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A major reason has been the lack of readily understandable and usable information about fields of work with which they can match their own interests and abilities. Vocational counselors have similarly felt the need for such information on Occupational fields and occupational requirements through which they can aid counselees explore appropriate kinds of work. This Guide for Occupational Exploration has been designed by the U.S. Employ- ment Service to help meet this need. The Guide is intended for use both by vocational counselors and by individuals themselves to assist with career and Occupational exploration. The Guide groups the thousands of occupations in the world of work by interests and by ability and traits required for successful performance. Descriptive informa- tion is provided for each work group to assist the individual in reviewing, understanding, and evaluating his or her own interests and potentials and relating them to pertinent fields of work. Thus, the Guide enables individuals to identify and explore those areas of work in which they have strong interest. Within these areas, individuals can then identify those work groups whose job requirements are most closely related to the individuals’ skills and potentials. For the counselor, the Guide joins the General Aptitude Test Battery, a forthcoming new measure of interests—the USES Interest Inventory—and a newly revised Interest Checklist in forming a coordinated assessment-occupational explo- ration system to aid in carrying out effective counseling. We hope that the Guide will make a significant contribution toward meeting the needs of individuals in finding themselves vocationally. WILLIAM B. LEWIS Administrator U.S. Employment Service For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 029–013—00080–2 ii Acknowledgments The Guide for Occupational Exploration was produced by the U.S. Employment Service in the Office of Technical Support, Harold Kuptzin, Director. Planning and direction were provided by Adaline Padgett of the Division of Occupational Analysis and Robert Droege of the Division of Testing, assisted by Earl Sizemore of the Division of Occupational Analysis. Special recognition is due the following for their contributions to this endeavor: Anthony Fantaci, Chief, Division of Testing (formerly Chief, Division of Counsel- ing and Testing), who gave leadership and guidance throughout the project and also assisted in developing techniques for its use; and Abraham Stahler, Consultant on Employment Counseling (formerly National Supervisor of Employment Coun- seling, USES), who provided leadership, advice, and guidance, directed the coordination among the various divisions involved, was responsible for the development of material describing the use of the Guide in vocational counseling, and assisted in editing the contents of the publication. Earl T. Klein, Director of the Office of Program Services of the U.S. Employ- ment Service, provided valuable support, coordination with counseling specialists, and constructive suggestions that contributed greatly to the completion of the Guide. Oscar Gjernes, Chief, Employment Counseling and Special Applicant Services Unit, assisted in the planning and final review of the publication. Participating in the development of the work groups and descriptive materials were the following: Evora McGlone, Division of Occupational Analysis; John Doyle and Howard McNeely, California Occupational Analysis Field Center; Dennis Doyle and John Johnson, Florida Occupational Analysis Field Center; Bessie Kuhn, Missouri Occupational Analysis Field Center; Alvin Sachs and David Knapp, New York Occupational Analysis Field Center; Michael Swaim, North Carolina Occupational Analysis Field Center; Kenneth Kiel and Pat Gage, Texas Occupational Analysis Field, Center; Frank Jacobsen, Fred Johnsen, and Phil Leigh, Utah Occupational Analysis Field Center; and Barbara Taylor, Washington Occupational Analysis Field Center. Tod Strohmenger, educational development specialist, Appalachia Educational Laboratory, assisted in review of the work groups and in developing the sub- groups. - Acknowledgment is also made to Robert Horstman, computer specialist, Office of Administration and Management, Employment and Training Administration, for specialized computer services related to the development of the publication. Mary Neal Bobbitt, supervisor of the clerical activities of the North Carolina Occupational Analysis Field Center, and her staff processed the group descriptions and job listings for computerization. Lenora West, Yvonne Young, and Barbara Brent of the Division of Occupation- al Analysis provided support services. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following persons who participated in preliminary planning for the development of this publication: Mrs. Lillian Avery, Manager, California Test Research Field Center; Dr. Clement Berwitz, Chief, Occupational Analysis and Industry Services, New York State Department of Labor; Dr. William Cunningham, Associate Director, Center for Occupational Education, North Carolina State University; Mr. Paul Kerr, Supervisor, Technical Projects, Oregon State Employment Division; Mr. Harry Nussberger, Chief, Computer Manpower Programs, Wisconsin Division of Employment Security; Mr. Paul Reibel, Chief, Counseling, Ohio Bureau of Employment Services; Dr. Margaret Seitz, State Supervisor of Counseling and Special Services, Delaware Department of Labor; Mr. Barnaby B. Tilley, Counseling Supervisor, Louisiana Department of Employment Security; Mr. David Winefordner, Director, Career Decision-Making Program, Appalachia Educational Laboratory. 111 Contents Page Acknowledgments................................................................................. iii I. Introduction 1 Purpose of the Guide............................................................................ 1 Organization .......................................................................................... 1 II. Use of the Guide in Career Exploration 3 By Individuals Without Counselor Assistance.................................... 3 By Vocational Counselors.................................................................... 4 III. Definitions of Interest Factors 8 IV. Summary List of Interest Areas, Work Groups, and Subgroups......... 9 V. Area and Work Group Arrangement 13 01 Artistic . 14 01.01 Literary Arts.............................................................. 16 01.02 Visual Arts ................................................................. 18 01.03 Performing Arts: Drama .......................................... 21 01.04 Performing Arts: Music ............................................ 23 01.05 Performing Arts: Dance............................................ 26 01.06 Craft Arts ................................................................... 28 01.07 Elemental Arts........................................................... 32 01.08 Modeling..................................................................... 34 02 Scientific 36 02.01 Physical Sciences ...................................................... 38 02.02 Life Sciences........................................................ ‘e is e e s e 41 02.03 Medical Sciences........................................................ 43 02.04 Laboratory Technology ........................................... 46 03 Plants and Animals 49 03.01 Managerial Work: Plants and Animals.................... 51 03.02 General Supervision: Plants and Animals ............... 54 03.03 Animal Training and Service ................................... 57 03.04 Elemental Work: Plants and Animals ..................... 59 04 Protective 64 04.01 Safety and Law Enforcement................................... 66 04.02 Security Services ....................................................... 68 05 Mechanical 70 05.01 Engineering................................................................ 72 05.02 Managerial Work: Mechanical ................................. 77 05.03 Engineering Technology........................................... 81 05.04 Air and Water Vehicle Operation............................ 85 05.05 Craft Technology ...................................................... 88 05.06 Systems Operation..................................................... 101 05.07 Quality Control ......................................................... 104 05.08 Land and Water Vehicle Operation......................... 108 05.09 Material Control ...................................................... 110 05.10 Crafts............................................. ~ 115 05.11 Equipment Operation................................................ 123 05.12 Elemental Work: Mechanical................................... 127 06 06.01 06.02 06.03 06.04 07 07.01 07.02 07.03 07.04 07.05 07.06 07.07 08 08.01 08.02 08.03 09 09.01 09.02 09.03 09.04 09.05 10 10.01 10.02 10.03 11 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 12 12.01 12.02 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Industrial Production Technology................................... • * * * * * * * * Production Work ...................................................... Quality Control ......................................................... Elemental Work: Industrial ...................................... Business Detail Administrative Detail................................................ Mathematical Detail.................................................. Financial Detail............. ! • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Oral Communications ............................................... Records Processing ................................................... Clerical Machine Operation...................................... Clerical Handling...................................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Selling Sales Technology....................................................... General Sales.............................................................. Vending ...................................................................... Accommodating Hospitality Services .................................................. Barber and Beauty Services...................................... Passenger Services.................................................... Customer Services..................................................... Attendant Services..................................................... Humanitarian Social Services........................................................... Nursing, Therapy, and Specialized Teaching Serv- Leading-Influencing Mathematics and Statistics ....................................... Educational and Library Services............................ Social Research ......................................................... Law ....................….....…. Business Administration............................................ Finance ...................... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Services Administration ............................................ Communications......................................................... Promotion .................................................................. Regulations Enforcement ........................ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Business Management ............................................... Contracts and Claims ................................................ Physical Performing Sports ..............…............................................. Physical Feats............................................................ Technical Development of the Interest Factors and the Guide USES Interest and Aptitude Tests (Measurement Tests Oriented to Use of the Guide)...................... Use of the Guide in Organizing Occupational Infor- mation Resources Alphabetic Arrangement of Occupations................... 136 138 147 172 180 227 229 232 235 237 241 245 247 249 251 255 258 260 262 264 266 269 271 274 276 278 281 283 285 287 290 292 294 298 301 304 306 308 310 314 316 3.18 321 323 327 335 336 V1 . Introduction Purpose of the Guide One of the first objectives of the U.S. Federal-State mployment Service System is to help people see them- lves realistically in regard to their ability to meet job quirements. The Guide for Occupational Exploration is esigned for that purpose. By providing information about e interests, aptitudes, adaptabilities, and other requisites f occupational groups, the Guide makes possible a com- arison of these requirements with what the individual nows about himself or herself. It is also a tool for counsel- brs assisting individuals in self-assessment and occupational choice. - The language of the text is simple and nontechnical, ntended for any reader's use, with or without counseling help: the youth who is planning a career; the person who must, or wishes to, change jobs; the partially qualified or unqualified jobseeker; and the counselor or vocational º who assists others with career exploration and lanning and occupational choices or changes. Organization The data in this publication are organized into 12 interest areas, 66 work groups, and 348 subgroups. INTEREST AREAS The interest areas correspond to the interest factors which were identified from the research and development activities in interest measurement conducted by the Divi- sion of Testing in the U.S. Employment Service. The interest factors represent the broad interest requirements of occupations as well as the vocational interests of individ- uals. Both the factors and the areas are identified by a two- digit code, for example: 01—An interest in creative expression of feelings or ideas. WORK GROUPS Within each interest area are work groups—jobs suitable for exploration by those who have the particular interest. Each work group contains descriptive information and a listing of jobs. Within each group, the jobs are of the same general type of work and require the same adaptabilities and capabilities of the worker. Each group has its unique four-digit code and title, for example: 01.01 Literary Arts ^ The number of groups in each area varies from 2 in Area 12 to 12 in Area 5. SUBGROUPS Within each work group, jobs are subgrouped to make it easier for the reader to distinguish among jobs. Each subgroup has its six-digit unique code and title, for example: 01.01.02 Creative Writing Because of the number of jobs within some of the subgroups, a further clustering of these jobs by industry is made, for example, aircraft manufacturing, iron and steel, motion picture. Within the same industry designation occu- pations are listed in alphabetical order and also within each Subgroup. If an occupation has more than one industry designation, it is listed under that which occurs first alpha- betically; for example, a job having the industry designa- tions of motion picture, radio, and tv broadcasting would be listed under “motion picture.” The following illustrates the components of the struc- ture: 01 Artistic 01.01 Literary Arts (Work group) 01.01.02 Creative Writing (Subgroup) Screen Writer (motion pic, radio & tv broad.) 131.087–018 Crossword-Puzzle 139,087–010 Editorial Writer (print. & pub.) 131,067–022 Biographer (profess. & kin.) 052,067–010 Copy Writer (profess. & kin.) 131.067–014 Humorist (profess. & kin.) 131,067–026 Lyricist (profess. & kin.) 131,067–034 Poet (profess. & kin.) 131,067–042 Writer, Prose, Fiction and Nonfiction (profess. & kin.) 131,067–946 Continuity Writer 131,087–010 (Interest area) Maker (print. & pub.) (radio & twº broad.) Descriptive information for each group gives the kinds of job activities performed, the requirements made on the worker, clues for relating individuals to the type of work, preparation for entry into jobs, and other pertinent items. To meet the needs of all the users of this publication, four appendixes are added. Appendix A: Background and technical development of the Interest Factors and the Guide. Describes the concepts and procedures for the develop- ment of the interest factors, and the method- ology for their use in determining interest areas in this publication. Includes the tech- niques and procedures used in developing the work groups and subgroups. Appendix B. Appendix C: Appendix D: USES Interest and Aptitude Tests (measure- ment tests Oriented to utilization of the Guide). Provides (1) a brief description of the USES Interest Inventory and General Apti- tude Test Battery (GATB) (measures of an individual’s occupational interests and apti- tudes oriented to the Guide and its use); and (2) a listing of occupations for which specific Aptitude Test Batteries (SATB’s) have been developed to aid counselors who have access to the GATB. Use of the Guide in organizing career and otcupational information resources. Con- tains techniques and procedures for catalog- ing and filing occupational information materials according to the structure in the Guide. Alphabetic Arrangement of Occupations. Lists all the occupations in the Guide. Bridges the occupations in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the sub- groups in the Guide. Includes all occupations in the DOT, fourth edition, excepting those specifically related to the military. Occupa- tional titles are the same as those in the Dictionary, followed by the industry designa- tion(s), the Dictionary code, and the six-digit code from this publication. Base titles are in capital letters; undefined related titles, in initial capital letters; and alternate titles, in lower case letters. An essential ingredient of vocational counseling is occu- pational and labor market information. Although the coun- seling process involves far more than providing such information, any instrument that organizes the world of work and provides information about occupational duties and requirements is valuable both to the counselor and to the counselee. Because vocational counseling services are not available to large numbers of potential counselees, the Guide is intended to help such persons make more in- formed vocational decisions than they might otherwise. In this section of the Guide, both the individual who must make occupational choices without benefit of vocational counseling and the vocational counselor who assists coun- selees are instructed in how to use the Guide. Use by Individuals Without Counselor Assistance If you need help in deciding what kind of work you should choose, you can use the Guide to help you plan your career or get ready to find a job: not just any job, but one you can do or learn to do and which will be satisfying to yOu. Different people like, and are good at, different things. To find the job that is right for you, you need two kinds of information: 1. You need information about yourself. You need to know the kind of work you would like to do and whether you are able to do such work. If you can’t do it now, can you learn to do it and is a training program available? 2. You need information about occupations that sound interesting to you. What does the worker do on such jobs? What knowledge and skills must the worker have? What training is required? This Guide tells you about occupations that relate to your interests and abilities. When you have used it properly, you will be better prepared to plan your career or seek employ- ment, whether you do so through your public employment service office, an employment agency, a school placement program, answers to want ads, or applications directly to employers. Taking the following steps, you will learn about many jobs, including some you never knew existed. You should then be able to decide what type of work you can do and will find satisfaction in doing. STEP 1. THINK ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS What kind of work would you most like to do? Did you know that all jobs in the world of work have been orga- nized into groups according to the interests of the workers? Some workers like to help others. Some would rather do mechanical work with their hands or tools. Others prefer artistic work, or writing, or selling, or clerical work. These I. Use of the Guide in Career Exploration are just a few examples. The Guide for Occupational Explo- ration has taken all jobs in the United States and organized them into 12 areas on the basis of worker interest. They are called Interest Areas. Each of these 12 interest areas has been given a name, a code number, and a brief description. You will find these on page 9 of the Guide. In order to learn more about the relation of your interests to occupations, turn to page 8 of the Guide and read the titles and descriptions of each interest area. Select one or more areas you think you would like to explore. STEP 2. SELECT ONE OR MORE WORK GROUPS TO EXPLORE In order to know what work groups to explore, you need to decide whether you would find satisfaction in work activities such as those required by occupations in the group. To do this, turn to the Summary Listing of Interest Areas, Work Groups, and Subgroups on pages 9 - 12 in the Guide. Look up the page numbers for each interest area you selected in Step 1. Turn to that page and read the description of the area. Then read the titles of each work group within the area. Think about what you like to do and what you think you can do. The following information will help you select the work groups that interest you. Many of the jobs listed in the interest areas you have selected may require knowledge and skills that you do not have or would have difficulty acquiring. There should be occupations in some of these areas, however, that fit your interests and that you can do or learn to do. The jobs in each Interest Area have been divided into groups of jobs having similar worker requirements. These are called work groups. Some work groups are made up of jobs requiring little specialized training or experience. Jobs in these groups are open to nearly anyone who is willing to work. Other groups include jobs requiring special courses in School or special training or education after high school. For exam- ple, some jobs require knowledge of subjects such as physics or chemistry. Others require accuracy and speed in working difficult math problems. You must think about what courses you have taken in school, how well you did in those subjects, and whether or not you might like a job that uses such knowledge and skill. You also have to think about whether you might be able to get the necessary additional training. * The groups that require the most education, training, and experience are usually listed first among the work groups in most interest areas. For example, in Area 05, Mechanical, the first work group is 05.01, Engineering. Most jobs in this group require 4 or more years of college. The last work group in this area is 05.12, Elemental Work, Mechanical. In this group, many jobs are open to workers who have little formal education. As you make your selection of work groups to explore, you need to think about the difficulty of the work involved in each group, and about the training and experience that are required. When you have made your selection of work groups from the first interest area, follow this same process for any other areas you selected in Step 1. STEP 3. EXPLORE THE WORK GROUPS YOU SELECTED To explore a work group, look up its description in the Guide for Occupational Exploration and read it very careful- ly. As you read about a group, you may discover that it is not what you thought it would be and that you are not interested in it. Or you may find that the training require- ments are more difficult than you want. If you find for any reason that you no longer want to consider the group, stop exploring it, and go on to the next group you wish to consider. STEP 4. EXPLORE SUBGROUPS AND SPECIFIC OCCUPATIONS Each work group in the Guide contains occupations that have been organized into subgroups. Each subgroup is identified by a six-digit code and a title, and contains a list of all the occupations assigned to it. After you have studied a work group description and decided that you are interested in considering it further, you should examine its subgroups to see if one or more of them appears to suit your interests and qualifications better than the others. If you need further information to help you decide, you should select one or more of the occupations in the subgroups and look them up in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. You can do this by using the nine-digit DOT code, which is shown in the subgroups immediately following the title of each occupation. Job definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) are listed in numerical order by DOT code. For example, to look up Editor, Film, you would look in the DOT under code 962.264—010, which is on page 930. When you have completed your exploration of all groups that interest you and have identified subgroups, and possi- bly occupations of particular interest, you are in a position to organize the information you have collected. You can then make some decisions and plan your next steps. STEP 5. GET IT ALL TOGETHER Compare your present qualifications with those needed for the groups you are considering. You may have the training and experience necessary for immediate employ- ment. On the other hand, you may have to make plans that include additional training or work experience at a lower level to help qualify you for the work of your choice. At any rate, list those occupations or subgroups of occupations you are now interested in and think you can learn to do. Then plan to get training or a job. If you still don’t know what you should do, you º probably be helped by a vocational counselor or by course or program designed for people who want assistanc in vocational planning. If you are a student, you shoul arrange to meet with your school counselor, who can hel you personally or tell you about any special program available. If you are already in contact with a specialize agency such as the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, halfway house, or a CETA program, the counselor o caseworker in that program should be able to help you o refer you to someone who can. If you are completely on your own, you should try to locate a private or public organization that offers vocation al guidance services. Your library can probably help you identify such organizations. One such agency, which should be able to give you both employment counseling and job placement service, is the local office of the Stat employment service. Use by Vocational Counselors The counselor who assists individuals to choose a suit- able occupational or vocational goal may function in any of a variety of settings—the school, the college, the public employment service, the private employment service, the vocational rehabilitation agency, or the community or private vocational guidance center. In virtually every setting in which such counselors oper- ate, they wish to help the individual evaluate his or her occupational interests, skills, and potentials, relate them to occupational requirements and opportunities, and arrive at a suitable occupational goal and a plan for achieving it. To assist the counselee in this analysis, the counselor uses various tools and sources of information. The counselor helps the applicant or client to analyze his or her work experience (regular, casual, part-time, summer, military), education and training, voluntary and leisure-time activi- ties, and other relevant experiences that may provide evi- dence of occupational preferences, skills, and potentialities. The counselor may administer or arrange for the adminis- tration of interest inventories or check lists, aptitude tests such as the USES General Aptitude Test Battery, and other tests and inventories. Employment or vocational counseling, however, cannot be effective if it is limited to information about the counse: lee. Information is necessary about the world of work, to which the knowledge acquired about the individual can be related in arriving at a suitable occupational choice. For some time now, the counselor has had available sources of occupational information, published by the De partment of Labor, such as the Occupational Outlook Hand book, the Occupational Outlook Quarterly, the Job Guide fo Young Workers, Occupations in Demand at Job Service Of fices, and the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, as well a State occupational guides and labor market area report repared by State employment security agencies. These nd similar publications provided useful information about ccupations. However, a practical grouping of jobs in arms of occupational interest and work requirements was acking. º The Guide for Occupational Exploration fills this longfelt leed of vocational counselors. The thousands of occupa- ions in the world of work are grouped by interests and by raits required for successful performance. The Guide pro- wides a convenient crossover from information about the sounselee to potentially suitable fields of work. ROLE OF GUIDE IN COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE The Guide for Occupational Exploration provides a clus- tering of occupations into fields of work within each major interest area—broad fields (through four-digit groups) and narrower fields (through six-digit subgroups)—which the counselor and counselee can explore and to which they can relate occupationally significant information about the counselee. Rather than attempting to explore the entire world of work, the counselor and counselee can identify those areas of work in which the counselee has the strong- est interest and, within the interest areas, those work groups that are most closely related to the interests, skills, apti- tudes, education and training, and physical abilities of the counselee. The Guide may be used particularly (1) to give the counselee an overview of the world of work and thus widen his or her understanding of occupations and (2) to help the counselee determine his or her occupational goal by offering a choice of fields of work and occupations that best reflect the interests, abilities, and potentials of the counselee. TIE-IN WITH THE GENERAL APTITUDE TEST BAT- TERY (GATB) The Guide joins the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) and the forthcoming Interest Inventory and re- vised Interest Check List to form a coordinated assessment- occupational exploration system developed by the USES for use in the counseling process. To facilitate use of GATB results with the Guide, a new set of Occupational Aptitude Patterns (OAP's) has been developed based on work groups in the Guide. (The new OAP's are scheduled for publication soon.) USE OF THE GUIDE IN THE COUNSELING PROCESS The Guide may be used at any point in the counseling process: (1) to enable the counselee to obtain a better understanding of the variety of interest areas and fields of work that constitute the world of work and (2) to assist the counselee to explore areas of interest, fields of work, and bor market trends and opportunities and descriptions of specific occupations in order to identify occupational groups and specific jobs that are most in line with the counselee's interests, abilities, and potentials. Widening Understanding of World of Work If the counselee's experience and understanding of the world of work is limited, it will be desirable for him or her, during the early stages of the counseling process, to obtain an overview of the various interest areas and work groups covered in the Guide. The Guide lists 12 Interest Areas, 66 Work Groups, and 348 subgroups. The counselor may review these sections with the coun- selee or suggest that the counselee review them indepen- dently, to become generally familiar with the various interest areas and with the work groups covered in each area, especially in those areas in which he or she has a particular interest. If the counselee wishes to know more about an interest area or work group, there are brief descriptions at the beginning of the interest area and of the work group starting on page 13 in the Guide. This overview should be helpful not only in giving the counselee an overall “feel” of the world of work but also in providing a background against which to relate elements in his or her work experience, education and training, leisure time activities, and other experiences that point to possible suitable fields of work and occupations in the analysis that takes place during the course of the counseling process. Determining Occupational Goal During the counseling process, the counselor assists the counselee to choose an occupational field that best repre- sents the counselee's interests, skills, and potential abilities, and that offers opportunity for employment. Analysis of occupationally related experiences, application of aptitude and interest tests, and relation of the resulting information to occupational groupings in the Guide for Occupational Exploration are major steps in this process. Analysis of Occupationally Related Experiences. The coun- selor assists the counselee to analyze occupationally related experiences that may indicate his or her true occupational interests, aptitudes, acquired skills, personal traits, and any environmental and financial factors that may have voca- tional significance. Thus, the counselor explores with the counselee past work history, school courses, leisure-time activities, hobbies, voluntary activities, and other experi- ences for indications of kinds of work the counselee par- ticularly liked and seemed to do well in and those he or she disliked or did poorly in. Out of this analysis will emerge indications of types of work to consider seriously or to avoid. i The overview of the world of work, seen through the Guide as suggested above, when received early in the counseling process, will provide an occupational informa- tion base that will be useful in analyzing past experiences for occupationally significant elements. Aptitude and Interest Testing In addition to obtaining information about the counse- lee's background during the counseling interview, the counselor will often administer, or arrange for administra- tion of, the USES Interest Inventory or Interest Check List and/or the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) or other tests for further indications of interests and potential ability. The USES Interest Inventory (to be published in 1979) will provide formal measures of occupational interests that can be related directly to the Interest Areas in the Guide. Meanwhile, a newly revised Interest Check List will give helpful information on occupational interests of the counse- lee and a tie-in with the Guide because the results will relate directly to the work groups in the Guide. The occupational preferences that derive from the inter- view(s) and the use of the interest tools will serve as entries to the 12 Interest Areas in the Guide for Occupational Exploration. The GATB results can also serve as entries to the Guide because the new OAP structure will relate directly to occupational groups in the Guide. Use of Guide in Determining Occupational Goal After occupationally significant information is obtained about the counselee through the counseling interview(s) and the use of the various tools, the counselor and the counselee can use the Guide to explore fields of work and to help the counselee select a suitable occupational goal. Steps suggested in this process are the following: STEP 1. HELP THE COUNSELEE IDENTIFY AREAS TO BE CON- SIDERED The information obtained about the counselee will reveal broad areas of particular interest to him or her. A list of these Interest Areas may be made to insure exploration of all pertinent areas. The counselee should be encouraged to read the description of the selected areas to verify further the relevance of his or her interests. A review may also be made of the descriptions of other interest areas for the possible identification of further areas to be explored. STEP 2. HELP THE COUNSELEE SELECT AND EXPLORE WORK GROUPS When interest areas to explore further are chosen, the client may review the description of all work groups (indicated by four-digit code) within these interest areas to help decide which work groups to explore. Sometimes a glance at the work group title may be enough to identify a type of activity the client does not wish to investigate further. The counselee may then return to each group selected for further exploration. Alternatively, as the counselee reads a group title and description and expresses interest in the work group, he or she may explore it immediately, before moving on to the next work group. In exploring the work group, the counselor should hel the counselee determine the suitability of the group from the standpoint of his or her true interests, aptitudes, skill and traits required, further preparation needed, and othe relevant considerations. To explore each selected work group, it is suggested th the counselee review each of the five items under the wor group description. During the course of discussion of eac item, the counselor should help the counselee try to relat occupationally significant information known about th counselee to the information in the item. The first item, “What kind of work would you do?” provides examples of types of work activities included in the group, for example, “Write dialogue for television pro- gram” and “Set up and operate a lathe.” These examples, along with the description of the work group, will help the counselee to get a “feel” of the kind of work involved and to determine then if it is a type of activity in line with his or her interests, skills, and potentials. These activities do not apply to a single occupation but are illustrative of the kind of work performed in various jobs in this group. The second item, “What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work?” names characteristics required of the worker to perform successfully in occupations in this group. For example, it points up such actual or potential abilities needed as “influencing people's opinions, attitudes, and judgments” and “willingness and ability to work within precise limits or standands of accuracy.” This information should help the counselee determine whether these are the kinds of work situations and requirements that would appeal to him or her. The third item, “How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this type of work?” mentions work experi- ence, extracurricular activities, hobbies, and other activities and experiences, as well as skills, potentials, and interests relevant to occupations in this work group. This item provides clues concerning the counselee's possible ability to do, or learn to do, and want to do this kind of work. Questions such as “Have you written an original story?”, “Can you create original characters or situtations that interest and entertain others?”, and “Have you taken an industrial arts or machine shop course?”, “Do you like to set up machines according to written standards?” help the counselee think through whether he or she has the interest and ability to do, or learn to do, types of work included in this group. The counselor should help the counselee relate these kinds of personal experiences and interests to the work group being explored. The fourth item, “How can you prepare for and enter this type of work?” describes the kind of training, work, and other experience usually required by or acceptable to employers and the means of entry into the field. The counselee, if interested in this work group, will consider at this point whether he or she has the kind of preparation usually needed or is willing to take further training that may be required. The fifth item, “What else should you consider about these jobs?” provides a number of other considerations that the counselee will want to weigh in making up his or her mind about the satisfactions and suitability of this kind of work. For example, the counselee is advised “Most new workers in writing occupations start with routine assignments such as writing headlines.” “Only in establishments where few writers are employed is the newcomer given creative writing assignments,” and “Some workers are paid hourly wages. Other workers are paid according to the number of pieces they produce.” A simple record should be kept of all work groups reviewed and those identified for further exploration. The counselor or counselee might prefer either to com- plete Step 3 for each work group being explored before moving on to the next work group, or to complete Step 2 for all work groups being considered, before exploring any of them further. STEP 3. HELP THE COUNSELEE TO EXPLORE SUBGROUPS AND SPECIFIC OCCUPATIONS After exploring the work group, the counselee will usually find either that he or she is not seriously interested in the type of work covered by the group or will want to explore it still further. Where the counselee is still interest- ed in the work group, the counselor should help him or her to examine and interpret subgroup titles and to choose one or more for further investigation. The specific occupations within each subgroup are ar- ranged in clusters by the industry in which the jobs occur. Therefore, in examining subgroups and occupations, a fac- tor to consider is whether the industry is located in the area in which the counselee lives or to which he or she is willing to go. The counselee should be encouraged to identify sub- group titles that seem interesting and potentially suitable, based on all the information that the counselee now has about himself or herself. Then specific occupations that may tentatively appeal to the counselee could be identified. The counselee should be helped to look up in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles the definitions of occupa- tions that seem of particular interest. The subgroups and the specific occupations within them should be considered from the standpoint of opportunities available for place- ment or training, of the counselee's interests and qualifica- tions, and of the occupational requirements. STEP 4. HELP THE COUNSELEE TO SELECT HIS OR HER VOCA- TIONAL GOAL A listing should be made of subgroups and specific occupations that appear to be particularly interesting and suitable for the counselee. The pros and cons of each should be weighed and the most desirable and suitable Work groups, subgroups, or occupations selected by the counselee as his or her vocational goal. The goal may be expressed in terms of any of these three categories but most likely of the work groups, or subgroups, depending upon the individual’s qualifications. STEP 5. HELP THE COUNSELEE TO DEVELOP A PLAN FOR ATTAINING THE GOAL - As usual, the counselor will assist the counselee to develop a realistic vocational plan for reaching the goal; the plan should reflect actions to be taken by the local office and the counselee, either to enter a training program or to obtain suitable employment. STEP 6. ASSIGN APPROPRIATE OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICA- TIONS The counselor, particularly in the employment service Setting, should assign one or more occupational classifica- tions to reflect the occupational goal(s) arrived at by the counselee and to facilitate his or her selection for referral to suitable employment. Two or more counseling interviews are usually required to help the counselee make a suitable occupational choice and to plan to implement that choice. The counselor may wish to suggest that, during one of the interviews or between interviews, the counselee review a copy of the Guide for Occupational Exploration. The section, “Use by Individuals Without Counselor Assistance,” will provide helpful suggestions for reviewing the Guide even though the counselee is actually receiving assistance from the counselor. The Guide thus serves as a useful reference tool in career exploration for the individual as well as an important tool for the counselor in helping develop a sound and realistic vocational goal for the counselee. III. Definitions of Interest Factors” & 1. v2. 10. 11. 12. ARTISTIC: Interest in creative expression of feelings or ideas. SCIENTIFIC: Interest in discovering, collecting, and analyzing information about the natural world and in applying scientific research findings to problems in medicine, life sciences, and natural sciences. PLANTS AND ANIMALS: Interest in activities involving plants and animals, usually in an outdoor setting. PROTECTIVE: Interest in the use of authority to protect people and property. MECHANICAL: * Interest in applying mechanical principles to practical situations, using machines, handtools, or techniques. INDUSTRIAL: t Interest in repetitive, concrete, organized activities in a factory setting. BUSINESS DETAIL: Interest in organized, clearly defined activities requiring accuracy and attention to detail, primarily in an office setting. SELLING: Interest in bringing others to a point of view through personal persuasion, using sales and promotion techniques. ACCOMMODATING: - Interest in catering to the wishes of others, usually on a one-to-one basis. HUMANITARIAN: Interest in helping others with their mental, spiritual, social, physical, or vocational needs. LEADING-INFLUENCING: Interest in leading and influencing others through activities involving high-level verbal or numerical abilities. PHYSICAL PERFORMING: Interest in physical activities performed before an audience. *See Appendix A. V. O1 01.01 01.01–01 01.01–02 01.01–03 01.02 01.02–01 01.02–02 01.02–03 01.03 01.03–01 01.03–02 01.03–03 01.04 01.04–01 01.04–02 01.04–03 01.04–04 01.05 01.05–01 01.05–02 01.06 01.06–01 01.06-02 01.06–03 01.07 01.07–01 01.07–02 01.07–03 01.08 01.08–01 02 02.01 02.01–01 02.01–02 02.02 02.02–01 02.02–02 02.02–03 02.02–04 Summary List of Interest Areas, Artistic Literary Arts Editing- Creative Writing’ Critiquing Visual Arts Instructing and Appraising Studio Art Commercial Art Performing Arts: Drama Instructing and Directing Performing Narrating and Announcing Performing Arts: Music Instructing and Directing Composing and Arranging Vocal Performing Instrumental Performing Performing Arts: Dance Instructing and Choreography Performing Craft Arts Graphic Arts and Related Crafts Arts and Crafts Hand Lettering, Painting, and Decorating Elemental Arts Psychic Science Announcing Entertaining Modeling Personal Appearance Scientific Physical Sciences Theoretical Research Technology Life Sciences Animal Specialization Plant Specialization Plant and Animal Specializa- tion Food Research J/ 02.03 02.03–01 02.03–02 02.03–03 02.03–04 02.04 02.04–01 02.04–02 03 03.01 03.01–01 03.01–02 03.01–03 03.01–04 03.02 03.02–01 03.02–02 03.02–03 03.02–04 03.03 03.03–01 03.03–02 03.04 03.04–01 03.04–02 03.04–03 03.04–04 03.04–05 04 04.01 04.01–01 04.01–02 04.02 04.02–01 04.02–02 04.02–03 04.02–04 05 05.01 05.01–01 Medical Sciences Medicine and Surgery Dentistry Veterinary Medicine " Health Specialties Laboratory Technology Physical Sciences - Life Sciences - Plants and Animals Managerial Work: Plants and Animals - Farming Specialty Breeding Specialty Cropping Forestry and Logging General Supervision: Plants and Animals Farming Forestry and Logging Nursery and Groundskeeping Services Animal Training and Service Animal Training - Animal Service < Elemental Work: Plants and Animals Farming Forestry and Logging Hunting and Fishing Nursery and Groundskeeping Services Protective Safety and Law Enforcement Managing Investigating Security Services Detention Property and People Law and Order Emergency Responding Mechanical Engineering Research - Work Groups, and Subgroups 05.01–02 05.01–03 05.01–04 05.01–05 05.01–06 05.01–07 05.01–08 05.02 05.02–01 05.02–02 05.02–03 05.02–04 05.02–05 05.02–06 05.02–07 05.03 05.03–01 05.03–02 05.03–03 05.03–04 05.03–05 05.03–06 05.03–07 05.03–08 05.03–09 05.04 05.04–01 05.04–02 05.05 05.05–01 05.05–02 05.05–03 05.05–04 05.05–05 05.05–06 05.05–07 05.05–08 05.05–09 05.05—10 05.05-11 05.05—12 Environmental Protection" Systems Design’ Testing and Quality Control Sales Engineering Work Planning and Utilization’ Design’ General Engineering Managerial Work: Mechanical Systems Maintenance and Construction Processing and Manufacturing Communications.” Mining, Logging, and Petro- leum Production Services Materials Handling Engineering Technology Surveying Drafting Expediting and Coordinating Petroleum Electrical-Electronic Industrial and Safety Mechanical Environmental Control” Packaging and Storing Air and Water Vehicle Oper- ation Air Water Craft Technology Masonry, Work Construction and Maintenance Plumbing and Pipefitting Painting, Plastering, and Pa- perhanging Electrical-Electronic Systems Installation and Repair Metal Fabrication and Repair Machining Woodworking Mechanical Work Electrical-Electronic ment Repair Scientific, Medical, and Tech- nical Equipment Fabrica- tion and Repair Musical Instrument Fabrica- tion and Repair Stone, and Brick Equip- 9 05.05-13 05.05—14 05.05—15 05.05-16 05.05—17 05.06 05.06–01 05.06–02 05.06–03 05.06–04 05.07 05.07–01 05.07–02 05.07–03 05.07–04 05.07–05 05.07–06 05.08 05.08–01 05.08–02 05.08–03 05.08–04 05.09 05.09–01 05.09–02 05.09–03 05.10 05. 10–01 05. 10–02 05. 10–03 05. 10–04 05. 10–05 05. 10–06 05. 10–07 05. 10–08 05. 10–09 05.11 05.1 1–01 05. 11–02 05. 11–03 05.11–04 05.12 05.12–01 05.12–02 05.12–03 05, 12–04 Printing Gem Cutting and Finishing Custom Sewing, Tailoring, and Upholstering Dyeing Food Preparation Systems Operation Electricity Generation and Transmission Stationary Engineering Oil, Gas, and Water Distribu- tion Processing Quality Control Structural Mechanical Electrical Environmental Petroleum Logging and Lumber Land and Water Vehicle Oper- ation Truck Driving Rail Vehicle Operation Services Requiring Driving Boat Operation Materials Control Shipping, Receiving, Stock Checking Estimating, Scheduling, Record Keeping Verifying, Recording, Marking and and and Crafts Structural Mechanical Electrical-Electronic Structural-Mechanical-Elec- trical-Electronic Reproduction Blasting Painting, Dyeing, and Coating Food Preparation Environmental Equipment Operation Construction Mining and Quarrying Drilling and Oil Exploration Materials Handling Elemental Work: Mechanical Supervision Mining, Quarrying, Drilling Loading, Moving Hoisting, Conveying 05.12–05 05.12–06 05.12–07 05.12–08 05.12–09 05.12–10 05.12–11 05.12–12 05.12–13 05.12–14 05.12–15 05.12–16 05.12–17 05.12–18 05.12–19 05. 12–20 06 06.01 06.01–01 06.01–02 06.01–03 06.01–04 06.01–05 06.02 06.02–01 06.02–02 06.02–03 06.02–04 06.02–05 06.02–06 06.02–07 06.02–08 06.02–09 06.02–10 06.02–11 06.02–12 06.02–13 06.02–14 06.02–15 06.02–16 Braking, Switching, and Cou- pling Pumping Crushing, Mixing, Separating, and Chipping Lubricating Masonry Heating and Melting Welding Structural Work Cutting and Finishing Painting, Caulking, and Coat- ing Mechanical Work Electrical Work Food Preparation Cleaning and Maintenance Reproduction Services Signalling Industrial Production Technology Supervision and Instruction Machine Set-Up Machine Set-Up and Oper- ation Precision Hand Work Inspection Production Work Supervision Machine Work, Metal and Plastics Machine Work, Wood Machine Work, Paper Machine Work, Leather and Fabrics Machine Work, Textiles Machine Work, Rubber Machine Work, Stone, Clay, and Glass Machine Work, Assorted Ma- terials Equipment Operation, Metal Processing Equipment Operation, Chemi- cal Processing Equipment Operation, Petro- leum Processing Equipment Operation, ber, Plastics, and Processing Equipment Operation, and Paper Products essing Equipment Operation, Processing Equipment Operation, Textile, Fabric, and Leather Proc- essing Rub- Glass Paper Proc- Food 06.02–17 06.02–18 06.02–19 06.02–20 06.02–21 06.02–22 06.02–23 06.02–24 06.02–25 06.02–26 06.02–27 06.02–28 06.02–29 06.02–30 06.02–31 06.02–32 06.03 06.03–01 06.03–02 06.04 06.04–01 06.04–02 06.04–03 06.04–04 06.04–05 06.04–06 06.04–07 06.04–08 06.04–09 06.04–10 06.04–11 06.04–12 06.04–13 06.04–14 06.04–15 Equipment Operation, and Coke Processing Equipment Operation, Assort- ed Materials Processing Equipment Operation, Weld- ing, Brazing, and Soldering Machine Assembling Clay Coating and Plating Manual Work, Assembly Large Parts Manual Work, Assembly Small Parts Manual Work, Metal and Plas- tics Manual Work, Wood Manual Work, Paper Manual Work, Textile, Fabric, and Leather Manual Work, Food Process- ing Manual Work, Rubber Manual Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Manual Work, Laying Out and Marking Manual Work, Assorted Mate- rials Quality Control Inspecting, Testing, and Re- pairing Inspecting, Grading, Sorting, Weighing, and Recording Elemental Work: Industrial Supervision Machine Work, Metal and Plastics Machine Work, Wood Machine Work, Paper Machine Work, Fabric and Leather Machine Work, Textiles Machine Work, Rubber Machine Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Machine Work, Assorted Ma- terials Equipment Operation, Metal Processing Equipment Operation, Chemi- cal Processing \ Equipment Operation, Petro- leum, Gas, and Coal Proc- essing Equipment Operation, Rub- ber, Plastics, and Glass Processing Equipment Operation, Paper Making Equipment Operation, Food Processing -- 10 06.04–16 06.04–17 06.04–18 06.04–19 06.04–20 06.04–21 06.04–22 06.04–23 06.04–24 06.04–25 06.04–26 06.04–27 06.04–28 06.04–29 06.04–30 06.04–31 06.04–32 06.04–33 06.04–34 06.04–35 06.04–36 06.04–37 06.04–38 06.04–39 06.04–40 07 07.01 07.01–01 07.01–02 07.01–03 07.01–04 07.01–05 07.01–06 07.01–07 07.02 07.02–01 07.02–02 07.02–03 Equipment Operation, Textile, Fabric, and Leather Proc- essing Equipment Operation, Processing Equipment Operation, Wood Processing Equipment Operation, Assort- ed Materials Processing Machine Assembling Clay Machine Work, Brushing, Spraying, and Coating Manual Work, Assembly Large Parts Manual Work, Assembly Small Parts Manual Work, Metal and Plas- tics Manual Work, Wood Manual Work, Paper Manual Work, Textile, Fabric, and Leather Manual Work, Food Process- ing Manual Work, Rubber Manual Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Manual Work, Welding, and Flame Cutting Manual Work, Casting and Molding Manual Work, Brushing, Spraying, and Coating Manual Work, Assorted Mate- rials Laundering, Dry Cleaning Filling Manual Work, Stamping, Marking, Labeling, and Ticketing Wrapping and Packing Cleaning Loading, Moving, Hoisting, and Conveying Business Detail Administrative Detail Interviewing Administration Secretarial Work Financial Work Certifying Investigating Test Administration Mathematical Detail Bookkeeping and Auditing Accounting Statistical Analysis Reporting and 07.02–04 07.02–05 07.03 07.03–01 07.04 07.04–01 07.04–02 07.04–03 07.04–04 07.04–05 07.04–06 07.05 07.05–01 07.05–02 07.05–03 07.05–04 07.06 07.06–01 07.06–02 07.07 07.07–01 07.07–02 07.07–03 08 08.01 08.01–01 08.01–02 08.01–03 08.02 08.02–01 08.02–02 08.02–03 08.02–04 08.02–05 08.02–06 08.02–07 08.02–08 08.03 08.03–01 08.03–02 09 09.01 09.01–01 09.01–02 Billing and Rate Computation Payroll and Timekeeping Financial Detail Paying and Receiving Oral Communications Interviewing Order, Complaint, and Claims Handling Registration Reception and Information Giving Information Transmitting and Receiving Switchboard Services Records Processing Coordinating and Scheduling Record Verification and Proofing Record Preparation and Main- tenance Routing and Distribution Clerical Machine Operation Computer Operation Keyboard Machine Operation Clerical Handling Filing Sorting and Distribution General Clerical Work Selling Sales Technology Technical Sales Intangible Sales General Clerical Work General Sales Wholesale Retail Wholesale and Retail Real Estate Demonstration and Sales Services Driving-Selling Soliciting-Selling Vending Peddling and Hawking Promoting Accommodating Hospitality Services Social and Recreational Activ- ities Guide Services 09.01–03 09.01–04 09.02 09.02–01 09.02–02 09.03 09.03–01 09.03–02 09.03–03 09.04 09.04–01 09.04–02 09.05 09.05–01 09.05–02 09.05–03 09.05–04 O9.05–05 09.05–06 09.05–07 09.05–08 10 10.01 10.01–01 10.01–02 10.02 10.02–01 10.02–02 10.02–03 10.03 10.03–01 10.03–02 10.03–03 11 11.01 11.01–01 11.01–02 11.02 11.02–01 11.02–02 11.02–03 11.02–04 Food Services Safety and Comfort Services Barber and Beauty Services Cosmetology Barbering Passenger Services Group Transportation Individual Transportation Instruction and Supervision Customer Services Food Services Sales Services Attendant Services Physical Conditioning Food Services Portering and Baggage Serv- ices Doorkeeping Services Card and Game Room Serv- ices Individualized Services General Wardrobe Services Ticket Taking, Ushering Humanitarian Social Services Religious ` Counseling and Social Work T Nursing, Therapy and Special- ized Teaching Services Nursing Therapy and Rehabilitation’ Specialized Teaching - Child and Adult Care Data Collection Patient Care Care of Others Leading-Influencing Mathematics and Statistics Data Processing Design Data Analysis Educational and Library Serv- ices Teaching and Instructing, -’ General Vocational and Industrial Teaching Teaching, Home Economics, Agriculture, and Related Library Services 11 11.03 11.03–01 11.03–02 11.03–03 11.03–04 11.03–05 11.04 11.04–01 11.04–02 11.04–03 11.05 11.05–01 11.05–02 11.05–03 11.05–04 11.06 11.06–01 11.06–02 11.06–03 11.06–04 11.06–05 11.07 11.07–01 11.07–02 11.07–03 11.07–04 11.08 11.08–01 11.08–02 11.08–03 11.08–04 11.09 11.09–01 11.09–02 11.09–03 11.10 11. 10–01 11.10–02 11. 10–03 11.10–04 11, 10–05 11.11 11.11–01 11.11–02 11.11–03 11.11–04 11.11–05 Social Research Psychological * Sociological Y Historical / Occupational" Economic vº Law Justice Administration’ Legal Practice- Abstracting, Document Prep- aration Business Administration Management Services: Non- ºr Government Administrative Specialization Management Services: Gov- v- ernment Sales and Purchasing Manage- ment Finance Accounting and Auditing Records Systems Analysis Risk and Profit Analysis Brokering Budget and Financial Control Services Administration v'. Social Services Health and Safety Services Educational Services vº Recreational Services Communications Y Editing Writing " Writing and Broadcasting” Translating and Interpreting Promotion Sales Funds and Membership Solici- tation Public Relations Regulations Enforcement Finance Individual Rights Health and Safety Immigration and Customs Company Policy Business Management Lodging Recreation and Amusement Transportation Services Wholesale-Retail 11.12 11.12–01 11.12–02 11.12–03 11.12–04 12 12.01 12.01–01 12.01–02 12.01–03 12.02 12.02–01 Contracts and Claims Claims Settlement Rental and Leasing Booking Procurement Negotiations Physical Performing Sports Coaching and Instructing Officiating Performing Physical Feats Performing 12 ĢģĞğ @@ýIGS Artistic An interest in Creative expression of feelings or ideas. You can satisfy this interest in Several Of the Creative Or performing arts fields. You may enjoy literature. Perhaps Writing or editing would appeal to you. You may prefer to work in the performing arts. You could direct or perform in drama, music, or dance. You may enjoy the Visual arts. You could become a critic in painting, sculpture, or ceramics. You may want to use your hands to create or decorate products. Or you may prefer to model clothes or develop acts for entertainment. 14 Artistic 01.01 01.02 01.03 01.04 01.05 01.06 01.07 01.08 Literary Arts Visual Arts Performing Arts: Drama Performing Arts: Music Performing Arts: Dance Craft Arts Elemental Arts Modeling 15 Literary Arts 01.01 01.01 Literary Arts Workers in this group write, edit, or direct the publication of prose or poetry. They find employment on newspapers or magazines, in radio and television studios, and in the theatre and motion picture industries. Some writers are self-employed and sell stories, plays, and other forms of literary composition to publishers. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —write plays or scripts for movies. —write short stories, poems, or novels. —write dialog for television programs. —select writers and subject matter for television productions. —edit the work of creative writers. —write reviews of literature, musical performances, and other artistic work. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —present personal views or interpretations relating to such subjects as politics, social conditions, reli- gion, or plays or other writings. —influence the opinion of people through words. —deal with various kinds of people. —make decisions based on personal judgment. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you written a book review for a class? Do you enjoy others reading your interpretations? —Have you written an original story? Can you create original characters or situations that interest and entertain others? —Have you developed publicity posters for a garage sale, fund drive, or community activity? Can you select words that spark people's curiosity and in- terest? —Have you written poems for an English class or for poetry contests? Do you enjoy expressing personal thoughts and feelings in this type of writing? —Have you written for or edited a school newspaper, union bulletin, or company newsletter? Can you edit and improve the writing of others? —Have you told ghost stories around a campfire or other setting? Were they interesting and entertain- ing to others? - How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two to over ten years, de- pending upon the specific kind of work. Experience in writing is usually required for employment. Writing for weekly or monthly newspapers or magazines can be help- ful in getting jobs with large newspapers or advertising agencies. Employers often require samples of published writing. Editing jobs usually require several years ex- perience as a writer. Courses in English grammar and composition, as well as literature, are basic high school subjects. Community colleges and universities offer programs that prepare peo- ple for this kind of work. Courses in journalism, English, and creative writing provide necessary skills. Some occu- pations require proficiency in one or more foreign lan- guages; while others require a knowledge of political science, art, drama, or other subjects. For example, a person wishing to become a critic must have in-depth knowledge of the subject to be criticized, art, music, or the like. This knowledge can be acquired through courses at colleges or universities; specialized schools, such as art institutes, or performing arts little theaters or playhouses. Self-employed or freelance writers sometimes use lite- rary agents to help them find publishers. These agents may help the writer prepare material for publication. Publishers occasionally hire experienced free-lance writers to write about a particular subject. What else should you consider about these jobs? Most new workers in writing occupations start with routine assignments such as writing headlines. Only in establishments where few writers are employed is the 16 01.01 If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. newcomer given creative writing assignments. Some jobs are available for part-time workers. Free- lance writers sometimes prepare advertising copy or serve s local correspondents for daily newspapers. 01.01 Literary Arts 01.01.01 Editing Crossword-Puzzle Maker (print. & pub.) 139.087-010 Editor, Film (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 962.264-010 Producer (motion pic.) 187. 167-174 Reader (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 131.087-014 Story Editor (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 132.037-026 Supervising Film Editor (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 962. 1 37-014 Editor, Book (print. & pub.) 132.067-014 Editor, Greeting Card (print. & pub.) 132.067–022 Editor, Publications (print. & pub.) 1 32.037-022 Continuity Director (radio & twº broad.) 132.037-010 01.01.02 Creative Writing Screen Writer (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 131.087- 0 18 Editorial Writer (print. & pub.) 13 1.067–022 Biographer (profess. & kin.) 052.067-010 Copy Writer (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-014 Humorist (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-026 Librettist (profess. & kin.) 131.067-030 Lyricist (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-034 Playwright (profess. & kin.) 131.067-038 Poet (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-042 Writer, Prose, Fiction and Nonfiction (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-046 - Continuity Writer (radio & tv broad.) 13 1.087-010 01.01.03 Critiquing Critic (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) 13 1.067-018 Visual Arts 01 d 01.02 Visual Arts Workers in this group create original works of art or do commercial art work, using such techniques as drawing, painting, photographing, and sculpturing to express or interpret ideas or to illustrate various written materials. Some visual artists design products, settings, or graphics (such as advertisements or book covers), and oversee the work of other artists or craftsmen who produce or install them. Others teach art, or appraise or restore paintings and other fine art objects. Advertising agencies, printing and publishing firms, television and motion picture studios, museums and restoration laboratories employ visual artists. They also work for manufacturers and in retail and wholesale trade. Many are self-employed, operating their own commercial art studios or doing free-lance work. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —paint or sketch portraits, landscapes, and other subjects in oils, watercolors, or charcoals. —design and supervise the construction of scenery for plays. —plan the arrangement of advertising materials for a department store. —examine oil paintings to determine the need for restoration, and use scientific and artistic techniques to restore them to their original ap- pearance. —draw accurate and precise pictures of diseased body organs to illustrate articles in medical jour- nals. —design and cut original pattern for women's clothing. —sculpture a statue or other work of art. —photograph subjects to prepare a photo story. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and apply artistic principles and techniques. —visualize how the final product will look from rough sketches or work drawings. —use paint brushes, pens, charcoal, or sculpturing tools skillfully, to produce accurate plans for dis- plays or scenery, illustrations for written materials, or original works of art. —choose the most appropriate equipment to express an idea or create a particular effect. —tell whether a work of art is the ‘real thing’ or a fake by examining it and using various chemical tests, knowledge of art history, and familiarity with the characteristics of the style of various artists. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in drawing or sketching? Were any of your works selected for display or entry in competition? —Have you helped paint scenery for amateur plays? Can you select the proper color combinations to achieve a desired effect? —Have you taken photographs of family, friends, or activities? Do you think they were of good quality and pleasing to the eye? —Have you visited art galleries and shows? Do you try to judge the quality of paintings or sculptures? —Have you worked with modeling clay? Do you enjoy creating original designs in clay? 18 01.02 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years up to and over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. A common method of preparation is to obtain a four-year degree with a major in fine arts or commercial art. Some artists earn a two- or three-year certificate at an art in- stitute. Programs include the study of art history and critique as well as instruction in techniques. Small advertising agencies, department stores, and photography studios sometimes hire workers with voca- tional school or junior college background. These wor- kers are assigned tasks according to their ability. They are usually provided on-the-job training to improve their skills. Industrial designing jobs require artistic and engineer- ing skills to make scale drawings and to illustrate techni- cal information. Jobs in restoring and appraising art ob- jects usually require a background in art history, chemis- try, and similar subjects. Free-lance visual artists usually have experience as il- lustrators, designers, art restorers, or photographers. These workers must be well-known for their work and have contact with potential buyers. Samples of their work are used to show their skills to customers. Administrative and supervisory jobs in the visual arts require extensive experience in the field. What else should you consider about these jobs? Most visual artists depend upon some sort of commer- cial art or design work for financial security. Few can af- ford to be artists with no regular income. People who can use a variety of techniques and art media have more opportunities for employment than those who specialize in one area. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 19 01.02 Visual Arts 01.02.01 Instructing and Appraising Creative Director (profess. & kin.) 141.067-010 Teacher, Art (education) 149.02 1-0 1 0 - Delineator (profess. & kin.) 970.281-014 Appraiser, Art (profess. & kin.) 191.287-014 Display Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.051-010 Graphic Designer (profess. & kin.) 141.061-018 01.02.02 Studio Art Illustrator (profess. & kin.) 141.061-022 Quick Sketch Artist (amuse. & rec.) 1.49.04 1-0 10 Illustrator, Medical and Scientific (profess. & kin.) Silhouette Artist (amuse. & rec.) 1.49.05 1-0 1 0 14 1.061-026 Painter (profess. & kin.) 144.061-010 Industrial Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-026 Paintings Restorer (profess. & kin.) 102.261-014 Interior Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.051-014 Package Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.081-018 Sculptor (profess. & kin.) 144.061-018 Photographer, Apprentice (profess. & kin.) 143.062-018 Photographer, Motion Picture (profess. & kin.) 143.062- Stained Glass Artist (profess. & kin.) 142.061-054 022 Photographer, Still (profess. & kin.) 143.062-030 Ornamental-Metalwork Designer (struct. & ornam. metal- Printmaker (profess. & kin.) 144,061-014 work) 142.061-034 Displayer, Merchandise (ret. tr.) 298.081-010 01.02.03 Commercial Art Fashion Artist (ret. tr.) 141.061-014 Set Designer (amuse. & rec.) 142.061-050 Floral Designer (ret. tr.) 142.081-010 Manager, Display (ret. tr.) 142.031-014 Photographer Helper (any ind.) 976.667-010 Memorial Designer (stonework) 142.061-030 Fur Designer (fur goods) 142.081-014 Cartoon Designer (trim. & embroid.) 781.381-010 Furniture Designer (furn.) 142.061-022 Copyist (garment) 142.281-010 Art Director (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 142.031-010 Cartoonist, Motion Pictures (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 14:1.081-010 Director of Photography (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 143.062-010 Illustrator, Set (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 141.061- 030 Set Decorator (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 142.061- 042 Set Designer (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 142.061-046 Supervisor, Costuming (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962. 1 37-0 18 Supervisor, Scenic Arts (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 1 49.031-0 1 0 Cartoonist (print. & pub.) 141.061-010 Photojournalist (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 143.062- 034 Sketch Maker, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 970.281 - 0.26 Supervisor, Publications Production (print. & pub.) 979. 131-0 1 0 Art Director (profess. & kin.) 141.031-010 Audiovisual Production Specialist (profess. & kin.) 1 49.06 1–0 1 0 Cloth Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-014 Clothes Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-018 Color Expert (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010 Commercial Designer (profess. & kin.) 141.081-014 20 Performing Arts: Drama 01.03 01.03 Performing Arts: Drama Workers in this group produce, direct, and perform in dramatic productions and similar forms of entertainment. They also teach acting, choose performers for particular roles, and perform other ‘behind-the-scenes’ work to make productions run smoothly. They are employed by motion picture, television, and radio studios, and by stock compa- nies, theaters and other places where plays or floor shows are presented. Schools and colleges hire performing artists both to teach drama and to produce and direct student productions. Full time employment in this field is found at educational institutions, at studios which have staff announcers, disc jockeys, and regularly scheduled “talk shows’ or dramatic presentations. However, most performing artists are not permanently employed, and must audition for roles in both short-term and long-run productions. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —do a pantomime, using only body movements and facial expressions. —instruct students in the basic techniques of acting. —direct actors and other workers involved in a play or motion picture. —select, announce, and play popular records at a radio station. —perform a comic monolog on a television variety show or in a night club. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —perform before an audience with poise and self- confidence. —interpret roles, and express ideas and emotions through body motions, facial expressions, and voice inflections. —understand the ideas that the author of a script is trying to get across, and demonstrate to others methods of moving or speaking to convey these ideas to an audience. —speak clearly and loudly. —memorize dialog and respond to cues promptly. ſº © 21 01.03 —maintain physical and mental energy through long hours of rehearsal and performance. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you performed in a play? Do you enjoy per- forming before an audience? —Have you spoken on radio or television? Are you able to control your voice and is it pleasing when electronically amplified? —Have you memorized a long passage? Can you recite from memory before an audience? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Because of the strong competition for jobs, workers in this group must have both training and experience. Initial training and experience are available in speech classes, debate programs, and school or community plays. Four-year degrees and advanced study in drama or communications provide additional training. Courses in speech, pan- tomime, directing, and acting are a part of these pro- grams. Colleges also provide opportunities for experience in acting, announcing, and directing. Special acting schools offer professional training in the dramatic arts. Experience in numerous productions is very important, including both amateur and paid jobs. Dinner theaters, summer theaters, repertory groups, and local radio and television stations provide valuable experiences. Jobs in directing require extensive acting experience or experience in directing amateur productions. Dramatic coaching and college level teaching usually require ad- vanced degrees in dramatics. Professional experience in acting, directing, or play production is also helpful. Teachers of high school courses in drama, speech, or communications must meet specific educational and licensing requirements. What else should you consider about these jobs? Dramatic artists are often required to meet demanding work schedules. These schedules may require early or late hours for rehearsals and performances. Memorizing sessions require individual study. In addition, frequent travel may be necessary. Work assignments sometimes depend upon an in- dividual's voice or physical appearance. Distinctive fea- tures are assets which are in much demand. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Performing Arts: Drama 01.03.01 Instructing and Directing Director, Stage (amuse. & rec.) 150.067-010 Manager, Stage (amuse. & rec.) 159. 167-0 18 Producer (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-178 Communications Technician (education) 962.362-010 Teacher, Drama (education) 150.027-014 Director, Casting (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 159.267- 0 1 0 - Director, Motion Picture (motion pic.) 159.067-010 Script Supervisor (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 201.362- 0.26 Dramatic Coach (profess. & kin.) 150.027-010 Director, Radio (radio & tv broad.) 159. 167-014 Director, Television (radio & twº broad.) 159.067–0 l 4 Producer (radio & tv broad.) 159.1 17-010 Program Assistant (radio & tv broad.) 962. 167-014 01.03.02 Performing Actor (amuse. & rec.) 150.047-010 Clown (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-010 Comedian (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-014 Impersonator (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-0 18 Magician (amuse. & rec.) 159.04.1-010 Mime (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-022 Puppeteer (amuse. & rec.) 159.04.1-014 Ventriloquist (amuse. & rec.) 159.044-010 Interpreter, Deaf (profess. & kin.) 137.267-014 01.03.03 Narrating and Announcing Narrator (motion pic.) 150. 147-010 Announcer (radio & tv broad.) 159. 147-010 Disk Jockey (radio & twº broad.) 159. 147-014 22 Performing Arts: Music 01.04 What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —direct a choir, orchestra, or band. —sing in a professional choir. —play a musical instrument in a band. —sing several solos in a concert. —prepare the musical score for all instruments in an orchestra. —compose an original musical number. —select and arrange a program of music. —give private voice or instrument lessons. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —spend long hours developing and perfecting your talent, and, even after becoming extremely skilled, continue to practice daily. J1.04 Performing Arts: Music Workers in this group sing or play instruments, teach, or direct vocal or instrumental music. They compose, ar- ange, or orchestrate musical compositions, and plan the presentation of concerts. They work for motion picture tudios, television and radio networks or local stations, recording studios, night clubs, and other places where musical entertainment is provided regularly. They may be employed by orchestras, bands, or choral groups which five scheduled performances or are hired for special events. Composers, arrangers, and orchestrators work for music 5ublishing companies and firms in the recording and entertainment fields. Schools and colleges hire musicians to each and direct vocal and instrumental music. Many musicians are self-employed, and like all performing artists, must audition for parts in musical productions or for employment with an orchestra or other performing group. —perform before an audience with poise and self-as- SUITaT1CC. —recognize and follow music symbols and oral or written instructions for interpreting music properly. —understand the qualities of various musical instru- ments and consider these in orchestrating or ar- ranging compositions to create desired effects. —apply standard musical theories and techniques to direct performances of vocal or instrumental groups. —use your hands and fingers skillfully to play an in- Strument. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you sung in school choruses or church choirs? Does your voice blend well with others? Do you enjoy singing in public? —Have you had lessons in singing or playing a musi- cal instrument? Have you played in a school band or orchestra? Can you read music? —Have you composed a song or music for an instru- ment? Did others enjoy it? —Have you sung or played with a rock or country group? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Profes- sional instrumental musicians usually receive initial train- ing while in elementary school. They continue studying throughout most of their working life. Several hours of practice each day is a continuing requirement for the development and maintenance of the needed skills. Professional vocal musicians usually start formal train- ing in high school or whenever their voices mature. School music groups and programs provide good initial training. Daily individual or group practice is a continu- ing requirement for vocal musicians. 23 01.04 . Although some persons with fine natural singing voices or self-developed skill in playing an instrument may find work--or even achieve great success--in popular rock, country, or jazz music, they are the rare exceptions. Study in college, at a music conservatory, or with private teachers is recommended for people who want to become professional musicians. Courses in music theory, com- position, and conducting are required in addition to technical instruction. Arrangers, composers, and conduc- tors need extensive training in these subjects. Membership in a musical group is considered valuable experience and preparation for musicians. This ex- perience is also helpful for people studying for solo per- formances. Employment as a professional musician is usually de- pendent upon the skill and experience of the individual. portunities. Teachers in public schools and colleges are required 1 meet specific educational and licensing requirements. What else should you consider about these jobs? Vocal musicians sometimes have a shorter working lif than instrumentalists. Voice quality may change with a or the personal singing style may become outdated. Si gers who can also dance or act may have more job op Some instrumentalists are required to have the ability to play several different instruments. If you think you would like to do this kind of work look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 24 01.04 }1.04.01 Instructing and Directing Artist and Repertoire Manager (amuse. & rec.) 159. 167– 0 1 0 Teacher, Music (education) 152.02 1–010 Director, Music (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 152.047- 0 18 Choral Director (profess. & kin.) 152.047-010 Conductor, Orchestra (profess. & kin.) 152.047-014 01.04.02 Composing and Arranging Prompter (amuse. & rec.) 152.367-010 Performing Arts: Music Copyist (any ind.) 152.267-010 Arranger (profess. & kin.) 152.067-010 Composer (profess. & kin.) 152.067-014 Orchestrator (profess. & kin.) 152.067–022 Cue Selector (radio & tv broad.) 152.067-0 18 01.04.03 Vocal Performing Singer (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 152.047–022 01.04.04 Instrumental Performing Musician, Instrumental (amuse. & rec.) 152.04 1-010 25 Performing Arts: Dance 01. 01.05 Performing Arts: Dance Workers in this group compose, perform, or teach dance routines or techniques. Performing dancers and com- posers (choreographers) work for motion picture and television studios, nightclubs and theaters, and other places where this kind of entertainment is regularly presented. Dance teachers are employed by schools and studios. Although some dancers work full-time as performers or teachers, most must audition for both chorus and solo work in theatrical productions of all kinds. Many dancers are self-employed as teachers who give private lessons to children and adults, specializing in ballroom or ballet instruction. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —perform a dance routine as a member of a chorus line. —create dance routines for a musical show. —perform a solo dance in a variety show. —teach people to dance. —direct a troupe of dancers. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —memorize and follow instructions for dance rou- tines. —move with grace and rhythm, coordinating your 2. _d body movements to music, and with the move- ments of other dancers. —keep in excellent physical condition by exercising and performing dance routines regularly. —perform before an audience with poise and self- confidence. —express emotions, such as joy, Sorrow, or excite- ment, by the way you move your arms, legs, and body. —understand all of the basic dance steps and the way they relate to various kinds of music, to devise routines for musical comedy dance sequences. 26 01.05 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you participated in ballroom or social danc- ing? Do you like to learn new dances? Do you learn dance steps rapidly? —Have you taken lessons in ballet or tap dancing? Were you able to learn different dance routines? —Have you done free style or interpretive dancing? Do you like this kind of expression? Can you move your body and limbs gracefully? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Initial training in dance is often provided in physical education or music classes in elementary and high schools. How- ever, instruction in a dance studio is usually needed to develop the skills. This instruction often starts at the preschool age and continues after employment as a dancer. Daily practice is a continuing requirement to develop and maintain the physical condition and techniques needed. Liberal arts colleges, dance academies, and theater arts schools offer two- to four-year programs in dancing techniques, interpretation, and the history of dance. Many dance schools cooperate with professional ballet and interpretive dance companies to provide experience as well as instruction. Some people find jobs as ballroom dancing instructors or part-time entertainers after taking dancing instruc- tions. They usually have a natural aptitude and an attrac- tive appearance. Intensive preparation is needed to be hired as a ballet or interpretive dancer, as a chorus dancer in musical comedies, or in television or other media. Dancers must audition for jobs with permanent resident or touring companies. Becoming a choreog- rapher requires extensive performing experience as well as a thorough knowledge of dance. Private dancing teachers must be able to demonstrate the techniques of many different types of dancing. Teachers in public schools and colleges are required to meet specific educational and licensing requirements. What else should you consider about these jobs? Strong feet, ankles, and legs are essential for profes- sional dancers. Most people cannot make dancing a lifetime occupation because of the strenuous physical de- mands of dancing. Teaching is too strenuous for some dancers nearing retirement age. Few dancers, other than well-known performers, are hired for show work after the age of thirty. Performing jobs may be found in most metropolitan areas as well as areas where there are musical shows, nightclubs or other settings. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Performing Arts: Dance 01.05.01 Instructing and Choreography Choreographer (amuse. & rec.) 151.027-010 Instructor, Dancing (education) 151.027-014 Manager, Dance Studio (education) 187. 167-086 01.05.02 Performing Dancer (amuse. & rec.) 15 1.047-010 27 Craft Arts old 01.06 Craft Arts Workers in this group apply artistic techniques, fabricate, decorate or repair a variety of products, and reproduce photographs and graphic or printed materials. They use engraving and etching precision equipment, knives and chisels, paint brushes and power tools to work wood, stone, clay, metal, and gemstones, or embellish objects made from all of these materials. They are employed by manufacturing firms, printing and publishing companies, and mo- tion picture and television studios. They also work for advertising agencies and other firms which provide specialized services, museums, and retail stores. Some craft artists are self-employed, selling items they have made, or providing their services on a free-lance basis to businesses and individuals. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —carve designs and lettering on wooden blocks or rollers for printing greeting cards. —engrave designs and names on athletic trophies. —paint designs and letters on posters with an air- brush. —retouch photographs to highlight features of sub- jects. —hand letter documents, such as diplomas and char- ters, using pen and ink. —Use special tools and techniques to clean and prepare fossils for a museum display. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —apply artistic skills, such as painting, drawing, or modeling, in practical ways. —select the tools, materials, and methods which are best for each purpose. —picture the way the finished product should look from drawings prepared by a designer. —use your eyes, hands, and fingers skillfully to guide knives, pens, brushes, and modeling tools precise- ly. —take pride in turning out work that appears attrac- tive and meets the standards set by a customer or your supervisor. —look at an object and notice tiny flaws which should be removed or repaired. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work. The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you made your own jewelry? Do you enjoy working with your hands and making things? 01.06 —Have you decorated a cake for a birthday or other event? Did you create your own designs? —Have you completed a paint-by-number picture? Do you have a steady hand? —Have you used a wood-burning tool to etch a preprinted design? Do you like to use tools of this kind? —Have you made or decorated clay pottery? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Courses in industrial art, drafting, art, or craft work may provide initial preparation. More specific training is needed for some jobs depending on the industry, process, or product involved. Vocational high schools, technical schools, and junior colleges offer training in lettering, engraving, or etching. Trade unions and employers sometimes cooperate to offer apprenticeship training. Training in the conservation and restoration of art ob- jects and artifacts is given at a number of colleges, and lasts from six months to two years. This is usually followed by a year or two of on-the-job training as an intern or assistant, working under the direction of a skilled craftsman in a museum or conservation laboratory. Some employers hire workers on the basis of manual skill, experience, and learning ability. Workers are given on-the-job training to develop the knowledge and skills they need. Many of these jobs are specialized crafts, which require two or more years of training and ex- perience. Hand decorating jobs do not require formal training. Art courses, drafting, or mechanical drawing classes at the high school or junior college level are helpful. Most employers provide six months to one year of on-the-job training to teach the proper techniques. What else should you consider about these jobs? Opportunities for workers to express their own creativi- ty vary among the jobs in this group. People who are in- terested in art, but prefer working under specific instruc- tions rather than strictly on their own, will find many job possibilities here. Although these workers use art and craft tools and materials, and produce work that is artistic in nature, they do not have to spend as much time or money on training as they would to prepare for other jobs in the visual arts. ! Workers with skill and experience sometimes open their own businesses. Some do free-lance or contract work. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 29 01.06 01.06.01 Craft Arts Graphic Arts and Related Crafts Silk-Screen Cutter (any ind.) 979.681-022 Photographer, Photoengraving (electronics; print. & pub.) 971.382-014 Engraver Apprentice, Decorative (engraving) 704.381-022 Engraver, Hand, Hard Metals (engraving) 704.381-026 Engraver, Hand, Soft Metals (engraving) 704.381-030 Engraving Supervisor (engraving; jewelry) 704. 131-010 Etcher (engraving) 704.684-010 Patternmaker (engraving) 751.381-010 Glass Decorator (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 775.381-014 Engraver (glass prod.; mirror) 775.381-010 Printer (glass prod.) 979.681-014 Bank-Note Designer (gov. ser.) 142.061-010 Engine Turner (jewelry) 704.381-018 Fancy-Wire Drawer (jewelry) 700.381-014 Engraver, Seals (pen & pencil) 704.381-034 Supervisor, Engraving (pen & pencil) 704. 131-014 Editor, School Photograph (photofinish.) 976.687-010 Advertising-Space Clerk (print. & pub.) 247.387-018 Die Maker (print. & pub.) 979.281-010 Engraver (print. & pub.) II 979.684-014 Engraver, Block (print. & pub.) 979.281-014 Engraver, Picture (print. & pub.) 979.281-018 Engraver, Rubber (print. & pub.) 979.581-010 Etcher Apprentice, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 971.381-010 Etcher, Hand (print. & pub.) 97.1.261-010 Etcher, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 971.381-014 Form Designer (print. & pub.) 970.361-010 Graphic Arts Technician (print. & pub.) 979.382-0 18 Lithographic Plate Maker (print. & pub.) 972.381-010 Lithographic-Plate-Maker Apprentice (print. & pub.) 972.38 1-014 Litho-Make-Ready Assistant (print. & pub.) 972.664-010 Music Engraver (print. & pub.) 972.681-010 Offset-Plate Maker (print. & pub.) 971.381-018 Paste-Up Copy-Camera Operator (print. & pub.) 979.381- 0 18 Paste-Up Copy-Camera Operator Apprentice (print. & pub.) 979.381-022 Photoengraver (print. & pub.) 971.38 1-022 Photoengraver Apprentice (print. & pub.) 971.381-026 Photoengraving Finisher (print. & pub.) 971.381-030 Photoengraving Printer (print. & pub.) 971.381-034 Photographer Apprentice, Lithographic (print. & pub.) 972.382-010 Photographer, Lithographic (print. & pub.) 972.382-014 Process Artist (print. & pub.) 972.281-010 Process-Artist Apprentice (print. & pub.) 972.281-018 Process Stripper (print. & pub.) 972.281-014 Repeat-Photocomposing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 971.382-0 18 Retoucher, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 970.381-030 Roller Engraver, Hand (print. & pub.) 979.681-018 Siderographer (print. & pub.) 979.381-030 Sketch Maker (print. & pub.) I 979.381-034 Sketch Maker (print. & pub.) II 972.381-018 Stripper (print. & pub.) 971.381-050 Stripper Apprentice (print. & pub.) 971.381-054 Supervisor, Offset-Plate Preparation (print. 972. 130-0 1 0 Supervisor, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 971. 131-010 Transferrer (print. & pub.) 972.381-026 & pub. Photographer, Aerial (profess. & kin.) 143.062-014 Stencil Cutter (stonework) 77.1.281-010 Roller Repairer (textile) 979.381-026 01.06.02 Arts and Crafts Patternmaker Apprentice, Plaster (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 777.381 -0.26 Patternmaker, Plaster (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 777.381- 030 Plaster-Pattern Caster (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; mach. tool & access.) 777.381-038 Body-Make-Up Artist 333.27 1-0 1 0 Make-Up Artist (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 333.07 1-010 Prop Maker (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.) 962.281-010 Special Effects Specialist (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.281-018 (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.) Clay Modeler (any ind.) 779.281-010 Decorator (any ind.) 298.381-010 Model Maker (any ind.) I 777.261-010 Relief-Map Modeler (any ind.) 777.381-042 Repairer, Art Objects (any ind.) 779.381-018 Model-and-Mold Maker (brick & tile) 777.381-014 Modeler (brick & tile) 777.081-010 Stencil Maker (carpet & rug) 979.381-038 Concrete Sculptor (conc. prod.) 777.281-010 Model-and-Mold Maker, Plaster (conc. prod.) 777.381-018 Model Maker, Fiberglass (conc. prod.) 777.381-010 Tracer (const.; stonework) 779.381-022 Souvenir and Novelty Maker (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 739,38 1-050 Stock Checkerer (firearms) I 761.381-034 Stock Maker, Custom (firearms) 761.38 1-038 Inset Cutter (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.381-038 Fur Blender (fur dressing) 783.681-010 Carver, Hand (furn.; plan. mill) 761.281-010 Distresser (furn.) 763.687-0 18 Glazier, Stained Glass (glass prod.) 779.381-010 30 01.06 Mosaic Worker (glass prod.; stat. & art goods) 779.381- 014 - Wig Dresser (hairwork; per ser.) 332.361-010 Patternmaker (hat & cap) 784.361-010 Bead Maker (jewelry) 770.381-010 Chaser (jewelry; silverware) 704.381-010 Jeweler (jewelry) 700.281-010 Jeweler Apprentice (jewelry) 700.281-014 Lay-Out Worker (jewelry) 700.381-026 Model Maker (jewelry) 709.381-018 Model-Maker Apprentice (jewelry) 709.381-022 Mold Maker (jewelry) I 700.381-034 Mold-Maker Apprentice (jewelry) 700.381-038 Sample Maker (jewelry) I 700.381-046 Leather Stamper (leather prod.) 781.381-018 Picture Framer (mirror & pic. frames; ret. tr.) 739.684-146 Supervisor (model & pattern) 739.131-014 Costumer (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 346.261-010 Miniature-Set Constructor (motion pic.) 962.38 1-0 18 Sound Cutter (motion pic.) 962.382-014 Supervisor, Prop-Making (motion pic.) 962. 137-022 Armorer Technician (museum) 109.28 1-0 l O Art Conservator (museum) 102. 167-010 Conservation Technician (museum) 102.261-010 Museum Technician (museum) 102.381-010 Restorer, Lace and Textiles (museum) 102.361-010 Mortuary Beautician (per. ser.) 339.361-010 Tattoo Artist (per. ser.) 339.57 1-010 Model Maker (pottery & porc.) 777.281-014 Conservator, Artifacts (profess. & kin.) 055.381-010 Taxidermist (profess. & kin.) 199.261-010 Manager, Sound Effects (radio & twº broad.) 962. 167-010 Sound-Effects Technician (radio & tv broad.) 962.28 1-014 Figure Refinisher and Repairer (ret. tr.) 739.381-034 Milliner (ret. tr.) 784.261-010 Display Maker (signs) 739.361-010 Glass Bender (signs) 772.381-010 Model Maker (silverware) 700.281-018 Silversmith (silverware) 700.281-022 Bow Maker, Custom (sports equip.) 732.381-010 Supervisor (stat. & art goods) 779. 131-010 Stone Carver (stonework) 77.1.28 1-0 l 4 Model Maker (toys & games) 731.280–010 01.06.03 Hand Lettering, Painting, and Decorating Gilder (any ind.) 749.381-010 Painter, Airbrush (any ind.) 741.684-018 Painter, Hand (any ind.) 970.381-022 Painter Helper, Sign (any ind.) 970.664-010 Painter, Sign (any ind.) 970.381-026 Sign Writer, Hand (any ind.) 970.281-022 Striper, Hand (any ind.) 740.484-010 4 Painter (artif. flower) 740.381-018 Colorer (brick & tile) 773.684-010 Tile Decorator (brick & tile) 773.381-010 Lay-Out Former (bus. ser.) 970.381-018 Painter, Rug Touch-Up (clean., dye., & press.) 364.381- 0 1 0 Decorator (dairy prod.) 524.381-014 Dial Marker (elec. equip.) 729.684-018 Beadworker (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 789.381-010 Decorator (furn.) 749.684-014 Decorator (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 740.381-010 Luster Applicator (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 740.381-014 Supervisor, Decorating (glass mfg.) 652. 130-010 Charger (jewelry) I 740.684-010 Enameler (jewelry) 740.684-018 Decorator, Lighting Fixtures (light. fix.) 749.684-018 Stencil Cutter (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 970.381-038 Artist, Mannequin Coloring (model & pattern) 741.684- 0 1 0 Decorator, Mannequin (model & pattern) 970.381-014 Inker and Opaquer (motion pic.) 970.681-018 Painter, Animated Cartoons (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 970.681-026 Painter, Stage Settings (motion pic.) 840.681-010 Colorist, Photography (photofinish.) 970.381-010 Photograph Retoucher (photofinish.) 970.281-018 Spotter, Photographic (photofinish.) 970.381-034 Decorator (pottery & porc.) 740.684-014 Instructor, Decorating (pottery & porc.) 740.221-010 Liner (pottery & porc.) 740.681-010 Supervisor, Decorating (pottery & porc.) 749. 131-010 Ben-Day Artist (print. & pub.) 970.681-010 Colorer (print. & pub.) 970.681-014 Inlayer (print. & pub.) 977.684-014 Music Grapher (print. & pub.) 970.581-010 Painter, Plate (print. & pub.) 970.681-030 Stripper, Photolithographic (print. & pub.) 972.381-022 Airbrush Artist (profess. & kin.) 970.281-010 Engrosser (profess. & kin.) 970.661-010 Letterer (profess. & kin.) 970.661-014 Embroidery Patternmaker (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 782.361-014 Gift Wrapper (ret. tr.) 299.364-014 Instructor, Painting (ret. tr.) 297.451-010 Railroad-Car Letterer (r. r. trans.) 845.681-010 Manugrapher (signs) 970.681-022 Patternmaker (signs) 772.381-014 Letterer (type founding) 979.681-010 31 Elemental Arts 01.0 01.07 Elemental Arts ment parks, or by conducting person-to-person consultations with people to predict their future or tell them othe things about themselves. They work with traveling carnivals or circuses, or at permanently located amusement parks. Workers in this group entertain or divert people by announcing features or performing acts at carnivals or º Some are self-employed, conducting interviews in their homes or giving consultations by mail. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —introduce circus acts and signal the start and finish of each act. —shout show attractions to the passing public. —analyze handwriting to determine personal charac- teristics. —guess weight of people at an amusement park or carnival. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —attract the attention of others by speaking, gestur- ing or shouting. —be at ease when appearing before an audience. —speak clearly, using easily understood terms, and offering your information with sincerity when deal- ing with clients on a person-to-person basis. —learn and apply the specialized techniques needed for such feats as fire-eating, snake charming, or sword-swallowing. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you played Santa Claus? Have you worn a costume as a mascot? Did you enjoy doing this type of activity? —Have you worked at a school or community fair or carnival? Were you able to get people to play the games or watch the shows? —Have you performed card tricks for friends? Do you enjoy amusing others? —Have you played games involving reading the minds of others? Do you feel you have psychic powers? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over six months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Many of these jobs require only brief training for workers to become familiar with the work setting and tasks. Greater training and practice in areas such as as- trology, numerology, or graphology are necessary for some jobs. Other jobs, such as ring conductor in a circus, require related work experience. Some workers are hired if they fit a specific costume. Some people develop the necessary skills through practicing their hobbies such as snake handling, or telling fortunes. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many of these jobs are seasonal or temporary with few chances for promotion. Jobs with circuses and other amusement shows require frequent travel. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 32 01.07.01 Psychic Science Graphologist (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-018 Psychic Reader (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-018 01.07.02 Announcing Announcer (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-010 Barker (amuse. & rec.) 342.657-010 Diver (amuse. & rec.) 349.247-010 01.07 Elemental Arts Ring Conductor (amuse. & rec.) 159.367-010 Impersonator, Character (any ind.) 299.647-010 01.07.03 Entertaining Amusement Park Entertainer (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-010 Weight Guesser (amuse. & rec.) 342.357-010 Coach Driver (bus. ser.) 349.677-014 33 Modeling 01 d Workers in this group appear before a camera or live audience in non-speaking capacities. They stand in for actors and take part in crowd scenes in television or motion picture productions. They show clothing, hair styles, and other products, appear in fashion shows and other public or private product exhibitions, and pose for artists and photographers. They work for manufacturers, or wholesale, and retail establishments. Some are employed by mo- tion picture and television studios, nightclubs, and other entertainment facilities. Modeling instructors work for public or private schools. Many of these workers are self-employed, or obtain job assignments through model agencies or unions which represent persons in the entertainment industry. What kind of work would you do? What skills and abilities do you need for this kind o © tº , 9 e work? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —model clothing for a designer or department store. —pose for a photographer or an artist. To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —stand, sit, walk, or pose in front of an audience, photographer, or artist for long periods of time. —stand in place for a movie star so cameras can be —follow directions for movements and poses to ex- adjusted. press certain emotions or convey various visual im- —parade across a stage to display costumes as pressions. background for a chorus line. —appear before an audience with poise and self-as- SUlſa Il Ce. 01.08 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you modeled for an artist or photographer? Can you hold a pose for a half-hour or longer? —Have you modeled clothes in a fashion show? Do you enjoy appearing before groups? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over six months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Training for many of these jobs is usually brief and given on the job. Modeling schools offer courses in graceful movement and personal grooming. Workers are often hired because of their appearance or size. Workers may be under contract to a booking agency or may obtain work on their own. Models may work only part-time until the quality of their work is recognized. Workers in this group often hold other jobs. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many of these jobs are short-term or seasonal and offer little opportunity for advancement. A few models may be in constant demand and earn large salaries. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Modeling 01.08.01 Personal Appearance Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 1.59.647–0 l 4 Show Girl (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-022 Model, Artists’ (any ind.) 961.667-010 Model, Photographers’ (any ind.) 961.367-010 Instructor, Modeling (education) 099.227-026 Model (garment; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 297.667-014 Double (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 961.364-010 Stand-in (motion pic.; radio & twbroad.) 961.667-014 35 Scientific An interest in discovering, collecting, and analyzing information about the natural World and applying scientific research findings to problems in medicine, the life Sciences, and the natural Sciences. You can satisfy this interest by Working with the knowledge and processes of the Sciences. You may enjoy researching and developing new knowledge in mathematics. Perhaps solving problems in the physical or life Sciences would appeal to you. You may wish to study medicine and help humans or animals. You could work as a practitioner in the health field. You may want to work with scientific equipment and procedures. You Could seek a job in research or testing laboratories. 36 Scientific 02.01 Physical Sciences 02.02 Life Sciences 02.03 Medical Sciences 02.04 Laboratory Technology 37 | Physical Sciences 02. Workers in this group are concerned mostly with non-living things, such as chemicals, rocks, metals, math matics, movements of the earth and the stars, etc. They conduct scientific studies and perform other activities requi ing a knowledge of math, physics, or chemistry. Some workers investigate, discover, and test new theories. So look for ways to develop new or improved materials or processes for use in production and construction. Othe do research in such fields as geology, astronomy, oceanography, and computer science. Workers base their concl sions on information that can be measured or proved. Industries, government agencies, or large universities emplo most of these workers in their research facilities. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —study (aerial) photographs for indications of possi- ble oil or gas deposits. —examine rock formations to develop theories about the earth and its history. —use information about wind, temperature, humidi- ty, and land formations to predict weather. —help solve environmental problems such as pollu- tion. —develop chemical formulas for making fine per- fumes. —conduct experiments to develop new metals. —gather and interpret information about movements in the earth. —use advanced math to problems. solve very complex What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use logic or scientific thinking to deal with many different kinds of problems. —use non-verbal symbols (such as numbers) to ex- press ideas or solve problems. —understand and express complex, technical, and scientific information. - —recognize textures, colors, shapes, and sizes. —make decisions using your own judgments. —gather and interpret data about earth movements. —make decisions based on information that can be measured or verified. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could lear to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues abou yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in earth science or spac science? 37/3 02.01 —Have you read articles or stories about scientific expeditions? Do you understand scientific ter- minology? —Have you collected rocks or minerals as a hobby? Can you recognize differences in ores or mineral deposits? —Have you watched television weather shows? Do you understand the terms and symbols used? —Have you owned a chemistry set or microscope? Do you enjoy testing new ideas with this type of equipment? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. A bachelor's degree with a major in mathematics or a specific physical science is the minimum requirement for entrance into this type of work. Graduate degrees are needed for most research work or college teaching. A master's degree may qualify an individual for work in laboratory teaching or applied research in a college, university, or industrial setting. Advanced studies or a Ph.D. are usually required for work in basic research. Im- portant courses include algebra, geometry, advanced math, physics, and earth and space science. Chemistry and technical writing courses are helpful and in some cases required. What else should you consider about these jobs? Physical scientists may be required to work irregular hours to meet research deadlines or to study phenomena. Frequent relocation or travel to remote areas may be required. Workers should keep informed of developments in their field by attending seminars, reading professional journals, and being active in professional organizations. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 39 02.01 Physical Sciences 02.01.01 Theoretical Research 40 Astronomer (profess. & kin.) 021.067-010 Chemist (profess. & kin.) 022.061-010 Stratigrapher (profess. & kin.) 024.061-054 02.01.02 Technology Computer-Applications Engineer (profess. & kin.) 020.062- Perfumer (chem.) 022.161-018 010 Geodesist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-014 Geographer (profess. & kin.) 029.067-010 Geographer, Physical (profess. & kin.) 029.067-014 Geologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-018 Geophysicist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-030 Hydrologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-034 Mathematician (profess. & kin.) 020.067-014 Meteorologist (profess. & kin.) 025.062-010 Mineralogist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-038 Paleontologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-042 Petrologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-046 Physicist (profess. & kin.) 023.061-014 Physicist, Theoretical (profess. & kin.) 023.067-010 Seismologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-050 Crystallographer (clock & watch) 024.061-010 Aerial-Photograph Interpreter (gov. ser.) 029. 167-010 Geologist, Petroleum (petrol. production) 024.061-022 Geophysical Prospector (petrol. production) 024.061-026 Chemical-Laboratory Chief (profess. & kin.) 022.161-010 Environmental Analyst (profess. & kin.) 029.081-010 Materials Scientist (profess. & kin.) 029.081-014 Metallurgist, Physical (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-022 Project Manager, Environmental Research (profess. & kin.) 029. 16.7-014 Life Sciences 02.02 02.02 Life Sciences Workers in this group are concerned mostly with living things such as plants and animals. They conduct research and do experiments to expand man's knowledge of living things. Some may work on problems related to how the environment affects plant and animal life. Others may study causes of disease and ways to control disease. These workers are usually employed in the research facilities of hospitals, government agencies, industries, or universities. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —prepare slides and use microscopes to study cells and cell structure. —examine animals and specimens to study the effect of drugs on living tissue. —conduct experiments with growing bacteria to develop new information about diseases. —conduct research to develop improved ways to process food. —study the origin and classification of plants or animals. - —conduct experiments by breeding animals or plants to study characteristics passed from parents to off- spring. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use logic and scientific methods to study living things. —understand and use instructions that use word numbers, diagrams, or chemical formulas. —learn and use knowledge about how living things function, how plants and animals are classified, and how to use laboratory and scientific equip- ment. —recognize differences in size, form, shape, color, and textures. —use eyes, hands, and fingers easily and accurately. —do a lot of different things and change what you are doing frequently. —make decisions using your own judgment. —make decisions based on information that can be measured or verified. —do things which require you to be very careful and aCCurate. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you studied plants in a garden, forest, or laboratory setting? Can you recognize and identify different types of plants? —Have you participated in a project or hobby which involved breeding, caring for, or studying plant life? —Have you taken courses in biology or zoology? Do you enjoy conducting experiments which involve plants and animals? —Have you been a member of a scouting or environ- mental protection group? Do you take part in ef- forts to preserve forests, parks, or campgrounds? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Impor- tant academic courses include algebra, geometry, ad- vanced math, chemistry, biological sciences. Technical writing or composition courses are helpful. A bachelor's 41 02.02 degree with a major in biology or another life science is generally required. Graduate degrees are needed for most research work or for college teaching. A master's degree may qualify an individual for laboratory teaching. Ad- vanced studies or a Ph.D. are usually required for work in basic research. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some courses and some jobs require workers to cut up or handle tissue and waste products of humans and animals. Some jobs require living or working in remote areas such as forests or deserts. It is important that life scientists keep informed of developments in their field by attending seminars, reading professional books and magazines, or being active in professional organizations. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Life Sciences 02.02.01 Animal Specialization Coroner (gov. ser.) 168.161-010 Histopathologist (medical ser.) 041.061-054 Pathologist (medical ser.) 070.061-010 Veterinarian, Laboratory Animal Care (medical 073.061-010 Veterinary Pathologist (medical ser.) 073.061-030 ser.) Anatomist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-010 Animal Breeder (profess. & kin.) 041.061-014 Animal Scientist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-014 Anthropologist, Physical (profess. & kin.) 055.067-014 Apiculturist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-018 Biomedical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.061-010 Dairy Scientist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-018 Entomologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-046 Geneticist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-050 Medical Physicist (profess. & kin.) 079.021-014 Nematologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-066 Parasitologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-070 Pharmacologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-074 Poultry Scientist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-042 Veterinary Anatomist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-014 Veterinary Bacteriologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-018 Veterinary Epidemiologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-022 Veterinary Parasitologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-026 Veterinary Pharmacologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-034 Veterinary Physiologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-038 Veterinary Virologist (profess. & kin.) 073.061-042 Zoologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090 02.02.02 Plant Specialization Agronomist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-010 Botanist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-038 Forest Ecologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-030 Horticulturist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-038 Mycologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-062 Plant Breeder (profess. & kin.) 041.061-082 Plant Pathologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-086 Range Manager (profess. & kin.) 040.061-046 Silviculturist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-050 Soil Conservationist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-054 Soil Scientist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-058 Wood Technologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-062 02.02.03 Plant and Animal Specialization Aquatic Biologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-022 Biochemist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-026 Biologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-030 Biophysicist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-034 Cytologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-042 Microbiologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-058 Physiologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-078 02.02.04 Food Research Chemist, Food (profess. & kin.) 022.061-014 Dairy Technologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-022 Dietitian, Research (profess. & kin.) 077.061-010 Food Technologist (profess. & kin.) 041.081-010 42 2.03 Medical Sciences erdeveloped countries. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific 5b. For example, you might —perform surgery to correct deformities, repair inju- ries, or remove diseased organs. —diagnose and treat diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. —diagnose and treat mental illnesses. —remove teeth and perform other mouth surgery. —examine patients to determine causes of speech defects. —oversee all medical activities of a hospital. —examine and treat patients for all physical problems, referring them to specialists when neces- sary. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? —To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use logic and scientific thinking to diagnose and treat human or animal injuries and illnesses. —deal with people or animals when they are in pain or under stress. Medical Sciences 02.03 Workers in this group are involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human and animal diseases, sorders, or injuries. It is common to specialize in specific kinds of illnesses, or special areas or organs of the body. Workers who prefer to be more general may become general practitioners, family practitioners, or may learn to deal ith groups of related medical problems. A wide variety of work environments is available to medical workers ranging om large city hospitals and clinics, to home offices in rural areas, to field clinics in the military or in un- —stay calm and keep your head in emergencies. —use eyes, hands, and fingers with great skill and accuracy. —deal both with things that are known and obvious and with things which frequently are not easy to recognize or understand. —make important decisions using your own judgment. —make decisions based on information you can measure or verify. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in biology, physiology, or anatomy? Can you understand scientific concepts? —Have you had any training in first-aid techniques? Have you treated an accident victim? Can you work well with people in emotionally upsetting situations? 43 02.03 —Have you dissected an animal? Can you skillfully handle small instruments such as scalpels, syringes, or tweezers? —Have you watched medical shows on television? Do you enjoy these programs? Can you understand the technical terms used? —Have you been a medical corpsman in the armed services? Did you learn techniques and terminolo- gy that would be helpful in medical school? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Academic courses helpful in preparing for the medical sciences are: algebra, geometry, advanced math, chemis- try, biological sciences, English, and Latin. Two to four years of undergraduate study followed by four years of advanced study is considered the minimum preparation. Most doctors serve a one- or two-year internship in a approved hospital after graduation from medical school. Some physicians spend several additional years in stud and training as a resident or intern to specialize. Dentist who specialize, teach, or perform research must hav post-graduate courses or complete a residency in hospital or clinic. Medical doctors, dentists, an veterinarians must have a license to practice. What else should you consider about these jobs? The training time and cost involved are significant. Workers must adjust to irregular hours, weekend and holiday work, and 24-hour on-call duties. Workers should update their knowledge and profes- sional skills through periodic courses and continuous study. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 02.03 Medical Sciences 02.03.01 Medicine and Surgery Medical Officer (gov. ser.) 070. 101-046 Police Surgeon (gov. ser.) 070. 101-082 Allergist-Immunologist (medical ser.) 070. 107-010 Anesthesiologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-010 Cardiologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-014 Dermatologist (medical ser.) 070. 1 0 1-0 | 8 Family Practitioner (medical ser.) 070. 101-026 Flight Surgeon (medical ser.) 070. 101-030 General Practitioner (medical ser.) 070. 101-022 Gynecologist (medical ser.) O70. 101-034 Intern (medical ser.) 070. 101-038 Internist (medical ser.) 070. 101-042 Neurologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-050 Obstetrician (medical ser.) 070. 101-054 Ophthalmologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-058 Osteopathic Physician (medical ser.) 071. 101-010 Otolaryngologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-062 Pediatrician (medical ser.) 070. 101-066 Physiatrist (medical ser.) 070. 101-070 Physician, Head (medical ser.) 070. 101-074 Physician, Occupational (medical ser.) 070. 101-078 Podiatrist (medical ser.) 079. 101-022 Proctologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-086 Psychiatrist (medical ser.) 070. 107-014 Radiologist (medical ser.) 070. 101-090 Surgeon (medical ser.) I 070. 101-094 Urologist (medical ser.) 070.101-098 02.03.03 Veterinary Medicine Veterinarian, Poultry (agric.) 073. 101-014 Veterinary Livestock Inspector (gov. ser.) 073.161-010 Veterinary Meat-Inspector (gov. ser.) 073.264-010 Veterinary Virus-Serum Inspector (gov. ser.) 073.261-010 02.03.02 Dentistry Dentist (medical ser.) 072.101-010 Endodontist (medical ser.) 072. 101-014 Oral Pathologist (medical ser.) 072.061-010 Oral Surgeon (medical ser.) O72. 1 0 1-0 18 Orthodontist (medical ser.) 072. 101-022 Pedodontist (medical ser.) 072. 101-026 Periodontist (medical ser.) 072. 101-030 Prosthodontist (medical ser.) 072. 101-034 Public-Health Dentist (medical ser.) 072. 101-038 Veterinarian (medical ser.) 073. 10 1-0 10 02.03.04 Health Specialties Acupuncturist (medical ser.) 079.27 1-010 Chiropractor (medical ser.) 079. 101-010 Doctor, Naturopathic (medical ser.) 079. 101-014 Audiologist (profess. & kin.) 076. 101-010 Optometrist (profess. & kin.) 079. 101-018 Speech Pathologist (profess. & kin.) 076. 107-010 45 Laboratory Technology 02.0 02.04 Laboratory Technology Workers in this group use special laboratory techniques and equipment to perform tests in the fields of chemistry, biology, or physics. They record information that results from their experiments and tests. They help scientists, medi- cal doctors, researchers, and engineers in their work. Hospitals, government agencies, universities, and private indus- tries employ these workers in their laboratories and research facilities. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —set up and operate laboratory equipment to con- duct chemical and physical tests on metal ores. —prepare slides and use microscopes to identify dis- eases in an organ removed by surgery. —measure rainfall and riverflow, record findings, and prepare a summary report of conditions. —set up equipment to test fire a gun to gather evidence for a criminal investigation. —prepare compounds and package prescription drugs. —conduct tests on samples from oil drilling opera- tions. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and use scientific and technical lan- guage and symbols. —recognize slight differences in the shape, color, or texture of things. . —use eyes, hands, and fingers to operate delicate and sensitive equipment. —do work that requires being very precise or accu- rate. —follow technical instructions which may be verbal, in writing, or in the form of charts or drawings. —use measurable and verifiable information for making decisions or judgments. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you used test tubes, microscopes, or other laboratory instruments? Do you enjoy working with scientific equipment? —Have you read scientific or technical manuals or journals? Can you understand the language and symbols used? —Have you collected rocks? Can you recognize dif- ferent minerals that are present? —Have you had algebra or geometry courses? Can you read and understand charts and graphs? —Have you repaired or assembled a precision device such as a radio or clock? Did it work properly af- terwards? —Have you had military experience collecting water samples, or conducting blood tests? Do you enjoy this type of work? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most of these jobs are entry positions requiring workers to have a two- to four-year degree. Some workers may move into laboratory or testing work from production areas. On- the-job training is sometimes available to applicants who have appropriate skills or work related experience. Some jobs are offered to those who have taken scientific or technical courses in high school or a post-high school program. Courses in chemistry, physical science, or life science will be helpful. 46 02.04 What else should you consider about these jobs? If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select Many medical and technical facilities . ** those that interest you, and read their definitions in the hour schedule. Some employees must work at night or at Dictionary of Occupational Titles. varying hours throughout the week. 47 02.04 02.04.01 Laboratory Technology Physical Sciences Calibration Laboratory Technician mfg.; electronics) 019.281-010 (aircraft-aerospace Proof Technician (ammunition; firearms) 199.17 1-010 Decontaminator (any ind.) 199.384-010 Laboratory Tester (any ind.) 029.261-010 Laboratory Technician (auto. mfg.) 019.381-010 Pilot-Control Operator (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.382-046 Sample Tester (chem.) 553.364-010 Mechanical Technician, 71 5.261-010 Laboratory (clock & watch) Cloth Tester (garment; textile) 029.381-010 Ballistics Expert, Forensic (gov. ser.) 199.267-010 Examiner, Questioned Documents (gov. ser.) 199.267-022 Fingerprint Classifier (gov. ser.) 375.387-010 Laboratory Assistant, Liaison Inspection (iron & steel) 169. 167–026 Laboratory Assistant, Metallurgical (iron & steel) 01 1.281- 010 Laboratory Assistant (light, heat, & power) 029.361-018 Ultrasound Technologist (medical ser.) 078.364-010 Sampler (minerals & earths; mining & quarrying) 579,484- 010 Film Laboratory Technician (motion pic.) I 976.381-010 Raw Sampler (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.484-014 Smoke Tester (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 0 12.281-010 Color Developer (paper & pulp) 530.261-010 Laboratory Assistant (petrol. production) 024.381-010 Well-Logging Captain, Mud Analysis (petrol. production) 0 1 0.131-010 Well-Logging Operator, Mud Analysis (petrol. production) 0 1 0.281-022 Tester (petrol. refin.) 029.261-022 Accelerator Operator (profess. & kin.) 015.362-010 Assayer (profess. & kin.) 022.281-010 Chemical-Laboratory Technician 022.261-010 Colorist (profess. & kin.) 022.161-014 Criminalist (profess. & kin.) 029.281-010 Gamma-Facilities Operator (profess. & kin.) 015.362-014 Geophysical-Laboratory Chief (profess. & kin.) 024.167- 0 1 0 Hot-Cell Technician (profess. & kin.) 015.362-018 Laboratory Supervisor (profess. & kin.) 022. 137-010 Metallurgical Technician (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.261-010 Paleontological Helper (profess. & kin.) 024.364-010 Pharmacist (profess. & kin.) 074.161-010 Photographer, Scientific (profess. & kin.) 143.062-026 (profess. & kin.) Photo-Optics Technician (profess. & kin.) 029.280–010 Quality-Control Technician (profess. & kin.) 012.261-014 Radioisotope-Production Operator (profess. & kin.) 015.362-022 Reactor Operator, Test-and-Research (profess. & kin.) 0.15.362-026 Scanner (profess. & kin.) 015.384-010 Scientific Helper (profess. & kin.) 199.364-014 Spectroscopist (profess. & kin.) 01 1.281-014 Supervisor, Metallurgical-and-Quality-Control-Testing (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.161-010 Tester (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.361-010 Weather Observer (profess. & kin.) 025.267-014 Laboratory Tester (synthetic fibers) 022.281-018 Laboratory Assistant (textile) 029.381-014 Hydrographer (waterworks) 025.264-010 02.04.02 Life Sciences Biological Aide (agric.) 049.384-010 Feed-Research Aide (agric.) 049.364-010 Laboratory Technician, Artificial Breeding 040.361-010 Food Tester (any ind.) 029.361-014 (agric.) Laboratory Assistant, Blood and Plasma (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 078.687-010 Cytotechnologist (medical ser.) 078.281-010 Medical-Laboratory Technician (medical ser.) 078.381-014 Microbiology Technologist (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medi- cal ser.) 078.261-014 Siphon Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 599.687-026 Public-Health Microbiologist (gov. ser.) 041.261-010 Bottle-House Quality-Control Technician (malt liquors) 029.361-010 Yeast-Culture Developer (malt liquors) 022.381-010 Cephalometric Analyst (medical ser.) 078.384-010 Chemistry Technologist (medical ser.) 078.261-010 Laboratory Technician, Veterinary (medical ser.) 073.361- 010 Medical-Laboratory Assistant (medical ser.) 078.381-010 Medical Technologist (medical ser.) 078.361-014 Medical Technologist, Chief (medical ser.) 078.161-010 Medical Technologist, Teaching Supervisor (medical ser.) 078. 121-0 1 0 Morgue Attendant (medical ser.) 355.667-010 Tissue Technologist (medical ser.) 078.361-030 Embalmer (per. ser.) 338.371-014 Embalmer Apprentice (per. ser.) 338.371-010 Biological Photographer (profess. & kin.) 143.362-010 Biology Specimen Technician (profess. & kin.) 041.381 - 010 Biomedical Equipment 0.19.261-010 Polygraph Examiner (profess. & kin.) 199.267-026 Seed Analyst (profess. & kin.) 040.361-014 Chemist, Water Purification (waterworks) 022.281-014 Technician (profess. & kin.) 48 | Plants and Animals An interest in activities to do with plants and animals, usually in an Outdoor Setting. You can satisfy this interest by Working in farming, forestry, fishing, and related fields. You may like doing physical Work Outdoors, such as Working On a farm. You may enjoy animals. Perhaps training or taking care of animals Would appeal to you. You may have management ability. You could own, Operate, or manage farms Or related business Or Services. 49 Plants and Animals 03.01 Managerial Work: Plants and Animals 03.02 General Supervision: Plants and Animals 03.03 Animal Training and Service 03.04 Elemental Work: Plants and Animals 50 Managerial Work: Nature 03.01 What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —plan and oversee the sales and shipment of farm crops or animals. —arrange for the purchase of seed, livestock, fertil- izer, feed, and other supplies. —advise poultry farmers on ways to improve the quality of their products. —breed earthworms and sell them as bait, or to companies that produce fish food or soil condi- tioners. —study market trends to plan the type and quantity of crops to plant. —plan and direct projects for cutting timber and replanting forests. J3.01 Managerial Work: Plants and Animals Workers in this group operate or manage farming, fishing, forestry, and horticultural service businesses of many Kinds. Some of them breed specialty plants and animals. Others provide services to increase production or beautify and areas. Many of them work in rural or woodland areas, on farms, ranches, and forest preserves. Others find em- ployment with commercial nurseries, landscaping firms, business services, or government agencies located in large and small communities all over the country. Many are self-employed, operating their own large or small businesses. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and apply procedures related to a par- ticular kind of activity in a practical way, such as rotating crops so that farm soil will stay fertile, treating trees with the right chemicals to prevent the spread of disease, or feeding cattle to produce beef of prime quality. —plan an entire activity and see that it is carried Out. —keep accurate financial and production records. —get along well with other people in many different work situations, such as overseeing their activities or negotiating with them for the purchase of materials or the sale of products. —spend much of your time outdoors in all kinds of weather, overseeing or participating in the work being done. 03.01 How do you know if you would like, or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you raised plants or animals as a hobby? Would you like to take courses to help you expand your hobby? —Have you been a member of FFA or 4-Hº Did you complete any projects which required planning, budgeting, and record keeping? —Have you been a leader in scouting or any other outdoor group? Do you enjoy planning and direct- ing activities? —Have you worked all day mowing lawns, planting or trimming trees, or picking fruit? Could you do or supervise this type of work every day? - How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most of the jobs in this group are open only to people with work experience. Growing up on a farm is good initial prepara- tion for many of these jobs. Formal training for manage- ment jobs is available at the high school and post-hig school levels. For example, vocational agriculture course are offered in many high schools with similar course available to adults at night and on weekends. Program such as agribusiness, animal husbandry, forest manage ment, and small business management are provided b many colleges and technical schools. Each state has a least one college which offers four or five year program: in related fields. Workers with training in management and farm ex perience qualify for jobs with cooperative groups, cor. porations, and large farm owners. Some workers form companies which contract to provide farm services. Courses in horticulture, gardening, or turf management provide preparation for jobs in nurseries, tree services, and landscaping firms. What else should you consider about these jobs? Federal loans are available to qualified people who wish to start their own businesses. Most of these busi- nesses are small and hire few people. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 52 03.01 Managerial Work: Plants and Animals 03.01.01 Farming Camp Tender (agric.) 410.137-010 Farmer, Cash Grain (agric.) 401.161-010 Farmer, Diversified Crops (agric.) 407.161-010 Farmer, Field Crop (agric.) 404.161-010 Farmer, General (agric.) 421.161-010 Farmer, Tree-Fruit-and-Nut Crops (agric.) 403.161-010 Farmer, Vegetable (agric.) 402.161-010 Farmer, Vine-Fruit Crops (agric.) 403.161-014 Field Service Technician, Poultry (agric.) 4.11.267-010 General Manager, Farm (agric.; whole. tr.) 180.167-018 Group Leader (agric.) 180.167-022 Harvest Contractor (agric.) 409.1 17-010 Livestock Rancher (agric.) 410.161-018 Manager, Dairy Farm (agric.) 180.167-026 Manager, Game Preserve (agric.) 180.167-038 Manager, Poultry Hatchery (agric.) 180.167-046 Manager, Production, Seed Corn (agric.) 180.161-010 Migrant Leader (agric.) 180.167–050 Poultry Breeder (agric.) 41 1.161-014 Poultry Farmer (agric.) 41 1.161-018 Superintendent (agric.; can. & preserv.) 180.167–054 Superintendent, Production (agric.) 180. 167–058 Field Contractor (any ind.) 162. 1 17-022 Manager, Christmas-Tree Farm (forestry) 180.1 17-010 03.01.02 Specialty Breeding Animal Breeder (agric.) 410.161-010 Artificial-Breeding Distributor (agric.) 180.167-010 Beekeeper (agric.) 4.13.161-010 Canary Breeder (agric.) 41 1.161-010 Fur Farmer (agric.) 410.161-014 Game-Bird Farmer (agric.) 412.161-010 Gamekeeper (agric.; gov. ser.) 169.17 1-010 Manager, Game Breeding Farm (agric.) 180.167-034 Reptile Farmer (agric.) 4.13.161-014 Worm Grower (agric.) 413.161-018 Fish Farmer (fish.) 446. 161-010 Manager, Fish Hatchery (fish.) 180.167-030 Shellfish Grower (fish.) 446. 161-014 Chief, Fishery Division (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-018 Wildlife Control Agent (gov. ser.) 379.267-010 03.01.03 Specialty Cropping Bonsai Culturist (agric.) 405. 161-010 Horticultural-Specialty Grower, Field (agric.) 405. 161-014 Horticultural-Specialty Grower, Inside (agric.) 405. 161-018 Landscape Gardener (agric.) 408.161-010 Manager, Nursery (agric.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 180.167-042 Tree Surgeon (agric.) 408. 181-010 Superintendent, Greens (amuse. & rec.) 406. 137-014 Landscape Contractor (const.) 182. 167-014 Gardener, Special Effects and Instruction Models (motion pic.; museum) 406.381-010 03.01.04 Forestry and Logging Logging-Operations Inspector (forestry; logging) 168.267- 070 Forester (profess. & kin.) 040.061-034 53 | General Supervision: Nature 03.02 03.02 General Supervision: Plants and Animals Workers in this group supervise others, and often work right along with them, on farms or ranches, fish hatche- ries or forests, plant nurseries or parks. Most of them work in rural or forest locations, but some jobs are located in city or suburban areas. Some of these workers travel throughout an area to inspect or treat croplands for insects or disease, or supervise workers performing agricultural or lawn care services. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —supervise workers in planting, cultivating, and har- vesting all farm crops. —supervise workers in milking, breeding, and caring for dairy cows. —supervise workers in planting, cultivating, harvest- ing, and packing seedling forest trees. —supervise workers in incubating eggs and caring for fish in a state hatchery. —inspect fields for presence of insects or plant dis- €aSC. —coordinate activities of crew of workers engaged in caring for park grounds. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —get a clear picture of the work to be done during a specific time period, as explained to you by the manager of the business, and pass this information along clearly to the workers you supervise. —assign duties to workers according to your judgment of their capabilities, and the amount of work to be done. —demonstrate the use of tools and equipment to other workers, and show them ways of doing their jobs more efficiently. —organize details and use basic arithmetic to keep time and production records for the workers you supervise, or prepare reports of areas you inspect. —work outdoors in all kinds of weather, sometimes performing tasks that require strenuous activities. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you been in charge of a scout troop or other group during a clean-up campaign? Did the mem- bers follow your directions? —Have you been a member of FFA or 4-H2 Did you have a project related to farming, fishing, or forestry? —Have you worked a whole day mowing lawns, cutting weeds, or picking fruit? Could you do this type of work every day? Are you interested in su- pervising this type of work? —Have you had military experience as a work detail leader? Did you like being responsible for getting the work done? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most workers must have related work experience. They must know about the tools, processes, and methods used by the workers they supervise. This involves having practical knowledge of wide variety of tasks. Almost all workers in this group start out in routine jobs in the same or similar work location. They are promoted to these jobs after showing that they have leadership ability, and are thoroughly familiar with the work. Vocational and courses in technical agriculture, forestry, or related fields provide a helpful background for some of these jobs. 03.02 hat else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group may help to do many of the hysical tasks they supervise. These workers are exposed all types of weather conditions as well as natural azards as storms, fires, and extremes of temperatures. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 55 03.02 General Supervision: Plants and Animals 03.02.01 Farming Field Supervisor, Seed Production (agric.) 180.167-014 Supervisor, Area (agric.) 401. 137-010 Supervisor, Artificial Breeding Ranch (agric.) 410.131-014 Supervisor, Dairy Farm (agric.) 410.131-018 Supervisor, Diversified Crops (agric.) 407.131-010 Supervisor, Field-Crop Farming (agric.) 404.131-010 Supervisor, Game Farm (agric.) 412.131-010 Supervisor, Poultry Farm (agric.) 4.11.131-010 Supervisor, Poultry Hatchery (agric.) 4.11.137-010 Supervisor, Stock Ranch (agric.) 410.131-022 Supervisor, Tree-Fruit-and-Nut Farming (agric.) 403.131- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Vegetable Farming (agric.) 402.131-010 Supervisor, Vine-Fruit Farming (agric.) 403.131-014 Supervisor, Fish Hatchery (fish.) 446. 134-010 Supervisor, Shellfish Farming (fish.) 446.133-010 Supervisor, Christmas-Tree Farm (forestry) 451.137-014 03.02.02 Forestry and Logging Forest Nursery Supervisor (forestry) 451.137-010 Forester Aide (forestry) 452.364.010 Supervisor, Logging (logging) 459. 133-010 Woods Boss (logging) 459.137.010 Cruiser (forestry; logging) 459.387,010 Supervisor, Wood-Crew (sawmill) 669.137-010 03.02.03 Nursery and Groundskeeping - - Supervisor, Horticultural-Specialty Farming (agric.) 405.131- 010 Supervisor, Spray, Lawn and Tree Service (agric.) 408.131- 010 Supervisor, Park Workers (gov. ser.; museum; waterworks) 406. 1 34-014 Supervisor, Cemetery Workers (real estate) 406. 134-010 03.02.04 Services Artificial-Breeding Technician (agric.) 418.384-014 : Field Inspector, Disease and Insect Control (agric.) 408.687-0 10 Supervisor, Insect and Disease Inspection (agric.) 408.137- 010 Barn Boss (any ind.) 410.131-010 Supervisor, Livestock-Yard (any ind.) 410.134-010 56 Animal Training and Service 03.03 J3.03 Animal Training and Service Workers in this group take care of animals of many kinds, and train them for a variety of purposes. They work n pet shops, testing laboratories, animal shelters, and veterinarians' offices. Some are employed by zoos, aquariums, :ircuses, and at other places where animals are exhibited or used in entertainment acts. Others work for animal train- ng or obedience schools, or in stables or kennels maintained by individuals or such facilities as race tracks or riding academies. These workers are not employed on farms, ranches, or other places where animals are raised as crops. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —train and condition horses for racing. —train animals to obey commands, shows, or perform tricks. —feed, water, and care for mice, guinea pigs, mon- keys, and other animals in a hospital or research laboratory. —feed, exercise, and groom horses to protect their health and improve their appearance. —bathe and groom pets for their owners. —control aquarium water temperature and acidity and meet other needs of aquatic life. compete in What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand the habits and physical needs of the animals you care for, and think of each of them on an individual basis. —use your hands and fingers skillfully to perform such tasks as trimming the nails of dogs and cats without hurting them, fastening shoes to horses’ hooves, or helping a veterinarian give shots to sick animals. ~ —observe the animals you care for to notice changes in their appearance, appetite, or behavior, which might mean that they are sick. 57 03.03 —stay very patient while going over and over the same routines with animals, to train them to per- form or to respond to commands. —keep calm during emergencies. —do the hard physical work needed to keep stables and other animal quarters clean, using equipment such as shovels, pitchforks, rakes, mops, and high- pressure hoses. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you raised or cared for an animal? Do you enjoy the responsibility of caring for an animal? —Have you taken care of a sick or an injured animal? Can you tell if an animal is getting sick or getting better by the way it looks or acts? —Have you had a hobby raising small animals or fish? Did you use eyedroppers, strainers or other tools to feed, treat, or care for them? —Have you had military experience training animals? Were you patient with the animal when you had to repeat commands many times? Did the animals learn what you were teaching? How can you prepare for and enter this kind work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over four years, depending upon the specific kind o work. Most beginning workers are given a few simple du ties. More responsibility is added as these workers gain experience. Some high schools, vocational schools, and junior colleges have courses in animal care. These course cover the housing and feeding of animals, basic zoolog and anatomy, and methods of treating sick or injured animals. Some of these jobs require special skills. For instance workers who train or exercise horses must know how to ride, and those who work for aquariums must know ho to swim. - Jobs which involve training guide dogs, saddle horses, or animal performers are given to workers who have at least six months experience in the care of animals. What else should you consider about these jobs? Expansion in testing of food and drugs by government agencies will increase the need for people to care for laboratory animals. An increase in the number of household pets will create jobs for animal groomers, veterinary hospital helpers, and other pet-care workers. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Animal Training and Service 03.03.01 Animal Training Horse Trainer (agric.) 419.224-010 Animal-Ride Manager (amuse. & rec.) 349.224-010 Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) 159.224-010 Exerciser, Horse (amuse. & rec.) 153.674-010 Racehorse Trainer (amuse. & rec.) l 53.224-0 l 4 03.03.02 Animal Service Horseshoer (agric.) 418.381-010 Animal Keeper (amuse. & rec.) 412.674-010 Animal Keeper, Head (amuse. & rec.) 412. 137-010 Animal-Ride Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 349.674-010 Aquarist (amuse. & rec.) 449.674-010 Hoof and Shoe Inspector (amuse. & rec.) 153.287-010 Animal Caretaker (any ind.) 4.10.674-010 Stable Attendant (any ind.) 410.674-022 Dog Bather (per. ser.) 418.677-010 Dog Groomer (per. ser.) 418.674-010 58 Elemental Work: Nature 03.04 What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —Operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, har- vest, and store grain crops. —use shovels, hoes, and shears to plant, cultivate, and prune fruit trees. —walk, stoop, crawl, or sit between rows of hops, peanuts, or tobacco to harvest the crop. —use an auger or ax to cut a tap in trees to collect Sap. - —use an ax and chainsaw to clear a path for trees to be felled. —set and haul in large commercial fishing nets by hand or using a winch. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to : —work outside for long periods of time and in all kinds of weather, performing tasks that require physical strength and endurance. —follow instructions exactly. 03.04 Elemental work: Plants and Animals Workers in this group perform active physical tasks, usually in an outdoor, non-industrial setting. They work with their hands, use various kinds of tools and equipment, or operate machinery. They find employment on farms or ranches, at logging camps or fish hatcheries, in forests or game preserves, or with commercial fishing businesses where they may work onshore or in fishing boats. In urban areas, they work in parks, gardens, or nurseries, or for businesses that provide horticultural or agricultural services. —adjust to doing the same kind of work all day long, with little opportunity for diversion, or perform a variety of different tasks on the same day, as they are needed to carry out the activities of the busi- Il CSS. —work quickly and skillfully with you hands, to do such things as picking fruit or vegetables, sawing or sorting logs, or Operating tractors or lawn mowers. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you worked a whole day mowing lawns, cutting weeds, or picking fruit? Could you do this type of work every day? t —Have you used rakes, shovels, saws, or other tools? Do you like to work with your hands? —Have you been a member of FFA or 4-H2 Did you have a project related to farming, fishing, or forestry? —Do you like to camp, fish, or hunt? Would you like a full-time job doing these activities? 59 03.04 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Prior training is not required for most jobs in this group. Training is usually given by the employer when workers are hired or when their duties are changed. Most employers require job applicants to be in good physical condition, and commercial fisheries hire only persons who can swim for jobs on fishing boats. To be eligible for jobs in local, state or national parks, or with other government agencies, applicants must take and pass Civil Service examinations. Some vocational high schools offer courses in general farming, farm animal care, and equip- ment operation, and a few participate in work/study pro- jects. This kind of training can help you get jobs of this kind, since employers don’t have to spend as much time training you after employment. Many vocational schools and training programs offer related courses. what else should you consider about these jobs? crouching. Machines and equipment may reduce th amount of heavy physical work. However, these labor savers may also lead to fewer job openings. Many of these jobs require long hours of hard work aſ certain times of the year, such as when planting or har. vesting crops. Sometimes extra workers are hired for short periods of time to help in these busy seasons. º Jobs in this group may involve frequent bending º sons wanting full-time work need to look for other job in the off-season. Some workers in this group must face hazards such t storms, forest fires, and extreme temperatures. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 60 03.04 Elemental Work: Plants and Animals 3.04.01 Farming Cowpuncher (agric.) 410.674-014 Apple-Packing Header (agric.) 920.687-010 Electric-Fork Operator (agric.) 921.685-042 Caponizer (agric.) 411.684-010 Farm-Machine Operator (agric.) 409.683-010 Chick Grader (agric.) 41 1.687-010 Farm-Machine Tender (agric.) 409.685-010 Chick Sexer (agric.) 41 1.687-014 Farmworker, Dairy (agric.) 410.684-010 Cotton Baler (agric.) 920.465-010 Farmworker, Diversified Crops (agric.) I 407.663-010 Cotton Tier (agric.) 920.687-074 Farmworker, Diversified Crops (agric.) II 407.687-010 gº- Earºº 03.04 Farmworker, Field Crop (agric.) I 404.663-010 Farmworker, Field Crop (agric.) II 404.687-010 Farmworker, Fruit (agric.) I 403.683-010 Farmworker, Fruit (agric.) II 403.687-010 Farmworker, General (agric.) I 421.683-010 Farmworker, General (agric.) II 421.687-010 Farmworker, Grain (agric.) I 401.683-010 Farmworker, Grain (agric.) II 401.687-010 Farmworker, Livestock (agric.) 410.664-010 Farmworker, Machine (agric.) 409.686-010 Farmworker, Poultry (agric.) 411.584-010 Farmworker, Rice (agric.) 401.683-014 Farmworker, Vegetable (agric.) I 402.663-010 Farmworker, Vegetable (agric.) II 402.687-010 Field Hauler (agric.) 409.683-014 Fig Caprifier (agric.) 403.687-014 Fleece Tier (agric.) 410.687-010 Game-Farm Helper (agric.) 412.684-010 Goat Herder (agric.) 410.687-014 Grader Tender (agric.) 521.685-154 Harvest Worker, Field Crop (agric.) 404.687-014 Harvest Worker, Fruit (agric.) 403.687-018 Harvest Worker, Vegetable (agric.) 402.687-014 Inspector-Grader, Agricultural Establishment 409.687-010 Laborer, Poultry Farm (agric.) 411.687-018 Laborer, Poultry Hatchery (agric.) 41 1.687-022 Lamber (agric.) 410.364-010 Milker, Machine (agric.) 410.685-010 Packer, Agricultural Produce (agric.; whole. tr.) 920.687- 134 Poultry Debeaker (agric.) 411.687-026 Poultry Tender (agric.) 41 1.364-014 Poultry Vaccinator (agric.) 41 1.684-014 Press Feeder, Broomcorn (agric.) 429.686-010 Row Boss, Hoeing (agric.) 409. 137-014 Seed Cutter (agric.) 404.686-010 Seed-Potato Arranger (agric.) 404.685-010 Sheep Herder (agric.) 410.687-022 Sheep Shearer (agric.) 410.684-014 Shredder Tender, Peat (agric.) 599.685-086 Sorter, Agricultural Produce (agric.; can. whole. tr.) 529.687-186 Supervisor, Detasseling Crew (agric.) 401. 137-014 Supervisor, Picking Crew (agric.) 409. 131-010 Supervisor, Shed Workers (agric.) 404.131-014 Supervisor, Wool-Shearing (agric.) 410. 134-014 Thresher, Broomcorn (agric.) 429.685-014 Top Screw (agric.) 410.137-014 Vine Pruner (agric.) 403.687-022 Weeder-Thinner (agric.) 409.687-0 18 (agric.) & preserv.; Wool-Fleece Sorter (agric.) 410.687-026 Wool Sacker (agric.) 920.687-198 Worm-Farm Laborer (agric.) 413.687-014 Worm Packer (agric.) 920.687-202 Worm Picker (agric.) 413.687-010 Livestock-Yard Attendant (any ind.) 410.674-0 18 Christmas-Tree Farm Worker (forestry) 451.687-010 03.04.02 Forestry and Logging Forest-Products Gatherer (agric.; forestry) 453.687-010 Laborer, Tree Tapping (agric.; forestry) 453.687-014 Tree Cutter (agric.; logging) 454.684-026 03.04.03 Hunting and Fishing Laborer, Brush Clearing (any ind.) 459.687-010 Picker (excelsior) 669.687-022 Forest-Fire Fighter (forestry) 452.687-014 Forest Worker (forestry) 452.687-010 Logging-Tractor Operator (forestry; 929.683-010 Seedling Puller (forestry) 451.687-018 Seedling Sorter (forestry) 451.687-022 Tree Planter (forestry) 452.687-018 logging; -- Bucker (logging) 454.684-010 Chainsaw Operator (logging; veneer & plywood; woo distil. & char.) 454.687-010 Faller (logging) I 454.384-010 Faller (logging) II 454.684-014 Laborer, Tanbark (logging) 454.687-014 Logger, All-Round (logging) 454.684-018 Log Marker (logging) 455.687-010 Log Sorter (logging) 455.684-010 Rafter (logging) 455.664-010 River (logging) 454.684-022 Supervisor, Felling-Bucking (logging) 454.134-010 Supervisor, Log Sorting (logging; veneer & plywood 455. 1 34-010 Tree-Shear Operator (logging) 454.683-010 Cut-Off Sawyer, Log (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.685-034 Log Inspector (sawmill) 667.687-014 Tie Inspector (sawmill) 669.687-026 Pelter (agric.) 410.687-018 Clam Sorter (fish.) 446.687-010 Deckhand, Fishing Vessel (fish.) 449.667-010 Dulser (fish.) 447.687-010 Fish Bailer (fish.) 914.685-010 Fisher, Diving (fish.) 443.664-010 Fisher, Line (fish.) 442.684-010 Fisher, Net (fish.) 441.684-010 Fisher, Pot (fish.) 441.684-014 Fisher, Spear (fish.) 443.684-010 Fisher, Terrapin (fish.) 441.684-018 Fisher, Weir (fish.) 441 .684-022 Fish Hatchery Worker (fish.) 446.684-010 Irish-Moss Bleacher (fish.) 447.687-014 Irish-Moss Gatherer (fish.) 447.687-0 18 Kelp Cutter (fish.) 447.687-022 Laborer, Aquatic Life (fish.) 446.687-014 Mate, Fishing Vessel (fish.) 197. 133-018 Oyster Floater (fish.) 449.687-010 Shellfish-Bed Worker (fish.) 446.684-014 Shellfish Dredge Operator (fish.) 446.663-010 Skiff Operator (fish.) 441.683-010 Soft Crab Shedder (fish.) 446.684-018 Sponge Clipper (fish.; whole. tr.) 447.687–026 Sponge Hooker (fish.) 447.684-010 Expedition Supervisor (hunt. & trap.) 461. 134-010 Predatory-Animal Hunter (hunt. & trap.) 461.661-010 Sealer (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-010 Trapper, Animal (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-014 Trapper, Bird (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-018 Underwater Hunter-Trapper (hunt. & trap.) 461.664-010 62 03.04 03.04.04 Nursery and Groundskeeping 03.04.05 Services Budder (agric.) 405.684-010 Farmworker, Bulbs (agric.) 405.683-010 Flower Picker (agric.) 405.687-010 Growth-Media Mixer, Mushroom (agric.) 405.683-014 Horticultural Worker (agric.) I 405.684-014 Horticultural Worker (agric.) II 405.687-014 Hydro-Sprayer Operator (agric.) 408.662-010 Laborer, Landscape (agric.) 408.687-014 Lawn-Service Worker (agric.) 408.684-010 Plant Propagator (agric.) 405.361-010 Sprayer, Hand (agric.) 408.684-014 Supervisor, Rose-Grading (agric.) 405. 137-010 Transplanter, Orchid (agric.) 405.687-018 Tree-Surgeon Helper (agric.) II 408.687-018 Greenskeeper (any ind.) I 406. 137-010 Greenskeeper (any ind.) II 406.683-010 Groundskeeper, Industrial-Commercial (any ind.) 406.684- 0.14 Yard worker (dom. ser) 301.687-018 Bundler, Seasonal Greenery (forestry) 920.687-046 Christmas-Tree Grader (forestry) 451.687-014 Groundskeeper, Parks and Grounds (gov. ser.) 406.687– 0 1 0 Cemetery Worker (real estate) 406.684-010 Airplane-Pilot Helper (agric.) 409.667-010 Artificial Inseminator (agric.) 418.384-010 Blood Tester, Fowl (agric.) 41 1.364-010 Irrigator, Gravity Flow (agric.) 409.687-014 Irrigator, Head (agric.) 409. 137-010 Irrigator, Sprinkling System (agric.) 409.685-014 Irrigator, Valve Pipe (agric.) 409.684-010 Meat Dresser (agric.) 525.664-010 Milk Sampler (agric.) 410.357-010 Poultry Inseminator (agric.) 41 1.384-010 Scout (agric.) 408.381-010 Tree Pruner (agric.) 408.684-018 Weed Inspector (agric.) 408.381-014 Supplies Packer (any ind.) 9 19.687-022 Teamster (any ind.) 9 19.664-010 Dog Catcher (gov. ser.) 379.673-010 Mosquito Sprayer (gov. ser.) 379.687-014 Supervisor, Tree-Trimming (light, heat, & power) 408. 137- 014 Tree Trimmer (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 408.664- 0 1 0 Tree-Trimmer Helper (light, heat, & power) 408.667-010 63 Protective An interest in using authority to protect people and property. You Can Satisfy this interest by Working in law enforcement, fire fighting, and related fields. You may enjoy mental challenge and intrigue. You could investigate crimes or fires. You may prefer to fight fires and respond to other emergencies. Or may want more routine Work. Perhaps a job in guarding or patrolling would appeal to you. You may have management ability. You Could Seek a leadership position in law enforcement and the protective Services. 64 Protective 04.01 Safety and Law Enforcement 04.02 Security Services 65 Safety and Law Enforcement 04.0. 04.01 Safety and Law Enforcement Workers in this group are in charge of enforcing laws and regulations. Some investigate crimes, while others supervise workers who stop or arrest lawbreakers. Others make inspections to be sure that the laws are not broken. Most jobs are found in the Federal, State, or local governments, such as the Police and Fire Departments. Some are found in private businesses, such as factories, stores, and similar places. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —set procedures, prepare work schedules, and assign duties for jailers. —direct and coordinate daily activities of a police force. - —direct and coordinate activities of a fire depart- ment. —hire, assign, and supervise store detectives. —investigate and arrest persons suspected of the il- legal sale or use of drugs. —patrol an assigned area in a vehicle or on foot and issue tickets, investigate disturbances, render first aid, and arrest suspects. —patrol an assigned area to observe hunting and fishing activities and warn or arrest persons violat- ing fish and game laws. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work you must be able to: —work with laws and regulations, sometimes written in legal language. —use practical thinking to conduct or supervise in- vestigations. —supervise other workers. —plan the work of a department or activity. —deal with various kinds of people. —work under pressure or in the face of danger. —patrol an assigned area to observe hunting and fishing activities and warn or arrest persons violat- ing fish and game laws. —keep physically fit. —use guns, fire-fighting equipment, and other safety devices. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had courses in government, civics, or criminology? Did you find these subjects interest- ing? —Have you been a member of a volunteer fire de- partment or emergency rescue squad? Were you given training for this work? —Have you watched detective television shows? Do you read detective stories? Do you try to solve mysteries? —Have you been an officer of a school safety patrol? Do you like being responsible for the work of Others? —Have you used a gun for hunting or in target prac- tice? Are you a good shot? —Have you spoken at a civic or community or- ganization? Do you like work that requires frequent public speaking? —Have you been a military officer? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one to over ten years, de- pending upon the specific kind of work. Local civil ser- vice regulations usually control the selection of police of. ficers. People who want to do this kind of work must meet certain requirements. They must be U. S. citizens and be within certain height and weight ranges. In addi- tion, they may be required to take written, oral, and physical examinations. The physical examinations often include tests of physical strength and the ability to move quickly and easily. To work in these jobs, persons should 66 04.0 1 have the physical condition to use firearms or work on dangerous missions. Personal investigations are made of ll applicants. Most police departments prefer to hire people who ave a high school education or its equal. However, some departments hire people if they have worked in related activities, such as guarding or volunteer police work. Jobs with federal law enforcement agencies usually require a college degree. For example, to be hired as customs enforcement officer, a degree or three years of related work experience is required. FBI Special Agents are required to have a degree in law or accounting. Ac- counting degrees should be coupled with at least one year of related work experience. Safety and Law 04.01.01 Managing Fire Marshal (any ind.) 373.16.7-0 18 Guard, Chief (any ind.) 372.167-014 Manager, Internal Security (bus. ser.) 376. 137-010 Battalion Chief (gov. ser.) 373.16.7-010 Captain, Fire-Prevention Bureau (gov. ser.) 373.16.7-014 Commanding Officer, Homicide Squad (gov. ser.) 375. 16.7- 0 1 0 Commanding Officer, Investigation Division (gov. ser.) 375. 16.7-014 Commanding Officer, Motorized Squad (gov. ser.) 375. 163-010 Correction Officer, Head (gov. ser.) 372. 137-010 Deputy, Court (gov. ser.) 377. 137-018 Deputy Sheriff, Chief (gov. ser.) 377. 167-010 Deputy Sheriff, Commander, Civil Division (gov. ser.) 377.1 37-010 Deputy Sheriff, Commander, Criminal and Patrol Division (gov. ser.) 377.137-014 Desk Officer (gov. ser.) 375.137-014 Detective Chief (gov. ser.) 375. 167–022 Fire Assistant (gov. ser.) 169. 167–022 Fire Captain (gov. ser.) 373. 134-010 Fire Chief (gov. ser.) 373.1 17-010 Harbor Master (gov. ser.) 375. 167–026 Jailer, Chief (gov. ser.) 372. 167-0 18 Launch Commander, Harbor Police (gov. ser.) 375. 16.7- 030 Park Superintendent (gov. ser.) 188. 167-062 Police-Academy Instructor (gov. ser.) 375.227-010 Police Captain, Precinct (gov. ser.) 375. 167–034 Police Chief (gov. ser.) 375.1 17-010 Most management or supervisory jobs in this group are filled from within the ranks. Promotions are usually based on written examinations and job performance and are usually subject to civil service laws. What else should you consider about these jobs? Most workers in these jobs are on call any time their services are needed. They may work overtime during emergencies. Many of these jobs expose workers to great physical danger. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Enforcement Police Commissioner (gov. ser.) I 188. 117-1 18 Police Inspector (gov. ser.) I 375.267–026 Police Lieutenant, Patrol (gov. ser.) 375. 167–038 Police Sergeant, Precinct (gov. ser.) I 375. 133-010 Sheriff, Deputy, Chief (gov. ser.) 377.117-010 Traffic Lieutenant (gov. ser.) 375. 167-046 Traffic Sergeant (gov. ser.) 375. 137-026 Special Agent-in-Charge (r. r. trans.) 376. 167-010 04.01.02 Investigating Investigator, Private (bus. ser.) 376.267-018 Fire Warden (forestry) 452. 167-010 Accident-Prevention-Squad Police Officer (gov. ser.) 375.263-010 Customs Patrol Officer (gov. ser.) 168. 167-010 Deputy Sheriff, Civil Division (gov. ser.) 377.667-0 18 Detective (gov. ser.) 375.267-010 Detective, Narcotics and Vice (gov. ser.) 375.267-014 Fire Marshal (gov. ser.) 373.267-014 Fish and Game Warden (gov. ser.) 379. 167-010 Investigator, Narcotics (gov. ser.) 375.267-0 18 Investigator, Vice (gov. ser.) 375.267-022 Pilot, Highway Patrol (gov. ser.) 375.163-014 Police Inspector (gov. ser.) II 375.267-030 Police Officer (gov. ser.) I 375.263-014 Sheriff, Deputy (gov. ser.) 377.263-010 Special Agent (gov. ser.) 375. 167-042 Special Agent, Customs (gov. ser.) 188. 167-090 State-Highway Police Officer (gov. ser.) 375.263-018 Wildlife Agent, Regional (gov. ser.) 379.137-018 Investigator (light, heat, & power) 376.367-022 67 Security Services 04.0 04.02 Security Services Workers in this group protect people and animals from injury or danger. They enforce laws, investigate suspi- cious persons or acts, prevent crime, and fight fires. Some of the jobs are found in Federal, State, or local govern- ments. Some workers are hired by railroads, hotels, lumber yards, industrial plants, and amusement establishments. Some work on their own, acting as bodyguards, or private detectives. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —guard money and valuables being transported by an armored car. —patrol a section of an international border to de- tect persons attempting to enter the country il- legally. —move among customers in a place of entertain- ment to preserve order and protect property. —guard inmates and direct their activities in a penal institution. —respond to alarms to fight fires, render first aid, and protect property. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —learn and apply rules and procedures which are sometimes hard to understand. —use reason and judgment in dealing with all kinds of people in different ways. —think clearly and react quickly in emergencies. —keep physically fit. —use guns and safety equipment skillfully. —make conclusions based on facts and also on your personal judgment. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you been a member of a school safety patrol? Did you like enforcing safety rules? —Have you used a gun for hunting or target prac- tice? Are you a good shot? —Have you worked as a camp counselor or other group leader? Do you like helping people? —Have you been a member of a volunteer fire or rescue squad? Can you stay calm in emergencies? —Have you taken a first aid course? Can you treat injuries quickly and skillfully? —Have you been a member of a military police force or rescue team? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. People with experience in the military, local, or state police are often preferred. Some employers want people with a high school education or its equal. People interested in these jobs must have character references and no police record. Some employers require a demonstration of skill in using firearms. Written and physical tests also may be required. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some of these jobs involve night work. People often work alone, with no help nearby in case of accident or injury. In some jobs, they take turns working daytime, weekend, and holiday hours. There is always a danger of bodily injury by lawbreakers. Workers are often required to have special insurance to protect the employer against dishonesty. They may also be fingerprinted. - If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 68 04.02 Security Services 04.02.01 Detention Correction Officer (gov. ser.) 372.667-018 Guard, Immigration (gov. ser.) 372.567-014 Jailer (gov. ser.) 372.367-014 Patrol Conductor (gov. ser.) 372.677-010 Police Officer (gov. ser.) II 375.367-010 04.02.02 Property and People Airline Security Representative (air trans.) 372.667-010 Detective (any ind.) I 376.367-014 Fire Inspector (any ind.) 373.367-010 Gate Tender (any ind.) 372.667-030 Guard, Security (any ind.) 372.667-034 Armored-Car Guard (bus. ser.) 372.567-010 Armored-Car Guard and Driver (bus. ser.) 372.563-010 Dispatcher, Security Guard (bus. ser.) 372. 167-010 Merchant Patroller (bus. ser.) 372.667–038 Fire Ranger (forestry) 452.367-014 Parking Enforcement Officer (gov. ser.) 375.587-010 Protective Officer (gov. ser.) 372.363-010 Bodyguard (per. ser.) 372.667-014 Patroller (r.r. trans.) 376.667-018 Special Agent (r. r. trans.) 372.267-010 04.02.03 Law and Order Bouncer (amuse. & rec.) 376.667-010 Gambling Monitor (amuse. & rec.) 343.367-014 Lifeguard (amuse. & rec.) 379.667-014 Ski Patroller (amuse. & rec.) 379.664-010 Detective (any ind.) II 376.667-014 Repossessor (clerical) 241.367-022 Bailiff (gov. ser.) 377.667-010 Border Guard (gov. ser.) 375.363-010 Community Service Officer, Patrol (gov. ser.) 372.367-010 Deputy Sheriff, Building Guard (gov. ser.) 377.667-014 Deputy Sheriff, Grand Jury (gov. ser.) 377.363-010 Park Ranger (gov. ser.) 169.167-042 School Bus Monitor (gov. ser.) 372.667-042 House Officer (hotel & rest.) 376.367-0 18 Chaperon (per. ser.) 359.667-010 Undercover Operator (ret. tr.) 376.367–026 04.02.04 Emergency Responding Fire Fighter, Crash, Fire, and Rescue (air trans.) 373.663- 010 Fire Fighter (any ind.) 373.364-010 Alarm Investigator (bus. ser.) 376.367-010 Smoke Jumper (forestry) 452.364-014 Smoke Jumper Supervisor (forestry) 452. 134-010 Fire Chief's Aide (gov. ser.) 373.363-010 Mechanical An interest in applying mechanical principles to practical situations using machines, hand tools, or techniques. You can Satisfy this interest in a variety of jobs ranging from routine to complex professional positions. You may enjoy Working with ideas about things (Objects). You could seek a job in engineering or in a related technical field. You may prefer to deal directly with things. You could find a job in the crafts or trades, building, making or repairing objects. You may like to drive or to operate vehicles and special equipment. You may prefer routine or physical work in settings other than factories. Perhaps work in mining or construction Would appeal to you. 70 Mechanical 05.01 05.02 05.03 05.04 05.05 05.06 05.07 05.08 05.09 05. 10 05.11 05. 12 Engineering Managerial Work: Mechanical Engineering Technology Air and Water Vehicle Operation Craft Technology Systems Operation Quality Control Land and Water Vehicle Operation Materials Control Crafts Equipment Operation Elemental Work: Mechanical 71 Engineering os! 05.01 Engineering Workers in this group plan, design, and direct the construction or development of buildings, bridges, roads, air- ports, dams, sewage systems, air-conditioning systems, mining machinery, and other structures and equipment. They also develop processes and/or techniques for generating and transmitting electrical power, manufacturing chemicals, extracting metals from ore, and controlling the quality of products being made. Workers specialize in one or more kinds of engineering, such as civil, electrical, mechanical, mining, and safety. Some are hired by industrial plants, petroleum and mining companies, research laboratories, and construction companies. Others find employment with Federal, State, and local governments. Some have their own engineering firms, and accept work from various individ- uals or companies. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might - —establish computational methods and computer input data to analyze problems in aircraft design. —apply knowledge of properties of various materials to the development of electronic and electrical cir- cuits. —design facilities and equipment for an electrical distribution system. —use computers to conduct technical research to solve construction problems in designing airport StructureS. —conduct research to develop new and improved chemical manufacturing processes. —analyze technical and cost factors to plan methods to recover oil and gas. —apply knowledge of the properties of metals to develop improved welding techniques, procedures, and equipment. —analyze manpower and equipment usage to im- prove efficiency of industrial operations. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use high level mathematics. —understand principles of physics, and related sciences. —solve problems, using facts and personal judgment. —work on different projects and with changing situa- tions. —deal with various kinds of people. chemistry, geology, How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you read mechanical or automotive design magazines? Do you enjoy and understand the technical articles? —Have you taken courses in algebra, geometry, and advanced math? Can you solve practical problems using math? —Have you built a model airplane, automobile, or bridge? Can you look at a blueprint or drawing and visualize the final structure? —Have you taken physics courses? Do you like to study energy and matter? —Have you built or repaired a radio, television, or amplifier? Do you understand electrical or elec- tronic terms and drawings? —Have you served in an engineering section of the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this type of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten 72 05.01 years, depending upon the specific kind of work. En- gineers whose work affects life, health, or property, or who serve the public must be licensed. A degree from an accredited engineering school, four years of related ex- perience, and the passing of a state examination are com- mon requirements for a license. A bachelor's degree in engineering is usually required for entering this type of work. College graduates trained in one of the natural sciences or mathematics may qualify for a few beginning jobs. Experienced technicians with some engineering education may be advanced to en- gineering jobs. - Most engineering schools require an average or above average high school record in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and English for admission. Other courses such as history and social studies are helpful in gaining an un- derstanding of fields related to engineering. A typical four-year curriculum includes two years of study in the basic sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, introductory engineering, social sciences, and English. The last two years are devoted to specialized en- gineering courses. Several engineering schools have agreements with liberal arts colleges to allow students to spend three years in the college and two years in the engineering school. A bachelor's degree is then granted by each. Some en- gineering schools offer a five or six year cooperative work-study program in which the students alternate periods in school with employment in related jobs. This permits students to earn a part of their tuition costs and get on-the-job experience as they learn. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many engineers work under quiet conditions in modern offices and research laboratories. Others work in mines, factories, at construction sites, or at outdoor locations. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 73 05.01 Engineering 05.01.01 Research Aerodynamist (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.061-010 Aeronautical-Research Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.061-026 Director, Research and Development (any ind.) 189.1 17- 0.14 Laser Technician (electronics; inst. & app.) 019. 181-010 Foundry Metallurgist (found.) 0 1 1.061-010 Research Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Well Equipment (min- ing & quarrying; petrol. production) 0.10.061-022 Optomechanical Technician (optical goods; photo. ap- paratus) 007.161-030 Chief Engineer, Research (petrol. production) 0.10.161-010 Agricultural-Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 13.061- 014 Ceramic Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 006.061-018 Chemical Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 008.061-022 Electrical-Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-026 Electrical Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.161-010 Electronics-Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061- 038 Electronics Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.161-014 Fire-Prevention Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 1 2. 167–022 Instrumentation Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.261-010 Mechanical-Engineering Technician (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-026 Mechanical Research Engineer (profess. & kin.) 007. 161- 022 Research Engineer, Marine Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 14.061-018 Research Engineer, Nuclear Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 15.061-018 Semiconductor-Development Technician (profess. & kin.) 003. 161-018 Welding Technician (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.261-014 05.01.02 Environmental Protection Safety Engineer, Mines (mining & quarrying) 010.061-026 Fire-Protection Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-026 Health Physicist (profess. & kin.) 079.021-010 Industrial-Health Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-034 Pollution-Control Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.081-018 Product-Safety Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 12.061-010 Safety Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012.061-014 Safety Manager (profess. & kin.) 012. 167–058 05.01.03 Systems Design Distribution-Field Engineer (light, heat, & power) 003. 167- 014 Electrical Engineer, Power System (light, heat, & power) 003. 167-0 18 Engineer of System Development (light, heat, & power) 003. 16.7-026 Induction-Coordination Power Engineer (light, heat, & power) 003. 167-038 Power-Distribution Engineer (light, heat, & power) 003. 167–046 Power-Transmission Engineer (light, heat, & power) 003. 167–050 Protection Engineer (light, heat, & power) 003. 167–054 Superintendent, Tests (light, heat, & power) 184.167-2 18 Electrolysis-and-Corrosion-Control Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003. 167–022 Hydraulic Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-018 Illuminating Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-046 Irrigation Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-022 Marine Engineer (profess. & kin.) 014.061-014 Nuclear Engineer (profess. & kin.) 015.061-014 Sanitary Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-030 Systems Engineer, Electronic Data Processing (profess. & kin.) 003. 167–062 Commercial Engineer (radio & twº broad.) 003. 187-014 Engineer-in-Charge, Studio Operations (radio & tv broad.) 003. 16.7-030 Engineer-in-Charge, 003. 167–034 Supervisor, Microwave (radio & tv broad.) 003. 167–058 Transmitter (radio & tv broad.) Cable Engineer, Outside Plant (tel. & tel.) 003. 167-010 Central-Office Equipment Engineer (tel. & tel.) 003. 187- 0 1 0 Outside-Plant Engineer (tel. & tel.) 003. 167-042 Planning Engineer, Central Office Facilities (tel. & tel.) 003.061-050 Transmission-and-Protection 003. 167–066 Engineer (tel. & tel.) Chief Engineer, Waterworks (waterworks) 005. 167-010 Drainage-Design Coordinator (waterworks) 005. 167-014 05.01.04 Testing and Quality Control Aeronautical Test 002.061-0 18 Field-Service Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002. 16.7- O 14 Research Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.280-010 Stress Analyst (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.061-030 Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Test Engineer, Mining-and-Oilfield Equipment (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 0.10.061-030 Test-Engine Evaluator (petrol. refin.) 0 10.261-026 Air Analyst (profess. & kin.) 0 1 2.261-010 Ceramics Test Engineer (profess. & kin.) 006.061-022 Chemical-Test Engineer (profess. & kin.) 008.061-026 Electrical Test Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-014 Electronics-Test Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-042 Metallographer (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-014 Metrologist (profess. & kin.) 012.067-010 Quality-Control Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-054 Reliability Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.081-022 Test Engineer, Agricultural Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 1 3.061-022 Test Engineer, 0.14,061-022 Test Engineer, Mechanical Equipment (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-034 Marine Equipment (profess. & kin.) 74 05.01 Test Engineer, Nuclear Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 15.061-022 Test Technician (profess. & kin.) 019. 161-014 05.01.05 Sales Engineering Sales Engineer, Aeronautical Products (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002. 151-010 Sales Engineer, Mechanical Equipment (light, heat, & power) 007. 151-010 Sales Engineer, Mining-and-Oil-Well Equipment and Ser- vices (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 010. 151 - 010 Chemical-Equipment Sales Engineer (profess. & kin.) 008. 151-010 Sales Engineer, Agricultural Equipment (profess. & kin.) 013. 151-010 Sales Engineer, 006. 151-0 1 0 Sales-Engineer, 003. 151-010 Sales-Engineer, Electronics Products and Systems (profess. & kin.) 003. 151-014 Ceramic Products (profess. & kin.) Electrical Products (profess. & kin.) Sales Engineer, Marine Equipment (profess. & kin.) 014. 151-010 Sales Engineer, Nuclear Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 15.1 5 I -010 05.01.06 Work Planning and Utilization Cost-Analysis Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002. 16.7- 0 1 0 Liaison Worker, Tool Fabrication (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 0 1 2. 167–038 Facilities Planner (any ind.) 019.261-018 Tool Planner (any ind.) 012. 167-074 Tool Programer, Numerical Control (any ind.) 007. 16.7- 0 18 Forest Engineer (forestry; logging) 005. 167-018 Utilization Engineer (light, heat, & power) 007.061-034 Mining Engineer (mining & quarrying) 010.061-014 Clerical-Methods Analyst (profess. & kin.) 161.267-010 Configuration Management Analyst (profess. & kin.) 0 1 2. 16.7-010 Factory Lay-Out Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-018 Industrial Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-030 Logistics Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019. 167-010 Management Analyst (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 167-010 Manufacturing Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-042 Materials Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.061-014 Metallurgist, Extractive (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-018 Production Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-046 Production Planner (profess. & kin.) 012. 167–050 05.01 Standards Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 12.061-018 Time-Study Engineer (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-070 Port Engineer (ship & boat blog. & rep.; water trans.) 014. 16.7-014 Land Surveyor (profess. & kin.) 018. 167.018 05.01.07 Design Aeronautical-Design Engineer 002.061-022 Aeronautical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 002.061-014 Agricultural-Engineering Technician (profess. & 01 3.161-010 Airport Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-010 Architect (profess. & kin.) 001.061-010 Architect, Marine (profess. & kin.) 001.061-014 Ceramic Design Engineer (profess. & kin.) 006.061-010 Ceramic Engineer (profess. & kin.) 006.061-014 Chemical Design Engineer, Processes (profess. & kin.) 008.061-014 Chemical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 008.061-018 Civil Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-014 Design-Engineer, Agricultural Equipment (profess. & kin.) 01 3.061-0 18 Design Engineer, Marine Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0.14.061-010 Design Engineer, Mining-and-Oilfield Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 1 0.061-010 Design Engineer, Nuclear Equipment (profess. & kin.) 0 15.061-010 Electrical-Design Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-018 Electrical-Prospecting Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061- 022 Electronics-Design Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-034 Electro-Optical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 023.061-010 Landscape Architect (profess. & kin.) 001.061-018 Mechanical-Design Engineer, Facilities (profess. & kin.) 007.06 1–0 18 Mechanical-Design Engineer, Products (profess. & kin.) 007.061-022 Optical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.061-018 Photographic Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.081-014 Railroad Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-026 Safety-Clothing-and-Equipment Developer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-038 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) kin.) Tool Designer (profess. & kin.) 007.061-026 Tool-Designer Apprentice (profess. & kin.) 007.061-030 05.01.08 General Engineering Ordnance Engineer (ammunition; explosives) 019.061-022 Automotive Engineer (auto. mfg.) 007.061-010 Structural Engineer (const.) 005.061-034 School-Plant Consultant (education) 001. 167-010 Chief Engineer (petrol. production; pipe lines) 010. 16.7- cº Petroleum Engineer (petrol. production) 0.10.161- rººm Engineer (petrol. production) 0.10.061-018 Senior Technician, Controls (pipe lines) 828.261-018 Absorption-and-Adsorption Engineer 008.061-010 Agricultural Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 13.061-010 (profess. & kin.) Chemical-Engineering Technician & kin.) 008.261-010 Electrical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-010 Electronics Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-030 Engineer, Soils (profess. & kin.) 024.161-010 (profess. Fiber Technologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-026 - Maintainability Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.081-010 Mechanical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 007.061-014 Plant Engineer (profess. & kin.) 007. 167-014 Project Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019. 167-014 Technical Director, Chemical Plant (profess. 008. 16.7-0 1 0 Transportation Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-038 Welding Engineer (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-026 & kin.) Customer-Equipment Engineer (tel. & tel.) 003. 187-018 76 Managerial Work: Mechanical 05.02 05.02 Managerial Work: Mechanical Workers in this group manage industrial plants or systems where technical work is being performed. Jobs are found in oil fields, power plants, transportation companies, radio and television networks, and telephone and related communications systems. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —direct operations of a major generating plant of an electrical power system. —coordinate engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance activities of a cross-country pipeline. —direct studies of an existing communications system for a transportation firm and analyze results to plan equipment replacement. —direct workers who repair and maintain motor transportation equipment to insure safe and effi- cient operation. —analyze machine and tool requisitions to determine whether to make tools in the plant or purchase them. —inspect landfill sites and operations to plan with supervisory personnel the most efficient way to utilize available space. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand technologies required in the work you are directing. —plan and direct the work of others, either directly or through lower level supervisors. —work with a variety of situations. —solve problems, using facts and personal judgment. —react quickly in emergency situations and make decisions that may involve a great amount of money or the safety of others. —work with different kinds of people. How do you know if you would like or could learn this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in advanced mathematics? Can you understand and work with mathematical concepts? —Have you taken a physics course? Can you un- derstand and work with the principles of matter and energy? —Have you collected rocks or minerals as a hobby? Can you identify them? —Have you owned a chemistry set or microscope? Do you enjoy testing new ideas? —Have you served in an engineering section of the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. College level courses in both management and technical fields are usually required. Most jobs require supervisory ex- perience. Some industries, such as public utilities, offer on-the-job training in management techniques. Seminars in principles of electronic data processing are often a part of this training. 77. 05.02 What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in these jobs must make policy decisions as well as operational decisions. These decisions must con- form to the overall company policy and must be made quickly. These workers may have to work overtime without additional pay. However, they often receive benefits such as bonuses, stock options, and profit shar- ing plans. Although they spend much of their time in an office doing paper work, they frequently tour work sites. While visiting these sites they observe operation, monitor progress, detect possible problems, and give directions to workers. These workers are usually specialists and can transfer only to another firm in the same or a related industry. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 78 05.02 Managerial Work: Mechanical 05.02.01 Systems Superintendent, Sanitation (gov. ser.) 188. 167-098 Superintendent, Distribution (light, heat, & power) I 184. 167-1 50 Superintendent, Distribution (light, heat, & power) II 184. 167-154 Superintendent, Electric Power (light, heat, & power) 184.167-162 Superintendent, Generating Plant (light, heat, & power) 184.167-166 Superintendent of Generation (light, heat, & power) 184.167 - 1 38 Superintendent, System Operation (light, heat, & power) 184.1 67-2 10 Superintendent, Transmission (light, heat, & power) 184.1 67-222 Superintendent, Construction (const.) 182. 167–026 Roads Supervisor (gov. ser.) 188. 167-078 Maintenance Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 184.167- O50 Service Supervisor (light, heat, & power) III 184. 167-126 Superintendent, Maintenance (motor trans.) 184. 167-170 Supervisor, Production (petrol. production) 939. 131-014 Railroad-Construction Director (r. r. trans.) 182. 167-0 18 Superintendent, Maintenance of Way (r. r. trans.) 182. 16.7- 030 Supervisor, Bridges and Buildings (r.r. trans.) 182. 167-034 Supervisor of Way (r.r. trans.) 184.167-234 Dispatcher, Chief (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe 05.02.03 Processing and Manufacturing lines) I 184. 167–038 Dispatcher, Chief (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) II 914. 167-010 Dispatcher, Oil (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914. 167-014 Superintendent, Drilling and Production (petrol. produc- tion) 181. 167-014 Superintendent, Measurement (petrol. production; pipe lines) 184.167-190 Superintendent, Oil-Well Services (petrol. production) 0 1 0.167-018 Compressor-Station Engineer, Chief (pipe lines) 914. 132- 0 1 0 Superintendent, Compressor Stations (pipe lines) 184.167- 146 Superintendent, Pipe-Lines (pipe lines) 184.167-198 Supervisor, Field-Pipe-Lines (pipe lines) 914. 132-022 Superintendent, Power (r.r. trans.) 184.167-202 Supervisory Wastewater-Treatment-Plant Operator (sanitary ser.) 955.130-010 Superintendent, Communications (tel. & tel.) 184. 117-082 Testing-and-Regulating Chief (tel. & tel.) 184. 167-258 Superintendent, Water-and-Sewer Systems (waterworks) 184.161-014 Supervisor, Sewer System (waterworks) 184.167-238 Supervisor, Waterworks (waterworks) 184.167-246 Water Control Supervisor (waterworks) 184.167-270 05.02.02 Maintenance and Construction Tooling Coordinator, Production Engineering (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 169.167-054 Production Superintendent (any ind.) 183.1 17-014 Manager, Food Processing Plant (can. & preserv.) 183. 167–026 Superintendent, Concrete-Mixing Plant (const.) 182. 16.7- 022 Quality-Control Coordinator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 168. 167–066 General Superintendent, Milling (grain & feed mill.) 183. 16.7-014 Superintendent, Car Construction (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 183.16.7-034 Brewing Director (malt liquors) 183. 167-010 General Supervisor (malt liquors) 183.167–022 Malt-Specifications-Control Assistant (malt liquors) 022.261-014 District Supervisor, Mud-Analysis Well Logging (petrol. production) 0.10.167-014 Director, Quality Control (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-014 Manager, Customer Technical Services (profess. & kin.) 189. 1 1 7-0 18 Wine Maker (vinous liquors) 183.161-014 Superintendent, Maintenance (air trans.) 184.167-174 05.02.04 Communications Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) 891. 137-010 Superintendent, Building (any ind.) 187. 167-190 Superintendent, Maintenance (any ind.) 189. 167-046 Transportation-Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) 184. 167– 266 Protective-Signal Superintendent (bus. ser.) 822. 131-022 Assistant Construction Superintendent (const.) 869.367- 010 Manager, Flight Control (air trans.) 184.167-066 Supervisor of Communications (any ind.) 184.167-230 Superintendent, Radio Communications (gov. ser.) 193. 16.7-0 18 Director, Technical (radio & tw broad.) 962. 162-010 Manager, Communications Station (tel. & tel.) 184. 167– 062 79 05.02 05.02.05 Mining, Logging, and Petroleum Production Superintendent, Logging (logging) 183.167-038 Mine Superintendent (mining & quarrying) 181.1 17-014 Pit Supervisor (mining & quarrying) 939.137-014 Quarry Supervisor, Open Pit (mining & quarrying) 939. 131-0 10 Section Supervisor (mining & quarrying) 939. 137-018 Supervisor, Mine (mining & quarrying) 18:1. 167-018 Field Supervisor, Oil-Well Services (petrol. production) 930. 1 31-010 Tool Pusher (petrol. production) 930. 130-010 05.02.06 Services Property Coordinator (amuse. & rec.; radio & twº broad.) 962. 16.7-0 18 Manager, Solid-Waste-Disposal (gov. ser.) 184.167-078 Appliance-Service Supervisor heat, & power) 187. 167–0 10 (light, Manager, Land Surveying (profess. & kin.) 018. 167-022 Representative, Personal Service (tel. & tel.) 236.252-010 05.02.07 Materials Handling Superintendent, Ammunition Storage (ammunition) 189, 167–038 Supervisor, Tank Storage (malt liquors) 529, 132-098 Manager, Bulk Plant (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.) 181. 117-010 Superintendent, Marine Oil Terminal (water trans.) 184. 167-186 80 Engineering Technology 05.03 05.03 Engineering Technology Workers in this group collect, record, and coordinate technical information in such activities as surveying, draft- ing, petroleum production, communications control, and materials scheduling. Workers find jobs in construction, fac- tories, engineering and architectural firms, airports, and research laboratories. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —use astronomical observations, complex computa- tions, and other techniques to compile data for preparing geodetic maps and charts. —organize and direct the work of surveying parties to determine precise location and measurement points. —use drafting instruments to prepare detailed drawings and blueprints for manufacturing elec- tronic equipment. —prepare detailed working drawings of mechanical devices showing dimensions, tolerances, and other engineering data. —analyze survey data, records to draw detailed maps to scale. source maps, and other —provide meteorological, navigational, and other technical information to pilots. —direct activities of workers who set up seismo- graphic recording instruments and gather data about oil-bearing rock layers. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use geometry and other kinds of higher mathe- matics. —use clear language to write technical reports. —perform detail work with great accuracy. —use fingers skillfully when making drawings. —make finger and hand movements correspond with seeing to operate equipment, adjust instruments, use pen to make sketches, or use measuring tools. —make decisions quickly according to both personal judgment and facts. —direct activities of workers who set up seismo- graphic recording instruments and gather data about oil-bearing rock layers. —perform under stress in emergency situations. 05.03 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in mechanical drawing? Do you enjoy this type of activity? —Have you taken courses in geometry and advanced math? Do you like math studies? —Have you made models of airplanes or cars follow- ing detailed plans? Can you follow such instruc- tions easily? —Have you taken courses in physics or chemistry? Can you work with formulas? —Have you served in an engineering unit in the armed forces? Did you like the work involved? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. The most common way of preparing for this kind of work is through related post high school courses, on-the-job training, and work experience. Many technical and vocational schools, and community colleges offer programs in surveying. With some class- room instruction in surveying, beginners can start as in- strument workers. After gaining experience, they may ad- vance to supervisory positions, and may later apply for positions as registered surveyors. Advancement may be based on written examinations as well as experience. High school graduates with no formal training usually start by assisting instrument workers. Basic preparation for jobs in drafting includes high school level courses in mathematics, physical sciences, in- dustrial arts, and mechanical drawing. Technical school courses in structural design and layout provide the knowledge and skills needed for advanced drafting jobs. A three- to four-year apprenticeship program is another method for entering drafting work. This program offers workers the advantages of classroom instruction and on- the-job training while they earn regular wages. College courses in business administration or industrial engineering provide the most common preparation for jobs in production and material coordination. People with a high school education and work experience in a production firm may be admitted to on-the-job training programs. High school studies should include commercial courses, industrial arts, and bookkeeping or accounting. English courses are also important because they develop oral and written communications skills. Technicians usually begin work as trainees in routine jobs under close supervision of an experienced technician or engineer. As they gain experience, they move up to jobs requiring less supervision. With additional training and experience, technicians may advance to supervisory or professional engineering positions. What else should you consider about these jobs? Surveyors usually have a 40-hour work week. They sometimes work longer hours during the summer months. Most surveying work is done outdoors in all types of weather. However, workers usually prepare reports, and draw maps in an office setting. Surveyors are exposed to hazards from moving machinery and falling objects on construction projects. There is danger from passing cars when surveying on or near highways. Some surveying work requires traveling to distant job sites or camping out at the site. Drafters may have to buy some of their own equip- ment. However, most companies supply them with the equipment they need. They generally work in comforta- ble, well-lighted, air conditioned offices. They sometimes visit work sites such as factories or construction projects. At times they may work under pressure to meet deadlines. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 82 05.03 05.03.01 Engineering Technology Surveying Navigator (air trans.) 196. 167-014 Director, Photogrammetry Flight Operations (bus. ser.) 184. 167–026 Grade Checker (const.) 850.467-010 Surveyor, Geophysical Prospecting (petrol. production) 018. 16.7-042 Chief of Party (profess. & kin.) 018. 167-010 Geodetic Computer (profess. & kin.) 018.167-014 Photogrammetric Engineer (profess. & kin.) 018. 167–026 Surveyor Assistant, Instruments (profess. & kin.) 018. 167- 034 Surveyor, Geodetic (profess. & kin.) 018. 167-038 Surveyor, Marine (profess. & kin.) 018. 167-046 Surveyor, Mine (profess. & kin.) 018. 167–050 05.03.02 Drafting Aircraft Lay-Out Worker 693.381 –0.10 Parts Cataloger (aircraft-aerospace mſg.; elec. equip.; elec- tronics) 229.267-010 Tool-Drawing Checker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 007. 167– 022 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Auto-Design Checker (auto. mfg.) 017.261-010 Auto-Design Detailer (auto. mfg.) 017.281-010 Drafter, Automotive Design (auto. mſg.) 017.281-022 Drafter, Automotive Design Lay-Out (auto. mfg.) 017.281- 0.26 Shoe-Lay-Out Planner (boot & shoe) 012. 187-014 Material Lister (const.) 229.387-010 Electric-Cable Diagramer (elec. equip.) 728.281-010 Furniture Reproducer (furn.) 149.281-010 Patternmaker (furn.; garment; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.381- 0.26 Pattern Grader-Cutter (garment) 781.381-022 Supervisor, Pattern Marking (garment) 781. 131-010 Admeasurer (gov. ser.) 169.284-010 Sample Maker (jewelry) II 735.381-018 Drafter, Chief, Design (light, heat, & power) 017. 161-010 Estimator and Drafter (light, heat, & power) 019.261-014 Supervisor, Estimator and Drafter (light, heat, & power) 0.19.1 6 1–010 Die Designer (mach. shop) 007. 161-010 Die-Designer Apprentice (mach. shop) 007. 161-014 Pattern Chart-Writer (paper goods) 789.381-014 Patternmaker, Envelope (paper goods) 649.361-010 Drafter, Directional Survey (petrol. production) 0.10.281 - 0 1 0 Drafter, Geological (petrol. production) 0.10.281-014 Drafter, Geophysical (petrol. production) 0.10.281-018 Drafter, Oil and Gas (petrol. production; petrol. refin.) 01 7.28 1-030 Supervisor, Mapping (petrol. production; pipe lines) 018. 16.7-030 Chief Drafter (profess. & kin.) 007.261-010 Design Drafter, Electromechanisms (profess. & kin.) 01 7.261-014 Detailer (profess. & kin.) 017.261-018 Detailer, Furniture (profess. & kin.) 017.261-022 Die-Drawing Checker (profess. & kin.) 007. 167-010 Drafter, Aeronautical (profess. & kin.) 002.261-010 Drafter Apprentice (profess. & kin.) 017.281-014 Drafter, Architectural (profess. & kin.) 001.261-010 Drafter, Assistant (profess. & kin.) 017.281-018 Drafter, Cartographic (profess. & kin.) 018.261-010 Drafter, Castings (profess. & kin.) 007.261-014 Drafter, Civil (profess. & kin.) 005.281-010 Drafter, Commercial (profess. & kin.) 017.261-026 Drafter, Detail (profess. & kin.) 017.261-030 Drafter, Electrical (profess. & kin.) 003.281-010 Drafter, Electronic (profess. & kin.) 003.281-014 Drafter, Heating and Ventilating (profess. & kin.) 017.261- 034 Drafter, Landscape (profess. & kin.) 001.261-014 Drafter, Marine (profess. & kin.) 014.281-010 Drafter, Mechanical (profess. & kin.) 007.281-010 Drafter, Patent (profess. & kin.) 007.261-018 Drafter, Plumbing (profess. & kin.) 017.261-038 Drafter, Structural (profess. & kin.) 005.281-014 Drafter, Tool Design (profess. & kin.) 007.261-022 Drafter, Topographical (profess. & kin.) 018.261-014 Editor, Map (profess. & kin.) 018.261-018 Engineering Assistant, Mechanical Equipment (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-018 Estimator (profess. & kin.) 160.267-018 Field-Map Editor (profess. & kin.) 018.262-010 Mosaicist (profess. & kin.) 018.261-022 Photogrammetrist (profess. & kin.) 018.261-026 Specification Writer (profess. & kin.) 019.267-010 Stereo-Plotter Operator (profess. & kin.) 018.281-010 Supervisor, Cartography (profess. & kin.) 018.131-010 Technical Illustrator (profess. & kin.) 017.281-034 05.03.03 Expediting and Coordinating Material Scheduler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 012, 187-010 Procurement Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 162. 157– 034 Dispatcher (air trans.) 912, 167-010 Production Clerk (clerical) 221.382-018 Air-Traffic-Control Specialist, Station (gov. ser.) 193.162- 0.14 Air-Traffic-Control Specialist, Tower (gov. ser.) 193.162- 0.18 Air-Traffic Coordinator (gov. ser.) 193.162-010 Chief Controller (gov. ser.) 193.167-010 Mill Recorder, Computerized Mill (iron & steel) 221.367- 046 83 05.03 05.03.06 Production Scheduler, Paperboard Products (paper goods) 221.162-010 Tower Operator (r.r. trans.) 9 10.362-010 05.03.04 Petroleum Prospector (any ind.) 024.284-010 Field Engineer, Specialist (petrol. production) 0.10.261-010 Fishing-Tool Technician, Oil Well (petrol. production) 930.261-010 Observer, Electrical Prospecting (petrol. production) 0 1 0.261-014 Observer, Gravity Prospecting (petrol. production) 0 1 0.261-018 Observer, Seismic Prospecting (petrol. production) 0 1 0.161-018 Scout (petrol. production) 0.10.267-010 Surveyor, Oil-Well Directional (petrol. production) 0 1 0.261-022 Technical Operator (petrol. production) 930. 167-010 05.03.05 Electrical-Electronic Radiographer (any ind.) 199.361-010 Radiotelephone Operator (any ind.) 193.262-034 Radio-Intelligence Operator (gov. ser.) 193.362-014 Communications Coordinator (medical ser.) 239. 167-010 Field Engineer (radio & twº broad.) 193.262-018 Field Supervisor, Broadcast (radio & twº broad.) 193. 16.7- 014 Transmitter Operator (radio & twº broad.) 193.262-038 Video Operator (radio & tv broad.) 194.282-010 Industrial and Safety Flight Engineer (air trans.) 621.261-0 18 05.03.07 Supervisor, Vendor Quality (any ind.) 012. 167–062 Construction Inspector (const.) 182.267-010 Inspector, Air-Carrier (gov. ser.) 168.264-010 Inspector, Building (gov. ser.) 168. 167-030 Inspector, Electrical (gov. ser.) 168. 167–034 Inspector, Elevators (gov. ser.) 168. 167-038 Inspector, Industrial Waste (gov. ser.) 168.267-054 Inspector, Plumbing (gov. ser.) 168. 167-050 Inspector, Quality Assurance (gov. ser.) 168.287-014 Inspector, Railroad (gov. ser.) 168.287-018 Traffic Technician (gov. ser.) 199.267-030 Building Inspector (insurance) 168.267-010 Safety Inspector (light, heat, & power) 821.367-014 Industrial Engineering Technician & kin.) 0 1 2.267-0 1 0 Inspector, Boiler (profess. & kin.) 168. 167-026 Marine Surveyor (profess. & kin.) 014. 167-010 (profess. Mechanical Test Technician (agric. equip.) 019.261-022 Test-Engine Operator (petrol. refin.) 029.261-018 Heat-Transfer Technician (profess. & kin.) 007. 181-010 05.03.08 Environmental Control Pollution-Control Technician (profess. & kin.) 029.261-014 Radiation Monitor (profess. & kin.) 199. 167-010 05.03.09 Packaging and Storing Preservation Inspector, 929,367-0 10 Marine Equipment (gov. ser.) Fine Arts Packer (museum) 102.367-010 Packaging Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019. 187-010 84 Air and Water Vehicle Operation 05.04 b5.04 Air and Water Vehicle Operation ships for private companies or for individuals. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —study load weight, fuel supply, weather conditions, and flight route to plan for a safe commercial plane flight. —pilot a new airplane through stalls, dives, glides, rolls, and turns to test design and safety factors. —use knowledge of local winds, weather, tides, and current to pilot a ship through a harbor or strait. —use charts, plotting sheets, compass, and sextant to plan and direct course of a ship. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and use techniques and procedures for controlling the airplane or vessel. —use judgment and make decisions that affect the lives of passengers on board. —react quickly in emergencies. —direct the crew on board. Workers in this group pilot airplanes or ships, or supervise others who do. Some instruct other persons in flying. Most of these workers are hired by shipping companies and commercial airlines. Some find jobs piloting planes or —see readings on instrument panels clearly. —use hand, feet, and eyes at the same time to con- trol the ship or airplane. —deal with different kinds of people. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you read airplane or boat magazines? Do you understand and enjoy technical articles? —Have you built or operated a model airplane? Could you read and follow the instructions? —Have you been a member of a Civil Air Patrol unit? Have you had flight or ground training? —Have you operated a citizen's band radio? Do you understand the regulations regarding its use? Can you understand and use the common code words? —Have you driven in a bicycle rodeo, car rally, or other vehicle obstacle course? Did you receive a good score? —Have you owned or operated a pleasure boat? Have you taken a Coast Guard safety training course? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Flight training may be obtained in the military or in FAA ap- proved civilian flight schools. A high school education or 85. 05.04 its equal is the minimum requirement for acceptance. Most major airlines have their own programs to pro- vide additional specialized training before assigning pilots to service. Some airlines require a pilot to have two years of college. Many prefer college graduates. Before becom- ing an airline pilot, a person must have 1,500 hours of flying time. Ship captains advance through several officer ranks. The beginning rank is that of third mate. Most third mate positions are earned by completing a training course at a marine academy. Some marine trade unions offer programs to train seamen to become third mates. These trainees must be U.S. citizens and be approved by the U.S. Public Health Service for vision and general health. They must also pass Coast Guard tests on navigation, freight handling, and deck operations. What else should you consider about these jobs? Pilots are often under mental stress and must always be alert and ready to make decisions quickly. Airlines have flights at all hours of the day and night. Pilots may be away from home frequently. Ship officers are usually away from home for long periods. Workers in this group face the possibility of injury through fires, collisions, and other disasters. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 86 05.04 Air and Water Vehicle Operation 05.04.01 Air Flight-Operations Inspector (gov. ser.) 196. 163-010 Airplane Pilot (agric.) 196.263-010 Supervising Airplane Pilot (gov. ser.) 196.163-014 Controller, Remotely-Piloted Vehicle (rpv) (aircraft- 05.04.02 Water aerospace mfg.) 196.263-026 Pilot, Submersible (any ind.) 029.383-010 Test Pilot (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 196.263-042 Captain, Fishing Vessel (fish.) 197. 133-010 Airplane Pilot, Commercial (air trans.) 196.263-014 Check Pilot (air trans.) 196.263-022 Cadet, Deck (water trans.) 91 1. 133-010 Chief Pilot (air trans.) 196. 167-010 Dredge Captain (water trans.) 197. 161-010 Instructor, Pilot (air trans.) 196.223-014 Ferryboat Captain (water trans.) 197.163-010 Ferryboat Operator (water trans.) 9 11.363-010 Executive Pilot (any ind.) 196.263-030 Master, Passenger Barge (water trans.) 197. 163-014 Helicopter Pilot (any ind.) 196.263-038 Master, Riverboat (water trans.) 197. 163-018 Master, Ship (water trans.) 197. 167-010 Airplane Pilot, Photogrammetry (bus. ser.) 196.263-018 Master, Yacht (water trans.) 197. 133-014 Mate, Ship (water trans.) 197. 133-022 Instructor, Flying (education) I 196.223-010 Pilot, Ship (water trans.) 197. 133-026 Instructor, Flying (education) II 097.227-010 Quartermaster (water trans.) 9 1 1.363-014 Tugboat Captain (water trans.) 197. 133-030 Facilities-Flight-Check Pilot (gov. ser.) 196.263-034 Tugboat Mate (water trans.) 197.133-034 87 Craft Technology 05.05 05.05 Craft Technology Workers in this group perform highly skilled hand and/or machine work requiring special techniques, training, and experience. Work occurs in a variety of nonfactory settings. Some workers own their own shops. What kind of work would you do? and nail wooden parts for a structure. —set up and operate a variety of woodworking machines to make or repair cabinets and fine fur- niture. —repair and maintain generators, alternators, mo- tors, and communications systems aboard a ship. —set up, adjust, and operate a printing press in a publishing company. —adjust pipes and mechanisms in an organ to cor- rect tone, pitch, or mechanical problems. —make casts and prepare and fit artificial limbs. —cut, shape, and polish precious gems and stones. —develop designs and make tailored suits and coats for men. —plan menus, order supplies, and oversee food preparation for a large motel. - Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —study blueprints and specifications for setting up a machine that shapes metal bolts and screws. —lay out, drill, turn, grind, and fit metal castings to make patterns for use in a foundry. —use knowledge of tool design, shop mathematics, metal properties, and machining procedures to make or repair machine tools. —use handtools, precision-measuring instruments, and machine tools to repair diesel engines. —use grinders, planers, millers, and handtools to repair or modify rifles and handguns. —follow blueprints and use handtools and power tools to assemble or repair boilers and tanks in an industrial plant. —lay brick or cement blocks to build a wall. —follow blueprints and plans to measure, cut, fit, 05.05 hat skills and abilities do you need for this kind of ork? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —skillfully use handtools or machines needed for your work. —read blueprints and drawings of the items to be made or repaired. —measure, cut, or otherwise work on materials or objects with great preciseness. —use arithmetic and shop geometry to figure amounts of materials needed, dimensions to be fol- lowed, and cost of materials. —picture what the finished product will look like. —accept responsibility for the accuracy of the work as it is turned out. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had hobbies such as model building which required assembling parts in a certain manner? Are you able to follow detailed instruc- tions accurately? —Have you read magazines or trade papers about mechanics? Are you able to understand mechani- cal details? —Have you repaired an extension cord or lamp? Can you figure out how things' work without looking at directions? —Have you made minor repairs to a house? Do you enjoy working with your hands? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. A four- year formal apprenticeship is the best way to become a general machinist. Training includes the learning of proper machine speeds and feeds, and the operation of various machine tools. Apprentices are also trained in the use of handtools and assembly procedures. They study blueprint reading, shop mathematics, shop practices, and mechanical drawing. High school or vocational school courses in industrial mathematics, physics, machine ship, and mechanical drawing are very useful. Some machinists learn their trade without serving an apprenticeship. Many mechanics and repairers acquire their skills by working with experienced workers for several years or through apprenticeship training. Some get basic training or increase their skills in vocational and technical schools or by taking correspondence courses. Experience in the armed forces may also help workers gain entry into occu- pations in this group. Many high schools and vocational schools offer basic mechanics courses in cooperation with local employers. The programs last from two to three years. Courses in mathematics, physics, electronics, blueprint reading, and machine shop are helpful. Most automobile mechanics learn their skills on the job. They usually start as helpers, lubrication workers, or gasoline station attendants. However, there are formal training programs available. Three to four years ex- perience is required to become a general automobile mechanic. Experienced mechanics may advance to shop supervisors or service managers. Many mechanics open their own repair shops or gasoline service stations. Formal apprenticeship training lasting three to four years is the best way to acquire the skills required in the construction trades. Apprentices generally must be at least 18 years of age, and in good physical condition. A high school or a vocational school education is desirable and should include courses in mathematics, mechanical drawing, carpentry, and electricity. Although apprenticeship is the best way to train for these occupations, many people acquire construction skills by working as laborers and helpers and observing skilled workers. Some acquire skills by attending voca- tional or trade schools or by taking correspondence school courses. Craft workers, such as electricians, are required to have a license to work in some localities. They must pass an examination to demonstrate a broad knowledge of the job and of state and local regulations. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many of these workers are required to follow strict safety regulations. Machine workers must wear safety glasses and other protective devices. Construction wor- kers are usually required to wear hard hats and some- times safety straps and shoes. Many people prefer construction work because it per- mits them to be outdoors. However, the weather and seasons sometimes affect the availability of work. Many workers are required to furnish their own hand- tools. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 89. 05.05 Craft Technology 05.05.01 Masonry, Stone, and Brick Work Bricklayer (brick & tile) 861.381-014 Concrete-Stone Finisher (conc. prod.) 844.461-010 Supervisor, Concrete-Stone Finishing (conc. 775. 1 31–010 Supervisor, Precast and Prestressed Concrete (conc. prod.) 575. 131 -014 prod.) Acid-Tank Liner (const.) 861.38 1-0 10 Bricklayer (const.) 861.381-018 Bricklayer Apprentice (const.) 861.381-022 Bricklayer, Firebrick and Refractory Tile (const.) 861.381- 0.26 Bricklayer Supervisor (const.) 861. 131-010 Cement Mason (const.) 844.364-010 Cement-Mason Apprentice (const.) 844.364-014 Chimney Supervisor, Brick (const.) 861.131-014 Composition-Stone Applicator (const.) 861.361-010 Concrete-Fence Builder (const.) 869.681-010 Concreting Supervisor (const.) 869. 131-014 Marble Setter (const.) 861.381-030 Monument Setter (const.) 861.361-014 Soft-Tile Setter (const.; ret. tr.) 861.381-034 Stonemason (const.) 861.381-038 Stonemason Apprentice (const.) 861.381-042 Stonemason Supervisor (const.) 861. 131-018 Supervisor, Chimney Construction (const.) 801. 131-010 Supervisor, Marble (const.) 861.131-022 Supervisor, Terrazzo (const.) 861. 131-026 Terrazzo Worker (const.) 861.381-046 Terrazzo-Worker Apprentice (const.) 861.381-050 Tile Setter (const.) 861.381-054 Miller, Head, Wet Process (corn prod.) 629.261-014 Cupola Patcher (found.) 861.684-010 Stonecutter Apprentice, Hand (stonework) 771.381-010 Stonecutter, Hand (stonework) 771.381-014 Supervisor (stonework) 679. 130-010 Surface-Plate Finisher (stonework) 775.281-010 90 05.05 .05.02 Construction and Maintenance Carpenter, Maintenance (any ind.) 860.281-010 Carpenter, Mold (brick & tile; conc. prod.) 860.381-034 Acoustical Carpenter (const.) 860.381-010 Carpenter (const.) 860.381-022 Carpenter Apprentice (const.) 860.381-026 Carpenter, Rough (const.) 860.381-042 Form Builder (const.) 860.381-046 House Builder (const.) 869.281-014 Supervisor, Carpenters (const.) 860. 131-018 Tank Builder and Erector (const.) 860.38 1-066 Tank Erector (const.) 860.38 1-070 Carpenter, Railcar (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 860.381-038 Timber Framer (mining & quarrying) 869.381-034 Carpenter, Bridge (r.r. trans.) 860.381-030 Boatbuilder Apprentice, Wood (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860.381-014 Boatbuilder, Wood (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860.381-018 Boat Repairer (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 807.361-014 Joiner (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 860.381-050 Joiner Apprentice (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860.38 1-054 Shipwright (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 860.381-058 Shipwright Apprentice (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.381- 062 Supervisor, Boatbuilders, Wood (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860. 1 31-014 Supervisor, Joiners (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860. 131-022 Carpenter, Ship (water trans.) 860.281-014 Experimental-Box Tester (wood. box) 76.1.281-014 05.05.03 Plumbing and Pipefitting Oil-Burner-Servicer-and-Installer (any ind.) 862.281-018 Pipe Fitter (const.) 862.381-018 Pipe-Fitter Apprentice (const.) 862.381-026 Pipe-Fitter Supervisor (const.) 862. 131-010 Plumber (const.) 862.381-030 Plumber Apprentice (const.) 862.381-034 Plumber Supervisor (const.) 862. 131-018 Suction-Dredge-Pipe-Line-Placing Supervisor 862. 1 34-010 - (const.) Pipe Fitter, Diesel Engine (engine & turbine) I 862.361- 0 18 Pipe Fitter, Diesel Engine (engine & turbine) II 862.381- 022 Gas-Main Fitter (light, heat, & power) 862.361-014 Mains-and-Service Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 862. 1 37-010 Steam-Distribution Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 862. 1 37-014 Steam Service Inspector (light, heat, & power) 862.361- 022 Plumber (mfö. blogs.) 862.681-010 Coppersmith (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 862.281-010 Coppersmith Apprentice (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.28 1-014 Pipe Fitter (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 862.261-010 Pipe-Fitter Supervisor (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.131- 014 - Water-and-Sewer-Systems 862. 1 37-0 18 Supervisor (waterworks) 05.05.04 Painting, Plastering, and Paperhanging Plasterer, Molding (conc. prod.; const.) 842.361-026 Dry-Wall Applicator (const.) 842.381-010 Paperhanger (const.) 841.381-010 Plasterer (const.) 842.361-018 Plasterer Apprentice (const.) 842.361-022 Stucco Mason (const.) 842.381-014 Supervisor, Dry-Wall Application (const.) 842.131-0 10 Supervisor, Plastering (const.) 842.131-018 91 05.05 05.05.05 Electrical-Electronic Systems Installation and Repair Electrical and Radio Mock-Up Mechanic (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 825.381-022 Electrician, Airplane (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 825.281-018 Electrician, Research (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 726.28.1- 0 1 0 Experimental-Rocket-Sled Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 825.281-038 Airport Electrician (air trans.) 824.281-010 Communications Electrician Supervisor (any ind.) 823.131- 0 1 0 Electrical Repairer (any ind.) 829.281-014 Electrician (any ind.) 824.261-010 Electrician Apprentice (any ind.) 824.261-014 Electrician, Radio (any ind.) 823.281-014 Electrician Supervisor (any ind.) 829. 131-014 Elevator Repairer (any ind.) 825.281-030 Elevator-Repairer Apprentice (any ind.) 825.281-034 Line Maintainer (any ind.) 821.261-014 Magneto Repairer (any ind.) 721.281-022 Maintenance Mechanic, Telephone (any ind.) 822.281-018 Sound Technician (any ind.) 829.281-022 - Supervisor, Electronics Systems Maintenance (any ind.) 828. 161-010 Body Wirer (auto. mfg.; trans. equip.) 829.684-014 Automotive-Generator-and-Starter Repairer (auto. ser.) 721.28 1-0 10 Community-Antenna-Television Line Technician (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 821.261-010 Protective-Signal Installer (bus. ser.) 822.361-018 Protective-Signal Repairer (bus. ser.) 822.361-022 Cable Splicer (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel 829.361-010 Cable-Splicer Apprentice (const.; light, heat, & power; t & tel.) 829.361-014 Cable Supervisor (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel 829. 131-010 Electric-Distribution Checker (const.; light, heat, & power 824.28 1-014 Line-Erector Apprentice (const.; light, heat, & power 821.361-030 Line Erector (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.361-018 Tower Erector (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.361-038 Electronics Assembler, Developmental (electronics 726.261-010 Field Engineer (electronics) 828.261-014 Radio Interference Investigator (electronics) 823.261-014 Supervisor, Radio Interference (electronics) 823.131-022 Cable Installer-Repairer (light, heat, & power) 821.361 0 1 0 Complaint Inspector (light, heat, & power) 829.261-010 Construction Checker (light, heat, & power) 821.367-010 Corrosion-Control Fitter (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 820.36 1–010 Electrical-Installation Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 821. 131-0 10 Electrician Apprentice, Powerhouse (light, heat, & power) 820.261-010 • Electrician, Powerhouse (light, heat, & power) 820.261- 0.14 Electrician, Substation (light, heat, & power) 820.261-018 Electrician Supervisor, Substation (light, heat, & power) 820. 131-0 10 Electric-Meter Installer (light, heat, & power) I 821.361- O 14 Furnace Installer (light, heat, & power) 862.361-010 Line Repairer (light, heat, & power) 821.361-026 Line Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 821. 131-014 Powerhouse-Mechanic Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 631. 13 1-0 1 0 Power-Transformer Repairer (light, heat, & power) 821.361-034 Regulator Inspector (light, heat, & power) 820.361-018 Relay Technician (light, heat, & power) 82 1.261-018 Relay Tester (light, heat, & power) 729.281-038 Service Supervisor (light, heat, & power) II 821. 131-0 18 Steel-Post-Installer Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 821. 1 31-022 Street-Light Repairer (light, heat, & power) 729.381-018 Street-Light Servicer (light, heat, & power) 824.381-010 Street-Light-Servicer Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 824. 1 37-014 Superintendent, Local (light, heat, & power) 952. 137-018 Supervisor, Electrical Repair and Telephone Line Main- tenance (light, heat, & power) 829. 131-022 Trouble Shooter (light, heat, & power) II 821.261-026 Voltage Tester (light, heat, & power) 821.381-014 Wireworker Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 821. 131-026 Controller Repairer-and-Tester (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 825.38 1-0 18 Electrician, Locomotive (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 825.28 1-026 Electric-Motor Fitter (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 721.381 - 0 1 0 05.05 Automated Equipment Engineer-Technician (mach. mſg.) 638.261-010 Electrician (mfa. blogs.) 824.681-010 Electrician, Chief (motion pic.) 824. 137-010 Electrical Supervisor (petrol. production) 826. 131-010 Electronic-Sales-and-Service Technician (profess. & kin.) 828.25 1-0 1 0 Technician, Plant and Maintenance (radio & tv broad.) 822.28 1-030 Electric-Track-Switch Maintainer (r. r. trans.) 825.261-010 Line Installer, Street Railway (r. r. trans.) 821.361-022 Service Restorer, Emergency (r.r. trans.) 821.261-022 Signal Maintainer (r.r. trans.) 822.281-026 Signal Supervisor (r.t. trans.) 822. 131-026 Supervisor, Line Department (r.r. trans.) 825. 137-010 Electrician (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 825.381-030 Electrician Apprentice (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 825.381- O34 Electrician Supervisor (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 825.131- 010 Automatic-Equipment Technician (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010 Cable Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 184.161-010 Cable Tester (tel. & tel.) 822.361-010 Central-Office Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.361-014 Central-Office Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-014 Central-Office-Repairer Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 822. 131- 010 Customer-Facilities Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 822. 131-014 Electrician, Office (tel. & tel.) 822.261-010 Equipment Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-010 Facility Examiner (tel. & tel.) 959.367-014 Line Installer-Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-014 Line Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 822. 131-018 Private-Branch-Exchange Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018 Private-Branch-Exchange Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.281- 022 Station Installer-and-Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.261-022 Technician, Submarine Cable Equipment (tel. & tel.) 822.28 1-034 Telegraph-Plant Maintainer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-022 Test-Desk Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 822. 131-030 Testing-and-Regulating Technician (tel. & tel.) 822.261- 0.26 Electrician (water trans.) 825.281-014 05.05.06 Metal Fabrication and Repair Aircraft Body Repairer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 807.261-010 Assembler, Ground Support Equipment (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 809.261-010 Assembly Mechanic, Experimental aerospace mfg.) 806.381-038 Aircraft (aircraft- Boilerhouse Mechanic (any ind.) 805.361-010 Fitter (any ind.) I 801.261-014 Former, Hand (any ind.) 619.361-010 Lay-Out Worker (any ind.) I 809.281-010 Metal Fabricator (any ind.) 619.360-014 Metal-Fabricator Apprentice (any ind.) 619.360-018 Millwright (any ind.) 638.281-018 Millwright Apprentice (any ind.) 638.281-022 Millwright Supervisor (any ind.) 638.131-030 Roll Operator (any ind.) I 619.362-014 Sheet-Metal Worker (any ind.) 804.281-010 Sheet-Metal-Worker Apprentice (any ind.) 804.281-014 Supervisor, Boiler Repair (any ind,) 805.137-010 Supervisor, Machine Setter (any ind.) 619. 130-034 Truck-Body Builder (auto. mfg.; auto, ser.) 807.281-010 Truck-Body-Builder Apprentice (auto. mfg.; auto. ser.) 807.28 1-014 Automobile-Body Customizer (auto. ser.) 807.361-010 Automobile-Body Repairer (auto. ser.) 807.381-010 Spring Repairer, Hand (auto. ser.) 619.380-018 Supervisor, Automobile Body Repair (auto. ser.) 807. 137- 010 Boilermaker (boilermaking) I 805.261-014 Boilermaker (boilermaking) II 805.381-010 Boilermaker Apprentice (boilermaking) 805.261-010 Boilermaker Fitter (boilermaking) 805.361-014 Supervisor, Boilermaking (boilermaking) 805.131-010 Safe-and-Vault Service Mechanic (bus. ser.; whole. tr.) 869.38 1-022 Hood Maker (canvas goods) 804.481-010 Assembler, Metal Building (const.) 801.381-010 Conduit Mechanic (const.; light, heat, & power) 869.361- 0 1 0 - Elevator Constructor (const.) 825.361-010 Hydraulic-Jack Adjuster (const.) 869.361-014 Ornamental-Iron Worker (const.) 809.381-022 Ornamental-Iron-Worker Apprentice (const.) 809.381-026 Reinforcing-Metal Worker (const.) 801.684-026 Steeple Jack (const.) 869.381-030 Structural-Steel Worker (const.) 801.361-014 Structural-Steel-Worker Apprentice (const.) 801.361-018 Supervisor, Adjustable-Steel-Joist-Setting (const.) 869. 134- 014 Supervisor, Ornamental Ironworking (const.) 809. 131-014 Supervisor, Reinforced-Steel-Placing (const.) 801. 134-010 Supervisor, Structural-Steel Erection (const.) 809. 131-018 Tankage Supervisor (const.) 869. 131-034 Ornamental-Metal Worker (fabric. 619.260-008 Ornamental-Metal-Worker Apprentice (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 619.260-010 metal prod., n.e.c.) Blacksmith (forging) 610.381-010 Blacksmith Apprentice (forging) 610.381-014 Pattern maker, Metal, Bench (found.) 693.281-018 Model Builder (furn.) 709.381-014 Patternmaker, Sample (hardware) 693.281-022 Mechanical-Test Technician (inst. & app.) 869.261-014 Roll Builder (iron & steel) 801.564-010 93 05.05 Model Maker, Fluorescent Lighting (light. fix.) 723.361- 010 Car Repairer (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622.381-014 Car-Repairer Apprentice (loco. & car blåg. & 622.38 1-022 Supervisor, Railroad Car Repair (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622. 1 31-0 10 rep.) Welder-Assembler (mach. mfg.) 819.381-010 Die Barber (mach. shop) 705.381-010 Fitter (mach. shop) 801.381-014 Mine-Car Repairer (mining & quarrying) 622.381-030 Organ-Pipe Maker, Metal (musical inst.) 709.381-030 Die Maker (paper goods) 739.381-018 Die-Maker Apprentice (paper goods) 739.381-022 Tank Setter (petrol. production) 801.361-022 Rigger (radio & twº broad.) 823.281-022 Rigger Supervisor (radio & tv broad.; tel. & tel.) 823.131- 0.14 Loft Worker, Head (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 661.131-010 Pneumatic-Tool Operator (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 809.381-030 Rigger (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 806.261-014 Rigger Apprentice (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.261-018 Rigger Helper (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-122 Shipfitter (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.381-046 Shipfitter Apprentice (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.381- 050 Supervisor, Rigger (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 806. 131-030 Supervisor, Shipfitters (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806. 131- 0.34 Sign Erector (signs) I 869.381-026 Sign Erector-and-Repairer (signs) 869.361-018 Patternmaker (spring) 693.281-014 Patternmaker (stonework) 703.381-010 Arc Cutter (welding) 816.364-010 *wºr" -º-º-º: --~~~~ _* 05.05.07 Lead Burner (welding) 819.281-010 Lead-Burner Apprentice (welding) 819.281-014 Lead-Burner Supervisor (welding) 819. 131-010 Welder Apprentice, Arc (welding) 810.384-010 Welder Apprentice, Combination (welding) 819.384-008 Welder Apprentice, Gas (welding) 81 1.684-010 Welder, Arc (welding) 810.384-014 Welder, Combination (welding) 819.384-010 Welder, Experimental (welding) 819.281-022 Welder-Fitter (welding) 819.361-010 Welder-Fitter Apprentice (welding) 819.361-014 Welder, Gas (welding) 81 1.684-014 Machining Experimental Mechanic 693.281-010 Form Builder (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.280-010 Mock-Up Builder (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.381-014 Model Maker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.361-010 Rocket-Engine Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace 693.28.1-026 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) mfg.) Gunsmith (any ind.) 632.281-010 Gunsmith, Ballistics Laboratory (ammunition) 609.260-010 Fluid-Power Mechanic (any ind.) 600.281-010 Maintenance Machinist (any ind.) 600.280-042 Saw Filer (any ind.) 701.381-014 Template Maker (any ind.) 601.381-038 Tool Grinder (any ind.) I 701.381-018 Sample-Body Builder (auto. mfg.) 693.380-014 Sample-Body-Builder Apprentice (auto. mfg.) 693.380-018 Machinist Apprentice, Automotive (auto. ser.) 600.280- 030 Machinist, Automotive (auto. ser.) 600.280-034 Model Maker (clock & watch) 693.380–010 Profile-Grinder Technician (clock & watch) 601.482-010 Supervisor, Model Making (clock & watch) 693. 130-010 Tap-and-Die-Maker Technician (clock & watch) 601.280- 034 Saw Maker (cut. & tools) 601.381-034 Sample Maker, Appliances (elec. equip.) 600.280-054 Assembler, Steam-and-Gas Turbine (engine & turbine) 600.261-010 Patternmaker, Plastics (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-014 Model Maker, Firearms (firearms) 600.260-018 Patternmaker Apprentice, Metal (found.) 600.280-046 Patternmaker, Metal (found.) 600.280-050 Pattern-Shop Supervisor (found.) 693.131-010 Patternmaker (furn.) 709.381-034 Supervisor, Mold Shop (glass mfg.) 609. 131-018 Engineering Model Maker (inst. & app.) 600.260-010 Die Maker (jewelry) 601.381-014 Die-Maker Apprentice (jewelry) 601.381-022 Fixture Maker (light. fix.) 600.380-010 05.05 Supervisor, Wheel Shop (loco. & car blåg. & 622. 131-0 18 rep.) Carbide Operator (mach. shop) 601.380-010 Die Finisher (mach. shop) 601.381-010 Die Maker, Bench, Stamping (mach. shop) 601.281-010 Die Maker, Stamping (mach. shop) 601.280-010 Die Maker, Trim (mach. shop) 601.280-014 Die Maker, Wire Drawing (mach. shop) 601.280-018 Die Sinker (mach. shop) 601.280-022 Filer, Hand, Tool (mach. shop) 705.484-010 Final Finisher, Forging Dies (mach. shop) 705.484-014 Inspector, Set-Up and Lay-Out (mach. shop) 601.261-010 Lapper, Hand, Tool (mach. shop) 705.481-014 Lay-Out Worker (mach. shop) 600.281-018 Machine-Shop Supervisor, Tool (mach. shop) 600. 131-010 Machinist (mach. shop) 600.280-022 Machinist Apprentice (mach. shop) 600.280-026 Machinist, Experimental (mach. shop) 600.280-038 Mold Maker, Die-Casting and Plastic Molding (mach. shop) 601.280-030 Plastic-Fixture Builder (mach. shop) 601.381-030 Template Maker, Extrusion Die (mach. shop) 601.280-038 Tool-and-Die Maker (mach. shop) 601.280-046 Tool-and-Die-Maker Apprentice (mach. shop) 601.280-050 Tool-and-Die Supervisor (mach. shop) 601. 130-010 Tool-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 601.280-054 Tool Maker (mach. shop) 601.280-042 Tool-Maker Apprentice (mach. shop) 601.280-058 Tool Maker, Bench (mach. shop) 601.281-026 Plate Finisher (print. & pub.) 659.360-010 Mock-Up Builder (trans, equip.) 693.381-018 Die Polisher (wire) 601.381-018 05.05.08 Woodworking Model Maker, Wood (any ind.) 661.380-010 Patternmaker Apprentice, Wood (found.) 661.281-018 Patternmaker, Wood (found.) 661.281-022 Loft Worker (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 661.281-010 Loft Worker Apprentice (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 66 1.281-014 Cabinetmaker (woodworking) 660.280–010 Cabinetmaker Apprentice (woodworking) 660.280-014 Cabinetmaker, Supervisor (woodworking) 660. 130-010 Dado Operator (woodworking) 669.382-010 Furniture Finisher (woodworking) 763.381-010 Furniture-Finisher Apprentice (woodworking) 763.381-014 Jointer Operator (woodworking) 665.482-010 Machinist Apprentice, Wood (woodworking) 669.380-010 Machinist, Wood (woodworking) 669.380-014 Shaper Operator (woodworking) 665.682-034 Supervisor, Machining (woodworking) 669. 130-022 Tenoner Operator (woodworking) 669.382-018 Variety-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-086 05.05.09 Mechanical Work Farm-Equipment Mechanic (agric. equip.) I 624.281-010 Farm-Equipment-Mechanic Apprentice (agric. equip.) 624.281-014 Farm-Machinery Set-Up Mechanic (agric. equip.) 624.381- 0 18 Milking-System Installer (agric. equip.; ret. tr.) 809.381- 0 18 Supervisor, Farm-Equipment Maintenance (agric. equip.) 624. 13 1–010 Airframe-and-Power-Plant Mechanic mfg.; air trans.) 62.1.281-014 Airframe-and-Power-Plant-Mechanic Apprentice (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 62.1.281-018 (aircraft-aerospace Developer Prover, Mechanical (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.260-010 Experimental-Aircraft Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.260-014 Experimental 621.28 1-022 Field-Service Representative (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.221-010 Flight-Test Shop Mechanic 621.381-010 Mechanic, Field and Service (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.281 -026 Mechanic, Flow meter Test and Certification (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 621.381-018 Rocket-Engine-Component Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.281-030 # Supervisor, Aircraft Maintenance (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621. 131-014 Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) II (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Supercharger-Repair Supervisor (air trans.) 621. 131-010 Hydraulic-Press Servicer (ammunition) 626.381-018 Air-Conditioning Installer-Servicer, Window Unit (any ind.) 637.261-010 95 05.05 Automotive-Maintenance-Equipment Servicer (any ind.) 620.281-018 Cash-Register Servicer (any ind.) 633.281-010 Dictating-Transcribing-Machine Servicer 633.281-014 Diesel Mechanic (any ind.) 625.281-010 Diesel-Mechanic Apprentice (any ind.) 625.281-014 Environmental-Control-System Installer-Servicer (any ind.) 637.261-014 Fuel-Injection Servicer (any ind.) 625.281-022 Fuel-System-Maintenance Worker (any ind.) 638.381-010 Furnace Installer-and-Repairer, Hot Air (any ind.) 869.281-010 Gas-Engine Repairer (any ind.) 625.281-026 Gas-Welding-Equipment Mechanic (any ind.) 626.381-014 Locksmith (any ind.) 709.281-010 Locksmith Apprentice (any ind.) 709.281-014 Machine Repairer, Maintenance (any ind.) 626.281-010 Maintenance Mechanic (any ind.) 638.281-014 Maintenance-Mechanic Supervisor (any ind.) 638.131-022 Mechanical-Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) 638.131- 026 Mechanic, Industrial Truck (any ind.) 620.281-050 Office-Machine Servicer (any ind.) 633.281-018 Office-Machine-Servicer Apprentice (any ind.) 633.28.1- 022 Office-Machine-Service Supervisor (any ind.) 633.131-010 Parts Salvager (any ind.) 638.281-026 Pneumatic-Tool Repairer (any ind.) 630.281-010 Power-Saw Mechanic (any ind.) 625.281-030 Pump Servicer (any ind.) 630.281-018 Refrigeration Mechanic (any ind.) 637.261-026 Scale Mechanic (any ind.) 633.281-026 Small-Engine Mechanic (any ind.) 625.281-034 Statistical-Machine Servicer (any ind.) 633.281-030 Stoker Erector-and-Servicer (any ind.) 637.281-014 Repairer, Heavy (auto. mfg.) 620.381-022 Air-Conditioning Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.281-010 Automobile Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.261-010 (any ind.) Automobile-Mechanic Apprentice (auto. ser.) 620.261-012 Bus Inspector (auto. ser.) 620.281-030 Mechanical-Unit Repairer (auto. ser.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) 620.381-018 Mechanic, Endless Track Vehicle (auto. ser.) 620.381-014 Motorcycle Repairer (auto. ser.) 620.281-054 Supervisor, Endless Track Vehicle (auto. ser.) 620. 131-010 Supervisor, Garage (auto. ser.) 620.131-014 Supervisor, Motorcycle Repair Shop (auto. ser.) 620. 131- 0 18 Tractor Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.281-058 Tune-Up Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.281-066 Bakery-Machine Mechanic (bake. prod.) 629.281-010 Bakery-Machine-Mechanic Supervisor (bake. prod.) 629. 131-0 10 Maintenance Mechanic, Compressed-Gas Plant (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.261-010 Service Mechanic, Compressed-Gas Equipment (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.281-034 Construction-Equipment Mechanic (const.) 620.261-022 Elevator-Constructor Supervisor (const.) 825.131-014 Installation Superintendent, Pin-Setting Machine (const.) 829. 1 31-0 18 Maintenance Mechanic (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines) 620.281-046 Pump Erector (const.) 637.281-010 Dairy-Equipment Repairer (dairy prod.) 629.281-018 Electronic-Production-Line-Maintenance Mechanic (electronics) 629.281-022 Diesel-Engine Erector (engine & turbine) 625.361-010 Engine Repairer, Service (engine & turbine) 625.281-018 96 05.05 Experimental Mechanic, Outboard Motors (engine & tur- bine) 623.261-010 Machinery Erector 638.261-014 Motorboat Mechanic (engine & turbine; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 623.281-038 Outboard-Motor Mechanic (engine & turbine; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.281-042 Supervisor, Engine-Repair (engine & turbine) 625.131-014 (engine & turbine; mach. mtg.) Powder-Line Repairer (explosives) 629.261-018 Cellophane-Casting-Machine Repairer (fabric. prod.) 629.281-014 plastics Forge-Shop-Machine Repairer (forging) 626.261-010 Automotive Technician, Exhaust Emissions (gov. ser.) 620.281-014 Fire-Fighting-Equipment Specialist (gov. ser.) 638.281-010 Mail-Processing-Equipment Mechanic (gov. ser.) 633.261- 0.14 Maintenance Supervisor, ser.) 638.131-0 18 Fire-Fighting-Equipment (gov. Maintenance Mechanic (grain & feed mill.) 629.281-030 Maintenance Mechanic (leather mfg.) 629.280-010 Field-Mechanical-Meter Tester (light, petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 953.281-010 Gas-Regulator Repairer (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 710.381-026 Powerhouse Mechanic (light, heat, & power) 631.261-014 Powerhouse-Mechanic Apprentice (light, heat, & power) 631.261-018 heat, & power; Supervisor, Roundhouse (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622. 1 31-014 Logging-Equipment Mechanic (logging) 620.281-042 Assembler, Mining Machinery (mach. mſg.) 801.261-010 Machine Builder (mach. mtg.; mach. tool & access.) 600.28 1-022 Manufacturer's Service Representative (mach. mſg.; mach. tool & ºcess.) 638.261-018 Die-Try-Out Worker, Stamping (mach. shop) 601.281-014 Repairer (mining & quarrying) 630.281-022 Machinist, Motion-Picture Equipment (motion pic.; photo. apparatus) 714.281-018 Experimental Mechanic (motor. & bicycles) 600.260-014 Lead Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.381-018 Pump Mechanic (paper & pulp) 629.281-034 Oil-Field Equipment Mechanic (petrol. production) 629.381 -014 - Oil-Field Equipment Mechanic Supervisor (petrol. produc- tion) 629. 131-014 Aircraft-Photographic-Equipment Mechanic (photo. paratus) 714.281-010 ap- Photographic-Equipment-Maintenance Technician (photo. apparatus) 714.281-026 Composing-Room Machinist (print. & pub.) 627.261-010 Machinist Apprentice, Composing Room (print. & pub.) 627.261-014 Machinist, Linotype (print. & pub.) 627.261-022 Machinist Apprentice, Linotype (print. & pub.) 627.261- 0 18 Press Maintainer (print. & pub.) 627.281-010 Refrigeration Mechanic (refrigerat. equip.) 827.361-014 Machinist Apprentice, Marine Engine (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.281-018 Machinist Apprentice, Outside (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.28.1-022 Machinist, Marine Engine (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.28.1-026 Machinist, Outside (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 623.281-030 Machinist Supervisor, Outside (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 623. 131-0 1 0 Manager, Marine Service (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 187. 167-130 Overhauler (textile) 628.261-010 Deck Engineer (water trans.) 623.281-010 Lock Tender, Chief Operator (water trans.) 9 11.131-014 Maintenance Mechanic, Engine (water trans.) 623.281-034 Treatment-Plant Mechanic (waterworks) 630.281-038 Repairer, Welding, Brazing, and Burning Machines (welding) 626.361-010 Supervisor, Reclamation (whole. tr.) 621. 137-010 05.05.10 Electrical-Electronic Equipment Repair Avionics Technician (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 823.28 1-0 10 Supervisor, Avionics Shop (air trans.) 823.131-018 Audio-Video Repairer (any ind.) 729.281-010 Electrical-Appliance Servicer (any ind.) 827.261-010 Electrical-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) 729.281-026 Electric-Motor Repairer (any ind.) 721.281-018 Electric Motor Repairing Supervisor (any ind.) 721. 131- 0 1 0 Electronics Mechanic (any ind.) 828.281-010 Electronics-Mechanic Apprentice (any ind.) 828.281-014 Instrument Mechanic (any ind.) 710.281-026 Meteorological-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) 823.281- 0 18 Public-Address Servicer (any ind.) 823.261-010 Radio Mechanic (any ind.) 823.261-018 Supervisor, Instrument Repair (any ind.) 710.131-022 Transformer Shop Supervisor (any ind.) 724. 131-014 Electrician, Automotive (auto. ser.) 825.28 1-022 Propulsion-Motor-and-Generator Repairer (auto. 72 1.281 -0.26 ser.) Tube Rebuilder (electronics) 725.381-010 Aircraft-Armament Mechanic (gov. ser.) 632.261-010 Electric-Meter Repairer (light, heat, & power) 729.281- 014 97 05.05 05.05.11 Electric-Meter-Repairer Apprentice (light, heat, & power) 729.281-018 Electric-Meter Tester (light, heat, & power) 821.381-010 Inside-Meter Tester (light, heat, & power) 729.281-034 Relay-Shop Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 729.131-014 Supervisor, Instrument Mechanics (light, heat, & power) 7 10.131-0 18 Supervisor, Meter Repair Shop (light, heat, & power) 7 10.131-026 Experimental Mechanic, Electrical (motor. & bicycles) 806.281-014 Instrument-Maker 600.280-014 Supervisor, Shop (petrol. production) 710.131-034 Neon-Sign Servicer (signs) 824.281-018 and Repairer (petrol. production) Neon-Tube Pumper (signs) 824.684-010 Pinsetter Adjuster, Automatic (sports equip.) 829.381-010 Instrument Repairer (tel. & tel.) 722.281-010 Instrument-Shop Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 722. 131-010 Scientific, Medical, and Technical Equipment Fabri- cation and Repair Electromedical-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) 729.281- 030 Experimental Assembler (any ind.) 739.381-026 Instrument Maker (any ind.) 600.280-010 Instrument-Maker Apprentice (any ind.) 600.280-0 18 Instrument Repairer (any ind.) 710.261-010 Supervisor, Instrument Maintenance (any ind.) 710. 131- 014 Taximeter Repairer (auto. ser.) 710.281-038 Model Maker, Scale (bal. & scales) 7 10.361-010 Contact Printer, Photoresist (electronics; inst. & app.; opti- cal goods) 719.381-010 Ear-Mold Laboratory Technician (fabric. plastics prod.) 777.361-010 Glass Blower, Laboratory Apparatus (glass prod.; inst. & app.) 772.281-010 Scientific Glass Blower (glass prod.) 006.261-010 Fire-Control Mechanic (gov. ser.) 632.261-014 Biomedical Equipment Technician (inst. & app.; medical ser.) 719.261-010 Electromechanical Technician (inst. & app.) 710.281-018 Instrument Mechanic, Weapons System (inst. & app.) 711 .281-014 Medical-Apparatus Model Maker (inst. & app.) 712.261- 010 Industrial-Gas Servicer (light, heat, & power) 637.261-022 Instrument Technician (light, heat, & power) 710,281-030 Instrument-Technician Apprentice (light, heat, & power) 7 10.281-008 Contour Wire Specialist, Denture (medical ser.) 712.381 - 0.14 Dental Ceramist (medical ser.) 712.281-010 Dental Ceramist Assistant (medical ser.) 712.664-010 Dental-Laboratory Technician (medical ser.) 712.381-018 Dental-Laboratory-Technician Apprentice (medical ser.) 7 12.38 1-022 Denture-Model Maker (medical ser.) 712.681-014 Finisher, Denture (medical ser.) 712.681-018 Manager, Dental Laboratory (medical ser.) 187. 167-090 Orthodontic Gold-Band Maker (medical ser.) 712.38 1-026 Orthodontic Technician (medical ser.) 712.381-030 Packer, Denture (medical ser.) 712.684-034 Supervisor, Dental Laboratory (medical ser.) 712. 131-010 Supervisor, Motion-Picture Equipment (motion pic.; photo. apparatus) 71.4.131-010 Artificial-Glass-Eye Maker (optical goods) 713.261-010 Artificial-Plastic-Eye Maker (optical goods) 713.261-014 Lens Mounter (optical goods) II 713.681-010 Watch Repairer (clock & watch) 715.281.010 Watch Repairer Apprentice (clock & watch) 715.281.014 Optician (optical goods) 716.280-008 Optician (optical goods; ret. tr.) 716.280-014 Optician Apprentice (optical goods; ret. tr.) 716.280-010 Optician Apprentice, Dispensing (optical goods; ret. tr.) 7 13.361-010 Designer (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.281-014 Orthotics Assistant (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.361- 022 Orthotics Technician (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.381- 034 Orthotist (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.261-018 Prosthetics Assistant (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.361- 026 Prosthetics Technician (per. 7 12.38 1-038 Prosthetist (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.261-022 protect. & med. dev.) Radioactivity-Instrument Maintenance Technician (petrol. production) 828.281-022 Camera Repairer (photo. apparatus) 714.281-014 Photographic Equipment Technician (photo. apparatus) 714.28.1-022 Optician, Dispensing (ret. tr.) I 713.361-014 05.05.12 Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair Accordion Repairer (any ind.) 730.281-014 Accordion Tuner (any ind.) 730.381-010 Bow Rehairer (any ind.) 730.684-022 Electronic-Organ Technician (any ind.) 828.261-010 Fretted-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) 730.281-026 Metal-Reed Tuner (any ind.) 730.381-034 Percussion-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) 730.381-042 Piano Technician (any ind.) 730.281-038 Piano Tuner (any ind.) 730.361-010 Pipe-Organ Tuner and Repairer (any ind.) 730.361-014 Violin Repairer (any ind.) 730.281-050 Wind-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) 730.281-054 Accordion Maker (musical inst.) 730.281-010 Bell Maker (musical inst.) 730.381-014 Brass-Wind-Instrument Maker (musical inst.) 730.381-018 Electric-Organ Inspector and Repairer (musical inst.) 730.28 1-0 18 Fretted-Instrument Maker, Hand (musical inst.) 730.281 - 022 Harp-Action Assembler (musical inst.) 730.381-030 Harp Maker (musical inst.) 730.281-030 Harpsichord Maker (musical inst.) 730.281-034 98 05.05 Organ-Pipe Voicer (musical inst.) 730.381-038 Pipe-Organ Builder (musical inst.) 730.281-042 Pipe-Organ Installer (musical inst.) 730.381-046 Player-Piano Technician (musical inst.) 730.381-050 Tuner, Percussion (musical inst.) 730.381-058 Violin Maker, Hand (musical inst.) 730.281-046 05.05.13 Printing Field-Service Engineer (photo. apparatus) 826.261-010 Assistant-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.585-010 Clamper (print. & pub.) 979.382-010 Compositor (print. & pub.) 973.381-010 Compositor Apprentice (print. & pub.) 973.381-014 Cylinder-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-010 Cylinder-Press-Operator Apprentice (print. & 651.362-014 Electrotyper (print. & pub.) 974.381-010 Electrotyper Apprentice (print. & pub.) 974.381-014 Job Printer (print. & pub.) 973.381-018 Job-Printer Apprentice (print. & pub.) 973.381-022 Lithographic-Proofer Apprentice (print. & pub.) 651.582- 0.14 Offset-Press Operator (print. & pub.) I 651.482-010 Offset-Press-Operator Apprentice (print. & pub.) 651.482- 0.14 Pantograph Setter (print. & pub.) 979.380-010 Photoengraving Proofer (print. & pub.) 971.381-038 Photoengraving-Proofer Apprentice (print. & pub.) 971.38 1-040 Platen-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-018 Platen-Press-Operator Apprentice (print. & pub.) 651.362- 022 Proof-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.582-010 Proofsheet Corrector (print. & pub.) 973.381-030 Rotogravure-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-026 Stereotyper (print. & pub.) 974.382-014 - Stereotyper Apprentice (print. & pub.) 974.382-010 Supervisor, Composing-Room (print. & pub.) 973. 137-010 Supervisor, Electrotyping and Stereotyping (print. & pub.) 974. 131 -010 Supervisor, Press Room (print. & pub.) 651. 130-010 Supervisor, Printing-Shop (print. & pub.) 659. 130-010 Web-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-030 Web-Press-Operator Apprentice (print. & pub.) 651.362- O34 pub.) Document Restorer (profess. & kin.) 979.361-010 05.05.14 Gem Cutting and Finishing Brilliandeer-Lopper (jewelry) 770.261-010 Diamond Cleaver (jewelry) 770.381-014 Diamond Expert (jewelry) 770.267-010 Diamond Selector (jewelry) 770.281-010 Gem Cutter (jewelry) 770.281-014 Gemologist (jewelry) 199.281-010 Girdler (jewelry) 770.261-014 Pearl Restorer (jewelry) 735.381-014 Stone Setter (jewelry; optical goods) 700.381-054 Stone-Setter Apprentice (jewelry; optical goods) 700.381- O58 Supervisor, Diamond Finishing (jewelry) 770.131-014 Spotter (mach. tool & access.) 770.381-042 05.05.15 Custom Sewing, Tailoring, and Upholstering Designer and Template Maker, Coverings (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 781.381-014 - Dressmaker (any ind.) 785.361-010 Furniture Upholsterer (any ind.) 780.381-018 Furniture-Upholsterer Apprentice (any ind.) 780.381-022 Oriental-Rug Repairer (any ind.) 782.381-014 Automobile-Seat-Cover-and-Convertible-Top Installer (auto. ser.) 780.384-010 Automobile Upholsterer (auto. ser.) 780.381-010 Automobile-Upholsterer Apprentice (auto. ser.) 780.38 l- 0.14 Designer and Patternmaker (boot & shoe) 788.281-010 Orthopedic-Boot-and-Shoe Designer and Maker (boot & shoe; per protect. & med. dev.) 788.261-010 Shoemaker, Custom (boot & shoe) 788.381-014 Boat-Canvas Maker-Installer (canvas goods) 789.261-010 Sail-Lay-Out Worker (canvas goods) 781.381-030 Rug Repairer (clean., dye., & press.) 782.381-018 Furrier (fur goods) 783.261-010 Supervisor, Furrier Shop (fur goods) 783. 131-010 Upholstery Repairer (furn.) 780.684-122 99. 05.05 Alteration Tailor (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-010 Custom Tailor (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-014 Sample Stitcher (garment) 785.361-018 Shop Tailor (garment; ret. tr.) 785.361-022 Shop Tailor Apprentice (garment; ret. tr.) 785.361-026 Tailor Apprentice, Alteration (garment; per. ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-0 18 Tailor Apprentice, Custom (garment; per. ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-022 Hair-Sample Matcher (hairwork) 739.387-014 Wig Maker (hairwork) 739.381-058 Slipcover Cutter (house furn.; ret. tr.) 780.381-034 Harness Maker (leather prod.; ret. tr.) 783.381-018 Saddle Maker (leather prod.) 783.381-026 Draper (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.381-010 Wardrobe-Specialty Worker (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 969.381-010 Shoe Repairer (per. ser.) 365.361-014 Shoe-Repairer Helper (per. ser.) 365.674-010 Shoe-Repair Supervisor (per. ser.) 365. 131-010 Weaver, Hand (per. ser.) 782.381-022 Bookbinder (print. & pub.) 977.381-010 Bookbinder, Apprentice (print. & pub.) 977.381-014 Corset Fitter (ret. tr.) 782.361-010 Fur-Repair Inspector (ret. tr.) 783.387-010 Garment-Alteration Examiner (ret. tr.) 789.687-078 Garment Fitter (ret. tr.) 785.361-014 Supervisor, Alteration Workroom (ret. tr.) 785.131-010 05.05.16 Dyeing. Dyer (clean., dye., & press.) 364.361-010 Rug Dyer (clean., dye., & press.) I 364.361-014 05.05.17 Food Preparation Tester, Food Products (any ind.) 199.251-010 Cake Decorator (bake. prod.) 524.381-010 Analyst, Food and Beverage (hotel & rest.) 310.267-010 Chef (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-014 Chef De Froid (hotel & rest.) 3 13.281-010 Cook (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-014 Cook Apprentice (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-018 Cook Apprentice, Pastry (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-018 Sous Chef (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-026 Dietetic Intern (profess. & kin.) 077. 167-010 Dietetic Technician (profess. & kin.) 077. 121-010 Dietitian, Clinical (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-014 Dietitian, Consultant (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-018 Chef, Passenger Vessel (water trans.) 315. 137-010 Sous Chef (water trans.) 3 15. 137-014 100 Systems Operation 05.06 5.06 Systems Operation city and county governments. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —coordinate activities of power-line crews and wor- kers in generating stations and substations to in- sure adequate production and distribution of power. —watch panelboard and adjust throttle and valves to regulate turbines which generate electricity. —operate and maintain steam engines, air compres- sors, generators, motors, and steam boilers to pro- vide heat and power to a building complex. —study gas supplies and customer demands to coor- dinate flow of natural gas through pipes. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —learn the functioning of the overall system, as well as the part you are involved in. —use judgment and make decisions to keep the system operating. —remain calm in face of emergencies. —use arithmetic. —direct the work of others. —use eyes, hands, and fingers to operate or adjust equipment. Workers in this group operate and maintain equipment in an overall system, or a section of a system, for such purposes as generating and distributing electricity; treating and providing water to customers; pumping oil from oil- fields to storage tanks; making ice in an ice plant; and providing telephone service to users. These jobs are found in utility companies, refineries, construction projects, large apartment houses and industrial establishments, and with How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken shop or mechanical drawing courses? Do you enjoy working with machines? —Have you taken courses that required you to solve problems by using mathematical formulas? —Have you taken physics courses? Do you un- derstand the principles of electricity? —Have you operated a model train layout? Can you spot and correct malfunctions? —Have you subscribed to or read on a regular basis magazines about mechanics? —Have you worked in electricity, electronics, or mechanics in the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? - Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Opera- tors of systems which transmit oil or natural gas usually start as helpers. High school and vocational school cour- ses in machine shop, mechanical drawing, mathematics, and physics are helpful. Water and sewage treatment plants are usually govern- ment operated and jobs usually require civil service ex- aminations. Workers who operate boilers usually enter through ap- prenticeship programs lasting up to four years. It is also possible to become an operator after several years of ex- perience as an assistant. However, this type of prepara- tion usually takes longer. Some states require operators of various types of equipment to have licenses. 101 05.06 Operators of generating or distributing systems for electricity usually start as manual workers. They advance as they become experienced. One to four years of ex- perience is usually required to develop the necessary knowledge and skills. Some cities and states require licenses for these workers. Workers in atomic-powered plants must have special training. Some of them must be licensed by appropriate nuclear regulatory commissions or authorities. one or more operators to be on duty at all times. Work What else should you consider about these jobs? Many systems are operated 24 hours a day and require hours often include weekends and holidays. Sometimes shift work is required. Operators of boilers are sometimes exposed to high temperatures, dust, dirt, and fumes. They may have to crawl inside boilers and work in cramped spaces to in- spect, clean, or repair interiors. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 102 05.06 Systems Operation 05.06.01 Electricity Generation and Transmission Gas-Engine Operator (any ind.) 950.382-018 Switchboard Operator (chem.) 952.362-038 Auxiliary-Equipment Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-010 Cable Maintainer (light, heat, & power) 952.464-0 10 Chief Load Dispatcher (light, heat, & power) 952. 137-010 Diesel-Plant Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.382-010 Feeder-Switchboard Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-014 Hydroelectric-Station Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-018 Hydroelectric-Station Operator, Chief (light, heat, & power) 952.137-014 Load Dispatcher (light, heat, & power) 952. 167-014 Motor-Room Controller (light, heat, & power) 820.662- 0 1 0 Power-Plant Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.382-018 Power-Reactor Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362- 022 Substation Inspector (light, heat, & power) 952.261-010 Substation Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-026 Substation Operator Apprentice (light, heat, & power) 952.362-030 Substation Operator, Chief (light, heat, & power) 952.131- 0 1 0 Substation-Operator Helper (light, heat, & power) 952.687-014 Switchboard Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-034 Switchboard Operator Assistant (light, heat, & power) 952.367-014 Turbine Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-042 Turbine Operator, Head (light, heat, & power) 952. 137- 022 Power Operator (tel. & tel.) 952.382-014 Trouble Locator, Test Desk (tel. & tel.) 822.361-030 05.06.02 Stationary Engineering Air-Compressor Operator (any ind.) 950.685-010 Boiler Operator (any ind.) 950.382-010 Boiler-Room Helper (any ind.) 950.685-014 Firer, High Pressure (any ind.) 951.685-010 Firer, Low Pressure (any ind.) 951.685-014 Fuel Attendant (any ind.) 953.362-010 Gas-Compressor Operator (any ind.) 950.382-014 Heating-Plant Superintendent (any ind.) 959. 131-0 10 Refrigerating Engineer (any ind.) 950.362-014 Refrigerating Engineer, Head (any ind.) 950. 131-010 Stationary Engineer (any ind.) 950.382-026 Stationary-Engineer Apprentice (any ind.) 950.382-030 Stationary-Engineer Supervisor (any ind.) 950. 131-014 Superintendent, Cold Storage (any ind.) 184.167-142 Utilities-and-Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) 899. 131- 0 18 Ventilation Equipment Tender (any ind.) 950.585-010 Rotary-Rig Engine Operator (petrol. production) 950.382- 022 Humidifier Attendant (textile; tobacco) 950.485-010 Engineer (water trans.) 197. 130-010 Firer, Marine (water trans.) 95 1.685-018 05.06.03 Oil, Gas, and Water Distribution Fuel-System-Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) 638.131- 0 1 0 Pumper (any ind.) 914.682-010 Gas Dispatcher (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953. 16.7- 0 1 0 Gas-Pumping-Station Operator (light, heat, & power) 953.382–0 1 0 Gas-Pumping-Station Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 953. 1 37-010 Pressure Controller (light, heat, & power) 953.362-018 Pressure Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 953. 137-014 Gager (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384-010 Gager, Chief (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914. 1 34-0 10 Oil Pumper (petrol. production) 914.382-010 Pumper, Head (petrol. production) 914.382-022 Station Engineer, Chief (pipe lines) 914. 132-014 Station Engineer, Main Line (pipe lines) 914.362-018 Ditch Rider (waterworks) 954.362-010 Pump-Station Operator, Waterworks (waterworks) 954.382-010 - Supervisor, Canal-Equipment Maintenance (waterworks) 899. 130-0 10 Supervisor, Pumping Station (waterworks) 954. 130-010 Watershed Tender (waterworks) 954.382-018 05.06.04 Processing Panelboard Operator (chem.) 950.562-010 Pumper-Gager (chem.; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.382- 014 Pumper-Gager Apprentice (chem.; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.382-0 18 Engineer, Exhauster (coke prod.) 950.362-010 Liquefaction-and-Regasification-Plant Operator (light, heat, & power) 953.362-014 Supervisor, Liquefaction-and-Regasification (light, heat, & power) 953. 132-010 Conveyor Operator, Pneumatic System (macaroni & rel. prod.) 921.382-010 Supervisor, Natural-Gas Plant (petrol. refin.) 542. 130-010 Incinerator-Plant-General Supervisor (sanitary ser.) 184. 16.7-046 Wastewater-Treatment-Plant Operator (sanitary ser.) 955,362-010 Water-Treatment-Plant Operator (waterworks) 954.382- O 14 103 Quality Control 05.07 05.07 Quality Control Workers in this group inspect and/or test materials and products to be sure they meet standards. The work is carried out in a non-factory setting, and includes such activities as grading logs at a lumber yard, inspecting bridges to be sure they are safe; inspecting gas lines for leaks, and grading gravel for use in building roads. Jobs may be found with construction companies, sawmills, petroleum refineries, and utility companies. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —inspect automobiles to see that they meet state safety laws. —patrol oil or gas pipeline to locate and repair leaks. —inspect boilers and pipes to locate leaks and identify needed repairs. —check pressures, gages, and structures to certify the readiness of an airplane for flight. —inspect crude and refined petroleum before and after transfer from terminal tanks to ship tanks. —measure and examine logs to determine grade ac- cording to specifications. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —learn all about the product, materials, or structure you are inspecting or testing. —use specifications, blueprints, and written directions to make decisions about the quality of the object or material you are inspecting. —use measuring and testing equipment. —keep records and make reports. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had courses in mechanical drawing or drafting? Can you read blueprints and diagrams? —Have you inspected cars, appliances, or furniture for surface defects? Do you notice small details? —Have you taken industrial arts or vocational courses? Can you use rulers, micrometers, scales, and other measuring devices? —Have you had military experience inspecting equipment or materials? Did you like the work? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over ten 05.07 years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Some jobs in this group are open only to those who are familiar with the materials, processes, or products involved. These workers often get the necessary experience as unskilled workers in the same setting. Other jobs require the ability to read blueprints or specifications. High school or voca- tional courses in machine shop, mechanical drawing, or blueprint reading are helpful in developing these skills. A few jobs require experience as a skilled worker to develop the knowledge needed to judge quality. Most workers receive on-the-job training in order to learn procedures or to learn how to use measuring or testing equipment. What else should you consider about these jobs? Working conditions for inspectors are similar to those for other workers at the site. - If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 105 05.07 05.07.01 Quality Control Structural Inspector, Procurement (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.384- 010 Outside Production Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-046 Boilerhouse Inspector (any ind.) 805.667-010 Carpenter Inspector (any ind.) 860.261-010 Fire-Equipment Inspector (any ind.) 739.484-014 Fire-Equipment-Inspector Helper (any ind.) 739.687-094 Fire-Extinguisher-Sprinkler Inspector (any ind.) 379.687- 010 Safety Inspector, Truck (auto. ser.; motor trans.) 9 19.687- 0 18 Shop Estimator (auto. ser.) 807.267-010 Cooling-Pipe Inspector (const.) 862.687-010 Gravel Inspector (const.) 859.281-010 Holiday-Detector Operator (const.) 862.687-014 Pipe-Line-Construction Inspector (const.) 869.367-018 Inspector, Aircraft Launching and Arresting Systems (gov. ser.) 806.264-014 Building-Equipment Inspector (light, heat, & power) 956.387-010 Electric Powerline Examiner (light, heat, & power) 959.367-010 Gas-Leak Inspector (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.36.7-010 Gas-Leak Inspector Helper (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.667-010 Gas-Meter Checker (light, heat, & power) 953.367-014 House-Piping Inspector (light, heat, & power) 953.367-018 Inspector, Chief (light, heat, & power) 956.267-010 Pole Inspector (light, heat, & power) 869.387-010 Street-Openings Inspector (light, heat, & power) 859.267- 0 1 0 Car Inspector (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 910.667-010 Locomotive Inspector (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.281- 0 1 0 Inspector, Floor (mach. shop) 609.361-010 Inspector, Tool (mach. shop) 601.281-022 Line Walker (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 869.564–010 Oil-Pipe Inspector (petrol. production) 930.267-010 Oil-Pipe-Inspector Helper (petrol. production) 930.364-010 Pipe Tester (petrol. production) 930.382-014 Thread Inspector (petrol. production) 862.381-038 Construction-and-Maintenance Inspector (petrol. refin.) 9 14.362-014 Mechanical Inspector (petrol. refin.) 549.261-010 Bridge Inspector (r.r, trans.) 869.287-010 Loading Inspector (r. r. trans.) 910.667-018 Rail-Flaw-Detector Operator (r.r. trans.) 910.263-010 Railroad-Car Inspector (r.r. trans.) 9 10.387-014 Way Inspector (r.r. trans.) 9 10.367-030 Wheel Inspector (r.r. trans.) 806.387-014 Hull Inspector (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.264-010 Yard Inspector (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 869.281-018 Stone Grader (stonework) 670.384-010 Equipment Inspector (tel. & tel.) 822.261-014 Inspector of Dredging (water trans.) 850.387-010 05.07.02 Mechanical Airplane Inspector (air trans.) 621.261-010 Electric-Motor Analyst (any ind.) 721.261-010 Test Driver (auto. mfg.) II 806.283-010 Automobile-Repair-Service Estimator (auto. ser.) 620.261- 0 18 Automobile Tester (auto. ser.) 620.261-014 Automobile Tester (gov. ser.) 379.364-010 Inspector, Heating and Refrigeration (gov. ser.) 168. 16.7- 046 * -- Triple-Air-Valve Tester (loco. & car blóg. & 622.382-010 rep.) 05.07.03 Electrical Elevator Examiner-and-Adjuster (any ind.) 825.261-014 Line Inspector (tel. & tel.) 822.267-010 Maintenance Inspector (tel. & tel.) 822.261-018 Transmission Tester (tel. & tel.) 822.361-026 05.07.04 Environmental Dust Sampler (mining & quarrying) 939.585-010 Water-Quality Tester (paper & pulp) 539.367-014 05.07.05 Petroleum Petroleum Inspector (bus. ser.) 222.367-046 Petroleum-Inspector Supervisor (bus. ser.) 222. 137-026 Formation-Testing Operator (petrol. production) 930.261- 014 Cargo Inspector (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 549.387-010 05.07.06 Logging and Lumber Material Inspector (cooperage) 764,387-014 Log Grader (logging; sawmill) 455.367-010 Log Marker (logging; veneer & plywood) 454.687-018 Log Scaler (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood) 455.487-010 Sorter Operator (sawmill) 921.685-054 Treating Inspector (wood preserving) 569.367-010 106 05.08 —Have you driven in a bicycle rodeo, car rally, or other vehicle obstacle course? —Have you driven a car pulling a trailer? Could you back safely into a narrow space? —Have you filled out forms to order something from a mail order catalog? Can you understand and complete such forms accurately? —Have you repaired or customized an automobile? Do you like working with or operating motor vehi- cles? —Have you operated a motorboat? Are you able to dock safely? —Have you operated model train layouts? Did you enjoy this activity? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over one year, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most states require truck drivers to have chauffeur's licenses. A physical check-up, a written examination, and a driving test are usually required for these licenses. Driver educa- tion courses offered by high schools and private schools are helpful. Truck driving courses are offered by some private vocational schools. The U. S. Department of Transportation sets standards for truckers driving from state to state. Long distance truckers must take a written test on the Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. They must also pass a driving test with the type of truck they will drive on the job. A good driving record is also required. Many firms have height and weight limits for their drivers. Others hire only those with several years of long-distance trucking experience. Requirements for local drivers vary with the type of truck driven and the business of the employer. The requirements are much like those for the long-haul truckers. New workers may learn by riding with a veteran driver, but more training is given if a special type of truck is to be used. Some firms have classes on general duties, operating and loading procedures, as well as com- pany rules and records. Locomotive engineers are promoted from engine hel- pers (locomotive firer) according to seniority rules. Hel- pers ride with engineers and learn to inspect locomotives, watch for signals and track obstructions, and check gages. Railroads prefer that engineer helpers have a high school education or its equal. Helpers are eligible for promotion when they pass tests about locomotive equip- ment and operation. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some of these workers drive for long periods of time. Others make stops for deliveries. Some may help load or unload freight. Long distance truck drivers may spend days or weeks at a time away from home. Their work often includes night driving. Although advancement in trucking is limited, some drivers become supervisors or managers. Others with business ability become owner-operators. Locomotive engineers often work nights and weekends. Those in road service may operate a train to a distant station on one day and return the next. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 107 Land and Water Vehicle Operation 05.08 05.08 Land and Water Vehicle Operation Workers in this group drive large or small trucks, delivery vans, or locomotives, to move materials or deliver products. Some drive ambulances; others operate small boats. Most of these jobs are found with trucking companies, railroads and water transportation companies. Wholesale and retail companies hire delivery drivers; ambulance drivers are hired by hospitals, fire departments, and other establishments concerned with moving the sick or injured. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —drive a truck to pick up and deliver materials or products. —drive a bus or locomotive engine to designated sta- tions within a garage or storage yard. —inspect a truck to see that it is loaded properly and in good running condition. —operate a locomotive engine for a freight train. —complete trip logs and other reports to show materials hauled and deliveries made. —obtain signed receipts from customers for freight delivered. —operate and maintain a motorboat to deliver pas- sengers or supplies. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand traffic laws. —move eyes, hands, and feet together to control the movement of the vehicle. —use arithmetic to collect money, make change, and total receipts. —drive vehicle for long periods with few stops. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you read automotive, trucking, or railroad magazines regularly? Do you enjoy reading this type of material? —Have you driven in heavy traffic? Does it bother you to do so? 108 05.08 Land and Water Vehicle Operation 05.08.01 Truck Driving Driver (auto. mfg.) 9 19.683-014 Explosives-Truck Driver (ammunition) 903.683-010 Driver-Utility Worker (auto. mfg.) 919.663-018 Powder-Truck Driver (ammunition) 903.683-014 Deliverer, Car Rental (auto. ser.; ret. tr.) 9 19.663-010 Dump-Truck Driver (any ind.) 902.683-010 Tow-Truck Operator (auto. ser.) 9 19.663-026 Tractor-Trailer-Truck Driver (any ind.) 904.383-010 Truck Driver, Heavy (any ind.) 905.663-014 Coin Collector (bus. ser.) 292.483-010 Truck Driver, Light (any ind.) 906.683-022 Telephone-Directory-Distributor Driver (bus. ser.) 906.683–0 18 Water-Truck Driver (const.; petrol. production) II 905.683- 010 Concrete-Mixing-Truck Driver (const.) 900.683-010 Milk Driver (dairy prod.) 905.483-010 Food-Service Driver (hotel & rest.) 906.683-010 Log-Truck Driver (logging) 904.683-010 Ambulance Driver (medical ser.) 9 13.683-010 Escort-Vehicle Driver (motor trans.) 9 19.663-022 Garbage-Collection Supervisor (motor trans.) 909. 137-014 Garbage Collector Driver (motor trans.) 905.663-010 Hostler (motor trans.) 909.663-010 Van Driver (motor trans.) 905.663-018 Driver Supervisor (motor trans.) 909. 137-010 Tank-Truck Driver (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 903.683-018 ; e 05.08.02 Rail Vehicle operation Chauffeur, Funeral Car (per. ser.) 359.673-014 Trackmobile Operator (any ind.) 9 19.683-026 Observer Helper, Gravity Prospecting (petrol. production) Conductor, Yard (r. r. trans.) 910. 137-022 939.663-010 Firer, Locomotive (r. r. trans.) 9 10.363-010 Hostler (r. r. trans.) 9 10.683-010 Night-Patrol Inspector (signs) 824.683-010 Laborer, Car Barn (r. r. trans.) 9 10.583-010 Locomotive Engineer (r.r. trans.) 910.363-014 Newspaper-Delivery Driver (whole. tr.) 292.363-010 Motor Operator (r.r. trans.) 9 10.683-014 - Road Supervisor of Engines (r. r. trans.) 910.137-034 05.08.04 Boat Operation Yard Engineer (r.r. trans.) 910.363-018 Dock Hand (air trans.) 9 19.683-010 05.08.03 Services Requiring Driving Motorboat Operator (any ind.) 91 1.663-010 Liquid-Fertilizer Servicer (agric.) 906.683-014 Deckhand (water trans.) 9 11.687–022 05.09 Material control Material Control 05.09 Workers in this group receive, store, and/or ship materials and products. Some estimate and order the quantities and kinds of materials needed. Others regulate and control the flow of materials to places in the plant where they are to be used. Most have to keep records. Jobs are found in institutions, industrial plants, and Government agencies. 2 ::::::: What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —weigh truck loaded with cotton and compute weight and gin charges. —count, sort, or weigh articles in a shipment to check accuracy of invoices or requisitions. —verify inventory records of a department store against the actual count of items. —fill out receiving tickets on incoming items or complete delivery tickets or outgoing items. —receive, store, and issue tools, dies, and equipment in a factory. —store and issue sports equipment for a professional athletic team. —check the progress of an order in a factory and write a report. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use arithmetic to keep records, take inventory, estimate quantities, or schedule the flow of materi- als through the plant. —avoid errors in recordkeeping. —use hands and fingers to measure, handle, store, or move large and small items. —reach to place materials on shelves higher than your head. - —see small print and figures in catalogs, on shipping tickets, and on invoices. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken industrial arts or vocational courses? Did you learn how to issue, store, and care for tools? —Have you been an equipment manager for a sports team? Were you responsible for issuing and main- taining the equipment? —Have you mailed or sent packages by freight? Can you compute freight or postal rates accurately? —Have you been a stock clerk in the military ser- vice? Did you enjoy this type of work? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from a short demonstration to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Evidence of basic reading, writing, and mathe- 1 10 05.09 matics skills are usually required by employers. On-the- job training is provided to teach workers the procedures involved in each particular job. Complex tasks involving judgment or responsibility are assigned as workers become experienced. Jobs involving tools and machines often require a knowledge of the use and care of such equipment. One year of shop experience is sometimes required. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many jobs in this group require workers to be on their feet most of the work day. Most of the work is done in- doors. However, different working conditions are some- times present on loading platforms, storage yards, or cold storage rooms. Workers who move heavy objects have to use care to avoid body strain or injury. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, iook at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 111 05.09 05.09.01 Material Control Shipping, Receiving, and Stock Checking Aircraft-Equipment-and-Accessories Assembler aerospace mfg.) 222.587-010 (aircraft- Cargo Agent (air trans.) 248.367-018 Senior-Commissary Agent (air trans.) 922. 137-010 Custodian, Athletic Equipment (amuse. & rec.) 969.367- 0 1 0 Laborer, Stores (any ind.) 922.687-058 Warehouse Supervisor (any ind.) 929. 137-022 Checker, Bakery Products (bake. prod.) 222.487-010 Last Putter-Away (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 922.687- 066 Marker (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-026 Inventory Clerk (clerical) 222.387-026 Laboratory Clerk (clerical) 222.587-026 Parts Clerk (clerical) 222.367-042 Parts-Order-and-Stock Clerk (clerical) 249.367–058 Shipping and Receiving Clerk (clerical) 222.387-050 Shipping-and-Receiving Supervisor (clerical) 222. 1 37-030 Shipping-and-Receiving Weigher (clerical) 222.367–058 Shipping Checker (clerical) 222.687-030 Stock Supervisor (clerical) 222. 137-034 Tallier (clerical) 221.587-030 Tool-Crib Attendant (clerical) 222.367-062 Tool-Crib Supervisor (clerical) 222. 137-046 Hardener Helper (clock & watch) 504.686-018 Dispatcher (const.) 849.137-010 Milk Receiver (dairy prod.) 222.585-010 Milk-Receiver, Tank Truck (dairy prod.) 222.485-010 Parts Lister (electronics) 229.367-014 Gun-Repair Clerk (firearms) 222.387-022 Yard Supervisor (forestry) 922. 137-030 Grain Elevator Clerk (grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 222.567-010 Sack-Department Supervisor (grain & feed mill.) 229. 137- 0 1 0 Sample-Display Preparer (hosiery) 222.687-026 ser.) Linen-Room Attendant (hotel & medical 222.387-030 rest.; Odd-Piece Checker (knit goods) 22.1.587-018 Linen-Room Supervisor (laund.) 222. 137-014 Linen-Supply Load-Builder (laund.) 920.687-1 18 Bookmobile Driver (library) 249.363-010 Library Clerk, Talking Books (library) 209.387-026 Load Checker (light, heat, & power) 952.367-010 Transformer-Stock Clerk (light, heat, & power) 222.587- 054 Pharmacy Helper (medical ser.) 074.387-010 Safety-Lamp Keeper (mining & quarrying) 729.684-042 Film-Vault Supervisor (motion pic.) 222. 137-010 Property Custodian (motion pic.) 222.387-042 Checker (motor trans.) 9 19.687-010 Metal-Control Coordinator (nonfer. metal alloys) 222. 16.7- 010 Supply Clerk (per. ser.) 339.687-010 Supervisor, Finishing Department (photofinish.) 976. 137- 014 Distribution Supervisor (pipe lines; whole. tr.) 914. 137-010 Cut-File Clerk (print. & pub.) 222.367-014 Mailer (print. & pub.) 222.587-030 Mailer Apprentice (print. & pub.) 222.587-032 Fur-Storage Clerk (ret. tr.) 369.367-010 - Locker-Plant Attendant (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 922.684-010 Meat Clerk (ret. tr.) 222.684-010 Order Filler (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 222.487-014 Stamp Classifier (ret. tr.) 299.387-018 Stock Clerk, Self-Service Store (ret. tr.) 299.367-014 Tire Adjuster (ret. tr.) 241.367-034 Yard Worker, Used Building Materials (ret. tr.) 922.667- 010 Floor-Space Allocator (tobacco; whole. tr.) 222.367-030 Ship Runner (water trans.) 222.567-014 Storekeeper (water trans.)-222.387-062 Lumber Scaler (woodworking) 221.487-010 05.09.02 Estimating, Scheduling, and Record Keeping Gin Clerk (agric.) 221.467-010 Line-Up Worker (auto. mfg.) 221.367-026 Back-Shoe Worker (boot & shoe) 221.387-010 Complaint Clerk (boot & shoe) 221.387-014 Job Putter-Up and Ticket Preparer (boot & shoe) 788.587- O 1 O Fruit Coordinator (can. & preserv.) 529. 167-010 Cloth Finisher (carpet & rug; textile) 589. 130-010 Yardage-Control Clerk (carpet & rug) 221.587-050 Rug Measurer (clean., dye., & press.; ret. tr.) 369.367-014 Job Tracer (clerical) 221.387-034 Laundry Clerk (clerical) 221.387-038 Magazine Keeper (clerical) 222.367-038 Material Coordinator (clerical) 221. 167-014 Material Expediter (clerical) 221.367-042 112 05.09 Order Detailer (clerical) 221.387-046 Production Coordinator (clerical) 221. 167-0 18 Sales Correspondent (clerical) 221.367-062 Stock Clerk (clerical) 222.387-058 Supervisor, Assembly Stock (clerical) 222. 137-042 Supervisor, Production Control (clerical) 221. 137-018 Booking Clerk (whole. tr.) 216.587-010 Lumber Estimator (wood. box) 221.482-014 Retort-Load Expediter (wood preserving) 221. 167-022 05.09.03 Verifying, Recording, and Marking Control Clerk (clock & watch) 22 1.387-0 18 Control Clerk, Head (clock & watch) 221. 137-010 Dispatcher, Ready-Mix Plant (const.) 849. 137-014 Yard Supervisor (const.) 229. 137-014 Quality-Control Technician (distilled liquors) 529.367–022 Follow-Up Clerk (elec. equip.) 221.367-018 Electronics Utility Worker (electronics) 726.361-010 Production Assistant (explosives) 221.387-050 Melter Clerk (found.) 221.387-042 Fabric-and-Accessories Estimator (garment) 221.482-010 Yardage Estimator (garment) 22 1.484-010 Recorder (iron & steel) 221.367–050 Estimator, Jewelry (jewelry) 221.387-022 Work-Ticket Distributor (knit goods) 221.667-010 Supervisor, Laundry (laund.) 361.137-010 Field Recorder (light, heat, & power) 229.367-010 Wheel-Press Clerk (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 221.587-046 Evaluator (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-034 Expediter Clerk (optical goods) 221.387-026 Prescription Clerk, Lens-and-Frames (optical 222.367–050 goods) Estimator, Paperboard Boxes (paper goods) 221.362-018 Estimator, Printing (print. & pub.) 221.367-014 Alterations Workroom Clerk (ret. tr.) 22 1.367-010 Drapery and Upholstery Estimator (ret. tr.) 299.387-010 Drapery and Upholstery Measurer (ret. tr.) 299.364-010 Measurer (ret. tr.) 869.367-014 Watch-and-Clock-Repair Clerk (ret. tr.) 299.367-0 18 Engine Dispatcher (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-018 Tare Weigher (slaught. & meat pack.; sugar; tobacco) 22 1.587-034 Measurer (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 869.487-010 Checker (textile) 221.587-010 Goods Layer (textile) 781.687-038 Ticket Worker (tobacco) 221.482-018 Supercargo (water trans.) 248. 167-010 Aircraft-Shipping Checker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 222.387-010 Laboratory-Sample Carrier (any ind.) 922.687-054 Laundry Worker (any ind.) III 369.387-010 Checker-in (boot & shoe) 22 1.587-014 Floorworker, Lasting (boot & shoe) 788.687-046 Outsole Scheduler (boot & shoe) 221.587-022 Ticket Scheduler (boot & shoe) 22.1.587-038 Checker, Dump Grounds (bus. ser.) 219.367-010 Tank Calibrator (bus. ser.) 229.387-014 Sample Checker (carpet & rug; textile) 229.687-010 Checker (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-014 Vault Custodian (clean., dye., & press.) 369.587-010 Chart Changer (clerical) 221.584-010 Industrial-Order Clerk (clerical) 221.367-022 Material Clerk (clerical) 222.387-034 Order Caller (clerical) 209.667-014 Receiving Checker (clerical) 222.687-018 Truckload Checker (const.) 222.367–066 Swatch Clerk (garment) 222.587-050 Defect Repairer, Glassware (glass mfg.) 772.684-010 Opener-Verifier-Packer, Customs (gov. ser.) 168.387-010 Food-and-Beverage Checker (hotel & rest.) 21 1.482-018 Food Order Expediter (hotel & rest.) 319.467-010 Kitchen Clerk (hotel & rest.) 222.587-022 Recorder (knit goods) 221.587-026 Assembler, Wet Wash (laund.) 361.687-010 Stacker (leather prod.) 222.587-046 Gas-Volume Computer (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 216.585-010 Meter Reader (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 209.567- 0 1 0 Turbine Attendant (light, heat, & power) 952.567-010 Car Chaser (malt liquors) 910.167-010 Sorter-Pricer (nonprofit organ.) 222.387–054 Marker (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 209.587-034 Stock Checker, Apparel (ret. tr.) 299.667-014 Stubber (ret. tr.) 222.687-034 Supervisor, Marking Room (ret. tr.) 209. 137-026 Car Checker (r. r. trans.) 222.387-014 Grey-Goods Marker (textile) 229.587-010 113 05.09 Machine-Stoppage-Frequency Checker (textile) 221.367- Ticket Puller (tobacco) 221.687-014 0.34 Ticketer (textile) 229.587-018 Cargo Checker (water trans.) 222.367-010 Booking Prizer (tobacco) 216.462-010 Sampler, Wool (whole. tr.) 222.587-042 Marker, Company (tobacco) 529.567-014 Ticket Marker (whole. tr.) 216.567-010 114 Crafts 05.10 05.10 Crafts utilities, such as telephone and power systems. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —take apart household appliances to replace defec- tive parts. —repair and adjust gas or electric appliances in homes. —install venetian blinds mentS. in commercial establish- —repair and adjust radios and television sets. Workers in this group use hands and handtools skillfully to fabricate, process, install, and/or repair materials, products, and/or structural parts. They follow established procedures and techniques. The jobs are not found in factories, but are in repair shops, garages, wholesale and retail stores, and hotels. Some are found on construction projects, and others with —plan, set, and shoot explosive charges in mining or oil well drilling. —operate equipment to regulate volume and quality of Sound recordings in a motion picture studio. —repair, adjust, or replace parts in office machines. —prepare and cook soups, meats, vegetables, des- serts, and other foods in a restaurant. —install mufflers on automobiles and trucks. —install air conditioning units in homes. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and use blueprints, sketches, drawings, and other kinds of specifications. —use hands, arms, and fingers. —work to precise measurements. - —visualize how finished product will look, or how a system operates. —use arithmetic to measure, compute amount of materials to use, and to inspect product to be sure it conforms to requirements. —lift and move materials and products. —climb and balance self. —work outdoors in all kinds of weather. —stay calm in face of emergency or danger. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you repaired things that were broken? Can you locate and fix the defective parts? —Have you cooked or baked? Can you measure and mix ingredients according to recipes? —Have you repaired or installed parts on an au- tomobile? Can you work skillfully with handtools? —Have you taken courses in industrial arts or elec- tronics? Can you understand repair instructions and schematic diagrams? —Have you had military experience involving repair of mechanical or electrical equipment? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from three months to over four 115 05.10 | years, depending upon the specific kind of work. The education and training required for jobs involving equip- ment repair varies according to the type of equipment. Some jobs only require on-the-job training. However, repairers of electronic equipment and business machines must have special training and experience. High schools and vocational schools offer courses in electricity, elec- tronics, mathematics, or blueprint reading. A few companies provide extensive training to prepare workers for some repair jobs. Correspondence courses in such fields as electricity and electronics are often helpful. Apprenticeships are available. Many cooks begin as kitchen helpers to get the needed experience and on-the-job training. High school or post- high school training in food preparation is helpful. Train- ing programs are also offered by the armed services, private schools, and some large hotels and restaurants. Apprenticeships are available. It takes several years of training and experience to become a head cook or chef in a large restaurant. What else should you consider about these jobs? Working conditions for equipment repairers varies ac cording to the type of equipment. Some jobs require repairs and adjustments to be made in the customer's of fice or home. Others require that repairs be made in repair shop setting. Sometimes workers must work in nar row spaces and in uncomfortable positions. Dirt, dust, and grease sometimes create unpleasant conditions. Working conditions for cooks depend upon the size of the establishment. Many kitchens are well-lighted, well- equipped, and properly ventilated. However, heavy lift- ing, oven and range heat, and long hours of standing and walking are common to these jobs. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 116 05.10 Crafts 05.10.01 Structural Floor-Layer Apprentice (const.; ret. tr.) 864.481-014 Sprinkler-Irrigation-Equipment Mechanic (agric. equip.) Glazier (const.) 865.381-010 624.361-014 Glazier Apprentice (const.) 865.381-014 Glazier Supervisor (const.) 865. 131-010 Riveter (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) House Mover (const.) 869.261-010 800.684-010 House-Mover Supervisor (const.) 869. 131-022 Insulation-Worker Apprentice (const.) 863.364-010 Cabin-Equipment Supervisor (air trans.) 869. 131-0 10 Laboratory-Equipment Installer (const.) 869.381-014 Lather (const.) 842.361-010 Acrobatic Rigger (amuse. & rec.) 962.684-010 Lather Apprentice (const.) 842.361-014 Grip (amuse. & rec.; radio & tv broad.) 962.684-014 Lawn-Sprinkler Installer (const.) 869.684-030 High Rigger (amuse. & rec.; radio & tv broad.) 962.664- Pipe Installer (const.; light, heat, & power) 869.381-018 0 1 0 Roofer (const.) 866.381-010 e g gº Roofer Apprentice (const.) 866.381-014 Casting Repairer (any ind) 619.281-010 Roofing Supervisor (const.) 866. 131-010 Diver (any ind.) 899.261-010 Sider (const.; ret. tr.; mfü. blogs.) 863.684-014 Environmental-Control-System Installer-Servicer Helper ( ind.) 637.664-010 Steel-Pan-Form-Placing Supervisor (const.) 869. 131-026 any ind. e 4- Supervisor, Acoustical Tile Carpenters (const.) 860. 131- Fixture Repairer-Fabricator (any ind.) 630.384-010 0 1 0 Luggage Repairer (any ind.) 365,361-010 Supervisor, Insulation (const.) 863. 134-014 Maintenance Repairer, Building (any ind.) 899.381-010 Supervisor, Lathing (const.) 842. 131-014 Pump Installer (any ind.) 630.684-018 Riveter, Pneumatic (any ind.) 800.684-014 Scuba Diver (any ind.) 379.384-010 Smoking-Pipe Repairer (any ind.) 739.484-018 Supervisor, Metal Fabricating (any ind.) 809. 130-014 Template Maker, Track (any ind.) 809.484-014 Torch-Straightener-and Heater (any ind.) 709.684-086 Umbrella Repairer (any ind.) 369.684-018 Supervisor, Mixing Place (const.) 853. 137-010 Supervisor, Taping (const.) 842. 134-010 Taper (const.; mfö. blogs.) 842.664-010 Tile-Conduit Layer (const.) 861.38 1-062 Tile Setter Apprentice (const.) 861.381-058 Tower Erector Helper (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.684-014 Cooper (cooperage) 764.684-022 & hani . mfg.) 807.38 1-0 g e Service Mechanic (auto. mfg.) 807.3 22 Pipe-and-Tank Fabricator (cooperage) 669.380-018 Front-End Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.281-038 Glass Installer (auto. ser.) 865.684-010 Muffler Installer (auto. ser.) 807.664-010 Wheelwright (auto. ser.) 706.381-046 Barrel Repairer (firearms) 736.684-022 Net Repairer (fish.) 449.664-010 Last Remodeler-Repairer (boot & shoe; lasts & rel. forms) Boiler Reliner, Plastic Block (found.) 849.484-010 739.684-106 º Adjuster (furn.) 709.684-010 Kiln-Door Builder (brick & tile) 573.684-010 Case Fitter (furn.) 763.684-026 Finish Patcher (furn.) 763.684-034 Chimney Repairer (bus. ser.) 899.364-010 Repairer (furn.) 709.684-062 Supervisor, Water Softener Service (bus. ser.) 862. 134-014 e * Towel-Cabinet Repairer (bus. ser.) 709.364-014 Clay-Structure Builder and Servicer (glass mfg.) 579.664- Water-Softener Servicer-and-Installer (bus. ser.) 862.684- 0 1 0 0.34 Survival-Equipment Repairer (gov. ser.) 739.381-054 Awning-Frame Maker (canvas goods) 809.484-010 Traffic-Maintenance Supervisor (gov. ser.) 869. 137-010 Awning Hanger (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.) 869.484-010 Industrial-Gas Fitter (light, heat, & power) 862.381-014 Oven-Equipment Repairer (coke prod.) 630.261-014 Service Representative (light, heat, & power; waterworks) Patcher (coke prod.) 861.684-014 959.574-0 10 Concrete Rubber (conc. prod.) 844.684-010 Floor-Covering Layer (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622.381- 026 Aluminum-Pool Installer (const.) 809.664-010 Installer, Movable Bulkhead (loco. & car blag. & rep.) Building-Insulation Supervisor (const.) 863. 134-010 806.684-074 Circular Saw Operator (const.) 869.682-010 Construction Worker (const.) I 869.664-014 Fabricator, Industrial Furnace (mach. mtg.) 826.381-010 Cork Insulator, Refrigeration Plant (const.) 863.381-010 Dry-Wall Applicator (const.; mfc. blógs.) 842.681-010 Glass-Lined Tank Repairer (malt liquors) 779.684-026 Fence Erector (const.) 869.684-022 Fence-Erector Supervisor (const.) 869. 134-010 Carpenter (mfö. blogs.) I 860.664-010 Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) 864.481-010 Field-Assembly Supervisor (mfö. blogs.) 869. 131-018 117 05.10 Repairer, Manufactured Buildings (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.384u010 Sider (mfö. blogs.) 860.684-014 Screen-and-Cyclone Repairer (mining & quarrying) 630.664-014 Shaft Mechanic (mining & quarrying) 899.684-034 Stopping Builder (mining & quarrying) 869.684-058 Frame Repairer (motor. & bicycles) 807.381-018 Frame Straightener (motor. & bicycles) 807.484-010 Supervisor, Ordnance Truck Installation (ordnance) 806. 1 37-014 Anode Rebuilder (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.684-010 Pot Liner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.664-014 Card Clothier (textile) 628.381-010 Overhead Cleaner Maintainer (textile) 628.684-022 Canal-Equipment Mechanic (waterworks) 899.281-010 Water-Meter Installer (waterworks) 954.564-010 Thermal Cutter, Hand (welding) I 816.464-010 Welder, Tack (welding) 810.684-010 Welding-Machine Operator, Thermit (welding) 815.682- 014 Jig Builder (wood. box) 761.381-014 Repairer, Assembled Wood Products (woodworking) 769.684-038 05.10.02 Mechanical Arch-Support Technician (per. protect. & med. dev.) 7 12.381 -010 Roustabout (petrol. production) 869.684-046 Supervisor, Salvage (petrol. refin.) 929. 131-010 Truss Assembler (plan. mill) 762.684-062 Awning Maker-and-Installer (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 869.481-010 Boat Rigger (ret. tr.; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.464- 0 1 0 Carpet Cutter (ret. tr.) 929.381-010 Carpet Layer (ret. tr.) 864.381-010 Carpet-Layer Helper (ret. tr.) 864.687-010 Drapery Hanger (ret. tr.) 869.484-014 Furniture Assembler-and-Installer (ret. tr.) 739.684-082 Optician, Dispensing (ret. tr.) II 299.474-010 Venetian-Blind Installer (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 869.484-018 Car Repairer, Pullman (r.r. trans.) 622.381-018 Grinding-Machine Operator, Portable (r.r. trans.) 9 10.684- 0 1 0 Third-Rail Installer (r. r. trans.) 825.381-038 Mold Stamper and Repairer (rubber tire & tube) 709.381- 0.26 Boat Outfitter (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.484-014 Joiner Helper (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.664-014 Pipe Coverer and Insulator (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 863.381-014 Sign Erector (signs) II 869.684-054 Assembler, Billiard-Table (sports equip.) 732.384-010 Golf-Club Repairer (sports equip.) 732.38 1-022 Inspector-Repairer, Sandstone (stonework) 779.684-030 Sandblaster, Stone (stonework) 673.382-010 Sandblaster, Stone Apprentice (stonework) 673.382-014 Saw Setter (stonework) 701.684-022 Stone Repairer (stonework) 779.684-058 Shop Supervisor (struct, & ornam. metalwork) 619. 131- 0.14 Custom Ski Maker (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 732.281-010 Farm-Equipment Mechanic (agric. equip.) II 624.381-014 Aircraft Mechanic, Plumbing and Hydraulics (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 862.381-010 Airframe-and-Power-Plant-Mechanic Helper (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.684-010 Mechanic, Aircraft Accessories (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.381-014 Pneumatic Tester and Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.38 1-022 - Wind-Tunnel Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 827.381- 014 Ride Operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010 Supervisor, Rides (amuse. & rec.) 342. 137-010 Bicycle Repairer (any ind.) 639.681-010 Conveyor-Maintenance Mechanic (any ind.) 630.381-010 Door-Closer Mechanic (any ind.) 630.381-014 Gas-Appliance Servicer (any ind.) 637.261-018 Lubrication-Equipment Servicer (any ind.) 630.381-022 Meter Repairer (any ind.) 710.281-034 Pneumatic-Tube Repairer (any ind.) 630.281-014 Pump-Servicer Supervisor (any ind.) 630. 131-010 Rubberizing Mechanic (any ind.) 630.281-030 Sewing-Machine Repairer (any ind.) 639.281-018 Spray-Gun Repairer (any ind.) 630.381-026 Automobile-Accessories Installer (auto. ser.) 806.684-038 Automobile-Radiator Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.381-010 Automobile-Service-Station Attendant (auto. ser.) 9 15.467- 0 1 0 Brake Repairer (auto. ser.) 620.281-026 Carburetor Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.281-034 Clutch Rebuilder (auto. ser.) 620.684-022 New-Car Get-Ready Mechanic (auto. ser.; ret. tr.) 806.361-026 Service Manager (auto. ser.) 185. 167–058 Transmission Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.28 1-062 Vehicle-Fuel-Systems Converter (auto. ser.) 620.281-070 Manager, Customer Services (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 187. 167– 082 Repairer (chem.) I 630.261-018 Repairer (chem.) II 630.684-026 Coin-Machine-Service Repairer (coin mach.) 639,281-014 Valve Repairer (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.381-030 118 05.10 Maintenance Mechanic Helper (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines) 620.664-014 Repairer, Handtools (cut. & tools) 701.381-010 Artillery-Maintenance Supervisor (firearms) 632. 131-010 Ordnance Artificer (gov. ser.) 632.261-018 Parking-Meter Servicer (gov. ser.) 710.384-026 Thermostat Repairer (inst. & app.) 710.381-050 Precipitator Supervisor (iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51.1. 132-010 Laundry-Machine Mechanic (laund.) 629.261-010 Gas-Meter Installer (light, heat, & power) 953.364-010 Gas-Meter Mechanic (light, heat, & power) I 710.381-022 Gas-Meter Mechanic (light, heat, & power) II 710.684-026 Gas-Regulator-Repairer Helper (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 7 10.384-010 Helper, Liquefaction-and-Regasification (light, power) 953.584-010 Hydroelectric-Machinery Mechanic (light, heat, & power) 631.261-010 Hydroelectric-Machinery-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) 631.364-010 heat, & Industrial-Gas-Servicer Helper (light, heat, & power) 637.384-010 Instrument-Technician Helper (light, heat, & power) 7 10.684-030 Service Supervisor (light, heat, & power) I 953. 137-018 Superintendent, Meters (light, heat, & power) 184. 167-194 Supervisor, Gas Meter Repair (light, heat, & power) 7 10.131-010 Supervisor, Meter-and-Regulator Shop (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.) 710. 137-014 Utilities Service Investigator (light, heat, & power) 821.364-0 1 0 Air-Compressor Mechanic (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622.684-010 Air-Valve Repairer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.381-010 Motorcycle Subassembly Repairer (motor. & bicycles) 620.684-026 smelt., & refin.) Anode-Crew Supervisor (ore dress., 630. 1 34-010 Repairer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.281-026 Knife Setter, Grinder Machine (paper & pulp) 564.684-010 Machine-Clothing Replacer (paper & pulp) 629.361-010 Salvager (petrol. refin.) 709.684-070 Tank-Car Inspector (petrol. refin.) 9 10.384-010 Refrigeration Unit Repairer (refrigerat. equip.) 637.381- 0 i4 Register Repairer (r.r. trans.) 710.681-018 Switch Repairer (r.r. trans.) 622.684-018 Reed Repairer (textile) 628.484-010 Gear Repairer (water trans.) 623.381-010 Supervisor, Gear Repair (water trans.) 623.131-014 Supervisor, Meter Shop (waterworks) 7 10.131-030 Water Regulator and Valve Repairer (waterworks) 862.684-030 Repairer, Welding Equipment (welding) 626.381-022 Dental-Equipment Installer and Servicer (whole. tr.) 829.261-014 05.10.03 Electrical-Electronic Cable Assembler, Mock-Up (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-042 Electrical Repairer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 825.281-010 Electric-Golf-Cart Repairer (amuse. & rec.; auto. ser.) 620.261-026 Sight-Effects Specialist (amuse. & rec.) 962.267-010 Sound Controller (amuse. & rec.) 194.262-014 Battery Repairer (any ind.) 727.381-014 Electrical-Appliance Repairer (any ind.) 723.381-010 Electrical-Appliance-Servicer Apprentice (any ind.) 827.261-014 Electrical-Appliance-Servicer Supervisor (any ind.) 827. 131-0 10 Electric-Tool Repairer (any ind.) 729.281-022 Radio Repairer (any ind.) 720.281-010 Tape-Recorder Repairer (any ind.) 720.281-014 Television-and-Radio Repairer (any ind.) 720.281-018 Television-Cable Installer (any ind.) 821.281-010 Television Installer (any ind.) 823.361-010 Transformer Repairer (any ind.) 724.381-018 Vacuum Cleaner Repairer (any ind.) 723.381-014 Automatic-Window-Seat-and-Top-Lift Repairer (auto. ser.) 825.381-014 Tester, Electronic Scale (bal. & scales) 7 10.381-046 Protective-Signal-Installer Helper (bus. ser.) 822.664-010 Protective-Signal-Repairer Helper (bus. ser.) 822.684-014 Cell Changer (chem.) 826.684-014 Pot Builder (chem.) 826.684-022 Pin-Game-Machine Inspector (coin mach.) 729.381-014 Supervisor, Cooler Service (coin mach.) 637. 131-010 Automatic-Door Mechanic (const.) 829.281-010 Adjuster, Electrical Contacts (elec. equip.) 724.381-010 119 05.10 Appliance Repairer (elec. equip.) 723.584-010 Armature Tester (elec. equip.) I 724.384-010 Repairer, Switchgear (elec. equip.) 729.684-038 Wirer, Cable (elec. equip.) 729.381-022 Production Repairer (electronics) 726.381-014 Hearing-Aid Repairer (inst. & app.) 719.381-014 Battery Maintainer, Large Emergency Storage (light, heat, & power) 820.381-010 Electric-Meter Installer (light, heat, & power) II 821.684- 010 Salvage Repairer (light, heat, & power) II 729.384-018 Switch Inspector (light, heat, & power) 952.381-010 Trouble Shooter (light, heat, & power) I 952.364-010 Battery Inspector (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r. r. trans.) 829.684-010 Light Technician (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 962.362- Mºre Connector (motion pic.) 962.684-018 Technical Testing Engineer (motion pic.) 194.381-010 Fare-Register Repairer (motor trans.) 729.384-014 Electrical-Line Splicer (petrol. production) 728.684-014 Toy-Electric-Train Repairer (ret. tr.) 731.684-022 Frame Wirer (tel. & tel.) 822.684-010 05.10.04 Structural-Mechanical-Electrical-Electronic Airport Attendant (air trans.) 912.364-010 Airport-Maintenance Chief (air trans.) 899. 137-010 Air-Conditioning Installer, Domestic (any ind.) 827.464- 0 1 0 Doll Repairer (any ind.) 731.684-014 Equipment Installer (any ind.) 828.381-010 Evaporative-Cooler Installer (any ind.) 637.381-010 Fire-Extinguisher Repairer (any ind.) 709.384-010 Household-Appliance Installer (any ind.) 827.661-010 Maintenance Repairer, Factory or Mill (any ind.) 899.281- 014 Maintenance-Repairer Helper, Factory or Mill (any ind.) 899.684-022 Pinsetter Mechanic, Automatic (any ind.) 638.261-022 Polishing-Wheel Setter (any ind.) 776.684-014 Sports-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) 732.684-122 Swimming-Pool Servicer (any ind.) 891.684-018 House Repairer (const.) 869.381-010 Lock Maintenance Supervisor (const.) 899. 131-014 Manager, Camp (const.; logging) 187. 167-066 Attendant, Lodging Facilities (hotel & rest.) 329.467-010 Customer Service Representative (light, heat, & power) 959.361-010 Streetcar Repairer (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 807.381-026 Pipeliner (pipe lines) 899.684-026 Mobile-Home-Lot Utility Worker (ret. tr.) 899.484-010 Used-Car Renovator (ret. tr.) 620.684-034 Parachute Mender (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-038 Utility Worker, Roller Shop (textile) 628.684-034 05.10.05 Reproduction Motion-Picture Projectionist (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.) 960.362-010 Photographer, Finish (amuse. & rec.) 143.382-014 Blueprinting-Machine Operator (any ind.) 979.682-014 Photostat Operator (any ind.) 976.382-022 Rectification Printer (any ind.) 976.682-018 Reproduction Technician (any ind.) 976.361-010 Screen Maker, Photographic Process (any ind.) 971.381- 042 Silk-Screen Repairer (any ind.) 979.684-038 Supervisor, Blueprinting-and-Photocopy (any 979. 130-0 10 ind.) Microfiche Duplicator (bus. ser.) 976.381-014 Supervisor, Microfilm Duplicating Unit (bus. ser.) 976. 131- 0 18 - Chief Clerk, Print Shop (clerical) 207. 137-010 Duplicating-Machine Operator (clerical) I 207.682-010 Offset-Duplicating-Machine Operator (clerical) 207.682- O 1 8 Photographic-Plate Maker (electronics) 714.381-018 Step-and-Repeat Reduction Camera Operator (electronics) 971.382-022 Engraver, Machine (engraving) I 704.682-010 Engraver, Machine (engraving) II 704.582-010 Engraver, Pantograph (engraving) I 704.382-010 Engraver, Pantograph (engraving) II 704.682-014 Camera Operator, Animation (motion pic.) 143.382-010 Camera Operator, Title (motion pic.) 976.382-010 Chief Projectionist (motion pic.) 960. 132-010 Density Control Puncher (motion pic.) 976.684-010 Dubbing-Machine Operator (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.665-010 Film Developer (motion pic.; photofinish.) 976.382-018 Film Laboratory Technician (motion pic.; photofinish.) 976.684-014 Film Printer (motion pic.) 976.682-010 Microphone-Boom Operator (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 962.384-010 Recordist (motion pic.) 962.382-010 Recordist, Chief (motion pic.) 962. 134-010 Rerecording Mixer (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 194.362-014 Sound Mixer (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & tv broad.) 194.262-018 Engraver, Rubber (pen & pencil) 733.381-010 Section-Plotter Operator (petrol. production) 194.382-010 Recording Engineer (phonograph; radio & twº broad.) 194.362-010 Tape Transferrer 194.382-014 (phonograph; radio & tv broad.) Color-Printer Operator (photofinish.) 976.382-014 Developer (photofinish.) 976.681-010 Film Inspector (photofinish.) 976.362-010 120 05.10 Laboratory Chief (photofinish.) 976. 131-010 Photograph Finisher (photofinish.) 976.487-010 Photographic Supervisor (photofinish.; print. & pub.) 976. 1 37-010 Printer Operator, Black-and-White (photofinish.) 976.682- 0.14 Print Washer (photofinish.) 976.684-022 Projection Printer (photofinish.) 976.381-018 Quality-Control Technician (photofinish.) 976.267-010 Supervisor, Film Processing (photofinish.) 976. 132-010 Supervisor, Quality Control (photofinish.) 976. 131-022 Take-Down Sorter (photofinish.) 976.665-010 Blocker, Metal Base (print. & pub.) 974.682-010 Carbon Printer (print. & pub.) 979.684-010 Casting-Machine Operator (print. & pub.; type founding) 654.382-010 Copy Cutter (print. & pub.) 221. 