. a curber, Refūtātio, onis ; fi confuting. gio pia, the mad."E regiono, + Refrænätus, a, um , pārt. of re- Rějūlātor, oris ; m. a confutar. over again. Reg!ones, the four frænor ; curbed, cherked. + Refutatorius. a, um confuting, corners of heaven. * Regionibus Ret zno, are; to refrain, selirain, to * Preces refutatoria, a petition officii ſe continere, 't do his duty check and hold in. Rcfrænare with rrajons againſ palling for. and no more. • De rectâ regione, rcditu, 10. lop one's return. deflectere, not to let ruajen guids + Refirgabilis, c; adj. to be withood Rèfütātus, a, um, part, of refutor; . or gainfiid. conſulted, refuted. + Regiola, e;f. a small country. Rcfrágātio, &als; fo an oppting. Rcfütātus,' to; m. & confuting or Regionālitèr ; ady, according to re- Refrågor, ari ; ppola, la crofs diſproving gainſay, reft, !odmy. Refúlo, are ; ac. 80 refule, confuse, Regionarius, a, um; of a country, Retricatio, õnis ; f. á galling, on diſprove, diſapprove, diſappoint, 10 Regionatim ; adv. siuntry by country, rubbing an old fore, Inde a boiling pot. Beilum re ward by word. Refric-o, w & ari, tam,&atum,are; fatare, to diſparcb a war. * Rc-; Regiftrarius, ži; D, a registerer Regis tonica. onih. REG REL R E Ľ 1 . : perfon up. } R gurun, Tinla régero) * T8. Rshālo, arc ;,ta briesehriogin. lies .. Relegare in exilium, so giler for mootory's faks. Rcjeaned or ; n. % th ng! banih. Relegare dotem, to leave + Rezito, are ; to googn oftm. that are reallad by all persons. a wia a jointure which will anſwer Regius; a, um, adj. (à rex) of the Reicaancus, 'a, un; adj. rerård; she portions for brought. king kingly, royal ; 'alfo imperious, tal anu). Rēl-ego, ēgi, ectum. ¢gere ; 28. to fruil, dominarring: Morbus !c: Relectatio, qnis; f. a frequenti cafling read again, traust oack aver gius. tbe king's evil. • Via regia, gain, to fail again by the jsme coafı; the hing's bighway. + Relaio, onls ; t. a calling back alfo 'to garber in. Relegere pe Reglūtinatio, unus f. 4 gluing foll, er awy, a tajling of the llimach, cuniam, to fetch in his debts. or ungluing. Rejc&lo judicun, an excepting Relenlelco, ère.; to relms, to grow Reglavno, are ; to glue again, and ogaing judges. fofi and pliant, to begin to pag. unglur: Relicto, are o caff away often, '06- Relčvār!o, önis; f. a fel eving. Reglutinoſas, a, am; ad): gland fall, mit up murb. Rělévatus, 2, uin ; part. of relevor ; glury, dlanmy. † Rojector, oris'; m, & rejtfles. cajid, delivered. Regnátor, õr's; 2. a ruler, « lord. Rejc&us, , um, part . of rejicior 3 Rělëvo, are ; a&t. to lift again, to Regastor agelli, ore thar bara Coß away. deferred. caje, ligb'en, rilieve, refreshes, Ro- mill tonommt. Rcje&tus. Ûs; m, a calling away. levare animụn alicujus, tdbour a Regnatrix, cis; f. aqxorn, or prin Reh.icio, eci, ectam, icère; act. (of cipal Lidy. * Domos regaatrix, a re and, jacio) ta. rejse, to refuſe, Rě::bo, are, to safle again. rayat family." -10 cali hack or away, sa refer, to it Rcibro, are ; 11 wrigh again. Rognatur ; impreſ. paff, there is a turn of om barky to pus off, to on-+ Relic nus, a, um; ad). baving the kmgly gopornwani. mil. *R:ficere judicem, to refus hair curled behind or turned back- Regnatus, a, tim part. of-segnor ; or except against a judge. Reji wurd, f Relicina frias, a bigþ governed., * Regnata gens fæmi. cere caufam ad fenatim, to appeal' sarebtad without beir. nie, a.country governed by womin. to the de:ison of sbs pirliament. Relletio, onis ; f. A leaving, for- Regni, the people of Regnum or Ring Rejicere ſanguinem no vomio blood, Reli&us, ûs: m. faking. wood in Hantſhire. Rejicūlus, a, um ; adj litt's worth, Rēlictor, oris; m. a farlakar. + Regaiculum, 1; ni a little king naughty, refusje 'Oves rejqulie, Reli&um, i; a, e deſperate debt. dom, in Mery not fit to be b:ugb!. Rol ctus, a, um ; part. of relinquor ; Regno, are ; ncut. to reign, rulo, fo- + Reice for relicc. Forſaken, loft, abindoned. * Rc- vern, to prevail. In hoc uno t Reintegratus, a, am; neurd. liaus ab omni honcftate, not ha. regnat oratio, in this alone is the Reipfa, adv. in very derd. ving a grain of honey. * Relictus vation excellent and commendable, Reiteratio, onis; f. e ripearing, or mihis being all alone wiihout any boen lins its excellmy. dring again. diſurbaner Regaör, ari , patr. 6 Beigsverned. : Reiterator, oris; m. s ropeater, Kčlido, ērc; (of re und lædo] to Regoum, in a lingdom, raign, Rejtěro, are ; to repeat or do again, hart agam, difellow. dominion , alſo a family, a porfm's + RcJungO, crc; to rejoin. Religānien, inis ; n. a band, a cawl lands and polchons. * Regna vsod + Rejuvencíccre, to grow young a- for the besd. fortiri talis, ta caft dice who fall gain. ; Religa:io, onis ; f. a lind ng iaf. De king of god fellows, or mafier of Rělā bor, běr!s, plus fum, bi; dep.80Roligātor, oris; m. e binder. muiiule. llide or fall hark; li relap'e. Religius, a, um ; part. of rellgor ; RE-GO, xl, um, gére ; . [ab. čre neut. to grow opsy, porrigo, vcl ab Heb. rag- Relangueſc-o ēre } very festli and it Religens, nus ; religious, Superfli- marb, paicere, vel à, Babyl. rar, faim, to reapfe inté a firdreſs. rex) 16 dira, exer: Regere Relapſus, a, um, part. of relabor; Religio, onis; f. (à religio) religion, novem, to par a fip. lank or fallen back, fear if God, riveranca, conjimes, Regrádārus, a, um ; degradad, ca- Rělāvo, onis; f. a reporting, and greni care am curioft, in doing anj formse, a relation, a requ.fil, a pro thing. • Mihi relig'o eſt, I fork- Regiãdo, are ; to degrade ; alſo to go pofing. * Relatio gratiæ, & returns ple the doing it. * Ut me omnium- buck. ing a kinandi officiorum obftringi relig:onc ar- Regědior, gresſus, fom, di; dep. Rělātlyom, i'; 2. a relative. bitrarsm, ſo that I thought it my of re and grad or] to return, ren Relativus a, um , adj. having mola boundon dary to do the part of a pil, go bact. Regredi in me tion to fomething liege jervini moramto call to mind. Rělātor, oris ; m. a reporter, teller.. Relig ose; ady. Hligiouſly, devoutly, Regreffio, bals; 1 na ruluring, going + Relatro, are ; to bart again reverentis, fuperfi:riouſly, nicely, fru- Rogreffus, usm. back. Rčlātus, a, um ; part, of scleror; pe pulousy Regala, æ; f. 4 H ! s ſquarı, a di leted, reprared, brcui ht rrein. Rel giositas, f. derende raion, a ruler; alſó pannier of Relatos, ús, m, a commemoration, a nefs. fors, the superior member of a (. Tepirljag Religiofus, a, um ; adj religious, de- pilt i also any ſmall plain fillo dit Rc'āvo, are; 80. wafargaix. voul, devoted, timorous, fcrupulousy viding great memberi. Regula Re!axatio; onis ;firelexition, or ſüperjištitui, D'es religiofi, days Lesba, a noſo:of wax, 4 rue al loolaning, releasing, refreſhing. of priial nuit in the H.lendar, serable at the pleasure of wsa- Relaxator, orla ; m. a roler. Re!:g ofiffimus auctor, Jurer. Relaxātus, a, um ; part. released. faishjul oxrhor. • Religiofum cf Rēgy'aris, ; seguler, made with a Rolexo, are; act to releaſe, lossen, facere, i runner in confciens do rule and ſquare. . Regulares fy - maki' large or wide, to refresh. # nicull dipinter's lines. Relaxare, fe, to ſu one's sont free. Roligo, are ; a&t. po fajlom, bind Bēgyläriler. ; adv. regularly, by + Relaxat door, the pain is nos hod. + Religare bona relóg'ond- Jo great. Relaxare animum, to bus, to give mni's goods to pious Règilus, i ;. m. 4 patly king, a unbend ihr mind, soke 11 of from Hjer, .Rcligare navem ferreis na: baalisk, a wrm: buſineſs and care. nibus, to gripe a seip rill harp.nga PaRegulus, the diſciple of Diony: Rčlaxus, ą, ęm ;. adj. relem, very irons, Gus 1 Arcopag te, and the para torfe, large and lighe. Relingo, gère : act. ta lirke again, bibog of Scn'is in France, as Reedus, a, um , read our agoin. Rejno, či and ini. Itum, čre; 24. whoje coming all the deli tuRēlēgatio, önis; f. a londing away, to open, 'ro tap, to f&abroarh, so dif. blid down, by which aisle ma a banilbing, a confining to joma te- cover shit which was mased overy: were cenusried to the faith of mote countrini * Retinere cpißolarb, to break opon Chril. Rēlēgator, oris ; ma beniſher. : 4 17:07, Regulatio, qnis : f. a talling again. Këčgārus, a, um, part. boniped, Relinquitur ; imp. it remains. Regbíto, are ; 1 tafl, again. * Rc. lent away, remdued ofar of Rěli.n'juo; qu!, &um, nquerc; act, to gpitarc literap' Alicujus, '10 reud o Retëgo, arc; act. to lend away, ha landi, forfoke, obr.piont, fail. $ Porns into oury a frond time. nibh, remur öne of the way, rofe, Animam relinquere, so dis. Æs Regyro, are so wiad jaso a cirdez to bequeath bark again. Relegare alicnym relinquere, te die 18 To subel rounds ad triremacs, só sendoim to'ihe gaba arbe: * Relinqucie ſcriprum, * legue tions. ** aus ; SP 1 loß jour. 5 shi Towers. 1 Jum remaining. * Super or.s annit Requergo, c.c; to plunge ogain. REM REM REM leur in writing. membraner, Rěmollio, irc; ac, to make fore and effominute. Reliqog, orum ; n, ibe remains of a Remendo, arc ; 10 corre&t or amend. reckoning.' Rěmenſus, a, um i part of remctior i Remollitus, a, um, sofraid, appea- Reliquatio, õnis ; f, an swing of the mesjuring or meaſured again, : sed, TiH, a being in arrears. Romeo are ; 10 reiurn." * Remcare + Remoneo, ēre ; to adminift. a. Reliquator, oris ; m. he that awer a in ſcle, to turn pound in a circle. gain. Remoniam, a place wiihout Rome, rel quator, one in arrears for tbs Rennētior, menſus fum, tiri; so mene wbieb Remus nok for the confecran sure again, reſtore exadly, call de ting of temples. Reliquiæ, arúm ; f. relicks, Tenisins, ver, to cmnder * Remctiri Rěmora, a; f. a laying or carrying leavings, afbri of the odud, the ruin's quor, to fall back again. * Re lett or hindrance; alſo a little of boules. • Perſequi reliquias a: metiamur frumentum pecunâ,let fille fuid so pop fips under faili the licujus, so go in to jin:fo what any us give money for csrn. fuck jlone or fia.lamprey, Romora one left. Rimex, igis; m. [à remigo) • WI aratri, cammork. Reliquor, ari ; dep. to be behind bind .terman, rower. Romoranca, iais; I. a pop er bin. in iba paymins of any ſum. Remigatio, onis, f. a rowing. drance, Reiquum, i, n. a rimnunt. Rēmīgātor, ils ; m. a rower or Remo:ātio, onis ; f. a ſaying. Reliquus, a um; adj. (à relinquo) Juiler. Rēmõrator, oris ; m, a pajer, the red, refidue or remainder. Ni Rémigērātlo, õnis ; f. e nsturning. Rčmorātus, a, un; faged. hil eft reliqnı, there is nothing left.. t Remigěro, are ; # return. Rčao: belco, ere ; to fall fick again, Reliquum eft, is remains, De Remigium, id; n. a rowing ; the to relapse into a difuaja. reliquo, as for the rail. . Reliquos flying of birds ; alfo a company of Remor-deo, di, fum; to bile again, facere, to leave remaining. so bile or gnaw mucbCura re- Relilus, a, um ; part. of relidor ; Remigo, are ; n (remos ago) to row mordet mc, care vixes and torquents hurts hurt again. zish an oar. Relit-co, ēre ; [of re and latco) Rěmigro,are ; neut. In return to one's Remores, (fc. aves] birds which in Reliteſc-o, čre ; } to lir hid bebind habisation. Jorrhaging Agnized that the abing or again. Réminiſcentia, ze ; f.a calling was not u de done. Relliglo, onis ; f. Sicreligio. renumbran'e. Remoria, a place on the top of the + Relócário, õnis ; f. a placing or Reminiſcor, tel ; dep. cum gen.vel Avenijne bill, where Remus ujede letting out again.: acc. Lab ant. meniſcor, 1.c memi. bis augury about building ihe city. Rěloco, are ; a&t. to place or let out ni) ti rimember, to call to mind. + Rěmörlor, i ; ta die again. again. Remipes, ēd s, c. fat-footed ; aljo Remoror, ari ; so jay, i arty; alfo so Rělū.cco, xl, cere; ncut. to fine or pufing on upon oars. Bep. * Rcmorari gradum, maka Bliper brightly. Rěmifc-co, ēre ; ant. tmingle 1o. A land, Rēlu&tātus, a, um ; part. of reluctor ; ge her, or again, + Renoflc for removlfie. friving ogains. + Remiita, &; f. a romiljon, for. Rèmõtio, onis ; f. remuning, a put- Rēluctor, ari ; dep. lo reful, wraple giveness, ing ada, a turning off # Re. or drive againji. Remiffarius, a, um, adj. uſed for motio criminis, a removal of ibe + Reluminat o, önis ; f. an enlight be cale of onubar. # Vedis rc. crime ning again. mifarius, o ligbler bar. Rèmõtus, a, om ;P. & A. -sor,ili. + Rčlomino, arc; act. to enlighien Rěm fsè, adv. negligmily, Backly, mus; removed, remote, far off or ogain. d.obfully, mildly, lowly. fritt. Res à memoriâ remota, Rěluo, čre; act. [.à lavo] to wale Rémiſlio, onis, fi e remiſion, Nack. thing nu thought uport. * Re- again; alſo to releas and taki bome ing, releasing or forgiving, ana- mous arbitris, nis-body bring, by. a pawn. basing, Remiffion's annos, the • Dclcctu remoto, witbuus boice. Remăcoro; are ; to make leon ogain. year i jubiler. * Remiſfio fuper • Remoto Joco, fariouſly. Re- Rěmacreſs-o, čre ; to grow lean 4. ciliorum, the secothing the brows, motus a dialecticis, mwibing of s gain, a looking pleaſantly: # Remiffio yo logician. Remād-eo, ērc; to wet agains. c's, a falling of ibe voice. Rěm-ovco, õvi, ötum, ovēre; act. Renåledico, ere; to revile again. Rèm Cor, örs in a forgiver. 10 remove, put out of place, turn off, Rěmancipo, arc i to repollels anuther, Rēm.flus, a, um , part of remlttor ; to leuur las art. ► Se rcmovere, to rrinjioso him in what he was dif. looded, pack, remifs, cariles, smooth. so retire, withdraw,: *Removere Seixeu of. Verc remiffus ager, sbe land pudorem, to become impuami, Remando, are ; act. to command a open by the {pring. * Remiffus a - Rēmugio,. irc ; neut. to low and gain. nimo, without courage, beartleſs. bollow again • Gewitu nemys Rimando, ère ; act. 80 sbow again, * Sangu s c pulmone remiffus, omac remugit, the whole word to chow the cud. iblood saft out of the logbots. Rec echoes ugain with groapning. Romăn.co, ērc ; neut. to remain be miffus ab ro, unuajve in his uf- Rémul-ceo, cre; act. to af wage Å. bind, to ſurvive fairs. gain. to pacify. Romān-o, are; neut. 10 drop agoin, Réolftus, a, um; part of remifceor ; RÉMULCO, arc;(pupowa Jin] to sow, to drop down, overflow, to cauſe to mingled together or again. or bolpone villel oy wnoibor, te!urn by degrups. Rěmi.tro, fi, Bum, tičie; act.to send + Remulcopæ, arúm ; tbe infru. Rēmanfio, onis ; f. a remaining or back again, refreſh, to flakon, to for ments with which hips are sowed give, le down, afwage, releaja, o drawn to land. f Renaſculo, arc ; to give crurage. io permit. De ſuo remittere, 86 Remulculus, i z mia barge, the rope Romcābīlis, c; adj. 3 art. which pire with lorpiuhat of his righe. or viffel which sowas anorber fbip, . may be reimined unto. Aliquid ex priſtiną virtute re Remulco trahere, to low. Rěmeacủlua, i ; n. a returning, or mitere, to loſe somewhat of his an- Remulus Sylvius, a king of the La- place of retreat. cions valour. * Reuillere qum. t.as, said to be pain wiib shundar Rémeatlo, anis ; f.? a returning, rere, ale ve of inquiring. Ven. for his impidy. Romcatus, üs; m. § a repeat of tus remifit, she wind is allajed. Rěmukus; i ; ... Cà remus) a little baniſhment. Remittcre opinionem,to quit an + Reacculi, lippis pips about Lem. spin on Remicere frænos do Romúnčrāto, onis ; f.a recompinfing. josi, to grieve fortly. * Remitere Rémunérator, oris imrewar- Rěmědio, are: }rocuro, to heal. alicui officium, to difpenfe wiib his Remuncratrix, acis ; f. $ der. forvice. Remunero, are ; 10 Tuespons, re- Rěmčdiam, ii ; n (à medeor) a re- Remoli or, il; dep. to remove by Remuacror, ari ; $ ward, require. medy or cure. # Remedium ha force, so leave or fling of. Ret Remungo, crc j to clicanje again. bcre, to be good for deal or curs, mollit aliquem, osrnelily to drow Rémunio, ire ; to fortify trongly. Aěměligo, inis ; f.(ab ang mello, one off Arma remoliri, to lovy Remuria, orum ; n. facrifices for the i...moror) a bar, hop or hindrance; war afresh. afpe fing the Lcoarcs, fralls for alſo the remora fill. Romolleſco, čre; neut. to grow soft, iba duud, Remganororg. ari; dep. to call to re 10 te made 10 yuld, reline. + Remu. abasting bebind. 1 out. nog. REN REP REP (or, m. og int # Remutinas, a, uma j of Remus. Renunciator, oris ; m. 2. ayonun. | Ropendo, are ; lo request, recompensais make amends, Remurmuro, are ; to murmur A. Renunciatix, icis ; f, 5 saint. porter Repenſus, a, um ; part. of rependor; Remus, im. the elder hruber of Renuncio, are ; &. to mnounse, 76 required, psy'd again. Repenſas Romulus, forf king of the Romini, pori, toll, refign, caintermand, Re auro, having a price for on's put to wbo fcorfully leaping over the walls nonclare conſules, 10 declare who fals, of the nno sily Rome, was pain are confuls. • Id cgo japi nunc Repentè į adv, hafily, ſuddenly. by bis brport, mont. Celer, á tri. tibi renancio futurga, I de sou Repeatinò ; ady. of á fuddan. ; buni, ajizr'. whoji death sbera fel. this milags, or bring you this news. Repcntlaus, a, um ; adj. Sudden, kx. lecore a pojilance, and the orarla be Renunciare alicui hofpitium, to looked for coming next to bandi Ing. confultid, told them ibry muſt farbid ons his bouje. * Renunciare + Reperculſus, a, um ; bralm back. appiais sbs gholf of Remus. ad cenam, to excufe coming to an Repercuſio, onis ;f, driking or REMUS, i, m. i sark) an oar. invitarlon, Repercuffus, us; m.} beating back * Velistremiſque, in all bafie. • Renuncius, it; m. a runner on er. again, a reflecting, an ebbing "In bibere rente', 80 Pull in the sats, rands, be that brings word again. Repercuffus, a, um, part. of reper- • Corporis rcmus, boorm of one Renunculi, osum ; m, the little kid : cutior, Aricken or beaten back, re- kwimining. Ad remum aliquem noi. flected. dare, to pass into the gallias. Ron-uo, ui, ūtum ; & ned bass, re. Reperçu-lio, ffi, frum, těre; a&!.(of Remutātio, onis fun exchanging fufo, deny. re and per and quario] to prika Remūtátor, āris ; m. an exchanger. Renuto, are ; to beckon fronward, 30 egain or beat back, reflect. 'Re- Romuto, are; to ex hangt. refufai draw back. percutere alicujus dicta, to refute REN, inis; 1 a. (ori! mens, + Renutrio, Ire ; 10 nouriſt again. one's objeditions. #Repercutere fal- RENÉS, um ; } dprte prácordia, Rēnīcus, us; mi a nodding back in cinationes, to unibarn, expell . iho rains or hidrsys. token of denial, e riſufal. chantments. + Rönále, is ; n.agirdle for the loins. REOR, ratus fam, fort ; [à pew, dl. Reperioo, for reperiam. + Renalisi e; adj; of the loins or tida CO) to ſuppoje, judge or steen, Řčpčrio, ri, rtum, rire ; a&t. Jofre Repages, is; f. (à repango) a dou, and pario) :. find by, aduentury, Renanciſcor, ſcl ; to get again. windoro, rail, a bar. to perceive, to known for certain, to Renarro, are ; i repialy roll again. Repagino, arc ; to repair, piece up. * Reperire medicinam alja Renaſcor,. fcis to be born again, to Repāgülāris, c; adj. Of á bar.** qui rei, to ſuck some remedy for is. more gain, to be built again. Caufidicus repagular:8, a barrifer. Reperire caufam, to porcrive ibe + Renato, are ; dent. to swim back Rěpāgūlum, i; n. a rail or bar, a reaſon why. . Concilium repe- ar again pop of bidranıt, the barriers in a rire, to invent ſome plot or frisk iba Rönātus, 1, 0m * part. of renafcor; rüce, e barricado ar turn-pits. will bring one off renewed, born or buit again. Re: Repanditas, atis ; f. crooks dnes. Rěpčrito, are ; to repair, suppli, natum bellum, a war newly broke + Repandium, li ; 8. a divorce. find often. w † Répando, čre ; to bend backward. Reperitur , imp. pall, it is found in Rënavigātio, õnis ; f. A Yailing back Répandus, a, um ; bint backward, writing wayıd back. Repertitius, a, um ; ad), found a Rēdāvīgo, are ; to fail back again.. Rcp-ango, cgi, a&um,, angere ; to gain or found, Rěnāvo, are ; to endravdar again. plesne again, foflen again, graj. Repertor, oris ; miza finder, aä in. Rend.co, ère ; ncut, lomila Joine Röpăsabiiis,e; adj. 3. art. which may Repertrix, īcis; f. $ water. of gtijur ; alſo to grin. * Ren det be required or rafored. Repertorium, ii ; a. an inventory or oratio, the fømnib is pleofani . Reparamen, Inis ; 0.2 & repairing; regißer, } Reparatio, onis ; f. Renidcfco, ere ; to begin to fine. renewing. Repertum, i; A. an invention, Rěnitteo, ērc ; * sine back again. Repărător, āris į m. a repairer. Repertus, a, um, part. of reperior; Reni-tor, sëris; lus or xus fum, d, Reparatus, a, um , repaired, renow found by chance. . Repertus ca dep. do regj, withſtand. id. ingratus, you prove unibankful. Renlxus, lls; . rspflanse Repar.co, &, fum; to spare excudingly; | Repērentia, æ ; f. a calling so mind Reno, are ;. to ſwira back again, allo to forbear, or not to sparı. again. Rönadátio ūn's ; f. a tying doble Rèpăro, are ; to repair, to bring to Repetirlo, onis ; f. a ripeating, re- agam; alſo an uniging, the firſt pats, to purbale, renew, bearing, a redemanding.. Rerodatus, a, um , id in'e knot. * Reparare quod amiferis, so 77! Repetitor, oris, m. erbaarfer, a re- Kenodis, e; ad); 3. art. done up in LOUIT their Ingaso Gamandır. knota or elf larki Rěpaftinātio, onis, f. a digging a- Repetītus, a, um, part of repetor ; Renðdo, äre ; to tie faf ; alſo to un bout vinas. rapeatad, reniwed, fetibed, again, Ropaſtiao, are; u dig, abous vines, • Repetito fomno, fallm afhep a. ; inis D. * s:ll the ground with often dig. gain. .Repetita cmptio, a . cond bargain' made, the firf buing $ Rěnovator, oris,n. hs ibat renoweth. t Repairio, are ; * return to one's d-Jolurd. * Repetita die, she day Rěnovātus, a, um, part. of renovar; own country. before appointacar. renownd. * Ager renovatus, 4 + Repatro, ale ; 10 do or commit 8- Repēt-o, īvi, li, žtom, čre ; a&. 10 feld ziiled a foond time. gain, rappoi, ask again, redemand, go a. Rénovello, are ; so renew,plant with Repe-Ao, xl & xai, Ačre; so comb gain untp, tajirike again, fatch up a. now fni. again. gain, confider or pondor. Repetere Rénovo, are; act: 10 tonow, tore. Repodo; are, (à pej] 1 draw back, menor, to call to remembrance, pore to the pojf fate, to bir or plough 10 relurn, kick barkward. • Repetere reund, to accufo ini a- the latend time. Renovare ani. Repodo, ere, to fart again. gain. Res repetere, to demand. mum alicujus, to enlevin a person, Rep-elle, õll, ulfum, elière : act sof yujitution of goods * Fcbris repetit, - nut bit tit # Renovabo 11 ispall, 10 put away, drive bark, re the ogur returns. Rcpeterc rem à lud quod initio dixi, Pll repeat hil. * Repellere fervitutem à ci. capite, to fetch a thing from its fir! whai i Spots at firfi: vibus, so deliver ibe citizin, out of viſe. rije. * Repetont P. Valcrium, + Recubo, čro ; to marry anotber Daurry and bondage • Repellere they wiló P. Valerius alive again. huibandi Sanguincm, da le blood. Repetendæ, arum bribery, extortion, Rčnūdo, arc; to lay bare what was Répendo, di, fum, děre; act. to re moniy unjußly talin by a fangor, or cevered. compini, runder, mualiate. *Duplo any ons in a publich office. Vix legi. + Renugor. ari ito trife again. rcpendi argento, to be paid in tur nifi in gen. & dit. plu. Renúmerätió; ortis ;ff. a paying back twice the wright of Alvor. * Accuſare quemplam repetunda. or again." Repcoeiro, are ; to praesrate again. rum, u acujo ong of baving taken Rěnumčiator; foris m. a pager REPENS, tis ; ad}., 3, art. (à patrwy • bribe, nick. vergo:) b.jbs, Judidoncoming uny- + Reperandus, a, um; to be required Rěnúmčros are ;-te cient or pay, back, ar payed back again, Renunciatło, õnis ; f. arrosriingi or. Rěpenfatio, õnig, f. e riquiting, Rěpexus. a," um ; part of repc∨ bringing words s alſo a miunsing. Rõpens,atis; part. (of sepo) srioping. cunded or trimmed again, + Repig. waris. veris. R E P REP Å Eė + Repignérātio, onis ; f. ibe ro, Repoatus, a,um; part. of reponor, Rõpúdiator, oris ; m. a reje&ter. dorming of a pledge. Repoftus, 3 laid up, reſerved, con Repúdiatus, a, am ; part. rejecd. Repigneratrix, icis , f, a redeemer of filling of oljo fur oft.' Repoſti Repădio, are ; part.' to divores, piste a pledg! leilure, interred. i away rifuji, rejea. * Repudiare bcncficium, to fight a kindneſs, Repignoro, arc ; po redom or fatebit Reportorium, fi; o a wardrobe. heure a piwn, Top!suya dijirat). Règlia, orum ; 8. cbanquetting the mor to istopi of it, Repigratus, a, um; made dull or morrow after the wedding, a jun: Rě;ūdioſus, a, um ; adj. fcandalous, heavy again. katring, a rbila-birih. fit to be rejetted. + Répígı-co, Ere ; neat. to grow 1 Répoto, are, to drink up all, # Rěpolo," are, to drink up all, o Repúdium, li; n. Là pudor). a di- Now again. Dorce, Fulting 4way man's wife. * Repudium renunciare. di- + Replaudo,čre ; deut. to clap the Repræſentatio, onis ; f. a repreſenta. tion, a paying dowň of riedy mo- + Repingo, čre ; [of re and pango) Repræſentator, oris + Repuellcico, čre ; to grow nicer. to falen or maks again. ;m. A repre- Repueralco, čre ; i grow a child, ſensor. childiſh, or young again. Repl.co, ēre, act. c. fill up, to bave Repræſento, are ; act. to repreſent, Répugnans, atis ; add. contrapp, Port of, lo ring ogain. Replőtlo, onis, ;f, a filling up. referible, pay down, uſe one thing Repugnanièr ; adv. contradi&orili, Replētus, a, um, part. of repicor ; for another, to ſupply. * Repræſcn jiubbornly, wilfully. * Non re- filled up, replenibed. * Repletus tarc conceptus mulieribus, to cause pugnanter eccipere, to receiur eruditione, very learned. women to mifcarry. * Suppli w.thout much oppofing.' Replica &; } f. a hood om veil. cla repræſentare, i punil hillity. Répugnantia, 2 ; fa refliling, com: • Repræfentare ab aliquo, to bor. trudisig, shwarling. Replicatio, onis ; f. an unfolding, Tow of one ti pay anoilor prefently. Repugnator, oris ; mia reffler. a replying • Si repræfentari morle mcâ dio Répugnax, ac!s ; adj. 3 art. Ablinale, Replicator, oris ; m, 4 replier. bertas civitatis poteft, if by my wiisul, pubborn, + Replicatura, ; f. a doubling. death the liberty of the city might Repugno, are ; so rein, sainsay, Replicatus, a, um ; unfolded. be rolored. • Se repræfentare, :. wubhand, so be contrary, or con- be at hand. tradict. Replic-o, ui, tan, are; act, to un. Reprehendo, dère ; act. $0 pluck Repullulaſco, ěre; } to put forth fola, lay open, to reply, to turn the outfde inward, ripeat oftm. • Re- back again, 80 repreux, nuortake muertake Repullŭlo, are; 7650 Sprout plicare memoriam temporum, to to miſike. * Reprehendere men to sprout, or ſpring out again. turn over biftories or annals. te, to underfand. Rēpulſa, æ; f. A repulse, denial, . puting back again. * Accipere or | Replictas, a, um ; unfolded, turned. Reprehenfio, onts; f. a reprobenfon, Replia, iin. l à repleo) a door. pulling back aguin, a riproving teric rcpulfam, to be denied to cbeek, or leaf of a dior. • Abcffc à reprehenlone, not 10 fauiur, &c. de bland or found fault with. Replumbātio, onis ; f. an unfolder Reprehenda, ale; act. to rebuke often, Répulsātor, orism. foiter: Répulsário, onis ; f. a foiling. ing + Replumbatus, a, um, part. of re. Reprehenfor, oris ; m. rebuker, a Repulfus, us; m.] to reprove ader and anon. Repulfio, õnis ; f.) a repelling: 7 plumbor ; unfolder.d. PAH dece Replumbo, are ; to unfolder, Is dif- Reprendo, as reprehendo. reprover. again, a reverberation. Repulſo, are'; O brat back of Jolur. Replu-o, čre ; ncut, to rain again, Repreffio, onis; f. a represſing, re- 1, sverflow Arrining + Repulſor, oris ; m. desser REPÓ, pl, ptum, părejneut. Lapow] Repreffus, a, um ; m. Cor reprimor] Repu!forlus, a, um ; adle of or for Repreffor, oris ; m. a refrainer. 10 trup, prad, Vinca sepit 'in altitudincm, the vine foorts up. roliruined. * Hoſtis repreffus, an brating back, + Repeniteo, ēre, 10 rezant again. ennemy kept from excurſions, Repulfus, a, um; part. of repellor ; Repolio, ire; ad. to polife or trim Repr.imo, cffi, cffum, iměre; aa. repelled, pur away, driven back, again. ; (of re and prero) lo rojizajn, hols foiled. Rcp-ono, ofui, ositum, önöre; act. in, busp back, juppiai, kerp hori, Repulvēro, are ; to powder again. to lay up, put on again, jot on the * Rcprimorc famam, so jopa 14. Röpugicatio, onis; f. politing much with a pumire fone. board again, to ropoje, pay, return. Reprõvātio, õnis ; f. a reproving, | Repumicātor, āris ; a poliſber. * Reponere remum,. to lay dowon tbe var.give svet rowing * Fabu : -Reprobator, oris ; m. a repröver ; dijllowing + Repumico, arc ; to ſmootb or politie over well with a pumice-flene. la reponitur, the play is aasd the second time. • Reponere fe in ob.. Repiobo, are ; to reprove, diſallow, difullower. + Répuncto, are ; ti prick again er often, ligationcm, 80 engags bim falf A Second time. Reponere gratiam, Rěpróbus, a, um ; naught, wicked. rojaat Röpungo, gère ; 4. so prich again. te require a kindneſs . • Reponere Repromiffio gnis; f. "promiſo, er Répurgatio, onis ; fo purging, er in deoş, to canonizi. Reponere clo.ning capillam, to adjuſt the hair * Ne · Repromi-tto, fi, ffum, ttère ; to bind obligation. Rěpurgator, oris ; m. & surger tibi idem repona, loft I return again. you the ſame reproacbes. ene's fa!f by promiſe, 'to warranti Repurgatus, a, um, purged, cleared. Réportatio, onis ; f. a bringing or Repropitio, are ; so alone. Repurg:um, ii n. a thorough purg- Reptābundus, a, um ; creeping over. carrying back. 1918, or cleanfing, Reportator, öris; m. A carrier back. · Reptatus, a, on y sripe or crawled Repurgo, are; li purge thrsagbly. Reportātus, a, um, carried back. Reputātio, onis ; f. a thinking, m Röporto, are ; act. so bring or carry Repfatus, ùs ; ma a cresping, or going confidering in one's mind. back again, reſortVi&oriam fofily. Röpŭto, arc; conſider or adviſe reportare ab aliquo, vo get the Reptilis, e; caping, Reptilia, with one's felf,' reckra, imputa vi&ory of ont. Laudem reporta- all creeping things. . Cam anino reputo, wbm. I re: ex hoftibus, to bear away praise Reptitius, a, um, creeping in priöjly. call in my mind. for defearing momiei, Pedem + Repito, arc, to creep föstly Reputridus, a, um , rossin aga in. reportare, torturn. Repto, are ; (à repo) to crroo much + Requc capſe, and indeed. Rčpoſco, rcpopoſci, čre ; act. tre or rofily, to go powly. * Reptarc Rěqu.cs, ei and aris ; f. roft, saft, quire or ask again, to demand. caput, to crawl oure the bead. qu:sineſs, Repoſcere ad fupplicium, ro ro + Rēpūbēro, are ; to grow jeung Requieſco, čte; so gulos, o hop, quire that orto be delivered up ia again. to be at teſ or sale. Requiel. puniſhment. • Abs te rationem Repubeſco, čre ; neut. no grow ccre à muscríbus reipublicæ, repoſcent, they'll require satisfacto young. to bloom and flouriſh again. to be diſcharged of put lick Afn tion from you. Repudiandus, a, ums to be rejard, fairs. Requicſcere. in fpe cu. Repõltorum, ii; n, a repository, to di abandoned. juſpiam, 10 rily upon one. Hu- fiore house, ware-boue, a place to Repudlātio, onis, f. a divercing, mo requieſcere; to up or do lay up any thing, a red for difoes.' putting away, & refuſing, ground. Requieſcere ja lasti. buck. OVET. i r. ORS 1 f ! RES RES R E S onë poëtaruõi, to take pleaſure in R:[cffio, önés : f. a cutting vfunder, money to bi miſoll. Spos rcliquis meiding ports.• Suos requierunt e parling, difannulling. reldet, the red have funus hope yet. Romina curſus, "ibe rivers topped Reſciſsorius, a, um, [of refcindor] . Cum ira refcdiffent, wbin. His their courji, bafi running. Cutting st, difannulling. anger was over. Rclidcntur 4. Requictado, inis ; forol, quienili. Relciffus, a, um ; part. of reſcindor; mortui, dead perſons ari ulimdid Rěquiétus, a, um; adt. lor, ifliaus, cut off, broken down, defroyed, abo upon, have somebedy always by at rijt, quid. Requ'etus ager, lilbid. them fallow land, . Requielam ovum, It Reſcri-bo, pli, ptum, běre; a&t. 10 t Rclideſc-o, ērc ; neut. to begin to a pale ge. write again or agning i anſwer de quiet. Requ:rito, are iso reqirire often. by writing. Reicribere legio- Rosido, děse ; ncut, to light or folsle Requl-ro, livi, litum; röre; act. [of Dem ad cquitatum,ro and a new le (as birds) to be af waged. rc and quæro) 10 require, demand, gion to the borfe. * Refcribere år Rohiduum, ui; n. The roll.remainder, ask for, jand for, need. *Terram geatuno, to turn over u bill of ex shit refidue ; alſo the whore. oculis rcquirere; 10 look wberber change, to return money lent! Refiduus, a, um ; adj. à refideo] any land could be fuen. Rescriptor, oris ; m. á writer a Thi ro, refdur. * Roliduæ pc- Requllta, Drum , n. neceſſities. gain. cun!æ, the remaining /um. Re- • Requifita natura, the doing one's Rofcriptum, ! ;D, a writing again, fiduus pænæ homo, ins that fur. busneſs. A prinze's letter in aniwer to a por vivis 10 de tormented. Cupio nul. # Requifitio, onis ;. f. & Seeking af. sition, 10 Agnify his pleaſure 10 lam scaduam full:cicudinem cffe, his ofiors of Hate. I defire no trouble should be lojt 16 Requiftum eft, imp. pali. iniquing Reſculpo, ere; ro rejernkle or expreſs. maining. wws made. Kefecāto, õnis ;f.' a curring or po- Reſignat:0, õnis ; F. a rifgning, une Requiſitos, a, um ; part. of requiror; ring of fealing, a cancilling. fought for, demanded, regurid, sx- Reſccatus,a um ; fburi, exqa, pra.jReagnatus, a, um , part of reſignor;. amined, requifte, needful. circ opened, abrogated. Rengnalum RES, rét, f. Là rcor, vel à P'swdico Rose-co, cui. &um, are j, to cut or æs, wages popped. - Tel 'PES", facio) a thing, Oupneſi, pare away: . Ad vivum reſecarc, Refigno, arc ; ad. fo refign, furren. a matter, chance, caufi conaition, to cut to the quick. * L'bidincs re der, unſeal or pin, abrogate and Bate, mnpira, she world, power, Seçare, to süt ff extravagans de cancello to write or jual again, contention, richtig profily Cxperi. fres. * Rubricà refagnato carefully imme 'Res comperendinata, Refecsātio, onis ; f. R debring en dit with ocre. Reagno quæ de- bring adjourned so ibr third day. guin, diipening from an saib. dit, I give up all for gaur. Tccua mihi res eft, I have Reſocro, are ; ( re and facro) to Resilio, ui, ivi and I, ultum, Col re Something to say so. yok. Relpfa, diſponſe from an oarb; aljo to intrat And lalio) 10 Ledep bad, rebound, indud, by experimit. . Ex re ip over and over again, to facrifice a. recoil, no Mort bark, or As of from, ſa natúm, ſuddenly prompted by gain. fe Nip away ſecretly, no loja ibi milk the mergem occafion. Po re na Relectio, onis ; f. a cutting or po and become dry. Realire in bre. ta, asibu osakon ball direct and ring away. vo ſpatium, to become porter. sugadi. Rem habere, to have Refector, oris; m. o cutter, ., Crimcn ab dio regut, there is to do. #Rea facerc, to shrive 'Reſcetus, a, um ; part. of reſecor ; no fault in bin. • ReGlire ab in 1b: world. + Dicere quod rc8 cut or pared away, Mavid off. emptionc, no to pand sa dar. cft, to ſpeak the trurb. Avidus Refecutus, a, um ; part. of reicquor; gain, ad rep; grudy after gain. In following or an wiring again. Residus, a, um ; 3dj having a 64- Tem cuam erit, rlwill be for your Rěsēda, a jf. là ſedoj a do'k, (berb.] moife nofı, or crooked upward. profil. ' . Rem opinor ſpçctari o- Rēsēdātio, onis ; f. an appeuning. RESINA, æ; f. ſpinniva) nfin, all portere, non verbi, Iihink the Resodo, are ; fo appeaje" or quict, gum running shi of irues. Re- senje soust be looked 10, not iba allııy. fina colophunia, liquid roin. *Re- words. *'Illi iei ftudet, be makes Reſegmen, in's, n. afored, any ibing sina abicgna, frantinsonſt. # Re- bat bis buſineſs. Rem gerere, cui or pared away. * Reregaen lina terræ, fulphur. to fight. * Ere venire, to come op unguijo, be paring of the noils. Rčanāccus, a, um , adj. of or like portunely. Ad rem verba con Rosomiņātio, onis ; f. á lowing a.1 rofin or gum. ferrc, te ſpeak to the ſubjoa in band. Resinatus. a, um , adj. rofined, rub. *Allas res agere, 10 mind fowe. Resēmino, arc; 10 sow again to brud bed with rolin. • Rcanata juven . wbat beſide wbut one is about. of iu own ferd. tus, feminusy. Res aáæ, great want sy nesh. Rěsê-quor, catas ſum, qui; dep. to Reſiniler, a, um ; adj. bearing rofn, ty. Homo qui alicujus rei eft, follow again, to reply.. Refinolus, a, um, adj. full of rifin a perſon that is gond for ſomething. It Résérātio, onis ; f. an opening or + Refacro, are ; to confurata aguin. unlocking. Resipio, čr: ; act. (of re and fapio) Rcſævio, irc,, to page or be angry Referatus, a, um ; opened. robave a favour or safe of any ibing, gain. Rěséro, are ; to opin, unlock, doclars, 10 grow wife ugain. Relalutatio, onis ; f. a puluring 4 pull down, and lay open. Rele- Refipifcentia, æ ; f. a repenting. rat annum Janus, January begins Rclip co, črc ; neut. to ripmi, to ao Relalütātor, Oris ; m. Saluter j' mind, come to one's falf again. gain. Resēro, ēvi,. 1100 ; to low or plant Reſiſtens oratio, a spusb running like Rolalojātus, a, um ; Saluted again. again. a bowl upon a rock. Rcfaluto, are ; 10 ſalute again, Reſervator; Oris ; m. koper. Refiftentia, &; f. reffanse. Rerano, arc ; to bral again. Rcſervāt:o, onis ; f. a reſerving or Refiftitur ; imp. paff. ibers is remedy Reſarcino, arc ; '10 load again. kaping till another time, ir reſan a. Relarcio, ire ; to send, ripair, make Reſervātus, a, um ; reſerved, kept. Rč-fitto, ſtiti, ftitum, fiftore ; so refill, Arends for, riquite. Refeivo, are ; to referue or karp till OPPUR, Bop, fand silly. to jumbles Rçfarlo, ire ; to rade or wud again. Another time. * In pratum reſerva med Ad ijacn digitos reftitit, me Reſcindo, relcidi, reſciffum, seicin reg. 80 krep it for meadow grownd. | Jumbled at the ibrafbeld, Re- dore ; a&. to cut or break down Rěles, idis ;. Là reſidco) Johjul, fiitit morbo, 'ris good again ibo or a funder, aboliſe, abrogali, dij Nuggiſ, idle. # Aqua rcſes difeale. annull, dellroy, lapse; alſo so renew. Jianding water. 1. Relicio, irc ; to thirst again. Beneficiam reſcindere, 10 ]poil & Réfex, čcis ; m. [à rcſcco) the su- Rctoldo, are ; so birthen again, god tura. porfluous frusts of a vine whicb ATT Rclolūbi:ia, c; adj. to be reſolved. Refc-10, ires Rcfolvo,.vi, ūtum, vērc ; act. 10 pr. Rcfciſco, crc:. 3 advertiſed aftor. Rěsīd.co, ēré ; nedt. [of re und le folur, loose, maktajemmate, untis, ex- ward. * En tibi reſcivit omnem deo]lo jis a long sing sa ligbi down, pound. * Rcſolvere in pulverom, scm, lusk you there is some re know be quiet, Rcadere cluria es fc to rodu't to powder. # Reſolvere all the bufnejs. No palcr rclcii rias, to live a dog's life with hunga ventrem, to cauſe looseneſs. * Rc- cat metuit, he is afraid is pould and safe, # Pecunia publica 2 - folycrc argentum, 10 pay fluer. como ay his father's cars, pud eum rtfidet, be krops sbe sing • Reſolvere curas, to releaſe from CATAS, gain. the year and RES RES RES Viņa + Se TC Mollire. & refolvere hominem, ing for anuber. raſtem ges rcdiit, the matter is bei to yofron to make a mon diſolui. Relfonfio, onis ; f, an anſwering. como d'operato. #Partem corruptam à viva reſol. Reſponsito, are ; to anſwer often, ro Renitatio, onis ; f. a dopping oftm. vere, to-feparaje the deed part from roolor doubtful malari. Refirator, oris; m. by that is repit ebe guick. Rcſponſo, are ; neut, n anfexr ofton; or draws back. Retölütlo, 60%; f. + voint Re so give a quick, frue, and unpleafing Reñito, are;, * flop often, draza foiuto nervorun, the pally. an war. Palato reſponſaro, to bark. Reſo:ūtas, a, um, part. if relodvor; have an ill, ife. Nam ancillæ+ Reſtrix, icis Nam ancillæ + Retrix, icis; f. fbs tbas draws Loofened, expounded, ffemingte, dil- bark. · Ubi' refpondant i Do the maids chop i folata, pu, Flivius relolutus, lagic wirb you? Reftit-uo, ui, acumi, učre ; ad. Cof a river ukrflowing the banks, Reſponſor, bris, m.a pledge or ſure, re and Tacuo) to retore, repairia Qu'elè rclolacos fajt afloop. af rights. Aciem Inclinatam re- * Rclona, æ, f, an echo. Reſponsorius, a, un s. ad). Of or for ſtituc, rally uy sbe diſordered for- Rěsõnābilin, e; adli acchoing. anſwering. Cantus rcſponſorius, ces. . In locum reftitue quem me Resõnentia, zi fr on ashaing. & refponfa. accepiſti, leivı mo 'ai sou found me. Resõng, are; Acut, to rofound, maka Refponfum, i; n, an anſwer, advice, • Reftitue, as you want. an echo, makrie loud found, or counſel ; alſo an oracle. ubi reftituuntur, wines come to Răsonus, a, um.;. adj. refoinding, Reſponſus, ús; m. Switzbleneſs, agrere, the "felves. muk ng on asbo. ing together, p'oportion. * Com. Reftfrútio, önis; fi o reditation, vi Rcforbeo, rozta fwallaworſupupagain. menfùm refponfum habere, to have joring or murking good. Refpectabilis, «; to be lobkad upon. a matthod uniformity. Reftitutor, õris ; m. a'raforer. Respecto, are ; to look back ofron hook Reipublica, reipublicæ ; f. the commReftitutorius, a, um , adj. of or for wtb piy uponi monwosith, ripublica, refering. Rcfpectus, fis; m. a ragard, looking Relp-uo, ui, olum & to put away, Reſtitutus, a, um, part of reftituor; back, roppant, laghi, Ad aliqucm fright or contremar, rajoet, or diſlik, Teflored, made good. reipeatum habere, foi refputi any u caſ back, not to indute. * Auri Reit-o;, it:, itum, are'), neut. * bus reſpuere, to ſing away from ref, to be left, remain, pop or tay, Refges.go, fi, rom, gerc; (of rc and bearing one. * Imperlum reipuere, bearing one. Imperlom refpuere, pand out or refill to be far diftant. (pango) to be prible, inbrew. to Aling of a government. Hoc * Pauci admodum reftant, ebare are Retpolio, Tnis;f, a bo print'ing." i&um feiri refpuit, inox can't miter but few of 'ins left, Resperfor, oris ; n. a beſprinkler it. + Rcítricæ, arum ; forolers meis.. Reſperius, a, um, parts of reſper. Rekagnāb'lla, c; adj. 3 art. #bib Reſtride; } ady: foaringly, softly; gor, beſprinked. may ever pow. Reperlus, ùs ; m..a sprinkling upon. Restagnāció, ônia ; f. an overflow- Restri&io, önis; f. retraining Reſpuisto; exl, eftum, icore act. ing R ftri&tus, a, um, part. V reftrin. rc and fpeclo] to look back, bro Restagno, are; sourflow, to be gor; reftrained, bound bard, hide. hold, 'recollea in the mind, to bear marby: bound, ſparing.; ello praile, curins, respeki, to bolong, to fake pily on, 80 Reftans, ntis į resping, remaining, + Minibus à tergo reftri&is, with haur an. 491. Wass, so belp Javed out. bis hands bound Srbind him. {picero, menind one's oron profit. Reftat, imp. ie remains, Roftri-ngo, nxi, dum,'ngörc; za. • Precedentem reſpice, follows your Reſtauratio, onis į. k. a relloring, ve; sa bini or Arain hard, to unbind; 30 leader. # Sotoma imperii ad ime Pairing, reduration. bind with two kinots. Viim re: refpicit; all the care of the kingdom Restaurator, oris ; m. a repairer. ſtringere, to lay spm the way. lies upon mot. Reſtauratus, um ; repaired. Dentes reftringere: to form the timb. Refpicior, orio, ; paft. to be looked RESTAURO, are; act. (orave - Nauſeam reftringere, 10 fogy.vo; back upon, to be regarded, mnd, palus) to rafori, mpair, recruil, - mising. &c. raisi again. t Rěsūdo, are ; to fwrdt again, † Reſpino, are; rormour thorns. Reflarius, ii ; m. s ropo-maker, or Reluco, are ; to plowgts again, j ; f fallor. Reſultatio, onis; a leaping back a. iin. 3 ραιή. breath, reſpiration, bearing or lilled every year ſpring Roſullo, are ; [of sc and falto) 10.30- Relptratus, this 1 breathing ing again, after being ſupposed dead. bound, laag back.oltok, rajound. Reſpirāuan, inis ; n. or taking •Suges restibilis,a fecond crop with. + Reſultūra, a; f, a leaping back.a. breath. Aquárum tefpiratio, & out ſaving.' gais, watry vapour or exbalarion. Refticula, a; f. a linio rops, pard Rosūm-0. pfi, pţum, crez act. 10 re; Rcfpirātor, oris, mi a broarbir. rbread or whip-card. furae, sake up again. Reſpiro, are- ; ro'brnoshe. teke breath, t Reticŭlus, lin. a small cord, Réſumptio, õnis ; f. a maffuming, exhala, so bave repive from trouble, Reftillo. are 3. to drop back agains. Réſumptus, a, um; parc. of rela- and gather flyengib. Avaritia re Reftinétio, onis ; f. á gumebing ·mor, ricotiered of tamo up agaix. ſpirat, men arsº not fo rowerous, a Reftinclus, a, um ; part. quintbrd, Rěs-uo, ui, urum ; to fou again ar osrie i abated. Malignum ro put our; Jan:hed, andid. deuble, to NX AWO, or vita foam. fptrat aëra, Jods forth not for vs. Reftinguibilis, e; to be quenched. Resūpino, sre; 20. to turn upright pours. Rettin-guo, xi, cum, gyére ; a&. 10 or iht faci'upward.to overthrono and Reſplend-eo, ere; deut. raliper, quonib, gualify, supprefs. + Stodia suundle down on the dark; alſo to re- bine brigbt. reftinguere, to put an end to jlnay voks or call back, Domus re- Reſplendeſcentia, ia; f briebsriefs. and inquiry ; fupinare, #frarch the forests of a Replendaſco, čre s ti grow brigbe. Reit-lo, fre; heut. to relj. 80 bs ready bosſ, tüin di uppide down. Rcſpon-dco, di, fum, dere ; neut. 10 to be fown or plougbed. Rosūpinus, a, um ; lying with the answer, to'agris, si sefomble, to fall Reftio, onis, m. a rope maker, or billy uproards, careles, affirminole. righs with, Band right againſ. knacksr; aljo ore put to the laf som Röfur:go, rexi, re&um, göçe z ncuc. Ad tempus refponderc, io pay at Restipo, ate to compaſs again, 80 rife át again, to be repaired, to 15. timi appointed. * Ad animüm, Reitigūlātio, onis ; f. an intering in.. grow again[met. Jio recover, or op- alicul reſpondere, to reply to ano- 1. rovinant to perform articla, a Fomar biler. Bellum rcſurgit, she sher's liking. Si alvus non rc. reciprocal engagement. war breaks out afreſh. Reſus. fpondet, if the body be celiur, Reftipúlicori Oris; 2. a dourianter gunt res Romanæ contra fpes the Par pari refpondcătar, let full fa- on muinal conditions. Roman offairs are become much 861- tisfašim be made. Ad normam Rcfīpúlor, ari; to enter into a crur. , te shan.could be expected reſpondere, to be of an exa& pro nant wport mutual unditions to be Réſurrecto, onis ; f. a refurrection, portion and quality. Do Jare re. performed or riſing oguin. Eponderc, to adliver his opinion upon RÉSTIS, iz: là Pumi. Puozas Réſuſcitār:o, onis ; f. a raing up the nire points of the law. Gool. traho, vel. áb Heb rijboth rete) a again (12 tellus mari refpondet, Crete is rope, a buneb of onions. Rortim Rafureiro, are ; a&t. 18 rally up, to a- over again), or looks toüvards the fia. duttarci to doncs the hay, or round wake again, 10 Fenow. Reſponsalis, c; adj. 3 art: "answer. in a rinz, band in hand, Ad Rosūto, are ; to sew again. 6.R Retz, 1 1 RET: RET, R E V I kept bark, : 1 Reræ, arumi f. (à rete) trus grow • to be haled pill.. Memoriam : ali- Retroceffio, õnis ; f. Za intiring or ing in er by rivers. cu!us rci retincre, ma to forget a Retroceffus, us ; n. going back. Realio, we';.10 raunts like for like. ibing, to keep it in mind, Gaudia Retrodu-co; xi, ctum ; to bring back. Retinatio, on si f. a retarding retinct, ane can jus the joy be is af- Retroductio, bals.j. I, a bringing daging, ar. hindring. frard wish. back, Rdcardător, oris ; m. a hindring Relingo, ere;.80 dye or dip again. Retro.co, ire ; to go back. Retardärus, a, um ; part. bindrid. Rětinaio, ire; to ring again. Itse Retrõiér.Oise; 10 carry back. Rocardo, are; 10 binder.Asya + Rērio, Ire; to erke in a net. it. Retrogrădātio, onis ; f. e going Relaxó, are ; to reprova for boldnes, Rēciálum, .1.; 0. a little nit. back, 10 counter buske! to bloma shen ibupt Retis, is im. & f. e nero Retrogradior, čris, greffus fum, di; blame 'Ms. Recor Aren (à rete)' so clean rivers of to go backwards. RETE, is jm. (Heb. reſbith) a nes : any thing that cheaks the channel. Retrogrādus, a, um ; ad) : going back- alfo alqurt. Jaculum retc, Almall Retondco, cic; to clip ar Joiat again, wards. Agat-nst... Rstono, ara; 16 tbunder om jound 4- Retroit:o, õnis ; fe going back. Relcus, a, um, part. of retegor; gain, t Rctiolego, ore ; 80 fail, back. diſcovered. Refor-queo, Si, tum, quere ; a&t. to Resopendulus, a, am; hanging down Ret 80, , Aum, gère ; act. so dis . Turn or wind back again, to wrai a again. coder, to open. jde. * Oculos, retorquere, to look Retrorsùm and retorsus ; ady. back- Retea da, di, . fum, dere; act. so back, - . Animum retorquere ard ward. Nacka, unbind. præterita, so confider spings pall and Retrorfus, a, um; furned backward. Rétentatus, a, um į tried again, gone. Pilam retorquere, to forike Retroverſus, a, um j.wish the wrong Retrat!o, onis ; f. a: ruantim, re: back. a balh.. end for spol. Taining, or holding back. Rětor-co, ēre; to burn, to make dry. Retrū-do, fi, lam; to tour bark, Rčiento, vejad. [ure and tento) Rotorreſc o čre ; t grow parıbed: Retrūſus, a,;um ; tburſ back, bidden. to try or feel agein. Rctorride; adv. ujfbout poiffure, Rotoli: Sro refero. Reccato, ac ; act. (of retineol * Scorchingly. Ret-undo, ūdis, útum, undère ; 24. bold back often. "Ægre rclenteban- Rětorrīdus, a, um: adj. burned, to make blunt or dull, di ripreſa, 10 tur millies, ib. Jolgjors wiie hardly ferched, parched with drough', ?rown bras often ; upon, 10 Hop, clinch. # srally by experience, of 8 withered Gladios retundcre, to turn the edges Rětenfus, a, um ; parc. of, retendor ; countmance,.obflinate. of ſwords. • Improbitatem ali- Knbent. Recorrio, onis, 'f. formenting, a cüjus retundere, io dofbone's beld- Rēgentas, a, um ; part. oj rctincor ; wreſting side, kept baik, Rc orjus, a, am; part, of retorqueor: Recago, õnis ; f. a dulling op blant. 1 Relorgo, čre; to safl bebind 1bs back, wrolled, twild again, or, wotwifed ing. Retiro, crno rab.er break again. Retorius, a, um, part. of retoricor; Retūlus, a, um ; made blunt or dull. Retex-o, ul, 'am, čre ; a&t. 10 -67. burnt or. 'drind up. * Rcs retalæ, offairs quite in axi- wave, untwift ; alto » Wiove or Retraatio, õnis; a retreation, iber popure, the face of them quite twist again, 2o. dilalue, .* Proc. revoking, handling again., shanged. Ingenium retulum; a lopes, telat retexerce 80 do and Retractālor, 'āris ; n. a rocantar. blunt wit, grojs wonderlanding: unden. 't Orātioncm illam ictcxo, Retractatus, a, um i revoked, rou fod, + Revadio, arc ; to diartow ledge ona's 1. (Hry, it that speech, .. corrrard retra&, fa!f . + Rethuror acesto-opania, Retracto, are ; act, to revaks, recant, Revan:0, fre; acat. to be sold again. Rcijarius, ili pa lencer ubo fought kurpa, bundle again, to speak of a Rěválco, ērcy 1 fo.recover, grow with ainus againg the myrmillo or ibing angw, to draw much back.'Reval-eſco, ére; } wbola. gallus. Vulncri cruda retractare, to med. Revaneſco, čro; to vanila awagiaa # Retica, e'; f. 'n twig er pröp for dle with fore wounds. Podamenta gain. retractaran to pluck up, the old vine-Rovigni, a people of Germony. ? Rēcīcentia, æ; le leping Blencs, jakes, and ſet new ones. Dicta Revectus, ā, um ; brought back again. clofe conuealing retractarc, to ſwallow one's words. Ravě ho, xi, ctumjto bring back agrin. Rètic-co; ere , ncut; (of re and ta. Retractus, a, um, part. of retrahor; Revčhor, 1 dep: to retum. Re. CCO).to kerg felenu, uneal drawn back or, afide i alla diftant., vehi cquo, to ride back, * Revebi + Reticefco, čres, neut. 10 begin 10 Rětā:do, čre ; toʻdeljver again. ad fuperiorem ætatem, to diſcurſo kune plana. Rotra.ho, xi, Aum, hēre;, 10 draw of the age last post + Reticibillo, e; tbal may be kept in lack or nfide. *Se retrahere, so leave Revēlālio, onis ; f. a revelation or Silenci, eff, - Studio retrahoro, to take one revealing Résicula: ze;f, a little mor. from udy. Verba retrahere; # Rěvclātor, Ör:8.; m. youealar. Rcticŭlātím, 1. adv. nol-wife. catch.in ine's words. Rēvēlātus, um, part, rywaled. Ret!culacus, a, um, wade like a neilt Retrecto, as retricto. * Secum Rov.ello, elll and win, ullum, el- Feneftis reticularz, latticed retrcctarc, ponder with one's calf. lērc.; act.'to pell away by forie, 10 windows o): twigs or wire. Retrito, ul, ūtum, uěre ; act. 89. pluck up or back: 10 pluck out, raſe. + Rētīculo, are ;' to knit a net, emier or give sgoing to repay. : Rövēlo, are ; 22.10 rcurul, diſcover, Relicólum,.i; n. [à rete) a little Retrlbūtio, önis; f. a retribution,re to unvail. nii, a caul for the brid, a bood 10 compmfing. Rěvčnio, ēni, colum; to come again, bide the face; a bag of niet-work Retributor, oris ; m. a recompenſer, Rēvērà ; adye in truib, in wry dued. wborein they carried broad; alfa a Retrimentum, 14. Cà reteroj she Reverberāto, onis; f. a bearing back, raskel, sour, and noagay, Siraping or refuse of any thing. * a refleaning i Rēricdus, izmi a basket of offers. Olel retrimcncum, thi dregs of oil. Rěves.coro, src; addo friks or brak Retiformis, &; ad). like a net. Retritus, a, um ; part. of reicroſ ; . Retina, ; f. a net like the suniuke of our worn, rubbed or brokon agains). Reverendus, a, um ; adj. reuerend, pile, worthy of boncur. Retinaculum, 14 a. (retineo] Retrix. icis ; f. water, whers with, Rövéreos, ntis ; adj. intior, ouli- llop. or pay with which any thing is gardens aje waferedi mus; reverend, modet, reſpelling. held back. Equorum retinacula, Retro; adv. Care) back, bebind, on Rěvěrčntèr ; ady. rovarmily.....!! the ruins, # Navis retinaculum,ibi the backfide, in times pell, contraria Roverentia, a; forevermoe; bortur. Balſer or cable. + Vitis retina wofa: Fluere retjo, 19 go down Revescor, eri, no reuse or have in yo- cula, the frings, or tirs.of a vine. ibe wind. Ambuläre retrò, to go Uerenc, !o buvi a modif bofofulneſs. Rělīnentia, æ ; f. e kesping, holding Arſi-ward.. Rěvětilus, a, um part.of revercors together, a frame. Retroactus, a, um ; drivin back, beving fras or. Jame of Recinenulimus, a, um ; ob irving Relro-ago, cgi, actum, agorc ; act. Reverso, cic; io jurip back or again, and keeping diligously, to drive or soft back: *Ordinem re, Reverfio, onis; f. aruerfion, or 74- Retioco, ut entum, Lofre and tereo] troagere, 30 begin at the wrong Surning, A wherling about 10. Tetain, hold back, to remember, els. + Reverfio, are ; lo reurn ofrin. dhod in, haid fall, Morbo rcu. Retrocē-do, mi, fum, dörc;. neut. Rcyerticului, i; D.. Totuin, or js- neri, ro te fick. Invidiain retinerc. to retire or draw back.. volution Revetto, VIXI. 1 back, she Oj!: 1 l bis. 2: 3 1 REV RHA R HÉ. Rover-to, ti, fum, tères act. to furn * Dies revolutain the day opened. Rhamnus, i;.m, the rohita Oramid Revertor, čris, ti ; pofl. back Penſum revolacam, a aifaf full calied the human, n. Chrifs, thim; return, como again to conſider with wnund off alio burk thom. one's golf in gratiam reperti, to Revomo, ui, icum, čre ; 26.10.20. Rhamnus, untio : a sown in Africa, become primds again.: ..!! miniup.again. :-famous for an imge of Nemcis.' Reveſtio, ire ; to cloaib. ogain. REUS, a, um. adj. [à res, seor, vel. Rhamnuhia, Nemchis, so called from Rövid-éo; čre ; to look back agam, à xoss, debitum) gullty, arraign. Rhamnus. Rovig-co, Eros :7 } to Paurilo sa od Reus injuriarum, quid, upon an Rhamnifinius, a king of Egypti af- Revigelco, ērc; gain. , Rition of trofpali. Voti reus,bound car Protc us, who had more money Revigilo, are; 'n walth again. under a vow. • Agiror reus, brij. than any kingsbar coneiajter Revilcſco, ērc ; to become oila and impleaded. • Peragicuc rcos, be its nathing creamed. caje*** Satiſdandi reus, one shor. RHÅPHẮNUS, 1; m. prperor] + Rēvin cio. xi, aum, cire; act, so has given bond or security. rudib. * Raphanus. ruftic.nas'ør sie herd, bind back. Reus, i u. a climt, defendant, - fylveſtris, berje rodifa. Revi.nco.cl ctom, ncèrc ; act. to Rea, æ; f. } oli a furacy, + Rhaphius, t;.a bral. like 4. wolf, convince, refute, TONICE. Revaldo, onis; fo A pulling away, and posted like a libbard. , Revinctus, a, um, pirt. of rovincor; or us, reundiin. Rhapſi, the inhabitants of Rhaptæ. bound hard or back. Revulſus, a, um, part of revellor; + Rhapſodi, the interpreters and ree + Revio, are ; to return back. pisilaa back, ug, 17 away! bsarjers of Homcris uerſas. Röviselcó, čre sneat, wou groot Rex, ĉgis ; m. (à re:0, a Ang ,:go Rhapſodia, æ; f. a rhapſody, or con- again, I grow yung oriſirongan Dernor, 4 rish.minn, a palcon. fufos coiledion. gain. Nomine regis aliquem afficere, Rhaptæ, e city of Æthiopia.; Reviſto, are to return ofton to fu. to give one iba title of a king. Re- Rhapłyra, a city and baum in Bar- Rēviſo; li, fum, sro, act, so ruturi ges ærarii, there'rjoer's general. bary.. to for. Furor rerigt, ba bad ano * Rex facrorum, the: archionet. Rbaragra; e;. foiran infirument ther fit of madness. + Rexaciculum, isin. a doprobarg or pluck out futb. + Revlſus, ûs ; m. a revifing.... bols, Rbaringy a field in E'eufinc, zobenu + Revitio, are ; act. to corrupt of Rant. H. Rharia Regio undCerca Rharia, 1 deflower again. Rhacortathy blus, be river Taff in + Revito, ore ;-o ratum to work. Rha, a river of Sarmatia in Europe, Glamorganſhire. # Rövividus, a, um'; alive again. ralind Volga. Rhaucus, • city of Crete. Reviviſco, čre ; ncut: to recover, or + Rha; ind. 2 Rha Hay.), a Rhaucias, a, um ; of Rhaucus. come to life again, 'to be renewed or , . Rabarbarum ; } And of do:k.rooks Rhaviusg iba river. Trobis. in Ire. ravivadi, ibambarb. land. Revi-yo, xl, aun; to live again. Rhabdomandia's divination by a Rhaurius, a river in Gallia Nar- bonenfis. Rcuma, acis . ihe flowing of the off Rhabdos ; 4.mataor Ike a wand, Rhax, an iſland of Lycia." Reuodor, br:800, an annointer of pa- Rhabduchus, chi; m. bi mal.car. Rhes, the duugh!er of Cælum and timts by the phyſicians appointmi. ries A rod. Terra, enlled elf Ops and Cybem Reuogo, cre; to annoint again. . Rhacelus, a vily of Macedonia. le; alſo the daughter of Numitor, + Reanio, ire;unita agam. RHXCINUS, I, m.[ả Pantos,4 colo king of the Albanes, called alſo liia, Rövõcābīlis, ci adj. that may be re se uvd nigræ] a rulet.colour'd fit. whom her uncle Amulius modi a 'called or recompoſed, rruacable. Rhacotes, Alexandria formerly 50 vel,11 virgin, but upon Mars's dying Rěvõcãmen. înts, n..? rruekings with her be brought forth Romalus Revocatio, onis;!. S calling back: Rhadagirus, a king of the Goths, and Remus Rěvõcātus, a,.am, parc, called back, wbs by Sitilico's bulp invaded. Ifa Rhebas, raifod from tbe dead. .sdy; and, of, laß was taken and pain, Rhebus, a rider of.Bithyniai Revocatas, a martyr who was frown wirb many thiusands of his Rhcbanus, 10 sbs leopards to be div.wred in Rhectæ, arum, m. carihquakes bras. abr sine of Valerius and Gala Rhădămanthus, thi';' m, a line of inze open the grounch.. lenus. Lycia, sha jon of Jupiter and Eu- RHEDA, ' f: [Péon.) a coach, Rěroco, are; 2ct. acc. to revoke, ropa, who for his Javerity and 4 weggon, cbarios, call back, to wthdraw, do refore jußite was faigned to be one of the Rhcdārius, 2, um ; adj. beonging to to life, to ribuarja, to renew, ! judges of hell a coach. requiri, 80, exänini., * Perjaria Rhad anosias, & city of Maffilia, Rhēdārius, . ii ; m...e crashman, a revocare, 10 forſwear himself - Rhadata, a town in Ethiopia, where charioteer, a Waggoner. gwin. *Ad priftina ſtudia ſe revo they worhip & car. Rhedoncs, à peiple of Gill'a Ceitica. carc, to fall.... his liudy again. Rhad!ana, a city not far froni Co- Rhegium, a town in Italy, built by • Foram revocare, it ixreft again rah. Lepidus. court, * Pedem revocare. to Rbădine, ês; f. a nice and tender Rhegenfes, sbe drawback. In dubium revocare, girl. Rhegierfes. g!uia. to question anew. Se resoca:e, 16 Rhæa, a city between Scythia, and Rh-gium Ja'lum, the city Rheggio unsay whas one has ſaid. • Mo Hyrcana. in Italy, over. againſt Sicily: rem revocare, to bring a cuflom o Bhatia, the name of two countries in Rhegini, she inbabitants of Khegium gain ino uje. Germany. . Juliuo. Revolíto, are'; 10 fly back often Rhæti, the people of Rhotia. Rhagma, e city of Cilica; alſo a bay Révolo, are ; to fly back or again. Rhæticus, a, um ;. j Rhætia. near the gulf of Persia. Revolūbills; 2d). 3.410. which Rhaga, a siiy of Mcdia built by Nl Rhegma, ausin, a fracture, may da turned over again. canor Rhewi, tha citg Rheins in Gallia Rövo!-vo, vi, utum, vēre ; a&. so Rhagenas, a, um ; of Rhaga. Belgica: turn over again, roli bzek again, Rbägades, dum ; f. } chappings in Rhemi, orum; the people of to turn over and over, to revily, Rhagailia, orum ; n., 3.she lips, or Rhemenres. un; Rheims. to rehearſe, condefimd. Iter re other parts of the body, sporially in Rhemnius Palæmon, a grammdrian volvere,..,10.goturn the ſame way ha the fundament. who boaled that learning was born and like to die witbh.m. came. * Aliquò revolvi,so be thrown Rhages, the ends of the fingers. back to any plara or paſso" * Revolvi | Rhagion, and rhagiua, i ;; 8. a Rhene, one of the Cyclades equo, to his brown from a harſe. vonimiur ſpider with floort. fret, Rhenica, in the Ægcan + Revolus, i;im a pedler. and a very little mouth undir his Rhenis, fee, Revolutio, ona ; f. a rivolution, a belly: Rhönenas, c; adl, 3 art. of the ri. turning quilt to rid. Rhagoides, the third skin about the ver Rnine. • Vioum Rhencaſe, Rövõlutor, orisin. he that rollo 2)@, called alſo uye shuniſh wine. Rhannes, eris; so. a king and fooib. Rheni, ihe people inhibiting by the Rěvolūtus, a, um, gat. of revolvor ; fuser, who fided with Turnus, and Rhine, bawain ibo Helvetil ons twined back or over, returning war Jain by Niſus in his prog: Rhæti. 6 R 2 Rhino : t a } the people of Rhe- ! + $ 5 met ons, 1 Rhoxanabe drogb:or of Bar a king of the Marrubil in Ribes, is; (Arab.] garam tutqart, RHO RHO RIC Rbēno, onis ; m, [à Prjòr pellis] a I won' Memi. Rhomphéalis,.cy of alone fword: pole of Josepi skin. a leather juskel. Rhodānus, the greateſt Hiver of Rhon, a sity of Scythia Gandar ca. Rhenus, she river Rheno in Italy, i Galifa Narbonenfis, calied Lc Rhoniubita, um, and Rbonitess is g. aiſe the Rhine, & wry great and 14 Rofnc... of Rbon mous river of Germany, dividing a Rhodia, a fea nymph, and a city. of Rhonchisõnus a, um..y making a from France..ei: Lyalas loud fuorting.. Rheſay, 4 city of Urabirla. Rhodia; frofawort. Rhoncillo y are to foort in one's HRED Rhefeda, Italian nicht, Rhodienfess the i people :of. Ribo-RHONCHUS, 1; m. f. Por xw1 Ribēlas; e. king of Thrast, who came des. fnostrog in flery alfolijmiring. with zobise harjus 1oofid thi Tro-Rhodinys, jans ; but hy the ticachory of Do a, om ; adj. of Rho Rhondæi, a puple of Tb:ace, Rhodius, } dus. Ion w21: his iroa Chrif nigbi .by Rhodinas. a, umi, adj. of rojus. Rhotanus, a river of. Corsican Diomedes and Uly it's. Rhoditce, a precious stone' :of.-a-roſe Rhotomagus, tbtctir -Rogen in Rhetor, õris ; mar a boloridian, a Normandy maller tracbing orufory by decks Rhododsphne, és ? a forsed with Rhoxalani, prople şcythia. Rhododendros, ii: porer lite. Of Rhoxanc, ' Rhétorica, ?, or vhęto:ice, au ; . rele, and a loaf like' & 'tanrd. barjan, jord, wbDnA: nghaerica Rhodoe, a rity of India. lcxander married for her thout Rhetorica, orut 3.0: rulu çad buds Rhodogana, ihe daughter of Darlas, ond alone. iofrastoricke Rhetorice , adv. rhetorically. whi flow her nurje for purlanding Rhoxolani, a pople of grytbla.. í ber to marry the facand tim. Ribus, l'imribe Harmo, fumach, cur- Rhetoricor, adi; to play in sboce. Rhodoxeli, or mel roſaram; hotoy rier, fumach, leather fumub.; THiar. and be juise of rojus boiled: soge. Rhufpina; 'vitys of Africa Propria. Rhetoricoteros ; more eloquent. Rhufuacorden er sity of Mauritania Rhetoricus, a, um ; adj. belonging to Rbödõpe; a city of Ionia; alſo a :Cxfarienfis... beterick, er ikiful tbereix. womitain.of.Thrace. Rhuteni, $ propbt and viy of Rhcamaitis ;n! arbeu'm or ratarrb; Rhodopcius, a, um ; of Rhodope. Rhuthani, 3 Aquitain.; a diftilling Dumukrs from the Rhodope, headi; nije ibe ebbing and flowing Rhodops, Thraca, ency the fol } Hiwry nied burlor of Rhyas, adis ; f., a continua. Waler ing of these, of the fea, or tidei low sirwani 'of Elop,"d'afist Rhybdus, < (allbe ja Scythia. Rheumaticus, a.'um ; adſ, thermia wards redeened by Caraxus: tbe Rhyodius, , 4mp pf. Rbybdus. tick, troub'ed with Bruins. broihir of Sappho, ubo was! Rhymanys, a.rider. 57 Scythia. + Rheumatidio, are ji do run with love with här bor loss fändut Rhymnicus,), un of Rhymnus. humours, Promid. build ar bor drones Rhynche, a small country of Eu. Racóuztifous timi tbe veka ** thire was another of the lama dan boei. tifon, a cold in Juvenal's time. Rhyachéus, a,.;00, VRby chc. Rheumar'zo, are ; zo, 'are; - ''be troubled. Rodophone, purt of Spila. Rhyndaçus, a great river of Mysia withibiwa Rhodopolis, the city Koftock in Goi-: * Afusralled by the Turks Vlai Recxcnor, the son of Naufithous, bany breti where there are bred vifteding and brother of Alcinous. Rhoduritia, - coletry near Oci. great frokos.. sobib satshuda birdi Rhiqołactes, a king of Thrace, Rhodus, a famous iſland in the Cár as they fy by a wbs wmi suur" from Anthony 'lo pathian sea, near Caria, where Rhypin, « cisj:of Achaia. ;' Avgudos, walks : told him after Soliaus fuji, iberis i noi day so Rhyps, is; suara bir beded. thisjon, dus 13 clouds, but the fun things jong Rhyprus, Sadj. Ribypas 'ted ibi fraytors. Tians or othir, Rbypicus, a, um, Rhina, æ, f. a ray or fcate. Rkodufraig 'a city of Argea. Rbypacographes, gm. A writer or Rhlačceros, atis man nicorn' i Rbodupruge Rboduffuse a, um i td). vf, Rho. dij:ribar af trifleri alſo a lavar with a long sport caf- Rhoduffaus, $ Aufſa. Athytmicus, an um z rhyrnings in Living distwamii • Natüs rhinoce- Rheas, the rating out of a little rctis, a furnitg up the mofe, in giccs of Beijo in the great trien. of RHYTHMUS, 11 0 [Pudjias] farag: to 4; alſo a wild popoy. rhyme, husmony. a sily Paleſtins Rhabús, the bore of Mcbentiut:w! Rhytion, 11, n. A lind of round ipala Rhinocoluran : on sbe borders of Rbodius, a river of Macedonia. ing-gowl, a urfil remblog a balf Egypt. Rhaetaces, a river of Armenia. moon. Rhions a promontory of tolia. Rhiphæi, nórshorn in unitains in Rhcetus, Rheseum, 1.a promenitory of Troy Rhyrius, s city of Crotc. } wire Ajax was due Sy'thia. rind. detty in this kingdom o Rheesta, a city of Budirla. } Rate 1. Arcadia. Ralphcas, one of the Centaurs. Rhcetienos, Rhotianus, a, um ; adj. of Rhie. and Trojan commended for his Roceſus, Jadiri.. Italy. black, red, and white." Rhilymna, ?a; f. the city Reti. Rho:us. a giant who mdravour. | RICA, æ ; fi [à Pék, cingulum, Rhithyana, '} 'mo in Crete. Rhacos od is ebrow Jupiter out vel å rcjicio) u roif; the purring Rhium, a promenisry of Peloponne: of heaven, but was huin by Bac of women's heads at facrifice, Yasin Ácba's, and another in chus in the foape of a lion. Richardus, i;. Ybo naon 'of so, Corſica. Rhogane, a sity of India, Rhius.va; amily of Germany. Rhoge, an iſland noir Lycia. Ricina Rhizagra, A. T'intrumen: Rhombi:es, river. af Sarmatia, Riccna, : 09. ifmd by Scor: Tünd. dxaw out, ad jplinter, bone or tooth. Rhozçula, a cilj of Crete Rhönbvideo'; e fifts like trárbat Riciatus, }acoal, nuntle, it feed. Ricinātas, 2 a, umin a short Rhiziao, wym, the juice of the 'moos also a figure with with four four equai • M:Mi ricinati, bood wild 46- laferpit ún. fides. tors, murmura. * Ruizon, a city of Dalimatla. Rhombulaus, i; 2. a diamond (as Ricinenfes, as people of Picenum. + Raizophag', a people of Ethiopia, cards) Rhizus, an have and city of Cappa: RHOMBUS, i, m. m. ['Póucrs) Ricinum, i; n. hiota minte, R cinium, ii ; n., li reticio.) a lloje doda. figure with four equal but not right Ricinus, i; m. biri kloak Rhoas, a river of Colchis, Tides, as a guarry of glaſs.; illo #Ricinus, i, m. [å 'Pai corsum Rhodogdi, 'a' fcople of Ireland by Spinning wheel and a turont, miron ..the promontory ' Rhobozd um po, & xvoy, canis) fick in cartley wherli ulid ty witcbis at iber are k!!!
{rplsor} manner, Roga, æ ; T: on alms, numnes, Signafi with cold, harjo ceyim, or ceremony: Rogalis, c; of a funeral pile. nefs, fperity; all the praighi Rivales, lum; m. rivals, shey thar Rõzāmen, ins ; n, s defra. Insebékwim tbe. Jurtayaris two love the worAN. † Rogamentum;!; n. a propofition to marks. * Rigor ferri, fesl.. RI-Rivālis, c ; ad). [à rivus) of a rider be granted. igor.juris, this exirmity of the law. ſerved with water by the same gur-Rogatianus, á 'Roman fenator zato Rigor febris, abaibaking pot of an tet, or pipe. was wont to far 'but not in a day, agus. Rivālis, is; o. a rival, Sine rl- Rogandus, a, um, part. to be asked. 1 Rigörātus, a, um'; adj. made Piff vall diligerc, fondly, 'to * Rógandis congulibus, for the r- bar. what nobody elſe'tbind wortby the lothing of the ronfülos + Rigörõlus, a, um, ad). full of ex loving, Rögāto, õnis ; f. an asking or praya Sroto cold, Rivalītas, atio ; m. enoy between two sng, the propounding of a bill to be Rigaum, ui; n. an inundation, tbar lour one woman, rivalſhip, pelled in a congregüsion, Riguas, 'a, üm; 2d}, watering, Rivātin; adv. by rivers, tioncm accipere, to pafi the bill ws!l watered, moiſ), or moifining: 1 + Rlvinus, 1; mia rival. Rogātiuncula æ; f.a jhiull requeſ, RIMA, .2; f. ['Phyuaja chink, Riafiana, a city of Germany Rogator, ör!s; m. la neque fer uit left, rifi, o cramy. Tabernæ Rivūlus, i, m.a rull, a ſmall pream, Rogatrix, sis; :) or. rinita agunt, the boards cleave and, RIVUS, i, m. (à Péw fluo) a river comitioruu), be ihet prepounded a Tap: *Plenus rlmarum, a blabor Ê cun. Rivi plovialis aquæ, law to the people to be brir an long rangur. *Invenire rimam, to land flood. "Flumina facere è rivo, probation. Timid amixculs, or hole crrep cui ar. to make a mountain of a molo-hll.' | + Rogatorlum, ii; A. an alms Rimabundus, a, um;ſearchingnarrowly. RIXA, æ; f. l'éposg. vei ringo) e boufe. Rogā. 1 1 • Ragas ? on's. isl. :* 1 ody, bindred years. Romulus and Remus were found. ROS ROT RUB Rõgātam, iz n,.defit, requejl. Ros vitalis, the nurſe's, milk. Rotenburgum, 4 saat town in Fran- neat Rögātus, a, um.; debred, or feirght. Ros wär nus, ofruary... Ros conia, Rogātus. Us 3: m: 90 asking folie rapor-grays.nd-wort, fun:dow Roterdamum, Roterdam in Hol- Rögitātio, onis; f. an asking often. youth-word, bring mijl. wbsn tbe Jand.. Rögitător, õcisza, a frigumi asker. run 55 baudod Roto, are ad. to SETT like a wbul. Rogito, ele sincute se pray or ask of: ROSA, æ f["Pédor) a role; alfo Rotomagus. as Rhotomagas.. fim; alſo ta quationi :Rogito plf ol of roſes, Rosa adabandića, the Raidla, 22.f..2 litrie wbuel, Csil: lhe price of ibe tilb., ; damn roſe. : * Rosarautunnalis, Romuila, sbracknel, briwbirlitoms RõGO, AIC act.acci ab õpózu, she aluski rale; Roſa Bacuiva, bo of the kruo. cuplo] is ask, defri, require, proy, great provincı roſe. Rõ ondatio, onis ; f, x-making sound, domande... Roget quis, a holy Roſaceum, 'ei's n: oil of rules Rotundātus, a, cm;made round, Migbt ask Regare aliquem fen- Rolaceus, ayun; adj. oprofesi Rörunde ; adv, riundly,' kompaktly...i tentiam, igofast one's vote. Ro- + Roſalisg : oram; n. garlands: 0 Röcunditas, atis ; f.-runanis. gare legems: to propoſe a bill to be relas Rotundo, are; to make round. MII- pated. Malo cmore quàm.ro Rosārla, es f. e cruzon of roſes. ..le talenta i otunduntur, ler full a gore, I had rather, buy than bagi t: Roſarlplum, ii'n e Aring af bords ibcufand talmis big breaped, ROGUS, 13 m. (à Pas gòs-fil. Rolariumilia a rofa-garden.;ía 10 Rõtandūlas, a, om; roundifo. fure,] abonefri, e pile of. word A roſary, or book of prayers, or "num #Rotundus, a, um ; [å rota]round; to burn dead carcajas. . Ad bor y bado ujed in the servis of the compati, bardfome, perfett: * Ore rogum proſequi, to continue gill Romish churia rotundo loqui, to ſpeak volmbly: dearb. Rósarius, a, win; ad), belonging to a Roxatta, cf. Cart: the daughter Rõpe, 2.; f. Rome, tha cheficity soft or rojary. of Darius, Alexander's conudine, Latium in Italy, built by Ro-Rofarius, it; m. a filler of . reges. who doing great with child, W.13 malus and his braber Remus ; but t Rolala sadly, rose; w9rt. dimandi ** wall hyn bur fiber Marinus fays, it was built leng.be-l Rośātum, i; conferue ofrojas. Statyra, becauſe the Maccdonians Fast by Roma the daughing of Rosarus, !, um ; adı.. done with rola. bad: conferred many i bours: upon Æfculaplus, and that Romulus bad ** Rolatus Anglicus, a roje mobla, bars is bis nams from the city. ,,37 kb. 20 ...8. Roxan), a praple about Tygris, e. Romandit a prople of Norman- Rolčidus, a, um; adj. førinkled with mong wbons. One Gauras, noble- Romandul, dem, dewys: man is ſaid to bave liord Ibrus Romānus, ay pina; RomanLatin. | Rofcios, A. fumnowe daor, so perfear in Ropatinum, a vivir of the Carni. bi,art., has it is wad for, ons thur Rexicana; the city Rogebo in Cor. . Romphæ; afwo bandid ſword. xiallons in any art. fica, * Romula... shag big-true under which Rafsluis Amerinus, ons dafmded by Roxolanl; 14 people of Sarmatli Ciccro of parricide. Rolli, } Eoropæn, wbife me. Romulea, a city of ibi Sawn tos: Rofcius, , wbs, Romulidza, bo Romans a law to diflingucile she order oft Romulus, i in the Son of Mars. knights from the commons, salien!' Rante U And Ill, and tw.nabrüher of Re from bim leš. Rofcia mus; wbs.ware expofod near the ri. 1. Rofcella f. a little roſe. it Robea, ; f. a rod. por Tyber, and found by faftu Rõsētum, 1.: 0...roſe-ded. # Rubcatus, a, um ; coloured rod. :huwhose wife Acca Laurentia Roſeus, a, um , adj. of or like a role Rubectila, a; ifia robin-red-breas. broug bt them up, and more being a Pannus rofeus, a red cloth. .Ro Rubēdo, inis; f. redneſs, commin horlos" called Lupa, they ſca Dcas the gordels Aurora, Rabefacio, čre'; to makanda were ſaid.so be fucked by a wolf';! Rofim; adv. bitingly. ; Rubefactus, a, um ; inada rede by now his uncle Anolius, and Rosio, onis, f. 'a gnaw irig. Rubéfio, ieri, neot. to ornade nid. was the first king of Rome, and Roſmarinus. 6; m. ? ro'mary. + Růbella, f. red.grape. ar lajf making a perch ai Capreæ, Roſmarinum, i +"Rubellio, onis ; fi theruſt of ironi. Palus, was Snatibed away by a Rormăiis, is ; f. the rojomoni buso. Rubellio, onis ; m. a yourb, or rockst; whirlwind. + Röſor, õiis ; m. o gnawer: alſo a robin red-breaſt..... Romialus, a, um ; ads. of Roo + Rosorius, a, um, gnawing, bi Rūbellus, a, um ; adj. pomerabat red. Romullos, molus. ting. Rubellum, ſcil. viuun, clarul Romulus Momyllas, the laf ampe- Roftellum, i; n. a little bosk or (winie.) · for of the wejl, called alſo Agafin mouth: Rubens, tis ; part. red. lus. Roftochiam, the city Rostock in Róbe'atia, m, f. a growing red. Romus, she four of Ulyfter and Germany. Rūb-co ērc; neut. "to be red, bluſe. Circe. Roftra, orum; na pulpit or desk. KŮBER, ra, rum; adj. [tpu@gòs]red. + Ronchus, ! ; m. a-fourting. See at Rome, adorned with bip-scals. Ruberte, o ; f. the hero robari. rbonchos. froin wbinie orations wire made to Rubeſco, čre to grow rod. Rörális, e; ad). 3 art. [à ros) be- Růbentia, æ ; f. a bad string under longing to the drw, drwy, + 'Rottrocula, æ;f, a wood cock, Shrubs. Rorasil.mllites, lighe-armed soldi- Roſtrātus, a, um, having a beak or, Rubertorlus, i; m. a: hawk called a sri, who made the firf shirmiß, bill.' Naves roftratæ, men, of bon harpier. : fingers at a dipanse before she main war. Corona roftrata, a crown + Rubetra, æ; f. a hunting, barsit, in folen of naual viagry: + Răbērum, in A. Là rubus a place Rörārius, a, umgdj. Of, dew. Roſtro, are; u pioru wirb the beak whare branches and black-barrios. + Roraftrum, 1; ni wbiti briony. learib. Rorat, imp. the dow falls Röftrum, i, n. (à rodoj a bill, beak, Rubaus, 2., um ; ad). adj. red, ruddy; Rörātio, onis; f. mildew. the blaf Snour, the beak of a pip. bulby, of a bufo. ing of grapes when newly knit. Rora, z; f. ftpofos vel ab Heb. Rubi, a city of Apulia Baretia. , Rõrātūs, a, um, part. dedewed, ruta, cucurrit} whul, cbariot, Rubena, a, um of. Rubia Rorelco, cré; to bi sprinkled with sbs fun's, orb.; also the fea-wheel, Rubļa, ce; f. 1 ruber) madder, a , dew. e huge round, and mor drous fea herb.so agered witb. i Rorīdas, a, um ; adj. drug, moiſ, file * Rotæ veftiglum, the incon., Rubicilla, 2; f. a bull-finch, or a † Rorilació, čre ; to jorinkie. fancy of fortune red-tail, Rõrifer, , um ; ad). bringing dow. Rotābilis, e; ad). so be turned. Rúbicon, a riuer in Italy, divided # Rorigēda, ze ; c. bred of the dow. Rõtālis, e; adl. of a whorl. berstoforo from Gallia. Řoro, arc i to dowo, to drop diño, 80 Rotārlus, ii; m. a wbul virigbt. + Růbicunde ; adv. redly. mircle, or drop small rain ; allo Rõrātilis, e; ad). (wift, whirling. Rubicundúlus, a, um , adj. nuddy. to brdow, or wit Rotatim , adv. roundly, rowlingly, Rúbicundus, a, um ; ad). red. Rörülentus, a, um ; adj. full of dow Rõtātio, onis ; fi a rotation, turning Rúbidus, a, um ; ad). seddifo. *Ru- or covered with it. round. bidus panis, brown brid. • Rus RO3, rcris ; m. (pdoes) the dew. Rotātus, a, um, part, of rotor ; turn bidz ſcrotzé, rugged red leather- . Ros liga:dus, well walor. ed about, well coinpact, whirling. Rubi 1 in. 3 the paople. R U D. RU G · R UM t 1: --- Rubigalla, orum;;.n. fealls for pri bards and old rubbiſo.; alfo land gam, it is multiplied, Serving corn from blading. new broke up. Ruga, a forneme of Sp. Corbilius, Rūbigino, aro; to gather ruft. Rudia, a city of Calabria, the country neblainan, Rubiginõius, a, um ; adj. rully of the pori Ennius, whom Ciceró + Rugālis, eos.adj. full of wrinklar. cantored. iberefore calls Hominem rudium; t Rūgātio, onis ; fo 'e wrinkling, Rūbigo, īnis; f. blafling of corn} allo ir w:18, buit by the Greeks, and is Rūgātus, a, um ; wrinkled, rougb. Tu. now called Rula. Rugti, a prople of Germany, while Rübigo, Roman goddeſs, who had Rodarius, fi; m. [à radus) one country is Rugia, an iſland called agrope peur Rome. froad from ſervice in the fencing Rugenlandi, Rubinus, i, m. a rubs. schools or copiered from my ervice; t Rupilis, c; apt sa riar; Rabo, a river if Sarmatia Euro..!fo doucher, RůG-io, ire ; neut (Bouxan uai, à pest # Rudibilis, e; adj. 3 art. able to lono) 10 roar like-aiion. Růbor, örlo m. redneſi, jame. bray like on ajs. Rugrius, ùs; m. the rouring of fucrdneſs, blubing. + Rudibundas, a, um ;, adj. newly lien. Rubenfis lacus, a lake in Gailla injirusted. Rūgo, are ; to make wrinkles, to plast, Narbonenfis, called Le Lac de Rudicůlky, æ; fi Cà rudis) a pirring to have wrinkles or plaits. Narbonnc. Mick or ladi, | Rūgo, rux!; rugere ; to beleb. Rubrīca, z; f. redonker, a rubricky or Rūd mentum, n. the firft rudia Rogösè į adv, wrinkledly. direction in a book. mets, or inftrullim. Ponere run Rūgõsitas, aris; fo wrinilednej Rubricatus, a river in Spain, and dimenta, to lay the foundation or Rūgofus, a, um ; adj. full of wri another in Africa Propria. learn the principles of an art. kels, craft!, deceitful,. Paſsa Rubricarus, a, um; colovord with red,+ Rudo, ire; to make a noiſe like cies' rugofior uvâ,'' a face mort marked wirb rod-okor, any living criaturo. wrinkled than a rsifin of tbe fun. Rubricēta, æ; f. Spanish tad, with RUDIS, is; f. ["Pa65@] a rod. *Ru- + Rūgúla, a distle wrinkle. wbich women print their faces. de.donarca. 80 fet frue from serving Ruguic', s perple of Rhætla, by the Rubrico, arc; act, to mark with red. in she fencing-fobool, to caſhier of Rhine. skeri diſcharge in general., * Ad ru- Ruidus, a, om ; [à ruo) roughs alle Rubricoſus, a, um z adj. full of red rudem compe:lere, io force to play horfa in caring oker, or yuddy. prizes. Ruina; æ; f. là ruo] ruing the down. # Rubricus, a, am ; adj. red. RUDIS, e; adj. 3 art. (rpaxus) fall of houſes, danger. Cæli rui. + Rubrificato, önis; fin making rude, ignorant, nubical, barf rough, na, ibundur, red. Tugged, unhewed. • rude ar- + Ruino, are ; to fall. + Rubrus, 1; M. & nach. geniunt. bullien, or unwrought Rułnoſus, a, um, adj. ruinous, de. Rūbus, i, m. or f. fà rub:07 a plote. # Rudis campus, an uniil. caged, like to fall. brambla, blackberry-1918, * Rubus led field, Capelli rudos, entangled Ruīturus, , um, part. fut. in cus caninus, the wild roje. Rubus hair. of ruo, ready to fall. Idæus, ibe raſpberry iru Ruditas, ātis; f.. rudeneſs, ignorance, + Rulla, 2 ; f. a paddle-fiof; alſo a + Ruccus, a, um ; filihy, s'oumiſh. roughnelio ruggednefi. country woman. Ruzonium, 2 , sity of Dacia, called Rudītus, lls ; m. the braying of an Rullus, the firft among the Romans Regen. afs. who fet a whole boar upon the 1a- Rattamen inis; n. RU-DQ, di, dərc; neut. (à ſono) to Ale. Rultacio, onis; f. 3. } a belching, broy like an ass, roar like a lion, RÚMA, æ; f. fà pugeot traho, vel Ructator, oris ;; a Barcher and 10.jlorm in pollion. à puma, Quor]the dug, pay, risar, Rucault, lcis; f.). Mentha puc. Rudor, oris ; m. the sound of a frum the crop. the cud. · tatrix, mint cauſing ono to bolch. pet, a hollow noiſa. Rumbotinus, an Italian true to wbirb Ructio, arc ; ncut, to belch, much or Rudus, čris ; n, [à rudis vel ruo) often. rubbiſh shards, or pieces of None. + Rumbula, a; f. an old infamous Ructo, are;. Dcut. [à qu&us) 80 Ruduſculum, 1; ni a vefi of an bal. barlos. belch mulb, break w.nd up low and unwrought pone. Rumbus, 1; w. a rumb, a line of wardı, Rucsum, a city of Aquitain. the fea-card. Sut rombus. Ractor, ari; to bolib'out: * Aves Rutæ, Rumcn, inis; n. (à ruma) thi cror, ructari, in dolibing'so smell of birds Rofree, a town in Campania. gixxard; allo a dug, of lear, the raten, Rufrium, s dowlap, cud, Orlly. - + Ruciatlo, onis ; f. a belsbing from + Rúfates, a, um , made reddife. Rumentum, i; n. an impofihume A full funarh + Ruleo, ere ; neut. so be reddiß er breaking out of the fob. ť Ruclyo, ai rudo. jollow. Rúmex, ic's ; f. (à rumc.] four. + Ruduofitas, ata ; f. á bel hing Rafelco, ērc; to grow riddiſh or do:&, or forral. much, galiow, Rumia, the reputed goddeſs } Ructuolus, a, um ; belebing much. Rúffus, a, um ; ad). of a fad red. Rumina, m; f. ; tbas preferred fuk. + Ructus, a, am; belcbed. Sve rufus. ing Childaan. RUCTUS, us ; n. (ab èpruyn ruco Rufiana, the city Oppenheim in + Rumca, æ; f. a cuclow. 10). belghing, or orpoking of Gallia Belgica. + Rumiculus, i; m, a small ru- wind. Rufinus, a conſular mon condemned by Rudens, ntls'; m. or f. [à, rudo] sbe the confor Fabricius, for having som + Rumifēro, arc ; 10 spread a sale or cable of a ſhip. pound weight of Alver found adone Rudens, atis i of rudo) braying. bis home, and other min. + Rumigatio, onis ; f. a showing of t. Rudenter!; ady, rudely, Rufo, ere ; to make reddit. be cud. # Rüdentisabilus, i, m. a biling or Rutuci, orum ; m. coptuni made by t Rumīger eri; m, a reporter. whilling,' wfb broying. the conful or general, (without sbe Rumigčrätio, onis ; f. ibe ſpreading + Rŭdeo; l'ere'; to be rude, Acople.:) of a rumont, + Ruder, cris ; a. dung, rubbiſs.. Rútúlus, a, um ; riddiße, yellowis. + Rumīgoros, arl ; to raiſe reports, to + Ruderalrium, ili na ranging Rufus, the name of several conſuls, spread of carry news. Ave or boller and a poet of Bononia, and a poy Rumīgerulus, i'; m. a tale-bearer. Rudčiptias, a, um ; [à råder jor rüb. fcian under Trajan, who has ibros . + Rumigo, are ; to chew the sud. books extant of the names, peapes, + Rumina, ja torturing inflrx- Rūdītācio, onis ; f. a dunging, or fill and faculties of the man's body : alſo ment. jare witb.rubtilb. a famoms jophiler of Corinth, and, Rūminalis, c; of chewing the cud. Rūděra:or, äris; m. besbat lays ruba other mun. Ruminalis ficus, the fg-tru un. bife. Rufus Virginlus, a famous orator, der wheb Romulus and Remus Ruderātus, a, aš ; dunged or filled i barn by Nero. fucked the fos wolf. Hoftia ru- with rubbifh. Rufus, a, um, adj. [arupp:s.] rid. mlaales, facrifices of brolis ibat ibaw Rödčrø, are ; to, Pape, or fill will in. somewhat red w.sh jolloko. be cud. rubbis of old houfas. RUGA, æ; f. (puose) a wrinkles: Rūminātio, onis; f. a showing ibri Radetum, in a place fall of a plait in guraents. * Reditin ru cud, a meditating upın. i Ruml 1 a trum- vinus grow. } Qout. THmour. bilba 1 model 1 war. > 1 : rumoura RUP RUT SAB Ruminator, oris'; m.] a shower of Ruptor, oris ; n. a breakor, do-' Rūtāceas, a, um, adj., op rue. Rumiratria, icts sfs sha dud.. Jiroger. Rutatus, a, um ſ mingled with Ramino, are il to chow sbs and, to Räpturae; f. a rupturi, break. Kuminor , ari ; $ : arditate apon. Rutellum, 1 ; n. [à rutron] a priti, Ruminum, I; D. 4. chat with « Ruptus, a, um, part. of rumpor it forval. fearla border braken, brskin-winded, raftæed in t Rutcolus; ay um ; ad). .yellowiſ. Ruminus, a name of Jupiter, giving cloashs, reproved. * Teftamentum + Ruticilla, æ ; f. a bird called arrd. tease or brass ruptum, a. will that holds that wil. Kumīnus, a, um ; adj. (à ruma) of gradi Růlilātus, a, um ; 'adj. made bright A dug.' * Ficus: runina. sbe is Rūrālis, o'; adt. 3. art. [à rus joftba or yellow. Ira andar wbieb the wolf fuckled country. * Roialcs del, the rural Rútlicſco, čre, neut: to bronne glife Romiilus,and Remus, deiki, Mercury and ran. turing like gold. * Lepores ruti- Kumis, ib. ;.f. Adve tap, or fetta Roratio, onis ; fi country buſineſs lefcunt, harta baratxe of light fal. Rūmito, are ; to spread a rumour. + Roreftris,.ro ; musal, ruhsal: low colour. * Rumo, are ; * fuiker fuck!". Rūricola, z; c. a husbandmon, Ratilia, a Roman woman, si corsa RUMOR, Ori; n. Cic. (à. Paper tillo.of.ground, a labown. sant ibat after the loss of her son Cotta, whom jou followed into fumo, repert; alſo a fream of water. Rurigěna, jci born in the commiry. bainments for nrorr ped a war. Adverlo crte rumore, to burr an Ri:g, are so duxll' or keep in the + Rütilis, e; bright or clear, ill sample Ruror, ari ; } #miry, so exerciſo Razilias, the name of ſeveral om. KUMPO; rupl, ruptum, rampere ; bu/bandry. P. Rarilius Rufus, Roman ron- ...14. Pag yumr] to bready te tirs, to Rurlám; adv. [qu. revetlam) ful, who wrote the biftory of his frar, to brst, to conſe to be braien. Rurſus 3 again, backwoord, on own life and of the Numanung * Se rumpere, so break one's wind; rbs orber bind. Rumpi. 10. burst mich my. RUS, sūrio; n. Lépoupa) the country, Rütilo, are ; to make bright lidegoid, Rumpere vócen, in bu no longer the field. to glife like gold, fsion. Rumpers paticatlam to Ruſcarius, 2, um ; adj. of the forub ROPILUS. a, um ; (souopos) 'gliji be putatimt. raſcura, tering, caloured like gold, meddy. Rumpõsinētuar, is a place were the Ruſconia, a city of Mauritania Ca Rutrum i ; n. [à ruo, cruo) a mat. Jorub rumpotinum griws. farienfis. tock, or pick-ox, mowil. Rumpotinum, i; n. a. bulls growing Ruſculum, i;n. a ſmall farm. Rūtūba, a rider of Ligüria. · ix F.ance, within twenty fat of Raicum, [a-rus vel rusſus) petty. I + Rutuba, 2; f. a tunult. whicha mo.com Jould be forwoni Ruſcus, wohin. Rutubiş. a rivir of Mauritanla Tin- Kumpus, i ; n. (a rumpo) a branch Ruícurlan, a city of Mauritania gitanla. whereby ibu vina is brought from Ruſcurrun, } Cæfariends, + Rotula, æ, f. Soall'rus. true 15 free 4ud tind Isgebar. Rufella, Roſe la in Tuſcany. . Rutuli, e people of Italy: Rumola, 2; f. a little teat, Rufium, the city Rulo in Thraco. + Rutum, i; ni a cuping diwon: Rūnufcülas, i ; m. [å rumor ] a Ruſta, a city of Africa Propria. Rutunium, Routon in Shropſhite; zobilgring report Raftina; a city of Africa. Rūlūpe, 'Repchefter, or Richóo. Roaca, a 16. a long fortbi #6 CM RUSPOR, arí ; dep. à Pacow zilido, rough. bufer alfo a joiner's planı. vel Heb. rasfois quaffavit, vel Růtúpinus, a, um ; of Repcheſter Runcātio; qnis; f. a weeding. ſonol forape as a cock, to rot in or Richborough Runcitor, Oris; m. Runcatrix, icis f. } a zceder. be ground ai ſwims, le cut, so fourch, f Rútus, a, um, part. of ruor'; dig or lent diligently. ed up, cafl down. Rimcīna.2; f. [Puxara buſb-loyiha, Ruſsãcus, a, um ; ad), made reddiß. or hedge-bill; aifo a jorner's plane, Ruſſia, á country on the ſouth of Po- Riann Y. and the goddeſs of wedding. land, called heretofore Sarpatia, Rancino, are i 10 fsvi with a and now Moſcovia. Ryfredirus, a city of Madrltanla Tin- plame. Ruſſulus, a, un ; Sowewhat rulla. gitana. RUNCO, are ; [å Purx's roftrum) RUSSUS: 7a, um; adl. (pv@pos Ryſtadlum, a pritontory of Libya, #wed, so root up again. * Run- RUSSEUS, 3 ruberſ rudal, ranny. callic Capo de Verde. care fpinas, to pull up. bulous. Ruſticanus, a, un ; of the country. + Ryzom, i ; a, rice. # Runco, onis, A. e bufo-jogibe, or Rufticānus, 1 ; m. a country farutir : beder-bull Rufticārius;ajúm ; adj. of the coun. RUO, rui, ruitun, račre; ncut. try or rounirymen. Lir. (pow. à fano) to ruolo vio- Rusticatim ; adv. clown by, like a lonilj, ko tumble oui, io bollen on, pltugb-jogger: to ramdy fall down, to brow Ruſticātio, onis ; f. a keeping to o doron.. to. rate. Quid fi nuad: Okntry-bouk, ccelum ruat? wbut in the sky Ruſtico ; adv. rudely, rufically, im- S anit AR Duld fall? . Ruit arduus æther, properly. it tbinders. * Ruere ad interitun, Rufticitas, atis ; f, incivillig of man. Sabadſbæ, Blres iſands of the An. to rum hradlong to defrudin. Sucs nurs; alſo baſhfulneſs: thropophagi in ihe Indian fria.. ruoat hierbas, be jwine root up all Rufticor, ari; to dwool in the coun- Sabæ, a proplo of India. racre, Iry, to exer:ife husbandry. + Sabala, ſmall bar or alle, Jo tat-tbe buyer te bested. Cæ- Rahicula, e ; f. a weedcak. • Ru- Sabalingil, apcept of Germany, tiras rueren, I would dafb tbe reftcula'minor, a ſnipe Sabada, a city of Cherionéſus Au- against the ground. Rafticulus, a, on jill-bred. 102. Rüpecula, 2; to a dittle rock. Ruſticus; a, um ;'adj. (à rus]of the lit Sabanum, « towel, a or Kupella, a city of Aquitain, called, country, homely, clowniſa, ruftical, handkerchiif. La Rochelles Domus raftica, a grange or farm: Sabaoth, (Heb.) hop, arms ROPES, is ; fi fitumpo) a rock, Ticulus roft:cus, an infiription Sabarcz, a perpia of India, high_downfah mens of the neatsp. Sabaria, a river and city of Panno. Rupicapra; 2; f. a wild gosti, Rufticus, 1; m. a husbandman or nia. Rupira, a - Aggy or pong relineryrian, a clown. Sabata, - a city of Liguria. placr. Rufikus, the name of ſeveral confuls. (Sabatius. a, um ; 1° Sabatı. + Raplus, i. ; i. the frame de falla4 ROTA, W f. Portove, herb. Sabathra,, & city of Arabia Fc greu. Ruta (ylveftris; great St. lix. t. Rupſo for rupero. John's toort: Sabatia, a small country in Tar . + Ruptim, adv. by pris. Rūta, orum; n. [qu. cruta] all things cany. Ryptío, onis ;-t, a breaking # tear. d'hig auf of the ground. Rock & Sabatius, a sumama, Bacchusy, 108 - czela; moveable poids, whofa frafts are called Tabizia. t Rupeilo, te brand often. kütábūíum, lin. (à ruo) a coay Sabbatārius, a, um ; adj. af kuping Rupto, art 1 Takr, & maukin. shi fabbath-day, sabbasarian. Sabba in * ;} 1 lar. Dom. 257: 3 SAC SAC S Æ Þ Sabbathum. Su fabbatum. Saccellus, i ; n. [à faccus] a little littéred, and entire in qalibre Sabbaticus, a, um, of the fabbath. lack, limbs Sabbaticus amnis, a river in Judæa, Saccharites panis, roarchpane. Sacricola, e ; c. he that offers or sa- which they jay runs all the work. SACCHARUM, 1; n [ Gzxx-por crifices, an attendant on abi ab. end is dry upon the jew:th fab . Arab.) lugor. Saccharum Tho- batb. me, brown ſugar-candy. * Sacrific-o, ērc, do facr ffee. Saboariſous, i ; m. tho karping of the Saccheni, a people of Arabia. Sacrifer, a, um , adj. bearing the fa. faboaib. Saccpcrium, ii; o.[à faccus & pe. crifire. Sabbatizo, are, to keep sbe sab. ra] faichel or pourh Sacrif-ex, icis im. a griefi. bath. Sacco, are ; tollrain through a closb. Sacrificals, c;'adj. 3. a-t belonging Sabbatum, 1,.n. (Hcb. fabbarb) the + Saccopia, æ; f. a napkirt, alſo a to facrifre. * Apparatus ſacr.fica- Jabbash, or day of Toil, Saturday to ferr tory, lis, the habit of a prioff. the Jews, and the Lord's-Dry to us; Sacculatius. ii ;m. a cut purſe,sheet, Sacrih atio, onis, f. also a werk. Prima labbati,Sun. }e facrificing. 8pple ; alſo an almoner, or trog urer Sacrificatus, is, m day, &c. for the poor. Sacrificalus, a, um farrified. Sabbatus, a riuer of Italy. Sacculus. i; m. i farthal; aljo s + Sacrificia, æ ; the place of jarri. Sabe, the month February among the fwert hapi fioing. Syrians. SACCUS, 1 ;.m. (Gáxxos] fack, Sacr rc!zlis, ę; adj. of facrified. Sabelli a people of Italy Sprung from bag; *Saccus nivarius, a jacke Sacrificium, li, na jdiripice. the Sabines. filled with snow. through which the Sacritico, are, i to jarr fire, so intredi Sabellus, a, um ; adh. of the Sa wine was prained in cool it. Sacrifior, ari, 3 by fartifi'e, Sabellicus, I beli. . Sabellica bral. Sacellanus, i;m, a ch'plain. + Sacrificola, *; c. & facrifíor. úca, crumpled or jagged colewirts. Sacellum, i; n, axbspil, or little tem Sacrificú.us, 1 ; m. a pour or unft Sabellius, an berttick who dried ple priest of yo due value. Chrif to be the son of God. Anno SA.CER ra,um : adj. [l'iposfras] Sacr 6.us, a, um ; adj. af 's for holy holy, confecrated i alla 'extradla, Sabi, a people of Phrygla. curſed. # Ædes. facra, a churcbSacr ficus, f'; m. a facrifur, a Sabidius, a Roman who had an Sacer igns, Sh. Anthony's firs. priøll. exiteam ſlinkiog breath, by rrajon * Sacer morbus, the falling-fck. Sacrifugus, a, um ; adj. refusing 'to of bis glutions nefs. # Sacræ ala, the life. come so Holy éxirrifing, ennule Sabin, ibs name of God among the guard. fant. Arabians, to zbom they pay tithes, Sacerdos, Otis; c. & pries or pria. Sacrilegium, liin. Sacrilege, paling *st by wight, but by mealare. afsa a nun. Mufaru'm facerdos, of holy things. Sabina, she wife of Adriaa sbe stato a pori, + Sacrilego, ere; so commit sasti- poror. Săcerdārālis, e; adj. of a priei. lege. Sabina, 2;f. {à Sabinl] abe barb Săcerdotalis, is, m. a sergyman. Sacrilégus, a, um ; adh. facrilegious. Javin. + Săcerdotaliter, adv. prailg. # Böllum facrilegum, a war raijed săbini, the Sabincs, a people near Sacerdot'ffa.a ; f. a profefs, nun, again the church Romc, from whoo Romulus and vepai virgins. Socrilegus, i; m. a church.robbar. bis companioru pola ibair wives. Săcerdoti um, ii; neut. prieſthood ; † Sacrima, æ, f. the firil-fruit of noza Sabinlanus, A. conful with Thcodo. alſo a benefice. Venire in facer: wne, facrified to Dicchus. ros: dotium, to be made a pr.al + Sacrimonium, ita a ballowing, Săbinus, the brother of Veſpasian, + Săcerdotŭla, ac ; f. a prieſs's daugh. á bring ho's, holineſs. flain by Vitelllus ; alſo a Syrian, Sacrimam, i; n. now wing. who in the sime or Titus for a Săcerdotŭlus, 1;. mafc. a little + Sacris, crc , adj. facred, hely. Rended the walls of Jeruſalem ; Siccrdulus, # Sacris, is ; (cil boftia, a Sarrifice; and other somn.. Săceriimui, a, un ; adj. (of lacer] + Sacriſcrinius, li'; m. she keeper of Sabis, a fluer asiong ibe Belgæ, and mgt holy; alfa moj} wicked. a prince's taisyds or letters. another in Cármania. Sachalitæ, & people of India. Sacrifta, æ ; m, & vefiry clerk, a fa- Sablufa, the gate wbisb led to the Sa- Sacod!os, a kind of jaſper. trit. bines. Săcoma, štis ; n thuit which is pul in. + Sacriftarium, li ; n. facrio's pics. Sabona, the city Brixon in Germa to the scale to inske up tuin weighi,' † Sacriſtianæ ; f. & velry. пу. a counterpos e, Sacrium, il., n. a kind of Scychlan Sabrina, the river Severn by Bri- + Sacra, æ; f. a letter of the emparar. amber. ſtol. Sacra, orum ; a body th ngs, risus op Sacro, are ; act. to confecrate, dedi- Sabacus, i ; f. the elder-fra. See myileriks. cant, to make holy; allo to dovese ia in bucus. Sacra Colis, a pramoniary of Arabia and ecure. Sacrare yorum, so * Sabulentus, a, um;'adj. of sand. Fælix, dind one's self by a ore Nomen Sabů'êton, 1; n. gravel.pis. Sacra via, the way from Athens to alicujus facture, 10 imisorfalize a Săbălo, onis ; gravel. Eleuane , alſo a frust' in Rome perfon Săbăloſus, a, um ; adj. gravelly, leading to the capito!. Sacroſanctus, a, um ; adj. hallowed, SABULUM, .; . (baxua) gra. Sacramcatalls, c;adj. of a facrament holy, facrut, involábla. vil, ballajd of a fhip alſo a guir- or oorh. Sacrum;i; n. (a lccr] a ſacrifice, s Sacramentum, i; n. a fucrament, an folemn frajd ; alfo a compla. Săburra, æ; f. Ca fabulum) the bal Bath, warfare, cautioti. money in m. Sacrum Nemus, a word in Hol- luft of a pip, iſo the high-limust fering a ſuis. * Sacramento roga- land. in Rome. si, to be put to one's outh. Sacrae Sacruor Promontorium, a promontory Saburranus, *, um ; ad), of the freet mento Othon's agere, to make one of Portugal; and other places. Saburra in Romc. fwear to be true to Olho. Sidilis a city of Egypt Saborratas, a, um ; ballafed. • Ubi Sacrani, e prople of Italy. Sadducæi, 2 Saducer, a filt mining tje faburrati fumus, wbon our bellies Sacrārion, liin a tabernacle or place Saducæi, s Jew, whe followed one are full. to keep confecrated things, a velry, Sadducæ :3, and bound no rojus. Săburro, are, to ballajt a hip. chapıl, clofei. Sacrarium iccle re&l.n. angels, nit fpirits, . Sabus, iba firf king of the Abori. rum, a place whera reguery is con. Sadyalus, ? * 1 'n Lydia. gines, from where she Sabines b.id trived and bithid. Sæculum Suficului. brir pami. Sacratio, onis, T. a 'con'ucrating. Sædene, a mountain of Cuma. Sacæ, A prople of Ada between Scy. Sacrātor, oris, mis coxającrarer. Sænia, Siena a Tulcany thia and India. Sacratus, a, um ;'adj. conjurated,de i Sienos, a river of the Sinæ. Saccaría, æ, fccm. the árt of falling voted.'* Sacracao caput, e porfer SÆPE, jùs, iffime, adv. là fépes, Jarks, in boly orders, drvo:rd to the ſervice vcl ab Heb hepbang, abundantia) Saccarias, a, um ; of 1 Jack or bag. of God. Sacratze leges, inu olaola often, many rimas. Saccarius, ti ; n. a bearer of jacks. ilaws. Sæpenumero ; adv. oftentimes. Saccatus, a, um ; adj. grains through + Sacri, porci, ritbe pigs of due growtb sæpiufcuie sady, viry ofron. 4 clorb. from the onih day of bring (6)5? Sæpinain, } 스 ​. SA G' SA L' SA Ļ Arrow. A 1 Stepinum, e city of the Samnitca. ſtimo) to freell out, foroſu, gueſs, feigned himself, rich, and from bim Sepiffimos, a, um , adj. wery often * kerp front of a thing (as a dog fuib om were pripsrbially, called er fregums. doc.) Saacones Sævidicus, a, um";. adj. Speaking SAGITTAQ; f. [axis, vel ab Heb. t. Silaconia, z; f...a vain braling, fiercely kebeth arcas] an arroio, a dart, a Saladinus, & warlike emperor of tbe Sær-lo ires. [à fayas), to, rage, by Daft, a post or fem of a plant, 'a Turks, who after the desih of cruel, force and rigorou. Sæ Heam to le blond; alſo, the harbad Baldwin rook Jeruſalem, and ad. · viic animis, to break out into an der's-longus. ded Syria and Egypt 18 bis ex nutrageous poffion. Săgittālis, e; adj. 3: art. of or like an pira. Sægitas, ātis; f. haſtineſs. • Sucura fagittalis, the salæ, a people of Colchis, called on: Şævitèr, adv. cruelly, parcely. cimtly. Phthirgphagi. Sievitics, el; } li areemets sagittaria,' ; t. ibi poto arrozw. f. cruelty, fierceneis. Sagittaria, æ;fibe berh arrow. 'Sa'amandra, æ ; f. a Spoiled raaiure like. lixird, fail to live in she deartb of prouifquri, Sarillam in Sagittārlus, a, um, adj. of an arrow. fire, and toquen, bis wirbout being aliquem adhibere to wis one ri. Fabrica fagitiaria, piercbaris burnt, gidly Doap. Salamantica. Salamanca, an unior., Sævítudo, inis ; f. retragesuſness. Săgittarlas, ll, m. an archar; alſo the Aty in Spain, SÆVUS, a, em ; adl. lor, iffimus; arobar ir. imlour in the, Zidi Salamii, people of Arabia. la Grarás importunus, vel ab Heb. Sa aminii, be prople of Saamino. wiu lupus jcruel, fieru, outrageous, + săgittāțio, ūnis, f. a shooting, Salaminus, one of the Idar Dafiyli. vallant, greas. * Sævus rentus, a Sagittatus, a, um j. adj. Daop with an Sălžois, an fand betwen Pelepon. violms wins. Salamin, Sāganas. f. es.wikih, a forceress, Sut săgittella, m; 1; alinle arrow. Coluri, fagus. Säglitifer, a, um ; bearing arrows. Salamipius, ta, um ; adfi of.Sala- SÄGA, f. (Gx50) slak;.al Sagittifera pecus, & porcupine, Salaminiącus, A'ind of gun. Ser fagum. + Sagittifex, içis ; m. a Refcber. Salamis, or Salámine, a city in the Sigācitas, atis; I: Cà lagax] crafti Sagitt potens, ntis; adj. skilful.in call of Cypresy called, afterwozdo, net, quicknas in mijling, winti. Hopting Constantia, and now defroyed, Sagitto, are. to shost an arrow, Salappal, a prople of Mauritania sägaciter, hus, ffimè;. adv, craftily, Sagora, ais; na pask-saddle ; alfo Cæſarich Gs. cunningly, wittily. a pack or bsop. Salanga, a:very, bigh bill, by, the sea. + Sagacocella, a f. 4 Spaniſh copo Sagparing za um; adj. of. ac packs between Brigma and Ireland Sagana, the name of a wirch im Ha Equus fagmurlus, a poskrber,, Salangora people of Italy, and-ano- race., ar fumpter-horſe. ther of India Sagana, æ ; f. m mortar, alla Sagmen, ins; n, the bord veruain Salapæl, a people of Thrace. kind of garment. Sagris, 4 river of Magna Gracia, Silapeni, a people of Arabia, Felix.. Sagapenum, ; n, the gunoi o bar. Săgülātus, a, 20; adfi uvaring a Salapia, a city of Apulia Daunla). den'd juice of the root of franel-giante, bort cost or.jupt. + Salapitek, jf. a;bore, on-tbl. car.. Sagarzucæ, & popla of Scythia. Sägúlum, ! ; a line coat. Salapolius, 4, name, of Calvus,ibe, fa- Sapanta, a; f. falling of calieki. SAGUM; i; n. (Géges, Gáfavor].a: miliar. of Catullus A-called for bis Bagaris, river of Aja nunning ibros colosk, or foldin's soni i war, alſo lowurals, and witrinel.. coveriet. sẵlắpitum, it; B. [à alax & pus, Bagarjus, i, m. a fallor of . cejacks or sämunusa} on Spain areas falcbfiul sălar, äris , . (a quid a soung fäl. I s, cauda]:a-wak: wanton. Foldinrs toats. Sigurta, a prainfals by the Caſpian 10.the Romans, for whin. Hangi. mon, ': falmor-peali ne, bal beforged in contrary, 10. their . Salaria, 4 gale a Rome, leading to. Sigatio,ontas a jelling in a blankst, courant, they chofe ratber.ro burn wards the Sabines; also, iba nags Sagātus, a, um , adj. clad withia bemfavn i andrallishey bedziban of fun siriss in Spain, co jock, fosf, or jump. be falſe; to the Romans, or fall. Salariarius, 11 ;-mi bs-80. wbima fic Sagax, gen. ācis , adj. lor, iffimus ; alive into tbe. enrains bandı; bence pand is paid. ragio) craft, sumoning, fubelen Saguntina fames, for extreme fa. Sălāris, e; ad). (à lal] merry, plea. wiſe, Can's fagax, a quick-front. Sunt. od heund,' *. Sagaciffimus rerum Sägus, a, um; ad). Prefaging, iniw. Salarium, 11, n, a falary, an exbibie natura, molt difcerning in natural ing, Suſagio tion, png, ftipend, wasi. cuſes, Sagaciffimus ad iufpi: Szij, a people of. Thrace, ausr-again sălārtus, a, um ; belonging 10 jalli candum, ops that san fue light ibros ibe ili and Samothrace. Salarius, ifj...asfalter., a linla crevice. Sales City of Egypt, marina of the Salars, an iſland of Libya, Sagda, a ; f. a green ms worn byl mouths of N.las, called i bence Sa - Salarios, anung; ad). of Salars.. Tor.Chaldeans., it riſes from iba lileum. Salas,. ; riper of Germany.. called; bottom of the fea, and Nicks.fo.abe Seiten ihe people of Sais, who wiship Saal. kvels of bips." Minerva, called Saitis, Salafi, + Sagellum Hiſpanicum, a Spaalſh) Salţini, a people of Afia 7a, people of. GyJUa. Cifal.. Szlafft Saixæ, a people near Ifter. , SAGENA R; f. [Seguiñon] a drag-net, SAL, älis-;.m. &n..Lás]yfall, sbr. Sålax, 'ācis [à sal vel fallo) leche a coral, alnare John W.8,.. mirth; alſo a fault, in roui, unutrale, irflifuis proooking + Sagenarias, a, um ; adj. of a draga in bridal and orber gems. Sala, 'a- rivers and sings of Mouri. Saldz, a rty of Mauritania Cæſari. SAGINĄ, Z ;f[à xátru. onero) - cania Tingirana, a toron. in Hunga. calisy.called: Tadalis, sramming, fatnale, funefs and the ry, a river in Lorrain ;-alfa. a:city Sale, a city of Hyrcaoia.. plase wbire things are faind: *Sa in Spain and Thrace, and a town Salebra, orum: ; p. (a falio Juncuen, ugnam corporis contraxit, bo grow in Germany, from where the salebræt arugigif, s places going up corpulent. Franks ars, called:Salicki zobj dwill and down, troubleſome to pass our ; + Săg:namentam, i; n. fainafs, graf tbreakщs. alſo any difficulty. Salabaftrede prodle about Indus. + Salebratim, ady, rougbls, ruggedly. Saginárium, fi ; n, a friding-place, Salabria, a city of Cappadocia. Salabritas, ätis ; ft roughnego, Cup, Aall, Age. Salacia, the wife of Neptunc. Sălcbroſas, a, um ; adji neugb, un- săginarios, y um.; adj. of feeding.or Sălāca, æ; f. lián mare ]11b, son 27. KRA/Y 10: gains Scriptor cramming siting of a wave from.hr. fogar ; falebroſus, & crabbad author, Săginātio, õnis ; fia cramwing alſo watir.. Salecis, Asriusr.of May.itanla Tla. Săgınātus, a, un j, A. & Pi of fagl-Salacia; a city in Portugal. Salex, gitana. nor; crammed, fatted, 7. Săcicio, anis; 2. luffal fellow Splen, (Heb.); peale;. aljo ohr. fams Sagino, arc, to roata fai, fo.cram, Săiācitas, ātis ; f Ischery, wibajte. As Jerusalem Saglo, ire; ( fatago, vel: à Ga. Salena, Saindy, in Bedfordſhire. gia verriculum, vel ab.gés ext- Sălacon, a crtaimpoor. man who Saleni, a peoplê in Spain. Sašenijai, cap. * 3;} $ SAL SAM -SAN dæz. } Salentiai, ople of Itay. whole Sa'ffubsūlus, 1 ; t. [à ſalius & fab.; Saloonis, a dioer in Spain callid country is comintonly called Terra lilio, worinis dancer. Xalon. d'Otranto. Salito, onis; f. a mounting or leapsão, } Salona, a city of Dalmatia. Salentinum Promontorium, the fame ing on horſeback, 41.Jzpygiuin. Sälitor, oris ; be that gathers the tri- Salónenſes, the people of Salo. Sulcntinus Lacus, aldte of the Sa. bure of ſalt, Salobratæ; 4 people of India. lentines, wbieb, being full to the Salitura, *; f. a Salting or ſeason. Salodorum, } brim, 'in mot diminished by exhauf. ing Salodurum, a dipy of Helveiia. ing, nor increaſed by adding more Sālitus, a, um .;. Salud, powdered. Salomon tbe son of Dayld king of Ju- woter. SALIVA.sif. [ cianus ) Piala Salornun, a-troon'%f the Picentini'in juice, or jelley, a table or relijs. Salon, a country of Blthynia, full de Italy, with an univerfly, famous Saliva sýderum, biney-drw. * Je good paluns, wbonio calcus Salo. for phyfciars; fine of whim soroti juna faliva, Jajling Jpirie. cafis the book Schola 'salerni,dedicated to Salivaria, æ ;'f. a bone, or whos- Salona, Salon in Provence. the king of England. Bons. Saloniana, a city of Dalmatia, Saletes a daugbier of Jupiter. Salivarium, li ; n. a ſpitting-box. Salonlus, the son of Afinius. Pollio; Şalgăma, 'orum a.'à fal] things Salivarius, a, um for lila Spittle. who laughed as ſoon as he wasbirn, prifovia, as pears, pluins, &c. Salivarlus, ii; m. be that gives a and lived xot long after it. Sa'gamathus, 'u' ;m. & foller of con. drmnib 10 absiſ, &c. Salopia,æ; f. Shrewsbary by Sever. firues. Salivatio,onis; f. á Spitting, or fill i Salopógium, I'il ; n. [a CiAgox mq. A of Boeotia, og with spittle. Salopygium, 3 veo, & tuya nates] Salgagea,' }. Euripus, whanss A Salivatüin, 1 ; 0,0 drmsh for a' horſe. a wag-tail, wag, wanton. pollo is called 'Salganeus. Salivārus, a, um, adj. drencbrd. Salpa, æ ; f. a jack-fifo. Saiganlús, a, un adj. if Salga. Sellunca, s city in Spain. . Salpetrum, i; n. gati-powder. : ", is, Saliunca, 7&; f. (i fatio] pile or Salpida, Salpista, };-m. a trumpeter. Salgas, a riowind city of Maurita. Saliuncula, $ laumidor. la. Salivo, are to pit, or co loittle ; al Sallamienta, orom, 0. Salt file. Sali, a pople of Sarmatia, Euro. fo to drmob or anoint. Sallamentarius, a, um ; adj. of or för paca. Sallvoſus, a, um ; adj. full of spittie Salting: Salla, a rivir und soon in Spain, flagmatick. Sallamentarios, ji; m. A falter if ibe espoilery of the post Prudenilus. Salius, a, um ; of the Salian priefi. falt fifo or Aib. Silia, the river Selle'in Loriain. Silivum, i; n Imitele or tale Salsāmentum, 1; n. falt mias, sitba Saltāris, 2 ; adj. If the friefs of Salix, icis, F. (à talio) a 'willow or file or flefe. wiiby. Saloè, wittily, Nily, tauntingly. Salfatus,' üs ; 2. the dignity of Ebi Sallenia, a; f. a kind of fals.pare. Salsēdo, inis, t. ſaltneſs. Salli. Sallio, ire to , Salficium, 8. áfanjage. Salica, ihe ifand Taprobane ; alſo a Sallo, ère, Sallilago, inis ; f. falt ligur, fily in Spain. Salluntum, a city of Dalmatia. Salſugo, brini, plikle. Sallugio Şalić:ftrum ; h. a wild viño, in Salluftfus, 11 ;'m a famionstrator and terra, allom. pfer or withy. hiflorian of Rome, basing Cicero', "Salsipotens, ntis ; m. an epitbit Sillitum, I; 'n. Erfallxa place for and hired of him, Neptanc, having power tuer the sea. with willows, Salunids Criſpus, ide grandſon of the Salsitudo, inis; f. falinoli, a falt bien Salldi, a prople'in Spain. oretir, Sallustius, a favorite öf'Au- "our Salicus, a, um;'au. Ta füj Salick, guſtos Cæſar. Salguſcula, orum ; 8. Saltmars, of France. Lex Sallca, ibo Sa Salustíus Philofophus, he wrote De Salſagla, te ; fo bring or pickle, lick law, ordering bat no woman D!is & Mundo, Pui forib in Greek Salfaglaorus, a, unt's full offult.. ball reign or inhardt land. *And Linn - by Lico Allatius, Anno Salſula, arum ; f. falt Jprings. Sallens, niisi läping. Aqua fa Dom. 1638 Sallum, a river in Spain, liens, conduit wardr. Sillyes or Silles, & people of "Gállja Silsura, à ; f. a - yaliing, or Seasons Sat ens, 'ils; 'n. Ibrauck if a youn. Narbonedlig. Ing. • Animæ falura, fwasthijs of toin. Salma, the name of foorral towns in breath. Sallgricus, a, um ; adj. Of wil. Arabiz. Sallus, a, amrzadj. falted, Plesſandra Sallgnus, low. 't Salmacida (polla, ſpails gorim wib. titty. A Lachrymis fallis hume Sálil, the mulus priefs of Mars, in out labeur ctant ora, thiry' wrip bitterly. Ailured by Numa Pomp(lins, wirb. + Salmácidas, a, úm ; fall, 'brarko Saltabundus, a, um , adj. full of leapi painted Coats and brass breaf iſ. ing'or dancing Platis fo called from iheir 'leaping Salmacis, a fountain in Carla, where Saltatio,'onis ;'F. a liaping. &c. abdur"ibe Ariels alſo the people of the nymph Salmacis And Epaphro. Saltatiuncula,';'f.a little dance, Franconia in Germany: ditus brcame ine; it is faid ro'ef. Saltātor, oris ; m.) a idaner, kop. sállam, it ; n. Là Gliauajia lliste rimintake all sbar drink or balhe in Saltatrix, icis"; f.} . falt-follor it. Saltiidiic, adv. dancingly. Salina, ; f. a 'Jalpis ir pan, a Salmacidus, a, ums, adj. of Saltālo.ius, ay.um ; adj. belonging place where fals is made; allo Jall Salihacius, Salmacia. o dancing, *.Sultacortus orbis, ibe itſelf. Salmo, onis ; m. [à falio) is rabe round haning Salina, a fily in Gallia -Subalpina, Saltātricula, asf, a little dancing called Saluzzo; olfo ihe city Salins Salonon a city of Creet. girl. in Burgundy ; and other places. Salmona, a river of Gallia Belgica. sa mus, ùs ; m. & dancing or leap. *+ Salináris, ci [qu. Salivaris) of Salmone, a town and fountain of Pe. ing. dit ir fnafte. loponnefus near Olympia, Calied Saltem, adv. (à' faltim) at the really Sálinātor, oris ; m. a ſanter. from thence Salmonis. only. Salin arlos, a, um ; of falt. Salındıeus, the son of Æolus, who saltze, a people in the Eaxlac fia,call- Salini, the priple of Salia. reignid in Æolis; to make him ed alfo Pothirophagi. † Sällnõſus, a, um, adj, full of full. Malf a god, he built a bridge of brass Saltim, adv. Là Sallo) by lèspinig,ba Salinum, dini a sals.follor, any fort over part of the city, where he was Bily, of earthm wife. went to thunder with his char.os, and saltitos are ; to dance often, 10 Salinus, an Arcadian, who came with was as lal pain by A thunder-bole bop. Æncas into Italy, and taught the from beavin. Balto, are;, veut [à alio to leap Joung men to dance, Salmonlum, a promontory of Creet. dante er jump, Salcaro laudes all- SAL-10, ire ; n. lanaouer] to leag Salmyca, a city, near Herculcs bis pil cujus, to celebrase one's pranis in a dance, Spring Salit mihi cor, lars. dance.'* Saltat ſcrex, all is well. iny beart leaps for joy . Equusſa. Salmydeffus, a bay of Pontus. Saltare Cyclopa,, to dance like , the botjé leaps or cover's Salobren, }'patro, cos gunSaltuares fimoll inonde in Italy Jaid to Polyphenas. Salio, Irci (fal] to ſeaſon with fait. powder ji mide, move with bring danced upon. (6) S2 sältuāris, the mare SAL SAL SAL 1 vour. ITIES Saltuāris, e, 2 adj. dancing, ori sălūtilico;'arc, to preſerve or kees. : Samphe, a city of Phoenicia. Saltuārius, a, um, of dancing Sålütiger, and faluugerulos, a, um ; Sampli, æ, an olive-fone. Saltuārius, ii; m. a maler or kuper zaj. oringing beaub or falutation, Samplira, e city of Egypt. of forejies Săluto, are, to falute, or ſend cons! Sampluchiņus, a, um; adj.of marjerim. ! Salcuatım, by loiging, with speed. mendation, bid farewell, worſhip, Sampsūcbum, i, n.? Saltuālus, a, um ; ads, full of foref. wijlo one afry. Sampſuchus, i; m. } warioram. Salcura, æ; f. a le:iping. Să!ūtor, ari; to be fulused, alfo. to be Samula, a women in Pliay wbilived Salias, ûs and i;m: a leap or juni reforved and not cut off. an bundred and ten years. alſo a foreji, a narrow pitage, SALVUS. a, um ;. adj. !6 708) Jafr, Samunis, a city of Albania. bivering of a limb fixna, cobole. Salva et res, all Samydace, a city of Carmania. Saltus, a country of Gallia Narbonen is well. * Hoc Salvo, ib.s thing Samylia, a city of Carla. fis, callea Comte de Siult. exsplod. Sa vo capite, witbou. Sāpabilis, e; adj. curable. Saltus Caftu!onenfis, a mountain in danger of one's life. San genſes, & people of Gallia Narbo, Spain. Salyes, a weern people who waged nenfis. : Salzburgam, a city in Germany, war wiib the Romans. Sanamuada, æ; f. ibis burb aums ir calles alfo Juvania. :, Samamycii, s people neur. tbl gre. ter bernat. Salvat-llai,a; f. the vein tatween the Syrtis Sanaos, a city of Apollonia. ring fingir, and the little finger, Samara, a promonlary at the end of Sanape, a quren of she Amazons. Salvatio, õn's; t. ä fuving. Cauſacus, in the weiern s. cun. Sanīri, a pouple of Sarmatia in Ala. Şalvator, orismo a favigür. Samarabiæ, & people about ibe river Sänãtes em; m. tboje that had rruolo. Indus. ed, and were again recived into fa. Sălübct, bic, bris bice, bre bo, lrat Samardacus, a ridi'ulous fe'low. Sălubris, brez adj. cor, crrimus } fa. Samaria,, .) und counın of Pale- Sānātio, onis ; f. a healing or curing. lub wbolsjeme, heshbful, sound, fine, betwian Judæa and Gahlec. Sanatus, a, um ; adſ, healed. gros. Samerobrini,the sixy Amiens in France: Sanballat, a governor of Samaria,wbo Saiubritas, atis ; f. who'tfomneſs. Sambatæ, a prople of Affyria. gor leave of Alexander to build a Salubriter, iùs, crrimè ;ady. whole- Sambicus, a norable robber, who pil trople upon mount Gerizim. Sonuely. laged ibi temp. of Diana'at Elis. Saochoniathon, a very ancient biflo- Salve, eto, ſalveio,-ote; vorb.defect. Sambos, e cilj of Arabia. risn, before Möſes, tranſated out of God fark you, your humble fervant, Sambi, } the citizms of Sam. Phæaician into Greck by Philobi. alve, adv. in blah. * Rogo quàu Sampire, bos. bllus, in the time of Adrian, falvè agat, I ask how will he is.. Sambracate, un'iſland of Arabia Fæ. SANCIO, ivi ond 'nxl, itum and Salveo, ſalvebo, ſalvcre ; fue fa vc, lix. netum,ire ; ad. (ab arios fanatus] .eto, to be well in health. . Junco Simbraca, e river in Spain. 80 derri, wadlibe. Legem ca- te filve C, I will you will. *Salo Sambuca, æ; f. Sau Burn) a fack. pite fancirc, so make it aiath co vebis à Cicerone meo, my fon Ci bus i alſo an engine to cui down the breuk alaw.' . Augurem ſancire, cero comumas bim to you. walls of a city. to confecrate an angur. Carni. Salya, æ ;'t. (a falrus) sage, esal Sambuccus, a, um ; made of dder. na alicui ſancire, to dedicate vere via Romana, clary:: Sambūçētum, i; a. a place of elder. Jer to one. Como muni jure fan- Salviacum,i; n. a drink made of Jage. citum eft, it is ratified by the Itro Salvifico, are į 80-. mske jaje or Sambac ārius, } ii; m. a blower of nsture. • Sancirc edicto, to for- whale, Sambūcinārius, 3 oy a jackbus, did by paulanation. Salvificus, a, um ; ad). Javing, whole. Sambucina, i ; f. be shat blocos Sancitus,1, um ; part. ordained, vila. Sambuclſtria, } a farkbut. blijbed ; alfo forbidden. Salvio, are, to give a drink of Jage. SAMBUCUS, i; f. [ab Heb. Jauge + sancitas, üs, m, a ratifying sălim, 1; n. the fali dia; dijquiainops, implicarl] an elder 1718. Sanctè, iùs, ifimè, adv.holily, ensina.. wavering. Sambus, a river of India, and a town ly, inviolably Salvo, are, to favs.. of Arabia. Sanatlicatio, onis ; f. s son&ifying. Salas, e mort town of India, within Sameni, « prople of the Nomades. Sanctificator, oris ; m. a Jantifjer Ganges. + Sämcra, æ; f. the jud sf an elit. ſanctificium, ji; n. a fanctuary. sălus, ucis ; f. [à falvus, vel ab Heb. + Samia, æ ; i, a vaky ; alſo a whol. Singlifico, áre, 10 fanaty foa lub, tranquillum cus) bealth, fona, Sanctilõquus, a, um , adj. Spraking dj. safely, a fluigsion, Salvation alló. Samiarli, orum; m. [à famius]coisa dinely. sbr. Roman, Goddef of braltb. rets of hure's. Sanctimonla, æ ; f. bolinsſi, devius. Saluiçm dicere alicui sci, u bid + Samjalor, oris ; m. ſcouterbarp. neſs, profesion of religion. farewril to any thing. • Salutem Sanctimonialis, c; ad), of holineſs. millere, to wife ine's welfare. Samiatya, a, on; foarpm'd, whetted. Sanąimonialis, is ; f. á mun. Salgtem precor (fternuenti]God Samicum, a city of Triphylia. Sanétio, onis ; f, a dareeing, ordain. blafs you (wben mne jneczasi.)Quod Samlo, are; 16. uro, à famos}so ipar ing, ratifying i alfo a penal law. com falute ejus fiat, ſo it do ho Sanctitas, ac's, 2 f. devautneſs, bo. xo barm. Suprema falus the Samlolum, l, n. a little sarthin por. Sapatitudo, inis,'} lines, laft romady. Samiolus, a, um į made of tarıb. Sancior, oris ; m. an oblijdsrelawa + Salurandria, &;f; gardm nigella. Samium, id; . an gurihin pos, parti. maker + Sålūtāre, is ; n, braltb. ticularly of Samos. Sanctuarium, ii; n. a fanétuary, place Salūtāris, è s'adj. 3, art. zboleſome, Samius, a, um ; of Samos , cariben, of refuge, clofa, the doornſdøy-bopk bealthful. Salutaris digitus, iba Marp. + Samius lapis, a white bea. in tbe Ex bequer. fore inger. Factum falutare, a og Yione, good to poliſh gold, Sanctalus, a, um ; somou but devout. foot of good forvice. . Salugarcs Samaltes, people of. Samnis or Sam Sandum, 'l; n. sacred, not to be re- litara, a comfortable letter, pium in Italy valed; heaver, and bolinije. Salutaris, part of Micedonia, Phry. Samogitia, a country in Poland, San&us, a, um ; adj. jor, iffimus gla, Paleſtine, Syria and Galatia. Samofus, i, marjo. werts, fog-carrier, confirmed, ratified, stabliſhed, ordain. Salutāritèr, wholalonie, uitbous burt Sanorna, } an ancieni name of E. ed; boly, pious, deorful, facred, invio- or danger. Samoțnos, 5. phcluş" dalle. firm, awful, reverend ; honef, Salfitatio, onis, fi a falutation, Samos, an iſand of the Icarian Fox, uprighi, divine, he svenly; shafis, in. Salatātor, gris, m. where they firſt made curthen wars, a faluir. nocini , foleman, formal, Saluiatrix, icis, f. sa vofala, a viry of Syria, by Euphra. Sanctus, i, m. a raint. Sălū tatõrdum, in the place where tcs, the cruniry of the bla!phemous Sancus, a god of the Sabinça. mm Band to fuluse the prince. Lucian. Sandabali, a river of India. Săluratórias, a, um ; of fututation, or Samothraçla, an iſland of the Ægean Sandaliaris vicus, ja pria of Rome, giving heilib. * cubile falutato. Samothrace, I sea, near Thrace, Sandaliar um, ſelling pintojes. sium, bo preence ihamber. called barelojore Dardania. Sandaliarius, Japiter, whose image Să'uiifer, a um ; adj. bealthful, Samothrax, cis ; c. 7 id), of Sa. was fes up in shat prut. bringing builty of THICVATY, Sainuthracius, a, um ; } mpihraçia, sardaligerulus, a, uin; ad), wearing + Szlurihçaigf, opis į mi a faviour Samothracian, or carrying Nippers or pantojies. Qanday ; i 1 } 1 L 1 deod corps. | Sanguinans, ntis; part. bloody, cruel. SAN PAP S AR Sandalion, a small.country of Pige minded. • Alternum dare fangul-, Sapinca, 2; f. the lower part of the dia. neni, to wiand each other. fir-Iru. Sandalis, id!s i f. s. kind of date Sanguiſorba, æ ; f. the herb burdet er 7. Sapiēntum, i; a. a groue of fire pimgernel. intos, SANDALIUM, ii ; ocur. Coardásvor] Sanguiſorba muſca, a blood-fucking Sapin us, a, um ; of the fir tree, a panlojile or dipper ; alo.fall fiy. + Sapinos, i ; a kind of antihyf. sho, Sanguisūga, æ; f. a horſe-leach, or SAPINUS, I; f. [ab'Heb. Sophinab, + Sandaiotheca; ;... a place for bicod-jusker. pavis] he' nother part of a fire Nippers. Sanicula, æ; f. (à fapo) the herb Bree without knots (fit for fbip. Sandălam, i; n. wbte wheat,jquare Sanicle ing.) eared corn. SANIES, ĉi ; f. (à ſanguis ) corrupt SAP 10, il vel ivi, & ui, ſtuin, ire; † Sandalus, the spire called fanders, blood, matter coming from fores. nçut. (à oroos, ſapiens, vel doos, Sandanus. a river of Thrace. Sanies olei, the loss of oil. E. fuccus ) 10 Javour or soft, to be wiſe SANDAPILA, asf. fàcnris tabula, biblt faniem lana, 1be wsol drinks and witty. #Hcfzpit rem foan, & MUA loculus) a bier for a up thi dye. he knows what he has to do. #Li- Sangiæ, a prople of Scythia, ber ſapit hæreſin, the took has forme Sandăpărarius, ii; m. a bearer of the San.na, a city by the Red-ſea. favour of barely in it. Palatus dead. Saniālus, a, um ; adj. full of corrupt ci fapit, his talle is good. Sapis Sandaraca, an heaven in B'thynia, blood. multum ad genlum, you know how Sandarachá, æ; f. « bright rod co- Sānitas, ais; f. soundnes or health, to pleofe yourlelf. lour, orpine, ny arlen sk, found : fulness of body, oni's right wiss. Sapites, & purple by Pontus. mines of gold and Alvor, or dja Simone Redire ad fanitatem, io come to Sapium, ii; n. a kind of pitch-tree. made of burnt veruje. · one's selfi SAPO, õnis ; m. (oáca] ſoap of any Şandar:chátus, a, um ; ad), mixed Sānitèr ; adv. Soundly, ſurely, advi, thing 10 ſcour or clauns, with. with arſmick. Jedly. Saponara. æ; f. Joap wort. Sandafcrion, a gran Indian Pone. Sănitúdo, inis ; f. bralthines. Săpor, Oris; m, a sofie or ſmack, pre- Sandaricus; 2 kind of chryſlal, having Sanlturnus, a viver of Æmilla, called janineſs of ſpurb. poléen drops within. Santerno. Săpõrātus, a, um; P. & A. feafoned, Sandava, a city of Dicia. SANNA, æ; f. [à sávros, ftultus, javiurrd. * Offa faposata, a ſugar. Sandes, Hercules' among the Per vel Heb. Bop, densl a mock or fouff Jop, or bone-fip. Gans. • Poft:ca lanna, «jur behind one's Săporcs, a king of Perſia, who took Sando, a city in Italy. back. she emperor Valerian priſoner, and Sandonius, a, um ; adj. of Sando. Sannina, a city of Media, by the Hyr. ured bim as bis footſiool. † Sandonicus, a, um ; ſwar.by. can an fea. + Săpõro, are ; to make a favour, Sandrizetes, the people of St. Andrei Sannio, õnis ; m. a mocher, foffor. + Saporus, a, um ; ad), favoury. in Upper Paanon'a. + Sannula, æ ; f. O small flout. Sapphirātus, a, um, adj. embroidered • Vol. Sandyx, cs;.m. (oárbuš) a kind of Sāno, are ; to heal or curi. with sappbires. red colour, burnt cerule. • San- nera reipublicæ fanarc, to make up Sapphirene, an iſland in the gulf of dycis , amicus, a garment of ibar differen'is in the fare. Arab!a, where the sapphire-flens is † Sanqualis, 18; f. a ſort of eagle (in found. Sanc, A city of Tbrace. Pliny Sapphirinus, a.' un ; adj. made of Sānč; truls, indeed, perily, foundly, Santălum, i; neyt. [rox Indic.] the japphire. Lapis ſapphirinus, *Sanè temulentus, a very tippler. Ira Sanders, japphire-flone. : Sanè quidem, with all my hears. Santerno, æ; f. [à fanus & nitrum] Sapphirus, i; f. a fapphire-none. Sanca, a sity of India. borax, or goldſmith's folder. Sappho, ûs ; f. a famous postes, who Sāneſco, čre ; to beal, or grow wbole, Sant's, a Celtick city invented the verſo called from ber Sanga, a river of Cantabria, and the Santolina, e; f. (à lantalum] luvm Sapphicum. name of a fave in Tercace. der.cotton, or field fyprejs• Saprun, i, n. fà se pòt, .putridas) Sangāris Santoncs, la paupia and city of A * porion of ſalt, and the fruit of the Sangarius, } a river in Afia. San!õnæ, 1 quitain, whole country Service-tys good for the ibolit. Sangia, a town in Phrygia, whers is called Xantoigno, and chef city Sapuri, mountains of Scythia. the river Sangarlus arsjes. Xainctes. Sapyſclatum, a Connthian moux- # Sanguen, inis; n. i n. a free wbose Stantonicus, a, um , of the Santoncs, tain, bark is as red as blood. Santonica herba, wornp.wood. Sara, a sity of Aurea Cherſonclus, Sauguică'us. i ; m. a little blood, a Santonum Portus, Rochel in France. Cappadocia, and other places, blood-fudding Sanua, a sity of Ã'bania. Sarabacus, a gulf of India without + Sanguificauio, onis, f, the change. SANUS, a, um, adj. (oacs] ſound, Ginges. ing of neuriforiont inso blood. whole in bralih, in one's witse. Sarabis, « city of Spain called Toro. + Sanguifuus, a, um ; adj. flowing Nibil fanum, fark naught. Sarabus, a river of Iodia within with blood. Saon, she name of an hiſorien. Guages. Sanguinālis, e ; adj. 3 art. Of or like SAPA, &;fo (ab oxos, fuccus) niw Sarace, « city of Colchis. blood. Sanguinal:s or fanguina- Suuri zoins boiled bulf away, and Saracena, a country of Arab'a Pe. ria herba, blood-wort. Repe for faucet ; alſo the fup of træa, so called from the robberier. trees, Saraceni, the people of Saracena. Saugnānārius, a, um, ad)." cruels Sapei , } a people of Thrace. Suraga, a city of Sina. Sarguri, a people of Afa. Sanguinē!um, i, n. a place where SAPERDA, æ; f. [ong epdms) a hlote, Saramaone, a city of Hyrcania. blood-wort growi. or dried groundling (a Pontic fib;] Saramena, a country of Agia Mi- Sanguincos, a, um; ad). having much alſo a ſantafiral man, and a dung- bloed, of a fanguine and blood co bill. Sarangæ, a people inhabiting the tops of lour, fanguine. Saphena,a ; f. [Arab. Ja vrin above Caucaſus. Sanguino, are ; to ld out blood, to run the knee dividing itſelf ibru ways, Sarapini, e people of Colchis. with blood, to be as red as blood. tunning aljo over to the inner anclo, Sarapitæ, a people about Caucaulus. Sanguinolentos, a, um ; ad). bloody, to the indep and great 104. Sarapis, an iſland in the gulf of full of blood, Săpidus, a, um ; having a good talls India. + Sanguinoſus, a, um ; full of blood. er rriijh, favoury. Saravus, the river Sar in Gallia Bel- SANGUIS. inis; f. là caos, falvus, săpiens, ntis ; adj. rior, tiflimus; gla. vel ab Heb fodni,coccineum)blood, wiſo, prudent, judicious. * Arbor Sarbaniſla, a city of Cappadocia, blood food, Drength, life, draib; alſo fapicns, the mu berry-free. Sarbatba, a city of Arabia. sbe pock and parentage uhmo one Saplent-èr, iùs, iffimě; adv. wiſely. Sarbcdicus, partof moun Taurus, be- gomes. Sangu's ærarii, the trou. Sapientia, æ; f. wiſdom. • Sapico. twein Syria, and Armenia. Sure, #Detractio or miffio fangui. tiæ profeífor, a pbilosopher, Sarbcna, a sity of Affyria. nis, e loefing blood hy opening at Sapienti potens, ntis ; very wie. Sarcaſmus, i;m. a bitter taunting, uçin. * Plenus ſanguinis, bloody, Sapiña, æ; f. a pine.nius. > or bosile infinuation, + Sarcia, colour, nor. } 1 S A R SAR S A R 1 + A dobr. : . . Barcia, Be; f. grofne, farnus. Sardinia. Sarfina, en ontient city of Allia, Sarcimen, inis , n. a laum width. Sardus, a city flytia. jamous for fas popurus. Sarcina, ter; fi là farcio sindaraan, Sardenas. 's Hilesin of gardus. Sarfinas, atis ; an inbabitant of Sara & budget, or pack. • Sarcina col- Sare: an old name of Cappadocia. Goa. figero, y menus 'wirb bug and Salopta, a city of Phænicia. Sartatccta, orum ; n. buildings. dejt baggage. Saigonth a city of Iberia. in juffitimt rpair, # Sarta- Sarcinalis, es L'adl. of vor for Sirgandhis, a cipy of Egypt. tccta exigere, 10 fue the houes de Sarcinari:+s, a; 2018 depe in repair. * Sartit.