167-010 Cylinder Grinder (print. & pub.) 500.381-010 Electrotype Servicer (print. & pub.) 659.462-010 Embosser (print. & pub.) 659.382-010 Engraver (print. & pub.) I 979.381-010 Engraver, Machine (print. & pub.) 979.382-014 Engraving-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.382-010 Equipment Monitor, Phototypesetting (print. & pub.) 650.682-010 Galley Stripper (print. & pub.) 973.681-010 Line-Up Examiner (print. & pub.) 979.381-014 Make-Up Arranger (print. & pub.) 973.381-026 Offset-Duplicating-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 651.682-014 Pantographer (print. & pub.) 979.382-022 Photocomposing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 650.582-0 18 Platen Builder-Up (print. & pub.) 651.384-010 Production Manager, Reproduction (print. & pub.) 652. 1 37-010 Repeat Chief (print. & pub.) 970.361-014 Roller-Print Tender (print. & pub.) 971.685-010 Scanner Operator (print. & pub.) 972.282-010 Steel-Die Printer (print. & pub.) 651.382-030 Tab-Card-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.382-034 Transfer Operator (print. & pub.) 651.382-038 Type-Casting Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 654.582- 0 1 0 Typesetting-Machine Tender (print. & pub.) 650.685-010 Wire-Photo Operator, News (print. & pub.) 239.382-010 Audio Operator (radio & tv broad.) 194.262-010 Telecine Operator (radio & twbroad.) 194.362-018 Screen Maker, Textile (textile) 971.381-046 Supervisor, Screen Making (textile) 971. 131-014 05.10.06 Blasting Blaster (any ind.) 859.261-010 Fireworks Display Specialist (fireworks) 969.664-010 Blaster (mining & quarrying) 93 1.261-010 Gun-Perforator Loader (petrol. production) 93 1.384-010 Shooter (petrol. production) 931.361-014 Shooter, Seismograph (petrol. production) 931.361-018 05.10.07 Painting, Dyeing, and Coating. Painter, Transportation Equipment (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.; auto, ser.) 845.381-014 Dyer, Supervisor (any ind.) 582. 131-014 Painter, Spray (any ind.) I 741.684-026 Painter, Touch-Up (any ind.) 749.684-038 Painter Apprentice, Automotive (auto, ser.) 845.381-010 Rug Dyer (clean., dye., & press.) II 364.684-010 Floor and Wall Applier, Liquid (const.) 864.684-010 Painter (const.) 840.381-010 Supervisor, Doping (const.) 843. 134-010 Supervisor, Painting (const.) 840. 131-010 Supervisor, Waterproofing (const.) 843. 137-010 Painter Apprentice, Shipyard (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 840.38 1-0 14 Painter, Shipyard (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 840.381-018 Supervisor, Painting, Shipyard (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 840. 1 31-0 l 4 05.10.08 Food Preparation Cook (any ind.) 3.15.361-010 Formula-Room Worker (dairy prod.; medical ser.) 520.487-014 Cook (dom. ser.) 305.281-010 Cook (fish.) 3 15.381-010 Baker (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-010 Baker, Head (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-010 Baker, Pizza (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-014 Baker, Second (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-010 Butcher, Chicken and Fish (hotel & rest.) 3 16.684-01 0 Butcher, Meat (hotel & rest.) 3 16.681-010 Carver (hotel & rest.) 3 16.661-010 Cook, Barbecue (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-022 Cook, Head, School Cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-0 18 Cook, Pastry (hotel & rest.) 313.381-026 Cook, School Cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-030 Cook, Short Order (hotel & rest.) I 3 13.361-022 Cook, Short Order (hotel & rest.) II 3 13.671-010 Cook, Specialty (hotel & rest.) 313.361-026 Cook, Specialty, Foreign Food (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030 Garde Manger (hotel & rest.) 313.361-034 Ice-Cream Chef (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-034 Kitchen Supervisor (hotel & rest.) 310.137-014 Pantry Goods Maker (hotel & rest.) 31 7.684-014 Pastry Chef (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-022 Pie Maker (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-038 Supervisor, Kosher Dietary Service (hotel & rest.) 319. 137- 026 Cook, Pastry, Psychiatric Hospital (medical ser.) 3.15.361- 0.14 Cook, Psychiatric Hospital (medical ser.) 3.15.361-018 Meat Cutter (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 316.684-018 Meat-Cutter Apprentice (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 3 16.684-022 Tobacco Blender (ret. tr.) 790.381-010 Cook, Railroad (r. r. trans.) 3.15.381-018 Cook, Chief (water trans.) 3 15.131-010 Cook, Larder (water trans.) 3 15.381-014 Cook, Mess (water trans.) 3.15.37 1-0 10 Cook, Station (water trans.) 3.15.361-022 121 05.10 Cook, Third (water trans.) 3 15.381-022 Pastry Chef (water trans.) 315.131-014 Salad Maker (water trans.) 3.17.384-010 Second Cook and Baker (water trans.) 3 15.38 1-026 Perishable-Fruit Inspector (whole. tr.) 910.387-010 05.10.09 Environmental Exterminator (any ind.) 389.684-010 Exterminator, Termite (bus. ser.) 383.364-010 Fumigator (bus. ser.) 383.361-010 Supervisor, Extermination (bus. ser.) 389. 134-010 122 Equipment Operation 05.11 5.11 Equipment Operation Workers in this group operate heavy machines and equipment to dig, drill, dredge, hoist, or move substances and materials. They also operate machines to pave roads. These jobs are found at mining, logging, and construction sites; docks; receiving and shipping areas of industrial plants; and large storage buildings and warehouses. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —set up and operate a horizontal earth-boring machine. —operate a long-wall mining machine in a coal mine. —operate a portable drilling rig to prospect for oil. —pump cement through a pipeline to a construction Slte. —drive an asphalt spreader on a highway construc- tion site. —operate a bulldozer to grade a lawn for a new home. —operate a crane to hoist materials and equipment into place at a building construction site. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —operate equipment according to work orders, signals, and oral instructions. —withstand the jolting and vibration of heavy equip- ment. —work outdoors in all kinds of weather. —move eyes, hands, and feet together to control movement of equipment. —estimate distances. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you driven a car, motorcycle, or other mo- torized vehicle? Can you react quickly and safely to sudden dangerous situations? —Have you taken shop classes or had a home workshop where you operated machines? Do you enjoy this type of activity? —Have you operated a tractor on a farm? —Have you operated construction equipment in the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Many workers learn to operate equipment by on-the-job train- ing. However, the best way to prepare for these jobs is to complete a three-year apprenticeship. Apprentices are supervised by experienced workers. They progress from these simple tasks to mechanical operations, such as lift- ing light loads with a crane. They also receive classroom instruction, which may include engine operation and repair, cable splicing, hydraulics, welding, and safety. To qualify for an apprenticeship program, workers must be U. S. citizens and have a high school or voca- tional school diploma, or its equal. Applicants must also pass a physical fitness examination. Shorter training courses are offered by the manufac- turers of heavy equipment and by the armed services. High school and vocational courses in driver eduation and automobile mechanics are especially helpful. Workers with leadership abilities may advance to su- pervisors. Some workers start their own construction companies, equipment rental agencies, or equipment maintenance firms. Some machine tenders are promoted from manual jobs within a company. Others with machine shop classes are hired immediately after high school graduation. Addi- tional skills are learned on the job. t What else should you consider about these jobs? For most jobs in this group, work hours and pay rates are dependent upon local union scales. 123 05.11 Machinery and equipment operators and drivers often work outside under noisy and dusty conditions. They must be alert in order to keep machines under control. Those who drive machines on public streets and roads must have state motor vehicle operator licenses. Work in the construction industry is seasonal in some regions of the country. Some workers operate one type of equipment and change employers from project to project. People who can operate a variety of machines and equipment or who have special skills usually have more job opportunities. Training in operating new machinery may be provided by employers or through union programs. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 124 05.11 Equipment Operation 05.11.01 Construction Bulldozer Operator (any ind.) I 850.683-010 Power-Shovel Operator (any ind.) 850.683-030 Project-Crew Worker (any ind.) 891.687-018 Asphalt-Paving-Machine Operator (const.) 853.663-010 Auxiliary-Equipment Tender (const.) 869.665-010 Cherry-Picker Operator (const.) 921.663-014 Clearing Supervisor (const.) 869. 133-010 Concrete-Batching and Mixing-Plant Supervisor (const.) 570. 1 32-010 Concrete-Paving-Machine Operator (const.) 853.663-014 Curb-Machine Operator (const.) 853.683-010 Dredge Operator (const.; mining & quarrying) 850.663-010 Earth-Boring-Machine Operator (const.; light, heat, & power) 859.682-010 Elevating-Grader Operator (const.) 850.663-014 Form-Grader Operator (const.) 850.683-022 Form-Tamper Operator (const.) 869.683-010 Foundation-Drill Operator (const.) 859.682-014 Heater-Planer Operator (const.) 853.683-014 Horizontal-Earth-Boring-Machine Operator (const.) 850.662-010 Insulation-Power-Unit Tender (const.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 863.685-010 Irrigation System Installer (const.) 851.383-010 Joint-Cleaning-and-Grooving-Machine Operator (const.) 853.683-018 - Lock Tender (const.) II 850.663-018 Miner (const.) 850.381-010 Motor-Grader Operator (const.) 850.663-022 Mucking-Machine Operator (const.) 850.683-026 Operating Engineer (const.; mining & quarrying) 859.683- 010 Operating-Engineer Apprentice (const.; mining & quarry- ing) 859.683-014 Pile-Driver Operator (const.) 859.682-018 Pipe-Cleaning-and-Priming-Machine Operator (const.) 862.662-010 Pipe-Wrapping-Machine Operator (const.; pipe lines) 862.682-014 Pneumatic-Hoist Operator (const.; mfc. blogs.) 921.663- 046 Reinforcing-Steel-Machine Operator (const.) 859.683-022 Rigger (const.) 869.683-014 Rigging Supervisor (const.) 921. 130-010 Road-Mixer Operator (const.) 859.683-026 Road-Oiling-Truck Driver (const.) 853.663-018 Road-Roller Operator (const.) 859.683-030 Rock-Drill Operator (const.) I 850.683-034 Rock-Drill Operator (const.) II 850.662-014 Scraper Operator (const.) 850.683-038 Septic-Tank Installer (const.) 851.663-010 Shield Runner (const.) 850.682-010 Steam-Cleaning-Machine Operator (const.) 891.685-010 Stone-Spreader Operator (const.) 853.663-022 Supervisor, Asphalt Paving (const.) 853. 133-010 Supervisor, Core Drilling (const.) 850.137-010 Supervisor, Grading (const.) 859. 137-010 Supervisor, Pile Driving (const.) 859. 137-014 Tamping-Machine Operator (const.) 869.683-018 Tower-Crane Operator (const.) 921.663-054 Track-Laying Supervisor (const.) 869. 134-022 Track-Moving-Machine Operator (const.; mining & quarry- ing) 9 10.663-010 Track-Surfacing-Machine Operator (const.) 9 10.683-018 Utility-Tractor Operator (const.) 850.683-046 Wrecking Supervisor (const.) 869. 137-014 Highway-Maintenance Supervisor (gov. ser.) 899. 134-010 Snow-Removing Supervisor (gov. ser.) 955. 137-010 Street-Sweeper Operator (gov. ser.) 9 19.683-022 Dredge Operator Supervisor (mining & quarrying) 939. I 32-010 Supervisor, Pipe-Lines (petrol. production) 862. 131-022 Ditcher Operator (r.r. trans.) 850.683-014 Railway-Equipment Operator (r.r. trans.) 859.683-018 Sanitary Landfill Operator (sanitary ser.) 955.463-010 Sanitary-Landfill Supervisor (sanitary ser.) 955.133-010 05.11.02 Mining and Quarrying Core-Drill Operator (any ind.) 930.682-010 Flame Channeler (any ind.) 930.684-010 Plant Operator (conc. prod.; const.) 570.682-014 Driller, Machine (const.; mining & quarrying) 930.382-010 Coal-Equipment Operator (light, heat, & power) 921.683- 022 Channeling-Machine Runner (mining & quarrying) 930.383-010 Continuous-Mining-Machine Operator (mining & quarry- ing) 930.683-010 - Cutter Operator (mining & quarrying) 930.683-014 Drilling-Machine Operator (mining & quarrying) 930.482- 010 Dry-Placer-Machine Operator (mining & quarrying) 939.382-010 Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) 921.663-026 Loading-Machine Operator (mining & quarrying) 932.683- 014 Long-Wall-Mining-Machine Tender (mining & quarrying) 930.665-010 Mechanical-Shovel Operator (mining & quarrying) 932.683-0 18 Miner (mining & quarrying) I 939.281-010 Quarry Supervisor, Dimension Stone (mining & quarrying) 930. 134-010 Roof Bolter (mining & quarrying) 930.683-026 Scraper-Loader Operator (mining & quarrying) 921.663- 050 Shale Planer Operator (mining & quarrying) 930.663-010 Shuttle-Car Operator (mining & quarrying) 932.683-022 Stripping-Shovel Operator (mining & quarrying) 850.663– 026 Supervisor, Reclamation (mining & quarrying) 850. 133- 010 Surface Supervisor (mining & quarrying) 932. 132-014 Hoist Operator (petrol. production) 932.363-010 05.11.03 Drilling and Oil Exploration Core-Drill Operator (const.) 869.682-014 Well-Drill Operator (const.) 859.362-010 {}5.11 Drip Pumper (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.583- 010 Clean-Out Driller (petrol. production) 930.363-010 Derrick Worker, Well Service (petrol. production) 930.683–0 | 8 Dumper-Bailer Operator (petrol. production) 931.684-010 Mud-Plant Operator (petrol. production) 930.685-010 Oil-Well-Service Operator (petrol. production) 939.462– 0 1 0 - Oil-Well-Services Supervisor (petrol. production) 939. 132- 014 Perforator Operator, Oil 93.1.382-010 Pneumatic-Jack Operator (petrol. production) 939.682-014 Prospecting Driller (petrol. production) 930.382-018 Rotary Derrick Operator (petrol. production) 930.382-022 Rotary Driller (petrol. production) 930.382-026 Service-Unit Operator, Oil Well (petrol. 930.36 1–010 Well Puller (petrol. production) 930.382-030 Well (petrol. production) production) 05.11.04 Materials Handling Yard Worker (agric.) 929.583-010 Bridge-or-Gantry-Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-010 Conveyor Operator (any ind.) 921.683-026 Crane-Crew Supervisor (any ind.) 921. 133-010 Derrick Operator (any ind.) 921.663-022 Dinkey Operator (any ind.) 9 19.663-014 Dragline Operator (any ind.) 850.683-018 Dump Operator (any ind.) 921.685-038 Front-End Loader Operator (any ind.) 921.683-042 Hoisting Engineer (any ind.) 921.663-030 Locomotive-Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-038 Rigger (any ind.) 921.260-010 - Tractor-Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-058 Tractor Operator (any ind.) 929.683-014 Truck-Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-062 Transfer-Car Operator (brick & tile) 921.683-078 Irradiated-Fuel Handler (chem.) 92 1.663-034 Coke Loader (coke prod.) 921.563-010 Material-Crew Supervisor (const.; mfc. blogs.) 921. 137-01 Tower-Excavator Operator (const.) 850.683-042 Rail-Tractor Operator (iron & steel) 9 19.683-018 Transfer-Table Operator (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r. r. trans.) 9 10.683–022 Jammer Operator (logging) 921.683-054 Log Loader (logging) 921.683-058 Sorting-Grapple Operator (logging) 921.683-066 Yarding Engineer (logging) 921.663-066 Car-Dumper Operator (malt liquors) 921.662-010 Aerial-Tram Operator (mining & quarrying) 932.685-010 Bank Boss (mining & quarrying) 932. 132-010 Rocket-Test-Fire Worker (ordnance) 806.384-022 Chip Unloader (paper & pulp) 921.663-018 Transfer-Car Operator, Drier (pipe & boiler cov.) 92.1.583- 0 1 0 Boat-Hoist Operator (ret. tr.) 921.683-010 Bridge Operator, Slip (r.r. trans.) 9 19.682-010 Drawbridge Operator (r.r. trans.) 371.362-010 Harvester Operator (salt production) 930.683-022 Marine Railway Operator (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 921.662-022 Cantilever-Crane Operator (water trans.) 921.683-018 Derrick-Boat Operator (water trans.) 921 .683-034 Lock Operator (water trans.) 91 1.362-010 Stevedore (water trans.) I 91 1.663-014 Superintendent, Stevedoring (water trans.) 91 1. 137-022 Tower-Loader Operator (water trans.) 921.683-074 Winch Driver (water trans.) 921 .683-082 - Kiln-Transfer Operator (woodworking) 569.683-010 126 Elemental Work: Mechanical 05.12 5.12 Elemental Work: What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —dump barrels of oil into tanks and take samples to the refinery. —position cables around logs in a logging camp and signal for winch to move them. —clean filters, tanks, and wallways at a sewage- disposal plant. —lubricate moving parts of vehicles such as automo- biles, buses, and trucks. —use a shovel to remove excess dirt from a ditch or excavation. —use brooms, vacuums, and shovels to clean work- ing areas in a factory. —carry brick and mortar to masons constructing a wall. Workers in this group perform a variety of unskilled tasks, such as moving materials, cleaning work areas, operat- ing simple machines, or helping skilled workers. These job are found in a variety of non-factory settings. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use hands to lift, carry, or pull objects that may be heavy. —understand simple instructions. —work outdoors in all kinds of weather. —learn simple procedures and techniques. —perform routine work or the same task over and over again. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you done work of a physical nature? Do you like to do this type of work? —Have you been responsible for cleaning a house or garage? Do you take pride in maintaining an or- derly work area? —Have you helped someone move household goods? Can you lift and carry heavy objects? 127 05.12 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from a short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. This kind of work requires only a brief explanation of job duties. The most important hiring consideration is usually the physical ability of the applicant. Many of these jobs are available through union hiring halls. What else should you consider about these jobs? Weather conditions can cause periods of unemploy- ment for construction workers. Others usually work a 40- hour week all year. Workers are often required to wear safety clothing to protect themselves from common job hazards such a falling objects, extreme temperature levels, or exposur to dangerous chemicals. Employers often provide classe or on-the-job training about safety. Work locations art often checked by government inspectors to insure tha conditions are safe. With additional training, workers in this group may qualify for machine tending or operating jobs. Worker: with a high school education or its equal may qualify fo apprenticeship programs leading to more skilled jobs especially in construction. Those with leadership abilit can advance to supervisory jobs. If you think you would like to do this kind of work look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 128 05. 12 05.12.01 Elemental Work: Mechanical Supervision Supervisor, Circus (amuse. & rec.) 969.137-010 Coal-Yard Supervisor (any ind.) 921. 137-010 Material-Handling Supervisor (any ind.) 921. 133-018 Yard Manager (any ind.) 9 10.137-046 Tire-Service Supervisor (auto. ser.) 915. 134-010 Supervisor, Reactor Fueling (chem.) 929. 132-010 Labor-Crew Supervisor (const.; light, heat, & power) 899.131-0 10 Superintendent, Track (const.) 899. 137-014 Housekeeper, Home (dom. ser.) 301. 137-010 Poleyard Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 929. 137-014 Controller, Coal or Ore (mining & quarrying) 939. 167-010 Grip Boss (motion pic.) 962. 137-010 Supervisor, Cutting and Splicing (motion pic.; photofinish.) 976. 1 34-010 Perishable-Freight Inspector (r.r. trans.) 9 10.667-022 Supervisor, Harvesting (salt production) 939. 137-022 Supervisor, Pond (salt production) 939. 130-010 Header (water trans.) 91 1. 137-018 05.12.02 Mining, Quarrying, Drilling Blaster Helper (any ind.) 859.687-010 Core-Drill-Operator Helper (any ind.) 930.687-014 Surveyor Helper (any ind.) 869.567-010 Driller Helper (const.; mining & quarrying) 930.666-010 Horizontal-Earth-Boring-Machine-Operator Helper (const.) 850.684-014 Supervisor, Tunnel Heading (const.) 859.137-018 Bit-Sharpener Operator (mining & quarrying.) 603.685-030 Cutter-Operator Helper (mining & quarrying) 930.687-018 Jackhammer Operator (mining & quarrying) 930.684-018 Jack Setter (mining & quarrying) 939.684-010 Loading-Machine-Operator Helper (mining & quarrying) 939,686-010 Miner, Placer (mining & quarrying) 939.684-014 Powder Loader (mining & quarrying) 931.667-010 Quarry Plug-and-Feather Driller (mining & quarrying) 930.684-022 - Shale Planer 930.667-0 1 0 Tailer (mining & quarrying) 930.666-014 Tier-and-Detonator (mining & quarrying) 931.664-010 Operator Helper (mining & quarrying) Yard Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 929. 137-026 Clean-Out-Driller. Helper (petrol. production) 930.664-014 Floor Worker, Well Service (petrol. production) 930.684- 014 Rotary-Driller Helper (petrol. production) 930.684-026 Sample-Taker Operator (petrol. production) 931.361-010 Well Puller, Head (petrol. production) 939. 131-018 05.12.03 Loading, Moving Yard Supervisor, Cotton Gin (agric.) 929. 137-034 Priming-Mixture Carrier (ammunition) 922.587-010 Circus-Train Supervisor (amuse. & rec.) 910. 137-018 Brake Holder (any ind.) 932.664-010 Dumper (any ind.) 921.667-018 Excavator (any ind.) 850.684-010 Material Handler (any ind.) 929.687-030 Painter Helper, Spray (any ind.) 741.687-014 Press Bucker (any ind.) 920.686-042 Supervisor, Loading and Unloading (any ind.) 922. 137-018 Truck-Driver-Helper (any ind.) 905.687-010 Waste-Disposal Attendant (any ind.) 955.383-010 Kiln Drawer (brick & tile) 929.687-014 Exterminator Helper, Termite (bus. ser.) 383.687-010 Car Pincher (coke prod.) 922.687-034 Coke Drawer, Hand (coke prod.) 543.687-010 Construction Worker (const.) II 869.687-026 Feed-in Worker (grain & feed mill.) 929.686-022 Track Supervisor (grain & feed mill.) 921. 132-010 Car Icer (ice; slaught. & meat pack.) 910.687-018 Supervisor, Open-Hearth Stockyard (iron & steel) 922. 137- 022 Coal Sampler (light, heat, & power) 922.687-038 Pulp Piler (logging) 922.687-082 Car Dropper (mining & quarrying) 932.683-010 Chute Loader (mining & quarrying) 932.687-010 Company Laborer (mining & quarrying) 939.687-014 Quarry Worker (mining & quarrying) 939.667-014 Sand Filler (mining & quarrying) 939.687-034 Film Loader (motion pic.) 962.687-014 Supervisor, Properties (motion pic.) 962. 137-026 Garbage Collector (motor trans.) 909.687-010 Van-Driver Helper (motor trans.) 905.687-014 Warehouse Supervisor (motor trans.) 929. 137-018 Installer (museum) 922.687-050 Scrap Sorter (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.686-018 Demolition Specialist (ordnance) 737.687-034 General-Handling Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 929. 1 37-0 1 0 Yard Laborer (paper & pulp) 922.687-102 Yard Supervisor (paper & pulp; woodworking) 929. 133- 0 1 0 Bottom-Hole-Pressure-Recording-Operator Helper (petrol. production) 930.687-010 129 05.12 Laborer (petrol. production) 939.687-018 Observer Helper, Seismic Prospecting (petrol. production) 939.364-010 Laborer, Petroleum Refinery (petrol. refin.) 549.687-018 Loading-Rack Supervisor (petrol. refin.) 914.137-014 Recording Studio Set-Up Worker (phonograph) 962.664- 014 Laborer, Pipe-Lines (pipe lines) 914.687-010 Etcher Helper, Hand (print. & pub.) 971.687-010 Dolly Pusher (radio & tv broad.) 962.687-010 Yard Supervisor, Building Materials or Lumber (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 929. 137-030 Baggage-and-Mail Agent (r. r. trans.) 910. 137-010 Baggage Handler (r.r. trans.) 910.687-010 Freight-Loading Supervisor (r.r. trans.) 9 10.137-026 Spout Tender (salt production) 932.664-014 Timber Packer (sawmill) 922.687-094 Laborer, Shipyard (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 809.687-022 Able Seaman (water trans.) 9 11.364-010 Barge Captain (water trans.) 91 1. 137-010 Dredge Mate (water trans.) 197.137-010 Ferryboat Operator, Cable (water trans.) 91 1.664-010 Ferryboat-Operator Helper (water trans.) 91 1.667-010 Lines Tender (water trans.) 9 11.687-026 Stevedore (water trans.) II 922.687-090 Wharf Worker (water trans.) 921.667-026 Icer (whole. tr.) 922.687-046 Warehouse Traffic Supervisor (whole. tr.) 922. 137-026 Lumber Handler (woodworking) 922.687-070 05.12.04 Hoisting, Conveying Fruit Distributor (agric.) 921.685-046 Flyer (amuse. & rec.; radio & twº broad.) 962.687-0 18 Boom-Conveyor Operator (any ind.) 921.683-014 Conveyor-System Dispatcher (any ind.) 921.662-018 Elevator Operator, Freight (any ind.) 921.683-038 Laborer, Hoisting (any ind.) 921.667-022 Rigger Helper (any ind.) 921.687-026 Spout Tender (chem.) 921.685-058 House-Mover Helper (const.) 869.687-034 Laborer, Concrete-Mixing Plant (const.) 579.665-014 Lift-Slab Operator (const.) 869.662-010 Shore Hand, Dredge or Barge (const.; mining & quarrying) 939.667-0 18 Signaler (const.) 869.667-014 Supervisor, Labor Gang (const.) 850. 137-014 Supervisor, Riprap Placing (const.) 850. 137-018 Laborer, Powerhouse (light, heat, & power) 952.665-010 Line Mover (loco. & car blog, & rep.) 921.664-0 10 Transfer-Table Operator Helper (loco. & car blåg. & rep.; r.r. trans.) 9 10.667–030 Chaser (logging) 921.667-014 Choke Setter (logging) 921.687-014 Hook Tender (logging) 921. 131-010 Log Loader Helper (logging) 921.687-022 Rigger (logging) 921.664-014 Rigger, Third (logging) 921.687-030 Rigging Slinger (logging) 921.364-010 Car-Dumper-Operator Helper (malt liquors) 921.687-010 Loader, Malt House (malt liquors) 921.682-010 Loader (mfd. blogs.) 921.687-018 Bottomer (mining & quarrying) I 932.667-010 Cager (mining & quarrying) 939.667-010 Load-Out Supervisor (mining & quarrying) 921. 133-014 Grip (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.687-022 Truck-Driver Helper (any ind.) 905.687-010 Truck Supervisor (motor trans.) 909. 137-018 Log-Haul Chain Feeder (paper & pulp; sawmill) 921.686- 0 18 Pond Worker (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood) 921.686-022 Wood Handler (paper & pulp) 921.687-034 Boat-Hoist-Operator Helper (ret. tr.) 921.667-010 Bull-Chain Operator (sawmill) 921.685-014 Fuel-House Attendant (sawmill) 951.686-010 Stacker-and-Sorter Operator (sawmill) 921.682-018 Tipple Operator (sawmill) 921.662-026 Transfer Controller (sawmill) 921.682-022 Yard Worker (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 921.683-086 Boat. Loader (water trans.) II 921.685-010 Coal Trimmer (water trans.) 9 11.687-0 18 Derrick-Boat Captain (water trans.) 91 1. 137-014 Hatch Tender (water trans.) 9 11.667-014 Ticket Taker, Ferryboat (water trans.) 9 11.677-010 05.12.05 Braking, Switching, and Coupling Sounder (any ind.) 91 1.667-018 Brake Coupler, Road Freight (r.r. trans.) 9 10.367-010 Car-Retarder Operator (r.r. trans.) 910.382-010 Switch Tender (r. r. trans.) 9 10.667–026 Yard Coupler (r.r. trans.) 910.664-010 05.12.06 Pumping Line-Service Attendant (air trans.) 9 12.687-010 Loader Helper (any ind.) 914.687-014 Pumper Helper (any ind.) 914.687-018 Water Tender (any ind.) 599.685-122 Cement-Boat-and-Barge Loader (cement) 921.665-010 Pump Tender, Cement Based Materials const.) 849.665-010 (conc. prod.; Diver Pumper (const.; fish.) 899.682-010 Plaster-Machine Tender (const.) 842.665-010 130 05.12 Well-Point Pumping Supervisor (const.) 862. 132-010 Gas-Pumping-Station Helper (light, heat, & power) 953.684–010 Supervisor, Cellars (malt liquors) 914. 132-018 Gas-and-Oil Servicer (motor trans.) 9 15.587-010 Supervisor, Dock (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914. 137-018 Pigment Pumper (rubber reclaim.) 914.665-010 Pond Tender (salt production) 939.685-010 Boat Loader (water trans.) I 91 1.364-014 Boat-Loader Helper (water trans.) 91 1.687-010 05.12.07 Crushing, Mixing, Separating, and Chipping Ginner (agric.) 429.685-010 Sand Plant Attendant (conc. prod.; mining & quarrying) 934.685-014 Shaker Tender (conc. prod.; mining & quarrying) 934.685- 0 18 Sampler (elec. equip.) 549.587-018 Custom-Feed-Mill Operator (grain & feed mill.) 529. 132- 010 Belt Picker (mining & quarrying) 939.687-010 Cone Operator (mining & quarrying) 934.685-010 Grizzly Worker (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 933.687-010 Sample Tester-Grinder (mining & quarrying) 519.585-018 Sandfill Operator (mining & quarrying) 939.485-010 Spiral Runner (mining & quarrying) 934.685-022 Washer-and-Crusher Tender (mining & quarrying) 939.685-014 Oil-Well-Service-Operator Helper (petrol. production) 939.684-018 Sample Washer (petrol. production) 939.687-030 Rock Breaker (ret. tr.; stonework) 770.687-034 Foot Worker (salt production) 934.687-010 Mill Attendant (salt production) 555.565-010 Wastewater-Treatment-Plant Attendant (sanitary ser.) 955,585-010 Rock Splitter (stonework) 771.684-010 Basin Operator (waterworks) 954.385-010 05.12.08 Lubricating Greaser (agric. equip.) 624.684-010 Garage Servicer, Industrial (any ind.) 9 15.687-014 Oiler (any ind.) 699.687-018 Lubrication Servicer (auto. ser.) 915.687-018 Greaser (firearms) 736.687-0 1 0 Loading-Shovel Oiler (mining & quarrying) 932.667-014 Pulley Maintainer (mining & quarrying) 630.687-010 Stripping-Shovel Oiler (mining & quarrying) 850.684-018 Marine Oiler (water trans.) 91 1.584-010 05.12.09 Masonry Patcher Helper (coke prod.) 861.687-014 Cement Sprayer Helper, Nozzle (conc. prod.; const.) 844.687-010 Bricklayer Helper, Firebrick and Refractory Tile (const.) 86 1.687-0 10 Hot-Top Liner (iron & steel) 709.684-046 Hot-Top-Liner Helper (iron & steel) 709.687-0 18 Tile Setter (mfa. blogs.) 861.684-018 05.12.10 Heating and Melting Burning-Plant Operator (ammunition) 509.685-018 Pitch Filler (any ind.) 619.687-0 18 Bonder, Automobile Brakes (auto. ser.) 620.685-010 Debrander (boot & shoe) 753.687-014 Kettle Tender (build. mat., n.e.c.) 869.685-010 Asphalt-Heater Tender (const.) 853.685-010 Blacksmith Helper (forging) 610.684-010 Heavy-Forger Helper (forging) 612.687-014 Utility Worker, Forge (forging) 612.684-010 Rivet Heater (heat treat.) 504.485-010 Heater Helper (iron & steel) 613.685-014 Caster Helper (jewelry) 700.687-022 Thermal-Surfacing-Machine (stonework) 679.685-0 18 Operator 05.12.11 Welding Machine Helper (welding) 819.666-010 Thermal Cutter, Hand (welding) II 816.684-010 Welder Helper (welding) 819.687-014 05.12.12 Structural Work Laborer, Airport Maintenance (air trans.) 899.687-014 Air-Conditioning Installer-Servicer Helper, Window Unit (any ind.) 637.687-010 Billposter (any ind.) 299.667-010 Decorator, Street and Building (any ind.) 899.687-010 Diver Helper (any ind.) 899.664-010 Fitter Helper (any ind.) 801.687-014 Furnace-Installer-and-Repairer Helper, Hot Air (any ind.) 869.687-030 Millwright Helper (any ind.) 638.484-010 Oil-Burner-Servicer-and-Installer Helper 862,687–022 Refrigeration-Mechanic Helper (any ind.) 637.687-014 Riveter Helper (any ind.) 800.687-010 Window Repairer (any ind.) 899.684-042 (any ind.) 131 05.12 Automobile-Body-Repairer Helper (auto. ser.) 807.687-010 Automobile-Bumper Straightener (auto. ser.) 807.684-010 Automobile-Seat-Cover Installer (auto. ser.) 915.687-010 Floor Service Worker, Spring (auto. ser.) 807.684-022 Painter Helper, Automotive (auto. ser.) 845.684-014 Spring-Repairer Helper, Hand (auto. ser.) 620.584-010 Tire Builder (auto. ser.) 750.684-022 Tire Recapper (auto. ser.) 750.685-014 Tire Vulcanizer (auto. ser.) 750.684-038 Boilermaker Helper (boilermaking) I 805.687-010 Boilermaker Helper (boilermaking) II 805.664-010 Air Purifier Servicer (bus. ser.) 389.687-010 Sewer-Pipe Cleaner (bus. ser.) 899.664-014 Awning-Hanger Helper (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.) 869.687-010 Cell Installer (chem.) 826.684-018 Utility Operator (chem.) II 709.684-094 Tank-Car Inspector (comp. & liquefied gases) 622.684-022 Concrete-Float Maker (conc. prod.) 869.687-022 Stull Installer (conc. prod.) 869.684-062 Bank Boss (const.) 851. 137-010 Carpenter-Labor Supervisor (const.) 860. 137-010 Composition-Weatherboard Applier (const.) 863.684-010 Elevator-Constructor Helper (const.) 825.664-010 Pipe-Fitter Helper (const.) 862.684-022 Cooper Helper (cooperage) 764.687-050 Leak Hunter (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 764.687-090 Ornamental-Metal-Worker Helper (fabric. n.e.c.) 619.484-010 metal prod., Highway-Maintenance Worker (gov. ser.) 899.684-014 Supervisor, Sewer Maintenance (gov. ser.) 851. 137-014 Laborer, Construction or Leak Gang (light, heat, & power) 862.684-014 Pole Framer (light, heat, & power; wood preserving) 959.684-010 Steel-Post Installer (light, heat, & power) 821.687-010 Supervisor, Right-of-Way Maintenance (light, heat, & power) 859. 133-010 Car-Repairer Helper (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.684- 0.14 Installer, Metal Flooring (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-070 Streetcar-Repairer Helper (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 807.687-014 Concrete-Building Assembler (mfa. blogs.) 869.664-010 Liner Replacer (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 801.664-0 10 Pipe Changer (mining & quarrying) 891.564-010 Screen Repairer, Crusher (mining & quarrying) 630.684- 030 Timber-Framer Helper (mining & quarrying) 869.687-042 Caser (petrol. production) 930.664-0 10 Tank-Setter Helper (petrol. production) 801.687-018 Supervisor, Pipe-Line Maintenance (pipe lines) 869. 134- 0 18 Drapery-Rod Assembler (ret. tr.) 706.484-010 Playground-Equipment Erector (ret. tr.) 801.684-018 Track Repairer (r.r. trans.) 910.682-010 Flatcar Whacker (sawmill) 807.667-010 Painter Helper, Shipyard (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 840.687-0 10 Pipe-Fitter Helper (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.684-018 Shipfitter Helper (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 806.687-050 Shipwright Helper (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.664-018 Bed Setter (stonework) 679.664-010 Reclamation Worker (whole. tr.) 62 l .684-014 05.12.13 Cutting and Finishing Key Cutter (any ind.) 709.684-050 Tire Buffer (auto. ser.) 690.685-422 Tire Groover (auto. ser.) 750.684-026 Tire-Regrooving-Machine Operator (auto. ser.) 690.662- 0 1 0 Tool Filer (pottery & porc.) 701.684-030 Splitter Operator (stonework) 677.685-042 05.12.14 Painting, Caulking, and Coating Metal Sprayer, Corrosion Prevention (any ind.) 843.482- 010 Steel-Plate Calker (any ind.) 843.684-010 Stove Refinisher (any ind.) 749.684-046 Undercoater (auto. ser.) 843.684-014 Billposter (bus. ser.) 841.684-010 Supervisor, Billposting (bus. ser.) 841. 137-010 132 05.12 Rug-Dyer Helper (clean., dye., & press.) 364.687-014 Sprayer, Leather (clean., dye., & press.) 364.684-018 Asphalt-Distributor Tender (const.) 853.665-010 Lane-Marker Installer (const.) 859.684-010 Roofer Applicator (const.) 866.684-010 Bondactor-Machine Operator (found.) 899.684-010 Blower Insulator (loco. & car blog. & rep.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 863.664-010 Rock-Dust Sprayer (mining & quarrying) 939.687-026 Film Laboratory Technician (motion pic.) II 976.685-018 Shoe Dyer (per. ser.) 364.684-014 Stager (print. & pub.) 971.684-014 Wood Calker (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 843.384-010 05.12.15 Mechanical Work Fun-House Operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.665-010 Supervisor, Ride Assembly (amuse. & rec.) 801.131-018 Ticket-Dispenser Changer (amuse. & rec.) 349.680-010 Belt Repairer (any ind.) 630.684-014 Cigarette-Lighter Repairer (any ind.) 709.684-034 Diesel-Mechanic Helper (any ind.) 625.684-010 Elevator-Repairer Helper (any ind.) 825.684-014 Gas-Appliance-Servicer Helper (any ind.) 637.684-010 Instrument-Repairer Helper (any ind.) 710.384-018 Maintenance-Mechanic Helper (any ind.) 638.684-018 Meter-Repairer Helper (any ind.) 710.684-034 Pen-and-Pencil Repairer (any ind.) 733.684-014 Pinsetter-Mechanic Helper (any ind.) 829.667-014 Pump-Servicer Helper (any ind.) 630.684-022 Roller-Skate Repairer (any ind.) 732.684-102 Sewing-Machine-Repairer Helper (any ind.) 639.684-010 Spray-Gun-Repairer Helper (any ind.) 630.684-034 Wheel-and-Caster Repairer (any ind.) 630.684-038 Automobile-Mechanic Helper (auto. ser.) 620.684-014 Brake Adjuster (auto. ser.) 620.684-018 Squeak, Rattle, and Leak Repairer (auto. ser.) 620.364- 0 1 0 Tire Repairer (auto. ser.) 915.684-010 Tractor-Mechanic Helper (auto. ser.) 620.684-030 Service-Mechanic Helper, Compressed-Gas Equipment (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.664-018 Construction-Equipment-Mechanic Helper (const.) 620.664-010 Motorboat-Mechanic Helper (engine & turbine; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 623.684-010 Utility Worker, Merchant Mill (iron & steel) 801.664-014 Gas-Meter-Installer Helper (light, heat, & power) 953.687- 0 1 0 Powerhouse-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) 631.684-010 Repairer Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.664-010 Salvager Helper (petrol. refin.) 709.687-034 Toy Assembler (ret. tr.) 731.684-018 Curing-Press Maintainer (rubber tire & tube) 629,684-010 Machinist Helper, Outside (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.687-010 Overhauler Helper (textile) 628.664-010 Automobile Wrecker (whole. tr.) 620.684-010 05.12.16 Electrical Work Lighting-Equipment Operator (amuse. & rec.) 962.381-014 Antenna Installer (any ind.) 823.684-010 Armature-Winder Helper, Repair (any ind.) 721.684-010 Electrical-Appliance Preparer (any ind.) 827.584-010 Electrician Helper (any ind.) 829.684-022 Electrician Helper, Automotive (auto. ser.) 825.684-010 Cable Puller (const.; light, heat, & power) 829.684-018 Cable-Splicer Helper (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 829.667-010 Test-Department Helper (elec. equip.) 729.664-010 Ordnance-Artificer Helper (gov. ser.) 632.684-010 Helper, Electrical (light, heat, & power) 821,667-010 Laboratory Helper (light, heat, & power) 821.564-010 Street-Light-Repairer Helper (light, heat, & power) 729.684-050 - Street-Light-Servicer Helper (light, heat, & power) 824.664-0 10 Wirer, Street Light (light, heat, & power) 821.684-018 Signal Maintainer Helper (r.r. trans.) 822.684-018 Electrician Helper (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 829.684-026 05.12.17 Food Preparation Baker Helper (hotel & rest.) 3 13.684-010 Coffee Maker (hotel & rest.) 3.17.684-010 Cook Helper (hotel & rest.) 3.17.687-010 Cook Helper, Pastry (hotel & rest.) 313.687-010 Food Assembler, Kitchen (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 3.19.484-010 Kitchen Steward/Stewardess (hotel & rest.) 318. 1 37-010 Sandwich Maker (hotel & rest.) 3.17.684-018 Steward/Stewardess (hotel & rest.) 310. 137-018 Deli Cutter-Slicer (ret. tr.) 3 16.684-014 Steward/Stewardess, Chief, Passenger Ship (water trans.) 350. 1 37-0 18 05.12.18 Cleaning and Maintenance Tank Processor (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 891.687-026 Supervisor, Aircraft Cleaning (air trans.) 891. 137-014 Attendant, Campground (amuse. & rec.) 329.683-010 Circus Laborer (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-010 Golf-Range Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 341.683-010 Ice Maker, Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-014 05.12 Car Cooper (any ind.) 910.687-014 Change-House Attendant (any ind.) 358.687-010 Chimney Sweep (any ind.) 891.687-010 Cleaner (any ind.) II 919.687-014 Cleaner (any ind.) III 91 1.687-014 Cleaner, Commercial or Institutional (any ind.) 381.687- 014 Cleaner, Housekeeping (any ind.) 323.687-014 Cleaner, Industrial (any ind.) 381.687-018 Cleaner, Laboratory Equipment (any ind.) 381.687-022 Cleaner, Wall (any ind.) 381.687-026 Cleaner, Window (any ind.) 389.687-014 Furnace Cleaner (any ind.) 891.687-014 Janitor (any ind.) 382.664-010 Laundry Worker (any ind.) I 361.684-014 Light-Fixture Servicer (any ind.) 389.687-018 Sandblaster (any ind.) 503.687-010 Sandblast-or-Shotblast-Equipment 503.685-042 Supervisor, Janitorial Services (any ind.) 381.137-010 Supervisor, Labor Gang (any ind.) 899. 133-010 Sweeper-Cleaner, Industrial (any ind.) 389.683-010 Tank Cleaner (any ind.) 891.687-022 Tube Cleaner (any ind.) 891.687-030 Venetian-Blind Cleaner and Repairer (any ind.) 739.687– 198 Waxer, Floor (any ind.) 381.687-034 Tender (any ind.) Car-Wash Supervisor (auto. ser.) 915. 137-010 Steam Cleaner (auto. ser.) 9 15.687-026 Supervisor, Maintenance (chem.) 382. 137-010 Supervisor, Rug Cleaning (clean., dye., & press.) 369.137- 014 - Pipe Buffer (const.) 705.684-054 Butler, Second (dom. ser.) 309.674-0 10 Caretaker (dom. ser.) 301.687-0 1 0 Day Worker (dom. ser.) 301.687-014 House Worker, General (dom. ser.) 301.474-010 Ironer (dom. ser.) 302.687-010 Laundry Worker, Domestic (dom. ser.) 302.685-010 Snow Shoveler (gov. ser.) 955.687-014 Street Cleaner (gov. ser.) 955.687-0 18 Bartender Helper (hotel & rest.) 312.687-010 Housecleaner (hotel & rest.) 323.687-0 18 Housekeeper (hotel & rest.; medical ser.; real estate) 321. 1 37-010 Inspector (hotel & rest.) 321. 137-014 Kitchen Helper (hotel & rest.) 3.18.687-010 Silver Wrapper (hotel & rest.) 3 18.687-0 18 Supervisor, Housecleaner (hotel & rest.) 323. 137-010 Hydroelectric-Piant Maintainer 952.687-0 1 0 Salvager (light, heat, & power) 729.687-030 Street-Light Cleaner (light, heat, & power) 952.667-010 (light, heat, & power) Car Scrubber (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 845.684-010 Cleaner (mfü. blags.) 869.687-0 18 Central-Supply Worker (medical ser.) 381.687-010 Cleaner, Hospital (medical ser.) 323.687-010 Supervisor, Central Supply (medical ser.) 079.164-010 Latrine Cleaner (mining & quarrying) 939.687-022 Laborer, General (motor trans.) 909.687-014 Taxi Servicer (motor trans.) 9 15.687-030 Sexton (nonprofit organ.) 389.667-010 Supervisor, Mºntenance (petrol. refin.) 899. 137-018 Print-shop Helper (print & pub.) 979.684-026 Porter, Used-Car Lot (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 9 15.687–022 Car-Cleaning Supervisor (r.r. trans.) 9 10.137-014 Freight-Car Cleaner, Delta System (r. r. trans.) 910.687-022 Track Oiler (r. r. trans.) 9 10.687–026 Sewage-Disposal Worker (sanitary ser.) 955.687-010 Dock Hand (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 891.684-010 Dock Supervisor (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 891. 131-010 Supervisor, Sandblaster (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 503. 1 37-010 Cleaner, Signs (signs) 739.687-062 Boatswain (water trans.) 91 1.131-0 10 - Ordinary Seaman (water trans.) 91 1.687-030 Sailor, Pleasure Craft (water trans.) 91 1.664-014 Scullion (water trans.) 318.687-014 Steward/ stewardess, bath (water trans.) 350.677-018 Steward/Stewardess, Third (water trans.) 350. 137-026 Supervisor, Tank Cleaning (water trans.) 891. 137-018 Water-Filter Cleaner (waterworks) 954.587-010 05.12.19 Reproduction Services Book Repairer (any ind.) 977.684-010 Photostat-Operator Helper (any ind.) 979.687-014 Addressing-Machine Operator (clerical) 208.582-010 Auxiliary-Equipment Operator, Data Processing (clerical) 213.685-010 Bursting-Machine Tender (clerical) 217.685-010 Coin Wrapper (clerical) 217.686-010 Collator Operator (clerical) 208.685-010 Duplicating-Machine Operator (clerical) II 207.682-014 Folding-Machine Operator (clerical) 208.685-014 Inserting-Machine Operator (clerical) 208.685-018 Microfilm Mounter (clerical) 208.685-022 Photocopying-Machine Operator (clerical) 207.685-014 Photographic-Machine Operator (clerical) 207.685-018 Sealing-and-Canceling-Machine Operator (clerical) 208.685-026 Sorting-Machine Operator (clerical) 208.685-030 Coin-Machine Operator (finan. inst.) 217.585-010 Currency Sorter (finan, inst.) 217.485-010 . Tooth Clerk (medical ser.) 222.687-038 Braille-Duplicating-Machine 207. 685-0 1 0 Cylinder-Press Feeder (print. & pub.) 651.686-010 Operator (print. & pub.) 134 05. 12 Paper Stripper (print. & pub.; wallpaper) 922.687-078 05.12.20 Signalling Photolettering-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 652.585- Crossing Tender (any ind.) 371.667-010 010 Flagger (const.) 372.667–022 Wing-Mailer-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 208.685- gger ( ) 034 Locomotive Operator Helper (r.r. trans.) 910.367–022 Industrial An interest in repetitive, concrete, organized activities in a factory setting. You can satisfy this interest by Working in one of many industries that manufacture goods on a mass production basis. You may enjoy manual Work-- using your hands or handtools. Perhaps you prefer to operate or take care of machines. You may like to inspect, Sort, Count, Or Weigh products. Using your training and experience to set up machines or supervise other Workers may appeal to you. 136 Industrial 06.01 Production Technology 06.02 Production Work 06.03 Quality Control 06.04 Elemental Work: Industrial 137 Workers in this group use their skill and knowledge of machines and processes to perform one or more demand- ing or complex activities. Some set up machines for others to operate or set up and perform a variety of machine operations on their own. Some do precision handwork; some supervise or instruct others in the processes to be carried out, and the techniques to be used. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example you might —set up a textile weaving loom to produce specified patterns in cloth. —use precision measuring devices to inspect watch parts to determine defects in the production process. —set up a group of production machines and check them to insure they are operating correctly. —supervise salvage operations in a factory. —assemble precision optical instruments. —inspect electronic systems by following blueprints and diagrams. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —read and understand blueprints and diagrams in order to set up and adjust machines and equip- ment. —use eyes, hands, and fingers to do precision as- sembly work or to operate precision instruments. —use math skills to plan schedules and keep produc- tion records. —detect small differences in shape, size, and texture of products. —explain how to operate a machine to other wor- kers. —direct and organize the work of others. —inspect electronic systems by following blueprints and diagrams. —pay strict attention to set standards and guidelines. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken industrial arts or machine shop courses? Do you like to set up machines according to written standards? —Have you taken general or applied mathematics courses? Do you like projects which use math skills such as measuring? —Have you assembled a bicycle or toy by following drawings or written instructions? Did you have a fairly easy time doing it? Production Technology 06.0% —-4 use of machines, —Have you held a summer or part-time job where mechanical equipment was used? Do you enjoy working in this type of surroundings? —Have you been in charge of a group project? Do you like to assume the responsibility for getting a project completed? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Many of the jobs in this group require shop courses. Some may require math classes. Some jobs have formal apprentice- ship programs. Others require on-the-job training. Supervisory positions are usually filled by promoting workers with seniority and skill. Other jobs, such as in- specting, may be advancement positions for machine operators. | | | | 138 06.01 What else should you consider about these jobs? ditions. Most plants are well-lighted and ventilated. How- ever, working around machinery may be hazardous or noisy, and safety procedures must be followed. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Overtime or night and shift work may be required on some jobs. Some workers are paid hourly wages. Other workers are paid according to the number of pieces they produce. Workers are exposed to different types of factory con- 139 06.01 Production Technology 06.01.01 Supervision and Instruction Supervisor, Inspection (agric. equip.) 801. 137-014 Instructor, Rocket-Motor Case Assembly (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 806.227-010 Supervisor, Inspection (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 183.161- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Production Department (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.131-018 Inspection Supervisor (ammunition) 737. 134-010 Inspector, Chief (ammunition) 737.137-010 Powder-and-Primer-Canning Leader (ammunition) 737. 137-014 Tracer-Bullet-Section Supervisor (ammunition) 694.131- 010 General Supervisor (any ind.) 183.16.7-018 Supervisor, Shearing (any ind.) 615. 132-010 Supervisor, Upholstery Department (any ind.) 780. 131-014 Supervisor, Vacuum Metalizing (any ind.) 505. 130-014 Supervisor (asbestos prod.) 579. 132-010 Weaving Supervisor (asbestos prod.; textile) 683. 130-022 Bakery Supervisor (bake. prod.) 526. 131-010 Supervisor, Egg Processing (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529. 1 37-042 Catalyst Operator, Chief (chem.) 559.132-018 Dispatcher, Radioactive-Waste-Disposal (chem.) 955. 16.7- 0 1 0 Head Operator, Sulfide (chem.) 559. 132-026 Inspection Supervisor (chem.; nonfer. metal alloys) 709. 1 37-010 Production Supervisor, Anhydrous Ammonia (chem.) 559. 132-046 Supervisor (chem.) 550. 132-010 Supervisor, Compounding-and-Finishing (chem.) 550.137- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Dehydrogenation (chem.; petrol. refin.) 559, 1 32-078 Supervisor, Phosphatic Fertilizer (chem.) 558. 130-0 10 Supervisor, Power-Reactor (chem.) 509. 130-014 Supervisor, Sulfuric-Acid Plant (chem.) 558. 132-018 Supervisor, Chocolate-and-Cocoa Processing (choc. & cocoa) 529. 130-014 Supervisor, Automatic Machines (clock & watch) 609. 130- 022 Supervisor, Inspection (clock & watch) 715. 131-022 Watch Manufacturing Supervisor (clock & watch) 609. 130-026 Supervisor (coal tar prod.) 559. 132-054 Supervisor, Tar Distillation (coal tar prod.) 542. 130-014 Fabric-Coating Supervisor (coated fabrics; felt goods) 589. 130-014 Supervisor, Coin-Machine (coin mach.) 706. 130-010 Supervisor, Mold Construction (conc. prod.) 860. 131-026 Plant Supervisor (corn prod.) 529.132-014 Superintendent, Grain Elevator (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 529.137-022 Supervisor, Sugar Refinery (corn prod.) 529. 132-094 Chemical-Processing Supervisor (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559. 130-0 10 Pharmaceutical-Compounding Supervisor (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.131-010 Inspector, Chief (elec. equip.) 729.131-010 Machining-and-Assembly Supervisor (elec. equip.) 619. 131-0 10 Supervisor, Casting-and-Pasting (elec. equip.) 502. 130-010 Supervisor, Electrical Assembly (elec. equip.) 729. 130-010 Supervisor, Electronic Coils (elec. equip.; electronics) 724. 130-0 10 Supervisor, Electronics (electronics) 726. 130-010 Supervisor, Electronics Processing (electronics) 590. 130- 0 1 0 Engine-Testing Supervisor (engine & turbine) 625.131-010 Supervisor, Engine Assembly (engine & turbine) 806. 130- 0 1 0 Nitroglycerin Supervisor (explosives) 559.132-038 Supervisor (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 556. 130- 0 1 0 Inspection Supervisor (firearms) 736.131-0 18 Cook, Mexican Food (food prep., n.e.c.) 526. 134-010 Forge-Shop Supervisor (forging) 612. 131-010 Foundry Supervisor (found.) 519.131-010 Permanent-Mold Supervisor (found.; nonfer. metal alloys) 5 14. 130-0 10 Supervisor, Die Casting (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51.4.130-014 Supervisor, Fur Dressing (fur dressing) 589. 130-022 Supervisor, Mold Making (glass mfg.) 609. 131-014 Supervisor, Feed Mill (grain & feed mill.) 529. 132-054 Heat-Treat Supervisor (heat treat.) 504.131-010 Supervisor, Special Assemblies (inst. & app.) 710. 131-038 Supervisor, Thermostatic Controls (inst. & app.) 710. 131- 042 Supervisor (insulated wire) 691. 130-010 Supervisor, Finishing-and-Shipping (iron & steel) 619. 132- 0.26 Supervisor, Pipe Finishing (iron & steel) 619. 130-038 Supervisor, Structural Rolling-and-Finishing (iron & steel) 61 3. 130-0 18 Supervisor, Knitting (knit goods) 685. 130-010 140 06.01 Shear Setter (any ind.) 615.380-010 Card Grinder (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.380-010 Loom Fixer (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; 683.260-0 18 textile) Scale Assembly Set-Up Worker (bal. & scales) 7 10.360- 010 Brush-Machine Setter (brush & broom) 692.360-014 * Kick Press Setter (button) 617.380-0 1 0 Machine Setter (button) 690.380-010 Preform-Machine Operator (button) 556.380-014 Carpet-Loom Fixer (carpet & rug) 683.260-014 Machine Setter (clock & watch) 600.380-022 Set-Up Worker (clock & watch) 715.660-010 Rope-Machine Setter (cord. & twine) 681.380-010 Assembly-Machine-Set-Up Mechanic 692.360-010 Extrusion-Press Adjuster (elec. equip.) 614.380-010 Firesetter (elec. equip.; electronics) 692.360-018 Set-Up Mechanic, Coil-Winding Machines (elec. equip.) 724, 360-010 (elec. equip.) Job Setter (electronics) 616.380-014 Knife Setter (exceision) 663.380-010 Job Setter (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mſg.; mach. shop) 600.380-014 Mold Setter (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph) 556.380- 010 Needle-Loom Setter (felt goods) 689.360-010 Checkering-Machine Adjuster (firearms) 669.360-010 Filling-Machine Set-Up Mechanic (food prep., n.e.c.) 920.680-0 10 Die Setter (forging) 612.360-010 Die-Casting-Machine Setter (found.) 514.360-010 Setter, Molding-and-Coremaking Machines (found.) 5 18.380–010 Decorating-Equipment Setter (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 652.380-010 Forming-Machine Upkeep Mechanic (glass mfg.) 575.380- 0 1 0 Glass-Bulb-Machine Adjuster (glass mfg.) 575.360-010 Flame-Annealing-Machine Setter (heat treat.) 504.360-010 Flame-Hardening-Machine Setter (heat treat.) 504.380-010 Induction-Machine Setter (heat treat.) 504.380-014 Fixer, Boarding Room (hosiery) 580.380-010 Knitting-Machine Fixer (hosiery; knit goods) 689.280-014 Knitting-Machine Fixer, Head (hosiery; knit goods) 689. 130-0 18 Quilter Fixer (house furn.) 689.260-014 Guide Setter (iron & steel) 6 13.36 1–010 Press Setter (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 617.480- 014 Roll-Tube Setter (iron & steel) 613.360-014 Knitter Mechanic (knit goods) 685.360-010 Grinder Machine Setter (mach. shop) 603.380-0 || 0 Job Setter, Honing (mach. shop) 603.280-034 Job Setter, Spline-Rolling Machine (mach. shop) 617.480- 0 1 0 Threading-Machine Setter (mach. shop) 609.380-014 Crusher Setter (mining & quarrying) 933.664-010 Edging-Machine Setter (mirror) 673.680-010 Nail-Making-Machine Setter (nail) 616.460-010 Braid-Pattern Setter (narrow fabrics) 683.260-010 Heddles Tier, Jacquard Loom (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.680-0 14 Sizer, Machine (optical goods) 716.360-010 Envelope-Folding-Machine Adjuster goods) 64 1.680-0 1 0 Ç Machine Set-Up Operator, Paper Goods (paper goods) 649.380-0 || 0 Panel-Machine Setter (paper goods) 640.360-010 (paper Carbon-Paper-Coating-Machine Setter pencil) 534.380-0 || 0 Set-Up Mechanic (pen & pencil) 692.380-010 Set-Up Mechanic, Automatic Line (pen & pencil) 692.380- 014 (pen & Print Controller (photofinish.) 976.360-010 Casing-in-Line Setter (print. & pub.) 653.360-010 Folding-Machine Setter (print. & pub.) 653.360-014 Gathering-Machine Setter (print. & pub.) 653.360-018 Perfect-Binder Setter (print. & pub.) 653.380-010 Plate Setter, Flexographic Press (print. & pub.) 659.381- 0 1 0 Stitching-Machine Setter (print. & pub.) 653.680-010 Spring Coiling Machine Setter (spring) 616.260-018 Torsion Spring Coiling Machine Setter (spring) 61 6.260- 022 Knife Setter (sugar) 638.684-014 Box Tender (synthetic fibers) 689.280-010 Bonding-Machine Setter (textile) 589.360-010 Cutting-Machine Fixer (textile) 585.380-010 Drop-Wire Builder (textile) 689.687-034 Harness Builder (textile) 683.380-010 Harness Placer (textile) 683.680-010 Loom Changer (textile) 683.360-010 Loom Starter (textile) 683.360-014 Machine Fixer (textile) 689.260-010 Section Leader and Machine Setter (textile) 689.260-0 18 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Polishing (textile) 689,260-022 Section Leader, Screen Printing (textile) 652.260-010 Swatch Checker (textile) 683.260-022 141 06.01 Supervisor, Last-Model Department (lasts & rel. forms) 76.1. 131-0 1 0 Salvage Engineer (mach. mfg.) 600. 131-014 Inspection Supervisor (mach. shop) 609. 131-010 Laboratory Supervisor (mach. shop) 706. 131-010 Machine-Shop Supervisor, Production (mach. 609. 130-010 shop) Supervisor, Malt House (malt liquors) 522. 132-010 Supervisor, Preparation Plant 549. 1 37-014 (mining & quarrying) Supervisor, Film Processing (motion pic.; photofinish.; radio & tv broad.) 976. 131-014 Supervisor, Inspection and Testing (motor. & bicycles) 806. 1 31-026 Spikemaking Supervisor (nail) 612. 130-010 Loom-Fixer Supervisor (narrow fabrics) 683. 130-014 Testing and Analysis Department Supervisor (nut process.) 523.131-010 Electronic-Computer-Subassembly (office mach.) 726. 131-010 Supervisor Supervisor (oils & fats) 529.137-030 Supervisor (optical goods) 716. 130-010 Automotive-Tire-Testing Supervisor (ordnance) 736. 131- 010 Supervisor, Lead Refinery (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-0 18 Supervisor, Pumping (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 914. 131- 010 Supervisor, Uranium Processing (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-030 Salvage Supervisor (paint & varn.) 559.137-010 Supervisor, Paint (paint & varn.) 559. 132-114 Supervisor, Pulp Plant (paper & pulp) 539. 132-014 Supervisor, Cutting Department (pen & pencil) 669. 130- 0.14 Supervisor, Plating and Point Assembly (pen & pencil) 733. 130-010 Supervisor, Natural-Gas-Field Processing (petrol. produc- tion; pipe lines) 549. 131-010 Supervisor, Purification (petrol. refin.) 549. 132-030 Supervisor, Specialty Plant (petrol. refin.) 549. 137-018 Supervisor, Tower (petrol. refin.) 549. 130-010 Supervisor, Treating and Pumping (petrol. refin.) 549. 132- O34 Supervisor (pipe & boiler cov.) II 692. 130-022 Finishing-Area Supervisor (plastics mat.) 559. 132-022 Process-Area Supervisor (plastics mat.) 559. 132-042 Supervisor, Chemical (plastics mat.) 558. 132-010 Supervisor (plumb. supplies) 609. 130-018 Supervisor, Clay Shop (pottery & porc.) 774. 130-010 Supervisor, Mold Shop (pottery & porc.) 777. 131-010 Supervisor, Refining (salt production) 559. 132-126 Supervisor, Sawmill (sawmill) 669. 130-026 Supervisor, Aluminum Boat Assembly (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.131-010 Utility Supervisor, Boat and Plant (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 899.131-022 Supervisor (silverware) 700. 130-010 Supervisor, Toilet-and-Laundry Soap (soap) 559. 132-130 Supervisor, Melt House (sugar) 522. 130-010 Supervisor, Refining (sugar) 529. 130-034 Cloth-Grader Supervisor (textile) 689. 134-010 Supervisor, Corduroy Cutting (textile) 585. 130-010 Supervisor, Roving Department (textile) 689. 130-026 Supervisor, Spinning (textile) 682. 130-010 Supervisor, Winding and Twisting Department (textile) 681. 130-0 || 4 Supervisor, Toy Parts Former (toys & games) 692. 130-034 Supervisor, Fence Manufacture (wirework) 617. 130-014 06.01.02 Machine Set-Up Machine Setter (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.260-010 Embossing Toolsetter (ammunition) 616.260-010 Gage-and-Weigh-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 632.360- 0 1 0 Inspecting-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 632.380-010 Loading-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 632.360-014 Loading-Machine Tool-Setter (ammunition) 694.260-010 Loading-Unit Tool-Setter (ammunition) 632.380-014 Primer-Charging Tool Setter (ammunition) 694.360-010 Primer-Inserting-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 632.360- 0 18 Primer-Waterproofing-Machine 632.380-0 18 Rim-Fire-Priming Tool Setter (ammunition) 632.380-022 Shotgun-Shell-Assembly-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 61 6.360-030 Straight-Line-Press Setter (ammunition) 616.360-034 Swaging-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 617.360-014 Trim-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 609.280-010 Varnishing-Unit Tool Setter (ammunition) 632.380-026 Wad-Blanking-Press Adjuster (ammunition) 690.360-010 Adjuster (ammunition) Buffing-Line Set-Up Worker (any ind.) 603.360-010 Four-Slide-Machine Setter (any ind.) 6 16.380-010 Machine Setter (any ind.) 616.360-022 Multi-Operation-Forming-Machine Setter (any ind.) 61 6.260-014 Punch-Press Setter (any ind.) 619.380-014 Roll-Forming-Machine Set-Up Mechanic (any ind.) 6 13.360-0 1 0 Setter, Automatic-Spinning Lathe (any ind.) 604.360-010 142 06.01 Body-Maker-Machine Setter (tinvare) 616.360-010 Slitter Service and Setter (tinvare) 615.280–010 Emblem Drawer-in (trim. & embroid.) 689.380–010 Screen-Printing-Equipment Setter (wallpaper) 979.360-010 Brazing-Machine Setter (welding) 8 13.360-010 Setter, Induction-Heating Equipment (welding) 8 13.360- 0.14 Welder Setter, Electron-Beam Machine (welding) 815.380- 010 Welder Setter, Resistance Machine (welding) 8 12.360-010 Loom Setter, Wire Weaving (wirework) 616.360-014 Machine Setter (woodworking) 669.280-010 06.01.03 Machine Set-Up and Operation Drivennatic-Machine Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 619.360-0 1 0 High-Energy-Forming Worker 619.380-010 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Machine Operator (any ind.) I 616.360-018 Metal Sprayer, Machined Parts (any ind.) 505.380-010 Multi-Operation-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 61 6.360-026 Multi-Operation-Machine Operator (any ind.) 612.462-010 Board-Machine Set-Up Operator (build. board) 579.380- 0 1 0 Chemical Operator (chem.) III 559.382-018 Chief Operator (chem.) 558.260-010 Cocoa-Bean Roaster (choc. & cocoa.) II 523.380-010 Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Swiss-Type (clock & watch) 604.260-010 Spring-Manufacturing Set-Up Technician (clock & watch) 619.280-0 18 Machine Set-Up Operator (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop) 600.380-018 (electronics) Exhaust Equipment Set-Up Mechanic 599.380-0 1 0 Turbine-Blade Assembler (engine & turbine) 600.380-026 Rolling Attendant (iron & steel) 613.662-010 Tin Roller, Hot Mill (iron & steel) 613.360-018 Link-and-Link-Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.380-010 Boring-Machine Set-Up Operator, Jig (mach. shop) 606. 280–01 O Boring-Mill Set-Up Operator, Horizontal (mach. shop) 606.280–014 Chucking-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 604.380- 0 1 0 - Chucking-Machine Set-Up Operator, Multiple Spindle, Ver- tical (mach. shop) 604.380-014 Drill-Press Set-Up Operator, Multiple Spindle (mach. shop) 606.380-0 1 0 Drill-Press Set-Up Operator, Radial (mach. shop) 606.380- 0.14 Drill-Press Set-Up Operator, Radial, Tool (mach. shop) 606.380-0 18 Electrical-Discharge-Machine shop) 609.380-010 Engine-Lathe Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 604.380-018 Set-Up Operator (mach. Engine-Lathe Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 604.280–010 Gear-Cutting-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 602.380-0 1 0 Gear-Cutting-Machine Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 602.280–010 Gear-Shaver Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 602.382-030 Grinder Operator, External, Tool (mach. shop) 603.280- 0 1 0 Grinder Operator, Surface, Tool (mach. shop) 603.280-014 Grinder Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 603.280-018 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Gear, Tool (mach. 602.360-0 || 0 . Grinder Set-Up Operator, Internal (mach. shop) I 603.280- 022 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Jig (mach. shop) 603.280-026 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Thread Tool (mach. shop) 603.240–010 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Universal (mach. shop) 603.280- 030 _* Lathe Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) 604.362- 0 1 0 Milling-Machine Operator, shop) 605.380-010 Milling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) I 605.280- 0 1 0 Profiling-Machine Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 605.280-0 18 Router Set-Up Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) 605.360-0 1 0 Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Multiple Spindle (mach. shop) 604.280-014 Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Production (mach. shop) 604.380-022 Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Single Spindle (mach. shop) 604.280-018 Tool-Grinder Operator (mach. shop) 603.280-038 Turret-Lathe Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 604.380-026 Turret-Lathe Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 604.280- 022 shop) Numerical Control (mach. Needlemaker (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 619.280-010 Rolling-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.462-018 Refinery Operator (petrol. refin.) 549.260-010 Printer (print. & pub.) II 651.380-010 Rubber-Goods Cutter-Finisher (rubber goods) 690.680-010 Spring Maker (spring) 616.280-010 06.01.04 Precision Hand Work Aircraft Mechanic, Armament (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.38 1-0 1 0 Aircraft Mechanic, mfg.) 806.381-014 Aircraft Mechanic, Rigging aerospace mfg.) 806.381-018 Heat and Vent (aircraft-aerospace and Controls (aircraft- 143 06.01 Airplane Coverer 849.381-010 Airplane Woodworker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 769.281- 010 * Assembler, Aircraft, Structures and Surfaces (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 806.381-026 Assembler, Electro-Mechanical (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-030 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) Dynamic-Etching Processor (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 704.381-014 Mechanic, Aircraft Rigging and Controls (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 806.281-038 Plastics Bench Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-018 Precision Assembler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics) 828.381-014 Skin Fitter (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 806.381-054 Case-Finishing-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 626.381- 0 1 0 Foiling-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 629.381-010 Assembler and Tester, Electronics (bal. & scales) 7 10.281- 010 Cook, Kettle (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup) 526.381 -026 Canvas Worker (canvas goods; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 739.381-010 Canvas-Worker Apprentice (canvas goods; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 739.381-014 Machine Fixer (carpet & rug) 628.281-010 Atomic-Fuel Assembler (chem.) 709.381-010 Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-010 Assembler, Watch Train (clock & watch) 715.381-014 Balance Truer (clock & watch) 715.684-018 Banking Pin Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.381-018 Barrel Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-022 Barrel-Bridge Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-026 Barrel-Endshake Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.381-030 Blocker and Polisher, Gold Wheel (clock & watch) 715.38 1-034 Chronometer Assembler and Adjuster (clock & w 715.381-038 Chronometer-Balance-and-Hairspring Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-042 Dial Maker (clock & watch) 715.381-046 Hairspring Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.684-102 Hairspring Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-054 Hairspring Truer (clock & watch) 715.38 1-058 Hairspring Vibrator (clock & watch) 715.381-062 Inspector, Watch Parts (clock & watch) 715.384-022 Jewel-Bearing Driller (clock & watch) 770.682-014 Jewel-Bearing Maker (clock & watch) 770.381-030 Jewel Blocker and Sawyer (clock & watch) 770.381-026 Location-and-Measurement Technician (clock & watch) 715.38 1-078 - Oliving-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 770.381-034 Pallet-Stone Positioner (clock & watch) 715.38 1-086 Screw head Polisher (clock & watch) 715.381-090 Supervisor (clock & watch) 715.131-010 Supervisor, Hairspring Fabrication (clock & watch) 715.131-0 18 Supervisor, Mainspring Fabrication (clock & watch) 715.131-026 Transferrer (clock & watch) 715.684-190 Truer, Pinion and Wheel (clock & watch) 715.684-194 Watch Assembler (clock & watch) 715.381-094 Watch Repairer (clock & watch) 715.281-010 z Watch Repairer Apprentice (clock & watch) 715.281-014 Almond-Paste Mixer (confection.) 529.361-010 Trawl Net Maker (cord. & twine) 789.381-018 Gasket Supervisor (cork prod.) 569. 130-010 Cheese Blender (dairy prod.) 520.487-010 Cheesemaker (dairy prod.) 529.361-018 Cosmetics Supervisor (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 550. 131- 010 Assembler and Wirer, Industrial Equipment (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.) 826.361-010 Electric-Motor-and-Generator 820.361-014 Electric-Motor-Control Assembler (elec. equip.) 721.381- 0.14 Governor Assembler, Hydraulic (elec. equip.) 721.381-018 Transformer Assembler (elec. equip.) 820.381-014 Assembler (elec. equip.) Tube Assembler, Electron (electronics) 725.384-010 Engine Repairer, Production (engine & turbine) 625.381- 010 Internal Carver (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-010 Filer, Finish (firearms) 705.481-010 Gun Synchronizer (firearms) 632.381-010 Honey Grader-and-Blender (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.361- 010 Coremaker (found.) 518.381-014 Coremaker Apprentice (found.) 518.381-018 Molder (found.) 518.361-010 Molder Apprentice (found.) 518.361-014 Molder, Sweep (found.) 518.361-018 Flesher (fur dressing) 585.681-010 Fur Dresser (fur dressing) 589.361-010 Operating-Table Assembler (furn.) 706.381-026 Forming-Machine Adjuster (glass mfg.) 629.281-026 Glass Blower (glass mfg.) 772.681-010 Ware Finisher (glass mfg.) 772.381-018 Goldbeater (gold leaf & foil) 700.381-018 Mannequin Wig Maker (hairwork) 739.381-042 Assembler (inst. & app.) 710.681-010 Calibrator (inst. & app.) I 710,681-014 Electronic-Sensing-Equipment Assembler (inst. 722.68 1-0 1 0 Hydrometer Calibrator (inst. & app.) 710.381-030 Instrument Mechanic (inst. & app.) 710.381-042 & app.) 144 06.01 06.01.05 Bench Hand (jewelry) 735.381-010 Chain Maker, Hand (jewelry) 700.381-010 Locket Maker (jewelry) 700.381-030 Mold Maker (jewelry) II 777.381-022 Ring Maker (jewelry) 700.381-042 Solderer (jewelry) 700.381-050 Last-Model Maker (lasts & rel. forms) 76 1.38 1-0 18 Machine-Assembler Supervisor (mach. mfg.) 638.131-014 Reed Maker (mach. mſg.) 709.381-038 Plastic Tool Maker (mach. shop) 601.381-026 Diamond-Die Polisher (mach. tool & access.) 770.381-022 Diamond Driller (mach. tool & access.) 770.381-018 Mannequin-Mold Maker (model & pattern) 739.381-046 Fretted-Instrument Inspector (musical inst.) 730.684-034 Piano Regulator-Inspector (musical inst.) 730.681-010 Piston Maker (musical inst.) 730.681-014 Trombone-Slide Assembler (musical inst.) 730.38 1-054 Assembly Technician (office mach.) 633.261-010 Final Assembler (office mach.) 706.381-018 Assembler, Gold Frame (optical goods) 713.384-010 Blocker and Cutter, Contact Lens (optical goods) 716.681- 0 1 0 Glass Cutter, Hand (optical goods) 716.681-014 Inspector, Eyeglass (optical goods) 713.384-014 Lay-Out Technician (optical goods) 716.381-014 Lens Polisher, Hand (optical goods) 716.681-018 Optical-Instrument Assembler (optical goods) 71.1.381-010 Packaging Technician (paper goods) 739.281-010 Rubber-Stamp Maker (pen & pencil) 733.381-014 Sapphire-Stylus Grinder (phonograph) 770.381-038 Assembler, Photographic Equipment (photo. apparatus) 714.381-010 Hammersmith (silverware) 700.38 1-022 Assembler (tel. & tel.) 722.381-010 Chain Builder, Loom Control (textile) 683.381-010 Hat-Block Maker (woodworking) 661.381-010 Inspection Cotton Classer (agric.; textile) 429.387-010 Assembly Inspector (agric. equip.) 706.361-014 Inspector and Tester (agric. equip.) 624.361-010 Major-Assembly Inspector (agric. equip.) 801.381-018 Air-Conditioning Check-Out Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.281-010 Electrical-Equipment 729.38 1-0 10 Electrical Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mſg.; air trans.) 825.38 1–026 Engine Tester (aircraft-aerospace mſg.; air trans.) 621.261- 0.14 Tester (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Inspector, Aircraft Accessories (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 709.261-010 - Inspector, Assemblies and Installations (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-022 Inspector, Bench Assembly 806. 28.1-026 Inspector, Fabrication (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361- 022 Inspector, Missile (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-030 Inspector, Reinforced Plastics (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806. 281-034 Instrument Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 722.381-014 Salvage Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; motor. & bicy- cles) 806.287-010 Tester, Plumbing Systems 806.28 1-054 Tester, Rocket Engine (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.261- 022 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) Inspector, Firearms (ammunition) 632.381-014 Inspector, Metal Fabricating (any ind.) 619.261-010 X-Ray-Equipment Tester (any ind.) 729.281-046 Dynamometer Tester, Motor (auto. mfg.) 806.281-010 Final Inspector, Truck Trailer (auto. mfg.) 806.361-018 Motor and Chassis Inspector (auto. mfg.) 806.281-042 Balancer, Scale (bal. & scales) 7 10.381-014 Final Inspector (clock & watch) 715.38 1-050 Final Inspector, Movement Assembly (clock & watch) 715.684-094 Gager (clock & watch) 715.687-034 Inspector, Balance Truing (clock & watch) 715.687-050 Inspector, Barrel Assembly (clock & watch) 715.684-114 Inspector, Hairspring (clock & watch) I 715.381-066 Inspector, Hairspring (clock & watch) II 715.684-122 Inspector, Poising (clock & watch) 715.384-018 Inspector, Timing (clock & watch) 715.685-034 Inspector, Watch Assembly (clock & watch) 715.381-070 Inspector, Watch Train (clock & watch) 715.381-074 Inspector, Wheel and Pinion (clock & watch) 715.684-126 Quality-Control Inspector (cut. & tools) 701.261-010 Circulating Process Inspector (elec. equip.) 829.361-018 Control-Panel Tester (elec. equip.) 827.381-010 Final Tester (elec. equip.) 721.261-014 Inspector, Motors and Generators (elec. equip.) 721.361- 0 1 0 Rubber-Goods Tester (elec. equip.; light, heat, & power) 759,38 1-0 1 0 Storage Battery 727.38 1-022 Tester, Motors and Controls (elec. equip.) 721.281-030 Inspector and Tester (elec. equip.) Electronics Inspector (electronics) I 726.381-010 Electronics Tester (electronics) I 726.281-014 Reticle Inspector (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods) 719.36 1-0 1 0 Diesel-Engine Tester (engine & turbine) 625.261-010 Internal-Combustion-Engine Inspector (engine & turbine) 806.261-0 10 Outboard-Motor Tester (engine & turbine) 623,261-014 Gun Examiner (firearms) 736.281-010 145 06.01 Taster (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.281-010 Inspector (forging) 612.261-010 Lay-Out Inspector (forging; found.; mach. shop) 600.281- 014 Sand Tester (found.) 777.381-046 Furnace-Combustion Analyst (glass mfg.) 572.360-010 Heat-Treat Inspector (heat treat.) 504.281-010 Color Matcher (hosiery) 582.261-010 Electrical Inspector (inst. & app.) 710.281-014 Electromechanical Inspector (inst. & app.) 710.381-018 Inspector (inst. & app.) 710.381-034 Inspector, Mechanical and Electrical 7 10.381-038 (inst. & app.) Gas-Meter Prover (light, heat, & power) 710.281-022 Transformer Tester (light, heat, & power) 724.281-010 Railroad Wheels and Axle Inspector (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 622.381-034 Salvage Inspector (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 622.38 1-038 Vibrator-Equipment Tester (mach. mfg.) 825.361-014 Inspector, Gage and Instrument (mach. shop) 601.281-018 Machine Try-Out Setter (mach. tool & access.) 600.360- 010 Final Inspector, Motorcyles (motor. & bicycles) 806.281- 0 18 Inspector, Typewriter Assembly and Parts (office mach.) 706.38 1-022 Inspector, Optical Instrument (optical goods) 71.1.281-010 Inspector, Precision (optical goods) 716.381-010 Process Inspector (ordnance) 736.381-018 Inspector, Photographic Equipment 714.38 1-0 14 (photo. apparatus) Air-Conditioning-Unit Tester (refrigerat. equip.) 827.361- 0 1 0 Prototype-Deicer Assembler (rubber goods) 759.261-010 Rubber Tester (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 559.381- 0.14 Bowling-Ball Grader and Marker (sports equip.) 732.381- 014 Spring Inspector (spring) I 616.361-010 Weld Inspector (welding) I 819.281-018 146 Production Work O6.02 06.02 Production Work Workers in this group perform skilled hand and/or machine work to make products in a factory setting. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —control vacuum pan boilers to crystallize liquid Sugar. —set up and operate machines that make paper products. —thread nuts and bolts by operating a tapping machine. —tend a series of coating machines to make artificial leather or oilcloth. —split animal hides into layers by operating a machine which rolls and cuts leather to specified thicknesses. —determine amount of fabric to be used for garment patterns and supervise marking and cutting activi- ties. —use power screw drivers to install automobile doors. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —read and follow instructions to set up and adjust machines and equipment. —use eyes, hands, and fingers to adjust controls on machines, manipulate hand tools, or assemble products. —use math skills for measuring, computing, or recordkeeping. —detect differences in the shape, size, and texture of various items. —pay strict attention to set standards and guidelines. —direct the work of others. 147 06.02 The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken industrial arts or machine shop courses? Do you like to operate machines? —Have you taken general or applied mathematics courses? Do you like projects which use math skills such as measuring? —Have you assembled a bicycle or toy by following drawings or written instructions? Was it fairly easy for you to do? —Have you held a summer or part-time job where mechanical equipment was used? Do you enjoy working around mechanical equipment? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from three months to over four years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Machine shop courses are helpful for most jobs in this group. General or applied mathematics courses may also be helpful for some jobs. Apprenticeship programs are available for some jobs. However, most workers are trained on the job. Several jobs in this group can be at- tained by promotion from a helper's position. Supervisory jobs are usually given to workers with seniority and skill. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group usually follow established work procedures and their activities seldom change from day to day. Overtime or night and shift work may be required. Workers may advance to higher level jobs as supervisors and inspectors. Workers are exposed to different types of factory con- ditions. Most plants are well-lighted and ventilated. How- ever, working around machinery may be hazardous or noisy, and safety procedures must be followed. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 148 06.02 06.02.01 Production Work Supervision Supervisor (abrasive & polish. prod.) I 692. 132-010 Supervisor (abrasive & polish. prod.) II 692.132-014 Supervisor, Scouring Pads (abrasive & polish. prod.) 759.1 35-010 Packing-House Supervisor (agric.; whole. tr.) 920. 137-010 Supervisor, Assembly (agric. equip.) 801. 137-010 Chest-Painting and Sealing Supervisor (ammunition) 749.1 37-010 Explosive-Operator Supervisor (ammunition) 694. 132-010 Machine-Adjuster Leader (ammunition) 619. 137-010 Magazine Supervisor (ammunition; explosives) 222. 137- 0 18 Primer Supervisor (ammunition) 737. 132-010 Shell-Shop Supervisor (ammunition) 619. 132-018 Supervisor (ammunition) 737.137-018 Supervisor, Belt-and-Link Assembly 737. 1 37-022 Supervisor, Tumblers (ammunition; firearms) 599. 132-010 (ammunition) Assembly Supervisor (any ind.) 739. 137-010 Porcelain-Enameling Supervisor (any ind.) 590. 131-010 Production Supervisor (any ind.) 699. 130-010 Sewing Supervisor (any ind.) 787. 132-010 Supervisor, Cutting Department (any ind.) 781. 134-010 Supervisor, Fitting (any ind.) 801.131-014 Supervisor, Grinding (any ind.) 603.130-010 Supervisor, Line (any ind.) 619. 130-030 Supervisor, Metalizing (any ind.) 505. 130-010 Supervisor, Paint Department (any ind.) 749.131-014 Supervisor, Silk-Screen Cutting and Printing (any ind.) 979. 131-0 18 Tool Grinder (any ind.) II 603.664-010 Supervisor, Asbestos-Cement Sheet (asbestos prod.) 679, 130-018 Supervisor, Asbestos Pipe (asbestos prod.) 679. 130-014 Supervisor, Asbestos Textile (asbestos prod.) 579. 137-014 Supervisor, Automobile Assembly (auto. mfg.) 806. 134- 010 Supervisor, Assembly (bal. & scales) 710. 137-010 Supervisor, Bone Plant (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559. 1 32-066 Supervisor, Channel Process (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.1 37-022 Supervisor, Furnace Process (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.1 32-094 Instructor (boot & shoe) 788.222-010 Supervisor (boot & shoe) 788.131-010 Supervisor, Packing (boot & shoe) 788. 137-010 Burning Supervisor (brick & tile) 573. 132-010 Glaze Supervisor (brick & tile) 574. 130-010 Paster Supervisor (brick & tile) 773.131-010 Press Supervisor (brick & tile) 575. 130-010 Sorting Supervisor (brick & tile) 920. 137-014 Brush-Fabrication Supervisor (brush & broom) 692. 130- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Broommaking (brush & broom) 692. 130-026 Supervisor, Paint Roller Covers (brush & broom) 692. 130- 030 Supervisor, Board Mill (build. board) 579. 130-010 Supervisor, Hardboard (build. board) 539. 130-010 Supervisor, Insulation (build. board) 590. 130-014 Supervisor, Particle Board (build. board) 569. 132-010 Supervisor, Wet End (build. board) 539.131-010 Supervisor, Roofing Plant (build. mat., n.e.c.) 590. 130-018 Supervisor (button) 690. 130-010 Preparation Supervisor (can. & preserv.) 529. 137-010 Supervisor, Brineyard (can. & preserv.) 522. 134-010 Supervisor, Cook Room (can. & preserv.) 529. 132-038 Supervisor, Candle Making (candle) 590. 132-010 Supervisor (canvas goods; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789. 132-018 Supervisor, Sewing Department (carpet & rug) 689. 137- 010 Supervisor, Tufting (carpet & rug) 687. 132-010 Supervisor, Weaving (carpet & rug) 689. 130-030 Weave-Room Supervisor (carpet & rug) 683. 130-018 Supervisor, Cereal (cereal) 529. 132-030 Heating-and-Blending Supervisor (chem.) 559. 132-030 Production Supervisor, Defluorinated Phosphate (chem.) 559. 132-050 Supervisor, Alum Plant (chem.) 559.132-062 Supervisor, Bleach (chem.) 559.137-018 Supervisor, Brine (chem.) 558. 134-010 Supervisor, Cd-Area (chem.) 559.132-070 Supervisor, Cell-Efficiency (chem.) 558.134-018 Supervisor, Cell Room (chem.) 558.134-014 Supervisor, Esters-and-Emulsifiers (chem.) 559. 132-086 Supervisor, Fertilizer Processing (chem.) 559.130-014 Supervisor, Hydrochloric Area (chem.) 558. 134-022 Supervisor, Insecticide (chem.) 559.132-102 Supervisor, Phosphorus Processing (chem.) 559.132-118 Supervisor, Pigment Making (chem.) 559. 132-122 Supervisor (chew. gum) 920. 137-018 Instructor, Watch Assembly (clock & watch) 715.221-010 Screw Supervisor (clock & watch) 609. 130-014 Supervisor, Dials (clock & watch) 715.131-014 Supervisor, Tumbling and Rolling (clock & watch) 715. 131 -030 Supervisor, Carbon Electrodes (coke prod.) 549. 137-010 Supervisor, Paste Plant (coke prod.) 549. 132-026 Supervisor, Liquefaction 559. 132-106 (comp. & liquefied gases) Supervisor, Concrete Block Plant (conc. prod.) 579. 130- 014 Supervisor, Concrete Pipe Plant (conc. prod.) 579, 130-018 149 06.02 Supervisor, Concrete-Stone (conc. 575. 131-010 Supervisor, Wet Pour (conc. prod.) 575. 137-014 Fabricating prod.) Supervisor, Candy (confection.) 529. 130-010 Washing-and-Screening Plant Supervisor (const.) 570. 132- 0 18 Supervisor, Cooperage Shop (cooperage) 764. 134-010 Supervisor, Webbing (cord. & twine) 789. 137-014 Supervisor, Dry-Starch (corn prod.) 529. 132-046 Supervisor, Feed House (corn prod.) 529. 132-050 Supervisor, Mill House (corn prod.) 529. 132-074 Supervisor, Sugar House (corn prod.) 529. 132-090 Supervisor (cut. & tools) 615. 130-014 Supervisor, Dairy Processing (dairy prod.) 529. 131-014 Supervisor, Malted Milk (dairy prod.) 529. 132-070 Supervisor, Whipped Topping (dairy prod.) 529. 137-066 (distilled liquors) Distilling-Department Supervisor 522. 131-010 Finishing Supervisor (elec. equip.) 692. 130-014 Supervisor, Burning, Forming, and Assembly (elec. equip.) 727. 130-01 () Supervisor, Coil Winding (elec. equip.) 724.131-010 Supervisor, Dry-Cell Assembly (elec. equip.) 727. 137-010 Supervisor, Electrical Assemblies (elec. equip.; mach. mſg.) 826. 131 -014 Supervisor, Inspection and Testing (elec. equip.) 721. 131- 014 Supervisor, Major 827. 131 -014 Supervisor, Punch-and-Assembly Department (elec. equip.) 619. 130-042 Supervisor, Small 723. 1 31-0 1 0 Transformer Assembly Supervisor (elec. equip.) 820. 137- 010 Appliance Assembly (elec. equip.) Appliance Assembly (elec. equip.) Supervisor (electroplating; iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 500.131-010 Acid Supervisor (explosives) 559. 132-010 Tnt-Line Supervisor (explosives) 559, 131-018 Supervisor, Extruding Department (fabric. plastics prod.) 557, 130–010 Supervisor, Plastic Sheets (fabric. plastics prod.) 557. 130- 0.14 Supervisor, Lamp Shades (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739. 137- 0.14 Process (felt goods) Felt-Goods Supervisor, Needle 689. 130-014 Filing-and-Polishing Supervisor (firearms) 603.137-010 Shrink-Pit Supervisor (firearms) 619. 131-018 Stocking-and-Box-Shop Supervisor (firearms) 769. 137-010 Supervisor, Fireworks Assembly (fireworks) 737. 131-010 Supervisor, Tile-and-Mottle (floor n.e.c.) 559. 130-022 covering, Potato-Chip-Processing Supervisor (food prep., n.e.c.) 526. 1 37-010 Supervisor, Coffee (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 130-018 Supervisor, Compressed Yeast (food prep., n.e.c.) 520. 132- 014 Supervisor, Dried Yeast (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132-042 Supervisor, Liquid Yeast (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132-066 Supervisor, Maple Products (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 137- 050 Supervisor, Nutritional Yeast (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132- O78 Supervisor, Tea and Spice (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132-102 Inspector, Chief (found.) 51.4.131-010 Dye-House Supervisor (fur dressing) 582. 131-010 Supervisor, Cutting-and-Sewing (furn.) 780. 13 1-0 10 Supervisor, Dimension Warehouse (furn.) 769. 134-010 Supervisor, Finishing (furn.) 742. 134-010 Supervisor, Metal Furniture Assembly (furn.) 709. 134-010 Supervisor, Quality Control (furn.) 763. 134-010 Supervisor, Spring-Up (furn.) 780. 134-014 Department Supervisor, Hot-Dip Plating (galvanizing) 501. 137-010 Supervisor, Garment Manufacturing (garment) 786. 132- 010 Supervisor, Pressing Department (garment) 583. 132-010 Drawing-Kiln Supervisor (glass mfg.) 575. 137-010 Glass-Cut-Off Supervisor (glass mfg.) 677. 131-010 Supervisor, Finishing (glass mfg.) 775. 130-010 Supervisor, Forming Department (glass mfg.) I 575. 130- O 18 Supervisor, Forming Department (glass mfg.) II 579. 130- 022 Supervisor, Inspection (glass mfg.) 579. 134-010 Supervisor, Receiving and Processing (glass mfg.) 579. 137- 0.26 Supervisor, Edging (glass prod.; mirror) 673. 130-010 Supervisor, Mirror Fabrication (glass prod.; mirror) 679. 1 37-014 Supervisor (glove & mit.) 784. 132-010 Supervisor, Cook House (glue) 559. 132-074 Supervisor, Dry Paste (glue) 559.132-082 Supervisor, Gelatin Plant (glue) 559.137-030 Supervisor, Glue Specialty (glue) 559. 137-034 Supervisor, Vat House (glue; leather mfg.) 582. 132-022 Supervisor (gold leaf & foil) 700. 131-014 Miller Supervisor (grain & feed mill.) 521. 130-010 Supervisor, Rice Milling (grain & feed mill.) 521.131-010 Supervisor, Grease Refining (grease & tallow) 553. 132-010 Supervisor, Cap-and-Hat Production (hat & cap) 784. 130- 0 1 0 Supervisor (hosiery) 684. 137-010 150 06.02 Supervisor (house furn.) 789. 132-010 Supervisor, Ice House (ice) 523.137-010 Supervisor, Optical Instrument Assembly (inst. & app.) 7 1 1. 1 37-010 Supervisor, Blooming Mill (iron & steel) 613. 130-010 Supervisor, Cold Rolling (iron & steel) 619. 130-018 Supervisor, Continuous-Weld-Pipe Mill (iron & steel) 619. 130-022 - Supervisor, Hot-Dip-Tinning (iron & steel) 501. 130-010 Supervisor, Hot-Strip Mill (iron & steel) 613. 132-010 Supervisor, Merchant-Mill Rolling and Finishing (iron & steel) 613. 130-014 Supervisor, Pig-Machine (iron & steel) 51.4.137-010 Supervisor, Plate Heating, Rolling, and Finishing (iron & steel) 619. 132-030 Supervisor, Powdered Metal (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 509. 130-010 Supervisor, Roll Shop (iron & steel) 604. 130-010 Supervisor, Specialty Manufacturing (iron & steel) 616. 130-014 Supervisor, Jewelry Department (jewelry) 700. 131-0 18 Supervisor (jewelry cases) 700. 131-010 Supervisor, Printing and Stamping (jewelry cases) 652. 130- 0.14 Boxing-and-Pressing Supervisor (knit goods) 789. 137-010 Supervisor, Finishing Room (leather mfg.) 589. 130-018 Supervisor, Hide House (leather mfg.) 922. 137-014 Supervisor, Packing Room (leather mfg.) 589. 137-010 Supervisor, Split and Drum Room (leather mfg.) 589. 132- 014 Supervisor, Split Leather Department (leather mfg.) 589. 130-030 Supervisor, Tan Room (leather mfg.) 582. 132-018 Supervisor (leather prod.) 783. 132-010 Supervisor, Fabrication Department (light. fix.) 723. 132- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Lime (lime) 579. 132-014 Supervisor, Car Installations (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 806. 1 37-010 Supervisor, Erection Shop (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 806. 1 31-022 Supervisor, Shipping Track (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806. 1 37-0 18 Supervisor, Bottle-House Cleaners (malt liquors) 529, 132- 022 Supervisor, Brew House (malt liquors) 529, 132-026 Supervisor, Carton and Can Supply (malt liquors) 920. 132- 0.14 Supervisor, Fermenting Cellars (malt liquors) 529. 132-058 Supervisor, Grain and Yeast Plants (malt liquors) 529. 132- 062 Supervisor, Wash House (malt liquors) 529. 132-106 Supervisor, Component Assembler (mfö. blags.) 762. 134- 0 i () Supervisor, Manufactured Buildings (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.131-030 Supervisor, Metal Hanging (mfa. blogs.) 809. 134-014 Supervisor, Mattress and Boxsprings (matt. & bedspring) 780. 1 37-0 1 0 Supervisor, Steel Division (matt. & bedspring) 616. 130-022 Supervisor (minerals & earths) 570. 137-010 Cutting Supervisor (mirror) 775. 134-010 Supervisor, Hand Silvering (mirror) 574. 134-010 Supervisor, Mirror Manufacturing Department (mirror) 579. 131-0 10 Supervisor, Silvering Department (mirror) 574. 132-014 Supervisor, Wall Mirror Department (mirror) 739.137-022 Supervisor, Fabrication (mirror & pic. frames) 769. 130- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Covering and Lining (mort. goods) 780. 134- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Finishing (mort. goods) 749. 134-010 Supervisor, Sewing Room (mort. goods) 787. 132-014 Supervisor, Assembly (motor. & bicycles) 806. 131-014 Supervisor (musical inst.) 730. 131-010 Supervisor (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692. 130-018 Sheet-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metal alloys) 619. 132-014 Slab-Conditioner Supervisor (nonfer. metal alloys) 609. 1 32-0 10 - Structural-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metal alloys) 619. 132- 022 Supervisor (nut & bolt) 616. 130-010 Supervisor, Nut Processing (nut process.) 529. 130-026 Supervisor (office mach.) 706. 131-014 Supervisor, Rocket Propellant Plant (ordnance) 559.137- 046 Alumina-Plant Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1. 130-0 1 0 Cell-Feed-Department Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-010 Crusher Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515. 132- 0 1 0 - Mill Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515. 130-010 Supervisor, Cell Operation (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 1 32-0 18 Supervisor, Sheet Manufacturing (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 500. 132-010 Supervisor, Sintering Plant (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-026 Supervisor, Litharge (paint & varn.) 559. 132-1 10 Supervisor, Putty and Calking (paint & varn.) 559.137-042 Supervisor, Varnish (paint & varn.) 559.132-134 Supervisor, Beater Room (paper & pulp) 530. 132-014 Supervisor, Paper Coating (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534. 1 32-014 Supervisor, Paper Machine (paper & pulp) 539. 132-010 151 06.02 Supervisor, Paper Testing (paper & pulp; paper goods) 539. 1 34-010 Supervisor, Repulping (paper & pulp) 539. 132-018 Supervisor, Wet Room (paper & pulp) 539. 130-014 Supervisor, Wood Room (paper & pulp) 530. 132-018 Wood Grinder, Head (paper & pulp) 530. 132-022 Supervisor, Paper Products (paper goods) 649. 130-010 Supervisor, Assembly (pen & pencil) 733.137-010 Supervisor, Carbon-Paper-Coating (pen & pencil) 534.137- 010 Supervisor, Finishing Department (pen & pencil) 733.137- 014 Supervisor, Inspection (pen & pencil) 733. 137-018 Supervisor, Painting Department (pen & pencil) 692. 137- 010 Supervisor, Rubber Stamps and Dies (pen & pencil) 733.131-010 Supervisor, Final Assembly and Packing (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712. 137-014 Supervisor, Surgical Garment Assembly (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712. 132-010 Supervisor, Matrix (phonograph) 500. 134-010 Supervisor, Record Press (phonograph) 559. 130-018 Supervisor, Coating (photo. apparatus) 534. 130-010 Supervisor (pipe & boiler cov.) I 575. 130-014 Supervisor, Finishing Department (pipe & boiler cov.) 679. 1 37.010 Calender Supervisor (plastics mat.) 559. 132-014 Quality-Control Supervisor (plastics mat.) 559.131-014 Supervisor, Coating (plastics mat.) 554. 137-014 Supervisor, Inspection (plastics mat.) 559.137-038 Supervisor, Slitting-and-Shipping (plastics mat.) 690. 130- 0.14 Glaze Supervisor (pottery & porc.) 574. 132-010 Supervisor, Clay Preparation (pottery & porc.) 570. 130- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Bindery (print. & pub.) 653.131-010 Supervisor, Finishing Room (print. & pub.) 979. 137-010 Supervisor (rubber goods) I 759. 137-010 Supervisor (rubber goods) II 559.137-014 Supervisor (rubber reclaim.) 559. 132-058 Retread Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) 750. 132-010 Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) 750. 130-010 Supervisor, Aluminum Fabrication (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 619. 130-014 Supervisor, Boat Outfitting (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806. 1 3 1-0 || 8 Supervisor, Fiberglass Boat Assembly (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806. 134-014 Supervisor, Abattoir (slaught. & meat pack.) 525. 131-010 Supervisor, Cured Meats (slaught. & meat pack.) 525. 132- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Cutting and Boning (slaught. & meat pack.) 525, 13 -0 || 4 Supervisor, Specialty Food Products (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.137-062 Supervisor, Tank House (slaught. & meat pack.) 525. 132- 014 Supervisor, Bit and Shank Department (smoking pipe) 739. 130-0 10 Supervisor, Briar Shop (smoking pipe) 761. 130-010 Supervisor, Corncob Pipe Manufacturing (smoking pipe) 739. 1 32-010 - Supervisor, Glycerin (soap) 559.132-098 Supervisor (sports equip.) 732. 130-010 Supervisor, Fabrication and Assembly (sports equip.) 809. 13 -010 Supervisor, Fish Bait Processing (sports equip.) 550. 132- 0.14 - Supervisor, Net Making (sports equip.) 789. 132-022 Supervisor, Hot-Wound Spring Production (spring) 619. 130-026 Supervisor, Spring Production (spring) 616. 130-018 Supervisor (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 617. 130-010 Supervisor, Assembly Department (struct. & ornam. metal- work) 809. 130–010 Supervisor, Grinding and Spraying (struct. & ornam. metal- work) 809. 134-010 Sugar-Reprocess Operator, Head (sugar) 529. 137-018 Supervisor, Beet End (sugar) 529. 132-018 Supervisor, Char House (sugar) 523. 132-010 Supervisor, Filtration (sugar) 529. 130-022 Supervisor, Powdered Sugar (sugar) 521. 130-014 Supervisor, Pulp House (sugar) 529. 130-030 Supervisor, Sirup Shed (sugar) 529. 137-058 Supervisor, Soft Sugar (sugar) 529. 130-038 Supervisor, Steffen House (sugar) 529. 132-086 Supervisor, White Sugar (sugar) 529. 130-042 Supervisor (tex. bag) 789. 132-014 Supervisor, Cloth Winding (tex. bag) 689.1.30-022 Supervisor (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789. 134-010 Supervisor, Lace Tearing (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689. 134-014 Supervisor, Parachute Manufacturing (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789. 1 32-026 Aging-Department Supervisor (textile) 582. 132-010 instructor (textile) 689.222-010 Instructor, Apparel Manufacture (textile) 789.222-010 Instructor, Weaving (textile) 683.222-010 Pattern-Chain Maker Supervisor (textile) 683. 132-010 Sample-Room Supervisor (textile) 299.137-018 Soaping-Department Supervisor (textile) 582. 132-014 Supervisor, Carding (textile) 680. 130-010 * Supervisor, Color-Paste Mixing (textile) 550. 135-010 Supervisor, Glazing Department (textile) 582. 130-010 Supervisor, Mixing (textile) 680. 130-014 - Supervisor, Preparation Department (textile) 681.130-010 Supervisor, Product Inspection (textile) 689. 134-018 Supervisor, Quilting (textile) 689. 134-022 Supervisor, Roller Printing (textile) 652. 130-018 Supervisor, Roller Shop (textile) 979.131-014 Supervisor, Sample Preparation (textile) 979. 137-022 Supervisor, Screen Printing (textile) 652. 137-014 152 06.02 Supervisor, Metal Cans (tinware) 703. 132-010 Cooking, Casing, and Drying Supervisor (tobacco) 529. 1 35-010 Supervisor (tobacco) 529. 137-026 Supervisor, Cigar-Making Machine (tobacco) 529. 132-034 Supervisor, Cigar Tobacco Processing (tobacco) 529. 137- 034 Supervisor, Curing Room (tobacco) 529.137-038 Supervisor, Threshing Department (tobacco) 521. 132-014 Supervisor, Plastics (toys & games) 556. 130-014 Supervisor, Toy Assembly (toys & games) 731. 131-010 Embroidery Supervisor (trim. & embroid.) 689. 130-010 Supervisor, Stitching Department (trim. & embroid.) 787. 1 32-0 || 8 Supervisor (umbrella) 739.131-010 Supervisor, Drying (veneer & plywood) 563. 1 35-010 Supervisor, Green End Department (veneer & plywood) 663. 1 32-010 Supervisor, Veneer (veneer & plywood) 569. 135-010 Cellar Supervisor (vinous liquors) 529.131-010 Supervisor, Inspecting (wallpaper) 979. 137-014 Supervisor, Production (wallpaper) 979. 137-018 Supervisor (waste & batting) 589. 132-010 Welding Supervisor (welding) 819. 131-014 Supervisor, Assembly Room (window shade & fix.) 669. 130–010 Supervisor, Wire-Rope Fabrication (wirework) 691. 130- 014 Supervisor, Beehive Kiln (wood distil. & char.) 563. 137- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Framing Mill (wood preserving) 669. 130-018 Treating-Plant Supervisor (wood preserving) 561.131-010 Supervisor, Assembly (woodworking) 769. 137-014 Supervisor, Shuttle Fitting (woodworking) 669. 130-030 Supervisor, Shuttle Preparation (woodworking) 669. 130- 034 Supervisor, Shuttle Veneering (woodworking) 669. 130-038 06.02.02 Machine Work, Metal and Plastics Finishing-Machine Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 674.682-010 Steel-Wool-Machine Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 605.482-010 Bumper Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 617.682-014 Metal-Bonding Press Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.682-010 Router Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 605.382-034 Router Operator, Radial (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 605.682- O 18 Saw Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 607.682-018 Shot-Peening Operator, Tape Control (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 617.280–010 Buckshot-Swage Operator (ammunition) 6.12.682-010 Bullet-Assembly-Press Setter-Operator (ammunition) 694.682-0 1 0 Bullet-Grooving-Sizing-and-Lubricating-Machine Operator (ammunition) 619.382-010 Chamfering-Machine Operator (ammunition) I 606.685- 014 Shot Polisher and Inspector (ammunition) 509.485-014 Steel-Shot-Header Operator (ammunition) 6 1 1.682-010 Angle Shear Operator (any ind.) 615.482-010 Balancing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 609.462-010 Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 617.482-010 Bit Sharpener (any ind.) 603.685-026 Brake Operator (any ind.) I 617.360-010 Brake Operator (any ind.) II 619.685-026 Buffing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 603.382-010 Crimping-Machine Operator (any ind.) 616.682-022 Draw-Bench Operator (any ind.) 614.682-010 Duplicator-Punch Operator (any ind.) 615.482-014 Flanging-Roll Operator (any ind.) 619.362-010 Forming-Roll Operator (any ind.) I 617.482-014 Four-Slide-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 619.382-018 Hobbing-Press Operator (any ind.) 617.682-018 Ironworker-Machine Operator (any ind.) 615.482-018 Mill Operator, Rolls (any ind.) 613.482-010 Polishing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 603.682-026 Press Operator, Heavy Duty (any ind.) 617.260-010 Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) I 615.482-022 Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) III 615.682-014 Punch-Press Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 615.482-026 153 06.02 Riveter, Hydraulic (any ind.) 800.662-010 Riveter, Portable Pinch (any ind.) 800.682-010 Riveting-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 699.482-010 Roll-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 617.482-018 Rotary-Shear Operator (any ind.) 615.482-030 Shear Operator (any ind.) I 615.482-034 Slitting-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 615.662-010 Spinner, Hand (any ind.) 619.362-018 Spinner, Hydraulic (any ind.) 619.362-022 Straightening-Press Operator (any ind.) 617.482-026 Straightening-Roll Operator (any ind.) 613.462-022 Turret-Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) 615.482-038 Brake-Drum-Lathe Operator (auto. ser.) 620.682-010 Ankle-Patch Molder (boot & shoe) 692.682-010 Supervisor, Pipe Joints (brick & tile) 590. 134-010 Power-Driven-Brush Maker (brush & broom) 692.682-050 Trimming-Machine Operator (button) 690.682-090 Embossing-Machine Operator (clerical) I 208.582-014 Embossing-Machine Operator (clerical) II 208.682-010 Barrel Finisher (clock & watch) 715.682-010 Bevel Polisher (clock & watch) 603.685-022 Brush Polisher (clock & watch) 603.685-038 Burnisher (clock & watch) 603.685-042 Burrer, Machine (clock & watch) 603.685-046 Clearance Cutter (clock & watch) 615.685-014 Collet Driller (clock & watch) 715.684-062 Collet Maker (clock & watch) 609.682-014 Countersinker (clock & watch) 715.682-014 Cutter, V-Groove (clock & watch) 715.685-014 Deburrer, Machine (clock & watch) 715.685-018 Deburrer, Strip (clock & watch) 603.482-010 Driller and Broacher (clock & watch) 715.685-022 Drilling-Machine Operator, Automatic (clock & watch) 606.685-030 End Polisher (clock & watch) 715.685-026 Engraver, Automatic (clock & watch) 609.685-014 Facing-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 604.685-014 Flat Polisher (clock & watch) 603.685-054 Grinder (clock & watch) I 603.482-030 Grinder (clock & watch) II 715.685-030 Grinder, Lap (clock & watch) 603.685-066 Hooking-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 605.685-018 Jewel-Hole Driller (clock & watch) 770.682-026 Jewel Stripper (clock & watch) 605.685-022 Lever Miller (clock & watch) 605.685-026 Mainspring Winder and Oiler (clock & watch) 715.685- 038 Pinion Polisher (clock & watch) 715.685-042 Planing-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 605.685-034 Polisher (clock & watch) 715.682-018 Polisher, Balance Screw head (clock & watch) 715.685-046 Press Operator, Pierce and Shave (clock & watch) 71 5.685-050 Profiler, Hand (clock & watch) 715.685-054 Profiling-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 605.685-038 Rim-Turning Finisher (clock & watch) 604.685-030 Screw-Machine Operator, Swiss-Type (clock & watch) 604.682-010 Screwmaker, Automatic (clock & watch) 609.682-030 Snailer (clock & watch) 603.685-078 Solderer (clock & watch) 715.685-058 Squaring-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 605.685-046 Stoner and Polisher, Bevel Face (clock & watch) 603.685- 082 Sweep-Press Operator (clock & watch) 616.685-082 Tapper (clock & watch) II 715.685-062 Tapper, Balance-Wheel Screw Hole (clock & watch) 715.682-022 Tooth Cutter (clock & watch) 605.685-050 Tooth Cutter, Escape Wheel (clock & watch) 605.682-026 Tooth Polisher (clock & watch) 715.682-026 Turret-Lathe Operator, Tumble Tailstock (clock & watch) 604.685-042 Wheel Cutter (clock & watch) 605.682-030 Wire Threader (clock & watch) 604.686-010 Cage Maker, Machine (conc. prod.) 616.682-018 Hoop Bender, Tank (cooperage) 619.682-026 Hoop-Flaring-and-Coiling-Machine Operator (cooperage) 619.682-034 Hoop Maker, Machine (cooperage) 619.682-030 Nicking-Machine Operator (cut. & tools) 609.682-026 Stab Setter and Driller (cut. & tools) 709.684-082 Bottom Polisher (elec. equip.) 603.685-034 Machine Operator, Centrifugal-Control equip.) 609.682-022 Stranding-Machine Operator (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework) 616.682-034 Wire Coiler (elec. equip.) 724.361-010 Switches (elec. Press Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.682-062 Sawyer (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 690.482-010 Stretch-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 559.682- O58 Trimmer (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.482-014 Barrel-Rib Matting-Machine Operator (firearms) 605.682- 0 1 0 Hydraulic-Pressure-Auto-Frettage-Machine (firearms) 694.682-014 Hydraulic-Pressure-Auto-Frettage-Machine-Operator Super- visor (firearms) 619. 130-010 Marker (firearms) 652.582-010 Operator Drop-Hammer Operator (forging) 610.462-010 Extruder Operator (forging) 614.482-014 Forging-Press Operator (forging) I 61 1.482-010 Forging-Roll Operator (forging) 612.682-014 Heater (forging) 619.682-022 Heavy Forger (forging) 612.361-010 Supervisor, Extrusion (forging) 614. 132-014 Upsetter (forging) 611.462-010 Cutter, Barrel Drum (house furn.) 690.682-026 Fancy-Wire Drawer (inst. & app.; jewelry) 614.682-014 Lead-Press Operator (insulated wire) 691.382-014 Coiler Operator (iron & steel) 613.382-010 Draw-Bench Operator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 614.482-010 Finisher (iron & steel) 613.382-014 Flying-Shear Operator (iron & steel) 615.682-010 Reeling-Machine Operator (iron & steel) 613.682-014 Rougher (iron & steel) 613.362-018 154 06.02 Rougher Operator (iron & steel) 613.662-014 Screwdown Operator (iron & steel) 613.382-018 Seamless-Tube Roller (iron & steel) 619.682-042 Lathe Hand (jewelry) 700.682-014 Press-Hand Supervisor (jewelry) 615. 130-010 Roller (jewelry) 613.682-018 Automatic-Wheel-Line Operator (mach. shop) 609.682- 010 Boring-Machine Operator (mach. shop) 606.682-010 Broaching-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 605.682-014 Broaching-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 605.382-010 Contour-Band-Saw Operator, Vertical (mach. shop) 607.382-010 Cut-Off-Saw Operator, Metal (mach. shop) 607.682-010 Drill-Press Operator (mach. shop) 606.682-014 Drill-Press Operator, Numerical Control (mach. 606.362-010 Drill-Press Set-Up Operator, Single Spindle (mach. shop) 606.682-0 18 Electrical-Discharge-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 609.482-010 Engraver, Tire Mold (mach. shop) 605.382-014 Gear-Generator Set-Up Operator, Spiral Bevel shop) 602.382-014 Gear-Generator Set-Up Operator, Straight Bevel (mach. shop) 602.382-018 Gear-Lapping-Machine Operator (mach. shop) 602.482- 0 1 0 Gear-Milling-Machine Set-Up Operator 602.382-022 Gear-Shaper Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 602.382-026 Grinder, Gear (mach. shop) 602.382-034 Grinder Operator, Production (mach. shop) 603.685-062 shop) (mach. (mach. shop) Grinder Set-Up Operator, Centerless (mach. 603.382-014 Grinder Set-Up Operator, External (mach. shop) 603.482- 0.14 Grinder Set-Up Operator, 603.482-018 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Surface (mach. shop) 603.482- 022 Grinder Set-Up Operator, Thread (mach. 0.26 Honing-Machine 603.482-034 Honing-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. 0 18 Honing-Machine Set-Up Operator, Tool 603.382-022 Jig-Boring Machine Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) 606.382-014 Keyseating-Machine 605.382-018 Knife Grinder (mach. shop) 603.682-014 Lapping-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 603.382- 0.26 Milling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) II 605.282- 0 1 0 shop) Internal (mach. shop) II shop) 603.482- Operator, Production (mach. shop) shop) 603.382- (mach. shop) Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) Numerical-Control-Machine Operator (mach. shop) 609.662-010 Pantograph-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 605.382-022 Planer Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 605.282-014 Planer-Type-Milling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 605.282-018 Profiling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach, shop) I 605.280-014 --- Profiling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) II 605.382-026 Rotary-Head-Milling-Machine Set-Up shop) 605.382-030 Screw-Machine Operator, Multiple Spindle (mach. shop) 604.382-010 Screw-Machine Operator, Single Spindle (mach. shop) 604.382-014 Setter, Cold-Rolling Machine (mach. shop) 617.682-022 Shaper Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 605.382-038 Threading-Machine Operator (mach. shop) 604.682-014 Thread-Milling-Machine Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 605.382-042 Transfer-Machine Operator (mach. shop) 609.685-022 Operator (mach. Pipe Cutter (mfa. blags.) 862.682-010 Fabric-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) I 616.362- 0 1 0 Bell Spinner (musical inst.) 619.682-010 Crook Operator (musical inst.) 609.682-018 Driller-and-Reamer, Automatic (musical inst.) 606.382-010 Socket Puller (musical inst.) 730.682-010 Tube Bender, Brass-Wind Instruments (musical inst.) 617.382-0 1 0 Spike-Machine Operator (nail) 612.662-010 Forming-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 559.665-022 Safety-Pin-Assembling-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 616.482-010 Straight-Pin-Making-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 609.482-014 Piercing-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.482- O 14 Scalper Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 605.682-022 Stretcher-Leveler Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.582- 0 1 0 Nut Former (nut & bolt) 612.462-014 Roll-Threader Operator (nut & bolt) 619.462-010 Tapper Operator (nut & bolt) 606.682-022 Trimmer Operator (nut & bolt) 619.462-014 Type-Rolling-Machine Operator (office mach.) 619.382- 022 Linter-Saw Sharpener (oils & fats) 603.682-018 Sampler, First (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 619.682-038 Planishing-Press Operator (plastics mat.) 690.682-058 Sheeter Operator (plastics mat.) 690.382-010 Fittings Finisher (plumb. supplies) 619.382-014 Plate Grainer (print. & pub.) 972.682-010 Plate-Grainer Apprentice (print. & pub.) 972.682-014 Router (print. & pub.) 979.682-026 155 06.02 Roll Grinder (rubber reclaim.) 629.682-010 Shingle Trimmer (sawmill) 667.685-050 Buffing-Machine Silverware (silverware) 603.682-010 Flatware Maker (silverware) 700.682-010 Mirror-Finishing-Machine Operator (silverware) 603.682- 022 - Profile-Saw Operator (silverware) 700.682-018 Profile Trimmer (silverware) 607.682-014 Trimmer (silverware) 705.682-014 Operator, Fishing Accessories Maker (sports equip.) 619.682-018 Bench Worker (spring) 616.485-010 Lathe Winder (spring) 619.482-010 Roller-Machine Operator (spring) 611.482-014 Spring Former, Machine (spring) 617.482-022 Strip Roller (spring) 613.682-022 Flat Clothier (textile) 628.382-010 Shear-Grinder Operator (textile) 628.382-014 Lithograph-Press Operator, Tinware (tinware) 651.382-014 Wire Drawer (wire) 614.382-010 Wire Drawer (clock & watch) 6 1 4.382-014 Bale-Tie-Machine Operator (wirework) 616.682-014 Barbed-Wire-Machine Operator (wirework) 616.382-010 Fence-Making Machine Operator (wirework) 616.582-010 Weaver, Bench Loom (wirework) 616.681-010 Wire Weaver, Cloth (wirework) 616.382-014 06.02.03 Machine Work, Wood Nailing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 669.682-058 Veneer-Lathe Operator (basketry; 664.662-010 veneer & plywood) Chipping-Machine Operator (build. board) 564.682-010 Flake-Cutter Operator (build. board) 564.682-014 Head-Saw Operator, Insulation Board (build. board) 677.682-010 Radial-Arm-Saw Operator (const.; woodworking) 667.682- 054 Barrel-Lathe Operator, Inside (cooperage) 664.682-010 Croze-Machine Operator (cooperage) 669.682-034 Machine-Tank Operator (cooperage) 667.662-014 Inletter (firearms) 669.682-050 Skiving-Machine Operator (firearms) 664.682-018 Chucking-and-Boring-Machine Operator (furn.) 669.682- 022 Corner-Brace-Block-Machine Operator (furn.) 669.682-030 Double-End-Trimmer-and-Boring-Machine Operator (furn.) 669.682-038 Rip-and-Groove-Machine Operator (furn.) 667.682-062 Last Trimmer (lasts & rel. forms) 669.682-054 Log-Chipper Operator (logging) 564.662-010 Rafter-Cutting-Machine Operator (mfa. blogs.) 669.382- 0.14 Embossing-Machine Operator (mirror & pic. 669.682-046 frames) Head Sawyer, Automatic (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.682- 034 Dowel-Inserting-Machine Operator (plan. mill) 669.682- 042 Pocket Cutter (plan. mill) 667.482-014 Pulley-Mortiser Operator (plan. mill) 666.482-010 Stock Cutter (plan. mill) 667.482-018 Timber-Sizer Operator (plan. mill) 665.482-018 Cutter Operator (plastics mat.) 555.585-010 Bottom-Saw Operator (sawmill) 667.682-014 Edger, Automatic (sawmill) 667.682-026 Gang Sawyer (sawmill) 667.682-030 Heading-Saw Operator (sawmill) 667.682-038 Head Sawyer (sawmill) 667.662-010 Log-Cut-Off Sawyer, Automatic (sawmill) 667.482-010 Pony Edger (sawmill) 667.682-050 Shake Sawyer (sawmill) 667.682-070 Shingle Sawyer (sawmill) 667.485-010 Stave-Log-Cut-Off Saw Operator (sawmill) 667.682-078 Trimmer Sawyer (sawmill) 667.482-022 Wood-Crew Supervisor (sawmill; wood distil. & char.) 564, 132-010 Smoking-Pipe Driller and Threader 669.685-078 Smoking-Pipe Maker (smoking pipe) 761.381-030 (smoking pipe) Veneer Jointer (veneer & plywood) 665.682-038 Veneer-Slicing-Machine Operator (veneer & plywood) 663.682-018 Corner-Trimmer Operator (wood. box) 667.682-018 Adzing-and-Boring-Machine Operator (wood preserving) 669.682-0 1 0 Frame-Table Operator (wood preserving) 669.662-014 Header (wood preserving) 665.682-014 Spar-Machine Operator (wood preserving) 664.682-022 Band-Scroll-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-010 Boring-Machine Operator (woodworking) 666.382-010 Chucking-and-Sawing-Machine Operator (woodworking) 669.682-026 Chucking-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.382-010 Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-022 Dowel-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.682-010 Jigsaw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-042 Lock-Corner-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.382- 014 Miller, Wood Flour (woodworking) 564.682-018 Molder Operator (woodworking) 665.682-018 Molding Sander (woodworking) 662.682-010 Mortising-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.482-014 Multiple-Drum Sander (woodworking) 662.682-014 Planer Operator (woodworking) 665.682-022 Plugging-Machine Operator (woodworking) 669.682-062 Prefitter, Doors (woodworking) 666.582-010 Profile-Shaper Operator, Automatic (woodworking) 665.682-026 Resaw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-058 Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-066 Router Operator (woodworking) 665.682-030 Sander, Machine (woodworking) 761.682-014 156 06.02 | 6.02.04 Spindle Carver (woodworking) 761.682-018 Stock Grader (woodworking) 667.382-010 Stock-Patch Sawyer (woodworking) 667.682-082 Stroke-Belt-Sander Operator (woodworking) 662.682-018 Supervisor, Sanding (woodworking) 662. 132-010 Swing-Type-Lathe Operator (woodworking) 664.382-010 Tongue-and-Groove-Machine Operator (woodworking) 669.662-018 Wood-Carving-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.382- 0.18 Wood-Turning-Lathe Operator (woodworking) 664.382- 014 Machine Work, Paper Dynamite-Cartridge Crimper (explosives) 692.685-078 Last-Pattern Grader (lasts & rel. forms) 693.382-010 Pattern-Grader Supervisor (lasts & rel. forms) 693. 132-010 Card Cutter, Jacquard (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.582- O 1 O Core Winding Operator (paper & pulp) 640.682-014 Supercalender Operator (paper & pulp) 534.682-038 Supervisor, Calendering (paper & pulp) 534. 132-010 Supervisor, Coremaker (paper & pulp) 640. 132-010 Blanket-Winder Operator (paper goods) 641.682-010 Box-Folding-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.682-010 Box-Sealing-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.662-010 Convolute-Tube Winder (paper goods) 640.682-010 Corrugator Operator (paper goods) 641.562-010 Cylinder-Die-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.682- 014 Folding-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-046 Machine Operator, General (paper goods) 649.685-070 Platen-Press Operator (paper goods) 649.682-026 Printer-Slotter Operator (paper goods) 659.662-010 Ruling-Machine Operator (paper goods; print. & pub.) 659.682-022 Slitter-Creaser-Slotter Operator (paper goods) 649.682-034 Slitter-Scorer-Cut-Off Operator (paper goods) 649.682-038 Spiral-Tube Winder (paper goods) 640.682-022 Striper (paper goods) 651.682-018 Tablet-Making-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.682- 042 Tag-Press Operator (paper goods) 649.682-046 Tube-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.662-014 Vulcanized-Fiber-Unit Operator (paper goods) 539.565- 0 1 0 Book-Sewing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) I 653.685- 014 Book-Sewing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) II 653.682- 0 1 0 Cutting-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 640.682-018 Embossing-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 659.682-014 Embossing-Press-Operator Apprentice (print. & pub.) 659.682-0 18 Folding-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.382-010 Saddle-Stitching-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.662-010 Side-Stitching-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.562- O 10 Sample-Book Maker (wallpaper) 659.685-014 Wallpaper Printer (wallpaper) I 652.662-014 06.02.05 Machine Work, Leather and Fabrics Binder (any ind.) 787.682-010 Embroidery-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.682-022 Hemmer (any ind.) 787.682-026 Mender (any ind.) 787.682-030 Overedge Sewer (any ind.) 787.682-034 Sewing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.682-046 Shirring-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.682-078 Tucking-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.682-082 Upholstery Sewer (any ind.) 780.682-018 Zipper Setter (any ind.) 787.682-086 Bed Laster (boot & shoe) 690.682-0 18 Clicking-Machine Operator (boot & shoe; glove & mit.; leather prod.) 789.382-010 Foxing-Cutting-Machine Operator, shoe) 690.682-038 Heel Breaster, Leather (boot & shoe) 690.682-042 Heel-Seat Fitter, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-046 Sole-Conforming-Machine Operator (boot & 690.682-070 Stitcher, Special Machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-078 Stitcher, Standard Machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-082 Automatic (boot & shoe) Sewing-Machine Operator (canvas goods) 787.682-062 Carpet Sewer (carpet & rug; ret. tr.) 787.682-014 Rug Cutter (carpet & rug) 686.662-010 Tufting-Machine Operator (carpet & rug; textile) 687.685- 0 18 Tuft-Machine 687.682-014 Operator (carpet & rug; house furn.) Band-Saw Operator (felt goods) 686.682-010 Die-Cutting-Machine Operator, Automatic (felt goods; tex- tile) 686.462-010 Felt-Cutting-Machine Operator (felt goods) 686.682-018 Felting-Machine Operator (felt goods) 586.662-010 Fur-Machine Operator (fur goods) 783.682-010 Appliquer, Zigzag (garment) 786.682-010 Armhole Baster, Jumpbasting (garment) 786.682-014 Armhole Feller, Handstitching Machine (garment) 786.682-0 18 Armhole-Sew-and-Trim Operator, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-022 Back Maker, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-026 Basting-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-030 Binder, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-034 Binder, Coverstitch (garment) 786.682-038 Binder, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-042 Blindstitch-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-046 Canvas Baster, Jumpbasting (garment) 786.682-050 Chainstitch Sewing Machine Operator (garment) 786.682- 054 Coat Joiner, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-058 Collar Baster, Jumpbasting (garment) 786.682-062 Collar Feller, Handstitching Machine (garment) 786.682- 066 Collar Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-070 Collar Setter, Overlock (garment) 786.682-074 Coverstitch-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-078 Cup Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-082 Elastic Attacher, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-086 Elastic Attacher, Coverstitch (garment) 786.682-090 Elastic Attacher, Overlock (garment) 786.682-094 157 06.02 Elastic Attacher, Zigzag (garment) 786.682-098 Facing Baster, Jumpbasting (garment) 786.682-102 Felled-Seam Operator, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-106 Flatlock-Sewing-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-1 10 Front-Edge-Tape Sewer, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-1 18 Front Maker, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-1 14 Fur-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-122 Hemmer, Blindstitch (garment) 786.682-126 Hemmer, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-130 Hemmer, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-134 Hemmer, Overlock (garment) 786.682-138 Hemstitching-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-142 Jumpbasting-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-146 Lapel Padder, Blindstitch (garment) 786.682-150 Lining Baster, Jumpbasting (garment) 786.682-154 Lining Feller, Blindstitch (garment) 786.682-158 Lining Maker, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-162 Lining Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-166 Lockstitch-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-170 Lockstitch-Sewing-Machine Operator, Complete Garment (garment) 786.682-174 Multineedle-Chainstitch-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-1 78 Necktie-Centralizing-Machine Operator (garment) I 786.682-186 Necktie-Centralizing-Machine Operator (garment) II 786.682-190 Necktie Operator, Pockets and Pieces (garment) 786.682- 182 Overlock-Machine Operator, Complete Garment (garment) 786.682-198 Overlock Sewing Machine Operator (garment) 786.682- 194 Pants Outseamer, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-202 Picked-Edge Sewing-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682- 206 Pocket Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-210 Repair Operator (garment) 786.682-214 Seat Joiner, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-218 Shoulder Joiner, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-222 Sleeve Maker, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-226 Sleeve Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-230 Sleeve Setter, Overlock (garment) 786.682-234 Topstitcher, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-238 Topstitcher, Zigzag (garment) 786.682-242 Trimmer, Machine (garment; knit goods) 781.682-010 Tunnel-Elastic Operator, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682- 246 Tunnel-Elastic Operator, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682- 250 Tunnel-Elastic Operator, Zigzag (garment) 786.682-254 Ultrasonic-Seaming-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682- 258 Utility Operator (garment) 786.682-262 Waistband Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-266 Waistline Joiner, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-270 Waistline Joiner, Overlock (garment) 786.682-274 Zigzag-Machine Operator (garment) 786.682-278 Zipper Setter, Chainstitch (garment) 786.682-282 Zipper Setter, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-286 Cutter (glove & mit.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 699.682-014 Glove Sewer (glove & mit.) 784.682-010 Hat-and-Cap Sewer (hat & cap) 784.682-014 Sewing-Machine Operator (hosiery) 787.682-074 Binding Cutter, Synthetic Cloth (house furn.) 699.682-010 Flower-Machine Operator (house furn.) 687.682-010 Needle-Control Cheniller (house furn.) 687.685-010 Sewing-Machine Operator (house furn.) 787.682-066 Slip-Cover Sewer (house furn.) 780.682-014 Stripe Matcher (knit goods) 689.662-014 Embosser (leather mfg.; leather prod.) 690.682-030 Hide Splitter (leather mfg.) 690.580-010 Creaser (leather prod.) 783.685-014 Sewing-Machine Operator (leather prod.) 783.682-014 Roll-or-Tape-Edge-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring. 787.682-038 - Sewing-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) 780.682. 0 1 0 - Strap-Machine Operator (paper goods) 534.682-034 Sewing-Machine Operator (per, protect. & med. dev.) 787.682-050 Drapery Operator (ret. tr.) 787.682-018 Cutting-and-Printing-Machine Operator (tex. bag) 652.685- 022 Sewing-Machine Operator (tex. bag) 787.682-042 Sewing-Machine Operator (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 787.682-058 Splicing-Machine Operator (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.682-018 Sewing-Machine Operator (toys & games) 787.682-054 Bias-Cutting-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 686.682-014 Sewing-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 787.682-070 Stitcher (trim. & embroid.) 689.682-022 06.02.06 Machine Work, Textiles Weaver (asbestos prod.; textile) 683.682-038 Weaver Apprentice (asbestos prod.; textile) 683.682-042 Weaver, Narrow Fabrics (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) 683.682-046 Carpet Weaver (carpet & rug) 683.682-010 Carpet Weaver, Jacquard Loom (carpet & rug) 683.682- 0 1 4 Rug Setter, Axminster (carpet & rug) 681.682-0 18 Weaver (carpet & rug) 683.682-034 Weaving Inspector (carpet & rug; textile) 683.684-034 Needle-Felt-Making-Machine Operator (felt goods) 689. 362-0 || 0 Needle-Loom Operator (felt goods) 689.662-010 Knitting-Machine Operator, Full-Fashioned Hosiery, Auto- matic (hosiery) 684.682-010 Looper (hosiery; knit goods) 689.682-010 Seamless-Hosiery Knitter (hosiery) 684.685-010 Crochet-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.682-010 Warp-Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.665-018 Jacquard-Loom Weaver (narrow fabrics) 683.682-022 Weaver, Needle Loom (narrow fabrics) 683.665-010 158 06.02 Embossograph Operator (any ind.) 652.682-014 Sign Writer, Machine (any ind.) 659.682-026 Silk-Screen Printer, Machine (any ind.) 652.665-010 Slitting-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 699.682-030 Hot-Die-Press Operator (boot & shoe) 690.682-050 Glaze Maker (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.485-014 Boring-and-Filling-Machine Operator (brush & broom) 692.682-0 18 - Broom Stitcher (brush & broom) 692.682-022 Filling-and-Stapling-Machine Operator (brush & broom) 692.682-038 Sweeper-Brush Maker, Machine (brush & broom) 692.682- 066 Batting-Machine Operator, Insulation (build, board) 677.382-0 1 0 Calender Operator, Insulation Board (build. board) 539.482-0 1 0 Drill-Press Operator, Acoustical Tile (build. board) 649.682-0 18 Knife Operator (build. board) 579.382-018 Mat-Machine Operator (build, board) 579.662-010 Tenoner Operator (build. board) 677.682-026 Printer, Plastic (coated fabrics; fabric. 651.382-026 Roll-Sheeting Cutter (coated fabrics) 699.682-026 plastics prod.) Rope-Maker, Ropewalk (cord. & twine) 681.682-014 Printing-Machine Operator, Tape Rules (cut. & tools) 652.662-010 Carbon-and-Graphite-Brush-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.482-010 Electrode Turner-and-Finisher (elec. equip.) 692.682-034 Planer Operator (elec. equip.) 675.682-014 Wafer-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.662-018 Dynamite-Packing-Machine Operator (explosives) 692.662- 0 1 0 Gelatin-Dynamite-Packing Operator (explosives) 692.662– 0.14 Shell-Machine Operator (explosives) 649.682-030 Embossing-Press Operator, Molded Goods (floor covering, n.e.c.) 690.682-034 Gage Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.682-042 Strickler Attendant (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.665-014 Laminating-Machine Operator (furn.) 692.685-106 Decorating-Machine Operator (glass prod.) 652.685-026 Asbestos-Wire Finisher (insulated wire) 69 I .682-0 l () Braider Operator (insulated wire) 691.682-014 Extruding-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.382-010 Insulating-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.682-018 Striping-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 652.682-026 goods; textile) Laminating-Machine Operator 584.682-014 (knit Calender-Roll Press Operator (mach. mfg.) 692.462-010 Printing-Roller Polisher (mach. shop) 603.382-030 Ornamental-Machine Operator (mirror & pic. frames) 690.682-054 Mouthpiece Maker (musical inst.) 730.685-014 String-Winding-Machine Operator (musical inst.) 692.682- 062 Dental-Amalgam Processor (nonfer, metal alloys) 509.382- 0 14 Wire-Wrapping-Machine Operator (office mach.) 692.662- 022 Abrasive Grader (optical goods) 570.682-010 Combiner Operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682- 0.26 Book-Jacket-Cover-Machine 640.685-014 Core-Cutter and Reamer (paper goods) 649.685-026 Embosser Operator (paper goods; wallpaper) 649.682-022 Flexographic-Press Operator (paper goods; print. & pub.) 651 .682-010 Operator (paper goods) Blocker (print. & pub.) I 979.682-010 Rounding-and-Backing-Machine Operator (print, & pub.) 653.685-026 Tinning-Machine Set-Up Operator (print. & pub.) 653.682- 022 Outsole Cutter, Automatic (rubber goods) 690.462-010 Rubber-Printing-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 652.462-0 || 0 - Weatherstrip-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.382- 0 14 Bead-Forming-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) 692.682-014 sº Bias-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) 690.682-022 Ball-Truing-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 690.682-014 Supervisor, Ski Production (sports equip.) 692. 132-0 18 Roller Coverer (textile) 628.682-010 Screen-Printing-Machine Operator (textile) 652.682-0 18 Puncher (trim. & embroid.) 689.582-010 Tip Inserter (woodworking) 669.682-066 06.02.10 Equipment Operation, Metal Processing Bullet-Casting Operator (ammunition) 502.682-010 Bullet-Slug-Casting-Machine Operator (ammunition) 502.382-0 || 0 Iron-Plastic Bullet Maker (ammunition) 590.365-010 Lead-Section Supervisor (ammunition) 619, 132-010 Shot Dropper (ammunition) 502.362-010 Pickler, Continuous Pickling Line (any ind.) 503.362-010 Cupola Operator, Insulation (build. board) 579.382-014 Hardener (clock & watch) 504.382-010 (elec. Casting-Machine Automatic 502.482-0 l 4 Operator, equip.) 159 06.02 Waste-Treatment Operator (chem.) 955.382-014 Water-Treatment-Plant Operator (chem.) 551.485-010 Weigher-Bulker (chem.) 550.582-014 Wet-Mix Operator (chem.) 558.382-058 Color Maker (coal tar prod.) 550.382-010 Color Maker (coated fabrics) 550.382-014 Acid Extractor (coke prod.) 558.382-010 Desulfurizer Operator (coke prod.) 541.362-010 Pyridine Operator (coke prod.) 552.382-010 Oxygen-Plant Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) 552.362- 0.14 Compressor (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; salt production) 556.382-0 10 Pharmaceutical Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.382-042 - - Forming-Process Worker (elec. equip.) 590.362-010 Nitrator Operator (explosives) 558.382-046 Fat-Purification Worker (oils & fats) 551.685-070 Linseed-Oil Refiner (oils & fats) 559.382-030 Concentrator 51 1.462–0 1 0 Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) Granulator-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.382-026 Roller-Mill Operator (paint & varn.) 555.682-014 Sand-Mill Grinder (paint & varn.) 555.682-018 Stone-Mill Operator (paint & varn.) 555.682-022 Tinter (paint & varn.) 550.381-014 Varnish Maker (paint & varn.) 553.382-022 Causticiser (paper & pulp) 558.382-018 Caustic Operator (paper & pulp) 558.485-010 Recovery Operator (paper & pulp) 552.362-018 Chemical Mixer (photofinish.) 550.485-010 Miller (salt production) 555.682-010 Distiller (turp. & rosin) 552.682-014 06.02.12 Equipment Operation, Petroleum and Gas Processing Gas Treater (any ind.) 546.385-010 Cylinder Filler (comp. & liquefied gases) 559.565-010 Liquefaction-Plant Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) 559.362-018 Crude-Oil Treater (petrol. production) 541.382-014 Natural-Gas-Treating-Unit Operator (petrol. production) 549.382-0 || 0 Blender (petrol. refin.) 540.462-010 Compounder (petrol. refin.) 540.382-010 Control-Panel Operator (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010 Furnace Operator (petrol. refin.) 542.562-010 Oil-Recovery-Unit Operator (petrol. refin.) 549.382-014 Paraffin-Plant Operator (petrol. refin.) 541.682-010 Paraffin-Plant-Sweater Operator (petrol. refin.) 543.682- 022 Pumper (petrol. refin.) 549.360-010 Refinery Operator Helper (petrol. refin.) 542.362-014 Still-Pump Operator (petrol. refin.) 549.362-010 Treater (petrol. refin.) 549,362-014 06.02.13 Equipment Operation, Rubber, Plastics, and Glass Glass-Ribbon-Machine-Operator Processing Mixing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 550.382-022 Blow-Molding-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 556,682-010 Calender Operator, Four-Roll (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.662-010 Compression-Molding-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.682-014 Extruder Operator (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 557,382-010 - Injection-Molding-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.382-014 - Polystyrene-Bead Molder (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.382- 0 18 Batch-and-Furnace Operator (glass mfg.) 572.382-010 Drawing-Kiln Operator (glass mfg.) 575.362-010 Forming-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) 575.382-014 Glass-Bulb-Machine Former, Tubular Stock (glass mfg.) 575.382-0 18 Glass-Ribbon-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) 575.362-014 Assistant (glass mfg.) 575.365-010 Glass-Rolling-Machine Operator (glass mſg.) 575,382-022 Yardage-Control Operator, Forming (glass mfg.) 575.662- 014 - Fiberglass-Machine Operator (glass prod.) 574.682-010 Ager Operator (plastics mat.) 553.482-010 Coagulation Operator (plastics mat.) 559.582-010 Cracking-Unit Operator (plastics mat.) 558.682-010 Drier Operator (plastics mat.) I 559.562-010 Film-Casting Operator (plastics mat.) 559.682-022 Finishing-Area Operator (plastics mat.) 559.362-014 Hydraulic-Strainer Operator (plastics mat.) 551.582-010 Kettle Operator (plastics mat.) 558.382-042 Naphtha-Washing-System Operator (plastics mat.) 559.382- 038 Operator, Catalyst Concentration (plastics mat.) 550.382- 0.26 Plastics-Spreading-Machine 554.382-014 Polymerization-Kettle Operator (plastics mat.) 558.382-050 Ripening-Room Attendant (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 559.682-038 - Roll Operator (plastics mat.) 554.682-018 Rubber-Mill Operator (plastics mat.) 559.682-042 Shredding-Floor-Equipment Operator (plastics 559.382-050 Solutions Operator (plastics mat.) 550.382-034 Operator (plastics mat.) mat.) Arch-Cushion-Press Operator (rubber goods) 556.362-010 Belt-Press Operator (rubber goods) I 553.362-010 Calender-Let-Off Operator (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.682-010 - Calender Operator (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.362-0 || 0 Curer, Foam Rubber (rubber goods) 553.682-014 Frothing-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 550.362-010 Latex-Ribbon-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 559.682- 0.34 Pulverizer-Mill Operator (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.382-0 1 0 160 06.02 Sponge-Press Operator (rubber goods) 559.682-050 V-Belt Curer (rubber goods) 553.682-026 )6.02.14 Equipment Operation, Paper and Paper Products Processing - Coating-Machine Operator, Hardboard (build. board; paper goods) 534.682-022 Digester Operator (build. board; paper & pulp) 532.362- 0 1 0 - Fourdrinier-Machine Tender (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.362-014 Pulp Grinder and Blender (build. board) 530.682-010 Air-Drier-Machine Operator (paper & pulp) 534.682-010 Back Tender, Paper Machine (paper & pulp) 534.662-010 Black-Ash-Burner Operator (paper & pulp) 553.682-010 Bleacher, Pulp (paper & pulp) 533.362-010 Bleach-Liquor Maker (paper & pulp) 550.662-010 Coating-Machine Operator (paper & pulp; wallpaper) 534.682-0 18 - Decker Operator (paper & pulp) 533.682-010 Molding-Machine Tender (paper & pulp) 539.685-018 Pulper, Synthetic Soil Blocks (paper & pulp) 530.582-010 Pulp-Refiner Operator (paper & pulp) 530.382-010 Wood Grinder Operator (paper & pulp) 530.662-014 Creping-Machine Operator (paper goods) 534.682-030 Impregnation Operator (paper goods) 539.685-014 Waxing-Machine Operator (paper goods) 534.482-010 Paper-Coating-Machine Operator (photo. apparatus) 534.582-010 - 06.02.15 Equipment Operation, Food Processing Tobacco Curer (agric.) 523.682-038 Baker (bake. prod.) 526.381-010 Baker Apprentice (bake. prod.) 526.381-014 Batter Scaler (bake. prod.) 526.682-010 Cracker-and-Cooky-Machine Operator 520.482–0 1 0 Depositing-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 524.682-010 Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) 520.582-010 Dough-Mixer Operator (bake. prod.) 520.462-010 Doughnut-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 526.682-022 Enrobing-Machine Operator (bake. prod.; confection.) 524.382-014 - Oven Operator, Automatic (bake. prod.; cereal) 526.682- . 030 (bake. prod.) - Dethistler Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.685-106 Drier Operator (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.) 523.682-022 Evaporator Operator (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; sugar) 52 1.382-010 . Retort Operator (can. & preserv.) 526.682-034 Shrimp-Peeling-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.682-038 Steam-Oven Operator (can. & preserv.) 526.382-026 Drum Drier (cereal) 523.682-026 Extruder Operator (cereal) 520.682-018 - Flake Miller, Wheat and Oats (cereal) 521.682-022 Gunner (cereal) 523.382-010 Percolator Operator (cereal) 523.682-034 Reduction-Furnace Operator (chem.) 553.682-022 Centrifuge Operator (chew. gum) 529.682-010 Coating-Machine 524.382-010 Confectionery Cooker (chew. gum; confection.) 526.382- 0.14 Gum-Scoring-Machine Operator (chew. gum) 520.682-022 Operator (chew. gum; confection.) Chocolate-Production-Machine Operator (choc. & cocoa) 529.382-014 Chocolate Temperer 523.682-0 1 0 Cocoa-Bean Roaster (choc. & cocoa.) I 523.362-010 Cocoa-Press Operator (choc. & cocoa) 521.682-014 Conche Operator (choc. & cocoa) 526.382-010 Drier Operator (choc. & cocoa) 529.682-022 Refining-Machine Operator (choc. & cocoa) 521.682-034 Sirup Maker (choc. & cocoa) 529,482-022 (choc. & cocoa; confection.) Center-Machine Operator (confection.) 520.682-014 Cutting-Machine Operator (confection.) 521.685-102 Depositing-Machine Operator (confection.) 529.682-018 Lozenge Maker (confection.) 529.682-026 Molding-Machine Operator (confection.) 520.682-026 Bone-Char Kiln Operator (corn prod.) 523.662-010 Centrifugal Operator (corn prod.; sugar) 521.682-010 Converter Operator (corn prod.) 526.382-018 Dextrine Mixer (corn prod.) 523.682-018 Dry-Starch Operator (corn prod.) 520.362-014 Dry-Starch Operator, Automatic (corn prod.) 529.362-014 Filter Operator (corn prod.) 521.682-018 - Flash-Drier Operator (corn prod.) 529.582-014 Miller, Wet Process (corn prod.) 521.662-010 Molasses and Caramel Operator (corn prod.) 526.382-022 Refinery Operator (corn prod.) 521.362-018 - Refinery Operator, Assistant (corn prod.) 521.462-010 Separator Operator (corn prod.) 521.382-014 Sirup Mixer (corn prod.) 529.462-010 Starchmaker (corn prod.) 520.485-030 Buttermaker (dairy prod.) 529.362-010 Buttermaker, Continuous Churn (dairy prod.) 529.382-010 Cheesemaker Helper (dairy prod.) 529.682-014 Cottage-Cheese Maker (dairy prod.) 522.382-010 Dairy-Processing-Equipment Operator (dairy 529.382-0 || 8 Freezer Operator (dairy prod.) 529.482-010 Icicle-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 920.482-010 Novelty Maker (dairy prod.) I 529.482-014 prod.) Novelty Maker (dairy prod.) II 529.482-0 18 Wort Extractor (dairy prod.) 526.485-010 Cistern-Room Operator (distilled liquors) 520.382-010 Fermentation Operator (distilled liquors) 522.382-014 Liquor Blender (distilled liquors) 522.382-018 Mash-Tub-Cooker Operator (distilled liquors) 522.382-022 Miller, Distillery (distilled liquors) 521.362-014 Still Operator (distilled liquors) 522.382-026 Yeast Distiller (distilled liquors) 522.362-010 Cook, Sirup Maker (flav. ext. & sirup) 526.682-018 Sirup Maker (flav. ext. & sirup) 520.485-026 Coffee Roaster (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.682-014 Drier, Belt Conveyor (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.485-018 Maple-Sirup Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.382-014 Vinegar Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.382-038 Baker, Test (grain & feed mill.) 526.381-018 161. 06.02 Rotor Casting-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 502.482- 0 18 Shrink-Pit Operator (firearms) 619.662-010 Centrifugal-Casting-Machine (found.) III 51 4.562-010 Cupola Tender (found.) 512.662-010 Die-Casting-Machine Operator (found.) I 514.382-010 Furnace Operator (found.; iron & steel) 512.362-018 Sand Mixer, Machine (found.) 570.682-0 18 Vacuum Caster (found.) 514.582-010 Operator Coating-Machine Operator (galvanizing) 501.362-010 Annealer (heat treat.) 504.682-010 Case Hardener (heat treat.) 504.682-014 Heat Treater (heat treat.) I 504.382-014 Heat Treater (heat treat.) II 504.682-0 18 Heat-Treater Apprentice (heat treat.) 504.382-018 Heat-Treating Bluer (heat treat.) 504.682-022 Temperer (heat treat.) 504.682-026 06.02.11 Bed Operator (iron & steel) 613.585-010 Charging-Machine Operator (iron & steel) 5 12.683-010 Cold-Mill Operator (iron & steel) 613.462-010 First Helper (iron & steel) 512.362-010 Heater (iron & steel) 613.362-010 Manipulator (iron & steel) 613.682-010 Mixer Operator, Hot Metal (iron & steel) 509.362-010 Oxygen-Furnace Operator (iron & steel) 512.382-010 Pig-Machine Operator (iron & steel) 514.362-010 Roller, Primary Mill (iron & steel) 613.362-014 Speed Operator (iron & steel) 613.362-022 Stove Tender (iron & steel) 512.382-014 Centrifugal-Casting-Machine Operator (jewelry) 502.682- 0 18 Carbide-Powder Processor (mach. shop) 510.465-010 Calciner Operator (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.362-010 Alodize-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.462- 0 1 0 Caster (nonfer. metal alloys) 502.482-010 Casting-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 502.682- 0.14 Casting Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.662-010 Furnace Charger (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.483-010 Furnace Operator (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.362-014 Furnace Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.462-014 Casting-Wheel Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 14.682-010 - Control Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.482-010 Cryolite-Recovery Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 | 1.482-014 Dust Collector, Ore Crushing (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.682-0 1 0 Furnace Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.462- 0 1 0 Kiln Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.565-010 Leacher (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.582-010 Molybdenum-Steamer Operator (ore dress., smelt., refin.) 51 1.485-010 - Nickel-Plant Operator 519.362-010 Recovery Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.582 010 Slurry-Control 5 10.465-014 - Sprayer Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 505.682-010 (ore dress., smelt., & refin. Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin. Tank-House Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin. 5.19.362-014 Tin Recovery Worker (ore dress., smelt., & refin. 5 12.382-0 18 Top-Precipitator Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.465-010 Tungsten Refiner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.382-010 Zinc-Chloride Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.385-010 Brazer, Furnace (welding) 8 13.482-010 Brazer, Induction (welding) 8 13.382-010 Equipment Operation, Chemical Processing Absorption Operator (chem.; coal tar prod.) 551.382-010 Alum-Plant Operator (chem.) 559.362-010 Autoclave Operator (chem.) I 553.382-010 - Benzene-Washer Operator (chem.; coke prod.) 551.682- O 10 Burner Operator (chem.) 558.382-014 Casting-and-Curing Operator (chem.) 559.682-014 Catalyst Operator, Gasoline (chem.) 559,382-014 Catalytic-Converter Operator (chem.) 558.362-010 Causticiser (chem.) 558.382-022 Cd-Reactor Operator (chem.) 558.385-010 Cd-Reactor Operator, Head (chem.) 558.362-014 Cd-Storage-and-Materials-Make-Up Operator, (chem.) 559. 167-010 Cell Tender (chem.) 558.382-026 Charge-Machine Operator (chem.) 921.662-014 Checker (chem.; explosives) 559.165-010 Chlorinator Operator (chem.) 558.382-030 Contact-Acid-Plant Operator (chem.) 558.585-018 Cuprous-Chloride Operator (chem.) 558.382-034 Dissolver Operator (chem.) 558.682-014 Drier Operator (chem.) II 553.582-010 Electric-Cell Tender (chem.) 558.565-014 Evaporator Operator (chem.; glue) 553.382-018 Fermentation Operator (chem.) 558.682-018 Filtration Operator, Polyethylene Catalyst 551.562-010 Furnace Operator (chem.) 558.482-010 Irish-Moss Operator (chem.) 529.382-030 Kettle Operator (chem.) 558.382-038 Make-Up Operator (chem.) 559.382-034 Monomer-Purification Operator (chem.) 552.362-010 Mva-Reactor Operator, Head (chem.) 559.362-022 Phosphoric-Acid Operator (chem.) 558.582-010 Pot Firer (chem.) 553.582-014 Purification Operator (chem.) 551.362-010 Purification-Operator Helper (chem.) 551.465-010 Saturator Operator (chem.; coke prod.) 558.362-018 Shift Superintendent, Caustic Cresylate (chem.) 552. 132- 0 1 0 Soda-Column Operator (chem.) 558.382-054 Specialties Operator (chem.) 559.582-014 Still Operator, Batch or Continuous (chem.) 552.362-022 Tower Helper (chem.) 558.385-014 Utility Operator (chem.) I 559.682-066 Head (chem.) 162 06.02 06.02.07 06.02.08 Cotton-Ball-Machine Tender (per. protect. & med. dev.) 580.685-022 Surgical-Elastic Knitter, Hand Frame (per, protect. & med. dev.) 685.382-010 Levers-Lace Machine Operator (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 683.682-026 Weaver, Tire Cord (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 683.682-050 Drawer-In, Hand (textile) 683.684-014 Drawing-in-Machine Tender (textile) 683.682-018 Dresser Tender (textile) 681.682-010 Jacquard-Loom Weaver (textile) 683.662-010 Plush Weaver (textile) 683.682-030 Rotary-Screen-Printing-Machine Operator (textile) 652.582-0 l 4 Screen-Printing-Machine-Operator Helper (textile) 652.686-038 Machine Work, Rubber Trimmer, Machine (boot & shoe) II 690.682-086 Arch-Cushion-Skiving-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.682-0 1 0 Composition-Roll 559.482–0 1 0 Lead Operator, Automatic Vulcanizing (rubber goods) 690.362-010 Ring-Rolling-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.682- 066 Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.662-014 Wink-Cutter Operator (rubber goods) 557.382-014 Maker and Cutter (rubber goods) Strainer Tender (rubber reclaim.) 551.365-010 Machine Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Auger Press Operator, Manual Control (brick & tile) 575.462-010 Press Operator (brick & tile) 575.682-018 Refractory-Grinder Operator (brick & tile) 677.682-014 Finish Opener, Jewel Hole (clock & watch) 673.682-022 Flat Surfacer, Jewel (clock & watch) 770.685-010 Jewel-Bearing Facer (clock & watch) 770.682-018 Jewel-Corner-Brushing-Machine Operator (clock & watch) 770.685-026 Jewel-Cupping-Machine 770.685-030 Jewel Grinder (clock & watch) I 770.685-014 Operator (clock & watch) Coke-Crusher Operator (coke prod.) 544.662-010 Crusher-and-Blender Operator (coke prod.) 544.582-010 Carbon Cutter (elec. equip.) 677.685-018 Glass-Lathe Operator (electronics) 674.382-010 Beveling-and-Edging-Machine Operator (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.682-014 Forming-Machine Tender (glass mfg.) 575.685-038 Glass-Cutting-Machine Operator, Automatic (glass mfg.) 677.562-0 || 0 Miter Grinder Operator (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.682-026 Automatic Pattern Edger (glass prod.; mirror) 673.682-010 Glass-Blowing-Lathe Operator (glass prod.) 772.482-010 Glass Grinder, 775.38 2-0 || 0 Laboratory Apparatus (inst. & app.) Lathe Operator (jewelry) 770.382-010 Drier Operator (light, heat, & power) 543.382-010 Grinding-Mill Operator (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.382-010 Drill Operator, Automatic (mirror) 676.682-010 Finger-Grip-Machine Operator (mirror) 673.685-054 Eyeglass-Lens Cutter (optical goods) 716.682-010 Lathe Operator, Contact Lens (optical goods) 716.382-010 Precision-Lens Centerer and Edger (optical goods) 716.462-0 || 0 Precision-Lens Generator (optical goods) 716.682-014 Precision-Lens Grinder (optical goods) 716.382-018 Precision-Lens-Grinder Apprentice (optical goods) 716.382-022 Precision-Lens Polisher (optical goods) 716.682-0 18 Sawyer, Optical Glass (optical goods) 677.382-014 Grinder-Mill Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5.19.485-010 Phonograph-Needle-Tip Maker (phonograph) 770.382-014 Banding-Machine Operator (pottery & porc.) 679.682-010 Die Presser (pottery & porc.) 575.685-026 Finish-Machine Tender (pottery & porc.) 673.685-058 Pottery-Machine Operator (pottery & porc.) 774.382-010 Ram-Press Operator (pottery & porc.) 575.682-022 Stamper, Machine (pottery & porc.) 652.682-022 Bed Rubber (stonework) 673.685-014 Circular Sawyer, Stone (stonework) 677.462-010 Contour Grinder (stonework) 675.682-010 Edger-Machine Operator (stonework) 673.682-0 18 Gang Sawyer, Stone (stonework) 670.362-010 Planer, Stone (stonework) 675.682-0 18 Router Operator (stonework) 676.462-010 Slab Grinder (stonework) 673.682-030 Splitting-Machine Operator (stonework) 677.685-046 Stonecutter, Machine (stonework) 677.682-022 Stone Driller (stonework) 676.682-014 Stone-Lathe Operator (stonework) 674.662-010 Stone Polisher, Machine (stonework) 673.382-0 18 Stone Polisher, Machine Apprentice (stonework) 673.382- O22 Top Polisher (stonework) 673.662-010 Wire Sawyer (stonework) 677.462-014 06.02.09 Machine Work, Assorted Materials Abrasive Grinder (abrasive & polish. prod.) 673.685-010 Honeycomb-Blanket Maker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-062 Cut-and-Print-Machine Operator (ammunition) 659.682- 0 1 0 Tracer-Bullet-Charging-Machine 694.382-014 Operator (ammunition) Box Printer (any ind.) 652.682-010 Cloth Printer (any ind.) 652.382-010 Cutter Operator (any ind.) 699.682-018 Die Cutter (any ind.) 699.682-022 163 06.02 Cake Tester (grain & feed mill.) 526.381-022 Grinder Operator (grain & feed mill.) 521.682-026 Huller Operator (grain & feed mill.) 521.682-030 Drier Operator (macaroni & rel. prod.) 523.362-014 Noodle-Press Operator (macaroni & rel, prod.) 520.662- 010 Press Tender (macaroni & rel. prod.) 520.685-186 Germination Worker (malt liquors) 522.585-014 Kettle Operator (malt liquors) 522.682-010 Kiln Operator, Malt House (malt liquors) 523.682-030 Malt Roaster (malt liquors) 526.682-026 Masher (malt liquors) 522.482-010 Receiver, Fermenting Cellars (malt liquors) 522.662-010 Silica-Filter Operator (malt liquors) 521.582-010 Blending-Plant Operator (oils & fats) 520.682-010 Hydrogenation Operator (oils & fats) 529.382-026 Whipped-Topping Finisher (oils & fats) 529.682-034 Cook, Dog-and-Cat Food (slaught. & meat pack.) 526.682- 0.14 Smoker (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.682-010 Blow-Up Operator (sugar) 529.485-014 Bulk-Plant Operator (sugar) 520.362-010 Carbonation Equipment Operator (sugar) 529.582-010 Centrifugal-Station Operator, Automatic (sugar) 521.585- 0 1 0 Char-Filter Operator (sugar) 521.365-010 Continuous-Absorption-Process Operator (sugar) 521.362- 010 Diffuser Operator (sugar) 523.562-010 Liquid-Sugar Melter (sugar) 520.382-014 Melter Operator (sugar) 523.382-018 Mill Platform Supervisor (sugar) 521. 132-010 Refined-Sirup Operator (sugar) 520.485-022 Soft-Sugar Operator, Head (sugar) 521.565-018 Sugar Boiler (sugar) 522.382-034 Sugar Controller (sugar) 529.565-010 Ordering-Machine Operator (tobacco) 522.682-014 Redrying-Machine Operator (tobacco) 522.662-014 Silo Operator (tobacco) 529.682-030 Still Operator (vinous liquors) 522.382-030 06.02.16 Equipment Operation, Textile, Fabric, and Leather Processing Rug Cleaner (carpet & rug) 689.687-066 Dry Cleaner (clean., dye., & press.) 362.382-014 Dry-Cleaner Apprentice (clean., dye., & press.) 362.382- 0 1 0 - Coating-and-Embossing-Unit Operator (felt goods; textile) 583.682-010 Fulling-Machine Operator (felt goods) 586.382-010 Colorer, Hides and Skins (leather mfg.) 582.482-010 Tanner, Rotary Drum, Continuous Process (leather mfg.) 582.482-014 Tanning-Drum Operator (leather mfg.) 582.482-018 Finishing-Machine Operator (narrow fabrics) 582.682-010 Tire-Fabric-Impregnating-Range Chief prod., n.e.c.) 589.662-014 Operator, (tex. Clarifying-Plant Operator (textile) 955.382-010 Dye-Range Operator, Cloth (textile) 582.582-010 Fuller (textile) 586.682-010 Package-Dyeing-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-102 Yarn-Mercerizer Operator (textile) II 584.685-058 06.02.17 Equipment Operation, Clay and Coke Processing Brick-and-Tile-Making-Machine Operator (brick & tile) 575.382-010 Dry-Kiln Operator (brick & tile) 573.362-010 Dry-Press Operator (brick & tile) 575.662-010 Mill Operator (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.382-010 Retort-or-Condenser Press Operator (brick & tile) 575.382-026 Spray-Drier Operator (brick & tile) 573.382-014 Tunnel-Kiln Operator (brick & tile) 573.382-018 Rotary-Kiln Operator (cement; chem.; minerals & earths) 573.382-010 Ammonia-Still Operator (coke prod.) 559.382-010 Coke Burner (coke prod.) 543.682-010 Heater (coke prod.) 542.362-010 Pump Operator, Byproducts (coke prod.) 541.362-014 Wash-Oil-Pump Operator (coke prod.) 549.382-018 Briquette-Machine Operator (fuel briquettes) 549,662-010 06.02.18 Equipment Operation, Assorted Materials Processing Abrasive-Wheel Molder (abrasive & polish. prod.) 575.685-0 || 0 Sizing-Machine Operator (ammunition) 649.582-014 Slurry Mixer (ammunition) 539.362-018 Wad-Compressor Operator-Adjuster (ammunition) 53.5.482-0 1 0 Still Tender (any ind.) 552.685-026 Extractor-Plant Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack; grease & tallow) 559.665-018 Flash-Drier Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.462-010 Plant Operator, Furnace Process (bone, carbon, & lamp- black) 559.362-026 Rabble-Furnace Tender (bone, carbon, & 553.685-090 - Wash Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.662-014 lampblack) Calciner, Gypsum (build. board) 579.382-010 Cylinder-Machine Operator (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.362-010 Drier Tender (build. board) 563.585-010 Grinder, Hardboard (build. board) 569.682-010 High-Density Finishing Operator (build. board) 539.562- 0 1 0 Humidifier Operator (build. board) 562.682-010 Line Tender, Flakeboard (build. board) 569.382-010 Plaster Mixer, Machine (build. board) 570.382-0 l 4 Press Operator, Hardboard (build. board) 569.682-014 Print-Line Operator (build. board; furn.) 652.562-010 Supply Controller (build. board) 570.382-018 Treating-Plant Operator (build. board) 563.662-010 164 06.02 Roof-Cement-and-Paint Maker (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550, 382-030 Roofing-Machine Operator (build. mat., n.e.c.) 554.682- 022 Saturator Tender (build. mat., n.e.c.) 582.685-1 18 Still Operator (build. mat., n.e.c.) 543.682-026 Centrifugal-Casting-Machine Tender (button) 556.385-010 Candle-Extrusion-Machine Operator (candle) 692.682-026 Scouring-Train Operator (carpet & rug; textile) 589.662- 0 1 0 Rug Cleaner, Machine (clean., dye., & press.) 361.682-010 Chemical Compounder (coal tar prod.) 559.682-018 Distillation Operator (coal tar prod.) 552.462-010 Oil Boiler (coated fabrics) 543.362-010 Capsule-Filling-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.682-010 Sterile-Products Processor 559.682-054 (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) Extrusion-Press Operator (elec. equip.) I 614.482-018 Impregnator and Drier (elec. equip.) 599.462-010 Operator, Cavity Pump (elec. equip.) 729.682-010 Pasting-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 505.482-010 Impregnator (electronics) 590.682-014 Operator, Automated Process (electronics) 590.382-010 Setter, TV Tube Coating and Baking (electronics) 574.382- 0 1 0 Ammonium-Nitrate Crystallizer (explosives) 553.685-010 Graining-Press Operator (explosives) 557.682-010 Mixer Operator (explosives) 550.382-018 Nitroglycerin-Separator Operator (explosives) 551.685-102 Poacher Operator (explosives) 551.685-106 Primer-Powder Blender, Wet (explosives) 550.582-010 Pulverizing-and-Sifting Operator (explosives) 550.485-026 Strong-Nitric Operator (explosives) 559.682-062 Beater Engineer (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.662-010 Calender Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.682-010 Controls Operator, Molded Goods (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662-0 || 0 Mechanical Oxidizer (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662-014 Stove-Carriage Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662- 022 Gelatin Maker, Utility (glue) 529.382-022 Glue Maker, Bone (glue) 559.382-022 Ion-Exchange Operator (glue) 558.685-034 Roll Tender (glue) 559.362-030 Lime-Kiln Operator (lime) 573.462-010 Coal Washer (mining & quarrying) 541.382-010 Drier Operator (mining & quarrying) 543.682-014 Monitor Car Operator (mining & quarrying) 939.682-010 Panelboard Operator (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 939.362-014 Carbon-Furnace Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 543.562-010 Carnallite-Plant Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 19.484-010 Press Operator, Carbon Blocks (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 14.682-014 Putty Tinter-Maker (paint & varn.) 559.482-014 Lime-Kiln Operator (paper & pulp) 559.685-118 Formula Weigher (pen & pencil) 559.685-082 Plate Molder (pen & pencil; print. & pub.) 556.582-010 Coal-Pipe-Line Operator (pipe lines) 914.362-010 Firer, Kiln (pottery & porc.) 573.662-010 Boiler (soap) 553.382-014 Copra Processor (soap) 555.685-018 Kettle Worker (soap) 553.685-070 Plodder Operator (soap) 556.682-018 Soap Maker (soap) 559.382-054 Tower Operator (soap) 559.362-034 Molding-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 575,682-014 Automatic-Pad-Making-Machine Operator (waste & batting) 689.382-010 Impregnating-Machine Operator (wirework) 590.362-014 Charcoal Burner, Beehive Kiln (wood distil. & char.) 563.682-0 1 0 Evaporator Operator (wood distil. & char.) 553.682-018 Retort-Condenser Attendant (wood distil. & char.) 552.685-022 Incising-Machine Operator (wood preserving) 569.662-010 Treating Engineer (wood preserving) 561.362-010 Kiln Operator (woodworking) 563,382-010 06.02.19 Equipment Operation, Welding, Brazing, and Solder- ing Lead Burner, Machine (elec. equip.) 727.662-010 Brazer, Controlled Atmospheric Furnace (welding) 8 13.685-0 l O Brazer, Resistance (welding) 8 13.682-010 Brazing-Machine Operator (welding) 8 13.382-014 Laser-Beam-Machine Operator (welding) 815.682-010 Thermal-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) 816.482-010 Welding-Machine Operator, Arc (welding) 810.382-010 Welding-Machine Operator, Electron Beam (welding) 815.382-0 10 Welding-Machine Operator, Electroslag (welding) 815.382- 0.14 Welding-Machine Operator, Friction (welding) 814.382- 0 1 0 Welding-Machine Operator, Gas (welding) 81 1.482-010 Welding-Machine Operator, Resistance (welding) 8 12.682- 0 1 0 Welding-Machine Operator, Ultrasonic (welding) 814.682- 0 1 0 Welding-Machine Tender (welding) 819.685-010 165 06.02 06.02.21 06.02.20 Machine Assembling Clip-Loading-Machine Adjuster (ammunition) 694,362-010 Salvage-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694.382-010 Shotgun-Shell-Assembly-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694.385-010 Arbor-Press Operator (any ind.) I 616.682-010 Kick-Press Operator (any ind.) I 616.682-026 Partition-Assembly-Machine Operator (any ind.) 649.582- 010 Set-Up Mechanic, Crown Assembly Machine (any ind.) 692.362-010 Stacking-Machine Operator (any ind.) I 692.682-054 Paint-Roller-Cover-Machine Setter (brush & broom) 692.682-046 Twisting-Machine Operator (brush & broom) 692.682-070 Hydraulic Press Operator (const.) 616.662-010 Barrel Assembler (cooperage) 669.682-014 Coremaking-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.682-030 Plate Stacker, Machine (elec. equip.) 692.382-014 Spaghetti-Machine (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.682-074 Operator Element Winder (inst. & app.) 724,685-010 Nail-Assembly-Machine Operator (nail) 616.682-030 Ballpoint-Pen-Assembly-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 692.382–0 1 0 Covering-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.682-014 Gluing-Machine Operator, Automatic (print. & pub.) 64 1.682-014 Head-Bander-and-Liner Operator (print. & pub.) 653.682- 0 18 Box-Blank-Machine Operator (wood, box) 669.662-010 Coating and Plating Abrasive-Coating-Machine Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 574.462-010 Anodizer (any ind.) 500.682-010 Coater Operator (any ind.) 509.382-010 Metal-Spraying-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) I 505.382-01 () Painter, Electrostatic (any ind.) 599.682-010 Paint-Sprayer Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 599.382-010 Pickler Helper, Continuous Pickling Line (any ind.) 503.686-010 Coating-Machine Operator (carpet & rug; felt goods) 584.562-010 Coating-Machine Operator (coated fabrics) 584.382-010 Coater (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 554.382-010 Welding-Rod Coater (elec. equip.) 505.382-014 Electrogalvanizing-Machine (electroplating) 500.362-010 Operator Plater (electroplating) 500.380-010 Plater Apprentice (electroplating) 500.380-014 Plater, Barrel (electroplating) 500.362-014 Zinc-Plating-Machine Operator (electroplating) 500.485- 0 1 0 Silvering Applicator (mirror) 574.582-010 Optical-Element Coater (optical goods) 716.382-014 Carbon-Coater-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 534.682- 014 Matrix Plater (phonograph) 500.384-010 Spray-Machine Operator (pottery & porc.) 574.682-014 Roller Varnisher (print. & pub.) 979.682-022 Coater (textile) 584.682-010 Operator, Prefinish (veneer & plywood) 562.685-018 06.02.22 Manual Work, Assembly Large Parts Assembler, Aircraft Power Plant (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.38 1-022 Assembler-Installer Apprentice, General (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361-010 "- Assembler-Installer, General (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361-014 Assembler, Rocket Engines (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 806.684-034 Assembler, Subassembly (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.484- 0 1 0 Cable Swager (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-042 Instrument-Panel Assembler (aircraft-aerospace 706.684-066 Wireworker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 709.684-106 mfg.) Assembler, Mechanical Ordnance (ammunition) 737.684- 0 1 0 Bomb Loader (ammunition) 737.684-014 Fitter (any ind.) II 706.684-054 Mechanical Assembler (auto. mfg.) 806.684-082 Trailer Assembler (auto. mfg.) 806.38 1-058 Billet Assembler (chem.) 614.684-010 Appliance Assembler, Line (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.) 827.684-0 | 0 Assembler, Internal Combustion Engine (engine & turbine) 806. 481-014 Internal-Combustion-Engine Subassembler (engine & tur- bine) 706.48 1-0 10 Turbine Subassembler (engine & turbine) 706.381-042 Cabinet Assembler (furn.) 763.684-014 Cupboard Builder (furn.) 703.684-014 Furniture Assembler (furn.) 763.684-038 Glazier, Metal Furniture (furn.) 865.684-018 Hydraulic-Chair Assembler (furn.) 706.684-058 Lock Assembler (furn.) 706.684-070 Metal-Bed Assembler (furn.) 706.684-082 166 06.02 Roof Fitter (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-126 Assembler (mach. mſg.) 706.361-010 Blower and Compressor Assembler (mach. m fg.) 801.361- 0 1 0 Machine Assembler (mach. mtg.) 638.361-010 Assembler (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.684-010 Assembler, Component (mfö. blogs.; trans. 762.684-014 Carpenter (mfa. blogs.) II 860.681-010 Door Assembler (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 806.684-050 Installer (mfö. blags.; trans. equip.) 869.684-026 Metal Hanger (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.) 809.684-030 Plumbing Assembler-Installer (mfö. blogs.) 862.684-026 Utility Worker (mfö. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.684-074 equip.) Mannequin Mounter (model & pattern) 739.684-118 Casket Assembler (mort. goods) 739.481-010 Casket Liner (mort. goods) 780.684-030 Motorcycle Assembler (motor. & bicycles) 806.684-090 Assembler, Piano (musical inst.) 730.384-010 Mechanic Ordnance Truck Installation 806.684–098 (ordnance) Refrigerator Glazier (refrigerat. equip.) 865.684-022 Deicer Assembler, Electric (rubber goods) 739.684-050 Laminator (rubber goods) 899.684-018 Assembler, Aluminum Boats (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.481-010 Assembler, Deck and Hull (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-022 Electric-Sign Assembler (signs) 729.684-022 Assembler, Unit (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 809.681 - O 1 O Fabricator, Shower Doors and Panels (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 739.38 1-030 . Brazer, Assembler (welding) 8 13.684-010 Solderer-Assembler (welding) 8 13.684-014 Wooden-Shade Hardware Installer (window shade & fix.) 739.684-174 Assembler, Wire-Mesh Gate (wirework) 801.384-010 06.02.23 Manual Work, Assembly Small Parts Aircraft Mechanic, Electrical and Radio (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 825.381-010 Assembler, Electrical Wire Group (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 728.384-0 1 0 Precision Assembler, 706.681-0 1 0 Bench (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Fuse Assembler (ammunition) 737.684-022 Electric-Motor Assembler and Tester (any ind.) 721.281 - 0.14 Assembler (bal. & scales) 7 10.381-010 Electronic-Scale Subassembler (bal. & scales) 726.684-014 Balance Assembler (clock & watch) 715.384-010 Balance-Bridge Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-022 Cap-Jewel Plate Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-050 Crown-Wheel Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-074 Dialer (clock & watch) 715.684-086 Put-in-Beat Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.684-174 Vending-Machine Assembler (coin mach.) 706.684-102 Assembler, Carbon Brushes (elec. equip.) 721.684-014 Assembler, Electrical Accessories (elec. equip.) II 729.384- 0 1 0 Battery Assembler (elec. equip.) 727.684-010 Capacitor Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.684-014 Electrical-Control Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.684-026 Electric-Motor Winder (elec. equip.) 721.484-010 Field-Ring Assembler (elec. equip.) 721.484-014 Lamination Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.484-010 Plate Assembler, Small Battery (elec. equip.) 727.684-026 Spider Assembler (elec. equip.) 721.684-026 Electronics Assembler (electronics) 726.684-018 Tube Assembler, Cathode Ray (electronics) 725.684-022 Injector Assembler (engine & turbine) 706.684-062 Aliner, Barrel and Receiver (firearms) 736.684-010 Assembler (firearms) I 736.381-010 Trimming Assembler (furn.) 780.684-1 14 Electronics Assembler (inst. & app.) 726.384-010 Medical-Instrument-Cable Fabricator (inst. & app.) 7 12.68 1-022 . Surgical-Forceps Fabricator (inst. & app.) 712.68 1-026 Bracelet and Brooch Maker (jewelry) 735.681-010 Chain Maker, Machine (jewelry) 700.684-022 Jacquard-Plate Maker (knit goods) 685.381-010 Assembler (light. fix.) I 723.684-014 Sewing-Machine Assembler (mach. mſg.) 706.381-034 Assembler, Product (mach. shop) 706.684-018 Bite-Block Maker (medical ser.) 712.684-014 Wheel Lacer and Truer (motor. & bicycles) 706.684-106 Assembler, Musical Instruments (musical inst.) 730.684- 0 1 0 Console Assembler (musical inst.) 730.684-030 Electric-Organ Assembler and Checker (musical 730.38 1-022 Harp Regulator (musical inst.) 730.381-026 Keyboard-Action Assembler (musical inst.) 730.684-042 Manual Winder (musical inst.) 730.684-046 Racker, Octave Board (musical inst.) 730.684-062 Stopboard Assembler (musical inst.) 730.684-082 Tone Cabinet Assembler (musical inst.) 730.684-090 inst.) Assembler (office mach.) 706.684-014 Assembler, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office mach.) 706.684- 0.26 167 06.02 06.02.24 Subassembler (office mach.) 706.684-094 Wirer, Subassemblies (office mach.) 729.684-062 Lens-Mold Setter (optical goods) 713.381-010 Assembler, Igniter (ordnance) 737.381-010 Assembler, Surgical Garment (per. protect. & med. dev.) 7 12.684-010 Assembler, Production Line (photo. apparatus) 714.684- 0 1 0 Air-Conditioning-Coil Assembler 706.684-010 (refrigerat. equip.) Grip Assembler (woodworking) 762.684-042 Manual Work, Metal and Plastics Assembly Repairer (agric. equip.) 624.381-010 Assembler, Metal 806.684-030 Assembler, Tubing (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-034 Molder, Punch (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 502.381-014 Plastics Fabricator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 754.684-042 Pressure Sealer-and-Tester (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684- 1 1 0 Router Operator, Portable (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) 804.684-018 Bonding (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Armature Bander (any ind.) 724.684-010 Armature Winder, Repair (any ind.) 724.684-018 Coil Shaper (any ind.) 724.684-022 Fabricator-Assembler, Metal Products (any ind.) 809.381- 0 1 0 - Grinder-Chipper (any ind.) I 705.684-030 Repairer, Finished Metal (any ind.) 809.684-034 Straightener, Hand (any ind.) 709.484-014 Tube Bender, Hand (any ind.) I 709.684-090 Sealer (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-038 Outside Cutter, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684-082 Chain Repairer (carpet & rug) 683.684-010 Balance Recesser (clock & watch) 604.685-010 Beveler (clock & watch) 715.684-030 Blocker (clock & watch) 715.684-034 Burnisher, Balance Wheel Arm (clock & watch) 715.684- 038 Burrer (clock & watch) 715.684-042 Collet Gluer (clock & watch) 715.685-010 Disassembler (clock & watch) 715.684-090 Foot Straightener (clock & watch) 715.687-030 Hairspring Cutter (clock & watch) I 715.687-038 Hairspring Cutter (clock & watch) II 715.687-042 Hammer Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.687-046 Hand Filer, Balance Wheel (clock & watch) 715.684-106 Mainspring Former, Arbor End (clock & watch) 715.687- O78 Mainspring Former, Brace End (clock & watch) 715.687- 082 Pallet Rectifier (clock & watch) 715.684-158 Pearler (clock & watch) 715.684-162 Polisher, Dial (clock & watch) 715.684-170 Reamer, Center Hole (clock & watch) 715.687-1 10 Spring Layer (clock & watch) 715.687-122 Stoner, Hand (clock & watch) 715.584-018 Timing Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.681-010 Tubing-Machine Tender (clock & watch) 715.685-070 Cage Maker (conc. prod.) 709.684-030 Commutator Assembler (elec. equip.) 724.684-030 Motor-and-Generator-Brush Maker (elec. equip.) 724.684- 038 Caster (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-022 Foam-Gun Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 741.684-014 Wire-Frame-Lamp-Shade Maker (fabric. 709.684–098 prod., n.e.c.) Barrel Straightener (firearms) I 736.684-026 Fitter, Ventilated Rib (firearms) 736.381-014 Sight Mounter (firearms) 736.481-010 Molder, Pattern (found.) 693.381-022 Wax-Pattern Assembler (found.) 518.684-022 Wax-Pattern Repairer (found.) 518.684-026 Bench Hand (furn.) 706.381-014 Gold Cutter (gold leaf & foil) 700.684-038 Steel Pourer (iron & steel) 502.664-014 Steel-Pourer Helper (iron & steel) 502.664-0 18 Bench-Molder Apprentice (jewelry) 518.381-010 Bright Cutter (jewelry) 700.684-018 Caster (jewelry) 502.381-010 Lacquerer (jewelry) 749.684-034 Mesh Cutter (jewelry) 700.684-050 Preparer, Making Department (jewelry) 700.684-058 Preparer, Samples and Repairs (jewelry) 700.684-062 Ring Stamper (jewelry) 700.684-066 Spinner (jewelry) 700.684-074 Trophy Assembler (jewelry) 735.684-018 Needle Straightener (knit goods) 628.684-018 Jig Fitter (mach. mſg.) 801.684-010 Subassembler (mach. mfg.) 706.381-038 Babbitter (mach. shop) 709.684-022 Mold Finisher (mach. shop) 705.684-038 Reamer, Hand (mach. shop) 709.684-058 Scraper, Hand (mach. shop) 705.384-010 Valve Grinder (mach. shop) 706.684-098 Plastic Duplicator (mach. tool & access.) 754.684-038 Tester, Convertible Sofa Bedspring (matt. & bedspring) 780.684-1 10 Seam Hammerer (musical inst.) 730.684-070 Sheet-Metal-Pattern Cutter (musical inst.) 730.684-074 Sliding-Joint Maker (musical inst.) 730.684-078 Valve Maker (musical inst.) II 730.681-018 Aliner, Typewriter (office mach.) 706.381-010 Repairer, Typewriter (office mach.) 706.381-030 Tool-Maintenance Worker (office mach.) 701.384-010 168 06.02 06.02.27 Case Preparer-and-Liner (ordnance) 509.384-010 Mother Repairer (phonograph) 705.684-042 Boat Patcher, Plastic (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 807.684- º Bender (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 804.684-014 Overlay Plastician (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 806.684-106 Grease Buffer (silverware) 705.684-022 Polisher, Sand (silverware) 705.684-070 Fishing-Lure Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-058 Golf-Club Head Former (sports equip.) 732.381-018 Ski Repairer, Production (sports equip.) 732.684-118 Spring Fitter (spring) 709.684-078 Spring Former, Hand (spring) 709.381-042 Spindle Plumber (textile) 628.684-030 Dice Maker (toys & games) 731.381-010 Welder, Explosion (welding) 814.684-010 Wire-Mesh-Filter Fabricator (wirework) 709.381-046 Wire-Rope-Sling Maker (wirework) 709.684-102 06.02.25 Manual Work, Wood Tank Assembler (cooperage) 764.684-030 Stock Patcher (firearms) 761.684-042 Bench-Shear Operator (furn.) 703.684-0 1 0 Shaper, Hand (furn.) 761.684-038 Portable Sawyer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 899.684-030 Stock-Parts Fabricator (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 769.684- 050 Golf-Club Facer (sports equip.) 761.684-010 Ski Maker, Wood (sports equip.) 761.381-026 Box Maker, Wood (wood. box) 760.684-014 Boat-Oar Maker (woodworking) 761.381-010 06.02.26 Manual Work, Paper Papier Mache Molder (model & pattern) 794.684-026 Paper-Novelty Maker (paper goods) 794.684-022 Map-and-Chart Mounter (print. & pub.) 979.684-022 Presser (print. & pub.) 977.684-018 Manual Work, Textile, Fabric and Leather Fabric Worker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 782.684-022 Upholsterer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 869.684-070 Cutter Apprentice, Hand (any ind.) 781.584-010 Cutter, Hand (any ind.) I 781.584-014 Cutter, Machine (any ind.) I 781.684-014 Hearse Upholsterer (auto. mfg.) 780.381-026 Cobbler (boot & shoe) 788,381-010 Cripple Worker (boot & shoe) 788.684-042 Finger Cobbler (boot & shoe) 788.684-046 Sole Sewer, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684-1 10 Stock Fitter (boot & shoe) 788.685-018 Finisher, Hand (canvas goods) 789.484-014 Sail Cutter (canvas goods) 781.384-018 Carpet Cutter (carpet & rug) I 781.684-010 Mender (carpet & rug; textile) 782.684-042 Rug Hooker (carpet & rug) 687.684-010 Weaver, Hand Loom (carpet & rug; textile) 683.684-030 Blocker (clean., dye., & press.) 363.684-010 Fur Cleaner (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-014 Hat Blocker (clean., dye., & press.) 363.684-014 Hatter (clean., dye., & press.) 369.384-010 Hat Trimmer (clean., dye., & press.) 782.381-010 Rug Cleaner, Hand (clean., dye., & press.) 369.384-014 Spotter (clean., dye., & press.) 362.381-010 Lamp-Shade Sewer (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 787.381-010 Fur Plucker (fur dressing) 585.681-014 Fur Cutter (fur goods) 783.381-010 Fur Finisher (fur goods) 783.381-014 Chair Upholsterer (furn.) 780.684-034 Leather Tooler (furn.) 763.684-054 Upholsterer, Inside (furn.) 780.681-010 Mender, Knit Goods (garment; knit goods) 782.684-046 Waste Salvager (garment) 781.684-062 Foundation Maker (hairwork) 739.384-014 Blocker, Hand (hat & cap) I 580.684-010 Hat Maker (hat & cap) 784.684-042 Hosiery Mender (hosiery) 782.684-030 Crocheter, Hand (knit goods) 782.684-014 Pattern Wheel Maker (knit goods) 685.684-010 Threader (knit goods) 685.680-010 Spotter (laund.) 361.684-018 Assembler, Leather Goods (leather prod.) I 783.684-010 Leather Cutter (leather prod.) 783.684-022 Leather Worker (leather prod.) 783.684-026 Luggage Maker (leather prod.) 783.381-022 Mattress Finisher (matt. & bedspring) 780.684-070 Mattress Maker (matt. & bedspring) 780.684-074 Smash Hand (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.684-026 Weaver, Hand (narrow fabrics; textile) 782.684-062 Hose Maker (rubber goods) 752.684-030 Canopy Stringer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-018 Knitter, Hand (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 782.684-034 Sample Selector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.387-014 Screen Printer (textile) 979.684-030 Embroiderer, Hand (trim. & embroid.) 782.684-018 169 06.02 Woven-Wood Shade Assembler (window shade & fix.) 739.684-178 06.02.28 Manual Work, Food Processing Bench Hand (bake. prod.) 520.384-010 Doughnut Maker (bake. prod.) 526.684-010 Steak Sauce Maker (can. & preserv.) 529.484-010 Candy Maker (confection.) 529.36 l-014 Compounder, Flavorings (flav. ext. & sirup) 529.381-010 Butcher, All-Round (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.38 1-014 Butcher Apprentice (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.381-010 06.02.29 Manual Work, Rubber Rubber-Goods Repairer (any ind.) 759.684-054 Rubber Liner (mach. mfg.) 759.684-050 Rubber Molder (model & pattern) 556.684-026 Balloon Maker (rubber goods) 752.684-010 Base-Ply Hand (rubber goods) 759.684-014 Bootmaker, Hand (rubber goods) 753.381-010 Expansion-Joint Builder (rubber goods) 759.664-014 Self-Sealing-Fuel-Tank Builder (rubber goods) 752.684-046 Tube-and-Manifold Builder (rubber goods) 759.684-062 V-Belt Builder (rubber goods) 759.684-066 Tire Builder, Automobile (rubber tire & tube) 750.384-010 Tire Repairer (rubber tire & tube) 750.681-010 06.02.31 Thermometer Maker (inst. & app.) 710.681-026 Mica Splitter (minerals & earths) 779.681-010 Blocker, Hand (optical goods) 716.684-010 Cementer (optical goods) 711.684-014 Molder (optical goods) 575.381-010 Optical-Glass Etcher (optical goods) 716.681-022 Caster (pottery & porc.) 575.684-014 Dipper (pottery & porc.) 774.684-014 Handler (pottery & porc.) 774.684-022 Mold Maker (pottery & porc.) 777.681-010 Plaster-Die Maker (pottery & porc.) 774.684-026 Thrower (pottery & porc.) 774.381-010 Turner (pottery & porc.) 774.684-038 Caster (stat. & art goods) 575.684-018 Mold Maker (stat. & art goods) 777.684-014 Plaster Maker (stat. & art goods) 779.684-046 Scagliola Mechanic (stat. & art goods) 556.484-010 Beveler (stonework) 771.484-010 Coper, Hand (stonework) 771.384-010 Manual Work, Laying Out and Marking Cutter, Fabrics and Materials (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 781. 384-010 Propeller Lay-Out Worker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 600.38 1-0 1 0 Template Reproduction Technician (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 971.38 1-058 Tube Builder, Airplane (rubber tire & tube) 750.384-014 Lay-Out Worker (any ind.) II 809.381-014 06.02.30 Manual Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Marker (any ind.) I 781.384-014 Glass Cutter (any ind.) 775.684-022 Brick Tester (brick & tile) 579.384-010 Junction Maker (brick & tile) 862.684-010 Molder, Hand (brick & tile) 575.684-042 Button-Cutting-Machine Operator (button) 734.384-010 Cell Maker (chem.) 844.681-010 Facer (clock & watch) 770.582-010 Jewel-Bearing Broacher (clock & watch) 770.682-010 Jewel-Bearing Turner (clock & watch) 770.682-022 Rough Opener, Jewel Hole (clock & watch) 770.684-018 Concrete-Stone Fabricator (conc. prod.) 575.461-010 Laundry-Tub Maker (conc. prod.) 575.684-034 Form Maker, Plaster (fabric. plastics prod.) 777.684-010 Ladle Liner (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684- 0 1 0 Plaster Molder (found.) I 777.381-034 Plaster Molder (found.) II 518.484-010 Beveler (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-010 Glass-Worker, Pressed or Blown (glass mfg.) 772.687-010 Glass Grinder (glass prod.) 775.684-030 Filler (inst. & app.) 710.684-022 Slide Processor (inst. & app.) 574.684-018 Dial Maker (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-018 Diagrammer and Seamer (carpet & rug) 789.484-010 Fur Nailer (fur goods) 783.684-014 Clothing-Pattern Preparer (garment) 78.1.287-010 Draper (garment; knit goods) 781.684-026 Pleat Patternmaker (garment; house furn.) 781.484-010 Mark-Up Designer (glass mfg.) 775.684-050 Glass Calibrator (glass prod.) 775.584-010 Patternmaker (glass prod.) 779.584-010 Mold Stamper (mach. shop) 709.684-054 Lay-Out Worker (mfö. blogs.) 869.684-034 Die Mounter (paper goods) 659.481-010 Preform Plate Maker (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 751.684- 026 Fishing-Rod Marker (sports equip.) 732.684-070 Stone Layout Marker (stonework) 670.587-010 Pattern Marker (woodworking) I 761.38 1-022 170 06.02 06.02.32 Manual Work, Assorted Materials Bonded Structures Repairer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 807.38 1-0 || 4 Powder Worker, Tnt (ammunition) 737.684-030 Coil Winder, Repair (any ind.) 724.381-014 Agate Setter (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-010 Brush Material Preparer (brush & broom) 739.684-022 Paint-Roller Covermaker (brush & broom) 739.684-142 Anode Builder (chem.) 826.684-010 Cell Repairer (chem.) 826.384-010 Dyer (chem.) 554.384-010 Pallet-Stone Inserter (clock & watch) 715.38 1-082 Color Matcher (coated fabrics; leather mfg.; plastics mat.) 550.38 1-0 1 0 Mold Laminator (conc. prod.; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-086 Battery Recharger (elec. equip.) 727.381-010 Cable Maker (elec. equip.; electronics) 728.684-010 Coil Connector (elec. equip.) 721.684-018 Insulation Cutter and Former (elec. equip.) 721.484-018 Mold Operator (elec. equip.) 729.684-030 Plate Former (elec. equip.) 500.684-018 Skein Winder (elec. equip.) 721.484-022 Etched-Circuit Processor (electronics) 590.684-018 Processor, Solid Propellant (explosives) 590.464-010 Artificial-Candy Maker (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684-010 Gas-Check-Pad Maker (firearms) 736.684-034 Fireworks Maker (fireworks) 737.684-018 Caner (furn.) I 763.684-018 Springer (furn.) 780.684-106 Watch-Crystal Molder (glass prod.) 772.684-022 Metal-Bonding Crib Attendant (glue) 550.564-010 Hair Preparer (hairwork) 739.384-018 Ventilator (hairwork) 739.384-022 Weaver (hairwork) 739.684-170 Plater (inst. & app.) 719.684-014 Repairer, Gyroscope (inst. & app.) 7 10.681-022 Pad Hand (leather prod.) 780.381-030 Diamond Mounter (mach. tool & access.) 739.384-010 Denture Waxer (medical ser.) 712.68 1-0 10 Opaquer (medical ser.) 712.684-030 Compo Caster (mirror & pic. frames) 769.381-010 (model & pattern) Mannequin Sander and Finisher 739.684-122 Plastic Molder (model & pattern) 779.684-050 Belly Builder (musical inst.) 730.684-018 Chip Tuner (musical inst.) 730.684-026 Musical-String Maker (musical inst.) 730.684-050 Wirer (office mach.) 729.281-042 Tool Repairer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684-026 Repairer, Pens and Pencils (pen & pencil) 733.384-010 Bellows Maker (photo. apparatus) 714.684-014 Roller Maker (print. & pub.) 759.664-0 18 Deicer-Element Winder, Hand (rubber goods) 739.684-058 Fiberglass Laminator (ship & boat blog. & rep.; trans. equip.) 806.684-054 Bow Maker, Production (sports equip.) 732.684-038 Racket Stringer (sports equip.) 732.684-094 Ski Molder (sports equip.) 732.684-114 Shuttle Fixer (textile) 628.684-026 171 06.03 Quality Control Quality Control 06.03 Workers in this group check the quality and quantity of products and materials being manufactured. They in- spect, test, weigh, sort, and grade specific items to be sure that they meet certain standards. Some may also keep inspection records of the number or kind of defects and flaws they find. They work in factories and other large plants that process materials and manufacture products. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —examine unground optical lenses for flaws and sort them according to defects. —inspect watch dials and hands for flaws and proper alignment. —inspect the dimensions of fountain pen nibs by using measuring instruments such as calipers. —examine rejected rubber footwear and sort accord- ing to whether pairs should be salvaged or scrapped. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: — do the same thing over and over according to a set procedure. —use eyes, hands, and fingers to handle gauges and measuring tools. —use math skills to count, measure, or keep inspec- tion records. —make decisions based on standards that can be measured or checked. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had industrial arts or machine shop courses? Did you learn how to use measuring devices such as gages, calipers, and micrometers? —Have you sorted paper, metal, or glass for recycling? Were you able to tell the difference between similar types of materials? —Have you had general or applied mathematics courses? Do you like to keep tallies or other sim- ple records? 172 06.03 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over one year, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most jobs in this group have no specific educational require- ments. However vocational shop courses are helpful. Employers usually train workers through on-the-job training programs. What else should you consider about these jobs? Overtime or night and shift work may be required. Many of these jobs are available to persons without any training. After gaining skill and experience in these jobs, workers often move up to better paying jobs. Workers are exposed to different types of factory con- ditions. However, these jobs usually do not require work- ing near machinery. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 173 06.03 06.03.01 Quality Control Inspecting, Testing, and Repairing Grinding-Wheel Inspector (abrasive & polish. prod.) 776.487-010 Cable Stretcher and Tester 806.685-010 Fluoroscope Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; metal alloys) 502.382-014 Inspector, Surface Processing (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.387-010 - Load-Test Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 929.382-010 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) nonfer. Chronograph Operator (ammunition; firearms) 739.484- 010 Drop Tester (ammunition) 737.387-010 Inspector (ammunition) I 737.387-014 Inspector (ammunition) III 737.367-010 Inspector (ammunition) IV 559.387-010 Pressure-Test Operator (ammunition) 737.387-018 Process Checker (ammunition) 737.364-010 Proof-Technician Helper (ammunition; firearms) 736.387- 014 Balancing-Machine Set-Up Worker (any ind.) 809.382-010 Comparator Operator (any ind.) 699.384-010 Egg Candler (any ind.) 529.687-074 Inspector, Magnetic and Zyglo (any ind.) 709.364-010 Static Balancer (any ind.) 724.384-014 Differential Tester (auto. mfg.) 806.382-010 Hypoid-Gear Tester (auto. mfg.) 806.382-014 Inspector, Exhaust Emissions (auto. mfg.) 806.364-010 Inspector, Returned Materials (auto. mfg.) 806.384-014 Test Driver (auto. mfg.) I 806.281-050 Tester, Motor (auto. mfg.) 806.384-026 Quality-Control Inspector (bake. prod.) 529.367-018 Inspector (bal. & scales) 710.384-014 Inspector (boot & shoe) 788.384-010 Upper-Leather Sorter (boot & shoe) 788.387-010 Tile Shader (brick & tile) 574.367-010 Inspector (build. board) 779.387-014 Inspector, Fibrous Wallboard (build. board) 539.487-010 Mat Tester (build. board) 579.387-010 Inspector (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.367-010 Fruit-Buying Grader (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.387- 0 18 Maturity Checker (can. & preserv.) 529.485-022 Autoclave Operator (chem.) II 709.682-010 Ultrasonic Tester (chem.) 709.687-054 Inspector, Mechanism (clock & watch) 715.384-014 Cylinder Inspector-and-Tester (comp. & liquefied gases) 953.387-0 1 0 Tester, Compressed Gases (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.364-0 1 0 Head Inspector (cooperage) 764.387-010 Grain Receiver (corn prod.) 921.365-010 Yield-Loss Inspector (corn prod.) 529.367-030 Cheese Grader (dairy prod.) 529.387-010 Inspector, Packaging Materials (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 920.387-0 10 Battery Tester (elec. equip.) 727.384-010 Coiled-Coil Inspector (elec. equip.) 725.684-010 Dry-Cell Tester (elec. equip.) 727.381-018 Finishing Inspector (elec. equip.) 729.387-0 18 Furnace-Stock Inspector (elec. equip.) 559.364-010 Green Inspector (elec. equip.) 726.367-010 Inspector (elec. equip.) I 729.387-022 Returned-Telephone-Equipment Appraiser (elec. equip.) 222.387-046 Winding Inspector (elec. equip.) 729.384-022 Winding Inspector and Tester (elec. equip.) 724.364-010 Inspector, Plating (electroplating) 500.287-010 Inspector (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 559.381-010 Inspector, Assembly (firearms) 736.387-010 Inspector, Cold Working (firearms) 6 12.384-010 Proof Inspector (firearms) 736.384-010 Woodwork-Salvage Inspector (firearms) 769.387-010 Inspector (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.367-010 Quality-Control Technician (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.387- 030 Metal Control Worker (found.) 5 12.487-010 Fur Sorter (fur goods) 783.384-010 Quality-Control Checker (garment) 789.387-010 Quality-Control Inspector (glass mfg.) 579.367-010 Quality-Control Technician (glass mfg.) 579.367-014 Quality Technician, Fiberglass (glass mfg.) 579.384-014 Ware Tester (glass mfg.) 579.384-018 Leather Grader (glove & mit.) 784.387-014 Products Inspector, Grain Mill (grain & feed mill.) 529.387–026 Rough-Rice Grader (grain & feed mill.) 529.367-026 Inspector (hat & cap) 784.387-010 Hardness Inspector (heat treat.) 504.387-010 Quality-Control Tester (hosiery) 684.384-010 Roving Inspector (inst. & app.) 710.367-010 Thermometer Tester (inst. & app.) 710.384-030 Inspector, Insulation (insulated wire) 691.387-010 Inspector (iron & steel) 619.381-010 174 06.03 Inspector and Sorter (leather mfg.) 589.387-010 Insulator Tester (light, heat, & power) 729.387-026 Meter Inspector (light, heat, & power) 710.384-022 Machine Tester (mach. mfg.) 629.382-010 Sewing-Machine Tester (mach. mfg.) 709.382-010 Tester, Sound (mach. mſg.) 706.382-014 Gear Hobber Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) 602.382-010 Gear Inspector (mach. shop) 602.362-010 Gear-Sorting-and-Inspecting Machine Operator shop) 602.362-014 (mach. Final Inspector (mirror) 779.387-010 Casket Inspector (mort. goods) 739.387-010 Motorcycle Tester (motor. & bicycles) 620.384-010 New-Car Inspector (motor trans.) 9 19.363-010 Final Inspector (musical inst.) 730.367-010 Belting-and-Webbing Inspector (narrow fabrics) 683.487- 0 1 0 Inspector (nonfer. metal alloys) I 619.364-010 Salvage Worker (nonfer. metal alloys) 619,387-010 Functional Tester, Typewriters (office mach.) 706.382-010 Inspector, Automatic Typewriter (office mach.) 706.387- 0 1 0 Machine Tester (office mach.) 706.387-014 Sampler (oils & fats) 529.387-034 Automotive-Tire Tester (ordnance) 736.367-010 Color Tester (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.667-014 Manometer Technician (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5.19.387-010 Potline Monitor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 12.467-010 Chip Tester (paper & pulp) 539.387-010 Final Inspector, Paper (paper & pulp) 539.367-010 Inspector (paper & pulp) 649.487-010 Pulp-and-Paper Tester (paper & pulp) 539.364-010 Weight Tester (paper & pulp) 539.485-010 Inspector, Paper Products (paper goods) 649.367-010 Quality-Control Tester (paper goods; plastics 559.367-010 mat.) Ballpoint Pen Cartridge Tester (pen & pencil) 733.281-010 Inspector, Surgical Garment (per. protect. & med. dev.) 71 2.487-010 Tester, Regulator (per. protect. & med. dev.; sports equip.) 7 10.387-0 1 0 Quality-Control Inspector (phonograph) 194.387-010 Record Tester (phonograph) 194.387-014 Inspector (pottery & porc.) 774.364-010 Refrigerator Tester (refrigerat. equip.) 827.384-010 06.03.02 Classifier (rubber goods) 753.467-010 Deicer Inspector, Electric (rubber goods) 729.387-010 Deicer Tester (rubber goods) 729.387-014 Hose Inspector and Patcher (rubber goods) 759.364-010 Tester (rubber goods) 899.487-010 Force-Variation Equipment Tender (rubber tire & tube) 690.685-182 Quality-Control Inspector (rubber tire & tube) 750.367- 0 1 0 Tire Classifier (rubber tire & tube) 750.387-010 Tire Technician (rubber tire & tube) 750.382-010 Grader, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.387-010 Shactor (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.361-010 Wool-and-Pelt Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) 589.387- 0 18 Inspector (sports equip.) 732.364-010 Temperature-Control Inspector (synthetic fibers) 559.467- 0 1 0 Cloth Grader (textile) 689.387-010 Cloth-Shrinking Tester (textile) 587.384-010 Cloth Tester, Quality (textile) 689.384-010 Color Checker, Roving or Yarn (textile) 582.387-010 Laboratory Tester (textile) 689.384-014 Pattern-Lease Inspector (textile) 683.384-010 Product Tester, Fiberglass (textile) 589.384-010 Roving Sizer (textile) 680.367-010 Stroboscope Operator (textile) 689.364-010 Weight-Yardage Checker (textile) 589.487-010 Wool Sorter (textile) 589.387-014 Inspector, Metal Can (tinvare) 709.367-010 Blender (tobacco) 520.387-010 Cigarette-and-Filter Chief Inspector (tobacco) 529.367-010 Cigarette Tester (tobacco) 529.387-014 Hogshead Inspector (tobacco) 529.367-014 Special Tester (tobacco) 529.487-010 Tip-Length Checker (tobacco) 529.467-010 Pleat Taper (trim. & embroid.) 789.487-010 Gager (vinous liquors) 529.387-022 Inspector, Wire (wire; wirework) 691.367-010 Final Inspector, Shuttle (woodworking) 769.684-022 Glued Wood Tester (woodworking) 762.384-010 Shuttle Inspector (woodworking) 769.684-046 Inspecting, Grading, Sorting, Weighing, and Record- ing Cutter-Inspector (abrasive & polish. prod.) 751.684-010 Wool-Fleece Grader (agric.) 589.687-054 Assembly-Inspector Helper (agric. equip.) 801.663-010 Blade Balancer (agric. equip.) 701.687-014 Inspector, Shipping (agric. equip.) 801.667-010 Inspector, Oil Filters (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; auto, mſg.) 739.687 - 1 14 175 06.03 Check Weigher (ammunition) 737.687–026 Gage-and-Weigh-Machine Operator (ammunition) 737.685- 010 Inspector (ammunition) II 737.687-054 Inspector, Bullet Slugs (ammunition) 737.687-058 Inspector, Shells (ammunition) 737.687-066 Mercury-Cracking Tester (ammunition) 737.687-086 Primer Inspector (ammunition) 737.687-106 Salvager (ammunition) I 737.687-114 Salvager (ammunition) II 737.687-118 Shadowgraph-Scale Operator (ammunition) 737.687-126 Shaker-Plate Operator (ammunition) 737.685-014 Plastic-Card Grader, Cardroom (amuse. & rec.) 343.687– 010 Clipper (any ind.) 789.687-030 Garment Inspector (any ind.) 789.687-070 Glass Inspector (any ind.) 579.687-022 Hydro-Pneumatic Tester (any ind.) 862.687-018 Inspector, Fabric (any ind.) 789.587-014 Inspector, General (any ind.) 609.684-010 Metal-Finish Inspector (any ind.) 703.687-014 Paint-Spray Inspector (any ind.) 741.687-010 Racker, Silk-Screen Printing (any ind.) 659.687-014 Weigher, Production (any ind.) 929.587-014 Yarn Cleaner (any ind.) 681.687-026 Inspector-Repairer (artif. flower) 734.684-018 Asbestos-Shingle Inspector (asbestos prod.) 679.687-010 Inspector (asbestos prod.) 776.667-010 Sampler-Tester (asbestos prod.) 579.585-010 Chassis Inspector (auto. mfg.) 806.687-014 Clutch Inspector (auto. mfg.) 706.687-014 Final Inspector (auto. mfg.) 806.687-018 Pump Installer-and-Tester (auto. mfg.) 806.384-018 Transmission Tester (auto. mfg.) 806.684-134 Water-Test Rider (auto. mfg.) 807.587-010 Tire Inspector (auto. ser.) 750.687-018 Basket Grader (basketry) 769.687-010 Veneer-Stock Grader (basketry; wood. box) 769.687-050 Caser, Shoe Parts (boot & shoe) 788.687–026 Color Matcher (boot & shoe) 788.687-034 Final Inspector (boot & shoe) 753.687-018 Heel Sorter (boot & shoe) 788.584-010 Odd-Shoe Examiner (boot & shoe) 788.667-010 Sample Shoe Inspector and Reworker (boot & shoe) 788.684-098 Scrap Sorter (boot & shoe) 788.687-106 Shank Inspector (boot & shoe) 788.687-1 10 Sorter (boot & shoe) 753.587-010 Pasting Inspector (brick & tile) 773.687-010 Press-Pipe Inspector (brick & tile) 575.687-030 Sorter (brick & tile) 573.687-034 Tile Sorter (brick & tile) 573.687-038 Broomcorn Grader (brush & broom) 739.687-042 Control Inspector (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.667- 0 1 0 Mat Inspector (build. board) 575.687-022 Buckle Inspector (button) 734.687-026 Buckle Sorter (button) 734.687-030 Button Grader (button) 734.687-038 Shell-Grader (button) 734,687-070 Sorter (button) 734.687-082 Can Inspector (can. & preserv.; malt liquors) 920.687-050 Can Reconditioner (can. & preserv.) 920.687-058 Grader (can. & preserv.) 529.687-098 Inspector, Canned Food Reconditioning (can. & preserv.) 529.687- 1 18 Olive Brine Tester (can. & preserv.) 522.584-010 Salvage Inspector (can. & preserv.) 529.687-174 Vacuum Tester, Cans (can. & preserv.) 920.687-194 X-Ray Inspector (can. & preserv.; tobacco) 529.685-274 Burler (carpet & rug; textile) 689.684-010 Carpet Inspector, Finished (carpet & rug) 689.564-010 Rug Inspector (carpet & rug) I 689.667-010 Rug Inspector (carpet & rug) II 789.587-022 Cell Tester (chem.) 558.584-010 Inspector (chem.) 709.687-022 Make-Up Operator Helper (chem.) 550.587-010 Weigher Operator (chem.; explosives) 559.687-070 Inspector (chew. gum; confection.) 529.687-1 14 Assembler (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-010. Inspector (clean., dye., & press.) 369.687-022 Rug Inspector (clean., dye., & press.) 369.687-030 Diamond Sizer and Sorter (clock & watch; jewelry) 770.687-014 Inspector, Balance-Bridge (clock & watch) 715.687-058 Inspector, Balance Wheel Motion (clock & watch) 715.687–054 - Inspector, Casing (clock & watch) 715.687-062 Inspector, Dials (clock & watch) 715.687-066 Inspector, Hairspring Truing (clock & watch) 715.684-118 Inspector, Soldering (clock & watch) 715.687-070 Inspector, Timers (clock & watch) 715.687-074 Jewel Gager (clock & watch) 770.687-018 Jewel Inspector (clock & watch) 770.687-022 Torque Tester (clock & watch) 715.685-066 Winder (clock & watch) 715.687-130 Quality-Control Technician (coin mach.) 637.684-014 Coke Inspector (coke prod.) 542.567-010 Sampler (coke prod.) 599.684-014 Inspector (conc. prod.) 579.664-014 Barrel Inspector, Tight (cooperage) 764.687-022 Culler (cooperage) 764.687-054 Hogshead Mat Inspector (cooperage) 764.687-086 Netting Inspector (cord. & twine) 782.487-010 Sorter (cork prod.) I 569.687-022 Sorter (cork prod.) II 769.687-042 Inspector (cut. & tools) 709.587-010 Inspector, Open Die (cut. & tools) 701.684-014 Level-Vial Curvature Gager (cut. & tools) 701.687-022 Level-Vial Inspector-and-Tester (cut. & tools) 701.687–026 176 06.03 Kosher Inspector (dairy prod.) 529.687-126 Bottle Gager (distilled liquors) 529.587-010 Liquor Inspector (distilled liquors) 522.667-010 Ampoule Examiner (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687-010 Tablet Tester (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.667-010 Aluminum-Container Tester (elec. equip.) 727.687-018 Battery-Charger Tester (elec. equip.) 729.684-010 Bead Inspector (elec. equip.) 725.687-010 Coiler (elec. equip.) 725.687-014 Electric-Container Tester (elec. equip.) 727.687-050 Final Inspector (elec. equip.) 727.687-054 Focuser (elec. equip.) 725.687-018 Inspector (elec. equip.) II 727.687-062 Inspector, Container Finishing (elec, equip.) 727.687-066 Molded-Parts Inspector (elec. equip.) 727.687-074 Quality-Control Inspector (elec. equip.) 725.687-026 Spark Tester (elec. equip.; insulated wire) 728.684-018 Spark Tester (elec. equip.) 727.687-078 Tester, Electrical Continuity (elec. equip.) 729.684-058 Tester, Waste Disposal Leakage (elec. equip.) 723.687-018 Weld Inspector (elec. equip.) 724.685-014 Electronics Inspector (electronics) II 726.684-022 Electronics Tester (electronics) II 726.684-026 Outboard-Motor Inspector (engine & turbine) 806.687-042 Inspector, Wreath (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.687-1 18 Rug Inspector (felt goods) 585.685-090 Rug-Inspector Helper (felt goods) 589.686-038 Testing-Machine Operator (felt goods) 586.685-038 Inspector, Barrel (firearms) 736.687-014 Inspector, Live Ammunition (firearms) 736.687-018 Targeteer (firearms) 736.684-042 Inspector, Fireworks (fireworks) 737.687-062 Bottled-Beverage Inspector (flav. ext. & sirup; malt liquors; vinous liquors) 529.685-026 Color Weigher (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.487-010 Lowerator Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 922.686-014 Spot Picker, Molded Goods (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.667-010 Table Worker (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739,687-182 Coffee Weigher (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.687-046 Peeled-Potato Inspector (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.687-094 Potato-Chip Sorter (food prep., n.e.c.) 526.687-010 Chain-Testing-Machine Operator (forging) 616.685-010 Heat Reader (forging) 612.687-010 Casting Inspector (found.) 514.687-010 Core Checker (found.) 518.687-010 Temperature Regulator, Pyrometer (found.) 512.667-010 Assembly Inspector (furn.) 763.684-010 Assembly-Line Inspector (furn.) 709.684-018 Chair Inspector and Leveler (furn.) 763.687-014 Cover Inspector (furn.) 789.687-038 Finished-Stock Inspector (furn.) 763.687-026 Inspector (furn.) 739,687-1 10 Metal-Finish Inspector (furn.) 703.687-018 Print-Line Inspector (furn.) 652.687-034 Sorter, Upholstery Parts (furn.) 780.587-010 Stock-Parts Inspector (furn.) 763.684-070 Assembler (garment; glove & mit.) 781.687-010 Boxing Inspector (garment) 789.587-010 Cloth Measurer, Machine (garment; textile) 589.685-022 Cloth Shader (garment; textile) 582.685-026 | Garment Sorter (garment) 222.687-014 Bobbin Sorter fibers; textile) 922.687-0 18 Decorating Inspector (glass mfg.) 579.687-014 Selector (glass mfg.) 579.687-030 Spotter (glass mfg.) 772.687-014 Yarn Examiner (glass mfg.; 68 1.687-030 (glass mfg.; synthetic synthetic fibers; textile) Assembler (glove & mit.) 781.667-010 Examiner (glove & mit.) 789.687-042 Glove Pairer (glove & mit.) 784.687-034 Glove-Parts Inspector (glove & mit.) 781.687-034 Scale Operator (glue) 555.687-010 Proof-Coin Collector (gov. ser.) 709.687-030 Clean-Rice Grader and Reel Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-062 Grain Picker (grain & feed mill.) 529.687-1 10 Hat-Body Sorter (hat & cap) 784.587-010 Inspector-Packer (hat & cap) 784.687-042 Material Assembler (hat & cap) 784.687–050 Pairer (hosiery) 684.687-010 Redye Hand (hosiery) 789.687-142 Reinspector (hosiery) 684.687-014 Sewer and Inspector (hosiery) 684.682-014 Sizer (hosiery) 684.687-0 18 Stocking Inspector (hosiery) 684.684-010 Cloth-Stock Sorter (house furn.; textile) 789.687-034 Cutting Inspector (house furn.) 781.684-022 Quill-Buncher-and-Sorter (house furn.) 734.687-066 Bellows Tester (inst. & app.) 710.687-014 Calibration Checker (inst. & app.) II 710.687-018 Inspector, Surgical Instruments (inst. & app.) 712.687-026 Instrument Checker (inst. & app.) 710.687-026 Speedometer Inspector (inst. & app.) 7 10.687-030 Assorter (iron & steel) 703.687-010 Coloring Checker (jewelry) 735.587-010 Inspector (jewelry) 700.687-034 Sorter (jewelry) 735.687-030 Button Reclaimer (knit goods) 734.687-042 Cloth Inspector (knit goods) 685.687-010 Patroller (knit goods) 685.687-022 Seconds Handler (knit goods) 782.687-050 Classifier (laund.) 361.687-014 Linen Grader (laund.) 361.687-022 Beaming Inspector (leather mfg.) 585.687-010 177 06.03 Hide Inspector (leather mfg.) 783.687-018 Measuring-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) 589.685-070 Wool Puller (leather mfg.; slaught. & meat pack.) 589.687- 050 Inspector-Repairer (leather prod.) 783.684-018 Matcher, Leather Parts (leather prod.) 783.687-022 Flasher Adjuster (light. fix.) 723.684-022 Tester and Inspector, Lamps (light. fix.) 723.687-014 Drier, Short Goods (macaroni & rel. prod.) 523.587-010 Scrap Separator (macaroni & rel, prod.) 529.587-0 18 Roller-Bearing Inspector (mach. mfg.; motor. & bicycles) 706.687-034 Carbonation Tester (malt liquors) 522.587-010 Deflector Operator (malt liquors; vinous liquors) 529.687- 058 Hop Weigher (malt liquors) 520.687-042 Lightout Examiner (malt liquors) 529.687-146 Inspector (mfd. blógs.) 869.687-038 Block Inspector (match) 739.687-038 Inspector (match) 739.687-106 Inspector (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-022 Tooth Inspector (medical ser.) 712.687-038 Crayon Grader (minerals & earths) 579.684-014 Mica Inspector (minerals & earths) 779.687-026 Mica Patcher (minerals & earths) 579.687-026 Hardness Tester (mining & quarrying) 519.585-010 Stone Grader (mining & quarrying) 679.567-010 Inspector, Glass or Mirror (mirror) 779.687-022 Stock Sheets Cleaner-Inspector (mirror) 779.687-034 Inspector, Picture Frames (mirror & pic. frames) 769.687- 030 Inspector, Bicycle (motor. & bicycles) 806.687-030 Inspector, Woodwind Instruments (musical inst.) 730.684- 038 Tester (musical inst.) 730.684-086 Cloth Examiner, Hand (narrow fabrics) 689.687-022 Inspector, Slide Fasteners (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.687-062 Inspector, Ball Points (nonfer. metal alloys) 733.687-046 Tester Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 614.684-014 Weigher, Alloy (nonfer, metal alloys) 509.687-022 Nut Sorter (nut process.) 521.687-086 Cleaner-Touch-Up Worker (office mach.) 706.587-010 Inspector, Alining (office mach.) 706.687-022 Inspector, Type (office mach.) 706.687-026 Sorter (office mach.) 706.587-014 Weigh-Tank Operator (oils & fats) 529.485-026 Glass Checker (optical goods) 716.687-014 Inspector, Clip-on Sunglasses (optical goods) 713.667-010 Inspector, Eyeglass Frames (optical goods) 713.687-022 Inspector, Multifocal Lens (optical goods) 716.687-0 18 Lens-Blank Gager (optical goods) 716.687-026 Lens-Block Gager (optical goods) 716.687-030 Lens Examiner (optical goods) 716.687-022 Lens Matcher (optical goods) 713.687-030 Wet Inspector, Optical Glass (optical goods) 716.687-034 Varnish Inspector (paint & varn.) 559.584-014 Paper Sorter and Counter (paper & pulp) 649.687-010 Rag Inspector (paper & pulp) 530.687-010 Roll Examiner (paper & pulp) 640.687-010 Wood Inspector (paper & pulp) 663.687-010 Box-Sealing Inspector (paper goods) 641.687-014 Counter, Hand (paper goods) 794.687-018 Paper-Cone Grader (paper goods) 649.687-014 Paper-Pattern Inspector (paper goods) 649.687-018 Salvage Winder and Inspector (paper goods) 649.685-102 Sorting-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.665-010 Inspector (pen & pencil) 733.687-042 Inspector, Final Assembly (pen & pencil): 733.687-050 Inspector, Rubber-Stamp Die (pen & pencil) 733.687-054 Nib Inspector (pen & pencil) 733.687-058 Pencil Inspector (pen & pencil) 733.687-062 Stencil Inspector (pen & pencil) 733.687-074 Gager (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687-018 Gas-Mask Inspector (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687- 022 Record-Changer Tester (phonograph) 720.687-014 Checker, Film Tests (photo. apparatus) 714.687-010 Sensitized-Paper Tester (photo. apparatus) 714.667-010 Photo Checker and Assembler (photofinish.) 976.687-014 Photofinishing Laboratory Worker (photofinish.) 976.687– 0 18 Print Inspector (photofinish.) 976.687-022 Gasket Inspector (pipe & boiler cov.) 739.687-102 Cell Inspector (plastics mat.) 556.684-010 Cold-Roll Inspector (plastics mat.) 751.584-010 Roll Inspector (plastics mat.) 554.587-010 Roll-Tension Tester (plastics mat.) 559.584-010 Bisque Grader (pottery & porc.) 774.687-010 Print Inspector (pottery & porc.) 774.687-018 Blocker (print. & pub.) II 971.684-010 Examiner (print. & pub.) 979.687-010 Inker (print. & pub.) 659.667-010 Inspector, Publications (print. & pub.) 653.687-014 Plate Gager (print. & pub.) 979.687-0 18 Gas-Leak Tester (refrigerat. equip.) 827.584-014 Deicer Inspector, Pneumatic (rubber goods) 759.687-010 Rubber-Goods Inspector-Tester (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 759.584-010 178 06.03 Tube Sorter (rubber reclaim.) 559.687-066 Green-Tire Inspector (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-018 Tire Inspector (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-030 Tire Sorter (rubber tire & tube) 750.687–022 Canoe Inspector, Final (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 769.687- 0 18 Inspector, Aluminum Boat (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 806.687–026 Casing Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687–026 Grader, Dressed Poultry (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687– 102 Grader, Green Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-106 Hide Inspector (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-042 Sausage Inspector (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.587-014 Scaler-Packer (slaught. & meat pack.) 929.687-046 Skin Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-102 Temperature Inspector (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687- 2O2 Selector (smoking pipe) 739.687-166 Soap Inspector (soap) 559.687-058 Baseball Inspector and Repairer (sports equip.) 732.684- 030 Golf-Club Weigher (sports equip.) 732.587-014 Inspector and Adjuster, Golf Club Head (sports equip.) 732.384-014 Inspector, Golf Ball (sports equip.) 732.567-010 Load Tester (spring) 616.685-034 Spring Inspector (spring) II 709.687-038 Spring Tester (spring) I 612.685-014 Spring Tester (spring) II 709.687-042 Truer (spring) 616.484-010 & ornam. metalwork) Inspector and Tester (struct. 809.687-0 18 Picking-Table Worker (sugar) 521.687-102 Pump Tester (synthetic fibers) 557.564-014 Thread Inspector (synthetic fibers) 681.687-018 Buffing-Wheel Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-026 Harness-and-Bag Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-086 Parachute Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-114 Raker, Buffing Wheel (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 589.684-010 Chemical-Strength Tester (textile) 582.587-010 Cloth Examiner, Hand (textile) 781.687-014 Cloth Examiner, Machine (textile) 689.685-038 Cloth-Printing Inspector (textile) 652.567-010 Covering-Machine-Operator Helper (textile) 681.685-042 End Finder, Forming Department (textile) 681.687-010 Harness Puller (textile) 683.684-018 Hooker Inspector (textile) 689.685-078 Pick-Up Operator (textile) 689.685-098 Raw-Silk Grader (textile) 689.687-062 Remnant Sorter (textile) 789.687-146 Returned-Goods Sorter (textile) 922.687-086 Roller Checker (textile) 682.684-010 Roving-Weight Gager (textile) 680.687-018 Shade Matcher (textile) 582.687-022 Towel Inspector (textile) 652.686-042 Warp-Tension Tester (textile) 683.687-034 Warp-Yarn Sorter (textile) 681.687-022 Yarn Examiner, Skeins (textile) 689.687-082 Yarn Sorter (textile) 689.687-086 Lithographed-Plate Inspector (tinvare) 651.687-010 Spoilage Worker (tinvare) 709.587-014 Testing-Machine Operator (tinvare) 703.685-014 Binder Selector (tobacco) 521.687-0 18 Carton-Counter Feeder (tobacco) 921 .686-010 Carton Inspector (tobacco) 920.687-070 Cigarette Inspector (tobacco) 529.567-010 Cigarette-Package Examiner (tobacco) 920.667-010 Cigar Inspector (tobacco) 529.687-042 Fresh-Work Inspector (tobacco) 529.687-090 Inspector, Filter Tip (tobacco) 529.667-010 Leaf-Size Picker (tobacco) 529.687-142 Leaf Sorter (tobacco) 529.687-134 Lump Inspector (tobacco) 790.687-0 18 Moisture-Meter Operator (tobacco) 529.687-162 Picker (tobacco) 521.687-098 Snuff-Container Inspector (tobacco) 920.667-014 Wrapper Selector (tobacco) 529.687-218 Inspector, Toys (toys & games) 731.687-022 Installer-Inspector, Final (trans. equip.) 806.684-066 Finisher (trim. & embroid.) 789.687-050 Weigher and Grader (turp. & rosin) 559.567-014 Matrix Inspector (type founding) 634,687.010 Examiner (umbrella) 739.687-082 Veneer Grader (veneer & plywood) 569.587-010 Veneer Matcher (veneer & plywood) 769.687-046 Wallpaper Inspector (wallpaper) 652.687-042 Wallpaper Inspector and Shipper (wallpaper) 652.687-046 Rag Sorter and Cutter (waste & batting) 789.687-134 Weld Inspector (welding) II 819.687-010 Supervisor, Fruit Grading (whole. tr.) 529. 137-046 Inspector, Wire Products (wirework) 709.687–026 Box Inspector (wood. box) 762.687-014 Box Repairer (wood, box) II 762.687-0 18 Pole Inspector (wood preserving) 561.587-010 Bobbin Inspector (woodworking) 769.687-014 Dowel Inspector (woodworking) 669.687-014 Grader (woodworking) 669.587-010 Inspector (woodworking) 769.687-026 Lumber Sorter (woodworking) 922.687-074 Moisture Tester (woodworking) 563.687-014 Panel-Lay-Up Worker (woodworking) 761.684-018 Plug Sorter (woodworking) 769.687-034 179 Elemental Work: Industrial 06.04 06.04 Elemental Work: Industrial Workers in this group feed, off bear, or tend machines and equipment, or do manual work. They perform routine, uncomplicated work that requires little training or experience. They also assist other, more skilled workers. They work in a factory setting. What kind of work would you do in these jobs? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —use a handtruck to move supplies to workers on an assembly line. —smooth wooden furniture posts using sandpaper and steel wool. - —tend a machine that seals paper cartons. —carry containers and materials and wash mixing vats to assist sirup-mixer in making table sirup. —tend machine that cuts continuous strips of zipper into certain lengths. —clean and polish plated products with a cloth and liquid cleanser. —tend a machine that rivets metal furniture parts together. —sort and bag scrap leather to salvage useable pieces. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —follow instructions carefully. —adjust to doing the same thing over and over. —move or lift heavy objects. —pay attention to safety rules when working around machinery. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken an industrial arts course? Would you like to work in an industrial setting? t —Have you helped a worker install, repair, or build something in your home? Can you follow directions? —Have you helped a custodian at school or church? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most jobs in this group do not require specific training before employment. Brief on-the-job training is often provided at the time of employment or as work assignments are changed. Industrial arts or shop courses provide useful background for jobs in this group. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many people accept jobs in this group as their first full-time employment. As they develop experience and skills, they may advance to other jobs in the work setting. Work activities change very little from day to day because workers must follow set procedures. It is impor- tant that workers follow strict safety rules when working around machines. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 180 06.04 06.04.01 Elemental Work: Supervision Packaging Supervisor (any ind.) 920. 132-010 Supervisor, Lubrication (any ind.) 699.131-010 Supervisor (artif. flower) 734.131-010 Utility Worker, Line Assembly (auto. mfg.) 806.367-010 Milling Supervisor (brick & tile) 570. 132-014 Supervisor, Cleaning (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; macaroni & rel. prod.; malt liquors) 699. 137-010 Supervisor, Fish Processing (can. & preserv.) 525. 134-010 Supervisor (cement) 579. 137-010 Supervisor, Evaporator (chem.) 559.137-026 Supervisor, Fertilizer (chem.) 559. 132-090 Supervisor, Paste Mixing (chem.) 550. 137-014 Transfer-and-Pumphouse Operator, Chief (chem.) 559. 132- 138 Jewel Supervisor (clock & watch) 770. 131-010 Supervisor, Byproducts (coke prod.) 542. 132-010 Supervisor, Coal Handling (coke prod.) 549. 132-018 Supervisor, Coke Handling (coke prod.) 549. 132-022 Supervisor, Ovens (coke prod.) 542. 1 32-014 Supervisor, Mill (cord. & twine) 589. 130-026 Supervisor, Assembly-and-Packing (cut. & tools) 701. 137- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Mixing (felt goods) 680. 135-010 Firearms-Assembly Supervisor (firearms) 736. 131-014 Supervisor, Ready-Mixed Food Preparation (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 137-054 Supervisor (fuel briquettes) 549. 132-014 Supervisor, Mold Cleaning and Storage (glass mfg.) 579. 1 37-0 18 Supervisor, Shipping (glue) 550. 137-018 Mill Supervisor (graphite) 559. 132-034 Supervisor, Production (house furn.) 589. 135-010 Melter Supervisor (iron & steel) 512. 132-010 Supervisor, Blast Furnace (iron & steel) 519. 132-010 Supervisor, Blast-Furnace-Auxiliaries (iron & 519. 132-014 Supervisor, Conditioning Yard (iron & steel) 619. 134-010 Supervisor, Drawing (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire) 614. 132-010 Supervisor, Mold Yard (iron & steel) 519. 137-010 Supervisor, Soaking Pits (iron & steel) 509. 132-010 steel) Molder, Bench (jewelry) 518.381-022 Supervisor, Beam Department (leather mfg.) 589. 134-010 Industrial Supervisor, Soakers (malt liquors) 529. 132-082 Supervisor, Yard (malt liquors) 529. 137-070 Supervisor, Assembly Room (mort. goods) 739. 134-010 Department Floor Supervisor, Endless-Belt-Weaving (narrow fabrics) 683. 130-0 10 Reclamation Supervisor (nonfer. metal alloys) 512. 132-014 Remelt-Furnace Expediter (nonfer. metal alloys) 512. 132- 0 18 Supervisor, Solder Making (nonfer. metal alloys) 519. 132- 022 Converter Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513. 132- 0 1 0 Filter-Plant Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1. 1 35-0 1 0 Mill-Labor Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 13 1-014 Pot-Lining Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 1 34-0 10 Pot-Room Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512. 135- 0 1 0 Reduction-Plant Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 12. 130-0 || 0 Sampler, Head (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-014 Supervisor, Blast Furnace (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 12. 1 32-022 Supervisor, Reverberatory Furnace (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-022 Tapper Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514. 134- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Filling-and-Packing (paint & varn.) 920. 137- 022 Supervisor, Tank Cleaning (paint & varn.) 559.137-050 Coating-Mixer Supervisor (paper & pulp) 530. 132-010 Supervisor, Rag Room (paper & pulp) 539. 137-010 Supervisor, Facepiece Line (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712. 1 37-010 Grease Maker, Head (petrol. refin.) 549. 132-010 Finishing Supervisor, Plastic Sheets (plastics mat.) 554.137- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Mold-Making Plastics Sheets (plastics mat.) 579, 1 37-022 Supervisor, Sample (plastics mat.) 754. 137-010 Supervisor, Processing (salt production) 551. 130-010 Supervisor, Cured-Meat Packing (slaught. & meat pack.) 529. 1 35-0 || 4 Supervisor, Poultry Processing (slaught. & meat pack.) 525. 1 34-014 Supervisor, Pipe Manufacture (smoking pipe) 739.137-018 Supervisor, Slate Splitting (stonework) Supervisor, Packing (sugar) 920. 130-010 181 06.04 Supervisor, Cigar Making, Hand (tobacco) 790. 134-010 Supervisor, Lump Room (tobacco) 520. 137-010 Supervisor, Pleating (trim. & embroid.) 583. 137-010 06.04.02 Machine Work, Metal and Plastics Tab-Machine Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 754.685- 0 1 0 Band Maker (agric.) 619.685-010 Bullet-Assembly-Press Operator (ammunition) 694.685-014 Chamfering-Machine Operator (ammunition) II 606.685- 0 18 Cup-Trimming-Machine Operator (ammunition) 615.685- 0 18 Cut-Off-Machine Operator (ammunition) 615.685-022 Embossing-Machine Operator (ammunition) 619.685-038 Extruding-Press Operator (ammunition) 614.685-010 Fuse-Cup Expander (ammunition) 694.685-022 Head-Gage-Unit Operator (ammunition) 619.685-054 Hopper Feeder (ammunition) 619.686-018 Knurling-Machine Operator (ammunition) 604.685-018 Sandblast Operator (ammunition) 503.685-038 Shot-Grinder Operator (ammunition) 603.685-074 Swaging-Machine Operator (ammunition) 617.585-010 Threading-Machine Operator (ammunition) 604.685-038 Trim-Machine Operator (ammunition) 609.685-026 Winding-Lathe Operator (ammunition) 619.685-086 Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 617.685-010 Buffing-Machine Tender (any ind.) 603.665-010 Drum Straightener (any ind.) I 619.685-034 Electric-Sealing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 690.685-154 Embosser (any ind.) 583.685-030 Forming-Roll Operator (any ind.) II 619.685-046 Four-Slide-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 619.685-050 Grainer, Machine (any ind.) 652.686-014 Machine Operator (any ind.) II 619.685-062 Metal-Fabricating-Shop Helper (any ind.) 619.686-022 Metal Fabricator Helper (any ind.) 619.685-066 Multi-Operation-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 61 6.685-042 Nibbler Operator (any ind.) 615.685-026 Polishing-Machine-Operator Helper (any ind.) 603.686-010 Power-Press Tender (any ind.) 617.685-026 Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) II 615.685-030 Roll-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 617.685-034 Shear Operator (any ind.) II 615.685-034 Spinning-Lathe Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 619.685- 082 Stacking-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 739.685-038 Tool Dresser (any ind.) 601.682-010 Turret-Punch-Press Operator, Tape-Control 615.685-042 Twisting-Machine Operator (any ind.) 619.485-014 (any ind.) Bearingnizer (auto. mfg.) 603.685-018 Block Sealer (auto. mfg.) 599.685-010 Sizing-Machine Tender (clock & watch) 690.685-366 Tumbler (clock & watch) 599.685-106 Embossing-Machine Operator (coated fabrics) 583.685-034 Tensioning-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) 616.665-010 Winding-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) 619.665-010 Hoop Coiler (cooperage) 617.686-010 Hoop-Maker Helper, Machine (cooperage) 619.686-014 Etcher, Machine (cut. & tools) 6 19.685-042 File Cutter (cut. & tools) 605.685-014 Grinder Operator, Automatic (cut. & tools) 603.685-058 Scribing-Machine Operator (cut. & tools) 605.685-042 Design Inserter (fabric. plastics prod.) 692.685-070 Edge Grinder (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-142 Finisher, Machine (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-170 Grinder (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 555.685-026 Grooving-Lathe Tender (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685- 202 Pointing-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods) 690.685-310 Press Helper (fabric. plastics prod.) 651.586-010 Shaping-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685- 354 Ski-Top Trimmer (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-370 Sponge Buffer (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-390 Barrel Polisher, Inside (firearms) 603.685-014 Barrel Rifler (firearms) 605.685-010 Choke Reamer (firearms) 606.685-022 Swage Tender (firearms) 617.685-042 Cutter (floor covering, n.e.c.) 690.685-118 Forging-Press Operator (forging) II 61 1.685-010 Lever Tender (forging) 612.685-010 Manipulator Operator (forging) 612.683-010 Tube-Cleaning Operator (found.) 514,685-026 Bobbin-Winder Tender (glass mfg.) 619.685-022 Wire Setter (glass mfg.) 579.665-018 Gold Reclaimer (gold leaf & foil) 709.685-010 Hot Box Operator (gold leaf & foil) 709.685-014 wirework) Spooling-Machine Operator (insulated wire; 69 1.685-026 Catcher (iron & steel) 613.686-010 Coiler (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 6 13.685-010 Drifter (iron & steel) 503.685-018 Expanding Machine Operator (iron & steel) 617.685-022 Piercing-Mill Operator (iron & steel) 613.685-018 Plugger (iron & steel) 613.687-010 Roller-Leveler Operator (iron & steel) 613.685-022 Scrap Baller (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685- 046 Table Operator 6.13.682-026 Test Preparer (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.584- 0 1 0 Tube Drawer (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 6 1 4.685- 022 Tubing-Machine Operator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 613.685-030 (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) Synthetic-Gem-Press Operator (jewelry) 575.685-078 Tubber (jewelry) 599.685-098 Last Sawyer (lasts & rel. forms) 690.685-262 182 06.04 Ball Sorter (mach, mfg.) 609.685-010 Heddle-Machine Operator (mach. mſg.) 616.685-026 Boring-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 606.685-010 Cut-Off Saw Tender, Metal (mach. shop) 607.685-010 Drill-Press Operator, Production (mach. shop) 606.685-026 Gear-Cutting-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 602.685-010 Lapping-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 603.685-070 Lathe Operator, Production (mach. shop) 604,685-026 Milling-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 605.685-030 Production-Machine Tender (mach. shop) 609.685-018 Screw-Machine Operator, Production (mach. shop) 604.685-034 Threading-Machine Feeder, Automatic (mach. shop) I 604.666-010 Barrel-Dedenting-Machine Operator (malt liquors) 61 7.682-0 1 0 Fabric-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) II 616.685- 022 Slat Twister (matt. & bedspring) 616.685-066 Injection-Molding-Machine Offbearer (musical inst.) 690.686-042 Nail-Making-Machine Tender (nail) 617.665-010 Spike-Machine Feeder (nail) 612.666-010 Spike-Machine Heater (nail) 619.686-026 Deburrer (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 603.685-050 Ironer (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 590.685-042 Wire Coiner (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 616.685-086 Zipper Cutter (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 616.685-090 Zipper-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685-270 Alodize-Machine Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685- 010 Band-Reamer-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 603.685-010 Coil-Rewind-Machine Operator (nonfer, metal alloys) 619.685-030 Embossing-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 617.685-018 Hydraulic Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 61 1,685-014 Magnesium-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) 607.686- 0 1 0 Metallic-Yarn-Slitting-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal al- loys) 619.685-070 Metal-Sponge-Making-Machine Operator (nonfer, metal al- loys) 616.685-038 Reaming-Machine Tender (nonfer. metal alloys) 606.685- 034 Rod-Puller and Coiler (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.685-078 Spool Winder (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.485-010 Stretcher-Leveler-Operator Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.686-030 Tester-Operator Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 614.686-014 Burring-Machine Operator (nut & bolt) 615.685-010 Production-Machine Tender (nut & bolt) 619.365-010 Eyeglass-Frame Truer (optical goods) 713.684-026 Lap Cutter-Truer Operator (optical goods) 604.685-022 Reducing-Machine Operator (optical goods) 614.685-018 Roll-Over-Press Operator (optical goods) 690.685-326 Stamping-Mill Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 15.685-0 18 String-Top Sealer (paper goods) 641.685-086 Gold-Nib Grinder (pen & pencil) 705.682-010 Injection-Molding-Machine Offbearer (pen & pencil) 690.686-038 Swager Operator (pen & pencil) 616.685-078 Center-Punch Operator (phonograph) 690.685-078 Bulk-Sealer Operator (plastics mat.) 554.685-010 Dicer Operator (plastics mat.) 690.685-130 Embossing-Machine-Operator Helper (plastics mat.) 583.685-038 Masking-Machine Feeder (plastics mat.) 920.586-010 Mill-Roll Rewinder (plastics mat.) 690.585-010 Mottle-Lay-Up Operator (plastics mat.) 690.585-014 Slasher (plastics mat.) 690.665-010 Repairer, Shoe Sticks (rubber goods) 619.685-074 Bit Bender (smoking pipe) 752.684-018 Patcher, Bowling Ball (sports equip.) 759.684-046 Spiral Spring Winder (spring) 616.685-070 Spring Coiler (spring) 616.485-014 Spring Salvage Worker (spring) 610.684-014 Scroll-Machine Operator (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 61 6.685-062 Shear-Grinder-Operator Helper (textile) 628.687-014 Pail Bailer (tinvare) 703.685-010 Press Feeder (tinvare) 652.685-058 Wire-Drawing-Machine Tender (wire) 614.685-026 Knitter, Wire Mesh (wirework) 616.685-030 Spiral Weaver (wirework) 616.685-074 Stranding-Machine-Operator Helper (wirework) 616.687- 0 1 0 Wire-Weaver Helper (wirework) 616.687-014 Corner Former (wood. box) 617.685-014 Strip-Metal-Punch-and-Straightener Operator (wood. box) 61 5.685-038 Wire-Winding-Machine Operator (wood. box) 619.685-090 183 06.04 06.04.03 Machine Work, Wood Buzzsaw Operator (any ind.) 667.685-026 Buzzsaw-Operator Helper (any ind.) 667.687-010 Basket Assembler (basketry) I 669.685-014 Circle-Cutting-Saw Operator (basketry) 669.685-026 Stave-Machine Tender (basketry) 663.685-046 Turning-Machine Operator (basketry; cooperage) 667,685- 066 Turning-Machine-Operator Helper (basketry; cooperage) 667.686-022 Wood-Heel Back-Liner (boot & shoe) 662.685-042 Glue Spreader, Veneer (build. board; veneer & plywood) 569.685-042 Band-Saw Operator (cooperage) 667.685-010 Barrel-Assembler Helper (cooperage) 669.685-010 Barrel-Lathe Operator, Outside (cooperage) 664.682-014 Bottom-Turning-Lathe Tender (cooperage) 665.685-010 Bucket Chucker (cooperage) 664.685-014 Bucket Turner (cooperage) 669.682-0 18 Stave Jointer (cooperage) 665.685-030 Stave-Saw Operator (cooperage) 667.685-062 Printing-Machine Operator, Folding Rules (cut. & tools) 652.685-074 Excelsior-Machine Tender (excelsior) 663.685-014 Stock Checkerer (firearms) II 665.685-034 Artificial-Log-Machine Operator (fuel briquettes; sawmill) 569.685-010 Edge Bander, Machine (furn.; veneer & plywood) 762.685- 0 1 0 Edge-Banding-Machine plywood) 762.686-010 Kerfer-Machine Operator (furn.) 667.685-042 Print-Line Feeder (furn.) 652.686-026 Print-Line Tailer (furn.) 652.686-030 Scooping-Machine Tender (furn.) 665,685-026 Offbearer (furn.: veneer & Block Feeder (match) 663.686-010 Block-Splitter Operator (paper & pulp) 663.685-010 Chipper (paper & pulp; sawmill; wood distil. & char.) 564.685-014 Power-Barker Operator (paper & pulp; sawmill) 669.485- 010 Screen Tender, Chips (paper & pulp) 533.685-026 Slasher Operator (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.685-054 Heading-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 669.685-062 Rounding-Machine Tender (pen & pencil) 663.685-026 Sizing-Machine Tender (pen & pencil) 662.685-030 Automatic-Nailing-Machine Feeder (plan. mill) 669.686- 010 Chain Offbearer (plan. mill; sawmill) 669.686-018 Plow-and-Boring-Machine Tender (plan. mill) 665.685-018 Bolter (sawmill) 667.685-022 Packager, Head (sawmill) 667.682-046 Pole-Peeling-Machine Operator (sawmill; wood preserving) 663.682-014 Shake Backboard Notcher (sawmill) 663.685-030 Splitter Tender (sawmill) 663.685-038 Stave-Bolt Equalizer (sawmill) 667.682-074 Stave-Log-Ripsaw Operator (sawmill) 667,685-058 Stave-Planer Tender (sawmill) 665.686-014 Sticker (sawmill) 563.686-0 10 Trimmer Helper (sawmill) 667.686-0 18 Air-Hole Driller (smoking pipe) 692.685-018 Beading Sawyer (smoking pipe) 667.685-018 Bowl Turner (smoking pipe) 664.684-010 Briar Cutter (smoking pipe) 664.685-010 End Frazer (smoking pipe) 665.685-014 Frazer (smoking pipe) 664.685-022 Shank Threader (smoking pipe) 739.685-034 Stem hole Borer (smoking pipe) 666.685-010 Stem-Processing-Machine Operator (smoking 739.685-042 Turner (smoking pipe) 669.685-094 pipe) Barker Operator (veneer & plywood) 663.682-010 Break-Off Worker (veneer & plywood) 663.686-014 Clipper, Automatic (veneer & plywood) 663.585-010 Core-Composer Feeder (veneer & plywood) 669.685-038 Core-Composer-Machine Tender (veneer & plywood) 569,685-022 Core Feeder, Plywood Layup Line (veneer & plywood) 569.685-0 || 8 Core-Laying-Machine 569.685-026 Edge-Glue-Machine Tender (veneer & plywood) 569.685- 034 Hot-Plate-Plywood-Press Operator (veneer & plywood) 569.685-054 Hydraulic-Press Operator (veneer & plywood) 569.685-058 Laborer, Hot-Plate Plywood Press (veneer & plywood) 569.686–026 Lathe Spotter (veneer & plywood) 663.686-022 Plywood-Scarfer Tender (veneer & plywood) 665.685-022 Splicer Operator (veneer & plywood) 569.685-062 Veneer Clipper (veneer & plywood) 663.585-014 Veneer-Clipper Helper (veneer & plywood) 663.686-030 Veneer-Jointer Helper (veneer & plywood) 665.686-018 Veneer-Jointer Offbearer (veneer & plywood) 665.686-022 Operator (veneer & plywood) 184 06.04 Veneer Repairer, Machine (veneer & plywood) 669.685- 098 Veneer Taper (veneer & plywood) 569.685-074 Slicing-Machine Tender (window shade & fix.) 663.685- 0.34 Pole-Peeling-Machine-Operator Helper (wood preserving) 665.686-0 1 0 Spar-Machine-Operator Helper (wood preserving) 664.685- 030 Band-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.685-014 Bender, Machine (woodworking) 569.685-014 Clothespin-Machine Operator (woodworking) 667,686-010 Coat-Hanger-Shaper-Machine Operator (woodworking) 669.685-034 Copy-Lathe Tender (woodworking) 664.685-018 Cylinder-Sander Operator (woodworking) 662.685-014 Dowel Pointer (woodworking) 667.685-038 Gluing-Machine Offbearer (woodworking) 569.686-022 Gluing-Machine Operator (woodworking) 569.685-046 Gluing-Machine Operator, Electronic (woodworking) 569.685-050 Hog Tender (woodworking) 564.685-018 Molding Cutter (woodworking) 663.685-018 Multiple-Drum-Sander Helper (woodworking) 662.686-014 Puncher (woodworking) 663.685-022 Shuttle Spotter (woodworking) 664.685-026 Speed-Belt-Sander Tender (woodworking) 662.685-034 Stacker, Machine (woodworking) 569.685-066 Turning-Sander Operator (woodworking) 662.685-038 Woodworking-Machine Feeder (woodworking) 669.686- 030 Woodworking-Machine Offbearer (woodworking) 669.686- 0.34 06.04.04 Machine Work, Paper Tube Sizer-and-Cutter Operator (ammunition) 640.685-086 Carton-Forming-Machine Helper (any ind.) 641.686-014 Carton-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) 641.685-022 Tape-Making-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 689.685- 1 38 Twister Tender, Paper (cord. & twine) 681.685-134 Paper Cutter (distilled liquors) 640.565-010 Lamp-Shade Joiner (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 692.685-1 10 Printer, Floor Covering (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.685- 066 Comb-Machine Operator (match) 640.685-022 Matchbook Assembler (match) 649.685-074 Slide-Machine Tender (match) 641.685-078 Chip-Applying-Machine Tender (paint & varn.; print. & pub.) 641.685-030 Layboy Tender (paper & pulp; paper goods; print. & pub.) 649.685-066 Plate Worker (paper & pulp) 535.685-010 Plating-Machine Operator (paper & pulp) 649.686-026 Rotary-Cutter Feeder (paper & pulp) 640.686-010 Automatic-Machine Attendant (paper goods) 649.685-010 Bag-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-014 Bag-Machine-Operator Helper (paper goods) 649.686-010 Bag Sewer (paper goods) 787.686-010 Bender, Machine (paper goods) 641.685-010 Bindery Worker (paper goods) 649.685-018 Blanket-Winder Helper (paper goods) 641.686-010 Bottoming-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-022 Carton-Forming-Machine Tender (paper goods) 641.685- 0.26 Compensator (paper goods) 640.685-026 Corner Cutter (paper goods) 640.685-030 Counting-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-030 Cover Stripper (paper goods) 641.685-034 Cut-Off-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.685-034 Cylinder-Die-Machine Helper (paper goods) 649.686-018 Domer (paper goods) 641.685-038 Drill-Punch Operator (paper goods; 649.685-034 Embossing-Machine Tender (paper goods) 649.685-038 Ending-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-042 Envelope-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-042 Extension Edger (paper goods) 641.685-046 Finishing-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.686-022 Folding-Machine Feeder (paper goods) 641.685-050 Four-Corner-Stayer-Machine Operator (paper 64 1.685-054 Handle-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-050 Knotting-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-054 Lace-Paper-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-058 Laundry-Bag-Punch Operator (paper goods) 649.685-062 Liner-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-058 Liner-Machine-Operator Helper (paper goods) 641.686- 022 Panel-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.685-038 Paper-Bag-Press Operator (paper goods) 641.686-026 Paper-Cone-Machine Tender (paper goods) 641.685-062 Paper-Core-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.685-042 print. & pub.) goods) 185 06.04 Paper-Cup-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-078 Paper-Reel Operator (paper goods) 640.685-046 Partition-Making-Machine Operator (paper 649.685-082 . Patch-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-066 Printer-Slotter Helper (paper goods) 659.686-014 Process-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.685-050 Rewinder Operator (paper goods) 640.685-058 Ribbon-Hanking-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.385- 010 Ring-Making-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685- 098 Roll Reclaimer (paper goods) 640.685-062 Round-Corner-Cutter Operator (paper goods) 640.685-074 Scorer (paper goods) 641.685-070 Scorer Helper (paper goods) 641.686-030 Shot-Tube-Machine Tender (paper goods) 649.685-106 Sleever (paper goods) 641.686-034 Slitter-Creaser-Slotter Helper (paper goods) 649.686-030 Slotter Operator (paper goods) 640.685-078 Spool Maker (paper goods) 641.685-082 Stitcher Operator (paper goods) 649.685-114 Stripping-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-090 Tape-Fastener-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685- 1 22 Taper Operator (paper goods) 649.685-126 Tightening-Machine Operator (paper goods) 640.685-082 Tube-Machine-Operator Helper (paper goods) 641.686-038 Valving-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-094 Wrapping-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-098 goods) Carbon-Paper Interleafer (pen & pencil) 640.685-018 Roll-Slicing-Machine Tender (pen & pencil) 640.685-066 Bag Printer (print. & pub.) 651.685-010 Bindery Worker (print. & pub.) 653.685-010 Book Trimmer (print. & pub.) 640.685-010 Card Decorator (print. & pub.) 649.686-014 Casing-in-Line Feeder (print. & pub.) 653.686-010 Collating-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.585-010 Folding-Machine Feeder (print. & pub.) 653.686-014 Gathering-Machine Feeder (print. & pub.) 653.686-018 Magazine Repairer (print. & pub.) 653.685-022 Paper Conditioner (print. & pub.) 659.685-010 Perfect-Binder Feeder-Offbearer (print. & pub.) 653.686- 022 Perforating-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 649.685-090 Saddle-and-Side Wire Stitcher (print. & pub.) 692.685-146 Stitching-Machine Feeder-Offbearer (print. & pub.) 653.686–026 Reeler (wallpaper) 640.685-054 Rolling-Machine Operator (wallpaper) 640.685-070 06.04.05 Machine Work, Fabric and Leather Felt Cutter (ammunition) 686.685-026 Cloth-Printer Helper (any ind.) 652.686-010 Creeler (any ind.) 689.687-030 Eyelet-Machine Operator (any ind.) 699.685-018 Fastener-Sewing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.685-010 Folder-Seamer, Automatic (any ind.) 787.685-014 Pleating-Machine Operator (any ind.) 583.685-082 Presser, Machine (any ind.) 363.682-018 Serging-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 787.685- O30 Spreader, Machine (any ind.) 781.685-010 Strip-Cutting-Machine Operator (any ind.) 686.685-066 Tacking-Machine Operator (any ind.) 787.685-042 Blocker (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) 689.685-014 Calender-Machine Operator (asbestos prod.) 583.585-010 Dielectric-Press Operator (auto. mfg.) 692.685-074 Assembler For Puller-Over, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-010 Bobbin Winder, Machine (boot & shoe) 681.685-022 Bottom Presser (boot & shoe) 690.685-034 Buffer (boot & shoe) 690.685-046 Buffer, Automatic (boot & shoe) 690.685-050 Buffer, Inflated-Pad (boot & shoe) 690.685-054 Buffing-and-Sueding-Machine Operator (boot & 753.684-010 Burnisher (boot & shoe) 690.685-058 Cementer and Folder, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-070 Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) 692.685-050 Cementer, Machine Applicator (boot & shoe) 690.686-018 Cementer, Machine Joiner (boot & shoe) 690.685-074 Channeler, Insole (boot & shoe) 690.685-086 Channel Opener, Outsoles (boot & shoe) 690.685-082 Concaving-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 585.685-030 Counter Former (boot & shoe) 690.685-098 Counter Molder (boot & shoe) 690.685-102 Counter Roller (boot & shoe) 690.685-106 Cut-Out-and-Marking-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-1 10 Cut-Out-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-114 Drying-Rack Changer (boot & shoe) 581.686-026 Edge Burnisher, Uppers (boot & shoe) 690.685-138 Edge Setter (boot & shoe) 690.685-146 Edge Trimmer (boot & shoe) 690.685-150 Embosser (boot & shoe) 690.685-158 Fastener, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-162 Featheredger and Reducer, Machine (boot & 690.685 – 166 Flare Breaker (boot & shoe) 788.685-010 Folder, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-174 Folding-Machine Tender (boot & shoe) 788.685-014 Forepart Laster (boot & shoe) 690.685-186 Heel Compressor (boot & shoe) 690.685-210 Heel Pricker (boot & shoe) 690.685-2 18 Heel Scorer (boot & shoe) 690.685-222 Heel-Seat Laster, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-230 Inseam Trimmer (boot & shoe) 690.685-238 Insole Beveler (boot & shoe) 690.685–242 Insole Reinforcer (boot & shoe) 690.685–246 Joint Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-250 Lacer (boot & shoe) II 690.685-254 Lip Cutter and Scorer (boot & shoe) 690.685-270 Lip-of-Shank Cutter (boot & shoe) 690.685-274 Lumite Injector (boot & shoe) 690.685-278 Marker, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685–282 Marking-Machine Tender (boot & shoe; leather prod.) 783.685-026 Nicker (boot & shoe) 690.685-298 Outsole Flexer (boot & shoe) 583.686-026 Pinking-Machine Operator (boot & 686.685-042 Plastic-Design Applier (boot & shoe) 690.686-046 Pounder (boot & shoe) 690.685-314 Rotary Cutter (boot & shoe) 585.685-082 Rough-Rounder, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-334 Rounder (boot & shoe) 690.685-338 Seam-Rubbing-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685- 350 shoe) shoe) shoe; garment) 186 06.04 Side Laster, Cement (boot & shoe) 690.685-358 Side Laster, Staple (boot & shoe) 690.685-362 Skiver, Blockers (boot & shoe) 585.685-1 10 Skiver, Machine (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 690.685-378 Sole Leveler, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-382 Splitter, Machine (boot & shoe; leather prod.) 585.685-114 Sport-Shoe-Spike Assembler (boot & shoe) 690.685-394 Stamping-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-398 Stripping Cutter and Winder (boot & shoe) 585.685-118 Strip Presser (boot & shoe) 583.685-118 Tack Puller, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-4 10 Taper, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-414 Thread Laster (boot & shoe) 788.684-1 14 Tip Finisher (boot & shoe) 690.685-418 Toe Former, Stitchdowns (boot & shoe) 690.685-426 Toe Laster, Automatic (boot & shoe) 690.685-430 Toggle-Press Folder-and-Feeder (boot & shoe) 690.686- 066 Tongue Presser (boot & shoe) 788.685-022 Top Former (boot & shoe) 788.685-026 Trimmer, Machine (boot & shoe) I 690.685-434 Vamp Creaser (boot & shoe) 788.687-154 Welt Beater (boot & shoe) 690.685-470 Welt Butter, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-474 Welt Cutter (boot & shoe) 690.685-478 Welt Wheeler (boot & shoe) 690.685-482 Width Stripper (boot & shoe) 690.685-486 Wrap Turner (boot & shoe) 788.685-030 Paint-Roller Winder (brush & broom) 739.685-030 Loom Changeover Operator (carpet & rug) 683.687-030 Rug-Cutter Helper (carpet & rug) 686.686-014 Tufting-Machine Operator, Single-Needle (carpet & rug) 687.685-022 Laborer, General (coated fabrics) 589.687-026 Fishing-Line-Winding-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 689.685-066 Scrubbing-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 582.685-122 Stretching-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 580.685-058 Felting-Machine-Operator Helper (felt goods) 586.686-014 Hydraulic-Press Operator (felt goods) 583.685-058 Machine Helper (felt goods) 586.686-022 Rag-Cutting-Machine Feeder (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.666-0 1 0 Rag-Cutting-Machine Tender (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.665-014 Hair-Spinning-Machine Operator (fur dressing) 689.686- 030 Brassiere-Slide-Making-Machine Tender, Automatic (garment) 692.685-026 Button-Attaching-Machine Operator (garment; hat & cap) 699.685-0 1 0 Buttonhole-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-014 Button-Sewing-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-010 Collar-Turner Operator (garment) 580.685-018 Embroidery-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-018 Folding-Machine Operator (garment) 583.685-042 Fusing-Machine Feeder (garment) 583.686-014 Fusing-Machine Tender (garment; hosiery) 583.685-046 Piped-Pocket-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-022 Profile-Stitching-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-026 Rivet-Hole Puncher (garment) 686.685-054 Sewing-Machine Operator, Semi-Automatic (garment) 786.685-030 Shaper and Presser (garment) 583.685-102 Shirt-Folding-Machine Operator (garment; laund.) 369.685-030 Strap Buckler, Machine (garment) 689.665-010 Tacking-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-034 Thread-Pulling-Machine Attendant (garment) 689.686-046 Trimming-Machine Operator (garment; knit goods) 583.685 – 1 22 Trimming Sewer, Automatic (garment; house furn.; trim. & embroid.) 787.685-050 Ultrasonic-Seaming-Machine (garment) 786.685-038 Operator, Semi-Automatic Band-and-Cuff Cutter (glove & mit.) 784.685-010 Cuff Cutter (glove & mit.) 686.685-018 Glove Turner and Former, Automatic (glove & mit.) 583.686-0 18 Quilting-Machine Operator (glove & mit.; house furn.; trim. & embroid.; waste & batting) 689.685-106 Bead-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 583.686-010 Beveling-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 690.686-010 Brim-and-Crown Presser (hat & cap) 583.685-022 Brim Curler (hat & cap) 583.685-014 Brim Presser (hat & cap) I 583.685-018 Brim Stitcher (hat & cap) I 784.685-014 Brim-Stretching-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 580.685- 0 1 0 Buffer (hat & cap) 585.685-014 Chin-Strap Cutter (hat & cap) 686.685-010 Duster (hat & cap) 587.685-026 Folding-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 690.686-034 Fur-Cutting-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 585.685-046 Hat-Blocking-Machine Operator (hat & cap) I 580.685-026 Hat-Blocking-Machine Operator (hat & cap) II 580.685- 030 Hat-Forming-Machine Feeder (hat & cap) 586.686-018 Hat-Lining Blocker (hat & cap) 583.685-050 Hat-Stock-Laminating-Machine Operator (hat & 584.685-026 Molder (hat & cap) 580.685-042 Perforating-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 686.685-038 Roller Operator (hat & cap) 580.685-046 Rounding-Machine Operator (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 585.685-086 Seam Presser (hat & cap) 583.685-098 Sweatband-Cutting-Machine Operator 690.686-062 Sweatband Flanger (hat & cap) 690.686-058 Sweatband Separator (hat & cap) 585.685-122 Tip Stretcher (hat & cap) 580.685-062 Welt-Trimming-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 686.685- 074 cap) (hat & cap) Autoclave Operator (hosiery; knit goods) 587.585-010 Napper Tender (hosiery) 585.665-010 Toe-Closing-Machine Tender (hosiery) 787.685-046 Blanket-Cutting-Machine Operator (house furn.) 689.585- 0 1 0 Bouffant-Curtain-Machine Tender (house furn.) 689.685- 0.26 Continuous Pillowcase Cutter (house furn.) 686.685-014 Cutter (house furn.) 686.685-022 Drawstring Knotter (house furn.) 689.685-058 Folding-Machine Feeder (house furn.) 920.686-0 18 187 Hemmer, Automatic (house furn.) 787.685-018 Laminator (house furn.) 584.685-034 Pillowcase Turner (house furn.) 583.685-078 Pleater (house furn.) 787.685-026 Prepleater (house furn.) 686.685-046 Quilt Stuffer, Machine (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-102 Shirring-Machine Operator, Automatic (house furn.) 787.685-038 Stamper (house furn.) 652.685-082 Calendering-Machine Operator (knit goods) 580.485-010 Cloth Drier (knit goods) 580.685-014 Detacker (knit goods; textile) 589.685-030 Folding-Machine Operator (knit goods; textile) 589.685- O58 Garment Steamer (knit goods) 582.685-078 Hydraulic-Press Operator (knit goods) 583.685-054 Mangler (knit goods) 583.685-070 Rolling-Down-Machine Operator (knit goods; textile) 589.685-086 Rolling-Machine Tender (knit goods) 689.685-114 Tubular-Splitting-Machine Tender (knit goods) 686.685- O70 Splitting-Machine Feeder (leather mfg.) 690.686-054 Cut-Lace-Machine Operator (leather prod.) 585.685-038 Disk-and-Tape-Machine Tender (leather prod.) 783.685- 0 18 Folding-Machine Operator (leather prod.) 690.685-178 Glue-Spreading-Machine Operator (leather prod.) 584.665- 014 Lace-Roller Operator (leather prod.) 920.685-070 Laminator (leather prod.) I 690.685-258 Leather-Belt Maker (leather prod.) 690.685-266 Skiver (leather prod.) 690.685-374 Hemming-and-Tacking-Machine Operator (matt. & bed- spring) 787.685-022 Sewing-Machine Operator, Special Equipment (matt, & bedspring) 689.685-118 Tufter (matt. & bedspring) 687.684-014 Tufting-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) 687.685- 0.14 Folder (narrow fabrics) 686.685-030 Hander-in (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.687-0 18 Label-Cutting-and-Folding-Machine Operator, Automatic (narrow fabrics) 689.685-086 Label Pinker (narrow fabrics) 585.685-062 Sewing-Machine Operator, Zipper (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 787.685-034 Thrasher Feeder (paper & pulp) 533.685-030 Adhesive-Bandage-Machine Operator (per. protect. & med. dev.) 692,685-014 Press Operator (per. protect, & med. dev.) 686.685-050 Surgical-Dressing Maker (per. protect. & med, dev.) 689.685-130 Rotary-Cutter Operator (rubber goods) 551.585-022 Tape-Folding-Machine Operator (rubber goods; trim. & embroid.) 689.685-134 Tube-Building-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 559.685- 1 74 06.04 V-Belt Coverer (rubber goods) 690.685-450 Stuffing-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 732.685-034 Trimming-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 732.685-038 Cutting-Machine Offbearer (tex. bag) 689.686-018 Cutting-Machine Operator (tex. bag) 686.585-010 Stringing-Machine Tender (tex. bag) 689.585-018 Turning-Machine Operator (tex. bag) 689.685-146 Bobbin Stripper (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-022 Lace Winder (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 685.687-018 Presser, Buffing Wheel (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 583.685-090 Splicing-Machine Operator, Automatic (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-122 Thread-Cutter Tender (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.) 689.665-014 Back Tender, Cloth Printing (textile) 652.685-010 Beam Racker (textile) 681.686-010 Binding Printer (textile) 652.685-014 Bobbin Winder, Sewing Machine (textile) 681.685-026 Brush Operator (textile) 587.685-010 Cloth Trimmer, Machine (textile) 585.685-026 Corduroy-Cutter Operator (textile) 585.565-010 Drawer-in Helper, Hand (textile) 683.687-010 Drawer-In, Stitch-Bonding Machine (textile) 689.684-014 Drawing-in-Machine-Tender Helper (textile) 683.685-022 Folding-Machine Operator (textile) 689.585-014 Grey-Cloth Tender, Printing (textile) 652.686-018 Hooking-Machine Operator (textile) 580.685-034 Loader-Unloader, Screen-Printing Machine 652.686-022 Mangle-Press Catcher (textile) 583.686-022 Marking-Machine Operator (textile) 652.685-046 Needle-Punch-Machine Operator (textile) 689.682-014 Needle-Punch-Machine-Operator Helper (textile) 689.686- 0.34 Press Operator (textile) 583.685-086 Printing-Roller Handler (textile) 652.385-010 Steam-Press Tender (textile) 583.685-106 Stitch-Bonding-Machine Tender (textile) 689.685-126 Stitch-Bonding-Machine-Tender Helper (textile) 689.686- 042 Strike-Off-Machine Operator (textile) 652.685-090 Utility Worker, Cloth Printing (textile) 652.586-010 Wool-Washing-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-166 (textile) Ball-Fringe-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 689.685- O 1 O . Bow-Maker-Machine Tender, broid.) 689.685-030 Scallop Cutter, Machine (trim. & embroid.) 686.685-058 Tassel-Making-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 689.685 - 142 Watcher, Automat (trim. & embroid.) 689.685–150 Watcher, Pantograph (trim. & embroid.) 689.685-154 Automatic (trim. & em- Automatic-Pad-Making-Machine Operator Helper (waste & batting) 689.686-010 Tobacco-Cloth Reclaimer (waste & batting) 589.686-050 06.04.06 Machine Work, Textiles Cloth Winder (any ind.) 689.685-046 Picking-Machine Operator (any ind.) 680.685-082 Yarn Winder (any ind.) 681.685-154 Beam-Warper Tender, Automatic (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile) 681.685-018 Braiding-Machine Operator (asbestos prod.; fabrics) 683.685-010 Finisher-Card Tender (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.685-042 Middle-Card Tender (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.665-018 Rope Maker, Machine (asbestos prod.) 681.685-082 Spinner, Frame (asbestos prod.; textile) 682.685-010 Spinner, Mule (asbestos prod.; textile) 682.685-014 Twister Tender (asbestos prod.; glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile) 681.685-130 In a TTOW Strand-and-Binder Controller (build. board) 680.685-106 Shearing-Machine (carpet & textile) 585.685-102 Threading-Machine Tender (carpet & rug) 683.685-030 Weaver, Axminster (carpet & rug) 683.685-038 Operator rug, Bobbin Winder, Machine (cord. & twine; textile) 681.585- O 14 Coiler (cord. & twine) 68 1.685-034 Crusher-and-Binder Operator (cord. & twine) 689.685-054 Draw-Frame Tender (cord. & twine) 680.685-034 Knitting-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 685.685-010 Rope-Laying-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 681.685- O86 Strand-Forming-Machine 681.685-1 18 Twister (cord. & twine) 681.685-126 Operator (cord. & twine) Garnetter (felt goods; house furn.; matt, & bedspring; waste & batting) 680.685-054 Needle-Loom Tender (felt goods) 689.685-090 Fur-Blower Operator (hat & cap) 680.685-046 Mixer (hat & cap) 680.685-062 Clipper, Machine (hosiery) 684.686-010 Fringing-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.686-010 Knitter, Full-Fashioned Garment (knit goods) 685.665-010 Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.665-014 Knitting-Machine Operator Helper (knit goods) 685.686- 014 Pattern Assembler (knit goods) 685.685-014 Roll Turner (knit goods) 689.685-110 Picker-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) 680.685-078 Card Lacer, Jacquard (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.685-018 Pegger, Dobby Looms (narrow fabrics; textile) 689.687– 054 Skeiner (narrow fabrics) 681.685-102 Warper (narrow fabrics) 681.685-146 Warp Spooler (narrow fabrics; textile) 681.685-142 Warp-Tying-Machine Tender (narrow fabrics; 683.685-034 textile) Braider Setter (rubber goods) 759.664-010 Draw-Machine Operator (synthetic fibers) 680.665-014 Threader (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.687-078 Balling-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-014 Ball-Warper Tender (textile) 681.685-010 Battery Loader (textile) 683.686-010 189 06.04 06.04.07 Machine Work, Rubber Batting-Machine Operator (textile; 680,585-010 Beamer (textile) 681.585-010 Beamer Helper (textile) 681.686-014 Blending-Machine Operator (textile) 680.685-010 Bobbin-Cleaning-Machine Operator (textile) 689.686-014 Card Stripper (textile) 680.685-014 Cloth Doffer (textile) 689.586-010 Cloth-Doubling-and-Winding-Machine Operator 689.685-050 Cloth Reeler (textile) 689.685-042 Comber Tender (textile) 680.665-010 Crimp Setter (textile) 680.685-026 Doffer (textile) 689,.686-022 Doubling-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-046 Drawing-Frame Tender (textile) 680.685-038 Drop-Wire Aliner (textile) 689.685-062 Drop-Wire Hanger (textile) 683.687-014 Floor Winder (textile) 681.685-050 Flyer Repairer (textile) 628.687-010 Frame Changer (textile) 689.686-026 Garnett-Machine Operator (textile) 680.685-050 Gill-Box Tender (textile) 680.685-058 Leasing-Machine Tender (textile) 681.685-054 Long-Chain Beamer (textile) 681.685-058 Loom-Winder Tender (textile) 681.685-062 Numberer and Wirer (textile) 689.587-010 Opener Tender (textile) 680.685-070 Pattern Duplicator (textile) 683.685-026 Picker Tender (textile) 680.685-074 Pick-Pulling-Machine Operator (textile) 689.685-094 Precise Winder (textile) 681.685-066 Quiller Operator (textile) 681.685-070 Quilling-Machine Operator, Automatic (textile) 681.685- 074 Reeling-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-078 Ribbon-Lap-Machine Tender (textile) 680.685-086 Roving Winder, Fiberglass (textile) 681.485-010 Selvage-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-094 Shuttle Hand (textile) 689.686-038 Silk Spreader (textile) 680.685-090 Singe Winder (textile) 681.585-018 Skein Winder (textile) 681.685-098 Sliver-Lap-Machine Tender (textile) 680.685-094 Slubber Tender (textile) 680.685-098 Spooler Operator, Automatic (textile) 681.686-018 Staple Cutter (textile) 680.685-102 Staple-Processing-Machine Operator (textile) 680.585-014 Stencil-Machine Operator (textile) 652.685-086 Stretch-Box Tender (textile) 680.685-1 10 Thread Winder, Automatic (textile) 681.685-122 Traveler Changer (textile) 682.687-010 Uptwister Tender (textile) 681.685-138 Waste-Machine Tender (textile; waste & batting) 680.685- 1 14 Winder Operator, Automatic (textile) 681.685-150 waste & batting) (textile) Shuttler (trim. & embroid.) 689.687-070 Spanner (trim. & embroid.) 689.687-074 Back-Strip-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-018 Deskidding-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-126 Molder, Labels (boot & Shoe) 690.685-294 Vulcanizing-Press Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-466 Pad Cutter (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-302 Platen Grinder (office mach.) 690.385-010 Plug Cutter (pen & pencil) 690.685-306 i Rubber-Roller Grinder (pen & pencil) 690.686-050 Baler (plastics mat.) 690.685-022 Band Cutter (rubber goods) 690.685-026 Band-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.685-030 Band Tumbler (rubber goods) 551.685-010 Bead Preparer (rubber goods) 692.685-022 Branding-Machine Tender (rubber goods) 690.685-042 Calender-Wind-Up Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.665-010 Crimper (rubber goods) 690.686-026 Design Printer, Balloon (rubber goods) 651.685-014 Dual-Hose Cementer (rubber goods) 690.685-134 Grinder (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.685-030 Hose Cutter, Machine (rubber goods) 751.686-010 Hose-Tubing Backer (rubber goods) 559.686-018 Latex Spooler (rubber goods) 559.685-114 Liner Reroll Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.685-022 Mat Puncher (rubber goods) 690.685–286 Molded-Rubber-Goods Cutter (rubber goods) 690.685-290 Opener (rubber goods) 559.686-034 Presser (rubber goods) 690.685-318 Rebrander (rubber goods) 559.685-150 Roll Cutter (rubber goods) 690.685-322 Rubber Cutter (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 559.685- 158 Rubber-Cutting-Machine Tender (rubber goods) 690.685- 342 Sectional-Belt-Mold Assembler (rubber goods) 752.685- 010 Splitting-Machine Operator (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 690.685–386 Strap-Cutting-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.685- 402 Strap-Folding-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 554.485- 014 Tuber-Machine Cutter (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.685-446 Tuber-Machine-Operator Helper (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.686-070 Tumbler-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 559.685-178 V-Belt Finisher (rubber goods) 690.685-454 V-Belt Skiver (rubber goods) 690.685-458 Drier Feeder (rubber reclaim.) 559.686-014 Bead Builder (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-014 Bias-Machine-Operator Helper (rubber tire & 690.686-014 Squeegee Tender (rubber tire & tube) 750.685-010 Tube Splicer (rubber tire & tube) 690.685-442 tube) Rubber-Thread Spooler (sports equip.) 681.685-090 06.04.08 Machine Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Abrasive Sawyer (abrasive & polish, prod.) 677.685-010 Diamond-Powder Technician (abrasive & polish. prod.) 673.685-046 Hot-Press Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 575.685-042 Crusher Tender (any ind.) 570,685-022 190 06.04 Asbestos-Shingle Shearing-Machine Operator (asbestos prod.) 679.686-010 Beveler (asbestos prod.) 673.685-022 Cut-Off-Saw Operator, Pipe Blanks 677.685-026 Driller, Brake Lining (asbestos prod.) 676.685-010 Sawyer (asbestos prod.) 677.685-038 (asbestos prod.) Sample Sawyer (brick & tile) 677.685-034 Tile Grinder (brick & tile) 679.685-022 Crusher Operator (build. board) 570.685-018 Hammer-Mill Operator (build. mat., n.e.c.) 570.685-030 Slate Mixer (build. mat., n.e.c.) 570.685-094 Convex-Grinder Operator (button) 673.685-042 Grinding-Machine Operator, Automatic (button) 690.685- 194 Slicing-Machine Operator (button) 692.685-174 Miller (cement) 570.685-046 Rod-Mill Tender (cement; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-030 Jewel-Bearing Grinder (clock & watch) 770.685-018 Jewel-Bearing Polisher (clock & watch) 770.685-022 Turner, Machine (clock & watch) 770.685-034 Stone Splitter (conc. prod.) 677.685-050 Level-Glass-Forming-Machine Operator (cut. & tools) 679.665–010 Level-Vial Inside Grinder (cut. & tools) 673.685-066 Ceramic Capacitor Processor (electronics) 590.684-010 Coremaker, Machine (found.) I 518.685-014 Coremaker, Machine (found.) II 518.685-018 Coremaker, Machine (found.) III 518.685-022 Sand-Cutter Operator (found.) 570.683-014 Sand-Slinger Operator (found.) 518.683-010 Shell-Mold-Bonding-Machine Operator (found.) 518.685- 030 Beveling-and-Edging-Machine-Operator Helper (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.686-010 Blocker (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-026 Blocker, Automatic (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-030 Cullet Crusher-and-Washer (glass mfg.) 570.685-026 Cutting-Machine Tender, Decorative (glass mfg.) 775.685- 010 Edging-Machine Feeder (glass mfg.) 673.686-022 Glass Cut-Off Tender (glass mfg.) 677.685-030 Glass-Unloading-Equipment Tender (glass mfg.) 677.665- 0 1 0 Layer (glass mfg.) 673.686-026 Production-Machine Tender, (glass mfg.) 679.685-014 Straight-Line Edger (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-078 Stripper (glass mfg.) 673.666-014 Glass Cutting-or-Grinding Beveler (glass prod.) 673.685-018 Circle Edger (glass prod.; mirror) 673.685-038 Driller, Machine (glass prod.) 676.685-014 Engraver Tender (glass prod.) 673.685-050 Glass-Cleaning-Machine Tender (glass prod.) 579.685-018 Notch Grinder (glass prod.) 673.685-070 Refractory Mixer (iron & steel) 570.685-078 Mill-and-Coal-Transport Operator (light, heat, & power) 544.665-01 () Crayon Sawyer (minerals & earths) 677.685-022 Drier-and-Grinder Tender (minerals & earths) 579.685-010 Mica-Plate Layer (minerals & earths) 579.685-026 Press Operator (minerals & earths) 575,685-070 Air-Table Operator (mining & quarrying) 549.685-010 Heavy-Media Operator (mining & quarrying) 541.685-010 Circle Beveler (mirror) 673.685-034 Mirror Specialist (mirror; mirror & pic. frames) 779.684- O38 Blocking-Machine Tender (optical goods) 716.685-010 Burr Grinder (optical goods) 673.686-014 Driller (optical goods) 716.685-014 Grinder, Hand (optical goods) 716.685-018 Lens-Fabricating-Machine Tender (optical goods) 716.685- 022 Stone Rougher (optical goods) 673.685-074 Crusher Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.685-014 Screen Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1,685-050 Weigher-and-Crusher (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.567- 0 1 0 Machine Operator, Ceramics (pottery & porc.) 679.685- O 1 O Assembler, Lay-Ups (sports equip.) 677.685-014 Belt Sander, Stone (stonework) 673.666-010 Circular-Sawyer Helper (stonework) 677.486-010 Edger-Machine Helper (stonework) 673.686-018 Sink Cutter (stonework) 677.682-018 Splitting-Machine-Operator Helper (stonework) 677.666- O 1 O Stone-Driller Helper (stonework) 676.686-010 Stone Trimmer (stonework) 670.685-010 Strip Polisher (stonework) 673.685-082 Chopped-Strand Operator (textile) 680.685-022 06.04.09 Machine Work, Assorted Materials Seed-Cleaner Operator (agric.; oils & fats) 599.665-010 Foiling-Machine Operator (ammunition) 692.685-086 Loading-Unit Operator (ammunition) 694,685-030 Pellet-Press Operator (ammunition) 694,685-034 Rim-Fire-Priming Operator (ammunition) 694,685-050 Shell-Sieve Operator (ammunition) 694,585-010 Shotgun-Shell-Loading-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694,665–010 Crown-Assembly-Machine Operator (any ind.) 692.685- 062 Cutter, Machine (any ind.) II 699.685-014 Cutting-Machine Tender (any ind.) 690.685-122 Cutting-Machine-Tender Helper (any ind.) 690.686-030 Embossing-Press Operator (any ind.) 652.685-030 Groover (any ind.) 692.686-042 Leaf Stamper (any ind.) 979.682-018 Machine Feeder (any ind.) 699.686-010 191 06.04 Scrap Handler (any ind.) 509.685-050 Screener Operator (any ind.) 599.685-082 Slitting-Machine-Operator Helper (any ind.) I 699.587-010 Spray-Painting-Machine Operator (any ind.) 741.685-010 Tumbler Operator (any ind.) 599.685-110 Wire-Stripping-and-Cutting-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 691.485-010 Wreath Machine Tender (artif, flower) 739.685-058 Card Tender (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.685-018 Groover (asbestos prod.) 673.685-062 Bone-Process Operator (bone, 559.665–010 carbon, & lampblack) Counter Cutter (boot & shoe) 690.685-094 Groover and Turner (boot & shoe) 690.685-198 Heel Builder, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685–206 Heel Gouger (boot & shoe) 690.685-214 Heel-Nailing-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685- 226 String Laster (boot & shoe) 690.685-406 Broomcorn Seeder (brush & broom) 692.686-018 Clipper (brush & broom) 739.685-022 Cutter (brush & broom) 692.686-030 Mixing-Machine Operator (brush & broom) 680.685-066 Stem Sizer (brush & broom) 692.686-062 Packer, Insulation (build. board) 579.685-038 Patternmaker, Acoustical Tile (build. board) 649.685-086 Reeler (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.685-022 Buckle-Frame Shaper (button) 692.685-034 Button-Decorating-Machine Operator (button) 690.685- 062 Button-Facing-Machine Operator (button) 690.685-066 Polisher (button) 599.685-078 Separator Operator (button) 692.685-166 Sorter, Machine (button) 692.685-182 Wicker, Molded Candles (candle) 692.685–242 Machine Feeder (clock & watch) 715.686-014 Cork Molder (cork prod.) 569.685-030 Cork-Pressing-Machine Operator (cork prod.) 569.686-018 End-Touching-Machine Operator (cork prod.) 662.686-010 Sanding-Machine Buffer (cork prod.) 662.685-022 Sanding-Machine Tender (cork prod.) 662.685-026 Sawyer, Cork Slabs (cork prod.) 667.685-046 Slicing-Machine Tender (cork prod.) 663.686-026 Splitting-Machine Tender (cork prod.) 663.685-042 Protector-Plate Attacher (cut. & tools) 692.685-138 Cosmetics Presser (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.685-026 Poultice-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 692.685-134 Base Remover (elec. equip.) 692.686-014 Bulb Filler (elec. equip.) 692.686-022 Cell Tuber, Machine (elec. equip.) 692.685-046 Electrode-Cleaning-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 559.685-062 Mix-Crusher Operator (elec. equip.) 544.585-010 Mounter (elec. equip.) II 692.685-126 Pasting-Machine Offbearer (elec. equip.) 509.686-014 Sealer, Dry Cell (elec. equip.) 692.685-158 Twisting-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 691.686-010 Pad-Machine Feeder (excelsior) 920.686-034 Pad-Machine Off-Bearer (excelsior) 569.686-030 Dynamite-Packing-Machine Feeder (explosives) 692.686- 038 Slinger, Sequins (fabric. plastics prod.) 692.685-178 Tube Molder, Fiberglass (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685- 4.38 Band-Sawing-Machine Operator 690.485-010 Garland-Machine Operator (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 692.685- 090 - Taper, Machine (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 692.685-214 Tinsel-Machine Operator (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 692.685- 226 (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) Press Tender, Pyrotechnics (fireworks) 694.685-038 Crusher Tender (floor covering, n.e.c.) 555.685-022 Printer, Floor Covering, Assistant (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.687-038 Punch-Press Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.665-014 Roll-Up-Guider Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.685- 050 Scratcher Tender (floor covering, n.e.c.) 555.685-050 Tile-Power-Shear Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.685-222 Winder Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665-018 Wax Molder (found.; jewelry) 549.685-038 Glass-Wool-Blanket-Machine Feeder (glass prod.) 579.685- 022 Rooter Operator (hairwork) 731.685-010 Hydraulic Blocker (hat & cap) 580.685-038 Printer, Machine (hat & cap) 652.685-070 Straw-Hat-Plunger Operator (hat & cap) 583.685-114 Straw-Hat Presser, Machine (hat & cap) 583.685-1 10 Feather-Curling-Machine Operator (house furn.) 589.686- rºcurºn. Feeder (house furn.) 585.686- rºomsºn Operator (house furn.) 581.686- rº, Mixer (house furn.) 589.685-050 Feather Separator (house furn.) 589.685-054 Armoring-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.685-010 Pairing-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.685-022 Utility Worker, Extrusion (insulated wire) 691.685-030 Necker (jewelry cases) 692.686-058 Mat-Making Machine Tender (matt, & bedspring) 692.685- 1 22 Dust-Collector Attendant (mining & quarrying) 51 1,685- 022 192 06.04 Pinking-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685 - 130 Turning-and-Beading-Machine Operator (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 679.685-026 Rouge Sifter and Miller (optical goods) 579.685-046 Dust Collector-Treater (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.) 51 1.687-014 Spiral Binder (paper goods; print. & pub.) 653.685-030 Spiral-Machine Operator (paper goods) 692.685-186 Steel-Tie Adjuster, Automatic (paper goods) 649.685-110 Chalk-Extruding-Machine 575.685-018 Crayon-Sorting-Machine Feeder (pen & pencil) 929.686- 0.18 Felt-Tipping-Machine Tender (pen & pencil) 686.686-010 Fountain Pen Turner (pen & pencil) 690.685-190 Glue-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 692.685-094 Grooving-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 733.685-018 Ribbon Winder (pen & pencil) 733.685-022 Stamping-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 692.685-194 Operator (pen & pencil) Sanitary-Napkin-Machine Tender (per. protect. & med. dev.) 692.685–150 Stringer-Machine Tender (per. protect. 692.485-010 & med. dev.) Film Spooler (photo. apparatus) 692.685-082 Cutter (photofinish.) 976.685-010 Sawyer (pipe & boiler cov.) 677.686-010 Tube Winder, Hand (pipe & boiler cov.) 692.685-234 Case-Making-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.685- 0 18 Offset-Press Operator (print. & pub.) II 651.685-018 Platen-Press Feeder (print. & pub.) 651.685-022 Braiding-Machine Tender (rubber goods) 692.665-010 Laminating-Machine Tender (rubber goods) 554.665-014 Wire-Winding-Machine Tender (rubber goods) 690.685- 490 Cob Sawyer (smoking pipe) 667,685-030 Presser (soap) 559.685-142 Slabber (soap) 559.686-042 Soap Chipper (soap) 555.686-014 Bowling-Ball Finisher (sports equip.) 690.685-038 Core Shaper (sports equip.) 692.685-058 Cork Grinder (sports equip.) 662.685-010 Feather Sawyer (sports equip.) 732.685-014 Guide-Base Winder, Machine (sports equip.) 732.685-022 Rough-and-Trueing-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 690.685-330 Sander (sports equip.) 690.685-346 Winder (sports equip.) 692.685–246 Shredder Operator (synthetic fibers) 555.685-058 Covering-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-038 Crimping-Machine Operator (textile) 680.685-030 Window-Shade Cutter and Mounter (window shade & fix.) 692.685-250 Window-Shade-Ring Sewer (window shade & fix.) 692.685- 254 Wood-Web-Weaving-Machine Operator (window shade & fix.) 692.685-262 Paperback-Machine Operator (wirework) 616.685-046 Wire-Turning-Machine Operator (wood. box) 692.685-258 06.04.10 Equipment Operation, Metal Processing Reel-Blade-Bender 504.685-030 Furnace Tender (agric. equip.) Base-Draw Operator (ammunition) 504.685-010 06.04 Furnace-and-Wash-Equipment Operator (ammunition) 503.685-026 Molder, Lead Ingot (ammunition) 502.685-010 Mill Operator (any ind.) 599.685-058 Oxidized-Finish Plater (any ind.) 599.685-062 Definer (button) 599.685-022 Etcher, Electrolytic (cut. & tools) 500.685-010 Casting-Machine-Operator Helper (elec. equip.) 502.686- 010 Core Extruder (elec. equip.) 557.685-010 Furnace Operator (elec. equip.) 543.682-018 Lead Caster (elec. equip.) 502.684-010 Lead-Oxide-Mill Tender (elec. equip.) 558,685-042 Remelter (elec. equip.; print. & pub.; type founding) 502.685-014 Injection-Molding-Machine Tender (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph; rubber goods) 556.685-038 Browning Processor (firearms) 505.685-010 Strip-Tank Tender (firearms) 503.685-046 Centrifugal-Casting-Machine Operator (found.) I 514.685- 010 Centrifugal-Casting-Machine Operator (found.) II 514.685- 014 Cupola Charger (found.) 512.686-010 Cupola Tapper (found.) 514.664-010 Die-Casting-Machine Operator (found.) II 514.685-018 Furnace Tender (found.; nonfer. metal alloys) 512.685-010 Pourer, Metal (found.) 514.684-022 Flame-Hardening-Machine Operator (heat treat.) 504.685- 014 Furnace Helper (heat treat.) 504.686-014 Heat-Treater Helper (heat treat.) 504.685-018 Induction-Machine Operator (heat treat.) 504.685-022 Production Hardener (heat treat.) 504.685-026 Batch Maker (iron & steel; nonfer, metal alloys) 515.685- O 1 O Blast-Furnace Keeper (iron & steel) 502.664-010 Blast-Furnace-Keeper Helper (iron & steel) 502.687-010 Charger Operator (iron & steel) 504.565-010 Charger-Operator Helper (iron & steel) 504.686-010 Granulator Tender (iron & Steel) 519.665-010 Impregnator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685- 030 Kiln Operator (iron & steel) 509.565-010 Lime Mixer Tender (iron & steel) 514.685-022 Lubricator-Granulator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685-042 Mill Hand, Plate Mill (iron & steel) 6 13.667-014 Mixer (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 510.685-018 Mixer Operator Helper, Hot Metal (iron & steel) 509.566- 0 1 0 Pig-Machine-Operator Helper (iron & steel) 514.667-014 Second Helper (iron & steel) 512.684-010 Sinter Feeder (iron & steel) 5 13.685-010 Sintering-Press Operator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 617.685-038 Sinter-Machine Operator (iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685-026 Slab-Depiler Operator (iron & steel) 504.665-010 Supervisor, Pit-and-Auxiliaries (iron & steel) 51.4.137-014 Third Helper (iron & steel) 512.687-014 Annealer (jewelry) 504.687-010 Calciner-Operator Helper (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.667-010 Casting-Operator Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.687- 0 18 Flux-Tube Attendant (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-018 Furnace Helper (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.666-010 Ingot Header (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.584-010 Laborer, General (nonfer. metal alloys) 519.686-010 Nozzle Tender (nonfer. metal alloys) 5 12.685-014 Rolling-Mill-Operator Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 6.13.685-026 Tapper (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 14.664-014 Amalgamator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.685-010 Bottom-Precipitator Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.664-0 10 Briquetting-Machine Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-010 Clarifier Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.662- 0 1 0 Clarifier-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.667-010 Classifier Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.562- 010 Classifier Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-014 Condenser Setter (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.687-010 Condenser-Tube Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.685-018 Dewaterer Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.565- 0 1 0 Digestion Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.565- 0 1 0 Drier Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.565-014 Dross Skimmer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.683-010 Dust Mixer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685-010 Flotation Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-026 Grout-Machine Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-014 Hydrate-Control Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.585-010 Ion-Exchange Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 558.685-030 Iron-Launder Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.565-018 Kettle Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-018 Kettle Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I 5.19.685-022 Kettle Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II 5.1 1.685-030 Kettle Tender, Platinum and Palladium (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-034 Kiln-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.587- 0 1 0 Mix-House Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685- 0.14 Mud Boss (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.585-014 Mud-Mill Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-026 Pot Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.685-018 Precipitator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I 511.685-038 194 06.04 06.04.11 Precipitator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II 51 1.685-042 Pug-Mill Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685- 022 Reagent Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.685-046 Reagent Tender Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.686-0 10 Reclamation Kettle Tender, Metal (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.685-022 Recovery-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 19.485-014 Rotary-Kiln Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.682- 0 1 0 Scale-Reclamation Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 15.585-010 Slime-Plant Operator (ore dress., 5 10.685-030 Slime-Plant-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1,685-058 Spout Worker (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.667-0 18 Table Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 l l .685-062 Tank-House-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5.19.565-014 Tank Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 509.685-054 Thickener Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.485- 0.14 Top-Precipitator-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.586-010 Trommel Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-066 Wet-Plant Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.665- O 18 smelt., & refin.) I Equipment Operation, Chemical Processing Dry-House Tender (ammunition) 559.585-010 Primer-Powder Blender, Dry (ammunition) 550.565-010 Filter-Press Operator (any ind.) 551.685-082 Paint Mixer, Machine (any ind.) 550.485-018 Roof-Cement-and-Paint-Maker Helper (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550.686-038 Acid-Plant Helper (chem.) 558.565-010 Acid-Polymerization Operator (chem.) 558.685-010 Aluminum-Hydroxide-Process Operator (chem.; drug, prep. & rel, prod.) 559.685-014 Batch-Still Operator (chem.) I 552.685-014 Beater Operator (chem.) 555.685-010 Bleacher Operator (chem.; soap) 558.685-018 Bleach Packer (chem.) 558.687-010 Boiling-Tub Operator (chem.) 551.685-014 Brine Maker (chem.) 550.685-018 Brine-Well Operator (chem.) 559.685-026 Briquetter Operator (chem.) 559.685-030 Catalyst-Recovery Operator (chem.) 551.685-022 Catalytic-Converter-Operator Helper (chem.) 558.585-010 Cd-Storage-and-Materials Make-Up Helper (chem.) 559.685-034 - Cell-Tender Helper (chem.) 558.685-022 Centrifugal-Drier Operator (chem.) 551.685-026 Chemical Operator (chem.) II 558.585-014 Chemical Preparer (chem.; electronics) I 550.685-030 Chiller Operator (chem.) 551.685-042 Coating Operator (chem.) 550.585-022 Compounder (chem.) 550.685-050 Compound Filler (chem.) 550.686-014 Compound Finisher (chem.) 550.685-042 Contact-Acid-Plant-Operator Helper (chem.) 559.687-026 Crystallizer Operator (chem.) 559.685-042 Cuprous-Chloride Helper (chem.) 558.585-022 Curing-Oven Tender (chem.) 553.685-038 De-lonizer Operator (chem.) 558.685-026 Drier-and-Pulverizer Tender (chem.) 559.685-050 Drier Helper (chem.) 553.687-010 Drier Operator (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 553.685- 042 Drier Operator (chem.) I 553.665-026 Drier Operator (chem.) III 553.685-050 Drier Operator (chem.) IV 553.685-054 Extractor Operator, Solvent Process (chem.) 551.685-062 Fertilizer Mixer (chem.) 550.665-018 Firer, Retort (chem.; wood distil. & char.) 553.685-066 Flaker Operator (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 559.685-074 Furnace Helper (chem.) 558.686-010 Grinder Operator (chem.) 555.685-034 Ground Mixer (chem.) 550.685-066 Impregnator Operator (chem.) 559.685-106 Insecticide Mixer (chem.) 550.685-070 Lead-Nitrate Processor (chem.) 558.585-030 Lye Treater (chem.; soap) 551.685-094 Mercury Purifier (chem.) 551.585-014 Mercury Washer (chem.) 551.685-098 Miller (chem.) 570.685-042 Mixer (chem.) 559.665-026 Mixer Operator (chem.) 550.685-082 Mixing-Machine Feeder (chem.) 550.686-030 Mixing-Machine Tender (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 550.685-090 Mva-Reactor Operator (chem.) 558.685-046 Noodle-Catalyst Maker (chem.) 559.685-126 Pan Helper (chem.) 551.585-018 Paradichlorobenzene Tender (chem.) 556.685-054 Paste Mixer (chem.) 550.585-034 Pellet-Press Operator (chem.) 555.685-042 Pigment Furnace Tender (chem.) 553.685-086 Pigment Processor (chem.; paint & varn.) 559.685-130 Pilot-Control-Operator Helper (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.664-0 || 4 Precipitate Washer (chem.) 551.685-1 10 Press Operator (chem.) 551.685-118 Reduction-Furnace-Operator Helper (chem.; oils & fats) 559.686-038 Rotary-Drier Feeder (chem.) 553.686-038 Rotary-Furnace Tender (chem.) 553.685-094 Screen Operator (chem.) 551.685-130 Seasoning Mixer (chem.) 550.685-106 Second Operator, Mill Tender (chem.) 555.685-054 Stamper (chem.) 556.685-078 Still-Operator Helper (chem.) 552.685-030 Supervisor, Phosphoric Acid (chem.) 558. 132-014 Sweeping-Compound Blender (chem.) 550.685-1 10 Tank-Farm Attendant (chem.) 559.665-038 Tanning-Solution Maker (chem.) 550.682-014 Twitchell Operator (chem.) 558.585-042 Vacuum-Drier Tender (chem.) 553.685-106 Wax Bleacher (chem.) 551.685-158 Weigher and Mixer (chem.) 550.685-122 Wet Mixer (chem.) 550.685-126 Wringer Operator (chem.) 551.685-162 Acid Purifier (coal tar prod.) 559.685-010 Ball-Mill Operator (coal tar prod.) 558.685-014 Blender (coal tar prod.) 550.685-014 Chemical-Compounder Helper (coal tar prod.) 550.687– 0 1 0 195 06.04 Extractor-and-Wringer Operator (coal tar prod.) 551.685- 066 Filter-Tank Operator (coal tar prod.) 551.585-010 Mill Attendant (coal tar prod.) 555.685-038 Pulverizer (coal tar prod.) 555.685-046 Sublimer (coal tar prod.) 542.685-014 Mixer (coated fabrics) 550.685-074 Naphthalene Operator (coke prod.) 551.665-010 Sulfate Drier-Machine Operator (coke prod.) 551.685-142 Acetylene-Plant 549.585-010 Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) Centrifuge Operator, Plasma Processing (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 599.685-018 Compounder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; soap) 550.685-046 Effervescent-Salts Compounder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-058 Extractor Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 551.685-058 Fermenter Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-070 Freezing-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-090 Ion-Exchange Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 558.685- 038 Molder, Machine (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.685-050 Molder, Toilet Products (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.687- 022 Suppository-Molding-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.686-022 Blender (explosives) 550.665-010 Block-Breaker Operator (explosives) 555.686-010 Block-Press Operator (explosives) 556.685-014 Dehydrating-Press Operator (explosives; plastics 551.685-046 Drier Operator (explosives) 553.686-026 Nitrating-Acid Mixer (explosives) 550.585-030 Nitroglycerin Neutralizer (explosives) 558.685-050 Powder Blender and Pourer (explosives) 550.485-022 Powder-Cutting Operator (explosives) 559.685-134 Primer Expeditor and Drier (explosives) 553.385-014 Recovery Operator (explosives) 558.682-022 Tetryl-Dissolver Operator (explosives) 550.685-114 Tetryl-Screen Operator (explosives) 551.685-146 Tracer-Powder Blender (explosives) 550.585-042 Vacuum-Pan Operator (explosives) I 551.685-150 Vacuum-Pan Operator (explosives) II 551.685-154 Wash-Tank Tender (explosives) 559.685-182 Wheel-Mill Operator (explosives) 555.685-066 mat.) Dry-House Attendant (fireworks) 553.585-014 Tumbler Operator (fireworks) 550.685-118 Mottler Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 550.665-022 Binder Technician (glass mfg.) 550.585-010 Centrifuge-Separator Operator (glue) 551.685-038 Kiln-Operator Helper (lime) 573.685-022 Lime Slaker (lime) 570.685-034 Mixer Operator (lime) 570.685-058 Soda-Room Operator (malt liquors) 559.682-046 06.04.12 Equipment Operation, Restrictive-Preparation Operator (ordnance) 559.685-154 Cadmium-Liquor Maker (paint & varn.) 553.685-026 Calcine Furnace Loader (paint & varn.) 553.486-010 Calcine-Furnace Tender (paint & varn.) 553.685-030 Centrifuge Operator (paint & varn.) 551.685-034 Laborer, General (paint & varn.) 559.685-1 10 Lacquer Maker (paint & varn.) 559.682-030 Mixer (paint & varn.) 550.685-078 Red-Lead Burner (paint & varn.) 558.685-054 Thinner (paint & varn.) 550.585-038 Varnish-Maker Helper (paint & varn.) 553.686-042 Acid Maker (paper & pulp) 559,662-010 Evaporator Operator (paper & pulp) 532.685-018 Leacher (paper & pulp) 551.685-090 Lime-Sludge Kiln Operator (paper & pulp) 553.685-074 Lime-Sludge Mixer (paper & pulp) 550.585-026 Bath-Mix Operator (plastics mat.) 552.685-018 Formula Weigher (rubber goods) 550.663-010 Co-Mixer Helper (rubber reclaim.) 553.686-014 Brine Maker (salt production) 551.687-014 Compressor Operator (salt production) 559.685-038 Salt Washer (salt production) 551.685-126 Vacuum-Pan Operator (salt production) 559.585-022 Golf-Ball-Cover Treater (sports equip.) 559.685-102 Acetone-Recovery Worker (synthetic fibers) 552.685-010 Coagulating-Bath Mixer (synthetic fibers) 550.684-010 Spinning-Bath Patroller (synthetic fibers) 557.685-030 Chemical Mixer (textile) 550.585-018 Color-Paste Mixer (textile) 550.685-038 Compound Mixer (tinvare) 5.09.485-010 Deckhand (turp. & rosin) 553.686-022 Distiller (wood distil. & char.) 552.682-010 Petroleum, Gas, and Coal Processing Flusher (coal tar prod.) 559.682-026 Purification Operator (coal tar prod.) 551.685-122 Breaker Tender (coke prod.) 544.685-010 Door-Machine Operator (coke prod.) 519.663-010 Oven-Heater Helper (coke prod.) 542.665-010 Pusher Operator (coke prod.) 519.663-018 Screener-and-Blender Operator (coke prod.) 549.685-026 Shaker Tender (coke prod.) 541.665-010 Standpipe Tender (coke prod.) 519.665-014 Thaw-Shed Heater Tender (coke prod.) 543.685-022 Wash-Oil-Pump Operator Helper (coke prod.) 549.685-034 Wharf Tender (coke prod.) 542.667-010 Gas-Transfer Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) 914.585- 0 1 0 Briquette-Machine-Operator (fuel briquettes) 549.686-0 || 0 Drier Tender (fuel briquettes) 543.685-014 Helper 196 06.04 Centrifuge-Separator Tender (nonfer. metal alloys) 54 1.585-0 || 0 Grinder, Carbon Plant smelt., & refin.) 544.565-0 1 0 Slime-Plant Operator (ore dress., smelt., & 5 1 1.685-054 (ore dress., refin.) II Bulk-Station Operator (petrol. production) 570.362-010 Compounder Helper (petrol. refin.) 540.686-010 Grease Maker (petrol. refin.) 549.682-010 Lead Recoverer, Continuous-Naphtha-Treating (petrol. refin.) 541.685-014 Molder, Wax (petrol. refin.) 549.685-018 Pumper Helper (petrol, refin.) 549.684-010 Treater Helper (petrol. refin.) 549.685-030 Plant 06.04.13 Equipment Operation, Rubber, Plastics, and Glass Processing Vulcanizer (boot & shoe) 690.685–462 Extruding-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 557.565-010 (cut. & Feeder tools) Glass-Vial-Bending-Conveyor 573.686-0 18 Bagger (fabric. plastics prod.) 553.685-014 Compression-Molding-Machine Tender prod.) 556.685-022 Extruder-Operator Helper (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 557.564-010 Fiberglass-Dowel-Drawing-Machine plastics prod.) 575.682-010 Foam-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 559.685-078 Mixing-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 550.485-014 Molder, Pipe Covering (fabric, plastics prod.) 556.665-018 Pilling-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 556.685-058 Polystyrene-Molding-Machine prod.) 556.685-062 Stripper (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods) 556.686-018 Vacuum Plastic-Forming-Machine Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.685-082 (fabric. plastics Operator (fabric. Tender (fabric. plastics Balcony Worker (glass mfg.) 575.687-010 Fiber-Machine Tender (glass mfg.) 575.685-030 Forming-Machine Upkeep-Mechanic Helper (glass mfg.) 575.687-0 14 Glazing-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) 573.685-018 Lehr Tender (glass mfg.) 573.685-026 Lens-Molding-Equipment Operator (glass mfg.) 575.685- 054 Marble-Machine Tender (glass mfg.) 575.685-058 Mixer (glass mfg.) 570.685-054 Oven Tender (glass mfg.) 573.585-010 Annealer (glass prod.) 573.685-010 Fiberglass-Container-Winding Operator 579.584-010 (glass prod.) Molder, Fiberglass Luggage (leather prod.) 575.685-066 Contact-Lens Molder (optical goods) 690.685-090 Fusing-Furnace Loader (optical goods) 573.686-014 Lens Hardener (optical goods) 573.685-030 Molder Helper (optical goods) 575.686-014 Glass-Furnace Tender (paint & varn.) 572.685-010 Compound Worker (phonograph) 559.686-010 Record-Press Tender (phonograph) 556.685-070 Cake-Press Operator (plastics mat.) 556.665-010 Cake-Press-Operator Helper (plastics mat.) 556.686-010 Casting-Room Operator (plastics mat.) 556.585-010 Caustic Operator (plastics mat.) 554.684-010 Cellophane-Bath Mixer (plastics mat.) 550.585-014 Churn Tender (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 550.685-034 Corrugator Operator (plastics mat.) 556.665-014 Debubblizer (plastics mat.) 553.585-010 Drier Operator (plastics mat.) II 553.685-046 Dry-End Operator (plastics mat.) 559.665-014 Plastics-Seasoner Operator (plastics mat.) 553.665-042 Polymerization Helper (plastics mat.) 558.585-038 Polymerization-Oven Operator (plastics mat.) 556.585-014 Rubber-Mill Tender (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 550.685-102 Tankroom Tender (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 559.585- 0 18 Wet-End Operator (plastics mat.) I 559.685-186 Wet-End Operator (plastics mat.) II 559.685-190 197 06.04 Belt-Press Operator (rubber goods) II 553.665-010 Buckle-Strap-Drum Operator (rubber goods) 554.485-010 Calender Feeder (rubber goods) 554.686-010 Calender-Operator Helper (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-0 18 Cement Mixer (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 550.685- 0.26 Dipper (rubber goods) 556.685-030 Dipping-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 556.685-034 Extruder Tender (rubber goods) 557.685-014 Fire-Hose Curer (rubber goods) 553.685-062 Heater Tender (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 553.665-038 Laborer, General (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 5.59.686-026 Matting-Press Tender (rubber goods) 556.685-042 Milled-Rubber Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 553.685-078 Mixer, Foam Rubber (rubber goods) 550.685-086 Molder, Foam Rubber (rubber goods) 556.685-046 Press Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.) 556.685-066 Steam-Press Tender (rubber goods) I 553.665-046 Steam-Press Tender (rubber goods) II 553,665-050 Thermal Molder (rubber goods) 553.585-022 Tumbler Operator (rubber goods) 553.585-026 Batch Trucker (rubber reclaim.) 550.686–010 Cd-Mixer (rubber reclaim.) 550.685-022 Devulcanizer Charger (rubber reclaim.) 558.666-010 Devulcanizer Tender (rubber reclaim.) 558.585-026 Drier-Operator Helper (rubber reclaim.) 553.686-030 Press Operator (rubber reclaim.) 559.685-138 Air-Bag Curer (rubber tire & tube) 556.685-010 Curing-Press Operator (rubber tire & tube) 553.686-0 18 Tire Molder (rubber tire & tube) 553.685-102 Bowling-Ball Molder (sports equip.) 556.685-018 Processor (synthetic fibers) 557.685-018 Second-Floor Operator (synthetic fibers) 557.685-022 Soda Dialyzer (synthetic fibers) 551.685-134 Spinner (synthetic fibers) 557.685-026 Synthetic-Filament Extruder (synthetic fibers) 557.565-014 Synthetic-Staple Extruder (synthetic fibers) 557.665-010 06.04.14 Equipment Operation, Paper Making Oven Tender (ammunition) 534.565-010 Wad Impregnator (ammunition) 590.685-054 Wad Lubricator (ammunition) 590.685-058 Back Tender, Insulation Board (build. board) 532.685-010 Chip-Mixing-Machine Operator (build. board) 560.465-010 Pulper (build. board; paper & pulp) 530.685-014 Screen Tender (build. board; paper & pulp) 534.665-010 Wet-End Helper (build. board) 534.685-034 Breaker-Machine Operator (cork prod.; sawmill) 564.685- 0 1 0 Compounder, Cork (cork prod.) 560.587-010 Mixing-Machine Tender (cork prod.) 560.585-010 Beater-and-Pulper 530.686-0 1 0 Feeder (felt goods; paper & pulp) Oven Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665-010 Bark-Press Operator (paper & pulp) 563.685-010 Bleach-Boiler Filler (paper & pulp) 533.685-010 Blow-Pit Helper (paper & pulp) 533.686-010 Blow-Pit Operator (paper & pulp) 533.665-010 Brown-Stock Washer (paper & pulp) 533.685-014 Coating-Mixer Tender (paper & pulp) 530.685-010 Cooker Tender (paper & pulp) 532.685-014 Cutter, Wet Machine (paper & pulp) 539.686-010 Dampener Operator (paper & pulp) 534,685-010 Firer Helper (paper & pulp) 553.665-034 Loader, Magazine Grinder (paper & pulp) 530.686-014 Matrix-Drier Tender (paper & pulp) 532.585-010 Moisture-Conditioner Operator (paper & pulp) 532.685- 022 Oiling-Machine Operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.685-0 18 Paper Coater (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.685-022 Paper-Processing-Machine Helper (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper) 534.686-010 Pulp-Press Tender (paper & pulp) 532.685-026 Pump-Press Operator (paper & pulp) 539.685-022 Save-All Operator (paper & pulp) 533.685-018 Screen Handler (paper & pulp) 539.685-026 Screen-Tender Helper (paper & pulp) 533.687-010 Size Maker (paper & pulp) 550.682-010 Tower Attendant (paper & pulp) 559.666-010 Washer Engineer (paper & pulp) 533.685-034 Washer-Engineer Helper (paper & pulp) 533.686-014 Waste-Paper-Hammermill Operator (paper & pulp) 530.686-0 18 Wet-Machine Tender (paper & pulp) 539.685-030 Winder Helper (paper & pulp) 539.685-034 Cone Treater (paper goods) 534.687-010 Paper-Cone-Drying-Machine Operator 532.686-014 (paper goods) 06.04.15 Equipment Operation, Food Processing Fruit-Grader Operator (agric.; whole. tr.) 529.665-010 Still Operator (agric.; can. & preserv.) 522.685-098 Baker Helper (bake. prod.) 526.686-010 Batter Mixer (bake. prod.) 520.685-010 Blender (bake. prod.) 520.585-010 Broth Mixer (bake. prod.) 520.585-014 Chocolate Temperer (bake. prod.; cereal) 523.685-022 Cracker Sprayer (bake. prod.) 524.685-022 Dessert-Cup-Machine Feeder (bake. prod.) 520.686-014 Dividing-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 520.685-086 Dough-Brake-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 520.685-090 Enrobing-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 524.685-026 Filling Machine Tender (bake. prod.) 524.685-030 Grain-Wafer-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 523.685-094 Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) 524.685-034 Icing Mixer (bake. prod.) 520.685-114 Laborer, Pie Bakery (bake. prod.) 529.686-054 Oven Tender (bake. prod.) 526.685-030 Pie Maker, Machine (bake. prod.) 526.685-038 Pretzel Cooker (bake. prod.) 526.685-054 Pretzel-Twisting-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 520.685- 190 Slicing-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 521.685-302 Sweet-Goods-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 520.685-214 Unleavened-Dough Mixer (bake, prod.) 520.685-226 Wafer-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) 526.685-066 Blanching-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.) 523.685- 0.14 198 06.04 Blending-Tank Tender (can. & preserv.; flav. ext. & sirup) 520.685-030 Breading Machine Tender (can. & preserv.) 524.685-010 Brine Maker (can. & preserv.) I 522.685-018 Brine Maker (can. & preserv.) II 522.685-022 Brine-Mixer Operator, Automatic (can. 520.685-034 Brine-Tank-Separator Operator (can. & preserv.) 521,685- 038 Cannery Worker (can. & preserv.) 529.686-014 Cook, Fry, Deep Fat (can. & preserv.; hotel & rest.) 526,685-014 Cook, Vacuum Kettle (can. & preserv.) 526.685-018 Cooling-Pan Tender (can. & preserv.) 523.685-046 Cutter, Frozen Meat (can. & preserv.) 521.685-098 Dehydrator Tender (can. & preserv.) 523.685-054 Drier Attendant (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.) 523.685-058 Drier Operator (can. & preserv.) 523.685-062 Egg-Breaking-Machine Operator (can. & 521.685 – 1 14 Extractor-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.665-014 Filter Tender, Jelly (can. & preserv.) 529.685-114 Finisher Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.685-142 Fish Cleaner Machine Tender (can. & preserv.) 529.685- 1 18 Fish-Machine Feeder (can. & preserv.) 521.686-034 Fish Smoker (can. & preserv.) 522.685-066 Freezer Tunnel Operator (can. & preserv.) 523.685-082 Fruit-Press Operator (can. & preserv.; flav. ext. & sirup) 52 1.685-146 Horseradish Maker (can. & preserv.) 529.685-142 Lye-Peel Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.685–206 Meat Blender (can. & preserv.) 529.685-166 Mincemeat Maker (can. & preserv.) 520.485-018 Mixing-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.) 520.685-166 Pasteurizer (can. & preserv.; malt liquors) 523.685-1 10 Peanut-Butter Maker (can. & preserv.; food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-178 Preservative Filler, Machine (can. & preserv.) 529.685-190 Production Helper (can. & preserv.; food prep., n.e.c.) 529.686-070 Pulper Tender (can. & preserv.) 521.685-262 Relish Blender (can. & preserv.) 520.685-194 Separator Operator, Shellfish Meats (can. 521.685–286 Shellfish-Processing-Machine Tender 529.685–2 14 Sieve-Grader Tender (can. & preserv.) 521.665-026 Sorting-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.) 521.685-3 18 Sweet-Potato Disintegrator (can. & preserv.) 521.685-358 Thermoscrew Operator (can. & preserv.) 526.685-058 Vacuum Drier Operator (can. & preserv.) 523.685-122 & preserv.) preserv.) & preserv.) (can. & preserv.) Coating Operator (cereal) 524.685-018 Cooker (cereal) 526.685-022 Curing-Bin Operator (cereal) 522.685-038 Drier Tender (cereal) 523.685-070 Flaking-Roll Operator (cereal) 520.685-102 Flavor Extractor (cereal) 529.685-126 Grinder Operator (cereal) 521.685-166 Oven Operator (cereal) 526.585-010 Roaster, Grain (cereal) 523.585-034 Wheat Cleaner (cereal) 529.685-262 Deodorizer (chem.) 522.685-046 Breaking-Machine Operator (chew. gum) 521.685-034 Chicle-Grinder Feeder (chew. gum) 521.686-018 Gum Puller (chew. gum) 520.687-038 Kettle Tender (chew. gum) 520.685-1 18 Utility Worker (chew. gum) 529.686-086 Chocolate Molder, Machine (choc. & cocoa) 529.685-054 Cocoa-Bean Cleaner (choc. & cocoa.) 521.685-066 Cocoa-Bean-Roaster Helper (choc. & cocoa) 523.666-010 Cocoa-Butter-Filter Operator (choc. & cocoa) 521.685-070 Cocoa-Powder-Mixer Operator (choc. & cocoa) 520.685- 074 Cocoa-Room Operator (choc. & cocoa) 521.685-074 Confectionery-Drops-Machine Operator (choc. & cocoa: confection.) 520.685-078 Cracking-and-Fanning-Machine Operator (choc. & cocoa) 52 1,385-010 Liquor-Grinding-Mill Operator (choc. & cocoa) 521.685- 202 Mixer Operator (choc. & cocoa) 520.685-150 Ball-Machine Operator (confection.) 520.686-010 Candy-Maker Helper (confection.) 520.685-050 Candy Puller (confection.) 520.685-046 Casting-Machine Operator (confection.) 520.685-062 Cheese Sprayer (confection.) 524.685-014 Corn Popper (confection.) 526.685-026 Enrobing-Machine Feeder (confection.) 524.686-010 Factory Helper (confection.) 529.686-034 Fruit-Bar Maker (confection.) 529.685-134 Lozenge-Dough Mixer (confection.) 520.685-122 Molding-Machine-Operator Helper (confection.) 520.686- 030 Nut Chopper (confection.; food prep., n.e.c.; nut process.) 521.686-046 Popcorn-Candy Maker (confection.) 526.685-042 Rolling-Machine Operator (confection.) 520.685-198 Sanding-Machine Operator (confection.) 524.665-010 Spinner (confection.) 520.682-030 Sucker-Machine Operator (confection.) 529.685-234 Barrel Filler (corn prod.) 529.485-010 Batch-Tank Controller (corn prod.) 521.685-022 Centrifuge Operator (corn prod.) 52 1.685-046 Char-Filter-Tank Tender, Head (corn prod.) 521.665-010 Clarifier (corn prod.; oils & fats) 521.685-054 Cooler Tender (corn prod.) 523.685-038 Corn-Grinder Operator, Automatic (corn prod.) 521.685- 086 Crystallizer Operator (corn prod.) 523.685-050 Drip-Box Tender (corn prod.) 521.687-038 Expeller Operator (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats) 529.685-106 Feed Blender (corn prod.) 520.685-094 Filtering-Machine Tender (corn prod.) 521.685-138 Filter-Press Tender, Head (corn prod.) 521.665-018 Filter-Tank-Tender Helper, Head (corn prod.) 521.685-134 Filter Tender (corn prod.) 522.665-010 Gluten-Settling Tender (corn prod.) 521.685-150 Grain-Drier Operator (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.) 523.685-090 Mill Operator (corn prod.) 521.685-226 Neutralizer (corn prod.) 522,685-082 Press Puller (corn prod.) 529.687-170 Separator Tender (corn prod.) 521.685-290 Starch-Treating Assistant (corn prod.) 520.665-018 Steep Tender (corn prod.) 522.465-010 Sugar-Chipper-Machine Operator (corn prod.) 521.685- 3.54 199 06.04 Sugar Drier (corn prod.) 523.665-010 Sugar Presser (corn prod.) 521.685-350 Batch Freezer (dairy prod.) 523.685-010 Blender-Conveyor Operator (dairy prod.) 529.685-022 Blending-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 522.685-010 Brine-Tank Tender (dairy prod.) 529.685-030 Casting-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 520.685-058 Centrifuge Operator (dairy prod.) 521.685-042 Cheese Cutter (dairy prod.) 529.585-010 Cooker, Process Cheese (dairy prod.) 526.665-010 Flavor Room Worker (dairy prod.) 529.685-130 Grated-Cheese Maker (dairy prod.) 521.685-162 Ice Cream Freezer Assistant (dairy prod.) 529.685-146 Instantizer Operator (dairy prod.) 523.685-106 Mash Grinder (dairy prod.) 520.685-130 Milk-Powder Grinder (dairy prod.) 521.685-222 Sandwich-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 529.685-2 10 Slicing-Machine Operator (dairy prod.; slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-306 Sterilizer Operator (dairy prod.) 523.685-114 Tablet-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 529.685-238 Tray-Casting-Machine Operator (dairy prod.) 520.685-2 18 Extractor Operator (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 521.685- 1 18 Miller Helper, Distillery (distilled liquors) 521.687-082 Tank Pumper, Panelboard (distilled liquors) 529.685-242 Deoiling-Machine and Pasteurizing-Machine Operator (flav. ext. & sirup) 529.685-094 Mixer Operator (flav. ext. & sirup) 520.685-146 Batter Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-014 Coffee Grinder (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-078 Coffee Roaster, Continuous Process (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.685-026 Corn Cooker (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-034 Corn Grinder (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-082 Corn-Press Operator (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-078 Dried Fruit Washer (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-110 Drier Operator, Drum (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-098 Fish-Cake Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-122 Green-Coffee Blender (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-1 10 Honey Extractor (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-174 Honey Processor (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-070 Mexican-Food-Machine Tender (food prep., 524.685-038 Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-138 Mixer-and-Blender (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-154 Mixer, Chili Powder (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-158 Mixer, Dry-Food Products (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-162 Mixer, Whipped Topping (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.385-010 Mixing-Machine Operator (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.665-014 Molasses Preparer (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-078 Potato-Chip Frier (food prep., n.e.c.) 526.685-046 Potato-Pancake Frier (food prep., n.e.c.) 526.685-050 Potato-Peeling-Machine Operator (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-250 Production-Supply-Equipment Tender (food prep., n.e.c.) 92 1.685-050 Seed-Yeast Operator (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-090 Spice Cleaner (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-322 Spice Fumigator (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-2 18 Spice Miller (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-326 Spice Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.585-026 Tamale-Machine Feeder (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.686-038 Tumbler Tender (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-222 n.e.c.) Yeast-Cutting-and-Wrapping-Machine prep., n.e.c.) 529.665-022 Yeast-Fermentation Attendant (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685. 1 10 Yeast Washer (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685–278 Operator (foo Blending Supervisor (grain & feed mill.) 520. 132-010 Bolter (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-030 Bolter Helper (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-010 Custom-Feed-Mill-Operator Helper (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-026 Feed Grinder (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-122 Feed Mixer (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-098 Feed-Mixer Helper (grain & feed mill.) 520.686-018 Flour Blender (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-106 Flour-Blender Helper (grain & feed mill.) 520.686-022 Flour Mixer (grain & feed mill.) 520.485-010 Grain Mixer (grain & feed mill.) 520.485-014 Laboratory Miller (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-194 Laborer, Starch Factory (grain & feed mill.) 529.685-154 Meal-Grinder Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-210 Mill Feeder (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-134 Monitor-and-Storage-Bin Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.685–230 Pellet-Mill Operator (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-178 Processor, Grain (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-254 Processor Helper (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-050 Rice Cleaning Machine Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.665–022 Rough-Rice Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.685–274 Ice Cutter (ice) 529.685-150 Ice Maker (ice) 523.685-102 Cutter (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.685-082 Drier, Long Goods (macaroni & rel. prod.) 523.585-022 Long-Goods Helper, Machine (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.686-062 Noodle Maker (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.385-010 Stripper-Cutter, Machine (macaroni & rel. prod.) 521.685- 342 Barley Steeper (malt liquors) 522.585-010 Brewery Cellar Worker (malt liquors) 522.685-014 Carbonation Equipment Tender (malt liquors) 522.685-026 Cooling-Machine Operator (malt liquors) 523.685-042 De-Alcoholizer (malt liquors) 522.685-042 Dropper, Fermenting Cellar (malt liquors) 522.685-054 Drum Loader and Unloader (malt liquors) 522.685-058 Filter Changer (malt liquors) 521.687-050 Grain Drier (malt liquors) 523.685-086 Hop Strainer (malt liquors) 521.685-178 Hot-Wort Settler (malt liquors) 521.685-186 Kettle Tender (malt liquors) 526.665-014 Malt-House Operator (malt liquors) 522.685-074 Mash-Filter-Cloth Changer (malt liquors) 529.667-014 Mash-Filter Operator (malt liquors) 521.565-014 Miller (malt liquors) 521.585-014 Tapper (malt liquors) 529.685–246 Yeast Pusher (malt liquors) 522.665-014 Almond-Blancher Operator (nut process.) 521.685-014 Almond-Cutting-Machine Tender (nut process.) 521.685- 0 1 8 Almond Huller (nut process.) 521.685-010 Drier Tender (nut process.) 523.685-066 Meat-Grading-Machine Operator (nut process.) 521.685- 218 200 06.04 Nut Grinder (nut process.) 521.685-234 Nut-Process Helper (nut process.) 529.486-010 Nut Roaster (nut process.) 529.685-174 Nut-Sorter Operator (nut process.) 521.685-238 Peanut Blancher (nut process.) 521.685–246 Sheller (nut process.) II 521.685-294 Bleacher, Lard (oils & fats; 521.685-026 Blender-Machine Operator (oils & fats) 520.685-018 Butter Liquefier (oils & fats) 523.585-010 Cake Former (oils & fats) 520.685-038 Centrifuge Operator (oils & fats) 521.685-050 Churner (oils & fats) 520.565-010 Churn Operator, Margarine (oils & fats) 520.685-070 Cooker, Meal (oils & fats) 523.685-034 Drier Tender (oils & fats) I 523.685-074 Lard Refiner (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685- 158 Mixing-Tank Operator (oils & fats) 520.685-170 Pasteurizer (oils & fats) 523.585-026 Refining-Machine Operator (oils & fats) 529.685-198 Votator-Machine Operator (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685-250 Winterizer (oils & fats) 521.685-374 slaught. & meat pack.) Mixer Operator (salt production) 520.685-142 Band-Saw Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-010 Casing Cleaner (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686-010 Casing-Running-Machine Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-014 Chiller Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) 523.585-014 Chilling-Hood Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) 523.685- 0 18 Chopping-Machine Operator 520.685-066 Cook (slaught. & meat pack.) 526.685-010 Cook-Box Filler (slaught. & meat pack.) 523.685-030 Cutlet Maker, Pork (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.686-022 Dehairing-Machine Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-0 18 Ham-Rolling-Machine Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685- 1 38 Hasher Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-170 Head-Machine Feeder (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686- 0 18 Hide Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-022 Linking-Machine Operator (slaught. & meat 529.685-162 Meat Grinder (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-214 Molder, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-174 Pickle Pumper (slaught. & meat pack.) 522.685-086 Pickling Solution Maker (slaught. & meat pack.) 522.485- 0 1 0 Poultry-Picking Machine Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-026 - Press Operator, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-182 Pulverizer (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-266 Rendering-Equipment Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685–202 Sausage Maker (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-202 Sausage Mixer (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-206 Skinning-Machine Feeder (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686- 022 Skin-Peeling-Machine Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-030 (slaught. & meat pack.) pack.) Steak Tenderizer, Machine & meat 529.686-082 Stuffer (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-2 10 Tripe Cooker (slaught. & meat pack.) 526.685-062 (slaught. pack.) Cooler Tender (sugar) 520.585-018 Crusher Operator (sugar) 521.685-090 Crystallizer Operator (sugar) 523.585-018 Dorr Operator (sugar) 522.685-050 Filter Operator (sugar; vinous liquors) 521.685-126 Firer, Kiln (sugar) 523.685-078 Granulator Operator (sugar) 523.685-098 Liquid-Sugar Fortifier (sugar) 520.585-022 Liquor-Bridge Operator (sugar) 521.565-010 Liquor-Bridge-Operator Helper (sugar) 521.687-078 Mingler Operator (sugar) 520.665-010 Powder-Mill Operator (sugar) 521.585-018 Pulp-Drier Firer (sugar) 523.585-030 Pulp-Press Tender (sugar) 521.685-258 Raw-Juice Weigher (sugar) 529.685-194 Screen-Room Operator (sugar) 521.685–282 Sugar Grinder (sugar) 521.685-346 Tank Tender (sugar) 529.585-014 Washroom Operator (sugar) 529.665-014 Wet-and-Dry–Sugar-Bin Operator (sugar) 529.665-018 Automatic Lump Making Machine Tender (tobacco) 529.685-014 Auto Roller (tobacco) 529.685-010 Binder Layer (tobacco) 529.685-018 Blender, Snuff (tobacco) 520.685-022 Blending-Line Attendant (tobacco) 520.685-026 Blending Supervisor (tobacco) 520. 