&ta tua des Siccinarium tumentem a Sargentia; } a riverief Dacia. præcepta pater ufque babui, fa. Puck horſe, or funnar horle. Sirgon, uning of Allyria, called alſo tbar I have tony's punasälly ob- Sarcinātosords; m.? , Ha bochera Senacherib, jerved your commands, Sarcinatrix, jois; f.is Sorgus, i, o, an Egyptian fib. SARTAGO, in's į f. (Ch. matreba, Sarcinātus, 2, ya'; part: of ſarcinor; bar ha...rity of Cappadocia. vel à pàgs, caro, & tugayon, id. burarnels withiodiks. Surph"; mountains of Alia, from 2. frying pan. Sartago-loguendi, Sarcíao, are act. to make burdens or whence the riurr Oxus flows.. a rude manner of parking. packs , ; alfa'yo low. Saris. à city of India wirbin Saric, a city near Athens. Sarcinālus, a, um ;-weighty. Ganges: Sartaus, a, um ; of Sartc. Sarcinül ., .; f. á.Jurxt. pack; juf. Sarigberia, battity Sar sbury er Selis- Sarie; ady wbolis, antstoly. SAR.CIOG,citum cire; ait (à pazos. buy id Sirbu, river dinding the Nor- fpipa) to mord, soortero, piar nann fro, the Cenoinani: repair: * Safcire damnum, to pay Sir Rophorus, ; m. une carrying • Sartor. oris , m. (of fircio] 'bor- : 'tong peor. Sartr.x. icis; f. saber. Sasoon, a canviation-zolisod fitne; allo Sa ta, a pople of Arabia Foilx. Sator, oris ; m. [of farclo) qaytdilar. fault in the winratd. Surmagana, a nity of Aria in Alia: Sartoriuin, ii;in. a bossber's Hall or # Saicitc&tor, oriz. m.-a repairyr. Sarmata, ibi piple of Sarmacia. soop. Sarcices. a; m. flebolowrid fine. Sarmalia, idity of Galata'; also a sártūray æ's f. a winding, rökhug, † Sarcito. are ; to strompearts to pay viry inege country, part in £orope, Sartus, a, um, part. of farcior; Paribo of and d'oripes. and part in Ala; in the finis ed up, mended, reconcilid. Sara Sarcoco!le., baltidr Balſam, the Ruffia, and part of Poland : thro tus, textus, kape "Safe and found. of « Perlian tror; also be wind shop contains the Dartari, Petigora, Saiunctes, a prople of Helvetia. Tof.. hxburd. Widiropper. Circaff, and the Morduita. Sauru8, a river in Italy called Sanigre, Sarcophägus,-i n. a kind of marbls, Sargāticus, , um"; (ad). of Barona and anotbor in Cicilia called Adena. whirrin araddodies wine tvorit to Sarth Xiig;e Safon, an iſland bitwurm Epirun.and rotin yorty days uls a grane. + Sarmentarius, a, um ; of twigt. Brdridu Gum; alſo a river falling idro Sarcocus a, u'nt; eoring the fash. Sarmentitias, a, um; adj. of twigs or 'The Adriatick fea. Surcůlātio, Ja:s; f. 4 weiding “wish branbies cutron * Cinis tartenti. Saroncs, a 'prople of Scythia. a book. itlus, ribes of Sprey. Sanurl, a purple of India. Sarculo, are ; 10 wad with a book. 'Sarmiento, are"; to lop of trigs. Sat, ady. à fat) tạougb. Sat Sarcúlum, J; 2. (à Sarriota raka or Sarmentoſus, a, um į Jull of trigs, habco, I atas yansfed. • Sat fcio, welding b.ck. Sara entum, i;.n. (à farpo] a twig I am ſure. SARDA, ;fi forpdo] a cómoliar or brancb' to be cut off, jprej, bru Şãta, orum ; n, uns, carn.fields. or ſardin-litie silla a pilobtr. Sardacbates, a kind of'ogott. Sarmentus, & uirg fcurriloies follow in Saiageus, a, um , adj. bening or Sardana, * -ilty of lading Within Horace. making trougb to do, Ganges. 15.ranea, e city of Troms or Myſia. Sarăgo, Egi, ere; neut' te beluſ or Sardănăpālus, 1; m, the lapiling of Sarnia, the land Guernſey. carnes ubiut a thing, 'to 'have as sbs Affyrian empirs, titiri Stinlus,'a rivirief Afia. mucha as one can do .. Ille ſua Dies and foraindia that if tourd'a Sarnus, a city of Syria, alſo a rider rum rerum fatagit; he'bas bis' bands rebellion aga ni him, zobim örlaking of tše Picentini, dividing thim from jull at bome. binfalf10 his palara, bu duint bin Campania. Satala, a city of Armenia falf and all bis wialih. Saro, i fmmanifo cloumifi and nude, Satānas, æ im. Satan, the Devil Sardemiſol. a promontory dilinin Lly shut it causes a proverb, hay Batonė (Saturchæ, a people of Scythla 'BQ- cla and Pamphylia. magisrasticus, ropea in Mæots, who condemn Sardope, a mountain by the river Her. Saronichus, a huvm of Achala. the uſe of flver and gold, and are mus. Saropliages, people of India. viry warlika, Sardeſſua, a city of Lycia, where Ju. + Sarpa, æ ; f. e piutvling book, Bataros, a city of Lycia, called also piter Sardelius is warfipped. 83rpedon, the Son of Jupiter and Pamara. Sardi the people of Sardinia. Laodamla, ; being king of Lycia be Satalpes, a Perfian crucifid by Xer- :Sandæl, a prople of Dalamatn. wme "lo dlhy the Trojans, aind'after xes for deflouring thi dagblör of Sardiana glans, a rhofnui. mariy saflminits of bis viltur, was Zophyrya. Sardica, a vily of Tirace. flain-by Patroclus; alſo a promontory SATELLES, Haz m. (Heb. Boler] Sardicus, a, um , wiſe. of C:licia, dividing it from Pamphy an offer orferjrane in d. prince's 8. rdina, æ ; f. [à farda) a ſandin'ib. la; alfourity of Th: ace, and other guard 1. a purſuivant or inefanger. Sardinia, m.if. un pland in'rbs Li places. * Jovis ſatelles, an eagls. guſtick fou. + Saspo, c:e; 'te purge er prune, Satellitium, il; n. & guard, m. Sardis,'} a:sity of Thrace: Sarplus, a, um, pruned, loomad. panty of forjeants ; alſo their fir, Sira, ma city Phoenicia, callidiof: Satërnei, a people about Mootrs. Sardius lapis, (à Sardinala jardin. terwards Tyrus ; tallo a flb which sătiab!lis, e; t. das y Jarnsped. jlene er carmol, abrund: ibere, and with whole blood Sărlanter ; adv. fully, contentedly. Sardoa, 'R; f. á kind of mollage; they dyed sik inid purple. Satias, ātiş; f. oglui, fulneſs. caufing a Pronge kind of laughing + Saraballa; orum ; bristhes. tias frumenti, abundance of conti ruin is duib. SARRACUM, in, cowpaxos] . Satias cum cepit amorts inux- Sardonia, a city of India within curt'to carry 'timdır, Amns, &c. ore, he had his belly full of bar. Ging. Sarrinus, a, um ; of Sirra, Săriātus, a, um ; ad), gluttis, Jalis Sardonicus, a, um ; adt. of Sardi. Sarrates, a people of Italy. 2 Sardonius, fied. Satiatus, fomno, rifrifed ara. Riſus Saido SARR.TO. ire ; [å galow, puigo] to with Niep, bading täkin a good Sardous, s nius, foelish laughs. weed, rake, or prune found nap. ing wil : forrów in the end. Satles, ei ; f. fosisſaation Sardon!chatus, a, um ; adj. adorned Sarritura, æ ; Sätičtás, ātis; f. falidy, fulrufs: or viſet with [urdonyx jtitis. Sarritor, oris , m. awarder. Satietas "mc tenet, I in gluted. Sardony X, cis; 'm. ibe jarderyx, a Sars, in ciry of Spain. Trucidare ad latictatem, not to precious fone. Sarlaga, e city of Armenia Minor. give ouer killing and praying till one. Sardus, the son of Hercotes, who, Saifenna, the father and the jon, barb te weary. obey ſay, gaus naine to the land famous wortters, Satin for fatlſncj'entongh. • Satina ? audis Sa- Sarrior Ons i}f. awarding. / + wirb goats feet. Ous, ingil. of meat, 611 slikLex RHM SA T SAT SAX audis, do you bear well ? Satin' fal., Satum, i, n. Landing corn, any. Ibing inbabitants are ſaid to haur tail! væ res are all things will? ſet or sowrd; alſo a meaſure of a like Styrs. Sat:o, are Cà ratis, vel à BTT#. 0: bout a babel and a balf. SATYRUS, 4, m. Coatupa!) a fost nero) to fill or satisfy, to cloy, sătur, a, un ; là ſatial full of mont, a hairy maonner like a bomed sex • Satiare defideria natura, 10 eat jull fait, fruitful, plentiful, copi grais Sparingly, ju's enough to ſupain na * Color fatur, dap colour.. Sālyrui, & Peripatrisk, who write # Fricando latur rubhad enough: the life of Philip; alſo a murtir Satio, jön!s, f. fowing or plant- sătura « fen in Italy, called allo brown to the lion's under Valerla- ing Pontina. nus and Gallienus. + Sacionalia, es adj. which may be Sătūra,, æ, fi in difo. feveral fort! Savarabats, a country of India within tilled. Ganges. sărior, Jus; adj. comp. better, fuller. o law of muny, and diver: .partj. Savar a people of Sarmatia Euro- SATIS, ady.' Tanns, d'on enough, onslars. pær . well, ufi, iently. Abunde ft Sătūratio, önis ; f. a filling with Savaria, 9 rivor of Noricum, and t'o, abundanıly. Saris ſuper- the chief city of Stiria, called que, enough and to ſpare. Sa Saturātus, a, um ; adl. filled with Gretz. 118' cum periculo, with no mull me.it, gluted, gorged, or a deep Savara, a city of Ifauria in Gala- dang. colour. *Saturaiæ, veſtes-murice, tia. Satllacceptio, onis ; f, a saking of pormarts of purple dye. Saudaana, a city of Armenia ma- (urity Sature a, æ, f. fivory (berb.) jor. Satiſacceptor, oris; m. be that takes + Satur:o, onis ; m by sbat ls gut.. Sanba:ha, a city of Arabla Fælix. jocurity . ed. Sauclatio, onis, f., a: quunding. Satiſaccep.io, ères. sa sake. a surety or sătăritas, ātis, , fulneſs of moas, Sauciālus, a, um, winded. érc pledge of one. abundance of provifion, extenmis Sauvio, ate, [à faepius] th wound ir Satirdátio, onis ; f. a giving of fa of the body, hurt curity Satorium, } † Satildatò, upon bond, with ſerx-Satureium. A sily of Cala Sapciya, a city of Pannonia. brla, SAUCIVS, a, 490: adj. (Tp aduentas, rity Saturcianus, a, um, of Saturieun. vel à Gous impello & amn acies Satildător, oris ; m. bu ibar.gions for Saturnalia, ium anis orum, ni frafts vel ab Heb. Jbelacb gladjus) bwrie curity . in binour of Saturn, about the mid wounded. Saucius, animus, Satiſdărum, i, n. awrecognizanci, a al dle of December, called-chronia mind proveked, soundly pettled., bond. Saturnalıtius, %, um, adj. of tbe Saucona; a river of Gaúia Celticu. Satiſd-o: one. i † Sica, es, for im, fis. Significus, ci; m. a jaruary: Sileſco, črė; to cime to bs Nill, or † Sicnites, a kind of marble near Signium opus, moriar wird in the brought to filence. Thcbcs. foondations of buildings, wbich bs- Sileſia, a coming of Germany, ſubject Slga, a city of Mauritania Calarien: comes as bard as lent, beton. to the crown of Pruffia. 113. Signinus, a, um ; of Signia. Siletur, Imp filmu is kapt. Sigala, a city of India within Gan- Signitons, ntja, ihi xodias. SILEX, icis; f. er m.(Rám: Ja Aint- ges. Signo, are ; to bgn, foal, mark, 11 llone. • Stat tibi Alex in corde, Sigalion, a image among the E damp or coin, 10 Supergribe, * Jou have a heart of fint.. gyptians, farming to comeand øgniny. Humun-Signat limite, Slicātos, a, um ; made of Aint. Ince by having his fingers upon his be marks out the bounds of bis Siliceo, onis ; m. sae as bardas flint, lips, & ground! Sllices, a pepplo of. Affyria. Sigania, a river of Co'chis. SIGNUM, 1;, a. (Tõuaa jign or Silicerae, 2; fi a kind of pudding, s.gatha, a city of Lybla. nark, a rokm, a wash word, leal e large sausage. Sige, a city of Trois. or Agnel, a hadge of bmaur, on Silicernium, ii; ncut. [ à filex & Sigue } a, um ; of sige. cena) a funeral, banquet ; alfo ar image, inhgn, a prodigy: Signa fupina, banners folded up in taim Sigillaria, a wront in Romc where of a difcomituri. Signa transferre, Sillcernias, li ;. a detrepid old image were sold. to become a turn coas. *Signa noc- Sigillar:9, 10; ad. of a mark or token. tis, the lars. Tabulas fignis Siliccus, a, nm 3 of • Ars figiilaris, the art of imagery. conligaire, ti feal up letters. fint, Sealing- Sigrlos, Suicia, 2;.f. the harb fonugreek. a Sigriunr, imagu. Silicula, æ ; f. là fil. qua). A little + Sigillaritia, orum, litile images. Sigyni, a people of Scythia Euro husk. + Sigillaritius anoulus, a sealed ropæa. Siliginarius, lim. Seller of fine Sihor, the river Nilus. wbeat, a bakor. # Sigillārius, a, um ;. of image. + Sil, 1s, n. oker. Sitigineus, a, um ; made of wbrar. Terra ſigillaria, posters clay. Šila, a very great word by the mount * Panis sligineus, white bread. Sgillādim, ady, particularly, ms by Apenninc. SILIGO,ints; F. (ab Heb.forlog nix] Silaccus, a, um, [à file)of yellozo. fine ſmall whrat. Sigilaua, õnis ; f. a fooling. + Silago, inis ; t. she bord crow foot. SILIQUA, a; f. [xbaua,vel à øv- Sigi!lZlor, oris ; m, a fualer. Silanus, the son-in-law of Claudlus, Auxos, ligneus) ibe busk, mell, cod Sigulācus, a, umi realed, wrought who, when octavia' was sukm of beans, peale, &c, aifo & CARTA with images. from him and given to Nero, kill or fixib part of a firuple. 91 *'S gillcluin, i; neut. a little-fral. ad bimſelf upon his wedding day i I qua Græca, St. John's breed. * ir inaage, alſo be ſon of Titus Manlius, whi siliquæ, capers, Sigillo, are ; a&. no fual, sot n werk bring call off by bis father, bel. Siliquafrum, i ; a. poppis-wart, or upon, to imbol Cauſe be received money of the My. Spanish pepper. Sigillum, i ; neut. [à Gignum] a leal, cedonians, hang's bimself the next siliquor, ari ; la be covered with a Agart, a mark, a little image, a night. shell, alſo to be filled. medal.. Solomonis sigillum, knot, Silanus, 1, m. (Arab, a conduit- Siliquoſus, a, um ; 2d). bushy. graſs. Sigillum B. Mariæ, black pipes abofs, an antick image. † Siliquus, i, m. four grains, briony. Silaris, & rivir dividing tho Picen- silts, rivu of Venice: Siglus, a mountain of Gilia Narbo. tini, from the Lucani; be leava silios lulicus, an exuella i gazt, born nenſis, or twigs shat fall into it,vt fuid and brod at Romc, in favour with Sigla, ó um; n. [qu. figilla vel fin. to turn into llons Domitian ; bi krpe Virgil's. binib. gula] bort nutes or characters, Silblum, a city of Phrygia Magoz. day every year, and who be was Sigiz, arum ; f.g. syphers, brief roses. Silda, a city of Mauritania Tingi feventy years old killed bimall. Sigma; ăds, á table at which fix may tana, Silli, orum ; n, fuffs, taupts, g. As. sile. 18 ; A. the beru bart-wirt. Su sillographus, i; m. A writer of Signatulum, i ; n. the print of a cal. Siſell. Signantès, adv. remarkably, clearly . I + Sileſc!o, onis ; m. one es hard as Sillyos, a city of Tönia noar Smyra + Signarlos, i ; . an infgns bearer, flint, Signatè, dillinály, by a sokm. Slicni, a prople by the river Indus. silo, sols, Colpos.] one with a flat Sigrācio, õnis ír. A fealizag or wark. Bilons, atis adj. blond, Bill, dead, Sllus, i ; m.) noſa, and rurned up ing not Springing. Silens luaa, the like a boring.horn ; alſo a kind of Signātor, oris ; m. fealm or wir. new moon. • Silens cælum, calm fratagem or pis fall. nefs,' weather. • Silens roſa, an umblown Silphii, a feople of Lybla. Signātörlus, a, um ; adj. Of or for rojë-bud... S lentes vincæ, vings Silphium, i; R. she berb whenes Jealing. * Sigaatorius angulus, a that do not yor (prout out. Um omnxiin comas, ferlid ring. bræ Glentes, the dead.. Silentes Sllva, Sylveftris, as Sylva, si Signatūra, 2; f. a fealing, anni, the five years Pythagorasy Silvia, ż ; f. a robin-red-breaft. Signatus, a, om ; ad). Soaled, øgned, fubolars were to be plent. Silura, an iland in tbe British crian, cuinad. Silentlarius, il ; m. a fucretary ; al. whoſe people (Solinus fuys) no. Signia, a town in Italy, producing so one that ſus shat good order bo juf money, and bartersetsadi. vary barf wine , alſo & Tountain kept. ties. of Phryg a:in AGA. Sileotiò ; ady. Almily, wilbont moiſe, Silures, the prople of South Wales. Signifac-lo, ere ; to fignify ; alſo to patienily. Sllurum infulæ, the forlings in the make an image. Silentium, ii ; n. flonie, rol, mo fir. Weſt of England. Signifer, a, um ; ad). bearing øgns. or bupneſs. silentium nodis. ibo Silurus, i; m. a pad ffo, &. Signifer; cri ;.m. [vir) am magn or dead time of the night. Silentium sulas, 1 ; m. a camiifenos, Su Silo. Jandard-brarer. * Signifer, (clr cft de ca re, there ari ni words Silybum, i; n, Mary-sbilis.. culus) the zodiac. about it. * Silendo aliqaid ferrc, Silys, a river of Scythia Egropea, Signifex, icis ; m. 4 Batuo-maler. to hear any thing patiently, Slma, a; f. [à fimus] an ornament Significans, at's ; adj. fignificani, Silēnus, ar biflorian who wrole of in the upper fascia of an arcbi. rident. Sicily ; alſo she mafter or poser trans, being always iti cavity Significantèr; adv. evidently,clearly. fasher of Bacchus, always riding above, comfantly jutring over the co- Significantia, a ;fan advirtija. in an aſs. rona or drip, lile a wave nady to moni. SIL EO, ēre, (fiyáw, vel Heb. fba fall. Significatio, onis f. « Mowing or lab quicícere) to keep sloner, bold Simæihcus, a sity of Sic!ly. declaring, & hgn, er roken. one's pract, to be fiill, conceal, not to Simæthus, a, um ;o) Simatbos. Significativus, la, um ; ßgnificativi, peak of, Silet æquor, the frais Simana, a city of Bithynia. Sgnificator, oris, m.abgnifier. calca. Şimbrivivus, Significatus, ûs į m. a pgnifying. a laka powing into } Siler, čris, acut. Là falio) an ofier, Simbravius, Tyber. significo, are ; to fignify pow.adviſe, wirby. Simens, a city of Licia. Simeni, scoff, g na. . 1 } Simonides; a part of Ceos; who is Single ! : SIM SIN SIN Simeni, 4 peop's of England in Hant, Simulo, arc;'[à limilis) 10 conterfeit &xiellent, particular, notable, pal- hít. rt endla, tprtions. # Sinulo fing good or bad. # Singularl-ne- Simconis berba; wild willnas. non ſentire, I made or if I dia quitia præditus, & notorious vila Sim:a, æ; f.@à ainus] an apr, 4 nos perceive. lain. foolil imititor. şimulias, āts ; f. [à fimulo), a so- Singularitas, itis; f. fingulorily, 6x Simlobidos, a certain forphard vered 'betred or grudge, heart: limy: Theocritus fald tibg: bis father. burning slagúlāritèr, ady. Firigularly, pof- SIMILA,d jf. LOE Ludanisifiar wboar- # Simulicry for fimiliter, alike. fingly, only, in the Angular nuñ. Bour. † Siaulio, are ;:to bour'agrudge. ber. Similaccus pan's, fire's broad. Simultum, i; ncut, a warm, at Singularius, a, um, adj. ſingle, ona, Similägeus, a, um, of fine wheat sbr root of a bej's horn caufng him Singulari, boje shut write by four, to frika. grad.rs. Similāgo insif fins four. Similus, an unsient pasi. Siggu atim, adv. particularly, Seve- Smilamen, inis, n. a resemblanc. Simulus 2.-um ; adj, baving a lit Taliy, one by one, Similaris, , IC; of like naturt. tle fiat more Singullim. adv. jobbingly, with yux- SIMILIS lc ; ad) for, illimus, Cora, Simundi, ide iſland called after- toe iſland called after ing, or hiccuping. dos veka-fimul, vcl Hebi sono le wards Taprobane: SINGULT 10, ivi, u tom ( a uśw, à mulacrum)Tike, SIMUS, a, um, adj. (sheds) flat fono) . have the back, Ro 10Q. Similiter , ady. liknvi's, after the mojad. Slogulco, are, so sex, to be much fame fainion. #Simiiitcr alque, Similla, a city of India, called b the troubled witb ke biskup, 19 wuer ju os, like as inbabitant Timula with jobbings.. 1. Similitudinarius, il'; m. a speaking Simyra, a city of Plicenicia and: Ar-Singultúe, ùs ; m, she hickup, a ſob- by Amilles, menia Major bingwxing ; alfo ibi cluck. Simi!ltūdo; inis ; for fimiliade; dike. Simyrus, a city or Syria ing of hens, nels, rufemblancs. SIN, conj. [à 4& ne), but if, if not, SINGULUS, a, um ; adj. [ ab Hcb. Similo; are j ti rifembley repre or alle. * sin toipus, if not Jegullub peculium) query one, fara Sinkysicity of Margiana ; alſo a virally, one by ons. * Singulis die- Simiõlusnijman Apeling: oscuntain of Arabia Pitraa.. bus," cuiry day: • Inter angula + Sim tu, for Simul; together op Sinace; a city of Hyrcaniar verba, at every word. Simiusg. aj um ; of ir likt an apr. Sion, peoprofi Aliay buyond Indla, Siogu , a,ua;f. L [c. literæ] finale Simius; ii joi à fious] an ope. without Gangte; cated. Thou Chi- latters' ar characters, Simmaso, a philosopher of Thebos ; nclians. Biogyan a city of Pamphylla. and others. Sinapatinga, ... city of India within şin'sa city of Armenia minor, by Simoziare, se makkflate. Ganges. Euphrates; aljo a river of Magna Simo, onis ; m. bating A flat-na. Sivāpe, is, (almorget] : mullard, Græcia. Sa-Simos, Sinapij indes. ** Sinapis ſcelc- SINISTER.rarum; adj. ērior, (apie Simois, cotis, a river of Troas: Sioapis; isi fi Tatayoifing T7* OTEPO) on the left hand; alle pro- Simon, ibo-nautof leveral moni Nurdi: perous and unbappy Avi fini- Simonia, a; fi fining, Sinapinus, a, um ; ad). of moulard: ſtra, :w th a promijing lign. For Simo.lacus, a; Am Ammiacal. Sinapifmus, i; man Jalur ude of sunn: Sniftra, ill hap. Slaltia. muſlerd. diligentiai indafotkal indufry. Jaid to be the firfi inuenior of sbk Sinaris, a riva of loditi Sinineritas, aris ; f. unhondjamnafi, : art of insonory: s ncar, a city of Madia: awkibarinois wint of grace in doc. Simofitas, atis ; f. the fantas.- pr Sincare; adv, finarely purely, in ing any thing, cruelly, crookedneſs of the noſe. geniouſly. Sinistra ;: adr: on the lo't hind. Slmplaris, 10 i 3. arts 3 adj. impla, Slacēricas, āris ; fir fincerity, purity; Siniftra, æ : fi sbe left band. • A G. Simplarius, a, um ; $. fangle. niftra, in the last band Simplex, icis; ad: [ qu. fine pl.ca] Sinceritèr, ; adv. Ancaroly, uprightly. Siniftrè ady, unluckily, in ill park. downright. bonafh, plain. ccra) An'ott, part, uncorrupt, Siniftrum;:; ni a rapai Simplicitas; āts, f. Simpleneſsiangle wirbour diffubertion, nor formách Singa, a city in Meſopotamia. neſs, Plainnos, Amplicity. as tourned, without mixture. Sinnachas a sity of Melopotamia, Simplicitèr, ius, iffime ; ad plainly, SINCIPUT, ipitis, 'n (à fomi & can wbero Surena llew. Craffus.' Anglo Amply, without duceti put] the forepare ofthe beads alfa sinnaus laiko ime Alias infatted şimplicius, & oiſoop of Romcs. Anno na brg? farojenja.. w:16 tbt worn wood growing Dom. 469. Siada, a city of Pigdia ; alſo a city found.com Simplicius Cilix, a Greek interpre. without-Ganges: SINO, Ivi, itum, [arów, écw do laf pratar of Ariftode, uider Jaft.n ana Sindæ, ithrir jlands in this Eastern Jory to permit. Sinc modo, lot Jaſtajan. me but, or permet me now. Simpiò, adr. Simple, afterrone. fonts Sindepass a city of Cariar: Sinoc, a city in Sicily. † Slaplona, 2; f. a drinking-Bosip: Sind, ample of Scythia. Europea. Sinon, the son of Silyphus, 2. craft, #Simploncs, buy that dat and drink Sindia, a cuyos. Lyoya. Gécian: wbó' wins with Ulyfres together, Sindccendaji a city of Taprobanet. in the Trojan war, and was mude Sluplas, a, um; tingle, unlondo. Sindony oncs : f. Sauna' or finsdintiin, ufaefito dirive the Trojans, in the Simpú o, on's ; mhe this waitron 8. a bridegroomi a poodfetter! buynus of the horji. Sindonzel) a peoplerof Thracer: telu Sinonsa, an iſland in the Tyrrhene SIMPLUM; 114 n. loputy Heb. SINE, frap. ab!. Läveule without, sopbolja iup uſed in jutrifitiuis a «gaivlig bekam + Sinonia, æ; f. a white glewiſh frast raskesipiseberi. Slncral.. arcimpsoj: Phoniciar +15 nopka :S Detter in the juino SI MU L, adv: [ivel à fimilis Singas Pallas. Among the Pheen ci where she chancing of graus (AW* sogatha, mycourt, at fix vol i ans. forras Singe, a pipe of Indias Sinopo, a vily of.Paphiagona. the Simūàci adv. as soon as: Singara, ardyfi Arabia unuar. Eder. Vocriter: M.Mitr datcs und Do. Simulatque las alforvire rain una city of genies, allo' ori of the Amazons, Simulachrum *;:n. ang imogi sorre. Melopotamia. ona a fumous barlos, who caujed fomblance at ting simulacri Singidayaje city of Dacha: Ihr proverb, Sinopilturoj: to be la. inania; tbantafák Singidorium, a vily of Lower Pan. leivjovs, Simúlänen, inis ; neut. a frigning, nontati Sinop:cus, a, um ; ad). of fineper or counterfeiting a roonblanira, Singidunum; a city nogr My fans ruddies Simulatio, onis ; t. a fogmetingis coun= Singulia, the city Ant quare in Spain Sinopis, idis ; f. frisper, or ruddle. surfaiting, dentiumga by the river Singhis. : jlonego múlator, oris ; m. 1 a frignari Sing:lalim, ady. ruiry piece by is Sinfi, & propic of Dacia: Simulātrixy-icis 3. f. counterferter: felf. Sint es. Thracians wb. inbabited Smulatus, a sms quat died.. Singularis, re; adli 3 art.ingular.;0, Sintii, $ Lemnos. 1 } $ Sinu- num. na SIR S [ T SL A Sinua nen, ins; n. a tu ning or wind- Sres, a peple of Thrace. in the ſpace of three months, g. ing Sidāfis, is ; f. a fault in trees. when Sitarchia, a; f. the office of purury. Sinvitio, önis; f. a turning and by too much heat ibry are burnt and ing of providing corn and viguais, *winding Jarvad; alſo a hot runin ng humour Sinuatus a, um, adj. cracked, wrink in childrens beads, g. Sitella, æ; f. (à fitula] a little pail led, platud, Siriaſis, a city of Armenia Minor. or bucket Sinuella, a city of Campania. Sirion, Mount Hermon in Paleſtine; Sithene, a peuple by the Red-fea. Sinuefanus, a, um; of Sinueft. also a city in Aquitain. Sithon, the father of Paliene ; alſo a Sinunia, & city of Parth:a. Siris, a river in Magna Gracia, mountain of Thace. SINUM, i; n. (ab Heb. tintjeneth, and other places; alo a name of Sithonia, part of Thrace; alſ Thrace urna) a milk-vedel. Nilus. itſelf Sinno, are, to turn of wind like a Sirite, a prop'e of Magna Græcia, Sithonios, a, um; of Sithonia. lergent, or as a river. very luxurious Sitībundus, a, un ; ex reaing thirliy. Snuosè, adv. int irately. Sirites, a Lybian, ſaid to be the fir S.ticon, inis ; c. (a fitus, t. e. de- + S nuositas, ätis ; f. intricately. inventer of piping; funcius & cano) be that played on Sinuõlus, a, um ; ad). intricate, full Sirius, -1; m. the dog-far, g. e pipe os funerals. af turnings and windings. Sirmium, city of Lower Pannonia. Siticola, æ ; f. alttle thirt. Snus i; ma mill-peel. Su S.- Siros, a river or Bithynia. Siticulofus, a, um ; ad). very birly + Sirpe, a weed ng-hack dry, barren. Sinus Magnus, a bay of India with Sirpea, æ; f. a mat or basket, Sitiens, ntis ; ad). Thirdy, dry Ho- BILI Ganges, called Mar della Cht- Sirpi, orum, fogs, or wild ruſher ; tus fitle's, a garden that wants alſo treatiſes bard to be underfeed. watering. Luna ſitiens, the icon SINUS, is; m. [osiw quatio, vel See Scirpus. in cenjunétion. Heb, that fen, veftimenta ora the Sirrha, e city of Thrace. Sitienter ; adv. with great defire and boom or lap, a fold lying inward, Sirrhus. li; ma vault under grund thips. the both of a met, bry or gulf of Siras, S. to keep corn in, & Sit jo, ire ; neut. [à fitis] to th, ibe jea, the fail of a bip. Si-Sirupus. i; m. lyrup. See Syrupus. ta have an ager defire after nus oculorum, the corners of the S's, for fi vis, if thou wilt. Sitiogagus, a river tunin ng through gjes. In finu gandere, to laugh Siſalo, a city of Spain. Carmania, in one's ferve. $ In finu foo ha sifamnes, judge beloved by Cam - Sitipha, a colory of Maur tania Cæ- bere. Lo have it in one's power. byfes. who neverthelef caused bim frienfis. Sinus ulcer's, the sovit es of an ul- to be flued for bribery, and bus skin Sitiphs, a.tity of Mauritania Tin- • In finu urbis, in the heart 10 be hung up before be judgment- g tana. of the city feat. SITIS, is; f. Liv. [ab Heb. ſharbath Sinzita, a city of Armenia Minor. + S falmum, as Seſamum. bibit] ibir, afire a drink; of Sion, ts; n water-pulley. +Sifara, a ; f. beath, gruedines . Stis audiendi, - great Sion'a, a city of Pon:us. Sifaraca, a itly in Spain. define to hear, SIPARIUM, ii; n. (cipro-) a (x - Siſcia, a city of Lower Pannonia. Sititor, oris ; m be that things. tary wed in lages. Sifenna, an ancient hiterian of Rome, Sitomagum, Thetford in No folk. Siphnos, snillind in the Ægean ſeas the loſs of whole works is to be le- Siton, a city of Theffaly. called alo Merope. ron'ed. Sitone, a nity about Athos Siphn'i, tho inbabitaru of Sphnos. SISER čr's; n. [cidapor) a porſnie; Sitoncs, a prope of Scandinavia. Sipho, onis ; m. a water Jquirt or alſo the barb skirwort. Stones, æ; ma purveyor of corn engine. S. S phon. Siſigambes, the wife of Darius, very + S ta æ; f. a nu jobber, (bird) + S pho, are, te ſprintle or fratrer 4. beautiful, and, being taken priſoner, Sitracene, a country in Alia + Sipo, 3 brood. was very civilly ujed ly Alexander Sittace, the metropolis of Sittacene. Siphon, onis; ms conduil-pp.. who foek cate that no-body ſhould a. Sitteberis, cly of India within Siphones incendiarii, engines to buſe her. Ganges. querub fit, & Siſigylis, a great city near Celtica. Sittocates, a riper of India. Siphra, ; f. (Arab.] a vypher, nos solenſes, a people of Ita y. Sittoba, 2; f. the covers or Arings ibing + Sfon, onis, beterd flore-parfley. Sittabus, 1; } to a book, & 8 phunculus, i; m. the cork in a un SISTO, ſtiti, ftatum, ére, Lish) to s tua, a city of Paphlagonia. auit, a toljet, pop pun, &c. Bay or binder, to ſupport, pop in SITULA ; f. (a fis] a prilor S phylis, the French pax, g tumbling. Siſte gradum, op buket to draw or carry water in ; Sppara, & city of India within Gan- pour contre, S ſtore te, to . alſo a box out of which lots are to ges. pier * Siftere aliquem judicio, be drawn Sipohara, a tiny of M-fopotam'a. to cite or one into the Sitolus. 1; the ſame as Situla. Sipylum, a town of Mag neha, wala Sftere alvum, so dep a SITUS, a, um ; adj. [oTabsis, vel ab Bipylus, 3 lowed to alle a mouz Looleneſs. * S ftere ruinas, to take Heb. jhuth I pofuit) plated, ftuated, Lain The river Meeander. up the breaches. builded, conging ; -lſo buried, for- Siquando, adj. if at any sime, eh. Siftratus, lls; m, the playing on a Rotten, ob tu thoug”. cynal. slus, a, um; [à finor] ſuffered. Siquidem. conj. if indus, if lut, Sifrais, a, um ; holding a rymbal. Situs, a, um, là fino) a fituations ; Ithough. SISTRUM I; fi teistpcy] ayu alſo mouldines, mulineſs, filthineſs, Squis, a, od, or id, if a-y one. * Si- Bol, keule d unt. mfs un v ner, # Situm fentire, quis alius, as muh as Si- s.fymbrium, i in. fpearmint, halm to grow moulcy: * Arancofus fitus, quo pacto pores, if by sy mens mint, ackorel-raint, garden-mint, 2. der.web. you can, Siquid haves, ubyver 20.tar ming Siva, a nity of Cilicia in Cappado- thou art that bal. S fyphos, tbe jon of Æolus, who, in cia. Siraci, a pupe of afia. jeung Att ca with bu robberies, S vata, arity of Galatia. Suramnæ, a people of India within wa lain ly Theſus: In bel be Sive, conj. off and ve] whether, i faid to roll a Hone up bil. whib esther, or if Siranga, a pople of Lybia Interior. mikrns, and make bis labur end. + Sivis, or fir's, for fiveris. + S rapa æ; f. #fyrup, or picke of Sum, li; n. water parfiey. clives. Siſyph us a um ; of Sýlipus. Siuph, a city of Egypt. Srbi, a perole of Sarmatia in Aga. + Silyra, æ, le consetet. Sur, 4 cily of Africa Proprla. Srbnja, a take in Paleit ne. Sulyo pit of Ephefus, from the Szara, a city of Syria, called alfo L2- Sren, énis ; f a wennid, Amazon S fyrbe Tiffa. Sirenes young drore bus Sylynu chain. i;. the great trien, + Sironicus, a, um , ad) of or lika S ante L. + S renius, S a mermaid Stace, oriy of Perfia) † Suren tes, a kind of marble. Stales, un Thrace. Slavi, a posple of Germany. Sireouffarum promontorum, a pro- Stana, ang of Sp in. Slavla, the country of the Sla- monitory of Lucania. Si anus, a, un of wheat growing, Slavonia, } vl. Slefuicum, moon CORTE Ginges non. , ana greuteft of Pal ftinc, by SOB S O D SO.L Slelaicum, tbe city Sleſwick in Cim., Sobrietas, āus ; f. fobriety, modely; pleaſure and paſtime. brica Cherſonelns. alſo o low Agle of Speecb. Sodalitas, ätis; f. fellowſhip, fami- Sobrina, 2; f. bjer's daughter, a liarity, solidify, a club. S anze M. coupin.ger sant. + Sodālīter, adv. follow-like.. Sobrinus, i, m. là ſoror] a fifer's sõdalitium, ji; n. a publick fealing, Smängdinas, a, um ; of emerald. jm, a coupin-german. of the same tribe or company. Smaragdites, a monitain of Carche- SOBRIUS, a, um ; adl. [ou pwr] fo- Sõdalitlus, a, um; fociable, friendly, don, where the emerald is found. ber, temperate, wiſi. Tu, non Soderani iba people about Berlin and -Smāragdus, i; m. on (Acrald, « pre es lobrias, yok baue no wit in you, Brandenburgh in Germany. cioun doni tranſparent gran. g. # Rara fobria, countries in wheb Sodes, interj. Igu. Si audes ) if sbon Smaragdus, a mountain in Egypt by no wine is made. dari, I pray ibie. The gulf Arabla, Sõbrlos, o fret in Rome, so called Sod:1, & people of Iberia. Smaris idis'; a small sea fiß, g. because there was no tavern in it, Sodoma, the city Sodom, one this Smcdicus, a, um ; of a cleanſing vir. or alfe becauſe they facrificed in , it to Mercury w.sh milk, and not the lake Aſpheitires. Spcgma, gtis; n. a wab.ball, ſoap, wine. Sodara, a people by the river Indus, hogy any tblng to cleanfe with, g. Soccatus, a, um ; wearing soška or om; wearing socks or Soducena, iba country of Armen:a Mi. Smegmáticus, a, um, soapy, cloans pumps. ing, 8 Soccŭlus, i; m. a little fork or pimp. Seeta, a city of Scythia witbsut 1- Sraegmatapola, e, m. @feller of SOCCUS, i; m. ab Hcb. Sacac le mans. wab.balls, 8 xit) a fork or pump; also a co-Sogana, a city of Gra onltis. Scncndls, « lng of Egypt. Sogd!ani, a large country in Afia, bo- SOCER, iwrenScythia and Ractriana, through Smerdis, d's; m. the brother of Cam- SOCERUS. S in-lawo by marrying which ihe river läxarte runs inlo byles, who drecot sb.3t be low his daugbter or son. Socer mag the Hyrcanjan fra bin fitting on b's throne, and nus, my wife's grand father: Sogdii, be people of Sogal- } berefore commanded bio to be put Sochis, a king of Egypt who dedi. Scgdiani, ito death; alſo a king of Perſia one cated four obelisks to the fun at Soglanti, e people of the Alps. of the Migi, who reigned foden Heliopolis, of eight and forij cubits Sogocara, a city of Armonia Major. months, long SOL,sõlis; m.Cic. (ör, vel à géras Smlla, a city of Thrace. Socia, æ; f, a pe-companion. fulgor) the sun ſunbina, heat, Smilax, a brautiful maid in love with Sociābilis, le , adj. fociable, kesping [meton.) a day. * A primo fole, Crocus, and, being Pighied, pined company with another, which may - jaff after, from, s evor Anre fun. into a jorub of shat nume. join isgaber. riſing. * Sole novo, in the more Smilax, acis, f. a yaw-tree, g. sociālis, le; adj. 3 arr. belonging 10 ing, or entrance of tbe summer. Smilax aſpera, prickig bind weed. allies and confiderates, Dc8 folis, Sunday, Oculis ſolis, Smilax hortensis, French bean. Social'tas, ātis; f. fi'lowlip. mother-wort. Solcs, days. Soi • Smilax lævis, ihe grees froosh Sociālitèr, adv. like companies, follozo. hybernus, a ſhort winter's day. wbire bind-werd, bedge-tolls, ro; e- So'ābins, le, that may be comforted. wird, withy-wed. Sociātor, oris; m. 2 a joiner or cou- | Sõlamen, inis ; n. comfort, cafi, re Smiliom, il ; acut. [à omiin fcalper] Sociatrix, fcis; f.,} plor together. lief, be!pin trouble. & docemaker's paring-inijo; allo Sociatus, a, um ; accompaniei. So- Solona, a city of the Setes. Surgton's lance. ciatus labor, a joint-labour. Solandus, a, un ; 10 be confortech Sminthe a city of Troy. + Socienus, Solandiz, ijlandı of Arabia Fæl x. Sminthcus, an phirhai of Apollo. Socicnnus, }i; ma. a companion. 37.ānum, ijn. (à fol vel ſus, night- Smiris,,?idis; f. a line with which Soclētas, žtis ; f. fociety, followſhip, bude, or winter. cherry. • Solanum 'Smyris, cut glaſs and burnija l'gooſum, bitter.fwutt. jiwels, 8. Socio, are ;. ! join together, to son. Solanus, one of Ovid's frimds. Smyrna, a city of tönia, one of the federass, bring into the same come Solaris, se; ad). Solar, of the fun. + huen, burrhes of Afa. pang. • Domo aliquem fociare, Herba folaris, rhe marygold or bro Smyrneus, a, um ; adj. of Smyrna, to entertain ons. listrope, lunfole. Radii ſolarcsig $ymrncan. * Smyrrai morcs, Spor Soclofraudus, I a deceiver of his the ſun-beams. km of thoſe who give themelues frimd, a faithlefs companien. Solarium, ii; n. [à fol] a fun dial, to plaafuris, and commit oboje things Socion, Spaniſh Peripatetic phi. a walk on the leads, a funny walk that do not berome mm. Sotion, losopher in the city of Rome. Ad ſolar.um Smyrala, 2; f. myrrh, g. Socius, a, um, dj. of or like follows verſari, to walk upon a terraſs. Smyrniua, ii ; neut. the barb Alcx or companions, Scrmo focius, dir. Solarium, il; a. (of folum) ground- ander, g. courſe together. * Socia agmina rent. Smyrnjum, criticum, Land-Alexan credens inſcias, milteking our com- i solātio, onis ; f. a comforting. ders. pany to have bern of his party, So!atiolum, i; a. a little safe. SOCIUS, il; m. (à ſequor, vel Heb. Solatium, ii , neut. ſelare, comfort, fants O. mok appetivit] a companion, follow'., raje, help. * Uti ſolat:o, to be co-parine.. Socll, allies. comforred. S. O. for ſine occafione. Socordia, a; f. Nordfulneſs, Buggiſb. Sõlātor, oris; m. 90's, fooliſhneſs. icis; f. Sormus, a Tivar of India. } Soapa, a river of Sarmatia in A Ga. Sorcorditer, adv. Nugeilbly. + Solarium, i; n. a being ſun-burnt. Soanda, a city of Armenia Minor, Socers, dis; adj. (line cordel fosh. Sõlātus, a, um ; fan-burne, os burs by and Cappadocta. ful, fuggill, iaie. * Futuri focors, overmuch heat of the fun, fracked Sogncs, a people of Ciucaſus. careleſs of what is to come. or tanned in the jun, alſo funned. Sobala, a city of Caria. Socrăles tis ; m. a famous philoſopher' + Soibeſtreila, burnet or pimpernel. Sobbannus, a riurt of India without of Athens, called by.the cradle the Solci, a city of Sardinia. Ganzes. wilej ? man; aijo a printer, gram. Soldanella, a; (à folidus] bind. Sobidas, a country of Parihia. marian, and ſousral ofbers. wad. SOBOLES, isi f. 'Tà fub & olco Socratis inſala, an iſand in the gulf + So'dar'u9, Soldatus, the young fuskars. Socius, us; f. (à ſocer) a mother.in. ' + Soldum, for folldum, the whole. sõbõleſco, ére ; to increaſe and mul law, by marrying har fun to a daugh. Soldari, orum, (Gall, ant] sworn tiply wib yoteng onss. Socrus magna, the wife's broibrm, as shoe who neither give Sobola'e, la sity of the Sabai by the grand-mether. nor tako quorter ; oljo soldiers in : Res see, having fixis temples zo shin Socus, a Trojan who wounded Ulys. pag. The walls, fes, and was afrarwards Nain' by Solea, æ; t. [à folum] the fole of a hins. Sobriè; ady. Soberls, temperately, wiſs- sie, a horſe-soor, thi fole-fif, an SODALIS, is ; C. (étaip, vel à inflrument uſed in making of oil. * 'Sabrifactas, a, um ; made ſobor. fcdco) o companion, a fellow in Sole ligneæ; werden patiens. like. 0 a ſoldier. 1 1 S3lça > wile 1::, { # Sau SOL SO L SOL Solcariùs ; li;m. a maker of foorsa, tas] fund, weighty, firm, hard; all fure of pieni borſe Bors, or pattins. of a piece, intre; full, whola. *So- Soloc.ſo, are' ; to pool barbaroſly. Sol:ātus, a, um hod,baving foors on. ildum fuuin cuique ſovere, ta pay Sõlacophanes, wharforvir looks like a † Solemnizo, are ; to fomnix, tola every one to a farthing. Solidus í Sloujin. low supom. annos, 'A full year. Solaculo,i ;n., Juacija. Solen. 5nis; m. a muſcle fiſ: Solidus, i; m. [ic. aummus) a bil Solcels, 4 cila of Sicily. Solenia, an iſland berwrin Dalmatia ling, Solocentia, a promontory of Libya and Iſtria, Sõnfer, a, um , adj. bearing the jun, 1 lpicrior, Solenn'ftæ, aruñ; fibers for muſcles. of the Zodiac. * Solifera plaga, Solomat s', a river falling into Gin- + Solennarium; li ; n. a quiver. the torrid zone. ges. So enne, is; n. 'anniverſary in Soliferreum, it ; 2. a dart made all Solomon, as Sa'osion. Solennia, om, n. meinorations, fo. of iron , m, one of the yevin lemnities. Solenne funeris, the + $õlīfúga, æ; f. a hárfe-fly, which men of Greece, who Hourled at funeral pompa in the heat of summer Bings mol Arbeas when Tarquinius Priſcus Solennis, c. (à folus & annus] fo. Marplje, reigned as Romě ; hi wis their lean, astufloined, anniverſary; ordi. Sõligēna, 2; c. begition of the ſur low giver, and regulated ihrirſtars nary, revermi. Solennc, cít, 'j) Soliloquium, ii, n. to take alone, or and min:hsand Aring from the ufual. by one's self, a soliloquy: Tyranny of Pilai Solennitas, at's ; t. folemmily, thi 68. + Soliloquus, a, um ; ad). calking it Over wany gou :: is moi lebrating a yearly feast. one's felf. the Allobrog Solenniter, adv. folennly. + Solimanus, the twelfth emperor ! SOLOR, art inremo Solcas, ntis ; accufomsd, wonted, as, the Turks. Jolact, comfort one is wont. Solimna, a city of India. laborem, 10 esaje ' Solcnus, river of India within Solumna, an Ægean iſland. # Solari famein, to eye ins's Ganges, Solīnates, a propla of Urabria, hunger. SOLEO, fericus fum, and folal, ēre, + Sõlinum, 1; na msal made alone, Solorus, very high stienlain di çà ſoium vel abor@ totas ]uo uſo, withoui company" viding Hiſpania Tarraconends from be wont, or accufomed. Solinus, he wrote a sellra:ont of the Bætica and Lostanica. Sõlers, tis , adj. -jor. tiffimus, [à fo. memorable things in the world, and Solothurum, one of the most famous Jus & ars) diligmi, wifi, witty., . is called Pliny' ape. and ancient cities of Helvetia. Ad pårtcs folers, wall Laughi ber 1 Solīpēdes, un ; whole-footed birds + Sõlox, ocs ; m. cearfe wol or Toffon Solipūga, z; f. (à fol & pungola flocks. Solertèr, adv. -jūs, iflime ; craftily, vinemous fly jinging much in tbe s lpūga, z; f. á hurja.fly. Sre foli- ſubtily, wiltily. beat. puga. soicrt a, æ ; f. craftinefs, indufiry, Solis fons, a fountain of the Troglo- Solsēquium, ii į neut. a marigold or quikneſs of wit or kimi, policy, ditæ, ubicb is cold and lweer at turnfol, Solet, imp. it is wont. non, but warm and bitter as mid- + Sollegų ug ja, um ; ad). following Solecam, a city of Calabria. night. of turning with ihr jun. + Solia, æ; f.**-longue. So!is inſula, an illend in the Indian Solftitialis, e; adj. Of the folftico, . Solicitātio, onis; f. a soliciting; in.: lea. Circulus tultitialis, the tropis of firing. Solis Vallis, the city Saltwedel on the Cancer. Herba Solftitialis, the , oris ; m. borders of Saxony. one-day-plant. Morbus folftiti. x, icis ; f. Solis urbe, city of Coelofyria and alis, a calenture. Sõiicitè, adv. jàs, iffimè , corefully, Egypt. Solft'tium, ii; n [qu. fol!s ſtatio) the penſively, Sollitiman, is n. [à folun] an ana fummor or winter folpita , uben, tha SOLICITO, arc; act. (à folum vel gury of chickens,whm ibey picked ſo duys are at lorig off or fortell . ; being folas, s, . totus & cito]to diſquint, greedly, that is om rebounded ibit put alsne, it is commonly the juda- fraudlı, to make careful, to provoka, fall frors their bills. mier feples. to lie indantly upon, simpt.' * So Solitaneus, a, um ; folitary, fingle. Sõlůbilis, e; adj..so be unloosed, licitare pacem, to be carnalt fort Solitariè, adv. folitarily, alone, + Solubilltas, atis ; f. lejones, pealt. • Solicitarc animos mill. Solitarius, a, um ; Jolitary, alone. + solubiliièri. adv. loosely. cum, sp draw off the ſoldiers minds. Solītaurilſa, um ; n. the facrificing of Soluçntii, a proplo of Libya. # Solicitare remis, to roz. . So. a bull, a ram, und a brer, † Solvito, ate to conlonie often. licitare forcs,, so try to orm the door. + Sölīto, aro i to uſe often. SOLUM, 1 ; ncut. (ab Heb. Juleb * Solicitare terram, ferro human, + Solitudinarius, a, um ; ſelitorj. calcavit the ground, the fol or noor, to till the grourid, Sõlītädo, inis ; f. a deſert, folitaria thi Sole of a fort, or a mor, the Solicitūdo, inis; f. cari, carking, pen neft, a place nos inbabiled, Soll fra, the Armament, any funda. Aveneſs, srouble. * Ifaac mihi scs tido ante oftium, nu-body at the dusion * Æquare foo, to lay was, ſollicitudini ett tbüs ibing vexes docr. * Solitado hominis, thy for Solum. forze, the botron of a 7. fak ng a porfon, one totally aban ailch. Vertere folum, si te ad's Solicitus, a, um ; adj. folicitour,care- donud., country. ful, penfius; la d.gulering, or solītus, a, um, part. of folco'; as. Solùm adv; only, alene. reafing Sears. Solicitam habere; cullomid, wonted, wjual ; alio alone. Solummodò ; adv. only. to fill full of care, so perplex. "Şo: * Ex folito, as one is api or wont SOL-VO,vi, utum, verejning licitus vicem alicafus, having a to do. Salito trift'or, mora sad 10 cafe, to friS2/4, to dieta posy. tender regard over any one. tb.in ulual, Solveic navem, to.Dhe 10 fez. or Solidago, ia:s; fi confound, cumfrey. Sõlivăgus, a, um; ad), windering sot fail. Solvere fidem, to break Solidamen, inis ; a ſoldering, alone. • Sol.vaga cognitio, know bis promije. Non Tum folvendo, Solidarius, ji; m. á whole ale man. lodge keps ta onk's [df. I am not able to pay. Corpus Solidārio, onis, m. a soldering. Solium, li ; a. (à folum vel ſedeo] folvere in vencrema ugóken ibi a thront, a royal ftit; alſo a bier or bidy by-wono: * Solvcte mentem, Brengthner "} copin, and a bowl or bath to wish to dijirach one. Zobai folvere Solidátus, a, um ; frengibnid. in, and the lip off a cup, a bucking virgineap, 10 delowar. * Solvere Sólidatus, i ; m. a soldier in päy. tub. Juita taneri, 10 kaup á funeral, or Solide ; adv. foundly, weightily, Sollax, the river Tygtis in Aga. perform funerul riles. . Nec sol, Sälžueſco, čre; to grow joiend or whole, Goll.cito, arc its trouble Ste.ſolicita vitar in ſömnos, nor can bi laj his to cloſe as a wond. * Sollus, a, um, whole. eyes to deep. Solidipes, čt:9; whole föres, nos i Solo, are ; soinake dajolats, it dry | SOLUS, a, um igen. ius, dat. : ; pársing the hou. in the lun. adj. irrcg. Côroj alone, only folia soliditas, žtis į foundnes, firinineſs, Soloce, the city Selcocia. Izly, a-part. Ex folo loco, frun malinafsi Solte, some place e-parf: arc o to Sölus, untis, Zihe city Solinto in St. foldir, si ceinert. Sölcsilmus, 1, m. feleifás, a bar. Solantum, scily. SOLIDUS, a, umi'; ad). (àb oxo-to Dargres Spécib, un incongruous compo-Söluto į adv. loosely, diſolutaly, (6) X Sõlátilis, Solidatrix, icis ; f.s a frongibner. 1 and baje. } en artful cienie Jrust or burr). SON SOR SOR Solūtills, e; ahly looled or undoni. Sonticus, a, am ; adj. wicked, ev!l, ! Söradics, 2's ; n. a mountain in He- Sölutio, on's ; f. a losſming, frucinga; full of name, hurijul • Caura lon: Sosacte; } truria, jacred to Apollo; paying, weakni's, So!utio lin. tica, a caulibai will paſs for ef for mountain in Galatia. gur, Avent.se) of poub. foins. Soraatja, a cidy in Arabia Fællx. solutor, ör!s; m. a prayer, di'charger. Sonus, à river falling int, Gorges. Sõrăcum, lin, ( JuparG-) a basket Solūtus, a, um ; R. & A. -ior, ifti. SONUS, I ; 10. C.c.(Heb lihainnung, for cleaths or book:, &c. nius, (of folvor! Looled, relazfed, ! 4597716 le found, me.je, a wird, Soradeus, she dev ! '20rbipped by ibs calm ; alio dffolute, wiokined. . a nis, tæne. thi Sonus ſumous me Indians Orat o. foluta, praſe. * Herra fo d:us and imus, be treble, wein, + Scranen, 1; n. Tu kry.millot. Juta, light morld. Riſus folutus, Soranus, finans of Piuto, allo a giggling, immoderate laughter: Soparma, a city of India within ph ficiun of Ephesus, who pract fod Somno folu!u8, foff aſloep, or driad. Ganges. . ar Rone; any others. awake. Salatum marc, the calm Sopater,' a pbiloſopber of Apamia ; SORB EO oi yel pſi, plum,čre; act. fea. Solutis legibus, whom the! and siber mam pcosw) to jup, to bear or endure. law can't t. ké bola on In folu- Sophenctus; an hiflorian who wro: Sorbere odia al'cafus, to put up cum accipcre, do t'ks as his due } iba rxpellition of Cyrus injur 's, So bere animo, to swil. Soyma, æ ; Jeruſa em in su. Sõphonc, a country of Armenia, End low in imagination. # Sorbet vefti. Solyma, orum ; ldæa; alfa a city ibe posple of Sophena, where Ti. gia cuor, the blood hides the prinie of Lycia. . gris breaks out again, efter it had of bis fent, coreals his right. Solými, the people of Solyma. PK five end iwmiy miles under Sorbetuin, i ; n a place wburs far. Somat cus, a, um ; of the body. grokna. vj-tros grow. : Somniator, or s į m Adriamer. Sophi, a Ind who got his living by + Sorbicúla. æ;f, a little lupping + Somnicălositas. āts, f. Bespineſs. kooping carte, na cfterwards.com miat. Somnicălose, adv. drearningly, Nuga to be king of Perlia, Sorbil, ej ad} 3 art. calily supped. gifly Sophia, a city of Myſiz, and a ws. Oyun forbile, Breit.688 Somniculofus a,. Um ; adj. drowſy i mun's name. Sorbilo, are ; 10 jup up often and sleepia i aifo caupong slerd. Sophia, Xif. wiſdom. * Sophia liste, Sorbillantis ſuavia, wanton Somnifek éra, ērum ; adj. bringing i chirurgarim,-flix wied A Des. one : slurp. 1 Sophiſma äris ; m. a forbiſm, fullo. So billum, i ; neut, a little supping, Somn ficus, a, um ; caufmg sleep. cious aruitful argume... 17.eas or bruk. Samnit.ūgusa; . ; m. a jophiilar, fllaSorbiodunum away sleep cious log cian, s vain Ahire Somno, arc ; #dream, d. lly, t-ifle, Philofophar. Sorbitio, ba's, f. a jugsing up, a ſoup, to have vain imuginations. * Som- Soph ft.ca, æ ; spain ineus. nia.c aliquem, io dreath of any Soph'itice, es; f.} ya'oua cauja, So biciunculæ, æ ; f. e little fupping. one. japhinry. Sorbolæ, & people of Æihiopia, a Sompjõlus, a, um ; dreaming often, Sophifti. os, a, um ; ad} dereitful.. mone whom jasne ure juid to be Somnium. ii; n là fomnusia draum, t Soph ftria, æ; f. a running gib, e.phlubiis high. • trifte. Ut foroniis fuciadiff. un In naurtig girl. So bine,i; n là forbco) the 'ardi'e. mis, i have funt are..), Sophocles, a ir. pical post of Athens Somno entus, a, um , adj. sleepy, called from the Iwri'ni's of his Sorbus, 1 ; f the forvike free. & win te sleep. fper by the Bcc;hone cones, + So pēcủ'a, æt. dole fil:h. + Somborinus, a, um, ad).- of or in Sophociệus. a, umloft, grove. Sord-co, ère ; to re fi ihy or jluniſh, sleep or dreams. Sophos ! wiſely! (on arslimation.) to be contaminad. Son:nõrva, a, um, ad!. full of slu. Svoron, a oint of Syracule, chols SORDES, is ; f. [à grigus verro.) fil- SOMNUS, i, m. lab way I sleep, ursings Piato is jaid 10 h sve under shines, un larine;'s. pleby av.trice re, quienes, nigbi. Dare re his head when he dirty und niggurdlines, the drigs of the fomno, te tuka a np. Perlun-Sophron, onis, & Temperate per pe.ple. In ford bus jacere, 15 dere fomnos fanguinc,.so kill a per. fon. mourn and griove. fon in bis slug Sophrona, a Roman patron and Sordeſco, ère ; to grow ſlotsiſh and Somous, the Roman god of slap. Chrispian. who, lo avrebe ng ra. fish; aljo to bromt boys and, diſ... Sorona, .a rivor of Gallia Belgica. viſhed by Dellus, Icok babina's www.rd. Somphos, a wild goura. Sword und slew herſelf.: Sordidātus, a, um adj. Jluttiſhlyar, Sönãoil's, e ; caly founding, loud. Sophroniftæ. Alhenian mog:Arates rased, rugged una sorn Sonans, tis . Like the Roman Consor'stut ware Sordide, adv. f this, niggardly. ācis more in number, and of lefs eutha Sordido, are ; to maoke fcul, to array Sonchitcs, obe greater hawk-word. rity. fluttihly. Sonchus, i ; m. Jow.rbella Sophron'ftcrium, il ; n' a bridewal, Sordidúlus, a, um ; adj. sloumly. Sondra, a praple of India. bedlam, or med brude. Sordidus, a, um splohy, unclean, Sõnipes, ēd, si m. a ſwift borſe Sophronium. ii ; n. a woman's n-ime. difhounella fourlaus, niggord y. * Sore msk ng a noi's with his fást is bs Sophrolyne, és ; f. temperanca, con wido loco natus, vorn of mein pa. runs, a feed or courfer. tinence. renata.Sordida oratio, a ilo- + Sonio. are ; 80 juund offen. Sophtha, an island in the Perfian vinly speurde. Sonitus. ûs ; m: a jound or noiſe. gws. † Sord ſcum, ſci; D. a green hide. Sonivios Sophus, i; m, a wiſe man. 1, 0 ; founding Sonivos. SOREX, icis; m. (upat) a rat. Sop ane, a city of Lower Pannonia. Sore x luo indicio perit, he can. Sõno, ut, itum are ; a&... [à ſono] Sõp.1o, ise ; to bring a slosp. Som- not fart will out he must cry roaſt. so found, muke e noije, pronour's 10 no ſopire ; to luiloni aslacp. priſe, to mean, to ſignify, sound like. + Sõp:lor, oris ; m. he that lass a- Sorge, a river of Gallia Narbonco- # Vox homincm fonat, 'tis the slap. voice of a man. . ldem ionant Sõpicus, a, um ; laid to slupflunned, Soricelum, i ; n. a place where relo hæc' vcrba, shoje words huve the * Ignis lop:tus, fire alap our. haunt. same fignification SOPOR, õris ; m. Cutiap) is dead, Sor cinus, a, um ; adj off a rat. * Sono, čre, 10 found, &c. found, or ſweet slaap. Sor.culata veit sa gurmont of change- Sonor, oris ; m. a great found. Sõpõrātus, a, um , adj. fall asleep, ap. able folks, or branchid Buy Sonorc adv. Soudly, Br.lly. Perfed, foaked. Sönörstas, at's ; f. loudnes. sõpõrifer. a. um ; ad}. cauſing sleep. Sorrentibus }i; m. a little rat, 1.Sonora, arc ; to fund, ro appear. Sõpā.0, arc; ro cuje or bring ons a- Sortiæ, a people of India. which are Sonorus, a, um , adv. lond, Prill, sleepi 10 full or lay in a God or faid to live upon til dried in the settore ng a wry.grat noiſa. Oop slap. juni, ond bread mave sbereof. SONS. btis , adj. (Heb. stom,vel à Sopõrus, , um ; ad), bringing ins a Sorites, æim. on argument made by giww.nocco) guilty, faulty, criminal. slurp. accumulation of proper:ions. (Subit.) an offmoer, Sora, a city in Italy.' Scroga, a dry of Upper Pannoniai sontratch, a paiple of Gallia. So abi, ajrople of Germany. Suroua, « woon in Arcadia. . SOROR, } any. SOS S P A S P A brom grows SOROR, oris ; f. [ab ödp uxor, vel, Softeum, a city of Égypt. SPARGO, fi, fum, gére, act. Cic ab Heb. Maër caro, vel lorer, um - Soithenes, the twenty-six'h ling of (σπειρο, vel 3 σπαράσσο dcerpo ] bilicus la pilor; ridlo very likı unio. Macednia ; and leveral othuri. 30 Jorintie, to comprend abrond, or of the sume kindred, * Sorores Softhenis, a city of Macedonia. to featter liberally. Spargere hu. arborcs, dizas very like to do bother. Soft a:a a cty of Ducia. mum fo'lis 2014. ew the ground with Sororcula, æ; f. a litis of young Suit atus Cnius, an architet, robo leaves, Spargere fe in brachia, fejler, built the famous watch tower in to run up issts branches, So orians; ntis ; whoſe bræa, s begin Pharos at the command of Prole. Sparám ; ady, fcaturingly, hai and to pow. meus Philadciphus;und obber men, tbre a linha Sororicida, a; c. one that kills a Softrum, i; n, - pbyſician's foi, a ra- Sparfio, ons ; f. a.ſprinkling, a frat- ffler, ward for curing or ſaving one. tering a shrowing of money, &c. Sörðrio. are ; to begin to how a Soſextra, a city of Gedrolia. among the people, So or'or, ari ; } maid's breafs. Sotades, a very lafesvirus peet, wha Sparlor, or s; n. a ſcatterer. Sororius, a, a, adl. of offer. wrote tamnieks in the Indian dia. Spailus, a, um : part. of ſpargor ; SORS, Orris ; f./ab icrminos. left; olla a comsdian and a philofo Sprinkled, frattered, spordled; ello vel após acervus) loi, fortune, pher of Ahens. ad). broad and wide. Sparſo ore, wide-moutbed. ch.n's, afi'r or duty, on. ofipring, Soradicus, a, um ; adj. of ſotades ; an oracle the principal juin, for obſcens, filihy. Sparta, ait. a famous city of Pelo- which we is iden, a portion. Sorer. ēris ; m. a faviour or deliverer, ponnelus, called al, Lacedæmon; Pari forte, in lide fort. * Sors hu 1h.:t gives buaith. ibi prop's were mored for genera mortalis,frail mortality. The Conji- Soteria, orom, n. gifts offered to cho fity, and a harring all havery and cere ro.ics in @yam, 10 con lors, gods after recovery fron pickneſs, liſent tyranny ; hance the proverb, GE- throw the dive into the ballot-box. porn frieds.) sorofior Sparcâ 'They honou and old * De forte nunc venio in dubium, Soteria, æ; f. julostion ; alfo God age; hone, * In fola Sparta cxpc- I am in danger of losing she prin- friday. dit (enerere. - * Spartam, quam cjoal too. Soterichus. a workman whoſe works nzit is cs orna, de diligent in thr Sortè. adv. by channe, happily. zomi always plain and firadle;' bimci piace and auly alloted for you Sorthida, a viry of Babylonia. the proverb, Soterichi 1.al; alfo Spartacas a famous Thracian foncer ; Sorti, adv. by lots. 4 port under Diocletian, and o alio a sity of Thrace, and 4, king Sort'al's, e adj. of a lot. thers. of Bolphores and Pontus, Sorti.rius, il ; m. a diviner by lets. Soicridas Eoidaurlus, he wrote thies Spartanus, ay um ; adj of Sparta. Sorticüla, æ ;fal tile luck or for oonklor musik. Spartariom, il ; .. H.plore where tune ; alo a vlentine's frroll Soteropolis. ihe «ity called alſ Pythia, # Sortlegz, arum ; fortune tellers, whero Zonoras ſays, Conftantino Spartarius, ii ; M. e ropiofe!ler. Sortilegium, i, n. Jorcery, divinirg the Great was poiſoned. Sparteoli, o um ; m. foldiers who by lots. Sotira Juno,rath of the ancients ; wached the city for tour of pre... Sort:lēgus, i; m. a.cooth fuyer or for ralfo a rary of the Ar'ani. Spaſteus, a, uin ; adj. of broon. tunk teller by rafi ng or lors. Sotircnus, a, un jadi of Sot'ra. Spartiata, the Spariaas. Sorti-or, iri, dep. ti cojf or draw. Sovenochalei, acople of Sarmata copla or Sarmatla Sportolus City of Micedonia. lors, to divide or chogja by 'ofs, 'in Ali Sprrtum. i ; ncut. (Oratov) brand, Soriiri remos, to take the placo Soxatæ, a people of C.rmania in A. Spaniſh broom, a broom or bzfon ; Ga of rowing by lot.. alf. m t-wred. Sortitio, onis, f. a cziting or draw. Sozoa, a city of M:dia, Sparulus, '; . a kind of fea.fijo. ing of loss, a dividing as shooting Sozorenus, be write a large volume Sparum, i ; n. 1a brown hill; alijos by loss, of univerſal bijtory Sparus. i.; . la kh. Sortice; adv. 'by lot, by nature er de Sazopetta, a city of Syria. Sparnus. i;.m. the camp. Spar- Hiny, Sozopolis, a city of Pilidia ; and mis cynicus, 4 cramp that draws Sort::or, ors, m, a cafier of lots. one places, the nobrils awry. Sorriius, a, um, part of fortior, cash-Soz:f&. brre rities ; one in Phoni. Sparmicus,, a, um ; of the cramp: ing 1088, having gotten by lots; allo cia, anwher in Picdia, and the other spaſticus a, um ; troubled with the given or divided by lots. in Æthiophia. · crap alfo naved wjih cires Sortirus, ûs ; m, a calling of lots. Spătālium, iijn. (orarán deliciæ) S.fandra, an ifend by Cretc. S ante P. i women's bracelet, Spacalocinædus, lim, a wantan bar. i' wants Sofas, s wikid pbiloſopher, who ut. terly don'id providenci. Sp. for fpurius, fpiritus, &c. daſh, Soribus,& grammarian of Laconia. Spaco, the nurse of young king Cyrus, Spătălor, arl, Comarádw) to play the . Solicles, a tragical peet or Syracuſe ; Agnify.ng in the Medea lunguage a w4nton. cijo á hronic of Manechmus in dog. Spatana, ez hauen o Tabropane. , Plautus. Sprda, a lown in Perla, whare sko Spatha, æ ; f. a ſzynrä, situasier ; Solcrales, on birorian of Rhodes, Suchs users firjf mida. alſo a prim-swig in which she datri who wrote of Crete ; and others. Spād:ceus, a, um, a chofnut brown hang. Soligcncs, am ajlroliger, who olised Spadıx, i.is j a hrun.h op darrs, Spathallum, ii; n. a branch of dates; Czelar in regulating the calendar, a muſical inflrumens, and ligle a!f a litile word, and a pendons Sofipater; the name of ſeveral mm. rad colour. for woman. Sopatra, a very learned worms of Spādo, õn's, m. [one&xv).a, palding Spātharius, a, um , adj. of words, Libya. an cunk.b'; allo she bron is of a * Spatharica fabrica, a sword-cut. Ircr basring no fruire ler's loop. Solippus, an haven of Arabla Fællx. Sofirate, a city of SaGana. Spadonicus, a, uon adi gelded barron. + Späthacus, a, uin; armed with a Spagyricus, a, um ; adj. chimiral. word. Sofius, a governor of Syria. sõſi, orum ; mi the book ellers and Spagirus, 11; m. Cå omko iraha & Spathūla, æ ; f. a little fword; also jlarinners of Rome. Spagyrus, 3 og Eigw cong.cgo) An al. @nue to ſpread folua, SÓSPESÍs; C. (sd, ows) Life, shymis. Spatiabundus, a, um ; adji wandring whole, found ; alſo giving health. Spalai, e perple of Sarmatia in ada. much about. + Spătrātio, onis ; f. a walking' a. Sofpita, æ; f. fe ihat ſaves or pur. Spalatun, a city of Dalmatia. proad. Jeruus ; alio a name of Juno. Spalc!hra, e city of Thieft.ly. Spăţiātor, öcis ; . a windera Solpitālis,.e; adj. 3 art, delivering Spammus. A king or Egypir from dunger, wholaforras, Spania, a city of Egypt. Spăt:ātus, a, um ; adj., baving wan- + Sofpit:s, ātis; fi fatnes, health, Spaous, a, un, adı. 190. Hiſpanus) arred abroad. Solpī'ātor, oris, m. a faviour. Arawn /waribr lite 4 Spaniaid. Spăcior, ari; to walk abrord, to won.- Soipitātíix dea, m. Ilis ſo calle. Sparelus, the seventeenth king of Af. der, te spread, to diſcourſe lørgely Sofpito, are ; to ſave out of danger, Kyria. upon a thing, to prezerve, bief, and profoer. Sparganian, it a bur.weed, Spăt:osè advfpaciouſly, amply. Soffinati, a propie of Sardina. Spargapifcs, the jon of Tomyris, who Svatiosè fruticat, ii fpreads wide. Soilius, a.river of Sicily. ceing tuken by Cyrus, flow hiwat. Spăttoritas, acts ; 7. largonfi, brendshan (6) X 2 Spätjālus, : ܪ $ 1 + 7 1 $ , . + Spacus, Spectatile, adv: parucularly, pomot Spécūlābundus, quin ; diligently. SPHÆRA, æ; f. Copaiga] a globe , where an ibing is fest. Spea Spergula. i f. ibe hard wood-roof. Spiciler, cra," um ; ad SPE SPE SPI, Spātiofus, a, um, adj. paciquis, comme i Speaio, on's ; f. a bshelding, a trial., Sp:8, ci ; f. (èrmis) hope, expella "ple; broad, wiae. * Spirionus tau. Speelo, are, ca ſpecio) to behold," * Spes anol, corn rūg, a bugetull. looks uponi, rörbder attentjuels, to on the ground. Spes noftia oc- SPATIUM. iij' n. [STRESCU, ara offen. Spectat'ad omnes. it con cidit, our hope is miſcarried. * 18r] alliys to walk in, a Teace of cerni' all. * Huc ípectat' illud, bi Spem prctio cacre. to buy a pig in plass, orsige, leifure, lije, Aday, therto sends ib.si: * Orientem, or a poak." In lpc efte, so be boped bignies, a vate, a room, purt, in In orientem fpectat, it buas toward yor: fant, *Spatium hodiinis, Abe tall the sail. * Speeasi fem per,'? el. Speuſippus, an Athenian philoſopbar, nofs of min:Spató iclicto; *** ways bad a care. Spectare ali- Plato's nephew, wboy some ſaj, a fall dift.nct. quem ex senſu, lo confideri person killed himself, and others, that be Spatula; , fi alice. *Spatula fæti according to b's effate. waj fason with lice. da: Ainking gladwin.. Se ſpathulai + Sprátor, oris; m: proyer. Spcomicus, a, um ; adl. bally. Pa- Spatule, aras; f. the boulder Blade: Spearum, in. avion, a ghol,.am nis (peuticas, bread-cakes in balli, + image or imagination, á Spectra. ä сaki bakid on the heartb, Specula, ay là fpes) Imall hopes | Sphăcēlus,!; m. A rottennels of p!" Spé-a'is, e; adj. spesial; parti:ular, Spēcūla, æt. Că ſpecio) a' waish riſing of the bonus. proper rower, a bearn, a fight. SphäceUldus, is m. an ukerating in + Spéc. .'itzs, ātis; f. puirtly + Spčcůlābilis; 'c; to be difrerned. 'the hrain, Specimine; } parly: beholding; fpoufing or bowl, any round thmg. Spčciesci i f. Cic. (à ſpecio) the specủlānen, in's, ni fight, t Sphaerabilis ċ to be made round, form: figure of tope of a shing, Specủlar, ?is, n. a window or safe. Sphæralis, e; adı: like a globs. triuly, appearans, face,' Mew, co specalaie, si mint, a.chaje er ifing. Sphæria, an inand of the Trdezenil. Tour; a kind; allo spirés or drugi. glass. In' ipetion, for brw.'Pria Spēcúlāris, re, [à ſpecula &fpecu- Sphærica, æ; f. a cake made of round piaris. ta specte, a forf Aght Jum] of a funi ar looking-glas. Sphärícus, a, um ; adl. ſpherical, fptcien Bella quzrere,'under a co Significatio ſpecularis, am inti round, gobular. leur yo *pick a qudrril: : tin hư. malin or a Ing. **Lapis ſpecula. Sphæriſta, zejm. a player at tmnis, jurmodi 'ſpecie, is fuck a taje. ris,' iſng glafi, &c. Gelerari ipeciem perurgebat, he spěcü árium, il ; n. a windowy cafe- Sphæriferiom, if ini a tennis court, was estnejl is haviibi garmenidsf- , bowling.green or allg, piſoins ment, or beacon, holes. panha; Spčci'ā ius, ii; m, aglafior. Sphærita, æ; f. Sphærica. Specificè ; adv partirularly. Spozývārius a, um:of or för lookingSphæromacha, æ ; f the play or sm- spēcifico, are ; topiuify. ori's of bowling, spēçiticis, a, um, adj. special, par spēcuratus, ùs; m. an opying. Spharula ą; F. a little g'abe, a bal} Tiruar, perific;" Speculativus, a, um ; contemplative. Spěcilluns, i, n. [à fpecu'um), litspěčulātor, or:S ;'m. s wüteban, or""bowling jione. ' *Spherulze pre- sle lothing.glaſs; alfo a chirurgon? catorią, brads Spharula bom- Sout, er Spg. bardica, a Bullet. probe, a lancet, specillum Specutatorius, a, um, adj. of op for sphagia, an ifand of Peloponneſus, ricularum, in tar-pick; Speçilla, spying Ignis fpcculatorius, a Schagires; promontory of Scythia." pair of pintades boutin * Navigium.fpecuatoriam, Sphagitides, wo great vrins on aash Spécimen, mis; ' n. am fag, pala a keleb for dij ouniy. for of the thross. son pross, experimente transpěculatrix, icis ;. 2 warsh-wonati, Sphecya, Cyprus 'ancime's, fo called ; * Dare Ipecimen fui, vi give a ina A PE allo a city oy Eubea. Post piece; ' ó Dhow of one's working Spěcülor, ari ; to spr, watch, or for a Spherius, lhe 16!6 2.mg of Affyrla. Nunc fpeçimca (pccitur, the proof for "f, so conſider diligently. is to be freno, Sphireter, erig; m. see mind mis selg Spčcủ'um, 1; n. (à ſpec!o) lyoking: of thi Arrighi gur. SPECIO, x!, aut; (Heb jak: pp grafi, wpiour. * * Speculum yene-Sphinx, ngo$; , a kind of baboon, a onbaw j. ro 11, advie, botold: ris, the herb Venus's looking glass menler near Thebes, deitoring all Speciose, iùs illimè ; ady frimale, Speculo placere, I love to look in but rould nor unfo d ber vida! gayli to suita, romely, big bily: the elafii but where Edipus did 11,' e broke Špeciositas, atisivumilineſs, SPECUS, 1 or üs; m. er f. (OMG-) her ouim nacki Spčclofos, a, um, 5d). -sot, liljonus ; a don, cove, or private place. Sphingium, it; n. a monksy. sperious, fair, ly tutiful, handſome, 1 + Specus, oris ; inca din. i'egans, binuralle. Minos fpe, Speleum, ctin. a don or caves Sphondiffum,' i.: O. cow.parſnip. ciora criminario, hot colourable Speltlae, A pollo, Hercuics, orid Mere Sphragts, idis ; f. grion ſons'; alfo a kind of the bal vormilion'. an alculation *** cury ſo called # Specite, are ; to look auch upon. † Sphragtides, a drying plaifler. Speclum, it; D. a chirurgeon's probe Spesta, æ; F Germ. Spells] a kind SPICA, ; *: Corazus) er rar, of of where in Italy, France, and corn, a clove of garlik,' and a to Yearch the depth of wounds and licland, bright par on the lot.hind o? Vire utrers SPELUNCA, &; f. Corma uzg] a cave Speciúncula. æ; f. a limle imsge go* *Şpicä gllisa, Baffron. Spis ca nardi, lavender-leje. Spica beduis, &c. Sperah' is, c; ad). 3 art. 1o be haped varica, a 'barble's eit. Spectáb-lis, ac ;, adj. worthy, plain ir looked fur eminent, viſible. Sp cala, at taler. Pike. Sperches, ja promeniory of Macedo- splátum, i, n. Spikenard, vil Speaütündus, ' a; um ; Luking, about Sperchia, oil !! nia.' Ipike. Spectaculdt, i; ni a piace, public Sperchios, a river in Theffaly, ir sommm hght; alje she piare + Speres, is; f. hope. Spicā'us, 2. umz' adj. grad, picked. , a, cors of cornt. bearingar calum præbere, to be expoſed to Sei afperola. having sars-of corni. few or fight; Speazculuua rota sperma, atis ; ncut. Sud, pawn, an Spicileğluca, il; nogleaning of corn, tionis, the feeing of the richiel turn. cijoringi • Spirieglom facere, to glaan. Spettamen, inis i ni arriál or proof Specitirhagi. a people in tke . wr-Sp!c legüs, 1; n. a gleaner * Speamentum, le nous a jgbt or mi i pars of Egypt forma Spernax, acis i Ilighting, condamning, Splco; ale; to put fortscars, to make p.cket är ihend, Spectate, lus fimèt advanlig, men a defpifár, prailer! Sp'cula, e ; f. á dart. murkibly, in the bght of all." SPERNO; revi, cetum, ere; zet Spiculæ, árum; ' f. craremos Speftátið önsy.dloudings de Syr. parfartel à teparo) kodif Spiculator, oris:; 'm. mjeant, an holding, a trial, Spect, contemplative. balbert-mani, 4 marſpal; execu Spedator bring om atbibeldi eind sports are hope, einni allo so tioner. expect or look for, só rejoice's al;o to Spiculo, are; 2. to Sarpan of the 8pcaatrix, icis i care trieri frar, point. Speatos bippy teed, cioná- Spes, a Roman goddeſs, whose tom-+ Spici'or, ari í to fost or kill with Rafid i Founded triid, plo. was in the herb marksi, Spiculum er den. o dari: 1 t 23 BY walls, the pill, or polox gs: di.. SPI SPO SPO Spiculum, i, n. a ſhort spear or ja- Spirātor, oris ;'m. a brasther. melting of braſi. uriin, an arrow-heid, a Bing, a Spiridion, e pulisal biſhop of Cyprus, Spolcium, a risy of Umbria. Spado in cards, a dee's ling: faid to work miny miracles. Spoleranıs, 1 a, um ; auj. of Spole. Spiculus, a Roman finier, so whorn Spirillum, i; n. (à lpira] a goat's Spoletinụs, . tun they eritied a parks. toard f'Spolianuis, i ; mi te that receives + Spicus, eur of corn. Spir talis, 2e; ad). 3! art. fpiri. Jana Sp!cum, i, Spiritualis, } sual, jprightly, of the Spoliarium, li'; place where † Spilabra, æf. whise-sborn. spirit or roul. Aura Spirituel s, robbery is commiged i, alloa ire + Spilumene, ĉs ; a sluttiſh woman. the breath. ing.com to'q page the place where Spina, a cily , of laſubria, and other + Sprituālītas, ātis; f. fpirirual.'y. people android themſelves before piacon. Spiritua'iter ; adv. Spiritually. They went into ibe barb. SPINA, æ ; f [a (pica, vel a opuy + Sprituofus, a, um ; full of spirits.. Spoliatio, onis; F. paling, reb- cuncus] ú iborn, the back tone, Spiritus, ùs ; m. Cic. a ſpirit, the hing fing; a difficulty, a rough or burd breub, life, soul, courage, hold. Spoliãtor, oris ; m.la Spoiler, roba nejs; alſo the wind. Tetcr ſpi. Spoliatrix, icis; 'fi } matter. * Spina lacra, the turp. ber: Sping infectoria, bück ihin. ' ritus, a finking mell. * Uno ſpi + Spo: atorjum, i1;, be place where Sp. na peregrina, glabe: shihle. ritu, in a breath • Otioſum du poils are taken or laid, Spinacia, æ ; fi the herb [pinage. cere ſpiritum, to live quietly. *Spi. Spoliātus, a, um , part of ſcolio; Spinālis, c; adj. 3. art. if ihi bine ritum gravem reddit tible, the piacibdéd, deprived. for back-bone. makes a harsh found. Ingentis Spõlio, are ; adt. 'to rok or spoil, be Spinambri, e people of Geece. Spiritus, of an undaunted szagna. igaur, difarīno Spollare vitçi Spinares, a king of Egypt. nifriry. panpinis, to pruns stihi branches, † Spincólum, i; ni a slos. SPIRO, are; (Etato, quoáw] 10 rotri thi vines, Spineticum, one of the mouļbs of Pa breasbe, to blowo, to pani, śpi. SPOLIUM, D. (JxůcY) poil das. rårö ad tribunatum, grčedily to do bool, pilloge, the skin of a bran Spinētom, 1;.n. a bub, hedge, or fire she tritunakip Opima (polia, whon one general Thisket of thoons. spirula, e ; f. a litle circlo, the baſe SPONDA, æ; t: [a ombydw libo, rel Spincus, a, um ; adj. made of thoms. of a pillar. Spinifer a, um ; ad). biaring Splftamentum, i, n. a thickning or H:b. Saphan text) a véddid, - of Spin:ger, tborns. Aufing, the popping or bing of % bed-lids, that hide where the man Sp nigěna, a; c. bied' of thorns. ' Dililo lay? f Spiniviñecúm, ij 'De rhi goosberry Spiſsatió, õnis ; f. a thickning. Spondeus, les m. a ſponda, & foot or' barberry irer + Spilšātor, āris ; mi . thickner. Spondeus,'y of iiqo long ſyllables. + Spinositas, at!s ; f. thorninofs. Spiſsātos. å, om ; ad). Thickned, Spondalium, ji; 'n. an 'humain uſed Spinofüs, s, um ; adj. sborry, full of Spiſsè, iùs ; advthickly, ſlowly. Spondaalium, in facrifices, barns, dificult, crabbid. Spiſsè atque vix, with muih edo. Spöndaulæ, árum ;'mi organ-plazers, Spintharus, avimous orchitet af Co-Sp.ife!co, ere; to grow thick.': rinth, who builo the temple at Del Spiſligradior, di ; to go thick. SPON DEO, di, fum, dêre; ( à gogor phos. Spiligradus, a, um ; ady going thick sin fædug] to promiſe freily, in the Spiniher, lēris ; n, a clap, buckle, or ſlow ya ſurety; or undertake for another's iera Spinter,} bracelet. Spilsitas, atls ; f. thickneſs, grole: formance, "to engage, or ëſure Ibe Spinther, a Roman ador, Spiffiitido, inis; } nofs, clammino's irub of a thing, to baroth, to poule + Spiniherulund;"1 ; n. a little clasp. Spisto, are, io thicker for make thick, Spondeum, ei n. a diffel wel in + Spintriæ, arunautburs of niew 10 Armgrhon. *Spiftot corpus aqui: facrifices. and urratura Infis, lo, the noith wind liep, the pores. Spoñdíacas 2, um ; of a spendre. | Spłaturnicium, ii; ni an ill-fi- SPISSUS, a, um, adj. ca Stories Spondialią; 5. posms in Ipondan ay voured woman. aniplus, vel. Emelngas denſatus] . trojukt verle. Spinturnixicis į f. [a ETXybnp ſen thik, bard, slanmy grossi cloſe to Spondils is; f. a kind of. forvant. tilla, & ipves avis) an' unlucky bird gether, flow. * Spiffum opus, a te. Spondylium, ili ni scow.parinip. foretelling misfortune. dious work.: * Theatra fpiffa, the Spondylus, * i ; n a joint in thi barka Spinu, inccl. a slo-fire Su ſpinus. at és bronz'd wiib bebildeti. doni, the pindils i aljo bra's ciun Spinula, æį f. a little thorn, a pin. Spitbama,' ; f. a spon. * Spondýlus oftrcorum, "ibe Splňularium, ii; na pin-cafe. Spithamæus, a, uma pan. His of soffers. + Spinu!arius, ii'; mo piri-weker, SPLEN, ēņis ; m. [Errayu] the spleen + Spong-ātor, gris; mihi thar gots + Spiñülcntia; x; f. prickliniji. Spinůlentos, a, um ; iborny. Splendens, ntis ; fining, famous. SPONGIA, æt. (Esrig: Fes] ia /fungis Spinus, i; f. (à fpina) 6 Are or bul: SPLENDEO, ērc; n Itinew, vel alö the roat if Jpirugima lore:81'46. Etundis cinis gn:cus)" 70 gliſer, I + Spongia, are to wipe wijke Splnius, 1; n. a finib or fiskin. fine, be fomous or beaut fól. [Engi. Sptö; ibo name of a Jia-nymph. Splendeſco ère ; ni to wax gliſering Spongiola, æ; f a little spunges alfo Spionia, æ ; f. a kind of vina, or Mining a mishroom, onda sunpy baby sp Yafamous city in Germany, Splendide ; ady. brighlly, clearly, growing in /west-brinr. callid alfo Nimetum. Splendido, are ; :o make bright. Spongiõſus; a, ums aduo spungy, like Spira, f. [origa)'d circle, a chain, Splendidolus, a, um; idi. Somewha! aipinge. cracknel, a ring of people, the bravi and fime. Sponglies, æį m. a None found in a riund winding of a ferpent, a roil of Splendidus, a, um ; adj. fining, gli spinge, or like a spunga. a'ripi, ahis-band; alſo this boss of Pering, brighe, famous, beautiful, a t Spons. faoit. inutitat. in nom, a crachnol, a pillar. loquent. Splend dum dicendi ge willingly, of one's own accord, of Spirābilis, e; ad, 3. art. whereby nus, ma lrfiylyle. on's felf, of without any help. we briarhe ana liva. Splendor, oris ; m. light, bright. Sponía, de mf. [* fpondeo] a bride. Spirācăluin, l'; ni a breathing. bule. nájs, glisering, glory, boncur* Spiræuſ, & promontory » Pelopon Verborum 1plendor, the elegang of Sponfalia, oram; the ofpoufog op nerus. words botrcibing before' fuh marriage Spliaus, a, um ; fexible, pliant. Splenēricus, a, um, adj.' troubled :Spon ſalis, ez adj. of marriage, Splāoen, inis ; f. a' vint or breasb. with ibu Splom Sponſålitius, , ing-holsi '* Spiramina parls, the Splenjatus, a, um , adj. plaifered for mije. npiirils. The pleon, petshed. Sponho, dois f. a promiſe, er pro- Spirãmenta, !; ncut, a pire, vene, Splēnicos, a, um ; of the Spleen. mißng, a' wingerulfo The Rock in cards Due, a briathing place of time, ibi Spēnium, il; in. a long pwiſer for Sponlionem augere, !! tunnel of a chimney, abe ſplen; alfe ang Black parib; viri'. Spirans, niis; part. of (piro ; breath. also plein-wert. Sponſo, are, act. to brireib, contrast. ing pinsing. * signa ſpisantia, Sp!ē.ofus, a, um, adj. full of Spleen, Spontos, oris im Clc. Jurety, he Images 10 the life. of a great jp.ion, sp! marir, thät puomifel for mother, be than t Spiraçio,"õnis ; f. a breathing, betroths, Spodlum, si ; A. Soory dregs of dros in Spon. or mile. or pro Taram, 1919, &c. the city. + SPU STA S T A Sponfum, i; ncut.. 2 a promiling, a Spurias, li; m. a bopard; alſo thr, Săbulo, are ; act. to put into a jable; Bo jiable; Sponlus, is ; alſo 10 piani in a inble. wager. Spūtamen, inis ; n. ſpits'n. : Siabulor, ari; paff. to be ſet up inte Spontus. a, um ; part, of ſpondcor, Soutatilicus, a, um ; to be some ar. a fible. promiſed, betrorbed. Sputātor, oris; mi e frequmt spil. Stăbúlum, i;'n. (à fto) a ſable fall, Sponſus, i; m. a bridegroom, spiu', ter. A caille buke ; alji a place of re- alſo a fuitor. Spūto, are, to spit ofron. fuge, a refing -pluie, bive, or henry. Spontilis, e; wiiling, voluntary.. Sputum, 1; o Spitels cornb; aljo jews. * Stabula avia, Spontáncos, a, um, adj. frui, if one's Sputas, ús į mi a spirting, bird's- nefls. Solf.. Stach r, a river of L'bya inte ior Sponte, f..ahl. [ÈSnowEYG-) of one's Stachysa yos; m. wiid forn, baje hore- Ja'f. Sponte meâ, of ny own Santa Q hound. accord, of my own free will. Slade, es ; f. the juier or mil that Arbor ſuæ ipontis, growing natu- Squalens tis filiby, debauched. "Tı. (wrats qut. of cinnamin or myrsh, rally. nica auro Squalens, a roul of mail being lanced. Spontè, adv. willingly, of one's own with geiden salas.'. . Squalentia Stalicus, a, um ; of the oil of myrih. accord, choice. freely. icla vencnis, inuenoined arrows, Stadia, an ane ent name of Rhodes Sporades, stain Bunds of Carpa.Squalentia, æ i f. Aalihine's, Stadiails, c;'auj. of a furlong. thia frattered up and down. squal co, ère : ncut. auzuba, vel abst.dlodionus, i; 2. & rart, OP Sporta, æ; f. (soupis) a casket se do Xamów dolco o of jutri, el. ponnista tby, or, ont / Fußbien for want of + Stadiolum;i; n. a lililo raco. + Snortarius, a, um z. of a basher, dreſing to dr. int mourning or full Stadiſis, a town in Ethiopia, where Sportclla. æ; f. a little baskes. of wrids. Niius falls wish such noiſe, has he of Sportellarios, dl; m. a basta- squilide; adv. ftily, unhandſome. make the inhabitants arut. bearer, 19. Stádlom, ii; n. (otally) a rant for Sportòla, æ; f. Juv. a lite'e basket ; Squálīdītas, at's; f. filthineſs. men er burles, a furlong. also an almos, meat; or money given Squa'idus, a, um; ad). Filthy; foul, Stag'ra, to the poor, a lawyer's for a gra. Squaldus, susiſh, lean, sinplea. Stantyra. E she country of Ariſtotle; tuity, Jani, roub. colled from thence Stagirita. Sporus, a young men whom Nºro on Squālor, oris ; n. Ovid. sluitifonos, Stagnans, jonding Hiil dezvourid 10 turn into a woman, filib.nels; deformity, a TROUT Ring Stagno, pre ; neut. Liv. 10 fand as calling him Sabina and Poppaa. condition. water in a pond, not to flow. #A- Sprētlo, õnis; f. a dupiling, Nigbr Squalus, i į m (qu. fqualidas] s ray gri ftagnant, or ftagnantur. the grounds and wish waitr. Tor: Sprêtor, orio; m, a delpifër, slight- + Squalus, a, um ; Alchy, foul. ra ftagnuta, marih ground, * Ty- Squana. æ; f. (à fcabo) ha kole beris plana urbis Itagnaverat, Ty. Sprētus, a, um ; part. of ſpes nor, de of affo or baik, sbe lule clares bar bad drowned its low places of Dijed, diſdained entre in a coat of mail. Squana in Spūna, ', f. (a ſpuo) fiam, frosh, oOTs, the cataras. Stagnum, i, n. (a fto) a pond, pool, ör fumalja soap. * Agere spu. Squamätim ; adv, like faalos, or landing-water, alſo the ſea or mas, 10 foam. Squamātos, a, um ; adj. foly. Spūmabundus, a,.am ; adj. foaming Squimcæ, aram; f. ibe fooms of ibe Stagonlas, frankincene suffered to illus muib. skull about the ears. forib so the full, + Spūmārio, On's; f. a foaming, or + Squamcſco, ērc; to ſcale. Stalagmium, ii ; n. an ear-ring. taking off the foam. Squadeus, a, um, adj. fealy. Stalagmus, 1; m. the puteti sole: Spīmātorium, il ; in, a. J.ummer. Sjuāmăger, a, um, having froles, makers hlack; also an ar ring Spumatus. Usi mi a fo:m.ng, or + Squaino, arc, to ſcale or bark. hanging like a drep of water, caſing of fount. Squânvius, a, um ; ad;. full of ſcales. Sua'lochanus, an haven of Gallia Spūnācus, a, un į fog meda, Smeared • Squamorum pecus, fifb, Na, boncnfis. with foom. + Squarra, æ; f fiurfinofs, rough. Stā ren, inis; n. (a ro] cloth in the Spumeſco, ēre, to grow foomed. nefs. Icom or frame, thread thread of yarn, Spureus, a, um , adj. foamy, or full Squarcoſus, a, um ; leur'y, rough. threads about herbs, the grain of of foam. * Spumeus color, a white Squatina, ~ ; f. là ſquada vel ſqua wood, a firing (in mufis.) alour like a foami, Inr) a faze. thornbask. (fish.) Stamena, a cily of the Chalybes. Spumidus, a, um , foamy, froily. Squatus, i ; . a fonte (1) † Stamina, um ; n. uprighi rimbors Spumirera 3 a, um ; Cajling out Squilla, æ í f. [oximadja fea leck. on the infide. Spumiger, room or frosb. * Sjuj'la gibba, a primap or prown. + Staminarius, ii ; m. apinner. Spūno, are ; to four or froih. Squinanthus, i, m. (oxciyaviG-] the siāmineus, a, om; adj.. if threrd. Spumpfus. a, um ; adj. full of form, Iquinant or ſweet rulb. * Scaminca veni, a grain of wud froth, or jcum. + Squinantis, æ; f.the.quinan: like a web of cloth Spüo, ui, atum, čre. [@qua, a fono] Stampe, Estampes in Gallia Celtica s spil, soit moon. S ant: T. St.Dacum, a city of Noricum. + Spurcamen, inis ; n. filihineſs. S'annarius, a, um ; adj of rin-work. Spurcè, adv. uns'raniy, filshy, dir. St! intel. (à fano, vel ab Hcb. Stannarlus, i, m. atin man, or pow. sily, bordily, Spusce in aliquem Anorak filo't)! be quiet. peace. terer -dicere; te beſpalier a perfon. Stabæ, a city of Campania. Stanneus, a, um ; nf powier or tin, Spurcīdicus, a, um , adj. Speaking filo Stăp:limen, iais, a pabliling sianno, arc'; * cover with rin. rbily or diſhonally, } Strbilimentum, 1, $ or jirengihen. Siannum, i; neut. La ogurta duo, Spurcificus, a, uin; adj. dting any ing, a Yay or prop. ogel G durus I sin or pewier. filihy or diſhonilt shing. Stabil.io, ire ; act. to Prengthen, Starios, e city of Macedonia. Spurcica, 2.1 f filehine's, uncloon Stans, tis į part of fto, ftanding *Spurcitia Stab:l's, e; adj. (à fto) ſable, firm, quint. fuum, (wina's dung.. Jure. * Mala ſtabilia, firm appius, Stzo, viver of Med'a. Spurco, are, ! defile, make filthy.. not windfalls. Siăncs, cdis ; in Pirrup. Spurcus, a, umPuragosí flStabilitas, âçis, f. Bedfefne's, firma. Staphs, idis; f. a paves-acre, ar lice. shy, difona, maslaun, bloody, nofs, ftabil ty. bane. dárron. 'n Jactari tempetatc (pur Stabülans, iis, abiding, rillirig. Siaphoides, - 1b. boat-like bone next ciffitâ. to 04.10028, youth a qui ve Stabulariæ mulieres, women ihas krep th the ankis, m the inſide of the brat and rough tempeft. Spur vidualling houjos. food cum vinum, wina, mixed with Stăbilaiius, 11 im. on oiler, or inn- Stăphy'c, és ; f. the while vine. korper, a kupor of cattie in jalls. Stăphy:inus, i; 'm. wird par.nip.com Spürius, a, um i 206. (a onayo re Stăbălātio, ois; 1. a Nading orjiall. men) Spurious, counterfeit, juppo. ing of beaſis, a place for folding of s:aphy'odendros, bladder nul. Sritious, Dafo-born. cursle, Staphy us, the for if Silenus Oy Siilethus, Oreon. a. Spurcities, reisiminele wa'sr. UTOL. ។ { S T A S T E STE Siell ger, } Ia. 1 neca. Stllethus, who fi:f mixed wine and of pur'ruant.. • Statores, a fand. Stellaria, æ ; f. far-wort. w.lir ingeshar alle an hiſtorian, ing wusih. Stellaris, c adj. 3 art. Barry. who wroie of Theffaly, and siber Stăcua, æ; f. (à fto) a fasue, an Stellatcs ager, or campus, a very things. image of wood, Jione, &c. fruitful place in Campania. Stif as, . Platonick philosopher of scăcuária, æ; the art of calling Stellaio, onis ; f. blajiing. Napics. : images. Steilatūra, æ ; Ti an allowance of vis. Stafi:rates, an artiſt of Alexandria, Statuarium, ii ; n. a red-loft, or plass fusls unbead of money. in favour with Alexander. whore images Hand. Stellacus, a, um ; adj. Harry. • Stel- Stafis, a city of Perfia. Statuarias, a, um, adj. of carving or larusArgus, Argus with his bundrid Ştălārius, a, um ; adl. firm, funk, mit Cujling image. snes Aining like so many nars, Bufily moved. * Pugna ſtataria, Stătvār!us, il; mia carver, coffer of Stelifer, } a, um ; adj. famy and figh:ing of hand-blowi, or puik of images or Butuas. bearing fort pske. * St farsa comedia; w come- + Stacola, æ ; i, a little image. + Stellimicans, tisj pining with dy that has takm very well. Stătumen, inis; n. a post or prof. Wars. Statellales, u pooplo of Ligu * Sta.umina navium, she tror.oaks Scellio, o.lis; f. fà ftella) an out, a Statell:enres, of lips. creature like a lizard wib he STATER, ēris ; m. (statig) a Gre- Sta üminarus, a, um, under-propped. back potted, and, as it wers, bafet cian coin weighing half un cuna, Săcuaino, are ; to under.prop, Joort with Bars i alſo a Tarantula, in value about half a crown. *Sta- Stellionatus,' Ûs; m. rorfenage in tcr aureus, ahowt 17 billings. Stătuo, ul, ūtum, ē:e; act. 8o Set Jelling, or merchandise. Statēra, a; f. lorridos e goldſmith's up, nét, appoint, ordain, to 1.: Stello, are ; to twinkle or gliflor like a baliana a balance uhole hear is Jolur. De fe fta:ucreto kill Bar; ollo po envy: uniqually divided by the bondie. bin all before hibe condemned. St llula, a'if a lite's jlar, Slaterius, a Roman in Cicero's time, Statuere apod animum, te deler. Siemba, alis, n. crown or badge citude aned for his foul reproachful maine with one's feif. * Statuere of honcar, shu lintage of ancdiors, language. ftatuam alicui, ti kreft one ns noble birth ,or pedigru ; 'alou Sia harus, i; m. a patien, Panding, nummi. Statucre capite aliquem nobis ed or proweſs, the images of or renting place. in terram, to dash ona's beau a out an fiors, which the Romans Statice, èi; f. the art of weighing gaing ibe ground. plaud in their parches, and, carried in Katrs ; also the 'bero fu Sălara, ; f. paturi, proportiin. in pomp de the funeral of uny of Thrift. + Siatūro.us, a, um ; adj. very tall. their family. Staticúlum, i, n. a kind of chariot, a + stă:ūrus, a, um, adj about to ap. Stene delre, an fand in the greleb of hirie liter, a jiatur; a pirrup. point. Arab.a. Sāticŭlus, i; m. a brawl, or pace in Stătus, a, on; adi. Arm, Bable, Stentor, orig; m. a Grecian whore dancing jlanding, juri, appointed, preſent, votre was souder than fifty men's Saticus, a, um ; adj. of weighing, ,. Status dics, a jel-day. * Stats Together. blanding, or reuning to fiund. facia, un noveab's frais. #stata Stenycieros, a.city of Meffen'a. S:at:'i.a, a long liv'a woman in Se. forina, well proportioned form. Sicplianitæ vites, vines syed to be * S. Mattiin non cffet, if they up pops made like a crown. Statil.nus, } pourro 70%. Stephanoplocos, a garlund.maker. Statanus, Státus, ûs ; m. a flair, condition, ha- Sicphanopolis, e city of Transylva. Stălim ; adv. (à fto] prefently out of dil, goiuri, conjustuljen. Status nia, celled by the Germans, Crun- hand. # Status ui, ftulim at cauíz, the puin point in a couſe. ftadt, and by the Hungacans, Bras- que, as soon as ever. in Status cæli, the tempor of ihe sw. Statin, sonylanily, firunir. air. Status vitæ, à course of Stephanopolis ; f. a woman that ſells Statine, ad fund and waters in life. • Convertere dc ftacu, to garlands, Cainpania; which hoppened by an diſcompoje. Stephanus, i; m. & garlando caribquuke. Statūtum, s; n, a falnie, an ordi. Stăto, onis; f. Liv. Aflation, hiding - nince. Stephanus, i; m. Stephen, the name pluco, ebay.ng, an hurbóúr för Stă:ūlus, a, um ; part. of ſtatuor, dp of the firf martyr, and of afber Dips i allo the contry or gu rd. pointed, orduinid ; alfo big of pa. In itallone efle, to be upon the jiure, set up. Stercorarlum, ii ; n. a dung-hill. warrb. * Primé ftatione,' she aso siavelli, a prople of Liguria. Stercorarius, a, um, belonging to poirlComas in statiune poncrc, Stavan, s pciple of Sarmatia Euro Currying out dung 10 lug every hair in its proper рх. . Stercoratio, onis ; f. a dunging. place. Staveni, a reiple of Alia. Shercorātus, a, om ; adj. dunged. Stationa'is, belonging • a flation or Stauri, & people about the Hyrcanian Stercoreus, a, um ; adj. dorty abiaing Stationales [ milites ) Sicrcoro, are ; 10 dung ibi giound, joid:trs upon their wuth, or lying Statiles, æ; m.& precieus fione like Stercoolus, a, uin; adj ruil of aks in garrijons. Stationalcs ftellæ, tallow. growing in dung hills. fors that appeuved forse of the Steatoma, atis; a. a kind of imposs. Sierculinum, i; n. dung.bill. riſing and ſelling of the sun. Lume, cen:aining meiler liks talloro. SPERCUS, oris ; n. (£xwg, SÉAE- Stationar: us, a, um ; adj. upon the Stoga, æ; f. a dock in a bip, a llory 8ớ] dung, compa, drol:. w.th, or in garriſon. in bu lding Stercoilus, Saturn frolled, becauſe Stationarius, ii; m. a fantinel, at Siegaus, a, um ; ad). Sound, form, he first found out Ebe Aunging of fationer. bound ; oljo lsun. ground. Stat'va, orum; n. Liv. a . fort of Stela, 24. a jquare or fiat fided Steriouetria, æ ; 'f. the measuring of rump pot. hea, the loguer of an ar pillar, wirb an infcriprion for a mo solid things. my, encamped. nument, Stcreontium, the city Carrel in Ger. + Stăncuncula, 2; f. a rilling place. Stelæ, a city of Crete. many. Sătivus, a, um , adj. of sfort, gar- Stelennus, a king of she Argives, whom Sterilcico, ērc.; to grow barrm. rijon, camp. or la guer, Danaus «xpelind. STERILIS, e; adj. Egéipsi vel à Statius, a cornical poti, called Cæci Stelis, mifeltor of the fir free. OTEPSW privoj 'burren, unfruitful. 1:48. STELLA, æ; f. [doting rel à otis * Sterilis vacca, a farrow cor. Siarius Papinius,. a noted port under Bw, iplendco) a for, un ajerisk, * Sterilis Medus, an emply hund. Domittan, he wrote shiThcbals &c. a bar fim. Stella crinita, a co Sterilis pecunia, money lying un. Staiones, a people of Hetruria, wbo • Stella diurna, she morn. improved, • Pax ſterilis, a prare hid good wine, calied Stationcníc. ing ſtar, . Ste.la: leguminoſa, of which there comes no profit or ed. Stator, a 71m of Jupiter, to whom biras-foor..3cpc.a ftellæ, Charles's vanlige Romulus built a lampis, bicauſa, wain. Stérilitas atis ; f. barr mes, empti. Selling upon bim, bis men rallies Stella Arunc!us, a very ingeniows poet nifo. Sterilitas annonæ, jcarcity after they were put to fight by the of Padua. of veugls. Samnites, Fions Atellans, a fare full of 780 Stérililer ; adv. barrmly, omstily. Scator, oris ; m. (à fifto) a fergunt pimples. Slernax, gen. icis, adj. 3 art bruw ing crown, jul.1 i mast, 1 N mi profit V wort. irca maines, 1 cere. Po STI STI S TO ing dolor. 1 sidrnax equus, . bigb Stilboni, riba ftar Mercury: Stips, ipis, 1 f. [à, tipo) sono gi. attend forang judé, à charging Stilico, ibe father-in-law of Honorlus, Stipis, is, vm to orggars, Jol- horje, and governor of the West. diers woges, soldiers piiy, hirs, sa- + Sternitailo, onis; I. Brigbine. STILLA, 1 f. [ordháyucs, vel à flory. Stipem conferie, so bring STERNO, Itrava, tratum, drei, act. itiria) a drop, L. (tipriyua lay on the ground, St:Harium, di ; n. a pentboise ; alfo Stipticus, a, um, ad). Byptick, bitd. 10 Spread, to go se re, to mooth, to l'as, over Picafüre. ing, drying, Jopping. ábate, Siva, tills. * Steracre mu. Stillatim, by drops STIPULA, 2; f. (Oidipuan, atuais] rös; to lowl wells, Siernéré. c. Stillations , is in a dropping. Jubile, the Balk of crn; pipe quuza, to jadala and make ready a Suillatus, ús; m. } mdo of it. bord. Sternère d'enfam, to lay St1lzeitlus, a, um , adj. dropping. Stipuláris, e ; adj. of. Pubble, Scl- the cloth. * Sicrhete ſe fomno, to Stullatus, a, un ; dropped. Ipularis anſer, a puable godko. låg iðrufelves down to store Stių.cidum, i; n. (a filla & cado] Stipu ātio, onis ; f. a covenaniing, Sternon, the breaf the dropping of the house. cuvas, á Stipulatus, ùs ; pl. u requiring Steinům, .; ; a. brk er gutter, Stillicidium urinæ, of conditions, a demanding of STERNUO, ui, utri, ēreDeut. tor Arangurs: terms, a bargain. (in railing wiregvuilar a lodo] 1o šiitto, are neut. & act! ' to drop, so Stipulaclancala, a; fia facial bar: fnana tall priv tély. gäin. Stefiamentaria, ; f. fringing. Stillúa, æ; F. a liwe drop. Stipulator, õ is į m. a civónanter $ulpae, a sis of Sicily. with nolbar under conilisions and Steinutomontáñó, i ; . } Smeizing; | Stilpo, a philosophir of Migara, bruilos of agreemens. Sternutatio, ons ; f. Inuxing rurally g.ven to wine und women, 5:1púlor, ari, to rovenant er bargain, powder. paver known dibunched by ei to defri or requep any thing of an- sternutatorius, a. om į adj. of or för thir, cthar Stipulor abs te; I do de ſmirascing: Medicamcntum fter- + Stilus, i ; m. afisle or manner of . fire, or at denred of shie. Quan. hutator üm; nirzing powdör writing ; a badan. cunvis ftipulace, derriand that Śterbuto, aie; to frérssi oflin, múch, Stimich in a hipherd in Virgil. terms you please. v hird. Stimŭlātió, önis , fi a priiking and Stiria, a counıry of Illyrtcuoi or Sclą. Siprope, its daughter of Alàs, one Arring forward. vonia, Jonsous for its a t'widanis of of the Pleiades Stimulator, örlo ; m. la provjókor, Stěropes, ons of Vulcan's ſervants. $t mulatrix, icis ; f. $ inciner. STIRIA æ; f. (orgazgi on iſiele, Sterguil nium, 'li i na dunghill"; stimuletus, a, um ; adj. provoked, himbors banging ai ibe noje. allo e finding Aneur. incensed. + Suicidium, 'ita, the droppings Sterrogoniti ; 1. Arabſan franli Scia'ylātus; Us ; m. é moving, or of thi baldives puiting forward. Stirillum, linia go.it's beard. STERTO, čro; ('Peq xw, à fono) 10 Silnulcus, a, um, adj., priking or. Stirpatus, a, um ; ad). Plin. rooted, nort sy nors Pinging * Supplicium ftimuleđa, fortled. Sté fárus, a sótnia'n af Moloffia. å pri.king with a good. štirpčico, ĕre ; neut. to spring up Schicorius; a: åm; adj. delonging to stimulo ast; 10. ie pick forward, grow to a flam. bi pet's steachórás enrourage, torment, grieve. Stirpitus, by the roofs, utterly. Stesíthoras, lyriik poet of Hộinira STIMULUS, in origa pungo) + Stirpix, ics į weeder; alſo a in Sicily. å ring prick, goad, an in- Steflia, a tốtful bàn, bố cậu, centiva er provocation * Admo- Siirpo, are i to row up; a!70 to take sed the firije between A iltides and verc al cui fimu!os, to prick for Themiftocles, birining bosh in loúr ward, incila, STIRPS, ps, m. and f. C'c. Vir. wjib ber + Stirigo. 1 xi, dum, öre; (ÉTisw] στέλεχος τοl gα. στερεις πούς fr- Sie boras, a Theban cáil'in, pie Stingua," } ** queninset o quench or put qui mus pes] the jlock of erit, race, to death by b: faiba, Epaminon fire lineage. * Stirps qneftlon's, the dás, for lighting ski La édémoni. Stipātio, onis ; f. or accompanying, bottom, ground, or foundation of o ans without ordet, although he environing, or guarding about quißion. * Imi de itirpe recitus, gained the victory. Stipātor, õ is; m, a flopper of chink', jocked up. Stettuno, ibi cily Stétin in Pomera á flower of goods in a big aljo in STIVA, æ; f. [& otitw tere] ibs of the lifeguard, Plough tail or handle Sthenelus, a Gra:ian capiain, one of St pārus, a, um ; pippid, howed, on Scivarius, ii ; w. be that bolds the boji Ders ug in the Troſan borja ; vironed guarded plougih. alitou son of Peiſeus, anit | Stipendialisy.c; adj. of wages, tax. Sulata, æ; f. [pro lata) a pont, a crberi, adlá, tributary. kind of boat broader thin lung. Sthichclctus, aj úms of Sibenelcus. Stipendiarlum, ii ; ncut, a tell, or Stlatarium, ii; n. garringe in a broad Shinobce a iba' wife of Pracus, tribute bulk or 00:1. by receiving a ripulfo from Bel Stipendiarius, a, om;, adj. paring Silatarius, a, um ; of a flat bo:1 ; 88. lephbron, accuſed him falily to her trioule, or të civing wages. in to fra in a fat bode ; alſo long Boband, Stipend árius, iis m. an biriling og and lingering 8thenya, the daughter of Phörčus, tributary. Su tarius, 1m.shi nafiler or maker and Allr to Medura. Stipendior, to be hired, to tak wan of a fat bort; alfo e mister or flot. Stibädjudi, ii n. g cufhion of birbs, rupes, of leaves, to be at incat on, Stipendiofus, a, um ; adj. having of Stlembus, a, um , ad). heavj, slow. garanties fan forvid for wages, having servid Silõpus, m. La fono) The dif, Stibinus a, um ,,ad). * Si bium. stoly catnipdignis. Stloppus, I charge of wind garhored Subuti 1; H. Oriol unliminy, or Stipendium, ii; n. Liv. (à ftips & in the thuoks; alfo a pop gen, black lead. pendo) the w.gero the farwinis or sro, fteti, ftatum, fare ; n.vfordu, Stica. ;. r clove of garlick. judlirs, inbutë paid to ihe prince for istuju) to pard; abåte, remain Suide, és ; 'Putih, a'dignäte. maintaining of ſoldieri, ajo a cam Sc ítat fententia, I am so re- sirginia, ätis incót a brand, a mire paiga. Militem f'pendio ob folved. • Ei magno ſtat, it cöls with an Hal irati, dilgráce, in lamy, ligate, to preis soldiers. An bim doar. Per cum fterit, it was long of him. Ab aliquo ftare, stigmatis, f. á bránd; álja a plere itipend a; to Jarve out tht op. to be of one's fidi, Siatur [ă me) Braniacl rogua. pointed jaört of warfare. I Hand bert, State: promilis, S!igmoidus, uñ; trändid. STIPES İliş ; 01, (STUTS} a: long to kaip his promilo Stamo, a c; to brand, majk, ki megturd, doim or 183k; judicio erroris fui, 'oblinätely to Štigmofus, a, um jad) having been allo a fogor Oleckhold maintain his error. * Starc ani; javirat limat Burnt ist din binder STIPO, ave;'adi. Erupa ve à Ereibu mia, tot couragröui. Stat pooulder. calco) to top, chinks or clofts, so heid pulvere cælum; "this sir is dark- + Sigo, arc, prick forward. up together, to guard or sompali d ined wirb dup.' sictit fabula, ; scribes a nimpi 'uito boti Läpitii.ro bons, as follow, thx D rooler up. nia . tirer. se prodib. Siare pro 1 1 } S T Ở S TR S T R 1/3 play teok .' Stare in quo mat, or any covering ſpread on the Stratonice, the wife of Eumenes king -Allcui, ne: besme.ith bim Nc ground, of Pergamus, and sober of Atlas que zühuc tt b't, nor was yet it a. 1 + Storco, arc ; to moke mats. lus, who ſucceeded him. Gerador * Ubi jus steccrit, whon + s orcola. 2; f. a lile mat. Stratini ea, a airy of Macedon'a, the jui:e hegain so ihnen Storia, a city of India without Gin. callesi allo Adrianopolis. Stoa. 2;f' a gallery walk. g. ges. Stratonicus, a mufcin, who hidin Stobuus, un ancien: "authir of choice Straba, æ ; f... Squiri.cy'd women his fihool the nine Milftig. Apollo, Greek fontences, and two books, of SIRABO. Önis (or på bivy ) and two ſcholars. Alas-very ricb • loguri, ens of phpes; and the whar STRABUS, , m. Squint.get, min, errafurer of Philip and Alex- 0: ribics. 67 goggle-esed. ander, whoſe nams Poled inso a Ştobi, rrity of Macedon'a. Strabo, a S'o'ck philosopher, born of proverb. Stoborthum,' a prorronsory of Africa Arfia in Poalus, 'isho wrot je. Straton's inſula, an ifl.und in cbe gulf Propria. vintern borks of geography dedicated of Arabia. Strebe, és ; f. lmao wred, g. to Tiberius Cæfar. Strător, oris ; ma guerry, of groots Stæcados, ijinds of Gallia Narbo. Strāges, is ;, f. [à fterno) a great this saddles ths borje. nensis, raltid alio Liguft.des. Hughier or killing of people .*Qu's Stralos, a city of Acarnania. Sie has, ādis ; f. the hero fichados ftrages dedit? wob if havock his hs Stratum, i; n, a bed, coushy coverlid, or French lavinder. mide ? * Strazes ædium, the curr. hirla.starh, & pauirg or paved jireit. Stol. è, lokta Sitick. turning of boules. * Su gerc ftrato, io rija. Strata Stoic:,:br Sto'rk philosophers, following Stragoni, city of G:rmany called viarum, cujas. Zeno, wo held a fatal nècility, Pofnania # Stratumino, zrc ; ro pavi. freesom in wife mon from all paf. S rāgula, ; f. [à fterno) a co. Strātūra, æ; f.. poving or paus- Jions, &c Smagulim. din. Svaring of a } rms, * Stratura cquoron, hers- Bio.cus, a, um ; of a Shich, Stoical, or any other thing, & carort, boile. furnitun. Sto'dis, as iſand in its Perban les, ilseshs, alo priped fuff for chwr- Strācus a, um ; part. of Sternor; rich in doaris. lids. Jewed, foread, pared, salm. #B. Stāls, æ; t. any looſe garnict, a Strāgūlītus, a, um ; adj. nf divers quus ftratus, a' hirde ready ſaddled women's gown, a long robe, a prieb's celours, jiripad. and bridled. gorun, a starron, g. Strägulo, āre; so deck with divers Co. Strātus, os ; m. afrering. , , um. with a lours: , fi a fari. long pobie, lume.faced, honeff. *it St agulus, i, m. a coverlid » Car Streblitarius, ll; m..e papirg.cork. , ; Stolatı bulics, lidy wiih pet Strena, a.cry of Crete. long train, Scrambe, city of Thrace. STREVA, f. [à spny luxus]a Stölidc; adv. fooliſhly, fondly. Strãmen, inis į llà {ternoraw, new years-gift. Scoliditas, ātis; f. foosionsss. Sirameniam, in 5 litlar, rubble. * Strēno, are į to give a row-years. Stolidus, a, um, adj. (à fola vel tot Sramentitias, a, um ; ad).Of Bravo lo) fooliſh, fund. jlupid. Mihi fto. or litter. Teekum ſtramentitium,+ Strenõſus, a, um; full of new. lido os fublavere, they wiped me a thresh'd bruja. geurs gifts. wuth like a flly (vlow as I was. St amincus, a, um ; of Araw. Strēnuè ; adv. veljant'y, otively. Stolo, onismi là ottaan mitto, vel + Stramon:um, 11; n. thorn.apple, + Strenuosītas, acis ; f, Dalianinas. Heb. Dosthol piantavit) a poor or + Strangulatio. õnis ; f. a frang . Ser Strcnuolitas. young twig prowing our of the flock; Strangulacus. ; ms lingir Strcnula, æ ; f, a feall now.jaars- alſo «ful. * Vulva Itrangulatus: gift. Stolo, ārc ; to loosh with long robe. the morbur. Stronuosītas, atis"; f. manhood, use Stolus, a city of Thrace. + Siangũlatus, a, um ; Brangled, lour Suoma, a marm of Troas. chnaked STRENUUS, a, um; adj. nlor, iffs. Stomacace, ês , f, the journy in 1b. STRANGULO, are, act. (otpryga. mous, (sepe sportis) irong, van uw) to sranglı, rhork, Rif... Dop liani, four, a&tivi, niad. Stre. Ston.achabundus, a, um ; adj. doy sho 'breach Strangulare divitias nua mors, quick and ſudden death. ged, luilm, furly. in arca, 10 kerp money hoarded up. Strépērus, a, um,adi, jurring, hoarſi, Stomachicus, a, um , fick in the fo Strangulare voluptatc, 80 (urfeit neiſy: mech ; alfa onaning ibi fumuch. in delighese Strepito, are ; tomutter, .sr make 4 Stomăchor, ari ; Lo be angry or fullen, Strangn!or, ari ; pafl. so be checked or neife after 10 bear a grudge. . Id mecum Arangled, &c. in Prætor lactis Strčpltas, i, and ûs, m. a niſi, mut- ſtomachabur, that was the realon hauſtu ftrangulatus eft, the mayor' fering, rattling i alfo a train or re- why I was so wxrd, why my anger was shoakes with a draught of zinua was p milk. Plin. STREPO, ui, itim, čre, spe pro ver- S'omachosè.. angrily, fullenly. Strangūrja, ze ; fi the Arangury, or.l: [10, vel à ſono) 10 make ü noijë, + Stopachosítas, ātis, f. anger. difi ulty of making goale 8 murmur, mulier, to ring. Stodăcholus, a, um , angry, wrath Strapelin, a priple Apulla. Strepfa, a city of Micedonia, ful, exfily angry. Literæ ftoma - Strzia, õrum ; n. bed.cloalbs. Strepficerotes beapa bilf wild and chofiores. & latter fowawhai argu. Stortagena, átis ; n. a Pratagene om half time, g: ing ongdr. willy Sighi in warfsre, g. Strla, æ; fi là ſtringo) a rabari, er STOMACHUS. di m.[OTOUAXE5] Strategia, æ; f. a poneralfbin, g; ſmall furrow modi in pone or time the ftomach, the meat-pipe; ullo wn- Strategus, i; m. thx generol of an ter, a charforing or cbannolling ger, indignition, grudging. * Id GIP), she master of a feaſ, e, T: Ýs or beams, which are thoſe plain non eft tai stomachi, That does not Stratia, s city of Arcadia sparas between the furing, plenze geur pulutt. • Stomacho fuo Stratlētes, is ; m, a ro'dler ; alſo the Striatūra, aifa chumel grocerasi, viverc, 1 live at his own pleifurt, herb millefolium, .. either natural or in carved work. not to be controuled. * Mei sto: Stratioticus, a, um ; military, of war Striarus, a. am; ad).servird, corvid, machi hæc natura cft, that I way se joldiery, & channelled, ſcoloped. *Striata frons, sunper and diſposen. * Movere Stralüm, city of Aca:nania, a wruikhed forshond. ftomachum alicai, so make me an- Stratius, ont of Neftor's sons; alfo a STRIBLIGO, inis ; f. [à fpec. RN frname of Jupiter in Caria. curvus) a fo!eciſm, inproper Ipouking Stömaticus, a. um adj. g. having strato, a king of s.don, who was or writing . a fort or ſwelling in the moweb. DeLilo k li kimſelf that he migha no Seriblita, æ ; f. & tart. Zu Scil- Medicamenta fomatica, medicinsi full into the Persans honds; but be. blita. good for a sors instein, ing afraid, his wife did it for him. Sirica, æ; f. a close coat. Stomā.na, ăcis; ncut & feel; allo Strarochia, d'ally of Aſia by Boſplto seriete, proighily, cloſely, Stric. the tales falling from orals in both aus Cim in rits. Stridim, Stina Lonjere, have ing Stratones, 4 aiſriplerf Iſocrates, and so the quise. Stonia, a tisz of Cappadosia. Several others, Strisivus, a, um ; adj. gatherei Storax, aciem, a urol guit, ... Şiralona, uring of Macedonia, fa wrıb the hand STOREA, e, f, [à Eregwyſternojas rla, and Lydla. Strutor. öris, m. A gatvarer. 'svogner 6. 1 Striciü shocking terth, .. + STR S TR S T U 1 mour one. thinga. vor. + Sur!áðrlum, Il ; n. a basket to ge boving a king whom they follow, ! Struthia, a city in Phrygia. her fruit in. g Struihla mala, quini-pears, &. Sui&tura, æ; f. {miths dub,the sparks Strongyle, an iffand in the Tyrrhene Stratio, onis, Bring from bor iren. fox,, nos far from Sicily, whoje in. Strutio camelus, i ; m. } Bridge. Straus, a, um, part of ſtringor, g8 habitants could foretell by the smoke Struthiam,ll, n. Jullers herb or werd, tburo, Brained. Arright, drawn, what wind would blowo shra days g cmciiStrida mamilla, breaft: after; whence Æolus, who reigned Strybia, an inand in the Sporades. laid out, or dare. here, was called king of the winds; Strychnus, i, o, nigbi.Shade; or win. + Striculas, i;m. a fripling. aifo an iſland in the Egean fea, ter cherry, R: Strideo, ēre, 2 to make a noiſe, gnal, called Naxos. Stryacin" ifand in the Egcan Strido, 'čre,'} grind the srub. Strongyllum, a caſila at Conftanti fea. Suidon, a city of Upper Pannonia. nople. Strymus, a river of Macedonia. Stridor. Orisa, a trafbing xoije, a Strongylus, á mountain of Carma- Strymonius, a.am; foreaking, gnofbing, grindingor nie. Strymonicus , grasing ibi reab Strophi, a; a bift, ,quark, di wils, STUDEO, ērc; incut. (à oeuds fe- Stridălè, adv. ferrelingly, frandaloni devine ; alfo fong to ftino] 80. liedj, to endeavour, fol. Stridulas, a; om ; adj. Jarraking, the hory, g low diligently, to rajput, to mind making a crabing noiſe. Strõphades, two iſlands in sbe lönlan or girnd. Studere fomno, to Striga, & ; f. [à ftringo) a row of fea; callad, alfo Piotr, give one's ſelf to floop. th Novis ibings 'laid in order, a long toena Strophas, ādis, g a ſudden turn or rebus ftuderc, 10 plot innovations or train af horſes, an oblong jgure ; whirling, on the late, • Qaf te nec amst, alſo a witch. Strophiarius, il; m. he that makes nec ftudet tui, who neilbrr loves Strigātus, a, um ; adj. more long than garlands, sr: womans neck-sliphs, you, nor refpoets yoll. Studere broad. Strophiolum, i ;. a little chaples or homini, to take one's part, Stu- STRIGIL, itis; m.] [oracygis, vel gorgui. dere hominem, ro obſerve and bus STRIGILIS, 15.6.3 à ftringo);a St.ophiam, it, n. Corpóplcr] a neck- Omnes mulieres æ. curing-comb, a Jorüper to rub off be cloth slomacher; ayo a garland or quc ſtudent noluntqac omnia, all diri in baths alſo a channel in crown of Aawirs. women like and dif.ka obe satu carved work, and a kind of allowe, a Strophlus, a king of Phocis, the fo. kind of long utfel. jber of Pylades. Stude:ur (ab Ulis) lmp. shay mdes- + Strigilarius, it ; 'm, a naker of borfe + Strophulus, 1 ; m. rid-gun, a dia i combs. Bempor inrebildren, Siūdiosè, adv. Sudionſlı, diligmily, Strigilatio, önis, f. a currying of Strophus, i, m.ihe boily-ach, wring eagerly, laboriouſly, violentir. horn. ing or griping of the belly j. alſo a Studioſus, a, um, adj. jor, Iffimus, + Strígilātor, oris ; m.besbat cuprinth purfa.jiring, g. Budious, givm 10 Liudy, labirtoks, borjas. Strophus, 1 m. [oTp.p.) a prieff's diligmi, offraionare sowards. Striglelcúla. ; f. a little curry. mitro; alſo be string of an ear, a Nobilicacis ftudlofus, füvcuring the : balt. nudrlily. + Strigillo, are, te Pirain, wring.props, Stropus, i ; m. agarlund. See Strap. Stádiun, 11 ; n. Rudy, caro, degra, ta paint the face pus. diligence, esgerrie, love, obſervance: + Strīgilo, are, to curry, rub duwm Structuis, c; ad}. [à ftruo] built, or Studium partium, the wornej sf. Steigiam, il ; 8. Cà fringoja Spaniſh made up of divers parts. fra.on of parties engaged, * Æ. gerent. Strucio, onis j f. a building. què fod um eft adverfart viris, Strigmentum, i, m. parings, Scraping, Structor, örism. a builder, carpen they are as wantonl, bent to crols the dirt firaped off in iho baib. ter, or majon. Structor capil. and rhwari ibrir husbands. Str!go, are, [à ttrigalio rat or breathe latura, a porriwig naker: Stra Studium tuuiu erga me, the good botwm whilas. ctor abnonæ,a, catter er furuyor. will and offe&tion you bear towards + Strigo, onis, m. aflrong and well Strudor menſæ,fewer or car- fet man. var. Stuferus, i ;m. [Belg.) a Dutch Ni- Strigonium, city of Hungary, Stru&torius, a, um, adj. of a builder ver, a peun Strigofuga, m adj. lan, land, or farver. Stuinos, a city of Liguria. ibin. Orator frigolus; a' barren Structura, æ; f. a building, difice, Stulpini, a people of Liburnit. Sicily. fcaur. Termino, are; act. to determinate, Terceptāni, 2, a, adj. . ! a sily liais, 10 bound, finiſh, define. Ter- Tercenti, bundred. } Tergestum minare ſententiam, to make an ind adv. thror bundred Tergetini, the people of Tergeſte. of speaking. Oculis terminsre, Tergeftinus Ginus, ibs ſame as Aqui to difinguiſh by Isoking on. Tercentam ; indec. thru hundred. lelus. Term nus, the suppoſed god of Teenus, a, um ; Tergiductor, ör's; m. a,bringer up of hounds. Terdeni, 2; api . } ad}. thirrj . of a file. TERMÍNUS, i, m. Liv. ['T Equedi Tērébellum, i, n. a little wimble or + Tergidux, ucis ; m. a lieutenant. Teller) the end, border, rem, piercer, a furgeon's trepon, Tergilani, a prople of Lucania. bound or limit, * Terminus iu- Terebinthinus, a, um, adj. of tur. Terginus, a, um, 201 [à le gum). pemus, the laj cujt. De line. a bide Terginum loruas, a lua-Termiffum, arity in Spain. Tě ebinthas, i; f. she turpmlins Teraiſlus, a city of Pamphylią. Teor's, a city of L'bya. + Termo, onis; m. See ter TEREBRA 2; f. Ce!f. là Tergiverſanièr, adj. wi'h backward. + Termen, inis jn minus. TEREBRUM, ijn. Tegéwi te nefs, Tothness, or unwilingnes. Termus, a river of Sardinia, lebro) on augur, wimile, percor, Tergiverſatio, onis ; apanding off, Tesnārius, a, um , adj. cnfning of a graving infirument, , and Jur a binging baik, a juffering himnjalf thru fat. geon's trepan. to be non-fuired. Terni, æ, 1, adl. pl. by abree and Terebrācio, āns ; fe a piercing or Teglicisător, ör!s; m. be that tres. * Tcrnı deni, by thirtenna: boring... draws back or Bands of Ternio, ons; m. the number threr. Torebrātus, a, um ; pierred, bared. Tergiverfor, ari ; dep [à tergum & + Ternudenus, a, um, adj. the Törebro, arc ; a. pierce or bora verto] 'to fandt, hang bark, 1o de shirsenib.. with an argur or wimble. backward, losh or unwilling, so full | Te nus, a, um ; adj. tbrue-fold. • Terebros, a river in Spain. 10 a roh-fuit, to wrangle. Ternus ordo, ihre on a hide. TEREDO, ins; f. [TnyEdwr) a Ter-go, lig ſum. gère; a&t. to cleane; TERO; trivi, itunn, terörc ; act. worm that eats wood, sijo 'A morb, wipe, four. Sot tergeo. ''Expw Tgisw) to wear wirb rub- and a words in one's band. Tergörcus, a, um; of a hids. bin, so rub, beat, bruiſ, Bamp or Tercdon, a city in the gulf of Per- Tergoro, arc ; to pui in or piuck fa threſh.: Tcrere tempus, to wear Ga. bide or. cctering. away the time • Mola tercre, 30* Terentia, Cicero's wife, who being TERGUM, i, n. (arkers, vel à ter. grind. divorcod. from bim, married his geo] the bask; all ise hinder part Terpinder, a lyric pott of Lesbos. memy Salluft; and afterwards Mer of a man, biall, bira 3 askin or Terphus, a mufician whom Nero tcök fila Corvinus. hide, alſo la: ther, and a field. # murb plea,uro in. , Exercitus tergum, the rear of an Terpsicorc, one of the Mufe:. Terentinus, a, um, adj. of Tercn. army. • A tergo, bebind. * Terquini, æ, a ; fifteen, tos. * Ludi Terentini, plays in Cava terga tauri, arutas, • Ter. TERRA, j f Ovid. (éga, Heb. bonour of Apollo and Diana once in ga dare or vertere, so ylee or run Tolz] the qurth, a land, or couri- an hundred years, sway, • Tergum mont's, roo try ; alſo the heuthen goddeſs Ve- Tercatius, a corto poet, born at firep ſide of a bill. ſta. • Terræ filius, one of a Cacihage, made free by Terentius Tergus, orisi n. a hide, loosher; al 0DAuti paranlage. Terram le- Lucanes, and in great favour wirb so the back. See tergoo. gere, te coaji along the shour. Lælius and Scipio: Teras, a riorr in Sic:ly hy Catana, Terram deo, I an almol at an Terentius Culeo, a Roman Senator called 12 Jaretta. end of a troubleſome buſine's. ? taken by the Carthag'niars, and Teritada, a city of Meſopotania. Aut tcrrâ aut mari, one way or ridermed by Africanuis Major, Terinc, a city of Italy. another. whole charla he soirund with a cap Teriones, um ; nuli tero vel terra) Terrāceus, a um, adj. of shi sarib, upon his head. en het plough the earth. carthen. Tercntias Scaurus, a grammarian in + Terifrum, i į tow an Irifti rug or Terræmotus, us ; m. an ear15 the time of Adrian. munile. -quaks. Torres ther thing } 1 volls. 1 TER TES IT ET re:refacio, ère ; to scrrify, or make through fear, fo as two thirds caninst Teſtātus, a, um, adj. for, kaving made a wll, Telified, proved, . Terrctio, ieri ; ncut. to be terrified. I + Terticeps , īp's ; ad). having ihre tainly known + Terren ficus, iim. a raojt mil. heads. + Tefticŭlor, ari ; dep. to call wit- chi 9:&vius perfon Tertiò ; adv. ebirdly, the tbird time. Trirēnum, i ; n. a field, or land so Tertio, are ; to repeat she third time. Teſticulus, i ; m. the fone of a be manured. * Agrum tcrtiare, xo till the third man or beaft. * Teſticolis odora. Terrenus, a, um ; adj. a (à terra] time. tus, culiions, (herb]. Teſticulus carthly, living on the earth. * Iter Tertium ; ady, the third time. vulpinus, the herb fox-fones. terrenum, a journey by land. Via Tertius, a, um ; the thri. * Ter Tetil icatio, önis * Ter-Teftificatio, önis ; f. a refisfication, tcrrcna, a way not paved. Ter. tæ notæ, of ihs third ilafs or ranko evidencing, or pro ng by wirnelisa renus collis, a bill, baving dup Tertius decimus, a, ua ; adj. adj. declaration, affirmation, ofortion or mould without inos. 16e Thirlemib. growing. TERREO, ērc ; nout. Cic. ' TITúpw Tertullianus, i; m. Tertulian, a Tefificator, oris ; m. be sbar bears vela Tpów timcojito uffright, Berrijg. noble divine of Carthage. witneſs. fore. Terva, a city of Armenia. Testificacus, a, um ; part. of teſtifi. Terreſtris, re ; ad). varreflrial, living Terveneficus, a, um , very miſhie cor; witnefnd, or calling to witneſs. on the carih. Cena lerreftris, Tertificor, ari; dep. acc. to lejlifj; Surper of follads. * Reg'o ier. Teruncius ii ; m. [qu. tres unciæ] to bear or call to witneſs. Icftr:s, an inland country. a dedkin, a farthing. * Teruncit Teſtimoniā!ls, c ; adj. vf er for'a Terrcus, a, um, adj.carihin, of earth. witneſs. - tion facere, nes to value of a far. Terrioilis, e; adj. terrible, horrible. Thing Teftimonium, il ; n. Cic. a resipra- Terrībìlilas, ālis ; f.' sirrid!mes, Teia, a city of Carmania. .: ny, evidence, witrais, citation, Teftimon um crocum, when a man great fair. Te!cum, i; n. a rough placı, See Terrībiliter ; ady. terribly. Tervua. is put doom as a wiines, though not + Terric dium, 11;n, a turf of earth. Teſquus, a, um ; rough, rugged. prefint. * Pro, teftimonio dicere, Terricola, æ ; c. an inhabitant or Teſqua, orum ; n. Là cucor) rough to make a fidsvit. dwel er upon the c.rsh. places, noe haunted, dedicated to fome TESTIŞ, is; c. Liv. (à riênces de Terri úla, æ ;. f. a buz.be":t. god, woafes. pono) a witneſs, one that is privy to Terricũlamentum, i, n. 2 etmible Tesella. 2; (à teffera) e lirtle dye, a thing ; alſo a fone of a man or Terriculum, i ; n. 3 spectacle, Small piire of sharquer-work. beaft. * Tcftis auritus, ansar fo-srful thing, ſcars.crow. Teftellärinn, li; n. chaqurt.work. witnefs. *Teftis oculatus, an'eye- Terrifico, are ; lo amazı, frizbi et Tefſellarius, 11; m. is maker of witneſs, #Teltis fynodalis, a hide fcore. chrequer-work, man ta a chur b wurden. , Teriricus, a, um ; ad Claud. ter. Teitellatus, a, um, part. shequered Teftor, ari ; dep. acc Quint. to te. - rible, frighiful, amazing. w th inlaid pieces of wood, foris,&c. pify, to give evidence, bear wir-- . ; act to charquer. nijs, affirm or avouch, to decları,to Terrigenus , s. üm; ad). } - or corn TESSERA, *'; F. La recondi per qua- cell 10 wirne's; to conjuin, bersih, of ihe earth tuor). « dye, Lilly, # Teflera mike a will. Terrilõquus, a, um, adj. talking of mil taris, the word, watch.word, Tcfu ; indec. n. [à teſta) a baking- all dreadful things. a privise coken aning ſoldiers. pon; alfo a cutle dania, + Terrifavium, ji; 1. & dancing, %6 Teflera frumentaria, or nun- Teftuaceas, a, um , ut on earthen op bounding mara, a ticket by wohiih the poor bak-ng-pan, baked in a pans. • Li- Terrisonus, a, um ; adl. founding received a dole of corn er money, bum teftuaccum, a pon-pudding. terridly. Tefferam hoſpitii confregit, Test donicarum, 1; nia bencing rout. Territo. arc ; ;,to offright often. hi bus Oroken the league of hospita-Teſtudincatus, a, um ; adj. made like Territorium, ii ; n. A lerritory or di . lity: un mich or roof. Tecla teſtudide- priat Tefférārius, ii ; p. a bringar, or giver ata, pent bruſes. Terriius, 2, um ; part. Offrighiedi 1 if a watch-word; a ferje int. Teitudincus, a. um ; adj. of a tor. Teritus, ùs; m. ; m. in ammoment. Tefferārius, a, um; of dirt. toile, or (nail; of an aish or unult. Terror, oris ; m. terror, four, aread. dus refferarius, ihejs or draughts. • Gradus ceítudincus, ſnail's. * Terro i efic ali ui,10 afright and Tchèrātus, a, um ; adj. mace mish pars. fcare one. Square forus, Tefūdo, i nis; f. Vir. [à tefta) a Terrulente, adv. Barthenly Tefférula, æ; f. a (mallisle or Square lortaile, Snail,an arch toof or vault, + Terrulcntia, æ ; f. curthine's. pono į alle a Tisle tally cr* tic pent-houls, lule, ulier. * Teſtudo Terfor, oris ; m. o wiper. ker. militaris, an onzine made with + Terförior, a towel. TESTA, æ; f. [qu. tofta, vel à ter- boards, and covered with raw bides, Terſus, a, um, part. of tirgcor ; ra) an caribex, vedel, A caik, a to defend the ſoldiers af.a Arge: piere, ne!t, clean. brick, porſberd, or is her, a boli, Alfo a target.fones made by the fula Te fuis ûs ; m, a wiping, cleanfing, skull, gally.pct, the iplinier of a diers hilding their (words toge:ber or kouring. oore. over their heads. Tertia, the Ajior of Brutus, and wife Testabilis, c ; adj. cap.:ble of bearing Teftula, æ ; t. a little tile, Shell, por, of Caffius. wiinals. Tertia d.slunciorum,f fol fa-u. Teliaceus, a um ; adj. oj brick.tile, Teitum, es tefta. Tertia excellentiem, s fa-ut. or pellente chas, friving a melloop Tellus, ùs ; m. a baking-pan' or Tertiana, @if. Juy, a portion agua, rum teftaceum, a fand pear. Tertiani, orum ; in. jeldders of the 3d T. Stāmentāries, a, um ; adj. of a Tetanicus, a, um ; ad). having iba band or lg ont. Teflament or writ, cramp or ifick in the nerk. Tergianus, a, um ; adj. of the third Teñimentarius, ii ;, m. oferivener, Tetanotrum i ; 2. medicine se day, tortion. or writer of Wills ; a forget of minke the skin moch. Terdirium, ii; n. a fierce, fout 1419. wills. Toianus, i; ibi cramp ; a crick in the Les or anches. Teftamentor, ari ; to mass z will. ner. Tcrtia ius, a, um ; adj. containing ,Tetāmentum, a; n. A will or te Tellāmentum, 1 ; n. A will or s Teteriæus, a, um ; adj. the fourth. the third part. painoni. To:-cr, tn, rum; crior, errimus; [à Tervānus, id; m. un altor of the + Teilātìm ; :dv. by pinces or foruds. lædet) foul, ill. fuucured, borrible, zd or longe part of a play. Teftatio, onis; f. a relay ng, cvi. sirg. dark; curl. Terrātio, onis ; *.the woing of a thing densing, proving, wisnesfing. * Te.Tethalaldměnuo vinum, a thin wine the third time. ftationem imponerc, to give tulli mixech wiih fue water. Tertio ; ady, at every third. mony. + Téthya, ; f. w kind of opper, Teri:ātun, i; n, s mixt metal, two Teftato ; adv. tpenly, before wines, Téthys, the wife of Ocesnus, and paris land, and the o her tin, by wil. duughter of Tera ons Colum,pur 'Tertiaros, a, um ; adj done the third Teliālor, oris ; ma teftator, he that Jointinse for the fua. simi, or in thira parts. * Tertiala moke his will. + Telin, for tenui vcrba, wirds imperfectly prenot:n:06. Teftarix, īcis ; f. fe that makes her Tetrachordum, i ; n. an inflrumens will, of four frings. + * Lu- ار 3 or log. 1 1 TE U T HA. THE I Tetracolon, any thing confiding of ?cumeflius, a, am ; of Teumeffus. | Thalamia, a city in Theffaly. four members or part. 7 cuochis, a city and lake of E-THĂLĂMUS, í; m. Vir. (Scarpees) Tetradorong any thing your handfulsi gypt. 4. Ord chamber, a bride-cha iber, grars. Teurtochænæ, -a .people of Germa marriage, a bee biur, an eye-ho a. Tetradrachmum, i ; no á coin weigh ay. Thalaffiarcha, æ; man admirol. ing four drashes. Tcurates, Mercury, so called of ibe Thalaffiarchia, æ ; f. the admiral- Tetreětēris, idis ; f. the spare of four Gauis. bio. yants. Teuthadamas, the faibar of Pelar- Thalaſficus ; 2 of the sea Téträgõniſmus, i; m. lauuring gus. Theffalinus, a, um ; } foa-coloured, Tetāgonus, i; alquare, or qua- Touthis, a fill fenced with a long bone fea-grim. drungl. Janding out. Thälāffio, onis, f. Za nuptial or wod- Tetragrammaton, i, n. the nume of Teuthanalache, -és; f. the herb spi. Tkalaſius, ii ; m. $ ding.song ; also Schovah, beccult it couffiasb only of pegs. the god of weddings, of the nuptial- Your letters in the Hebrew; Teochrania, a city of Paphlagonia. word by whicb toc bride was drawn Tetralice; ês ; f. srox work. Teuihranteus, a, um, of Teuthras. to domelick duties. Tetrão, ūšis ; f. a bufard.' Teuthras, ancis, m the ion af Pandi. Thalaſſomeli, itos; n. a medicine of Tetrapharmacum, i, m. a medicine on king of Cilicia and My Gia, wbo fua or rain watir and honey. of your ingredienti. some ſay had so daughters gition all Thalaffus ; the.ged of weddings. Tetrapolis, a euntry of Syria; con with child by Hercules in one nigbi; Thalārus, i; a dollar. Poining the four biler citing Antio alſo u city of Italy, and a river. Thales, one of the fourn wife men of chia, Seleucia, Apamia, and Lao- ! Teuthrone, a city of Laconla. Greece. dicea; alſo a part of Attica, contain Teuthurla, an iſland of lonia. Thaleſtrin la qusm of the Amazons, ing four towns, Ocnoc, Probalintho, Teuthuffeus, a, um; of Teuthufia. Thaleſtris, whi went thirty-five Tricorythron, sind Marathonc. Teutoburgenſis Saltus, m wood in dags journey, accompanied with ib.44 Tetraptocong'i2. a noun of four Weſtphalia, hundred wone, to meet A'exander cafos. Teutoburgium, a town in Panno in Hyrcania, ihas joe might con- Tetrarcha, æ,m. a dstrarsh, or govern nla Superior, and anosber in Guel. ceivs by him. or of the fourth port of a muntry. dria. Thālla, one of the Mujits; alſo an Tetrarchia e, f, the fourth part of i Teurones; 1 4 people of Germany, by and in the Tyrrhenc feu. a coun:ry under its governor. Teutoni; } the.Gernan oston, now Thaliarum, i; 2. bafturd.rbubarb, Tetras, ados; f.sbs number four. taken for all the Geimans, meadow-ru. Tetraftiche. és ; f. a gallery with Teutonic.:S, a, um ; adj. German. Thallus, be wrote an «xakt bifory of four ranks of pillars, TEX.O. uior i, tua, ére, act. acc. Syria. Técraft chon,' i; n. an epigram st (à Tápis ordo] to weave, knit, tis, Thallos, i;m, the green lakes of on:- jave of Fur verfas. ir plais, buiid, frame er faſhion; 10 ons, or garlic, s branch of olive er Tetraſyllabus, a, um ; adli of four write or compile. * Penelopes te. laurel, Jyllabies, lain (excre, to do and undo ; 10 la. Thalp2fa, a city of Orchomenas ir Tetrè iùs, crrimè; adv. foully, bor bour in vain. * Et tela texitur, Arcadia rsoly, cruelly. • that delign is carry ng 08. Thamels, the river Thames. Tétricè i adv. cruelly, fourly. Tex!2, æ; fi a hair-lace or fillet. Thamus, a river of Paleſtine, Tetricitas, ätis ; f. veriry, barjo Textilis. c, adj. wouin, knit, plait. Thamyras, 2 a Thrac an poet, who ne's, furnefs, crabbednajs, fadnejsi #d, ombroidered. *Textilis pictu- Thamyris, Š contended with the Tetricus, very cragged så, figured arras or tapeſtry. Mufes, upon condition, if he come Tetrica, 3 of the Sabines, whence, Textile, is; n. wovm-work. quered, be should enjoy their embra. your men are ſaid so do called Te Textìm, in waving ; ady, res, if overcome, he should frfor trici. Textivilitium, il;n (a textum & - what ibuy pleaſed; which happen. Tetricus. a, um ; adj. (a teter) cru vijis) ibrums.of cloth. ing, he los buh bis eyes and harp ; dl, crabbed, barlb, rough, sad, /s- Tex!or, or's; m. I wiaver, 67- } hence the proverb, * Thamyras ia- Text ix, icis ; vere, four. broiderar, fanit. # Tetritudo, inis; f. as tetricitas. Textorius, a, um ; adj. of or belong. Thanato, the island Thanet in Tetrix, icis ; f. a bujard. ing so wcaving; wrum. Kent. # Tetro, are ; to defile, make bitler. Textrices, the ihru fjor ſpinfiors or Thancum, a cily of Egypt. Tetrobõlum, i; n. & coin worth about _definies. Thapſacus, a city of Syria. fourpen'r halfpenny Textrina, æ;. f, a wesver's shop; or Thapfia, a,.f. a great Spaniſh ſcorcb- Teir gometra, æ; fo a losuj orlar. the art of weaving. ing fennel. grr graſspopper. Textrinum, i; n. a wasver's foop, the Thaplus, an ancient town in Sicily, Tete goni. 2; f. the leffer fort of company of weaver's; aljo a dook for of not far from Syracuſe. rajhopper. building of ships. Thargelii, an A theoian froſt in ho- + fetull. for taii, the proterperfe& Textrinus, a, um, adj. of a wesver. nour of Apollo and Diana, whertse imit of fero. Textum, i; n. a web, a cobweó, ary The month April iscalled Thargelion. Tetrin!us, á neled robber. ih ng woven. • Oration's texium, Tharops, she fesher of Ocagrus, to Teuca, 1 queen of the Illyrians, a lyle or morina of Spreho whor Bacchus gave the kingdom of Teutha, } wbe very , unjujily New Textura, æ; f. a wwiving. Thrace, boving diſcovered the 1210 Roman amboladors. Textus, a, um, part. of textor ; we treachery of Lycurgus, and juin Teu-cer, cri; m. on biſoriat of wen, plaised. Ciſta texta, a wic. bim. Cyzicus, ala the ;on of Scaman. ker basket. - * Iter tcxtum, a dark Tharſis, the chief city of Cilicia. der. who reigned with Dardanus in way, hard lo be hit. Thalia acx, an almont, Sre Tha. Troas; alſo the son of Telamon, a; Textus, ús ;. m. a werving, knitting, fus. vergiskilful archar, sing, plaiting, wriibing ; a text or Thalus, Tęgchiria. .c city of Cyrcoaica, fubjet. an gean iſland. Thaffus, Cated alfo Aranoë Thalius, a, um ; ad), of Thaſus. Tcuchites, is jm. the fwri rush Iqui. Tante H. Vinum Thaçium, wine commended by Plautus ; hinc also the proverb, Teurrion, Thabis, & macuntain of Scythia, ThaGum infuditi, when c71e Teucrium, ii; n. Thabor, a rncuntain of Paieftine, and mixes one wine w.sh a ſtronger. Teocrita, Troy, foculied frow Team! a city of Bohemia Thàymacia, a ciry of Magacha, and Thais, idis ; f. a famous harlot of another in Phthioris. Teucri, IDe Trolans, Alexandria, who came to. Athens. Thaumagum, a mountain of Ar. Teudoriumthe city Paderborn in whore for debau bed she power of cadia. Weſtphalia. 1 their youth. Thea, a ſea nymph; alſo a city of Teumesfus, a mountain of Bæotia, Thalame, any of Mi frenia, famous Laconia. wbere Hercules, dcing but a boy, is for the temple and cradle of Palie Theagines, the name of ſeveral mm, jaid te bive Rain be Teumeſtiza phac. wbi sof one was jo ſuperſtitious, thor lion. Thalamēgus, i; f. a pleaſure-bogi. be, would never jis a foot without textur * } nani. } them heres gor. C:I. THE Τ Η Ε THE : confulting the image v Hecate, she Dorick diálià, whi:b Birgil in i Thérapne, a tawo of Sconia, where birare shi prover), Theagenis Hc bis Bucol cks imitaies. Diana firj bgg nro or worſhipped ; catcun. Theodamas, the father of Hylas, alſo is principal city of Creer Thcimedes, a fore of a contrary na. sain by Hercules for denying' bim Therapeus, a, um, ef Therapne.. lure to leadjione; dr:ving iron via vals. Theralia', an Ægein spand, divided from 16. Thcodectes, an oxator of Cilica, inse tur ny in wurthquake. Thcarigela, á cisj of Caria Theodorias, a city of Phrygia, called Thergubis, a city of Mclopotamia. Theano, a priest of Pálias, who Theriaca, al f. mart, torr yed the Pallad:om to the Theodoricus, a king of the Oitrogo- Therlice, es, againt Paijon, g. Greeks and other wär.173. thi, and other man. Therlacus, a, um ; of a viger, or an Theatrālie, ej of a bratro, fall, or Thcodoropolis, . 