136-010 Bulker, Cut Tobacco (tobacco) 529.685-034 Bunch Maker, Machine (tobacco) 529.685-038 Butt Maker (tobacco) 529.685-042 Casing-Fluid Tender (tobacco) 520.685-054 Casing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 522.685-030 Catcher, Filter Tip (tobacco) 529.666-010 Cigarette-Filter-Making-Machine Operator 529.685-062 Cigarette-Making-Machine Catcher (tobacco) 529.666-014 Cigarette-Making-Machine-Hopper Feeder (tobacco) 529.686-0 18 Cigarette-Making-Machine Operator (tobacco) 529.685- 066 Cooker, Casing (tobacco) 520.685-082 Defective-Cigarette Slitter (tobacco) 529.685-090 Filler Feeder (tobacco) 529.686-042 Filler Shredder, Machine (tobacco) 529.685-1 10 Granulating-Machine Operator (tobacco) 521.685-158 Knife Changer (tobacco) 638.684-010 Lump-Machine Operator (tobacco) 520.685-126 Moisture-Machine Tender (tobacco) 529.685-170 Odd Bundle Worker (tobacco) 529.687-166 Packer Operator, Automatic (tobacco) 920.685-082 Plug-Cutting-Machine Operator (tobacco) 529.685-182 Plug-Overwrap-Machine Tender (tobacco) 529.685-186 Plug Shaper, Machine (tobacco) 520.686-034 Press Machine Feeder (tobacco) 529.686-066 Reserve Operator (tobacco) 529.685–206 Riddler Operator (tobacco) 521.685-270 Slice-Plug-Cutter Operator (tobacco) 521.685-298 Slice-Plug-Cutter-Operator Helper (tobacco) 521.686-054 Smoking-Tobacco-Cutter Operator (tobacco) 521.685-310 Snuff Grinder and Screener (tobacco) 521.685-314 Steam-Conditioner Operator (tobacco) 522.685-094 (tobacco) 201 06.04 Stemmer, Machine (tobacco) 521.685-334 Stem-Roller-or-Crusher Operator (tobacco) 521.685-330 Strip-Cutting-Machine Operator (tobacco) 521.685-338 Threshing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 521.685-362 Tobacco-Drier Operator (tobacco) 523.685-118 Tray Filler (tobacco) 920.686-050 Vacuum-Conditioner Operator (tobacco) 522.685-102 Wrapper Layer (tobacco) 529.685-266 Wrapper-Layer-and-Examiner, Soft 529.685-270 Wringer Operator (tobacco) 522.685-106 Work (tobacco) Clarifier (vinous liquors) 521.685-058 Crushing-Machine Operator (vinous liquors) 521.685-094 Fermenter, Wine (vinous liquors) 522.685-062 Filter-Press Tender (vinous liquors) 521.685-130 Ion Exchange Operator (vinous liquors) 521.685-190 Wine Pasteurizer (vinous liquors) 523.685-126 Winery Worker (vinous liquors) 521.685-370 Colorer, Citrus Fruit (whole. tr.) 529.685-070 Decay-Control Operator (whole. tr.) 529.685-086 06.04.16 Equipment Operation, Textile, Fabric and Leather Processing Extractor Operator (any ind.) 581.685-038 Steam-Tank Operator (asbestos prod.) 573.683-010 Rug-Drying-Machine Operator (carpet & rug) 581.685-050 Steam-Drier Tender (carpet & rug) 581.685-058 Calender Operator, Artificial Leather (coated fabrics) 584.685-010 Winding-Rack Operator (coated fabrics) 581.685-074 Dye-Tank Tender (cord. & twine) 582.685-054 First-Breaker Feeder (cord. & twine) 680.686-014 Jacquard-Twine-Polisher Operator (cord. & 583.685-062 Spinning-Machine Tender (cord. & twine) 681.685-1 10 Staining-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 582.685-142 Taker-Off, Hemp Fiber (cord. & twine) 589.686-046 Tarring-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) 584.685-046 twine) Calender Operator (felt goods; tex. bag; textile) 583.685- O26 Drum Attendant (felt goods; leather mfg.) 582.685-050 Drying-Unit-Felting-Machine Operator (felt goods) 581.685-034 Drying-Unit-Felting-Machine-Operator Helper (felt goods) 581.687-0 18 Extractor Operator (felt goods) 582.685-062 Felt Carbonizer (felt goods) 586.687-010 Feltmaker and Weigher (felt goods) 586.685-022 Felt-Strip Finisher (felt goods) 586.685-018 Felt-Washing-Machine Tender (felt goods) 582.685-070 Machine Feeder, Raw Stock (felt goods; house furn.; tex- tile; waste & batting) 680.686-018 Napper Tender (felt goods; textile) 585.685-070 Sizing-Machine-and-Drier Operator (felt goods) 582.665- 026 Top-Dyeing-Machine Loader (felt goods; textile) 582.686- 030 Vacuum-Drier Operator (felt goods) 581.685-066 Wringer-Machine Operator (felt goods; leather 589.685-098 mfg.) Dye-House Worker (fur dressing) 582.686-010 Fur-Floor Worker (fur dressing) 589.686-022 Puller, Machine (fur dressing) 589.685-078 Shaving-Machine Operator (fur dressing; leather mfg.) 585.685-094 Shearing-Machine Feeder (fur dressing) 585.685-098 Drier (garment) 581.685-014 Leather Etcher (garment) 583.685-066 Steaming-Cabinet Tender (garment) 582.685-150 Fiberglass-Bonding-Machine Tender (glass mfg.) 574.665- 0 1 0 Test-Skein Winder (glass mfg.) 575,685-082 Breaker-Up-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 589.685-014 Brim-Pouncing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 585.685- 0 1 0 Brusher, Machine (hat & cap) 587.685-014 Carroting-Machine Offbearer (hat & cap) 586.686-010 Carroting-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 586.685-010 Coloring-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 582.685-034 Drummer (hat & cap) 589.685-034 Drying-Oven Attendant (hat & cap) 581.686-022 Dyer Helper (hat & cap) 589,685-042 Greaser Operator (hat & cap) 582,685-082 Hardening-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 586.685-026 Hat Finisher (hat & cap) 589.685-062 Hat-Forming-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 586.685-030 Jigger-Crown-Pouncing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 585.685-058 Mellowing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 585.685-066 Opener (hat & cap) II 589.686-030 Pouncing-Lathe Operator (hat & cap) 585.685-074 Shaker (hat & cap) 589.685-094 Shrinking-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 586.685-034 Sizer, Machine (hat & cap) 784.684-058 Stretcher (hat & cap) 580.685-054 Whizzer (hat & cap) 581.685-070 Boarding-Machine Operator (hosiery) 589.685-010 Drier (hosiery; knit goods) 581.686-014 Dye-Tub Operator (hosiery; knit goods) 582.585-014 Sock Boarder (hosiery) 589.686-042 Tray Drier (hosiery) 581.686-038 Tumbler Tender (hosiery; knit goods) 581.685-062 Laundry-Machine Tender (house furn.) 589.685-066 Dry Cleaner (knit goods) 589.685-038 Knit-Goods Washer (knit goods) 582.685-094 Pad-Extractor Tender (knit goods) 589.485-010 Press Feeder (knit goods; textile) 583.686-030 Buffer, Machine (leather mfg.) 585.685-018 Roller-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) 583.685-094 Staker, Machine (leather mfg.) 580.685-050 Trimmer, Machine (leather mfg.) 585.685-126 Coating-Machine Feeder (leather prod.) 690.686-022 Narrow-Fabric Calenderer (narrow fabrics) 583.685-074 Ribbon Inker (pen & pencil) 692.685-142 Latexer (per, protect. & med. dev.) I 584.685-038 Fabric Normalizer (rubber goods) 559.685-066 202 06.04 Sheepskin Pickler (slaught. & meat pack.) 582.685-126 Soaker, Hides (slaught. & meat pack.) 582.685-134 Drier Operator (synthetic fibers) 581.685-018 Washer (synthetic fibers) 582.685-162 Yarn-Texturing-Machine Operator (synthetic fibers) 589.685-102 Coating-Machine Operator (tex. bag) 584.685-018 Buffing-Wheel Former, Automatic (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-034 Burn-Out Tender, Lace (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 589.685-018 Ager Operator (textile) 582.585-010 Autoclave Operator (textile) 587.682-010 Back Tender (textile) 589.686-010 Back Washer (textile) 582.685-010 Beam-Dyer Operator (textile) 582.685-014 Bleach-Range Operator (textile) 582.685-018 Boil-Off-Machine Operator, Cloth (textile) 582.685-022 Bonding-Machine Tender (textile) 589.665-010 Breaker-Machine Tender (textile) 583.685-010 Carbonizer (textile) 58.1.585-010 Chinchilla-Machine Operator (textile) 585.685-022 Cloth Feeder (textile) 589.686-014 Cloth-Finishing-Range Operator (textile) 589.665-014 Cloth-Finishing-Range Operator, Chief (textile) 589.562- 0 1 0 Cloth-Finishing-Range Tender (textile) 589.685-026 Cloth-Mercerizer Operator (textile) 584.685-014 Cloth Sander (textile) 581.685-010 Cloth-Shrinking-Machine Operator (textile) 587.685-018 Cloth-Shrinking-Machine-Operator Helper (textile) 587.686-0 10 Cloth-Washer Operator (textile) 582.685-030 Coater Helper (textile) 584.665-010 Color Dipper (textile) 652.687-014 Color Strainer (textile) 550.687-014 Conditioner Tender (textile) 587.685-022 Continuous-Crusher Operator (textile) 586.685-014 Corduroy-Brusher Operator (textile) 585.685-034 Crabber (textile) 582.685-038 Cylinder Batcher (textile) 582.665-010 Decating-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-042 Desizing-Machine Operator, Head-End (textile) 582.685- 046 Dry-Cans Operator (textile) 581.685-022 Drying-Machine Operator, Package 581.685-026 Drying-Machine Tender (textile) 581.685-030 Dyed-Yarn Operator (textile) 582.685-058 Dye-Reel Operator (textile) 582.665-014 Dye-Reel-Operator Helper (textile) 582.686-014 Dye-Stand Loader (textile) 589.587-010 Electrifier Operator (textile) 585.685-042 Extractor Operator (textile) 581.685-042 Gasser (textile) 585.685-050 Gig Tender (textile) 585.685-054 Heat Curer (textile) 581.586-010 Jet-Dyeing-Machine Tender (textile) 582.685-090 Jigger (textile) 582.665-018 Knife-Machine Operator (textile) 584.685-030 Mangle Tender (textile) 584.685-042 Open-Developer Operator (textile) 582.685-098 Package Crimper (textile) 589.686-034 Padding-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-106 Panelboard Operator (textile) 582.362-010 Yarns (textile) Patch Washer (textile) 582.685-1 10 Pleater (textile) 589.685-074 Raw-Stock-Drier Tender (textile) 581.685-046 Raw-Stock-Machine Loader (textile) 582.686-0 18 Rolling-Machine Operator (textile) 585.685-078 Rope-Silica-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-114 Scutcher Tender (textile) 589.685-090 Singer (textile) 585.685-106 Sizer (textile) 582.687–026 Sizing-Machine Tender (textile) 584.665-018 Skein-Yarn Drier (textile) 581.685-054 Skein-Yarn Dyer (textile) 582.685-130 Skein-Yarn-Dyer Helper (textile) 582.686-022 Slasher Tender (textile) 582.562-010 Slasher-Tender Helper (textile) 582.686-026 Speeder Tender (textile) 681.685-106 Spray-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-138 Steamer Tender (textile) 582.685-146 Strike-Out-Machine Operator (textile) 587.685-030 Tenter-Frame Operator (textile) 580.585-010 Tin-Whiz-Machine Operator (textile) 582.685-154 Vacuum-Tank Tender (textile) 689.665-018 Warp Coiler (textile) 582,686-038 Warp-Dyeing-Vat Tender (textile) 582.685-158 Wax-Machine Operator (textile) 584.685-050 Weft Straightener (textile) 580.682-010 Wet-Cotton Feeder (textile) 581.686-042 Yarn-Mercerizer Operator (textile) I 584.685-054 Yarn-Mercerizer-Operator Helper (textile) 584.686-010 Yarn-Polishing-Machine Operator (textile) 583.685-126 Yarn-Texturing-Machine Operator (textile) I 681.685-158 Yarn-Texturing-Machine Operator (textile) II 689.685-158 Steamer (trim. & embroid.) 789.687-170 Kapok-and-Cotton-Machine Operator (waste & batting) 689.685-082 Waste Chopper (waste & batting) 689.686-054 Waste-Machine Offbearer (waste & batting) 680.686-022 06.04.17 Equipment Operation, Clay Processing Batch Mixer (brick & tile) 570.687-010 Clay Maker (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010 Clay Mixer (brick & tile) 570.685-014 Die Tripper (brick & tile) 575.665-014 Dry-Kiln Operator Helper (brick & tile) 573.687-014 Dry-Pan Operator (brick & tile) 570.665-010 Dry-Press-Operator Helper (brick & tile) 575.686-010 Frit-Mixer-and-Burner (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 579.685-014 Glaze Handler (brick & tile) 571.685-014 Kiln Burner (brick & tile) 573.682-010 Kiln-Burner Helper (brick & tile) 573.687-026 Offbearer, Sewer Pipe (brick & tile) 579.686-026 Pug-Mill-Operator Helper (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.685-074 Auxiliary-Equipment Tender (cement) 570.685-010 Sample Collector (chem.) 550.587-014 Mud-Mixer Operator (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 570.685-070 Mixer, Wet Pour (conc. prod.) 579.682-010 Core-Oven Tender (found.) 518.685-010 Shell Molder (found.) 518.685-026 203 06.04 Miller (minerals & earths) 570.685-038 Silica-Spray Mixer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 570.685- 090 Molding-Machine Tender (pen & pencil) 570.685-066 Clay Roaster (petrol. refin.) 573.685-014 Molder-Machine Tender (pipe & boiler cov.) 575.685-062 Flower-Pot-Press Operator (pottery & porc.) 575.685-034 Kiln Drawer (pottery & porc.) 573.667-010 Kiln-Furniture Caster (pottery & porc.) 579.684-018 Kiln Placer (pottery & porc.) 573.686-026 Kiln Worker (pottery & porc.) 573.687-022 Pin Maker (pottery & porc.) 575.686-018 Sagger Preparer (pottery & porc.) 570.685-086 Regenerator Operator (sugar) 573.685-034 06.04.18 Equipment Operation, Wood Processing Log Cooker (basketry; wood. box) 562.665-010 Digester-Operator Helper (build. board; paper & pulp) 532.686-0 1 0 Barrel Charrer (cooperage) 764.684-014 Barrel-Charrer Helper (cooperage) 764.687-034 Screen Tender (paper & pulp) 533.685-022 Impregnator (pen & pencil) 562.685-014 Steam-Tunnel Feeder (sawmill) 562.686-010 Pipe-Smoker-Machine Operator (smoking pipe) 739.687- 150 Steeping-Press Tender (synthetic fibers) 551.685-138 Veneer Drier (veneer & plywood) 563.685-022 Veneer-Drier Feeder (veneer & plywood) 563.686-014 Veneer Redrier (veneer & plywood) 563.685-026 Extractor Operator (wood distil. & char.) 552.682-018 Extractor-Operator Helper (wood distil. & char.) 552.686- 0 1 0 Frame-Table-Operator Helper (wood preserving) 669.685- O58 Laborer, Wood-Preserving 561.686-0 10 Tanker (wood preserving) 561.665-010 Treating-Engineer Helper (wood preserving) 561.685-010 Plant (wood preserving) Dry-House Attendant (woodworking) 563.685-018 Steam-Box Operator (woodworking) 562.665-014 06.04.19 Equipment Operation, Assorted Materials Processing Abrasive Mixer (abrasive & polish. prod.) 570.485-010 Abrasive-Mixer Helper (abrasive & polish. prod.) 570.686- 0.14 Bullet-Lubricant Mixer (ammunition) 543.685-010 Filter Operator (any ind.) 551.685-078 Mill-Operator Helper (any ind.) 599.686-010 Dyer (artif, flower) 582.687-014 Brake-Lining Curer (asbestos prod.) 573.686-010 Brake-Lining Finisher, Asbestos (asbestos prod.) 579.665- 0 1 0 Brake-Lining-Finisher Helper, Asbestos (asbestos prod.) 579.687-0 1 0 Mixer (asbestos prod.) 570.685-050 Preparation-Room Worker (asbestos prod.) 570.686-018 Black-Mill Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.665- 014 Bone-Char Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.686-0 1 0 Drum-Drier Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.665-030 Dustless Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 550.685- O58 Filter Helper (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 551.685-074 Plant Operator, Channel Process (bone, carbon, & lamp- black) 542.685-010 Powerhouse Helper (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 550.685- 098 Tray-Drier Operator 553.665–054 Unit Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 542.685-018 Wash Helper (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.665-042 (bone, carbon, & lampblack) Dyer (brush & broom) 599.685-034 Cupola Charger, Insulation (build. board) 572.686-010 Extruder Operator (build. board) 569.685-038 Mixer Tender, Board (build. board) 570.685-062 Paperhanger (build. board) 574.585-010 Felt Hanger (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.686-014 Mixer Helper (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550.686-026 Candle Molder, Machine (candle) 692.685-038 Wax Blender (candle) 550.585-046 Nodulizer (cement) 579.685-034 Bone-Char Kiln Tender (chem.) 553.685-018 Acetylene-Cylinder-Packing Mixer (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.665-010 Press Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) 559.665-030 Block-Making-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) 575.685- 0.14 Concrete-Pipe-Making-Machine 575.665–010 Precast Molder (conc. prod.) 579.685-042 Operator (conc. prod.) Diamond Blender (cut. & tools) 590.685-018 Filter Washer and Presser (distilled liquors; glue; malt liquors) 599.685-038 Ampoule Filler (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-018 Laborer (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 559.686-022 Sterilizer (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.; per pro- tect. & med. dev.) 599.585-010 Dry-Charge-Process Attendant (elec. equip.) 590.685-026 Furnace Worker (elec. equip.) 543.666-010 Impregnator-and-Drier Helper (elec. equip.) 599.685-050 204 06.04 Mixer Operator, Carbon Paste (elec. equip.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 540.585-010 Oven Tender (elec. equip.) 543.685-018 Sealing-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.685-162 Slug-Press Operator (elec. equip.) 556.685-074 Display-Screen Fabricator (electronics) 725.685-010 Electronic-Component Processor (electronics) 590.684-014 Etcher, Printed Circuits (electronics) 590.685-030 Semiconductor Processor (electronics) 590.684-022 Continuous-Linter-Drier Operator (explosives) 553.685- 0.34 Dope–Dry-House Operator (explosives) 559.685-046 Glazing Operator, Black Powder (explosives) 550.686-022 Beater-Engineer Helper (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.665-010 Fuse Maker (fireworks) 559.685-094 Wax Pourer (fireworks) 737.685-018 Backing-in-Machine Tender (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.685-0 1 0 Composition Mixer (floor covering, n.e.c.) 550.665-014 Design Assembler (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.686-034 Mixing-Roll Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662-018 Mottler-Machine Feeder (floor covering, n.e.c.) 550.686- 034 Press-Machine Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665- 0.14 Saturation-Equipment Operator 582.665–022 Splash-Line Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 559.665-034 Stove-Bottom Worker (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.667-010 (floor covering, n.e.c.) Hair-Boiler Operator (fur dressing) 582.685-086 Bone-Cooking Operator (glue) 551.685-018 Bone Crusher (glue) 555.685-014 Bone-Drier Operator (glue) 553.685-022 Cook (glue) 553.665-018 Drier Operator (glue) 553.385-010 Drier-Operator Helper (glue) 553.685-058 Extractor Loader and Unloader (glue) 551.686-014 Extractor Operator (glue; grease & tallow) 551.685-054 Filter-Press Tender (glue; malt liquors) 599.685-042 Frame Stripper (glue) 559.687-046 Glue-Mill Operator (glue) 559.685-098 Glue Mixer (glue) 550.685-062 Laborer, Vat House (glue) 559.686-030 Pearl-Glue Operator (glue) 550.685-094 Pressure-Tank Operator (glue) 523.385-010 Separator Operator (glue) 559.685-166 Shredder Tender (glue) 555.665-010 Spreading-Machine Operator (glue) 559.685-170 Wash-Mill Operator (glue) 559.485-010 Bran Mixer (grain & feed mill.) 599.685-014 Graphite Pan-Drier Tender (graphite) 549.685-014 Cook Tender (grease & tallow) 553.665-022 Grease-and-Tallow Pumper (grease & tallow) 559.585-014 Grease-Refiner Operator (grease & tallow) 551.685-086 Hopper Feeder (grease & tallow) 551.686-018 Press Operator (grease & tallow) 551.685-114 Pressroom Worker, Fat (grease & tallow) 559.685-146 Feather Washer (house furn.) 582.685-066 Renovator-Machine Operator (house furn.) 589.685-082 Fumigator and Sterilizer (matt. & bedspring) 582,685-074 Burner Tender (minerals & earths) 571.685-010 Mica-Laminating-Machine Feeder (minerals & 579.686-0 || 8 earths) Cake Puller (oils & fats) 521.686-014 Cake Stripper (oils & fats) 520.685-042 Cotton Puller (oils & fats) 521.686-022 Linseed-Oil-Press Tender (oils & fats) 559.685-122 Linter Tender (oils & fats) 52 1.685-198 Oilseed-Meat Presser (oils & fats) 521.685–242 Abrasive-Grader Helper (optical goods) 570.686-010 Pitch Worker (optical goods) 551.666-010 Rouge Mixer (optical goods) 570.685-082 Carbon-Furnace-Operator Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 543.664-0 1 0 Dust-Collector Operator (ore dress., 5 1 1.482–0 18 smelt., & refin.) Chalk-Molding-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 575.685- 022 Hydraulic-Billet Maker (pen & pencil) 575.685-046 Lead Former (pen & pencil) 575.685-050 Cremator (per. ser.) 359.685-010 Developer, Automatic (photofinish.) 976.685-014 Print Developer, Automatic (photofinish.) 976.685-026 Utility Worker, Film Processing (photofinish.) 976.685-030 Batch Mixer (soap) 550.685-010 Centrifuge Operator (soap) 551.685-030 Crutcher (soap) 550.685-054 Crutcher Helper (soap) 550.686-018 Drying-Room Attendant (soap) 553.585-018 Dust-Collector Operator (soap) 551.685-050 Frame Stripper (soap) 559.685-086 Neutralizer (soap) 558.585-034 Screener-Perfumer (soap) 559.685-162 Soap-Drier Operator (soap) 553.685-098 Soap Grinder (soap) 555.685-062 Soda-Room Operator (synthetic fibers) 551.687-034 Bobbin Presser (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-018 06.04.20 Machine Assembling Abrasive-Band Winder (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.685- 0 1 0 Anvil-Seating-Press Operator (ammunition) 694.685-010 Banding-Machine Operator (ammunition) 619.685-018 Clip-Loading-Machine Feeder (ammunition) 694,686-010 Loading-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694.685-026 Primer-Inserting-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694.685- O42 Assembly-Press Operator (any ind.) 690.685-014 205 06.04 Nailing-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) 669.685- 066 Power-Screwdriver Operator (any ind.) 699.685-026 Riveting-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 699.685-030 Stapling-Machine Operator (any ind.) 692.685-202 Slat-Basket Maker Helper, Machine (basketry) 669.686- 026 Slat-Basket Maker, Machine (basketry) 669.685-074 Brush-Head Maker (brush & broom) 739.685-018 Brush Maker, Machine (brush & broom) 739.685-014 Nail-Polish-Brush-Machine Feeder, Automatic (brush & broom) 692.686-054 Reed-Press Feeder (build. board) 669.686-022 Bottom-Hoop Driver (cooperage) 669.685-022 Stitching-Machine Operator (cooperage) 669.685-086 Trim Attacher (cut. & tools) 692.685-230 Capping-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.685-042 Carbon Rod Inserter (elec. equip.) 692.686-026 Clinching-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 616.685-014 Heating-Element Winder (elec. equip.) 723.685-010 Light-Bulb Assembler (elec. equip.) 692.685-1 18 Mounter (elec. equip.) I 692.686-050 Third Dry-Cell-Assembling-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) 692.686-066 Banding-Machine Operator (furn.) 619.685-014 Laminated-Plastic-Tabletop-Molding Wrapper 692.686-046 Ripper (furn.) 617.685-030 Riveting-Machine Operator (furn.) 616.685-058 Stapler, Machine (furn.; matt. & bedspring) 692.685-198 (furn.) Helmet Coverer (hat & cap) 689.685-074 Mop Maker (house furn.) 739.685-026 Thermostat-Assembly-Machine Tender, Automatic (inst. & app.) 692.685-218 Coupling-Machine Operator (iron & steel) 619.682-014 Covering-Machine Tender (leather prod.) 783.685-010 Laminator (leather prod.) II 783.685-022 Riveter (light. fix.) 616.685-054 Roof-Truss-Machine Tender (mfd. blogs.) 669.685-070 Coil Assembler, Machine (matt. & bedspring) 616.685-018 Eyelet-Punch Operator (matt. & bedspring) 699.685-022 Handle-and-Vent-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) 686.685-034 Mattress-Filling-Machine 780.685-010 Pocket-Machine Operator (matt. & bedspring) 616.685- O50 Wire-Border Assembler (matt. & bedspring) 780.685-018 Tender (matt. & bedspring) Shoelace-Tipping-Machine (narrow fabrics) 686.685-062 Operator 06.04.21 Stop Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685-206 Type-Soldering-Machine Tender (office mach.) 706.685- 0 1 0 - Box-Lining-Machine Feeder (paper goods) 641.685-018 Punchboard-Filling-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-094 Assembler (pen & pencil) 733.685-010 Assembly-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 692.686-010 Tipping-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 733.685-034 Kick-Press Operator (per. protect. & med, dev.) 692.685- 102 Mounter, Automatic (photofinish.) 976.685-022 Blind-Slat-Stapling-Machine Operator (plan. mill) 669.685- 0.18 Cell Stripper (plastics mat.) 556.686-014 Combining-Machine Operator (plastics mat.) 554.685-018 Deicer-Element Winder, Machine (rubber goods) 692.685- 066 Heel-Washer-Stringing-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 619.685-058 Tapper, Shank (smoking pipe) 739.685-050 Fixing-Machine Operator (sports equip.) 732.685-018 Sinker Winder (sports equip.) 732.685-030 Ski Topper (sports equip.) 692.685-170 Assembler, Finger Buffs (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 739.685-010 Umbrella Tipper, Machine (umbrella) 739.685-054 Board-Liner Operator (wood. box) 641.685-014 Box-Blank-Machine-Operator Helper (wood. box) 669.686- 014 Dovetail-Machine Operator (wood. box) 669.685-046 End Stapler (wood. box) 669.685-054 Squeezer Operator (wood. box) 669.685-082 Clamper (woodworking) 669.685-030 Corrugated-Fastener Driver (woodworking) 669.685-042 Doweling-Machine Operator (woodworking) 669.685-050 Machine Work, Brushing, Spraying, and Coating Sizing-Machine Operator (abrasive & polish. prod.) 554.685-026 Tape Coater (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.685-2 10 Tubing Oiler (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 699.685-034 Bullet-Lubricating-Machine (ammunition) 694.685-018 Dip-Lube Operator (ammunition) 503.685-014 Lubricating-Machine Tender (ammunition) 509.685-038 Primer-Waterproofing-Machine Operator (ammunition) 694.685-046 Operator Ceramic Coater, Machine (any ind.) 509.685-022 Coating-and-Baking Operator (any ind.) 554.685-014 206 06.04 Dipper (any ind.) 599.685-026 Dipper and Baker (any ind.) 599.685-030 Impregnating-Tank Operator (any ind.) 599.685-046 Metal-Spraying-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) II 505.685-014 Painter, Tumbling Barrel (any ind.) 599.685-070 Painting-Machine Operator (any ind.) 599.685-074 Spray-Unit Feeder (any ind.) 599.686-014 Vacuum-Metalizer Operator (any ind.) 505.685-018 Coater, Brake Linings (asbestos prod.) 574,685-010 Pan Greaser, Machine (bake. prod.) 526.685-034 Heel Sprayer, Machine (boot & shoe) 590.685-038 Inker, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-234 Coater Operator, Insulation Board (build, board) 539.685- 0 1 0 Coater (bus. ser.) 503.685-010 Lacquer-Dipping-Machine Operator (button) 509,685-034 Cathode Maker (chem.) 554.585-010 Destaticizer Feeder (clock & watch) 715.686-010 Centrifugal Spinner (conc. prod.) 575.664-010 Lining-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) 575.565-010 Shot-Coat Tender (conc. prod.) 575.665-018 Extrusion-Press Operator (elec. equip.) II 614.685-014 Gettering-Filament-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 509.685-026 Spun-Paste-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.685-190 Tinning-Equipment Tender (elec. equip.) 501.685-014 Wire Charger (elec. equip.) 614.586-010 Laborer, Electroplating (electroplating) 500.686-010 Plater, Production (electroplating) 500.365-010 Tube Coater (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 599.685-102 Lacquerer (fabric. plastics prod.) 599.685-054 Whiting-Machine frames) 562.485-010 Operator (mirror & pic. Oven Tender (paint & varn.) 553.685-082 Paraffin-Machine Operator (paper goods) 534.685-026 Sealing-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-074 Coating-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 692.685-054 Tip Bander (pen & pencil) 733.685-030 Matrix-Bath Attendant (phonograph) 500.384-014 Coater Operator (plastics mat.) 554.585-014 Spray-Machine Loader (pottery & porc.) 574.686-010 Raised Printer (print. & pub.) 652.686-034 Varnishing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 534.685-030 Metal-Washing-Machine equip.) 503.685-034 Operator (refrigerat. Dusting-and-Brushing-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 559.685-054 Foxing Painter (rubber goods) 584.685-022 Gluing-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 692.685-098 Vacuum-Applicator Operator (signs) 692.685-238 Varnisher (smoking pipe) 569.685-070 Compound-Coating-Machine Offbearer (tinvare) 509.666- sºme Tender (tinvare) 599.685-090 Paint-Line Operator (toys & games) 599.685-066 Roller Operator (toys & games) 652.685-078 Panel Edge Sealer (veneer & plywood) 769.685-010 Stain Applicator (wood preserving) 561.585-010 Clothespin-Drier Operator (woodworking) 563.685-014 06.04.22 Manual Work, Assembly Large Parts Coating-Machine Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.685- 0 1 4 Coating-Machine-Operator Helper (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.686-0 1 0 Glue-Size-Machine Operator (furn.) 562.685-010 Plater, Hot Dip (galvanizing) 501.685-010 Wire-Coating Operator, Metal (galvanizing) 501.485-010 Firer (jewelry) 590.685-034 Jewelry Coater (jewelry) 590.685-046 Sprayer, Machine (leather mfg.) 599.685-094 Edge Stainer (leather prod.) I 589.685-046 Dipper (match) 590.685-022 Friction-Paint-Machine Tender (match) 534.685-014 Mirror-Machine Feeder (mirror) 579.686-022 Paint-Spray Tender (mirror) 574.685-014 Progressive Assembler and Fitter (agric. equip.) 801.684- 022 Assembler, Production (any ind.) 706.687-010 Nailer, Hand (any ind.) 762.684-050 Riveter, Hand (any ind.) 709.684-066 Assembler, Automobile (auto. mfg.) 806.684-010 Cushion Builder (auto. mfg.) 780.684-050 Headliner Installer (auto. mfg.) 806.684-058 Mechanical Assembler, Paneling (auto. mfg.) 807.684-030 Repairer, General (auto. mfg.) 806.684-118 Installer, Soft Top (auto. ser.) 807.684-026 Round-Up-Ring Hand (conc. prod.) 579.587-010 Barrel Raiser (cooperage) 764.684-018 Barrel-Raiser Helper (cooperage) 764.687-038 Bung Driver (cooperage) 764.687-042 Channel Installer (cooperage) 764.687-046 Header (cooperage) 764.687-058 207 06.04 Heading Matcher and Assembler (cooperage) 764.687-062 Hogshead Cooper (cooperage) I 764.684-026 Hogshead Cooper (cooperage) II 764.687-070 Hogshead Cooper (cooperage) III 764.687-074 Hogshead Hooper (cooperage) 764.687-078 Hogshead Mat Assembler (cooperage) 764.687-082 Leveler (cooperage) I 764.687-094 Plugger (cooperage) 764.687-098 Assembler, Metal Furniture (furn.) 709.684-014 Bar and Filler Assembler (furn.) 706.684-034 Cushion Builder (furn.) 780.684-046 Edge Bander, Hand (furn.) 762.684-038 Edge Roller (furn.) 780.684-058 Hardware Assembler (furn.) 763.684-042 Laminator, Hand (furn.) 763.684-050 Padder, Cushion (furn.) 780.684-078 Panel Coverer, Metal Furniture (furn.) 780.684-082 Plastic-Top Assembler (furn.) 763.684-062 Spring Assembler (furn.; matt. & bedspring) 780.684-098 Ticket-Chopper Assembler (furn.) 739.684-154 Car Trimmer (loco, & car blóg. & rep.) 806.684-046 Installer, Door Furring (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 806.687- 034 Railroad-Car-Truck Builder (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 806.684- 1 14 Assembler, Subassembly (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.684-0 18 Helper, Metal Hanging (mfd. blogs.) 806.667-010 Panel Installer (mfa. blogs.) 869.684-038 Roof Assembler (mfö. blags.) I 869.684-042 Wheel Assembler (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 809.684-038 Band-Top Maker (matt. & bedspring) 780.684-014 Box-Spring Maker (matt. & bedspring) II 780.684-022 Fabric Stretcher (matt. & bedspring) 709.667-010 Mattress-Spring Encaser (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-030 Stapler, Hand (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-042 Casket Assembler, Metal (mort, goods) 809.684-014 Assembler, Bicycle (motor. & bicycles) I 806.684-014 Assembler, Bicycle (motor. & bicycles) II 806.687-010 Bench Hand (motor. & bicycles) 706.684-046 Motorcycle Subassembler (motor. & bicycles) 806.684-094 Venetian-Blind Assembler (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 739.684-166 Outfitter, Cabin (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-102 Assembler, Ping-Pong Table (sports equip.) 732.684-022 Clip-Bolter and Wrapper (spring) 709.684-038 Spring Assembler (spring) 706.684-090 Wrapper Operator (spring) 706.684-1 10 Assembler, Production Line (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 809.684-010 Assembler, Camper (trans. equip.) 806.684-018 Assembler (wood. box) 762.684-010 Clamp-Jig Assembler (woodworking) 762.687-022 Curtain-Stretcher Assembler (woodworking) 762.684-030 Door Assembler (woodworking) 762.684-034 Door Core Assembler (woodworking) 762.687-030 Gluer (woodworking) 762.687-034 Handle Assembler (woodworking) 762.687-042 Knock-Up Assembler (woodworking) 762.687-050 Reel Assembler (woodworking) 762.484-010 Woodenware Assembler (woodworking) 762.687-070 06.04.23 Manual Work, Assembly Small Parts Bench Assembler (agric. equip.) 706.684-042 Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-010 Blasting-Cap Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-0 18 Booster Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-022 Detonator Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-038 Laborer, Ammunition Assembly (ammunition) I 737.687– O70 Primer Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-098 Propellant-Charge-Zone Assembler (ammunition) 737.687- 1 10 Screw-Eye Assembler (ammunition) 737.687-122 Shell Assembler (ammunition) 737.684-038 Assembler, Small Parts (any ind.) 706.684-022 Assembler, Small Products (any ind.) 739.687-030 Silk-Screen-Frame Assembler (any ind.) 709.484-010 Sticker (artif. flower) 734.687-090 Assembler, Oil Filters (auto. mfg.) 739.687-026 Scroll Assembler (bal. & scales) 7 10.584-010 Brush Filler, Hand (brush & broom) 739.687-046 Paint-Roller Assembler (brush & broom) 739.687-134 Acetone-Button Paster (button) 734.687-010 Assembler (button) 734.687-0 18 Buckle-Wire Inserter (button) 734.687-034 Hot-Stone Setter (button) 734.687–058 Wick-and-Base Assembler (candle) 739.687-202 Assembler, Movement (clock & watch) 7 l 5.684-014 208 06.04 Band Attacher (clock & watch) 715.687-010 Barrel-Cap Setter (clock & watch) 715.687-014 Bench Hand (clock & watch) 715.684-026 Cannon-Pinion Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.684-046 Caser (clock & watch) 715.684-054 Clock Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-058 Colleter (clock & watch) 715.684-066 Crown Attacher (clock & watch) 715.684-070 Crystal Attacher (clock & watch) 715.687-018 Dial-Screw Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-082 Finer (clock & watch) 715.684-098 Hands Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-1 10 Jewel Inserter (clock & watch) 715.684-130 Jewel Staker (clock & watch) 715.684-134 Mechanism Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-142 Motor Polarizer (clock & watch) 715.687-090 Mounter, Clock and Watch Hands (clock & watch) 715.687-094 Overcoiler (clock & watch) 715.684-150 Pallet Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-154 Pin Inserter, Regulator (clock & watch) 715.684-166 Rotor Assembler (clock & watch) 715.687-1 14 Set-Key Driver (clock & watch) 715.687-118 Set-Staff Fitter (clock & watch) 715.684-178 Staker (clock & watch) 715.684-182 Studder, Hairspring (clock & watch) 715.684-186 Assembler (coin mach.) 731.687-010 Coin-Machine Assembler (coin mach.) 731.684-010 Assembler, Faucets (cooperage) 764.687-014 Assembler (cut. & tools) 701.687-010 Level-Vial Setter (cut. & tools) 701.684-018 Wedger, Machine (cut. & tools) 701.687-034 Armature Connector (elec. equip.) II 724.684-014 Assembler (elec. equip.) 723.684-010 Assembler, Dry Cell and Battery (elec. equip.) 727.687- 022 Assembler, Electrical Accessories (elec. equip.) I 729.687- O 1 O Battery Assembler, Plastic (elec. equip.) 727.684-014 Battery-Parts Assembler (elec. equip.) 727.687-038 Cell Coverer (elec. equip.) 727.687-042 Cell Tuber, Hand (elec. equip.) 727.687-046 Coil Winder (elec. equip.; electronics) 724.684-026 Dust-Brush Assembler (elec. equip.) 739.687-074 Electric-Motor Assembler (elec. equip.) 721.684-022 Lacer and Tier (elec. equip.) 724.687-010 Lead-Burner Helper (elec. equip.) 727.687-070 Magnet-Valve Assembler (elec. equip.) 724.684-034 Mounter, Hand (elec. equip.) 725.684-014 Plug Wirer (elec. equip.) 726.687-014 Push-Connector Assembler (elec. equip.) 706.687-030 Spark-Plug Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.684-046 Stem Mounter (elec. equip.) 725.684-018 Subassembler (elec. equip.) 729.684-054 Switchbox Assembler (elec. equip.) I 722.687-010 Wafer-Line Worker (elec. equip.) 727.687-082 Assembler-Arranger (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.687-010 Atomizer Assembler (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 706.684-030 Lamp-Shade Assembler (fabric, prod., n.e.c.) 739.684-094 Ornament Maker, Hand (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.687-130 Tire Mounter (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684-158 Wreath and Garland Maker (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684- 182 Assembler (firearms) II 736.684-014 Front-Sight Attacher (firearms) 736.684-030 Fireworks Assembler (fireworks) 737.587-014 Cushion Maker (furn.) I 780.684-054 Drawer Upfitter (furn.) 706.684-050 Lag Screwer (furn.) 763.684-046 Slider Assembler (garment; needle, pin, & rel. 734.687-078 prod.) Bobbin Disker (glass mfg.) 734.687-022 Assembler, Filters (glass prod.) 739.687-018 Eye-Dropper Assembler (glass prod.) 739.687-086 Vacuum-Bottle Assembler (glass prod.) 739.687-194 Lock Assembler (hardware) 706.684-074 Ear-Muff Assembler (hat & cap) 784.687-022 Dust-Mop Maker (house furn.) 739.687-078 Feather-Duster Winder (house furn.) 734.684-014 Filler (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 780.684-066 Mop-Handle Assembler (house furn.) 739.687-122 Quilt Stuffer (house furn.) 789.687-130 Stuffer (house furn.) 780.687-046 Assembler, Regulators (inst. & app.) 719.684-010 Bellows Assembler (inst. & app.) 710.687-010 Assembler (jewelry) 700.684-014 Charger (jewelry) II 700.687-026 Earring Maker (jewelry) 700.684-030 Linker (jewelry) 735.687-014 Pin-or-Clip Fastener (jewelry) 735.687-022 Swedger (jewelry) 735.687-038 Watch-Band Assembler (jewelry) 700.684-082 Compact Assembler (jewelry cases) 739.687-066 Assembler, Leather Goods (leather prod.) II 783.687-010 Handbag Framer (leather prod.) 739.684-090 Oil-Seal Assembler (leather prod.) 739.684-138 Paster, Hand or Machine (leather prod.) 783.687-026 Utility Bag Assembler (leather prod.) 783.684-030 209 Assembler (light. fix.) II 723.684-018 Motor-Vehicle-Light Assembler (light. fix.) 729.684-034 Bearing-Ring Assembler (mach. mſg.) 706.684-038 Coiler (medical ser.) 712.687-014 Assembler, Garment Form (model & pattern) 739.687-022 Preassembler and Inspector (musical inst.) 730.684-058 Slide-Fastener-Chain Assembler (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.687-074 Assembler, Clip-on Sunglasses (optical goods) 7 13.684-010 Assembler, Molded Frames (optical goods) 713.684-014 Final Assembler (optical goods) 713.687-018 Lens Inserter (optical goods) 713.687-026 Multifocal-Lens Assembler (optical goods) 713.684-034 Sunglass-Clip Attacher (optical goods) 713.687-042 Production Assembler (Ordnance) 737.684-034 Punchboard Assembler (paper goods) I 794.687-042 Punchboard Assembler (paper goods) II 794.687-046 Stringer (paper goods) 794.687-054 Tabber (paper goods) 794.687-058 Assembler, Marking Devices (pen & pencil) 733.687-010 Assembler, Mechanical Pencils and Ballpoint Pens (pen & pencil) 733.687-014 Bander (pen & pencil) 733.687-018 Dater Assembler (pen & pencil) 733.687-030 Desk-Pen-Set Assembler (pen & pencil) 733.687-034 Stamp-Pad Finisher (pen & pencil) 733.687-066 Stamp-Pad Maker (pen & pencil) 733.687-070 Gas-Mask Assembler (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.684- 022 Suture Winder, Hand (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687- 034 Phonograph-Cartridge Assembler (phonograph) 720.684- 014 Record-Changer Assembler (phonograph) 720.687-010 Plumbing-Hardware Assembler (plumb. supplies) 706.684- 086 Fitter-Placer (rubber goods) 753.687-022 Rubber-Goods Assembler (rubber goods) 752.684-038 Bench Worker, Hollow Handle (silverware) 700.687-010 Hollow-Handle-Knife Assembler (silverware) 700.684-042 Silverware Assembler (silverware) 700.684-070 Assembler, Corncob Pipes (smoking pipe) 739.687-014 Mounter, Smoking Pipe (smoking pipe) 739.684-130 Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-014 Assembler, Fishing Floats (sports equip.) 732.687-014 Ball Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-026 Base Filler (sports equip.) 732.687-0 18 Casting-Plug Assembler (sports equip.) 732.687-022 Fishing-Reel Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-062 Fishing-Rod Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-066 Fish-Stringer Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-054 Fly Tier (sports equip.) 732.684-074 Golf-Club Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-078 Lining Inserter (sports equip.) 732.687-042 Roller-Skate Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-098 Assembler (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 734.687-014 Buffing Turner-and-Counter (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687- 022 Nailer (tinvare) 739.687-126 Finisher, Hand (toys & games) 731.587-010 Puzzle Assembler (toys & games) 731.687-030 Toy Assembler (toys & games) 731.687-034 Curtain-Roller Assembler (window shade & fix.) 739.684- 042 Traverse-Rod Assembler (window shade & fix.) 739.687– 186 Bird-Cage Assembler (wirework) 709.684-026 Hardware Assembler (wood. box) 762.687-046 Partition Assembler (wood. box) 762.687–054 Hardware Assembler (woodworking) 762.684-046 06.04.24 Manual Work, Metal and Plastics Folder-Tier (abrasive & polish. prod.) 759.684-034 06.04 Band Salvager (agric.) 929.686-014 Burnisher and Bumper (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 807.684- 0 18 Skin-Lap Bonder (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-130 Manual-Plate Filler (ammunition) 737.687-082 Tapper, Hand (ammunition) 737.687-134 Bench Grinder (any ind.) 705.684-010 Buffer (any ind.) I 705.684-014 Former Helper, Hand (any ind.) 619.684-010 Grinder (any ind.) I 705.684-026 Grinder-Chipper (any ind.) II 809.684-026 Hand Stamper (any ind.) 709.684-042 Machine Helper (any ind.) 619.687-014 Metal Finisher (any ind.) 705.684-034 Mold Dresser (any ind.) 519.684-018 Polisher (any ind.) 705.684-058 Polisher and Buffer (any ind.) II 705.684-062 Polisher Apprentice (any ind.) 705.684-066 Tube Bender, Hand (any ind.) II 709.687-050 Wire-Frame Maker (artif. flower) 734.481-010 Driller, Hand (button) 754.684-026 Wire Repairer (carpet & rug) 628.684-038 Wire Cutter (coin mach.) 731.687-038 Duct Maker (const.; mfci. blogs.) 809.687-010 Steel-Barrel Reamer (cooperage) 703.687-022 Blade Groover (cut. & tools) 705.582-010 Calibrator (cut. & tools) 701.684-010 Etcher, Hand (cut. & tools) 704.687-014 Template Cutter (cut. & tools) 703.684-018 Encapsulator (elec. equip.; electronics) 726.684-030 Fan-Blade Aliner (elec. equip.) 706.687-018 Forming-Process-Line Worker (elec. equip.) 727.687-058 Lead-Caster Helper (elec. equip.) 502.687-018 Plate Slitter-and-Inspector (elec. equip.) 727.685-010 Plate-Take-Out Worker (elec. equip.) 500.687-010 Wireworker (elec. equip.; electronics) 728.687-010 Silk-Screen Etcher (engraving) 704.684-014 Assembler (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-010 Assembler-and-Gluer, Laminated Plastics (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-014 ! Assembler, Skylights (fabric. plastics prod.) 869.684-014 Buffer (fabric. plastics prod.) 752.684-022 Finisher, Hand (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-030 Laminator, Preforms (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.484-010 Plastics Repairer (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-046 Sequins Stringer (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.687-014 Barrel Finisher (firearms) 736.684-018 Rug Cutter (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.687-022 Pattern Gater (found.) 801.684-014 Snag Grinder (found.) 705.684-074 Test Worker (found.) 519.687-042 Beader (furn.) 739.687-034 Lock Installer (furn.) 706.684-078 Metal Sander and Finisher (furn.) 705.687-0 18 Spring Clipper (furn.) 780.684-102 Laborer, Gold Leaf (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-038 Arborer (jewelry) 700.684-010 Driller (jewelry) 700.684-026 Filer (jewelry) 700.684-034 Jigsawyer (jewelry) 700.684-046 Melter (jewelry) 700.687-042 Mold-Maker Helper (jewelry) 700.687-050 Planisher (jewelry) 700.687-054 Polisher (jewelry) 700.687-058 Preparer (jewelry) 700.687-062 Scraper (jewelry) 700.687-066 Stoner (jewelry) 735.684-014 Stretcher (jewelry) 700.684-078 Wire Drawer (jewelry) 735.687-042 Clipper and Turner (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-014 Crate Opener (matt. & bedspring) 929.685-010 Wire Bender (matt. & bedspring) 709.687-058 Refiner (medical ser.) 712.684-038 Wheel-Truing Machine Tender & bicycles) 706.685-014 (motor. Bell-Neck Hammerer (musical inst.) 730.684-014 Looper (musical inst.) 730.685-010 Piano Stringer (musical inst.) 730.684-054 Needle Grinder (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 734.584-010 Needle Polisher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 705.684-046 Slide-Fastener Repairer (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.684-022 Zipper Trimmer, Hand (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.687- 0.94 Casting-House Worker (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.687-014 Laborer, Solder Making (nonfer. metal alloys) 5 19.667-014 Mill Helper (nonfer. metal alloys) 502.684-014 Nozzle-and-Sleeve Worker (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.684- 0 18 Bench Worker (optical goods) 713.684-018 Contact-Lens-Flashing Puncher (optical goods) 713.687– 014 Frame Carver, Spindle (optical goods) 713.684-030 Polisher, Eyeglass Frames (optical goods) 713.684-038 Polisher, Implant (optical goods) 7 13.687-034 Assembly Cleaner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.664- 0 1 0 Caster (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.684-010 Hammer-Mill Operator (ore dress., smelt., & 5 15.687-0 1 0 refin.) Nib Finisher (pen & pencil) 705.684-050 Smoother (pen & pencil) 733.685-026 Matrix Worker (phonograph) 500.684-014 Cell Preparer (plastics mat.) 556.687-014 Rod-ánd-Tube Straightener (plastics mat.) 559.587-010 211 06.04 Gold Burnisher (pottery & porc.) 775.687-022 Boat Buffer, Plastic (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 849.684- 010 Cutter, Aluminum Sheet (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 804.684-010 Oxidizer (silverware) 700.684-054 Bowling-Ball Engraver (sports equip.) 732.584-010 Mold Stripper (sports equip.) 732.687-050 Spin-Table Operator (sports equip.) 732.687-074 Surfboard Maker (sports equip.) 732.684-126 Laborer, Tin Can (tinvare) 709.686-010 Tin-Container Striaghtener (tobacco) 709.687-046 Shearer and Trimmer, Wire Screen and Fabric (wirework) 709.684-074 Wire-Basket Maker (wirework) 709.687-062 Filer and Sander (woodworking) 705.684-018 06.04.25 Manual Work, Wood Last Repairer (boot & shoe; lasts & rel. forms) 739.684- 1 10 Stamper (button) 734.685-010 Barrel Marker (cooperage) 764,687-030 Heading Repairer (cooperage) 764.687-066 Shaker Repairer (corn prod.) 769.664-010 Power-Chisel Operator (cut. & tools) 701.687-030 Stock Shaper (firearms) 761.684-046 Caner (furn.) II 763.684-022 Filler-Block Inserter-Remover (furn.) 652.687-0 18 Rubber (furn.; mirror & pic. frames) 742.684-010 Slot Router (furn.) 763.684-066 Wicker Worker (furn.) 763.684-078 Wiper (furn.) 742.687-010 Sieve Maker (grain & feed mill.) 529.684-018 Last Scourer (lasts & rel. forms) 662.685-018 Builder, Beam (mfa. blogs.) 860.684-010 Trimmer (mfa. blags.) 869.684-066 Wood Hacker (match; paper & pulp) 569.687-026 Wooden-Frame Builder (matt. & bedspring) 762.684-066 Foot-Miter Operator (mirror & pic. frames) 739.684-066 Frame Trimmer (mirror & pic. frames) II 769.687-022 Box Maker (mort. goods) 762.684-026 Cutter, Woodwind Reeds (musical inst.) 730.686-0 10 Piano Case and Bench Assembler (musical inst.) 763.684- O58 Sander-and-Buffer (musical inst.) 730.684-066 Clamper (pen & pencil) 733.687-026 Veneer Stapler (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 869.684-078 Digger (smoking pipe) 739.687-070 Patch Driller (smoking pipe) 739.687-142 Finisher (sports equip.) 732.584-014 Crossband Layer (veneer & plywood) 762.687-026 Sample Maker, Veneer (veneer & plywood) 769.684-042 Scarf Gluer (veneer & plywood) 762.684-054 Siding Stapler (veneer & plywood) 762.684-058 Veneer-Stock Layer (veneer & plywood) 762.687-066 Jig Builder (wirework) 761.684-014 Bander (wood. box) 762.687-010 Chopper (wood distil. & char.) 564.687-010 Antichecking-Iron Worker (wood preserving) 563.687-010 Framer (wood preserving) 666.684-010 Wood-Pole Treater (wood preserving) 561.687-010 Assembly Operator (woodworking) 762.684-018 Bench Carpenter (woodworking) 760.684-010 Bender, Hand (woodworking) 769.684-018 Gluer-and-Wedger (woodworking) 762.687-038 Lathe Sander (woodworking) 761.682-010 Oil Dipper (woodworking) 769,684-026 Patcher (woodworking) 769.684-030 Pattern Marker (woodworking) II 761.684-022 Polisher (woodworking) 761.684-026 Reeler (woodworking) 769.684-034 Sander, Hand (woodworking) 761.687-010 Sander, Portable Machine (woodworking) 761.684-034 Woodworking-Shop Hand (woodworking) 769.687-054 06.04.26 Manual Work, Paper Blueprint Trimmer (any ind.) 920.687-038 Box Maker, Paperboard (any ind.) 794.684-014 Label Coder (any ind.) 920.587-014 Trim-Stencil Maker (any ind.) 781.684-058 Color-Card Maker (paint & varn.) 794.687-014 Sample Clerk, Paper (paper & pulp; paper goods) 209.587- 046 Bag Repairer (paper goods) 794.684-010 Box Bender (paper goods) 641.687-010 Corrugator-Operator Helper (paper goods) 641.686-0 18 Edge Stripper (paper goods; wood. box) 795.684-014 Expansion Envelope Maker, Hand (paper goods) 794.684- 0 18 Folder, Hand (paper goods) 794.687-022 Gluer and Slicer, Hand (paper goods) 794.687-030 Paper-Pattern Folder (paper goods) 794.687-034 Sample Maker, Hand (paper goods) 794.684-030 Slotter-Operator Helper (paper goods) 640.686-014 Spiral-Tube-Winder Helper (paper goods) 640.687-014 Trimmer, Hand (paper goods) 794.687-062 Assembler, Cards and Announcements (print. & pub.) 794.687-0 1 0 Caser (print. & pub.) 795.684-010 Collator, Hand (print. & pub.) 977.687-010 Forwarder (print. & pub.) 794.687-026 Globe Mounter (print. & pub.) 795.684-018 212 06.04 Jogger (print. & pub.) 659.686-010 Stitcher, Hand (print. & pub.) 977.684-022 Tipper (print. & pub.) 795.684-022 Legend Maker (signs) 979.684-018 Perforator (trim. & embroid.) 78.1.684-042 Racker (wallpaper) 659.687-010 Wallpaper-Printer Helper (wallpaper) 652.687-050 06.04.27 Manual Work, Textile, Fabric and Leather Cotton Sampler (agric.; textile) 922.687-042 Bow Maker (any ind.) 789.684-010 Button-and-Buckle Maker (any ind.) 734.687-046 Canvas Repairer (any ind.) 782.684-010 Cutter, Hand (any ind.) II 781.687-026 Cutter Helper (any ind.) 781.687-022 Oriental-Rug Stretcher (any ind.) 580.687-010 Sack Repairer (any ind.) 782.687-046 Sewer, Hand (any ind.) 782.684-058 Skein-Winding Operator (any ind.) 559.687-054 Spreader (any ind.) I 781.687-058 Thread Cutter (any ind.) 789.684-050 Trimmer, Hand (any ind.) 781.687-070 Turner (any ind.) 789.687-182 Upholsterer Helper (any ind.) 780.687-054 Vinyl-Top Installer, Automobile (auto. mfg.) 806.684-138 Assembler For Puller-Over, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684- 0 1 0 Assembler, Sandal Parts (boot & shoe) 788.684-014 Binding Folder, Machine (boot & shoe) 788.684-018 Bottom Wheeler (boot & shoe) 788.684-030 Bow Maker (boot & shoe) 788.684-034 Buckler and Lacer (boot & shoe) 788.687-022 Buttonhole Maker (boot & shoe) 788.684-038 Cementer, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.687-030 Cut-and-Cover Line Worker (boot & shoe) 753.684-014 Finishing Trimmer (boot & shoe) 788.687-042 Flamer (boot & shoe) 788.684-050 Folder, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.687–050 Golf-Shoe-Spike Assembler (boot & shoe) 788.687-054 Hand Sewer, Shoes (boot & shoe) 788.684-054 Hooker-Laster (boot & shoe) 753.684-018 Insole-and-Heel-Stiffener (boot & shoe) 788.687-062 Interlacer (boot & shoe) 788.684-070 Lacer (boot & shoe) I 788.687-070 Lacing-String Cutter (boot & shoe) 788.687-074 Laster (boot & shoe) 753.684-022 Laster, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684-074 Lasting-Machine Operator, Hand Method (boot & shoe) 788.684-078 Last Puller (boot & shoe) 788.687–086 Leather Softener (boot & shoe) 788.687-090 Making-Line Worker (boot & shoe) 753.687-026 Marker, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.584-014 Pegger (boot & shoe) 788.687-102 Puller and Laster, Machine (boot & shoe) 788.684-086 Puller Over, Machine (boot & shoe) 788.684-090 Rasper (boot & shoe) 788.684-094 Screw Remover (boot & shoe) 788.684-102 Shank-Piece Tacker (boot & shoe) 788.687-1 18 Shank Taper (boot & shoe) 788.687-114 Shoe Coverer (boot & shoe) 788.687-126 Shoe Turner (boot & shoe) 788.687-130 Slip Laster (boot & shoe) 788.684-106 Sole Scraper (boot & shoe) 788.687-134 Steel-Box-Toe Inserter (boot & shoe) 788.687-138 Table Worker (boot & shoe) 788.687-142 Tack Puller (boot & shoe) 788.687-146 Tree Driller (boot & shoe) 788.684-1 18 Trimmer, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.687–150 Upper-and-Bottom Lacer, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684- 1 22 Vamp-Strap Ironer (boot & shoe) 788.687-158 Welt-Butter, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.687-162 Wood-Heel Finisher (boot & shoe) 788.684-126 Wrinkle Chaser (boot & shoe) 788.684-130 Covered-Buckle Assembler (button) 734.687–050 Laborer, Canvas Shop (canvas goods) 789.687-090 Carpet Cutter (carpet & rug) II 585.687-014 Fringer (carpet & rug; house furn.) 789.687-062 Raker (carpet & rug) 789.687-138 Rug-Backing Stenciler (carpet & rug) 781.687-054 Rug Braider, Hand (carpet & rug) 782.687-042 Rug Clipper (carpet & rug) 781.684-046 Rug-Frame Mounter (carpet & rug) 687.464-010 Rug-Sample Beveler (carpet & rug) 781.684-050 Sample Finisher (carpet & rug) 789.687-162 Glove Former (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.) 363.68 7-0 1 0 Fish-Net Stringer (cord. & twine) 782.684-026 Net Maker (cord. & twine) 789.684-030 Pattern Hand woodworking) 652.687-030 (fabric. plastics prod.; Fur Trimmer (fur goods) 783.687-014 Back Padder (furn.) 780.684-010 Cotton Dispatcher (furn.) 780.684-038 Drawer Liner (furn.) 763.684-030 Padding Gluer (furn.) 780.687-034 Panel Maker (furn.) 780.684-086 Slip-Seat Coverer (furn.) 780.684-094 Spring Coverer (furn.) 780.687-038 Upholsterer, Outside (furn.) 780.684-1 18 Upholstery Trimmer (furn.) 780.684-126 Webbing Tacker (furn.) 780.684-130 Basting Puller (garment) 782.687-010 Bow Maker (garment; hat & cap) 784.684-010 Buttoner (garment; knit goods) 782.687-014 Cloth Tearer (garment) 781.687-018 Elastic-Tape Inserter (garment) 782.687-022 Final Assembler (garment) 789.687-046 Garment Turner (garment; knit goods) 789.687-074 Handkerchief Folder (garment) 920.687-098 Marker (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.) 781.687-042 Marking Stitcher (garment) 781.687-046 Match-Up Worker (garment) 782.684-038 Molder, Shoulder Pad (garment) 789.684-026 Pinner (garment; trim. & embroid.) 782.687-026 Ripper (garment; ret, tr.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 782.687-038 Riveter, Hand (garment) 789.687-154 Seam Steamer (garment) 789.687-166 213 06.04 Spot Cleaner (garment; knit goods) 582.684-014 Stenciler (garment; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.687-066 Tape Stringer (garment; knit goods) 782.687-054 Thread Marker (garment) 782.687-058 End Finder, Roving Department (glass mfg.) 689.687-038 Glove Turner (glove & mit.) 784.687-038 Liner (glove & mit.) 784.687-046 Puller-Through (glove & mit.) 782.687-030 Cutch Cleaner (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-030 Hide Handler (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-038 Blocker, Hand (hat & cap) II 580.684-014 Brim Ironer, Hand (hat & cap) 784.684-014 Brim Raiser (hat & cap) 784.687-010 Cap Maker (hat & cap) 784.684-018 Crown Pouncer, Hand (hat & cap) 784.687-018 Decorator (hat & cap) 784.684-022 Drying-Room Attendant (hat & cap) 581.687-014 Endband Cutter, Hand (hat & cap) 784.687-026 Felt-Hat Steamer (hat & cap) 582.687-018 Flanger (hat & cap) 784.684-026 Hardener (hat & cap) 784.684-034 Lining Cementer (hat & cap) 795.687-022 Opener (hat & cap) I 784.687-054 Rounder, Hand (hat & cap) 784.684-050 Singer (hat & cap) 784.687-062 Sizer, Hand (hat & cap) 784.684-054 Smoother (hat & cap) 784.684-066 Spreader (hat & cap) 581.687-022 Steamer-Blocker (hat & cap; knit goods) 784.684-070 Sticker (hat & cap) 784.687-070 Stiffener (hat & cap) 589.687-038 Straw-Hat-Washer Operator (hat & cap) 784.687-078 Top-Hat-Body Maker (hat & cap) 784.684-074 Trimmer (hat & cap) 784.684-078 Cardboard Inserter (hosiery) 920.687-062 Slitter (hosiery) 781.684-054 Cloth Folder, Hand (house furn.; textile) 589.687-014 Cutter, Rotary Shear (house furn.) 781.684-018 Lay-Out-Machine Operator (house furn.) 781.684-034 Pairer (house furn.) 789.687-1 10 Table-Cover Folder (house furn.) 920.687-186 Case Finisher (jewelry cases; leather prod.) 739.684-034 Part Maker (jewelry cases) 739.687-138 Cuff Folder (knit goods) 685.687-014 Dipper (knit goods; textile) 589.687-018 Loose-End Finder, Bobbin (knit goods) 681.687-014 Pompom Maker (knit goods) 789.687-126 Press Hand (knit goods) 583.687-010 Raveler (knit goods) 782,687-034 Tie Presser (knit goods) 789.687-178 Topper (knit goods) 685.687-026 Last Ironer (lasts & rel. forms) 739.684-098 Puff Ironer (laund.) 363.687-0 18 Laborer, General (leather mfg.) 589.686-026 Leather Coater (leather mfg.) 584.687-010 Patcher (leather mfg.) 585.687-022 Sprayer, Hand (leather mfg.) 584.687-014 Trimmer, Hand (leather mfg.) 585.684-010 Decorator (leather prod.) 739.684-046 Rawhide-Bone Roller (leather prod.) 789.684-042 Stainer (leather prod.) 589.687-034 Table Worker (leather prod.) 783.687-030 Border Measurer and Cutter (matt. & bedspring) 780.687- 010 Mattress Stripper (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-026 Pocketed-Spring Assembler (matt. & bedspring) 780.684- 090 Tufter, Hand (matt, & bedspring) 780.687-050 Form Coverer (model & pattern) 739.684-070 Casket Coverer (mort. goods) 780.684-026 Crusher (mort, goods) 780.684-042 Ribbon Cutter (narrow fabrics) 781.687-050 Singer (narrow fabrics) 585.687-030 Mat Sewer (oils & fats) 529.687-154 Blanket Washer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.687-010 Lacer (per. protect. & med. dev.) 789.687-094 Spreader (plastics mat.) 554.687-010 Coverer, Looseleaf Binder (print. & pub.) 795.687-010 Drapery-Head Former (ret. tr.) 781.684-030 Balloon Dipper (rubber goods) 599.687-010 Padded-Products Finisher (rubber goods) 752.684-034 Roller (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.687-046 Painter, Depilatory (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-062 Baseball Sewer, Hand (sports equip.) 732.684-034 Grip Wrapper (sports equip.) 732.684-082 Shaper, Baseball Glove (sports equip.) 732.684-106 Tennis-Ball Coverer, Hand (sports equip.) 795.687-026 Jet Wiper (synthetic fibers) 557.684-014 Bag Cutter (tex. bag) 789.687-010 Bag Liner (tex. bag) 789.687-014 Burlap Spreader (tex. bag) 581.687-010 Folder (tex. bag) 789.687-058 Buffing-Wheel Former, Hand (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684- 014 Harness Rigger (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-082 Monogram-and-Letter Paster (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687- 102 Nylon-Hot-Wire Cutter (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.684-038 Parachute Folder (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-034 Parachute-Line Tier (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-1 18 Parachute Marker (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.587-0 18 Thread Separator (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-174 214 06.04 Canvas Shrinker (textile) 587.687-010 Can Patcher (can. & preserv.) 920.687-054 Card Changer, Jacquard Loom (textile) 683.685-014 Cherry Cutter (can. & preserv.) 524.687-010 Cloth-Bale Header (textile) 782.687-0 18 Cook Helper (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050 Cloth-Edge Singer (textile) 585.687-018 Crab Butcher (can. & preserv.) 525.684-022 Cloth Spreader, Screen Printing (textile) 652.687-010 End Finder, Twisting Department (textile) 689.687-042 Fish-Bin Tender (can. & preserv.) 529.687-082 Fabric-Lay-Out Worker (textile) 589.687-022 Fish Chopper, Gang Knife (can. & preserv.) 521.687-058 Lease-Out Worker (textile) 683.684-022 Fish Cleaner (can. & preserv.; fish.) 525.684-030 Pad Maker (textile) 589.687-030 Paster, Screen Printing (textile) 652.687-026 Fish Drier (can. & preserv.) 523.687-014 Patch Finisher (textile) 582.684-010 Fish-Egg Packer (can. & preserv.) 529.687–086 Pick Remover (textile) 689.687–058 Fish-Liver Sorter (can. & preserv.; fish.) 521.687-062 Remnants Cutter (textile) 789.687-150 Fish Packer (can. & preserv.) 920.687-086 Rope Cleaner (textile) 699.687-022 Pickler (can. & preserv.) 522.684-010 Sample Clerk (textile) 789.587-026 Shellfish Shucker (can. & preserv.) 521.687-122 Tube Cleaner (textile) 589.687-042 Spice Mixer (can. & preserv.) 520.687-062 Tube Coverer (textile) 589.687-046 Tube Handler (textile) 582.686-034 Glucose-and-Sirup Weigher (chew. gum) 520.686-026 Frame Hand (trim. & embroid.) 689.687.046 Candy Cutter, Hand (confection.) 790.687-010 Passementerie worker (trim. & embroid.) 782.684-050 Candy Dipper, Hand (confection.) 524.684-010 Pattern Ruler (trim, & embroid.) 794.687-038 Candy Molder, Hand (confection.) 520.687-0 18 Pinner (trim. & embroid.) 782,684.054 Candy Spreader (confection.) 520.687-022 Pleater, Hand (trim. & embroid.) 583.684-010 Enrobing-Machine Corder (confection.) 524.684-018 stamper (trim, & embroid.) 781.687-062 Fruit Cutter (confection.) 521.687-066 Waist Pleater (trim. & embroid.) 583.684-014 Garnisher (confection.) 524.687-014 e Kiss Setter, Hand (confection.) 529.687–122 Umbrella Tipper, Hand (umbrella) 739.684-162 Pantry Worker (confection.) 520.487-018 Mixer (waste & batting) 789.687-098 Roller (confection.) I 520.684-014 Starchmak fection.) 526.687-014 06.04.28 Manual work, Food Processing archmaker (confection.) Poultry Dresser (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687– Laborer, Cheesemaking (dairy prod.) 529.686-050 07.0 5 - • Egg Breaker (any ind.) 521.687-042 Frozen Pie Maker (any ind.) 529.684-010 Decorator (bake, prod.; confection.) 524.684-014 Icer, Hand (bake. prod.) 524.684-022 Ingredient Scaler (bake. prod.; dairy prod.) 529.684-014 Pretzel Twister (bake. prod.) 520.587-010 Racker (bake. prod.) 524.687-0 18 Bone Picker (can. & preserv.) 521.687-022 Briner (can. & preserv.) 522.687-014 Bulk Filler (can. & preserv.) 529.687-022 Butcher, Fish (can. & preserv.) 525.684-014 06.04 Novelty Worker (dairy prod.) 524.686-014 Raw-Cheese Worker (dairy prod.) 529.686-078 Blintze Roller (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.687-014 Coffee-Roaster Helper (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.687-010 Honeycomb Decapper (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.687-070 Mexican Food Maker, Hand (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.687- 046 Food Mixer (grain & feed mill.) 520.687-034 Almond Blancher, Hand (nut process.) 521.687-010 Nut Steamer (nut process.) 521.687-090 Sheller (nut process.) I 521.687-1 18 Animal Eviscerator (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-010 Boner, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-010 Carcass Splitter (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-018 Casing Sewer (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-030 Casing Splitter (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-014 Casing Tier (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-034 Cooler Room Worker (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-022 Dry Curer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-026 Final-Dressing Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-026 Gambreler (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-030 Gambreler Helper (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-034 Head Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-034 Linker (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-150 Neck Skewer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-050 Offal Separator (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-038 Pickler (slaught. & meat pack.) 522.687-034 Poultry Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-066 Poultry Eviscerator (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-074 Poultry Hanger (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-078 Poultry Killer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-042 Sausage-Meat Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.687– 106 Seasoning Mixer (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.687-054 Shactor Helper (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-090 Shaver (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-094 Singer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-098 Skin Lifter, Bacon (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.687-126 Skinner (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-046 Smoked Meat Preparer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.587- 0.14 Sticker, Animal (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-050 Stunner, Animal (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-114 Tier (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-1 18 Trimmer, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-054 Turkey-Roll Maker (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-058 Binder Cutter, Hand (tobacco) 521.687-014 Bulker (tobacco) 522.687-0 18 Bunch Maker, Hand (tobacco) 790.684-010 Bunch Trimmer, Mold (tobacco) 521.687-026 Casing-Material Weigher (tobacco) 520.687-026 Cigar-Head Piercer (tobacco) 529.685-058 Cigar Maker (tobacco) 790.684-014 Cigar Packer (tobacco) 790.687-014 Drying-Room Attendant (tobacco) 523.587-014 Filler Mixer (tobacco) 520.687-030 Filler Room Attendant (tobacco) 522.687–022 Filler-Shredder Helper (tobacco) 529.687-078 Filler Spreader (tobacco) 521.687-046 Hogshead Opener (tobacco) 920.687-102 Leaf Conditioner (tobacco) 522.687-026 Leaf-Conditioner Helper (tobacco) 522.687-030 Leaf Tier (tobacco) 529.687-138 Mold Presser (tobacco) 790.687-022 Patch Worker (tobacco) 790.684-018 Plug Shaper, Hand (tobacco) 520.687-050 Reject Opener (tobacco) 790.687-026 Roller, Hand (tobacco) 790.684-022 Shaker (tobacco) 521.687-1 10 Shredded-Filler Hopper-Feeder (tobacco) 529.687-182 Stemmer, Hand (tobacco) 521.687-134 Sumatra Opener (tobacco) 529.687-198 Tobacco-Sample Puller (tobacco) 529.587-022 Twister, Hand (tobacco) 790.687-030 Wrapper-Hands Sprayer (tobacco) 522.687-042 Wrapping Machine Helper (tobacco) 529.687-222 Cutter, Banana Room (whole. tr.) 929.687-010 06.04.29 Manual Work, Rubber Installer, Fuel-Bay 752.687-0 1 0 Lining (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Fabricator, Foam Rubber (any ind.) 780.684-062 Clipper (boot & shoe) 753.687-010 Cutter, Hot Knife (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 751.684- 0 18 Foxing Cutter, Hot Knife (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 751.684-022 Repairer (boot & shoe) 753.684-026 Roller-Stitcher (boot & shoe) 753.684-030 Gluer, Wet Suit (fabric. plastics prod.) 795.687-018 Airplane-Gas-Tank-Liner Assembler (rubber goods) 759.684-010 Belt Builder (rubber goods) 752.684-014 Belt-Builder Helper (rubber goods) 759.684-018 Buffer (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 759.684-022 Calender-Wind-Up Helper (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-022 Catheter Builder (rubber goods) 752.684-026 Hose Cutter, Hand (rubber goods) 751.687-010 Mat Repairer (rubber goods) 759.684-042 Roll Builder (rubber goods) 759.484-010 Rubber-Tubing Splicer (rubber goods) 752.684-042 Self-Sealing-Fuel-Tank Repairer (rubber goods) 759.384- 0 1 0 Stripper and Taper (rubber goods) 899.684-038 Wader-Boot-Top Assembler (rubber goods) 795.684-026 Bead Picker (rubber reclaim.) 551.686-010 Band Builder (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-010 Inner-Tube Inserter (rubber tire & tube) 750.687-0 10 Splicer (rubber tire & tube) 759.684-058 Tire Balancer (rubber tire & tube) 750.687-014 Tire-Bladder Maker (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-042 Tire Trimmer, Hand (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-034 Tube Balancer (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-046 Tube Repairer (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-050 06.04.30 Manual Work, Stone, Glass, and Clay Safety-Glass Installer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 865.484-010 Glass-Cutter Helper (any ind.) 775.687-0 18 Fettler (brick & tile) 779.684-018 Laborer, General (brick & tile) 579.667-010 Paster (brick & tile) 773.684-014 216 06.04 Pipe Finisher (brick & tile) 779.684-042 Table-Top Tile Setter (brick & tile) 763.684-074 Crystal Cutter (clock & watch) 715.684-078 Jewel Grinder (clock & watch) II 770.684-010 Jewel-Hole Cornerer (clock & watch) 770.684-014 Jewel Stringer (clock & watch) 770.687-026 Mud-Mixer Helper (coke prod.) 549.687-022 Oven Dauber (coke prod.) 543.687-014 Miller, Head, Assistant, Wet Process (corn prod.) 629.684- 0.14 Level-Vial Marker (cut. & tools) 775.684-046 Level-Vial Sealer (cut. & tools) 779.684-034 Glass Installer (furn.; plan. mill) 865.684-014 Crosscutter, Rolled Glass (glass mfg.) 575.684-022 Edger, Hand (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-014 Gatherer (glass mfg.) 575.684-026 Glass Cutter, Oval or Circular (glass mfg.) 779.684-022 Glass Driller (glass mfg.) 775.687-014 Glass Grinder (glass mfg.) 775.684-034 Glass Polisher (glass mfg.) 775.684-038 Joiner (glass mfg.) 673.687-010 Polisher (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-058 Presser (glass mfg.) 575.685-074 Second Cutter (glass mfg.) 779.684-054 Warm-in Worker (glass mfg.) 772.684-018 Breaker (glass prod.; mirror) 779.687-010 Glass Finisher (glass prod.) 775.684-026 Glass Sander, Belt (glass prod.; mirror) 775.684-042 Hot-Wire Glass-Tube Cutter (glass prod.) 772.684-014 Watch-Crystal Edge Grinder (glass prod.) 775.684-062 Flanger (inst. & app.) 712.684-018 Glazier (inst. & app.) 712.684-026 Stopper Maker (iron & steel) 519.684-022 Stopper-Maker Helper (iron & steel) 519.687-038 Stone Setter (jewelry) 735.687-034 Mica Sizer (minerals & earths) 779.687-030 Edger, Touch-Up (mirror) 775.684-018 Batter-Out (pottery & porc.) 575.684-010 Bedder (pottery & porc.) 573.687-010 Bisque Cleaner (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010 Finisher (pottery & porc.) 774.684-018 Handle Maker (pottery & porc.) 575.684-030 Sagger Maker (pottery & porc.) 774.684-030 Ware Cleaner (pottery & porc.) 774.687-022 Ware Dresser (pottery & porc.) 774.684-042 Finisher (stat. & art goods) 775.687-010 Lacer (stat. & art goods) 774.687-014 Sticker-on (stat. & art goods) 774.684-034 Patch Sander (stonework) 775.684-054 Stone Polisher, Hand (stonework) 775.664-010 Pack-Room Operator (synthetic fibers) 559.684-010 06.04.31 Manual Work, Welding and Flame Cutting Lead Burner (elec. equip.) 727.684-022 Heat Welder, Plastics (fabric. plastics prod.) 553.684-010 Solderer, Barrel Ribs (firearms) 736.684-038 Bellows Charger (inst. & app.) II 710.684-014 Liner Assembler (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.667-010 Machine Feeder (welding) 819.686-010 Solderer-Dipper (welding) 8 13.684-018 Solderer, Production Line (welding) 8 13.684-022 Solderer, Torch (welding) I 813.684-026 Solderer, Ultrasonic, Hand (welding) 8 13.684-030 Welder, Gun (welding) 810.664-010 Welder, Production Line (welding) 819.684-010 06.04.32 Manual Work, Casting and Molding Busher (abrasive & polish. prod.) 502.687-014 Plastic Mixer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 559.684-014 Bottom Filler (boot & shoe) 788.684-026 Machine-Made-Shoe Unit Worker (boot & shoe) 753.584- 0 1 0 - Molder, Shoe Parts (boot & shoe) 788.687-094 Mold Filler and Drainer (boot & shoe) 753.687-030 Mold-Insert Changer (boot & shoe) 753.687-034 Mold Maker, Terra Cotta (brick & tile) 575.684-038 Plastic-Joint Maker (brick & tile) 590.687-014 Terrazzo-Tile Maker (brick & tile) 575.684-046 Candlemaker (candle) 739.664-010 Candle Molder, Hand (candle) 739.687–054 Pourer (candle) 739.687-158 Needle-Bar Molder (carpet & rug) 556.684-022 Cement Fittings Maker (conc. prod.) 779.684-010 Concrete-Pipe Maker (conc. prod.) 779.684-014 Concrete-Vault Maker (conc. prod.) 579.684-010 Almond-Paste Molder (confection.) 520.684-010 Cold-Press Loader (cut. & tools) 701.687-0 18 Saw-Edge Fuser, Circular (cut. & tools) 701.684-026 Mold Setter (elec. equip.) 502.684-018 Knock-Out Hand (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-034 Coremaker, Pipe (found.) 518.684-014 Core Setter (found.) 518.684-010 Foundry Laborer, Coreroom (found.) 518.687-014 Foundry Worker, General (found.) 519.687-022 Machine Molder (found.) 518.682-010 Mold Closer (found.) 518.684-018 Wax-Pattern Coater (found.) 518.687-022 Wax-Pot Tender (found.) 553.685-1 10 Mold Worker (iron & steel) 514.567-010 Rubber-Mold Maker (jewelry) 559.684-018 Column Precaster (mfö. blogs.) 869.667-010 Needle Leader (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 502.684-022 217 ,” smelt., & Casting-Wheel-Operator (ore dress., refin.) 514.667-010 Ladle Pourer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514,684-014 Mold Maker (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 518.664-0 10 Mold-Maker Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 518.687– 0 18 Helper Mold-Filling Operator (plastics mat.) 556.684-018 Foam Dispenser (rubber goods) 554.684-014 Pourer (rubber goods) 556.687-026 Skin Former (rubber goods) 752.684-050 Assembler, Liquid Center (sports equip.) 732.684-018 Bowling-Ball-Mold Assembler (sports equip.) 556.687-010 Molder, Inflated Ball (sports equip.) 732.687-054 Molder, Wax Ball (sports equip.) 732.687-058 Softball Core Molder (sports equip.) 732.687-070 Mold Filler, Plastic Dolls (toys & games) 731.687–026 06.04.33 Manual Work, Brushing, Spraying, and Coating Lacquer-Pin-Press Operator (ammunition) 737.687-078 Shellacker (ammunition) 737.687-130 Varnishing-Unit Operator (ammunition) 737.687-138 Electroless Plater (any ind.) 505.684-010 Metal Sprayer, Production (any ind.) 505.684-014 Painter, Brush (any ind.) 740.684-022 Painter, Embossed or Impressed Lettering (any ind.) 740.687-0 18 Painter, Spray (any ind.) II 741.687-018 Porcelain-Enamel Laborer (any ind.) 509.687-014 Porcelain-Enamel Repairer (any ind.) 741.684-030 Putty Glazer (any ind.) 749.684-042 Striper, Spray Gun (any ind.) 741.687-022 Touch-Up Painter, Hand (any ind.) 740.684-026 Treater (any ind.) 582.687-030 Wire-Frame Dipper (artif. flower) 734.684-026 Deadener (auto. mfg.) 845.687-010 Antisqueak Filler (boot & shoe) 788.687-010 Blemish Remover (boot & shoe) 788.684-022 Bottom Bleacher (boot & shoe) 788.687-014 Brusher (boot & shoe) 788.687-0 18 Dresser (boot & shoe) 788.687-038 Heel Dipper (boot & shoe) 788.687-058 218 06.04 Inker (boot & shoe) 788.684-066 Last Chalker (boot & shoe) 788.687-078 Painter, Bottom (boot & shoe) 788.687-098 White-Shoe Ragger (boot & shoe) 788.687-166 Button Spindler (button) 740.687-010 Latexer (carpet & rug) 584.684-010 Dial Brusher (clock & watch) 715.687-022 Dial Refinisher (clock & watch) 715.584-010 Dipper, Clock and Watch Hands (clock & watch) 715.687- 026 - Lacquerer (clock & watch) 715.684-138 Masker (clock & watch) 715.687–086 Oiler (clock & watch) 715.684-146 Painter, Clock and Watch Hands (clock & watch) 715.687- 098 Barrel Liner (cooperage) 764.687-026 Keg Varnisher (cooperage) 749.687-014 Resin Coater (cork prod.) 562.687-014 Battery-Container-Finishing Hand (elec. equip.) 727.687- 034 Cleaner and Preparer (elec. equip.) 721.687-010 Getterer (elec. equip.) 725.687-022 Funnel Coater, Hand (electronics) 740.687-014 Electroformer (electroplating) 500.684-010 Machine-Castings Plasterer (found.) 519.687-030 Dipper and Drier (furn.; woodworking) 749.687-010 Drawer Waxer (furn.) 763.687-022 Painter, Panel Edge (furn.) 740.687-022 Plasterer (furn.) 749.687–026 Stainer (furn.; mirror & pic. frames) 742.684-014 Glass-Bulb Silverer (glass prod.) 779.687-018 Glass Tinter (glass prod.) 840.684-010 Waxer (glass prod.) 779.687-038 Brimer (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-018 Carroter (hat & cap) 784.687-014 Powderer (hat & cap) 784.687-058 Slicker (hat & cap) 784.684-062 Artificial-Pearl Maker (jewelry) 770.687-010 Boiler-Out (jewelry) 700.687-014 Painter (jewelry) 735.687-018 Edge Stainer (leather prod.) II 749.684-022 Dry-Wall Sprayer (mfa. blogs.) 842.684-010 Mica-Plate Layer, Hand (minerals & earths) 579.684-022 Mica-Washer Gluer (minerals & earths) 729.687-022 Painter, Mirror (mirror) 741.684-022 Silverer (mirror) 574.684-014 Frame Trimmer (mirror & pic. frames) I 749.684-030 Striper, Machine (motor. & bicycles) 749.686-010 Clip Coater (optical goods) 713.687-010 Optical-Glass Silverer (optical goods) 574.484-010 Dipper (pen & pencil) 733.687-038 Silver Spray Worker (phonograph) 500.684-022 Enameler (plumb, supplies) 509.684-010 Ground Layer (pottery & porc.) 574.684-010 Smoking-Pipe Liner (smoking pipe) 739.687-170 Stainer (smoking pipe) 739.687-174 Painter and Grader, Cork (sports equip.) 732.687-062 Painter, Ski Edge (sports equip.) 749,687-022 Adhesive Primer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 732.687-010 Flocker (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-054 Shade-Cloth Finisher (window shade & fix.) 585.687-026 Finisher (wood. box) 749.684-026 Dyer (woodworking) 562.687-010 06.04.34 Manual Work, Assorted Materials Belt Maker (abrasive & polish. prod.) 776.684-010 Mixer, Diamond Powder (abrasive & polish. prod.) 570.484-010 Encapsulator (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 556.684-014 Helper, Manufacturing (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 809.687- 014 Insulation-Blanket 806.684-078 Maker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) Explosive Operator (ammunition) I 737.687-042 Explosive Operator (ammunition) II 737.687-046 Igniter Capper (ammunition) 737.687-050 Inspector, Salvage (ammunition) 737.684-026 Laborer, Ammunition Assembly (ammunition) II 737.687- 074 Primer Charger (ammunition) 737.687-102 Propellant-Charge Loader (ammunition) 737.487-010 Buffing-and-Polishing-Wheel Repairer (any ind.) 739.684- 030 Cutter, Hand (any ind.) III 781.687-030 Decal Applier (any ind.) 749.684-010 Driller, Hand (any ind.) 809.684-018 Dye Weigher (any ind.) 550.684-014 Dye-Weigher Helper (any ind.) 550.687-018 Gluer (any ind.) 795.687-014 Laborer, Grinding and Polishing (any ind.) 705.687-014 Masker (any ind.) 749.687-018 Paint Mixer, Hand (any ind.) 550.684-018 Screen Printer (any ind.) 979.684-034 Screen Printer Helper (any ind.) 979.687-022 Artificial-Flower Maker (artif. flower) 739.684-014 Feather Shaper (artif, flower) 734.684-010 Starcher (artif. flower) 739.687-178 Apron Cleaner (asbestos prod.) 680.687-010 Hull and Deck Remover (auto mfg.; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.667-010 219 06.04 Motor Test Helper (auto. mfg.) 806.687-038 Basket Assembler (basketry) II 769.684-010 Basket Mender (basketry) 762.684-022 Basket Patcher (basketry) 769.684-014 Weaver (basketry) 769.684-054 Furnace Helper (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.687-014 Hothouse Worker (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 549.687- 014 - Heel Attacher, Wood (boot & shoe) 788.684-058 Heel-Seat Fitter, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.684-062 Last-Repairer Helper (boot & shoe) 739.684-114 Stocklayer (boot & shoe) 753.687-042 Clay-Stain Mixer (brick & tile) 773.487-010 Broommaker (brush & broom) 739.684-018 Finisher, Brush (brush & broom) 739.684-062 Paint-Brush Maker (brush & broom) 733.684-010 Mixer Helper (build. board) 530.384-010 Dust Box Worker (build. mat., n.e.c.) 574.667-010 Grinder, Hand (button) 734.687-054 Splitter, Hand (button) 734.687-086 Candle Cutter (candle) 739.687-050 Laborer (candle) 590.687-010 Rigger (canvas goods) 789.684-046 Flux Mixer (chem.) 550.584-010 Silver-Solution Mixer (chem.) 550.684-026 Adjuster, Alarm Mechanism (clock & watch) 715.684-010 Parts Remover (clock & watch) 715.687-102 Racker (clock & watch) 715.687-106 Repairer, Auto Clocks (clock & watch) 715.584-014 Naphthalene-Operator Helper (coke prod.) 551.687-026 Laborer, Prestressed Concrete (conc. prod.) 575.687-018 Floor Worker (cork prod.) 739.687-098 Ampoule Sealer (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687-014 Egg Processor (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687-034 Sifter (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 551.687-030 Acid Adjuster (elec. equip.) 727.484-010 Battery Charger (elec. equip.) 727.587-010 Battery Charger, Conveyor Line (elec. equip.) 727.687-026 Capacitor-Pack-Press Operator (elec. equip.) 726.684-010 Cartridge Loader (elec. equip.) 779.687-014 Cell Repairer (elec. equip.) 727.684-018 Lamination Spinner (elec. equip.) 729.687-018 Lead Former (elec. equip.) 691.685-018 Patcher (elec. equip.) 723.687-010 Sealer (elec. equip.) I 727.684-030 Seal Mixer (elec. equip.) 540.687-010 Electronics Worker (electronics) 726.687-010 Silk-Screen Printer (electronics) 726.687-0 18 Dynamite Reclaimer (explosives) 551.687-0 18 Nitrocellulose Operator (explosives) 553.684-014 Priming-Powder-Premix Blender (explosives) 550.684-022 Stock Preparer (fabric. plastics prod.) 751.387-010 Needle-Board Repairer (felt goods) 739.684-134 Barrel Loader and Cleaner (firearms) 736.587-010 Mixer (fireworks) 737.687-090 Paint Pourer (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.687-022 Splicer (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.687-010 Hair Clipper, Power (fur dressing) 789.684-022 Boner (garment; per protect. & med. dev.) 789.687-018 Ornament Setter (garment; trim. & embroid.) 789.685-010 Bone Picker (glue) 551.687-010 Frame Feeder (glue) 553.686-034 Laborer, Cook House (glue) 551.687-022 Roller, Gold Leaf (gold leaf & foil) 709.685-018 Finisher (hairwork) 731.687-014 Hair Worker (hairwork) 739.684-086 Foundation Maker (hat & cap) 784.684-030 Hat Braider (hat & cap) 784.684-038 Mender (hat & cap) 784.684-046 Smoke-Room Operator (hat & cap) 784.687-066 Wire Inserter (hat & cap) 784.687-082 Hassock Maker (house furn.) 780.687-0 18 Assembly Loader (inst. & app.) 711.684-010 Pneumatic Jacketer (insulated wire) 691.667-010 Bead Stringer (jewelry) 735.684-010 Jigger (jewelry) 705.687-010 Pulverizer (jewelry) 770.687-030 Racker (jewelry) 735.687-026 Stringer (jewelry) 509.687-0 18 Last Marker (lasts & rel. forms) 739.684-102 Sheetrock Applicator (mfö. blogs.) 869.684-050 Box-Spring Maker (matt. & bedspring) I 780.684-018 Clip-and-Hanger Attacher (mirror) 739.684-038 Framer (mirror; mirror & pic. frames) 739.684-078 Frame Repairer (mirror) 739.684-074 Mat Cutter (mirror & pic. frames) 739.684-126 Tone Regulator (musical inst.) 730.684-094 Zipper Trimmer, Machine (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685-266 Polishing-Pad Mounter (optical goods) 739.687-154 Salvager (optical goods) 713.687-038 Camouflage Assembler (ordnance) 869.687-014 220 06.04 Carbon Setter (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.667-010 Cell Plasterer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-010 Flotation-Tender Helper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.687-0 18 Rodding-Anode Worker (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 19.687-034 Skimmer, Reverberatory (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.687–022 Tailings-Dam Laborer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.687–026 Sample-Color Maker (paint & varn.) 550.584-014 Chalk Cutter (pen & pencil) 733.687-022 Stamp Mounter (pen & pencil) 733.684-018 Dental Floss Packer (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.687- 082 Suture Polisher (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687-030 Assembly Adjuster (phonograph) 720.684-010 Label Drier (phonograph) 532.687-010 Mounter, Hand (photofinish.) 976.684-018 Splicer (photofinish.) 976.684-026 Screen Tacker (plan. mill) 762.687–058 Cutter, Hand (rubber goods) 751.684-014 Deicer Finisher (rubber goods) 739.684-054 Deicer-Kit Assembler (rubber goods) 759.684-030 Deicer Repairer (rubber goods) 759.684-026 Hose-Coupling Joiner (rubber goods) 759.687-014 Hose Wrapper (rubber goods) 759.684-038 Assembler, Insulation and Flooring (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-026 Finisher, Fiberglass Boat Parts (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.684-022 Slunk-Skin Curer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-106 Bit Shaver (smoking pipe) 754.684-018 Buffer (smoking pipe) 739.684-026 Filler (smoking pipe) 739.687-090 Patcher (smoking pipe) 739.687-146 Sander (smoking pipe) 761.684-030 Tapper, Bit (smoking pipe) 739.685-046 Arrowsmith (sports equip.) 732.684-010 Bow-String Maker (sports equip.) 732.684-042 Celluloid Trimmer (sports equip.) 732.684-046 Feather Stitcher (sports equip.) 732.684-050 Golf-Ball Trimmer (sports equip.) 732.587-010 Golf-Club Weighter (sports equip.) 732.687–026 Guide Winder (sports equip.) 732.684-086 Hay Sorter (sports equip.) 732.686-010 Laborer (sports equip.) 732.687-030 Lacer (sports equip.) 732.687-034 Leader Tier (sports equip.) 732.687-038 Machine Sneller (sports equip.) 732.685-026 Pelota Maker (sports equip.) 732.684-090 Racker (sports equip.) 749.587-010 Reverser (sports equip.) 732.687-066 Ski Base Trimmer (sports equip.) 732.684-1 10 Target Trimmer (sports equip.) 732.687-078 Tennis-Ball-Cover Cementer (sports equip.) 795.687-030 Weigher (sports equip.) 732.687-086 Binder and Box Builder (textile) 628.684-010 Frame Bander (textile) 628.684-014 Hackler, Doll Wigs (toys & games) 731.687-018 Stuffer (toys & games) 731.685-014 Tire Setter (toys & games) 731.685-018 Umbrella Finisher (umbrella) 739.687-190 Screen Maker (wallpaper) 739.684-1 50 Color Mixer (window shade & fix.) 589.464-010 Putty Mixer and Applier (wood. box) 769.687-038 06.04.35 Laundering, Dry Cleaning Laundry Worker (any ind.) II 361.685-018 06.04 Presser, Form (any ind.) 363.685-018 Presser, Hand (any ind.) 363.684-018 Bagger (clean., dye., & press.; garment; laund.) 920.687– 0 18 Dry Cleaner, Hand (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-010 Dry-Cleaner Helper (clean., dye., & press.) 362.686-010 Dyer Helper (clean., dye., & press.) 364.687-010 Feather Renovator (clean., dye., & press.) 362.685-010 Fur Cleaner, Hand (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-018 Fur Cleaner, Machine (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr.; whole, tr.) 369.685-014 Fur Glazer (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods) 369.684-010 Fur-Glazing-and-Polishing-Machine Operator (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685-022 Fur Ironer (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685-018 Furniture Cleaner (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-022 Glove Cleaner, Hand (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687-010 Leather Cleaner (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-026 Leather Finisher (clean., dye., & press.) 363.682-010 Lining Scrubber (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687-014 Presser, All-Around (clean., dye., & press.) 363.682-014 Rug-Cleaner Helper (clean., dye., & press.) 362.686-014 Rug-Dry-Room Attendant (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685- 0.26 Shaver (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687-018 Silk Finisher (clean., dye., & press.) 363.681-010 Stretcher-Drier Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 363.687-022 Tumbler Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.685- 034 Conditioner-Tumbler Operator (laund.) 361.685-010 Continuous-Towel Roller (laund.) 361.685-014 Flatwork Finisher (laund.) 363.686-010 Flatwork Tier (laund.) 361.587-010 Folder (laund.) 369.687-0 18 Folding-Machine Operator (laund.) 369.686-010 Ironer, Sock (laund.) 363.687-014 Launderer, Hand (laund.) 361.684-010 Laundry Laborer (laund.) 361.687-018 Laundry Operator (laund.) 369.684-014 Patching-Machine Operator (laund.) 361.685-022 Presser, Automatic (laund.) 363.685-014 Presser, Handkerchief (laund.) 363.685-022 Press Operator (laund.) 363.685-010 Shaker, Wearing Apparel (laund.) 361.687-026 Shirt Presser (laund.) 363.685-026 Washer, Hand (laund.) 361.687-030 Washer, Machine (laund.) 361.665-010 Washing-Machine Loader-and-Puller (laund.) 361.686-010 06.04.36 Filling Bag Loader (ammunition) 737.687-014 Core Loader (ammunition) 737.687-030 Shot Bagger (ammunition) 920.687-170 Stuffing-Machine Operator (auto. mfg.; matt. & bedspring) 780.685-014 Air-and-Water Filler (cooperage) 764,687-010 Level-Glass-Vial Filler (cut. & tools) 692.685-114 Barrel Filler (distilled liquors) 522.687-010 Acid Filler (elec. equip.) 727.687-014 06.04.37 Seal-Extrusion Operator (elec. equip.) 692.685-154 Bellows Charger (inst. & app.) I 710.664-010 Order Filler, Linseed Oil (oils & fats) 920.686-022 Filling-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) 733.685-014 Foam Charger (refrigerat. equip.) 827.585-010 Gas Charger (refrigerat. equip.) 827.485-010 Base-Filler Operator (sports equip.) 732.685-010 Can Filler (tobacco) 922.687-030 Rosin-Barrel Filler (turp. & rosin) 920.687-150 Manual Work, Stamping, Marking, Labeling, and Ticketing Bandoleer Straightener-Stamper (ammunition) 737.587-010 Shotgun-Shell-Reprinting-Unit Operator (ammunition) 659.685-018 - Wad-Printing-Machine Operator (ammunition) 652.685- 102 Marker (any ind.) II 920.687-126 Name-Plate Stamper (any ind.) 652.685-054 Stenciler (any ind.) 920.687-178 Ticketer (any ind.) 652.685-098 Carton Marker, Machine (boot & shoe; garment) 652.685- 0 18 Barrel Brander (cooperage) 764,684-010 Inspection Clerk (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.587-010 Ticket Printer and Tagger (garment) 652.685-094 Ware Server (glass mfg.) 652.686-046 Glove Printer (glove & mit.) 652.685-034 Tip Printer (hat & cap) 651.682-022 Marking-Machine Operator (homely house furn.; knit goods) 652.685-050 Transfer-Machine Operator (hosiery; prod., n.e.c.) 659.685-022 house furn.; tex. Ink Printer (jewelry cases) 652.685-038 Embosser (optical goods) 713.684-022 Tag-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-1 18 Printer (pen & pencil) 652.685-062 Labeling-Machine Operator (phonograph) 920.685-066 Keying-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 652.685-042 Cigar Brander (tobacco) 920.685-046 Pager (type founding) 654.687-014 Barrel Filler (vinous liquors) 914.485-010 222 06.04 06.04.38 Wrapping and Packing Bottling-Line Attendant (distilled liquors) 920.687-042 Belt-Maker Helper (abrasive & polish. prod.) 776.687-010 Repack-Room Worker (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 920.687 - 146 Bale Sewer (agric.) 920.687-022 Spooler, Sequins (fabric. plastics prod.) 920.686-046 Shipping Processor (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 920.687-162 Packer-Fuser (fireworks) 737.687-094 Parachute Rigger (air trans.) 912.684-010 Crate Liner (furn.) 920.687-078 Bandoleer Packer (ammunition) 920.687-034 Bb Shot Packer (ammunition) 920.685-018 Garment Folder (garment; knit goods) 789.687-066 Machine-Pack Assembler (ammunition) 920.687-122 Sample Clerk, Handkerchief (garment) 920.587-022 Primer Boxer (ammunition) 737.587-0 18 Tie Binder (garment) 920.687-190 Baling-Machine Tender (any ind.) 920.685-010 Paper Inserter (glass mfg.) 920.687-138 Carder (any ind.) 920.685-034 Crater (any ind.) 920.484-010 Bagger (hosiery) 582.687-010 Packager, Hand (any ind.) 920.587-0 18 Packager, Machine (any ind.) 920.685-078 Mophead Trimmer-and-Wrapper (house furn.) 789.687- Package Sealer, Machine (any ind.) 920.685-074 106 Sample Worker (any ind.) 920.687-154 Assembler, Hospital Supplies (inst. & app.) 712.687-010 Bakery Worker (bake. prod.) 929.686-010 Lagging-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.685-014 Bottle Packer (malt liquors) 920.685-026 Case-Loader Operator (malt liquors) 920.685-042 Rack-Room Worker (malt liquors) 920.665-014 Coil Binder (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.687-010 Nut-and-Bolt Assembler (nut & bolt) 929.587-010 Packer (ordnance) 929.684-010 Roll Finisher (paper & pulp) 920.685-090 Bander, Hand (paper goods) 920.687-026 U Carrier Packer (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.687-066 Cotton-Ball Bagger (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.686- 014 Cotton-Roll Packer (per. protect. & med, dev.) 920.685- 054 Poly-Packer and Heat-Sealer (per. protect. & med, dev.) 920.686-038 Bundle Tier and Labeler (plan. mill; sawmill) 920.585-010 Masking-Machine Operator (plastics mat.) 554.682-014 Packing-Line Worker (rubber goods) 753.687-038 Tie-Up Worker (bal. & scales) 7 10.687-034 Shingle Packer (sawmill) 920.687-158 Shoe Packer (boot & shoe) 920.687-166 Poultry-Dressing Worker (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687- Broom Bundler (brush & broom) 692.685-030 082 Shrouder (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.587-010 Mat Packer (build. board) 579.686-014 - - - Bowling-Ball Weigher and Packer (sports equip.) 732.487- Candle Wrapping-Machine Operator (candle) 920.685-030 0 1 0 Tying-Machine Operator (canvas goods; paper goods) Cake Wrapper (synthetic fibers) 589.687-010 929.685-014 º -> Bagging Salvager (textile) 689.687-010 Cloth-Bolt Bander (textile) 920.587-010 Cloth, Framer (textile) 689.687-026 Roll Coverer, Burlap (textile) 929.687-042 Floor Worker (chew. gum) 920.687-090 Feed Weigher (corn prod.) 920.685-058 223 06.04 Bander-and-Cellophaner 920.686–010 Bander-and-Cellophaner, Machine (tobacco) 920.685-014 Bander, Hand (tobacco) 920.687-030 Binder-and-Wrapper Packer (tobacco) 922.687-014 Bin Filler (tobacco) 922.687-010 . Carton-Packaging-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.665- 0 1 0 Case Packer and Sealer (tobacco) 920.685-038 Cigarette-Packing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.685- 050 Hydraulic-Press Operator (tobacco) 920.685-062 Line-Out Worker (tobacco) I 920.687-1 10 Line-Out Worker (tobacco) II 920.687-114 Liner Inserter (tobacco) 929.687-026 Packer (tobacco) 920.687-130 Packing-Machine Can Feeder (tobacco) 920.686-030 Packing-Machine-Pilot Can Router (tobacco) 920.685-086 Prizer (tobacco) 920.687-142 Snuff-Box Finisher (tobacco) 920.687-174 Snuff-Packing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.685-094 Tobacco-Packing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.685- 098 Wrapper Counter (tobacco) 929.687-050 Helper, Machine (tobacco) Blocker (trim. & embroid.) 920.685-022 Carding-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 681.685- 030 Spooling-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) 681.685- 1 14 Greens Tier (whole. tr.) 920.687-094 Wrapper (wirework) 920.685-102 Mailing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 208.462-010 Strapping-Machine Operator (wood. box) 692.682-058 Tying-Machine Operator, Lumber (woodworking) 929.685- 0 18 06.04.39 Cleaning Egg Washer, Machine (agric.; whole. tr.) 529.686-030 Washer, Agricultural Produce (agric.; can. & preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.) 529.685-258 Bobbin Cleaner, Hand (any ind.) 689.687-014 Cleaner and Polisher (any ind.) 709.687-010 Container Washer, Machine (any ind,) 529.685-074 Equipment Cleaner (any ind.) 599.684-010 Machine Cleaner (any ind.) 699.687-014 Metal-Cleaner, Immersion (any ind.) 503.685-030 Washer (any ind.) 599.687-030 Washer, Machine (any ind.) 599.685-114 Washing-Machine Operator (any ind.) 599.685-118 Flame Degreaser (auto. ser.) 503.685-022 Last Cleaner (boot & shoe) 788.687-082 Shoe Cleaner (boot & shoe),788.687–122 Screen Cleaner (build. board) 569.687-0 18 Cooker Cleaner (can. & preserv.) 529.687-054 Cell Cleaner (chem.) 559.687–022 Tank Cleaner (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.687-062 Supervisor, Dry Cleaning (clean., dye., & press.) 369. 1 37- 0 1 0 Washer (clock & watch) 715.687-126 Chaser, Tar (coke prod.) 549.687-010 Char Puller (corn prod.; sugar) 521.687-030 Flumer (corn prod.) 521.686-038 Laborer, Sirup Machine (corn prod.) 521.687-074 Shaker Washer (corn prod.) 521.687-114 Washer (corn prod.) 529.687-210 Label Remover (distilled liquors) 920.687-106 Ampoule-Washing-Machine Operator (drug. prep. & rel prod.) 559.685-022 Electrode Cleaner (elec. equip.) 729.687-014 Cleaner (engraving) 704.687-010 Filter Washer (explosives) 559.687-042 Laborer, General (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.687-010 Cleaner (firearms) 503.684-010 Blow-Off Worker (furn.) 763.687-010 Cleaner, Furniture (furn.) 709.687-014 Stripper (furn.) 749.687-030 Upholstery Cleaner (furn.) 780.687-058 Branner-Machine Tender (galvanizing) 509.685-014 Mold Polisher (glass mfg.) 579.685-030 Mold Sheet Cleaner (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-046 Bin Cleaner (grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 529.687-014 Hide Trimmer (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-046 Straw-Hat Brusher (hat & cap) 784.687-074 Dust-Mill Operator (house furn.) 581.686-030 Oil-Spot Washer (house furn.; textile) 689.687-050 Pillow Cleaner (house furn.) 789.687-122 Dewaxer (inst. & app.) 710.687-022 Dipper (jewelry) 735.687-010 Wiper (light. fix.) 723.687-022 Kiln Cleaner (lime) 573.687-0 18 Die Cleaner (macaroni & rel, prod.) 529.687-062 Laborer, General (mach. shop) 609.684-014 Chip Washer (malt liquors) 522.686-010 Filter-Screen Cleaner (malt liquors) 521.687-054 Returned-Case Inspector (malt liquors) 929.687-038 Steamer (malt liquors) 529.685-226 Stone Cleaner (malt liquors) 529.687-190 Wash-House Worker (malt liquors) 529.685-254 Silver Stripper, Machine (mirror) 579.685-054 Deblocker (optical goods) 716.687-010 224 06.04 Washer (optical goods) 713.684-042 Dust Puller (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-014 Equipment Cleaner-and-Tester (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.584–010 Leaf Coverer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684-014 Tank Cleaner (paint & varn.) 559.684-022 Scrapper (paper goods) 794.687-050 Washer (pen & pencil) 733.687-078 Casting-Machine-Service Operator (plastics mat.) 559.687- riº Cleaner (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 559.687-038 Fur Blower (ret. tr.) 369,685-010 Mold Cleaner (rubber goods) 556.687-018 Net Washer (rubber goods) 599.687-022 Log Washer (sawmill) 569,687-014 Mold Preparer (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.687-026 Box-Truck Washer (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-018 Skull Grinder (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.687-130 Steamer (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-1 10 Trolley Cleaner (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-206 Washer, Carcass (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-122 Cleaner (smoking pipe) 739.687-058 Mold Cleaner (sports equip.) 732.687-046 Wax-Ball Knock-Out Worker (sports equip.) 732.687-082 Char-Filter-Operator Helper (sugar) 521.687-034 Flumer (sugar) II 521.686-042 Washroom Cleaner (sugar) 529.687-214 Cotton Washer (synthetic fibers) 559.687-030 Jet Handler (synthetic fibers) 557.684-010 Harness Cleaner (textile) 699.687-010 Heddle Cleaner, Machine (textile) 689.685-070 Lingo Cleaner (textile) 683.687-026 Roller Cleaner (textile) 680.687-014 Stem-Dryer Maintainer (tobacco) 529.685-230 Suction-Plate-Carrier Cleaner (tobacco) 529.687-194 Supervisor, Picking (tobacco) 521. 137-010 Sterilizer (vinous liquors) 920.687-182 06.04.40 Loading, Moving, Hoisting, Conveying Laborer, High-Density Press (agric.) 929.687-0 18 Patch Worker (agric.) 381.687-030 Helper, Metal Bonding (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.687- 022 Lead Handler (ammunition) 599.687-0 18 Munitions Handler (ammunition) 929.687-034 Conveyor Feeder-Offbearer (any ind.) 921.686-014 Conveyor Tender (any ind.) 921.685-026 Industrial-Truck Operator (any ind.) 921.683-050 Laborer, Salvage (any ind.) 929.687-022 Loader (any ind.) I 914.667-010 Monorail Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-042 Palletizer Operator (any ind.) I 921.682-014 Straddle-Truck Operator (any ind.) 921.683-070 Trolley Operator (bake. prod.) 524.565-010 Laborer, Boot and Shoe (boot & shoe) 788.687-066 Dry-Pan Charger (brick & tile) 570.683-010 Hacker (brick & tile) 573.686-022 Setter (brick & tile) 573.684-014 . Setter Helper (brick & tile) 573.687-030 Basket Filler (can. & preserv.) 529.687-010 Cager Operator (can. & preserv.) 921,685-018 Dumping-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.685-102 Freezing-Room Worker (can. & preserv.) 523.587-018 Laborer, Shellfish Processing (can. & preserv.) 529.686- 058 Laborer, Wharf (can. & preserv.) 922.687-062 Turner (can. & preserv.) 522.687-038 Unscrambler (can. & preserv.) 921.685-070 Rug-Inspector Helper (carpet & rug) 789.687-158 Cement Loader (cement) 921.565-010 Silo Tender (cement) 579.685-050 Laborer, Chemical Processing (chem.) 559.687-050 General Helper (choc. & cocoa) 529.686-046 Distillation-Operator Helper (coal tar prod.) 552.687-010 Hot-Car Operator (coke prod.) 519.663-014 Larry Operator (coke prod.) 519.683-014 Compressed-Gas-Plant Worker (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.587-0 10 Bucket Operator (conc. prod.) 575.683-010 Laborer, Concrete Plant (conc. prod.) 579.686-010 Pipe Stripper (conc. prod.) 575.687-026 Barrel Drainer (cooperage) 764.687-018 Bundle Breaker (cord. & twine) 689.687-0 18 Sirup-Mixer Assistant (corn prod.) 520.687-058 Tipple Tender (corn prod.) 521.685-366 Dairy Helper (dairy prod.) 529.686-026 Distillery Worker, General (distilled liquors) 529.687-066 Acid Dumper (elec. equip.) 727.687-010 Battery Stacker (elec. equip.) 727.687-030 Drier-Take-Off Tender (elec. equip.) 921.685-034 Plate Stacker, Hand (elec. equip.) 729.687-026 Assembler Helper, Internal Combustion Engine (engine & turbine) 801.687-010 225 06.04 Dumper (explosives) 922.686-010 Nitroglycerin Distributor (explosives) 559.664-010 Blender Helper (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 550.586-010 Guider (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.686-014 Pull-Out Operator (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.687-162 Rack Loader (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.687-018 Can-Conveyor Feeder (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-046 General Helper (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.686-014 Forge Helper (forging) 619.666-010 Cupola Hoist Operator (found.) 921.683-030 Drier Attendant (garment) 581.686-018 Floor Attendant (glass mfg.) 579.687-018 Cut-in Worker (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-030 Routing-Equipment Tender (grain & feed mill.) 521.685- 278 Cooker Loader (grease & tallow) 921.685-030 Floorworker- distributor (hat & cap) 784.687-030 Production Helper (insulated wire) 691.687-010 Bottom Maker (iron & steel) 509.687-010 Draw-Bench-Operator Helper (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 614.686-010 Laborer, General (iron & steel) 509.686-010 Skip Operator (iron & steel) 921.683-062 Supervisor, Scrap Preparation (iron & steel) 519. 137-014 Kiln Loader (malt liquors) 523.687-0 18 Pumper, Brewery (malt liquors) 914.665-014 Sampler (malt liquors) 529.687-178 Hook Puller (narrow fabrics) 683.687-022 General Helper (oils & fats) 529.687-094 Hydraulic-Boom Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 921 .683–046 Laborer, General (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-026 Chip-Bin Conveyor Tender (paper & pulp; wood distil. & char.) 921.685-022 Laborer, Rags (paper & pulp) 539.587-010 Transfer Operator (paper & pulp) 921.685-066 Creping-Machine-Operator Helper (paper goods) 534.687- 014 Sampler (petrol. refin.) 549.587-014 Finisher (plastics mat.) 554.586-010 Laborer, General (plastics mat.) 559.567-010 Mold Parter (plastics mat.) 556.587-010 Booker (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 599.687-014 Calender-Let-Off Helper (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-014 Bolt Loader (sawmill) 922.687–022 Log Roller (sawmill) 677.687-010 Lumber Straightener (sawmill) 669.687-018 Sawmill Worker (sawmill) 667.686-014 Conveyor Loader (slaught. & meat pack.) I 525.687-018 Conveyor Loader (slaught. & meat pack.) II 525.686-014 Laborer (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-130 Offal Icer, Poultry (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-054 Order Runner (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-058 Shackler (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-086 Char-Conveyor Tender (sugar) 529.685-050 Char-Dust Cleaner and Salvager (sugar) 529.687-038 Flumer (sugar) I 922.665-010 Hopper Attendant (sugar) 521.685-182 Melt-House Drag Operator (sugar) 529.687-158 Blower Feeder, Dyed Raw Stock (textile) 581.686-010 Can Doffer (textile) 680.686-010 Utility Worker, Woolen Mill (textile) 689.686-050 Automatic Stacker (tinvare) 619.686-010 Tin Stacker (tinvare) 922.687-098 Blender Laborer (tobacco) 520.687-010 Bull-Gang Worker (tobacco) 922.687-026 Bundles Hanger (tobacco) 529.686-010 Distributor-Cleaner (tobacco) 529.687-070 Feeder-Catcher, Tobacco (tobacco) 529.686-038 Packing-Floor Worker (tobacco) 920.686-026 Rack Loader (tobacco) I 529.686-074 Spreader Operator, Automatic (tobacco) 529.685-222 Table Hand (tobacco) 521.687-138 Back Feeder, Plywood Layup Line (veneer & plywood) 569.686-0 1 0 Clamp Remover (veneer & plywood) 569.687-010 Core Layer, Plywood Layup Line (veneer & plywood) 569.686-014 Green-Chain Offbearer (veneer & plywood) 663.686-018 Sheet Turner (veneer & plywood) 762.687-062 Stacker Tender (veneer & plywood) 921.685-062 Tipple Tender (veneer & plywood) 669.685-090 Cleat Feeder (wood. box) 669.687-010 Retort Unloader (wood distil. & char.) 569.686-034 226 Business Detail An interest in organized, clearly defined activities requiring accuracy and attention to details, primarily in an Office Setting. You can satisfy this interest in a variety of jobs in which you can attend to the details of a business operation. You may enjoy using your math skills. Perhaps a job in billing, Computing, Or financial recordkeeping would satisfy you. You may prefer to deal with people. You may want a job in which you meet the public, talk on the telephone, or supervise other workers. You may like to operate computer terminals, typewriters, or bookkeeping machines. Perhaps a job in recordkeeping, filing, or recording would satisfy you. You may Wish to use your training and experience to manage offices and supervise other Workers. 227 Business Detail 07.01 Administrative Detail 07.02 Mathematical Detail 07.03 Financial Detail 07.04 Oral Communications 07.05 Records Processing 07.06 Clerical Machine Operation 07.07 Clerical Handling 228 Administrative Detail 07.01 W.01 Administrative Detail Workers in this group perform clerical work which requires special skills and knowledge. They perform management ctivities according to established regulations and procedures. Jobs in this group are found in the offices of businesses, ldustries, courts of law, and government agencies, as well as in offices of doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. |- kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific bb. For example, you might —organize and oversee all clerical operations in a business office. —prepare correspondence and keep records for a board of education. —use knowledge of medical terms and procedures to prepare and maintain medical records and cor- respondence. —search public records to identify title restrictions for a title insurance company. —use knowledge of insurance underwriting to select and process routine policy applications. —administer and score psychological, vocational, or educational tests. hat skills and abilities do you need for this kind of ork? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use logical thinking and personal judgement to perform a variety of office tasks that require spe- cial skills and knowledge. —make decisions based on your own judgment and company policy. - —follow instructions without close supervision. —speak and write clearly and accurately. —plan your own work and sometimes the work of others. —deal with people. —change work activities frequently; for example, typing, interviewing, taking dictation, supervising Others. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? - The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in typing or shorthand? Can you type rapidly and accurately? —Have you written a letter of inquiry to a business? Can you write concisely and to the point, using proper grammar and punctuation? —Have you been a secretary of an organization or ź 07.01 club? Did you keep minutes of the meetings? Do you enjoy this type of activity? —Have you had clerical work experience in the armed services? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over four years, depending upon the specific kind of work. People who have a good working knowledge of English, gram- mar, and basic math can qualify for beginning jobs in this group. These workers will receive training on the job. Some workers will need special vocational training in a specific technology such as shorthand, stenotype, legal stenography, and business management. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some positions require workers who can be trusted to handle confidential information. Workers in small offices often do a variety of tasks. They may serve as book- keeper, clerk, and receptionist. Working conditions usually are pleasant, in a modern well-lighted office building. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 230 07.01 Administrative Detail 07.01.01 Interviewing 07.01.03 Secretarial Work Financial-Aid Counselor (education) 169.267-0 18 Supervisor, Special Services (education) 169.267-026 Loan Counselor (finan. inst.) l 86.267-014 Contact Representative (gov. ser.) 169.167-018 Eligibility-and-Occupancy Interviewer (gov. ser.) 168.267- 038 Eligibility Worker (gov. ser.) 195.267-010 Relocation Commissioner (gov. ser.) 188. 167–070 Retirement Officer (gov. ser.) 166.267-030 Credit Counselor (profess. & kin.) 160.207-010 Probation Officer (profess. & kin.) 195. 167–034 Contestant Coordinator (radio & tw broad.) 166. 167-010 Management Aide (social ser.) 195.367-014 07.01.02 Administration Administrative Secretary (any ind.) 169. 167-014 Manager, Office (any ind.) 169.167-034 Administrative Clerk (clerical) 219.362-010 Procurement Clerk (clerical) 249.367-066 Supervisor, Coding Clerks (clerical) 209. 137-022 Labor Expediter (const.) 249. 167-018 Secretary, Board-of-Education (education) 169.267-022 Teacher Aide (education) II 249.367-074 Stock-Transfer Clerk, Head (finan. inst.) 216. 137-014 Supervisor, Safety Deposit (finan, inst.) 186.137-010 Court Clerk (gov. ser.) 243.362-010 Secretary of Police (gov. ser.) 375.137-022 Town Clerk (gov. ser.) 243.367-018 Director, Nurses’ Registry (medical ser.) 187. 167-034 Ward-Service Supervisor (medical ser.) 245. 137-010 Manager, Traffic (motor trans.) I 184.167-102 Supervisor, Customer Services (motor trans.) 248. 137-018 Automobile-Club-Safety-Program Coordinator (nonprofit organ.) 249. 167-010 Membership Secretary (nonprofit organ.) 201.362-018 Prize Coordinator (radio & tw broad.) 162. 167-026 Station Agent (r.r. trans.) I 910. 137-038 Manager, Telegraph Office (tel. & tel.) 184.167-086 Manager, Traffic (tel. & tel.) I 184.167-098 Purchasing-and-Claims Supervisor (water trans.) 248.137- 0.14 Steward/Stewardess, Chief, Cargo Vessel (water trans.) 350.137-014 Legal Secretary (clerical) 201.362-010 Secretary (clerical) 201.362-030 Social Secretary (clerical) 201.162-010 School Secretary (education) 201.362-022 Medical Secretary (medical ser.) 201.362-014 07.01.04 Financial Work Vault Cashier (bus. ser.) 222. 137-050 Budget Clerk (clerical) 216.382-022 Credit Analyst (clerical) 241.267-022 Real-Estate Clerk (clerical) 219.362-046 Bond Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.362-010 Insurance Clerk (finan. inst.) I 2 19.362-034 Loan Closer (finan. inst.) 249.367–050 Manager, Statement Clerks (finan. inst.) 214. 137-014 Mortgage Clerk (finan. inst.) 249.382-010 Securities Clerk (finan. inst.) 219.362-054 Underwriting Clerk (insurance) 219.367-038 Deposit Clerk (light, heat, & power) 241.267-026 Escrow Officer (profess. & kin.) 119.367-010 07.01.05 Certifying Admissions Evaluator (education) 205.367-010 Examiner (gov. ser.) 169.267-014 Agent-Contract Clerk (insurance) 241.267-010 Hospital-Insurance Representative (insurance) 166.267-014 Title Clerk (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 162.267-0 10 Contract Clerk (profess. & kin.) 119.267-018 Title Examiner (profess. & kin.) 119.287-010 Title Supervisor (profess. & kin.) 119. 167-018 07.01.06 Investigating Attendance Officer (education) l 68.367-010 Commander, Identification and Records (gov. ser.) 375, 1 37-0 1 0 Identification Officer (gov. ser.) 377.264-010 Police Officer, Identification and Records (gov. ser.) 375.384-010 Supervisor, Identification and Communications (gov. ser.) 377. 1 34-0 1 0 07.01.07 Test Administration Test Technician (clerical) 249.367-078 Driver's License Examiner (gov. ser.) 168.267-034 Examination Proctor (gov. ser.) 199.267-018 Mail-Distribution-Scheme Examiner (gov. ser.) 239.367- 0 18 231 Mathematical Detail 07.0 07.02 Mathematical Detail Workers in this group use clerical and math skills to gather, organize, compute, and record, with or without machines, the numerical information used in business or in financial transactions. Jobs in this group are found wher- ever numerical record-keeping is important. Banks, finance companies, accounting firms, or the payroll and invento- ry control departments in business and government are typical of places where this work is done. —perform work that is routine and detailed. —read and copy large amounts of numbers without error. | The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had courses in arithmetic or business math? Are you accurate? —Have you taken bookkeeping or accounting? Do you like working with numbers? —Have you balanced a checking account or figured interest rates? Do you spot errors quickly? —Have you had experience working with numbers while in the armed forces? Do you like routine work of this kind? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? What kind of work would you do? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. People with basic math skills can enter many of the jobs in this group. They receive on-the-job training for specific tasks. To enter some jobs, training in bookkeeping or other —compute the cost of labor and materials for business subjects is required. Business training is offered Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —use a calculator to compute wages for payroll records. production records of a factory. - by high schools and business schools. —compute freight charges and prepare bills for a truck company. What else should you consider about these jobs? —compute or verify credit card data to keep CuStomer acCOuntS. —supervise statistical clerks or insurance underwrit- ing clerks. Workers in small offices may do a variety of tasks. Some may keep all records for a business or agency. Usually, experience is needed for such positions. In large offices, workers may have only certain tasks to What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of do, and may repeat these, tasks every day. Most jobs of work? this nature are entry jobs requiring little or no ex- perience. To do this kind of work, you must be able to: If you think you would like to do this kind of work, —compute and record numbers correctly. look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select —follow procedures for keeping records. those that interest you, and read their definitions in the —use eyes, hands, and fingers at the same time to Dictionary of Occupational Titles. enter figures in books and forms, or to operate a calculating machine. 232 07.02 Mathematical Detail 07.02.01 Bookkeeping and Auditing Audit Clerk (clerical) 210.382-010 Balance Clerk (clerical) 216.382-018 Bookkeeper (clerical) I 2 10.382-014 Bookkeeper (clerical) II 210.382-018 Bookkeeping-Machine Operator (clerical) I 2 10.382-022 Bookkeeping-Machine Operator (clerical) II 2 10.382-026 Classification-Control Clerk (clerical) 210.382-030 General-Ledger Bookkeeper (clerical) 210.382-046 Supervisor, Audit Clerks (clerical) 210. 132-010 Clearing-House Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-026 Foreign-Exchange-Position Clerk (finan. inst.) 210.367-014 Reconcilement Clerk (finan. inst.) 210.382-058 Reserves Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.362-034 07.02.02 Accounting Supervisor, Money-Room (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.137-018 Accounting Clerk (clerical) 216.482-010 Accounting Clerk, Data Processing (clerical) 216.382-010 Calculating-Machine Operator (clerical) 216.482-022 Cost Clerk (clerical) 216.382-034 Mortgage-Accounting Clerk (clerical) 216.362-026 Posting Clerk (clerical) 216.587-014 Rate Supervisor (clerical) 214. 137-018 Supervisor, Accounting Clerks (clerical) 216. 132-010 Field Cashier (const.) 219. 137-010 Account Analyst (finan, inst.) 214.382-010 Advice Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-014 Brokerage Clerk (finan. inst.) I 219.482-010 Brokerage Clerk (finan. inst.) II 219.362-018 Check-Processing Clerk (finan. inst.) I 216.387-010 Check-Processing Clerk (finan. inst.) II 216.367-010 Collection Clerk (finan, inst.) 216.362-014 Coupon Clerk (finan. inst.) 219.462-010 Exchange Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.362-018 Fee Clerk (finan. inst.) 214.362-018 Interest Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-038 Margin Clerk (finan, inst.) I 216.382-042 Margin Clerk (finan, inst.) II 216.382-046 Probate Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.362-030 Returned-Item Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-058 Statement Clerk (finan. inst.) 219.362-058 Stock-Transfer Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-070 Supervisor, Securities Vault (finan. inst.) 216. 132-014 Supervisor, Trust Accounts (finan. inst.) 219, 132-014 Teller, Collection and Exchange (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-022 Trust-Savings-Account Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-074 Trust-Securities Clerk (finan, inst.) 219.362-062 Trust-Vault Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.367-014 Credit-Card Clerk (hotel & rest.) 210.382-038 Food-and-Beverage Controller (hotel & rest.) 216.362-022 Night Auditor (hotel & rest.) 210.382-054 Cancellation Clerk (insurance) 203.382-014 Dividend-Deposit-Voucher Clerk (insurance) 216.482-026 Mortgage-Loan-Computation Clerk (insurance) 210.382- 050 Policy-Change Clerk (insurance) 219.362-042 Supervisor, Policy-Change Clerks (insurance) 219. 132-010 Supervisor, Underwriting Clerks (insurance) 219. 132-022 Distribution-Accounting Clerk (light, heat, & power) 2 1 0.362-010 Fixed-Capital Clerk (light, heat, & power) 210.382-042 Supervisor, Accounts Receivable (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 214. 137-022 Drivers'-Cash Clerk (motor trans.) 211 .462-030 Cashier, Tube Room (ret. tr.) 21 1.482-010 Contract Clerk, Automobile (ret. tr.) 219.362-026 Clerk, Telegraph Service (tel. & tel.) 219.362-022 07.02.03 Statistical Reporting and Analysis Flight-Test-Data Transcriber (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.28 1-0 1 0 Chart Clerk (clerical) 221.382-010 Fuel-Oil Clerk (clerical) 222.387-0 18 Securities Clerk (clerical) 210.382-062 Statistical Clerk (clerical) 216.382-062 Supervisor, Credit and Loan Collections (clerical) 241.137- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Production Clerks (clerical) 221. 137-014 Grading Clerk (education) 219.467-010 Supervisor, Trust Evaluation (finan. inst.) 219. 132-0 18 Claim Examiner (insurance) 168.267-014 Policy-Value Calculator (insurance) 216.382-050 Account-Information Clerk (light, heat, & power) 210.367- 010 - Cost-and-Sales-Record Supervisor (light, heat, & power) 216. 1 37-010 Chief Clerk, Measurement Department (petrol. production; pipe lines) 221. 132-010 Weight Analyst (profess. & kin.) 020. 187-018 Statistical Clerk, Advertising (ret. tr.) 216.382-066 Paper-Control Clerk (water trans.) 219.367–022 Receipt-and-Report Clerk (water trans.) 216.382-054 07.02.04 Billing and Rate Computation Documentation-Billing Clerk (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.) 214.362-014 Ticketing Clerk (air trans.) 248.382-010 Advertising Clerk (bus. ser.) 247.387-010 Media Clerk (bus. ser.) 247.382-010 Billing Typist (clerical) 214.382-014 C.o.d. Clerk (clerical) 214.382-0 18 Foreign Clerk (clerical) 214.467-010 Invoice-Control Clerk (clerical) 214.362-026 Tax Clerk (clerical) I 219.487-010 Traffic Clerk (clerical) 214.587-014 Traffic-Rate Clerk (clerical) 214.362-038 Medical-Voucher Clerk (insurance) 214.482-018 233 07.02 Rater (insurance) 214,482-022 Reinsurance Clerk (insurance) 219.482-018 Laundry Pricing Clerk (laund.) 216.482-030 Billing-Control Clerk (light, heat, & power) 214.387-010 Chart Calculator (light, heat, & power) 214.487-010 Deposit-Refund Clerk (light, heat, & power) 214.482-014 Insurance Clerk (medical ser.) 214.362-022 Interline Clerk (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 214.382-022 Revising Clerk (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 214.382-026 Settlement Clerk (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 214.382-030 Accounts-Adjustable Clerk (r.r. trans.) 214.462-010 Demurrage Clerk (r.r. trans.) 214.362-010 Voucher Clerk (r. r. trans.) 219.362-066 Documentation Supervisor (water trans.) 214. 137-010 Incoming-Freight Clerk (water trans.) 248.362-010 Services Clerk (water trans.) 214.387-0 18 Tonnage-Compilation Clerk (water trans.) 248.387-014 Wharfinger (water trans.) 1.84.387-010 07.02.05 Payroll and Timekeeping Flight-Crew-Time Clerk (air trans.) 215.362-018 Payroll Clerk (clerical) 215.482-010 Payroll Clerk, Chief (clerical) 215. 137-014 Payroll Clerk, Data Processing (clerical) 215.382-010 Timekeeper (clerical) 215.367-022 Dispatcher Clerk (r.r. trans.) 215.362-014 234 Financial Detail 07.03 07.03 Financial Detail Workers in this group use basic math skills as they deal with the public. Keeping records, answering customers’ questions, and supervising others is often part of the job. Jobs in this group are found where money is paid to or received from the public. Banks, grocery check-out counters, and ticket booths are typical places of employment. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —receive money from customers and compute pay- ments and interest for a loan company. —operate a cash register, receive cash, and make change in a grocery store. —cash winning tickets at a race track. —record bids for items and collect deposits at an auction. —keep records of the money you receive and pay out in a bank. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use math to figure the cost of things and make change. —use eyes, hands, and fingers at the same time to operate an adding machine, calculator, or cash re- gister. —deal with the public with tact and courtesy. —perform work that is routine and organized. —make decisions based on information that can be checked or verified. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you balanced a checking account? Did your balance agree with the bank statement? —Have you used a calculator or adding machine? Do you like operating this type of equipment? —Have you sold tickets, candy, or other items? Can you make change rapidly and accurately? —Have you been the treasurer of a club or social group? Did your records balance at the end of your term in office? —Have you worked as a cashier in a military PX? Do you like working with the public? and enter this kind of How can you prepare for work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to Over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Basic math skills are required for most of the jobs in this group. Workers usually receive on-the-job training for specific tasks. A few jobs may require experience or more formal business training. This training is offered by high schools, business schools, and government training programs. Jobs with the federal government usually require a civil service examination. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers who handle money may have to be bonded to protect the employer against dishonest activities. At the end of their shift, workers must make sure that their cash on hand balances with their records. Sometimes this may mean working after the firm or company closes to the public. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 235 07.03 Financial Detail 07.03.01 Paying and Receiving Supervisor, Ticket Sales (air trans.) 238.137-022 Cashier, Gambling (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.462-022 Information Clerk-Cashier (amuse. & rec.) 249.467-010 Manager, Mutuel Department (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-134 Parimutuel-Ticket Cashier (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.467-0 18 Parimutuel-Ticket Seller (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.467–022 Paymaster of Purses (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.367-010 Sheet Writer (amuse. & rec.) 211 .467–026 Ticket Agent (any ind.) 238.367-026 Check Cashier (bus. ser.) 21 1.462-026 Cashier (clerical) I 2 1 1.362-010 Cashier (clerical) II 2 1 1.462-010 Collector (clerical) 24 1.367-010 Ticket Seller (clerical) 21 1.467-030 Safe-Deposit-Box Rental Clerk (finan. inst.) 295.367-022 Teller (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-018 Teller, Head (finan. inst.) 21 1. 132-010 Teller, Note (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-026 Post-Office Clerk (gov. ser.) 243.367-014 Toll Collector (gov. ser.) 211 .462-038 Supervisor, Cashiers (hotel & rest.; ret. tr.) 21:1. 137-010 Supervisor, Food Checkers and Cashiers (hotel & rest.) 21 1. 1 37-014 Supervisor, Tellers (light, heat, & power) 21:1. 137-022 Teller (light, heat, & power) 211.462-034 Express Clerk (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 222.367-022 Auction Clerk (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.567-010 Cashier-Checker (ret. tr.) 21 1.462-014 Coupon-Redemption Clerk (ret. tr.) 290.477-010 Layaway Clerk (ret. tr.) 299.467-010 Counter Clerk (tel. & tel.) 249.362-010 236 Oral Communications 07.04 07.04 Oral Communications Workers in this group give and receive information verbally. Workers may deal with people in person, by telephone, telegraph, or radio. Recording of information in an organized way is frequently required. Private busi- nesses, institutions such as schools and hospitals, and government agencies hire these workers in their offices, recep- tion areas, registration desks, and other areas of information exchange. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —interview people and compile information for a survey or census. —give information to bus or train travelers. —operate a telephone switchboard. —register hotel guests and assign rooms. —prepare reports and insurance-claim forms for CuStomerS. - —receive callers at an office and direct them to the proper area. —use a radio to receive trouble calls and dispatch repairers. —register hazards. park visitors and explain rules and What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —speak clearly and listen carefully. —use personal judgment and specialized knowledge to give information to people orally. —communicate well with many different kinds of people. —change easily and frequently from one activity to another, such as from typing, to interviewing, to searching in a directory, to using a telephone or a radio transmitter. —use eyes, hands, and fingers accurately while operating a switchboard or computer keyboard. 237 07.04 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you participated in a school or community survey? Do you enjoy meeting and interviewing people? —Have you given directions to others for finding your home? Were they able to follow your directions? —Have you had speech courses? Do you have a clear speaking voice? Do you use good grammar? —Have you operated a CB radio? Do you like to use the equipment? —Have you been involved in a communications unit of the armed forces? Would you like to continue doing this type of work? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over four years, depending upon the specific kind of work. People with a good speaking vocabulary and who like contact with the public usually enter these jobs. Some jobs require typing or general clerical skills. On-the-job train- ing ranging from one month to two years is usually pro- vided. Many employers prefer workers with a high school education or its equal. Chances for promotion are im- proved with additional education and training. Jobs in the federal government usually require a civil service ex- amination. What else should you consider about these jobs? Often the worker may have to ask for information that is considered personal or confidential. People may have an unfavorable attitude about giving this information. Workers may be assigned a wide range of duties, de- pending on the size of their company. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 238 07.04 Oral Communications 07.04.01 Interviewing Bonding Agent (bus. ser.) 186.267-010 Charge-Account Clerk (clerical) 205.367-014 Credit Clerk (clerical) 205.367–022 Employment Clerk (clerical) 205.362-014 Identification Clerk (clerical) 205.362-022 Skip Tracer (clerical) 241.367–026 Supervisor, Survey Workers (clerical) 205. 137-014 Survey Worker (clerical) 205.367–054 Loan Interviewer (finan. inst.) 241.367-0 18 New-Accounts Clerk (finan. inst.) 205.362-026 Creel Clerk (gov. ser.) 205.367-026 Employment-and-Claims Aide (gov. ser.) 169.367-010 Registration Clerk (gov. ser.) 205.367-042 Traffic Checker (gov. ser.) 205.367-058 Customer-Service Representative (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.367-010 Customer-Service Representative Supervisor (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.137-014 Admitting Officer (medical ser.) 205. 137-010 Blood-Donor-Unit Assistant (medical ser.) 245.367-014 Hospital-Admitting Clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-018 Outpatient-Admitting Clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-030 Rehabilitation Clerk (nonprofit organ.) 205.367-046 Supervisor, Contingents (ret. tr.) 205.367-050 07.04.02 Order, Complaint, and Claims Handling Collection Clerk (clerical) 241.357-010 Correspondence Clerk (clerical) 209.262-010 Supervisor, Customer-Complaint Service 241.1 37-014 Supervisor, Order Takers (clerical) 249.137-026 (clerical) Referral-and-Information Aide (gov. ser.) 237.367-042 Order Clerk, Food and Beverage (hotel & rest.) 209.567- 0.14 Claims Clerk (insurance) II 205.367-0 18 Customer-Service-Representative Instructor (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.227-010 Supervisor, Contact and Service Clerks (light, heat, & power) 249.137-014 Supervisor, Customer Records Division (light, heat, & power) 249. 137-022 Classified-Ad Clerk (print. & pub.) I 247.367-010 07.04.03 Registration Airplane-Charter Clerk (air trans.) 295.367-010 Reservations Agent (air trans.) 238.367-018 Recreation-Facility Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 341.367-010 Election Clerk (gov. ser.) 205.367-030 Fingerprint Clerk (gov. ser.) I 209.367-026 License Clerk (gov. ser.) 205.367–034 Public Health Registrar (gov. ser.) 169. 167-046 Registrar (gov. ser.) 205.367-038 Hotel Clerk (hotel & rest.) 238.362-010 Registration Clerk (library) 249.365-010 Animal-Hospital Clerk (medical ser.) 245.367-010 Animal-Shelter Clerk (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-010 Dog Licenser (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-030 Supervisor, Dog License Officer (nonprofit organ.) 379. 1 37-014 07.04.04 Reception and Information Giving Appointment Clerk (clerical) 237.367-010 Information Clerk (clerical) 237.367–022 Receptionist (clerical) 237.367–038 Telephone-Quotation Clerk (finan. inst.) 237.367-046 Civil-Service Clerk (gov. ser.) 205.362-010 Land-Leasing Examiner (gov. ser.) 237.367-026 Supervisor, Travel-Information Center (gov. ser.) 237. 137- 0.14 Tourist-Information Assistant (gov. ser.) 237.367–050 Travel Clerk (hotel & rest.) 238.367-030 Policyholder-Information Clerk (insurance) 249,262-010 Information Clerk (motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 237.367-0 18 Manager, Traffic (motor trans.) II 237.367-030 Rate Clerk, Passenger (motor trans.) 214.362-030 Supervisor, Telephone Information (motor trans.) 237. 137- 0 1 0 Information Clerk, Automobile Club (nonprofit organ.) 237.267-0 10 07.04.05 Information Transmitting and Receiving Radio Station Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 193.262- 026 Airline-Radio Operator (air trans.; bus. ser.) 193.262-010 Airline-Radio Operator, Chief (air trans.; bus. ser.) 193.162-022 Communication-Center Coordinator (air trans.) 235. 132- 0.14 Communication-Center Operator (air trans.) 235.662-014 Flight-Information Expediter (air trans.) 9 12.367-010 Trip Follower (air trans.) 209.367–050 Scoreboard Operator (amuse. & rec.) 349.665-010 Protective-Signal Operator (any ind.) 379.362-014 Dispatcher, Maintenance Service (clerical) 239.367-014 Service Clerk (clerical) 221.367-070 Fire Lookout (forestry) 452.367-010 Alarm Operator (gov. ser.) 379.162-010 Dispatcher (gov, ser.) 193.262-014 239 07.04 Dispatcher, Radio (gov. ser.) 379.362-010 Police Aide (gov. ser.) 243.362-014 Switchboard Operator, Police District (gov. ser.) 235.562- 0.14 Dispatcher, Chief, Service or Work (light, heat, & power) 959. 1 37-010 Dispatcher, Service (light, heat, & power) 959. 167-010 Dispatcher, Service, Chief (light, heat, & power) 959. 137- 0.14 Dispatcher, Service or Work (light, heat, & power) 952. 16.7-010 Gas-Distribution-and-Emergency Clerk (light, heat, & power) 249.367-042 Dispatcher (mining & quarrying) 932. 167-010 Bus Dispatcher, Interstate (motor trans.) 9 13.167-010 Dispatcher, Bus and Trolley (motor trans.) 913. 167-014 Dispatcher, Traffic or System (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 9 19.162-010 Taxicab Starter (motor trans.) 9 13.367-010 Receiver-Dispatcher (nonprofit organ.) 239.367-022 Chief Dispatcher (petrol. production) 939. 137-010 Dispatcher, Oil Well Services (petrol. production) 939.362- 010 Dispatcher, Relay (pipe lines) 221.362-014 Photoradio Operator (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.) 193.362- 0 1 0 Car Distributor (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-014 Telegrapher (r.r. trans.) 236.562-010 Telegrapher Agent (r. r. trans.) 236.562-014 Train Dispatcher (r.r. trans.) 184.167-262 Dispatcher (tel. & tel.) 239.167-014 Private-Branch-Exchange Service Adviser (tel. & tel.) 235.222-010 Radiotelegraph Operator (tel. & tel.) 193.262-030 Service Observer (tel. & tel.) 239.367–026 Service Observer, Chief (tel. & tel.) 239.137-022 Telephone Clerk, Telegraph Office (tel. & tel.) 239.362- 0 1 0 Dispatcher, Ship Pilot (water trans.) 248.367-026 Dispatcher, Tugboat (water trans.) 91 1. 167-010 Radio Officer (water trans.) 193.262-022 Waterway Traffic Checker (water trans.) 248.367-030 Water-Service Dispatcher (waterworks) 954.367-010 07.04.06 Switchboard Services Telephone-Answering-Service 235.662-026 Operator (bus. ser.) Telephone Operator (clerical) 235.662-022 Telephone Operator, Chief (clerical) 235. 137-010 Central-Office Operator (tel. & tel.) 235.462-010 Central-Office-Operator Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 235. 132- 0 1 0 Directory-Assistance Operator (tel. & tel.) 235.662-018 Supervisor, Telephone Clerks (tel. & tel.) 239. 132-010 240 Records Processing 07.05 07.05 Records Processing Workers in this group prepare, review, maintain, route, distribute, and coordinate recorded information. They check records and schedules for accuracy. They may schedule the activities of people or the use of equipment. Jobs in this group are found in most businesses, institutions, and government agencies. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —issue route slips to drivers to pick up items. —file correspondence, cards, invoices, receipts, and other records. —sort and deliver mail in a city or rural mail route. —open and inspect incoming correspondence and packages and route them to proper person in an office. —read typeset copy and mark errors in a publishing company. —keep records of securities held as collateral by a bank. —take dictation in shorthand and type letters or other documents from your notes. —compile records showing cost and volume of ad- vertising. —compile, verify, and file medical records in a hospital. —help to prepare duty rosters for crew members of scheduled airline flights. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use specialized recordkeeping procedures. —recognize errors in recorded information. —plan the activities of others. —perform work which may be routine or repetitive. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken business or office practice cour- ses? Do you like to work with business forms and filing systems? —Have you used the library card catalog to compile a report. Can you locate the information you need quickly and easily by using the library system? —Have you collected stamps or coins? Do you have them classified and arranged according to a plan? —Have you been in charge of records for a club or social group? Do you enjoy maintaining files? —Have you had experience in the armed forces requiring processing or keeping information? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over one year, depending upon the specific kind of work. A high school education or its equal is usually required. Special courses in language skills such as punctuation, grammar, and spelling, as well as basic math courses, are helpful. Some employers prefer workers who have completed general business or clerical courses. Training programs for many of these jobs are available through federal or state agencies. On-the-job training, ranging from a short demonstra- tion to a one-year program, may be provided. Through this training, workers become familiar with their duties. Sometimes applicants are tested to determine their ability to do or to learn to do the tasks involved. 241 07.05 What else should you consider about these jobs? If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Many of these jobs offer advancement possibilities. Part-time or temporary work is usually available. Job du- ties are assigned to workers according to the size of the company. 242 07.05 Records Processing 07.05.01 Coordinating and Scheduling Service-Liaison Representative (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 221 .367-074 Crew Scheduler (air trans.) 215.362-010 Crew Scheduler, Chief (air trans.) 215. 137-010 Senior Reservations Agent (air trans.) 238.137-014 Transportation Agent (air trans.) 912.367-014 Traffic Clerk (bus. ser.) 221.367-078 Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle (clerical) 249. 167-014 Expediter (clerical) 222.367-018 Personnel Scheduler (clerical) 215.367-014 Reservation Clerk (clerical) 238.362-014 Scheduler, Maintenance (clerical) 22 1.367-066 Space Scheduler (clerical) 238.367-022 Supervisor, Data-Control Clerk (clerical) 219. 137-014 Travel Clerk (gov. ser.) 238.167-010 Manager, Reservations (hotel & rest.) 238.137-010 Order Dispatcher, Chief (light, heat, & power) 959.137- O 1 8 Calendar-Control Clerk, Blood Bank (medical ser.) 245.367-0 18 Assignment Clerk (motor trans.) 215.367-010 Schedule Maker (motor trans.) 9 13. 167-0 18 Travel Counselor, Automobile Club (nonprofit organ.) 238. 16.7-014 Guide, Travel (per. ser.) 353. 167-010 Advertising-Dispatch Clerk (print. & pub.) 247.387-014 Supervisor, Advertising-Dispatch Clerks (print. & pub.) 247. 1 37-010 Customer-Complaint Clerk (clerical) 241.367-014 Data-Examination Clerk (clerical) 209.387-022 Mortgage-Closing Clerk (clerical) 219.362-038 Pedigree Tracer (clerical) 249.387-018 Disbursement Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.367-022 Letter-of-Credit Clerk (finan. inst.) 219.387-0 18 Mail Censor (gov. ser.) 243.367-010 Claims Clerk (insurance) I 241.362-010 Insurance Checker (insurance) 219.482-014 Reviewer (insurance) 209.687-0 18 Revival Clerk (insurance) 219.362-050 Investigator, Utility-Bill Complaints (light, heat, & power) 241.267-034 Meter Reader, Chief (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 209. 1 37-014 Credit Clerk, Blood Bank (medical ser.) 245.367-022 Braille Proofreader (nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.) 209.367-014 Classified-Ad Clerk (print. & pub.) II 247.387–022 Copy Holder (print. & pub.) 209.667-010 Production Proofreader (print. & pub.; ret. tr.) 247.667- O 10 - Proofreader (print. & pub.) 209.387-030 Supervisor, Classified Advertising (print. & pub.) 247. 137- 014 Copyright Expert (radio & tv broad.) 249.267-010 Script Reader (radio & twº broad.) 131.267-022 Title Searcher (real estate) 209.367-046 Credit-Reference Clerk (ret. tr.) 209.362-018 Throw-Out Clerk (ret. tr.) 241.367-030 Television-Schedule Coordinator (radio & twº broad.) 07.05.03 Record Preparation and Maintenance 199.387-010 Car Clerk, Pullman (r. r. trans.) 215. 167-010 Locomotive Lubricating-Systems Clerk (r. r. trans.) 221.367-030 Reservation Clerk (r. r. trans.) 238.367-014 Supervisor, Force Adjustment (tel. & tel.) 215. 137-018 Boat Dispatcher (water trans.) 184.167-010 Booking Clerk (water trans.) 248.367-014 Booking Supervisor (water trans.) 248. 137-010 Container Coordinator (water trans.) 248.367-022 07.05.02 Record Verification and Proofing Parimutuel-Ticket Checker (amuse. & rec.) 219.587-010 Claims Clerk (auto. mfg.) 241.387-010 Reader (bus. ser.) 249.387–022 Checker (clerical) II 209.687-010 Credit Authorizer (clerical) 249.367–022 Engineering-Document-Control Clerk (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics) 206.367-010 Aircraft-Log Clerk (air trans.) 22 1.362-010 Airplane-Dispatch Clerk (air trans.) 248.367-010 Space-and-Storage Clerk (ammunition) 219.387-026 Order-Department Supervisor (any ind.) 169. 167–038 Call-Out Operator (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 237.367-014 Classification Clerk (clerical) 206.387-010 Coding Clerk (clerical) 209.387-010 Compiler (clerical) 209.387-014 Control Clerk, Data Processing (clerical) I 221.382-014 File Clerk (clerical) II 206.367-014 Insurance Clerk (clerical) I 2 19.387-014 Insurance Clerk (clerical) II 205,567-010 Lost-Charge-Card Clerk (clerical) 209.367–034 Order Clerk (clerical) 249.367–054 Personnel Clerk (clerical) 209.362-026 Repair-Order Clerk (clerical) 221.382-022 243 07.05 Reproduction Order Processor (clerical) 221.367–058 Return-To-Factory Clerk (clerical) 209.587-042 Shorthand Reporter (clerical) 202.362-010 Stenographer (clerical) 202.362-014 Stenotype Operator (clerical) 202.362-022 Stock-Control Clerk (clerical) 219.367–034 Stock-Control Supervisor (clerical) 222. 137-038 Suggestion Clerk (clerical) 209.387-034 Supervisor, Personnel Clerks (clerical) 209. 132-010 Supervisor, Steno Pool (clerical) 202. 132-010 Tape Librarian (clerical) 206.387-030 Progress Clerk (const.) 221.362-022 Quality-Control Clerk (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 229.587- 014 Attendance Clerk (education) 219.362-014 Braille Transcriber, Hand (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.) 209.584-010 Detailer, School Photographs (photofinish.) 976.564-010 Circulation Clerk (print. & pub.) 209.362-010 Jacket Preparer (print. & pub.) 221.387-030 Librarian, Morgue (print. & pub.) 206.387-0 18 Stenographer, Print Shop (print. & pub.) 202.362-018 News Assistant (radio & tv broad.) 209.367–038 Traffic Clerk (radio & tv broad.) 209.382-022 Automobile Locator (ret. tr.) 296.367-010 Credit-Card Clerk (ret. tr.) 209.587-014 Railroad-Maintenance Clerk (r. r. trans.) 22 1.362-026 Train Clerk (r. r. trans.) 219.462-014 Yard Clerk (r. r. trans.) 209.367–054 Assignment Clerk (tel. & tel.) 219.387-010 07.05.04 Routing and Distribution Collateral-and-Safekeeping Clerk (finan. inst.) 216.382-030 Commodity-Loan Clerk (finan. inst.) 210.382-034 Credit-Card-Control Clerk (finan. inst.) 249.367–026 Foreclosure Clerk, Motion-Picture Loans (finan. 249.367-038 Insurance Clerk (finan. inst.) II 219.367-014 Mortgage-Processing Clerk (finan. inst.) 203.382-022 Records Custodian (finan. inst.) 206.387-026 Statement-Request Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.382-018 inst.) Brand Recorder (gov. ser.) 206.587-010 Fingerprint Clerk (gov. ser.) II 206.387-014 Identification Technician (gov. ser.) 209.362-022 Property Clerk (gov. ser.) 222.367-054 Technical Coordinator (gov. ser.) 209. 132-014 Agent-Licensing Clerk (insurance) 209.367-010 Bordereau Clerk (insurance) 203.382-010 Control Clerk, Auditing (insurance) 209.362-014 Map Clerk (insurance) 209.587-030 Special-Certificate Dictator (insurance) 209.382-014 Supervisor, Agency Appointments (insurance) 209. 137-018 Supervisor, Correspondence Section (insurance) 249. 137- 0 18 Extension Clerk (light, heat, & power) 219,362-030 History-Card Clerk (light, heat, & power) 209.587-022 Relay-Record Clerk (light, heat, & power) 221.367-054 Diet Clerk (medical ser.) 245.587-010 Medical-Record Clerk (medical ser.) 245.362-010 Medical Record Technician (medical ser.) 079.367-014 Ward Clerk (medical ser.) 245.362-014 Continuity Clerk (motion pic.) 209.382-010 Taxicab Coordinator (motor trans.) 215.367-0 18 Animal (nonprofit organ.) Office Supervisor, Hospital 249. 1 37-010 Vault Worker (bus. ser.) 222.587-058 Correspondence-Review Clerk (clerical) 209.367-018 Mail Clerk (clerical) 209.587-026 Mailroom Supervisor (clerical) 209. 137-010 Parcel-Post Clerk (clerical) 222.387-038 Reconsignment Clerk (clerical) 209.367-042 Route-Delivery Clerk (clerical) 222.587-034 Shipping-Order Clerk (clerical) 219.367-030 Messenger, Bank (finan. inst.) 230.367-014 Registered-Mail Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.587-038 Routing Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.567-0 18 Trust-Mail Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.562-014 Mail Carrier (gov. ser.) 230.367-010 Mail Handler (gov. ser.) 209.687-014 Rural-Mail Carrier (gov. ser.) 230.363-010 Supervisor, Mail Carriers (gov. ser.) 230. 137-018 Supervisor, Mails (gov. ser.) 243.137-010 Braille-and-Talking Books Clerk (library) 222.587-014 Contact Clerk (light, heat, & power) 209.387-018 Work-Order-Sorting Clerk (light, heat, & power) 221.367- 082 Order-Control Clerk, Blood Bank (medical ser.; nonprofit organ.) 245.367-026 Routing Clerk (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-070 Office Copy Selector (print. & pub.) 249.687-010 Merchandise Distributor (ret. tr.) 219.367-0 18 Clerk, Route (tel. & tel.) 235.562-010 Radio-Message Router (tel. & tel.) 235.387-010 Route Supervisor (tel, & tel.) 239,137-018 - Supervisor, Public Message Service (tel. & tel.) 239. 137 0.26 244 Clerical Machine Operation 07.06 | 07.06 Clerical Machine Operation Workers in this group use business machines to record or process data. They operate machines that type, print, sort, compute, send, or receive information. Their jobs are found in businesses, industries, government agencies, or wherever large amounts of data are processed, sent, or received. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —type letters, forms, lists, and other materials. —operate a special typewriter which automatically adjusts margins to prepare copy for reproduction. —operate checkwriting machine to imprint checks. —monitor and control a computer terminal to process data according to instructions. —operate a telegraphic typewriter to send and receive messages. —operate a keypunch machine to transcribe data onto punch cards or magnetic tape. —operate billing machine to prepare bills, state- ments, and invoices. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use eyes, hands, and fingers to operate keyboard of a clerical machine quickly and accurately. —perform repetitive tasks. —follow set or routine procedures. — work with speed and accuracy. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in typing? Were your speed test scores average or above? Do you enjoy typing? —Have you had a part-time job in an office setting? Do you enjoy work that follows a set routine? —Have you used a calculator or adding machine regularly? Can you use these machines rapidly and accurately? —Have you had clerical work experience in the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from three months to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most employers require an applicant to have a high school education or its equal. Spelling and grammar are impor- tant to prepare for jobs in this group. Basic arithmetic skills are required for some jobs. Some employers provide machine instruction and on- the-job training. However, graduation from a business school can be an advantage. The ability to operate several office machines improves chances for employ- ment. Specialized training on a particular machine is required for certain jobs. Supervisory positions are usually assigned perienced workers who have leadership ability. to ex- What else should you consider about these jobs? Some workers operate one machine all day. They may report malfunctions or make minor repairs. Large com- pany offices usually have enough work to keep machines operating constantly. In small firms, however, machine operators may also do a variety of other clerical tasks. Workers in supervisory jobs should enjoy dealing with people because they often train new workers, interview job applicants, and assign workers to jobs. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 245 07.06 Clerical Machine Operation 07.06.01 Computer Operation Varitype Operator (clerical) 203.382-026 in-File Operator (bus. ser.) 203.362-014 Verifier Operator (clerical) 203.582-070 Computer Operator (clerical) 213.362-010 Braille Typist (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.) Computer-Peripheral-Equipment Operator (clerical) 203.582-014 213.382-010 Supervisor, Computer Operations (clerical) 213. 132-010 Proof-Machine Operator (finan. inst.) 217.382-010 Tabulating-Machine Operator (clerical) 213.682-010 Proof-Machine-Operator Supervisor (finan. inst.) 217. 132- Terminal Operator (clerical) 203.582-054 010 Terminal-System Operator (clerical) 203.362-018 Transit Clerk (finan. inst.) 217.382-014 ſº g Wires-Transfer Clerk (finan. inst.) 203.562-010 Terminal-Makeup Operator (print. & pub.) 208.382-010 Food Checker (hotel & rest.) 21 1.482-014 07.06.02 Keyboard Machine Operation Food Tabulator, Cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 211.582-010 Adding-Machine Operator (clerical) 216.482-014 Audit-Machine Operator (clerical) 216.482-018 Billing-Machine Operator (clerical) 214.482-010 Clerk-Typist (clerical) 203.362-010 Cryptographic-Machine Operator (clerical) 203.582-018 Braille Operator (print. & pub.) 203.582-010 Linotype Operator (print. & pub.) 650.582-010 Magnetic-Tape-Composer Operator (print. & pub.) Data-Coder Operator (clerical) 203.582-026 203.382-0 18 º Data Typist (clerical) 203.582-022 Monotype-Keyboard Operator (print. & pub.; type found- Keypunch Operator (clerical) 203.582-030 ing) 650.582-014 Magnetic-Tape-Typewriter Operator (clerical) 203.582-034 Music Copyist (print. & pub.) 209.582-010 Perforator Typist (clerical) 203.582-038 Photocomposing-Perforator-Machine Operator (print. & Supervisor, Machine-Records Unit (clerical) 213. 132-014 pub.) 203.582-042 - Supervisor, Telegraphic-Typewriter Operators (clerical) Photocomposition-Keyboard Operator (print. & pub.) 203. 1 32-010 203.582-046 Supervisor, Transcribing Operators (clerical) 203. 132-014 Phototypesetter Operator (print. & pub.) 650.582-022 Supervisor, Word Processing (clerical) 203. 137-010 Supervisor, Typesetting (print. & pub.) 650. 132-010 Telegraphic-Typewriter Operator (clerical) 203.582-050 Typesetter-Perforator Operator (print. & pub.) 203.582- Transcribing-Machine Operator (clerical) 203.582-058 062 Typing Section Chief (clerical) 203.137-014 Typist (clerical) 203.582-066 Check Writer (ret. tr.) 219.382-010 246 Clerical Handling 07.07 07.07 Clerical Handling Workers in this group perform clerical duties that require little special training or skill. Workers routinely file, sort, copy, route, or deliver things like letters, packages, or messages. Most large businesses, industries, and govern- ment agencies employ these workers. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —wrap, inspect, weigh, and affix postage to packages and record COD and insurance information. —pick up and deliver messages in an office or office building. —put printed pages together in sequence. —keep office workers supplied with pencils, paper, and other materials. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —perform clerical tasks that do not require special skills. —follow directions. —perform work that is routine. —read or copy information correctly. —work well with others. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you kept attendance records for a class or club? Do you enjoy this type of work? —Have you helped to address and stamp newslet- ters? —Have you maintained a checkbook for yourself or a club? Can you copy and compute numbers accu- rately? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Basic arithmetic and English skills are required for many of these jobs. On-the-job training is provided by most employers. However, high school commercial or business courses are helpful in getting beginning jobs. Workers entering federal government jobs usually are required to take civil service examinations. What else should you consider about these jobs? Both full- and part-time jobs are usually available for workers in this group. There are often opportunities for advancement or transfer, both within a company or to other employers. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 247 07.07 Clerical Handling 07.07.01 Filing File Clerk (clerical) I 206.362-010 Supervisor, Files (clerical) 206. 137-010 Record Clerk (textile) 206.387-022 07.07.02 Sorting and Distribution Money Counter (amuse. & rec.) 21 1.467-014 Advertising-Material Distributor (any ind.) 230.687-010 Process Server (bus. ser.) 249.367–062 Supervisor, Advertising-Material Distributors (bus. ser.) 230. 1 37-010 Telephone-Directory Deliverer (bus. ser.) 230.667-014 Addresser (clerical) 209.587-010 Checker (clerical) I 222.687-010 Control Clerk, Data Processing (clerical) II 221.687-010 Deliverer, Outside (clerical) 230.667-010 Direct-Mail Clerk (clerical) 209.587-0 18 Distributing Clerk (clerical) 222.587-018 Router (clerical) 222.587-038 Routing Clerk (clerical) 222.687-022 Slot-Tag Inserter (clerical) 222.567-0 18 Sorter (clerical) 209.687-022 Tube Operator (clerical) 239.687-014 Page (library) 249.687-014 Mailroom Supervisor (print. & pub.) 222. 137-022 Messenger, Copy (print. & pub.) 239.677-010 Auction Assistant (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.667-010 Stamp Analyst (ret. tr.) 299.387-014 Wrong-Address Clerk (ret. tr.) 209.587-050 Route Aide (tel. & tel.) 239.687-010 Supervisor, Delivery Department (tel. & tel.) 230. 137-014 07.07.03 General Clerical Work Weather Clerk (air trans.) 248.362-014 Coin-Machine Collector (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.) 292.687-0 10 Cutter-and-Paster, Press Clippings (bus. ser.) 249.587-014 Clerk, General (clerical) 209.562-010 Coin-Machine-Collector Supervisor (clerical) 292. 137-010 Lost-and-Found Clerk (clerical) 222.367–034 Office Helper (clerical) 239.567-010 Planimeter Operator (gov. ser.) 219.387-022 Film-Replacement Orderer (motion pic.) 976.567-010 Collator (print. & pub.) 653.687-010 Caller (r. r. trans.) 215.563-010 Telegraph-Service Rater (tel. & tel.) 214.587-010 Weave-Defect-Charting Clerk (textile) 221.587-042 248 Selling An interest in bringing others to a point of View by personal persuasion, using sales and promotional techniques. You can satisfy this interest in a variety of sales jobs. You may enjoy selling technical products or services. Perhaps you prefer a selling job requiring less background knowledge. You may Work in stores, sales offices, or in Customers' homes. You may wish to buy and sell products to make a profit. You can also satisfy this interest in legal Work, business negotiations, advertising, and related fields found under Other categories in the Guide. 249 Selling 08.01 Sales Technology 08.02 General Sales 08.03 Vending 250 Sales Technology 08.01 08.01 Sales Technology Workers in this group sell products such as industrial machinery, data processing equipment, and pharmaceuti- cals; services such as industrial shipping, insurance, and advertising. They advise customers of the capabilities, uses, and other important features of these products and services, and help them choose those best suited to their needs. They work for manufacturers, wholesalers, and insurance, financial, and business service institutions. Also included in this group are workers who buy products, materials, securities and properties for resale. Some work for themselves. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —call on oil companies to sell them oilfield equip- ment. —call on businesses to sell them radio and television time. —call on businesses to sell them computers. —advise people about the type and amount of in- surance they should buy. —buy clothing and accessories for stocking a depart- ment Store. - —sell professional supplies and equipment to dentists, doctors, or engineers. —buy the grain harvest from farmers for resale to processing plants. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? - To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand the principles of electronics, chemistry, economics, or communications, as they relate to the products you sell or buy. —organize your own activities to make the best use of your time and effort. —express yourself well when talking to potential buyers or sellers, to discuss features of the products or services involved and convince the other person of both your knowledge and integrity. —use arithmetic in computing the mark-up on merchan- dise, cost of installing equipment or machinery in a plant, or quoting special rates for varying amounts of materials purchased. i —maintain enthusiasm and interest throughout all con- ferences with buyers or sellers. - —keep accurate records of contacts, sales, and purchases. 251 08.01 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken business or sales related courses? Did you like the courses? —Have you attended auctions? Can you estimate, in advance, the selling prices of the items? —Have you bought items to sell? Did you make a profit on your sales? Do you enjoy doing this type of activity? - —Have you made speeches or been in debates? Do you enjoy presenting ideas to people? —Have you worked as a salesperson in a store? Do you enjoy sales work? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. A com- mon way to prepare is to obtain a two- or four-year degree with a major in business administration, market- ing, or a similar field. For jobs involving technical sales, a degree in a field such as engineering, chemistry, or physics is helpful. Sometimes workers in other sales groups advance after obtaining related work experience. Most employers give new employees formal and infor- mal training. This training may last up to one year. Wor- kers learn the policies, procedures, and details involved. Jobs in real estate or insurance may require a state or local license. Workers usually must take a written test to obtain these licenses. What else should you consider about these jobs? Most of these jobs require meeting new pople. Some jobs involve frequent travel. Many workers are under pressure as they make decisions which affect sales or in- vestments involving large sums of money. Some workers receive a salary, others work on a com- mission. A commission is usually a percent of the selling price of an item. Sometimes a worker may receive a combination of salary and commission. Some workers in this group own their own businesses. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 252 08.01 Sales Technology 08.01.01 Technical Sales Sales Representative, Graphic Art (bus. ser.) 254.251-010 Sales Representative, Travelers' Checks (finan. inst.) 25 1.257-0 18 Sales Representative, Aircraft (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.253- 0 1 0 Sales Representative, Signs (signs) 254.357-022 Sales Representative, Signs and Displays (signs) 254.257- 0 1 0 Communications Consultant (tel. & tel.) 253. 157-010 Pharmaceutical Detailer (whole. tr.) 262. 157-010 Sales Representative, Abrasives (whole. tr.) 274.357-010 Sales Representative, Aircraft Equipment and Parts (whole. tr.) 273.357-010 Sales Representative, Building Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 274.357-018 Sales Representative, Chemicals and Drugs (whole. tr.) 262.357-010 Sales Representative, Communication Equipment (whole. tr.) 27.1.257-010 Sales Representative, Computers and Edp Systems (whole. tr.) 275.257-010 Sales Representative, Construction Machinery (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-022 Sales Representative, Dental and Medical Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 276.257-010 Sales Representative, Electronics Parts (whole. tr.) 271 .357-010 Sales Representative, Electroplating (whole. tr.) 259.257- 0.14 Sales Representative, Elevators, Escalators, and Dumb- waiters (whole. tr.) 274. 157-010 Sales Representative, Foundry and Machine Shop Products (whole. tr.) 274.257-010 Sales Representative, Industrial Machinery (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-038 Sales Representative, Metals (whole. tr.) 274.357-054 Sales Representative, Oilfield Supplies and Equipment (whole. tr.) 274.357-058 Sales Representative, Precision Instruments (whole. tr.) 276.357-014 Sales Representative, Radiographic-Inspection Equipment and Services (whole. tr.) 271.352-010 Sales Representative, Ultrasonic Equipment (whole. tr.) 271 .352-014 Sales Representative, Weighing and Force-Measurement In- struments (whole. tr.) 276.257-014 Sales Representative, Welding Equipment (whole. tr.) 274.357-074 Service Representative, Elevators, Escalators, and Dumb- waiters (whole. tr.) 259.257-018 08.01.02 Intangible Sales Traffic Agent (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.) 252.257-010 Sales Agent, Financial-Report Service (bus. ser.) 251.357- 0.14 Sales Agent, Psychological Tests and Industrial Relations (bus. ser.; print. & pub.) 251.257-014 Sales Representative, Weather-Forecasting Service (bus. ser.) 259,357-030 Tobacco-Warehouse Agent (bus. ser.) 259.357-038 Sales Representative, Education Courses (education) 259.257-010 Sales Agent, Financial Services (finan. inst.) 251.257-010 Sales Representative, Hotel Services (hotel & rest.) 259.1 57-014 Estate Planner (insurance) 186. 167-010 Placer (insurance) 239.267-010 Sales Agent, Insurance (insurance) 250.257-010 Special Agent, Group Insurance (insurance) 169. 167–050 Sales Representative, Public Utilities (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 253.357-010 Sales Representative, Shipping Services (motor trans.) 252.357-014 Sales Representative, Advertising (print. & pub.) 254.357- 0.14 Sales Representative, Radio and Television Time (radio & tv broad.) 259.357-018 Sales Representative, Telephone Services (tel. & tel.) 253.257-0 1 0 Sales Representative, Printing (whole. tr.) 254.357-018 08.01.03 Purchasing and Sales Christmas-Tree Contractor (any ind.) 162. 1 17-010 Business-Opportunity-and-Property-Investment Broker (bus. ser.; real estate) 189. 157-010 Field-Contact Technician (dairy prod.) 162. 117-026 Foreign Banknote Teller-Trader (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-014 Buyer, Grain (grain & feed mill.; whole. tr.) 162. 167-010 Outside Property Agent (motion pic.) 162. 157-030 Buyer (profess. & kin.) 162. 157-018 Buyer, Assistant (ret. tr.) 162.157-022 Comparison Shopper (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 296.367-014 Pawnbroker (ret. tr.) 191. 157-010 Buyer, Tobacco, Head (whole. tr.) 162. 167-014 Commission Agent, Agricultural Produce (whole. tr.) 260.357-010 Commission Agent, Livestock (whole. tr.) 162. 157-026 Sales Representative, Livestock (whole. tr.) 260.257-010 253 General Sales 08.02 08.02 General Sales Workers in this group sell, demonstrate, and solicit orders for products and services of many kinds. They are employed by retail and wholesale firms, manufacturers and distributors, business services, and non-profit organiza- tions. Some spend all their time in a single location, such as a department store or automobile agency. Others call on businesses or individuals to sell products or services, or follow up on earlier sales. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —demonstrate and sell radios and television sets in a department store. —sell hardware supplies to stock stores. —help customers find what they want in a jewelry Store. —sell pets and pet supplies in a pet store. — call people on the telephone to sell them products. —arrange and conduct demonstration parties in peo- ple's homes. —drive a truck on a set route and sell products to people at their homes. —call on people in their homes to sell pest control services. —train or supervise workers in a sales department and keep records of merchandise on hand. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and explain company policies about such things as deferred payment plans, financing charges, returned goods privileges, or service guarantees. —use arithmetic to total costs of purchase, make change, compute percentages, fill out order and sales forms, and draw up time purchase contracts. —treat customers with courtesy and respect, even in difficult situations. —talk easily and persuasively to other people, using language that they’ll understand. —help customers to make up their minds about purchases by suggesting appropriate products. business math? Did you like these courses? Do you have an ability to work with numbers? —Have you sold items door-to-door? Have you col- How do you know if you would like or could learn lected money or items for a charity? Do you like to do this kind of work? to meet people this way? —Have you given oral reports in front of a group? The following questions may give you clues about Do you express your ideas easily to strangers? yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you worked in a military PX or cafeteria? —Have you had courses in sales, bookkeeping, or Do you enjoy selling items to people? 254 08.02 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from three months to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most employers require applicants to have a high school edu- cation or its equal. Courses in selling or retailing are helpful. Many high schools, junior colleges, and commu- nity colleges offer courses and programs in this field. Some schools provide work-study programs in which stu- dents work part-time as well as attend classes. Selling ex- perience during vacations is also helpful in preparing for this kind of work. Employers usually provide on-the-job training to teach new workers about the company policies and the products or services to be sold. These training programs may last from one week to three months. Some workers are required to have extra skills such as driving a truck or playing a musical instrument. Other workers are required to make minor repairs or adjustments on equip- ment they sell. Some jobs in this group are supervisory or management positions to which workers with sales experience may be promoted. What else should you consider about these jobs? Many retail sales jobs require workers to vary working hours. Some businesses are open to the public on Sun- days, holidays, or evenings. Selling is usually done at the customer's convenience. Some workers are paid by the hour. Others are paid according to how much they sell. However, some workers receive earnings from a combination of these ways. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. - 255 08.02 General Sales 08.02.01 Wholesale Manufacturers’ Representative (whole. tr.) 279. 157-010 Salesperson, Florist Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-054 Sales-Promotion Representative (whole. tr.) 269.357-018 Sales Representative, Animal-Feed Products (whole. tr.) 272.357-010 Sales Representative, Apparel Trimmings (whole. tr.) 261.357-010 Sales Representative, Architectural and Engineering Sup- plies (whole. tr.) 276.357-010 Sales Representative, Barber and Beauty Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-010 Sales Representative, Bottles and Bottling Equipment (whole. tr.) 274.357-014 Sales Representative, Canvas Products (whole. tr.) 261.357-014 Sales Representative, Church Furniture and Religious Sup- plies (whole. tr.) 275.357-014 Sales Representative, Commercial Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-018 Sales Representative, Containers (whole. tr.) 274.357-026 Sales Representative, Cordage (whole. tr.) 275.357-022 Sales Representative, Dairy Supplies (whole. tr.) 274.357- 030 Sales Representative, Farm and Garden Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 272.357-014 Sales Representative, Food Products (whole. tr.) 260.357- 014 Sales Representative, Footwear (whole. tr.) 261.357-018 Sales Representative, General Merchandise (whole. tr.) 279.357-014 Sales Representative, Hardware Supplies (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-034 Sales Representative, Home Furnishings (whole. tr.) 270.357-010 Sales Representative, Hotel and Restaurant Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-026 Sales Representative, Household Appliances (whole. tr.) 270.357-014 Sales Representative, Industrial Rubber Goods (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-042 Sales Representative, Jewelry (whole. tr.) 279.357-018 Sales Representative, Leather Goods (whole. tr.) 279.357- 022 Sales Representative, Lubricating Equipment (whole. tr.) 274.357-046 Sales Representative, Malt Liquors (whole. tr.) 260.357- 0 18 Sales Representative, Material-Handling Equipment (whole. tr.) 274.357-050 Sales Representative, Men's and Boys’ Apparel (whole. tr.) 261.357-022 Sales Representative, Mortician Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-030 Sales Representative, Motor Vehicles and Supplies (whole. tr.) 273.357-022 Sales Representative, Musical Instruments and Accessories (whole. tr.) 277.357-014 Sales Representative, Novelties (whole. tr.) 277.357-018 Sales Representative, Paper and Paper Products (whole. tr.) 279.357-026 Sales Representative, Petroleum Products (whole. tr.) 269.357-014 Sales Representative, Plastic Products (whole. tr.) 279.357- 030 Sales Representative, Pressure-Sensitive Tape (whole. tr.) 275.357-038 Sales Representative, Printing Supplies (whole. tr.) 274.357-062 Sales Representative, Publications (whole. tr.) 277.357-022 Sales Representative, Railroad Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 273.357-026 Sales Representative, Recreation and Sporting Goods (whole. tr.) 277.357-026 Sales Representative, Safety Apparel and Equipment (whole. tr.) 261.357-026 Sales Representative, School Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) 275.357-042 Sales Representative, Shoe Leather and Findings (whole. tr.) 275.357-046 Sales Representative, Textile Designs (whole, tr.) 274.357- 066 Sales Representative, Textile Machinery (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-070 Sales Representative, Textiles (whole. tr.) 261.357-030 Sales Representative, Toilet Preparations (whole. tr.) 262.357-014 Sales Representative, Vending and Coin Machines (whole. tr.) 275.357-050 Sales Representative, Veterinarian Supplies (whole. tr.) 276.357-0 18 Sales Representative, Videotape (whole. tr.) 271.357-014 Sales Representative, Wire Rope (whole. tr.) 274.357-078 Sales Representative, Women's and Girls’ Apparel (whole. tr.) 261.357-038 Sales Representative, Writing and Marking Pens (whole. tr.) 277.357-030 Sales Supervisor, Malt Liquors (whole. tr.) 299. 137-014 08.02.02 Retail Sales Exhibitor (nonprofit organ.) 279.357-010 Salesperson, Wigs (per. ser.; ret. tr.) 261.351-010 Salesperson, Art Objects (ret. tr.) 277.457-010 Salesperson, Automobiles (ret. tr.) 273.353-010 Salesperson, Books (ret. tr.) 277.357-034 Salesperson, Burial Needs (ret. tr.) 279.357-042 Salesperson, Corsets (ret. tr.) 261.354-010 Salesperson, Cosmetics and Toiletries (ret. tr.) 262.357- 0 18 Salesperson, Curtains and Draperies (ret. tr.) 270.357-022 Salesperson, Flowers (ret. tr.) 260.357-026 Salesperson, Flying Squad (ret. tr.) 279.357-046 Salesperson, Furniture (ret. tr.) 270.357-030 Salesperson, Furs (ret. tr.) 261.357-042 Salesperson, Hearing Aids (ret. tr.) 276.354-010 Salesperson, Household Appliances (ret. tr.) 270.357-034 Salesperson, Infants’ and Children's Wear (ret. tr.) 26 1.357-046 Salesperson, Jewelry (ret. tr.) 279.357-058 Salesperson, Men's and Boys' Clothing (ret. tr.) 261.357- O50 Salesperson, Men's Furnishings (ret. tr.) 261.357-054 Salesperson, Millinery (ret. tr.) 261.357-058 Salesperson, Musical Instruments and Accessories (ret. tr.) 277.357-038 Salesperson, Orthopedic Shoes (ret. tr.) 276.257-018 Salesperson, Pets and Pet Supplies (ret. tr.) 277.357-042 256 08.02 Salesperson, Phonograph Records and Tape Recordings (ret. tr.) 277.357-046 Salesperson, Pianos and Organs (ret. tr.) 277.354-010 Salesperson, Sewing Machines (ret. tr.) 270.352-010 Salesperson, Sheet Music (ret. tr.) 277.357-054 Salesperson, Shoes (ret. tr.) 261.357-062 Salesperson, Sporting Goods (ret. tr.) 277.357-058 Salesperson, Stereo Equipment (ret. tr.) 270.357-038 Salesperson, Surgical Appliances (ret. tr.) 276.257-022 Salesperson, Toy Trains and Accessories (ret. tr.) 277.357- 066 Salesperson, Trailers and Motor Homes (ret. tr.) 273.357- 0.34 Salesperson, Women's Apparel and Accessories (ret. tr.) 261.357-066 Salesperson, Yard Goods (ret. tr.) 261.357-070 Sales-Service Representative, Milking Machines (ret. tr.) 299.25 1–010 - 08.02.03 Wholesale and Retail Auctioneer (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.257-010 Salesperson, Automobile Accessories (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.357-030 Salesperson, China and Silverware (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 270,357-0 18 Salesperson, Electric Motors, (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 271.354- 010 Salesperson, Floor Coverings (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 270.357- 0.26 Salesperson, General Hardware (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 279.357–050 Salesperson, General Merchandise (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-054 Salesperson, Horticultural and Nursery Products (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 272.357-022 Salesperson, Parts (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-062 Salesperson, Photographic Supplies and Equipment (ret. tr.; whole, tr.) 277.357-050 Salesperson, Stamps or Coins (ret. tr.; whole, tr.) 277.357- 062 Sales Representative, Boats and Marine Supplies (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.357-018 Sales Representative, Fuels (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 269.357- 0 1 0 Sales Representative, Hobbies and Crafts (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 277.357-010 Sales Representative, Office Machines (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 275.357-034 Sales Representative, Poultry Equipment and Supplies (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 272.357-018 Sales Representative, Tobacco Products and Smoking Sup- plies (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 260.357-022 Sales Representative, Uniforms (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 26 1.357-034 3. Sales Representative, Water-Softening Equipment (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-034 08.02.04 Real Estate Superintendent, Sales (const.) 250. 157-010 Leasing Agent, Residence (real estate) 250.357-014 Sales Agent, Real Estate (real estate) 250.357-018 Building Consultant (whole. tr.) 250.357-010 08.02.05 Demonstration and Sales Sales Representative, Dancing Instructions (education) 259.357-014 Demonstrator, Electric-Gas Appliances (light, heat, & power) 297.357-010 Demonstrator (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 297.354-010 Demonstrator, Knitting (ret. tr.) 297.354-014 Demonstrator, Sewing Techniques (ret. tr.) 297.454-010 Salesperson-Demonstrator, Party Plan (ret. tr.) 279.357- 038 08.02.06 Services Sales Agent, Business Services (bus. ser.) 251.357-010 Sales Agent, Pest Control Service (bus. ser.) 251.357-018 Sales Representative, Automotive-Leasing (bus. ser.) 273.357-014 Sales Representative, Franchise (bus. ser.) 251.357-022 Sales Representative, Herbicide Service (bus. ser.) 251 .357-026 Travel Agent (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 252. 157-010 Linen Controller (laund.) 299.357-010 Sales Representative, Audiovisual Program Productions (motion pic.) 259. 157-010 Crating-and-Moving Estimator (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 252.357-010 Sales Representative (motor trans.) 250.357-022 Sales Representative, Television Cable Service (radio & tv broad.) 259.357-022 Sales Representative, Upholstery and Furniture Repair (ret. tr.) 259.357-026 Wedding Consultant (ret. tr.) 299.357-018 08.02.07 Driving-Selling Driver Helper, Sales Route (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 292.667- 010 Driver, Sales Route (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 292.353–010 Supervisor, Route Sales-Delivery Drivers (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 292. 137-014 08.02.08 Soliciting-Selling Group-Sales Representative (amuse. & rec.) 259.357-010 Membership Solicitor (any ind.) 293.357-022 Telephone Solicitor (any ind.) 299.357-014 Fund Raiser (nonprofit organ.) II 293.357-014 Song Plugger (radio & twº broad.) 165. 157-010 Sales Representative, Door-To-Door (ret. tr.) 291.357-010 Subscription Crew Leader (ret. tr.) 291. 157-010 257 08.03 Vending Vending 08.03 Workers in this group sell novelties, snacks and other inexpensive items. They work at stadiums and street fairs, in night clubs or restaurants or wherever crowds gather for entertainment or recreation. Some of them sell products on the street, staying in one location, or moving through commercial and residential areas. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —walk around a football stadium or baseball park calling out items to be sold. —walk among guests in a nightclub, restaurant, or hotel selling cigars, cigarettes, or corsages. —sell snacks to passengers on train. —take pictures of people in restaurants and try to sell them the finished prints. —sell merchandise such as flowers, fruit, or ice cream from a pushcart or truck. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —speak clearly, shout, sing, or call out to attract CuStomerS. —accept payment and make change quickly and ac- curately. —stand or walk for long periods of time, often climbing stairs or pushing through crowds while carrying heavy containers or pushing a cart. —be very persuasive in getting people to buy your products. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you worked at a carnival or fair? Do you 258 08.03 enjoy shouting or gesturing to get the attention of a crowd? —Have you sold things to raise money for a school or civic project? Do you enjoy this type of activi- ty? —Have you sold magazines or candy door-to-door? Do you like work in which you persuade others to buy products? —Have you worked as a cashier in a store? Can you figure the cost of several items and make change accurately? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most jobs in this group are open to almost anyone. What else should you consider about these jobs? Jobs in this group are usually short-term and opportu- nities for advancement are few. In many cases, payment is based only on how many items are sold, so workers must use all possible means to convince customers to buy. However, some jobs provide permanent employ- ment. These jobs provide experience that can be applied to other saleswork. Some jobs in this group require the worker to be outside in all kinds of weather. Some wor- kers own their own carts and are in business for them- selves. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Formal training, experience, or education is seldom required. Vending 08.03.01 Peddling and Hawking Peddler (ret. tr.) 291.457-018 Photographer (amuse. & rec.) 143.457-010 Vendor (amuse. & rec.) 291.457-022 Cigarette Vendor (hotel & rest.) 291.457-010 Lei Seller (ret. tr.) 291.454-010 Lounge-Car Attendant (r. r. trans.) 291.457-014 08.03.02 Promoting Sandwich-Board Carrier (any ind.) 299.687-014 259 Accommodating An interest in catering to the Wishes and needs of others, usually on a one-to-one basis. You can satisfy this interest by providing services for the convenience of others, such as hospitality Services in hotels, restaurants, airplanes, etc. You may enjoy improving the appearance of Others. Perhaps working in the hair and beauty care field Would Satisfy you. You may wish to provide personal Services, such as taking tickets, Carrying baggage, or ushering. 260 Accommodating 09.01 Hospitality Services 09.02 Barber and Beauty Services 09.03 Passenger Services 09.04 Customer Services 09.05 Attendant Services 261 09.01 Hospitality Services Workers in this group help persons, such as visitors, travelers, and customers, get acquainted with and feel at ease in an unfamiliar setting; provide escort and guide services; and plan and direct social activities. They may also be concerned with the safety and comfort of people when they are traveling or vacationing. These workers find em- ployment with air-, rail-, and water transportation companies; radio and television broadcasting stations; hotels and restaurants; museums; retirement homes, and related establishments. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —greet guests and answer questions concerning so- cial and recreational activities in a hotel. —greet and seat customers in a restaurant. —provide personal services to airplane passengers, Such as answering questions and serving meals. —escort a group of people through an industrial plant and explain what is taking place. —take people on a tour of model homes and explain their features. —conduct visitors on tour of television studios. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —speak clearly. —talk easily with all kinds of people to put them at ease. —use judgment and reasoning to cope with emergen- cies, such as sudden illness, accident, or inter- rupted service. —perform a variety of activities and change activities frequently and sometimes without notice. —plan and carry out an activity, such as a card party or dance. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you been a member of a community or civic group? Do you like socializing with others? —Have you had courses in speech? Do you like to speak to groups? —Have you planned or organized a party? Can you lead others in games and group activities? —Have you taught friends to dance? Did they enjoy the lessons? —Have you been a treasurer or secretary for an or- ganization? Can you keep accurate records? Hospitality Services 09.01 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. The methods of entry for these jobs vary. For example, guides in public buildings receive on-the-job training after they are hired. Airplane flight attendants are usually trained by employers. Dude wranglers and stewards enter through experience in lower level jobs. Hostesses, chaperones, and escorts are hired because of their man- ners and charming personalities. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group may have to travel and live in hotels or resorts instead of at home. Night or holiday work may be required. Some workers must wear uniforms. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 262 09.01 Hospitality Services 09.01.01 Social and Recreational Activities Counselor, Camp (amuse. & rec.) 159. 124-010 Guide, Hunting and Fishing (amuse. & rec.) 353.161-010 Host/Hostess, Dance Hall (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-010 Host/Hostess, Head (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-014 Supervisor, Hospitality House (amuse. & rec.) 359. 137-010 Host/Hostess (any ind.) 352.667-010 Instructor, Bridge (education) 159.227-010 Director, Social (hotel & rest.; water trans.) 352. 167-010 Parlor Chaperone (hotel & rest.) 352.667-014 Escort (per. ser.) 359.367-010 Guide, Alpine (per. ser.) 353. 164-010 Group Worker (social ser.) 195. 164-010 Recreation Leader (social ser.) 195.227-014 09.01.02 Guide Services Guide, Chief Airport (air trans.) 353. 137-010 Exhibit-Display Representative (any ind.) 297.367-010 Guide, Establishment (any ind.) 353.367-014 Guide, Plant (any ind.) 353.367-018 Guide (per. ser.) 353.367-010 Guide, Sightseeing (per. ser.) 353.363-010 Page (radio & twº broad.) 353.367-022 Guide, Real Estate (real estate) 2.97.667-010 09.01.03 Food Services Receptionist, Airline Lounge (air trans.) 352.677-014 Butler (dom. ser.) 309. 137-010 Host/Hostess, Restaurant (hotel & rest.) 310. 137-010 Waiter/Waitress, Banquet, Head (hotel & rest.) 311. 137- 014 Waiter/Waitress, Captain (hotel & rest.) 3 l 1. 137-018 Waiter/Waitress, Head (hotel & rest.) 3 l l . 1 37-022 Headwaiter/Headwaitress (water trans.) 350. 137-010 09.01.04 Safety and Comfort Services Airplane-Flight Attendant (air trans.) 352.367-010 Flight Attendant, Ramp (air trans.) 352.367-014 Host/Hostess, Ground (air trans.) 352.377-010 Passenger Service Representative (air trans.) 359.677-022 Supervisor, Airplane-Flight Attendant (air trans.) 352. 137- 0 1 0 Superintendent, Service (hotel & rest.) 329. 137-010 Bus Attendant (motor trans.) 352.577-010 Funeral Attendant (per. ser.) 359.677-014 Braker, Passenger Train (r.r. trans.) 9 10.364-010 Conductor, Pullman (r.r. trans.) 198. 167-014 Passenger Representative (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367–026 Passenger Service Representative (r.r. trans.) I 352.677- 0 1 0 Service Attendant, Sleeping Car (r. r. trans.) 351.677-010 Steward/Stewardess (water trans.) 350.677–022 Steward/Stewardess, Second (water trans.) 350. 137-022 263 Barber and Beauty Services 09.02 09.02 Barber and Beauty Services Workers in this group provide people with a variety of barbering and beauty services. These services involve care of the hair, skin, and nails. These workers find employment in barber and beauty shops, department stores, hotel, and retirement homes. A few workers find jobs on passenger ships. Some are self-employed and work in their own homes or go to the customer. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —cut, trim, shampoo, curl, or style hair. —lather and shave facial hair. —remove unwanted facial hair by using an electri- cally-charged needle. —give hair and scalp-conditioning treatments. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand written and diagram instructions for applying hair coloring and permanent waving solutions. —adapt a procedure to an individual customer's physical features. —use a variety of tools, such as scissors, tweezers, combs, curlers, and hair blowers. —add and subtract to mix solutions proportions. in proper —see differences in shapes, widths, and lengths of lines when cutting hair and shaping eyebrows. —deal pleasantly with all kinds of people. —use hands and fingers skillfully to wrap hair around rollers. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you cut someone's hair? Do you style your own hair? Do you like to try new and different hairstyles? —Have you read health and beauty magazines? Can you recognize various skin tones or hair textures? —Have you applied theatrical make-up? Do you enjoy changing the appearance of others? —Have you worked at a health spa or athletic club? Do you enjoy helping others? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Both public and private vocational schools offer courses in cosmetology and barbering. In a few areas, apprentice- ships in cosmetology are available. Manufacturers of bar- bering and cosmetology equipment and materials offer training courses about the use of their products. Formal training requirements vary according to the oc- cupation and state. Studies usually include anatomy, bac- teriology, dermatology, and physiology. Techniques such as hair cutting, permanent waving, electrolysis, and hair and scalp analysis are also included. Students of cosmetology or barbering schools get su- pervised practical experience. Trainees and workers develop further expertise by attending and participating in seminars and contests sponsored by schools, trade as- sociations, and manufacturers. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers may be required to furnish and wear uniforms. Irregular hours may be required, including evening and weekends. Standing for varying lengths of time is typical of this work but it is not a requirement. 264 09.02 Many workers use stools with rolling casters to move around the customer's chair. Changing hair styles and the development of new products and techniques make it necessary for workers to attend training and demonstra- tion classes frequently. Workers usually are paid on the basis of how many customers they serve. They rarely receive a straight sa- lary. Most employers set the prices for the services of fered and the worker receives a part of these prices. The amount the worker is paid may vary and may depend on the supplies and tools provided by the employer. For ex- ample, some employers provide the needed towels, sham- poo, or lotions and keep a larger share of the money col- lected. Workers may or may not be allowed to accept tips. They may be expected to join a union and pay mem- bership dues. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Barber and Beauty Services 09.02.01 Cosmetology Cosmetologist (per. ser.) 332.27 1-010 Cosmetologist Apprentice (per. ser.) 332.27 1-014 Hair Stylist (per. ser.) 332.27 1-0 18 Scalp-Treatment Operator (per. ser.) 339.37 1-014 09.02.02 Barbering Barber (per. ser.) 330.371-010 Barber Apprentice (per. ser.) 330.37 1-014 265. Passenger Services 09.03 09.03 Passenger Services Workers in this group drive buses, taxis, limousines or other vehicles to transport people. Workers who teach driving are also included in this group. Taxi, bus, and street railway companies hire most of the workers in this group but they can also find employment with government agencies. What kind of work would you do? job. Your work activities would depend upon your specific For example, you might —drive a taxi and pick up customers who signal and assist them with baggage. —drive a bus on a regular route in a city. —give directions and other information to passengers of your bus or taxi. —record taxi fares and destinations in a log. —drive a bus from city to city. —enforce safety rules when loading or unloading your passengers. —work as a chauffeur for an individual or company. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —follow written and oral instructions and use time schedules, meters, and traffic regulations. —think, reason, and act quickly to cope with traffic situations. —read maps to locate addresses and select the best routeS. —memorize routes and established passenger pick-up locations. —speak clearly to give information to passengers. —deal courteously with all kinds of people. 09.03 —judge distances and speeds to avoid accidents. —move eyes, hands and feet easily and together to brake, steer, and use other vehicle controls, such as directional signals and windshield wipers. —read street and traffic signs at a distance and identify colors of traffic lights. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you completed a driver's education course? Do you have a driver’s or chauffeur's license? —Have you driven a vehicle in heavy traffic? Did you stay calm? - —Have you driven in a bicycle rodeo, car rally, or other vehicle obstacle course? Did you receive a good score? —Have you driven a church or school bus? Can you drive a vehicle loaded with passengers without being distracted? —Have you had military experience driving a motor vehicle? 3. How can you prepare for and enter this type of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over six months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Many employers want workers with a high school education or its equal. The U.S. Department of Transportation requires intercity bus drivers to be able to communicate with passengers and prepare reports. These drivers must meet specific physical requirements. They must take a written test on motor vehicle regulations. They must pass a test in the type of bus they will drive. Many intercity bus lines want workers with driving experience. Most of these firms have their own training programs for new drivers. Local bus drivers are usually required to have a chauf- feur's license. Many employers require applicants to take a written test. Workers also need to be of normal adult height and weight and have good eyesight and health. They are usually required to have one or two years of ex- perience driving a large vehicle. Most local transit com- panies hold training courses and behind-the-wheel ses- sions. Each state has special rules for drivers of school buses. These rules are set by the State Department of Education. Taxi drivers also must have a chauffeur's license. They are required to have a special taxi operator's license is- sued by the local police department, state safety depart- ment, or the public utilities commission. Most large ci- ties require an applicant for a taxi driver's license to pass a written test on traffic laws and street locations. Some cities also require workers to have a good driving record and no criminal history. Workers often need an eighth grade education or its equal to complete the required forms. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in these jobs may have to work nights and weekends or report for work on short notice. Heavy traf- fic and long trips can cause nervous tension in drivers. Steering and controlling the larger vehicles will require free shoulder movements and more strength than is used in driving private passenger automobiles. Chances for promotion in these jobs are limited. How- ever, experienced drivers may be assigned preferred routes or may get more pay. A few drivers may become dispatchers or terminal managers. Some taxi drivers buy and drive their own cabs. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 267 09.03 Passenger Services 09.03.01 Group Transportation Bus Driver, Day-Haul or Farm Charter (agric.) 9 13.363- 010 Chauffeur (dom. ser.) 359.673-010 Taxi Driver (motor trans.) 9 13.463-018 . º 3.663-014 09.03.03 Instruction and Supervision e-Lounge Lºr In g e J. W., s_2 * Instructor, Driving (education) 099.223-010 Streetcar Operator (r.r. trans.) 9 13.463-014 Instructor, Bus, Trolley, and Taxi (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 09.03.02 Individual Transportation 9 19.223-010 Chauffeur (any ind.) 9 13.663-010 ſº Road Supervisor (motor trans.) 913.133-010 *> Supervisor, Cab (motor trans.) 9 13.133-014 Customer Services 09.04 09.04 Customer Services Workers in this group provide customers in commercial settings with various services ranging from deliver- ing newspapers to serving food. Their duties usually include receiving payment and making change. Most of these workers find employment in hotels, restaurants, stores, and concessions. However, some do work on board trains and ships and at amusement parks and resorts. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —sell sandwiches, drinks, and other food from a truck or cart. —rent bicycles to patrons at recreational areas. —collect fees and issue equipment in a bowling Center. —mix and sell drinks to patrons of a bar. —rent canoes, rowboats, motorboats, equipment to people at a resort. —total bills, receive money, and make change for drug store customers. —write special orders for services and merchandise, and perform personal services for customers, such as gift wrapping or monogramming. —fill out forms and receive payments for auto rental CuStomerS. —serve meals in a diner or formal dining room. or fishing what skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use arithmetic to total costs and make change —talk with different kinds of people to find out what services they want and to give them information. —stand or walk for varying lengths of time, some- times for long periods. —move fingers and hands easily and quickly to han- dle things like dishes, money, and merchandise. —lift and carry things like heavy trays, sports equip- ment, and bundles of newspapers. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. Have you sold things to raise money for clubs or local organizations? Did you collect money and keep records of sales? Have you given directions to anyone who was lost? Did you make the directions clear? —Have you served food or beverage at a party or reception? Can you do so without dropping or spilling food or drink? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. People can learn most of the jobs in this group after being hired. However, some restaurants hire only persons with experience. Workers may get the training and experience they need by starting in a related job. For example, a person may start as a dining room attendant and become a waiter or waitress. Some schools offer classes in food service work. What else should you consider about these jobs? Night and holiday work, changing work hours, and weekend work are often required. Uniforms may be required, especially for food service work. - Income for these workers is often a combination of wages and tips. Some jobs in this group require the worker to adapt to specific demands. For example, a newspaper carrier may have to be out very early in the morning regardless of weather. An attendant at a lodging facility may have to live on the premises. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 269 09.04 Customer Services 09.04.01 Food Services Canteen Operator (any ind.) 311.674-010 Vending-Stand Supervisor (gov. ser.) 185. 167-066 Bar Attendant (hotel & rest.) 3 12.477-010 Bartender (hotel & rest.) 3 12.474-010 Car Hop (hotel & rest.) 311.477-010 Counter Attendant, Lunchroom or Coffee Shop (hotel & rest.) 311.477-014 Fountain Server (hotel & rest.) 319.474-010 Lunch-Truck Driver (hotel & rest.) 292.463-010 Manager, Food Concession (hotel & rest.) 185. 167–022 Produce Weigher (ret. tr.) 299.587-010 Waiter/Waitress, Bar (hotel & rest.) 311.477-0 18 Waiter/Waitress, Formal (hotel & rest.) 31 1.477-026 Waiter/Waitress, Informal (hotel & rest.) 311 .477-030 Waiter/Waitress, Take Out (hotel & rest.) 3 | 1.477-038 Automat-Car Attendant (r. r. trans.) 319.464-010 Waiter/Waitress, Dining Car (r.r. trans.) 311.477-022 09.04.02 Sales Services Boat-Rental Clerk (amuse. & rec.) 295.467-014 Cabana Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 349.677-010 Card Player (amuse. & rec.) 343.367-010 Cardroom Attendant (amuse. & rec.) I 343.467-010 Desk Clerk, Bowling Floor (amuse. & rec.) 340.367-010 Floor Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 343.467-014 Gambling Dealer (amuse. & rec.) 343.467-018 Game Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 342.457-010 Skate-Shop Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 341.464-010 Supervisor, Cardroom (amuse. & rec.) 343. 137-014 Wharf Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 342.667-010 Automobile-Rental Clerk (auto. ser.) 295.477-010 Automobile-Self-Serve-Service-Station Attendant ser.) 9 15.477-010 (au to. Car-Wash Attendant, Automatic (auto. ser.) 9 15.667-010 Parking-Lot Attendant (auto. ser.) 915.473-010 Supervisor, Parking Lot (auto. ser.) 915. 133-010 Trailer-Rental Clerk (auto. ser.) 295.467-022 Hospital-Television-Rental Clerk (bus. ser.) 295.467-018 Tool-and-Equipment-Rental Clerk (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 295.357-014 Curb Attendant (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.477- 010 Manager, Branch Store (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.467-0 10 Self-Service-Laundry-and-Dry-Cleaning Attendant (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.677-010 Service-Establishment Attendant (clean., dye., & press.; laund.; per ser.) 369.477-014 Platform Attendant (ice) 299.377-010 Supervisor, Ice Storage, Sale, and Delivery (ice) 299. 137- 022 Apparel-Rental Clerk (ret. tr.) 295.357-010 Baby-Stroller and Wheelchair Rental Clerk (ret. 295.36.7-014 Bicycle-Rental Clerk (ret. tr.) 295.467-010 Cashier, Courtesy Booth (ret. tr.) 211.467-010 Cashier-Wrapper (ret. tr.) 21 1.462-018 Customer-Service Clerk (ret. tr.) 299.367-010 Deliverer, Merchandise (ret. tr.) 299.477-010 Newspaper Carrier (ret. tr.) 292.457-010 Personal Shopper (ret. tr.) 296.357-010 Sales Attendant (ret. tr.) 299.677-010 Sales Clerk (ret. tr.) 290.477-014 Sales Clerk, Food (ret. tr.) 290.477-0 18 Supervisor, Marina Sales and Service (ret. tr.) 299.137-026 tr.) Pay-Station Attendant (tel. & tel.) 237.367-034 270 Attendant Services 09.05 09.05 Attendant Services Workers in this group perform services that make life easier and more pleasant for people. They do things that people can't or don't want to do for themselves, like opening doors, delivering messages, carrying luggage and packages, and dishing up food. They find employment in a variety of settings, such as hotels, airports, golf courses, theaters, reducing salons, and gymnasiums. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —serve or assist diners at a buffet table. —carry food to a serving table in a cafeteria. —carry and deliver messages. —care for costumes of a theatrical or movie cast. —carry pails of drinking water to farm or construc- tion workers. —serve food to cafeteria customers. —check credentials of those entering a press box and run errands. —retrieve bats and foul balls from baseball field and supply balls to the umpire. —massage a customer's muscles to relieve tension. —clean, shape, and polish fingernails. —take tickets from persons attending a theater. —carry baggage on and off trains. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —carry Out specific Oral or written instructions, frequently following a simple routine. —do the same task over and over, frequently in the same way. —get along with all kinds of people. —stand and walk for long periods of time. —lift and carry things like luggage, trays of dishes, and bags of golf clubs. —use hands and fingers skillfully and easily when performing tasks, like giving rub-downs, manicur- ing fingernails, opening Oysters, and bagging groce- I 162S. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you collected tickets or ushered at a play? Do you remain courteous when other people are rude to you? —Have you served food or beverages in a cafeteria line? Can you walk or stand for long periods of time? - - –Have you helped with the wardrobe for a school or community theatrical group? Do you enjoy assisting others? —Have you been in charge of sports equipment for a team? Do you enjoy caring for other people's property? —Have you served food in a mess hall as a member of a military force? Did you like doing this? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from short demonstration to over three months, depending upon the specific kind of work. Many jobs in this group require only on-the-job training. However, formal training is available. For exam- ple, massage techniques may be learned in a few class sessions through a public or private school. Manicurists usually learn their trade in a beauty school. Some jobs require city or state licenses. Courses in food and beverage service are offered in many vocational schools. Employers usually train inex- perienced people. 271 09.05 What else should you consider about these jobs? Waiters/Waitresses are required to wear uniforms. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Income for these workers may be a combination of wages and tips. Their salary sometimes includes room and board. Weekend and evening work is required in some of these jobs. Some workers like Bellhops and 272 09.05 Attendant Services 09.05.01 Physical Conditioning Second (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-0 18 Cooling-Room Attendant (per. ser.) 335.677-010 Electrologist (per. ser.) 339.371-010 Hot-Room Attendant (per. ser.) 335.677-014 Manicurist (per, ser.) 331.674-010 Masseur/Masseuse (per. ser.) 334.374-010 Reducing-Salon Attendant (per. ser.) 359.567-010 Rubber (per. ser.) 334.677-010 09.05.02 Food Services Taproom Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 312.677-010 Cafeteria Attendant (hotel & rest.) 3 l l .677-010 Counter Attendant, Cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 31 1.677-014 Counter Supervisor (hotel & rest.) 311. 137-010 Counter-Supply Worker (hotel & rest.) 319.687-010 Dining Room Attendant (hotel & rest.) 311.677-0 18 Food-Service Supervisor (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 3.19. 1 37-010 Raw Shellfish Preparer (hotel & rest.) 311.674-014 Steward/Stewardess, Banquet (hotel & rest.) 310. 137-022 Waiter/Waitress, Buffet (hotel & rest.) 311.674-018 Waiter/Waitress, Club (hotel & rest.) 352.677-0 18 Waiter/Waitress, Room Service (hotel & rest.) 311 .477– 034 Wine Steward/Stewardess (hotel & rest.) 310.357-010 Food-Service Worker, Hospital (medical ser.) 355.677-010 Caterer Helper (per. ser.) 319.677-010 Mess Attendant (water trans.) 350.677-010 Passenger Attendant (water trans.) 350.677-014 Steward/Stewardess, Wine (water trans.) 350.677-026 Waiter/Waitress (water trans.) 350.677-030 09.05.03 Portering and Baggage Services Baggage Checker (air trans.; motor trans.) 357.477-010 Porter (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 357.677-010 Checkroom Attendant (any ind.) 358.677-010 Checkroom Chief (any ind.) 358.137-010 Baggage Porter, Head (hotel & rest.) 324. 137-010 Bell Captain (hotel & rest.) 324. 137-014 Bellhop (hotel & rest.) 324.677-010 Porter, Baggage (hotel & rest.) 324.477-010 Room-Service Clerk (hotel & rest.) 324.577-010 Pallbearer (per. ser.) 359.687-010 Porter, Marina (water trans.) 329.677-010 Drive-in Theater Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 349.673-010 Press-Box Custodian (amuse. & rec.) 344.677-010 Receiving-Barn Custodian (amuse. & rec.) 349.367-014 Doorkeeper (any ind.) 324.677-014 Vault Attendant (finan. inst.) 249.677-0 1 0 Hospital Entrance Attendant (medical ser.) 355.677-014 09.05.05 Card and Game Room Services Board Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 249.587-010 Cardroom Attendant (amuse. & rec.) II 343.577-010 Racker (amuse. & rec.) 340.477-010 09.05.06 Individualized Services Caddie (amuse. & rec.) 341.677-010 Caddie Supervisor (amuse. & rec.) 341. 137-010 Dresser (amuse. & rec.) 346.674-010 Jockey Valet (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-010 Personal Attendant (dom. ser.) 309.674-014 Porter, Sample Case (whole. tr.) 299.687-010 09.05.07 General Wardrobe Services Riding-Silks Custodian (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-014 Wardrobe Supervisor (amuse. & rec.) 346.361-010 Restroom Attendant (any ind.) 358.677-0 18 Clothes-Room Worker (medical ser.) 355.687-010 Costumer Assistant (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 346.374-0 10 Locker-Room Attendant (per. ser.) 358.677-014 Shoe Shiner (per. ser.) 366.677-010 09.05.08 Ticket Taking, Ushering Ride Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 342.677-010 Ski-Tow Operator (amuse. & rec.) 341.665-010 Ticket Taker (amuse. & rec.) 344.667-010 Usher (amuse. & rec.) 344.677-014 Usher, Head (amuse. & rec.) 344. 137-010 Escort (any ind.) 353.667-010 Conductor (r. r. trans.) 9 10.667-014 Passenger Service Representative (r. r. trans.) II 910.677- O 1 O 09.05.09 Elevator Services Elevator Operator (any ind.) 388.663-010 Elevator Starter (any ind.) 388.367-010 09.05.04 Doorkeeping Services Gate Agent (air trans.) 238.367-010 Supervisor, Gate Services (air trans.) 238. 137-018 09.05.10 Packaging-Wrapping Bagger (ret. tr.) 920.687-014 273 Humanitarian An interest in helping individuals with their mental, Spiritual, SOCial, physical, or vocational concerns. You can Satisfy this interest by Work in which caring for the Welfare of others is important. Perhaps the spiritual or mental Well-being of others concerns you. You could prepare for a job in religion or counseling. You may wish to help others with physical problems. You could work in the nursing, therapy, or rehabilitation fields. You may like to provide needed but less difficult Care by Working as an aide, Orderly, or technican. 274 Humanitarian 10.01 Social Services 10.02 Nursing, Therapy, and Specialized Teaching 10.03 Child and Adult Care 275 Social Services 10.0 10.01 Social Services Workers in this group help people deal with their problems. They may work with one person at a time or with groups of people. Workers sometimes specialize in problems that are personal, social, vocational, physical, educa- tional, or spiritual in nature. Schools, rehabilitation centers, mental health clinics, guidance centers, and churches employ these workers. Jobs are also found in public and private welfare and employment services, juvenile courts, and vocational rehabilitation programs. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —observe and interview members of a family to determine their medical or psychological needs. —help prison parolees find jobs and adjust to society. —counsel persons about educational and vocational plans. —promote physical healing or spiritual well-being through prayer or other religious activities. —help individuals overcome emotional or social problems. —assist parents with child-rearing problems. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use logical thinking and special training to counsel others or to help a person define and solve per- sonal problems. —care about people, their needs, and their welfare enough to want to help in some way. —understand the way government programs and so- cial service organizations function. —gain the trust and confidence of people. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. - —Have you been active in church or civic groups? Do you like to work with other people toward a common goal? —Have your friends come to you for advice or help with their personal problems? Did you help them find solutions? 10.01 —Have you had courses in psychology, sociology, or other social sciences? Do you like to study human behavior? —Have you helped to teach someone who had a problem learning something? Are you patient and willing to stay with a task until it is finished? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. More than four years of college study is required for most jobs in this group. Two or more years of graduate level study is often required for jobs in social work or psychology. Some jobs in religion, clinical psychology, or industrial psychology require additional education. School coun- selors are usually required to have one or more years of teaching experience. Some workers begin as helpers in social, religious, or welfare organizations and receive on-the-job training. However, formal training is usualy required for a worker to become a professional. Private organizations dealing with problems such as drug addiction and abortion sometimes hire people who can relate to these problems. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group sometimes receive community recognition or personal satisfaction from helping others. These jobs may involve irregular working hours and often include weekends and evenings. The work may involve dealing with sensitive people and confidential informa- tion. Knowledge and skills must be updated frequently through reading journals, or attending seminars, summer schools, and workshops. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Social Services 10.01.01 Religious Director of Religious Activities (education) 129. 107-0 18 Christian Science Practitioner (profess. & kin.) 129.107- 0 1 4 Clergy Member (profess. & kin.) 120.007-010 10.01.02 Counseling and Social Work Astrologer (amuse. & rec.) 10.01.02 Dean of Students (education) I 090. 1 17-0 18 Dean of Students (education) II 091. 107-010 Director of Placement (education) 166. 167-014 Foreign-Student Adviser (education) 090. 107-010 Residence Counselor (education) 045. 107-038 Vocational-Rehabilitation Counselor (gov. ser.) 045. 107- 042 Counselor, Nurses’ Association (medical ser.) 045. 107-014 Veterans Contact 187.1 67- 198 Representative (nonprofit organ.) Counselor (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-010 Dianetic Counselor (profess. & kin.) 199.207-010 Director of Counseling (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-0 18 Parole Officer (profess. & kin.) 195. 167-030 Psychologist, Clinical (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-022 Psychologist, Counseling (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-026 Psychologist, School (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-034 Social Worker, Medical (profess. & kin.) 195. 107-030 Social Worker, Psychiatric (profess. & kin.) 195. 107-034 Social Worker, School (profess. & kin.) 195. 107-038 Case Aide (social ser.) 195.367-010 Caseworker (social ser.) 195. 107-010 Caseworker, Child Welfare (social ser.) 195. 107-014 Caseworker, Family (social ser.) 195. 107-018 Casework Supervisor (social ser.) 195. 137-010 Social Group Worker (social ser.) 195. 107-022 Social Worker, Delinquency Prevention (social 195. 107-026 ser.) 277 Nursing, Therapy, and Specialized Teaching Services 1004 10.02 Nursing, Therapy, and Specialized Teaching Services Workers in this group care for, treat, or train people to improve their physical and emotional well being. Most workers in this group deal with sick, injured, or handicapped people. Some workers are involved in health education and sickness prevention. Hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers hire workers in this group, as do schools, industrial plants, doctors’ offices, and private homes. Some sports also have a need for workers in this group. What kind of work would you do? care for or treat sick or handicapped people. —understand technical information you might get from supervisors, charts, reference books, manuals, or labels. —use eyes, hands, and fingers with skill. —work fast in an emergency. —communicate with people when they are sick, han- dicapped, or nervous. —change from one duty to another frequently. —follow instructions exactly. —record information accurately. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —provide general nursing care to patients in a hospital. —give medications to patients as prescribed. —care for and treat patients in a doctor's office. —observe, record, and report information about the condition of patients in a hospital or clinic. —plan and carry out a school health program. —plan, organize, and direct music or art activities to help patients in a mental hospital. —direct and aid patients in physical therapy exer- C1SCS. º How do you know if you would like or could learn —provide physical therapy exercises and treatments to do this kind of work? as directed by a physician. —train newly blinded people in daily routines, such The following questions may give you clues about as grooming, dressing, and using the telephone. yourself as you consider this group of jobs. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use common sense and special medical skills to 10.02 —Have you worked as an aide in a hospital, day care center, nursing home, or other institution? Do you like helping people who are ill or injured? —Have you had training or school courses in arts, crafts, speech, or music? Can you teach these skills to others? —Have you assembled a plastic model of a human body? Are you interested in human anatomy? —Have you taken a first aid course? Do you re- member actions you should take in an emergency? —Have you taken courses which require you to dis- sect an animal? Can you skillfully handle small in- struments such as tweezers or probes? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. People seeking entry into professional nursing and rehabilitation are required to have specialized training. Most schools of professional nursing require a high school education or its equal for admission. A few schools require some col- lege credits for admission. Most nursing schools offer one or more of the follow- ing programs: two-year associate degrees, three-year diploma programs, or four-year baccalaureate degrees. Studies in all programs include biological, physical, and social sciences as well as nursing theory and practice. Two and three year programs prepare graduates for general and private duty nursing. Graduates of four-year baccalaureate programs qualify for general duty nursing, positions in public health agencies, or advancement to su- pervisory and administrative work. Jobs in therapy usually require a college degree in a specialized field such as speech, music, recreation, art, or physical education. On-the-job training is also required. People with degrees in other fields may become qualified by taking the necessary academic and clinical courses. What else should you consider about these jobs? These jobs involve close physical contact with people. Workers may have to lift, bathe, groom, or massage pa- tients. They may also take blood or apply dressings and medications. Conditions associated with mental, emo- tional, or physical problems must be tolerated. Most professionals will work a 40-hour week. However they may be on call or required to work overtime. Wor- kers with seniority usually can be selective about the days and shifts they work. Jobs may involve direct patient care, research, teaching, or combinations of each. There are many areas of specialization in this field. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 279 10.02 10.02.01 Nursing, Therapy, and Specialized Teaching Services Nursing - Instructor, Psychiatric Aide (education) 075. 127-010 Director, Educational, Community-Health Nursing (medical ser.) 075.1 17-0 18 Inservice Coordinator, Auxiliary Personnel (medical ser.) 079. 1 27-010 Nurse Anesthetist (medical ser.) 075.371-010 Nurse, Consultant (medical ser.) 075. 127-014 Nurse, General Duty (medical ser.) 075.374-010 Nurse, Head (medical ser.) 075. 127-0 18 Nurse, Instructor (medical ser.) 075. 121-010 Nurse, Licensed Practical (medical ser.) 079.374-014 Nurse-Midwife (medical ser.) 075.264-014 Nurse, Office (medical ser.) 075.374-014 Nurse Practitioner (medical ser.) 075.264-010 Nurse, Private Duty (medical ser.) 075.374-018 Nurse, School (medical ser.) 075. 124-010 Nurse, Staff, Community Health (medical ser.) 075.124- 014 Nurse, Staff, Occupational Health Nursing (medical ser.) 0.75.374-022 Nurse, Supervisor (medical ser.) 075. 127-022 Nurse, Supervisor, Community-Health Nursing (medical ser.) 075. 127-026 - Nurse, Supervisor, Occupational Health Nursing (medical ser.) 075. 137-010 Physician Assistant (medical ser.) 079.364-018 10.02.02 Therapy and Rehabilitation Athletic Trainer (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.224-010 Instructor, Physical (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.227- 014 Orientation Therapist For the Blind (education) 076.221- 010 Art Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 127-010 Corrective Therapist (medical ser.) 076.361-010 Dental Hygienist (medical ser.) 078.361-010 Dialysis Technician (medical ser.) 078.362-014 Industrial Therapist (medical ser.) 076.167-010 Manual-Arts Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 124-010 Music Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 127-014 Nuclear Medical Technologist (medical ser.) 078.361-018 Occupational Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 121-010 Occupational Therapy Assistant (medical ser.) 076.364-010 Orthoptist (medical ser.) 079.371-014 Physical Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 121-014 Physical Therapist Assistant (medical ser.) 076.224-010 Radiologic Technologist (medical ser.) 078.362-026 Radiologic Technologist, Chief (medical ser.) 078. 162-010 Recreational Therapist (medical ser.) 076. 124-014 Respiratory Therapist (medical ser.) 079.361-010 Hypnotherapist (profess. & kin.) 079. 157-010 Program Aide, Group Work (social ser.) 195.227-010 10.02.03 Specialized Teaching Educational Therapist (education) 094.227-010 Teacher, Blind (education) 094.227-014 Teacher, Deaf (education) 094.224-010 Teacher, Handicapped Students (education) 094.227-0 18 Teacher, Kindergarten (education) 092.227-014 Teacher, Mentally Retarded (education) 094.227-022 Teacher, Preschool (education) 092.227-0 18 280 Child and Adult Care 10.03 10.03 Child and Adult Care Workers in this group are concerned with the physical needs and the welfare of others. They assist professionals n treating the sick or injured. They care for the elderly, the very young, or the handicapped. Frequently these orkers help people do the things they cannot do for themselves. Jobs are found in hospitals, clinics, day care Benters, nurseries, schools, private homes, and centers for helping the handicapped. -*. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —help elderly persons bathe, feed, or dress them- selves. —collect medical data, using electronic equipment such as an electrocardiograph. —assist physical therapists in providing treatment to patients. —give emergency first aid in a commercial or indus- trial setting. —ride in an ambulance and assist the driver in giving first aid and transporting patients. —entertain and supervise children in a nursery. —assist a dentist by recording information about pa- tients and doing other simple office and clinical tasks. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —want to help people. —deal with the young, elderly, sick, or handicapped. —understand and follow instructions exactly in car- ing for those who depend on you. —use arms, eyes, hands, and fingers with skill. —talk and relate to sick or handicapped people. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about 281 10.03 yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you cared for children or sick people? Are you patient with and able to relate to those who cannot take care of themselves? —Have you had courses in first aid? Can you react quickly and calmly in an emergency? * —Have you been a volunteer worker in a hospital? Do you like this kind of work? —Have you participated in community services or charity work? Are you concerned for the welfare of others? —Did you serve in the medical corps in the armed services? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from thirty days to over two years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Em- ployers usually require an applicant to have a high school education or its equal. Hospitals, community agencies, colleges, and public vocational schools offer training courses for many of these jobs. The average program requires about one year to complete. Some jobs in this group require state licenses. Hospitals and clinics provide on-the-job training fo many of these jobs. This training usually includes class room instruction, demonstration of skills and technique and practice. The length of training depends upon th job. Interest and experience in homemaking, child care, o adult care provide good background for working with th aged, blind, or the very young. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some of these jobs involve close physical contact wit people. Workers may have to help lift, bathe, groom, o feed people. Working hours will vary, since health care i given 24 hours a day. The growing demand for health care gives workers in this group security. The demand for both full- and part-time workers i this area is high. Qualified and experienced worker usually find the jobs that fit their needs. Personal satisfaction is often received by helpin others. If you think you would like to do this kind of work look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Child and Adult Care 10.03.01 Data Collection Electrocardiograph Technician (medical ser.) 078.362-018 Electroencephalographic Technologist (medical ser.) 078.362-022 Audiometrist (profess. & kin.) 078.362-010 10.03.02 Patient Care First-Aid Attendant (any ind.) 354.677-010 Ambulance Attendant (medical ser.) 355.374-010 Birth Attendant (medical ser.) 354.377-010 Chiropractor Assistant (medical ser.) 079.364-010 Dental Assistant (medical ser.) 079.37 1-0 10 Emergency Medical Technician (medical ser.) 079.374-010 Medical Assistant (medical ser.) 079.367-010 Nurse Aide (medical ser.) 355.674-014 Nurse, Practical (medical ser.) 354.374-010 Occupational Therapy Aide (medical ser.) 355.377-010 Orderly (medical ser.) 355.674-018 Orthopedic Assistant (medical ser.) 712.661-010 Physical Therapy Aide (medical ser.) 355.354–010 Podiatric Assistant (medical ser.) 079.374-0 18 Psychiatric Aide (medical ser.) 355.377-014 Surgical Technician (medical ser.) 079.374-022 Christian Science Nurse (profess. & kin.) 129. 107-010 Optometric Assistant (profess. & kin.) 079.364-014 10.03.03 Care of Others Attendant, Children's Institution (any ind.) 359.677-010 Nursery School Attendant (any ind.) 359.677-018 Playroom Attendant (any ind.) 359.677-026 Child Monitor (dom. ser.) 301.677-010 Children's Tutor (dom. ser.) 099.227-010 Companion (dom. ser.) 309.677-010 Foster Parent (dom. ser.) 309.677-014 Guard, School-Crossing (gov. ser.) 371.567-010 Blind Aide (per. ser.) 359.573–010 Child-Care Attendant, School (per. ser.) 355.674-010 Home Attendant (per. ser.) 354.377-014 282 Leading-Influencing An interest in leading and influencing others by using high-level verbal or numerical abilities. You Can Satisfy this interest through study and Work in a variety of professional fields. You may enjoy the challenge and responsibility of leadership. You could seek Work in administration or management. You may prefer working with technical details. You could find a job in finance, law, SOcial research, or public relations. You may like to help others learn. Perhaps Working in education WOuld appeal to you. 283 Leading-Influencing 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 110s 11,06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 Mathematics and Statistics Educational and Library Services Social Research Law Business Administration Finance Services Administration Communications Promotion Regulations Enforcement Business Management Contracts and Claims 284 Mathematics and Statistics 11.01 11.01 Mathematics and Statistics Workers in this group use advanced math and statistics to solve problems and conduct research. They analyze and interpret numerical data for planning and decisionmaking. Some of these workers may first study and then deter- mine how computers may best be used to solve problems or process information. Colleges, large businesses and indus- tries, research organizations, and government agencies use these workers. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —apply formulas and mathematical principles to solve technical problems in engineering or the physical sciences. —develop systems for handling information for busi- nesses and industries. —design insurance and pension plans and set premi- ums and benefit rates. —plan and write computer programs for control of automated operations. —convert business problems into numbers and sym- bols for electronic data processing. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —use advanced logic and scientific thinking to solve a variety of complex problems. —understand and use advanced math and statistics. —use personal judgment, make decisions and deal with problems. —use computer technology to solve problems or process large amounts of information. —speak and write clearly and accurately. —use technical terms, math and computer symbols, and complex charts and graphs. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. - - —Have you had courses in advanced mathematics? Do you enjoy working with complex numerical ideas? - —Have you had experience using a pocket calcula- tor? Can you enter long columns of numbers accu- rately? Can you use all of the mathematical func- tions on the machine? —Do you like to solve written problems in mathe- matics? Can you easily identify the procedures for solving such problems? and known facts to How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Almost all jobs in this group require four or more years of study in mathematics and statistics at the college level. Ex- perience in banking, accounting, or a related field is an additional requirement for some jobs. Other jobs require experience and training in a scientific or technical area. Jobs with the federal government require a civil service examination. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group are expected to keep up with developments and trends in their specific areas. They at- tend seminars and workshops, or study for advanced degrees. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 285 11.01 11.01.01 Mathematics and Statistics Data Processing Design Programer, Detail (clerical). 219.367–026 Director, Records Management (profess. & kin.) 161.117- 0.14 Engineering Analyst (profess. & kin.) 020.067-010 Forms Analyst (profess. & kin.) 161.267-018 Information Scientist (profess. & kin.) 109.067-010 Manager, Electronic Data Processing (profess. & kin.) 169. 16.7-030 Operations-Research Analyst (profess. & kin.) 020.067-018 Programer, Business (profess. & kin.) 020.162-014 Programer, Chief, Business (profess. & kin.) 020. 167-018 Programer, Engineering and Scientific (profess. & kin.) 020. 167–022 Programer, Information System (profess. & kin.) 020. 187– 0.10 Programer, Process Control (profess. & kin.) 020. 187-014 Statistician, Mathematical (profess. & kin.) 020.067-022 Systems Analyst, Electronic Data Processing (profess. & kin.) 012. 167–066 11.01.02 Data Analysis Financial Analyst (finan. inst.; insurance) 020. 167-014 Director, Employment Research and Planning (gov. ser.) 050. 11 7-0 1 0 Director of Vital Statistics (gov. ser.) 188. 167-022 Actuary (profess. & kin.) 020. 167-010 Consultant (profess. & kin.) 189. 167-010 Mathematical Technician (profess. & kin.) 020.162-010 Statistician, Applied (profess. & kin.) 020. 167-026 286 Educational and Library Services 11.02 11.02 Educational and Library Services Workers in this group do general and specialized teaching, vocational training, advising in agriculture and home *conomics, and library work of various kinds. Jobs are found in schools, colleges, libraries, and other educational facilities. What kind of work would you do? How do you know if you would like or could learn e & tº - º to do this kind of work? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might The following questions may give you clues about - —teach elementary OT secondary school students. yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —teach the skills for a specific trade to adults or —Have you been a camp or playground instructor? youth. º Do you enjoy working with children? —present ideas and information for effective home —Have you helped friends or relatives with their and farm management to adults. homework? Can you explain things and commu- —teach undergraduate or graduate college courses. nicate ideas? —check out, collect, and shelve books in a library. —Have you been a member of FTA (Future Teachers of America) or a similar group? Do you have a desire to teach or train others? —Have you been a school office worker or teacher's To do this kind of work, you must be able to: helper? Do you enjoy helping and assisting people? —Have you assisted a librarian in cataloging or shelving books? Did you like this type of activity? What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? —understand and use the basic principles of effec- tive teaching. —develop special skills and knowledge in one or more academic or vocational subjects. —use an organized system for storing and using books and other library materials. —develop a good teacher-student relationship. 287 , 11.02 How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? . Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Four or more years of college is required for most jobs in this group. College and university teachers, supervisors, and librarians must have graduate degrees. Teachers in public schools must obtain state certificates. Requirements for certificates vary among the states, but specific amounts of education and experience are usually included. Voca- tional teachers are often required to have extensive work experience in their teaching field. Home economics and agricultural extension services workers need special coursework. - What else should you consider about these jobs? Openings for teachers vary according to the subjec area or specialty, the enrollment, and the financial sup port of each institution. Most teachers are required t work only nine months each year. Therefore, some ma have time to further their education or find summer em ployment. Teachers and other education workers are frequentl required to accept duties outside of the regular work day These duties may include planning and grading activities attending conferences, meetings, and workshops; advisin students; or supervising student activities. Workers ma receive additional pay for some of these duties. If you think you would like to do this kind of work look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Selec those that interest you, and read their definitions in th Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 288 11.02 Educational and Library Services 11.02.01 Teaching and Instructing, General Faculty Member, College or University (education) Community Dietitian (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-010 090.227-010 . Home Economist (profess. & kin.) 096. 121-014 Graduate Assistant (education) 090.227-014 Home-Service Director (profess. & kin.) 096.161-010 Instructor, Correspondence School (education) 099.227- 0.14 Homemaker (social ser.) 309.354-010 Instructor, Extension Work (education) 090.227-0 18 Instructor, Physical Education (education) 099.224-010 11.02.04 Library Services Teacher, Adult Education (education) 099.227-030 Film-Rental Clerk (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 295.367-0 18 Teacher Aide (education) I 099.327-010 Teacher, Elementary School (education) 092.227-010 Teacher, Secondary School (education) 09 1.227-010 Tutor (education) 099.227-034 Film-or-Tape Librarian (clerical) 222.367-026 Career-Guidance Technician (education) 249.367-0 l 4 Acquisitions Librarian (library) 100.267-010 Audiovisual Librarian (library) 100. 167-010 Bookmobile Librarian (library) 100. 167-014 Instructor, Vocational Training (education) 097.227-014 Catalog Librarian (library) 100.387-0 1 0 Teacher, Industrial Arts (education) 09 1.221-010 Children's Librarian (library) 100. 167-0 18 Training Representative (education) 166.227-010 Classifier (library) 100.367-014 Institution Librarian (library) 100. 167–022 11.02.02 Teaching, Vocational and Industrial Instructor, Ground Services (air trans.) 099.227-0 18 Dietitian, Teaching (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-022 Librarian (library) 100. 127-014 Librarian, Special Collections (library) 100.267-014 11.02.03 Teaching, Home Economics, Agriculture, and Related Librarian, Special Library (library) 100. 167-026 Feed and Farm Management Adviser (agric.; ret. tr.) Library Assistant (library) 249.367-046 096.1 27-0 18 Library Technical Assistant (library) 100.367-0 18 Media Specialist, School Library (library) 100. 167-030 Four-H Club Agent (education) 096. 127-022 Shelving Supervisor (library) 109. 137-010 County-Agricultural Agent (gov. ser.) 096. 127-010 Young-Adult Librarian (library) 100. 167–034 * e t & .) 096. 1 21- County Home-Demonstration Agent (gov. ser.) Bibliographer (profess. & kin.) 100.367-010 010 Extension Service Specialist (gov. ser.) 096. 127-014 Music Librarian (radio & tv broad.) 100.367-022 Specialist-in-Charge, Extension Service (gov. ser.) 096. 16.7- Music Librarian, International Broadcast (radio & tw 014 broad.) 100.367–026 Social Research 11.03 11.03 Social Research Workers in this group gather, study, and analyze information about individuals, specific groups, or entire socie- ties. They conduct research, both historical and current, into all aspects of human behavior, including abnormal behavior, language, work, politics, lifestyle, and cultural expression. They are employed by museums, school and col- leges, government agencies, and private research foundations. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —collect and analyze data about jobs, including worker qualifications and characteristics. —study articles from a historic site to learn about an ancient society. —conduct research about the mental development of people. — determine the origins, meanings, and pronuncia- tions of words and define them for a dictionary. —appraise, assemble, and direct the safekeeping of historic documents. —conduct research in psychological problems re- lated to engineering projects. —study the structure of language to understand its social function. —collect and interpret data on economic conditions. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —analyze and interpret both current and historical information that relates to the research subject. —understand and use the theories and methods of research in your particular field. —organize detailed research notes into a logical out- line. —write reports of findings. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you read magazines concerning world affairs and social problems? Do you keep informed of current events? —Have you done research projects or surveys for so- cial science classes? Do you enjoy this type of ac- tivity? - 290 11.03 —Have you taken courses in sociology, psychology, or civics? Do you like to write reports or research papers? —Have you visited museums or historical sites? Do you enjoy history? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Almost all jobs in this group require four or more years of col- lege study in the social sciences. Some jobs require spe- cialization in a particular field such as sociology, history, economics, or archeology. Courses in computer science and statistics are important because these technologies are used to handle research data. What else should you consider about these jobs? Employers expect workers in this group to keep up with developments and trends in their specific area. This is done by attending seminars and workshops or studying for advanced degrees. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Social Research 11.03.01 Psychological Psychologist, Developmental (profess. & kin.) 045.061-010 Psychologist, Educational (profess. & kin.) 045.067-010 Psychologist, Engineering (profess. & kin.) 045.061-014 Psychologist, Experimental (profess. & kin.) 045.061-018 Psychologist, Industrial-Organizational (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-030 Psychologist, Social (profess. & kin.) 045.067-014 Psychometrist (profess. & kin.) 045.067-018 11.03.02 Sociological - Intelligence Specialist (gov. ser.) 059.267-010 City Planning Aide (profess. & kin.) 199.364-010 Intelligence Research Specialist (profess. & kin.) 059. 16.7- 0 1 0 Philologist (profess. & kin.) 059.067-010 Political Scientist (profess. & kin.) 051.067-010 Research Worker, Social Welfare (profess. 054.067-0 1 0 Scientific Linguist (profess. & kin.) 059.067-014 Sociologist (profess. & kin.) 054.067-014 Urban Planner (profess. & kin.) 199.167-014 & kin.) 11.03.03. Historical Director, Research (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) O52. 16.7-0 1 0 Anthropologist (profess. & kin.) 055.067-010 Archeologist (profess. & kin.) 055.067-018 Archivist (profess. & kin.) 101.167-010 Director, State-Historical Society (profess. 0.52.067-014 Ethnologist (profess. & kin.) 055.067-022 Genealogist (profess. & kin.) 052.067-018 Historian (profess. & kin.) 052.067-022 Historian, Dramatic Arts (profess. & kin.) 052.067-026 Research Assistant (profess. & kin.) 109.267-010 & kin.) 11.03.04 Occupational Certification and Selection Specialist (education) 099.167- 0 1 0 Employment Interviewer (profess. & kin.) 166.267-010 Job Analyst (profess. & kin.) 166.267-018 Occupational Analyst (profess. & kin.) 166.067-010 Prisoner-Classification Interviewer (profess. & 166.267–022 kin.) 11.03.05 Economic Economist (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010 291 Law 11.04 11.04 Law Workers in this group advise and represent others in legal matters. Those in small towns and cities conduct criminal or civil cases in court, draw up wills and other legal papers, abstract real estate, and perform related activi- ties. Those in large cities usually specialize in one kind of law, such as criminal, civil, tax, labor, or patent. They work in law firms, unions, government agencies, and commercial and industrial establishments. Some are self-em- ployed and have their own office. Lawyers are frequently elected to public office, particularly as legislators. Many State Governors and U. S. Presidents have been lawyers. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —Study court decisions and conduct investigations on claims filed against insurance companies. —prepare wills, deeds, and other legal documents for people. - —preside in a court of law or at a formal hearing. —conduct research in technical literature to recom- mend approval or rejection of patent applications. —represent union or management in labor negotia- tions. - —defend people during prosecution under the law. —represent clients who are suing or being sued for money or legal action. —give advice concerning federal, state, local, and foreign taxes. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand, interpret, and apply legal procedures, principles, and laws. —define problems, collect information, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. —deal with all kinds of clients, juries, judges, and other lawyers in a manner that will influence their opinions, attitudes, and judgments. —read carefully and listen carefully to identify im- portant details which could help a client win his CaSC. - - —use your judgment about how to conduct a case or deal with a problem. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about 'ourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken debate or speech courses? Do you feel at ease presenting a point of view in front of a group? - —Have you taken courses in journalism or composi- tion? Can you communicate complex ideas effec- tively? 292 11.04 —Have you watched detective or lawyer television programs? Do you understand the legal terminolo- gy used? —Have you attended a trial or court proceeding? Would you like to work in this type of at- mosphere? ow can you prepare for and enter this kind of ork? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Lawyers - is . e. - are required to pass a bar examination and obtain a license for the particular state in which they want to pºsiº Educational requirements for taking the bar ex- amination vary. Some states require proof of graduation from an approved law school. A four year college degree and completion of a program for law clerks may be ac- cepted. Other states allow persons who study law with a licensed lawyer to take the bar examination. Correspon- dence courses in law are accepted as preparation for bar examinations in some states. Special requirements and licenses are necessary for those who wish to practice law in certain higher courts. the institution. Some accept students directly from high school. Others require college graduation. Entry requirements for law schools vary according to Some jobs in this group require legal education, but not a license. In these jobs, workers need legal knowledge, but do not practice law. Licensed lawyers enter the field as junior partners in law firms, junior executives in business or industry, or workers in government agencies. A few establish their own law practices. However, self-employment is usually delayed because of the need for money, experience, and reputation. Some jobs in this group are elected or ap- pointed positions. Lawyers sometimes work long or irregular hours. They may be required to respond to emergency calls from clients. While the ability to see will make the study and practice of law easier, it is not required. There are many successful blind workers in this field. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. What else should you consider about these jobs? The field of law is highly competitive, but salaried posi- tions can be found in government agencies, private busi- nesses, and in some law offices. Lawyers in private prac- tice depend on collection of fees for their income. When they have several long-term retainers (fees paid in ad- vance so that service is available when needed), they have a stable income. Law 11.04.01 Justice Administration - Appeals Referee (gov. ser.) 119.267-014 Appeals Reviewer, Veteran (gov. ser.) 119. 117-010 Hearing Officer (gov. ser.) 119. 107-010 Judge (gov. ser.) 11 1. 107-010 Magistrate (gov. ser.) 111.107-014 11.04.02 Legal Practice District Attorney (gov. ser.) 1.10.1 17-010 Insurance Attorney (insurance) 110.117-014 Bar Examiner (profess. & kin.) 110. 167-010 Lawyer (profess. & kin.) 110. 107-010 Lawyer, Admiralty (profess. & kin.) 1.10.1 17-0 18 Lawyer, Corporation (profess. & kin.) 1.10.1 17-022 Lawyer, Criminal (profess. & kin.) 1.10.107-014 Lawyer, Patent (profess. & kin.) 110. 117-026 Lawyer, Probate (profess. & kin.) 110.1 17-030 Lawyer, Real Estate (profess. & kin.) 110. 117-034 Legal Investigator (profess. & kin.) 119.267-022 Paralegal Assistant (profess. & kin.) 119.267-026 Tax Attorney (profess. & kin.) 1.10.1 ! 7-038 Title Attorney (profess. & kin.) 110. 117-042 11.04.03 Conciliation Adjudicator (gov. ser.) 119. 167-010 Commissioner of Conciliation (gov. ser.) 188.2 17-010 Arbitrator (profess. & kin.) 169. 107-010 Conciliator (profess. & kin.) 169.207-010 11.04.04 Abstracting, Document Preparation Tariff Publishing Agent (bus. ser.) 184.167-250 Customs-House Broker (finan. inst.) 186. l l 7-0 18 Abstractor (profess. & kin.) 119.267-010 Patent Agent (profess. & kin.) 119. 167-014 293 Business Administration 11.0 11.05 Business Administration Workers in this group are top level administrators and managers who work through lower level supervisors to direct all or a part of the activities in private establishments or Government agencies. They set policies, make impor- tant decisions, and set priorities. These jobs are found in large businesses, industry, and government. Labor unions and associations will also hire these workers. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —serve as president of a company. —plan and direct operations for an airport. —administer city government according to policies set by city council or other elected officials. —direct the business affairs of a university. —approve the purchase of goods or services needed by a government agency. —direct all sales activities of a company. —plan and coordinate conventions, trade exhibits, and workshops for a professional association. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —think logically to make decisions. —interpret information in mathematical, written, and diagram form, such as statistical reports, profit and loss statements, financial statements, and credit regulations. —understand the effect politics and economic trends will have on company or agency plans. —continually make decisions based on experience and personal feelings as well as on facts and figures. —speak to large groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce and television audiences. —deal with all kinds of people ranging from civic leaders to employees and from legislators to the general public. —speak and write clearly and with authority. 204 11.05 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you been president or treasurer of a club or social organization? Can you work with others to develop policies and plan programs of action? —Have you taken business administration courses? Were you able to understand and contribute to class discussions about business practices? —Have you read the business section of news magazines or newspapers? Do you understand the terms used? —Have you supervised the activities of others? Were the activities carried out effectively? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most jobs in this group require experience in related positions, usually within the same establishment, industry, or spe- cialization. Degrees in business administration or law pro- vide preparation for many jobs in this group. However, some administrative jobs require training and experience in such fields as engineering, chemistry, or sociology. Some businesses offer management-trainee programs to advance employees to management positions. Some em- ployers accept inexperienced college graduates with busi- ness degrees and place them in these training programs. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group have heavy responsibilities. They may have to work long hours to meet specific situations or to solve problems. They may have to travel to dif- ferent parts of the country or even to foreign countries to attend meetings and conduct businesses. These workers sometimes change employers in order to move up the promotion ladder. These changes often require workers to relocate. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definition in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 295 11.05 Business Administration 11.05.01 Management Services: Nongovernment Manager, Airport (air trans.) 184.1 17-026 Manager, Industrial Organization (any ind.) 189.1 17-022 President (any ind.) 189.1 17-026 President, Financial Institution (finan. inst.) 186. l l 7-054 Director, Transportation (motor trans.) 184.1 17-014 Editor, Managing, Newspaper (print. & pub.) 132.0 17-010 Association Executive (profess. & kin.) 189.1 17-010 Manager, Land Development (real estate) 186.1 17-042 11.05.02 Administrative Specialization General Agent, Operations (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 184. 167-042 Manager, Flight Operations (air trans.) 184.1 17-038 Manager, Operations (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 184.1 17-050 Manager, Schedule Planning (air trans.) 184.1 17-058 Administrative Assistant (any ind.) 169. 167-010 Import-Export Agent (any ind.) 184.1 17-022 Management Trainee (any ind.) 189. 167-018 Manager, Branch (any ind.) 183.1 17-010 Manager, Department (any ind.) 189. 167-022 Manager, Traffic (any ind.) 184.167-094 Security Officer (any ind.) 189.167-034 Superintendent, Labor Utilization (any ind.) 189. 167-042 Superintendent, Plant Protection (any ind.) 189. 167-050 Superintendent, Transportation (any ind.) 184.167-226 Vice President (any ind.) 189.1 17-034 Freight-Traffic Consultant (bus. ser.) 184.267-010 Business Manager, College or University (education) 186. 1 1 7-0 1 0 Manager, Credit Union (finan. inst.) 186. 167-026 Manager, Financial Institution (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-038 Vice President, Financial Institution (finan. inst.) 186. l l 7- 078 Executive Chef (hotel & rest.) 187.1 6 1-0 l 0 Manager, Branch Operation Evaluation (hotel & rest.) 187. 167–062 Special Agent (insurance) 166. 167-046 Executive Director, Nurses’ Association (medical ser.) O75. 1 1 7-034 Producer, Assistant (motion pic.) 187. 167-182 Manager, Regional (motor trans.) 184.1 17-054 Superintendent, Division (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 184. 167- 158 Superintendent, Stations (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 184. 16.7- 206 Supervisor, Terminal Operations (motor trans.) 184.167– 242 Division Manager, Chamber of Commerce (nonprofit organ.) 187. 167-042 Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-030 * Manager, World Trade and Maritime Division (nonprofit organ.) 187. 167-170 Manager, Contracts (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 163.1 17-010 Manager, Land Leases-and-Rentals (petrol. production) 186. 167–038 Business Representative, Labor Union (profess. & kin.) 187. 167-0 18 Dietitian, Chief (profess. & kin.) 077. 117-010 Director, Industrial Relations (profess. & kin.) 166. 1 17-010 Manager, Benefits (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-018 Manager, Compensation (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-022 Manager, Credit Card Operations (profess. & kin.) 186. 167–022 Manager, Employee Welfare (profess. & kin.) 166. 117-014 Manager, Employment (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-030 Manager, Labor Relations (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-034 Manager, Personnel (profess. & kin.) 166. 1 17-018 Manager, Procurement Services (profess. & kin.) 162. 167– 022 Program Manager (profess. & kin.) 189. 167-030 Project Director (profess. & kin.) 189. 117-030 Director, Operations (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-018 Director, Operations, Broadcast (radio & twº broad.) 184. 167–022 Director, Program (radio & twbroad.) 184.167-030 Director, Sports (radio & twº broad.) 184. 167-034 Manager, Production (radio & twbroad.) 184.167-074 Manager, Station (radio & tv broad.) 184. 11 7-062 Stations-Relations-Contact Representative (radio & tv broad.) 184. 167-134 Director, Service (ret. tr.) 189. 167-014 Manager, Department Store (ret. tr.) 185.1 17-010 Operations Manager (tel. & tel.) 184.1 17-070 Superintendent, Commissary (water trans.) 184.1 17-078 11.05.03 Management Services: Government Assessor-Collector, Irrigation Tax (gov. ser.) 188. 167-014 Chief Warden (gov. ser.) 188. 167-018 Civil Preparedness Officer (gov. ser.) 188. 117-022 Commanding Officer, Motor Equipment (gov. ser.) 375. 16.7-0 18 Commissioner, Conservation of Resources (gov. ser.) 188. 1 1 7–026 Commissioner, Public Works (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-030 Director, Aeronautics Commission (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-034 Director, Agricultural Services (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-038 Director, Arts-and-Humanities Council (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 042 Director, Correctional Agency (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-054 Director, Employment Services (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-078 Director, Financial Responsibility Division (gov. ser.) 188. 167–030 Director, Law Enforcement (gov. ser.) 188. 117-070 296 11.05 Director, Licensing and Registration (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 074 Director, Merit System (gov. ser.) 188. 117-086 Director, Revenue (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-090 Director, Safety Council (gov. ser.) 188. 167-034 Director, State-Assessed Properties (gov. ser.) 188. 167-042 Director, Unemployment Insurance (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-094 Economic Development Coordinator (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 102 Election Assistant (gov. ser.) 1.88.1 67-050 Executive Secretary, State Board of Nursing (gov. ser.) 169.1 1 7-0 10 Federal Aid Coordinator (gov. ser.) 188. 167-054 Highway-Administrative Engineer (gov. ser.) 005. 167-022 Housing-Management Officer (gov. ser.) 188.1 ! 7-1 10 Manager, City (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-114 Manager, Office (gov. ser.) 188. 167-058 Postmaster (gov. ser.) 188. 167-066 Secretary of State (gov. ser.) 188. 167-082 Sectional Center Manager, Postal Service (gov. ser.) 188.1 67–086 Supervisor (gov. ser.) 188. 137-010 Supervisor, Historic Sites (gov. ser.) 102.117-010 Supervisor, Liquor Stores and Agencies (gov. ser.) 185. 167–062 Manager, Housing Project (profess. & kin.) 186. 167-030 Manager, Harbor Department (water trans.) 184. 117-042 Port-Traffic Manager (water trans.) 184.167-122 Manager, Irrigation District (waterworks) 184. 117-046 11.05.04 Sales and Purchasing Management Manager, Export (any ind.) 163.1 17-014 Manager, Sales (any ind.) 163. 167-018 Property-Disposal Officer (any ind.) 163. 167-026 Field Representative (bus. ser.; whole. tr.) 163.267-010 Manager, Professional Equipment Sales-and-Service (bus. ser.) 185. 167-042 Manager, Brokerage Office (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-034 Clean-Rice Broker (grain & feed mill.) 162. 167-018 Manager, Utility Sales and Service (light, heat, & power) 163. 167–022 Manager, Circulation (print. & pub.) 163. 167-014 Purchasing Agent (profess. & kin.) 162. 157-038 Manager, Merchandise (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 167-034 Wholesaler (whole. tr.) I 185. 167-070 Wholesaler (whole. tr.) II 185. 157-018 297 Finance 11.06 11.06 Finance Workers in this group use mathematical and analytical skills to design financial systems and examine and in- terpret financial records. They are concerned with accounting and auditing activities, records systems analysis, risk and profit analyses, brokering, and budget and financial control. They find employment in banks, loan companies, investment firms, colleges, government agencies, and miscellaneous business firms. Some workers, like accountants and appraisers are self-employed. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —design an accounting system for a business to pro- vide complete financial records. —analyze financial records to prepare a financial status report. —appraise materials and equipment to determine the total value of a business firm. —analyze credit information to determine risk in- volved in lending money. —study information to set schedules and rates for the transportation of merchandise and passengers. —administer loan funds of a college or university and make arrangements for repayment. —provide financial counseling to individuals in debt. —regulate the cash flow in a bank by keeping loans, deposits, and Federal Reserve notes in balance. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand and use mathematical concepts in Order to design a financial or economic system. —interpret technical presented in mathematical or diagram form in order to work with things like real estate property values, parimutual betting systems and stock market reports. —work math problems quickly and accurately. —understand and use computers and related equip- ment. - —speak and write clearly to report financial informa- tion. —make decisions about the value of real estate and personal property based on inspection of the pro- perty, how you think its location will be affected by future plans of the community, as well as established facts like past tax values. —plan and direct the work of accounting clerks and information other workers. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you had a checking or savings account? Did your balance always agree with the bank state- ment? - —Have you budgeted your own spending? Does your budget work? —Have you had courses in accounting or bookkeep- ing? Do you enjoy this type of work? —Have you been a treasurer of a school or commu- nity organization? Can you keep accurate financial records? —Have you served in the accounting or payroll sec- tion of the armed forces? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Work 298 11.06 experience is a major consideration in preparing for jobs in this group. Experience in related positions for the same employer is often required. However, courses in ac- counting, business law, economics, and investments are helpful. Some of these courses are available in high schools, but most are offered by business schools and col- leges. Some jobs in this group require licenses or certificates. Qualifications for credentials vary from state to state. What else should you consider about these jobs? Jobs in this group are in offices which are usually well- lighted and ventilated. Some workers may be exposed to the noise of office machines. Other workers may have private offices. Most of the work is detailed and workers may develop eyestrain if proper precautions are not taken. The majority of these positions are salaried. Workers are seldom paid for overtime. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 299 11.06 Finance 11.06.01 Accounting and Auditing Bursar (education) 160. 167-042 Operations Officer (finan. inst.) 186. 167–050 Auditor, County or City (gov. ser.) 160. 167-030 Revenue Agent (gov. ser.) 160.167-050 Accountant (profess. & kin.) 160. 167-010 Accountant, Budget (profess. & kin.) 160, 167-014 Accountant, Cost (profess. & kin.) 160.167-018 Accountant, Property (profess. & kin.) 160.167-022 Accountant, Systems (profess. & kin.) 160.167-026 Accountant, Tax (profess. & kin.) 160.162-010 Auditor (profess. & kin.) 160.162-014 Auditor, Internal (profess. & kin.) 160. 167-034 Auditor, Tax (profess. & kin.) 160.167-038 11.06.02 Records Systems Analysis Controller (profess. & kin.) 186.1 17-014 Manager, Forms Analysis (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 167-014 Manager, Records Analysis (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 167-018 Manager, Reports Analysis (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 167–022 Records-Management Analyst (profess. & kin.) 161.267- 022 Investigator (clerical) 241.267-030 Credit Analyst (finan. inst.) 191.267-014 Credit Analyst, Chief (finan. inst.) 160.267-010 Credit Officer, Dealer Accounts (finan. inst.) 161.267-014 Factorer (finan. inst.) 186. l l 7-026 Foreign-Exchange Trader (finan. inst.) 186. 167-014 Loan Officer (finan. inst.; insurance) 186.267-018 Negotiator, Letter of Credit (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-050 Reserve Officer (finan. inst.; insurance) 186. 167-054 Securities Trader (finan. inst.) I 162. 157-042 Securities Trader (finan. inst.) II 186. 167–058 Appraiser (gov. ser.) 188. 167-010 Director, Utility Accounts (gov. ser.) 160.267-014 Personal Property Assessor (gov. ser.) 191.367-010 Underwriter (insurance) 169.167-058 Rate Reviewer (light, heat, & power) 214.387-014 Market-Research Analyst (profess. & kin.) I 050.067-014 Purchase-Price Analyst (profess. & kin.) 162. 167-030 Treasurer (profess. & kin.) 161.1 17-0 18 Appraiser, Real Estate (real estate) 191.267-010 Reports Analyst (profess. & kin.) 161.267-026 11.06.04 Brokering 11.06.03 Risk and Profit Analysis Rate Analyst, Freight (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 214.267-010 Bookmaker (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-014 Handicapper, Harness Racing (amuse. & rec.) 219.267-010 Ticket Broker (amuse. & rec.) 259.357-034 Broker's Floor Representative (finan. inst.) 162. 157-014 Broker-and-Market Operator, Grain (finan. inst.; whole. tr.) 162. 157-010 Sales Agent, Securities (finan. inst.) 251. 157-010 11.06.05 Budget and Financial Control Appraiser (any ind.) 19:1.287-010 Manager, Credit and Collection (any ind.) 168. 167-054 Risk and Insurance Manager (any ind.) 186.1 17-066 Treasurer, Financial Institution (finan. inst.) 186. l l 7-070 Trust Officer (finan. inst.) 186. 1 17-074 Budget Officer (gov. ser.) 161.1 17-010 300 Service Administration 11.07 11.07 Services Administration Workers in this group manage programs and projects in agencies that provide people with services in such areas as health, education, welfare, and recreation. They are in charge of program planning, policy making, and other managerial activities. The jobs are found in welfare and rehabilitation agencies and organizations, hospitals, schools, churches, libraries, and museums. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —administer the affairs of a public or private school system under the direction of a board of educa- tion. —plan and direct training and staff development pro- grams for a business or government agency. —serve as president of a college or university. —direct a city or county welfare program. —direct workers who classify prisoners and assign them to work and other activities within a prison. —plan and coordinate community recreation pro- grams. —direct and coordinate the services and personnel of a hospital. —coordinate emergency medical services for a city or county. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to do: —use language and mathematical skills to analyze 11.07 and interpret financial reports, government fund- ing requirements, statistics, and related materials. —identify problems and make decisions based on your experience and judgment, as well as on established facts like budget allocations and legal requirements. —deal with all kinds of people. —speak and write clearly and effectively to influence people's actions and to be sure that your plans will be understood and followed. —change your activities frequently. —plan and direct programs and the activities of Others. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you done volunteer work for a hospital or social agency? Do you enjoy helping people in such a setting? —Have you taken courses in sociology or psycholo- gy? Do you enjoy these types of studies? —Have you supervised the activities of others? Were the activities carried out effectively? How can you prepare for and enter this kind o work? Occupations in this group usually require educatio and/or training extending from two years to over te years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Most o these jobs require related work experience within the agency or institution involved. Some jobs require four to eight years of college study. In some cases, work ex- perience within an institution or agency may be substituted for a portion of the educational requirements. College level courses in public administration or business ad- ministration are often a part of the formal preparation. Typing, while seldom required, will prove to be very use- ful. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group have heavy responsibility from which they seldom escape, even at home or on vacation. Some workers transfer to other agencies or institutions in order to move up the promotion ladder. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 302 11.07 11.07.01 Services Administration Social Services Director, Institution (any ind.) 187.1 17-0 18 Residence Supervisor (any ind.) 187. 167-186 Business-Enterprise Officer (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-014 Director, Classification and Treatment (gov. ser.) 188.16.7- 026 Director, Commission For the Blind (gov. ser.) 094. 1 17- 010 Director, Council on Aging (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-058 Rehabilitation Center Manager (gov. ser.) 195. 167-038 Superintendent, Industries, Correctional Facility (gov. ser.) 188.1 67-094 Welfare Director (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-126 Coordinator of Rehabilitation Services (medical ser.) 076.1 17-010 Director, Community Organization (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 1 7-014 - District Adviser (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-022 Executive Director, Sheltered Workshop (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-026 Administrator, Social Welfare (profess. & kin.) 195.1 17- 010 Field Representative (profess. & kin.) 189.267-010 Program Director, Group Work (profess. & kin.) 187.1 17- 046 Supervisor, Volunteer Services (profess. & kin.) 187.137- 014 Community Organization Worker (social ser.) 195. 167-010 Community-Relations-and-Services Advisor, Public Housing (social ser.) 195. 167-014 Coordinator, Volunteer Services (social ser.) 187.1 67-022 Director, Field (social ser.) 195. 167-022 11.07.02 Health and Safety Services Civil Preparedness Training Officer (gov. ser.) 169. 127-010 Community-Services-and-Health-Education Officer (gov. ser.) 079. 167-010 Consultant, Educational, State Board of Nursing (gov. ser.) O75. 11 7-0 10 Traffic-Safety Administrator (gov. ser.) 188. 167-102 Administrator, Hospital (medical ser.) 187.1 17-010 Director, Community-Health Nursing (medical 075. 11 7-014 Director, Nursing Service (medical ser.) 075. 117-022 Director, Occupational Health Nursing (medical 075. 1 1 7–026 Director, School of Nursing (medical ser.) 075. 1 17-030 Emergency Medical Services Coordinator (medical ser.) 079. 1 1 7-0 10 Medical-Record Administrator (medical ser.) 079. 167-014 ser.) ser.) Public Health Educator (profess. & kin.) 079. 1 17-014 Director, Volunteer Services (social ser.) 187. 167–038 11.07.03 Education Services Academic Dean (education) 090. l l 7-010 Consultant, Education (education) 099. 167-014 Department Head, College or University (education) 090. 16.7-0 10 Director, Athletic (education) 090. l l 7-022 Director, Educational Program (education) 099.1 17-010 Director, Extension Work (education) 090. 1 17-026 Director, Instructional Material (education) 099. 167-0 18 Director of Admissions (education) 090. 167-014 Director of Guidance in Public Schools (education) 045. 1 17-0 10 Director of Institutional Research (education) 090. 167-0 18 Director of Student Affairs (education) 090. 167-022 Director, Preschool (education) 092. 137-010 Director, Special Education (education) 094. 1 17-014 Director, Summer Sessions (education) 090. 167–026 Director, Vocational Training (education) 097. 167-010 Educational Specialist (education) 099.167-022 Education Supervisor, Correctional Institution (education) 099.1 1 7-0 14 Financial-Aids Officer (education) 090. 11 7-030 Manager, Education and Training (education) 166. 167-026 Music Supervisor (education) 099.167-026 President, Educational Institution (education) 090. 1 17-034 Principal (education) 099.1 17-0 18 Registrar, College or University (education) 090. 167-030 Superintendent, Schools (education) 099.1 17-022 Supervisor, Education (education) 099.1 17-026 Apprenticeship Consultant (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-010 Director, Field Representatives (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-062 District Extension Service Agent (gov. ser.) 096.167-010 Park Naturalist (gov. ser.) 049. 127-010 Commercial-Instructor Supervisor (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239. 137-010 Director, Religious Education (nonprofit organ.) 129. 107- 022 - 11.07.04 Recreation Services Superintendent, Recreation (gov. ser.) 187.1 17-054 Chief Librarian, Branch or Department (library) 100. 127- lº, Director (library) 100.1 17-010 Curator (museum) 102.01 7-010 Recreation Supervisor (profess. & kin.) 187.137-010 303 Communications 11.08 i 1108 communications Workers in this group write, edit, report and translate factual information. They find employment with radio and television broadcasting stations, newspapers, and publishing firms. Government agencies and professional groups pro- vide some opportunities as do large firms which publish company newspapers and brochures. what kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might . —rush to the scene of important happenings to gather information and write news stories. —analyze news, attend public gatherings, interview public personalities and write a column for newspapers. —examine materials received from foreign broad- casts and select and edit them for local use. —supervise workers who gather information and write scripts for news, special events, and public affairs broadcasts. —gather, analyze, select, arrange, and broadcast news for a television station. —translate spoken or written information from one language into another. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —think logically to analyze written materials, or- ganize facts, and interpret a wide variety of subject matter. —understand and use a large vocabulary, sometimes in a technical or scientific language. —speak clearly and easily when interviewing people and broadcasting news events. —speak and write in a foreign language is an occas- ional requirement. —see punctuation and spelling errors in written materials. —identify the important and newsworthy aspects of a situation. —change assignments and duties frequently. —accept responsibility for the direction and planning of an activity. —use accurate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and Senten Ce Structure. —use words so that your readers and listeners have a clear mental picture of your ideas. 304 11.08 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you worked on a school newspaper? Can you report events accurately? —Have you had courses in journalism or broadcast- ing? Did these courses increase your interests in this type of writing? –Have you proofread term papers or compositions? Can you spot errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar? —Have you spoken in front of an audience? Can you speak clearly when presenting a point of view? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. College lievel courses such as journalism, English, and political science are usually required. In some cases, a four-year college degree is necessary for employment. However, writing or broadcasting experience is sometimes ac- cepted. Some jobs in this group are open to people with experience gained in high school English or journalism courses, or by working on school newspapers. Some jobs require specific knowledge in areas such as current events, in addition to writing skills. Special courses, such as speech, may be required for some jobs. What else should you consider about these jobs? Field work, such as that done by news reporters, will often require standing for long periods of time, walking considerable distance, and being exposed to all kinds of weather. Reporters are also exposed to hazards when re- porting on fires, floods, and similar situations. Workers in this group may be required to work nights or weekends. They are usually required to reflect the pol- icies and points of view of their employers. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Communications 11.08.01 Editing Bureau Chief (print. & pub.) 132.067-010 Editor, City (print. & pub.) 132.037-014 Editor, Department (print. & pub.) 132.037-018 Editorial Assistant (print. & pub.) 1 32.267-014 Editor, Index (print. & pub.) 132.367-010 Editor, News (print. & pub.) 132.067–026 Editor, Newspaper (print. & pub.) 132.017-014 Editor, Telegraph (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 132.267-010 Editor, Dictionary (profess. & kin.) 132.067-018 Editor, Technical and Scientific Publications (profess. & kin.) 132.017-0 18 Assignment Editor (radio & tv broad.) 132. 137-010 Director, News (radio & tv broad.) 184. 167-014 11.08.02 Writing Newswriter (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 131.267-014 Reporter (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) 131.267-018 Research Worker, Encyclopedia (profess. & kin.) 109.267- 0.14 Writer, Technical Publications (profess. & kin.) 131.267- 0.26 11.08.03 Writing and Broadcasting Columnist/Commentator (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 13 1.067-0 1 0 Newscaster (radio & tv broad.) 1 31.267-010 11.08.04 Translating and Interpreting Foreign-Exchange Code Clerk (finan. inst.) 209.367-030 Cryptanalyst (gov. ser.) 199.267-014 Director, Translation (profess. & kin.) 137. 137-010 Interpreter (profess. & kin.) 137.267-010 Translator (profess. & kin.) 137.267-018 305 Promotion 11.0 11.09 Promotion Workers in this group raise money, advertise products, and services, and influence people in their actions or thoughts. They find employment in business and industry, with advertising agencies, professional groups, unions, col- leges, and government agencies. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —promote a business or industry by speaking to groups. —plan and direct activities in an advertising agency. —lobby for or against legislation for an industry, or- ganization, or profession. —develop plans for increasing the membership of an organization. —write news releases, scripts, and other materials for an advertising campaign. —develop materials to help dealers and distributors plan sales campaigns. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? - To do this kind of work, you must be able to do: —originate and carry out sales campaigns. —create new ways of presenting information that will attract peoples’ attention. —speak and write clearly and convincingly. —frequently change from one activity to another, for example, writing a speech, giving a speech, and writing a report of campaign progress. 306 11.09 —understand how different kinds of people react to words, pictures, and color. —work with all kinds of people. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? i. The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you organized and directed ticket sales for a school or community event? Can you lead others in this type of activity? —Have you made posters for a school or community activity? Did you use your own ideas in making them? —Have you written advertising copy for a school yearbook or community newspaper? —Have you worked for a political campaign? Can you understand and influence the public? —Have you made ideas, products, or services better known and more acceptable to others? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from four years to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Educa- tion at the college level would assist in entering this field. Another way to enter these jobs is to start at a related job in a public relations agency. Special courses in oral and visual communications may sometimes be required. The time needed to gain the necessary combination of education and experience may be as long as ten years. Typing is rarely a required skill, but being able to type will make many duties easier to perform, especially those concerned with public relations. Employers often seek workers who have a favorable reputation in the field. Workers sometimes change em- ployers in order to get better jobs. What else should you consider about these jobs? Deadlines and performance standards often put pres- sure on these workers. Long hours and weekend work are not unusual in these situations. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Promotion 11.09.01 Sales Manager, Advertising (any ind.) 164. 117-0 10 Sales-Service Promoter (any ind.) 165. 167-010 Account Executive (bus. ser.) 164. 167-010 Goodwill Ambassador (bus. ser.) 293.357-018 Manager, Advertising Agency (bus. ser.) 164. 117-014 Supervisor of Sales (bus. ser.) 185. 157-014 Manager, Promotion (hotel & rest.) 163.1 17-018 cºnsºle. Representative (print. & pub.) 299. 16.7- *. Advertising (print. & pub.) 163. 167-010 Fashion Coordinator (ret. tr.) 185.157-010 11.09.02 Fund and Membership Solicitation Alumni Secretary (education) 090. 117-014 Blood-Donor Recruiter (medical ser.) 293.357-010 Supervisor, Blood-Donor Recruiters (medical Ser.) 293. 1 37-0 10 Director, Fundraising (nonprofit organ.) 165. 117-010 Fund Raiser (nonprofit organ.) I 293. 157-010 Membership Director (profess. & kin.) 189. 167–026 I 1.09.03 Public Relations Foreign-Service Officer (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-106 Police Lieutenant, Community Relations (gov. ser.) 375. 1 37-0 18 . Manager, Area Development (light, heat, & power) 184. 1 || 7-030 - Lobbyist (profess. & kin.) 165.0 17-0 10 Public-Relations Representative (profess. & kin.) 165.067- 0 1 0 Director, Public Service (radio & tv broad.) 184. 117-010 307 Regulations Enforcement 11.1 11.10 Regulations Enforcement Workers in this group enforce government regulations and company policies that affect peoples’ rights, health and safety, and finances. They examine records, inspect products, and investigate services, but do not engage in po- lice work. Most workers find employment with government agencies, licensing departments, and health departments. Some are employed by retail establishments, mines, transportation companies, and non-profit organizations. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —regulate the entry of people into the United States according to immigration laws. —investigate employment practices to enforce equal employment opportunity laws. —observe employees of a bus company to see that company rules are being followed. —investigate shortages of cash, materials, tools, or equipment in a production or sales company. —inspect buildings and equipment to detect fire hazards. —direct the examination of insurance companies to see that state regulations are being followed. —investigate animal cruelty and neglect complaints. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —think logically and apply technical knowledge when making investigations and inspections. to do this kind of work? —establish facts and draw conclusions based on in formation collected. —read and understand the laws and regulations to b enforced. - —write and speak clearly. —make decisions based on laws and regulations. —make decisions based on personal experience and your own opinions. . —cope with a variety of duties, such as questionin people, looking at the physical conditions in manufacturing plant to identify hazards, and writ ing reports. —deal with all kinds of people pleasantly but firmly —standing or walking for long periods of time. “ How do you know if you would like or could lear The following questions may give you clues abou yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you been in charge of a group or class? Ca you enforce rules and regulations according to in structions? —Have you been a member of an environmental O a consumer group? Would you like a job which promotes these interests? —Have you taken courses in government, political science, or environmental health? Do you think rules and regulations are important? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from one year to Over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. The education and experience requirements vary greatly among the jobs in this group. Some jobs require prior knowledge of the regulations to be enforced and the procedures to be used. Others require special training such as insurance underwriting. Clerical and Other wor- kers within a company or government agency are SOme- times promoted to positions in this group. Other jobs require skills and knowledges that are identified by Spe- cial tests. Many of the jobs in this group are in government agen- cies and are filled by those who qualify through civil Ser- vice examinations. Some jobs are filled by appointment. 308 11.10 What else should you consider about these jobs? Some workers are required to wear uniforms. Some jobs involve shift work. Some workers sit at a desk in a comfortable office most of the day, while others must go from one place to another in order to inspect licenses and determine regulation compliance of people like beau- ty operators and food service workers. Other workers are stationed at inspection locations, such as port-of-entry and border crossings. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Regulations Enforcement 11.10.01 Finance Chief Bank Examiner (gov. ser.) 160.167-046 Deputy Insurance Commissioner (gov. ser.) 186.1 17-022 Director, Securities and Real Estate (gov. ser.) 188.16.7- 038 Inspector, Government Property (gov. ser.) 168.267-050 Investigator (gov. ser.) 168.267-062 Revenue Officer (gov. ser.) 188.167-074 Investigator, Cash Shortage (ret. tr.) 376.267-010 Investigator, Fraud (ret. tr.) 376.267-014 Tariff Inspector (r.r. trans.) 214.362-034 11.10.02 Individual Rights Director, Compliance (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-046 Director, Consumer Affairs (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-050 Director, Labor Standards (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-066 Equal-Opportunity Representative (gov. ser.) 168. 167-014 Broadcast Checker (radio & tv broad.) 249.387-010 11.10.03 Health and Safety Safety Inspector (any ind.) 168.264-014 Sanitarian (any ind.) 529. 137-014 Director, Medical Facilities Section (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-082 Fire Inspector (gov. ser.) 373.267-010 Fire-Investigation Lieutenant (gov. ser.) 373.267-018 Food and Drug Inspector (gov. ser.) 168.267-042 Health Officer, Field (gov. ser.) 168.167-018 Inspector, Agricultural Commodities (gov. ser.) 168.287– 0 1 0 Inspector, Furniture and Bedding (gov. ser.) 168.267-046 Inspector, Health Care Facilities (gov. ser.) 168. 167-042 Inspector, Motor Vehicles (gov. ser.) 168.267-058 License Inspector (gov. ser.) 168.267-066 Mortician Investigator (gov. ser.) 168.267-078 Occupational-Safety-and-Health Inspector 168. 167–062 (gov. ser.) Public Health Service Officer (gov. ser.) 187.1 17-050 Reviewing Officer, Driver's License (gov. ser.) 168. 167– 074 Safety Inspector (insurance) 168. 167-078 Mine Inspector (mining & quarrying) 168.267-074 Animal Treatment Investigator (nonprofit organ.) 379.263- 0 1 0 Supervisor, Animal Cruelty Investigation (nonprofit organ.) 379. 1 37-0 1 0 Industrial Hygienist (profess. & kin.) 079. 161-010 Sanitarian (profess. & kin.) 079. 1 17-018 11.10.04 Immigration and Customs Customs Import Specialist (gov. ser.) 168.267-0 18 Customs Inspector (gov. ser.) 168.267-022 District Customs Director (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-098 District Customs Director, Deputy (gov. ser.) 188. 167-046 Immigration Inspector (gov. ser.) 168. 167-022 11.10.05 Company Policy Shopping Investigator (bus. ser.) 376.267-022 Safety Coordinator (motor trans.) 909. 127-010 Traffic Inspector (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 184.163-010 Transportation Inspector (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 168. 16.7- 082 - Rater, Travel Accommodations (profess. & kin.) 168.367- 014 Dealer-Compliance Representative (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 168.267–026 Dining-Service Inspector (r.r. trans.) 168.267-030 Regulatory Administrator (tel. & tel.) 168. 167–070 309 Business Management 11.11 11.11 Business Management Workers in this group manage a business, such as a store or cemetery, a branch of a large company, such as a local office for a credit corporation, or a department within a company, such as a warehouse. They usually carry out operating policies and procedures determined by administrative workers, such as presidents, vice-presidents and directors. Some managers own their own businesses and are considered self-employed. Managers find employment in all kinds of businesses as well as government agencies. - What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —read and interpret business records and statistical reports. - —use mathematical skills to interpret financial infor- mation and prepare budgets. - —analyze and interpret policies established by ad- ministrators. . —understand the government regulations covering bus iness operations. —make business decisions based on production re- ports and similar facts. ** —make business decisions based on your own ex- perience and personal opinion. —see differences in widths and lengths of lines such as those on graphs. - —deal with the general public, customers, em- ployees, union and government officials with tact and courtesy. —plan and organize the work of others. —change activity frequently and cope with interrup- tions. - —speak and write clearly. —accept the full responsibility for managing an ac- tivity. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? What kind of work would you do? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. Your work activities would depend upon your specific —Have you been in charge of a committee or group job. For example, you might activity? Were you able to get others to work well —coordinate the disposal of surplus government pro- together? perty. -> —Have you been class president or treasurer of a —manage a cemetery. club or group? Are you able to use judgment to —manage a beauty or barber shop. make decisions? —prepare an operating budget for a freight terminal —Have you planned and organized a project? Do where ships or trucks are unloaded. you enjoy this type of activity? —determine the need for hiring additional employees for a hotel or motel. How can you prepare for and enter this kind of tº º 2 —operate a branch store according to the policies work set by the home office. Occupations in this group usually require education —oversee the operation of a recreation establish- and/or training extending from one to over ten years, de- ment, like a skating rink or golf club. pending upon the specific kind of work. Nearly all the 310 11.11 jobs in this group are entered by promotion or by transfer from related jobs. A college education is not al- ways essential, but may be helpful. Employers usually require applicants to have a high school education or its equal, combined with experience. Experience require- ments vary from one to ten years. For some jobs, ex- perience is accepted as a substitute for a high school or college education. What else should you consider about these jobs? Workers in this group often work more than a standard 40 hour week. They must vary work hours because of emergencies, accidents, or staff shortages. Workers usually are not paid for overtime. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 311 11.11 Business Management 11.11.01 Lodging Facilities (amuse. & rec.) Superintendent, Terminal (water trans.) 184. 167-214 Executive Housekeeper (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) Supervisor, Ferry Terminal (water trans.) 91 1. 137-026 187.167.046 Wharfinger, Chief (water trans.) 184.167-274 Manager, Boarding House (hotel & rest.) 320.137-010 Manager, Convention (hotel & rest.) 187. 167-078 Manager, Distribution Warehouse (whole. tr.) 185. 167-018 Manager, Front Office (hotel & rest.) 187.167-1 10 Manager, Hotel or Motel (hotel & rest.) 187.1 17-038 11.11.04 Services Manager, Lodging Facilities (hotel & rest.) 320. 137-014 General Manager, Road Production (amuse. & rec.) - 187.1 17-034 Manager, Apartment House (real estate) 186. 167-0 18 Manager, Touring Production (amuse. & rec.) 191.1 17-038 11.11.02 Recreation and Amusement Manager, Armored Transport Service (bus. ser.) 372. 16.7- Manager, Aquatic Facility (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-054 022 Manager, Cardroom (amuse. & rec.) 343. 137-010 Manager, Travel Agency (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 187. 167-158 Manager, Casino (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-070 Manager, Dude Ranch (amuse. & rec.) 187.167-094 Manager, Laundromat (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) Manager, Fish-and-Game Club (amuse. & rec.) 187.16.7- 369. 16.7-0 1 0 102 Manager, Sales (clean., dye., & press.) 187. 167-138 Manager, Golf Club (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-114 - Manager, Gun Club (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-1 18 Director, Food Services (hotel & rest.) 187. 167-026 Manager, Handicraft-or-Hobby Shop (amuse. & rec.) Manager, Flight Kitchen (hotel & rest.) 319. 137-014 187. 161-014 Manager, Food Service (hotel & rest.; per ser.) 187. 16.7- Manager, Hotel Recreational 106 187.1 67-122 Manager, Industrial Cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 319. 137-018 Manager, Recreation Establishment (amuse. & rec.) Manager, Liquor Establishment (hotel & rest.) 187. 16.7- 187.1 17-042 - 126 Manager, Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-146 Supervisor, Commissary Production (hotel & rest.) Manager, Theater (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-154 3.19. 1 37-022 Manager, Winter Sports (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-166 - Manager, Insurance Office (insurance) 186. 167-034 Manager, Health Club (per. ser.) 339.137-010 Superintendent, Laundry (laund.) 187. 167-194 Director, Camp (social ser.) 195. 167-018 Director, Recreation Center (social ser.) 195. 167–026 Director, Funeral (per. ser.) 187. 167-030 Manager, Barber or Beauty Shop (per. ser.) 187. 167–058 11.11.03 Transportation Manager, Cemetery (per. ser.) 187. 167-074 Manager, Cargo-and-Ramp-Services (air trans.) 184. 167– 058 Manager, Field Party, Geophysical Prospecting (petrol. Manager, Flight-Reservations (air trans.) 184.167-070 production) 181, 167-010 Manager, Station (air trans.) 184.167-082 Manager, Traffic (air trans.; motor trans.; water trans.) Manager, Agricultural-Labor Camp (profess. & kin.) 184. 11 7-066 187, 167–050 Manager, Employment Agency (profess. & kin.) 187. 16.7- Manager, Automotive Services (any ind.) 184.1 17-034 098 Manager, Warehouse (any ind.) 184.167-114 Manager, Property (real estate) 186.167-046 Manager, Storage Garage (auto. ser.) 187. 167-150 Manager, Fast Food Services (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185.137- Manager, Bus Transportation (motor trans.) 184.167-054 010 Manager, Truck Terminal (motor trans.) 184.167-1 10 Operations Manager (motor trans.) 184.167-1 18 Steward/Stewardess, Railroad Dining Car (r. r. trans.) Superintendent, Maintenance of Equipment (motor trans.; 31 O. 1 37-026 r. r. trans.) 184.167-178 Manager, Service Department (whole. tr.) 187. 167-142 Conductor, Passenger Car (r.r. trans.) 198. 167-010 Conductor, Road Freight (r. r. trans.) 198. 167-018 11.11.05 Wholesale-Retail Station Manager (r. r. trans.) 184. 167-130 Commissary Manager (any ind.) 185. 167-010 Terminal Superintendent (r. r. trans.) 184.167-254 Manager, Machinery-or-Equipment, Rental and Leasing Yard Manager (r.r. trans.) 184.167-278 (any ind.) 185.167–026 . - Service Supervisor, Leased Machinery and Equipment (any Manager, Traffic (tel. & tel.) II 184. 167-106 ind.) 183. 167-030 Port Purser (water trans.) 166. 167–038 Manager, Vehicle Leasing and Rental (auto. ser.) 187. 16.7- Purser (water trans.) 197. 167-014 162 Superintendent, Marine (water trans.) 184.167-182 312 11.11 Manager, Textile Conversion (bus. ser.; whole. tr.) Manager, Meat Sales and Storage (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 16.7-050 185. 16.7-030 Manager, Parts (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 167-038 M , Aut bile Service Stati * * * * * * • U iſ " * anager, Automobile Service Station (ret. tr.) 185. 167 Manager, Retail Store (ret. tr.) 185. 167-046 014 Manager, Department (ret. tr.) 299. 137-010 Manager, Market (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 186. 167-042 Manager, Tobacco Warehouse (whole. tr.) 185. 167-054 313 Contracts and Claims 11.12 11.12 Contracts and Claims Workers in this group negotiate contracts and settle claims for companies and individuals. Some make arrange- ments for agreements between buyers and sellers. Others investigate claims involving damage, injury, and losses. Jobs are found in insurance and transportation companies; businesses; construction companies; and government agencies. Some are found in booking agencies. These agents are frequently self-employed. What kind of work would you do? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —interview property holders and settle damage claims resulting from prospecting or drilling for oil. —negotiate with communities to rent a site for a cir- CUlS. —negotiate leases for the use of a city arena or audi- torium. —arrange leases of sites for billboards. —arrange contracts for the appearance of musicians for a concert or show. —serve as agent for artists, musicians, or actors and negotiate bookings for them. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? t To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —understand laws used in writing contracts and set- tling claims. —compute costs and prepare cost estimates. —understand detailed legal information. —persuade others to agree to terms. —speak clearly to avoid misunderstandings. —use your experience and judgment to make deci- sions. —work with all kinds of people. —make decisions based on repair estimates, doctors’ statements, and other verifiable information. —keep accurate records and write detailed reports. How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you taken courses in business law? Did you understand the special concepts and terms used in the course? —Have you argued a point of view in front of a group? Are you persuasive and able to gain the respect and confidence of others? 314 11.12 —Have you helped arrange for a group to entertain at a school or community function? Were the arrangements understood by all parties? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from two to over ten years, de- pending upon the specific kind of work. Most jobs in this group require experience in insurance, real estate, and labor relations. Community colleges offer courses in some of these fields. The type and amount of education Contracts 11.12.01 Claims Settlement General Claims Agent (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 186. 1 1 7-030 Service Representative (auto. mfg.) 191. 167-022 Appraiser, Automobile Damage (bus. 241.267-014 Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.; insurance) 241.217-0 10 Claim Examiner (bus. ser.; insurance) 241.267-0 18 ser.; insurance) Claims Adjudicator (gov. ser.) 169.267-010 Unclaimed Property Officer (gov. ser.) 188. 167-106 Claim Agent (petrol. production; pipe lines) 191. 167-014 Manager, Customer Service (tel. & tel.) 168. 167–058 Revenue-Settlements Administrator (tel. & tel.) 184. 117- 074 11.12.02 Rental and Leasing Right-of-Way Agent (any ind.) 191. 117-046 Right-of-Way Supervisor (any ind.) 191. 117-050 Leasing Agent, Outdoor Advertising (bus. ser.) 254.357- 0 1 0 Rental Manager, Public Events Facilities (bus. ser.) 186. 1 1 7-062 Property-Utilization Officer (gov. ser.) 188. 117-122 Lease Buyer (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 191. 1 1 7-030 required varies among the jobs. Some require four or more years of college or university study. What else should you consider about these jobs? Some jobs in this group require workers to travel frequently. Pay may be based on salary, commission, or a combination of the two. A civil service examination is usually required for jobs in government. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. and Claims Location Manager (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 191. 16.7-0 18 District Supervisor (motor trans.) 184. 117-0 18 Manager, Leasing (petrol. production) 186.1 17-046 Permit Agent, Geophysical Prospecting (petrol. produc- tion) 191. 1 17-042 Real-Estate Agent (profess. & kin.) 186.1 17-058 Manager, Traffic (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-090 11.12.03 Booking Advance Agent (amuse. & rec.) 191. 167-010 Artist's Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191. 1 17-0 10 Booking Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191. 117-014 Business Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191. 117-0 18 Circus Agent (amuse. & rec.) 191. 1 17-022 Jockey Agent (amuse. & rec.) 191. 117-026 Manager, Athlete (amuse. & rec.) 153. 1 1 7-014 Literary Agent (bus. ser.) 191.1 17-034 11.12.04 Procurement Negotiations Contract Administrator (any ind.) 162. 117-014 Contractor (const.) 182.1 67-010 Research-Contracts Supervisor (gov. ser.) 162. 1 17-030 Contract Specialist (profess. & kin.) 162. 1 17-0 18 315 Physical Performing An interest in physical activities per- formed before an audience. YOU Can satisfy this interest through jobs in athletics, sports, and the performance of physical feats. Perhaps a job as a professional player or official Would appeal to you. You may Wish to develop and perform special acts such as acrobatics Or Wire Walking. 316 Physical Performing 12.01 Sports 12.02 Physical Feats 317 Sports 12.01 — 12.01 Sports Workers in this group compete in professional athletic or sporting events, coach players, and officiate at games. They also give individual and group instruction, recruit players, and regulate various aspects of sporting events. Jobs in this group are found in all types of professional sports, such as football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, and horse racing. Some jobs are also available with private recreational facilities, including ski resorts, skating rinks, athletic clubs, and gymnasiums. What kind of work would you do? —master all the rules of a particular game or sport and interpret them accurately. —make official decisions quickly and enforce them when necessary. —coordinate eye, hand, body, and foot movements Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might —coach a professional sports team. —start, time, or certify winners in a major auto race. - º o e with skill. —inspect equipment to see if rules are being fol- • e —adjust to the physical and mental pressures of lowed before an event. - , º competition. —practice and play on a professional sports team. —stop a game and penalize players for breaking a rule. —ride horses in several races each day. —give karate lessons to an individual or group. —teach people how to ski. —follow training rules strictly. What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? To do this kind of work, you must be able to: 12.01 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work? The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you competed in sports? Do you know the rules of any sport well enough to be a referee, judge, or umpire? —Have you been an Official in intramural games, physical education classes, or sandlot sports? Can you make decisions quickly and firmly? —Have you coached a team or individual in athletic events? Were your efforts effective? —Have you competed against others in athletic events? Do you remain calm and alert during com- petition? —Have you won any special sports events? Do you excell in any athletic skill? Have others asked you to teach them that skill? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. Profes- sional coaches and officials often obtain the necessary training and experience by working with high school and college athletic teams. Umpires in major league baseball usually receive training in special umpire schools and must have experience in the minor leagues. Officials in horse racing usually have some type of related work ex- perience and receive on-the-job training. Professional athletes often receive initial training while on high school or college teams. They are recruited by professional clubs or teams and work under a contract. Training continues as long as they remain in active com- petition. What else should you consider about these jobs? Often sports officials make decisions that are unpopu- lar with the players or fans. If a player or coach argues about a ruling too strongly, the official in charge must enforce discipline by sending that individual from the game. Professional athletes must maintain or improve their physical skills to remain in competition. The risk of physical injury is great in all of the contact sports. Some injuries may shorten or end a player's worklife in sports. Also, after reaching a certain age, many competitive players must find work in areas other than team play. Frequent travel is usually involved for officials and athletes. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 319 12.01 Sports 12.01.01 Coaching and Instructing Coach, Professional Athletes (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010 Head Coach (amuse. & rec.) 153. 1 17-0 10 Instructor, Sports (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.227-018 Scout, Professional Sports (amuse. & rec.) 153. 117-018 12.01.02 Officiating Charter (amuse. & rec.) 249.367-0 18 Clerk-of-Scales (amuse. & rec.) 153.467-010 Clocker (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-010 Dude Wrangler (amuse. & rec.) 353.364-010 Flagger (amuse. & rec.) 372.667-026 Golf-Course Ranger (amuse. & rec.) 379.667-010 Horse-Race Starter (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-010 Horse-Race Timer (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-014 Identifier, Horse (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-010 Jockey-Room Custodian (amuse. & rec.) 346.667-010 Kennel Manager, Dog Track (amuse. & rec.) 349.367-010 Lead Pony Rider (amuse. & rec.) 153.674-014 Marshall (amuse. & rec.) 153.384-010 Paddock Judge (amuse. & rec.) 153. 167-010 Patrol Judge (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-014 Pit Steward (amuse. & rec.) 153. 167-014 Racing Secretary and Handicapper (amuse. 153. 16.7-0 18 Scorer (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-014 Starter (amuse. & rec.) 153.667-010 Steward, Racetrack (amuse. & rec.) 153. l l 7-022 Umpire (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-018 & 12.01.03 Performing Automobile Racer (amuse. & rec.) 153.243-0 10 Jockey (amuse. & rec.) 153.244-010 Motorcycle Racer (amuse. & rec.) 153.243-014 Professional Athlete (amuse. & rec.) 153.34.1-010 Sulky Driver (amuse. & rec.) 153.244-014 320 12.02 Physical Feats Physical Feats 12.02 Workers in this group perform unusual or daring acts of physical strength or skill to entertain people. They may perform alone or with others. Circuses, carnivals, theaters, and amusement parks hire these workers. ^S What kind of work would you do? What skills and abilities do you need for this kind of work? Your work activities would depend upon your specific job. For example, you might To do this kind of work, you must be able to: —demonstrate gymnastic skill on a high wire or —coordinate eye, hand, body, and foot movement trapeze to entertain audiences. —ski jump in a water show. —dive from a high platform into a tank of water. with skill. —demonstrate poise and confidence while perform- ing before an audience. —juggle and balance things such as balls, knives, or —judge distance, speed, and movement of objects or plates. —perform acrobatic stunts on a horse in a circus. —swim in a water ballet. people. —follow strict training rules. —take the risk of physical injury. —excel in a particular athletic skill. The above statements may not apply to every job in this group. 321 12.02 How do you know if you would like or could learn to do this kind of work. The following questions may give you clues about yourself as you consider this group of jobs. —Have you performed stunts that required daring and skill? Did you perform them without great fear? - —Have you had a hobby or specialty act such as jug- gling, acrobatics, or wire walking? Do you perform well before an audience? How can you prepare for and enter this kind of work? Occupations in this group usually require education and/or training extending from six months to over ten years, depending upon the specific kind of work. The usual method of training is by observation and practice. Another method is working with and learning from a skilled performer. Performers of some specialty acts such as wire walking, are hired by circuses and other amusement companies. Some workers own their own equipment and contract for individual appearances. What else should you consider about these jobs? For their own safety, workers must maintain or im- prove their physical skills. The physical requirements of some jobs may limit the number of years a worker can perform. Frequent travel is usually required. If you think you would like to do this kind of work, look at the job titles listed on the following pages. Select those that interest you, and read their definitions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. 