4 city of Thrace, Iber cruel beaf, g frafold. built by Juft nian. Ther'cles, a Cornthian patter; bened Thcatricus, a, uſj of a sheatre or Theodorus, a river of Aliz, whers Thericlea vafz. -Yafold. gold is found; a!o a loshifer of Therioma, átis ; n. a jsab, o bird Theatridian, il.n. a litt's thentre. Byzantium, and other men. rod and round jord in ibe funda- Thcairum; 1 ;. [Beat gor} a thea. Theodofia, a fainous < ty of Taurica ment, gº Ble, fings, or Jouffold, w liage.play, Cherſonelus; also the merapolis of Thericnarc., an island of Doris, a. proſpekt, rbe.papiret a plug. * in Paphlagonia dout Onldus. theatro verlari, so de expojid 10 Theodolius, the name of troo Roman Therlotrophium, li, n. a park wbird open via #mperors and other.min. wild brills are aspi, 8; Thebais, įdis ;f a famous work of + Thcodofium, i, n. while mari. Theriftrum, iinin ihin vil, or Statius, containing the war bawan Thcodotus, a Phænicia.. hiflorian, femmes garmin, g. E.cocles and Polyniccs of Thcces, and other min. Therma, purt of Sicily ; alfa a city - wbervin the two brothers killed one Theogo's; a Greek part, born af Me of Bythin'a, and other places. Frother alſo a winan of Thebes, garia. in Attica; al oa comedian, THERMÆ, arum; f. (à Šeaz@ca- Thcoaicus lapis, * porcia will goiden buit so frigid, th.it he was called lidus) hot bulbsa Bow!. pots, giod to grini nyk.powder. Nix; and other mon. Thirme, she sily Bitte į alſo a city of Thebe, th? city Thebes in E. Thesgonja, æ; f. the generation, Thrace. Theba, hypt, of an bundred and original of the gods, g. Sinus Thermaicus, two cities in Ger. Thebæ, Joriy Furlongs in com- Theologia, æ ; f. divsnity, g. many, and other pls. pays, and an hundred gases ; allo e Thcologicus, a, um, of divinity, 8. Thermae Himerenfes, & coling and ring af Boeotia, called Sty be, Jaid 10 Thcõlögur, i, n. a divine , g. bity in Sici'y.. be built Cadmus; and wnother Theon, & painter of Samos, ello a Therme Selinuntiæ,' A city in the in Cilicia. matbematician, and shars. found of Sicily. Thebanus, a, um, of Thebes. Thconas, a buship of Alexandria. Thera a S:ygian2, s city of Tur, Thęca, æ ; f(xa) a caſe or sbiath, Th:oninus, a, um, danasrous, back cany the jiop of the molla diting Thorinefacio, čre, 80 make but with Thegilis, an ep.th of Minerva, Theophanes, an hiſtorien of Mity, over eating hu bingt, Thegonlum, a city of Theffaly. lene, wha - wrote the exploirs of Theroida: w city of the Carpetani. Theloencéne, a sity of Babylonia. Pompe:48 Mignus. Thermoclinium, il; A. warming Thclefinus, one maderi h by diſbane Theophania, facrifices at Delphos. pan. g. gain, and derided by: Martial , alſo Theophanla, æ, f. divine viſion; Thermodon, a river of Cappadocia z sbo name of a pors in Juvenal. another of Syria Europæi and Theligonum, i, n. peach-worth, 8: Thcophila, este in India within Thrace. + Thelpyiëris, is ; f. lbefore Ganges; alſo a women's rianie. Thermodonteis, a, um, adj. of Thermodon, THEMA, a:iş ; n. (Geu a) a theme, Theophilus, an hiſtorian, who wrote Tubja, argument, propeption; ailijo of Italy and Peloponneſos, alto a Thermopola: a, m, a feller of that 1hhoroſcope, or poſition if the farı bishop of Cæſarea, wbi wrote A- thing','g. drawn. gaint Marcion ; and another of Thermopolium, ilga, a place where Thembrimus, a city of Caria. Alexandria, who wrote again they sail bot juppings, a cook's pop, Thomis, the goddeſs of Juſtice. Origca. Themiſcyra, 4 sty of Cappadocia. Theophilus, 1; m. a lover of God,g. Thermopõte, arom, drinkers of bor Thčajlón, a pupiian of Laodicea. Theophraſtus,' a philofopher of Lel. walers, g Them fonįum, a city and country of bos. Thermopyla, arum; pl. f. jiregnis Phrygia Magna. Theophylactus, a Orcek hilorian; of the mountains Oeta, wib city Themilonil, se people of Themiſo a oship of Bulgaria. of 10: fame name in Phth ol's. 114 m. Thcopompus, an orator and hiflo- Thermula, arum, 1, little caths. Themiflus, à city of Carla. riin of Cnidus, a comedian of A Thermus, a town in Ætholia. Themiitius, i, m. a philofopber under thens, and other men. a, um Julian, who wrote a paraphruſe on Theorēma, žtis ; n. speculation, con. Thermicus. Ariftotle's phyficks, and other templation, meditation ; a mathe-Thermuthis, Pharaoh's doughter who things ; he witigared the perjoculien mural demongrarion of a specula. brought up Moſes. under Valens, tive truth, s. Therinydra, a haven of Rhodes, Theo:tlocles, a baniſbıd Athenian, Theorēmäticus, a, um, ſpeculative. Thernc, a city of Thracc, who being catertained by Xerxes Theoretice, és ; f. an all riurding Therodamas, a king of Scythia, who againf bis contryinın, poifoned him. on y Speculation or meditation, og fed iions with man's blood to keep Telf.. Thcoricus. a, um ; ad). belonging bimjolf from being plans by freschi Themiſtogéncs, on Bifforian of Sy 10 contemplation, g. 'riću ſe, Thcoria, zi f. contemplatim, gi Therodamanteus,&, u'm; w}. of The Thenna, a city of Africa Propria. Theoreticus a, um'; adl. of con- rodamas. Tneofa, æ, f. (gu. tenſa,vel à dei templation of meditation, g. Theromachus, a famous foruary.. divinus) pågeani, a chariot on 'Thcoxena, a woman, who bring in- Theron, a syrant of Agrigen:um ; which images were carried in pro cloud oy the fold:ors of king Philip, alja ane of Actcon's dogs. cefon, and not able otherwiſe to ofizporbeni, Therlandes, the fun of Polynica." Theobricula, a city in Spain. ibrew herſelf beadlong into obé Thefara, a city of Affyria: Theocreítos, he torote the affairs of fu.2. Thersilocus, the son of, Antenor. Lyba. Theoxenia; Grecian ſacrifice to i herlippus, thisch Athauian prince, Thcocrinca, he was firft an actor of ali she gods in general. Thersira, a prople of Ibèria. iragedios, afterw.rds' an informer Theoxenius, Apollo so called of the Thersites the sll.favouredji and laxi. and Sycophant Pelenics. ejf of all the Grecians, whords "AX- Theocriticus, a, um; of the post Thera, an Egean iſland ;;alja a city chilles flow with bis fp. docritus. of Rhodes, and oiber places. Therluingi, a propli beyori Mier ?? Thcocritus, o very ſweet poet of sy. Theravencs, a pbiloſophers of A fubdued by Tralan. racule; be wrote 36 dyllia, in tbcns, Thcfaurarlum, ii, n, 4 tres furır. (7) B Tko. 1 ard. wind, g. } :whe , in - THE :Τ Η Ο · T H Ř Theſaurārlus, a, um ; adj. of a Doris, wb, bars Achilles to Pele. verb, Cave à Thorace. tre.fure or freaſury. us ; ſonstienas tibi faa. THORAX, acis ; m. (lupag] the Theſaurārius, ii, m. e frea'urer, Theudale, e city of Afeca Pro breaj, a pomarber, brauji-plure, or + Thefaurenfis, is; m. an under- pria. 007/let. treaſurer, Thiăſus, i, m. a song in a dance, Thorkax, * mountain of Laconia. Thelaurizo, are ; a&. to treaſure up, in the bonour of "Bacchus, Sei Thoronus, an ißand near Corcysa, gather trejure. Thyalus. Thoilus, river of Sardinia. THESAURUS, I ; m. (OnTaupo-J a Thicis, a river in Spain, and ansø- Thorus, i, m. a bed. S. Torus. Sreaſure, or treaſury, abundance, ther in Gallia Narbonenfis. Thoryclum, 4 city of Italy. risbes. Stupri iheſaurus, a ſecret Thietmerfia, s. couniry of Dania. Thos, ois, m. a kind of ſwift and objea of luft. *Theſaurus carbones Thiac, a city of China. birge wolf, .. fa&i funt, w'tibes wealth, * The Thinge, a city of Lybla. Thofpites, a city and coun!!y of Ar. fauri maxillarum, little cavities Thinita, a city of Zeugitana called menia Mafor: wilbin ibe jaws of ſome creatures Tunis. Thous, one of the Trolan princes. wberrin boy lay their mest. Thines, the river Tinc in Northum - Thravunactum, ar city of Africa Theſeus, i, m. the ſon of Ægeus, berland. Propsia. ding of Aſhens, wbo being by lot to This, a city of Egypt. Thrace, ê:. f. as Thracia. te dovoured by abe, Cretlan mino- Thinites, a citizen of This.. Thracecum, part of Aca Minor by tour, now him, and by Ariadne's Thisbe, & sown in Boeotia : aljo, a the Egean jea.. balp got out of the labyrinib; alfo meid of Babylon, who died with Thracia, a large country of Europe, an bißorian who wrote the lives of Pyramis. upward froin Macedonia, where famous men. Thilica, a city of Africa Proprla. Mars was generally worſhipped. Thesē s, id s, f. ibi Bory of Theſeus's Thilca, a city of Arcadia. Thrāc us, a, um, adj. of Thra- explosis. Thiſlaoiffa, & bauen of Caria. Thracicus, $ cia, Thraciaa. Thélidæ, the Athenians. Thladlas, æ, m. he whole pones Thracias, Theſeus, a, um, adj. of Theſeus. Thlafias, are broken or brúijed, Thracius lapis, } sea-coal. Theſis, is; f. a ihesis, general orgu. Th!ibias, Thracis, a city of Phocis. mmi, poßtion or propofition, a Thlafpc, z question to be bandied, g. ind. treacle, muf. Thrambus, & promontory of Mace- Thlafpi, } donia. Thermophoria, orum, n. the myſical Thomus, & city of Egypt. Thracias, æ; m, ibe nerib-we? and falemn ritus of Ceres, g. Theſmophoros, an epithet of Ceres, Thocaia; }e city of Arcadiá. e fooibſager, called ayo Legifera ; Ihis is alſo Thoa, Thralius, } a time of great drought so called Thoe, } à .fea împb. in Egypt, told Busiris he might ob- Theſmothetæ, arom, m. Athenian Thõanes, a people beyond Colchis. sain rain if he would ſacrificejiran. law-givers. Thoanteus, a, um ; adj. of Thoas. gers to Jupiter; and when the king Thespia, a city of Boeotia. Thoantłum, * Jbear of the iſland know that he was a prengus, be told The pades, the mufas do called of Rhodes; alſo a city of Carpatbus. him that he mould be the firſt that :: Thcípia ; alſo the fifty.Sons of Her - Thoaris, a river of Cappadocia. Jould give water to Egypt, and so cules begär of Theſpis's filty daugha Thoas a king of Taurica. Nain by facrificed bim. Oreſtes; alfo * king of L:mnos. Thraleas Pætas, a Joick pbiloſopher, a, am ; ad). belorig og Tholobini, a river in Spain. under Nero. to Theſpla. Tholubania, a sily of India within Thraſo, ons; m. A vain glorious Theſpis, the firß tragical port of Ic2. Ganges. Soldier in Terence, a bétor, a ria in Attica. Tho!ui, i, m. an seotcheon, a supe huif Theſpis. the son of Eredheus, pula in building,' she key-fione in Thraſonicus, a, um ; Eraſm, buffing, Thcípias, } wbt being invited to iba center of a dault, wborcunta haftoring. a foaj, by Hercules, with bis fifty Spoils and preſents confecrated to the Thragbulus, an Athcnian exile, who daugibers, Hercules begat fifty fons gods hung, g. raiſed an army, and froid ibem upon them. Tłomix, icis, f. A wreath of himp, from tho sbirty tyrants, and orber Theſprotia, a country of Epirus, next a rope, a cubion to ſave the neck to Chaonia. in cars ing burdens, g a mountain Theſprotæ, she inbabitants of Thomum, a city of Egypt. , fia. } Theſproti, $ Theſpro:ia. Thomyris, a qurin of Scythla. wbi Thrafyllus, an Athenian of Piræum, Thcísalia, part of Macedonia. New Cyrus and threw his besd who thought all the foups that camo Theſsălus, 1 a, um;ad). of Theſ- · into a tub of blood will this farsaja, into tbs harbour, were his, and put Theisă ius, Š falia, Thefallan. Satia te fanguine, Cyic. tbım dron into bis book. Theftalicos, Thon, a city of Africa ; alſo the first Thraſymachus, a fophifler of Car- Theſsalonica, a city of Macedonia. among the Egyptians, who redulid thage, and diſciple of Ifocrates. Theffalonicenſes, um ; pl. the peopls medicine into an art; ollo a king of Thraul, a people of Thracc, who of Theffalonica. Canopus, fain by Menelaus, whom mourn for them that are bons, and Thesalus, a phyfician under Nero, he would have ſain for the sake of rejoice for those that da. who. comnanded every pation! 10 Helena. Thrax, acis ; m. a Thracian, alſo a faji brst days, againt whom Ga- Thonia, tbe chief city of the Gabao Sword (onier. len d:ſputes in formal places. nita. Thedyris, a river of Sarmatia Ea. Thonis, á city of Egypt. by the lake Threifa, } - Thraclan woman. ropea. T'honites. Threnodia, æ; f. a mourning fong g. Theft'a, a city of Carnania. Thonitcs, a lake of Armonla Major. 'Chrenos, 1 i; m. lamentation, a fus- Thcítiades, as Theſpiades. Thonius, one of the centaurs, Törenus, 3 heral forg, 8. Theftidiun, a city of Theffalonica. Thongs Concoloios, a firname of Thrinax, she herb lelluca, Thri- Theft's, e city of Arabia and Lybia. Sardanapalas. nax agria, hawk wurd, g. Theltius, sbs son of Parthaon, and Thoon, a Trojan pain by Vlfies, Thrince, a city by Hercules's pillars. father of Althæa, slied from bn Thooſa; the mother of Polyphcmus, Thrips, ipis, m. 1 worm bred in time Theftias. by Neptuno. Thelor, the father of Calchis. # Thoraca, æ; f. the breaſl; alſo a Throalla, a city of India witbout Theſtorides, Calchas so called of breufl.plate or Jomecher. Ganges. Theftor. Thorácātus. a, um ; adj. wearing a Throni, a city of Cyprus, Theftorus, a city of Thrace. branll plote or corſet. THRONUS,'I'; m. [ Apóy G-] .a Theftylis, the name of a sountry. Thoracium, il; n, ihr top.fuil. thropt, chair of fate ; allo a king. woman. Thoratcs, Apollo ſo called. dom. Thēta, indecl. no.. the name of a Thorax, a mountain by Magneſia, Thryallis, idis, f, the roſe campion. Greek let:or, the mark of condom where they Jay Daphicas the grass. rhryarda, a vily of Lycia. napion, marian was crucified for abuſing thiyon, Théus, the daughter of Nereus and in ,} a town in Meficia Thu. The folosas, }a Thrafylus } a mountain of My- ber, S : Itine. .) THY ΤΙ Β TIG Thucidides, an eloquent Greek bi.: Thymēle, es ; f. a chair raijed on ¡Tiberias, a city and lake of Pale- storijas. . she jiago, g Thadeftica lingia, the German Thymolici, orum ; mm, mimick actors, Tibernia, an ipind of the river tongue. injuntobanks, & Tygris. Thule, a nori born iſland. Thymolicus, a, umjadj. of the pagen Tibernia, two mouths by which the Thunicates, a people of Bavaria. or afling, g. y!ver Tib:is empties itſelf snts tbe Thunnus, i; mna funny-fijb, g. Thymiama,ātis; 1. a rich perfums, Tyrrhene ſea. Thurarius, ii;m là thus) a prepa 8. Tiberinus Sylvius, a king of the Abo rar, or ſellor of fransincinto Thymiater!a, a city of Lybla. bant, drowned in the riurr Albu. Thuras, 3 Mars among ibe Affy- Thymiachis a river of Epirus. la, which cawed it to be called Thurras, 5 rians. Thyminus,a,om; adj. made or mix. Tiberis, Thüreus, a, um ; of frankincenſe. sa witb thyme. Tiberipolis, a city of Phrygia Thuria, Magna, Thuriya, e city of Meſſenia. Thymium, } a large wani, g. Tibor:9, sbs moſt famous river of Thurii, a puple noted for valour Thymites, æ; m. wins that has Italy and confancy ; whence the pro Thyms Puped in it, g. Tiberiam, il; 0. gray-spoltsd nar. verb, Thuriorum lerna, of an un. Thyacres, a king of Athens, the ble. danied courage. la, of ihe family of the Ere- Tiberius, i; m. a Roman emperor, Thuria, a fountain of Magna Græ. Etheidæ. whoje fajing 2011, * Boni paſtoris cia. Thymnālus.a, um ; adj. ful of rhyme. eft pecus tondere non deglubers. Thuria, * Mcl thymoſum, boney that is Tiberis, a river of Scychia. Thurium, city of Magaa Græcia. Brong of 1b1 thyme. Tibi (dat. ſing of cu) bu. Thurii, Thymum, 1; n. 2 Fuusy, furcs) Tibia, Phrygia ſo called. Thurius, 7 a, um, adj. of Thu- Thymus, 1 ; m. me ; elle a TIBIA, æ, [à fono vel à tubou] Thurinus, 3 ræ, thurian. kernel under the channel-bont of e Auto w large pipe; alſo the sbin, Thurianus, i ; m. (à thuria]the lun. the shroat. Dank, leg. Canere tibia, to play wy.fille, Thyne, a city of Lybia. upon a pipe. * Cancre ad tibian, Thuribulum, i, n. a conſer, Thyncus, a, um, adj. of Thync. to fing, to a pipe. Thuricrematum, t ; n. the confer, or Thyni, a people of Thynias in Tibāle, is ; n. a florking, greavi, place where incenfo is offered. Thrace, over again, Bithynia. harneſs for the leg. Thuricrēmus, a, um; ad). (à thus & Thyaus, a, um, adı, of the l'hyni. T.brālis, le; of the legs, of, a flute, cremoj burning frankinionſ Thynias, a town in Thrace. * Calamus tibialis, P Derud. Thurifer, era, erum ; adj. bearing Thynias, } an Euxine inand a 1 Tıblanus, a, um , adj. of the legi. frankincenſe. . Thyanias , } again Bichynia. Tib:ārius, i ; ma pipe-maker. + Thurificina, o; f. the place where Thynnĉumel ; 8, the facrifice of a Tibiccn, inis; m. (à tibia & cano) frantincenji is kept or offered. funny to Neptunc, g. 4 piper, a player upon a flute, a Thuričgus, a, um ; adj. gathering THYNNUS,1; m. (gurvo- ja funny, wsiver's boom, a rufler or prop of frankincenſe. + Thynus, ijm. a ring: an old houſe, and pay. THUS, uris; n. [à Buw odorem fa- Thýnus, a, um ; made of sedur. Tibicina, tif.a womin that plays cio) frankincense. Thus terræ, Thyodamus, the son of Mclampus, ground. pine, firid cypres. skilful in divinations, + Tibicinator, oris ; n. a piper. Thalcid, Tuſcany, & fruitful coun- {Thyoneus, « pirpani of Bacchus Tibicinium, ii ; n.o piping try of Inly. alſo a son of pis who reigned in Tibfſeum, a river of Dacia. Thufcus, a, um ; ad). of Tuſcany. Chios. Tibullus, an elogiac pui. Thufculum, i; 'n a little frank. Thyræl, a people of the Salentini. Tibur, uris, n. a city of the Sabines incenſe Thyre, a town of Meflenia ; hence commended for a scoperatı air. Thya, æ; f. a cedar frui, g. ager Thyreates, the place where, Tiburtinus, a, um , adj. of Tibur. Thyades, ibe frantick priebefes of the war betwrm the Algives and Ticarinia, a city by ibe Eux'ne ſea, Bacchus. the Lacedemonlans was derided Ticarius, Rriver of Corſica. Thyamis, a promontory of Epirus. by thru hundred on each fiae ; Ticida, a pont who wrole epigrams in Thyandrites, a god of the Arabians. which bring lain, all but Othry. be time of Catullus. Thyag, a priglaſs of Bacchus. ades, be killed himſelf. Ticinum, & city of Inſubria. Thyaſus, i, m. á fong in s dance in Thyrca, ex ifind of Peloponneſus; Ticinus, a river of Inſubria. bonour to Bacchus. bence Thyrcatlcus ſinus. Tifāra, a mountain of Campania. Thiatyra, a cisy of Lydia. Thyreum, a city of Arcadia. Tifernum iwo cities of Umbria. Thyacius, city of Lydia, and an- Thýrsăgětæ, a people of Sarmatia Tifernus, a river of the Ferentini, other in Pifidia. rear ihe 'Turks, inbabiting woods, Tigaia, a city of Mauritania Cara- Tbyeſtes, the fon of Pelops, who, 80 and living by hunting, ticnfis be revinged on his brother Acreus Thyrſus, the name of a fhepherd; Tigellinus, Sophronius, a companion corrupied bis wife, and Atreus alſo a river in Sardinia, and lxlper of Nero so all his lewd. Served him up his son at table, for Thyrſus, i; m. [supo) theftem er nari, and was the cauſe of many a wbicb wickedneſs the sun is ſaid 20 palk of an herb, a juvilin uſed in nobleman's death; but being con: have turned back bis courſe. tha fealls of Bacchus, having the demned by Otho, kilied bimfiif. Thycitēus, a. um ; adj. of Thyeftes. head iwilies with ivy leaves i alfe Tigillum, i ; R. (à tigoum) a little Thyla, ibs daugther of Deucalion, mthun afm, rage, rapture, rafier or bria. who bar e Macedonia to Jupiter. Thildrus, a city of Africa. Tignārius, a, um ; adj. of a rafter. Tkyitis, a very hard ſons, of wbich Thyftus, & city of Lybia, * Tignarius fab:r, a carpmter. mortars were madı, g. + Tignātus, a, um ; roofed, covered. † Thylaſcids aardus, white or gar. Tantı I. Tign:a, a river. by Tigaium in Ps. der poppy; fenum. Thylăcas, i; m. bag, g. ; m. bag, 8. Toto TI, for Tiberias. Tigno, are, to make a roof, to cover, thylaco ſercre, to sbrow out all at Tias, Julia, a city of Spain. Tgnum,,!; a rajtør, bern. once (in rowing.) TIARA, 22; f. (Tiapa | Heb.gna. Tignus, i;m. prop, groandjol + Thymallus, i, m. [à thymum) . TIARAS, ) tarah coronel a round any timber to build welch, very pleaſant fiſh. Su Timallus. sire for the bold, worn by Perſian Tigrana, e city of Armenia Major, + Thyw bra, z; f, winter-favoury.g. women, and afterwards by kings Tigranes, nis, m. a king of Armenia Thymbræus, a frname of Apollo. and prirls, a turban, Jasb. Major, who, holsing Mithridates, Thymbrara, a city by Pacto us. Tiarantus, a river of Scythia Euro was vanquished ng Luculles, and Thymbris, a river of Sicily. : paa. afterwards yielded h mief 10 Thymēle, a dan:ing wenih in the Tioareni, a pesole of Cappadocia. Pompey, and pay ng 630 sálenis time of Domisiap, who was ver Tiberius, a, om; a Tiberius. was refored to his kingdom. much taken with her ; hence Thy Tiberiacua, a city within shirleen Tigranocerta, 1 citr of Armenia melicæ cantilena', jongs to Bic- miles of Ravenna's also a town in Tigranopolis $. Major: chua. Lower Germany. Tigres, a river of Peloponncſų3, (7) B 2 1 } in Ganges. TIM TIP ΤΙ ΤΑ Tcgrinus, a, um ;'ad) of or like a, Timolaus Lariſloos, be wrote a pusor, Tipala, a city of Mauritania Cæla Tyger. * Menfatgripa, wainjeut of the Trojan war. Tienfis, Tipocona valiant captain of Co-Tiphus, the miler of the ship Argo ; Tigris, a famous rider in Afia rinth, Corn. Nepas. alf.a mafur of any ship TIERIS, is, and gridis, f. [Tiryo') Timomachus, a famous painter TIPULLA, 12, F. (á Tipo-palas]a a tiger, Righs, swiftneſs. Byzantium, who draw Medea an TIPULA, } toater ſpider. Til, a river of Asia Ajax, whuh Jullus Cabr bought Tiquadra, un ijland in the Balearick Tilatæl, a prople of Thrace for sighi bundred talents, and hung, fea. Tilavonius, iwe nivers of the Ve. up in the temple of yenus, Tiresias, Theban prorbet, who neti. Timon, an Athenian, who hated all jaring two Inokes' engangir, killed T:): burgum, Tilbury in Efex. human foc.my; and other min. ihs fromalt, and was himjalf, turno TILLA K; f. là mrenea umus, vel Tipor, olis, m. fuar, dorid. Ali ed into a woman, and favon go.is Tova penna] the tail true; lime cui faccie, or injicere t.morem, to ofler in likk minper killing the 174; to the inme rind of a tru, put one in ferr. male, was turned 18:10 a mon eo Tallaccus, a; um; of the tris. Tin oftlicnes, ino admiral of Prole guin', afterwardi giving judgment Tilltom, e city of Sardina. meus Philadelphus, who wrote ton For Jup:ter again Juno, le mede Tlliogrammum, arity of India with: booki rew'erning havens. him blina, and Jupitcr, to inghe T:notheus, a very fortunate genmal hin arriends, gave him the gift of Ti'ox: A promonty of Coraca. of the Athenians; ani osbar mo. Pio! hehing, and to live feven ages. Tilpbafa, .*" fountain. of Bæotia Tirnyra, a rily mear Iſaara, da 312:103 whore Tirclias is buried, who died river of India, Thirla, a ciry of the Leucolyri. there by drinting cold water. Tina, she river Tine in North Tir dates, a king of Arinenia. Tilphogæum, part of 'Theffaly. Tinus, umberland. Tariffa, a city's Macedonia. Timæ), i people of Sicily. TINA, ; f. fab Hcb. tens corb:s] T.s Ita, a promontory of Lower Tinatus, on hiftorian of Scily, alſo a a large vellel 10 draw wina ini Mufia. Pythagitian phi oropher of Lojis, land, or open subs. Tiro, Cicero's frud men, ſaid to be cobsn Plato brings in spiaking in TINCA, ; f. qu. tindła) a tech. ihe firs invinter of Gobars. bis diu logat collid-Timæus. Tunailis, le ; colourink or dying to- TIRO. ôn s5 m. Và Tige fexo] 4 Timagenes, a theroririan of A'ex loured or djed. Virtus tinailc, Nejnmon, apprenijir, novira. andria; alfa a Mile can bilcrian. poiſon to dip arrows in. Titokis, a country in Germany, Timng oras, kń Athenian, pub 1. Tinctor, dris ; ma agar, . Tiric, a sity of Migdon a. decib for-Werſhipping Darius 80 Tinetorius, a, um ; for for dying. Tiryos this ; a ulj of Peloponne . whim hr was lent.ambeludor. Tinctura, i f. a cincture, colour, Tirintha, #; } ſus, Ibe country of + Timallus, t'i the fish rollida f.w. er 4: Hercules er plejf. n' so the fight, tape, and Tinaus, a, um : P211, of tingnr, dip. Tryns, this ; m. & riure of Argos. mell, put, djed, ja nei, wished. Tinc. Tirynihus, Hercules o culod of Timadrasha dawg hier of Lede, and tus leeris, baw ng mattering Tirya's figer of Helena knowledge in loirning. Tina08 + Tie, the old genitive of Tu. Timanthes,'famous painter in the venis, poiſoord, T.ſeum, a mountain and promoniltry 117.8 Zeuxis. Tin&tus, ùs ; m. a dipping, colouring, of Thesſaly: Timarch!des; as 'Jamiu: caroor and dying, or fasting. Tiiamencs, the font of Antiochus, who pointer. Tinde, a sily of: Thrace. gave forth orailas ar Delphòs. Tic archos, a famous paruary; and Tird:um, a tity of Lýbia. T. Iaranthus, a Tiver of Scyth'a. ther mm." TINEA, Z; ! [Taric lumbrici ge- Tiſebarica, a cuniry of Ethiopia. Timăvus, &greet river of:hi Carni, nus) a moth, u belly-worm, a vir. Tilia,' a city of Italy. T.nefa&us, a, um ; part. of timefa min that devours the boney ix Tifiana, a river of Scythia... cio; syfrighirdi hivas. Tiſias, the pri Sterfichorus, so called TIM EV, ere, n. (Béinea metos vel à Tincar!a, æ ; f. mothwari. af frll; alto a diſciple of Corax, * Thicito bonoro) to fear; or be ofroid, Tineolus, a, um ; full of mubs. Tifianus, a city of Africa, deftroyed by ulfo it dourt, 'Time to I am. Tinge, a promontory of Africa. Scipio. afraid of you. . Timco tibi I am ringi, ibo abief city of Mauritanja. Tifiphone, ons of furies afraid for yok. Timco furem Tingis, ŠT'ngitana, called Tangler. T fis; a city of Egypt. tauro, I am afraid let the bell TINGO, nxi, &um, crc; [Tény) 11 Tilobis, á river in Wales. mould do tofnir. dip, dye, colour, or waſb. • Poçu. Tiffa; a city of Sicily. + Timeſcens ntis ; growing fearful. lis aliquem tingere, 10 mierrain ini Tiffapherncs, a king of Perga. , a river of Scily.. Titan, Inis, the of Cælum and Tímicla, a city of Mauritania Cæſa. Tinger. čris, !, &us, ſum ; pari.so be Thāns,'J.Verta, ihe older bro- rienfis anointed. Mart. thor of Saturn, who gave bim bis Tinide, rimsreuy, frorfully, faint. T.na, a viver of Umbria. right to thi kingdom upon condi- bearted's. Tianimentum,' l.; e ringing, tink 0:00 he hould brir:g ug no male Timidicu!ě, adv. fomewh:t fearfully, line, chinking child; but underpending Jupiter Timiditas, āris ; 1. tithe touſness, boßh. TINNIQ, tre; (à fono) to ring, Neptune, and Pluto wore private. Jurufs, Your fuinijs. ring, fingle, sinkls, glow, or cline. ly brought up, made war with him, Timidğlus, ag um ; ad). Somewhat + Tinnio, arc ; to chirp liką iš tis and impriſoned. bim. till Jupiter frarlui. moule cams of age and let him fru self Timidus, a, um; ad), ios, iſfimus, Tinnitus, ùs ; m. a ringing or sing the fun. Foarful, faint-hearted, timorous, is ling in the cars # Tinitus clore, 1.Titānios, Le foarád. *Timidas deurum, r. to make i.nkling or thinking, Titanicus, ad). of Titan. verencing the gods: Tindŭlus a, um ; adj. ringing, tine Titaniacus, Timochares the great favourite of ling, Thinking, clinking. * Tin. Tilancs, the son of Titan. king Pyrrhus, 'ri bo nevertheli toid nulus orator, an orator bis has e 1':tanus, a river of Æolis. Fabrinus the op'H', thu for'a ya clear utteranse. Tetărēlias, e river Pierla and isard he would porrin him whai Tinnunculus, i, m. a kelel, Thcfialy. upon te jegcte vrele 10 bm to h.no Tintinnabulum, i in. [å fonol a lit. Titaron, a sity of Theffaly. Karf topje that were abari tlé tell, ting song; alſo a dung.carl. Tliends, á river of.. Colchis. bim. Țint nnacủlus, i hi ibat makes a Tithônus, ihi jon of Laomedon, who Timociça, 2 ; f. a Thrban woman. ringing arrank ng, he that laſhes or 'Jor his beouly wiss roviſorid bj Allora who, bring raviſhed oy . Thracian tibips guilty. perjons, the forjxani'or in Ethiopia, where he begat of her prints, piflmdid to show him a tria. bradle Memnon, and is laid at laji to be turned into a grofshippor. ; Tithorca, a city of Baotia, from a Timocles; - a comical pont of Athens, Tintinnunculus, ; m. (à yoce) a nymph of that naine, Timocraon, « groot plusion of kere, howering haruk. Tothronlum, s'eity of Phoc!s. Rhodes. Tipacillæ, w people by Caucalus,' Țlthy } }a, om jure in a well, and zbrew him baaid. Tintiano reg;}toring or sing. t tror, Vines Toliere gra- men, ang, . • Τ Ι Ο TES Τ Ε Τ Tithymallus, i; 11. a puge, orj Tlo:cus, a, um, of Tlos. Tolerum, the oily Tolcdo in Spain. wolve's milk, & Tol'apls, the iſland Shepcy. r # Titi wild pidgeons obferved in only M, Toliitobi, a proplo of: Galatia in Alia. + Tutoi, s. josh aying: Titianus, Grocian orator, and maior TM. for tantum, terminus, or ºther. Teleno, ! (a colio ere) on Max mius, called thrapi of his ma. Tollo, õnis; . mgine.or wheel time, tesuuj be imitased along all Timarus, a mountain of Theſprota To'lõnus, i'; D. 10 draw up was things, in Epirus ; hinu Jupiter Tma. 1.7, crunt or ſnipe. Titit, the priets of Apollo, .so called ríus. + Tolicſco. ore to abide or fufft. from the birds they were wont to obe Tmerig, isi f. a ſeparating she parts. TOLLO, fuftuli, fublatum, tollért; of a compound word, S. [Tandw] 10 litt or fat up, wirkt, un- ānis; f? Toolus, i mountain of Magoa dertake, take awy, bring up, or } Tinllarus. ds; m, Timolas, Phrygia, from whan. wurijh ; gurrihrow, overturn. TITILLO, are, à ſono vel à TENG Pactolus flows; it is planird with Tollere æs alienum, to ci fiburge a deht. • Tollere animos, to be, or vellito) ip fick e, plafo greatly. TITIO, õnis ; m. (à úw fumigo) Tmclius, a, um ; adj. of Tmo'us, make, or grow sroud. "Tollere ca. & quanihid firebrand. Tmous, the son of Trçmelius and chionum, 10 break out into gig. Titsvilitium, ji; n. (à 10ļus & vil Praxidicc. gling Tollere de incdio, to take los) a roton shired, thrum, a thing away one's life. of no valke. T ante N dum, to walk. * * Tol'ere in cru. Titlus, a river of Illyricum; alſo cem, 10 orucily. * Toilere legen, a governor of Syria'; and other Thyſſus, a cily of Carja. so abrogare a law. # Tollere (c Tnyfleus, an inhabitant of Tnyfius a'tius a fera to grow up. * Tollo ex hoc die in alium diem, I put Titormus, a very Arong man who Tante O. it will moshur tims sucriamo Milo: Tituscia, e city in Spain, Talmidela, a city of Syria. Titubantèr, Autiering!r, jammeringls, Toplus, the riwer of Tovy in Wales. Tolopeon, a city of Locris. bundarinly, fumblingly Tobras, a kity of Africa Propria. Toloſa, the city Tholouſe in Gallia NarbenenGs. Titubantia, fio l'umbling, der Tochari, 4. popie of India or Sc- rica. gering, Irippingfiuctgring, nam. Tolimpius, on augue who third mering Tochają, e city of Cappadocia. Turnus, Titūrario, önis ; f.Jumbling, a Tocigonus, a river of Padya. Tulutar!us, a, um ; adj., ambl; Titubatus, us ; m. } , , brikers, extor. To'ularis, re; : going bly. wht to jas, Austering. jgnars. + TcJūrāto, onis ; f. an ambling. + Titúbalor, o.js; ma jumbler or + Todco, ēre, te jet up and down. | Toluciloquentia, æ'; f. a valuable Butlerer. Speech, TITUBO, a e ; neut, (à 'ono vel à rodili, }timie. Tõlutim, adv. [t tollo) with Im- Tytw impin o)roflumbie, vigger, TOGA, 2; f. (a tego] a goun; bling, nimbly, rails, roundly, butter. Oculi titubant hi rys *lfo praco, a city lifu, atiendants of Tolatim incedere,, io ambio. arr heavy wi:h sleep. cijents upon patrons. * Toga can- + Tolūto; are, 10 ambla. TITULUS, i, m. Tracs à Tiw ho. dida, a wbite grun uporn by thole Foma, É a justion or diviſion, horo) a 'rick or in cription, dig- g nity, hontur, praiſe ; 470 a mo rilis and prætexta, a whila's ha- , TOMACULUM. i; n. (Teja. nument, pretenen cours bir, a gown with a broad fringe, TOMACLUM 1; n. tulo, tenus titular. in name on. or purple lig. Toga virilis and TOMACINE, arum, æ; f. a link, ly. Adhibere tilulum huma. pura, an inringea gown worx hy or futufog. tis, podes an infiription on one's ihope newly come to man's effats, Torodeorum, iwo ifands in the gulf grave. logam ſu ucie, to come to mnon's of Arabia. Titus, the len of Veſpasian, and bro- clate. Tomáros, as Tmarus. ther of nomliran, called Amor ac rogatarius, li; m. on clor of co- Tomcntilia, æ ; f. rud-wred. deliciæ humani gçocris; be befoged medies, Tomentitius, a, um, made of flocks. Jeruſalem. Togatŭlus, i, m. a poor man in a Tomentum, i, n. (a tondco vel Té- T. Livius, e tragedion; alſo a re gown. ueyoſcindo] florks, clips Jocks of nowned h Porian of Padua, and ma. Togātus, i; m. a Roman, a lawyer, wool, Arippings of frothers ny other mini a livirynen, a client vifting' bii TOMEX, ics; f. (cópia) a orpe, TOMIX; } T{tyrus, 1; m. a bell-weather. cord, huller, horſe-collar, Titýrus, 1; m. ibe name of a shap. Tögātus a, um; adt. waring a berd in Virgil gown, Ronan. * Concedia to: Tomicus, a, um ; adj; cursing. Tilyus, i, m. the son of Jupiter by gata, a comedy where the fire is Denies tamici, for fors teorb, g. Elara, when he came of ago, Juno Rome. *Vulturigs togatus, & per Tomiffa, a county ſeparating Cappa- porjunded him to raviſh Lacopa ty-fogger. Opera togata, an at. do ta from Taurus. which he attemstad, ond, was firul findan's of clients upon their par Tõnitæ, the souple of Tomcs. with a thundercolo by Jupiter, and Torniturius, a, un ad). of Tomos, in he!! his body is it to the up togŭla, æ; f. a ſcant, poor, pitiful, Tumus, a city of Lower Myha, nine acres of ground, and thut a ultry gown Tomu8,i; m. a roms or volumi, a vulture is continuilly gnawing upin, Toč’abilis, le, tolerable, to te 87 pic't, cutting or fragment, g. his liver ; alja a habling oraror in dured, indiferent ; also able to | Tonans, nuis ; m, a thunderar, Jupi. Ciccro's ijme. bear. icr, God. Tiem, the city. Tio in Paphlagonia To'erabilitèr ; adv. tolerably patient. Tonāto, Ins; m. the thundaring. Tõnātos. Õris ; m, the thunderer. T ante L, Tölčrans, nt's, oble ta enduri, pe POND.EO. io.ondi. tonfum, arc Tolcranriſſimos penuriæ, act. (a Teuerw ſcindo) so clip, poll, Tlēpo'ěmes, the fon of Hercules and living very contentedly in poverty. bear, reap, or mgw, to fand. * Aityoche, he.came with ning Bips Tolérantès į adv. primily, conjiani- Tondere aliquem pro, to cheat to the 'Trojan war, and was hin one of his gold minindeot dameta by Sarpedon. Tolerantia, Polleranzen, Loti juvenci, iba bullock feed down in T eſias, iba jargad gearly prince of A. Toleratio, onis; pusi- Thirkets, thens, enre, Sopirani. + Toncicit, imp. it is likely, so ibun. Tietes, a people of Iceria. Toleriun, a city of Italy. der. TOLER-O, are; aci. (Taxáu) to fof. Tonice, a rily of Æthiopia. Tlojies, an inbabitant of Tlos. jer, adde, teor, encu's, Tiguriſh, Toniralis, le ; ad) of ihrender. Tlojus, fufia'n, mainting corry. * Vi. Tonitroalis, is; en epithet of Jupi- T.os, a people of Lyca ; alſs #sity of tam toleraie colo, to live by spin. Pisidia. ning + Tonitruo, arc, fo thunder, Tğn trpe, es, }' Ti- pitron. tror. trip! ly. Tlous, 1 } Ics. ! ! Tõn trus, ΤΟ ΕΦ TOR TOR as ; me thunder, « tér, Topographia, æ; f. the deſcription Torpide; ady ſluggiſbly, dully. Tonitru, indec. rible' noiſe, > of a place. Torpidus, a, um , adj. benummed, Tonitruom, ui, n. roaring of Topographus; 1; m. obe difcriber of dull, lumpiſa, Nuggiſb. stannons. A place, Torpor, öris ; m, brummedneſs, TON:o, ase ; [à 1010) to thunder, t Topper, profenily. dualineſs, bravino, pownafs, pug- thunder el.: Tonare laudes, só Töral, 11s ja. [à torus] any covering gishneſs. Speak one's praiſe aloud, Mhe of a bed, + Topóro, äre, to benumb; to make tonult, the fra riorid, Torcūlar, 7 [à torqueo) a dull, drowy, or lumpiſa. Tonfa, æ; f. an our ; alſo a journ Torcularc, is, wine.press, an Torquatus, i, m. a firname of Tilus forep. Sr. Tonſus. Torcularlum, ilin. olive-preſs, Manllus, who put his fon so deaib Toolæ, arum ; f. words cut down, a preſs for cider, or verjare. for fighting the onem; without or- wilderneſs. Torcūárias, a, um, adj. of a wine. ders, though challmged and con- Tonsi!is, le ; ad). 3 art. whirb may prefi, or olivi.preſs. quaring. be foorn, clipe, miwid, reiipod, or Torcularias, ili m.spreſor of wine. Torquatus, a, um , adj. having a Lopped. * Olca conlilcs, olive-intes oliuis, &c. collar or chuin adour the nurk. Abeared close and handſomely,. Torculum, ijn Tonglia, ; f. a pod to which seips Torculas, i; m. Milcs torquatus, a soldier wearing & wine-prefs. a shain as a reward of bis good fer- are faponed, an anibor or cable; Torculus, a, um ; of a wirus-preſs. vice. • Palumbus torquatus, a alfo Bipping + Tordiligma, brart-wort. ring-done. Tondila, arum ; f. komols, or an Toretæ a people of Pontus. TOR-QUEO, quēra, I, tum ; act. iniammation about the mouth. Tõreuma, ätis ; n. work imbofid, (Topeuw] to wrick or wrtaiheriff, Tonsito, are, fo-clip much and close. Torcumacum, i; } or ingraven in curl, turn A pins reund, to fora f Tonſo, are, to dio or forar, reap, mial or fione, g. meni, vex of grieve, to throw, Mow often. Toreuta, æ; m, an engravir, g Aling or hur!, rule or gouern. * I- Tonſor, öris; . a barter. Toreutice, ĉs ; f. the art of emboffing ter torquere, to go out of the way. Tonior'um, liin. a barber's loop. or engraving, g. # Torquere jus, n porviri' juflice, Tontorius, a, um ; adj. Of or for clip-Tõrini, a people of Scythia, where * Oculos torquere, to look afide. ing. bruring, or polling. * Cul there is plenty of gcôd h rey. * Eculeo torqueri, to be rasked, ter tonſorius, a raxir. Tormen, inis; n. (à torqueo) the • Mero torquere aliquem, to get Tonftricula, æ ; f. e linie Dee griping of the guts. ſomething out of a pörfon by give barber. Tornientarii, õrum ; gunners. ing bios jyors of drink Tasic + Tondriculus, i; m. a little bar- Tormentilla, æ ; f. she berb tormen aqu23 reais, he rowed up the dar Are m. Tonftrina, æ ; f. a barber's shop. Tormcatum, i, n. a rack sr forment, Trrques, is ; f. [à torqueo] Tonstrix, icis į fem. a woman-bar pain, grist, a inreſhing, a gun, bow. Torquis, 'is; n. und f.) a sollar of ber. · Tormenta colocare, to lovelar. chain to wrar about the need, Tonsūra, æ ; f. a clipping, polling, rows. Tormenta mittere, to focof Nex! torques, garlands. or hearing, a reaping, mowing, er arrows or bullets. + Torquilla, a; 1. a wry neck. lopping, Tormina, um ; n. pl. gripings, free- Torrefacio, ose ; 11 roaſt or tual, to Tonfus, a, um ; part. of tondeor ; ings or wringings in the bowels or parsh or dry, clipped, polled, prarod, redpad, formacb. Su Tormen. Torrefactus, a, um, part. of torre. mowed, lopped. Torminālis, le ; adj. 3 art. engine fio ; fcorched, parchid, Topſus, ùs ; 'm. A clipping ar fhau dering, or causing gripings in the Torrons, mis ; 'adj. nlior, tißimus; ing. bowls or Romarb- roaſting, vehement, headling: TONUS, 1; m. [TCY@) a tone;lung, Torminõſus, a, um ; adj. griped in Torrens, n!is ; :D, a forrmi,brook, or Found, or accent. Toni, the the guts; alſo priisd. lond flood, a violent Bread Prings, or nerves in the face of the Tornacula,ibecity Tournay in Gallia TORR-EO, ui, toftan, ērezact. là somach. Belgica. Teipw arefacio) 10 parıb, dry,riat, Toparcha, æ; m. llie preſident or go- + Tornamentum, 1 ; a. aloumna 10%]), broil, burn, or ſcorch. * Mo: vernor of a plau, g. mont, or jufling dico vapore correrl, to be boiled Toparchia, zi f. thaigedornment of Tornātilis, ie; adli turned. with a soft fire. a place or country, Tornátor, Gris ; m. a furnir. Torreſco, čre ; so boil, bo riaped, Topazios, il ; m. 2a top®%, a gold Torna:us, a, um ; turned, polifoed. readed, or dried as the fire. Topazun, ii; n.} coloured peni, Torno, are; 1. turn, work of the Torrhebus, e cily of Lydia. 8. whuil, to polif, to whi:k ohout a + Torriditas, alis, f. dryneſs. Topazus, an iland in the Red-lea, top, &c. • Verſus malè tornati, i Torrido, arc,' to dry, parch, or where ibi lopax is found to brigbl, bungled verſes, burn. thar by. duy It cannot be beheld. TORNUS, 1; n. (Topy ja surni a Torridus, a, um ; adj. forrid, dry, Topazius, a, um, adj. of Topa wheel, treuner's luih; alſo a graving pershed, rosfied: "Torrdus macie, : fool black wth launnels and famine, Tophaccus, a, um; adj. of the land. Toronaicus Sinus, a lag of Macedo Torridus frigore, frozen. Topinus, Noni. nia. Torsis, is ; i. (à forieo) a fire- TOPHUS, i, m [ráp] a landy, Torone, a town in Epirus, and an brand. or grovelly jone, Raply crumbled. otbar in Macedonia, Torno, onis ; f. a whirling, wreath. Topiaria, æ i F. (à toplum) the art +. To õgitas, ātis, f. grofines, plump ing, tormenting, griping. of clipping hedgri ints figures ; aljo nuls. # Torra, æ ; i, a cracknel. garden brank wrfine. Törösúlus, a, um ; somewh.2: gross Tortè, adv. crookedly, awry, Toplarium, li ; n, an erbour, bower, i Tõrdſus, a, um, [à tortus\plump, big, Tortillo, le ; adj. 3 art. which is or knor.(on buſhes, herbs, &c. profs, Jrong in the brawns of legs may be wreed, writhed, curled, or Topiarius, a, um , adj. of making and arms; allo krsity. * Torola wrinkled. jm.gos of slipped hedges. * Opus vit.s, a vine full of bran has. + Torrio, onis, ; f. a writhing, con- topiarium, badges clipped into ft. Torpēdo, inis ; f. a tenummodneſs or fraftion of the nerves. gurus. jeaping of the members, cramo.fi/h, Tortivus, a, um; adj. wrung or prol- Topiarias, i, m. a gardener clipping banu Ara ng she hand of thoja 16.11 fed out. • Muftum tortivum, the thi grom inte figures. touch it, though with a pois. Loft now wine cooring with hard Topica, orum: n pl. semoson places, TORP-EO, Erc; neut. sappiéw] vel prefling hrads of inuension, g. ab Heb. razbohd. ficcie) to be be- 1 + Torto, are, to writhe or bend often. Tõpice@s ; f. sbe Art of inventing nummed, sull, Pow, or heavy. "Tortomion, a sity between Syria and arguments, g. Confilia torpent, reunfels tlog, ara Armenia. Topicus, 4, um , topical,, local, g. to we purpoje. Tortona, a city of Sicily, Topiris, a ciry of Thrace. Torperco, ère ; neut. 1o grow dall, Tortor, o is; m. a racker, timen. Top'um, ii ; n. (à Tomoy foni, heavy, or Nuggim. * Torpefcunt tør, hurler. Equus tortor, culus ja enor in • garaon, on arbour, Dargaritæ, she pearls loje thuir na hurd trouing hire; alſo a forname &c. tive brigbinefs. of Apollo avd Auguftus Cæſar. + Torium zus, 1 1 1 + Traditum est, }imp, it is reported of to fourness, grimanes, Trachia; } a ii. 31. ; f TAR TAR TAR + Tortum, i; In an engins to fing a beam, huge. * Clavus trabalis, ( Tractus, üs ; m. a draugbi, e deri- Bones with a spike. Telum trabale, a Asos ving, apice, a región, s country, Tortuðac, crockedly, crabbedly. out of a great mgine. the winding or craping of ſnake. Toituõsiias, ācis; f. crookeúneſs. Trabalium, ii; n. a fiber-boas. * Corruptus celt iractus, on ka. Tortuūlus, a, um , adj. full of wind- Trabea, a comical port, wholeſome air. ings and turnings, crooked, crab | TRABEA, æ; f. 1 Theeyv, vel à Traditio, onis, a tradition, a deli- bid. Tortuoſa urina, urine vent tsabs] a robe worn by kings and vering, ſurrendering, an iniroca tion ed with pain, Tortooſum' d;f Jooshfagers, a robe of fate, a parlia. patandı genas, a perplexed kind of mmt.bonfa, consulſhip. Traditor, ör!9; m. a teacher, trailor, arguing. Trăbeatus, a, um; adj. clad in a robe Traditur, 2 Tortus, a, um ; part. of torqueo, of nate, givin formted. writbed, bowid, crook + Trăbicus, a, um, made of beams, Tradicus, a, um ; P. & A. delivered, ed. * Tortus vorberibus, fcourged TRABS, ăbis, (Tgam) a beam, krown. # Traditus acci, put to 10 foc confeffion. Tortus cxpec. TRABES, is, 3 piace of timber, trots death. . Tradita conſuctudo, a tationc, forely vexed' with long tar. pip; alſo a menor like a beam. cujiom'brought in and confirmed. rying or writing for. Tračeze, a city of Italy. Trado, didi, itum, čre; act. [of trans Tortus, ûs; m. a furning or winding. Trachalus, on erator in Domitian's and do] to deliver into one's cu- Torvè; adv. Bernly, lowly, crab time. pody, to give, deep, or freerye, Torvùm ;) badly Trache, a small ißand in the Ionian yield, put in writing, to inach j Torvinus, a, nm'z adj. gris, ferti, fea, alſo to buray, leavi, break, tarrible. Jsom more. Tradere mcmoriæ, as Iſauria. Torvit:s, ātis; f. fourneſs, grimnes, Trachin, to get by hears. *Tradere ad fup- trobbednofs, a frowning look. Trachea, i æ; f. the wind pipe, plicium, to deliver one up to be Torvitèr izdv. grimly, frowningly, Trachia; } ] pun /hod. + Tradere fe in ic: vitu- Törúlus, i, m. a lisile bed, or trd. Tracbellum, in throst-wort. tem alcul, to put one's ſelf into prad, or har-band. + Tracheliun il; n. 2 the neck, Any one's ſervice. Se tocun alicui TORUS, 1; m. (à oregéw fterno v«ll + Trachelus, i ; m. } chine, the tradere, to give ani's self whell, à Teivw icndoj a bit or bedflead, middle part of a fail, alſo a whal. to any one's difpofal. • Trade e a bed-cord, bride-bed, marriage, a + Trachida, atten d. fccndi, to professoratory. } a banlicia. , garden-brd, a cowl, a tafol on the + Trachinia, # Tradere conſuctudini Lauinz, of a , knot. Trāchin, So trunflate into Latin. Trachis, Trador čris, itus fum ; pafl. to be the legs, arms, or orber parti. * Trachina, a city of Italy, called now delivered, treated of, &c. Cic. de Riparum toros incolin us, we lay Tarracina Orat. 1. 21. down on the river's bank. Trachinla, a ſmall couutry of Phthlo. Traducor, čris ci ; cris ci ; part. to be TORVUS, a, um, adj. ( à terreo vel tis. brought ower, &c. Cic, de inyent, taurus] grim, jern, lowring. * Trachinius. a, um, of Trachinia. Torva vina, barn, foarp wines, Trachir's, a city of Lybia laterior. Trad-ūco, vxl, aum, čre; act."[of #Tororlum, il; n. toajiing iron. Trachoncs, twa bills of Celoſyria by trans and duco] to convey, CANT), Toftus. a, um, part. of torrcor, Damaſcus. Dy tranſlate from one place to ano- parchet, broiled, baked, naſed, tooft Trachonira, a prople of Arabla. ther, to eximd, Bretsb, o draw ed, burnt. Trachonitis, a prople of Pileſtinc, oui, to tranſlate out of one tongue TO'T, ad). indec. (TUGIT so many. now called Bacar. into another, to defami or Nander, * Quot homines, tot caufa, arma. Tracta, æ ; f. [à traho) a piosss, a 10 paſs or spind. Traduce ad- ny cauſes to be srud as there are man, line, a thread, a lock. huc lineam plufculum, draw ows. Totális, ic; adj. lokal, whole. Tracta, orum ; n. locks of wool. the line a little farther. Tra. Totāli'er, wbolig. Tractabilis, le; adj. tra&able, gentle, ducere ſc, to Dake one's ſelf a Tõlidèm; indec. juſt so many. saly to be entrrand. * Homo trac laughing-flock. Traducere e- Toties; ady. Là tot] ſo many times, tabilis, a perſon of fair carriage and quum, to low a horſe at a mu- ve ofian. good humour. Non tractabilc cæ fier. * Traduccrc aliquem ad ple- Totilas, a king of the Goths, who lum, immoderate weither. bem, to degrade, to muke a yeoman vanquijbed the Romans at Placen. Tractatlo, onis ; f. Za handling, u of o ganlleman. tia. Totjogus, a, um , adj. so many toge prescribing ; alſo a tree or treatiſe. bringing to open fame and punish- miny fold Tradātor, Oris ; m. mms; alſo the forsing of a bone Traductor, Oris; m, a condejer, de. thire, Tra&atus, a, um , adj. bandled, 4 faper or Randerer. Totta'um, a city of B thynia. fed, entertained. Traduaus, a, um ; part. of tradocor; Tõtus, a, um ; gen. totius, dat. totii Tracim ; adv. by drawing along by conveyed, franjated, defapod, polls adj. irr. [à tot) all, the whole, degrees, at longih. Tractia di ed. very whit, altogether, jo many, lo cerc, 10 tell on. Trädax, ůcis; m. a branch or twig of grout, ſuch a ons. "Totus in fti. Tractitius, a, um, adj. wbisb may A vini, by which it climbs or is con düs edie, to follow one's ſudy alto be drawn. vijed from tru to fret. • Extra- gether. Totus ſudo, I am all in | Trad-o, are ; act. [à truho) to hon duce, by propagation. a fwrat. * Totus in hoc ſum, I am dle, touch, writi, or treat of, di- Træmenorby:ltä: a people of Troas, wholly employed about ibis. pute or diſcourſe witb, describe; + Traffigo,, čre, for inhasêgo, + Tola bona, Engliſh Mercury. uſe, exerciſe, or middle with; al. ibruji or drive through. Tougeni, a prople of Helvetia, will Po to entertain at a feat. • Trac. Tragacantha, æ; fi goat's-shorn, yield. whım Marius waged war. tare pecuniam publicam, to bave ing a guoi of the fame nens, & Toxandri, the people of Toxandria in the ordering of the the king's re-Tragafæ, a country of Epirus. Brabant. • Tractare vulncra, 10 Tragafæus, a, um, of Tragalæ. + Toxicor, ari, to poiſon. diefs wounds. Tractare artem Tragelaphus, idbraf, part like a TOXICUM, ci; 2. [Tožinoy] poi. aliquam, to follova any occupation, bare, and part like a goai, g. fon, vmon. Trdare hiſtorian, to pon a Trāgēmāu, tum ; a. banqunling. Toxicus, a, um, adj. venomous. hißory. diſhes, junkets, the laſt courſe ata Toxii, e people about Tau. + Trador, dris ; m. he that draws. foaj, g. , rus. TraAõrium, ili Q. a windleſs to Tragem atopālag.ae ; m; 4cmfidio. draw up. T ante R. Tradorius. a, um, of drawing up. Trag'a, an Egean inand ; alſo a Tractus, a, um ; part. of Cahor; Tragias, town in Naxos, where TR. for trans, tribunus, or tribuni. druwn, pulled, prolonged, pliante, Tragiæ, Apollo Tragaus was tus. drawn in pieces Lana tracta, wir hippod. T.abala, a people of Lyc'a. wool carded or ipun. Tracta ora: Trāgicè ; adr. frog kally, cruely, le- Trabālis, le ; adj. [à trabs] of or lika tio, a tedious barunguo. tily, gravely. Tragico } Tetonedium," Potneſs in DevonFramtātris, Tci mi } a handler. VINNE. .. fonct. Marchia, bosh sallıd Frankford. Transādſgo, ēl actum, ere; adt, , , TRAGEDIA, 2.3f.:.(Tpaywdia] pus, a, um ; adj. [f Tralicior) t TRA TRA TRA Tragico-comoedia, a tragi-comeáy. rough ofion: difpar bed. Trăgicus, a, um, ad. tragicaly, of Traj Aun, Maeſtricht in Brabant, Tranfa&us, a, umpart. of tranſi- gedies, curl, bideous, jod, wirke ona Urretchi by Halland ; alfa gor ;.deni, mded, agreed upon, part, ¢, g city in Franconia, undanber in Tragicus, i; m. a writer öl tragu- Trälectus, Auftclive in the borders of kora or pierce through. Tranſa pina Gallia, the forme as Co- mata,. conlasring. Gulia Belgica, a tragras, fedition, commotion, muro paß ouer, ihruſt through Celtica, and Lugdunenſis. ther. ° . Tragoedias agere, or exo Trajectus, ùs ; ni. a poling, convey + Tranſalpinor, ar!, 'to travel over the citare, to raiſe i cuinult, make a .ing, croling, or ferrying over. Alos. fad outer), Trajicio, eci, cum, lof trans and Tran'alpinus :: 2 um; ad} deyond the Tragedus, is m. an a&tor of tra laco) ti poſs ove", po legend, car Alps fram. Rome. ped.o., 8. Trouer, onvey, dränlpir, plerce or + Transă imitio, onis; f. the poſing Tragad:8, a. um ; adj. tragical, Srike through, pour into, difer of a joul from $76 body. 10 another. Txel lomonsable, g Culpam in alius tialiccre, is lay Tradicendencia, æ ; f. excellency. Tiagonatum ; 'n wild campion, the fuuli übon aniber. Tralicere Tranſcendo, čre, {of trans and ſcan- Tiagon'a, j'f. iaragon, g. in alia vafa; fi pour into other uafi do] 80 tranſcend, excel, go beymd, Tragopao, a large Æthiopian bird fels. * Tergum tajecit foglia, or pels over. wirb borms Door him through the buik wists an Tranſcido, čre ; a&ti (of trans and Tragopon, önis ; m gozts-beard, &. Arros, * Trajicere ocu os aliquo, cædo) to sear with loting. Tragooyron, r n buk-wheat, g. to look formas wony Tranſcordo, ēre; act. so cut afander, Trago!'ganum í n. goat-marjerin, Trālātio, as Tranſlatio. iind Ibrough. Träłaticius, 2;. um ; id). tronghi Tranſcribo; öre; act. acc. to tran- Trăgula ' ; ;, là traho) a drag: from another place, not wirih iho foridi, wrist, or copy, ixt, to give net, body a javelin w.rbu barbid Speaking of one's right to another, to reolin. bind. Trales, a city of Lydia, shirty miles Tranſcribere nomina, to make ever Tragu!a-ilk orum; m Joldiers with Trallis, est of Epheſus, salied bills or bonds.. arrows and croſs bows. 'before Evanchia, Sercucia, and an Tranſcr!bor, čris, plus ſum ; paff. to Trägúm, i; n. 8 drag.net: tiochia. be tranföribed, w written over again, Tragurium, an iland in Dalmatia. - tramplusted, &c. Sen. Vie.. Tragusia buk, a he goze; Irali,} hiyo uple of Trallia in n. Trankriptio; onis ; fi a tranſirib. Aiso the herb fcorplus; she bumbing Tralliżous, , um, of the Traili. ing 3. alſo an extu'; pira, or pis. out of the car, a fripling, a hard + Tsalõquor, qui, ta uiar, to spell kirid of spinge, through. Tranſcripius, i, um, tranftibid. Traha, L, f. & dry, lid: Tralucco; A Transoceo. Traoſcurro, čre; act. to run quar, Traharius, a, um, adi., of a draj, Trälūcidus, a, um, adj. clear, tranf. bibwart, or bond; to take a fling Trühsrius, il; m. drayman. parent. INI of bounds, paſi over Spudily, Trahax; acis, covolous, ravinois. TŘAMA, ; f. là tramco, vel à touch ligbily. Trihea, a; f. á fed. reaua, opus) the, woof, a coarle Trapſcurſum cft; jop. they run suer. TRAHỏ. xi. Bum, Ec; ae. [ UPA, gamini. Trama putrida, rollen * Tranſcurfum ad vitia, am have vcl à Syao yw prchenda) to draw, yarn. * Trama figuræ, skin and fallon of to. vices pull by* force, draw watir, lead or bones, Tranſcurſus, a, um, adj. cxrforily intier, proiraa. . Trahere noc Trámco, äre, com irans and mco] to run aver. * In arcem tranſcurſo tem, to polo away all the night paſs through or over. opus eſt, we nu get into the caſtle. long Trahere cum animo ſuo, Trines, itis ; mi a croſs-waj, a parb Tranſcurſus, îs , m. A running Over to deliberate or draw up a long de: athwartalo a groze or thike! qu'ckly, a doing balili, a pilling by. bati wirb' ane's fa!f. * Sorte tra with crofi pürbi. • In tranſcurſu, by the bye. berc, to aligo by los. ' . Spolla de Tràmitto, as Tranſmitto. Tranſdo, arc, to give over to anuber, hoftibus trahcre, to get spoils from Tiaroſericus, a, um, having the so yield, medies * Ad fævitiam aliquid word of sll Trapſdąco, čre, to lead, öring, of trahere, to interpret a thing cruilly + Tramoſcricus, i, m. e Ark we4 nury over, tranip!ant ; also to tra. donis. + Vitam trahere, to rub duse and flander. Tranſducere • Vultum trahere, to frown. Tsampe, a city of lonia. ad fe, so attribute to himſelf. Querentes trah) ic à Cæfare. Trampya; a city of Epirus + Traorduatlo, onis ; f. a leading complaining that Cæſar hold them of. It. Tranato, as Trantijato. Trahere colorem rubicundum, Trãño, áre; ait. 10. trans and no) Tranſenna, es fæm. (à tranſco) a to loik rüddy. In diverluin au. 10, win over, crossor swift lattice, a window with bars, a cale thorcs trahunt, authors are of dif. pierce; alla to fy ever. Tranare ment, a wicket or roup-windoro, a it. cord, o ſnarl, a.palige, or print fpem alicujus, to kup one in ex. Tranquille. adv. quietly, foftly dy, a racker, and inı netting of a pretation. Trahit aqua'm návi- Tranquillitas, ātis" ; e quieidels, jhip. * Per tranſennam afpicere, gium, she viffel Springs a lerk. calonefi, lillneſs, Serenity, to dobilde ar & siſan'e impirfrely. Trazerunt ofta figuram lápidis, niñ tranquillitas, Toiled nejs • Inducere in tranſennant, to dary bis bonus bocam's os fondi. mired. a perfon. Fraküla', ai f. a ſmall dray or fed. Tranquillo ; adv. in fill weather, Trani-co, irc; act. to paſs.by, ro pas Trajana, a city of the Piceni. Tranquilio, are, is quietcilă, or over, go forth, 'run through, soy Trajana Pons, a cay in Spain. Jill. nothing of. * Tranfit dies, the day Trajanopolis, a city in Thrace, Phry. Tranqüilluñ; 1; neut. Sol and fair Hippied awóy. * Trangre lincas, gla Mugha, and mbar places. Weither to go diyond the bounds, Video Trajanus, a river in Egypt. TRANQUILLUS, a, um, ad) (ya Jam quo invidia tranfeat, I jet Trajanus, a viriuous impéror, bult por Anjos quieli calm, mild, gonile, now whithir yeur envy tandi. * Ad forutor of the Chriflans; whoácz iba pieafod, till. "Adhuc tranquäla adverfarios tranfire, to revolt 10 forth in treating an imperor, Sis res est, it is well enough yos. celicior Augufto, melior Trajano. TRANS, præp. (cas'épavj cuer, beTransero id; [of trans and fero] Trajectio, onio fa piling er going yond, ath wuri, o tros, 10 transplant, plant in another The Traje&tio verborum, & Tränlab eo, ire, to go beyind, si gior place. tranſpoſition of words.. Traje&tio pals over Tranleuns, untis, piling by or on ftellarom, sbr onting of pari. Tranradio, onis ; f. an agreement, Traje&itius, a, um ; ad). of or for dipatebirg, or finishing: Tranfèunter ; ady lig bily, in pal- pelfogy, transported. Sors tra- Tranfactor uris; n. * m. ker.org fing his jedila, fara-menes, grcomeäls or barguins, a difpariber, Transfero, eric ;, to carry op con: Traloco, are, là traficio) to trans drokir. 'wry from one place to another, tő pirt, continy, 8 over, frike sbo- Tranfa&um cft"; imp; the matter is Iranſare ! on. 1 OVIT. 1 the enemy: TRA TRA TRA remove or the rol. naort, QMOu over. the je port or incorpreia 'to over one's life. Transigere fcrror Tranimontanus, a, um; a j. Der ferro | Irinter, to give one's felf, to copy to run thorough, $ng, or dwelling beyond the moun- ONI. * Culpain in alium transferre, Transilio, tre; (of trans and falio) tains. 17 lay she foult upon anocher. to leag, skip, jump ouer og beyond, Tranſmõtus, aon; ad). removed. Cauſam in proximum annua trans omis, be silent of Tranímăvco, ère ; to remove. ferre, to put off a hufners vill the Transilis, le ; adj. - cut-growing, aus- Transmūtālio, onis, f. a changing. next year, Factum aliquod ad reaching, going Zerond. Palmco Tranſsūtãtor, oris, m. e changer. tortinam transferre, 10 impute the tranfills, & vina:branch longer than Tranſaūlo, are ; to ibange from one ill furafi of fuch an undertaking to place so another. fortune. * Transferre aliquod Transitio, önis ; f. a paling by or Tranínăto, are, act. to win over or verbum, to uſe a word in a mrta. over, a transijan, a going from beyond, phorical ſonic. place to plan, a revolting. * Tran-Tranino, are ; to ſwim or pars sver. Transfigo, čre, 2ct. to pierre or Arike ſitio ad plebem, e falling from ol. Tranſnominatío, onis, f. À changing throuch. G!adio transtigere, to derman to one of the common.coun. of napres, Tumore thorough. cil. Tranſnomino, arc; to change the Tansfiquradio, onis; f. & cransfigu. | Tranſitörlus, a, um; of or for a show ratiei, transforming, or changing rough fare, quickly palong, away, Tranynůmēro, are ; to reckon outr.. into another share. um ; paded by , Tranſpadanas, a, am ; adj. beyond Transfigurator, oris, m. a transform-Transitas, ús, n. a paſögo, going by the river Po in Italy or over, a change. change. In tranäsu, Tranſpāreo, cres, 20 appear thorough. Transfiguro, are, act, to transforms, by the bye. Tranſpcctus, ùs, in. a lacking thorough change the mire Transjungo, čre ; to er besond. Transfixe, á, um, part.of transfigor. borse from one part of the leam to Tranſp-icio, exi, cum, icère, act. piarred, bosid, or Thu thorough. another. (à fpecioj to look thorough. Transf:o, čte; act. so run out of Tranſlăbor, čris, bi, dep, to hide, Tranſpirātio, onis; f. a breathing Ovet, 10 leuke Nio, or run over. imperfets, tranpiration ; alſo a Transfid-io, čre, act, to dig or pierce + Tranlatim, fighlly, carclefily. papour coming thorough the pores, thorough, Tranſlācio, onis, t, a tranſlating, a Tranſpono, čre ;:10 franſpoje, Irarf: Transformatio, onis ; f. a transform. carrying out of one place into ans plant, tenowe ing. ther, a staphor, Trandatio Tranſportatio, onis ; f. a mursing Transformator, oris, n. a trans criminis, thi laying the fault, upon former, anothar, Tranſportatus, a, um, part. of tranſ. Transformis, c; adj. transformed. Trandātītiè, adv. Nightly, carilefiy, portor ; transported, baniſhed. T.ansformo, arc; act, to transform, negligently, by the way. Tranſporto, are ; act, to transport, to change into another mape and fa- Traanzuitius, į a, um, adj. brought convey over ; alſo sa baniſh, Shion. Translativus, from another place or Tranſpofitio, onis, f. & tranfpofition, Transforo, are ; to bore a bole tho. matter, ordinary, common, of no tranſpoſing rough, great weighi. Tranſlatitium cft Tranſpofitus, a, um ; tranſpojed. Transforfas, a, um, part. of transfo. in Ægypto, it is very uſual in + Tranſquietus, a, um, viry guilt, dior, dug or pierced thorough. Egypt. well ai rej, ſafe over the warst. Tra::sſrčtatio, önis, f. a paling oor Tranſlātor, oris, m. e tranſportir. Tranſchenānus, a, um, adj. beyond Trannatus, a, on ; part. of transfe the Rhine, Tsinsfoto, arc; act. 80 paſs cuer ror, tranſlated, tranſported, far. Transūtus, a, um ; fowed thereugh, furched, wurned, changed, Tranitiberina, part of Rome, where Transfiiga, it; c.a rivoltor, deferter, Tranſègo, ère; act. to read over, the Vatican mount is. through, or to the mda Tranftiberlaus, a, um ; ad;. beyond Transfūgio, ērc, to flee from one place Tranſüc-eo, ēre ; 10 foine thorough. Tiber, to another, to run away from one Tranfūcidus, a, um ; adj. shining Tranſtillum, i; ncut. [à cranft;un] pide to ihe other, forfake. through, tranſpareni. A ſmall tranfor. Translūgium, i, n. a defotion of Tranſmărinus, a, um ; beyond fea, + Transtĩn-eo, ēre; to keep on the revaiting to tht ineny. coming from beyond season foreign, other fide, to hold's he sides of a Transfüigidus, adj ining lhorough. Tranſmeabilis, le; adj. which may bruje regatber. Transfñino, are; to fook thorough, or be pafed over. TRANSTRA,, Orum ; n. Vir. (à paſs sver like foroak. Transcātio, onis ; f. & paling over franfco vel à trans & fterno] fears Transſund's, ērc ; to pour out of one o: thorough. for the rowers, a franjom or wind- veljal into another, to froot wines, Tranímco, are ; to paſs over, go be- beam 4-thwarts: fra-flute, transfor, attribute, sond. Tranftuli. Ser Transfero. Transfuſio, onis, f. a pouring from Tranfmigratio, onis ; f. a removing' + Tranſvalo, arc; to pour from one ene utfel 30 no:her, transfuſioni one's dwelling. veſel to another Transtūror. oris, m. be that pours Tranſmigrator, oris ; m. be sbat Tranfvectio, onis; f. a tranſporrings rul er:horiugh, a transfufer, changes his place of abode, or omuiying from place to place, the Transgreibion di, dep. of trans and Tranimigro, are ; to go over to on muffering of horfemm. grad:or) to tranſgre's, pass over, or order place or dwelling. * Ut Veios Tranſvettor, oris, m, a tranſporter, beyond, ex!red or furpaſs. tranſmigraremus, that we might go Tranſvectus, a, um, A. & P. of trans Tranſgreffio, ansia hing ever dwell af Veil ; Liv, vchor, carried over, paff. Tranfgreffus, ûs, m.) or bryend, a Tranfmiffio, onis, f. a paling, go-Tranſvčno, črç; acc. to carry ouer, Tranfmiffus, us, nising, or con convey, ride by . Transsectum est Tranfgreffor, oris, m. 4 tranſgreler, veying over from a place. tempus, the time is over, thus exiuidesh his bounds, - Tranſmiffus, a, um, part, of tranf- Tranſvěna, z; c. (à venio] a pronger Tranfgrefſug, a, um, part. of tranf mittor, paſſed or conveyed over. that comes from another country. gred'or, baving paled over, &c. Tranſmitto, čre, act, to paſs or con- Tranfverbero, are ; act., 10 pierce or Transjăcco, ērc ; to lie wer. vey over or shorough, to run /perdial Arike thorough. Translācio, čie; act. to saft of. Soos 12 over, ſed in habe, pass by. * Tranſversà ; adv. a.croſi , esquins, Tranſmittcre tempus, to pass one's A-throart. Transjeet o, onis,f.la enfling, cat time.*Tranſmittere sectum lapide, Tranſverſaria, orum ; n, baards of Transſectos, îs, m. I rying, paling to throw a fons surror Paft a rafters laid n-cro's. over or thorough. Verborum trans. house. * Charta tranfinltit literas, Transversārium, ii ; ncut. she crop iectio, a iraniroring of words. the paper finksa Trapimittere pince of A Jacob's pert, ibi tran- Transjcctus, a, um, part of trans alicui hæreditatem, to make over fom. jici:r; ruin thorough. palled over. an state to any one. Tranfmit- Traofverfarius, a, um, adj. put torg. Transigo, eg, is ére, act. (of trans ana tere difcrimen, to escape a danger. thwart. ago ]io pafs «ver, diſpar.b, or finiſh, * Tranſmitere bellum alicui, so Tranſversio, onis ; f. a trawiring make an agreement, duide a contro entruft ons with the management of turning awar.. vær:), *Tranngere vitam, to pali a war. Tranfverfum, i, a, the midriff. Trat the sea turn-c011. ouer, overthrow, 7C osret ouer. VEX. TRE TRI TRI Tra..(verſus, a, um ; part.' of traul. Trochus; a fainsus warrior of Triang viaritas, āt:s, f. A triplicily of vertor, ofer-th wort, e-croft, tolia, hain by Mars. the Zodiac, Tranfverfus.agi, so be bi. Ta gorenfes, a people of Britannia + Triangulator, oris, m. a planet of ribed, or driven from one's purpoſe. Rimorica. . the winlicity. *Tianfverfum digitum.or ungucm Tredčcim, indec. ibirlern, Tiiargúlum, i; n. a triangle, a fi- Cifcedere, so go an inch out of tho Tradecies, ibirtuen, or thirty siones. gure with three corners; allo wild way. Tranſverſos incufant Trēmčbundus, äng, um , full of fear, golingale, they charge them upon the Bank. * trembling mub. Triarii, orum; (à tertio !oco]old and verbi, werds, mij- Trěmčfacio, číc; to make to iremble pout foldiers placed in the rear. placed. * Ex tranſverſo. cedere, fur fear. Ad friarios vencum cft, it is comme to go arſeward, Tíēmēfactus, a, um, part. of tremen, to the lani puſh. Traniverso, are; act. to turn afde or fin; to make 1o tremble or loake. Trias, adis, ;. the tray or three, g. owry. + Tremefio, iris to be made 10+ Tribucitur, «gain and again, over Tranſúlto, are, (of trans and falto) tremble. to leap over, vault. Tremendns, a, um ; to be feared or Triballi, a poorl: of Lower Mylia, Tranrultus, ûs; m. a glancing or trembled at. culled now Bulgari. over-skipping.. Tremilc, the ancient name of Lycia. Tribădes, dur., zonen abuſing their Transümo, čre ; to take of another, Trçmilenſcs, the people of 'Tremile. bodies one with cheiber, g, remove, fift, or change. Trěmiſco, čre ; so trembla or quake Triboce in the seople of Alfatia. Tranſumptio. Onis, f. a miſting, or for fear. taking from one to anasheri Tremithus, Tribon, onis; a thread-bare cloak: Tranſumptum a . Tr:the people of Triers in Gallia cation takm cui of records. TREMO, ui, ĕre, neut. (IT pýuw] ro Be'gica. Tranſuo, čre; to leur thorough. . tremble, quake, or shake for jour, so Tribrăchu?, ? a foot of three soort Tranſvòlito, áre's to icke a quick trocable at. •Animo iren.cic,' 10 Tribrachis, Gllables, g. flight over. be sore afraid. Tribuārius, a, uni; là tribus] of a Tranivolo, are į la fly over or beyond, Trčmor, oris į m. a trembling, qua tribe, fock, or warda to go over ſpeedily, to over.flip. king, or fuking Tiibu!a, æ; t. za dry or cer; Trallvõlvor, čris, vi; to be turned t Tremula, æ; f. an ap tree. Tribu'un, iinis alſo a fail of alut, am pled over. Trčmūlos, a, um , adj. trembling, throbbing-wheel. Sec Tribulus. + Tranívoro, arc; to swallow up, to wavering, warbling. ** Tremula Tribūlarium, ii; n. A place where confuine. Aamma, the waving flame. Tre. thraſhing infrumen!s are laid up. Tranſylvan'a, part of Dacia, called mulua frigus, & froll Dating one Tribulāt:0, õnis; f. offliion, op- Sibemburgen, thake. profion, iriiulction. Tranum, a city of Apulia Peucetia, Trépidanter, adv. fearfully, trom. Tizbulis, c; adj. of the same flock, called before Trajanopolis: blingly. trite, band, kindred, or ward. Trapes, ctis, m. [Ipámons) an o- Tsepidatio, onis, f. a iremėling, four- Trep!darins cquus, a galloring horse. Tribulium, the city Ticogna in Dal- niatia. Trapērum, i, n. slive.preſs. Trapctus, i, n. fulness. Tribu!o, are ; 10 threſh with a flail, Trapeza, á city of Arcadia, and a Trepidatur, [ab illis) they tremble, crub with a cari, apier, opprefi, promontory of Troas. Trèpidè, adň. fearfully, haſily. Trapeza, e, f, a banker's table, g, Trépido, arc, io tremble for fear, be TRIBULUS, i, m. (Tpítsaos] a 'Trapezíra, æ, m. a banker, mening. ajloniſhed'or amazed, make haie in Thiſlla, bronbla, ſpiked nail, rola ibar.ger, . a frighi, Buddle. * Pariim trcpi. trops. Tribulus aquaticus, water. Trapezophorum, i, Deut. e drefter datur in uibe, the whole city were coltro?, or ireful; g. afraid Trilunul, alis, n. a tribunal or judg. Trapezopolis, a city of Caria, Trépidulas, a, um, adj. ſomewhat treni ſcat, Trapezus, a city by the Enxine ſea. afraid, liisle and fourjul. Tribunália, orum ; n. high banks of Trauchenii, a prople of Pontus. Trépidus, a, um, adj. (ab ant, tre 818en lury to keep out water, Traveho, as Traolvcho. peo, vel à Trónw verlo] fearful, Tribúnātus, ûs, m. the tribune-ſhip. * Travio, arc ; 10 paſs or go :htrough, afiniſhed. amazed, flv, deretul. Tribunit:us, a, uni; of the tribunu. bryond, or over the way. Trepidi serum, much fearing the Tribunitius, 11 ; m. be that has been Traúlzó, arc; to futter or Rammır, date of Offairs. Tribune. + Trepondo, indec. the weight of. Tribunus, i, m. (or tribunus plebis) Tidulotes. a jammering, 8. thres pounds. Ebe chancellor or prokaor of the com. TRAULUS, i; m. iTpavads] a flut. Tierus, a river in Italy; alſo a ccun. * Tribunus prarius, a re. terer, lifper. try in Thrace. ceiver general, a pay-maler, # Tri- + Trebaciter, like one well virged, Trores, the people of Trerus. bunus militaris, an adjudant genta: Tučtál:i!s, A lawyer, familiar with TRES, tria, trium, ad). [Toas]three. rol. #Tribunus celcrum, general Ciccro. # Trium literarum homo, a shiel. of the horſe. Trèbla, a river of Gallia Ciſalpina, Tribas vesb's, in brief. Tribuo, ui, utum, là tribus] to ar- by whish. Hannibal best, Sempro- / Tycſſis, c; of the weight or worth tritute, afcribe, bellow, givi, grani, nius; allo e riry in Spain. of three pence, of lite e value, pits impuk, Valetudini aliquid tri- Trebiates, a people in Umbria. ful, Sabby. bueren Po conſider fornething for 'Troböntus, one of the conſpiratory a. Tieſis, is, m. Ihre peres, or three one's health. Alicui tribuc.c ig - againi Cæfar. farshings. naviæ, to impute it to one's ſloth. Trēbū!a, a town of the Sabincs, Trccum, a mountain of Pelopon. Tribuere in duas partes vim lo- where excellent rbeeſe was made, Tactus,'} nefus. qucndi; divide eloquenes into two Trbilani, the people of 'Trebula. Treton, a promontory of Africa Pro parts. Trocæ, arum ; a city in Campania pria. Tribus, Os ; f. [à tres) a tribe, de Gallicana, Troye en Champagne. Treva, e city of Germany.' frent, Rock, lineage, å hall of you + Trčcēnärius, a, um ; of three-hun. Treventum, a city of Samnium. riety of Roman citizens, wheroof dred. Treventinates, the people of Treven buie are thirty-five, Trocēni, 1 2,2. adj. pl. thres hud. ton. Tribes. See Tres. Treccnti, dred. Trēviri, a city (and people of Tribūtārius, a, um , paying tribusi, Trécentēncs, a, um ; she three Treveri , f. Gallia Belgica, called taxes, or. toll. Trecentefimus, $. hundredth. Triers, ſaid to be the moll ancimt Tribūtim, adv. tribe by fribe, by Trecontiès, udv. three hundred times. of all ihe cities of Europe, and 80 Trechedipn?, orum;a livery goun te built by Treberas (the brother Tribūžio, onis ; f. an attributing, di. worn by Thoſe ibat bad their diet in Ninus] before Chrift: 1496 Aributing, the public hall, g jeor). Tritūtor, oris, m. a difributer. Trechod påus; i, m. he that comes bo-Trevcricus, a, um; of Ttjers. Tributorius, a, um, of difiribution. foregbers to.ger his place at a feat; Triarigularis, é ; baving three Tribulum cft, imp, it is given or ello he that comes 100 løre, g. Tr.angulus, a, um ; $ cornci's, allributed. Tribūtum, . . M071. very tribe, 1 --- Trica, Tricca, of the TRI TRI. T'RI Tributun, i; n, friburs, roll, taxas., Tricongius, Novellus Mediolanenſis the club in cardı. • Trifolium * Tributun capita!c or perſonale, so called from his drinking three acetofum, woed-forreli Trifo- poll-nioney. gullons before Tiberius. lium bituminoſum, : Binking 188- Tribūtus, a, un ; pa t. of tribuer ; Tricor, ari'; so dally, toy, or ir: foil. Trifolium paludofum, bucko given, attribxed; alſo belonging to Tricorii, the people of 'Tricoriuä in beins, Trifoliam purpuicum, iba trides, . Galia Narboncnſis. pistpie-wort. } a city of Theffaly. Tricorneffi, a people of Upper Myſia. Triformis, me, adj. į art, of three Tricorniger, cra, rum; adj. 'with forins, bapai, ar faſhions. Canis Trica' ond Apina, iwo pitiful towns three horni or hosds. trifumis, Cerberus. in Apulia, which became a proverb Tricornis, ne; baving three horis. Trifur, uris ; c, one three times as for wny trijies 'i:rīcorpor, oris ; having three bedies. bad as an ordinary thief. Tricadiba, és city of India wirbin: Tricolus, a, um, adj. deceitful, wily, Trīfurcatus, a, u!n adj, three full of fcclery and triling. Trifurcils, forked. Trica, arum; f. 5.7 PIRÉS, Tpogrunt Tricubitalis, le , of three cubits. Trifurcifer, an arrant rogue. ra) hirs or je ochors about the t. Tricus, a 'Bone of three colours, Triga, x, f. (à t'es & ago) a cari or feer of chickens or piagens, trifles. 6136k, Sanguine, and white. waggon drawn with three hortes. Tiicalon, a vily of Sicily. Tricuſpis, idis , adj. having thru Trigaboli, a posple of Gallia Cifal- Tricariina, people and city of Cel points or lines. pina. tica. Tridacna, orum ; n large oylers, 5. Trgarium, ii; ni a race with the Tricallini, a people of. France by the Tridens, nois, a fork or clber injru curior Triga ; alſo the place of ex- 7. ver Drucnlia. inert with ihrzi testh. ercifo. Tricalt nos, à, un, adj. of the Tri. Tridentifer, 72, um, adj. an epj. Tr:gārius, !! ; m. he thit drives a caitini," Tridenriger, ihet of Neptunes sirriage with iores hirſus. Tricãtor, üris, m. a frilor. bearing a tridoni, Trigemina, one guter at Tricca, city of Macedor:;?..where Tridentum, the city Trcnt in the norsh Ronc, cl'ed nsw Porto S. Pauli. JEſculapius was born, who is there el Italy. Trigěrnini, örum ; in. shree sons at a fore colic Priccmus, Tridentinus, a, um: adj. of Trent. birth, Triccnarius, 2. un; adi. of thirty, Triduanus, a, um ; adj ofibra days. Trigčminus, a, um; adj. tbree.fed. Triceni, ky a ;'adj. thirty. Triduum, ui ; n.- Equ. ties dics; ibe # Trigenina porta, e gate in Tricennalis, c ; of thirty's or three len Spare of thru days. Rome, out at which the Ibrie eurt Triennis, ze; adj. 3 21t. of three Horatii went to fight the Curi. Triccntēni, æ, a ; three hundred. Triennalis, S. years: acii. Tricenties, three hundre: times, 'Tricnnium, 11 ; A. [ab anaus] 'the Trigemmis, me ; adj. 3 art, baving + Tricenipu!us, a, um, three hun space of three years. • Triennion brer buds or joints. dresd feld. jam hinc abeft, he has brenogone + Trigeriès, adv. thirty times, Triceps, itis ; having three heads. theſe three years. Trigcamus, a, um, the shiriah, + Triccrberus, the doo os hell. Triens, ntis, m. (à tres] the third TRIGINTA ; indec. [tpiáncega] Triccfimæ, a city of Germany part of a penny, or any thing else, thirty Tricesimus, a, um, the ih rtic:b. four ounces or inches, ihe third of Trigla, æ; f a mulle, g. Tiicchis, is, m. I qu. criceni affcs) one's eßate. Triglitcs, is į m. a muller-fione, g the 'wrigist of thirty pounds. Triental, alis; n. a cup of four Triglyphus, i ;m, a bordure graven + Trichaplum, i;i. a caul for wi ounces, Ibe ibird part of a laxtarius like three ſurrows, trens heuds. or pint. Triglypton, a sity of India without Trichias, adis, f. & funny with fmall | Trientālis, e, of four ounces Ganges. bores, g incher, Trigon, onis, m, a porch-ball; alſo Trichila, orum, neut. a cooler of li. Tricntārius, a, um, adj. containing the porch wbercin chey played ; a quor, a third part, worth the third part turtle, and a kind of ibornback, g. Trichinus, a, um, adj. Now, bin. of a penny, of four eunies or inches. Trigonális, lc ; ad). of the porch for dred, dry, g. * Fenus tricntarium, ufury of four a ball; alſo three cornered, Trichitis, id:8; f. allon in long brit. in tha bundred. Trigonus, a, um; three cornered, tle breids, g. Tricrarchus, i; m. she maſlar of a Trigonus, i, m. ä triangle. Trichomaues; m. the herb maiden. galley with three oars on a bank, 8. + Trigrania, cif, the three grained Trieris, is ; f. & galley with three or Ncapolitan medlar, Trichonion, a city of Ætolia. oars on a bank, or thres banks of Tsihorium, ii; n. (qu. tres horas) Trichorum, i, n. a buiding with odrs, 8. the space of three hours, threr rooms on a floor, go Trieres, e city of Syria. Trijūgus, a, um, thrie-fold, triple. Tricies, thirty times. * Ad tricies Trietēricus, a, um, adj. of three Trifugi,' thru rocks on the coast of lis æftimata, the ſuit was faxed as years, or every third year. • Bac Spaia. three milions of soferiese chi trieterica, the friennial bec. + Trilibra, æ; three pound-weighi. Tricinus, a, um ; tà tricæ) Jender shonalı, &: Trilibris, e; of three pound-weighi. or now, Trlēteris, idis ; f. the space of three Trilinguis, c ; of three tongues, skill- Triclaria, Diana so called. Jeats, S. ed in, or having threr tongues. Tricliniarches, e, m.a shamberlain, Trifariàm ; ady. thru manners of Trīlix, icis, (alcium) weren of governet of a fosi, g. ways. three threads of the same or di Tiicliniaria, orum; n. the hangings Trifárius, a, on; ad), three-fold, of vars colours, threr.fold. of o parlour or dining roon, the fura threr foris. Trilóris, e ; (a lorum) treble waled, niture of carpets, cushions. Trifatidicus, a, um; a great prophes of three threads. Tricliniaris, e; adj. 2 of a parlour or , very prophetical, Trimacus, i; m. a foot of ibret long Tricliniarius, a, um; } or dining- Trifaux, cis ; having three jaws, fyllables, & rooms, mouths, or throats. Trimatus, ùs ; shree years ago. Tricliniarius, il;m.. waiter in the Trifer, 2 a, um ; bearing fruit Trimembris, ć; of thru members. parlour. Triferus, S thrice a year. Trimeſtris, c ; of three mon!hs, TRICLINIUM, i, n. [tpimain:v) a Trifidus, a, um, adj. divided, or clo- Trimetrius, a, um, adj. of shrue me. parlour or dining-room,' a couch on ven into three parts, * Cufpis tri. fers, or fix feet. which thrue fate. fida, a trident. * Fiamma trifida, Trimetrium, i, n. a verſe confifing of Trico, onis; m. (à trica] a frifler ; the thunder-bolt. fix feet, g eljo a fullen contentious person, + Trifinium, ii ; neat. the burring of Trimodia, 2; f. a meaſure of harratour. threo fields together. Trimodium, ii ; n. three buſhell Tricoccus, cl, m. a beliotrope with Trifolinus, a muunlain of Campa- Trimodius, a, um; of three buſbels, three grains of feed in the pod, g nia, from the abundance of trifoil Trimontium, a rily of Thrace ; alſo Tricolini, a city of Arcadia. growing thera; bence vinum trifo. Artcrith in Scotian?. Tricolon, i, n. a jave of shree ſeur. Ilnum, Triaŭlus , adj. but three yenys old ral forss of perfu. Trifolium, ii, n. frafoil, three leau'd Trimus, a, um, adj. (a (res) of three Tricolor, öris; c. of three colours, grafs, clover.grofs, or boney-ſuckles, cay's. 7 CZ Trin hair, g. / } . an TRI TRI TRI Trinacria, a; f Sicily fe' called from friplices.cam, pl. m. table book of Triftitia, e; f. Sadna's besvinei, its triangulár form. pmfiumefii forrow/kine!s, Tra. Trinacria, crei 3 adj. of Trina. Triplicitas, atis, 6 4 buting threife'd, dero ic triftitia, so buccini fud and Trinacrius, a, um cria. licity forrowfuli Trinčpos, Oris; m, a grand-bild's Tripliciter, grand child, Trifto, arc, act. to male beau ir } srebly. Trineptis, is, f.'a grand-daughter's Triplico, are j act. 1o treble, maiako Trifor, ari ; part . 6o le fad, besty, grand-daughter. thrusfold, or ibre times as muib. of ſorrowful. Trincha, an iſland of India wirbim Triplus, a, um, threefold.. Trifulcus, a, um; anj (à ſulcus, Ganges. Tripolis, sive cities, one in Phenil.e. acies] beving brie edges or Trinitas, ātis; f. a trinity, she be Lcíay another in Africa bynab6 {64 point.. ing of thru in one. • Herba tri-idr. Trityllabus, a, um, adj. of toru i nitatis, liwr.wort, Tripolitani, thé papla of Tripolis. lables, Trinium, a riter of the Ferentani. Tripolium, ii; d. jerapions turbit, Tritæa, city of Achaia. Trinobantes, 2 br prople of Mid jea far-wori, blue. daily or camo- Tritavia, z; f. the great grand-ino- Trinovantes, 3 dleſex. mile, bogs-brans, so ther's grand-mother. Trinoctialis, le; of ihru nights. Tripolysti, e people of Theſprotia, Trităvus, i; m. the great grandfa- Trinoctium, ui ; n. (à nox) the space + Tripondjarius, a, um į of ihru Uber's grandfatbar, of ihre nights. pounds. Trite, a city adcut Hercules's pil. Trýnodis, c; adi. 3 art: Là nodas) + Tripondium, ii, dent. three pounds Jari, . v having thrac knots or joiwi. weigbl. Tiie Diezen menon, C-fol-fa-ut, + Trinodo, are ; 10. melu' three + Tripontium, Torceſter in Nortb.. Trile Hyperbolgon, & F.fa-ut. kaits. amptonſhire. Tritc Syncmnenon.g. B-f2-bi-mi. + Trinomias, adj. of Ibraz mames, Triptolemus, the son of Eleusius of Tritea, e city of Troas. Trinundinum, i, n. the day the third-Celçus king of Ecuſina, juppojed to Tritheitæ, trilhojas, boericks bolding fair was kept ori, thi spars of be the firf rồat broughi agriculture three difina gadheads, fwroty-jeum dags, or three fairs.. into Greece. Triticeus, a, um ; adj. of wheat, Trinos, a, uos adj. ta tres? by Triptoron,-i ; nçgt. a noun having wheston, Medis triticca, zbear- threri, the third, three years old, only three cajos, g. harvet. ! #Trio, Onis; m. A plough-ox. + Tripudiatio. ons ; f. a dancing. Triticum, cl; n [à tritus) wheat. Triobolaris. 'lc; adi 3 art. to 4 Tripudialor, üris ; m. a dancer. • Triticum amyiuni, far.b-corn. bought or hired for three balf-penie, Tripudio are ; to dana, trir, caper, Tritogona, Pallas' so ralled. of no value. . - or juinp, Trilon, õnis; m. Vis. A fes-god Tribolum, l in three balf-pace Tripódium, il n. (i tripus] a dan feigned to be Neptune's trumpeler ; Tribolus, in. Homo Globo cing or iritping upon the soe. allo a river of Atrica. li, a three ball-pinny' mois. Tripudium Conftiinum, 44- Triton, onis; m, a water-cock; Triocbăla, a city of Sicily. gury hy chickens picking so greedily allo a kind of funny, Triocbalini, the people of Triocha ibar the rom rebounded from their Tritonicus, a, um, adj. of Triton. la. bills in the ground. Trilonia, Pallos, so called of Tri- Trioditis, e name of Hecate. : TRIPUS, odis; m. [Tomos) a trio Tritonis, ton. Trioncs, num; m. là tres vel tero] vel, trefal, three focied pool, or any Tritonice. ês, f. a city of Pontas. draught oxon, the greater bear, or thing with thru jul.. Tritor, osis, m. a Ebrejuer, be that Charica's wain. Triquadrus, a, un ; thru Square. Hamps or bru fos Trionymus, 1; & be that has three Triquetra, Triacria or Sicily. Tritura, æ, f. a threbing, a famping Triquetrus, a, um ; of Sicily. or bruiſing Triopas,, a king of Theffaly ; allo Triquetra, æf. the father of Erifichthon. Triturator, oris ; m. a shreſter, Triquetrum, i, n. 4-triangle. Tritarita, a rown in Hetruria, Triapeius, Érllichtlion so called, of Triquetrus, a, um, adj. [à quadro). Trituro, are ; to thrub. Triopas, triangular, Trituror, ari, alus (uid, paff. to be Triopeis, Erifichthon's daughter. Tričmis, is, f. 2. Curt. (à remus) threſhed. Col. Sidon, Ep.7.0. Triopthalmus, Š, S. Bone reprefense a'gally with ihres oars on a fide. Tritus, a, um, part, of teror; wom, ing thruz eyes. # Tris for tres, thru. bruiſed, ručbed, much ujed. Va Trilago. 2. inis ; f. germander or trita, a braten road. * Proverbium Triffago, $ Engliſh triacler tritum, an old prowró. Trjopius, Apollo ſo called. Triſanton, Southampton, and the Tritus, ûs ; m. A writing, bruiling, Triorches, is; m. a buzzard, g. river between that and the Iſle of rubbing, or threſhing. Triozenus, a Thracian who came to Wighti Trivčnčaca, ai ka great forcereri aid the Trojans. Tiiſcurría, orum; neut. [à fcurra). bug, or witch. Triparcus, a, um, ad). very sparing fosifs, jcars, jigs. Trivia, æ, f. D'ana so called, from or niggardly. Třil clienex, an epithet of Nefter, her being worshipped in the irojs. Tripartior, iri; to divide into thru who lived ihrec ages. ways. parts. Triſincgutus. See Morcurius. Trivialis, lc, adj. 3 art. frivial, com- Tripartito, adv. in three parts. Triſmus, a town of Lower Mygia. trien, of ſmall fleem, wjid in the Tripartitus, a, omi adj. parted + Trisõnus, a, um ; of three ſounds, bighways. , into three Triſpia, a people of Thrace. Trivicum, a city in Italy. Tripartinum, i ; n. a course de table Triſte, iùs, iffimè, adv. forretfully. Triviriyim, ady by everythree men, of ihre diſpos. * Trittius curantur adoleſcentes; Triviuin, 1i,neui. à Va), plase + Tripcarus, a, um, adj. baving Pripings are cured with inore dif there'ibrer w.sys man," the bigha three bead's. ficulty. ws Tripēdalis, lc;, adj. Tripcdancus, a, um ; of the Triftoga, orum, n. [fc. tccta] a house Trivius, a, um, adj. having thru } fert of shres Boriss. 2.27. Tripes, cdis ; baving ihree fest. Trísticülus, a, um ; somoúhst fad. Triumphalia, ium ; n. pl. triumphs Tiphylia, thi fupi as Els, called Triftificus, a, uin, adto making sud, the enhans of treenibers alorriphyllis heavy, ci penfiur. Triumphalis, a gasa in Rome by Triphyllius, Jupiter ſo called of Tri-+ Triſtimonia, z; f. bezuines, for which she triumphs entered, Triumphalia le adj. 3 art, trium- + Tripiaus, a, um ; adſ, writion TRISTIS, te ; adj. 3 art (à gouwlu phal, belonging to triumph. • Ar- Ilie, or in three languages. * geo, vel Opauotos fractus] lid, cus triumpha:IS, A triumphal arh, Triplex, icis, adj. trable, thier-fold. Feavy, forrowful, melancbolick, je * Homo liumphalis, be that bos Triplicatio. õnis ; f. trobling, Gern, Juur, angry, trur',. revenge Irjunpbed. mating hrse; the plaintif's 671 ful. Triftis fuccus, Litter julle 'Triumçhäror, oris ; m. a triumpher. worcowibe dgfonduni's cuplica Triftia exia, entrails, vous be frrumphátus, a, um, adi. & part. bakas il! furies. sign:r:ww.phor ; triumphed for, - Triplicãtus, a, um ; part. seblede Trittsõnus, a, um ; founding fadig. 1 names. } Triopian, } city of Caria. phylia. TOW. 1 tient. CURY, Tii- } mangler. , TRO TRU T U B Triumyhātus, ùs ; n., a triüvish-1 Trojanes, triumph, Trojanos, a, um, adj. Trojan, of Trulliſſo, arc, to damb or plaifler, Troicus, ng Troy: Trajanus Truncã o, önis; f. a cuising off, Triumpho, are; neut. re triumph, rpius, muus, a fratogen. maiming conquer, route. Triumpho 4 Troicus mons, a ununiain of Egyar Truncātos, öris; m. o najmer licet nie laicre, I ſhall ibink rouch Trolas, the son of Priamus, Halter Truncatrix, iis; f. bappy if I rail but lay hia.. Achilles. Trunčo, a:c, là vuacus) sur 4- TRIUMPHUS, i, m. (gpiaubos ] | Troites, . A ricer near Troja in E. funder, lop riff sriuinph, great joy, a jolaini porno or gypt.. Trunculatus, a, um ; clogged. few jor vil.or; oblained, a truins at Trojūgčna, z; c. a Trojan born. + Truncŭlo, arc, 10 maim or Hill Gärds. * Deportarc triumphum Eropæa, a sing of the Brúui. Truncūlus, i; m, a little log> a dloge 11 ride in triumph. Tropæi, orum ; m. winds rifng out * Anſcris truaculi, gnoje-gibblats, Triuin vir, iri; m. arcmmiſioner of of the land,' and returning 80, it * Trun:uli :uuni, a bog's hebet.' shrio; oljo irls of the connectia for from the jaag g.. TRUNCUS; á, um ; adj. (2 Torpare feitling the woninınwealth, as Cral-Tiõpæum, 21; n. a trophy, anfignes Xov, vulnero] cui porter, mainad, ſus, Cæſar, and PorapeyTri. Trophæum, of vittory, mangled. umvir capitalis, a feriti or provoft Tropæus, l; m: he ibat does a TRUNCUS, ct; m. [Tpíxnes; mürſbal. ** Triumvir menfárius, , Shrewd turn, and runs away when log, licek. Jump, the body of a true; A muper of sninis and banks. + Tri by has dond, as is used in joine play's aljo a vunce or blockhead, she body of umvis nocturnus, a caplain of the ainun without head or limbs guirit. Trophonius, 'ij; m. a scothfinger Truo, 214, ( trua] 10 Dirt lade the Triumuiralis, le ; adj. 3 art. trium dwellirg in a cauf, into which por freshing viral, on the commiſioner of rbree. whefoever cumu, could never laugh + 'Truo. Onis ; f. a bittorn. * Triumviralibus lectus flagellis, more; hence the proviro, In Antro. Trūcātilis, lei 1o be shrupt or turned Nirest with she headle's laſtas. Trophonii vaticinatus es ; donico Adout with a man's hand, Mola Triumviralus. Ûs; m. the trium. alfo Jupiter Trophonius. trufatilis, a hand-inill, virati, pre of a commiſioner of Tropice, adv. figur. tively. TRUTINA,æ; f.[Tputan]the baño three. Propici, orum; m, swe circles ima. dle of a balanır, a pair of falas; Trumviratim, adv. by thru men. gined for she bounds of the jun's alſo dil gens confideration, advics, Triuncis, is; m. [qu. trcs unciæ] cowa fe. exomin.jion. * Suſpendere id tro. the weight of three cunits, a far- Trõpicus, a, um.; adj. iropical, figue, tina, to try the weighi, frength, as zhing. rative, & excellenty of it. Triuncis, ce; adj. 3 art. of three Tropis, is, or ios; f. the keel of a hip; Trūtinatio, onis ; f. a weighing. Ounces, of a quartern, alfo vinegar und pallid wine. Trůcino, are, 10 10 weigh, confider Tiiuncius, a, um ; of thru ounces, Tropologia, æ ; f. a Jpeaking by fs- Trucinor, sri, advi + Trivolum, i; na fuil. gutes, TRUX, úcis, là thrax, vel à Toux. Trizi, a foople of the joush of Ifter. Tropologicè, adj. figuratively, vexo, vcl à Tgoxus aſper) force, Troas, a country of Aga Mino:, by Tropologicus, a, um ; figururive. truth, terrible, rough. Helle pont. Tropus, i, m. (Trostsj a trope or - Tryblium, ii; n. a Juurer, gi Trochæus, æi; m. a foot of a long gure. Trychæ, & rit) of Eubca. and ſhort ſyllable, 8. Tios, ols; m. a Trojan; also a kinz Tripbyodorus, an Egyptian port, who Trochaicus, a, um ; 2. confifting of of the Trojans, and father of Ilus, wrote the detruction of Troy, and Trochues. from whom Phrygia Minor was other things. Tiochilus, i; m, a wren, & called Trons. Tsyphon, a grammarian of Alcxan- Trochiſcus, ci ; m. a trochisk, polil, Troffula, æ; f. [qu. toroſula) a de aria under Augustus ; alſo a Jew or lozenge, g. licate wensb. ag-inſ whom Just n Mariyr wrote: Trocblca, a; f. a pully cr wind. Troffulum, a town in Tu.cany i and anosker who was a haror of lofi, * Troch!eis pituitam addu whenca Troffuli equires. Origen. cere, so spit will greut difficulty, Troſsúlus, i; al. a delirası perfon, a Trytudoce. és ; f. a box for the bula fine gallini, a carpet knighe. land weigbis, g. Trochalus, i; m. lille boop, or Trox, 8. a worm breeding in pulfe. Tryxalls, is ; f. a kind of locuf wiib. TRUA, æ; f. [Topóry, vcl à aplico cut wings, g. + Trochum, i; acut, a chair with icro) a viljel sur to inferior ufes, fouft joints. wabing-bowl, (ray, ludla. TROCHUS, i, m. (o pogos] a boop Trucidariùs, a, um, niurderous. T ante U. or top Trucidatio, onis ; f. a murdering. Trocmi, za prople of Galatia in Trůcidātor, oris ; m. a murderer. TU, gen. tui, dat. tibi ; pronom. , Afia. Trůcido, arc, (à crux) to murder, perlonal lov) shou, you. Toie TROCTA, z; f. [à fpago edo) a till with curly, undoe. Truci. and tutemet, thou thyself. dari fænorc, to be a prey to the iTuælis, the river Tweede botwien Trazenii, the people of Troezen. Scrivoners. England and Scotland. Træzen, a rily of Peloponaclus, the Truconcs, (mall ifands of Illyrium. Tuapie (ponie, of shy own accord. country of Thcfcus. Trueta, aj f. a trout. See 'Truca. Tuaum, ady, your own way, after Trczenius, Theícus ſo called of Tree. Tiuculenter, adv. cruelly, fiercely. your own faſhion. 'Trúcălcntia, æ; f. cruelty. TUBA, æ; f. (à fono, vel à lubos] Trog:lia, on ijlond of lonia. Trücălcntus, a, upi; ad). inul, b!cody, a trumpet * Tuba celli civilis, the Trogilium, a promontory of lo. ferre, menacing beginser of a civil war. Trogylium, } nia. Trūdcs, es ; f. an inArument for Tabances, a porle of Germany. Tr«gilioium portus, a haven of Si. thrufing forward, off, or down, a Tubanti, in people of Germany. boat pole, a bar. Tobār:us, ii; m. trumffl-maker. Troglii, the people of Trogiliorum TRUDO, fi, furn, doc; Cà apua Tūber, čris ; n. and m. là lunco] portus. rexo, vel à punow francol 10 a load-fool, srohroam; end a ſwell. Troglodyta, do; a hedgr. Sparrow. thruß cut or forward, to bring forih. ing in a man's body, and a knot in Troglodylæ, a people of Ethiopia, * Trud:tur dic: die, one day follows a tres ; also the fruit, as apples, who dwelt in sents, and fod on anither. Fallacia alia aliam tru. &c - » Tuoc terra, the bro fou- Snakes i bence Sinus Troglodyticus, dit, ora cheating begels another. bread. or Barbaricus. Truentum, the river Tronto in Picce Tuber, cris ; f. faw.bread; alſo a Troja, æ; f. Vir. a country of A. nun. kind of erns, and the fruit. sia Minor, whole netripolis was Trucntinus, a, um, of Truetan. Tůbcrcúlum, i; a. a liftit ſweling, Ilium, for which it is alſo used; Trulla, æ; f. [à trua) a froival, bán pimple, or wheel. alſo a city of Epiros, and another jon, 'chumber-jol, goblet, or wine-+ Tuberoſus, a, um'; 20). full by in Apulia Dauuia, and other por, a fire-pon, fweilings, places. Trullcun, eli n. a bowl or ba on 10 Túbicen cin's na, a trumpeter. Troja, (or ludus Trojanus) an exer. Wajhi in. | Tubicina, æ; f. a woman trum/&. fije in armour Trullisātio, onio ; f. a plaiflering, Tubilu top. trout. zen. TUL T UN TUR like a pipe. Tabiluſtrium, ii; n, the day among the Romans o purifying the Tallum, city of Gallia Belgica, Funicet ; } the people of Tuner. trumpets. called Toul; alſo a mountam of Tunctanus flos, Tunis flower. Tubinga, Tubingen, an univerſity in Illyricum Tungri, a people and city of Bra- the dutchy of Wirtenberg Jeated Tullus Hoftilius, the third king of bant. upon the Neccar, Rome, not inferior to Romulus for Tungrorum fons, a fountain by Spain, Tubularius, ii; m. a tobacco-pipe warlike offairi, ſaid to be fruck dead whole woters are ſaid to be good for maker, with a thunderbolt. almoſt all diffempers. Tůbülātlo, onis; f. a making ballow TUM, adv. & conjugat (Tóte) then, TUNICA, æ; f. lxtrùv] a roar, jack- Moreover, beſides, alſo, as well, e, jerkin, 6 ſhirt ; also the inner Tăbălātus, a, um ; made hallow like both. Tom demum, af the last bark of a true, the film of an onion, a ronduit pipe. See Tunc. and a tunicle of the eye. * Tumica Tubulus, 1 ; m. a fmall conduit-pipe, TUMBA, æ; f. [Type:] a ſepul molefta, a codt lined with pitch a cock, chitney. chra, vault and brimſtone, and let on fire upon Tuburbis, a city of Africa, + Tumbula, æ; f a little somb. the back of a malefa&or. Tunica + Tubulcinatim, for fohon-fake. Tumèfácio, čre, to make to ſwell, manuleata, a Yeat with hanging Tuburcinor, ari, [à tuba to eat provd, angry ſleeves, Tunica recta, a plain greedily, to gobble, to pof the cheeks Tůměraétus, a, um, fwoln, puffed up. coat, or frieze jerkin.. Tun ca up. TUM-EO, ére, [à Fuos tumor] to propior pallio, near is any furt, Tuburnica, a city of Africa. Jell, be lefty, proud, er angry. but nearer flieks my skin. TUBUS, i, m. (à tumeo, vel à Bella tament, the wars in Tonicates, a pesple of Vindelicia. Turtu edo a conduit pipe, a creaſe. Tún.cātus, a, un; clad in a jerkin, Tobacco pipe. • Rotæ tubus, bale Tumefco, ere, to begin to ſwall, to cloak, or ſhirt. in the name for the axle tree. growo proud or angry. Tunicella, 2; f, a very little coat. Tubi vifcerum, the pipes of the Tumex, icis ; fi acord. Sue Tomex. Tunico, are, to cloash, coat. bowels Tumide, ſwellingly Tunicula, æ; f. a litte jacket ar Tubuluptus, a city of Mauritania Cæ- Tumido, are, to make to fuell. Jhirt, a fenticoat, a tunicle of the farienfis. Tunidòlus, a, um, ſwain a little. 4). Tucca, a city of Africa, Tümidus, a, um, adj ſwoln, proud, Tunfim, adv. bruiſedly. Tacci, a city is Spain, + Tunfio, onis; f. a firoke or fripe, Tucetarius, ii; n. foulage-maker. Tumor, oris; m. (à tumeo) a ſwell. Tantobrica, a city in Spain. TUCETUM, 1; n (Heb, tur both ing, pride, anger. • Tumor re- Tuola, a river of Corica, renes] a ſauſage, colleg, collur'd rum, commotions, ciul defensions. Tuopte, à tous) of your eum 46- baut, Tumulátio, onis ; f. an miombing. cord, Tucia, a river naar Rome. Tümúlātus, a, um, entombed Tuor, tûtus, or tuitus, tui, 10 fee, be- Tucris, a city of Spain. Tümülo, are, to sake bo low, m. bold, or lock. Tude, e city of Gallicia in Spain. fomb, bury. + Tuor, oris ; m fight, behulding, Tuder, a city of Umbria. Túmuloſus, a, um, full of billocks or Torarius, ii; ma filler of frankin- Tuders rtis, of Tuder. graves. cenfe, Tides, it's; m. [à tundo? a wooden Tumultuariè, 7 adv. in a buddle or Turba, a city in Spain. wallet; alle printers ink balls. Tumultuario, s baje. TURBA, æ; f. İTupol a company, Tidicula æ; f. e graving.cool, la. Tumultuārus, a, um ; done in hud. multitude, crew, or throng, the com- dle, Poils. dle or baſe, without advisement. mon reople; alſo trouble. debuse, Tüdiculo, a e, to knock or bruiſe, en • Oratio tamultuara, an extem bufineſs. Turba prunorun, di- grave. pore ſpee: b. Miles tumultua Dats forts of plums. * Turba Ro- Taditanus, the name of a man. rius, a preded ſoldier. ma, he people of Rome. "Füdito, āre; to labour or work hard, Tůmoltuatio, onis ; f. a mutinying, Turbāmentum, 1; n. a troubling, diſ- to beat wnb a baminer, put for a burly-burly, rujiling, making an urdering, d flurbing, vexing. uproar . Torbate, adv. with trouble, Arise, Tuens, nuis, ſeeing, defending Tumultuo, are, to make an up er vexation, TU-EOR, tutus or toitus fum, ēri, Tumultuor, ari, roar, mutiny, or Torbātio, onis, f. a troubling. [w] to behold, defend, guard, Tumult. Quid tumultuaris, fo-Turbātor, āris, m. a froubler. maintein, projeve, keep harmleſs. ror! why do you diſquiet yourſelf, Turbatum est, imp. there is some * Ædificia toeri, to keep bouts in filer? trouble or buſineſs. . Poftquam repair. * Tueri ſe, to keep himſelf. Tumultuose, tunult only, turbulent turbatum in caftris accepere, after Tuerobis, the river Tivy » Wales ly, troubleſomely they heard there was a muling in Tugia, Alcaras in Spain; bence S.l. Tumultuoſus, a, um tumultuous, the camp. tus Tugienfis, Turbulent, fa&ious, feditious, fun-Torbātus, a, um ; troubled: Tugini, the people of Tugium in Hel pofluous. Turbēla, æ ; f. trouble. velia. Tumultus, îs, and i; m. [à tumeo] Turbella, æ; f. [à turbaj a buffle or Tuguriolum, i, n. a little cottage or a tumult, uproar, Rir, muliny, racket, ledys, burly burly, a great fear. * Nihl + Turben, inis; n. a whirlwind. Tugurium, ii ; n. à tigo) e cottage to malti, no bufle. Turbide, trou blouſly, with trouble. or lodge Tumulus, i; m [à tumeo] a bil. Turbidū us, a, um , adj. fomewhat Tuipfe, tuirius, the tim elf. lack, tomb, or grave. # Tumulus troublous, Tuilco, the ſon of Al.cnas, and father arenarius, a fund bill • Tumu- Türbidus, a, um ; adj. troublous, of the Germans. lus honorarius, a bed on whiba troubled, muddy, buly, fierce, 1072 e- Tuitio. Onis ; f. a defending. corps lay in flate Jinous, full of poffion.* Dics tur- + Taitus lis; m, a beholding. TUNC, adv. [TVIRGüre] then, bidus, a flormy day. Tulcis, a river in Spain. Tunc temporis, at that time. Turbinatio, onis ; f. a form or ſhara, "Tuli, of fero TUNDO, tutudi, nfum, ère ; a&t. Talingi, 4 people of Germany, Turtu, à fono] to knock, pound, Turbinātus, a, um ; round or sharp Tulipa, æ, f.! Turcic) a ndip, bray, bear, or thump. • Aures Taliphurdam, the city of Dreckford tundere, to make one desf. Ean- Turbineus, a, um, of a whirl-pool in Weſtphalia. dem incudem affiduc tundere, to or whirl-wind, formy; alſo like a Tulifurgium, the city Brunfwick in harp aizuays on one fling. top Tubifurgium, Germany. Tundor, čris, fus fum ; paf. to be Tubino, are, to fabion like a top, to Tulia, the wife of Tarquinius Super Imitten, or fruere, &c. Cic. Ver. ſbarpen the pas tus, and other women 5:54 • Tunditur litus undá, Tarbo, are, to trouble, difiurb, dil Zullianum, i; neut. a dungeon at ibe fora ir beaten with the wavis. order, diſquiet, confound. Rome, built by king Tullius Catali. TURBO, inis; m (Tupuv, vel à fo Tullii, orum ; m. La tollo) pouts, Tunes, a nity in Africa, twelve no] 4 whirlwind, whirl-pool ores, fitcams, iffuer. Tunis, miles from Carthage, form, tempel, top, g'e, or num; Tullius, the name of Cicero, and called aljo Tuneum. alſo the figure of an inverted cone and 20 rd. like a top. like a top + of corn. on T U R Τ Ο Τ TY M and the winding of a ferpens, the | TURPIS, pe; adj. (à puros, fordés, Tutelārius, ji į m. slexion, ons have Swimming of the head, a vele in vel ab Heb. tinnepih, inquinavit ing the cuflody of goods belonging to fusion of a pine-npp'e. ftul, filsby, diſbones, unclean, de temples. 1 Turbo, onis's F. She name of a fecer, formed, cruel, great." * Turpe da Tutelācor, oris ,, m., a prosador. Turbúia, æf, a little preſs or throrlig cere, to think it a diſgracs. + Tutemet, thou thyſelf. of people, Turpiter, filthily, famefully, vil. Tuta, a vešal virgin, who, being er Turbulenie, 1 adv, troublouſly, curbu. lainously. cuſed of incontinency, cleared herſelf Turbulenter, s lently. Turpitudo, inis ; f. filthineſs, deformi. by carrying water in a fete from 'Ty. + Turbởlento, are, to trouble, difturb, ty, villainy, cruelty, her 10° V cita's temple. or contend with, Turpo, arc, to defile, pohule, to makt + Tutia, æ; f. a white phyſical fub Turbů!cntus, a, um, troubleſomo, ano foul, disfigure. Bancs bred of the ſparkles of brázen gry, buly, feditious, contentious. Turrena Auguftalis, a city in Tur furnaces, fully. Turcæ, iki Turks, a people of Scy. cany Tulò, adv. Jafels, without danger, Turci. th:a. Turricula, æ; f. (à turris) a litllet Tuto, are, to defend, prola. Turcicus, a, um ; of the Turks: towar or turret ; alſo a dir-box. Tutor, ari, to defend, preferue. Turdar:um, li; ni a place where Turrifer, 1 a, um ; adj. bearing a Túlor, oris; m. a turor, defender, thruſhes are kepr. Turriger, } tower, guardian, preferuer. * Tutor fiai- Turde, a city in Italy. TURRIS, is ; f. (Tupois] a tower, um, a marqueſs. Turdeiani, a prople of Tordetania in any thing like it. Titorius, a, um, of a tutor. Portugal : Strabo Jays, that they Turris Libbifronis, 1hTorre in Sar- t Tutu, the booting of an owl. were jo rich, shut they ufat mangers dinja. Tajulātus, a, um, capped, of filver, Turritus, ûs ; f. tower mulard. Tutulina, a goddejs having the tuition Turdilus, li; m, a litle thru or Turritus, a, um ; turreted, rowered, T'urdulus, 'Blackbird. full of towers, high as a tower, * Tutulus, i, m. (à treor) a rap, a Tordirli. a people of Spain. Mater Deum turrita Cybele, with head-ornament of the high pric's TURDUS, i, m. [à fono) a tbruſh, a crowned head. wife. olarkbird, ce fieldfare ; alfo a kind 'TURSIO, ūnis; m. [sripatav, vel à Tutunus, the same as Pelapus. of fiſh. turgeol a porpoiſe. Tūlus, a, um, -[à tueor] Fafa, Juni, Tuteus, a, um ; of frankinenfu. Sex TURTUR, úris; (Heb. ser, fecuri, out of danger. * Non tutus, Thur'us. fono) a turtle dove ; alſo a fijo. dangerous. Turgana, an iſland of Arabla Fælix. Turturinus, a, um ; of a turtle. Tuus, a, um ; pronom. adj. poftcri. TURG-EO, fi, ēre; n. (ab Heb. tu- Turulis, a river in Spain, by a city of (à tu) thy, shine, your. * Tuus fum, ruch, laboravit) to fuell, de puffed the same nome. I am your feruunt. Tuum eft, up with pride or anger, Sprout out. Turulum, a cime of Thrace, it is your duty or offrir. # Tuum a. * Tuigerc alicui, io ſwell ogainh TURUNDA, æ; f. [à tcio, vel à dolcſcentis ftudium, your delight Tupos caſeus] a pella or pafe to far while you were young Turgcſco, čre, to begin to ſwell, to forals wiih; alfo a rmt for a grow proud or angry, to bud or wound, Sprout Turuntus, a river of Sarmatla Euro- T ante Y. Torgidè, adv. ſwellingly, froudly. paa. Torg:dulus, a, um ; ſomewbar (woln, Turuptoana, the city Tui in Spain. Tyana, a city of Cappadocia, where bumping out, newly putting forth. Turzo, a city of Africa Propria. Apollonius was born. Tu gidus, a, um, ſwoln, pufing up. It Tus, or Thus, frankincenje. Tyanæus, a, um, of Tyana. Frons turgida cornibus, a fore. Tuſcanienſes, a paple of Etruria, Tyanæus Apollonius, so called of buad to Sprous out borns, Tuſcia, a dukedom of Italy, callid Tyana. Turias Tuſcana. Tyberis, as Tiberis and Tibur. Turizs, Ba A river in Spain. , Turiuin, Tuſcanius, }a a, um ; of Turcia. Tyche, a Jea-nymph. Turalo' the city Tarragona in Ar. Tufculum, a rown within twelve miles Tychius, & name of a famous work- Turiaffo, ragon. of Rome. & Tuſculanum, & manſion houſe of Cl. Tyde, the city Tui in Spain. ccro's. Tydeus, the son of Ocneus king of Turii, a people and city of Magna Tufcus, a ftreet in Rome where the Calydonia. Græcia. Tufcans dwelt, wbo remained ther. Tydides, Diomedes, the fon of Ty. Turingi, the people of Turinga in when Porfenna loft be frge. deus. Germany + Tuffedo, inis ; fi accugb; alſo a Tyenis, a mountain and river of + Turio, onis; m. A tindril or young buth in beaji's. Colchis. twig of a true, branch of an herb. Tulsicula, a.; f. a little celd, . Tygeni, v Iconi, a people of England, TURMA, ; [ab Heb, tor, ordo] Tuſsículāris herba, colts-foot. whoſe king, Praſutagus, modo Nero a troop or band of foldiers, Tuſsicus, a, um ; Jubječi 10 cough. bis heir, Turmă!c, ady, warlikely. Tuſfilāgo, inisil. [à cultis] colts- Tylis, a city of Thrace, near Hæ. Turmalis. Ie; adj. of the fame troop or foot. mus. band. * Statua turmalis, the image | Tuſfio, ire, 10 cough. Tylus, an iland in the gulf of Per. of a trooper TUSSIS, is, f. [à fono] the cough, a sia ; add oshir plaas. Tarmatim, adv, troop by troop: cold. Tylus, i; m. a fow or duflip. Turmeda, e city of Syria, called allot. Tulirus, üs; m, a coughing. Tymbades, cum; f. witches Araping Amphipolis. Tuſus, a, um, Cof (undorj deatin, about tombs, and abubng dead bodies Turmodig, a people of Spain. bruiſed, Aamped. for their forseries, g. Turo, the city Tours in France. Tutaculum, i, n. a place of refuge. Tymbria, a city of Pisidia. : Turones, the people of Turonia in Gal. Tutāmen, inis, 2 a defmc, jafe. Tymbriani, e people between Pildia lia Celtica, Tutamentum, i, n. s guard. and Lycaonia. Turpc, adv. filthily, Tutanus, a Ronian God supposed to Tymbus, i; m. a somb, grave, monu- + Turpeo, ērc, to be filthy. defend min. ng, B Turpefco, pro, to grow filthy. Tulatrix, icis; f. Erafm, a pre- Tymchæon, a city near Phrygia, + Turpetum, i, n. the herb surbith. Server. Tymcs, etis, e city of Lybia, Turpicŭlus, a, um, adj. forsewhar Tute, thou thye'f, thine oun folf, Tymniffus, & ciry of Caria. fiul, filihy, or cruel. Tutè, iùs, iffimè, adv. fafaly. Tympania, } sity of Ells. + Turpifico, a'e, so dople, to pollule. Tutela, a; f guardianjin, ward. Tympanca, + Turpiloquor, qui, to speak filthi, hip, defence, protuting. • Fa&us Tympaniſta, æ; m. A drummet, ly, fuæ tutele, come to age, Tympaniſtes, a tabarat, g. + Turpilóquus, 2, om ; adj. Speaking Tutc!āris, e,' of a guardian, baving Tympaniftris, be that beats a drum filini'y. tuition of ward. * Dii tutelares, or taber, & Turpilucricupidas, a, um ; coritous gods baving the pretraion of Tympanites, æ; m, a tympany or of diſhoney gain. plau. dropD,& Тутра• } }the Man. } . 1 TYR V AC V AC Tympaniticus, }a. ing a sympany, or g a covo. ın a, um ; adı. buy.! adı. buses ng or monarch. * Lac ryian Vacat ; itp. It is fuperfluous, * Va- Tympanicus, nus, having a monarchy of great cat mihi, I am af leiſure. Sre droply. axlent. Vaco. Tympanizo, arc, o beat a drum or Tyr.28, a city f Lower Myſia, Vacalim ; adv, at leiſure. Vācācio, onis; f. vacation, lei urt, a ceaſing frôtu Sutour, Mlitiz va- taberer, kattle drun-beater; aljs an Tyres, a river of.s ythia, the next to cationem habent, they are dif- offaninite perſon, f. If her. charged from service. vyt Sublatis TYMPANUM ni; n. [TUTAV.) Tyrianth'nus, a,-un ; of purple. vacationibus, not excepting thoſe that A drun, tater, or fimbrile she cover Tyrtacire, city of Pontus. hod a difchrige. of a waggon, a bell pearl ; alfo Tyrius, a river of Gallia Nirbonen- VACCA, æ; f. [ab Heb bakst, hos] & crone to raiſe turders, a roof fis. exalting if elf above the cornea, Tyrius, a. um ; ad] [å Tyrus ) of Varca, a town and river in Spain ; having uſually in file 4 triangu. purole. Tyrian. alſo a city in Africa. dar plain, fomelines the wha! Tyimenii, é prodle of Scythia, skilful Vaccenfis, the posle of Vacca. frorilniscs. * 'Tympanum fafti. in fuiling Vaccæi, the peorla of Spain. gli, the flat sgu:si uron ibe top of Tyro, a maid of Theſſaly, wobe_be- Vaccaria, a; f. cow haſil. a pillar, ing in live with the river Em-Vaccarius, i!; m. a cow horn, Tymphæl, the people of Tymphaa peus, wus de cived by Neptine in Vaccula, *. ;F. a little low. Cetween Ep:rus and Theffaly. bis basi, who begat' on hir Nelcus VACCINIUM,?i;n. Ovid. (Bazsa Tymphe, a ipountain of Theſpro and Pclias. VACINIUM, } Mboro Úkxrva) a tia. Tyro, one of Cicero's ferpin's, A purple Ancer, e buurkberry.com Tymprcftus, a mount.:in of Phibio food Sholar. bilherry. * Vaccinia nubis, cloud- tis. Tyro, onis ;.m. a freſh-water foldier, berries, Tyndāris, & city of 'Theffaly ; alio a novi's, Joung beginner, apprentices Vaccinus. a, um ; adj. of a com). Helena so ralled. Sec Tiro. + Väcofăcio, čre, to mike void or Tyndārus, a king of Ochalia, and Tyrõcinium, ii; n. the firff exerciſe Pinoty. Tyndareus, husband of Leda, in any thing, beginning, apprentic+ Văcčio, ieri, so be made imply. Tyndareus, a, um ; of Týndarus. Sbir, ihe entring upon mon's fare. Vaccrra, æ; f. là varus, a, um) a Tyacs, etis, a city of Sicily. 'Tyroc:nium naviuin, the trial of Rake to which hories are tied, a rail ; Typæon, a mounivin of Elis. pipi giler launching * Tyrocinio alſo a crofs, buir-brained miſchievous Typba, æ ; f. rud-mare, cats-toil, g. ætatis, by reajon of bis rawriefs ona follow. Ty phu8 ; m, t gian, the form of want of experimet.. Văcerrāſus, a, um ; ad). laz), Now, Tilan and Ter:a, zhorn Ilieheing, Tyrocncítis, is ; f. grate er graser, farkle hommid, misd. angry wilh Jup'ter, is laid to hazie! 8. + Vacerlo, čre, to groro empty. broughe forth for the defrnélion of Tyrolarichus, i; m, old falt shufe, Vacillans, ntis ; adi unconfiant, un- the gods; and when he endeavoura rollen share full of mites, and Jeg perfeli, &c. wagging, wavering to ed to ſuspire's Jupiter, was frucki fonod wib rinegar, a meat made of and fro. * Vací!lans tegio, a weak wild a thunder. isit, and luid under powdered pell ond churche, g. lired legion. the iſlo Inarime. Tyrihini, people inhabiting certain Vac:lātio, onis ; f. a joggering, in- Typhon, önis; m. a violeni wind or Ægcan iſlands; hanre Tyrtheanics Cumlanır. hurricane, & finus ; alio as people of Italy Low + Văcil'átor, oris ; m. a jycephant, Typhon, agian!, the son of Tiran tween the rices of Macra and Ty. an tinconftant fellow. and Terra; also the brainer of beris, culled allo Etruſci. Vắc:llo, are a vaco vel bacillum} ! Ofiris. Tyrrhen!a, the country of the Tyr 10 wag, waver. move unronflantly, Typhonicus, a, um, adj. tempeſueus, beni, Bagger, reel. * Res vacillat, the furbulent, g. Tyrrhenus, a, um ; adj. of ubi Tyr thing is ſomewhat un'ertain. * Non Typhonia infula, an inand over rheni. vacillat fides teftium, the witnefes againl Troy. Tyirus, the herdſman of king Lati do not clash one with another. Typreffis, a sozin and incuntain of nus, whole time fog being iloin by Vacivitas, atis; f. a being at leiſure, Tracbinia ; aljo a mountain in the companions of Afcanius, occafione emoines, want Caria.. es the war amongihe Trojans and Vicivus, a, um, at leiſure, emptya Typhus, i, m. crrogan!). pride, & the Latins. Vacivæ ranicæ, hanging leeves. Typic. typically, myftically, Tyrrides, of Tyrrhus. VACO, arc; n. (à cavus, vel ab Heb. Typícns, a, um; typical, muſical, &. TYRSIO, onis ; m. (Jugoimy] a por hakak, evacuavit) to be of leiſure, Typographia,' a; f. printing. poiſe. to be ciligent about, apely one's Typographus, i, m. a printer, 7 yriæus, a Gre:k.poat in Plato. mind so, be empir; to want; alſo so TYPUS, i, m. (Tun) a type, Tyruncula canis, a che!p. abound to, to be idla. Vacáre ani. form, famion, figrore, 1:ken ſı, ex- Tyrunculus, i, m. (à tyro] a fresh mo, to te frard from care, * V2- ample, pattern ; a!jo a letser caff to 17 new beginner. cant agri, the fields lie untilled. print toilb. Tyrus, / an iſland and moſt famous * Vaco philofoph.a, I have lime Tyra, a river of Sarmatia Euro- Tyros, } city of Phænicia, on:e the to Budy philo,ophy. Culpâ vacare Tyrad; } pæa. mari-loven of all the world, fumius tagaum eft folatium, 'ris a great Tyracinæ, a city of Sicily. for purple ; alſo s city of Laconia, comfort to be blameleſs. Tyranabc, aciiy of Sarinat:2 in A- Lydia, and Pyfidia. Vicorium, a.city of Noricum. fia. Tylias, the firf inventer of the art of Vacorus, a cottain of Artaxerxcs. "Tyrannicè ; ady, tyrannouſly, cruelly, Thetoric, Vacuefacio, čre, to make imply sr dominueringly: + Tyacõncs, ſoldiers of the Greek om clear. Tyranolcida, ; c. the murderer of poror's lifeguard. Vacucfactus, a, un ; emptied or freed. a igrani, the abolire of a king, Vacuiffimus, a, um, adj. fuperlac. Tyrannicidium, ii ; n. 1he murdering greatly at leif.se. of a tyrant or a kng. Vácuitas, ātis; f. vacany, empija Tyrannicus, a, um ; adj, tyrannous, nes. crud domineering, lordly, V ante A. Vacuna, e goddeſs of the ruficks Tyrannion Am-fehus, a jumous.gram: fuppored to prefie over them as marinn 41 Rome, in the lions of.V for vir, vietor, vicit, Vitellius, leifure. Pompey: virgo, voveo. Vacunats, le ; adj. of Vacuna. Tyrannis idis ; f. tyranny, cruelly, g V. A. for Veterano affignatum. Văcuo, are ;. to moroty or void. Tyrannostonus, '; m. á killer of a Vabra, the city Vabres Vīcuun, ui; n. imprings, veidneſs: tyrant, & Vabchiſe caftrum, $ in Gallia Nar. Văcuus, a, um , adj. (à vacuio) empty, Tiyraenosboas, a city of Ind!a within boncois. free, naked, void, quiet, *Vacua pe. Ganges Vacaris, ntis, af leiſuri, Audying. cunia, money buried, or laid aſide, TYRANNUS,;;, m. [Tupáyvo) a Vacanter ; adv. w.thout uſc, in vain, bringing in no gain. * Equus va- tyrant, a crusl lord.; alſo af leijura. cuus, a parihor,, V.cuum tempus, $ the men, 1 84ve all he had to the poor, VĄG V AL V AN tompus la bor!s. on ide farfon of us vel ago) wandering, unconftan!, / Valerius Procllus, Cæſar's amboffa- the year. * Nihil igne vacuum, a vugabond. * Rumores vagl, Ay.' der to Ariovittus. CUE y place.is filled with fire, ing reporti. Sententia vaga, a Valerius Soranus, a piel commended. Vādātus, a, um ; going under furety, wavering opinion. by Cicero .. Vadimon, a firname of Janus, among VAH IQèu] en Interl. of admiring, Valerius Torquatus, he died for the be Tuſcans bo da, brasily ! of rejoicing, O rar, good of the cimmonwealih Vidimonis Lacus, a lake in Tusca- sarily! of abonningting, ovi upor iss. Vålcfco, čre ; acut. to grow wbols ny, in whiih bors are poaring awny, out, many come up. or firong iſlands. Vaha, bub! in i ughing. Va'ciudinarium, li; 2. a ſpiral or Vádimonium, ii; n. Cic. (à vas, dis] Vahalls, la river of the Batari, called heroiial for fick folks. Surahſhip, a day of appertoncs, and Wael Vālétadinājas, a, um; adj. Srk'), an eng og ennent to appeur. Vadi. Valachia, æ; f. a large northern ofron fik. Valctudinarius mcdi- monium promittere, to be buil. country reaching from Tranſylvan'a cus, a pbyfician belonging to an bas- • Vadimonium deferere, to fore to the Euxinc fia. ' pitul. fuit a recogniz ni. Valeſca, a quen of Bolicmia, who Valčiūdo, idis; f. Ces the difpoftion VADO, , fun, děre; act. Baw, raiſed an army of women, and flow of the body, either bealth or ficknejl. Balew] to go, runie's a river. * Valetudo rrentis, folly Vale- Vado, are ; La vadum) to wade, or Valdè, greit!y, much, very, adv. tudo calculorum, the ſons. * Ul. wide over Valdius, adv. far more, Finse ablely. tima valetudo, the point of death. Vador, ari. to align a day of appear. Valdo, the author of ihe Waldenſes, # Valctudinc minus commoda uci, anii, u bind over, alſo só be bound in Piedmont, whi to be fick or out of frame. to appear. Valgia, æ; f. or orum, n, a writhing Vadolus, a, um ; full of furds, mal. Vāle, farewell. Sve Valco. of the mouth in workery. low. Valedico, čre, to bid firewell, Valgium, ii, Q. an inſtrument to Vadum, i, n. Liv, (à vado. črc) a Valena, á city of Upper Pannonia. Smooth foors, a wry mouth. ford, alſo the jea, and a bottoin. * Valens, tis ; , an emperor w:h, per Valgius. the name of a Greek put. Tentarc vadum, to try if the thing Jecuted theChriftians, and ws burnt VALGUS, a, um, adj. (Baaloos] be fealable. Res in vado eſt, it by the Barbarians. fruddling, going with the legs oow. is cork-fure. Valens, ntis ; adj. ſound, fefe, Arung, ed outwards. Væ; inter). [’Oval] alafi ! wor! powerful. • Valens cibus, hearty, Valide; adv. greatly, valiantly. + Vanco, ire. Venditus ſum ; neat, to meat. Cum valcntiore pugnare, to Te validiffimè diligo, I have a ve- be jold. Quibus hic pretiis por: fight with a perfon above one's much, ry Ilrong offia on for you, cl veneunt bo gº bug in thi: Valenter, adv. frongly. Vallditas, ātis; f. valour. power. country? See Veneo. Valentia, æ; f. a city in Spain, alſo Välidus, a, um , adj. Cic. valiani, Väfer, ra, rum ; adj. craft, fubile, a city of Gallia Narboncrilis, and patent, mig bly. Validæ opes, great willy, ful of querks. on ancient name of Rome. riches. Validus ex merbo, will Vaframentum, i; n. craftinas, wit-Valentia,æ; f. power, Jirmgih valour recovered. Orando valdus, a tinefs. Valentinianus, ni; m. Valentinian, powerful orator. • Validus fufti- Vaire ; adv. withily, fubilaly. the hue of two Roman emperors. neic, oble to tear up. Vafritia, as Valentinus, ni; m. Valentine, the Valinta, a country of the Alpa. Vafrites, ct ninaiy-eighth biſoop of Romc,alſo an Vallaris, re; adj. 3 art. of a bulwark. Vaga, a vily of Africa ; alſo a city of horetick wuhdmy'd Christ's humanity. • Corona vallaris, a garland givm Mauritarisa. Cæfariends, and Valent fimus, a, om; adj. ſuperl. of him that firſt dimbed the works, and river in Wales. greut power and efficacy. forn ontered the campo Vāgabundus, a,'um ; adj. vigabond,+ Valentulus, a, um ; adj. in pretly + Vallallo, onis ; f..an loitering here and there. good caje or prighe. ing . Vagans, Otis; part. wandering. *Li- VÂLEO, ēre ; neut. ('Ouaw) to be in Vallatus, a, um ; adj. mironebech centia vagans, too much liberty, heslih or power,to baliund or wheli, rovipofid. Vāgācio, onis ; f. a wandering, to be good for, bear ſway, fignify, Vallecuia, , valo going afray, roving or ranging 4 depart, to be world, coff. • Valere Vallicula, loy. boul. ab oculis, to have found yes, VALLES, Is; f. (Kon's 'Avaww] Vage;, adv. diffufively, feastered ro Aurum quid valet? what does gold VALLIS, }, á vallı or dale, A- vingly ; biber and thither, af rap avail ? Si quid in arte vales, if 12 um vallis, the arm-hele. dom. you have any will. # Né valeam, Valuus Syriacus, a famous oraror, Văgědi uſa, a fountain in Sicily by les me die if..-, Valet ut lex, Vallo, are; at, acc. to fortify or Syracuſe, called al'o Arethuſa. it farves for a law. milero with a dimnih. Vallare Vagēni, a people of Ligu Válcpanga, a city in Spain. } aliquem monitis, to give a perſon Vagjenn, ria Valerla, a city in Corſica, end ang. inf. uctions, tell him what bi Joould Vagina, æ; f. Ovid. (à vaca) a fcab. ther in Spain ; alſo a country in - do or faj. bard, Jharth, coje. * Vaginaque Italy, and another in Upper Pan. Vallonia, the goddess of vallies. eripit enſem, he draws his sword. nonja ; alſo a woman's nume. Vallum, the P.Ets wall built by Hå. Vagina frumenti, shs busk covering Valeria, æ; f. [à valeoju ſukur, drian, to divide England and Scot- over the coinin ibe ears. (hawk.) land. Vāginarius, i, m.a fcabbard-maker. Valcria, ze; f. the hurb vilerian. Vallum, li ; n. a trmes RO Vagloipennes (ſc. muſcæ) fies whole Valeriences, the people of V.:leria. Vallus,!; m. [à varus] } defend an wings are in scen!bs. Valcrius, ibe fons of Lucius Valcrius, army, a bulwark, s paliſado, a Vāginola, æ; f. a little ſcabbard or who triumpbad suar the Veichies Jiale to. kaso up vines. Vallum beath. and Sabines, and other mon. ariſtarum, the beard in eers of corn. VA GIO, ire ; neut. [à ſono] to cry Valerius Antias, a post frequently • Vallon peat:nis, the row of like a bila, qandad by cuibors. comb.uib Vagito, are ; to try mu:h of ofin. Valerius Aure!lanus, the thirty-third Vallus, i ; m. (à vannus) a little fan, Vägitus, us ; m. the crying of a child, operor of Rome. Vaior, oris; m. Cic. the price or va- Vagnjacuin, Maidone in Kent. Valerlus Corvinus, a tribune of the Ine of a thing Vägor, ari ; dep. [à vagus) u gad 67 Seldir) under Camillus. Valiæ, arum ; f. (à volvo) folding wander about bisher and thi.her, Valerius Flaccus, a famlar friend of doors that cloſe together in Soutling. Urbe vagatur furens, hegors rag M. Cato; also a pies of Padua, Valvõlus, Lijm. the full er, husk ing about i be city. # Vagatur ani. who wrote of the Argonauts. His Valvulus, of pers, bouti, &c. mus, my mind is unconftant. No. life is writ by Lilius Gyradus and alſo she place in the Bell where every men tuum vagab tur, your renown obris. bian lies opare. joill be spread for and near, *De Valcrius Levinus, ibi name of two Vandali, the feople sf Vandalla in inde noitto infiuto vagaolmar, Roman confuls. the north of Germany. afurwards we'll leave the ſubjea Valerius Maximus, an hilcsian who Vāne; adv. drinly, fully, forlifly. little, As We use to da. wrote of mutporable things and Vanclius, ; m. Là vanaus) a lap- VĂGUS, a, um, adj. Cic. [à vacu Jayings to Tiberius Cæsar. wing (7) D Va. entrencb- } arus]} 1 VAR VAS U BE Vānoſco, ērc, to vantiſo away, some Variata fententiæ, contrary spin, Vaſca, x; f. [doxos, vel à vesca) to norghi. nions.. a ripe, bag-pipe, Vinglones, ibd city grid people of Varicitas, adv. pradlingly, Valcones, a puple of Spain. Worms in Germany, Varico, arc, to firuddle, frant. Vaſcủlarios, ii; m. hi shat makes Vanidicas, a, um ; ad salking osin Varicor, ark; } greft. ueffels of flore or gold ly, telling Aamas. # Vaitõior, Tris; adj. of fundry co Vaſculum, i ; D, a little orfel. Ar- Vaatlogucntia, é ; f. vtin or jalla lours. genti vaſcula purl, small pieces of Speaking, cracking, or bragging. Varicoſus, a, um ; adj, having (woln Plain plutr. V nldqous, a, um ; ad). speaking veins in the legs, + Väsifer, a, um ; carrying a vela. van:), falfely. Varıcăla, æ ; t. a little fwoln vein. Vafio, a city of Gallia Narbonenfis. Vänitas, atis; F. Cic, denlly, incon. | Varicoſus, a, um, adj. firasaling, Vaftatio, onis ; f. Liv, defolation, plan!y, lying, boafing. Orationis having the veins fwoln. deflruation, ruin. vanitatem adh:bere; to make a tri. Vārič; adv. dierlly, in divers fores. Vastātor, oris ; m. fing Spub. a defroy- • Variè valut, I was somesimes Vastatrix. iols ; f. } Vanitūdo, ials; f falfhood. well and förnstitus ill. + Valtā:orius, a, Qm; part of Varino, are ; só fan or | , winnow Variegālus, a, um ; part. garniſhed froil or wolle Globus vaftato- with divirs pifuris or colours. rios, a company of froilers. VANNUS, 1 ; m. (ab Heb. Niph.h | Varičgo, are; att: to embelliſ, alfe, Vaſtatas, .a, um; part. defroyed, ag tatloj a fan fori corn. t'i de udarnia ruined, dereft. # Vano, are ; to decijus.: Variētas, asf. Cic. variriy, diver. Vaftë; adv. broadly,'extelively, wide: Vanu:n, in vain. fisy. • Varietates ignc fait, ned ly. Vaftiùs deducere vcrba, to VANUS, a, um ; id). [Key's, vel à Spots corning upon the legs by fit.ng ſpeak ous words with full mouib. : vaco vel à pasyw appa co) viin, 102 71837 she fire. Vafterna, e; fi a horse-litter - viit, feo'ish, m.id, fallo, unlikely. V sini, as people of Germany. + Valteſco, ere, to be defroyed, • Vanus, ingenin, light of belief. Vario, are, to micke divır i, chang!,! Vartiſi:us, a, om ; defroying. Vapeſco, čre ; Erafon. 30 grow chequer, loiter, labour. , * Authores Veſtitas, ātis; f. Liv. broadneſs, axe dradio. variant, authors differ in report. cofive wildnafs, hugenafs, deftrue- Vapores, a 2.43 of Egypt. Varları visg s, lo cu bisch ind blue 1i»n, defolutiin, dopo atone's. Vāpide ; adv. cloudily. Vap!dè ſe with beasing S: fortuna varia Vaſto, are, to lay wafe. deflroy, ruin, habere, to be troubled ivih väpiurs', vertit, if fortu.16 tons. torment, deprivr, * Vaſtari, 16 de or räiber so be fiát, dull, and ulcha Vino!. arum ; f. ibe mall pex or : krinhapitrd. out ofur menscles. Våſtor, ari ; part. is be ravaged, to be Vāpiditas, ätis, f. ax ill talle. + Varipes. Čdis, created furt urinhzbited, no te dejlroyed. Sall Tib. Vāpidus, a. uo; adj full af uapore's, Varıſti, beorli of Górnany, VASTUS. 2. um ; adi, (à vab! -vel caping an ill ſmall or diffé. Ptc-Vár'us. a Tragiel Darl, ne of the ab Hcb. Shaab vaſtari) vaft, broad, tus vapıdan, a grafty, naughty 13 whorn Auguftus committed the wiar, lirge, cepend meaſure, ill.fu- sind. Æncis to be erradlid. voured, inſuti-ble, defolate, wale. Vagingum, the city Gap in Galija VARIUS, a, um ; ads. ('Alcaos]va Vanus à natu'a never inhabited. Narbonenfis. rious, divers, party coloured, of fun. Vataſt'c', ir. iflanto in the Rhine. VAPOR, 1 oris ; to. (KÁMCs ) vel dry foris, mani/old, uplite, doubtful, ViTES, Is ; 14. Parns à fando) 4 VAPOS,' } ab Heb Aphmb coxit, waviring. Vzri homines, pim. pro;ba, a prophetijs, a foreteller; alja vel Gnapher påvis) vapiur, ple-farld men. + Homo yariu8. a a post or porkels. Shark, min, riotàral biar. diſcourſe running out of one thing in. Vaticanus, the Vatican, an hill, nor Vaporárium. ii ; n. apsve, sheplice 10 an ther. fer from Tibur, bearing good fore whiro stroak zornos forib in a hu Varix: Iv.s; f. là varus] a jwolte vein of wino, but not sub commended. bsuſe, full of indianeho's bloot Upon this hill pandi the pore's patare Vaporãtió, õnis; to a lending forth M Vairo, á Roman port, reckoneda and library, and is therefore com- vapours or mijls; alfo a congealing mong the brit fasgrips; he was a monly called the Vatican. of tapos. grear hjorian and Iingail. Vaticinātio, õnis; f. a propheſying of Vāpārātus, a, um, dried up, hul Varulus, i ; 10, in, a wali freckle or forelelling sbings to come. Vaporeas, a, um's ad). warm. pimple. Văricinālor, oris ; m. ' Vaporifer, 74, am ; ads. Sending Varus, river dividing Callia Nar- Vaticinatrix, icis; 4: } ponfior. Vāposierus, 5 forib mahy vapours. bonenfis from L goria ; alſo a go- Vaucinium, ui in a prophecy. Vapóro, arc, o femed .forth a trip fr virgit of Syria, and others, Vāticinor, ari; få vates & c100) bu vapoy., to beat of draw sap va. Varas Quintilius a governor of Gal. to prohily, to forskell things to come, pauts, to perfuzii, lia Ciſalp na: by while sans Vir to rave or talk like a difraied body. + Vāpordius, a, oba; full of vapours, gil recorried his lands., • Vetera vaticinamini, you tell us Vaporas, a, uma ; adj, breathing, VARUS, a, um ; adh. I Parcos going what we know before. peaming, fradiing, having cocokra legs, foolish, Vaticini, ? 2, um; adj. belonging VAPPA, 2; f. (Bárma, velà vapor] Erols grainid. Vara manus, the Vaticiniis, } to prophecy, propheticulo cayed or derd 'wins, pedihrift: hands nowod fever:il ways. Vaticinus furor, a postic rage. **'Or lanfolo's fellow. Vaus, 1 ; d. & pinple in the fate. + Vatidicus, a, um, priphetical. , se; . beaten. Varus, 11; m. Io fork or link for Vatinius. a great enemy of Cicero's, VAPULO, äre, Deut. La fono vel ab Varrus, who afterwards became his great ' AMÈw contundo, vel ab Heb VAS. ad's> [à vado, vel ab friend, and was twiu defanded by Aval lux!tij ia be bieten Omni. Heb Yagnach condixit) " surely him, but was lobsted of the perple. úa fermone vabulare, lo be blamed sy Dail.gor ine's appearance, if. Rome, but it cauſed the prouerb: o conlund by all. Vades deferere, to fail of apfear Odlom vatinianum; alfo a jour. Vatn, arim; 'f. (à varde vel varius ing. mater, norra fur drinking out of B. nel borus ir foks, wall.pox, rod VAS, īss; n. (Exfucs) a veſel. 