12.02 Physical Feats 12.02.01 Performing Acrobat (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-010 Aerialist (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-014 Aquatic Performer (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-014 Equestrian (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-010 Juggler (amuse. & rec.) 159.34 1-0 1 0 Rodeo Performer (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-014 Show-Horse Driver (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-0 18 Stunt Performer (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 159.34 1-014 Thrill Performer (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-0 18 Wire Walker (amuse. & rec.) 159.347–022 322 Appendix A: Technical Development of the Interest Factors and the Guide Background Since 1939, the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) has been one of the basic sources of information about jobs. The first edition reflected the job market situation of the time—a surplus of qualified workers and a shortage of jobs. Consequently, the book’s content emphasized the work performed, or tasks, with little attention to the requirements made on the worker. With the advent of World War II the economy, including the job market, radically changed; rather than the surplus of qualified workers of the Depression years, there was a scarcity of workers and many jobs to be filled. Highly selective recruitment on the basis of training and/or experience was a thing of the past; acceptance of inexperienced or untrained workers with potential for the jobs became a common practice. To use every available manpower source, it became increasingly important for recruit- ment and placement personnel to have estimates of the character- istics or traits a person should possess if he or she was going to learn to perform the job. A system of evaluating jobs in terms of worker potential was developed therefore, and these data were published for use in counseling and placement. The system ap- peared in Part IV of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1944), entitled “Entry Occupational Classification,” and contained groups of jobs that were described in terms of the “personal traits” required of the worker. Examples of these so-called per- sonal traits were ability to relate abstract ideas; ability to plan; memory for details; facility with language; dexterity and muscular control; persuasiveness; liking for people, and so on. In the employment service offices in the various States Part IV soon became a basic tool for assisting the person not qualified for a job through experience or training. It was also used to help in career exploration and choice, sometimes before the counselee entered college. In 1949, the U.S. Employment Service (USES) initiated the Functional Occupational Classification project to develop a new classification system for jobs—one that would reflect not only what tasks were performed but also what worker traits were required. Some of the resulting data were released in the 1956 publication, Estimates of Worker Traits Requirements for 4,000 Jobs Defined in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. This new method- ology provided the basis for research and development of the Worker Traits Arrangement in Volume II of the third edition (1965) of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1). The Worker Traits Arrangement was intended for counselors, employment interviewers, curriculum planners, and others assist- ing persons in career exploration. The arrangement contained 22 areas of work; within each area were 114 groups of jobs based on common worker traits requirements. The requirements, in profile form, appeared under the following headings: General Educa- tional Development, Specific Vocational Preparation, Aptitudes, Temperaments, Interests, and Physical Capacities. Despite the wealth of information contained in this arrange- ment, it was not used to any great extent by employment service personnel and others involved in counseling and related activities. First, no technique existed for obtaining information from the counselee in the same language as that used in describing the jobs, and for relating person data to job data in the Worker Traits Arrangement. Second, the technical descriptive language could not be used to help people understand themselves and their actual potential to meet job requirements in the world of work. Last, the Worker Traits Arrangement, because it was located between the Occupational Group Arrangement and the Arrangement of Titles by Industry, was difficult to use. The areas and groups were not identified by codes, and some of the titles were misleading. Researchers, however, found the Worker Trait Arrangement serviceable and have used the data in many different projects and studies. The interest component of the trait qualifications profile was defined in terms of occupational interests identified by Dr. Wil- liam Cottle in research he conducted more than 25 years ago (2). Dr. Cottle administered major interest and personality inventories then in use to 400 adult males, scored the inventories with scales that had been developed for these instruments, and factor-ana- lyzed the intercorrelations of the scores. The five bipolar interest factors identified were adopted by the USES for estimating interest requirements of occupations. The Cottle-based interests, however, were of limited use in employment service operations because counselors had no way of measuring interests of individuals in the same terms that interest requirements of occupations were shown in the DOT. Some years ago, the USES Division of Testing attempted, unsuccessfully, to develop an interest inventory with scales corre- sponding to the Cottle factors. However, an extension of this research led to identification of measurable interest factors (3) and further exploration indicated that these factors could also be used to form broad occupational interest areas for use in occupational exploration (4, 5). Identification of Occupational Interest Factors Procedure Three hundred occupational activity items were constructed by test development analysts in six State employment services— Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah. All Worker Trait Groups and Occupational Groups in the third edition of the DOT were represented. As a result of item analysis studies, 192 of the 300 items were retained. Review of these items by test research and occupational analysis personnel for coverage of the Cottle factors revealed uneven distribution requiring additional item construction. The inventory that fol- lowed consisted of 307 items providing apparently good coverage of the Cottle factors. Occupational analysts from the Michigan, Florida, and Missouri Occupational Analysis Field Centers were asked to allocate the 307 activity items in the Interest Inventory to the Cottle factors used as the interest component in the third edition of the DOT. These allocations were reviewed by the USES national office and the most relevant activity items were chosen to form the initial scales measuring the 10 Cottle factors. The 307-item inventory was administered to 525 males and 590 females in nine States—Arizona, California, Georgia, Massachu- 323 setts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. About half of the individuals were high school seniors and college students; the other half were local office applicants, trainees, and employed workers. Analyses of the data were made (1) to determine the extent to which the keys developed by the occupational analysts provided adequate measures of the 10 (5 bipolar) Cottle factors, and (2) to identify the most important interest factors underlying the 307 inventory items, without regard to the factors Cottle had found. Results and Conclusions The major finding with respect to the cottle factor scales was that only half of the Cottle interest factors could be measured with any confidence. Another finding was that the marked bipolarity Cottle found in his research was not confirmed by the results of the present study, which showed positive intercorrelations among all of the factor scales. Thus, the attempt to develop interest inventory scales statistically and conceptually parallel to the Cottle factors was unsuccessful. To identify the interest factors that best represented responses to 307 items of the inventory, the items were factor analyzed. Principal components factor analyses with varimax rotation (5) were performed separately on the total, male, and female intercorrelation matrixes. Results of the factor analyses led to these conclusions: © Responses to the 307 activity items can be explained in terms of 11 basic occupational interest factors. O These factors are readily interpretable. © The factors are quite similar in meaning for males and females. Development of Interest Areas Selection of an Organizing Principle The last step in the development of the Worker Traits Arrange- ment in the third edition of the DOT was formation of Areas of Work. Occupational analysts allocated the 114 Worker Trait Groups in 22 Areas of Work, based on the similarity of work performed. These 22 Areas of Work were formed to meet the counselor's need to relate an individual’s traits to a framework of occupational requirements broader than that provided by the 114 Worker Trait Groups. The usefulness of the areas was limited, however, because they were not developed systematically according to well-defined principles and could not be described in trait-related terms. More sharply focused areas were needed that would be meaningful to counselors and interviewers, clients, applicants, and students as a beginning point in occupational exploration. This objective could be achieved only if requirements were met as follows: O Areas must be formed first instead of last in the process of developing a structure based on worker requirements. © A meaningful, well-defined, and measurable requirement im- portant for occupational success and satisfaction must be used in relating occupations to areas. The search for organizing principles coincided with the suc- cessful identification of measurable occupational interest factors referred to earlier. Further exploration of the possibilities for using the interest factors in the development of the new structure led to two decisions: O Cottle interest factors for identifying interest requirements were to be eliminated and replaced with the 11 new interest factors. e The 11 interest factors were to be used as the basis for forming areas in the new Guide for Occupational Exploration. These decisions, made in the summer of 1975 in connection with the initial planning of the Guide for Occupational Exploration, were significant: A specific, well-defined, and measurable variable (oc- cupational interest) of importance in vocational counseling and in career exploration would be the prime organizing principle in the new structure to replace the Worker Traits Arrangement in the third edition of the DOT. The new interest areas would provide a much more meaningful and accessible entry into the structure than that provided in the DOT third edition Areas of Work. Procedure and Results The critical first step in developing interest areas was to devise a suitable procedure that could be applied by occupational ana- lysts, as follows: © Occupational analysts were given lists of Interest Inventory items with high factor loadings and asked to develop con- cepts of the underlying nature of the factors. © The occupational analysts were then asked to apply these concepts to job descriptions for a standard sample of occupa- tions by allocating the occupations to areas corresponding to the 11 factors. Differences among the analysts in allocations of occupations to the areas were discussed to achieve more uniform concepts of the interest factors. © After these training sessions, each analyst was assigned a set of occupations to allocate to interest areas by reviewing job summaries and making judgments of the most prominent interest factors involved. © These allocations were reviewed by national office personnel. During the allocation process it became evident that one small group of occupations could not be allocated to any of the 11 areas. To accommodate these occupations, it was necessary to establish an additional interest area, Physical Performing. Arrangement of Interest Areas Many readers of the Guide for Occupational Exploration will be familiar with Dr. John Holland's Occupational Categories (6) and many use interest inventories or other techniques that relate an individual’s interests or personality to these categories. In recogni- tion of the extensive research on the Holland model and its widespread use in vocational counseling today, the USES Interest Areas were arranged according to the Holland categories. This was done without much difficulty because the two systems are closely related. The primary difference between the two is that the USES system provides additional differentiation within the broader Holland Realistic and Social Categories. 324 The relationship of the Holland Occupational Categories to the USES Interest Areas of Work is as follows: Holland USES Occupational Occupational Categories Interest Areas Artistic 01 Artistic Investigative 02 Scientific Realistic 03 Plants and Animals 04 Protective 05 Mechanical 06 Industrial Conventional 07 Business Detail Enterprising 08 Selling Social 09 Accommodating” 10 Humanitarian 11 Leading-Influencing” 12 Physical Performing *A relatively narrow area, but it includes a few occupations covered by Holland's Enterprising and Realistic Categories in addition to those covered by the Social Category. **A broad area including, in addition to occupations covered by the Holland Social Category, business management and law/politics occupations covered by the Enterprising Category, and social science occupations covered by Investigating Category. Development of Groups and Subgroups After the jobs were allocated to interest areas, the analysts in Occupational Analysis Field Centers were asked to group the jobs in each area. The criteria were the capabilities and adaptabilities required of the worker. Capabilities relate to such factors as general educational development, physical capacities, important aptitudes, and job knowledge; adaptabilities are tolerances to job- worker situations, including environment, routine, dealing with people, and working to set tolerances and standards. As a result, 66 discrete groups were developed in all. The number of groups per area range from 2 in Area 12 to 12 groups in Area 05. Each work group contains descriptive information in narrative form, a listing of subgroup titles and a list of jobs within each subgroup. Some of the groups contained an unwieldy number of jobs and it was necessary to divide the jobs into meaningful subgroups. Criteria for subgrouping varied from one group to another. For example, subgrouping in 05.01, Engineering, is based on the kind of engineering; subgrouping in 06.04, Elemental Work, Industrial, is based on (1) whether the activities involve handwork or machines, and (2) what materials and products are involved. The number of subgroups per group range from one subgroup in group 01.08 to 40 subgroups 06.04. References 1. Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Vol. II: Occupational Classifica- tion; 3rd ed. Washington: U.S. Department of Labor, 1965. 2. Cottle, W.C. “A Factorial Study of the Multiphasic, Strong, Kuder, and Bell Inventories Using a Population of Adult Males,” Psychometrica, 1950, 15, pp. 25–47. 3. Droege, R. C., and Hawk, J. Development of a U.S. Employ- ment Service Interest Inventory,” Journal of Employment Counsel- ing, 1976, 14, pp. 65-71. 4. Strohmenger, C. T., and Padgett, A. “Guide to Occupational Exploration—A New Approach in Career Planning,” Journal of Employment Counseling, March 1979. 5. Droege, R. C., and Padgett, A. “Development of an Interest Oriented Occupational Classification System,” Vocational Guid- ance Quarterly, in press. 6. Kaiser, H. F. “The Varimax Criterion for Analytic Rotation in Factor Analysis,” Psychometrica, 1958, 23, pp. 187–200. 7. Holland, J. L. Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Careers. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, 1973. 325 Appendix B: USES Interest and Aptitude Tests (Measurement Tests Oriented to Use of the Guide) The U.S. Employment Service (USES), in cooperation with State employment services, has conducted a continuing program of occupational test research and development since the mid- 1930's. This program has produced a variety of tests and assess- ment techniques useful in vocational counseling and in selection of individuals for specific jobs. The tests have wide applicability and are used by local offices of State employment services, schools, employment and training organizations, and many foreign coun- tries. Although several of these tests would be useful in connec- tion with the Guide for Occupational Exploration, two are particularly relevant. The USES Interest Inventory, now in its final phase of develop- ment, is designed to provide a measure of counselee interest in each of the 12 interest areas which constitute the broadest basis for classifying occupations in the Guide. It will permit a direct entry into the Guide's occupational structure based on occupation- al interest. An alternative instrument, a revised USES Interest Check List, will also be available for use by counselors who prefer a nonscored desk aid for exploration of occupational interests. The USES General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), a testing tool, can be very useful to counselors in relating a counselee's vocational aptitudes to occupations and occupational groups in the Guide. It consists of 12 tests measuring nine aptitudes and can be administered to groups of individuals in about 2% hours. Since its publication in 1947, the GATB has been researched in a continuing program of development and occupational validation. This research has produced over 450 Specific Aptitude Test Batteries (SATB’s), consisting of combinations of two, three, or four aptitudes with associated cutting scores established as apti- tude requirements for specific occupations. In addition, a system of Occupational Aptitude Patterns (OAP's) has been developed to relate an individual’s GATB aptitude profile to aptitude require- ments of the groups into which occupations have been classified in the Guide. Because aptitude batteries are revised as additional GATB research is completed, the SATB and OAP aptitudes and cutting scores are not included in this volume. This information is provided in the Manual for the GATB, which is continuously updated to reflect research results as they become available. Occupations for which SATB’s have been developed, however, are listed in this appendix as an aid to counselors who have access to the GATB. The occupations are arranged by Guide groups and subgroups; within each subgroup they are listed alphabetically. The S number in parentheses following the nine-digit occupation- al code is the number of the SATB. 327 01.02. VISUAL ARTS 01.02.03 COMMERCIAL ART Clothes Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-018 (S088) 01.06. CRAFT ARTS 01.06.01 GRAPHIC ARTS AND RELATED CRAFTS Lithographic Plate Maker (print. & pub.) 972.381-010 (S224R) Photographer, Lithographic (print. & pub.) 972.382-014 (S223R) Stripper (print. & pub.) 971.381-050 (S140R) 02.01. PHYSICAL SCIENCES 02.01.01 THEORETICAL RESEARCH Mathematician (profess. & kin.) 020,067-014 (S213) 02.02. LIFE SCIENCES 02.02.03 PLANT AND ANIMAL SPECIALIZATION Biologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-030 (S283) 02.03. MEDICAL SCIENCES 02.03.01 MEDICINE AND SURGERY General Practitioner (medical ser.) 070.101-022 (S039) Osteopathic Physician (medical ser.) 071.101-010 (S399) 02.03.02 DENTISTRY Dentist (medical ser) 072.101-010 (S049) 02.03.03 VETERINARY MEDICINE Veterinarian (medical ser.) 073. 101-010 (S058) 02.04. LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 02.04.01 PHYSICAL SCIENCES Laboratory Tester (any ind.) 029.261-010 (S407) Medical-Laboratory Technician (medical ser.) 078.381-014 (S384) Metallurgical Technician (profess. & kin.) 011.261-010 (S324; S378) Pharmacist (profess. & kin.) 074.161-010 (S037R) 02.04.02 LIFE SCIENCES Embalmer (per. ser.) 338.371-014 (S093) Medical Technologist (medical ser.) 078.361-014 (S156) 03.01. MANAGERIAL WORK: PLANTS AND ANIMALS 03.01.04 FORESTRY AND LOGGING 03.02. GENERAL SUPERVISION: NATURE 03.02.02 FORESTRY AND LOGGING Forester Aide (forestry) 452.364-010 (S438) 03.04. ELEMENTAL WORK: PLANTS AND ANIMALS 03.04.01 FARMING - Farmworker, Dairy (agric.) 410.684-010 (S416) Harvest Worker, Fruit (agric.) 403.687-018 (S351) Packer, Agricultural Produce (agric.; whole. tr.) 920.687-134 (S116) Sorter, Agricultural Produce (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.687-186 (S116; S294; S302; S374) 03.04.05 SERVICES Artificial Inseminator (agric.) 418.384-010 (S070) 04.01. SAFETY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT 04.01.02 INVESTIGATING Fish and Game Warden (gov. ser.) 379.167-010 (S.263) 04.02. SECURITY SERVICES 04.02.01 DETENTION Correction Officer (gov. ser.) 372.667-018 (S.348R) 04.02.02 PROPERTY AND PEOPLE Parking Enforcement Officer (gov. ser.) 375.587-010 (S437) 04.02.04 EMERGENCY RESPONDING Fire Fighter (any ind.) 373.364-010 (S120) 05.01. ENGINEERING 05.01.01 RESEARCH Electrical Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.161-010 (S322) Electronics Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.161-014 (S293R) 05.01.06 WORK PLANNING AND UTILIZATION Tool Programer, Numerical Control (any ind.) 007.167-018 (S431) 05.01.07 DESIGN - Chemical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 008.061-018 (S036) Civil Engineer (profess. & kin.) 005.061-014 (S036) 05.01.08 GENERAL ENGINEERING Chemical-Engineering Technician (profess. & kin.) 008.261- 010 (S325; S378) Electrical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.061-010 (S036) Mechanical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 007.061-014 (S036) 05.03. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 05.03.01 SURVEYING Chief of Party (profess. & kin.) 018.167-010 (S339) 05.03.02 DRAFTING - Drafter, Civil (profess. & kin.) 005.281-010 (S.266R74) Drafter, Geological (petrol. production) 0.10.281-014 (S266R74) Drafter, Mechanical (profess. & kin.) 007.281-010 (S.266R74) Drafter, Structural (profess. & kin.) 005.281–014 (S.266R74) 05.03.03 EXPEDITING AND COORDINATING Air-Traffic-Control Specialist, Tower (gov. ser.) 193.162-018 (S256) 05.03.05 ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC Radiographer (any ind.) 199.361-010 (S391) 05.05. CRAFT TECHNOLOGY 05.05.01 MASONRY, STONE, AND BRICK work Bricklayer (const.) 861.381-018 (S107R) Cement Mason (const.) 844.364-010 (S215R) 328 05.05.02 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Carpenter (const.) 860.381-022 (S011R) 05.05.03 PLUMBING AND PIPEFITTING Pipe Fitter (const.) 862.381-018 (S061R78) Plumber (const.) 862.381-030 (S061R78) 05.05.04 PAINTING, PLASTERING, AND PAPERHANG- ING Plasterer (const.) 842.361-018 (S240) 05.05.05 ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS IN- STALLATION AND REPAIR Central-Office Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-014 (S074R77) Electrician (any ind.) 824.261-010 (S072R77) Electrician, Airplane (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 825.281-018 (S069R) Line Repairer (light, heat, & power) 821,361-026 (S154R) Maintenance Mechanic, Telephone (any ind.) 822.281-018 (S189) 05.05.06 METAL FABRICATION AND REPAIR Automobile-Body Repairer (auto. ser.) 807.381-010 (S313) Boilermaker (boilermaking) I 805.261-014 (S.262R) Die Maker (paper goods) 739.381-018 (S307R) Lay-Out Worker (any ind.) I 809.281-010 (S.344R) Metal Fabricator (any ind.) 619.360-014 (S235) Millwright (any ind.) 638.281-018 (S177R) Ornamental Iron Worker (const.) 809.381-022 (S280) Sheet-Metal Worker (any ind.) 804.281-010 (S082R) Shipfitter (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.381-046 (S045R) Structural Steel Worker (const.) 801.361-014 (S280) Welder, Arc (welding) 810.384-014 (S207; S211) Welder, Combination (welding) 819.384-010 (S126) 05.05.07 MACHINING Machinist (mach. shop) 600.280-022 (S012E) Model Maker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.361-010 (S448) Patternmaker, Metal (found.) 600.280-050 (S132) Tool-and-Die Maker (mach. shop) 601.280-046 (S212R) 05.05.08 WOODWORKING Cabinetmaker (woodworking) 660.280-010 (S100R) Machinist, Wood (woodworking) 669.380-014 (S144R76) Patternmaker, Wood (found.) 661.281-022 (S132) 05.05.09 MECHANICAL WORK Airframe-and-Power-Plant Mechanic mfg.; air trans.) 621.281-014 (S111R) Automobile Mechanic (auto. ser.) 620.261-010 (S043R; S380) Cash-Register Servicer (any ind.) 633.281-010 (S234) Construction-Equipment (S201R; S455) Diesel Mechanic (any ind.) 625.281-010 (S423R) Environmental-Control-System Installer-Servicer (any ind.) 637.261-014 (S413R) Machinery Erector (engine & turbine; mach. mſg.) 638.261- 014 (S445) Maintenance Mechanic (any ind.) 638.281-014 (S157R; S37OR75; S439R) Manufacturer's Service Representative (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.) 638.261-018 (S177R; S183) Office-Machine Servicer (any ind.) 633.281-018 (S.234) Small-Engine Mechanic (any ind.) 625.281-034 (S331) (aircraft-aerospace Mechanic (const.) 620.261-022 05.05.10 ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT RE- PAIR Electronics Mechanic (any ind.) 828.281-010 (S103R; S415; S463) Instrument Mechanic (any ind.) 710.281-026 (S318R) 05.05.11 SCIENTIFIC, MEDICAL, AND TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT FABRICATION AND REPAIR Dental Ceramist Assistant (medical ser.) 712.664-010 (S418) Dental-Laboratory Technician (medical ser.) 712.381-018 (S285) Experimental Assembler (any ind.) 739.381-026 (S333) Finisher, Denture (medical ser.) 712.681-018 (S430) Glass Blower, Laboratory Apparatus (glass prod.; inst. & app.) 772.281-010 (S.345) 05.05.13 PRINTING Cylinder-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-010 (S040R) Offset-Press Operator (print. & pub.) I 651.482-010 (S040R) Platen-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-018 (S040R) Web-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-030 (S040R) 05.05.15 CUSTOM SEWING, TAILORING, AND UPHOL- STERING Dressmaker (any ind.) 785.361-010 (S059) 05.05.17 FOOD PREPARATION Cook (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014 (S238R) 05.06. SYSTEMS OPERATION 05.06.01 ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMIS- SION Substation Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-026 (S312R) Switchboard Operator (chem.) 952.362-038 (S312R) Turbine Operator (light, heat, & power) 952.362-042 (S312R) 05.06.02 STATIONARY ENGINEERING Engineer (water trans.) 197.130-010 (S446) Stationary Engineer (any ind.) 950.382-026 (S340R; S357R) 05.06.04 PROCESSING Water-Treatment-Plant Operator (waterworks) 954.382-014 (S342R) 05.07. QUALITY CONTROL 05.07.06 LOGGING AND LUMBER Log Scaler (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & ply- wood) 455.487-010 (S390) 05.08. LAND AND WATER VEHICLE OPERATION 05.08.01 TRUCK DRIVING Tank-Truck Driver (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole tr.) 903.683- 018 (S124) Tractor-Trailer-Truck Driver (any ind.) 904.383-010 (S124) 05.09. MATERIALS CONTROL 05.09.01 SHIPPING, RECEIVING, AND STOCK CHECK- ING Laborer, Stores (any ind.) 922.687-058 (S.182) Linen-Supply Load-Builder (laund.) 920.687-118 (S292) 329 05.09.02 ESTIMATING, SCHEDULING, AND RECORD KEEPING Material Expediter (clerical) 221.367-042 (S064) 05.10. CRAFTS 05.10.01 STRUCTURAL Carpet Layer (ret. tr.) 864.381-010 (S185) Construction Worker (const.) I 869.664-014 (S432R) Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) 864,481-010 (S185) Glazier (const.) 865.381-010 (S171R) Lather (const.) 842.361-010 (S375R) Roofer (const.) 866.381-010 (S241) Taper (const.; mfö. blags.) 842.664-010 (S464) 05.10.02 MECHANICAL Aircraft Mechanic, Plumbing and Hydraulics (aircraft-aero- space mfg.) 862.381-010 (S076R) Gas-Appliance Servicer (any ind.) 637.261-018 (S208) Sewing-Machine Repairer (any ind.) 639.281-018 (S319R) 05.10.03 ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC Radio Repairer (any ind.) 720.281-010 (S113R) Television-and-Radio Repairer (any ind.) 720.281-018 (S113R) 05.10.04 STRUCTURAL-MECHANICAL- ELECTRICAL- ELECTRONIC Maintenance Repairer, Factory or Mill (any ind.) 899.281-014 (S363R75) Pinsetter Mechanic, Automatic (any ind.) 638.261-022 (S284) 05.10.05 REPRODUCTION Engraving-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.382-010 (S040R) Offset-Duplicating-Machine Operator (clerical) 207.682-018 (S358R) Pantographer (print. & pub.) 979.382-022 (S109) Photograph Finisher (photofinish.) 976.487-010 (S444) Printer Operator, Black-and-White (photofinish.) 976.682-014 (S086) 05.10.07 PAINTING, DYEING, AND COATING Painter (const.) 840.381-010 (S203) Painter, Transportation Equipment (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.; auto. ser.) 845.381-014 (S402) 05.10.08 FOOD PREPARATION Meat Cutter (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 316.684-018 (S349R) 05.11. EQUIPMENT OPERATION 05.11.01 CONSTRUCTION Operating Engineer (const.; mining & quarrying) 859.683-010 (S343R) 05.11.04 MATERIALS HANDLING Bridge-or-Gantry-Crane Operator (any ind.) 921.663-010 (S368) 05.12. ELEMENTAL WORK: MECHANICAL 05.12.02 MINING, QUARRYING, DRILLING Rotary-Driller Helper (petrol. production) 930.684-026 (S328) 05.12.03 LOADING, MOVING º Material Handler (any ind.) 929.687-030 (S084; S260; S454; S466) 06.01. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 06.01.01 SUPERVISION AND INSTRUCTION Supervisor, Electronics (elctronics) 726.130-010 (S353) 06.01.02 MACHINE SET-UP Envelope-Folding-Machine Adjuster (paper goods) 641.680- 010 (S349) Firesetter (elec. equip.; electronics) 692.360-018 (S133) Guide Setter (iron & steel) 613.361-010 (S367) Knitting-Machine Fixer (hosiery; knit goods) 689.280.014 (S091R) Loom Fixer (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile) 683.260- 018 (S153) Machine Set-Up Operator, Paper Goods (paper goods) 649.380-010 (S.370R75) Machine Setter (any ind.) 616.360-022 (S406) Multi-Operation-Forming-Machine Setter (any ind.) 616.260- 014 (S.370R75) 06.01.03 MACHINE SET-UP AND OPERATION Chemical Operator (chem.) III 559.382-018 (S330R) Refinery Operator (petrol. refin.) 549.260-010 (S068) Rolling-Mill Operator (nonfer, metal alloys) 613.462-018 (S098) Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Production (mach. shop) 604.380-022 (S453) Turret-Lathe Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) 604.280- 022 (SO33) 06.01.04 PRECISION HAND WORK Aircraft Mechanic, Armament (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-010 (S069R) Aircraft Mechanic, Rigging and Controls (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-018 (S076R) Assembler (inst. & app.) 710.681-010 (S081; S129; S253) Assembler and Wirer, Industrial Equipment (elec.; mach. mfg.) 826.361-010 (S461) Assembler, Aircraft, Structures and Surfaces (aircraft-aero- space mfg.) 806.381-026 (S076R) Banking Pin Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.381-018 (S151) Molder (found.) 518.361-010 (S366) Ring Maker (jewelry) 700.381-042 (S143) Tube Assembler, Electron (electronics) 725.384-010 (S008; S117; S392) Watch Repairer (clock & watch) 715.281-010 (S151) 06.01.05 INSPECTION Inspector, Assemblies and Installations (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-022 (S404) Inspector, Hairspring (clock & watch) I 715.381-066 (S151) Inspector, Mechanical and Electrical (inst. & app.) 710.381- 038 (S355) Inspector, Timing (clock & watch) 715.685-034 (S151) Inspector, Watch Train (clock & watch) 715.381-074 (S151) Process Inspector (ordance) 736.381-018 (S277) 06.02. PRODUCTION WORK 06.02.02 MACHINE WORK, METAL AND PLASTICS Burrer, Machine (clock & watch) 603.685-046 (S152) 330 Drilling-Machine Operator, Automatic (clock & watch) 606.685-030 (S152) Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) I 615.482-022 (S044) Screwdown Operator (iron & steel) 613.382-018 (S367) Slitting-Machine Operator (any ind.) II 615.662-010 (S098) Straightening-Press Operator (any ind.) 617.482-026 (S368) 06.02.04 MACHINE WORK, PAPER Cylinder-Die-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.682-014 (S300R) Embossing-Press (S040R) Folding-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-046 (S073) Folding-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 653.382-010 (S172) Printer-Slotter Operator (paper goods) 659.662-010 (S369) Operator (print. & pub.) 659.682-014 06.02.05 MACHINE WORK, LEATHER AND FABRICS Glove Sewer (glove & mit.) 784.682-010 (S004) Hat-and-Cap Sewer (hat & cap) 784.682-014 (S004) Sewing-Machine Operator (hosiery) 787.682-074 (S078) Stitcher, Standard Machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-082 (S159; S289) 06.02.06 MACHINE WORK, TEXTILES - Levers-Lace Machine Operator (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 683.682- 026 (S405) Looper (hosiery; knit goods) 689.682-010 (S119; S190) Seamless Hosiery Knitter (hosiery) 684.685-010 (S125) Warp-Knitting Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.665-018 (S442) Weaver (asbestos prod.; textile) 683.682-038 (S115R76) 06.02.08 MACHINE WORK, STONE, GLASS AND CLAY Precision-Lens Grinder (optical goods) 716.382-018 (S334) 06.02.09 MACHINE WORK, ASSORTED MATERIALS Die Cutter (any ind.) 699.682-022 (S.123) Extruding-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.382-010 (S335RT6) - Flexographic-Press Operator (paper goods; print. & pub.) 651.682-010 (S371R) Insulating-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.682-018 (S308) 06.02.10 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, METAL PROCESS- ING Cold-Mill Operator (iron & steel) 613.462-010 (S098) Heat Treater (heat treat.) I 504,382-014 (S401) Heat Treater (heat treat.) II 504.682-018 (S401) Manipulator (iron & steel) 613.682-010 (S367) Wire Drawer (clock & watch) 614.382-014 (S214) 06.02.11 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, CHEMICAL PROC- ESSING Water-Treatment-Plant (S342R) Operator (chem.) 551.485-010 06.02.13 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, RUBBER, PLAS- TICS, AND GLASS PROCESSING Blow-Moulding-Machine Operator (fabric, plastics prod.) 556.682-010 (S396) Extruder Operator (fabric, plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 557.382-010 (S221) Forming-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) 575.382-014 (S.170) 06.02.14 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS PROCESSING - Back Tender, Paper Machine (paper & pulp) 534.662-010 (S428) Fourdrinier-Machine Tender (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.362-014 (S428) 06.02.15 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, FOOD PROCESSING Baker (bake. prod.) 526.381-010 (S085R) 06.02.22 MANUAL WORK, ASSEMBLY LARGE PARTS Appliance Assembler, Line (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.) 827.684-010 (S102) Assembler, Aircraft Power Plant (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-022 (S076R) Assembler, Internal Combustion Engine (engine & turbine) 806.481-014 (S013) Trailer Assembler (auto. mfg.) 806.381-058 (S288) 06.02.23 MANUAL WORK, ASSEMBLY SMALL PARTS Assembler (light. fix.) I 723.684-014 (S191) Balance Assembler (clock & watch) 715.384-010 (S151) Dialer (clock & watch) 715.684-086 (S149) Electronics Assembler (electronics) 726.684-018 (S.173; S229; S245; S281R; S304; S310R74; S381R76, S467R78) Fuse Assembler (ammunition) 737.684-022 (S024) Put-in-Beat Adjuster (clock & watch) 715.684-174 (S150) 06.02.24 MANUAL WORK, METAL AND PLASTICS Burrer (clock & watch) 715.684-042 (S152) 06.02.27 MANUAL WORK, TEXTILE, FABRIC, AND LEATHER Mender (carpet & rug; textile) 782.684-042 (S075) Upholsterer, Inside (furn.) 780.681-010 (S057) 06.02.29 MANUAL WORK, RUBBER Mailing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 208.462-010 (S376) Tire Builder, Automobile (rubber tire & tube) 750.384-010 (S267R) 06.02.32 MANUAL WORK, ASSORTED MATERIALS Cable Maker (elec. equip.; electronics) 728.684-010 (S160) Processor, Solid Propellant (explosives) 590.464-010 (S279) 06.03. QUALITY CONTROL 06.03.01 INSPECTING, TESTING, AND REPAIRING Egg Candler (any ind.) 529.687-074 (S118) Inspector (iron & steel) 619.381-010 (S097) Inspector (pottery & porc.) 774.364-010 (S258) 06.03.02 INSPECTING, GRADING, SORTING, WEIGH- ING, AND RECORDING Assembler (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-010 (S260) Burler (carpet & rug; textile) 689.684-010 (S075) Cigarette Inspector (tobacco) 529.567-010 (S468R78) Inspector (clean., dye., & press.) 369.687-022 (S025) Inspector, Casing (clock & watch) 715.687-062 (S149) Pairer (hosiery) 684.687-010 (S060) Paper Sorter and Counter (paper & pulp) 649.687-010 (S104) Rubber-Goods Inspector-Tester (rubber goods; rubber re- claim.; rubber tire & tube) 759.584-010 (S443) Selector (glass mfg.) 579.687-030 (S178; S192) 331 Stocking Inspector (hosiery) 684.684-010 (S065) Tile sorter (brick & tile) 573.687-038 (S112) Tooth Inspector (medical ser.) 712.687-038 (S412) 06.04. ELEMENTAL WORK: INDUSTRIAL 06.04.02 MACHINE WORK, METAL AND PLASTICS Machine Operator (any ind.) II 619.685-062 (S233) Production-Machine Tender (mach, shop) 609.685-018 (S135R76) 06.04.04 MACHINE WORK, PAPER Bag-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-014 (S137) Bindery Worker (print. & pub.) 653.685-010 (S034R) Carton-Forming-Machine Operator (any ind.) 641.685-022 (S306) Rewinder Operator (paper goods) 640.685-058 (S429) 06.04.05 MACHINE WORK, FABRIC AND LEATHER Presser, Machine (any ind.) 363.682-018 (S025; S146; S409) V-Belt Coverer (rubber goods) 690.685-450 (S459) 06.04.06 MACHINE WORK, TEXTILES Balling-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-014 (S295) Braiding-Machine Operator (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) 683.685-010 (S216) Doffer (textile) 689.686-022 (S337) Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) 685.665-014 (S336) Spinner, Frame (asbestos prod.; textile) 682.685-010 (S053) Spooler Operator, Automatic (textile) 681.686-018 (S427) Twister Tender (asbestos prod.; glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile) 681.685-130 (S452) Yarn Winder (any ind.) 681.685-154 (S360) 06.04.08 MACHINE WORK, STONE, GLASS, AND CLAY Sand-Slinger Operator (found.) 518.683-010 (S365) 06.04.09 MACHINE WORK, ASSORTED MATERIALS Covering-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-038 (S465) Pairing-Machine Operator (insulated wire) 691.685-022 (S308) 06.04.10 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, METAL PROCESS- ING Die-Casting-Machine Operator (found.) II 514.685-018 (S166) Injection-Molding-Machine Tender (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph; rubber goods) 556.685-038 (S228R75) Second Helper (iron & steel) 512.684-010 (S356) 06.04.11 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, CHEMICAL PROC- ESSING - Chemical Operator (chem.) II 558.585-014 (S469R78) 06.04.13 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, RUBBER, PLAS- TICS, AND GLASS PROCESSING Compression-Molding-Machine Tender prod.) 556.685-022 (S218) Press Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.) 556.685-066 (S017R) Record-Press Tender (phonograph) 556.685-070 (S046) (fabric, plastics 06.04.15 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, FOOD PROCESSING Cannery Worker (can. & preserv.) 529.686-014 (S092; S121; S122) Stemmer, Machine (tobacco) 521.685-334 (S067) 06.04.16 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, TEXTILE, FABRIC, AND LEATHER PROCESSING Boarding-Machine Operator (hosiery) 589.685-010 (S041) Yarn-Texturing-Machine Operator (synthetic fibers) 589.685- 102 (S168) 06.04.17 EQUIPMENT OPERATION, CLAY PROCESSING Kiln Placer (pottery & porc.) 573.686-026 (S112) 06.04.20 MACHINE ASSEMBLING Mounter, Automatic (photofinish.) 976.685-022 (S161) 06.04.22 MANUAL WORK, ASSEMBLY LARGE PARTS Assembler, Automobile (auto. mfg.) 806.684-010 (S101R77) Assembler, Metal Furniture (furn.) 709.684-014 (S194) Venetian-Blind Assembler (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 739.684-166 (S187) 06.04.23 MANUAL WORK, ASSEMBLY SMALL PARTS Assembler, Dry Cell and Battery (elec. equip.) 727.687-022 (S066) Assembler, Electrical Accessories (elec. equip.) I 729.687-010 (S414R77) Assembler, Small Parts (any ind.) 706.684-022 (S136) Assembler, Small Products (any ind.) 739.687-030 (S456) Caser (clock & watch) 715.684-054 (S149) Coil Winder (elec. equip.; electronics) 724,684-026 (S169; S220) Electric-Motor Assembler (elec. equip.) 721.684-022 (S021) Finisher, Hand (toys & games) 731.587-010 (S290) Fireworks Assembler (fireworks) 737.587-014 (S052) Fishing-Rod Assembler (sports equip.) 732.684-066 (S079R) Hands Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-110 (S149) Mechanism Assembler (clock & watch) 715.684-142 (S151) Plug Wirer (elec. equip.) 726.687-014 (S244) Staker (clock & watch) 715.684-182 (S152) Toy Assembler (toys & games) 731.687-034 (S134; S290) 06.04.24 MANUAL WORK, METAL AND PLASTICS Finisher, Hand (fabric, plastics prod.) 754.684-030 (S246) Polisher (jewelry) 700.687–058 (S424) 06.04.27 MANUAL WORK, TEXTILE, FABRIC, AND LEATHER Case Finisher (jewelery cases; leather prod.) 739.684-034 (S174) Hand Sewer, Shoes (boot & shoe) 788.684-054 (S346) Making-Line Worker (boot & shoe) 753.687-026 (S226) 06.04.30 MANUAL WORK, STONE, GLASS, AND CLAY Paster (brick & tile) 773.684-014 (S112) 06.04.31 MANUAL WORK, WELDING CUTTING Machine Feeder (welding) 819,686-010 (S089) Solder, Production Line (welding) 813.684-022 (S142) Welder, Production Line (welding) 819.684-010 (S447) AND FLAME 06.04.32 MANUAL WORK, CASTING AND MOLDING Foundry Worker, General (found.) 519.687-022 (S365) 06.04.33 MANUAL WORK, BRUSHING, SPRAYING, AND COATING Oiler (clock & watch) 715.684-146 (S151) 332 06.04.34. MANUAL WORK, ASSORTED MATERIALS Gluer (any ind.) 795.687-014 (S094) 06.04.35 LAUNDERING, DRY CLEANING Flatwork Finisher (laund.) 363.686-010 (S260) Presser, Hand (any ind.) 363.684-018 (S138) Silk Finisher (clean., dye., & press.) 363.681-010 (S138) 06.04.37 MANUAL WORK, STAMPING, MARKING, LA- BELING, AND TICKETING Marker (any ind.) II 920.687-126 (S219) 06.04.38 WRAPPING AND PACKING Assembler, Hospital Supplies (inst. & app.) 712.687-010 (S359) Bakery Worker (bake. prod.) 929.686-010 (S296) Carding-Machine Operator (trim & embroid.) 681.685-030 (S050) Garment Folder (garment; knit goods) 789.687-066 (S063) Packager, Hand (any ind.) 920.587-018 (S016; SO28; SO95; S165; S193; S258; S361; S400) Packager, Machine (any ind.) 920.685-078 (S099, S242; S301; S341; S359; S372; S434) Poultry-Dressing Worker (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-082 (S026) 06.04.39 CLEANING Scrapper (paper goods) 794.687-050 (S083) 06.04.40 LOADING, MOVING, HOISTING, CONVEYING Industrial-Truck Operator (any ind.) 921.683-050 (S131R74) Laborer, General (iron & steel) 509,686-010 (S247) Laborer, Shellfish Processing (can. & preserv.) 529.686-058 (S265) 07.01. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL 07.01.02 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Clerk (clerical) 219.362-010 (S329R74) Court Clerk (gov. ser.) 243.362-010 (S032) Teacher Aide (education) II 249.367-074 (S398R74) 07.02. MATHEMATICAL DETAIL 07.02.01 BOOKKEEPING AND AUDITING Audit Clerk (clerical) 210.382-010 (S.199) Bookkeeper (clerical) I 210.382-014 (S.184) Bookkeeping-Machine Operator (clerical) I 210.382-022 (S005) 07.02.02 ACCOUNTING Calculating-Machine Operator (clerical) 216.482-022 (S090) 07.03. FINANCIAL DETAIL 07.03.01 PAYING AND RECEIVING Cashier-Checker (ret. tr.) 211.462-014 (S145R76) Teller (finan. inst.) 211.362-018 (S259R75) Ticket Agent (any ind.) 238.367–026 (S200) 07.04. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 07.04.01 INTERVIEWING Employment Clerk (clerical) 205.362-014 (S105) Hospital-Admitting Clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-018 (S393) Survey Worker (clerical) 205.367-054 (S006) 07.04.03 REGISTRATION Hotel Clerk (hotel & rest.) 238.362-010 (S332) 07.04.06 SWITCHBOARD SERVICES Central-Office Operator (tel. & tel.) 235.462-010 (S009R) 07.05. RECORDS PROCESSING 07.05.01 COORDINATING AND SCHEDULING Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle (clerical) 249.167-014 (S251) Transportation Agent (air trans.) 912.367-014 (S379) 07.05.02 RECORD VERIFICATION AND PROOFING Copy Holder (print. & pub.) 209.667-010 (S108) Proofreader (print. & pub.) 209.387-030 (S108) 07.05.03 RECORD PREPARATION AND MAINTE- NANCE Stenographer (clerical) 202.362-014 (S010) Ward Clerk (medical ser.) 245.362-014 (S239R74) 07.05.04 ROUTING AND DISTRIBUTION Mail Handler (gov. ser.) 209.687-014 (S162) 07.06. CLERICAL MACHINE OPERATION 07.06.01 COMPUTER OPERATION Computer Operator (clerical) 213.362-010 (S286) Tabulating-Machine Operator (clerical) 213.682-010 (S042) 07.06.02 KEYBOARD MACHINE OPERATION Clerk-Typist (clerical) 203.362-010 (S010) Keypunch Operator (clerical) 203.582-030 (S180R74) Linotype Operator (print. & pub.) 650.582-010 (S128R) Monotype-Keyboard Operator (print. & pub.; type founding) 650.582-014 (S163R) Proof-Machine Operator (finan. inst.) 217.382-010 (S217R75; S309R77) . Typesetter-Perforator Operator (print. & pub.) 203.582-062 (S297) Typist (clerical) 203.582-066 (S010) 08.01. SALES TECHNOLOGY 08.01.01 TECHNICAL SALES Sales Representative, Construction Machinery (whole. tr.) 274.357-022 (S210A) 08.02. GENERAL SALES 08.02.03 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Salesperson, General Merchandise (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-054 (S276R77) 08.02.04 REAL ESTATE Sales Agent, Real Estate (real estate) 250.357-018 (S249) 08.02.07 DRIVING-SELLING Driver, Sales Route (ret. tr.; whole, tr.) 292.353-010 (S195; S196) 09.01. HOSPITALITY SERVICES 09.01.01 SOCIAL AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Counselor, Camp (amuse. & rec.) 159.124-010 (S209) 333 09.01.04 SAFETY AND COMFORT SERVICES Airplane-Flight Attendant (air trans.) 352.367-010 (S433) 09.02. BARBER AND BEAUTY SERVICES 09.02.01 COSMETOLOGY Cosmetologist (per. ser.) 332.271-010 (S071R) 09.02.02 BARBERING Barber (per, ser.) 330.371-010 (S252R) 09.04. CUSTOMER SERVICE 09.04.01 FOOD SERVICES Counter Attendant, Lunchroom or Coffee Shop (hotel & rest.) 311.477-014 (S164) Fountain Server (hotel & rest.) 319.474-010 (S311) Waiter/Waitress, Informal (hotel & rest.) 311.477-030 (S179) 09.04.02 SALES SERVICES Sales Clerk (ret. tr.) 290.477-014 (S278) 09.05. ATTENDANT SERVICES 09.05.02 FOOD SERVICES Food-Service Worker, Hospital (medical ser.) 355.677-010 (S274; S436) 10.01. SOCIAL SERVICES 10.01.02 COUNSELING AND SOCIAL WORK Caseworker (social ser.) 195.107-010 (S175) 10,02. NURSING, THERAPY, AND SPECIALIZED TEACH- ING 10.02.01 NURSING Nurse, General Duty (medical ser.) 075.374-010 (S271R) Nurse, Licensed Practical (medical ser.) 079.374-014 (S27OR75) 10.02.02 THERAPY AND REHABILITATION Dental Hygienist (medical ser.) 078.361-010 (S054) Occupational Therapist (medical ser.) 076.121-010 (S352R) Occupational Therapy Assistant (medical ser.) 076.364-010 (S272R) Physical Therapist (medical ser.) 076.121-014 (S347) Radiologic Technologist (medical ser.) 078.362-026 (S080) Respiratory Therapist (medical ser.) 079.361-010 (S326R) 10.03. CHILD AND ADULT CARE 10.03.02 PATIENT CARE - Dental Assistant (medical ser.) 079.371-010 (S202) Medical Assistant (medical ser.) 079.367-010 (S237) Nurse Aide (medical ser.) 355.674-014 (S282R75) Psychiatric Aide (medical ser.) 355.377-014 (S287) Surgical Technician (medical ser) 079:374-022 (S231) 10.03.03 CARE OF OTHERS Nursery School Attendant (any ind.) 359.677-018 (S047) 11.01. MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 11.01.01 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN Programmer, Business (profess. & kin.) 020.162-014 (S314) Programmer, Detail (clerical) 219.367–026 (S450) Programmer, Engineering and Scientific (profess. & kin.) 020.167-022 (S316) Systems Analyst, Electronic Data Processing (profess. & kin.) 012.167-066 (S315) 11,02. EDUCATIONAL AND LIBRARY SERVICES 11.02.04 LIBRARY SERVICES Librarian (library) 100.127-014 (S299) 11.03. SOCIAL RESEARCH 11.03.02 SOCIOLOGICAL Sociologist (profess. & kin.) 054:067-014 (S254) 11.05. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 11.05.01 MANAGEMENT SERVICES: NON-GOVERN- MENT Manager, Industrial Organization (any ind.) 189. 117-022 (S158) 11.05.02 ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIZATION Dietitian, Chief (profess. & kin.) 077.117-010 (S055) 11.05.04 SALES AND PURCHASING MANAGEMENT Manager, Circulation (print. & pub.) 163.167-014 (S023) 11.06. FINANCE 11.06.01 ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING Accountant (profess. & kin.) 160.167-010 (S.11%) Auditor (profess. & kin.) 160.162-014 (S.114) 11.06.03 RISK AND PROFIT ANALYSIS Credit Analyst (finan. inst.) 191.267-014 (S320) Underwriter (insurance) 169.167-058 (S014) 11.10. REGULATIONS ENFORCEMENT 11.10.03 HEALTH AND SAFETY Inspector, Motor Vehicles (gov. ser.) 168.267-058 (S.188) 11.11. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 11.11.04 SERVICES Director, Food Services (hotel & rest.) 187.167-026 (S204) Director, Funeral (per. ser.) 187.167-030 (S093) Manager, Barber or Beauty Shop (per, ser.) 187.167-058 (S048) 11.11.05 WHOLESALE-RETAIL Manager, Automobile Service Station (ret. tr.) 185.167-014 (S298) Manager, Department (ret. tr.) 299.137-010 (S420) Manager, Retail Store (ret. tr.) 185.167-046 (S225) 11.12, CONTRACTS AND CLAIMS 11.12.01 CLAIMS SETTLEMENT Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.: insurance) 241.217-010 (S186) 334 Appendix C: With the strong emphasis upon school-to-work and career guidance, programs designed to provide such services to youth and adults are dependent upon a sound base of occupational information. There is an abundance of career information re- sources ranging from individual occupational briefs to bound volumes such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook. When these resources are organized for easy and effective use, they play an important role in the process of career exploration and decision- making. The recent emphasis on individualized career exploration has highlighted the need for a system that can organize a wide variety of career information resources and provide personalized access to these resources. The 12 Interest Areas, 66 Work Groups, and 348 Subgroups in this Guide can serve as the basis for such a system. In setting up this system, two physical components and three procedures may be used. The physical components are O an index card file © a vertical file for the occupational materials. The processing procedures are © classifying © indexing © filing. Physical Components Index Card File. This file serves as an index for all occupational materials processed into the system. It contains three sets of dividers: one set for the two-digit interest areas, another for the four-digit work groups, and the third for the six-digit subgroups, as needed. This index also contains two types of cards: one type reflecting the DOT base titles and codes of the occupational materials; and the other type indicating other titles by which the materials may have been designated, to serve as a cross-index to the base title cards. The DOT base title cards are the primary cards used to enter the system. Each card contains sources of all information about the occupation. The other titles are cross-indexed to the DOT base titles. Vertical File. The vertical file is used to store single-job materi- als. Like the index card file, it contains area dividers, work group dividers, and subgroup dividers, as needed. (Bound volumes of occupational materials, such as the Occupational Outlook Hand- Use of the Guide in Organizing Occupational Information book, will be housed usually in another convenient place, such as a bookshelf.) Processing Procedures Classifying. All materials relating to a specific job should receive the DOT base title and code, as well as the appropriate six-digit subgroup Guide code. The DOT title and the six-digit Guide code can be found in the alphabetical index in the Guide (app. D). Indexing. An index card should be made, using DOT base titles, the DOT nine-digit code, the Guide subgroup number, and the sources of information available under that particular title. The card is maintained in the index file behind the pertinent divider. As new information is collected, it should be recorded on the existing card or on a new card, as appropriate. If the title on the material is different from the DOT base title (and has been put in parentheses), then a cross-index card should be made recording the title that appears in parentheses, as well as the DOT base title and code, and the subgroup number from the Guide. *. Filing. After occupational materials have been classified, they are placed in a vertical file behind the appropriate work group (or subgroup) divider. After all of the available single-job unbound materials have been processed into the basic system, additional occupational materials such as bound volumes should be reflected on the appropriate index cards. Such materials may be processed into the system by adding to the appropriate index card the source and the title of the material and the page number in the volume. In the event any material can be related more closely to a work group or subgroup than to a specific occupation, such a group or subgroup title and code may be entered on the material, instead of the DOT base title and code, and the material filed behind the appropriate work group or subgroup divider. Similar- ly, an index card should be initiated with the work group or subgroup title and code entered, instead of the DOT base title and code, and the card filed behind the appropriate group or subgroup divider. Career information resources used in expand- ing the system are not limited to the above examples. Any resource that is specific to an occupation or related to a particu- lar work group or subgroup may be included. 335 Appendix D: Alphabetic Arrangement of Occupations A Abalone Diver (fish.) :FISHER, DIVING (fish.): 443.664-010 03.04.03 able-bodied seaman ABLE SEAMAN (water trans.): 911.364- 010 05.12.03 - - ABLE SEAMAN (water trans.) 9 11.364-0 10 05.12.03 ABRASIVE-BAND WINDER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.685-010 06.04.20 - - ABRASIVE-COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 574.462-010 06.02.21 - ABRASIVE GRADER (optical goods) 570.682-010 06.02.09 ABRASIVE-GRADER HELPER (optical goods) 570.686-010 06.04.19 - - - - ABRASIVE GRINDER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 673.685-010 06.02.09 - ABRASIVE MIXER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 570.485-010 06.04.19 - ABRASIVE-MIXER HELPER (aprasive & polish, prod.) 570.686–01 4 06.04.19 ABRASHVE SAWYER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 677.685-010 06.04.08 - - - ABRASIVE-WHEEL MOLDER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 575,685-010 06.02.18 ABSORPTION-AND-ADSORPTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 008.061-010 05.01.08 - ABSORPTION OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.) 551.382- 010 06.02.11 - - - Absorption-Plant Operator (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.); 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Absorption-Plant-Operator Helper (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. refin.): 542.362-01406.02.12 Abstract Checker (insurance) :INSURANCE CHECKER (insurance): 219.482-014 07.05.02 - - abstract clerk :ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.): 119.267-010 11.04.04 abstract maker :ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.): 119.267-010 11.04.04 - ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.) 119.267-010-11.04.04 abstract searcher ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.): 119.267- 0 1 0 1 1.04.04 - abstract writer ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin 119,267-010 11.04.04 - ACADEMIC DEAN (education) 090.1 17-010 11.07.03 - academic vice president ACADEMIC DEAN (education) 090.1 ! 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 - - ACCELERATOR OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 015.362-010 02.04.01 Accessories Repairer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN, LOCOMOTIVE (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 825.28.1-026 05.05.05 * - Accident-and-Health-Insurance-Claim Examiner (insurance) :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 ACCOUNTANT, BUDGET (profess. & kin.) Accident-and-Sickness Underwriter - (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 ACCIDENT-PREVENTION-SQUAD POLICE OFFICER ( gov. ser.) 375.263-010 04.01.02 Accident-Report Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 209.362-026 07.05.03 :PERSONNEL CLERK Accompanist (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, INSTRUMENTAL (amuse. & rec.): 152,041-010 01.04.04 ACCORDION MAKER (musical inst.) 730.281-010 05.05.12 ACCORDION REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.281-01405.05.12 ACCORDION TUNER (any ind.) 730.381-010 05.05.12 account-analysis clerk ACCOUNT ANALYST (finan, inst.): 214.382-010 07.02.02 - - account-analysis reviewer ACCOUNT ANALYST (finan, inst.): 214.382-010 07.02.02 ACCOUNT ANALYST (finan. inst.) 214.382-010 07.02.02 ACCOUNTANT (profess. & kin.) 160.167-010 * 11.06.01 - 160.167-014 11.06.01 ACCOUNTANT, COST 11.06.01 Accountant, Machine Processing (profess. & kin.) :ACCOUNTANT, SYSTEMS (profess, & kin.): 160.167-026 11.06.01 - - - ACCOUNTANT, PROPERTY (profess. & kin.) 160.1 67-022 11.06.01 - Accountant, Public (profess. & kin.) :ACCOUNTANT (profess. & kin.): 160.1 67-010 * 11.06.01 ACCOUNTANT, SYSTEMS (profess. & kin.) 160.167-026 11.06.01 - - ACCOUNTANT, TAX (profess. & kin.) 160.162-010 11.06.01 (profess. & kin.) 160.167-018 Account-Classification Clerk (clerical) :CLASSIFICATION- CONTROL CLERK (clerical): 210.382-030 07.02.01 account clerk :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 210.382-026 07.02.01 - account clerk :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I: 210.382-022 * 07.02.01 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (bus. ser.) 164. 167-010 11.09.01 account executive SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RADIO AND TELEVISION TIME (radio & tv broad.): 259.357-018 08.01.02 ACCOUNT-INFORMATION CLERK (light, heat, & power) 210.367-010 07.02.03 . - ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical) 216.482-010 07.02.02 ACCOUNTING CLERK, DATA PROCESSING (clerical) 216.382-010 07.02.02 accounting clerk, pension disbursing :CHECK-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) II: 216.367-010 07.02.02 Accounting-Machine Servicer (any ind.) :OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 + 05.05.09 accounting-System expert :ACCOUNTANT, (profess. & kin.): 160.167–026 11.06.01 SYSTEMS ACCOUNTS-ADJUSTABLE CLERK (r. r. trans.) 214.462-010 07.02.04 336 Accounts-Payable Bookkeeper (clerical) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 accounts-payable clerk :INVOICE-CONTROL (clerical): 214.362-026 07.02.04 Accounts-Payable Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 Accounts-Receivable-Balancing Clerk (clerical) CLERK (clerical): 216.382-018 07.02.01 ccounts-Receivable Bookkeeper (clerical) (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 ccounts-Receivable Clerk (clerical) :ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 Acetaldehyde-Converter Operator (chem.) :CATALYTIC- CONVERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 ACETONE-BUTTON PASTER (button) 734.687-010 06.04.23 ACETONE-RECOVERY WORKER (synthetic fibers) 552.685- | 0 1 0 06.04.11 ACETYLENE-CYLINDER-PACKING MIXER liquefied gases) 549.665-010 06.04.19 ACETYLENE-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.585-010 06.04.11 - Acid ADJUSTER (elec. equip.) 727.484-010 06.04.34 Acid-Bath Mixer (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER 550.585-018 06.04.11 Acid-Bath Tender (synthetic fibers) :SPINNING-BATH PATROLLER (synthetic fibers); 557.685-030 06.04.11 acid blower NITRATING-ACID MIXER (explosives): 550.585- 030 - acid changer ACID DUMPER (elec. equip.): 727.687-010 06.04.40 Acid-Concentration-Plant-Equipment :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any 05.06.02 Acid Conditioner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :DUST COL- LECTOR-TREATER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511.687– 014 06.04.09 Acid-Correction Hand (synthetic fibers) :COAGULATING- BATH MIXER (synthetic fibers): 550.684-010 06.04.11 Acid-Crane Operator (iron & steel) :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 Acid Cutter (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 acid dipper :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 ACID DUMPER (elec. equip.) 727.687-010 06.04.40 ACID EXTRACTOR (coke prod.) 558.382-010 06.02.11 ACID FILLER (elec. equip.) 727.687-01406.04.36 CLERK :ACCOUNTING CLERK :BALANCE :BOOKKEEPER (comp. & (textile): Engineer (any ind.) ind.): 950.382-026 * Acidizer (petrol. production) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE OPERA-. TOR (petrol. production): 939.462-010 05.11.03 Acidizer Helper (petrol. production) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE- OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. production): 939.684-018 05.12.07 Acidizer, Water Well (const.) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE OPERA- TOR (petrol. production): 939.462-010 05.11.03 Acid Leveler (elec. equip.) :ACID FILLER (elec. equip.): 727.687-014 06.04.36 Acid Loader (chem.) : LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 ACID MAKER (paper & pulp) 559.662-010 06.04.11 ACID-PLANT HELPER (chem.) 558.565-010 06.04.11 ACID-POLYMERIZATION OPERATOR (chem.) 558.685-010 06.04.11 Acid Pumper 05.06.03 - ACID PURIFIER (coal tar prod.) 559.685-010 06.04.11 Acid-Strength Inspector (textile) :CHEMICAL-STRENGTH TESTER (textile): 582.587-010 06.03.02 ACID SUPERVISOR (explosives) 559.132-010 06.02.01 Acid-Tank Cleaner (petrol. refin.) TANK CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687–022 05.12.18 - (chem.) :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 ACID-TANK LINER (const.) 861.381-010 05.05.01 Acid Treater (petrol. refin.) :TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 acidulator :FAT-PURIFICATION WORKER (oils & fats): 551.685-070 06.02.11 Acid-Washer Operator (textile) :CLOTH-WASHER OPERA- TOR (textile): 582.685-030 06.04.16 acid-wash operator :BENZENE-WASHER OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.); 551.682-010 06.02.11 - ACOUSTICAL CARPENTER (const.) 860.381-010 05.05.02 Acoustical Logging Engineer (petrol. production) :SURVEYOR, OIL-WELL DIRECTIONAL (petrol. produc- tion): 0 1 0.261-022 05.03.04 - - acoustical-material worker :ACOUSTICAL CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-010 05.05.02 - ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN (library) 100.267-010 11.02.04 ACROBAT (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-010 12.02.01 Acrobatic Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047-010 01.05.02 ACROBATIC RIGGER (amuse. & rec.) 962.684-010 05.10.01 Acting Professor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 Activated-Sludge Attendant (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.): 955.585-010 05.12.07 Activated-Sludge Operator (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362- 0 1 0 05.06.04 Activities Director, Scouting (nonprofit organ.) :PROGRAM DIRECTOR, GROUP WORK (profess. & kin.): 187. If 7-046 11.07.01 ACTOR (amuse. & rec.) 150.047-010 01.03.02 Actress (amuse. & rec.) :ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047-010 01.03.02 - Actuarial Clerk (insurance) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 21 6.382-062 07.02.03 ACTUARY (profess. & kin.) 020. 167-010 11.01.02 Actuary, Casualty (profess. & kin.) ACTUARY (profess. & kin.): 020. 167-0 1 0 1 1.01.02 Actuary, Life (profess. & kin.) ACTUARY (profess. & kin.): 020. 167-0 1 0 1 1.01.02 - ACUPUNCTURIST (medical ser.) 079.27 1-010 02.03.04 adapter :ARRANGER (profess. & kin.): 152.067-010 01.04.02 ad clerk :CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK (print. & pub.) I: 247.367- 0 1 0 * Ad Compositor (print. & pub.) :COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.): 973.381-010 * 05.05.13 ADDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 07.06.02 Adding-Machine Servicer (any ind.) :OFFICE-MACHINE SER- VICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 + 05.05.09 additive-plant operator :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-014 06.02.18 Address-Change Clerk (insurance) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582- 066 * 07.06.02 - - ADDRESSER (clerical) 209.587-010 07.07.02 addressing clerk :ADDRESSER (clerical): 07.07.02 - - ADDRESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 208.582-010 05.12.19 Addressograph-Plate-File Clerk (clerical) I: 206.362-010 07.07.01 Adhesion Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 ADHESIVE-BANDAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (per. protect. & med. dev.) 692.685-014 06.04.05 - Adhesive Compounder (any ind.) 550.685-062 06.04.19 (clerical) 216.482-014 209.587-0 1 0 (clerical) :FILE CLERK :GLUE MIXER (glue): 337 ADHESIVE PRIMER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 732.687-010 06.04.33 Adhesive Sprayer (any ind.) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 Adhesive-Spreader Operator (aircraft-aerospace :HONEY COMB-BLANKET MAKER mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 Ad Hoc Arbitrator (profess. & kin.) ARBITRATOR (profess. & kin.): 169.107-0 1 0 1 1.04.03 ADJUDICATOR (gov. ser.) 119. 167-010 11.04.03 Adjustable-Die Cutter (paper goods) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 ADJUSTER (furn.) 709.684-010 05.10.01 Adjuster (office mach.) :REPAIRER, TYPEWRITER (office mach.): 706.381-030 06.02.24 ADJUSTER, ALARM MECHANISM 71 5.684-010 06.04.34 Adjuster and Fitter (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMO- BILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 adjuster and inspector :FINAL INSPECTOR (clock & watch): 715.38 1-050 06.01.05 mfg.) (aircraft-aerospace (clock & watch) ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.) 724.381-010 05.10.03 adjuster leader :MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition); 619. 1 37-010 06.02.01 adjuster, piano action :PIANO REGULATOR-INSPECTOR (musical inst.): 730.681-010 06.01.04 adjustment clerk :CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 adjustment clerk :CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power; tel, & tel.; waterworks): 239.367-010 07.04.01 - Adjustment Clerk (ret. tr.; tel. & tel.) ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 ADMEASURER (gov. ser.) 169.284-010 05.03.02 administrative analyst ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (any ind.): 169.167-010 11.05.02 administrative analyst :DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH (education): 090. 167-018 11.07.03 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (any ind.) 11.05.02 administrative assistant :ADMISSIONS (education): 205.367-010 07.01.05 ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical) 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 administrative officer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (any ind.): 169.167-010 11.05.02 Administrative Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 188. 117-106 11.09.03 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (any 07.01.02 ADMINISTRATOR, HOSPITAL (medical ser.) 11.07.02 ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. 195. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.01 admissions clerk :HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.): 205.362-018 ° 07.04.01 CLERK 169. 167-0 1 0 EVALUATOR ind.) 169.167-014 187. 11 7-0 1 0 & kin.) ADMISSIONS EVALUATOR (education) 205.367-010 07.01.05 Admitting-Office Guide (medical ser.) :HOSPITAL EN- TRANCE ATTEND ANT 355.677-014 09.05.04 ADMITTING OFFICER (medical ser.) 205. 137-010 07.04.01 Adobe-Ball Mixer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 Adobe Maker (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 adsorption-and-absorption engineer :ABSORPTION-AND-AD- SORPTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0.08.061-010 05.01.08 (medical ser.): ad-terminal-makeup operator :TERMINAL-MAKEUP OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 208.382-010 07.06.01 ADVANCE AGENT (amuse. & rec.) 191. 167-0 1 0 1 1.12.03 Advance-Payment Clerk (clerical) :ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 ADVERTISING CLERK (bus. ser.) 247.387-010 07.02.04 advertising clerk :STATISTICAL CLERK, ADVERTISING (ret. tr.): 216.382-066 07.02.03 ADVERTISING-DISPATCH CLERK (print. & pub.) 247.387- 0 1 4 07.05.01 Advertising-Display Rotator (bus. (signs) II: 869.684-054 05.10.01 ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTOR 230.687-010 07.07.02 advertising-sales representative :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.): 254.357-014 08.01.02 advertising solicitor SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ADVERTIS- ING (print. & pub.): 254.357-014 08.01.02 ADVERTISING-SPACE CLERK (print. & pub.) 247.387-018 01.06.01 ADVICE CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.382-014 07.02.02 adviser :RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 187.167-186 * 11.07.01 advising clerk ADVICE CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.382-014 07.02.02 - advocate :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 ser.) :SIGN ERECTOR (any ind.) Adzing-and-Boring-Machine Feeder (wood preserving) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 Adzing-and-Boring-Machine Helper (wood preserving) :LABORER, WOOD-PRESERVING PLANT (wood preserv- ing): 561.686-010 06.04.18 ADZING-AND-BORING-MACHINE preserving) 669.682-010 06.02.03 aerial-applicator pilot AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.): 196.263- 0 1 0 05.04.01 - AERIALIST (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-014 12.02.01 aerial navigator :NAVIGATOR (air trans.): 05.03.01 AERIAL-PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETER (gov. ser.) 029. 16.7- 0 1 0 02.01.02 AERIAL-TRAM OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 932.685- 0 1 0 05.11.04 aerodynamicist AERODYNAMIST (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 002.061-010 05.01.01 aerodynamics engineer AERODYNAMIST (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 002.061-010 05.01.01 AERODYNAMIST (aircraft-aerospace 05.01.01 AERONAUTICAL-DESIGN ENGINEER mfg.) 002.061-022 05.01.07 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 002.061-014 05.01.07 AERONAUTICAL-RESEARCH ENGINEER aerospace mfg.) 002.061-026 05.01.01 AERONAUTICAL TEST ENGINEER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.061-018 05.01.04 aerophysics engineer AERODYNAMIST (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 002.061-010 05.01.01 Aerosol-Line Operator (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 AGATE SETTER (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-010 06.02.32 Agency Cashier (insurance) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362- 0 1 0 07.03.01 Agency Clerk (insurance) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 OPERATOR (wood 196. 16.7-014 mfg.) 002.061-010 (aircraft-aerospace (aircraft- agent :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183.1 17-010 11.05.02 AGENT-CONTRACT CLERK (insurance) 24 1.267-010 07.01.05 338 AGENT-LICENSING CLERK (insurance) 209.367-010 07.05.03 agents’-records clerk :AGENT-LICENSING CLERK (insurance): 209.367-010 07.05.03 agent-telegrapher :STATION AGENT (r.r. trans.) I: 9.10.137- 038 07.01.02 Ager (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Ager (motion pic.) :PAINTER, STAGE SETTINGS (motion pic.): 840.681-010 01.06.03 AGER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 553.482-010 06.02.13 AGER OPERATOR (textile) 582.585-010 06.04.16 Aggregate-Conveyor Operator (const.) CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 05.12.04 AGING-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (textile) 582. 132-010 06.02.01 aging room operator TANKROOM TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.585-018 06.04.13 agitator operator :BENZENE-WASHER OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.); 551.682-010 06.02.11 Agri-Business Agent (gov. ser.) :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 11.02.03 agricultural agent COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 11.02.03 agricultural-aircraft pilot :AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.): 196.263- 0 1 0 05.04.01 Agricultural Economist (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 013.061-010 05.01.08 AGRICULTURAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 013. 161-010 05.01.07 Agricultural-Extension Specialist (gov. ser.) :EXTENSION SER- VICE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.): 096. 127-014 11.07.03 AGRICULTURAL-RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 01 3.061-01 4 05.01.01 AGRONOMIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-010 02.02.02 AIR ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 012.261-010 05.01.04 AIR-AND-WATER FILLER (cooperage) 764.687-010 06.04.36 air-and-water-tester :AIR-AND-WATER FILLER (cooperage): 764.687-0 1 0 06.04.36 AIR-BAG CURER (rubber tire & tube) 556.685-010 06.04.13 AIRBRUSH ARTIST (profess. & kin.) 970.281-010 01.06.03 Airbrush Artist, Photography (profess. & kin.) :AIRBRUSH ARTIST (profess. & kin.): 970.281-010 01.06.03 Airbrush Artist, Technical (profess. & kin.) ARTIST (profess. & kin.): 970.281-010 01.06.03 Air-Carrier Electronics Inspector (gov. ser.) :INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (gov. ser.): 168.264-0 10 05.03.06 Air-Carrier Maintenance Inspector (gov. ser.) :INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (gov. ser.): 168.264-010 05.03.06 air-carrier operations inspector :FLIGHT-OPERATIONS IN- SPECTOR (gov. ser.): 196.163-010 05.04.01 air checker :CALIBRATION CHECKER (inst. & app.) II: 710.687-018 06.03.02 - AIR-COMPRESSOR MECHANIC (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 622.684-0 1 0 05.10.02 AIR-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any 05.06.02 Air-Compressor Operator, Stationary (any ind.) :AIR-COM- PRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.685-010 05.06.02 Air-Compressor-Station Engineer (any ind.) :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 AIR-CONDITIONING CHECK-OUT MECHANIC aerospace mfg.) 621.281-010 06.01.05 AIR-CONDITIONING-COIL ASSEMBLER (refrigerat. equip.) 706.684-010 06.02.23 AIR-CONDITIONING INSTALLER, DOMESTIC (any ind.) 827.464-0 1 0 05.10.04 ELECTRON :LABORER, 579.665-014 :ECONOMIST :AIRBRUSH ind.) 950.685-010 (aircraft- AIR-CONDITIONING INSTALLER-SERVICER HELPER, WINDOW. UNIT (any ind.) 637.687-010 05.12.12 AIR-CONDITIONING INSTALLER-SERVICER, WINDOW UNIT (any ind.) 637.261-010 05.05.09 air-conditioning mechanic :ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL- SYSTEM INSTALLER-SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-014 * 05.05.09 - AIR-CONDITIONING MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.281-010 05.05.09 air-conditioning-mechanic apprentice :PIPE-FITTER AP- PRENTICE (const.): 862.38 1-026 05.05.03 Air-Conditioning-Mechanic Helper, Industrial (any ind.) :ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER- SERVICER HELPER (any ind.): 637.664-010 05.10.01 Air-Conditioning Mechanic, Industrial (any ind.) :ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER- SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-014 * 05.05.09 Air-Conditioning Technician (profess. & kin.) :HEAT- TRANSFER TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007. 181-010 05.03.07 Air-Conditioning-Unit Assembler (refrigerat. equip.) :APPLIANCE ASSEMBLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 AIR-CONDITIONING-UNIT TESTER 827.361-010 06.01.05 air-conditioning-window-box installer :AIR-CONDITIONING INSTALLER, DOMESTIC (any ind.): 827.464-010 05.10.04 air-control tender :VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 AIRCRAFT-ARMAMENT MECHANIC (gov. ser.) 632.261- 0 1 0 05.05.10 - aircraft armorer :AIRCRAFT-ARMAMENT MECHANIC (gov. ser.): 632.261-010 05.05.10 aircraft assembler, power plant :ASSEMBLER, AIRCRAFT POWER PLANT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-022 * 06.02.22 AIRCRAFT BODY REPAIRER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 807.261-010 05.05.06 aircraft charter dispatcher :AIRPLANE-CHARTER CLERK (air trans.): 295.367-010 07.04.03 aircraft-delivery checker :AIRCRAFT-SHIPPING CHECKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 222.387-010 05.09.03 Aircraft-Engine Assembler (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND- POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 Aircraft-Engine-Cylinder Mechanic (air trans.) :AIRFRAME- AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 62 1.281-014 * 05.05.09 Aircraft-Engine Dismantler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 Aircraft-Engine Installer (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND- POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 62 1.281-014 * 05.05.09 Aircraft-Engine Mechanic (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND- POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.28 1-0 14 * 05.05.09 Aircraft-Engine Mechanic, Overhaul (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 AIRCRAFT-EQUIPMENT-AND-ACCESSORIES ASSEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 222.587-010 05.09.01 * aircraft-inspection-record clerk :AIRCRAFT-LOG CLERK (air trans.): 221.362-010 07.05.03 Aircraft Instrument Repairer (air trans.) :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 * 05.05.10 Aircraft-Interior Fabricator-and-Installer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 (refrigerat. equip.) 339 aircraft inventory checker :AIRCRAFT-EQUIPMENT-AND- ACCESSORIES ASSEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 222.587-0 1 0 05.09.01 AIRCRAFT LAY-OUT WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.381-0 1 0 05.03.02 AIRCRAFT-LOG CLERK (air trans.) 221.362-010 07.05.03 aircraft mechanic :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281- O 14 * 05.05.09 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, ARMAMENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-010 * 06.01.04 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, ELECTRICAL AND RADIO (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 825.381-010 06.02.23 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, HEAT AND VENT aerospace mfg.) 806.381-01406.01.04 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 862.381-010 * 05.10.02 aircraft mechanic, precision assembly :PRECISION ASSEM- BLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, RIGGING AND CONTROLS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-018 * 06.01.04 aircraft-metal worker :SKIN FITTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 806.381-054 06.01.04 (aircraft- AIRCRAFT-PHOTOGRAPHIC-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (photo. apparatus) 714.281-010 05.05.09 aircraft pilot :AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.): 196.263-010 05.04.01 aircraft-plumbing-and-hydraulics assembler :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 862.381-010 * 05.10.02 aircraft-sheet-metal mechanic :SKIN FITTER aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 806.381-054 06.01.04 AIRCRAFT-SHIPPING CHECKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 222.387-0 1 0 05.09.03 - aircraft skin burnisher :BURNISHER AND BUMPER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 807.684-018 06.04.24 aircraft-time clerk :AIRCRAFT-LOG CLERK (air 221.362-010 07.05.03 air deodorizer servicer :AIR PURIFIER SERVICER (bus. ser.): 389.687-0 1 0 05.12.12 Airdox Fitter (mining & quarrying) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 AIR-DRIER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 534.682- 0 1 0 06.02.14 air-drill operator JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.684-018 05.12.02 Air Filler (cooperage) :AIR-AND-WATER (cooperage): 764.687-010 06.04.36 (aircraft- trans.): FILLER AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT-MECHANIC AP- PRENTICE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 62.1.281-018 05.05.09 AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT-MECHANIC HELPER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.684-010 05.10.02 Airframe-and-Power-Plant Mechanic, Line Service (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 air-freight agent :CARGO AGENT (air trans.): 248.367-018 05.09.01 air-furnace operator :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 Air-Hammer Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 air-hammer operator JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.684-018 05.12.02 air-hammer operator ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PENCILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil): 733.687-014 06.04.23 air-hammer stripper SCRAPPER (paper goods): 794.687-050 * 06.04.39 AIR-HOLE DRILLER (smoking pipe) 692.685-018 06.04.03 Air Intelligence Specialist (profess. & kin.) :INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.): 059. 167-010 11.03.02 Airline Pilot (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMERCIAL (air trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 AIRLINE-RADIO OPERATOR (air trans.; bus. ser.) 193.262- 0 1 0 07.04.05 AIRLINE-RADIO OPERATOR, CHIEF (air trans.; bus. ser.) 193. 162-022 07.04.05 AIRLINE SECURITY REPRESENTATIVE 372.667-0 1 0 04.02.02 air-motor repairer PNEUMATIC-TOOL REPAIRER (any ind.): 630.281-010 05.05.09 airplane-and-engine inspector :AIRPLANE INSPECTOR (air trans.): 621.261-010 05.07.02 airplane-cabin attendant :AIRPLANE-FLIGHT ATTENDANT (air trans.): 352.367-010 * 09.01.04 airplane-cable mechanic :WIREWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 709.684-106 06.02.22 Airplane Captain (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMER- CIAL (air trans.): 196.263-01 4 05.04.01 AIRPLANE-CHARTER CLERK (air 07.04.03 Airplane Cleaner (air trans.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687-0 1 4 ; AIRPLANE COVERER (aircraft-aerospace mſg., air trans.) 849.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 AIRPLANE-DISPATCH CLERK 07.05.03 airplane dispatcher :DISPATCHER (air trans.): 912.167-010 05.03.03 Airplane First-Officer (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COM- MERCIAL (air, trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 AIRPLANE-FLIGHT ATTENDANT (air trans.) 352.367-010 * 09.01.04 - AIRPLANE-GAS-TANK-LINER ASSEMBLER (rubber goods) 759.684-010 06.04.29 AIRPLANE INSPECTOR (air trans.) 621.261-010 05.07.02 airplane mechanic :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281- O 14 * 05.05.09 airplane-mechanic apprentice :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER- PLANT-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-018 05.05.09 airplane-mechanic helper :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT- MECHANIC HELPER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.684-010 05.10.02 airplane navigator :NAVIGATOR (air trans.): 05.03.01 Airplane-Patrol Pilot (bus. ser.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COM- MERCIAL (air trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.) 196.263-010 05.04.01 airplane pilot, chief :CHIEF PILOT (air trans.): 196. 167-010 05.04.01 AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMERCIAL (air trans.) 196.263-014 05.04.01 - airplane pilot, crop dusting :AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.): 196.263-010 05.04.01 AIRPLANE-PILOT HELPER (agric.) 409.667-010 03.04.05 (air trans.) 295.367-010 trans.) (air trans.) 248.367-010 196. 16.7-014 AIRPLANE PILOT, PHOTOGRAMMETRY (bus. ser.) 196.263-018 05.04.01 - airplane-radio tester :AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 823.281-010 05.05.10 airplane-rental clerk :AIRPLANE-CHARTER CLERK trans.): 295.36.7-010 07.04.03 (air 340 airplane rigger AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, RIGGING AND CONTROLS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-018 * 06.01.04 AIRPLANE WOODWORKER 769.28 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 Air Pollution Analyst (profess. & kin.) :ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 029.081-010 02.01.02 Air-Pollution Engineer (profess. & kin.) :POLLUTION-CON- TROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 019.081-018 05.01.02 AIRPORT ATTENDANT (air trans.) 9 12.364-010 05.10.04 Airport Clerk (air trans.) ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 airport-control operator :AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL SPE- CIALIST, TOWER (gov. ser.): 193.162-018 + 05.03.03 AIRPORT ELECTRICIAN (air trans.) 824.281-010 05.05.05 AIRPORT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-010 05.01.07 Airport Guide (air trans.) :GUIDE, ESTABLISHMENT (any ind.): 353.367-014 09.01.02 AIRPORT-MAINTENANCE CHIEF (air trans.) 899. 137-010 05.10.04 Airport Safety and Security Duty Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375.133-010 04.01.01 Airport Safety and Security Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE OF- FICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 AIR PURIFIER SERVICER (bus. ser.) 389.687-010 05.12.12 AIR-TABLE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 549.685-010 06.04.08 Air-Tank Assembler (sports equip.) equip.): 732.684-014 06.04.23 air tester :BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT 764.687-022 06.03.02 air tester :AIR ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 0.12.261-010 05.01.04 Air-Traffic-Control Specialist, Center (gov. ser.) :AIR-TRAF- FIC-CONTROL SPECIALIST, TOWER (gov. ser.): 193.162- 018 + 05.03.03 AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL SPECIALIST, STATION (gov. ser.) 193.162-01 4 05.03.03 AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL SPECIALIST, TOWER (gov. ser.) 193.1 62-018 * 05.03.03 air-traffic-control supervisor ser.): 193. 167-010 05.03.03 AIR-TRAFFIC COORDINATOR 05.03.03 Air Tucker (trim. & embroid.) :TUCKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 787.682-082 06.02.05 . Air-Turning-Machine Feeder (tex. bag) :TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 689.685-146 06.04.05 AIR-VALVE REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.381- 0 1 0 05.10.02 Aitchbone Breaker (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 ALARM INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.) 376.367-010 04.02.04 ALARM OPERATOR (gov. ser.) 379.162-010 07.04.05 alarm-signal operator :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-014 07.04.05 Alberene-Stone Setter (const.) 861.381-038 05.05.01 alcohol rubber :COOLING-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 335.677-0 1 0 09.05.01 Alcohol-Still Operator (chem.) :STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CONTINUOUS (chem.); 552.362-022 06.02.11 alinement mechanic :FRONT-END MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-038 05.10.01 Aliner (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 aliner TARGETEER (firearms): 736.684-042 06.03.02 ALINER, BARREL AND RECEIVER (firearms) 736.684-010 06:02.23 ALINER, TYPEWRITER (office mach.) 706.381-010 06.02.24 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :ASSEMBLER (sports (cooperage): :CHIEF CONTROLLER (gov. (gov. ser.) 193.162-010 :STONEMASON (const.): alining checker :INSPECTOR, ALINING (office mach.): 706.687–022 06.03.02 Alkylation Operator (chem.; petrol. refin.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 all-around-gear-machine operator :GEAR-CUTTING- MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.380-010 06.01.03 all-around-machine operator :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop): 609.685-018 * 06.04.02 allergist :ALLERGIST-IMMUNOLOGIST (medical 070. 107-0 1 0 (02.03.01 ALLERGIST-IMMUNOLOGIST (medical 02.03.01 allergy specialist :ALLERGIST-IMMUNOLOGIST ser.): 070. 107-010 02.03.01 Alley Cleaner (textile) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 - alley tender CARD TENDER 680.685-018 * 06.04.09 alley tender :MIDDLE-CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; tex- tile): 680.665-018 06.04.06 Alligator-Shear Operator (any ind.) :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 ALMOND BLANCHER, HAND (nut process.) 521.687-010 06.04.28 ALMOND-BLANCHER OPERATOR (nut process.) 521.685- 0 1 4 06.04.15 ALMOND-CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER 521.685-018 06.04.15 Almond Grinder (nut process.) :NUT GRINDER (nut process.): 521.685–234 06.04.15 ALMOND HULLER (nut process.) 521.685-010 06.04.15 ser.): ser.) 070. 107-010 (medical textile): (asbestos prod.; (nut process.) Almond-Pan Finisher (confection.) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 w ALMOND-PASTE MIXER (confection.) 529.361-010 06.01.04 ALMOND-PASTE MOLDER (confection.) 520.684-010 06.04.32 Almond Roaster (nut process.) process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 Almond Sorter (nut process.) :NUT SORTER (nut process.): 521.687–086 * 06.03.02 :NUT ROASTER (nut ALODIZE-MACHINE HELPER (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685-010 06.04.02 ALODIZE-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.462-010 06.02.10 alteration inspector :GARMENT-ALTERATION EXAMINER (ret. tr.): 789.687-078 05.05.15 ALTERATIONS WORKROOM CLERK (ret. tr.) 221.367-010 05.09.02 ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261- 0 1 0 05.05.15 alterer ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-010 05.05.15 alterer apprentice :TAILOR APPRENTICE, ALTERATION (garment; per. ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-018 05.05.15 ALUMINA-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511 . 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 ALUMINUM-CONTAINER TESTER (elec. equip.) 727.687- 018 06.03.02 Aluminum-Foil-Spooling-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal al- loys) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 ALUMINUM-HYDROXIDE-PROCESS OPERATOR (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-01406.04.11 ALUMINUM-POOL INSTALLER (const.) 809.664-010 05.10.01 Aluminum-Shingle Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 341 Aluminum-Siding Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfc. blógs.): 863.684-014 05.10.01 alum mixer ALUM-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.); 559.362- 0 1 0 06.02.11 ALUMNI SECRETARY (education) 090. 117-014 11.09.02 ALUM-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.) 559.362-010 06.02.11 AMALGAMATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1,685-010 06.04.10 - AMBULANCE ATTENDANT (medical ser.) 355.374-010 10.03.02 Ambulance Driver (gov, ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 AMBULANCE DRIVER (medical ser.) 9 13.683-010 05.08.03 ammonia operator :BURNER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.382- 0 1 4 06.02.11 ammonia-print operator :BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 979.682-014 05.10.05 Ammonia-Solution Preparer (textile) (textile): 550.585-018 06.04.11 Ammonia-Still Operator (chem.) :BATCH-STILL OPERATOR (chem.) I: 552.685-014 06.04.11 AMMONIA-STILL OPERATOR (coke prod.) 559.382-010 06.02.17 Ammonium-Hydroxide Operator (chem.) : ABSORPTION OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.); 551.382-010 06.02.11 :CHEMICAL MIXER AMMONIUM-NITRATE CRYSTALLIZER (explosives) 553.685-0 1 0 06.02.18 Ammonium-Nitrate Neutralizer (explosives) :NITRATING- ACID MIXER (explosives): 550.585-030 06.04.11 ammonium-sulfate operator :SATURATOR OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.); 558.362-018 06.02.11 ammunition storekeeper :MAGAZINE SUPERVISOR (ammunition; explosives): 222. 137-018 06.02.01 ammunition supervisor :MAGAZINE SUPERVISOR (ammunition; explosives): 222. 137-018 06.02.01 amortization-schedule clerk :MORTGAGE-ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.362-026 07.02.02 AMPOULE EXAMINER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687- 0 1 0 06.03.02 AMPOULE FILLER (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 559.685-018 06.04.19 ampoule filler and sealer :AMPOULE FILLER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): .559.685-018 06.04.19 - AMPOULE SEALER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687-014 06.04.34 - AMPOULE-WASHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-022 06.04.39 amusement-equipment operator :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 Amusement-Game Machine Coin Collector (bus. ser.) :COIN COLLECTOR (bus. ser.): 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 AMUSEMENT PARK ENTERTAINER (amuse. & 159,647-0 10 01.07.03 ANALYST, FOOD AND BEVERAGE (hotel & rest.) 310.267- 0 1 0 05.05.17 analyst, geochemical prospecting :LABORATORY ASSISTANT (petrol. production): 024.381-010 02.04.01 ANATOMIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-010 02.02.01 anchor tacker :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & 690.685-162 06.04.05 anchor-tack puller TACK PULLER (boot & shoe): 788.687- 146 06.04.27 ANESTHESIOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-010 02.03.01 anesthetist :ANESTHESIOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-010 02.03.01 Angledozer Operator (any ind.) :BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 Angle-Roll Operator (any ind.) :ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.362-01 4 05.05.06 ANGLE SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) 615.482-010 06.02.02 rec.) shoe): animal attendant :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 410.674- 0 1 0 03.03.02 ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.) 410.161-010 03.01.02 ANIMAL BREEDER (profess. & kin.) 041.061-01402.02.01 animal caretaker :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-0 1 0 03.03.02 ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.) 410.674-010 03.03.02 animal control officer :ANIMAL TREATMENT INVESTIGA- TOR (nonprofit organ.): 379.263-010 11.10.03 Animal Cytologist (profess. & kin.) :CYTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-042 02.02.03 Animal Ecologist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-090 02.02.01 ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687– 0 1 0 06.04.28 ANIMAL-HOSPITAL CLERK (medical 07.04.03 animal humane agent supervisor SUPERVISOR, ANIMAL CRUELTY INVESTIGATION (nonprofit organ.): 379.137- 0 1 0 1 1.10.03 Animal Impersonator (amuse. & rec.) (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-018 01.03.02 ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.) 4 12.674-0 1 0 03.03.02 ANIMAL KEEPER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.) 4 12.137-010 03.03.02 - Animal Nutritionist (profess. & kin.) :ANIMAL SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-01402.02.01 Animal Physiologist (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-078 02.02.03 ANIMAL-RIDE ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 349.674-010 03.03.02 ANIMAL-RIDE MANAGER (amuse. 03.03.01 ANIMAL SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-014 02.02.01 ANIMAL-SHELTER CLERK (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-010 07.04.03 Animal Taxonomist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-090 02.02.01 ANIMAL TRAINER (amuse. & rec.) 159.224-010 03.03.01 ANIMAL TREATMENT INVESTIGATOR (nonprofit organ.) 379.263-0 1 0 1 1.10.03 animated-cartoon artist :CARTOONIST, MOTION PICTURES (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 141.081-010 01.02.03 animator CARTOONIST, MOTION PICTURES (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 141.081-010 01.02.03 ANKLE-PATCH MOLDER (boot & shoe) 06.02.02 ANNEALER (glass prod.) 573.685-010 06.04.13 ANNEALER (heat treat.) 504.682-010 06.02.10 ANNEALER (jewelry) 504.687-010 06.04.10 ANNOUNCER (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-010 01.07.02 ANNOUNCER (radio & tv broad.) 159. 147-0 10 01.03.03 Announcer, International Broadcast (radio & twº broad.) :ANNOUNCER (radio & tv broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 anode adjuster :CELL TESTER (chem.); 558.584-010 06.03.02 Anode-Assembly Cleaner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I :CRUSHER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 515.685- 0 1 4 06.04.08 Anode-Assembly Cleaner (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II :ASSEMBLY CLEANER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.664-0 1 0 06.04.24 ANODE BUILDER (chem.) 826.684-010 06.02.32 ANODE-CREW SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630. 134-0 1 0 05.10.02 ANODE REBUILDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.684- 0 1 0 05.10.01 ANODIZER (any ind.) 500.682-010 06.02.21 ANTENNA INSTALLER (any ind.) 823.684-010 05.12.16 Anthracene Operator (coal tar prod.) :PURIFICATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.); 551.685-122 06.04.12 ser.) 245.367-010 : IMPERSONATOR :PHYSIOLOGIST & rec.) 349.224-0 10 692.682-0 1 0 342 Anthropological Linguist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-010 11.03.03 ANTHROPOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 055.067-010 11.03.03 ANTHROPOLOGIST, PHYSICAL (profess. & kin.) 055.067- O 14 02.02.01 Anthropometrist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST, PHYSICAL (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-014 02.02.01 ANTICHECKING-IRON WORKER (wood preserving) 563.687-010 06.04.25 - Antiquer (boot & shoe) :INKER (boot & shoe): 788.684-066 06.04.33 - Antiquer (furn.) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.08 antisqueak applier :ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.687-0 1 0 06.04.33 antisqueak chalker :ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.687-0 1 0 06.04.33 ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & shoe) 788.687-010 06.04.33 ANVIL-SEATING-PRESS OPERATOR (ammunition) 694,685- 010 06.04.20 anvil smith :BLACKSMITH (forging): 610.381-010 05.05.06 Aperture-Mask Etcher (electronics) :DISPLAY-SCREEN FABRICATOR (electronics): 725.685-010 06.04.19 apex trimmer EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-150 06.04.05 apiarist :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413.161-010 03.01.02 APICULTURIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-018 02.02.01 apparatus-repair mechanic :GAS-WELDING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 626.381-01405.05.09 APPAREL-RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.) 295.357-010 09.04.02 appeals board referee :HEARING OFFICER (gov. ser.): 119. 107-0 1 0 11.04.01 APPEALS REFEREE (gov. ser.) 119.267-014 11.04.01 APPEALS REVIEWER, VETERAN (gov. ser.) 119.1 17-010 11.04.01 Appellate Conferee (gov. ser.) :REVENUE AGENT (gov. ser.): 160. 167–050 11.06.01 Appellate-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 11 1. 107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 Appetizer Packer (hotel & rest.) :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 Apple Checker (agric.) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 - Apple Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Apple Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 APPLE-PACKING HEADER (agric.) 920.687-010 03.04.01 Apple-Picking Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 131-010 03.04.01 Apple Sorter (agric.; can, & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Apple Washer (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :WASHER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can, & preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.): 529.685-258 06.04.39 APPLIANCE ASSEMBLER, LINE (elec. equip.) 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 Appliance Inspector (elec. equip.) :INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) I: 729.387–022 06.03.01 Appliance Installer (mfö. blags.; trans. equip.) :INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-026 06.02.22 Appliance Installer (trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.): 806.684-018 06.04.22 appliance painter-and-refinisher :PORCELAIN-ENAMEL REPAIRER (any ind.): 741.684-030 06.04.33 appliance refinisher-and-painter :PORCELAIN-ENAMEL REPAIRER (any ind.): 741.684-030 06.04.33 equip.; refrigerat. APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.) 723.584-010 05.10.03 appliance servicer :GAS-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-018 * 05.10.02 appliance-service representative :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE REPAIRER (any ind.): 723.381-010 05.10.03 appliance-service representative :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 APPLIANCE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 187. 167-0 1 0 05.02.06 Appliance Tester (elec. equip.) :INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) I: 729.387–022 06.03.01 application clerk :CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks): 239.367-010 07.04.01 Application-Register Clerk (insurance) 203.582-066 * 07.06.02 applicator :TREATER (any ind.): 582.687-030 06.04.33 Applied Anthropologist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-010 1 1.03.03 applied mathematician :ENGINEERING ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 020.067-0 1 0 1 1.01.01 applier :TREATER (any ind.): 582.687-030 06.04.33 applier :STAINER (leather prod.): 589.687-034 06.04.27 Applique Cutter, Hand (trim. & embroid.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-01406.02.27 APPLIQUER, ZIGZAG (garment) 786.682-010 06.02.05 Applique Sewer (leather prod.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (leather prod.): 783.682-014 06.02.05 APPOINTMENT CLERK (clerical) 237.367-010 07.04.04 appointment clerk :CIVIL-SERVICE CLERK (gov. 205.362-010 07.04.04 Appointment Clerk (medical ser.) :HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.): 205.362-018 * 07.04.01 APPRAISER (any ind.) 191.287-010 11.06.03 APPRAISER (gov. ser.) 188. 167-010 11.06.03 Appraiser, Aircraft (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. 188. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 APPRAISER, ART (profess. & kin.) 19 1.287-014 01.02.01 Appraiser, Auditor (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. 188. 167-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 APPRAISER, AUTOMOBILE DAMAGE (bus. ser.; insurance) 241.267-014 11.12.01 Appraiser, Boats and Marine (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 188. 167-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 Appraiser, Buildings (gov. 188. 167–0 1 0 1 1.06.03 appraiser, irrigation tax :ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR, IRRIGA- TION TAX (gov. ser.): 188. 167-014 11.05.03 Appraiser, Land (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 188.16.7- 0 1 0 1 1.06.03 Appraiser, Oil and Water (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 1 88.1 67-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 Appraiser, Personal Property (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 188. 167-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 Appraiser, Real Estate (gov. ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 188, 167-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 :TYPIST (clerical): ser.): ser.): ser.): ser.): ser.) APPRAISER (gov. APPRAISER, REAL ESTATE (real estate) 19 1.267-010 11.06.03 Appraiser, Timber (gov, ser.) APPRAISER (gov. ser.): 188.1 67-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 APPRENTICESHIP CONSULTANT (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-010 11.07.03 Approach-Table Operator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) :TABLE OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 6 13.682-026 06.04.02 Apricot Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 + 03.04.01 Apricot Washer (food prep., n.e.c.) :DRIED FRUIT WASHER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-1 10 06.04.15 343 APRON CLEANER (asbestos prod.) 680.687-010 06.04.34 apron operator :LABORER, RAGS (paper & pulp): 539.587- 010 06.04.40 apron scratcher APRON CLEANER (asbestos prod.): 680.687- 0 1 0 06.04.34 Apron Trimmer (boot & shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Aqua-Ammonia Operator (chem.) : ABSORPTION OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.); 551.382-010 06.02.11 Aquaculturist (profess. & kin.) :AQUATIC BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-022 02.02.03 AQUARIST (amuse. & rec.) 449.674-010 03.03.02 aquarium tank attendant :AQUARIST (amuse. & 449.674-0 1 0 03.03.02 AQUATIC BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-022 02.02.03 aquatic ecologist :AQUATIC BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-022 02.02.03 AQUATIC PERFORMER 12.02.01 aqueduct-and-reservoir keeper :WATERSHED TENDER (waterworks): 954.382-018 05.06.03 ARBITRATOR (profess. & kin.) 169.107-010 11.04.03 ARBORER (jewelry) 700.684-010 06.04.24 Arbor Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 ARBOR-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I 06.02.20 Arbor-Press Operator (any ind.) II :ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 690.685-014 06.04.20 arc-air operator ARC CUTTER (welding): 05.05.06 ARC CUTTER (welding) 816.364-010 05.05.06 Arc Cutter, Gas-Tungsten Arc (welding) :ARC CUTTER (welding): 816.364-010 05.05.06 Arc Cutter, Plasma Arc (welding) :ARC CUTTER (welding): 81 6.364-0 1 0 05.05.06 ARCH-CUSHION-PRESS 556.362-010 06.02.13 ARCH-CUSHION-SKIVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 690.682-010 06.02.07 ARCHEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 055.067-018 11.03.03 Archeologist, Classical (profess. & kin.) ARCHEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-018 11.03.03 archer :SOLE-CONFORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.682-070 06.02.05 Archery-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) SPORTS-EQUIP- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 732.684-122 05.10.04 ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.) 001.061-010 05.01.07 ARCHITECT, MARINE (profess. & kin.) 001.061-014 05.01.07 architect, naval ARCHITECT, MARINE (profess. & kin.): 001.061-01 4 05.01.07 Architectural Renderer (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 970.281-014 01.02.03 ARCHIVIST (profess. & kin.) 101.167-010 11.03.03 Archivist, Economic History (profess. & kin.) ARCHIVIST (profess. & kin.): 101.167-010 11.03.03 rec.): 1 59.347-014 rec.) (amuse. & 6 16.682-010 8 16.364-010 OPERATOR (rubber goods) :DELINEATOR Archivist, Military History (profess. & kin.) ARCHIVIST (profess. & kin.): 101.167-010 11.03.03 Archivist, Nonprofit Foundation (nonprofit organ.) :ARCHIVIST (profess. & kin.): 101.167-010 11.03.03 Archivist, Political History (profess. & kin.) ARCHIVIST (profess. & kin.): 101.167-010 11.03.03 Arch-Pad Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 ARCH-SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (per, protect. & med. dev.) 71 2.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.01 arc trimmer :STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 heat, & area coordinator :SUPERVISOR, SURVEY WORKERS (clerical): 205. 137-014 07.04.01 area-development consultant :MANAGER, AREA DEVELOP- MENT (light, heat, & power): 184.117-030 11.09.03 area representative APPRENTICESHIP CONSULTANT (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 area specialist :BUSINESS-ENTERPRISE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188. 1 1 7-014 11.07.01 area supervisor :RECREATION SUPERVISOR (profess. & kin.): 187. 137-010 1 1.07.04 armament assembler :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, ARMAMENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-010 * 06.01.04 armament installer :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, ARMAMENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-010 * 06.01.04 armature-and-field-assembly supervisor SUPERVISOR, COIL WINDING (elec. equip.): 724.131-010 06.02.01 armature-and-rotor winder :ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.): 721.484-010 06.02.23 Armature Balancer (elec. equip.) :STATIC BALANCER (any ind.): 724.384-014 06.03.01 ARMATURE BANDER (any ind.) 724.684-010 06.02.24 Armature Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Armature Connector (elec. equip.) I :COIL CONNECTOR (elec. equip.): 721.684-018 06.02.32 ARMATURE CONNECTOR (elec. equip.) II 724.684-014 06.04.23 armature repairer ARMATURE WINDER, REPAIR (any ind.): 724.684-018 06.02.24 - Armature Straightener (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 ARMATURE TESTER (elec. equip.) I 724.384-010 05.10.03 Armature Tester (elec. equip.) II :TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 Armature Tester (elec. equip.) III :WINDING INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 724.364-010 06.03.01 Armature Varnisher (any ind.) :DIPPER AND BAKER (any ind.): 599.685-030 06.04.21 Armature Winder (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.): 721.484-010 06.02.23 Armature Winder, Automotive (auto. ser.) : ARMATURE WINDER, REPAIR (any ind.): 724.684-018 06.02.24 ARMATURE-WINDER HELPER, REPAIR (any ind.) 721.684- 0 1 0 05.12.16 ARMATURE WINDER, REPAIR (any 06.02.24 armed guard :ALARM INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.367- 010 04.02.04 Armed Guard (r. r. trans.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 Armhole-and-Shoulder Off-Presser (garment) MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Armhole Baster, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 ARMHOLE BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-014 06.02.05 ARMHOLE FELLER, HANDSTITCHING (garment) 786.682-018 06.02.05 Armhole Raiser, Lockstitch (garment) :TOPSTITCHER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-238 06.02.05 ARMHOLE-SEW-AND-TRIM OPERATOR, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-022 06.02.05 g armored-cable-machine operator :ARMORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.685-010 06.04.09 ARMORED-CAR GUARD (bus. ser.) 372.567-010 04.02.02 ARMORED-CAR GUARD AND DRIVER (bus. ser.) 372.563- 0 1 0 04.02.02 armored-car messenger ARMORED-CAR GUARD (bus. ser.): 372.567-0 1 0 04.02.02 ind.) 724.684-018 :PRESSER, MACHINE 344 armored-car messenger ARMORED-CAR GUARD AND DRIVER (bus. ser.): 372.563-010 04.02.02 Armorer (gov. ser.) :ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.): 632.261-018 05.10.02 ARMORER TECHNICIAN (museum) 109.281-010 01.06.02 ARMORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire) 691.685-010 06.04.09 ARRANGER (profess. & kin.) 152.067-010 01.04.02 rranger-assembler ASSEMBLER-ARRANGER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.): 739.687-010 06.04.23 Arrow-Point Attacher (sports equip.) 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 ARROWSMITH (sports equip.) 732.684-010 06.04.34 ART CONSERVATOR (museum) 102.167-010 01.06.02 Art Critic (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) :CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.): 13 1.067-018 01.01.03 ART DIRECTOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 142.031-010 01.02.03 ART DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 141.031-010 01.02.03 ARTIFICIAL-BREEDING DISTRIBUTOR (agric.) 180.167-010 03.01.02 ARTIFICIAL-BREEDING TECHNICIAN (agric.) 418.384-014 03.02.04 ARTIFICIAL-CANDY MAKER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684- 010 06.02.32 ARTIFICIAL-FLOWER MAKER (artif. flower) 739.684-014 06.04.34 artificial-fly tier 06.04.23 ARTIFICIAL-GLASS-EYE MAKER (optical goods) 713.261- 0 1 0 05.05.11 artificial-insemination technician :POULTRY INSEMINATOR (agric.): 411.384-010 03.04.05 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATOR (agric.) 418.384-010 * 03.04.05 | ARTIFICIAL-LOG-MACHINE OPERATOR (fuel briquettes; sawmill) 569.685-010 06.04.03 artificial-marble worker :TERRAZZO WORKER 861.381-046 05.05.01 ARTIFICIAL-PEARL MAKER (jewelry) 770.687-010 06.04.33 ARTIFICIAL-PLASTIC-EYE MAKER (optical goods) 713.261- 01 4 05.05.11 :GLUER (any ind.): :FLY TIER (sports equip.): 732.684-074 (const.): Artificial-Stone Setter (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): 861.381-038 05.05.01 ARTILLERY-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (firearms) 632. 131-0 1 0 05.10.02 artist :PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 970.381-022 01.06.03 artist :PAINTER (profess. & kin.): 144.061-010 01.02.02 artist :ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 141.061-022 * 01.02.03 artist's representative ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 11 7-0 1 0 1 1.12.03 ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & rec.) 191. 117-0 1 0 1 1.12.03 ARTIST AND REPERTOIRE MANAGER (amuse. & rec.) 159. 167-0 1 0 01.04.01 artist, color separation :SKETCH MAKER, PHOTOENGRAV- ING (print. & pub.): 970.281-026 01.02.03 artist consultant :ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 11 7-0 1 0 1 1.12.03 ARTIST, MANNEQUIN COLORING (model & pattern) 74 1.684-010 01.06.03 Artists' Booking Representative (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-014 11.12.03 artist, scientific :ILLUSTRATOR, MEDICAL AND SCIEN- TIFIC (profess. & kin.): 141.061-026 01.02.03 artist, woodblock :ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. 979.281-01 4 01.06.01 Art Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL LIBRARY (library): 100.167-026 11.02.04 Art Metal-Chair Assembler (furn.) :ASSEMBLER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 & pub.): art-metal designer :ORNAMENTAL-METALWORK DESIGNER (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 142.061-034 01.02.02 art-metal worker :ORNAMENTAL-METAL WORKER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.); 619.260-008 05.05.06 art-metal-worker apprentice :ORNAMENTAL-METAL- WORKER APPRENTICE (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.): 619.260-010 05.05.06 art-metal-worker helper :ORNAMENTAL-METAL-WORKER HELPER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.); 619.484-010 05.12.12 art preparator :FINE ARTS PACKER (museum): 102.367-010 05.03.09 ART THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076. 127-010 10.02.02 Asbestos-Cloth Inspector (asbestos prod.) :CLOTH EX- AMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 ASBESTOS-SHINGLE INSPECTOR (asbestos prod.) 679.687- 010 06.03.02 - Asbestos-Shingle Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381- 0 1 0 * 05.10.01 ASBESTOS-SHINGLE SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.) 679.686-010 06.04.08 Asbestos-Siding Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfö. blogs.): 863.684-014 05.10.01 ASBESTOS-WIRE FINISHER (insulated wire) 691.682-010 06.02.09 Asparagus Grader and Buncher (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Asparagus Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Asphalt Blender (petrol. refin.) :BLENDER (petrol. refin.): 540.462-010 06.02.12 Asphalt Coater (elec. equip.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 ASPHALT-DISTRIBUTOR TENDER (const.) 05. i2.14 ASPHALT-HEATER TENDER (const.) 853.685-010 05.12.10 asphalt-machine operator :IMPREGNATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wirework): 590.362-014 06.02.18 ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR 853.663-010 05.11.01 Asphalt-Plant Operator (const.) :PLANT OPERATOR (conc. prod.; const.); 570.682-01405.11.02 Asphalt-Plant Worker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Asphalt Raker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 asphalt-spreader operator :ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 asphalt-surface-heater operator :HEATER-PLANER OPERA- TOR (const.): 853.683-014 05.11.01 asphalt-tamping-machine operator :TAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 869.683-018 05.11.01 Asphalt, Tar, and Gravel Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381 -010 * 05.10.01 Asphalt-Tile-Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 ASSAYER (profess. & kin.) 022.281-010 02.04.01 assembler :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687-010 06.04.23 assembler :FABRICATOR, FOAM RUBBER 780.684-062 06.04.29 assembler :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 ASSEMBLER (bal. & scales) 7 10.381-010 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER (button) 734.687-018 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-010 * 06.03.02 ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.381-010 06.01.04 853.665-010 (const.) (any ind.): 345 ASSEMBLER (coin mach.) 731.687-0 10 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (cut. & tools) 701.687-010 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 723.684-010 06.04.23 assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 assembler ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-010 06.04.24 ASSEMBLER (firearms) I 736.381-010 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER (firearms) II 736.684-014 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.) 781.687-010 06.03.02 ASSEMBLER (glove & mit.) 781.667-010 06.03.02 ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.) 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER (jewelry) 700.684-014 06.04.23 assembler CLOTH INSPECTOR (knit goods): 685.687-010 06.03.02 ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) I 723.684-014 * 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) II 723.684-018 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.) 706.361-010 06.02.22 assembler ASSEMBLER, PRODUCT (mach. shop): 706.684- 018 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER (mfö. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.684-010 06.02.22 assembler :BRASS-WIND-INSTRUMENT MAKER (musical inst.): 730.381-018 05.05.12 ASSEMBLER (office mach.) 706.684-01 4 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil) 733.685-010 06.04.20 assembler :PLUMBING-HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (plumb. supplies): 706.684-086 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-01406.04.23 ASSEMBLER (tel. & tel.) 722.38 1-0 10 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 734.687-01406.04.23 ASSEMBLER (wood. box) 762.684-010 06.04.22 assembler-adjuster ASSEMBLER (office mach.): 706.684-014 06.02.23 assembler, aircraft, electrical and radio :ELECTRICIAN, AIR- PLANE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.281-018 * 05.05.05 ASSEMBLER, AIRCRAFT POWER aerospace mfg.) 806.381-022 * 06.02.22 assembler, aircraft, precision assembly :PRECISION ASSEM- PLANT (aircraft- BLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 assembler, aircraft, rigging and controls :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, RIGGING AND CONTROLS aerospace mfg.): 806.381-018 * 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER, AIRCRAFT, STRUCTURES AND SURFACES (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-026 * 06.01.04 assembler, aircraft, upholstery :UPHOLSTERER aerospace mfg.): 869.684-070 06.02.27 ASSEMBLER, ALUMINUM BOATS (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.481-010 06.02.22 assembler-and-fabricator, research :ASSEMBLY MECHANIC, EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-038 05.05.06 ASSEMBLER-AND-GLUER, LAMINATED PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-01406.04.24 ASSEMBLER AND TESTER, ELECTRONICS (bal. & scales) 7 10.281-0 1 0 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.) 826.361-010 * 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER-ARRANGER (fabric. prod., n?.c.) 739.687-010 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. 06.04.22 Assembler, Axle (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, BICYCLE (motor. & bicycles) I 806.684-014 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, BICYCLE (motor. & bicycles) II 806.687-010 06.04.22 (aircraft- (aircraft- mfg.) 806.684-010 * ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD-TABLE (sports equip.) 732.384-010 05.10.01 Assembler, Body (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.) 806.684-018 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, CARBON BRUSHES (elec. equip.) 721.684-014 06.02.23 - ASSEMBLER, CARDS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (print. & pub.) 794.687-010 06.04.26 assembler, caterpillar spider SPIDER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-026 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, CLIP-ON SUNGLASSES (optical goods) 7 13.684-010 06.04.23 Assembler, Communications Equipment (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, COMPONENT (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 762.684-01 4 06.02.22 assembler, convertible top :INSTALLER, SOFT TOP (auto. ser.): 807.684-026 06.04.22 Assembler, Coolers (refrigerat. equip.) :APPLIANCE ASSEM- BLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe) 739.687-014 06.04.23 assembler-crimper :HOSE-COUPLING JOINER (rubber goods): 759.687-014 06.04.34 assembler dc field ring :FIELD-RING ASSEMBLER (elec. | equip.): 721.484-01406.02.23 assembler dc field yoke FIELD-RING ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.484-014 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, DECK AND HULL (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.684-022 06.02.22 Assembler, Dielectric Heater (elec. equip.) mach. mfg.): 826.361-010 * 06.01.04 Assembler, Door-Panel (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMO- BILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, DRY CELL AND BATTERY (elec. equip.) 727.687–022 * 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I 729.687-0 1 0 * 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) II 729.384-010 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL WIRE GROUP aerospace mfg.) 728.384-010 06.02.23 assembler, electrode :ELECTRONIC-SENSING-EQUIPMENT ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 722.681-010 06.01.04 t ASSEMBLER, ELECTRO-MECHANICAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-030 06.01.04 assembler, equipment :ASSEMBLER (tel. & tel.): 722.381-010 06.01.04 assembler-erector :ELECTRIC-MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.361-014 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER, FAUCETS (cooperage) 764.687-01406.04.23 ASSEMBLER, FILTERS (glass prod.) 739.687-018 06.04.23 Assembler, Final (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, FINGER BUFFS (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 739.685- 0 1 0 06.04.20 Assembler, Fire-Truck Body (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AU- TOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, FISHING FLOATS (sports equip.) 732.687-014 06.04.23 assembler-fitter :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 assembler, flexible leads :LEAD FORMER (elec. 691.685-018 06.04.34 Assembler, Fluorescent Lights (light. fix.) :ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) I: 723.684-014 * 06.02.23 (aircraft- equip.): :ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; 346 ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-010 06.04.27 ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-010 06.04.05 ASSEMBLER, GARMENT FORM (model & pattern) 739.687- 022 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, GOLD FRAME (optical goods) 713.384-010 06.01.04 - Assembler, Golf-Wood Head (sports equip.) :GOLF-CLUB REPAIRER (sports equip.): 732.381-022 05.10.01 SSEMBLER, GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 809.261-010 05.05.06 ssembler, Handbags (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) I: 783.684-010 06.02.27 *SSEMBLER HELPER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine) 801.687-010 06.04.40 ASSEMBLER, HOSPITAL SUPPLIES (inst. & app.) 712.687- 010 * 06.04.38 assembler, hydraulic backhoe :ASSEMBLER, | MACHINERY (mach. mfg.): 801.261-010 05.05.09 AssembleR, IGNITER (ordnance) 737.381-010 06.02.23 MINING ssembler, Incandescent Lights (light. fix.) :ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) I: 723.684-014 * 06.02.23 SSEMBLER-INSTALLER APPRENTICE, GENERAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361-010 06.02.22 SSEMBLER-INSTALLER, GENERAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361-01406.02.22 ssembler, Instrument Motors (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC- MOTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 - Assºies, INSULATION AND FLOORING (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-026 06.04.34 assembler insulator :MOLD OPERATOR 729.684-030 06.02.32 ASSEMBLER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine) 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 Assembler, Knife (cut. & tools) :ASSEMBLER (cut. & tools): 701.687-0 1 0 06.04.23 assembler, latches and springs :PUSH-CONNECTOR ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 706.687-030 06.04.23 assembler, lawn-and-garden machinery :PROGRESSIVE AS- SEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.): 801.684-022 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, LAY-UPS (sports equip.) 677.685-01406.04.08 ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) I 783.684- 0 1 0 06.02.27 ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) II 783.687- 0 1 0 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, LIQUID CENTER (sports equip.) 732.684-018 06.04.32 ASSEMBLER, MARKING DEVICES (pen & pencil) 733.687- 0 1 0 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL ORDNANCE (ammunition) 737.684-0 1 0 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PENCILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil) 733.687-01406.04.23 ASSEMBLER, METAL BONDING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-030 06.02.24 ASSEMBLER, METAL BUILDING 05.05.06 - ASSEMBLER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.) 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, MINING MACHINERY (mach. miſg.) 801.261- 0 1 0 05.05.09 ASSEMBLER, MOLDED FRAMES (optical goods) 713.684- 0 1 4 06.04.23 Assembler, Motor (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, MOVEMENT (clock & watch) 715.684-014 06.04.23 (elec. equip.): (const.) 801.381-010 ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.) 730.684-010 06.02.23 - ASSEMBLER, OIL FILTERS (auto. 06.04.23 Assembler, Patient Lifting Device (per. protect. & med. dev.) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCT (mach. shop): 706.684-018 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT (photo. ap- paratus) 714.381-010 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER, PIANO (musical inst.) 730.384-010 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, PING-PONG TABLE (sports equip.) 732.684- 022 06.04.22 mfg.) 739.687-026 assembler, plastic boat :BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484-01405.10.01 - - assembler, portable oil-well drilling rig :ASSEMBLER, MINING MACHINERY (mach. mfg.): 801.261-010 05.05.09 assembler, precision bench :PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 assembler, precision-mechanical :ASSEMBLER, PHOTO- GRAPHIC EQUIPMENT (photo. apparatus): 714.381-010 06.01.04 assembler, press operator :KICK-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-026 06.02.20 ASSEMBLER, PRODUCT (mach. shop) 706.684-018 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION (any ind.) 706.687-010 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (photo. apparatus) 714.684-010 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metal- work) 809.684-010 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, REGULATORS (inst. & app.) 719.684-010 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, ROCKET ENGINES (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-034 06.02.22 assembler, rubber footwear :MAKING-LINE WORKER (boot & shoe): 753.687-026 * 06.04.27 ASSEMBLER, SANDAL PARTS (boot & shoe) 788.684-014 06.04.27 Assembler, Show Motor (engine & turbine) :ASSEMBLER, IN- TERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine): 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, SKYLIGHTS (fabric. plastics prod.) 869.684- 014 06.04.24 assembler, slide fastener stringers :SLIDE-FASTENER-CHAIN ASSEMBLER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 734.687-074 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, SMALL PARTS (any ind.) 706.684-022 * 06.04.23 ASSEMBLER, SMALL PRODUCTS (any ind.) 739.687-030 * 06.04.23 Assembler, Soft Trim (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMO- BILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 assembler, special machine :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 ASSEMBLER, STEAM-AND-GAS TURBINE (engine & tur- bine) 600.261-010 05.05.07 ASSEMBLER, SUBASSEMBLY 806. 484-010 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, SUBASSEMBLY (mfä. blags.; trans. equip.) 869.684-018 06.04.22 ASSEMBLER, SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.684-010 06.02.23 Assembler, Toy Voices (toys & games) :TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 assembler, tractor :PROGRESSIVE ASSEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.): 801.684-022 06.04.22 Assembler, Transmission (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AU- TOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 assembler, truck-trailer TRAILER ASSEMBLER (auto. mfg.): 806.38 1-058 * 06.02.22 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 347. ASSEMBLER, TUBING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-034 06.02.24 ASSEMBLER, TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT (office mach.) 706.684-026 06.02.23 ASSEMBLER, UNIT (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 809.681- 010 06.02.22 ASSEMBLER, WATCH TRAIN (clock & watch) 715.381-014 06.01.04 ASSEMBLER, WET WASH (laund.) 361.687-010 05.09.03 assembler, wire harness :CABLE MAKER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 728.684-010 * 06.02.32 ASSEMBLER, WIRE-MESH GATE (wirework) 801.384-010 06.02.22 assembling inspector :BOX INSPECTOR (wood. box): 762.687- 0 1 4 06.03.02 ASSEMBLY ADJUSTER (phonograph) 720.684-010 06.04.34 ASSEMBLY CLEANER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.664- 010 06.04.24 Assembly-Department Supervisor (leather :SUPERVISOR (leather prod.): 783. 132-010 06.02.01 assembly detailer BOAT PATCHER, PLASTIC (ship & boat blag. & rep.): 807.684-01406.02.24 assembly hand :ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER equip.): 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (agric. equip.) 706.361-01406.01.05 assembly inspector :MAJOR-ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (agric. equip.): 801.381-018 06.01.05 ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (furn.) 763.684-010 06.03.02 . Assembly Inspector (paper goods) :INSPECTOR, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper goods): 649.367-010 06.03.01 assembly inspector, electrical :ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.381-026 06.01.05 ASSEMBLY-INSPECTOR HELPER (agric. equip.) 801.663- 0 1 0 06.03.02 - ASSEMBLY-LINE INSPECTOR (furn.) 709.684-018 06.03.02 ASSEMBLY LOADER (inst. & app.) 711.684-010 06.04.34 Assembly-Machine Feeder (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLY- MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 692.686-010 06.04.20 Assembly-Machine Offbearer (pen & pencil) MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 06.04.20 ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.686- 0 1 0 06.04.20 ASSEMBLY-MACHINE-SET-UP MECHANIC (elec. 692.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 assembly-machine tool setter :STRAIGHT-LINE-PRESS SETTER (ammunition); 616.360-034 06.01.02 assembly-machine tool setter :SHOTGUN-SHELL-ASSEMBLY- MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition); 616.360-030 06.01.02 ASSEMBLY MECHANIC, EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-038 05.05.06 prod.) (elec. :ASSEMBLY - 692.686-010 equip.) ASSEMBLY OPERATOR (woodworking) 762.684-018 06.04.25 ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) 690.685-014 06.04.20 ASSEMBLY REPAIRER (agric. equip.) 624.381-010 06.02.24 ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 739.137-010 06.02.01 Assembly Supervisor (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS (mfö. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869. 131-030 06.02.01 Assembly Supervisor (sports equip.) :SUPERVISOR (sports equip.): 732.130-010 06.02.01 ASSEMBLY TECHNICIAN 06.01.04 Assembly Tester (inst. & app.) :INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 7 10.381-034 06.01.05 ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR, 188. 16.7-014 11.05.03 (office mach.) 633.261-010 IRRIGATION TAX ser.) (gov. Asset-Card Clerk (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687 0 1 0 * 07.05.02 assignment agent :ASSIGNMENT CLERK (motor trans.) 215.36.7-0 10 07.05.01 ASSIGNMENT CLERK (motor trans.) 215.367-010 07.05.01 ASSIGNMENT CLERK (tel. & tel.) 219.387-010 07.05.03 ASSIGNMENT EDITOR (radio & tv broad.) 132.137-01 ( 11.08.01 assignment officer :DIRECTOR, CLASSIFICATION AN TREATMENT (gov. ser.): 188.167–026 11.07.01 assistant camera operator :DOLLY PUSHER (radio & t broad.): 962.687-010 05.12.03 assistant console operator :COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL-EQUIP MENT OPERATOR (clerical): 213.382-010 07.06.01 ASSISTANT CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (const. 869. 367-0 10 05.02.02 assistant editor :EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. 132.267-014 11.08.01 assistant engineer :FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE 910.363-010 05.08.02. ASSISTANT-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.585-01 05.05.13 assistant principal :DEAN 091. 107-0 1 0 1 0.01.02 Assistant Professor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 1 1.02.01 assistant signal maintainer :SIGNAL MAINTAINER HELPE (r. r. trans.): 822.684-018 05.12.16 assistant superintendent, transportation :TERMINAL SUPERIN TENDENT (r. r. trans.): 184.167- assistant teacher :TEACHER AIDE (education) I: 099.327-010 11.02.01 º assistant therapy aide :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical ser.): 355.377-014 * 10.03.02 associate director :PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio & tv broad.): 962. 167-014 01.03.01 associate editor :EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. & pub.): 132.267-014 11.08.01 Associate Professor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 1 1.02.01 associate superintendent of public instruction for special educa- tion :DIRECTOR, SPECIAL EDUCATION (education): 094. 11 7-014 11.07.03 ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE (profess. & kin.) 189.1 17-010 11.05.01 assorter ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 ASSORTER (iron & steel) 703.687-010 06.03.02 assorter :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 assorter, laundry 06.03.02 - ASTROLOGER (amuse. & rec.) 159.207-010 10.01.02 ASTRONOMER (profess. & kin.) 021.067-010 02.01.01 asylum attendant :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical 355.377-014 * 10.03.02 athletic coach :INSTRUCTOR, SPORTS (amuse. & rec.; educa- tion): 153.227-018 12.01.01 ATHLETIC TRAINER (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.224-010 10.02.02 - Athletic Turf Worker (amuse. & rec.) WORKER (agric.): 408.684-010 03.04.04 atmospheric-drier tender :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) I: 553.665–026 06.04.11 ATOMIC-FUEL ASSEMBLER (chem.) 709.381-010 06.01.04 ATOMIZER ASSEMBLER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 706.684-030 06.04.23 attacher CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 ATTENDANCE CLERK (education) 219.362-01 4 07.05.03 & pub.) (r. r. trans.) OF STUDENTS (education) II :CLASSIFIER (laund.): 361.687-014 * ser.): :LAWN-SERVICE 348 TTENDANCE OFFICER (education) 168.367-010 07.01.06 TTENDANT, CAMPGROUND (amuse. & rec.) 329.683-010 05.12.18 TTENDANT, CHILDREN'S 359.677-010 10.03.03 ttendant, coin-operated laundry :SELF-SERVICE-LAUNDRY- AND-DRY-CLEANING ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.677-010 09.04.02 INSTITUTION (any ind.) ttendant, laundry-and-dry-cleaning service :SELF-SERVICE- LAUNDRY-AND-DRY-CLEANING ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.677-010 09.04.02 ATTENDANT, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & 329.467-010 05.10.04 ttendant, self-service store :SALES ATTENDANT (ret. tr.): 299.677-0 1 0 09.04.02 - tenuator :STAPLE-PROCESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 680.585-01406.04.06 attorney :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 AUCTION ASSISTANT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.667-010 º rest.) uction Clerk (clerical) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 AUCTION CLERK (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.567-010 07.03.01 AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 294.257-010 08.02.03 Auctioneer, Art (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 Auctioneer, Automobile (whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 Auctioneer, Furniture (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 Auctioneer, Livestock (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 uctioneer, Real Estate (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 Auctioneer, Tobacco (whole. tr.) :AUCTIONEER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294.257-010 08.02.03 Audio-Coil Winder (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 audio engineer :AUDIO OPERATOR (radio & twº broad.): 194.262-010 05.10.05 AUDIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 076. 101-010 02.03.04 audiometric technician AUDIOMETRIST (profess. & kin.): 078.362-0 1 0 10.03.01 AUDIOMETRIST (profess. & kin.) 078.362-010 10.03.01 AUDIO OPERATOR (radio & tv broad.) 194.262-010 05.10.05 Audio-Tape Librarian (clerical) :FILM-OR-TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical): 222.367–026 11.02.04 audio technician :AUDIO OPERATOR (radio & twº broad.): 194.262-010 05.10.05 AUDIO-VIDEO REPAIRER (any ind.) 729.281-010 05.05.10 audiovisual-aids technician :AUDIO-VIDEO REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-010 05.05.10 audiovisual equipment operator :MOTION-PICTURE PROJEC- TIONIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.): 960.362-010 05.10.05 audio-visual-equipment-rental clerk :FILM-RENTAL CLERK (bus. ser.; ret. tr.): 295.367-018 11.02.04 AUDIOVISUAL LIBRARIAN (library) 100. 167-010 11.02.04 AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 1 49.061-010 01.02.03 audiovisual specialist :DIRECTOR, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL (education): 099.167-018 11.07.03 AUDIT CLERK (clerical) 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 AUDIT-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 07.06.02 AUDITOR (profess. & kin.) 160.162-014 * 11.06.01 21 6.482-0 18 AUDITOR, COUNTY OR CITY (gov. ser.) 160. 167-030 11.06.01 AUDITOR, INTERNAL (profess. & kin.) 160. 167-034 11.06.01 AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.) 160. 167-038 11.06.01 auger-machine offbearer :OFFBEARER, SEWER PIPE (brick & tile): 579.686-026 06.04.17 Auger-Press Operator (brick & tile) :BRICK-AND-TILE-MAK- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brick & tile): 575.382-010 06.02.17 AUGER PRESS OPERATOR, MANUAL CONTROL (brick & tile) 575.462-010 06.02.08 Auger Supervisor (mining & quarrying) :SECTION SUPER- VISOR (mining & quarrying): 939.137-018 05.02.05 author's agent :LITERARY AGENT (bus. ser.): 191.1 17-034 11.12.03 authorizer 07.05.02 auto-camp attendant :ATTENDANT, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 329.467-010 05.10.04 AUTOCLAVE OPERATOR (chem.) I 553.382-010 06.02.11 AUTOCLAVE OPERATOR (chem.) II 709.682-010 06.03.01 autoclave operator :STERILIZER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.; per protect. & med. dev.): 599.585-010 06.04.19 AUTOCLAVE OPERATOR (hosiery; knit goods) 587.585-010 06.04.05 AUTOCLAVE OPERATOR (textile) 587.682-010 06.04.16 AUTO-DESIGN CHECKER (auto. mfg.) 017.261-010 05.03.02 AUTO-DESIGN DETAILER (auto. mfg.) 017.281-010 05.03.02 auto-glass worker :GLASS INSTALLER (auto. ser.): 865.684- 010 05.10.01 AUTOMAT-CAR ATTENDANT (r.r. 09.04.01 AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT ENGINEER-TECHNICIAN (mach. mſg.) 638.261-010 05.05.05 Automatic-Beading-Lathe Operator (any ind.) :SPINNING- LATHE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.); 619.685-082 06.04.02 automatic clipper and stripper :CLIPPER, MACHINE (hosiery): 684.686-010 06.04.06 automatic-coil-machine operator :COIL ASSEMBLER, MACHINE (matt. & bedspring): 616.685-018 06.04.20 Automatic-Coil-Winding-Machine Operator (spring) :BENCH WORKER (spring): 616.485-010 06.02.02 AUTOMATIC-DOOR MECHANIC (const.) 05.10.03 automatic embroidery machine tender :WATCHER, AUTO- MAT (trim. & embroid.): 689.685-150 06.04.05 AUTOMATIC-EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & 822.28 1-0 10 05.05.05 automatic-fancy-machine operator :BUTTON-DECORATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (button): 690.685-062 06.04.09 automatic forming machine operator :FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 automatic-lathe operator :LATHE OPERATOR, PRODUC- TION (mach. shop): 604.685-026 06.04.02 automatic-lathe operator :SWING-TYPE-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking): 664.382-010 06.02.03 Automatic-Lathe Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE SETTER (woodworking): 669.280–010 06.01.02 automatic lehr operator :LEHR TENDER (glass 573.685-026 06.04.13 Automatic-Lump-Making-Machine Operator (tobacco) :LUMP- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 520.685-126 06.04.15 - AUTOMATIC LUMP MAKING MACHINE TENDER (tobacco) 529.685-01 4 06.04.15 AUTOMATIC-MACHINE ATTENDANT 649.685-010 06.04.04 automatic maintainer :TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 automatic-milling-machine operator :MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 605.685-030 06.04.02 :CREDIT AUTHORIZER (clerical): 249.367–022 trans.) 319.464-010 829.28 1-0 10 tel.) mfg.): (paper goods) 349 automatic-mold sander :MOLDING SANDER (woodworking): 662.682-010 06.02.03 AUTOMATIC-NAILING-MACHINE FEEDER 669.686-010 06.04.03 AUTOMATIC-PAD-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (waste & batting) 689.382-010 06.02.18 AUTOMATIC-PAD-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (waste & batting) 689.686-010 06.04.05 AUTOMATIC PATTERN EDGER (glass prod.; 673.682-0 1 0 06.02.08 automatic-screw-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.380-022 * 06.01.03 automatic-screw-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.280–01 4 06.01.03 - automatic-screw-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.280- 018 06.01.03 automatic-screw-machine setter, swiss-type :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, SWISS-TYPE (clock & watch): 604.260-010 06.01.03 automatic-silk-screen printer :SCREEN-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 652.682-018 06.02.09 automatic-splicing-machine operator :SPLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 689.685-122 06.04.05 automatic-spray-machine operator :SPRAY-PAINTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 741.685-010 06.04.09 AUTOMATIC STACKER (tinvare) 619.686-010 06.04.40 (plan. mill) mirror) Automatic-Transmission Mechanic (auto. ser.) :TRANSMISSION MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-062 05.10.02 AUTOMATIC-WHEEL-LINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 609.682-010 06.02.02 AUTOMATIC-WINDOW-SEAT-AND-TOP-LIFT REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 825.381-014 05.10.03 AUTOMOBILE-ACCESSORIES INSTALLER (auto. ser.) 806.684-038 05.10.02 Automobile Air-Conditioner Assembler (refrigerat. equip.) :APPLIANCE ASSEMBLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 automobile-and-truck-mechanic apprentice MECHANIC APPRENTICE (auto. ser.): 05.05.09 AUTOMOBILE-BODY CUSTOMIZER (auto. ser.) 807.361- 010 05.05.06 automobile-body repair chief SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE BODY REPAIR (auto. ser.): 807. 137-010 05.05.06 AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 :AUTOMOBILE- 620.261-012 Automobile-Body Repairer, Combination (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381- 010 * 05.05.06 AUTOMOBILE-BODY-REPAIRER HELPER (auto. ser.) 807.687-0 1 0 05.12.12 automobile-body worker :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 AUTOMOBILE-BUMPER STRAIGHTENER 807.684-0 1 0 05.12.12 - AUTOMOBILE-CLUB-SAFETY-PROGRAM COORDINATOR (nonprofit organ.) 249. 167-010 07.01.02 automobile-damage appraiser APPRAISER, AUTOMOBILE DAMAGE (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-014 11.12.01 Automobile-Headlight Assembler (light. fix.) :MOTOR-VEHI- (auto. Ser.) CLE-LIGHT ASSEMBLER (light. fix.): 729.684-034 06.04.23 automobile inspector :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-018 05.07.02 automobile inspector :INSPECTOR, MOTOR VEHICLES (gov. ser.): 168.267–058 * 11.10.03 Automobile-Insurance-Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.; insurance) :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 Automobile-Insurance-Claim Examiner (bus. :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; insurance): 11.12.01 automobile-light assembler :MOTOR-VEHICLE-LIGHT AS- SEMBLER (light. fix.): 729.684-034 06.04.23 AUTOMOBILE LOCATOR (ret. tr.) 296.367-010 07.05.03 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 AUTOMOBILE-MECHANIC APPRENTICE 620.261-0 12 05.05.09 automobile-mechanic assistant HELPER (auto. ser.): 620.684-014 05.12.15 AUTOMOBILE-MECHANIC HELPER (auto. ser.) 620.684- 0 1 4 05. 12.15 - Automobile Mechanic, Motor (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 automobile mechanic, radiator :AUTOMOBILE-RADIATOR MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.381-010 05.10.02 | automobile-mechanic supervisor SUPERVISOR, GARAGE (auto. ser.): 620. 131-014 05.05.09 automobile parker :PARKING-LOT ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.473-0 1 0 09.04.02 AUTOMOBILE RACER (amuse. & rec.) 153.243-010 12.01.03 AUTOMOBILE-RADIATOR MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.381 - 0 1 0 05.10.02 Automobile Radio Repairer (any ind.) :RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.): 720.281-010 * 05.10.03 automobile-refrigeration mechanic :AIR-CONDITIONING MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-010 05.05.09 AUTOMOBILE-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.) 295.477-010 09.04.02 AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.) 620.261-018 05.07.02 Automobile Repossessor (clerical) :REPOSSESSOR (clerical): 241.367–022 04.02.03 AUTOMOBILE-SEAT-COVER-AND-CONVERTIBLE-TOP IN- STALLER (auto. ser.) 780.384-010 05.05.15 AUTOMOBILE-SEAT-COVER INSTALLER 915.687-010 05.12.12 AUTOMOBILE-SELF-SERVE-SERVICE-STATION ATTEN- DANT (auto. ser.) 9 15.477-010 09.04.02 ser.; insurance) 241.267-0 18 (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE-MECHANIC (auto. ser.) AUTOMOBILE-SERVICE-STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.) 9 15.467-010 05.10.02 Automobile-Service-Station Mechanic (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 05.05.09 automobile-spring repairer SPRING REPAIRER, HAND (auto. ser.): 619.380-018 05.05.06 Automobile-Taillight Assembler (light. fix.) :MOTOR-VEHI- CLE-LIGHT ASSEMBLER (light. fix.): 729.684-034 06.04.23 AUTOMOBILE TESTER (auto. ser.) 620.261-014 05.07.02 AUTOMOBILE TESTER (gov. ser.) 379.364-010 05.07.02 Automobile Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERER (auto. 05.05.15 AUTOMOBILE-UPHOLSTERER APPRENTICE (auto. 780.38 1-0 1 4 05.05.15 automobile-upholstery-trim installer COVER-AND-CONVERTIBLE-TOP ser.): 780.384-010 05.05.15 automobile vinyl top installer VINYL-TOP INSTALLER, AU- TOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-138 06.04.27 620.261-010 * ser.) 780.381-010 ser.) :AUTOMOBILE-SEAT- INSTALLER (auto. 350 \utomobile Washer (auto. ser.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 9 19.687-0 1 4 05.12.18 tutomobile washer, steam :STEAM CLEANER (auto. ser.): 915.687–026 05.12.18 AUTOMOBILE WRECKER (whole. tr.) 620.684-010 05.12.15 Automotive Air-Conditioner Installer (auto. ser.) :AIR-CONDI- TIONING MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-010 05.05.09 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER (auto. mfg.) 007.061-010 05.01.08 AUTOMOTIVE-GENERATOR-AND-STARTER REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 721.281-010 05.05.05 Automotive-Generator Repairer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOTIVE- | GENERATOR-AND-STARTER REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 721.281-010 05.05.05 utomotive-maintenance-equipment repairer :AUTOMOTIVE- MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any ind.): 620.281-018 05.05.09 AUTOMOTIVE-MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any ind.) 620.281-018 05.05.09 Automotive-Starter Repairer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOTIVE- GENERATOR-AND-STARTER REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 721.281-010 05.05.05 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN, EXHAUST EMISSIONS (gov. ser.) 620.281-014 05.05.09 AUTOMOTIVE-TIRE TESTER (ordnance) 736.367-010 06.03.01 AUTOMOTIVE-TIRE-TESTING SUPERVISOR (ordnance) 736. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 AUTO ROLLER (tobacco) 529.685-010 06.04.15 Auto-Speedway Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362-010 05.06.01 AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, DATA PROCESSING (clerical) 213.685-010 05.12.19 AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement) 570.685-010 06.04.17 AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (const.) 05.11.01 aviation-safety officer :INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (gov. ser.): 168.264-0 10 05.03.06 AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 823.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.10 Avocado Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 award clerk :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367–066 07.01.02 Awning Assembler (canvas goods) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (canvas goods): 787.682-062 06.02.05 awning erector :AWNING HANGER (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.): 869.484-010 05.10.01 Awning Finisher (canvas goods) :FINISHER, HAND (canvas goods): 789.484-01406.02.27 AWNING-FRAME MAKER 05.10.01 Awning-Frame Maker (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) :FABRICATOR- ASSEMBLER, METAL PRODUCTS (any ind.): 809.381-010 06.02.24 AWNING HANGER (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.) 869.484- 0 1 0 05.10.01 AWNING-HANGER HELPER (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.) 869.687-0 1 0 05.12.12 awning installer :AWNING HANGER (canvas goods; const.; ret. tr.): 869.484-010 05.10.01 Awning Maker (canvas goods) :CANVAS WORKER (canvas goods; ship & boat blog. & rep.): 739.381-010 06.01.04 AWNING MAKER-AND-INSTALLER (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 869.481-010 05.10.01 869.665-010 (canvas goods) 809.484-010 Awning Spreader (canvas goods) :LABORER, CANVAS SHOP (canvas goods): 789.687-090 06.04.27 axle-and-frame mechanic :FRONT-END MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-038 05.10.01 Axle Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 1 0 * 06.03.01 Ax Sharpener (any ind.) :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II: 603.664-0 10 06.02.01 B BABBITTER (mach. shop) 709.684-022 06.02.24 Baby Sitter (dom. ser.) :CHILD MONITOR (dom. 301.677-0 1 0 1 0.03.03 BABY-STROLLER AND WHEELCHAIR RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.) 295.367-014 09.04.02 Baccarat Dealer (amuse. & rec.) :GAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.): 343.467-018 09.04.02 back builder :CUSHION BUILDER (auto. mfg.): 780.684-050 06.04.22 Backer (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 backer and bander, cloth :CLOTH-BOLT BANDER (textile): 920.587-0 10 06.04.38 backer board :SHAKE BACKBOARD NOTCHER (sawmill): 663.685-030 06.04.03 Backer-Up (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 BACK FEEDER, PLYWOOD LAYUP LINE (veneer & plywood) 569.686-010 06.04.40 backfiller :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile): 589.665–01 4 06.04.16 Back-Grey-Cloth Washer (textile) :CLOTH-WASHER OPERA- TOR (textile): 582.685-030 06.04.16 back grinder :WARE DRESSER (pottery & porc.): 774.684- 042 06.04.30 Back-Hoe Operator (any ind.) :POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 BACKING-IN-MACHINE TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.685-010 06.04.19 BACK MAKER, LOCKSTITCH 06.02.05 BACK PADDER (furn.) 780.684-010 06.04.27 Back-Pad Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :HARNESS-AND-BAG INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-086 06.03.02 Back-Panel Padder (furn.) :PANEL COVERER, METAL FUR- NITURE (furn.): 780.684-082 06.04.22 back polisher :WARE DRESSER (pottery & porc.): 774.684- 042 06.04.30 Backrest Assembler (furn.) :ASSEMBLER, METAL FURNI- TURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 Back Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 Back-Roll-Lathe Operator (basketry; wood. box) :VENEER- LATHE OPERATOR (basketry; veneer & plywood): 664.662-010 06.02.03 Back-Seam Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 back sewer :BOOK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) II; 653.682-010 06.02.09 back-shoe operator :ODD-SHOE EXAMINER (boot & shoe): 788.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 BACK-SHOE WORKER (boot & shoe) 221.387-010 05.09.02 backside grinder GRINDER, HAND (optical goods): 716.685- 018 06.04.08 Back Sizer (textile) :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile): 589.665-01 4 06.04.16 Backstay Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 ser.): (garment) 786.682-026 351 BACK-STRIP-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685- 018 06.04.07 back tacker :ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-010 06.04.27 BACK TENDER (textile) 589.686-010 06.04.16 back tender WALLPAPER-PRINTER HELPER (wallpaper): 652.687–050 06.04.26 BACK TENDER, CLOTH PRINTING (textile) 652.685-010 06.04.05 Back Tender, Cylinder (paper & pulp) :BACK TENDER, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 534.662-010 * 06.02.14 Back Tender, Fourdrinier (paper & pulp) :BACK TENDER, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 534.662-010 * 06.02.14 BACK TENDER, INSULATION BOARD (build. board) 532.685-0 1 0 06.04.14 BACK TENDER, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp) 534.662– 0 1 0 * 06.02.14 Back Tender, Pulp Drier (paper & pulp) :BACK TENDER, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 534.662-010 * 06.02.14 Back-Up Worker (petrol. production) :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production): 930.684-026 ° 05.12.02 BACK WASHER (textile) 582.685-010 06.04.16 back winder :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 06.04.06 bacteriologist :MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061- 058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Dairy (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Fishery (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Food (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Industrial (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Medical (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Pharmaceutical (profess. & kin.) :MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bacteriologist, Soil (profess. & kin.) :MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Bag-and-Sack Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 BAG CUTTER (tex. bag) 789.687-010 06.04.27 bag-end sewer :B.AG SEWER (paper goods): 06.04.04 Bag-Filler-Machine Operator (tobacco) :TOBACCO-PACKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-098 06.04.38 BAGGAGE-AND-MAIL AGENT (r. r. trans.) 9 10.137-010 05.12.03 BAGGAGE CHECKER (air trans.; motor trans.) 357.477-010 09.05.03 Baggage Checker (any ind.) :CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-010 09.05.03 * BAGGAGE HANDLER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.687-0 10 05.12.03 Baggage Inspector (gov. ser.) CUSTOM'S INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-022 11.10.04 BAGGAGE PORTER, HEAD (hotel & 09.05.03 Bagger (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587- 018 * 06.04.38 BAGGER (clean., dye., & press.; garment; laund.) 920.687-0 18 06.04.35 BAGGER (fabric. plastics prod.) 553.685-01406.04.13 BAGGER (hosiery) 582.687-010 06.04.38 BAGGER (ret. tr.) 920.687-014 09.05.10 bagger SHROUDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-010 06.04.38 Bagger, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 BAGGING SALVAGER (textile) 689.687-0 10 06.04.38 bag inspector :INSPECTOR, PAPER PRODUCTS goods): 649.367-010 06.03.01 (paper Bag Inspector (tex. bag) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-0 14 06.03.02 BAG LINER (tex. bag) 789.687-01406.04.27 BAG LOADER (ammunition) 737.687-014 06.04.36 . BAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-014 * 06.04.04 BAG-MACHINE-OPERATOR 649.686-0 1 0 06.04.04 Bag-Machine Set-Up Operator (paper goods) :MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, PAPER GOODS (paper goods): 649.380- 0 1 0 * 06.01.02 bag-making-machine operator :B.AG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-014 * 06.04.04 Bag-Making-Machine Tender (tex. bag) :FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 787.685-014 06.04.05 bag patcher SACK REPAIRER (any ind.): 06.04.27 Bag Printer (bone, carbon, & lampblack; chem.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 ° 06.04.38 BAG PRINTER (print. & pub.) 651.685-010 06.04.04 BAG REPAIRER (paper goods) 794.684-010 06.04.26 Bag Sealer (tinvare) :LABORER, TIN CAN (tinvare): 709.686-0 1 0 06.04.24 BAG SEWER (paper goods) 787.686-010 06.04.04 Bag Shaker (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.); 579.665-01 4 05.12.04 Bag Washer (any ind.) : LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II: 36 1.685-018 06.04.35 bail attacher :PAIL BAILER (tinvare): 703.685-010 06.04.02 bail bonding agent :BONDING AGENT (bus. ser.): 186.267- 0 1 0 07.04.01 Bailer (petrol. production) :CLEAN-OUT DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.363-010 05.11.03 BAILIFF (gov. ser.) 377.667-010 04.02.03 bait packer :FISH-EGG PACKER (can. & preserv.): 529.687- 086 06.04.28 Bait Painter (sports equip.) :PAINTER, AIRBRUSH (any ind.): 74 1.684-018 01.06.03 bait tier :FLY TIER (sports equip.): 732.684-074 06.04.23 baked-and-graphite inspector :FURNACE-STOCK INSPECTOR (elec. equip.); 559.364-010 06.03.01 Baked-Goods Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF- SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-014 05.09.01 BAKER (bake. prod.) 526.381-010 * 06.02.15 baker :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-010 06.04.17 BAKER (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-010 05.10.08 baker :FIRER (jewelry): 590.685-034 06.04.21 BAKER APPRENTICE (bake. prod.) 526.381-014 06.02.15 baker apprentice, pastry :COOK APPRENTICE, PASTRY (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381-018 05.05.17 Baker Beads (electronics) :ELECTRONIC-COMPONENT PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-01 4 06.04.19 baker, bench : BENCH HAND (bake. prod.): 520.384-010 06.02.28 Baker, Biscuit (hotel & rest.) :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381 - 0 1 0 05. 10.08 baker, bread :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.08 baker, bread, chief :BAKER, HEAD (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131- 0 1 0 05. 10.08 baker, cake :COOK, PASTRY (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381-026 05.10.08 HELPER (paper goods) 68 1.685-1.54 * :MICROBIOLOGIST :MICROBIOLOGIST :MICROBIOLOGIST :MICROBIOLOGIST :MICROBIOLOGIST 787.686–01 () rest.) 324. 137-010 :SMOKED MEAT 782.687-046 baker chef :BAKER, HEAD (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-0 10 05. 10.08 baker, doughnut :DOUGHNUT MAKER (bake. prod.): 526.684-0 1 0 (06.02.25 BAKER, HEAD (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-0 1 0 05.10.08 BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.) 526.686-010 06.04.15 BAKER HELPER (hotel & rest.) 3 13.684-0 1 0 05.12.17 352 baker, laboratory :BAKER, TEST (grain & feed mill.): 526.381- 018 06.02.15 baker operator, automatic :OVEN OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (bake. prod.; cereal): 526.682-030 06.02.15 baker, paint :OVEN TENDER (paint & varn.); 553.685-082 06.04.21 - baker, pastry :COOK, PASTRY (hotel & rest.): 313.381-026 05.10.08 baker, pie :PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.): 313.361-038 05.10.08 BAKER, PIZZA (hotel & rest.) 313.381-014 05.10.08 Baker Scullion (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687-01 4 05.12.18 BAKER, SECOND (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-010 05.10.08 BAKER, TEST (grain & feed mill.) 526.381-018 06.02.15 Bakery Demonstrator (ret. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.354-010 08.02.05 BAKERY-MACHINE MECHANIC (bake. prod.) 629.281-010 05.05.09 - BAKERY-MACHINE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR prod.) 629.131-010 05.05.09 . BAKERY SUPERVISOR (bake. prod.) 526.131-010 06.01.01 BAKERY WORKER (bake. prod.) 929.686-010 * 06.04.38 bakeshop cleaner COOK HELPER, PASTRY (hotel & rest.): 3.13.687-010 05.12.17 Baking-Powder Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) FOOD PRODUCTS (food prep., n.e.c.): 06.04.15 BALANCE ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.384-010 * 06.02.23 . BALANCE-BRIDGE ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.68 4- 022 06.02.23 BALANCE CLERK (clerical) 216.382-018 07.02.01 (bake. :MixER, DRY- 520.685-, 162 balancer ACID ADJUSTER (elec. equip.): 727.484-010 06.04.34 balancer :MANNEQUIN MOUNTER (model & pattern): 739.684-1 18 06.02.22 balancer :WEIGHER (sports equip.): 732.687-086 06.04.34 BALANCE RECESSER (clock & watch) 604.685-010 06.02.24 BALANCER, SCALE (bal. & scales) 710.381-014 06.01.05 Balance-Staff Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 Balance-Staff Staker (clock & watch) :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 BALANCE TRUER (clock & watch) 715.684-018 06.01.04 Balance-Wheel-Screw-Hole Driller (clock & watch) :DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch): 606.685-030 * 06.02.62 balancing clerk :BALANCE CLERK (clerical): 216.382-018 07.02.01 BALANCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 609.462-010 06.02.02 - BALANCING-MACHINE SET-UP WORKER (any ind.) 809.382-0 1 0 06.03.01 BALCONY WORKER (glass mfg.) 575.687-010 06.04.13 bale-breaker operator :OPENER TENDER (textile): 680.685- 070 06.04.06 bale coverer :CLOTH-BALE HEADER (textile): 782.687-0 18 06.04.27 Bale Piler (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Baler (forestry) :BUNDLER, SEASONAL GREENERY (forestry): 920.687-046 03.04.04 BALER (plastics mat.) 690.685-022 66.04.07 baler operator :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 * BALE SEWER (agric.) 920.687-022 06.04.38 BALE-TIE-MACHINE OPERATOR (wirework) 616.682-014 06.02.02 BALING-MACHINE TENDER 06.04.38 (any ind.) 920.685-010 baling-press operator :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 BALL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-026 06.04.23 Ballast-Cleaning-Machine Operator (r.r. trans.) :RAILWAY- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (r. r. trans.): 859.683-018 05.11.01 ballaster :FINISHER, FIBERGLASS BOAT PARTS (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 809.684-022 06.04.34 Ballast-Regulator Operator (r. r. trans.) :RAILWAY-EQUIP- MENT OPERATOR (r. r. trans.): 859.683-018 05.11.01 ball-ender :LOOPER (musical inst.): 730.685-010 06.04.24 baller :PUFF IRONER (laund.): 363.687-018 06.04.27 baller tender :BALL-WARPER TENDER (textile): 681.685-010 (96.04.06 Ballet Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047-0 1 0 61.05.02 Ballet Master/Mistress (education) :INSTRUCTOR, DANCING (education): 151.027-014 01.05.01 BALL-FRINGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & embroid.) 689.685-010 06.04.05 BALLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-014 * 06.04.06 BALLISTICS EXPERT, FORENSIC (gov. ser.) 199.267-010 02.04.01 ballistics tester :CHRONOGRAPH OPERATOR (ammunition; firearms): 739.484-010 06.03.01 ball laster :FOREPART LASTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-186 06.04.05 BALL-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.15 ball maker :GATHERER (glass mfg.): 575.684-026 06.04.30 Ball-Mill Mixer (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-014 06.02.11 Ball-Mill Operator (any ind.) :MILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-058 06.04.10 Ball-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 BALL-MNLL OPERATOR 06.64.11 BALLOON DIPPER (rubb. goods) 599.687-010 06.04.27 BALLOON MAKER (rubber goods) 752.684-010 06.02.29 Balloon Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 BALLPOINT-PEN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.382-010 06.02.20 BALLPOINT PEN CARTRIDGE TESTER (pen & pencil) 733.28 1-0 1 0 06.03.01 Ball-Point Splitter (boot & shoe) :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.); 585.685-114 06.04.05 ball racker :RACKER (amuse. & rec.): 340.477-010 09.05.05 ball-rolling-machine operator :BALL-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.686-010 06.04.15 Ballroom Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047-0 10 01.05.02 BALL SORTER (mach. mſg.) 609.685-010 06.04.02 (confection.) 520.686-010 (coal tar prod.) 558.685-014 ball-thread-machine tender :BALL-WARPER TENDER (textile): 681.685-010 06.04.06 BALL-TRUING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 690.682-01 4 06.02.09 BALL-WARPER TENDER (textile) 681.685-010 06.04.06 ball winder :BALL-WARPER TENDER (textile): 681.685-010 06.04.06 ball winder :BALLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 681.685-014 * 06.04.06 Banana Grader (agric.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 - (textile): 353 Banana-Ripening-Room Supervisor (whole, tr.) :PACKING- HOUSE SUPERVISOR (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.137-010 06.02.01 BAND-AND-CUFF CUTTER (glove & mit.) 784.685-010 06.04.05 BAND ATTACHER (clock & watch) 715.687-010 06.04.23 Band-Bias-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :BIAS- MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube): 690.682-022 06.02.09 Band Booker (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191.1 17-014 BAND BUILDER (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-010 06.04.29 band cutter :BUNDLE BREAKER (cord. & twine): 689.687- 018 06.04.40 Band Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Band Cutter (knit goods) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) II: 781.687–026 06.04.27 BAND CUTTER (rubber goods) 690.685-026 06.04.07 Band-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment; knit goods) :STRIP- CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 - bander :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 bander :BANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.); 619.685- 014 06.04.20 bander :TIE BINDER (garment): 920.687-190 06.04.38 BANDER (pen & pencil) 733.687-018 06.04.23 bander :LINER (pottery & porc.): 740.681-010 01.06.03 BANDER (wood. box) 762.687-010 06.04.25 BANDER-AND-CELLOPHANER HELPER, MACHINE (tobacco) 920.686-010 06.04.38 BANDER-AND-CELLOPHANER, MACHINE (tobacco) 920.685-014 06.04.38 Bander, Hand (glass mfg.; glass prod.) :LINER (pottery & porc.): 740.681-010 01.06.03 BANDER, HAND (paper goods) 920.687-026 06.04.38 BANDER, HAND (tobacco) 920.687-030 06.04.38 - Band-Head-Saw Operator (sawmill) :HEAD SAWYER (sawmill): 667.662-010 06.02.03 banding-and-cellophane-wrapping-machine-operator helper :BANDER-AND-CELLOPHANER HELPER, MACHIN (tobacco): 920.686-010 06.04.38 - BANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 619.685- 018 06.04.20 BANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.20 BANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 679,.682-010 06.02.08 band-instrument maker :BRASS-WIND-INSTRUMENT MAKER (musical inst.): 730.381-018 05.05.12 band leader :CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.): 152.047-01 4 01.04.01 Band-Lining Bander (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682- 010 06.02.05 band-log-mill-and-carriage operator (sawmill): 667.662-010 06.02.03 BAND-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 690.685-030 06.04.07 BAND MAKER (agric.) 619.685-010 06.04.02 - BANDOLEER PACKER (ammunition) 920.687-034 06.04.38 BANDOLEER STRAIGHTENER-STAMPER (ammunition) 737.587-010 06.04.37 : Band-Plating-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 Band Presser (garment) : PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 BAND-REAMER-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal al- loys) 603.685-010 06.04.02 Band-Resaw Operator (sawmill; wood. box):RESAW OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 (furn.) 619.685-014 (pottery & porc.) :HEAD SAWYER Band-Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) :RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-066 06.02.03 BAND SALVAGER (agric.) 929.686-01406.04.24 Band-Saw Filer (any ind.) SAW FILER (any ind.): 701.381- 014 05.05.07 BAND-SAWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 690.485-010 06.04.09 band-saw marker :PATTERN MARKER (woodworking) II: 761.684-022 06.04.25 band-sawmill operator :HEAD SAWYER (sawmill): 667.662- 010 06.02.03 BAND-SAW OPERATOR (cooperage) 667,685-010 06.04.03 BAND-SAW OPERATOR (felt goods) 686.682-010 06.02.05 band-saw operator CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, METAL (mach. shop): 607.682-010 06.02.02 BAND-SAW OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-010 06.04.15 BAND-SAW OPERATOR 06.04.03 (woodworking) 667,685-014 Band-Saw Operator, Cake Cutting (bake. prod.) :SLICING- MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.15 BAND-SCROLL-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682- 010 06.02.03 band sewer SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Band Shover, Press (agric.) :PRESS BUCKER (any ind.): 920.686-042 band splicer :BAND MAKER (agric.); 619.685-010 06.04.02 Band Splitter (boot & shoe) :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.); 585.685-114 06.04.05 band straightener :BAND SALVAGER (agric.): 929.686-014 06.04.24 Band Tacker (any ind.) TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 band-top assembler :BAND-TOP MAKER (matt. & bedspring): 780.684-014 06.04.22 BAND-TOP MAKER (matt. 06.04.22 BAND TUMBLER (rubber goods) 551.685-010 06.04.07 BANK BOSS (const.) 851. 137-010 05.12.12 BANK BOSS (mining & quarrying) 932.132-010 05.11.04 Bank Cashier (finan. inst.) :TREASURER, FINANCIAL IN- STITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-070 11.06.05 bank cashier :TREASURER, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-070 1 1.06.05 Bank-Credit-Card-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 banker : BED SETTER (stonework): 679,664-010 05.12.12 Bank Examiner (gov. ser.) :AUDITOR (profess. & kin.): 160.162-014 * 11.06.01 - BANKING PIN ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.381-018 * 06.01.04 BANK-NOTE DESIGNER (gov. ser.) 142.061-010 01.06.01 Bank President (finan. inst.) :PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL IN- STITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 Bank-Reconciliation Clerk (clerical) :BALANCE CLERK (clerical): 216.382-018 07.02.01 Banquet Captain (hotel & rest.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, CAP- TAIN (hotel & rest.): 31 1.1 37-018 09.01.03 Banquet Chef (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.); 31.3.131- 014 05.05.17 BAR AND FILLER ASSEMBLER (furn.) 06.04.22 bar attendant :BARTENDER (hotel & rest.): 312.474-010 09.04.01 - BAR ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.) 312.477-010 09.04.01 Bar Attendant (r. r. trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, DINING CAR (r. r. trans.): 31 1.477-022 09.04.01 BARBED-WIRE-MACHINE OPERATOR (wirework) 616.382- 010 06.02.02 (bake. prod.): 521.685-302 & bedspring) 780.684-014 706.684-034 354 briquettes) briquettes): Barbeque-Briquette-Machine Operator (fuel :BRIQUETTE-MACHINE OPERATOR (fuel 549.662-010 06.02.17 BARBER (per. ser.) 330.371-010 * 09.02.02 BARBER APPRENTICE (per. ser.) 330.371-014 09.02.02 Barber-Tool Sharpener (any ind.) :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I: 701.381-018 05.05.07 Bareback Rider (amuse. & rec.) :EQUESTRIAN (amuse. & rec.): 159.344-010 12.02.01 BAR EXAMINER (profess. & kin.) 110.167-010 11.04.02 bar-gager and lubricator tender :WAD LUBRICATOR (ammunition): 590.685-058 06.04.14 barge captain :MASTER, PASSENGER BARGE (water trans.): 197. 163-01 4 05.04.02 BARGE CAPTAIN (water trans.) 9 11.1 37-010 05.12.03 barge-crane operator :DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-034 05.11.04 Barge Engineer (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130-0 1 0 * 05.06.02 Barge Hand (water trans.) 911.687–022 05.08.04 Barge Loader (water trans.) :BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 911.364-01 4 05.12.06 Barge-Loader Helper (water trans.) :BOAT-LOADER HELPER (water trans.): 91 1.687-010 05.12.06 :DECKHAND (water trans.): barkeeper :BARTENDER (hotel & rest.): 312.474-010 09.04.01 BARKER (amuse. & rec.) 342.657-010 01.07.02 barker :GUIDE, SIGHTSEEING (per. ser.): 353.363-010 09.01.02 BARKER OPERATOR (veneer & plywood) 663.682-010 06.04.03 BARK-PRESS OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 563.685-010 06.04.14 Bark Tanner (leather mfg.) :TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 BARLEY STEEPER (malt liquors) 522.585-010 06.04.15 Bar-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :CRACKER-AND- COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.482-010 06.02.15 bar-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.380-022 * 06.01.03 bar-machine operator, multiple spindle :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.280–01 4 06.01.03 bar-machine operator, multiple spindle :SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.382- 010 06.02.02 bar-machine operator, production ;SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.685-034 06.04.02 bar-machine operator, single spindle :SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.382-014 06.02.02 bar-machine operator, single spindle :SCREW-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.280- 018 06.01.03 BARN BOSS (any ind.) 410.131-010 03.02.04 barnworker, groom :STABLE ATTENDANT (any 4 10.674-022 03.03.02 bar porter BARTENDER HELPER (hotel & rest.): 312.687- 0 1 0 05.12.18 BARREL ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.381-022 06.01.04 BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage) 669.682-014 06.02.20 BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage) 669.685-010 06.04.03 BARREL BRANDER (cooperage) 764.684-010 06.04.37 BARREL-BRIDGE ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.38 l- 026 06.01.04 ind.): barrel-bung-remover and dumper :BARREL DRAINER (cooperage): 764.687-018 06.04.40 barrel burner BARREL CHARRER (cooperage): 764.684-014 06.04.18 BARREL-CAP SETTER 06.04.23 BARREL CHARRER (cooperage) 764.684-014 06.04.18 (clock & watch) 715.687-014 BARREL-CHARRER HELPER (cooperage) 764.687-034 06.04.18 barrel coater :BARREL LINER (cooperage): 764.687-026 06.04.33 Barrel Cutter (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 BARREL-DEDENTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (malt liquors) 617.682-010 06.04.02 BARREL DRAINER (cooperage) 764.687-018 06.04.40 BARREL-ENDSHAKE ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.381- 030 06.01.04 Barrel Filler (can. & preserv.) preserv.): 529.687-022 06.04.28 BARREL FILLER (corn prod.) 529.485-010 06.04.15 BARREL FILLER (distilled liquors) 522.687-010 06.04.36 BARREL FILLER (vinous liquors) 914.485-010 06.04.37 Barrel Filler, Head (any ind.) :PACKAGING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 920. 132-010 06.04.01 BARREL FINISHER (clock & watch) 715.682-010 06.02.02 BARREL FINISHER (firearms) 736.684-018 06.04.24 Barrel Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT (cooperage) 06.03.02 - Barrel Lapper (firearms) :LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-070 06.04.02 BARREL-LATHE OPERATOR, INSIDE (cooperage) 664.682- 010 06.02.03 BARREL-LATHE OPERATOR, 664.682-01 4 06.04.03 barrel leveler :LEVELER (cooperage) I: 764.687-094 06.04.22 barrel-line operator :PLATER, BARREL (electroplating): 500.362-01 4 06.02.21 BARREL LINER (cooperage) 764.687-026 06.04.33 BARREL LOADER AND CLEANER (firearms) 736.587-010 06.04.34 barrel maker :BARREL RAISER (cooperage): 764.684-018 06.04.22 BARREL MARKER (cooperage) 764.687-030 06.04.25 barrel painter :PAINTER, TUMBLING BARREL (any ind.): 599.685-070 06.04.21 barrel planer BARREL-LATHE OPERATOR, OUTSIDE (cooperage): 664.682-014 06.04.03 BARREL POLISHER, INSIDE 06.04.02 BARREL RAISER (cooperage) 764.684-018 06.04.22 BARREL-RAISER HELPER (cooperage) 764.687-038 06.04.22 Barrel Reamer (firearms) :DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (mach. shop): 606.682-01406.02.02 Barrel Reamer-Rifler, Special (firearms) :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop): 600.380- 018 06.01.03 barrel repairer :COOPER (cooperage): 764.684-022 05.10.01 BARREL REPAIRER (firearms) 736.684-022 05.10.01 barrel-repairer helper :COOPER HELPER (cooperage): 764.687-050 05.12.12 BARREL-RIB MATTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (firearms) 605.682-010 06.02.02 BARREL RIFLER (firearms) 605.685-010 06.04.02 Barrel Rifler, Broach (firearms) :BARREL RIFLER (firearms): 605.685-010 06.04.02 :BULK FILLER (can. & 764.687–022 OUTSIDE (cooperage) (firearms) 603.685-014 355 Barrel Rifler, Button (firearms) :BARREL RIFLER (firearms): 605.685-010 06.04.02 Barrel Rifler, Hook (firearms) :BARREL RIFLER (firearms): 605.685-010 06.04.02 barrel-rifler operator :BARREL RIFLER (firearms): 605.685- 0 1 0 06.04.02 barrel roller BARREL MARKER (cooperage): 764.687-030 06.04.25 Barrel Roller (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 Barrel Scraper (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 barrel-stave inspector :CULLER (cooperage): 764.687-054 06.03.02 BARREL STRAIGHTENER (firearms) I 736.684-026 06.02.24 Barrel Straightener (firearms) II :STRAIGHTENING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 617.482-026 ° 06.02.02 barrel tester and drainer :BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT (cooperage): 764.687-022 06.03.02 Barrel Washer, Machine (any ind.) :CONTAINER WASHER, MACHINE (any ind.): 529.685-074 06.04.39 Barrel Waterer (cooperage) :AIR-AND-WATER FILLER (cooperage): 764.687-010 06.04.36 Barrer and Tacker (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 barrister :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 bar runner :B.ARTENDER HELPER (hotel & rest.): 312.687- 0 1 0 05.12.18 Bar-Straightening-Machine Operator (any ind.) :STRAIGHTENING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.); 613.462- 022 06.02.02 Bar Tacker (any ind.) TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 - BARTENDER (hotel & rest.) 312.474-010 09.04.01 BARTENDER HELPER (hotel & rest.) 312.687-010 05.12.18 Barytes Grinder (paint & varn.) :MILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-058 06.04.10 base-and-wick assembler :WICK-AND-BASE ASSEMBLER (candle): 739.687-202 06.04.23 baseball-glove stuffer LINING INSERTER (sports equip.): 732.687-042 06.04.23 BASEBALL INSPECTOR AND REPAIRER (sports equip.) 732,684-030 06.03.02 Baseball Scout (amuse. & rec.) :SCOUT, PROFESSIONAL SPORTS (amuse. & rec.): 153. 1 17-018 12.01.01 BASEBALL SEWER, HAND (sports equip.) 732.684-034 06.04.27 Baseball Winder (sports equip.) :WINDER (sports equip.): 692.685–246 06.04.09 Base Brander (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Base-Cloth Inspector (carpet & rug) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 BASE-DRAW OPERATOR (ammunition) 06.04.10 BASE FILLER (sports equip.) 732.687-018 06.04.23 Base Filler, Automatic (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Base Filler, Hand (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 BASE-FILLER OPERATOR (sports equip.) 06.04.36 BASE-PLY HAND (rubber goods) 759.684-01406.02.29 Baser (elec. equip.) :LIGHT-BULB ASSEMBLER equip.); 692.685-118 * 06.04.20 BASE REMOVER (elec. equip.) 692.686-01406.04.09 Base-Wad Operator-Adjuster (ammunition) :WAD-COMPRES- SOR OPERATOR-ADJUSTER (ammunition): 535.482-010 06.02.18 BASIN OPERATOR (waterworks) 954.385-010 05.12.07 504.685-010 732.685-010 (elec. BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I 669.685-01406.04.03 BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) II 769.684-010 06.04.34 Basketball Assembler (sports equip.) :BALL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 Basketball Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 Basketball Scout (amuse. & rec.) :SCOUT, PROFESSIONAL SPORTS (amuse. & rec.): 153. 1 17-018 12.01.01 Basket-Bottom-Machine Operator (basketry) :BASKET AS- SEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-014 96.04.03 Basket-Bottom-Rounding-Machine Operator (basketry) :TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (basketry; cooperage): 667.685-066 06.04.03 basket-factory machine hand SLAT-BASKET MAKER, MACHINE (basketry): 669.685-074 06.04.20 BASKET FILLER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-010 06.04.40 BASKET GRADER (basketry) 769.687-010 06.03.02 basket-machine operator :SLAT-BASKET MAKER, MACHINE (basketry): 669.685-074 06.04.20 basket maker :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685- 0 1 4 06.04.03 basket maker :WEAVER (basketry): 769.684-054 06.04.34 BASKET MENDER (basketry) 762.684-022 06.04.34 BASKET PATCHER (basketry) 769.684-01406.04.34 Basket Turner (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Bass-Mechanism Maker (musical inst.) :ACCORDION MAKER (musical inst.): 730.281-010 05.05. 12 Bass-String Winder (musical inst.) MACHINE OPERATOR (musical 06.02.09 Bass-Viol Repairer (any ind.) :VIOLIN REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.28 1-050 05.05.12 Baster, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 BASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 06.02.05 basting marker :THREAD MARKER (garment): 782.687-058 06.04.27 BASTING PULLER (garment) 782.687-010 06.04.27 Bat Carrier (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 . BATCH-AND-FURNACE OPERATOR (glass mfg.) 572.382- 0 1 0 06.02.13 Batch Clerk (finan. inst.) :ADDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 216.482-014 07.06.02 batcher :LABORER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 559.686-022 06.04.19 batcher tender :ROLLING-MACHINE TENDER (knit goods): 689.685-1 1 4 06.04.05 BATCH FREEZER (dairy prod.) 523.685-010 06.04.15 batch maker :CANDY MAKER (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 BATCH MAKER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 515.685- 0 1 0 06.04.10 BATCH MIXER (brick & tile) 570.687-010 06.04.17 batch mixer :BATTER MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.685- 0 1 4 06.04.15 batch mixer :MIXER (glass mfg.): 570.685-054 96.04.13 batch mixer :MIXER (paint & varn.): 550.685-078 06.04.11 BATCH MIXER (soap) 550.685-010 66.04.19 batch-mixer operator :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 batch-mixing-truck driver :CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 900.683-010 05.08.03 batch-plant operator :MIXER (glass 06.04.13 batch-plant supervisor :CONCRETE-BATCHING AND MIX- ING-PLANT SUPERVISOR (const.): 570. 132-010 05.11.01 :STRING-WINDING- inst.); 692.682-062 786.682-030 mfg.): 570.685-054 356 batch-roller operator :SPINNER (confection.): 520.682-030 06.04.15 - BATCH-STILL OPERATOR (chem.) I 552.685-014 06.04.11 Batch-Still Operator (chem.) II :STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CONTINUOUS (chem.); 552.362-022 06.02.11 BATCH-TANK CONTROLLER (corn prod.) 521.685-022 06.04.15 BATCH TRUCKER (rubber reclaim.) 550.686-010 06.04.13 Batch Trucker (rubber tire & tube) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Batch-Unit Treater (petrol. refin.) :TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 Batch Unloader (glass mfg.) :CULLET CRUSHER-AND- WASHER (glass mfg.): 570.685-026 06.04.08 Batch Weigher (chem.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 batch weigher and mixer :BATCH TRUCKER reclaim.); 550.686-010 06.04.13 bath attendant :MASSEUR/MASSEUSE (per. ser.): 334.374- 010 09.05.01 bath attendant :RUBBER (per. ser.): 334.677-010 09.05.01 bath-house attendant :MASSEUR/MASSEUSE (per. ser.): 334.374-010 09.05.01 bath mixer :COAGULATING-BATH MIXER (synthetic fibers): 550.684-010 06.04.11 BATH-MIX OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 552.685-018 06.04.11 bath-solution maker :COAGULATING-BATH MIXER (synthetic fibers): 550.684-010 06.04.11 Bat-Lathe Operator (woodworking) :SWING-TYPE-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking): 664.382-010 06.02.03 BATTALION CHIEF (gov. ser.) 373.167-010 04.01.01 batter :BATTER-OUT (pottery & porc.): 575.684-010 06.04.30 Batterboard Setter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 batter depositor :BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.): 526.682- 010 06.02.15 BATTER MIXER (bake. prod.) 520.685-010 06.04.15 BATTER MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-01406.04.15 Batter-Mixer Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 BATTER-OUT (pottery & porc.) 575.684-010 06.04.30 BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.) 526.682-010 06.02.15 battery analyst :STORAGE BATTERY INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.381-022 06.01.05 BATTERY ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 727.684-010 06.02.23 BATTERY ASSEMBLER, PLASTIC (elec. equip.) 727.684- 0 1 4 06.04.23 BATTERY CHARGER (elec. equip.) 727.587-010 06.04.34 battery charger SAFETY-LAMP KEEPER (mining & quarry- ing): 729.684-042 05.09.01 - BATTERY CHARGER, CONVEYOR LINE (elec. equip.) 727.687–026 06.04.34 BATTERY-CHARGER TESTER (elec. equip.) 06.03.02 (rubber 729.684-010 BATTERY-CONTAINER-FINISHING HAND (elec. equip.) 727.687-034 06.04.33 battery-container inspector :INSPECTOR, CONTAINER FINISHING (elec. equip.): 727.687-066 06.03.02 battery-container tester, aluminum :ALUMINUM-CONTAINER TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.687-018 06.03.02 battery filler BATTERY LOADER (textile): 683.686-010 * 06.04.06 battery hand :BATTERY LOADER (textile): 683.686-010 * 06.04.06 BATTERY INSPECTOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r.r. trans.) 829.684-0 1 0 05.10.03 battery loader :BATTERY STACKER (elec. equip.): 727.687- 030 06.04.40 BATTERY LOADER (textile) 683.686-010 06.04.06 Battery Starter (mining & quarrying) BATTERY MAINTAINER, LARGE EMERGENCY STORAGE (light, heat, & power) 820.381-010 05.10.03 BATTERY-PARTS ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 727.687-038 06.04.23 Battery Plate Remover (elec. equip.) :FORMING-PROCESS- LINE WORKER (elec. equip.): 727.687-058 06.04.24 BATTERY RECHARGER (elec. equip.) 727.381-010 06.02.32 BATTERY REPAIRER (any ind.) 727.381-01405.10.03 BATTERY STACKER (elec. equip.) 727.687-030 06.04.40 :CHUTE LOADER (mining & quarrying): 932.687-010 05.12.03 battery tester :BATTERY REPAIRER (any ind.): 727.381-014 05.10.03 BATTERY TESTER (elec. equip.) 727.384-010 06.03.01 battery tester and repairer CELL REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 727.684-018 06.04.34 Battery Tester, Field (elec. equip.) :BATTERY TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.384-010 06.03.01 Battery-Vent-Plug Inserter (elec. equip.) :BATTERY-PARTS ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 727.687-038 06.04.23 BATTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile; waste & batting) 680.585-010 06.04.06 BATTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, board) 677.382-010 06.02.09 BB SHOT PACKER (ammunition) 920.685-018 06.04.38 BEAD BUILDER (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-01 4 06.04.07 BEADER (furn.) 739.687-034 06.04.24 beader tender :DUSTLESS OPERATOR (bone, lampblack): 550.685-058 06.04.19 Bead Filler (rubber tire & tube) :BEAD BUILDER (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-01 4 06.04.07 Bead Flipper (rubber tire & tube) :BEAD BUILDER (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-014 06.04.07 * BEAD-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tube) 692.682-014 06.02.09 Beading-Machine Operator (any ind.) I :FORMING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.482-014 06.02.02 Beading-Machine Operator (any ind.) II :FORMING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-046 06.04.02 BEADING SAWYER (smoking pipe) 667.685-018 06.04.03 BEAD INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 725.687-010 06.03.02 BEAD-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 583.686-010 06.04.05 BEAD MAKER (jewelry) 770.381-010 01.06.02 BEAD PICKER (rubber reclaim.) 551.686-010 06.04.29 BEAD PREPARER (rubber goods) 692.685-022 06.04.07 beadsaw operator :SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 Bead Stringer (elec. equip.) :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 691.685-018 06.04.34 BEAD STRINGER (jewelry) 735.684-010 06.04.34 Bead Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 BEADWORKER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 789.381-010 01.06.03 Bead Wrapper (rubber tire & tube) :BEAD BUILDER (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-01 4 06.04.07 beam doffer :BEAM RACKER (textile): 681.686-010 06.04.05 beam dyer :PACKAGE-DYEING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 BEAM-DYER OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-014 06.04.16 Beam Dyer, Recessed Vat (textile) :BEAM-DYER OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-014 06.04.16 beamer HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-046 06.04.39 BEAMER (textile) 681.585-010 06.04.06 beamer hand :LONG-CHAIN BEAMER (textile): 681.685-058 06.04.06 - BEAMER HELPER (textile) 681.686-014 06.04.06 beam-house inspector :BEAMING INSPECTOR (leather mfg.): 585.687–0 10 06.03.02 INSULATION (build. carbon, & tire & 357 BEAMING INSPECTOR (leather mfg.) 585.687-010 06.03.02 beaming-machine operator :LONG-CHAIN BEAMER (textile): 681.685-058 06.04.06 beam-machine operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Beam-Press Operator (rubber goods) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 BEAM RACKER (textile) 681.686-010 06.04.05 beam warper : BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTOMATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685- 018 06.04.06 BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTOMATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile) 681.685-018 06.04.06 bean dumper :COCOA-BEAN CLEANER (choc. & cocoa): 521.685-066 06.04.15 Bean-Sprout Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, INSIDE (agric.): 405.161-018 03.01.03 Bean-Sprout Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-01403.04.04 bearing inspector TESTER, SOUND (mach. mſg.): 706.382- 01 4 06.03.01 - BEARINGNIZER (auto. mfg.) 603.685-018 06.04.02 Bearing-Press-Machine Operator (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) :ARBOR-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-010 06.02.20 BEARING-RING ASSEMBLER (mach. mſg.) 706.684-038 06.04.23 Bear Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-0 10 03.03.02 beater :PREPARATION-ROOM WORKER (asbestos prod.): 570.686-018 06.04.19 beater :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 BEATER-AND-PULPER FEEDER (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.686-010 06.04.14 BEATER ENGINEER (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.662-010 06.02.18 BEATER-ENGINEER HELPER (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.665-010 06.04.19 - beater, head :SUPERVISOR, BEATER ROOM (paper & pulp): 530. 132-01 4 06.02.01 Beater, Lead (felt goods; paper & pulp) :BEATER ENGINEER (felt goods; paper & pulp): 530.662-010 06.02.18 BEATER OPERATOR (chem.) 555.685-010 06.04.11 beater operator :BEATER ENGINEER (felt goods; paper & pulp): 530.662-010 06.02.18 beater-operator helper :BEATER-ENGINEER HELPER (felt goods; paper & pulp): 530.665-010 06.04.19 beater-out, leveling machine :SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-382 06.04.05 Beating-Machine Operator (fur dressing) WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 beautician :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 beautician apprentice COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (per. ser.): 332.27 1-014 09.02.01 beauty culturist :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 beauty-culturist apprentice COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (per. ser.): 332.27 1-014 09.02.01 beauty operator COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 beauty-operator apprentice COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (per. ser.): 332.27 1-014 09.02.01. Beauty Parlor Cleaner (per. ser.) :CLEANER, HOUSEKEEP- ING (any ind.): 323.687-01405.12.18 Beaver Trapper (hunt. & trap.) :TRAPPER, ANIMAL (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-014 03.04.03 beck tender :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665-014 06.04.16 :FUR-FLOOR BEDDER (pottery & porc.) 573.687-010 06.04.30 BED LASTER (boot & shoe) 690.682-018 06.02.05 BED OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.585-010 06.02.10 BED RUBBER (stonework) 673.685-014 06.02.08 BED SETTER (stonework) 679.664-010 05.12.12 Bedspread Cutter, Hand (house furn.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-01 4 06.02.27 Bedspread Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Bedspread Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 Bedspread Seamer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 Bedspring Assembler (matt. & bedspring) :SPRING ASSEM- BLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 780.684-098 06.04.22 bed washer :CLEANER, FURNITURE (furn.): 709.687-014 06.04.39 bed worker SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-014 03.04.03 bee farmer :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413.161-010 03.01.02 Beef Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 Beef Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) :GRADER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.387-010 06.03.01 Beef-Pluck Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 Beef Ribber (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 beef trimmer SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-106 06.04.28 Beegle-Iron Worker (wood preserving) :ANTICHECKING- IRON WORKER (wood preserving): 563.687-010 06.04.25 BEEKEEPER (agric.) 413.161-010 03.01.02 Bee Producer (agric.) :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 03.01.02 bee raiser :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413.161-010 03.01.02 bee rancher :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413.161-010 03.01.02 Beer-Coil Cleaner (any ind.) :EQUIPMENT CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684-010 06.04.39 beer-still runner compounder :STILL OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 522.382-026 06.02.15 - beeswax bleacher :WAX BLEACHER (chem.); 551.685-158 06.04.11 beeswax blender 06.04.19 beet flumer :FLUMER (sugar) II: 521.686-042 06.04.39 beet flumer :FLUMER (sugar) I: 922.665-010 06.04.40 BELL CAPTAIN (hotel & rest.) 324. 137-014 09.05.03 Bell-Hole Digger (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 - BELLHOP (hotel & rest.) 324.677-010 09.05.03 belling machine operator :EXPANDING MACHINE OPERA- TOR (iron & steel): 617.685-022 06.04.02 BELL MAKER (musical inst.) 730.381-01 4 05.05.12 4 13.1 6 1–010 :WAX BLENDER (candle); 550.585-046 Bell Maker, Sousaphones (musical inst.) :BELL MAKER (musical inst.): 730.381-014 05.05.12 BELL-NECK HAMMERER (musical inst.) 730.684-014 06.04.24 BELLOWS ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.) 710.687-010 06.04.23 bellows assembler :BELLOWS MAKER (photo. apparatus): 714.684-01 4 06.02.32 BELLOWS CHARGER (inst. & app.) I 710.664-010 06.04.36 BELLOWS CHARGER (inst. & app.) II 710.684-01406.04.31 Bellows Maker (musical inst.) :ACCORDION MAKER (musical inst.): 730.281-010 05.05.12 BELLOWS MAKER (photo. apparatus) 714.684-01406.02.32 BELLOWS TESTER (inst. & app.) 710.687-01406.03.02 BELL SPINNER (musical inst.) 619.682-010 06.02.02 358 Bell Spinner, Sousaphones (musical inst.) :BELL SPINNER (musical inst.); 619.682-010 06.02.02 Bell Tier (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 BELLY BUILDER (musical inst.) 730.684-018 06.02.32 Belly Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 151,047-010 01.05.02 Belly Opener (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Belly Packer (slaught. & meat pack.) :DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-026 06.04.28 Belly Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 Belly Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-054 06.04.28 Belly Wringer (leather mfg.) :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 belt-and-link-shop supervisor SUPERVISOR, BELT-AND- LINK ASSEMBLY (ammunition): 737. 137-022 06.02.01 belt back operator :GRINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AU- TOMATIC (button): 690.685-194 06.04.08 Belt Brander (rubber goods) :V-BELT FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.685-454 06.04.07 BELT BUILDER (rubber goods) 752.684-01406.04.29 BELT-BUILDER HELPER (rubber goods) 759.684-018 06.04.29 Belt Cleaner (coke prod.) :CLEANER (any ind.) III: 91 1.687– 01 4 05.12.18 belt conveyor loader :BAKERY WORKER (bake. 929.686-010 * 06.04.38 Belt Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 prod.): BELTING-AND-WEBBING INSPECTOR (narrow fabrics) 683.487-0 1 0 06.03.01 Belting Cutter (leather prod.) :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 Belt-Loop Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Belt-Loop Maker (garment) :FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTO- MATIC (any ind.): 787.685-01406.04.05 BELT MAKER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 06.04.34 BELT-MAKER HELPER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 776.687- 0 1 0 06.04.38 Belt Measurer (rubber goods) :V-BELT FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.685-454 06.04.07 Belt Notcher (rubber goods) goods): 690.685-454 06.04.07 BELT PICKER (mining & quarrying) 939.687-010 05.12.07 BELT-PRESS OPERATOR (rubber goods) I 553.362-010 06.02.13 BELT-PRESS OPERATOR (rubber goods) II 06.04.13 belt puncher :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather 690.685–266 06.04.05 BELT REPAIRER (any ind.) 630.684-01405.12.15 belt roller :LACE-ROLLER OPERATOR (leather 920.685-070 06.04.05 Belt Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, (woodworking): 761.682-01406.02.03 BELT SANDER, STONE (stonework) 673.666-010 06.04.08 belt seamer :GLASS SANDER, BELT (glass prod.; mirror): 775.684-042 06.04.30 belt tender :CONVEYOR TENDER (any ind.): 921.685-026 06.04.40 Belt Turner (garment) 06.04.27 BENCH ASSEMBLER (agric. equip.) 706.684-042 06.04.23 bench assembler :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 776.684-010 :V-BELT FINISHER (rubber 553.665-010 prod.): prod.): MACHINE :TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 bench assembler :ASSEMBLER, SMALL PARTS (any ind.): 706.684-022 * 06.04.23 bench assembler :INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE SUB- ASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 bench assembler, battery :PLATE ASSEMBLER, SMALL BAT- TERY (elec. equip.): 727.684-026 06.02.23 bench assembler, electrical :INSTRUMENT-PANEL ASSEM- BLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.684-066 06.02.22 bench assembler, electrical :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL WIRE GROUP (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 728.384-010 06.02.23 bench assembler, hydraulics :PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 bench-assembler operator ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PENCILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil): 733.687-01 4 06.04.23 bench-assembler operator :DESK-PEN-SET ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil): 733.687-034 06.04.23 bench-boring-machine operator :GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 733.685-018 06.04.09 BENCH CARPENTER (woodworking) 760.684-010 06.04.25 bench die maker :DIE MAKER, BENCH, STAMPING (mach. shop): 601.281-010 05.05.07 BENCH GRINDER (any ind.) 705.684-010 06.04.24 BENCH HAND (bake. prod.) 520.384-010 06.02.28 BENCH HAND (clock & watch) 715.684-026 06.04.23 BENCH HAND (furn.) 706.381-014 06.02.24 - bench hand :CHARGER (jewelry) II: 700.687-026 06.04.23 bench hand :PREPARER (jewelry): 700.687-062 06.04.24 BENCH HAND (jewelry) 735.381-010 06.01.04 bench hand :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 BENCH HAND (motor. & bicycles) 706.684-046 06.04.22 Bench-Hand Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 bench hand, machine :SWEET-GOODS-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (bake. prod.): 520.685-214 06.04.15 bench inspector :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684- 0 1 0 06.03.02 bench-lathe operator :ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 604.380-018 06.01.03 Bench-Lay-Out Technician (optical goods) :LAY-OUT TECHNICIAN (optical goods): 716.381-014 06.01.04 bench-machinist, jigs-and-fixtures :FORM BUILDER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 693.280-010 05.05.07 BENCH-MOLDER APPRENTICE (jewelry) 06.02.24 bench-press operator :KICK-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-026 06.02.20 bench-press operator ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 690.685-014 06.04.20 BENCH-SHEAR OPERATOR (furn.) 703.684-010 06.02.25 518.38 1-0 1 0 bench worker :JEWELER (jewelry): 700.281-010 01.06.02 bench worker :BENCH HAND (jewelry): 735.381-010 06.01.04 BENCH WORKER (optical goods) 713.684-018 06.04.24 BENCH WORKER (spring) 616.485-010 06.02.02 bench-worker apprentice :JEWELER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 700.281-01 4 01.06.02 BENCH WORKER, HOLLOW HANDLE (silverware) 700.687- 0 1 0 06.04.23 BEN-DAY ARTIST (print. & pub.) 970.681-010 01.06.03 bender ARBORER (jewelry): 700.684-010 06.04.24 Bender (sports equip.) :BENDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685-01 4 06.04.03 Bender, Armature Coil (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 bender, hand :TUBE BENDER, HAND (any ind.) I: 709.684- 090 06.02.24 BENDER, HAND (woodworking) 769.684-018 06.04.25 BENDER, MACHINE (paper goods) 641.685-010 06.04.04 359 BENDER, MACHINE (woodworking) 569.685-014 06.04.03 BENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 617.482-010 06.02.02 BENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 617.685-010 06.04.02 bending-machine operator :BENDER, MACHINE (paper goods): 641.685-010 06.04.04 Bending-Machine-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-014 06.04.24 bending-press operator :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 06.02.02 bending-press operator :BENDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685-01 4 06.04.03 bending-roll operator 619.362-01 4 05.05.06 bend sorter :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 bend trimmer TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 beneficiary-change clerk :POLICY-CHANGE (insurance): 219.362-042 07.02.02 Benefits Clerk (clerical) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 benzene operator :BENZENE-WASHER OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.); 551.682-010 06.02.11 Benzene-Still Utility Operator (chem.) :UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) I: 559.682-066 06.02.11 BENZENE-WASHER OPERATOR 551.682-0 1 0 06.02.11 benzol operator :BENZENE-WASHER OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.); 551.682-010 06.02.11 :ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: CLERK (chem.; coke prod.) berry grower :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-01 4 03.01.01 Bessemer-Bottom Maker (iron & steel) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381- 026 05.05.01 Bet Taker (amuse. & rec.) :CASHIER, GAMBLING (amuse. & rec.): 211.462-022 07.03.01 BEVELER (asbestos prod.) 673.685-022 06.04.08 beveler :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 BEVELER (clock & watch) 715.684-030 06.02.24 beveler :GLAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass 573.685-018 06.04.13 beveler : BEVELING-AND-EDGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.682-01406.02.08 BEVELER (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-010 06.02.30 BEVELER (glass prod.) 673.685-018 06.04.08 BEVELER (stonework) 771.484-010 06.02.30 bevel-gear-generator operator :GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERATOR, STRAIGHT BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382- 018 06.02.02 BEVELING-AND-EDGING-MACHINE OPERATOR mfg.; mirror) 673.682-01406.02.08 BEVELING-AND-EDGING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.686-010 06.04.08 beveling-machine operator :BEVELING-AND-EDGING- MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.682-014 06.02.08 - BEVELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 690.686-010 06.04.05 Beveling-Machine-Operator Helper (glass mfg.; :BEVELING-AND-EDGING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.686-010 06.04.08 BEVEL POLISHER (clock & watch) 603.685-022 06.02.02 beverage-inspection-machine tender :BOTTLED-BEVERAGE INSPECTOR (flav. ext. & sirup; malt liquors; vinous liquors): 529.685-026 06.03.02 Bezel Cutter (jewelry) :BRILLIANDEER-LOPPER (jewelry): 770.261-010 05.05.14 mfg.): (glass mirror) Bias-Binding Cutter (trim. & embroid.) :STRIP-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 bias-binding folder TAPE-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; trim. & embroid.): 689.685-134 06.04.05 bias-cutting-machine operator :BIAS-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube): 690.682-022 06.02.09 BIAS-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & embroid.) 686.682-01 4 06.02.05 Bias-Cutting-Machine Operator, Vertical (rubber tire & tube) :BIAS-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube): 690.682-022 06.02.09 BIAS-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube) 690.682- 022 06.02.09 BIAS-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber tire & tube) 690.686–01 4 06.04.07 Biazzi-Nitrator Operator (explosives) :NITRATOR OPERATOR (explosives): 558.382-046 06.02.11 BIBLIOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 100.367-010 11.02.04 bicycle mechanic :BICYCLE REPAIRER (any ind.): 639.681- 0 1 0 05.10.02 BICYCLE-RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.) 295.467-010 09.04.02 BICYCLE REPAIRER (any ind.) 639.681-010 05.10.02 Bicycle, Subassembler (motor. & bicycles) :ASSEMBLER, BICYCLE (motor. & bicycles) II: 806.687-010 06.04.22 bid clerk :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367-066 07.01.02 Bight Maker (floor covering, n.e.c.) :STOVE-CARRIAGE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.662-022 06.02.18 Bill Adjuster (clerical) :CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 Billboard-Erector Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 bill clerk :BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 214.482-010 07.06.02 bill collector :COLLECTOR (clerical): 241.367-010 07.03.01 bill cutter :STOCK CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-018 06.02.03 biller :BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 214.482- 0 1 0 07.06.02 - BILLET ASSEMBLER (chem.) 614.684-010 06.02.22 billet header :INGOT HEADER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 514.584-010 06.04.10 Billet Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 Billiard-Table Repairer (ret. tr.; sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD-TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 Billing Checker (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 - billing clerk :BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 214.482-010 07.06.02 billing clerk :BILLING TYPIST 07.02.04 BILLING-CONTROL CLERK (light, heat, & power) 214.387- 0 1 0 07.02.04 BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 07.06.02 billing supervisor SUPERVISOR, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (light, heat, & power; waterworks): 214. 137-022 07.02.02 BILLING TYPIST (clerical) 214.382-014 07.02.04 Bill-of-Lading Clerk (clerical) :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 214.382-01 4 07.02.04 BILLPOSTER (any ind.) 299.667-010 05.12.12 BILLPOSTER (bus. ser.) 841.684-010 05.12.14 bill-preparation clerk :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 214.382- 0 1 4 07.02.04 - Bill Recapitulation Clerk (light, heat, & power) :ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 Bill Sorter (clerical) :SORTER (clerical): 209.687–022 * 07.07.02 (clerical): (clerical): 214.382-014 (clerical) 214.482-010 360 BIN CLEANER (grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 529.687-014 06.04.39 BINDER (any ind.) 787.682-010 06.02.05 binder :LACER AND TIER (elec. equip.): 06.04.23 binder :CRIMPER (rubber goods): 690.686-026 06.04.07 724.687-010 binder :BUNCH MAKER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684-010 06.04.28 binder :TYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, LUMBER (woodworking): 929.685-018 06.04.38 BINDER AND BOX BUILDER (textile) 628.684-010 06.04.34 BINDER-AND-WRAPPER PACKER (tobacco) 922.687-014 06.04.38 Binder Caser (tobacco) 522.687–026 06.04.28 BINDER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-034 06.02.05 BINDER, COVERSTITCH (garment) 786.682-038 BINDER CUTTER, HAND (tobacco) 521.687-014 06.04.28 binder fixer :BINDER AND BOX BUILDER (textile): 628.684- 0 1 0 06.04.34 BINDER LAYER (tobacco) 529.685-018 06.04.15 BINDER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-042 06.02.05 binder operator STRIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.685-090 06.04.04 binder roller :BUNCH MAKER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684- 0 1 0 06.04.28 BINDER SELECTOR (tobacco) 521.687-018 06.03.02 binder sorter :BINDER SELECTOR (tobacco): 521.687-018 06.03.02 Binder Stripper, Hand (tobacco) (tobacco): 521.687-134 * 06.04.28 Binder Stripper, Machine (tobacco) :STEMMER, MACHINE (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 BINDER TECHNICIAN (glass mfg.) 550.585-010 06.04.11 bindery chief SUPERVISOR, BINDERY (print. & pub.): 653. 131-0 1 0 06.02.01 bindery cutter :BOOK TRIMMER (print. & pub.): 640.685-010 06.04.04 bindery operator :BINDERY WORKER (print. 653.685-010 * 06.04.04 BINDERY WORKER (paper goods) 649.685-018 06.04.04 BINDERY WORKER (print. & pub.) 653.685-010 * 06.04.04 Binding Cementer, French Cord (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Binding Cutter (garment; textile) :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 Binding Cutter (hat & cap) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 BINDING CUTTER, SYNTHETIC CLOTH 699.682-0 1 0 06.02.05 binding-end stitcher BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 BINDING FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 788.684-018 06.04.27 binding-machine operator :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 Binding Nicker (boot & 690,685-298 06.04.05 BINDING PRINTER (textile) 652.685-01 4 06.04.05 Binding Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 BIN FILLER (tobacco) 922.687-010 06.04.38 Binitrotoluene Operator (explosives) :NITRATOR OPERATOR (explosives): 558.382-046 06.02.11 bin packer :BIN FILLER (tobacco): 922.687-010 06.04.38 bin piler :PLEATER (textile): 589.685-074 06.04.16 BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-026 02.02.03 BIOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 052.067-010 01.01.02 BIOLOGICAL AIDE (agric.) 049.384-010 02.04.02 :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): :STEMMER, HAND & pub.): (house furn.) shoe) :NICKER (boot & shoe): BIOLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 143.362- 0 1 0 (02.04.02 biological-plant operator :FERMENTATION OPERATOR (chem.); 558.682-018 06.02.11 BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-030 * BIOLOGY SPECIMEN TECHNICIAN (profess. 041.381-010 02.04.02 biomedical electronics technician :BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 019.261-010 02.04.02 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.061-010 02.02.01 biomedical engineering technician MENT TECHNICIAN (profess. 02.04.02 BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (inst. & app.; medical ser.) 719.261-010 05.05.11 BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 0.19.261-010 02.04.02 BIOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-034 02.02.03 BIRD-CAGE ASSEMBLER (wirework) 709.684-026 06.04.23 Bird Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-0 10 03.03.02 BIRTH ATTENDANT (medical ser.) 354.377-010 10.03.02 biscuit-machine operator :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 biscuit packer :BAKERY WORKER (bake. prod.): 929.686-010 * 06.04.38 BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010 06.04.30 bisque finisher :BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-010 06.04.30 BISQUE GRADER (pottery & porc.) 774.687-010 06.03.02 bisque grader :BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.684- 0 1 0 06.04.30 Bisque-Kiln Drawer (pottery & porc.) (pottery & porc.): 573.667-010 06.04.17 Bisque-Kiln Placer (pottery & porc.) :KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.): 573.686-026 * 06.04.17 Bisque-Tile Burner (brick & tile) :TUNNEL-KILN OPERATOR (brick & tile): 573.382-018 06.02.17 BIT BENDER (smoking pipe) 752.684-018 06.04.02 BITE-BLOCK MAKER (medical ser.) 712.684-014 06.02.23 bit grinder :BIT SHARPENER (any ind.): 603.685-026 06.02.02 bit grinder :BIT-SHARPENER OPERATOR (mining & quarry- ing): 603.685-030 05.12.02 Bit Sander (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684- 030 06.04.34 bit setter ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687-014 06.04.23 BIT SHARPENER (any ind.) 603.685-026 06.02.02 BIT-SHARPENER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying.) 603.685- 030 05.12.02 BIT SHAVER (smoking pipe) 754.684-018 06.04.34 Bit Tripoler (smoking pipe) :BUFFER (smoking pipe): 739.684- 026 06.04.34 bituminous-distributor operator :ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 853.663-018 05.11.01 bituminous-paving-machine operator :ASPHALT-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 BLACK-ASH-BURNER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 553.682- 0 1 0 06.02.14 Black-Ash Worker (paint & varn.) :LABORER, GENERAL (paint & varn.); 559.685-1 10 06.04.11 blackener SPRAYER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 599.685-094 06.04.21 blacking-machine operator :SPRAYER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 599.685-094 06.04.21 Blacking-Wheel Tender (leather mfg.) :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 & kin.) :BIOMEDICAL EQUIP- & kin.): 019.261-010 :KILN DRAWER 361 Black-Leather Buffer (leather mfg.) (leather mfg.): 585.685-018 06.04.16 Black-Leather Trimmer (leather mfg.) TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 BLACK-MILL OPERATOR (bone, 553.665-01 4 06.04.19 BLACKSMITH (forging) 610.381-010 05.05.06 BLACKSMITH APPRENTICE (forging) 610.381-01405.05.06 Blacksmith, Farm (agric.) :BLACKSMITH (forging): 610.381- 010 05.05.06 blacksmith, hammer operator :DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 BLACKSMITH HELPER (forging) 610.684-010 05.12.10 blacksmith, machine :DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 blacksmith supervisor :FORGE-SHOP SUPERVISOR (forging): 612. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 blacktop-paver operator :ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 blacktop spreader :ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 Bladder Changer (rubber tire & tube) :CURING-PRESS MAIN- TAINER (rubber tire & tube): 629.684-010 05.12.15 Bladder Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 blade aliner :FAN-BLADE ALINER (elec. equip.): 706.687- 018 06.04.24 BLADE BALANCER (agric. equip.) 701.687-014 06.03.02 Blade Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 blade-grader operator :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 BLADE GROOVER (cut. & tools) 705.582-010 06.04.24 BLANCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 523.685-01 4 06.04.15 blanching-machine operator :PEANUT BLANCHER (nut process.): 521.685–246 06.04.15 . Blankbook Forwarder (print. & pub.) :FORWARDER (print. & pub.): 794.687-026 06.04.26 blankbook-stitching-machine operator :BOOK-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) I: 653.685-014 06.02.04 - blankbook-stitching-machine operator :BOOK-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) II; 653.682-010 06.02.09 blank driller :STAB SETTER AND DRILLER (cut. & tools): 709.684-082 06.02.02 blanker operator TAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-1 18 06.04.37 - blanker-press operator :PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-026 06.02.04 Blanket Binder (house furn.) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 Blanket Cutter, Hand (house furn.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-01406.02.27 BLANKET-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 689.585-010 06.04.05 Blanket Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-01406.04.27 Blanket Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 - Blanket-Machine Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :HONEYCOMB-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 BLANKET WASHER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.687-010 06.04.27 . BLANKET-WINDER HELPER (paper goods) 641.686-010 06.04.04 - BLANKET-WINDER OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.682-010 06.02.04 :BUFFER, MACHINE carbon, & lampblack) BLASTER (any ind.) 859.261-010 05.10.06 BLASTER (mining & quarrying) 93.1.261-010 05.10.06 blaster :STENCIL CUTTER (stonework): 77.1.281-010 01.06.01 BLASTER HELPER (any ind.) 859.687-010 05.12.02 BLAST-FURNACE KEEPER (iron & steel) 502.664-010 06.04.10 BLAST-FURNACE-KEEPER HELPER (iron & steel) 502.687– 0 1 0 06.04.10 BLASTING-CAP ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 06.04.23 BLEACH-BOILER FILLER (paper & pulp) 533.685-010 06.04.14 bleach-boiler packer :BLEACH-BOILER FILLER (paper & pulp): 533.685-010 06.04.14 Bleach-Boiler Puller (paper & pulp) :LABORER, RAGS (paper & pulp): 539.587-010 06.04.40 Bleach Chlorinator (chem.) :CHLORINATOR OPERATOR (chem.); 558.382-030 06.02.11 bleacher :BOTTOM BLEACHER (boot & shoe): 788.687-014 06.04.33 bleacher :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 bleacher :PACKAGE-DYEING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 Bleacher, Groundwood Pulp (paper & pulp) :BLEACHER, PULP (paper & pulp): 533.362-010 06.02.14 Bleacher, Kraft Pulp (paper & pulp) :BLEACHER, PULP (paper & pulp): 533.362-010 06.02.14 - BLEACHER, LARD (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-026 06.04.15 BLEACHER OPERATOR (chem.; soap) 558.685-018 06.04.11 BLEACHER, PULP (paper & pulp) 533.362-010 06.02.14 Bleacher, Sulfite Pulp (paper & pulp) :BLEACHER, PULP (paper & pulp): 533.362-010 06.02.14 Bleaching Supervisor (fur dressing) :DYE-HOUSE SUPER- VISOR (fur dressing): 582. 131-010 06.02.01 BLEACH-LIQUOR MAKER (paper & pulp) 550.662-010 06.02.14 BLEACH PACKER (chem.) 558.687-010 06.04.11 BLEACH-RANGE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-018 06.04.16 BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & shoe) 788.684-022 06.04.33 BLENDER (bake. prod.) 520.585-010 06.04.15 blender :SLATE MIXER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 06.04.08 blender :BLENDING-TANK TENDER (can. & preserv.; flav. ext. & sirup): 520.685-030 06.04.15 blender :MIXER OPERATOR (chem.); 550.685-082 06.04.11 BLENDER (coal tar prod.) 550.685-01406.04.11 blender :PULVERIZER (coal tar prod.); 555.685-046 06.04.11 BLENDER (explosives) 550.665-010 06.04.11 Blender (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics mat.); 550.485-014 06.04.13 blender :FLOUR BLENDER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-106 06.04.15 blender :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685-062 06.04.06 blender :MIXER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 510.685- 018 06.04.10 Blender (oils & fats) :HYDROGENATION OPERATOR (oils & fats): 529.382-026 06.02.15 blender :MIXER (paint & varn.); 550.685-078 06.04.11 blender THINNER (paint & varn.): 550.585-038 06.04.11 BLENDER (petrol. refin.) 540.462-010 06.02.12 blender :BATCH MIXER (soap): 550.685-010 06.04.19 BLENDER (tobacco) 520.387-010 06.03.01 BLENDER-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 529.685- 022 06.04.15 BLENDER HELPER (fabric. 550.586-010 06.04.40 737.687-0 18 570.685-094 :MIXING- prod.; plastics plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 362 blender helper :FLOUR-BLENDER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686.022 06.04.15 BLENDER LABORER (tobacco) 520.687-010 06.04.40 BLENDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (oils & fats) 520.685-018 06.04.15 blender operator :PICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 680.685-082 06.04.06 Blender Operator (brick & tile) :MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 blender operator :MIXER OPERATOR (explosives): 550.382- 018 06.02.18 blender operator 06.04.11 BLENDER, SNUFF (tobacco) 520.685-022 06.04.15 blending-kettle tender :BLENDING-TANK TENDER (can. & preserv.; flav. ext. & sirup): 520.685-030 06.04.15 BLENDING-LINE ATTENDANT (tobacco) 520.685-026 06.04.15 Blending-Machine Feeder (asbestos prod.) :PREPARATION- ROOM WORKER (asbestos prod.): 570.686-018 06.04.19 blending-machine operator :MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom): 680.685-066 06.04.09 BLENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 522.685- 010 06.04.15 - BLENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 680.685-010 06.04.06 BLENDING-PLANT OPERATOR (oils & fats) 520.682-010 06.02.15 BLENDING SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.) 520. 132-010 06.04.15 BLENDING SUPERVISOR (tobacco) 520. 136-010 06.04.15 BLENDING-TANK TENDER (can. & preserv.; flav. ext, & sirup) 520.685-030 06.04.15 BLIND AIDE (per. ser.) 359.573-010 10.03.03 Blind Eyeletter (boot & shoe) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 Blind Hooker (boot & shoe) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 BLIND-SLAT-STAPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plan. mill) 669,685-018 06.04.20 BLINDSTITCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682- 046 06.02.05 BLINTZE ROLLER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.687-014 06.04.28 Blister-Packing-Machine Tender (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 block and case maker :MOLD MAKER (pottery & porc.): 777.68 1-0 1 0 06.02.30 Block Breaker (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 BLOCK-BREAKER OPERATOR (explosives) 06.04.11 block chopper, hand :WOOD HACKER (match; paper & pulp): 569.687–026 06.04.25 Block Cleaner (clock & watch) :WASHER (clock & watch): 715.687-126 06.04.39 Block Cuber (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 block cutter :ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. & pub.): 979.281- 0 1 4 01.06.01 blocker :PRESSER, FORM (any ind.): 363.685-018 06.04.35 BLOCKER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) 689.685-014 06.04.05 BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.) 363.684-010 06.02.27 BLOCKER (clock & watch) 715.684-034 06.02.24 BLOCKER (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-026 06.04.08 :BLENDER (explosives): 550.665-010 555.686-010 Blocker (jewelry) :BRILLIANDEER-LOPPER (jewelry): 770.261-0 1 0 05.05.14 blocker :MOLD MAKER (pottery & porc.): 777.681-010 06.02.30 BLOCKER (print. & pub.) I 979.682-010 06.02.09 BLOCKER (print. & pub.) II 971.684-010 06.03.02 BLOCKER (trim. & embroid.) 920.685-022 06.04.38 BLOCKER AND CUTTER, CONTACT LENS (optical goods) 716.681-010 06.01.04 BLOCKER AND POLISHER, GOLD WHEEL (clock & watch) 715.381-034 06.01.04 blocker and sewer :FOUNDATION 739.384-01 4 06.02.27 BLOCKER, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-030 06.04.08 BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) I 580.684-010 06.02.27 BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II 580.684-01406.04.27 BLOCKER, HAND (optical goods) 716.684-010 06.02.30 blocker, heated metal-forms :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) I: 580.684-010 06.02.27 BLOCKER, METAL BASE (print. 05.10.05 blocker, polishing :BLOCKER (clock & watch): 715.684-034 06.02.24 BLOCK FEEDER (match) 663.686-010 06.04.03 block hacker :WOOD HACKER (match; paper & pulp): 569.687–026 06.04.25 blocking-machine operator :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 Blocking-Machine Operator, Second (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 BLOCKING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods) 716.685-010 06.04.08 BLOCK INSPECTOR (match) 739.687-038 06.03.02 block maker :BLOCK-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.): 575.685-01406.04.19 block maker :ROCK SPLITTER (stonework): 05.12.07 BLOCK-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 575.685-01 4 06.04.19 BLOCK-PRESS OPERATOR 06.04.11 block-press operator :COMPRESSOR OPERATOR production): 559.685-038 06.04.11 BLOCK SEALER (auto. mfg.) 599.685-010 06.04.02 Block Setter, Gypsum (const.) :BRICKLAYER 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 BLOCK-SPLITTER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 663.685-010 06.04.03 block tester TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.384-026 06.03.01 block trimmer TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 blood-bank-booking clerk :CALENDAR-CONTROL CLERK, BLOOD BANK (medical ser.): 245.367-018 07.05.01 Blood-Bank Technician (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-LABORA- MAKER (hairwork): & pub.) 974.682-010 771.684-010 (conc. prod.) (explosives) 556.685-014 (salt (const.): TORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 0.78.381-014 * 02.04.01 - Blood-Bank Technologist (medical ser.) :MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.361-014 * BLOOD-DONOR RECRUITER (medical ser.) 293.357-010 11.09.02 BLOOD-DONOR-UNIT ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 245.36.7- 0 1 4 07.04.01 BLOOD TESTER, FOWL (agric.) 4.11.364-010 03.04.05 Blooming-Mill Recorder (iron & steel) :RECORDER (iron & steel): 221.367–050 05.09.02 blower :GLASS BLOWER (glass mfg.): 772.681-010 06.01.04 blower :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685-046 06.04.06 blower :FUR BLOWER (ret. tr.): 369.685-010 06.04.39 blower :STUFFER (toys & games): 731.685-014 06.04.34 BLOWER AND COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLER (mach, mſg.) 801.361-010 06.02.22 363 blower, blast furnace :SUPERVISOR, BLAST FURNACE (iron & steel): 519. 132-010 06.04.01 BLOWER FEEDER, DYED RAW STOCK (textile) 581.686- 010 06.04.40 BLOWER INSULATOR (loco. & car blåg. & rep.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 863.664-0 1 0 05.12.14 blower-room attendant :VENTILATION TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 Blow-Machine Tender, Starch Spraying (textile) :SPRAY- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-138 06.04.16 BLOW-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.682-010 * 06.02.13 Blow-Off Worker (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 BLOW-OFF WORKER (furn.) 763.687-0 10 06.04.39 BLOW-PIT HELPER (paper & pulp) 533.686-010 06.04.14 BLOW-PIT OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 533.665-010 06.04.14 BLOW-UP OPERATOR (sugar) 529.485-014 06.02.15 Blueberry Grower (agric.) :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-01403.01.01 Blue-Leather Setter (leather mfg.) :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 Blue-Leather Sorter (leather mfg.) :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-010 06.03.01 blue-line hanger :LABORER, GENERAL (leather 589.686–026 06.04.27 blue-line operator :BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 979.682-014 05.10.05 blue-line trimmer TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684- 0 1 0 06.04.27 blueprint assembler :BLUEPRINT TRIMMER (any 920.687-038 06.04.26 BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 979.682- 01 4 05.10.05 blueprint maker :BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 979.682-01405.10.05 Blueprint-Paper-Coating-Machine Operator (photo. apparatus) :PAPER-COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (photo. ap- paratus): 534.582-010 06.02.14 BLUEPRINT TRIMMER (any ind.) 920.687-038 06.04.26 Bluer (firearms):DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 Blue-Split Trimmer (leather mfg.) TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 bluing-oven tender HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 Blunger Loader (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * blunger-machine operator :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pot- tery & porc.): 570.482-010 06.04.17 BOARD ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 249.587-010 09.05.05 Board-Drop-Hammer Operator (forging) :DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 boarder :BOARDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 589.685-010 * 06.04.16 boarder :SOCK BOARDER (hosiery): 589.686-042 06.04.16 boarder :PRESS HAND (knit goods): 583.687-010 06.04.27 EQUIPMENT mfg.): ind.): (hosiery): boarder, hand :SOCK BOARDER (hosiery): 589.686-042 06.04.16 boarder, machine :BOARDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 589.685-010 * 06.04.16 boarder, steam :SOCK BOARDER (hosiery): 589.686-042 06.04.16 boarder tender :SOCK BOARDER (hosiery): 589.686-042 06.04.16 BOARDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery) 589.685-010 * 06.04.16 Board Layer (wood. box) :BOX-BLANK-MACHINE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (wood. box): 669.686-014 06.04.20 BOARD-LINER OPERATOR (wood. box) 641.685-014 06.04.20 Board-Lining-Machine Operator (paper goods) :CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.562-010 * 06.02.04 BOARD-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR 579.380-0 1 0 06.01.03 boat accessories installer :BOAT RIGGER (ret. tr.; ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.464-010 05.10.01 boat bottomer OVERLAY PLASTICIAN (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.684-106 06.02.24 BOAT BUFFER, PLASTIC (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 849.684- 0 1 0 06.04.24 BOATBUILDER APPRENTICE, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.381-01405.05.02 º BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.381- 018 05.05.02 \ BOAT-CANVAS MAKER-INSTALLER (canvas goods) 789.261-010 05.05.15 Boat Cleaner (coke prod.) :CLEANER (any ind.) III: 91 1.687- 0 1 4 05.12.18 BOAT DISPATCHER (water trans.) 184.167-010 07.05.01 boat garnisher :BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484-01 4 05.10.01 BOAT-HOIST OPERATOR (ret. tr.) 921.683-010 05.11.04 BOAT-HOIST-OPERATOR HELPER (ret. tr.) 921.667-010 05.12.04 boat joiner :JOINER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860.381-050 05.05.02 BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I 91 1.364-01 4 05.12.06 BOAT LOADER (water trans.) II 921.685-010 05.12.04 BOAT-LOADER HELPER (water trans.) 9 11.687-010 05.12.06. boat mechanic :MOTORBOAT MECHANIC (engine & turbine; ship & boat blog. & rep.); 623.281-038 05.05.09 BOAT-OAR MAKER (woodworking) 761.381-010 06.02.25 BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.484-014 05.10.01 BOAT PATCHER, PLASTIC (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 807.684-01 4 06.02.24 boat puller :HULL AND DECK REMOVER (auto. mfg.; ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 809.667-010 06.04.34 boat puller :COAL TRIMMER (water trans.): 91 1.687-018 05.12.04 BOAT-RENTAL CLERK 09.04.02 BOAT REPAIRER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 807.361-014 05.05.02 boat-ride operator :WHARF ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 342.667-010 09.04.02 BOAT RIGGER (ret. tr.; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.464- 0 1 0 05.10.01 BOATSWAIN (water trans.) 9 11.131-010 05.12.18 Boat-Tank Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :WHARF ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 342.667-010 09.04.02 Boat Tender (logging) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 911.663-010 05.08.04 Boat Worker (sawmill) :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; saw- mill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 boat wrapper :VENEER STAPLER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 869.684-078 06.04.25 BOBBIN CLEANER, HAND (any ind.) 689.687-01406.04.39 BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 689.686-014 06.04.06 Bobbin-Coil Winder (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 BOBBIN DISKER (glass mfg.) 734.687-022 06.04.23 Bobbin Drier (synthetic fibers) :DRIER OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 581.685-018 06.04.16 bobbin fixer :YARN CLEANER (any 06.03.02 (build. board) (amuse. & rec.) 295.467-014 ind.): 681.687–026 Bobbin Handler (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * BOBBIN INSPECTOR (woodworking) 769.687-01406.03.02 BOBBIN PRESSER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-018 06.04.19 bobbin salvager :BOBBIN SORTER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 922.687-018 06.03.02 BOBBIN SORTER (glass mfg.; 922.687-018 06.03.02 BOBBIN STRIPPER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-022 06.04.05 bobbin-stripper :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-014 06.04.06 Bobbin Washer (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 bobbin winder :SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire; wirework): 691.685-026 06.04.02 Bobbin Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 BOBBIN WINDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 681.685-022 06.04.05 BOBBIN WINDER, MACHINE (cord. & 681.585-01 4 06.04.06 BOBBIN WINDER, SEWING MACHINE (textile) 681.685-026 06.04.05 BOBBIN-WINDER TENDER 06.04.02 body builder :TRUCK-BODY BUILDER (auto. mfg.; auto. ser.): 807.281-010 05.05.06 Body Coverer (mort. goods) goods): 780.684-026 06.04.27 body-die maker :DIE MAKER, STAMPING (mach. shop): 601.280-0 10 05.05.07 body finisher :HAT FINISHER (hat & cap): 589.685-062 06.04.16 BODYGUARD (per. ser.) 372.667-014 04.02.02 body-line finisher :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 Body Maker (mort. goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 body maker :SOCKET PULLER (musical inst.): 730.682-010 06.02.02 synthetic fibers; textile) twine; textile) (glass mfg.) 619.685-022 :CASKET COVERER (mort. Body Maker (tinware) :MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 616.685-042 * 06.04.02 BODY-MAKER-MACHINE SETTER (tinvare) 616.360-010 06.01.02 BODY-MAKE-UP ARTIST (amuse. & 333.27 1-0 1 0 01.06.02 body masker :MASKER (any ind.): 749.687-018 06.04.34 Body Presser (laund.) :SHIRT PRESSER (laund.): 363.685-026 * 06.04.35 body repairer, bus :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 body-rolling-machine tender :PAPER-CONE-MACHINE TENDER (paper goods): 641.685-062 06.04.04 body silencer :DEADENER (auto. mfg.): 845.687-010 06.04.33 Body Trimmer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERER (auto. ser.): 780.381-010 05.05.15 BODY WIRER (auto. mfg.; trans. 05.05.05 boiler CANDY MAKER (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 BOILER (soap) 553.382-01406.02.18 Boiler Cleaner (any ind.) :TANK CLEANER (any 891.687-022 05.12.18 boiler cleaner, chief :BOILERHOUSE INSPECTOR (any ind.): 805.667-0 1 0 05.07.01 BOILERHOUSE INSPECTOR (any ind.) 805.667-010 05.07.01 BOILERHOUSE MECHANIC (any ind.) 805.361-010 05.05.06 boilerhouse operator :BOILER OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-0 1 0 05.06.02 rec.; motion pic.) equip.) 829.684-014 ind.): boilerhouse supervisor STATIONARY-ENGINEER SUPER- VISOR (any ind.): 950.131-01405.06.02 BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) I 805.261-014 * 05.05.06 BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) II 805.381-010 05.05.06 BOILERMAKER APPRENTICE (boilermaking) 805.261-010 05.05.06 boilermaker, assembly and erection :BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) I: 805.261-014 * 05.05.06 Boilermaker, Central Steam Plant (boilermaking) :BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) II: 805.381-010 05.05.06 BOILERMAKER FITTER (boilermaking) 805.361-014 05.05.06 BOILERMAKER HELPER (boilermaking) I 805.687-010 05.12.12 - BOILERMAKER HELPER (boilermaking) II 805.664-010 05.12.12 Boilermaker, Industrial Boilers (boilermaking) :BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) II: 805.381-010 05.05.06 Boilermaker Layer-Out (boilermaking; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.): 601.381-038 05.05.07 boilermaker mechanic 805.38 1-0 10 05.05.06 Boilermaker, Ship (boilermaking) (boilermaking) II: 805.381-010 05.05.06 boiler mechanic :BOILERHOUSE MECHANIC (any 805.361-010 05.05.06 BOILER OPERATOR (any ind.) 950.382-010 05.06.02 boiler operator :FIRER, LOW PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685- 0 1 4 05.06.02 - boiler-operator helper :BOILER-ROOM HELPER (any ind.): 950,685-01 4 05.06.02 BOILER-OUT (jewelry) 700.687-01406.04.33 BOILER RELINER, PLASTIC BLOCK (found.) 849.484-010 05.10.01 boiler-room helper :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 BOILER-ROOM HELPER (any ind.) 950.685-01405.06.02 Boiler-Shop Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-01405.10.01 - boiler tender :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685- 0 1 0 05.06.02 Boiler-Tube Blower (any ind.) :TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687-030 05.12.18 Boiler-Tube Reamer (any ind.) :TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687-030 05.12.18 Boiling-Off Winder (textile) :CLOTH WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 BOILING-TUB OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-01 4 06.04.11 BOIL-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile) 582.685- 022 06.04.16 Bologna Lacer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING THER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 bolter :BLENDER (bake. prod.): 520.585-010 06.04.15 BOLTER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-030 06.04.15 BOLTER (sawmill) 667.685-022 06.04.03 bolter helper :FLOUR-BLENDER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686-022 06.04.15 - BOLTER HELPER (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-010 06.04.15 bolting-machine operator :ROOF BOLTER (mining & quarry- ing): 930.683-026 05.11.02 - BOLT LOADER (sawmill) 922.687-022 06.04.40 Bolt-Machine Operator (nut & bolt) :MULTI-OPERATION- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 612.462-010 06.01.03 bolt sawyer :STAVE-SAW OPERATOR (cooperage): 667.685- 062 06.04.03 - bolt sawyer :BOLTER (sawmill): 667.685-022 06.04.03 Bolt-Threading-Machine Operator (mach. shop) :THREADING- MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 604.682-014 06.02.02 - :BOILERMAKER (boilermaking) II: :BOILERMAKER ind.): 365 Bolt-Up Worker (spring) 706.684-090 06.04.22 Bomb-Disposal Specialist (gov. ser.) :ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.): 632.261-018 05.10.02 BOMB LOADER (ammunition) 737.684-014 06.02.22 Bombsight Specialist (gov. ser.) :AIRCRAFT-ARMAMENT MECHANIC (gov. ser.): 632.261-010 05.05.10 Bonbon-Cream Warmer (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.); 526.382-014 06.02.15 Bonbon Dipper (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 BONDACTOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) 899.684-010 05.12.14 Bond Analyst (finan. inst.) :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; insurance): 020. 167-014 11.01.02 Bond Cashier (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) II: 186.167–058 11.06.03 BOND CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.362-010 07.01.04 bonded-strand operator :FIBERGLASS-BONDING-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.): 574.665-010 06.04.16 BONDED STRUCTURES REPAIRER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 807.381-01 4 06.02.32 bonder :SHELL-MOLD-BONDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.): 518.685-030 06.04.08 BONDER, AUTOMOBILE BRAKES (auto. ser.) 620.685-010 05.12.10 Bonderite Operator (any ind.) :PAINT-SPRAYER OPERA- TOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 599.382-010 06.02.21 Bonderizer (auto. mfg.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 BONDING AGENT (bus. ser.) 1.86.267-010 07.04.01 bonding-machine operator :ELECTRIC-SEALING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 690.685-154 06.04.02 bonding-machine operator :SHELL-MOLD-BONDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (found.): 518.685-030 06.04.08 BONDING-MACHINE SETTER (textile) 589.360-010 06.01.02 :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): BONDING-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 589.665-010 06.04.16 Bond Trader (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) II: 186. 167–058 11.06.03 Bond Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 BONE-CHAR KILN OPERATOR (corn prod.) 523.662-010 06.02.15 BONE-CHAR KILN TENDER (chem.) 553.685-018 06.04.19 BONE-CHAR OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.686-0 1 0 06.04.19 BONE-COOKING OPERATOR (glue) 551.685-018 06.04.19 BONE CRUSHER (glue) 555.685-01406.04.19 bone drier :BONE-DRIER OPERATOR (glue): 553.685-022 06.04.19 BONE-DRIER OPERATOR (glue) 553.685-022 06.04.19 BONE PICKER (can. & preserv.) 521.687-022 06.04.28 BONE PICKER (glue) 551.687-010 06.04.34 BONE-PROCESS OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.665-010 06.04.09 BONER (garment; per protect. & med. dev.) 789.687-018 06.04.34 BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-010 06.04.28 Bone Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 BONSAI CULTURIST (agric.) 405.161-010 03.01.03 Bonus Clerk (clerical) :PAYROLL CLERK (clefical): 215.482- 0 1 0 07.02.05 BOOKBINDER (print. & pub.) 977.381-010 05.05.15 BOOKBINDER, APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 977.381-014 05.05.15 bookbinder, chief :SUPERVISOR, BINDERY (print. & pub.): 653.131-0 1 0 06.02.01 Book Critic (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) :CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.067-018 01.01.03 booker :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 1 17-014 BOOKER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 599.687-014 06.04.40 book folder :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-01 4 06.04.27 bookie :BOOKMAKER (amuse. & rec.): 187.1 67-014 11.06.03 booking agent :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 11 7-0 14 BOOKING CLERK (water trans.) 248.367-014 07.05.01 BOOKING CLERK (whole. tr.) 216.587-010 05.09.02 BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.) 191. 1 17-0 14 11.12.03 BOOKING PRIZER (tobacco) 216.462-010 05.09.03 BOOKING SUPERVISOR (water trans.) 248. 137-010 07.05.01 BOOK-JACKET-COVER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-01406.02.09 BOOKKEEPER (clerical) I 2 10.382-014 * 07.02.01 BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II 2 10.382-018 07.02.01 bookkeeper, machine :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clerical) II: 210.382-026 07.02.01 bookkeeper, machine :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clerical) I: 210.382-022 * 07.02.01 BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I 2 1 0.382- O22 * 07.02.01 BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II 210.382- 026 07.02.01 Bookkeeping-Machine Operator, Accounts Payable (clerical) :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 2 1 0.382-026 07.02.01 Bookkeeping-Machine Operator, Accounts Receivable (clerical) :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 210.382-026 07.02.01 book-loan clerk :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 - BOOKMAKER (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-014 11.06.03 bookmaker :BOOKBINDER (print. & pub.): 977.381-010 05.05.15 bookmaker, map :MAP-AND-CHART MOUNTER (print. & pub.): 979.684-022 06.02.26 - book mender :BOOK REPAIRER (any ind.): 977.684-010 05.12.19 Bookmobile Clerk (library) :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 BOOKMOBILE DRIVER (library) 249.363-010 05.09.01 BOOKMOBILE LIBRARIAN (library) 100. 167-014 11.02.04 Book-Pocket-Machine Operator (paper goods) :ENVELOPE- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-042 06.04.04 BOOK REPAIRER (any ind.) 977.684-010 05.12.19 Bookseamer, Blindstitch (garment) :HEMMER, BLINDSTITCH (garment): 786.682-126 06.02.05 book sewer :BOOK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) I: 653.685-014 06.02.04 BOOK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) I 653.685-01 4 06.02.04 BOOK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. 653.682-010 06.02.04 Book Sorter (nonprofit organ.) :SORTER-PRICER (nonprofit organ.): 222.387-054 05.09.03 BOOK TRIMMER (print. & pub.) 640.685-010 06.04.04 Boomboat Operator (logging) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 91 1.663-010 05.08.04 BOOM-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any 05.12.04 boom operator :MICROPHONE-BOOM OPERATOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962.384-010 05.10.05 Boom Supervisor (logging) :SUPERVISOR, LOG SORTING (logging; veneer & plywood): 455. 134-010 03.04.02 & pub.) II ind.) 921.683-014 366 BOOSTER ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687–022 06.04.23 Booster Inspector (ammunition) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 bootblack :SHOE SHINER (per. ser.): 366.677-010 09.05.07 Boot-Lace Cutter, Machine (leather prod.) :CUT-LACE- MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 boot-liner maker :WADER-BOOT-TOP ASSEMBLER (rubber goods): 795.684-026 06.04.29 BOOTMAKER, HAND (rubber goods) 753.381-010 06.02.29 boot polisher :SHOE SHINER (per. ser.): 366.677-010 09.05.07 Boot Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPECTOR- TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 Boot Trimmer (boot & shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Boot Turner (boot & shoe) :SHOE TURNER (boot & shoe): 788.687-130 06.04.27 BORDEREAU CLERK (insurance) 203.382-010 07.05.03 Borderer (firearms) :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) I: 761.381-034 01.06.02 - BORDER GUARD (gov. ser.) 375.363-010 04.02.03 Border Inspector (gov. ser.) :CUSTOMS INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-022 11.10.04 border-machine operator :HEMMING-AND-TACKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 787.685-022 06.04.05 border-machine operator :AUTOMATIC-PAD-MAKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (waste & batting): 689.382-010 06.02.18 border measurer :BORDER MEASURER AND CUTTER (matt. & bedspring): 780.687-010 06.04.27 BORDER MEASURER AND CUTTER (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 border patrol agent :BORDER GUARD (gov. ser.): 375.363- 010 04.02.03 borer, stem :ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687-014 06.04.23 - BORING-AND-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom) 692.682-018 06.02.09 Boring-Machine Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 Boring-Machine Operator (clock & watch) :DRILLING- MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch): 606.685-030 * 06.02.02 boring-machine operator :HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 850.662-010 05.11.01 BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 606.682-010 06.02.02 Boring-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER-FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 666.382-010. 06.02.03 Boring-Machine Operator, Double End (woodworking) :BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 666.382- 0 1 0 boring-machine-operator helper :HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BOR- ING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (const.): 850.684- 0 1 4 05.12.02 - Boring-Machine Operator, Horizontal (woodworking) :BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 666.382- 0 1 0 BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR, shop) 606.685-010 06.04.02 Boring-Machine Operator, Vertical (woodworking) :BORING- MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 666,382-010 BORING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, JIG (mach. shop) 606.280–010 06.01.03 PRODUCTION (mach. BORING-MILL SET-UP OPERATOR, HORIZONTAL (mach. shop) 606.280-01406.01.03 Boring-Mill Set-Up Operator, Vertical (mach. shop) :BORING- MILL SET-UP OPERATOR, HORIZONTAL (mach. shop): 606.280–01 4 06.01.03 Bosom Presser (laund.) :SHIRT PRESSER (laund.): 363.685- 026 * 06.04.35 boss :SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899. 133-010 05.12.18 BOTANIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-038 02.02.02 Bottle Assembler (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS ASSEM- BLER (rubber goods): 752.684-038 06.04.23 Bottle Blower (glass mfg.) :GLASS BLOWER (glass mfg.): 772.68 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 bottle-blowing-machine tender :FORMING-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.): 575.685-038 06.02.08 BOTTLED-BEVERAGE INSPECTOR (flav. ext. & sirup; malt liquors; vinous liquors) 529.685-026 06.03.02 BOTTLE GAGER (distilled liquors) 529.587-010 06.03.02 Bottle-House Pumper (malt liquors) :PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors): 914.665-01406.04.40 BOTTLE-HOUSE QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (malt liquors) 029.361-010 02.04.02 bottle inspector :BOTTLED-BEVERAGE INSPECTOR (flav. ext. & sirup; malt liquors; vinous liquors): 529.685-026 06.03.02 Bottle Inspector (glass mfg.) :WARE TESTER (glass mfg.): 579.384-018 06.03.01 Bottle-Label Inspector (distilled liquors) :BOTTLING-LINE ATTENDANT (distilled liquors): 920.687-042 06.04.38 Bottle-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) :FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 BOTTLE PACKER (malt liquors) 920.685-026 06.04.38 Bottle-Packing-Machine Cleaner (any ind.) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-01406.04.39 Bottle Washer, Machine (any ind.) I :CONTAINER WASHER, MACHINE (any ind.): 529.685-074 06.04.39 Bottle Washer, Machine (any ind.) II :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 BOTTLING-LINE ATTENDANT (distilled liquors) 920.687- 042 06.04.38 Bottling Supervisor (any ind.) :PACKAGING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 920. 132-010 06.04.01 BOTTOM BLEACHER (boot & shoe) 788.687-014 06.04.33 Bottom Board and Truss Leg Installer (musical inst.) :PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.): 763.684- 058 06.04.25 Bottom Brusher (boot & shoe) :BRUSHER (boot & shoe): 788.687-018 06.04.33 Bottom Buffer (boot & 690.685-046 06.04.05 Bottom Burnisher (boot & shoe) :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 Bottom Cementer (boot & shoe) I :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Bottom Cementer (boot & shoe) II :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 BOTTOMER (mining & quarrying) I 932.667-010 05.12.04 Bottomer (mining & quarrying) II :CAGER (mining & quarry- ing): 939.667-010 05.12.04 BOTTOM FILLER (boot & shoe) 788.684-026 06.04.32 Bottom-Hole-Pressure-Recording Operator (petrol. production) :TECHNICAL OPERATOR (petrol. production): 930. 16.7- 0 1 0 05.03.04 BOTTOM-HOLE-PRESSURE-RECORDING-OPERATOR HELPER (petrol, production) 930.687-010 05.12.03 BOTTOM-HOOP DRIVER (cooperage) 669.685-022 06.04.20 BOTTOMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685- 022 06.04.04 shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 367 Bottoming-Room Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 Bottoming-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) :SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe): 788.131-010 06.02.01 bottom ironer :BOTTOM PRESSER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 034 06.04.05 Bottom-Liquor Attendant (chem.) :DISSOLVER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.682-01 4 06.02.11 Bottom Maker (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01 4 06.04.03 BOTTOM MAKER (iron & steel) 509.687-010 06.04.40 Bottom Nailer (wood. box) :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 06.02.03 BOTTOM POLISHER (elec. equip.) 603.685-034 06.02.02 Bottom Pounder, Cement Shoes (boot & shoe) :POUNDER (boot & shoe): 690.685-314 06.04.05 BOTTOM-PRECIPITATOR OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.664-0 10 06.04.10 - BOTTOM PRESSER (boot & shoe) 690.685-034 06.04.05 Bottom Sander (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684-030 06.04.34 BOTTOM-SAW OPERATOR (sawmill) 667.682-014 06.02.03 bottom scrubber :BOTTOM BLEACHER (boot & shoe): 788.687-01 4 06.04.33 bottom stainer :PAINTER, BOTTOM (boot & shoe): 788.687– 098 06.04.33 Bottom Stamper (boot & shoe) :EMBOSSER (boot & shoe): 690.685-158 06.04.05 Bottom Steep Tender (corn prod.) :STEEP TENDER (corn prod.): 522.465-010 06.04.15 Bottom Stitcher (sports equip.) :FEATHER STITCHER (sports equip.): 732.684-050 06.04.34 Bottom-Stop Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :STOP AT- TACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-206 06.04.20 bottom turner :CIRCLE-CUTTING-SAW OPERATOR (basketry): 669.685-026 06.04.03 BOTTOM-TURNING-LATHE TENDER (cooperage) 665.685- 010 06.04.03 BOTTOM WHEELER (boot & shoe) 788.684-030 06.04.27 boucle finisher :BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684- 0 1 0 06.02.27 - - BOUFFANT-CURTAIN-MACHINE TENDER (house furn.) 689.685-026 06.04.05 boulevard-glassware cleaner STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 boulevard-glassware replacer :STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 BOUNCER (amuse. & rec.) 376.667-010 04.02.03 bounty hunter :PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt. & trap.): 461.661-010 03.04.03 Bow Attacher (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 Bowling-Alley-Installation Supervisor (const.) :SUPERVISOR, CARPENTERS (const.): 860. 131-018 05.05.02 BOWLING-BALL ENGRAVER (sports equip.) 732.584-010 06.04.24 BOWLING-BALL FINISHER (sports 06.04.09 BOWLING-BALL GRADER AND MARKER (sports equip.) 732.381-01 4 06.01.05 BOWLING-BALL-MOLD ASSEMBLER 556.687-010 06.04.32 BOWLING-BALL MOLDER (sports 06.04.13 BOWLING-BALL WEIGHER AND PACKER (sports equip.) .732.487-0 1 0 06.04.38 bowling-pin-machine mechanic :PINSETTER MECHANIC, AU- TOMATIC (any ind.): 638.261-022 * 05.10.04 Bowl Sander (smoking pipe) :TURNING-SANDER OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 662.685-038 06.04.03 equip.) 690.685-038 (sports equip.) equip.) 556.685-018 Bowl Topper (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 76.1.684-030 06.04.34 BOWL TURNER (smoking pipe) 664.684-010 06.04.03 BOW MAKER (any ind.) 789.684-010 06.04.27 BOW MAKER (boot & shoe) 788.684-034 06.04.27 BOW MAKER (garment; hat & cap) 784.684-010 06.04.27 BOW MAKER, CUSTOM (sports equip.) 732.381-010 01.06.02 Bow Maker, Gift Wrapping (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 BOW-MAKER-MACHINE TENDER, AUTOMATIC (trim. & embroid.) 689.685-030 06.04.05 BOW MAKER, PRODUCTION (sports equip.) 732.684-038 06.02.32 BOW REHAIRER (any ind.) 730.684-022 05.05.12 Bow Repairer (any ind.) :VIOLIN REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.28 1-050 05.05.12 Bow Repairer, Custom (sports equip.) :BOW MAKER, CUSTOM (sports equip.): 732.381-010 01.06.02 Bow Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 BOW-STRING MAKER (sports equip.) 732.684-042 06.04.34 Bow Tacker (hat & cap) I :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Bow Tacker (hat & cap) II :TACKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 Box Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :STOP ATTACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-206 06.04.20 BOX BENDER (paper goods) 641.687-010 06.04.26 Box-Blank-Machine Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 BOX-BLANK-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box) 669.662- 0 1 0 06.02.20 BOX-BLANK-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood. box) 669.686–01 4 06.04.20 Boxcar Weigher (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 Box Coverer, Hand (paper goods) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 box-covering-machine operator :COVER STRIPPER (paper goods): 641.685-034 06.04.04 Boxer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 boxer :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484-010 06.04.38 Box Feeder (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 BOX-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 649.682-010 06.02.04 Box Gluer (wood. box) :GLUER (woodworking): 762.687-034 06.04.22 box-hinge and lock attacher :HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (wood. box): 762.687-046 06.04.23 Box Icer (can. & preserv.) :ICER (whole. tr.): 922.687-046 BOXING-AND-PRESSING 789. 1 37-010 06.02.01 BOXING INSPECTOR (garment) 789.587-010 06.03.02 Boxing-Machine Operator (furn.) :UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.): 780.682-018 06.02.05 BOX INSPECTOR (wood. box) 762.687-014 06.03.02 box labeler :BOX PRINTER (any ind.): 652.682-010 06.02.09 BOX-LINING-MACHINE FEEDER (paper goods) 641.685-018 06.04.20 box maker :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 669.682-058 06.02.03 BOX MAKER (mort. goods) 762.684-026 06.04.25 Box Maker (musical inst.) :ACCORDION MAKER (musical inst.): 730.281-010 05.05.12 (paper goods) SUPERVISOR (knit goods) ind.): 368 Box Maker, Cardboard (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 BOX MAKER, PAPERBOARD 06.04.26 Box Maker, Wood (any ind.) :NAILER, HAND (any ind.): 762.684-050 06.04.22 BOX MAKER, WOOD (wood. box) 760.684-014 06.02.25 box marker :CARTON MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; garment): 652.685-018 06.04.37 Box Nailer (wood. box) :HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (wood. box): 762.687-046 06.04.23 BOX PRINTER (any ind.) 652.682-010 06.02.09 box-printing-machine operator :BOX PRINTER (any ind.): 652.682-010 06.02.09 Box Repairer (any ind.) :NAILER, HAND (any ind.): 762.684- 050 06.04.22 Box Repairer (wood. box) I :BOX MAKER, WOOD (wood. box): 760.684-014 06.02.25 - BOX REPAIRER (wood. box) II 762.687-018 06.03.02 BOX-SEALING INSPECTOR (paper goods) 641.687-014 06.03.02 Box-Sealing-Machine Catcher (any ind.) :PACKAGE SEALER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-074 06.04.38 Box-Sealing-Machine Feeder (any ind.) :PACKAGE SEALER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-074 06.04.38 BOX-SEALING-MACHINE OPERATOR 64 1.662-010 06.02.04 box-shook patcher :BOX REPAIRER (wood. box) II: 762.687- 018 06.03.02 Box-Spring-Frame Builder (matt & bedspring) :WOODEN- FRAME BUILDER (matt. & bedspring): 762.684-066 06.04.25 BOX-SPRING MAKER (matt. & bedspring). I 780.684-018 06.04.34 BOX-SPRING MAKER (matt. & bedspring) II 780.684-022 06.04.22 box stamper, machine :CARTON MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; garment): 652.685-018 06.04.37 box strapper :STRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 692.682-058 06.04.38 BOX TENDER (synthetic fibers) 689.280-010 06.01.02 Box-Toe Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Box-Toe Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 Box-Toe Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 box-toe flanger, stitchdowns TOE FORMER, STITCHDOWNS (boot & shoe): 690.685-426 06.04.05 Box-Toe Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Box-Top-Stitching-Machine Operator (wood. box) :CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 BOX-TRUCK WASHER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-018 06.04.39 box turner :TURNER (can. & preserv.); 522.687-038 06.04.40 Box Wrapper (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 BRACELET AND BROOCH MAKER (jewelry) 735.681-010 06.02.23 - Bracelet-Form Coverer (jewelry cases) (jewelry cases): 739.687-138 06.04.27 Bracelet Former (jewelry cases) :PART MAKER (jewelry cases): 739.687-138 06.04.27 Bracelet Maker, Novelty (jewelry) :ASSEMBLER (jewelry): 700.684-01 4 06.04.23 bracer CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 braddisher STOPPING BUILDER (mining & quarrying): 869.684–058 05.10.01 (any ind.) 794.684-014 (paper goods) :PART MAKER Braid Cutter (rubber goods) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Braided-Band Assembler (hat & cap) :DECORATOR (hat & cap): 784.684-022 * 06.04.27 braided-rug maker :RUG BRAIDER, HAND (carpet & rug): 782.687-042 06.04.27 Braider (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01 4 06.04.03 braider :BRAIDER OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-014 06.02.09 BRAIDER OPERATOR (insulated wire) 691.682-01 4 06.02.09 BRAIDER SETTER (rubber goods) 759.664-010 06.04.06 braider tender :BRAIDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics): 683.685-010 * 06.04.06 braider tender :BRAIDER OPERATOR (insulated wire): 69 1.682-01 4 06.02.09 braid folder :BINDING FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 788.684-018 06.04.27 BRAIDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) 683.685-010 * 06.04.06 BRAIDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods) 692.665-010 06.04.09 braid maker :BRAID-PATTERN SETTER (narrow fabrics): 683.260-010 06.01.02 BRAID-PATTERN SETTER (narrow fabrics) 683.260-010 06.01.02 BRAILLE-AND-TALKING BOOKS CLERK (library) 222.587- 0 1 4 07.05.04 braille coder :BRAILLE TYPIST (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.): 203.582-014 07.06.02 braille coder :BRAILLE TRANSCRIBER, HAND (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.): 209.584-010 07.05.03 BRAILLE-DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 207.685-010 05.12.19 BRAILLE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 203.582-010 07.06.02 BRAILLE PROOFREADER (nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.) 209.367-0 1 4 07.05.02 braille-thermoform operator MACHINE OPERATOR (print. 05.12.19 braille transcriber :BRAILLE TYPIST (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.): 203.582-014 07.06.02 BRAILLE TRANSCRIBER, HAND (education; organ.; print. & pub.) 209.584-010 07.05.03 BRAILLE TYPIST (education; nonprofit organ.; print. & pub.) 203.582-01 4 07.06.02 Brain Picker (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 BRAKE ADJUSTER (auto. ser.) 620.684-018 05.12.15 Brake Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUB- ASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 Brake Coupler, Dinkey (any ind.) :YARD COUPLER (r.r. trans.): 910.664-0 10 05.12.05 BRAKE COUPLER, ROAD FREIGHT (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-010 05.12.05 BRAKE-DRUM-LATHE OPERATOR (auto. ser.) 620.682-010 06.02.02 BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.) 932.664-010 05.12.03 brake inspector :RAILROAD-CAR INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.): 9 10.387-01 4 05.07.01 :BRAILLE-DUPLICATING- & pub.): 207.685-010 nonprofit BRAKE-LINING CURER (asbestos prod.) 573.686-010 06.04.19 BRAKE-LINING FINISHER, ASBESTOS (asbestos prod.) 579.665-010 06.04.19 BRAKE-LINING-FINISHER HELPER, ASBESTOS (asbestos prod.) 579.687-010 06.04.19 Brake Machine Setter (any ind.) :MACHINE SETTER (any ind.); 616.360-022 * 06.01.02 brake mechanic :BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.28 1-026 05.10.02 369 BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 617.360-010 06.02.02 BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 619.685-026 06.02.02 Brake Operator, Heavy Duty (any ind.) :BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.360-010 06.02.02 Brake-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-01406.04.24 Brake Operator, Sheet Metal (any ind.) I :BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.360-010 06.02.02 Brake Operator, Sheet Metal (any ind.) II :BRAKE OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-026 06.02.02 BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 620.281-026 05.10.02 Brake Repairer, Air (auto. ser.) :BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.281-026 05. 10.02 . Brake Repairer, Bus (auto. ser.) :BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.281-026 05.10.02 Brake Repairer, Hydraulic (auto. ser.) :BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.281-026 05.10.02 brake-repair mechanic :BRAKE REPAIRER 620.281 -026 05.10.02 BRAKER, PASSENGER TRAIN (r. r. 09.01.04 brakeshoe repairer :BRAKE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.281- 026 05.10.02 Brancher (artif, flower) :FEATHER SHAPER (artif. flower): 734.684-010 06.04.34 Branch-Library Clerk (library) (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 branch maker :JUNCTION MAKER (brick & tile): 862.684- 0 1 0 06.02.30 brander :DEBRANDER (boot & shoe): 753.687-01405.12.10 BRANDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods) 690.685-042 06.04.07 . BRAND RECORDER (gov. ser.) 206.587-010 07.05.03 BRAN MIXER (grain & feed mill.) 599.685-01406.04.19 BRANNER-MACHINE TENDER (galvanizing) 509.685-014 06.04.39 Brass-Bobbin Winder (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 Brassiere-Cup-Mold Cutter (garment) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (garment; knit goods): 781.682-010 06.02.05 BRASSIERE-SLIDE-MAKING-MACHINE TENDER, AUTO- MATIC (garment) 692.685-026 06.04.05 Brass Plater (electroplating) :PLATER 500.380-010 06.02.21 Brass Reclaimer (mach. shop) :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-01406.04.39 BRASS-WIND-INSTRUMENT 730.381-018 05.05.12 Brass-Wind-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) :WIND-INSTRU- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.281-054 05.05.12 brazer BRAZER, ASSEMBLER (welding): 813.684-010 06.02.22 BRAZER, ASSEMBLER (welding) 8 13.684-010 06.02.22 BRAZER, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERIC FURNACE (welding) 8 13.685-010 06.02.19 Brazer, Crawler Torch (welding) (welding): 813.684-010 06.02.22 brazer, electronic :BRAZER, INDUCTION (welding): 8 13.382- 010 06.02.10 BRAZER, FURNACE (welding) 8 13.482-010 06.02.10 Brazer Helper, Furnace (welding) :MACHINE HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 - Brazer Helper, Induction (welding) (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 BRAZER, INDUCTION (welding) 8 13.382-010 06.02.10 Brazer, Production Line (welding) :WELDER, PRODUCTION LINE (welding): 819.684-010 * 06.04.31 Brazer, Repair and Salvage (welding) :BRAZER, ASSEMBLER (welding): 813.684-010 06.02.22 BRAZER, RESISTANCE (welding) 8 13.682-010 06.02.19 (auto. ser.): trans.) 910.364-010 :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (electroplating): MAKER (musical inst.) :BRAZER, ASSEMBLER :MACHINE HELPER Brazing-Furnace Feeder (welding) :MACHINE FEEDER (welding): 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 Brazing-Machine Feeder (welding) (welding): 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 BRAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding) 06.02.19 brazing-machine operator, automatic :BRAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 813.382-01406.02.19 :MACHINE FEEDER 8 13.382-014 Brazing-Machine-Operator Helper (welding) :MACHINE HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 BRAZING-MACHINE SETTER (welding) 8 13.360-010 06.01.02 Bread-Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 Bread Icer (bake. prod.) :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684- 022 06.04.28 Bread Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 BREADING MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.) 524.685- 0 1 0 06.04.15 bread maker :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381-010 05.10.08 Bread-Pan Greaser (bake. prod.) :PAN GREASER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-034 06.04.21 Bread Slicer, Machine (bake. prod.) SLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 521.685-302 06.04.15 Bread Supervisor (bake. prod.) :BAKERY SUPERVISOR (bake. prod.): 526.131-010 06.01.01 Bread-Wrapping-Machine Feeder (bake. prod.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 BREAKER (glass prod.; mirror) 779.687-010 06.04.30 breaker :SCRAPPER (paper goods): 794.687-050 * 06.04.39 breaker :MOLD STRIPPER (sports equip.): 732.687-050 06.04.24 breaker boss SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION PLANT (mining & quarrying): 549. 137-01406.01.01 BREAKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (cork prod.; sawmill) 564.685-010 06.04.14 BREAKER-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 583.685-010 06.04.16 Breaker-Off (jewelry) :PREPARER (jewelry): 700.687-062 06.04.24 breaker operator :BREAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum): 521.685-034 06.04.15 breaker operator :TESTER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 614.684-01 4 06.03.02 breaker operator :OPENER TENDER (textile): 680.685-070 06.04.06 Breaker Repairer (mining & quarrying) :REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 630.281-022 05.05.09 Breaker Table Worker (phonograph) :COMPOUND WORKER (phonograph): 559.686-010 06.04.13 BREAKER TENDER (coke prod.) 544.685-010 06.04.12 breaker-up :BREAKER-UP-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 589.685-01406.04.16 BREAKER-UP-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 589.685- 01 4 06.04.16 breaker-wheel operator :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 - BREAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum) 521.685- 034 06.04.15 BREAK-OFF WORKER (veneer & plywood) 663.686-014 06.04.03 Breast Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 breast finisher :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe): 788.684-126 06.04.27 Breast Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 Breast Worker (const.) :MINER (const.): 850.381-010 05.11.01 370 breeding technician ARTIFICIAL-BREEDING TECHNICIAN (agric.): 418.384-01403.02.04 BREWERY CELLAR WORKER (malt liquors) 522.685-014 06.04.15 BREWING DIRECTOR (malt liquors) 183.167-010 05.02.03 brewing superintendent :BREWING DIRECTOR (malt liquors): 183.16.7-0 1 0 05.02.03 BRIAR CUTTER (smoking pipe) 664.685-010 06.04.03 BRICK-AND-TILE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brick & tile) 575.382-010 06.02.17 brick burner, head :BURNING SUPERVISOR (brick & tile): 573. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.01 Brick Cleaner (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Brick-Kiln Burner (brick & tile) :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-010 06.04.17 BRICKLAYER (brick & tile) 861.381-01405.05.01 BRICKLAYER (const.) 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 BRICKLAYER APPRENTICE (const.) 861.381-022 05.05.01 BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.) 861.381-026 05.05.01 Bricklayer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 BRICKLAYER HELPER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.) 861.687-010 05.12.09 Bricklayer, Maintenance (any ind.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 Bricklayer, Paving Brick (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Bricklayer, Sewer (const.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381- O 18 * 05.05.01 BRICKLAYER SUPERVISOR (const.) 861.131-010 05.05.01 brickmason :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTO- RY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 brickmason helper :BRICKLAYER HELPER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.687-010 05.12.09 Brick-Molder, Hand (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 Brick-Paving Checker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Brick Sorter (brick & tile) :SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687- 034 06.03.02 BRICK TESTER (brick & tile) 579.384-010 06.02.30 Brick Veneer Maker (conc. prod.) :PRECAST MOLDER (conc. prod.): 579.685-042 06.04.19 Bridge Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :STOP ATTACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-206 06.04.20 Bridge Crane Operator (any ind.) :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 bridge expert INSTRUCTOR, BRIDGE (education): 159.227- 0 1 0 09.01.01 Bridge Fitter (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL IN- STRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 BRIDGE INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 869.287-010 05.07.01 Bridge-Maintenance Worker (const.) :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 BRIDGE OPERATOR, SLIP (r.r. trans.) 9 19.682-010 05.11.04 BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.) 92 1.663-010 * 05.11.04 bridge repairer CARPENTER, BRIDGE (r.r. trans.): 860.381- 030 05.05.02 - bridge tender :DRAWBRIDGE OPERATOR (r.r. trans.): 371.362-0 1 0 05.11.04 bridge tender :BRIDGE OPERATOR, SLIP (r.r. 9 19.682-0 1 0 05.11.04 bridge worker :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 bridgeworker apprentice :STRUCTURAL-STEEL-WORKER APPRENTICE (const.): 801.361-018 05.05.06 WORKER trans.): Briefcase Sewer (leather prod.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (leather prod.): 783.682-01406.02.05 BRIGHT CUTTER (jewelry) 700.684-018 06.02.24 BRILLIANDEER-LOPPER (jewelry) 770.261-010 05.05.14 BRIM-AND-CROWN PRESSER (hat & cap) 583.685-022 06.04.05 Brim Blocker (clean., dye., & press.) :HAT BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-01406.02.27 Brim Buffer (hat & cap) :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-014 06.04.05 brim buster :BRIM PRESSER (hat & cap) I: 583.685-018 06.04.05 - brim buster :BRIM-AND-CROWN PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685-022 06.04.05 - - BRIM CURLER (hat & cap) 583.685-01406.04.05 brim cutter :ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.); 585.685-086 06.04.05 Brim Cutter (hat & cap) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682- 022 * 06.02.09 brim-edge trimmer :WELT-TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap): 686.685-074 06.04.05 BRIMER (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-018 06.04.33 brim flanger :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 brim flexer :MELLOWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-066 06.04.16 Brim-Greaser Operator (hat & cap) :GREASER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 582.685-082 06.04.16 BRIM IRONER, HAND (hat & cap) 784.684-01406.04.27 brimmer :BRIM PRESSER (hat & cap) I: 583.685-018 06.04.05 brimmer blocker :BRIM-STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap): 580.685-010 06.04.05 brimming-machine operator :BRIM-STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 580.685-010 06.04.05 brim molder :MOLDER (hat & cap): 580.685-042 06.04.05 brim plater :BRIM PRESSER (hat & cap) I: 583.685-018 06.04.05 brim pouncer :BRIM-POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-010 06.04.16 BRIM-POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR 585.685-010 06.04.16 BRIM PRESSER (hat & cap) I 583.685-018 06.04.05 Brim Presser (hat & cap) II :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 BRIM RAISER (hat & cap) 784.687-010 06.04.27 brim rounder :ROUNDER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684-050 06.04.27 brim setter :BRIM-AND-CROWN PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685-022 06.04.05 brim setter :BRIM IRONER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684-014 06.04.27 brim shaper :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 Brim Slotter (hat & cap) :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 Brim Stiffener (hat & cap) :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687– 038 06.04.27 BRIM STITCHER (hat & cap) I 784.685-014 06.04.05 Brim Stitcher (hat & cap) II :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 brim stretcher :BRIM-STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 580.685-010 06.04.05 BRIM-STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 580.685-010 06.04.05 Brim-Welt-Sewing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :HAT-AND- CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 BRINE MAKER (can. & preserv.) I 522.685-018 06.04.15 BRINE MAKER (can. & preserv.) II 522.685-022 06.04.15 BRINE MAKER (chem.) 550.685-018 06.04.11 BRINE MAKER (salt production) 551.687-014 06.04.11 BRINE-MIXER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (can. & preserv.) 520.685-034 06.04.15 (hat & cap) 371 brine-process operator :BRINE MAKER (chem.); 550.685-018 06.04.11 Brine Purifier (chem.) :BRINE MAKER (chem.); 550,685-018 06.04.11 BRINER (can. & preserv.) 522.687-014 06.04.28 - Briner, Machine (can. & preserv.) :PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE (can. & preserv.): 529.685-190 06.04.15 Brine-Room Laborer (dairy prod.) :LABORER, CHEESEMAK- ING (dairy prod.): 529.686-050 06.04.28 BRINE-TANK-SEPARATOR OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685-038 06.04.15 BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.) 529.685-030 06.04.15 BRINE-WELL OPERATOR (chem.) 559.685-026 06.04.11 BRIQUETTE-MACHINE OPERATOR (fuel briquettes) 549.662–0 1 0 06.02.17 BRIQUETTE-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (fuel briquettes) 549.686-010 06.04.12 briquette molder :BRIQUETTE-MACHINE OPERATOR (fuel briquettes): 549.662-010 06.02.17 briquette-press operator :SINTERING-PRESS OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 617.685-038 06.04.10 BRIQUETTER OPERATOR (chem.) 559.685-030 06.04.11 briquetting-machine operator :PILLING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 BRIQUETTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-010 06.04.10 broacher JEWEL-BEARING BROACHER (clock & watch): 770.682-0 1 0 06.02.30 Broach Grinder (mach. shop) :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 BROACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 605.682-01406.02.02 Broaching-Machine Repairer (mach. tool & access.) :MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE 626.281 -010 05.05.09 BROACHING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.382-010 06.02.02 broach operator :BROACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 605.682-014 06.02.02 BROADCAST CHECKER (radio & tv broad.) 249.387-010 11.10.02 Broke-Beater Tender (build. board; paper & pulp) :PULPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 530.685-01406.04.14 Broke Handler (paper & pulp) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687-022 06.04.40 broker :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) I: 11.06.03 broker :BUYER (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-018 08.01.03 BROKER'S FLOOR REPRESENTATIVE (finan. 162. 157-014 11.06.04 BROKERAGE CLERK (finan. inst.) I 219.482-010 07.02.02 BROKERAGE CLERK (finan. inst.) II 219.362-018 07.02.02 (any ind.): 162. 157-042 inst.) Brokerage Manager (insurance) :SPECIAL AGENT (insurance): 166. 167-046 11.05.02 broker, agricultural produce :COMMISSION AGENT, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (whole. tr.): 260.357-010 08.01.03 BROKER-AND-MARKET OPERATOR, GRAIN (finan. inst.; whole. tr.) 162. 157-0 1 0 1 1.06.04 Broker, Bond (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) I: 162. 157-042 11.06.03 Broker, Commodities (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) I: 162. 157-042 11.06.03 broker, securities :SALES AGENT, SECURITIES (finan. inst.): 251.1 57-0 1 0 1 1.06.04 Broker, Stock (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) I: 162. 157-042 11.06.03 Bromination Equipment Operator (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL COMPOUNDER (coal tar prod.): 559.682-018 06.02.18 Bronze Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-0 10 06.02.21 Bronzer (print. & pub.) :COLORER (print. & pub.): 970.681- 0 1 4 01.06.03 brooch-and-bracelet maker :BRACELET AND BROOCH MAKER (jewelry): 735.681-010 06.02.23 Brooch Maker, Novelty (jewelry) :ASSEMBLER (jewelry): 700.684-01 4 06.04.23 - BROOM BUNDLER (brush & broom) 692.685-030 06.04.38 BROOMCORN GRADER (brush & broom) 739.687-042 06.03.02 broomcorn scraper :BROOMCORN SEEDER (brush & broom): 692.686-018 06.04.09 BROOMCORN SEEDER 06.04.09 broomcorn sorter :BROOMCORN GRADER (brush & broom): 739.687-042 06.03.02 Broom-Handle Dipper (brush & broom) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 broom-machine operator :SWEEPER-BRUSH MACHINE (brush & broom): 692.682-066 06.02.09 BROOMMAKER (brush & broom) 739.684-018 06.04.34 BROOM STITCHER (brush & broom) 692.682-022 06.02.09 BROTH MIXER (bake. prod.) 520.585-01406.04.15 broth setter :BROTH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.585-014 06.04.15 BROWNING PROCESSOR (firearms) 505.685-010 06.04.10 BROWN-STOCK WASHER (paper & pulp) 533.685-014 (brush & broom) 692.686-018 MAKER, 06.04.14 Bruise Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Brush Clearer, Surveying (any ind.) :SURVEYOR HELPER (any ind.): 869.567-010 05.12.02 brusher :LABORER, BRUSH CLEARING (any ind.): 459.687- 0 1 0 03.04.02 brusher :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 brusher :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 BRUSHER (boot & shoe) 788.687-018 06.04.33 brusher :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 brusher and shearer :SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 585.685-102 06.04.06 brusher-down :LINING SCRUBBER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.687-01 4 06.04.35 brusher, hand :CARROTER (hat & cap): 784.687-01406.04.33 BRUSHER, MACHINE (hat & cap) 587.685-01406.04.16 Brush-Fabricating-Machine Setter (brush & broom) :BRUSH- MACHINE SETTER (brush & broom): 692.360-014 06.01.02 BRUSH-FABRICATION SUPERVISOR 692. 130-0 10 06.02.01 BRUSH FILLER, HAND (brush & broom) 739.687-046 06.04.23 BRUSH-HEAD MAKER 06.04.20 Brush-Holder Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 Brush-Holder Inspector (elec. equip.) WINDING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 729.384-022 06.03.01 brushing operator :NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile): 585.685-070 06.04.16 BRUSH-MACHINE SETTER (brush & broom) 692.360-014 06.01.02 brush maker :PAINT-BRUSH MAKER (brush & broom): 733.684-010 06.04.34 brush maker :ASSEMBLER, CARBON BRUSHES equip.): 721.684-014 06.02.23 BRUSH MAKER, MACHINE (brush & broom) 739.685-014 06.04.20 (brush & broom) (brush & broom) 739.685-018 (elec. 372 BRUSH MATERIAL PREPARER (brush & broom) 739.684– 022 06.02.32 BRUSH OPERATOR (textile) 587.685-010 06.04.05 BRUSH POLISHER (clock & watch) 603.685-038 06.02.02 Brush Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 761.682-014 06.02.03 Brush Shade-Hand (furn.) :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-010 06.04.25 Brush Stainer (furn.) :STAINER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-01 4 06.04.33 Brush-Trimming-Machine Setter (brush & broom) :BRUSH- MACHINE SETTER (brush & broom): 692.360-014 06.01.02 Brush Washer (textile) 06.04.39 BUCKER (logging) 454.684-010 03.04.02 bucker :SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quarrying): 579.484-0 1 0 (02.04.01 BUCKET CHUCKER (cooperage) 664.685-01406.04.03 BUCKET OPERATOR (conc. prod.) 575.683-010 06.04.40 BUCKET TURNER (cooperage) 669.682-018 06.04.03 buckle-and-button maker :BUTTON-AND-BUCKLE MAKER (any ind.): 734.687-046 06.04.27 buckle assembler :COVERED-BUCKLE (button); 734.687-050 06.04.27 Buckle-Attaching-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :EYELET- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 buckle coverer :COVERED-BUCKLE ASSEMBLER (button): 734.687–050 06.04.27 BUCKLE-FRAME SHAPER (button) 692.685-034 06.04.09 buckle gluer COVERED-BUCKLE ASSEMBLER (button): 734.687–050 06.04.27 BUCKLE INSPECTOR (button) 734.687-026 06.03.02 BUCKLER AND LACER (boot & shoe) 788.687-022 06.04.27 Buckle-Sewer, Machine (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 BUCKLE SORTER (button) 734.687-030 06.03.02 Buckle Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 BUCKLE-STRAP-DRUM OPERATOR 554.485-0 1 0 06.04.13 Buckle-Strap Puncher (boot & shoe) :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-114 06.04.05 BUCKLE-WIRE INSERTER (button) 734.687-034 06.04.23 buck presser PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Buckram Cutter (boot & shoe; hat & cap; leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Buckram Sewer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 BUCKSHOT-SWAGE OPERATOR (ammunition) 6.12.682-010 06.02.02 BUDDER (agric.) 405.684-010 03.04.04 BUDGET CLERK (clerical) 216.382-022 07.01.04 Budget Consultant (profess. & kin.) :CREDIT COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 160.207-010 07.01.01 BUDGET OFFICER (gov. ser.) 161.1 17-010 11.06.05 budget-record clerk :BUDGET CLERK (clerical): 216.382-022 07.01.04 budget-report clerk :BUDGET CLERK (clerical): 216.382-022 07.01.04 - BUFFER (any ind.) I 705.684-01406.04.24 Buffer (any ind.) II:LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.): 705,687-01406.04.34 buffer :TIRE BUFFER (auto. ser.): 690.685-422 05.12.13 BUFFER (boot & shoe) 690.685-046 06.04.05 BUFFER (fabric. plastics prod.) 752.684-022 06.04.24 BUFFER (hat & cap) 585.685-014 06.04.05 BUFFER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 759.684-022 06.04.29 + :WASHER (any ind.): 599.687-030 ASSEMBLER (rubber goods) BUFFER (smoking pipe) 739.684-026 06.04.34 buffer STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382- 018 06.02.08 buffer :STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework): 775.664-010 06.04.30 - BUFFER, AUTOMATIC (boot & shoe) 690.685-050 06.04.05 Buffer, Chrome (any ind.) :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-014 06.04.24 Buffer, Copper (any ind.) :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-014 06.04.24 BUFFER, 06.04.05 BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.) 585.685-018 06.04.16 Buffer, Nickel (any ind.) :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-014 06.04.24 BUFFING-AND-POLISHING-WHEEL REPAIRER (any ind.) 739.684-030 06.04.34 - BUFFING-AND-SUEDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 753.684-010 06.04.05 BUFFING-LINE SET-UP WORKER (any ind.) 603.360-010 06.01.02 BUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.02 buffing-machine operator :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 buffing-machine operator :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-014 06.04.05 - buffing-machine operator, semiautomatic :MIRROR-FINISH- INFLATED-PAD (boot & shoe) 690.685-054 (any ind.) 603.382-010 ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (silverware): 603.682-022 06.02.02 BUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR, SILVERWARE (silverware) 603.682-010 06.02.02 BUFFING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.) 603.665-010 06.04.02 BUFFING TURNER-AND-COUNTER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687–022 06.04.23 BUFFING-WHEEL FORMER, AUTOMATIC (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-034 06.04.16 BUFFING-WHEEL FORMER, HAND (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-01 4 06.04.27 BUFFING-WHEEL INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687- 026 06.03.02 buffing-wheel operator :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685-018 06.04.16 buff-wheel fabricator :BUFFING-AND-POLISHING-WHEEL REPAIRER (any ind.): 739.684-030 06.04.34 BUILDER, BEAM (mfa. blogs.) 860.684-010 06.04.25 building-and-grounds supervisor :MAINTENANCE SUPER- VISOR (any ind.): 891. 137-010 05.02.02 Building Cleaner, Brick or Stone (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Building Cleaner, Sandblaster (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Building Cleaner, Steam (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Building-Construction Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION IN- SPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 BUILDING CONSULTANT (whole. tr.) 250.357-010 08.02.04 BUILDING-EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 956,387-0 10 05.07.01 Building-Illuminating Engineer (profess. & kin.) :ILLUMINATING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003.061- 046 05.01.03 BUILDING INSPECTOR (insurance) 168.267-010 05.03.06 Building-Insulating Carpenter (const.; ret. tr.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 BUILDING-INSULATION SUPERVISOR (const.) 863. 134-010 05.10.01 373 Building-Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical (any ind.) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-014 05.05.05 building-maintenance supervisor, mechanical :MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 891. 137-010 05.02.02 building repairer :MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, BUILDING (any ind.): 899.381-010 * 05.10.01 building-service supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, BUILDING (any ind.): 187.167-190 05.02.02 Building Stonecutter (stonework) :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381-014 05.05.01 building supervisor :MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 891. 137-010 05.02.02 Bulb Assembler (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics): 725.684-022 06.02.23 Bulb Carbonizer (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 BULB FILLER (elec. equip.) 692.686-022 06.04.09 Bulb Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405.161-01403.01.03 Bulb Sorter (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 bulb-washer and coater :FUNNEL COATER, HAND (electronics): 740.687-014 06.04.33 bulk cement loader :CEMENT LOADER (cement): 921.565- 0 1 0 06.04.40 Bulk Driver (motor trans.) 905.663-018 05.08.03 BULKER (tobacco) 522.687-018 06.04.28 BULKER, CUT TOBACCO (tobacco) 529.685-034 06.04.15 BULK FILLER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-022 06.04.28 Bulkhead Carpenter (ship & boat blåg. & :BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. 860.381-018 05.05.02 bulking-machine operator :YARN-TEXTURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) II: 689.685-158 06.04.16 bulk intake worker :MILK-RECEIVER, TANK TRUCK (dairy prod.): 222.485-010 05.09.01 bulk loader :DUMPER (any ind.): 921.667-018 05.12.03 bulk loader :CEMENT LOADER (cement): 921 .565-010 06.04.40 Bulk-Loader Operator (water trans.) :CONVEYOR OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.683-026 05.11.04 Bulk-Pigment Reducer (paint & varn.) :THINNER (paint & varn.): 550.585-038 06.04.11 BULK-PLANT OPERATOR (sugar) 520.362-010 06.02.15 Bulk-Sausage-Casing Tier-Off (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING TIER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 Bulk-Sausage-Stuffing-Machine Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) :STUFFER (slaught. & meat pack.): 520.685-210 06.04.15 BULK-SEALER OPERATOR 06.04.02 BULK-STATION OPERATOR (petrol. production) 570.362- 0 1 0 06.04. 12 bulk-system operator MATIC SYSTEM (macaroni & rel. 05.06.04 BULL-CHAIN OPERATOR (sawmill) 921.685-014 05.12.04 bulldogger :ROUGHER (iron & steel): 613.362-018 06.02.02 BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I 850.683-010 05.11.01 Bulldozer Operator (any ind.) II :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 06.02.02 BULLET-ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERATOR 694,685-01 4 06.04.02 BULLET-ASSEMBLY-PRESS (ammunition) 694.682-0 1 0 06.02.02 BULLET-CASTING OPERATOR (ammunition) 502.682-010 06.02.10 :VAN DRIVER (motor trans.): rep.) & rep.): (plastics mat.) 554.685-010 :CONVEYOR OPERATOR, PNEU- prod.): 921.382-010 (ammunition) SETTER-OPERATOR BULLET-GROOVING-SIZING-AND-LUBRICATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 619.382-010 06.02.02 bulletin clerk :ASSIGNMENT CLERK (motor trans.): 215.36.7- 0 1 0 07.05.01 BULLET-LUBRICANT MIXER (ammunition) 543.685-010 06.04.19 Bullet-LUBRICATING-MACH INE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.685-018 06.04.21 BULLET-SLUG-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 502.382-010 06.02.10 bullet-swaging-machine adjuster :SWAGING-MACHINE AD- JUSTER (ammunition): 617.360-01 4 06.01.02 bullet-swaging-machine operator :SWAGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 617.585-010 06.04.02 bull-gang supervisor SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899. 133-010 05.12.18 Bull-Gang Supervisor (tobacco) :SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 BULL-GANG WORKER (tobacco) 922.687-026 06.04.40 bull riveter :RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.): 800.662-010 06.02.02 Bulwark Carpenter (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860.381-018 05.05.02 bumper and burnisher :BURNISHER AND BUMPER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 807.684-018 06.04.24 bumper-machine operator :SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap): 586.685-034 06.04.16 BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 617.682-014 06.02.02 bumper operator :DOVETAIL-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 669.685-046 06.04.20 *. bumper straightener :AUTOMOBILE-BUMPER STRAIGHTENER (auto. ser.): 807.684-010 05.12.12 bump-grader operator :WHEAT CLEANER (cereal): 529.685- 262 06.04.15 bunch breaker :BUNCH MAKER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684- 0 1 0 06.04.28 bunch-breaker-machine operator :BUNCH MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-038 06.04.15 Buncher (forestry) :BUNDLER, SEASONAL GREENERY (forestry): 920.687-046 03.04.04 buncher, hand :BUNCH MAKER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684- 0 1 0 06.04.28 buncher, machine :BUNCH MAKER, MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-038 06.04.15 BUNCH MAKER, HAND (tobacco) 790.684-010 06.04.28 BUNCH MAKER, MACHINE (tobacco) 529.685-038 06.04.15 BUNCH TRIMMER, MOLD (tobacco) 521.687-026 06.04.28 BUNDLE BREAKER (cord. & twine) 689.687-018 06.04.40 bundle clerk : LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 361.687-0 18 06.04.35 bundle cutter :BUNDLE BREAKER (cord. & twine): 689.687– 018 06.04.40 Bundler (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587- 018 * 06.04.38 bundler :SORTER, UPHOLSTERY PARTS (furn.): 780.587- 0 1 0 06.03.02 - bundler ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 bundler :TIE BINDER (garment): 920.687-190 06.04.38 bundler :STACKER (leather prod.): 222.587-046 05.09.03 bundler :TYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, LUMBER (woodworking): 929.685-018 06.04.38 BUNDLER, SEASONAL GREENERY (forestry) 920.687-046 03.04.04 bundle shaker :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 BUNDLES HANGER (tobacco) 529.686-0 1 0 06.04.40 MAKER, 374 bundle tier ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687- 0 1 0 06.03.02 BUNDLE TIER AND LABELER (plan. mill; sawmill) 920.585- 010 06.04.38 Bundle Weigher (laund.) 361.687-018 06.04.35 BUNG DRIVER (cooperage) 764.687-042 06.04.22 Bung Dropper (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Bung Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 Bung-Gut Tier (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Bunghole Borer (cooperage) :BORING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 666.382-010 06.02.03 Bung Remover (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 bung sewer CASING SEWER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-030 06.04.28 bunk assembler :FABRIC STRETCHER (matt. & bedspring): 709.667-0 1 0 06.04.22 BUREAU CHIEF (print. & pub.) 132.067-010 11.08.01 burglar-alarm installer :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL INSTALLER (bus. ser.): 822.361-018 05.05.05 burglar-alarm installer and servicer :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL REPAIRER (bus. ser.): 822.361-022 05.05.05 burglar-alarm-repairer helper :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL- REPAIRER HELPER (bus. ser.): 822.684-01 4 05.10.03 burglar-alarm superintendent :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL SU- PERINTENDENT (bus. ser.): 822. 131-022 05.02.02 Burlap-Bag Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 burlapper :CLOTH-BALE HEADER (textile): 06.04.27 burlapper :ROLL COVERER, BURLAP (textile): 929.687-042 06.04.38 Burlap-Sizing-Machine Operator (felt goods) :SIZING- MACHINE-AND-DRIER OPERATOR (felt goods): 582.665- 026 06.04.16 BURLAP SPREADER (tex. bag) 581.687-010 06.04.27 BURLER (carpet & rug; textile) 689.684-010 * 06.03.02 burner :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-010 06.04.17 burner :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685-010 05.12.10 burner, hand :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I: 8 16.464-0 1 0 05.10.01 BURNER OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-014 06.02.11 burner operator :CLAY ROASTER (petrol. refin.): 573.685- 0 1 4 06.04.17 BURNER TENDER (minerals & earths) 571.685-0 1 0 06.04.19 burning-machine operator :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 BURNING-PLANT OPERATOR (ammunition) 509.685-018 05.12.10 BURNING SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 573. 132-010 06.02.01 BURNISHER (boot & shoe) 690.685-058 06.04.05 burnisher :BOTTOM PRESSER (boot & shoe): 690.685-034 06.04.05 BURNISHER (clock & watch) 603.685-042 06.02.02 burnisher :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-010 06.04.25 burnisher :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685-018 06.04.16 BURNISHER AND BUMPER 807.684-018 06.04.24 BURNISHER, BALANCE WHEEL ARM (clock & watch) 71 5.684-038 06.02.24 burn-out-scarfing operator ARC CUTTER (welding): 816.364- 0 1 0 05.05.06 :LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 782.687-0 18 (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) BURN-OUT TENDER, LACE (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 589.685-018 06.04.16 Burnt-Lime Drawer (lime) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 BURRER (clock & watch) 715.684-042 * 06.02.24 Burrer (mach. shop) :LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISH- ING (any ind.): 705.687-014 06.04.34 burrer, hand :BURRER (clock & watch): 06.02.24 BURRER, MACHINE (clock & watch) 603.685-046 * 06.02.02 Burrer-Marker, Axle (mach. shop) :LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.): 705.687-014 06.04.34 BURR GRINDER (optical goods) 673.686-01406.04.08 burring-machine operator :BURRER, MACHINE (clock & watch): 603.685-046 * 06.02.02 burring-machine operator :BEAD-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 583.686-010 06.04.05 BURRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 615.685-010 06.04.02 Burrito Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :MEXICAN FOOD MAKER, HAND (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.687-046 06.04.28 Burr-Mill Operator (grain & feed mill.) :GRINDER OPERA- TOR (grain & feed mill.): 521.682-026 06.02.15 BURSAR (education) l 60.167-042 11.06.01 BURSTING-MACHINE TENDER (clerical) 05.12.19 BUS ATTENDANT (motor trans.) 352.577-010 09.01.04 Bus Cleaner (auto. ser.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687-014 05.12.18 BUS DISPATCHER, INTERSTATE (motor trans.) 9 13.16.7-010 07.04.05 BUS DRIVER (motor trans.) 9 13.463-010 09.03.01 BUS DRIVER, DAY-HAUL OR FARM CHARTER (agric.) 913.363-010 09.03.01 Bus Driver, Garage (motor trans.) :HOSTLER (motor trans.): 909.663-010 05.08.03 Bus Driver, School (motor trans.) trans.): 913.463-010 09.03.01 busheler :ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-010 05.05.15 Busheler (logging) :FALLER (logging) I: 454.384-010 03.04.02 BUSHER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 502.687-01406.04.32 Bushing-and-Broach Operator (spring) :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): 706.684-090 06.04.22 business agent :BUSINESS MANAGER (amuse. & 191. 1 17-0 18 business and financial counsel :LAWYER, CORPORATION (profess. & kin.): 110.1 17-022 11.04.02 BUSINESS-ENTERPRISE OFFICER (gov, ser.) 188.1 17-014 11.07.01 business investor :BUSINESS-OPPORTUNITY-AND-PROPER- TY-INVESTMENT BROKER (bus. ser.; real estate): 189. 157-010 08.01.03 Business Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL LIBRARY (library): 100. 167–026 11.02.04 business-machine mechanic :OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 * 05.05.09 business-machine-mechanic apprentice :OFFICE-MACHINE- SERVICER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 633.28.1-022 05.05.09 BUSINESS MANAGER (amuse. & rec.) 19 1.1 17-0 18 11.12.03 BUSINESS MANAGER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education) 1 86.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 BUSINESS-OPPORTUNITY-AND-PROPERTY-INVESTMENT BROKER (bus, ser.; real estate) 189. 157-010 08.01.03 BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE, LABOR UNION (profess. & kin.) 187. 167-018 11.05.02 business-service officer :PROPERTY-UTILIZATION OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188. 117-122 11.12.02 BUS INSPECTOR (auto. ser.) 620.281-030 05.05.09 71 5.684-042 * 217.685-010 :BUS DRIVER (motor rec.): 375 Bus Mechanic (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 Bus Upholsterer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERER (auto. ser.): 780.381-010 05.05.15 Butadiene-Compressor Operator (chem.) :GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-01405.06.02 Butadiene-Converter Helper (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CON- VERTER-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.); 558.585-010 06.04.11 Butadiene-Converter Operator (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CON- VERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 Butadiene-Converter Utility Operator (chem.) :UTILITY - OPERATOR (chem.) I: 559.682-066 06.02.11 Butadiene Operator, Chief (chem.; petrol. refin.) :SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.); 559. 132-078 06.01.01 Butane-Compressor Operator (petrol. refin.) :GAS-COMPRES- SOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-01405.06.02 butcher :BUTCHER, MEAT (hotel & rest.): 3 16.681-010 05.10.08 butcher :MEAT CUTTER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 316.684-018 * 05.10.08 BUTCHER, ALL-ROUND (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.381- 0 1 4 06.02.28 - butcher apprentice :MEAT-CUTTER APPRENTICE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 3 16.684-022 05.10.08 BUTCHER APPRENTICE (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.381- 010 06.02.28 BUTCHER, CHICKEN AND FISH (hotel & rest.) 3 16.684-010 05.10.08 BUTCHER, FISH (can. & preserv.) 525.684-01406.04.28 Butcher, Head (hotel & rest.) :BUTCHER, MEAT (hotel & rest.): 316.681-010 05.10.08 - BUTCHER, MEAT (hotel & rest.) 3 16.681-010 05.10.08 Butcher Scullion (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687-01 4 05.12.18 BUTLER (dom. ser.) 309. 137-010 09.01.03 BUTLER, SECOND (dom. ser.) 309.674-010 05.12.18 Butter-Chilling Equipment Operator (dairy :BUTTERMAKER (dairy prod.): 529.362-010 06.02.15 Butter Churner (dairy prod.) :BUTTERMAKER (dairy prod.): 529.362-010 06.02.15 BUTTER LIQUEFIER (oils & fats) 523.585-010 06.04.15 BUTTERMAKER (dairy prod.) 529.362-010 06.02.15 BUTTERMAKER, CONTINUOUS CHURN (dairy prod.) 529.382-010 06.02.15 Buttermaker Helper (dairy prod.) :DAIRY HELPER (dairy prod.): 529.686-026 06.04.40 butter melter :BUTTER LIQUEFIER (oils & fats): 523.585-010 06.04.15 Buttermilk-Drier Operator (dairy prod.) :DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.): 523.682-022 06.02.15 Butter Production Supervisor (dairy prod.) :SUPERVISOR, DAIRY PROCESSING (dairy prod.): 529.131-01406.02.01 BUTT MAKER (tobacco) 529.685-042 06.04.15 BUTTON-AND-BUCKLE MAKER (any ind.) 734.687-046 06.04.27 Button-Attaching-Machine Operator (any ind.) :EYELET- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 BUTTON-ATTACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; hat & cap) 699.685-010 06.04.05 button bradder :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 button bradder :BUTTON-ATTACHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-010 06.04.05 button-breaker operator :BREAKER-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 583.685-010 06.04.16 button broacher :TRIMMING-MACHINE (button): 690.682-090 06.02.02 prod.) OPERATOR Button-Buttonhole Marker (garment) :MARKER (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.): 781.687-042 06.04.27 button clamper :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 button clamper :BUTTON-ATTACHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-010 06.04.05 button cutter :BUTTON-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button): 734.384-010 06.02.30 BUTTON-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button) 734.384-010 06.02.30 BUTTON-DECORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button) 690.685-062 06.04.09 BUTTONER (garment; knit goods) 782.687-01406.04.27 BUTTON-FACING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button) 690.685- 066 06.04.09 BUTTON GRADER (button) 734.687-038 06.03.02 BUTTONHOLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.685- 0 1 4 06.04.05 BUTTONHOLE MAKER (boot & shoe) 788.684-038 06.04.27 Buttonhole Maker, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Buttonhole Tacker (garment) 782.684-058 06.04.27 BUTTON RECLAIMER (knit goods) 734.687-042 06.03.02 button riveter :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 button riveter :BUTTON-ATTACHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-010 06.04.05 Button Sewer, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 BUTTON-SEWING-MACHINE 786.685-010 06.04.05 BUTTON SPINDLER (button) 740.687-010 06.04.33 button tacker :BUTTON-ATTACHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-010 06.04.05 button tufter :TUFTER (matt. & bedspring): 687.684-014 06.04.05 button tufter :TUFTER, HAND (matt. & bedspring): 780.687- 050 06.04.27 button-tufting-machine operator :TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 687.685-01406.04.05 Butt Presser (slaught. & meat pack.) :PRESS OPERATOR, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 520.685-182 06.04.15 butt sawyer :CUT-OFF SAWYER, LOG (paper & pulp; saw- mill): 667.685-034 03.04.02 Butt Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-054 06.04.28 Buy-Boat Operator (fish.) :CAPTAIN, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 197. 133-010 05.04.02 BUYER (profess. & kin.) 162. 157-018 08.01.03 buyer :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 buyer, assistant :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367- 066 07.01.02 - BUYER, ASSISTANT (ret. tr.) 162. 157-022 08.01.03 Buyer, Electronics (elec. equip.) :PURCHASING (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 Buyer, Fish (can. & preserv.) :PURCHASING (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 Buyer, Food (hotel & rest.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 Buyer, Furs (whole. tr.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 BUYER, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.; whole. tr.) 162. 167-010 08.01.03 Buyer, Grain (whole. tr.) :BROKER-AND-MARKET OPERA- TOR, GRAIN (finan. inst.; whole. tr.): 162. 157-0 1 0 1 1.06.04 buyer, head :BUYER, TOBACCO, HEAD (whole. tr.): 162. 167–01 4 08.01.03 :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): OPERATOR (garment) AGENT AGENT 376 Buyer, Maple Sirup (food prep., n.e.c.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 buyer-renter :OUTSIDE PROPERTY AGENT (motion pic.): 162. 157-030 08.01.03 Buyer, Time and Space (bus. ser.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 Buyer, Tobacco (whole. tr.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 BUYER, TOBACCO, HEAD (whole. tr.) 162. 167-014 08.01.03 buzzle buffer :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685- 018 06.04.16 BUZZSAW OPERATOR (any ind.) 667.685-026 06.04.03 BUZZSAW-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) 667.687-010 06.04.03 Byproducts Maker (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 C C.o.d. Audit Clerk (clerical) 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 C.o.d. Biller (clerical) :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 214.382- 0 1 4 07.02.04 C.O.D. CLERK (clerical) 214.382-018 07.02.04 CABANA ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 09.04.02 Cabbage Salter (can. & preserv.) :BULK FILLER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-022 06.04.28 cab driver :TAXI DRIVER (motor 09.03.02 - CABIN-EQUIPMENT SUPERVISOR (air trans.) 869. 131-010 05.10.01 Cabinet-Abrasive Sandblaster (any ind.) :SANDBLASTER (any ind.): 503.687-010 05.12.18 :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 349.677-010 trans.): 913.463-018 Cabinet-and-Trim Installer (mfü. blogs.; trans. equip.) :INSTALLER (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-026 06.02.22 Cabinet-and-Trim Installer (trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.): 806.684-018 06.04.22 CABINET ASSEMBLER (furn.) 763.684-014 06.02.22 Cabinet Assembler (mfd. blogs.) :LAMINATOR, HAND (furn.): 763.684-050 06.04.22 Cabinet Assembler (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, COMPONENT (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 762.684-014 06.02.22 cabinet finisher :CUPBOARD BUILDER (furn.): 703.684-014 06.02.22 CABINETMAKER (woodworking) 660.280-010 * 05.05.08 CABINETMAKER APPRENTICE (woodworking) 660.280-014 05.05.08 Cabinetmaker, Maintenance (woodworking) :CABINETMAKER (woodworking): 660.280-010 * 05.05.08 CABINETMAKER, SUPERVISOR (woodworking) 660. 130-010 05.05.08 Cabin Pressurizer (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) :PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684- 1 10 06.02.24 Cabin-Service Agent (air trans.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687-01 4 05.12.18 cable arm Orer :ARMORING-MACHINE (insulated wire): 691.685-010 06.04.09 cable assembler :CABLE SWAGER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-042 06.02.22 cable assembler :CABLE MAKER (elec. equip.; electronics): 728.684-010 * 06.02.32 CABLE ASSEMBLER, MOCK-UP (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.381-042 05.10.03 cable dispatcher DISPATCHER (tel. & tel.): 239. 167-014 07.04.05 OPERATOR CABLE ENGINEER, OUTSIDE PLANT (tel. & tel.) 003. 16.7- 0 1 0 05.01.03 CABLE INSTALLER-REPAIRER (light, heat, & power) 821.361-010 05.05.05 Cable Installer-Repairer Helper (light, heat, & power) :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821.667- 0 1 0 05.12.16 Cable-Load Tester (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :LOAD-TEST MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 929.382-010 06.03.01 cable-machine operator :STRANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework); 616.682-034 06.02.02 CABLE MAINTAINER (light, heat, & power) 952.464-010 05.06.01 CABLE MAKER (elec. equip.; electronics) 728.684-010 * 06.02.32 g - cable-mill helper :STRANDING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wirework): 616.687-0 10 06.04.02 cable placer CABLE PULLER (const.; light, heat, & power): 829.684-018 05.12.16 CABLE PULLER (const.; light, heat, & power) 829.684-018 05.12.16 cable rigger :CABLE PULLER (const.; light, heat, & power): 829.684-018 05.12.16 CABLE SPLICER (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 829.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.05 cable splicer :ELECTRICAL-LINE SPLICER (petrol. produc- tion): 728.684-01 4 05.10.03 cable splicer, aircraft :WIREWORKER mfg.): 709.684-106 06.02.22 CABLE-SPLICER APPRENTICE (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 829.361-014 05.05.05 CABLE-SPLICER HELPER (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 829.667-0 1 0 05.12.16 cable-splicing supervisor :CABLE SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829.131-010 05.05.05 (aircraft-aerospace Cable Spooler (insulated wire) :SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire; wirework): 691.685-026 06.04.02 CABLE STRETCHER AND TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.685-010 06.03.01 CABLE SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 829. 1 31-0 10 05.05.05 CABLE SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 184.161-010 05.05.05 CABLE SWAGER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-042 06.02.22 CABLE TESTER (tel. & tel.) 822.361-010 05.05.05 cable-tower operator :TOWER-EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (const.): 850.683-042 05.11.04 Cableway Operator (any ind.) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 cabling-machine operator :STRANDING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework): 616.682-034 06.02.02 cab starter TAXICAB STARTER (motor trans.): 9 13.367-010 07.04.05 CADDIE (amuse. & rec.) 341.677-010 09.05.06 CADDIE SUPERVISOR (amuse. & rec.) 341.137-010 09.05.06 CADET, DECK (water trans.) 9 11.133-0 10 05.04.02 Cadet Engineer (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130-010 * 05.06.02 CADMIUM-LIQUOR MAKER (paint & varn.) 553.685-026 Cadmium Plater (electroplating) 500.380-0 10 06.02.21 CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & 09.05.02 Cafeteria Cashier (hotel & rest.) 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 :PLATER (electroplating): rest.) 311.677-010 :CASHIER (clerical) II: 377 Cage-and-Dome-Pad Assembler (electronics) :TUBE ASSEM- BLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 cage clerk :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 358.677-01 4 09.05.07 CAGE MAKER (conc. prod.) 709.684-030 06.02.24 CAGE MAKER, MACHINE (conc. prod.) 616.682-018 06.02.02 Cage Operator (any ind.) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 CAGER (mining & quarrying) 939.667-010 05.12.04 CAGER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 921.685-018 06.04.40 Cage Tender (const) CONSTRUCTION worker (const.) II: 869,687-026 05.12.03 - Cake-Batter Mixer (bake. prod.) :BATTER MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-010 06.04.15 Cake-Batter Scaler (bake. prod.) :BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.); 526.682-010 06.02.15 - Cake Cutter, Machine (bake. prod.) :SLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 521.685-302 06.04.15 CAKE DECORATOR (bake. prod.) 524.381-010 05.05.17 CAKE FORMER (oils & fats) 520.685-038 06.04.15 022 06.04.28 - Cake Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 Cake inspector (synthetic fibers) :THREAD INSPECTOR (synthetic fibers): 681.687-018 06.03.02 cake maker Cook, PASTRY (hotel & rest.); 313.381-026 05.10.08 - . Cake-Pan Greaser (bake. prod.) :PAN GREASER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-034 06.04.21 CAKE-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics 06.04.13 * * CAKE-PRESS-OPERATOR HELPER (plastics mat.) 556.686- 010 06.04.13 CAKE PULLER (oils & fats) 521.686-014 06.04.19 CAKE STRIPPER (oils & fats) 520.685-042 06.04.19 Cake Supervisor (bake. prod.) :BAKERY SUPERVISOR (bake. prod.): 526.131-010 06.01.01 CAKE TESTER (grain & feed mill.) 526.381-022 06.02.15 Cake Washer (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 Cake Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 CAKE WRAPPER (synthetic fibers) 589.687-010 06.04.38 Cake Wringer (synthetic fibers) :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 Calciminer (const.) :PAINTER 05.10.07 calcination helper :KILN-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 513.587-010 06.04.10 CALCINE FURNACE LOADER (paint & varn.) 553.486-010 06.04.11 CALCINE-FURNACE TENDER (paint & varn.) 553.685-030 06.04.11 calciner :ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR minerals & earths): 573.382-010 06.02.17 calciner feeder :ROTARY-DRIER FEEDER (chem.); 553.686- 038 - CALCINER, GYPSUM (build. board) 579.382-010 06.02.18 calciner operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) III: 553.685- 050 06.04.11 CALCINER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.362-010 06.02.10 CALCINER-OPERATOR HELPER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.667-010 06.04.10 CALCULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 216.482- 022 * 07.02.02 Calculating-Machine Servicer (any ind.) :OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 * 05.05.09 mat.) 556.665-010 840.381 -010 * (const.): (cement; chem.; Cake Icer (bake. prod.) :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684- Calculation Clerk (insurance) :POLICY-VALUE CALCULA- TOR (insurance): 216.382-050 07.02.03 Calculation Reviewer (insurance) :POLICY-VALUE CALCU- LATOR (insurance): 216.382-050 07.02.03 calculator operator :CALCULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 216.482-022 * 07.02.02 CALENDAR-CONTROL CLERK, BLOOD BANK (medical ser.) 245.367-018 07.05.01 calenderer :CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 580.485-010 06.04.05 CALENDER FEEDER (rubber goods) 554.686-010 06.04.13 calender helper :CALENDER-WIND-UP TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.665-010 06.04.07 - CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit 580.485-010 06.04.05 Calender Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 goods) CALENDER-LET-OFF HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-01406.04.40 CALENDER-LET-OFF OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.682-010 06.02.13 CALENDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.) 583.585-010 06.04.05 . CALENDER OPERATOR (felt goods; tex. bag; textile) 583.685-026 06.04.16 CALENDER OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.682-010 06.02.18 calender operator :EMBOSSER OPERATOR (paper goods; wallpaper): 649.682-022 06.02.09 CALENDER OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.362-010 06.02.13 CALENDER OPERATOR, ARTIFICIAL LEATHER (coated fabrics) 584.685-010 06.04.16 Calender Operator, Fabric (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :CALENDER OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.362-010 06.02.13 CALENDER OPERATOR, FOUR-ROLL (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.662-010 06.02.13 Calender Operator, Gum Stock (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :CALENDER OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.362-010 06.02.13 - Calender-Operator Helper (coated fabrics) :LABORER, GENERAL (coated fabrics): 589.687-026 06.04.05 CALENDER-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-018 06.04.13 CALENDER OPERATOR, INSULATION BOARD (build. board) 539.482-010 06.02.09 calender-roll operator :ROLL OPERATOR (plastics mat.): 554.682-018 06.02.13 CALENDER-ROLL PRESS 692.462-010 06.02.09 Calender Supervisor (coated OPERATOR (mach. mſg.) fabrics; felt goods) :FABRIC- COATING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130-01 4 06.01.01 CALENDER SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.) 559. 132-014 06.02.01 calender tender :CALENDER OPERATOR (felt goods; tex. bag; textile): 583.685-026 06.04.16 CALENDER-WIND-UP HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.686-022 06.04.29 CALENDER-WIND-UP TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.665-010 06.04.07 Calf Skinner (slaught. & meat pack.) SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 Calfskin Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-046 06.04.39 Calf Sticker (slaught. & meat pack.) :STICKER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-050 06.04.28 378 Calibration Checker (inst. & app.) I :INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 710.381-034 06.01.05 CALIBRATION CHECKER (inst. & app.) II 710.687-018 06.03.02 CALIBRATION LABORATORY TECHNICIAN aerospace mfg.; electronics) 019.281-010 02.04.01 CALIBRATOR (cut. & tools) 701.684-010 06.04.24 Calibrator (inst. & app.) :INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 710.381- 034 06.01.05 CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.) I 710.681-01406.01.04 Calibrator (inst. & app.) II :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (inst. & app.): 710.381-042 06.01.04 California Seamer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 (aircraft- calker :STEEL-PLATE CALKER (any ind.): 843.684-010 05.12.14 Calker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 Call-Box Wirer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-010 05.05.05 caller :ORDER CALLER (clerical): 209.667-014 05.09.03 CALLER (r. r. trans.) 