'runge pos with four nojos; hence: pimples y as fictile, or Sa vium, Gurihin any bale ill-favoured voſals ara, Várgroncs, & people of Germany. Vaſa colligere, mar! called Vatinjana. Varábilis, adj. i borgeable. with bag and baggegr. • Sin: Vatius, a, um, adj. [Tarcouide Varians, ncis , adj. changeable, un cerum cupimas yas incruſtare, we Batas Javing crorked legi, or bonding confont. Varians coeun, doubsa ' go to color over what is well äl. curtosurd. fui wawther. Variantibus adkac +V.u.interj. an adverb of wondering. uvis, the 'grapes but beginning 10 Válarium, ii ; n. a cupboard or place Vaunia, a town of Venctia nsar 16 tum or grow back wbero volfils are kept, ibe. Jaliery bordørs of Inſuoria. Vãijanta, æ ;.f. v sriety. or whole furniture of houßold.puff, Vär'atio, adr. uarioufy, diverſely. wb in she officer carried with his Y. anis B. Väriatio, onla ; f. a hanging to his provinio. + Yarjāior, oris ; m. a changer. Vasara, the city and people of V. B. for verba or vobifcum, Värtätas. mum; adj. changed, hanga- Valates, Bazas in Aquitain. y. E. for vir bonus. .wbla, sbagüerd, -pipocoloured, Vafatus, a, um, wli doled. Uber, fom. eris ; adj. 3 art. lor, a pro: ! errimu, impin Ots үЕС VEH V ET u Vectis, (TOW. 1 errimus. abundani, foreil, fruitful. Ve&ticularius, a, um ; adi.. wfing veho) veheneni. having force * Ubcricra fcribere, to write mura luver, it iron crow. . VcAicularia carrie;}. Viis vchemens, . u go. full. Vird, the bro.king open of doors. no ous vine. Uber, čris ; n. Ovid. l'Ousag) an Vectigal, alis; ne à vectur) eos. Vēhēmientèr, iùs, ffimè; ady. whe- Udder, dug, map, tral, the cock of a dute, muinua, 10. Levare ci menty, eagerly, conduit. Uber agri, the fruit. vila:cs ve&igali, so takrift i lax Včběmentia, æ, f. ubemency, ear- fuloris of the field. Uber apum, Vectigaliarius, ii ; m. • furiae by najinef:. a fwarin of bars. cuftoms. Věhens, nt:f, riding, pofling. Üběre, iùs, c rimè, adv. plentiful!). Vedtgalis, le, saying tribute or toll. Věh-9, Ubero, are, to be or make fruitful, Vecto, on:s; f. & caring. Včhes, is; f. } cart brad, aband, vex, foment. } she isle of Wight. Vehiculars, re, of u cart or carriage. Ubčrāfus, a, um ; ad). plentiful, Vecia, Včbicülarius, ji; n. a waggoner of Uberias, ats; f. Plin. fruitfulness, Vectis, 's; m. là yebo) bar, bolt coachnin. pleniijalnels, sopioujnels. or lever, riimimer, pick-axe, or iron. Včhicularius, a, um ; adl. belonging überlin; adv. abundantly . Vedes, she dop channels to o carriage, coach it wain Ubertus, a, um ; adj. abundant, of the lea, Včhicūlālio. Ônin; f. 7 finding of fruitful. Vecitatio, õnis ; f. a carrying about, Tarrages for the emperor's juff. ŬBI adv. (ng -0.77%] whore, in or up and down. Včh củlum, i, n. a carriage, cars what place, wherein, when, je Veetilo, are, to carry about backward chariot, waggon, or wain. Nii foon as, after th3t. * Ubi primum, and forwurd, vehiculo, to ride in a coach or wuge as loon ai norr, Ubi gentium, Veativa, æ; f. mong paid for car. gon. Vehiculum trufutile, ubì terrarum, in cobas counirg'or riage. ubic! barrow. # Vehiculum ca« pert of the world, Vect us Melius, a king of theVolſci. meralun, e borſe litter. Ubi loct; in what plass, safe CF Vect'us Va cns, ophifcian of Mella: + Vehinait um, i; a. she berð Bork'se Bate. lina, called allo Trinius.' bill. Ubicunquc , adv. whereforver. V eto, avi, are ; 26. (à veho) 19 VEHO, xl, ctum. ['Oxen to carry Ubil, a people of Lower Germany, con un ar carry onfen, so teir to and OF Convey ; aifo to be curr.sd, tra. called álfAgippinenſes. fro. Vcdabor hume; is eques. vel, ride. Oratio vehitur, the Ubi i èt adv, wherefuzorr you will. I w. I be carried a pick-pack on your orarien bears with a frong tide, Ubinam, wbore, in what place; ady, Doulders. Veia, 4 wit b in Horace. Ub:què i adv. every wbere. , Vectones, a prople of Portugal. Vell, a very smilent city of Hetru. Ubiubi, wherelocuir, lo sono as ruir. Ve or, ari, io carry often, be pronger ria. Uolvis, any wbera, wbare you will. in health. Ve cntcs, the perpla of Veil. Veelor, ors, m. a palinger ; alfo Vejentãous, a, iim ; adj. of Veil. U ante C&D. a convejer, fra man, a buntman, Vējovis, « Roman dergi worfb:pood, and a citixan. met for any good, but ihat. hu inighe V. C for vir conſularis or clarus. Vectorlus, a, um, of or for carrying. not hurt ebem, V. C. C. for volucrunt conſules Vectūra, æ; f. e carrying or conveyo Vel, Con. Là ve) ar, e ther, thugb, V. C. Ç. F. vale conjux clariffima 'ing ; ello the carriage. # Face e Fuen, oi le-fi. Vel hcrcle che:a, fericiter. vecturam, to take hrs for tranſport- though you should kill wie gut righi. V.că.čxon, & roblomon of Troy, ing commodities . Per me vel ſtercas licct, ay, and taken alſo for any citizen, Vectus, a, um, (of vehor).carried. you may ſnort 100 if you y cajc for VD for Vivus ded t Vedius Pollo, a Roman knighii af • Vel optime, no V. D. á. Yor vale dulcis amice. whole hou;eAugustus bring si juper, like his V. D. D Voto dedicatur. ons o! tbe fervants bopeeard io brook. Vē'ābrum, a place in Rome, by the V. D. N. U. for Vale decus noftra a chryfel glass and was commanded Aventine mount, jull of broths, urbis. by his muller to be thrown into the where cil and such like things wité U andus, a, um, to bi moißlened. fiſ-pond; wherrupon he fell as Cac. sold; honte Ve'abrenlis, c. + Udo, are, 10 ma.fon, or 12 make far's fut, not so big his life, but that Velabrum, i; n. [ă vclum) a boots he mighe non ho om by fibi ard or paviljon. ūdo, õnis ; m. [ab udus, vel ab Cæsar root only pardoned him, tur. Vēlāmen, inis ; n. } a covering or Eidos folum, a kind of woalim caused all the glofjes 19 be broke, Ve!amenlum, iin. } voil. and the fifth-pond to be filled up. Velandus, a, um, sa te couarsd. + Udo, oris ; m. bure. Ved:anus, a, um, of Vedlus Pollio. Velanda corporis, the privy parts, Odus, a, um ; ad). {ab uvidue, vel Vedra, ræ; she siver Were in the Vē'aria, ium ; n, curlaini, boolbea 30 où y aqua) mojf, wu, dank, hilboprick of Durham. siths, drunken. + Vegentana, e, f e precious Dene Vēlāt s, re, of a vail, curtain, fail: found in Italy, our black und whiroj Vclarium, il, n. a vail, curtaingline. V ante E. mingled. Vēlārura, æ; f. a covering. Vēg co, cre; neut (kû xw) po griw Vēlātus, a, um ; parc. covered. *Ve- V. E. for verum criam, or vir cgre buirymove, make lujiy und prong. lati ram's olcæ, beoring olive See Vigco. gius. bron has before and OURI then. Ve, Cofil. (^H) or, either. Veges, ots; C frelh, lively. * Capite vclalo, with one's but m. Ve, laß8, vel vis ). hrighihens ibe végétábilis, le; adj. vegetable, grow. Velauoi, 4 people of the Alps. Agnificurion. ing, comfortable, wholefoot, Véles, tris; m. (à voio, arc,]: a Veia va vel vix] loflens ibi fignifi Voget mėn, inis; n. comfors, liveli. Joldier wearing light barneſs for cation. nofs. skirmising. Veles fcurra, a Vecordia, a; f.madneſs, difrullion, Végétātio, ön!s ; f. a refreding. common iftar, a vain fellow. Trouble of sind, Vegelalivus, 2, úm; adj. lively, kaliy. Vělia, a town in Lucania, called bee Vecorditer ; adv. difracledly, Vögötātor, oris ; mi a sfrsfber, fore Elia. Vecors, gm. dis ; adj. 3 alt. [à ve quicknar. Velius, a, um ; ad). of Vella. & cor) mad, pupid, jatrijo. Vegeli, a people of Alia Včlifor, a, uas ; adj. bearing a vail Vecābúlum, is n. or fail, uwaggon or Vegetilis, ko wrote four books of mili. wein. jury cffairs; and another who zutate Velificatio, ons ; f. a fa:ling. *Ve- Vecta, lus, a, um ; 2d1. of a carriage, horfa phyfick. lificationc mutata, teking another aps to carry. * Navís veciaria, včgčto, are, to quicken, refreſh, aiale Courſ poing another tway to work. a plage boat. * Equus ycctarios, lively and lufty. Vēlificatus, a, um ; failed wer. a ſadale nag. Vědětus, a, um, froh, adive, quick, Vcl ficor, ari, to for up fail. Ve. Veftãtio, önis ; f. she bring borns or dively, lu'y, whole. 1. ficari honori, u proud fail for carried Vcgrand's. de, great and ill propor: ambit:en, Vcetiarius, ii; m. be that turns a toned, al,0 fmall, poor, petry, puny. Velificus, a, um, carried by jails, wine.prijs with a lover, Vcba, æ, f. the highway for com- Vehnus, a lake of the Sabines. Vcatibilis, le ; adj. to be carried or mon carriage. Vēlicaris, 1c; ad). 3 art. of a skir- conveyed Vēhčmene, ntis, (à vis, mons, vcl miſh, or skirmiſher. (7) D 2 Vēli- all wo. man sok V EN V EN V EN 1 thifi. mon. tal rg / Valitātim, by skirmiſhes, leaps, ady. Vēnaliter, adv. ſaleably, after the Venerabundus, a, um , adj. zborſhip- Veliratlo, onis ; i. a skirmiſing, manner of Jaloforum, ping, bonsu ing. cbiding Venalitlarius ii ; m. a feller of věncrandus, a, um , adj. revermdy + Velirator. Oris; p. a skytriber. Navis, a millmer, worfoipful, Velitor, ari ; dep. t kirosif,chide, Veoalitium, ili n. a place where Vénéranter ; adv. tourmily, fcold. Navas ori Jus to be jald. Věnerāüo, õnis ; f. umeration, b). Velitrz, a city of Italy. Vcnalitius, a, um ; Selling or sold. nout, worſaip, reverence. Vālīvõlanı, neis, jaxing, or Aging Vēnālītius, li; m. Vēnālítius, li; m. m morebint of Venčrātor, öris; m. a worſhipper. Vel:volus, a, um, with fails, alſo Davis. Včněrālas, a, uín; adj. worlopping failed pusr Venantodunum, Huntington. or worſhipped. # Vella, & ; f. a village. Venaria, Tyrrhene iſland. Vencreus, a, umi adj. (à Venos) + Vellătura, a; f. gain gotim bylt Venarius', ii ; m. a poiſoner. of up of love, licentions, veneres. brering burdens. VcHaturam Vēnāticus, a, um ; adj. of or for * Lics vene:ca, rhi french pox. facere, to go with paid borfes. hunting. Canis venaticus,' a Veneria, & fimame of Sicca in A- Vellaanii, people and sily of Aqul. hound. Paralitus venaticus, ons frica, and of Nebrila in Spain. tajn. that hunts ofler good chur. Veneria z; fosfor ; also a fool. + Vellea, X.;f.a bag. Vēnātio, opis; f. la bunting, pur fish. + Velcntis, is ; fi a ary pale with thi Venatas, as ; m. s jung after, Veneris gemma, a kind of ame- woul. fighting wtb wild boasi on the Vellica, 4 city of Cantabria. Jage, vinifon. Věncror, ari [à venus vel à vercor} + Vellicāmen, inis š no se piiling of t Venāditius, a, um ; adj. gotten so worſhip, prag. a fontp. with huniing Veneti, charity and feople of Vanncs Vellicatim, by fits and girdi, ady. Vēnālor, õsis m. a hunter or hunts: in Gallia Celtica. Vellicátio, onis ; f. } s pitching, Venetia, æ; f. the city Veaice in Vellicātus, ûs m. plucking, Vēnātorius, a, um ; a bunting or a Italy built upon fixiy ijlandı. switching, & Speaking againg, 11 buntſman. Vencu, the Vcoctrans. proaching Vonatrix, icis ; f. a huniraj. Vcoetus, a, um ; ad). of Venice: Vellico, arc, to pull or pluck often, Venālus, a, um, hiving hunued. Venctus, a, um j bur pinch, twitch, carp. Vendāx ācis m. e great foller. Venclus lacus, a lake of Succia in the VEL LO, ll, and vulfi, vulſun. Vendibilis, le ; adj. vond bis, eofily bus dari of Helvetia, vellercjact l'APÉRO, TAW) to plurk ſold, marbetal fold, markerable, pla.fible, popular; Vcoia, z ; f. [à ven:o) pardon, fir- or pull, to pinch, wring. Bardam ng. . Vend bilis orator, a no givenals, leave or direnje. Cum al!cui vellcre. to provoke one wib lable orator, sbat comes of viry venia, by your loave. Venia at infolmt offronts. Munimenta will. di&o, exeuſe the bildriefs of the vellere, to diſmantle forts. Vendibilitèr, Jaleably, adv. poosh. * AC perc veniam pro ali. Vellor li ; par to have one's bair Vendicatia; ons , t. a challenging. quo, to gol pardon for one. pinchid off with pinchers, Vendicător, oris ; n. a challenger. Včn:alte; le ; veniablo, pardonable. VELLUS, ēris; n. (Manās, vel à VENDICO, are. (*Ev8.x@-] tochal. Venlalls pax, pardon and peace. vello) a force of wool, the fell or lange or claim, also 1. dif- + Venibo, jar vcniam. skin in the wool, she locks of born burge. Venialium, a propontory of Iceland's wol; also be loodes of stris. Venditorios, a, um, to be fold. Ram's head. Vělo, arcio corsoal, cover, bide, Vindicatio, onis ; f. a vauning, set Vēnilia, the wife of Faunus, md draw a curtain over, clearb. Tem. ting forih 15 hitsfelf. mother of Tu nus. pora velat myrto, he fais b.mona Vendiātor, õrls; 'm. m. a borlor, Venta a ; t. Là ven'olihe flowing myrtle crown. of chalua. Velocares, a people of Gallia Bel. Venditio, onis ; a/alling, ſale. VEN-IO, yeni, ntum, ire ; neot. gica: Vendito, so fell often, lui sus, alſo to | Baiyw vadono come, incre ſu grow velocītas, quis ; f. ſwiftneſs, hupio brok, boli. Vendiiare ſe, to offer h fpon, becoms, *In crimen vcoires neli, readineſs. hii Jorviie so be called in queftion.. * In men- valdcitèr, lūs, iffidè, adv. ſwiftly, Vendidor, oris ; m. tem venirc, to be remembred. Ad- Spordily. . Venditri, icis . }. feller. verſuin venirc,, to zu, * Ulus V člona, a city of Epirus. Vendo, didi, dicum, dc.e [of venum or uſu vent, it falls out. Ubi Vēlox, gen. Oclsjad). 3 art. (à volo, & doj te fell. uſus veniat, when and requires, are, Swift, hajly, pusdy. + Velox Venedi, } prople of Ger • Ventue gaudere, so bid ons wola prævidit, he profile forcaw..Fcr- Venda, nay. come, Al cui ad manam venire, To velox, nimhla at his wrapon. Venedor'a, North Wales to be mixt at hund. • Venlic fatis VELUM, ';n. Vir.(Eivua vel vex + Venefix, icis, an inchanter. duobus, to be firong enough to with. l'un) w'vail, a curtain, a frisl. Voriofica, 2; fi ejorcar ejs. pland two nations, * Venire in bona • Da e vela, to je jasl. * Velis Věneficium, ii n she art of poiſon alicujus, 10.fo Ze violontly upon them, rem:ſque with all one's michi, ng or will brraft. Venire in partem impcnlæ, to wib ail politie spend. Vel's 00. Včněfiro are, to bewitch. poy port of the charges, Venit 101 tendere sem aliquam, to cleak a Vencricus, a, um ; adj. bewitching, in religionen hæc res, he foriplos thing thriching Velut , , g Věnéficus, ci ; m. a forcerers poi- Ventur, imp. tbey come Joner, Verinenſea, a prop!r of Spain. VENA, æ; f 'Is acc. iya) a voin, Venell, e people of Gatja Celtica. Vennoncies, a peepie of Rhætla. My spring. Veną arborum, Vencliocafti, a prople by the river veuenrus, an hijeriun commended by The grain of wood. Vega mar Sequana in France. Tully. moris, the Braids of murble. Vonc:ār: us, il ; m. a maior or jeller VENOR, arl; dep (ab ises vence] Venam fcrre, fo!vere, inci. of pol'ens. 1. bunt, hunt sfior, purjus ; aljo 1 dcre ro lei blood. * Pe or's vena Vērenatus, s, um ; postened, vene le child and suughi a Venari pir- arum, the iron oge. . V nas cu CC9, lo fub. Vcnari 11 mari, jusque generis hominum tenere, Včnenifer, era, um ; adj. vorentus. to lamuur in tuin. to know the nature and bumours ! Veneno, are, 1) rien.... Venolis, a, um ; adj. biving many the prop's. Včnênõlus, a, un ju!! of poiſon. BW... veins,/59/, * Liber venolus, Věnabólum, ! ; n. a bunting po'sVENENUM, I la vens, vel à bomo.it, grain.fluff bear.jpkar. Eta évek zelum) venom, poifon Venla Bèlgarum, Wincheſter ; alio Vēnāfranum, a city of Campania, drug, simple, oinimeni, cją, wilib. B. stol. lounding in clives. trafi. V'cola Icenorum, Norwich, V:n franus, a, um, af Venafrom.. VENEO ire venum; set. (Dréopa Venta Surun, Cactwent in Mon- Vèriālis, e, jer cut 10 fola, be solo, emo] to be foid. # Venuni dare' mou!hihire, w dy to tr tribed ; bu shat, ders in Veriut habe.e, se jutt juil VENTER, ris; m. (Értepey) ir shing for money Vēnièrabil, ic; adf: 3. 21t. worſtip baily, youinch, the fans in the Venälitas, alls ; f. faleablenes, full, venerau.s. wuobs and baliy sher: Von- Cm. vgunler. INOK). + 1 :> V EN V E R VER trem ferre, to be with child, Ven. Věnoſtè, adv. brautifully, prettily, 10 do as one ſays, Reddere ver- trem ſolvere, to make one soluble. with a good grase, bum de verbo, to rilate word for word. * Nume. og verbis foluris • Ventri ftudere, to pamper the Včnuſto, arc, to make beautiful and dedy. • Ventrem facit paries, ihr pleasant, adjungerc, 10 add a pretty harmony wall bends out in the midi. Vcoofílus, a, um ; adj. [à Venus) and cadence to an ordlien Ventigenos, a, um, adl.engendering bevutiful, fuir, pleafunt, having a Vercolle, e city of the Libyci. or breathing forth winds, goodly grace. Verè ; adv. truly; indeed, in trurb, jufily." Venulabrum, i; a. a fan 10 winnow + Vepallidus, a, em ; very pale * Veprecólus, a, um , adj. fuil. of Verčcundè; adv. bashfully, demurr. Ventilāt'o, nis; f. & winnowing, briars. ly, modebly, deviully. fonning Veprēcŭla, a ;. f. a little bramble, Vērēcuadla, z; f. bapfulness, mama. facednels. Verccundis cum ce- Venti ator, Oris ; m. 6 winnoust, VEPRES, is ; c. (à "Pünkviigul. juggler. tam, a briar or brambla, pic, he was bajbfxl. Ventilaus, a, um ; part. of venti. Veprētam, i; n. a briary place. Věrčcundor, ari, to be abimed or lor, winnowed, ſirrid. VER, ēris ; n. Vir. [tap hp) the babful. Ventilo, are ; act. là vontus) to Spring. Ver prlmum or novum, Věreçundus, a, um ; ad!.[à vereor] fan of winnow, to fourijs before a The miran i of the ſpring. * Ver bilhjul, soia nefand, domute, mo- fight. • Vinum ventilare, to give adultum, mid-Spring Ver præ. delt, bold and unfidmi, morrend. wint umt. * Aureos manu venti ceps, the md of the ſpring. Ver Verba parum verecunda, baudy. tall. lare, lo nors up pieces of gold in the facrum, the firn fouts. Ver a. hand. •Ventilare conclonen, to tatis, youlb. Věrēdarius, It'; m. be ibat ridus kinilo fedition in a congregarion, Vēracītas, Āris ; f. truth, veracity. port, . melonger. prick 'am forward to rebellim. Vērācitèr ; adv. truly. in very truth. VEREDUS, i, m. [ab Hcb, peredh mulos ja poft-borſo; alfo a waggon. + Ventilogia, ii; n. fans or Vetegraal, a prople of Gallia Narbo- Werther roll nensis * Rapiens verrdus, a courſer. + Ventīmõla, 2;f a wind-milk Veātrum, i ; n. (ab ater]bears.foot. Vērendt, orum ; ni'the privy parts. Vento, onis ; f a coming. Veratrum nigrum, moder-wort. Verendus, a, um s to be revérenced, + Ventifpolia, o-um ; n. trifles. Vērax, gon: ācis. [à verus.) true, worpioped. Venuto, are, (à venio) .so como often, Sporting the truib. VERÉOR,itus ſum, ēri; dep. (H:b. frequmt, bauns. Vērbalis, ic ; ad), 3 art. of a word gere timuit) to fear, revirmu, 10 ir verb, vorbal. be Lotb. Veniofus, a, um ; adi. windy, blu- # Vereor ut or ne non jaring, ſwelling, Ventola cucur Verbanus, a laks of Gallia Ciſalpina. fiat, I fear it will not bi. • Ve bita, a cupping glass, Equi ven. Verbaſculum, i n. a cowſlip or primo reor quid fit, I am afraid iboe's tofi, borfes as fast as the wind. roſe. something aniſs. Ventrāle, 18; a. an aprom. Verbaſcum, ci ; n. (ab herba) mul Vercas, a river of Italy, + Veniricola, a; c. a glution. lain, Veretilla, æ ; f. Là vereiram Ja kind Ventricoſus, 7 a, um , adj. having Verbatim, adv. word for word. of fra.fib. Ventriofus, a great belly, paunch. VERBENA, æ ;F.freya Boránn Veretrum, 1 ; n. (à vercor) a min's , . VERBENACA, vel ab herba ) yard. + Yentr.culoſus, a, um ; adj. come. varvain, ſwert barbs te adorn ab. Vergellus, 'a river of Apulia, wba: punib-bellied. tars. Vergens, ntis; part. of vergo, declin. Ventricu'us, i ; m. she domab, a Verbenalia, um ; n, Palm Sunday. ing. Vergens annis, growing old. utta helly, ventriculo or cavity. Verbenatus, a, um ; adj. dacked with * Vergebie jam die, wbm was Ventrifuus, a, am ; adj l.xalive, wrvain. late in the afternoon. Purging. VERBER, čris ; n. [à ſono) Vegla arem; f: la ver} ibo P'ei- Ventriloquus, a, um ; ad). Speaking Scourge or wbp. Vcibcribus ades or ſeven puts' boswan tha out of the belly, 2cc pere, to give one whipping mixth of Taurus and tail of Arics. Ventůlus, I ; M. & little air, a fost chear. Vergineum ware, the fea bolwas blowing wind, a gmilo galo galo or Verbera, rum ; n. Aripas, bleins. England and Ireland. breixi. Verbera linguæ, shuks or taunts. Vergito, arc, to hung down much. VENTUS, 1 ; m. [*Ayer@, vel à Verběrabil s adj. 3 art. 8. VERGO: ērc, ['PÈww) to decline, venio) the wind, blap, wapel, Juru ng to be beaten. bang towards, hing down, look to- • Ventus popular.s, drawing of | Verběratio, ons ; f. a'bealing or wards, pour oul, fink. • Vergimur the populur offtions. # Ventus whipping in ſeniom, we grow old. fccundus, e prosperous wind; aljo Verberator, oris ; m. a beter. + Vergobrctus, a chief magiſress good fortune. Ventum excitare, Verbērātus, a, um ; created yeariy aming the Hedui. to raiſe a bluffering of trouble. Verběrātus, ùs ; m, a ; me a beating, an t Vericolæ, arum, wixzirds. • Navis tenetur vento, she Dip imouse or moving, Vēridice; adv sruly, lies wind bound. Verbèreus, a, um, adj. worthy of + Vēridico, are ; to speak ibe truth. Včnŭlus, a nobleman of the La whips or froads Siacua verbe-Veridicus, a, um ; selling she trusb. rea, 4 whipping fuck. Veriloquium, ii; n. on origin or ety. Venum, ( ab òvi pretiam ] 1. be + Verberito, are ; to beat ofron. .60'vey anſwering the true nature of foid. * Venundare, so for 10 Verbéro,aic,to beus, Scourts, or whip, a thing. fale. • cback, blame. Vē iloquus, a, um, adj. Speaking the Venundatio, onis ; f. a folling. Verbēro, onis ; m. a knave ihat de Irush. Venundator, oris ; m, a foller. (ervas to do whipped, * Verimonia, æ;f the truib. Venando, čái, ăcum, to fill or fer sa + Verbigero, are ; to talk, proto. • Verifimilis, le ; adl, lor, iHimnus, fa'a. Varbigcratum est, it is noifod a. likely, like to be trus, probable. + Vcaus, us; m. sale, Veaui ha. broad Veriðmiliter, adv, probably, bere vel fubjicere, to fe? 10 Sale. Verbosè ; ady, wih many words, a Varifimilitudo, inis ; f. likelihood, Venus, čris ; f. Venus, the goddeſs of lurga. Irus likeneſs. love, lull, beauty, and all pleaſure. Verborus, a, om; ad), ior, iffimus; Veritas, aris ; f.. Roman goddeſs, Včous, čris , f. (à venio) the morna full of words, verbal, prasling, the daughter of Tempus, and me ing and evening Bar, a wifres ; wrangling ther of Virtos. berniy, love, lub • Vencrem ja. Verbülüm, i ; n. a little word. Vērītas, ātia ; f. ibe trub, verity. ccre, to throw all fizes. Dics VERBUM, I; a (Prud vel à Verltus, a, ým ; part. of vereor ; veneris, Friday. * Pulius veneris, verumj a word, or verb. Ycıba, fearing or having fo-red. A. harlot. i Vencres dicendi, she wrangling farms. * Verbum velt Verive,bium, liin. a true fay. grace and snement of poach, tus, a proverb. • Verbi causâ for ing Včnūlia, a town in Apulia Daunia, inſania Jake. Verbls meis, in Vermicu!pis, is ; f. fono crop. the country of Horace. my name.Verba darc, to.de Vermiculans, ntis ; part.wr.. . Veaufinus, a, um, adj. of Venuſia. ceive. • Verba facere, to a frourſe. Pullus vermiculans, Včnuftas, ātis; f. bozuy,STUSI, • Verba mortuo facere, to labour o pulsa farling as if worto comeliria's in fpurch or behavioier. in vain. Verba ad rcm conferre, Teps, + Vermi. tins. V ER V E R V E R 8 ngt. 1 + Vermiculatim ; adr, in ſmall pieces Veronica, æ; f.speed-well or fuellin memoria hominum verfabitur likt wormi. * Veronica Paull, Paul's butuny. fempe, men will always speak of Vermiculātio, onis ; f. warm eating, Verovicum, Warwick. or breeding of wirwis in fruit ; aifo Verpa, æ; f. a min's yard Verſorius, a, um, of or for turning. a griping of the guts. Verpus, * ur, {* Yerlo ciruum Caperc verlorium, to retur, Vermicī'ālus, a, um, part. of ver cifed. m Dig tus verpus, the middle Versūra, æ;f, a furning, the place miculor, coloured and lained bere finger from whicb ene is turned back, uſu- and there, embroidered, printed, Verpus, i, m. (Egw ſerpo) a pars * Verſuräm facere, so borroz Audded with floer, shequered, in- of worm. money, upons greater ufury to pay off laid. Verice a Roman prelor in Sicily, the lofs. Verfuram solvere, 10 Vernicŭlor, ari, 19 be full of wrmas, accued by Cice o, and condemned deliver one's self from prefent danger or brend noorins, to obequar. for hs coveteulan's und bribery. Jo as to be ſubject so grra:er insi Vermiculoſus, a, um, full of worms, VÆRRES, io; 2. (ab äpgry mas] • herrafter Vermiculus, izm, a little warunt, co- barrow pig Verlus, a, um, part. of verror, rbindaki Verriculatus, a, um, adj. made like (wept, bruford. Vermiculus, a, um, Scarlet, red. Verſus, a, am ; part. of vertor, Vermilum, lign. vermillion. Verricŭlam, i; a. a caling-reli eljo turned, changed, overtrown, di- Vermina, nun i 2. griping fube belly, a javolin. purbad. Totus in Perſea verſus Vorminātio, õnis ; f. á brading of Versiaus, a, um ; ad). of a bear. pater, the faber wbilly inclinad 10 worms it canile; alſo the bringing or Jus verrinum, pie broth. Perleus. Hosting in mens heads, VERRO, ri, fum (à tono) to brmbo, Verſus, Ûs; m. Cic. a furning, verſe, Vermino, are, to bave or breed worms. ſweep onaks slun, to draw along. line, furrow, order, row, aff's of • Verminat mihi auris, my eer Verrūca, æ : f. (a verro) a wart, foldiers, Lulcinje verſus acci« ! útrbus, billock. • Verruca pentilis, a wen. piunt, nightingales take ip IUNI Verminor, arl, 10. be troubled with Verrucarla, 20; .f. ibe twinjale, «Versùs, præp. cum acc; towards. be bolly-arb, gripid with sholisks, herb killing wirts., , " Surſum versus, up- having pings coming upon oni. Varrūūlus, a, um, full of warts or wards. Quoquò versùs, what Verminālus, a, om. full of works, bi lack), rugged, unbewed, odd dif way.foruar. Undiquè versùs, ** worm caten gnawon. : proportimen. • Verrucoſa fabula, 'every, fide. VERMIS, is; a. (fapiiri, Heb. Tee an old motiy fatlo. Versūtè ; adv. teftily, deceitfully: mas) e worm. Verrucūla, ze ; f. a little wiri. Veraūtia, æ ; f. craftine's, deuil, VERNA, æ; c. Cic. qu. vere pa. Verrunco, are, (a verso vel verto) guile tas vel ab Heb. bar filius] = Dave 10 turn or fall out, abange to oba | Veisūcilõquus, a, um , adj. Speaking berp in our nun ibonfis. derita derfully. Verdacała, orum ; Q. rivi ing terms. Versālus, le, unconlani, matable, Verslus, a, um ;, adj. crafty, run- Vernaculd, orum; m. furvants, Na. Versātilie, le, turned, which mey ning, fubtle, mutable, quick-witted. wibo and baſe conditimd mm, frof turned this w.y and that way, tight, Vertăgus, !; m. A tumbler, a bund fors, phifting. * Pous verſaulis, 4 draw. bunting by hipſef. Vernaculos, a, um, adm. dumallick, loridge. Vertebra, æ; f. A turning juint in or's own hou's ar country, Lin. Versātio, õnis ; f. a furning. the back. gua vernacula, crues moiher-longur. Versàtus, a, um, (of Kerloj surnad. Vertebratus, a, um ; adj. mads like Vernālis, C, a ver) of the spring. Versālus, a, um, Lo vento) sonwr. a back bone. Vernaliter ; adv Newbly, Hiig l lunt, bufg? Vertex, ic:S ; D. & whirlpool, or 4. Vervato, bais; f. the spring, the Versicolor, oris, changing, colour, a wbirlwind ; alſo the crown or top skin of a forfant which is call in she lundry and changeable rolours. of 1bo hrad, c.pub.of a mountain, pring, age. Vergiculus, i; .. a ijolo or foort the top of tree, she pain in the Vernil 6, lo, forvilt, havib, wingrill. verfa. bowels, Mundi,verrices, the polis. Verrilitas, āt's ; f. waggilone/s. Verfitičātio, onis; f. a meking of * Diſclwinum vertices, the exirs. Vernditer, adv. waggiſbly, 'knuvifhly. Dri, mities of danger. + Verarlitus, a, um. adj. nuvils, Verſificator, .õris ; m. a verffier Vertibulum, 1; n, * Spedylı, or fattering + Vehficktorius, a, um, of verffy turning joine; alſo be cock in a Varnix, icis ; (a ver) the sum of broxin tsp. the juniper frut, vainiſ. Versifico, arc, te verhify or make Verticillatus, a, um ; knit together as Veraò ; adv. in ihe Spring a joint apt to turn. Verno. are, to føring, bude foot out, Vergficus, a, um, verplying Verticillum, i; n. Howrib. Angei fwarm. Vernat Verfformis, e, chonging the foape. Verticillus, i, m. } a mall whirl. angois, thi laoke gets-b.m a mow Verfio, ons ; f. a-turning, tranſla- + Vesticosdus, a, um ; ad), sbanga sim u spring of the year. tion. ing the mind, Veraūla, æ ; C a little bomo:box Ves Capellis, le ; ,df; fubile, crafty, Verticolus, a, um, ad), full : og paus. ofron changing bi: skin whirlpools or whirlwinds. Vernus, a, um, ad). .of the spring. Verlo, are, (a verto) to turn surr, Verticŭla, ; f. wbirl * Verna verba. Scurriluur words, #kecmidor, delade, puido Vorticulum, i; n. wbom; alſo Vero, á riger of Celiboria. ves veriare, to send there. **. Cau. tbe buck bone. Vörò, adv. truly, but, marry, hiny, fas vorfare, to bindle itaatioss. Verticuli, oram'; m. the turning rashir, purchonit. Nec verò, no, Anmum mulierem rerfare, e Verticilli, joints of the back.; alfo :pet yet. Mirandum verò eft, ju tuinpt a wousan • Verla, trop your the pugs of a Aringed indra . Jure Plin. to be widered at.. file * Vesfare teftes, 10 Aft and meni. + Vero, are, to speak ibe truth, 'verify; oximine the wireles thoroughly. Vertigernus, Vertigarne, « Britiſh and spremt truly. Huc:& illuc res veifatis licèt, do Ing. Ann. Dom. 449. Vcrocafics, people of Gallia Belgica. whalecer you can, rask yoor brains | Vertiginoſos, a, um ; adj. troubled Vcrodunum, ibie siny Verdun in Gal as imu!h you pleaſe.' Verſac with the megrim. Isa-Belgica. fuam naturam ad icmpus, 10 COTA- Vertig, inis; f. Celf. a giddinofs op Vesolamium, Verulam in Hartford-: ply with the times, tempor XI. dixiz nafs in the head witb dimi Shire. Verior, a!i. 10 bs.convorfant op om nes of the higbe, the migrim.. Veromanda', a people af. Gallia B4. ploped, frequent_or barni, think.on, Vert go rcrum, change or alteration gica, callad Vermundots. mufe upon. Dolo verfari, fo wje of fairs. Verowctum, Burrow in Leiceſter. duit. In menie aliquid verla Verritur, imp. it is debased. fb:re. ri, to conſider with himleif. Quod VERTO, fi, iom, tçre, (rpéntw] to Verona, * famous sity of Venice, mulum verfylur 'domi? what mil surit, ibange, tranſlais, dotraj or audi antibor in Helvetia. thief is as home? Nefcis quantis over tuin, 19 take up money up- Vciones, a geople in Spain by the in mal! sverfor miler, you know on uſo, conſider, • Solum ver- "Tivir Vero. nor in what miferies 1 om unhappily terc, no fly one's couniry. Ver- + Verones plumbel, planes or leaves engaged: Verfariin aliqua quæ tere vitio, to check or blami. of lead. fionc, 10 handle a ſubjaci. In • Ad or in fpem vertere, to raiſe 1 Ver TI, } hapisi the in in vo- till night. VES VES V E T hopus from thence, In fugam ver., Vesicula, æ; f. a little bladder or lachrum, not the lead rofnablanca tere, to put one to flight. * In præ ped. of him remaining, mabing like the Segrom.vcrtit, it turns it an imen, Veronto, Sami wan he wa.. * Benè or malè vertat, let good Vefontium, } Burgundy. Vertigo, are, to search, trase, jurk or bad luck como of is. Annus VESPA, æ; f. fopht] wapi by ibi print of the fut. vertens, the compaſs of the year. Veſpārium, il; n. A wap's rief. Veſtimentum, garmimt or • In hac re veriltur cauſa, the Veſpatlanus. the tenth emperor of vifturi. *Nudo. vcftimcnta de. caufe depends uponi hii, Rome. pitiful and courtous, who trahere, to rob the spital. luntate Phlippi folum illud ver. had his name foren Veſpala, Veftini, prople of Italy, who were titur, .all shut is as king Philip sown in Umbria. üint so make very good chule. pleafes. In ſe ipíum vertitur, VESPER, 1 1; . [GTERG] Veft o, ire, ad. 10. cloalb, apparel, he is all for himla. Se vertere * Se vertere | VESPERUS, VESPERUS, Šibe ivering, adorn. "Tabulis parietes veſtire; in fac!em alterius, to go for mo eveningajiar, a jupper. • Primo 10 weincor walls. ibor port. vélpere, in the dust of the cuen: Vcftiplīca, æ; f. a miid that lays up Vertumnus, a Roman god furning ing parminis, bimſelf into all. Mapes, and govern. Velper, era, um ; of the ruming. VESTIS, 19; f. Ovid. ['Ecos) a ing men's minds, * Iniquo Ver- Vcſpěra, æ; f. the evening, garmmi, viſare, bard and nake's tumo natus, not able to govern Velporalis, Ic; adj. of the evening or skin, the firit down upin the sharks. his owe thoughis. wel. Veftds barbarick, stbroidered cloarb. Vertumnalia, ine ferds of Vertum. Vefperafcens, pris, growing night. nus, kepe in October. Vefperafcit, ir coin Veftiſpicus, ci; m. I he or for that VERU, n. 4 plur. verus, uum, là ing. Veftilpica, æif. Skups the word. robe. Teigw, tranſadıgo).< 1pii, turk, or Vefpěrātus, a, um, bonighted. Veſtitor, ors; . 7 clesihiar, tay- Vervactum, ij n. [qu. vere actum; Verperc; } in the evening. Veftirrix, ic:s f. 3.30r., * Dooram the Jallow land ibat is to be sown Velperna, æ; f. [qu. veſpertina) veftitores, facriſs. • Peana ve- the next year. a ſupper, Altrices, the coal-feathers of a bird. Věrucalum, i; n. a little spit, a Veſpéro, are to be evening, or loh. Veftirys, a, un ;. part. of veftior, foite drrad ſiis, Velfertilio, onit; m. [à vefper). slarked. Genas" veftitus, hau- Vereceus, a, um ad). made like a 636; alſo one that walks not abroid ing a beard. Veftitiffimus, bell warber, Vervecca Italua, a. cleathed. Mrapido folleco Veſpertinus, a, om; ad}. of th. Veltilus, Us; m. apparel, raiment, Vervécinus, a, uń ; of a weather. cuin ng • Regio veſpertina, the the dreſs. Veſtitos orauonis, VER VEX, écis; m. Cic. (à verpa wel. Lite æ vefperting lessons the ornament of an oration, fccta , a weather meip. write in the suming. Veftras, atis ; pronoun adj. gentiles + Vervllago, in?s ; f. the black camo. Veſperūgo, inis ; f. ihr spiningaſlar; of yiur country, Dock, or ſoft. leon shiftie. alſo a bat. vélulus; a mountain of Liguria, call. Vervina, *; f. a Spit, long javelin. Velpillo, õnis ; m. (à vefper). ed Monviſo, from who, roofibe Verulom, a city in Italy burier of sbs dead. river Po flows. Verulani. she purple of Verulum. Veſta, ibe daugbler of Saturn and Veuna, e city of Aquitain, called + Verum, i; n. afpit. Opa takon alſo for the earth. Perigort, Vērum, i; n. the truth. VESTA, æ; f. l'Eotia) an allar- Veſuvius, Veſuvas. See Velcyos. Verùm coni. but yet, norrlbeleſs. fire. Vēsūrinus, a, um ; of Velurius. * Verum profecto, yet for all thar. Vertales Virgiñes, tbt vßal vir.. Ve ādlo, onis ; 1.8 forbidding. * Veius eniin or verum cnimvc. gins, whole office. it was to keep the + Veter, čris; adj. old, Ariont, ro, but marty. fire from going out in Veſta's loom Veteri Caftra, «'sity of lower Ger- Veranrămen, out yet, nevertheleſs, ple, nuns. many. VERUS, a, am ; adj. (ab 'Eiyw dico, Veftalis; lo; adl. of Vefta. Veteramenta, orunu. m. dd bides vel ab Heb: Bar, porus] viue, fin Vefter, sa, un ſà' vos) your, yours, skinis, old hours or cloaths. care, right. * Sum verus, I tall Veteramentarius ſuloi, - a cobler, you the trash. Ulta Verum, be Veſtiarium, li ; n. o wardrobe, boicher, yond what is free and roufonable. clowshing, a place where cloarbs ar. Větërānus, a, um ; adj. old, meitur, * Id verum, I believe so. kepi, or far out to be sold in vifry. . Veteranus miles, a bealan pote Verūrum, 1; n. Là véru) a rapier in Veftiarios, a, um ; ad). Là veſtis] dier that bad forved in the wars a fock, tuik, a piskest Norder dort. for cloarbs, 20 years. Vērúcus, a, um ; armed wib a ruck, Veſtlar!u9, il; m. e maler or follor Veterafco, čre, to grow old. Vēsānia, æ; f. madneſs, cairageous of clogihs ; alſo a gooman of the Veterator, Orls ; m. 2 090 shot bad wardrobe, Veteratrix, icis, f. $ long praailed Vēsānio, tre, to je befide cre's poll, Veſtibulum, 1; n. [à vefta, i.i. cozinage, a crafty knave or put. 1. Yage ara) an entry, o court-yard before Větěrātotia, ; f. [lc ars] craft in Vēsānus, a, um, cruel, furious, mad, a doon. Hoe veft bulum Sicilia, bo handling things, auträgous, entran ini. Sicily. Veſtibulum Veteratoriè, craftily, deceitfully, + Veſca, 2;.f. a cobweb. alicujus artis ingredi, to be bound Vetěratorius, a, um į adj. crafty, Vefci, a city of Spain. apprentire to any trade. lubile, witty. Veſcivia, á river of Campania. Veftíceps, ipis ; c. à veftis & ca- Vetcres, rum ; . Ancji, Sea VESCOR, ſci, dep. (Boomw. Erlim) pio) whose beard begins to grow, a Vetus. to eai, chrw. • Velci aurâ ziho- Jiripl ng Větē.inār'us, il; a kasper of rcâ, so breathe. Oculi tui vef- 'Viſtiſuus, a, um, ad). wearing Buds for horses and bruding brafis', cuntur, thine rye do forvira. V x a garment dówn to the endles. alio a farrior fant veſcendo, they are fearu man's Vefligātio, onis; f. a ſearching. Veterinarius, a, um, of a farrier or Veſtigator, oris ; m. a fourcher, hackney.man, Medicina veteri. Veſculentus, a, um ; full of meat. hunter, naria a medicine for a borfe, Veſculus, a, um ; adt . pire and tbin. VESTIGIUM,' ti; n. à veka, ter Veterinuă, 1,, A. [fc. fumeatum] Veícus, a, um , adj. fit to be raton, 12, vel à (Etiču pungo) a fout. a beiß of burden. edible, devouring, lean, Dank. liep, trace, the print of the fort, Větěrinos, a, aw; adj. ancient s elfo Yēsīvus, a mountain of Campania, fole, Osonument, Boken of evidence. carrying burdma. very fruitful, fave juf in the sop, • Facere veft gia, to travel. Ex • Ex veterno: adv. drowbly. whore there is a largi bartın plain, veft glo prcficic', to follow close Veternoſus a, um ; adj. lnbar. from whence pro ofion breaks out. on the freſh print of the fent. * Veterous,' } gick, baøing a drown VESICA, ; f. loluow, à ſono) iba Veſtigio non recederc, to do one diſeaſe, fleeping much. dlader is ſwolling gile. close at the heals, Evelgio, hy Vēternum, i; a. là vetus] Velicaria, e; f. & winter.sherry. and by, '. Nullum veit ginn - Veternus, l;m. ibarry, drowly Veccatorluin, li; 2. a medicine to vitatis, no sign of a cit. Nec diſease, a continual Berping, ferb, rau a dl før. veitigium quidem ejus nec simu. lexineſs. Větěro, of you. mirot. 1 } 1 } " , a , æ, ) . VIA VIC ·VIC větěro, are, to be or grow old. Vladás, A river in Germany. Vicārius, 11 ; . a vitar, deputy. Veterrimus, a, um of vetos, Viālls, le ; adj. oh she way, linsmanı. Succedere vicarium very old, oldal... Vetcrrimas. I!" Vians, nt's, travelling. Vlates, altcrius, lo fücreed his place and berorum, the eldan fin. travellers, charge. * Dare vicarlum, to put Vētītus, a, um ; part. of vetor, for Viārius, a, um ; adl. of the way. another in his planı. bidden. : Lex viaria, an order for survey. Vitālim ; adv. Jireet by firect, VETO ui, irum, and avl, atum, ing th: high-wegs. Vicecancellārius, i; m. a vice-chan- are, acut. La vito) so forbid, hindari Vlas, for Vlæ. caller. • Deſpărare vetuit, bi bad bin Viaticãtus, a, um ; part. furnibed Vicecomes, it's ; m. a Sbariff. plot dolfair. with things neceffity for a journey Vicecominus, i; n. a beward. Vetonici, æf, the berb betong. # Viaticact admodum æfive fáil cənala, um a. folemnities for Vett'onenſes, a propia, of VM- } mus, we are but limderly provided. 110mmfy yt:sm5: Vettonenfes, . bria. Viaticor, ari, so povide or te pro. Vicenārlus, a, um ; adj. the Swin. the Vettonia in vided for a journey. te bilde found tut the herb bolany. a journey, a livelihoid. Vicennium, li; n. the space of Vêtŭla, jf. an old womin. Viaticum, la n. provison of things twenty years old. Včtulonia a totum in Hetru narefry for a juurkry; all the na Vicenta, z the city of Vicenza, Velulonlui, ria. cel vry prouifon to any GZ on. Vicentia, betwein Vcaons and Verulonii, ih, poople of Vetulonla. Viaticus, a, um ; of a journey.' V:ceta, Padas. Verti'us, a, um ; Somewhat o!d, of a Cona viatica, a farewell jupper or Viceama, æ;f, the twential part. gond age fos. Viccsimani, orum ; w. folders of VETUS, čris ; adj. 3 art. [ab ÈG Viātor, õris'; m. Juv; a travellos, the twentieth bund or legion.. annus) old, ancieni, muiy, rufly. way.faring i alſo un usher, ſerjeans, V!cēsimārius, a, um ; adj. arifng # Vitus verbum eft, is an old bradle, Meljinger utionding in the fror. the twminth part. saging: * Vecus regnandi, ons shurl Senate. V.cēlimo, are, 10 inks or exutute the his poignes many years. Vlatorius, a, um ; of or for the way. twentieth man. Větuſas, kris; f. oldneſs, age. Vibati, people of Spain. Vicesimus, a, um, the twentieb. Včtufte, adv. ancimtly. VIBEX, icis; f. ("Ieu!! the mark ry Viccifis, is ; M. (qu. viginti affes] Veruteſco. čre, to grow old or ſale. print of a prook or pripe, shame, the weight of twinty pounds, ibe Vetuftus, a um ; aniioni, ild, of difcredit. number of twenty. groot onliquity. Vibia, æ; f. [qu. bivia) a croſs-road, VICIA, æ; f. [dpáxn] voichi allo Vexamen, inis; n. a continence. Vexatio. on's'. gries, poin, + v bicolas, a, um, full of the marks Viciarium, ii ; n. a place fowed with forrow. of blows, vetches. Verātor, oris ; m. a vixer, trou. V!biſci, * propla of Aquitain. Viciarius, a, um, of vanihes. Crl. blor + Viblom, il; ni fqii, amphibium) brum viciariurn, a vrch krve. Vexatas, a, um; part. froubled. an amphibious creature, Vicios; adv. twenty times, iwinig Vexillarios, ili in an inpgni Vib'us, the neart of feel Bonaos. hundred thous nd Muertii, fundurd-brarır. Vihica Virius stie vibro the 16- Vicina, ; f. a neghbiur. Vexillatio, onis ;. f. & compared ting of Campania from the Ro. Vicināí's, le ; adi. of a neighboxr. foldier's under one flandard. ex dins fq. Hann ball Hi Poijenea Vicinla, æ; f. Cici a neighbourhood, ilatiorics, sbi boli mrava! bijelf, and perſuaded many of the firmet, likeneſs. # Ad vicinin imators to do so 2004 lactis accedens, almost like milk. + Vexuifidenzan carrying Video Vicinitas, ātis, 'f. Cic. neighbour- bi standardi Coleursi Vion, 5 } a city of the Brutit. hacd, the company of neighbours, Vexillge, 1; n. [à vcho) a flag, Vibo.onis; m. [à vibro) ihe fower neurnas. Meretricia vicinitas, mögn, sandard är colours ; alſo a of the herb Britannica: neighbourhood inhabiud by punk. company of on hundred and eigh: Vibrábilis, le ; adj. eafly baken or Vicinium, il; n, e cordering nighs. fix min. Vexillum navale, a brar:diſhed. Vic nus, a, um, lor, là vicus) near Dreamer, Vexillum flagitare, to V.bramen, inis ; a. e brandiſhing, at hand, very like. Aliquid ma- prefs to be dirbanded. alſo noblmes. • Triſulca draco Juo propter vicinom maluin, 'ris Vexo, are ; act. acc. [à veho) • num vibram?na, the tongues of ili dwelling by bad neighbours. **, Diffurb, sorment, and trouble. Serpenti. 1: vicino, hird by. Vicina ad • Vexare annonam, in mhimu shi Vibranis. ntis; part. of vibro, jak parienduin, ready to lie down. price of corn • Claffis tempeftate ing, piercing earnel. Vicinus, i; m Cic. (a vicus) a vexata, a Art fora wraihar.oraren. Vibratio, onis; f. á brondiſhing neighbour. Vexare agros, to wajit und bir. Vibrātus, a, um, parc. à vibro, Vicis, vicem, vice, pl. vices, vici- Væs e country. brand lied, iurled, vivlani. bus, (ab imo ven!o), f. the room V!brisiæ, arum, f. 7 [à vibro) the hair fead, or place of onother, turn, durs, U ante F. Vibrlffi, orum;m. of the stris. misfortune, punifoment. # Vici- Ufens. a river neor Taaracina, sled Vibrosio, aic, so Quavad os virblo bus fiAig, by ivons. # Vicibus Aufens and Oufens, alfa a aftan in finging. annorum, very sther year. who atsed Tarnus again) ECC38. Vibro, Ares ( 'Iluw ] to braxdiſh, Vice Sardanapali, ms Sardanapa. Uffugum, a city of ihe Bruill. joide or quiver, curl or frixx'e. lus dll. Vices Danaam, n- • B pennein v brare, to piwa o couniers with she Grecks. + Red- Vien's I. good blou with a boulle ax. * Odo. derc viccm, 10 ropay, a like furn. V. I. for vir juftus. or illuftrs. ratiùs vibrant, boy cyf a briler • Ad vicem præmit by way of re- Via, a city of Mauritania Cæfari. favour. ward. Vice annua, every year, enfis ; alio a river in Spain. Viburnum, lin.. [å vimen] the way. * Vice gratâ, by a romforsable and VIA, æ; f. Liv. (à Baw cofthew.yofaring erro, the wild viris or young pleaſing shunge. # Numinis vice, polige, presl, journey, a manner, Missor. like a god. Belli vices, changes the wcans or mathid' via per-V.cānus, a, vin, dwp'ling in villa and turns of war. vulgata, a beaten raad. • Totâ {"s or the country, a villager, bour, Vicifsim; ady, in its orders, by course errare vla, to go quite contrary. Del.ins. and change one afler another, is Roetam inftare viam, to be in Vicaria æ; f adepi taip, alio a exchings again. the right way. • Exigere viam, a vicer 8! V raram c: operim Vie licado, inis ; f. a jucunding by to commend mm. 10 pour briore. impendi I upplied his rooni. ob ngeshle racourſe. Ibrir doors. ·lovenire viam, to V.c.färus: ûg; m. the office of evi. VICTIMA, 2;fi (a victo hofte] find out an expedient. la vian car or drpury. a sacrifica, procarly for vi&tory fr . dare to get out on a jurnar. Vicarius, a, um ; ad). im.f.a of ruined, * Pizbere fe viftiman: Dux viæ, a lanter. • Strata anorher, or de 15 another's . rcipublicæ, so die for the jofely af varam, che fruls. • Vicaria mors, a dying for wins. his country. Viacenſes, a piop's of Spain. Iber Viajnarius, it ; m. a Jusrifler. VID VIG VIN Vidimo, are ; act to facrif'e. Vidúlum, i ; n. 2 (a via) a bag or vigilare, to ft up till break of dey. Vi&tito, are ; neut. to fad or live by V dülus, 1 ; mis napſack, a leather Noctes vigilantur amare, bilder eating. Parcè vi&itare, to keep pouch or budget. nights are polfid in wat bing. a ſpare diet. Viduo, are ; ad. to deprive of a hul- VIGINTI , indec. excor i twm Vi&o, are, [à vivo] to live by la band, or any thing that is near or ty. bour. denr. Vigintivirātus, fis; m. anfite of Vi&tor, the thirteenth biſhop of Rome. VIDUUS, a, um ; adj. ["86. priva swety caifunarı. Vidor, oris ; m. e conqueror; alſo tus, vel ab ant. iduo divido] be- Vigintiviri, orum ; m, the commiſ- be that obtains his requel. raft, deprived, left alone. Ar funers of twenty, who presared mat. Victoria, a city of Mauritanla Cæ bor vidua, tres in a vinnard ter for the bench of the bundred farlenſis, another in Spain ; alſo a without its vins. Videa filia, commiffioners. goddeſs. maidens not yet married. Vigifonus. a lake of Padua. Vi&oria. 2; f. a vi&ory, conqueft. Vidus, ul; m, a widower. Vigor, oris ;m. Ly. vigstar.freagt), Vi oriz, a haven of Spain, + Viccula, æ ; f. a ſhort space of force, frenos, lufinals, livelina, Vi&orialis, le; adj. of a vi&ory time. the beight of a dilemper Vi&orialis mas, ſuakes's garlick. Vienna, the metropolis of Auſtria ; Vigðrātus, a, um ; full of vigour. Via oriatus, i; m. a coins with the allo a city of Gallia Narbonenfis. Vigorn a, the city of Worceſter. image of vitory, balf a denarius, a VI-EO, ērc, (ab w mitto, vcfto] Vigõpõras, a, um ; vigorous. groat. 16 bind about, or boop. Visco, ére, to be vile, of no value. Vi&oriõla, æ ; f. laural of Alexan - Vietor, oris ; m a booper or ceper. Vileſco, ére, to grow vile, or of no drla. Victorlolæ,little images of Viētus, i; m. boep or Brake of a value. vittory. cart. Vilífico, are, to vilify. + Vi&oriõſas, a, um, adj. vi&oriones, Vietus a, um, adj. poft, weak, bend-It Vilifio, eri, to be baſely formed. often conquer ng ing, ſhrivelled, withered. VILIS, le ; ad). 3 art. 1o, iffimus, Victorius, a bilhap of Malilia, who + Vigenarius, a, um ; adj, the twen. [qaüxG) vile, baſs, chiap, lut fuffered under Dioclefian. tistb. twenty years old. worth. Vilem habere, to under Victrix, icis, f. Virg. She that con-Virenfi, æ, a; adj. twenty. value one. Regi vilior, in leſs quers, or obtains ber defire. VIG EO, Ere Iqu. vi ago, vel ab flem with the king Victrix, icis : adj 3 art. conquering. unths fanus]to flouriſh, be Brong or Vilitas, ātis f. ibzapneſt, baſe. Arma victriesa, vittorious yms. Tully, be in his full firength. ne's, vileneſs. Vilitas anaona # V.arices I teræ, letter giving Memoria vigere, to bave a good plenty en succont of a vibry gained. memory.. Leges vigent, the laws Vilitèr, ius, iffime ; adv. vile's, baſe- + Viavalis, le ; 2 adj. of ferd. are in forza. Purpura vigebat ly, dog cheap + Vl&uarlus, a, am ; sing, co tempore, purple was mub ist Vlito, are, to make cheap. + Vidūlas, i; m. fihalars commons. reguet at that time. V lla, æ; f. fà vicas) a farm or Vi&urus, a, um ; part. fut. in rus of Vigeſco ēre, to grow Brong or luffy. country-bsuje, a village. • Villa vivo, like to live, continkt. + Vigefiangules, a, um , adj. of urbana, a mandurbuje, a hall. Vi&urus, a, um ; part. fut. in rus of twenty corners. Villa Fauftini, St Edmunds Bury in Vinco, like to evercome. Vigesima, a; f. the twentieth part. Suffo k. Victus, a, um, part. of vincor, ser. Vigefimalis, le; of the twentelb. Vulānus, i, m. a busbandman, bore, come, vanquijted, repul cd, miffing Vigesimārius, a um; adj. raiſed from peaſant. one's reguzel. the collettion of the twentieth part. Villáris, re , adj. of a farm or country- Vians, us ; m. Liv, food, Julenance, + Vigesimatio, onis ; f. the puniſh baufo. diet, life. Tolerare vidam lacte, ing of every twentieth man. Villaticus, a, um ; adj. of a farm. to live by misk. Vi&us parab:lis, Vigesimo, are ; act. to puniſh every Canis villaticus, a majliff. plein diet. twentieth man Villica, a; fa dame or farmer'swift. Viculus, i; m. afrit or mall vil. Vigēsimus, a, um ; the twentieth. Villicatio , õnis ; f. the bold ag of loge. Vigelies, adv. twenty timur. another's farm, flewardſhip. VICUS, 1; m. Cic. (ab oix do Vigeftis, te, (qu. viginti affes]worth Villico, are, 2 to bold a farm, till the mus] fireet or village # Magifter or colling twenty ponce. Villicor, ari, 3 ground, to be tenant vicl, the bailiff of a town. VIGIL. ilia, (ayana, tel à vigeo] or fleward Vidēlicèt ; adv. [qu. videre licct) watchful, careful, diligent. Vilicus, ci ; ma farmer, bi tbat Iruly, withtu doubly that 14 to say, Vigil, ils; . a watchman. * Pre bolds farm for another, a tenant it frem, forfooth. fçctus vigilum, the captain of the Jleward or baillis Viden'. [for videſnel fall those ? guard. Villoſus, a, um , adj. rough, rugged, VID-EO, vidi, vifum,'ère ; a&t.] + Vīgilamen, inls; n. watchfulneſs. Shaggy, of frieze. • Canis villo- [EE] to Jes, bebold, look to. Vide Vigilandus, a, um ; to be pajjed in lus. 4 water ſponie. me, take my word. Vide fis, watubing Vilăla, æ; f. a little cottage or take bud I pray, Vide tibi, Cork Vigilans, ntis, watchful, careful, di farm to yourſelf Videre foonnum, to ligent about. Víllum, i; n. (of vinum] ſmell or ſleep. Videre alicui prapdium, Vigilantèr ; adv. watchfully, care weak wine. to provide one a diner. Sed hæc fully, VILLUS, 1; m. [rea G-] the ſbag fors viderit, let what will bappen Vigilantia, æ; f. watchfulneſs, care of a beaſt's coat the map of cloth. De reliquo videro, TN fulneſs, diligence. Vilna, the city Wilde in Lithuania. take care for the reft. Vigilarium, ii; n, a watch-bouje or Vilumbri, e people in the eaf of Um- Videor, ēri ; paff. fo fuem, appear, to bria. like to be ſeen. • 3: tibi videtur, Vigilārius, ii; ma watchman. Vimen, inis; D. (à vico] a twig, if you think good. Vidcor videre, Vigilācio, onis; f. a watching ofer, wirker methinks I ſee, • Videbitur, cari Vigilatur, imp. there is fitting up. Viminālis, le; adj. belonging to twig!, ſhall be taken of that, Vigilax, acis; ad), 3 art. wateful. twiggy. Collis viminalis, ibe V drus, a viver of Germany. Vigilia, æ ; f. | watching, also willow hill at Rome. V dua, a river of Ireland. Vigiliæ, arum; f the watuh, the Viminatium, a city in Spain, and Vidus, æ;f.a widozo. Si Vi. vigil or eve beforea foaff, the fourth others places. duus. part of a night. . Da tertia vigi- Viminetom, 1 ; n. 4 place where Viduātus, a, um ; past, of viduor, fiz, at midngot. Vigilia circum twigs on ofars grou, made a vidow or widower, bareſt. ire, to walk the rounds. • VI- Vimincus, a, um ; adj. made of Vidgata manuum portenta, zon gilia Cereris, the nightly ceremonies iwgs or wicker. fers without bands. of Ceres. Vigilias agere, to Vinacei, oram, the kernels Vidustus, tis ; m. widowhod. fland century, Vinaceze, aron, of rains + Viduertas, atis; f. calamity. Vigilus, the fixty ſecond biſhop of Vinacea, orum ; n. o gren Vidaltas, ātis; f. widowhood, belo- Rome. Vinaceus, a, sad. lefneſs, want Vigilo, are ; to wantb or woke • vi. # AC s viaceus Vidularia, æ; f. the fathel, a comedy glare de multa nocte, to be up Virāgo, i is, f. A. of Plautus. Tong before day. Uſque ad lucem dove (7) E VIN VIO V IR 1 man. : + Vināle, is ; n. a vintage. polchon. Violaccus, a, um ; adj. of or like e Vinalia, um, and orum ; n the Ro- Vindico, are , act. Liv. 10 revenge, violat. man fall of new wine on the iwo punijo, deliver or defond from wrong, Violamen, inis ; n. blemiſh or spor. and iwonlich of Marchi Tecover, arrigata, ga fris. * in Violaria, ium ; n. violet; alſo places Vinālis, le j adj. of wine. cives ievero vindicatua, there where violets grow. # Vinārii, ai f. a wine-tillar, was a purp punibing' of the Ro lt Violaris, le, adj. of a violat. Vinarium, in a wino vifol. mang. * Vindicare in libertatem, Viõlārius, li'j m. a dger of violet so- Vinarias, a, um ; ad), of or for wina. to let at liburiy. * Vindicare le lour. * Crimen vinarium, impoſ laid cxiſtimationi hominum, 10 krop up viõlātìm ; adv. corruptly, by taking upon wine. hus reputo among men.' • Vladi' . bribus. Vinarius, ji im. a vintner, tiplıri, care ab oblivionc, 'mol to lat a thing Viõlātio, on's ; f. la corrupting, de- Vinca pervinca, a; f. Là vincio) a be forgotten. Violatus, ûs ; m. $ filing, an a- periwinkle, Vindiaä, 2; I, revenge, puniſh.. bu's. Vincībilis, 'ie ; sd). 3 art. lapy to be ment ; alſo the prator's wand' with Viõlātor, oris ; ma defier, corruptor, overiime or moflered. which he touched the jervant's head deflourer. # Viacimen, inis ; n. a twig or but was to be made fra. * Suf. V.ölātas, a, - um ; adj. defiled, cor- oner. cipere vindictam lcgis, to rupud, troken, VINC-10 nx natum, ire ; act. Col. sain a law, 4 puaiſ thuje that Violens, ntis , violent, forrible. (à vicó) ti lji or bond, drown dúll. break it, Violenter; adv, violinily, by yorit. * Locuin p-aſid is vincire, to fa- Vind:num, the city Vendoime in Violenter tolerare, si bear with s- CUTE' a place with a ganri,on. Gallia Celtica. gaini one's will. VINCO, ici, victum, čre ; act. Vindlus, a spountain in Spain. Vio'entia, æ; f. violmre, forse, Cic. [v ix&w) to overcoms, vanquish, Vindobona, as Vienna. Violentia cee'l, a temper. win, xul. convince, expressargo". Vindogladia, Winburn in Dorſet- Viõentus, a, um , adj. violent, fierte, teach. Vincere caufam, to'rarry Thire. injuriul, 'persive. Ibe fuit. • L citatione vincere, Vindolana, Old Wincheſter, in Nor. Viõlo, are'; 2aT acc. (à vis]ro vit. to our bid. • Exocetationem vin thumberland. lare, corrupt, dofila, pollute, hain, ccre, lo exoned 'woar was expected. Vindomagus, a city of Gallia Nar bruik, srongreſs, pierce, cut down. Tantum pecunia vincerc, to have bonenſis, • Voce al quem violace, to cbu so much money awarded. • Vin Vindomora, Walls-end in Northum. in words. Vlolare amicitiam, at aciem ferri; 'is harder shun berland. 10 diffolve the lies of friendſhip. iron.' Viceris, b.lve your will. Vindomus, Violor, 'aris pafil. 10 be violated, cor- Vinctura. æ; f. a binding or tying. Vindonus, silccftcr in Hantſh're rupted, defiled. Vinctus, a, um, co vincor] bound, Vindonum, Viorna. à; f. Col. (à via] sba berb cinlrainyd, ufurid. V:ndoo iſra, a town in Helvetia. traveller's jos Vinctus, im. a priſoner. Vinca, ae; f. Cic. (à vinom) a vine + Vipa, æ ; f. a sop in wins. Vindus, ùs į m a band, a withy or vineyard; alſo a ligbr poni-boule, t Vipa, æ; f. Pbædr. (à vivus & band. .. under which the off'ailänits approached pario] « viper, un adder, Vinculum, 21;n a band, chain, 1br walls of a town. Viperalis,f. tur ir hero graci, Vinclun, fetter, impriſontpens, Vincalis, le ; adj. Viperarla, 2 ; f. viper graſs. a garland. # Vinculum focietatis Vincarius,a,om, of a vina, arcliffimus , the closest tye of friend. Vincaricus;aum, Viperinus , } a, um ; adj . of a viper. i;invineyard. Viperina &; f. wild burrage. Vindēlici, the purple of Vindelicia + Vincus, a, um; of a vine, Vipio, onis ; m. [nowi wy) a young about the Alps. Vingenna, sbs river. Vlenne in or little crani. Vindelis, the ifto of Portland in the Frace. VIR, Iri; m. Cic. drhe, à v!g Britiſh fan. Vinipotor, oris, ; m. a wine-drinker. vel virco) a man, a grown or fout Vindēmia, æ; f: Col [vinum & Vinitor; dris ; mi a wine-druffer. mon, a husband, the mals of biops, demo) the vintage, the fore of Vinitorius, a, um, of a wine-drol a man's yard. * Vir Dei, a pro- grapas garbered this year, sbe ina . for. Vinltoria falx, a vine ph. creaje of oil, bons), &c. knife. V!ra, æ ; f. a womin, Vindemialis, le; adj.' of a vintage. Vinius, a river of Samnium. Virāgo, inis ; f. Ovid. a manly or Vindemiâtor, ör.8;m. garberer of Vinolentia, æ; f. drunkennels. lufy rall woman. graper alſo a far thai riſes upon Vinolentus, a, um ; adj: 'avunken. + Virarius, 2 a, um adj. of great ibe third of ibe nones of. March. web given ti o.ne; alſo made with || Viracus, Drength. Vindemjatorius, a, um ; ad). Delon wins, Virbius, 2 name of Hippollas from ing to the vintage, Quali vindemia. Vinoſus, a, sum ; adj. much given his being railed to life by Eſcula- toril, grape garbersr's baskets. to wine, s drunkard, drunken. plås, after his borſes had torx b'm Vindemio, arc, to garber grapes. Vinovium, Binchener in sba'biſoop. in piacer. # Vindcmiõla, æ; 1. a small vin rick of Durham. Vircun, i;n. agruin place.' sage ; alſo small proft. Vintimillum, a city of Liguria, Vircas, fatis , grim, Powriſing. $ + Vindēmitor, oris ; m. e grape ga. Vinrium, the rity Venza in Ligu. Virens vi fore, in'one's prime. berer. ria. VIR-EO, ērc ; neut. [à ver, vir, Vinderlus, a river in Ireland, + Vinulus, i a, um, fuir, plastering, vis, vel Heb. parah, fructificavit) Vindeforlum, Windſor in Barkſhire. Vinnulus, 1 fine, lijping, minning, ·10 de groen; Houriſhi * Virent ge- VINDEX, icis C. [Evd.xG) i, ki pleafani. nua, his knees are firm and Jirong. Edo, a rovenger, defender from VINUM, i, n. Cic. fciro), wine. Vireo, onismo a green-firish or ca. wrong, e preferuer, A pofron to • Vinum atrum, fint, Vinim whoir a book is did.cand. Vin. rubeum, clarat. • Vinum Arrivirefco, čre ; neut. Col. to grow, diccs rerum capitallam, exruslo fium, Creticum, Chlum, málm sy. grow grien? nors, * Vinum ap!anum, or Talernshi; Virētum, i, n. a grove, graſs plat, Vindicatio, ons ; f. Cic. Frumg,, mu/codine. • Ad vinum difertus, a place full of grain things, puniſhment, dejenis, prefervation. witry over a glaſs of wint. Virga, a ; f: Virita vireo) nid, . + to . iw '; alja a man's yard. * Virge, giusn in law so profesur properly, an + Viocurus, i ; m. as jurveyor of the e bundle of twigs alle a Roman firtion of liberiy. * Vindicia le- high-ways. mare: * Virgia* cenſoria, a rigid cundum I bertatem, a writ 1 VIOLA, æ; f. Plin. licy ] a violit. conjuring of oiherr Virga pasto-- fel.cne free shit wus wrong fully ena Viola' Janaris, farin jiower: ris, Venus's begin. Buved. *Yindiciæ ſecundum fer Viola marina, coventry bills. Vligarius, di j miä verser, univer. vitutem, a writ to reduce one to Viola matronális, dame violors. # fig-goài. Jubjection who had folens his frui. Viola frmmca, or tricolor, bezrui Vi.gātor, oris ; m. & whipper, whip; dom. Lis vindiciaruin, a 'uil eale or panſes. dict. for rosovering a shing, prelended Violābilis, le; adj. 3 art. efly de Vilgatus, a, um ; adlı full of reds of 10 bę astaigid. by anotheris unjuj? filed, corrupiens, pierred, broken, lines, Jirenkid, jiripid, whipped. 1 ܀ wary birdi 1 Vcitas VIR VIS VIT A man. dink ng. į * Veftes virgatæ, auro, garments Viridis ætas, the power of age * Vilendæ magnitudinis,of a won* embroidered with gold, Viriditas, acis ; f. granneſs, verdure, derful bignie's. Virgĉtum, i ; D. & place whers rods briskeneſs, lugineſs. Visibilis, le adl. 3 a:t. vißble, or twigs grow. Virile, is, apparini, fo if Bin ; aljo.fee- a men's gard, Virgeus, a, um ; adj. made of rodsi Virilia, um, } ing. Virgi, s city of Spain. Viri:is, le ; adj. of a man, manly, Viſio, onis; f. Cic. a feing or hight; Virgifer, era, um ; adj. bearing a jout, Pro virili partc, 28 ene's alſo an upparition. rod or wand. urmat, es rush as one is able. Visitātio, onis; f. á vifiling. Virgil us Maro a famous part of Man. * Vírilis itirps, i Jue wale, a boy. Visito, are ; acł. 18 vifis osim. 002, quibuy or sb. Anelds. Vliilitas, ātis ; f manhood, á mun's Visitor, orit; m, a frequnior, haun. Virgifer, cri; m. a virger. yord, tar, ſpectator. Virginal, alia'; n, %nd of fee. Viriliter, adv. courageouſly; valians- + Visītur, imp. [ ab illis Jthey want fb. by Viriliter puer, 10 fie.. Virginale, is; n. virginals. : child, + Viſnaga, æf. Plin. «herull Virginalis, le; adı. zart. virgin-liko, v ripotens, ntis , marriageable, fit vijon ere ; acī. acç.. [à video ] ? majdon like. Felix virginalis, & and ready to be married. baud. Virginalfa vincala folve- Virilim, adv. men by man, man to vift, je, or go to fee. i Vitendi re, to deflour. , * Virginili vere 10 min, particularis. ftudium, an eagernes of gazing. cundia homo, a very bofbful person. Viror, Orls, m. gruinneſs. V:fontium, thecies Vilco in Spain. Virginarius, a, um, of a virgin. Viroſus, a, um ; adl lof vii]defiring, Vilor, oris ; m. & mojjonger rent 10 # Virgindemia, 2; f, the gathering or !uling ofter a man. Liew, un xyz-wilnefs, . of rods, rod. harvejs. Vi:õlus, a um ; ad). (of virus) veno. Visõrium, ii ; n. á fage ; also the Virgincus, a, um ; adj. of or like a mous, full of pofon, rank, tainted; virgin, + Viſio, ire, to kuzla Virginta, the daughter of L. •Vir Virtingi, Viftula, a river in Germany, called a people of Germany, } ginlus, who choſe rather to play her Virtingai, now called Wirtemi Wciffel. ihan let her be dejisured by Appius bergenſes. Vilum, i ; n. a highe, vison, appario Decccmyir; the name of a country + Virtuoſos, a, um , adj. pirtuous. ton, funtaly. in America, oslonging só England. Virtus, a Roman Godde, whore tam. Vilurg:s, the river Weſer, in Ger. Virginītas, atis; f. virgmity, maiden.. ple was a shrough-fair to that of many hond. Virginitate reſoluta,afio honcur. Viſus, a, um; part. of videor, fcon. marriage. Virtus, ūtis ; f. Clc. ('Aşeth, vil à Non ita dlis viſua cit,i: pleaſed + Virgino, are, in to chape. vir, vel vis) virtut, manhood, Tower, not the gods to have it livro Virginor, ari ; to be a virgin, play Arength, endowment, or excellere opus elt, one body muſt go ju. ibi virgin quality, a propersy. # Mercís • Jam pedum vifa eit via, I have Virgo, inis; f. Liv. (à vir vel virco) vircus, the goodness of a commo- confidered already rohich way to make a virgin, maid; alſo a bgn in the dity. In virtutem trahere, to my capr. Zodiack. # Equa virgo, a mari Arive to have 8.shing pass for vir. Virus, us ; m.the Aght or fense of that was never courred. • Aqua tut, Ornatus cffes ex virtuti. Jering ; alſo un apparison virgo, purs fountain water, a con bus tuis, you jould have skeived Vita, 2; i. (Biotin, vel à vivo,] duit in Rome, Charta virgo, your rewure, have been handſomely the life, a courle of life, felela an unpolifood writing. • Matura cudge'nd. behaviour, ford, the world. Mea virgo, a marriageabla maid, or an Virucinares,e people of Bavaria, now vila, my dear. Sic vita cít ho- unmarried woman.defiled, * Virgl. called Triſongenies. minuni, lo it faros will man that # Vitæ fuae vim inferre or gines facra, Nuns. Virulentus, a, um ; adj. full of poilor, Virgula, æ ; f. a little rod. * Vir Minking, viruline, renunciare, to put an end to one's gula divina, by God's power without VIRUS,'* ; m. (Ias) poiſon, dr. own life. 1. our help. srom, an ill frene, brackisones, falt! Vltabilis, lc ; adj. so be awided. Virgúlatus, a, um ad). mada with or ſharp juice, a dye, the ſperm,per., Vitābundus, a, um ; ad). Driving to Ariak, lika rods, Virgulata veítis, fume.' • Æruginis virus, the rafie avrid, lor. fitriped garment, of the Großs. vitæ, a people of Germany, Virgulium, i zn. a young ſeter ſucker, Vis, , vim, f. pl. vires, ium, ibus, Vitalia, juma; ñ, the viral parts or vitals, a company of young ſprigs growing '[Bíc, igyus] ſirength, povir, force, together. violence, confiraine, a deal, or abun Vitalianus, the Seventy fourn's biſhop Virguncŭla, ai fi a little maid or danu, virtur. • Vis divina,or m2. of Rome. virgin. jor, an unruffible calamity. Vis Vitalis, le, having life, likely or fi: Viria, 2; f. là yirco]a neckları negotil, a paple of Germany. 10 live, alſo cauſing life * Vitale } Viriola, or hraceler. Visburgii, thi prople of Germany. ſeculum, the time a man livss. Viriatus, one of Portugal, who..of a Viſcaria, æ; T. (à viſcus] tbe berb Vitalis, a bishop of Antioch, Aon. Joepherd became a hunter, then a catch.fly. Dom. 333 robber, and afterwards a gmeral of Viſcarium, il ; n. A bird-lima Vitalis, is f. the herh Jongrien. 8 grees army, and portelid bimſelf por. Vitālitas, ātis; f. vital Brengib and of all Portugal; hi vanquished the Viſcatus, a, um ;, adj. smesred with posuer. Pretors Veneidjas and Plancius,out bird-limi, inidous. • Viſcata Vitaliter ; adv. liurly, with life or at laff was treacherouby pain by a munera, prezents jent by thoji that livelineſs. Soldier of his own, and was wu: expta greater again. Vitātio, onis ; f. an eſchewing, avoid- Tuninted of his army. + Viſcerācim ; adv. limb mual. ing, Turning sway from. + Viriatus, a, um, ad) Prong, mighin. Viſcērātio, onis ; f. a giving outdoals Vititor, oris ; m. an avsider, sun- Viriculæ, arum [ à vis ) a little of meat ; alſo the garbage. Armgth or forre, Small fibBanca or viícero, are so bawel, to give a deal Vitātus, a, umjadi, shuningd, forjakon, means, weakness, Viſceror, arlof raw puh. Vitcalis, is ; f. 196 bero with. wind. Viriculum, 1;.n. a ſling-dagger. vifcidus, a, um , adj. like bird- Viridans, ntis į adj. green, freſh. Viſcolusi iš lime, clammy, tough. Vitella, a town in Italy, Viridarlum, li ; a a place grson with VISCUS, crls ; m. [ ab istus Vitellinus, a, um ; adj. Vlo!la. trus, herbs or grafs, a graſs.plat lumbus) an mirail, the bowels Vitelllanæ, aum, a kind of writing with groves, er inwards. .. Viſcora, dear chil- tablos, Viridarius, a, um ; adj. of a graſs. dren, wealth or which we liur. Vitellious, a, um ; adj. yellow, tf si plat or gardm. • Viſcera terræ, the heart of the like the yoke of on egg. . Vitellin:: Viridarius, ii; m. a gardener. earth. bilis, shaer, adu. VISCUS, ci; m. LEG] Bird. Vitellius, the ninth emparar a t viridicátus, a, um'; ad.mindegren. VISCUM, 1; n. š lime otiſol100% Vitellus, i; m. (à vita]chegolå of as or frelb, for absut with greens. a bay or net. Viridis, de; adj. z art. for, illicus, Viſendus, m, um ; part. fut. In důs, €88, young colf. gran, flowriſing, grafy, lufiy. ** be vissed, or feon, windorful. Vitemberga, a city of Germany. (7) Ez Viter 171. Vitlābilis, le, faulty, sinful. VIT V IV U L P Viterbium, the city Viterbo in He-Vitriolum, li; n, a little graſs, vi. * Vivum faxum, Madural moi. troria. triol, copperas. * Viva vox, the sushor's pronunci- Viteus, a, um, of a vine or wine. Vitron, i; 2. (à video vel vireo) ation. * Vivos duccre voltus, to VITEX, ieis ; f. là vico, vel ITEE glaſs, wiad. draw a fare to the life. De vlvo falix] Agnus Caftus, Abrahams Vitruvius, the name of Soveral me. scíecare, to pari to ibe quick. balm, sbajte trou, or bemy true. VITTA, Z, (Heb. Pathil, vel à VIX, adv. [å vis vel vicis] hardly, viacio) a lace, ribband, bair.lare fcantly, ſcarcely. Vix dun, nor Vitiarium, ii; n. 4 vine yerd. or filles. * Vitts, garlands of Hors. quita ya, as soon as rutr. Vix ,Vitātio, õnis ; f. & defiling or pail. eri with wbich shings offered ap in tandem, with much ado, at laj. ing. Sacrifice were currid } allo a child's Vltātor, oris ; m. * defiler, raviſer, ſwaths. U ante L. (poiler Vitralis, le ; adj. of a hair-!ace. Vitiātus, a; um; ad1. doffled, deflour. Vitrātus, a, um, adj having a hrad. V. L. for Vidclicet. band or ribbands about iho hrad. Uladiſlaus, the name of foveral kings Viticola, de; c. a vine drejtor ; also • Honos viitatus, a garland of lou of Hongary and Bohemia. planted with vines. rel and ribbands. Ula, a people of Sarmatla in Asia. Viticula, a; f. little vine-plant; Vitūla, æ; f. a cow calf, heifer, Ulbaneétes, the preole and city of alſo brichy. the Goddeſs of rinb, her frall, en Senlis in Gallia Belgica. Viticulum, ii D. & vino-branch, or infirumeni of mufick. U.ceraria, æ ; f. Dinking bore. Moot. Vituli Infula, the iſland Selley. bound, Vitifer, cra, um, braring vings, Vítūlincs, a, um, adj. of a calf. + Ulcerarius, a, um ; adj. making Vitigēnus, a, um ; adj. growing in * Caro virulina, osl. * Affum blifos. The vine, v!tulinum, rouj veil. Ulccrātio, onis ; f. e making of a Vitigineus, a, um ; adj. coming of a Vitŭlor, ari; to shout for joy, Tejoite bilt er fore. wantinly. Ulcero, are, to raiſe a fort or blifur, Vitilia, orum ; D. twigs no bind vines VITULUS, i, m. (Ta] a bu'l to rankle or super. # Viccrare with. calf, pur; alſo the young of usher Iccor alicujus, it make a perſon in Viulīgo, inis; f. tbs morphew of the great cartie, V!Calus marinus, love. stin. A fea calf, porpriſa. # Vitulus Ulceröſus, a, um , adj. fu'l of biles, Vitil!s, le ; ad). pliant, Pexible. maritus, & lustful or wanion buf but:hes, and fores, suping blijfers, Naves vitlles, wirder boass. band. • Arbor ulccrofa, a Iru with pk- Vitilitigator, oyis , m. a caviller, + Vitupus, « god ſuppoſed in give trid Imots, ta kbiter, wi ang'ir, barrots, make life. Uici, a city of the Lucani. hatt, picker ! quarrels. Vitaperabilis, le ; ad). blameable, ULCISCOR, ultus fum, fci; dep, + Vitilitigiom, ii; n, a backbiting, worthy to or reprived and condemned. (ab axua traho) 10 aumge, io borr- Columiny, quartilling. Vilūpērātio, onis ; f. a blaming, a venged. # Erit ubi ic ulciſcar, I Vliilit go, are ; (à vitio & litigo) cmlure. In vituperarionem ve mall find a sim 10 bo even wito y, so blame, maroaib, imput joilly, nira. 1o fall under blamo. ULCUS, črls, n. Cell. (EnxG) a bila, toro at, Virūpērātor, oris ; m. a blamer, re. bosch, fors, sleer, wound in the bark Vito, are, to defle, deflour, deform, pracher. of a tr16. Ulcus tangere to rub Corrupi, spol. Viruperium, ii; n. blame, reproach. an old fore. Vitiöse; adv. viticully, naughtily. Vecupero, are, [à vitium & pario) Ulcuſculam, i; n. « small or Night • Vitiosè fe habet membrow, this so blame or reproach. fore. mtober is unjound. + Vitūpērõnce, nam; m. rebukers. Uia, a city of Spain. Vitiösitas, atis ; f. nang btine's. Virūperoſus, a, um, adj. full of dif. Ulibiliani, e paple of Mauritapla Tin- Vitioſus, a, um ; ad). for, iffions, praiſe gutana. vitious, corrupt, naughly, vi.., un- Vivācítas, äus; f. length of life, live - Uliginoſus, a, uma ; ad), móit, wit, Jound, Visiofa nux, A Totions lineſs. plafby: wwrilho. * Vitiofi magiftratus, mo. Vivācitèr , ady. lively. Uligo, inis; f. [ab adus] ide natural gijirates whoje sledion was not after V:vārium, ü; n, a place where living monels of the sand. ibe ordinary manner. creatures are kopi, an aviaryge pond, Ulius, the name of Apollo as the as- Vitis, a river of Gallia Torata. park, &c. ther of health. V.ITIS. 88 ; f: Vir. (à vico vel ab Vivax, acis ; adj. of long life, lively, Vijzibira, e city of Africa Propria, iter fal.x) a vine ; alſo a captain's Speedy. Vivax in pænam, conti called allo Uluſubritanum oppl- commanding sof nuing live in pain and wilary. dum, Vitis lor, oris, m. a ving.planlar, an Vivens, atis, alive, always running. + Ullo. for ultus fucro. • 1955but of Saturn Viventani, a people of Umbria. Ullus, a, um, gon, ullius ; adj. [ab V teſco ére, to grow to a vine. Viverra, ai f. [à vivo] farat, unus] any one. VITIUM, ii; n. Cic. (à vito, veli Vivide; adv livelily. Ulma, a famous city of Saevia. ab aitia carfa) vice. noughtines, Vividus, a, um ; adj. lively, lufty, Uimaria, æ;f, mcadow (wust. driay, defoult, dafee or blimib,, a vigorous. * Imago vivida, a pic-Ulmarium, li; n. s groue of elmi, wrong » bellity. Ædes vitiu'm ture drawn ta br life. Ulmētum, Ela Aey in Yorkshire. facentes, a house ready to fall. Vivifico, are, 10 enlivir, quicken. Ulmeus, a, um ; ad). of an slm. · * Vitio pater, a ſuppoſed farhar. Vivificus, a, um, adj. 'quickening,Ulmitriba, æ ; C, continually testen Vitio dare or vertere, find fault giving life. wirb Imrods. wi. Vetus vitium, an old Vivípărus, a, ur; adj. bringing forib Ulmus, ; f. (ab ullgo, vel ab an dilemper. Vitiam offerre virgi. young onss Givi, matcria, ſylva] an olma-tres, nd, to deflour # maid., Viviradix, icis ; 1. a quick for. Ulaus ſylvestris, witsh baxcal. VITO, are ; act. acc. (à via) to a- + Viviſco, ére, u quicken to grow Ulna, æ; f. (uném] on arra, vid, fchow, sbua, dislike. * Vi lively, Iully,' • Ulcus viviſcit, the all, elbow, er kubit. * Circamd t.se frógus, to have a curs of she fore rigens. cerc aliqucm uinis, to stabraut any cold. Selpfum vitare, to fly from Vivisur, imp: (ab illis) they live. bis guilty conſtiente. VIVO, xl. tium ; neut. (Bow] | Vlnālis, le, Viträrius, ii; m. a glafer, or werker live, to live jovially. * In dien vi. Ulnaris, re, ad), of an all. verc, et livu wisbus care, or from Ulnarius, a, um, Vitreum, ci; n. a gla's alſo a hu hond in mouth. *Vivendo vincerc. + Uino, arc, so misafure by ells. muur in she like glass. to out-livella vivain, in my life + Ulophonum, i, n. while thijfe. Vitreus, a, um, adj. of or like glaſs, # Vixit. bo bus lived in l: sime Ulpianum, a nity of Upper Myla, transparent, britila, * Vitrea bilis, Vivere alicuj, to endeavour all ons and aruthor of Dacia. anger cauſing a man at difouer all can - jerve and pleaſure any one. Ulpianta, a famous bizoyer som Adri- that he has in his berop. . Virus, a, um, adj. vlive, living. an's time another who wrote the Vitrlarius, ii; m. A maker of glojs. Aqua viva, running walex, Calx Arabick sfairs, and others. VITRICUS, cl; m. (gs) viva, influrd'd lime. Vivus a Vlpicum, ci; wild or African gar. futher-in-law, or pep-futher.. mörg Alme of fortue living stjeet. Vick. + Uls! Tit. in gla's. } 1 } more. bog UMB UNC U N D + Uls (ab ille) of the aber fide, on lun; alſo the round head of a birb, Unciārlus, a, um ; adj. of the propor. son fide. where the feed lies. Dion of an ounce or a twelfth. .Fe. Ulterior, ius, go, oils; ad). [of ul- Unbellātus, a, um, adj. berid. nus unciarum, onu in the bundred. tsal farther, more, outward, behind. Umber (ab ombra] o mingrel be. Unclātim, adr. by ounce, or by far . Ulterlora mirari, ra winder at twein A Josep and a goal, things and mites. things pag. Umbilicalis, lc ; adl. of a ma. Uncinātus, a, um, um ; adj. baked Ulteriùs'; ady. farther, furthermore, Umbilicarius, a un, } val. OY (rcoked. any more or longer, teyind. + Umbilicātio; adv. like a navel, Uncinūlus, 1; m, a little hood, clelp. Uitime, Zady. the Trk, as ebe tal. ir navıl by nuvel. Uncinus, i; in. a little club crocked Ultioso, Ultimè affcctus, Umbilicātus, a, um ; bofed like a at the end, a broad arrow. brad. brought to the las caft. navil, having slaps or bucklos. Uncjõla, æ; f.a fcant cunct or inch. Ultimùm adv. sbe last time, never UMBILICUS, dm. Corpo G) Unatlo, onis, f. an aniinting. the navrl, midd'é of any thing, the Unetito, arc, ro anoint often. Ulumus, a, um; d). [of oltra) knob of a ring, the buckle or Unct!uſculus, a, um ; adj. fomeishat the lad, chiefs, ulino. • Ultima clart of a dook, the midland. • more Spruce and gallant than uſual, gentis, the youngeſ of the family. Umbilicus vencris, Venus navel more ſauced. Sanguinis ultimus author, iba word, or yaniny-worj. * Umbilicus Unctor, oris ; m. an ansinin, highafi head of the fumily. * Ul. pomi, the head of the apple again Unëtorlus, a, nm; adj. of or for a. tima excellentium, a la mi-re. the falk. Ad umbilicum pro- nointing . Ultima militum, the meanej duccre, to bring to an end, to Undulun, i, n. a little ointment. of the soldiers. Ultima pati, finish. * Umbilicos & conchas Unctum, iin, the lesf sf a to be brought to extreme ſufferings. legere, s gasher Veous Shells and lard, * In ultimis cffe, to be at the point cocklas. Uncūra, æ, f. an anointing with of death. Umbilsēcæ, arum ; f. midwives cut twent oinsments, polio, onis ; f. seuongo, a nyenging. ring the chi drens naurl-prings. Unctus, a, um; part. of ungor, an. ultor, oris ; m. UMBO, önis ; onis ; m. Vir. Vir. Cere burg ointed, befineared, wn, moiſ.a'd Ulirix, icis f. & pruinger. bupao) the boss of a buskier or with oil, p'raſant, plenscous, rich, ULTRA ; præp. (ab uls vel úoreg hield, The Shield, the knob of a ring, *Uneta patella, a diſo full of fault. pofterior) beyond, mort, longer , and the peak of a hili, pulpit. * Unctior quidem confuctudo lo. above. * Ultra quam, over and * Canctos ambone repellet, he quendi, sprutor and gallanter way above that. • Ut n'hil poffit ultra will ſhoulder off all. of ſpeaking cogitari, ibat nobbing con de ima- UMBRA, a; f. Ovid. (ab Huneo) Unctus, lls ; m. an anointing, gined_more. a Madew, gheft or spirit, an unbid. UNCUS, cí; m. [ab x tumor] Ultrajectum, Utrecht by Holland. don gues, booth or paip, cloud, dead e bukur (resk, anthor, fill book, + Uliramarinas, a, um, adj. coming carcaſs. * Uwbra veritatis, an the nut of a feel-bow, brate un- from bryond feu appearanle of truth. Suam ip der a beam; drag, s jurgeon's inho Ultramundānus, a, um, beyond the Gus umbrad metucre, 10 be afraid frument to take out the sons, world, heavenly of his own scadow, to tremble es Uncus, a, um, adj. [ab yxsy Ultó, adv. [ab olura vel à volo] the leaſt thing that is. kropked, besked. * Retinacula unca, willingly, of one's own mind and Umbrāculum, li ; n a shade, o anibors. Accord, moritur, over and above. faded wall, an arbiur, a bongrare, UNDA, 2; I. Vir. [abëvosiç motio) * Ultrò citroque, forward and skroon or fan. a wave, wala, trouble, a ihreng, backward. Umbraticola, z; c. delicals, no 14 and croud of people, Vada se- Ultroneus, a, um, willing, ready. during the ſun's hrat, keeping with. qusx, wavi upon wove. * Undæ Ultrotributa, orum, n. a lasing or in dorrs. acsiz, clouds in the air. Unda tekinig publick woré by the great. Umbrācicus, a, um, adj. of or like prima præli, the wine or wil ibas Ultus, a, um ; part. of ulclicor, a shadow, delicate, idls. Un is for prolod. * Undæ comiti- having revenged. • Uiton iro, 10 braticus homo, a money-changer, orum, the thring at affomblies. Vàng:. keeping all day within dcors ae bis Undabundus, a, um, adj. baving Ultus; us; m. rvinge, money-bank, arty ways, Ulva. 2, f. (ab ulgo] lodge, sea- Umbrátills, de; ad). done in the made Undalus, á logon in Galla Narba- grafs. or within doors, and in ferra. • Um nenfis, Ulubre, a town in Italy, where Ag. bratilis vita, a render nire kind of Undans, otis ; adj. Powing, flage goſtus Cæſar was brougbt up. life, ging, hinging losji Undans curis, Ulula, æ; f. [ab ululo, à ſono) a Umbria. a large country of Italy, much diſquieted with caris, * Un ſoroich owi. called L'Ombria. dantcm chlaaydem facere, to let Ulūlábilis, le ; adj, bowling. Umbri, the people of Umbria. bis cloak draw upon the ground. , , . Umbriter, cra, um, calling a madow. + Undator, oris ; m, a water-barer, , howling Umbro, a river of Hetruria. Undācim ; ady, by every wave, like Ulúlātus, a, um ; ad), having bowl. Umbro, arc, ro over loadow, darken, the Wautt • Menfa undatim ed, or full of howling. to keep out she light, kup off the sun. criſpa, a wiini frot zable: ULULO, are, Cacausw, à fono) so Umbroſus, a, um ; adj. Roady, bav. Undatus, a, um ; adj. waard, made how!, ring. ing much padow. like waves. Ulvõſus, a, um ; adl. full of fedge UNDE ; ady. [tivo TicGev, vel Ulyffcs, fis; n. the ſon of Laërtes U unta N. ab ebey hinc) from whmer or wbar mys eloquent and ſubtle Grecian, place, whereupon, wherewith, bors, prints of Ithaca, whi did great Una, the river Sus in Mauritania * Eft undè hæc fiant, I have Jervice at sbe Trojan wars, and Tlogitana. whorew.nhal shoe ibings may be afterwards was driven up and down Unà, adv. (ab onus] fogetlur, bosh, done. Undè gentiuni, of what ton geirs before he could get home. and alſo, all at once. place or country. Undè dono, Ulyffippo, the city Lisbon in Portu. Unānimis, e; 1 adj. of ine mind of what family gal. Jaid to be built by Ulyſſes. Unanimus, a, um ; } and opinion. Undocēni, æ, a, ad). eleven. Ulyffis portus, a haven of Sicily Unanimitas, ats; f. cxcord, corsfont. Unděcentum, ninny sins. overwhelmed with Aones from mount | Unanimitèr , adv. with ons assord or Vadecies ; adv. an eleven times; alji Æina. clouen thoufond folertii. + Unanimo, are, to be of one mind. Unděclın, indec. (ab unus & de. U Ante M. Uncatus, a, um, boooked. ccm) éleven. UNCIA, æ, f. ['Ouzgla, vel ab Undecimus, a, um ; is devenus. V M. for Virginis Mariæ, unos] an ounce or incb. • Uncia Unděcirēmis, is; fe a galley wiibs. V. M. for veſtrum or verum. agri, she twelfib port of an arte. kiven ears on a fide. V, M. M. for Vetum merito Mi. Uncialis, Ic; adj. of on cupce or inib. + Undecunque, frim wbul place for nerva, • Affcs unciales, sennies of an over Umbella, æ; (ab umbra] a little ounce of copper, Literæ paciales, Undělibet, from whme you will. padow; a bongrarı so konpoff the text laiters. Undēnārjus, a, um, the slowinih. Undenis mind, I G ofte gje. waftr. M271. Undisõuus, i, um'; adj. founding liks Unicolor, oris, Unedo, in undulata, woter-chamblo. Unigena, a; cinly begotten. U N G U NI V O C Undeni. æ, a; ad), slaven. thing by a small one. Ungues ar-j: Univerlus, a, um ; adj. all at oncs, Undeoctoginta, indcc. Frumiy-nine. rodere, to nudy hard. Ungucs altigether, the whole. Undcquadragičs, shirty nine times. ferrei, hooks uſed to cut off the Univira; æ; f. married but to one Undequadraginta, Indec. thirty-nine. cuffers from tha'uimer. De tenero husbind, Undequinquageſimus, a, um ; adj. ungye, from one's childhood. # Unlviraius, ks; m a woman', be the nine and fossiah. Ungula, ei f, the hoof of a draſl. ing nerriid bul' 10 ne: Undequinquaginta, indec. forty-nine. "Ungulæ pincers for fortare. Unīvocè ; ady, univsally, general. Undeſexaginti, fifty-nine, Omnibus ungul.s, with all one's ly. Vadetrigeamus, a, um ; adj. the mighi• Ungulas injicere, so lay Univocus, a, um ; adj. [ab onus & nine and twentinb. ini's claws on, as thiyº thai as they thaivox) univoriid, ogrning in name and Undetriglica, indee, twenty nine: peal. (onle, generally cowprohmding. Undevicefimanus, , e foldior of the Ungülātus, a. um ; adj. having large Uniufinodi, of one fore or faſhion. ninetumsh band or legion, hoofs or nails. + Uno, are, ko units or make mni, Undevicefimus, a, um ; adj. pbie + Ungülum, i ; a. a ring or thini. Unocu!us, a, um ; adj. having bus ninsipenth. ble. | Undeviginti, Indec. ningtim. + Unguftus, l'; m, a crook or crooked + Unose; adı. At ones, sogether. Undeunde, ady, from whencers poff. Unquà n, ady euer, of any sime. * # Uni, Non unquam, nevet. Undicola, æ;-c. a dwillor on the + Uno, } for Unius and Uni. UNUS, a, um. gen. jus, dat. uni, Uni, a pople of Germany, ad). (bis Éxos) one, alone, thi fame. Undequaquè; adv. ox svery hde. Unicalainis, a, um, adj. having one Unus & alter, two. # Unus cx Undiquc ; adv. [ab unde & quc) Palk, omnibus, one beyond all. • Una fross all places, in all ſides, round| Unicaulis, lc; adj. having one fialk litcra, oni lotter, Ad unum in- abent, Undiquè verſum, on e or fem. tcrficiuntur, shay are all pain 2016 viry Ads Unicè, enly, ſolely, dearly, • Unus nulius, net ſo much as ine. Unus fortiffimus, as brauf waves roaring wird waves. Un Unicolorus, a, um, one 'colour: } of a he as puer Grow sword, Unos diſon Dli, the gods of the fear Unicornis, c. having but one hors. omnium loquac fimus, so girat a #Undivõmus, a, um'; adj. caſing Unicornisisim. en unicorn. praler, that he has not his fellow a. Okt wavri. Unicós, a, um ; adi: ons, only, sline, gain. Undo, are, neut. to pow, ay riſe up fingular, excelent. Unufquifpiam, ad). compos. of unus in waves, un boil, flow in planteously, Unifollum, 11; n. oni blade & quiſplan; any one in particular, to cauſe 'to ouerflow, to adöund. Uniformis, me; adf. uniform, of one Unuſquiſque, unaquæque, unumquod. Vadolus, a, um, adj. full of waves. mape. que; adj. svory, ruiry one, all, Undòla, æ, f. á lissle waviga Small Valformist's, ätis ; f. Angleneſs of krot of people. фар.. V ants O. Undúlãius, a, um, møde like waves. Uniformiter ; adv. after one form. Veftis Voberca, i bony frut, or fruit. fon. Vobi:cum, for cum vobis, with Uneli, a people of the Celta Unijūgus, a, um, fogked but to one. Uncséra, æf. ihi /mallar centory. Unimănus, 2, um. buving but ono Voca, a city in Spain. UNGO, xi, eum, gěre; acł. (Heb. band, of one lori, kind or manner, Vorabúlum, l; 0.4 word, name nafach,. vel ab unguis) 1. anoint, • Unimamma clarfis, the army of er larm, & noun subf.ntive. la gruajı, beſmear, to perfurie. • Un. - the Amazons. vocabulum cjus conceffit. he be . ge caules, butier the soleworts well. Unimodus, a, um ;, 20}. of me fóre. cani ſubjekt 10 him. * Vocabula Ungor, čris, &tus fum parr, so be Unio, onis ; a. (ab unus) a fearl, ancipitia, wirds of the contrary fig. onointed, perfumed, bufmeared. onion, nications. Unguedo, in's ; fi an ointmmt. Unio, ēxls; f. unioni concord, agru. Vocălis, le ; adj. vocal, having a Unguen, inis ; f. (ab ungo) vint mint ; alſo the muniber of one. loud voice: * Vocaliſfimus homo, or any faishing to anoint Unio, ire; a8. lo uning couple to orie that has a raviſhing voice. with • Pingues unguinc cert; geber, make one. Vocalis, is; f. 4 'vowel. combs clammy with dawbing, Uniocŭlus, i, m. be shar bas bur Vöcālitas, ātis; f. clearners of a Unguentaria, 2; f. for that makes or voice, the frue or (Wut found of a sal ointments or perfumes; also the Unionita; x; m. A Sabelllan here. voice. are of making ibin: tisk. Võcālīter, adv. difinally, cloud, Unguentarlua, '!; A. & tribute for Uniftirplspe; adj. having but one Vốcāmen, inls ; n. a name, apella- Allowance of ointments and per Auck, Bem, sim. Vocament trahcre de, 10 fumss. Unitas, ats; f. unity, concord, have its nams and appellarion from. Unguentarlus, ji; m. a maler or greement. * Unitas alvel, a river Vocales, a people of Aquitain. faller of sinimenis, perfunst, having but ine channel. In uni- Vocītio, ānis ; f. & calling; an' in. Unguentariusque, um ; ad), of or for tatem* coire, to close together, viting: intomi or perfumes, Nux un Unitas facta eft. Cell. ihe wound Vocatiič; adv. by calling, in the vo- guentarii, a nutmeg: is closed up. Unitas fit, pun. caling saja. Våguentālus, a, um ; adj. aniinted, the bard of the gref and Black are Vocativos, a, um ; adj. Of or for perfumed. united. Unitas facta eft lacæ celring, votative. Unguentum, i;.n. an ointment, swari ſolitudinis, all thoſe houses are of Vocator, oris ; mia raller, an in. oil, perfumed. como a wild defart. viter. Unguiculus, l; m. a little mail. Uniter, in'one, sogaher. Võcãtus, a, um, part. of vocor, A teneris unguiculis, from the in. Unitio, õnis;f, a joining together: called, invited: Vocata eft opera, fonly, Unitus, a, um: adj. united, joined. I am engaged ather-whate, Unguilla, æ; f. ointment. UA Univalvis, c; having our one hell. Vöchtus, üs ; mi a calling, defirings guilla viſci, the dawbing of bird. Univerſalis, lo'; ad), univerſai. request. Univerfalitas, atis ; f. univerfality, Vocctius. a mountain of Helvetia. Unguinālus, a, um ; ad). oily Univerſaliter, ady, univerfolly. Vocifērātlo, onis; f. la crying aloud, UNGUIS, is; m. Quint. CorvěUniversè, adv. generally, sitoge Vöclferatus, ûs; m. Showling, yoks nail of man nk be, the boat Univerfimall at once. ling: and film growing over the rgh, Universitas, ats ; f. a multimedo / Vöcifčrator, oris ; m. hi shas winiti young boont if a vine, a grapp.book, gathered together, che gross or whsis, an iki-cry a. mufla. #Unguis rola, the white The generalily, an university: U..Vocifero, arc, 10 cryaloud, in rose-leaf fotoard the borsom. niveräras rerum, the world, univociferor, arla Ne latum, or trapſverſum uns verfa. * De unlverátite libri, as it Vocifico, are, io narii, soll, boks guem, not a nail's breadth. Ex 10 inhe general or main part of the known. ungue : leonem, 40 difroure great buk Vocitátus, a, um; ad), called oftm. Vocito, 1 me tye: . }n betere betingelser + borum quæ with you. } VOL VOL VO M Vocito, are ; act. to call often, ir oro. Volitio, onis; f. & willing - } (ELEW] so riul, tumblı, or wellow, dinarily. Volitus, as ; m. nifs. so roke up i'wrap, congder. Antc Võco, are ; act. (ab 2@ fono ved Võlito, arc, to fly often, fluster, pedes volvi, te die proftrate at one's Boaw.cla nio). to cull, s invitt, to yani, walk about wiggering: fusf. lo ſcſe volvitur annos, the give a nane so... In crimen vo. Per ora virorum volitat, he is year goes round. • Volverc libros, care, to call one in queflion. • Ali. murb talked or in the world, grows to turn over, or read books. Vol. quem in Invidlam vocare, to bring famous. vi in caput, to fall bradlong. sil-will upon any 1918, • Vocarc ad VOLO, arc, neot. [à ſono a'z vel # Volvere animo, fecum, cum calculos, to Jcan or bring to a à Bean lactus] to fly, paka haſte. animo, i ponder upon, to bothink rekening. * Vocare Deos in vota. , # Volat ætas, oge polls away. and cof about. Complexło ver- vo.vi 10 implore the gods help upon sur VOLO, velle (BERS, Brasau. uno spiritu * Cornix vocat pluviam, will, be willing, dufiri, mean, *V0 poteft, an entire fontence that may the crow fwabedes ruin. Ad vi. lo Arpinum, I intend for Arpi- 6. spoke in a breath. tam vocarc, it exhor's mne to live.. num. * Cuiego omnia volo, whom Volvõlus, i; ma rouler of timlar, Me ad Democritum vocas, y u pro. I will all happineſs 10. • Paucis Volvox, ācis; m. a palmer-worm. poja Democritus for any imita te volo, I would spouk a word Volūpe, indéc. pliajant, delight. sion. Vclit nol ti will be ful. Võconti), a prople of Gallia Nosbo nill be. Ncc fatis intellexi quid Võlupis, pe; adl. (à volo) doligben nenfis. Gbi ifta verb, vellent, nor did I ful, plesfunt, Vöcủla, a; f. [à vox) a ſmall voice, rghtly underband what thoſe words Voluptabilis, le ; adj. plessons. a whiſpor, report. • Falsa racu- meant. Võluplāriè; adv. pleafanily. læ, quavers in singing. * Recre- Volgeſus, a king of the Parihi.. Voluptarlus, a, um ; adl. of plea. andæ voculæ ciuia, to recover and Volones, num ; m. the ſervant! who, surel, bringing of delighting in Turpil my voice, for wapt of soldiers in the punisk pleaſure, unuptuous. Võčūlātio, onis, f. the arcent of war, fredy offered their ſervice, and Voluptas, 'ālis ; f. Cic. pleaſure, words. Were mede fra vilunteers. dal ght. Mea voluptas, my lwmi. Vögēlus, a mountain of Gallia Bel. Volíci, a pape of Italy. heart. • Voluptati cffe, to be de- gic2 Volſella, æ ; f. (à yello) a pair of Ightful. Vol, a city of Africa. pinceti, iwizors, Võluptiticus, a, um ; adj. cauong VOLA, æ; . (à volvo, vel à Bean, Volanicnais lacus, a large lake in plea urt. iclus the ball, or hollow o: the Hetruria, thirty miles in compaſs, Voluptor, ari ; 10 roke pleaſure. band, the palm. • Vola pedis, and full of fiſh. Voluptuoſus, a, um ; adj. very the fole of the fort. Volanium, the cits Bolſena in pleaſuni, velupiuiur. Volana, a city of the Samnites. VolGinii, Tuſcany, Volufianius Vibius, the thirteenth Volane, a haven at the mouth of Pa. Volſus, a, um, adf, having his hair #mperor of Rome. dus, plurid of; ffeminote, Voluſius, an unlearnıd purt of Padua Vòlans, ntis ; part. of polo, flying. Voltís, for Vultis. who wrote the annals of Romc; and • Volan:es, birds. Volva, æ; f. [à volvo) « Enver er other mm. Volazerra,, a very ancient city E cafe, husk, er skin; oila a Vulva, Voluta. æ; f. the dropory of the head truria. be mother of a pillar. Volaterranus, a, um ; of Volaterrc. Võlúbllis, le ; adj. ssbly tumblad Võlutabrum, rd; n. o place wbore Volatica, æ ;fi a bag or with. rolled, unconfunt. • Volubilis ora. ſwins walloco, the head of a wild Võiālicus, a, um ; ad). Spuds, ſwift, tor, an orator who has a pleaſing fow, 'the foil. as it were fying, fluttering effand, it. and safy Wlorance. Voubile Võlutabundus, a, om; adj. wal. Võlātic, is į m. a bird, forl. pomum, a'round apple. lowing, sling in the wind. Võlācılis, ic; adj. Bying, able «fy, 1 Võlūbilis, is; f. bind-rised, Võlūlācim ; adv. by wallıwing and fitting * Ferrum volatile, am volubilitas, ātis; f. volubility,' sr rowling. Puer volatilis, cupid. bully relling about, uncompany. * Võlūtātio, onis; f. e rolling, tum. Võlātura, æ; f. ? a fying or lingue, ut , m} or wpl. Võlátus, us; m. fight: teransı. Volub:litas verborum, Volcæ, a people of Gallia Narbo the gliding . pace of words, the de- Võlutatus, a, um ; adli rolled, tum- Volgz, 3 nenſis; Thuri cnniry' is lightul cadile they have. blod of ten niz called Languedoc. Volubilitèr ; adv, balily, roundly. Võlūlè, rollingly. Volcæ, certain marines in Upper Volūbrum, 1 in. n. a fough, a plasa Volūto, are ; neat, to tumble or roll Pannonia. where (wine ſwallow. often, to wallow, no meitas... Vo- Volcāsius, . the name of ſeveral con- Valuce, a city in Spain. lutarc fecum or in animo, ti con- Ju's and others. Võlucer; m Voucris, f. cre, n. ſider with one's folf. In omni Võlcatius Gallicanus, he wrote the adj. swift, Speedy, light, uncen: 9nt. genere fcelerum volosari, si de lives of the emperors . Dicclefiao, Võlucra, ; f. a caterpillar, Jullied with all ſorts of crime, not whereof only the life of Avidius t Võlucripes, ēdis ; c. jwife-fosted. 10 Black al any, bo che neuerfo baj- Caffius is extant. Võlucris, is i f. a fowl, or any thing * Volutari ſtudiosè in ve. Volcatius Epidlus, a grammarian, that flies. icribu's fcriptis, to poruje ancient who wrote the ads of Pompey, and + Volucritèr, Spardily, in all hajte. guthors with earned cars and dili- raught M. Antonius and Au- Volucrum, i, n. the after-birib. guftus Volucrum majus, wood-bind. Völürus, a, um ; adj. of volyor, Volcatius Tereotianus, he wrote the + Volucrum, in a small ſcroll, rolled, tunbied. hiflory of the Gordiani. Võlamen, inis; n. Cic. Là volvo) a Völūtus, ûs; m. a rolling. Volcentani, a prople of the Lucani. roll, rolling, volume, a book. *VO Volvīlus, i; m, the twiſting of the Volcian, a peopes of Spain, lumina ſoriis humanæ, the circula. guti, Volciènics, * propke of Hetruria. sion of man's conditions. Vomānus, a rivat of Picchum, õlēmı, orum ; n. [à vola) grias Võluntărie, } ady. willing!y, rea. VOMER, ) čris ; m. (üvis, vel à dari, pound pears. dily. VOMIS, vomo, i... ero) a ens, ntis ; part. of volo, willing Võluntarius, a, um ; adj. voluntary, ploughofhure. with an inteni, favourable. • No. of one's own accord, done willingly. Vomercu!us, li mi tha spade in lens voleos; whisher one will or no, * Heiba voluntaria, a wnd. M:. cards. lenter; adv. willingly. les volunrarlus, & voluniser. Vomex, icis; the top of a plough. Viencia, ; f'a willingness. Völuntas, atis ; f. Cic. (a volo, will, Share ; alſo vomiting. olcus, river of Corſica. pleajurk, purpose, defign, good-will. Vömica, æ; f. ( vomo) a run. olgia, a city of Babylonia. Voluntatem fuam teftari, to ning fort, roller. ippojibumi, a olgim, a country of Poland. make a nunripotiue will, * Volun. purje full of money. Jolglim, 1; n. (à voivo) a rouler, taje omnium, all bring willing. 10 Vomicus, a, um , adj. of or for vo- olg vagus, a, um ; of or like ibi m.ring, of a bile. ummon people, bajs, unconßant. Voluntii, a prople of Ireland. Vomitio, onis ; f. 4, vomit M:62, Falmouth in Cornwal. VOLVO, vi, utum, vērc ; act. Cic. Võmitus, us, m. in + Vo. arrow, lowing nous. Roni buod. } 7847, & 1 . hadd, g Vigo, inis : a gulf or swallow-u.bance, } adid, leafamıly, wit- ven- , U R A U R.G U R T como * Vomitiram, i;0. a vomit. Uragus, Pluto ſo called. Urgi, a propiu aj Sarmatia, between Vomito, are, to vomit oftin. Uragus, i ; 01, he that brings up the liter and Boryſthcncs. Vomitor, oris ; m..a vomitar. Urgo, . Almall ifand in the Tyr: Vömitorius; a, um ; adj. cauſing io Uranla, one of the Muses ſaid so in thene ſes. usmit, vmitery, indtic. vent ajirilogy Uri, a pep's about the Euxine ſea, Vomitur ; imp. there is spowing, Uraniſeus, c1; m. the roos of thi un the river Indus.. VOMO, ui; ilum, 'mčíc; l'Esta] dlouth, g. Uri, iorum ; m. [Germ. Tbw.] wild 10 vomit or bring up. Uranopolis, a city of Pamphylia, bulli, oup's. Vopiscus, a Romap 'biflorian. and anorber in Galatia. Uria, a city of Japyglas: Vopiſcus, a, um ; adj. [ab opis) the Uranofcopus, 1; ne par gazır; Urica, æ; f. the justing of corn, twin thos comes to the full time when aljo s hijos with an rye in his fore Urigo, inis; f. (ab uro] blaſing the whor miſcarrfus. ires and herbs. See Uredo. Vopte, for vos ipſi. Uranus, she father of Saturn. URINA, æ; f. Cell. Lćugrivl urine, Võrācicas, ātis; fi agreedy dozmur. Urathinx, a city of India wirhuur paji; aljo fur hing. Urinam ing, unſaciableneſs. Ganges. reddere, ta moke water, Urina # Võrāciter; adv. grædily, ravenously. It Urbänātìm ; adv, geatleman.like, vini, visugar, or the urine of one Võrāginoſus, a, um ; ads, full of like e city weg. tbut always drinks w.se. Urina gulfs und ſwallowing pits. adv. geniralis, the feed. Vö:f. tily. Urināiis, le ; adj. Celf. of urini, ing pil, a whirl-pool, fpond thriji. Urbanicus, a, um ; adj. of a city. proueking urine. Voranus, a very frivits fellow, ibe Urbānītas, atis ; f. courtetuſness.gen. Urinalis, is ; t, wild flax. *frued man of Q. Luctatius. tleneſs ini perib, or bobuviour, wie Urinarius, a un ; of, or for urine. Võrātio, onis ; f. & devouring. tinefs, civil 13:r1. Urinario, onis ; fa a living. - Võrātor, õris; f. a deusurer. Urbanus, by nowe frigo: biſoops of Urinātor, oris; me a divers Voratrina, æ ;, f. a gaping in the Rome. Urinatrix, icis ; fi diver, didap- earth, a whirl pit, a devourer. Urbanus, a, u; zd}, {ab urbs of the per. Võrax, acis s drvouring, unſütiable, cilya civil, ciuriaoui. wilis. Urba- Urinor, arl ; depilab urna) is dive, Vereda, Old Carlife. na arbos, a tree ruid by art, duck under water. Vorgäning, the city Trignies in Urbanus, i; m. a cirizin Urinum orum, (ab tas, Gallia Lugdunen Gs. Urbata, a city of Pannonia. tus) an siddle S A wind VORO. are [a Bogice clca) i Swal Urbi, a peryle of India. 88 lows, devour take in gradily. Volt Urbīcapus, di m, a winner of Uritos, a people of Italy. rare literas, to 'insd over letter. cities. + Urito; arc, te fuld. hafiily: I Urbicrēmus, a, um ; burning a city, Vrium, s city of Spain.“ # Vorlum, Urbicus, a city of Spain, URNA, f. V!ir. (ab ur cus) a † Vorſura, al'vtiſum, &. + Urbicula, ze; 1. alittle city or town. pitiber, water-pol, oueket, a three- Vortex, Urbicus, a riure of Spain. gallin pot, a ballot box, an un + Vorfus, ûs i m, a donis called the Urbius, a, un į adj. Of a city.gr for the aſhes of the ead. round. walled roun. Urbicus pocta, w Vinalis, le; adj. 3911, of c. pilber Vorlumnus, as Vertumnus. writer of jojis ond Arollery, holding ihrse gallons. Vos, nom. pl. Of cu [2 vog duol + Urbna, æ; f. a long sort, Urnār.um, ii; n, a ársfer, or olbor Urbina, a vejial nen, turied alive for toards to jab pishers, possy and Vormetipa, jour own dur!. her incontinency, , Votārius, a; omadl, of a vol. Urbinom, a town in Umbria. Urnārius, il ; m, a peiler. Votivus, a, um ;' adl. promiſed or Urbinales, the people of Urbinum. Urnuls, 2;. fi a little pitiber, a purchard Disha viw, medingt Urbo, arc, io draw a circle or dig Small urn for funeral uflies, ustos, Longing, wibing. * Votivae a french abous. See Urvo, URO, Effi, uſtun, re; 20. (ab aures, ainntive care, • Votiva Urbonc, a city in Spain. Heb Ur, Ilup ignis; to ourn;nip, VOCES, Dows. Urbs, a river of Liguria. gall the mind, 've %, Borsh, or cauſe Võtam, i, n. Liv. (à vovco] a vow, URBS, is; Cic. (ab Orbis, vel is wi:her. * Url virgis, to be galled promise made scoli'defis, prajer. ab Urvus), quo defignabantur with Aripes # Jgnives urin 10 be * Facere or Nuncupare vota, 10 muri) a sity of walled town. in love, Uro bominem, Incilla hiye Voto (cneri, to be under Urbs vetus, part of Hollada, called the bind, as having obtained the conte By the Saxons, Aldenburg, by the , Vivpygium, il; n. the swemp or crupo dition. Votum est, it is wiſhed. Danes, Brinnclia, and by the Võtus, a, um, : part of yovcor, Vandais, Staigard. Urotalt, a name of Bacchus among vowed, devorid, promije. + Urbum, i; n. Ser Urvum. · the Arabians VOV.EO, POVI,' vācum, ērc ; act. + Urbus, a, um, crooked. Su Urvus. Urpix, ics; m. a kind of garderier's (à Bow Impforo] 'to pow. deunte, Urce, e city in Spain, : icel." Sur Irpex. desire, promiſe. Vovere. caput Urceolāris, lc; if a pitcher.. Urruncum, i, n. the lower part of pro falute reipublice, to relóloe Urccolaris, is; l. pellitory of the wall. an curl of urn. So Uruncus. neither to pive or take quarter. Urceolus, i;m. a liitie pischer. Urfa, a; f. Plin. a Ibe-test. * Urſa Vox, ācis ; f. Cic. Là voco) the Urcela, a city in Spaini wajor and minor). br.greaser and woice, a found, a word, a rone or URCEUS. ci, mi (VyXn] a pitcher, Lilir Northern.beamplars. Ik nr. * Eliſa voz, a brill voice. watcr.pot. + Urfarius, ji; Max Drir-word, • Voccs, invidorun, malicious U.ēdo, ins; f. (ab urol a blaſting Uranus, a, um ; ad). of a bear. railings. or burning in frets, plants ar herbs, Uvæ ordinæ, tour.burrias, or body V anie P. an it hing, poseking or linging. . sordlea.gcoaſeborries. Urema, a city of Syria: Uilo, a sity and uni erfily in Spain + Upibilia, a; f. the goddeſs of son. Ureter, eris; m. Culf. we uretor by Ursuia, aj f, a lice she dear. dudi, k:eping men in the right wey. which the water plus !rom ihr reins Ursülus, i; o. a listle or fouting UPILIO, ons ; im. [ ab ovis ) a to the bladder, g a wherp or cub. Jospherd. Ser Opilio. Urctica, orem ; n. medicines pro Ursus, i; m. (CpxTos; à su Ups, Diana ſo called amung she La- ooking, urine, & a be.beur. • Uri auricula sul cedemontans. Urgelia, a city in Spa'n. ungliyi Upla'a, e city and univerfily Urg.co, . lum, cic; act. cup. Ew Urtica, æ; f. Plin. (ab Uro)" Upralia, of Sweden: Extremum agmen dico) so urge, the ca neil!c, a mu;lefo: UPUPA; '; f; etenk, vel a fono) confirain, compel, hi'en, prols in, prieks und Binge being torzy the hooporp, maker. for a lap. prousks, vix, * Anguftiis 2:skling of leashory. wine uigeri, to be in gra!! Biliyos. * Urticērum, fi n. a olgio U up!!R, Somnus orget, I cannot bric up my place where neities grow. sjese u Urgeri male adminiſtra. Uriicini, a priple of Piccrum. Urācus, 'ci, nl. IDe Plage of the iz proviucize to os impeached of Urticinus, a, um , adj. of nelles. urine roma infants 191 the womba g ill-government. Urticolus, a, um ; full of nistilos. Us skillets on. cbs mon. Now, 888', & Vio Jok: Volga. olgin cuer. mali row. Teck Ulipii, Ulincies, USU UT C U TR Uruncus, 1 ; m. ſab sping, Spiril-Lof a thirg, but not the benefit. fo, in some fort, in ſuch a manner, lum) the knot in the toltom of an Ulúcāp-jo, tre, * enke up on clair * Utcunque eflc contigit, full C:IT Of corn. for a term of yc.url, to hold by piro out wh 11 will Urvo, are, (ab urvum) 10 encompaſs, fcription, Utendus, , um ; puit. of utor, to be to fumble round. uſed, * Vicnduin aco:pere, so bore * Utcndum vit ætate, wo UV Seriur Oufe, running throufucapio , Boristili alle saking up of years, an holding by proférip mun make uſe of our time, Urus. m. [-bócos mons] a wild bull, Utensilis, lc, adj. 3 art. reedful fer hf. See Uri. Uſufructuarias, il; n. he that has the ut or einploymeni. * Utinlilis, + Urvun, i; n, the croaked plougb-l uſe and profil of a thing, but not the neceluries, buggage. toil. Dropriaty Utcr, utra, utrum gen. utrius; adj. 4 Urvus, a, um ; adj, turned or buw. Uſufructus, ùs ; m. the uſe and profit irreg (2jEPG) wherber, which of od upwards. of a thing, Lut not the propriety. the two Ab utro horum, by Usūra, æ, f. Liv, ule, ufage, ufury, whether joever of thoje. U anlè s. lean, osº intereft, cufom and fimi Uter, ris ; m, (ab uterus] a leathern liarity. * Lucis ufuram eriperc borile for wint, beer, &c. a bladder Uludimæ, a city of Thrace, called alicui, to take away any one's life. to (wiin teilh. afterwards Hadrianopolis. 'Uſuræ centefima, one of the bine Ulercūlus, i; m, a little bag. or jark, Ulia, æ; f. the effence, naturt, or dred for a monıb. * Uſuræ ufura the husk.of a feed, the belly, she skin matter by whiba ibing confiis, a sum, ufo upon uſe. Uſura quin incloſing the bud of c.flower, cunx, ufury of five in the hundred. Utercunque, utracúnque, utrumcun- La people of Germany. #Ufura bes, ufury of cight in the que, whetherfceuer of the two. hundred Utcriaus, a, um ; adj. uiarine, born Ufilitr, nfter the occußom'd fohion, Usūrārlus, a, um ; adj. of ufury, ta. of the same mother. + Ulitt o, önis; f. ulige. king, or taken up upon uſe. * Uxor Uter.ibet, which of the two you will. Ufulatum eft, imp. it is the common uſuaria, a concubine. Vieraam, which of the two. (ujicin. Usūrārius, ii ; m. a ufurer. Utcrque, utraquc, utrumque, gen, um Usitācus, a, um, adj. accufiomed, Ufurpatio, onis ; f. frequent uſe and triufque; adj. for uter and que) winted, uſual, coinmon. cuflom; alto a confident turning both, as well one as another, U. + Usitor, ari, io ule oftex, that 30 one's uſt whiib another tcrque utrique eft cordi, they bo:h Vip'àm, adv. (ab w's ut, &c.] any formerly was feixed of, ufurpation, lite one another. * Utraque manus, where, in any piace or shing. licanis, the two hands, Uterque alterum Uſquam, adv. in any place, thing, or Uſurpator, oris ; m. an ufurper. verberavit, both of this dear a matter, in ory wie, any where. Uſurpacus, a, um, part. of ufurpor, blow to each other. Uſquam gentum, any place on 14 h ued, held by preſcription. Utervis, utravis, utrumvis; adj. bosh, erih, Uſurpo, are; act, to uſe much and which you will US QUE, adj. [rb fos] until, un oftin, to mention often. * Jus ufur- UTERUS,; m. ſürp., ve! ab uter, 10, as long as ever. pill, eum. pare, toldly to take one's priviiege. vel 90 89f, über} ihe belly, she Uſquc ad huc, all before him. . in Uſurpare civitatem, confidently ro. womb, an infant in the womb, the Urquè à cunabu is, from his very take up the title of a fruman.' * hollow cabin of the wooden horfa. * rh luhood. Urquè eò, so far. Memoriam uſurpare, to remember, Uterum lerre, to le ruith child, Ulque affatim, his belly full, till * Oculis ufurpare, 10 review, Uteri crimen onul de, a ihild gos- he leave. * Uſque & ufque, al Ufus, a, um ; part, of-utor, wed, or ten out of tedback. ways, continually. * Uſque nunc, having uſed, Uthina, a sity of Africa. to bis zery end. Ulus, ùs; m. Cic. uje, praslice, asa Uti, as, aven os, how that. Uſqucadco, adv. infimuch, until quaintancı, familiarily, need or 06. Ulibilis, le; uſeful. that caſion to uſe, profit. benefit, advan- Utica, a city of Gallia Narbonenfis. Uſque adhùc, adv. bithirie. tage, cußom. Ulus ædium, the Utilis, le; adj. lor, iſtinius, profitable, Uſque antc, adv. umiil before. duelling in an houſe. Non urus commodious, fit, weful, who!fomi, Usque dum, adv., until that. facto cit mihi, 'is not proper to be prosperous. * Neutro pede faris uri- U quc-co-dum. so long. until. done by me. * Cum ufus veniat, lis, having little uſe of either fco!, Ulguc.extra, until he was out, when 'occa{sort requires. . Mihi Utilītis, ātis; f. profit, commodity, Uſque quaque, every whne, all . magno fuit uſui, he was very help ferviie,' pleaſurka * Utilitatibus bout, iitways, quite, altogether. ful to me. i Miht improbi funt tuis postum carere, I have no need Uſque quò, adv. until, as long as, uſui, I gain by villains. Ex uſu of your bolo, I care not for jou. how long ? * Q1:0 te ſpectabimus efic, to be advantageous. * Mihi Utliter, adv. profitably, uſque ? how long hall we wait up, ſic eſt uſus, this is my wont, this Utinam, conj. thai, would to God, courſe I tide. * Non uſus venict, Vtique, adv. then alſs, in like man- Uitica. a city and iſland of Sicily; there will be no need. ner, verily. * Ne urique eum re- alſo a mountain of ihe Sabines. : Uſus fru&us, as Uſufructus. linquere, not in any wiſe 10 leave Undlago, inis; fi [ab uro] burnt him behind U ante T, Utor, oris, uſus fum, uti; reg. 26). Urio, onis ; f, a burning, fearing. (ab Eow, Eccla, folitus ſum) to uloy Uitor, oris, m. a burnir, Ut, adv. & conjun&t. [cus, wori, 656, make uſe of ; alſo to be ujud. * Via Uttricula, æ ; f. a woman-barber, mewqi) as, that, to the end that, uti, to go the common way. * Uli th it burns off hairs. after that, now, juſt as, Oshab, familiariter, to be well acquainted Uitlago, ins; f. a Halling of com; although, whetheme . Ut non, with. Uci invidia minore; to be alſo a burning ix fores. hut that. * Ut quid, wherefore. lefs envied. Uti aliquo, to com- Uſtrina, æ; f. a melting houſe for * Ut ita fit, grant it to be fo. * verſ with one. * Uti valctudinc metul; alſo a place for a funeral. Ut res dant fclo, as our condition firmâ, to be in good healıb. * Benig- pile, proves. * Vercor ut non jam fe nis aliquibus uti, to find forrie to be t Ultūłatio, õnis ; f. a burning or rat quifquam, I ferr nene can bear kind-hearted, . Poteftate uti ad frorching it any longer. * Ut falſus animi quæftum, to ſet himſelf to get money, Unúlatus, a, um'; ficr:hed, feared. eft!'how Brangely he is deriv. Utpoić, adv. as being, conſidering Ultio, aic; 10 ſcorch ond fear. od! * Ut diei tempus eft, con that, Seeing it is fo. Crincs uſulare, 10 curl be bair, ſidering what time a day it is. Utpūtà, adv. as if, as I imagine; to Ultūra, æ; f. a burning. Ut ne, to the end that... Ut pri wir, Uſtus, a, um, part. of aror, burned. mum, as ſoon as ever. max. , Uluslis.'lc; adj. 3 art. forving for imè, at meft. * Ut cum maximè, Utrarius, ii; m, a runkard-bearer, he Dirt Kie, borrowed, Es much as ever. * Ut omnia con itbat carries buckets, or any liquor in + Uſualiter, adv. uſually. tra opinioncin accidcrent, tamen--- ballles. Uluārius, a, um , adj. uſual, ſerving although all things happen wrong, Utribi, in any place whatſoever. for che uc, borrowed. --- + Utricen, inis ; Eraſm. a bag.pife- Uſuārius, il'; m. be that has the uso | Vicunque, ady, howedir, after a sort, player, Utriccfium, on shee? porn, 7F VU Χ Α Ν cres, Utrinque, } adý, on both ſides. which way Utrebi;} adv. as Utribi. toth ways. ocean. Utricefium, the city of Uto. ng Vulārtas. Vultura, Holland 4 city of the Hirpi- Vuigăritèr, adv. commu Vulturaria, } ni, on the borders of Utricida, a; c. a deji,oyer or drinker Vulgator, oris; m, a publiſher Apulia. of boties. Vultūrinus, a, um, adj. of or like a Utricularis, te; of er like a bottle or Vulgātus, a, um ; adj. publiſbed. Ci vulsun, bag Tibia utricularis, a bag bus vulgatus, a common diſh. * Vul Vulturnum, city of Campania ; alſo pipe. gata verba, words of common ſ. an ancient name of Capua. Utricularius, li; m. a bag-tiper: al-Valgivăgus, a, um , adj. common, pro- Vulturnus, i; m. [å vultur vel à la one that has the drophy. miſcuous, flav.] the forth-eal wind. Utriculas, 1; m. [xb ute] a little Vulgo, are; a&t. to publiſh, make Valturnus, 4 river of Campania. bortle or beg, the womb, and the busk known abroad, expole to comunor, VULTUS, ûs; m. Virg. (luace ſa- of feeds, the firft bud of a flower, a ueprofitule, * Valgare mor Dus, cuxoy gingiva, fator lanugo, bag-pipe bos, to ſpread inſertion abroad. &c.] the fase, vifoge, or counte- In majus aliquid vulgare, to make mance. • Vultus bonus, welcome. & thing gre:ter than really if is. • Invito vultu ridere, to force a Utrinsecus, ady, on every fide. * Valgare concubizus plebis & Smile: Utro, adv. to tubich of ibe two parts, patrum, 10 make marriage between Vulva, æ ; f. (à volvo] the womb of the ability and yeomanry common. a woman, but more commonly of Vulgò, adv. commonly, abroad, fpuri other creatures. , ouls, promiſcuouſly. Vulgo quz- Vulvaria, æ; f. Minking orach. Utrobique, adv. on both fidei. fitus, a baſtard. Volgo occidi, + Uvor, oris ; m. moiffure, liquor. Utroque, adv. towards both ſides, to be lain before the people's face. See Uveo. VULGUS, i; m, and (à 1 Wormatia, the city Worms in Ger. Uuum, adv. whather, mu lus] the vulgar or comanen fort many. + Utrumcunque, 011 what manner fo of pesple. * Valgus ovium, the ge- Uvūla, æ; f. [à volvo] the palate of merality of she flock. • Vulgus, the the mouth. Utus, river of Myfia. common ſoldiers. Uvularia, æ; f. the berb borſe. Ut ut adv, bowever, Ut ut crat Vulnérarius, il; m. be that cures tongus gefta rem indicavit, be sold the wounds, a ſurgeon. zbole thing how it was. Valněrärlus, a, um ; adj. of or for U ante X, Z tuounds. U ante V. Volně ātio, õnis ; '. * wounding, Uxellodunum, Cadenacin Aqui. burting tain. UVA, æ; f. Plin. [ab upós, gibbo Vulneratus, a, um; wounded, burt. Uxentum. a city of the Salentini, fus, vel ulos tuber] a grape or Vulnero, are; act to wound, burt, called Uſento berry, the palate of the mouth, and er grieve. Vulnerare voce, to Uxentus, a mountain of India on this a fwrm of bres. Uvæ apianæ, Speak ill of fide Ganges. or apiariæ, muskadine. Uvæ Vulneror, ari, atus fum ; past. 1o be Uxil, nuntains and people of Uxia Corinthiacæ, currants. * Uva crif unded, &c. Liv, in Armenia Major. pa, a white gooſeberry. * Uva ma- + Vulnérolus, a, um ; adj. full of Uxįſama, an iſland in the whern tina, ſeaclueri. Uva paſſa, rai wounds. fins. * Uva precia, the rattle-grape. Vulnificus, a, um ; wounding Vol-Uxor, äris; f. [Heb. iſhah, vel ab • Uva ursi, Spaniſh red worile. nificus ſus, the biting wild boar. unguendo mariti poftes] a wife; Perries. VULNUS, čris; n. Liv. [ab Oun alſo the fba of brafts Wagri, a people of Holſatia. cicatrix] a wound or burt, trouble Uxõrātus, a, um ; married. Wallia, æ; f Wales, of mind, leave. # £ternum val. Uxorcula, æ;f, a little wife. Wandali, as Vandali. nus, an irreconcileable quarrel. Uxor ofus, a, um; loving his wife. Uvea, æ; f. the firfi tunicle above the Vulnera tabularum recentia ſtratch- + Uxorium, ii; neut. e penalty for optick Anew ing and croſſing out juft made. of marrying Wemaria, city of Thuringia. Volnuſculum, i; n. a little wound. Uxortus, a, um ; ad), of a wife, uz- Uv-co, ere, (ab usa vel udus) to be Vulpancer, čris ; m. a bergander, a orious, in the wife's fubje&ion, doting wat er muifi. kind of goose upon his wife, Uvefco, ere. to grow moiß or lank. Valpēcula, ze; f. a young for, a Uzalis, a city of Africa. Weſtmorlandia, Weftmoreland, cub. Uzecia, a city of Africa Propria. Weſtmonafterium, Weſtminſter. VULPES, is; f. (tegl a fox. Uveus, a, um; made of grapes, • Vulpem habere fub pectore, to Uvidulus, a, um ; adj. mift. . * A carry falfhood in the heart. feru uvidula, blubbered, Valpicauda, æ; f. tbe berb fox- Uvidus, a, um, adj. (ab uveo] wel, moil. + Vulpinäris, re ; crafty, fubtle. Uviler, er, um z bearing grapes. Vulp nor, ari; to play the fox, tele X ante A Uviformis, me: adj. like a grape, deceit and guile. Vulpinari com Wigornia, æ; f. Worceſter. vulpe, so shew aknave a knavilh X Anthe, or Xantho, ale anu.ph w Thelmus, i; m. man's name, Xanthedesfone of an William Valpinus, a, um ; adj. of or like a amber colour Winali, a posle of Germany. fox, crafty, Xanthi, a people of Thrice, and Wittmara, the city Weiſmar in Ger- Valpio, onis; m. a very crafty n. others in Afia, whe, being beſieged many Vullella, as Volfelia. by Harpagus, burnt their wives, Vutcania, the feaſts of Vulcan. + Vu'fio, onis; f. a pulling, a cramp. children, feruants, and goods, ond, Vulcani infula, an iſland of Sicily: Valsüra, æ; f. a plucking, a pull Tubing cut again them, were all Vulcanus, i; m Vulcan, the heathe ing. Rain. god of firs, feigned to be Japiter's Vallus, a, um ; part of vellor, pluck- Xanthia, a wty of Thrace. faith, and to forge bis thunder brits; id, brving the hair pulled off Xanthicus, April among the Mace- aljo a fire and a mandle, Val- Voltīcủlus, i; ma Unile fare, a donians. canum in cornu inclufum gerere, hin countenance. Xanthippe, the wife of Socrates, To carry a lamier. Valtuosè, adv. diſda a'ully. } Xantippc, zuho ſaid be kept her Valcanicus a, umadj. of Vul Vultuofus, a, um ; adj. of a beavy to exercle his patience; having Vacanias, 3 can and fad countenance, of an offefted folded him out of doors, the emptied Valgago, inis ; f [à bulga) pole-font. gravity: the chamber-pot upon him, where Vulgaris, IC; 2d of the common Voltar, üris, 2 m. [à volo vel vul. upon be ſaid, be thought that thunder Valgarsus, a, um, gentile, veigar, Va turis, 15, tus) a vulture; alſo would produce a fou er. samo, srdinary, me bantal. Valturius, a ſweeping call » Xanthippus, a Lacedemonian dp- Vulgaris forma, a man cauty. cock all. • Vulturtus hono, a tain, who aided the Carthaginians Vaigares puellæ, usaterumpers. greedy extortioner. againſt the Romans, Xanthion. X IL, ZAB Ż EL Xanthium, } g. burdock. 1 i . Xanthion, Xiline, a city of Pontus in Cappa + Zabolus, for Diabolus. 8. docia, called Scnuina. Zabur, a country of Babylon, Xanthus, thi: m. erity of Lycia, Xiphene, a country of Paleſtine, Zacantha, a city of Iberia. called alſo Xanthopolis ; aljo the Xiphias, æ, m. the ſword-filb, g. Zacanthol, the people of Zacartha. city Santem in Lower Germany, Xiphton, ii , n. corn.flag, g. + Zacbariz Alos, the blue bottle. and she river Scamander in Troas; Xiphomachära, æ; f. g. a back. Zacharias, the fourth biſhop of Jerd. alſo a river in Lycia ; one of Hec. sword, ſalem, and the eighty-eighth aidha cor's barfoi, an hijlorian of Sardis, Xiphonia, e city of Sicily. of Rome. and others, Xiphonia, a promontory-of Sicily, + Zacintha, æ; f. wart-wort, fue- Xathri, a prople of India. · called Capo de Molina. cory. Xauri, & people of Macedonia, Xoana, a town of India within Zăcynthus, an iAand and city is too Ganges, lönlan fea, called Il Zante, X ante E. Xodracha, a town of India within Zadadrus, a river of India. Ganges, Zadrame, a country of Arabia Fæ. Xena, a place in Creet, where Plu- Xocs, ? an iſland and city of E. lix. Earch sugs Lycurgus was buried. Xois, S gypt. Zæa, very ancient city of Baotia. Xenagoras, ræ; m., the name of an Xolla, a city of Africa. Zagatis, a river of Pontus. bjorlan. Xuches, a city of Libya. Zagoria, a country of Thrace, Xenarchus, chi, m. a comical poct; Xuchites, the prosle of Xuchos. Zagrus, & mountain dividing Media alijo a faripat.lick of Seleucia; żcho Xuthia, a city of Sicily. from Babylon. fri tüüpht at Alexandria, then or Xuthiates, the preple of Xuthia, Zagyftis, a fmall country of Libya, Rome, and grow old in Augustus's Zālates, an effcminate Armenian. f-vour. Xanic Y. Zaleucus, ci, m. e law giver of Lo- Xencus, one of Chios, who publiſhed in cris, who put out ne of his own volume concerning that iſland. Xylenopolis, a city tuilt by Alexan eyes, and one of his son's, to fulfi Xenaces, 4 Corinthian, who toughs der on the borders of Caria and his own law againſ adultery. Drgenes, who told hin, (being India, Ziliícus, the river Bolli in Galatia. sted what he could do) Thai thor Xyline, as Xiline. Zaliffa, the city Scaader in Iberia. he was a live, set he could gourm XYLINUM, 1 ; m. [koniyoy] fufian Zāma, a city of Africa, where Scipio frumut, whernumon he made him or cottoni, vanquished Hannibal fru, and tutor to his children. Xylinus, a, um ; of cotton or bombol, Zama; a fountain of Africa, whoſe Xen oluni, i; n. a ſmall prelint. witer greatly clears the throat. Xenion, he wrote of Creet and Italy. Xylobalsămum, i, n. the wood of the Zanazi, a people of Libya Interior, Xen:ppo, a country bordering upon balfum-tree. Zincis Ninias, the fifth king of Al S:ythia. Xylocinnămon, 1, n. the wood of the ſyria. Xenium, li, n. a preſent or token, g. cinnamon-tret, & Zameros, a mountain of Arabia F2. Xenius, Jupiter jo cclled. Xylon, i, n. the collon-forub, g. lix. Xinecrates, t:s; m. a philoſopher of Xylõphagus, i, m. a worm breeding Zamia, æ; f. a damage, detriment, Ctzlcedon, of whom bis mafier in timber, injury, forewd tuin, g. Plato juid, Ariſtotle had nerd of a Xynia, e city of Theffaly: Zamiæ, arum ; dine-nuts opening upon bridle, but Xenocratcs of a Spur ; Xyris, idis, f. Jinking gladwin, g. the tree, and hurting others unleſs and ſeveral others. Xyrõthoca, æ, f.a rafor-cafe, g. plucked of, g. Xenodochium, ii ; n. an hospital for Xyftianus, a, um ; of Xyftis Zamnes, a city of Æth'opia. poor travellers or pilgrims ; alſo on Xyitici, Roman fencers, who in Zamo!xis, a rholar and Servant of inn a guei. houſe, g. winter time fought in porcbus and Pythagoras, canonized ar bis death. Xenodorus, rj, m. a famous Batuary; couired places. Zanaatha, a city of Arabia Petrza. alſo an hijorian of Træzen. Xyfticus, a, um ; maſer of exerciſes, Zancle, a city of Sicily, taken alfo fer Xenophanes, a philoſopher of Colo- Sicily itfef. phon. who wrote againſt Heſiod Xyftis, 4 city of Caria. Zanclæus, a, um, adj, of Zancle. and Homer copeerning the gods ; Xyftum, i; n. an open gallery for Zanclæus, an ola mon of Samothrace, alſo an iambic poet of Lesbos. walking or exerciſe in femner. who had young teach Sprung up Xenophilus, lių m. a phyacian, who XYSTUS, i, m. (Euonost a covered 'when he was en hundred and four Truid on hundred and leven years gallery for winter exerciſes, without fickneſs. Xyftus, the firth, and three and + Zaphirua, i, m, a gile head. Xcnophon, ntis, m. an Athenianghi twentieth biſhop of Rome. Zaragardia, a city of Mefopotamia. loſopher, and scholar of Socrates, Zaral, a city of Mauritania Czfari. called for his eloquence Muſa Ata enGs. rica; he was in fovour with Cy. Y. Zarama, a city of Media. rus minor, while education be Zaraſpæ, a poople of Afia. wrote ; and feveral others. + Y Reus, ci, m. e mola-cony. Zarax, e city of Peloponneſus, Xera, a city by hercules's pillars, + Y lopum, i, o, buhop. Zareus, a mountain of Mcdia. called Xeres de la Frontiera. t Yacca, æ, f. Indian bread. Zareta, a mountain beyond the Chal- Xérampelinus colo', g. 4 murty. cedonian fea. breeding (mall crocco colour. Fuille-morto, dilas, celled Zarerli. Xerolibya, the inw.rd part of Li- Zarez, a city of Lycaonla. bya, not inhabited for want of wa. z anta A. Zariaſpa, a ciry of Bictriana. Zarmiſogethuſa, a royal city of Da- Xerophagia, æ, f. an saling of dry Zarams, & country of Arabia Fæ ciz, + Zarzaparilla, 2; f. Sarſaparilla. Xerophthalmia, a, f, a dry ſereness Zaốa, a city of India within Gan. Zaucres, a people of Libya. of the eyes, 8. ges; alſo an iſland about Tapro- Xerxenc, a northern country of Media, bana. Z anle E. tarwren Iberia and Albania Zabarus, a river near Tigris. Xerxes, s, m. the son of Darius, and Zabdæa, a country of Perſia. ZEA, æ, f. ha? Inalt. Sing of Perſia, whoſe army of Je- Zabdicena, a country beyond Ti. Zebecc, a city of Geliiza, uenicon hundred thouland gris. Zebylis, a city of Libya. 278. unnguiſhed by forty theuland 7abaces, a prople of Africa. Zedoaria, æ, æ, ryúðaga) zedgory. Greeks alſo a painter of Hera. Zabel, a mountain of Arabia Fællx, Zela, a city of Armcn:a. cltz, who fel very much by a where Mahomet was wont to pray, Zela, rious piaure of Venus. or rather, conſult the devil .. Zola, } a city of Troas. + Zabeina, e profs for clearbs, &c, Zelandia, a country of Lower Gore X antı 1, 0, GU, Zabil, a people of India. many, and a Daniſh iſland, zabirna, a city of Libya. Ze'es, a city of Spain, illa, e city of Libya. Zabius, king of the Hyperborci. Zelia, a city of Troas, Zella, 1 years old. 1 nr. man cu ZEU ZOP Z Y T na. Zella, sity of Africa. Zopyrion, a governor of Pontus, and Zelo, are ta beje, or Z ante I. an. hißorian Vior, azi out. 10 ehty, Zopyrus, a nobleman of Perfia, who Zelotes, a, um, aaj jepteur ZIBET HUM, i, n. [ab Heb. acubb eur off his moe and ears, and fiel 10 Zelotes, a, mh one that is jealous, & cfluxit] civet. Babylon, prelenging Darius bad Zeotypia, æ, . je-louſy, 8. Ziela, a c ly of Cºppadocia. dine it ; and teing made their gene- Zetoly ans, a, um, adi jealoul, Zilla, a city of Ma ritapia Tingita ral, betrayed it to bim, who lidi 2ELUS, 1. f&nkos) el, carmel bad rather bave Zopy us whole - Judy, mut se attenmuy dara, a ty of Armenia Major gsin than to take troenty B bylons ; Zeus, a city of Ehiopia Zinziber, er is, n. also a phylogemit, who judged by Zenith, indec. n. (Arab.) the point Zing beri, indec. [Egione] Socrates's features that he was 27- direally wer cur heads: Zingiberis, is ; f. Einger. cious, which be confes'd be as by 2ěno, onis, m. e philofopher of Cy Zingiber, oris, n. nature, but that he bod civilized prus, and father of the Stoicks ; Zingte promontory of Ethiopia, himſelf by bit philoſophy and ruryal abers Ziroctium, city of Bithynia, Zoroaft ose king of Batria, and ea- Zenobiat æ; f. e guten of the Palmy Zizana, orum, n. taseg thor of Perhan magica, who is ſaid reni, she uped the government of 21zeros, a biven in Ind a. te have laughed as soon as bon. the world, but was ezzeone end Zizirius, city on the borders of Col. I + Zoronyfius, a precious fiene ujed by led in triumph by Aurelianas in gol- chis. magicians. den ebain, + Zizipha, æ; f. brod-tree. Zdropaffus, a dily of Armenia Major. Zenobii, feven iflandı mar Aribia Zim phun, i. n. the fruit jujubes, gi Zosimus, the thirty minh bilbop of Falix. Ziziphus, i, the jujube-tree. Romej alean horian, and enemy Zenodolinm, a city of Oſthoone. to the brisiants Zenodotus, ti, n. a grammarion, the Z ante MGO Zofter, eris, m. St Anthony's fire, g: keeper of Ptolomy's library; be first Zofter, a promontory of Africa, and correlted and recured Homer's werks] + Zmilăces, a precious done in the another in Italy inta erder ; alſo a fopbiller whe river Euphrates Zotale, a tiver of Margfana. furned Salluft into Greek; end Zmilus, a famous ar bite. Zotape, a city of Iraur:a. feveral others. Zmirna, a city of Moefia, Zot.cus. A rich faveuite of Heliogaba. Zenon, Roman emperor, Anno Zoara, a city of Perha; alſo a turm lus; oljo a boly bill.op of Comagena. Dom. 476. in Paleftine Zonton, 4 city of Ethiopia Zephyte, a ſmall iſland of Crert Zoari, the people of Zoara. the daughter of Zephyrus in Catul. Zoareni, Zane E, U, Y. Jug. Zobidæ, & peple near Carmania. Zephyrium, erity of Cilicia : alfo an Zodăcus i, m. the zod ack, g. Zetritanos, bifaprick of Afries, antint name of Halicarnaffus, and Zoe, en empre, and ether woment. Zachabatus, a mountain of Africa premortery of Magna Græcia, and Zoela, a propie of Auftria in Spain. Propria oly places. + Zoelicom, i, neut. Spaniſh flax of. Zachis, a city of Libya near Syrtis. Zephyrius, a, um ; ad). g. of the well ububs they make thread for bird-1 Zug na, a city of Arabia Felix. tund. Ova z phyris wind eggs, Zugat, e city in Africa. 14 Land without the treading of a Zoctium, a city of Armenia. Zuuli, a fagple of Germany. cock. Zogocara, a rily of Armenia Mejor, Zura, æ ; f. Afric.) a white-thorn- ZEPUYRUS, i, m. [of pupos] the Zoilas. a critical fophifer. of Am. berty. well wind. g. phipolis, who wrote againHD-Zuz, indec. (Heb.] the fourth part of Zeranla, a country of Thrace. mer; whence be on called Ho a ſhekel. Zerani, the farle af Zerania meromax, wyd niw for any Zydrite, a people about Pontus. Zerbis, a riter of Meſopotamia. carbing fellow). Zygactes, a river Thrace. Zerynthos, a city and leven Hecate Zoitum, a ejty of Arcadia Zygæna, æ, f. the ballanre-flb. in Samothrace. Zombis, a city of Media. Zygentes, a people near Orthage in Zeryathius, a, um ; of Zesynthus. ZONA, ; f. 15on) a girdle or Africa, who lived we are g. Zetz, ; 4. (a se ferveo] um purjeels a land of St. Abthony's Zygena, an iſland, in ibe Rey Sea. room, a shamber and dining-room, fire and the broad cir:les of the Zygenites, the people of Zygone. on apartment, sera. glohe, difinguiſhing the temper of Zygès, 4 people of Manatica. Zetēcula, e, f, a partition in a reoms countries upon earth, wberoof one zygir people of Afia, within a fireen, a les is irrid, two frigid, and tua Zygianus, a, um ; of the Zyg'. Zelenia, at n. A quellion. g. temparetu. •Zonam folvere, to Zyga, a name of J-no a Pirdar, as Zetha, a prumenter of Africa. cefleur. Zonam perdidit, he has preſiding wer marriage Zeihes, the fon of Boreas, and brother lol ever forthing of his money, bu. Zyg a tibia, ( ugos juguma pipa of Calais, baile Agents, Jaid to be net 4 tiker loft. i tohich they played or weddings. nged, end jent to drive away the Zorras, a famous biflorien, Zygiane, a reuntry of Bishyria. Zonārus, a, um, adj. of girdle or Zypensus, a, 493 of Lygçna. Zemus, the fon of Jupiter end purſe. Zonarius fector, a cutZygis g. wild beroey 2.ethas, Antiope, und brether of Zygira, z, m. be tharqwed in the Amphion. Zonarius, ii; ma girdle, middle. Zeugitana, a cotentry of Africa, bor. Zonālim, adv. by circles, or like a eis Zygopolis, a city of Pontas near Tra- dering in Numidia. cle Zeugma, grity of Syrit ind Dacia Zonula. , f. a little tirdle, girdle, 2, gollata, æ ; m, a derk of the mar- Zeugmaals; n. a figure in gram or putt, kel, g tor, when e verd agreeing with dj-Zrographis, æ; f. a defeription of Zygeftaticus, a, um, g of fixteen an a jeg ve with Hunt ng of beals, g. cuentes, or the clerk of a market. divers fuif? ons vers 13 referred to Zoophtha'mon, m. ox-eye, or fen- Zymites, æm. lzavened bread. one trally, and to the box by green. Zymna, a sily ef sy ia fupplement; as, vidit luxaries pu Zoophytam, n. a plant-onimal, g. Zymoma, tis, & lewening. dorem, audac a rimorem, intana Zoppritlus, a city of Armenia Ma- Zyras, ar vor of Thrace. rationem zor Zy heofa, æ, m. a brewer. g. Zens, fisken abort Ciles, Zophorus, i, m. the border ghout the Zythum, i, n. 2 (gv) beer Zy- Wenxis, ez ellent partner of Hera- bepiter of a pillar, the freeze g. Zythu, i, m. Ở thun i'lipplant m, clea, zobe grew way rith, Zophiæ, f. pitch taken from and Reaso, a ſea monpb. sempered with wax and Jalf, g. mers Dezus. Ders Non 0 N 1 S.S.S Richard UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00506 0036 # - A :