215.563-010 07.07.03 calligrapher :ENGROSSER (profess. & kin.): 01.06.03 Calliope Player (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, INSTRUMEN- TAL (amuse. & rec.): 152.04 1-0 10 01.04.04 970.66 1–010 call-out clerk :ORDER CALLER (clerical): 209.667-014 05.09.03 CALL-OUT OPERATOR (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 237.367-014 07.05.03 Camera Assembler (photo. apparatus) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (photo. apparatus): 714.684-010 06.02.23 camera-control operator :VIDEO OPERATOR (radio & tv broad.): 194.282-010 05.03.05 Camera-Lens Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECI- SION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 CAMERA. OPERATOR, ANIMATION (motion pic.) 143.382- 0 1 0 05.10.05 camera operator, first :DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 143.062-010 01.02.03 camera operator, head :DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 143.062-010 01.02.03 Camera Operator, Second (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :PHOTOGRAPHER, MOTION PICTURE (profess. & kin.): 143.062-022 01.02.03 Camera Operator, Special Effects (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :PHOTOGRAPHER, MOTION PICTURE (profess. & kin.): 143.062-022 01.02.03 Camera Operator, Television (radio & tv broad.) :PHOTOGRAPHER, MOTION PICTURE (profess. & kin.): 143.062-022 01.02.03 CAMERA. OPERATOR, TITLE (motion pic.) 976.382-010 05.10.05 CAMERA REPAIRER 05.05.11 Camera-Storeroom Clerk (motion pic.) (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 cam-milling-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) I: 605.280-01406.02.02 cam-milling-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) II: 605.382-026 06.02.02 (photo. apparatus) 714.281-014 :STOCK CLERK CAMOUFLAGE ASSEMBLER (ordnance) 869.687-014 06.04.34 Campground Caretaker (gov. ser.) GROUNDSKEEPER, PARKS AND GROUNDS (gov. ser.): 406.687-010 03.04.04 campground hand :ATTENDANT, CAMPGROUND (amuse. & rec.): 329.683-010 05.12.18 Camp Guard (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 camp-laundry operator :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) I: 361.684-01 4 05.12.18 CAMP TENDER (agric.) 410.137-010 03.01.01 Canadian-Bacon Tier (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING TIER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 CANAL-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (waterworks) 899.281-010 05.10.01 canal-lock tender, chief operator :LOCK TENDER, CHIEF OPERATOR (water trans.): 91 1.131-01405.05.09 canal-structure operator :LOCK OPERATOR (water trans.): 911.362-010 05.11.04 canal tender :DITCH RIDER (waterworks): 05.06.03 CANARY BREEDER (agric.) 4.11.161-010 03.01.02 can-bander operator CASE-LOADER OPERATOR liquors): 920.685-042 06.04.38 canceling-and-metering-machine operator CANCELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 026 05.12.19 Canceling-Machine Operator (clerical) :SEALING-AND-CAN- CELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-026 05.12.19 CANCELLATION CLERK (insurance) 203.382-01 4 07.02.02 CAN-CONVEYOR FEEDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-046 06.04.40 CANDLE CUTTER (candle) 739.687-050 06.04.34 CANDLE-EXTRUSION-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.682-026 06.02.18 CANDLEMAKER (candle) 739.664-0 10 06.04.32 CANDLE MOLDER, HAND (candle) 739.687-054 06.04.32 CANDLE MOLDER, MACHINE (candle) 692.685-038 06.04.19 candle pourer :POURER (candle): 739.687-158 06.04.32 Candle Wrapper (candle) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-0 18 * 06.04.38 954.362-010 (malt :SEALING-AND- 208.685- (candle) CANDLE WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (candle) 920.685-030 06.04.38 CAN DOFFER (textile) 680.686-0 10 06.04.40 can-drier operator :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 Candy-Bar-Core Inspector (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 Candy Catcher (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 candy-cooker helper CANDY-MAKER HELPER (confection.). 520.685-050 06.04.15 CANDY CUTTER, HAND (confection.) 790.687-0 1 0 06.04.28 candy cutter, machine :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 Candy Decorator (confection.) :DECORATOR (bake. prod.; confection.): 524.684-014 06.04.28 Candy-Department Manager (ret. tr.) :MANAGER, DEPART- MENT (ret. tr.): 299.137-010 * 11.11.05 CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.) 524.684-010 06.04.28 candy feeder :ENROBING-MACHINE FEEDER (confection.): 524.686-0 1 0 06.04.15 CANDY MAKER (confection.) 529.361-01 4 06.02.28 Candy Maker, Bar (confection.) :CANDY SPREADER (confection.): 520.687-022 06.04.28 candy-maker helper :CANDY SPREADER 520.687–022 06.04.28 CANDY-MAKER HELPER 06.04.15 candy mixer : ROLLER (confection.) I: 520.684-014 06.04.28 CANDY MOLDER, HAND (confection.) 520.687-0 18 06.04.28 Candy Packer (confection.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 candy polisher :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): (confection.) 520.685-050 379 CANDY PULLER (confection.) 520.685-046 06.04.15 candy roller BALL-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.686-010 06.04.15 candy roller :ROLLER (confection.) I: 520.684-01406.04.28 candy-rolling-machine operator : ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.685-198 06.04.15 candy separator, enrobing :ENROBING-MACHINE FEEDER (confection.): 524.686-010 06.04.15 Candy Separator, Hard (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 CANDY SPREADER (confection.) 520.687-022 06.04.28 Candy-Spreader Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 candy-starch-mold printer :STARCHMAKER (confection.): 526.687-014 ()0.04.28 Candy-Waffle Assembler (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 Candy-Wrapping-Machine Operator :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 06.04.38 CANER (furn.) I 763.684-018 06.02.32 CANER (furn.) II 763.684-022 06.04.25 can feeder :PACKING-MACHINE CAN FEEDER (tobacco): 920.686-030 06.04.38 Can Filler (ice) :ICE MAKER (ice): 523.685-102 06.04.15 CAN FILLER (tobacco) 922.687-030 06.04.36 Can-Filling-Machine Operator (tobacco) :TOBACCO- PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-098 06.04.38 Can-Filling-Room Sweeper (malt liquors) :CLEANER, INDUS- TRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 CAN INSPECTOR (can. & preserv.; malt liquors) 920.687–050 06.03.02 can intake worker :MILK RECEIVER (dairy prod.): 222.585- 0 1 0 05.09.01 can-line examiner :INSPECTOR, METAL CAN (tinvare): 709.367-010 06.03.01 Cannelure-Turning-Machine Adjuster :MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE 626.281-010 05.05.09 Cannery-Tender Engineer (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130-010 * 05.06.02 CANNERY WORKER (can. & preserv.) 529.686-014 * 06.04.15 CANNON-PINION ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.684-046 06.04.23 CANOE INSPECTOR, FINAL (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 769.687-018 06.03.02 Canopy Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PARACHUTE INSPEC- TOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-114 06.03.02 CANOPY STRINGER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-018 06.02.27 CAN PATCHER (can. & preserv.) 920.687-054 06.04.28 can pusher CAN DOFFER (textile): 680.686-010 06.04.40 CAN RECONDITIONER (can. & preserv.) 920.687-058 06.03.02 Can-Reforming-Machine Operator (tinvare) :LABORER, TIN CAN (tinvare): 709.686-0 10 06.04.24 can-repairer SPOILAGE WORKER (tinware): 06.03.02 cans operator :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 Can Stacker (tinvare) 709.686-010 06.04.24 Can Supervisor (any ind.) :PACKAGING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 920. 132-010 06.04.01 can technician :INSPECTOR, METAL CAN 709.367-0 1 0 06.03.01 CANTEEN OPERATOR (any ind.) 311.674-010 09.04.01 can tender :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 :FACTORY HELPER (confection.) 920.685-078 + (ammunition) (any ind.): 709.587-014 :LABORER, TIN CAN (tinvare): (tinvare): can tester TESTING-MACHINE OFERATOR 703.685-014 06.03.02 CANTILEVER-CRANE OPERATOR (water trans.) 921.683- 018 05.11.04 Canvas-Bag Maker (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 CANVAS BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-050 06.02.05 Canvas Cutter, Hand (canvas goods) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-014 06.02.27 Canvas Cutter, Machine (canvas goods) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 Canvas Marker (canvas goods) :MARKER (any 781. 384-01 4 06.02.31 CANVAS REPAIRER (any ind.) 782,684-010 06.04.27 canvasser SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DOOR-TO-DOOR (ret. tr.): 291.357-010 08.02.08 CANVAS SHRINKER (textile) 587.687-010 06.04.27 CANVAS WORKER (canvas goods; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 739.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 CANVAS-WORKER APPRENTICE (canvas goods; ship & boat blag. & rep.) 739.381-01406.01.04 Can Washer, Machine (any ind.) :CONTAINER WASHER, MACHINE (any ind.): 529.685-074 06.04.39 CAPACITOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 06.02.23 Capacitor Assembler, Variable (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 Capacitor Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPEC- TOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 CAPACITOR-PACK-PRESS OPERATOR 726.684-0 1 0 06.04.34 Capacitor Repairer (elec. equip.) :CAPACITOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-01406.02.23 Capacitor Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 Cap-and-Stud-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :EYELET- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 cap blocker :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-014 06.04.27 Cap Coverer (mort. goods) :CASKET COVERER (mort. goods): 780.684-026 06.04.27 cap inspector :VACUUM TESTER, CANS (can. & preserv.): 920.687-194 06.03.02 CAP-JEWEL PLATE ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684- 050 06.02.23 cap-lining-machine operator :CROWN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 692.685-062 06.04.09 cap-machine operator :CAP MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-018 06.04.27 CAP MAKER (hat & cap) 784.684-018 06.04.27 Cap Maker (mort. goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 CAPONIZER (agric.) 411.684-010 03.04.01 cap operator :CAP MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-018 06.04.27 Cap-Parts Cutter (hat & cap) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Capper (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 capper :LEVEL-VIAL SEALER (cut. & tools): 779.684-034 06.04.30 Capper Picker (agric.; whole, tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole, tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Capping-Machine Operator (any ind.) MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 + 06.04.38 d CAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.685-042 06.04.20 Cap Sizer (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 (tinvare): ind.) I: 729.684-014 (elec. equip.) (mort. :PACKAGER, 380 CAPSULE-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.682-010 06.02.18 captain :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375.167- 034 04.01.01 captain :WAITER/WAITRESS, CAPTAIN (hotel & 31 1. 1 37-018 09.01.03 Captain, Cannery Tender (fish.) :CAPTAIN, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 197.133-010 05.04.02 CAPTAIN, FIRE-PREVENTION BUREAU (gov. ser.) 373.16.7- 01 4 04.01.01 CAPTAIN, FISHING VESSEL (fish.) 197. 133-010 05.04.02 Captain, Room Service (hotel & rest.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, HEAD (hotel & rest.): 31 1.137-022 09.01.03 Caramel-Candy Maker (confection.) :CANDY MAKER (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 Caramel-Candy-Maker Helper (confection.) :CANDY-MAKER HELPER (confection.): 520.685-050 06.04.15 Caramel Cutter, Hand (confection.) :CANDY CUTTER, HAND (confection.): 790.687-010 06.04.28 Caramel-Cutter Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 Caramel Cutter, Machine (confection.) :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 Carbide-Die Maker (mach. shop) :DIE MAKER, WIRE DRAWING (mach. shop): 601.280-018 05.05.07 carbide grinder CARBIDE OPERATOR (mach. 601.380-0 1 0 05.05.07 CARBIDE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 601.380-010 05.05.07 CARBIDE-POWDER PROCESSOR (mach. shop) 510.465-010 06.02.10 Carbide-Tool Maker (clock & watch) :TOOL MAKER (mach. shop): 601.280-042 05.05.07 car-body inspector :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 807.381-026 05.10.04 car-body-inspector helper :STREETCAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 807.687-01405.12.12 CARBON-AND-GRAPHITE-BRUSH-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.482-010 06.02.09 carbonating-stone cleaner :STONE CLEANER (malt liquors): 529.687-190 06.04.39 CARBONATION EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (sugar) 529.582- 0 1 0 06.02.15 rest.): shop): CARBONATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (malt liquors) 522.685-026 06.04.15 CARBONATION TESTER (malt liquors) 522.587-010 06.03.02 carbon-brush maker :ASSEMBLER, CARBON BRUSHES (elec. equip.): 721.684-01406.02.23 CARBON-COATER-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 534.682-01 4 06.02.21 CARBON CUTTER (elec. equip.) 677.685-018 06.02.08 carbon-dioxide operator :PRESS OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.665-030 06.04.19 CARBON-FURNACE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 543.562-010 06.02.18 CARBON-FURNACE-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 543.664-0 10 06.04.19 carbonizer :PRODUCTION HARDENER (heat treat.): 504.685-026 06.04.10 carbonizer CASE HARDENER (heat treat.); 504.682-014 06.02.10 CARBONIZER (textile) 58.1.585-010 06.04.16 carbon-lamp cleaner STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 CARBON-PAPER-COATING-MACHINE SETTER pencil) 534.380-010 06.01.02 CARBON-PAPER INTERLEAFER (pen & pencil) 640.685- 018 06.04.04 (pen & Carbon-Paste-Mixer Operator, Panelboard (elec. equip.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :MIXER OPERATOR, CARBON PASTE (elec. equip.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 540.585- 0 1 0 06.04.19 CARBON PRINTER (print. & pub.) 979.684-010 05.10.05 CARBON ROD INSERTER (elec. equip.) 692.686-026 06.04.20 : CARBON SETTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.667-010 06.04.34 Carboy Filler (chem.) :LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.); 559.687-050 06.04.40 Carburetor Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL-COM- BUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 Carburetor Inspector (auto. mfg.) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 Carburetor Mechanic (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER- PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mſg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 CARBURETOR MECHANIC 05.10.02 carburetor repairer :CARBURETOR MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-034 05.10.02 carburizer :CASE HARDENER (heat treat.): 06.02.10 Carcass Assembler (sports equip.) :BALL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-018 06.04.28 Carcass Trimmer (rubber reclaim.) :SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 car changer :CHERRY-PICKER OPERATOR 921.663-01 4 05.11.01 CAR CHASER (malt liquors) 9 10.167-010 05.09.03 car checker :NEW-CAR GET-READY MECHANIC (auto. ser.; ret. tr.): 806.361-026 05.10.02 CAR CHECKER (r. r. trans.) 222.387-014 05.09.03 car checker :RAILROAD-CAR INSPECTOR (r. r. 9 10.387-01 4 05.07.01 car cleaner :CAR SCRUBBER (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 845.684-0 1 0 05.12.18 Car Cleaner (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-01405.12.03 Car Cleaner (r.r. trans.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687-014 05.12.18 CAR-CLEANING SUPERVISOR 05.12.18 CAR CLERK, PULLMAN (r. r. trans.) 215. 16.7-010 07.05.01 CAR COOPER (any ind.) 9 10.687-01405.12.18 card-apron cleaner :APRON CLEANER (asbestos 680.687-0 10 06.04.34 card assembler CARDER (any ind.): 920.685-034 06.04.38 Cardboard Cutter (any ind.) :CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 690.685-122 06'04.09 CARDBOARD INSERTER (hosiery) 920.687-062 06.04.27 CARD CHANGER, JACQUARD LOOM (textile) 683.685-014 06.04.27 Card Cleaner (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-0 1 4 06.04.39 CARD CLOTHIER (textile) 628.381-010 05.10.01 (auto. ser.) 620.281-034 504.682-014 (const.): trans.): (r. r. trans.) 9 10.137-014 prod.): card-cutter helper :NUMBERER AND WIRER (textile): 689.587-0 1 0 06.04.06 CARD CUTTER, JACQUARD (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.582-010 06.02.04 CARD DECORATOR (print. & pub.) 649.686-014 06.04.04 Card Doffer (textile) :CAN DOFFER (textile): 680.686-010 06.04.40 CARDER (any ind.) 920.685-034 06.04.38 381 carder :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 680.685- 050 06.04.06 carder, blankets :STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 363.687-022 06.04.35 card fixer CARD GRINDER (asbestos prod.; textile): 680.380- 0 1 0 06.01.02 Card Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 card-gill tender :GILL-BOX TENDER (textile): 680.685-058 06.04.06 card grader :PLASTIC-CARD GRADER, CARDROOM (amuse. & rec.): 343.687-010 06.03.02 CARD GRINDER (asbestos prod.; 06.01.02 card hand :CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; textile): 680.685- 018 * 06.04.09 card hanger :CARD CHANGER, JACQUARD LOOM (textile): 683.685-01 4 06.04.27 Card-Index Clerk (clerical) 216.587-01 4 07.02.02 carding doubler :RIBBON-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 680.685-086 06.04.06 carding doubler SLIVER-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 680.685-094 O6.04.06 Carding-Machine Feeder (textile) :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 carding-machine operator :CARDER (any ind.): 920.685-034 06.04.38 CARDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 681.685-030 * 06.04.38 CARDIOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-014 02.03.01 car distributor :DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying): 932.167- 0 1 0 07.04.05 CAR DISTRIBUTOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-014 07.04.05 CARD LACER, JACQUARD (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.685- 018 06.04.06 card operator :CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; 680.685-018 * 06.04.09 CARD PLAYER (amuse. & rec.) 343.367-010 09.04.02 card-punch operator :KEYPUNCH OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-030 * 07.06.02 Card Reader (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-018 01.07.01 car driver :DRIVER (auto. mfg.): 919.683-01405.08.03 CARDROOM ATTENDANT (amuse, & rec.) I 343.467-010 09.04.02 CARDROOM ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) II 343.577-010 09.05.05 textile) 680.380-010 :POSTING CLERK (clerical): (trim. & embroid.) textile): Cardroom Supervisor (asbestos prod.) :SUPERVISOR, ASBESTOS TEXTILE (asbestos prod.): 579. 137-014 06.02.01 CAR DROPPER (mining & quarrying) 932.683-010 05.12.03 card setter :CARD GRINDER (asbestos prod.; textile): 680.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 card-sorting-machine operator :SORTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clerical): 208.685-030 05.12.19 CARD STRIPPER (textile) 680.685-014 06.04.06 Card-Tape-Converter Operator (clerical) :COMPUTER- PERIPHERAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (clerical): 213.382-0 1 0 07.06.01 CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; , textile) 680.865-018 06.04.09 Car Dumper (any ind.) :DUMPER (any ind.): 921.667-018 05.12.03 car-dumper operator :DUMP OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.685- 038 05.11.04 CAR-DUMPER OPERATOR 05.11.04 (malt liquors) 921.662-010 CAR-DUMPER-OPERATOR HELPER (malt liquors) 921.687- 0 1 0 05.12.04 card writer, hand SIGN WRITER, HAND (any ind.): 970.281- 022 01.06.03 CAREER-GUIDANCE TECHNICIAN (education) 249.367-014 1 1.02.04 career-information specialist :CAREER-GUIDANCE TECHNI- CIAN (education): 249.367-014 11.02.04 career resource technician :CAREER-GUIDANCE TECHNI- CIAN (education): 249.367-014 11.02.04 CARETAKER (dom. ser.) 301.687-010 05.12.18 caretaker, grounds :GROUNDSKEEPER, INDUSTRIAL-COM- MERCIAL (any ind.): 406.684-01403.04.04 caretaker, resort :ATTENDANT, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 329.467-010 05.10.04 car filler :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 CARGO AGENT (air trans.) 248.367-018 05.09.01 CARGO CHECKER (water trans.) 222.367-010 05.09.03 cargo-gear mechanic :STOREKEEPER (water trans.): 222.387- 062 05.09.01 Cargo Inspector (gov. ser.) :CUSTOMS INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-022 11.10.04 CARGO INSPECTOR (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 549.387-010 05.07.05 CAR HOP (hotel & rest.) 31 1.477-010 09.04.01 Caricaturist (amuse. & rec.) :QUICK SKETCH ARTIST (amuse. & rec.): 149.04 1-0 10 01.02.02 car ice-bunker filler :CAR ICER (ice; slaught. & meat pack.): 9 10.687-018 05.12.03 CAR ICER (ice; slaught. & meat pack.) 910.687-018 05.12.03 CAR INSPECTOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 9 10.667-010 05.07.01 Car Inspector (mining & quarrying) :MINE-CAR REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 622.381-030 05.05.06 Car Jockey (auto. ser.) :DRIVER (auto. mfg.): 919.683-014 05.08.03 Car Letterer (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) :STENCIL CUTTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 970.381-038 01.06.03 Car Loader (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * car loader :BOLT LOADER (sawmill): 922.687-022 06.04.40 CARNALLITE-PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.484-010 06.02.18 carney :BARKER (amuse. & rec.): 342.657-010 01.07.02 CARPENTER (const.) 860.38 1-022 * 05.05.02 CARPENTER (mfä. blogs.) I 860.664-0 10 05.10.01 CARPENTER (mfä. blags.) II 860.681-010 06.02.22 CARPENTER APPRENTICE (const.) 860.381-026 05.05.02 carpenter apprentice, ship :SHIPWRIGHT APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860.381-062 05.05.02 - carpenter, box :BOX MAKER, WOOD (wood. box): 760.684- 0 1 4 06.02.25 CARPENTER, BRIDGE (r. r. trans.) 860.381-030 05.05.02 Carpenter, Cradle and Dolly (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 carpenter, form :FORM BUILDER (const.): 860.381-046 05.05.02 carpenter helper :SHIPWRIGHT HELPER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860.664-018 05.12.12 Carpenter Helper, Hardwood :CONSTRUCTION WORKER 05.12.03 Carpenter Helper, Maintenance (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 CARPENTER INSPECTOR (any ind.) 860.261-010 05.07.01 Flooring (const.) II: (const.) 869,687–026 CARPENTER-LABOR SUPERVISOR (const.) 860. 137-010 05.12.12 CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.) 860.281-010 05.05.02 382 Carpenter, Mine (mining & quarrying) :CARPENTER, MAIN- TENANCE (any ind.): 860.281-010 05.05.02 CARPENTER, MOLD (brick & tile; conc. prod.) 860.381-034 05.05.02 carpenter, packing :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484-010 06.04.38 CARPENTER, RAILCAR (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 860.381- 038 05.05.02 Carpenter, Refrigerator (refrigerat. (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 carpenter, repair :CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.): 860.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.02 CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.) 860.381-042 05.05.02 carpenter, ship :SHIPWRIGHT (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860.38 1-058 05.05.02 CARPENTER, SHIP (water trans.) 860.281-014 05.05.02 Carpenter, Streetcar (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) :CARPENTER, RAILCAR (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 860.381-038 05.05.02 carpenter supervisor, wooden ship :SUPERVISOR, BOATBUIL- DERS, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 860. 131-014 05.05.02 carpenter, wooden-tank erecting :TANK ERECTOR (const.): 860.38 1-070 05.05.02 carpentry repairer CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.): 860.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.02 carpet cleaner :RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.): 369.384-01406.02.27 CARPET CUTTER (carpet & rug) I 781.684-010 06.02.27 CARPET CUTTER (carpet & rug) II 585.687-01406.04.27 CARPET CUTTER (ret. tr.) 929.381-010 05.10.01 Carpet-Finishing Supervisor (carpet & rug) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 CARPET INSPECTOR, FINISHED (carpet & rug) 689.564-010 06.03.02 CARPET LAYER (ret. tr.) 864.381-010 * 05.10.01 CARPET-LAYER HELPER (ret. tr.) 864.687-010 05.10.01 CARPET-LOOM FIXER (carpet & rug) 683.260-01406.01.02 CARPET SEWER (carpet & rug; ret. tr.) 787.682-01406.02.05 CARPET WEAVER (carpet & rug) 683.682-010 06.02.06 CARPET WEAVER, JACQUARD LOOM (carpet & rug) 683.682-01 4 06.02.06 Carpet Winder (carpet & rug) :CLOTH WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 CAR PINCHER (coke prod.) 922.687-03405.12.03 car pincher :CAR DROPPER (mining & quarrying): 932.683- 0 1 0 car-record clerk :DEMURRAGE CLERK (r. r. trans.): 214.362- 0 1 0 07.02.04 car-rental clerk :AUTOMOBILE-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.): 295.477-0 1 0 09.04.02 CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 622.381-014 05.05.06 car repairer :ELECTRIC-MOTOR FITTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 721.381-010 05.05.05 CAR-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.38 1-022 05.05.06 CAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.684- 0 1 4 05.12.12 equip.) :CARPENTER CAR REPAIRER, PULLMAN (r. r. trans.) 622.38 1-0 18 05.10.01 CAR-RETARDER OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.382-010 05.12.05 Carriage Feeder (floor covering, n.e.c.) :STOVE-CARRIAGE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.662-022 06.02.18 car rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 Car Rider (r. r. trans.) :YARD COUPLER (r.r, trans.): 910.664- 0 1 0 05.12.05 carrier :NEWSPAPER CARRIER (ret. tr.): 292.457-010 09.04.02 carrier blower SUCTION-PLATE-CARRIER CLEANER (tobacco): 529.687-194 06.04.39 Carrier Guider (floor covering, n.e.c.) :GUIDER (floor cover- ing, n.e.c.): 590.686-01406.04.40 carrier loader :DYE-STAND LOADER (textile): 589.587-010 06.04.16 carrier operator CRUSHER OPERATOR (sugar): 521.685-090 06.04.15 CARRIER PACKER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.687-066 06.04.38 carrier washer :SUCTION-PLATE-CARRIER CLEANER (tobacco): 529.687-194 06.04.39 Car-Roof Repairer (loco. & car blag. & rep.) :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 807.381-026 05.10.04 CARROTER (hat & cap) 784.687-01406.04.33 Carrot Grader-Inspector (agric.) :INSPECTOR-GRADER, AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT (agric.): 409.687-010 03.04.01 CARROTING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (hat & cap) 586.686- 0 1 0 06.04. 16 CARROTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 586.685- 0 1 0 06.04.16 Carrot Washer (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :WASHER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.): 529.685-258 06.04.39 car runner :CAR DROPPER (mining & quarrying): 932.683- 0 1 0 05.12.03 Car Salter (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-01405.12.03 CAR SCRUBBER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 845.684-010 05. 12.18 Car-Shakeout Operator (cement; mining & quarrying) :DUMP OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.685-038 05.11.04 car shifter :CAR PINCHER (coke prod.): 922.687-034 05.12.03 car spotter :CAR CHASER (malt liquors): 910. 167-010 05.09.03 Car Straightener (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.381-01405.05.06 car supplier :CAR DISTRIBUTOR (r.r. trans.): 910.367-014 07.04.05 Cart Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 car tester TEST DRIVER (auto. mfg.) I: 806.281-050 06.03.01 Car Tester (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :CAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.684-01405.12.12 cartographic technician :PHOTOGRAMMETRIST (profess. & kin.): 0 18.261-026 05.03.02 carton catcher CONVEYOR FEEDER-OFFBEARER (any ind.): 921.686-014 06.04.40 CARTON.—COUNTER FEEDER 06.03.02 carton filler :PACKER (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 Carton-Forming-Machine Adjuster (any ind.) :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 CARTON-FORMING-MACHINE HELPER (any ind.) 641.686- 0 1 4 06.04.04 CARTON-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR 64 1.685-022 * 06.04.04 CARTON-FORMING-MACHINE TENDER 64 1.685-026 06.04.04 Carton-Gluing-Machine Operator (any ind.) MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 CARTON INSPECTOR (tobacco) 920.687-070 06.03.02 carton-lettering-machine operator :BOX PRINTER (any ind.): 652.682-010 06.02.09 (tobacco) 921.686-0 1 0 (any ind.) (paper goods) :PACKAGER, CARTON MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; garment) 652.685-018 06.04.37 CARTON-PACKAGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 920.665–0 1 0 06.04.38 Carton Repairer (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 383 carton searcher CARTON INSPECTOR (tobacco): 920.687- 070 06.03.02 carton stamper CARTON MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; garment): 652.685-018 06.04.37 Carton Stapler (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 Carton Stenciler (any ind.) :STENCILER (any ind.): 920.687– 178 06.04.37 Carton-Waxing-Machine Operator (paper goods) :WAXING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 534.482-010 06.02.14 Cartoon-Background Artist (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) :CARTOONIST, MOTION PICTURES (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 141.081-010 01.02.03 CARTOON DESIGNER (trim. & embroid.) 781.381-010 01.02.03 CARTOONIST (print. & pub.) 141.061-010 01.02.03 CARTOONIST, MOTION PICTURES (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 141.081-010 01.02.03 Cartoonist, Special Effects (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) :CARTOONIST, MOTION PICTURES (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 141.081-010 01.02.03 Car-Top Bolter (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :CAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blag. & rep.); 622.684-01405.12.12 Cartridge Assembler (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil): 733.685-010 06.04.20 cartridge assembler :PHONOGRAPH-CARTRIDGE ASSEM- BLER (phonograph): 720.684-014 06.04.23 cartridge-assembling-machine adjuster :LOADING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition): 632.360-01 4 06.01.02 cartridge belt puncher :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 Cartridge Feeder (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 692.686-010 06.04.20 cartridge gager :INSPECTOR, SALVAGE (ammunition): 737.684-026 06.04.34 CARTRIDGE LOADER (elec. equip.) 779.687-01406.04.34 cartridge-loading operator :LOADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-026 06.04.20 CAR TRIMMER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-046 06.04.22 car unloader CAR-DUMPER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 921.662-010 05.11.04 car-unloader helper :CAR-DUMPER-OPERATOR HELPER (malt liquors): 921.687-010 05.12.04 Car Varnisher (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 carver :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684- 082 06.02.24 carver :RUG CLIPPER (carpet & rug): 781.684-046 06.04.27 carver :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.38 1-030 01.06.01 CARVER (hotel & rest.) 3 16.661-010 05.10.08 Carver and Checkerer, Specials (firearms) :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) I: 761.381-034 01.06.02 CARVER, HAND (furn.; plan. mill) 761.281-010 01.06.02 carver, machine :SPINDLE CARVER (woodworking): 761.682- 018 06.02.03 carving-machine operator :SPINDLE CARVER (woodworking): 76.1.682-018 06.02.03 CAR-WASH ATTENDANT, AUTOMATIC (auto. ser.) 915.667-01 () 09.04.02 CAR-WASH SUPERVISOR (auto. ser.) 9 15. 137-010 05.12.18 car whacker :CAR COOPER (any ind.): 910.687-01405.12.18 Cascara-Bark Cutter (forestry) : FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry): 453,687-010 03.04.02 CASE AIDE (social ser.) 195.367-010 10.01.02 case assembler :PROGRESSIVE ASSEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.): 801.684-022 06.04.22 case assembler :CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 Case Coverer (jewelry cases; leather prod.) :CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.) 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 CASE-FINISHING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 626.381-010 06.01.04 CASE FITTER (furn.) 763.684-026 05.10.01 case hardener :PRODUCTION HARDENER (heat treat.): 504.685-026 06.04.10 CASE HARDENER (heat treat.) 504.682-014 06.02.10 Case Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 Case Liner (jewelry cases; leather prod.) :CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 CASE-LOADER OPERATOR (malt liquors) 920.685-042 06.04.38 case maker :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484-010 06.04.38 case maker :BOX MAKER, WOOD (wood. box): 760.684-014 06.02.25 CASE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.685-018 06.04.09 case packer :PACKER (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 CASE PACKER AND SEALER (tobacco) 920.685-038 06.04.38 CASE PREPARER-AND-LINER (ordnance) 509.384-010 06.02.24 caser :CASER, SHOE PARTS (boot & shoe): 788.687–026 06.03.02 CASER (clock & watch) 715.684-054 * 06.04.23 caser BOTTLE PACKER (malt liquors): 920.685-026 06.04.38 CASER (petrol. production) 930.664-010 05.12.12 caser MOLD MAKER (pottery & porc.): 777.681-010 06.02.30 CASER (print. & pub.) 795.684-010 06.04.26 Case Repairer (jewelry cases; leather prod.) :CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 caser helper :LEAF-CONDITIONER HELPER (tobacco): 522.687-030 06.04.28 caser-in :CASING-IN-LINE FEEDER (print. & pub.); 653.686- 0 1 0 06.04.04 caser-in :PRESSER (print. & pub.): 977.684-018 06.02.26 caser-in CASER (print. & pub.): 795.684-010 06.04.26 caser operator CASE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.); 653.685-018 06.04.09 Caser, Rolled Glass (glass mfg.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 CASER, SHOE PARTS (boot & shoe) 788.687–026 06.03.02 case sealer :PACKER (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 case supervisor CASEWORK SUPERVISOR (social ser.): 195. 137-0 1 0 1 0.01.02 CASEWORKER (Social ser.) 195. 107-010 * 10.01.02 CASEWORKER, CHILD WELFARE (social ser.) 195. 107-014 10.01.02 CASEWORKER, FAMILY (social ser.) 195. 107-018 10.01.02 CASEWORK SUPERVISOR (social ser.) 195. 137-010 10.01.02 cash-accounting clerk :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362-010 07.03.01 Cash-Cage Supervisor (finan, inst.) :SUPERVISOR, TRUST ACCOUNTS (finan. inst.): 219. 132-014 07.02.02 cash clerk :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362-010 07.03.01 cash clerk :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 cash grain grower :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): 40 l. 161- 0 1 0 03.01.01 CASHIER (clerical) I 21 1.362-010 07.03.01 CASHIER (clerical) II 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 cashier, automobile services :AUTOMOBILE-SELF-SERVE- SERVICE-STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.477- 0 1 0 09.04.02 384 Cashier, Box Office (amuse. & rec.) :TICKET SELLER (clerical): 211.467–030 07.03.01 cashier, check-cashing agency :CHECK CASHIER (bus. ser.): 211 .462-026 07.03.01 CASHIER-CHECKER (ret. tr.) 211 .462-014 * 07.03.01 CASHIER, COURTESY BOOTH (ret. tr.) 211 .467-010 09.04.02 Cashier, Credit (clerical) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 211 .462-010 07.03.01 Cashier, Front Office (hotel & rest.) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362-0 1 0 07.03.01 CASHIER, GAMBLING (amuse. & rec.) 211 .462-022 07.03.01 cashier, general CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 cashier, general CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362-010 07.03.01 cashier, office :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 Cashier, Parking Lot (auto. ser.) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 Cashier, Payments Received (clerical) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-0 1 0 07.03.01 cashier, ticket selling :TICKET SELLER (clerical): 211.467-030 07.03.01 CASHIER, TUBE ROOM (ret. tr.) 21 1.482-0 10 07.02.02 CASHIER-WRAPPER (ret. tr.) 211 .462-018 09.04.02 cash-on-delivery clerk :C.O.D. CLERK (clerical): 214.382-018 07.02.04 Cash-Posting Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 cash-register repairer CASH-REGISTER SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-010 * 05.05.09 CASH-REGISTER SERVICER 05.05.09 Cash-Sales-Audit Clerk (clerical) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 210.382-0 1 0 * 07.02.01 Cash-Surrender Calculator (insurance) :POLICY-VALUE CAL- CULATOR (insurance): 216.382-050 07.02.03 CASING CLEANER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686-010 06.04.15 CASING-FLUID TENDER (tobacco) 520.685-054 06.04.15 CASING GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-026 :ACCOUNTING CLERK (any ind.) 633.281-010 * 06.03.02 CASING-IN-LINE FEEDER (print. & pub.) 653.686-010 06.04.04 CASING-IN-LINE SETTER (print. & pub.) 653.360-010 06.01.02 casing inspector :CASING GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-026 06.03.02 Casing-Machine Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING CLEANER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.686-010 06.04.15 CASING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.685-030 06.04.15 CASING-MATERIAL WEIGHER (tobacco) 520.687–026 06.04.28 casing mixer CASING-MATERIAL WEIGHER (tobacco): 520.687–026 06.04.28 Casing Packer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING CLEANER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.686-010 06.04.15 casing puller :WELL PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382- O30 Casing Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 . casing runner CASING-RUNNING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-014 06.04.15 CASING-RUNNING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. pack.) 525.685-01406.04.15 Casing Salter (slaught. & meat pack.) :DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-026 06.04.28 CASING SEWER (slaught. & meat 06.04.28 Casing Soaker (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING CLEANER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.686-010 06.04.15 & meat pack.) 529.687-030 casing sorter CASING GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687–026 06.03.02 CASING SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-014 06.04.28 casing tester CASING GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687–026 06.03.02 CASING TIER (slaught. & 06.04.28 casing wetter :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): 522.687-026 06.04.28 casing-wringer operator :WRINGER OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685-106 06.04.15 CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. goods) 739.481-010 06.02.22 CASKET ASSEMBLER, METAL (mort. goods) 809.684-014 06.04.22 CASKET COVERER (mort. goods) 780.684-026 06.04.27 CASKET INSPECTOR (mort. goods) 739.387-010 06.03.01 CASKET LINER (mort. goods) 780.684-030 06.02.22 casket trimmer CASKET COVERER (mort. goods): 780.684- 026 06.04.27 - casket upholsterer CASKET LINER (mort. goods): 780.684- 030 06.02.22 cask maker :HOGSHEAD COOPER (cooperage) I: 764.684- 026 06.04.22 meat pack.) 529.687-034 Casserole Preparer (hotel & rest.) :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 CASTER (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-022 06.02.24 caster :PATTERNMAKER (hat & cap): 784.361-010 01.06.02 caster :STEEL POURER (iron & steel): 502.664-01 4 06.02.24 caster CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (jewelry): 502.682-018 06.02.10 CASTER (jewelry) 502.381-010 06.02.24 CASTER (nonfer. metal alloys) 502.482-010 06.02.10 CASTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.684-010 06.04.24 caster :FILM-CASTING OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 559.682- 022 06.02.13 CASTER (pottery & porc.) 575.684-014 06.02.30 CASTER (stat. & art goods) 575.684-018 06.02.30 caster :PLASTER MAKER (stat. & art goods): 779.684-046 06.02.30 CASTER HELPER (jewelry) 700.687-022 05.12.10 caster, investment casting :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 caster operator CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding): 654.382-010 05.10.05 CASTING-AND-CURING OPERATOR (chem.) 559.682-014 06.02.11 Casting-and-Locker-Room Servicer (plastics mat.) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 Casting Carrier (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 casting finisher SNAG GRINDER (found.): 06.04.24 casting header :INGOT HEADER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 514.584-010 06.04.10 CASTING-HOUSE WORKER (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.687- 0 1 4 06.04.24 Casting Inspector (elec. equip.) :LEAD-CASTER HELPER (elec. equip.): 502.687-018 06.04.24 CASTING INSPECTOR (found.) 514.687-0 10 06.03.02 705.684-074 casting-machine adjuster :MOLD SETTER (elec. equip.): 502.684-018 06.04.32 Casting-Machine-Control-Board Operator (found.) :CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) III: 514.562-010 06.02.10 casting-machine operator :CENTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.682-01 4 06.02.15 CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 520.685-062 06.04.15 385 CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 520.685-058 06.04.15 - CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 502.682-01 4 06.02.10 - CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type found- ing) 654.382-010 05.10.05 CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (elec. equip.) 502.482-014 06.02.10 CASTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (elec. equip.) 502.686-0 1 0 06.04.10 CASTING-MACHINE-SERVICE OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.687-018 06.04.39 CASTING OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 514.662-010 06.02.10 CASTING-OPERATOR HELPER 514.687-018 06.04.10 CASTING-PLUG ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.687-022 06.04.23 CASTING REPAIRER (any ind.) 619.281-010 05.10°01 CASTING-ROOM OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 556.585-010 06.04.13 Casting Sorter (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 casting supervisor SUPERVISOR, CONCRETE-STONE FABRICATING (conc. prod.): 575. 131-010 06.02.01 Casting Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.): 519.131-0 10 06.01.01 casting tester CASTING INSPECTOR (found.): 514.687-010 06.03.02 Casting Trucker (found.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 CASTING-WHEEL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.682-0 1 0 06.02.10 CASTING-WHEEL-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.667-010 06.04.32 cast-shell grinder SNAG GRINDER (found.): 06.04.24 Casual-Shoe Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 Casualty-Insurance-Claim Adjuster (clerical) :CLAIM AD- JUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.2 17-010 * 11.12.01 Casualty Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 cataloger :CATALOG LIBRARIAN 11.02.04 CATALOG LIBRARIAN (library) 100.387-010 1 1.02.04 catalyst impregnator :IMPREGNATOR OPERATOR (chem.): 559.685-106 06.04.11 catalyst-manufacturing operator :CUPROUS-CHLORIDE OPERATOR (chem.); 558.382-034 06.02.11 catalyst operator :REDUCTION-FURNACE OPERATOR (chem.); 553.682-022 06.02.15 CATALYST OPERATOR, CHIEF 06.01.01 CATALYST OPERATOR, GASOLINE (chem.) 559.382-014 06.02.11 catalyst plant supervisor CATALYST OPERATOR, CHIEF (chem.); 559. 132-018 06.01.01 CATALYST-RECOVERY OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-022 06.04.11 catalyst supervisor SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.); 559. 132-078 06.01.01 catalytic-case operator CATALYTIC-CONVERTER OPERA- TOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 CATALYTIC-CONVERTER OPERATOR (chem.) 558.362- 010 06.02.11 CATALYTIC-CONVERTER-OPERATOR HELPER 558.585-0 1 0 06.04.11 Cataract-Lens Generator (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GENERATOR (optical goods): 716.682-01406.02.08 (nonfer. metal alloys) 705.684-074 (library): 100.387-010 (chem.) 559. 132-0 18 (chem.) Cat Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 410.161- 0 1 0 03.01.02 Cat Chaser (logging) :CHASER (logging): 921.667-014 05.12.04 Catch-Basin Cleaner (sanitary ser.) :SEWAGE-DISPOSAL WORKER (sanitary ser.): 955.687-010 05.12.18 CATCHER (iron & steel) 613.686-010 06.04.02 Catcher (spring) :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): 706.684-090 06.04.22 CATCHER, FILTER TIP (tobacco) 529.666-010 06.04.15 catcher, plug CATCHER, FILTER TIP (tobacco): 529.666-010 06.04.15 catching inspector :CIGARETTE 529.567-010 * 06.03.02 Caterer (per. ser.) :MANAGER, FOOD SERVICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187.167-106 * 11.11.04 CATERER HELPER (per. ser.) 319.677-010 09.05.02 catering-truck operator :LUNCH-TRUCK DRIVER (hotel & rest.); 292.463-010 09.04.01 Cathead Worker (petrol. production) :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production): 930.684-026 * CATHETER BUILDER (rubber goods) 752.684-026 06.04.29 Catheter Finisher-and-Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER- GOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 cathode builder :POT BUILDER (chem.): 826.684-022 05.10.03 Cathode-Coater Operator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Cathode-Coating Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS IN- SPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 CATHODE MAKER (chem.) 554.585-010 06.04.21 Cathode-Tab Welder (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Cathode Washer (chem.) :CELL CLEANER (chem.); 559.687- 022 06.04.39 Cat Hooker (logging) :CHOKE SETTER (logging): 921.687- 0 1 4 05.12.04 Cat Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 412.674-010 03.03.02 Cattle Dropper and Pritcher (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 Cattle Header (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 Cattle Rancher (agric.) :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): 4 10.1 61-018 03.01.01 Cattle Sticker (slaught. & meat pack.) :STICKER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-050 06.04.28 Caul-Fat Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Cauliflower-Harvesting-and-Packing Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409.131-010 03.04.01 - CAUSTICISER (chem.) 558.382-022 06.02.11 CAUSTICISER (paper & pulp) 558.382-018 06.02.11 caustic-liquor maker :CAUSTICISER (paper & pulp): 558.382- 018 06.02.11 Caustic Loader (chem.) :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 Caustic Mixer (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585- 018 06.04.11 CAUSTIC OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 558.485-010 06.02.11 CAUSTIC OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 554.684-010 06.04.13 Caustic-Purification Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERA- TOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 caustic-room attendant :STEEPING-PRESS TENDER (synthetic fibers): 551.685-138 06.04.18 Caustic-Strength Inspector (textile) :CHEMICAL-STRENGTH TESTER (textile): 582.587-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (tobacco): 386 cd-manufacturing supervisor SUPERVISOR, (chem.); 559.1321070 06.02.01 CD-MIXER (rubber reclaim.) 550.685-022 06.04.13 CD-MIXER HELPER (rubber reclaim.) 553.686-014 06.04.11 CD-REACTOR OPERATOR (chem.) 558.385-010 06.02.11 CD-REACTOR OPERATOR, HEAD (chem.) 558.362-014 06.02.11 CD-STORAGE-AND-MATERIALS MAKE-UP HELPER (chem.) 559.685-034 06.04.11 CD-STORAGE-AND-MATERIALS-MAKE-UP OPERATOR, HEAD (chem.) 559. 167-010 06.02.11 Ceiling Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 ceiling installer :PANEL INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.): 869.684- 038 06.04.22 cellar hand :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686- 026 06.04.27 Cellar Laborer (dairy prod.) :LABORER, CHEESEMAKING (dairy prod.): 529.686-050 06.04.28 Cellar Pumper (malt liquors) :PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors): 914.665-01406.04.40 CELLAR SUPERVISOR (vinous liquors) 529. 131-010 06.02.01 cellar worker :PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors): 914.665- 0 1 4 06.04.40 cell attendant :CELL TENDER (chem.); 558.382-026 06.02.11 cell-attendant helper :CELL-TENDER HELPER (chem.): 558.685-022 06.04.11 CELL CHANGER (chem.) 826.684-014 05.10.03 CELL CLEANER (chem.) 559.687–022 06.04.39 CELL COVERER (elec. equip.) 727.687-042 06.04.23 CELL-FEED-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (ore smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-010 06.02.01 CELL INSPECTOR (plastics mat.) 556.684-010 06.03.02 CELL INSTALLER (chem.) 826.684-018 05.12.12 CELL MAKER (chem.) 844.681-010 06.02.30 cell-making supervisor, plastics sheets :SUPERVISOR, MOLD- MAKING PLASTICS SHEETS (plastics mat.): 579.137-022 06.04.01 Cellophane-Bag-Machine Operator (paper MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.04.04 CELLOPHANE-BATH MIXER (plastics mat.) 550.585-014 06.04.13 CELLOPHANE-CASTING-MACHINE REPAIRER plastics prod.) 629.281-01405.05.09 Cellophane Sheeter (any ind.) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 Cellophane Wrapper, Machine (any ind.) MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 cellophane-wrapping examiner CIGARETTE-PACKAGE EX- AMINER (tobacco): 920.667-010 06.03.02 CELL PLASTERER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-010 06.04.34 cell pourer :MOLD-FILLING OPERATOR 556.684-018 06.04.32 CELL PREPARER (plastics mat.) 556.687-01406.04.24 CELL REPAIRER (chem.) 826.384-010 06.02.32 CELL REPAIRER (elec. equip.) 727.684-018 06.04.34 CELL STRIPPER (plastics mat.) 556.686-01406.04.20 cell stripper, final :MOLD PARTER (plastics mat.); 556.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 CELL TENDER (chem.) 558.382-026 06.02.11 CELL-TENDER HELPER (chem.) 558.685-022 06.04.11 CELL TESTER (chem.) 558.584-010 06.03.02 CELL TUBER, HAND (elec, equip.) 727.687-046 06.04.23 CELL TUBER, MACHINE (elec. equip.) 692,685-046 06.04.09 CELLULOID TRIMMER (sports equip.) 732.684-046 06.04.34 CEMENT-BOAT-AND-BARGE LOADER (cement) 921.665- 0 1 0 05.12.06 . dress., goods) :BAG- 649.685-014 * (fabric. :PACKAGER, (plastics mat.): CD-AREA Cement-Car Dumper (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIX- ING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 Cement-Conveyor Operator (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE- MiXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 cementer :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 cementer :FABRICATOR, FOAM RUBBER (any ind.): 780.684-062 06.04.29 cementer :TIRE VULCANIZER (auto. ser.): 750.684-038 05.12.12 cementer :PATCHER (leather mfg.): 585.687-022 06.04.27 CEMENTER (optical goods) 711.684-01406.02.30 Cementer (pen & pencil) :DATER ASSEMBLER (pen & pen- cil): 733.687-030 06.04.23 Cementer (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-010 * 05.05.01 CEMENTER AND FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & 690.685-070 06.04.05 Cementer For Folding, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.687-030 06.04.27 Cementer Helper (petrol. production) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE- OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. production): 939.684-018 05.12.07 CEMENTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 692.685-050 06.04.05 cementer, machine :COATING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather prod.): 690.686-022 06.04.16 CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR 690.686-018 06.04.05 CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe) 690.685-074 06.04.05 Cementer, Oil Well (petrol. production) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE OPERATOR (petrol. production): 939.462-010 05.11.03 cement finisher :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-010 * 05.05.01 cement-finisher apprentice :CEMENT-MASON APPRENTICE (const.): 844.364-01 4 05.05.01 Cement-Finishing Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPER- VISOR (const.): 869.131-014 05.05.01 CEMENT FITTINGS MAKER (conc. 06.04.32 Cement-Gun Operator (conc. prod.; const.) :PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (conc. prod.; const.): 849.665-010 05.12.06 Cement Handler (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-01 4 05.12.04 CEMENT LOADER (cement) 921.565-010 06.04.40 CEMENT MASON (const.) 844.364-0 1 0 * 05.05.01 CEMENT-MASON APPRENTICE (const.) 844.364-014 05.05.01 Cement-Mason Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 shoe) (boot & shoe) prod.) 779.684-010 Cement Mason, Highways and Streets (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Cement Mason, Maintenance (any ind.) :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-010 * 05.05.01 cement mixer :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 CEMENT MIXER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 550.685- 026 06.04.13 - cement patcher CONCRETE RUBBER (conc. prod.): 844.684- 0 1 0 05.10.01 cement paver 05.05.01 Cement-Railroad-Car Loader (cement) :CEMENT LOADER (cement): 921 .565-010 06.04.40 cement rubber :CONCRETE RUBBER (conc. prod.): 844.684- 0 1 0 05.10.01 :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-0 10 * 387 Cement-Sack Breaker (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIX- ING PLANT (const.); 579.665-01405.12.04 CEMENT SPRAYER HELPER, NOZZLE (conc. prod.; const.) 844.687-010 05.12.09 Cement Sprayer, Nozzle (conc. prod.; const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 cement-storage worker :SILO TENDER (cement): 579.685-050 06.04.40 r Cement Tester (cement) :LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.): 029.261-010 * 02.04.01 Cement-Tile Maker (conc. prod.) :PRECAST MOLDER (conc. prod.): 579.685-042 06.04.19 Cement-Truck Loader (cement) (cement): 921.565-010 06.04.40 CEMETERY WORKER (real estate) 406.684-010 03.04.04 Census Clerk (gov. ser.) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 Census Enumerator (gov. ser.) SURVEY WORKER (clerical): 205.367–054 * Centerless-Grinder Operator, Production (mach. :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. 603.685-062 06.02.02 Centerless-Grinding-Machine Adjuster :MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE 626.281-010 05.05.09 centerless-grinding-machine operator OPERATOR, CENTERLESS (mach. 06.02.02 Center-Line-Cutter Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 CENTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 520.682-014 06.02.15 center maker, hand :ROLLER (confection.) I: 520.684-014 06.04.28 CENTER-PUNCH OPERATOR (phonograph) 690.685-078 06.04.02 :CEMENT LOADER shop) shop): (ammunition) (any ind.): :GRINDER SET-UP shop): 603.382-014 Center-Section Assembler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281 -010 06.01.04 Central-Air-Conditioning Installer (any ind.) :AIR-CONDI- TIONING INSTALLER, DOMESTIC (any ind.): 827.464-010 05.10.04 Central-Control-Room Operator (light, heat, & power) :TURBINE OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-042 * 05.06.01 CENTRAL-OFFICE EQUIPMENT ENGINEER (tel. & tel.) 003. 187-0 10 05.01.03 CENTRAL-OFFICE INSTALLER (tel. 05.05.05 central-office maintainer CENTRAL-OFFICE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.281-014 * 05.05.05 CENTRAL-OFFICE OPERATOR (tel. & tel.) 235.462-010 * 07.04.06 CENTRAL-OFFICE-OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 235. 1 32-0 1 0 07.04.06 CENTRAL-OFFICE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) 822.281-014 * 05.05.05 CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. 822. 131-0 1 0 05.05.05 Central-Office Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE- REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 - central-supply aide :CENTRAL-SUPPLY WORKER (medical ser.): 381.687-010 05.12.18 CENTRAL-SUPPLY WORKER (medical ser.) 381.687-010 05.12.18 CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) I 514.685-010 06.04.10 & tel.) 822.361-014 & tel.) CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) II 514,685-01 4 06.04.10 CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) III 5.14.562-010 06.02.10 CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (jewelry) 502.682-018 06.02.10 CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE TENDER 556.385-010 06.02.18 CENTRIFUGAL-DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-026 06.04.11 centrifugal-extractor operator :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar) 521.682-010 06.02.15 Centrifugal-Screen Tender (paper & pulp) :SCREEN TENDER (paper & pulp): 533.685-022 06.04.18 Centrifugal Separator (choc. & cocoa) :COCOA-BUTTER- (button) FILTER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.685-070 06.04.15 CENTRIFUGAL SPINNER (conc. prod.) 575.664-010 06.04.21 CENTRIFUGAL-STATION OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (sugar) 521.585-010 06.02.15 centrifugal supervisor SUPERVISOR, WHITE SUGAR (sugar): 529. 130-042 06.02.01 Centrifugal-Wax Molder (found.; jewelry) :WAX MOLDER (found.; jewelry): 549.685-038 06.04.09 centrifuge operator CENTRIFUGAL-DRIER OPERATOR (chem.); 551.685-026 06.04.11 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (chew, gum) 529.682-010 06.02.15 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (corn prod.) 521.685-046 06.04.15 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 521.685-042 06.04.15 Centrifuge Operator (distilled liquors; malt liquors) :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (distilled liquors; malt liquors): 521.685–1 18 06.04.15 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (oils & fats) 521.685-050 06.04.15 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (paint & varn.) 551.685-034 06.04.11 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (soap) 551.685-030 06.04.19 CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR, PLASMA PROCESSING (drug. prep. & rel, prod.; medical ser.) 599.685-018 06.04.11 CENTRIFUGE-SEPARATOR OPERATOR (glue) 551.685-038 06.04.11 CENTRIFUGE-SEPARATOR TENDER (nonfer, metal alloys) 541.585-010 06.04.12 CEPHALOMETRIC ANALYST (medical ser.) 078.384-010 02.04.02 cephalometric technician CEPHALOMETRIC ANALYST (medical ser.): 078.384-010 02.04.02 cephalometric tracer CEPHALOMETRIC ANALYST (medical ser.): 0.78.384-010 02.04.02 CERAMIC CAPACITOR PROCESSOR (electronics) 590.684- 010 06.04.08 CERAMIC COATER, MACHINE (any 06.04.21 CERAMIC DESIGN ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 006.061-010 05.01.07 CERAMIC ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 006.061-01405.01.07 Ceramic-Maker Demonstrator (ret. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.354-010 08.02.05 ceramic plater :CERAMIC COATER, MACHINE (any ind.): 509.685-022 06.04.21 CERAMIC RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 006.061- 018 05.01.01 Ceramic Sprayer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 ind.) 509,685-022 388 ceramics technician :DENTAL CERAMIST (medical ser.): 712.28 1-0 10 05.05.11 - CERAMICS TEST ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 006.061-022 05.01.04 ceramist :DENTAL CERAMIST (medical ser.): 712.281-010 05.05.11 cereal miller :FLAKE MILLER, WHEAT AND OATS (cereal): 521.682-022 06.02.15 cereal popper :GUNNER (cereal): 523.382-010 06.02.15 Cerrobend-Die Caster (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :MOLDER, PUNCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 502.381-01406.02.24 CERTIFICATION AND SELECTION SPECIALIST (education) 099.1 67-0 1 0 1 1.03.04 CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CONTROL (textile) 683.381-010 06.01.04 chainer :CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CONTROL (textile): 683.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 Chain-Forming-Machine Operator (forging) :MULTI-OPERA- TION-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 612.462-010 06.01.03 Chain-Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 chain-machine operator :ZIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-270 06.04.02 CHAIN MAKER, HAND (jewelry) 700.381-010 06.01.04 chain maker, loom control :CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CON- TROL (textile): 683.381-010 06.01.04 CHAIN MAKER, MACHINE (jewelry) 700.684-022 06.02.23 Chain Mender (jewelry) :LINKER (jewelry): 735.687-014 06.04.23 Chain-Mortiser Operator (woodworking) :MORTISING- MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.482-014 06.02.03 CHAIN OFFBEARER (plan. mill; sawmill) 669.686-018 06.04.03 - chain pegger :CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CONTROL (textile): 683.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 CHAIN REPAIRER (carpet & rug) 683.684-010 06.02.24 chain-saw mechanic :POWER-SAW MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-030 05.05.09 CHAINSAW OPERATOR (logging; veneer & plywood; wood distil. & char.) 454.687-010 03.04.02 chain splitter :CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CONTROL (textile): 683.381-010 06.01.04 CHAINSTITCH SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-054 06.02.05 CHAIN-TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (forging) 616.685- 010 06.03.02 Chair Inspector (furn.) :FINISHED-STOCK (furn.): 763.687-026 06.03.02 CHAIR INSPECTOR AND LEVELER (furn.) 763.687-014 06.03.02 Chairperson, Scholarship and Loan Committee (education) :FINANCIAL-AIDS OFFICER (education): 090. l l 7-030 07.01.01 chair-post-machine operator :CHUCKING-AND-BORING- MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.): 669.682-022 06.02.03 Chair-Spring Assembler (furn.) SPRING ASSEMBLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 780.684-098 06.04.22 chair trimmer :CHAIR UPHOLSTERER (furn.): 780.684-034 06.02.27 CHAIR UPHOLSTERER (furn.) 780.684-034 06.02.27 CHALK CUTTER (pen & pencil) 733.687-022 06.04.34 chalker, soles :ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & 788.687-0 1 0 06.04.33 CHALK-EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 575,685-0 l 8 06.04.09 CHALK-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 575,685-022 06.04.19 INSPECTOR shoe): CHAMFERING-MACHINE OPERATOR 606.685-01 4 06.02.02 CHAMFERING-MACHINE OPERATOR 606.685-018 06.04.02 Chamfering-Machine Operator (clock & watch) :DRILLING- MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch): 606.685-030 * 06.02.02 Champagne Maker (vinous liquors) :WINE MAKER (vinous liquors): 183.161-01405.02.03 chancellor :PRESIDENT, EDUCATIONAL (education): 090.1 17-034 11.07.03 Chandelier Maker (light. fix.) :FIXTURE MAKER (light. fix.): 600.380-0 10 05.05.07 change approver :POLICY-CHANGE CLERK 219.362-042 07.02.02 Change-Booth Cashier (amuse. & rec.) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 CHANGE-HOUSE ATTENDANT (any 05.12.18 Change-of-Address Clerk (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: 206.362-010 07.07.01 changeover operator :LOOM CHANGEOVER OPERATOR (carpet & rug): 683.687-030 06.04.05 Channel Cementer, Insole, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Channel Cementer, Outsole, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 CHANNELER, INSOLE (boot & shoe) 690.685-086 06.04.05 Channeler, Outsole (boot & shoe) :CHANNELER, INSOLE (boot & shoe): 690.685-086 06.04.05 channeling-machine operator :CHANNELING-MACHINE RUNNER (mining & quarrying): 930.383-010 05.11.02 CHANNELING-MACHINE RUNNER (mining & quarrying) 930.383-010 CHANNEL INSTALLER (cooperage) 764.687-046 06.04.22 Channel Installer (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-0 1 0 06.04.22 channel-lip stiffener, insoles :INSOLE-AND-HEEL-STIFFENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-062 06.04.27 CHANNEL OPENER, OUTSOLES (boot & shoe) 690.685-082 06.04.05 Channel Rebuilder (ore dress., smelt., REBUILDER (ore dress., smelt., 05.10.01 Channel Rougher (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 channel turner :CHANNEL OPENER, OUTSOLES (boot & shoe): 690.685-082 06.04.05 chaperon :RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 187.167-186 * 11.07.01 CHAPERON (per, ser.) 359.667-010 04.02.03 Chaplain (profess. & kin.) :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-0 1 0 10.01.01 Character Actor (amuse. & rec.) :ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047-010 01.03.02 Character Actress (amuse. & rec.) : ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047-0 10 01.03.02 Charcoal-Briquette-Machine Operator :BRIQUETTE-MACHINE OPERATOR 549.662-010 06.02.17 CHARCOAL BURNER, BEEHIVE KILN (wood distil. & char.) 563.682-0 1 0 06.02.18 charcoal unloader : RETORT UNLOADER (wood distil. & char.): 569.686-034 06.04.40 CHAR-CONVEYOR TENDER (sugar) 529.685-050 06.04.40 Char Conveyor Tender, Cellar (sugar) :CHAR-CONVEYOR TENDER (sugar): 529.685-050 06.04.40 (ammunition) I (ammunition) II INSTITUTION (insurance): ind.) 358.687-010 & refin.) :ANODE & refin.): 630.684-010 (fuel (fuel briquettes) briquettes): 389 CHAR-DUST CLEANER AND SALVAGER (sugar) 529.687- 038 06.04.40 CHAR-FILTER OPERATOR (sugar) 521.365-010 06.02.15 CHAR-FILTER-OPERATOR HELPER (sugar) 521.687-034 06.04.39 CHAR-FILTER-TANK TENDER, HEAD (corn prod.) 521.665- 0 1 0 06.04.15 charge-account authorizer :CREDIT AUTHORIZER (clerical): 249.367–022 07.05.02 CHARGE-ACCOUNT CLERK (clerical) 205.367-014 07.04.01 charge-account identification clerk :THROW-OUT CLERK (ret. tr.): 241.367-030 07.05.02 Charge-Accounts-Audit Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 charge attendant :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE 355.377-014 * 10.03.02 Charge-Bag Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 charge clerk :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 07.02.04 charge-gang weigher :WEIGHER, ALLOY (nonfer. metal al- loys): 509.687-022 06.03.02 charge loader COOKER LOADER (grease & tallow): 921.685- 030 06.04.40 CHARGE-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.11 charger :BLEACH PACKER (chem.); 558.687-010 06.04.11 charger :CHARGER OPERATOR (iron & steel): 504.565-010 06.04.10 charger :CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 5 12.683-0 1 0 06.02.10 CHARGER (jewelry) I 740.684-010 01.06.03 CHARGER (jewelry) II 700.687-026 06.04.23 charger :OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & fats): 521.685–242 06.04.19 charger-car operator :LARRY OPERATOR (coke prod.): 519.683-01 4 06.04.40 CHARGER OPERATOR (iron & steel) 504.565-010 06.04.10 CHARGER-OPERATOR HELPER (iron & steel) 504.686-010 06.04.10 charging-board operator :GAS CHARGER (refrigerat. equip.): 827.485-010 06.04.36 charging-car operator :LARRY OPERATOR (coke prod.): 519.683-01 4 06.04.40 Charging-Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel) I :BRIDGE-OR- GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Charging-Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel) II :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel) 5 12.683- 0 1 0 06.02.10 charging manipulator :MANIPULATOR OPERATOR (forging): 612.683-010 06.04.02 charging operator :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 Charging-Plug Placer (elec. equip.) :BATTERY CHARGER, CONVEYOR LINE (elec. equip.): 727.687-026 06.04.34 CHAR PULLER (corn prod.; sugar) 521.687-030 06.04.39 charrer :BARREL CHARRER (cooperage): 764.684-014 06.04.18 charrer helper :BARREL-CHARRER HELPER (cooperage): 764.687-034 06.04.18 :AUDIT CLERK (medical ser.): 214.382-014 (chem.) 921.662-014 charring-room worker, barrel :BARREL CHARRER (cooperage): 764.684-01406.04.18 charring-room-worker helper, barrel BARREL-CHARRER HELPER (cooperage): 764.687-034 06.04.18 CHART CALCULATOR (light, heat, & power) 214.487-010 07.02.04 CHART CHANGER (clerical) 221.584-010 05.09.03 CHART CLERK (clerical) 221.382-010 07.02.03 chart clerk :GAS-VOLUME COMPUTER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 216.585-010 05.09.03 Chart Clerk, Chief (clerical) :CHIEF CLERK, MEASURE- MENT DEPARTMENT (petrol. production; pipe lines): 221. 132-0 1 0 07.02.03 chart collector :CHART CHANGER (clerical): 221.584-010 05.09.03 CHARTER (amuse. & rec.) 249.367-018 12.01.02 Charter-Boat Operator (amuse. & rec.) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 91 1.663-010 05.08.04 charter representative :RATE CLERK, PASSENGER (motor trans.): 214.362-030 07.04.04 Charting Clerk (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-RECORD CLERK (medical ser.): 245.362-010 07.05.03 char worker :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR TIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * CHASER (jewelry; silverware) 704.381-010 01.06.02 chaser :MOLD MAKER (jewelry) I: 700.381-034 01.06.02 CHASER (logging) 921.667-01405.12.04 chaser apprentice :MOLD-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 700.38 1-038 01.06.02 chaser helper :MOLD-MAKER HELPER (jewelry): 700.687- 050 06.04.24 CHASER, TAR (coke prod.) 549.687-010 06.04.39 chassis driver :TEST DRIVER (auto. mfg.) I: 806.28 1-050 06.03.01 CHASSIS INSPECTOR (auto. mfg.) 806.687-01406.03.02 Chassis Inspector (auto. ser.) :BUS INSPECTOR (auto. ser.): 620.28 1-030 05.05.09 chassis mechanic :FRONT-END MECHANIC (auto. 620.281-038 05.10.01 CHAUFFEUR (any ind.) 9 13.663-010 09.03.02 CHAUFFEUR (dom. ser.) 359.673-010 09.03.02 Chauffeur, Airport Limousine (motor trans.) :TAXI DRIVER (motor trans.): 913.463-018 09.03.02 CHAUFFEUR, FUNERAL CAR (per. 05.08.03 chauffeur, motorbus :BUS DRIVER (motor trans.): 913.463- 0 1 0 09.03.01 check-and-transfer beader :PORCELAIN-ENAMEL LABORER (any ind.): 509.687-01406.04.33 CHECK CASHIER (bus. ser.) 21 1.462-026 07.03.01 check clerk :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 check clerk :YARD CLERK (r. r. trans.): 209.367–054 07.05.03 checker :TOOL-DRAWING CHECKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 007. 167-022 05.03.02 checker :FINAL INSPECTOR (auto. 06.03.02 CHECKER (chem.; explosives) 559.165-010 06.02.11 CHECKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-014 05.09.03 checker :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 CHECKER (clerical) I 222.687-010 07.07.02 CHECKER (clerical) II 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 checker :BARREL FILLER (distilled liquors): 522.687-010 06.04.36 checker :ELECTRONICS 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 checker :INSPECTOR (furn.): 739.687-1 10 06.03.02 CHECKER (motor trans.) 9 19.687-010 05.09.01 checker :PHOTO CHECKER AND (photofinish.): 976.687-01406.03.02 checker :PIGMENT PUMPER (rubber reclaim.): 914.665-010 05.12.06 checker :STONE GRADER (stonework): 670.384-010 05.07.01 CHECKER (textile) 221.587-0 10 05.09.02 CHECKER, BAKERY PRODUCTS (bake. prod.) 222.487-010 05.09.01 CHECKER, DUMP GROUNDS 05.09.03 INSTITU- ser.): ser.) 359.673-014 mfg.): 806.687-018 INSPECTOR (electronics) II: ASSEMBLER (bus. ser.) 219.367-010 390 checkerer, hand :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) I: 761.381- 034 01.06.02 CHECKER, FILM TESTS (photo. 06.03.02 CHECKER-IN (boot & shoe) 221.587-01405.09.03 CHECKERING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (firearms) 669.360- 010 06.01.02 checkering-machine operator :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) II: 665.685-034 06.04.03 checker, product design :AUTO-DESIGN CHECKER (auto. mfg.): 017.261-010 05.03.02 Check Grader (woodworking) 669.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 Check Imprinter (print. & pub.) :CYLINDER-PRESS OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 checking clerk :RECEIVING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687- 018 05.09.03 checking department supervisor SUPERVISOR, FINISHING DEPARTMENT (photofinish.): 976. 137-01405.09.01 Check Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 CHECK PILOT (air trans.) 196.263-022 05.04.01 CHECK-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) I 216.387-010 07.02.02 CHECK-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) II 216.367-010 07.02.02 CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.) 358.677-010 09.05.03 CHECKROOM CHIEF (any ind.) 358.137-010 09.05.03 check viewer :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 CHECK WEIGHER (ammunition) 737.687–026 06.03.02 CHECK WRITER (ret. tr.) 219.382-010 07.06.02 CHEESE BLENDER (dairy prod.) 520.487-010 06.01.04 cheese cooker :CHEESEMAKER (dairy prod.): 529.361-018 06.01.04 CHEESE CUTTER (dairy prod.) 529.585-010 06.04.15 cheese cutter :SLICE-PLUG-CUTTER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-298 06.04.15 CHEESE GRADER (dairy prod.) 529.387-010 06.03.01 CHEESEMAKER (dairy prod.) 529.361-018 06.01.04 CHEESEMAKER HELPER (dairy prod.) 529.682-014 06.02.15 cheese-pancake roller :BLINTZE ROLLER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.687-01 4 06.04.28 Cheese Production Supervisor (dairy prod.) :SUPERVISOR, DAIRY PROCESSING (dairy prod.): 529.131-014 06.02.01 CHEESE SPRAYER (confection.) 524.685-014 06.04.15 CHEF (hotel & rest.) 3.13.131-01405.05.17 chef :COOK, RAILROAD (r. r. trans.): 315.381-018 05.10.08 chef assistant :SOUS CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-026 05.05.17 Chef, Broiler or Fry (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 313, 131-0 1 4 05.05.17 chef de cuisine :EXECUTIVE CHEF (hotel & rest.): 187.161- 0 1 0 1 1.05.02 CHEF DE FROID (hotel & rest.) 3 13.281-010 05.05.17 Chef, French (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131- 0 1 4 05.05.17 Chef, German (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131- O 1 4 05.05.17 chef, head :EXECUTIVE CHEF (hotel & rest.): 187. 161-010 11.05.02 Chef, Italian (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131- 014 05.05.17 CHEF, PASSENGER VESSEL (water trans.) 315. 137-010 05.05.17 Chef, Saucier (hotel & rest.) :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131- 0 1 4 05.05.17 chef, under :SOUS CHEF (hotel & 05.05.17 apparatus) 714.687-010 :GRADER (woodworking): rest.): 3 13.131-026 chemical checker :CHEMICAL-STRENGTH TESTER (textile): 582.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDER (coal tar prod.) 559.682-018 06.02.18 CHEMICAL-COMPOUNDER HELPER 550.687-0 10 06.04.11 CHEMICAL DESIGN ENGINEER, PROCESSES (profess. & kin.) 008.061-014 05.01.07 CHEMICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 008.061-018 * 05.01.07 CHEMICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 008.261-010 * 05.01.08 Chemical-Engineering Technician, Prototype-Development (profess. & kin.) :CHEMICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNI- CIAN (profess. & kin.): 008.261-010 * 05.01.08 CHEMICAL-EQUIPMENT SALES ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 008. 151-0 10 05.01.05 Chemical-Etch Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 CHEMICAL-LABORATORY CHIEF (profess. & 022. 161-010 02.01.02 CHEMICAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 022.261-0 1 0 (02.04.01 Chemical Mixer (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 CHEMICAL MIXER (photofinish.) 550.485-010 06.02.11 CHEMICAL MIXER (textile) 550.585-018 06.04.11 CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 chemical operator :PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives): 590.464-010 * 06.02.32 chemical operator :TUNGSTEN REFINER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.382-010 06.02.10 CHEMICAL PREPARER (chem.; electronics) I 550.685-030 06.04.11 Chemical Preparer (electronics) II (chem.); 550.685-082 06.04.11 CHEMICAL-PROCESSING SUPERVISOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.130-010 06.01.01 (coal tar prod.) kin.) :MIXER OPERATOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 008.061-022 05.01.01 CHEMICAL-STRENGTH TESTER (textile) 582.587-010 06.03.02 CHEMICAL-TEST ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 008.061-026 05.01.04 chemical weigher :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.); 550.684-014 06.04.34 CHEMIST (profess. & kin.) 022.061-010 02.01.01 Chemist, Analytical (profess. & kin.) :CHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 022.061-010 02.01.01 chemist, biological :BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061- 026 02.02.03 Chemist, Clinical (profess. & kin.) :BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-026 02.02.03 Chemist, Enzymes (profess. & kin.) :BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-026 02.02.03 CHEMIST, FOOD (profess. & kin.) 022.061-01402.02.04 Chemist, Inorganic (profess. & kin.) :CHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 022.061-010 02.01.01 Chemist, Organic (profess. & kin.) :CHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 022.061-010 02.01.01 Chemist, Pharmaceutical (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 041.061-026 02.02.03 Chemist, Physical (profess. & kin.) :CHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 022.061-010 02.01.01 Chemist, Pollution Control (profess. (profess. & kin.): 022.061-010 02.01.01 Chemist, Proteins (profess. & kin.) :BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-026 02.02.03 :BIOCHEMIST & kin.) :CHEMIST 391 CHEMISTRY TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.261-010 02.04.02 Chemist, Steroids (profess. & kin.) :BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-026 02.02.03 CHEMIST, WATER PURIFICATION (waterworks) 022.281 - 01 4 02.04.02 chem-mill processor :DYNAMIC-ETCHING PROCESSOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 704.381-014 06.01.04 chenille-machine operator :TUFT-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; house furn.): 687.682-01406.02.05 chenille-machine operator :TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 687.685-018 06.02.05 CHERRY CUTTER (can. & preserv.) 524.687-010 06.04.28 Cherry Dipper (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 Cherry Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Cherry Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 CHERRY-PICKER OPERATOR (const.) 921.663-014 05.11.01 Cherry Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Chestnut Tanner (leather mfg.) :TANNING-DRUM OPERA- TOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 CHEST-PAINTING AND SEALING (ammunition) 749. 137-010 06.02.01 chest-painting leader :CHEST-PAINTING AND SEALING SU- PERVISOR (ammunition): 749.137-010 06.02.01 chewing-plug-machine operator :LUMP-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tobacco): 520.685-126 06.04.15 chicken-and-fish cleaner :BUTCHER, CHICKEN AND FISH (hotel & rest.): 316.684-010 05.10.08 SUPERVISOR Chicken Cleaner (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-074 06.04.28 Chicken Dresser (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-070 06.04.28 chicken fancier :POULTRY BREEDER (agric.): 411.161-014 03.01.01 Chicken Vaccinator (agric.) (agric.): 411.684-01403.04.01 CHICK GRADER (agric.) 411.687-010 03.04.01 CHICK SEXER (agric.) 411.687-01403.04.01 CHICLE-GRINDER FEEDER (chew. gum) 06.04.15 Chief, Airport Safety and Security (gov. ser.) :POLICE CAP- TAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375.167-034 04.01.01 CHIEF BANK EXAMINER (gov. ser.) 160.167-046 11.10.01 chief chemist :CHEMICAL-LABORATORY CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 022.161-010 02.01.02 chief clerk :MANAGER, OFFICE (any ind.): 07.01.02 chief clerk :SECRETARY OF POLICE (gov. ser.): 375. 137-022 07.01.02 CHIEF CLERK, MEASUREMENT DEPARTMENT (petrol. production; pipe lines) 221.132-010 07.02.03 ~ CHIEF CLERK, PRINT SHOP (clerical) 207. 137-010 05.10.05 Chief Clerk, Shelter (nonprofit organ.) :OFFICE SUPER- VISOR, ANIMAL HOSPITAL (nonprofit organ.): 249.137- 0 1 0 07.05.03 chief clerk, yard office :CAR DISTRIBUTOR (r.r. trans.): 910.367-0 1 4 07.04.05 chief console operator SUPERVISOR, COMPUTER OPERA- TIONS (clerical): 213. 132-010 07.06.01 CHIEF CONTROLLER (gov. ser.) 193.16.7-010 05.03.03 Chief Controller, Center (gov. ser.) :CHIEF CONTROLLER (gov. ser.): 193. 167-010 05.03.03 :POULTRY V ACCINATOR 521.686-018 169,167–034 Chief Controller, Station (gov. ser.) :CHIEF CONTROLLER (gov. ser.): 193.167-010 05.03.03 Chief Controller, Tower (gov. ser.) :CHIEF CONTROLLER (gov. ser.): 193.167-010 05.03.03 Chief Cruiser (forestry) :CRUISER (forestry; logging): 459.387- 0 1 0 03.01.04 chief dispatcher :CHIEF LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952. 137-010 05.06.01 CHIEF DISPATCHER (petrol. 07.04.05 chief, dog license inspector SUPERVISOR, DOG LICENSE OFFICER (nonprofit organ.): 379.137-014 07.04.03 CHIEF DRAFTER (profess. & kin.) 007.261-010 05.03.02 chief engineer :HEATING-PLANT SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 959. 131-0 10 05.06.02 chief engineer :FIRE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 373.1 17-010 04.01.01 CHIEF ENGINEER (petrol. production; pipe lines) 010. 16.7- 0 1 0 05.01.08 chief engineer :PROJECT ENGINEER (profess. 0.19. 167-0 1 4 05.01.08 chief engineer, broadcasting operations :ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE, STUDIO OPERATIONS (radio & tv broad.): 003. 16.7-030 05.01.03 Chief Engineer, Drilling and Recovery (petrol. production) :CHIEF ENGINEER (petrol. production; pipe lines): 0 1 0. 16.7-0 10 05.01.08 Chief Engineer, Pipe-Line (petrol. production) :CHIEF EN- production) 939. 137-010 & kin.): GINEER (petrol. production; pipe lines): 010. 167-010 05.01.08 Chief Engineer, Production (petrol. production) :CHIEF EN- GINEER (petrol. production; pipe lines): 010. 167-010 05.01.08 CHIEF ENGINEER, RESEARCH (petrol. production) 0.10.161- 0 10 05.01.01 CHIEF ENGINEER, WATERWORKS (waterworks) 005. 16.7- 0 1 0 05.01.03 CHIEF, FISHERY DIVISION (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-018 03.01.02 chief gager :GAGER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914. 134-010 05.06.03 - Chief Librarian, Branch (library) BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT 11.07.04 CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library) 100. 127-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, (library): 100. 127-010 Chief Librarian, Circulation Department (library) :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 127-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Chief Librarian, Extension Department (library) :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 1 27-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Chief Librarian, General Reference Department (library) :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 127-010 11.07.04 Chief Librarian, Music Department (library) :CHIEF LIBRARI- AN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 127-010 11.07.04 Chief Librarian, Periodical Reading Room (library) :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 127-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Chief Librarian, Readers’ Advisory Service (library) :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100. 1 27-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Chief Librarian, Work With Blind (library) :CHIEF LIBRARI- AN, BRANCH OR DEPARTMENT (library): 100.127-010 11.07.04 CHIEF LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power) 952. 137- 0 1 0 05.06.01 chief lock-operator :LOCK TENDER, CHIEF OPERATOR (water trans.): 91 1.131-01 4 05.05.09 392 chief-maintenance supervisor STEAM-DISTRIBUTION SU- PERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 862. 137-01405.05.03 Chief of Field Operations (gov. ser.) :FIRE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 373.1 17-0 1 0 04.01.01 CHIEF OF PARTY (profess. & kin.) 018.167-010 * 05.03.01 chief of vital statistics :DIRECTOR OF VITAL STATISTICS (gov. ser.): 188.167-022 11.01.02 chief operating engineer SUPERINTENDENT, GENERATING PLANT (light, heat, & power): 184.167-166 05.02.01 CHIEF OPERATOR (chem.) 558.260-010 06.01.03 chief operator :SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.): 549. 1 32-030 06.01.01 Chief Operator, Ammonium Sulfate (chem.) :CHIEF OPERA- TOR (chem.); 558.260-010 06.01.03 chief operator, hydroformer SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.); 549. 132-030 06.01.01 Chief Operator, Purification and Reaction (chem.) :CHIEF OPERATOR (chem.); 558.260-010 06.01.03 Chief Operator, Reformer (chem.) :CHIEF OPERATOR (chem.); 558.260-010 06.01.03 Chief Operator, Synthesis (chem.) (chem.); 558.260-010 06.01.03 CHIEF PETROLEUM ENGINEER 0 1 0.161-01 4 05.01.08 CHIEF PILOT (air trans.) 196. 167-010 05.04.01 Chief Planner (profess. & kin.) :URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 199.167-014 11.03.02 chief power dispatcher SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) I: 184.167-150 05.02.01 chief printer SUPERVISOR, PRINTING-SHOP (print. & pub.): 659. 130-0 10 05.05.13 *. CHIEF PROJECTIONIST (motion pic.) 960. 132-010 05.10.05 chief, relay tester :RELAY-SHOP SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 729.131-014 05.05.10 Chief, Reservoir Engineering (petrol. production) :CHIEF EN- GINEER (petrol. production; pipe lines): 010.167-010 05.01.08 chief steward/stewardess :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 310.137-018 05.12.17 chief, vendor quality SUPERVISOR, VENDOR QUALITY (any ind.): 012.167-062 05.03.06 CHIEF WARDEN (gov. ser.) 188.167-018 11.05.03 child-care attendant :ATTENDANT, CHILDREN'S INSTITU- TION (any ind.): 359.677-010 10.03.03 CHILD-CARE ATTENDANT, SCHOOL (per. ser.) 355.674- 0 1 0 10.03.03 child-care leader :NURSERY SCHOOL ATTENDANT (any ind.): 359.677-018 * 10.03.03 child-day-care center worker :NURSERY SCHOOL ATTEN- DANT (any ind.): 359.677-018 * 10.03.03 Child Health Associate (medical ser.) :PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.79.364-018 10.02.01 CHILD MONITOR (dom. ser.) 301.677-010 10.03.03 Child Psychologist (profess. & kin.) :PSYCHOLOGIST, DEVELOPMENTAL (profess. & kin.): 045.061-010 11.03.01 CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN (library) 100. 167-018 11.02.04 CHILDREN’S TUTOR (dom. ser.) 099.227-010 10.03.03 Children's Tutor, Nursery (dom. ser.) :CHILDREN'S TUTOR (dom. ser.): 099.227-010 10.03.03 Chili-Pepper Grinder (food prep., n.e.c.) :SPICE MILLER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-326 06.04.15 CHILLER OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-042 06.04.11 CHILLER TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 523.585-014 06.04.15 CHILLING-HOOD OPERATOR (slaught. 523.685-018 06.04.15 Chimney Builder, Brick (const.) 861.381 -018 * 05.05.01 :CHIEF OPERATOR (petrol. production) & meat pack.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): Chimney Builder, Reinforced Concrete (const.) :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 chimney cleaner :CHIMNEY SWEEP (any ind.): 891.687-010 05.12.18 CHIMNEY REPAIRER (bus. ser.) 899.364-010 05.10.01 Chimney Repairer (const.) :STEEPLE JACK (const.): 869.381- 030 05.05.06 CHIMNEY SUPERVISOR, BRICK 05.05.01 CHIMNEY SWEEP (any ind.) 891.687-010 05.12.18 Chinchilla Farmer (agric.) :FUR FARMER (agric.): 410.161- 014 03.01.02 CHINCHILLA-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 585.685-022 06.04.16 CHIN-STRAP CUTTER (hat & cap) 686.685-010 06.04.05 Chin-Strap Maker (hat & cap) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 Chin-Strap Sewer (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 chip :CARDROOM ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) I: 343.467- 0 1 0 09.04.02 chip applier :CHIP-APPLYING-MACHINE TENDER (paint & varn.; print. & pub.): 641.685-030 06.04.04 CHIP-APPLYING-MACHINE TENDER (paint & varn.; print. & pub.) 641.685-030 06.04.04 CHIP-BIN CONVEYOR TENDER (paper & pulp; wood distil. & char.) 921.685-022 06.04.40 Chip-Crusher Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) :LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys): 519.686-010 06.04.10 chip deliverer :CHIP-BIN CONVEYOR TENDER (paper & pulp; wood distil. & char.): 921.685-022 06.04.40 Chip Drier (nonfer. metal alloys) :LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys): 519.686-010 06.04.10 chip mixer :CHIP-MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board): 560.465-010 06.04.14 (const.) 861. 131-014 CHIP-MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board) 560.465–010 06.04.14 Chipper (any ind.) I :GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) I: 705.684-030 06.02.24 Chipper (any ind.) II :GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) II: 809.684-026 06.04.24 chipper :LOG-CHIPPER OPERATOR (logging): 564.662-010 06.02.03 chipper :CHIP TUNER (musical inst.): 730.684-026 06.02.32 chipper TANK CLEANER (paint & varn.); 559.684-022 06.04.39 CHIPPER (paper & pulp; sawmill; wood distil. & char.) 564.685-01 4 06.04.03 CHIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board) 564.682- 0 1 0 06.02.03 chip separator :SHELL-SIEVE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.585-010 06.04.09 chip-silo tender :CHIP-BIN CONVEYOR TENDER (paper & pulp; wood distil. & char.): 921.685-022 06.04.40 CHIP TESTER (paper & pulp) 539.387-010 06.03.01 CHIP TUNER (musical inst.) 730.684-026 06.02.32 CHIP UNLOADER (paper & pulp) 921.663-018 05.11.04 CHIP WASHER (malt liquors) 522.686-010 06.04.39 chiropodist :PODIATRIST (medical ser.): 079. 101-022 02.03.01 . t chiropractic :CHIROPRACTOR (medical ser.): 079. 101-010 02.03.04 CHIROPRACTOR (medical ser.) 079. 101-0 10 02.03.04 CHIROPRACTOR ASSISTANT (medical ser.) O79.364-010 10.03.02 Chiseler, Head (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 Chisel Grinder (any ind.) :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II: 603.664-0 1 0 06.02.01 393 :MORTISING- 665.482-014 Chisel-Mortiser Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.03 chisel worker :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381- 0 1 4 05.05.01 * CHLORINATOR OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-030 06.02.11 Chlorine-Cell Tender (chem.) :CELL TENDER (chem.): 558.382-026 06.02.11 chlorine operator :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 chlorine-plant operator :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 Chlorobutadiene-Scrubber Operator (chem.) OPERATOR (chem.); 559.382-034 06.02.11 Chocolate Coater (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 chocolate-coating-machine operator :ENROBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 524.685-026 06.04.15 Chocolate-Drops-Machine Operator (choc. & cocoa) :CONFECTIONERY-DROPS-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa; confection.): 520.685-078 06.04.15 chocolate finisher :REFINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.682-034 06.02.15 chocolate-finisher operator :REFINING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.682-034 06.02.15 Chocolate-Machine Operator (bake. prod.; confection.) :ENROBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.; confec- tion.): 524.382-01 4 06.02.15 chocolate maker :CHOCOLATE TEMPERER (bake. prod.; cereal): 523.685-022 06.04.15 chocolate-mixer operator :CHOCOLATE TEMPERER (bake. prod.; cereal): 523.685-022 06.04.15 Chocolate Molder (choc. & cocoa; confection.) :CANDY MOLDER, HAND (confection.): 520.687-018 06.04.28 (woodworking) (woodworking): :MAKE-UP CHOCOLATE MOLDER, MACHINE (choc. & cocoa.) 529.685-054 06.04.15 Chocolate-Peanut Coating-Machine Operator (confection.) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confec- tion.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 CHOCOLATE-PRODUCTION-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 529.382-01 4 06.02.15 chocolate refiner :REFINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.682-034 06.02.15 chocolate-refining roller :REFINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.682-034 06.02.15 CHOCOLATE TEMPERER (bake. prod.; cereal) 523.685-022 06.04.15 . CHOCOLATE TEMPERER (choc. & cocoa; confection.) 523.682-0 1 0 06.02.15 choir leader :CHORAL DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.): 152.047- 0 10 01.04.01 CHOKE REAMER (firearms) 606.685-022 06.04.02 CHOKE SETTER (logging) 921.687-01405.12.04 chop-and-frame operator :BUCKLE-FRAME (button): 692.685-034 06.04.09 CHOPPED-STRAND OPERATOR 06.04.08 chopper :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 chopper :FALLER (logging) I: 454.384-010 03.04.02 CHOPPER (wood distil. & char.) 564.687-010 06.04.25 chopper and cracker feeder GRINDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 555.685-030 06.04.07 chopper feeder :STAPLE CUTTER (textile): 06.04.06 CHOPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-066 06.04.15 CHORAL DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 152.047-010 01.04.01 CHOREOGRAPHER (amuse. & rec.) 15 1.027-010 01.05.01 SHAPER (textile) 680.685-022 (hat & 680.685-102 chore tender :FARMWORKER, GENERAL 42 1.687-010 03.04.01 Chorus Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047-010 01.05.02 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NURSE (profess. & kin.) 129.107-010 10.03.02 (agric.) Il: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER (profess. & kin.) 129.1 07-014 10.01.01 Christmas-Club Bookkeeper (finan. inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 CHRISTMAS-TREE CONTRACTOR (any ind.) 162. 117-010 08.01.03 CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM WORKER (forestry) 451.687-010 03.04.01 CHRISTMAS-TREE GRADER (forestry) 451.687-01403.04.04 Chrome Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER AND POLISHER (any ind.): 709.687-010 06.04.39 Chrome-Tanning-Drum Operator (leather mfg.) :TANNING- DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 Chromium Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-0 1 0 06.02.21 CHRONOGRAPH OPERATOR 739.484-010 06.03.01 CHRONOMETER ASSEMBLER AND ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.381-038 06.01.04 CHRONOMETER-BALANCE-AND-HAIRSPRING BLER (clock & watch) 715.381-042 06.01.04 Chuck Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 CHUCKING-AND-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.) 669.682-022 06.02.03 CHUCKING-AND-SAWING-MACHINE (woodworking) 669.682-026 chucking-lathe operator :CHUCKING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 604.380-010 06.01.03 CHUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.382- 0 1 0 Chucking-Machine Setter, Multiple Spindle, Vertical (mach. shop) :CHUCKING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, MUL- TIPLE SPINDLE, VERTICAL (mach. shop): 604.380-014 06.01.03 CHUCKING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 604.380-0 1 0 06.01.03 CHUCKING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE, VERTICAL (mach. shop) 604.380-01406.01.03 Chucking-Machine Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) :TURRET-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-022 * 06.01.03 CHURNER (oils & fats) 520.565-010 06.04.15 CHURN OPERATOR, MARGARINE (oils & fats) 520.685-070 06.04.15 CHURN TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 550.685-034 06.04.13 chute blaster :GRIZZLY WORKER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 933.687-010 05.12.07 chute feeder :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 chute feeder :FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco): 529.686-038 06.04.40 CHUTE LOADER (mining & quarrying) 932.687-010 05.12.03 chute tapper :GRIZZLY WORKER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 933.687-010 05.12.07 Chute Worker (laund.) :LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 36 1.687-018 06.04.35 Ciaio-Counter Molder (boot & shoe) :COUNTER MOLDER (boot & shoe): 690.685-102 06.04.05 Ciaio-Lumite Injector (boot & shoe) :LUMITE INJECTOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-278 06.04.05 cicerone :GUIDE, SIGHTSEEING (per. 09.01.02 (ammunition; firearms) ASSEM- OPERATOR ser.): 353.363-010 394 cigar bander, hand :BANDER, HAND (tobacco): 920.687-030 06.04.38 CIGAR BRANDER (tobacco) 920.685-046 06.04.37 cigarette and assembly-machine inspector :CIGARETTE-MAK- ING-MACHINE CATCHER (tobacco): 529.666-014 06.04.15 cigarette and assembly machine operator :CIGARETTE-MAK- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-066 06.04.15 CIGARETTE-AND-FILTER CHIEF INSPECTOQ (tobacco) 529.367-0 1 0 06.03.01 Cigarette-Boxing-Machine Operator (tobacco) :CARTON- PACKAGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.665- 0 1 0 06.04.38 Cigarette-Carton Sealer (tobacco) :PACKAGE SEALER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-074 06.04.38 cigarette examiner CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.567-0 1 0 * 06.03.02 CIGARETTE-FILTER-MAKING-MACHINE (tobacco) 529.685-062 06.04.15 CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.567-010 * 06.03.02 CIGARETTE-LIGHTER REPAIRER (any ind.) 709.684-034 05.12.15 OPERATOR cigarette-making examiner CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.567-010 * 06.03.02 CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE CATCHER (tobacco) 529.666-01 4 06.04.15 CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE-HOPPER FEEDER (tobacco) 529.686-018 06.04.15 CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 529.685-066 06.04.15 CIGARETTE-PACKAGE EXAMINER (tobacco) 920.667-010 06.03.02 CIGARETTE-PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 920.685-050 06.04.38 CIGARETTE TESTER (tobacco) 529.387-014 06.03.01 CIGARETTE VENDOR (hotel & rest.) 291.457-010 08.03.01 cigar-head holer CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco): 529.685- 058 06.04.28 cigar-head pegger CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER 529.685–058 06.04.28 cigar-head perforator 529.685-058 06.04.28 CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco) 529.685-058 06.04.28 (tobacco) (tobacco) (tobacco): :CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco): cigar-head puncher CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco): 529.685-058 06.04.28 cigar-head stringer CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco): 529.685-058 06.04.28 CIGAR INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.687-042 06.03.02 CIGAR MAKER (tobacco) 790.684-01 4 06.04.28 CIGAR PACKER (tobacco) 790.687-014 06.04.28 cigar packer and grader CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687- O 1 4 06.04.28 cigar packer and picker :CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687- 0 1 4 06.04.28 cigar packer and shader :CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687- O 1 4 06.04.28 cigar packer and sorter CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687- 0 1 4 06.04.28 cigar-packing examiner CIGAR INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.687-042 06.03.02 cigar patcher PATCH WORKER (tobacco): 790.684-018 06.04.28 cigar roller ROLLER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684-022 06.04.28 cigar sorter CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687-014 06.04.28 Cigar-Tobacco Rehandler (tobacco) :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): 522.687-026 06.04.28 Cinder-Block Mason (const.) 861.38 1-0 18 + 05.05.01 :BRICKLAYER (const.): Cinder-Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel) I :BRIDGE-OR- GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Cinder-Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel) II :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 cinematographer :DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 143.062-010 01.02.03 cinetechnician :MACHINIST, MOTION-PICTURE EQUIP- MENT (motion pic.; photo. apparatus): 714.281-018 05.05.09 cinetechnician supervisor SUPERVISOR, MOTION-PICTURE EQUIPMENT (motion pic.; photo. apparatus): 714. 131-010 05.05.11 . . • Cinnamon Grinder (food prep., n.e.c.) :SPICE MILLER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-326 06.04.15 cipher expert :CRYPTANALYST (gov. 11.08.04 CIRCLE BEVELER (mirror) 673.685-034 06.04.08 CIRCLE-CUTTING-SAW OPERATOR (basketry) 669.685-026 06.04.03 CIRCLE EDGER (glass prod.; mirror) 673.685-038 06.04.08 Circuit-Breaker Mechanic (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-014 05.05.05 ser.): 199.267-014 Circuit-Breaker Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-014 05.05.05 circuit rider :BUYER, TOBACCO, HEAD (whole. tr.): 162. 16.7-0 1 4 08.01.03 circuit walker :BUYER, TOBACCO, HEAD (whole. tr.): 162. 16.7-0 1 4 08.01.03 Circular-Gang-Saw Operator (sawmill) (sawmill): 667.682-030 Circular-Head-Saw Operator (sawmill) (sawmill): 667.662-010 Circular-Knife Cutter, Machine (any ind.) MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-014 06.02.27 Circular Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 Circular-Knitter Helper (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods): 685.686-014 06.04.06 Circular-Resaw Operator (sawmill; wood. box) :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 Circular-Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) :RIPSAW OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 667.682-066 Circular-Saw Filer (any ind.) :SAW FILER (any ind.): 701.38 1- 0 1 4 05.05.07 CIRCULAR SAW OPERATOR (const.) 869.682-010 05.10.01 circular-saw operator :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, METAL (mach. shop): 607.682-010 06.02.02 :GANG SAW YER :HEAD SAW YER :CUTTER, CIRCULAR-SAWYER HELPER (stonework) 677.486-010 06.04.08 CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework) 677.462-010 06.02.08 circular-shear operator :ROTARY-SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.); 615.482-030 06.02.02 Circular-Tank Cooper (cooperage) (cooperage): 764,684-030 06.02.25 :TANK ASSEMBLER CIRCULATING PROCESS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 829.361-018 06.01.05 Circulation Bookkeeper (print. & pub.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 2 1 0.382-018 07.02.01 Circulation Cashier (print. & pub.) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 2 11.362-010 07.03.01 circulation clerk :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367- 046 11.02.04 CIRCULATION CLERK (print. & pub.) 209.362-010 07.05.03 Circulation Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN (library): 100. 127- 014 * 11.02.04 CIRCULATION-SALES REPRESENTATIVE (print. & pub.) 299. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.09.01 395 circulator :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 CIRCUS AGENT (amuse. & rec.) 191. 117-022 11.12.03 CIRCUS LABORER (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-010 05.12.18 CIRCUS-TRAIN SUPERVISOR (amuse. & rec.) 910.137-018 05.12.03 C-Iron Worker (wood preserving) :ANTICHECKING-IRON WORKER (wood preserving): 563.687-010 06.04.25 CISTERN-ROOM OPERATOR (distilled liquors) 520.382-010 06.02.15 - cistern-room working supervisor :CISTERN-ROOM OPERA- TOR (distilled liquors): 520.382-010 06.02.15 Citrus-Fruit Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Citrus-Fruit-Packing Grader (agric.; whole. tr.) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 City Auditor (gov. ser.) AUDITOR, COUNTY OR CITY (gov. ser.): 160. 167–030 1 1.06.01 city carrier :MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.): 230.367-010 07.05.04 City-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-014 07.02.02 City-Distribution Clerk (print. & pub.) :CIRCULATION CLERK (print. & pub.): 209.362-010 07.05.03 city editor :EDITOR, CITY (print. & pub.): 11.08.01 City-Library Director (library) (library): 100.117-010 11.07.04 city planner :URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 199.167- 014 11.03.02 - CITY PLANNING AIDE (profess. 11.03.02 city-planning engineer :URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 199. 167-014 11.03.02 City-Plant Supervisor (tel. & REPAIRER SUPERVISOR 05.05.05 city service supervisor DISTRICT SUPERVISOR trans.): 184.1 17-018 11.12.02 . CIVIL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-014 * 05.01.07 :SORTER, & preserv.; 132.037-014 :LIBRARY DIRECTOR & kin.) 199.364-010 :CENTRAL-OFFICE- tel.): 822. 131-010 tel.) (tel. & (motor Civil Preparedness Coordinator (gov. ser.) :CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 Civil Preparedness Operations Officer (gov. ser.) CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 Civil Preparedness Public Information Officer (gov. ser.) :CIVIL PREPAREDNESS TRAINING OFFICER (gov. ser.): 169. 127-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 Civil Preparedness Radiological Officer (gov. ser.) CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 Civil Preparedness Supply Specialist (gov. ser.) CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 CIVIL PREPAREDNESS TRAINING OFFICER (gov. ser.) 169. I 27-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 CIVIL-SERVICE CLERK (gov. ser.) 205.362-010 07.04.04 CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance) 241.2 17-010 * 11.12.01 CLAIM AGENT (petrol. production; pipe lines) 191. 167-014 11.12.01 claim attorney :INSURANCE ATTORNEY (insurance): 1 1 0.11 7-0 14 11.04.02 Claim Clerk (clerical) :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; insurance) 24 1.267-0 18 11.12.01 º CLAIM EXAMINER (insurance) 168.267-014 07.02.03 CLAIMS ADJUDICATOR (gov. ser.) 169.267-010 11.12.01 claims agent, right-of-way :RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT (any ind.): 191. 117-046 11.12.02 Claims and Insurance Information Clerk, Automobile Club (nonprofit organ.) :INFORMATION CLERK, AUTOMO- BILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.): 237.267-010 07.04.04 CLAIMS CLERK (auto. mfg.). 241.387-010 07.05.02 CLAIMS CLERK (insurance) I 241.362-010 07.05.02 CLAIMS CLERK (insurance) II 205.367-018 07.04.02 claims clerk :VOUCHER CLERK (r. r. trans.): 219.362-066 07.02.04 Claims Collector (clerical) :COLLECTOR (clerical): 241.367- 0 1 0 07.03.01 Clam-Bed Laborer (fish.) :LABORER, AQUATIC LIFE (fish.): 446.687-0 14 03.04.03 Clam-Bed Worker (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Clam Digger (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Clam Dredge Operator (fish.) :SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERA- TOR (fish.): 446.663-010 03.04.03 Clam Grower (fish.) :SHELLFISH GROWER (fish.): 446. 161- O 1 4 03.01.02 Clamp-Carrier Operator (woodworking) (woodworking): 762.687-034 06.04.22 Clamper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 CLAMPER (pen & pencil) 733.687-026 06.04.25 CLAMPER (print. & pub.) 979.382-010 05.05.13 CLAMPER (woodworking) 669.685-030 06.04.20 :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): :GLUER CLAMP-JIG ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-022 06.04.22 CLAMP REMOVER (veneer & plywood) 569.687-010 06.04.40 Clamshell Operator (any ind.) I TRACTOR-CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 Clamshell Operator (any ind.) II :TRUCK-CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 Clam Shucker (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.): 521.687-122 06.04.28 Clam-Shucking-Machine Tender (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH-PROCESSING-MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-214 06.04.15 CLAM SORTER (fish.) 446.687-010 03.04.03 Clam Steamer (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH-PROCESSING- MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-214 06.04.15 Clam Tonger (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Clam Treader (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Clarification Operator (coal tar prod.) :PURIFICATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.); 551.685-122 06.04.12 CLARIFIER (corn prod.; oils & fats) 521.685-054 06.04.15 clarifier :HYDROGENATION OPERATOR (oils & fats): 529.382–026 06.02.15 clarifier :FILTER CLEANER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.687-038 06.04.39 CLARIFIER (vinous liquors) 521.685-058 06.04.15 :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): Clarifier Operator (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 CLARIFIER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.662-010 06.04.10 CLARIFIER-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.667-010 06.04.10 CLARIFYING-PLANT OPERATOR (textile) 955.382-010 06.02.16 396 clasp machine operator :MACHINE OPERATOR, GENERAL (paper goods): 649.685-070 06.02.04 CLASSIFICATION CLERK (clerical) 206.387-010 07.05.03 CLASSIFICATION-CONTROL CLERK (clerical) 210.382-030 07.02.01 classification inspector :RAILROAD-CAR INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.): 910.387-014 05.07.01 CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK (print. & pub.) I 247.367.010 07.04.02 CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK (print. & pub.) II 247.387-022 07.05.02 Classified-Advertising Bookkeeper (print. & :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 classified-copy-control clerk :CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK (print. & pub.) II: 247.387-022 07.05.02 CLASSIFIER (laund.) 361.687-01406.03.02 CLASSIFIER (library) 100.367-014 11.02.04 CLASSIFIER (rubber goods) 753.467-010 06.03.01 CLASSIFIER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & 5 11.562-010 06.04.10 CLASSIFIER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685- O 1 4 06.04.10 classifying-machine operator :SORTER, MACHINE (button): 692.685-182 06.04.09 clay burner CLAY ROASTER (petrol. refin.): 573.685-014 06.04.17 Clay-Coating-Machine Tender (paper & pulp; wallpaper) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; wall- paper): 534.682-018 06.02.14 Clay-Dry-Press Helper (brick & tile) :DRY-PRESS-OPERA- TOR HELPER (brick & tile): 575.686-010 06.04.17 Clay-Dry-Press-Mixer Operator (brick & tile) :MILL OPERA- TOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 Clay-Dry-Press Operator (brick & tile) :DRY-PRESS OPERA- TOR (brick & tile): 575.662-010 06.02.17 Clay Hoister (cement) :DRAGLINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 clay-house worker :CLAY-STRUCTURE BUILDER AND SER- VICER (glass mfg.): 579.664-010 05.10.01 claying-up worker :BEDDER (pottery & porc.): 573.687-010 06.04.30 CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010 06.04.17 clay mixer :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.482–0 1 0 06.04.17 CLAY MIXER (brick & tile) 570.685-01 4 06.04.17 Clay Mixer (coke prod.) :MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 clay mixer :COATING-MIXER TENDER (paper & pulp): 530.685-0 1 0 06.04.14 CLAY MODELER (any ind.) 779.281-010 01.06.02 Clay-Plant Treater (petrol. refin.) :TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 Clay-Products Glazer 599.685-026 06.04.21 clay puddler BATCH MIXER (brick & tile): 570.687-010 06.04.17 CLAY ROASTER (petrol. refin.) 573.685-01406.04.17 CLAY-STAIN MIXER (brick & tile) 773.487-010 06.04.34 CLAY-STRUCTURE BUILDER AND SERVICER (glass mfg.) 579.664-0 1 0 05. 10.01 clay temperer :MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 clay thrower THROWER (pottery & porc.): 774.381-010 06.02.30 clay washer :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.482-0 1 0 06.04.17 cleaner :METAL-CLEANER, 503.685-030 06.04.39 cleaner :WASHER (any ind.): 599.687-030 06.04.39 pub.) refin.) (elec. equip.) :DIPPER (any ind.): IMMERSION (any ind.): CLEANER (any ind.) II 919.687-014 05.12.18 CLEANER (any ind.) III 91 1.687-01405.12.18 Cleaner (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 Cleaner (electroplating) :LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 CLEANER (engraving) 704.687-010 06.04.39 CLEANER (firearms) 503.684-010 06.04.39 CLEANER (mfa. blogs.) 869.687-018 05.12.18 cleaner :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-0 1 4 cleaner :DEBLOCKER (optical goods): 716.687-010 06.04.39 CLEANER (smoking pipe) 739.687-058 06.04.39 Cleaner (tinvare) :LABORER, TIN CAN (tinvare): 709.686- 0 1 0 06.04.24 CLEANER AND POLISHER (any ind.) 709.687-010 06.04.39 CLEANER AND PREPARER (elec. equip.) 721.687-010 06.04.33 cleaner assistant :DRY-CLEANER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.686-010 06.04.35 CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.) 381.687-014 05.12.18 CLEANER, FURNITURE (furn.) 709.687-0 14 06.04.39 cleaner-greaser :GREASER (firearms): 736.687-010 05.12.08 cleaner helper :DRY-CLEANER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.686-010 06.04.35 CLEANER, HOSPITAL (medical ser.) 323.687-010 05.12.18 CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING (any ind.) 323.687-01405.12.18 CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.) 381.687-018 05.12.18 CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.) 381.687- 022 05.12.18 - cleaner operator :SWEEPER-CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 389.683-010 05.12.18 cleaner operator :PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.): 503.362-010 06.02.10 CLEANER, SIGNS (signs) 739.687-062 05.12.18 CLEANER-TOUCH-UP WORKER (office mach.) 706.587-010 06.03.02 CLEANER, WALL (any ind.) 381.687-026 05.12.18 CLEANER, WINDOW (any ind.) 389.687-01405.12.18 cleaning-machine operator :BLOCKER, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.685-030 06.04.08 cleaning operator :CHIMNEY SWEEP (any ind.): 891.687-010 05.12.18 CLEAN-OUT DRILLER CLEAN-OUT-DRILLER 930.664-01 4 CLEAN-RICE BROKER (grain & feed mill.) 11.05.04 CLEAN-RICE GRADER AND REEL TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 52 1.685-062 06.03.02 Clean-Up Helper, Banquet (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-018 09.05.02 (petrol. production) 930.363-010 HELPER (petrol. production) 162. 16.7-0 18 clean-up supervisor CLEARING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 133-0 1 0 05.11.01 clean-up worker :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 38 1.687-018 clean-up worker :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITU- TIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * clean-up worker :LABORER, GENERAL (brick & 579.667-0 1 0 06.04.30 Clean-Up Worker, Spray Room (inst. & app.) :CLEANER, IN- DUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 CLEARANCE CUTTER (clock & watch) 06.02.02 clearing-distribution clerk :CLEARING-HOUSE CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.382-026 07.02.01 CLEARHNG-HOUSE CLERK 07.02.01 tile): 61 5.685-014 21 6.382-026 (finan. inst.) 397 Clearing Inspector (office mach.) :MACHINE TESTER (office mach.): 706.387-0 14 06.03.01 CLEARING SUPERVISOR (const.) 869. 133-010 05.11.01 CLEAT FEEDER (wood. box) 669.687-0 10 06.04.40 Cleat Layer (wood. box) :BOX-BLANK-MACHINE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (wood. box): 669.686-01 4 06.04.20 Cleat Nailer (wood. box) :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 06.02.03 Cleat Notcher (wood. box) :DADO (woodworking): 669.382-010 05.05.08 cleat thrower :CLEAT FEEDER (wood. box): 669.687-010 96.04.40 cleaver :DIAMOND CLEAVER 05.05.14 CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.) 120.007-010 10.01.01 CLERICAL-METHODS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 161.267- 010 05.01.06 clerk, cable transfer ASSIGNMENT CLERK (tel. & tel.): 219.387-0 1 0 07.05.03 CLERK, GENERAL (clerical) 209.562-010 07.07.03 clerk, general office ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 clerk guide :BLIND AIDE (per. ser.): 359.573-010 10.03.03 clerk, insurance-real-estate loans :INSURANCE CLERK (finan. inst.) II: 219.367-014 07.05.03 CLERK-OF-SCALES (amuse. & rec.) 153.467-0 1 0 12.01.02 clerk-operator TELEPHONE CLERK, TELEGRAPH OFFICE (tel. & tel.): 239.362-010 07.04.05 clerk, personal service bureau :CLERK, TELEGRAPH SER- VICE (tel. & tel.): 219.362-022 07.02.02 clerk, private wire-billing and control CLERK, TELEGRAPH SERVICE (tel. & tel.): 219.362-022 07.02.02 clerk, rating TELEGRAPH-SERVICE RATER (tel. & tel.): 214.587-0 1 0 07.07.03 CLERK, ROUTE (tel. & tel.) 235.562-010 07.05.04 clerk-stenographer :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 CLERK, TELEGRAPH SERVICE (tel. & tel.) 219.362-022 07.02.02 clerk, travel reservations :RESERVATION CLERK (clerica!): 238.362-01 4 07.05.01 CLERK-TYPEST (clerical) 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 clicker :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 clicker-machine operator : PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 clicker operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 clicking-machine operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682- 022 * 06.02.09 CLICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; glove & mit.; leather prod.) 789.382-010 06.02.05 CLINCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 616.685- 0 1 4 06.04.20 Clinical Engineer (profess. & kin.) :BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 019.061-010 02.02.01 Clinical Instructor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 1 1.02.01 Clinical Pathologist (medical ser.) :PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.061-010 02.02.01 clinic clerk :HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK! (medical ser.): 205.362-018 * OPERATOR (jewelry): 770.381-014 CLIP-AND-HANGER ATTACHER (mirror) 739.684-038 06.04.34 clip baker :CLIP COATER (optical goods): 713.687-010 06.04.33 CLIP-BOLTER AND WRAPPER (spring) 709.684-038 06.04.22 CLIP COATER (optical goods) 713.687-010 06.04.33 CLIP-LOADING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 694.362-0 1 0 06.02.20 CLIP-LOADING-MACHINE FEEDER (ammunition) 694.686- 0 1 0 06.04.20 CLIPPER (any ind.) 789.687-030 06.03.02 CLIPPER (boot & shoe) 753.687-010 06.04.29 CLIPPER (brush & broom) 739.685-022 06.04.09 clipper :RUG CLIPPER (carpet & rug): 781.684-046 06.04.27 clipper :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 Clipper (laund.) :LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 361.687-018 06.04.35 clipper and turner TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 CLIPPER AND TURNER (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-014 06.04.24 clipper, automatic :CLIPPER, MACHINE (hosiery): 684.686- 0 1 0 06.04.06 CLIPPER, AUTOMATIC (veneer & plywood) 663.585-010 06.04.03 Clipper, Counters (rubber goods) :CLIPPER (boot & shoe): 753.687-0 1 0 06.04.29 CLIPPER, MACHINE (hosiery) 684.686-010 06.04.06 clipper offbearer GREEN-CHAIN OFFBEARER (veneer & plywood): 663.686-018 06.04.40 Clipper, Outside Back Stay (rubber goods) :CLIPPER (boot & shoe): 753.687-010 06.04.29 Clipper, Tongues (rubber goods) :CLIPPER (boot & shoe): 753.687-0 1 0 06.04.29 clipping marker :READER (bus. ser.): 249.387-022 07.05.02 clipping, stringing, and turning machine tender :STRINGING- MACHINE TENDER (tex. bag): 689.585-018 06.04.05 Clip Riveter (spring) :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): 706.684- 090 06.04.22 clip wrapper CLIP-BOLTER AND WRAPPER 709.684-038 06.04.22 CLOCK ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-058 06.04.23 CLOCKER (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-010 12.01.02 clocker :LENS-BLANK GAGER (optical goods): 716.687-026 06.03.02 clockmaker :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281- 0 1 0 * 06.01.04 clockmaker apprentice :WATCH REPAIRER APPRENTICE (clock & watch): 715.281-01 4 06.01.04 closer :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Closer (glove & mit.) 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 Closer (toys & games) :SEWING-MACHINE (toys & games): 787.682-054 06.02.05 Closer (wirework) :STRANDING-MACHINE (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework): 06.02.02 closet builder :PANEL INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.): 869.684-038 06.04.22. Closing Supervisor (wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-014 06.02.01 Cloth-and-Leather-Department Supervisor (leather :SUPERVISOR (leather prod.): 783. 132-010 06.02.01 CLOTH-BALE HEADER (textile) 782.687-018 06.04.27 Cloth Baler (textile) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 cloth beamer :CLOTH WINDER (any 06.04.06 Cloth-Bin Packer (textile) :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687–058 * 05.09.01 Cloth-Bleaching-Range Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 Cloth-Bleaching-Range Operator, Chief (textile) :CLOTH- FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile): 589.562- 0 1 0 06.04.16 Cloth-Bleaching-Range Tender (textile) :CLOTH-FINISHING- RANGE TENDER (textile): 589.685-026 06.04.16 (spring): :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): OPERATOR OPERATOR 616.682-034 prod.) ind.): 689.685-046 398 Cloth-Bleaching Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 CLOTH-BOLT BANDER (textile) 920.587-010 06.04.38 Cloth-Brushing-and-Sueding Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 cloth calender :CALENDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.): 583.585-010 06.04.05 cloth changer :MASH-FILTER-CLOTH CHANGER (malt liquors): 529.667-01406.04.15 cloth classer :CLOTH GRADER (textile): 689.387-010 06.03.01 Cloth-Colors Examiner (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile): 781.687-014 06.03.02 cloth-covered-helmet puller :HELMET COVERER (hat & cap): 689.685-074 06.04.20 cloth coverer HELMET COVERER (hat & cap): 689.685-074 06.04.20 Cloth-Cutting Inspector (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile): 781.687-014 06.03.02 cloth-cutting-machine operator ind.) I: 781.684-01 4 06.02.27 CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.061-014 01.02.03 Cloth-Desizing-Range Operator, Chief (textile) :CLOTH- FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile): 589.562- 0 1 0 06.04.16 Cloth-Desizing-Range Tender (textile) :CLOTH-FINISHING- RANGE TENDER (textile): 589.685-026 06.04.16 CLOTH DOFFER (textile) 689.586-010 06.04.06 CLOTH-DOUBLING-AND-WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 689.685-050 06.04.06 CLOTH DRIER (knit goods) 580.685-01406.04.05 cloth drier :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 cloth-dry-can operator :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 Cloth-Dyeing-Range Operator, Chief (textile) :CLOTH-FINISH- ING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile): 589.562-010 06.04.16 Cloth-Dyeing-Range Tender (textile) :CLOTH-FINISHING- RANGE TENDER (textile): 589.685-026 06.04.16 cloth dyer :DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile): 582.582-0 1 0 06.02.16 cloth dyer :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665-014 06.04.16 CLOTH-EDGE SINGER (textile) 585.687-018 06.04.27 CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 Clothes-Drier Assembler (elec. equip.) :APPLIANCE ASSEM- BLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 Clothes-Drier Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 clothes marker :MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687–026 05.09.01 CLOTHESPIN-DRIER OPERATOR (woodworking) 563.685- 0 1 4 06.04.21 CLOTHESPIN-MACHINE 667.686-0 1 0 06.04.03 CLOTHES-ROOM WORKER 09.05.07 clothes wringer :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR 581.685-038 06.04.16 CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (narrow fabrics) 689.687-022 06.03.02 CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile) 78.1.687-014 06.03.02 CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile) 689.685-038 06.03.02 CLOTH FEEDER (textile) 589.686-014 06.04.16 CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile) 05.09.02 :CUTTER, MACHINE (any OPERATOR (woodworking) (medical ser.) 355.687-010 (any ind.): 589. 130-0 1 0 Cloth-Finishing-Range Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile) 589.665- 01 4 06.04.16 CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile) 589.562-010 06.04.16 CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE TENDER (textile) 589.685-026 06.04.16 CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile) 589.687-014 06.04.27 cloth folder, machine :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.585-01 4 06.04.05 cloth folder, machine :HOOKER 689.685-078 06.03.02 CLOTH FRAMER (textile) 689.687-026 06.04.38 CLOTH GRADER (textile) 689.387-010 06.03.01 CLOTH-GRADER SUPERVISOR (textile) 06.01.01 cloth handler 06.04.06 Cloth Hauler (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * CLOTHING-PATTERN PREPARER (garment) 78.1.287-010 06.02.31 Clothing Sorter (nonprofit organ.) (nonprofit organ.): 222.387-054 05.09.03 cloth inspector :WEAVING INSPECTOR (carpet & rug; tex- tile): 683.684-034 06.02.06 CLOTH INSPECTOR (knit goods) 685.687-010 06.03.02 cloth inspector :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 Cloth Joiner, Tents (canvas goods) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (canvas goods): 787.682-062 06.02.05 Cloth-Laminating Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 cloth layer :SPREADER (any ind.) I: 781.687-058 06.04.27 cloth layer-out :GOODS LAYER (textile): 781.687-038 05.09.02 CLOTH MEASURER, MACHINE (garment; textile) 589.685- 022 06.03.02 Cloth-Mercerizer Back-Tender (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile) 06.04.16 Cloth-Mercerizing Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 Cloth-Napping Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile); 589. 130-010 05.09.02 Cloth Neutralizer (textile) :CLOTH-WASHER OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-030 06.04.16 Cloth Numberer (house furn.) :EMBROIDERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-022 06.02.05 cloth opener, hand SCUTCHER TENDER (textile): 589.685- 090 06.04.16 cloth pattern maker :CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-01 4 01.02.03 cloth picker :BURLER (carpet & rug; textile): 689,.684-010 * 06.03.02 cloth presser 06.04.16 Cloth Printer (ammunition) :PLATEN-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.): 651.685-022 06.04.09 CLOTH PRINTER (any ind.) 652.382-010 06.02.09 CLOTH-PRINTER HELPER (any ind.) 652.686-010 06.04.05 Cloth-Printer Helper (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 CLOTH-PRINTING INSPECTOR 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (textile): 689. 1 34-010 :CLOTH DOFFER (textile): 689.586-010 :SORTER-PRICER (textile) :BACK TENDER 584.685-014 :MANGLE TENDER (textile): 584.685-042 (textile) 652.567-010 399 Cloth-Printing-Machine-Operator :LABORER, GENERAL 06.04.05 CLOTH REELER (textile) 689.685-042 06.04.06 cloth-roll winder CLOTH WINDER (any ind.); 689.685-046 06.04.06 CLOTH SANDER (textile) 581.685-010 06.04.16 Cloth-Seconds Sorter (textile) :REMNANT SORTER (textile): 789.687-146 06.03.02 CLOTH SHADER (garment; textile) 582.685-026 06.03.02 cloth shearer SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile); 585.685-102 06.04.06 Cloth-Shearing Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589.130-010 05.09.02 cloth shrinker :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 (coated fabrics) 589.687–026 Helper (coated fabrics): CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 587.685-018 06.04.16 CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (textile) 587.686-010 06.04.16 Cloth-Shrinking Supervisor (textile) :CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-010 05.09.02 CLOTH-SHRINKING TESTER (textile) 587.384-010 06.03.01 cloth sponger CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 cloth spreader SPREADER (any ind.) I: 781.687-058 06.04.27 cloth spreader CLOTH DRIER (knit goods): 580.685-014 06.04.05 CLOTH SPREADER, SCREEN PRINTING (textile) 652.687– 0 1 0 06.04.27 CLOTH-STOCK SORTER (house furn.; textile) 789.687-034 06.03.02 cloth Stretcher TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR 580.585-010 06.04.16 CLOTH TEARER (garment) 781.687-018 06.04.27 CLOTH TESTER (garment; textile) 029.381-010 02.04.01 CLOTH TESTER, QUALITY (textile) 689.384-010 06.03.01 Cloth Trimmer, Hand (textile) :TRIMMER, HAND (any ind.): 781.687-070 06.04.27 CLOTH TRIMMER, MACHINE (textile) 585.685-026 06.04.05 Cloth Washer (any ind.) :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II: 361.685-018 06.04.35 Cloth-Washer Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-0 1 0 06.04.16 CLOTH-WASHER OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-030 06.04.16 Cloth Weigher (knit goods) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 CLOTH WINDER (any ind.) 689.685-046 06.04.06 CLOWN (amuse. & rec.) 159,047-010 01.03.02 club former : GOLF-CLUB HEAD FORMER (sports equip.): 732.381-018 06.02.24 Clubhouse Attendant (amuse. & rec.) : LOCKER-ROOM AT- TENDANT (per. ser.): 358.677-014 09.05.07 Cluster-Bore Operator (woodworking) :BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 666.382-010 06.02.03 Clutch Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUB- ASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 CLUTCH INSPECTOR (auto. mfg.) 706.687-01406.03.02 CLUTCH REBUILDER (auto. ser.) 620.684-022 05.10.02 coach :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-0 1 0 12.01.01 Coach Cleaner (r.r. trans.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687- O 1 4 05. 12.18 COACH DRIVER (bus. ser.) 349.677-014 01.07.03 coach operator :BUS DRIVER (motor trans.): 913.463-010 09.03.01 Coach-Player (amuse. & rec.) :HEAD COACH (amuse. & rec.): l 53, l l 7-0 l () 12.01.01 -- COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & | 53.227-0 1 0 1 2.01.01 (textile): rec.) coach wirer :BODY WIRER (auto. mfg.; trans. equip.): 829.684-01 4 05.05.05 Coagulant Dipper (rubber goods) :DIPPER (rubber goods): 556.685-030 06.04.13 COAGULATING-BATH MIXER (synthetic fibers) 550.684- 010 06.04.11 coagulating-bath operator :CELLOPHANE-BATH MIXER (plastics mat.); 550.585-01406.04.13 Coagulating-Drying Supervisor (plastics mat.) :FINISHING- AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559.132-022 06.01.01 COAGULATION OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.582-010 06.02.13 coagulator :WET-END OPERATOR (plastics mat.) II: 559.685- 190 06.04.13 coal-and-ash supervisor :COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921. 137-010 05.12.01 Coal-Briquette-Machine Operator (fuel :BRIOUETTE-MACHINE OPERATOR (fuel 549,662-010 06.02.17 Coal-Conveyor Operator (any ind.) :CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-026 05.11.04 coal-cutting-machine operator :CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.683-01405.11.02 coal-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 543.682-01 4 06.02.18 COAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (light, 921.683–022 05.11.02 Coal Hauler (any ind.) :DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 902.683-010 05.08.01 coal inspector SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quar- rying): 579,484-010 02.04.01 Coal-Mine Inspector (mining & quarrying) :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 Coal Passer (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * COAL-PIPE-LINE OPERATOR (pipe 06.02.18 Coal-Pulverizer Operator (any ind.) :CRUSHER-AND- BLENDER OPERATOR (coke prod.): 544.582-010 06.02.08 COAL SAMPLER (light, heat, & power) 922.687-03805.12.03 coal-tower operator TOWER-LOADER OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-074 05.11.04 coal-transport-and-mill operator :MILL-AND-COAL-TRANS- PORT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 544.665-010 06.04.08 COAL TRIMMER (water trans.) 9 11.687-018 05.12.04 COAL WASHER (mining & quarrying) 541.382-010 06.02.18 coal-washer tender :COAL WASHER (mining & quarrying): 541.382-010 06.02.18 COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 921.137-010 05.12.01 Coarse-Wire Drawer (wire) :WIRE DRAWER (wire): 614.382- 0 1 0 06.02.02 Coat Baster (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Coat Checker (any ind.) :CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-010 09.05.03 Coat Draper (garment) :DRAPER (garment; knit goods): 78.1.684-026 06.02.31 Coated Fabric Cutter (coated fabrics) :ROLL-SHEFTING CUTTER (coated fabrics): 699.682-026 06.02.09 COATER (bus. ser.) 503.685-010 06.04.21 coater :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; con- fection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 COATER (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 554.382-010 06.02.21 coater :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.685-014 06.04.21 coater :PAPER-COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (photo. ap- paratus): 534.582-010 06.02.14 COATER (textile) 584.682-010 06.02.21 briquettes) briquettes): heat, & power) lines) 9 14.362-010 400 coater :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 Coater, Asphalt (build. mat., n.e.c.) :ROOFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. mat., n.e.c.); 554.682-022 06.02.18 COATER, BRAKE LININGS (asbestos prod.) 574.685-010 06.04.21 coater, carbon paper :CARBON-COATER-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (pen & pencil): 534.682-014 06.02.21 coater, hand :RESIN COATER (cork prod.): 562.687-014 06.04.33 Coater Helper (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 COATER HELPER (textile) 584.665-010 06.04.16 COATER OPERATOR (any ind.) 509.382-010 06.02.21 COATER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 554.585-014 06.04.21 COATER OPERATOR, INSULATION BOARD (build. board) 539.685-010 06.04.21 Coater, Slate (build. mat., n.e.c.) :ROOFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. mat., n.e.c.); 554.682-022 06.02.18 Coat Fitter (garment) :CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-014 05.05.15 COAT-HANGER-SHAPER-MACHINE (woodworking) 669.685-034 06.04.03 COATING-AND-BAKING OPERATOR (any ind.) 554.685-014 06.04.21 COATING-AND-EMBOSSING-UNIT OPERATOR (felt goods; textile) 583.682-010 06.02.16 Coating-Line Checker (build. board; paper & pulp) :CONTROL INSPECTOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 539.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 COATING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather prod.) 690.686-022 06.04.16 Coating-Machine Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 coating-machine operator :IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; felt goods) 584.562-010 06.02.21 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confection.) 524.382-0 1 0 06.02.15 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (coated fabrics) 584.382- 0 1 0 06.02.21 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (floor covering, 590.685-01 4 06.04.21 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (galvanizing) 501,362-010 06.02.10 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; wallpaper) 534.682-018 06.02.14 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.685- 054 06.04.21 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. 06.04. 16 COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (build. board; paper goods) 534.682-022 06.02.14 Coating-Machine-Operator Helper (coated fabrics) :LABORER, GENERAL (coated fabrics): 589.687–026 06.04.05 COATING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.686-010 06.04.21 Coating-Machine-Operator Helper (paper & pulp; wallpaper) :PAPER-PROCESSING-MACHINE HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper): 534.686-010 06.04.14 Coating-Machine Operator, Metal Tags and Signs (signs) :COATING-AND-BAKING OPERATOR (any ind.); 554.685- O 1 4 06.04.21 coating mixer .COMPOUND MIXER (tinware): 509.485-010 06.04.11 COATING-MIXER SUPERVISOR (paper & pulp) 530. 132-010 06.04.01 COATING-MIXER TENDER (paper & pulp) 530.685-010 06.04.14 OPERATOR n.e.c.) bag) 584.685-018 COATING OPERATOR (cereal) 524.685-018 06.04.15 COATING OPERATOR (chem.) 550.585-022 06.04.11 Coating Supervisor (coated fabrics; felt goods) :FABRIC- COATING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130–01 4 06.01.01 coat-insulator operator :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 Coat Ironer, Hand (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 COAT JOINER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-058 06.02.05 coat-operator, insulator :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 Coat Padder (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Coat Presser (any ind.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Coat-Repair Inspector (ret. tr.) :FUR-REPAIR INSPECTOR (ret. tr.): 783.387-010 05.05.15 Coat Tailor (garment) :CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-014 05.05.15 COBBLER (boot & shoe) 788.381-010 06.02.27 cobbler :SHOE REPAIRER (per. ser.): 365.361-01405.05.15 Cobbler, Mckay (boot & shoe) :COBBLER (boot & shoe): 788.38 1-0 10 06.02.27 Cobbler, Sole (boot & shoe) 788.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.27 Cobbler, Upper (boot & shoe) :COBBLER (boot & shoe): 788.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.27 Cob Borer (smoking pipe) :TURNER (smoking pipe): 669.685- 094 06.04.03 COB SAWYER (smoking pipe) 667.685-030 06.04.09 COCOA-BEAN CLEANER (choc. & cocoa) 521.685-066 06.04.15 COCOA-BEAN 06.02.15 COCOA-BEAN ROASTER (choc. & cocoa.) II 523.380-010 06.01.03 COCOA-BEAN-ROASTER HELPER (choc. & cocoa) 523.666- 0 1 0 06.04.15 COCOA-BUTTER-FILTER OPERATOR 521.685-070 06.04.15 cocoa-milling-machine operator :LIQUOR-GRINDING-MILL OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.685-202 06.04.15 cocoa-mill operator :COCOA-ROOM OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.685-074 06.04.15 COCOA-POWDER-MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & 520.685-074 06.04.15 COCOA-PRESS OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 521.682-014 06.02.15 COCOA-ROOM OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 521.685-074 06.04.15 Coconut-Candy Maker (confection.) (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 Coconut Cooker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.); 526.382-014 06.02.15 Coconut-Jelly Roller (confection.) :SPINNER (confection.): 520.682-030 06.04.15 code and test clerk :FOREIGN-EXCHANGE CODE CLERK (finan. inst.): 209.367–030 1 1.08.04 code clerk :CRYPTOGRAPHIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-018 07.06.02 CODING CLERK (clerical) 209.387-0 10 07.05.03 coding file clerk :CLASSIFICATION CLERK 206.387-0 1 0 07.05.03 coffee blender GREEN-COFFEE BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.685-1 10 06.04.15 COFFEE GRINDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-078 06.04.15 COFFEE MAKER (hotel & rest.) 31 7.684-010 05.12.17 :COBBLER (boot & shoe): ROASTER (choc. & cocoa.) I 523.362-010 & cocoa.) (choc. cocoa.) :CANDY MAKER (clerical): 401 Coffee-Maker Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 COFFEE ROASTER (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.682-014 06.02.15 COFFEE ROASTER, CONTINUOUS PROCESS (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.685-026 06.04.15 COFFEE-ROASTER HELPER (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.687-010 06.04.28 Coffee Server, Cafeteria or Restaurant (hotel & rest.) :CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-010 09.05.02 Coffee Taster (food prep., n.e.c.) :TASTER (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.28 1-0 1 0 06.01.05 coffee-urn attendant :COFFEE MAKER 3.17.684-0 1 0 05.12.17 COFFEE WEIGHER (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.687-046 06.03.02 Cofferdam-Construction Supervisor (const.) :SUPERVISOR, CARPENTERS (const.): 860. 131-018 05.05.02 coil assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.): 721.484-010 06.02.23 COIL ASSEMBLER, MACHINE (matt. & bedspring) 616.685- 018 06.04.20 COIL BINDER (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.687-010 06.04.38 coil cleaner COOKER CLEANER (can. & preserv.): 529.687- 054 06.04.39 COIL CONNECTOR (elec. equip.) 721.684-018 06.02.32 Coil-Connector Repairer (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 COILED-COIL INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 06.03.01 coiler :HOOP-FLARING-AND-COILING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (cooperage): 619.682-034 06.02.02 COILER (cord. & twine) 681.685-034 06.04.06 COILER (elec. equip.) 725.687-01406.03.02 COILER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 613.685-010 06.04.02 COILER (medical ser.) 712.687-014 06.04.23 coiler :LATHE WINDER (spring): 619.482-010 06.02.02 COILER OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.382-010 06.02.02 coiler operator :COILER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 6.13.685-0 1 0 06.04.02 - coil fin assembler :AIR-CONDITIONING-COIL ASSEMBLER (refrigerat. equip.): 706.684-010 06.02.23 Coil Finisher (elec. equip.; electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Coil Former, Template (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724,684-026 * 06.04.23 coil-machine operator :SPRING COILER (spring): 616.485-014 06.04.02 - Coil-Machine Supervisor (matt. & bedspring) :SUPERVISOR, STEEL DIVISION (matt. & bedspring): 616. 130-022 06.02.01 coil placer SPRING ASSEMBLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 780.684-098 06.04.22 COIL-REWIND-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.685-030 06.04.02 COIL SHAPER (any ind.) 724.684-022 06.02.24 Coil Sprayer (electronics) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 coil spreader :COIL SHAPER (any ind.): 724,684-022 06.02.24 coil-spring assembler SPRING ASSEMBLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 780.684-098 06.04.22 Coil Strapper (iron & steel) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-0 18 * 06.04.38 Coil Taper, Hand (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724,684-026 * 06.04.23 Coil Taper, Machine (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Coil Tester (elec. equip.) :TESTER, ELECTRICAL CON- TINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 (hotel & rest.): 725.684-010 Coil Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 coil tier :COIL ASSEMBLER, MACHINE (matt. & bedspring): 6 16.685-018 06.04.20 Coil-Unit Builder, Experimental (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics) 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Coil Winder, Hand (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724,684-026 ° 06.04.23 Coil Winder, Open Slot (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 COIL WINDER, REPAIR (any ind.) 724,381-01406.02.32 Coil Winder, Strap (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Coil Wrapper (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 coin-box collector :COIN-MACHINE COLLECTOR (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.): 292.687-010 07.07.03 COIN COLLECTOR (bus. ser.) 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 coin-counter-and-wrapper :COIN-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. inst.): 217.585-010 05.12.19 Coining-Press Operator (forging) :FORGING-PRESS OPERA- TOR (forging) II: 611.685-010 06.04.02 coining-press operator :SINTERING-PRESS OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 617.685-038 06.04.10 COIN-MACHINE ASSEMBLER (coin mach.) 731.684-010 06.04.23 COIN-MACHINE COLLECTOR (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.) 292.687-010 07.07.03 COIN-MACHINE-COLLECTOR SUPERVISOR (clerical) 292. 1 37-0 1 0 07.07.03 COIN-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. inst.) 217.585-010 05.12.19 COIN-MACHINE-SERVICE REPAIRER (coin mach.) 639.281- 0 1 4 05.10.02 Coin-Purse Assembler (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) I: 783.684-010 06.02.27 Coin-Purse Framer (leather prod.) :HANDBAG FRAMER (leather prod.): 739.684-090 06.04.23 coin teller :COIN-MACHINE OPERATOR 21 7.585-010 05.12.19 Coin-Vault Guard (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 COIN WRAPPER (clerical) 217.686-010 05.12.19 COKE BURNER (coke prod.) 543.682-010 06.02.17 COKE-CRUSHER OPERATOR (coke prod.) 544.662-010 06.02.08 COKE DRAWER, HAND (coke prod.) 543.687-010 05.12.03 COKE INSPECTOR (coke prod.) 542.567-010 06.03.02 COKE LOADER (coke prod.) 921.563-010 05.11.04 Coke-Oven Mason (coke prod.) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 (finan. inst.): Cold-Food Packer (hotel & rest.) :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 Cold-Header Operator (forging) :MULTI-OPERATION- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 612.462-010 06.01.03 cold-meat chef :GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- 034 05.10.08 Cold-Mill Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 10 * 06.03.01 A. COLD-MILL OPERATOR (iron & 06.02.10 Cold-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) :ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 613.462-018 * 06.01.03 Cold-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metal alloys) :SHEET-MILL SU- PERVISOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 619. 132-014 06.02.01 steel) 613.462-010 * 402 Cold-Molding-Press Operator (fabric. :COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.682-01406.02.13 Cold Patcher (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 - COLD-PRESS LOADER (cut. & tools) 701.687-018 06.04.32 cold-press operator :HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 569.685-058 06.04.03 COLD-ROLL INSPECTOR (plastics mat.) 06.03.02 Cold-Roll Packer, Sheet Iron (iron & steel) :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 Cold-Trimming-Press Operator (forging) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 cold-water machine operator :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 cold-working supervisor :HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE-AUTO- FRETTAGE-MACHINE-OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (firearms): 619. 130-010 06.02.02 cold-work operator :HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE-AUTO- FRETTAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (firearms): 694.682- 01 4 06.02.02 Collar-Band Creaser (garment) :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 COLLAR BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-062 06.02.05 Collar Closer, Lockstitch (garment) :COLLAR SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-070 06.02.05 Collarette Separator (knit goods) :CLIPPER (any 789.687-030 06.03.02 Collar Feller (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 COLLAR FELLER, HANDSTITCHING MACHINE (garment) 786.682-066 06.02.05 collar-folder operator :COLLAR-TURNER OPERATOR (garment): 580.685-018 06.04.05 Collar Fuser (garment) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Collar Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 Collar Padder, Blindstitch (garment) :LAPEL PADDER, BLINDSTITCH (garment): 786.682-150 06.02.05 collar pointer SHAPER AND PRESSER (garment): 583.685- 102 06.04.05 Collar Separator (knit goods) :CLIPPER (any ind.): 789.687- 030 06.03.02 Collar Setter (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 COLLAR SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-070 06.02.05 COLLAR SETTER, OVERLOCK 06.02.05 collar-shaper operator :COLLAR-TURNER OPERATOR (garment): 580.685-018 06.04.05 - Collar-Stay-Fuser Tender (garment) :FUSING-MACHINE TENDER (garment; hosiery): 583.685-046 06.04.05 Collar Tacker (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 collar-top turner SHAPER AND PRESSER 583.685-102 06.04.05 . Collar Trimmer (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Collar Trimmer (garment; knit goods) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (garment; knit goods): 781.682-010 06.02.05 Collar Turner (garment) :TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 COLLAR-TURNER OPERATOR 06.04.05 COLLATERAL-AND-SAFEKEEPING CLERK (finan. 21 6.382-030 07.05.03 plastics prod.) OPERATOR 751.584-010 ind.): (garment) 786.682-074 (garment): (garment) 580.685-018 inst.) collateral clerk :COLLATERAL-AND-SAFEKEEPING CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.382-030 07.05.03 collateral placement officer :RESERVE OFFICER (finan. inst.; insurance): 186. 167–054 11.06.03 COLLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR 653.585-010 06.04.04 COLLATOR (print. & pub.) 653.687-010 07.07.03 COLLATOR, HAND (print. & pub.) 977.687-010 06.04.26 COLLATOR OPERATOR (clerical) 208.685-010 05.12.19 Collator Operator, Data Processing (clerical) :AUXILIARY- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, DATA PROCESSING (clerical): 2 13.685-010 05.12.19 collection agent :COLLECTOR 07.03.01 collection analyst :LOAN COUNSELOR (finan. inst.): 186.267- 0 1 4 07.01.01 Collection-Card Clerk (clerical) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 COLLECTION CLERK (clerical) 241.357-010 07.04.02 COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.362-01 4 07.02.02 collection correspondent :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 Collection Manager, Delinquent-Credit-Card-Accounts (any ind.) :MANAGER, CREDIT CARD OPERATIONS (profess. & kin.): 186.1 67-022 11.05.02 collect-on-delivery clerk :C.O.D. CLERK (clerical): 214.382- 018 07.02.04 COLLECTOR (clerical) 241.367-010 07.03.01 collector :MESSENGER, BANK (finan. inst.): 07.05.04 COLLET DRILLER (clock & watch) 715.684-062 06.02.02 COLLETER (clock & watch) 715.684-066 06.04.23 COLLET GLUER (clock & watch) 715.685-010 06.02.24 COLLET MAKER (clock & watch) 609.682-01 4 06.02.02 collier :CHARCOAL BURNER, BEEHIVE KILN (wood distil. & char.): 563.682-010 06.02.18 Colliery Clerk (mining & quarrying) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 collision estimator :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTI- MATOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-018 05.07.02 color buffer :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-014 06.04.24 COLOR-CARD MAKER (paint & varn.) 794.687-01406.04.26 COLOR CHECKER, ROVING OR YARN (textile) 582.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 a' color consultant :COLOR EXPERT (profess. & kin.): 141.051- 0 1 0 01.02.03 Color-Control Operator (print. & pub.) :WEB-PRESS OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-030 * 05.05.13 Color Control Supervisor (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKING (chem.); 559. 132-122 06.02.01 color-depositing-machine tender :STRICKLER ATTENDANT (floor covering, n.e.c.): 652.665-014 06.02.09 COLOR DEVELOPER (paper & pulp) 530.261-010 02.04.01 COLOR DIPPER (textile) 652.687-014 06.04.16 Colored-Leather Setter (leather mfg.) :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 colored-liquid-plastic applier :GLASS TINTER (glass prod.): 840.684-010 06.04.33 COLORER (brick & tile) 773.684-010 01.06.03 COLORER (print. & pub.) 970.681-014 01.06.03 COLORER, CITRUS FRUIT (whole. tr.) 529.685-070 06.04.15 COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.) 582.482-010 06.02.16 - colorer, machine :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.): 582.482-010 06.02.16 COLOR EXPERT (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010 01.02.03 color finisher :STAINER (leather prod.): 589.687-034 06.04.27 COLORING CHECKER (jewelry) 735.587-010 06.03.02 COLORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 582.685-034 06.04.16 (print. & pub.) (clerical): 241.367-010 230.367-014 403 COLORIST (profess. & kin.) 022.161-01402.04.01 colorist :COLOR EXPERT (profess. & kin.): 01.02.03 COLORIST, 01.06.03 Color-Laboratory Technician (photofinish.) (photofinish.): 976.681-010 05.10.05 COLOR MAKER (coal tar prod.) 550.382-010 06.02.11 COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics) 550.382-014 06.02.11 color maker :COLORIST (profess. & kin.): 022.161-014 02.04.01 Color-Making Supervisor (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKING (chem.); 559. 132-122 06.02.01 COLOR MATCHER (boot & shoe) 788.687-034 06.03.02 COLOR MATCHER (coated fabrics; leather mfg.; plastics mat.) 550.381-010 06.02.32 COLOR MATCHER (hosiery) 582.261-010 06.01.05 color matcher :TINTER (paint & varn.); 550.381-014 06.02.11 color matcher :COLORIST (profess. & kin.): 022.161-014 02.04.01 color mixer :COLOR MATCHER (coated fabrics; leather mfg.; plastics mat.); 550.381-010 06.02.32 Color Mixer (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) :MIXING- MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 550.485-014 06.04.13 COLOR MIXER (window shade & fix.) 589.464-0 10 06.04.34 color-mixer assistant :COLOR STRAINER (textile): 550.687– 0 1 4 06.04.16 color-mixer helper :DYE-WEIGHER HELPER (any 550.687-018 06.04.34 COLOR-PASTE MIXER (textile) 550.685-038 06.04.11 COLOR-PRINTER OPERATOR (photofinish.) 976.382-014 05.10.05 Color-Print Inspector (photofinish.) :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-01406.03.02 Color Receiver (floor covering, n.e.c.) :SCRATCHER TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.); 555.685-050 06.04.09 color repairer :BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & shoe): 788.684- 022 06.04.33 colors custodian :RIDING-SILKS CUSTODIAN rec.): 346.677-014 09.05.07 color-setting-machine operator :RUG SETTER, AXMINSTER (carpet & rug): 681.682-018 06.02.06 color shader :TINTER (paint & varn.); 550.381-01406.02.11 color-shop helper :DYE-WEIGHER HELPER (any ind.): 550.687-018 06.04.34 color specialist :COLOR EXPERT (profess. & kin.): 141.051- 0 1 0 01.02.03 • Color Sprayer (leather prod.) SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-01406.04.27 COLOR STRAINER (textile) 550.687-014 06.04.16 Color-Straining-Bag Washer (textile) :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II: 361.685-018 06.04.35 color-television-console monitor :VIDEO OPERATOR (radio & tv broad.): 194.282-010 05.03.05 COLOR TESTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.667-014 06.03.01 1 4 1.051 -010 PHOTOGRAPHY (photofinish.) 970.381-010 :DEVELOPER ind.): (amuse. & color weigher :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.): 550.684-014 06.04.34 COLOR WEIGHER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.487-010 06.03.02 Columnist (print. & pub.) :COLUMNIST/COMMENTATOR (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.067-010 11.08.03 COLUMNIST/COMMENTATOR (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 13 1.067-010 11.08.03 COLUMN PRECASTER (mfa. blogs.) 869.667-010 06.04.32 Combat Operations Research Specialist (profess. & kin.) :INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.): 059. 167-0 1 0 1 1.03.02 comb capper :HONEY COMB DECAPPER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.687–070 06.04.28 Comber (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686–022 06.04.16 Comber (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 Comber Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260- 0 1 0 06.01.02 COMBER TENDER (textile) 680.665-010 06.04.06 Combination Operator (radio & twº broad.) :DISK JOCKEY (radio & tv broad.): 159. 147-014 01.03.03 combination presser :PRESSER, ALL-AROUND (clean., dye., & press.): 363.682-01406.04.35 combination-saw operator :VARIETY-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-086 05.05.08 Combination Valving-and-Sewing-Machine Operator (paper goods) :VALVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 64 1.685-094 06.04.04 Combination-Window Installer (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.38 1-022 * 05.05.02 Combine Inspector (agric. equip.) :INSPECTOR AND TESTER (agric. equip.); 624.361-010 06.01.05 combiner :HAT-STOCK-LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap): 584.685-026 06.04.05 COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-026 06.02.09 Combiner-Operator Helper (paper & pulp; paper goods) :PAPER-PROCESSING-MACHINE HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper): 534.686-010 06.04.14 combiner-sheet operator :COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 combing-machine tender :DRAW-FRAME TENDER (cord. & twine): 680.685-034 06.04.06 combining-machine operator :LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile): 584.682-014 06.02.09 COMBINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 554.685- 018 06.04.20 COMB-MACHINE OPERATOR (match) 640.685-022 06.04.04 combustion analyst :FURNACE-COMBUSTION ANALYST (glass mfg.): 572.360-010 06.01.05 COMEDIAN (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-014 01.03.02 Comedy Diver (amuse. & rec.) :THRILL PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.): 159.347-018 12.02.01 Comedy Writer (profess. & kin.) :HUMORIST (profess. & kin.): 13 1.067–026 01.01.02 comic :COMEDIAN (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-014 01.03.02 COMMANDER, IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDS (gov. ser.) 375. 137-010 07.01.06 Commanding Officer, Automobile Section (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 167-022 04.01.01 commanding officer, detectives :DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 167–022 04.01.01 commanding officer, garage :COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-018 11.05.03 commanding officer, highway district :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.163-010 04.01.01 COMMANDING OFFICER, HOMICIDE SQUAD (gov. ser.) 375, 167-0 10 04.01.01 COMMANDING OFFICER, INVESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.) 375. 167-014 04.01.01 COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.) 375. 16.7-018 11.05.03 COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.) 375. 163-010 04.01.01 commanding officer, motor transport division :COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-0 18 11.05.03 commanding officer, precinct :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375. 167–034 04.01.01 404 commanding officer, radio division communications officer :SUPERINTENDENT, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (gov. ser.): 193.16.7-018 05.02.04 Commanding Officer, Traffic Division (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.163-010 04.01.01 commanding officer, vehicle maintenance unit :COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-018 11.05.03 commanding officer, vice squad :COMMANDING OFFICER, INVESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.): 375. 167-014 04.01.01 Commentator (radio & tv broad.) :COLUMNIST/COMMENTATOR (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.067-0 1 0 1 1.08.03 commercial artist :ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 141.061- 022 * 01.02.03 commercial artist, lettering :LETTERER (profess. & kin.): 970.661-01 4 01.06.03 commercial decorator :DECORATOR (any ind.): 298.381-010 01.06.02 COMMERCIAL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 01.02.03 COMMERCIAL ENGINEER (radio & tv broad.) 003. 187-014 05.01.03 COMMERCIAL-INSTRUCTOR SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239. 137-010 11.07.03 Commercial Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.117-106 11.09.03 commercial photographer :PHOTOGRAPHER, STILL (profess. & kin.): 143.062-030 01.02.03 commercial photographer apprentice :PHOTOGRAPHER, AP- PRENTICE (profess. & kin.): 143.062-018 01.02.03 commercial pilot :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMERCIAL (air trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 commercial representative .SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TELEPHONE SERVICES (tel. & tel.): 253.257-010 08.01.02 commercial service representative SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 253.357-010 08.01.02 Commissary Agent (air trans.) ind.): 922.687-058 * 05.09.01 COMMISSARY MANAGER (any ind.) 185.167-010 11.11.05 COMMISSION AGENT, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (whole. tr.) 260.357-010 08.01.03 COMMISSION AGENT, LIVESTOCK (whole. tr.) 162. 157-026 08.01.03 Commission Auditor (insurance) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 210.382-0 1 0 * 07.02.01 Commission Clerk (clerical) 215.482-0 1 0 07.02.05 COMMISSIONER, CONSERVATION OF RESOURCES (gov. ser.) 1.88.1 17–026 11.05.03 Commissioner, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation (gov. 14 1.081 -014 :LABORER, STORES (any :PAYROLL CLERK (clerical): ser.) :COMMISSIONER, CONSERVATION OF RESOURCES (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-026 11.05.03 COMMISSIONER OF CONCILIATION (gov. ser.) 188.2 17- 0 1 0 1 1.04.03 COMMISSIONER, PUBLIC WORKS (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-030 11.05.03 Commodity Analyst (finan. inst.) :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; insurance): 020, 167-014 11.01.02 Commodity-Industry Analyst (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 COMMODITY-LOAN CLERK (finan. 07.05.03 COMMUNICATION-CENTER COORDINATOR (air trans.) 235. 132-01 4 07.04.05 COMMUNICATION-CENTER 235.662-01 4 07.04.05 inst.) 210.382-034 OPERATOR (air trans.) COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT (tel. & tel.) 253.157- 0 1 0 08.01.01 Communications Consultant, Commercial Services (tel. & tel.) :COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT (tel. & tel.): 253. 157-0 1 0 08.01.01 Communications Consultant, Industrial Services (tel. & tel.) :COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT (tel. & tel.): 253. 157-010 08.01.01 Communications Consultant, Residential Services (tel. & tel.) :COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT (tel. & tel.): 253. 157-0 1 0 08.01.01 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (medical ser.) 239. 16.7-0 10 05.03.05 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 823.131-0 10 05.05.05 Communications-Equipment Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :INSTRUMENT-SHOP SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 722. 131- 0 10 05.05.10 Communications Manager (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLI- CATIONS (print. & pub.): 132.037-022 01.01.01 COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN (education) 962.362-010 01.03.01 communication technician :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 COMMUNITY-ANTENNA-TELEVISION LINE TECHNICIAN (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 82 1.261-010 05.05.05 COMMUNITY DIETITIAN (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-010 11.02.03 community health educator :PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR (profess. & kin.): 0.79.1 17-014 11.07.02 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION WORKER 195. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.07.01 community planner :LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 community planning director, community chest :DIRECTOR, (social ser.) COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (nonprofit Organ.): 187.1 ! 7-0 1 4 11.07.01 COMMUNITY-RELATIONS-AND-SERVICES ADVISOR, PUBLIC HOUSING (social ser.) 195. 167-014 11.07.01 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER, PATROL (gov. 372.367-0 1 0 04.02.03 COMMUNITY-SERVICES-AND-HEALTH-EDUCATION OF- FICER (gov. ser.) 079. 167-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 724,684-030 06.02.24 Commutator Inspector (elec. equip.) :WINDING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 729.384-022 06.03.01 commutator presser :COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 724.684-030 06.02.24 Commutator Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 Commutator Stacker (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 Commutator Tester (elec. equip.) :TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 Commutator Undercutter (elec. equip.) :COMMUTATOR AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 724.684-030 06.02.24 Commutator V-Ring Assembler (elec. equip.) :COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 724,684-030 06.02.24 COMPACT ASSEMBLER 06.04.23 compact-press operator :SINTERING-PRESS OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 617.685-038 06.04.10 COMPANION (dom. ser.) 309.677-0 1 0 10.03.03 COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying) 939.687-014 company laundry worker :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) I: 36 1.684-01 4 ser.) (jewelry cases) 739.687-066 405 Company Manager (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, TOURING PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-038 11.11.04 company pilot :EXECUTIVE PILOT (any ind.): 196.263-030 05.04.01 COMPARATOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 699.384-010 06.03.01 COMPARISON SHOPPER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 296.367-014 08.01.03 Compensation Underwriter (insurance) (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 COMPENSATOR (paper goods) 640.685-026 06.04.04 COMPILER (clerical) 209.387-014 07.05.03 COMPLAINT CLERK (boot & shoe) 221.387-014 05.09.02 COMPLAINT INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 829.261-010 05.05.05 complaint supervisor :SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) I: 953.137-018 05.10.02 COMPO CASTER (mirror & pic. 06.02.32 -- Compo-Conveyor Operator (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 component tester :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 composer :REPEAT-PHOTOCOMPOSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 971.382-018 01.06.01 COMPOSER (profess. & kin.) 152.067-014 01.04.02 composer, photomechanical :LITHOGRAPHIC MAKER (print. & pub.): 972.381-010 * 01.06.01 composing-machine operator :LINOTYPE OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 650.582-010 * 07.06.02 composing-machine operator :MONOTYPE-KEYBOARD OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding): 650.582-014 * 07.06.02 composing-machine operator :MAGNETIC-TAPE-COMPOSER OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 203.382-018 07.06.02 COMPOSING-ROOM MACHINIST (print. & pub.) 627.261- 0 1 0 05.05.09 composition-board-press operator :PLATE WORKER (paper & pulp): 535.685-010 06.04.04 Composition Mixer (explosives) (explosives): 550.382-018 06.02.18 COMPOSITION MIXER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 550.665-014 06.04.19 COMPOSITION-ROLL MAKER AND CUTTER goods) 559.482-010 06.02.07 Composition Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 composition-siding worker :COMPOSITION-WEATHER- BOARD APPLIER (const.): 863.684-010 05.12.12 COMPOSITION-STONE APPLICATOR (const.) 861.361-010 05.05.01 COMPOSITION-WEATHERBOARD 863.684-010 05.12.12 - COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.) 973.381-010 05.05.13 COMPOSITOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 973.381-014 05.05.13 COMPOUND-COATING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (tinvare) 509.666-010 06.04.21 COMPOUNDER (chem.) 550.685-050 06.04.11 compounder :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; prep. & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 COMPOUNDER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; soap) 550.685-046 06.04.11 COMPOUNDER (petrol. refin.) 540.382-610 06.02.12 Compounder (rubber reclaim.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-01406.03.02 compounder :CHEMICAL MIXER 06.04.11 COMPOUNDER, CORK (cork prod.) 560.587-010 06.04.14 COMPOUNDER, FLAVORINGS (flav. ext. & sirup) 529.381- 0 1 0 06.02.28 :UNDERWRITER frames) 769.381-010 PLATE :MIXER OPERATOR (rubber APPLIER (const.) drug. (textile): 550.585-018 compounder helper :BLENDER HELPER (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 550.586-010 06.04.40 COMPOUNDER HELPER (petrol. refin.) 540.686-010 06.04.12 compounder, sterile products :STERILE-PRODUCTS PROCES- SOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 559.682-054 06.02.18 COMPOUND FILLER (chem.) 550.686-014 06.04.11 COMPOUND FINISHER (chem.) 550.685-042 06.04.11 compound-machine operator :LUMITE INJECTOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-278 06.04.05 Compound Mixer (elec. equip.; electronics) :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; electronics): 726.684-030 06.04.24 COMPOUND MIXER (tinvare) 509.485-010 06.04.11 COMPOUND WORKER (phonograph) 559.686-010 06.04.13 Compressed-Air-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 COMPRESSED-GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.587-010 06.04.40 compressed-gas tester TESTER, COMPRESSED GASES (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.364-010 06.03.01 COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.682-01406.02.13 Compression-Molding-Machine Setter (fabric. plastics prod.) :MOLD SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph): 556.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.685-022 * 06.04.13 COMPRESSOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; salt production) 556.382-010 06.02.11 Compressor Assembler (mach. mfg.) :BLOWER AND COM- PRESSOR ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.): 801.361-010 06.02.22 compressor engineer :AIR-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.685-010 05.06.02 compressor-house operator :GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 953.382-010 05.06.03 Compressor Mechanic, Bus (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 compressor operator :AIR-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.685-010 05.06.02 Compressor Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 Compressor Operator (const.) :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (const.): 869.665-010 05.11.01 COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (salt production) 559.685-038 06.04.11 - compressor operator-adjuster :WAD-COMPRESSOR OPERA- TOR-ADJUSTER (ammunition): 535.482-010 06.02.18 Compressor Operator, Portable (any ind.) :AIR-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.685-010 05.06.02 compressor repairer :AIR-COMPRESSOR MECHANIC (loco. & car blag. & rep.); 622.684-010 05.10.02 Compressor-Station Engineer (pipe lines) :GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-01405.06.02 COMPRESSOR-STATION ENGINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines) 914. 1 32-0 1 0 05.02.01 Compress Trucker (agric.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * comptroller :CONTROLLER (profess. & kin.): 11.06.02 computational engineer :ENGINEERING ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 020.067-0 1 0 1 1.01.01 computer :GEODETIC COMPUTER 018. 16.7-0 1 4 05.03.01 COMPUTER-APPLICATIONS ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 020.062-010 02.01.01 Computer-Laboratory Technician (profess. & kin.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 186. 1 1 7-014 (profess. & kin.): 406 COMPUTER OPERATOR (clerical) 213.362-010 * 07.06.01 COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (clerical) 213.382-010 07.06.01 computer-programdr, numerical machine tool :TOOL PRO- GRAMER, NUMERICAL CONTROL (any ind.): 007.16.7- 018 * 05.01.06 computer systems engineer :SYSTEMS ENGINEER, ELEC- TRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.): 003.16.7- 062 05.01.03 Computer-Tape Librarian (clerical) :FILM-OR-TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical): 222.367-026 1 1.02.04 computer-terminal operator :TERMINAL (clerical): 203.582-054 07.06.01 computing analyst :ENGINEERING ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 020.067-010 1 1.01.01 CONCAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR 585.685-030 06.04.05 Concaving-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :CARBON-AND- GRAPHITE-BRUSH-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 692.482-0 1 0 06.02.09 CONCENTRATOR OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 11.462-010 06.02.11 Concert or Lecture Hall Manager (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 1 17-0 14 11.12.03 conche loader and unloader :CONCHE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 526.382-010 06.02.15 CONCHE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 526.382-0 10 06.02.15 Conciliation-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 1 1 1. 107-0 1 0 1 1.04.01 CONCILIATOR (profess. & kin.) 169.207-010 11.04.03 CONCRETE-BATCHING AND MIXING-PLANT SUPER- VISOR (const.) 570. 132-010 05.11.01 Concrete-Batch-Plant Operator (conc. prod.; const.) :PLANT OPERATOR (conc. prod.; const.); 570.682-01405.11.02 Concrete-Block Mason (const.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 Concrete-Bucket Hooker (const.) :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 Concrete-Bucket Loader (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE- MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-01405.12.04 Concrete Bucket Unloader (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE- MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-01405.12.04 CONCRETE-BUILDING ASSEMBLER (mfö. blags.) 869.664- 010 05.12. 12 Concrete-Conveyor CONCRETE-MIXING 05.12.04 CONCRETE-FENCE BUILDER (const.) 869.68 1-0 10 05.05.01 concrete finisher :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-0 10 * 05.05.01 concrete-finisher apprentice CEMENT-MASON APPRENTICE (const.): 844.364-014 05.05.01 Concrete-Finishing-Machine Operator (const.) :CONCRETE- PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 concrete floater :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364-010 * 05.05.01 CONCRETE-FLOAT MAKER 05.12.12 Concrete-Gun Operator (const.) :PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (conc. prod.; const.); 849.665-010 05.12.06 Concrete-Hopper Operator (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE- MIXING PLANT (const.); 579.665-014 05.12.04 Concrete-Mixer Loader, Truck Mounted (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 concrete-mixer-operator helper :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIX- ING PLANT (const.); 579.665-014 05.12.04 OPERATOR (boot & shoe) :LABORER, 579.665-014 (const.) (const.): Operator PLANT (conc. prod.) 869.687-022 CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.) 900.683-010 05.08.03 Concrete-Panel Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfci.blogs.): 863.684-01405.10.01 concrete-paving-form grader :FORM-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.683-022 05.11.01 CONCRETE-PAVING-MACHINE 853.663-01 4 05.1 1.01 Concrete-Paving Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPER- VISOR (const.): 869. 13 1-0 l 4 05.05.01 Concrete-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) OPERATOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.1 1.01 CONCRETE-PIPE MAKER (conc. prod.) 06.04.32 CONCRETE-PIPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.) 575.665-010 06.04.19 OPERATOR (const.) :PILE-DFIVER 779.684-014 concrete pointer CONCRETE RUBBER (conc. prod.): 844.684-0 10 05. 10.01 concrete polisher CONCRETE RUBBER (conc. prod.): 844.684-0 1 0 05.10.01 Concrete-Pouring Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPER- VISOR (const.): 869. 131-0 14 05.05.01 Concrete-Pump Operator (const.) :PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (conc. prod.; const.): 849.665-010 05.12.06 Concrete-Pump-Operator Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 CONCRETE RUBBER (conc. prod.) 844.684-010 05.10.01 CONCRETE SCULPTOR (conc. prod.) 777.281-010 01.06.02 CONCRETE-STONE FABRICATOR (conc. prod.) 575.461- 0 l () 06.02.30 CONCRETE-STONE FINISHER (conc. prod.) 844.461-010 05.05.01 CONCRETE-VAULT MAKER (conc. prod.) 579.684-010 06.04.32 Concrete-Vibrator Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Concrete-Vibrator-Operator Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Concrete-Wall-Grinder Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (const.) 869. 131-0 1 4 05.05.01 CONDENSER SETTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.687– 0 1 0 06.04.10 CONDENSER-TUBE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 i ! .685-0 | 8 06.04.10 CONDITIONER TENDER (textile) 587.685-022 06.04.16 CONDITIONER-TUMBLER OPERATOR (laund.) 361.685- 0 1 0 06.04.35 conditioning-machine operator :ORDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.682-0 l 4 06.02.15 conditioning-room worker :CONDITIONER TENDER (textile): 587.685-022 06.04. 16 CONDUCTOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.667-0 14 09.05.08 Conductor, Dance Band (profess. & kin.) :CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.): 152.047-014 01.04.01 - CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.) 152.047-014 01.04.01 CONDUCTOR, PASSENGER CAR (r. r. trans.) 198.1 67-0 10 11.1 1.03 CONDUCTOR, PULLMAN (r. r. trans.) 198. 16.7-0 14 09.01.04 CONDUCTOR, ROAD FREIGHT (r. r. trans.) 198. 167-0 18 11. I 1.03 - conductor, sleeping car :CONDUCTOR, PULLMAN (r.r. trans.): 198. 16.7-0 14 09.01.04 Conductor, Symphonic-Orchestra (profess. & kin.) :CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.): 152.047- O 1 4 01.04.01 CONDUCTOR, YARD (r. r. trans.) 9 10.137-022 05.08.02 407 Conduit Installer (r. r. trans.) :THIRD-RAIL INSTALLER (r. r. trans.): 825.381-038 05.10.01 CONDUIT MECHANIC (const.; light, heat, & power) 869.361- 0 1 0 05.05.06 Cone Baker, Machine (bake. prod.) :WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 526.685-066 06.04.15 cone chocolate dipper :NOVELTY WORKER (dairy prod.): 524.686-01 4 06.04.28 Cone-Classifier Tender (ore dress., :CLASSIFIER TENDER (ore dress., 51 1.685-01 4 06.04.10 cone former :HAT-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-030 06.04.16 cone inspector :YARN EXAMINER fibers; textile): 681.687-030 06.03.02 cone-machine feeder :HAT-FORMING-MACHINE FEEDER (hat & cap): 586.686-018 06.04.05 CONE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 05.12.07 coner HAT-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-030 06.04.16 coner :SKEIN WINDER (textile): 681.685-098 06.04.06 cone racker :NOVELTY WORKER (dairy prod.): 524.686-014 06.04.28 Cone Spooler (any ind.) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 CONE TREATER (paper goods) 534.687-010 06.04.14 Cone Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 confectioner CANDY MAKER 06.02.28 CONFECTIONERY COOKER 526.382-01 4 06.02.15 CONFECTIONERY-DROPS-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa; confection.) 520.685-078 06.04.15 conference service coordinator :SPACE (clerical): 238.367-022 07.05.01 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-010 05.01.06 conformal pad former :MOLDER, SHOE PARTS (boot & shoe): 788.687-094 06.04.32 Conical Mixer (hat & cap) :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685-062 06.04.06 smelt., & smelt., & refin.) refin.): (glass mfg.; synthetic 934.685-010 (confection.): 529.361-014 (chew. gum; confection.) SCHEDULER Connecting-Rod Inspector (mach. shop) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 connection worker :ROUSTABOUT (petrol. production): 869.684-046 05.10.01 connector :COIL CONNECTOR (elec. equip.): 721.684-018 06.02.32 Connector Hand (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Connector Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPEC- TOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 conservation officer :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379. 16.7-0 1 0 * 04.01.02 CONSERVATION TECHNICIAN 01.06.02 CONSERVATOR, ARTIFACTS (profess. & kin.) 055.381-010 01.06.02 CONSOLE ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730.684-030 06.02.23 (museum) 102.261-010 console operator :COMPUTER OPERATOR (clerical): 213.362-010 * 07.06.01 CONSTRUCTION-AND-MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR (petrol. refin.) 914.362-01405.07.01 CONSTRUCTION CHECKER (light, heat, & power) 821.367- 0 1 0 05.05.05 CONSTRUCTION-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (const.) 620.261-022 * 05.05.09 CONSTRUCTION-EQUIPMENT-MECHANIC HELPER (const.) 620.664-010 05.12.15 Construction Grip (motion pic.) :GRIP (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962.687–022 05.12.04 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.) 182.267-010 05.03.06 Construction-Ledger Clerk (light, heat, & power) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 Construction-Machinery-and-Equipment-Rental Clerk (bus. ser.) :TRAILER-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.): 295.467–022 09.04.02 Construction Millwright (sawmill) (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 Construction-Records Clerk (const.; light, heat, & power) :CARPENTER, ROUGH :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II 869.687-026 05.12.03 Consular Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188. 117-106 11.09.03 consultant :TESTER, FOOD PRODUCTS (any ind.): 199.251- 0 1 0 05.05.17 CONSULTANT (profess. & kin.) 189. 167-010 11.01.02 CONSULTANT, EDUCATION (education) 099.167-014 11.07.03 CONSULTANT, EDUCATIONAL, STATE BOARD OF NURSING (gov. ser.) 075.1 17-010 11.07.02 Consulting Forester (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 consumer-relations-complaint clerk :CUSTOMER-COM- PLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367–0 l 4 07.05.02 consumer services consultant :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 CONTACT-ACID-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.) 558.585-018 06.02.11 CONTACT-ACID-PLANT-OPERATOR HELPER 559.687–026 06.04.11 contact assembler ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSO- RIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 CONTACT CLERK (light, heat, & power) 209.387-018 07.05.04 Contact-Finger Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 contact-frame operator :PHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOENGRAV- ING (electronics; print. & pub.): 971.382-014 01.06.01 Contact-Lens-Curve Grinder (optical goods) :LENS- FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods): 716.685-022 06.04.08 contact-lens cutter :LATHE OPERATOR, CONTACT LENS (optical goods): 716.382-010 06.02.08 Contact-Lens-Edge Buffer (optical goods) :LENS-FABRICAT- (chem.) ING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods): 716.685-022 06.04.08 CONTACT-LENS-FLASHING PUNCHER (optical goods) 713.687-014 06.04.24 Contact-Lens Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECI- SION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 CONTACT-LENS MOLDER (optical goods) 690.685-090 06.04.13 - Contact-Lens Polisher (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS POLISHER (optical goods): 716.682-018 06.02.08 CONTACT PRINTER, PHOTORESIST (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods) 719.381-010 05.05.11 CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (gov, ser.) 169.167-018 07.01.01 Container-Cargo Clerk (water trans.) :BOOKING CLERK (water trans.): 248.367-014 07.05.01 CONTAINER COORDINATOR (water trans.) 248.367–022 07.05.01 container crane operator :CANTILEVER-CRANE OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-018 05.11.04 408 Container Filler (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 - Sontainer finisher :BATTERY_CONTAINER-FINISHING HAND (elec. equip.): 727.687-034 06.04.33 Container-Maker-Filler-Packer Operator :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 06.04.38 Bontainer-packer operator CASE PACKER AND SEALER (tobacco): 920.685-038 06.04.38 Bontainer repairer DRUM STRAIGHTENER (any ind.) I: 619.685-034 06.04.02 CONTAINER WASHER, MACHINE (any ind.) 529.685-074 06.04.39 Sontent checker :LIQUOR INSPECTOR (distilled 522.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 CONTESTANT COORDINATOR (radio & tv broad.) 166. 16.7- 0 1 0 07.01.01 CONTINUITY CLERK (motion pic.) 209.382-010 07.05.03 CONTINUITY DIRECTOR (radio & tv broad.) 132,037-010 01.01.01 Continuity Reader (radio & tv broad.) :SCRIPT READER (radio & tv broad.): 13 1.267–022 07.05.02 CONTINUITY WRITER (radio & tv broad.) 01.01.02 CONTINUOUS-ABSORPTION-PROCESS OPERATOR (sugar) 521.362–0 1 0 06.02.15 Continuous-Annealing Furnace Operator (heat :ANNEALER (heat treat.); 504.682-0 1 0 06.02.10 Continuous-Conveyor-Screen Drier (chem.) :DRIER OPERA- TOR (chem.) II: 553.582-010 06.02.11 (any ind.) 920.685-078 + liquors): 13 1.087-0 1 0 treat.) CONTINUOUS-CRUSHER OPERATOR (textile) 586.685-014 06.04.16 continuous-drier helper :DRYING-UNIT-FELTING-MACHINE- OPERATOR HELPER (felt goods): 581.687-018 06.04.16 continuous-drier operator :DRYING-UNIT-FELTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods): 581.685-034 06.04.16 continuous-dryout operator :PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICK- LING LINE (any ind.): 503.362-010 06.02.10 continuous-dryout-operator helper :PICKLER HELPER, CON- TINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.): 503.686-010 06.02.21 CONTINUOUS-LINTER-DRIER OPERATOR 553.685-034 06.04.19 continuous-loft operator :AIR-DRIER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 534.682-010 06.02.14 CONTINUOUS-MINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.683-010 05.11.02 CONTINUOUS PILLOWCASE CUTTER 686.685-01 4 06.04.05 continuous process machine operator :DEVELOPER, AUTO- MATIC (photofinish.): 976.685-01406.04.19 Continuous-Still Operator (chem.) :STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CONTINUOUS (chem.); 552.362-022 06.02.11 (explosives) (house furn.) CONTINUOUS-TOWEL ROLLER (laund.) 361.685-014 06.04.35 Continuous-Vulcanizing-Machine Operator (insulated wire) :EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 69 1.382-() 1 () * 06.02.09 continuous-washer operator :FURNACE-AND-WASH-EQUIP- MENT OPERATOR (ammunition): 503.685-026 06.04.10 continuous-yarn dyeing-machine operator :WARP-DYEING- VAT TENDER (textile): 582.685-158 06.04.16 Contortionist (amuse. & rec.) : ACROBAT (amuse. & rec.): 159.247-() 1 () 12.02.01 CONTOUR-BAND-SAW OPERATOR, VERTICAL shop) 607.382-010 06.02.02 CONTOUR GRINDER (Stonework) 675.682-0 l () 06.02.08 Contour-Path Tape-Mill Operator (mach. shop) :MILLING- MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 605.380-010 06.01.03 (insulated wire): (mach. contour sander :MOLDING SANDER (woodworking): 662.682- 010 06.02.03 contour Stitcher :PROFILE-STITCHING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment): 786.685-026 06.04.05 Contour Wire Sawyer (stonework) (Stonework): 677.462-01406.02.08 CONTOUR WIRE SPECIALIST, DENTURE (medical ser.) 7 12.38 1-01 4 05.05.11 :WIRE SAWYER CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR (any ind.) 162. 117-014 11.12.04 COIntraCt administrator :AGENT-CONTRACT CLERK (insurance): 241.267-010 07.01.05 CONTRACT CLERK (profess. & kin.) 119.267-018 07.01.05 CONTRACT CLERK, AUTOMOBILE (ret. tr.) 219.362-026 07.02.02 contract consultant CONTRACT CLERK (profess. & kin.): 119.267-018 07.01.05 contract coordinator :CONTRACT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.): 162. 1 17-018 11.12.04 CONTRACTOR (const.) 182. 167-010 11.12.04 Contractor, Broomcorn Threshing (agric.) :HARVEST CON- TRACTOR (agric.): 409.11 7-010 03.01.01 Contractor, Field Hauling (agric.) :HARVEST CONTRACTOR (agric.): 409. 1 17-010 03.01.01 Contractor, General Building (const.) :CONTRACTOR (const.): 182. 167-010 11.12.04 Contractor, General Engineering (const.) :CONTRACTOR (const.): 182. 167-010 11.12.04 Contract-Post-Office Clerk (ret. tr.) :POST-OFFICE CLERK (gov. ser.): 243.367-014 07.03.01 CONTRACT SPECIALIST (profess. 11.12.04 contract technician :CONTRACT CLERK (profess. & kin.): 1 19,267-018 07.01.05 contribution solicitor :FUND RAISER (nonprofit organ.) II; 2.93.357-01 4 08.02.08 control-board operator TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical): 235.662-022 07.04.06 control board operator, sugar refining :REFINERY OPERA- TOR (corn prod.): 521.362-018 06.02.15 Control-Cabinet Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.): 826.361-010 * 06.01.04 CONTROL CLERK (clock & watch) 221.387-018 05.09.02 CONTROL CLERK, AUDITING (insurance) 209.362-014 07.05.03 CONTROL CLERK, DATA PROCESSING 221.382-01 4 07.05.03 CONTROL CLERK, DATA PROCESSING 221.687-010 07.07.02 control clerk, food-and-beverage :FOOD-AND-BEVERAGE CONTROLLER (hotel & rest.): 216.362-022 07.02.02 CONTROL CLERK, HEAD (clock & watch) 221.137-010 05.09.02 Control Clerk, Repairs (clock & watch) :CONTROL CLERK (clock & watch): 221.387-018 05.09.02 Control Clerk, Subassembly (clock & watch) CLERK (clock & watch): 221.387-018 05.09.02 Control Clerk, Training and Mechanism (clock & watch) :CONTROL CLERK (clock & watch): 221.387-018 05.09.02 CONTROL INSPECTOR (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.667–0 l () 06.03.02 control inspector :CONTROLLER REPAIRER-AND-TESTER (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 825.381-018 05.05.05 Controlled-Area Checker (any ind.) :GATE TENDER (any ind.): 372.667–030 04.02.02 CONTROLLER (profess. & kin.) 186.1 17-014 11.06.02 CONTROLLER, COAL OR ORE (mining & quarrying) 939. 16.7-0 1 0 05.12.01 & kin.) 162. 1 17-0 18 (clerical) I (clerical) II :CONTROL 409 CONTROLLER, REMOTELY-PILOTED VEHICLE (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 196.263-026 05.04.01 CONTROLLER REPAIRER-AND-TESTER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 825.381-018 05.05.05 CONTROL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.482- 0 1 0 06.02.10 Control Operator, Flow Coat (elec. equip.) :PAINT-SPRAYER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 599.382-010 06.02.21 control-panel assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR-CONTROL AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381-014 06.01.04 control-panel operator :DOUGH-MIXER OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.462-010 06.02.15 CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010 06.02.12 Control-Panel Operator, Cracking Unit (petrol. refin.) :CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 546.382- 0 1 0 06.02. 12 Control-Panel Operator, Crudd Unit (petrol. refin.) :CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 546.382- 0 1 0 06.02. 12 Control-Panel Operator, Polymerization Unit (petrol. refin.) :CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 546.382- 0 1 0 06.02. 12 Control-Panel Operator, Solvent-Treating Unit (petrol. refin.) :CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 546.382- 010 06.02.12 CONTROL-PANEL TESTER 06.01.05 control-room operator 950.382-0 1 0 05.06.02 CONTROLS OPERATOR, MOLDED GOODS (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662-010 06.02.18 control-tower-radio operator :AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL SPE- CIALIST, TOWER (gov. ser.): 193.162-018 + 05.03.03 CONVERTER OPERATOR (corn prod.) 526.382-018 06.02.15 (RPV) (elec. equip.) 827.381-010 :BOILER OPERATOR (any ind.): CONVERTER SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 13. 1 32-0 1 0 06.04.01 Convertible-Power-Shovel Operator (any ind.) :POWER- SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 CONVEX-GRINDER OPERATOR (button) 673.685-042 06.04.08 conveyor attendant :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 Conveyor Belt Package Sorter (ret. tr.) :ROUTING CLERK (clerical): 222.687-022 07.07.02 Conveyor-Belt Repairer (any ind.) :BELT REPAIRER (any ind.): 630.684-014 05.12.15 - conveyor console operator :CONVEYOR-SYSTEM DISPATCHER (any ind.): 921,662-018 05.12.04 Conveyor Feeder (iron & steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel): 509.686-0 1 0 * 06.04.40 conveyor feeder :FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco): 529.686-038 06.04.40 CONVEYOR FEEDER-OFFBEARER (any ind.) 921.686-014 06.04.40 Conveyorized Oven Tender (bake. prod.) :OVEN OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (bake. prod.; cereal): 526.682-030 06.02.15 conveyor loader :MIRROR-MACHINE FEEDER (mirror): 579.686-022 06.04.21 CONVEYOR LOADER (slaught. & meat pack.) I 525.687-018 06.04.40 CONVEYOR LOADER (slaught. & meat pack.) II 525.686-014 06.04.40 CONVEYOR-MAINTENANCE 630.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.02 conveyor monitor :CONVEYOR TENDER (any ind.): 921.685- O26 06.04.40 CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.683-026 05.11.04 MECHANIC (any ind.) CONVEYOR OPERATOR, PNEUMATIC SYSTEM (macaroni & rel. prod.) 921.382-010 05.06.04 CONVEYOR-SYSTEM DISPATCHER (any ind.) 921.662-018 05. 12.04 CONVEYOR TENDER (any ind.) 921.685-026 06.04.40 Conveyor Tender, Concrete-Mixing Plant (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING 579.665-014 05.12.04 conveyor-weigher operator :WEIGHER OPERATOR (chem.; explosives): 559.687-070 06.03.02 CONVOLUTE-TUBE WINDER (paper goods) 640.682-010 06.02.04 COOK (any ind.) 3.15.361-010 05.10.08 cook :DIGESTER OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.362-010 06.02.14 cook :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 COOK (dom. ser.) 305.281-010 05.10.08 COOK (fish.) 3 15.381-010 05.10.08 COOK (glue) 553.665-018 06.04.19 COOK (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-014 * 05.05.17 COOK (slaught. & meat pack.) 526.685-010 06.04.15 COOK APPRENTICE (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-018 05.05.17 COOK APPRENTICE, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-018 05.05.17 COOK, BARBECUE (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-022 05.10.08 cook blender COOKER, PROCESS CHEESE (dairy prod.): 526.665–0 1 0 06.04.15 cook, boat :COOK, MESS (water trans.): 315.37 1-0 10 05.10.08 COOK-BOX FILLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 523.685-030 06.04.15 Cook, Broiler (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 -. Cook, Camp (any ind.) :COOK (any ind.): 315.361-010 05. 10.08 cook, candy CANDY MAKER (confection.): 06.02.28 cook, chief :CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-0 14 05.05.17 COOK, CHIEF (water trans.) 315. 131-0 10 05.10.08 Cook, Chili (food prep., n.e.c.) :COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.); 526. 134-010 06.01.01 Cook, Chinese-Style Food (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SPECIAL- TY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-030 05.10.08 cook, cold meat :GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.): 313.361- 034 05.10.08 Cook, Dessert (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 Cook, Dinner (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 COOK, DOG-AND-CAT FOOD (slaught. 526.682-01 4 06.02.15 cooked foods supervisor SUPERVISOR, COMMISSARY PRODUCTION (hotel & rest.): 319. 137-022 11.11.04 cookee :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05. 12.18 Cook, Enchilada (food prep., n.e.c.) :COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.); 526. 134-010 06.01.01 cooker :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 COOKER (cereal) 526.685-022 06.04.15 cooker :MASH-TUB-COOKER OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 522.382-022 06.02.15 cooker :NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 cooker :COOKER, MEAL (oils & fats): 523.685-034 06.04.15 Cooker and Presser (slaught. & meat pack.) :RENDERING- EQUIPMENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.685- 202 06.04.15 COOKER, CASING (tobacco) 520.685-082 06.04.15 cooker, chip :POTATO-CHIP FRAFR (food prep., n.e.c.): 526.685-046 06.04.15 PLANT (const.): cereal; flav. ext. & 529.361-014 & meat pack.) 410 COOKER CLEANER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-054 06.04.39 cooker helper :NUT-PROCESS HELPER (nut process.): 529.486-0 1 0 06.04.15 COOKER LOADER (grease & tallow) 921.685-030 06.04.40 COOKER, MEAL (oils & fats) 523.685-034 06.04.15 Cooker, Pie Filling (bake. prod.) :ICING MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-1 1 4 06.04.15 COOKER, PROCESS CHEESE (dairy prod.) 526.665-010 06.04.15 cooker, sirup SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext. & sirup): 520.485-026 06.02.15 Cooker, Soda (build. board; paper & pulp) :DIGESTER OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.362-010 06.02.14 Cooker, Sulfate (build. board; paper & pulp) :DIGESTER OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.362-010 06.02.14 Cooker, Sulfite (build. board; paper & pulp) :DIGESTER OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.362-010 06.02.14 COOKER TENDER (paper & pulp) 532.685-01406.04.14 Cook, Fish and CHIPS (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SPECIALTY (hotel & rest.): 313.361-026 05.10.08 Cook, Fish Eggs (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 cook, fishing vessel ;COOK (fish.): 315.381-010 05.10.08 cook, frozen dessert :ICE-CREAM CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381-034 05.10.08 Cook, Fruit (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 Cook, Fry (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 313.361-014 * 05.05.17 Cook, Fry (r.r. trans.) 3.15.381-018 05.10.08 COOK, FRY, DEEP FAT (can. & preserv.; hotel & rest.) 526.685-01 4 06.04.15 Cook, Griddle (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SHORT ORDER (hotel & rest.) I: 3 13.361-022 * 05.10.08 COOK, HEAD, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & 3.13.131-0 18 05.10.08 cook helper :DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.686-010 06.04.18 COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050 06.04.28 cook helper :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05. 12.18 COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.) 317.687-010 05.12.17 Cook Helper, Broiler or Fry (hotel & rest.) :COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.): 317.687-010 05.12.17 Cook Helper, Dessert (hotel & rest.) :COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.): 31 7.687-0 10 05.12.17 Cook Helper, Fruit (can. & preserv.) :COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-050 06.04.28 Cook Helper, Juice (can. & preserv.) :COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-050 06.04.28 Cook Helper, Meat (can. & preserv.) :COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-050 06.04.28 COOK HELPER, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 3 13.687-010 05.12.17 - Cook Helper, Preserves (can. & preserv.) :COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-050 06.04.28 Cook Helper, Vegetable (hotel & rest.) :COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.): 31 7.687-010 05.12.17 cook, ice cream :ICE-CREAM CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381 - O34 05.10.08 cookie breaker :FLARE BREAKER (boot & shoe): 788.685- 0 1 0 06.04.05 COOKING, CASING, AND DRYING SUPERVISOR (tobacco) 529. 1 35-0 1 0 06.02.01 Cook, Institution (any ind.) :COOK (any ind.): 315.361-010 05.10.08 :COOK, RAILROAD (r. r. trans.): rest.) Cook, Italian-Style Food (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SPECIALTY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-030 05.10.08 Cook, Jelly (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 Cook, Juice (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup) 526.38 1-026 06.01.04 Cook, Kosher-Style Food (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SPECIALTY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & rest.): 313.361-030 05.10.08 COOK, LARDER (water trans.) 3.15.381-014 05.10.08 Cook, Mayonnaise (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 cook, mess :COOK (any ind.): 315.361-010 05.10.08 COOK, MESS (water trans.) 3 15.37 1-0 10 05.10.08 COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.) 526. 134-010 06.01.01 Cook, Morning (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 313.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 Cook, Night (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 313.361- O 1 4 * 05.05.17 COOK, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-026 05.10.08 cook, pastry :PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-038 05. 10.08 COOK, PASTRY, PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL (medical ser.) 3.15.361-01 4 05.10.08 Cook, Pickled Meat (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 cook, pie :PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-038 05.10.08 Cook, Preserve (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 cook, pressure :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 COOK, PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL (medical ser.) 3 15.361-018 05.10.08 COOK, RAILROAD (r. r. trans.) 3 15.381-018 05.10.08 Cook, Ranch (agric.) :COOK (any ind.): 315.361-010 05.10.08 Cook, Relief (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 313.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 cook, restaurant 05.05.17 Cook, Roast (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 1 4 * 05.05.17 Cook, Roast Pig (hotel & rest.) :COOK, BARBECUE (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381-022 05.10.08 Cook, Sauce (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 Cook, Sauce (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 COOK, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-030 05.10.08 Cook, Seafood (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 cook, ship :COOK, MESS (water trans.): 315.37 1-010 05.10.08 Cook, Ship (water trans.) :COOK (any ind.): 315.361-010 05.10.08 :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-014 * COOK, SHORT ORDER (hotel & rest.) I 313.361-022 05.10.08 COOK, SHORT ORDER (hotel & rest.) II 3 13.67 1-0 10 05.10.08 COOK, SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext. & sirup) 526.682-018 06.02.15 Cook, Soup (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361- O 14 * 05.05.17 Cook, Spaghetti (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext, & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 Cook, Spanish-Style Food (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SPECIALTY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-030 05.10.08 Cook, Special Diet (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.36 1–014 * 05.05.17 411 COOK, SPECIALTY (hotel & rest.) 3 13.361-026 05.10.08 COOK, SPECIALTY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & 3 13.361-030 05.10.08 Cook, Starch (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 COOK, STATION (water trans.) 3.15.361-022 05.10.08 Cook, Station, Breakfast (water trans.) :COOK, STATION (water trans.): 315.361-022 05.10.08 Cook, Station, Grill (water trans.) :COOK, STATION (water trans.): 315.361-022 05.10.08 Cook, Station, Roast (water trans.) :COOK, STATION (water trans.): 315.361-022 05.10.08 Cook, Station, Soup and Fish (water trans.) :COOK, STATION (water trans.): 315.361-022 05.10.08 Cook, Taco (food prep., n.e.c.) :COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.); 526. 134-010 06.01.01 Cook, Tamale (food prep., n.e.c.) :COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.); 526. 134-010 06.01.01 COOK TENDER (grease & tallow) 553.665-022 06.04.19 COOK, THIRD (water trans.) 3.15.381-022 05.10.08 Cook, Tortilla (food prep., n.e.c.) :COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., n.e.c.); 526. 134-010 06.01.01 COOK, VACUUM KETTLE (can. & preserv.) 526.685-018 06.04.15 Cook, Vegetable (can. & preserv.) :COOK, KETTLE (can. & preserv.; cereal; flav. ext. & sirup): 526.381-026 06.01.04 Cook, Vegetable (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-014 * 05.05.17 Cooky Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-0 1 0 06.02.15 Cooky-Mixer Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 Cooler-Conveyor Loader (slaught. & meat pack.) :CONVEYOR LOADER (slaught. & meat pack.) II: 525.686- 014 06.04.40 Cooler Operator (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING-EQUIP- MENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 cooler operator COOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (malt liquors): 523.685-042 06.04.15 COOLER ROOM WORKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687- 022 06.04.28 cooler servicer :EVAPORATIVE-COOLER INSTALLER (any ind.): 637.381-010 05.10.04 Cooler Supervisor (dairy prod.) :WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 929. 137-022 05.09.01 COOLER TENDER (corn prod.) 523.685-038 06.04.15 COOLER TENDER (sugar) 520.585-018 06.04.15 Cooler Worker (dairy prod.) :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687–058 * 05.09.01 COOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (malt liquors) 523.685-042 06.04.15 COOLING-PAN TENDER (can. 06.04.15 COOLING-PIPE INSPECTOR (const.) 862.687-010 05.07.01 COOLING-ROOM ATTENDANT (per, ser.) 335.677-010 09.05.01 cooling-system operator :REFRIGERATING ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.362-014 05.06.02 Cooling-Tower Operator (petrol. refin.) STILL-PUMP OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.362-010 06.02.12 COOPER (cooperage) 764,684-022 05.10.01 cooperative extension advisor specialist :EXTENSION SER- VICE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.): 096. 127-014 11.07.03 COOPER HELPER (cooperage) 764.687-050 05.12.12 coordinator, auxiliary personnel :INSERVICE COORDINA- TOR, AUXILIARY PERSONNEL (medical ser.): 0.79. 127- 0 1 0 10.02.01 coordinator, computer programing :PROGRAMER, CHIEF, BUSINESS (profess. & kin.): 020. 167-018 11.01.01 rest.) & preserv.) 523.685-046 coordinator, material control :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-014 05.09.02 coordinator of placement :DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT (education): 166. 167-014 10.01.02 COORDINATOR OF REHABILITATION SERVICES (medical ser.) 076. 1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.01 COORDINATOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES 187. 167–022 11.07.01 cop breaker :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-014 06.04.06 COPER, HAND (stonework) 771.384-010 06.02.30 Copilot (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMERCIAL (air trans.): 196.263-01 4 05.04.01 Copper Etcher (print. & pub.) :ETCHER, PHOTOENGRAV- ING (print. & pub.): 971.381-014 01.06.01 (social ser.) Copper-Flotation Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FLOTATION TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.685-026 06.04.10 Copper Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-0 10 06.02.21 copper-roller handler, printing :PRINTING-ROLLER HAN- DLER (textile): 652.385-010 06.04.05 Coppersmith (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.28 1-0 1 0 * 05.05.06 COPPERSMITH (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.281-010 05.05.03 - COPPERSMITH APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.28 1-0 1 4 05.05.03 COPRA PROCESSOR (soap) 555.685-018 06.02.18 Cop Winder (asbestos prod.; textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 copy-camera operator :REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 976.361-010 05.10.05 copy-camera-operator apprentice :PHOTOGRAPHER AP- PRENTICE, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-010 01.06.01 COPY CUTTER (print. & pub.) 221. 167-010 05.10.05 COPY HOLDER (print. & pub.) 209.667-010 * 07.05.02 COPYIST (any ind.) 152.267-010 01.04.02 COPYIST (garment) 142.281-010 01.02.03 copyist :PAPER-NOVELTY MAKER (paper goods): 794.684- 022 06.02.26 COPY-LATHE 06.04.03 Copy Reader (print. & pub.) :EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. & pub.): 132.267-014 11.08.01 copy reader ;SCRIPT READER (radio & twº broad.): 13 1.267- 022 07.05.02 Copy Reader, Book (print. & pub.) :EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. & pub.): 132.267-014 11.08.01 copyright clerk :COPYRIGHT EXPERT (radio & twº broad.): 249.267-0 10 07.05.02 COPYRIGHT EXPERT (radio & 07.05.02 COPY WRITER (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-014 01.01.02 TENDER (woodworking) 664,685-018 tv broad.) 249.267-010 corder TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-082 06.02.05 Corder (garment; trim. & embroid.) :EMBROIDERY- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-022 06.02.05 cording-machine operator :TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-082 06.02.05 cord-reel operator :PAPER-REEL OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-046 06.04.04 - cord splicer SPLICER (rubber tire & tube): 759.684-058 06.04.29 CORDUROY-BRUSHER OPERATOR (textile) 585.685-034 06.04.16 CORDUROY-CUTTER OPERATOR 06.04.05 (textile) 585.565-010 42 cordwood-cutter helper :BUZZSAW-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 667.687-010 06.04.03 core analyst :LABORATORY ASSISTANT (petrol. produc- tion): 024.381-010 02.04.01 core-assembly supervisor SUPERVISOR, PUNCH-AND-AS- SEMBLY DEPARTMENT (elec. equip.); 619. 130-042 06.02.01 core-blower operator :COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) III: 518.685-022 06.04.08 CORE CHECKER (found.) 518.687-010 06.03.02 CORE-COMPOSER FEEDER (veneer & plywood) 669.685- 038 06.04.03 CORE-COMPOSER-MACHINE TENDER (veneer & plywood) 569.685-022 06.04.03 Core-Covering Sewer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 Core Cutter (paper & pulp) :CORE-CUTTER AND REAMER (paper goods): 649.685-026 06.02.09 CORE-CUTTER AND REAMER (paper goods) 649.685-026 06.02.09 core driller :ROTARY DRILLER 930.382-026 core driller :PROSPECTING DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.382-018 CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any ind.) 930.682-010 05.11.02 CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) 869.682-01 4 05.11.03 CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) 930.687-014 05.12.02 Core Dropper (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, DRY CELL AND BATTERY (elec. equip.): 727.687-022 * 06.04.23 CORE EXTRUDER (elec. equip.) 557.685-010 06.04.10 core feeder :GLUE SPREADER, VENEER (build. board; veneer & plywood): 569.685-042 06.04.03 CORE FEEDER, PLYWOOD LAYUP LINE (veneer & plywood) 569.685-018 06.04.03 - core fitter :FOUNDRY LABORER, COREROOM (found.): 518.687-0 1 4 06.04.32 Core Inserter (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :ASSEMBLER, FINGER BUFFS (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 739.685-010 06.04.20 (petrol. production): core inspector CORE CHECKER (found.): 518.687-010 06.03.02 core layer, plywood :CROSSBAND LAYER (veneer & plywood): 762.687-026 06.04.25 CORE LAYER, PLYWOOD LAYUP LINE plywood) 569.686-014 06.04.40 CORE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (veneer & plywood) 569.685-026 06.04.03 CORE LOADER (ammunition) 737.687-030 06.04.36 COREMAKER (found.) 518.381-014 06.01.04 Coremaker (paper goods) :SPIRAL-TUBE WINDER (paper goods): 640.682-022 06.02.04 COREMAKER APPRENTICE (found.) 518.381-018 06.01.04 Coremaker, Bench (found.) :COREMAKER (found.): 518.381 - 0 1 4 06.01.04 coremaker, experimental :COREMAKER (found.): 518.381-014 06.01.04 Coremaker, Floor (found.) :COREMAKER (found.): 518.38 1- O 1 4 06.01.04 coremaker helper :FOUNDRY LABORER, COREROOM (found.): 518.687-01406.04.32 COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) I 518.685-01406.04.08 COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) II 518.685-018 06.04.08 COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) III 518.685-022 06.04.08 COREMAKER, PIPE (found.) 518.684-01 4 06.04.32 COREMAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. 692.682-030 06.02.20 Coremaking Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.): 519. 131-0 10 06.01.01 core mounter :MOLD CLOSER 06.04.32 (veneer & equip.) (found.): 518.684-0 18 CORE-OVEN TENDER (found.) 518.685-010 06.04.17 core paster :FOUNDRY LABORER, COREROOM (found.): 518.687-01406.04.32 Core-Saw Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :HONEYCOMB- BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 core setter MOLD CLOSER (found.): 518.684-018 06.04.32 CORE SETTER (found.) 518.684-010 06.04.32 CORE SHAPER (sports equip.) 692.685-058 06.04.09 Core Shaper, Sides (sports equip.) :CORE SHAPER (sports equip.): 692.685-058 06.04.09 Core Shaper, Top (sports equip.) :CORE SHAPER (sports equip.); 692.685-058 06.04.09 core stripper :COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) I: 518.685- 0 1 4 06.04.08 CORE WINDING OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 640.682-014 06.02.04 Cork Blocker (cork prod.) :POWER-PRESS TENDER (any ind.); 617.685-026 06.04.02 cork coater :RESIN COATER (cork prod.): 562.687-014 06.04.33 corker :RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors): 920.665-014 06.04.38 - CORK GRINDER (sports equip.) 662.685-010 06.04.09 CORK INSULATOR, REFRIGERATION PLANT (const.) 863.381-010 05.10.01 cork mixer .COMPOUNDER, CORK (cork prod.): 560.587-010 06.04.14 - cork mixer :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.): 560.585-010 06.04.14 - CORK MOLDER (cork prod.) 569.685-030 06.04.09 CORK-PRESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cork 569.686-018 06.04.09 cork sorter :SORTER (cork prod.) II: 769.687-042 06.03.02 Cork-Tile-Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 Corn-Chip Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :CORN-PRESS OPERA- TOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.685-078 06.04.15 CORN COOKER (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-034 06.04.15 Corn-Cutter Operator (grain & feed mill.) :FEED GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-122 06.04.15 corner-block cutter :CORNER-BRACE-BLOCK-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.): 669.682-030 CORNER-BRACE-BLOCK-MACHINE OPERATOR 669.682-030 06.02.03 CORNER CUTTER (paper goods) 640.685-030 06.04.04 corner-cutter-machine operator :CORNER CUTTER (paper goods): 640.685-030 06.04.04 CORNER FORMER (wood. box) 617.685-01 4 06.04.02 CORNER-TRIMMER OPERATOR (wood. box) 667.682-0 18 06.02.03 - CORN GRINDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-082 06.04.15 CORN-GRINDER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (corn prod.) 521.685-086 06.04.15 Corn Grower (agric.) 401. 161-010 03.01.01 Corn-Husk Baler (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.) :BALING- MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38. Cornice Upholsterer (any ind.) :FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER (any ind.): 780.381-018 05.05.15 Corn Miller (grain & feed mill.) :GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 521.682-026 06.02.15 corn-oil extractor :EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats): 529.685-106 06.04.15 CORN POPPER (confection.) 526.685-026 06.04.15 CORN-PRESS OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-078 06.04.15 Corn-Sheller Operator (grain & feed mill.) :FEED GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-122 06.04.15 CORONER (gov. ser.) 168.161-010 02.02.01 prod.) (furn.) :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): 413 corporate counsel :LAWYER, CORPORATION (profess. & kin.): 110.1 17-022 11.04.02 Corporate Pilot (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMER- CIAL (air trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 corporate-trust clerk :STOCK-TRANSFER CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.382-070 07.02.02 corporation pilot :EXECUTIVE PILOT (any ind.): 196.263-030 05.04.01 corral boss :B.ARN BOSS (any ind.): 410.131-010 03.02.04 correctional officer :DIRECTOR, CLASSIFICATION AND TREATMENT (gov. ser.): 188.167–026 11.07.01 correction Officer :PATROL CONDUCTOR 372.677-0 1 0 04.02.01 CORRECTION OFFICER (gov. ser.) 372.667-018 + 04.02.01 correction officer :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) II: 375.367- 0 1 0 04.02.01 Correction Officer, City or :CORRECTION OFFICER 04.02.01 CORRECTION 04.01.01 Correction Officer,. Penitentiary (gov. ser.) :CORRECTION OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 372.667-018 ° 04.02.01 Correction Officer, Reformatory (gov. ser.) :CORRECTION OFFICER (gov. ser.): 372.667-018 ° 04.02.01 CORRECTIVE THERAPIST (medical ser.) 10.02.02 CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical) 209.262-010 07.04.02 CORRESPONDENCE-REVIEW CLERK (clerical) 209.367-0 18 07.05.04 (gov. Ser.): County (gov. ser.): Jail (gov. ser.) 372.667-018 * OFFICER, HEAD (gov. ser.) 372. 137-010 076.36 1-0 1 0 correspondent :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 correspondent :POLICYHOLDER-INFORMATION CLERK (insurance): 249.262-010 07.04.04 Correspondent (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) :REPORTER (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.): 131.267-018 11.08.02 CORROSION-CONTROL FITTER (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 820.361-010 05.05.05 corrosion-control specialist :ELECTROLYSIS-AND-CORRO- SION-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003. 167–022 05.01.03 corrosion engineer CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.03 corrugated-combining-machine operator :CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.562-010 * 06.02.04 CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking) 669.685-042 06.04.20 Corrugated-Sheet-Material Sheeter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Corrugating-Machine Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :HONEY COMB-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 :ELECTROLYSIS-AND-CORROSION- & kin.): 003. 167–022 corrugator :PIPE FINISHER (brick & tile): 779.684-042 06.04.30 CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.562-010 06.02.04 CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 556.665-014 06.04.13 corrugator operator CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 CORRUGATOR-OPERATOR HELPER 64 1.686-018 06.04.26 CORSET FITTER (ret. tr.) 782.361-010 95.05.15 corsetier :SALESPERSON, CORSETS (ret. tr.): 261.354–010 08.02.02 Corset Repairer (garment) :MATCH-UP WORKER (garment): 782.684-038 06.04.27 cosmetician :COSMETOLOGIST (per. 09.02.01 (paper goods) ser.): 332.27 1-010 * cosmetician apprentice COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (per. ser.): 332.27 1-014 09.02.01 Cosmetics Demonstrator (ret. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.354-010 08.02.05 COSMETICS PRESSER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.685-026 06.04.09 COSMETICS SUPERVISOR 550. 1 31-0 1 0 06.01.04 COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.) 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (per. ser.) 332.27 1-014 09.02.01 cost-accounting clerk :COST CLERK (clerical): 216.382-034 07.02.02 COST-ANALYSIS ENGINEER 002. 16.7-0 1 0 05.01.06 COST-AND-SALES-RECORD SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 216.137-010 07.02.03 COST CLERK (clerical) 216.382-034 07.02.02 Cost-Estimating Clerk (light, heat, & power) :COST CLERK (clerical): 216.382-034 07.02.02 cost estimator :ESTIMATOR (profess. & kin.): 160.267-0 18 05.03.02 cost-report clerk :RECEIPT-AND-REPORT CLERK (water trans.): 216.382-054 07.02.03 Costume Designer (profess. & kin.) :CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 COSTUMER (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 346.261-010 01.06.02 COSTUMER ASSISTANT (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 346.374-0 10 09.05.07 Costume-Rental Clerk (ret. tr.) :APPAREL-RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.): 295.357-010 09.04.02 cot assembler :FABRIC STRETCHER (matt. & bedspring): 709.667-0 1 0 06.04.22 (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) COTTAGE-CHEESE MAKER (dairy prod.) 522.382-010 06.02.15 cottage parent :RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 187. 167-186 * 11.07.01 Cotton-Bag Clipper (tex. bag) :CLIPPER (any ind.): 789.687- O30 06.03.02 Cotton-Bag-Cutting-Machine Offbearer (tex. bag) :CUTTING- MACHINE OFFBEARER (tex. bag): 689.686-018 06.04.05 Cotton-Bag-Cutting-Machine Operator (tex. bag) :CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 686.585-010 06.04.05 Cotton-Bag Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 COTTON BALER (agric.) 920.465-010 03.04.01 COTTON-BALL BAGGER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.686–01 4 06.04.38 COTTON-BALL-MACHINE TENDER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 580.685-022 06.02.06 COTTON CLASSER (agric.; textile) 429.387-010 06.01.05 cotton cleaner :COTTON WASHER (synthetic fibers): 559.687-030 06.04.39 COTTON DISPATCHER (furn.) 780.684-038 06.04.27 Cotton Farmworker (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) II: 404.687-010 03.04.01 cotton grader :COTTON CLASSER (agric.; textile): 429.387- 0 1 0 06.01.05 Cotton Grower (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.1 6 1–0 1 0 03.01.01 - Cotton Header (water 911. 137-018 Cotton Picker (matt. & bedspring) :PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 Cotton-Picker Operator (explosives) :CONTINUOUS-LINTER- DRIER OPERATOR (explosives): 553.685-034 06.04.19 Cotton Presser (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 COTTON PULLER (oils & fats) 521.686-022 06.04.19 trans.) :HEADER (water trans.): 414 COTTON-ROLL PACKER (per, protect. & med, dev.) 920.685-054 06.04.38 COTTON SAMPLER (agric.; textile) 922.687-042 06.04.27 cottonseed-meat presser :OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & fats): 521.685–242 06.04.19 COTTON TIER (agric.) 920.687-074 03.04.01 COTTON WASHER (synthetic fibers) 559.687-030 06.04.39 Cotton Weigher (agric.) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 cotton-weigher operator :WEIGHER OPERATOR (chem.; ex- plosives): 559.687-070 06.03.02 Cotton Wringer (synthetic fibers) :COTTON WASHER (synthetic fibers): 559.687-030 06.04.39 Cottrell Blower (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.) :DUST COLLEC- TOR-TREATER (Ore dress., Smelt., & refin.): 511.687-014 06.04.09 Cougar Hunter (hunt. & trap.) :PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt. & trap.): 461.661-010 03.04.03 counseling-center manager DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-018 10.01.02 counselor :PARLOR CHAPERONE (hotel & rest.): 352.667- 0 1 4 09.01.01 COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-010 * 10.01.02 counselor :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 counselor-at law :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 COUNSELOR, CAMP (amuse. & rec.) 159. 124-010 * 09.01.01 Counselor, College (education) :COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-010 * 10.01.02 counselor, dormitory :RESIDENCE COUNSELOR (education): 045. 107–038 10.01.02 Counselor, Employment Development Department (education) :COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-010 10.01.02 |COUNSELOR, NURSES’ ASSOCIATION (medical ser.) 045. 107-014 10.01.02 Counselor, School (education) :COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-010 * 10.01.02 Counselor, Veterans Administration (gov. ser.) :COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-010 * 10.01.02 counselor, vocational rehabilitation :VOCATIONAL-REHA- BILITATION COUNSELOR (gov. ser.): 045. 107-042 10.01.02 counter :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 counter and upper tacker :ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-010 06.04.05 Counter Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 7 10.68 1-0 1 0 * 06.01.04 Counter attendant :SERVICE-ESTABLISHMENT ATTEN- DANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.; per ser.): 369.477-014 09.04.02 COUNTER ATTENDANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 31 1,677-01 4 09.05.02 COUNTER ATTENDANT, LUNCHROOM OR COFFEE SHOP (hotel & rest.) 311 .477-014 * 09.04.01 Counter Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 counter caser CASER, SHOE PARTS (boot & Shoe): 788.687– 026 06.03.02 counter clerk :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-()62 * 08.02.03 COUNTER CLERK (tel. & tel.) 249.362-010 07.03.01 Counter Clerk, Appliance Parts (ret. tr.; whole, tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Automotive Parts (ret. tr., whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Farm Equipment Parts (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Industrial Machinery and Equipment Parts (ret. tr., whole. tr.) SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Radio, Television, and Electronic Parts (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Tractor Parts (ret. tr., whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Counter Clerk, Truck Parts (ret. tr., whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 COUNTER CUTTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-094 06.04.09 Counter Dish Carrier (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTEN- DANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-018 09.05.02 COUNTER FORMER (boot & shoe) 690.685-098 06.04.05 COUNTER, HAND (paper goods) 794.687-018 06.03.02 counter maker : COUNTER CUTTER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 094 O6.04.09 COUNTER MOLDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-102 06.04.05 counter molder SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685–350 06.04.05 Counter-Pocket Sewer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 counter-pocket trimmer TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 COUNTER ROLLER (boot & shoe) 690.685-106 06.04.05 COUNTERSINKER (clock & watch) 715.682-01406.02.02 Countersinker, Balance Screw Hole (clock & watch) :COUNTERSINKER (clock & watch): 715.682-014 06.02.02 COUNTER SUPERVISOR (hotel & rest.) 311.1.37-010 09.05.02 COUNTER-SUPPLY WORKER (hotel & rest.) 319.687-010 09.05.02 counter tacker :LASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HAND METHOD (boot & Shoe): 788.684-078 06.04.27 Counter Top Assembler (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, COMPONENT (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 762.684-01 4 06.02.22 counter-weigher TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 COUNTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685- 030 06.04.04 Country-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-014 07.02.02 country printer :JOB PRINTER (print. & pub.): 973.381-018 05.05.13 country-printer apprentice :JOB-PRINTER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 973.381-022 05.05.13 county adviser COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 1 1.02.03 county agent :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 1 1.02.03 COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.) 096.127-010 11.02.03 County Auditor (gov. ser.) : AUDITOR, COUNTY OR CITY (gov. ser.): 160. 167–030 11.06.01 County Director, Welfare (gov. ser.) :WELFARE DIRECTOR (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-126 11.07.01 COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRATION AGENT (gov. ser.) 096. 121-0 1 0 1 1.02.03 County-Library Director (library) :LIBRARY DIRECTOR (library): 100. 117-010 11.07.04 couper :LEAK HUNTER (distilled liquors; malt liquors): 764.687-090 05.12.12 coupler BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 coupler :HOSE-COUPLING JOINER (rubber goods): 759.687– 0 1 4 06.04.34 COUPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel) 619.682- O 1 4 06.04.20 415 Coupon-and-Bond-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-01 4 07.02.02 COUPON CLERK (finan. inst.) 219.462-010 07.02.02 Coupon-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-014 07.02.02 Coupon-Manifest Clerk (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-0 1 0 * 07.05.02 COUPON-REDEMPTION CLERK 07.03.01 court abstractor :ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.): 119.267- 0 1 0 1 1.04.04 COURT CLERK (gov. ser.) 243.362-010 * 07.01.02 court officer :BAILIFF (gov. ser.): 377.667-010 04.02.03 court reporter :SHORTHAND REPORTER (clerical): 202.362- 0 1 0 07.05.03 cover assembler :TRIMMING ASSEMBLER (furn.): 780.684- 1 1 4 06.02.23 Cover Assembler (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 Cover Assembler (matt. & bedspring) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 780.682-010 06.02.05 cover creaser :FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 174 06.04.05 cover cutter :FINISHING TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 788.687– 042 06.04.27 Cover Cutter, Machine (house furn.; matt. & bedspring) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 COVERED-BUCKLE ASSEMBLER (button) 734.687–050 06.04.27 covered button maker :BUTTON-AND-BUCKLE MAKER (any ind.): 734.687-046 06.04.27 COVERER, LOOSELEAF BINDER (print. & pub.) 795.687- 010 06.04.27 covering-machine operator :WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper goods): 641.685-098 06.04.04 COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.682- 014 06.02.20 Covering-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :TUBER- MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-01 4 06.02.07 COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-038 * 06.04.09 Covering-Machine-Operator Helper (rubber goods) :TUBER- MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.686-070 06.04.07 COVERING-MACHINE-OPERATOR 681.685-042 06.03.02 BOVERING-MACHINE TENDER (leather prod.) 783.685-010 06.04.20 COVER INSPECTOR (furn.) 789.687-038 06.03.02 Cover-Machine Operator (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 Cover Maker (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Cover Maker (chem.) :CELL MAKER (chem.): 844.681-010 06.02.30 Cover Maker (furn.) 780.682-018 06.02.05 cover-making-machine operator :CASE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.); 653.685-018 06.04.09 Cover Marker (paint & varn.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 Cover-Mat-Machine Operator (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 cover remover :FINISHING TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 788.687-042 06.04.27 COVERSTITCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682- 078 06.02.05 COVER STRIPPER (paper goods) 641.685-034 06.04.04 (ret. tr.) 290.477-010 HELPER (textile) :UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.): | cover treater :GOLF-BALL-COVER TREATER (sports equip.): 559.685-102 06.04.11 COWPUNCHER (agric.) 410.674-01403.04.01 Cow Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-046 06.04.39 Coyote Hunter (hunt. & trap.) :PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt. & trap.): 461.661-010 03.04.03 cp bleacher operator :BLEACHER OPERATOR (chem.; soap): 558.685-018 06.04.11 - crab backer :CRAB BUTCHER (can. & preserv.): 525.684-022 06.04.28 CRABBER (textile) 582.685-038 06.04.16 CRAB BUTCHER (can. & preserv.) 525.684-022 06.04.28 Crab Steamer (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH-PROCESSING- MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-214 06.04.15 cracker :PULVERIZER (jewelry): 770.687-030 06.04.34 cracker :GRINDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 555.685- 030 06.04.07 (base. CRACKER-AND-COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR prod.) 520.482-010 06.02.15 Cracker-and-Cooky-Machine-Operator Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 Cracker-Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 cracker-fanner operator :CRACKING-AND-FANNING- MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 521.385-010 06.04.15 CRACKER SPRAYER (bake. prod.) 524.685-022 06.04.15 CRACKING-AND-FANNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 521.385-010 06.04.15 CRACKING-UNIT OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 558.682-010 06.02.13 Crackling-Press Operator (slaught. & meat :RENDERING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (slaught. pack.): 529.685-202 06.04.15 Cradle Placer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05. 10.01 Cradle-Slide Maker (furn.) :RIVETING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (furn.); 616.685-058 06.04.20 crafter SAMPLE MAKER (jewelry) I: 700.381-046 01.06.02 craft supervisor :MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 638.131-022 05.05.09 craft worker :FANCY-WIRE DRAWER (jewelry): 700.381-014 01.06.01 Cranberry-Farm Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, VINE- FRUIT FARMING (agric.): 403.131-01403.02.01 Cranberry Grower (agric.) :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-01403.01.01 Cranberry Sorter (agric.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 CRANE-CREW SUPERVISOR 05.11.04 crane follower :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 crane hooker :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 crane operator :DERRICK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663- 022 05.11.04 crane operator, cab :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 crane rigger RIGGER (any ind.): 921.260-010 05.11.04 Crank Hand (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Crankshaft Straightener (auto. mfg.) :STRAIGHTENING- PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 617.482-026 * 06.02.02 pack.) & meat (any ind.) 921. 133-010 416 crash-squad accident investigator :ACCIDENT-PREVENTION- SQUAD POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 375.263-010 04.01.02 crate builder :BOX MAKER, WOOD (wood. box): 760.684-014 06.02.25 Crate Icer (can. & preserv.) :ICER (whole. tr.): 922.687-046 CRATE LINER (furn.) 920.687-078 06.04.38 CRATE OPENER (matt. & bedspring) 929.685-010 06.04.24 Crater (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 CRATER (any ind.) 920.484-010 06.04.38 Crate Repairer (any ind.) :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484-010 06.04.38 Crate Tier (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 CRATING-AND-MOVING ESTIMATOR (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 252.357-010 08.02.06 crawler-crane operator :TRACTOR-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 Crawler-Dragline Operator (any ind.) :DRAGLINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 Crawler-Tractor Operator (any ind.) :BULLDOZER OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 CRAYON GRADER (minerals & earths) 579.684-01 4 06.03.02 Crayon-Molding-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) :CHALK- MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 575.685-022 06.04.19 CRAYON SAWYER (minerals & earths) 677.685-022 06.04.08 CRAYON-SORTING-MACHINE FEEDER (pen & pencil) 929.686-018 06.04.09 Cream-Cheese Maker (dairy prod.) :COOKER, PROCESS CHEESE (dairy prod.): 526.665-010 06.04.15 Cream Dipper (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 Cream Maker (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 creaser :FOLDING-MACHINE 583.685-042 06.04.05 CREASER (leather prod.) 783.685-01406.02.05 creasing-and-cutting-press feeder :PRINTER-SLOTTER HELPER (paper goods): 659.686-01406.04.04 creasing-machine operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 CREATIVE DIRECTOR (profess. 01.02.03 Creative Perfumer (chem.) : PERFUMER (chem.): 022.161-018 02.01.02 CREDIT ANALYST (clerical) 241.267-022 07.01.04 CREDIT ANALYST (finan. inst.) 191.267-014 * 11.06.03 CREDIT ANALYST, CHIEF (finan. inst.) 160.267-010 11.06.03 CREDIT AUTHORIZER (clerical) 249.367–022 07.05.02 CREDIT-CARD CLERK (hotel & rest.) 210.382-038 07.02.02 CREDIT-CARD CLERK (ret. tr.) 209.587-014 07.05.03 CREDIT-CARD-CONTROL CLERK (finan. inst.) 249.367–026 07.05.03 credit-card interviewer :CHARGE-ACCOUNT (clerical): 205.367-014 07.04.01 CREDIT CLERK (clerical) 205.367–022 07.04.01 CREDIT CLERK, BLOOD BANK (medical ser.) 245.367–022 07.05.02 Credit-Correspondence Clerk (clerical) :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 CREDIT COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.) 160.207-010 07.01.01 Credit-Life Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 OPERATOR (garment): & kin.) 14:1.067-010 CLERK Credit Manager, Credit Card Operations (any ind.) :MANAGER, CREDIT CARD OPERATIONS (profess. & kin.): 186. 167–022 11.05.02 CREDIT OFFICER, DEALER ACCOUNTS (finan. 161.267-014 11.06.03 CREDIT-REFERENCE CLERK (ret. tr.) 209.362-018 07.05.02 Credit Reporter (bus. ser.) :INVESTIGATOR (clerical): 241.267–030 1 1.06.03 Creel Cleaner (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-014 06.04.39 CREEL CLERK (gov. ser.) 205.367–026 07.04.01 CREELER (any ind.) 689.687-030 06.04.05 creel selector :END FINDER, ROVING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.): 689.687-038 06.04.27 CREMATOR (per. ser.) 359.685-010 06.04.19 Crepe-Laminator Operator (paper goods) MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.02.14 Crepe-Sole Scourer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Crepe-Sole Wire Brusher (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 - CREPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 534.682-030 06.02.14 CREPING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (paper goods) 534.687-01 4 06.04.40 Crester (sports equip.) 732.684-0 1 0 06.04.34 crew boss :GROUP LEADER (agric.): 180.167-022 03.01.01 inst.) :CREPING- 534,682-030 :ARROWSMITH (sports equip.): crew boss :SUPERVISOR, CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM (forestry): 451.137-01403.02.01 crew leader :MIGRANT LEADER (agric.): 180.167–050 03.01.01 crew leader :GROUP LEADER (agric.): 180.167-022 03.01.01 crew manager SUPERVISOR, SPRAY, LAWN AND TREE SERVICE (agric.): 408.131-010 03.02.03 CREW SCHEDULER (air trans.) 215.362-010 07.05.01 CREW SCHEDULER, CHIEF (air trans.) 215. 137-010 07.05.01 crew supervisor SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINE MAINTENANCE (pipe lines): 869. 134-018 05.12.12 Crew-Truck Driver (any ind.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 Crib-Pad Maker (matt. & bedspring) :MATTRESS-FILLING- MACHINE TENDER (matt. & bedspring): 780.685-010 06.04.20 crime laboratory analyst :CRIMINALIST (profess. & kin.): 029.28 1-0 1 0 (02.04.01 Criminal-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 111.107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 criminal investigator :SPECIAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 375. 16.7- 042 04.01.02 criminal investigator, customs :SPECIAL AGENT, CUSTOMS (gov. ser.): 188. 167-090 04.01.02 CRIMINALIST (profess. & kin.) 029.281-010 02.04.01 Criminologist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 crimper :VAMP CREASER (boot & shoe): 788.687-154 06.04.05 Crimper (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 crimper :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 CRIMPER (rubber goods) 690.686-026 06.04.07 crimper-assembler ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 Crimper Operator (grain & feed mill.) :FEED GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 52 1.685-122 06.04.15 CRIMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 616.682-022 06.02.02 417 crimping machine operator :HELMET COVERER (hat & cap): 689.685-074 06.04.20 crimping-machine operator :YARN-TEXTURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 589.685-102 * 06.04.16 CRIMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 680.685-030 06.04.09 crimping-machine operator :PACKAGE CRIMPER (textile): 589.686-034 06.04.16 CRIMP SETTER (textile) 680.685-026 06.04.06 crinkling-machine operator CREPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 534,682-030 06.02.14 Cripple Cutter (boot & shoe) :CLICKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (boot & shoe; glove & mit.; leather prod.): 789.382-010 06.02.05 CRIPPLE WORKER (boot & shoe) 788.684-042 06.02.27 CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 13 1.067-018 01.01.03 crocheter CROCHET-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.682-010 06.02.06 CROCHETER, HAND (knit goods) 782.684-01406.02.27 CROCHET-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods) 685.682-010 06.02.06 CROOK OPERATOR (musical inst.) 609.682-018 06.02.02 crop-research scientist :AGRONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-010 02.02.02 Crop Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 crop scientist :AGRONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-010 02.02.02 Crop-Setting-Out-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) WRINGER- MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685- 098 06.04.16 CROSSBAND LAYER (veneer 06.04.25 Crossbar-Frame Wirer (elec. equip.) WIRER, CABLE (elec. equip.): 729.381-022 05.10.03 Crossbar-Switch Adjuster (elec. equip.) ADJUSTER, ELEC- TRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 Crossbar-Switch Repairer (elec. equip.) :REPAIRER, SWITCHGEAR (elec. equip.): 729.684-038 05.10.03 Crossbar-Unit Wirer (elec. equip.) WIRER, CABLE (elec. equip.): 729.381-022 05.10.03 Crossbow Maker (sports equip.) :BOW MAKER, PRODUC- TION (sports equip.): 732.684-038 06.02.32 CrOSS-Cut-Saw operator :CUT-OFF-SAW (woodworking): 667,682-022 06.02.03 CROSSCUTTER, ROLLED GLASS (glass mfg.) 575.684-022 06.04.30 CROSSING TENDER (any ind.) 371.667-010 05.12.20 Cross-Tie-Tram Loader (wood preserving) :LABORER, WOOD-PRESERVING PLANT (wood preserving): 561.686- 0 1 0 06.04.18 Cross-Tie Turner (wood preserving) :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 CROSSWORD-PUZZLE MAKER (print. & pub.) 139,087-010 01.01.02 CROWN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.685-062 06.04.09 CROWN ATTACHER (clock & watch) 715.684-070 06.04.23 Crown Blocker (clean., dye., & press.) :HAT BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-01406.02.27 Crown Buffer (hat & cap) :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-014 06.04.05 - Crown Finisher (hat & cap) :HAT FINISHER (hat & cap): 589.685-062 06.04.16 £ crown-finishing-machine operator JIGGER-CROWN-POUNC- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-058 06.04.16 Crown-Greaser Operator (hat & cap) :GREASER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 582.685-082 06.04.16 & plywood) 762.687–026 OPERATOR (any ind.) crown ironer BRIM-AND-CROWN PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685-022 06.04.05 Crown-Ironer Operator (clean., dye., & press.) :HAT BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-01406.02.27 crown-perforator operator : PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 crown pouncer :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-074 06.04.16 crown pouncer JIGGER-CROWN-POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-058 06.04.16 CROWN POUNCER, HAND (hat & cap) 784.687-018 06.04.27 Crown Presser (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 CROWN-WHEEL ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-074 06.02.23 Croze Cutter (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 669.682-01406.02.20 Croze-Cutter Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 CROZE-MACHINE OPERATOR (cooperage) 669,682-034 06.02.03 crozer CROZE-MACHINE OPERATOR (cooperage): 669,682- 034 06.02.03 CRUDE-OIL TREATER (petrol. 06.02.12 Crude-Oil Treater (petrol. refin.) TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 crude tester TESTER (petrol. refin.): 029.261-022 02.04.01 CRUISER (forestry; logging) 459.387-010 03.02.02 cruller maker :DOUGHNUT MAKER (bake. prod.): 526.684- 010 06.02.25 . cruller maker, machine :DOUGHNUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 526.682-022 06.02.15 Crushed-Stone Grader (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 CRUSHER (mort. goods) 780.684-042 06.04.27 production) 541.382-014 CRUSHER-AND-BINDER OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 689.685-054 06.04.06 CRUSHER-AND-BLENDER OPERATOR (coke prod.) 544.582-010 06.02.08 Crusher Assembler (mach. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.): 706.361-010 06.02.22 crusher, dry-ground mica :DRIER-AND-GRINDER TENDER (minerals & earths): 579.685-010 06.04.08 Crusher Feeder (iron & Steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel): 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 Crusher-Machine Operator (grain & feed mill.) GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-122 06.04.15 crusher operator :CRUSHER TENDER (any ind.): 570.685-022 06.04.08 Crusher Operator (brick & tile) :MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 CRUSHER OPERATOR (build. board) 570.685-018 06.04.08 crusher operator :GRINDER OPERATOR (chem.); 555.685- 034 06.04.11 Crusher Operator (conc. prod.; const.) :PLANT OPERATOR (conc. prod.; const.); 570.682-01405.11.02 crusher operator :CULLET CRUSHER-AND-WASHER (glass mfg.): 570.685-026 06.04.08 crusher operator :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 CRUSHER OPERATOR (sugar) 521.685-090 06.04.15 crusher operator :STEM-ROLLER-OR-CRUSHER OPERATOR (tobacco): 52 1.685–330 06.04.15 :FEED CRUSHER SETTER (mining & quarrying) 933.664-010 06.01.02 CRUSHER SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515. 132-010 06.02.01 CRUSHER TENDER (any ind.) 570.685-022 06.04.08 418 CRUSHER TENDER (floor covering, 06.04.09 Crusher Tender (oils & fats) :EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats): 529.685-106 06.04.15 CRUSHER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.685-014 06.04.08 crusher, wet-ground mica :MILLER (minerals & earths): 570.685-038 06.04.17 CRUSHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (vinous liquors) 521.685- 094 O6.04.15 crushing-mill operator :FEATHER-CURLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 589.686-018 06.04.09 CRUTCHER (soap) 550.685-054 06.04.19 CRUTCHER HELPER (soap) 550.686-018 06.04.19 CRYOLITE-RECOVERY OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.482-014 06.02.10 CRYPTANALYST (gov. ser.) 199.267-014 11.08.04 n.e.c.) 555.685-022 cryptographer :CRYPTANALYST (gov. ser.): 199.267-014 11.08.04 CRYPTOGRAPHIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-018 07.06.02 cryptographic technician OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-018 07.06.02 CAL ATTACHER (clock & watch) 715.687-0 18 06.04.23 CRYSTAL CUTTER (clock & watch) 715.684-078 06.04.30 Crystal Cutter (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 Crystal Finisher (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCES- SOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 Crystal Gazer (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-018 01.07.01 Crystal Grower (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCES- SOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 Crystal Lapper (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCES- SOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 CRYSTALLIZER OPERATOR (chem.) 559.685-042 06.04.11 CRYSTALLIZER OPERATOR (corn prod.) 523.685-050 06.04.15 Crystallizer Operator (explosives) :BATCH-STILL OPERATOR (chem.) I: 552.685-014 06.04.11 CRYSTALLIZER OPERATOR (sugar) 523.585-018 06.04.15 CRYSTALLOGRAPHER (clock & watch) 024.061-010 02.01.02 Crystal-Sirup Maker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.): 526.382-01406.02.15 ctc operator :TRAIN DISPATCHER (r.r. trans.): 184.167-262 07.04.05 Cube Cutter (ice) :ICE CUTTER (ice): 529.685-150 06.04.15 Cubelet-Centrifugal Operator (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 CUE SELECTOR (radio & twº broad.) 152.067-018 01.04.02 Cuff Creaser (garment) :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 CUFF CUTTER (glove & mit.) 686.685-018 06.04.05 cuffer :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 CUFF FOLDER (knit goods) 685,687-01406.04.27 Cuff Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 Cuff Presser (knit goods) :MANGLER (knit goods): 583.685- 070 06.04.05 Cuff Separator (knit goods) :CLIPPER (any ind.): 789.687-030 06.03.02 Cuff Setter, Lockstitch (garment) :COLLAR SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-070 06.02.05 Cuff Setter, Overlock (garment) :COLLAR SETTER, OVER- LOCK (garment): 786.682-074 06.02.05 Cuff Slitter (glove & mit.) SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 :CRYPTOGRAPHIC-MACHINE Cuff Turner (hosiery) :TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 cuff turner CUFF FOLDER (knit goods): 685.687-014 06.04.27 cuff-turner-machine operator :SHAPER AND PRESSER (garment): 583.685-102 06.04.05 Culled-Fruit Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 CULLER (cooperage) 764.687–054 06.03.02 CULLET CRUSHER-AND-WASHER (glass mfg.) 570.685-026 06.04.08 Cull Grader (agric.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Cultural Affairs Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-106 11.09.03 Culture-Room Worker (malt liquors) :RECEIVER, FERMENT- ING CELLARS (malt liquors): 522.662-010 06.02.15 CUPBOARD BUILDER (furn.) 703.684-01406.02.22 cup filler PRIMER CHARGER (ammunition): 737.687-102 06.04.34 CUPOLA CHARGER (found.) 512.686-010 06.04.10 CUPOLA CHARGER, INSULATION (build. board) 572.686- 0 1 0 06.04.19 CUPOLA HOIST OPERATOR (found.) 921.683-030 06.04.40 cupola liner :CUPOLA PATCHER (found.): 861.684-010 05.05.01 Cupola-Melting Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.): 519. 131-0 10 06.01.01 CUPOLA OPERATOR, INSULATION (build. board) 579.382– 0 1 4 06.02.10 CUPOLA PATCHER (found.) 861.684-010 05.05.01 cupola stocker :CUPOLA CHARGER (found.): 512.686-010 06.04.10 CUPOLA TAPPER (found.) 514.664-010 06.04.10 CUPOLA TENDER (found.) 512.662-010 06.02.10 Cupola-Tender Helper (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 CUPROUS-CHLORIDE HELPER (chem.) 558.585-022 06.04.11 CUPROUS-CHLORIDE OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-034 06.02.11 CUP SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-082 06.02.05 CUP-TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 61 5.685-018 06.04.02 CURATOR (museum) 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Art Gallery (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Herbarium (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Horticultural Museum (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.017-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Medical Museum (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Natural History Museum (museum) (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 Curator, Zoological Museum (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 CURB ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.477- 0 1 0 09.04.02 Curbing Stonecutter (stonework) :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381-01 4 05.05.01 CURB-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.) 853.683-010 05.11.01 Curb Setter (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): 861.38 1-038 05.05.01 Curb—Setter Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687–026 05. 12.03 Curb Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 131-01 4 05.05.01 :CURATOR WORKER 419 curer HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 Curer, Acid Drum (rubber goods) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 CURER, FOAM RUBBER 06.02.13 CURING-BIN OPERATOR (cereal) 522.685-038 06.04.15 curing finisher TIRE MOLDER (rubber tire & tube); 553.685- 102 06.04.13 Curing-Machine Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-01405.11.01 CURING-OVEN TENDER (chem.) 553.685-038 06.04.11 curing oven tender :DRYING-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 581.685-030 06.04.16 curing packer :PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.687-034 06.04.28 CURING-PRESS MAINTAINER (rubber tire & tube) 629.684- O 10 05.12.15 CURING-PRESS OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube) 553.686- 018 06.04.13 Curing Supervisor (rubber goods) goods) II: 559.137-01406.02.01 Curing Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 Curler (artif. flower) :FEATHER SHAPER (artif, flower): 734.684-010 06.04.34 curling-machine operator :CHINCHILLA-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 585.685-022 06.04.16 currency-machine operator :CURRENCY SORTER (finan. inst.); 217.485-010 05.12.19 CURRENCY SORTER (finan. inst.) 217.485-010 05.12.19 Curtain Cleaner (hotel & rest.) :HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-018 05.12.18 Curtain Cutter, Hand (house furn.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-014 06.02.27 curtain drier :STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 363.687-022 06.04.35 Curtain Feller, Blindstitch (garment) :BLINDSTITCH- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-046 06.02.05 curtain framer STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 363.687-022 06.04.35 Curtain Hemmer, Automatic (house furn.) :HEMMER, AUTO- MATIC (house furn.): 787.685-018 06.04.05 Curtain Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 CURTAIN-ROLLER ASSEMBLER (window shade & fix.) 739.684-042 06.04.23 curtain stretcher :STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 363.687-022 06.04.35 CURTAIN-STRETCHER ASSEMBLER 762.684-030 06.04.22 Curtain Supervisor (house furn.) :SEWING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 787.1 32-010 06.02.01 curved-tooth-gear-generator SET-UP OPERATOR, 602.382-01 4 06.02.02 cushion assembler :CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I: 780.684-054 06.04.23 CUSHION BUILDER (auto. mfg.) 780.684-050 06.04.22 CUSHION BUILDER (furn.) 780.684-046 06.04.22 (rubber goods) 553.682-014 :SUPERVISOR (rubber (woodworking) operator GEAR-GENERATOR SPIRAL BEVEL (mach. shop): cushion cementer :BOTTOM FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.684- 026 06.04.32 Cushion Closer (furn.; house furn.) :UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.): 780.682-018 06.02.05 Cushion-Cover Inspector (furn.; house furn.) :COVER INSPEC- TOR (furn.): 789.687-038 06.03.02 cushion filler :CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I: 06.04.23 780.684-054 Cushion Filler (house furn.) :FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 780.684-066 06.04.23 Cushion Former (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 Cushion Installer (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I 780.684-054 06.04.23 Cushion Maker (furn.) II :UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.): 780.682-018 06.02.05 Cushion Maker, Hand (jewelry cases) :PART MAKER (jewelry cases): 739.687-138 06.04.27 cushion-mat maker :CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I: 780.684-054 06.04.23 Cushion-Spring Assembler (furn.) SPRING ASSEMBLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 780.684-098 06.04.22 cushion stuffer :CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I: 06.04.23 cushion sweeper :PILLOW CLEANER (house furn.): 789.687– 1 22 06.04.39 Cushion Trimmer (boot & shoe) TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe) II: 690.682-086 06.02.07 CUSTODIAN, ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT (amuse. & 969.367-0 1 0 05.09.01 Custodian, Blood Bank (medical (clerical): 222.387–058 + 05.09.02 custodian, wardrobe COSTUMER ASSISTANT (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 346.374-010 09.05.07 custom-body-builder apprentice :TRUCK-BODY-BUILDER AP- PRENTICE (auto. mfg.; auto. ser.): 807.281-01405.05.06 customer-account clerk :CHECK-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) I: 216.387-010 07.02.02 CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT CLERK (clerical) 07.05.02 customer engineer :STATISTICAL-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-030 05.05.09 Customer-Engineering Specialist (office mach.) :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 CUSTOMER-EOUIPMENT ENGINEER (tel. & tel.) 003. 187- 018 05.01.08 CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 822. 131- 014 05.05.05 customer-order clerk :ORDER CLERK (clerical): 249.367–054 07.05.03 customer-return inspector :INSPECTOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 559,381-010 06.03.01 customer security clerk :AIRLINE SECURITY REPRESENTA- TIVE (air trans.): 372.667-0 10 04.02.02 customer service agent :CARGO AGENT (air trans.): 248.367- 018 05.09.01 customer-Service clerk :POLICYHOLDER-INFORMATION CLERK (insurance): 249.262-010 07.04.04 CUSTOMER-SERVICE CLERK (ret. tr.) 299.367-010 09.04.02 customer servicer :GAS-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-018 * 05.10.02 CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.367-010 07.04.01 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power) 959.361-010 05.10.04 customer-service representative :INVESTIGATOR, UTILITY- BILL COMPLAINTS (light, heat, & power): 241.267-034 07.05.02 CUSTOMER-SERVICE-REPRESENTATIVE INSTRUCTOR (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.227-010 07.04.02 CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks) 239.137-014 07.04.01 customer-servicer helper :GAS-APPLIANCE-SERVICER HELPER (any ind.): 637.684-010 05.12.15 780.684–054 rec.) ser.) :STOCK CLERK 241.367–0 l 4 420 customer Services instructor :INSTRUCTOR, GROUND SER- VICES (air trans.): 099.227-018 11.02.02 customer-service specialist, post exchange CUSTOMER-SER- VICE CLERK (ret. tr.): 299.367-010 09.04.02 CUSTOM-FEED-MILL OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.) 529. 132-010 05.12.07 CUSTOM-FEED-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-026 06.04.15 Custom-Frame Assembler (auto. mfg.) :TRAILER BLER (auto. mfg.): 806.381-058 ° 06.02.22 Custom Garment Designer (ret. tr.) :CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 Customs-Entry Clerk (clerical) :FOREIGN CLERK (clerical): 214.467-010 07.02.04 customs examiner CUSTOMS IMPORT SPECIALIST (gov. ser.): 168.267-018 11.10.04 ASSEM- Custom-Shoe Designer and Maker (boot & shoe) :SHOEMAKER, CUSTOM (boot & shoe): 788.381-014 05.05.15 CUSTOMS-HOUSE BROKER (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-018 11.04.04 CUSTOMS IMPORT SPECIALIST (gov. ser.) 168.267-018 11.10.04 CUSTOMS INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 168.267-022 11.10.04 CUSTOM SKI MAKER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 732.281-010 05.10.01 CUSTOMS PATROL OFFICER (gov. ser.) 168.167-010 04.01.02 CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-014 05.05.15 CUT-AND-COVER LINE WORKER (boot & shoe) 753.684- 014 06.04.27 CUT-AND-PRINT-MACHINE 659.682-010 06.02.09 CUTCH CLEANER (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-030 06.04.27 CUT-FILE CLERK (print. & pub.) 222.367-01405.09.01 CUT-IN WORKER (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-030 06.04.40 CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.) 585.685- 038 06.04.05 cutlery grinder :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I: 701.381-018 05.05.07 CUTLET MAKER, PORK (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.686- 022 06.04.15 cut-off-machine helper :GLASS-UNLOADING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (glass mfg.): 677.665-010 06.04.08 cut-off-machine operator :TRIM-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 609.685-026 06.04.02 CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 615.685-022 06.04.02 CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-034 06.04.04 cut-off-machine operator : PLUG CUTTER (pen & pencil): 690.685-306 06.04.07 cut-Off-machine unloader :GLASS-UNLOADING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (glass mfg.): 677.665-010 06.04.08 Cut-Off-Saw Grader (woodworking) :STOCK GRADER (woodworking): 667.382-010 06.02.03 cut-off-saw operator STAVE-LOG-CUT-OFF SAW OPERA- TOR (sawmill): 667.682-078 OPERATOR (ammunition) cut-off-saw operator CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 677.462-010 06.02.08 CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-022 06.02.03 CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, METAL (mach. shop) 607.682- 0 1 0 06.02.02 CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, PIPE BLANKS (asbestos prod.) 677.685-026 06.04.08 CUT-OFF SAW TENDER, METAL (mach. shop) 607.685-010 06.04.02 CUT-OFF SAWYER, LOG (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.685- 034 03.04.02 Cut-Off Sawyer, Shingle Mill (sawmill) :BOLTER (sawmill): 667.685-022 06.04.03 cut-off tender, glass :GLASS CUT-OFF TENDER (glass mfg.): 677.685-030 06.04.08 cut order hand :CARPET CUTTER (carpet & rug) I: 781.684- 010 06.02.27 CUT-OUT-AND-MARKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685-1 10 06.04.05 CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685- 11 4 06.04.05 cut-out marker :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-014 06.04.27 cut-out-press operator :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-114 06.04.05 Cut-Out Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Cut-Out Worker (boot & Shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Cut-Plug Packer (tobacco) :PACKER (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 Cut-Roll-Machine Offbearer (confection.) HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 cut-roll-machine operator :ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.685-198 06.04.15 cutter SEED CUTTER (agric.): 404.686-010 03.04.01 cutter :GLASS CUTTER (any ind.): 775.684-022 06.02.30 cutter :BLUEPRINT TRIMMER (any ind.): 920.687-038 06.04.26 Cutter (artif. flower) 734.684-010 06.04.34 CUTTER (brush & broom) 692.686-030 06.04.09 Cutter :BAND-SAWING-MACHINE OPERATOR prod., n.e.c.); 690.485-010 06.04.09 CUTTER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 690.685-118 06.04.02 Cutter (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686–022 06.04.16 CUTTER (glove & mit.; 06.02.05 cutter :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 - CUTTER (house furn.) 686.685-022 06.04.05 cutter GEM CUTTER (jewelry): 770.281-01405.05.14 CUTTER (macaroni & rel, prod.) 529.685-082 06.04.15 cutter :EDITOR, FILM (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 962.264-010 01.01.01 Cutter (paper & pulp) :LABORER, RAGS (paper & pulp): 539.587-0 1 0 06.04.40 CUTTER (photofinish.) 976.685-010 06.04.09 cutter :FEATHER SAWYER (sports equip.): 06.04.09 cutter :COPER, HAND (stonework): 771.384-010 06.02.30 cutter :RAG SORTER AND CUTTER (waste & batting): 789.687-134 06.03.02 CUTTER, ALUMINUM SHEET (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 804.684-010 06.04.24 cutter and edge trimmer SCRAPER (jewelry): 700.687-066 06.04.24 CUTTER-AND-PASTER, PRESS CLIPPINGS 249.587-014 07.07.03 cutter and presser :PRESSER (soap): 559.685-142 06.04.09 CUTTER APPRENTICE, HAND (any ind.) 781.584-010 06.02.27 CUTTER, BANANA ROOM (whole. tr.) 929.687-010 06.04.28 :FACTORY :FEATHER SHAPER (artif, flower): (fabric. tex. prod., n.e.c.) 699.682-014 732.685-014 (bus. ser.) CUTTER, BARREL DRUM (house furn.) 690.682-026 06.02.02 Cutter, Brake Lining (asbestos prod.) :BRAKE-LINING- FINISHER HELPER, ASBESTOS (asbestos prod.): 579.687- 0 1 0 06.04.19 421 CUTTER, FABRICS AND MATERIALS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 781.384-010 06.02.31 cutter, first SLABBER (soap): 559.686-042 06.04.09 CUTTER, FROZEN MEAT (can. & preserv.) 521.685-098 06.04.15 cutter, gas THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I: 816.464- 0 1 0 05.10.01 cutter grinder :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 cutter-grinder operator :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I 781.584-014 06.02.27 CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) II 781.687-026 06.04.27 CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III 781.687-030 06.04.34 CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods) 751.684-014 06.04.34 cutter-head sharpener :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. 603.682-01 4 06.02.02 CUTTER HELPER (any ind.) 781.687-022 06.04.27 CUTTER, HOT KNIFE (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 751.684- 018 06.04.29 cutter-in :HEEL-SEAT FITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-046 06.02.05 CUTTER-INSPECTOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 751.684-010 06.03.02 CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I 781.684-014 06.02.27 CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II 699.685-014 06.04.09 Cutter, machine :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 cutter, machine :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.) 699.682-018 06.02.09 cutter operator :GRINDER (fabric. plastics prod.; mat.); 555.685-026 06.04.02 cutter operator :RAG-CUTTING-MACHINE FEEDER (felt goods; paper & pulp): 530.666-010 06.04.05 CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.683-014 05.11.02 CUTTER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 555.585-010 cutter operator, asbestos shingle :ASBESTOS-SHINGLE SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.): 679,.686-0 1 0 06.04.08 Cutter Operator, Brick (brick & tile) :BRICK-AND-TILE- MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brick & tile): 575.382- 0 1 0 06.02.17 CUTTER-OPERATOR HELPER 930.687-018 05.12.02 Cutter Operator, Tile (brick & tile) :BRICK-AND-TILE-MAK- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brick & tile): 575.382-010 06.02.17 cutter, plastics rolls :SLASHER (plastics mat.): 690.665-010 06.04.02 Cutter, Plastics Sheets (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) shop): plastics (mining & quarrying) :CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 690.685-122 06.04.09 CUTTER, ROTARY SHEAR (house furn.) 781.684-018 06.04.27 CUTTER, V-GROOVE (clock & watch) 715.685-01406.02.02 CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp) 539.686-010 06.04.14 CUTTER, WOODWIND REEDS (musical inst.) 730.686-010 06.04.25 cutting-and-creasing-machine operator :CYLINDER-DIE- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-014 * 06.02.04 - cutting-and-creasing-press operator :PRINTER-SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods): 659.662-010 * 06.02.04 CUTTING-AND-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR bag) 652.685-022 06.02.05 Cutting-and-Sewing Supervisor (house furn.) SUPERVISOR (house furn.): 789. 132-010 06.02.01 (tex. Cutting-Department Supervisor (leather prod.) :SUPERVISOR (leather prod.): 783. 132-010 06.02.01 Cutting-Department Supervisor (tex. bag) :SUPERVISOR (tex. bag): 789. 132-01406.02.01 Cutting Inspector (garment) :GARMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 CUTTING INSPECTOR (house furn.) 781.684-022 06.03.02 CUTTING-MACHINE FIXER (textile) 585.380-010 06.01.02 CUTTING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (tex. bag) 689.686-018 06.04.05 cutting-machine operator :BREAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum): 521.685-034 06.04.15 CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 521.685-102 06.02.15 cutting-machine operator :PAPER CUTTER (distilled liquors): 640.565-010 06.04.04 cutting-machine operator :ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.); 585.685-086 06.04.05 cutting-machine operator :CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.683-01405.11.02 CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 640.682- 018 06.02.04 Cutting-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER-FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag) 686.585-010 06.04.05 cutting-machine operator :CORDUROY-CUTTER OPERATOR (textile): 585.565-010 06.04.05 Cutting-Machine-Operator Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.) 690.685-122 06.04.09 CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER, DECORATIVE (glass mfg.) 775.685-010 06.04.08 CUTTING-MACHINE-TENDER HELPER (any ind.) 690.686- 030 06.04.09 Cutting-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) :SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe): 788.131-0 10 06.02.01 cutting supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, LOGGING (logging): 183. 167–038 05.02.05 CUTTING SUPERVISOR (mirror) 775. 134-010 06.02.01 cutting-table operator :HOSE CUTTER, MACHINE (rubber goods): 751.686-010 06.04.07 cutting-table operator, first SLABBER (soap): 559.686-042 06.04.09 cw operator :RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 193,262-030 07.04.05 Cyanide Furnace Operator (heat treat.) :CASE HARDENER (heat treat.): 504.682-01 4 06.02.10 cycle repairer BICYCLE REPAIRER (any ind.): 639.681-010 05.10.02 - CYLINDER BATCHER (textile) 582.665-010 06.04.16 Cylinder-Block-Hole Reliner (auto. ser.) :ARBOR-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-010 06.02.20 Cylinder Checker (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 Cylinder Devalver (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 CYLINDER-DIE-MACHINE HELPER (paper goods) 649.686- 018 06.04.04 CYLINDER-DIE-MACHINE OPERATOR 649.682-014 * 06.02.04 cylinder dyer :BEAM-DYER OPERATOR (textile): 582.685- 0 1 4 06.04.16 CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases) 559.565-010 06.02.12 CYLINDER GRINDER (print. & pub.) 500.381-010 05.10.05 (paper goods) 422 Cylinder Handler (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 010 06.04.40 Cylinder-Head Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL- COMBUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & tur- bine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 cylinder honer HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUC- TION (mach. shop): 603.482-034 06.02.02 CYLINDER INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (comp. & liquefied gases) 953.387-010 06.03.01 cylinder loader CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 CYLINDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (build, board; paper & pulp) 539.362-010 06.02.18 Cylinder-Machine Operator, Pulp Drier (paper & pulp) :CYLINDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 539.362-010 06.02.18 CYLINDER-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.) 651.686-010 05.12.19 CYLINDER-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 CYLINDER-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE pub.) 651.362-01405.05.13 cylinder-press-operator helper :CYLINDER-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.): 651.686-0 10 05.12.19 CYLINDER-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking) 662.685- O 1 4 06.04.03 Cylinder Steamer (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 cylinder tester CYLINDER INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (comp, & liquefied gases): 953.387-010 06.03.01 Cylinder Valver (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED- GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587- 0 1 0 06.04.40 cylinder-valve repairer VALVE REPAIRER (comp. & liquefied gases): 630.381-030 05.10.02 cylindrical-grinder operator GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, EXTERNAL (mach. shop): 603.482-01406.02.02 cylindrical grinder, tool :GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach, shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 Cylindrical Mixer (hat & cap) :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685- 062 06.04.06 CYTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-042 02.02.03 Cytotechnician (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.381-014 * CYTOTECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.281-010 02.04.02 liquefied (print. & D DADO OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.382-010 05.05.08 Dag Coater (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics): 725.684-022 06.02.23 Dag Sprayer (electronics) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741,687-018 06.04.33 daily release and dupe printer :FILM PRINTER (motion pic.): 976.682-0 1 0 05.10.05 DAIRY-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (dairy prod.) 629.281-018 05.05.09 Dairy Farmer (agric.) 4 10.1 6 1 -018 03.01.01 * Dairy-Feed-Mixing Operator (grain & feed mill.) :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 DAIRY HELPER (dairy prod.) 529.686-026 06.04.40 Dairy-Management Specialist (profess. & kin.) SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-018 02.02.01 dairy-manufacturing technologist :DAIRY TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-022 02.02.04 Dairy-Nutrition Specialist (profess. & kin.) SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-018 02.02.01 :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): :DAIRY :DAIRY Dairy-Powder-Mixer Operator (choc. & cocoa) :COCOA- POWDER-MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 520.685- 074 O6.04.15 DAIRY-PROCESSING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 529.382-018 06.02.15 dairy-products technologist :DAIRY TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 040.061-022 02.02.04 DAIRY SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-018 02.02.01 DAIRY TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-022 02.02.04 damage cutter :MATCH-UP WORKER (garment): 782.684-038 06.04.27 DAMPENER OPERATOR 06.04.14 Dampproofer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869,664-014 * 05.10.01 dam tender :WATERSHED TENDER (waterworks): 954.382- 018 05.06.03 Dance-Hall Inspector (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 DANCER (amuse. & rec.) 15 1.047-010 01.05.02 darkroom worker :DEVELOPER (photofinish.): 976.681-010 05. 10.05 - darner HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery): 782.684-030 06.02.27 Darning-Machine Operator (any ind.) :MENDER (any ind.): 787.682-030 06.02.05 Data-Change Clerk (clerical) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 data clerk :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 DATA-CODER OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-026 07.06.02 DATA-EXAMINATION CLERK (clerical) 209.387-022 07.05.02 data-reduction technician :MATHEMATICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 020. 162-010 11.01.02 data technician :CONTROL CLERK, DATA PROCESSING (clerical) I: 221.382-014 07.05.03 DATA TYPIST (clerical) 203.582-022 07.06.02 Date Puller (confection.) :FRUIT CUTTER (confection.): 521.687-066 06.04.28 DATER ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil) 733.687-030 06.04.23 Daub-Color Matcher (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-014 06.02.11 Daub-Color Mixer (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-014 06.02.11 dauber :OVEN DAUBER (coke prod.): 543.687-01406.04.30 day care worker :NURSERY SCHOOL ATTENDANT (any ind.): 359.677-018 * 10.03.03 Day Guard (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any 372.667–034 04.02.02 Day-Haul Youth Supervisor (agric.) :BUS DRIVER, DAY- HAUL OR FARM CHARTER (agric.): 913.363-010 09.03.01 DAY WORKER (dom. Ser.) 301.687-014 05.12.18 DEADENER (auto mfg.) 845.687-010 06.04.33 dead header :LAST PUTTER-AWAY (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 922.687-066 05.09.01 DE-ALCOHOLIZER (malt liquors) 522.685-042 06.04.15 DEALER-COMPLIANCE REPRESENTATIVE (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 168.267–026 11.10.05 dean of admissions :DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS (education): 090. 167–014 11.07.03 Dean of Boys (education) :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) II: 091. 107-0 1 0 10.01.02 dean of chapel :DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES (education): 129. 107-018 10.01.01 Dean of Girls (education) :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) II: 09 1. 107-0 1 0 10.01.02 dean of instruction : ACADEMIC DEAN (education): 090.1 17- 0 1 0 1 1.07.03 (paper & pulp) 534.685-010 ind.): 423 Dean of Men (education) :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I: 090. 117-0 18 10.01.02 dean of student affairs :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I: 090. 117-018 10.01.02 DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I 090. 117-018 10.01.02 DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) II 091. 107-010 10.01.02 Dean of Women (education) :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I: 090. 117-018 10.01.02 dean, school of nursing :DIRECTOR, SCHOOL OF NURSING (medical ser.): 075. 117-030 1 1.07.02 Death-Claim Clerk (insurance) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 Death-Claim Examiner (insurance) :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 debeader SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 debeaker :POULTRY DEBEAKER (agric.): 03.04.01 DEBLOCKER (optical goods) 716.687-010 06.04.39 DEBRANDER (boot & shoe) 753.687-01 4 05.12.10 debtor :SKIP TRACER (clerical): 241.367–026 07.04.01 DEBUBBLIZER (plastics mat.) 553.585-010 06.04.13 DEBURRER (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 603.685-050 06.04.02 DEBURRER, MACHINE (clock & watch) 715.685-018 06.02.02 } DEBURRER, STRIP (clock & watch) 603482010 06.02.02 DECAL APPLIER (any ind.) 749.684-010 06:04.34 decal transferrer :DECAL APPLIER (any ind.): 749.684-010 06.04.34 DECATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-042 06.04.16 • DECAY-CONTROL OPERATOR 06.04.15 - deck and hull assembler :ASSEMBLER, DECK AND HULL (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 806.684-022 06.02.22 DECK ENGINEER (water trans.) 623.281-010 05.05.09 deck-engine operator :DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-034 05.11.04 DECKER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 533.682-010 06.02.14 Deck Guard (fish.; water trans.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 DECKHAND (turp. & rosin) 553.686-022 06.04.11 DECKHAND (water trans.) 9 11.687-022 05.08.04 Deckhand, Clam Dredge (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VES- SEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deckhand, Crab Boat (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 DECKHAND, FISHING VESSEL (fish.) 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deckhand, Maintenance (water trans.) : ABLE SEAMAN (water trans.): 91 1.364-0 1 0 05.12.03 Deckhand, Oyster Dredge (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VES- SEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deckhand, Shrimp Boat (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VES- SEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deckhand, Sponge Boat (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VES- SEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deckhand, Tuna Boat (fish.) :DECKHAND, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 449.667-010 03.04.03 Deck-Lid Fitter (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 Deck Molder (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.; trans. equip.): 806.684-054 06.02.32 deck sawyer :CUT-OFF SAWYER, LOG (paper & pulp; saw- mill): 667.685-034 03.04.02 Deck Scaler (sawmill) :LOG SCALER (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 455.487-010 * 05.07.06 deck worker : BULL-CHAIN OPERATOR (sawmill): 921.685- 014 05 12.04 DECONTAMINATOR (any ind.) 199.384-010 02.04.01 41 1.687–026 (whole. tr.) 529.685-086 DECORATING-EQUIPMENT SETTER (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 652.380-010 06.01.02 DECORATING INSPECTOR (glass mfg.) 579.687-014 06.03.02 Decorating-Kiln Operator (pottery & porc.) :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 Decorating-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) :SILK-SCREEN PRINTER, MACHINE (any ind.): 652.665-010 06.02.09 DECORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass prod.) 652.685- 026 06.02.09 Decorative Greens Cutter (forestry) :FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry): 453.687-010 03.04.02 DECORATOR (any ind.) 298.381-010 01.06.02 decorator :PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 970.381-022 01.06.03 decorator SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 decorator :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684-022 06.04.28 DECORATOR (bake. prod.; confection.) 524.684-01406.04.28 decorator :TILE DECORATOR (brick & tile): 773.381-010 01.06.03 decorator :TRACER (const.; stonework): 779.381-022 01.06.02 DECORATOR (dairy prod.) 524.381-01401.06.03 decorator :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.381-030 01.06.01 DECORATOR (furn.) 749.684-014 01.06.03 DECORATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 740.381-010 01.06.03 DECORATOR (hat & cap) 784.684-022 06.04.27 DECORATOR (leather prod.) 739.684-046 06.04.27 decorator :LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.): 781.381-018 01.06.02 decorator ARTIST, MANNEQUIN COLORING (model & pat- tern): 741.684-010 01.06.03 DECORATOR (pottery & porc.) 740.684-014 01.06.03 Decorator (sports equip.) :DECORATOR (furn.): 749.684-014 01.06.03 decorator, hand :DECORATOR (bake. prod.; confection.): 524.684-01 4 06.04.28 decorator, hand :ENROBING-MACHINE (confection.): 524.684-018 06.04.28 decorator, hand :LINER (pottery & porc.): 740.681-010 01.06.03 * decorator, hand :EMBROIDERER, HAND (trim. & embroid.): 782.684-018 06.02.27 decorator inspector :PRINT INSPECTOR (pottery & porc.): 774,687-018 06.03.02 DECORATOR, LIGHTING FIXTURES (light, fix.) 749.684- 018 01.06.03 DECORATOR, MANNEQUIN (model & pattern) 970.381-014 01.06.03 decorator, store :DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. 298.08 1-0 10 01.02.03 DECORATOR, STREET AND BUILDING (any ind.) 899.687- 0 1 0 05.12.12 dedenter :DRUM STRAIGHTENER (any ind.) I: 619.685-034 06.04.02 dedenter :BARREL-DEDENTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (malt liquors); 617.682-010 06.04.02 Deep-Fryer Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 . Deer Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-010 03.03.02 defect cutter CLIPPER, AUTOMATIC (veneer & plywood): 663.585-010 06.04.03 defect cutter :STOCK-PATCH SAWYER (woodworking): 667.682-082 06.02.03 - * DEFECTIVE-CIGARETTE SLITTER (tobacco) 529.685-090 06.04.15 DEFECT REPAIRER, GLASSWARE (glass mfg.) 772.684-010 05.09.03 CORDER tr.): 424 Defensive-Line Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFES- SIONAL ATHLETES (amuse, & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 DEFINER (button) 599.685-022 06.04.10 DEFLECTOR OPERATOR (malt liquors; 529.687–058 06.03.02 Degreaser (any ind.) :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 Degreasing-Solution Mixer (chem.) (chem.); 550.685-106 06.04.11 Degreasing-Solution Reclaimer (chem.) OPERATOR (chem.) I: 552.685-01 4 06.04.11 Degreasing-Wheel Operator (leather mfg.) :DRUM ATTEN- DANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 degree clerk :ADMISSIONS EVALUATOR (education): 205.367-0 1 0 07.01.05 DEHAIRING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-018 06.04.15 DEHYDRATING-PRESS OPERATOR mat.) 551.685-046 06.04.11 - dehydrator :DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-058 06.04.15 dehydrator operator :CRUDE-OIL TREATER (petrol. produc- tion): 541.382-01 4 06.02.12 DEHYDRATOR TENDER (can. 06.04.15 Dehydrogenation-Converter Helper (chem.) :CATALYTIC- CONVERTER-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.); 558.585-010 06.04.11 Dehydrogenation-Converter Operator (chem.) :CATALYTIC- CONVERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 Dehydrogenation-Converter Utility Operator (chem.) :UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) I: 559.682-066 06.02.11 dehydrogenation operator, head :SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.); 559.132-078 06.01.01 DEICER ASSEMBLER, ELECTRIC (rubber goods) 739.684- 050 06.02.22 Deicer Assembler, Pneumatic (rubber goods) :DEICER AS- vinous liquors) :SEASONING MIXER :BATCH-STILL (explosives; plastics & preserv.) 523.685-054 SEMBLER, ELECTRIC (rubber goods): 739.684-050 06.02.22 DEICER-ELEMENT WINDER, HAND (rubber goods) 739.684-058 06.02.32 DEICER-ELEMENT WINDER, MACHINE (rubber goods) 692.685-066 06.04.20 DEICER FINISHER (rubber goods) 739.684-054 06.04.34 DEICER INSPECTOR, ELECTRIC (rubber goods) 729.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 DEICER INSPECTOR, PNEUMATIC (rubber goods) 759.687– 0 1 0 06.03.02 DEICER-KIT ASSEMBLER 06.04.34 DEICER REPAIRER (rubber goods) 759.684-026 06.04.34 Deicer Repairer, Electric (rubber goods) :DEICER REPAIRER (rubber goods): 759.684-026 06.04.34 Deicer Repairer, Pneumatic (rubber goods) REPAIRER (rubber goods): 759.684-026 06.04.34 DEICER TESTER (rubber goods) 729.387-01406.03.01 DE-IONIZER OPERATOR (chem.) 558.685-026 06.04.11 Delicatessen-Goods Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF-SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-014 05.09.01 DELI CUTTER-SLICER (ret. tr.) 3 16.684-014 05.12.17 Delimer (leather mfg.) :TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CON- TINUOUS PROCESS (leather mfg.): 582.482-014 06.02.16 DELINEATOR (profess. & kin.) 970.281-014 01.02.03 delinquent-account clerk :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 Delinquent-Notice-Machine Operator (clerical) :BILLING- MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 214.482-010 07.06.02 DELIVERER, CAR RENTAL (auto. ser.; ret. tr.) 9 19.663-010 05.08.03 (rubber goods) 759.684-030 :DEICER Deliverer, Food (ret. tr.) :DELIVERER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 299.477-010 09.04.02 DELIVERER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.) 299.477-010 09.04.02 DELIVERER, OUTSIDE (clerical) 230.667-010 07.07.02 Deliverer, Pharmacy (ret. tr.) :DELIVERER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 299.477-010 09.04.02 delivery-room clerk :ROOM-SERVICE CLERK (hotel & rest.): 3.24.577-0 1 0 09.05.03 delivery-route truck driver :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 Delivery-Table Operator (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) :TABLE OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 6.13.682-026 06.04.02 Delivery-Truck Driver, Heavy (any ind.) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.): 905.663-01405.08.01 Demand Equipment Repairer (light, heat, & power) :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281-010 * 06.01.04 demand inspector :LOAD CHECKER (light, heat, & power): 952.367-0 1 0 05.09.01 Demographer (profess. & kin.) I :STATISTICIAN, APPLIED (profess. & kin.): 020.167-026 11.01.02 Demographer (profess. & kin.) II :SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 Demolition-Crane Operator (any ind.) I TRACTOR-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 Demolition-Crane Operator (any ind.) II :TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 DEMOLITION SPECIALIST (ordnance) 737.687-034 05.12.03 DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 297.354-010 08.02.05 Demonstrator, Construction Equipment (whole. tr.) :OPERATING ENGINEER (const.; mining & quarrying): 859.683-010 * 05.11.01 DEMONSTRATOR, ELECTRIC-GAS APPLIANCES (light, heat, & power) 297.357-010 08.02.05 DEMONSTRATOR, KNITTING (ret. tr.) 297.354-014 08.02.05 DEMONSTRATOR, SEWING TECHNIQUES (ret. tr.) 297.454-0 10 08.02.05 DEMURRAGE CLERK (r. r. trans.) 214.362-010 07.02.04 denitrator operator :RECOVERY OPERATOR (explosives): 558.682-022 06.04.11 - Densitometrist (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.) I: 976.381-010 02.04.01 DENSITY CONTROL PUNCHER (motion pic.) 976.684-010 05.10.05 DENTAL-AMALGAM PROCESSOR (nonfer. 509.382-01 4 06.02.09 DENTAL ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.37 1-0 10 * 10.03.02 DENTAL CERAMIST (medical ser.) 712.281-010 05.05.11 DENTAL CERAMIST ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 712.664-010 * 05.05.11 Dental-Chair Assembler (furn.) :HYDRAULIC-CHAIR AS- SEMBLER (furn.): 706.684-058 06.02.22 Dental-Cream Maker (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 DENTAL-EQUIPMENT INSTALLER AND (whole. tr.) 829.261-01 4 05.10.02 DENTAL FLOSS PACKER (per. 920.687-082 06.04.34 - DENTAL HYGIENIST (medical ser.) 078.361-010 * Dental Hygienist, Community Health (medical ser.) :DENTAL HYGIENIST (medical ser.): 078.361-010 * Dental Hygienist, Public School (medical ser.) :DENTAL HY- GIENIST (medical ser.): 078.361-010 * metal alloys) SERVICER protect. & med. dev.) DENTAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 7 12.381-018 * DENTAL-LABORATORY-TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE (medical ser.) 712.38 1-022 05.05.11 425 dental surgeon :DENTIST (medical 072. 1 0 1-010 * 02.03.02 dental technician :DENTAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 712.381-018 * 05.05.11 dental-technician apprentice :DENTAL-LABORATORY- TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE (medical ser.): 712.381-022 05.05.11 Dental Technician, Crown and Bridge (medical :DENTAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical 712.381 -018 * 05.05.11 Dental Technician, Metal (medical ser.) :DENTAL-LABORA- TORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 712.381-018 * 05.05.11 DENTIST (medical ser.) 072. 101-010 * dent remover :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 DENTURE-MODEL MAKER 05.05.11 DENTURE WAXER (medical ser.) 712.68 1-0 1 0 06.02.32 DEODORIZER (chem.) 522.685-046 06.04.15 DEOILING-MACHINE AND PASTEURIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (flav. ext. & sirup) 529.685-094 06.04.15 Depalletizer Operator (any ind.) :PALLETIZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 921.682-01406.04.40 department chairperson, college or university :DEPARTMENT HEAD, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090. 16.7- 0 1 0 1 1.07.03 department head :SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.): 712. 131-0 10 05.05.11 DEPARTMENT HEAD, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education) 090. 167-010 11.07.03 Department Head, Junior College (education) :DEPARTMENT HEAD, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090. 16.7- 0 1 0 1 1.07.03 department head, superintendent :MANAGER, DEPARTMENT (any ind.): 189.167-022 11.05.02 department helper :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 department manager, chamber of commerce MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE organ.): 187.167-042 11.05.02 Department-Store-Collection Clerk (ret. tr.) :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 department supervisor GENERAL SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 183. 167-018 06.01.01 department supervisor MANAGER, DEPARTMENT (ret. tr.): 299. 1 37-010 * 11.11.05 departure clerk :TRANSPORTATION AGENT (air trans.): 9 12.367-014 * 07.05.01 DEPOSIT CLERK (light, heat, & power) 241.267-026 07.01.04 DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 524.682- 0 1 0 06.02.15 depositing-machine operator :BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.): 526.682-0 1 0 06.02.15 DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 529.682- 018 06.02.15 - DEPOSIT-REFUND CLERK (light, heat, & power) 214.482- O 1 4 07.02.04 Depth-Stretching-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) :STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 580.685-058 06.04.05 deputy assessor APPRAISER (gov. ser); 188.167-610 11.06.03 deputy assessor PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSOR (gov. ser.): 191.367-010 11.06.03 deputy, building guard :DEPUTY SHERIFF, BUILDING GUARD (gov. ser.): 377.667-014 04.02.03 DEPUTY, COURT (gov. ser.) 377.137-018 04.01.01 deputy, grand jury :DEPUTY SHERIFF, GRAND JURY (gov. ser.): 377.363-010 04.02.03 ser.): ser.) ser.): (medical ser.) 712.681-014 :DIVISION (nonprofit DEPUTY INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (gov. ser.) 186.1 17- 022 11.10.01 DEPUTY SHERIFF, BUILDING GUARD (gov. ser.) 377.667- 0 1 4 04.02.03 DEPUTY SHERIFF, CHIEF (gov. ser.) 377.167-010 04.01.01 DEPUTY SHERIFF, CIVIL DIVISION (gov. ser.) 377.667-018 04.01.02 DEPUTY SHERIFF, COMMANDER, CIVIL DIVISION (gov. ser.) 377.137-010 04.01.01 DEPUTY SHERIFF, COMMANDER, CRIMINAL AND PATROL DIVISION (gov. ser.) 377.137-014 04.01.01 DEPUTY SHERIFF, GRAND JURY (gov. ser.) 377.363-010 04.02.03 DERMATOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-018 02.03.01 derrick-barge operator :DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-034 05.11.04 DERRICK-BOAT CAPTAIN (water trans.) 9 11.137-014 05.12.04 DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.) 921.683-034 05.11.04 derrick-boat runner :DERRICK-BOAT CAPTAIN trans.): 91.1. 137-014 05.12.04 Derrick-Car Operator (r.r. trans.) :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 919.663-014 05.11.04 DERRICK OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.663-022 05.11.04 DERRICK WORKER, WELL SERVICE (petrol. production) 930.683-018 05.11.03 descriptive catalog librarian :CATALOG LIBRARIAN (library): 100.387-0 1 0 1 1.02.04 DESIGN ASSEMBLER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.686-034 06.04.19 DESIGN DRAFTER, ELECTROMECHANISMS (profess. & kin.) 01 7.261-014 05.03.02 DESIGN-ENGINEER, AGRICULTURAL (profess. & kin.) 013.061-018 05.01.07 DESIGN ENGINEER, MARINE EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 014.061-010 05.01.07 DESIGN ENGINEER, MINING-AND-OILFIELD EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 010.061-010 05.01.07 DESIGN ENGINEER, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) O15.061-010 05.01.07 DESIGNER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.281-01405.05.11 DESIGNER AND PATTERNMAKER (boot & shoe) 788.281- 0 1 0 05.05.15 DESIGNER AND TEMPLATE MAKER, COVERINGS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 781.381-014 05.05.15 DESIGN INSERTER (fabric. plastics prod.) 692.685-070 06.04.02 design leader :DIE DESIGNER (mach. shop): 007.161-010 05.03.02 DESIGN PRINTER, BALLOON (rubber goods) 651.685-014 06.04.07 design transferrer :DECAL APPLIER (any ind.): 749.684-010 06.04.34 Desilverizer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :KETTLE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I: 519.685-022 06.04.10 Desizing-Machine Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 desizing-machine offbearer :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686- 0 1 0 06.04.16 DESIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HEAD-END 582.685-046 06.04.16 desizing-machine operator, rear-end :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 desizing-pad operator :DESIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HEAD-END (textile): 582.685-046 06.04.16 desk assistant :NEWS ASSISTANT (radio & tv broad.): 209.367–038 07.05.03 - desk attendant :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 (water EQUIPMENT (textile) 426 Desk Captain (gov. ser.) :DESK OFFICER (gov. ser.): 375. 137- 0 1 4 04.01.01 Desk Clerk (per. ser.) 238.362-010 * DESK CLERK, BOWLING FLOOR (amuse. & rec.) 340.367- 0 1 0 09.04.02 DESKIDDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 690.685-126 06.04.07 Desk Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :DESK OFFICER (gov. ser.): 375. 1 37-014 04.01.01 DESK OFFICER (gov. ser.) 375.137-014 04.01.01 DESK-PEN-SET ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil) 733.687-034 06.04.23 Desk Sergeant (gov. 375. 1 37-01 4 04.01.01 DESSERT-CUP-MACHINE FEEDER (bake. prod.) 520.686- 0 1 4 06.04.15 - :HCATEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): (boot & shoe) ser.) :DESK OFFICER (gov. ser.): DESTATICIZER FEEDER (clock & watch) 715.686-010 06.04.21 Destination-Sign Repairer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. 807.381 -026 05.10.04 Desulfurizer, Hand (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 - Desulfurizer, Machine (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 DESULFURIZER OPERATOR (coke 06.02.11 DETACKER (knit goods; textile) 589.685-030 06.04.05 detail and lay-out drafter :ESTIMATOR AND DRAFTER (light, heat, & power): 019.261-01405.03.02 detail assembler :ASSEMBLER, SUBASSEMBLY (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 806.484-010 06.02.22 DETAILER (profess. & kin.) 017.261-018 05.03.02 DETAILER, FURNITURE (profess. & kin.) 017.261-022 05.03.02 detailer, pharmaceuticals :PHARMACEUTICAL DETAILER (whole. tr.); 262. 157-010 08.01.01 DETAILER, SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS 976.564-0 1 0 07.05.03 detail maker and fitter :MACHINE TRY-OUT SETTER (mach. tool & access.): 600.360-010 06.01.05 detail sergeant :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375, 133-0 1 0 04.01.01 DETECTIVE (any ind.) I 376.367-014 04.02.02 DETECTIVE (any ind.) II 376.667-014 04.02.03 DETECTIVE (gov. ser.) 375.267-010 04.01.02 Detective, Automobile Section (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.): 375.267-0 10 04.01.02 Detective, Bowling Alley (amuse, & rec.) :DETECTIVE (any ind.) II: 376.667-014 04.02.03 detective-bureau chief :DETECTIVE CHIEF 375. 167–022 04.01.01 Detective Captain (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 167–022 04.01.01 DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov, ser.) 375. 167-022 04.01.01 detective, criminal investigation :DETECTIVE (gov. 375.267-0 1 0 04.01.02 Detective, Homicide Squad (gov. ser.) ser.): 375.267-010 04.01.02 Detective Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 167–022 04.01.01 DETECTIVE, NARCOTICS AND VICE (gov. ser.) 375.267- 0 1 4 04.01.02 Detective, Precinct (gov. 375.267-0 1 0 04.01.02 detective, private eye :INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE (bus. ser.): 376.267-018 04.01.02 Detective Sergeant (gov. ser.) I :DETECTIVE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 167–022 04.01.01 & car blog. & rep.): prod.) 541.362-010 (photofinish.) (gov. ser.): ser.): :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.): Detective Sergeant (gov. ser.) II :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.): 375.267-0 10 04.01.02 Detective, Youth Bureau (gov. ser.) :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.): 375.267-010 04.01.02 DETHISTLER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685-106 06.02.15 DETONATOR ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687-038 06.04.23 DEVELOPER (photofinish.) 976.681-010 05.10.05 DEVELOPER, AUTOMATIC (photofinish.) 976.685-014 06.04.19 developer operator :FILM DEVELOPER (motion pic.; photofinish.): 976.382-018 05.10.05 developer-prover, electrical :ELECTRICAL AND RADIO MOCK-UP MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 825.381- 022 05.05.05 DEVELOPER PROVER, MECHANICAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.260-010 05.05.09 Developing-Machine Tender (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATO- RY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) II: 976.685-018 05.12.14 development-and-planning engineer :ENGINEER OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–026 05.01.03 Development Engineer, Geothermal Operations (profess. & kin.) :PETROLEUM ENGINEER (petrol. production): 0 1 0.061-018 05.01.08 Development-Instrumentation Technician (profess. & kin.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 development mechanic :EXPERIMENTAL (motor. & bicycles): 600.260-01405.05.09 development mechanic :TOOL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 007.061-026 05.01.07 Development Technician (inst. & :ELECTROMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (inst. 7 10.281 -018 05.05.11 devil tender :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685-062 06.04.06 devil tender :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 680.685-050 06.04.06 DEVULCANIZER CHARGER (rubber reclaim.) 558.666-010 06.04.13 devulcanizer, head :SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim.); 559.132- O58 06.02.01 Devulcanizer Inspector (rubber reclaim.) (rubber reclaim.); 559. 132-058 06.02.01 devulcanizer operator :DEVULCANIZER TENDER (rubber reclaim.); 558.585-026 06.04.13 DEVULCANIZER TENDER (rubber reclaim.) 558.585-026 06.04.13 DEWATERER OPERATOR (ore dress., 51 1.565-0 1 0 06.04.10 Dewatering-Filtering Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FILTER-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1. 1 35-0 1 0 06.04.01 DEWAXER (inst. & app.) 710.687-022 06.04.39 DEXTRINE MIXER (corn prod.) 523.682-018 06.02.15 DIAGRAMMER AND SEAMER (carpet & rug) 789.484-010 06.02.31 DIAL BRUSHER (clock & watch) 715.687–022 06.04.33 DIALER (clock & watch) 715.684-086 * 06.02.23 Dial Indicator Repairer (inst. & app.) :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281-010 * 06.01.04 DIAL MAKER (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-018 06.02.31 DIAL MAKER (clock & watch) 715.381-046 06.01.04 DIAL MARKER (elec. equip.) 729.684-018 01.06.03 dial printer :OFFSET-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) II: 651.685-018 06.04.09 DIAL REFINISHER (clock & watch) 715.584-010 06.04.33 Dial Retoucher (inst. & app.) :TOUCH-UP PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 740.684-026 06.04.33 MECHANIC app.) & app.): :SUPERVISOR smelt., & refin.) 427 DIAL-SCREW ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-082 06.04.23 DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.362-014 10.02.02 diamond assorter :DIAMOND SELECTOR (jewelry): 770.281- 0 1 0 05.05.14 DIAMOND BLENDER (cut. & tools) 590.685-018 06.04.19 DIAMOND CLEAVER (jewelry) 770.381-014 05.05.14 Diamond-Die Maker (mach. shop) :DIE MAKER, WIRE DRAWING (mach. shop): 601.280-018 05.05.07 DIAMOND-DIE POLISHER (mach. tool & access.) 770.38 1- 022 06.01.04 Diamond Driller (any ind.) :CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 930.682-010 05.11.02 DIAMOND DRILLER (mach. tool & access.) 770.381-018 06.01.04 Diamond-Driller Helper (any ind.) :CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 930.687-014 05.12.02 DIAMOND EXPERT (jewelry) 770.267-010 05.05.14 diamond grader :DIAMOND SELECTOR (jewelry): 770.281- 0 1 0 05.05.14 DIAMOND MOUNTER (mach. tool & access.) 739.384-010 06.02.32 DIAMOND-POWDER TECHNICIAN prod.) 673.685-046 06.04.08 Diamond Sander (stonework) :SLAB GRINDER (stonework): 673.682-030 06.02.08 Diamond-Saw Operator (stonework) :CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 677.462-010 06.02.08 DIAMOND SELECTOR (jewelry) 770.281-010 05.05.14 Diamond Setter (jewelry) :STONE SETTER (jewelry; optical goods): 700.381-054 05.05.14 DIAMOND SIZER AND SORTER (clock & watch; jewelry) 770.687-0 14 06.03.02 Diamond-Tool Maker (clock & watch) :TOOL MAKER (mach. shop): 601.280-042 05.05.07 Diamond-Wheel Edger (mirror) :EDGER, HAND (glass mfg.; mirror): 775.684-01406.04.30 Diamond-Wheel Molder (abrasive & polish. prod.) :ABRASIVE-WHEEL MOLDER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 575,685-0 1 0 06.02.18 DIANETIC COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.) 199.207-010 10.01.02 dianeticist :DIANETIC COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 199.207-0 1 0 10.01.02 diaphragm builder :POT BUILDER (chem.): 826.684-022 05.10.03 Diathermy-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTROMEDICAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-030 05.05.11 Dice Dealer (amuse. & rec.) :GAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.): 343.467-018 09.04.02 DICE MAKER (toys & games) 731.381-010 06.02.24 Dicer-Machine Operator (nut process.) :ALMOND-CUTTING- MACHINE TENDER (nut process.): 521.685-018 06.04.15 DICER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 690.685-130 06.04.02 Dice Spotter (toys & games) :PAINTER, EMBOSSED OR IM- PRESSED LETTERING (any ind.): 740.687-018 06.04.33 dictating-machine transcriber :TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-058 07.06.02 dictating-machine typist :TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clerical): 203.582-058 07.06.02 DICTATING-TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE SERVICER ind.) 633.281-014 05.05.09 Dictating-Transcribing-Machine Servicer, Grooved Tape (any ind.) :DICTATING-TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-014 05.05.09 Dictating-Transcribing-Machine Servicer, Magnetic Tape (any ind.) :DICTATING-TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-01405.05.09 DIE BARBER (mach. shop) 705.381-010 05.05.06 (any Die Case Hardener (heat treat.) :CASE HARDENER (heat treat.): 504.682-01 4 06.02.10 die-cast-die maker :MOLD MAKER, DIE-CASTING AND PLASTIC MOLDING (mach. shop): 601.280-030 05.05.07 Die Caster (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 Die-Casting-Machine Maintainer (found.) :DIE-CASTING- MACHINE SETTER (found.): 514.360-0 10 06.01.02 die-casting machine operator :ROTOR CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 502.482-018 06.02.10 DIE-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) I 514.382- 0 1 0 06.02.10 DIE-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) II 514.685- 018 * 06.04.10 DIE-CASTING-MACHINE SETTER 06.01.02 Die-Cast Patternmaker (found.) :PATTERNMAKER, WOOD (found.): 661.281-022 * 05.05.08 DIE CLEANER (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.687-062 06.04.39 DIE CUTTER (any ind.) 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 die cutter :DIE-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (felt goods; textile): 686.462-010 06.02.05 (found.) 514.360-010 ****"VF * Polishie cutter DIE MAKER (jewelry). 601.381-01405.05.07 die cutter :DIE MAKER (print. & pub.): 979.281-010 01.06.01 die-cutter apprentice :DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 601.38 1-022 05.05.07 die cutter, diamond :DIAMOND-DIE POLISHER (mach. tool & access.): 770.381-022 06.01.04 DIE-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (felt goods; textile) 686.462-010 06.02.05 Die-Cutting-Machine Operator, Automatic :DIE-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, (felt goods; textile): 686.462-010 06.02.05 Die-Cutting-Machine-Operator Helper, Automatic (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 die design drafter :DIE DESIGNER (mach. shop): 007.161-010 05.03.02 DIE DESIGNER (mach. shop) 007.161-010 05.03.02 DIE-DESIGNER APPRENTICE (mach. shop) 007.161-014 05.03.02 die developer :DIE DESIGNER (mach. shop): 007.161-010 -05.03.02 DIE-DRAWING CHECKER (profess. 05.03.02 die engraver :DIE MAKER (print. & pub.): 979.281-010 01.06.01 Die-Engraving Supervisor (engraving) :ENGRAVING SUPER- VISOR (engraving; jewelry): 704. 131-010 01.06.01 Die Filer (mach. tool & access.) :FILER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop): 705.484-010 05.05.07 DIE FINISHER (mach. shop) 601.381-010 05.05.07 die-finisher, forging :FINAL FINISHER, FORGING DIES (mach. shop): 705.484-01405.05.07 die fitter :DIE FINISHER (mach. shop): 601.381-010 05.05.07 Die-Lay-Out Worker (found.) :PATTERNMAKER, WOOD (found.): 661.281-022 * 05.05.08 dielectric-heat-sealing-machine operator ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 06.04.02 DIELECTRIC-PRESS OPERATOR (auto. mfg.) 692.685-074 06.04.05 Dielectric Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 dielectric-testing-machine operator :ELECTRIC-CONTAINER TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.687-050 06.03.02 die-machine operator :FORGING-PRESS (forging) I: 611.482-010 06.02.02 DIE MAKER (jewelry) 601.381-014 05.05.07 (rubber goods) AUTOMATIC & kin.) 007. 167-010 :ELECTRIC-SEAL- ind.): 690.685-154 OPERATOR 428 die maker :DIE MAKER, BENCH, STAMPING (mach. shop): 601.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.07 DIE MAKER (paper goods) 739.381-018 * 05.05.06 DIE MAKER (print. & pub.) 979.281-010 01.06.01 DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry) 601.381-022 05.05.07 DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (paper goods) 739.381-022 05.05.06 DIE MAKER, BENCH, STAMPING (mach. shop) 601.281-010 05.05.07 DIE MAKER, STAMPING (mach. shop) 601.280-010 05.05.07 DIE MAKER, TRIM (mach. shop) 601.280-014 05.05.07 DIE MAKER, WIRE DRAWING (mach. shop) 601.280-018 05.05.07 DIE MOUNTER (paper goods) 659.481-010 06.02.31 die-out-machine operator :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 die polisher :DIAMOND-DIE POLISHER (mach. tool & ac- cess.): 770.381-022 06.01.04 DIE POLISHER (wire) 601.381-018 05.05.07 DIE PRESSER (pottery & porc.) 575.685-026 06.02.08 die-press operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 die-press operator :MAT PUNCHER (rubber goods): 690.685- 286 ()6.04.07 Die Repairer, Forging (mach. shop) :DIE SINKER (mach. shop): 601.280-022 05.05.07 Die Repairer, Stamping (mach. shop) :DIE MAKER, STAMP- ING (mach. shop): 601.280-010 05.05.07 Die Repairer, Trimmer Dies (mach. shop) :DIE MAKER, TRIM (mach. shop): 601.280-01405.05.07 Diesel-Dragline Operator (any ind.) :DRAGLINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 Diesel-Engine Assembler (engine & turbine) :ASSEMBLER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine): 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 - diesel-engine engineer :ROTARY-RIG ENGINE OPERATOR (petrol. production): 950.382-022 05.06.02 DIESEL-ENGINE ERECTOR (engine & turbine) 625.361-010 05.05.09 diesel-engine fitter :DIESEL-ENGINE ERECTOR (engine & turbine): 625.361-010 05.05.09 Diesel-Engine Inspector (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL-COM- BUSTION-ENGINE INSPECTOR (engine & turbine): 806.261-0 10 06.01.05 diesel-engine-mechanic apprentice :DIESEL-MECHANIC AP- PRENTICE (any ind.): 625.281-01405.05.09 Diesel-Engine Mechanic, Automobile (auto. ser.) MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 Diesel-Engine Mechanic, Bus (auto. ser.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 Diesel-Engine Mechanic, Marine (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 Diesel-Engine Mechanic, Truck (auto. ser.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 Diesel-Engine Operator, Stationary (any ind.) :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 DIESEL-ENGINE TESTER (engine & turbine) 625.261-010 06.01.05 Diesel-Locomotive-Crane Operator (any ind.) :LOCOMOTIVE- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-038 05.11.04 DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.) 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 DIESEL-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (any ind.) 625.281-014 05.05.09 Diesel-Mechanic, Construction (const.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625,281-010 * 05.05.09 Diesel-Mechanic, Farm (agric, equip.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 DIESEL-MECHANIC HELPER (any 05. 12.15 :DIESEL ind.) 625.684-010 Diesel-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 DIESEL-PLANT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.382- 0 1 0 05.06.01 Diesel-Powerplant Mechanic :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC 63 1.261-01 4 05.05.09 Diesel-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) (light, (light, heat, & power) heat, & power): :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 Diesel-Powerplant Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 631.131-010 05.05.05 Diesel-Power-Shovel Operator (any ind.) :POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 Diesel-Roller Operator (const.) :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 Diesel-Tractor Operator (any ind.) :TRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 929.683-01405.11.04 Diesel-Truck-Crane Operator (any ind.) :TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 die setter :MOLD SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph): 556.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 DIE SETTER (forging) 612.360-010 06.01.02 DIE SINKER (mach. shop) 601.280-022 05.05.07 die-sinking-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) I: 605.280-01406.02.02 die-sinking-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) II: 605.382-026 06.02.02 die-stamping-press operator :ENGRAVING-PRESS OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 651.382-010 * 05.10.05 Die-Storage Clerk (clerical) :TOOL-CRIB ATTENDANT (clerical): 222.367–062 05.09.01 diet aide :DIET CLERK (medical ser.): 245.587-010 07.05.03 dietary aide :FOOD-SERVICE WORKER, HOSPITAL (medical ser.): 355.677-010 * 09.05.02 dietary clerk :DIET CLERK (medical 07.05.03 DIET CLERK (medical ser.) 245.587-010 07.05.03 DIETETIC INTERN (profess. & kin.) 077. 167-010 05.05.17 DIETETIC TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 077.121-010 05.05.17 dietitian, administrative :DIETITIAN, CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 077. 1 1 7-0 10 * 11.05.02 DIETITIAN, CHIEF (profess. & kin.) 077. 117-010 * 11.05.02 DIETITIAN, CLINICAL (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-014 05.05.17 DIETITIAN, CONSULTANT (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-018 05.05.17 ser.): 245.587-010 DIETITIAN, RESEARCH (profess. & kin.) 077.061-010 02.02.04 DIETITIAN, TEACHING (profess. & kin.) 077. 127-022 11.02.02 dietitian, therapeutic :DIETITIAN, CLINICAL (profess. & kin.): 077. 127-014 05.05.17 diet-kitchen aide :FOOD-SERVICE WORKER, HOSPITAL (medical ser.): 355.677-010 * 09.05.02 DIE TRIPPER (brick & tile) 575.665-014 06.04.17 DIE-TRY-OUT WORKER, STAMPING (mach. shop) 60.1.281- 0 1 4 05.05.09 Differential Repairer (auto. mfg.) :REPAIRER, HEAVY (auto. mfg.): 620.381-022 05.05.09 Differential Repairer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 DIFFERENTIAL TESTER (auto. mfg.) 806.382-010 06.03.01 DIFFUSER OPERATOR (sugar) 523.562-010 06.02.15 Diffusion-Furnace Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 digester charger :DEVULCANIZER TENDER reclaim.); 558.585-026 06.04.13 (rubber 429 digester cook :DIGESTER OPERATOR (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.362-010 06.02.14 digester-cook helper :DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.686-010 06.04.18 DIGESTER OPERATOR (build, board; paper & pulp) 532.362- 0 1 0 06.02.14 digester operator :BLOCK-BREAKER (explosives): 555.686-010 06.04.11 digester operator :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (wood distil. & char.); 552.682-018 06.04.18 DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (build. board; paper & pulp) 532.686-010 06.04.18 DIGESTION OPERATOR 519.565-0 1 0 06.04.10 digger COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687- 0 1 4 DIGGER (smoking pipe) 739.687-070 06.04.25 dimension-quarry supervisor PIT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-014 05.02.05 Dimethylaniline-Sulfator Operator (explosives) :NITRATING- ACID MIXER (explosives): 550.585-030 06.04.11 Dimpling-Machine Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :PUNCH- PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 dinger BURNISHER AND BUMPER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 807.684-018 06.04.24 DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.) 311.677-0 18 09.05.02 dining-room attendant, cafeteria CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-010 09.05.02 Dining-Room Cashier (hotel & rest.) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462–0 1 0 07.03.01 OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) DINING-SERVICE INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 168.267-030 11.10.05 - dining-service supervisor :MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 319. 137-018 11.11.04 dining-service worker :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 3.19.484-010 05.12.17 dinker :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III: 781.687-030 06.04.34 DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.) 9 19.663-01405.11.04 Dinkey Operator, Compressed Air (any ind.) :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 9 19.663-01405.11.04 Dinkey-Operator Helper (any ind.) :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 Dinkey Operator, Mine (mining & quarrying) OPERATOR (any ind.): 919.663-01405.11.04 Dinkey Operator, Slag (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 919.663-01405.11.04 Dinkey Operator, Slate (mining & quarrying) OPERATOR (any ind.): 919.663-01405.11.04 dinking-machine operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682- 022 * 06.02.09 Diorama Model-Maker (signs) 739.361-0 1 0 01.06.02 Dip Guider, Stoves (floor covering, n.e.c.) :GUIDER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.686-01406.04.40 Diplomatic Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-106 11.09.03 DIP-LUBE OPERATOR (ammunition) 503.685-014 06.04.21 dip painter :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 DIPPER (any ind.) 599.685-026 06.04.21 Dipper (elec. equip.; electronics) :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; electronics): 726.684-030 06.04.24 dipper :WAX-PATTERN COATER (found.): 06.04.32 dipper STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 DIPPER (jewelry) 735.687-010 06.04.39 DIPPER (knit goods; textile) 589.687-018 06.04.27 DIPPER (match) 590.685-022 06.04.21 dipper CLIP COATER (optical goods): 713.687-010 06.04.33 DIPPER (pen & pencil) 733.687-038 06.04.33 :DINKEY :DINKEY :DISPLAY MAKER (signs): 5 18.687–022 DIPPER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-01406.02.30 DIPPER (rubber goods) 556.685-030 06.04.13 Dipper (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685- 162 06.04.16 DIPPER AND BAKER (any ind.) 599.685-030 06.04.21 DIPPER AND DRIER (furn.; woodworking) 749.687-010 06.04.33 DIPPER, CLOCK AND WATCH HANDS (clock & watch) 715.687–026 06.04.33 dipper, fish :BRINER (can. & preserv.): 522.687-01406.04.28 dipping-machine operator :COATER OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 554.585-014 06.04.21 DIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 556.685-034 06.04.13 dip tanker TANKER (wood preserving): 561.665-00 06.04.18 dip-tube assembler, machine :SPAGHETTI-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.682-074 06.02.20 Dip-Unit Operator (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :CALENDER-LET-OFF OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.682-010 06.02.13 DIRECT-MAIL CLERK (clerical) 209.587-018 07.07.02 director :DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (nonprofit organ.): 187.117-014 11.07.01 director, advertising :MANAGER, ADVERTISING (any ind.): ! 64. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.09.01 DIRECTOR, AERONAUTICS COMMISSION (gov. ser.) 188, 11 7-034 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (gov. ser.) 188. 1 1 7–038 11.05.03 director, airport :MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.): 184.1 17- 026 11.05.01 Director, Airport Operations (air trans.) :MANAGER, AIR- PORT (air trans.): 184.1 17-026 11.05.01 director, alumni relations :ALUMNI SECRETARY (education): 090. 1 1 7-0 14 11.09.02 DIRECTOR, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES COUNCIL (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-042 director, athletic :INSTRUCTOR, PHYSICAL EDUCATION (education): 099.224-010 1 1.02.01 DIRECTOR, ATHLETIC (education) 090. 1 17-022 11.07.03 director, broadcast :DIRECTOR, RADIO (radio & tv broad.): 159. 167-0 1 4 01.03.01 DIRECTOR, CAMP (social ser.) 195. 167-018 11.11.02 DIRECTOR, CASTING (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 159.267-0 1 0 01.03.01 Director, Child Development Center (education) :DIRECTOR, PRESCHOOL (education): 092. 137-010 11.07.03 Director, Civil Preparedness (gov. ser.) :CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 Director, Civil Preparedness Warden (gov. ser.) :CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, CLASSIFICATION AND TREATMENT (gov. ser.) 188. 167–026 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND (gov. ser.) O94. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.01 Director, Community Center (profess. & kin.) :ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.): 195. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.01 DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY-HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 1 17-014 11.07.02 DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (nonprofit organ.) 187.117-014 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, COMPLIANCE (gov. ser.) 188. 117-046 11.10.02 DIRECTOR, CONSUMER AFFAIRS (gov. ser.) 188. 117-050 11.10.02 DIRECTOR, CORRECTIONAL AGENCY (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 054 11.05.03 430 director, council of social agencies :DIRECTOR, COMMUNI- TY ORGANIZATION (nonprofit organ.): 187.117-014 11.07.01 - DIRECTOR, COUNCIL ON AGING (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-058 11.07.01 director, counseling bureau :DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-018 10.01.02 director, dance :CHOREOGRAPHER 15 1.027-0 1 0 01.05.01 director, data processing :MANAGER, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.): 169.167–030 11.01.01 Director, Day Care Center (education) :DIRECTOR, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.137-010 11.07.03 Director, Deaf-or-Blind Institute (education) :DIRECTOR, IN- STITUTION (any ind.): 187.117-018 11.07.01 director, dietetics department :DIETITIAN, CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 0.77.1 17-010 * 11.05.02 director, educational board of In Ul ISC examiners :CONSULTANT, EDUCATIONAL, STATE BOARD OF NURSING (gov. ser.): 075. 117-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 (amuse. & rec.): DIRECTOR, EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNITY-HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 1 1 7-018 10.02.01 DIRECTOR, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (education) 099.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 director, educational, public-health nursing :DIRECTOR, EDU- CATIONAL, COMMUNITY-HEALTH NURSING (medical . ser.): 0.75.1 17-018 10.02.01 Director, Educational Radio (radio & tv broad.) :DIRECTOR, PUBLIC SERVICE (radio & tv broad.): 184. 117-010 11.09.03 DIRECTOR, EMPLOYMENT RESEARCH AND PLANNING (gov. ser.) 050. 117-0 1 0 1 1.01.02 DIRECTOR, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 078 11.05.03 director, evaluation and research :EDUCATIONAL SPE- CIALIST (education): 099.167-022 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, EXTENSION WORK (education) 090. 117-026 11.07.03 director, federated fund :DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY OR- GANIZATION (nonprofit organ.): 187. 117-014 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, FIELD (social ser.) 195. 167–022 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, FIELD REPRESENTATIVES (gov. ser.) 188.1 17- 062 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DIVISION (gov. ,er.) 188. 167-030 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, FOOD SERVICES (hotel & rest.) 187. 167–026 * 11.11.04 DIRECTOR, FUNDRAISING (nonprofit organ.) 165. 117-010 11.09.02 DIRECTOR, FUNERAL (per. ser.) 187, 167-030 * 11.11.04 director, geophysical laboratory :GEOPHYSICAL-LABORATO- RY CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 024.167-010 02.04.01 Director, Geothermal Operations (petrol. production) :CHIEF PETROLEUM ENGINEER (petrol. production): 010.161- 0 1 4 05:01.08 Director, Home-For-Aged (any ind.) :DIRECTOR, INSTITU- TION (any ind,): 187.1 17-018 11.07.01 Director, Industrial Museum (museum) :CURATOR (museum): 102.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 director, industrial nursing :DIRECTOR, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.): 0.75, 117-026 11.07.02 DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess, & kin.) 166. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 DIRECTOR, INSTITUTION (any ind.) 187.117-018 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL (education) 099. 16.7-0 18 11.07.03 h Director, International Broadcasting (radio & tv broad.) :MANAGER, STATION (radio & tw broad.): 184.1 17-062 11.05.02 Director, International Programs (radio & twº broad.) :DIRECTOR, PROGRAM (radio & twº broad.): 184.167-030 11.05.02 DIRECTOR, LABOR STANDARDS (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-066 11.10.02 DIRECTOR, LAW ENFORCEMENT (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-070 I 1.05.03 DIRECTOR, LICENSING AND REGISTRATION (gov. ser.) 188.1 1 7-074 11.05.03 Director, Marketing Research and Analysis (profess. & kin.) :DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.): 189.1 17-014 05.01.01 DIRECTOR, MEDICAL FACILITIES SECTION (gov. ser.) 188. 11 7-082 11.10.03 director, merchandise :MANAGER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 185. 167–034 11.05.04 DIRECTOR, MERIT SYSTEM 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, MOTION PICTURE (motion pic.) 159.067-010 01.03.01 DIRECTOR, MUSIC (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 152.047- 018 01.04.01 director, music :CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.): 152.047-014 01.04.01 DIRECTOR, NEWS (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-014 11.08.01 Director, Nursery School (education) :DIRECTOR, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.1 37-010 1 1.07.03 DIRECTOR, NURSES’ REGISTRY (medical ser.) 187.167-034 07.01.02 DIRECTOR, NURSING SERVICE (medical ser.) 075. 1 17-022 11.07.02 DIRECTOR, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 117-026 11.07.02 Director, Occupational Therapy (medical ser.) :OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (medical ser.): 076. 121-010 * 10.02.02 DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS 11.07.03 director of admissions :REGISTRAR, COLLEGE OR UNIVER- SITY (education): 090. 167-030 1 1.07.03 director of career planning and placement :DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT (education): 166. 167-014 10.01.02 director of career resources :DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT (education): 166. 167-014 10.01.02 director of consumer services :TESTER, FOOD PRODUCTS (any ind.): 199.251-010 05.05.17 DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-018 10.01.02 director of engineering :ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, TRANS- MITTER (radio & tv broad.): 003. 167–034 05.01.03 director of financial aid and placements :FINANCIAL-AIDS OFFICER (education): 090. 117-030 07.01.01 director of flight operations :DIRECTOR, PHOTOGRAM- (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-086 (education) 090. 167-014 METRY FLIGHT OPERATIONS (bus. ser.): 184.167-026 05.03.01 DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (education) 045. 1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 director of home economics :HOME-SERVICE DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.): 0.96.161-010 11.02.03 DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH (education) 090. 16.7-0 18 11.07.03 director of institutional studies :DIRECTOR OF INSTITU- TIONAL RESEARCH (education): 090. 16.7-0 18 11.07.03 director of photography :DIRECTOR, PHOTOGRAMMETRY FLIGHT OPERATIONS (bus. ser.): 184.167–026 05.03.01 DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 143.062-010 01.02.03 Director of Photography, Special Effects (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 143.062-010 01.02.03 431 DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT 10.01.02 Director of Publications (profess. & kin.) :ASSOCIATION EX- ECUTIVE (profess. & kin.): 189.1 17-010 11.05.01 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES (education) 129. 107-0 18 10.01.01 director of religious life :DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVI- TIES (education): 129.107-018 10.01.01 director of social services :WELFARE DIRECTOR (gov. ser.): 188.1 1 7-126 11.07.01 DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (education) 090. 167–022 11.07.03 director of student aid :FINANCIAL-AIDS OFFICER (education): 090. 117-030 07.01.01 director of student services :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I: 090. 117-018 10.01.02 DIRECTOR OF VITAL STATISTICS (gov. ser.) 188.167-022 11.01.02 DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-0 18 11.05.02 DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS, broad.) 184.167–022 11.05.02 DIRECTOR, PHOTOGRAMMETRY FLIGHT OPERATIONS (bus. ser.) 184.167–026 05.03.01 director, physical :INSTRUCTOR, PHYSICAL EDUCATION (education): 0.99.224-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 Director, Planning (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 199. 167-014 11.03.02 DIRECTOR, PRESCHOOL (education) 092. 137-010 1 1.07.03 director, procurement services :MANAGER, PROCUREMENT SERVICES (profess. & kin.): 162. 167-022 11.05.02 Director, Product Research and Development (profess. & kin.) :DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.): 189.1 17-014 05.01.01 DIRECTOR, PROGRAM (radio & tv broad.) 11.05.02 director, public-health nursing :DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY- HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.): 075. 117-014 11.07.02 DIRECTOR, PUBLIC SERVICE (radio & twº broad.) 184.1 17- 0 1 0 1 1.09.03 director, purchasing :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 DIRECTOR, QUALITY CONTROL (profess. & kin.) 012.167- O 1 4 05.02.03 DIRECTOR, RADIO (radio & tw broad.) 159. 167-014 01.03.01 Director, Radio News (radio & tv broad.) :DIRECTOR, NEWS (radio & twº broad.): 184.167-014 11.08.01 DIRECTOR, RECORDS MANAGEMENT (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 11 7-0 l 4 11.01.01 director, recreation :SUPERINTENDENT, RECREATION (gov. ser.): 187.1 17-054 11.07.04 director, recreation :DIRECTOR, SOCIAL (hotel & rest.; water trans.): 352. 167-010 09.01.01 (education) 166. 167-014 BROADCAST (radio & tv :URBAN PLANNER 184. 167-030 DIRECTOR, RECREATION CENTER (social ser.) 195. 16.7- 026 11.11.02 DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (nonprofit organ.) 129. 107-022 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, RESEARCH (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) O52.1 67-0 1 0 1 1.03.03 DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.) 189. 11 7-0 1 4 05.01.01 DIRECTOR, REVENUE (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-090 11.05.03 director, safety :SAFETY ENGINEER, MINES (mining & quar- rying): 010.061-026 05.01.02 DIRECTOR, SAFETY COUNCIL (gov. ser.) 188. 167–034 11.05.03 director, sales :MANAGER, PROMOTION (hotel & rest.): 163. 1 1 7-0 18 11.09.01 director, sanitation bureau :SUPERINTENDENT, SANITA- TION (gov. ser.): 188.167-098 05.02.01 DIRECTOR, SCHOOL OF NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 1 17- 030 1 1.07.02 DIRECTOR, SECURITIES AND REAL ESTATE (gov. ser.) 188. 167–038 11.10.01 DIRECTOR, SERVICE (ret. tr.) 189. 167-014 11.05.02 DIRECTOR, SOCIAL (hotel & rest.; water trans.) 352. 167-010 09.01.01 Director, Social Service (profess. & kin.) ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.): 195.1 17-010 11.07.01 director, social welfare :ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WEL- FARE (profess. & kin.): 195. 117-010 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, SPECIAL EDUCATION (education) 094. 117-014 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, SPORTS (radio & tv 11.05.02 DIRECTOR, STAGE (amuse. & rec.) 150.067-010 01.03.01 DIRECTOR, STATE-ASSESSED PROPERTIES (gov. ser.) 188. 167-042 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, STATE-HISTORICAL SOCIETY (profess. & kin.) 0.52.067-014 11.03.03 - director, student health services :NURSE, SCHOOL (medical ser.): 075. 124-0 1 0 10.02.01 director, student union :DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (education): 090. 167–022 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, SUMMER SESSIONS (education) 090. 167–026 11.07.03 DIRECTOR, TECHNICAL (radio & tv broad.) 962. 162-010 05.02.04 Director, Teen Post (profess. & kin.) :PROGRAM DIRECTOR, GROUP WORK (profess. & kin.): 187.1 17-046 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, TELEVISION (radio & tv broad.) 159.067-014 01.03.01 Director, Television News (radio & tv broad.) :DIRECTOR, NEWS (radio & tv broad.): 184.167-014 11.08.01 director, traffic and planning :HIGHWAY-ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (gov. ser.): 005. 167-022 11.05.03 DIRECTOR, TRANSLATION (profess. & kin.) 137.137-010 11.08.04 DIRECTOR, TRANSPORTATION (motor trans.) 184.1 17-014 11.05.01 DIRECTOR, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (gov. 188. 11 7-094 11.05.03 director, united fund :DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY OR- GANIZATION (nonprofit organ.): 187.117-014 11.07.01 DIRECTOR, UTILITY ACCOUNTS (gov. ser.) 160.267-014 11.06.03 director, vocational counseling :DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-018 10.01.02 DIRECTOR, VOCATIONAL TRAINING (education) 097. 16.7- O 1 0 1 1.07.03 DIRECTOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES (social ser.) 187. 167– 038 11.07.02 DIRECTORY-ASSISTANCE OPERATOR 235.662-018 07.04.06 Directory Compiler (clerical) :COMPILER (clerical): 209.387- 0 1 4 07.05.03 Director, Youth-Correctional School (gov. ser.) :DIRECTOR, INSTITUTION (any ind.): 187.117-018 11.07.01 Disability-Insurance-Claim Examiner (insurance) :CLAIM EX- AMINER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 Disability-Insurance-Hearing Officer (gov. ser.) :HEARING OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 119. 107-010 11.04.01 DISASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-090 06.02.24 Disassembler, Product (mach. shop) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCT (mach. shop): 706.684-018 06.02.23 Disbursement Clerk (clerical) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362- 0 1 0 07.03.01 DISBURSEMENT CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.367–022 07.05.02 Discount Bookkeeper (finan. inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 2 1 0.382-018 07.02.01 - broad.) 184. 167–034 ser.) (tel. & tel.) 432 Discount-Variety-Store Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF-SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-01405.09.01 disc-ruler operator :RULING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.): 659.682-022 06.02.04 disease-and-insect-control boss :SUPERVISOR, INSECT AND DISEASE INSPECTION (agric.): 408.137-010 03.02.04 Dish Carrier (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 311.677-018 09.05.02 Dishcloth Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Dish-Cloth Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 Dishing-Machine Operator (any ind.) :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 06.02.02 Dishwasher, Hand (hotel & rest.) :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05.12.18 Dishwasher, Machine (hotel & rest.) (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05.12.18 Dishwasher Preparer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.): 827.584-010 05.12.16 Dishwashing-Machine Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 DISK-AND-TAPE-MACHINE TENDER (leather prod.) 783.685-018 06.04.05 DISK JOCKEY (radio & tv broad.) 159. 147-014 01.03.03 disk recoater :BUFFING-AND-POLISHING-WHEEL REPAIRER (any ind.): 739.684-030 06.04.34 Disk-Recording-Machine Operator (phonograph; radio & tv broad.) :RECORDING ENGINEER (phonograph; radio & tw broad.): 194.362-010 05.10.05 Disk Recordist (motion pic.) 962.382-0 1 0 05.10.05 :KITCHEN HELPER :RECORDIST (motion pic.): Disk Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 761.682-01406.0.2.03 disk setter :BOBBIN DISKER (glass mfg.): 734.687-022 06.04.23 DISPATCHER (air trans.) 912.167-010 05.03.03 dispatcher :DISPATCHER, MAINTENANCE SERVICE (clerical): 239.367-014 07.04.05 dispatcher :ROUTER (clerical): 222.587-038 07.07.02 DISPATCHER (const.) 849. 137-010 05.09.01 DISPATCHER (gov. ser.) 193.262-014 07.04.05 dispatcher DISPATCHER, RADIO (gov. ser.): 379.362-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying) 932. 167-010 07.04.05 dispatcher TRAFFIC INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r.r. trans.): 184.163-0 1 0 1 1.10.05 dispatcher TAXICAB STARTER (motor trans.): 913.367-010 07.04.05 dispatcher BUS DISPATCHER, INTERSTATE (motor trans.): 913. 16.7-0 1 0 07.04.05 dispatcher TRAIN DISPATCHER (r.r. trans.): 184.167-262 07.04.05 dispatcher TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.): 822.36 1-030 05.06.01 DISPATCHER (tel. & tel.) 239.167-014 07.04.05 Dispatcher, Automobile Rental (auto. ser.) DISPATCHER, MOTOR VEHICLE (clerical): 249. 167-014 * 07.05.01 DISPATCHER, BUS AND TROLLEY (motor trans.) 913. 16.7- 0 1 4 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I 184.167-038 05.02.01 DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) II 914. 167-010 05.02.01 Dispatcher, Chief, Coal Slurry (pipe lines) :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I: 184. 167–038 05.02.01 Dispatcher, Chief, Natural Gas (petrol. production; pipe lines) :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I: 184.167-038 05.02.01 Dispatcher, Chief, Oil (pipe lines) :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I: 184.167-038 05.02.01 Dispatcher, Chief, Petroleum Products (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I: 184.167-038 05.02.01 DISPATCHER, CHIEF, SERVICE OR WORK (light, heat, & power) 959.137-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER CLERK (r.r. trans.) 215.362-014 07.02.05 dispatcher, electric power :LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952.167-01405.06.01 Dispatcher, Industrial Locomotive (any ind.) DISPATCHER (r. r. trans.): 910.367-018 05.09.02 dispatcher, maintenance :SCHEDULER, MAINTENANCE (clerical): 221.367-066 07.05.01 DISPATCHER, MAINTENANCE SERVICE (clerical) 239.367- 0 1 4 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, MOTOR VEHICLE (clerical) 249. 167-014 * 07.05.01 DISPATCHER, OIL (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lin 4. 914.167-014 05.02.01 DISPATCHER, OIL WELL SERVICES (petrol. production) 939, 362-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, RADIO (gov. ser.) 379.362-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, RADIOACTIVE-WASTE-DISPOSAL (chem.), 955. 16.7-0 10 06.01.01 DISPATCHER, READY-MIX PLANT (const.) 849. 137-014 05.09.02 Dispatcher, Refinery (pipe lines) :DISPATCHER, OIL (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914. 167-01405.02.01 DISPATCHER, RELAY (pipe lines) 221.362-014 07.04.05 dispatcher, route sales-delivery drivers :SUPERVISOR, ROUTE SALES-DELIVERY DRIVERS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292. 137- O 1 4 08.02.07 DISPATCHER, SECURITY GUARD (bus. ser.) 372.167-010 04.02.02 - DISPATCHER, SERVICE (light, heat, & power) 959. 167-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, SERVICE, CHIEF (light, 959. 1 37-01 4 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, SERVICE OR WORK (light, heat, & power) 952. 167-0 1 0 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, SHIP PILOT 07.04.05 Dispatcher, Tow Truck (auto. ser.) :DISPATCHER, MOTOR VEHICLE (clerical): 249. 167-014 * 07.05.01 DISPATCHER, TRAFFIC OR SYSTEM (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 9 19.162-010 07.04.05 DISPATCHER, TUGBOAT 07.04.05 dispensary attendant :SUPPLY CLERK (per. ser.): 339.687-010 05.09.01 Dispensary Clerk (medical ser.) :CLERK-TVPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 dispersion mixer :MIXER 06.04.11 display and banner designer :DISPLAY DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.05 1-0 10 01.02.03 Display Artist (profess. & kin.) :DISPLAY DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.051-010 01.02.03 display-card writer :SIGN WRITER, MACHINE (any ind.): 659.682-026 06.02.09 display carver CARVER (hotel & rest.): 316.661-010 05.10.08 DISPLAY DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.051-010 01.02.03 Display Designer, Outside (profess. & kin.) :DISPLAY DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.051-010 01.02.03 DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.) 298.081-010 01.02.03 DISPLAY MAKER (signs) 739.361-010 01.06.02 DISPLAY-SCREEN FABRICATOR (electronics) 725.685-010 06.04.19 :ENGINE heat, & power) (water trans.) 248.367-026 (water trans.) 91 1. 167-010 (paint & varn.); 550.685-078 433 District display trimmer :DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 298.08 1-0 1 0 01.02.03 disposal-plant operator :WASTEWATER-TREATMENT- PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362-010 05.06.04 disposition clerk :RECONSIGNMENT CLERK (clerical): 209.367-042 07.05.04 dissolver operator :BRINE MAKER (chem.); 550.685-018 06.04.11 DISSOLVER OPERATOR (chem.) 558.682-01 4 06.02.11 dissolver operator :TETRYL-DISSOLVER OPERATOR (explosives): 550.685-114 06.04.11 DISTILLATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.) 552.462-010 06.02.18 DISTILLATION-OPERATOR HELPER 552.687-0 1 0 06.04.40 distiller :BATCH-STILL OPERATOR (chem.) I: 552.685-014 06.04.11 DISTILLER (turp. & rosin) 552.682-01406.02.11 DISTILLER (wood distil. & char.) 552.682-010 06.04.11 DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors) 529.687-066 06.04.40 DISTILLING-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (distilled liquors) 522. 131-0 1 0 06.02.01 DISTRESSER (furn.) 763.687-018 01.06.02 DISTRIBUTING CLERK (clerical) 222.587-018 07.07.02 DISTRIBUTION-ACCOUNTING CLERK (light, heat, & power) 210.362-010 07.02.02 distribution clerk :MAIL HANDLER (gov. ser.): 209.687-014 * 07.05.04 Distribution Clerk, Railway or Highway Post Office (gov. ser.) :MAIL HANDLER (gov. ser.): 209.687-014 * 07.05.04 distribution district supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, LOCAL (light, heat, & power): 952. 137-018 05.05.05 distribution estimator :ESTIMATOR AND DRAFTER (light, heat, & power): 019.261-01405.03.02 DISTRIBUTION-FIELD ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 003. 16.7-0 1 4 05.01.03 distribution manager :FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (bus. ser.; whole. tr.): 163.267-0 1 0 1 1.05.04 (coal tar prod.) DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR (pipe lines; whole. tr.) 914, 137-0 1 0 05.09.01 Distribution-Transformer Assembler (elec. equip.) :TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.381-014 06.01.04 distributor :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.12.03 distributor :ASSEMBLER 369.687-010 * 06.03.02 distributor, advertising material :ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTOR (any ind.): 230.687-010 07.07.02 DISTRIBUTOR-CLEANER (tobacco) 529.687-070 06.04.40 distributor, motor vehicles and supplies :SALES REPRESEN- TATIVE, MOTOR VEHICLES AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 273.357-022 08.02.01 distributor, publications :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLI- CATIONS (whole. tr.): 277.357-022 08.02.01 DISTRICT ADVISER (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-022 11.07.01 district agent :MANAGER, INSURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 District Agricultural Agent (gov. ser.) :DISTRICT EXTENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.): 096.167-010 11.07.03 DISTRICT ATTORNEY (gov. ser.) 110.117-010 11.04.02 District Branch Manager (insurance) :MANAGER, IN- SURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 district captain :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375. 167–034 04.01.01 Claims Manager (insurance) :MANAGER, IN- SURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 District-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 111. 107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): DISTRICT CUSTOMS DIRECTOR (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-098 11.10.04 DISTRICT CUSTOMS DIRECTOR, DEPUTY (gov. 188. 167–046 11.10.04 district director :DISTRICT ADVISER (nonprofit organ.): 187. 11 7-022 11.07.01 - district director :RECREATION SUPERVISOR (profess. & kin.): 187. 137-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 ser.) DISTRICT EXTENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.) 096. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 District Fire Chief (gov. ser.) :FIRE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 373. 1 | 7-0 1 0 04.01.01 district gager :GAGER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914. 134-010 05.06.03 District Home Economics Agent (gov. ser.) :DISTRICT EX- TENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.): 0.96.167-010 11.07.03 District Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OFFICER, IN- VESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.): 375. 167-014 04.01.01 district manager SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) I: 184.167-150 05.02.01 District Manager, Postal Service (gov. ser.) :SECTIONAL CENTER MANAGER, POSTAL SERVICE (gov. ser.): 188. 16.7-086 11.05.03 District-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE- REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 District Sales Manager (insurance) :MANAGER, INSURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 District Scout Executive (nonprofit organ.) :DISTRICT AD- VISER (nonprofit organ.): 187.117-022 11.07.01 district superintendent :SUPERINTENDENT, DRILLING AND PRODUCTION (petrol. production): 181. 167-01405.02.01 district superintendent, gas and gasoline :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) II: 914. 167-0 10 05.02.01 DISTRICT SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 184. 117-018 11.12.02 district supervisor SUPERVISOR, FIELD-PIPE-LINES (pipe lines): 914. 132-022 05.02.01 DISTRICT SUPERVISOR, MUD-ANALYSIS LOGGING (petrol. production) 0.10.167-014 05.02.03 Disulfurizer Tender (plastics mat.) :CHURN TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 550.685-034 06.04.13 DITCHER OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 850.683-014 05.11.01 Ditch Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 DITCH RIDER (waterworks) 954.362-010 05.06.03 WELL ditch tender :DITCH RIDER (waterworks): 954.362-010 05.06.03 DIVER (amuse. & rec.) 349.247-010 01.07.02 DIVER (any ind.) 899.261-010 05.10.01 diver assistant :DIVER HELPER (any ind.): 899.664-010 05.12.12 DIVER HELPER (any ind.) 899.664-010 05.12.12 DIVER PUMPER (const.; fish.) 899.682-010 05.12.06 diversion clerk :RECONSIGNMENT CLERK (clerical): 209.367-042 07.05.04 diver tender :DIVER HELPER (any ind.): 899.664-010 05.12.12 dividend-deposit-entry clerk :DIVIDEND-DEPOSIT-VOUCHER CLERK (insurance): 216.482-026 07.02.02 DIVIDEND-DEPOSIT-VOUCHER CLERK (insurance) 21 6.482-026 07.02.02 divider :BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.): 526.682-010 06.02.15 DIVIDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 520.685-086 06.04.15 Dividing-Machine-Operator Helper (bake. prod.) HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 :BAKER 434 Diving-Board Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-01406.04.23 division commander :POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. 375.267-026 04.01.01 DIVISION MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (nonprofit organ.) 187. 167-042 11.05.02 division sergeant :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375. 133-010 04.01.01 division superintendent :SUPERINTENDENT, (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 184.167-158 11.05.02 division superintendent :SUPERINTENDENT, DRILLING AND PRODUCTION (petrol. production): 181.167-01405.02.01 division supervisor GENERAL SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 183.16.7-018 06.01.01 dobby-loom chain-pegger :PEGGER, DOBBY LOOMS (narrow fabrics; textile): 689.687-054 06.04.06 Dobby-Loom Fixer (textile) :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 dock attendant :WHARF ATTENDANT (amuse. 342.667-0 1 0 09.04.02 dock boss :HEADER (water trans.): 91 1. 137-018 05.12.01 Dock Builder (const.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 Dock Cleaner (coke prod.) :CLEANER (any ind.) III: 911.687- 0 1 4 05.12.18 - Dock Grader (woodworking) 669.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 Dock Guard (any ind.) 372.667–034 04.02.02 DOCK HAND (air trans.) 9 19.683-010 05.08.04 DOCK HAND (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 891.684-010 05. 12.18 dock hand :BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 91 1.364-014 05.12.06 dock helper :BOAT-LOADER HELPER 9 1 1.687-0 1 0 05.12.06 DOCK SUPERVISOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 891. 131-010 05.12.18 dock worker :LABORER, WHARF (can. & preserv.): 922.687– 062 06.04.40 ser.) I: DIVISION & rec.): :GRADER (woodworking): :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): (water trans.): doctor, chiropractic :CHIROPRACTOR (medical ser.): 079. 10 1-0 1 0 (02.03.04 DOCTOR, NATUROPATHIC (medical ser.) 079. 101-014 02.03.04 Doctor of Nuclear Medicine (medical ser.) :RADIOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-090 02.03.01 doctor, osteopathic :OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (medical ser.): 071. 101-010 * doctor, veterinary medicine :VETERINARIAN (medical ser.): 073. 101-0 1 0 * DOCUMENTATION-BILLING CLERK (air trans.; trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 214.362-01 4 07.02.04 DOCUMENTATION SUPERVISOR (water trans.) 214. 137-010 07.02.04 DOCUMENT RESTORER (profess. 05.05.13 doffer :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 DOFFER (textile) 689.686-022 * 06.04.06 DOG BATHER (per. ser.) 418.677-010 03.03.02 dog beautician :DOG GROOMER (per, ser.): 418.674-010 03.03.02 Dog Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 410.161- 0 1 0 03.01.02 DOG CATCHER (gov. ser.) 379.673-010 03.04.05 Dog-Food Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 DOG GROOMER (per. ser.) 418.674-010 03.03.02 dog-hair clipper :DOG GROOMER (per. ser.): 418.674-010 03.03.02 DOG LICENSER (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-030 07.04.03 motor & kin.) 979.361-010 Dog-Pound Attendant (gov. ser.) :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 410.674-010 03.03.02 dog warden :DOG CATCHER (gov. 03.04.05 Doll-Eye-Setter (toys & games) :TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 DOLL REPAIRER (any ind.) 731.684-01405.10.04 doll-wig maker, rooted hair :ROOTER OPERATOR (hairwork): 73 1.685-010 06.04.09 DOLLY PUSHER (radio & twº broad.) 962.687-010 05.12.03 DOMER (paper goods) 641.685-038 06.04.04 DOOR ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 806.684-050 06.02.22 Door Assembler (plan. mill) :KNOCK-UP ASSEMBLER (woodworking): 762.687-050 06.04.22 DOOR ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.684-034 06.04.22 Door-Clamp Operator (plan. mill) :CLAMPER (woodworking): 669.685-030 06.04.20 Door Closer (sports equip.) equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 DOOR-CLOSER MECHANIC (any ind.) 630.381-01405.10.02 DOOR CORE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-030 06.04.22 Door-Engine Repairer (auto. ser.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) :MECHANICAL-UNIT REPAIRER (auto. ser.; loco. & car blåg. & rep.); 620.381-018 05.05.09 Door Fitter (auto. mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-010 * 06.04.22 ser.): 379.673–010 :BALL ASSEMBLER (sports Door Fitter (furn.) :CASE FITTER (furn.): 763.684-026 05.10.01 Door-Frame Assembler, Machine (woodworking) :CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 Door-Glass Installer (plan. mill) :GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill): 865.684-014 06.04.30 Door Hanger (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 Door Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) I :METAL HANGER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 809.684-030 06.02.22 Door Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) II :INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-026 06.02.22 DOORKEEPER (any ind.) 324.677-014 09.05.04 Door-Lock Installer (struct. & OTIlam. :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 DOOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (coke prod.) 519.663-010 06.04. 12 Door Maker (plan. mill) :MACHINIST, (woodworking): 669.380-014 * 05.05.08 Door Patcher (plan. mill) :PATCHER (woodworking): 769.684- 030 06.04.25 door repairer, bus :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 doorshaker :MERCHANT PATROLLER (bus. ser.): 372.667- 038 04.02.02 Door Slinger (corn prod.) :LABORER, STARCH FACTORY (grain & feed mill.): 529.685-154 06.04.15 dope-and-fabric worker :AIRPLANE COVERER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 849.381-010 06.01.04 DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (explosives) 06.04.19 Dope Edger (boot & shoe) :INKER (boot & shoe): 788.684- 066 06.04.33 dope firer :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685- 0 1 0 05.12.10 dope heater :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685- 0 1 0 05.12.10 dope-house operator helper :DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (explosives): 559.685-046 06.04.19 metalwork) & ornam. WOOD 559.685-046 435 dope mixer SEASONING MIXER (chem.); 550.685-106 06.04.11 Dope Mixer (explosives) :MIXER OPERATOR (explosives): 550.382-018 06.02.18 Dope Pourer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 doper :AIRPLANE COVERER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 849.381-010 06.01.04 doper :LEATHER COATER (leather 06.04.27 doper :DEVELOPER (photofinish.): 976.681-010 05.10.05 Doper Operator (tinvare) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 Dope Sprayer (leather mfg.) :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-0 1 4 06.04.27 dopster CLOTHING-PATTERN 78.1.287-0 1 0 06.02.31 dormitory supervisor :RESIDENCE COUNSELOR (education): 045. 107-038 10.01.02 DORR OPERATOR (sugar) 522.685-050 06.04.15 dot etcher PROCESS ARTIST (print. & pub.): 972.281-010 * 01.06.01 DOUBLE 01.08.01 Double-Bottom Driver (any ind.) :TRACTOR-TRAILER- TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904.383-010 * 05.08.01 Double-Corner Cutter (paper goods) :CORNER CUTTER (paper goods): 640.685-030 06.04.04 Double-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 double-cut sawyer :HEAD SAWYER, AUTOMATIC (paper & pulp; sawmill): 667.682-034 06.02.03 Double Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Double-End-Chucking-Machine Operator :CHUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 665.382-010 06.02.03 Double-Ending-Machine Operator (paper goods) :ENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.685-042 06.04.04 Double-End-Production Grinder (spring) :BENCH WORKER (spring): 616.485-010 06.02.02 Double-End Sewer (paper goods) :BAG SEWER (paper goods): 787.686-010 06.04.04 Double-End-Tenoner Operator (woodworking) :TENONER OPERATOR (woodworking): 669,382-018 05.05.08 Double-End-Tenoner Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE SETTER (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 DOUBLE-END-TRIMMER-AND-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.) 669.682-038 Double-Facing-Corrugating-Machine Operator (paper goods) :CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.562-010 * 06.02.04 Double-Fold-Machine Operator (paper MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.02.04 Double-Lay-Winder-and-Paraffin-Unit Operator (insulated wire) :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 Double-Needle Operator, Lockstitch (garment):LOCKSTITCH- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-170 06.02.05 Double-Needle Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 doubler :DOUBLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-046 06.04.06 Double-Spindle-Disk Grinder Operator, Spring End (spring) :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-062 06.02.02 mfg.): 584.687-010 PREPARER (garment): (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 961.364-010 (woodworking) (woodworking): goods) :FOLDING- 649.685-046 * Double-Spindle Disk Grinder, Spring End (spring) :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 Double-Spindle-Shaper Operator (woodworking) OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-034 05.05.08 doubling-and-rolling-machine operator :CLOTH-DOUBLING- AND-WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.685- 050 06.04.06 doubling-machine operator :LAMINATING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods): 554.665-01406.04.09 DOUBLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-046 06.04.06 doubling-machine operator :CLOTH-DOUBLING-AND-WIND- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.685-050 06.04.06 DOUGH-BRAKE-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 520.685-090 06.04.15 DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.) 520.582-010 06.02.15 Dough-Mixer Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 DOUGH-MIXER OPERATOR 06.02.15 dough molder, hand :BENCH HAND (bake. prod.): 520.384- 0 1 0 06.02.28 Doughnut-Batter Mixer (bake. prod.) :BATTER MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-010 06.04.15 doughnut-cooking-machine operator :DOUGHNUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 526.682-022 06.02.15 Doughnut-Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 Doughnut Icer (bake. prod.) :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684-022 06.04.28 Doughnut Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 DOUGHNUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 526.682- 022 06.02.15 Doughnut-Machine-Operator Helper (bake. prod.) HELPER (bake. prod.); 526.686-010 06.04.15 DOUGHNUT MAKER (bake. prod.) 526.684-010 06.02.28 Doughnut-Maker Helper, Hand (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 dough sheeter SWEET-GOODS-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.685-214 06.04.15 DOVETAIL-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box) 669.685-046 06.04.20 Dovetail-Machine Operator (woodworking) :LOCK-CORNER- :SHAPER (bake. prod.) 520.462-010 :ICER, MACHINE :BAKER MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.382-014 06.02.03 doweler :HEADING MATCHER AND ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 764.687-062 06.04.22 doweler :DOWELING-MACHINE (woodworking): 669.685-050 06.04.20 DOWELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.685- 050 06.04.20 DOWEL-INSERTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 669.682-042 06.02.03 DOWEL INSPECTOR (woodworking) 669.687-01406.03.02 DOWEL-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-010 06.02.03 DOWEL POINTER (woodworking) 667.685-038 06.04.03 Dowel-Sander Operator (woodworking) :CYLINDER-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking): 662.685-014 06.04.03 dowel-setting-machine operator :DOWELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 669.685-050 06.04.20 dowel-sticker operator :DOWEL-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-010 06.02.03 Down Filler (house furn.) :FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 780.684-066 06.04.23 drafter :ENGINEERING ASSISTANT, MECHANICAL EQUIP- MENT (profess. & kin.): 007.161-018 05.03.02 OPERATOR (plan. mill) 436 DRAFTER, AERONAUTICAL (profess. & kin.) 002.261-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER APPRENTICE (profess. 05.03.02 DRAFTER, ARCHITECTURAL (profess. & kin.) 001.261-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER, ASSISTANT 05.03.02 DRAFTER, AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN (auto. mfg.) 017.281-022 05.03.02 - DRAFTER, AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN LAY-OUT (auto. mfg.) 05.03.02 DRAFTER, CARTOGRAPHIC (profess. & kin.) 018.261-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER, CASTINGS (profess. & kin.) 007.261-014 05.03.02 DRAFTER, CHIEF, DESIGN (light, heat, & power) 017.161- 0 1 0 05.03.02 DRAFTER, CIVIL (profess. & kin.) 005.281-010 * 05.03.02 drafter, civil engineering :DRAFTER, CIVIL (profess. & kin.): 005.281-010 * 05.03.02 DRAFTER, COMMERCIAL (profess. & kin.) 017.261-026 05.03.02 drafter, construction :DRAFTER, CIVIL (profess. & kin.): 005,281-010 * 05.03.02 DRAFTER, DETAIL (profess. & kin.) 017.261-030 05.03.02 DRAFTER, DIRECTIONAL SURVEY (petrol. production) 0 1 0.281-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER, ELECTRICAL (profess. 05.03.02 DRAFTER, ELECTRONIC (profess. 05.03.02 drafter, engineering :DRAFTER, CIVIL (profess. & kin.): 005.281-010 * 05.03.02 drafter, engineering :DRAFTER, MECHANICAL (profess. & kin.): 007.281-010 * 05.03.02 DRAFTER, GEOLOGICAL (petrol. production) 0.10.281-014 * 05.03.02 DRAFTER, GEOPHYSICAL (petrol. production) 0.10.281-018 05.03.02 DRAFTER, HEATING AND VENTILATING (profess. & kin.) 01 7.261-034 05.03.02 DRAFTER, LANDSCAPE (profess. 05.03.02 DRAFTER, MARINE (profess. & kin.) 014.281-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER, MECHANICAL (profess. & kin.) 007.281-010 * 05.03.02 w DRAFTER, OIL AND GAS (petrol. production; petrol. refin.) 01 7.281-030 05.03.02 DRAFTER, PATENT (profess. & kin.) 007.261-018 05.03.02 DRAFTER, PLUMBING (profess. & kin.) 017.261-038 05.03.02 Drafter, Radio (radio & tv broad.) :DRAFTER, ELECTRONIC (profess. & kin.): 0.03.281-01405.03.02 Drafter, Refrigeration (profess. & kin.) :DRAFTER, HEATING AND VENTILATING (profess. & kin.): 017.261-034 05.03.02 Drafter, Reinforced Concrete (profess. & kin.) :DRAFTER, CIVIL (profess. & kin.): 005.281-010 * 05.03.02 Drafter, Seismograph (petrol. production) :DRAFTER, GEOPHYSICAL (petrol. production): 0 10.281-018 05.03.02 DRAFTER, STRUCTURAL (profess. & kin.) 005.281-014 * 05.03.02 Drafter, Tile and Marble (profess. & kin.) :DRAFTER, ARCHITECTURAL (profess. & kin.): 001.261-010 05.03.02 DRAFTER, TOOL DESIGN (profess. & kin.) 007.261-022 05.03.02 DRAFTER, TOPOGRAPHICAL (profess. & kin.) 018.261-014 05.03.02 Drafter, Water and Sewage (profess. & kin.) CIVIL (profess. & kin.): 005.281-010 * 05.03.02 & kin.) 017.281-014 (profess. & kin.) 017,281-018 & kin.) 003.281-010 & kin.) 003.281-014 & kin.) 001.261-014 :DRAFTER, draft-roller picker :ROLLER CLEANER (textile): 680.687-014 06.04.39 dragger SCRAPER-LOADER OPERATOR (mining & quarry- ing): 921.663-050 05.11.02 Dragline Oiler (mining & quarrying) :STRIPPING-SHOVEL OILER (mining & quarrying): 850.684-018 05.12.08 DRAGLINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 850.683-018 05.11.04 DRAINAGE-DESIGN COORDINATOR (waterworks) 005. 167– 014 05.01.03 Drain Layer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Drain-Tile-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) :CONCRETE-PIPE- MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.): 575.665- 0 1 0 06.04.19 Drain-Tile-Press Operator (brick & tile) :AUGER PRESS OPERATOR, MANUAL CONTROL (brick & tile): 575.462- 0 1 0 06.02.08 Drama Critic (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) :CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & twbroad.): 131.067-018 01.01.03 DRAMATIC COACH (profess. & kin.) 150.027-010 01.03.01 Dramatic Reader (amuse. & rec.) : ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047-010 01.03.02 dramatist :PLAYWRIGHT (profess. 01.01.02 - DRAPER (garment; knit goods) 781.684-026 06.02.31 DRAPER (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.381-010 05.05.15 DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY ESTIMATOR (ret. 299.387-010 05.09.02 DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY MEASURER (ret. 299.364-0 10 05.09.02 Drapery Cutter, Hand (house furn.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-014 06.02.27 . Drapery Cutter, Machine (house furn.) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 Drapery Estimator (ret. tr.) :DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY ESTIMATOR (ret. tr.): 299.387-010 05.09.02 DRAPERY HANGER (ret. tr.) 869,484-014 05.10.01 DRAPERY-HEAD FORMER (ret. tr.) 781.684-030 06.04.27 Drapery Hemmer, Automatic (house furn.) :HEMMER, AUTO- MATIC (house furn.): 787.685-018 06.04.05 Drapery Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 DRAPERY OPERATOR (ret. tr.) 787.682-018 06.02.05 DRAPERY-ROD ASSEMBLER (ret. tr.) 706.484-010 05.12.12 Drapery Room Supervisor (house furn.; ret, tr.) SUPERVISOR (house furn.), 789. 132-010 06.02.01 Drapery Sewer, Hand (house furn.) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Drapery Supervisor (house furn.) (any ind.): 787. 132-010 06.02.01 drapery worker :DRAPERY OPERATOR (ret. tr.): 787.682- 018 06.02.05 DRAW-BENCH OPERATOR (any ind.) 614.682-010 06.02.02 draw-bench operator :TUBE DRAWER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 614.685-022 06.04.02 DRAW-BENCH OPERATOR (iron & Steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 614.482-010 06.02.02 DRAW-BENCH-OPERATOR HELPER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 614.686-010 06.04.40 DRAWBRIDGE OPERATOR (r.r. 05.11.04 drawer :KILN DRAWER (brick & tile): 929.687-014 drawer :DRAWING-FRAME TENDER (textile): 680.685-038 06.04.06 drawer :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile): 683.684-01 4 06.02.06 Drawer Fitter (furn.) CASE FITTER (furn.): 763.684-026 05.10.01 drawer-hardware worker 706.684–050 06.04.23 & kin.): 13 1.067-038 tr.) tr.) :SEWING SUPERVISOR trans.) 371.362-010 : DRAWER UPFITTER (furn.): 437 Drawer-In, Dobby Loom (textile) (textile): 683.684-01 4 06.02.06 DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile) 683.684-01 4 06.02.06 DRAWER-IN HELPER, HAND (textile) 683.687-010 06.04.05 Drawer-In, Jacquard Loom (textile) :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile): 683.684-014 06.02.06 - Drawer-In, Plain Loom (textile) (textile): 683.684-014 06.02.06 DRAWER-IN, STITCH-BONDING MACHINE 689.684-01 4 06.04.05 DRAWER LINER (furn.) 763.684-030 06.04.27 DRAWER UPFITTER (furn.) 706.684-050 06.04.23 DRAWER WAXER (furn.) 763.687-022 06.04.33 DRAW-FRAME TENDER (cord. & twine) 06.04.06 draw-furnace tender :HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 draw hand :BRUSH FILLER, HAND (brush & broom): 739.687-046 06.04.23 DRAWING-FRAME TENDER (textile) 680.685-038 06.04.06 drawing-in hand :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile): 683.684-014 06.02.06 :DRAWER-IN, HAND :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile) 680.685-034 DRAWING-IN-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 683.682-018 06.02.06 DRAWING-IN-MACHINE-TENDER HELPER (textile) 683.685-022 06.04.05 DRAWING-KILN OPERATOR (glass mfg.) 575.362-010 06.02.13 DRAWING-KILN SUPERVISOR (glass mfg.) 575. 137-010 06.02.01 drawing-machine operator :DRAWING-KILN OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.362-010 06.02.13 drawing-release clerk :ENGINEERING-DOCUMENT-CON- TROL CLERK (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics): 206.367-0 1 0 07.05.03 drawing tender :DRAWING-FRAME TENDER (textile): 680.685-038 06.04.06 draw-in hand :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile): 683.684-014 06.02.06 DRAW-MACHINE OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 680.665-014 06.04.06 Draw-Press Operator (any ind.) I :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 Draw-Press Operator (any ind.) II :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 DRAWSTRING KNOTTER (house furn.) 06.04.05 Dray Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 DREDGE CAPTAIN (water trans.) 197.161-010 05.04.02 Dredge Deckhand (water trans.) :DECKHAND (water trans.): 9 11.687-022 05.08.04 DREDGE MATE (water trans.) 197. 137-010 05.12.03 DREDGE OPERATOR (const.; mining & quarrying) 850.663- 0 1 0 05.11.01 dredge operator :DREDGE CAPTAIN (water trans.): 197:161- 0 1 0 05.04.02 DREDGE OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying) 939. 132-0 1 0 05.11.01 Dredge Pipe Installer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 dredge pumper :DREDGE OPERATOR (const; mining & quar- rying): 850.663-010 05.11.01 dredge runner :DREDGE CAPTAIN (water trans.): 197.161- 0 1 0 05.04.02 Dress-Cap Maker (hat & cap) :CAP MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-018 06.04.27 Dress Draper (garment) 781.684-026 06.02.31 DRESSER (amuse. & rec.) 346.674-010 09.05.06 689.685-058 :DRAPER (garment; knit goods): DRESSER (boot & shoe) 788.687-038 06.04.33 DRESSER TENDER (textile) 681.682-010 06.02.06 dress-gang worker :FISH CLEANER (can. & preserv.; fish.): 525.684-030 * 06.04.28 dressing-room attendant :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 358.677-014 09.05.07 DRESSMAKER (any ind.) 785.361-010 * 05.05.15 Dressmaker (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 Dress Marker (garment) :MARKER (any ind.) I: 781.384-014 06.02.31 - Dress-Shoe Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 DRIED FRUIT WASHER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-110 06.04.15 drier :DRYING-UNIT-FELTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods): 581.685-034 06.04.16 DRIER (garment) 581.685-014 06.04.16 DRIER (hosiery; knit goods) 581.686-01406.04.16 Drier (rubber goods) :HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 drier-and-evaporator operator :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 559.685-074 06.04.11 DRIER-AND-GRINDER TENDER 579.685-010 06.04.08 DRIER-AND-PULVERIZER TENDER (chem.) 559.685-050 06.04.11 DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.) 523.685-058 06.04.15 drier attendant :DRIER TENDER (fuel briquettes): 543.685- 0 1 4 06.04. 12 DRIER ATTENDANT (garment) 581.686-018 06.04.40 DRIER, BELT CONVEYOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.485-018 06.02.15 DRIER FEEDER (rubber reclaim.) 559.686-014 06.04.07 DRIER HELPER (chem.) 553.687-010 06.04.11 DRIER, LONG GOODS (macaroni & rel. prod.) 523.585-022 06.04.15 drier-machine hand 553.685-098 06.04.19 drier operator :DRY-KILN OPERATOR 573.362-010 06.02.17 DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.) 523.682- 022 06.02.15 DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 523.685-062 06.04.15 drier operator :ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (cement; chem.; minerals & earths): 573.382-010 06.02.17 DRIER OPERATOR (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 553.685- 042 06.04.11 DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) I 553.665-026 06.04.11 DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) II 553.582-010 06.02.11 DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) III 553.685-050 06.04.11 DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) IV 553.685-054 06.04.11 drier operator :CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (chew. gum): 529.682-0 1 0 06.02.15 DRIER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 529.682-022 06.02.15 drier operator :TUMBLER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.685-034 06.04.35 DRIER OPERATOR (explosives) 553.686-026 06.04.11 DRIER OPERATOR (glue) 553.385-010 06.04.19 DRIER OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 543.382-010 06.02.08 DRIER OPERATOR (macaroni & rel. prod.) 523.362-014 06.02.15 DRIER OPERATOR 06.02.18 drier operator :DRIER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511 .565-01 4 06.04.10 DRIER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) I 559.562-010 06.02.13 (minerals & earths) :SOAP-DRIER OPERATOR (soap): (brick & tile): (mining & quarrying) 543.682-014 438 DRIER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) II 553.685-046 06.04.13 Drier Operator (rubber reclaim.) HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 DRIER OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 581.685-018 06.04.16 drier operator :DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile); 581.685-026 06.04.16 DRIER OPERATOR, DRUM (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-098 06.04.15 Drier Operator, Head (plastics mat.) :PROCESS-AREA SU- PERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559. 132-042 06.01.01 DRIER-OPERATOR HELPER (glue) 553.685-058 06.04.19 DRIER-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber reclaim.) 553.686-030 06.04.13 DRIER, SHORT GOODS (macaroni & rel, prod.) 523.587-010 06.03.02 DRIER-TAKE-OFF TENDER 06.04.40 DRIER TENDER (build. board) 563.585-010 06.02.18 DRIER TENDER (cereal) 523.685-070 06.04.15 DRIER TENDER (fuel briquettes) 543.685-01406.04.12 drier tender CLOTH DRIER (knit goods): 580.685-014 06.04.05 DRIER TENDER (nut process.) 523.685-066 06.04.15 DRIER TENDER (oils & fats) I 523.685-074 06.04.15 Drier Tender (oils & fats) II :EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats): 529.685-106 06.04.15 DRIER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.565-014 06.04.10 Drier Tender (rubber goods) :HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 drier tender :DRYING-ROOM ATTENDANT (soap): 553.585- 018 06.04.19 drier tender TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585- 0 1 0 06.04.16 drier tender :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 Drier Tender, Naphthalene (coke prod.) :NAPHTHALENE OPERATOR (coke prod.); 551.665-010 06.04.11 drier unloader TRANSFER-CAR OPERATOR, DRIER (pipe & boiler cov.): 921 .583–0 10 05.11.04 drifter :ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) II: 850.662-014 05.11.01 DRIFTER (iron & steel) 503.685-018 06.04.02 drifting-machine operator : DRIFTER (iron & steel): 503.685- O 18 06.04.02 Drift Miner (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 (elec. equip.) 921.685-034 drill doctor :PNEUMATIC-TOOL REPAIRER (any ind.): 630.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.09 DRILLER (jewelry) 700.684-026 06.04.24 DRILLER (optical goods) 716.685-01406.04.08 driller PROSPECTING DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.382-018 driller ROTARY DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.382-026 driller STONE DRILLER (Stonework): 676.682-01 4 06.02.08 driller :ROCK SPLITTER (Stonework): 771.684-010 05.12.07 DRILLER AND BROACHER (clock & watch) 715.685-022 06.02.02 DRILLER-AND-REAMER, 606.382-01 () 06.02.02 DRILLER, BRAKE LINING (asbestos prod.) 676.685-010 06.04.08 driller, fine-diamond dies :DIAMOND DRILLER (mach. tool & access.): 770.381-018 06.01.04 DRILLER, HAND (any ind.) 809.684-018 06.04.34 DRILLER, HAND (button) 754.684-026 06.04.24 AUTOMATIC (musical inst.) DRILLER HELPER (const.; mining & quarrying) 930.666-010 05.12.02 driller helper :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. produc- tion): 930.684-026 * DRILLER, MACHINE (const.; mining & quarrying) 930.382- 0 1 0 05.11.02 DRILLER, MACHINE (glass prod.) 676.685-01406.04.08 driller, multiple spindle :DRILL OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (mirror): 676.682-010 06.02.08 driller operator :DRILLER, MACHINE (const.; mining & quar- rying): 930.382-010 05.11.02 driller, portable :DRILLER, HAND (any ind.): 809.684-018 06.04.34 Drilling Engineer (petrol. production) :PETROLEUM EN- GINEER (petrol. production): 010.061-018 05.01.08 drilling inspector TECHNICAL OPERATOR (petrol. produc- tion): 930. 167-010 05.03.04 DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.482-010 05.11.02 DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch) 606.685-030 * 06.02.02 DRILL OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (mirror) 676.682-010 06.02.08 Drill Operator, Pneumatic (stonework) (stonework): 676.682-014 06.02.08 drill-press operator :DRILLER (jewelry): 700.684-026 06.04.24 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (mach. shop) 606.682-014 06.02.02 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR, ACOUSTICAL TILE board) 649.682-018 06.02.09 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop) 606.362-010 06.02.02 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. 606.685-026 06.04.02 DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop) 606.380-010 06.01.03 DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, RADIAL (mach. shop) 606.380–01 4 06.01.03 DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, RADIAL, TOOL (mach. shop) 606.380-018 06.01.03 DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop) 606.682-018 06.02.02 DRILL-PUNCH OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.) 649,685-034 06.04.04 drill-runner helper :CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 930.687-014 05.12.02 Drill Sharpener (mach. shop) :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 drill-sharpener operator TOOL DRESSER (any ind.); 601.682- 010 06.04.02 DRIP-BOX TENDER (corn prod.) 521.687-038 06.04.15 DRIP PUMPER (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.583-010 DRIVE-IN THEATER ATTENDANT (amuse, & rec.) 349.673- O 10 09.05.04 drive-in waiter/waitress :CAR HOP (hotel & rest.): 3 l l .477-010 09.04.01 DRIVEMATIC-MACHINE OPERATOR mfg.) 619.360-010 06.01.03 Driver (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, FIELD-CROP FARMING (agric.): 404.131-010 03.02.01 DRIVER (auto. mfg.) 9 19.683-01405.08.03 driver :CHAUFFEUR (dom. Ser.): 359.673–010 09.03.02 DRIVER'S LICENSE EXAMINER (gov. ser.) 168.267-034 07.01.07 Driver, Bakery-Products Route (ret. tr., whole. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr., whole, tr.): 292.353–010 * 08.02.07 Driver, Beer Route (whole. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 292,353–010 * 08.02.07 :STONE DRILLER (build. shop) (aircraft-aerospace 439 Driver, Beverage Route (whole. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE DRUM-DRIER OPERATOR (bone, (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 Driver, Dry-Cleaning Route (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 driver helper :TRUCK-DRIVER HELPER (any ind.): 905.687- 010 06.04.40 DRIVER HELPER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; 292.667-0 1 0 08.02.07 Driver, Ice-Cream Route (whole. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353–010 * 08.02.07 Driver, Ice Route (ret. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 Driver, Laundry Route (ret. tr.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 Driver, Milk Route (dairy prod.) :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353–010 * 08.02.07 DRIVERS’-CASH CLERK (motor trans.) 21 1.462-030 07.02.02 DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 DRIVER SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 909. 137-010 05.08.01 whole. tr.) DRIVER-UTILITY WORKER (auto. mfg.) 9 19.663-018 05.08.03 Drive-Shaft-and-Steering-Post Repairer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 drop-board operator :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-014 07.04.05 drop clipper :VENEER CLIPPER 663.585-01 4 06.04.03 DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging) 610.462-010 06.02.02 Drop-Hammer-Operator Helper (forging) :FORGE HELPER (forging): 619.666-010 06.04.40 Drop-Hammer-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) OPERATOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 Drop Hammer Setter-Up (forging) :DIE SETTER (forging): 612.360-010 06.01.02 Drop-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :CRACKER-AND- COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.482-010 06.02.15 dropper :TAPPER (malt liquors): 529.685–246 06.04.15 Dropper, Dehairing Machine (slaught. & meat pack.) :DEHAIRING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-018 06.04.15 DROPPER, FERMENTING CELLAR (malt liquors) 522.685- 054 (06.04.15 dropper, tank storage TAPPER (malt liquors): 529.685–246 06.04.15 drop-pit worker :CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 622.381-01 4 05.05.06 DROP TESTER (ammunition) 737.387-010 06.03.01 DROP-WIRE ALINER (textile) 689.685-062 06.04.06 DROP-WIRE BUILDER (textile) 689.687-034 06.01.02 DROP-WIRE HANGER (textile) 683.687-01406.04.06 drop-wire stringer DROP-WIRE BUILDER (textile): 689.687- O34 06.01.02 DROSS SKIMMER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.683-010 06.04.10 druggist :PHARMACIST (profess. & kin.): 074.161-010 * 02.04.01 drug-room clerk :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.); 550.684-014 06.04.34 DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.) 582.685-050 06.04.16 Drum-Barker Operator (paper & pulp) :POWER-BARKER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; sawmill): 669.485-010 06.04.03 drum carrier :LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.): 559.687–050 06.04.40 Drum Cleaner (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 DRUM DRIER (cereal) 523.682-026 06.02.15 (veneer & plywood): :PILE-DRIVER carbon, & lampblack) 553.665–030 06.04.19 drum-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 553.685-042 06.04.11 drum-dyeing-machine operator :DYE-TUB (hosiery; knit goods): 582.585-01406.04.16 Drum Filler (chem.) :LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.); 559.687-050 06.04.40 drum filler :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 Drum Filler (distilled liquors) :BARREL FILLER (distilled liquors): 522.687-010 06.04.36 drum filler :PIGMENT PUMPER (rubber reclaim.): 914.665– 0 1 0 05. 12.06 DRUM LOADER AND UNLOADER (malt liquors) 522.685- 058 06.04.15 - Drummer (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, INSTRUMENTAL (amuse. & rec.): 152,041-010 01.04.04 Drummer (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 DRUMMER (hat & cap) 589.685-034 06.04.16 drum operator SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-010 06.04.09 drum plater :PLATER, BARREL (electroplating): 500.362-014 06.02.21 drum-reel cutter :CUTTER, BARREL DRUM (house furn.): 690.682-026 06.02.02 drum sander :SIZING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil): 662.685-030 06.04.03 drum sander :MULTIPLE-DRUM SANDER (woodworking): 662.682-01 4 drum-Sander offbearer :MULTIPLE-DRUM-SANDER HELPER (woodworking): 662.686-01406.04.03 Drum-Sander Setter (woodworking) (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 Drum-Saw Operator (plan. mill) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 Drum Sealer (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 Drum-Shell Maker (musical inst.) : PERCUSSION-INSTRU- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.381-042 05.05.12 Drum Stenciler (distilled liquors) :STENCILER (any ind.): 920.687-178 06.t;4.37 Drum-Stock Clerk (clerical) 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 DRUM STRAIGHTENER (any ind.) I 619.685-034 06.04.02 Drum Straightener (any ind.) I :FORMING-ROLL OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-046 06.04.02 drum tender TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 dry boss :CHANGE-HOUSE ATTENDANT 358.687-0 1 0 05.12.18 dry-box operator :BONE-DRIER OPERATOR (glue): 553.685- 022 06.04.19 Dry-Cans Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-0 1 0 06.04.16 DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile) 581.685-022 06.04.16 DRY-CELL TESTER (elec. equip.) 727.381-018 06.03.01 Dry-Chain Offbearer (sawmill) :CHAIN OFFBEARER (plan. mill; sawmill): 669.686-018 06.04.03 DRY-CHARGE-PROCESS ATTENDANT 590.685-026 06.04.19 DRY CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.382-01406.02.16 DRY CLEANER (knit goods) 589.685-038 06.04.16 DRY-CLEANER APPRENTICE (clean., dye., 362.382-0 1 0 06.02.16 dry cleaner, furniture, hand :FURNITURE CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-022 06.04.35 DRY CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-010 06.04.35 OPERATOR (fur :MACHINE SETTER :STOCK CLERK (clerical): (any ind.): (elec. equip.) & press.) 440 DRY-CLEANER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.686-010 06.04.35 Dry Cleaner, Rug (clean., dye., & press.) :DRY CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.382-01406.02.16 dry-cleaning-machine operator :DRY CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.382-01406.02.16 dry-cleaning-machine-operator apprentice :DRY-CLEANER APPRENTICE (clean., dye., & press.): 362.382-010 06.02.16 dry-cleaning-machine-operator helper :DRY-CLEANER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.686-010 06.04.35 dry-clipper tender :VENEER CLIPPER (veneer & plywood): 663.585-01 4 06.04.03 DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-026 06.04.28 DRY-END OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.665-014 06.04.13 Dry-End Tester (paper & pulp) :PULP-AND-PAPER TESTER (paper & pulp): 539.364-010 06.03.01 dryer feeder :DRYING-OVEN ATTENDANT (hat & cap): 581.686-022 06.04.16 dry-felt splicer SPLICER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 692.687-010 06.04.34 dry folder, cloth :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile): 589.685-058 06.04.05 Dry-Heat-Cabinet Attendant (per. ser.) :HOT-ROOM ATTEN- DANT (per. ser.): 335.677-014 09.05.01 Dry-Heat-Room Attendant (per. ser.) :HOT-ROOM ATTEN- DANT (per. ser.): 335.677-014 09.05.01 DRY-HOUSE ATTENDANT (fireworks) 553.585-014 06.04.11 DRY-HOUSE ATTENDANT (woodworking) 563.685-018 06.04.18 dry-house operator :DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (explosives): 559.685-046 06.04.19 DRY-HOUSE TENDER (ammunition) 559.585-010 06.04.11 Drying-Equipment Operator (elec. equip.) :IMPREGNATOR AND DRIER (elec. equip.): 599.462-010 06.02.18 Drying-Machine Back-Tender (knit goods; textile) TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 drying-machine operator :IRISH-MOSS OPERATOR (chem.): 529.382-030 06.02.11 drying-machine operator TUMBLER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.685-034 06.04.35 drying-machine operator :TRAY DRIER (hosiery): 581.686-038 06.04.16 drying-machine operator 580.685-01 4 06.04.05 :BACK :CLOTH DRIER (knit goods): drying-machine operator :DRIER OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 581.685-018 06.04.16 drying-machine operator :SKEIN-YARN DRIER (textile): 581.685-054 06.04.16 DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile) 581.685-026 06.04.16 drying-machine receiver :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686- 0 1 0 06.04.16 drying-machine tender :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 drying-machine tender :DRIER (hosiery; knit goods): 581.686- 0 1 4 06.04.16 Drying-Machine Tender (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) II: 976.685-018 05.12.14 drying-machine tender TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-010 06.04.16 drying machine tender :DRY-CANS OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-022 06.04.16 drying-machine tender :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 DRYING-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 581.685-030 06.04.16 DRYING-OVEN ATTENDANT (hat & cap) 581.686-022 06.04.16 drying-oven tender :TOBACCO-DRIER (tobacco): 523.685-118 06.04.15 OPERATOR DRYING-RACK CHANGER. (boot & shoe) 581.686-026 06.04.05 DRYING-ROOM ATTENDANT (hat & cap) 581.687-014 06.04.27 DRYING-ROOM ATTENDANT (soap) 553.585-018 06.04.19 DRYING-ROOM ATTENDANT (tobacco) 523.587-014 06.04.28 drying-room operator :DRIER OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 581.685-018 06.04.16 Drying-Room Supervisor (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKING (chem.); 559. 132-122 06.02.01 drying-tumbler operator :TUMBLER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.685-034 06.04.35 DRYING-UNIT-FELTING-MACHINE goods) 581.685-034 06.04.16 DRYING-UNIT-FELTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (felt goods) 581.687-018 06.04.16 dry janitor :CHANGE-HOUSE ATTENDANT (any 358.687-0 10 05.12.18 Dry-Kiln Burner (brick & tile) :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-0 10 06.04.17 DRY-KILN OPERATOR (brick & tile) 573.362-010 06.02.17 dry-kiln operator :KILN OPERATOR (woodworking): 563.382- 0 1 0 06.02.18 DRY-KILN OPERATOR HELPER (brick & tile) 573.687-014 06.04.17 Dry-Lumber Grader (woodworking) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 dry-mill operator :DRY-PAN OPERATOR (brick & tile): 570.665-0 1 0 06.04.17 Dry-Mill Worker (leather mfg.) :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 OPERATOR (felt ind.): dry mixer :PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, DRY (ammunition): 550.565-010 06.04.11 dry mixer :FERTILIZER MIXER (chem.); 550.665-018 06.04.11 dry-mop maker :DUST-MOP MAKER (house furn.): 739.687- 078 06.04.23 DRY-PAN CHARGER (brick & tile) 570.683-010 06.04.40 dry-pan feeder :DRY-PAN CHARGER (brick & tile): 570.683- 0 1 0 06.04.40 DRY-PAN OPERATOR (brick & tile) 570.665-010 06.04.17 DRY-PLACER-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 939.382-010 05:11.02 DRY-PRESS OPERATOR (brick & tile) 575.662-010 06.02.17 DRY-PRESS-OPERATOR HELPER (brick & tile) 575.686-010 06.04.17 Dry Roaster (nut process.) :NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 Dry Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 dry-room helper :DRIER-OPERATOR HELPER reclaim.); 553.686-030 06.04.13 dry-room operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) I: 553.665- 026 06.04.11 dry sander :BELT SANDER, STONE (stonework): 673.666-010 06.04.08 dry-slasher tender : BEAMER (textile): 681.585-010 06.04.06 DRY-STARCH OPERATOR (corn prod.) 520.362-014 06.02.15 l DRY-STARCH OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC 529.362-01 4 06.02.15 dry-talc racker :FELT HANGER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 549.686- 0 1 4 06.04.19 DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.; mfc. blags.) 842.681-010 05. 10.01 DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.) 842.38 1-0 10 05.05.04 dry-wall finisher TAPER (const.; mfö. blags.): 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 (rubber (corn prod.) 441 dry-wall installations mechanic :DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.): 842.381.010 05.05.04 dry-wall installer :DRY-WALL APPLICATOR 842.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.04 dry-wall nailer :DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.; blogs.): 842.681-010 05.10.01 DRY-WALL SPRAYER (mfd. blógs.) 842.684-010 06.04.33 DUAL-HOSE CEMENTER (rubber goods) 690.685-134 06.04.07 DUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.665-010 05.10.05 - Dubbing-Machine Operator (phonograph) :RECORDING EN- GINEER (phonograph; radio & twº broad.): 194.362-010 05.10.05 Duck-Bill Operator (mining & quarrying) :POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 Duck Farmer (agric.) :POULTRY FARMER (agric.): 411.161- 018 03.01.01 Duct Installer (const.; mfc. blogs.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 duct layer :CONDUIT MECHANIC (const.; light, heat, & power): 869.361-010 05.05.06 Duct-Layer Helper (const.; light, heat, & power) :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821.667-010 05.12.16 Duct-Layer Supervisor (const.; light, heat, & power) :LABOR- CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899. 131-0 1 0 05.12.01 DUCT MAKER (const.; mfc. blogs.) 809.687-010 06.04.24 DUDE WRANGLER (amuse. & rec.), 353.364-0 1 0 12.01.02 dukey rider BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 dulite-machine bluer :HEAT-TREATING BLUER (heat treat.): 504.682-022 06.02.10 Dull-Coat-Mill Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.21 Duller (furn.) :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684- 0 1 0 06.04.25 dull shoe repairer :BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & 788.684-022 06.04.33 DULSER (fish.) 447.687-010 03.04.03 Dumbwaiter Operator (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM AT- TENDANT (hotel & rest.): 311.677-018 09.05.02 DUMPER (any ind.) 921.667-018 05.12.03 Dumper (can. & preserv.) :CANNERY WORKER (can. & preserv.): 529.686-014 * 06.04.15 Dumper (distilled liquors) :DISTILLERY WORKER, GENERAL (distilled liquors): 529.687-066 06.04.40 DUMPER (explosives) 922.686-010 06.04.40 Dumper (ice) :ICE MAKER (ice): 523.685-102 06.04.15 dumper :CAR-DUMPER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 921.662- 0 1 0 05.11.04 DUMPER-BAILER OPERATOR (petrol. production) 931.684- 0 1 0 dumper-bulk system :CONVEYOR FEEDER-OFFBEARER (any ind.): 921.686-01406.04.40 Dumper, Central-Concrete-Mixing Plant (const.) :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 Dumper, Mold Cleaner (found.) :CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) II: 514,685-01406.04.10 Dump Grader (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869,687–026 DUMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.685-102 06.04.40 DUMP OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.685-038 05.11.04 DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.) 902.683-010 05.08.01 Dump-Truck Driver, Off-Highway (any ind.) :DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 902.683-010 05.08.01 (const.): mfa. :COATING- 584.382-010 (coated fabrics) (coated fabrics): shoe): dunning clerk :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 Duplicate Maker (garment) :SAMPLE STITCHER (garment): 785.361-018 05.05.15 DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I 207.682- 0 1 0 05.10.05 DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II 207.682- 0 1 4 05. 12.19 duplicating-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 605.280-018 06.01.03 Duplicating-Machine Servicer (any ind.) :OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 + 05.05.09 duplicator :LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) II: 809.381-014 06.02.31 DUPLICATOR-PUNCH OPERATOR (any ind.) 615.482-014 06.02.02 DUST BOX WORKER (build. mat., 06.04.34 DUST-BRUSH ASSEMBLER 06.04.23 DUST-COLLECTOR ATTENDANT (mining & quarrying) 5 11.685-022 06.04.09 DUST-COLLECTOR OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 1 1.482-018 06.04.19 DUST-COLLECTOR 06.04.19 DUST COLLECTOR, ORE CRUSHING (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.682-010 06.02.10 DUST COLLECTOR-TREATER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511 .687-0 1 4 06.04.09 DUSTER (hat & cap) 587.685-026 06.04.05 duster :GROUND LAYER (pottery & porc.): 574.684-010 06.04.33 DUSTING-AND-BRUSHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 559.685-054 06.04.21 DUSTLESS OPERATOR (bone, 550.685-058 06.04.19 DUST-MILL OPERATOR (house furn.) 581.686-030 06.04.39 DUST MIXER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685-010 06.04.10 DUST-MOP MAKER (house furn.) 739.687-078 06.04.23 dust operator :DUST-COLLECTOR OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.482-018 06.04.19 DUST PULLER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-014 06.04.39 DUST SAMPLER (mining & quarrying) 939.585-010 05.07.04 Dust-Truck Driver (any ind.) :DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 902.683-010 05.08.01 dwarf tree grower :BONSAI CULTURIST (agric.): 405. 161-010 03.01.03 dx board operator :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-01 4 07.04.05 dye-beck-reel operator :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665-01 4 06.04.16 dye blender :BLENDER (coal tar prod.); 550.685-014 06.04.11 Dye-Boarding-Machine Operator (hosiery) :BOARDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 589.685-010 * 06.04.16 DYED-YARN OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-058 06.04.16 dye feeder :DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile): 582.582-0 1 0 06.02.16 n.e.c.) 574.667-010 (elec. equip.) 739.687-074 OPERATOR 551.685-050 (soap) carbon, & lampblack) dye-house supervisor :DYER, SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 582. 131-0 1 4 05.10.07 DYE-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (fur dressing) 582. 131-010 06.02.01 DYE-HOUSE WORKER (fur dressing) 582.686-010 06.04.16 Dyeing-Machine Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 dyeing-machine feeder :DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile): 582.582-010 06.02.16 442 dyeing-machine tender :PACKAGE-DYEING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 Dyeing Supervisor (fur dressing) :DYE-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (fur dressing): 582. 131-010 06.02.01 dye-machine tender :SKEIN-YARN DYER (textile): 582.685- 130 06.04.16 dye-machine-tender helper :TOP-DYEING-MACHINE LOADER (felt goods; textile): 582.686-030 06.04.16 dye maker :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.): 550.684-01406.04.34 dye mixer :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.): 582.482–0 1 0 06.02.16 Dye Mixer (photo. apparatus) :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 dye-padder operator :PADDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-106 06.04.16 |DYER (artif. flower) 582.687-01406.04.19 |DYER (brush & broom) 599.685-034 06.04.19 DYER (chem.) 554.384-010 06.02.32 DYER (clean., dye., & press.) 364.361-010 05.05.16 dyer :COLORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat 582.685-034 06.04.16 dyer :DYE-TUB OPERATOR (hosiery; knit goods): 582.585- 014 06.04.16 DYER (woodworking) 562.687-010 06.04.33 dyer and washer :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mſg.): 582482-010 06:02.16 dye-range feeder DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, (textile): 582.582-010 06.02.16 DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile) 582.582-010 06.02.16 & cap): CLOTH dyer assistant :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.): 550.684-014 06.04.34 dyer assistant :DYER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.): 364,687-010 06.04.35 dyer assistant COLOR MATCHER (hosiery); 582.261-010 06.01.05 DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile) 582.665-014 06.04.16 DYE-REEL-OPERATOR HELPER (textile) 582.686-014 06.04.16 DYER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.) 364.687-010 06.04.35 DYER HELPER (hat & cap) 589.685-042 06.04.16 dye-room helper :DYER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.): 364.687-0 1 0 06.04.35 dye-room helper :DYE-REEL-OPERATOR HELPER (textile): 582.686–01 4 06.04.16 DYER, SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 582. 131-01405.10.07 DYE-STAND LOADER (textile) 589.587-010 06.04.16 DYE-TANK TENDER (cord. & twine) 582.685-054 06.04.16 DYE-TUB OPERATOR (hosiery; knit goods) 582.585-014 06.04.16 dye-tub operator :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665- 0 1 4 06.04.16 DYE WEIGHER (any ind.) 550.684-014 06.04.34 dye weigher :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.): 582.482–0 1 0 06.02.16 DYE-WEIGHER HELPER (any ind.) 550.687-018 06.04.34 dye-winch operator :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665–01 4 06.04.16 dynamic-balancer set-up worker :BALANCING-MACHINE SET-UP WORKER (any ind.): 809.382-010 06.03.01 DYNAMIC-ETCHING PROCESSOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 704.38 1-0 1 4 06.01.04 DYNAMITE-CARTRIDGE CRIMPER (explosives) 692.685- 078 06.02.04 DYNAMITE-PACKING-MACHINE 692.686-038 06.04.09 DYNAMITE-PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (explosives) 692.662-010 06.02.09 dynamiter :BLASTER (mining & quarrying): 05.10.06 FEEDER (explosives) 931 .261-010 DYNAMITE RECLAIMER (explosives) 551.687-018 06.04.34 Dynamometer Assembler and Tester (bal. & scales) :ASSEMBLER AND TESTER, ELECTRONICS (bal. & scales): 710.281-010 06.01.04 Dynamometer Repairer (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-INSTRU- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-026 05.05.10 Dynamometer Tester, Chassis (auto. mfg.) :DYNAMOMETER TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.281-010 06.01.05 DYNAMOMETER TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.) 806.281- 0 1 0 06.01.05 Dynamometer Tuner (auto. ser.) (auto. ser.): 620.281-066 05.05.09 Dynamotor Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 :TUNE-UP MECHANIC E Ear-Flap Binder (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 EAR-MOLD LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (fabric. plastics prod.) 777.361-010 05.05.11 EAR-MUFF ASSEMBLER (hat & cap) 784.687-022 06.04.23 EARRING MAKER (jewelry) 700.684-030 06.04.23 earth-auger operator :EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 859.682- EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.; light, heat, & power) 859.682-010 05.11.01 earth burner CLAY ROASTER (petrol. refin.): 573.685-014 06.04.17 Easter Bunny (any ind.) :IMPERSONATOR, CHARACTER (any ind.): 299.647-010 01.07.02 Ecclesiastical-Art-Metal Worker (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.; sil- verware) :ORNAMENTAL-METAL WORKER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.); 619.260-008 05.05.06 economic analyst :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR (gov. ser.) 188. 11 7-102 11.05.03 Economic Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-106 11.09.03 ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010 11.03.05 EDGE BANDER, HAND (furn.) 762.684-038 06.04.22 EDGE BANDER, MACHINE (furn.; veneer & plywood) 762.685-010 06.04.03 EDGE-BANDING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (furn.; veneer & plywood) 762.686-010 06.04.03 Edge Baster (garment) :BASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-030 06.02.05 edge beader :FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 174 06.04.05 edge blacker, machine :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–234 06.04.21 edge burnisher :EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-146 06.04.05 EDGE BURNISHER, UPPERS (boot & shoe) 690.685-138 06.04.05 edge dyer :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-234 06.04.21 EDGE-GLUE-MACHINE TENDER 569.685-034 06.04.03 Edge Gluer (veneer & plywood) :SPLICER OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 569.685-062 06.04.03 EDGE GRINDER (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-142 06.04.02 edge grinder, machine :WATCH-CRYSTAL EDGE GRINDER (glass prod.): 775.684-062 06.04.30 Edge Inker (boot & shoe) :INKER (boot & shoe): 788.684-066 06.04.33 Edge Inker, Heels (boot & shoe) :INKER (boot & shoe): 788.684-066 06.04.33 (veneer & plywood) 443 Edge Inker, Uppers (boot & shoe) :INKER (boot & shoe): 788.684-066 06.04.33 edge kitter :EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-146 06.04.05 Edge Maker (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 edge plugger :PANEL EDGE SEALER (veneer & plywood): 769.685-0 1 0 06.04.21 Edge Polisher (boot & shoe) :BRUSHER (boot & shoe): 788.687-018 06.04.33 Edge Polisher (mirror) 775.684–058 06.04.30 edger :EDGE BURNISHER, UPPERS (boot & shoe): 690.685- 138 06.04.05 edger :EDGE STRIPPER (paper goods; wood. box): 795.684- 014 06.04.26 EDGER, AUTOMATIC (sawmill) 667.682-026 06.02.03 EDGER, HAND (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-014 06.04.30 :POLISHER (glass mfg.; mirror): EDGER-MACHINE HELPER (stonework) 673.686-018 06.04.08- EDGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (stonework) 673.682-018 06.02.08 Edger Machine Setter (mach. shop) :DIE SINKER (mach. shop): 601.280-022 05.05.07 EDGE ROLLER (furn.) 780.684-058 06.04.22 EDGER, TOUCH-UP (mirror) 775.684-018 06.04.30 Edge Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 761.682-01406.02.03 EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-146 06.04.05 Edge Setter, Heel Lift (boot & shoe) :EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-146 06.04.05 edge skiver :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 EDGE STAINER (leather prod.) I 589.685-046 06.04.21 EDGE STAINER (leather prod.) II 749.684-022 06.04.33 edge stainer, machine :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–234 06.04.21 Edge Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Edge Stitcher, Lockstitch (garment) .TOPSTITCHER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-238 06.02.05 EDGE STRIPPER (paper goods; wood. box) 795.684-014 06.04.26 EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe) 690.685-150 06.04.05 edge trimmer TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 edge-trimming-machine operator :EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-150 06.04.05 edging-machine catcher :BURR GRINDER (optical goods): 673.686-01 4 06.04.08 EDGING-MACHINE FEEDER 06.04.08 edging-machine feeder 673.686-01 4 06.04.08 EDGING-MACHINE SETTER (mirror) 673.680-010 06.01.02 editing-machine operator :SOUND CUTTER (motion pic.): 962.382-01 4 01.06.02 editor :SCRIPT READER (radio & tv broad.): 13 1.267-022 07.05.02 EDITOR, BOOK (print. & pub.) 132.067-014 01.01.01 EDITOR, CITY (print. & pub.) 132.037-014 11.08.01 editor, continuity and script :CONTINUITY DIRECTOR (radio & twº broad.): 132.037-010 01.01.01 (glass mfg.) 673.686-022 :BURR GRINDER (optical goods): EDITOR, DEPARTMENT (print. & pub.) 132.037-018 11.08.01 EDITOR, DICTIONARY (profess. & kin.) 132.067-018 11.08.01 Editor, Farm Journal (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLICA- TIONS (print. & pub.): 132.037-022 01.01.01 EDITOR, FILM (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 962.264-010 01.01.01 EDITOR, GREETING CARD (print. & pub.) 01.01.01 Editor, House Organ (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLICA- TIONS (print. & pub.): 132.037-022 01.01.01 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. & pub.) 11.08.01 Editorial Cartoonist (print. & pub.) :CARTOONIST (print. & pub.): 141.061-010 01.02.03 EDITORIAL WRITER (print. & pub.) 131,067-022 01.01.02 editor-in-chief, newspaper :EDITOR, NEWSPAPER (print. & pub.): 132.017-014 11.08.01 EDITOR, INDEX (print. & pub.) 132.367-010 11.08.01 Editor, Magazine (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLICATIONS (print. & pub.): 132,037-022 01.01.01 EDITOR, MANAGING, NEWSPAPER 132.01 7-0 1 0 1 1.05.01 EDITOR, MAP (profess. & kin.) 018.261-018 05.03.02 EDITOR, NEWS (print. & pub.) 132.067-026 11.08.01 EDITOR, NEWSPAPER (print. & pub.) 132.017-014 11.08.01 EDITOR, PUBLICATIONS (print. & pub.) 132.037-022 01.01.01 EDITOR, SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH (photofinish.) 976.687- 0 1 0 01.06.01 editor, sound :SOUND CUTTER (motion pic.): 962.382-014 01.06.02 EDITOR, TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.) 132.017-018 11.08.01 EDITOR, TELEGRAPH (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) 132.267-0 1 0 1 1.08.01 Editor, Trade Journal (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLICA- TIONS (print. & pub.): 132.037-022 01.01.01 editor, wire :EDITOR, TELEGRAPH (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.): 132.267-010 1 1.08.01 132.067–022 132.267-014 (print. & pub.) EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST (education) 099.167-022 11.07.03 EDUCATIONAL THERAPIST (education) 0.94.227-010 10.02.03 EDUCATION SUPERVISOR, CORRECTIONAL INSTITU- TION (education) 099.1 17-014 11.07.03 Education Supervisor, Penal Institution (education) :EDUCATION SUPERVISOR, CORRECTIONAL INSTITU- TION (education): 099.1 17-014 11.07.03 Education Supervisor, Youth Authority (education) :EDUCATION SUPERVISOR, CORRECTIONAL INSTITU- TION (education): 099.1 17-014 11.07.03 EFFERVESCENT-SALTS COMPOUNDER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-058 06.04.11 Efficiency Engineer (profess. & kin.) :INDUSTRIAL EN- GINEER (profess. & kin.): 012.167-030 05.01.06 efficiency expert :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0 1 2. 16.7-070 05.01.06 Egg-and-Spice Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) :MIXER-AND- BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.685-154 06.04.15 EGG BREAKER (any ind.) 521.687-042 06.04.28 EGG-BREAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685-1 1 4 06.04.15 - EGG CANDLER (any ind.) 529.687-074 * 06.03.01 Egg Grader (any ind.) :EGG CANDLER (any ind.): 529.687– 074 * 06.03.01 . Egg Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 EGG PROCESSOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.687-034 06.04.34 egg room supervisor SUPERVISOR, EGG PROCESSING (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529. 137-042 06.01.01 Egg Smeller (any ind.) :EGG BREAKER (any ind.): 521.687- 042 06.04.28 444 | EGG WASHER, MACHINE (agric.; whole. tr.) 529.686-030 06.04.39 Eight-Section Blower (hat & cap) :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685-046 06.04.06 Elastic Assembler (per. protect. & med. dev.) :ASSEMBLER, SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.684-010 06.02.23 ELASTIC ATTACHER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682- 086 06.02.05 ELASTIC ATTACHER, COVERSTITCH (garment) 786.682- O90 06.02.05 ELASTIC ATTACHER, OVERLOCK (garment) 786.682-094 06.02.05 ELASTIC ATTACHER, ZIGZAG 06.02.05 Elastic Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Elastic Cutter, Hand (any ind.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) II: 781.687–026 06.04.27 Elastic Sewer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 ELASTIC-TAPE INSERTER (garment) 782.687-022 06.04.27 elastic-yarn twister :COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-038 * 06.04.09 elastic-yarn-twister helper :COVERING-MACHINE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (textile): 681.685-042 06.03.02 ELECTION ASSISTANT (gov. ser.) 188. 167–050 11.05.03 ELECTION CLERK (gov. ser.) 205.367-030 07.04.03 (garment) 786.682-098 election supervisor :ELECTION ASSISTANT (gov. ser.): 188. 16.7-050 1 1.05.03 electrical-and-electronics development mechanic :ELECTRICAL AND RADIO MOCK-UP MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 825.381-022 05.05.05 ELECTRICAL AND RADIO MOCK-UP MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 825.381-022 05.05.05 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.) 827.584- 0 1 0 05.12.16 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE REPAIRER (any ind.) 723.381- 010 05.10.03 - ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.) 827.261- 0 1 0 05.05.10 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE-SERVICER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 827.261-014 05.10.03 ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE-SERVICER SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 827. 131-010 05.10.03 electrical-appliance service supervisor APPLIANCE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 187. 167-010 05.02.06 electrical assembler :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL WIRE GROUP (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 728.384-010 06.02.23 ELECTRICAL-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 729.684-026 06.02.23 ELECTRICAL-DESIGN ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061- 0 1 8 05.01.07 ELECTRICAL-DISCHARGE-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 609.482-010 06.02.02 ELECTRICAL-DISCHARGE-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 609.380-010 06.01.03 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061-010 * 05.01.08 electrical engineer, geophysical prospecting :ELECTRICAL- PROSPECTING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0.03.061-022 05.01.07 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, POWER SYSTEM (light, heat, & power) 003. 167-018 05.01.03 ELECTRICAL-EQUIPMENT mfg.) 729.381-010 06.01.05 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR trans.) 825.381-026 06.01.05 Electrical Inspector (auto. ser.) :BUS INSPECTOR (auto. ser.): 620.28 1-030 05.05.09 TESTER (aircraft-aerospace (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 7 10.281-014 06.01.05 Electrical Inspector (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 807.381-026 05.10.04 ELECTRICAL-INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 821.131-010 05.05.05 ELECTRICAL-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 729.281- 026 05.05.10 - electrical-laboratory technician :ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161-010 * 05.01.01 ELECTRICAL-LINE SPLICER (petrol. production) 728.684- 0 1 4 05.10.03 electrical-logging engineer :OBSERVER, ELECTRICAL PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 0.10.261-014 05.03.04 ELECTRICAL-PROSPECTING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061-022 05.01.07 electrical-prospecting operator :OBSERVER, ELECTRICAL PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 0.10.261-01405.03.04 Electrical Prospector (petrol. production) :GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTOR (petrol. production): 024.061-026 02.01.02 ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 825.281- 0 1 0 05.10.03 ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.) 829.281-01405.05.05 Electrical Repairer, Internal Combustion Engines (auto. ser.; engine & turbine) :ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.): 825.281-022 05.05.10 ELECTRICAL-RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. 003.061-026 05.01.01 ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR (petrol. production) 826.131-010 05.05.05 electrical-system tester :ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.381-026 06.01.05 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 003.161-010 * 05.01.01 ELECTRICAL TEST ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061- 0 1 4 05.01.04 electrical tester, battery :BATTERY TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.384-010 06.03.01 Electrical-Tests Supervisor (light, :SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, 184. 167–21 8 05.01.03 electrical-transmission engineer :POWER-TRANSMISSION EN- GINEER (light, heat, & power): 003.167–050 05.01.03 Electrical-Unit Rebuilder (auto. ser.) :ELECTRICIAN, AU- TOMOTIVE (auto. ser.): 825.281-022 05.05.10 Electric-Arc-Furnace Operator (found.; iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 electric-bath attendant :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 3.35.677-0 1 4 09.05.01 electric-blasting-cap assembler :BLASTING-CAP ASSEMBLER (ammunition): 737.687-018 06.04.23 ELECTRIC-CABLE DIAGRAMER (elec. equip.) 728.281-010 05.03.02 ELECTRIC-CELL TENDER (chem.) 558.565-014 06.02.11 ELECTRIC-CONTAINER TESTER (elec. equip.) 727.687-050 06.03.02 electric deicer inspector :DEICER INSPECTOR, ELECTRIC (rubber goods): 729.387-010 06.03.01 electric-detector operator :HOLIDAY-DETECTOR OPERA- TOR (const.): 862.687-014 05.07.01 ELECTRIC-DISTRIBUTION CHECKER (const.; light, heat, & power) 824.281-014 05.05.05 electric-distribution engineer :POWER-DISTRIBUTION EN- GINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167-046 05.01.03 Electric-Dragline Operator (any ind.) :DRAGLINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 Electric-Fan Assembler (elec. equip.) equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 ELECTRIC-FORK OPERATOR (agric.) 921.685-042 03.04.01 (inst. & app.) & kin.) heat, & power) heat, & power): :ASSEMBLER (elec. 445 Electric-Freight-Car Operator (r. r. trans.) :INDUSTRIAL- TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 Electric-Frying-Pan Repairer (elec. equip.) :APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 ELECTRIC-GOLF-CART REPAIRER (amuse. & rec.; auto. ser.) 620.261-026 05.10.03 Electric-Heater Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 Electric-Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 ELECTRICIAN (any ind.) 824.261-010 * 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN (mfä. blogs.) 824.681-010 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 825.381-030 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN (water trans.) 825.281-01 4 05.05.05 electrician, aircraft :ELECTRICIAN, AIRPLANE (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.281-018 * 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, AIRPLANE (aircraft-aerospace trans.) 825.281-018 * 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 825.381-034 05.05.05 electrician apprentice, elevator maintenance :ELEVATOR- REPAIRER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 825.281-034 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE, POWERHOUSE (light, heat, & power) 820.261-010 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. 05.05.10 Electrician, Bus (auto. ser.) :ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.): 825.281-022 05.05.10 electrician, cable-splicing :CABLE SPLICER (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829.361-010 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, CHIEF (motion pic.) 824. 137-010 05.05.05 Electrician, Chief (water trans.) :ELECTRICIAN (water trans.): 825.281-01 4 05.05.05 electrician-constructor supervisor WIREWORKER SUPER- VISOR (light, heat, & power): 821.131-026 05.05.05 Electrician, Control Equipment (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN, LOCOMOTIVE (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 825.28 1-026 05.05.05 Electrician, Crane Maintenance (any ind.) REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-014 05.05.05 Electrician, Deck (water trans.) :ELECTRICIAN (water trans.): 825.28 1-0 14 05.05.05 electrician, elevator-maintenance (any ind.): 825.281-030 05.05.05 electrician, experimental aircraft :ELECTRICIAN, RESEARCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 726.281-010 05.05.05 Electrician, Field Service (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :ELECTRICIAN, AIRPLANE (aircraft-aerospace mſg.; air trans.): 825.281-018 * 05.05.05 electrician, front :LIGHTING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 962.381-01405.12.16 ELECTRICIAN HELPER (any ind.) 829.684-022 05.12.16 electrician helper :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821,667-010 05.12.16 ELECTRICIAN HELPER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 829.684- 026 05. 12.16 mfg.; air (any ind.) 824.261-014 ser.) 825.281-022 :ELECTRICAL :ELEVATOR REPAIRER ELECTRICIAN HELPER, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.) 825.684-0 1 0 05.12.16 Electrician Helper, Powerhouse (light, heat, & power) :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821.667- 0 1 0 05.12.16 ELECTRICIAN, LOCOMOTIVE (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 825.28.1-026 05.05.05 Electrician, Machine Shop (mach. shop) REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 electrician, maintenance :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01 4 05.05.05 :ELECTRICAL electrician, marine :ELECTRICHAN (ship & boat blog. & rep. 825.38 1-030 05.05.05 electrician, master :SIGHT-EFFECTS SPECIALIST (amuse. & rec.): 962.267-010 05.10.03 ELECTRICIAN, OFFICE (tel. & tel.) 822.261-010 05.05.05 electrician, outside :ELECTRICIAN (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 825.38 1-030 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, POWERHOUSE 820.261-01 4 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.) 823.281-01405.05.05 Electrician, Rectifier Maintenance (light, heat, & power :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.0. Electrician, Refinery (petrol. refin.) :ELECTRICAI REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 | (light, heat, & power electrician, repair :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.) 829.28 1-0 1 4 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, RESEARCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg. 726.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.05 Electrician, Second (water trans.) :ELECTRICIAN (wate trans.): 825.281-014 05.05.05 Electrician, Ship (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 825.381-030 05.05.05 Electrician, Shop (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 825.381-030 05.05.05 Electrician, Sound (water trans.) :ELECTRICIAN trans.): 825.281-014 05.05.05 electrician, station, assistant :ELECTRICIAN, OFFICE (tel. & tel.): 822.261-010 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN, SUBSTATION (light, heat, & power) 820.261 018 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN 05.05.05 ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep. 825. 13 1-0 10 05.05.05 Electrician Supervisor, Airplane (air trans.) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-01405.05.05 Electrician Supervisor, Automotive (auto. ser.) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-01405.05.05 Electrician Supervisor, Locomotive (loco. & car blog. & rep. :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829. 131-014 05.05.05 Electrician Supervisor, Maintenance (any ind.) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-01405.05.05 ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR, SUBSTATION (light, heat, & power) 820. 131-010 05.05.05 electrician, telephone :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC TELEPHONE (any ind.): 822.281-018 + 05.05.05 Electrician, Third (water trans.) :ELECTRICIAN (water trans.) 825.28 1-0 1 4 05.05.05 electrician, underground :CABLE INSTALLER-REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 821.361-010 05.05.05 electrician, wiring :BODY WIRER (auto. mfg.; trans. equip.) 829.684.01 4 05.05.05 Electrician, Yard (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN (ship & boat blóg. & rep.): 825.381-030 05.05.05 Electric-Locomotive-Crane Operator (any ind. :LOCOMOTIVE-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663. 038 05.11.04 electric-meter inspector :UTILITIES SERVICE INVESTIGA TOR (light, heat, & power): 821.364-010 05.10.02 ELECTRIC-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) 821.361-01 4 05.05.05 ELECTRIC-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) I 82 1 .684-0 1 0 05.10.03 Electric-Meter-Installer Helper (light, heat, & power :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821.667 0 1 0 05.12.16 Electric-Meter Reader (light, heat, & power) :METER READER (light, heat, & power; waterworks): 209.567-0 ſ 05.09.03 (wate: SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 829.131-014 446 ELECTRIC-METER REPAIRER 729.281-01 4 05.05.10 ELECTRIC-METER-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (light, heat, & power) 729.281-018 05.05.10 Electric-Meter-Repairer Helper (light, heat, & power) :LABORATORY HELPER (light, heat, & power): 821.564- 0 1 0 05.12.16 - ELECTRIC-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power) 821.381- 0 1 0 05.05.10 Electric-Meter-Tester Helper (light, heat, & power) :LABORATORY HELPER (light, heat, & power): 821.564- 0 1 0 05.12.16 electric-meter tester, shop :INSIDE-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 729.281-034 05.05.10 ELECTRIC-MOTOR ANALYST (any 05.07.02 ELECTRIC-MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 820.361-01406.01.04 ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER AND TESTER (any ind.) 72 1.28 1-0 1 4 06.02.23 ELECTRIC-MOTOR-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 721.38 1-0 1 4 06.01.04 ELECTRIC-MOTOR FITTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 721.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.05 electric-motor-repair clerk :SALESPERSON, ELECTRIC MO- TORS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 271.354-010 08.02.03 ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.) 05.05.10 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 721. 131-0 10 05.05.10 (light, heat, & power) 72 1.261-010 ind.) 72 | .281 -0.18 ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.) 721.484-010 06.02.23 electric-needle specialist :ELECTROLOGIST (per. ser.): 339.371-0 1 0 09.05.01 ELECTRIC-ORGAN ASSEMBLER AND CHECKER (musical inst.) 730.381-022 06.02.23 ELECTRIC-ORGAN INSPECTOR AND REPAIRER (musical inst.) 730.281-018 05.05.12 electric-organ technician :ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNI- CIAN (any ind.): 828.261-010 05.05.12 Electric-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 ELECTRIC POWERLINE EXAMINER (light, heat, & power) 959.367-0 1 0 05.07.01 Electric-Power-Shovel Operator (any ind.) :POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 Electric-Range Assembler (elec, equip.) :APPLIANCE ASSEM- BLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684-010 * 06.02.22 Electric-Range Preparer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.): 827.584-010 05.12.16 Electric-Range Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 Electric-Razor Assembler (cut. & tools) : ASSEMBLER (cut. & tools): 701.687-010 06.04.23 Electric-Refrigerator Preparer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.): 827.584-010 05.12.16 Electric-Refrigerator Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 electric-repair supervisor :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR, SUB- STATION (light, heat, & power): 820.131-010 05.05.05 ELECTRIC-SEALING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 690.685-154 06.04.02 electric-sewer-cleaning-machine operator :SEW ER-PIPE CLEANER (bus. ser.): 899.664-0 14 05.12.12 ELECTRIC-SIGN ASSEMBLER (signs) 729.684-022 06.02.22 electric-sorting-machine operator :NUT-SORTER OPERATOR (nut process.): 521.685-238 06.04.15 Electric-Switch Tester (elec. equip.) :TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 Electric-Tape Slitter (rubber goods) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 ELECTRIC-TOOL REPAIRER (any ind.) 729.281-022 05.10.03 ELECTRIC-TRACK-SWITCH MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.) 825.261-0 1 0 05.05.05 Electric-Truck-Crane Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL- TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 Electric-Truck Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 ELECTRIFIER OPERATOR (textile) 585.685-042 06.04.16 Electrocardiograph Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTROMEDICAL- EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-030 05.05.11 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.362-018 10.03.01 ELECTRODE CLEANER (elec. equip.) 729.687-01406.04.39 ELECTRODE-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 559.685-062 06.04.09 ELECTRODE TURNER-AND-FINISHER (elec. equip.) 692.682-034 06.02.09 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.362-022 10.03.01 ELECTROFORMER (electroplating) 500.684-010 06.04.33 electroformer :PLATER (inst. & app.): 719.684-01406.02.32 ELECTROGALVANIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (electroplating) 500.362-010 06.02.21 ELECTROLESS PLATER (any ind.) 505.684-010 06.04.33 ELECTROLOGIST (per. ser.) 339.37 1-010 09.05.01 ELECTROLYSIS-AND-CORROSION-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003. 167-022 05.01.03 electrolysis engineer :ELECTROLYSIS-AND-CORROSION- CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003.167-022 05.01.03 electrolysis investigator :ELECTROLYSIS-AND-CORROSION- CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003.167-022 05.01.03 electrolysis operator :ELECTROLOGIST (per. ser.): 339.371- 0 1 0 09.05.01 Electrolytic De-Scaler (any ind.) :PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.): 503.362-010 06.02.10 Electromagnet-Crane Operator (any ind.) I : TRACTOR- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 Electromagnet-Crane Operator (any ind.) II :TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 Electromechanical Assembler (electronics) :PRECISION AS- SEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics): 828.381- 0 1 4 06.01.04 ELECTROMECHANICAL INSPECTOR (inst & app.) 7 10.381-018 06.01.05 ELECTROMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (inst. & app.) 7 10.281-018 05.05.11 ELECTROMEDICAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 729.281 -030 05.05.11 electromedical service engineer :ELECTROMEDICAL-EQUIP- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-030 05.05.11 Electronic-Communications Technician (profess. & kin.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 ELECTRONIC-COMPONENT PROCESSOR (electronics) 590.684-01 4 06.04.19 ELECTRONIC-COMPUTER-SUBASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (office mach.) 726. 131-0 10 06.01.01 Electronic-Eye-Thermal-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 8 16.482-0 1 0 06.02.19 electronic gluer :GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ELEC- TRONIC (woodworking): 569.685-050 06.04.03 447 electronic induction hardener :INDUCTION-MACHINE OPERATOR (heat treat.): 504.685-022 06.04.10 Electronic-Organ Installer (any ind.) :ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 828.261-010 05.05.12 ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNICIAN (any ind.) 828.261-010 05.05.12 electronic paint operator :PAINTER, ELECTROSTATIC (any ind.): 599.682-010 06.02.21 Electronic-Piano Installer (any ind.) :ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 828.261-010 05.05.12 ELECTRONIC-PRODUCTION-LINE-MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (electronics) 629.281-022 05.05.09 ELECTRONIC-SALES-AND-SERVICE TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 828.251-010 05.05.05 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER (electronics) 726.684-018 + 06.02.23 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.) 726.384-010 06.02.23 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, DEVELOPMENTAL (electronics) 726.261-010 05.05.05 Electronics Assembler, Prototype (electronics) :ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, DEVELOPMENTAL (electronics): 726.261-010 05.05.05 Electronic-Scale Assembler and Tester (bal. & scales) :ASSEMBLER AND TESTER, ELECTRONICS (bal. & scales): 710.281-010 06.01.04 ELECTRONIC-SCALE SUBASSEMBLER (bal. 726.684-01 4 06.02.23 ELECTRONICS-DESIGN ENGINEER 0.03.061-034 05.01.07 ELECTRONICS ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061-030 05.01.08 ELECTRONIC-SENSING-EQUIPMENT ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.) 722.681-010 06.01.04 electronics-equipment mechanic :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) & scales) (profess. & kin.) I 726.381-010 06.01.05 ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II 726.684-022 06.03.02 ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.) 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 ELECTRONICS-MECHANIC APPRENTICE 828.281-01 4 05.05.10 Electronics Mechanic, Computer (any ind.) :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 electronic-sound technician :PUBLIC-ADDRESS SERVICER (any ind.): 823.261-010 05.05.10 ELECTRONICS-RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. 003.061-038 05.01.01 electronics specialist :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.28 1-0 1 0 * 05.05.10 electronics supervisor SUPERVISOR, SHOP (petrol, produc- tion): 710.131-034 05.05.10 electronics-system mechanic :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 electronics technician :METEOROLOGICAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 823.281-018 05.05.10 electronics technician :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.28 1-0 1 0 * 05.05.10 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 003. 161-014 * 05.01.01 electronics-technician apprentice :ELECTRONICS-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (any ind.): 828.281-014 05.05.10 Electronics Technician, Automated Process (electronics) :ELECTRONIC-PRODUCTION-LINE-MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (electronics): 629.28 1-022 05.05.09 ELECTRONICS-TEST ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061- 042 05.01.04 ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I 726.281-014 06.01.05 (any ind.) & kin.) ºw" ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II 726.684-026 06.03.02 ELECTRONICS UTILITY WORKER (electronics) 726.361- 0 1 0 05.09.02 ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics) 726.687-010 06.04.34 Electronic Technician, Nuclear Reactor (profess. & kin.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 ELECTRO-OPTICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 023.061- 0 1 0 05.01.07 electroplater :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-010 06.02.21 electroplater apprentice :PLATER APPRENTICE (electroplating): 500.380-01406.02.21 electroplater helper :LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 Electrotype Caster (print. & pub.) :ELECTROTYPER (print. & pub.): 974.381-010 05.05.13 Electrotype Molder (print. & pub.) :ELECTROTYPER (print. & pub.): 974.381-010 05.05.13 ELECTROTYPER (print. & pub.) 974.381-010 05.05.13 ELECTROTYPER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 974.381-014 05.05.13 Electrotyper Helper (print. & pub.) :PRINT-SHOP HELPER (print. & pub.): 979.684-026 05.12.18 ELECTROTYPE SERVICER (print. 05.10.05 Electro-Winning Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :TANK- HOUSE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.362- 0 1 4 06.02.10 Element Setter (elec. equip.) :BATTERY-PARTS ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 727.687-038 06.04.23 ELEMENT WINDER (inst. & app.) 724,685-010 06.02.20 Elephant Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-010 03.03.02 & pub.) 659.462-010 ELEVATING-GRADER OPERATOR (const.) 850.663-014 05.11.01 elevator builder :ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (const.): 825.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.06 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (const.) 825.361-010 05.05.06 Elevator Constructor, Electric (const.) :ELEVATOR CON- STRUCTOR (const.): 825.361-010 05.05.06 ELEVATOR-CONSTRUCTOR HELPER (const.) 825.664-010 05.12.12 Elevator Constructor, Hydraulic (const.) :ELEVATOR CON- STRUCTOR (const.): 825.361-010 05.05.06 ELEVATOR-CONSTRUCTOR SUPERVISOR 825. 131-0 1 4 05.05.09 elevator dispatcher :ELEVATOR STARTER 388.367-0 1 0 09.05.09 elevator erector :ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR 825.361-010 05.05.06 elevator-erector helper :ELEVATOR-CONSTRUCTOR HELPER (const.): 825.664-0 10 05.12.12 ELEVATOR EXAMINER-AND-ADJUSTER 825.261-01 4 05.07.03 elevator inspector :ELEVATOR EXAMINER-AND-ADJUSTER (any ind.): 825.261-01405.07.03 (const.) (any ind.): (const.): (any ind.) elevator installer :ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (const.): 825.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.06 elevator mechanic :ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 825.281-030 05.05.05 elevator mechanic :ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (const.): 825.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.06 ELEVATOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 388.663-010 09.05.09 ELEVATOR OPERATOR, FREIGHT (any ind.) 921.683-038 05.12.04 elevator operator, service :ELEVATOR OPERATOR, FREIGHT (any ind.): 921.683-038 05.12.04 ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any ind.) 825.281-030 05.05.05 448 ELEVATOR-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 825.281- 034 05.05.05 ELEVATOR-REPAIRER HELPER (any 05.12.15 elevator-repair mechanic :ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 825.281-030 05.05.05 ELEVATOR STARTER (any ind.) 388.367-010 09.05.09 elevator supervisor :ELEVATOR STARTER (any 388.367-0 1 0 09.05.09 elevator tender :GRAIN RECEIVER (corn prod.): 921.365-010 06.03.01 ELIGIBILITY-AND-OCCUPANCY INTERVIEWER (gov. ser.) 168.267-038 07.01.01 ELIGIBILITY WORKER (gov. ser.) 195.267-010 07.01.01 EMBALMER (per. ser.) 338.371-014 * 02.04.02 EMBALMER APPRENTICE (per. ser.) 338.371-010 02.04.02 embalmer assistant :MORTUARY BEAUTICIAN (per. ser.): 339.361-010 01.06.02 EMBLEM DRAWER-IN (trim. & embroid.) 689.380-010 06.01.02 Emblem-Fuser Tender (garment; hosiery) :FUSING-MACHINE TENDER (garment; hosiery): 583.685-046 06.04.05 EMBOSSER (any ind.) 583.685-030 06.04.02 EMBOSSER (boot & shoe) 690.685-158 06.04.05 EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather prod.) 690.682-030 06.02.05 EMBOSSER (optical goods) 713.684-022 06.04.37 embosser :EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 659.682-014 * 06.02.04 EMBOSSER (print. & pub.) 659.382-010 05.10.05 embosser operator :EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 208.682-010 06.02.02 EMBOSSER OPERATOR (paper goods; wallpaper) 649.682- 022 06.02.09 embossing-calender operator :EMBOSSER (any ind.): 583.685- 030 06.04.02 embossing clerk :MARKER, COMPANY (tobacco): 529.567- 0 1 4 05.09.03 EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 619.685- 038 06.04.02 embossing-machine operator :EMBOSSER (any ind.); 583.685- 030 06.04.02 EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I 208.582-014 06.02.02 EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II 208.682- 0 1 0 06.02.02 EMBOSSING-MACHINE 583.685-034 06.04.02 embossing-machine operator :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather prod.): 690.682-030 06.02.05 EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mirror & pic. frames) 669.682-046 06.02.03 EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 617,685-018 06.04.02 Embossing-Machine-Operator :LABORER, GENERAL 06.04.05 EMBOSSING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (plastics mat.) 583,685-038 06.04.02 embossing-machine-operator helper : ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wallpaper): 640.685-070 06.04.04 EMBOSSING-MACHINE TENDER (paper goods) 649.685-038 06.04.04 EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERATOR (any 06.04.09 embossing-press operator :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather prod.): 690.682-030 06.02.05 EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 659.682-014 * 06.02.04 EMBOSSING-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 659.682-018 06.02.04 ind.) 825.684-014 ind.): OPERATOR (coated fabrics) (coated fabrics) 589.687–026 Helper (coated fabrics): ind.) 652.685-030 EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERATOR, MOLDED GOODS (floor covering, n.e.c.) 690.682-034 06.02.09 EMBOSSING TOOLSETTER (ammunition) 616.260-010 06.01.02 EMBOSSOGRAPH OPERATOR (any ind.) 652.682-014 06.02.09 EMBROIDERER, HAND (trim. & embroid.) 782.684-018, 06.02.27 EMBROIDERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.682- 022 06.02.05 EMBROIDERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.685- 018 06.04.05 EMBROIDERY PATTERNMAKER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 782.361-01 4 01.06.03 Embroidery Supervisor (house furn.; trim. & embroid.) :SEWING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 787. 132-010 06.02.01 EMBROIDERY SUPERVISOR (trim. & embroid.) 689. 130-010 06.02.01 Emergency-Crew Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :LINE SU- PERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 821.131-01405.05.05 Emergency-Detail Driver (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (medical ser.) 079. 1 17-010 11.07.02 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICHAN 079.374-0 1 0 1 0.03.02 Emery-Wheel Molder (abrasive & polish. prod.) ABRASIVE- WHEEL MOLDER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 575.685-010 06.02.18 employee relations administrator :DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.): 166. 117-010 11.05.02 employee-service officer :MANAGER, EMPLOYEE WEL- FARE (profess. & kin.): 166. 1 17-014 11.05.02 employee services manager :MANAGER, BENEFITS (profess. & kin.): 166. 167-018 11.05.02 EMPLOYMENT-AND-CLAIMS AIDE (gov. ser.) 169.367-010 07.04.01 EMPLOYMENT CLERK (clerical) 205.362-014 * 07.04.01 EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWER (profess. & kin.) 166.267- 0 1 0 1 1.03.04 employment supervisor :MANAGER, EMPLOYMENT (profess. & kin.): 166. 167–030. 11.05.02 Emulsification Operator (oils & fats) :CHEMICAL OPERA- TOR (chem.) II; 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 Emulsion Operator (chem.) :MAKE-UP OPERATOR (chem.): 559.382-034 06.02.11 enamel burner :OVEN TENDER (paint & varn.): 553.685-082 06.04.21 enamel cracker 06.04.34 Enamel Dipper (any ind.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 enamel drier :ENAMELER (plumb. supplies): 509.684-010 06.04.33 - ENAMELER (jewelry) 740.684-018 01.06.03 enameler :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687-010 06.04.27 ENAMELER (plumb. supplies) 509.684-010 06.04.33 Enameler (pottery & porc.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74.1 .684-026 05.10.07 Enamel-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :IMPREGNATING- TANK OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 enamel pulverizer :PULVERIZER (jewelry): 770.687-030 06.04.34 Enamel Shader (paint & varn.) :TINTER (paint & varn.): 550.38 1-0 14 06.02.11 Enamel Sprayer (any ind.) I :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 Enamel Sprayer (any ind.) II :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 COORDINATOR (medical ser.) :PULVERIZER (jewelry): 770.687-030 449 ENCAPSULATOR 06.04.34 ENCAPSULATOR (elec. 06.04.24 Enchilada Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :MEXICAN FOOD MAKER, HAND (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.687-046 06.04.28 Encoder (finan. inst.) :PROOF-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. inst.): 217.382-010 * 07.06.02 ENDBAND CUTTER, HAND (hat & cap) 784.687-026 06.04.27 endbander :ENDBAND CUTTER, HAND (hat & 784.687–026 06.04.27 endband sizer :ENDBAND CUTTER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.687–026 06.04.27 END FINDER, FORMING DEPARTMENT (textile) 681.687- 0 1 0 06.03.02 END FINDER, ROVING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.) 689.687- 038 06.04.27 END FINDER, TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile) 689.687- 042 06.04.27 END FRAZER (smoking pipe) 665.685-01406.04.03 ENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685-042 06.04.04 end-lathe operator :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585,685-074 06.04.16 Endless-Bed-Drum Sander (woodworking) :MULTIPLE-DRUM SANDER (woodworking): 662.682-01406.0.2.03 endless-belt finisher :WEAVER, HAND (narrow fabrics; tex- tile): 782.684-062 06.02.27 Endless-Steamer Tender (textile) :AGER OPERATOR (textile): 582.585-0 1 0 06.04.16 ENDODONTIST (medical ser.) 072. 101-014 02.03.02 end operator :END STAPLER (wood. box): 669.685-054 06.04.20 Endorsement Clerk (insurance) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582- 066 * 07.06.02 end packer :COMPOUND-COATING-MACHINE BEARER (tinvare): 509.666-010 06.04.21 END POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.685-026 06.02.02 Ends-DOwn Checker (textile) :MACHINE-STOPPAGE- FREQUENCY CHECKER (textile): 221.367-034 05.09.03 END STAPLER (wood. box) 669.685-054 06.04.20 END-TOUCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cork 662.686-0 1 0 06.04.09 end trimmer SIZING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil): 662.685-030 06.04.03 end trimmer :HEADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pen- cil): 669.685-062 06.04.03 engine assembler ASSEMBLER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine): 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 ENGINE DISPATCHER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-018 05.09.02 Engine Emission Technician (profess. & kin.) :POLLUTION- CONTROL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 029.261-014 05.03.08 ENGINEER (water trans.) 197.130-010 * 05.06.02 engineer, automated equipment :AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT ENGINEER-TECHNICIAN (mach. mfg.): 638.261-010 05.05.05 engineer, booster and exhauster :GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 953.382-010 05.06.03 engineer, byproduct :ENGINEER, EXHAWJSTER (coke prod.): 950.362-010 05.06.04 engineer, chief :ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, TRANSMITTER (radio & twº broad.): 003. 167–034 05.01.03 Engineer, Chief (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130-0 1 0 * 05.06.02 Engineer, Design-and-Construction (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, POWER SYSTEM (light, heat, & power): 003.167-018 05.01.03 ENGINEER, EXHAUSTER (coke prod.) 950.362-010 05.06.04 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 556.684-014 equip.; electronics) 726.684-030 cap): OFF- prod.) Engineer, First Assistant (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197.130–010 * 05.06.02 Engineer, Fishing Vessel (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197.130-010 * 05.06.02 engineer, gas-pumping station :GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 953.382-010 05.06.03 engineer, geophysical laboratory :GEOPHYSICAL-LABORA- TORY CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 024.167-010 02.04.01 ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, STUDIO OPERATIONS (radio & tw broad.) 003. 167–030 05.01.03 ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, TRANSMITTER broad.) 003. 167–034 05.01.03 ENGINEERING ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 020.067-010 11.01.01 ENGINEERING ASSISTANT, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 007.161-018 05.03.02 engineering clerk :PARTS CATALOGER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; elec. equip.; electronics): 229.267-010 05.03.02 Engineering-Development Technician (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 ENGINEERING-DOCUMENT-CONTROL CLERK (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; electronics) 206.367-010 07.05.03 Engineering Geologist (profess. & kin.) :GEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-018 02.01.01 engineering illustrator :TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 017.281-034 05.03.02 Engineering Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, LIBRARY (library): 100. 167–026 11.02.04 ENGINEERING MODEL MAKER (inst. & app.) 600.260-010 05.05.07 engineering-release clerk :ENGINEERING-DOCUMENT-CON- TROL CLERK (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics): 206.367-010 07.05.03 engineering technician :MECHANICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007.161-026 ° 05.01.01 ENGINEER OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (light, heat, & power) 003. 167-026 05.01.03 Engineer, Operations-and-Maintenance (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, POWER SYSTEM (light, heat, & power): 003.167-018 05.01.03 Engineer, Remote Control, Diesel (r.r. trans.) :YARD EN- GINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-018 05.08.02 Engineer, Second Assistant (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197.130-010 * 05.06.02 ENGINEER, SOILS (profess. & kin.) 024.161-010 05.01.08 engineer, steam :MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 623.281-030 05.05.09 Engineer, Third Assistant (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130-010 * 05.06.02 Engine-Generator Assembler (engine & turbine) :ELECTRIC- MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.361-01 4 06.01.04 Engine-Head Repairer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 Engine Inspector (auto. ser.) :BUS INSPECTOR (auto. ser.): 620.28 1-030 05.05.09 engine-installation assembler ASSEMBLER, AIRCRAFT POWER PLANT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-022 * 06.02.22 Engine Installation Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 Engine Lathe Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) :LATHE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 604.362-010 06.01.03 engine-lathe operator, production :LATHE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.685-026 06.04.02 ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 604.380- 018 06.01.03 (radio & tv SPECIAL 450 ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 604.280–010 06.01.03 ENGINE REPAIRER, PRODUCTION 625.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 ENGINE REPAIRER, SERVICE (engine & turbine) 625.281- O 18 05.05.09 Engine-Repair Mechanic, Bus (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 Engine-Room Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 engine-service mechanic :MECHANIC, FIELD AND SERVICE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 621.281-026 05.05.09 engine supervisor CONDUCTOR, YARD (r.r. trans.): 910.137- 022 05.08.02 ENGINE TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.261- 0 1 4 06.01.05 ENGINE-TESTING SUPERVISOR (engine & turbine) 625.131- 0 1 0 06.01.01 ENGINE TURNER (jewelry) 704.381-018 01.06.01 engraved-roller inspector :ROLLER REPAIRER 979.38 1-026 01.06.01 engraver :GLASS CALIBRATOR (glass prod.): 775.584-010 06.02.31 ENGRAVER (glass prod.; mirror) 775.381-010 01.06.01 ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) I 979.381-010 05.10.05 ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) II 979.684-014 01.06.01 ENGRAVER APPRENTICE, DECORATIVE (engraving) 704.38 1-022 01.06.01 ENGRAVER, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch) 609.685-014 06.02.02 ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. & pub.) 979.281-014 01.06.01 Engraver, Copperplate (print. & pub.) :ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) I: 979.381-010 05.10.05 Engraver, Flatware (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.381-030 01.06.01 ENGRAVER, HAND, HARD METALS (engraving) 704.381- 026 01.06.01 ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving) 704.381- 030 01.06.01 Engraver, Jewelry (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.381-030 01.06.01 Engraver, Letter (print. & pub.) :ENGRAVER, PICTURE (print. & pub.): 979.281-018 01.06.01 Engraver, Lettering (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.381-030 01.06.01 . ENGRAVER, MACHINE (engraving) I 704.682-010 05.10.05 ENGRAVER, MACHINE (engraving) II 704.582-010 05.10.05 ENGRAVER, MACHINE (print, & pub.) 979.382-014 05.10.05 Engraver, Optical Frames (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704.381-030 01.06.01 Engraver, Ornamental Design (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, SOFT METALS (engraving): 704,381-030 01.06.01 (engine & turbine) (textile): ENGRAVER, PANTOGRAPH (engraving) I 704.382-010 05. 10.05 ENGRAVER, PANTOGRAPH (engraving) II 704.682-014 05.10.05 ENGRAVER, PICTURE (print. & pub.) 979.281-018 01.06.01 ENGRAVER, RUBBER (pen & pencil) 733.381-010 05.10.05 ENGRAVER, RUBBER (print, & pub.) 979.581-010 01.06.01 ENGRAVER, SEALS (pen & pencil) 704.381-034 01.06.01 engraver, signature :ENGRAVER, RUBBER (pen & pencil): 733.381 -0 1 0 05.10.05 Engraver, Steel Plate (print, & pub.) :ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) I: 979.381-010 05.10.05 ENGRAVER TENDER (glass prod.) 673.685-050 06.04.08 ENGRAVER, TIRE MOLD (mach. shop) 605.382-014 06.02.02 \ engraver, wood :ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. & pub.): 979.281-01 4 01.06.01 engraving operator :PHOTOENGRAVER (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-022 01.06.01 engraving photographer :PHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOEN- GRAVING (electronics; print. & pub.): 971.382-014 01.06.01 ENGRAVING-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.382- O 10 * 05.10.05 Engravings Polisher (mirror) :POLISHER (glass mfg.; mirror): 775.684-058 06.04.30 ENGRAVING SUPERVISOR (engraving; jewelry) 704. 131-010 01.06.01 ENGROSSER (profess. & kin.) 970.661-010 01.06.03 enologist :WINE MAKER (vinous liquors): 183.161-014 05.02.03 • , enrober :ENROBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 524.685-026 06.04.15 enrober tender :ENROBING-MACHINE (confection.): 524.686-010 06.04.15 ENROBING-MACHINE CORDER (confection.) 524.684-018 06.04.28 ENROBING-MACHINE FEEDER (confection.) 524.686-010 06.04.15 ENROBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. tion.) 524.382-01 4 06.02.15 ENROBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 524.685- 026 06.04.15 enthone solder stripper :STRIP-TANK TENDER (firearms): 503.685-046 06.04.10 ENTOMOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-046 02.02.01 entrance guard :REGISTRAR (gov. ser.): 205.367-038 07.04.03 entry clerk :MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687- 026 05.09.01 entry clerk :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 Entry-Driver Operator (mining & quarrying) :CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.683-01405.11.02 Entry Examiner (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687- O 10 * 07.05.02 Entry Miner (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 envelope addresser ADDRESSER 07.07.02 envelope folder :FOLDER, HAND (paper goods): 794.687-022 06.04.26 ENVELOPE-FOLDING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (paper goods) 64 1.680-010 * 06.01.02 envelope-fold operator :ENVELOPE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-042 06.04.04 ENVELOPE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685- 042 06.04.04 Envelope-Press Operator (print. & pub.) I :CYLINDER-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 Envelope-Press Operator (print. & pub.) II :PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-018 * 05.05.13 Envelope-Sealing-Machine Operator (clerical) :SEALING- AND-CANCELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-026 05.12.19 envelope-stamping-machine operator CELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 05.12.19 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 029.081-010 02.01.02 ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM VICER (any ind.) 637.261-014 * 05.05.09 ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER-SER- VICER HELPER (any ind.) 637.664-010 05.10.01 environmental planner LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 Environmental-Research-Test Technician (profess. :INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN (profess. 0.03.261-010 05.01.01 FEEDER prod.; confec- (clerical): 209.587-010 :SEALING-AND-CAN- 208.685-026 INSTALLER-SER- & kin.) & kin.): 451 environmental scientist :ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 029.081-010 02.01.02 environmental technician :POLLUTION-CONTROL TECHNI- CIAN (profess. & kin.): 029.261-01405.03.08 Epitaxial-Reactor Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 equalizer STAVE-BOLT EQUALIZER (sawmill): 667.682-074 06.04.03 equalizer operator :STAVE-BOLT EQUALIZER (sawmill): 667.682-074 06.04.03 Equalizing-Saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTATIVE (gov. 168. 16.7-014 11.10.02 EQUESTRIAN (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-0 1 0 12.02.01 EQUIPMENT CLEANER (any ind.) 599.684-010 06.04.39 Equipment Cleaner (paint & varn.) :LABORER, GENERAL (paint & varn.); 559.685-1 10 06.04.11 EQUIPMENT CLEANER-AND-TESTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.584-010 06.04.39 equipment engineer :PROCUREMENT ENGINEER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 162. 157-034 05.03.03 equipment inspector :RAILROAD-CAR trans.): 910.387-014 05.07.01 EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.) 822.261-014 05.07.01 EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (any ind.) 828.381-010 05.10.04 equipment installer TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-022 05.05.05 equipment installer CENTRAL-OFFICE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.361-014 05.05.05 EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.) 822.381-010 05.05.05 Equipment-Inventory Clerk (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INVENTORY CLERK (clerical): 222.387-026 05.09.01 EQUIPMENT MONITOR, PHOTOTYPESETTING (print. & pub.) 650.682-010 05.10.05 equipment processer, storage :PRESERVATION INSPECTOR, MARINE EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 929.367-010 05.03.09 Equipment-Records Supervisor (const.) :STOCK-CONTROL SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 137-038 07.05.03 equipment scheduler AIRCRAFT-LOG CLERK (air trans.): 221,362–0 1 0 07.05.03 equipment-service engineer :AUTOMOTIVE-MAINTENANCE- EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any ind.): 620.281-018 05.05.09 Equipment Specialist (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 Equipment Sterilizer (dairy prod.) :EQUIPMENT CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684-010 06.04.39 equipment washer CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 erector :MACHINERY ERECTOR (engine & turbine; mach. mfg.): 638.261-014 * 05.05.09 erector :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCT (mach. shop): 706.684-018 06.02.23 erector :RIGGER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.261-014 05.05.06 erector appentice :RIGGER APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.261-018 05.05.06 erector operator :SHIELD RUNNER (const.): 05.11.01 Error-Ledger Clerk (clerical) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 21 6.587-01 4 07.02.02 Escalator Constructor (const.) :ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR (const.): 825.361-010 05.05.06 escapement matcher :BANKING PIN ADJUSTER (clock & watch): 715.381-018 * 06.01.04 ESCORT (any ind.) 353.667-010 09.05.08 ESCORT (per. ser.) 359.367-010 09.01.01 escort, blind :BLIND AIDE (per. ser.): 359.573-010 10.03.03 ESCORT-VEHICLE DRIVER (motor trans.) 9 19.663-022 05.08.03 ser.) INSPECTOR (r. r. 850.682-010 Escrow Clerk (clerical) :MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. inst.): 249.382-0 1 0 07.01.04 ESCROW OFFICER (profess. & kin.) 119.367-010 07.01.04 escrow secretary :MORTGAGE-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.); 203.382-022 07.05.03 ESTATE PLANNER (insurance) 186. 167-010 08.01.02 ESTIMATOR (profess. & kin.) 160.267-018 05.03.02 ESTIMATOR AND DRAFTER (light, heat, & power) 019.261- 0 1 4 05.03.02 estimator, automobile damage :APPRAISER, AUTOMOBILE DAMAGE (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-014 11.12.01 ESTIMATOR, JEWELRY (jewelry) 221.387-022 05.09.02 estimator, lumber :LUMBER ESTIMATOR (wood. box): 221.482-01 4 05.09.02 ESTIMATOR, PAPERBOARD BOXES (paper goods) 221.362- 018 05.09.02 ESTIMATOR, 05.09.02 Estimator, Printing-Plate-Making (print. & pub.) :ESTIMATOR, PRINTING (print. & pub.): 221.367-01405.09.02 ETCHED-CIRCUIT PROCESSOR (electronics) 590.684-018 06.02.32 etcher :ETCHER, ELECTROLYTIC (cut. & tools): 500.685- 0 1 0 06.04.10 Etcher (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 ETCHER (engraving) 704.684-010 01.06.01 etcher, aircraft :DYNAMIC-ETCHING PROCESSOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 704.381-01406.01.04 etcher apprentice :ETCHER APPRENTICE, PHOTOENGRAV- ING (print. & pub.): 971.381-010 01.06.01 PRINTING (print. & pub.) 221.367-014 PROCESSOR ETCHER APPRENTICE, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.) 971.381-010 01.06.01 ETCHER, ELECTROLYTIC (cut. & tools) 500.685-010 06.04.10 etcher, enameling :DIPPER (jewelry): 735.687-010 06.04.39 ETCHER, HAND (cut. & tools) 704.687-014 06.04.24 etcher, hand SILK-SCREEN ETCHER (engraving): 704.684- 0 1 4 06.04.24 ETCHER, HAND (print. & pub.) 97.1.261-010 01.06.01 ETCHER HELPER, HAND (print. & pub.) 971.687-010 05.12.03 ETCHER, MACHINE (cut. & tools) 619.685-042 06.04.02 ETCHER, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.) 971.381-014 01.06.01 ETCHER, PRINTED CIRCUITS (electronics) 590.685-030 06.04.19 etch-tank operator :ETCHER, (electronics): 590.685-030 06.04.19 Ethnographer (profess. & kin.) :ETHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067–022 11.03.03 ETHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 055.067-022 11.03.03 Ethylbenzene-Compressor Utility Operator (chem.) :UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) I: 559.682-066 06.02.11 Ethylbenzene-Converter Helper (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CON- VERTER-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.); 558.585-010 06.04.11 Ethylbenzene-Converter Operator (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CON- VERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 Ethylbenzene-Cracking Supervisor (chem.; petrol. :SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; refin.): 559. 132-078 06.01.01 Ethylbenzene Hydrogenator (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CON- VERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 . Ethylbenzene Oxidizer (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CONVERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 Ethyl Blender (petrol. refin.) :BLENDER (petrol. 540.462-010 06.02.12 Ethylene-Compressor Operator (chem.) :GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-01405.06.02 PRINTED CIRCUITS refin.) petrol. refin.): 452 Ethylene-Oxide Panelboard Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 Ethylene-Plant Helper (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CONVERTER- OPERATOR HELPER (chem.); 558.585-010 06.04.11 Ethylene-Plant Operator (chem.) :CATALYTIC-CONVERTER OPERATOR (chem.); 558.362-010 06.02.11 Etymologist (profess. & kin.) :PHILOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 059.067-0 1 0 1 1.03.02 evaluation assistant :TRUST-SECURITIES CLERK inst.): 219.362-062 07.02.02 EVALUATOR (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-034 05.09.02 Evaluator, Transfer Students (education) :ADMISSIONS EVALUATOR (education): 205.367-0 1 0 07.01.05 EVAPORATIVE-COOLER INSTALLER (any ind.) 637.381- 0 1 0 05.10.04 EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; sugar) 521.382-010 06.02.15 EVAPORATOR OPERATOR 06.02.11 EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 532.685-018 06.04.11 EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (wood distil. & char.) 553.682- 018 06.02.18 Evaporator Operator, Molasses (can. & preserv.) :EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; sugar): 521.382-010 06.02.15 Evaporator Repairer (chem.) :TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687-030 05.12.18 EXAMINATION PROCTOR (gov. ser.) 199.267-018 07.01.07 EXAMINER (glove & mit.) 789.687-042 06.03.02 EXAMINER (gov. ser.) 169.267-014 07.01.05 examiner :PAIRER (hosiery): 684.687-010 * 06.03.02 EXAMINER (print. & pub.) 979.687-010 06.03.02 examiner :FINISHER (trim. & embroid.): 789.687–050 06.03.02 EXAMINER (umbrella) 739.687-082 06.03.02 Examiner-Mender (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :MENDER (any ind.): 787.682-030 06.02.05 (finan. (chem.; glue) 553.382-018 EXAMINER, QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS (gov. ser.) 199.267-022 02.04.01 examiner-rating clerk :MEDICAL-VOUCHER CLERK (insurance): 214.482-018 07.02.04 Examining-Chair Assembler (furn.) :OPERATING-TABLE AS- SEMBLER (furn.): 706.381-026 06.01.04 EXCAVATOR (any ind.) 850.684-010 05.12.03 excelsior-machine feeder :EXCELSIOR-MACHINE TENDER (excelsior): 663.685-014 06.04.03 EXCELSIOR-MACHINE TENDER (excelsior) 663.685-014 06.04.03 Excelsior Picker (matt. & bedspring) :PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 680,685-078 06.04.06 EXCHANGE CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.362-018 07.02.02 EXECUTIVE CHEF (hotel & rest.) 187.1 61-010 11.05.02 executive-chef assistant :SOUS CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3 13. 13 l- 026 05.05.17 executive, community planning :DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (nonprofit organ.): 187.1 17-014 11.07.01 Executive Director, Contract Shop (nonprofit organ.) :EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, SHELTERED WORKSHOP (nonprofit organ.): 187.1 17-026 11.07.01 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NURSES’ ASSOCIATION (medical ser.) O75. 1 17-034 11.05.02 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, SHELTERED (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-026 11.07.01 EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 187. 16.7-046 11.11.01 EXECUTIVE PILOT (any ind.) 196.263-030 05.04.01 executive secretary ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (any ind.): 169.167-014 07.01.02 Executive Secretary (profess. & kin.) :ASSOCIATION EXECU- TIVE (profess. & kin.): 189. 117-010 11.05.01 WORKSHOP :EXECUTIVE (medical ser.): nurses' association ASSOCIATION executive secretary, DIRECTOR, NURSES’ 075. 1 1 7–034 11.05.02 executive secretary, social welfare :ADMINISTRATOR, SO- CIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.): 195. 117-010 11.07.01 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, STATE BOARD OF NURSING (gov. ser.) 169.1 17-010 11.05.03 executive steward/stewardess :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 310.137-018 05.12.17 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE (nonprofit organ.) 187.1 17-030 11.05.02 EXERCISER, HORSE (amuse. & rec.) 153.674-010 03.03.01 EXHAUST EQUIPMENT SET-UP MECHANIC (electronics) 599.380-0 10 06.01.03 Exhaust Operator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 exhaust tender :VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 EXHIBIT-DISPLAY REPRESENTATIVE (any ind.) 297.367- 0 1 0 09.01.02 exhibition carver 05.10.08 EXPANDING MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel) 617.685- 022 06.04.02 EXPANSION ENVELOPE MAKER, HAND (paper goods) 794.684-018 06.04.26 EXPANSION-JOINT BUILDER (rubber goods) 759.664-014 06.02.29 expansion-joint finisher :EXPANSION-JOINT (rubber goods): 759.664-01406.02.29 EXPEDITER (clerical) 222.367-018 07.05.01 expediter :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167– 0 1 4 05.09.02 expediter :MATERIAL EXPEDITER (clerical): 221.367-042 * 05.09.02 EXPEDITER CLERK (optical goods) 221.387-026 05.09.02 EXPEDITION SUPERVISOR (hunt. & trap.) 461. 134-010 03.04.03 EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats) 529.685-106 06.04.15 Expenditure-Requisition Clerk (light, heat, & power) :BUDGET CLERK (clerical): 216.382-022 07.01.04 Expense Clerk (clerical) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 210.382- 0 1 0 * 07.02.01 expense clerk :COST CLERK (clerical): 216.382-034 07.02.02 experimental aircraft and engine electrician, field and hanger :FLIGHT-TEST SHOP MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 621.381-010 05.05.09 experimental aircraft and engine mechanic, field and hangar :EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) II: 621.28 1-022 05.05.09 EXPERIMENTAL-AIRCRAFT MECHANIC aerospace mfg.) 693.260-01405.05.09 EXPERIMENTAL ASSEMBLER (any ind.) 739.381-026 + 05.05.11 EXPERIMENTAL-BOX TESTER (wood. box) 76.1.281-014 05.05.02 :CARVER (hotel & rest.): 316.661-010 BUILDER (aircraft- experimental-display builder :DISPLAY MAKER (signs): 739.36 1–010 01.06.02 Experimental Fabricator-and-Installer (wirework) :WIRE- MESH-FILTER FABRICATOR (wirework): 709.38 1-046 06.02.24 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) I 693.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.07 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) II 621.28 1-022 05.05.09 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (motor. & bicycles) 600.260- 0 1 4 05.05.09 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC, ELECTRICAL (motor. & bicycles) 806.281-014 05.05.10 453 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC, OUTBOARD MOTORS (engine & turbine) 623.261-010 05.05.09 Experimental Mechanic, Spacecraft (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) II: 621.28 1-022 05.05.09 experimental molder 06.01.04 EXPERIMENTAL-ROCKET-SLED MECHANIC aerospace mfg.) 825.281-038 05.05.05 experimental technician :MECHANICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007.161-026 ° 05.01.01 :MOLDER (found.): 518.361-010 * (aircraft- EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR (ammunition) I 737.687-042 06.04.34 EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR (ammunition) II 737.687-046 06.04.34 Explosive Operator, Bomb (ammunition) :EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR (ammunition) II: 737.687-046 06.04.34 Explosive Operator, Fuse (ammunition) :EXPLOSIVE OPERA- TOR (ammunition) II: 737.687-046 06.04.34 Explosive Operator, Grenade (ammunition) :EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR (ammunition) II: 737.687-046 06.04.34 EXPLOSIVE-OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 694. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.01 explosives operator :PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (fireworks): 694.685-038 06.04.09 EXPLOSIVES-TRUCK DRIVER (ammunition) 903.683-010 05.08.01 Export Clerk (clerical) :FOREIGN CLERK (clerical): 214.467- 0 1 0 07.02.04 Exporter (whole. tr.) :WHOLESALER (whole. tr.) II: 185.157– 018 11.05.04 EXPRESS CLERK (motor trans.; r.r. 07.03.01 Extended-Insurance Clerk (insurance) :POLICY-VALUE CAL- CULATOR (insurance): 216.382-050 07.02.03 extension agent :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 1 1.02.03 EXTENSION CLERK (light, heat, & power) 219.362-030 07.05.03 EXTENSION EDGER (paper goods) 641.685-046 06.04.04 extension-service agent :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 1 1.02.03 EXTENSION SERVICE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.) 096. 127-014 11.02.03 extension supervisor DISTRICT EXTENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 167-010 1 1.07.03 extension worker :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-0 1 0 1 1.02.03 EXTERMINATOR (any ind.) 389.684-010 05.10.09 EXTERMINATOR HELPER, TERMITE (bus. ser.) 383.687– 0 1 0 EXTERMINATOR, 05.10.09 external-cylindrical-grinder operator :GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach, shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 external grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, EXTER- NAL (mach. shop): 603.482-01406.02.02 External-Grinder Operator, Production :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION 603.685-062 external grinder, tool GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 EXTRA (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 159.647-0 1 4 01.08.01 extraction supervisor SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.): 549. 132-030 06.01.01 extract operator :PULPER TENDER 521.685–262 06.04.15 extractor :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 trans.) 222.367–022 TERMITE (bus. ser.) 383.364-010 (mach. (mach. shop) shop): (can. & preserv.): extractor COOK (glue): 553.665-018 06.04.19 extractor :WHIZZER (hat & cap): 581.685-070 06.04.16 extractor :PAD-EXTRACTOR TENDER (knit goods): 589.485- 0 1 0 06.04.16 EXTRACTOR-AND-WRINGER OPERATOR (coal tar prod.) 551.685-066 06.04.11 EXTRACTOR LOADER AND UNLOADER (glue) 551.686- 0 1 4 06.04.19 EXTRACTOR-MACHINE OPERATOR 521.665–01 4 06.04.15 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 581.685-038 06.04.16 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 521.685-1 18 06.04.15 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 551.685- 058 06.04.11 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (felt goods) 582.685-062 06.04.16 extractor operator :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (glue; grease & tallow) 551.685- 054 06.04.19 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (textile) 581.685-042 06.04.16 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (wood distil. & char.) 552.682-018 06.04.18 EXTRACTOR-OPERATOR HELPER (wood distil. & char.) 552.686-010 06.04.18 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR, SOLVENT PROCESS (chem.) 551.685-062 06.04.11 EXTRACTOR-PLANT OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lamp- black; grease & tallow) 559.665-018 06.02.18 Extractor Puller (grease & tallow) :HOPPER FEEDER (grease & tallow): 551.686-018 06.04.19 Extractor Tender, Raw Stock (textile) :EXTRACTOR OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 (can. & preserv.) extract wringer WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 extra-gang supervisor TRACK-LAYING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 134-022 05.11.01 EXTRUDER OPERATOR (build, board) 569.685-038 06.04.19 EXTRUDER OPERATOR (cereal) 520.682-018 06.02.15 EXTRUDER OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 557.382-0 1 0 * 06.02.13 EXTRUDER OPERATOR (forging) 614.482-014 06.02.02 extruder operator :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 EXTRUDER-OPERATOR HELPER (fabric. plastics plastics mat.) 557.564-010 06.04.13 Extruder-Operator Helper (forging) (forging): 619.666-010 06.04.40 Extruder Operator, Horizontal (build. board) :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (build. board): 569.685-038 06.04.19 Extruder Operator, Multiple (build. board) :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (build. board): 569.685-038 06.04.19 Extruder Operator, Vertical (build. board) :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (build. board): 569.685-038 06.04.19 EXTRUDER TENDER (rubber goods) 557.685-014 06.04.13 extruding-machine operator :CENTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.682-014 06.02.15 prod.; :FORGE HELPER EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 557.565-010 06.04.13 EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire) 69 1.382-010 * 06.02.09 EXTRUDING-PRESS OPERATOR (ammunition) 614.685-010 06.04.02 extruding-press operator :LEAD-PRESS OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.382-01 4 06.02.02 EXTRUSION BENDER (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 804.684- 0 1 4 06.02.24 EXTRUSION-PRESS ADJUSTER (elec. equip.) 614.380-010 06.01.02 454 EXTRUSION-PRESS OPERATOR (elec. equip.) I 614.482-018 06.02.18 EXTRUSION-PRESS OPERATOR (elec. equip.) II 614.685- 0 1 4 06.04.21 xtrusion-press operator :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (forging): 614.482-01 4 06.02.02 extrusion press supervisor SUPERVISOR, EXTRUSION (forging): 614. 132-01406.02.02 EYE-DROPPER ASSEMBLER (glass prod.) 739.687-086 06.04.23 - EYEGLASS-FRAME TRUER (optical goods) 713.684-026 06.04.02 EYEGLASS-LENS CUTTER (optical goods) 716.682-010 06.02.08 Eyeglass-Lens Generator (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GENERATOR (optical goods): 716.682-01406.02.08 Eyeglass-Lens Grinder (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods): 716.382-018 * 06.02.08 eyelet cutter :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 06.04.05 eyelet maker :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 EYELET-PUNCH OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) 699.685- 022 06.04.20 eyelet riveter :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 Eyelet-Row Marker (boot & shoe) :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-01 4 06.04.27 eyeletter EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR 699.685-018 06.04.05 eye specialist :OPHTHALMOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101- 058 02.03.01 e.e.g. technician :ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.362-022 10.03.01 e.k.g. technician :ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.362-018 10.03.01 ind.) 699.685-018 (any ind.): F FABRIC-AND-ACCESSORIES 221.482-0 1 0 05.09.02 fabric assembler FABRIC STRETCHER (matt. & bedspring): 709.667-0 1 0 06.04.22 fabricating-machine operator :MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.360-018 06.01.03 Fabrication Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899. 131-010 05.12.01 Fabrication Supervisor (sports equip.) :SUPERVISOR (sports equip.): 732. 130-010 06.02.01 Fabrication Technician (inst. & :ELECTROMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (inst. & 7 10.28 1-018 fabricator ASSEMBLER (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.684-010 06.04.24 FABRICATOR-ASSEMBLER, METAL PRODUCTS (any ind.) 809.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.24 FABRICATOR, FOAM RUBBER (any 06.04.29 FABRICATOR, INDUSTRIAL FURNACE 826.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.01 FABRICATOR, SHOWER DOORS AND PANELS (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 739.381-030 06.02.22 Fabricator, Special Items (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 FABRIC-COATING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods) 589. 130–01 4 06.01.01 fabric inspector :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND 78.1.687-01 4 06.03.02 ESTIMATOR (garment) app.) app.): ind.) 780.684-062 (mach. mſg.) (textile): FABRIC-LAY-OUT WORKER (textile) 589.687–022 06.04.27 FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) I 616.362-010 06.02.02 FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. 616.685-022 06.04.02 FABRIC NORMALIZER (rubber goods) 559.685-066 06.04.16 fabric-separator operator :STRAINER TENDER (rubber reclaim.); 551.365-010 06.02.07 FABRIC STRETCHER (matt. 06.04.22 FABRIC WORKER 06.02.27 Face-and-Fill Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 face cleaner :INSPECTOR, GLASS OR MIRROR (mirror): 779.687–022 06.03.02 face layer :VENEER-STOCK LAYER (veneer & plywood): 762.687-066 06.04.25 FACER (clock & watch) 770.582-010 06.02.30 facer :TRIMMER (silverware): 705.682-01 4 06.02.02 & bedspring) II & bedspring) 709.667-010 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 782.684-022 facer GOLF-CLUB FACER (sports equip.): 761.684-010 06.02.25 Facer, Buffing Wheel (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :ROUNDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. 585.685-086 06.04.05 facer operator :PLANER OPERATOR 665.682-022 06.02.03 Facial Operator (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-0 1 0 * 09.02.01 FACILITIES-FLIGHT-CHECK PILOT (gov. ser.) 196.263-034 05.04.01 FACILITIES PLANNER (any ind.) 019.261-018 05.01.06 FACILITY EXAMINER (tel. & tel.) 959.367-014 05.05.05 FACING BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-102 06.02.05 Facing-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment) :STRIP- CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 - Facing-End Trimmer (knit goods) :TRIMMER, HAND (any ind.): 781.687-070 06.04.27 facing grinder ABRASIVE GRINDER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 673.685-010 06.02.09 FACING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 604.685- 0 1 4 06.02.02 Facing-Slitter (garment; knit goods) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 facsimile operator :PHOTORADIO OPERATOR (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.): 193.362-010 07.04.05 FACTORER (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-026 11.06.03 factory engineer :PLANT ENGINEER (profess. 007. 16.7-01 4 05.01.08 FACTORY HELPER (confection.) 529.686-034 06.04.15 FACTORY LAY-OUT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012. 16.7- 018 05.01.06 faculty dean ACADEMIC DEAN (education): 090.1 ! 7-0 10 11.07.03 FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE (education) 090.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 Faculty Member, Technical Institute (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 Fagoting-Machine Operator (garment) :ZIGZAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-278 06.02.05 FALLER (logging) I 454.384-010 03.04.02 FALLER (logging) II 454.684-01403.04.02 Falsework Builder (const.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.38 1-042 05.05.02 family counselor CASEWORKER, FAMILY (social 195. 107-0 18 10.01.02 prod., n.e.c.): (woodworking): & kin.): OR UNIVERSITY ser.): 455 Family-Dinner Service Specialist (dom. ser.) :COOK (dom. ser.): 305.28 1.010 05.10.08 family physician FAMILY PRACTITIONER (medical ser.): 070. 101-026 02.03.01 FAMILY PRACTITIONER 02.03.01 Fan Balancer (elec. equip.) :STATIC BALANCER (any ind.): 724.384-01 4 06.03.01 FAN-BLADE ALINER (elec. equip.) 706.687-018 06.04.24 fan-blade truer FAN-BLADE ALINER (elec. equip.): 706.687– 018 06.04.24 Fancy Packer (ret. tr., whole. tr.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 Fancy Sewer (leather prod.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (leather prod.): 783.682-014 06.02.05 Fancy Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Fancy-Stitch Marker (boot & shoe) :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-01 4 06.04.27 FANCY-WIRE DRAWER (inst. & app.; jewelry) 614.682-014 06.02.02 FANCY-WIRE DRAWER (jewelry) 700.381-014 01.06.01 Fan-Mail Clerk (amuse. & rec.) :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 farebox repairer :REGISTER REPAIRER (r.r. trans.): 7 10.681- 018 05.10.02 FARE-REGISTER REPAIRER (motor trans.) 729.384-014 05.10.03 farm adviser COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 11.02.03 farm agent COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-0 1 0 1 1.02.03 farm butcher :MEAT DRESSER (agric.): 525.664-010 03.04.05 farm-crew leader :MIGRANT LEADER (agric.): 180.167–050 03.01.01 FARM-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) I 624.281- 0 1 0 05.05.09 FARM-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) II 624.381- 014 05.10.02 FARM-EOUIPMENT-MECHANIC equip.) 624.281-01405.05.09 FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.) 401.161-010 03.01.01 FARMER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agric.) 407.161-010 03.01.01 FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.) 404.161-010 03.01.01 FARMER, GENERAL (agric.) 421.161-010 03.01.01 FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.) 403.161- 0 1 0 03.01.01 FARMER, VEGETABLE (agric.) 402.161-010 03.01.01 FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.) 403.161-01403.01.01 farm-labor contractor :HARVEST CONTRACTOR (agric.): 409. 1 17-0 1 0 03.01.01 farm laborer :FARMWORKER, GENERAL 42 1.687-0 1 0 03.04.01 FARM-MACHINE OPERATOR (agric.) 409.683-010 03.04.01 Farm-Machinery-and-Equipment-Rental Clerk (bus. ser.) :TRAILER-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.): 295.467–022 09.04.02 FARM-MACHINERY SET-UP MECHANIC (agric. 624.381-018 05.05.09 FARM-MACHINE TENDER (agric.) 409.685-010 03.04.01 Farm-Management Agent (gov. ser.) : COUNTY-AGRICUL- TURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 0.96.127-010 11.02.03 farm mechanic :FARM-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) II: 624.381-01405.10.02 farm mechanic :FARM-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) I: 624.281-010 05.05.09 farm-mechanic apprentice :FARM-EQUIPMENT-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (agric. equip.); 624.281-01405.05.09 (medical ser.) 070. 101-026 APPRENTICE (agric. (agric.) II: equip.) fastener-sewing-machine farm-seed specialist SEED ANALYST (profess. 040.361-01 4 02.04.02 farmworker, animal :ANIMAL CARETAKER 4 10.674-010 03.03.02 Farmworker, Berry (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) II: 403.687-010 03.04.01 Farmworker, Brooder Farm (agric.) POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, BULBS (agric.) 405,683-010 03.04.04 Farmworker, Chicken Farm (agric.) :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 Farmworker, Cranberry (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) II: 403.687-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, DAIRY (agric.) 410.684-010 * 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agric.) I 407,663– 0 1 0 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agric.) II 407,687- 0 1 0 03.04.01 Farmworker, Egg-Producing Farm (agric.) :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 & kin.) (any ind.): :FARMWORKER, FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) I 404.663-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) II 404.687-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) I 403.683-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) II 403.687-010 03.04.01 Farmworker, Fryer Farm (agric.) :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 Farmworker, Fur (agric.) :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 4 10.674-010 03.03.02 FARMWORKER, GENERAL (agric.) I 421.683-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, GENERAL (agric.) II 421.687-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, GRAIN (agric.) I 401.683-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, GRAIN (agric.) II 401.687-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, LIVESTOCK (agric.) 410.664-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, MACHINE (agric.) 409.686-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.) 411.584-010 03.04.01 Farmworker, Pullet Farm (agric.) :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, RICE (agric.) 401.683-01403.04.01 Farmworker, Turkey Farm (agric.) :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) I 402.663-010 03.04.01 FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) II 402.687-010 03.04.01 FASHION ARTIST (ret. tr.) 141.061-014 01.02.03 Fashion Consultant (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 FASHION COORDINATOR (ret. tr.) 185. 157-010 11.09.01 fashion designer CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 fashion model :MODEL (garment; ret. tr., whole. tr.): 297,667- 0 1 4 01.08.01 fashion stylist :FASHION COORDINATOR (ret. tr.): 185.157- 0 1 0 1 1.09.01 fast-brim pouncer :BRIM-POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-010 06.04.16 fastener :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Fastener Attacher (any ind.) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-162 06.04.05 FASTENER-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.685-010 06.04.05 operator : BUTTON-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-010 06.04.05 Fatback Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-054 06.04.28 456 FAT-PURIFICATION WORKER (oils & fats) 551.685-070 06.02.11 Fats and Oils Loader (soap) :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667- 010 06.04.40 Feather Baler (house furn.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 :FEATHER SHAPER (artif. Feather Boner (artif. flower) flower): 734,684-010 06.04.34 feather-crushing-machine operator MACHINE OPERATOR (house 06.04.09 FEATHER-CURLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 589.686-018 06.04.09 FEATHER-CUTTING-MACHINE FEEDER 585.686-010 06.04.09 FEATHER-DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 581.686-034 06.04.09 FEATHER-DUSTER WINDER (house furn.) 06.04.23 featheredge-machine operator REDUCER, MACHINE (boot 06.04.05 FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-166 06.04.05 featherer :POWER-CHISEL OPERATOR (cut. 701.687-030 06.04.25 Feather Grader (house furn.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 FEATHER MIXER (house furn.) 589.685-050 06.04.09 FEATHER RENOVATOR (clean., dye., & press.) 362.685-010 06.04.35 - feather renovator :RENOVATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 589.685-082 06.04.19 FEATHER SAWYER (sports equip.) 732.685-01406.04.09 FEATHER SEPARATOR (house furn.) 589.685-054 06.04.09 | FEATHER SHAPER (artif, flower) 734.684-010 06.04.34 FEATHER STITCHER (sports equip.) 732.684-050 06.04.34 Feather Trimmer (artif. flower) :FEATHER SHAPER (artif. flower): 734.684-010 06.04.34 FEATHER WASHER (house furn.) 582.685-066 06.04.19 :FEATHER-CURLING- furn.): 589.686-018 (house furn.) 734.684-014 :FEATHEREDGER AND & shoe): 690.685-166 & tools): FEDERAL AID COORDINATOR (gov. ser.) 188.167–054 11.05.03 Federal-Housing-Administration-Loan Auditor (insurance) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 FEE CLERK (finan. inst.) 214.362-018 07.02.02 FEED AND FARM MANAGEMENT ADVISER (agric.; ret. tr.) 096. 127-018 11.02.03 feed-and-pellet operator :PELLET-MILL OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-178 06.04.15 FEED BLENDER (corn prod.) 520.685-094 06.04.15 feed-cup-sewing-machine operator :FUR-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (garment): 786.682-122 06.02.05 Feed-Drier Tender (corn prod.) :DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-058 06.04.15 feed elevator worker :FEED WEIGHER (corn prod.): 920.685- 058 06.04.38 feeder :MIXER (asbestos prod.): 570.685-050 06.04.19 feeder ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 feeder :HAT-FORMING-MACHINE FEEDER (hat & cap): 586.686-018 06.04.05 feeder :MOLDER HELPER (optical goods): 575.686-014 06.04.13 FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco) 529.686-038 06.04.40 feeder loader :FEED-MIXER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686-018 06.04.15 feeder operator :CENTRIFUGAL SPINNER (conc. 575.664-0 1 0 06.04.21 prod.): feeder operator :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685- 098 06.04.15 Feeder Operator, Automatic (grain & feed mill.) MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15. FEEDER-SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362-01 4 05.06.01 feeder tender :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 feeder worker power-unit operator :INSULATION-POWER- UNIT TENDER (const.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 863.685-010 05.11.01 FEED GRINDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-122 06.04.15 Feed-in Tender, Dehairing Machine (slaught. & meat pack.) :DEHAIRING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-018 06.04.15 FEED-IN WORKER (grain & feed mill.) 929.686-022 05.12.03 feed miller GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 521.682-026 06.02.15 FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-098 06.04.15 FEED-MIXER HELPER (grain & feed mill.) 520.686-018 06.04.15 Feed-Preparation Operator (mining & quarrying) :SCREEN OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.685-050 06.04.08 FEED-RESEARCH AIDE (agric.) 049.364-010 02.04.02 FEED WEIGHER (corn prod.) 920.685-058 06.04.38 :FEED FELLED-SEAM OPERATOR, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-106 06.02.05 feller HEMMER, BLINDSTITCH (garment): 786.682-126 06.02.05 Feller-Buncher Operator (logging) :TREE-SHEAR OPERATOR (logging): 454.683-010 03.04.02 Feller, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 feller operator :TREE-SHEAR OPERATOR (logging): 454.683- 0 1 0 03.04.02 felling-machine operator :FELLED-SEAM OPERATOR, CHAINSTITCH (garment): 786.682-106 06.02.05 FELT CARBONIZER (felt goods) 586.687-010 06.04.16 felt cementer TENNIS-BALL-COVER CEMENTER (sports equip.): 795.687-030 06.04.34 felt-coating-and-mixing supervisor :FABRIC-COATING SUPER- VISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130-014 06.01.01 felt coverer TENNIS-BALL COVERER, HAND (sports equip.): 795.687-026 06.04.27 FELT CUTTER (ammunition) 686.685-026 06.04.05 FELT-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods) 686.682-018 06.02.05 Felt-Dyeing-Machine Tender (felt goods) :FELT-WASHING- MACHINE TENDER (felt goods): 582.685-070 06.04.16 felter :GARNETTER (felt goods; house furn.; matt. & bed- spring; waste & batting): 680.685-054 06.04.06 felter, tennis balls TENNIS-BALL COVERER, HAND (sports equip.): 795.687-026 06.04.27 felt finisher TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods): 586.685-038 06.03.02 Felt-Finishing Supervisor (felt goods) :FABRIC-COATING SU- PERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130-014 06.01.01 FELT-GOODS SUPERVISOR, NEEDLE PROCESS goods) 689. 130-01406.02.01 FELT HANGER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.686-01 4 06.04.19 Felt-Hat-Flanging Operator (hat & cap) :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 Felt-Hat Inspector and Packer (hat & cap) :INSPECTOR- PACKER (hat & cap): 784.687-042 06.03.02 Felt-Hat-Mellowing-Machine Operator (hat :MELLOWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat 585.685-066 06.04.16 (felt & & cap) cap): 457 felt-hat-pouncing operator, hand :CROWN POUNCER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.687-018 06.04.27 FELT-HAT STEAMER (hat & cap) 582.687-018 06.04.27 FELTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods) 586.662-010 06.02.05 felting-machine operator :GARNETTER (felt goods; house furn.; matt. & bedspring; waste & batting): 680.685-054 06.04.06 FELTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER 586.686-01 4 06.04.05 FELTMAKER AND WEIGHER (felt goods) 586.685-022 06.04.16 Felt-Pad Cutter (artif. flower) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III: 781.687-030 06.04.34 Felt-Pad Cutter (felt goods) :CARPET CUTTER (carpet & rug) II: 585.687-01406.04.27 felt puller :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) I: 580.684-010 06.02.27 FELT-STRIP FINISHER (felt goods) 586.685-018 06.04.16 FELT-TIPPING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 686.686- 0 1 0 06.04.09 FELT-WASHING-MACHINE TENDER (felt goods) 582.685- 070 06.04.16 Female Impersonator (amuse. & rec.) (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-018 01.03.02 FENCE ERECTOR (const.) 869.684-022 05.10.01 FENCE-ERECTOR SUPERVISOR (const.) 05.10.01 Fence-Gate Assembler (const.) :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684-022 05.10.01 FENCE-MAKING MACHINE 616.582-0 1 0 06.02.02 Fence-Post Cutter (agric.) :TREE CUTTER (agric.; logging): 454.684-026 03.04.02 Fence Setter (const.) :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684- 022 05.10.01 Fence Stretcher (const.) :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684- 022 05.10.01 - FERMENTATION OPERATOR (chem.) 558.682-018 06.02.11 FERMENTATION OPERATOR (distilled liquors) 522.382-014 06.02.15 Fermenter, Champagne (vinous liquors) :FERMENTER, WINE (vinous liquors): 522.685-062 06.04.15 fermenter helper :GENERAL HELPER (food prep., n.e.c.): 522.686-01 4 06.04.40 FERMENTER OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 559.685- 070 06.04.11 FERMENTER, WINE (vinous liquors) 522.685-062 06.04.15 Ferris-Wheel Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 ferruler ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687–01 4 06.04.23 FERRYBOAT CAPTAIN (water trans.) 197.163-010 05.04.02 Ferryboat Deckhand (water trans.) :DECKHAND (water trans.): 91 1.687–022 05.08.04 ferryboat helper :FERRYBOAT-OPERATOR HELPER (water trans.): 91 1.667-010 05.12.03 FERRYBOAT OPERATOR 05.04.02 - - FERRYBOAT OPERATOR, CABLE (water trans.) 91 1.664- 0 1 0 05.12.03 FERRYBOAT-OPERATOR HELPER ‘(water trans.) 91 1.667- 0 1 0 05.12.03 ferry operator :FERRYBOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 91 1.363-0 1 0 05.04.02 ferry operator :FERRYBOAT OPERATOR, CABLE (water trans.): 91 1.664-010 05.12.03 ferry-terminal agent SUPERVISOR, FERRY TERMINAL (water trans.): 911. 137-026 11.11.03 FERTILIZER MIXER (chem.) 550.665-018 06.04.11 (felt goods) : IMPERSONATOR 869. 1 34-010 OPERATOR (wirework) (water trans.) 91 1.363-010 FETTLER (brick & tile) 779.684-018 06.04.30 fettler :FURNACE CHARGER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 512.483-010 06.02.10 fettler :FINISHER (pottery & porc.): 774,684-018 06.04.30 fiber-drier operator :RAW-STOCK-DRIER TENDER (textile): 581.685-046 06.04.16 FIBERGLASS-BONDING-MACHINE TENDER 574.665-010 06.04.16 (glass mfg.) FIBERGLASS-CONTAINER-WINDING OPERATOR (glass prod.) 579.584-010 06.04.13 FIBERGLASS-DOWEL-DRAWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 575.682-010 06.04.13 FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.; trans. equip.) 806.684-054 06.02.32 FIBERGLASS-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass prod.) 574.682- 0 1 0 06.02.13 Fiber-Heel-Piece Shaper (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 FIBER-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.) 575.685-030 06.04.13 Fiber Picker (matt, & bedspring) :PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 FIBER TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-026 05.01.08 Fidelity-and-Surety-Bonds-Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.; insurance) :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.2 17-010 * 11.12.01 Field-and-Yoke Assembler (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 FIELD-ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (mfd. blógs.) 869.131-018 05.10.01 field attendant :DRIVE-IN THEATER ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 349.673-010 09.05.04 Field Auditor (gov. ser.) :AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.): 160. 167–038 11.06.01 field captain :UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-018 12.01.02 FIELD CASHIER (const.) 219.137-010 07.02.02 Field Clerk (clerical) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 field clerk :FIELD RECORDER (light, 229.367-0 10 05.09.02 Field-Coil Assembler (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Field-Coil Enameler (any ind.) :DIPPER AND BAKER (any ind.): 599.685-030 06.04.21 Field-Coil Repairer (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 Field-Coil Winder (any ind.) :COIL WINDER, REPAIR (any ind.): 724.381-014 06.02.32 Field-Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 FIELD-CONTACT TECHNICIAN (dairy prod.) 162. 117-026 08.01.03 FIELD CONTRACTOR (any ind.) 162. 117-022 03.01.01 field control inspector :POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) I: 375.267–026 04.01.01 field director :DIRECTOR, FIELD (social ser.): 195. 167–022 11.07.01 FIELD ENGINEER (electronics) 828.261-014 05.05.05 field engineer :MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE REPRESEN- TATIVE (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 638.261-018 * 05.05.09 FIELD ENGINEER (radio & tv broad.) 193.262-018 05.03.05 FIELD ENGINEER, SPECIALIST (petrol. production) 0 1 0.261-010 05.03.04 field-equipment-maintenance mechanic, farm :FARM-EQUIP- MENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) II: 624.381-01405.10.02 field gager :GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.384-010 05.06.03 FIELD HAULER (agric.) 409.683-01403.04.01 heat, & power): 458 field inspector :FIRE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 373.267-010 11.10.03 field inspector :POLE INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power): 869.387-0 1 0 05.07.01 field inspector CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power): 959.361-010 05.10.04 FIELD INSPECTOR, DISEASE AND INSECT CONTROL (agric.) 408.687-010 03.02.04 Field-Kiln Burner (brick & tile) :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-0 1 0 06.04.17 FIELD-MAP EDITOR (profess. & kin.) 0 18.262-010 05.03.02 Field Mechanic (petrol. production) :OIL-FIELD EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (petrol. production): 629.381-01405.05.09 FIELD-MECHANICAL-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 953.281-010 05.05.09 field operating superintendent :MANAGER, BULK PLANT (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.): 181.1 17-010 05.02.07 field operator :PUMPER, HEAD (petrol. production): 914.382- 022 05.06.03 Field Operator (petrol. production) :GAS-METER MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) I: 710.381-022 05.10.02 field-party manager :MANAGER, FIELD PARTY, GEOPHYSI- CAL PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 181. 167-010 11.11.04 - FIELD RECORDER (light, 05.09.02 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (bus. ser; whole, tr.) 163.267-010 11.05.04 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (profess. 11.07.01 field representative :DEALER-COMPLIANCE REPRESENTA- TIVE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 168.267-026 11.10.05 field return repairer :THERMOSTAT REPAIRER (inst. & app.): 710.381-050 05.10.02 heat, & power) 229.367-010 & kin.) 189.267-010 FIELD-RING ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 721.484-014 06.02.23 field seismologist :OBSERVER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 010.161-018 05.03.04 FIELD-SERVICE ENGINEER (aircraft-aerospace 002. 167–01 4 05.01.04 FIELD-SERVICE ENGINEER (photo. apparatus) 826.261-010 05.05.13 field Servicer :MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE REPRESENTA- TIVE (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 638.261-018 * 05.05.09 FIELD-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE mfg.; air trans.) 621.221-010 05.05.09 field-service representative :FIELD ENGINEER (electronics): 828.261-01 4 05.05.05 FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN, POULTRY (agric.) 4.11.267- 0 1 0 03.01.01 field supervisor SUPERVISOR, VEGETABLE FARMING (agric.): 402.131-010 03.02.01 field supervisor SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899. 133-0 1 0 05.12.18 field supervisor SUPERVISOR, (clerical): 205.137-014 07.04.01 FIELD SUPERVISOR, BROADCAST (radio & tv broad.) 193, 167-014 05.03.05 FIELD SUPERVISOR, OIL-WELL SERVICES (petrol. produc- tion) 930. 131-010 05.02.05 FIELD SUPERVISOR, SEED PRODUCTION (agric.) 180. 167- O 1 4 03.02.01 field-technical representative :FIELD ENGINEER (electronics): 828.261-01 4 05.05.05 field technician :CHRISTMAS-TREE CONTRACTOR (any ind.): 162. 117-010 08.01.03 field technician :FIELD ENGINEER (radio & tv broad.): 193.262-018 05.03.05 mfg.) (aircraft-aerospace SURVEY WORKERS Fig-Bar-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :CRACKER-AND- COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.482-010 06.02.15 FIG CAPRIFIER (agric.) 403.687-01403.04.01 Fig Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 FIGURE REFINISHER AND REPAIRER (ret. tr.) 739.381-034 01.06.02 Fig Washer (food º prep., ne.c.)Pº21.68&fib &R!EPs FRUIT WASHER Filament-Coil Winder (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Filament Dissolver (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Filament Maker (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Filbert Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 FILE CLERK (clerical) I 206.362-010 07.07.01 FILE CLERK (clerical) II 206.367-014 07.05.03 File Clerk, Correspondence (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: 206.362-010 07.07.01 File Clerk, Drawings (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: 206.362-010 07.07.01 File Clerk, Film (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) II: 206.36.7- 014 * 07.05.03 File Clerk, Geological Records (petrol. production) CLERK (clerical) II: 206.367-014 * 07.05.03 File Clerk, Maps (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) II: 206.367- O 1 4 * 07.05.03 File Clerk, Medical Records (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) II: 206.367-014 * 07.05.03 File Clerk, Soundex System (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: 206.362–0 1 0 07.07.01 File. Clerk, Stencils (clerical) 206.362-010 07.07.01 File Clerk, X-Rays (medical ser.) :FILE CLERK (clerical) II: 206.367-014 * 07.05.03 FILE CUTTER (cut. & tools) 605.685-014 06.04.02 file-drawer finisher :DRAWER UPFITTER (furn.): 706.684-050 06.04.23 filer SAW FILER (any ind.): 701.381-014 05.05.07 FILER (jewelry) 700.684-034 06.04.24 FILER AND SANDER (woodworking) 705.684-018 06.04.24 FILER, FINISH (firearms) 705.481-010 06.01.04 FILER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop) 705.484-010 05.05.07 filer, metal patterns :PATTERNMAKER, ME'. AL, BENCH (found.): 693.281-018 05.05.06 Filer Repairer (firearms) :FILER, FINISH (firearms): 705.481– 0 1 0 06.01.04 FILING-AND-POLISHING SUPERVISOR (firearms) 603.137– 0 1 0 06.02.01 Filing Writer (insurance) TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 + 07.06.02 Filler (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-0 18 * 06.04.38 filler :BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & 06.04.33 filler :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565- 0 1 0 06.02.12 Filler (elec. equip.; electronics) :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; electronics): 726.684-030 06.04.24 FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 780.684-066 06.04.23 filler :QUILT STUFFER (house furn.): 789.687-130 06.04.23 FILLER (inst. & app.) 710.684-022 06.02.30 filler :RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors): 920.665-014 06.04.38 filler :BLEACH-BOILER FILLER (paper & pulp): 533.685-010 06.04.14 :FILE :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: shoe): 788.684-022 459 FILLER (smoking pipe) 739.687-090 06.04.34 filler and sander :FRAME TRIMMER (mirror & pic. frames) II: 769.687–022 06.04.25 Filler and Trimmer (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) II: 783.687-010 06.04.23 filler blender :FILLER MIXER (tobacco): 06.04.28 FILLER-BLOCK INSERTER-REMOVER (furn.) 652.687-018 06.04.25 FILLER FEEDER (tobacco) 529.686-042 06.04.15 filler-in tinter :PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 01.06.03 filler-leaf cutter, long :BINDER CUTTER, HAND (tobacco): 521.687-0 1 4 06.04.28 filler mixer :ICING MIXER (bake. 06.04.15 FILLER MIXER (tobacco) 520.687-030 06.04.28 filler opener :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 520.687-030 970.38 1-022 prod.): 520.685-114 Filler Picker (tobacco) :PICKER (tobacco): 521.687-098 06.03.02 FILLER ROOM ATTENDANT (tobacco) 522.687-022 06.04.28 filler shaker :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 FILLER-SHREDDER HELPER (tobacco) 529,687-078 06.04.28 FILLER SHREDDER, MACHINE (tobacco) 529.685-1 10 06.04.15 filler-shredding-machine loader :FILLER-SHREDDER HELPER (tobacco): 529.687-078 06.04.28 filler-sifter helper :FILLER-SHREDDER HELPER (tobacco): 529.687-078 06.04.28 filler sifter, machine :FILLER SHREDDER, MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-1 10 06.04.15 FILLER SPREADER (tobacco) 521.687-046 06.04.28 filler stemmer, hand :STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): 521.687– 134 * 06.04.28 Filler Wiper (furn.) WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 FILLING-AND-STAPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom) 692.682-038 06.02.09 Filling Hauler, Weaving (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * filling inspector :YARN CLEANER (any ind.): 681.687-026 06.03.02 filling inspector :YARN EXAMINER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 681.687-030 06.03.02 Filling-Machine Feeder (can. & preserv.) :FISH-MACHINE FEEDER (can. & preserv.): 521.686-034 06.04.15 Filling-Machine Operator (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 filling-machine operator :DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (bake. prod.): 524.682-010 06.02.15 Filling-Machine Operator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 733.685-014 06.04.36 FILLING-MACHINE SET-UP MECHANIC (food prep., n.e.c.) 920.680-0 1 0 06.01.02 FILLING MACHINE TENDER (bake. prod.) 524.685-030 06.04.15 filling separator 06.03.02 filling sorter and hauler :YARN SORTER (textile): 689.687- O86 06.03.02 filling-station attendant :AUTOMOBILE-SERVICE-STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.467-010 * 05.10.02 filling winder :QUILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (textile): 681.685-074 06.04.06 Film Booker (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-014 11.12.03 :YARN SORTER (textile): 689.687-086 film booker :FILM-RENTAL CLERK (bus. 295.36.7-018 11.02.04 FILM-CASTING OPERATOR (plastics 06.02.13 film cutter :SILK-SCREEN CUTTER (any ind.): 979.681-022 01.06.01 film cutter :CUTTER (photofinish.): 976.685-010 06.04.09 FILM DEVELOPER (motion pic.; photofinish.) 976.382-018 05.10.05 Film Inspector (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.; photofinish.): 976.684-01405.10.05 FILM INSPECTOR (photofinish.) 976.362-010 05.10.05 FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion photofinish.) 976.684-01405.10.05 FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) I 976.381- 0 1 0 (02.04.01 FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) II 976.685- 018 05.12.14 film librarian AUDIOVISUAL LIBRARIAN (library): 100. 167- 0 1 0 1 1.02.04 Film Librarian (motion pic.) :FILM-OR-TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical): 222.367–026 11.02.04 FILM LOADER (motion pic.) 962.687-01405.12.03 ser.; ret. tr.): mat.) 559.682-022 pic.; film machine operator :DEVELOPER, AUTOMATIC (photofinish.): 976.685-01406.04.19 film masker :BLOCKER (print. & pub.) II: 971.684-010 06.03.02 Film Numberer (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.) II: 976.685-018 05.12.14 film numberer :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 FILM-OR-TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical) 222.367-026 11.02.04 film painter :BLOCKER (print. & pub.) II: 971.684-010 06.03.02 . FILM PRINTER (motion pic.) 976.682-010 05.10.05 Film Recordist (motion pic.) :RECORDIST (motion pic.): 962.382-010 05.10.05 FILM-RENTAL CLERK (bus. 11.02.04 FILM-REPLACEMENT ORDERER (motion pic.) 976.567-010 07.07.03 film SOrter :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 Film Splicer (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.; photofinish.): 976.684-014 05.10.05 FILM SPOOLER (photo. apparatus) 692.685-082 06.04.09 film technician SUPERVISOR, FILM PROCESSING (motion pic.; photofinish.; radio & twº broad.): 976. 131-01406.01.01 FILM-VAULT SUPERVISOR (motion pic.) 222.137-010 05.09.01 Filter Assembler, Prototype (electronics) :ELECTRONICS AS- SEMBLER, DEVELOPMENTAL (electronics): 726.261-010 05.05.05 Filter-Bed Placer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 FILTER CHANGER (malt liquors) 521.687-050 06.04.15 filter changer :FILTER CLEANER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.687-038 06.04.39 Filter-Cigarette-Making-Machine Operator (tobacco) :CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-066 06.04.15 FILTER CLEANER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) 559.687- 038 06.04.39 { Filter-Cloth Maker (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 filterer :FILTER CLEANER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.687-038 06.04.39 FILTER HELPER (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 551.685-074 06.04.19 ser.; ret. tr.) 295.367-0 18 460 FILTERING-MACHINE TENDER (corn prod.) 521.685-138 06.04.15 Filter Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 filter-machine operator SILICA-FILTER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 521.582-010 06.02.15 FILTER OPERATOR (any ind.) 551.685-078 06.04.19 filter operator :BRINE MAKER (chem.); 550.685-018 06.04.11 FILTER OPERATOR (corn prod.) 521.682-018 06.02.15 filter operator :LIQUOR BLENDER (distilled liquors): 522.382-018 06.02.15 filter operator :HYDRAULIC-STRAINER OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 551.582-010 06.02.13 FILTER OPERATOR (sugar; vinous 06.04.15 filter operator :WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks): 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 FILTER-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511 . 1 35-0 1 0 06.04.01 FILTER-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) 551.685-082 06.04.11 filter-press operator :MASH-FILTER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 521.565-014 06.04.15 filter-press pumper :PRESSROOM WORKER, FAT (grease & tallow): 559.685-146 06.04.19 Filter-Press Supervisor (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKING (chem.); 559. 132-122 06.02.01 FILTER-PRESS TENDER (glue; malt liquors) 599.685-042 06.04.19 FILTER-PRESS TENDER 06.04.15 FILTER-PRESS TENDER, HEAD (corn prod.) 521.665-018 06.04.15 filter-pulp washer :FILTER WASHER AND PRESSER (distilled liquors; glue; malt liquors): 599.685-038 06.04.19 FILTER-SCREEN CLEANER (malt liquors) 521.687–054 06.04.39 FILTER-TANK OPERATOR (coal tar prod.) 551.585-010 06.04.11 FILTER-TANK-TENDER HELPER, HEAD 521.685-1 34 06.04.15 * FILTER TENDER (corn prod.) 522.665-010 06.04.15 FILTER TENDER, JELLY (can. & preserv.) 529.685-114 06.04.15 Filter Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 FILTER WASHER (explosives) 559.687-042 06.04.39 FILTER WASHER AND PRESSER (distilled liquors; glue; malt liquors) 599.685-038 06.04.19 FILTRATION OPERATOR, POLYETHYLENE CATALYST (chem.) 551.562-010 06.02.11 filtration-plant mechanic TREATMENT-PLANT MECHANIC (waterworks): 630.281-038 05.05.09 Filtrose Crusher (chem.) :GRINDER OPERATOR (chem.): 555.685-034 06.04.11 final-application reviewer :REVIEWER (insurance): 209.687- 018 07.05.02 final assembler 06.02.23 FINAL ASSEMBLER (garment) 789.687-046 06.04.27 FINAL ASSEMBLER (office mach.) 706.381-018 06.01.04 FINAL ASSEMBLER (optical goods) 713.687-018 06.04.23 final-assembler apprentice ASSEMBLER-INSTALLER AP- PRENTICE, GENERAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.361- 0 1 0 06.02.22 - final assembler, boat :BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 806.484-014 05.10.01 - Final Assembler, Brass-Wind Instruments (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-0 1 0 06.02.23 liquors) 521.685-126 (vinous liquors) 521.685-130 (corn prod.) TESTER :ASSEMBLER (firearms) I: 736.381-010 Final-Block-Press Operator (explosives) :BLOCK-PRESS OPERATOR (explosives): 556.685-01406.04.11 final cigar and box examiner CIGAR INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.687-042 06.03.02 * Final-Coat Sprayer (leather mfg.) :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-014 06.04.27 FINAL-DRESSING CUTTER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684- 026 06.04.28 - final-electrical tester :ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.381-026 06.01.05 final finisher :INSTALLER (mfd. blogs.; trans. 869.684-026 06.02.22 FINAL FINISHER, FORGING DIES (mach. shop) 705.484-014 05.05.07 Final-Finish Supervisor (mfa. blogs.; trans. :SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS blags.; trans. equip.): 869. 131-030 06.02.01 Final-Inspection Supervisor (rubber reclaim.) :SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim.); 559. 132-058 06.02.01 FINAL INSPECTOR (auto. mfg.) 806.687-018 06.03.02 FINAL INSPECTOR (boot & shoe) 753.687-018 06.03.02 FINAL INSPECTOR (clock & watch) 715.38 1-050 06.01.05 final inspector :BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT (cooperage): 764.687-022 06.03.02 Final Inspector (cut. & tools) :LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR- AND-TESTER (cut. & tools): 701.687-026 06.03.02 FINAL INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 727.687-054 06.03.02 final inspector :FINISHING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 729.387-018 06.03.01 Final Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 Final Inspector (firearms) :INSPECTOR, (firearms): 736.387-010 06.03.01 final inspector :CASTING INSPECTOR (found.): 514.687-010 06.03.02 final inspector :FINISHED-STOCK 763.687–026 06.03.02 FINAL INSPECTOR (mirror) 779.387-010 06.03.01 FINAL INSPECTOR (musical inst.) 730.367-010 06.03.01 Final Inspector (office mach.) :MACHINE TESTER (office mach.): 706.387-014 06.03.01 Final Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 final inspector :TIRE INSPECTOR (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-030 06.03.02 final inspector :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 final inspector and tester :DEICER TESTER (rubber goods): 729.387–01 4 06.03.01 Final Inspector, Balance Wheel (clock & watch) :FINAL IN- SPECTOR, MOVEMENT ASSEMBLY (clock & watch): 715.684-094 * 06.01.05 FINAL INSPECTOR, MOTORCYLES (motor. 806.281-018 06.01.05 FINAL INSPECTOR, MOVEMENT watch) 715.684-094 06.01.05 FINAL INSPECTOR, PAPER (paper & pulp) 539.367-010 06.03.01 FINAL INSPECTOR, SHUTTLE (woodworking) 769,684-022 06.03.01 FINAL INSPECTOR, TRUCK TRAILER (auto. mfg.) 806.361- 018 06.01.05 Final-Rail Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) :FINAL-DRESSING CUTTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-026 06.04.28 final tester BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT (cooperage): 764.687–022 06.03.02 FINAL TESTER (elec. equip.) 721.261-014 06.01.05 final-touch-up painter :PAINTER, TOUCH-UP (any 749.684-038 05.10.07 equip.): equip.) (mfa. ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (furn.): & bicycles) ASSEMBLY (clock & ind.): 461 FINANCIAL-AID COUNSELOR (education) 169.267-0 18 07.01.01 FINANCIAL-AIDS OFFICER (education) 090. 1 17-030 11.07.03 FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; insurance) 020. 16.7-014 11.01.02 Financial Economist (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 0.50.067-010 1 1.03.05 Financial-Records Examiner (gov. ser.) AUDITOR, INTER- NAL (profess. & kin.): 160. 167–034 11.06.01 Fin Assembler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOOD- WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 finding fastener :PIN-OR-CLIP FASTENER (jewelry): 735.687- 022 06.04.23 FINE ARTS PACKER (museum) 102.367-0 10 05.03.09 fine-chemicals operator :PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chem.; plastics mat.); 559.382-046 * 02.04.01 Fine-Grade-Bulldozer Operator (any ind.) :BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 Fine Grader (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Fine Grinder (rubber reclaim.) :GRINDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 555.685-030 06.04.07 Fine Patcher (smoking pipe) :PATCHER (smoking pipe): 739.687-146 06.04.34 FINER (clock & watch) 715.684-098 06.04.23 Fine Sander (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684-030 06.04.34 . Fine-Wire Drawer (wire) :WIRE DRAWER (wire); 614.382– 0 1 0 06.02.02 Finger-Buff Sewer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 FINGER COBBLER (boot & shoe) 788.684-046 06.02.27 Fingerer (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 FINGER-GRIP-MACHINE OPERATOR (mirror) 673.685-054 06.02.08 FINGERPRINT CLASSIFIER (gov. ser.) 375.387-010 02.04.01 FINGERPRINT CLERK (gov. ser.) I 209.367–026 07.04.03 FINGERPRINT CLERK (gov. ser.) II 206.387-014 07.05.03 fingerprint expert :FINGERPRINT CLASSIFIER (gov. ser.): 375.387-0 1 0 (02.04.01 Finger Waver (per. ser.) 332.27 1-0 1 0 * 09.02.01 Finish Carpenter (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): finish cleaner :FINISH PATCHER (furn.): 763.684-034 05.10.01 Finish-Coat-Mill Operator (coated fabrics) :COATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (coated fabrics): 584.382-010 06.02.21 finished-car inspector :MOTOR AND CHASSIS INSPECTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.281-042 06.01.05 finished-cigar maker :CIGAR MAKER (tobacco): 790.684-014 06.04.28 finished-cloth checker :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile): 781.687–01 4 06.03.02 Finished-Cloth Examiner (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 Finished-Garment Inspector (garment; knit goods) :GARMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 finished-goods inspector :MAJOR-ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (agric. equip.): 801.381-018 06.01.05 Finished-Goods Stock Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 Finished-Hardware Erector (const.) 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 finished-leather presser :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; prod.): 690.682-030 06.02.05 FINISHED-STOCK INSPECTOR (furn.) 763.687-026 06.03.02 :STOCK CLERK :CARPENTER (const.): leather finished-wire inspector :INSPECTOR, WIRE (wire; wirework): 691.367-010 06.03.01 finished-yarn examiner :YARN EXAMINER synthetic fibers; textile): 681.687-030 06.03.02 finished-yarn examiner :YARN EXAMINER, SKEINS (textile): 689.687-082 06.03.02 finisher :LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.): 705.687-01 4 06.04.34 finisher TRIMMER, HAND (any ind.): 781.687-070 06.04.27 finisher :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684-022 06.04.28 finisher :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 finisher :PIPE FINISHER (brick & tile): 779.684-042 06.04.30 finisher :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; con- fection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 finisher :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-010 06.04.25 (glass mfg.; finisher :GLAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 573.685-018 06.04.13 FINISHER (hairwork) 731.687-014 06.04.34 FINISHER (iron & steel) 613.382-014 06.02.02 finisher :CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 580.485-010 06.04.05 finisher COIL ASSEMBLER, MACHINE (matt. & bedspring): 616.685-018 06.04.20 finisher :MATRIX WORKER 06.04.24 - FINISHER (plastics mat.) 554.586-010 06.04.40 finisher :WARE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.687-022 06.04.30 FINISHER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-018 06.04.30 Finisher (silverware) :GREASE BUFFER (silverware): 705.684- 022 06.02.24 FINISHER (sports equip.) 732.584-01406.04.25 FINISHER (stat. & art goods) 775.687-010 06.04.30 finisher :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382-018 06.02.08 FINISHER (trim. & embroid.) 789.687–050 06.03.02 FINISHER (wood. box) 749.684-026 06.04.33 Finisher, Accordion (musical inst.) :ACCORDION (musical inst.): 730.281-010 05.05.12 FINISHER, BRUSH (brush & broom) 739.684-062 06.04.34 FINISHER-CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.685- 042 06.04.06 Finisher, Cold Rolling (iron & steel) :FINISHER (iron & steel): 61 3.382–01 4 06.02.02 FINISHER, DENTURE (medical ser.) 712.681-018 * 05.05.11 FINISHER, FIBERGLASS BOAT PARTS (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.684-022 06.04.34 Finisher, Fine-Diamond Dies (mach. tool & access.) :DIAMOND DRILLER (mach. tool & access.): 770.38 1-0 18 06.01.04 finisher, hand :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 ° 06.04.35 FINISHER, HAND (canvas goods) 789.484-014 06.02.27 Finisher, Hand (clean., dye., & press.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 FINISHER, HAND (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-030 * 06.04.24 - Finisher, Hand (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 finisher, hand :MATTRESS FINISHER (matt. & bedspring): 780.684-070 06.02.27 FINISHER, HAND (toys & games) 731.587-010 * 06.04.23 Finisher, Hot Strip (iron & steel) :FINISHER (iron & steel): 613.382-01 4 06.02.02 finisher, machine :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682- 018 * 06.04.05 finisher, machine :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685- 034 06.04.15 (phonograph): 500.684-014 MAKER 462 FINISHER, MACHINE (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-170 06.04.02 finisher, map and chart :MAP-AND-CHART MOUNTER (print. & pub.): 979.684-022 06.02.26 Finisher, Merchant Products (iron & steel) :FINISHER (iron & steel): 613.382-014 06.02.02 FINISHER OPERATOR (can. 06.04.15 Finisher, Plate (iron & steel) :FINISHER (iron & steel): 613.382-01 4 06.02.02 finisher, screwdown :SCREWDOWN OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.382-018 * 06.02.02 Finisher, Special Stocks (firearms) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 finisher-tailor apprentice :SHOP TAILOR APPRENTICE (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-026 05.05.15 finisher, wallboard and plasterboard :TAPER (const.; mfci. blågs.): 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 finishing-and-processing inspector PROCESSING (aircraft-aerospace 06.03.01 FINISHING-AREA OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.362-014 06.02.13 FINISHING-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.) 559.132-022 06.01.01 Finishing-Compound Mixer (chem.) (chem.); 550.685-106 06.04.11 finishing department supervisor SUPERVISOR, FINISHING DEPARTMENT (photofinish.): 976. 137-01405.09.01 finishing inspector :FINAL INSPECTOR (clock & watch): 715.38 1-050 06.01.05 FINISHING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 729.387-018 06.03.01 Finishing Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 FINISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 674.682-0 1 0 06.02.02 FINISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (narrow fabrics) 582.682- 0 1 0 06.02.16 FINISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.686- 022 06.04.04 finishing-machine operator, automatic :GLASS-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.): 677.562-0 1 0 06.02.08 finishing-pan operator :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 559.685-074 06.04.11 finishing-powder-press operator :GRAINING-PRESS OPERA- TOR (explosives): 557.682-010 06.02.18 Finishing-Range Feeder (textile) :CLOTH FEEDER (textile): 589.686–01 4 06.04.16 finishing-range operator :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile): 589.665-014 06.04.16 finishing range supervisor CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile): 589.562-010 06.04.16 finishing supervisor CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile): 589. 130-0 1 0 05.09.02 FINISHING SUPERVISOR (elec. equip.) 692. 130-01406.02.01 Finishing Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.): 519.131-010 06.01.01 Finishing Supervisor (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) II: 559.137-01406.02.01 FINISHING SUPERVISOR, PLASTIC SHEETS (plastics mat.) 554.1 37-0 1 0 06.04.01 finishing supervisor, weld-pipe continuous SUPERVISOR, PIPE FINISHING (iron & steel): 619. 130-038 06.01.01 FINISHING TRIMMER (boot & shoe) 788.687-042 06.04.27 finishing tunnel operator :STEAMING-CABINET TENDER (garment): 582.685-150 06.04.16 finishing wire sawyer :WIRE SAWYER (stonework): 677.462- 0 1 4 06.02.08 & preserv.) 521.685-142 mfg.): 806.387-010 :SEASONING MIXER :INSPECTOR, SURFACE finish inspector :PAINT-SPRAY INSPECTOR (any ind.): 741.687-0 10 06.03.02 Finish Inspector (furn.) :FINISHED-STOCK INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.687-026 06.03.02 Finish Judge (amuse. & rec.) :UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-018 12.01.02 FINISH-MACHINE TENDER (pottery & porc.) 673.685-058 06.02.08 Finish Mender (hosiery) 782.684-030 06.02.27 Finish-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685- 046 06.04.08 finish mixer :TINTER (paint & varn.); 550.381-01406.02.11 finish molder :MOLD CLOSER (found.): 518.684-018 06.04.32 FINISH OPENER, JEWEL HOLE (clock & watch) 673.682- 022 06.02.08 FINISH PATCHER (furn.) 763.684-034 05.10.01 finish remover :STRIPPER (furn.): 749.687-030 06.04.39 finish repairer :PAINTER, TOUCH-UP (any ind.): 749.684-038 05.10.07 :HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery): finish repairer :FINISH PATCHER (furn.): 763.684-034 05.10.01 finish roller :STRIP ROLLER (spring): 613.682-022 06.02.02 Finish Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, HAND (woodworking): 761.687-010 06.04.25 Fin-Machine Operator (auto. mfg.) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 Finnish Rubber (per. ser.) :RUBBER (per. ser.): 334.677-010 09.05.01 fire-alarm dispatcher 379. 162-010 07.04.05 fire-and-safety helper :FIRE-EQUIPMENT-INSPECTOR HELPER (any ind.): 739.687-094 05.07.01 fire-apparatus sprinkler inspector :FIRE-EXTINGUISHER- SPRINKLER INSPECTOR (any ind.): 379.687-010 05.07.01 FIREARMS-ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (firearms) 736.131- 0 1 4 06.04.01 firearms expert :BALLISTICS EXPERT, FORENSIC (gov. ser.): 199.267-010 02.04.01 FIRE ASSISTANT (gov. ser.) 169.167-022 04.01.01 Firebrick-and-Refractory Tile Repairer (const.) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 FIRE CAPTAIN (gov. ser.) 373.134-010 04.01.01 Fire Captain, Marine (gov. ser.) :FIRE CAPTAIN (gov. ser.): 373. 134-010 04.01.01 fire chief :FIRE MARSHAL (any ind.): 373.16.7-018 04.01.01 FIRE CHIEF (gov. ser.) 373.1 17-010 04.01.01 Fire Chief (sawmill) :FIRE MARSHAL (any ind.): 373.16.7-018 04.01.01 FIRE CHIEF’S AIDE (gov. ser.) 373.363-010 04.02.04 Fire Chief, Deputy (gov. ser.) :FIRE CHIEF (gov. 373. 11 7-0 10 04.01.01 fire-control assistant :FIRE ASSISTANT (gov. ser.): 169.16.7- 022 04.01.01 FIRE-CONTROL MECHANIC 05.05.11 fire-control technician :FIRE-CONTROL MECHANIC (gov. ser.): 632.261-01 4 05.05.11 :ALARM OPERATOR (gov. ser.): ser.): (gov. ser.) 632.261-014 fire crew worker :FOREST-FIRE FIGHTER (forestry): 452.687-01 4 03.04.02 fire deputy :FIRE ASSISTANT (gov. ser.): 169.167–022 04.01.01 Fire Drier (corn prod.) :DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-058 06.04.15 Fire Eater (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTER- TAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 FIRE-EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.) 739.484-014 05.07.01 . 463 FIRE-EQUIPMENT-INSPECTOR HELPER (any ind.) 739.687- 094 05.07.01 FIRE-EXTINGUISHER REPAIRER (any ind.) 709.384-010 05.10.04 FIRE-EXTINGUISHER-SPRINKLER INSPECTOR (any ind.) 379.687-0 1 0 05.07.01 FIRE FIGHTER (any ind.) 373.364-010 * 04.02.04 fire fighter, airport :FIRE FIGHTER, CRASH, FIRE, AND RESCUE (air trans.): 373.663-010 04.02.04 FIRE FIGHTER, CRASH, FIRE, AND RESCUE (air trans.) 373.663-010 04.02.04 Firefighter, Marine (any ind.) :FIRE FIGHTER (any ind.): 373.364-0 1 0 * 04.02.04 FIRE-FIGHTING-EQUIPMENT 638.281-010 05.05.09 FIRE-HOSE CURER (rubber goods) 553.685-062 06.04.13 FIRE INSPECTOR (any ind.) 373.367-010 04.02.02 FIRE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 373.267-010 11.10.03 Fire-Insurance-Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.; insurance) :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 Fire-Insurance-Claim Examiner (bus. ser.; insurance) :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 FIRE-INVESTIGATION LIEUTENANT (gov. ser.) 373.267- 018 11.10.03 Fire Lieutenant (gov. 373. 1 34-0 1 0 04.01.01 Fire Lieutenant, Marine (gov. ser.) :FIRE CAPTAIN (gov. ser.): 373. 134-010 04.01.01 FIRE LOOKOUT (forestry) 452.367-010 07.04.05 fire-loss-prevention engineer :FIRE-PROTECTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167-026 05.01.02 FIRE MARSHAL (any ind.) 373.167-018 04.01.01 FIRE MARSHAL (gov. ser.) 373.267-014 04.01.02 Fire Marshal, Refinery (petrol. refin.) :FIRE MARSHAL (any ind.): 373.167-018 04.01.01 Fire Patroller (logging) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 FIRE-PREVENTION RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012. 167–022 05.01.01 Fireproof-Door Assembler :ASSEMBLER, UNIT 809.68 1-0 1 0 06.02.22 FIRE-PROTECTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167- 026 05.01.02 firer :BLASTER (any ind.): 859.261-010 05.10.06 Firer (electronics) :ELECTRONIC-COMPONENT PROCES- SOR (electronics): 590.684-01 4 06.04.19 firer ANNEALER (glass prod.): 573.685-010 06.04.13 FIRER (jewelry) 590.685-034 06.04.21 firer :BLASTER (mining & quarrying): 93 1.261-010 05.10.06 FIRE RANGER (forestry) 452.367-014 04.02.02 Firer, Automatic Stoker (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 Firer, Bisque Kiln (pottery & porc.) :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 firer, boiler :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 firer, boiler :BOILER OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-010 05.06.02 Firer, Diesel Locomotive (r. r. trans.) :FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE (r. r. trans.): 910.363-010 05.08.02 fire regulator TEMPERATURE REGULATOR, PYROMETER (found.): 512.667-010 06.03.02 Firer, Electric Locomotive (r. r. trans.) :FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE (r. r. trans.): 910.363-010 05.08.02 Firer, Glost Kiln (pottery & porc.) :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 FIRER HELPER (paper & pulp) 553.665-034 06.04.14 FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.) 951.685-010 05.06.02 FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.) 573.662-010 06.02.18 SPECIALIST (gov. ser.) ser.) :FIRE CAPTAIN (gov. ser.): ornam. metalwork) ornam. metalwork): (struct. & (struct. & FIRER, KILN (sugar) 523.685-078 06.04.15 FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE (r. r. trans.) 9 10.363-010 05.08.02 Firer, Locomotive Crane (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 FIRER, LOW PRESSURE (any ind.) 951.685-01405.06.02 FIRER, MARINE (water trans.) 951.685-018 05.06.02 Firer, Pile Driver (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 Firer, Portable Boiler (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 Firer, Powerhouse (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 95 1.685-010 05.06.02 FIRER, RETORT (chem.; wood distil. & char.) 553.685-066 06.04.11 Firer, Round Kiln (pottery & porc.) :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 Firer, Stationary Boiler (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 Firer, Steam Shovel (any ind.) :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 - Firer, Tunnel Kiln (pottery & porc.) :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 Firer-Watertender (water trans.) trans.): 95 1.685-018 05.06.02 FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; 06.01.02 firesetter, automatic machine :FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 Firesetter, Cathode Ray (electronics) :FIRESETTER equip.; electronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 Firesetter, Electron Tube (electronics) :FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; electronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 Firesetter, Incandescent Bulb (elec. equip.) :FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; electronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 Fire-Truck Driver (petrol. production) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.): 905.663-01405.08.01 Fire Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 FIRE WARDEN (forestry) 452.167-010 04.01.02 fire watcher :FIRE INSPECTOR (any ind.): 04.02.02 Firewood Cutter (logging) :TREE CUTTER (agric.; logging): 454.684-026 03.04.02 FIREWORKS ASSEMBLER 06.04.23 FIREWORKS DISPLAY SPECIALIST (fireworks) 969.664-010 05.10.06 FIREWORKS MAKER (fireworks) 737.684-018 06.02.32 Firing-Pin Gager (fireworks) :INSPECTOR, FIREWORKS (fireworks): 737.687-062 06.03.02 FIRST-AID ATTENDANT (any ind.) 354.677-010 10.03.02 FIRST-BREAKER FEEDER (cord. & twine) 680.686-014 06.04.16 First-Coat Operator (coated fabrics) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (coated fabrics): 584.382-010 06.02.21 First-Coat Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, (woodworking): 761.687-010 06.04.25 First Front Ventilator (hairwork) :VENTILATOR (hairwork): 739.384-022 06.02.32 first helper :DEPOSITING-MACHINE (confection.): 529.682-018 06.02.15 FIRST HELPER (iron & steel) 512.362-010 06.02.10 fiscal clerk :BUDGET CLERK (clerical): 216.382-022 07.01.04 FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.) 379. 167-010 * 04.01.02 Fish-and-Game Warden, Marine Patrol (gov. ser.) :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379. 167-010 * 04.01.02 FISH BAILER (fish.) 914.685-010 03.04.03 fish-bait picker :WORM PICKER (agric.): 03.04.01 :FIRER, MARINE (water electronics) 692.360-018 * (elec. 373.36.7-0 1 0 (fireworks) 737.587-014 * HAND OPERATOR 4 13.687-0 1 0 464 FISH-BIN TENDER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-082 06.04.28 Fish-Boning-Machine Feeder (can. & preserv.) :FISH- MACHINE FEEDER (can. & preserv.): 521.686-034 06.04.15 FISH-CAKE MAKER (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-122 06.04.15 Fish Checker (can. & preserv.) TALLIER (clerical): 221.587- 030 05.09.01 FISH CHOPPER, GANG KNIFE (can. & preserv.) 521.687-058 06.04.28 FISH CLEANER 06.04.28 FISH CLEANER MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.) 529.685-1 18 06.04.15 fish culturist :MANAGER, FISH HATCHERY (fish.): 180. 16.7- 030 03.01.02 fish cutter :FISH CLEANER (can. & preserv.; fish.): 525.684- 030 * 06.04.28 Fish-Cutting-Machine Operator MACHINE FEEDER (can. 06.04.15 fish dresser :FISH CLEANER (can. & preserv.; fish.): 525.684- O30 * 06.04.28 FISH DRIER (can. & preserv.) 523.687-014 06.04.28 FISH-EGG PACKER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-086 06.04.28 fisher :FISHER, LINE (fish.): 442.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Clam (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Fisher, Crab (fish.) 03.04.03 Fisher, Dip Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Diver Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441 .684-010 03.04.03 FISHER, DIVING (fish.) 443.664-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Eel (fish.) :FISHER, POT (fish.): 441.684-014 03.04.03 Fisher, Eel Spear (fish.) :FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Gill Net (fish.) 03.04.03 - Fisher, Hand Line (fish.) :FISHER, LINE (fish.): 442.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Haul, Drag, or Beach Seine (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Hoop Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Lampara Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 FISHER, LINE (fish.) 442.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Lobster (fish.) :FISHER, POT (fish.): 03.04.03 Fisher, Mussel (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 FISHER, NET (fish.) 441.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Oyster (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446,684-01 4 03.04.03 FISHER, POT (fish.) 441.684-01403.04.03 Fisher, Pound Net or Trap (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441 .684-0 1 0 03.04.03 Fisher, Purse Seine (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441 .684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Quahog (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Fisher, Reef Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441 .684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Scallop (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 fisher, seal :SEALER (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-010 03.04.03 FISHER, SPEAR (fish.) 443.684-010 03.04.03 fisher, sponge hooking :SPONGE HOOKER (fish.): 447.684- 0 1 0 03.04.03 (can. & preserv.; fish.) 525.684-030 (can. & preserv.): & preserv.) :FISH- 521.686-034 :FISHER, POT (fish.): 441 .684-014 :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441 .684-010 44 1.684-014 :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): Fisher, Swordfish (fish.) :FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 FISHER, TERRAPIN (fish.) 441.684-018 03.04.03 Fisher, Trammel Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 fisher, trap :FISHER, WEIR (fish.): 441.684-022 03.04.03 Fisher, Trawl Line (fish.) :FISHER, LINE (fish.): 442.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Trawl Net (fish.) :FISHER, NET (fish.): 441.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Troll Line (fish.) :FISHER, LINE (fish.): 442.684-010 03.04.03 Fisher, Trot Line (fish.) :FISHER, LINE (fish.): 442.684-010 03.04.03 FISHER, WEIR (fish.) 441.684-022 03.04.03 FISH FARMER (fish.) 446. 161-010 03.01.02 fish flaker :FISH DRIER (can. & preserv.): 523.687-014 06.04.28 - Fish Flipper (can. & preserv.) :FISH-MACHINE FEEDER (can. & preserv.): 521.686-034 06.04.15 Fish Grader (can. & preserv.) :GRADER (can. & preserv.): 529.687-098 06.03.02 fish hatchery assistant :FISH HATCHERY WORKER (fish.): 446.684-010 03.04.03 fish hatchery attendant :FISH HATCHERY WORKER (fish.): 446.684-010 03.04.03 Fish Hatchery Laborer (fish.) :LABORER, AQUATIC LIFE (fish.): 446.687-014 03.04.03 FISH HATCHERY WORKER (fish.) 446.684-010 03.04.03 Fish Housekeeper (hotel & rest.) :FISH CLEANER (can. & preserv.; fish.): 525.684-030 * 06.04.28 fish-house worker :FISH PACKER (can. & preserv.): 920.687- 086 06.04.28 - Fish Icer (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :ICER (whole. tr.): 922.687-046 05.12.03 FISHING ACCESSORIES MAKER (sports equip.) 619.682-018 06.02.02 fishing captain :MATE, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 197.133-018 03.04.03 FISHING-LINE-WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 689.685-066 06.04.05 FISHING-LURE ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-058 06.02.24 FISHING-REEL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-062 06.04.23 FISHING-ROD ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-066 ° 06.04.23 FISHING-ROD MARKER 06.02.31 fishing-rod trimmer :FISHING-ROD ASSEMBLER equip.): 732.684-066 * 06.04.23 Fishing-Tackle Repairer (any ind.) SPORTS-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 732.684-122 05.10.04 FISHING-TOOL TECHNICIAN, OIL WELL (petrol. produc- tion) 930.261-010 05.03.04 FISH-LIVER SORTER (can. & preserv.; fish.) 521.687-062 06.04.28 FISH-MACHINE FEEDER (can. 06.04.15 FISH-NET STRINGER (cord. & twine) 782.684-026 06.04.27 FISH PACKER (can. & preserv.) 920.687-086 06.04.28 Fish Pickler (can. & preserv.) :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684-0 1 0 06.04.28 fish pitcher :LABORER, WHARF (can. & preserv.): 922.687- 062 06.04.40 Fish Protector (gov. ser.) :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379. 16.7-010 * 04.01.02 Fish-Skinning-Machine Feeder MACHINE FEEDER (can. 06.04.15 (sports equip.) 732.684-070 (sports & preserv.) 521.686-034 (can. & preserv.): & preserv.) :FISH- 521.686-034 465 FISH SMOKER (can. & preserv.) 522.685-066 06.04.15 Fish Straightener (can. & preserv.) :FISH-MACHINE FEEDER (can. & preserv.): 521.686-034 06.04.15 FISH-STRINGER ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-054 06.04.23 fish-worm grower :WORM GROWER (agric.): 413.161-018 03.01.02 Fitted-Sheet Binder (house furn.) 787.682-010 06.02.05 FITTER (any ind.) I 801.261-014 05.05.06 FITTER (any ind.) II 706.684-054 06.02.22 fitter :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Fitter (const.; pipe lines) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 fitter :FILER (jewelry): 700.684-034 06.04.24 fitter :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & ac- cess.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 FITTER (mach. shop) 801.381-01405.05.06 fitter :PICTURE FRAMER (mirror & pic. frames; ret. tr.): 739.684-146 01.06.02 fitter :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. 06.02.22 fitter SALESPERSON, SURGICAL APPLIANCES (ret. tr.): 276.257-022 08.02.02 fitter :SHIPFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.381-046 * 05.05.06 fitter, factory :ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687- 0 1 0 06.03.02 fitter, hand SPRING FORMER, HAND (spring): 709.381-042 06.02.24 FITTER HELPER (any ind.) 801.687-01405.12.12 fitter helper :PIPE-FITTER HELPER (const.): 862.684-022 05.12.12 FITTER-PLACER (rubber goods) 753,687-022 06.04.23 Fitter-Tacker (any ind.) :FITTER (any ind.) I: 801.261-014 05.05.06 Fitter, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office mach.) :ASSEMBLER, :BINDER (any ind.): goods): 739.481-010 TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT (office mach.): 706.684-026 06.02.23 fitter-up :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (leather mfg.): 629.280-0 1 0 05.05.09 FITTER, VENTILATED RIB (firearms) 736.381-01406.02.24 fitting maker :JUNCTION MAKER (brick & tile): 862.684-010 06.02.30 Fitting-Room Inspector (boot & shoe) : INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 Fitting-Room Maintenance Mechanic (boot & shoe) :SEWING- MACHINE REPAIRER (any ind.): 639.281-018 * 05.10.02 fitting room operator :STOCK FITTER (boot & shoe): 788.685-018 06.02.27 Fitting-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) :SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe): 788, 131-0 10 06.02.01 FITTINGS FINISHER (plumb. supplies) 619.382-01406.02.02 fittings tightener PLUMBING-HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (plumb. supplies): 706.684-086 06.04.23 Five-Piece-Expansion Maker, Hand (paper goods) :EXPANSION ENVELOPE MAKER, HAND (paper goods): 794.684-018 06.04.26 five-roll-refiner batch mixer :MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 520.685-150 06.04.15 FIXED-CAPITAL CLERK (light, heat, & power) 210.382-042 07.02.02 f fixer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 fixer :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 fixer :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 FIXER, BOARDING ROOM (hosiery) 580.380-010 06.01.02 fixer supervisor :LOOM-FIXER SUPERVISOR fabrics): 683. 130-01 4 06.01.01 FIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 732.685-018 06.04.20 Fixture Builder (mach. mſg.) :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 Fixture Designer (furn.) :FURNITURE DESIGNER (furn.): 142.061-022 01.02.03 FIXTURE MAKER (light, fix.) 600.380-010 05.05.07 fixture relamper :LIGHT-FIXTURE SERVICER (any ind.): 389.687-018 05.12.18 FIXTURE REPAIRER-FABRICATOR (any ind.) 630.384-010 05. 10.01 flag decorator and designer :DISPLAY DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.05 1-0 10 01.02.03 FLAGGER (amuse. & rec.) 372.667–026 12.01.02 FLAGGER (const.) 372.667-022 05.12.20 Flagsetter (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): 05.05.01 FLAKE-CUTTER OPERATOR (build. board) 06.02.03 flake drier SOAP-DRIER OPERATOR (soap): 06.04.19 flake-miller helper :OVEN OPERATOR (cereal): 526.585-010 06.04.15 FLAKE MILLER, WHEAT AND OATS (cereal) 521.682-022 06.02.15 flake-or-shred-roll operator :FLAKING-ROLL OPERATOR (cereal): 520.685-102 06.04.15 flaker :FISH DRIER (can. & preserv.): 523.687-01406.04.28 flaker operator :DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 523.685-062 06.04.15 Flaker Operator (chem.) :SOAP-DRIER OPERATOR (soap): 553.685-098 06.04.19 FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 559.685-074 06.04.11 flaker tender :FISH DRIER (can. & preserv.): 523.687-014 06.04.28 flaking-machine operator :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.); 559.685-074 06.04.11 FLAKING-ROLL OPERATOR (cereal) 520.685-102 06.04.15 (narrow 861.38 1-038 564.682-014 553.685-098 Flame-Annealing-Machine Operator (heat treat.) :FLAME- HARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (heat treat.): 504.685-01 4 06.04.10 FLAME-ANNEALING-MACHINE SETTER (heat treat.) 504.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 flame-brazing-machine operator :BRAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 813.382-014 06.02.19 FLAME CHANNELER (any ind.) 930.684-010 05.11.02 flame-cutting-machine operator :THERMAL-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 Flame-Cutting-Machine-Operator Helper (welding) :MACHINE HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 FLAME DEGREASER (auto. ser.) 503.685-022 06.04.39 flame gouger :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I: 8 16.464-0 1 0 05.10.01 FLAMEAHARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (heat treat.) 504.685-01 4 06.04.10 FLAME-HARDENING-MACHINE 504.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 flame planer :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 FLAMER (boot & shoe) 788.684-050 06.04.27 flamer, after lasting :WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe): 788.684-130 06.04.27 flamer-sealer SEALER (elec. equip.) I: 727.684-030 06.04.34 Flame Scarfer (welding) :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I: 816.464-010 05.10.01 SETTER (heat treat.) 466 flame-spraying-machine operator, automatic :METAL-SPRAY- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) I: 505.382-010 06.02.21 flame-spray operator :METAL SPRAYER, MACHINED PARTS (any ind.): 505.380-010 06.01.03 flange cutter :ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.); 585.685-086 06.04.05 FLANGER (hat & cap) 784.684-026 06.04.27 FLANGER (inst. & app.) 712.684-018 06.04.30 flanging-machine operator :SWEATBAND FLANGER (hat & cap): 690.686-058 06.04.05 flanging-machine operator :EXTENSION EDGER (paper goods): 641.685-046 06.04.04 flanging operator :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 FLANGING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) 619.362-010 06.02.02 Flap-Lining Binder (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682- 010 06.02.05 Flare Beader (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 FLARE BREAKER (boot & shoe) 788.685-010 06.04.05 flare chalker :ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.687– 010 06.04.33 flarer :HOOP-FLARING-AND-COILING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (cooperage): 619.682-034 06.02.02 Flare Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 FLASH-DRIER OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.462-010 06.02.18. FLASH-DRIER OPERATOR 06.02.15 - FLASHER ADJUSTER (light. fix.) 723.684-022 06.03.02 Flash-Oven Operator (elec. equip.) :COATING-AND-BAKING OPERATOR (any ind.): 554.685-01406.04.21 Flash-Welding-Machine Operator (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, RESISTANCE (welding): 812.682- 0 1 0 06.02.19 Flask Carrier (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687–022 * 06.04.32 flask fitter :MOLD CLOSER (found.): 518.684-018 06.04.32 flat-bed-press feeder :CYLINDER-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.): 651.686-010 05.12.19 flatbed-press operator :CYLINDER-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 Flatbed Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 FLATCAR WHACKER (sawmill) 807.667-010 05.12.12 FLAT CLOTHIER (textile) 628.382-010 06.02.02 flat folder :FOLDER, HAND (boot & shoe): 06.04.27 flat-folding-machine operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 689.585-014 06.04.05 flat-grinder operator JEWEL-BEARING FACER (clock & watch): 770.682-018 06.02.08 flat hammerer :HAMMERSMITH (silverware): 06.01.04 Flat Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 Flat-Knitter Helper (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods): 685.686-01406.04.06 (corn prod.) 529.582-014 788.687–050 700.38 1-022 FLATLOCK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-1 10 06.02.05 flat optical element maker :OPTICIAN (optical goods): 716.280-008 05.05.11 FLAT POLISHER (clock & watch) 603.685-054 06.02.02 flat-sheet maker :MOLD-FILLING OPERATOR (plastics mat.): 556.684-018 06.04.32 flat-spring assembler FABRIC STRETCHER (matt. & bed- spring): 709.667-010 06.04.22 - FLAT SURFACER, JEWEL (clock & watch) 770.685-010 06.02.08 flattening-machine operator :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 FLATWARE MAKER (silverware) 700.682-010 06.02.02 Flatwork Assembler (laund.) :ASSEMBLER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-010 * 06.03.02 Flatwork Catcher (laund.) :FLATWORK FINISHER (laund.): 363.686-010 * 06.04.35 Flatwork Feeder (laund.) :FLATWORK FINISHER (laund.): 363.686-010 * 06.04.35 FLATWORK FINISHER (laund.) 363.686-010 * 06.04.35 Flatwork Finisher (pottery & porc.) :FINISHER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-018 06.04.30 Flatwork Finisher, Hand (laund.) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 Flatwork Folder (laund.) :FLATWORK FINISHER (laund.): 363.686-010 * 06.04.35 Flatwork Supervisor (laund.) (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 FLATWORK TIER (laund.) 361.587-010 06.04.35 Flatwork Washer (laund.) :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): 361.665-010 06.04.35 FLAVOR EXTRACTOR (cereal) 529.685-126 06.04.15 flavoring-machine operator :CASING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685-030 06.04.15 :SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY flavoring maker :CASING-FLUID TENDER (tobacco): 520.685-054 06.04.15 flavor maker :COOKER, CASING (tobacco): 520.685-082 06.04.15 FLAVOR ROOM WORKER (dairy prod.) 529.685-130 06.04.15 Flavor-Tank Tender (dairy prod.) :ICE CREAM FREEZER ASSISTANT (dairy prod.): 529.685-146 06.04.15 fleecer :NAPPER TENDER (hosiery): 585.665-010 06.04.05 FLEECE TIER (agric.) 410.687-010 03.04.01 FLESHER (fur dressing) 585.681-010 06.01.04 Fleshing-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) MACHINE OPERATOR (fur dressing; 585.685-094 06.04.16 Fletcher (sports equip.) 732.684-010 06.04.34 Flexible-Shaft Winder (spring) :LATHE WINDER (spring): 619.482-010 06.02.02 flexigraphic printer :PRINTER, PLASTIC (coated fabrics; fabric. plastics prod.): 651.382-026 06.02.09 Flexo-Folder-Gluer-Machine Helper (paper goods) :PRINTER- SLOTTER HELPER (paper goods): 659.686-014 06.04.04 Flexo-Folder-Gluer Operator (paper goods) :PRINTER- SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods): 659.662-010 * 06.02.04 flexographic-press helper :ASSISTANT-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.585-010 05.05.13 FLEXOGRAPHIC-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.) 651.682-010 * 06.02.09 FLIGHT ATTENDANT, RAMP (air 09.01.04 flight-control-tower operator :AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROL SPE- CIALIST, TOWER (gov. ser.): 193.162-018 + 05.03.03 FLIGHT-CREW-TIME CLERK (air trans.) 215.362-018 07.02.05 FLIGHT ENGINEER (air trans.) 621.261-018 05.03.06 flight follower :TRIP FOLLOWER (air trans.): 209.367–050 07.04.05 FLIGHT-INFORMATION EXPEDITER (air trans.) 912.367- 0 1 0 07.04.05 flight mechanic :FLIGHT ENGINEER (air trans.): 621.261-018 05.03.06 flight-operations-dispatch clerk :AIRPLANE-DISPATCH CLERK (air trans.): 248.367-010 07.05.03 :SHAVING- leather mfg.): :ARROWSMITH (sports equip.): trans.) 352.367-014 467 FLIGHT-OPERATIONS INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 196.163-010 05.04.01 flight physiologist :FLIGHT SURGEON 070. 101-030 02.03.01 flight security specialist :AIRLINE SECURITY REPRESENTA- TIVE (air trans.): 372.667-010 04.02.02 FLIGHT SURGEON (medical ser.) 070. 101-030 02.03.01 FLIGHT-TEST-DATA TRANSCRIBER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.281-010 07.02.03 FLIGHT-TEST SHOP MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.09 flipping-machine operator :V-BELT COVERER (rubber goods): 690.685-450 * 06.04.05 Flitch Hanger (veneer & plywood) :LATHE SPOTTER (veneer & plywood): 663.686-022 06.04.03 Float Builder (any ind.) :DECORATOR, STREET AND BUILDING (any ind.): 899.687-010 05.12.12 floating-derrick operator :DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 921.683-034 05.11.04 floating-labor-gang supervisor SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899.133-010 05.12.18 Floatlight-Loading Supervisor (fireworks) FIREWORKS ASSEMBLY (fireworks): 06.02.01 Floatlight-Powder Mixer 737.687-090 06.04.34 float remover :PICK-PULLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.685-094 06.04.06 Float Sander (woodworking) : MOLDING (woodworking): 662.682-010 06.02.03 Float-Tank Calibrator (inst. & app.) :CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.) I: 710.681-014 06.01.04 flocculator operator :COAGULATION OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 559.582-010 06.02.13 FLOCKER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-054 06.04.33 FLOOR AND WALL APPLIER, LIQUID (const.) 864.684-010 05.10.07 Floor Assembler (mfd. blogs.) :ASSEMBLER, SUBASSEMBLY (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-018 06.04.22 FLOOR ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 343.467-014 09.04.02 FLOOR ATTENDANT (glass mfg.) 579.687-018 06.04.40 floor broker :BROKER'S FLOOR REPRESENTATIVE (finan. inst.): 162. 157-014 11.06.04 Floor Cashier (clerical) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 Floor Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 floor clerk :LAUNDRY CLERK 05.09.02 Floor Clerk (hotel & rest.) :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * 07.04.03 floor clerk :WARD CLERK (medical ser.): 245.362-014 * 07.05.03 floor clerk, hardware :SALESPERSON, GENERAL HARD- WARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 279.357-050 08.02.03 floor coverer :FLOOR LAYER (const. 05.10.01 9 floor-coverer apprentice :FLOOR-LAYER APPRENTICE (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-01405.10.01 FLOOR-COVERING LAYER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.38 1-026 05.10.01 Floor-Coverings Estimator (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, FLOOR COVERINGS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 270.357-026 08.02.03 floor-covering-tile layer :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.48 1-0 1 0 * 05.10.01 Floor Finisher (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 Floor Finisher (mfd. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfö. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 (medical ser.): :SUPERVISOR, 737. 131-0 1 0 (fireworks) :MIXER (fireworks): SANDER (clerical): 221.387-038 ; ret. tr.): 864.48 1-010 * Floor Finisher (trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.): 806.684-018 06.04.22 Floor-Finisher Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Floor Framer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 Floor Framer (trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.): 806.684-018 06.04.22 floor grinder TERRAZZO WORKER (const.): 861.381-046 05.05.01 floor hand :DISTRIBUTOR-CLEANER (tobacco): 529.687–070 06.04.40 floor housekeeper :HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.; real estate): 321. 137-010 05.12.18 Flooring Grader (plan. mill) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 Flooring-Machine Feeder (plan. mill) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 floor inspector :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684- 0 1 0 06.03.02 Floor Inspector (glass mfg.) :WARE TESTER (glass mfg.): 579.384-018 06.03.01 FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.) 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 FLOOR-LAYER APPRENTICE (const.; ret. tr.) 864.481-014 05.10.01 Floor-Layer Helper (const.; ret. tr.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 floor manager :WARD-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (medical ser.): 245. 1 37-0 1 0 07.01.02 floor molder, sweep method :MOLDER, SWEEP (found.): 518.361-018 06.01.04 floor-press operator ARBOR-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-010 06.02.20 floor representative :BROKER'S FLOOR REPRESENTATIVE (finan. inst.): 162. 157-014 11.06.04 floor runner :SHIP RUNNER (water trans.): 222.567-014 05.09.01 Floor-Sanding-Machine Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 FLOOR SERVICE WORKER, SPRING (auto. ser.) 807.684- 022 05.12.12 FLOOR-SPACE ALLOCATOR (tobacco; whole. tr.) 222.367- 030 05.09.01 floor steward/stewardess :KITCHEN STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 318.137-010 05.12.17 Floor Supervisor (hotel & rest.) :INSPECTOR (hotel & rest.): 321. 137-014 FLOOR SUPERVISOR, ENDLESS-BELT-WEAVING DE- PARTMENT (narrow fabrics) 683. 130-0 1 0 06.04.01 floor trader :BROKER'S FLOOR REPRESENTATIVE (finan. inst.): 162. 157-014 11.06.04 FLOOR WINDER (textile) 681.685-050 06.04.06 floor worker :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * FLOOR WORKER (chew. gum) 920.687-090 06.04.38 FLOOR WORKER (cork prod.) 739.687-098 06.04.34 floorworker :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686- 022 06.04.16 FLOORWORKER- DISTRIBUTOR (hat & cap) 784.687-030 06.04.40 FLOORWORKER, LASTING (boot & 05.09.03 Floor Worker, Transfer Bay (nonfer. metal alloys) :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 FLOOR WORKER, WELL SERVICE (petrol. 930.684-01 4 Floral Arranger (ret. tr.) 142.08 1-0 10 01.02.03 FLORAL DESIGNER (ret. tr.) 142.081-010 01.02.03 shoe) 788.687-046 production) :FLORAL DESIGNER (ret. tr.): 468 florist :FLORAL DESIGNER (ret. tr.): 142.08 1-0 10 01.02.03 Flotation Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FILTER- PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511. 1 35-0 1 0 06.04.01 FLOTATION TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.685- 026 06.04.10 FLOTATION-TENDER HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.687-018 06.04.34 FLOUR BLENDER (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-106 06.04.15 Flour-Blender Helper (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 FLOUR-BLENDER HELPER (grain & feed mill.) 520.686-022 06.04.15 flour distributor :CONVEYOR OPERATOR, PNEUMATIC SYSTEM (macaroni & rel. prod.): 921.382-010 05.06.04 flour mixer :BLENDER (bake. prod.): 520.585-010 06.04.15 FLOUR MIXER (grain & feed mill.) 520.485-010 06.04.15 flour-mixer helper :FLOUR-BLENDER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686-022 06.04.15 flour tester :BAKER, TEST (grain & feed mill.): 526.381-018 06.02.15 flower arranger ARTIFICIAL-FLOWER MAKER flower): 739.684-014 06.04.34 flower cheniller :FLOWER-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 687.682-010 06.02.05 flower cutter :ENGRAVER (glass prod.; mirror): 775.381-010 01.06.01 Flower Grader (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Flower Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405. 161-014 03.01.03 FLOWER-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 687.682-010 06.02.05 FLOWER PICKER (agric.) 405.687-010 03.04.04 FLOWER-POT-PRESS OPERATOR (pottery & 575.685-034 06.04.17 flow floor attendant :FLOOR ATTENDANT (glass mfg.): 579.687-018 06.04.40 flow machine operator :FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 Flowmeter Test and Certification Technician (inst. & app.) :GAS-METER PROVER (light, heat, & power): 710.281-022 06.01.05 Flue Cleaner (any ind.) TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687- 030 05.12.18 flue-dust laborer :DUST PULLER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.687–01 4 06.04.39 Flue-Lining Dipper (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 Flue-Tile-Press Operator (brick & tile) :AUGER PRESS OPERATOR, MANUAL CONTROL (brick & tile): 575.462– 0 1 0 06.02.08 FLUID-POWER MECHANIC (any ind.) 600.281-010 05.05.07 Flume Maker (mining & quarrying) :CARPENTER, MAIN- TENANCE (any ind.): 860.281-010 05.05.02 FLUMER (corn prod.) 521.686-038 06.04.39 FLUMER (sugar) I 922.665-010 06.04.40 FLUMER (sugar) II 521.686-042 06.04.39 Flume-Ride Operator (amuse. & rec.) (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 fluorescent lamp replacer :LIGHT-FIXTURE SERVICER (any ind.): 389.687-018 05.12.18 FLUOROSCOPE OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; nonfer. metal alloys) 502.382-014 06.03.01 fluoroscope operator :X-RAY INSPECTOR (can. & preserv.; tobacco): 529.685-274 06.03.02 FLUSHER (coal tar prod.) 559.682-026 06.04.12 flusher :WASHER (corn prod.): 529.687-2 10 06.04.39 (artif. porc.) :RIDE OPERATOR Flusher (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684-030 06.04.34 Flux Brusher (welding) 819.666-010 05.12.11 FLUX MIXER (chem.) 550.584-010 06.04.34 FLUX-TUBE ATTENDANT (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-018 06.04.10 flyaway clerk :AIRCRAFT-EQUIPMENT-AND-ACCESSORIES :MACHINE HELPER (welding): ASSEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 222.587-010 05.09.01 FLYER (amuse. & rec.; radio & tv broad.) 962.687-0 18 05.12.04 flyer builder :FLYER REPAIRER (textile): 628.687-010 06.04.06 FLYER REPAIRER (textile) 628.687-010 06.04.06 FLYING-SHEAR OPERATOR (iron & steel) 615.682-010 06.02.02 Fly Raiser, Lockstitch (garment) :TOPSTITCHER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-238 06.02.05 Fly Setter (garment) :ZIPPER SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-286 06.02.05 FLY TIER (sports equip.) 732.684-074 06.04.23 fly winder :FLY TIER (sports equip.): 732.684-074 06.04.23 Foam Caster (stat. & art goods) :CASTER (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.684-022 06.02.24 FOAM CHARGER (refrigerat. equip.) 827.585-010 06.04.36 FOAM DISPENSER (rubber goods) 554.684-01406.04.32 foam fabricator :FABRICATOR, FOAM RUBBER (any ind.): 780.684-062 06.04.29 FOAM-GUN OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 741.684-014 06.02.24 foaming machine operator :KNIFE-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 584.685-030 06.04.16 FOAM-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 559.685-078 06.04.13 Foam Molder (clock & watch) prod.): 754.684-022 06.02.24 FOCUSER (elec. equip.) 725.687-018 06.03.02 Foil Cutter (any ind.) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Foil Cutter (electronics) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 FOILING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 629.381-010 06.01.04 FOILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 692.685-086 06.04.09 folded-cloth taper :CLOTH-BOLT BANDER (textile): 920.587- 0 1 0 06.04.38 Folded-Towel-Machine Operator (paper goods) :FOLDING- :CASTER (fabric. plastics MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-046 + 06.02.04 folder :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 folder ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 FOLDER (laund.) 369.687-018 06.04.35 FOLDER (narrow fabrics) 686.685-030 06.04.05 FOLDER (tex, bag) 789.687-058 06.04.27 folder-and-notcher :BELL-NECK HAMMERER (musical inst.): 730.684-01 4 06.04.24 Folder-Gluer Operator (paper goods) MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.02.04 FOLDER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.687–050 06.04.27 folder, hand :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-0 14 06.04.27 FOLDER, HAND (paper goods) 794.687-022 06.04.26 folder inspector :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587- 0 1 4 06.03.02 FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-174 06.04.05 :BOX-FOLDING- 649,682-010 469 folder, machine :ENVELOPE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-042 06.04.04 folder, machine :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.); 653.382-010 * 06.02.04 folder, machine :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.585-01 4 06.04.05 - folder operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-01 4 05.12.19 folder operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile): 589.685-058 06.04.05 FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 787.685-014 06.04.05 Folder-Stitcher Operator (paper goods) :BOX-FOLDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-010 06.02.04 Folder-Taper Operator (paper goods) :BOX-FOLDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-010 06.02.04 FOLDER-TIER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 759.684-034 06.04.24 FOLDING-MACHINE FEEDER (house furn.) 920.686-018 06.04.05 FOLDING-MACHINE FEEDER (paper goods) 641.685-050 06.04.04 FOLDING-MACHINE FEEDER (print. & pub.) 06.04.04 folding-machine operator CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 folding-machine operator :FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-174 06.04.05 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 05.12.19 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 583.685-042 06.04.05 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 690.686-034 06.04.05 folding-machine operator :CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 580.485-010 06.04.05 653.686-014 (clerical) 208.685-014 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile) 589.685-058 06.04.05 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (laund.) 369.686-010 06.04.35 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.) 690.685- 178 06.04.05 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-046 * 06.02.04 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.382- 0 1 0 * 06.02.04 FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.05 . ~. folding-machine operator :HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile): 689.685-078 06.03.02 FOLDING-MACHINE SETTER (print. & pub.) 653.360-014 06.01.02 FOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (boot & shoe) 788.685-014 06.04.05 fold skiver :FOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (boot & shoe): 788.685-01 4 06.04.05 foliage arranger ARTIFICIAL-FLOWER MAKER flower): 739.684-01 4 06.04.34 FOLLOW-UP CLERK (elec. equip.). 221.367-018 05.09.02 Fondant Cooker (confection.) CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.): 526.382-01406.02.15 Fondant-Machine Operator (sugar) :POWDER-MILL OPERA- TOR (sugar): 521.585-018 06.04.15 Fondant-Puff Maker (confection.) :CENTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.682-014 06.02.15 FOOD-AND-BEVERAGE CHECKER (hotel & rest.) 21 1.482- 018 05.09.03 (textile) 689.585-014 (artif. FOOD-AND-BEVERAGE CONTROLLER (hotel & rest.) 21 6.362-022 07.02.02 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 168.267-042 11.10.03 food assembler, commissary kitchen :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 3.19.484-0 10 05.12.17 . FOOD CHECKER (hotel & rest.) 21 1.482-014 07.06.02 food checker, cafeteria :FOOD TABULATOR, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 21 1.582-010 07.06.02 Food Demonstrator (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.354-010 08.02.05 FOOD MIXER (grain & feed mill.) 520.687-034 06.04.28 Food-Mixer Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 Food-Mixer Repairer (elec. equip.) :APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 FOOD ORDER EXPEDITER (hotel & rest.) 319.467-010 05.09.03 food scientist :FOOD TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.081-010 02.02.04 food-service agent :FOOD-SERVICE DRIVER (hotel & rest.): 906.683-010 05.08.03 food service coordinator :COOK, HEAD, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-018 05.10.08 FOOD-SERVICE DRIVER (hotel & rest.) 906.683-010 05.08.03 FOOD-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 3.19.1 37-010 09.05.02 Food-Service Worker (hotel & rest.) :COOK (hotel & rest.): 3 13.361-014 * 05.05.17 FOOD-SERVICE WORKER, HOSPITAL 355.677-010 * 09.05.02 Food-Storeroom Clerk (hotel & (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 Food Tabulator, Automated System (hotel & rest.) :FOOD TABULATOR, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 211.582-010 07.06.02 FOOD TABULATOR, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 211.582- 0 1 0 07.06.02 FOOD TECHNOLOGIST (profess. 02.02.04 FOOD TESTER (any ind.) 029.361-01402.04.02 food-tray assembler :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 Football Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 Football-Pad Repairer (any ind.) SPORTS-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 732.684-122 05.10.04 Football Scout (amuse. & rec.) :SCOUT, PROFESSIONAL SPORTS (amuse. & rec.): 153. 117-018 12.01.01 Foot Cager (mining & quarrying) :CAGER (mining & quarry- ing): 939.667-010 05.12.04 Foot Caster (glass mfg.) :WARE FINISHER (glass mfg.): 772.381-018 06.01.04 Foot Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-074 06.04.28 FOOT-MITER OPERATOR (mirror & pic. frames) 739.684- 066 06.04.25 Foot-Piece Assembler (furn.) (furn.): 706.684-082 06.02.22 SCHOOL (medical ser.) rest.) :STOCK CLERK & kin.) 041.081-010 :METAL-BED ASSEMBLER foot specialist :PODIATRIST (medical ser.): 0.79.101-022 02.03.01 FOOT STRAIGHTENER (clock & watch) 715.687-030 06.02.24 foot tender :BOTTOMER (mining & quarrying) I: 932.667-010 05.12.04 FOOT WORKER (salt production) 934.687-010 05.12.07 470 & tel.): 215. 137-018 07.05.01 Forcer Maker (jewelry) :DIE MAKER (jewelry): 601.381-014 05.05.07 FORCE-VARIATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (rubber tire & tube) 690.685-182 06.03.01 Foreclosure Clerk (clerical) inst.): 249.382-010 07.01.04 FORECLOSURE CLERK, MOTION-PICTURE LOANS (finan. inst.) 249.367-038 07.05.03 foreign agent :IMPORT-EXPORT AGENT (any ind.): 184.1 17- 022 11.05.02 :MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. FOREIGN BANKNOTE TELLER-TRADER (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-01 4 08.01.03 Foreign-Car Mechanic (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 FOREIGN CLERK (clerical) 214.467-010 07.02.04 Foreign-Collection Clerk (finan. inst.) :COLLECTION CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-014 07.02.02 Foreign Correspondent (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) :REPORTER (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.): 131.267-018 11.08.02 FOREIGN-EXCHANGE CODE CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.367- 030 11.08.04 FOREIGN-EXCHANGE-POSITION CLERK 210.367–01 4 07.02.01 FOREIGN-EXCHANGE TRADER (finan. inst.) 186.167-014 11.06.03 Foreign-Language Stenographer (clerical) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 (finan. inst.) FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-106 11.09.03 FOREIGN-STUDENT ADVISER (education) 090. 107-010 10.01.02 Foreign-Trade-Services Clerk (finan. inst.) :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 Forensic Pathologist (medical ser.) :PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.061-010 02.02.01 FOREPART LASTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-186 06.04.05 Forepart Rasper (boot & shoe) :RASPER (boot & shoe): 788.684-094 06.04.27 forepart reducer :FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-166 06.04.05 forepart rounder :ROUGH-ROUNDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-334 06.04.05 FOREST ECOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-030 02.02.02 FOREST ENGINEER (forestry; logging) 005. 167-018 05.01.06 FORESTER (profess. & kin.) 040.061-03403.01.04 FORESTER AIDE (forestry) 452.364-010 03.02.02 Forest Examiner (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 FOREST-FIRE FIGHTER (forestry) 452.687-014 03.04.02 FOREST NURSERY SUPERVISOR (forestry) 451.137-010 03.02.02 FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry) 453.687- 0 1 0 03.04.02 Forest Ranger (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 Forest Recreationist (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 forestry hunter :PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt, & trap.): 461.661-010 03.04.03 Forest Supervisor (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 forest technician :FORESTER AIDE (forestry): 452.364-010 * 03.01.04 FOREST WORKER (forestry) 452.687-010 03.04.02 FORGE HELPER (forging) 619,666-010 06.04.40 05.05.09 FORGE-SHOP SUPERVISOR (forging) 612.131-010 06.01.01 forging-die finisher :FINAL FINISHER, FORGING DIES (mach. shop): 705.484-01405.05.07 forging-die sinker :DIE SINKER (mach. shop): 601.280-022 05.05.07 forging-machine operator :FORGING-PRESS OPERATOR (forging) I: 611.482-010 06.02.02 Forging-Press Lever Tender (forging) (forging): 612.685-010 06.04.02 :LEVER TENDER FORGING-PRESS OPERATOR (forging) I 611.482-010 06.02.02 FORGING-PRESS OPERATOR (forging) II 611.685-010 06.04.02 Forging Press Setter-Up (forging) :DIE SETTER (forging): 6 12.360-010 06.01.02 FORGING-ROLL OPERATOR (forging) 612.682-01406.02.02 Fork Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUBAS- SEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 Fork-Lift-Truck Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 Fork Repairer (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUBAS- SEMBLY REPAIRER (motor. & bicycles): 620.684-026 05.10.02 . Formal-Wear-Rental Clerk (ret. tr.) CLERK (ret. tr.): 295.357-010 09.04.02 Formation-Fracturing Operator (petrol. production) :OIL- WELL-SERVICE OPERATOR (petrol. production): 939.462- 0 1 0 :APPAREL-RENTAL Formation-Fracturing-Operator Helper (petrol. production) :OIL-WELL-SERVICE-OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. production): 939.684-018 05.12.07 FORMATION-TESTING OPERATOR (petrol. production) 930.261-01 4 05.07.05 FORM BUILDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.280-010 05.05.07 FORM BUILDER (const.) 860.381-046 05.05.02 Form-Builder Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Form-Building Supervisor (const.) :SUPERVISOR, CARPEN- TERS (const.): 860. 131-018 05.05.02 FORM COVERER (model & pattern) 739.684-070 06.04.27 FORM DESIGNER (print. & pub.) 970.361-010 01.06.01 form drafter :FORM DESIGNER (print. & pub.): 970.361-010 01.06.01 former :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.); 691.685-018 06.04.34 former :CAKE FORMER (oils & fats): 520.685-038 06.04.15 former :DIE PRESSER (pottery & porc.): 575.685-026 06.02.08 Former, Armature Coils (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 FORMER, HAND (any ind.) 619.361-010 05.05.06 FORMER HELPER, HAND (any ind.) 619.684-010 06.04.24 former puller CAKE FORMER (oils & fats): 520.685-038 06.04.15 Former, Rotor-Coil (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Former, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office mach.) :ASSEMBLER, TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT (office mach.): 706.684-026 06.02.23 Form-Finishing-Machine Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681- 0 1 0 * 06.04.35 FORM-GRADER OPERATOR (const.) 850.683-022 05.11.01 forming acid dumper :ACID DUMPER (elec. equip.): 727.687– 0 1 0 06.04.40 forming fixer :FORMING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (glass mfg.): 629.28 1-026 06.01.04 471 FORMING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (glass mfg.) 629.281-026 06.01.04 forming-machine operator :SWAGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition); 617.585-010 06.04.02 forming-machine operator :COUNTER FORMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-098 06.04.05 FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.) 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 forming-machine operator :HAT-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-030 06.04.16 FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 559.665–022 06.02.02 Forming-Machine Operator (paper & pulp) :MOLDING- MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp): 539.685-018 06.02.14 FORMING-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.) 575.685-038 06.02.08 FORMING-MACHINE UPKEEP MECHANIC (glass 575.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 FORMING-MACHINE UPKEEP-MECHANIC HELPER (glass mfg.) 575.687-014 06.04.13 forming-mill operator :MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 616.685-042 * 06.04.02 forming operator :FIBER-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.): 575.685-030 06.04.13 forming operator :DOVETAIL-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 669.685-046 06.04.20 Forming-Press Operator (any ind.) I :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 Forming-Press Operator (any ind.) II :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 forming-press operator :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 FORMING-PROCESS-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.) 727.687- 058 06.04.24 FORMING-PROCESS WORKER (elec. equip.) 590.362-010 06.02.11 FORMING-ROLL OPERATOR (any 06.02.02 FORMING-ROLL OPERATOR (any 06.04.02 Forming-Roll Operator, Heavy Duty (any ind.) :FORMING- ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.482-01406.02.02 forming-tube selector :END FINDER, FORMING DEPART- MENT (textile): 681.687-010 06.03.02 FORM MAKER, PLASTER (fabric. plastics prod.) 777.684- 0 1 0 06.02.30 Form-Press Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 FORMS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 161.267-018 11.01.01 Form-Setter Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Form Setter, Metal Road-Forms (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Form Setter, Steel Forms (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Form Setter, Steel-Pan Forms (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Form-Setter Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869.131-01405.05.01 Form Stripper (conc. prod.; const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Form-stripper Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 form tamper :FORM-TAMPER OPERATOR (const.): 869.683- 0 1 0 05.11.01 FORM-TAMPER OPERATOR (const.) 869.683-010 05.11.01 form-tamping-machine operator :FORM-TAMPER OPERATOR (const.): 869.683-010 05.11.01 mfg.) ind.) I 617.482-014 ind.) II 619.685-046 Formula Bottler (dairy prod.; medical ser.) :FORMULA-ROOM WORKER (dairy prod.; medical ser.): 520.487-01405.10.08 Formula Checker (tex. prod., n.e.c.; textile) :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387-046 05.09.02 Formula Figurer (paint & varn.) :CALCULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 216.482-022 * 07.02.02 Formula Maker (dairy prod.; medical ser.) :FORMULA-ROOM WORKER (dairy prod.; medical ser.): 520.487-01405.10.08 FORMULA-ROOM WORKER (dairy prod.; medical ser.) 520.487-0 1 4 05.10.08 formulator :MIXER (chem.); 559.665–026 06.04.11 FORMULA WEIGHER (pen & pencil) 559.685-082 06.02.18 FORMULA WEIGHER (rubber goods) 550.663-010 06.04.11 Fortune Teller (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-018 01.07.01 FORWARDER (print. & pub.) 794.687-026 06.04.26 FOSTER PARENT (dom. ser.) 309.677-014 10.03.03 FOUNDATION-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) 859.682-014 05.11.01 Foundation-Drill-Operator Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 FOUNDATION MAKER (hairwork) 739.384-014 06.02.27 FOUNDATION MAKER (hat & cap) 784.684-030 06.04.34 FOUNDRY LABORER, COREROOM (found.) 518.687-014 06.04.32 FOUNDRY METALLURGIST (found.) 0 1 1.061-010 05.01.01 FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.) 519. 131-010 06.01.01 foundry technician :FOUNDRY METALLURGIST (found.): 0 1 1.061-010 05.01.01 FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.) 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 Fountain-Brush Assembler (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLER, MARKING DEVICES (pen & pencil): 733.687-010 06.04.23 fountain dispenser :FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.): 3.19.474-0 1 0 * 09.04.01 FOUNTAIN PEN TURNER (pen & pencil) 690.685-190 06.04.09 Fountain-Roller Assembler (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLER, MARKING DEVICES (pen & pencil): 733.687-010 06.04.23 FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.) 319.474-010 * 09.04.01 Fourchette Sewer (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 FOUR-CORNER-STAYER-MACHINE OPERATOR goods) 641.685-054 06.04.04 FOURDRINIER-MACHINE TENDER (build. board; paper & pulp) 539.362-014 * 06.02.14 fourdrinier operator :FOURDRINIER-MACHINE TENDER (build. board; paper & pulp): 539.362-014 * 06.02.14 Fourdrinier-Paper-Machine Supervisor (paper & pulp) :SUPERVISOR, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539. 132-0 1 0 06.02.01 FOUR-H CLUB AGENT (education) 096. 127-022 11.02.03 Four-Horse Hitch Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 9 19.664-0 1 0 03.04.05 FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 619.382- 018 06.02.02 FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 619.685- 050 06.04.02 FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE 06.01.02 Fox Farmer (agric.) :FUR FARMER (agric.): 410.161-014 03.01.02 FOXING CUTTER, HOT KNIFE (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 751.684-022 06.04.29 FOXING-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (boot & shoe) 690.682-038 06.02.05 FOXING PAINTER (rubber goods) 584.685-022 06.04.21 Fractional-Horsepower Motor Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRIC- MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 (paper SETTER (any ind.) 616.380-010 472 fractionation operator, head :SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.); 549. 132-030 06.01.01 fractionation supervisor SUPERVISOR, (petrol. refin.); 549.132-030 06.01.01 frame aliner :FRAME STRAIGHTENER (motor. & bicycles): 807.484-010 05.10.01 frame-and-scrap crusher :CRUSHER TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.); 555.685-022 06.04.09 Frame Assembler (mfö. blogs.) :ASSEMBLER, SUBAS- SEMBLY (mfö. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-018 06.04.22 Frame Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUB- ASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 frame assembler ASSEMBLER, MOLDED FRAMES (optical goods): 713.684-01406.04.23 Frame Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 Frame Assembler (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 FRAME BANDER (textile) 628.684-014 06.04.34 frame bender :AWNING-FRAME MAKER (canvas goods): 809.484-0 1 0 05.10.01 frame builder, silk-screen :SILK-SCREEN-FRAME ASSEM- BLER (any ind.): 709.484-010 06.04.23 FRAME CARVER, SPINDLE (optical goods) 713.684-030 06.04.24 frame catcher :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 FRAME CHANGER (textile) 689.686-026 06.04.06 frame cleaner :ROLLER CLEANER (textile): 680.687-014 06.04.39 Frame Coverer (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) II: 783.687-010 06.04.23 frame crusher :CRUSHER TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 555.685-022 06.04.09 FRAME FEEDER (glue) 553.686-034 06.04.34 frame-gate-mortiser operator :POCKET CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-01 4 06.02.03 FRAME HAND (trim. & embroid.) 689.687-046 06.04.27 Frame Maker (leather mfg.) :CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.): 860.281-010 05.05.02 Frame Maker (plan. mill) :MACHINIST, (woodworking): 669.380-014 * 05.05.08 Frame Nailer (wood. box) :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 frame-pulley-mortising-machine operator :PULLEY-MORTISER OPERATOR (plan. mill): 666.482-010 06.02.03 framer :HANDBAG FRAMER (leather prod.): 739.684-090 06.04.23 framer ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 FRAMER (mirror; mirror & pic. frames) 739.684-078 06.04.34 framer :CLOTH FRAMER (textile): 689.687-026 06.04.38 framer UMBRELLA TIPPER, HAND (umbrella): 739.684-162 06.04.27 framer :FRAME-TABLE OPERATOR 669.662-01 4 06.02.03 FRAMER (wood preserving) 666.684-010 06.04.25 FRAME REPAIRER (mirror) 739.684-074 06.04.34 FRAME REPAIRER (motor. & bicycles) 807.381-018 05.10.01 FRAME STRAIGHTENER (motor. & bicycles) 807.484-010 05.10.01 FRAME STRIPPER (glue) 559.687-046 06.04.19 FRAME STRIPPER (soap) 559.685-086 06.04.19 frame stripper and crusher SOAP GRINDER (soap): 555.685- 062 06.04.19 FRAME-TABLE OPERATOR (wood preserving) 669.662-014 FRAME-TABLE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving) 669.685-058 06.04.18 - PURIFICATION WOOD (wood preserving): FRAME TRIMMER (mirror & pic. frames) I 749.684-030 06.04.33 FRAME TRIMMER (mirror & pic. frames) II 769.687-022 06.04.25 FRAME WIRER (tel. & tel.) 822.684-010 05.10.03 framing-machine tender :TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-010 06.04.16 framing-mill operator :FRAME-TABLE OPERATOR (wood preserving): 669.662-01406.02.03 framing-mill-operator helper :FRAME-TABLE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving): 669.685-058 06.04.18 frankfurter inspector :SAUSAGE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.587-01406.03.02 Fraternity Adviser (education):DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AF- FAIRS (education): 090. 167–022 11.07.03 Fraud-and-Security Manager, Credit Cards (any ind.) :MANAGER, CREDIT CARD OPERATIONS (profess. & kin.): 186. 167–022 11.05.02 FRAZER (smoking pipe) 664.685-022 06.04.03 Freelance Reporter (clerical) :SHORTHAND REPORTER (clerical): 202.362-010 07.05.03 freezer :FREEZER OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.482-010 06.02.15 freezer assistant :ICE CREAM FREEZER ASSISTANT (dairy prod.): 529.685-146 06.04.15 FREEZER OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 529.482-010 06.02.15 FREEZER TUNNEL OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 523.685- 082 06.04.15 FREEZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.685-090 06.04.11 FREEZING-ROOM WORKER (can. & preserv.) 523.587-018 06.04.40 Freight-Air-Brake Fitter (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 freight and passenger agent :STATION AGENT (r. r. trans.) I: 910. 1 37-038 07.01.02 FREIGHT-CAR CLEANER, DELTA SYSTEM (r.r. 9 10.687–022 freight checker :CARGO CHECKER (water trans.): 222.367- 0 1 0 05.09.03 Freight Clerk (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical): 222.387-050 05.09.01 freight clerk :SUPERCARGO (water 05.09.02 freighter :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 FREIGHT-LOADING SUPERVISOR (r.r. trans.) 9 10.137-026 05.12.03 freight-rate clerk :TRAFFIC-RATE CLERK (clerical): 214.362- 038 07.02.04 Freight-Traffic Agent (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.) :TRAFFIC AGENT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 252.257-010 08.01.02 FREIGHT-TRAFFIC CONSULTANT (bus. ser.) 184.267-010 11.05.02 french-binding folder CEMENTER AND FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-070 06.04.05 French-Binding Folder (boot & shoe) :BINDING FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 788.684-018 06.04.27 french-edge operator :EXTENSION EDGER (paper goods): 64 1.685-046 06.04.04 french weaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 frequency checker :MACHINE-STOPPAGE-FREQUENCY CHECKER (textile): 221.367–034 05.09.03 Frequency-Meter Aliner (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 fresh-meat grader GRADER, GREEN MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-106 06.03.02 FRESH-WORK INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.687-090 06.03.02 trans.) trans.): 248. 167-010 473 fresh-work wrapper-layer :WRAPPER LAYER 529,685–266 * 06.04.15 fret-saw operator :JIGSAW OPERATOR 667.682-042 06.02.03 FRETTED-INSTRUMENT 730.684-034 06.01.04 FRETTED-INSTRUMENT MAKER, HAND (musical 730.28 1-022 05.05.12 FRETTED-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.281-026 05.05.12 frickertron checker :TEST-SKEIN 575.685-082 06.04.16 FRICTION-PAINT-MACHINE TENDER (match) 534.685-014 06.04.21 fried-cake maker :DOUGHNUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.); 526.682-022 06.02.15 fringe-binder operator :CARPET SEWER (carpet & rug; ret. tr.): 787.682-014 06.02.05 FRINGER (carpet & rug; house furn.) 789.687-062 06.04.27 Fringer (house furn.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 fringer, hand :PASSEMENTERIE WORKER (trim. & em- broid.): 782.684-050 06.04.27 FRINGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods) 685.686-010 06.04.06 frit burner :FRIT-MIXER-AND-BURNER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 579.685-01406.04.17 Frit Coater (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics): 725.684-022 06.02.23 frit maker :GLAZE MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.485-01 4 06.02.09 FRIT-MIXER-AND-BURNER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 579.685-01 4 06.04.17 Frog Shaker (tobacco) 06.04.28 Front Clerk (hotel & rest.) :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * 07.04.03 FRONT-EDGE-TAPE SEWER, 786.682–1 18 06.02.05 Front-Elevator Operator (hotel & rest.) :ELEVATOR OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 388.663-010 09.05.09 FRONT-END LOADER OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.683-042 05.11.04 FRONT-END MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.281-038 05.10.01 FRONT MAKER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-114 06.02.05 FRONT-SIGHT ATTACHER (firearms) 736.684-030 06.04.23 front tender :DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile): 582.582-0 1 0 06.02.16 froster :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684-022 06.04.28 froster, machine :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 FROTHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 550.362- 0 1 0 06.02.13 FROZEN PIE MAKER (any ind.) 529.684-010 06.04.28 FRUIT-BAR MAKER (confection.) 529.685-134 06.04.15 FRUIT-BUYING GRADER (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.387-018 06.03.01 FRUIT COORDINATOR (can. & preserv.) 05.09.02 f FRUIT CUTTER (confection.) 521.687-066 06.04.28 FRUIT DISTRIBUTOR (agric.) 921.685-046 05.12.04 FRUIT-GRADER OPERATOR (agric.; whole. tr.) 529.665-010 06.04.15 fruit inspector :FRUIT-BUYING GRADER (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.387-018 06.03.01 Fruit Mixer (bake. prod.) :ICING MIXER (bake. 520.685–11 4 06.04.15 (tobacco): (woodworking): INSPECTOR (musical inst.) inst.) WINDER (glass mfg.): :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 LOCKSTITCH (garment) 529. 16.7-0 1 0 prod.): Fruit Packer, Face-and-Fill (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687- 134 * 03.04.01 Fruit Packer, Wrap-and-Place (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687- 134 * 03.04.01 fruit picker :HARVEST WORKER, FRUIT (agric.): 403.687- 018 * 03.04.01 FRUIT-PRESS OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; flav. ext. & sirup) 521.685-146 06.04.15 Fruit Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Fruit Stuffer (confection.) :GARNISHER (confection.): 524.687-0 1 4 06.04.28 Fudge-Candy Maker (confection.) (confection.): 529.361-01406.02.28 fuel assembler ATOMIC-FUEL ASSEMBLER 709.38 1-0 10 06.01.04 FUEL ATTENDANT (any ind.) 953.362-010 05.06.02 fuel-bay-lining mechanic :INSTALLER, FUEL-BAY LINING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 752.687-010 06.04.29 fuel-cell assembler :SELF-SEALING-FUEL-TANK BUILDER (rubber goods): 752.684-046 06.02.29 fuel-cell repairer :SELF-SEALING-FUEL-TANK REPAIRER (rubber goods): 759.384-010 06.04.29 Fuel-Cell Sealer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684- 1 10 06.02.24 FUEL-HOUSE ATTENDANT (sawmill) 951.686-010 05.12.04 FUEL-INJECTION SERVICER (any ind.) 625.281-022 05.05.09 FUEL-OIL CLERK (clerical) 222.387-018 07.02.03 Fuel-Oil-Delivery Driver (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :TANK-TRUCK DRIVER (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 903.683-018 * 05.08.01 FUEL-SYSTEM-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any 638.131-0 10 05.06.03 FUEL-SYSTEM-MAINTENANCE 638.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.09 Fuel-System Tester (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) TESTER, PLUMBING SYSTEMS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806,281- 054 O6.01.05 full-charge bookkeeper :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) I: 210.382- 014 * 07.02.01 Full-Decator Operator (textile) :DECATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-042 06.04.16 FULLER (textile) 586.682-010 06.02.16 FULLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods) 586.382-010 06.02.16 fulling-mill operator :FULLER (textile): 586.682-010 06.02.16 Full-Roll Inspector (photofinish.) :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-014 06.03.02 FUMIGATOR (bus. ser.) 383.361-010 05.10.09 FUMIGATOR AND STERILIZER (matt. 582.685-074 06.04.19 FUNCTIONAL TESTER, TYPEWRITERS 706.382-010 06.03.01 FUND RAISER (nonprofit organ.) I 293. 157-010 11.09.02 FUND RAISER (nonprofit organ.) II 293.357-014 08.02.08 FUNERAL ATTENDANT (per. ser.) 359.677-014 09.01.04 funeral driver :CHAUFFEUR, FUNERAL CAR (per. ser.): 3.59.673-01 4 05.08.03 funeral-home attendant :MORTUARY BEAUTICIAN (per. ser.): 339.361-010 01.06.02 Funeral-Limousine Driver (per. ser.) :CHAUFFEUR, FU- NERAL CAR (per. ser.): 359.673-014 05.08.03 Fun-House Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :BOUNCER (amuse. & rec.): 376.667-010 :CANDY MAKER (chem.): ind.) WORKER (any ind.) & bedspring) (office mach.) 474 FUN-HOUSE OPERATOR (amuse. & 05.12.15 Funnel Coater (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics): 725.684-022 06.02.23 FUNNEL COATER, HAND (electronics) 06.04.33 Funnel Setter (synthetic fibers) :SPINNER (synthetic fibers): 557.685-026 06.04.13 fur beater :FUR CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr., whole. tr.): 369.685-01406.04.35 FUR BLENDER (fur dressing) 783.681-010 01.06.02 fur blower :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685- 046 06.04.06 FUR BLOWER (ret. tr.) 369.685-010 06.04.39 FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 06.04.06 fur-blowing-machine attendant :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685-046 06.04.06 fur-blowing-machine operator :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685-046 06.04.06 FUR CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-014 06.02.27 FUR CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-018 06.04.35 FUR CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 369.685-014 06.04.35 Fur Clipper (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 FUR CUTTER (fur goods) 783.381-010 06.02.27 FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685- 046 06.04.05 FUR DESIGNER (fur goods) 142.081-014 01.02.03 FUR DRESSER (fur dressing) 589.361-010 06.01.04 fur drummer :FUR CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 369.685-01406.04.35 fur dry-cleaner :FUR CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-01 4 06.02.27 fur dry-cleaner :FUR CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr., whole. tr.): 369.685-01406.04.35 fur dry-cleaner, hand :FUR CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-018 06.04.35 - fur dyer :FUR BLENDER (fur dressing): 783.681-010 01.06.02 FUR FARMER (agric.) 410.161-01403.01.02 fur feeder :HAT-FORMING-MACHINE FEEDER (hat & cap): 586.686-018 06.04.05 FUR FINISHER (fur goods) 783.381-01406.02.27 Fur Finisher, Head (fur goods) :SUPERVISOR, FURRIER SHOP (fur goods): 783.131-010 05.05.15 FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing) 589,686-022 06.04.16 FUR GLAZER (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods) 369.684-010 06.04.35 FUR-GLAZING-AND-POLISHING-MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685-022 06.04.35 fur glosser :FUR GLAZER (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods): 369.684-0 1 0 06.04.35 fur grader :FUR SORTER (fur goods): 783.384-010 06.03.01 FUR IRONER (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685-018 06.04.35 fur ironer :FUR-GLAZING-AND-POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.): 369.685-022 06.04.35 fur joiner :FUR-MACHINE OPERATOR (fur goods): 783.682- 010 06.02.05 Fur Liner (fur goods) :FUR FINISHER (fur goods): 783.381- 01 4 06.02.27 FUR-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.05 FUR-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-122 06.02.05 fur matcher :FUR SORTER (fur goods): 783.384-010 06.03.01 fur mixer :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685- O46 06.04.06 fur-mixer operator :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685-062 06.04.06 rec.) 342.665-010 740.687-014 680.685-046 OPERATOR (fur goods) 783.682-010 FURNACE-AND-WASH-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (ammunition) 503.685-026 06.04.10 furnace attendant :BATCH-AND-FURNACE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 572.382-010 06.02.13 FURNACE CHARGER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.483-010 06.02.10 furnace-charging-machine operator :CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 512.683-010 06.02.10 FURNACE CLEANER (any ind.) 891.687-01405.12.18 furnace clerk :FUSING-FURNACE LOADER (optical goods): 573.686-014 06.04.13 FURNACE-COMBUSTION ANALYST (glass mfg.) 572.360- 0 1 0 06.01.05 Furnace Cooler (elec. equip.) :FURNACE WORKER (elec. equip.): 543.666-010 06.04.19 furnace feeder :HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 - FURNACE HELPER (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.687- 014 06.04.34 FURNACE HELPER (chem.) 558.686-010 06.04.11 FURNACE HELPER (heat treat.) 504.686-01406.04.10 FURNACE HELPER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.666-010 06.04.10 FURNACE INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) 862.361-010 05.05.05 FURNACE-INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER HELPER, AIR (any ind.) 869.687-030 05.12.12 HOT FURNACE INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER, HOT AIR (any ind.) 869.281-010 05.05.09 … Furnace Installer Helper (light, heat, & power) :PIPE-FITTER HELPER (const.): 862.684-022 05.12.12 Furnace Loader (elec. equip.) :FURNACE WORKER (elec. equip.): 543.666-010 06.04.19 z furnace loader :HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 Furnace Mason (const.) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 FURNACE OPERATOR (chem.) 558.482-010 06.02.11 FURNACE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 543.682-018 06.04.10 furnace operator :HEATER (forging): 619.682-022 06.02.02 FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel) 512.362-018 06.02.10 furnace operator :LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.): 573.685-026 06.04.13 furnace operator :DRIER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 543.682-01 4 06.02.18 FURNACE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.362-014 06.02.10 FURNACE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.462-014 06.02.10 FURNACE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.462- 0 1 0 06.02.10 FURNACE OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 542.562-010 06.02.12 Furnace Operator, Oil or Gas (found.) :FURNACE OPERA- TOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 Furnace Packer (elec. equip.) :FURNACE WORKER (elec. equip.): 543.666-010 06.04.19 furnace repairer helper :FURNACE-INSTALLER-AND- REPAIRER HELPER, HOT AIR (any ind.): 869.687-030 05.12.12 furnace-room supervisor SUPERVISOR, LITHARGE (paint & varn.): 559. 132-1 10 06.02.01 FURNACE-STOCK INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 559.364-010 06.03.01 furnace tender :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., 869.685-010 05.12.10 furnace tender :HEATER (forging): 619.682-022 06.02.02 n.e.c.): FURNACE TENDER (found.; nonfer. metal alloys) 5 12.685- 0 1 0 06.04.10 475 furnace tender :CUPOLA TENDER (found.): 512.662-010 06.02.10 furnace tender :GLASS-FURNACE TENDER (paint & varn.): 572.685-010 06.04.13 Furnace Unloader (elec. equip.) :FURNACE WORKER (elec. equip.): 543.666-010 06.04.19 furnace worker :FURNACE INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER, HOT AIR (any ind.): 869.281-010 05.05.09 FURNACE WORKER (elec. equip.) 543.666-010 06.04.19 FUR NAILER (fur goods) 783.684-01406.02.31 FURNITURE ASSEMBLER (furn.) 763.684-038 06.02.22 FURNITURE ASSEMBLER-AND-INSTALLER (ret. tr.) 739.684-082 05.10.01 FURNITURE CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-022 06.04.35 furniture cleaner :CLEANER, FURNITURE (furn.): 709.687– 01 4 06.04.39 FURNITURE DESIGNER (furn.) 142.061-022 01.02.03 FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking) 763.381-010 05.05.08 FURNITURE-FINISHER APPRENTICE (woodworking) 763.381-01 4 05.05.08 furniture mover :VAN-DRIVER HELPER (motor 905.687-01 4 05.12.03 furniture-mover driver :VAN DRIVER (motor trans.): 905.663– 018 05.08.03 Furniture Packer (ret. tr.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 furniture refinisher :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.08 FURNITURE REPRODUCER (furn.) 149.281-010 05.03.02 furniture shampooer :FURNITURE CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-022 06.04.35 trans.): FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER (any ind.) 780.381-018 05.05.15 - FURNITURE-UPHOLSTERER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 780.381-022 05.05.15 fur operator :FUR-MACHINE OPERATOR (fur goods): 783.682-0 1 0 06.02.05 FUR PLUCKER (fur dressing) 585.681-01406.02.27 Fur-Polishing-Machine Operator (clean., dye., & press.) :FUR- GLAZING-AND-POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.): 369.685-022 06.04.35 Fur Puller (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 fur repairer :FURRIER (fur goods): 783.261-010 05.05.15 FUR-REPAIR INSPECTOR (ret. tr.) 783.387-010 05.05.15 furrier :FUR CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-014 06.02.27 FURRIER (fur goods) 783.261-010 05.05.15 fur scraper :FLESHER (fur dressing): 585.681-010 06.01.04 fur sewer :FUR FINISHER (fur goods): 783.381-01406.02.27 fur sewer :FUR-MACHINE OPERATOR (fur goods): 783.682- 010 06.02.05 - FUR SORTER (fur goods) 783.384-010 06.03.01 FUR-STORAGE CLERK (ret. tr.) 369.367-010 05.09.01 Fur Stretcher (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 fur tailor :FURRIER (fur goods): 783.261-010 05.05.15 fur tailor :FUR FINISHER (fur goods): 783.381-01406.02.27 fur tinter :FUR BLENDER (fur dressing): 783.681-010 01.06.02 - fur trapper TRAPPER, ANIMAL (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-014 03.04.03 FUR TRIMMER (fur goods) 783.687-01406.04.27 fur-trimming machine operator :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 fur-vault attendant :FUR-STORAGE CLERK 369.367-0 1 0 05.09.01 fur weigher HAT-FORMING-MACHINE FEEDER cap): 586.686-018 06.04.05 (ret. tr.): (hat & FUSE ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.684-022 * 06.02.23 FUSE-CUP EXPANDER (ammunition) 694.685-022 06.04.02 Fuselage Coverer, Wood (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 fuselage-covering fitter SKIN FITTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 806.381-054 06.01.04 Fuselage-Pressurization Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-1 10 06.02.24 FUSE MAKER (fireworks) 559.685-094 06.04.19 FUSING-FURNACE LOADER (optical goods) 573.686-014 06.04.13 Fusing-Line Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, MUL- TIFOCAL LENS (optical goods): 716.687-018 06.03.02 FUSING-MACHINE FEEDER (garment) 583.686-01406.04.05 FUSING-MACHINE TENDER (garment; hosiery) 583.685-046 06.04.05 Fusion-Juncture Grinder (optical goods) :LENS-FABRICAT- ING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods): 716.685-022 06.04.08 G Gaffer (fish.) :FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 gaffer :GLASS BLOWER (glass mfg.): 772.681-010 06.01.04 GAGE-AND-WEIGH-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 632.360-010 06.01.02 GAGE-AND-WEIGH-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.685-010 06.03.02 Gage Calibrator (inst. & app.) :CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.) I: 710.681-01406.01.04 gage checker :INSPECTOR, GAGE AND INSTRUMENT (mach. shop): 601.281-018 06.01.05 Gage Controller (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 601.281-022 05.07.01 Gage Designer (profess. & kin.) :TOOL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 0.07.061-026 05.01.07 Gage Maker (mach. shop) :TOOL MAKER, BENCH (mach. shop): 601.281-026 05.05.07 GAGE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.682-042 06.02.09 gager INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 GAGER (clock & watch) 715.687-034 06.01.05 gager :BOTTLE GAGER (distilled liquors): 06.03.02 gager DIPPER (match): 590.685-022 06.04.21 GAGER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687-018 06.03.02 GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384- 0 1 0 05.06.03 GAGER (vinous liquors) 529.387-022 06.03.01 GAGER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914. 134-010 05.06.03 gager, chief delivery :SUPERVISOR, FIELD-PIPE-LINES (pipe lines): 914. 132-022 05.02.01 Gager, Delivery (pipe lines) :GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.384-010 05.06.03 Gager, Hand (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 - Gaging-Machine Operator (ammunition) :GAGE-AND-WEIGH- 529.587-010 MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 737.685-010 06.03.02 Gag-Press Straightener (iron & steel) :STRAIGHTENING- PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 617.482-026 ° 06.02.02 Gag Writer (profess. & kin.) :HUMORIST (profess. & kin.): 13 1.067–026 01.01.02 . - GALLEY STRIPPER (print. & pub.) 973.681-010 05.10.05 galvanizer :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 476 Galvanizer, Zinc (galvanizing) :PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing): 501.685-010 06.04.21 galvanizing dipper :PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing): 501.685- 010 06.04.21 Galvanometer Assembler (elec. equip.) : ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) II: 729.384-010 06.02.23 gambling broker :BOARD ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 249.587-010 09.05.05 SAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.) 343.467-018 09.04.02 GAMBLING MONITOR (amuse. & rec.) 343.367-014 04.02.03 GAMBRELER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-030 06.04.28 GAMBRELER HELPER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-034 06.04.28 game and fish protector :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379. 16.7-010 * 04.01.02 SAME ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 342.457-010 09.04.02 GAME-BIRD FARMER (agric.) 412.161-010 03.01.02 GAME-FARM HELPER (agric.) 412.684-010 03.04.01 3AMEKEEPER (agric.; gov. ser.) 169.17 1-010 03.01.02 game operator :GAME ATTENDANT (amuse. & 342.457-010 09.04.02 Same Protector (gov. ser.) :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379.167-010 * 04.01.02 game warden :FISH AND GAME WARDEN (gov. ser.): 379. 167-010 * 04.01.02 GAMMA-FACILITIES OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 015.362- 01 4 02.04.01 Gang-Bore Operator (woodworking) :BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 666.382-010 06.02.03 gang boss :SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (petrol. refin.): 899. 137-018 05.12.18 ang boss :HEADER (water trans.): 05.12.01 ang-drill-press operator :DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 606.380-010 06.01.03 ang-Hemstitching-Machine Operator (house furn.) :HEMMER, AUTOMATIC (house furn.): 787.685-018 06.04.05 - ang-punch operator :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 - gang pusher SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (petrol. refin.): 899. 137-018 05.12.18 gang rider BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 Gang-Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) :RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-066 gang-saw operator :GANG SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 670.362-010 06.02.08 GANG SAWYER (sawmill) 667.682-030 06.02.03 GANG SAWYER, STONE (stone work) 670.362-010 06.02.08 gang supervisor, pipe lines :SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINES (petrol. production): 862. 131-022 05.11.01 Gang-Vibrator Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 gang worker :ROUSTABOUT (petrol. production): 869.684- 046 05.10.01 Gantry Crane Operator (any ind.) :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Garage-Door Hanger (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381- 022 * 05.05.02 garage mechanic :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 GARAGE SERVICER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.) 915.687-014 05.12.08 rec.): GARBAGE-COLLECTION SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 909. 1 37-01 4 05.08.03 GARBAGE COLLECTOR (motor trans.) 909.687-010 GARBAGE COLLECTOR DRIVER (motor trans.) 905.663– 0 1 0 05.08.03 Garbage Porter (hotel & rest.) :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05.12:18 GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.) 313.361-034 05.10.08 garde manger COOK, LARDER (water trans.): 315.381-014 05.10.08 gardener GROUNDSKEEPER, INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL (any ind.): 406.684-01403.04.04 Gardener (dom. Ser.) :YARD WORKER (dom. ser.): 301.687– 018 03.04.04 GARDENER, SPECIAL EFFECTS AND INSTRUCTION MODELS (motion pic.; museum) 406.381-010 03.01.03 garden farmer :FARMER, VEGETABLE (agric.): 402.161-010 03.01.01 Garden-Hose Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 garden worker :FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) II: 402.687-010 03.04.01 GARLAND-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. 692.685-090 06.04.09 GARMENT-ALTERATION EXAMINER (ret. tr.) 789.687-078 05.05.15 - garment examiner :INSPECTOR (clean., dye., & press.): 369.687–022 * 06.03.02 garment finisher SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 - GARMENT FITTER (ret. tr.) 785.361-014 05.05.15 GARMENT FOLDER (garment; knit goods) 789.687-066 * 06.04.38 GARMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.) 789.687-070 06.03.02 Garment Looper (knit goods) :LOOPER (hosiery; knit goods): 689.682-010 * 06.02.06 garment marker :MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687–026 05.09.01 Garment-Parts Cutter, Hand (garment) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-01406.02.27 Garment-Parts Cutter, Machine (garment) MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 Garment Ripper, Alterations (garment) :RIPPER (garment; ret. tr.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 782.687-038 06.04.27 garment sewer, hand :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 GARMENT SORTER (garment) 222.687-01406.03.02 GARMENT STEAMER (knit goods) 582.685-078 06.04.05 Garment-Tag Stringer (paper goods) :STRINGER (paper goods): 794.687-054 06.04.23 GARMENT TURNER (garment; knit goods) 789.687-074 06.04.27 Garment Weigher (knit goods) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 GARNETTER (felt goods; house furn.; matt. & bedspring; waste & batting) 680.685-054 06.04.06 garnetter :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR 680.685-050 06.04.06 Garnett Feeder (house furn.; waste & batting) :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 Garnett Fixer (house furn.) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 garnetting-machine operator :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 680.685-050 06.04.06 prod., n.e.c.) :CUTTER, (textile): GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 680.685-050 06.04.06 Garnett-Machine-Operator Helper (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 GARNISHER (confection.) 524.687-014 06.04.28 gas analyst :TESTER (petrol. refin.): 029.261-022 02.04.01 gas-and-oil checker :GAS-AND-OIL SERVICER (motor trans.): 9 15.587-010 05.12.06 477 GAS-AND-OIL SERVICER 05.12.06 gas-anneal feeder :FLAME-HARDENING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (heat treat.): 504.685-014 06.04.10 GAS-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.) 637.261-018 + 05.10.02 GAS-APPLIANCE-SERVICER HELPER (any ind.) 637.684- 010 05.12.15 gasateria attendant :AUTOMOBILE-SELF-SERVE-SERVICE- STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.477-010 09.04.02 GAS CHARGER (refrigerat. equip.) 827.485-010 06.04.36 GAS-CHECK-PAD MAKER (firearms) 736.684-034 06.02.32 GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 950.382-014 05.06.02 gas-cutting-machine operator :THERMAL-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 gas-cylinder inspector :CYLINDER INSPECTOR-AND- TESTER (comp. & liquefied gases): 953.387-010 06.03.01 Gas-Delivery Driver (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :TANK- TRUCK DRIVER (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 903.683- 018 * 05.08.01 gas desulphurizer DESULFURIZER OPERATOR (coke prod.): 541.362-010 06.02.11 GAS DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.16.7- 0 1 0 05.06.03 GAS-DISTRIBUTION-AND-EMERGENCY CLERK heat, & power) 249.367-042 07.04.05 gas-distribution supervisor :MAINS-AND-SERVICE SUPER- VISOR (light, heat, & power): 862. 137-010 05.05.03 gas-engine engineer (petrol. production): 950.382-022 05.06.02 GAS-ENGINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 950.382-018 05.06.01 Gas-Engine Operator, Compressors (any ind.) :GAS-ENGINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-018 05.06.01 Gas-Engine Operator, Generators (any ind.) :GAS-ENGINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-018 05.06.01 GAS-ENGINE REPAIRER (any ind.) 625.281-026 05.05.09 gas fitter :GAS-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power): 953.364-0 1 0 05.10.02 gas-fitter helper :GAS-APPLIANCE-SERVICER HELPER (any ind.): 637.684-010 05.12.15 Gas-Generator Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 - Gas Inspector (mining & quarrying) :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 Gasket Attacher (mach. miſg.):GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 Gasket Cutter (cork prod.) :POWER-PRESS TENDER (any ind.): 617.685-026 06.04.02 GASKET INSPECTOR (pipe & boiler cov.) 739.687-102 06.03.02 Gasket Molder (rubber goods) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 Gasket Notcher (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER- FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 GASKET SUPERVISOR (cork prod.) 569.130-010 06.01.04 GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.367-0 1 0 05.07.01 GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR HELPER (light, heat, & power; pipe lines) 953.667-010 05.07.01 GAS-LEAK TESTER (refrigerat. equip.) 827.584-01406.03.02 gas-lift engineer :GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any ind.): (motor trans.) 915.587-010 (light, 950.382-01 4 05.06.02 £ GAS-MAIN FITTER (light, heat, & power) 862.361-014 05.05.03 GAS-MASK ASSEMBLER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.684-022 06.04.23 GAS-MASK INSPECTOR (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687- 022 06.03.02 :ROTARY-RIG ENGINE OPERATOR gas tender gas-meter adjuster GAS-METER PROVER (light, heat, & power): 710.281-022 06.01.05 GAS-METER CHECKER (light, heat, & power) 953.367-01. 05.07.01 - GAS-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) 953.364-01 05.10.02 GAS-METER-INSTALLER HELPER (light, heat, & power 953.687-010 05.12.15 GAS-METER MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) I 710.381 022 05.10.02 GAS-METER MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) II 710.684 026 05.10.02 GAS-METER PROVER (light, heat, & power) 710.281-02. 06.01.05 Gas-Meter Reader (light, heat, & power) :METER READEF (light, heat, & power; waterworks): 209.567-010 05.09.03 gas-meter repairer :GAS-METER MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) II: 710.684-026 05.10.02 Gasoline-Dragline Operator (any ind.) :DRAGLINE OPERA TOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 Gasoline-Engine Assembler (engine & turbine) :ASSEMBLER INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 Gasoline-Engine Inspector (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ENGINE INSPECTOR (engine & turbine 806.261-010 06.01.05 . gasoline finisher :BLENDER (petrol. refin.): 540.462-01( 06.02.12 Gasoline-Locomotive-Crane Operator (any ind. :LOCOMOTIVE-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663 038 05.11.04 Gasoline-Power-Shovel Operator (any ind.) :POWER-SHOVE OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 Gasoline-Tractor Operator (any ind.) :TRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 929.683-01405.11.04 Gasoline-Truck-Crane Operator (any ind.) :TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 Gasoline-Truck Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 gas-pit specialist :FUEL-SYSTEM-MAINTENANCE WORKER (any ind.): 638.381-010 05.05.09 GAS-PUMPING-STATION HELPER (light, heat, & power 953.684-010 05.12.06 GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power 953.382-010 05.06.03 GAS-PUMPING-STATION SUPERVISOR power) 953.137-010 05.06.03 * Gas-Refrigerator Servicer (any ind.) :GAS-APPLIANCE SER VICER (any ind.): 637.261-018 * 05.10.02 GAS-REGULATOR REPAIRER (light, heat, & power; petro refin.; pipe lines) 710.381-026 05.05.09 GAS-REGULATOR-REPAIRER HELPER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 710.384-010 05.10.02 Gas-Roller Operator (const.) :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 - gas-scrubber operator :PURIFICATION OPERATOR (chem.) 551.362-010 06.02.11 - GASSER (textile) 585.685-050 06.04.16 gas-station attendant :AUTOMOBILE-SERVICE-STATION AT TENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.467-010 * 05.10.02 Gas-Stove Servicer (any ind.) :GAS-APPLIANCE SERVICEF (any ind.): 637.261-018 * 05.10.02 Gas-Stove-Servicer Helper (any ind.) :GAS-APPLIANCE-SER VICER HELPER (any ind.): 637.684-010 05.12.15 gas-substation operator :GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERA TOR (light, heat, & power): 953.382-010 05.06.03 :AUTOMOBILE-SERVICE-STATION ATTEN DANT (auto. ser.): 915.467-010 * 05.10.02 gas tender LARRY OPERATOR (coke prod.): 519.683-01. 06.04.40 (light, heat, & 478 Gas Tester (chem.; light, heat, & power; pipe lines) :LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.): 029.261-010 * 02.04.01 gas tester TESTER, COMPRESSED GASES (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.364-010 06.03.01 GAS-TRANSFER OPERATOR (comp. & 914.585-010 06.04.12 GAS TREATER (any ind.) 546.385-010 06.02.12 Gas-Turbine-Powerplant Mechanic (light, heat, :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (light, heat, 631.261-01 4 05.05.09 Gas-Turbine-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 GAS-VOLUME COMPUTER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 216.585-010 05.09.03 GAS-WELDING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 626.381-01 4 05.05.09 gas worker :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 GATE AGENT (air trans.) 238.367-010 09.05.04 Gate Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :TICKET TAKER (amuse. & rec.): 344.667-010 09.05.08 - gate cutter :POCKET CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-014 06.02.03 Gate Guard (r. r. trans.) : PATROLLER (r. r. trans.): 376.667- 018 04.02.02 gatekeeper :GATE TENDER (any ind.): 372.667-030 04.02.02 gate-mortiser operator :POCKET CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-01 4 06.02.03 Gate-Shear Operator (any ind.) I :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 Gate-Shear Operator (any ind.) II :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-034 06.02.02 GATE TENDER (any ind.) 372.667–030 04.02.02 gate tender :INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (musical inst.); 690.686-042 06.04.02 gatherer :SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR 787.682-078 06.02.05 GATHERER (glass mfg.) 575.684-026 06.04.30 GATHERING-MACHINE FEEDER (print. & pub.) 653.686- 018 06.04.04 - GATHERING-MACHINE SETTER (print. & pub.) 653.360- 018 06.01.02 - gauntlet pairer GLOVE PAIRER (glove & mit.): 784.687-034 06.03.02 gear-and-spline grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, GEAR, TOOL (mach. shop): 602.360-010 06.01.03 Gear Burnisher (mach. shop) :GEAR-LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.482-010 06.02.02 Gearcase Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL-COM- BUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.48 1-0 1 0 06.02.22 Gear Cleaner (mach. shop) :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-01406.04.39 gear-coding machine operator GEAR-SORTING-AND-IN- SPECTING MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.362- 0 1 4 06.03.01 gear cutter GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR (mach. shop): 602.380-010 06.01.03 gear cutter GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 602.280-010 06.01.03 GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 602,685-010 06.04.02 GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR shop) 602.380-010 06.01.03 GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 602.280-010 06.01.03 gear finisher GEAR-LAPPING-MACHINE (mach. shop): 602.482-010 06.02.02 liquefied gases) & power) & power): (any ind.) (any ind.): (mach. OPERATOR GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERATOR, SPIRAL BEVEL (mach. shop) 602.382-01406.02.02 GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERATOR, BEVEL (mach. shop) 602.382-018 06.02.02 gear-grinding-machine operator :GRINDER, GEAR (mach. shop): 602.382-034 06.02.02 GEAR HOBBER SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 602.382- 0 1 0 06.03.01 GEAR INSPECTOR (mach. shop) 602.362-010 06.03.01 GEAR-LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. 602.482-010 06.02.02 gear-machine operator, general :GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.380-010 06.01.03 GEAR-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 602.382-022 06.02.02 gear nicker :GEAR-LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.482-010 06.02.02 GEAR REPAIRER (water trans.) 623.381-010 05.10.02 Gear Roller (mach. shop) :GEAR-SORTING-AND-INSPECT- ING MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.362-014 06.03.01 gear shaper :GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 602.280-010 06.01.03 GEAR-SHAPER SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 602.382- 026 06.02.02 GEAR-SHAVER SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 602.382- 030 06.01.03 GEAR-SORTING-AND-INSPECTING MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 602.362-014 06.03.01 Gear Straightener (auto. mfg.) :STRAIGHTENING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 617.482-026 * 06.02.02 gear tester :HYPOID-GEAR TESTER (auto. mfg.): 806.382- 014 06.03.01 gear tester TRANSMISSION TESTER (auto. mfg.): 806.684- 1 34 06.03.02 gear-tooth-grinding-machine operator (mach. shop): 602.382-034 06.02.02 gear-tooth-lapping-machine operator MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. 06.02.02 GELATIN-DYNAMITE-PACKING OPERATOR (explosives) 692.662-01 4 06.02.09 GELATIN MAKER, UTILITY (glue) 529.382-022 06.02.18 Gelatin-Powder Mixer (flav. ext. & sirup) :MIXER OPERATOR (flav. ext. & sirup): 520.685-146 06.04.15 Gel-Coat Sprayer (ship & boat blog. & rep.; sports equip.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 GEM CUTTER (jewelry) 770.281-014 05.05.14 gem expert :GEMOLOGIST (jewelry): 199.281-010 05.05.14 GEMOLOGIST (jewelry) 199.281-010 05.05.14 GENEALOGIST (profess. & kin.) 052.067-018 11.03.03 General Agent (insurance) :SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 GENERAL AGENT, OPERATIONS (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 184. 167-042 11.05.02 general-and-special tools investigator and planner DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 0.07.061-026 05.01.07 general assembler :INGREDIENT SCALER (bake. prod.; dairy prod.): 529.684-01406.04.28 general bookkeeper :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) I: 210.382-014 * 07.02.01 General-Cargo Clerk (water trans.) :BOOKING CLERK (water trans.): 248.367-014 07.05.01 GENERAL CLAIMS AGENT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 186.1 17-030 1 1.12.01 General Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :EXTRA (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 1.59.647–01 4 01.08.01 GENERAL-HANDLING SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 929. 137-010 05.12.03 - STRAIGHT shop) :GRINDER, GEAR :GEAR-LAPPING- shop): 602.482-010 :TOOL 479 general helper :HELPER, MANUFACTURING aerospace mfg.): 809.687-01406.04.34 GENERAL HELPER (choc. & cocoa) 529.686-046 06.04.40 GENERAL HELPER (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.686-014 06.04.40 GENERAL HELPER (oils & fats) 529.687-094 06.04.40 general-labor supervisor SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899. 133-010 05.12.18 GENERAL-LEDGER BOOKKEEPER (clerical) 210.382-046 07.02.01 general-maintenance helper :MAINTENANCE-REPAIRER HELPER, FACTORY OR MILL (any ind.): 899.684-022 05.10.04 GENERAL MANAGER, FARM (agric.; whole. tr.) 180.167- 018 03.01.01 general manager, industrial organization :MANAGER, INDUS- TRIAL ORGANIZATION (any ind.): 189.1 17-022 * 11.05.01 (aircraft- general manager, land department :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 GENERAL MANAGER, ROAD PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.) 187.1 17-034 11.11.04 general matcher SHADE MATCHER (textile): 582.687-022 06.03.02 general-office dispatcher :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) II: 914. 167-010 05.02.01 GENERAL PRACTITIONER (medical ser.) 070. 101-022 * 02.03.01 general production worker :PRODUCTION HELPER (can. & preserv.; food prep., n.e.c.): 529.686-070 06.04.15 General Scrap Worker (nonfer. metal alloys) :LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys): 519.686-010 06.04.10 general secretary, social welfare ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.): 195.1 17-010 11.07.01 GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, MILLING (grain & feed mill.) 183.16.7-01405.02.03 general superintendent, power sales and service :MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 163. 167–022 11.05.04 GENERAL SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 183.16.7-018 06.01.01 GENERAL SUPERVISOR (malt liquors) 183.167-022 05.02.03 general teller :TELLER (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-018 * 07.03.01 general utility helper :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 general utility machine operator :CHOCOLATE-PRODUC- TION-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 529.382- 01 4 06.02.15 general utility worker :HYDROELECTRIC-PLANT MAIN- TAINER (light, heat, & power): 952.687-010 05.12.18 general worker 'MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 generating-substation-operator assistant :SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power): 952.367- 0 1 4 05.06.01 generation-mechanic helper :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 generator operator, straight-bevel gear :GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERATOR, STRAIGHT BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382-018 06.02.02 generator-switchboard operator :SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-034 05.06.01 Generator Tender, Portable (const.) :AUXILIARY-EQUIP- MENT TENDER (const.): 869.665-010 05.11.01 GENETICIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-050 02.02.01 GEODESIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-01402.01.01 GEODETIC COMPUTER (profess. & kin.) 018.167-014 05.03.01 - Geoduck Diver (fish.) :FISHER, DIVING (fish.): 443.664-010 03.04.03 GEOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 029.067-010 02.01.01 | GEOGRAPHER, PHYSICAL (profess. & kin.) 029.067-014 02.01.01 Geological Engineer (profess. & kin.) :GEOLOGIST (profess & kin.): 024.061-018 02.01.01 GEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-018 02.01.01 GEOLOGIST, PETROLEUM (petrol. production) 024.061-022 02.01.02 Geomagnetician (profess. & kin.) :GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-030 02.01.01 Geomorphologist (profess. & kin.) :GEOLOGIST (profess. kin.): 024.061-018 02.01.01 GEOPHYSICAL-LABORATORY CHIEF (profess. 024. 167-010 02.04.01 geophysical operator :OBSERVER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 010.161-018 05.03.04 i GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTOR (petrol. production) 024.061- 026 02.01.02 | GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-030 02.01.01 Geothermal-Powerplant Mechanic (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (light, heat, & power): 63 1.261-01 4 05.05.09 Geothermal-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 Geothermal-Powerplant Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 631.131-010 05.05.05 Germ Drier (corn prod.) :DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-058 06.04.15 GERMINATION WORKER 06.02.15 getterer GETTERING-FILAMENT-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 509.685-026 06.04.21 GETTERER (elec. equip.) 725.687-022 06.04.33 GETTERING-FILAMENT-MACHINE OPERATOR equip.) 509.685-026 06.04.21 getter operator :GETTERING-FILAMENT-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (elec. equip.): 509.685-026 06.04.21 Getter Welder (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Gherkin Pickler (can. & preserv.) :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684-010 06.04.28 Giant-Tire Repairer (auto. ser.) :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684-010 05.12.15 GIFT WRAPPER (ret. tr.) 299.364-014 01.06.03 gigger :GIG TENDER (textile): 585.685-054 06.04.16 GIG TENDER (textile) 585.685-054 06.04.16 GILDER (any ind.) 749.381-010 01.06.03 gilder :LINER (pottery & porc.): 740.681-010 01.06.03 Gill-Box Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260- 0 1 0 06.01.02 GILL-BOX TENDER (textile) 680.685-058 06.04.06 Gill-Net Stringer (cord. & twine) :FISH-NET STRINGER (cord. & twine): 782.684-026 06.04.27 & kin. (malt liquors) 522.585-014 (elec. gill tender :GILL-BOX TENDER (textile): 680.685-058 06.04.06 Gimp-Buttonhole-Machine Operator (garment) :BUTTONHOLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-01 4 06.04.05 gimp tacker :UPHOLSTERY TRIMMER (furn.): 780.684-126 06.04.27 GIN CLERK (agric.) 221.467-010 05.09.02 gin feeder :PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bed- spring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 Gin Inspector (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR (distilled liquors): 522.667-010 06.03.02 GINNER (agric.) 429.685-010 05.12.07 ginner :LINTER TENDER (oils & fats): 521.685-19806.04.19 INSPECTOR 480 Gin-Pole Operator (const.) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 Ginseng Farmer (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.161-010 03.01.01 GIRDLER (jewelry) 770.261-01405.05.14 Gizzard-Skin Remover (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-074 06.04.28 glacing-machine tender :ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 585.685-078 06.04.16 Glaciologist (profess. & kin.) :GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-030 02.01.01 glass artist :DECORATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.): 740.381- 010 01.06.03 - glass-bead maker 01.06.02 glass bender :GLASS-VIAL-BENDING-CONVEYOR FEEDER (cut. & tools): 573.686-018 06.04.13 glass bender :LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.685-054 06.04.13 GLASS BENDER (signs) 772.381-010 01.06.02 GLASS BLOWER (glass mfg.) 772.681-010 06.01.04 glass blower :BEAD MAKER (jewelry): 770.381-010 01.06.02 glass blower :GLASS BENDER (signs): 772.381-010 01.06.02 GLASS BLOWER, LABORATORY APPARATUS (glass prod.; inst. & app.) 772.281-010 * 05.05.11 glass blower, machine forming :FORMING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (glass mfg.): 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 GLASS-BLOWING-LATHE OPERATOR 772.482-010 06.02.08 glass breaker :SECOND CUTTER (glass mfg.): 779.684-054 06.04.30 glass breaker :BREAKER (glass prod.; mirror): 779.687-010 06.04.30 glass buffer :GLASS POLISHER (glass mfg.): 775.684-038 06.04.30 GLASS-BULB-MACHINE ADJUSTER (glass mfg.) 575.360- 0 1 0 06.01.02 GLASS-BULB-MACHINE FORMER, TUBULAR STOCK (glass mfg.) 575.382-018 06.02.13 GLASS-BULB SILVERER (glass prod.) 779.687-018 06.04.33 GLASS CALIBRATOR (glass prod.) 775.584-010 06.02.31 GLASS CHECKER (optical goods) 716.687-014 06.03.02 GLASS-CLEANING-MACHINE TENDER (glass 579.685-018 06.04.08 glass crusher :CULLET CRUSHER-AND-WASHER (glass mfg.): 570.685-026 06.04.08 glass curvature gager :LEVEL-VIAL CURVATURE GAGER (cut. & tools): 701.687-022 06.03.02 GLASS-CUT-OFF SUPERVISOR (glass mfg.) 677. 131-010 06.02.01 GLASS CUT-OFF TENDER (glass mfg.) 677.685-030 06.04.08 GLASS CUTTER (any ind.) 775.684-022 06.02.30 glass cutter, hand :SECOND CUTTER (glass mfg.): 779.684- 054 06.04.30 GLASS CUTTER, HAND 06.01.04 GLASS-CUTTER HELPER (any ind.) 775.687-018 06.04.30 :BEAD MAKER (jewelry): 770.381-010 (glass prod.) prod.) (optical goods) 716.681-014 GLASS CUTTER, OVAL OR CIRCULAR (glass mfg.) 779.684-022 06.04.30 GLASS-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.) 677.562-010 06.02.08 glass-cylinder flanger :FLANGER (inst. & app.): 712.684-018 06.04.30 GLASS DECORATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 775.381-014 01.06.01 GLASS DRILLER (glass mfg.) 775.687-01406.04.30 Glass Enamel Mixer (paint & varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.): 550.685-078 06.04.11 Glass Etcher (glass mfg.; glass prod.) :GLASS DECORATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.): 775.381-014 01.06.01 glass etcher :OPTICAL-GLASS ETCHER (optical goods): 716.681-022 06.02.30 - glass-etcher helper :WAXER (glass prod.): 779.687-038 06.04.33 - GLASS FINISHER (glass prod.) 775.684-026 06.04.30 GLASS-FURNACE TENDER (paint & varn.) 572.685-010 06.04.13 glass grinder :LEVEL-VIAL INSIDE GRINDER (cut. & tools): 673.685-066 06.04.08 GLASS GRINDER (glass mfg.) 775.684-034 06.04.30 GLASS GRINDER (glass prod.) 775.684-030 06.02.30 GLASS GRINDER, LABORATORY APPARATUS (inst. & app.) 775.382-010 06.02.08 Glassine-Machine Tender (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 glass inserter :GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill): 865.684- 0 1 4 06.04.30 GLASS INSPECTOR (any ind.) 579.687-022 06.03.02 glass inspector :INSPECTOR, GLASS OR MIRROR (mirror): 779.687-022 06.03.02 GLASS INSTALLER (auto. ser.) 865.684-010 05.10.01 GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill) 865.684-01406.04.30 GLASS-LATHE OPERATOR (electronics) 674.382-010 06.02.08 - GLASS-LINED TANK REPAIRER (malt liquors) 779.684-026 05.10.01 Glass-Loading-Equipment Tender (glass mfg.) :GLASS-UN- LOADING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (glass mfg.): 677.665- 0 1 0 06.04.08 glass marker :LEVEL-VIAL MARKER (cut. & tools): 775.684- 046 06.04.30 Glass-Mold Repairer (glass mfg.) :MOLD DRESSER (any ind.): 519.684-018 06.04.24 Glass-Novelty Maker (glass prod.) :BEAD MAKER (jewelry): 770.38 1-0 10 01.06.02 GLASS POLISHER (glass mfg.) 775.684-038 06.04.30 glass-products inspector :SELECTOR (glass mfg.): 579.687-030 * 06.03.02 glass pulverizer equipment operator :CULLET CRUSHER- AND-WASHER (glass mfg.): 570.685-026 06.04.08 GLASS-RIBBON-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass 575.362-01 4 06.02.13 GLASS-RIBBON-MACHINE-OPERATOR ASSISTANT (glass mfg.) 575.365-010 06.02.13 GLASS-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 575.382-022 06.02.13 glass sagger :LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.685-054 06.04.13 GLASS SANDER, BELT (glass prod.; mirror) 775.684-042 06.04.30 Glass Scullion (water trans.) 3.18.687-01 4 glass setter :GLAZIER (const.): 865.381-010 * 05.10.01 glass setter :LEVEL-VIAL SETTER (cut. & tools): 701.684- 018 06.04.23 glass setter :GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill): 865.684- 0 1 4 06.04.30 glass smoother :GLASS POLISHER (glass mfg.): 775.684-038 06:04.3, glass techâician SCIENTIFIC GLASS BLOWER (glass prod.): 006.261-010 05.05.11 glass technologist :GLASS-WORKER, PRESSED OR BLOWN (glass mfg.): 772.687-010 06.02.30 glass technologist :GLASS BLOWER, LABORATORY AP- mfg.) (glass mfg.) :SCULLION (water trans.): PARATUS (glass prod.; inst. & app.): 772.281-010 * 05.05.11 glass technologist :SCIENTIFIC GLASS BLOWER (glass prod.): 0.06.261-010 05.05.11 - 481 GLASS TINTER (glass prod.) 840.684-010 06.04.33 glass-tube bender :GLASS BENDER (signs): 772.381-010 01.06.02 GLASS-UNLOADING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (glass mfg.) 677.665-010 06.04.08 GLASS-VIAL-BENDING-CONVEYOR FEEDER (cut. & tools) 573.686-018 06.04.13 glassware engraver :ENGRAVER 775.381-010 01.06.01 glassware finisher :WARE FINISHER (glass mfg.): 772.381-018 06.01.04 Glassware-Maker Demonstrator (ret. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.354-0 10 08.02.05 Glass Washer and Carrier (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM AT- TENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-018 09.05.02 Glass Washer, Laboratory (any ind.) :CLEANER, LABORA- TORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 GLASS-WOOL-BLANKET-MACHINE FEEDER (glass prod.) 579.685-022 06.04.09 glassworker :SAFETY-GLASS INSTALLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 865.484-010 06.04.30 glassworker :GLAZIER (const.): 865.381-010 * 05.10.01 GLASS-WORKER, PRESSED OR BLOWN (glass 772.687-0 1 0 06.02.30 GLAZE HANDLER (brick & tile) 571.685-014 06.04.17 GLAZE MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.485-014 06.02.09 glazer :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; con- fection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 glazer :YARN-POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 583.685-126 06.04.16 Glaze Sprayer (auto. mfg.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 GLAZE SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 574. 130-010 06.02.01 (glass prod.; mirror): mfg.) GLAZE SUPERVISOR (pottery & porc.) 574. 132-010 06.02.01 - Glaze Wiper (furn.) WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 glazier :GLASS INSTALLER (auto. ser.): 865.684-010 05.10.01 GLAZIER (const.) 865.381-010 * 05.10.01 glazier :GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill): 865.684-014 06.04.30 GLAZIER (inst. & app.) 712.684-026 06.04.30 GLAZIER APPRENTICE (const.) 865.381-01405.10.01 glazier artist :GLAZIER, STAINED GLASS (glass prod.): 779.38 1-0 1 0 01.06.02 Glazier Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 GLAZIER, METAL FURNITURE 06.02.22 glazier, plate glass :GLAZIER (const.): 865.381-010 * 05.10.01 GLAZIER, STAINED GLASS (glass prod.) 779.381-010 01.06.02 Glazier, Structural Glass (const.) :GLAZIER (const.): 865.381- 0 1 0 * 05.10.01 GLAZIER SUPERVISOR (const.) 865. 131-010 05.10.01 GLAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.) 573.685-018 06.04.13 Glazing-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 glazing-machine operator :YARN-POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 583.685-126 06.04.16 GLAziNG OPERATOR, BLACK POWDER 550.686-022 06.04.19 gleason-gear generator GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERA- TOR, SPIRAL BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382-014 06.02.02 GLOBE MOUNTER (print. & pub.) 795.684-018 06.04.26 glosser :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; con- fection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 (furn.) 865.684-018 (explosives) Glost-Kiln Drawer (pottery & porc.) :KILN DRAWER (pottery & porc.): 573.667-010 06.04.17 Glost-Kiln Placer (pottery & porc.) :KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.): 573.686-026 ° 06.04.17 Glost-Tile Burner (brick & tile) :TUNNEL-KILN OPERATOR (brick & tile): 573.382-018 06.02.17 glost-tile shader :TILE SHADER (brick & tile): 574.367-010 06.03.01 - ! glost tile sorter :TILE SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687-038 * 06.03.02 GLOVE CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687- 0 1 0 06.04.35 Glove Cutter (glove & mit.; leather prod.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III: 781.687-030 06.04.34 glove finisher :GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.): 363.687-010 06.04.27 GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.) 363.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 GLOVE PAIRER (glove & mit.) 784.687-034 06.03.02 Glove-Parts Cutter (glove & mit.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 GLOVE-PARTS INSPECTOR (glove & mit.) 781.687-034 06.03.02 | glove presser :GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.): 363.687-010 06.04.27 GLOVE PRINTER (glove & mit.) 652.685-034 06.04.37 GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.) 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 Glove Tagger (glove & mit.) :TICKET PRINTER AND TAGGER (garment): 652.685-094 06.04.37 - GLOVE TURNER (glove & mit.) 784.687-038 06.04.27 glove turner and former :GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.): 363.687-010 06.04.27 Glove Turner-and-Former (glove & mit.) :GLOVE TURNER (glove & mit.): 784.687-038 06.04.27 GLOVE TURNER AND FORMER, AUTOMATIC (glove & mit.) 583.686-018 06.04.05 - GLUCOSE-AND-SIRUP WEIGHER (chew. gum) 520.686-026 06.04.28 glue-bone crusher 06.04.19 glue-bone drier :BONE-DRIER OPERATOR (glue): 553.685- 022 06.04.19 glue-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (glue): 553.385-010 06.04.19 :BONE CRUSHER (glue): 555.685-014 GLUED WOOD TESTER (woodworking) 762.384-010 06.03.01 Glue-Jointer Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 Glue-Jointer Operator (woodworking) :JOINTER OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.482-010 05.05.08 glue-machine feeder :COATING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather prod.): 690.686-022 06.04.16 GLUE-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.685-094 06.04.09 GLUE MAKER, BONE (glue) 559.382-022 06.02.18 GLUE-MILL OPERATOR (glue) 559.685-098 06.04.19 GLUE MIXER (glue) 550.685-062 06.04.19 glue mixer :METAL-BONDING CRIB ATTENDANT (glue): 550.564-0 10 06.02.32 glue-mixer operator :CHIP-MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board): 560.465-010 06.04.14 glue-plant operator :CHIP-MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board): 560.465-010 06.04.14 GLUER (any ind.) 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 gluer CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 gluer :TIPPER (print. & pub.): 795.684-022 06.04.26 GLUER (woodworking) 762.687-034 06.04.22 GLUER AND SLICER, HAND (paper goods) 794.687-030 06.04.26 482 GLUER-AND-WEDGER (woodworking) 762.687-038 06.04.25 GLUER, WET SUIT (fabric. plastics prod.) 795.687-018 06.04.29 GLUE-SIZE-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.) 562.685-010 06.04.21 glue spreader helper :CROSSBAND LAYER (veneer & plywood): 762.687-026 06.04.25 glue-spreader operator :GLUE SPREADER, VENEER (build. board; veneer & plywood): 569.685-042 06.04.03 GLUE SPREADER, VENEER (build. board; plywood) 569.685-042 06.04.03 GLUE-SPREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.) 584.665-01 4 06.04.05 Gluing-Machine Adjuster (paper goods) :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, PAPER GOODS (paper goods): 649.380-010 * 06.01.02 GLUING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking) 569.686- 022 06.04.03 GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 692.685-098 06.04.21 GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 569.685-046 06.04.03 GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (print. & pub.) 641.682-01406.02.20 GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR, (woodworking) 569.685-050 06.04.03 GLUTEN-SETTLING TENDER (corn prod.) 521.685-150 06.04.15 Glycerin Operator (soap) :BATCH-STILL OPERATOR (chem.) I: 552.685-014 06.04.11 Glycol-Service Operator (synthetic fibers) ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 Goal Umpire (amuse. & rec.) :UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-0 18 12.01.02 Goat Farmer (agric.) 4 10.161-018 03.01.01 GOAT HERDER (agric.) 410.687-01403.04.01 Goggles Assembler (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS ASSEM- BLER (rubber goods): 752.684-038 06.04.23 Gold-and-Silver Assayer (profess. & kin.) :ASSAYER (profess. & kin.): 022.281-010 02.04.01 gold bander, striper :BANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 679.682-010 06.02.08 GOLDBEATER (gold leaf & foil) 700.381-018 06.01.04 GOLD BURNISHER (pottery & porc.) 775.687-022 06.04.24 gold charmer GILDER (any ind.): 749.381-010 01.06.03 GOLD CUTTER (gold leaf & foil) 700.684-038 06.02.24 gold-leaf gilder :GILDER (any ind.): 749.381-010 01.06.03 gold-leaf printer :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682-018 06.04.09 gold marker 06.04.09 GOLD-NIB GRINDER (pen & pencil) 705.682-010 06.04.02 Gold Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-0 1 0 06.02.21 GOLD RECLAIMER (gold leaf & foil) 709.685-010 06.04.02 veneer & ELECTRONIC :PUMPER (any :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682-018 Goldsmith (jewelry) :JEWELER (jewelry): 700.281-010 01.06.02 gold stamper :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682-018 06.04.09 GOLF-BALL-COVER TREATER (sports equip.) 559.685-102 06.04.11 Golf Ball Molder (sports equip.) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 GOLF-BALL TRIMMER (sports equip.) 732.587-010 06.04.34 Golf-Ball Winder (sports equip.) :WINDER (sports equip.): 692.685–246 06.04.09 golf caddie :CADDIE (amuse. & rec.): 341.677-010 09.05.06 golf-cart mechanic :ELECTRIC-GOLF-CART REPAIRER (amuse. & rec.; auto. ser.): 620.261-026 05.10.03 GOLF-CLUB ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-078 06.04.23 GOLF-CLUB FACER (sports equip.) 761.684-010 06.02.25 Golf-Club Finisher (sports equip.) :GOLF-CLUB REPAIRER (sports equip.): 732.381-022 05.10.01 GOLF-CLUB HEAD FORMER (sports equip.) 732.381-018 06.02.24 Golf-Club Maker (sports equip.) :GOLF-CLUB REPAIRER (sports equip.): 732.381-022 05.10.01 golf-club matcher GOLF-CLUB WEIGHER (sports equip.): 732.587-01 4 06.03.02 GOLF-CLUB REPAIRER (sports equip.) 732.381-022 05.10.01 GOLF-CLUB WEIGHER (sports equip.) 732.587-01406.03.02 GOLF-CLUB WEIGHTER (sports equip.) 732.687-026 06.04.34 golf-course patroller GOLF-COURSE RANGER (amuse. & rec.): 379.667-010 12.01.02 GOLF-COURSE RANGER (amuse. & 12.01.02 Golf-Course Starter (amuse. & rec.) :RECREATION-FACILI- TY ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 341.367-010 07.04.03 GOLF-RANGE ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 341.683-010 05.12.18 GOLF-SHOE-SPIKE ASSEMBLER (boot & shoe) 788.687-054 06.04.27 golf-stud riveter :GOLF-SHOE-SPIKE ASSEMBLER (boot & shoe): 788.687–054 06.04.27 GOODS LAYER (textile) 781.687-038 05.09.02 GOODWILL AMBASSADOR (bus. ser.) 293.357-018 11.09.01 Gore Inserter (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Gore Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 goring cutter :FINISHING TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 788.687- 042 06.04.27 governor assembler :MACHINE OPERATOR, CENTRIFU- GAL-CONTROL SWITCHES (elec. equip.): 609.682-022 06.02.02 Governor Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL-COM- BUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 GOVERNOR ASSEMBLER, HYDRAULIC 721.381-018 06.01.04 grade and center marker :BOWLING-BALL GRADER AND MARKER (sports equip.): 732.381-014 06.01.05 GRADE CHECKER (const.) 850.467-010 05.03.01 GRADER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-098 06.03.02 Grader (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 grader :TRIMMER, HAND 06.04.27 grader INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 GRADER (woodworking) 669.587-010 06.03.02 GRADER, DRESSED POULTRY (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-102 06.03.02 - grade recorder :GRADING CLERK (education): 219.467-010 07.02.03 GRADER, GREEN MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687- 106 06.03.02 GRADER, MEAT (slaught. 06.03.01 grader operator :BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 Grader, Sausage and Wiener (slaught. & meat pack.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 + 06.04.38 GRADER TENDER (agric.) 521.685-154 03.04.01 rec.) 379.667-010 (elec. equip.) (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 & meat pack.) 525.387-010 483 Grade Tamper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 GRADING CLERK (education) 219.467-010 07.02.03 grading-machine feeder :SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 521.685-318 06.04.15 GRADUATE ASSISTANT (education) 090.227-014 11.02.01 graduate tucker :TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-082 06.02.05 grain blender :GRAIN MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.485- 01 4 06.04.15 grain cleaner PROCESSOR, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-254 06.04.15 Grain-Cleaner-and-Transfer Operator :MILLER, DISTILLERY (distilled 06.02.15 Grain Distributor (grain & feed mill.) :CONVEYOR OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.683-026 05.11.04 GRAIN DRIER (malt liquors) 523.685-086 06.04.15 GRAIN-DRIER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.) 523.685-090 06.04.15 grain-elevator agent :BUYER, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.; whole. tr.): 162. 167-010 08.01.03 GRAIN ELEVATOR CLERK (grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 222.567-0 1 0 05.09.01 Grain-Elevator-Motor Starter (grain & feed mill.) :CONVEYOR TENDER (any ind.): 921.685-026 06.04.40 Grain-Elevator Operator (grain & feed mill.) :CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-026 05.11.04 Grainer (jewelry) :POLISHER (jewelry): 700.687-058 * 06.04.24 GRAINER, MACHINE (any ind.) 652.686-01406.04.02 grain farmer :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): 401. 161-010 03.01.01 Graining-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.16 Graining Operator (explosives) :WHEEL-MILL OPERATOR (explosives): 555.685-066 06.04.11 GRAINING-PRESS OPERATOR 06.02.18 Grain Miller (distilled liquors) :MILLER, DISTILLERY (distilled liquors): 521.362-01406.02.15 grain-miller helper :MILLER HELPER, DISTILLERY (distilled liquors): 521.687-082 06.04.15 GRAIN MIXER (grain & feed mill.) 520.485-01406.04.15 GRAIN PICKER (grain & feed mill.) 529.687-1 10 06.03.02 GRAIN RECEIVER (corn prod.) 921.365-010 06.03.01 Grain Sampler (finan. inst.; whole. tr.) :LABORATORY-SAM- PLE CARRIER (any ind.): 922.687-054 05.09.03 grain trader :BROKER-AND-MARKET OPERATOR, GRAIN (finan. inst.; whole. tr.): 162. 157-010 1 1.06.04 Grain Unloader (grain & feed mill.) :DUMPER (any ind.): 921.667-018 05.12.03 Grain Unloader, Machine (grain & feed mill.) :DUMP OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.685-038 05.11.04 GRAIN-WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR 523.685-094 06.04.15 grain weigher :GRAIN ELEVATOR CLERK (grain & feed mill.; malt liquors): 222.567-010 05.09.01 Granite Carver (stonework) :STONE CARVER (stonework): 771.281-01 4 01.06.02 granite cutter apprentice :STONECUTTER APPRENTICE, HAND (stonework): 771.381-010 05.05.01 granite polisher apprentice :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE APPRENTICE (stonework): 673.382-022 06.02.08 Granite Polisher, Hand (stonework) :STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework): 775.664-010 06.04.30 Granite Polisher, Machine (stonework) :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382-018 06.02.08 (distilled liquors) liquors): 521.362-014 (leather (leather :ROLLER- 583.685-094 mfg.) mfg.): (explosives) 557.682-010 (bake. prod.) granite sandblaster apprentice :SANDBLASTER, STONE AP- PRENTICE (stonework): 673.382-014 05.10.01 Granite Setter (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): 861.381-038 05.05.01 Granular Operator (bone, carbon, & lampblack) :RABBLE- FURNACE TENDER (bone, carbon, & lampblack): 553.685- 090 06.02.18 Granulated-Tobacco Screener (tobacco) :RIDDLER OPERA- TOR (tobacco): 521.685–270 06.04.15 granulating blender :BLENDER (tobacco): 06.03.01 GRANULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685- 158 06.04.15 granuiator :GRANULATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 559.382-026 06.04.11 GRANULATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.382-026 06.02.11 - granulator operator :PELLET-PRESS OPERATOR (chem.): 555.685-042 06.04.11 GRANULATOR OPERATOR (sugar) 523.685-098 06.04.15 granulator operator :GRANULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-158 06.04.15 GRANULATOR TENDER (iron & 06.04.10 granulizing-machine operator :COFFEE GRINDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-078 06.04.15 - grape crusher CRUSHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (vinous liquors): 521.685-094 06.04.15 Grape Grower (agric.) :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-01403.01.01 graphic artist :ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 141.061-022 * 01.02.03 GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNICIAN (print. & pub.) 979.382-018 01.06.01 GRAPHIC DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 141.061-018 01.02.03 Graphite-Disk Assembler (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS ASSEMBLER (rubber goods): 752.684-038 06.04.23 graphite-mill operator :SCREENER-AND-BLENDER OPERA- TOR (coke prod.); 549.685-026 06.04.12 GRAPHITE PAN-DRIER TENDER (graphite) 549.685-014 06.04.19 GRAPHOLOGIST (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-018 01.07.01 grapple operator :LOG LOADER (logging): 921.683-058 05.11.04 Grapple Operator Helper (logging) :LOG LOADER HELPER (logging): 921.687-022 05.12.04 Grapple-Yarder Operator (logging) (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 Grass Farmer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405.161-01403.01.03 Grass-Farm Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-01403.04.04 - GRATED-CHEESE MAKER (dairy prod.) 06.04.15 grating-machine operator :GRATED-CHEESE MAKER (dairy prod.): 521.685-162 06.04.15 GRAVEL INSPECTOR (const.) 859.281-010 05.07.01 Gravity-Meter Observer (mining & quarrying; petrol. produc- tion) :OBSERVER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 0 1 0.261-018 05.03.04 gravity-prospecting operator :OBSERVER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 0.10.261-018 05.03.04 gravity-prospecting-operator helper :OBSERVER HELPER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.663- 0 1 0 05.08.03 Gravity Prospector (petrol. production) :GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTOR (petrol. production): 024.061-026 02.01.02 GREASE-AND-TALLOW PUMPER (grease & tallow) 559.585-01 4 06.04.19 GREASE BUFFER (silverware) 705.684-022 06.02.24 520.387-010 steel) 519.665-010 :YARDING ENGINEER 521.685-162 484 Grease-Machine Worker (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :TANK- HOUSE-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.565-01 4 06.04.10 GREASE MAKER (petrol. refin.) 549.682-010 06.04.12 GREASE MAKER, HEAD (petrol. refin.) 549. 132-010 06.04.01 grease-press helper :HOPPER FEEDER (grease & tallow): 551.686-018 06.04.19 GREASER (agric. equip.) 624.684-010 05.12.08 greaser :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 greaser :LUBRICATION SERVICER (auto. ser.): 915.687-018 05.12.08 greaser :DIE TRIPPER (brick & tile): 575.665-01406.04.17 GREASER (firearms) 736.687-010 05.12.08 Greaser (fur dressing) :FUR-FLOOR WORKER (fur dressing): 589.686-022 06.04.16 Greaser (spring) :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): 706.684-090 06.04.22 greaser and oiler :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 GREASE-REFINER OPERATOR (grease & tallow) 551.685- 086 06.04.19 grease remover :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 GREASER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 582.685-082 06.04.16 Green-Chain Marker (sawmill) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 Green-Chain Offbearer (plan. mill; sawmill) :CHAIN OFF- BEARER (plan. mill; sawmill): 669.686-018 06.04.03 GREEN-CHAIN OFFBEARER (veneer & plywood) 663.686- 018 06.04.40 GREEN-COFFEE BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-110 06.04.15 green-hide inspector :HIDE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-042 06.03.02 Greenhouse Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-01403.04.04 - Greenhouse Superintendent (agric.) TICULTURAL-SPECIALTY FARMING (agric.): 0 1 0 03.02.03 Greenhouse Worker (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) I: 405.684-01403.04.04 GREEN INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 726.367-010 06.03.01 :SUPERVISOR, HOR- 405. 131– Green-Lumber Grader (woodworking) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 green-meat packer :PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.687-034 06.04.28 green-pipe inspector :PRESS-PIPE INSPECTOR (brick & tile): 575.687-030 06.03.02 - Green-Prize Packer (tobacco) :PRIZER (tobacco): 920.687-142 06.04.38 - GREENSKEEPER (any ind.) I 406. 137-010 03.04.04 GREENSKEEPER (any ind.) II 406.683-010 03.04.04 greenskeeper, head :GREENSKEEPER (any ind.) I: 406. 137- 0 1 0 03.04.04 Greens Planter (motion pic.) :GARDENER, SPECIAL EF- FECTS AND INSTRUCTION MODELS (motion pic.; muse- um): 406.381-010 03.01.03 GREENS TIER (whole. tr.) 920.687-094 06.04.38 GREEN-TIRE INSPECTOR (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-018 06.03.02 GREY-CLOTH TENDER, PRINTING 06.04.05 Grey-Goods Examiner (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 Grey-Goods Inspector (knit goods) :GARMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 GREY-GOODS MARKER (textile) 229.587-010 05.09.03 grey inspector STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684- 0 1 0 * 06.03.02 (textile) 652.686-018 Grey Mender (hosiery) :HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery): 782.684-030 06.02.27 - grey tender :GREY-CLOTH TENDER, PRINTING (textile): 652.686-018 06.04.05 - Grid Caster (elec. equip.) :LEAD CASTER (elec. equip.): 502.684-010 06.04.10 grid-casting-machine-operator helper :CASTING-MACHINE- OPERATOR HELPER (elec. equip.): 502.686-010 06.04.10 Grid Inspector (elec. equip.) :LEAD-CASTER HELPER (elec. equip.): 502.687-018 06.04.24 Grid Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 Grid-Lead Former (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Grid-Machine Job Setter (electronics) (electronics): 616.380-014 06.01.02 Grid Operator (electronics):TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 grid-pasting-machine operator :PASTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (elec. equip.): 505.482-010 06.02.18 Grid Trimmer (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 GRINDER (any ind.) I 705.684-026 06.04.24 Grinder (any ind.) II :GRINDER-CHIPPER (any 705.684-030 06.02.24 - Grinder (any ind.) III :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I: 701.381- 018 05.05.07 Grinder (any ind.) IV :GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) II: 809.684-026 06.04.24 GRINDER (clock & watch) I 603.482-030 06.02.02 GRINDER (clock & watch) II 715.685-030 06.02.02 GRINDER (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 555.685-026 06.04.02 grinder :PLATEN GRINDER (office mach.): 06.04.07 Grinder (phonograph) :COMPOUND WORKER (phonograph): 559.686-010 06.04.13 grinder :BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-010 06.04.30 GRINDER (rubber 06.04.07 grinder :FINISHER, FIBERGLASS BOAT PARTS (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 809.684-022 06.04.34 grinder-and-honer operator, automatic :GRINDER OPERA- TOR, AUTOMATIC (cut. & tools): 603.685-058 06.04.02 grinder and plater :CYLINDER GRINDER (print. & pub.): 500.381-010 05.10.05 Grinder, Belt (any ind.) :GRINDER (any ind.) I: 705.684-026 06.04.24 Grinder, Brake Lining (asbestos prod.) :BRAKE-LINING- FINISHER HELPER, ASBESTOS (asbestos prod.): 579.687- 0 1 0 06.04.19 GRINDER, CARBON PLANT (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 544.565-0 1 0 06.04.12 GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) I 705.684-030 06.02.24 GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) II 809.684-026 06.04.24 grinder-dresser :GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) I: 705.684-030 06.02.24 GRINDER, GEAR (mach. shop) 602.382-034 06.02.02 GRINDER, HAND (button) 734.687-054 06.04.34 grinder, hand :GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 grinder, hand :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 grinder, hand :GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280–014 06.01.03 grinder, hand :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 grinder, hand :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-062 06.02.02 :JOB SETTER ind.) I: 690.385-010 goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.685-030 485 GRINDER, HAND (optical goods) 716.685-018 06.04.08 GRINDER, HARDBOARD (build. board) 569.682-010 06.02.18 GRINDER, LAP (clock & watch) 603.685-066 06.02.02 Grinder, Lead (auto. mfg.) :GRINDER (any ind.) I: 705.684- 026 06.04.24 GRINDER MACHINE SETTER (mach. shop) 603.380-010 06.01.02 GRINDER-MILL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.485-010 06.02.08 grinder, needle tip :PHONOGRAPH-NEEDLE-TIP MAKER (phonograph): 770.382-01406.02.08 grinder operator :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 GRINDER OPERATOR (cereal) 521.685-166 06.04.15 GRINDER OPERATOR (chem.) 555.685-034 06.04.11 GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.) 521.682-026 06.02.15 grinder operator :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 grinder operator :CORK GRINDER (sports equip.); 662.685- 0 1 0 06.04.09 GRINDER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (cut. & tools) 603.685- 058 06.04.02 . grinder operator, external GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, EXTERNAL (mach. shop): 603.482-014 06.02.02 GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach. shop) 603.280–010 06.01.03 GRINDER OPERATOR, 603.685-062 06.02.02 grinder operator, surface :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (mach. 603.280–01 4 06.01.03 grinder operator, thread :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD (mach. shop): 603.482-026 06.02.02 GRINDER OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 603.280-018 06.01.03 grinder, outside diameter JEWEL GRINDER (clock & watch) II: 770.684-010 06.04.30 grinder, rough GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) II: 809.684-026 06.04.24 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, CENTERLESS (mach. shop) 603.382-01 4 06.02.02 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, EXTERNAL (mach. shop) 603.482-01406.02.02 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, GEAR, TOOL (mach. shop) 602.360-0 1 0 06.01.03 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) I 603.280-022 06.01.03 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) II 603.482-018 06.02.02 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, JIG (mach. shop) 603.280- 026 06.01.03 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop) 603.482-022 06.02.02 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD (mach. 603.482-026 06.02.02 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD TOOL (mach. shop) 603.240-010 06.01.03 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, UNIVERSAL (mach. shop) 603.280-030 06.01.03 grinder, watch parts :GRINDER (clock & watch) I: 603.482- 030 06.02.02 * Grinder, Wheel or Disc (any ind.) :GRINDER (any ind.) I: 705.684-026 06.04.24 grinding-machine operator :PLATEN GRINDER (office mach.): 690.385-010 06.04.07 GRINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (button) 690.685-194 06.04.08 PRODUCTION (mach. shop) shop) shop) GRINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PORTABLE (r. r. trans.) 910.684-0 1 0 05.10.01 GRINDING-MILL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.382-010 06.02.08 grinding-mill operator :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 Grinding Operator (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-01 4 06.02.11 grinding operator :SANDING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.): 662.685-026 06.04.09 Grinding-Room Inspector (rubber reclaim.) (rubber reclaim.); 559. 132-058 06.02.01 Grinding-Room Supervisor (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKING (chem.); 559.132-122 06.02.01 GRINDING-WHEEL INSPECTOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 776.487-010 06.03.01 GRIP (amuse. & rec.; radio & twº broad.) 962.684-014 05.10.01 GRIP (motion pic.; radio & twbroad.) 962.687-022 05.12.04 GRIP ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.684-042 06.02.23 GRIP BOSS (motion pic.) 962. 137-010 05.12.01 grip checkerer, machine :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) II: 665.685-034 06.04.03 gripper :GRIP WRAPPER 06.04.27 Gripper Attacher (any ind.) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 GRIP WRAPPER (sports equip.) 732.684-082 06.04.27 gristmiller :GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 521.682-026 06.02.15 Grit-Removal Operator (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362- 0 1 0 05.06.04 Grit Station Attendant (sanitary ser.) TREATMENT-PLANT ATTEND ANT 955.585-010 05.12.07 - GRIZZLY WORKER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 933.687-010 05.12.07 Grocery Checker (ret. tr.) :CASHIER-CHECKER (ret. tr.): 21 1.462-014 * 07.03.01 Grocery Clerk (ret. tr.) :SALES CLERK, FOOD (ret. tr.): 290.477-018 09.04.02 Grocery-Goods Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF- SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-014 05.09.01 grocery packer :BAGGER (ret. tr.): 920.687-014 09.05.10 grommet-machine operator :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 grommet maker :EYELET-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 groove-machine operator :MITER GRINDER OPERATOR (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.682-026 06.02.08 GROOVER (any ind.) 692.686-042 06.04.09 GROOVER (asbestos prod.) 673.685-062 06.04.09 Groover (optical goods) :BENCH WORKER (optical goods): 713.684-018 06.04.24 GROOVER AND TURNER (boot & 06.04.09 groove turner :CUTTER, V-GROOVE (clock & watch): 715.685-01 4 06.02.02 GROOVING-LATHE TENDER 690.685–202 06.04.02 GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 733.685- 018 06.04.09 Ground Helper (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :TOWER ERECTOR HELPER (const.; light, heat, & power): 821.684- 0 1 4 05.10.01 - Ground Helper, Street Railway (r.r. trans.) TOWER ERECTOR HELPER (const.; light, heat, & power): 821.684- O 1 4 05.10.01 Grounding Engineer (light, heat, & power) :PROTECTION EN- GINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–054 05.01.03 :SUPERVISOR (sports equip.): 732.684-082 :WASTEWATER- (sanitary ser.): shoe) 690.685-198 (fabric. plastics prod.) 486 grounding-machine operator :COATING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper & pulp; wallpaper): 534.682-018 06.02.14 round instructor, advanced :INSTRUCTOR, GROUND SER- VICES (air trans.): 099.227-018 11.02.02 round Instructor, Advanced (education) :INSTRUCTOR, FLYING (education) II: 0.97.227-010 05.04.01 Ground Instructor, Basic (education) :INSTRUCTOR, FLYING (education) II: 097.227-010 05.04.01 Ground Instructor, Instrument (education) :INSTRUCTOR, FLYING (education) II: 0.97.227-010 05.04.01 GROUND LAYER (pottery & porc.) 574,684-010 06.04.33 GROUND MIXER (chem.) 550.685-066 06.04.11 Grounds Guard, Arboretum (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 GROUNDSKEEPER, INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL (any ind.) 406.684-01403.04.04 GROUNDSKEEPER, PARKS AND GROUNDS (gov. ser.) 406.687-010 03.04.04 Ground Wirer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 ground-wood supervisor :WOOD GRINDER, HEAD (paper & pulp): 530. 132-022 06.02.01 group assembler :INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE SUB- ASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 group burner, machine :LEAD BURNER, MACHINE (elec. equip.): 727.662-010 06.02.19 grouper :PLATE STACKER, HAND (elec. equip.): 729.687– 026 06.04.40 group-insurance-auditing clerk :INSURANCE CLERK (clerical) II: 205.567-010 07.05.03 GROUP LEADER (agric.) 180.167–022 03.01.01 group leader :PROGRAM AIDE, GROUP WORK (social ser.): 195.227-010 10.02.02 - group leader, river-and-harbor soundings :SOUNDER (any ind.): 911.667-018 05.12.05 GROUP-SALES REPRESENTATIVE (amuse. & rec.) 259.357- 010 08.02.08 group supervisor, maintenance :MAINTENANCE SUPER- VISOR (any ind.): 891. 137-010 05.02.02 group supervisor, yard SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899. 133-010 05.12.18 Group Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 GROUP WORKER (social ser.) 195. 164-010 09.01.01 Grouter Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 GROUT-MACHINE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-01 4 06.04.10 Grout-Pump Operator (const.) :PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (conc. prod.; const.); 849.665-010 05.12.06 Grout Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869.131-014 05.05.01 grove superintendent SUPERINTENDENT, PRODUCTION (agric.): 180.167–058 03.01.01 GROWTH-MEDIA MIXER, MUSHROOM (agric.) 405.683- O 1 4 03.04.04 guard :GATE TENDER (any ind.): 372.667-030 04.02.02 guard :MERCHANT PATROLLER (bus. ser.): 372.667-038 04.02.02 guard CORRECTION OFFICER (gov. ser.): 372.667-018 * 04.02.01 - Guard, Captain (any ind.) :GUARD, CHIEF (any ind.): 372. 167–0 l 4 04.01.01 GUARD, CHIEF (any ind.) 372.167-014 04.01.01 Guard, Convoy (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 Guard, Dance Hall (amuse. & rec.) :BOUNCER (amuse. & rec.): 376.667-010 04.02.03 guide, Guard, Deputy (gov. ser.) :CORRECTION OFFICER (gov. ser.): 372.667-018 * 04.02.01 GUARD, IMMIGRATION (gov. ser.) 372.567-014 04.02.01 Guard, Lieutenant (any ind.) :GUARD, CHIEF (any ind.): 372. 167–01 4 04.01.01 Guard, Museum (museum) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 guard, range :FISH AND GAME WARDEN 379. 16.7-010 * 04.01.02 GUARD, SCHOOL-CROSSING 10.03.03 GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.) 372.667-034 04.02.02 Guard, Sergeant (any ind.) :GUARD, CHIEF (any 372. 167–01 4 04.01.01 Guest-History Clerk (hotel & rest.) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 guidance counselor :COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107- 0 1 0 * 10.01.02 GUIDE (per. ser.) 353.367-010 09.01.02 GUIDE, ALPINE (per. ser.) 353.164-010 09.01.01 GUIDE-BASE WINDER, MACHINE (sports equip.) 732.685- 022 06.04.09 GUIDE, CHIEF AIRPORT (air trans.) 353.137-010 09.01.02 Guide, Cruise (per. ser.) :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353. 16.7-010 07.05.01 Guide, Delegate (per. ser.) :GUIDE (per. ser.): 353.367-010 09.01.02 Guide, Domestic Tour (per. ser.) :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353.16.7-010 07.05.01 guide escort :ESCORT (per. ser.): 359.367-010 09.01.01 GUIDE, ESTABLISHMENT (any ind.) 353.367-014 09.01.02 guide, excursion :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353.167-010 07.05.01 Guide, Foreign Tour (per. ser.) :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353. 167-0 1 0 07.05.01 GUIDE, HUNTING AND FISHING (amuse. & rec.) 353.161- 0 1 0 09.01.01 - Guide-Installer, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office mach.) :ASSEMBLER, TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT (office mach.): 706.684-026 06.02.23 guide, institution :GUIDE, ESTABLISHMENT (any 353.367-014 09.01.02 guide, itinerary :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353.167-010 07.05.01 GUIDE, PLANT (any ind.) 353.367-018 09.01.02 GUIDER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.686-01406.04.40 Guide-Rail Cleaner (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-01 4 06.04.39 GUIDE, REAL ESTATE (real estate) 2.97.667-010 09.01.02 GUIDE SETTER (iron & steel) 613.361-010 * 06.01.02 GUIDE, SIGHTSEEING (per. ser.) 353.363-010 09.01.02 tour :GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.): 353.167-010 07.05.01 GUIDE, TRAVEL (per. ser.) 353.167-010 07.05.01 guide, visitor :GUIDE (per. ser.): 353.367-010 09.01.02 GUIDE WINDER (sports equip.) 732.684-086 06.04.34 guide winder GUIDE-BASE WINDER, MACHINE (sports equip.): 732.685-022 06.04.09 guillotine Cutter :SPLITTING-MACHINE (stonework): 677.685-046 06.02.08 guillotine operator :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 Guillotine Operator (pen & pencil) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 Guinea-Pig Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 4 10.161-010 03.01.02 Guitar Maker, Hand (musical inst.) :FRETTED-INSTRUMENT MAKER, HAND (musical inst.): 730.281-022 05.05.12 (gov. ser.): (gov. ser.) 371.567-010 ind.): ind.): OPERATOR 487 Guitar Repairer (any ind.) :FRETTED-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.281-026 05.05.12 Gum Coater (chew. gum) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 Gum Maker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.); 526.382-014 06.02.15 gummed-tape-press operator :PROCESS-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper goods): 640.685-050 06.04.04 gummer CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 Gum Mixer (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585- 018 06.04.11 GUM PULLER (chew. gum) 520.687-038 06.04.15 gum-rolling-machine tender :GUM-SCORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum): 520.682-022 06.02.15 GUM-SCORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. 520.682-022 06.02.15 Gum Sprayer (leather mfg.) :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687–01 4 06.04.27 Gun Assembler (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Guncotton Packer (explosives) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 GUN EXAMINER (firearms) 736.281-010 06.01.05 Gun Examiner and Repairer (firearms) :GUN EXAMINER (firearms): 736.281-010 06.01.05 GUNNER (cereal) 523.382-010 06.02.15 gun numberer MARKER (firearms): 652.582-010 06.02.02 gun perforator :PERFORATOR OPERATOR, OIL WELL (petrol. production): 93 1.382-010 05.11.03 GUN-PERFORATOR LOADER (petrol. production) 931.384- 010 05.10.06 GUN-REPAIR CLERK (firearms) 222.387-022 05.09.01 Gun-Sealing-Machine Operator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEM- BLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics): 725.684-022 06.02.23 GUNSMITH (any ind.) 632.281-010 05.05.07 GUNSMITH, BALLISTICS LABORATORY 609.260-0 1 0 05.05.07 gunstock repairer STOCK MAKER, CUSTOM (firearms): 761.381-038 01.06.02 Gunstock-Spray-Unit Adjuster (firearms) gum) (ammunition) :PAINT-SPRAYER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 599.382-010 06.02.21 Gunstock-Spray-Unit Feeder (firearms) :SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.): 599.686-01406.04.21 gun striper :STRIPER, SPRAY GUN (any ind.): 741.687-022 06.04.33 GUN SYNCHRONIZER (firearms) 632.381-010 06.01.04 gusset folder :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 690.685-178 06.04.05 Gusset Maker (paper goods) :EXPANSION ENVELOPE MAKER, HAND (paper goods): 794.684-018 06.04.26 gusset ripper :FINISHING TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 788.687- 042 06.04.27 Gut Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Gut Sorter (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 gutter :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-0 1 0 06.04.28 Gutter-Mouth Cutter 861 .381-038 05.05.01 gut winder SUTURE WINDER, HAND (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.687-034 06.04.23 - guyline operator :TOWER-EXCAVATOR (const.): 850.683-042 05.11.04 GYNECOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-034 02.03.01 Gynecologist Assistant (medical ser.) :PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.79.364-018 10.02.01 (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): OPERATOR gypsum dry-wall systems installer :DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.): 842.381-010 05.05.04 H haberdasher SALESPERSON, MEN'S FURNISHINGS (ret. tr.): 261.357-054 08.02.02 HACKER (brick & tile) 573.686-022 06.04.40 hackler :HAIR WORKER (hairwork): 739.684-086 06.04.34 HACKLER, DOLL WIGS (toys & games) 731.687-018 06.04.34 Hacksaw Inspector (cut. & tools) :INSPECTOR (cut. & tools): 709.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 hack-saw operator :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, METAL (mach. shop): 607.682-010 06.02.02 hair-and-scalp specialist :SCALP-TREATMENT OPERATOR (per. ser.): 339.371-014 09.02.01 Hair Baler (leather mfg.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 hair blender :HAIR-SAMPLE MATCHER (hairwork): 739.387- 0 1 4 05.05.15 hair blender 06.02.32 HAIR-BOILER OPERATOR (fur dressing) 06.04.19 - - Hair-Brush-Boring-and-Filling-Machine Operator (brush & broom) :BORING-AND-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATO (brush & broom): 692.682-018 06.02.09 - HAIR CLIPPER, POWER (fur dressing) 789.684-022 06.04.34 Hair Colorist (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 haircutter :BARBER (per. ser.): 330.371-010 * 09.02.02 hairdresser :WIG DRESSER (hairwork; per. ser.): 332.361-010 01.06.02 hairdresser HAIR STYLIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-018 09.02.01 hair mixer :HAIR-SAMPLE MATCHER (hairwork): 739.387- 0 1 4 05.05.15 Hair-Picking-Machine Operator (felt goods; furn.) :PICKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 680.685-082 06.04.06 Hairpiece Stylist (hairwork) :HAIR STYLIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-018 09.02.01 HAIR PREPARER (hairwork) 739.384-018 06.02.32 hair-rooting-machine operator :ROOTER OPERATOR (hairwork): 731.685-010 06.04.09 HAIR-SAMPLE MATCHER (hairwork) 739.387-014 05.05.15 :HAIR PREPARER (hairwork): 739.384-018 582.685-086 HAIR-SPINNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fur dressing) 689.686-030 06.04.05 HAIRSPRING ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.684-102 06.01.04 HAIRSPRING ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.38 1-054 06.01.04 HAIRSPRING CUTTER (clock & watch) I 715.687-038 06.02.24 HAIRSPRING CUTTER (clock & watch) II 715.687-042 06.02.24 Hairspring Staker (clock & watch) :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 HAIRSPRING TRUER (clock & watch) 715.381-058 06.01.04 HAIRSPRING VIBRATOR (clock & watch) 715.38 1-062 06.01.04 Hairspring Winder (spring) :SPIRAL SPRING WINDER (spring): 616.685-070 06.04.02 HAIR STYLIST (per. ser.) 332.27 1-018 09.02.01 Hair Tinter (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST 332.27 1-0 10 * 09.02.01 HAIR WORKER (hairwork) 739.684-086 06.04.34 Half-Head and Stamp-Press Operator (ammunition) :PUNCH- PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 Half-Section Ironer (hat & cap) :SEAM PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685-098 06.04.05 (per. ser.): 488 hall cleaner :HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-0 18 05.12.18 Hall Cleaner (hotel & rest.) :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * Halver-Machine Operator (nut process.) ALMOND- CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (nut process.): 521.685-018 06.04.15 - Ham Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 Hamburger-Fry Cook (hotel & rest.) :COOK, SHORT ORDER (hotel & rest.) I: 313.361-022 * 05.10.08 Ham-Hock Mopper (slaught. & meat pack.) :DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-026 06.04.28 HAMMER ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.687-046 06.02.24 Hammer Driver (forging) :LEVER TENDER (forging): 612.685-010 06.04.02 Hammerer, Tab (boot & shoe) :FOLDER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-050 06.04.27 hammer heater :HEATER (forging): 619.682-022 06.02.02 HAMMER-MILL OPERATOR (build. mat., n.e.c.) 570.685- 030 06.04.08 Hammer-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685- 046 06.04.08 - Hammer-Mill Operator (grain & feed mill.) :FEED GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-122 06.04.15 HAMMER-MILL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515.687-010 06.04.24 hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01406.02.02 hammer repairer :FORGE-SHOP-MACHINE REPAIRER (forging): 626.261-010 05.05.09 Hammer-Shop Supervisor (forging) :FORGE-SHOP SUPER- VISOR (forging): 612. 131-010 06.01.01 Hammersmith (forging) :HEAVY FORGER (forging): 612.361- 010 06.02.02 HAMMERSMITH (silverware) 700.381-022 06.01.04 Hammersmith Helper (forging) :HEAVY-FORGER HELPER (forging): 612.687-01405.12.10 Ham Molder (slaught. & meat pack.) :PRESS OPERATOR, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 520.685-182 06.04.15 Hamper Maker (basketry) :WEAVER (basketry): 769.684-054 06.04.34 Hamper Maker, Machine (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 HAM-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685-138 06.04.15 . Ham Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 hand assembler :ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-010 06.04.27 Handbag Designer (leather prod.) :CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 Handbag Finisher (leather prod.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 783.682-01406.02.05 HANDBAG FRAMER (leather prod.) 739.684-090 06.04.23 Handbag-Parts Cutter (leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Handbill Distributor (any ind.) ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTOR (any ind.): 230.687-010 07.07.02 hand blocker :BLOCKER (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.685-026 06.04.08 hand-booked folder and stitcher :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-01406.04.27 hand carver :STONE CARVER (stonework): 77.1.281-014 01.06.02 hand clipper :TRIMMER, HAND (any ind.): 781.687-070 06.04.27 hand-cooper helper :COOPER HELPER (cooperage): 764.687- 050 05.12.12 hand decorator :COLORER (brick & tile): 773.684-010 01.06.03 hand decorator :LUSTER APPLICATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.): 740.381-014 01.06.03 hand developer :DEVELOPER (photofinish.): 05.10.05 HANDER-IN (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.687-018 06.04.05 HAND FILER, BALANCE WHEEL (clock & watch) 715.684- 106 06.02.24 hand finisher :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687- 0 1 0 06.04.27 Hand Finisher, Bowling Balls (sports equip.) :BOWLING-BALL FINISHER (sports equip.); 690.685-038 06.04.09 hand folder :FOLDER, HAND (paper goods): 794.687-022 06.04.26 hand gluer :TIPPER (print. & pub.): 795.684-022 06.04.26 hand hardener :HARDENER (hat & cap): 784.684-034 06.04.27 Handhole-Machine Operator (wood. box) :ROUTER OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 665.682-030 06.02.03 976.681-010 HANDICAPPER, HARNESS RACING (amuse. & rec.) 219.267-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 - hand inspector :CLOTH GRADER (textile): 689.387-010 06.03.01 Handkerchief Cutter (textile) :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 HANDKERCHIEF FOLDER (garment) 920.687-098 06.04.27 handkerchief ironer :PRESSER, HANDKERCHIEF (laund.): 363.685-022 06.04.35 hand lacer :HAND SEWER, SHOES (boot & shoe): 788.684- 0.54 * 06.04.27 hand lacer LACER (sports equip.): 732.687-034 06.04.34 HANDLE-AND-VENT-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bed- spring) 686.685-034 06.04.20 HANDLE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-042 06.04.22 Handle Attacher (any ind.) :ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 690.685-01406.04.20 Handle Attacher (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) II: 783.687-010 06.04.23 Handle-Bar Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUBASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 Handle Bender (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01 4 06.04.03 Handle Finisher (pottery & porc.) :FINISHER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-018 06.04.30 Handle-Lathe Operator (woodworking) :SWING-TYPE-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking): 664.382-010 06.02.03 Handle-Machine Operator (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 HANDLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-050 06.04.04 handle maker :MOP-HANDLE ASSEMBLER (house furn.): 739.687-122 06.04.23 Handle Maker (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) II: 783.687-010 06.04.23 HANDLE MAKER (pottery & porc.) 575.684-030 06.04.30 HANDLER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-022 06.02.30 Handle-Rounder Operator (woodworking) :DOWEL-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-010 06.02.03 Handle-Sander Operator (woodworking) :CYLINDER- SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking): 662.685-014 06.04.03 Handle Sewer (leather prod.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (leather prod.): 783.682-014 06.02.05 handle sticker :HANDLER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-022 06.02.30 hand luggage repairer :LUGGAGE REPAIRER (any ind.): 365,361-010 05.10.01 489 hand-miter operator :FOOT-MITER OPERATOR (mirror & pic. frames): 739.684-066 06.04.25 Hand Molder, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :MOLDER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 520.685-174 06.04.15 hand packager :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 hand painter TOUCH-UP PAINTER, HAND (any 740.684-026 06.04.33 hand pouncer CROWN POUNCER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.687-018 06.04.27 hand roller :TWISTER, HAND (tobacco): 790.687-030 06.04.28 - hands-and-dial inspector :INSPECTOR, DIALS (clock & watch): 715.687-066 06.03.02 hand sander :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684-030 06.04.34 HANDS ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-1 10 * :06.04.23 hand scraper :SCRAPER, HAND (mach. shop): 705.384-010 06.02.24 . HAND SEWER, SHOES (boot & shoe) 788.684-054 * 06.04.27 hand shaker :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 hands hanger :BUNDLES HANGER (tobacco): 529.686-010 06.04.40 hand shoe cutter :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 Hands Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 hands parter :BUNDLE BREAKER (cord. & twine): 689.687- 018 06.04.40 hand-spray operator :MOSQUITO SPRAYER (gov. 379.687-01 4 03.04.05 hands-size sorter :LEAF-SIZE PICKER (tobacco): 529.687-142 06.03.02 HAND STAMPER (any ind.) 709.684-042 06.04.24 hand stitcher :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 - hand stitcher :BASEBALL SEWER, HAND (sports equip.): 732.684-034 06.04.27 hand tacker :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 hand-tier :SPRINGER (furn.): 780.684-106 06.02.32 hand trimmer :HAND SEWER, SHOES (boot & 788.684-054 * 06.04.27 hand trimmer :ROUNDER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684-050 06.04.27 hand turner :BOWL TURNER (smoking pipe): 664.684-010 06.04.03 hand worker :STRINGER (paper goods): 794.687-054 06.04.23 hand worker :ASSEMBLER, CARDS AND ANNOUNCE- MENTS (print. & pub.): 794.687-010 06.04.26 handwriting expert :EXAMINER, QUESTIONED DOCU- MENTS (gov. ser.): 199.267-022 02.04.01 hanger SHACKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-086 06.04.40 Hanger, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 hanger-off :GAMBRELER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687- 030 06.04.28 HARBOR MASTER (gov. ser.) 375. 167–026 04.01.01 Harbor-Police Captain (gov. ser.) :LAUNCH COMMANDER, HARBOR POLICE (gov. ser.): 375. 167–030 04.01.01 Harbor-Police Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :LAUNCH COM- MANDER, HARBOR POLICE (gov. ser.): 375. 167-030 04.01.01 hardboard panel printer :PRINT-LINE OPERATOR (build. board; furn.): 652.562-010 06.02.18 hard-candy batch-mixer CANDY PULLER 520.685-046 06.04.15 Hard-Candy Maker (confection.) (confection.): 529.361-01406.02.28 ind.): ser.): shoe): (confection.): :CANDY MAKER hard-candy :SPINNER (confection.): 520.682-030 06.04.15 HARDENER (clock & watch) 504.382-010 06.02.10 hardener :HARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-026 06.04.16 HARDENER (hat & cap) 784.684-034 06.04.27 Hardener (oils & fats) :HYDROGENATION OPERATOR (oils & fats): 529.382-026 06.02.15 HARDENER HELPER (clock & watch) 504.686-018 05.09.01 hardening-machine operator :FELTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (felt goods): 586.662-010 06.02.05 HARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 586.685- 026 06.04.16 r hardening-machine-operator helper :FELTING-MACHINE- OPERATOR HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-01406.04.05 HARDNESS INSPECTOR (heat treat.) 504.387-010 06.03.01 hardness tester SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quar- rying): 579.484-010 02.04.01 HARDNESS TESTER (mining & quarrying) 519.585-010 06.03.02 - HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (furn.) 763.684-042 06.04.22 hardware assembler :DECORATOR (leather prod.): 739.684- 046 06.04.27 spinner HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (wood. box) 762.687-046 06.04.23 HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.684-046 06.04.23 Hardware Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-026 06.02.22 Hardware Installer (struct. & OTIla II] . metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 Hardware Press Operator (wood. box) :HARDWARE ASSEM- BLER (wood. box): 762.687-046 06.04.23 Hardwood-Floor Installer (const.) :CARPENTER 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 Harmonic Tuner (musical inst.) :TUNER, PERCUSSION (musical inst.): 730.38 1-058 05.05.12 HARNESS-AND-BAG INSPECTOR 789.687–086 06.03.02 harness brusher :HARNESS CLEANER (textile): 699.687-010 06.04.39 HARNESS BUILDER (textile) 683.380-010 06.01.02 HARNESS CLEANER (textile) 699.687-010 06.04.39 Harness Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :HARNESS-AND-BAG INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-086 06.03.02 harness maker :CABLE MAKER (elec. equip.; electronics): 728.684-010 * 06.02.32 HARNESS MAKER (leather prod.; ret. 05.05.15 HARNESS PLACER (textile) 683.680-010 06.01.02 harness preparer :HARNESS BUILDER (textile): 683.380-010 06.01.02 HARNESS PULLER (textile) 683.684-018 06.03.02 harness racer :SULKY DRIVER (amuse. & rec.): 153.244-014 12.01.03 Harness Repairer (leather prod.) :HARNESS MAKER (leather prod.; ret. tr.): 783.381-018 05.05.15 harness repairer :HARNESS BUILDER (textile): 683.380-010 06.01.02 HARNESS RIGGER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-082 06.04.27 harness tier :HARNESS PLACER (textile): 683.680-010 06.01.02 HARP-ACTION ASSEMBLER (musical 05.05.12 Harpist (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, (amuse. & rec.): 152.04 1-0 10 01.04.04 HARP MAKER (musical inst.) 730.281-030 05.05.12 Harpooner (fish.) :FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 (const.): (tex. prod., n.e.c.) tr.) 783.38 1-0 18 inst.) 730.38 1-030 INSTRUMENTAL 490 harpooner, fish :FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 HARP REGULATOR (musical inst.) 730.381-026 06.02.23 Harp Repairer (any ind.) :HARP MAKER (musical inst.): 730.281-030 05.05.12 HARPSICHORD MAKER (musical inst.) 730.281-034 05.05.12 HARVEST CONTRACTOR (agric.) 409. 117-010 03.01.01 harvester :EGG PROCESSOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 559.687-034 06.04.34 HARVESTER OPERATOR (salt production) 930.683-022 05.11.04 harvest supervisor SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 13 1-0 10 03.04.01 HARVEST WORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) 404.687-014 03.04.01 HARVEST WORKER, FRUIT (agric.) 403.687-018 + 03.04.01 HARVEST WORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) 402.687-014 03.04.01 HASHER OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-170 06.04.15 HASSOCK MAKER (house furn.) 780.687-018 06.04.34 Hat-and-Cap-Parts Cutter, Hand (hat & cap) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-014 06.02.27 HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap) 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 hat-band attacher :TRIMMER (hat & cap): 784.684-078 06.04.27 hat-block bench hand :HAT-BLOCK MAKER (woodworking): 661.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 - HAT BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.) 363.684-01406.02.27 hat blocker :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) I: 580.684-010 06.02.27 HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I 580.685-026 06.04.05 HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) II 580.685-030 06.04.05 hat-blocking operator :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-01 4 06.04.27 HAT-BLOCK MAKER (woodworking) 661.381-010 06.01.04 Hat-Body Inspector (hat & cap) :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 HAT-BODY SORTER (hat & cap) 784.587-010 06.03.02 HAT BRAIDER (hat & cap) 784.684-038 06.04.34 hat-brim-and-crown-laminating operator :HAT-STOCK- LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 584,685-026 06.04.05 hat-brim curler :BRIM IRONER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684- 0 1 4 06.04.27 hat-brim curler :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 Hat Brusher, Machine (hat & cap) :DUSTER (hat & cap): 587.685-026 06.04.05 Hat Buffer, Automatic (hat & cap) :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-01 4 06.04.05 Hat Checker (any ind.) :CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-010 09.05.03 hatchery helper :LABORER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 41 1.687–022 03.04.01 hatch supervisor HEADER 05.12.01 HATCH TENDER (water trans.) 91 1.667-01405.12.04 Hat-Cone Inspector (hat & cap) :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 Hat Designer (hat & cap) :CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess, & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 Hat-Designer Helper (hat & cap) :HAT MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-042 06.02.27 hat finisher :HAT BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684- 0 1 4 06.02.27 HAT FINISHER (hat & cap) 589.685-062 06.04.16 HAT-FORMING-MACHINE FEEDER (hat & cap) 586.686- 018 06.04.05 (water trans.): 91 1. 137-018 HAT-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR 586.685-030 06.04.16 Hat Lacer (hat & cap) :DECORATOR (hat & cap): 784.684- 022 * 06.04.27 HAT-LINING BLOCKER (hat & cap) 583.685-050 06.04.05 HAT MAKER (hat & cap) 784.684-042 06.02.27 Hat Marker (hat & cap) :MARKER (any ind.) I: 781.384-014 06.02.31 hat measurer :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 Hat-Parts Cutter (leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Hat-Parts Cutter, Machine (hat & cap) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 Hat Sprayer (hat & cap) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 HAT-STOCK-LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 584.685-026 06.04.05 HATTER (clean., dye., & press.) 369.384-010 06.02.27 HAT TRIMMER (clean., dye., & press.) 782.381-010 06.02.27 hat trimmer :DECORATOR (hat & cap): 784.684-022 * 06.04.27 haulage boss :DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying): 932. 16.7- 0 1 0 07.04.05 hauler TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 hawker :PEDDLER (ret. tr.): 291.457-018 08.03.01 Hay Farmer (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP 404.1 6 1-0 1 0 03.01.01 HAY SORTER (sports equip.) 732.686-010 06.04.34 Hazard-Insurance Clerk (insurance) :MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. inst.): 249.382-010 07.01.04 Head Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL TRAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.224-0 10 03.03.01 HEAD-BANDER-AND-LINER OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.682-018 06.02.20 head-bone grinder SKULL GRINDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-130 06.04.39 head boner HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. 525.684-034 06.04.28 Head Cager (mining & quarrying) :CAGER (mining & quarry- ing): 939.667-010 05.12.04 - . Head Charrer (cooperage) :BARREL CHARRER (cooperage): 764.684-01 4 06.04.18 HEAD COACH (amuse. & rec.) 153. 1 17-0 1 0 12.01.01 head cook, school :COOK, HEAD, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-018 05.10.08 head counselor :DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-018 10.01.02 Header (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 HEADER (cooperage) 764.687-058 06.04.22 Header (house furn.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 06.02.05 header :INGOT HEADER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 514.584-010 06.04.10 HEADER (water trans.) 9 11.1 37-018 05.12.01 HEADER (wood preserving) 665.682-01406.02.03 header boss :SUPERVISOR, TUNNEL HEADING 859. 1 37-018 Header, Dock (water trans.) :HEADER (water trans.): 91 1. 137– 018 05.12.01 Header, Ship (water trans.) :HEADER (water trans.): 91 1. 137- 018 05.12.01 header-up :HEADER (cooperage): 764.687-058 06.04.22 head facer :BIT SHAVER (smoking pipe): 754.684-018 06.04.34 HEAD-GAGE-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition) 619.685-054 06.04.02 (hat & cap) (agric.): & meat pack.): 787.682-026 (const.): heading-and-priming operator :PRIMER-INSERTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694,685-042 06.04.20 491 heading-and-priming tool setter :SHOTGUN-SHELL-AS- SEMBLY-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition); 616.360- 030 06.01.02 Heading-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :CARBON-AND- GRAPHITE-BRUSH-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 692.482-010 06.02.09 HEADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 669.685- 062 06.04.03 HEADING MATCHER AND ASSEMBLER 764.687-062 06.04.22 heading pinner HEADING MATCHER AND ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 764.687-062 06.04.22 - HEADING REPAIRER (cooperage) 764.687-066 06.04.25 HEADING-SAW OPERATOR (sawmill) 667.682-038 06.02.03 HEAD INSPECTOR (cooperage) 764.387-010 06.03.01 Head-Inspector-and-Center Marker (cooperage) :HEAD IN- SPECTOR (cooperage): 764.387-010 06.03.01 head kiln operator :BONE-CHAR KILN OPERATOR (corn prod.): 523.662-010 06.02.15 HEADLINER INSTALLER (auto. mfg.) 806.684-058 06.04.22 headliner trimmer HEADLINER INSTALLER (auto. mfg.): 806.684-058 06.04.22 HEAD-MACHINE FEEDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686- 018 06.04.15 - Head of Stock (ret. tr.) :STOCK SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 1 37-034 05.09.01 HEAD OPERATOR, SULFIDE (chem.) 559. 132-026 06.01.01 head-out worker :LINE-OUT WORKER (tobacco) I: 920.687– 1 10 06.04.38 head paper tester :FINAL INSPECTOR, PAPER (paper & pulp): 539.367-010 06.03.01 Head-Piece Assembler (furn.) (furn.): 706.684-082 06.02.22 head resident, dormitory :RESIDENCE COUNSELOR (education): 045. 107-038 10.01.02 Head Rigger (logging) :RIGGER (logging): 05.12.04 head rose grader SUPERVISOR, ROSE-GRADING (agric.): 405. 137-010 03.04.04 HEAD-SAW OPERATOR, INSULATION BOARD (build. board) 677.682-010 06.02.03 HEAD SAWYER (sawmill) 667.662-010 06.02.03 HEAD SAWYER, AUTOMATIC (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.682-034 06.02.03 Head Scorer (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-014 12.01.02 head setter :HEADER (cooperage): 764,687-058 06.04.22 head-stock operator SUPERVISOR, REPULPING (paper & pulp): 539. 132-018 06.02.01 head switcher :CONDUCTOR, YARD (r. r. trans.): 910. 137-022 05.08.02 HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. 06.04.28 Head-Turning-Machine Operator (cooperage) :TURNING- MACHINE OPERATOR (basketry; cooperage): 667.685-066 06.04.03 Head-Up Operator (cooperage) (cooperage): 669.682-01406.02.20 Head-Up-Operator Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEM- BLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 HEADWAITER/HEADWAITRESS (water trans.) 350. 137-010 09.01.03 head well-puller :WELL PULLER, HEAD (petrol. production): 939.131-018 05.12.02 . Health Officer, County (gov. ser.) :MEDICAL OFFICER (gov. ser.): 070. 101-046 HEALTH OFFICER, FIELD (gov. ser.) 168. 167-018 11.10.03 HEALTH PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 079.021-010 05.01.02 health-physics technician :RADIATION MONITOR (profess. & kin.): 199.1 67-010 * 05.03.08 (cooperage) :METAL-BED ASSEMBLER 921.664-014 :SCORER (amuse. & rec.): & meat pack.) 525.684-034 :BARREL ASSEMBLER HEARING-AID REPAIRER 719.381-014 05.10.03 hearing-aid technician SALESPERSON, HEARING AIDS (ret. tr.): 276.354–010 08.02.02 HEARING OFFICER (gov. ser.) 119.107-010 11.04.01 Hearings Reporter (clerical) :SHORTHAND REPORTER (clerical): 202.362-010 07.05.03 hearing-test technician AUDIOMETRIST (profess. & kin.): 078.362-0 1 0 1 0.03.01 Hearse Driver (per. ser.) :CHAUFFEUR, FUNERAL CAR (per. ser.): 359.673-01405.08.03 HEARSE UPHOLSTERER (auto. mfg.) 780.381-026 06.02.27 heart specialist :CARDIOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-014 02.03.01 HEAT CURER (textile) 581.586-010 06.04.16 HEATER (coke prod.) 542.362-010 06.02.17 HEATER (forging) 619.682-022 06.02.02 HEATER (iron & steel) 613.362-010 06.02.10 heater, furnace :HEATER (forging): 619.682-022 06.02.02 heater helper :OVEN-HEATER HELPER (coke prod.): 542.665-010 06.04.12 HEATER HELPER (iron & steel) 613.685-01405.12.10 Heater Helper, Forge (forging) :FORGE HELPER (forging): 619.666-010 06.04.40 Heater Loader (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 heater operator :HEATER-PLANER OPERATOR (const.): 853.683-01 4 05.11.01 Heater Operator (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 669.682-01406.02.20 Heater Operator Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 HEATER-PLANER OPERATOR (const.) 05.11.01 heater tender :COOKER, MEAL (oils & fats): 523.685-034 06.04.15 heater tender :THERMAL MOLDER (rubber goods): 553.585- 022 06.04.13 HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 553.665-038 06.04.13 - heater worker :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685-010 05.12.10 heating-and-air-conditioning mechanic :ENVIRONMENTAL- CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER-SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-014 * 05.05.09 heating-and-air-conditioning-mechanic helper :ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER- SERVICER HELPER (any ind.): 637.664-010 05.10.01 HEATING-AND-BLENDING SUPERVISOR (chem.) 559.132- 030 06.02.01 heating-and-ventilating tender :VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 heating-and-ventilation-installation assembler :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, HEAT AND VENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-01 4 06.01.04 heating-element builder :DEICER-ELEMENT WINDER, HAND (rubber goods): 739.684-058 06.02.32 Heating-Element Repairer (elec. equip.) :APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 HEATING-ELEMENT WINDER (elec. equip.) 723.685-010 06.04.20 t heating-equipment repairer :BOILERHOUSE MECHANIC (any ind.): 805.361-010 05.05.06 heating-fixture tender SUNGLASS-CLIP ATTACHER (optical goods): 713.687-042 06.04.23 heating mechanic :ENVIRONMENTAL-CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLER-SERVICER (any ind.): 637.261-014 * 05.05.09 HEATING-PLANT SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.) 959.131- 0 1 0 05.06.02 (inst. & app.) 853.683-014 492 Heating Technician (profess. & kin.) :HEAT-TRANSFER TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007. 181-010 05.03.07 heating worker :FURNACE INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER, HOT AIR (any ind.): 869.281-010 05.05.09 HEAT READER (forging) 612.687-010 06.03.02 heat-seal operator :ELECTRIC-SEALING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 690.685-154 06.04.02 HEAT-TRANSFER TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 007.181- 0 1 0 05.03.07 HEAT TREATER (heat treat.) I 504.382-014 * 06.02.10 HEAT TREATER (heat treat.) II 504.682-018 ° 06.02.10 heat treater :ANNEALER (jewelry): 504.687-010 06.04.10 HEAT-TREATER APPRENTICE (heat treat.) 504.382-018 06.02.10 heat treater, head :HEAT-TREAT SUPERVISOR (heat treat.): 504.131-010 06.01.01 HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.) 504.685-018 06.04.10 HEAT-TREATING BLUER (heat treat.) 504.682-022 06.02.10 HEAT-TREAT INSPECTOR (heat treat.) 504.281-010 06.01.05 heat-treat puller HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 HEAT-TREAT SUPERVISOR 06.01.01 heat treat worker :LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.): 573.685-026 06.04.13 HEAT WELDER, PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.) 553.684- 010 06.04.31 - heavy-equipment mechanic CONSTRUCTION-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (const.); 620.261-022 * 05.05.09 heavy-equipment operator :OPERATING ENGINEER (const.; mining & quarrying): 859.683-010 * 05.11.01 heavy-equipment-operator apprentice :OPERATING-EN- GINEER APPRENTICE (const.; mining & quarrying): 859.683-01 4 05.11.01 HEAVY FORGER (forging) 612.361-010 06.02.02 HEAVY-FORGER HELPER (forging) 6.12.687-01405.12.10 heavy-machinery assembler :MACHINERY ERECTOR (engine & turbine; mach. miſg.): 638.261-014 * 05.05.09 HEAVY-MEDIA OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 541.685- 010 06.04.08 HEDDLE CLEANER, MACHINE 06.04.39 Heddle-Machine Fixer (mach. shop) :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mfg.; mach. shop): 600.380-014 06.01.02 HEDDLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. mſg.) 616.685-026 06.04.02 HEDDLES TIER, JACQUARD LOOM (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.680–01 4 06.01.02 HEEL ATTACHER, WOOD (boot & 06.04.34 heel-boom operator :LOG LOADER (logging): 921.683-058 05.11.04 HEEL BREASTER, LEATHER (boot & shoe) 690.682-042 06.02.05 Heel Brusher (boot & shoe) 788.687-018 06.04.33 Heel Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 Heel Builder, Hand (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685–206 06.04.09 Heel Burnisher (boot & shoe) :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 Heel Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 (heat treat.) 504.131-010 (textile) 689.685-070 shoe) 788.684-058 :BRUSHER (boot & shoe): Heel Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 HEEL COMPRESSOR (boot & shoe) 690.685-2 10 06.04.05 Heel Coverer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 Heel-Cover Softener (boot & shoe) :LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-090 06.04.27 Heel-Cover Splitter (boot & shoe) :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 585.685-114 06.04.05 HEEL DIPPER (boot & shoe) 788.687–058 06.04.33 Heel Dipper, Insole (boot & shoe) :INSOLE-AND-HEEL-STIF- FENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-062 06.04.27 Heel-Edge Inker, Machine (boot & shoe) :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–234 06.04.21 Heel-Emery Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Heeler, Machine (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 heel finisher :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER 788.684-126 06.04.27 heel fitter, machine :HEEL-SEAT FITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-046 06.02.05 heel former :HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-206 06.04.09 HEEL GOUGER (boot & shoe) 690.685-21 4 06.04.09 Heel Grinder (lasts & rel. forms) :LAST TRIMMER (lasts & rel. forms): 669.682-054 Heel Layer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Heel-Lift-Beam Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Heel-Lift Gouger (boot & shoe) :HEEL GOUGER (boot & shoe): 690.685-214 06.04.09 Heel-Lining Paster (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Heel Marker (boot & shoe) :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-01 4 06.04.27 heel molder :HEEL COMPRESSOR (boot & shoe): 690.685- 210 06.04.05 Heel Molder (rubber goods) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 HEEL-NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685–226 06.04.09 Heel-Nail Rasper (boot & shoe) :RASPER (boot & shoe): 788.684-094 06.04.27 Heel Padder (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 HEEL PRICKER (boot & shoe) 690.685-2 18 06.04.05 (boot & shoe): Heel Reducer (boot & shoe) :FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-166 06.04.05 Heel-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) :SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe): 788.131-0 1 0 06.02.01 Heel Sander, Rubber (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 HEEL SCORER (boot & shoe) 690.685-222 06.04.05 Heel-Seam Rubber (boot & shoe) :SEAM-RUBBING- MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 Heel-Seat Filler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 HEEL-SEAT FITTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-062 06.04.34 HEEL-SEAT FITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.682-046 06.02.05 Heel-Seat-Flap Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 HEEL-SEAT LASTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-230 06.04.05 493 Heel-Seat Pounder (boot & shoe) :POUNDER (boot & shoe): 690.685-31 4 06.04.05 Heel-Seat Sander (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Heel-Seat Trimmer (boot & shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Heel Slicker (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 HEEL SORTER (boot & shoe) 788.584-010 06.03.02 Heel Splitter (boot & shoe) :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 585.685-114 06.04.05 heel sprayer, first :COLOR MATCHER (boot & 788.687-034 06.03.02 HEEL SPRAYER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 590.685-038 06.04.21 heel stainer :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-234 06.04.21 Heel-Top-Lift Splitter (boot & shoe) :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 585.685-114 06.04.05 Heel Trimmer (boot & shoe) I TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Heel Trimmer (boot & shoe) II :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) II: 690.682-086 06.02.07 HEEL-WASHER-STRINGING-MACHINE (rubber goods) 619.685-058 06.04.20 Heel Wheeler (boot & shoe) :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 hefter :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387- 010 06.03.01 helicopter dispatcher DISPATCHER (air trans.): 912.167-010 05.03.03 - Helicopter Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 HELICOPTER PILOT (any ind.) 196.263-038 05.04.01 Helix-Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Helmet Binder (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 - Helmet-Brim Coverer (hat & cap) :HELMET COVERER (hat & cap): 689.685-074 06.04.20 HELMET COVERER (hat & cap) 689.685-074 06.04.20 Helmet-Crown Coverer (hat & cap) :HELMET COVERER (hat & cap): 689.685-074 06.04.20 Helmet-Hat-Brim Cutter (hat & cap) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Helmet-Hat Puncher (hat & cap) : PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 Helmet-Hat-Sweatband Puncher (hat & cap) :PERFORATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 Helminthologist (profess. & kin.) :PARASITOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-070 02.02.01 Helper, Animal Laboratory (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 410.674-010 03.03.02 helper, chicken farm :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 41 1.584-0 1 0 03.04.01 HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power) 821.667-010 05.12.16 shoe): OPERATOR HELPER, LIQUEFACTION-AND-REGASIFICATION (light, heat, & power) 953.584-010 05.10.02 HELPER, MANUFACTURING (airgraft-aerospace mfg.) 809.687-014 06.04.34 HELPER, METAL BONDING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.687–022 06.04.40 HELPER, METAL HANGING (mfd. blogs.) 806.667-010 06.04.22 helper, patcher PATCHER HELPER (coke prod.): 861.687- 01 4 05.12.09 helper, steel fabrication :METAL-FABRICATING-SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 Hematology Technician (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-LABORA- TORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.381-014 * 02.04.01 Hematology Technologist (medical ser.) :MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.361-014 * 02.04.02 Hem Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PARACHUTE INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-1 14 06.03.02 Hem Marker (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.) :MARKER (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.): 781.687-042 06.04.27 HEMMER (any ind.) 787.682-026 06.02.05 hemmer CRIMPER (rubber goods): 690.686-026 06.04.07 HEMMER, AUTOMATIC (house furn.) 787.685-018 06.04.05 HEMMER, BLINDSTITCH (garment) 786.682-126 06.02.05 HEMMER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-130 06.02.05 HEMMER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-134 06.02.05 HEMMER, OVERLOCK (garment) 786.682-138 06.02.05 HEMMING-AND-TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) 787.685-022 06.04.05 HEMSTITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682- 142 06.02.05 Hemstitching-Machine Operator (trim. & embroid.) :SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & embroid.): 787.682-070 06.02.05 herder SHEEP HERDER (agric.): 410.687-022 03.04.01 Herpetologist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-090 02.02.01 Hide Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 hide cleaner :FLESHER (fur dressing): 585.681-010 06.01.04 hide-cooking operator :COOK (glue); 553.665-018 06.04.19 hide examiner :HIDE INSPECTOR (leather mfg.): 783.687-018 06.03.02 hide grader :HIDE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-042 06.03.02 HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-038 06.04.27 HIDE INSPECTOR (leather mfg.) 783.687-018 06.03.02 HIDE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-042 06.03.02 hide-measuring-machine operator :MEASURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 589.685-070 06.03.02 HIDE PULLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-022 06.04.15 Hide Salter (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 hide selector :HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 Hide Shaker (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 hide sorter :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-010 06.03.01 HIDE SPLITTER (leather mfg.) 690.580-010 06.02.05 Hide Spreader (slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-046 06:04.39 hide washer :SOAKER, HIDES (slaught. & meat pack.): 582.685-134 06.04.16 - highballer SIGNALER (const.): 869.667-01405.12.04 HIGH-DENSITY FINISHING OPERATOR (build. 539.562-010 06.02.18 high-density-press operator :PLATE WORKER (paper & pulp): 535.685-010 06.04.04 High-Density-Talc-Coater Operator (build. board) :COATING- MACHINE OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (build. board; paper goods): 534.682-022 06.02.14 HIGH-ENERGY-FORMING WORKER mfg.) 619.380-010 06.01.03 board) (aircraft-aerospace 494 High-Heel Builder (boot & shoe) :HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-206 06.04.09 High-Lead Yarder (logging) :YARDING ENGINEER (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 High-Lighter (furn.) :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-010 06.04.25 High-Pressure Devulcanizer Operator (rubber reclaim.) :DEVULCANIZER TENDER (rubber reclaim.); 558.585-026 06.04.13 * High-Pressure-Kettle Operator (chem.) :KETTLE OPERATOR (chem.); 558.382-038 06.02.11 High-Raw-Sugar Boiler (sugar) 522.382-034 06.02.15 HIGH RIGGER (amuse. & rec.; radio & tw broad.) 962.664- 0 1 0 05.10.01 :SUGAR BOILER (sugar): High Scaler (const.) :BLASTER (any ind.): 859.261-010 05.10.06 High-Speed-Printer Operator (clerical) :COMPUTER- PERIPHERAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (clerical): 213.382-0 1 0 07.06.01 HIGHWAY-ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (gov. ser.) 005. 167–022 11.05.03 Highway Engineer (gov. ser.) :TRANSPORTATION EN- GINEER (profess. & kin.): 005.061-038 05.01.08 Highway Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 Highway-Landscape Architect (profess. & kin.) :LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 HIGHWAY-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. 899. 1 34-010 05.11.01 HIGHWAY-MAINTENANCE WORKER (gov. ser.) 899.684- O 1 4 05.12.12 highway worker :HIGHWAY-MAINTENANCE WORKER (gov. ser.): 899.684-014 05.12.12 high-wire artist :WIRE WALKER (amuse. & rec.): 159.347–022 12.02.01 hiker :LINE REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 821.361-026 * 05.05.05 Hinge Cutter (hardware) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 hired worker :FARMWORKER, GENERAL (agric.) I: 421.683- 0 1 0 03.04.01 Histological Illustrator (profess. & kin.) :ILLUSTRATOR, MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.): 141.061-026 01.02.03 histologist :HISTOPATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 041.061-054 02.02.01 HISTOPATHOLOGIST (medical ser.) 041.061-054 02.02.01 histopathology technologist :TISSUE TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.361-030 02.04.02 HISTORIAN (profess. & kin.) 052,067–022 11.03.03 HISTORIAN, DRAMATIC ARTS (profess. & kin.) 052.067- 026 11.03.03 Historical Archeologist (profess. & kin.) ARCHEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-018 11.03.03 HISTORY-CARD CLERK (light, heat, & power) 209.587-022 07.05.03 hitcher :LABORER, HOISTING 05.12.04 hobbing-machine operator :GEAR HOBBER SET-UP OPERA- TOR (mach. shop): 602.382-010 06.03.01 HOBBING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) 06.02.02 Hob Grinder (mach. shop) :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 hob mill operator :GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 602.685-010 06.04.02 Hod Carrier (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869,687-026 ser.) (any ind.): 921.667-022 61 7.682-0 18 Hoer (agric.) :WEEDER-THINNER (agric.): 409.687-018 03.04.01 Hog Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) :GRADER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.387-010 06.03.01 Hog-Head Singer (slaught. & meat pack.) :SINGER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-098 06.04.28 hog operator :GRINDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.): 555.685-030 06.04.07 Hog Ribber (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 hog-room supervisor SUPERVISOR 559. 132-058 06.02.01 Hog Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 hogshead builder :HOGSHEAD COOPER (cooperage) III: 764.687-074 06.04.22 HOGSHEAD COOPER (cooperage) I 764.684-026 06.04.22 HOGSHEAD COOPER (cooperage) II 764.687-070 06.04.22 HOGSHEAD COOPER (cooperage) III 764.687-074 06.04.22 Hogshead Dumper (tobacco) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * hogshead filler :PRIZER (tobacco): 920.687-142 06.04.38 hogshead hand :HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco): 920.687-102 06.04.28 hogshead head-matcher :BAND-SAW (cooperage): 667.685-010 06.04.03 HOGSHEAD HOOPER (cooperage) 764.687-078 06.04.22 HOGSHEAD INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.367-014 06.03.01 hogshead liner :LINE-OUT WORKER (tobacco) I: 920.687-110 06.04.38 HOGSHEAD MAT ASSEMBLER (cooperage) 764.687-082 06.04.22 HOGSHEAD MAT INSPECTOR 06.03.02 HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco) 920.687-102 06.04.28 hogshead packer :PRIZER (tobacco): 920.687-142 06.04.38 hogshead-press operator :HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-062 06.04.38 hogshead roller :BULL-GANG WORKER (tobacco): 922.687– 026 06.04.40 Hogshead-Stock Clerk (tobacco) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 hogshead stripper :HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco): 920.687– 102 06.04.28 hogshead unpacker 920.687-102 06.04.28 hogshead wrecker :HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco): 920.687- 102 06.04.28 Hog Sticker (slaught. & meat pack.) :STICKER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-050 06.04.28 Hog Stomach Preparer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING THER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 HOG TENDER (woodworking) 564.685-018 06.04.03 Hoist-Cylinder Loader (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED-GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587-010 06.04.40 HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.) 921.663-030 05.11.04 hoisting engineer, pile driving :PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 hoisting-machine operator :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 HOIST OPERATOR 05.11.02 HOIST OPERATOR (petrol. production) 932.363-010 05.11.02 hoist worker :LABORER, HIGH-DENSITY PRESS (agric.): 929.687-018 06.04.40 Holder, Pile Driving (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 hole-digger operator :EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 859.682-010 05.11.01 (rubber reclaim.): OPERATOR (cooperage) 764.687-086 :HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco): (mining & quarrying) 921.663-026 495 Hole-Digger-Truck Driver (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.): 905.663-014 05.08.01 Hole Puncher, Strap (boot & shoe) :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 HOLIDAY-DETECTOR OPERATOR (const.) 862.687-014 05.07.01 Hollow-Core Door-Frame Assembler (plan. mill) :CLAMP-JIG ASSEMBLER (woodworking): 762.687-022 06.04.22 HOLLOW-HANDLE-KNIFE ASSEMBLER (silverware) 700.684-042 06.04.23 Hollow-Tile-Partition Erector (const.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 Holster Maker (leather prod.) :LEATHER WORKER (leather prod.): 783.684-026 06.02.27 home agent :COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRATION AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 121-010 11.02.03 home and school visitor :SOCIAL WORKER, SCHOOL (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-038 10.01.02 HOME ATTENDANT (per. ser.) 354.377-014 10.03.03 home-demonstration agent :COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRA- TION AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 121-010 11.02.03 Home Economics Specialist (gov. ser.) :EXTENSION SERVICE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.): 096. 127-014 11.07.03 HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.) 096. 121-014 11.02.03 Home Economist, Consumer Service (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 home-extension agent :COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRATION AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 121-010 11.02.03 home health aide :HOME ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 354.377- 014 10.03.03 HOMEMAKER (social ser.) 309.354-010 1 1.02.03 HOME-SERVICE DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 096.161-010 11.02.03 Homicide-Squad Captain (gov. FICER, HOMICIDE SQUAD 04.01.01 Homicide-Squad Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, HOMICIDE SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.167-010 04.01.01 Homicide-Squad Sergeant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, HOMICIDE SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.167-010 04.01.01 Homogenizer Operator (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 hone operator :HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.382-018 06.02.02 honer :HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.482-034 06.02.02 HONEYCOMB-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-062 06.02.09 HONEYCOMB DECAPPER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.687-070 06.04.28 honeycomb-paper fabricator :HONEY COMB-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 :COMMANDING OF- ser.): 375. 167-010 ser.) (gov. HONEY EXTRACTOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-174 06.04.15 HONEY GRADER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.361-0 1 0 06.01.04 honey liquefier :HONEY GRADER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.361-010 06.01.04 HONEY PROCESSOR (food prep., 06.04.15 honey producer :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413. 161-010 03.01.02 honing-machine operator :HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603,382-018 06.02.02 HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION shop) 603.482-034 06.02.02 n.e.c.) 522.685-070 (mach. honing-machine operator, semiautomatic :HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.482-034 06.02.02 honing-machine operator, tool :HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.382-022 06.02.02 HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 603.382-018 06.02.02 HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 603.382-022 06.02.02 Honing-Machine Try-Out Setter (mach. tool & access.) :MACHINE TRY-OUT SETTER (mach. tool & access.): 600.360-0 1 0 06.01.05 HOOD MAKER (canvas goods) 804.481-010 05.05.06 HOOF AND SHOE INSPECTOR (amuse. & rec.) 153.287-010 93.03.02 Hook-and-Eye Attacher (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Hook-and-Eye Attacher, Machine (garment) :EYELET- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 hook-and-eye-sewing-machine operator :FASTENER-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-010 06.04.05 hooker :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 hooker :SPONGE HOOKER (fish.): 447.684-010 03.04.03 hooker :HOOK TENDER (logging): 921.131-010 05.12.04 HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile) 689.685-078 06.03.02 HOOKER-LASTER (boot & shoe) 753.684-018 06.04.27 hooker operator :HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile): 689.685-078 06.03.02 HOOKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685- 018 06.02.02 HOOKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.05 hooking-machine operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.585-014 06.04.05 Hook Loader (toys & games) :SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.): 599.686-014 06.04.21 HOOK PULLER (narrow fabrics) 683.687-022 06.04.40 hook tender :RIGGER (any ind.): 921.260-010 05.11.04 HOOK TENDER (logging) 921.131-0 10 05.12.04 hook-up driver :HOSTLER (motor trans.): 05.08.03 HOOP BENDER, TANK (cooperage) 619.682-026 06.02.02 hoop-bending-machine operator :HOOP BENDER, TANK (cooperage): 619.682-026 06.02.02 HOOP COILER (cooperage) 617.686-010 06.04.02 Hoop-Coiling-Machine Operator (basketry) :BASKET ASSEM- BLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 Hoop-Driving-Machine Operator (cooperage) :BARREL AS- SEMBLER (cooperage): 669.682-014 06.02.20 Hoop-Driving-Machine-Operator Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 (textile) 580.685-034 909.663-010 hooper :HOGSHEAD HOOPER (cooperage): 764.687-078 06.04.22 HOOP-FLARING-AND-COILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cooperage) 619.682-034 06.02.02 Hoop-Flaring-Machine Operator (cooperage) :HOOP MAKER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.682-030 06.02.02 Hoop-Flaring-Machine-Operator Helper (cooperage) :HOOP- MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.686-014 06.04.02 HOOP-MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (cooperage) 619.686- 0 1 4 06.04.02 HOOP MAKER, MACHINE (cooperage) 619.682-030 06.02.02 Hoop-Punch-and-Coiler Operator (cooperage) :HOOP MAKER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.682-030 06.02.02 Hoop-Punch-and-Coiler-Operator Helper (cooperage) :HOOP- MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.686-014 06.04.02 496 Hoop-Punch Operator (cooperage) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 Hoop-Punch-Operator Helper (cooperage) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-01406.04.24 Hoop-Riveting-Machine Operator (cooperage) :HOOP MAKER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.682-030 06.02.02 Hoop-Riveting-Machine-Operator Helper (cooperage) :HOOP- MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (cooperage): 619.686-014 06.04.02 hoop-rolls operator :HOOP COILER (cooperage): 617.686-010 06.04.02 Hoosier Pole Hand (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Hop Grower (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.1 61-010 03.01.01 HOPPER ATTENDANT (sugar) 521.685-182 06.04.40 HOPPER FEEDER (ammunition) 619.686-018 06.04.02 hopper feeder :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 HOPPER FEEDER (grease & tallow) 551.686-018 06.04.19 hopper feeder :FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco): 529.686-038 06.04.40 hopper loader :FEED-MIXER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686-018 06.04.15 hopper operator :CASTING-ROOM OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 556.585-010 06.04.13 hop separator :HOP STRAINER (malt liquors): 521.685-178 06.04.15 Hops Farmworker (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) II: 404.687-010 03.04.01 - Hop Sorter (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 HOPSTRAINER (malt liquors) 521.685-178 06.04.15 HOP WEIGHER (malt liquors) 520.687-042 06.03.02 horizontal-boring-drilling-and-milling-machine operator :BORING-MILL SET-UP OPERATOR, HORIZONTAL (mach. shop): 606.280-01406.01.03 horizontal-boring-mill operator :BORING-MILL SET-UP OPERATOR, HORIZONTAL (mach. shop): 606.280-014 06.01.03 horizontal-drill operator :DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.482-010 05.11.02 HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING-MACHINE (const.) 850.662-010 05.11.01 HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (const.) 850.684-014 05.12.02 Horizontal-Resaw Operator (sawmill) :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 Horizontal-Stick-Turning-Machine Operator (tex. bag) :TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 689.685-146 06.04.05 Horse-and-Wagon Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 9 19.664-0 10 03.04.05 HORSE-RACE STARTER 12.01.02 HORSE-RACE TIMER (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-014 12.01.02 WORKER OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-010 horseradish grinder :HORSERADISH MAKER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-142 06.04.15 HORSERADISH MAKER (can. & preserv.) 529.685-142 06.04.15 Horse Rancher (agric.) 4 10.161-018 03.01.01 HORSESHOER (agric.) 418.381-010 03.03.02 Horse Tender (any ind.) :STABLE ATTENDANT (any ind.): 41 0.674-022 03.03.02 HORSE TRAINER (agric.) 419.224-010 03.03.01 Horticultural Agent (gov. ser.) :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 11.02.03 HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.) 405. 161-01 4 03.01.03 :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, INSIDE (agric.) 405. 161-018 03.01.03 HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) I 405.684-01403.04.04 HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II 405.687-014 03.04.04 HORTICULTURIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-038 02.02.02 hose builder :HOSE MAKER (rubber goods): 752.684-030 * 06.02.27 hose cementer :DUAL-HOSE CEMENTER (rubber goods): 690.685-1 34 06.04.07 HOSE-COUPLING JOINER 06.04.34 HOSE CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods) 751.687-010 06.04.29 HOSE CUTTER, MACHINE (rubber goods) 751.686-010 06.04.07 hose finisher :DUAL-HOSE CEMENTER (rubber goods): 690.685-134 06.04.07 hose handler :BLOWER INSULATOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 863.664-010 05.12.14 Hose Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 HOSE INSPECTOR AND PATCHER (rubber goods) 759.364- 010 06.03.01 - HOSE MAKER (rubber goods) 752.684-030 06.02.27 Hose-Suspender Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 Hose Tender (any ind.) :DIVER HELPER (any ind.): 899.664- 010 05.12.12 - Hose Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPECTOR- TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 (rubber goods) 759.687-014 HOSE-TUBING BACKER (rubber goods) 559.686-018 06.04.07 Hose Turner (hosiery) :TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 HOSE WRAPPER (rubber goods) 759.684-038 06.04.34 Hosiery Looper (hosiery) :LOOPER (hosiery; knit goods): 689.682-010 * 06.02.06 HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery) 782.684-030 06.02.27 HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.) 205.362-018 * 07.04.01 hospital attendant :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 Hospital Cashier (medical ser.) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 2 11.362-010 07.03.01 Hospital-Collection Clerk (medical ser.) :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 HOSPITAL ENTRANCE ATTEND ANT 355.677-014 09.05.04 hospital-insurance clerk :INSURANCE CLERK (medical ser.): 214.362-022 07.02.04 HOSPITAL-INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE 166.267-014 07.01.05 hospital librarian :INSTITUTION LIBRARIAN 100. 167–022 11.02.04 hospital messenger :HOSPITAL ENTRANCE ATTENDANT (medical ser.): 355.677-014 09.05.04 hospital-receiving clerk :HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.): 205.362-018 * 07.04.01 hospital record administrator :MEDICAL RECORD TECHNI- CIAN (medical ser.): 0.79.367-014 07.05.03 hospital-record administrator :MEDICAL-RECORD ADMINIS- TRATOR (medical ser.): 0.79. 16.7-014 11.07.02 HOSPITAL-TELEVISION-RENTAL CLERK 295,467-018 09.04.02 HOST/HOSTESS (any ind.) 352.667-010 09.01.01 HOST/HOSTESS, DANCE HALL (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-010 09.01.01 HOST/HOSTESS, GROUND (air trans.) 352.377-010 09.01.04 (medical ser.) (insurance) (library): (bus. ser.) 497 HOST/HOSTESS, 09.01.01 host/hostess, railway :PASSENGER SERVICE REPRESENTA- TIVE (r.r. trans.) I: 352.677-010 09.01.04 HOST/HOSTESS, RESTAURANT (hotel & rest.) 310.137-010 09.01.03 hostler BARN BOSS (any ind.): 410.131-010 03.02.04 hostler :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 HOSTLER (motor trans.) 909.663-010 05.08.03 HOSTLER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.683-010 05.08.02 hotbed operator :BED OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.585-010 06.02.10 hotbed transfer operator :BED OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.585-010 06.02.10 Hot-Billet-Shear Operator (iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 hot blaster :STOVE TENDER (iron & steel): 512.382-014 06.02.10 HOT BOX OPERATOR (gold 06.04.02 Hot-Bread Baker (hotel & rest.) 3 13.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.08 HOT-CAR OPERATOR (coke prod.) 519.663-01406.04.40 HOT-CELL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 015.362-018 02.04.01 Hot-Die Picker (boot & shoe) :HOT-DIE-PRESS OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.682-050 06.02.09 Hot-Die-Press Feeder (boot & shoe) :HOT-DIE-PRESS OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.682-050 06.02.09 HOT-DIE-PRESS OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.682-050 06.02.09 Hotel Cashier, General (hotel & rest.) :CASHIER (clerical) I: 21 1.362-010 07.03.01 HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.) 238.362-010 * 07.04.03 HEAD (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-014 leaf & foil) 709.685-014 :BAKER (hotel & rest.): Hot-Food Packer (hotel & rest.) :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 hot-frame tender TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-0 1 0 06.04.16 Hot-Header Operator (forging) :MULTI-OPERATION- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 612.462-010 06.01.03 Hot-Head-Machine Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 HOTHOUSE WORKER (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 549.687– 0 1 4 06.04.34 hot-melt-machine operator :COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 - Hot-Metal Charger (iron & steel) :CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 512.683-010 06.02.10 Hot-Metal Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Hot-Metal-Crane Operator (found.; iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 Hot-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) :ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys); 613.462-018 * 06.01.03 Hot-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metaſ alloys) :SHEET-MILL SU- PERVISOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 619. 132-014 06.02.01 Hot-Plate Plywood-Press Feeder (veneer & plywood) :LABORER, HOT-PLATE PLYWOOD PRESS (veneer & plywood): 569.686-026 06.04.03 Hot-Plate Plywood-Press Offbearer (veneer & plywood) :LABORER, HOT-PLATE PLYWOOD PRESS (veneer & plywood): 569.686-026 06.04.03 HOT-PLATE-PLYWOOD-PRESS OPERATOR plywood) 569.685-054 06.04.03 (veneer & hot-plate-press operator :HOT-PLATE-PLYWOOD-PRESS OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 569.685-054 06.04.03 HOT-PRESS OPERATOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 575.685- 042 06.04.08 hot-press operator :PLATE WORKER (paper 535.685-010 06.04.04 Hot-Roll Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.) 335.677-014 09.05.01 Hot-Sealing-Machine Operator (any ind.) :PACKAGE SEALER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-074 06.04.38 hot stamper :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682-018 06.04.09 HOT-STONE SETTER (button) 734.687–058 06.04.23 Hot-Strip-Mill Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 HOT-TOP LINER (iron & steel) 709.684-046 05.12.09 & pulp): HOT-TOP-LINER HELPER (iron & steel) 709.687-018 05.12.09 Hot-Trimming-Press Operator (forging) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 HOT-WIRE GLASS-TUBE CUTTER (glass prod.) 772.684-014 06.04.30 HOT-WORT SETTLER (malt liquors) 521.685-186 06.04.15 HOUSE BUILDER (const.) 869.281-014 05.05.02 House Carpenter (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.) 323.687-018 05.12.18 Housecleaner, Floor (hotel & rest.) : HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-018 05.12.18 house detective :BOUNCER (amuse. & rec.): 04.02.03 house detective : HOUSE OFFICER (hotel & rest.): 376.36.7- 018 04.02.03 House-Furnishings Cutter, Machine (house furn.) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 HOUSEHOLD-APPLIANCE INSTALLER (any ind.) 827.661- O 10 05.10.04 housekeeper :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR TIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.; 32.1.1 37-010 05.12.18 housekeeper, administrative :EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 187.1 67-046 11.11.01 housekeeper, head :EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 187. 167-046 11.11.01 HOUSEKEEPER, HOME (dom. ser.) 301.1 37-010 05.12.01 housekeeper, home :HOUSE WORKER, GENERAL (dom. ser.): 301.474-010 05.12.18 house manager :RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR 187. 167-186 * 11.07.01 house model :MODEL (garment; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 297.667- 0 1 4 01.08.01 HOUSE MOVER (const.) 869.261-010 05.10.01 HOUSE-MOVER HELPER (const.) 869.687-034 05.12.04 HOUSE-MOVER SUPERVISOR (const.) 869.131-022 05.10.01 HOUSE OFFICER (hotel & rest.) 376.367-018 04.02.03 house parent :ATTENDANT, CHILDREN'S INSTITUTION (any ind.): 359.677-010 10.03.03 HOUSE-PIPING INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 953.367- 018 05.07.01 HOUSE REPAIRER (const.) 869.381-010 05.10.04 376,667-010 INSTITU- real estate) (any ind.): housesmith :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 housesmith :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.38 1-022 * 05.05.06 house steward/stewardess :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 310.137-018 05.12.17 house supervisor :PACKING-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (agric.; whole. tr.): 920. 137-010 06.02.01 498 Housewares Demonstrator (ret. tr.: whole. tr.) :DEMONSTRATOR (ret. tr., whole, tr.): 297.354–010 08.02.05 House Worker (dom. Ser.) :CARETAKER (dom. Ser.): 301.687-0 1 0 05.12.18 HOUSE WORKER, GENERAL (dom. Ser.) 301.474-010 05.12.18 HOUSING-MANAGEMENT OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-110 11.05.03 hub cutter :DIE MAKER (jewelry): 601.381-01405.05.07 hub-cutter apprentice :DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 601.38 1-022 05.05.07 hucks ter :PEDDLER (ret. tr.): 291.457-018 08.03.01 HULL AND DECK REMOVER (auto, mſg.; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 809.667-010 06.04.34 Hull Builder (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 860.381-018 05.05.02 HULLER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.) 521.682-030 06.02.15 huller operator 06.04.28 HULL INSPECTOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.264-010 05.07.01 Hull Molder (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.; trans. equip.): 806.684–054 O6.02.32 hull sorter NUT SORTER (nut process.): 521.687-086 + 06.03.02 Humane Officer (gov. ser.) :DOG CATCHER (gov. ser.): 379,673-0 1 0 03.04.05 human factors specialist : PSYCHOLOGIST, ENGINEERING (profess. & kin.): 045.061-014 11.03.01 Human Projectile (amuse. & rec.) :THRILL PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.): 159.347-018 12.02.01 HUMIDIFIER ATTENDANT (textile; tobacco) 950.485-010 05.06.02 humidifier-maintenance worker :HUMIDIFIER ATTENDANT (textile; tobacco): 950.485-010 05.06.02 HUMIDIFIER OPERATOR (build. board) 06.02.18 humid-system operator :HUMIDIFIER ATTENDANT (textile; tobacco): 950.485-010 05.06.02 hummer operator :ELECTRIFIER OPERATOR 585.685-042 06.04.16 HUMORIST (profess. & kin.) 131,067–026 01.01.02 hunter, skin diver :UNDERWATER HUNTER-TRAPPER (hunt. & trap.): 461.664-0 10 03.04.03 hurl shaker :STEM SIZER (brush & broom): 692.686-062 06.04.09 Hybrid-Microelectronics :SHELLER (nut process.) I: 521.687–118 562.682-010 (textile): Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684- 022 06.04.19 Hydrant-and-Valve Setter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 HYDRATE-CONTROL TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.585-010 06.04.10 - hydrate-thickener operator CLASSIFIER OPERATOR (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.): 511.562-010 06.04.10 hydraulic and mechanical assembler ASSEMBLER, MINING MACHINERY (mach. mfg.): 801.261-010 05.05.09 Hydraulic-Barker Operator (paper & pulp; sawmill) :POWER- BARKER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; sawmill): 669.485-010 06.04.03 - HYDRAULIC-BILLET MAKER (pen & pencil) 575,685-046 06.04.19 - HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap) 580.685-038 06.04.09 HYDRAULIC-BOOM OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 921.683-046 06.04.40 - Hydraulic-Brim-Flanging-Machine Operator (hat & :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 06.04.09 hydraulic-bull-riveter operator :RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.): 800.662-010 06.02.02 cap) 580.685-038 HYDRAULIC-CHAIR ASSEMBLER (furn.) 706.684-058 06.02.22 hydraulic-corrugating-machine operator :HYDRAULIC OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys); 611.685-01406.04.02 Hydraulic Dredge Operator (fish.) :SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fish.): 446.663-010 03.04.03 HYDRAULIC ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005,061-018 05.01.03 hydraulic-hammer operator TAMPING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (const.): 869.683-018 05.11.01 hydraulic-installation assembler PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 HYDRAULIC-JACK ADJUSTER (const.) 869.361-014 05.05.06 hydraulic-jack operator OPERATOR (const.; mining & quarrying): 05.11.01 Hydraulic Oil-Tool Operator (petrol. production) PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382-030 05.11.03 hydraulic operator :SHIELD RUNNER (const.): 850.682-010 05.11.01 HYDRAULIC OPERATOR (nonfer metal alloys) 611.685-014 06.04.02 hydraulic-press operator :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 06.02.02 :TRACK-MOVING-MACHINE 9 10.663-010 : WELL hydraulic-press operator :PELLET-PRESS OPERATOR (chem.); 555.685-042 06.04.11 HYDRAULIC PRESS OPERATOR (const.) 616.662-010 06.02.20 HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (felt goods) 583.685-058 06.04.05 hydraulic-press operator :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (knit goods) 583.685-054 06.04.05 hydraulic-press operator CLAMPER (pen & pencil): 733.687– 026 06.04.25 HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (tobacco) 920.685-062 06.04.38 HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (veneer & plywood) 569.685-058 06.04.03 Hydraulic Press Operator, First Pressing (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 HYDRAULIC-PRESS SERVICER (ammunition) 626.38 1-0 18 05.05.09 hydraulic-press tender :PULP-PRESS TENDER (paper & pulp): 532.685-026 06.04.14 HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE-AUTO-FRETTAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (firearms) 694.682-01 4 06.02.02 HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE-AUTO-FRETTAGE-MACHINE- OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (firearms) 619. 130-010 06.02.02 Hydraulic-Punch-Press Operator (rubber goods) :MOLDED- RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER (rubber goods): 690.685-290 06.04.07 - hydraulic-steam-press operator :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 HYDRAULIC-STRAINER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 551.582-010 06.02.13 . Hydraulic Tester (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER- PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 Hydrochloric-Acid Operator (chem.) : ABSORPTION OPERA- TOR (chem.; coal tar prod.); 551.382-010 06.02.11 499 hydrochloric-manufacturing supervisor :SUPERVISOR, HYDROCHLORIC AREA (chem.); 558. 134-022 06.02.01 HYDROELECTRIC-MACHINERY MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) 631.261-010 05.10.02 HYDROELECTRIC-MACHINERY-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power) 631.364-010 05.10.02 HYDROELECTRIC-PLANT MAINTAINER (light, heat, & power) 952.687-010 05.12.18 Hydroelectric-Powerplant Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 631.131-010 05.05.05 HYDROELECTRIC-STATION power) 952.362-018 05.06.01 HYDROELECTRIC-STATION OPERATOR, CHIEF (light, heat, & power) 952.137-01405.06.01 HYDROGENATION OPERATOR (oils & fats) 529.382-026 06.02.15 hydrogen braze-furnace operator :BRAZER, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERIC FURNACE (welding): 813.685-010 06.02.19 Hydrogen-Cell Tender (chem.) 558.382-026 06.02.11 Hydrogen Treater (petrol. refin.) TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 HYDROGRAPHER (waterworks) 025.264-010 02.04.01 hydrologic engineer :HYDRAULIC ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 005.061-018 05.01.03 HYDROLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-034 02.01.01 HYDROMETER CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.) 710.381-030 06.01.04 hydrometer finisher :HYDROMETER CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.): 710.381-030 06.01.04 HYDRO-PNEUMATIC TESTER 06.03.02 Hydroponics Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIAL- TY GROWER, INSIDE (agric.): 405. 161-018 03.01.03 Hydroponics Worker (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) I: 405.684-01403.04.04 Hydropulper (build. board; paper & pulp) :PULPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 530.685-01406.04.14. HYDRO-SPRAYER OPERATOR (agric.) 03.04.04 Hydrostatic Tester (any ind.) :HYDRO-PNEUMATIC TESTER (any ind.): 862.687-018 06.03.02 hydrostatic tester CYLINDER INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (comp. & liquefied gases): 953.387-010 06.03.01 Hypercil-Core-Transformer Assembler (elec. equip.) :TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.381-014 06.01.04 hypertrichologist :ELECTROLOGIST (per, ser.): 339.371-010 09.05.01 HYPNOTHERAPIST (profess. & kin.) 079. 157-010 10.02.02 Hypnotist (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTER- TAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 hypnotist :HYPNOTHERAPIST (profess. & kin.): 079. 157-010 10.02.02 hypoid-gear generator GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERA- TOR, SPIRAL BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382-01406.02.02 HYPOID-GEAR TESTER (auto. mfg.) 806.382-01406.03.01 OPERATOR (light, heat, & :CELL TENDER (chem.): (any ind.) 862.687-018 408.662-010 I Ice-Bag Assembler (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS ASSEM- BLER (rubber goods): 752.684-038 06.04.23 ICE-CREAM CHEF (hotel & rest.) 3 13.381-034 05.10.08 ice-cream dispenser :FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.): 3.19.474-0 1 0 * 09.04.01 ice-cream freezer :FREEZER OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529,482-0 1 0 06.02.15 ICE CREAM FREEZER ASSISTANT (dairy prod.) 529.685- 146 06.04.15 Ice-Cream Vendor (ret. tr.) :PEDDLER (ret. tr.): 291.457-018 08.03.01 Ice Crusher (any ind.) :ICE CUTTER (ice): 529.685-150 06.04.15 ICE CUTTER (ice) 529.685-150 06.04.15 ice-guard inspector :DEICER INSPECTOR, ELECTRIC (rubber goods): 729.387-010 06.03.01 ice-guard repairer :DEICER REPAIRER (rubber goods): 759.684-026 06.04.34 Ice Guard, Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) :BOUNCER (amuse. & rec.): 376.667-010 04.02.03 ice-guard tester :DEICER TESTER (rubber goods): 729.387- 014 06.03.01 Ice Handler (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED-GAS- PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587-010 06.04.40 ICE MAKER (ice) 523.685-102 06.04.15 ICE MAKER, SKATING RINK (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-014 05.12.18 ice platform supervisor SUPERVISOR, ICE STORAGE, SALE, AND DELIVERY (ice): 299.137-022 09.04.02 Ice Puller (ice) :ICE MAKER (ice): 523.685-102 06.04.15 ICER (whole. tr.) 922.687-046 05.12.03 icer, air conditioning :CAR ICER (ice; slaught. & meat pack.): 9 10.687-018 ICER, HAND (bake. prod.) 524.684-022 06.04.28 Icer Helper, Hand (bake. prod.) :BAKER HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.) 524.685-034 06.04.15 ice seller :PLATFORM ATTENDANT (ice): 299.377-010 09.04.02 Ichthyologist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-090 02.02.01 ICICLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 920.482-010 06.02.15 Icing Coater (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 icing-machine operator :ICER, MACHINE 524.685-034 06.04.15 Icing Maker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.): 526.382-01406.02.15 ICING MIXER (bake. prod.) 520.685-114 06.04.15 icing spreader :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 06.04.28 IDENTIFICATION CLERK (clerical) 205.362-022 07.04.01 IDENTIFICATION OFFICER (gov. ser.) 377.264-010 07.01.06 IDENTIFICATION TECHNICIAN (gov. ser.) 209.362-022 07.05.03 IDENTIFIER, HORSE (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-010 12.01.02 IGNITER CAPPER (ammunition) 737.687-050 06.04.34 Ignition-and-Carburetor Mechanic (auto. ser.) :ELECTRICIAN, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.): 825.281-022 05.05.10 Ignition Specialist (air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER- PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 ILLUMINATING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061-046 05.01.03 Illuminator (profess. & kin.) :ENGROSSER (profess. & kin.): 970.66 1-0 1 0 01.06.03 ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 141.061-022 01.02.03 ILLUSTRATOR, MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.) 14:1.061-026 01.02.03 ILLUSTRATOR, SET (motion pic.; 141.061-030 01.02.03 imitation-marble mechanic :SCAGLIOLA MECHANIC (stat. & art goods): 556.484-010 06.02.30 imitator :IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & 01.03.02 - (bake. prod.): 524.684-022 radio & tv broad.) rec.): 159,047-0 18 500 IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 168. 167-022 11.10.04 Immigration Patrol Inspector (gov. ser.) :IMMIGRATION IN- SPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.167-022 11.10.04 Impact-Hammer Operator (forging) :DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-018 01.03.02 IMPERSONATOR, CHARACTER (any ind.) 299.647-010 01.07.02 Import Clerk (clerical) :FOREIGN CLERK (clerical): 214.467- 010 07.02.04 Importer (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :WHOLESALER (whole. tr.) II: 185.1 57-018 11.05.04 IMPORT-EXPORT AGENT (any ind.) 184.1 17-022 11.05.02 impregnating helper :IMPREGNATOR-AND-DRIER HELPER (elec. equip.): 599.685-050 06.04.19 impregnating-machine operator :COATER OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 554.585-01406.04.21 IMPREGNATING-MACHINE OPERATOR 590.362-01 4 06.02.18 impregnating-tank operator :DIPPER AND BAKER (any ind.): 599.685-030 06.04.21 IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-046 06.04.21 Impregnation Inspector (elec. equip.) :GREEN INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 726.367-010 06.03.01 IMPREGNATION OPERATOR (paper goods) 539.685-014 06.02.14 impregnator :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 IMPREGNATOR (electronics) 590.682-014 06.02.18 IMPREGNATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685- 030 06.04.10 IMPREGNATOR (pen & pencil) 562.685-014 06.04.18 impregnator :SPREADER (plastics mat.); 554.687-010 06.04.27 IMPREGNATOR AND DRIER (elec. equip.) 599.462-010 06.02.18 (wirework) IMPREGNATOR-AND-DRIER HELPER (elec. equip.) 599.685-050 06.04.19 - Impregnator, Electrolytic Capacitors (electronics) :IMPREGNATOR (electronics): 590.682-01406.02.18 impregnator operator :BRAKE-LINING FINISHER, ASBESTOS (asbestos prod.): 579.665-010 06.04.19 IMPREGNATOR OPERATOR (chem.) 559.685-106 06.04.11 Impresario (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-014 11.12.03 Impression Printer (print. & pub.) :SKETCH MAKER (print. & pub.) I: 979.381-034 01.06.01 Incendiaries Supervisor (fireworks) :SUPERVISOR, FIRE- WORKS ASSEMBLY (fireworks): 737. 131-010 06.02.01 Incendiary-Powder Mixer (fireworks) :MIXER (fireworks): 737.687-090 06.04.34 INCINERATOR-PLANT-GENERAL SUPERVISOR (sanitary ser.) 184.167-046 05.06.04 INCISING-MACHINE OPERATOR 569.662-010 06.02.18 Inclined-Railway Operator (any ind.) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 inclinometer tester :FILLER (inst. 06.02.30 INCOMING-FREIGHT CLERK (water trans.) 248.362-010 07.02.04 (wood preserving) & app.): 710.684-022 incubator helper :LABORER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 411.687-022 03.04.01 indexer :EDITOR, INDEX (print. & pub.): 132.367-010 11.08.01 Indigo Mixer (textile) :DYE WEIGHER (any ind.); 550.684- 0 1 4 06.04.34 Indigo-Vat Tender, Cloth (textile) :DYE-RANGE OPERATOR, CLOTH (textile): 582.582-010 06.02.16 Indigo-Vat Tender, Warp (textile) :WARP-DYEING-VAT TENDER (textile): 582.685-158 06.04.16 - INDUCTION-COORDINATION POWER ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 003.167-038 05.01.03 Induction-Furnace Operator (found.) :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 INDUCTION-MACHINE OPERATOR (heat treat.) 504.685- 022 06.04.10 INDUCTION-MACHINE SETTER (heat treat.) 504.380-014 06.01.02 industrial clerk : LOADING INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.): 910.667- 018 05.07.01 INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.061-026 01.02.03 Industrial-Diamond Polisher (jewelry) :GEM CUTTER (jewelry): 770.281-01405.05.14 Industrial Economist (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 1 1.03.05 Industrial Editor (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, PUBLICATIONS (print. & pub.): 132.037-022 01.01.01 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.06 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 0 1 2.267-010 05.03.06 INDUSTRIAL-GAS FITTER (light, heat, & power) 862.381- 0 1 4 05.10.01 & kin.) 012. 167-030 INDUSTRIAL-GAS SERVICER (light, heat, & power) 637.261-022 05.05.11 - INDUSTRIAL-GAS-SERVICER HELPER (light, heat, & power) 637.384-010 05.10.02 Industrial-Gas-Servicer Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) I: 953.137- 018 05.10.02 INDUSTRIAL-HEALTH ENGINEER 0 1 2. 167–034 05.01.02 industrial hygiene engineer :INDUSTRIAL-HEALTH EN- GINEER (profess. & kin.): 012.167-034 05.01.02 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENIST (profess. & kin.) 079.161-010 11.10.03 - Industrial-Illuminating Engineer (profess. & kin.) :ILLUMINATING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003.061- 046 05.01.03 Industrial-Locomotive Operator (any ind.) :YARD ENGINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-018 05.08.02 Industrial Occupational Analyst (profess. & kin.) :OCCUPATIONAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 166.067- 0 1 0 1 1.03.04 (profess. & kin.) INDUSTRIAL-ORDER CLERK (clerical) 221.367-022 05.09.03 Industrial-Relations Representative (gov. ser.) :MANAGER, LABOR RELATIONS (profess. & kin.): 166. 167–034 11.05.02 Industrial Renderer (profess. & kin.) :DELINEATOR (profess. & kin.): 970.281-014 01.02.03 industrial servicer :INDUSTRIAL-GAS FITTER (light, heat, & power): 862.381-01405.10.01 Industrial Sociologist (profess. & kin.) :SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 INDUSTRIAL THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076.167-010 10.02.02 INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 industrial x-ray operator 199.361-010 * 05.03.05 Industrial-Yard Brake Coupler (any ind.) :YARD COUPLER (r.1. trans.): 910.664-010 05.12.05 IN-FILE OPERATOR (bus. ser.) 203.362-014 07.06.01 Inflation Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 - INFORMATION CLERK (clerical) 237.367–022 07.04.04 :RADIOGRAPHER (any ind.): 501 INFORMATION CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 237.367-018 07.04.04 INFORMATION CLERK, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.) 237.267-010 07.04.04 information clerk, brokerage :TELEPHONE-QUOTATION CLERK (finan. inst.): 237.367-046 07.04.04 - INFORMATION CLERK-CASHIER (amuse. & rec.) 249.467- 0 1 0 07.03.01 Information Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-106 11.09.03 information processing engineer :SYSTEMS ENGINEER, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.): 003. 167–062 05.01.03 INFORMATION SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 109.067-010 11.01.01 Ingenue (amuse. & rec.) :ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047- 010 01.03.02 ingot buggy operator :RAIL-TRACTOR OPERATOR (iron & steel): 919.683-018 05.11.04 INGOT HEADER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.584-010 06.04.10 Ingot Stripper (iron & steel) I :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 - Ingot Stripper (iron & steel) II :MONORAIL CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 Ingot Weigher (iron & steel) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 ingredient mixer :INGREDIENT SCALER (bake. prod.; dairy prod.): 529.684-01406.04.28 INGREDIENT SCALER (bake. prod.; dairy prod.) 529.684-014 06.04.28 Ingredient-Scaler Helper (bake. prod.) (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 inhalation therapist :RESPIRATORY THERAPIST (medical ser.): 0.79.361-010 * 10.02.02 Initial Maker (garment):EMBROIDERER, HAND (trim. & em- broid.): 782.684-018 06.02.27 injection-machine operator :PICKLE PUMPER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.685-086 06.04.15 injection molder :INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 556.382-01406.02.13 injection molder, outer sole :STRING LASTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-406 06.04.09 INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE OFFBEARER inst.) 690.686-042 06.04.02 INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (pen & pen- cil) 690.686-038 06.04.02 INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE plastics prod.) 556.382-01406.02.13 Injection-Molding-Machine Setter (fabric. :MOLD SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; 556.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph; rubber goods) 556.685-038 * 06.04.10 Injection-Wax Molder (found.; jewelry) :WAX MOLDER (found.; jewelry): 549.685-038 06.04.09 INJECTOR ASSEMBLER (engine & turbine) 706.684-062 06.02.23 INKER (boot & shoe) 788.684-066 06.04.33 INKER (print. & pub.) 659.667-010 06.03.02 INKER AND OPAQUER (motion pic.) 970.681-018 01.06.03 INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-234 06.04.21 inking-machine tender :RIBBON INKER (pen & pencil): 692.685-142 06.04.16 INK PRINTER (jewelry cases) 652.685-038 06.04.37 INLAYER (print. & pub.) 977.684-014 01.06.03 Inlayer, Silver (fabric. plastics prod.) :DESIGN INSERTER (fabric. plastics prod.): 692.685-070 06.04.02 INLETTER (firearms) 669.682-050 :BAKER HELPER (musical OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) phonograph): inner-diameter grinder, tool :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 inner seamer :INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-238 06.04.05 - Inner-Tube Cutter (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE CUTTER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.685-446 06.04.07 INNER-TUBE INSERTER (rubber tire & tube) 750.687-010 06.04.29 Inner-Tube Tester (rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-GOODS IN- SPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 Inner-Tube Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 in-Process Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPEC- TOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 in-Process Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 Input Examiner (clerical) :DATA-EXAMINATION CLERK (clerical): 209.387-022 07.05.02 inseamer :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 inseam leveler SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-382 06.04.05 INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe) 690.685-238 06.04.05 inseam-trimming-machine operator :INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-238 06.04.05 INSECTICIDE MIXER (chem.) 550.685-070 06.04.11 Insect Sprayer, Mobile Unit (gov. ser.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 inseminator ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATOR (agric.): 418.384- 010 * 03.04.05 Inserter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION 869.687–026 05.12.03 inserter TABBER (paper goods): 794.687-058 06.04.23 inserter :LINING INSERTER (sports equip.): 732.687-042 06.04.23 Inserter, Promotional Item (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 ° 06.04.38 INSERTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 208.685-018 05.12.19 inserting-press operator :CROWN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 692.685-062 06.04.09 INSERVICE COORDINATOR, AUXILIARY PERSONNEL (medical ser.) 079. 127-0 1 0 10.02.01 INSET CUTTER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.381-038 01.06.02 inside-diameter grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, IN- TERNAL (mach. shop) II: 603.482-018 06.02.02 INSIDE-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power) 729.281-034 05.05.10 Inside-Panel Padder (furn.) :PANEL COVERER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.): 780.684-082 06.04.22 Inside-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE- REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 - inside polisher BARREL POLISHER, 603.685-01 4 06.04.02 WORKER (const.) II: INSIDE (firearms): inside steward/stewardess :KITCHEN STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 318.137-010 05.12.17 inside tester :INSIDE-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 729.281-034 05.05.10 INSOLE-AND-HEEL-STIFFENER (boot & shoe) 788.687-062 06.04.27 insole-and-outsole preparer :STOCK FITTER (boot & shoe): 788.685-018 06.02.27 - Insole-and-Outsole Splitter (boot & shoe) MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 06.04.05 :SPLITTER, 585.685-114 502 INSOLE BEVELER (boot & shoe) 690.685–242 06.04.05 insole-bottom filler :BOTTOM FILLER (boot & 788.684-026 06.04.32 Insole Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 insole-cloth trimmer :INSOLE REINFORCER (boot & shoe): 690.685–246 06.04.05 Insole Coverer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Insole Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 insole filler :BOTTOM FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.684-026 06.04.32 insole gemmer :INSOLE REINFORCER (boot & 690.685–246 06.04.05 Insole-Lip Turner (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Insole Rasper (boot & shoe) :RASPER (boot & shoe): 788.684- 094 06.04.27 INSOLE REINFORCER (boot & shoe) 690.685–246 06.04.05 insole rounder :ROUNDER (boot & shoe): 690.685-338 06.04.05 Insole Sander (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 - Insole Tacker (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 insole-tack-puller, hand :TACK PULLER (boot & 788.687-146 06.04.27 Insole Taper (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Insole Tape Stitcher, Uco (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Insole-Toe-Snipping-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) :HEEL SCORER (boot & shoe): 690.685-222 06.04.05 INSPECTING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 632.380- 0 1 0 06.01.02 INSPECTION CLERK (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.587-010 06.04.37 inspection-machine tender :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR 06.01.01 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR (chem.; 709. 1 37-0 1 0 06.01.01 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR (firearms) 736.131-018 06.01.01 Inspection Supervisor (forging) :FORGE-SHOP SUPERVISOR (forging): 612. 131-010 06.01.01 Inspection Supervisor (insulated wire) (insulated wire): 691. 130-010 06.01.01 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR (mach. shop) 609. 131-010 06.01.01 - Inspection Supervisor (wire; wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE- ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-014 06.02.01 INSPECTOR (ammunition) I 737.387-014 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (ammunition) II 737.687-054 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (ammunition) III 737.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (ammunition) IV 559,387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (asbestos prod.) 776.667-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (bal. & scales) 710.384-014 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (boot & shoe) 788.384-010 06.03.01 inspector :SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687-034 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (build. board) 779.387-014 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (chem.) 709.687–022 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (chew. gum; confection.) 529.687-114 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (clean., dye., & press.) 369,687-022 * 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (conc. prod.) 579.664-014 06.03.02 inspector :LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (cut. & tools): 701.687–026 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (cut. & tools) 709.587-010 06.03.02 shoe): shoe): shoe): (ammunition) 737. 134-010 nonfer. metal alloys) :SUPERVISOR INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) I 729.387-022 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) II 727.687-062 06.03.02 inspector :INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE INSPECTOR (engine & turbine): 806.261-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 559.381-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (forging) 612.261-010 06.01.05 inspector :WAX-PATTERN REPAIRER (found.): 518.684-026 06.02.24 inspector 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (furn.) 739.687-1 10 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (hat & cap) 784.387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (hotel & rest.) 321. 137-014 05.12.18 INSPECTOR (inst. & app.) 710.381-034 06.01.05 INSPECTOR (iron & steel) 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (jewelry) 700.687-034 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (mfä. blógs.) 869.687-038 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (match) 739.687-106 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-022 06.03.02 inspector :MICA INSPECTOR (minerals & earths): 779.687– 026 06.03.02 inspector :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (narrow fabrics): 689.687–022 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (nonfer. metal alloys) I 619.364-010 06.03.01 Inspector (nonfer. metal alloys) II :LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys): 519.686-010 06.04.10 inspector :SUPERVISOR, ANIMAL CRUELTY INVESTIGA- TION (nonprofit organ.): 379.137-010 11.10.03 INSPECTOR (paper & pulp) 649.487-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR (pen & pencil) 733.687-042 06.03.02 Inspector (per. protect. & med. dev.) :GARMENT INSPEC- TOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 :ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.684-010 inspector :MECHANICAL INSPECTOR (petrol. refin.): 549.261-010 05.07.01 inspector :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-014 06.03.02 INSPECTOR (pottery & porc.) 77.4.364-010 * 06.03.01 inspector :REPEAT CHIEF (print. & pub.): 970.361-014 05.10.05 Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPECTOR- TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 - inspector :PATCHER (smoking pipe): 739.687-146 06.04.34 INSPECTOR (sports equip.) 732.364-010 06.03.01 inspector :STONE GRADER (stonework): 05.07.01 INSPECTOR (woodworking) 769.687-026 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES (gov. ser.) 168.287-0 1 0 1 1.10.03 INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (gov. ser.) 168.264-010 05.03.06 INSPECTOR, AIRCRAFT ACCESSORIES (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 709.261-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, AIRCRAFT LAUNCHING AND ARRESTING SYSTEMS (gov. ser.) 806.264-014 05.07.01 INSPECTOR, ALINING (office mach.) 706.687-022 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, ALUMINUM BOAT (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.687-026 06.03.02 INSPECTOR AND ADJUSTER, GOLF CLUB HEAD (sports equip.) 732.384-014 06.03.02 inspector and clerk :CONSTRUCTION CHECKER (light, heat, & power): 821.367-010 05.05.05 670.384-010 inspector and clipper :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-01 4 06.03.02 inspector and clipper :STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 inspector and counter :PAPER SORTER AND COUNTER (paper & pulp): 649.687-010 * 06.03.02 503 inspector and mender .NETTING twine): 782.487 r() 10 06.03.02 inspector and patch worker :STOCK-PARTS INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.684-070 06.03.02 Inspector and Shaper, End Windings (elec. equip.) :WINDING INSPECTOR (cord. & INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 724.364-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.) 589.387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR AND TESTER (agric. equip.) 624.361-010 06.01.05 - inspector and tester :INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE IN- SPECTOR (engine & turbine): 806.261-010 06.01.05 Inspector and Tester (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS IN- SPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 INSPECTOR AND TESTER (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 809.687-018 06.03.02 inspector-and-unloader 709.687-038 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLY (firearms) 736.387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, AUTOMATIC TYPEWRITER (office mach.) 706.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 N- INSPECTOR, BALANCE-BRIDGE (clock & watch) 715.687– 058 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BALANCE TRUING (clock & watch) 715.687– 050 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, BALANCE WHEEL MOTION (clock & watch) 715.687–054 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BALL POINTS (nonfer. metal alloys) 733.687– 046 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BARREL (firearms) 736.687-014 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BARREL ASSEMBLY (clock & watch) 715.684- 11 4 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, BENCH ASSEMBLY (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281 -026 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, BICYCLE (motor. 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BOILER (profess. & kin.) 168. 167–026 05.03.06 inspector, brake lining :INSPECTOR (asbestos prod.): 776.667- 0 1 0 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, BUILDING (gov. ser.) 168. 167–030 05.03.06 INSPECTOR, BULLET SLUGS (ammunition) 737.687–058 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, CANNED FOOD RECONDITIONING (can. & preserv.) 529.687-118 06.03.02 Inspector, Canvas Products (canvas goods; tex. prod., n.e.c.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-01406.03.02 INSPECTOR, CASING (clock & watch) 715.687-062 * 06.03.02 inspector, chief SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION aerospace mfg.): 183.161-010 06.01.01 INSPECTOR, CHIEF (ammunition) 737. 137-010 06.01.01 INSPECTOR, CHIEF (elec. equip.) 729.131-010 06.01.01 INSPECTOR, CHIEF (found.) 51.4.131-010 06.02.01 INSPECTOR, CHIEF (light, heat, & power) 956.267-010 05.07.01 inspector, chief INSPECTION SUPERVISOR (mach. shop): 609. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 INSPECTOR, CLIP-ON 713.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 Inspector, Coated Fabrics (coated fabrics) :CLOTH EX- AMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, COLD WORKING (firearms) 612.384-010 06.03.01 inspector, component parts :ELECTRONICS (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 :SPRING INSPECTOR (spring) II: & bicycles) 806.687-030 (aircraft- SUNGLASSES (optical goods) INSPECTOR INSPECTOR, CONTAINER FINISHING 727.687-066 06.03.02 - Inspector, Conveyor Line (office mach.) :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, DIALS (clock & watch) 715.687-066 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, ELECTRICAL (gov. ser.) 168.167-034 05.03.06 Inspector, Electronic Instruments (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSTRUMENT INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 722.381-01 4 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, ELEVATORS (gov. ser.) 168.167-038 05.03.06 INSPECTOR, EXHAUST EMISSIONS (auto. mfg.) 806.364- 010 06.03.01 Inspector, Experimental (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, EYEGLASS (optical goods) 713.384-014 06.01.04 INSPECTOR, EYEGLASS FRAMES (optical goods) 713.687- 022 06.03.02 - INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.) 789.587-01406.03.02 (elec. equip.) INSPECTOR, FABRICATION (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.361-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, FIBROUS WALLBOARD (build. board) 539.487-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, FILTER TIP (tobacco) 529.667-010 06.03.02 Inspector, Final Assembly (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, FINAL ASSEMBLY (pen & pencil) 733.687-050 06.03.02 Inspector, Final Assembly-Conveyor Line (office mach.) :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 inspector, finished machines and bundles :INSPECTOR, SHIPPING (agric. equip.): 801.667-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, FIREARMS (ammunition) 632.381-014 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, FIREWORKS (fireworks) 737.687-062 06.03.02 Inspector, Flexible Shafts (inst. & app.) :SPEEDOMETER IN- SPECTOR (inst. & app.): 710.687-030 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, FLOOR (mach. shop) 609.361-010 05.07.01 Inspector, Floor Sub-Assembly (office mach.) :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 Inspector, Fuel Hose (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS IN- SPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, FURNITURE AND BEDDING (gov. ser.) 168.267-046 11.10.03 INSPECTOR, GAGE AND INSTRUMENT (mach. shop) 601.281-018 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.) 609.684-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, GLASS OR MIRROR (mirror) 779.687-022 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, GOLF BALL (sports equip.) 732.567-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (gov. ser.) 168.267–050 11.10.01 INSPECTOR-GRADER, AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT (agric.) 409.687-010 03.04.01 INSPECTOR, GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS (grain & feed mill.) 529.387–026 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, HAIRSPRING (clock & watch) I 715.381-066 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, HAIRSPRING (clock & watch) II 715.684-122 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, HAIRSPRING TRUING 715.684- 1 18 06.03.02 (clock & watch) 504 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): Inspector, Hammers and Presses :INSPECTOR, FABRICATION 806.361-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, HEALTH CARE FACILITIES 168. 167-042 11.10.03 INSPECTOR, HEATING AND REFRIGERATION (gov. ser.) 168. 167-046 05.07.02 Inspector, Hot Forgings (forging) 612.261-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, INDUSTRIAL WASTE (gov. ser.) 168.267-054 05.03.06 inspector-in-process :LENS EXAMINER 716.687-022 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, INSULATION (insulated wire) 691.387-010 06.03.01 Inspector, Jewel (inst. & app.) :SPEEDOMETER INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 710.687-030 06.03.02 inspector, jewels :JEWEL INSPECTOR (clock & watch): 770.687-022 06.03.02 inspector, line :LINE INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.): 822.267-010 05.07.03 INSPECTOR, LIVE AMMUNITION (firearms) 736.687-018 06.03.02 inspector, machine-cut glass :SELECTOR (glass mfg.): 579.687– 030 * 06.03.02 Inspector, Magnetic (any ind.) :INSPECTOR, MAGNETIC AND ZYGLO (any ind.): 709.364-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, MAGNETIC AND ZYGLO (any ind.) 709.364- 0 1 0 06.03.01 inspector, manufactured parts :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 inspector, materials and processes (ammunition): 737.364-010 06.03.01 ser.) (gov. :INSPECTOR (forging): (optical goods): :PROCESS CHECKER inspector, mechanical :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER AS- SEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL (inst. & app.) 710.381-038 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, MECHANISM (clock & watch) 715.384-014 06.03.01 Inspector, Metal Bonding :INSPECTOR, FABRICATION 806.361-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, METAL CAN (tinvare) 709.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.) 619.261-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, MISSILE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-030 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, MOTORS AND GENERATORS (elec. equip.) 721.361-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, MOTOR VEHICLES (gov. ser.) 168.267-058 ° 11.10.03 INSPECTOR, MULTIFOCAL LENS (optical goods) 716.687– 018 06.03.02 INSPECTOR OF DREDGING (water 05.07.01 INSPECTOR, OIL FILTERS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; auto. mfg.) 739.687-114 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, OPEN DIE (cut. & tools) 701.684-01406.03.02 inspector, optical elements :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, OPTICAL INSTRUMENT 711.28 1-0 1 0 06.01.05 inspector, outside steam-distribution :STEAM SERVICE IN- SPECTOR (light, heat, & power): 862.361-022 05.05.03 Inspector-Packager (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 INSPECTOR, PACKAGING MATERIALS (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 920.387-010 06.03.01 mfg.) mfg.): (aircraft-aerospace (aircraft-aerospace trans.) 850.387-010 (optical goods) INSPECTOR-PACKER (hat & cap) 784.687-042 06.03.02 Inspector-Packer (jewelry cases) :CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 inspector-packer, glass container :SELECTOR (glass mfg.): 579.687-030 * 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper goods) 649.367-010 06.03.01 Inspector, Pawnshop Detail (gov. ser.) :POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) II: 375.267-030 04.01.02 INSPECTOR, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT (photo. ap- paratus) 714.381-01406.01.05 INSPECTOR, PICTURE FRAMES (mirror & pic. 769.687-030 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, PLATING (electroplating) 500.287-010 06.03.01 Inspector, Plating and Anodizing (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, SURFACE PROCESSING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.387-010 06.03.01 inspector, plug seam :INSPECTOR, FILTER TIP (tobacco): 529.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, PLUMBING (gov. ser.) 168. 167-050 05.03.06 INSPECTOR, POISING (clock & watch) 715.384-018 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods) 716.381-010 06.01.05 inspector, precision :INSPECTOR, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIP- MENT (photo. apparatus): 714.381-01406.01.05 inspector, precision and electrical assemblies :ELECTRICAL- EQUIPMENT TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 729.381- 0 1 0 06.01.05 inspector, process :CIRCULATING PROCESS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 829.361-018 06.01.05 inspector, processing :INSPECTOR, SURFACE PROCESSING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, PROCUREMENT (aircraft-aerospace 806.384-010 05.07.01 INSPECTOR, PUBLICATIONS (print. & pub.) 653.687-014 06.03.02 Inspector, Purchased Parts (office mach.) :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, QUALITY ASSURANCE (gov. ser.) 168.287- 0 1 4 05.03.06 inspector, rag sorting :RAG INSPECTOR (paper & pulp): 530.687-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, RAILROAD (gov. ser.) 168.287-018 05.03.06 Inspector, Raw Quartz (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPEC- TOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 inspector, receiving :INSPECTOR, PROCUREMENT (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 806.384-010 05.07.01 INSPECTOR, REINFORCED PLASTICS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-034 06.01.05 INSPECTOR-REPAIRER (artif, flower) 734.684-018 06.03.02 INSPECTOR-REPAIRER (leather prod.) 783.684-018 06.03.02 INSPECTOR-REPAIRER, SANDSTONE (stonework) 779.684- 030 05.10.01 INSPECTOR, RETURNED MATERIALS (auto. mfg.) 806.384- 0 1 4 06.03.01 inspector, rough castings :LAY-OUT INSPECTOR (forging; found.; mach. shop): 600.281-01406.01.05 INSPECTOR, RUBBER-STAMP DIE (pen & pencil) 733.687- 054 O6.03.02 INSPECTOR, SALVAGE (ammunition) 737.684-026 06.04.34 inspector, scales :BALANCER, SCALE (bal. & scales): 7 10.381-01 4 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, SET-UP AND LAY-OUT (mach. shop) 601.261- 0 1 0 05.05.07 INSPECTOR, SHELLS (ammunition) 737.687-066 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, SHIPPING (agric. equip.) 801.667-010 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, SLIDE FASTENERS (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.687-062 06.03.02 frames) mfg.) 505 INSPECTOR, SOLDERING (clock & watch) 715.687-070 06.03.02 Inspector, Station Assembly-Conveyor Line (office mach.) :INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.): 706.381-022 06.01.05 Inspector, Subassemblies (electronics) :ELECTRONICS IN- SPECTOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 Inspector, Subassembly (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, SURFACE PROCESSING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.387-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.487-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS (inst. 712.687–026 06.03.02 inspector technician :INSPECTOR, GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS (grain & feed mill.): 529.387-026 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, TIMERS (clock & watch) 715.687-074 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, TIMING (clock & watch) 715.685-034 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 601.281-022 05.07.01 INSPECTOR, TOYS (toys & games) 731.687-022 06.03.02 inspector trimmer :EXAMINER (glove & mit.): 789.687-042 06.03.02 Inspector, Tubes (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, TYPE (office mach.) 706.687–026 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, TYPEWRITER ASSEMBLY AND PARTS (office mach.) 706.381-022 06.01.05 inspector, visual :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, WATCH ASSEMBLY (clock & watch) 715.381- 070 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch) 715.384-022 06.01.04 INSPECTOR, WATCH TRAIN (clock & watch) 715.381-074 * 06.01.05 Inspector, Weights and Measures (gov. ser.) .INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-062 11.10.01 INSPECTOR, WHEEL AND PINION 715.684-126 06.01.05 INSPECTOR, WIRE (wire; wirework) 691.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, WIRE PRODUCTS (wirework) 709.687-026 06.03.02 Inspector, Wire Rope (wirework) :INSPECTOR, WIRE (wire; wirework): 691.367-010 06.03.01 INSPECTOR, WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.) 730.684-038 06.03.02 INSPECTOR, WREATH (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.687-1 18 06.03.02 installation helper :AWNING-HANGER HELPER goods; const.; ret. tr.): 869.687-010 05.12.12 INSTALLATION SUPERINTENDENT, MACHINE (const.) 829.131-018 05.05.09 installation supervisor CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SU- PERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 Installation Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-01405.05.05 installation worker, draperies :DRAPERY HANGER (ret. tr.): 869.484-01 4 05.10.01 installer :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL 822.361-018 05.05.05 INSTALLER (mfü. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.684-026 06.02.22 INSTALLER (museum) 922.687-050 05.12.03 installer :DRAPERY HANGER (ret. tr.): 869.484-01 4 05.10.01 INSTALLER, DOOR FURRING (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.687-034 06.04.22 INSTALLER, FUEL-BAY LINING (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) 752.687-0 1 0 06.04.29 & app.) (clock & watch) (canvas PIN-SETTING INSTALLER (bus. ser.): INSTALLER-INSPECTOR, FINAL (trans. equip.) 806.684-066 06.03.02 INSTALLER, METAL FLOORING (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-070 05.12.12 installer, molding and trim TRIMMER (mfö. blogs.): 869.684- 066 06.04.25 INSTALLER, MOVABLE BULKHEAD (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-074 05.10.01 INSTALLER, SOFT TOP (auto. ser.) 807.684-026 06.04.22 Installment-Account Checker (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 INSTANTIZER OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 523.685-106 06.04.15 Instant-Powder Supervisor (dairy prod.) :SUPERVISOR, DAIRY PROCESSING (dairy prod.): 529.131-01406.02.01 institutional-nutrition consultant :DIETITIAN, CONSULTANT (profess. & kin.): 077. 127-018 05.05.17 INSTITUTION LIBRARIAN (library) 100. 167-022 11.02.04 instructional technology specialist :AUDIOVISUAL PRODUC- TION SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.): 149.061-010 01.02.03 INSTRUCTOR (boot & shoe) 788.222-010 06.02.01 Instructor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 11.02.01 instructor :INSTRUCTOR, APPAREL MANUFACTURE (textile): 789.222-010 06.02.01 INSTRUCTOR (textile) 689.222-010 06.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, APPAREL MANUFACTURE 789.222-010 06.02.01 instructor, art :TEACHER, ART (education): 01.02.01 Instructor, Ballroom Dancing (education) :INSTRUCTOR, DANCING (education): 151.027-014 01.05.01 instructor, blind TEACHER, BLIND (education): 094.227-014 10.02.03 Instructor, Braille (education) :TEACHER, BLIND (education): 094.227-014 10.02.03 INSTRUCTOR, BRIDGE (education) 159.227-010 09.01.01 INSTRUCTOR, BUS, TROLLEY, AND TAXI (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 9 19.223-010 09.03.03 INSTRUCTOR, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (education) 099.227-014 11.02.01 instructor, crippled students :TEACHER, HANDICAPPED STUDENTS (education): 094.227-018 10.02.03 INSTRUCTOR, DANCING (education) 151.027-014 01.05.01 instructor, deaf-mute :TEACHER, DEAF (education): 094.224- 0 1 0 10.02.03 INSTRUCTOR, DECORATING (pottery & porc.) 740.221-010 01.06.03 instructor, dramatic arts :TEACHER, DRAMA (education): 150.027-01 4 01.03.01 INSTRUCTOR, DRIVING (education) 0.99.223-010 09.03.03 INSTRUCTOR, EXTENSION WORK (education) 090.227-018 11.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, FLYING (education) I 196.223-010 05.04.01 INSTRUCTOR, FLYING (education) II 097.227-010 05.04.01 INSTRUCTOR, GROUND SERVICES (air trans.) 099.227-0 18 11.02.02 Instructor, Hairspring (clock & watch) WATCH ASSEMBLY 06.02.01 Instructor, Illustration (education) (education): 149.021-010 01.02.01 Instructor, Industrial Design (education) (education): 149.021-010 01.02.01 instructor, kindergarten :TEACHER, (education): 092.227-014 10.02.03 Instructor, Knitting (textile) :INSTRUCTOR (textile): 689.222- 0 1 0 06.02.01 Instructor, Looping (textile) :INSTRUCTOR (textile): 689.222- 0 1 0 06.02.01 (textile) 1 49.02 1–010 :INSTRUCTOR, (clock & watch): 715.221-010 :TEACHER, ART :TEACHER, ART KINDERG ARTEN 506 INSTRUCTOR, MODELING 099.227-026 01.08.01 instructor, music :TEACHER, MUSIC (education): 0 1 0 01.04.01 instructor of blind :ORIENTATION THERAPIST FOR THE BLIND (education): 0.76.221-010 10.02.02 INSTRUCTOR, PAINTING (ret. tr.) 297.451-010 01.06.03 (education) 152.02 1- INSTRUCTOR, PHYSICAL (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.227-014 10.02.02 INSTRUCTOR, PHYSICAL EDUCATION (education) 099.224-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, PILOT (air trans.) 196.223-014 05.04.01 instructor, private :TUTOR (education): 0.99.227-034 11.02.01 Instructor, Product Inspection (textile) :INSTRUCTOR (textile): 689.222-010 06.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (education) 075. 127- 0 1 0 10.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, ROCKET-MOTOR CASE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.227-010 06.01.01 instructor, self-improvement :INSTRUCTOR, MODELING (education): 0.99.227-026 01.08.01 INSTRUCTOR, SPORTS (amuse. & rec.; education) 153.227- 018 12.01.01 Instructor, Tap Dancing (education) :INSTRUCTOR, DANC- ING (education): 15 1.027-014 01.05.01 INSTRUCTOR, VOCATIONAL TRAINING 097.227-014 11.02.02 INSTRUCTOR, WATCH ASSEMBLY 715.221-0 1 0 06.02.01 INSTRUCTOR, WEAVING (textile) 683.222-010 06.02.01 INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN (profess. & 0.03.261-010 05.01.01 instrument-case finisher CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 INSTRUMENT CHECKER (inst. & 06.03.02 Instrument Fitter (const.) : PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.38 1-0 18 * 05.05.03 INSTRUMENT INSPECTOR 722.38 1-0 14 06.01.05 instrument-installation worker :INSTRUMENT-PANEL AS- SEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.684-066 06.02.22 Instrument-Lens Generator (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GENERATOR (optical goods): 716.682-01406.02.08 Instrument-Lens Grinder (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods): 716.382-018 * 06.02.08 instrument-lens-grinder apprentice :PRECISION-LENS- GRINDER APPRENTICE (optical goods): 716.382-022 06.02.08 - - Instrument-Lens Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 instrument-maintenance mechanic :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 * 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT MAKER (any ind.) 600.280-010 05.05.11 instrument maker :ELECTRICAL-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-026 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT-MAKER AND REPAIRER (petrol. production) 600.280–01 4 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT-MAKER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 600.280-018 ASSEMBLY (education) (clock & watch) kin.) 7 10.687–026 app.) (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.) 710.281-026 * 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (inst. & app.) 710.381-042 06.01.04 INSTRUMENT MECHANIC, WEAPONS SYSTEM (inst. & app.) 71.1.281-01405.05.11 INSTRUMENT-PANEL ASSEMBLER mfg.) 706.684-066 06.02.22 (aircraft-aerospace Instrument Repairer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 710.261-010 05.05.11 instrument repairer :ELECTRICAL-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281-026 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) 722.281-010 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT-REPAIRER HELPER (any ind.) 710.384-018 05.12.15 Instrument Repairer, Steam Plant (light, :INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN (light, 7 10.281-030 05.05.11 INSTRUMENT-SHOP SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 722.131-010 05.05.10 INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN (light, heat, & power) 710.281- 030 05.05.11 INSTRUMENT-TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE (light, heat, & power) 710.281-008 05.05.11 INSTRUMENT-TECHNICIAN HELPER (light, heat, & power) 7 10.684-030 05.10.02 - insulating-machine operator :IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 INSULATION-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684–078 06.04.34 heat, & power) heat, & power): (insulated wire) INSULATION CUTTER AND FORMER (elec. equip.) 721.484-018 06.02.32 Insulation Installer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 INSULATION-POWER-UNIT TENDER (const.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 863.685-010 05.11.01 insulation supervisor :BUILDING-INSULATION SUPERVISOR (const.): 863. 134-010 05.10.01 Insulation Worker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 INSULATION-WORKER APPRENTICE (const.) 863.364-010 05.10.01 insulation worker, interior surface :CORK INSULATOR, REFRIGERATION PLANT (const.): 863.381-010 05.10.01 Insulator (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 - insulator apprentice :INSULATION-WORKER APPRENTICE (const.): 863.364-010 05.10.01 Insulator Assembler (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 Insulator Cutter and Former (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 INSULATOR TESTER (light, heat, & power) 729.387-026 06.03.01 insurance adjustor :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.2 17-010 * 11.12.01 insurance agent :SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance): 250.257-0 1 0 08.01.02 Insurance Analyst (insurance) :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; insurance): 020. 167-014 11.01.02 insurance and risk manager RISK AND INSURANCE MANAGER (any ind.): 186.1 17-066 11.06.03 Insurance-Application Investigator (insurance) :INVESTIGATOR (clerical): 241.267-030 11.06.03 INSURANCE ATTORNEY (insurance) 1 1 0.11 7-014 11.04.02 Insurance Broker (insurance) :SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 INSURANCE CHECKER (insurance) 219.482-014 07.05.02 insurance-claim approver :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; in- surance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 insurance-claim auditor :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. ser.; in- surance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 insurance-claim representative :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 507 INSURANCE CLERK (clerical) I 219.387-014 07.05.03 INSURANCE CLERK (clerical) II 205.567-010 07.05.03 INSURANCE CLERK (finan. inst.) I 219.362-034 07.01.04 INSURANCE CLERK (finan. inst.) II 219.367-014 07.05.03 INSURANCE CLERK (medical ser.) 214.362-022 07.02.04 Insurance Collector (insurance) :COLLECTOR (clerical): 241.367-0 1 0 07.03.01 insurance counsel :INSURANCE ATTORNEY (insurance): 1 10.1 17-0 14 11.04.02 insurance investigator :CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. surance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 insured benefits clerk :INSURANCE CLERK (clerical) II: 205.567-0 1 0 07.05.03 Integral Tank-Sealer-and-Repairer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-1 10 06.02.24 Integrated-Circuit Assembler, Prototype :ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, (electronics): 726.261-010 05.05.05 INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 059. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.03.02 ser.; in- (electronics) DEVELOPMENTAL INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST (gov. ser.) 059.267-010 11.03.02 Intercell-Connector Placer (elec. equip.) :LEAD-BURNER HELPER (elec. equip.): 727.687-070 06.04.23 interceptor operator TELEPHONE-ANSWERING-SERVICE OPERATOR (bus. ser.): 235.662-026 * 07.04.06 Inter-Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 inter-com installer SOUND TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 829.281- 022 05.05.05 inter-com servicer :SOUND TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 829.281- 022 05.05.05 Interest-Accrual Bookkeeper (finan. (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 INTEREST CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.382-038 07.02.02 inter-fold roll cutter :ROLL-SLICING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil): 640.685-066 06.04.04 Interior Decorator (profess. & kin.) :INTERIOR DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.051-014 01.02.03 INTERIOR DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.051-014 01.02.03 interior paneler, partition setter :PANEL INSTALLER (mfö. blags.): 869.684-038 06.04.22 Interior Wall Assembler (mfd. blogs.) :ASSEMBLER, SUBAS- SEMBLY (mfö. blags.; trans. equip.): 869.684-018 06.04.22 INTERLACER (boot & shoe) 788.684-070 06.04.27 INTERLINE CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 214.382-022 07.02.04 Interlocking Tower Operator (r.r. trans.) TOWER OPERATOR (r.r. trans.): 910.362-010 05.03.03 intermediate-card tender :MIDDLE-CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; textile): 680.665-018 06.04.06 INTERN (medical ser.) 070. 101-038 02.03.01 INTERNAL CARVER (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-010 06.01.04 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE INSPECTOR (engine & turbine) 806.261-010 06.01.05 inst.) :BOOKKEEPER INTERNAL-COMBUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine) 706.481-010 06.02.22 Internal-Grinder Operator, Production (mach. shop) :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. 603.685-062 06.02.02 internal grinder, tool :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, IN- TERNAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 internal-grinding-machine hand GRINDER SET-UP OPERA- TOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 shop): internal-grinding-machine operator :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 internal-grinding-machine operator :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (mach. shop) II: 603.482-018 06.02.02 internal medicine specialist :INTERNIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-042 02.03.01 international-banking officer :FOREIGN-EXCHANGE TRADER (finan. inst.): 186. 167-014 11.06.03 International-Trade Economist (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 INTERNIST (medical ser.) 070.101-042 02.03.01 Inter-Pole Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Interpretative Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047-010 01.05.02 INTERPRETER (profess. & kin.) 137.267-010 11.08.04 INTERPRETER, DEAF (profess. & kin.) 137.267-014 01.03.02 Interpreter Operator, Data Processing (clerical) :AUXILIARY- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, DATA PROCESSING (clerical): 213.685-010 05.12.19 interviewer :EMPLOYMENT CLERK (clerical): 205.362-014 * 07.04.01 interviewer 07.04.01 Interviewer (radio & tv broad.) :CONTESTANT COORDINA- TOR (radio & tv broad.): 166. 167-010 07.01.01 Inventory-Audit Clerk (clerical) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 2 1 0.382-010 * 07.02.01 INVENTORY CLERK (clerical) 222.387–026 05.09.01 Inventory Clerk, Perpetual (clerical) :INVENTORY CLERK (clerical): 222.387-026 05.09.01 Inventory Clerk, Physical (clerical) (clerical): 222.387-026 05.09.01 Inventory Clerk, Stockroom (clerical) :INVENTORY CLERK (clerical): 222.387–026 05.09.01 inventory controller :STOCK-CONTROL CLERK (clerical): 219.367–034 07.05.03 Inventory Transcriber (bus. ser.) :CALCULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 216.482-022 * 07.02.02 Invertebrate Zoologist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-090 02.02.01 Inverter-and-Clipper (leather prod.) 789.687-182 06.04.27 Investigation Division Captain (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, INVESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.): 375.167- 01 4 04.01.01 Investigation Division Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OFFICER, INVESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.): 375. 167-0 14 04.01.01 Investigation Division Sergeant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OFFICER, INVESTIGATION DIVISION (gov. ser.): 375. 16.7-0 1 4 04.01.01 investigator :DETECTIVE (any ind.) I: 376.367-014 04.02.02 investigator :SHOPPING INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.267- 022 11.10.05 INVESTIGATOR (clerical) 241.267-030 11.06.03 INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.) 168.267-062 11.10.01 INVESTIGATOR (light, heat, & power) 376.367-022 04.01.02 INVESTIGATOR, CASH SHORTAGE (ret. tr.) 376.267-010 11.10.01 Investigator, Claims (gov. ser.) :INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-062 11.10.01 investigator, communicable disease :HEALTH OFFICER, FIELD (gov. ser.): 168. 167-018 11.10.03 INVESTIGATOR, FRAUD (ret. tr.) 376.267-014 11.10.01 Investigator, Internal Revenue (gov. ser.) :INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-062 11.10.01 INVESTIGATOR, NARCOTICS 04.01.02 investigator operator :ALARM INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.367-0 1 0 04.02.04 :SURVEY WORKER (clerical): 205.367–054 * :INVENTORY CLERK :TURNER (any ind.): (gov. ser.) 375.267-018 508 INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE (bus. ser.) 376.267-018 04.01.02 INVESTIGATOR, UTILITY-BILL COMPLAINTS (light, heat, & power) 241.267-034 07.05.02 INVESTIGATOR, VICE (gov. ser.) 375.267-022 04.01.02 Investigator, Welfare (gov. ser.) :INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.): 168.267–062 11.10.01 investment analyst :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; in- surance): 020. 167-014 11.01.02 Investment-Bond Clerk (finan. inst.) :BOND CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.362-010 07.01.04 Investment-Bonds Bookkeeper (finan. inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 Invoice-Classification Clerk (clerical) :CLASSIFICATION- CONTROL CLERK (clerical): 210.382-030 07.02.01 Invoice Clerk (clerical) :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 214.382- 01 4 07.02.04 INVOICE-CONTROL CLERK (clerical) 214.362-026 07.02.04 invoicing-machine operator :BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 214.482-010 07.06.02 inweaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 558.685-038 06.04.11 ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (glue) 558.685-034 06.02.18 ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 558.685-030 06.04.10 ION EXCHANGE OPERATOR (vinous liquors) 521.685-190 06.04.15 IRISH-MOSS BLEACHER (fish.) 447.687-014 03.04.03 IRISH-MOSS GATHERER (fish.) 447.687-018 03.04.03 IRISH-MOSS OPERATOR (chem.) 529.382-030 06.02.11 iron-and-steel-work supervisor SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL- STEEL ERECTION (const.): 809. 131-018 05.05.06 ironer :WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe): 788.684-130 06.04.27 ironer :GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.): 363.687-010 06.04.27 IRONER (dom. ser.) 302.687-010 05.12.18 ironer :BRIM-AND-CROWN PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685- 022 06.04.05 ironer :HAT-STOCK-LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 584.685-026 06.04.05 ironer :MANGLER (knit goods): 583.685-070 06.04.05 ironer :LAST IRONER (lasts & rel. forms): 739.684-098 06.04.27 IRONER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 590.685-042 06.04.02 iron erector :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 ironer, hand PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 ° 06.04.35 ironer, machine :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682- 018 * 06.04.05 IRONER, SOCK (laund.) 363.687-014 06.04.35 IRON-LAUNDER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.565-018 06.04.10 IRON-PLASTIC BULLET MAKER (ammunition) 590.365-010 06.02.10 ironworker :STRUCTURAL-STEEL 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 ironworker apprentice :STRUCTURAL-STEEL-WORKER AP- PRENTICE (const.): 801.361-018 05.05.06 ironworker apprentice, shop :METAL-FABRICATOR AP- PRENTICE (any ind.): 619.360-018 05.05.06 Ironworker Helper, Shop (any ind.) :METAL-FABRICATING- SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 IRONWORKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 615.482- 018 06.02.02 ironworker, wire-fence erector :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684-022 05.10.01 IRRADIATED-FUEL 05.11.04 WORKER (const.): HANDLER (chem.) 921.663-034 irradiation technician :HOT-CELL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0 15.362-018 02.04.01 Irrigating-Pump Operator (agric.) 914.682-0 1 0 05.06.03 IRRIGATION ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.03 IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSTALLER (const.) 851.383-010 05.11.01 IRRIGATOR, GRAVITY FLOW (agric.) 409.687-01403.04.05 IRRIGATOR, HEAD (agric.) 409. 137-010 03.04.05 irrigator, overhead :IRRIGATOR, SPRINKLING SYSTEM (agric.): 409.685-01403.04.05 IRRIGATOR, SPRINKLING SYSTEM (agric.) 409.685-014 03.04.05 IRRIGATOR, VALVE PIPE (agric.) 409.684-010 03.04.05 Isobutylene Operator, Chief (chem.) :SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.): 559.132-078 06.01.01 Isolation-Washer (laund.) 361.665-010 06.04.35 isotope-production technician :RADIOISOTOPE-PRODUC- TION OPERATOR (profess. & kin.): 015.362-022 02.04.01 J jacker feeder :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 Jacket Changer (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687–022 * 06.04.32 JACKET PREPARER (print. & pub.) 221.387-030 07.05.03 JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.684- 018 05.12.02 jackhammer-splitter operator :SPLITTER (stonework): 677.685-042 05.12.13 JACK SETTER (mining & quarrying) 939.684-010 05.12.02 jackspooler :WARP SPOOLER (narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685-142 06.04.06 Jack-Strip Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 Jack-Tamp Operator (const.) :TRACK-SURFACING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 910.683-018 05.11.01 jacquard-lace weaver :LEVERS-LACE MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 683.682-026 * 06.02.06 Jacquard-Loom Fixer (textile) :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 JACQUARD-LOOM WEAVER (narrow fabrics) 683.682-022 06.02.06 JACQUARD-LOOM WEAVER (textile) 683.662-010 06.02.06 jacquard-pattern servicer :CARD CHANGER, JACQUARD LOOM (textile): 683.685-014 06.04.27 JACQUARD-PLATE MAKER (knit 06.02.23 JACQUARD-TWINE-POLISHER OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 583.685-062 06.04.16 jagger :TATTOO ARTIST (per. ser.): 339.57 1-010 01.06.02 JAILER (gov. ser.) 372.367-014 04.02.01 JAILER, CHIEF (gov. ser.) 372.167-018 04.01.01 jail keeper :JAILER (gov. ser.): 372.367-014 04.02.01 Jalousie Installer (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.38 1-022 * 05.05.02 JAMMER OPERATOR (logging) 921.683-054 05.11.04 Jammer Operator Helper (logging) :LOG LOADER HELPER (logging): 921.687-022 05.12.04 JANITOR (any ind.) 382.664-010 05.12.18 janitor :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * - janitor :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 05.12.18 janitor, church :SEXTON (nonprofit organ.): 05.12.18 :PUMPER (any ind.): & kin.) 005.061-022 :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): OPERATOR goods) 685.381-010 381.687-0 18 389.667-010 509 janitor, head :SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES (any ind.): 381.137-010 05.12.18 Japanner (any ind.) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684- 022 06.04.33 japanner :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687-010 06.04.27 Jawbone Breaker (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 jeeper operator :HOLIDAY-DETECTOR OPERATOR (const.): 862.687-01 4 05.07.01 Jersey Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 jet channeler :FLAME CHANNELER (any ind.): 930.684-010 05.11.02 JET-DYEING-MACHINE TENDER 06.04.16 JET HANDLER (synthetic fibers) 557.684-010 06.04.39 jet-piercer operator :FLAME CHANNELER (any 930.684-010 05.11.02 JET WIPER (synthetic fibers) 557.684-01406.04.27 JEWEL-BEARING BROACHER (clock & watch) 770.682-010 06.02.30 JEWEL-BEARING DRILLER (clock & watch) 770.682-014 06.01.04 JEWEL-BEARING FACER (clock & watch) 770.682-0 18 06.02.08 JEWEL-BEARING GRINDER (clock & watch) 770.685-018 06.04.08 JEWEL-BEARING MAKER (clock & watch) 770.381-030 06.01.04 JEWEL-BEARING POLISHER (clock & watch) 770.685-022 06.04.08 JEWEL-BEARING TURNER (clock & watch) 770.682-022 06.02.30 JEWEL BLOCKER AND SAWYER (clock & watch) 770.381- 026 06.01.04 JEWEL-CORNER-BRUSHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 770.685-026 06.02.08 JEWEL-CUPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 770.685-030 06.02.08 Jewel-Diameter Gager (clock & watch) (clock & watch): 770.687-018 06.03.02 JEWELER (jewelry) 700.281-010 01.06.02 JEWELER APPRENTICE (jewelry) 700.281-014 01.06.02 JEWEL GAGER (clock & watch) 770.687-018 06.03.02 JEWEL GRINDER (clock & watch) I 770.685-014 06.02.08 JEWEL GRINDER (clock & watch) II 770.684-010 06.04.30 JEWEL-HOLE CORNERER (clock & watch) 770.684-014 06.04.30 JEWEL-HOLE DRILLER 06.02.02 jewel-hole finish opener :FINISH OPENER, JEWEL HOLE (clock & watch): 673.682-022 06.02.08 Jewel-Hole Gager (clock & watch) :JEWEL GAGER (clock & watch): 770.687-018 06.03.02 jewel-hole rough opener :ROUGH OPENER, JEWEL HOLE (clock & watch): 770.684-018 06.02.30 JEWEL INSERTER (clock & watch) 715.684-130 06.04.23 JEWEL INSPECTOR (clock & watch) 770.687-022 06.03.02 jewel-oliving-machine operator :OLIVING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clock & watch): 770.381-034 06.01.04 jewel polisher :FLAT SURFACER, JEWEL (clock & watch): 770.685-0 1 0 06.02.08 jewelry-casting-model maker 709.381-018 01.06.02 jewelry-casting-model-maker apprentice :MODEL-MAKER AP- PRENTICE (jewelry): 709.381-022 01.06.02 JEWELRY COATER (jewelry) 590.685-046 06.04.21 (textile) 582.685-090 ind.): :JEWEL GAGER (clock & watch) 770.682-026 :MODEL MAKER (jewelry): Jewelry-Engraving Supervisor (engraving; jewelry) :ENGRAVING SUPERVISOR (engraving; jewelry): 704.131- 0 1 0 01.06.01 jewelry jobber JEWELER (jewelry): 700.281-010 01.06.02 jewelry repairer JEWELER (jewelry): 700.281-010 01.06.02 jewelry-repairer apprentice :JEWELER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 700.281-01401.06.02 jewelry setter :STONE SETTER (jewelry; 700.38 1-054 05.05.14 Jewelry Sorter (nonprofit organ.) :SORTER-PRICER (nonprofit organ.): 222.387-054 05.09.03 jewel sawyer :JEWEL BLOCKER AND SAWYER (clock & watch): 770.381-026 06.01.04 Jewel Sorter (clock & watch) :DIAMOND SIZER AND SORTER (clock & watch; jewelry): 770.687-01406.03.02 JEWEL STAKER (clock & watch) 715.684-134 06.04.23 JEWEL STRINGER (clock & watch) 770.687–026 06.04.30 JEWEL STRIPPER (clock & watch) 605.685-022 06.02.02 JEWEL SUPERVISOR (clock & watch) 770.131-010 06.04.01 jig-and-fixture builder :FORM BUILDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.280-010 05.05.07 Jig-and-Fixture Maker (mach. shop) :TOOL MAKER, BENCH (mach. shop): 601.281-026 05.05.07 Jig-and-Fixture Proof-Load Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :LOAD-TEST MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 929.382-010 06.03.01 jig and form maker :PATTERNMAKER, PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.381-01405.05.07 jig-borer :BORING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, (mach. shop): 606.280-010 06.01.03 JIG-BORING MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CON- TROL (mach. shop) 606.382-01406.02.02 JIG BUILDER (wirework) 761.684-01 4 06.04.25 JIG BUILDER (wood. box) 761.381-014 05.10.01 jig fitter :FITTER (any ind.) I: 801.261-014 05.05.06 JIG FITTER (mach. mſg.) 801.684-010 06.02.24 JIGGER (jewelry) 705.687-010 06.04.34 JIGGER (textile) 582.665-018 06.04.16 Jigger-Brim-Pouncing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :BRIM- POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685- 0 1 0 06.04.16 JIGGER-CROWN-POUNCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685-058 06.04.16 jigger operator :POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 774.382-010 06.02.08 jig grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, JIG (mach. shop): 603.280–026 06.01.03 jig-grinding-machine operator :GRINDER SET-UP OPERA- TOR, JIG (mach. shop): 603.280-026 06.01.03 jig operator :JIGGER (textile): 582.665-018 06.04.16 jigsaw operator :JIGSAWYER (jewelry): 700.684-046 06.04.24 JIGSAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-042 06.02.03 JIGSAWYER (jewelry) 700.684-046 06.04.24 JOB ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 166.267-018 11.03.04 job checker :JOB TRACER (clerical): 221.387-034 05.09.02 Job Compositor (print. & pub.) :COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.): 973.381-010 * 05.05.13 job honer :HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.382-022 06.02.02 job-order clerk :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387-046 05.09.02 JOB PRINTER (print. & pub.) 973.381-018 05.05.13 JOB-PRINTER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 973.381-022 05.05.13 JOB PUTTER-UP AND TICKET PREPARER (boot & shoe) 788.587-010 05.09.02 JOB SETTER (electronics) 616.380-014 06.01.02 JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mſg.; mach. shop) 600.380–01 4 06.01.02 JOB SETTER, HONING (mach. shop) 603.280-034 06.01.02 optical goods): JIG 510 JOB SETTER, SPLINE-ROLLING MACHINE (mach. shop) 617.480-0 1 0 06.01.02 Job Setter, Thread-Rolling Machine (mach. shop) SETTER, SPLINE-ROLLING MACHINE (mach. 617,480–010 06.01.02 job spotter :JOB TRACER (clerical): 221.387-034 05.09.02 JOB TRACER (clerical) 22 1.387-034 05.09.02 JOCKEY (amuse. & rec.) 153.244-010 12.01.03 JOCKEY AGENT (amuse. & rec.) 19 1.1 ! 7–026 11.12.03 JOCKEY-ROOM CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 346.667-010 12.01.02 JOCKEY VALET (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-010 09.05.06 JOGGER (print. & pub.) 659.686-010 06.04.26 jogger operator :LAYBOY TENDER (paper & pulp; paper goods; print. & pub.); 649.685-066 06.04.04 joiner CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & 690.685-074 06.04.05 joiner :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 joiner JOINT CUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 250 06.04.05 JOINER (glass mfg.) 673.687-010 06.04.30 Joiner (glass prod.) :GLAZIER, STAINED GLASS (glass prod.): 779.381-010 01.06.02 joiner :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR 787.682-066 06.02.05 joiner CRIMPER (rubber goods): 690.686-026 06.04.07 JOINER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860.381-050 05.05.02 JOINER APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.381- 054 05.05.02 JOINER HELPER (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 860.664-014 05.10.01 JOINT-CLEANING-AND-GROOVING-MACHINE TOR (const.) 853.683-018 05.11.01 joint-cleaning-machine operator :JOINT-CLEANING-AND- GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.683-018 05.11.01 JOINT CUTTER, MACHINE (boot & 06.04.05 jointer, machine :JOINT CUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-250 06.04.05 :JOB shop): Shoe): (house furn.): OPERA- shoe) 690.685-250 Jointer Offbearer (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669,686-034 06.04.03 JOINTER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.482-010 05.05.08 Jointer, Submarine Cable (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :CABLE SPLICER (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.05 Joint Filler (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Joint-Machine Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 joint maker, machine :JOINT CUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-250 06.04.05 Joint Sander (boot & Shoe) :BUFFER (boot & Shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 joint supervisor SUPERVISOR, DOPING (const.): 843. 134-010 05.10.07 Joist Setter, Adjustable Steel (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 jollier :POUNDER (boot & shoe): 690.685-314 06.04.05 Jollier (pottery & porc.) :POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 774.382-010 06.02.08 journal-box inspector :RAILROAD-CAR trans.): 910.387-014 05.07.01 Journal Clerk (clerical) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587- 0 1 4 07.02.02 Journal-Entry-Audit Clerk (clerical) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 2 1 0.382-010 * 07.02.01 INSPECTOR (r.r. Jowl Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-03406.04.28 judge UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-018 12.01.02 JUDGE (gov. ser.) 111.107-010 11.04.01 JUGGLER (amuse. & rec.) 159.34 1-010 12.02.01 Jukebox Coin Collector (bus. Ser.) :COIN COLLECTOR (bus. ser.): 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 Juke-Box Servicer (bus. Ser.) :COIN-MACHINE-SERVICE REPAIRER (coin mach.): 639,281-014 * 05.10.02 JUMPBASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682- 146 06.02.05 Jump-Iron-Machine Presser (garment) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 + 06.04.05 jump-roll operator TRANSFER CONTROLLER (sawmill): 921 .682-022 JUNCTION MAKER (brick & tile) 862.684-010 06.02.30 jurist :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 justice :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 111.107-010 11.04.01 justice-court judge MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 11.04.01 justice of the peace :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 111.107-014 11.04.01 Justowriter Operator (print. & pub.) TYPESETTER-PER- FORATOR OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 203.582-062 * 07.06.02 Jute-Bag Clipper (tex. bag) :CLIPPER (any ind.): 789.687-030 06.03.02 Jute-Bag-Cutting-Machine Operator (tex. bag) :CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 686.585-010 06.04.05 Jute-Bag Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 Juvenile (amuse. & rec.) : ACTOR (amuse. & rec.): 150.047- 0 1 0 01.03.02 Juvenile-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 1 1 1. 107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 1 11, 107-014 K Kamborian Operator (boot & shoe) :FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-174 06.04.05 KAPOK-AND-COTTON-MACHINE OPERATOR (waste & batting) 689.685-082 06.04.16 - Keel Assembler (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :BOATBUILDER, WOOD (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 860.381-018 05.05.02 keeper, head :ANIMAL KEEPER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.): 4 12. 137-010 03.03.02 keg inspector : BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT (cooperage): 764.687–022 06.03.02 keg-lathe operator, inside :BARREL-LATHE OPERATOR, IN- SIDE (cooperage): 664.682-010 keg raiser BARREL RAISER (cooperage): 06.04.22 KEG VARNISHER (cooperage) 749.687-01406.04.33 KELP CUTTER (fish.) 447.687–022 03.04.03 Kennel Attendant (agric.) :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 4 10.674-0 10 03.03.02 KENNEL MANAGER, DOG TRACK (amuse. & rec.) 349.367– 0 1 0 12.01.02 KERFER-MACHINE 06.04.03 kersey-department supervisor :FELT-GOODS SUPERVISOR, NEEDLE PROCESS (felt goods): 689.130-01406.02.01 kettle chipper TANK CLEANER (chem.; plastics mat.): 559.687-062 06.04.39 KETTLE OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-038 06.02.11 Kettle Operator (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL COMPOUNDER (coal tar prod.); 559.682-018 06.02.18 KETTLE OPERATOR (malt liquors) 522.682-010 06.02.15 KETTLE OPERATOR (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.) 519.685- () 18 06.04.10 764.684-018 OPERATOR (furn.) 667,685-042 511 KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 558.382-042 06.02.13 kettle operator :POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 558.382-050 06.02.13 kettle operator, head :PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559. 132-042 06.01.01 Kettle-Room Helper (chem.) :LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.); 559.687–050 06.04.40 KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 869.685-010 05.12.10 KETTLE TENDER (chew, gum) 520.685-118 06.04.15 KETTLE TENDER (malt liquors) 526.665-01406.04.15 KETTU E TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I 5.19.685-022 06.04.10 - KETTLE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II 51 1,685-030 06.04.10 kettle tender 06.04.16 kettle-tender helper TOP-DYEING-MACHINE LOADER (felt goods; textile): 582.686-030 06.04.16 KETTLE TENDER, PLATINUM AND PALLADIUM (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1,685-034 06.04.10 KETTLE WORKER (soap) 553.685-070 06.02.18 Key-Bed Installer (musical inst.) :PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.): 763.684-058 06.04.25 • KEYBOARD-ACTION ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730,684- 042 06.02.23 Keycase Assembler (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) I: 783.684-010 06.02.27 Key Clerk (hotel & rest.) :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * KEY CUTTER (any ind.) 709.684-050 05.12.13 KEYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 652.685-042 06.04.37 key maker :KEY CUTTER (any ind.): 709.684-050 05.12.13 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-030 * 07.06.02 Keypunch Operator, Numeric (clerical) : KEYPUNCH OPERA- TOR (clerical): 203.582-030 * 07.06.02 keypunch supervisor SUPERVISOR, MACHINE-RECORDS UNIT (clerical): 213. 132-01 4 07.06.02 keypunch verifier VERIFIER OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582- O70 07.06.02 KEYSEATING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.382-018 06.02.02 keysmith :KEY CUTTER (any ind.): 709.684-050 05.12.13 key worker :KEY CUTTER (any ind.): 709.684-050 05.12.13 Kick-Plate Installer (Struct. & OTIla Iſl. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (Struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 KICK-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I 616.682-026 06.02.20 Kick-Press Operator (any ind.) II :ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 690.685-01406.04.20 KICK-PRESS OPERATOR (per protect. 692.685-102 06.04.20 KICK PRESS SETTER (button) 617.380-010 06.01.02 kidney-machine operator :DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.362-014 kier drier :DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile); 581.685-026 06.04.16 Kieselguhr-Regenerator Operator (sugar) :REGENERATOR OPERATOR (sugar): 573.685-034 06.04.17 KILN BURNER (brick & tile) 573.682-0 1 0 06.04.17 kiln burner : FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 kiln burner :CHARCOAL BURNER, BEEHIVE KILN (wood distil. & char.): 563.682-0 10 06.02.18 KILN-BURNER HELPER (brick & tile) 573.687–026 06.04.17 Kiln-Car Unloader (brick & tile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.1 2.03 KILN CLEANER (lime) 573.687-018 06.04.39 KILN-DOOR BUILDER (brick & tile) 573.684-010 05. 10.01 KILN DRAWER (brick & tile) 929.687-0 1405.12.03 :SKEIN-YARN DYER (textile): 582,685-130 & med. dev.) KILN DRAWER (pottery & porc.) 573.667-010 06.04.17 Kiln Feeder (cement) :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 kiln firer :LIME-KILN OPERATOR (lime): 06.02.18 kiln-firer helper :KILN-OPERATOR HELPER (lime): 573.685- 022 06.04.11 KILN-FURNITURE CASTER (pottery & porc.) 579.684-018 06.04.17 kiln-head house operator :DEWATERER OPERATOR (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.): 511 .565-010 06.04.10 KILN LOADER (malt liquors) 523.687-018 06.04.40 kiln loader :LOADER, MALT HOUSE (malt liquors): 921.682- 0 1 0 05.12.04 kiln maintenance laborer :KILN WORKER (pottery & porc.): 573.687–022 06.04.17 kiln operator :DRAWING-KILN OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.362-01 () 06.02.13 KILN OPERATOR (iron & steel) 509.565-010 06.04.10 kiln operator :FIRER (jewelry): 590.685-034 06.04.21 kiln operator :DRIER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 543.682-01 4 06.02.18 KILN OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 513.565-010 06.02.10 kiln operator :CALCINE-FURNACE TENDER (paint & varn.): 553.685-030 06.04.11 - kiln operator :FIRER, KILN (pottery & porc.): 573.662-010 06.02.18 KILN OPERATOR (woodworking) 563.382-010 06.02.18 KILN-OPERATOR HELPER (lime) 573.685-022 06.04.11 KILN-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 13.587-0 1 0 06.04.10 KILN OPERATOR, MALT HOUSE (malt liquors) 523.682-030 06.02.15 KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.) 573.686-026 * 06.04.17 kiln repairer : BRICKLAYER (brick & tile): 861.381-014 05.05.01 kiln setter SETTER (brick & tile): 573.684-01 4 06.04.40 kiln setter :KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.): 573.686-026 * 06.04.17 kiln-setter helper SETTER HELPER (brick & tile): 573.687- 030 06.04.40 kiln stacker :SETTER (brick & tile): 573.684-01 4 06.04.40 Kiln Stacker (woodworking) :LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking): 922.687-070 05.12.03 kiln tender :OVEN TENDER (paint & varn.); 553.685-082 06.04.21 KILN-TRANSFER OPERATOR (woodworking) 569,683-010 05. 11.04 kiln unloader : RETORT UNLOADER (wood distil. & char.): 569,686-034 06.04.40 KILN WORKER (pottery & porc.) 573.687-022 06.04.17 kindergartner :PLAYROOM ATTENDANT (any 3.59.677–026 10.03.03 King Maker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.); 526.382-01406.02.15 kinker :PAIL BAILER (tinvare): 703,685-010 06.04.02 Kiss Mixer (confection.) :LOZENGE-DOUGH MIXER (confection.): 520.685-122 06.04.15 KISS SETTER, HAND (confection.) 529.687–122 06.04.28 kitchen chef :CHEF (hotel & rest.); 3 13.131-0 14 05.05.17 KITCHEN CLERK (hotel & rest.) 222.587-022 05.09.03 kitchen hand :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.); 3.18.687-010 05. 12.18 KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.) 3.18.687-010 05.12.18 kitchen porter : KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687- 0 1 0 05. 12.18 kitchen runner :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 3 18.687- 0 1 0 05.12.18 573.462-010 ind.): 512 KITCHEN STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.) 3.18.137- O 1 () 05.12.1 7 KITCHEN SUPERVISOR (hotel & rest.) 310.137-014 05.10.08 knee bolter :BOLTER (Sawmill): 667.685-022 06.04.03 Knife and Spur Grinder (excelsior) :TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II: 603.664-0 10 06.02.01 knife changer KNIFE SETTER, GRINDER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 564,684-010 05.10.02 KNIFE CHANGER (tobacco) 638.684-0 1 0 06.04.15 knife cutter :CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods): 751.684-014 06.04.34 Knife Glazer (silverware) :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUC- TION (mach. shop): 603.685-062 06.02.02 Knife Grinder (any ind.) TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II: 603.664-0 1 0 06.02.01 KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop) 603.682-01406.02.02 knife-grinder operator :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. 603.682-01 4 06.02.02 KNIFE-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 584.685-030 06.04.16 KNIFE OPERATOR (build. board) 579.382-018 06.02.09 KNIFE SETTER (excelsior) 663.380-010 06.01.02 KNIFE SETTER (sugar) 638.684-014 06.01.02 knife setter :KNIFE CHANGER (tobacco): 06.04.15 KNIFE SETTER, GRINDER MACHINE (paper & pulp) 564,684-010 05.15.02 knife-sharpener operator :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop): 603.682-01 4 06.02.02 knife-sharpening-machine operator :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop): 603.682-014 06.02.02 Knit-Goods Cutter, Hand (knit goods) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-01 4 06.02.27 KNIT-GOODS WASHER (knit goods) 582.685-094 06.04.16 Knitted-Cloth Examiner (knit goods) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 knitted-garment finisher :BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-01 () 06.02.27 knitted-goods shaper :BLOCKER (clean., 363.684-010 06.02.27 knitter SEAMLESS-HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery): 684.685- 0 1 0 * 06.02.06 knitter :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 shop): 638.684-010 dye., & press.): goods): knitter WARP-KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685,665-018 * 06.02.06 KNITTER, FULL-FASHIONED GARMENT (knit goods) 685.665-01 () 06.04.06 KNITTER, HAND (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 782.684-034 06.02.27 knitter helper :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods): 685.686-014 06.04.06 knitter, machine :LINK-AND-LINK-KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.380-010 06.01.03 knitter, machine :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 KNITTER MECHANIC (knit goods) 685.360-010 06.01.02 KNITTER, WIRE MESH (wirework) 616.685-030 06.04.02 Knitting Inspector (hosiery) :STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 KNITTING-MACHINE FIXER (hosiery; knit goods) 689.280- 014 * 06.01.02 KNITTING-MACHINE FIXER, HEAD (hosiery; knit goods) 689. 130-018 06.01.02 KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 685.685- 0 1 0 06.04.06 KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods) 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 knitting-machine operator :KNITTER, (wirework): 616.685-030 06.04.02 knitting-machine operator, automatic :SEAMLESS-HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery): 684.685-010 * 06.02.06 WIRE MESH knitting-machine operator, automatic :LINK-AND-LINK- KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.380- 0 1 0 06.01.03 KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY, AUTOMATIC (hosiery) 684,.682-010 06.02.06 KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods) 685.686-01 4 06.04.06 knitting-machine operator, seamless hosiery :SEAMLESS- HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery): 684.685-010 * 06.02.06 Knitting-Machine Tender (rubber goods) :BRAIDING- MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods): 692.665-010 06.04.09 knitting-order distributor :WORK-TICKET DISTRIBUTOR (knit goods): 221.667-010 05.09.02 Knit-Tubing Dyer (textile) :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582,665-01 4 06.04.16 knit-wrist cutter CUFF CUTTER (glove & mit.); 686.685-018 06.04.05 Knobber (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS (musical inst.): 730,684-010 06.02.23 knocker :CAKE PULLER (oils & fats): 521.686-014 06.04.19 knocker-off :SCRAPPER (paper goods): 794.687-050 * 06.04.39 KNOCK-OUT HAND (fabric. plastics prod.) 754,684-034 06.04.32 KNOCK-UP ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-050 06.04.22 knot picker, cloth :BURLER (carpet & rug; textile): 689.684- 0 1 0 * 06.03.02 knotter .NET MAKER (cord. & twine): 789.684-030 06.04.27 knotter, hand .NET MAKER (cord. & twine): 789.684-030 06.04.27 KNOTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685- 054 06.04.04 knotting-machine Operator, portable :WARP-TYING- MACHINE TENDER (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.685-034 06.04.06 - knot-tying operator :WARP-TYING-MACHINE TENDER (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.685-034 06.04.06 Knuckle-Strap Sewer (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 KNURLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 604,685- 018 06.04.02 Knurling-Machine Operator (pen & pencil) :LATHE OPERA- TOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604,685-026 06.04.02 kosher cutter and searcher :SHACTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.361-010 06.03.01 KOSHER INSPECTOR (dairy prod.) 529.687-126 06.03.02 L LABEL CODER (any ind.) 920.587-01406.04.26 Label Cutter (garment) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Label Cutter (garment; knit goods) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 Label Cutter (narrow fabrics) fabrics): 585.685-062 06.04.05 Label Cutter (textile) :REMNANTS CUTTER 789.687-1 50 06.04.27 LABEL-CUTTING-AND-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (narrow fabrics) 689.685-086 06.04.05 LABEL DRIER (phonograph) 532.687-010 06.04.34 labeler MARKER (any ind.) II: 920.687-126 + 06.04.37 labeler :TICKETER (textile): 229.587-018 05.09.03 Labeler, Machine (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 § Label-Fuser Tender (garment) :FUSING-MACHINE TENDER (garment; hosiery): 583.685-046 06.04.05 LABELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (phonograph) 920.685- O66 06.04.37 :LABEL PINKER (narrow (textile): 513 label marker 920.587-014 06.04.26 LABEL PINKER (narrow fabrics) 585.685-062 06.04.05 Label-Press Operator (print. & pub.) I :CYLINDER-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 Label-Press Operator (print. & pub.) II :PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-018 + 05.05.13 LABEL REMOVER (distilled liquors) 920.687-106 06.04.39 Label Sewer (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 Label Sewer, Hand (any ind.) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 label stamper :TICKETER (any ind.): 652.685-098 06.04.37 Label Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Label Tacker (house furn.) :TACKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 laboratory aid :CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 laboratory assistant CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 :LABEL CODER (any ind.): laboratory assistant :SIPHON OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.): 599.687-026 02.04.02 LABORATORY ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power) 029.361- 018 02.04.01 laboratory assistant :SAMPLE CLERK, PAPER (paper & pulp; paper goods): 209.587-046 06.04.26 LABORATORY ASSISTANT (petrol. production) 024.381-010 02.04.01 . laboratory assistant :SCIENTIFIC HELPER (profess. & kin.): 199.364-0 1 4 02.04.01 LABORATORY ASSISTANT (textile) 029.381-014 02.04.01 laboratory assistant :CLOTH TESTER, QUALITY (textile): 689.384-010 06.03.01 LABORATORY ASSISTANT, BLOOD AND PLASMA (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 078.687-010 02.04.02 LABORATORY ASSISTANT, LIAISON INSPECTION (iron & steel) 169.167-026 02.04.01 ‘. LABORATORY ASSISTANT, METALLURGICAL (iron & steel) 0 1 1.28 1-0 10 02.04.01 LABORATORY CHIEF (photofinish.) 976. 131-010 05.10.05 LABORATORY CLERK (clerical) 222.587-026 05.09.01 laboratory COntact supervisor :SUPERVISOR, FILM PROCESSING (motion pic.; photofinish.; radio & twº broad.): 976. 131 -01 4 06.01.01 laboratory coordinator :LABORATORY ASSISTANT, LIAISON INSPECTION (iron & steel): 169. 167–026 02.04.01 laboratory-development technician :MECHANICAL-EN- GINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007. 161-026 * 05.01.01 LABORATORY-EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (const.) 869.381 - 0 1 4 05.10.01 laboratory helper CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 LABORATORY HELPER (light, heat, & power) 821.564-010 05. 12.16 laboratory inspector TESTER (petrol. refin.): 029.261-022 02.04.01 . laboratory manager :LABORATORY CHIEF (photofinish.): 976. 131-0 1 0 05.10.05 laboratory-mechanic helper :PROOF-TECHNICIAN HELPER (ammunition; firearms): 736.387-01406.03.01 LABORATORY MILLER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-194 06.04.15 LABORATORY-SAMPLE CARRIER (any ind.) 922.687-054 05.09.03 laboratory sampler SAMPLER (petrol. refin.); 549.587-014 06.04.40 LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (mach. 06.01.01 LABORATORY SUPERVISOR (profess. & kin.) 022. 137-010 02.04.01 * LABORATORY TECHNICIAN 02.04.01 laboratory technician :PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chem.; plastics mat.); 559.382-046 * 02.04.01 laboratory technician : PHARMACEUTICAL OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 559.382-042 06.02.11 laboratory technician :QUALITY TECHNICIAN, FIBERGLASS (glass mfg.): 579.384-01406.03.01 laboratory technician :LABORATORY ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power): 029.361-018 02.04.01 laboratory technician :TESTER (petrol. refin.): 029.261-022 02.04.01 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, ARTIFICIAL BREEDING (agric.) 040.361-010 02.04.02 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, VETERINARY (medical ser.) 073.361-0 1 0 (02.04.02 LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.) 029.261-010 * 02.04.01 laboratory tester :LABORATORY ASSISTANT (petrol. production): 024.381-010 02.04.01 laboratory tester :TESTER (petrol. 02.04.01 #, LABORATORY TESTER (synthetic fibers) 022.281-018 02.04.01 laboratory tester :LABORATORY ASSISTANT 029.38 1-0 1 4 02.04.01 LABORATORY TESTER (textile) 689.384-01 4 06.03.01 laboratory test mechanic :RESEARCH MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 002.280-010 05.01.04 LABOR-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power) 899. 131-0 10 05.12.01 Labor Economist (profess. & kin.) ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 LABORER (candle) 590.687-010 06.04.34 LABORER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.686-022 06.04.19 LABORER (petrol. production) 939.687-018 05.12.03 LABORER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-130 06.04.40 LABORER (sports equip.) 732.687-030 06.04.34 Laborer, Adjustable Steel Joist (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 LABORER, AIRPORT MAINTENANCE (air trans.) 899.687– 0 1 4 05.12.12 LABORER, AMMUNITION ASSEMBLY 737.687-070 06.04.23 LABORER, AMMUNITION ASSEMBLY 737.687–074 06.04.34 LABORER, AQUATIC LIFE (fish.) 446.687-014 03.04.03 Laborer, Batching Plant (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Laborer, Beam House (leather mfg.) :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 Laborer, Bituminous Paving (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 LABORER, BOOT AND SHOE (boot & shoe) 788.687-066 06.04.40 Laborer, Brooder Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 LABORER, BRUSH CLEARING (any 03.04.02 laborer, building maintenance :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * LABORER, CANVAS SHOP (canvas goods) 789.687-090 06.04.27 LABORER, CAR BARN (r. r. trans.) 9 10.583-010 05.08.02 Laborer, Carpentry (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 shop) 706.131-010 (auto. mfg.) 019.381-010 refin.): 029.261-022 (textile): (ammunition) I (ammunition) II ind.) 459.687-010 514 Laborer, Carpentry, Dock (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Laborer, Cement-Gun Placing (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 LABORER, CHEESEMAKING (dairy prod.) 529.686-050 06.04.28 LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.) 559.687–050 06.04.40 Laborer, Chicken Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.) 579.665– 0 1 4 05.12.04 Laborer, Concrete Paving (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.) 579.686-010 06.04.40 LABORER, CONSTRUCTION OR LEAK GANG (light, heat, & power) 862.684-014 05.12.12 LABORER, COOK HOUSE (glue) 551.687-022 06.04.34 Laborer, Corrugated-Iron-Culvert Placing (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 laborer, cutting tool :COLD-PRESS LOADER (cut. & tools): 701.687-018 06.04.32 laborer, dairy farm :FARMWORKER, DAIRY (agric.): 4 10.684-010 * 03.04.01 Laborer, Drying Department (leather mfg.) :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 Laborer, Egg-Producing Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 Laborer, Electric Power and Transmission Line (const.; light, heat, & power) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating) 500.686-010 06.04.21 Laborer, Filter Plant (petrol. refin.) :LABORER, PETROLEUM REFINERY (petrol. refin.): 549.687-018 05.12.03 laborer, filter plant :WATER-FILTER (waterworks): 954.587-010 05.12.18 Laborer, Fryer Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 laborer, game farm :GAME-FARM HELPER (agric.): 412.684- O 10 03.04.01 LABORER, GENERAL (brick & tile) 579.667-010 06.04.30 LABORER, GENERAL (coated fabrics) 589.687-026 06.04.05 LABORER, GENERAL (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.687-010 06.04.39 LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel) 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.) 589.686-026 06.04.27 LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop) 609.684-014 06.04.39 LABORER, GENERAL (motor trans.) 909.687-014 05.12.18 LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys) 519.686-010 06.04.10 LABORER, GENERAL (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687– 026 06.04.40 LABORER, GENERAL (paint & varn.) 559.685-1 10 06.04.11 LABORER, GENERAL (plastics mat.) 559.567-010 06.04.40 LABORER, GENERAL (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 5.59.686-026 06.04.13 laborer, glue drying :DRIER-OPERATOR HELPER (glue): 553.685-058 06.04.19 LABORER, GOLD LEAF (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-038 06.04.24 laborer, golf course :GREENSKEEPER (any ind.) II: 406.683- 0 1 0 03.04.04 LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.) 705.687- O 1 4 06.04.34 - Laborer, Heading (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 CLEANER Laborer, Hide House (leather mfg.) :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 - LABORER, HIGH-DENSITY PRESS (agric.) 929.687-018 06.04.40 LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.) 921.667-022 05.12.04 LABORER, HOT-PLATE PLYWOOD PRESS (veneer & plywood) 569.686-026 06.04.03 laborer, laboratory :CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687-022 05.12.18 LABORER, LANDSCAPE (agric.) 408.687-01403.04.04 laborer, livestock :FARMWORKER, LIVESTOCK (agric.): 4 10.664-0 10 03.04.01 laborer, marine terminal 9 11.687–026 laborer, mine :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-0 1 4 05.12.03 laborer, mixing plant :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 Laborer, Orchard (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) II: 403.687-0 10 03.04.01 LABORER, PETROLEUM REFINERY 549.687-018 05.12.03 LABORER, PIE BAKERY (bake. prod.) 529.686-054 06.04.15 :LINES TENDER (water trans.): (petrol. refin.) Laborer, Pile Driving, Ground Work (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 Laborer, Pipe-Line (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 LABORER, PIPE-LINES (pipe lines) 914.687-010 05.12.03 Laborer, Plumbing (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 laborer, pole crew :STEEL-POST INSTALLER (light, heat, & power): 821.687-010 05.12.12 LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.) 411.687-018 03.04.01 LABORER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.) 411.687-022 03.04.01 LABORER, POWERHOUSE (light, heat, & power) 952.665- 0 1 0 05.12.04 LABORER, PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 575.687-018 06.04.34 Laborer, Pullet Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 - LABORER, RAGS (paper & pulp) 539.587-010 06.04.40 Laborer, Road (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.) 929.687-022 06.04.40 laborer, sawmill :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 Laborer, Shaft Sinking (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 LABORER, SHELLFISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.) 529.686-058 * 06.04.40 LABORER, SHIPYARD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.687– 022 Laborer, Shore WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 (conc. prod.) LABORER, SIRUP MACHINE (corn prod.) 521.687-074 06.04.39 LABORER, SOLDER MAKING (nonfer. metal alloys) 519.667-014 "...# & LABORER, starCHP#ºfêRY(£gºń), fºº! 154 (96.04.15 Laborer, Steel Handling (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Laborer, Stone Block Ramming (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 LABORER, STORES (any ind.) 922.687–058 + 05.09.01 LABORER, TANBARK (logging) 454.687-014 03.04.02 Laborer, Tan House (leather mfg.) :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 515 LABORER, TIN CAN (tinvare) 709.686-010 06.04.24 LABORER, TREE TAPPING (agric.; forestry) 453.687-014 03.04.02 Laborer, Turkey Farm (agric.) :LABORER, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.687-018 03.04.01 LABORER, VAT HOUSE (glue) 559.686-030 06.04.19 laborer, vegetable farm :FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) II: 402.687-010 03.04.01 Laborer, Vineyard (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FRUIT (agric.) II: 403.687-0 10 03.04.01 laborer, wash-and-dye house :DYE-REEL-OPERATOR HELPER (textile): 582.686-014 06.04.16 LABORER, WHARF (can. & preserv.) 922.687-062 06.04.40 LABORER, WOOD-PRESERVING PLANT (wood preserving) 561.686-0 1 0 06.04.18 Laborer, Wrecking and Salvaging (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 - Laborer, Yard (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * LABOR EXPEDITER (const.) 249. 167-018 07.01.02 labor-gang supervisor :WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (motor trans.): 929. 137-018 05.12.03 Labor-Relations Consultant (profess. & kin.) LABOR RELATIONS (profess. & kin.): 11.05.02 labor-relations representative :MANAGER, LABOR RELA- TIONS (profess. & kin.): 166. 167-034 11.05.02 labor supervisor SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (chem.): 382. 1 37-010 05.12.18 Lace Breaker (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.) :THREAD- CUTTER TENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.): 689.665-01 4 06.04.05 Lace Inspector (knit goods) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 lace-machine operator :LEVERS-LACE MACHINE OPERA- TOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 683.682-026 * 06.02.06 LACE-PAPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper 649.685-058 06.04.04 Lace Pinner (garment; trim. & embroid.) :PINNER (garment; trim. & embroid.): 782.687-026 06.04.27 LACER (boot & shoe) I 788.687-070 06.04.27 LACER (boot & shoe) II 690.685-254 06.04.05 LACER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 789.687-094 06.04.27 LACER (sports equip.) 732.687-034 06.04.34 LACER (stat. & art goods) 774.687-01406.04.30 LACER AND TIER (elec. equip.) 724.687-010 06.04.23 LACE-ROLLER OPERATOR (leather prod.) 920.685-070 06.04.05 Lace Separator (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.) :THREAD-CUTTER TENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.): 689.665-014 06.04.05 Lace Stripper (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.) :THREAD- CUTTER TENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & embroid.): 689.665–01 4 06.04.05 LACE WINDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 685.687-018 06.04.05 Lacing Cutter (synthetic fibers) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) II: 78.1.687–026 06.04.27 lacing-machine operator, jacquard cards :CARD LACER, JACQUARD (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.685-018 06.04.06 Lacing Presser (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :ASSEMBLER, FINGER BUFFS (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 739.685-010 06.04.20 LACING-STRING CUTTER (boot / & shoe) 788.687-074 06.04.27 Lacquer Blender (paint & varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.): 550.685-078 06.04.11 Lacquer Coater (fabric. plastics prod.) :PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-074 06.04.21 LACQUER-DIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR 509.685-034 06.04.21 LACQUERER (clock & watch) 715.684-138 06.04.33 :MANAGER, 166. 167–034 goods) (button) LACQUERER (fabric. plastics prod.) 599.685-054 06.04.21 LACQUERER (jewelry) 749.684-034 06.02.24 Lacquerer (mach. shop) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any 740.684-022 06.04.33 Lacquerer (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.): 599.686-01406.04.21 Lacquer Filterer (paint & varn.) :CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (paint & varn.): 551.685-034 06.04.11 ind.): lacquer-machine feeder :PRIMER-WATERPROOFING- MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-046 06.04.21 LACQUER MAKER (paint & varn.) 559.682-030 06.04.11 lacquer mixer :LACQUER MAKER (paint & varn.); 559.682- 030 06.04.11 LACQUER-PIN-PRESS OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.687- 078 06.04.33 p. Lacquer Polisher (smoking pipe) :BUFFER (smoking pipe): 739.684-026 06.04.34 lacquer-press adjuster : PRIMER-WATERPROOFING- MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition): 632.380-018 06.01.02 Lacquer Shader (paint & varn.) :TINTER (paint & varn.): 550.381-01 4 06.02.11 Lacquer Sizer (hat & cap) :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687- 038 06.04.27 Lacquer Sprayer (any ind.) I :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 Lacquer Sprayer (any ind.) II :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 Ladies'-Hat Trimmer (hat & cap) :DECORATOR (hat & cap): 784.684-022 * 06.04.27 ladle cleaner :LADLE LINER (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.684-010 06.02.30 ladle handler :POURER, METAL (found.): 06.04.10 LADLE LINER (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684- 0 1 0 06.02.30 Ladle-Liner Helper (found.) :FOUNDRY GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 ladle patcher :LADLE LINER (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.684-010 06.02.30 LADLE POURER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.684-014 06.04.32 Ladle Pusher (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 LAGGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire) 69 1.685- 0 1 4 06.04.38 LAG SCREWER (furn.) 763.684-046 06.04.23 LAMBER (agric.) 410.364-010 03.04.01 Lambskin Trimmer (leather mfg.) :TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 lamina searcher :PICKER (tobacco): 521.687-098 06.03.02 LAMINATED-PLASTIC-TABLETOP-MOLDING WRAPPER (furn.) 692.686-046 06.04.20 LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.) 692.685-106 06.02.09 LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile) 584.682-01 4 06.02.09 - laminating-machine operator :COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 Laminating-Machine-Operator Helper (textile) HELPER (textile): 584.665-010 06.04.16 LAMINATING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods) 554.665- 0 1 4 06.04.09 Laminating-Press Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) :PRESS OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.682-062 06.02.02 LAMINATION ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 729.484-010 06.02.23 lamination inspector :LAMINATION SPINNER (elec. equip.): 729.687-018 06.04.34 LAMINATION SPINNER (elec. equip.) 729.687-018 06.04.34 5 14.684-022 WORKER, :COATER 516 Lamination Stacker, Hand (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 lamination stacker, machine :ST ACKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 692.682-054 06.02.20 Lamination Stacker, Machine (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 LAMINATOR (house furn.) 584.685-034 06.04.05 LAMINATOR (leather prod.) I 690.685-258 06.04.05 LAMINATOR (leather prod.) II 783.685-022 06.04.20 LAMINATOR (rubber goods) 899.684-018 06.02.22 laminator :FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.; trans. equip.): 806.684-054 06.02.32 LAMINATOR, HAND (furn.) 763.684-050 06.04.22 LAMINATOR, PREFORMS (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.484- 010 06.04.24 lamp cleaner, street-light :STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 lamp decorator :DECORATOR, LIGHTING FIXTURES (light. fix.): 749.684-018 01.06.03 LAMP-SHADE ASSEMBLER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684- 094 06.04.23 LAMP-SHADE JOINER (fabric. 06.04.04 LAMP-SHADE SEWER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 787,381-010 06.02.27 lamp wirer 06.02.23 land agent :REAL-ESTATE AGENT 1 86.1 17-058 land-and-leases supervisor :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 land department head :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. produc- tion): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 lander CAGER (mining & quarrying): 939.667-010 05.12.04 Landing Scaler (logging) :LOG SCALER (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 455.487-010 * 05.07.06 land-lease-information clerk :LAND-LEASING EXAMINER (gov. ser.): 237.367-026 07.04.04 LAND-LEASING EXAMINER 07.04.04 land planner :LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 land planner :URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 199.167- 014 11.03.02 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. 05.01.07 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR (const.) 1.82. 167-014 03.01.03 LANDSCAPE GARDENER (agric.) 408.161-010 03.01.03 landscaper :LANDSCAPE GARDENER (agric.): 408.161-010 03.01.03 LAND SURVEYOR (profess. & kin.) 018. 167-018 05.01.06 LANE-MARKER INSTALLER (const.) 859.684-010 05.12.14 Lanolin-Plant Operator (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559,382-018 * 06.01.03 lap checker :SCORER (amuse. & rec.): 153.387-014 12.01.02 LAP CUTTER-TRUER OPERATOR (optical goods) 604.685- 022 06.04.02 Lapel Baster (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 Lapel Padder (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Lapel Padder (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 LAPEL PADDER, BLINDSTITCH (garment) 786.682-150 06.02.05 lap hand, tool :LAPPER, HAND, TOOL (mach. 705.48 1-0 1 4 05.05.07 lapidary GEM CUTTER (jewelry): 770.281-014 05.05.14 lap-machine tender :WET-MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp): 539.685-030 06.04.14 prod., n.e.c.) 692.685-1 10 :ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) I: 723.684-014 * (profess. & kin.): (gov. ser.) 237.367-026 & kin.) 001.061-018 shop): lap-machine tender :RIBBON-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 680.685-086 06.04.06 Lapper (jewelry) :POLISHER 06.04.24 LAPPER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop) 705.481-01405.05.07 LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 603.685-070 06.04.02 LAPPING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. 603.382-026 06.02.02 lap polisher :FLAT POLISHER (clock & watch): 603.685-054 06.02.02 lap regulator :SLIVER-LAP-MACHINE TENDER 680.685-094 06.04.06 lap winder :RIBBON-LAP-MACHINE TENDER 680.685-086 06.04.06 lap-winding-machine operator :SLIVER-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 680.685-094 06.04.06 lard maker :BLEACHER, LARD (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.): 521.685-026 06.04.15 LARD REFINER (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685- 158 06.04.15 - lard trimmer :SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-106 06.04.28 Lard-Tub Washer (slaught. & meat pack.) CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684-010 06.04.39 larry-car operator :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 9 19.663- 0 1 4 05.11.04 LARRY OPERATOR (coke prod.) 519.683-01406.04.40 Laryngologist (medical ser.) :OTOLARYNGOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-062 02.03.01 Laser-Beam Cutter (welding) :LASER-BEAM-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 815.682-010 06.02.19 LASER-BEAM-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding) 815.682- 0 1 0 06.02.19 LASER TECHNICIAN (electronics; inst. & app.) 019. 181-010 05.01.01 LAST CHALKER (boot & shoe) 788.687-078 06.04.33 LAST CLEANER (boot & shoe) 788.687-082 06.04.39 Last-Code Striper (lasts & rel. forms) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 last dipper :LAST CHALKER (boot & shoe): 788.687-078 06.04.33 LASTER (boot & shoe) 753.684-022 06.04.27 laster, hand :ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-010 06.04.27 LASTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-074 06.04.27 Lastex-Thread Winder (textile) :SKEIN WINDER (textile): 681.685-098 06.04.06 last greaser :LAST CHALKER (boot & shoe): 788.687-078 06.04.33 last grinder :LAST SCOURER (lasts & rel. forms): 662.685-018 06.04.25 lasting-machine operator, bed :BED LASTER (boot & shoe): 690.682-018 06.02.05 LASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HAND METHOD (boot & shoe) 788.684-078 06.04.27 Lasting-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) :SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe): 788. 1 31-0 10 06.02.01 last inserter SLIP LASTER (boot & 06.04.27 LAST IRONER (lasts & rel. forms) 739.684-098 06.04.27 LAST MARKER (lasts & rel. forms) 739.684-102 06.04.34 LAST-MODEL MAKER (lasts & rel. forms) 761.38 1-0 18 06.01.04 LAST-PATTERN GRADER (lasts & rel. forms) 693.382-010 06.02.04 Last Polisher (lasts & rel. forms) :POLISHER (woodworking): 76.1 .684-026 06.04.25 LAST PULLER (boot & Shoe) 788.687–086 06.04.27 (jewelry): 700.687-058 * shop) (textile): (textile): :EQUIPMENT shoe): 788.684-106 517 LAST PUTTER-AWAY (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 922.687– 066 05.09.01 LAST REMODELER-REPAIRER (boot & shoe; lasts & rel. forms) 739.684-106 05.10.01 LAST REPAIRER (boot & shoe; lasts & rel. forms) 739.684- 1 10 06.04.25 - LAST-REPAIRER HELPER (boot & 06.04.34 - LAST SAWYER (lasts & rel. forms) 690.685-262 06.04.02 LAST SCOURER (lasts & rel. forms) 662.685-018 06.04.25 LAST TRIMMER (lasts & rel. forms) 669.682-054 Last Turner (lasts & rel. forms) :COPY-LATHE TENDER (woodworking): 664.685-018 06.04.03 last waxer :LAST CHALKER (boot & shoe): 788.687-078 06.04.33 Latex Compounder (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585-018 06.04.11 Latex Dipper (rubber 556.685-030 06.04.13 LATEXER (carpet & rug) 584.684-010 06.04.33 LATEXER (per. protect. & med. dev.) I 584.685-038 06.04.16 Latexer (per. protect. & med. dev.) II :ASSEMBLER, SURGI- CAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.684-010 06.02.23 Latex-Paint Shader (paint & varn.) :TINTER (paint & varn.): 550.381-01 4 06.02.11 LATEX-RIBBON-MACHINE OPERATOR 559.682-034 06.02.13 LATEX SPOOLER (rubber goods) 559.685-114 06.04.07 Latex-Thread-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :LATEX-RIB- BON-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods): 559.682-034 06.02.13 LATHE HAND (jewelry) 700.682-01406.02.02 lathe hand :SWING-TYPE-LATHE (woodworking): 664.382-010 lathe operator :BARREL-LATHE OPERATOR, OUTSIDE (cooperage): 664.682-01406.04.03 LATHE OPERATOR (jewelry) 770.382-010 06.02.08 Lathe Operator (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER- FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 lathe operator :ROLL CUTTER (rubber goods): 690.685-322 06.04.07 lathe operator :STONE-LATHE OPERATOR (stonework): 674.662-010 06.02.08 LATHE OPERATOR, CONTACT LENS (optical 716.382-0 1 0 06.02.08 LATHE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop) 604.362-010 06.01.03 - LATHE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 604.685- 026 06.04.02 LATHER (const.) 842.361-010 * 05.10.01 LATHER APPRENTICE (const.) 842.361-014 05.10.01 LATHE SANDER (woodworking) 761.682-010 06.04.25 Lathe Set-Up Operator, Large (mach. shop) :ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-010 06.01.03 LATHE SPOTTER (veneer & plywood) 663.686-022 06.04.03 LATHE WINDER (spring) 619.482-010 06.02.02 LATRINE CLEANER (mining & quarrying) 939.687-022 05.12.18 LAUNCH COMMANDER, HARBOR POLICE (gov. 375. 167–030 04.01.01 LAUNDERER, HAND (laund.) 361.684-010 06.04.35 LAUNDRY-BAG-PUNCH OPERATOR (paper 649.685-062 06.04.04 LAUNDRY CLERK (clerical) 221.387-038 05.09.02 LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.) 361.687-018 06.04.35 LAUNDRY-MACHINE MECHANIC (laund.) 629.261-010 05.10.02 shoe) 739.684-114 goods) :DIPPER (rubber goods): (rubber goods) OPERATOR goods) ser.) goods) LAUNDRY-MACHINE TENDER (house furn.) 589.685-066 06.04.16 Laundry-Marker Supervisor (laund.) LAUNDRY (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 LAUNDRY OPERATOR (laund.) 369.684-014 06.04.35 Laundry Operator, Finishing (laund.) :LAUNDRY OPERATOR (laund.): 369.684-014 06.04.35 Laundry Operator, Wash Room (laund.) :LAUNDRY OPERA- TOR (laund.): 369.684-01 4 06.04.35 LAUNDRY PRICING CLERK (laund.) 216.482-030 07.02.04 LAUNDRY-TUB MAKER (conc. prod.) 575.684-034 06.02.30 LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) I 361.684-01405.12.18 LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II 361.685-018 06.04.35 LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) III 369.387-010 05.09.03 LAUNDRY WORKER, DOMESTIC (dom. ser.) 302.685-010 05.12.18 Lautertub Tender (malt liquors) :MASH-FILTER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 521.565-01406.04.15 lavatory attendant :RESTROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-018 09.05.07 law clerk :PARALEGAL ASSISTANT (profess. 119.267-026 11.04.02 law examiner :BAR EXAMINER (profess. & kin.): 110.167-010 11.04.02 - Law Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL LIBRARY (library): 100. 167–026 11.02.04 l Lawnmower Mechanic (any ind.) :SMALL-ENGINE MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-034 * 05.05.09 LAWN-SERVICE WORKER (agric.) 408.684-010 03.04.04 LAWN-SPRINKLER INSTALLER (const.) 869.684-030 05.10.01 - law reporter :SHORTHAND REPORTER (clerical): 202.362- 0 1 0 07.05.03 LAWYER (profess. & kin.) 1.10.107-010 11.04.02 :SUPERVISOR, & kin.): LAWYER, ADMIRALTY (profess. & kin.) 110.117-018 11.04.02 LAWYER, CORPORATION (profess. & kin.) 110.1 17-022 11.04.02 LAWYER, CRIMINAL (profess. & kin.) 110.107-014 11.04.02 LAWYER, PATENT (profess. & kin.) 1.10.11 7-026 11.04.02 LAWYER, PROBATE (profess. & kin.) 110.1 17-030 11.04.02 LAWYER, REAL ESTATE (profess. & kin.) 110.117-034 11.04.02 LAY AWAY CLERK (ret. tr.) 299.467-010 07.03.01 LAYBOY TENDER (paper & pulp; paper goods; print. & pub.) 649.685-066 06.04.04 layer :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & 690.685-074 06.04.05 LAYER (glass mfg.) 673.686-026 06.04.08 layer-off :GLOVE FORMER (clean., dye., & press.; glove & mit.): 363.687-010 06.04.27 layer-out :CHIEF DRAFTER (profess. & kin.): 0.07.261-010 05.03.02 - Layer-Out, Plate Glass (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 layer up :SPREADER, MACHINE (any ind.): 781.685-010 06.04.05 layer-up :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; tex- tile): 589.685-058 06.04.05 lay-out and detail drafter :ESTIMATOR AND DRAFTER (light, heat, & power): 019.261-01405.03.02 layout artist :GRAPHIC DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 141.061- 018 01.02.03 Lay-Out Carpenter (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381- 022 * 05.05.02 lay-out drafter :ENGINEERING ASSISTANT, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.): 007.161-018 05.03.02 lay-out drafter :CHIEF DRAFTER (profess. & kin.): 0.07.261- 0 1 0 05.03.02 LAY-OUT FORMER (bus. ser.) 970.381-018 01.06.03 shoe): 518 Lay-Out Helper (any ind.) :FITTER HELPER (any ind.): 801.687-01 4 05.12.12 Lay-Out Inspector (any ind.) :INSPECTOR, FABRICATING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 LAY-OUT INSPECTOR (forging; found.; mach. shop) 600.281- O 1 4 06.01.05 LAY-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 781.684-034 06.04.27 lay-out maker :LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) II: 809.381-014 06.02.31 Lay-Out Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.): 619. 130-030 06.02.01 LAY-OUT TECHNICIAN 06.01.04 LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) I 809.281-010 * 05.05.06 LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) II 809.381-01406.02.31 lay-out worker :LAY-OUT INSPECTOR (forging; found.; mach. shop): 600.281-01406.01.05 LAY-OUT WORKER (jewelry) 700.381-026 01.06.02 LAY-OUT WORKER (mach. shop) 600.281-018 05.05.07 LAY-OUT WORKER (mfö. blogs.) 869.684-034 06.02.31 lay-up operator :MOTTLE-LAY-UP OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 690.585-01 4 06.04.02 lay-up presser :FELTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods): 586.662-010 06.02.05 LEACHER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.582-0 1 0 06.02.10 LEACHER (paper & pulp) 551.685-090 06.04.11 lead assembler :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.); 691.685-018 06.04.34 lead bender :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 691.685-018 06.04.34 lead blender :BLENDER (petrol. refin.): 540.462-010 06.02.12 LEAD BURNER (elec. equip.) 727.684-022 06.04.31 LEAD BURNER (welding) 819.281-010 05.05.06 LEAD-BURNER APPRENTICE (welding) 05.05.06 LEAD-BURNER HELPER (elec. equip.) 727.687-070 06.04.23 LEAD BURNER, MACHINE (elec. equip.) 727.662-010 06.02.19 - LEAD-BURNER 05.05.06 LEAD CASTER (elec. equip.) 502.684-010 06.04.10 LEAD-CASTER HELPER (elec. equip.) 502.687-018 06.04.24 Lead Coater (galvanizing) :WIRE-COATING OPERATOR, METAL (galvanizing): 501.485-010 06.04.21 leader assembler :LEADER TIER (sports equip.): 732.687-038 06.04.34 leader, print rubber :RUBBER-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (rubber goods): 652.462-010 06.02.09 LEADER TIER (sports equip.) 732.687-038 06.04.34 lead fabricator :FITTINGS FINISHER (plumb. 619.382-01 4 06.02.02 LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.) 691.685-018 06.04.34 LEAD FORMER (pen & pencil) 575.685-050 06.04.19 LEAD HANDLER (ammunition) 599.687-018 06.04.40 Leadite Heater (const.) :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685-010 05.12.10 lead janitor :SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES (any ind.): 381.137-010 05.12.18 lead-laying-and-gluing-machine operator :GLUE-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 692.685-094 06.04.09 Lead Loader (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) : INDUSTRIAL- TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 leadman, turbine assembly ASSEMBLER, STEAM-AND-GAS TURBINE (engine & turbine): 600.261-010 05.05.07 LEAD-NITRATE PROCESSOR (chem.) 558.585-030 06.04.11 LEAD OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.381-018 05.05.09 LEAD OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC VULCANIZING (rubber goods) 690.362-010 06.02.07 METAL (optical goods) 716.381-014 819.281-014 SUPERVISOR (welding) 819. 131-010 supplies): LEAD-OXIDE-MILL TENDER 06.04.10 LEAD PONY RIDER (amuse. & rec.) 153.674-014 12.01.02 lead presser :LEAD FORMER (pen & pencil): 575.685-050 06.04.19 LEAD-PRESS OPERATOR 06.02.02 lead programer PROGRAMER, CHIEF, BUSINESS (profess. & kin.): 020. 167-0 18 11.01.01 LEAD RECOVERER, CONTINUOUS-NAPHTHA-TREATING PLANT (petrol. refin.) 541.685-01406.04.12 lead-relay tester :RELAY-SHOP SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 729.131-01405.05.10 lead rider TOP SCREW (agric.): 410.137-01403.04.01 LEAD-SECTION SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 619. 132-010 06.02.10 lead-sheet cutter :MILL HELPER (nonfer. 502.684-01 4 06.04.24 lead-shop operator :LEAD-NITRATE PROCESSOR (chem.): 558.585-030 06.04.11 Lead-Supply Worker (elec. equip.) :LEAD-CASTER HELPER (elec. equip.): 502.687-018 06.04.24 lead ticket-sales agent :SUPERVISOR, TICKET SALES (air trans.): 238. 1 37-022 07.03.01 Lead Tinner (elec. equip.) :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 691.685-018 06.04.34 Lead-Tong Worker (petrol. production) :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production): 930.684-026 * lead welder :LEAD BURNER (welding): 819.281-010 05.05.06 Lead-Wire Cutter (electronics) :WIRE-STRIPPING-AND- CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 691.485-010 06.04.09 leaf binner :BIN FILLER (tobacco): 922.687-010 06.04.38 leaf blender :BLENDER (tobacco): 520.387-010 06.03.01 LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco) 522.687-026 06.04.28 LEAF-CONDITIONER HELPER (tobacco) 522.687-030 06.04.28 LEAF COVERER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684-014 06.04.39 (elec. equip.) 558.685-042 (insulated wire) 691.382-014 metal alloys): Leaf-Fat Scraper (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 LEAF-SIZE PICKER (tobacco) 529.687-142 06.03.02 LEAF SORTER (tobacco) 529.687-134 06.03.02 LEAF STAMPER (any ind.) 979.682-018 06.04.09 leaf stemmer, hand :STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): 521.687- 134 * 06.04.28 leaf sticker :STICKER (artif. flower): 734.687-090 06.04.23 Leaf-Sucker Operator (gov. ser.) :STREET-SWEEPER OPERA- TOR (gov. ser.): 919.683-022 05.11.01 LEAF TIER (tobacco) 529.687-138 06.04.28 leaf tinner :BIN FILLER (tobacco): 922.687-010 06.04.38 Leak-Gang Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :MAINS-AND- SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 862. 137-010 05.05.03 LEAK HUNTER (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 764.687-090 05. 12.12 leak locator :GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power; pipe lines): 953.367-010 05.07.01 Leak Operator, Paraffin Plant (petrol. refin.) :PARAFFIN- PLANT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 541.682-010 06.02.12 Leak Patcher (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 lease agent :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 LEASE BUYER (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 191. 1 1 7–030 1 1.12.02 LEASE-OUT WORKER (textile) 683.684-022 06.04.27 leaser :LEASE BUYER (mining & quarrying; petrol. produc- tion): 191. 117-030 11.12.02 519 leases-and-land supervisor :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 lease supervisor SUPERVISOR, production): 939.131-01405.02.02 LEASING AGENT, OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (bus. ser.) 254.357-0 1 0 1 1.12.02 LEASING AGENT, RESIDENCE (real estate) 250.357-014 08.02.04 LEASING-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 681.685-054 06.04.06 Leather Baler (leather mfg.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 Leather-Belt-Loop Cutter (leather prod.) :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 PRODUCTION (petrol. LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.) 690.685-266 06.04.05 Leather-Belt Puncher (leather prod.) :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 Leather-Belt Shaper (leather prod.) :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 Leather-Cartridge-Belt Maker (leather prod.) :LEATHER- BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 leather-case finisher CASE FINISHER (jewelry cases; leather prod.): 739.684-034 * 06.04.27 LEATHER CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.684-026 06.04.35 LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.) 584.687-010 06.04.27 leather colorer :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.): 582.482-010 06.02.16 Leather Coverer (sports equip.) :BALL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 Leather Cutter (glove & mit.; leather prod.) :CLICKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; glove & mit.; leather prod.): 789.382-010 06.02.05 LEATHER CUTTER (leather prod.) 783.684-022 06.02.27 leather dresser :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687- 0 1 0 06.04.27 LEATHER ETCHER (garment) 583.685-066 06.04.16 LEATHER FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.) 363.682-010 06.04.35 Leather Fitter (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 Leather Flanger (hat & cap) :SWEATBAND FLANGER (hat & cap): 690.686-058 06.04.05 leather grader :UPPER-LEATHER SORTER (boot & shoe): 788.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 LEATHER GRADER (glove & mit.) 784.387-014 06.03.01 leather leveler :SPLITTING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather mfg.): 690.686-054 06.04.05 Leather-Novelty-Parts Cutter (leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 leather patcher :PATCHER (leather 06.04.27 leather-piece inspector :GLOVE-PARTS INSPECTOR (glove & mit.): 781.687-034 06.03.02 leather polisher :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 leather pourer SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-014 06.04.27 mfg.): 585.687-022 (leather leather repairer :BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & shoe): 788.684-022 06.04.33 leather repairer :PATCHER (leather mfg.): 585.687-022 06.04.27 leather sander :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685- 018 06.04.16 LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe) 788.687-090 06.04.27 Leather Softener, Drum (leather mfg.) :COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.): 582.482-0 1 0 06.02.16 leather sorter :LEATHER GRADER (glove & mit.): 784.387- O 1 4 06.03.01 leather sorter :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-0 10 06.03.01 leather sprayer :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-014 06.04.27 LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.) 781.381-018 01.06.02 leather-stripping-machine operator :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 LEATHER TOOLER (furn.) 763.684-054 06.02.27 leather tooler :LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.): 781.381- 018 01.06.02 LEATHER WORKER (leather prod.) 783.684-026 06.02.27 Leather Worker (per. protect. & med. dev.) :ASSEMBLER, SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.): 7 12.684-010 06.02.23 Lecturer (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 11.02.01 Ledger Clerk (clerical) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587- 0 1 4 07.02.02 legal aid :PARALEGAL ASSISTANT (profess. 1 19.267–026 11.04.02 legal assistant :LEGAL INVESTIGATOR (profess. & kin.): | 19.267-022 11.04.02 LEGAL INVESTIGATOR (profess. 11.04.02 LEGAL SECRETARY (clerical) 201.362-010 07.01.03 Legal Stenographer (clerical) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 Legal Transcriber (clerical) :TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-058 07.06.02 Leg Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 LEGEND MAKER (signs) 979.684-018 06.04.26 Legger-Press Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 + 06.04.05 legislative advocate :LOBBYIST (profess. & kin.): 165.017-010 11.09.03 Leg Skinner (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 lehr attendant :LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.): 06.04.13 Lehr Cutter (glass mfg.) :SECOND CUTTER (glass mfg.): 779.684–054 (06.04.30 & kin.): & kin.) 119.267-022 573.685-026 lehr operator :LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.): 573.685-026 06.04.13 lehr stripper :LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.): 573.685-026 06.04.13 LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.) 573.685-026 06.04.13 lei maker :LEI SELLER (ret. tr.): 291.454-010 08.03.01 LEI SELLER (ret. tr.) 291.454-010 08.03.01 Lemon Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 length control tester :SIZER (hosiery): 684.687-018 06.03.02 leno sewer CARPET SEWER (carpet & rug; ret. tr.): 787.682- O 1 4 06.02.05 lens assorter :LENS-BLANK GAGER (optical goods): 716.687– O26 06.03.02 lens assorter :LENS EXAMINER (optical goods): 716.687-022 06.03.02 LENS-BLANK GAGER (optical goods) 716.687-026 06.03.02 LENS-BLOCK GAGER (optical goods) 716.687-030 06.03.02 lens cutter :EYEGLASS-LENS CUTTER (optical goods): 716.682-010 * 06.02.08 Lens-Edge Grinder, Machine (optical goods) :LENS- FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods): 716.685-022 06.04.08 LENS EXAMINER (optical goods) 716.687-022 06.03.02 LENS-FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods) 716.685-022 06.04.08 520 :LENS- goods): Lens-Generating-Machine Tender (optical FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER 716.685-022 06.04.08 lens grinder PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods): 716.382-018 * 06.02.08 lens-grinder apprentice :PRECISION-LENS-GRINDER AP- PRENTICE (optical goods): 716.382-022 06.02.08 lens grinder, rough :STONE ROUGHER (optical 673.685-074 06.04.08 LENS HARDENER (optical goods) 573.685-030 06.04.13 LENS INSERTER (optical goods) 713.687-026 06.04.23 lens inspector :LENS EXAMINER (optical goods): 716.687- 022 06.03.02 lens inspector :INSPECTOR, PRECISION 716.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.05 LENS MATCHER (optical goods) 713.687-030 06.03.02 lens molder :LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.685-054 06.04.13 LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 575.685-054 06.04.13 LENS-MOLD SETTER (optical goods) 713.381-010 06.02.23 Lens Mounter (optical goods) I :ASSEMBLY-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 690.685-014 06.04.20 LENS MOUNTER (optical goods) II 713.681-010 05.05.11 goods) (optical goods): (optical goods): (glass mfg.) LENS POLISHER, HAND (optical goods) 716.681-018 06.01.04 letter carrier :MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.): 230.367-010 07.05.04 letterer :PAINTER, SIGN (any ind.): 970.381-026 01.06.03 letterer SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 Letterer (garment) :EMBROIDERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-022 06.02.05 LETTERER (profess. & kin.) 970.661-014 01.06.03 LETTERER (type founding) 979.681-010 01.06.03 lettering-machine operator :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682-018 06.04.09 LETTER-OF-CREDIT CLERK (finan. inst.) 219.387-018 07.05.02 letter-stamping-machine operator :SEALING-AND-CANCEL- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-026 05.12.19 Lettuce Trimmer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 levee superintendent :BANK BOSS (const.): 851. 137-010 05.12.12 leveler :SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 382 06.04.05 LEVELER (cooperage) I 764.687-094 06.04.22 Leveler (cooperage) II :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 669,682-01 4 06.02.20 Leveler Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 LEVEL-GLASS-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cut. & tools) 679.665-010 06.04.08 LEVEL-GLASS-VIAL FILLER (cut. 06.04.36 leveling-machine operator SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-382 06.04.05 LEVEL-VIAL CURVATURE GAGER (cut. & tools) 701.687– 022 06.03.02 LEVEL-VIAL INSIDE GRINDER (cut. & tools) 673.685-066 06.04.08 LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER 701.687–026 06.03.02 LEVEL-VIAL MARKER (cut. & tools) 775.684-046 06.04.30 LEVEL-VIAL SEALER (cut. & tools) 779.684-034 06.04.30 LEVEL-VIAL SETTER (cut. & tools) 701.684-018 06.04.23 LEVER MILLER (clock & watch) 605.685-026 06.02.02 LEVERS-LACE MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 683.682-026 * 06.02.06 & tools) 692.685-114 (cut. & tools) LEVER TENDER (forging) 612.685-010 06.04.02 lexicographer :EDITOR, DICTIONARY (profess. & kin.): 1 32.067-0 18 11.08.01 Liability Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 liaison officer . VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187. 167-198 10.01.02 LIAISON WORKER, TOOL FABRICATION aerospace mfg.) 012. 167–038 05.01.06 LIBRARIAN (library) 100. 127-014 * 11.02.04 librarian :MUSIC LIBRARIAN (radio & tv broad.): 100.367- 022 11.02.04 librarian, head :LIBRARY DIRECTOR (library): 100. 117-010 11.07.04 LIBRARIAN, MORGUE (print. & pub.) 206.387-018 07.05.03 librarian, school :MEDIA SPECIALIST, SCHOOL LIBRARY (library): 100. 167–030 11.02.04 LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (library) 100.267-014 11.02.04 LIBRARIAN, 11.02.04 LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library) 249.367-046 11.02.04 library assistant :LIBRARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (library): 100.367-018 11.02.04 library attendant :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367- O46 11.02.04 library clerk :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 Library Clerk, Art Department (library) ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 LIBRARY CLERK, TALKING BOOKS (library) 209.387-026 05.09.01 LIBRARY DIRECTOR (library) 100.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.04 library helper :LIBRARY ASSISTANT (library): 249.367-046 11.02.04 LIBRARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (library) 11.02.04 library technician :LIBRARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (library): 100.367-018 11.02.04 LIBRETTIST (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067–030 01.01.02 LICENSE CLERK (gov. ser.) 205.367–034 07.04.03 LICENSE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 168.267-066 11.10.03 Lidder (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Lidder (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587- O 18 * 06.04.38 Lidding-Machine Operator (any ind.) :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 06.02.03 lie-detection examiner :POLY GRAPH EXAMINER (profess. & kin.): 199.267-026 02.04.02 Lieutenant, Ballistics (gov. ser.) :BALLISTICS EXPERT, FORENSIC (gov. ser.): 199.267-010 02.04.01 LIFEGUARD (amuse. & rec.) 379.667-014 04.02.03 life-line attendant :DIVER HELPER (any ind.): 899.664-010 05. 12.12 Life Tester, Outboard Motors :OUTBOARD-MOTOR TESTER 623.261-01 4 06.01.05 Life Underwriter (insurance) 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 lift builder, whole :HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–206 06.04.09 LIFT-SLAB OPERATOR (const.) 869.662-010 05.12.04 Lift-Truck Operator (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) I: 91 1.663-014 05.11.04 LIGHT-BULB ASSEMBLER 06.04.20 light-bulb replacer :LIGHT-FIXTURE SERVICER (any ind.): 389.687-018 05.12.18 (aircraft- SPECIAL LIBRARY (library) 100.167-026 :LIBRARY 100.367-0 18 turbine) turbine): (engine & (engine & :UNDERWRITER (insurance): (elec. equip.) 692.685-118 521 Light-Bulb Tester (elec. equip.) :TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 light cleaner :LIGHT-FIXTURE SERVICER (any 389.687-018 05.12.18 Light-Fixture Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * LIGHT-FIXTURE SERVICER (any ind.) 389.687-018 05.12.18 LIGHTING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 962.381 -01 4 05.12.16 Lightning-Rod Erector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 light-oil operator :WASH-OIL-PUMP OPERATOR prod.); 549.382-018 06.02.17 LIGHTOUT EXAMINER (malt liquors) 529.687-146 06.03.02 lights inspector :DEFLECTOR OPERATOR (malt liquors; vinous liquors): 529.687-058 06.03.02 LIGHT TECHNICIAN (motion pic.; 962.362-01 4 05.10.03 Limber (logging) :CHAINSAW OPERATOR (logging; veneer & plywood; wood distil. & char.): 454.687-010 03.04.02 lime burner :LIME-KILN OPERATOR (lime): 573.462-010 06.02.18 lime hide inspector :BEAMING INSPECTOR (leather mfg.): 585.687-010 06.03.02 LIME-KILN OPERATOR (lime) 573.462-010 06.02.18 LIME-KILN OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 559.685-118 06.02.18 lime mixer :LIME SLAKER (lime): 570.685-034 06.04.11 LIME MIXER TENDER (iron & steel) 514.685-022 06.04.10 lime-plant operator :LIME SLAKER (lime): 570.685-034 06.04.11 Limer (glue; leather mfg.) :TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CON- TINUOUS PROCESS (leather mfg.): 582.482-01406.02.16 Limer (grain & feed mill.) :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 limerock tower loader TOWER ATTENDANT (paper & pulp): 559.666-010 06.04.14 LIME SLAKER (lime) 570.685-034 06.04.11 lime slaker :LIME-KILN OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 559.685- 1 18 06.02.18 LIME-SLUDGE KILN OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 553.685- 074 LIME-SLUDGE MIXER (paper & pulp) 550.585-026 06.04.11 Lime Trimmer (leather mfg.) TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 Lime-Vat Tender (slaught. & meat pack.) :SHEEPSKIN PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.); 582.685-126 06.04.16 Limnologist (profess. & kin.) :AQUATIC BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-022 02.02.03 Limousine-Rental Clerk (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.): 295.477-010 09.04.02 line-and-frame poler :POLE FRAMER (light, heat, & power; wood preserving): 959.684-010 05.12.12 Line Cleaner (dairy prod.; malt liquors) CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684-010 06.04.39 Line-Construction Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :LINE SU- PERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 821.131-01405.05.05 line decorator :LINER (pottery & porc.): 740.681-010 01.06.03 LINE ERECTOR (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.361-018 05.05.05 LINE-ERECTOR APPRENTICE (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.361-030 05.05.05 line inspector :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 line inspector :DISTRIBUTION-FIELD ENGINEER (light, heat, & power): 003, 167-01405.01.03 LINE INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.) 822.267-0 10 05.07.03 LINE INSTALLER-REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) 822.381-014 05.05.05 ind.): (coke radio & tv broad.) :EQUIPMENT Line Installer-Repairer, City (tel. & tel.) :LINE INSTALLER- REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-014 05.05.05 LINE INSTALLER, STREET RAILWAY (r. r. trans.) 821.361- 022 05.05.05 line installer, trolley :LINE INSTALLER, STREET RAILWAY (r. r. trans.): 821.361-022 05.05.05 LINE MAINTAINER (any ind.) 821.261-01405.05.05 Line Maintainer, District (any ind.) :LINE MAINTAINER (any ind.): 821.261-014 05.05.05 Line Maintainer, Section (tel. & tel.) :LINE INSTALLER- REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-014 05.05.05 LINE MOVER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 921.664-010 05.12.04 linen checker :LINEN-ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 222.387-030 05.09.01 linen clerk :LINEN-ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.; medi- cal ser.): 222.387-030 05.09.01 LINEN CONTROLLER (laund.) 299.357-010 08.02.06 linen-exchange attendant :LINEN-ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 222.387-030 05.09.01 LINEN GRADER (laund.) 361.687-022 06.03.02 LINEN-ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.; medical ser.) 222.387-030 05.09.01 LINEN-ROOM SUPERVISOR (laund.) 222. 137-014 05.09.01 Linen-Room Worker (hotel & rest.) : HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-018 05.12.18 LINEN-SUPPLY LOAD-BUILDER (laund.) 920.687-1 18 * 05.09.01 Linen-Supply-Room Worker (laund.) :LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 361.687-018 06.04.35 line operator :BOTTLING-LINE ATTENDANT liquors): 920.687-042 06.04.38 LINE-OUT WORKER (tobacco) I 920.687-1 10 06.04.38 LINE-OUT WORKER (tobacco) II 920.687-1 14 06.04.38 LINER (glove & mit.) 784.687-046 06.04.27 liner :RUBBER LINER (mach. mfg.): 759.684-050 06.02.29 LINER (pottery & porc.) 740.681-010 01.06.03 (distilled LINER ASSEMBLER (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.667-010 06.04.31 LINE REPAIRER (light, heat, & power) 821.361-026 * 05.05.05 Line Repairer, Tower (light, heat, & power) :LINE REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 821.361-026 * 05.05.05 line rider :LINE WALKER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 869.564-010 05.07.01 LINER INSERTER (tobacco) 929.687–026 06.04.38 LINER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685-058 06.04.04 LINER-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER 64 1.686-022 06.04.04 LINER REPLACER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 801.664-0 10 05.12.12 LINER REROLL TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 554.685-022 06.04.07 liner-roll changer :CALENDER-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.686-018 06.04.13 Liner Sheeter (any ind.) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 (paper goods) LINE-SERVICE ATTENDANT (air trans.) 9 12.687-010 05.12.06 line servicer :LINE REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 821.361-026 * 05.05.05 LINES TENDER (water trans.) 9 11.687–026 05.12.03 LINE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 821.131-014 05.05.05 line supervisor ALUMINA-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511. 130-0 10 06.02.01 LINE SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 822. 131-018 05.05.05 Line Supervisor, Tower (light, heat, & power) :LINE SUPER- VISOR (light, heat, & power): 821. 131-01405.05.05 522 line supply :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.12.03 LINE TENDER, FLAKEBOARD (build. board) 569.382-010 06.02.18 Line Umpire (amuse. & rec.) :UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-0 18 12.01.02 LINE-UP EXAMINER (print. & pub.) 979.381-01405.10.05 line-up-machine operator :FAN-BLADE ALINER (elec. equip.): 706.687-018 06.04.24 LINE-UP WORKER (auto. mfg.) 221.367–026 05.09.02 LINE WALKER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 869.564-0 1 0 05.07.01 LINGO CLEANER (textile) 683.687-026 06.04.39 linguist SCIENTIFIC LINGUIST (profess. & kin.): 0.59.067- 014 11.03.02 LINING BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-154 06.02.05 lining brusher :LINING SCRUBBER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.687-0 1 4 06.04.35 LINING CEMENTER (hat & cap) 795.687-022 06.04.27 lining cleaner :LINING SCRUBBER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.687-0 1 4 06.04.35 Lining Closer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Lining Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 LINING FELLER, BLINDSTITCH (garment) 06.02.05 Lining Finisher (clean., dye., & press.) :FUR FINISHER (fur goods): 783.381-01406.02.27 Lining Finisher (garment) :SEWER, HAND 782.684-058 06.04.27 LINING INSERTER (sports equip.) 732.687-042 06.04.23 Lining Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-0 1 0 06.03.01 Lining Ironer (boot & shoe) WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe): 788.684-130 06.04.27 LINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.) 575.565-010 06.04.21 lining-machine tender :CROWN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 692.685-062 06.04.09 Lining Maker (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 Lining Maker, Hand (jewelry cases) :PART MAKER (jewelry cases): 739.687-138 06.04.27 LINING MAKER, LOCKSTITCH 06.02.05 Lining Marker (boot & shoe) :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-01 4 06.04.27 Lining-Parts Sewer (leather prod.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 783.682-01406.02.05 Lining Presser (clean., dye., & press.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 Lining Presser (clean., dye., & press.; garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 lining printer TIP PRINTER (hat & cap): 06.04.37 Lining Repairer (boot & shoe) COBBLER (boot & shoe): 788.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.27 LINING SCRUBBER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687-014 786.682-158 (any ind.): (garment) 786.682-162 651.682-022 06.04.35 £ LINING SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-166 06.02.05 Lining Sewer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 lining stamper :STAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-398 06.04.05 Lining Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Lining-Strap Closer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 lining stuffer :LINING INSERTER (sports equip.): 732.687-042 06.04.23 Lining Vamper (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 LINK-AND-LINK-KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR goods) 685.380-010 06.01.03 Link Assembler (jewelry) :LINKER (jewelry): 06.04.23 LINKER (jewelry) 735.687-014 06.04.23 LINKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-150 06.04.28 linker-up :LINKER (jewelry): 735.687-01406.04.23 link-fabric-machine operator :FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) II: 616.685-022 06.04.02 LINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685-162 06.04.15 link-wire-fabric-machine operator :FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) I: 616.362-010 06.02.02 link-wire-fabric-machine tender :FABRIC-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (matt. & bedspring) II: 616.685-022 06.04.02 Linoleum Cutter (ret. tr.) :CARPET CUTTER (ret. tr.): 929.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.01 Linoleum-Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 Linoleum Layer (const.; ret. tr.) :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 Linoleum-Tile-Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 linotype-maintenance-mechanic apprentice :MACHINIST AP- (knit 735.687-014 :FLOOR LAYER PRENTICE, LINOTYPE (print. & pub.); 627.261-018 05.05.07 LINOTYPE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 650.582-010 * 07.06.02 linseed-oil-mill tender :LINSEED-OIL-PRESS TENDER (oils & fats): 559.685-122 06.04.19 LINSEED-OIL-PRESS TENDER (oils 06.04.19 LINSEED-OIL REFINER (oils & fats) 559.382-030 06.02.11 linter :LINTER TENDER (oils & fats): 521.685-198 06.04.19 Linter-Drier Operator (explosives) :CONTINUOUS-LINTER- DRIER OPERATOR (explosives): 553.685-034 06.04.19 LINTER-SAW SHARPENER (oils & fats) 603.682-018 06.02.02 - LINTER TENDER (oils & fats) 521.685-198 06.04.19 linting-machine operator :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 680.685-050 06.04.06 Lip-and-Gate Builder (glass mfg.) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 Lipcoat Sprayer (any ind.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 LIP CUTTER AND SCORER (boot & shoe) 690.685-270 06.04.05 LIP-OF-SHANK CUTTER 06.04.05 Lipstick Molder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MOLDER, TOILET PRODUCTS (drug. prep. & rel, prod.); 556.687-022 06.04.11 LIQUEFACTION-AND-REGASIFICATION-PLANT OPERA- TOR (light, heat, & power) 953.362-014 05.06.04 LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & gases) 559.362-018 06.02.12 liquefier :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 liquid-chlorine operator :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERA- TOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 Liquid Compounder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) I :PHARMACEUTICAL OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 559.382-042 06.02.11 & fats) 559.685-122 (boot & shoe) 690.685-274 liquefied 523 º Liquid Compounder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) II :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 LIQUID-FERTILIZER 05.08.03 Liquid-Hydrogen-Plant Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) :OXYGEN-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 552.362-01 4 06.02.11 - liquid loader :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 LIQUID-SUGAR FORTIFIER (sugar) 520.585-022 06.04.15 LIQUID-SUGAR MELTER (sugar) 520.382-014 06.02.15 LIQUOR BLENDER (distilled liquors) 522.382-018 06.02.15 LIQUOR-BRIDGE OPERATOR (sugar) 521.565-010 06.04.15 LIQUOR-BRIDGE-OPERATOR HELPER (sugar) 521.687-078 06.04.15 SERVICER (agric.) 906.683-014 liquor-gallery operator :LIQUOR-BRIDGE OPERATOR (sugar): 521.565-010 06.04.15 LIQUOR-GRINDING-MILL OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 521.685-202 06.04.15 LIQUOR INSPECTOR (distilled liquors) 522.667-010 06.03.02 liquor maker :CADMIUM-LIQUOR MAKER (paint & varn.): 553.685-026 06.04.11 liquor runner :LIQUOR-BRIDGE OPERATOR 521.565-0 1 0 06.04.15 Liquor-Store Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF- SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-014 05.09.01 LITERARY AGENT (bus. ser.) 191. 117-034 11.12.03 LITHOGRAPHED-PLATE INSPECTOR (tinvare) 651.687-010 06.03.02 lithographer apprentice :PHOTOGRAPHER APPRENTICE, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-010 01.06.01 lithographer retoucher :PROCESS ARTIST (print. & pub.): 972.28 1-0 1 0 * 01.06.01 lithographic-camera operator :PHOTOGRAPHER, LITHO- GRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-014 * 01.06.01 LITHOGRAPHIC PLATE MAKER (print. & pub.) 972.381- 0 1 0 * 01.06.01 LITHOGRAPHIC-PLATE-MAKER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 972.381-01401.06.01 Lithographic-Press Feeder (print. & pub.) :CYLINDER-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.): 651.686-010 05.12.19 lithographic-press operator :OFFSET-PRESS OPERATOR (print, & pub.) I: 651.482-010 * 05.05.13 lithographic-press operator apprentice :OFFSET-PRESS- OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 651.482-014 05.05.13 lithographic-press-plate-maker apprentice, photomechanical :LITHOGRAPHIC-PLATE-MAKER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 972.381-014 01.06.01 Lithographic Proofer (print. & pub.) :PROOF-PRESS OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 651.582-010 05.05.13 LITHOGRAPHIC-PROOFER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 651.582-01 4 05.05.13 lithographic retoucher apprentice :PROCESS-ARTIST AP- PRENTICE (print. & pub.): 972.281-018 01.06.01 LITHOGRAPH-PRESS OPERATOR, TINWARE 651.382-01 4 06.02.02 LITHO-MAKE-READY ASSISTANT (print. & pub.) 972.664- 0 1 0 01.06.01 Liver Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 Livestock Agent (gov. ser.) :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 11.02.03 livestock breeder :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): 410. 161- 018 03.01.01 Livestock Counter (agric.) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 livestock farmer : LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): 410. 161- 018 03.01.01 LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.) 410.161-018 03.01.01 (sugar): (tinvare) LIVESTOCK-YARD ATTENDANT (any ind.) 410.674-018 03.04.01 load blocker :BLOCKER, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.685-030 06.04.08 Load-Chain Welding-Machine Repairer SHOP-MACHINE REPAIRER 05.05.09 LOAD CHECKER (light, heat, & power) 952.367-010 05.09.01 LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power) 952.167-014 05.06.01 Load Dispatcher, Local (light, heat, & power) : LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952.167-01405.06.01 LOADER (any ind.) I 914.667-010 06.04.40 Loader (any ind.) II :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * LOADER (mfa. blogs.) 921.687-018 05.12.04 Loader (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-01405.12.03 loader :CHUTE LOADER (mining & quarrying): 932.687-010 05.12.03 loader and unloader :MATERIAL HANDLER (any 929.687-030 * loader-head operator :BOOM-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-01405.12.04 LOADER HELPER (any ind.) 914.687-01405.12.06 Loader Helper, Sorting Yard (logging) :LOG LOADER HELPER (logging): 921.687-022 05.12.04 loader, machine :LOADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 932.683-01405.11.02 LOADER, MAGAZINE GRINDER (paper & pulp) 530.686- 0 1 4 06.04.14 LOADER, MALT HOUSE (malt liquors) 921.682-010 05.12.04 loader operator :FRONT-END LOADER OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-042 05.11.04 loader operator :MECHANICAL-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 932.683-018 05.11.02 LOADER-UNLOADER, SCREEN-PRINTING (textile) 652.686-022 06.04.05 loading checker :SHIPPING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-030 05.09.01 Loading Checker (iron & steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel): 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 LOADING INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.667-018 05.07.01 LOADING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 632.360-014 06.01.02 (forging) :FORGE- (forging): 626.261-010 ind.): MACHINE loading-machine operator :SHOTGUN-SHELL-LOADING- MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.665-010 06.04.09 LOADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.685- 026 06.04.20 LOADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 932.683-01 4 LOADING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (mining & quar- rying) 939.686-010 05.12.02 LOADING-MACHINE TOOL-SETTER (ammunition) 694.260- 0 1 0 06.01.02 LOADING-RACK SUPERVISOR (petrol. refin.) 914.137-014 05.12.03 LOADING-SHOVEL OILER (mining & quarrying) 932.667- 0 1 4 05.12.08 loading supervisor SUPERVISOR, (petrol. refin.); 549. 137-018 06.01.01 LOADING-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.685-030 06.04.09 - Loading-Unit Operator, Crimping (ammunition) :LOADING- UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-030 06.04.09 Loading-Unit Operator, Powder Charging (ammunition) :LOADING-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-030 06.04.09 SPECIALTY PLANT 524 Loading-Unit Operator, Seating (ammunition) :LOADING- UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-030 06.04.09 loading-unit plate filler SHAKER-PLATE OPERATOR (ammunition): 737.685-01406.03.02 LOADING-UNIT TOOL-SETTER (ammunition) 632.380-014 06.01.02 load mixer :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687-010 06.04.27 LOAD-OUT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying) 921.133-014 05.12.04 load-out worker : BULL-GANG WORKER (tobacco): 922.687– 026 06.04.40 load tallier :RETORT-LOAD EXPEDITER (wood preserving): 221. 167–022 05.09.02 LOAD TESTER (spring) 616.685-034 06.03.02 LOAD-TEST MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 929.382- 010 06.03.01 Loan-Application Clerk (finan. (clerical): 205.367–022 07.04.01 Loan-Approval Agent (gov. ser.) :CREDIT CLERK (clerical): 205.367–022 07.04.01 loan clerk :CREDIT CLERK (clerical): 205.367–022 07.04.01 loan closer :MORTGAGE-CLOSING CLERK (clerical): 219.362-038 07.05.02 LOAN CLOSER (finan. inst.) 249.367–050 07.01.04 Loan Counselor (education) :FINANCIAL-AID COUNSELOR (education): 169.267-018 07.01.01 LOAN COUNSELOR (finan. inst.) 1.86.267-014 07.01.01 LOAN INTERVIEWER (finan. inst.) 241.367-018 07.04.01 LOAN OFFICER (finan. inst.; insurance) 186.267-018 11.06.03 loan officer :LOAN INTERVIEWER (finan. inst.): 241.367-018 07.04.01 loan processor :MORTGAGE-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.): 203.382-022 07.05.03 inst.) :CREDIT CLERK loan-servicing officer :LOAN COUNSELOR (finan. inst.): 186.267-0 1 4 07.01.01 loan teller :TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-026 07.03.01 LOBBYIST (profess. & kin.) 165.017-010 11.09.03 Local Announcer (radio & tv broad.) :ANNOUNCER (radio & tv broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 LOCATION-AND-MEASUREMENT TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 715.38 1-078 06.01.04 Location-and-Measurement Technician, Tool Room (clock & watch) :LOCATION-AND-MEASUREMENT TECHNICIAN (clock & watch): 715.38 1-078 06.01.04 LOCATION MANAGER (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 191. 167-018 11.12.02 Lock-and-Dam Equipment Repairer (water trans.) :CANAL- EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (waterworks): 899.281-010 05.10.01 LOCK ASSEMBLER (furn.) 706.684-070 06.02.22 LOCK ASSEMBLER (hardware) 706.684-074 06.04.23 LOCK-CORNER-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.382-01 4 06.02.03 locker attendant :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 358.677-01 4 09.05.07 LOCKER-PLANT ATTENDANT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 922.684- O 10 05.09.01 LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT 09.05.07 locker-room clerk :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 358.677-014 09.05.07. LOCKET MAKER (jewelry) 700.381-030 06.01.04 lock expert :LOCKSMITH (any ind.): 709.281-010 05.05.09 LOCK INSTALLER (furn.) 706.684-078 06.04.24 LOCK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (const.) 899. 131-014 05.10.04 LOCK OPERATOR (water trans.) 9 11.362-010 05.11.04 LOCKSMITH (any ind.) 709.281-010 05.05.09 (per. ser.) 358.677-014 LOCKSMITH APPRENTICE (any ind.) 709.281-01405.05.09 lock-stitch channeler :CHANNELER, INSOLE (boot & shoe): 690.685-086 06.04.05 Lockstitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 LOCKSTITCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682- 170 06.02.05 LOCKSTITCH-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, COMPLETE GARMENT (garment) 786.682- Lock Tender (const.) I :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (const.): 869.665-010 05.11.01 LOCK TENDER (const.) II 850.663-018 05.11.01 LOCK TENDER, CHIEF OPERATOR (water trans.) 9 11.131- 0 1 4 05.05.09 LOCOMOTIVE-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.663-038 05.11.04 Locomotive-Crane-Operator Helper (any ind.) HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.363-014 05.08.02 locomotive engineer :YARD ENGINEER (r.r. trans.): 910.363- 018 05.08.02 Locomotive Engineer, Diesel (r. r. trans.) :LOCOMOTIVE EN- GINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-01 4 05.08.02 Locomotive Engineer, Electric (r. r. trans.) :LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER (r.r. trans.): 910.363-014 05.08.02 Locomotive Engineer, Gasoline (any ind.) :YARD ENGINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-018 05.08.02 Locomotive-Engine Supervisor (any ind.) YARD (r. r. trans.): 910. 137-022 05.08.02 LOCOMOTIVE INSPECTOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.28 1-0 1 0 05.07.01 LOCOMOTIVE LUBRICATING-SYSTEMS trans.) 221.367–030 07.05.01 LOCOMOTIVE OPERATOR HELPER (r.r. trans.) 9 10.36.7- 022 05.12.20 - - Locomotive Repairer, Diesel (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :DIESEL MECHANIC (any ind.): 625.281-010 * 05.05.09 loft and lie inspector and adjuster :INSPECTOR AND AD- JUSTER, GOLF CLUB HEAD (sports equip.): 732.384-014 06.03.02 loft patternmaker :PLASTER-PATTERN CASTER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 777.381-038 01.06.02 loft rigger :RIGGER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.261-014 05.05.06 LOFT WORKER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 661.281-010 05.05.08 LOFT WORKER APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 661 .281-01 4 05.05.08 Loft Worker, Concrete-Mixing Plant (const.) CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 05.12.04 LOFT WORKER, HEAD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 661.131- 0 1 0 05.05.06 Loft Worker, Pile Driving (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 log-chain feeder :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 LOG-CHIPPER OPERATOR (logging) 564.662-010 log clerk :BROADCAST CHECKER (radio & twº broad.): 249.387-0 1 0 1 1.10.02 LOG COOKER (basketry; wood. box) 562.665-010 06.04.18 log culler :LOG INSPECTOR (sawmill): 667.687-014 03.04.02 LOG-CUT-OFF SAWYER, AUTOMATIC (sawmill) 667.482- 0 1 0 06.02.03 log-deck tender :BULL-CHAIN OPERATOR 921.685-01 4 LOGGER, ALL-ROUND (logging) 454.684-018 03.04.02 :LABORER, :CONDUCTOR, CLERK (r. r. :LABORER, 579.665-014 (sawmill): Logging-Arch Operator (logging) :LOGGING-TRACTOR OPERATOR (forestry; logging; sawmill): 929.683-010 03.04.02 525 Logging Contractor (logging) SUPERINTENDENT, LOGGING (ogging): 183.167-038 05.02.05 LOGGING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (logging) 620.281-042 05.05.09 LOGGING-OPERATIONS ! 68.267–070 03.01.04 - LOGGING-TRACTOR OPERATOR (forestry; logging; sawmill) 929.683–0 || 0 03.04.02 Logging-Tractor Operator, TRACTOR OPERATOR 929.683–0 l () 03.04.02 LOG GRADER (logging; sawmill) 455.367-010 05.07.06 log handler :LOG ROLLER (sawmill): 677.687-010 06.04.40 INSPECTOR (forestry; logging) Swamp (logging) :LOGGING- (forestry; logging; sawmill): LOG-HAUL CHAIN FEEDER (paper & pulp; sawmill) 921.686-018 05.12.04 log hauler :LOG-TRUCK DRIVER (logging): 904.683-010 {}5.08.01 Log Hooker (sawmill; veneer & plywood) :LABORER, HOIST- ING (any ind.): 921.667–022 05.12.04 LOG INSPECTOR (sawmill) 667.687-014 03.04.02 LOGISTICS ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 05.01.06 Logistics Officer (gov. ser.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 logistics specialist :LOGISTICS ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0.19. 167–0 1 0 05.01.06 LOG LOADER (logging) 921.683-058 05.11.04 LOG LOADER HELPER (logging) 921.687-022 05.12.04 LOG MARKER (logging; veneer & plywood) 454.687-018 05.07.06 LOG MARKER (logging) 455.687-010 03.04.02 log operations coordinator :TELEVISION-SCHEDULE COOR- DINATOR (radio & tv broad.): 199.387-010 07.05.01 Log Rider (sawmill) :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 LOG ROLLER (sawmill) 677.687-010 06.04.40 LOG SCALER (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood) 455.487-010 * 05.07.06 LOG SORTER (logging) 455.684-010 03.04.02 Log-Stacker Operator (logging; sawmill) :LOGGING-TRAC- TOR OPERATOR (forestry; logging; sawmill): 929.683-010 03.04.02 LOG-TRUCK DRIVER (logging) 904.683-010 05.08.01 LOG WASHER (sawmill) 569.687-014 06.04.39 Log-Yard Derrick Operator (sawmill) :DERRICK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-022 05.11.04 Loin Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 Loin Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-054 06.04.28 lollypop-machine operator :SUCKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 529.685–234 06.04.15 lollypop maker :SUCKER-MACHINE (confection.): 529.685–234 06.04.15 LONG-CHAIN BEAM, ER (textile) 681.685-058 06.04.06 long-chain-dyeing-machine operator :WARP-DYEING-VAT TENDER (textile): 582.685-158 06.04.16 long-chain-quiller tender :QUILLER OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-070 06.04.06 Long-Distance Operator (tel, & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 235.462-010 * 07.04.06 long-filler-cigar roller, machine :WRAPPER LAYER (tobacco): 529.685–266 * 06.04.15 long-goods drier :DRIER, LONG GOODS (macaroni & rel. prod.): 523.585-022 06.04.15 LONG-GOODS HELPER, MACHINE (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.686–062 06.04.15 Long-Haul-Sleeper Driver (any ind.) :TRACTOR-TRAILER- TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904,383-010 * 05.08.01 0.19. 16.7-010 OPERATOR Longitudinal-Float Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-01405.11.01 Long-Line Teamster (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any 9 19.664-0 1 0 03.04.05 longseam-machine operator :PROFILE-STITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-026 06.04.05 long-wall-mining-machine helper TAILER (mining & quarry- ing): 930.666-01405.12.02 LONG-WALL-MINING-MACHINE TENDER (mining & quar- rying) 930.665-010 05.11.02 Loom Blower (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-01 4 06.04.39 LOOM CHANGEOVER OPERATOR (carpet & rug) 683.687- 030 06.04.05 LOOM CHANGER (textile) 683.360-010 06.01.02 loom doffer CLOTH DOFFER (textile): 689.586-010 06.04.06 LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile) 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 loom fixer MACHINE FIXER (carpet & rug): 628.281-010 06.01.04 LOOM-FIXER SUPERVISOR (narrow fabrics) 683. 130-014 06.01.01 loom helper :WIRE-WEAVER HELPER (wirework); 616.687- 0 1 4 06.04.02 loom inspector :WEAVING INSPECTOR (carpet & rug; tex- tile): 683.684-034 06.02.06 loom operator :WEAVER (asbestos prod.; textile): 683.682-038 * 06.02.06 loom operator :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 685.685-010 06.04.06 Loom Operator (rubber goods) :BRAIDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods): 692.665-010 06.04.09 loom operator :WOOD-WEB-WEAVING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (window shade & fix.): 692.685-262 06.04.09 loom operator apprentice :WEAVER APPRENTICE (asbestos prod.; textile): 683.682-042 06.02.06 loom repairer :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 Loom Setter, Fourdrinier (wirework) :LOOM SETTER, WIRE WEAVING (wirework); 616.360-01406.01.02 LOOM SETTER, WIRE WEAVING (wirework) 616.360-014 06.01.02 LOOM STARTER (textile) 683.360-014 06.01.02 Loom-Stop Checker (textile) :MACHINE-STOPPAGE- FREQUENCY CHECKER (textile): 221.367–034 05.09.03 LOOM-WINDER TENDER (textile) 681.685-062 06.04.06 Loop-Drier Operator (textile) :DRYING-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 581.685-030 06.04.16 LOOPER (hosiery; knit goods) 689.682-010 * 06.02.06 LOOPER (musical inst.) 730.685-010 06.04.24 Looper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) TANK-HOUSE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.565-014 06.04.10 ind.): looper :WIRE-TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 692.685-258 06.04.09 Looping Inspector (hosiery) :STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 Loop-Machine Operator (basketry) (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 loop tender :COATING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.686-010 06.04.21 LOOSE-END FINDER, BOBBIN (knit goods) 681.687-014 06.04.27 loose-hand packer :PRIZER (tobacco): 920.687-142 06.04.38 loss-claim clerk :CLAIMS CLERK (insurance) II: 205.367-0 18 07.04.02 loss-control technician 168. 167-078 11.10.03 :BASKET ASSEMBLER :SAFETY INSPECTOR (insurance): 526 :FIRE-PREVENTION & kin.): 012. 167–022 loss-prevention research engineer RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.01 LOST-AND-FOUND CLERK (clerical) 222.367–034 07.07.03 LOST-CHARGE-CARD CLERK (clerical) 209.367–034 07.05.03 lot boss :B.ARN BOSS (any ind.): 410.131-010 03.02.04 lot caller :AUCTION ASSISTANT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 294,667-0 1 0 07.07.02 LOUNGE-CAR ATTEND ANT 08.03.01 Louver-Door Assembler (plan. mill) :CLAMP-JIG ASSEM- BLER (woodworking): 762.687-022 06.04.22 Louver-Mortiser Operator (plan. mill) MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking): Low-Chloride Soda Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERA- TOR (chem.) II; 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 LOWERATOR OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 922.686- O 1 4 06.03.02 Lower-in Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899.131-010 05.12.01 Low-Heel Builder (boot & shoe) :HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-206 06.04.09 Low-Pressure-Kettle Operator (chem.) :KETTLE OPERATOR (chem.); 558.382-038 06.02.11 Low-Raw-Sugar Cutter (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 LOZENGE-DOUGH MIXER (confection.) 06.04.15 LOZENGE MAKER (confection.) 529.682-026 06.02.15 Lozenge-Maker Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 1-tacker :PLEATER (house furn.): 787.685-026 06.04.05 L-Type-Ruling-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) :RULING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.): 659.682-022 06.02.04 LUBRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (ammunition) 509.685- 038 06.04.21 LUBRICATION-EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any ind.) 630.381- O22 05.10.02 LUBRICATION SERVICER (auto. ser.) 9 15.687-018 05.12.08 lubrication technician :LUBRICATION SERVICER (auto. ser.): 915.687-018 05.12.08 lubricator :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 LUBRICATOR-GRANULATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 509.685-042 06.04.10 Lug-Breaker-and-Wire-Puller PROCESS-LINE WORKER 06.04.24 luggage checker :BAGGAGE CHECKER (air trans.; motor trans.): 357.477-010 09.05.03 LUGGAGE MAKER (leather prod.) 783.381-022 06.02.27 LUGGAGE REPAIRER (any ind.) 365.361-010 05.10.01 Lugger (agric.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687- 030 * Lugger (elec. equip.) :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 691.685- 018 06.04.34 Lumber-Carrier Driver (plan. mill; sawmill) :STRADDLE- TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-070 06.04.40 Lumber Checker (sawmill; woodworking) :TALLIER (clerical): 22.1.587-030 05.09.01 LUMBER ESTIMATOR (wood. box) 221.482-01 4 05.09.02 lumber guider :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669,687-018 06.04.40 LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking) 922.687-070 05.12.03 lumber inspector :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 - lumber piler :LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking): 922.687- 070 (r. r. trans.) 291.457-014 :MORTISING- 665.482-014 520.685-122 :FORMING- 727.687-058 (elec. (elec. equip.) equip.): lumber-piler operator :STACKER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685-066 06.04.03 lumber puller :LUMBER SORTER (woodworking): 922.687- 074 06.03.02 lumber racker :LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking): 922.687- 070 05.12.03 Lumber Salvager (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 LUMBER SCALER (woodworking) 221.487-010 05.09.01 LUMBER SORTER (woodworking) 922.687-074 06.03.02 lumber sorter, machine :SORTER OPERATOR (sawmill): 921.685-054 05.07.06 lumber stacker :LUMBER HANDLER 922.687-070 05.12.03 lumber sticker :LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking): 922.687– 070 05.12.03 LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill) 669.687-018 06.04.40 lumber tallier :LUMBER SCALER (woodworking): 221.487- 0 1 0 05.09.01 Lumber-Yard Worker (woodworking) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * LUMITE INJECTOR (boot & shoe) 690.685–278 06.04.05 lumper :LABORER, WHARF (can. & preserv.): 922.687-062 06.04.40 lumper :BED SETTER (stonework): 679.664-010 05.12.12 LUMP INSPECTOR (tobacco) 790.687-018 06.03.02 LUMP-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 520.685-126 06.04.15 lump receiver :LUMP INSPECTOR (tobacco): 790.687-018 06.03.02 LUNCH-TRUCK DRIVER 09.04.01 lunch-truck operator :LUNCH-TRUCK DRIVER (hotel & rest.); 292.463-010 09.04.01 Lunch-Wagon Operator (hotel & rest.) :LUNCH-TRUCK DRIVER (hotel & rest.): 292.463-010 09.04.01 Lung Splitter (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 lurer :SLICKER (hat & cap): 784.684-062 06.04.33 LUSTER APPLICATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.) 740.381-014 01.06.03 (woodworking): (hotel & rest.) 292.463-010 lusterer :CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile): 584.685-01 4 06.04.16 luster repairer :DRESSER (boot & shoe): 788.687-038 06.04.33 luter :OVEN DAUBER (coke prod.): 543.687-01406.04.30 LYE-PEEL OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685-206 06.04.15 LYE TREATER (chem.; soap) 551.685-094 06.04.11 LYRICIST (profess. & kin.) 131.067–034 01.01.02 lyric writer :LYRICIST (profess. & kin.): 13 1.067–034 01.01.02 M macaroni-press operator :GRAINING-PRESS OPERATOR (explosives): 557.682-010 06.02.18 Macerator Operator (explosives) 550.665-010 machine adjuster :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mfg.; mach. shop): 600.380-014 06.01.02 machine adjuster CASING-IN-LINE SETTER (print. & pub.): 653.360-010 06.01.02 Machine Adjuster (tobacco) :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 machine-adjuster helper :MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC HELPER (any ind.): 638.684-018 05.12.15 MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition) 619. 137-010 06.02.01 :BLENDER (explosives): 527 Machine-Adjuster Leader, Bullet Assembly (ammunition) :MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition); 619. 137- 010 06.02.01 Machine-Adjuster Leader, Cannelure and Finish (ammunition) :MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition); 619. 137- 010 06.02.01 Machine-Adjuster Leader, Case Trim (ammunition) :MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition); 619. 137– 010 06.02.01 Machine-Adjuster Leader, Primer Assembly (ammunition) :MACHINE-ADJUSTER LEADER (ammunition); 619. 137- 010 06.02.01 - machine assembler ASSEMBLER FOR PULLER-OVER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-010 06.04.05 MACHINE ASSEMBLER (mach. miſg.) 638.361-010 06.02.22 machine assembler :AUTOMATIC-MACHINE ATTENDANT (paper goods): 649.685-010 06.04.04 MACHINE-ASSEMBLER SUPERVISOR 638.131-01 4 06.01.04 * machine boss :SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 1 37-018 05.02.05 machine brusher MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687- 01 4 06.04.39 MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.) 600.281-022 05.05.09 machine captain :CRACKER-AND-COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake, prod.): 520.482-010 06.02.15 machine-casting operator and adjuster :BULLET-SLUG-CAST- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 502.382-010 06.02.10 MACHINE-CASTINGS PLASTERER (found.) 519.687-030 06.04.33 MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.) 699.687-014 06.04.39 MACHINE-CLOTHING REPLACER (paper & pulp) 629.361- 0 1 0 05.10.02 MACHINE FEEDER (any ind.) 699.686-010 06.04.09 MACHINE FEEDER (clock & watch) 715.686-014 06.04.09 MACHINE FEEDER (welding) 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting) 680.686-018 06.04.16 MACHINE FIXER (carpet & rug) 628.281-010 06.01.04 MACHINE FIXER (textile) 689.260-010 06.01.02 machine hand :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop): 609.685-018 + 06.04.02 MACHINE HELPER (any ind.) 619.687-01406.04.24 machine helper :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-01 4 05. 12.04 MACHINE HELPER (felt goods) 586.686-022 06.04.05 MACHINE HELPER (welding) 819.666-010 05.12.11 machine helper :MACHINE FEEDER (welding): 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 machine hostler :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 machine line molder :MACHINE MOLDER (found.): 518.682- O 1 () 06.04.32 Machine-Load Clerk (woodworking) :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 - MACHINE-MADE-SHOE UNIT WORKER (boot & shoe) 753.584-0 l () 06.04.32 machine-maintenance Servicer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 MACHINE MOLDER (found.) 518.682-0 10 06.04.32 Machine Molder, Roll-Over (found.) :MACHINE MOLDER (found.): 518.682-0 l () 06.04.32 Machine Molder, Squeeze (found.) (found.): 518.682-0 l () 06.04.32 Machine Mover (const.) :RIGGER (any ind.): 921 .260-010 05. 1 1.04 Machine-Operations Inspector (any ind.) :INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 (mach. mſg.) : MACHINE MOLDER Machine-Operations Supervisor (any ind.) LINE (any ind.); 619.130-030 06.02.01 MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 616.360-018 06.01.03 MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 619.685-062 * 06.04.02 machine operator, all around :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop): 600.380-018 06.01.03 MACHINE OPERATOR, CENTRIFUGAL-CONTROL SWITCHES (elec. equip.) 609.682-022 06.02.02 MACHINE OPERATOR, CERAMICS (pottery 679.685-010 06.04.08 machine operator, general :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop): 600.380-018 06.01.03 machine operator, general :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop): 609.685-018 + 06.04.02 MACHINE OPERATOR, GENERAL (paper goods) 649.685- 070 06.02.04 machine-operator helper SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-010 06.04.09 machine operator, packaging :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 machine overhauler :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 MACHINE-PACK ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 920.687-122 06.04.38 :SUPERVISOR, & porc.) machine pack-shaker lubricator :BULLET-LUBRICATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-018 06.04.21 machine printer, hose :BRANDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods): 690.685-042 06.04.07 Machine Rebuilder (forging) :FORGE-SHOP-MACHINE REPAIRER (forging): 626.261-010 05.05.09 machine repairer :MAINTENANCE MACHINIST (any ind.): 600.280-042 05.05.07 machine repairer MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 machine repairer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (grain & feed mill.): 629.28 1-030 05.05.09 machine repairer :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.) 626.281- 0 1 0 05.05.09 machine riveter : RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.): 616.685-058 06.04.20 machine rubber :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687- 0 1 4 06.04.39 Machinery Crater (mach. mfg.) :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484- 0 1 0 06.04.38 MACHINERY ERECTOR (engine & turbine; mach. mſg.) 638.261-014 * 05.05.09 Machinery Erector (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :RIGGER (any ind.): 921.260-010 05.11.04 MACHINE SETTER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.260-010 06.01.02 MACHINE SETTER (any ind.) 616.360-022 * 06.01.02 MACHINE SETTER (button) 690.380-010 06.01.02 MACHINE SETTER (clock & watch) 600.380-022 06.01.02 machine setter :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mfg.; mach. shop): 600.380-01406.01.02 MACHINE SETTER (woodworking) 669.280-010 06.01.02 Machine Setter, Automatic (clock & watch) :MACHINE SETTER (clock & watch): 600.380-022 06.01.02 Machine Setter, Hand (clock & watch) :MACHINE SETTER (clock & watch): 600.380-022 06.01.02 Machine Setter, Plastics (mach. shop) :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. miſg.; mach. shop): 600.380-014 06.01.02 Machine Setter, Semi-Automatic (clock & watch) :MACHINE SETTER (clock & watch): 600.380-022 06.01.02 Machine Setter, Sheet Metal (any ind.) :MACHINE SETTER (any ind.); 61 6.360-022 * 06.01.02 - 528 ACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop) 600.380-018 06.01.03 ACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, PAPER GOODS (paper goods) 649.380-010 * 06.01.02 achine-shop apprentice :MACHINIST APPRENTICE (mach. shop): 600.280-026 05.05.07 ACHINE-SHOP SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 609. 130-010 06.01.01 ACHINE-SHOP SUPERVISOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 600. 131-0 1 0 05.05.07 achine sizer STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 ACHINE SNELLER (sports equip.) 732.685-026 06.04.34 achine sprayer :SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.): 599.686- 0 1 4 06.04.21 ACHINE-STOPPAGE-FREQUENCY CHECKER 221.367–034 05.09.03 achine stuffer, automatic 780.684–054 06.04.23 achine supervisor SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.); 619. 130- 030 06.02.01 [ACHINE-TANK OPERATOR 06.02.03 IACHINE TESTER (mach. mſg.) 629.382-010 06.03.01 [ACHINE TESTER (office mach.) 706.387-014 06.03.01 achine-tool-and-die technician :TOOL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 0.07.061-026 05.01.07 lachine-tool operator, general TOOL-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 601.280-054 05.05.07 (textile) :CUSHION MAKER (furn.) I. (cooperage) 667.662-014 machine tracer :MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–282 06.04.05 TACHINE TRY-OUT SETTER (mach. tool & access.) 600,360-0 1 0 06.01.05 achine winder :ELEMENT WINDER (inst. & app.): 724,685- 010 06.02.20 MACHINING-AND-ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (elec. equip.) 619. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 machinist :MAINTENANCE MACHINIST (any ind.): 600.280- 042 O5.05.07 - machinist MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop): 600.380-018 06.01.03 machinist :CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & 622.38 1-01 4 05.05.06 machinist :TOOL-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 601.280-054 05.05.07 MACHINIST (mach. shop) 600.280-022 * 05.05.07 machinist :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop): 609.685-018 * 06.04.02 machinist, all-around :MACHINIST (mach. shop): 600.280-022 * 05.05.07 machinist apprentice :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC AP- PRENTICE (light, heat, & power): 631.261-018 05.05.09 machinist apprentice :CAR-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.381-022 05.05.06 rep.): MACHINIST APPRENTICE (mach. shop) 600.280-026 05.05.07 MACHINIST APPRENTICE, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.) 600.280-030 05.05.07 MACHINIST APPRENTICE, COMPOSING ROOM (print. & pub.) 627.261-01405.05.09 MACHINIST APPRENTICE, LINOTYPE (print. 627.261-018 05.05.09 MACHINIST APPRENTICE, MARINE ENGINE (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 623.281-018 05.05.09 MACHINIST APPRENTICE, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 623.28 1-022 05.05.09 WACHINIST APPRENTICE, WOOD (woodworking) 669.380- 0 1 0 05.05.08 WACHINIST, AUTOMOTIVE 05.05.07 & pub.) (auto. Ser.) 600.280-034 machinist, bench :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 machinist, brake :BRAKE-DRUM-LATHE OPERATOR (auto. ser.); 620.682-010 06.02.02 Machinist, Construction Equipment (any ind.) :MAINTENANCE MACHINIST (any ind.); 600.280-042 05.05.07 MACHINIST, EXPERIMENTAL (mach. shop) 600.280-038 05.05.07 machinist, first class :MACHINIST (mach. shop): 600.280-022 * 05.05.07 machinist, general MACHINIST (mach. shop): 600.280-022 * 05.05.07 machinist helper :CAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.684-01405.12.12 machinist helper, marine :MACHINIST HELPER, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blog. & rep.); 623.687-010 05.12.15 MACHINIST HELPER, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623,687-0 1 0 05.12.15 machinist, installation MACHINIST OUTSIDE (ship & boat blag. & rep.); 623.281-030 05.05.09 MACHINIST, LINOTYPE (print. 05.05.09 MACHINIST, MARINE ENGINE (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.28 1–026 05.05.09 MACHINIST, MOTION-PICTURE EQUIPMENT (motion pic.; photo. apparatus) 714.281-018 05.05.09 MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 623.28.1- O30 05.05.09 - machinist, precision :MACHINIST (mach. shop): 600.280-022 * 05.05.07 MACHINIST SUPERVISOR, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.131-010 05.05.09 machinist, tool setter :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mfg.; mach. shop): 600.380-01406.01.02 MACHINIST, WOOD (woodworking) 669.380-014 * 05.05.08 made-to-measure tailor CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-01 4 05.05.15 made-to-measure-tailor apprentice :TAILOR APPRENTICE, CUSTOM (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-022 05.05.15 Magazine-Delivery Driver (whole. tr.) :NEWSPAPER- DELIVERY DRIVER (whole. tr.): 292.363-010 05.08.03 magazine filler BATTERY LOADER (textile): 683.686-010 * 06.04.06 magazine hand SHUTTLE HAND 06.04.06 MAGAZINE KEEPER (clerical) 222.367–038 05.09.02 magazine loader :LOADER, MAGAZINE GRINDER (paper & pulp): 530.686-01406.04.14 MAGAZINE REPAIRER (print. & pub.) 653.685-022 06.04.04 MAGAZINE SUPERVISOR (ammunition; explosives) 222. 137- 018 06.02.01 MAGICIAN (amuse. & rec.) 159.04 1-0 10 01.03.02 MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.) 11 1. 107-014 11.04.01 & pub.) 627.261-022 (textile): 689.686-038 MAGNESIUM-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer, metal alloys) 607.686-0 1 0 06.04.02 Magnetic-Card-Typewriter Operator (clerical) :MAGNETIC- TAPE-TYPEWRITER OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-034 07.06.02 Magnetic Prospector (petrol. production) :GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTOR (petrol. production): 024.061-026 02.01.02 MAGNETIC-TAPE-COMPOSER OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 203.382-018 07.06.02 magnetic-tape encoder :DATA-CODER OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-026 07.06.02 MAGNETIC-TAPE-TYPEWRITER OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-034 07.06.02 Magnetic-Thermal-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 8 16.482-010 06.02.19 529 Magnetometer Operator (mining & quarrying; petrol. produc- tion) OBSERVER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 010.261-018 05.03.04 MAGNETO REPAIRER (any ind.) 721.281-022 05.05.05 Magnet Placer (iron & steel) :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667–022 05.12.04 MAGNET-VALVE ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 724,684-034 06.04.23 MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.) 230.367-010 07.05.04 MAIL CENSOR (gov. ser.) 243.367-010 07.05.02 MAIL CLERK (clerical) 209.587-026 07.05.04 Mail Clerk, Bills (clerical) :MAIL CLERK (clerical): 209.587- 026 * 07.05.04 MAIL-DISTRIBUTION-SCHEME EXAMINER 239.367-018 07.01.07 MAILER (print. & pub.) 222.587-030 05.09.01 MAILER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 222.587-032 05.09.01 MAIL HANDLER (gov. ser.) 209.687-014 * 07.05.04 Mailing-List Compiler (clerical) :COMPILER 209.387-0 1 4 07.05.03 MAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 208.462- 010 06.04.38 Mail-Order Biller (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) (clerical): 214.382-014 07.02.04 Mail-Order Clerk (clerical) :ORDER CLERK 249.367–054 07.05.03 Mail-Order Sorter (ret. tr.) :PARCEL-POST CLERK (clerical): 222.387-038 07.05.04 MAIL-PROCESSING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (gov. 633.261 -0.1 4 05.05.09 mailroom clerk :MAIL CLERK (clericai): 07.05.04 MAILROOM SUPERVISOR (clerical) 209. 137-010 07.05.04 MAILROOM SUPERVISOR (print. & pub.) 222. 137-022 07.07.02 mail sorter :MAIL CLERK (clerical): 209.587-026 * 07.05.04 Mail Sorter (r. r. trans.) :ROUTING CLERK (clerical): 222.687– 022 07.07.02 Mail-Truck Driver (any ind.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683–022 05.08.01 Main-Galley Scullion (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687-0 1 4 05.12.18 main-line assembler :PROGRESSIVE ASSEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.): 801.684-022 06.04.22 MAINS-AND-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 862. 1 37-0 1 0 05.05.03 Mainspring-Barrel-Assembly Cleaner (clock & :WASHER (clock & watch): 715.687-126 06.04.39 MAINSPRING FORMER, ARBOR END (clock & watch) 715.687-078 06.02.24 MAINSPRING FORMER, BRACE END (clock & watch) 715.687-082 06.02.24 Mainspring-Reverse Winder (clock & watch) :MAINSPRING (gov. Ser.) (clerical): :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): ser.) 209.587–026 + watch) WINDER AND OILER (clock & watch): 715.685-038 06.02.02 Mainspring-Strip Gager (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 Mainspring-Strip Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 mainspring-torque tester :TORQUE TESTER (clock & watch): 715.685-066 06.03.02 MAINSPRING WINDER AND OHLER 7 15.685-038 06.02.02 mainspring-winding-machine operator :MAINSPRING WINDER AND OILER (clock & watch): 715.685-038 06.02.02 MAINTAINABILITY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.081 - 0 1 0 05.01.08 maintainer, central office :TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAIN- TAINER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-022 05.05.05 (clock & watch) maintainer, equipment :TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.): 822.38 1-022 05.05.05 maintainer, plant :TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.): 822.38 1-022 05.05.05 Maintainer, Sewer-and-Waterworks (const.) (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 maintenance-and-utilities supervisor :UTILITIES-AND-MAIN- TENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 899.131-018 05.06.02 maintenance chief :CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SUPER- VISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 - maintenance clerk :DISPATCHER, MAINTENANCE SERVICE (clerical): 239.367-014 07.04.05 maintenance-crew supervisor SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINE MAINTENANCE (pipe lines): 869. 134-018 05.12.12 maintenance engineer :JANITOR (any ind.): 382.664-010 05. 12.18 maintenance engineer :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 maintenance engineer, oil field :MECHANICAL-MAIN- TENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 638.131-026 05.05.09 maintenance inspector :GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power; pipe lines): 953.367-010 05.07.01 :PIPE FITTER maintenance inspector :WAY INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.): 9 10.367–030 05.07.01 MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR (tel. & tel.) 822.261-018 05.07.03 MAINTENANCE MACHINIST (any ind.) 600.280-042 05.05.07 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.) 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines) 620.281-046 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (grain & feed mill.) 629.281- O30 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (leather 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, COMPRESSED-GAS PLANT (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.261-010 05.05.09 maintenance mechanic, elevators :ELEVATOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 825.281-030 05.05.05 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, 623.28 1-034 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC HELPER (any ind.) 638.684- 018 05. 12.15 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC HELPER production; pipe lines) 620.664-01405.10.02 Maintenance Mechanic, Record Processing Equipment (phonograph) :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281 -014 * 05.05.09 mfg.) 629.280–010 ENGINE (water trans.) (const.; petrol. MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 638. 1 31-022 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, TELEPHONE (any ind.) 822.28 1-0 18 * 05.05.05 maintenance-of-way supervisor SUPERVISOR OF WAY (r.r. trans.): 184. 167-234 05.02.02 maintenance-planning clerk :AIRCRAFT-LOG CLERK (air trans.): 221.362-010 07.05.03 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, BUILDING (any ind.) 899.381- O 10 * 05.10.01 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, FACTORY OR MILL (any ind.) 899.28 1-0 14 05. 10.04 MAINTENANCE-REPAIRER HELPER, FACTORY OR MILL (any ind.) 899.684-022 05.10.04 maintenance supervisor :MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC SU- PERVISOR (any ind.): 638.131-022 05.05.09 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 05.02.02 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 184. 167–050 05.02.02 891. 1 37-010 (light, heat, & power) 530 aintenance supervisor CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPER- VISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-0 14 05.05.05 maintenance supervisor SUPERVISOR, CANAL-EQUIPMENT | MAINTENANCE (waterworks): 899. 130-0 1 0 05.06.03 Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical (light, heat, & power) :MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 184. 167–050 05.02.02 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, FIRE-FIGHTING-EQUIP- MENT (gov. ser.) 638.131-018 05.05.09 Maintenance Supervisor, Mechanical (light, heat, & power) :MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 184. 167–050 05.02.02 maintenance worker, house trailer :MOBILE-HOME-LOT UTILITY WORKER (ret. tr.): 899.484-010 05.10.04 maintenance worker, swimming pool :SWIMMING-POOL SER- VICER (any ind.): 891.684-018 05.10.04 ajor-appliance-servicer apprentice, electrical :ELECTRICAL- APPLIANCE-SERVICER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 827.261- 0 1 4 05.10.03 major assembler :AIRPLANE WOODWORKER aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 MAJOR-ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR (agric. equip.) 801.381-018 06.01.05 maker :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 make-ready apprentice :PLATEN-PRESS-OPERATOR AP- PRENTICE (print. & pub.): 651.362-022 05.05.13 make-ready mechanic :NEW-CAR GET-READY MECHANIC (auto. ser.; ret. tr.): 806.361-026 05.10.02 make-ready worker :PLATEN BUILDER-UP (print. & pub.): 651.384-010 05.10.05 maker-up, folding :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; tex- tile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 MAKE-UP ARRANGER (print. & pub.) 973.381-026 05.10.05 MAKE-UP ARTIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 333.07 1-0 10 01.06.02 makeup editor :EDITOR, NEWS (print. & pub.): 132.067–026 11.08.01 Make-Up Market Worker, Truck Garden (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687- 134 * 03.04.01 MAKE-UP OPERATOR (chem.) 559.382-034 06.02.11 (aircraft- MAKE-UP OPERATOR HELPER (chem.) 550.587-010 06.03.02 MAKING-LINE WORKER (boot & shoe) 753.687-026 * 06.04.27 making-machine catcher CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE CATCHER (tobacco): 529.666-014 06.04.15 making-machine operator, filter :CIGARETTE-MAKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-066 06.04.15 Male Impersonator (amuse. & rec.) : IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-018 01.03.02 mallet-and-die cutter :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III: 781.687- 030 06.04.34 malted-milk masher :WORT EXTRACTOR (dairy prod.): 526.485-0 1 0 06.02.15 malted-milk mixer :MILK-POWDER GRINDER (dairy prod.): 521.685-222 06.04.15 - malter operator :DESIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HEAD- END (textile): 582.685-046 06.04.16 MALT-HOUSE OPERATOR (malt 06.04.15 malt loader :LOADER, MALT HOUSE (malt liquors): 921.682- 0 1 0 05.12.04 MALT ROASTER (malt liquors) 526.682-026 06.02.15 MALT-SPECIFICATIONS-CONTROL ASSISTANT liquors) 022.261-01405.02.03 Mammal Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-010 03.03.02 liquors) 522.685-074 (malt Mammalogist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 04 1.061-090 02.02.01 MANAGEMENT AIDE (social ser.) 195.367-0 14 07.01.01 MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 16.1. 167-010 05.01.06 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (any ind.) 189. 167-018 11.05.02 manager, administrative services :MANAGER, OFFICE (any ind.): 169. 167–034 07.01.02 MANAGER, ADVERTISING (any ind.) 164. 117-0 1 0 1 1.09.01 MANAGER, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.) 163. 167-010 11.09.01 MANAGER, ADVERTISING AGENCY (bus. ser.) 164. 1 17- 014 11.09.01 - - MANAGER, AGRICULTURAL-LABOR CAMP (profess. & kin.) 187. 167–050 1 1.11.04 MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.) 184. 11 7-026 11.05.01 Manager, Airport-Property-and-Development (air trans.) :MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.): 184.1 17-026 11.05.01 Manager, Apartment House (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 MANAGER, APARTMENT HOUSE (real estate) 1 86.1 67-0 18 11.11.01 MANAGER, AQUATIC FACILITY (amuse. & rec.) 187. 16.7- 054 11.11.02 manager, area :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183.1 17-010 11.05.02 MANAGER, AREA DEVELOPMENT (light, heat, & power) 184.1 17-030 1 1.09.03 MANAGER, ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICE (bus. ser.) 372. 167–022 11.11.04 MANAGER, ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.) 153. 1 17-014 11.12.03 manager, athletic team :HEAD COACH (amuse. & rec.): 153. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 2.01.01 MANAGER, AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION (ret. tr.) 185. 16.7-014 * 11.11.05 MANAGER, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES (any ind.) 184.1 17- 034 Manager, Aviation and Space (nonprofit organ.) :DIVISION MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (nonprofit organ.): 187.1 67-042 11.05.02 Manager, Banquet (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, FOOD SER- VICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187. 167-106 * 11.11.04 MANAGER, BARBER OR BEAUTY SHOP (per. 187. 167–058 * 11.11.04 Manager, Beer Parlor (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & rest.): 187. 167-126 11.11.04 MANAGER, BENEFITS (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-018 11.05.02 MANAGER, BOARDING HOUSE (hotel & rest.) 320. 137-010 11.11.01 Manager, Boxer (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.): 153. 1 17-014 MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.) 183.1 17-010 11.05.02 Manager, Branch Bank (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186. l l 7-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, BRANCH OPERATION EVALUATION (hotel & rest.) 187. 167–062 11.05.02 MANAGER, BRANCH STORE (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.467-0 1 0 09.04.02 MANAGER, BROKERAGE OFFICE (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-034 11.05.04 manager, building :SUPERINTENDENT, BUILDING ind.): 187. 167-190 05.02.02 MANAGER, BULK PLANT (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.) 18:1. 117- 0 1 0 05.02.07 ser.) (any manager, business promotion :MANAGER, PROMOTION (hotel & rest.): 163. 1 17-018 11.09.01 MANAGER, BUS TRANSPORTATION (motor trans.) 184. 167–054 531 Manager, Cafeteria or Lunchroom (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, FOOD SERVICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187. 167-106 + 11.11.04 MANAGER, CAMP (const.; logging) 187.167-066 05.10.04 MANAGER, CARDROOM (amuse. & rec.) 343. 137-010 11.11.02 MANAGER, CARGO-AND-RAMP-SERVICES 184.167–058 11.11.03 MANAGER, CASINO (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167–070 1 1.11.02 Manager, Catering (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, FOOD SER- VICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187. 167-106 * 11.11.04 MANAGER, CEMETERY (per. ser.) 187.167-074 11.11.04 manager, chamber of commerce :EXECUTIVE VICE PRE- SIDENT, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (nonprofit organ.): 187. 1 1 7-030 11.05.02 Manager, Chicken Hatchery (agric.) :MANAGER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 180.167-046 03.01.01 MANAGER, CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM (forestry) 180.117- 0 1 0 03.01.01 MANAGER, CIRCULATION (print. & pub.) 163.167-014 * 11.05.04 MANAGER, CITY (gov. ser.) 188. 117-114 11.05.03 Manager, City Circulation (print. & pub.) :MANAGER, CIR- CULATION (print. & pub.): 163.167-014 * 11.05.04 Manager, Classified Advertising (print. & pub.) :MANAGER, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.): 163. 167-010 11.09.01 manager, club :MANAGER, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & rest.): 187. 167-126 11.11.04 Manager, Cocktail Lounge (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & rest.): 187.167-126 11.11.04 Manager, Commerical Sales (light, heat, & power) :MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 163. 167–022 11.05.04 Manager, Commissary Service (air trans.) :MANAGER, STA- TION (air trans.): 184.167-082 11.11.03 Manager, Commodities Brokerage (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, BROKERAGE OFFICE (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-034 11.05.04 Manager, Commodities Broker Branch Office (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, BROKERAGE OFFICE (finan. inst.): 186.1 17- 034 11.05.04 MANAGER, COMMUNICATIONS STATION (tel. 184. 167–062 05.02.04 MANAGER, COMPENSATION (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-022 11.05.02 Manager, Construction Industries (nonprofit organ.) :DIVISION MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (nonprofit organ.): 187.167-042 11.05.02 Manager, Consumer Credit (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, FINAN- CIAL INSTITUTION (finan, inst.): 186.1 17-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, CONTRACTS (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 163.1 17-010 11.05.02 Manager, Contracts-and-Titles (petrol. production) :MANAGER, LAND LEASES-AND-RENTALS (petrol. production): 186.167-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, CONVENTION (hotel & 11.11.01 manager, county :MANAGER, CITY (gov. ser.): 188. 117-114 11.05.03 MANAGER, CREDIT AND COLLECTION 168. 167–054 11.06.03 MANAGER, CREDIT CARD OPERATIONS (profess. & kin.) 186. 167–022 11.05.02 MANAGER, CREDIT UNION 11.05.02 MANAGER, CUSTOMER SERVICE (tel. & tel.) 168. 167–058 11.12.01 MANAGER, CUSTOMER SERVICES (bus. 187. 167–082 05.10.02 (air trans.) & tel.) rest.) 187. 167-078 (any ind.) (finan. inst.) 186. 167–026 ser.; ret. tr.) MANAGER, CUSTOMER TECHNICAL SERVICES (profes & kin.) 1.89.1 17-018 05.02.03 MANAGER, DAIRY FARM (agric.) 180.167-026 03.01.01 Manager, Dance Floor (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGE RECREATION ESTABLISHMENT (amuse. & rec. 187.1 17-042 MANAGER, DANCE STUDIO (education) 187. 167–08 01.05.01 MANAGER, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser 187. 167–090 05.05.11 manager, dental laboratory :SUPERVISOR, DENTA LABORATORY (medical ser.): 712. 131-0 10 05.05.11 MANAGER, DEPARTMENT (any ind.) 189. 167–022 11.05.0 MANAGER, DEPARTMENT (ret. tr.) 299.137-010 * 11.11.0 MANAGER, DEPARTMENT STORE (ret. tr.) 185.1 17-01 11.05.02 MANAGER, DISPLAY (ret. tr.) 142.031-0 14 01.02.03 Manager, Display Advertising (print. & pub.) :MANAGE ADVERTISING (print. & pub.): 163.167-010 11.09.01 MANAGER, DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE (whole. tr. 185. 167-0 18 Manager, District (any ind.) ind.): 183.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 manager, division :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183. 117 0 1 0 1 1.05.02 Manager, Divisional Leasing (petrol. production) :MANAGER LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 Manager, Domestic Trade (nonprofit organ.) :DIVISIO MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (nonprofi organ.): 187. 167-042 11.05.02 Manager, Duck Hatchery (agric.) :MANAGER, POULTR HATCHERY (agric.): 180.167-046 03.01.01 MANAGER, DUDE RANCH (amuse. & rec.) 11.11.02 MANAGER, EDUCATION AND TRAINING (education 166. 167–026 11.07.03 manager, electric distribution :SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION power) I: 184.167-150 05.02.01 MANAGER, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. kin.) 169. 167–030 11.01.01 MANAGER, EMPLOYEE WELFARE 166. 1 1 7-0 14 11.05.02 MANAGER, EMPLOYMENT (profess. & kin.) 166. 167-030 11.05.02 MANAGER, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY (profess. 187. 167–098 11.11.04 manager, equipment :CUSTODIAN, ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT (amuse. & rec.): 969.367-0 10 05.09.01 MANAGER, EXPORT (any ind.) 163. 117-014 11.05.04 manager, factory :PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183. 11 7-0 14 05.02.03 Manager, Farm Underwriters (insurance) :MANAGER, SURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 MANAGER, FAST FOOD SERVICES (ret. tr.; whole. 185. 1 37-0 1 0 1 1.11.04 MANAGER, FIELD PARTY, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 181. 167-010 11.11.04 Manager, Field Underwriters (insurance) :MANAGER, SURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 Manager, Finance Company (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, FINANCIAL 186. 1 1 7–038 11.05.02 MANAGER, FISH-AND-GAME CLUB 187. 167-102 11.11.02 MANAGER, FISH HATCHERY (fish.) 180.167–030 03.01.02 MANAGER, FLIGHT CONTROL (air trans.) 184. 167–066 05.02.04 :MANAGER, BRANCH (an 187. 16.7-09 departmen (light, heat, (profess. & kin.) & kin.) IN- tr.) IN- INSTITUTION (finan. inst.) (amuse. & rec.) 532 Manager, Flight Dispatching (air trans.) :MANAGER, STA- TION (air trans.): 184. 167–082 11.11.03 MANAGER, FLIGHT KITCHEN (hotel & rest.) 319. 137-014 11.11.04 MANAGER, FLIGHT OPERATIONS (air trans.) 184.1 17-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, FLIGHT-RESERVATIONS (air trans.) 184.167– 070 1 Manager, Flight Service (air trans.) :MANAGER, STATION (air trans.): 184. 167-082 11.11.03 manager, floor :MANAGER, DEPARTMENT 299. 1 37-010 * 11.11.05 Manager, Food and Beverage (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, (ret. tr.): FOOD SERVICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187.167-106 + 11.11.04 | MANAGER, FOOD CONCESSION (hotel & rest.) 185. 16.7- 022 09.04.01 MANAGER, FOOD PROCESSING PLANT (can. & preserv.) 183. 167–026 05.02.03 manager, food production :EXECUTIVE CHEF (hotel & rest.): 187.1 6 1-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 MANAGER, FOOD SERVICE (hotel & 187. 167- 106 11.11,04 MANAGER, FORMS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.) 161.167- 014 11.06.02 MANAGER, FRONT OFFICE (hotel & rest.) 11.11.01 manager, funeral home :DIRECTOR, FUNERAL (per. ser.): 187. 167–030 * 11.11.04 Manager, Game-Animal Farm (agric.) :MANAGER, GAME BREEDING FARM (agric.): 180.167-034 03.01.02 Manager, Game-Bird Farm (agric.) :MANAGER, GAME BREEDING FARM (agric.): 180.167-034 03.01.02 rest.; per. ser.) 187. 167- 1 1 0 MANAGER, GAME BREEDING FARM (agric.) 180.167-034 03.01.02 MANAGER, 03.01.01 manager, general PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02:03 manager, general :MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZA- TION (any ind.): 189.1 17-022 * 11.05.01 manager, general :MANAGER, HOTEL OR MOTEL (hotel & rest.): 187.1 17-038 11.11.01 MANAGER, GOLF CLUB (amuse. & 11.11.02 Manager, Governmental Program (gov. ser.) :PROGRAM MANAGER (profess. & kin.): 189.167-030 11.05.02 manager, grain elevator :BUYER, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.; whole. tr.): 162. 167-010 08.01.03 manager, guest house :MANAGER, BOARDING HOUSE (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-010 11.11.01 MANAGER, GUN CLUB (amuse. & 11.11.02 MANAGER, HANDICRAFT-OR-HOBBY SHOP (amuse. & rec.) 187. 161-014 11.11.02 MANAGER, HARBOR DEPARTMENT 184. 11 7-042 11.05.03 MANAGER, HEALTH CLUB (per. ser.) 339.137-010 11.11.02 Manager, Hotel (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 MANAGER, HOTEL OR MOTEL (hotel & rest.) 187.1 17-038 11.11.01 MANAGER, HOTEL RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-122 11.11.02 manager, house :MANAGER, THEATER (amuse. & rec.): 187.1 67- 1.54 * 11.11.02 manager, household :HOUSEKEEPER, HOME (dom. 301. 1 37-0 1 0 05.12.01 MANAGER, HOUSING PROJECT (profess. & kin.) 186.167- 030 1 1.05.03 GAME PRESERVE (agric.) 180.167-038 rec.) 187. 167-1 14 rec.) 187. 167-1 18 (water trans.) ser.): Manager, Hydroponics Nursery (agric.) :MANAGER, NURSERY (agric.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 180.167-042 03.01.03 Manager, Ice-Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, SKATING RINK (amuse. & rec.): 187. 167-146 11.11.02 MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA (hotel & 3.19. 1 37-018 11.11.04 Manager, Industrial Development (r. r. trans.) :MANAGER, LAND DEVELOPMENT (real estate): 186.1 17-042 11.05.01 MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION (any ind.) 189. 1 1 7-022 * 11.05.01 Manager, Industrial Sales (light, heat, & power) :MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 163. 167–022 11.05.04 Manager, Insurance Agency (insurance) :MANAGER, SURANCE OFFICE (insurance): 186. 167–034 11.11.04 MANAGER, INSURANCE OFFICE (insurance) 186. 167–034 11.11.04 MANAGER, INTERNAL SECURITY (bus. ser.) 376. 137-010 04.01.01 MANAGER, IRRIGATION DISTRICT (waterworks) 184.1 17- 046 11.05.03 - manager, kitchen :KITCHEN SUPERVISOR (hotel & rest.): 3.10. 1 37-014 05.10.08 MANAGER, LABOR RELATIONS (profess. & kin.) 166. 16.7- 034 11.05.02 manager, land department :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 MANAGER, LAND DEVELOPMENT (real estate) 186.1 17- 0.42 11.05.01 MANAGER, LAND LEASES-AND-RENTALS (petrol. produc- tion) 186. 167–038 11.05.02 MANAGER, LAND SURVEYING (profess. & kin.) 018. 16.7- 022 05.02.06 - MANAGER, LAUNDROMAT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.1 67-0 1 0 1 1.11.04 MANAGER, LEASING 11.12.02 MANAGER, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & 187. 167-126 11.11.04 Manager, Local (any ind.) :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183. 11 7-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 - Manager, Local Advertising (print. & pub.) :MANAGER, AD- VERTISING (print. & pub.): 163.167-010 11.09.01 MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.) 320. 137- 014 11.11.01 MANAGER, MACHINERY-OR-EQUIPMENT, RENTAL AND LEASING (any ind.) 185. 167–026 11.11.05 Manager, Marina (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 Manager, Marine Life Hatchery (fish.) :MANAGER, FISH HATCHERY (fish.): 180. 167–030 03.01.02 MANAGER, MARINE SERVICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 187. 167-130 05.05.09 rest.) IN- (petrol. production) 186.1 17-046 rest.) MANAGER, MARKET (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 1.86. 167-042 11.11.05 manager, material control :MANAGER, PROCUREMENT SERVICES (profess. & kin.): 162. 167-022 11.05.02 MANAGER, MEAT SALES AND STORAGE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 167–030 11.11.05 MANAGER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 167–034 11.05.04 Manager, Mortgage Banking :MANAGER, FINANCIAL 186. 1 1 7-038 11.05.02 Manager, Motel (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 manager, motor hotel :MANAGER, HOTEL OR MOTEL (hotel & rest.): 187.1 17-038 11.11.01 manager, motor inn :MANAGER, HOTEL OR MOTEL (hotel & rest.): 187. 1 17-038 11.11.01 inst.) inst.): Company (finan. INSTITUTION (finan. 533 MANAGER, MUTUEL DEPARTMENT (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-1 34 07.03.01 Manager, National Advertising (print. & pub.) :MANAGER, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.): 163.167-010 11.09.01 Manager, Natural-Gas Utilization (petrol. production) :MANAGER, CONTRACTS (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 163.117-010 11.05.02 Manager, Newspaper Circulation (print. & pub.) :MANAGER, CIRCULATION (print. & pub.): 163.167-014 * 11.05.04 Manager, News Production (radio & tv broad.) :MANAGER, PRODUCTION (radio & tv broad.): 184.167-074 11.05.02 Manager, Night Club (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & rest.): 187.167-126 11.11.04 MANAGER, NURSERY (agric.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 180.167- 042 03.01.03 MANAGER, OFFICE (any ind.) 169.167-034 07.01.02 MANAGER, OFFICE (gov. ser.) 188.167–058 11.05.03 manager, office :ACCOUNTANT (profess. & kin.): 160.167- 010 * 11.06.01 manager of student placement service :DIRECTOR OF PLACE- MENT (education): 166. 167-014 10.01.02 manager, oil-well services :SUPERINTENDENT, OIL-WELL SERVICES (petrol. production): 010.167-018 05.02.01 manager, operating and occupancy :DIRECTOR, SERVICE (ret. tr.): 189. 167-014 11.05.02 MANAGER, OPERATIONS (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 184. 117-050 11.05.02 MANAGER, PARTS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 185. 167–038 11.11.05 Manager, Passenger Service (air trans.) :MANAGER, STA- TION (air trans.): 184.167-082 11.11.03 MANAGER, PERSONNEL (profess. & kin.) 166. 117-018 11.05.02 manager, plant :PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 manager, plant :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183.1 17- 0 1 0 1 1.05.02 MANAGER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.) 03.01.01 MANAGER, PROCUREMENT SERVICES (profess. & kin.) 162. 167–022 11.05.02 manager, product development :DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.): 189.1 17-01405.01.01 180. 16.7-046 manager, production :SUPERINTENDENT, PRODUCTION (agric.): 180.167–058 03.01.01 manager, production :PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.117-01405.02.03 manager, production :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–070 05.01.06 MANAGER, PRODUCTION (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-074 11.05.02 Manager, Production, International Broadcasting (radio & tv broad.) :MANAGER, PRODUCTION (radio & tv broad.): 184. 167-074 11.05.02 MANAGER, PRODUCTION, SEED CORN (agric.) 180.161- 0 1 0 03.01.01 MANAGER, PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT SALES-AND- SERVICE (bus. ser.) 185.167-042 11.05.04 manager, program :DIRECTOR, PROGRAM (radio & tv broad.): 184.167–030 11.05.02 MANAGER, PROMOTION (hotel 11.09.01 MANAGER, PROPERTY (real estate) 186. 167-046 11.11.04 Manager, Prorate (tel. & tel.) :CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SU- PERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-01405.05.05 manager, public service :DIRECTOR, PUBLIC SERVICE (radio & tv broad.): 184.1 17-010 11.09.03 manager, public utility, rural SUPERINTENDENT, ELECTRIC POWER (light, heat, & power): 184.167-162 05.02.01 manager, purchasing :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 & rest.) 163. 1 17-0 18 Manager, Ramp-and-Cargo Service (air trans.) :MANAGER, STATION (air trans.): 184.167-082 11.11.03 manager, range :MANAGER, GUN CLUB (amuse. & rec.): 187. 167- 1 18 11.11.02 manager, rates and schedules :MANAGER, TRAFFIC (air trans.; motor trans.; water trans.): 184.1 17-066 11.11.03 MANAGER, RECORDS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.) 161.167- 018 11.06.02 MANAGER, RECREATION ESTABLISHMENT (amuse. & rec.) 187.1 17-042 11.11.02 manager, regional :MANAGER, PRODUCTION, SEED CORN (agric.): 180.161-010 03.01.01 Manager, Regional (any ind.) :MANAGER, BRANCH (any ind.): 183.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 MANAGER, REGIONAL (motor trans.) 184.1 17-054 11.05.02 MANAGER, REPORTS ANALYSIS (profess. & kin.) 161.167- 022 11.06.02 manager, research and development :DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.): 189.1 17-01405.01.01 MANAGER, RESERVATIONS (hotel & rest.) 238.137-010 07.05.01 Manager, Reservations-and-Ticketing (air trans.) :MANAGER, STATION (air trans.): 184.167-082 11.11.03 Manager, Resident (any ind.) :JANITOR (any ind.): 382.664- 0 1 0 (05.12.18 manager, resident :MANAGER, HOTEL OR MOTEL (hotel & rest.): 187.1 17-038 11.11.01 Manager, Residential Sales (light, heat, & power) :MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 163. 167–022 11.05.04 Manager, Restaurant and Coffee Shop (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, FOOD SERVICE (hotel & rest.; per ser.): 187. 167- 106 * 11.11.04 Manager, Retail Nursery (agric.; ret. tr.) :MANAGER, NURSERY (agric.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 180.167-042 03.01.03 MANAGER, RETAIL STORE (ret. tr.) 185. 167-046 + 11.11.05 - Manager, Roller-Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, SKATING RINK (amuse. & rec.): 187. 167-146 11.11.02 Manager, Rooming House (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, BOARDING HOUSE (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-010 11.11.01 manager, safe deposits :SUPERVISOR, SAFETY DEPOSIT (finan. inst.): 186.137-010 07.01.02 MANAGER, SALES (any ind.) 163. 167-018 11.05.04 MANAGER, SALES (clean., dye., & press.) 187.167-138 11.11.04 manager, sales :MANAGER, PROMOTION (hotel & rest.): 163.11 7-0 18 11.09.01 Manager, Savings-and-Loan :MANAGER, FINANCIAL 186.1 17-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, SCHEDULE PLANNING (air trans.) 184.1 17-058 11.05.02 manager, school lunch program :DIRECTOR, FOOD SER- VICES (hotel & rest.): 187. 167–026 * 11.11.04 Manager, Securities Brokerage (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, BROKERAGE OFFICE (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-034 11.05.04 Manager, Securities Broker Branch Office (finan. inst.) :MANAGER, BROKERAGE OFFICE (finan. inst.): 186.1 17- 034 11.05.04 Manager, Self-Service Gasoline Station (ret. tr.) :MANAGER, AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION (ret. tr.): 185. 167-014 * 11.11.05 manager, service :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMA- TOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-018 05.07.02 manager, service :SUPERINTENDENT, SERVICE (hotel & rest.): 329. 137-010 09.01.04 manager, service :CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-014 05.05.05 inst.) inst.): Association (finan. INSTITUTION (finan. 534 manager, service :MANAGER, SERVICE DEPARTMENT (whole. tr.): 187. 167-142 11.11.04 MANAGER, SERVICE DEPARTMENT (whole. tr.) 187. 16.7- 142 Manager, Shellfish Hatchery (fish.) :MANAGER, HATCHERY (fish.): 180.167–030 03.01.02 MANAGER, SKATING RINK (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167- 146 11.11.02 MANAGER, SOLID-WASTE-DISPOSAL (gov. ser.) 184. 16.7- 078 05.02.06 MANAGER, SOUND EFFECTS (radio & twº broad.) 962. 16.7- 010 01.06.02 MANAGER, STAGE (amuse. & rec.) 159. 167-018 01.03.01 MANAGER, STATEMENT CLERKS (finan. inst.) 214. 137-014 07.01.04 MANAGER, STATION (air trans.) 184. 167–082 11.11.03 FISH MANAGER, STATION (radio & tv broad.) 184.1 17-062 11.05.02 manager, stockroom :STOCK SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 1 37-034 05.09.01 manager, stockroom :MANAGER, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.): I 85.1 67-038 11.11.05 MANAGER, STORAGE GARAGE (auto. ser.) 187. 167-1 50 Manager, Storeroom (hotel & rest.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 manager, student union :DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (education): 090. 167-022 11.07.03 manager, supply :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 manager, surplus property :PROPERTY-UTILIZATION OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 188. 117-122 11.12.02 Manager, Tavern (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LiOUOR ESTABLISHMENT (hotel & rest.): 187. 167-126 11.11.04 manager, technical and scientific publications :EDITOR, TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.): 132.017-018 11.08.01 MANAGER, TELEGRAPH OFFICE (tel. & tel.) 184.167-086 07.01.02 MANAGER, TEXTILE CONVERSION (bus. ser.; whole. tr.) 185. 167–050 11.11.05 MANAGER, THEATER (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-154 11.11.02 manager, theatrical production :MANAGER, TOURING PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.): 191. 1 17-038 11.11.04 manager, tire service :TIRE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (auto. ser.): 915. 134-010 05.12.01 Manager, Titles-and-Land-Records (petrol. production) :MANAGER, LAND LEASES-AND-RENTALS (petrol. production): 186, 167-038 11.05.02 MANAGER, TOBACCO WAREHOUSE (whole. tr.) 185. 16.7- 054 11.11.05 manager, touring :MANAGER, TOURING PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.): 191. 1 17-038 11.11.04 MANAGER, TOURING PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.) 191. 11 7-038 11.11.04 Manager, Tourist Camp (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 manager, town :MANAGER, CITY (gov. ser.): 188. 117-114 11.05.03 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (air trans.; motor jrans.; water trans.) 184. 11 7-066 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (any ind.) 184.167-094 11.05.02 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (motor trans.) I 184. 167-102 07.01.02 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (motor trans.) II 237.367-030 07.04.04 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (radio & twº broad.) 184. 167-090 11.12.02 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (tel. & tel.) I 184.167-098 07.01.02 MANAGER, TRAFFIC (tel. & tel.) II 184.167-106 11.11.03 Manager, Trailer Park (hotel & rest.) :MANAGER, LODGING FACILITIES (hotel & rest.): 320. 137-014 11.11.01 manager, transportation :SUPERINTENDENT, TRANSPORTA- TION (any ind.): 184.167-226 11.05.02 MANAGER, TRAVEL AGENCY (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 187. 167– 158 11.11.04 MANAGER, TRUCK TERMINAL (motor trans.) 184. 167-1 10 1 1. l I.03 Manager, Trust Company (finan, inst.) MAN AGER, FINAN- CIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): i 86. l l 7-038 i 1-05.02 Manager, Turkey Hatchery (agric.) :MANAGER, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 180. 167-046 03.01.01 MANAGER, UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE (light, heat, & power) 163. 167–022 11.05.04 MANAGER, VEHICLE LEASING AND RENTAL (auto. ser.) 187. 167- 162 11.1 i.05 manager, vending department :SUPERVISOR, COOLER SER- VICE (coin mach.): 637. 13 1-0 10 05. I 0.03 MANAGER, WAREHOUSE (any ind.) 184. 167-114 11.11.03 manager, water department :MANAGER, IRRIGATION DIS- TRICT (waterworks): 184. l l 7-046 1 1,05.03 manager, welfare :MANAGER, EMPLOYEE WELFARE (profess. & kin.): 166. I 17-0 14 11.05.02 MANAGER, WINTER SPORTS (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-166 1 1. 1 1.02 MANAGER, WORLD TRADE AND MARITIME DIVISION (nonprofit organ.) 187. 167-170 1 1.05.02 Manager, Wrestler (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.): 153. l l 7-0 l 4 11.12.03 managing editor :EDITOR, MANAGING, NEWSPAPER (print. & pub.): 132.017-0 1 0 1 1.05.01 Mandrel Cleaner (fabric. plastics prod.) TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.685-438 06.04.09 mandrel-press hand :PRINTING-ROLLER HANDLER (textile): 652.385-0 1 0 06.04.05 Mandrel Puller (fabric. plastics prod.) :TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.685-438 06.04.09 Mangle Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04. 16 Mangle Catcher (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile); 589.686- 0 1 0 06.04.16 mangle doffer :MANGLE-PRESS 583.686–022 06.04.05 mangle operator, garments :MANGLER (knit goods): 583.685- 070 06.04.05 MANGLE-PRESS CATCHER (textile) 583.686-022 06.04.05 MANGLER (knit goods) 583.685-070 06.04.05 mangler :MANGLE TENDER (textile): 584.685-042 06.04.16 MANGLE TENDER (textile) 584.685-042 06.04. 16 mangle tender, cloth :CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (knit goods): 580.485-010 06.04.05 manhole-and-underground-steam-line inspector :STEAM SER- VICE INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power): 862.361-022 05.05.03 MANICURIST (per ser.) 33 1.674-0 10 09.05.01 Manifest Clerk (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) :DOCUMENTATION-BILLING CLERK (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans. ; water trans.): 2 14.362-01 4 07.02.04 manifold operator CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 MANIPULATOR (iron & steel) 6 13.682-010 * 06.02.10 MANIPULATOR OPERATOR (forging) 612.683-010 06.04.02 MANNEQUIN-MOLD MAKER (model & pattern) 739.381- ()46 06.01.04 MANNEQUIN MOUNTER (model & pattern) 739.684-1 18 06.02.22 MANNEQUIN SANDER AND FINISHER (model & pattern) 739.684-122 06.02.32 MANNEQUIN WIG MAKER (hairwork) 739.38 1-042 06.01.04 CATCHER (textile): 535 MANOMETER TECHNICIAN (Ore dress., smelt., &, refin.) 519.387-010 06.03.01 MANUAL-ARTS THERAPIST (medical 10.02.02 manual hardener :HARDENER (hat & cap): 784.684-034 06.04.27 MANUAL-PLATE 06.04.24 MANUAL WINDER (musical inst.) 730.684-046 06.02.23 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.) 638.261-018 * 05.05.09 manufacturers’ agent :MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTA- TIVE (whole. tr.): 279. 157-010 08.02.01 MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTATIVE 279. 157-010 08.02.01 MANUFACTURING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167- 042 05.01.06 manufacturing engineer, chief :DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (any ind.): 189.1 17-0 14 05.01.01 MANUGRAPHER (signs) 970.681-022 01.06.03 Manuscript Reader (print. & pub.) :EDITORIAL ASSISTANT (print. & pub.): 132.267-014 11.08.01 MAP-AND-CHART MOUNTER (print. & pub.) 979.684-022 06.02.26 MAP CLERK (insurance) 209.587-030 07.05.03 Map Colorer (print. & pub.) :COLORER (print. & pub.): 970.681-01 4 01.06.03 Maple-Products Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :MAPLE-SIRUP MAKER (food prep., n.e.c.): 523.382-014 06.02.15 MAPLE-SIRUP MAKER (food prep., n.e.c.) 523.382-014 06.02.15 Map Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL LIBRARY (library): 100.167–026 11.02.04 map maker :DRAFTER, CARTOGRAPHIC (profess. & kin.): 018.261-010 05.03.02 mapper :DRAFTER, CARTOGRAPHIC (profess. & kin.): 0 18.261-010 05.03.02 Marble Carver (stonework) :STONE CARVER (Stonework): 771.281-01 4 01.06.02 Marble Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * marble coper :COPER, HAND (stonework): 771.384-010 06.02.30 Marble-Cutter Operator (stonework) :CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 677.462-010 marbleizing-machine tender SPLASH-LINE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.); 559.665-034 06.04.19 MARBLE-MACHINE TENDER (glass 06.04.13 Marble Polisher, Hand (stonework) :STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework): 775.664-0 10 06.04.30 Marble Polisher, Machine (stonework) :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382-018 06.02.08 MARBLE SETTER (const.) 861.381-030 05.05.01 Marble-Setter Helper (const.) CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Marceller (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.271- 0 1 0 * 09.02.01 MARGIN CLERK (finan. inst.) I 2 16.382-042 07.02.02 MARGIN CLERK (finan. inst.) II 2 16.382-046 07.02.02 margin trimmer INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 238 06.04.05 margin trimmer :EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 150 06.04.05 Marine Biologist (profess. & kin.) AQUATIC BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-022 02.02.03 marine clerk : CARGO CHECKER (water trans.): 222.367-010 05.09.03 Marine Driller 05.10.01 ser.) 076.124-010 FILLER (ammunition) 737.687–082 (whole. tr.) mfg.) 575,685-058 (const.) : DIVER (any ind.): 899.261-010 marine-electrician apprentice :ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 825.381-034 05.05.05 MARINE ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 014.061-01405.01.03 marine engineer :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197.130-010 * 05.06.02 marine-engine-installation-and-repairer apprentice :MACHINIST APPRENTICE, MARINE ENGINE (ship & boat blog. & rep.); 623.281-018 05.05.09 marine-engine mechanic :MACHINIST, MARINE ENGINE (ship & boat blog. & rep.); 623.281-026 05.05.09 marine erector :MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 623.281-030 05.05.09 Marine-Insurance-Claim Adjuster (bus. ser.; insurance):CLAIM ADJUSTER (bus. Ser.; insurance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 Marine-Insurance-Claim Examiner (bus. ser.; insurance) :CLAIM EXAMINER (bus. Ser.; insurance): 241.267-018 11.12.01 marine machinist :MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blóg. & rep.); 623.281-030 05.05.09 marine-machinist apprentice :MACHINIST APPRENTICE, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 623.281-022 05.05.09 MARINE OILER (water trans.) 9 11.584-010 05.12.08 Marine-Radio Installer-and-Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.): 823.281-01405.05.05 MARINE RAILWAY OPERATOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 921.662-022 05.11.04 Marine-Service-Station Attendant (water :AUTOMOBILE-SELF-SERVE-SERVICE-STATION TENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.477-010 09.04.02 MARINE SURVEYOR (profess. & kin.) 014. 167-010 05.03.06 Marine Underwriter (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 MARKER (any ind.) I 781.384-01406.02.31 MARKER (any ind.) II 920.687-126 ° 06.04.37 MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.687-026 05.09.01 MARKER (firearms) 652.582-010 06.02.02 MARKER (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.) 781.687-042 06.04.27 Marker (iron & Steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel): 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 marker :LOG MARKER (logging): 455.687-010 03.04.02 MARKER (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 209.587-034 05.09.03 marker :PATTERN MARKER (woodworking) II: 761.684-022 06.04.25 marker assembler ASSEMBLER, MARKING DEVICES (pen & pencil): 733.687-010 06.04.23 MARKER, COMPANY (tobacco) 529.567-014 05.09.03 marker, delivery :ROUTER (clerical): 222.587-038 07.07.02 MARKER, HAND (boot & Shoe) 788.584-014 06.04.27 marker, hand :GREY-GOODS MARKER (textile): 229.587-010 05.09.03 MARKER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe) 690.685–282 06.04.05 marker, shipments :STENCILER (any ind.): 920.687-178 06.04.37 Market-Basket Maker (basketry) I :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 Market-Basket Maker (basketry) II 769.684–054 () 6.04.34 MARKET-RESEARCH ANALYST (profess. & kin.) I 050.067- 014 11.06.03 Market-Research Analyst (profess. & kin.) II :PSYCHOLOGIST, INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-030 11.03.01 marking clerk :MARKER (ret. tr., whole, tr.): 05.09.03 MARKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery; house furn.; knit goods) 652.685-050 06.04.37 MARKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.05 MARKING-MACHINE TENDER (boot & shoe; leather prod.) 783.685-026 06.04.05 trans.) AT- :WEAVER (basketry): 209.587-034 (textile) 652.685-046 536 MARKING STITCHER (garment) 781.687-046 06.04.27 MARK-UP DESIGNER (glass mfg.) 775.684-050 06.02.31 MARSHALL (amuse. & rec.) 153.384-010 12.01.02 Marsh-Buggy Operator (const.) :TRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 929.683-014 05.11.04 marshmallow-machine worker :DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 524.682-010 06.02.15 Marshmallow Maker (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.): 526.382-01406.02.15 Marshmallow Packer (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 Marshmallow Runner (confection.) :CENTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.682-01 4 06.02.15 marzipan maker ALMOND-PASTE MIXER (confection.): 529.36 1–0 1 0 06.01.04 marzipan molder ALMOND-PASTE MOLDER (confection.): 520.684-0 1 0 06.04.32 MASHER (malt liquors) 522.482-010 06.02.15 mash-feed-mixer operator :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 MASH-FILTER-CLOTH CHANGER (malt liquors) 529.667- O 1 4 06.04.15 MASH-FILTER OPERATOR 06.04.15 mash-filter-press operator :MASH-FILTER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 521.565-01406.04.15 mash-floor operator :MOLASSES PREPARER (food prep., n.e.c.): 522.685-078 06.04.15 MASH GRINDER (dairy prod.) 520.685-130 06.04.15 MASH-TUB-COOKER OPERATOR (distilled liquors) 522.382- 022 06.02.15 MASKER (any ind.) 749.687-018 06.04.34 MASKER (clock & watch) 715.687-086 06.04.33 Mask Former (electronics) :DISPLAY-SCREEN FABRICATOR (electronics): 725.685-010 06.04.19 MASKING-MACHINE FEEDER (plastics mat.) 920.586-010 06.04.02 MASKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 554.682- 014 06.04.38 Masonry Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 MASSEUR/MASSEUSE (per. ser.) 334.374-010 09.05.01 Master, Bays, Sounds, and Lakes (water trans.) :MASTER, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 167-010 05.04.02 Master, Coastal Waters (water trans.) :MASTER, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 167-010 05.04.02 Master, Coastwise Yacht (water trans.) :MASTER, YACHT (water trans.): 197. 133-01405.04.02 Master, Great Lakes (water trans.) :MASTER, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 167-010 05.04.02 master hypnotist :HYPNOTHERAPIST (profess. 079. 157-0 1 0 10.02.02 Master, Ocean (water trans.) :MASTER, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 16.7-0 1 0 05.04.02 Master, Ocean Yacht (water trans.) :MASTER, YACHT (water trans.): 197. 133-014 05.04.02 MASTER, PASSENGER BARGE (water trans.) 197.163-014 05.04.02 master-pattern maker :DESIGNER AND PATTERNMAKER (boot & shoe): 788.281-010 05.05.15 Master Rigger (air trans.) :PARACHUTE RIGGER (air trans.): 9 12.684-0 1 0 06.04.38 MASTER, RIVERBOAT (water trans.) 197. 163-018 05.04.02 Master-Sheet Clerk (insurance) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582- O66 * 07.06.02 MASTER, SHIP (water trans.) 197. 167-010 05.04.02 Master, Steam Yacht (water trans.) :MASTER, YACHT (water trans.): 197. 133-01 4 05.04.02 master-tailor apprentice :TAILOR APPRENTICE, CUSTOM (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-022 05.05.15 (malt liquors) 521.565-014 & kin.): MASTER, YACHT (water trans.) 197. 133-014 05.04.02 MATCHBOOK ASSEMBLER (match) 649.685-074 06.04.04 matcher :ASSEMBLER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-0 1 0 * 06.03.02 matcher ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 Matcher (garment) :MARKER (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.): 78.1.687-042 06.04.27 MATCHER, LEATHER PARTS (leather prod.) 783.687-022 06.03.02 MATCH-UP WORKER (garment) 782.684-038 06.04.27 MAT CUTTER (mirror & pic. frames) 739.684-126 06.04.34 Mate, Chief (water trans.) :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-022 05.04.02 Mate, First (water trans.) :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-022 05.04.02 MATE, FISHING VESSEL (fish.) 197. 133-018 03.04.03 Mate, Fourth (water trans.) :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-022 05.04.02 Mate, Relief (water trans.) 197. 133-022 05.04.02 MATERIAL ASSEMBLER (hat & cap) 784.687–050 06.03.02 material checker :MATERIAL CLERK (clerical): 222.387-034 05.09.03 MATERIAL CLERK (clerical) 222.387-034 05.09.03 :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): material combiner CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 material control expediter :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-014 05.09.02 MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical) 221. 167-014 05.09.02 MATERIAL-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; mfa. blags.) 921. 1 37-01 4 05.11.04 material cutter :BAND-SAWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. prod., n.e.c.); 690.485-010 06.04.09 MATERIAL EXPEDITER (clerical) 221.367-042 * 05.09.02 MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.) 929.687-030 * MATERIAL-HANDLING SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 921. 133- 018 05.12.01 Material Hauler (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 MATERIAL INSPECTOR (cooperage) 764.387-014 05.07.06 MATERIAL LISTER (const.) 229.387-010 05.03.02 material planner :MATERIAL SCHEDULER aerospace mfg.): 012. 187-010 05.03.03 material-release analyst :MATERIAL SCHEDULER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 012. 187-010 05.03.03 MATERIAL SCHEDULER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 012. 187- 0 1 0 05.03.03 MATERIALS ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.06 materials-handling coordinator :METAL-CONTROL COOR- DINATOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 222. 167-010 05.09.01 materials inspector :SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quarrying): 579.484-010 02.04.01 materials-make-up operator :MAKE-UP OPERATOR (chem.): 559.382-034 06.02.11 (aircraft- & kin.) 019.06 1-014 MATERIALS SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 029.081-014 02.01.02 Material Stockkeeper, Yard (petrol. production) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 Mate, Second (water trans.) :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-022 05.04.02 MATE, SHIP (water trans.) 197. 133-022 05.04.02 Mate, Third (water trans.) :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-022 05.04.02 º MATHEMATICAL TECHNICIAN (profess, & kin.) 020.162- 0 1 0 1 1.01.02 MATHEMATICIAN (profess. & kin.) 020.067-014 * Mathematician, Applied (profess. & kin.) :MATHEMATICIAN (profess. & kin.): 020.067-014 * 02.01.01 537 Mathematician, Research :MATHEMATICIAN (profess. 02.01.01 MAT INSPECTOR (build. board) 575.687-022 06.03.02 MAT-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. board) 579.662-010 06.02.09 Mat-Machine Tender (basketry) (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 MAT-MAKING MACHINE TENDER (matt. & bedspring) 692.685-122 06.04.09 MAT PACKER (build. board) 579.686-01 4 06.04.38 MAT PUNCHER (rubber goods) 690.685–286 06.04.07 MAT REPAIRER (rubber goods) 759.684-042 06.04.29 MATRIX-BATH ATTENDANT (phonograph) 500.384-014 06.04.21 (profess. & kin.) & kin.): 020,067-014 * :BASKET ASSEMBLER MATRIX-DRIER TENDER (paper & pulp) 532.585-010 06.04.14 matrix inspector :QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (phonograph): 194.387-010 06.03.01 MATRIX INSPECTOR (type founding) 654.687-010 06.03.02 MATRIX PLATER (phonograph) 500.384-010 06.02.21 MATRIX WORKER (phonograph) 500.684-014 06.04.24 mat selector :END FINDER, ROVING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.): 689.687-038 06.04.27 MAT SEWER (oils & fats) 529.687-154 06.04.27 Matte Cutter (motion pic.) :DENSITY CONTROL PUNCHER (motion pic.): 976.684-010 05.10.05 MAT TESTER (build. board) 579.387-010 06.03.01 Matting Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 MATTING-PRESS TENDER (rubber 06.04.13 MATTRESS-FILLING-MACHINE TENDER (matt. spring) 780.685-010 06.04.20 MATTRESS FINISHER (matt. 06.02.27 Mattress Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 MATTRESS MAKER (matt. 06.02.27 Mattress Packer (matt, & bedspring) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 MATTRESS-SPRING ENCASER (matt. & bedspring) 780.687– 030 06.04.22 MATTRESS STRIPPER (matt. goods) 556.685-042 & bed- & bedspring) 780.684-070 & bedspring) 780.684-074 & bedspring) 780.687-026 06.04.27 MATURITY CHECKER (can. & preserv.) 529.485-022 06.03.01 Matzo-Forming-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :CRACKER- AND-COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520,482–0 1 0 06.02.15 Mayonnaise Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) :MIXER-AND- BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.685-154 06.04.15 meal cook : COOKER, MEAL (oils & fats): 523.685-034 06.04.15 MEAL-GRINDER TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-210 06.04.15 meal temperer COOKER, MEAL (oils & fats): 523.685-034 06.04.15 measurement superintendent SUPERINTENDENT, MEA- SUREMENT (petrol. production; pipe lines): 184. 167-190 05.02.01 measurer :MEASURING-MACHINE OPERATOR mfg.): 589.685-070 06.03.02 measurer :STONE GRADER (mining & quarrying): 679.567– 0 1 0 06.03.02 MEASURER (ret. tr.) 869.367-014 05.09.02 (leather MEASURER (Struct. 05.09.02 measurer, machine :CLOTH MEASURER, MACHINE (garment; textile): 589.685-022 06.03.02 - MEASURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.) 589.685- 070 06.03.02 & measuring-machine tender :HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile): 689.685-078 06.03.02 measuring percher-and-inspector :CLOTH MEASURER, MACHINE (garment; textile): 589.685-022 06.03.02 MEAT BLENDER (can. & preserv.) 529.685-166 06.04.15 meat carver :CARVER (hotel & rest.): 3 16.661-010 05.10.08 MEAT CLERK (ret. tr.) 222.684-010 05.09.01 Meat Counter Clerk (ret. tr.) :SALES CLERK, FOOD (ret. tr.): 290,477-018 09.04.02 meat cutter :BUTCHER, MEAT (hotel & rest.): 316.681-010 05.10.08 MEAT CUTTER (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 316.684-018 * 05.10.08 MEAT-CUTTER APPRENTICE (ret. tr., whole, tr.) 316.684- 022 05.10.08 Meat-Cutting-Block Repairer (any ind.) :CARPENTER, MAIN- TENANCE (any ind.): 860.281-010 05.05.02 MEAT DRESSER (agric.) 525.664-010 03.04.05 MEAT-GRADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nut 521.685–2 18 06.04.15 - MEAT GRINDER (slaught. 06.04.15 Meat Inspector (ret. tr., whole, tr.) :MEAT CUTTER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 31 6.684-018 * 05.10.08 meat smoker :SMOKER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.682-010 06.02.15 Meat Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF-SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-0 14 05.09.01 Meat Wrapper (ret. tr.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 & ornam. metalwork) 869.487-010 process.) & meat pack.) 521.685-214 mechanic :REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 630.281-022 05.05.09 mechanic, accessory rework-and-repair :MECHANIC, AIR- CRAFT ACCESSORIES (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 621.38 1- 0 1 4 05.10.02 MECHANIC, AIRCRAFT ACCESSORIES (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.381-01405.10.02 MECHANIC, AIRCRAFT RIGGING AND CONTROLS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.281-038 06.01.04 mechanical adjuster :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER (auto mfg.) 806.684-082 06.02.22 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER, PANELING (auto. mfg.) 807.684-030 06.04.22 MECHANICAL-DESIGN ENGINEER, FACILITIES (profess. & kin.) 007.061-018 05.01.07 MECHANICAL-DESIGN ENGINEER, PRODUCTS (profess. & kin.) 007.061-022 05.01.07 mechanical design technician :ENGINEERING ASSISTANT, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.): 007.161- 018 05.03.02 MECHANICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 007.061-014 * 05.01.08 MECHANICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-026 05.01.01 mechanical inspector :INSPECTOR AND TESTER (agric. equip.); 624.361-010 06.01.05 mechanical inspector :ELECTROMECHANICAL INSPECTOR (inst. & app.); 710.381-018 06.01.05 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR (petrol. 05.07.01 MECHANICAL-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any 638.131-026 05.05.09 refin.) 549.261-010 ind.) 538 mechanical-meter tester :FIELD-MECHANICAL-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 953.28 1-0 10 05.05.09 MECHANICAL OXIDIZER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662– O 1 4 06.02.18 mechanical-press operator :PELLET-PRESS (chem.); 555.685-042 06.04.11 MECHANICAL RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-022 05.01.01 MECHANICAL-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 932.683-01 8 r mechanical-spreader operator :ASPHALT-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 mechanical striper :STRIPER, SPRAY GUN 74 1.687–022 06.04.33 mechanical technician 600.280-0 1 0 mechanical technician :MECHANICAL-ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007.161-026 ° 05.01.01 MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN, LABORATORY (clock & watch) 715.261-010 02.04.01 MECHANICAL-TEST TECHNICIAN (inst. & app.) 869.261- 0 1 4 05.05.06 MECHANICAL-UNIT REPAIRER (auto. ser.; loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 620.381-018 05.05.09 OPERATOR (any ind.): :INSTRUMENT MAKER (any ind.): mechanic, chief :SUPERVISOR, GARAGE (auto. ser.): 620. 13 1-0 1 4 05.05.09 MECHANIC, ENDLESS TRACK VEHICLE (auto, ser.) 620.38 1-0 1 4 05.05.09 mechanic, engineering research :EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) II: 621.281-022 05.05.09 mechanic, experimental aircraft :EXPERIMENTAL-AIRCRAFT MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.260-014 05.05.09 MECHANIC, FIELD AND SERVICE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.28 1-026 05.05.09 MECHANIC, FLOWMETER TEST AND CERTIFICATION (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.381-018 05.05.09 mechanic, general functional test :TESTER, PLUMBING SYSTEMS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-054 06.01.05 mechanic helper :PUMP-SERVICER HELPER (any ind.): 630.684-022 05.12.15 mechanic helper :AUTOMOBILE-MECHANIC HELPER (auto. ser.): 620.684-014 05. 12.15 mechanic helper :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC HELPER (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines): 620.664-01405.10.02 MECHANIC, INDUSTRIAL TRUCK (any ind.) 620.281-050 05.05.09 mechanic, marine engine :ENGINEER (water trans.): 197. 130- 0 1 0 * 05.06.02 - mechanic, trouble-shooting :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-018 05.07.02 MECHANISM ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-142 * 06.04.23 media center director, school :MEDIA SPECIALIST, SCHOOL LIBRARY (library): 100. 167-030 11.02.04 . MEDIA CLERK (bus. ser.) 247.382-010 07.02.04 MEDIA SPECIALIST, SCHOOL LIBRARY (library) 100. 16.7- 030 1 1.02.04 mediator :CONCILIATOR (profess. & kin.): 169.207-010 11.04.03 Medical Anthropologist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST, PHYSICAL (profess. & kin.): 055.067-0 1 4 02.02.01 MEDICAL-APPARATUS MODEL MAKER (inst. 71.2.261-010 05.05.11 MEDICAL ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.367-010 * 10.03.02 medical clerk :HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.): 205.362-018 * 07.04.01 & app.) medical examiner :CORONER 168. 1 6 1–010 02.02.01 medical-fee clerk :MEDICAL-VOUCHER CLERK (insurance): 2 14.482-018 07.02.04 MEDICAL-INSTRUMENT-CABLE FABRICATOR (inst. & app.) 712.681-022 06.02.23 (gov. ser.): MEDICAL-LABORATORY ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 078.38 1-0 1 0 (02.04.02 MEDICAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.38 1-0 14 * 02.04.02 Medical Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN, SPECIAL LIBRARY (library): 100. 167–026 11.02.04 MEDICAL OFFICER (gov. ser.) 070. 101-046 Medical Parasitologist (profess. & kin.) :PARASITOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-070 02.02.01 medical pathologist :PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.061- 0 1 0 (02.02.01 Medical Photographer (medical ser.) :BIOLOGICAL PHOTOG- RAPHER (profess. & kin.): 143.362-010 02.04.02 MEDICAL PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 079.021-01402.02.01 Medical Physiologist (medical ser.) :PHYSIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-078 02.02.03 medical record administrator :MEDICAL RECORD TECHNI- CIAN (medical ser.): 0.79.367-014 07.05.03 MEDICAL-RECORD ADMINISTRATOR (medical ser.) 079. 16.7-014 11.07.02 MEDICAL-RECORD CLERK (medical ser.) 245.362-010 07.05.03 Medical-Records Auditor (medical (clerical): 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 MEDICAL RECORD TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 079.367- 0 1 4 07.05.03 MEDICAL SECRETARY (medical ser.) 201.362-014 07.01.03 Medical Sociologist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 Medical-Statement Approver (insurance) (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 1 1.06.03 Medical Stenographer (clerical) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 medical technician :MEDICAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.381-014 * 02.04.01 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.361-014 * 02.04.02 medical technologist, bacteriology :MICROBIOLOGY TECHNOLOGIST (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.): 078.261-01 4 02.04.02 medical technologist, chemistry :CHEMISTRY TECHNOLO- GIST (medical ser.): 078.261-010 02.04.02 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, CHIEF (medical ser.) 078.161- 0 1 0 (02.04.02 medical technologist, histology :TISSUE TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.361-030 02.04.02 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, TEACHING SUPERVISOR (medical ser.) 078. 121-010 02.04.02 Medical Transcriber (clerical) :TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-058 07.06.02 ser.) : AUDIT CLERK :UNDERWRITER MEDICAL-VOUCHER CLERK (insurance) 214.482-0 18 07.02.04 Medicinal-Plant Picker (agric.) :FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry): 453.687-010 03.04.02 Melangeur Operator (choc. & cocoa) :MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 520.685-1 50 06.04.15 MELLOWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685- O66 06.04.16 Melon Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 melter :WAX-POT TENDER (found.): 553.685-1 10 06.04.32 MELTER (jewelry) 700.687-042 06.04.24 melter :SUNGLASS-CLIP ATTACHER 7 13.687-042 06.04.23 (optical goods): 539 melter assistant :FIRST HELPER (iron & Steel): 512.362-010 06.02.10 MELTER CLERK (found.) 221.387-042 05.09.02 Melter Loader (slaught. & meat pack.) COOKER LOADER (grease & tallow): 921.685-030 06.04.40 MELTER OPERATOR (sugar) 523.382-018 06.02.15 MELTER SUPERVISOR (iron & Steel) 5 12. 132-010 06.04.01 Melter Supervisor, Electric-Arc Furnace (iron & steel) :MELTER SUPERVISOR (iron & steel): 512.132-010 06.04.01 Melter Supervisor, Open-Hearth Furnace (iron & :MELTER SUPERVISOR (iron & steel): 06.04.01 Melter Supervisor, Oxygen Furnace (iron & steel) :MELTER SUPERVISOR (iron & steel): 512. 132-010 06.04.01 Melt-House Centrifugal Operator (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 MELT-HOUSE DRAG OPERATOR (sugar) 529.687-158 06.04.40 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 11.09.02 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY (nonprofit organ.) 201.362-018 07.01.02 Membership Secretary (profess. & kin.) :ASSOCIATION EX- ECUTIVE (profess. & kin.): 189. 117-0 1 0 1 1.05.01 MEMBERSHIP SOLICITOR (any ind.) 293.357-022 08.02.08 memorandum-statement clerk :CANCELLATION CLERK (insurance): 203.382-01 4 07.02.02 MEMORIAL DESIGNER (Stonework) 142.061-030 01.02.03 Memory-Unit Test Technician (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-01 4 06.01.05 Men's Garment Fitter (ret, tr.) :GARMENT FITTER (ret. tr.): 785.361-01 4 05.05.15 Men's Leather-Dress-Belt Maker (leather prod.) :LEATHER- BELT MAKER (leather prod.); 690.685-266 06.04.05 menagerie caretaker :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-0 1 0 03.03.02 MENDER (any ind.) 787.682-030 06.02.05 MENDER (carpet & rug; textile) 782.684-042 * 06.02.27 mender .NETTING INSPECTOR (cord. & twine): 782.487-010 06.03.02 MENDER (hat & cap) 784.684-046 06.04.34 mender :PARACHUTE MENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.684- 038 05.10.04 Mender (trim. & embroid.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & embroid.): 787.682-070 06.02.05 mender, hand :HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery): 782.684-030 06.02.27 MENDER, KNIT GOODS (garment; knit goods) 782.684-046 06.02.27 mender, machine :HOSIERY MENDER (hosiery): 782.684-030 06.02.27 mercerizer SODA-ROOM OPERATOR 551.687-034 06.04.19 mercerizer :YARN-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile) I: 584.685-054 06.04.16 mercerizer CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERATOR 584.685-01 4 06.04.16 mercerizer : Y ARN-MERCERIZER OPERATOR 584.685–058 06.02.16 mercerizer-machine operator :YARN-MERCERIZER OPERA- TOR (textile) II: 584.685-058 06.02.16 mercerizer-machine operator :YARN-MERCERIZER OPERA- TOR (textile) I: 584.685-054 O6.04.16 mercerizer-machine operator CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERA- TOR (textile); 584.685-01 4 06.04.16 mercerizing-range controller CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERA- TOR (textile); 584.685-01 4 06.04.16 Mercerizing-Range Feeder (textile) :CLOTH FEEDER (textile): 589.686-01 4 06.04.16 steel) 5 12. 132-010 189. 167–026 (synthetic fibers): (textile): (textile) II: Merchandise-Adjustment Clerk (ret. tr.) :CUSTOMER-COM- PLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 Merchandise Carrier (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * MERCHANDISE DISTRIBUTOR 07.05.04 merchandise marker :MARKER (ret. tr., whole. tr.): 209.587- 034 05.09.03 merchandise supervisor APPLIANCE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 187. 167-010 05.02.06 merchandising representative :SURVEY WORKER (clerical): 205.367–054 * MERCHANT PATROLLER (bus. Ser.) 372.667–038 04.02.02 Mercury-Cell Cleaner (chem.) :CELL CHANGER (chem.): 826.684-01 4 05.10.03 MERCURY-CRACKING TESTER (ammunition) 737.687-086 06.03.02 MERCURY PURIFIER (chem.) 551.585-014 06.04.11 mercury recoverer :MERCURY WASHER (chem.); 551.685- 098 MERCURY WASHER (chem.) 551.685-098 06.04.11 Merry-Go-Round Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 MESH CUTTER (jewelry) 700.684-050 06.02.24 MESS ATTENDANT (water trans.) 350.677-010 09.05.02 Mess Attendant, Crew (water trans.) :MESS ATTENDANT (water trans.): 350.677-010 09.05.02 Mess Attendant, Officers' Room (water trans.) :MESS ATTEN- DANT (water trans.): 350.677-010 09.05.02 - Mess Attendant, Officers' Salon (water trans.) :MESS ATTEN- DANT (water trans.): 350.677-010 09.05.02 messenger :DELIVERER, OUTSIDE (clerical): 07.07.02 MESSENGER, BANK (finan, inst.) 230.367-014 07.05.04 MESSENGER, COPY (print. & pub.) 239.677-010 07.07.02 Messenger, Office (clerical) :OFFICE HELPER (clerical): 239.567-0 1 0 07.07.03 Metal Baler (any ind.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 Metal-Base Reclaimer (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 METAL-BED ASSEMBLER (furn.) 706.684-082 06.02.22 METAL-BONDING CRIB ATTENDANT (glue) 550.564-010 06.02.32 METAL-BONDING PRESS OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.682-010 06.02.02 metal bumper :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 metal cleaner CLEANER, FURNITURE (furn.): 709.687-014 06.04.39 METAL-CLEANER, 06.04.39 METAL-CONTROL COORDINATOR (nonfer metal alloys) 222. 16.7-0 1 0 05.09.01 METAL CONTROL WORKER (found.) 512.487-010 06.03.01 Metal-Door Assembler (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, UNIT (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.68 1-0 1 0 06.02.22 Metal Expediter (nonfer. metal alloys) :REMELT-FURNACE EXPEDITER (nonfer. metal alloys): 512. 132-018 06.04.01 metal extrusion supervisor SUPERVISOR, EXTRUSION (forging): 614. 132-014 METAL-FABRICATING-SHOP HELPER (any ind.) 619.686- 022 06.04.02 metal fabricator ASSEMBLER, SUBASSEMBLY aerospace mfg.): 806.484-010 06.02.22 METAL FABRICATOR (any ind.) 619.360-014 * 05.05.06 METAL-FABRICATOR APPRENTICE (any ind.) 619.360-018 05.05.06 - (ret. tr.) 219.367-018 230.667-0 1 0 IMMERSION (any ind.) 503.685-030 (aircraft- 540 METAL FABRICATOR HELPER (any ind.) 619.685-066 06.04.02 Metal-Fence Erector (const.) :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684-022 05.10.01 METAL FINISHER (any ind.) 705.684-034 06.04.24 metal finisher :FINISHER, DENTURE (medical ser.): 712.681- 018 * 05.05.11 METAL-FINISH INSPECTOR (any ind.) 703.687-01406.03.02 METAL-FINISH INSPECTOR (furn.) 703.687-018 06.03.02 Metal-Frame Inserter (optical goods) :LENS MOUNTER (optical goods) II: 713.681-010 05.05.11 metal-furniture assembler ASSEMBLER, METAL FURNI- TURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 Metal Furrer (const.) :LATHER (const.): 05.10.01 Metal-Hairpin Carder 920.685-034 06.04.38 METAL HANGER (mfa. blags.; trans, equip.) 809.684-030 06.02.22 metal-honeycomb processor :HONEY COMB-BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 metalizer, field operation :METAL SPRAYER, CORROSION PREVENTION (any ind.): 843.482-010 05.12.14 metalizer, machined parts :METAL SPRAYER, MACHINED PARTS (any ind.): 505.380-010 06.01.03 metalizing-machine operator, automatic :METAL-SPRAYING- MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) I: 505.382-010 06.02.21 Metal Lather (const.) 05.10.01 metal-leaf gilder :GILDER (any ind.): 749.381-010 01.06.03 metal-leaf layer :GILDER (any ind.): 749.381-010 01.06.03 METALLIC-Y ARN-SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.685-070 06.04.02 METALLOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-01405.01.04 metallurgical analyst :LABORATORY ASSISTANT, METAL- LURGICAL (iron & steel): 01.1.281-010 02.04.01 metallurgical inspector :LABORATORY ASSISTANT, METALLURGICAL (iron & steel): 0 1 1.281-010 02.04.01 metallurgical-laboratory assistant :METALLURGICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 01 1.261-010 * 02.04.01 METALLURGICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 01 1.261- 010 * metallurgical tester :METALLURGICAL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0 1 1.261-010 * 02.04.01 METALLURGIST, EXTRACTIVE (profess. & kin.) 01:1.061- 018 05.01.06 METALLURGIST, PHYSICAL (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.061-022 02.01.02 metallurgist, process :METALLURGIST, (profess. & kin.): 0 1 1.061-018 05.01.06 Metal-Mine Inspector (mining & quarrying) :MINE INSPEC- TOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 metal mover :FRUIT COORDINATOR (can. & preserv.): 529. 16.7-010 05.09.02 Metal Polisher (any ind.) :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR IN- STITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * metal-polisher-and-buffer apprentice :POLISHER PRENTICE (any ind.): 705.684-066 06.04.24 metal pourer :CASTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 514.684- 0 1 0 06.04.24 METAL-REED TUNER (any ind.) 730.381-034 05.05.12 METAL SANDER AND FINISHER (furn.) 705.687-0 18 06.04.24 Metal-Sash Setter (const.) :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 Metal Screen, Storm Door, and Window Builder (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :FABRICATOR-ASSEMBLER, METAL PRODUCTS (any ind.): 809.381-010 06.02.24 842.361-010 * (any ind.) :CARDER (any ind.): :LATHER (const.): 842.361-010 * EXTRACTIVE AP– metal shrinker :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 Metal Sorter (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 Metal-Spinning Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.); 619.130-030 06.02.01 METAL-SPONGE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 616.685-038 06.04.02 METAL SPRAYER, CORROSION PREVENTION (any ind.) 843.482-010 05.12.14 METAL SPRAYER, MACHINED PARTS (any ind.) 505.380- 010 06.01.03 METAL SPRAYER, PRODUCTION (any ind.) 505.684-014 06.04.33 metal sprayer, protective coating :METAL SPRAYER, COR- ROSION PREVENTION (any ind.): 843.482-010 05.12.14 METAL-SPRAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) I 505.382-010 06.02.21 METAL-SPRAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) II 505.685-01406.04.21 Metal-Spraying-Machine Operator, Crucible Gun (any ind.) :METAL-SPRAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (any ind.) I: 505.382-010 06.02.21 metal-spray operator :METAL SPRAYER, MACHINED PARTS (any ind.): 505.380-010 06.01.03 Metal-Storage Worker (nonfer, metal alloys) :INDUSTRIAL- TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 metal-tile lather :ACOUSTICAL CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-010 05.05.02 Metal-Tile Setter (const.; ret. tr.) :SOFT-TILE SETTER (const.; ret. tr.): 861.381-034 05.05.01 metal-trim erector :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 METAL-WASHING-MACHINE equip.) 503.685-034 06.04.21 Metal-Window-Screen Assembler (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, UNIT (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.681-010 06.02.22 metal worker :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. Ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 METEOROLOGICAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any 823.281-018 05.05.10 meteorological technician :WEATHER OBSERVER (profess. & kin.): 025.267-01402.04.01 METEOROLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 025.062-010 02.01.01 meter-and-service-line inspector :GAS-METER CHECKER (light, heat, & power): 953.367-01405.07.01 Meter Assembler (photo. apparatus) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUC- TION LINE (photo. apparatus): 714.684-010 06.02.23 Meter Attendant (gov. ser.) :PARKING ENFORCEMENT OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 375.587-010 * 04.02.02 meter-changes records clerk :HISTORY-CARD CLERK (light, heat, & power): 209.587-022 07.05.03 METER INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 710.384-022 06.03.01 meter inspector :FIELD-MECHANICAL-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 953.281-010 05.05.09 meter installer :GAS-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power): 953.364-010 05.10.02 Meter Installer-and-Remover (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRIC-METER INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) I: 821.361-01 4 05.05.05 METER READER (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 209.567- 0 1 0 05.09.03 METER READER, CHIEF (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 209. 1 37-014 07.05.02 - meter-record clerk :HISTORY-CARD CLERK (light, heat, & power): 209.587-022 07.05.03 METER REPAIRER (any ind.) 710.281-034 05.10.02 OPERATOR (refrigerat. ind.) 541 meter repairer :ELECTRIC-METER REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 729.281-01405.05.10 meter-repairer apprentice :ELECTRIC-METER-REPAIRER APPRENTICE (light, heat, & power): 729.281-018 05.05.10 METER-REPAIRER HELPER (any ind.) 710.684-034 05.12.15 Meter Servicer (any ind.) :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 * 05.05.10 meter shop superintendent SUPERINTENDENT, METERS (light, heat, & power): 184.167-19405.10.02 meter tester :ELECTRIC-METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 821.381-010 05.05.10 meter tester :GAS-METER MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) I: 710.381-022 05.10.02 Meter Tester, Demand Meters (light, :ELECTRIC-METER TESTER (light, 821.381-010 05.05.10 Meter Tester, Polyphase (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRIC- METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 821.381-010 05.05.10 Meter Tester, Primary (light, heat, & power) METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 05.05.10 Meter Tester, Single Phase (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRIC- METER TESTER (light, heat, & power): 821.381-010 05.05.10 methods analyst, electronic data processing :SYSTEMS EN- GINEER, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.): 003. 167–062 05.01.03 methods-and-procedures analyst :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012.167-070 05.01.06 Methods-Study Analyst (profess. & kin.) :INDUSTRIAL EN- GINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0.12.267-010 + 05.03.06 METROLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 012.067-010 05.01.04 metropolitan editor :EDITOR, CITY (print. & pub.): 132.037- 014 11.08.01 MEXICAN-FOOD-MACHINE TENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 524.685-038 06.04.15 MEXICAN FOOD MAKER, HAND (food prep., 520.687-046 06.04.28 MICA INSPECTOR (minerals & earths) 779.687–026 06.03.02 MICA-LAMINATING-MACHINE FEEDER (minerals & earths) 579.686-018 06.04.19 Mica-Parts Sprayer (electronics) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 MICA PATCHER (minerals & earths) 579.687-026 06.03.02 MICA-PLATE LAYER (minerals & earths) 579.685-026 06.04.08 MICA-PLATE LAYER, HAND (minerals & earths) 579.684– 022 06.04.33 MICA SIZER (minerals & earths) 779.687-030 06.04.30 MICA SPLITTER (minerals & earths) 779.681-010 06.02.30 MICA-WASHER GLUER (minerals & earths) 729.687–022 06.04.33 MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-058 02.02.03 MICROBIOLOGY TECHNOLOGIST (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 078.261-01 4 02.04.02 MICROFICHE DUPLICATOR (bus. 05.10.05 MICROFILM MOUNTER (clerical) 208.685-022 05.12.19 Micrographics-Services Supervisor (clerical) :CHIEF CLERK, PRINT SHOP (clerical): 207.137-010 05.10.05 microgrinder operator :FELT-STRIP FINISHER (felt goods): 586.685-018 06.04.16 micromatic-hone operator :LAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-070 06.04.02 Micropaleontologist (profess. & kin.) :PALEONTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-042 02.01.01 MICROPHONE-BOOM OPERATOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.384-010 05.10.05 heat, heat, & power) & power): :ELECTRIC- 821.381-010 n.e.c.) ser.) 976.381-014 microphotographer :PHOTOGRAPHIC-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clerical): 207,685-018 05.12.19 Microwave Engineer (radio & tv broad.) :FIELD ENGINEER (radio & tv broad.): 193.262-018 05.03.05 * MIDDLE-CARD TENDER (asbestos prod.; textile) 680.665- 018 06.04.06 Middle Stitcher (sports equip.) :FEATHER STITCHER (sports equip.): 732.684-050 06.04.34 MIGRANT LEADER (agric.) 180.167–050 03.01.01 Milanese-Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) :WARP- KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665- 018 * 06.02.06 Mileage Clerk (r.r. trans.) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 21 6.382-062 07.02.03 MILK DRIVER (dairy prod.) 905.483-010 05.08.01 MILKER, MACHINE (agric.) 410.685-010 03.04.01 milk hauler :MILK DRIVER (dairy prod.): 905.483-010 05.08.01 milking-machine operator 4 10.685-010 03.04.01 :MILKER, MACHINE (agric.): MILKING-SYSTEM INSTALLER (agric. equip.; ret. tr.) 809.381-018 05.05.09 - milk-of-lime slaker :LIME SLAKER (lime): 570.685-034 06.04.11 MILK-POWDER GRINDER (dairy prod.) 521.685-222 06.04.15 MILK RECEIVER (dairy prod.) 222.585-010 05.09.01 MILK-RECEIVER, TANK TRUCK (dairy prod.) 222.485-010 05.09.01 MILK SAMPLER (agric.) 410.357-010 03.04.05 MILL-AND-COAL-TRANSPORT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 544.665-010 06.04.08 MILL ATTENDANT (coal tar prod.) 555.685-038 06.04.11 mill attendant :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 mill attendant :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarry- ing; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 MILL ATTENDANT (salt production) 555.565-010 05.12.07 - Milled-Lumber Grader (woodworking) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 milled-rice broker :CLEAN-RICE BROKER (grain & feed mill.): 162. 167-018 11.05.04 MILLED-RUBBER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 553.685-078 06.04.13 MILLER (cement) 570.685-046 06.04.08 MILLER (chem.) 570.685-042 06.04.11 MILLER (malt liquors) 521.585-01406.04.15 MILLER (minerals & earths) 570.685-038 06.04.17 MILLER (salt production) 555.682-010 06.02.11 MILLER, DISTILLERY (distilled liquors) 06.02.15 miller, first :MILLER SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.): 521. 130–010 06.02.01 miller, head :MILLER SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.): 521. 130-010 06.02.01 MILLER, HEAD, ASSISTANT, WET PROCESS (corn prod.) 629.684-01 4 06.04.30 MILLER, HEAD, WET PROCESS (corn prod.) 629.261-014 05.05.01 MILLER HELPER, DISTILLERY (distilled liquors) 521.687- O82 06.04.15 Miller, Kiln-Dried Salt (salt production) :MILLER (salt produc- tion): 555.682-010 06.02.11 Miller, Rod-Mill (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 MILLER SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.) 521. 130-010 06.02.01 MILLER, WET PROCESS (corn prod.) 521.662-010 06.02.15 MILLER, WOOD FLOUR (woodworking) 564.682-018 06.02.03 521.362-014 542 MILL FEEDER (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-134 06.04.15 MILL HAND, PLATE MILL (iron & steel) 613.667-014 06.04.10 MILL HELPER (nonfer. metal alloys),502.684-01406.04.24 MILLINER (ret. tr.) 784.261-010 01.06.02 milling-machine operator :PLANER-TYPE-MILLING- MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 605.282-018 06.02.02 milling-machine operator, gear :GEAR-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 602.382-022 06.02.02 MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop) 605.380-010 06.01.03 MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 605,685-030 06.04.02 MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) I 605.280–010 06.01.03 MiliiNG-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) II 605.282-010 06.02.02 - milling-planer operator :PLANER-TYPE-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 605.282-018 06.02.02 milling superintendent : GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, MILLING (grain & feed mill.): 183.16.7-014 05.02.03 MILLING SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 570. 132-014 06.04.01 mill laborer :WOODWORKING-SHOP HAND (woodworking): 769.687–054 06.04.25 MILL-LABOR SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.131-01406.04.01 MILL OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-058 06.04.10 mill operator :BLENDER (bake. prod.): 520.585-010 06.04.15 MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.382-010 06.02.17 mill operator :GRINDER OPERATOR (chem.); 555.685-034 06.04.11 MILL OPERATOR (corn prod.) 521.685–226 06.04.15 mill operator :GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 521,682-026 06.02.15 mill operator :MILLER SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.): 521. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 mill operator :MILL-AND-COAL-TRANSPORT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 544.665-010 06.04.08 mill operator :MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUC- TION (mach. shop): 605.685-030 06.04.02 mill operator, head :PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559.1 32-042 06.01.01 MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) 599.686-010 06.04.19 MILL OPERATOR, ROLLS (any ind.) 613.482-010 06.02.02 MILL PLATFORM SUPERVISOR (sugar) 521.132-010 06.02.15 Mill Recorder (nonfer. metal alloys) :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 MILL RECORDER, COMPUTERIZED MILL (iron & steel) 221.367-046 05.03.03 mill-roll operator :ROLL OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 554.682- 018 06.02.13 MILL-ROLL REWINDER (plastics mat.) 690.585-010 06.04.02 millroom supervisor :COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921. 137-010 05.12.01 Millroom Supervisor (mfa. bldgs.; trans. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.131-030 06.02.01 Millroom Supervisor (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) II: 559.137-01406.02.01 Millroom Supervisor (rubber reclaim.) :SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim.); 559. 132-058 06.02.01 Millroom Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 MILL SUPERVISOR (graphite) 559.132-034 06.04.01 MILL SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 515. 130–010 06.02.01 Mill Tender, Break-Down (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 550.685-102 06.04.13 Mill Tender, Warm-Up (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 550.685-102 06.04.13 Mill Tender, Washing (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 550.685-102 06.04.13 MILLWRIGHT (any ind.) 638.281-018 * 05.05.06 MILLWRIGHT APPRENTICE (any ind.) 638.281-022 05.05.06 MILLWRIGHT HELPER (any ind.) 638.484-010 05.12.12 MILLWRIGHT SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 638.131-030 05.05.06 MIME (amuse. & rec.) 159,047-022 01.03.02 mimic :IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-018 01.03.02 MINCEMEAT MAKER (can. & preserv.) 520.485-018 06.04.15 mincing-machine operator :HASHER OPERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.685-170 06.04.15 Mind Reader (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-018 01.07.01 mine captain :SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-018 05.02.05 MINE-CAR REPAIRER (mining & quarrying) 622.381-030 05.05.06 Mine Electrician (mining & quarrying) :ELECTRICIAN (any ind.): 824.261-010 * 05.05.05 MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying) 168.267-074 11.10.03 Mine Inspector, Federal (gov. ser.) :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 Mine Inspector, State (gov. ser.) :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 Mine-Machinery Mechanic (mining & quarrying) :CONSTRUCTION-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (const.): 620.261-022 * 05.05.09 MINER (const.) 850.381-010 05.11.01 MINER (mining & quarrying) I 939.281-010 05.11.02 MINERALOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-038 02.01.01 Mineral-Wool-Insulation Supervisor (const.) :BUILDING-INSU- LATION SUPERVISOR (const.): 863. 134-010 05.10.01 Miner Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Miner, Pick (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 MINER, PLACER (mining & quarrying) 939.684-01405.12.02 MINE SUPERINTENDENT (mining & quarrying) 181.1 17-014 05.02.05 MINCLER OPERATOR (sugar) 520.665-010 06.04.15 miniature-model maker :SAMPLE-BODY BUILDER (auto. mfg.): 693.380-01405.05.07 miniature-model-maker apprentice :SAMPLE-BODY-BUILDER APPRENTICE (auto. mfg.): 693.380-018 05.05.07 miniature-Set builder :MINIATURE-SET CONSTRUCTOR (motion pic.): 962.381-018 01.06.02 MINIATURE-SET CONSTRUCTOR (motion pic.) 962.381-018 01.06.02 Miniature Set Designer (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) SET DESIGNER (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 142.061-046 01.02.03 MINING ENGINEER (mining & quarrying) 010.061-014 05.01.06 minister CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-010 10.01.01 - Mink Farmer (agric.) :FUR FARMER (agric.): 410.161-014 03.01.02 - Mint-Lozenge Mixer (confection.) :LOZENGE-DOUGH MIXER (confection.): 520.685-122 06.04.15 543 Mint-Machine Operator (confection.) :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 Mint-Wafer Depositor (confection.) :DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 529.682-018 06.02.15 MIRROR-FINISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR 603.682-022 06.02.02 mirror inspector :INSPECTOR, GLASS OR MIRROR (mirror): 779.687–022 06.03.02 MIRROR-MACHINE FEEDER (mirror) 579.686-0.22 06.04.21 mirror silverer :SILVERER (mirror): 574.684-014 06.04.33 MIRROR SPECIALIST (mirror; mirror & pic. frames) 779.684- 038 06.04.08 miscellaneous-machine operator :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop). 609.685-018 ° 06.04.02 miscellaneous-process attendant :SETTER, TV TUBE COAT- ING AND BAKING (electronics): 574.382-010 06.02.18 misdraw hand :PATTERN-LEASE INSPECTOR (textile): 683.384-0 1 0 06.03.01 Missile-Control Pilot (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :CONTROLLER, REMOTELY-PILOTED VEHICLE (RPV) (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 196.263-026 05.04.01 Missionary (profess. & kin.) :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-010 10.01.01 miter cutter :ENGRAVER (glass prod.; mirror): 775.381-010 01.06.01 MITER GRINDER OPERATOR (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.682- 026 06.02.08 - Miter Sawyer (woodworking) :VARIETY-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-086 05.05.08 Mitten Stitcher (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 (silverware) MIX-CRUSHER OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 544.585-010 06.04.09 mixer :PAINT MIXER, HAND (any ind.): 550.684-018 06.04.34 MIXER (asbestos prod.) 570.685-050 06.04.19 mixer :ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT MAKER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 550.382-030 06.02.18 mixer :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 MIXER (chem.) 559.665–026 06.04.11 MIXER (coated fabrics) 550.685-074 06.04.11 MIXER (fireworks) 737.687-090 06.04.34 MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-138 06.04.15 MIXER (glass mfg.) 570.685-054 06.04.13 MIXER (hat & cap) 680.685-062 06.04.06 MIXER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal 06.04.10 MIXER (paint & varn.) 550.685-078 06.04.11 mixer :SAGGER PREPARER (pottery & porc.): 570.685-086 06.04.17 MIXER (waste & batting) 789.687-098 06.04.27 alloys) 510.685-018 MIXER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-154 06.04.15 mixer-and-scaler :FLOUR MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.485-0 1 0 06.04.15 MIXER, CHILI POWDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 06.04.15 MIXER, DIAMOND POWDER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 570.484-010 06.04.34 MIXER, DRY-FOOD PRODUCTS (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685- 162 06.04.15 520.685-158 MIXER, FOAM RUBBER (rubber goods) 550.685-086 06.64.13 Mixer, Hand, Cement Gun (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 MIXER HELPER (build. board) 530.384-010 06.04.34 mixer helper :ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT-MAKER HELPER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 550.686-038 06.04.1 i MIXER HELPER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550.686-026 06.04.19 mixer helper :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 mixer-machine feeder :FEED-MIXER HELPER (grain & feed mill.): 520.686-018 06.04.15 mixer operator :ABRASIVE MIXER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 570.485-010 06.04.19 Mixer Operator (brick & tile) :MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 MIXER OPERATOR (chem.) 550.685-082 06.04.11 MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 520.685-150 06.04.15 mixer operator :MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 mixer operator :MIXER, WET POUR (conc. prod.): 579.682- 010 06.04.17 MIXER OPERATOR (explosives) 550.382-018 06.02.18 MIXER OPERATOR (flav. ext. & sirup) 520.685-146 06.04.15 mixer operator :COMPOSITION MIXER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 550.665-014 06.04.19 mixer operator :FLOUR MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.485- 0 1 0 06.04.15 MIXER OPERATOR (lime) 570.685-058 06.04.11 mixer operator :SOUND MIXER (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.262-018 05.10.05 MIXER OPERATOR (salt production) 520.685-142 06.04.15 MIXER OPERATOR, CARBON PASTE (elec. equip.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 540.585-010 06.04.19 MIXER OPERATOR HELPER, HOT METAL (iron & steel) 509.566-010 06.04.10 MIXER OPERATOR, HOT METAL (iron & steel) 509.362- 0 1 0 06.02.10 Mixer Operator, Raw Salt (salt production) :MIXER OPERA- TOR (salt production): 520.685-142 06.04.15 Mixer Operator, Tablets (salt production) :MIXER OPERA- TOR (salt production): 520.685-142 06.04.15 Mixer Operator, Vacuum-Pan Salt (salt production) :MIXER OPERATOR (salt production): 520.685-142 06.04.15 mixer, pigment :COLOR MATCHER (coated fabrics; leather mfg.; plastics mat.); 550.381-010 06.02.32 Mixer Tender (cement) :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 mixer tender :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 mixer tender :PUG-MILL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 510.685-022 06.04.10 MIXER TENDER, BOARD 06.04.19 MIXER, WET POUR (conc. prod.) 579.682-010 06.04.17 MIXER, WHIPPED TOPPING (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.385-010 06.04.15 mix-house operator :MIXER (glass mfg.): 570.685-054 06.04.13 MIX-HOUSE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685- 0 1 4 06.04.10 mixing-and-dispensing supervisor :HEATING-AND-BLENDING SUPERVISOR (chem.); 559.132-030 06.02.01 mixing-and-molding-machine operator :MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil): 570.68 5-066 06.04.17 mixing-house operator :MIXER OPERATOR (explosives): 550.382-018 06.02.18 mixing-machine attendant 520.582-0 1 0 06.02.15 mixing-machine attendant :BATTER MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-010 06.04.15 MIXING-MACHINE FEEDER (chem.) 550.686-030 06.04.11 MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 550.382-022 06.02.13 MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom) 680.685- 066 06.04.09 MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 520.685- 166 06.04.15 (build. board) 570.685-062 :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 544 MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR plastics mat.) 550.485-01406.04.13 MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.665- 0 1 4 06.04.15 mixing-machine operator :MIXER (hat & cap): 680.685-062 06.04.06 MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 550.685-090 06.04.11 - MIXING-MACHINE TENDER 06.04.14 Mixing-Machine Tender, Cork Gasket (cork prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.); 560.585-010 06.04.14 Mixing-Machine Tender, Cork Rod (cork prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.): 560.585-010 06.04.14 Mixing-Pan Tender (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :MIX-HOUSE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 510.685-014 06.04.10 mixing-plant dumper :LABORER, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.): 579.665-014 05.12.04 mixing-plant operator :NITRATING-ACID (explosives): 550.585-030 06.04.11 MIXING-ROLL OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.662- O 18 06.04.19 Mixing Supervisor (coated fabrics; felt goods) :FABRIC-COAT- ING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130-014 06.01.01 MIXING-TANK OPERATOR 06.04.15 Mix Maker (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 Mix-Mill Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER- MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 550.685-102 06.04.13 mobile-crane operator :TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 MOBILE-HOME-LOT UTILITY WORKER (ret. tr.) 899.484- 0 1 0 05. 10.04 MOBILE-LOUNGE DRIVER 09.03.01 moccasin sewer :HAND SEWER, SHOES (boot & shoe): 788.684–054 * 06.04.27 mock-up assembler :MOCK-UP BUILDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.381-01405.05.07 mock-up assembler :MOCK-UP BUILDER (trans. 693,381-018 05.05.07 MOCK-UP BUILDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.381-014 05.05.07 MOCK-UP BUILDER (trans. equip.) 693.381-018 05.05.07 MODEL (garment; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 297.667-014 01.08.01 MODEL-AND-MOLD MAKER (brick & tile) 777.381-014 01.06.02 MODEL-AND-MOLD MAKER, PLASTER 777.38 1-0 18 01.06.02 MODEL, ARTISTS’ (any ind.) 961.667-010 01.08.01 MODEL BUILDER (furn.) 709.381-014 05.05.06 Model Dresser (ret. tr.) :DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 298.081-010 01.02.03 modeler :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684- 082 06.02.24 MODELER (brick & tile) 777.08 1-0 10 01.06.02 modeler :MODEL MAKER (pottery & porc.): 777.281-014 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.361-010 * 05.05.07 (fabric. plastics prod.; (cork prod.) 560.585-010 MIXER (oils & fats) 520.685-170 (motor trans.) 9 13.663-014 equip.): (conc. prod.) model maker :PATTERNMAKER, PLASTER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 777.381-030 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER (any ind.) I 777.261-010 01.06.02 model maker :SAMPLE-BODY BUILDER (auto. mſg.): 693.380–01 4 05.05.07 model maker :DESIGNER AND PATTERNMAKER (boot & shoe): 788.281-010 05.05.15 MODEL MAKER (clock & watch) 693.380-010 05.05.07 model maker :SAMPLE MAKER, APPLIANCES (elec. equip.): 600.280–054 05.05.07 MODEL MAKER (jewelry) 709.381-018 01.06.02 model maker :LAST-MODEL MAKER (lasts & rel. forms): 761.38 1-018 06.01.04 - MODEL MAKER (pottery & porc.) 777.281-014 01.06.02 model maker :DISPLAY MAKER (signs); 739.361-010 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER (silverware) 700.281-018 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER (toys & games) 731.280-010 01.06.02 model-maker apprentice :SAMPLE-BODY-BUILDER AP- PRENTICE (auto. mfg.): 693.380-018 05.05.07 MODEL-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry) 01.06.02 model-maker apprentice, plaster :PATTERNMAKER AP- PRENTICE, PLASTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 777.381- 026 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER, FIBERGLASS (conc. prod.) 777.381-010 01.06.02 MODEL MAKER, 05.05.07 MODEL MAKER, FLUORESCENT LIGHTING (light. fix.) 723.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.06 Model Maker, Plaster (conc. prod.) :MODEL-AND-MOLD MAKER, PLASTER (conc. prod.): 777.381-018 01.06.02 model maker, plastic :PLASTIC-FIXTURE BUILDER (mach. shop): 601.381-030 05.05.07 Model Maker, Rocket (aircraft-aerospace mſg.) :MODEL MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.361-010 * 05.05.07 709.38 1-022 FIREARMS (firearms) 600.260-0 18 MODEL MAKER, SCALE (bal. & scales) 7 10.361-010 Model Maker, Sheet Metal (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804,281-010 * 05.05.06 MODEL MAKER, WOOD (any ind.) 661.380-010 05.05.08 MODEL, PHOTOGRAPHERS’ (any ind.) 961.367-010 01.08.01 model-set artist :MINIATURE-SET CONSTRUCTOR (motion pic.): 962.381-018 01.06.02 r mogul-cast operator :BLOCK SEALER (auto, mſg.): 599.685- 0 1 0 06.04.02 mogul feeder :MOLDING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (confection.): 520.686-030 06.04.15 mogul operator :MOLDING-MACHINE (confection.): 520.682-026 06.02.15 OPERATOR MOISTURE-CONDITIONER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 532.685-022 06.04.14 MOISTURE-MACHINE TENDER (tobacco) 529.685-170 06.04.15 MOISTURE-METER OPERATOR (tobacco) 529.687-162 06.03.02 MOISTURE TESTER (woodworking) 563.687-014 06.03.02 moisture-test puller :TOBACCO-SAMPLE PULLER (tobacco): 529.587-022 06.04.28 MOLASSES AND CARAMEL OPERATOR (corn prod.) 526.382–022 06.02.15 Molasses-Feed Mixer (grain & feed mill.) :FEED MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 MOLASSES PREPARER (food prep., 06.04.15 mold-car operator :PIG-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 5 14.362-010 06.02.10 mold carrier :MOLD PRESSER 06.04.28 mold changer :FORMING-MACHINE UPKEEP-MECHANIC HELPER (glass mfg.): 575.687-014 06.04.13 Mold Changer (rubber tire & tube) :CURING-PRESS MAIN- TAINER (rubber tire & tube): 629.684-010 05.12.15 Mold Checker (found.) :CORE CHECKER (found.): 518.687– 0 1 0 06.03.02 n.e.c.) 522.685-078 (tobacco): 790.687–022 545 Mold Clamper (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687–022 * 06.04.32 mold cleaner :MOLD POLISHER (glass mfg.): 579.685-030 06.04.39 MOLD CLEANER (rubber goods) 556.687-018 06.04.39 MOLD CLEANER (sports equip.) 732.687-046 06.04.39 MOLD CLOSER (found.) 518.684-018 06.04.32 Mold-Closer Helper (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 MOLD DRESSER (any ind.) 519.684-018 06.04.24 mold dresser :MOLD STAMPER AND REPAIRER (rubber tire & tube): 709.381-026 05.10.01 Molded-Goods Inspector-Trimmer (rubber goods) :RUBBER- GOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 molded-grid-and-parts inspector :MOLDED-PARTS INSPEC- TOR (elec. equip.): 727.687-074 06.03.02 MOLDED-PARTS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 727.687-074 06.03.02 MOLDED-RUBBER-GOODS 690.685-290 06.04.07 molder ABRASIVE-WHEEL MOLDER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 575.685-010 06.02.18 molder :MOLDER, PUNCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 502.381- 014 06.02.24 - molder SOLE-CONFORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.682-070 06.02.05 molder :COSMETICS PRESSER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 556.685-026 06.04.09 molder :COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.685-022 * 06.04.13 molder :INJECTION-MOLDING-MACHINE (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.382-01406.02.13 molder :FORM MAKER, PLASTER (fabric. plastics prod.): 777.684-010 06.02.30 MOLDER (found.) 518.361-010 * 06.01.04 MOLDER (hat & cap) 580.685-042 06.04.05 molder :CASTER (jewelry): 502.381-010 06.02.24 molder :PACKER, DENTURE (medical ser.): 05.05.11 MOLDER (optical goods) 575.381-010 06.02.30 molder SOFTBALL CORE MOLDER (sports equip.): 732.687- 070 06.04.32 MOLDER APPRENTICE (found.) 518.361-01406.01.04 Molder, Bench (conc. prod.; found.) :MOLDER (found.): 518.36 1-0 1 0 * 06.01.04 MOLDER, BENCH (jewelry) 518.381-022 06.04.01 molder, closed molds :MOLDER, PUNCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 502.381-01406.02.24 Molder Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 MOLDER, FIBERGLASS LUGGAGE (leather prod.) 575.685- 066 06.04.13 Molder, Fitting (found.) 5 18.682-0 1 0 06.04.32 Molder, Floor (found.) 06.01.04 MOLDER, FOAM RUBBER (rubber 06.04.13 MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile) 575.684-042 06.02.30 molder, hand CANDY MOLDER, HAND (confection.): 520.687-018 06.04.28 Molder Helper (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 MOLDER HELPER (optical goods) 575.686-01406.04.13 Molder Helper, Machine (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 MOLDER, INFLATED BALL (sports equip.) 732.687–054 06.04.32 MOLDER, LABELS (boot & shoe) 690.685-294 06.04.07 CUTTER (rubber goods) OPERATOR 712.684-034 :MACHINE MOLDER (found.): :MOLDER (found.): 518.361-010 * goods) 556.685-046 MOLDER, LEAD INGOT (ammunition) 502.685-010 06.04.10 molder, machine :DRY-PRESS OPERATOR (brick & tile): 575.662-010 06.02.17 - MOLDER, MACHINE (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.685-050 06.04.11 MOLDER-MACHINE TENDER (pipe & boiler cov.) 575.685- 062 06.04.17 MOLDER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-174 06.04.15 Molder Offbearer (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669.686-034 06.04.03 MOLDER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-018 06.02.03 MOLDER, PATTERN (found.) 693.381-022 06.02.24 MOLDER, PIPE COVERING (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.665- 018 06.04.13 MOLDER, PUNCH 06.02.24 molder, resin :ENCAPSULATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 556.684-01 4 06.04.34 Molder Setter (woodwork (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 MOLDER, SHOE PARTS (boot & shoe) 788.687-094 06.04.32 MOLDER, SHOULDER PAD (garment) 789.684-026 06.04.27 MOLDER, SWEEP (found.) 518.361-018 06.01.04 MOLDER, TOILET PRODUCTS (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 556.687–022 06.04.11 - molder, vacuum :VACUUM PLASTIC-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.685-082 06.04.13 MOLDER, WAX (petrol. refin.) 549.685-018 06.04.12 MOLDER, WAX BALL (sports equip.) 732.687–058 06.04.32. Mold Filler (cork prod.) :CORK MOLDER (cork prod.): 569.685-030 06.04.09 Mold Filler (dairy prod.) :BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.): 529.685-030 06.04.15 Mold Filler (gold leaf & foil) :LABORER, GOLD LEAF (gold leaf & foil): 700.687-038 06.04.24 . MOLD FILLER AND DRAINéré (boči" G |NF-saº 06.04.32 MOLD FILLER, PLASTIC DOLLS (toys & games) 731.687– 026 06.04.32 MOLD-FILLING OPERATOR (plastics 06.04.32 mold finisher :MOLD CLOSER (found.): 518.684-018 06.04.32 MOLD FINISHER (mach. shop) 705.684-038 06.02.24 mold finisher :MOLD PREPARER (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 809.687–026 06.04.39 mold-forms builder :CARPENTER, MOLD (brick & tile; conc. prod.): 860.381-034 05.05.02 - Mold Hoister (cork prod.) :CORK MOLDER (cork prod.): 569.685-030 06.04.09 MOLDING CUTTER (woodworking) 663.685-018 06.04.03 Molding Fitter (mort. goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 Molding-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.15 MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 520.682-026 06.02.15 molding-machine operator :BRIQUETTE-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (fuel briquettes): 549.662-010 06.02.17 MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 575.682- 0 1 4 06.02.18 Molding-Machine-Operator Helper (bake. prod.) HELPER (bake. prod.): 526.686-010 06.04.15 MOLDING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER 520.686-030 06.04.15 MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp) 539.685-018 06.02.14 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 502.381-014 mat.) 556.684-018 (bake. (bake. :DIVIDING- 520.685-086 prod.) prod.): :BAKER (confection.) 546 MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 570.685-066 06.04.17 molding-press operator :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 Molding-Room Supervisor (optical goods) :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716.130-010 06.01.01 MOLDING SANDER (woodworking) 662.682-010 06.02.03 MOLD-INSERT CHANGER (boot & shoe) 753.687-034 06.04.32 mold inspector :CELL INSPECTOR (plastics mat.); 556.684- 0 1 0 06.03.02 MOLD LAMINATOR (conc. prod.; ship & boat blag. & rep.) 806.684-086 06.02.32 mold loft worker :LOFT WORKER (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 661.281-010 05.05.08 Mold Maker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869,687–026 05.12.03 mold maker :PATTERNMAKER (hat & cap): 784.361-010 01.06.02 mold maker :RUBBER-MOLD MAKER (jewelry): 559.684-018 06.04.32 MOLD MAKER (jewelry) I 700.381-034 01.06.02 MOLD MAKER (jewelry) II 777.381-022 06.01.04 mold maker :MANNEQUIN-MOLD MAKER (model & pat- tern): 739.381-046 06.01.04 MOLD MAKER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 518.664-010 06.04.32 MOLD MAKER (pottery & porc.) 777.681-010 06.02.30 MOLD MAKER (stat. & art goods) 777.684-014 06.02.30 MOLD-MAKER APPRENTICE (jewelry) 700.381-038 01.06.02 MOLD MAKER, DIE-CASTING AND PLASTIC MOLDING (mach. shop) 601.280-030 05.05.07 MOLD-MAKER HELPER (jewelry) 700.687-050 06.04.24 MOLD-MAKER HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 518.687-018 06.04.32 Mold Maker, Plaster (conc. prod.) : MODEL-AND-MOLD MAKER, PLASTER (conc. prod.): 777.381-018 01.06.02 mold maker, plastic molds :MOLD MAKER, DIE-CASTING AND PLASTIC MOLDING (mach. shop): 601.280-030 05.05.07 MOLD MAKER, TERRA COTTA (brick & tile) 575.684-038 06.04.32 Mold-Making Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (found.): 519.131-010 06.01.01 Mold Mover (sports equip.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * MOLD OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 729.684-030 06.02.32 MOLD PARTER (plastics mat.) 556.587-010 06.04.40 Mold Picker (rubber goods) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 MOLD POLISHER (glass mfg.) 579.685-030 06.04.39 MOLD PREPARER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.687-026 06.04.39 MOLD PRESSER (tobacco) 790.687–022 06.04.28 Mold-Press Operator (glass mfg.) :FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.382-014 * 06.02.13 Mold-Release Worker (explosives) :PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives): 590.464-010 * 06.02.32 Mold Remover (dairy prod.) :BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.): 529.685-030 06.04.15 mold repairer MOLD DRESSER (any ind.): 06.04.24 Mold Repairer, Die-Casting and Plastic Molding (mach. shop) :MOLD MAKER, DIE-CASTING AND PLASTIC MOLDING (mach. shop): 601.280-030 05.05.07 MOLD SETTER (elec. equip.) 502.684-018 06.04.32 MOLD SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph) 556.380- O 10 06.01.02 519.684-018 mold setter LENS-MOLD SETTER (optical goods): 713.381- O 10 06.02.23 MOLD SHEET CLEANER (gold leaf & foil) 700.687-046 06.04.39 Mold Sprayer (cork prod.) :CORK MOLDER (cork prod.): 569.685-030 06.04.09 Mold Stacker (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687–022 * 06.04.32 MOLD STAMPER (mach. shop) 709.684-054 06.02.31 MOLD STAMPER AND REPAIRER (rubber tire & tube) 709.38 1-026 05.10.01 mold stripper :STRIPPER (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods): 556.686-018 06.04.13 mold stripper CELL STRIPPER (plastics mat.); 556.686-014 06.04.20 MOLD STRIPPER (sports equip.) 732.687-050 06.04.24 MOLD WORKER (iron & steel) 514,567-010 06.04.32 Molybdenum-Flotation Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FLOTATION TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.685-026 06.04.10 Molybdenum-Leaching-Plant Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :LEACHER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511.582-010 06.02.10 MOLYBDENUM-STEAMER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.485-010 06.02.10 MONEY COUNTER (amuse. & rec.) 211.467–014 07.07.02 Money-Order Clerk (tel. & tel.) :COUNTER CLERK (tel. & tel.): 249.362-010 07.03.01 money position officer :RESERVE OFFICER (finan. inst.; in- surance): 186. 167–054 11.06.03 money-room teller MONEY COUNTER (amuse. & rec.): 21 1.467–014 07.07.02 monitor :SERVICE OBSERVER (tel. & tel.): 239.367–026 07.04.05 MONITOR-AND-STORAGE-BIN TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685–230 06.04.15 MONITOR CAR OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 939.682- 0 1 0 06.02.18 monitor chief :SERVICE OBSERVER, CHIEF (tel. & tel.): 239.1 37-022 07.04.05 Monkey Breeder (agric.) 4 10.161-010 03.01.02 Monkey Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 4 12.674-010 03.03.02 MONOGRAM-AND-LETTER PASTER (tex. 789.687-102 06.04.27 monogram-machine operator :EMBROIDERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-022 06.02.05 MONOMER-PURIFICATION OPERATOR (chem.) 552.362- 0 1 0 06.02.11 Monomer-Recovery Supervisor (plastics mat.) :PROCESS- AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559.132-042 06.01.01 Mononitrotoluene Operator (explosives) :NITRATOR OPERA- TOR (explosives): 558.382-046 06.02.11 MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.663-042 06.04.40 - Monorail Operator (amuse. & rec.) (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 monotype caster CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding): 654.382-010 05.10.05 MONOTYPE-KEYBOARD OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding) 650.582-014 * 07.06.02 monotype operator :MONOTYPE-KEYBOARD OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding): 650.582-014 * 07.06.02 Monument Carver (stonework) :STONE CARVER (Stonework): 77.1.281-01 4 01.06.02 MONUMENT SETTER (const.) 861.361-01405.05.01 Monument Stonecutter (stonework) :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381-014 05.05.01 :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): prod., n.e.c.) :RIDE OPERATOR 547 MOP-HANDLE ASSEMBLER 06.04.23 Mophead Sewer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 MOPHEAD TRIMMER-AND-WRAPPER 789.687-106 06.04.38 mop-machine operator :MOP MAKER (house furn.): 739.685- 026 06.04.20 MOP MAKER (house furn.) 739.685-026 06.04.20 mopper :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * morals-squad police officer .INVESTIGATOR, VICE (gov. ser.): 375.267-022 04.01.02 MORGUE ATTENDANT (medical ser.) 355.667-010 02.04.02 Morgue Indexer (print. & pub.) :LIBRARIAN, MORGUE (print. & pub.): 206.387-018 07.05.03 morgue keeper :LIBRARIAN, MORGUE (print. & pub.): 206.387-018 07.05.03 Mortar Mixer (conc. prod.; const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 MORTGAGE-ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical) 216.362-026 07.02.02 MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. inst.) 249.382-0 10 07.01.04 MORTGAGE-C 07.05.02 LOSING CLERK 219.362-038 Mortgage-Loan Agent (finan. inst.) : LOAN OFFICER (finan. inst.; insurance): 186.267-018 11.06.03 MORTGAGE-LOAN-COMPUTATION CLERK 2 1 0.382-050 07.02.02 - - Mortgage-Loan Officer (insurance) :LOAN OFFICER (finan. inst.; insurance): 186.267-018 11.06.03 Mortgage-Papers-Assignment-and-Assembly Clerk (insurance) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 ± 07.06.02 MORTGAGE-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) 203.382-022 07.05.03 . mortician :DIRECTOR, FUNERAL (per. ser.): 187.167–030 * 11.11.04 (house furn.) 739.687-122 (house furn.) (clerical) (insurance) MORTICIAN INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.) 168.267-078 11.10.03 MORTISING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665,482-01 4 MORTUARY BEAUTICIAN (per, ser.) 339.361-010 01.06.02 MOSAICIST (profess. & kin.) 018.261-022 05.03.02 MOSAIC WORKER (glass prod.; stat. & art goods) 779.381 - 0 1 4 01.06.02 moshgiach SUPERVISOR, KOSHER DIETARY SERVICE (hotel & rest.): 319. 137-026 05.10.08 MOSQUITO SPRAYER (gov. ser.) 379.687-01403.04.05 Moss Picker (agric.) :FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry): 453.687-010 03.04.02 Motel Cleaner (hotel & rest.) :CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING (any ind.): 323.687-01405.12.18 motel clerk :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * 07.04.03 MOTHER REPAIRER (phonograph) 705.684-042 06.02.24 mother teSter :QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (phonograph): 194.387-0 10 06.03.01 motion-picture-camera repairer MACHINIST, MOTION-PIC- TURE EQUIPMENT (motion pic.; photo. apparatus): 714.281-018 05.05.09 motion-picture commentator :NARRATOR (motion pic.): 150. 147-0 1 0 01.03.03 MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTIONIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.) 960.362-010 05.10.05 Motion-Study Analyst (profess. & kin.) INDUSTRIAL EN- GINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0.12.267-010 * 05.03.06 moto-mix operator :CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 900.683-010 05.08.03 motor adjuster :TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.384-026 06.03.01 Motor Analyst (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE TESTER (auto. ser.): 620.261-01405.07.02 MOTOR AND CHASSIS INSPECTOR (auto. mfg.) 806.281- 042 06.01.05 motor-and-generator assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR-AND- GENERATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.361-014 06.01.04 motor-and-generator-brush cutter ASSEMBLER, CARBON BRUSHES (elec. equip.): 721.684-01406.02.23 MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR-BRUSH MAKER (elec. equip.) 724.684-038 06.02.24 motor assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER AND TESTER (any ind.): 721.281-01406.02.23 Motor Assembler (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 motor assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR FITTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 721.381-010 05.05.05 Motor-Assembly Supervisor (agric. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, AS- SEMBLY (agric. equip.): 801. 137-010 06.02.01 MOTORBOAT MECHANIC (engine & turbine; ship & boat blag. & rep.) 623.281-038 05.05.09 MOTORBOAT-MECHANIC HELPER (engine & turbine; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 623.684-010 05.12.15 Motorboat Mechanic, Inboard (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :MOTORBOAT MECHANIC (engine & turbine; ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 623.281-038 05.05.09 Motorboat Mechanic, Inboard/Outboard (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :MOTORBOAT MECHANIC (engine & turbine; ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 623.281-038 05.05.09 MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.) 9 11.663-010 05.08.04 motor boss :DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying): 932. 167-010 07.04.05 Motor Checker (clock & watch) :FINAL INSPECTOR, MOVE- MENT ASSEMBLY (clock & watch): 715.684-094 * 06.01.05 Motor-Coach Driver (motor trans.) trans.): 913.463-010 09.03.01 MOTORCYCLE ASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles) 806.684- 090 06.02.22 Motorcycle-Engine Assembler (engine & :ASSEMBLER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION (engine & turbine): 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 motorcycle mechanic :MOTORCYCLE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.28 1-054 05.05.09 Motorcycle Police Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 MOTORCYCLE RACER (amuse. & 12.01.03 MOTORCYCLE REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 620.28 1-054 05.05.09 MOTORCYCLE SUBASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles) 806.684-094 06.04.22 MOTORCYCLE SUBASSEMBLY REPAIRER (motor. & bicy- cles) 620.684-026 05.10.02 - MOTORCYCLE TESTER (motor. & bicycles) 620.384-010 06.03.01 Motor-Equipment Captain (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-018 11.05.03 Motor-Equipment Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-018 11.05.03 Motor-Equipment Sergeant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-018 11.05.03 Motor-Express Clerk (motor trans.) :EXPRESS CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 222.367–022 07.03.01 Motor-Generator-Set Operator (chem.) :SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (chem.); 952.362-038 + 05.06.01 :BUS DRIVER (motor turbine) ENGINE rec.) 153.243-014 548 Motor Grader, Fine Grade (const.) :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.) 05.11.01 Motor Grader, Rough Grade (const.) :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 motor-inspection mechanic :BUS INSPECTOR (auto. ser.): 620.281-030 05.05.09 - Motorized-Squad Captain (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.163-010 04.01.01 Motorized-Squad Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.163-010 04.01.01 Motorized-Squad Sergeant (gov. ser.) :COMMANDING OF- FICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (gov. ser.): 375.163-010 04.01.01 motor-lodge clerk :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362- 0 1 0 * MOTOR OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.683-014 05.08.02 motor overhauler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR FITTER (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 721.381-010 05.05.05 motor-patrol operator :MOTOR-GRADER (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 MOTOR POLARIZER (clock & watch) 715.687-090 06.04.23 Motor-Pool Clerk (clerical) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 MOTOR-POWER CONNECTOR (motion pic.) 962.684-018 05.10.03 Motor Repairer (auto. mfg.) mfg.): 620.381-022 05.05.09 850.663–022 OPERATOR :REPAIRER, HEAVY (auto. MOTOR-ROOM CONTROLLER (light, heat, & power) 820.662-010 05.06.01 Motor-Scooter Repairer (auto. ser.) :MOTORCYCLE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 620.281-054 05.05.09 motor tester :DYNAMOMETER TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.281-010 06.01.05 MOTOR TEST HELPER (auto. mfg.) 806.687-038 06.04.34 motor timer TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.384-026 06.03.01 motor-transport inspector :INSPECTOR, MOTOR VEHICLES (gov. ser.): 168.267-058 * 11.10.03 motor tuner TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.384-026 06.03.01 Motor-Vehicle-Escort Driver (bus. ser.) LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 motor-vehicle inspector :AUTOMOBILE TESTER (gov. ser.): 379.364-0 1 0 05.07.02 MOTOR-VEHICLE-LIGHT ASSEMBLER (light. fix.) 729.684- 034 06.04.23 - motor vehicles supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, TRANSPOR- TATION (any ind.): 184.167-226 11.05.02 MOTTLE-LAY-UP OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 690.585-014 06.04.02 mottle line operator :SPLASH-LINE OPERATOR (floor cover- ing, n.e.c.); 559.665-034 06.04.19 MOTTLER-MACHINE FEEDER 550.686-034 06.04.19 MOTTLER OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 550.665-022 Mounted Police Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 MOUNTER (elec. equip.) I 692.686-050 06.04.20 MOUNTER (elec. equip.) II 692.685-126 06.04.09 :TRUCK DRIVER, (floor covering, n.e.c.) Mounter (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 mounter :HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (furn.): 763.684-042 06.04.22 mounter :WEAVER (hairwork): 739.684-170 06.02.32 mounter :BLOCKER (print. & pub.) I: 979.682-010 06.02.09 MOUNTER, AUTOMATIC 976.685-022 * 06.04.20 - Mounter, Brass-Wind Instruments (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 Mounter, Clarinets (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 MOUNTER, CLOCK AND WATCH HANDS (clock & watch) 71 5.687-094 06.04.23 Mounter, Flutes and Piccolos (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 MOUNTER, HAND (elec. equip.) 725.684-01406.04.23 MOUNTER, HAND (photofinish.) 976.684-018 06.04.34 Mounter, Keyed Instruments (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 Mounter, Saxophones (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 MOUNTER, SMOKING PIPE (smoking pipe) 739.684-130 06.04.23 Mounter, Sousaphones (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSI- CAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 Mounter, Trombones (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 Mounter, Trumpets and Cornets (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 - Mounting Inspector (photofinish.) :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-014 06.03.02 mounting-machine operator :CHIP-APPLYING-MACHINE (photofinish.) TENDER (paint & varn.; print. & pub.): 641.685-030 06.04.04 Mouse Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 4 10.1 6 1-0 10 03.01.02 MOUTHPIECE MAKER (musical inst.) 730.685-014 06.02.09 mover : HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-0 18 05.12.18 Movie Critic (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) :CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.): 13 1.067-018 01.01.03 r muck boss :SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 1 37-018 05.02.05 Mucker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Mucker (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-01405.12.03 Mucker, Cofferdam (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 mucker operator :MUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 850.683-026 05.11.01 MUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 05.11.01 mucking-machine operator :MECHANICAL-SHOVEL OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 932.683-018 05.11.02 mud-analysis-well-logging captain :WELL-LOGGING CAP- TAIN, MUD ANALYSIS (petrol. production): 010.131-010 02.04.01 mud-analysis-well-logging operator :WELL-LOGGING OPERA- TOR, MUD ANALYSIS (petrol. production): 0.10.281-022 02.04.01 mud-analysis-well-logging supervisor, district :DISTRICT SU- PERVISOR, MUD-ANALYSIS WELL LOGGING (petrol. production): 010. 167-014 05.02.03 MUD BOSS (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.585-01 4 06.04.10 mud engineer :DISTRICT SUPERVISOR, MUD-ANALYSIS WELL LOGGING (petrol. production): 010.167-014 05.02.03 mud grinder :MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 WORKER (const.) 850.683-026 549 Mud-Jack Nozzle Worker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 mud-logging superintendent :DISTRICT SUPERVISOR, MUD- ANALYSIS WELL LOGGING (petrol. production): 010.167- 01 4 05.02.03 mud-mill operator :MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 MUD-MILL TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685- 026 06.04.10 MUD-MIXER HELPER (coke prod.) 549.687-022 06.04.30 MUD-MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 570.685-070 06.04.17 MUD-PLANT OPERATOR (petrol. production) 930.685-010 Mud Trucker (coke prod.) :DUMP-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 902.683-010 05.08.01 muffler fringer :FRINGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.686-010 06.04.06 MUFFLER INSTALLER (auto. ser.) 807.664-010 05.10.01 Muff Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 Mule Driver (any ind.) TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 Mule Tender (any ind.) :STABLE ATTENDANT (any ind.): 4 10.674-022 03.03.02 multi-counter operator :FOOD TABULATOR, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 21 1.582-010 07.06.02 multicut-line operator :GLASS-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.): 677.562-010 06.02.08 multifocal-button assembler :MULTIFOCAL-LENS ASSEM- BLER (optical goods): 713.684-034 06.04.23 Multifocal-Button Countersink Grinder (optical goods) :LENS- FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods): 716.685-022 06.04.08 Multifocal-Button Generator (optical goods) :PRECISION- LENS GENERATOR (optical goods): 716.682-01406.02.08 Multifocal-Button Grinder (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods): 716.382-018 ° 06.02.08 Multifocal-Button Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, MULTIFOCAL LENS (optical goods): 716.687-018 06.03.02 MULTIFOCAL-LENS ASSEMBLER (optical goods) 713.684- O34 06.04.23 multifold operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-046 * 06.02.04 MULTINEEDLE-CHAINSTITCH-MACHINE (garment) 786.682-178 06.02.05 multineedle shirrer :MULTINEEDLE-CHAINSTITCH- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-178 06.02.05 OPERATOR MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 616.360-026 06.01.03 MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 616.685-042 * 06.04.02 MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING-MACHINE SETTER (any ind.) 616.260-014 * 06.01.02 MULTI-OPERATION-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 612.462–0 1 0 06.01.03 Multiple-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (veneer & plywood; wood. box) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667,682-022 06.02.03 MULTIPLE-DRUM SANDER (woodworking) 662.682-014 MULTIPLE-DRUM-SANDER HELPER (woodworking) 662.686–01 4 06.04.03 multiple-effect evaporator operator :EVAPORATOR OPERA- TOR (chem.; glue): 553.382-018 06.02.11 multiple-knife-edge-trimmer operator :BOOK TRIMMER (print. & pub.): 640.685-010 06.04.04 Multiple-Line Underwriter (insurance) (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 :UNDERWRITER Multiple-Needle Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 multiple-pressure-riveter operator :RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.): 800.662-010 06.02.02 Multiple-Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) I :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 Multiple-Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) II :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615,685-030 06.04.02 Multiple-Resaw Operator (wood. box) :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 multiple-slide operator :FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.382-018 06.02.02 multiple-spindle-drilling-machine operator :DRILL-PRESS SET- UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 606.380-0 1 0 06.01.03 Multiple-Spindle-Router Operator (woodworking) :ROUTER OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-030 multiple-tube-winding-machine operator :DOUBLING- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-046 06.04.06 Multiple-Wire Sawyer (stonework) :WIRE SAWYER (stonework): 677.462-014 06.02.08 Multiplex-Machine Operator (tel. & tel.) TELEGRAPHIC- TYPEWRITER OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-050 07.06.02 multi-punch operator :TURRET-PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 615.482-038 06.02.02 multi-slide-machine tender :FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-050 06.04.02 Municipal-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE 1 1 1. 107-0 1 0 1 1.04.01 MUNITIONS HANDLER (ammunition) 929.687-034 06.04.40 Munitions-Handler Supervisor (ammunition) :SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 Munitions Worker (gov. ser.) :ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.): 632.261-018 05.10.02 museum preparator :MUSEUM TECHNICIAN (museum): 102.38 1-0 10 01.06.02 - MUSEUM TECHNICIAN (museum) 102.381-010 01.06.02 Mushroom Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, INSIDE (agric.): 405.161-018 03.01.03 Mushroom-Growing Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, HOR- TICULTURAL-SPECIALTY FARMING (agric.): 405.131- 0 1 0 03.02.03 Mushroom Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-01403.04.04 Mushroom Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Mushroom-Press Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 + 06.04.05 Mushroom-Spawn Maker (profess. & kin.) :MYCOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-062 02.02.02 musical director :DIRECTOR, MUSIC (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 152.047-018 01.04.01 (gov. Ser.): MUSICAL-STRING MAKER (musical inst.) 730.684-050 06.02.32 music autographer :MUSIC GRAPHER (print. & pub.): 970.58 1-0 10 01.06.03 MUSIC COPYIST (print. & pub.) 209.582-010 07.06.02 Music Critic (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.) :CRITIC (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.): 13 1.067-018 01.01.03 music department head :DIRECTOR, MUSIC (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 152.047-018 01.04.01 MUSIC ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) 972.681-010 01.06.01 MUSIC GRAPHER (print. & pub.) 970.581-010 01.06.03 MUSICIAN, INSTRUMENTAL (amuse. & rec.) 152.04 1-010 01.04.04 MUSIC LIBRARIAN (radio & tv broad.) 100.367–022 11.02.04 MUSIC LIBRARIAN, INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST (radio & tv broad.) 100.367–026 11.02.04 550 music mixer :SOUND MIXER (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.262-018 05.10.05 MUSIC SUPERVISOR (education) 099.167–026 11.07.03 MUSIC THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076. 127-014 10.02.02 music typographer MUSIC COPYIST (print. & pub.): 209,582- 010 07.06.02 Muskrat Trapper (hunt. & trap.) TRAPPER, ANIMAL (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-01403.04.03 Mustard Mixer (food prep., n.e.c.) :MIXER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.685-154 06.04.15 mutton puncher :SHEEP HERDER (agric.): 03.04.01 mutuel cashier :PARIMUTUEL-TICKET CASHIER (amuse. & rec.): 211.467-018 07.03.01 mutuel clerk :PARIMUTUEL-TICKET SELLER (amuse. & rec.): 211.467–022 07.03.01 MVA-REACTOR OPERATOR (chem.) 558.685-046 06.04.11 MVA-REACTOR OPERATOR, HEAD (chem.) 559,362-022 06.02.11 - MYCOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-062 02.02.02 N NAIL-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (nail) 616.682-030 06.02.20 - - nailer :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 NAILER (tinware) 739.687-126 06:04.23 NAILER, HAND (any ind.) 762,684-050 06.04.22 nailer, machine :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 nailhead puncher :ORNAMENT SETTER (garment; trim. & embroid.): 789.685-010 06.04.34 Nailhead Setter (garment; trim. & embroid.) :ORNAMENT SETTER (garment; trim. & embroid.): 789.685-010 06.04.34 NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 669,682-058 06.02.03 NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 669.685-066 06.04.20 nail-machine operator :NAIL-MAKING-MACHINE SETTER (nail): 616.460-010 06.01.02 4 10.687–022 NAIL-MAKING-MACHINE SETTER (nail) 616.460-010 06.01.02 NAIL-MAKING-MACHINE TENDER (nail) 617.665-010 06.04.02 NAIL-POLISH-BRUSH-MACHINE FEEDER, AUTOMATIC (brush & broom) 692.686-054 06.04.20 nail puller TACK PULLER, MACHINE (boot & 690.685-4 10 06.04.05 Nail Welter (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 - NAME-PLATE STAMPER (any ind.) 652.685-054 06.04.37 name-plate-stamping-machine operator :EMBOSSING- MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I: 208.582-014 06.02.02 shoe): NAPHTHALENE OPERATOR (coke prod.) 551.665-010 06.04.11 NAPHTHALENE-OPERATOR HELPER (coke prod.) 551.687–026 06.04.34 Naphthalene-Still Operator (coal tar prod.) :DISTILLATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.); 552.462-010 06.02.18 Naphtha-Plant Treater (petrol. refin.) TREATER (petrol. refin.); 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 NAPHTHA-WASHING-SYSTEM OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.382-038 06.02.13 Naphthol-Soaping-Machine Operator (textile) :CLOTH- WASHER OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-030 06.04.16 Napkin-Band Wrapper (paper goods) :BANDER, HAND (paper goods): 920.687–026 06.04.38 - goods) :FOLDING- 649.685-046 * Napkin-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.04 (paper (paper goods): napper :NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile): 585.685-070 06.04.16 Napper Grinder (textile) :CARD GRINDER (asbestos prod.; textile): 680.380-010 06.01.02 napper operator :NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile): 585.685-070 06.04.16 NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile) 585.685-070 06.04.16 NAPPER TENDER (hosiery) 585.665-010 06.04.05 narcotics investigator :INVESTIGATOR, NARCOTICS (gov. ser.): 375.267-018 04.01.02 NARRATOR (motion pic.) 150.147-010 01.03.03 NARROW-FABRIC CALENDERER (narrow fabrics) 583.685- 074 06.04.16 A. Narrow-Fabric-Loom Fixer (narrow fabrics) :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 National Editor (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, CITY (print. & pub.): 132.037-014 11.08.01 national insurance Officer :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187.1 67- 198 10.01.02 - national Service Officer :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESEN- TATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187.167-198 10.01.02 NATURAL-GAS-TREATING-UNIT OPERATOR production) 549.382-010 06.02.12 naturopathic physician :DOCTOR, NATUROPATHIC (medical ser.): 0.79.101-014 02.03.04 naval designer ARCHITECT, MARINE (profess. & kin.): 001.061-01 4 05.01.07 NAVIGATOR (air trans.) 196. 167-014 05.03.01 Neck Cutter (elec. equip.) :LIGHT-BULB ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.); 692.685-118 * 06.04.20 NECKER (jewelry cases) 692.686-058 06.04.09 Neck Feller (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 - Neck Fitter (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 neck pinner .NECK SKEWER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687–050 06.04.28 (petrol. NECK SKEWER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-050 06.04.28 NECKTIE-CENTRALIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) I 786.682-186 06.02.05 NECKTIE-CENTRALIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) II 786.682-190 06.02.05 NECKTIE OPERATOR, POCKETS AND PIECES (garment) 786.682-182 06.02.05 necktie Stitcher :NECKTIE-CENTRALIZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) I: 786.682-186 06.02.05 Necktie Turner (garment) :TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 NEEDLE-BAR MOLDER (carpet & rug) 556.684-022 06.04.32 NEEDLE-BOARD REPAIRER (felt goods) 739.684-134 06.04.34 NEEDLE-CONTROL CHENILLER (house furn.) 687.685-010 06.02.05 NEEDLE-FELT-MAKING-MACHINE goods) 689.362-010 06.02.06 NEEDLE GRINDER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734,584-010 06.04.24 needle grinder :PHONOGRAPH-NEEDLE-TIP (phonograph): 770.382-014 06.02.08 NEEDLE LEADER (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 502.684-022 06.04.32 NEEDLE-LOOM OPERATOR 06.02.06 OPERATOR (felt MAKER" (felt goods) 689.662-010 551 Needle-Loom-Operator Helper (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 NEEDLE-LOOM SETTER (felt goods) 689.360-010 06.01.02 NEEDLE-LOOM TENDER (felt goods) 689.685-090 06.04.06 NEEDLEMAKER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 619.280-010 06.01.03 needle molder .NEEDLE LEADER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 502.684-022 06.04.32 NEEDLE POLISHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 705.684-046 06.04.24 NEEDLE-PUNCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 689.682- 0 1 4 06.04.05 NEEDLE-PUNCH-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (textile) 689.686-034 06.04.05 needle-punch operator :TUFT-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; house furn.): 687.682-014 06.02.05 needle setter NEEDLE-BOARD REPAIRER (felt goods): 739.684-1 34 06.04.34 NEEDLE STRAIGHTENER (knit goods) 628.684-018 06.02.24 needle-valve operator :WATERSHED TENDER (waterworks): 954.382-0 | 8 05.06.03 needleworker :SEWER, HAND 06.04.27 negative assembler STRIPPER (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-050 * 01.06.01 negative checker :BLOCKER (print. & pub.) II: 971.684-010 06.03.02 (any ind.): 782.684-058 Negative Developer (motion pic.; photofinish.) :FILM DEVELOPER (motion pic.; photofinish.): 976.382-018 05.10.05 Negative Notcher (motion pic.) :DENSITY CONTROL PUNCHER (motion pic.): 976.684-010 05.10.05 Negative Spotter (photofinish.) SPOTTER, PHOTOGRAPHIC (photofinish.): 970.381-034 01.06.03 negative turner STRIPPER (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-050 * 01.06.01 & negative-turner apprentice :STRIPPER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 971.381-054 01.06.01 NEGOTIATOR, LETTER OF CREDIT (finan. inst.) 186.1 17- 050 1 1.06.03 NEMATOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-066 02.02.01 NEON-SIGN SERVICER (signs) 824.281-018 05.05.10 NEON-TUBE PUMPER (signs) 824.684-010 05.05.10 nerve specialist : NEUROLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-050 02.03.01 net checker-hanger ASSEMBLER, WET WASH (laund.): 361.687-0 1 0 05.09.03 net finisher :DYE-TANK TENDER (cord. & twine): 582.685- 054 06.04.16 net hanger :FISH-NET STRINGER (cord. & twine): 782.684- 026 06.04.27 NET MAKER (cord. & twine) 789.684-030 06.04.27 NET REPAIRER (fish.) 449.664-0 10 05.10.01 Net Sorter (laund.) :LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 361.687– 018 06.04.35 NETTING INSPECTOR (cord. & twine) 782.487-010 06.03.02 netting machine operator :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 685.685-010 06.04.06 NET WASHER (rubber goods) 599.687-022 06.04.39 Network Announcer (radio & tv broad.) :ANNOUNCER (radio & twº broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 network-relay tester :RELAY TESTER (light, heat, & power): 729.281-038 05.05.05 NEUROLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-050 02.03.01 º: Neuropathologist (medical ser.) :PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.061-010 02.02.01 Neurosurgeon (medical ser.) :SURGEON (medical ser.) I: 070. 101-094 02.03.01 neutralizer :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 NEUTRALIZER (corn prod.) 522.685-082 06.04.15 neutralizer :NITROGLYCERIN NEUTRALIZER (explosives): 558.685-050 06.04.11 neutralizer :LENS-BLANK GAGER (optical goods): 716.687- 026 06.03.02 NEUTRALIZER (soap) 558.585-034 06.04.19 - Neverslip Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 new-account interviewer :CHARGE-ACCOUNT CLERK (clerical): 205.367-014 07.04.01 NEW-ACCOUNTS CLERK (finan. inst.) 205.362-026 07.04.01 new-accounts teller :NEW-ACCOUNTS CLERK (finan. inst.): 205.362-026 07.04.01 new-business clerk :REVIEWER 07.05.02 NEW-CAR GET-READY MECHANIC (auto. ser.; ret. tr.) 806.361-026 05.10.02 NEW-CAR INSPECTOR (motor trans.) 9 19.363-010 06.03.01 News Agent (r. r. trans.) :LOUNGE-CAR ATTENDANT (r.r. trans.): 291.457-014 08.03.01 News Analyst (radio & tv broad.) :COLUMNIST/COMMENTATOR (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.067-010 1 1.08.03 NEWS ASSISTANT (radio & tw broad.) 209.367–038 07.05.03 NEWSCASTER (radio & tv broad.) 13 1.267-0 1 0 1 1.08.03 NEWSPAPER CARRIER (ret. tr.) 292.457-010 09.04.02 newspaper deliverer :NEWSPAPER CARRIER (ret. tr.): 292.457-010 09.04.02 NEWSPAPER-DELIVERY DRIVER (whole. tr.) 292.363-010 05.08.03 newspaper-press-operator apprentice :WEB-PRESS-OPERA- TOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 651.362-034 05.05.13 NEWSWRITER (print. & pub.; radio & tw broad.) 131.267-014 11.08.02 nib adjuster 06.03.02 Nib Assembler (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil): 733.685-010 06.04.20 NIBBLER OPERATOR (any ind.) 615.685-026 06.04.02 NIB FINISHER (pen & pencil) 705.684-050 06.04.24 NIB INSPECTOR (pen & pencil) 733.687-058 06.03.02 Nickel Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER AND POLISHER (any ind.): 709.687-010 06.04.39 NICKEL-PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.362-010 06.02.10 Nickel Plater (electroplating) 500.380-0 10 06.02.21 NICKER (boot & shoe) 690.685-298 06.04.05 nicker and breaker :TESTER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal al- loys); 614,684-01406.03.02 NICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cut. & tools) 609.682-026 06.02.02 nick setter :NICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cut. & tools): 609.682-026 06.02.02 NIGHT AUDITOR (hotel & rest.) 210.382-054 07.02.02 Night Baker (hotel & rest.) :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381 - 0 1 0 05.10.08 night cleaner :EQUIPMENT CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684- 0 1 0 06.04.39 night cleaner :HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-0 18 05.12.18 night-clerk auditor :NIGHT AUDITOR 2 1 0.382-054 07.02.02 Night-Court Magistrate (gov. ser.) :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 1 1 1. 107-014 11.04.01 Night Guard (any ind.) GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 NIGHT-PATROL INSPECTOR (signs) 824.683-010 05.08.03 nipper :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 (insurance): 209.687-0 18 :INSPECTOR (pen & pencil): 733.687-042 :PLATER (electroplating): (hotel & rest.): 552 Nipple-Machine Operator (mach. shop) :THREADING- MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop): 604.682-014 06.02.02 NITRATING-ACID MIXER (explosives) 550.585-030 06.04.11 NITRATOR OPERATOR (explosives) 558.382-046 06.02.11 nitric-acid-concentrator operator :STRONG-NITRIC OPERA- TOR (explosives): 559.682-062 06.02.18 NITROCELLULOSE OPERATOR (explosives) 553.684-014 06.04.34 NITROGLYCERIN DISTRIBUTOR (explosives) 559.664-010 06.04.40 NITROGLYCERIN NEUTRALIZER (explosives) 558.685-050 06.04.11 Nitroglycerin-Nitrator Operator, Batch (explosives) :NITRATOR OPERATOR (explosives): 558.382-046 06.02.11 NITROGLYCERIN-SEPARATOR OPERATOR (explosives) 551.685-102 06.02.18 NITROGLYCERIN SUPERVISOR (explosives) 559. 132-038 06.01.01 Nock Applier (sports equip.) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 NODULIZER (cement) 579.685-034 06.04.19 Noise-Abatement Engineer (profess. & kin.) :POLLUTION- CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 019.081-018 05.01.02 NOODLE-CATALYST MAKER (chem.) 559.685-126 06.04.11 NOODLE MAKER (macaroni & rel, prod.) 529.385-010 06.04.15 NOODLE-PRESS OPERATOR 520.662–0 1 0 (06.02.15 normalizer : ANNEALER (heat treat.); 504.682-010 06.02.10 normalizing-equipment tender :FABRIC NORMALIZER (rubber goods): 559.685-066 06.04.16 Notched-Blade Loader (cut. & tools) :COLD-PRESS LOADER (cut. & tools): 701.687-018 06.04.32 notcher :NOTCH GRINDER (glass 06.04.08 NOTCH GRINDER (glass prod.) 673.685-070 06.04.08 Notching-Press Operator (any ind.) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) III: 615.682-014 06.02.02 Notch-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER-FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 Nougat-Candy Maker (confection.) :CANDY MAKER (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 Nougat-Candy-Maker Helper (confection.) :CANDY-MAKER HELPER (confection.): 520.685-050 06.04.15 Nougat Cutter, Machine (confection.) :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 52 1,685-102 06.02.15 (macaroni & rel. prod.) prod.): 673.685-070 Nourishment Worker (medical ser.) :FOOD-SERVICE WORKER, HOSPITAL (medical ser.): 355.677-0 1 0 * 09.05.02 Novelty-Balloon Assembler and Packer (rubber goods) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 novelty-candy maker :CANDY MOLDER, HAND (confection.): 520.687-018 06.04.28 novelty-candy maker ARTIFICIAL-CANDY MAKER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.): 739.684-010 06.02.32 Novelty-Chain Maker (jewelry) :CHAIN MAKER, MACHINE (jewelry): 700.684-022 06.02.23 novelty dipper :NOVELTY MAKER (dairy prod.) I: 529,482- 0 1 4 06.02.15 NOVELTY MAKER (dairy prod.) I 529,482-01406.02.15 NOVELTY MAKER (dairy prod.) II 529.482-018 06.02.15 novelty maker :PAPER-NOVELTY MAKER (paper goods): 794.684-022 06.02.26 Novelty-Printing-Machine Operator (textile) PRINTER (any ind.): 652.382-010 06.02.09 :CLOTH Novelty-Twister Tender (textile) :TWISTER TENDER (asbestos prod.; glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 681.685- 130 * 06.04.06 NOVELTY WORKER (dairy prod.) 524.686-01406.04.28 NOZZLE-AND-SLEEVE WORKER (nonfer. metal alloys) 5 14.684-018 06.04.24 NOZZLE TENDER (nonfer. metal alloys) 5 12.685-014 06.04.10 Nozzle Worker (mining & quarrying) :MINER, PLACER (mining & quarrying): 939.684-01405.12.02 Nub-Card Tender (textile) :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 NUCLEAR ENGINEER 05.01.03 Nuclear Logging Engineer (petrol. production) :SURVEYOR, OIL-WELL DIRECTIONAL (petrol. production): 0 1 0.261- 022 05.03.04 NUCLEAR MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST 078.361-018 10.02.02 nuclear plant control operator :POWER-REACTOR OPERA- TOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-022 05.06.01 Nuclear-Plant-Instrument Technician (light, heat, & power) :INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN (light, heat, & power): 7 10.281-030 05.05.11 -- Nuclear-Powerplant Mechanic :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC 63 1.261-01 4 05.05.09 Nuclear-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) (profess. & kin.) 015.061-014 (medical ser.) heat, & power) heat, & power): (light, (light, :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 Nuclear-Powerplant Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 631.131-010 05.05.05 Nuclear-Waste-Process Operator (any ind.) :WASTE-TREAT- MENT OPERATOR (chem.): 955.382-01 4 06.02.11 Nuclear Weapons Mechanical Specialist (gov, ser.) :ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.): 632.261-018 05.10.02 NUMBERER AND WIRER (textile) 689.587-010 06.04.06 NUMERICAL-CONTROL-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 609.662-010 06.02.02 NURSE AIDE (medical ser.) 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 Nurse Aide, Central Supply (medical ser.) :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 Nurse Aide, Delivery (medical ser.) :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355,674-014 * 10.03.02 Nurse Aide, Nursery (medical ser.) :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 Nurse Aide, Surgery (medical ser.) :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 NURSE ANESTHETIST (medical ser.) O75.37 1-0 1 0 10.02.01 nurse, children's :CHILD MONITOR (dom. ser.): 301.677-010 10.03.03 Nurse, College (medical ser.) ser.): 075. 124-0 1 0 1 0.02.01 NURSE, CONSULTANT (medical ser.) 075. 127-014 10.02.01 nurse, first aid :FIRST-AID ATTENDANT (any ind.): 354.677- 0 1 0 10.03.02 NURSE, GENERAL DUTY (medical 10.02.01 NURSE, HEAD (medical ser.) 075. 127-0 18 10.02.01 Nurse, Infants (dom. ser.) :CHILD MONITOR (dom. 301.677-0 1 0 1 0.03.03 NURSE, INSTRUCTOR (medical ser.) 075.12 1-0 1 0 1 0.02.01 NURSE, LICENSED PRACTICAL (medical ser.) 079.374-014 * 10.02.01 NURSE-MIDWIFE (medical ser.) 075.264-0 14 10.02.01 NURSE, OFFICE (medical ser.) 075.374-014 10.02.01 NURSE, PRACTICAL (medical ser.) 354.374-0 1 0 10.03.02 NURSE PRACTITIONER (medical ser.) 075.264-0 1 0 10.02.01 :NURSE, SCHOOL (medical ser.) 075.374-0 1 0 + ser.): 553 NURSE, 10.02.01 Nursery Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-014 03.04.04 NURSERY SCHOOL ATTENDANT (any ind.) 359.677-018 + 10.03.03 NURSE, SCHOOL (medical ser.) 075. 124-0 1 0 10.02.01 nurse, special :NURSE, PRIVATE DUTY (medical 075.374-018 10.02.01 nurse, staff :NURSE, GENERAL DUTY (medical 075.374-0 1 0 + 10.02.01 NURSE, STAFF, COMMUNITY HEALTH (medical 075. 1 24–014 10.02.01 nurse, staff, industrial :NURSE, STAFF, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.): 0.75.374-022 10.02.01 NURSE, STAFF, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075.374-022 10.02.01 NURSE, SUPERVISOR (medical ser.) 075. 127-022 10.02.01 NURSE, SUPERVISOR, COMMUNITY-HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 127-026 10.02.01 nurse supervisor, industrial nursing :NURSE, SUPERVISOR, PRIVATE DUTY (medical ser.) 075.374-0 18 ser.): ser.): ser.) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.): 075,137-010 10.02.01 - NURSE, SUPERVISOR, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.) 075. 137-010 10.02.01 nursing assistant :NURSE AIDE (medical ser.): 355.674-014 * 10.03.02 NUT-AND-BOLT ASSEMBLER (nut & bolt) 929.587-010 06.04.38 NUT CHOPPER (confection.; food prep., n.e.c.; nut process.) 521.686-046 06.04.15 nut-dehydrator operator 523.685-066 06.04.15 NUT FORMER (nut & bolt) 612.462-014 06.02.02 NUT GRINDER (nut process.) 521.685-234 06.04.15 Nut Orchardist (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 nut picker :NUT SORTER (nut process.): 521.687-086 * 06.03.02 NUT-PROCESS HELPER (nut process.) 529.486-010 06.04.15 nutrition consultant :TESTER, FOOD PRODUCTS (any ind.): 199.25 1-0 1 0 05.05.17 Nutritionist (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 Nutritionist, Public Health (gov. ser.) :COMMUNITY DIETI- TIAN (profess. & kin.): 077. 127-010 11.02.03 NUT ROASTER (nut process.) 529.685-174 06.04.15 Nut-Roaster Helper (nut process.) :NUT-PROCESS HELPER (nut process.): 529.486-010 06.04.15 nut sifter :NUT SORTER (nut process.): 06.03.02 Nut Sorter (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 NUT SORTER (nut process.) 521.687-086 06.03.02 NUT-SORTER OPERATOR (nut process.) 521.685-238 06.04.15 NUT STEAMER (nut process.) 521.687-090 06.04.28 nutter-up NUT-AND-BOLT ASSEMBLER (nut 929.587-0 1 NYLON-HOT-WIRE CUTTER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.684-038 06.04.27 :DRIER TENDER (nut process.): 521.687–086 * & bolt): O Oak Tanner (leather mfg.) :TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 observer :SERVICE OBSERVER (tel. 07.04.05 OBSERVER, ELECTRICAL PROSPECTING (petrol. produc- tion) 0.10.261-014 05.03.04 & tel.): 239.367–026 OBSERVER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 0 1 0.261-018 05.03.04 observer helper :OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMIC PROSPECT- ING (petrol. production): 939.364-010 05.12.03 OBSERVER HELPER, GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 939.663-010 05.08.03 OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 939.364-010 05.12.03 OBSERVER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 0 1 0.161-018 05.03.04 OBSTETRICIAN (medical ser.) 070. 101-054 02.03.01 OCCUPATIONAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 166.067-010 11.03.04 occupational-safety-and-health-compliance officer :OCCUPATIONAL-SAFETY-AND-HEALTH INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168. 167-062 11.10.03 OCCUPATIONAL-SAFETY-AND-HEALTH INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 168. 167–062 11.10.03 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076. 121-010 * OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AIDE (medical ser.) 355.377- 0 1 0 10.03.02 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT (medical 076.364-0 10 * 10.02.02 Oceanographer, Geological (profess. & kin.) :GEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-018 02.01.01 Oceanographer, Physical (profess. & kin.) :GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-030 02.01.01 Octave Tuner (musical inst.) :TUNER, PERCUSSION (musical inst.): 730.38 1-058 05.05.12 Ocularist :ARTIFICIAL-PLASTIC-EYE goods): 713.261-01405.05.11 ocularist, glass :ARTIFICIAL-GLASS-EYE MAKER (optical goods): 713.261-010 05.05.11 oculist :OPHTHALMOLOGIST (medical 02.03.01 ODD BUNDLE WORKER (tobacco) 529.687-166 06.04.15 odd-job worker :CARETAKER (dom. ser.): 301.687-010 05.12.18 ODD-PIECE CHECKER (knit goods) 221.587-018 05.09.01 ODD-SHOE EXAMINER (boot & shoe) 788.667-010 06.03.02 Odometer Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 Offal Baler (leather mfg.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 OFFAL ICER, POULTRY (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687– 054 06.04.40 OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-038 06.04.28 OFFBEARER, SEWER PIPE (brick & 06.04.17 Office Auditor (gov. ser.) :AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.): 160, 167–038 11.06.01 Office-Chair Assembler (furn.) :ASSEMBLER, METAL FUR- NITURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 office clerk, routine :CLERK, GENERAL (clerical): 209.562- O 10 07.07.03 OFFICE COPY SELECTOR (print. 07.05.04 office-equipment mechanic :OFFICE.-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 * 05.05.09 OFFICE HELPER (clerical) 239.567-010 07.07.03 office-machine inspector :OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 * 05.05.09 Office-Machine-Repair-Shop Supervisor (any ind.) :OFFICE- MACHINE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 633.131-010 05.05.09 OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER (any 05.05.09 ser.) MAKER (optical ser.): 070. 101-058 tile) 579.686-026 & pub.) 249.687-010 ind.) 633.281-018 * 554 OFFICE-MACHINE-SERVICER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 633.28.1-022 05.05.09 OFFICE-MACHINE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 633.131-0 1 0 05.05.09 office-planning representative :FACILITIES PLANNER (any ind.): 019.261-018 05.01.06 OFFICE SUPERVISOR, ANIMAL HOSPITAL (nonprofit organ.) 249.137-010 07.05.03 OFFSET-DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 207.682-018 * 05.10.05 OFFSET-DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.682-01405.10.05 OFFSET-PLATE MAKER 01.06.01 OFFSET-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) I 651.482-010 * 05.05.13 OFFSET-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) II 651.685-018 06.04.09 OFFSET-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 651.482-01 4 05.05.13 offset-press-operator helper :ASSISTANT-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.585-010 05.05.13 Offset-Proof-Press Operator (print. & pub.) :PROOF-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.582-010 05.05.13 OIL BOILER (coated fabrics) 543.362-010 06.02.18 OIL-BURNER-SERVICER-AND-INSTALLER (any 862.281-018 05.05.03 OIL-BURNER-SERVICER-AND-INSTALLER HELPER (any ind.) 862.687–022 05.12.12 OIL DIPPER (woodworking) 769.684-026 06.04.25 oil dispatcher :DISPATCHER, OIL (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914. 167-01405.02.01 Oil Dispenser (can. & preserv.) :PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE (can. & preserv.): 529.685-190 06.04.15 Oil-distributor tender :ASPHALT-DISTRIBUTOR TENDER (const.): 853.665-010 05.12.14 OILER (any ind.) 699.687-018 05.12.08 oiler :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 oiler :BOILER-ROOM HELPER (any ind.): 950.685-014 05.06.02 oiler :LUBRICATION SERVICER (auto. ser.): 915.687-0 18 05.12.08 OILER (clock & watch) 715.684-146 * 06.04.33 oiler STRIPPING-SHOVEL OILER (mining & quarrying): 850.684-018 05.12.08 oiler :MARINE OILER (water trans.): 91 1.584-010 05. 12.08 oiler and greaser :OILER (any ind.): 699.687-018 05.12.08 oiler and packer, gun parts :GREASER (firearms): 736.687-010 05.12.08 Oil-Expeller (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats) :EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats): 529.685-106 06.04.15 - Oil-Expeller (slaught. & meat pack.) :RENDERING-EQUIP- MENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.685-202 06.04.15 Oil Extractor (mach. shop) :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-01406.04.39 OIL-FIELD EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (petrol. production) 629.38 1-0 1 4 05.05.09 OIL-FIELD EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (petrol. production) 629.131-01405.05.09 Oil-Field-Pipe-Line Supervisor (petrol. production) :SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINES (petrol. production): 862. 131- 022 05.11.01 Oil-House Attendant (clerical) 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 Oiling-Machine Operator (felt goods; leather mfg.) :DRUM AT- TENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 Oiling-Machine Operator (iron & steel) :PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-074 06.04.21 (print. & pub.) 971.381-018 ind.) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): OILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.685-018 06.04.14 Oil-Paint Shader (paint & varn.) :TINTER (paint & varn.): 550.381-01 4 06.02.11 OIL-PIPE INSPECTOR 05.07.01 OIL-PIPE-INSPECTOR HELPER (petrol. production) 930.364- 0 1 0 05.07.01 OIL PUMPER (petrol. production) 914.382-010 05.06.03 oil-pump-station operator, chief :STATION ENGINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines): 914. 132-014 05.06.03 Oil-Rag Washer (any ind.) :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II: 361.685-018 06:04:35 OIL-RECOVERY-UNIT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 549.382- 0 1 4 06.02.12 OIL-SEAL ASSEMBLER (leather prod.) 739.684-138 06.04.23 OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & fats) 521.685–242 06.04.19 OIL-SPOT WASHER (house furn.; textile) 689.687–050 06.04.39 oil sprayer :ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER 853.663-018 05.11.01 Oil Sprayer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Oil Sprayer (leather mfg.) SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-0 14 06.04.27 oil-spreader operator :ROAD-OILING-TRUCK (const.): 853.663-018 05.11.01 oil-spreader-truck operator :ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 853.663-018 05.11.01 oil tester TESTER (petrol. refin.): 029.261-022 02.04.01 oil-well-electrical-wall-sampling-device operator :SAMPLE- TAKER OPERATOR (petrol. production): 93 1.361-010 05. 12.02 oil-well-fishing-tool operator :FISHING-TOOL TECHNICIAN, OIL WELL (petrol. production): 930.261-010 05.03.04 Oil-well formation tester :FORMATION-TESTING OPERATOR (petrol. production): 930.261-014 05.07.05 oil-well gun-perforator operator :PERFORATOR OPERATOR, OIL WELL (petrol. production): 93 1.382-010 oil-well-logging engineer :SURVEYOR, OIL-WELL DIRECTIONAL (petrol. production): 0.10.261-022 05.03.04 oil-well pumper :OIL PUMPER (petrol. production): 914.382- O 1 O 05.06.03 OIL-WELL-SERVICE 939.462-010 OIL-WELL-SERVICE-OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. produc- tion) 939.684-018 05.12.07 OIL-WELL-SERVICES SUPERVISOR 939, 1 32–0 1 4 05.1 1.03 oil-well shooter :SHOOTER (petrol. production): 93 1.361-014 05.10.06 oil-well-sounding-device operator :SERVICE-UNIT OPERA- TOR, OIL WELL (petrol. production): 930.361-010 05.11.03 oil winterizer :WINTERIZER (oils & fats): 521.685-374 06.04.15 Ointment-Mill Tender (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 Oleo-Hasher-and-Renderer (oils & fats) :LARD REFINER (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.): 529.685-158 06.04.15 OLIVE BRINE TESTER (can. & preserv.) 522.584-010 06.03.02 OLIVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 770.38 1- 034 06.01.04 One-Piece-Expansion Maker, Hand (paper goods) :EXPANSION ENVELOPE MAKER, HAND (paper goods): 794.684-018 06.04.26 .* Onion Farmer (agric.) :FARMER, VEGETABLE (agric.): 402.16 1–0 1 0 03.01.01 (petrol. production) 930.267-010 (const.): DRIVER OPERATOR (petrol. production) (petrol. production) 555 Onion-Harvesting Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 131-010 03.04.01 OPAQUER (medical ser.) 712.684-030 06.02.32 OPEN-DEVELOPER OPERATOR (textile) 06.04.16 OPENER (hat & cap) I 784.687-054 06.04.27 OPENER (hat & cap) II 589.686-030 06.04.16 OPENER (rubber goods) 559.686-034 06.04.07 OPENER TENDER (textile) 680.685-070 06.04.06 582.685-098 OPENER-VERIFIER-PACKER, CUSTOMS (gov. ser.) 1 68.387-0 1 0 05.09.03 Open-Hearth Door-Liner (iron & steel) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381 - 026 05.05.01 open-hearth-furnace laborer THIRD HELPER (iron & steel): 5 12.687-0 1 4 06.04.10 open-hearth-furnace operator :FIRST HELPER (iron & steel): 5 12.362-010 06.02.10 open-hearth-furnace-operator helper :SECOND HELPER (iron & steel): 512.684-010 * 06.04.10 Open-Hearth-Pit Recorder (iron & steel) :RECORDER (iron & steel): 221.367–050 05.09.02 Opening-Machine Cleaner (textile) (any ind.): 699.687-014 06.04.39 opening-machine tender :OPENER TENDER (textile): 680.685- 070 06.04.06 Open-Shank Coverer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 open-tenter operator :TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-010 06.04.16 Operating-Cost Clerk (clerical) 21 6.382-034 07.02.02 operating engineer :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382–026 * 05.06.02 operating engineer :REFRIGERATING ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.362-01 4 05.06.02 OPERATING ENGINEER 859.683-010 * 05.11.01 OPERATING-ENGINEER APPRENTICE (const; mining & quarrying) 859.683-014 05.11.01 operating-engineer apprentice, stationary :STATIONARY-EN- GINEER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 950.382-030 05.06.02 :MACHINE CLEANER :COST CLERK (clerical): (const.; mining & quarrying) operating-room technician :SURGICAL TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 0.79.374-022 * 10.03.02 OPERATING-TABLE ASSEMBLER (furn.) 706.381-026 06.01.04 operations agent :TRANSPORTATION AGENT (air trans.): 9 12,367-0 14 * 07.05.01 operations chief :CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SUPER- VISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-0 10 05.05.05 operations inspector :INSPECTOR, AIR-CARRIER (gov. ser.): 168.264-0 1 0 05.03.06 operations manager :MANAGER, OPERATIONS (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 184. 1 17-050 1 1.05.02 OPERATIONS MANAGER (motor trans.) 184. 167-1 18 OPERATIONS MANAGER (tel. & tel.) 184. 117-070 1 1.05.02 OPERATIONS OFFICER (finan. inst.) 186. 167–050 11.06.01 operations officer :DESK OFFICER (gov. ser.): 375. 137-014 04.01.01 Operations Officer, Branch Bank (finan. inst.) :OPERATIONS OFFICER (finan. inst.): 186. 167–050 11.06.01 Operations Officer, Branch Office (finan, inst.) :OPERATIONS OFFICER (finan. inst.): 186. 167–050 11.06.01 Operations Officer, Trust Department (finan. inst.) :OPERATIONS OFFICER (finan. inst.): 186. 167–050 11.06.01 OPERATIONS-RESEARCH ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 020.067-018 11.01.01 operations supervisor :VENDING-STAND SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.): 185. 167–066 09.04.01 Operations Technician (tel. & tel.) :AUTOMATIC-EQUIP- MENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.28 1-0 10 05.05.05 operative supervisor :RECORDIST, CHIEF (motion pic.): 962. 1 34-0 1 0 05.10.05 OPERATOR, AUTOMATED PROCESS (electronics) 590.382- 0 1 0 06.02.18 OPERATOR, CATALYST CONCENTRATION (plastics mat.) 550.382-026 06.02.13 OPERATOR, CAVITY PUMP (elec. 06.02.18 operator, circuit PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-01 4 07.04.05 Operator, Coating Furnace (cut. & tools) :COATING-AND- BAKING OPERATOR (any ind.); 554.685-01406.04.21 operator, control room :CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 546.382-010 06.02.12 operator, direct wire :PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-014 07.04.05 operator, lights :LIGHT TECHNICIAN (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 962.362-014 05.10.03 OPERATOR, PREFINISH (veneer & plywood) 562.685-018 06.02.21 Operator, Scales (plastics mat.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-01406.03.02 Ophthalmic-Lens Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 ophthalmic-technician apprentice :OPTICIAN APPRENTICE (optical goods; ret. tr.): 716.280-010 05.05.11 OPHTHALMOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-058 02.03.01 Optical-Brightener Maker (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL COM- POUNDER (coal tar prod.); 559.682-018 06.02.18 Optical-Brightener-Maker Helper (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL- COMPOUNDER HELPER (coal tar prod.); 550.687-010 06.04.11 optical designer OPTICAL ENGINEER (profess. 0 19.061-018 05.01.07 OPTICAL-ELEMENT COATER (optical goods) 716.382-014 06.02.21 OPTICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.061-018 05.01.07 OPTICAL-GLASS ETCHER (optical goods) 716.681-022 06.02.30 optical-glass inspector :WET INSPECTOR, OPTICAL GLASS (optical goods): 716.687-034 06.03.02 OPTICAL-GLASS SILVERER (optical goods) 574.484-010 06.04.33 OPTICAL-INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLER 7 1 1.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.04 optical mechanic :OPTICIAN (optical goods; ret. tr.): 716.280- 0 1 4 05.05.11 optical-mechanic apprentice :OPTICIAN (optical goods; ret. tr.): 716.280-010 05.05.11 optical model maker and tester OPTICIAN (optical goods): 716.280-008 05.05.11 optical technician :PRECISION-LENS GRINDER goods): 716.382-018 * 06.02.08 OPTICIAN (optical goods; ret. tr.) 716.280-014 05.05.11 OPTICIAN (optical goods) 71.6.280-008 05.05.11 OPTICIAN APPRENTICE (optical goods; ret. tr.) 71.6.280–010 OPTICIAN APPRENTICE, DISPENSING (optical goods; ret. tr.) 713.361-010 05.05.11 Optician, Contact-Lens Dispensing (ret. tr.) I DISPENSING (ret. tr.) I: 713.361-014 05.05.11 Optician, Contact-Lens Dispensing (ret. tr.) II :OPTICIAN, DISPENSING (ret. tr.) II: 299.474-010 05.10.01 . OPTICIAN, DISPENSING (ret. tr.) I 713.361-014 05.05.11 OPTICIAN, DISPENSING (ret. tr.) II 299.474-0 10 05.10.01 equip.) 729.682-010 & kin.): (optical goods) APPRENTICE (optical :OPTICIAN, 556 OPTOMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (optical goods; photo. apparatus) 007.161g030 05.01.01 OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT (profess. & kin.) 079.364-014 10.03.02 OPTOMETRIST (profess. & kin.) 079.101-018 02.03.04 oral hygienist :DENTAL HYGIENIST (medical ser.): 078.361- 010 * 10.02.02 ORAL PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.) 072.061-010 02.03.02 ORAL SURGEON (medical ser.) 072. 101-018 Orange Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Orange-Peel Operator (any ind.) I TRACTOR-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 Orange-Peel Operator (any ind.) II :TRUCK-CRANE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 921.663-062 05.11.04 Orange-Picking Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 131-0 10 03.04.01 Orange Washer (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :WASHER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.): 529.685-258 06.04.39 orchardist :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Orchard Pruner (agric.) :TREE PRUNER (agric.): 408.684-018 03.04.05 orchestra leader CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.): 152,047-014 01.04.01 ORCHESTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 152.067–022 01.04.02 Orchid Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, INSIDE (agric.): 405.161-018 03.01.03 Orchid Superintendent (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, HORTICUL- TURAL-SPECIALTY FARMING (agric.): 405.131-010 03.02.03 Orchid Worker (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) I: 405.684-01403.04.04 ORDER CALLER (clerical) 209.667-01405.09.03 order checker :RECEIVING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-018 05.09.03 order checker :SHIPPING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-030 05.09.01 ORDER CLERK (clerical) 249,367–054 07.05.03 Order Clerk (light, heat, & power) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 Order clerk : CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks): 239.367-010 07.04.01 ORDER CLERK, FOOD AND BEVERAGE (hotel & rest.) 209.567-014 07.04.02 ORDER-CONTROL CLERK, BLOOD BANK (medical ser.; nonprofit organ.) 245.367–026 07.05.04 ORDER-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 169.167- 038 07.05.03 order-desk caller :ORDER CALLER (clerical): 209.667-014 05.09.03 ORDER DETAILER (clerical) 221.387-046 05.09.02 ORDER DISPATCHER, CHIEF (light, heat, & power) 959. 1 37-018 07.05.01 Order Filler (any ind.) 922.687–058 + 05.09.01 order filler :ORDER CLERK (clerical): 249.367–054 07.05.03 ORDER FILLER (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 222.487-014 05.09.01 order filler, bakery products :CHECKER, BAKERY PRODUCTS (bake. prod.): 222.487-010 05.09.01 ORDER FILLER, LINSEED OIL (oils & fats) 920.686-022 06.04.36 ordering-box operator :ORDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.682-01 4 06.02.15 ORDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.682-014 06.02.15 ORDERLY (medical ser.) 355.674-018 10.03.02 :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): order picker :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687–058 + 05.09.01 • ORDER RUNNER (slaught. 06.04.40 order taker :ORDER CLERK (clerical): 249.367–054 07.05.03 ORDINARY SEAMAN (water trans.) 91 1.687-030 05.12.18 ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.) 632.261-018 05.10.02 ORDNANCE-ARTIFICER HELPER (gov. ser.) 632.684-010 05.12.16 ORDNANCE ENGINEER (ammunition; explosives) 019.061- 022 05.01.08 ORDNANCE TRUCK INSTALLATION (Ordnance) 806.684-098 06.02.22 ore crusher :CRUSHER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 5 15.685-01 4 06.04.08 ore grader CONTROLLER, COAL OR ORE (mining & quar- rying): 939.167-010 05.12.01 ore sampler SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quarry- ing): 579,484-010 02.04.01 Organ Grinder (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTER- TAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 organ installer PIPE-ORGAN INSTALLER (musical inst.): 730.38 1-046 (95.05.12 Organist (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, (amuse. & rec.): 152.04 1-0 10 01.04.04 Organ-Pipe Finisher (musical inst.) :ORGAN-PIPE VOICER (musical inst.): 730.381-038 05.05.12 ORGAN-PIPE MAKER, METAL (musical inst.) 709.381-030 05.05.06 ORGAN-PIPE VOICER (musical inst.) 730.381-038 05.05.12 Organ Tuner, Electronic (any ind.) :ELECTRONIC-ORGAN TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 828.261-010 05.05.12 ORIENTAL-RUG REPAIRER (any ind.) 782.381-01405.05.15 ORIENTAL-RUG STRETCHER (any ind.) 580.687-010 06.04.27 ORIENTATION THERAPIST FOR THE BLIND (education) 076.221-0 1 0 1 0.02.02 - Orientor :ORIENTATION THERAPIST FOR THE BLIND (education): 0.76.221-010 10.02.02 Ornamental-Brick Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfci.blogs.): 863.684-01405.10.01 Ornamental-Bronze Worker (const.) :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 ornamental-iron erector :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.) 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 ORNAMENTAL-IRON-WORKER APPRENTICE 809.38 1–026 05.05.06 Ornamental-Iron-Worker Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 ORNAMENTAL-MACHINE OPERATOR (mirror frames) 690.682-054 06.02.09 ornamental-metal-erector apprentice :ORNAMENTAL-IRON- WORKER APPRENTICE (const.): 809.381-026 05.05.06 ornamental-metal-fabricator apprentice :ORNAMENTAL- METAL-WORKER APPRENTICE (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.); 619.260-010 05.05.06 ORNAMENTAL-METALWORK DESIGNER (Struct. & ornam. metalwork) 142.061-034 01.02.02 ORNAMENTAL-METAL WORKER (fabric. n.e.c.) 619.260-008 05.05.06 Ornamental-Metal Worker (struct, & ornam. metalwork) :METAL FABRICATOR (any ind.); 619.360-014 * 05.05.06 ORNAMENTAL-METAL-WORKER APPRENTICE (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 619.260-010 05.05.06 ORNAMENTAL-METAL-WORKER HELPER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 619.484-010 05.12.12 Ornamental-Plaster Sticker (const.) 842.361-018 * 05.05.04 & meat pack.) 525.687-058 MECHANIC INSTRUMENTAL (const.) & pic. metal prod., metal :PLASTERER (const.): 557 Ornamental-Rail Installer (const.) :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 ornamenter :DECORATOR (bake. prod.; 524.684-01 4 06.04.28 ornamenter, hand COMPO CASTER (mirror & pic. frames): 769.381-010 06.02.32 ORNAMENT MAKER, HAND (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.687– 130 06.04.23 ORNAMENT SETTER (garment; trim. & embroid.) 789.685- 010 06.04.34 Ornament Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Ornithologist (profess. & kin.) :ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 04 1.061-090 02.02.01 ORTHODONTIC GOLD-BAND MAKER 7 12.381-026 05.05.11 ORTHODONTIC TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 712.381-030 05.05.11 ORTHODONTIST (medical ser.) 072.101-022 02.03.02 ORTHOPEDIC ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 712.661-010 10.03.02 ORTHOPEDIC-BOOT-AND-SHOE DESIGNER AND MAKER (boot & shoe; per protect. & med. dev.) 788.261-010 05.05.15 orthopedic cast specialist :ORTHOPEDIC ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 712.661-01 0 10.03.02 Orthopedic Physician Assistant (medical ser.) :PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.79.364-018 10.02.01 orthopedic-shoe fitter SALESPERSON, ORTHOPEDIC SHOES (ret. tr.): 276.257-018 08.02.02 Orthopedic Surgeon (medical ser.) :SURGEON (medical ser.) I: 070. 101-094 02.03.01 ORTHOPTIST (medical ser.) 079.371-014 10.02.02 ORTHOTICS ASSISTANT (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.361-022 05.05.11 Orthotics-Prosthetics Assistant (per. protect. & med, dev.) :ORTHOTICS ASSISTANT (per. protect. & med. dev.): 078.361-022 05.05.11 Orthotics-Prosthetics Technician (per, protect. & med, dev.) :ORTHOTICS TECHNICIAN (per. protect. & med. dev.): 7 12.381-034 05.05.11 ORTHOTICS TECHNICIAN (per. 7 12.381-034 05.05.11 ORTHOTIST (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.261-018 05.05.11 Orthotist-Prosthetist (per. protect. & med. dev.) :ORTHOTIST (per. protect. & med. dev.): 078.261-018 05.05.11 oscillograph technician :INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN (light, heat, & power): 710.281-030 05.05.11 osteopath :OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 07.1. 101-010 * OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (medical ser.) 071. 101-010 * 02.03.01 OTOLARYNGOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-062 02.03.01 Otologist (medical ser.) :OTOLARYNGOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-062 02.03.01 otorhinolaryngologist :OTOLARYNGOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-062 02.03.01 out-and-out cigar maker, hand CIGAR MAKER (tobacco): 790.684-01 4 06.04.28 Outboard-Motor Assembler (engine & turbine) :ASSEMBLER, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (engine & turbine): 806.481-014 * 06.02.22 outboard-motorboat rigger BOAT RIGGER (ret. tr.; ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.464-010 05.10.01 OUTBOARD-MOTOR INSPECTOR (engine & 806.687-042 06.03.02 OUTBOARD-MOTOR MECHANIC (engine & turbine; ship & boat blog. & rep.) 623.281-042 05.05.09 OUTBOARD-MOTOR TESTER (engine & turbine) 623.261- 01 4 06.01.05 confection.): (medical ser.) protect. & med. dev.) (medical ser.): turbine) Out-Clearing Clerk (finan. inst.) ADDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 216.482-014 07.06.02 Outdoor-Illuminating Engineer (profess. & kin.) :ILLUMINATING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 003.061- 046 05.01.03 outer-diameter grinder, tool :GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTER- NAL, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 outfitter MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 623.28 1-030 05.05.09 OUTFITTER, CABIN (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-102 06.04.22 outgoing inspector :GARMENT-ALTERATION EXAMINER (ret. tr.): 789.687-078 05.05.15 Outlaw-Loan-Record Clerk (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 OUTPATIENT-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.) 205.362- 030 07.04.01 Out-Patient-Clinic Guide (medical ser.) :HOSPITAL EN- TRANCE ATTENDANT (medical ser.): 355.677-014 09.05.04 Outpatient Receptionist (medical ser.) :RECEPTIONIST (clerical): 237.367–038 07.04.04 Output Examiner (clerical) :DATA-EXAMINATION CLERK (clerical): 209.387–022 07.05.02 Outreach Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN (library): 100. 127- 014 * 11.02.04 outsewer :LINING SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682–166 06.02.05 outside collector :COLLECTOR (clerical): 241.367-010 07.03.01 Outside contact clerk :CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTA- TIVE (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks): 239.367-010 07.04.01 OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-082 06.02.24 outside-diameter grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, EX- TERNAL (mach. shop): 603.482-01406.02.02 outside-installation machinist :MACHINIST, OUTSIDE (ship & boat blog. & rep.); 623.281-030 05.05.09 outside-installer apprentice :MACHINIST APPRENTICE, OUT- SIDE (ship & boat blag. & rep.); 623.281-022 05.05.09 outside marker :STAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685–398 06.04.05 OUTSIDE-PLANT ENGINEER (tel. & 05.01.03 Outside-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE- REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 OUTSIDE PRODUCTION mfg.) 806.281-046 05.07.01 OUTSIDE PROPERTY AGENT (motion pic.) 162. 157-030 08.01.03 outside repairer, special :STOCK MAKER, CUSTOM (firearms): 761.381-038 01.06.02 outside rigger :RIGGER (ship & boat blóg. & rep.): 806.261- O 1 4 05.05.06 Outside Trucker (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.12.03 outsole beveler :FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-166 06.04.05 Outsole Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 OUTSOLE CUTTER, AUTOMATIC (rubber goods) 690.462- 0 1 0 06.02.09 Outsole Cutter, Hand (rubber goods) (rubber goods): 751.684-01 4 06.04.34 Outsole Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 OUTSOLE FLEXER (boot & shoe) 583.686-026 06.04.05 tel.) 003.16.7-042 INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace :CUTTER, HAND 558 outsole leveler SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-382 06.04.05 Outsole Molder (rubber goods) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.); 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 outsole or insole molder SOLE-CONFORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.682-070 06.02.05 outsole paraffiner ANTISQUEAK FILLER (boot & shoe): 788.687-0 10 06.04.33 OUTSOLE SCHEDULER (boot & shoe) 221.587-022 05.09.03 outsole skiver :FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-166 06.04.05 Outsole Tacker (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 outsole trimmer :EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 150 06.04.05 Oven attendant :POLYMERIZATION-OVEN OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 556.585-01406.04.13 OVEN DAUBER (coke prod.) 543.687-014 06.04.30 oven-drier tender :DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile): 581.685-026 06.04.16 OVEN-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (coke prod.) 630.261-014 05.10.01 OVEN-HEATER HELPER (coke prod.) 542.665-010 06.04.12 OVEN OPERATOR (cereal) 526.585-010 06.04.15 OVEN OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665-010 06.04.14 OVEN OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (bake. prod.; cereal) 526.682-030 06.02.15 oven roaster NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 Oven Stripper (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * OVEN TENDER (ammunition) 534.565-010 06.04.14 OVEN TENDER (bake. prod.) 526.685-030 06.04.15 OVEN TENDER (elec. equip.) 543.685-018 06.04.19 OVEN TENDER (glass mfg.) 573.585-010 06.04.13 oven tender :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 313.381-010 05.10.08 OVEN TENDER (paint & varn.) 553.685-082 06.04.21 Oven Unloader (any ind.) : MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Overall Washer (laund.) 361.665–010 06.04.35 OVERCOILER (clock & watch) 715.684-150 06.04.23 OVEREDGE SEWER (any ind.) 787.682-034 06.02.05 OVERHAULER (textile) 628.261-010 05.05.09 OVERHAULER HELPER (textile) 628.664-010 05.12.15 Overhaul Planner (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :SERVICE- LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 221.367-074 07.05.01 Overhead Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 OVERHEAD CLEANER MAINTAINER (textile) 628.684-022 05.10.01 overhead-crane operator :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Overhead-Distribution Engineer (light, heat, & power) :POWER-DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167-046 05.01.03 - overland driver TEST DRIVER (auto. mfg.) I: 806.281-050 06.03.01 overlay operator :TUFT-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; house furn.): 687.682-01406.02.05 OVERLAY PLASTICIAN (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 806.684- 106 06.02.24 OVERLOCK-MACHINE OPERATOR, COMPLETE GAR- MENT (garment) 786.682-19806.02.05 OVERLOCK SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-194 06.02.05 :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): overlooker :PAPER SORTER AND COUNTER (paper & pulp): 649.687-010 * 06.03.02 overseer SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (any ind.): 899.133- 0 1 0 05.12.18 overseer :INSTRUCTOR, APPAREL MANUFACTURE (textile): 789.222-010 06.02.01 overseer, kosher kitchen SUPERVISOR, KOSHER DIETARY SERVICE (hotel & rest.): 319. 137-026 05.10.08 Over-Short-and-Damaged Clerk (clerical) :CUSTOMER-COM- PLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 overshot operator :CASING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685-030 06.04.15 overweaver WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 Oxidation-Furnace Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 oxide-furnace tender :RED-LEAD BURNER (paint & varn.): 558.685–054 06.04.11 OXIDIZED-FINISH PLATER (any ind.) 599.685-062 06.04.10 OXIDIZER (silverware) 700.684-054 06.04.24 OXYGEN-FURNACE OPERATOR (iron & steel) 512.382-010 06.02.10 Oxygen-Furnace-Pit Recorder (iron & steel) (iron & steel): 221.367–050 05.09.02 OXYGEN-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases) 552.362-01 4 06.02.11 Oxygen-System Tester (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) TESTER, PLUMBING SYSTEMS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281- O54 06.01.05 Oyster-Bed Laborer (fish.) (fish.): 446.687-014 03.04.03 Oyster-Bed Worker (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 oyster culturist :SHELLFISH GROWER (fish.): 446.161-014 03.01.02 Oyster Dredge Operator (fish.) :SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fish.): 446.663-010 03.04.03 Oyster Dredger (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 OYSTER FLOATER (fish.) 449.687-010 03.04.03 Oyster Grower (fish.) :SHELLFISH GROWER (fish.); 446.161- 01 4 03.01.02 Oyster Picker (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Oyster Preparer (hotel & rest.) :RAW SHELLFISH PREPARER (hotel & rest.): 31 1.674-014 09.05.02 Oyster Shucker (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.): 521.687-122 06.04.28 Oyster Tonger (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Oyster Unloader (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Oyster Washer (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH-PROCESSING- MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-214 06.04.15 Oyster Worker (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 :RECORDER :LABORER, AOUATIC LIFE :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): P Pace Analyst (profess. & kin.) :INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0.12.267-010 * 05.03.06 package clerk :ROOM-SERVICE CLERK (hotel & rest.): 3.24.577-010 09.05.03 PACKAGE CRIMPER (textile) 589,686-034 06.04.16 PACKAGE DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142,081-018 01.02.03 package drier :DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile): 581.685-026 06.04.16 PACKAGE-DYEING-MACHINE OPERATOR 582.685-102 06.02.16 (textile) 559 package dyer :PACKAGE-DYEING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile); 582.685-102 06.02.16 package-dye-stand loader :DYE-STAND LOADER (textile): 589.587-010 06.04.16 Package-Lift Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 package opener :GUN-REPAIR CLERK (firearms): 222.387- O22 05.09.01 package reinspector :CIGARETTE-PACKAGE EXAMINER (tobacco): 920.667-010 06.03.02 PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.) 920.587-018 + 06.04.38 PACKAGER, HEAD (sawmill) 667,682-046 06.04.03 PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.) 920.685-078 + 06.04.38 Packager, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 PACKAGE SEALER, MACHINE (any ind.) 920.685-074 06.04.38 package winder :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 PACKAGING ENGINEER (profess. 05.03.09 packaging inspector :INSPECTOR, PACKAGING MATERIALS (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 920.387-010 06.03.01 Packaging-Line Attendant (any ind.) : PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 Packaging-Machine-Supplies Distributor (tobacco) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * packaging operator :CIGARETTE-PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-050 06.04.38 PACKAGING SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 920.132-010 06.04.01 Packaging Supervisor (oils & fats) :SUPERVISOR (oils & fats): 529. 137-030 06.01.01 PACKAGING TECHNICIAN (paper 06.01.04 PACKER (ordnance) 929.684-010 06.04.38 packer :PRIZER (tobacco): 920.687-142 06.04.38 PACKER (tobacco) 920.687-130 06.04.38 PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole, tr.) 920.687-1 34 * 03.04.01 PACKER, DENTURE (medical ser.) 712.684-034 05.05.11 Packer, Dried Beef (slaught. & meat pack.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 + 06.04.38 Packer, Foamed-in-Place (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 PACKER-FUSER (fireworks) 737.687-094 06.04.38 Packerhead-Machine Operator (conc. prod.) :CONCRETE- PIPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.): 575.665-010 06.04.19 packer helper :BAKERY WORKER (bake. prod.): 929.686-010 * 06.04.38 PACKER, INSULATION (build. board) 579.685-038 06.04.09 packer operator TABLET-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-042 06.02.04 PACKER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (tobacco) 920.685-082 06.04.15 Packer, Sausage and Wiener (slaught. & meat pack.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 + 06.04.38 packing-and-final-assembly supervisor SUPERVISOR, FINAL ASSEMBLY AND PACKING (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712. 1 37-01 4 06.02.01 packing-and-shipping clerk :DISTRIBUTING CLERK (clerical): 222.587-018 07.07.02 packing-and-stamping machine operator :TOBACCO- PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-098 06.04.38 packing checker :SHIPPING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-030 05.09.01 PACKING-FLOOR WORKER (tobacco) 920.686-026 06.04.40 PACKING-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (agric.; whole, tr.) 920.137- 010 06.02.01 & kin.) 019. 187-010 goods) 739.281-010 packing inspector :FINAL INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 753.687-018 06.03.02 PACKING-LINE WORKER (rubber goods) 753.687-038 06.04.38 PACKING-MACHINE CAN FEEDER (tobacco) 920.686-030 06.04.38 Packing-Machine Feeder (tobacco) :FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco): 529.686-038 06.04.40 packing-machine inspector :CIGARETTE-PACKAGE EX- AMINER (tobacco): 920.667-010 06.03.02 packing-machine inspector :CARTON-PACKAGING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.665-010 06.04.38 PACKING-MACHINE-PILOT CAN ROUTER (tobacco) 920.685-086 06.04.38 Packing-Machine Tender (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 packing presser TRAY FILLER (tobacco): 06.04.15 Packing-Room Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 packing-shed supervisor :PACKING-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.137-010 06.02.01 pack-press operator CAPACITOR-PACK-PRESS OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 726.684-010 06.04.34 PACK-ROOM OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 559.684-010 06.04.30 pack-train driver SUPPLIES PACKER (any ind.): 919.687-022 03.04.05 Pad Assembler (jewelry cases) :PART MAKER (jewelry cases): 739.687-138 06.04.27 Pad Attacher (any ind.) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 PAD CUTTER (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-302 06.04.07 pad cutter and assembler :PAD HAND (leather prod.): 780.381-030 06.02.32 padded-box sewer HEMMING-AND-TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 787.685-022 06.04.05 PADDED-PRODUCTS FINISHER (rubber goods) 752.684-034 06.04.27 Padded-Products Inspector-Trimmer (rubber goods) :RUBBER- GOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 padder :PAD MAKER (textile): 589.687-030 06.04.27 PADDER, CUSHION (furn.) 780.684-078 06.04.22 PADDING GLUER (furn.) 780.687-034 06.04.27 Padding-Machine Operator (tex. bag) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 584.685-018 06.04.16 PADDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 06.04.16 padding-machine operator :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 . Paddle-Dyeing-Machine Operator (hosiery; knit goods) :DYE- TUB OPERATOR (hosiery; knit goods): 582.585-014 06.04.16 PADDOCK JUDGE (amuse. & rec.) 153.167-010 12.01.02 PAD-EXTRACTOR TENDER (knit goods) 589.485-010 06.04.16 PAD HAND (leather prod.) 780.381-030 06.02.32 PAD-MACHINE FEEDER (excelsior) 920.686-034 06.04.09 PAD-MACHINE OFF-BEARER (excelsior) 569.686-030 06.04.09 pad maker :STUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (auto. mfg.; matt. & bedspring): 780.685-01406.04.36 pad maker :POLISHING-PAD MOUNTER (optical goods): 739.687-154 06.04.34 pad maker SURGICAL-DRESSING MAKER (per. protect. & med. dev.): 689.685-130 06.04.05 PAD MAKER (textile) 589.687-030 06.04.27 pad tufter TUFTER, HAND (matt, & bedspring): 780.687-050 06.04.27 920.686-050 582.685-106 560 pad tufter :TUFTER (matt. 687.684-014 06.04.05 Page (hotel & rest.) :BELLHOP (hotel & rest.): 324.677-010 09.05.03 page :WAITER/WAITRESS, CLUB (hotel & rest.): 352.677- 018 09.05.02 PAGE (library) 249.687-014 07.07.02 PAGE (radio & tv broad.) 353.367–022 09.01.02 PAGER (type founding) 654.687-014 06.04.37 PAIL BAILER (tinvare) 703.685-010 06.04.02 pail tester TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 703.685-01 4 06.03.02 paint and table edger :PAINTER, PANEL EDGE (furn.): 740.687–022 06.04.33 Paint-and-Varnish Technician (paint & varn.) :LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.): 029.261-010 * 02.04.01 PAINT-BRUSH MAKER (brush & broom) 733.684-010 06.04.34 Paint Cleaner (any ind.) :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR IN- STITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * paint-coating-machine operator :IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 paint-coating-machine operator :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (build. board; paper goods): 534.682-022 06.02.14 - Paint-Crew Supervisor (gov. ser.) : TRAFFIC-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.): 869. 137-010 05.10.01 Paint Dipper (any ind.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 06.04.21 PAINTER (artif. flower) 740.381-018 01.06.03 PAINTER (const.) 840.38 1-0 10 * 05.10.07 PAINTER (jewelry) 735.687-018 06.04.33 PAINTER (profess. & kin.) 144.061-010 01.02.02 PAINTER, AIRBRUSH (any ind.) 741.684-018 01.06.03 Painter, Aircraft (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :PAINTER, TRANS- PORTATION EQUIPMENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.; auto. ser.): 845.381-014 * 05.10.07 PAINTER AND GRADER, CORK (sports equip.) 732.687-062 06.04.33 PAINTER, ANIMATED CARTOONS (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 970.681-026 01.06.03 PAINTER APPRENTICE, AUTOMOTIVE 845.38 1-0 1 0 05.10.07 PAINTER APPRENTICE, SHIPYARD (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) 840.381-01405.10.07 Painter, Automotive (auto. mſg.; auto. ser.) :PAINTER, TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.; auto. ser.): 845.381-014 * 05.10.07 Painter, Barrel (petrol. refin.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 74 1.687-018 06.04.33 Painter, Battery Brand and Vent Plug (elec. equip.) :PAINTER, & bedspring): (tinvare): 599.685-026 (auto. Ser.) EMBOSSED OR IMPRESSED LETTERING (any ind.): 740.687-018 06.04.33 Painter, Blackwall Tire (rubber tire & tube) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 PAINTER, BOTTOM (boot & shoe) 788.687-098 06.04.33 PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.) 740.684-022 06.04.33 Painter, Chassis (auto. mfg.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II; 741.687-018 06.04.33 PAINTER, CLOCK AND WATCH HANDS (clock & watch) 715.687-098 06.04.33 PAINTER, DEPILATORY (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687– 062 06.04.27 Painter, Drum (any ind.) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 - Painter, Electric Motor (any ind.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 PAINTER, ELECTROSTATIC 06.02.21 (any ind.) 599.682-010 PAINTER, EMBOSSED OR IMPRESSED LETTERING (any ind.) 740.687-018 06.04.33 painter, hand :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 PAINTER, HAND (any ind.) 970.381-022 01.06.03 Painter Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 PAINTER HELPER, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. ser.) 845.684-014 05.12.12 PAINTER HELPER, SHIPYARD (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 840.687-0 1 0 ( PAINTER HELPER, SIGN (any ind.) 970.664-010 01.06.03 PAINTER HELPER, SPRAY (any ind.) 741.687-01405.12.03 Painter, Insignia (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; auto. mfg.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 Painter, Interior Finish (const.) :PAINTER (const.): 840.381 - 0 1 0 * 05.10.07 Painter, Maintenance (any ind.) :PAINTER (const.): 840.381- O 1 O * 05.10.07 Painter, Mannequin (model & pattern) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 PAINTER, MIRROR (mirror) 74 1.684-022 06.04.33 Painter, Ordnance (firearms) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 PAINTER, PANEL EDGE (furn.) 740.687-022 06.04.33 PAINTER, PLATE (print. & pub.) 970.681-030 01.06.03 painter, railroad car :RAILROAD-CAR LETTERER trans.): 845.68 1-0 10 01.06.03 painter, rough :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-0 18 06.04.33 Painter, Rough (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 || 4 * 05.10.01 PAINTER, RUG TOUCH-UP (clean., dye., & press.) 364.381- 0 1 0 01.06.03 painter, set :PAINTER, STAGE SETTINGS (motion pic.): 840.68 1-0 10 01.06.03 - PAINTER, SHIPYARD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 840.381-018 05.10.07 PAINTER, SIGN (any ind.) 970.381-026 01.06.03 Painter, Sign, Maintenance (r.r. trans.) :PAINTER, SIGN (any ind.): 970.38 1-026 01.06.03 PAINTER, SKI EDGE (sports equip.) 749.687-022 06.04.33 PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I 741.684-026 05.10.07 PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II 741.687-018 06.04.33 Painter, Spring (matt. & bedspring; wirework) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 PAINTER, STAGE SETTINGS (motion pic.) 840.681-010 01.06.03 Painter, Structural Steel (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 PAINTER, TOUCH-UP (any ind.) 749.684-038 05.10.07 PAINTER, TRANSPORTATION . EQUIPMENT (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.; auto. ser.) 845.381-014 * 05.10.07 PAINTER, TUMBLING BARREL (any ind.) 599.685-070 06.04.21 paint grinder, roller mill ROLLER-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varn.); 555.682-01 4 06.02.11 paint grinder, stone mill STONE-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varn.); 555.682-022 06.02.11 : PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-074 06.04.21 painting-machine operator :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 692.685-054 06.04.21 paintings conservator :PAINTINGS RESTORER (profess. & kin.): 102.261-01 4 01.02.02 (r. r. PAINTINGS RESTORER (profess. & kin.) 102.261-014 01.02.02 PAINT-LINE OPERATOR (toys & games) 599.685-066 06.04.21 561 Paint Maker (paint & varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.); 550.685- 078 06.04.11 PAINT MIXER, HAND (any ind.) 550.684-018 06.04.34 PAINT MIXER, MACHINE (any ind.) 550.485-018 06.04.11 PAINT POURER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.687-022 06.04.34 PAINT-ROLLER ASSEMBLER (brush & broom) 739.687-134 06.04.23 PAINT-ROLLER-COVER-MACHINE SETTER broom) 692.682-046 06.02.20 PAINT-ROLLER COVERMAKER (brush & broom) 739.684- 142 06.02.32 * PAINT-ROLLER WINDER (brush & broom) 739.685-030 06.04.05 Paint-Sample Clerk (paint & varn.) :FILE CLERK (clerical) II; 206.367-014 * 07.05.03 paint sprayer :PAINTER, MIRROR (mirror): 06.04.33 PAINT-SPRAYER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 599.382-010 06.02.21 paint-spraying-machine-operator helper :PAINTER HELPER, SPRAY (any ind.): 741.687-014 05.12.03 PAINT-SPRAY INSPECTOR (any ind.) 741.687-010 06.03.02 PAINT-SPRAY TENDER (mirror) 574,685-014 06.04.21 Paint Stocker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 Paint-Stripping-Machine Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 paint tinter :TINTER (paint & varn.); 550.381-014 06.02.11 PAIRER (hosiery) 684.687-010 * 06.03.02 PAIRER (house furn.) 789.687-1 10 06.04.27 pairer-inspector :PAIRER (hosiery): 684.687-010 * 06.03.02 Pairer, Odds (hosiery) :PAIRER (hosiery): 684.687-010 + 06.03.02 Pairer, Substandard (hosiery) :PAIRER (hosiery): 684.687-010 * 06.03.02 PAIRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire) 691.685- 022 * 06.04.09 Paleobotanist (profess. & kin.) :PALEONTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-042 02.01.01 PALEONTOLOGICAL HELPER (profess. & kin.) 024.364-010 02.04.01 PALEONTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-042 02.01.01 PALLBEARER (per. ser.) 3.59.687-010 09.05.03 PALLET ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-154 06.04.23 PALLETIZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I 921.682-01406.04.40 Palletizer Operator (any ind.) II :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 PALLET RECTIFIER (clock & watch) 715.684-158 06.02.24 PALLET-STONE INSERTER (clock & watch) 715.381-082 06.02.32 PALLET-STONE POSITIONER (clock & watch) 715.381-086 06.01.04 Palm-and-Back Forger (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 Palmist (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 1.59.647-018 01.07.01 Pamphlet Distributor (any ind.) ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTOR (any ind.): 230.687-010 07.07.02 Panama-Hat Blocker (hat & cap) :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-01406.04.27 Panama-Hat Flanger (hat & cap) :FLANGER (hat & cap): 784.684-026 06.04.27 Panama-Hat-Hydraulic-Press :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER 06.04.09 Panama-Hat Smearer (hat & cap) :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 pan devulcanizer CD-MIXER (rubber reclaim.); 550.685-022 06.04.13 (brush & 74.1 .684-022 (hat & cap) cap): 580.685-038 Operator (hat & pan-devulcanizer helper CD-MIXER HELPER reclaim.); 553.686-014 06.04.11 panel assembler :METAL-BED ASSEMBLER (furn.): 706.684- 082 06.02.22 panel assembler and wirer ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, IN- DUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.): 826.361-010 * 06.01.04 panelboard assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR-CONTROL AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381-01406.01.04 PANELBOARD OPERATOR (chem.) 950.562-010 05.06.04 PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 939.362-01 4 06.02.18 PANELBOARD OPERATOR (textile) 582.362-010 06.04.16 panel coverer :PANEL MAKER (furn.): 780.684-086 06.04.27 Panel Coverer (mort, goods) :CASKET COVERER (mort. goods): 780.684-026 06.04.27 PANEL COVERER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.) 780.684- O82 06.04.22 PANEL EDGE SEALER (veneer & plywood) 769.685-010 06.04.21 Panel Finisher (paint & varn.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 Panel Fitter (mort, goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 - panel gluer :GLUING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ELECTRONIC (woodworking): 569.685-050 06.04.03 PANEL INSTALLER (mfa. blogs.) 869.684-038 06.04.22 Panel-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 + 05.05.10 Panel-Lay-Up Worker (aircraft-aerospace :HONEYCOMB-BLANKET MAKER mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 PANEL-LAY-UP WORKER 06.03.02 PANEL-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-038 06.04.04 PANEL-MACHINE SETTER 06.01.02 panel-machine tender :EMBOSSING-MACHINE TENDER (paper goods): 649.685-038 06.04.04 PANEL MAKER (furn.) 780.684-086 06.04.27 Panel Maker (mort, goods) :GLUER (woodworking): 762.687- 034 06.04.22 Panel Maker (woodworking) :NAILER, HAND (any ind.): 762.684-050 06.04.22 Panel-Raiser Operator (plan. mill) :SHAPER OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-034 05.05.08 Panel Sewer (house furn.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 PAN GREASER, MACHINE (bake. 06.04.21 PAN HELPER (chem.) 551.585-018 06.04.11 pan operator :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.); 559.685-074 06.04.11 pan operator :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; confection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 pan reclaim processor CD-MIXER (rubber reclaim.); 550.685- 022 06.04.13 pan shaker :OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & fats): 521.685- 242 06.04.19 pan shoveler :OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils 521.685–242 06.04.19 pan shover :OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & fats): 521.685- 242 06.04.19 PANTOGRAPHER (print. & pub.) 979.382-022 * 05.10.05 PANTOGRAPH-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.382-022 06.02.02 pantograph operator :ENGRAVER (print. & pub.) I: 979.381- 0 1 0 05.10.05 (rubber mfg.) (aircraft-aerospace (woodworking) 761.684-018 (paper goods) 640.360-010 prod.) 526.685-034 & fats): 562 PANTOGRAPH SETTER (print. & pub.) 979.380-010 05.05.13 pantomimist :MIME (amuse. & rec.): 159.047-022 01.03.02 Pantry Attendant (r.r. trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, DINING CAR (r. r. trans.): 31 1.477-022 09.04.01 PANTRY GOODS MAKER (hotel & 05.10.08 Pantry Goods Maker Helper (hotel & rest.) :COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.): 317.687-010 05.12.17 rest.) 3.17.684-014 Pantry Steward/Stewardess (hotel & rest.) :KITCHEN STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 318.137-010 05.12.17 PANTRY WORKER (confection.) 520.487-018 06.04.28 Pants Busheler (ret. tr.) ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-010 05.05.15 pants closer PANTS OUTSEAMER, (garment): 786.682-202 06.02.05 PANTS OUTSEAMER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682- | 202 06.02.05 Pants Presser (any ind.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 Pants Presser, Automatic (laund.) :PRESSER, AUTOMATIC (laund.): 363.685-014 06.04.35 Pantyhose-Crotch-Closing-Machine Operator (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 Pan Washer, Hand (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 PAPERBACK-MACHINE OPERATOR (wirework) 616.685- 046 06.04.09 Paper-Bag Inspector (paper goods) :INSPECTOR, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper goods): 649.367-010 06.03.01 PAPER-BAG-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.686-026 06.04.04 Paper Baler (paper goods) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 PAPER COATER (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.685-022 06.04.14 paper coater :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; wallpaper): 534.682-018 06.02.14 PAPER-COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (photo. apparatus) 534.582-0 1 0 06.02.14 PAPER CONDITIONER (print. & pub.) 659.685-010 06.04.04 paper-conditioning-machine operator :PAPER CONDITIONER (print. & pub.): 659.685-010 06.04.04 PAPER-CONE-DRYING-MACHINE goods) 532.686-01406.04.14 PAPER-CONE GRADER (paper goods) 649.687-014 06.03.02 PAPER-CONE-MACHINE TENDER (paper goods) 641.685- 062 06.04.04 Paper-Cone Maker (electronics) II 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 Paper-Cone Maker (electronics) I :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 CHAINSTITCH :FACTORY HELPER OPERATOR (paper :GLUER (any ind.): PAPER-CONTROL CLERK (water trans.) 219.367–022 07.02.03 PAPER-CORE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-042 06.04.04 paper-cup-handle-machine operator :HANDLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-050 06.04.04 PAPER-CUP-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685- 078 06.04.04 Paper Cutter (any ind.) :CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 690.685-122 06.04.09 PAPER CUTTER (distilled liquors) 640.565-010 06.04.04 Paper Cutter, Hand (any ind.) :CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 690.685-122 06.04.09 paper-cutting-machine operator :PAPER CUTTER (distilled liquors): 640.565-010 06.04.04 - paper finisher :MANNEQUIN SANDER AND FINISHER (model & pattern): 739.684-122 06.02.32 PAPERHANGER (build. board) 574.585-010 06.04.19 PAPERHANGER (const.) 841.381-010 05.05.04 Paperhanger, Pipe (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 PAPER INSERTER (glass mfg.) 920.687-138 06.04.38 Paper Latcher (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 paper layer :PAPIER MACHE MOLDER (model & pattern): 794.684-026 06.02.26 paper-machine tender :FOURDRINIER-MACHINE TENDER (build. board; paper & pulp): 539.362-014 * 06.02.14 WORKER PAPER-NOVELTY MAKER (paper goods) 794.684-022 06.02.26 PAPER-PATTERN FOLDER (paper goods) 794.687-034 06.04.26 PAPER-PATTERN INSPECTOR (paper goods) 649.687-018 06.03.02 PAPER-PROCESSING-MACHINE HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper) 534.686-010 06.04.14 paper reeler :PAPER-REEL OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-046 06.04.04 PAPER-REEL OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-046 06.04.04 Paper Sheeter (any ind.) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 Paper Slitter (elec. equip.; paper & pulp; paper goods) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682- 030 06.02.09 PAPER SORTER AND COUNTER (paper & pulp) 649.687- 0 1 0 * 06.03.02 Paper Spooler (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 PAPER STRIPPER (print. & pub.; wallpaper) 922.687-078 05.12.19 Paper Tester (paper & pulp) :PULP-AND-PAPER TESTER (paper & pulp): 539.364-010 06.03.01 paper-tube cutter CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-034 06.04.04 Paper-Tube Grader (paper goods) :PAPER-CONE GRADER (paper goods): 649.687-01406.03.02 paper-tube sawyer :CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-034 06.04.04 paper twister :TWISTER TENDER, PAPER (cord. & twine): 681.685-1 34 06.04.04 Paper-Wrapping-Machine Operator :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 Papeterie-Table Assembler (paper goods) :BANDER, HAND (paper goods): 920.687-026 06.04.38 PAPIER MACHE MOLDER (model & pattern) 794.684-026 06.02.26 Parachute-Accessories Attacher (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 Parachute-Crown Sewer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 Parachute-Cushion Installer (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 PARACHUTE FOLDER 06.04.27 parachute-harness rigger :HARNESS RIGGER (tex. n.e.c.): 789.687-082 06.04.27 PARACHUTE INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-114 06.03.02 PARACHUTE-LINE TIER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-118 06.04.27 (insulated wire) (insulated wire): (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-034 prod., 563 PARACHUTE MARKER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.587-018 06.04.27 PARACHUTE MENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.684-038 05.10.04 parachute packer :PARACHUTE RIGGER (air trans.): 9 12.684-0 1 0 06.04.38 Parachute-Panel Joiner (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 787.682-058 06.02.05 PARACHUTE RIGGER (air trans.) 9 12.684-010 06.04.38 Parachute Taper (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-0 1 0 06.02.05 Parachutist (amuse. & rec.) :THRILL PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.): 159.347-018 12.02.01 Paradichlorobenzene-Machine Operator (chem.) OPERATOR (chem.); 555.685-034 06.04.11 PARADICHLOROBENZENE TENDER (chem.) 556.685-054 06.04.11 paradi tender :PARADICHLOROBENZENE TENDER (chem.): 556.685-054 06.04.11 PARAFFIN-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 534.685- 026 06.04.21 PARAFFIN-PLANT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 541.682-010 06.02.12 PARAFFIN-PLANT-SWEATER OPERATOR (petrol. 543.682-022 06.02.12 PARALEGAL ASSISTANT (profess. 11.04.02 para operator :PARADICHLOROBENZENE (chem.); 556.685-054 06.04.11 PARASITOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-070 02.02.01 parboiler STEAM-OVEN OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 526.382–026 06.02.15 - Parcel-Post Carrier (gov. ser.) :MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.): 230.367–0 1 0 07.05.04 PARCEL-POST CLERK (clerical) 222.387-038 07.05.04 Parcel-Post Order-Clerk (clerical) :PARCEL-POST CLERK (clerical): 222.387-038 07.05.04 parcel-post packer :PARCEL-POST CLERK 222.387-038 07.05.04 parcel-post weigher 222.387-038 07.05.04 parimutuel cashier :PARIMUTUEL-TICKET CASHIER (amuse. & rec.): 21 1.467-018 07.03.01 parimutuel clerk :PARIMUTUEL-TICKET SELLER (amuse. & rec.): 211.467–022 07.03.01 PARIMUTUEL-TICKET CASHIER (amuse. & rec.) 211 .467- 018 07.03.01 PARIMUTUEL-TICKET CHECKER (amuse. & rec.) 219.587- O 1 0 07.05.02 PARIMUTUEL-TICKET SELLER (amuse. & rec.) 211 .467- 022 07.03.01 Park Guard (amuse. & rec.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 parking attendant :PARKING-LOT ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.473-0 1 0 09.04.02 parking enforcement agent :PARKING ENFORCEMENT OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 375.587-010 * 04.02.02 PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (gov. ser.) 375.587- 0 1 0 * 04.02.02 PARKING-LOT ATTEND ANT 09.04.02 parking-lot chauffeur PARKING-LOT ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.473-010 09.04.02 :GRINDER refin.) & kin.) 119.267-026 TENDER (clerical): :PARCEL-POST CLERK (clerical): (auto. ser.) 9 15.473-010 Parking-Meter-Coin Collector (bus. ser.; gov. ser.) :COIN- MACHINE COLLECTOR (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.): 292.687-0 1 0 07.07.03 PARKING-METER SERVICER (gov. ser.) 7 10.384-026 05.10.02 parking-station attendant :PARKING-LOT ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.473-010 09.04.02 Park-Landscape Architect (profess. & kin.) :LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 PARK NATURALIST (gov. ser.) 049. 127-010 1 1.07.03 PARK RANGER (gov. ser.) 169.167-042 04.02.03 PARK SUPERINTENDENT (gov. ser.) 188. 167–062 04.01.01 park worker :GROUNDSKEEPER, PARKS AND GROUNDS (gov. ser.): 406.687-010 03.04.04 PARLOR CHAPERONE (hotel & rest.) 352.667-014 09.01.01 PAROLE OFFICER (profess. & kin.) 195. 167–030 10.01.02 parter :MOLD PARTER (plastics mat.); 556.587-010 06.04.40 Partial Stemmer (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Partition Assembler (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, COMPONENT (mfü. blogs.; trans. equip.): 762.684-014 06.02.22 PARTITION ASSEMBLER (wood. box) 762.687–054 06.04.23 PARTITION-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 649.582-0 i () 06.02.20 PARTITION-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-082 06.04.04 - Partition Notcher (wood. box) (woodworking): 669.382-010 05.05.08 partition-slotter helper :SLOTTER-OPERATOR HELPER (paper goods): 640.686-01406.04.26 Part Maker (hairwork) :VENTILATOR (hairwork): 739.384- 022 06.02.32 PART MAKER (jewelry cases) 739.687-138 06.04.27 Partridge Farmer (agric.) :GAME-BIRD FARMER (agric.): 4 12.16 1–0 1 0 03.01.02 parts assembler :FURNITURE ASSEMBLER (furn.): 763.684- 038 06.02.22 - parts caster, hand :LEAD CASTER (elec. equip.): 502.684-010 06.04.10 parts-casting-machine operator CASTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR, AUTOMATIC (elec. equip.): 502.482-014 06.02.10 PARTS CATALOGER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; elec. equip.; electronics) 229.267-0 1 0 05.03.02 PARTS CLERK (clerical) 222.367-042 05.09.01 parts clerk :SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 Parts Clerk, Automobile Repair (clerical) :PARTS CLERK (clerical): 222.367-042 05.09.01 Parts Clerk, Plant Maintenance (clerical) (clerical): 222.367-042 05.09.01 Parts Counter-Weigher (clock & watch; electronics; office mach.) :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 parts inspector :STOCK-PARTS INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.684- 070 06.03.02 PARTS LISTER (electronics) 229.367-014 05.09.01 parts mechanic :INSTRUMENT MAKER (any ind.): 600.280- 0 1 0 05.05.11 PARTS-ORDER-AND-STOCK CLERK (clerical) 249.367–058 05.09.01 parts picker :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687-058 + 05.09.01 PARTS REMOVER (clock & watch) 715.687-102 06.04.34 PARTS SALVAGER (any ind.) 638.281-026 05.05.09 PASSEMENTERIE WORKER (trim. & embroid.) 782.684-050 06.04.27 passenger agent :TICKET AGENT (any ind.): 238.367-026 * 07.03.01 PASSENGER ATTEND ANT 09.05.02 passenger-booking clerk :TICKET AGENT (any ind.): 238.367- 026 * 07.03.01 Passenger-Car-Cleaning Supervisor (r. r. trans.) :CAR-CLEAN- ING SUPERVISOR (r. r. trans.): 910. 137-014 05.12.18 :DADO OPERATOR :PARTS CLERK (water trans.) 350.677-014 564 Passenger-Car Inspector (r.r. trans.) :RAILROAD-CAR IN- SPECTOR (r. r. trans.): 910.387-014 05.07.01 passenger-car scrubber :CAR SCRUBBER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 845.684-010 05.12.18 passenger-car-upholsterer apprentice :AUTOMOBILE-UPHOL- STERER APPRENTICE (auto. ser.): 780.381-014 05.05.15 Passenger-Interline Clerk (air trans.) .INTERLINE CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 214.382-022 07.02.04 PASSENGER REPRESENTATIVE (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367–026 09.01.04 PASSENGER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (air trans.) 3.59.677–022 09.01.04 PASSENGER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (r.r. trans.) I 352.677-0 1 0 09.01.04 PASSENGER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (r.r. trans.) II 9 10.677-0 1 0 09.05.08 Passenger-Tire Inspector (rubber tire & tube) :TIRE INSPEC- TOR (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-030 06.03.02 Passenger Traffic Agent (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.) : TRAFFIC AGENT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 252.257-010 08.01.02 passer INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 passer INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 passer and finisher, clinical thermometer :THERMOMETER TESTER (inst. & app.): 710.384-030 06.03.01 passing boss :DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying): 932.167- 0 1 0 07.04.05 past-due-accounts clerk :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 paste-make-up-artist apprentice :PASTE-UP COPY-CAMERA OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 979.381-022 01.06.01 paste-mill operator :GLUE-MILL OPERATOR (glue): 559.685- 098 06.04.19 PASTE MIXER (chem.) 550.585-034 06.04.11 Paste Mixer (paint & varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.): 550.685- 078 ()6.04.11 Paste Mixer, Liquid (elec. equip.) :PASTE MIXER (chem.): 550.585-034 06.04.11 paster CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 PASTER (brick & tile) 773.684-014 * 06.04.30 paster :OVEN DAUBER (coke prod.): 543.687-01406.04.30 paster LAMP-SHADE JOINER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.): 692.685- 1 1 0 06.04.04 paster MONOGRAM-AND-LETTER PASTER (tex. n.e.c.): 789.687-102 06.04.27 PASTER, HAND OR MACHINE (leather prod.) 783.687–026 06.04.23 paster operator :COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 PASTER, SCREEN PRINTING (textile) 652.687–026 06.04.27 PASTER SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 773.131-010 06.02.01 Paste Thinner (paint & varn.) :THINNER (paint & varn.): 550.585-038 06.04.11 PASTE-UP COPY-CAMERA 979.381-018 01.06.01 PASTE-UP COPY-CAMERA. OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 979.381-022 01.06.01 PASTEURIZER (can. & preserv.; malt liquors) 523.685-1 10 06.04.15 pasteurizer :HONEY PROCESSOR 522.685-070 06.04.15 PASTEURIZER (oils & fats) 523.585-026 06.04.15 Pasteurizer Helper (dairy prod.) :DAIRY HELPER (dairy prod.): 529.686-026 06.04.40 Pasteurizer Operator (dairy prod.) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 06.02.15 OPERATOR (print, & pub.) (food prep., n.e.c.): :D AIRY-PROCESSING- 529.382–0 18 prod., Pasteurizing Supervisor (dairy prod.) :SUPERVISOR, DAIRY PROCESSING (dairy prod.): 529.131-01406.02.01 paste worker CANDY MOLDER, HAND (confection.): 520.687-018 06.04.28 PASTING INSPECTOR (brick & tile) 773.687-010 06.03.02 PASTING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (elec. equip.) 509.686-014 06.04.09 PASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 505.482-010 06.02.18 Pastor (profess. & kin.) :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-0 1 0 10.01.01 PASTRY CHEF (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-022 05.10.08 PASTRY CHEF (water trans.) 315.131-014 05.10.08 pastry decorator :CAKE DECORATOR (bake. prod.): 524.381- O 10 05.05.17 pastry helper COOK HELPER, PASTRY (hotel & rest.): 3.13.687-0 1 0 05.12.17 Pastry Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 patch developer :PATCH WASHER (textile): 06.04.16 PATCH DRILLER (smoking pipe) 739.687-142 06.04.25 patcher :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 582.685 - 1 1 0 patcher :TIRE VULCANIZER (auto. ser.): 750.684-038 05.12. 12 PATCHER (coke prod.) 861.684-014 05.10.01 patcher :LEAK HUNTER (distilled liquors; malt liquors): 764.687-090 05.12.12 PATCHER (elec. equip.) 723.687-010 06.04.34 PATCHER (leather mfg.) 585.687-022 06.04.27 PATCHER (smoking pipe) 739.687-146 06.04.34 patcher :PATCH WORKER (tobacco): 790.684-018 06.04.28 PATCHER (woodworking) 769.684-030 06.04.25 - PATCHER, BOWLING BALL (sports equip.) 759.684-046 06.04.02 PATCHER HELPER (coke prod.) 861.687-014 05.12.09 patcher, plastic boat :BOAT PATCHER, PLASTIC (ship & boat blóg. & rep.): 807.684-01406.02.24 patcher-wood welder STOCK PATCHER (firearms): 761.684- 042 06.02.25 PATCH FINISHER (textile) 582.684-010 06.04.27 PATCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (laund.) 06.04.35 PATCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685-066 06.04.04 PATCH SANDER (stonework) 775.684-054 06.04.30 patch setter :PATCHER (woodworking): 769.684-030 06.04.25 PATCH WASHER (textile) 582.685-1 10 06.04.16 PATCH WORKER (agric.) 381.687-030 06.04.40 PATCH WORKER (tobacco) 790.684-018 06.04.28 PATENT AGENT (profess. & kin.) 119.167-014 11.04.04 361.685-022 patent attorney :LAWYER, PATENT (profess. & kin.): 1 1 0. 1 1 7–026 11.04.02 patent-button machine operator, automatic :BUTTON-AT- TACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-010 06.04.05 Patent Clerk (gov. ser.) :PARALEGAL ASSISTANT (profess. & kin.): 119.267–026 11.04.02 patented-hogshead assembler :HOGSHEAD (cooperage) II: 764.687-070 06.04.22 Patent-Leather Sorter (leather mfg.) :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-010 06.03.01 PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070.061-010 02.02.01 patient’s librarian :INSTITUTION LIBRARIAN 100. 167–022 11.02.04 patient-insurance clerk :INSURANCE CLERK (medical ser.): 214.362-022 07.02.04 patrol commander :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375. 167–034 04.01.01 PATROL CONDUCTOR (gov. ser.) 372.677-010 04.02.01 COOPER (library): 565 Patrol Driver (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 patrol guard GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667-034 04.02.02 - - PATROL JUDGE (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-014 12.01.02 PATROLLER (knit goods) 685.687-022 06.03.02 PATROLLER (r. r. trans.) 376.667-018 04.02.02 patrol officer :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 patrol sergeant :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375. 133-0 10 04.01.01 pattern-and-chain maker :KNITTER MECHANIC (knit goods): 685.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 PATTERN ASSEMBLER (knit goods) 685.685-014 06.04.06 Pattern Carrier (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 PATTERN-CHAIN MAKER SUPERVISOR (textile) 683. 132- 0 1 0 06.02.01 pattern changer and repairer CARD CHANGER, JACQUARD LOOM (textile): 683.685-014 06.04.27 PATTERN CHART-WRITER (paper 05.03.02 Pattern Cleaner (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 pattern cutter :GLASS CUTTER (any 06.02.30 pattern designer CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. 142.061-01 4 01.02.03 Pattern-Drum Maker (knit goods) :PATTERN WHEEL MAKER (knit goods): 685.684-010 06.02.27 PATTERN DUPLICATOR (textile) 683.685-026 06.04.06 PATTERN GATER (found.) 801.684-014 06.04.24 goods) 789.381-014 ind.): 775.684-022 & kin.): PATTERN GRADER-CUTTER (garment) 781.381-022 05.03.02 PATTERN-GRADER SUPERVISOR (lasts & rel. forms) 693. 132-0 1 0 06.02.04 PATTERN HAND (fabric. plastics prod.; woodworking) 652.687-030 06.04.27 pattern hanger CARD CHANGER, (textile): 683.685-014 06.04.27 JACQUARD LOOM PATTERN-LEASE INSPECTOR (textile) 683.384-010 06.03.01 patternmaker :CARPENTER, MOLD (brick & tile; conc. prod.): 860.381-034 05.05.02 PATTERNMAKER (engraving) 751.381-010 01.06.01 PATTERNMAKER (furn.) 709.381-034 05.05.07 PATTERNMAKER (furn.; garment; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.381- O26 05.03.02 PATTERNMAKER (glass prod.) 779.584-010 06.02.31 PATTERNMAKER (hat & cap) 784.361-010 01.06.02 patternmaker JACQUARD-PLATE MAKER (knit 685.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.23 patternmaker MODEL MAKER (pottery & porc.): 777.281- O 1 4 01.06.02 PATTERNMAKER (signs) 772.381-014 01.06.03 PATTERNMAKER (spring) 693.281-01405.05.06 PATTERNMAKER (stonework) 703.381-010 05.05.06 PATTERNMAKER, ACOUSTICAL TILE (build. 649.685-086 06.04.09 - PATTERNMAKER APPRENTICE, METAL (found.) 600,280- O46 05.05.07 PATTERNMAKER APPRENTICE, aerospace mfg.) 777.381-026 01.06.02 PATTERNMAKER APPRENTICE, WOOD (found.) 661.281 - 018 05.05.08 patternmaker, bench :PATTERNMAKER, METAL, BENCH (found.): 693.281-018 05.05.06 PATTERNMAKER, ENVELOPE (paper goods) 649.361-010 05.03.02 goods): board) PLASTER (aircraft- patternmaker, hand :PATTERNMAKER, METAL, BENCH (found.): 693.281-018 05.05.06 PATTERNMAKER, METAL (found.) 600.280-050 * 05.05.07 PATTERNMAKER, METAL, BENCH (found.) 693.281-018 05.05.06 PATTERNMAKER, PLASTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 777.38 1-030 01.06.02 PATTERNMAKER, PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.38 1-0 1 4 05.05.07 - patternmaker, pressure cast :PLASTER MOLDER (found.) I: 777.381-034 06.02.30 PATTERNMAKER, SAMPLE 05.05.06 PATTERNMAKER, WOOD (found.) 661.281-022 * 05.05.08 pattern marker :MARKER (any ind.) I: 781.384-01406.02.31 PATTERN MARKER (woodworking) I 761.381-022 06.02.31 PATTERN MARKER (woodworking) II 761.684-022 06.04.25 pattern-perforating-machine operator :PERFORATOR (trim. & embroid.): 781.684-042 06.04.26 pattern puncher :PATTERN WHEEL MAKER (knit goods): 685.684-0 1 0 06.02.27 pattern-punching-machine operator :TRIM-STENCIL MAKER (any ind.): 781.684-058 06.04.26 Pattern-Room Attendant (found.) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 PATTERN RULER (trim. & embroid.) 794.687-038 06.04.27 pattern setter SETTER, MOLDING-AND-COREMAKING MACHINES (found.): 518.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 Pattern Setter (found.) :PATTERNMAKER, WOOD (found.): 66 1.28 1-022 * 05.05.08 (hardware) 693.28 1–022 PATTERN-SHOP SUPERVISOR (found.) 693.131-010 05.05.07 PATTERN WHEEL MAKER (knit goods) 685.684-010 06.02.27 pavement-joint-cleaning-machine operator :JOINT-CLEANING- AND-GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.683-018 05.11.01 Pavilion Cutter (jewelry) :BRILLIANDEER-LOPPER (jewelry): 770.261-0 1 0 05.05.14 Paving-Bed Maker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Paving-Block Cutter (stonework) I SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (stonework): 677.685-046 06.02.08 Paving-Block Cutter (stonework) II :ROCK SPLITTER (stonework): 771.684-010 05.12.07 paving-machine operator, asphalt or bituminous :ASPHALT- PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-010 05.11.01 Paving Rammer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 PAWNBROKER (ret. tr.) 191. 157-010 08.01.03 Pay Agent (clerical) :TIMEKEEPER (clerical): 215.367–022 07.02.05 PAYMASTER OF PURSES (amuse. & 07.03.01 payment clerk, contracts :INTEREST CLERK (finan. inst.): 216.382-038 07.02.02 payment-processing clerk :CHECK-PROCESSING CLERK (finan. inst.) I: 216.387-010 07.02.02 Payroll Auditor (insurance) :AUDITOR (profess. 160.162-014 * 11.06.01 PAYROLL CLERK (clerical) 215.482-010 07.02.05 PAYROLL CLERK, CHIEF (clerical) 215. 137-014 07.02.05 PAYROLL CLERK, DATA PROCESSING (clerical) 215.382- 0 1 0 07.02.05 PAY-STATION ATTENDANT (tel. & 09.04.02 pay-station collector :COIN-MACHINE COLLECTOR (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.): 292.687-010 07.07.03 WORKER rec.) 21 1.367-010 & kin.): tel.) 237.367–034 566 pbx installer PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 pbx operator TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical): 235,662– 022 07.04.06 pbx repairer PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.281-022 05.05.05 Peach Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Peach Harvesting Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 131-0 10 03.04.01 Peach Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 PEANUT BLANCHER (nut process.) 521.685–246 06.04.15 PEANUT-BUTTER MAKER (can. & preserv.; food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-178 06.04.15 Peanut Farmer (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.1 6 1–0 1 0 03.01.01 Peanut Roaster (nut process.) :NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 Peanut Sorter (nut process.) :NUT SORTER (nut process.): 521.687–086 * 06.03.02 pearl dipper ARTIFICIAL-PEARL MAKER 770,687-010 06.04.33 Pearl Diver (fish.) :FISHER, DIVING (fish.): 443.664-010 03.04.03 PEARLER (clock & watch) 715.684-162 06.02.24 pearl-glue drier :DRIER OPERATOR (glue): 06.04.19 PEARL-GLUE OPERATOR (glue) 550.685-094 06.04.19 Pearl Hand (jewelry) :STONE SETTER (jewelry): 735.687-034 06.04.30 (jewelry): 553.385-010 pearl maker ARTIFICIAL-PEARL MAKER (jewelry): 770.687-010 06.04.33 pearl peeler :PEARL RESTORER (jewelry): 735.381-014 05.05.14 PEARL RESTORER (jewelry) 735.381-01405.05.14 Pearl Stringer (jewelry) :BEAD STRINGER (jewelry): 735.684- 0 1 0 06.04.34 Pear Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Pebble-Mill Operator (chem.; paint & varn.) :MILL OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 599.685-058 06.04.10 Pecan Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Pecan-Mallow Dipper (confection.) :CANDY DIPPER, HAND (confection.): 524.684-010 06.04.28 pedal assembler :TONE CABINET ASSEMBLER (musical inst.): 730.684-090 06.02.23 peddler VENDOR (amuse. & rec.): 291.457-022 08.03.01 peddler SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DOOR-TO-DOOR (ret. tr.): 291.357-010 08.02.08 PEDDLER (ret. tr.) 291.457-018 08.03.01 PEDIATRICIAN (medical ser.) 070.101-066 pedigree researcher :PEDIGREE TRACER (clerical): 249.387- O 1 8 07.05.02 PEDIGREE TRACER (clerical) 249.387-018 07.05.02 PEDODONTIST (medical ser.) 072.101-026 Pedometer Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 PEELED-POTATO INSPECTOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.687– 094 06.03.02 Peeler (can. & preserv.) :CANNERY WORKER (can. & preserv.): 529.686-014 * 06.04.15 peeler SCRAPPER (paper goods): 794.687–050 * 06.04.39 Peel Oven Tender (bake. prod.) :OVEN TENDER (bake. prod.); 526.685-030 06.04.15 PEGGER (boot & shoe) 788.687-102 06.04.27 PEGGER, DOBBY LOOMS (narrow fabrics; textile) 689.687– 054 06.04.06 pelletizer NODULIZER (cement): 579.685-034 06.04.19 pelletizer PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 pelletizer tender :DUSTLESS OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack): 550.685-058 06.04.19 pellet-machine operator :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 PELLET-MILL OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.) 520.685-178 06.04.15 Pellet Operator (cereal) :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (cereal): 520.682-018 06.02.15 Pellet-Post Inspector (fireworks) .INSPECTOR, FIREWORKS (fireworks): 737.687-062 06.03.02 Pellet-Preparation Operator (electronics) COMPONENT PROCESSOR (electronics): 06.04.19 PELLET-PRESS OPERATOR 06.04.09 PELLET-PRESS OPERATOR (chem.) 555.685-042 06.04.11 pellet-press operator :BRIQUETTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.685-010 06.04.10 PELOTA MAKER (sports equip.) 732.684-090 06.04.34 PELTER (agric.) 410.687-018 03.04.03 pelt inspector : HIDE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525,687-042 06.03.02 pelt salter :HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 pelt scraper :FLESHER (fur dressing): 585.681-010 06.01.04 pelt shearer :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 PEN-AND-PENCIL REPAIRER 05.12.15 Pen Assembler (pen & pencil) :ASSEMBLER, MARKING DEVICES (pen & pencil): 733.687-010 06.04.23 PENCIL INSPECTOR (pen & pencil) 733.687-062 06.03.02 pencil sorter :PENCIL INSPECTOR (pen & pencil): 733.687- 062 O6.03.02 pencil striper :STRIPER, SPRAY GUN (any ind.): 741.687-022 06.04.33 Penologist (profess. & kin.) :SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 pen-point smoother :SMOOTHER (pen & pencil): 733.685-026 06.04.24 pen-ruler operator :RULING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.): 659.682-022 06.02.04 Pension-and-Advanced Underwriting Specialist (insurance) :UNDERWRITER (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 Pensionholder-Information Clerk (insurance) :POLICYHOLDER-INFORMATION CLERK (insurance): 249.262-010 07.04.04 Pepper Pickler (can. & preserv.) :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684–010 06.04.28 percher CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685- 038 06.03.02 perch-machine inspector :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 PERCOLATOR OPERATOR (cereal) 523.682-034 06.02.15 PERCUSSION-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.381- 042 05.05.12 Percussion-Welding-Machine Operator (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, RESISTANCE (welding): 812.682- 0 1 0 06.02.19 Perdiem Clerk (r. r. trans.) :INTERLINE CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 214.382-022 07.02.04 - PERFECT-BINDER FEEDER-OFFBEARER (print. & pub.) 653.686-022 06.04.04 perfect-binder operator : PERFECT-BINDER SETTER (print. & pub.); 653.380-010 06.01.02 PERFECT-BINDER SETTER (print. 06.01.02 :ELECTRONIC- 590.684-014 (ammunition) 694,685-034 (any ind.) 733.684-014 & pub.) 653.380-010 567 PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 686.685-038 06.04.05 PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print, & pub.) 649.685-090 06.04.04 perforating-machine operator :INCISING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (wood preserving): 569.662-010 06.02.18 Perforator (boot & shoe) :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 perforator :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 PERFORATOR (trim. & embroid.) 781.684-042 06.04.26 perforator operator :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 perforator operator TYPESETTER-PERFORATOR OPERA- TOR (print. & pub.): 203.582-062 * 07.06.02 PERFORATOR OPERATOR, OIL WELL (petrol. production) 93 1.382-010 PERFORATOR TYPIST (clerical) 203.582-038 07.06.02 Performance-Test Inspector (welding) :WELD INSPECTOR (welding) I: 819.281-018 06.01.05 Perfume and Toilet Water Maker (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 perfume compounder COMPOUNDER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; soap): 550.685-046 06.04.11 PERFUMER (chem.) 022.161-018 02.01.02 PERIODONTIST (medical ser.) 072. 101-030 02.03.02 PERISHABLE-FREIGHT INSPECTOR (r.r, trans.) 910.667- 022 05.12.01 PERISHABLE-FRUIT INSPECTOR (whole. tr.) 9 10.387-010 05.10.08 PERMANENT-MOLD SUPERVISOR (found.; nonfer. metal al- loys) 514, 130-010 06.01.01 Permanent Waver (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST (per ser.): 332.27 1-010 * 09.02.01 Permastone Dresser (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 permit agent :RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT (any ind.): 191.1 17- 046 11.12.02 PERMIT AGENT, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING (petrol. production) 191.1 17-042 11.12.02 personal agent ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & 191. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 PERSONAL ATTENDANT (dom. ser.) 309.674-014 09.05.06 personal attendant :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per ser.): 358.677-014 09.05.07 \ personal manager ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191.1 17-0 1 0 PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSOR (gov. ser.) 191.367-010 11.06.03 PERSONAL SHOPPER (ret. tr.) 296.357-010 09.04.02 personnel analyst :JOB ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 166.267- 018 * 11.03.04 PERSONNEL CLERK (clerical) 209.362-026 07.05.03 personnel monitor :RADIATION MONITOR (profess. & kin.): 199. 16.7-010 * 05.03.08 personnel-records clerk 209.362-026 07.05.03 Personnel Recruiter (profess. & kin.) :EMPLOYMENT INTER- VIEWER (profess. & kin.): 166.267-010 11.03.04 PERSONNEL SCHEDULER (clerical) 215.367-014 07.05.01 personnel services manager :MANAGER, BENEFITS (profess. & kin.): 166. 167-018 11.05.02 Persulfate Make-Up Operator (chem.) :MAKE-UP OPERATOR (chem.); 559.382-034 06.02.11 Pest-Control Pilot (agric.) :AIRPLANE PILOT (agric.): 196.263-010 05.04.01 () pest-control worker :SCOUT (agric.): 408.381-010 03.04.05 pest control worker :EXTERMINATOR (any ind.): 389,684- 0 1 0 * 05.10.09 WORKER rec.): : PERSONNEL CLERK (clerical): Petal Cutter (artif, flower) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) III: 781.687-030 06.04.34 Petal Shaper, Hand (artif, flower) : ARTIFICIAL-FLOWER MAKER (artif, flower): 739.684-01406.04.34 PETROLEUM ENGINEER (petrol. production) 010.061-018 {}5.01.08 PETROLEUM INSPECTOR (bus. ser.) 222.367-046 05.07.05 PETROLEUM-INSPECTOR SUPERVISOR (bus. ser.) 222. 137- O26 05.07.05 PETROLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-046 02.01.01 Pet Shop Attendant (ret. tr.) :ANIMAL CARETAKER (any ind.): 410.674-010 03.03.02 PHARMACEUTICAL-COMPOUNDING SUPERVISOR (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 559.131-010 06.01.01 PHARMACEUTICAL DETAILER (whole. 08.01.01 PHARMACEUTICAL OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.382-042 06.02.É. 1 PHARMACIST (profess. & kin.) 074,161-010 * 02.04.01 Pharmacist, Community (profess. & kin.) : PHARMACIST (profess. & kin.): 074.161-010 * 02.04.01 Pharmacist, Hospital (profess. & kin.) :PHARMACIST (profess. & kin.): 074.1 61-010 * PHARMACOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-074 02.02.01 pharmacy clerk :PHARMACY HELPER (medical ser.): 074.387-010 05.09.01 PHARMACY HELPER (medical ser.) 074.387-010 05.09.01 Pharmacy Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF-SER- VICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-01405.09.01 Pheasant Farmer (agric.) :GAME-BIRD FARMER (agric.): 412.161-010 03.01.02 - philatelic consultant :STAMP ANALYST (ret. tr.): 299.387- O 1 4 07.07.02 PHILOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 059.067-010 11.03.02 phone-book deliverer :TELEPHONE-DIRECTORY DELIVERER (bus, ser.): 230.667-014 07.07.02 phone-circuit operator :RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR (any ind.): 193.262-034 05.03.05 tr.) 262. 157-010 PHONOGRAPH-CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLER (phonograph) 720.684-01 4 06.04.23 - PHONOGRAPH-NEEDLE-TIP MAKER (phonograph) 770.382-01 4 06.02.08 Phosphor-Application-Machine Attendant (electronics) :DISPLAY-SCREEN FABRICATOR (electronics): 725.685- 0 1 0 06.04.19 PHOSPHORIC-ACID OPERATOR 06.02.11 photo-cartographer :DRAFTER, TOPOGRAPHICAL (profess. & kin.): 0 18.261-014 05.03.02 PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER 976.687–01 4 06.03.02 PHOTOCOMPOSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 650.582-018 05.10.05 PHOTOCOMPOSING-PERFORATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 203.582-042 07.06.02 PHOTOCOMPOSITION-KEYBOARD OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 203.582-046 07.06.02 PHOTOCOPYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 207,685- 01 4 05.12.19 photocopy operator :PHOTOSTAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 976.382-022 05.10.05 PHOTOENGRAVER (print. & pub.) 971.381-022 01.06.01 PHOTOENGRAVER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 971.381- 026 (31.06.01 PHOTOENGRAVING FINISHER (print. & pub.) 971.381-030 01.06.01 Photoengraving Helper (print. & pub.) :PRINT-SHOP HELPER (print. & pub.): 979.684-026 05.12.18 PHOTOENGRAVING PRINTER (print. & pub.) 971.381-034 01.06.01 (chem.) 558.582-010 (photofinish.) 568 PHOTOENGRAVING PROOFER (print. & pub.) 971.381-038 05.05.13 PHOTOENGRAVING-PROOFER APPRENTICE pub.) 971.381-040 05.05.13 PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.) 976.687-018 06.03.02 photo-finish photographer :PHOTOGRAPHER, FINISH (amuse. & rec.): 143.382-01 4 05.10.05 Photoflash-Powder Mixer 737.687-090 06.04.34 Photogeologist (profess. & kin.) :GEOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-018 02.01.01 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 018.16.7- 026 05.03.01 PHOTOGRAMMETRIST (profess. & kin.) 018.261-026 05.03.02 photograph enlarger :PROJECTION PRINTER (photofinish.): 976.381-018 05.10.05 PHOTOGRAPHER (amuse. & rec.) 143.457-010 08.03.01 PHOTOGRAPHER, AERIAL (profess. & kin.) 143.062-014 01.06.01 PHOTOGRAPHER, APPRENTICE (profess. & kin.) 143.062- 018 01.02.03 PHOTOGRAPHER APPRENTICE, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.) 972.382-010 01.06.01 PHOTOGRAPHER, FINISH (amuse. & 05.10.05 PHOTOGRAPHER HELPER (any ind.) 976.667-010 01.02.03 PHOTOGRAPHER, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.) 972.382- 014 * 01.06.01 PHOTOGRAPHER, MOTION PICTURE (profess. & kin.) 143.062-022 01.02.03 photographer, news :PHOTOJOURNALIST (print. radio & tv broad.): 143.062-034 01.02.03 PHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOENGRAVING (electronics; print. & pub.) 971.382-014 01.06.01 (print. & (fireworks) :MIXER (fireworks): rec.) 143.382-014 & pub.; PHOTOGRAPHER, SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.) 143.062- 026 02.04.01 - PHOTOGRAPHER, STILL (profess. & kin.) 143.062-030 01.02.03 photographer, wet plate :PHOTOGRAPHER, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-014 * 01.06.01 PHOTOGRAPH FINISHER (photofinish.) 05.10.05 Photographic Double (amuse. & rec.) :DOUBLE (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 96 1.364-010 01.08.01 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.081-014 05.01.07 PHOTOGRAPHIC-EQUIPMENT-MAINTENANCE TECHNI- CIAN (photo. apparatus) 714.281-026 05.05.09 PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (photo. ap- paratus) 714.281-022 05.05.11 photographic-laboratory supervisor LABORATORY CHIEF (photofinish.): 976. 131-010 05.10.05 PHOTOGRAPHIC-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 207.685- O 18 Photographic-Paper-Coating-Machine Operator paratus) :PAPER-COATING-MACHINE (photo. apparatus): 534.582-010 06.02.14 PHOTOGRAPHIC-PLATE MAKER (electronics) 714.381-018 05.10.05 photographic-process attendant :PHOTOGRAPHIC-PLATE MAKER (electronics): 714.381-018 05.10.05 photographic section chief :PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPERVISOR (photofinish.; print. & pub.): 976. 137-010 05.10.05 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPERVISOR (photofinish.; print. & pub.) 976. 1 37-0 1 0 05.10.05 - - photograph printer PRINTER OPERATOR, BLACK-AND- WHITE (photofinish.): 976.682-014 * 05.10.05 976.487-0 1 0 * (photo. ap- OPERATOR photograph restorer :AIRBRUSH ARTIST (profess. & kin.): 970.28 1-0 10 01.06.03 PHOTOGRAPH RETOUCHER 01.06.03 PHOTOJOURNALIST (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 143.062-034 01.02.03 PHOTOLETTERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 652.585-010 05.12.19 (photofinish.) 970.281-018 photolithographer :PHOTOGRAPHER, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-014 * 01.06.01 photolithographer apprentice :PHOTOGRAPHER AP– PRENTICE, LITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-010 01.06.01 photolithographic process worker :PHOTOGRAPHER, LITHO- GRAPHIC (print. & pub.): 972.382-014 * 01.06.01 photolith operator :REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 976.361-010 05.10.05 photolith operator :PHOTOENGRAVER (print. 971.38 1-022 01.06.01 photo-optical instrumentation engineer :PHOTOGRAPHIC EN- GINEER (profess. & kin.): 019.081-01405.01.07 PHOTO-OPTICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 029.280-010 02.04.01 & pub.): PHOTORADIO OPERATOR (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.) 193.362-010 07.04.05 Photoresist Printer (electronics) I :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 Photoresist Printer (electronics) II :CONTACT PRINTER, PHOTORESIST (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 7 19.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.11 - PHOTOSTAT OPERATOR (any ind.) 976.382-022 05.10.05 PHOTOSTAT-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) 979.687-014 05.12.19 phototypesetter :PHOTOTYPESETTER OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 650.582-022 07.06.02 PHOTOTYPESETTER OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 650.582- 022 07.06.02 - Phrenologist (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTER- TAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 Phthalic-Acid Purifier (coal tar prod.) ACID PURIFIER (coal tar prod.): 559.685-010 06.04.11 PHYSIATRIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-070 02.03.01 physical-laboratory assistant :METALLURGICAL TECHNI- CIAN (profess. & kin.): 0 1 1.261-010 * 02.04.01 physical medicine specialist :PHYSIATRIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-070 02.03.01 physical tester :TESTER (profess. 02.04.01 physical-testing supervisor SUPERVISOR, METALLURGI- CAL-AND-QUALITY-CONTROL-TESTING (profess. & kin.): 0 1 1.161-010 02.04.01 PHYSICAL THERAPIST (medical 10.02.02 - PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT (medical ser.) O76.224- 0 1 0 10.02.02 Physical Therapist, Pediatric (medical ser.) :PHYSICAL THERAPIST (medical ser.): 076. 121-014 * Physical Therapist, Pulmonary (medical ser.) :PHYSICAL THERAPIST (medical ser.): 076. 121-014 * 10.02.02 Physical Therapist, Research (medical ser.) :PHYSICAL THERAPIST (medical ser.): 076. 121-014 * - PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE (medical ser.) 355.354–010 10.03.02 Physical Therapy Aide, Hydrotherapy (medical ser.) :PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE (medical ser.): 355.354-010 10.03.02 Physical Therapy Aide, Transport (medical ser.) :PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE (medical ser.): 355.354-0 1 0 10.03.02 physical therapy attendant :PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE (medical ser.): 355.354-0 1 0 10.03.02 & kin.): 0 1 1.361-010 ser.) 076. 121-014 * 569 physical therapy technician :PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.76.224-0 1 0 10.02.02 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.364-018 10.02.01 physician, general practice :GENERAL PRACTITIONER (medical ser.): 070. 101-022 * PHYSICIAN, HEAD (medical ser.) 070. 101-074 physician, industrial :PHYSICIAN, OCCUPATIONAL (medical ser.): 070. 101-078 02.03.01 PHYSICIAN, OCCUPATIONAL (medical ser.) 070. 101-078 02.03.01 - - PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 023.061-014 02.01.01 Physicist, Acoustics (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 Physicist, Astrophysics (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 Physicist, Atomic, Electronic and Molecular (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-014 02.01.01 Physicist, Cryogenics (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 Physicist, Electricity and Magnetism (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01402.01.01 Physicist, Fluids (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-014 02.01.01 Physicist, Light and Optics (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01402.01.01 Physicist, Nuclear (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 Physicist, Plasma (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-014 02.01.01 Physicist, Solid Earth (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 Physicist, Solid State (profess. & kin.) :PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01 4 02.01.01 PHYSICIST, THEORETICAL (profess. & kin.) 023.067-010 02.01.01 Physicist, Thermodynamics (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 023.061-01402.01.01 Physiognomist (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTER- TAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 PHYSIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-078 02.02.03 physiotherapist :PHYSICAL THERAPIST (medical O76. 1 21–014 * 10.02.02 Pianist (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, (amuse. & rec.): 152.04 1-0 10 01.04.04 Piano-and-Organ Refinisher (woodworking) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 Piano Bench Assembler (musical inst.) :PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.): 763.684-058 06.04.25 PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 763.684-058 06.04.25 Piano-Case Maker (musical inst.) (woodworking): 660.280-010 * 05.05.08 piano-machine operator :CARD CUTTER, (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.582-010 06.02.04 PIANO REGULATOR-INSPECTOR (musical inst.) 730.681- 0 1 0 06.01.04 Piano-Sounding-Board Matcher (musical inst.) :PANEL-LAY- UP WORKER (woodworking): 761.684-018 06.03.02 PIANO STRINGER (musical inst.) 730.684-054 06.04.24 PIANO TECHNICIAN (any ind.) 730.281-038 05.05.12 PIANO TUNER (any ind.) 730.361-010 05.05.12 PICKED-EDGE SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-206 06.02.05 PICKER (excelsior) 669.687-022 03.04.02 picker :SCRAP SORTER (nonfer. metal alloys): 509.686-018 05.12.03 picker :FUSING-FURNACE LOADER 573.686–01 4 06.04.13 picker :GASKET INSPECTOR (pipe & boiler cov.); 739.687- 102 06.03.02 :PHYSICIST :PHYSICIST ser.): INSTRUMENTAL :CABINETMAKER JACQUARD (optical goods): picker :PICKER TENDER (textile): 680.685-074 06.04.06 PICKER (tobacco) 521.687-098 06.03.02 picker-box operator :CHURNER (oils & fats): 520.565-010 06.04.15 Picker Feeder (asbestos prod.) :PREPARATION-ROOM WORKER (asbestos prod.): 570.686-018 06.04.19 Picker Feeder (house furn.; textile) :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR 680.685-078 06.04.06 PICKER TENDER (textile) 680.685-074 06.04.06 Picket, Labor Union (nonprofit organ.) :SANDWICH-BOARD CARRIER (any ind.): 299.687-014 08.03.02 picking-belt operator :NUT SORTER (nut process.): 521.687- 086 * 06.03.02 PICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 06.04.06 Picking-Machine-Operator Helper (felt goods) HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 PICKING-TABLE WORKER (sugar) 521.687-102 06.03.02 pickle maker :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684-010 06.04.28 pickle processor :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684-010 06.04.28 PICKLE PUMPER (slaught. 06.04.15 pickler :METAL-CLEANER, 503.685-030 06.04.39 PICKLER (can. & preserv.) 522.684-010 06.04.28 Pickler (leather mfg.) :TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CON- TINUOUS PROCESS (leather mfg.): 582.482-01406.02.16 PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 522.687-034 06.04.28 PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any 503.362-010 06.02.10 PICKLER HELPER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.) 503.686-010 06.02.21 pickler operator :PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.): 503.362-010 06.02.10 pickle-water-pump operator :PICKLE PUMPER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.685-086 06.04.15 Pickling-Drum Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) :SHEEPSKIN PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.); 582.685-126 06.04.16 pickling grader GRADER, GREEN MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-106 06.03.02 pickling operator :METAL-CLEANER, ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 pickling-solution maker :BRINE MAKER (can. & preserv.) I: 522.685-018 06.04.15 PICKLING SOLUTION 522.485-010 06.04.15 pickling-tank operator :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 PICK-PULLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 689.685-094 06.04.06 PICK REMOVER (textile) 689.687-058 06.04.27 Pick-Up Driver (motor trans.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 PICK-UP OPERATOR (textile) 689.685-098 06.03.02 PICTURE FRAMER (mirror & pic. frames; ret. tr.) 739.684- 146 01.06.02 Pie Bottomer (bake. prod.) :PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-038 06.04.15 piece-dyeing-machine tender (textile): 582.665-014 06.04.16 piece-dye worker :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665- 0 1 4 06.04.16 Piece-Goods Buyer (garment) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 (matt. & bedspring) ind.) 680.685-082 :MACHINE & meat pack.) 522.685-086 IMMERSION (any ind.): ind.) IMMERSION (any MAKER (slaught. & meat pack.) :DYE-REEL OPERATOR 570 Piece Goods Packer (textile) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 + 06.04.38 Piece Hand (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 piece marker, small arms :MARKER (firearms): 652.582-010 06.02.02 piece-meat trimmer SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-106 06.04.28 Piece Presser (garment) :PRESSER, HAND 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 piecer-up ASSEMBLER (garment; glove & mit.): 781.687-010 06.03.02 piece trimmer SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-106 06.04.28 Piecework Time Clerk (clerical) :PAYROLL CLERK (clerical): 215.482-0 1 0 07.02.05 pie chef:PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.): 313.361-038 05.10.08 Pie-Crimping-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-038 06.04.15 Pie-Crust Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-0 1 0 06.02.15 Pie-Dough Roller (bake. prod.) :PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.); 526.685-038 06.04.15 Pie Filler (bake. prod.) : PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-038 06.04.15 Pie-Filling Mixer (bake. prod.) :ICING MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-1 1 4 06.04.15 Pie Icer (bake. prod.) :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684- 022 06.04.28 Pie Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.) 313.361-038 05.10.08 PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.) 526.685-038 06.04.15 piercer operator :PIERCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys); 613.482-01406.02.02 PIERCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.482-01 4 06.02.02 PIERCING-MILL OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.685-018 06.04.02 pier hand :BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 911.364-014 05. 12.06 pier hand helper :BOAT-LOADER HELPER (water trans.): 911.687-0 1 0 05.12.06 Pie Topper (bake. prod.) :PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 526.685-038 06.04.15 PIG-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & 06.02.10 PIG-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (iron & steel) 514.667- 0 1 4 06.04.10 Pigment and Lacquer Mixer (chem.) :SEASONING MIXER (chem.); 550.685-106 06.04.11 pigment blender :BLENDER (coal tar prod.); 550.685-014 06.04.11 PIGMENT FURNACE TENDER 06.04.11 Pigment Mixer (paint & 550.685-078 06.04.11 Pigment Presser (chem.) :FILTER-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 551.685-082 06.04.11 PIGMENT PROCESSOR (chem.; paint & varn.) 559.685-130 06.04.11 PIGMENT PUMPER (rubber reclaim.) 914.665-010 05.12.06 pigment supplier PIGMENT PUMPER (rubber reclaim.): 9 14.665-010 05.12.06 pigment weigher :COLOR WEIGHER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.487-0 1 0 06.03.02 Pigskin Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) :HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-046 06.04.39 PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (const.) 859.682-018 05.11.01 (any ind.): steel) 514.362-010 (chem.) 553.685-086 varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.): Pile-Driver Operator, Barge Mounted (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 Pile-Driving Setter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Pile-Fabric Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 pile operator :GAMMA-FACILITIES OPERATOR (profess. & kin.): 0.15.362-01 4 02.04.01 pill coater :COATER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 554.382-010 06.02.21 WORKER PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 556.685-058 06.04.13 Pillow-and-Cushion-Department Supervisor (house furn.) :SUPERVISOR (house furn.): 789. 132-010 06.02.01 Pillowcase Cleaner (house furn.) :OIL-SPOT WASHER (house furn.; textile): 689.687–050 06.04.39 pillowcase cutter :CONTINUOUS PILLOWCASE CUTTER (house furn.): 686.685-01 4 06.04.05 Pillowcase Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Pillowcase Sewer (house furn.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682- 026 06.02.05 Pillowcase Sewer, Automatic (house furn.) :FOLDER- SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 787.685-01406.04.05 PILLOWCASE TURNER (house furn.) 583.685-078 06.04.05 pillow cleaner :FEATHER RENOVATOR (clean., dye., & press.): 362.685-010 06.04.35 PILLOW CLEANER (house furn.) 789.687-122 06.04.39 Pillow Filler (house furn.) :FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 780.684-066 06.04.23 pilot AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMERCIAL 196.263-01 4 05.04.01 pilot :SKEIN-YARN DYER (textile): 582.685-130 06.04.16 Pilot-Boat Deckhand (water trans.) :DECKHAND (water trans.): 91 1.687–022 05.08.04 pilot-can router :PACKING-MACHINE-PILOT CAN ROUTER (tobacco): 920.685-086 06.04.38 (air trans.): PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.382-046 02.04.01 PILOT-CONTROL-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.664-014 06.04.11 PILOT, HIGHWAY PATROL (gov. ser.) 375.163-014 04.01.02 pilot-plant-operator helper :PILOT-CONTROL-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.; plastics mat.); 559.664-014 06.04.11 Pilot-Plant Research-Technician (petrol. refin.) :CHEMICAL- ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 008.261- 0 1 0 * 05.01.08 pilot-plant technician :PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chem.; plastics mat.); 559.382-046 * 02.04.01 Pilot-Reporter (radio & twº broad.) HELICOPTER PILOT (any ind.): 196.263-038 05.04.01 PILOT, SHIP (water trans.) 197. 133-026 05.04.02 Pilot, Steam Yacht (water trans.) :PILOT, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-026 05.04.02 PILOT, SUBMERSIBLE (any ind.) 029.383-010 05.04.02 Pilot, Tank Vessel (water trans.) :PILOT, SHIP (water trans.): 197. 133-026 05.04.02 Pin Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :STOP ATTACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-206 06.04.20 Pinball-Machine Repairer (bus. ser.) :COIN-MACHINE-SER- VICE REPAIRER (coin mach.): 639.281-014 * 05.10.02 Pin Cleaner (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-014 06.04.39 pin-drafting-machine operator :GILL-BOX TENDER (textile): 680.685-058 06.04.06 Pin-Feather-Machine Operator (house furn.) :FEATHER SEPARATOR (house furn.): 589.685-054 06.04.09 PIN-GAME-MACHINE INSPECTOR (coin mach.) 729.381- 0 1 4 05.10.03 57.1 Pin Inserter (any ind.) 06.04.38 Pin Inserter (clock & watch) :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 PIN INSERTER, REGULATOR (clock & watch) 715.684–166 06.04.23 Pinion Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 PINION POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.685-042 06.02.02 Pinion Staker (clock & watch) :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 pinker :PINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; gar- ment): 686.685-042 06.04.05 PINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; garment) 686.685-042 06.04.05 PINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685-130 06.04.09 pin-machine operator :LAG SCREWER (furn.): 763.684-046 06.04.23 pin-machine tender :GILL-BOX TENDER (textile): 680.685- 058 06.04.06 pinmaker :STRAIGHT-PIN-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 609.482-014 06.02.02 PIN MAKER (pottery & porc.) 575.686-018 06.04.17 pinner ASSEMBLER (cut. & tools): 701.687-010 06.04.23 PINNER (garment; trim. & embroid.) 782.687-026 06.04.27 pinner :COILER (medical ser.): 712.687-01406.04.23 Pinner (spring) :SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring): 706.684-090 06.04.22 PINNER (trim. & embroid.) 782.684-054 06.04.27 pinner, jewel bearing :JEWEL-BEARING BROACHER (clock & watch): 770.682-010 06.02.30 PIN-OR-CLIP FASTENER (jewelry) 735.687-022 06.04.23 Pin Puller (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) : ANODE REBUILDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 630.684-010 05.10.01 PINSETTER ADJUSTER, AUTOMATIC (sports 829.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.10 PINSETTER MECHANIC, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 638.261- 022 * 05.10.04 PINSETTER-MECHANIC HELPER (any ind.) 829.667-014 05.12.15 Pin Sorter and Bagger (laund.) (laund.): 361.687-018 06.04.35 pin-tenter operator TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-010 06.04.16 Pin-Ticket-Machine Operator (any ind.): 652.685-098 06.04.37 Pin Worker (laund.) :LAUNDRY LABORER 361.687-018 06.04.35 PIPE-AND-TANK FABRICATOR (cooperage) 669.380-018 05.10.01 Pipe-and-Test Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPER- VISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899.131-010 05.12.01 Pipe-Bending-Machine Operator (const.) :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.482-010 06.02.02 PIPE BUFFER (const.) 705.684-054 05.12.18 Pipe Calker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 PIPE CHANGER (mining & quarrying) 891.564-010 05.12.12 PIPE-CLEANING-AND-PRIMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.) 862.662-010 05.11.01 Pipe-Cleaning-Machine Operator (const.) :PIPE-CLEANING- AND-PRIMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 862.662– 0 1 0 05.11.01 Pipe Coater (iron & steel) :PAINTER, BRUSH (any ind.): 740.684-022 06.04.33 PIPE COVERER AND INSULATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 863.381-01405.10.01 PIPE CUTTER (mfü. blogs.) 862.682-010 06.02.02 :CARDER (any ind.): 920.685-034 equip.) :LAUNDRY LABORER ind.) :TICKETER (any (laund.): Piped-Buttonhole-Machine Operator (garment) :PIPED- POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-022 06.04.05 PIPED-POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.685- 022 06.04.05 PIPE FINISHER (brick & tile) 779.684-042 06.04.30 PIPE FITTER (const.) 862.381-018 + 05.05.03 pipe fitter :GAS-MAIN FITTER (light, heat, 862.36 1-0 14 05.05.03 PIPE FITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.261-010 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Ammonia (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.38 1-0 || 8 * 05.05.03 PIPE-FITTER APPRENTICE (const.) 862.381-026 05.05.03 PIPE FITTER, DIESEL ENGINE (engine & turbine) I 862.361- 018 05.05.03 PIPE FITTER, DIESEL ENGINE (engine & turbine) II 862.38 1-022 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Fire-Sprinkler Systems (const.) (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Gas Pipe (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381- 018 * 05.05.03 PIPE-FITTER HELPER (const.) 862.684-022 05.12.12 PIPE-FITTER HELPER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862.684- 018 05.12.12 Pipe Fitter, Maintenance (any ind.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.38 1-018 * 05.05.03 pipe fitter, marine :PIPE FITTER (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 862.26 1–0 1 0 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Plastic Pipe (const.) 862.381 -018 * 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Soft Copper (const.) 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Street Service (light, heat, & power) :GAS-MAIN FITTER (light, heat, & power): 862.361-01405.05.03 PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (const.) 862. 131-010 05.05.03 PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 862. 131-01 4 05.05.03 Pipe-Fitter Supervisor, Maintenance (any ind.) :PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (const.): 862. 131-010 05.05.03 Pipe Fitter, Welding (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381- 018 * 05.05.03 Pipe-Fittings Molder (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 pipe inspector COOLING-PIPE 862.687-0 1 0 05.07.01 pipe inspector :OIL-PIPE INSPECTOR (petrol. production): 930.267-010 05.07.01 PIPE INSTALLER (const.; light, heat, & power) 869.381-018 05.10.01 pipe jeeper :HOLIDAY-DETECTOR OPERATOR (const.): 862.687-014 05.07.01 Pipe Layer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Pipe-Layer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Pipe-Laying Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899.131-010 05.12.01 PIPE-LINE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.) 869.367- O 1 8 05.07.01 pipe-line gager :GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.384-010 05.06.03 Pipe-Line Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 pipe-line maintenance supervisor SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINE MAINTENANCE (pipe lines): 869. 134-018 05.12.12 PIPELINER (pipe lines) 899.684-026 05.10.04 Pipe-Line Superintendent, District (pipe lines) :SUPERINTENDENT, PIPE-LINES (pipe lines): 184.167-198 05.02.01 & power): :PIPE FITTER :PIPE FITTER (const.): :PIPE FITTER (const.): INSPECTOR (const.): WORKER 572 2ipe-Line Superintendent, Division (pipe lines) :SUPERINTENDENT, PIPELINES (pipe lines): 184.167-198 05.02.01 *iºn. Worker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I. 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Pipe-Machine Operator (const.) CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869,687-026 05.12.03 *ipe-Machine-Operator Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 *IPE-ORGAN BUILDER (musical inst.) 730.281-042 05.05.12 IPE-ORGAN INSTALLER (musical inst.) 730.381-046 05.05.12 *IPE-ORGAN TUNER AND REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.361- 01 4 05.05.12 ipe puller :WELL PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382-030 wiper :PIPE FITTER, DIESEL ENGINE (engine & turbine) I: 862.361-018 05.05.03 ipe Racker (petrol. production) :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production): 930.684-026 * *IPE-SMOKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (smoking pipe) 739.687-1 50 06.04.18 ipe steamer SEAM STEAMER (garment): 06.04.27 IPE STRIPPER (conc. prod.) 575.687-026 06.04.40 IPE TESTER (petrol. production) 930.382-01405.07.01 ipe-Threading-Machine Operator (mach. :THREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. 604.682-01 4 06.02.02 wipe-thread inspector THREAD INSPECTOR (petrol. produc- | tion): 862.381-038 05.07.01 ipe Washer (dairy prod.) :EQUIPMENT CLEANER (any ind.): 599.684-010 06.04.39 IPE-WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.; pipe lines) 862,682-01 4 05.11.01 iping Blocker (boot & shoe) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 iping-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment) :STRIP-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 irn Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 iston-Cup Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS IN- SPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 ISTON MAKER (musical inst.) 730.681-01406.01.04 iston-Ring Inspector (mach. mfg.) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.); 609.684-010 06.03.02 bit boss. PIT STEwARD (amuse. & 12.01.02 * car repairer :MINE-CAR REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 622.381-030 05.05.06 PITCH FILLER (any ind.) 619.687-018 05.12.10 Pitch Flaker (coal tar prod.) :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.); 559.685-074 06.04.11 Pitching Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 ITCH WORKER (optical goods) 551.666-010 06.04.19 it-furnace melter :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 pit inspector :LOCOMOTIVE INSPECTOR (loco. & car blåg. & rep.); 622.281-010 05.07.01 PIT STEWARD (amuse. & rec.) 153.16.7-014 12.01.02 PIT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying) 939. 137-01405.02.05 pit tanner TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 Pit-Worker, Power Shovel (any ind.) :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 pivot-end polisher:END POLISHER (clock & watch): 715.685- 026 06.02.02 789.687-166 shop) shop): rec.): 153.16.7-014 Pivot Polisher (clock & watch) :PINION POLISHER (clock & watch): 715.685-042 06.02.02 placement interviewer :EMPLOYMENT (profess. & kin.): 166.267-010 11.03.04 PLACER (insurance) 239.267-010 08.01.02 Placer Miner, Hydraulic (mining & quarrying) :MINER, PLACER (mining & quarrying): 939.684-01405.12.02 Placing Judge (amuse. & rec.) :PATROL JUDGE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-014 12.01.02 plain-clothes officer :DETECTIVE (gov. ser.): 375.267-010 04.01.02 plain-goods 06.02.05 plaiter :PLEATER (textile): 589.685- Planer-Chain Offbearer (plan. mill) :CHAIN OFFBEARER (plan. mill; sawmill): 669.686-018 06.04.03 planer feeder STAVE-PLANER TENDER (sawmill): 665.686- 014 06.04.03 Planer Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 Planer-Mill Grader (plan. - mill) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 INTERVIEWER hemmer HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682-026 Planer Offbearer (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669,686-034 06.04.03 PLANER OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 675.682-01406.02.09 planer operator :TIMBER-SIZER OPERATOR (plan. mill): 665.482-018 06.02.03 PLANER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-022 Planer Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE SETTER (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 PLANER SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 605.282- O 1 4 06.02.02 PLANER, STONE (stonework) 675.682-018 06.02.08 Planer-Type Milling-Machine Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) :MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERI- CAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 605.380-010 06.01.03 PLANER-TYPE-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.282-018 06.02.02 PLANIMETER OPERATOR (gov. ser.) 219.387-022 07.07.03 PLANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685- 034 06.02.02 planing-machine operator 675.682-018 06.02.08 planing machine operator :PLANER (woodworking): 665.682-022 06.02.03 PLANISHER (jewelry) 700.687-054 06.04.24 planishing-hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01406.02.02 PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 690.682-058 06.02.02 planner, chief : PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–050 05.01.06 planning assistant :CITY PLANNING AIDE (profess. & kin.): 199.364-010 1 1.03.02 planning-division superintendent :SUPERINTENDENT, SYSTEM OPERATION (light, heat, & power): 184.167-210 05.02.01 planning engineer :ENGINEER OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–026 05.01.03 planning engineer :FACTORY LAY-OUT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012.167-018 05.01.06 PLANNING ENGINEER, CENTRAL OFFICE FACILITIES (tel. & tel.) 003.061-050 05.01.03 planning supervisor :PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 012.167–050 05.01.06 PLANT BREEDER (profess. & kin.) 041.061-082 02.02.02 plant chief SUPERINTENDENT, COMMUNICATIONS (tel. & tel.): 184.1 17-082 05.02.01 :PLANER, STONE (stonework): OPERATOR 573 plant clerk :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 Plant Cytologist (profess. & kin.) :CYTOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-042 02.02.03 Plant Ecologist (profess. & kin.) :BOTANIST (profess. & kin.): 04 1.061-038 02.02.02 PLANT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 007. 167-014 05.01.08 plant machinist :HYDROELECTRIC-MACHINERY MECHANIC (light, heat, & power): 631.261-010 05.10.02 plant-maintenance worker :MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, FACTORY OR MILL (any ind.): 899.281-014 * 05.10.04 PLANT OPERATOR (conc. prod.; const.) 570.682-014 05.11.02 PLANT OPERATOR, CHANNEL PROCESS (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 542.685-010 06.04.19 PLANT OPERATOR, FURNACE PROCESS (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.362-026 06.02.18 plant-operator helper :UNIT OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack): 542.685-018 06.04.19 Plant Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 PLANT PATHOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 02.02.02 Plant Physiologist (profess. & kin.) :PHYSIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-078 02.02.03 PLANT PROPAGATOR (agric.) 405.361-010 03.04.04 Plant-Protection Supervisor (any ind.) :GUARD, CHIEF (any ind.): 372. 167-014 04.01.01 plant superintendent :COMPRESSOR-STATION ENGINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines): 914. 132-010 05.02.01 plant superintendent, industrial organization :MANAGER, IN- DUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION (any ind.): 189.1 17-022 * 11.05.01 plant supervisor PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 PLANT SUPERVISOR (corn prod.) 529. 132-014 06.01.01 plant supervisor SUPERVISOR, NATURAL-GAS PLANT (petrol. refin.): 542.130-010 05.06.04 Plant Taxonomist (profess. & kin.) :BOTANIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-038 02.02.02 plant tour guide GUIDE, PLANT (any ind.): 353.367-018 09.01.02 Plant Wrapper (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole, tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Plaque Maker (stat. & art goods) :PLASTER MAKER (stat. & art goods): 779.684-046 06.02.30 Plasma-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) :THERMAL- CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 Plaster-Block Layer (const.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381- 018 * 05.05.01 PLASTER-DIE MAKER 06.02.30 PLASTERER (const.) 842.361-018 * 05.05.04 PLASTERER (furn.) 749.687-026 06.04.33 PLASTERER APPRENTICE (const.) 842.361-022 05.05.04 Plasterer, Finish (const.) :PLASTERER (const.): 842.361-018 * 05.05.04 04 1.061-086 (pottery & porc.) 774.684-026 Plasterer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Plasterer, Maintenance (const.) :PLASTERER (const.): 842.361-018 * 05.05.04 PLASTERER, MOLDING (conc. prod.; const.) 842.361-026 05.05.04 plasterer, ornamental :PLASTERER, MOLDING (conc. prod.; const.): 842.361-026 05.05.04 Plasterer, Rough (const.) :PLASTERER (const.): 842.361-018 * 05.05.04 plasterer, spot :PLASTERER (furn.): 749.687-026 06.04.33 Plasterer, Spray Gun (const.) :PLASTERER (const.): 842.361- 018 * 05.05.04 plasterer, stucco :STUCCO MASON (const.): 05.05.04 PLASTER-MACHINE TENDER (const.) 842.665-010 05.12.06 PLASTER MAKER (stat. & art goods) 779.684-046 06.02.30 PLASTER MIXER, MACHINE (build. board) 570.382-014 06.02.18 PLASTER MOLDER (found.) I 777.381-034 06.02.30 PLASTER MOLDER (found.) II 518.484-010 06.02.30 Plaster-of-Paris Molder (elec. equip.) :MOLD OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 729.684-030 06.02.32 plaster-pattern caster :PATTERNMAKER, PLASTER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 777.381-030 01.06.02 PLASTER-PATTERN CASTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; mach. tool & access.) 777.381-038 01.06.02 plaster-pattern-caster apprentice :PATTERNMAKER AP- PRENTICE, PLASTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 777.381- 026 01.06.02 plaster whittler :PATTERNMAKER (hat & cap): 784.361-010 01.06.02 plastic ball buffer :BOWLING-BALL FINISHER equip.); 690.685-038 06.04.09 PLASTIC-CARD GRADER, CARDROOM (amuse. & rec.) 343.687-010 06.03.02 PLASTIC-DESIGN APPLIER (boot & 06.04.05 PLASTIC DUPLICATOR (mach. tool & access.) 754.684-038 06.02.24 Plastic-Extruding-Machine Operator (insulated wire) :EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.382-010 * 06.02.09 plastic-eye technician ARTIFICIAL-PLASTIC-EYE MAKER (optical goods): 713.261-01405.05.11 PLASTIC-FIXTURE BUILDER (mach. 05.05.07 Plastic-Frame Inserter (optical goods) (optical goods) II: 713.681-010 05.05.11 plastic insert molder :MOLDER, SHOE PARTS (boot & shoe): 788.687-094 06.04.32 plastic installer :BOILER RELINER, PLASTIC BLOCK (found.): 849.484-010 05.10.01 PLASTIC-JOINT MAKER (brick & tile) 590.687-014 06.04.32 plastic-machine folder CEMENTER AND FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-070 06.04.05 PLASTIC MIXER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 06.04.32 PLASTIC MOLDER (model & pattern) 779.684-050 06.02.32 Plastic Outfitter (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :BOAT OUT FITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484-01405.10.01 Plastic-Panel Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfd. blogs.): 863.684-01405.10.01 plastic-press molder :COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.685-022 * 06.04.13 PLASTICS BENCH MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-018 06.01.04 PLASTICS FABRICATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 754.684 042 06.02.24 Plastic-Sheeting Cutter (fabric. plastics prod.) :ROLL-SHEET ING CUTTER (coated fabrics): 699.682-026 06.02.09 Plastic-Sign Fabricator (signs) :PLASTICS BENC MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; fabric. plastics prod.) 754.381-018 06.01.04 Plastics Plater (fabric. plastics (electroplating): 500.380-010 06.02.21 PLASTICS REPAIRER (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.684-04 06.04.24 PLASTICS-SEASONER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 553.665 042 06.04.13 842.38 1-014 (sport shoe) 690.686-046 shop) 601.381-030 :LENS MOUNTER 559.684-014 prod.) :PLATE 574 plastics-sheet-finishing-press operator :PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 690.682-058 06.02.02 PLASTICS-SPREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR mat.) 554.382-014 06.02.13 Plastic Surgeon (medical ser.) :SURGEON (medical ser.) I: 070. 101-094 02.03.01 Plastic-Tile Layer (const.; ret. tr.) (const.; ret. tr.): 861.381-034 05.05.01 PLASTIC TOOL MAKER (mach. shop) 601.381-026 06.01.04 PLASTIC-TOP ASSEMBLER (furn.) 763.684-062 06.04.22 Plastic-Top Installer (furn.) :LAMINATOR, HAND (furn.): 763.684-050 06.04.22 Plastic-Tubing-Insulation Supervisor (insulated :SUPERVISOR (insulated wire): 691. 130-0 10 06.01.01 plastic-welding-machine operator :ELECTRIC-SEALING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 690.685-154 06.04.02 Plate-and-Frame-Filter Operator (any ind.) :FILTER-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 551.685-082 06.04.11 plate-and-weld inspector :INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICAT- ING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 PLATE ASSEMBLER, SMALL BATTERY (elec. 727.684-026 06.02.23 Plate Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 plate colorer :PAINTER, PLATE (print. & pub.): 970.681-030 01.06.03 Plate-Drying-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) :DRY-CHARGE- (plastics :SOFT-TILE SETTER wire) equip.) PROCESS ATTENDANT (elec. equip.): 590.685-026 06.04.19 plate embosser :EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I: 208.582-014 06.02.02 plate embosser :EMBOSSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 208.682-010 06.02.02 plate filler SHAKER-PLATE OPERATOR (ammunition): 737.685-01 4 06.03.02 plate fin assembler :AIR-CONDITIONING-COIL ASSEMBLER (refrigerat. equip.): 706.684-010 06.02.23 PLATE FINISHER (print. & pub.) 659.360-010 05.05.07 plate finisher, photoengraving :PHOTOENGRAVING FINISHER (print. & pub.): 971.381-030 01.06.01 PLATE FORMER (elec. equip.) 500.684-018 06.02.32 PLATE GAGER (print. & pub.) 979.687-018 06.03.02 Plate-Glass Installer (const.) :GLAZIER (const.): 865.381-010 * 05.10.01 PLATE GRAINER (print. & pub.) 972.682-010 06.02.02 PLATE-GRAINER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 972.682-014 06.02.02 plate grouper, machine :PLATE STACKER, MACHINE (elec. equip.); 692.382-01406.02.20 Plate Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 Plate Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 1 0 * 06.03.01 plate maker :LITHOGRAPHIC PLATE MAKER (print. & pub.): 972.381-010 * 01.06.01 Plate Maker, Zinc (print, & pub.) :PHOTOENGRAVER (print. & pub.): 971.381-022 01.06.01 PLATE MOLDER (pen & pencil; print. & pub.) 556.582-010 06.02.18 plate mounter :DIE MOUNTER (paper goods): 659.481-010 06.02.31 PLATEN BUILDER-UP (print. & pub.) 651.384-010 05.10.05 platen-drier operator :VENEER REDRIER (veneer & plywood): 563.685-026 06.04.18 PLATEN GRINDER (office mach.) 690.385-010 06.04.07 platen operator, metal bond :METAL-BONDING PRESS OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.682-010 06.02.02 PLATEN-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.) 651.685-022 06.04.09 PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (paper 06.02.04 PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.362-018 ° 05.05.13 PLATEN-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 651.362-022 05.05.13 plate preparer :PLATE GRAINER (print. & pub.): 972.682-010 06.02.02 plate printer STEEL-DIE PRINTER (print. & pub.): 651.382- 030 05.10.05 Plate-Put-in Worker (elec. equip.) :FORMING-PROCESS-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.): 727.687-058 06.04.24 plater :HORSESHOER (agric.): 418.381-010 03.03.02 PLATER (electroplating) 500.380-010 06.02.21 PLATER (inst. & app.) 719.684-01406.02.32 plater :PLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 649.686–026 06.04.04 PLATER APPRENTICE (electroplating) 500.380-01406.02.21 PLATER, BARREL (electroplating) 500.362-01406.02.21 goods) 649.682-026 plater helper :OXIDIZED-FINISH PLATER (any ind.): 599.685-062 06.04.10 plater helper :LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing) 501.685-010 06.04.21 plater, machine :PLATER, BARREL (electroplating): 500.362- 0 1 4 06.02.21 Plate Roller (any ind.) :STRAIGHTENING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.); 613.462-022 06.02.02 PLATER, PRODUCTION (electroplating) 06.04.21 plater supervisor SUPERVISOR (electroplating; iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 500. 131-010 06.02.01 PLATE SETTER, FLEXOGRAPHIC PRESS (print. & pub.) 659.38 1-0 10 06.01.02 plate-shear operator :SHEAR OPERATOR (any 615.482-034 06.02.02 plate-shop helper :METAL-FABRICATING-SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 plate-shop inspector :INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 PLATE SLITTER-AND-INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 727.685- 0 1 0 06.04.24 PLATE STACKER, HAND 06.04.40 plate stacker, machine :STACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 692.682-054 06.02.20 PLATE STACKER, MACHINE (elec. equip.) 692.382-014 500.365-010 ind.) I: (elec. equip.) 729.687-026 06.02.20 PLATE-TAKE-OUT WORKER (elec. equip.) 500.687-010 06.04.24 Plate Washer (elec. equip.) :FORMING-PROCESS-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.): 727.687-058 06.04.24 plate worker :PRESS OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.682-062 06.02.02 PLATE WORKER (paper & pulp) 535.685-010 06.04.04 plate-worker helper :FITTER HELPER (any ind.): 801.687-014 05.12.12 PLATFORM ATTENDANT (ice) 299.377-010 09.04.02 platform beater :WELT BEATER (boot & shoe): 690.685-470 06.04.05 Platform Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 platform inspector :FRUIT-BUYING GRADER (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.387-018 06.03.01 Platform Loader (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Platform Presser (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Platform Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 575 Platform Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 Platform Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 platform worker BALCONY WORKER (glass mfg.): 575.687- 010 06.04.13 platform worker TANKER (wood preserving): 561.665-010 06.04.18 plating-department helper :LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 plating inspector :HOOF AND SHOE INSPECTOR (amuse. & rec.): 153.287-010 03.03.02 PLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 649.686- 026 06.04.04 plating-press operator :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather prod.): 690.682-030 06.02.05 Plating Stripper (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-0 1 0 06.02.21 plating-tank operator :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-010 06.02.21 plating-tank-operator apprentice :PLATER APPRENTICE (electroplating): 500.380-01406.02.21 Platinum.smith (jewelry) :JEWELER (jewelry): 01.06.02 playback operator :SECTION-PLOTTER OPERATOR (petrol. production): 194.382-010 05.10.05 Player-Manager (amuse. & rec.) :HEAD COACH (amuse. & rec.): 153. 1 17-0 1 0 12.01.01 PLAYER-PIANO TECHNICIAN (musical inst.) 730.38 1-050 05.05.12 PLAYGROUND-EQUIPMENT ERECTOR (ret. tr.) 801.684- 018 05.12.12 PLAYROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.) 359.677-026 10.03.03 PLAYWRIGHT (profess. & kin.) 131.067-038 01.01.02 pleater TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 787.682-082 06.02.05 PLEATER (house furn.) 787.685-026 06.04.05 PLEATER (textile) 589.685-074 06.04.16 PLEATER, HAND (trim. & embroid.) 583.684-010 06.04.27 PLEATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 583.685-082 06.04.05 pleating-machine operator :ROLLING-DOWN-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile): 589.685-086 06.04.05 PLEAT PATTERNMAKER (garment; house furn.) 781.484- 010 06.02.31 Pleat Presser (clean., dye., & press.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 PLEAT TAPER (trim. & embroid.) 789.487-010 06.03.01 plier worker :LINKER (jewelry): 735.687-01406.04.23 Plisse-Machine Operator (textile) :CLOTH PRINTER (any ind.): 652.382-010 06.02.09 Plisse-Machine Operator Helper (textile) :CLOTH-PRINTER HELPER (any ind.): 652.686-010 06.04.05 PLODDER OPERATOR (soap) 556.682-018 06.02.18 plodding-machine operator :PLODDER OPERATOR (soap): 556.682-018 06.02.18 PLOW-AND-BORING-MACHINE TENDER 665.685-018 06.04.03 plow holder :ELEVATING-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-01 4 05.11.01 plow shaker :ELEVATING-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-01 4 05.11.01 plug-and-mold finisher :MOLD LAMINATOR (conc. prod.; ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.684-086 06.02.32 Plug Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 Plug Builder (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :LOFT WORKER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 661.281-010 05.05.08 PLUG CUTTER (pen & pencil) 690.685-306 06.04.07 700.281-010 ind.): (plan. mill) plug-cutter :PLUG-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-182 06.04.15 plug-cutting-and-wrapping-machine operator :PLUG-CUTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-182 06.04.15 PLUG-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 529.685- 182 06.04.15 plug-drill operator :JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.684-018 05.12.02 PLUGGER (cooperage) 764.687-098 06.04.22 PLUGGER (iron & steel) 613.687-010 06.04.02 | PLUGGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.682- 062 06.02.03 plug maker :PATTERNMAKER, PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.381-01405.05.07 plug-making operator :CIGARETTE-FILTER-MAKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.685-062 06.04.15 PLUG-OVERWRAP-MACHINE TENDER (tobacco) 529.685- 186 06.04.15 PLUG SHAPER, HAND (tobacco) 520.687–050 06.04.28 PLUG SHAPER, MACHINE (tobacco) 520.686-034 06.04.15 PLUG SORTER (woodworking) 769.687-034 06.03.02 Plug Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 PLUG WIRER (elec. equip.) 726.687-014 * 06.04.23 PLUMBER (const.) 862.381-030 * 05.05.03 PLUMBER (mfd. blógs.) 862.681-010 05.05.03 PLUMBER APPRENTICE (const.) 862.381-034 05.05.03 Plumber Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Plumber, Maintenance (any 862.38 1-030 * 05.05.03 plumber, pipe fitting :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 + 05.05.03 PLUMBER SUPERVISOR (const.) 862. 131-018 05.05.03 Plumber Supervisor, Maintenance (const.) :PLUMBER SUPER- VISOR (const.): 862. 131-018 05.05.03 PLUMBING ASSEMBLER-INSTALLER (mfä. blogs.) 862.684- 026 06.02.22 PLUMBING-HARDWARE ASSEMBLER 706.684-086 06.04.23 Plum Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Plunger-Machine Operator (paper goods) :ENVELOPE- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-042 06.04.04 PLUSH WEAVER (textile) 683.682-030 06.02.06 Plycor Operator (woodworking) :GLUING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 569.685-046 06.04.03 ply cutter :BIAS-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire & tube): 690.682-022 06.02.09 ply splicer SPLICER (rubber tire & 06.04.29 Plywood Builder (veneer & plywood) :CROSSBAND LAYER (veneer & plywood): 762.687-026 06.04.25 Plywood Patcher (veneer & plywood) (woodworking): 769.684-030 06.04.25 ind.) :PLUMBER (const.): (plumb. supplies) tube): 759.684-058 :PATCHER PLYWOOD-SCARFER TENDER (veneer & plywood) 665.685-022 06.04.03 Plywood-Stock Grader (veneer & plywood) :VENEER GRADER (veneer & plywood): 569.587-010 06.03.02 Pneumatic-Drum Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 761.682-014 06.02.03 pneumatic-hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01406.02.02 PNEUMATIC-HOIST OPERATOR (const.; mfä. blags.) 921.663–046 05.11.01 PNEUMATIC JACKETER (insulated wire) 691.667-010 06.04.34 PNEUMATIC-JACK OPERATOR (petrol. production) 939.682-01 4 576 pneumatic-systems operator :CONVEYOR OPERATOR, PNEUMATIC SYSTEM (macaroni & rel. prod.): 921.382- 0 1 0 05.06.04 Pneumatic Tester (any ind.) :HYDRO-PNEUMATIC TESTER (any ind.): 862.687-018 06.03.02 PNEUMATIC TESTER AND MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 621.381-022 05.10.02 PNEUMATIC-TOOL OPERATOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 809.38 1-030 05.05.06 PNEUMATIC-TOOL REPAIRER 05.05.09 Pneumatic-Tube Fitter (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :ASSEMBLER, TUBING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.381-034 06.02.24 Pneumatic-Tube Fitter (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 pneumatic-tube operator 239.687-0 1 4 07.07.02 PNEUMATIC-TUBE REPAIRER 05.10.02 . POACHER OPERATOR (explosives) 551.685-106 06.02.18 Poacher-Wringer Operator (chem.) :WRINGER OPERATOR (chem.); 551.685-162 06.04.11 Pocket-and-Pulley-Machine Operator (plan. mill) :POCKET CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-01406.02.03 Pocket Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 Pocketbook Framer (leather prod.) :HANDBAG FRAMER (leather prod.): 739.684-090 06.04.23 pocket builder :BAND BUILDER (rubber tire & 750.684-010 06.04.29 Pocket Creaser (garment; knit goods) :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 POCKET CUTTER (plan. mill) 667.482-01406.02.03 POCKETED-SPRING ASSEMBLER (matt. & bedspring) 780.684-090 06.04.27 Pocketed-Spring Inserter (auto. mfg.) :CUSHION BUILDER (auto. mfg.): 780.684-050 06.04.22 pocketed-spring-machine operator :POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 616.685-050 06.04.20 Pocket-Flap-Creasing-Machine Operator (garment) :FOLDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 Pocket-Grinder Operator (paper & pulp) :WOOD GRINDER OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 530.662-01406.02.14 POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring) 61 6.685-050 06.04.20 pocket maker :POCKET SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-2 10 06.02.05 Pocket Marker (garment) :MARKER (garment; house furn.; ret. tr.): 781.687-042 06.04.27 (any ind.) 630.281-010 :TUBE OPERATOR (clerical): (any ind.) 630.281-014 tube): Pocket Presser (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 Pocket-Secretary Assembler (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHER GOODS (leather prod.) I: 783.684-010 06.02.27 POCKET SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-210 06.02.05 PODIATRIC ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.374-018 10.03.02 Podiatric Surgeon (medical ser.) :PODIATRIST (medical ser.): 079. 101-022 02.03.01 PODIATRIST (medical ser.) 079. 101-022 02.03.01 Podiatrist, Orthopedic (medical ser.) :PODIATRIST (medical ser.): 079. 101-022 02.03.01 Podopediatrician (medical ser.) :PODIATRIST (medical ser.): 079. 101-022 02.03.01 POET (profess. & kin.) 131.067-042 01.01.02 Pointer, Calker, and Cleaner (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 POINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. rubber goods) 690.685-310 06.04.02 poiser, balance TIMING ADJUSTER 71 5.68 1-0 1 0 06.02.24 plastics prod.; (clock & watch): poker-in :CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 5 12.683-010 06.02.10 polarity tester :FINAL INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 727.687-054 06.03.02 pole classifier :POLE INSPECTOR (wood preserving): 561.587- 0 1 0 06.03.02 - POLE FRAMER (light, heat, & power; wood preserving) 959.684-010 05.12.12 Pole Framer, Machine (wood preserving) :FRAME-TABLE OPERATOR (wood preserving): 669.662-01406.0.2.03 Pole-Incisor Operator (wood preserving) :INCISING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood preserving): 569.662-010 06.02.18 POLE INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 869,387-010 05.07.01 POLE INSPECTOR (wood preserving) 561.587-010 06.03.02 pole peeler :POLE-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sawmill; wood preserving): 663.682-01406.04.03 pole-peeler helper :POLE-PEELING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving): 665.686-010 06.04.03 POLE-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sawmill; wood preserving) 663.682-01406.04.03 POLE-PEELING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving) 665.686-010 06.04.03 poler :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 Pole-Sander Operator (woodworking) :CYLINDER-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking): 662.685-014 06.04.03 pole setter STEEL-POST INSTALLER (light, heat, & power): 821.687-0 1 0 05.12.12 pole shaver :POLE-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sawmill; wood preserving): 663.682-01406.04.03 pole-shaver helper :POLE-PEELING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving): 665.686-010 06.04.03 Pole-Shoe Assembler (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 pole tester :POLE INSPECTOR (light, heat, 869.387-010 05.07.01 Pole-Truck Driver (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :TRACTOR-TRAILER-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904.383-010 * 05.08.01 POLEYARD SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 929.137- 0 1 4 05.12.01 POLICE-ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR (gov. ser.) 375.227-010 04.01.01 POLICE AIDE (gov. ser.) 243.362-014 07.04.05 POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) 04.01.01 police captain, senior :POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) I: 375.267–026 04.01.01 police chemist :CRIMINALIST (profess. & kin.): 029.281-010 02.04.01 POLICE CHIEF (gov. ser.) 375.1 17-010 04.01.01 Police Chief, Deputy (gov. ser.) :POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) I: 375.267-026 04.01.01 Police Commissioner (gov. ser.) II :POLICE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375. 11 7-0 1 0 04.01.01 POLICE COMMISSIONER (gov. ser.) I 188.1 17-118 04.01.01 police-department secretary :SECRETARY OF POLICE (gov. ser.): 375. 137-022 07.01.02 POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) I 375.267-026 04.01.01 POLICE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) II 375.267-030 04.01.02 police inspector, chief :POLICE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375.1 17- 0 1 0 04.01.01 police judge :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 111.107-014 11.04.01 police justice :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 111.107-014 11.04.01 POLICE LIEUTENANT, COMMUNITY RELATIONS (gov. ser.) 375. 137-018 11.09.03 POLICE LIEUTENANT, PATROL (gov. ser.) 375. 167-038 04.01.01 & power): 375. 167–034 577 Police Lieutenant, Precinct (gov. ser.) :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-034 04.01.01 police magistrate :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser.): 11.04.01 POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I 375.263-014 04.01.02 POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) II 375.367-010 04.02.01 POLICE OFFICER, IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDS (gov. ser.) 375.384-010 07.01.06 police radio dispatcher :DISPATCHER, RADIO (gov. ser.): 379.362-010 07.04.05 POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I 375.133-010 04.01.01 Police Sergeant, Precinct (gov. ser.) II :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375.167-034 04.01.01 Police Sergeant, Radio Patrol (gov. ser.) :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375.133-010 04.01.01 Police Stenographer (gov. ser.) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 POLICE SURGEON (gov. ser.) 070. 101-082 02.03.01 policy-cancellation clerk :CANCELLATION (insurance): 203.382-014 07.02.02 POLICY-CHANGE CLERK (insurance) 219.362-042 07.02.02 Policy Checker (insurance) :INSURANCE CHECKER (insurance): 219.482-01 4 07.05.02 POLICYHOLDER-INFORMATION 249.262-010 07.04.04 Policy-Issue Clerk (insurance) 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 policy-issue supervisor SUPERVISOR, UNDERWRITING CLERKS (insurance): 219. 132-022 07.02.02 Policy-Loan Calculator (insurance) :POLICY-VALUE CALCU- LATOR (insurance): 216.382-050 07.02.03 policy rater :RATER (insurance): 214.482-022 07.02.04 POLICY-VALUE CALCULATOR (insurance) 216.382-050 07.02.03 Policy Writer (insurance) TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 * 07.06.02 POLISHER (any ind.) 705.684-058 06.04.24 polisher :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 polisher :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 POLISHER (button) 599.685-078 06.04.09 polisher :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (chew. gum; con- fection.): 524.382-010 06.02.15 POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.682-018 06.02.02 POLISHER (glass mfg.; mirror) 775.684-058 06.04.30 POLISHER (jewelry) 700.687-058 ° 06.04.24 | 1 1. 107-014 CLERK CLERK (insurance) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): polisher :FINISHER, DENTURE (medical ser.): 712.681-018 °. 05.05.11 polisher :BUFFER (smoking pipe): 739.684-026 06.04.34 POLISHER (woodworking) 761.684-026 06.04.25 Polisher, Aluminum (any ind.) :POLISHER (any ind.): 705.684- 058 06.04.24 Polisher and Buffer (any ind.) I :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-01 4 06.04.24 POLISHER AND BUFFER (any ind.) II 705.684-062 06.04.24 polisher and sander SANDING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.): 662.685-026 06.04.09 POLISHER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 705.684-066 06.04.24 POLISHER, BALANCE SCREWHEAD (clock & watch) 715.685-046 06.02.02 Polisher, Brass (any ind.) :POLISHER (any ind.): 705.684-058 06.04.24 Polisher, Bronze (any ind.) :POLISHER (any ind.): 705.684- 058 06.04.24 POLISHER, DIAL (clock & watch) 715.684-170 06.02.24 POLISHER, EYEGLASS FRAMES (optical goods) 713.684- 038 06.04.24 polisher, hand STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework): 775.664-0 1 0 06.04.30 POLISHER, IMPLANT (optical goods) 713.687-034 06.04.24 Polisher, Numeral (clock & watch) :POLISHER, DIAL (clock & watch): 715.684-170 06.02.24 POLISHER, SAND (silverware) 705.684-070 06.02.24 Polisher, Zinc (any ind.) :POLISHER (any ind.): 705.684-058 06.04.24 POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 603.682-026 06.02.02 polishing-machine operator :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382-018 06.02.08 POLISHING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER 603.686-0 10 06.04.02 polishing-machine operator, semiautomatic :MIRROR-FINISH- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (silverware): 603.682-022 06.02.02 POLISHING-PAD MOUNTER (optical goods) 739.687-154 06.04.34 polishing-wheel repairer :BUFFING-AND-POLISHING-WHEEL REPAIRER (any ind.): 739.684-030 06.04.34 POLISHING-WHEEL SETTER (any ind.) 05. 10.04 Political Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188. 117-106 11.09.03 (any ind.) 776.684-014 POLITICAL SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 051.067-010 11.03.02 poll clerk :ELECTION CLERK (gov. ser.): 205.367-030 07.04.03 POLLUTION-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 0 19.08 1-0 || 8 05.01.02 POLLUTION-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 029.261-01 4 05.03.08 poly-area supervisor :PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559. 132-042 06.01.01 Polyethylene-Bag-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR (paper 06.04.04 Polyethylene Combiner (paper goods) :COMBINER OPERA- TOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 POLYGRAPH EXAMINER (profess. & kin.) 199.267-026 02.04.02 POLYMERIZATION HELPER (plastics mat.) 558.585-038 06.04.13 goods) :B.AG- 649.685-014 * (paper goods): POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 558.382-050 06.02.13 POLYMERIZATION-OVEN OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 556.585-01 4 06.04.13 Polymerization Supervisor (plastics mat.) :PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.); 559.132-042 06.01.01 Polymer Operator (synthetic fibers) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 POLY-PACKER AND HEAT-SEALER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 920.686-038 06.04.38 - POLYSTYRENE-BEAD MOLDER (fabric. piastics prod.) 556.382-018 06.02.13 POLYSTYRENE-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.685-062 06.04.13 POMPOM MAKER (knit goods) 789.687-126 06.04.27 pondsaw operator :CUT-OFF SAWYER, LOG (paper & pulp; sawmill): 667.685-034 03.04.02 Pond Scaler (paper & pulp; sawmill) :LOG SCALER (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 455.487-010 * 05.07.06 POND TENDER (salt production) 939.685-010 05.12.06 POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood) 921.686-022 Pony-Cylinder-Press Feeder (print. & pub.) :CYLINDER- PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.): 651.686-010 05.12.19 Pony-Cylinder-Press Operator (print. & pub.) :CYLINDER- PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 PONY EDGER (sawmill) 667.682-050 578 Pony-Ride Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL-RIDE AT- TENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 349.674-010 03.03.02 Pony-Roll Finisher (paper & pulp) :ROLL FINISHER (paper & pulp): 920.685-090 06.04.38 pony winder REWINDER OPERATOR 640.685-058 * 06.04.04 Pool-Hall Inspector (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 pooling operator :SIPHON OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.): 599.687-026 02.04.02 poolroom attendant :RACKER (amuse. & rec.): 340.477-010 09.05.05 (paper goods): pool servicer SWIMMING-POOL SERVICER (any ind.): 891.684-018 05.10.04 POPCORN-CANDY MAKER (confection.) 526.685-042 06.04.15 popcorn maker :CORN POPPER (confection.): 526.685-026 06.04.15 popped-corn oven attendant :CORN POPPER (confection.): 526.685-026 06.04.15 porcelain-buildup assistant :OPAQUER (medical ser.): 712.684- O30 06.02.32 PORCELAIN-ENAMELING SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 590.131- 0 1 0 06.02.01 Porcelain-Enamel Installer (const.; ret. tr.) :SIDER (const; ret. tr.; mfci.blags.): 863.684-014 05.10.01 PORCELAIN-ENAMEL LABORER (any ind.) 509.687-014 06.04.33 PORCELAIN-ENAMEL REPAIRER (any ind.) 741.684-030 06.04.33 Porcelain-Enamel Sprayer (any ind.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 porcelain finisher :DENTAL CERAMIST ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 712.664-010 * 05.05.11 Porcelain Slusher (any ind.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 porcelain waxer :DENTAL CERAMIST ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 712.664-010 * 05.05.11 portable grinder operator GRINDER-CHIPPER (any ind.) I: 705.684-030 06.02.24 Portable Grout-Mixer Operator :CONSTRUCTION WORKER 05, 12.03 PORTABLE SAWYER (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) 899.684-030 06.02.25 Port Captain (water trans.) SUPERINTENDENT, MARINE (water trans.): 184.167-182 11.11.03 port drier :DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PACKAGE YARNS (textile): 581.685-026 06.04.16 PORT ENGINEER (ship & boat blog. & rep.; water trans.) O 14. 16.7-0 1 4 05.01.06 PORTER (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. 09.05.03 porter CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * 05.12.18 porter, baggage :PORTER (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 357.677-0 1 0 09.05.03 PORTER, BAGGAGE (hotel & rest.) 324.477-010 09.05.03 porter, bath :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 335.677- O 1 4 09.05.01 porter, head SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES (any ind.): 381.137-010 05.12.18 Porter, Lobby (hotel & rest.) :HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-018 05.12.18 porter, luggage :PORTER, BAGGAGE (hotel & rest.): 324.477- 0 1 0 09.05.03 PORTER, MARINA (water trans.) 329.677-010 09.05.03 porter, pullman SERVICE ATTENDANT, SLEEPING CAR (r. r. trans.): 351.677-0 10 09.01.04 PORTER, SAMPLE CASE (whole. tr.) 299.687-010 09.05.06 (conc. (const.) II: prod.; const.) 869. 687–026 trans.) 357.677-010 PORTER, USED-CAR LOT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 9 15.687-022 05.12.18 portfolio administrator :RESERVE OFFICER (finan. inst.; in- surance): 186. 167–054 11.06.03 PORT PURSER (water trans.) 166. 167–038 11.11.03 portrait photographer apprentice :PHOTOGRAPHER, AP- PRENTICE (profess. & kin.): 143.062-018 01.02.03 PORT-TRAFFIC MANAGER (water trans.) 184. 167–122 11.05.03 port warden :HARBOR MASTER (gov. ser.): 375. 167-026 04.01.01 Position Classifier (gov. ser.) :JOB ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 166.267-018 * 11.03.04 position clerk :FOREIGN-EXCHANGE-POSITION CLERK (finan. inst.); 2 10.367-014 07.02.01 Positive Developer (motion pic.; photofinish.) :FILM DEVELOPER (motion pic.; photofinish.): 976.382-018 05.10.05 positive printer operator :FILM PRINTER (motion pic.): 976.682-0 1 0 05.10.05 postage-machine operator :SEALING-AND-CANCELING- MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-026 05.12.19 postal clerk :MAIL CLERK (clerical): 209.587-026 ° 07.05.04 postal clerk :POST-OFFICE CLERK (gov. ser.): 243.367-014 07.03.01 Postal Inspector (gov. 168.267-062 11.10.01 Postbed Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 poster :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 Post-Form Remover (elec. equip.) :LEAD-BURNER HELPER (elec. equip.): 727.687-070 06.04.23 post-hole digger :EARTH-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 859.682-010 05.11.01 POSTING CLERK (clerical) 216.587-014 07.02.02 posting-machine operator :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) II: 210.382-026 07.02.01 posting-machine operator :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) I: 2 1 0.382-022 * 07.02.01 Posting-Machine Operator (clerical) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 POSTMASTER (gov. ser.) 188. 167-066 11.05.03 POST-OFFICE CLERK (gov. ser.) 243.367-014 07.03.01 post-office supervisor SUPERVISOR, MAILS (gov. 243. 1 37-0 1 0 07.05.04 Pot Annealer (heat treat.) : ANNEALER (heat treat.); 504.682- 0 1 0 06.02.10 Potash Flaker (chem.) :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.); 559.685-074 06.04.11 potato-chip cooker machine :POTATO-CHIP FRIER (food prep., n.e.c.); 526.685-046 06.04.15 ser.) :INVESTIGATOR (gov. ser.): ser.): POTATO-CHIP FRIER (food prep., n.e.c.) 526.685-046 06.04.15 POTATO-CHIP-PROCESSING SUPERVISOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 526. 137-010 06.02.01 POTATO-CHIP SORTER (food prep., 06.03.02 Potato Grader (agric.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 POTATO-PANCAKE FRIER (food prep., n.e.c.) 526.685-050 06.04.15 n.e.c.) 526.687-010 POTATO-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-250 06.04.15 potato-seed cutter :SEED CUTTER (agric.): 404.686-010 03.04.01 Potato Sorter (agric.; whole, tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 579 potato spotter :PEELED-POTATO INSPECTOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.687 1094 06.03.02 POT BUILDER (chem.) 826.684-022 05.10.03 Potdevin Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 06.04.05 Potentiometer Assembler, Prototype :ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, (electronics): 726.261-010 05.05.05 POT FIRER (chem.) 553.582-014 06.02.11 Pot-Holder Binder (house furn.) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682- 0 1 0 06.02.05 POTLINE MONITOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.467–010 06.03.01 POT LINER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.664-01 4 05.10.01 POT-LINING SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 1 34-0 1 0 06.04.01 Pot Maker (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 pot maker :POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 774.382-010 06.02.08 (electronics) DEVELOPMENTAL pot maker :THROWER (pottery & porc.): 774.381-010 06.02.30 pot-press operator :FLOWER-POT-PRESS OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 575.685-034 06.04.17 pot puncher :POT TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 5 12.685-018 06.04.10 POT-ROOM SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 12. 1 35-0 1 0 06.04.01 pot runner :PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing): 501.685-010 06.04.21 POT TENDER (ore dress., 06.04.10 Potter (electronics) :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 726.684-030 06.04.24 Potter (pottery & porc.) :POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.): 774.382-010 06.02.08 POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & 774.382-0 1 0 06.02.08 Pottery Striper (pottery & porc.) :STRIPER, SPRAY GUN (any ind.): 741.687-022 06.04.33 Potwasher (hotel & rest.) :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 3.18.687-0 1 0 05.12.18 - Pouch-Making-Machine Operator (tobacco) :TOBACCO- PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-098 06.04.38 POULTICE-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 692.685-134 06.04.09 poultry-and-fish butcher :BUTCHER, CHICKEN AND FISH (hotel & rest.): 316.684-010 05.10.08 POULTRY BONER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-066 06.04.28 POULTRY BREEDER (agric.) 4.11.161-01403.01.01 poultry culler :CHICK GRADER (agric.): 411.687-010 03.04.01 POULTRY DEBEAKER (agric.) 411.687-026 03.04.01 POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687– 070 06.04.28 POULTRY-DRESSING WORKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-082 * 06.04.38 POULTRY EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687- 074 06.04.28 POULTRY FARMER (agric.) 4.11.161-018 03.01.01 Poultry Farmer, Egg (agric.) :POULTRY FARMER (agric.): 4 11.161-018 03.01.01 Poultry Farmer, Meat (agric.) :POULTRY FARMER (agric.): 41 1. 161-018 03.01.01 Poultry-Feed-Mixer Operator (grain & feed mill.) MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.685-098 06.04.15 smelt., & refin.) 512.685-018 porc.) :FEED 690.686-018 Poultry Feed Supervisor (grain & feed mill.) :SUPERVISOR, FEED MILL (grain & feed mill.): 529. 132-054 06.01.01 POULTRY HANGER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-078 06.04.28 poultry helper :FARMWORKER, POULTRY (agric.): 411.584- 0 1 0 03.04.01 POULTRY INSEMINATOR (agric.) 4.11.384-010 03.04.05 POULTRY KILLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-042 06.04.28 Poultry Picker (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-070 06.04.28 POULTRY-PICKING MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.685-026 06.04.15 Poultry Scalder (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-070 06.04.28 POULTRY SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-042 02.02.01 POULTRY TENDER (agric.) 4.11.364-01403.04.01 POULTRY VACCINATOR (agric.) 411.684-01403.04.01 pouncer :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-074 06.04.16 pouncer CROWN POUNCER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.687- 018 06.04.27 pouncer, machine :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-074 06.04.16 POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685-074 06.04.16 pouncing-machine operator :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-074 06.04.16 pouncing-machine operator :JIGGER-CROWN-POUNCING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-058 06.04.16 POUNDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-314 06.04.05 poured-pipe maker :CONCRETE-PIPE MAKER (conc. prod.): 779.684-01 4 06.04.32 POURER (candle) 739.687-158 06.04.32 pourer CASTER (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.684-022 06.02.24 pourer SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-014 06.04.27 pourer :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687-010 06.04.27 pourer CASTING-WHEEL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 514.682-010 06.02.10 pourer CASTER (pottery & porc.): 575.684-01406.02.30 POURER (rubber goods) 556.687-026 06.04.32 Pourer, Buggy Ladle (found.) :POURER, METAL (found.): 5 14.684-022 06.04.10 Pourer, Bull Ladle (found.) 514.684-022 06.04.10 Pourer, Crane Ladle (found.) :POURER, METAL (found.): 5 14.684-022 06.04.10 Pourer, Crucible (found.) 5 14.684-022 06.04.10 POURER, METAL (found.) 514.684-022 06.04.10 POWDER-AND-PRIMER-CANNING LEADER (ammunition) 737. 1 37-01 4 06.01.01 # + POWDER BLENDER AND POURER (explosives) 550.485- 022 06.04.11 powder carrier :BLASTER HELPER (any ind.): 859.687-010 05.12.02 Powder Compounder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 POWDER-CUTTING OPERATOR (explosives) 559.685-134 06.04.11 Powdered-Sugar-Pulverizer Operator (sugar) :POWDER-MILL OPERATOR (sugar): 521.585-018 06.04.15 POWDERER (hat & cap) 784.687-058 06.04.33 Powder Gilder (mirror & pic. frames) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 Powder Guard (const.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any 372.667–034 04.02.02 :POURER, METAL (found.): :POURER, METAL (found.): ind.): 580 POWDER-LINE REPAIRER (explosives) 629.261-018 05.05.09 POWDER LOADER (mining & quarrying) 931.667-010 05.12.02 POWDER-MILL OPERATOR (sugar) 521.585-018 06.04.15 Powder Mixer (chem.) :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 powder monkey :MAGAZINE KEEPER (clerical): 222.367–038 05.09.02 powder nipper :MAGAZINE KEEPER (clerical): 222.367-038 05.09.02 powder operator :DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.): 523.682-022 06.02.15 powder-press operator :BLOCK-PRESS OPERATOR (explosives): 556.685-01406.04.11 powder-press operator :GRAINING-PRESS OPERATOR (explosives): 557.682-010 06.02.18 powder shoveler :DYNAMITE-PACKING-MACHINE FEEDER (explosives): 692.686-038 06.04.09 POWDER-TRUCK DRIVER (ammunition) 05.08.01 Powder Trucker (ammunition; explosives) :MATERIAL HAN- DLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * POWDER WORKER, TNT (ammunition) 06.02.32 POWER-BARKER OPERATOR (paper 669.485-0 1 0 06.04.03 power-brake operator 617.360-0 1 0 06.02.02 POWER-CHISEL OPERATOR (cut. & 06.04.25 power-cleaner operator :SWEEPER-CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 389.683-010 05.12.18 power-cutting-machine operator :FELT-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods): 686.682-018 06.02.05 power dispatcher :LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952.167-0 1 4 05.06.01 POWER-DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 003. 16.7-046 05.01.03 POWER-DRIVEN-BRUSH MAKER (brush & broom) 692.682- 050 06.02.02 power engineer :ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, POWER SYSTEM (light, heat, & power): 003.167-018 05.01.03 power engineer :POWER-PLANT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.382-018 * 05.06.01 power equipment mechanic :AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN, EXHAUST EMISSIONS (gov. ser.): 620.281-01405.05.09 power-grader operator MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 power-hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.); 617.682-01406.02.02 Power-Hammer Operator (boot & shoe) :SEAM-RUBBING- MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 power hammer repairer :FORGE-SHOP-MACHINE REPAIRER (forging): 626.261-010 05.05.09 powerhouse attendant SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (chem.): 952.362-038 * 05.06.01 powerhouse engineer :POWER-PLANT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.382-018 * 05.06.01 POWERHOUSE HELPER (bone, carbon, & 550,685-098 06.04.19 POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (light, heat, & power) 63 1.261- 0 1 4 05.05.09 POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC APPRENTICE (light, heat, & power) 631.261-018 05.05.09 POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power) 631,684-0 1 0 05.12.15 POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, power) 631. 131-010 05.05.05 903.683-014 737.684-030 & pulp; sawmill) :BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: tools) 701.687-030 lampblack) heat, & powerhouse oiler :BOILER-ROOM HELPER 950.685-01 4 05.06.02 power-line inspector CONSTRUCTION CHECKER (light, heat, & power): 821.367-010 05.05.05 power-nut-runner operator :POWER-SCREWDRIVER OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-026 06.04.20 POWER OPERATOR (tel. & tel.) 952.382-014 05.06.01 power-panel assembler :ELECTRIC-MOTOR-CONTROL AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381-01406.01.04 power-plant assistant :SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power): 952.367-014 05.06.01 power-plant engineer :POWER-PLANT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.382-018 * 05.06.01 power-plant operator :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 POWER-PLANT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.382- 018 05.06.01 power-plant-operator apprentice :STATIONARY-ENGINEER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 950.382-030 05.06.02 power-press operator :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 • power-press supervisor :PRESS-HAND (jewelry): 615. 130-010 06.02.02 POWER-PRESS TENDER (any ind.) 617.685-026 06.04.02 POWER-REACTOR OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362-022 05.06.01 POWER-SAW MECHANIC (any ind.) 625.281-030 05.05.09 power-saw operator :MACHINE-TANK OPERATOR (cooperage): 667.662-014 06.02.03 power-saw operator :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR, METAL (mach. shop): 607.682-010 06.02.02 powersaw supervisor SUPERVISOR, FELLING-BUCKING (logging): 454. 134-010 03.04.02 POWER-SCREWDRIVER OPERATOR (any ind.) 699.685-026 06.04.20 power-shear operator 615.482-034 06.02.02 power-shear operator :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR 05.11.01 Power-Shovel-Operator Helper (any ind.) :LABORER, HOIST- ING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 Power-Sweeper Operator (any ind.) :STREET-SWEEPER OPERATOR (gov. ser.): 919.683-022 05.11.01 power-switchboard operator SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-026 * 05.06.01 Power-Tool Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 - power-tool repairer :ELECTRIC-TOOL REPAIRER (any ind.): 729.281 -022 05.10.03 Power-Transformer Assembler (elec. equip.) :TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.381-014 06.01.04 POWER-TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (light, heat, & power) 821.361-034 05.05.05 Power-Transformer-Repair Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829.131-014 05.05.05 - - POWER-TRANSMISSION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 003. 167–050 05.01.03 power washer :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 preacher :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-010 10.01.01 PREASSEMBLER AND INSPECTOR (musical inst.) 730.684- 058 06.04.23 Preboarder (hosiery) :BOARDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 589.685-010 * 06.04.16 PRECAST MOLDER (conc. prod.) 579.685-042 06.04.19 (any ind.): SUPERVISOR :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I: (any ind.) 850.683-030 581 precast worker :PRECAST MOLDER (conc. prod.): 579.685- 042 06.04.19 precinct captain :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375, 167–034 04.01.01 PRECIPITATE WASHER (chem.) 551.685-1 10 06.04.11 Precipitation Equipment Tender (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERA- TOR (chem.) II: 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 PRECIPITATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I 5.1 1.685-038 06.04.10 PRECIPITATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II 5.1 1.685-042 06.04.10 Precipitator Operator (chem.) (chem.); 558.682-01 4 06.02.11 PRECIPITATOR SUPERVISOR (iron & steel; smelt., & refin.) 51 1. 132-010 05.10.02 PRECISE WINDER (textile) 681.685-066 06.04.06 PRECISION ASSEMBLER (aircraft-aerospace tronics) 828.381-01 4 06.01.04 PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 706.681-010 06.02.23 precision assembler, hydraulics :PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 706.681-010 06.02.23 precision-electrical assembler ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL WIRE GROUP (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 728.384-010 06.02.23 precision filer, hand :FILER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop): 705.484-0 1 0 05.05.07 precision grinder GRINDER OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-018 06.01.03 precision grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTER- NAL (mach. shop) I: 603.280-022 06.01.03 precision grinder, external GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTER- NAL, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 precision grinder, surface :GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-01406.01.03 precision grinder, universal :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, UNIVERSAL (mach. shop): 603.280-030 06.01.03 precision-honing-machine operator :HONING-MACHINE SET- UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.382-022 06.02.02 precision inspector :INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 601.28 1-022 05.07.01 precision-instrument and tool maker :INSTRUMENT MAKER (any ind.): 600.280-010 05.05.11 precision jig grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, JIG (mach. shop): 603.280-026 06.01.03 precision lap hand :LAPPER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop): 705.481-01 4 05.05.07 precision-lathe operator :ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-010 06.01.03 PRECISION-LENS CENTERER AND EDGER (optical goods) 716.462-010 06.02.08 PRECISION-LENS GENERATOR (optical goods) 716.682-014 06.02.08 PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods) 716.382-018 * 06.02.08 PRECISION-LENS-GRINDER APPRENTICE (optical goods) 716.382-022 06.02.08 PRECISION-LENS POLISHER (optical goods) 716.682-018 06.02.08 precision lens technician OPTICIAN (optical goods): 716.280- 008 05.05.11 :DISSOLVER OPERATOR ore dress., mfg.; elec- precision-mechanical-instrument maker :INSTRUMENT MAKER (any ind.): 600.280-010 05.05.11 precision-mechanical-instrument-maker apprentice :INSTRUMENT-MAKER APPRENTICE (any ind.): 600.280- 018 05.05.11 precision-thread-grinder operator :GRINDER SET-UP OPERA- TOR, THREAD TOOL (mach. shop): 603.240–010 06.01.03 PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt. & trap.) 461.661- 0 1 0 03.04.03 prefitter CASE FITTER (furn.): 763.684-026 05.10.01 PREFITTER, DOORS (woodworking) 666.582-010 06.02.03 preformer, impregnated fabrics :LAMINATOR, PREFORMS (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.484-010 06.04.24 Preforming-Machine Operator (electronics) COMPONENT PROCESSOR (electronics): 06.04.19 PREFORM-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.01.02 preform-machine operator :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 PREFORM PLATE MAKER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 751.684-026 06.02.31 prehemmer :LAY-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 781.684-034 06.04.27 Preliminary-Block-Press Operator (explosives) :BLOCK-PRESS OPERATOR (explosives): 556.685-01406.04.11 premium-cancellation clerk :CANCELLATION CLERK (insurance): 203.382-014 07.02.02 premium-card-cancellation clerk :CANCELLATION CLERK (insurance): 203.382-014 07.02.02 Premium-Note Interest-Calculator Clerk :CALCULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR 21 6.482-022 * 07.02.02 Premix Operator, Concentrate (cereal) :CHOCOLATE TEM- PERER (bake. prod.; cereal): 523.685-022 06.04.15 preparation center coordinator :COOK, HEAD, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 3 13.131-018 05.10.08 Preparation-Plant Repairer (mining & quarrying) :REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 630.281-022 05.05.09 PREPARATION-ROOM WORKER (asbestos prod.) 570.686- 018 06.04.19 PREPARATION SUPERVISOR (can. & preserv.) 529.137-010 06.02.01 Preparation Supervisor, Canning (can. & preserv.) :PREPARATION SUPERVISOR (can. & preserv.): 529. 137- 0 1 0 06.02.01 Preparation Supervisor, Freezing (can. & preserv.) :PREPARATION SUPERVISOR (can. & preserv.): 529.137- 0 1 0 06.02.01 PREPARER (jewelry) 700.687-062 06.04.24 preparer :TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 06.04.27 PREPARER, MAKING DEPARTMENT (jewelry) 700.684-058 06.02.24 PREPARER, SAMPLES AND REPAIRS (jewelry) 700.684-062 06.02.24 PREPLEATER (house furn.) 686.685-046 06.04.05 Prescription Clerk, Frames (optical goods) :PRESCRIPTION CLERK, LENS-AND-FRAMES (optical goods): 222.367–050 05.09.02 PRESCRIPTION CLERK, LENS-AND-FRAMES goods) 222.367-050 05.09.02 Prescription Clerk, Lenses (optical goods) :PRESCRIPTION CLERK, LENS-AND-FRAMES (optical goods): 222.367-050 05.09.02 PRESERVATION INSPECTOR, MARINE EQUIPMENT (gov. ser.) 929.367-010 05.03.09 preservationist :CONSERVATOR, ARTIFACTS (profess. & kin.): 055.381-010 01.06.02 PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE 529.685-190 06.04.15 presetter operator :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 PRESIDENT (any ind.) 189.1 17-026 11.05.01 President, Business School (education) :PRESIDENT, EDUCA- TIONAL INSTITUTION (education): 090.1 17-034 11.07.03 President, College or University (education) :PRESIDENT, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (education): 090.1 17-034 11.07.03 :ELECTRONIC- 590.684-014 (button) 556.380-014 (insurance) (clerical): 585.684-010 (optical (can. & preserv.) 582 President, Credit Union (finan. inst.) :PRESIDENT, FINAN- CIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 PRESIDENT, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (education) 090.1 17-034 11.07.03 President, Finance Company (finan. inst.) :PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 President, Mortgage Banking Company (finan. inst.) :PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 President, Savings-and-Loan Association (finan. inst.) :PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 President, Trust Company (finan. inst.) : PRESIDENT, FINAN- CIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-054 11.05.01 press-and-blow-machine tender :FORMING-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.): 575.685-038 06.02.08 PRESS-BOX CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 344.677-010 09.05.04 - press-brake operator :BRAKE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-026 06.02.02 press-brake operator :BRAKE OPERATOR (any 617.360-010 06.02.02 PRESS BUCKER (any ind.) 920.686-042 05.12.03 presser WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe): 788.684-130 06.04.27 PRESSER (glass mfg.) 575.685-074 06.04.30 presser :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 presser :HAT-STOCK-LAMINATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 584.685-026 06.04.05 PRESSER (print. & pub.) 977.684-018 06.02.26 PRESSER (rubber goods) 690.685-318 06.04.07 PRESSER (soap) 559.685-142 06.04.09 PRESSER, ALL-AROUND (clean., dye., & press.) 363.682-014 06.04.35 presser-and-blocker, knitted goods :BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-010 06.02.27 presser-and-shaper, knitted goods :BLOCKER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.684-010 06.02.27 PRESSER, AUTOMATIC (laund.) 363.685-014 06.04.35 PRESSER, BUFFING WHEEL (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 583.685-090 06.04.05 presser, cotton ginning :COTTON BALER (agric.): 920.465- 0 1 0 03.04.01 Presser, First (hat & cap) :STRAW-HAT PRESSER, MACHINE (hat & cap): 583.685-110 06.04.09 PRESSER, FORM (any ind.) 363.685-018 06.04.35 PRESSER, HAND (any ind.) 363.684-018 + 06.04.35 PRESSER, HANDKERCHIEF (laund.) 363.685-022 06.04.35 presser, leather garments :LEATHER FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.682-010 06.04.35 PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.) 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 Presser, Second (hat & cap) :STRAW-HAT PRESSER, MACHINE (hat & cap): 583.685-110 06.04.09 PRESS FEEDER (knit goods; textile) 583.686-030 06.04.16 PRESS FEEDER (tinvare) 652.685-058 06.04.02 PRESS FEEDER, BROOMCORN (agric.) 03.04.01 press hand :FORGING-PRESS OPERATOR (forging) II: 61 1,685-010 06.04.02 PRESS HAND (knit goods) 583.687-010 06.04.27 PRESS-HAND SUPERVISOR (jewelry) 615.130-010 06.02.02 PRESS HELPER (fabric. plastics prod.) 651.586-010 06.04.02 press helper :FORGE HELPER (forging): 619.666-010 06.04.40 pressing machine operator :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 inst.): ind.) I: 429.686–010 pressing-machine operator :PRESSER, FORM (any ind.): 363.685-018 06.04.35 pressing machine operator :MANGLER (knit goods): 583.685- 070 06.04.05 PRESS MACHINE FEEDER (tobacco) 529.686-066 06.04.15 PRESS-MACHINE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665–01 4 06.04.19 PRESS MAINTAINER (print. & pub.) 627.281-010 05.05.09 Press Operator (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :HONEYCOMB- BLANKET MAKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.684-062 06.02.09 press operator :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 press operator :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any 920.685-010 06.04.38 PRESS OPERATOR (brick & tile) 575.682-018 06.02.08 PRESS OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-118 06.04.11 press operator :STAMPER (chem.); 556.685-078 06.04.11 PRESS OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases) 559.665-030 06.04.19 Press Operator (distilled liquors; malt liquors) :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (distilled liquors; malt liquors): 521.685-118 06.04.15 PRESS OPERATOR (fabric. 06.02.02 press operator :FORGING-PRESS OPERATOR (forging) II: 611.685-010 06.04.02 PRESS OPERATOR (grease & tallow) 551.685-114 06.04.19 press operator :LEAD-PRESS OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.382-01 4 06.02.02 PRESS OPERATOR (laund.) 363.685-010 06.04.35 PRESS OPERATOR (minerals & earths) 575.685-070 06.04.08 PRESS OPERATOR (per. protect. & med. dev.) 686.685-050 06.04.05 press operator :PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 690.682-058 06.02.02 press operator :DIE PRESSER (pottery & porc.): 575.685-026 06.02.08 press operator :CYLINDER-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.362-010 * 05.05.13 PRESS OPERATOR (rubber reclaim.) 559.685-138 06.04.13 Press Operator (slaught. & meat pack.) :RENDERING-EQUIP- MENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.685-202 06.04.15 PRESS OPERATOR (textile) 583.685-086 06.04.05 press operator, automatic :PRESSER, AUTOMATIC (laund.): 363.685-01 4 06.04.35 press operator, automatic :PACKER OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (tobacco): 920.685-082 06.04.15 PRESS OPERATOR, CARBON BLOCKS (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.682-014 06.02.18 press operator, carcass :MOLDER, INFLATED BALL (sports equip.): 732.687-054 06.04.32 PRESS OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (build, board) 569.682- 014 06.02.18 PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.) 617.260-010 06.02.02 PRESS OPERATOR, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685- 182 06.04.15 Press Operator, Paraffin Plant (petrol. refin.) :PARAFFIN- PLANT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 541.682-010 06.02.12 PRESS OPERATOR, PIERCE AND SHAVE (clock & watch) 715.685-050 06.02.02 press operator, wax ball :MOLDER, WAX BALL (sports equip.): 732.687–058 06.04.32 PRESS-PIPE INSPECTOR (brick & tile) 575.687-030 06.03.02 press-plate maker :TRANSFERRER (print, & pub.): 972.381- 026 01.06.01 PRESS PULLER (corn prod.) 529.687-170 06.04.15 press reader :READER (bus. ser.): 249.387-022 07.05.02 ind.): plastics prod.) 690.682-062 583 PRESSROOM WORKER, FAT (grease & tallow) 559.685-146 06.04.19 press-service 07.05.02 PRESS SETTER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 617.480- 014 06.01.02 Press Smith (forging) :HEAVY FORGER (forging): 612.361- 010 06.02.02 Press-Smith Helper (forging) :HEAVY-FORGER HELPER (forging): 612.687-01405.12.10 PRESS SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 575. 130-010 06.02.01 PRESS TENDER (macaroni & rel, prod.) 520.685-186 06.02.15 PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.) 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 Press Tender, Head, Feed House (corn prod.) :FILTER-PRESS TENDER, HEAD (corn prod.): 521.665-018 06.04.15 reader :READER (bus. ser.): 249.387-022 Press Tender, Incendiary Grenade (fireworks) :PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (fireworks): 694,685-038 06.04.09 Press Tender, Long Goods (macaroni & rel. prod.) :PRESS TENDER (macaroni & rel, prod.): 520.685-186 06.02.15 PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (fireworks) 694,685-038 06.04.09 Press Tender, Short Goods (macaroni & rel, prod.) :PRESS TENDER (macaroni & rel. prod.): 520.685-186 06.02.15 Press Tender, Smoke Signal (fireworks) :PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (fireworks): 694.685-038 06.04.09 Press Tender, Star Signal (fireworks) :PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (fireworks): 694,685-038 06.04.09 PRESSURE CONTROLLER (light, heat, & power) 953.362- 018 05.06.03 pressure-control supervisor PRESSURE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 953.137-01405.06.03 PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-1 10 06.02.24 PRESSURE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 953.137-014 05.06.03 PRESSURE-TANK OPERATOR (glue) 523.385-010 06.04.19 PRESSURE-TEST OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.387-018 06.03.01 PRETZEL COOKER (bake. prod.) 526.685-054 06.04.15 Pretzel-Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 Pretzel-Stick-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :PRETZEL- TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.685- 190 06.04.15 PRETZEL TVISTER (bake. prod.) 520.587-010 06.04.28 PRETZEL-TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 520.685-190 06.04.15 Price Checker (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 Price Economist (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 11.03.05 price marker :MARKER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 209.587-034 05.09.03 pricer LAUNDRY PRICING CLERK (laund.): 216.482-030 07.02.04 pricer-bagger :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 pricer-sorter :SORTER-PRICER (nonprofit organ.): 222.387- 054 05.09.03 priest CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-010 10.01.01 priller :MAGAZINE KEEPER (clerical): 222.367-038 05.09.02 primary care nurse practitioner :NURSE PRACTITIONER (medical ser.): 075.264-01 0 10.02.01 Primary Connector, Armature (elec. equip.) ARMATURE CONNECTOR (elec. equip.) II: 724,684-01406.04.23 primary-crusher operator :CRUSHER TENDER (any ind.): 570.685-022 06.04.08 primer-and-powder-canning leader :POWDER-AND-PRIMER- CANNING LEADER (ammunition): 737.137-01406.01.01 primer assembler ANVIL-SEATING-PRESS OPERATOR (ammunition): 694,685-010 06.04.20 PRIMER ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687-098 06.04.23 PRIMER BOXER (ammunition) 737.587-018 06.04.38 PRIMER CHARGER (ammunition) 737.687-102 06.04.34 PRIMER-CHARGING TOOL SETTER (ammunition) 694.360- 010 06.01.02 PRIMER EXPEDITOR AND DRIER (explosives) 553.385-014 06.04.11 PRIMER-INSERTING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 632.360-018 06.01.02 PRIMER-INSERTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.685-042 06.04.20 PRIMER INSPECTOR (ammunition) 737.687-106 06.03.02 PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, DRY (ammunition) 550.565- 010 06.04.11 z PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, WET (explosives) 550.582- 010 06.02.18 primer-press operator :ANVIL-SEATING-PRESS OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-010 06.04.20 Primer Sprayer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; auto. :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 PRIMER SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 737. 132-010 06.02.01 mfg.) PRIMER-WATERPROOFING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 632.380-018 06.01.02 PRIMER-WATERPROOFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.685-046 06.04.21 priming-machine operator :PRIMER-INSERTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-042 06.04.20 PRIMING-MIXTURE CARRIER (ammunition) 922.587-010 05.12.03 PRIMING-POWDER-PREMIX 550.684-022 06.04.34 PRINCIPAL (education) 099.117-018 11.07.03 Principal, Elementary School (education) (education): 099.1 17-018 11.07.03 Principal, High School (education) :PRINCIPAL (education): 099.1 17-018 11.07.03 Principal, Junior High School (education) (education): 099.117-018 11.07.03 principal librarian :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DE- PARTMENT (library): 100.127-010 11.07.04 Principal, Private School (education) :PRINCIPAL (education): 099.11 7-018 11.07.03 print applier :DECAL APPLIER 06.04.34 Print-Color Matcher (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-014 06.02.11 Print-Color Mixer (coated fabrics) :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-01406.02.11 print-color operator :COLOR MAKER (coated fabrics): 550.382-01 4 06.02.11 PRINT CONTROLLER (photofinish.) 976.360-010 06.01.02 print cutter :CUTTER (photofinish.): 976.685-010 06.04.09 Print Decorator (pottery & porc.) :DECAL APPLIER (any ind.): 749.684-010 06.04.34 PRINT DEVELOPER, AUTOMATIC (photofinish.) 976.685- 026 06.04.19 Printed-Circuit-Board Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 Printed-Circuit Processor (electronics) :ETCHED-CIRCUIT PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-018 06.02.32 Printed-Circuit Technician (electronics) :ETCHED-CIRCUIT PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-018 06.02.32 Printed-Circuit Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 BLENDER (explosives) :PRINCIPAL :PRINCIPAL (any ind.): 749.684-010 584 Printed-Forms Proofreader (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209,687-010 * 07.05.02 printer CLOTH PRINTER (any ind.): 652.382-010 06.02.09 printer :EMBOSSER (boot & shoe): 690.685-158 06.04.05 printer :STARCHMAKER (confection.): 526.687-01406.04.28 PRINTER (glass prod.) 979.681-014 01.06.01 printer :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather prod.): 690.682-030 06.02.05 PRINTER (pen & pencil) 652.685-062 06.04.37 printer :JOB PRINTER (print. & pub.): 973.381-018 05.05.13 PRINTER (print. & pub.) II 651.380-010 06.01.03 printer CUTTING-AND-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 652.685-022 06.02.05 printer's devil :JOB-PRINTER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 973.38 1-022 05.05.13 PRINTER, FLOOR COVERING 652.685-066 06.04.04 PRINTER, FLOOR COVERING, ASSISTANT (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.687-038 06.04.09 PRINTER, MACHINE (hat & cap) 652.685-070 06.04.09 Printer Maintainer (tel. & tel.) :AUTOMATIC-EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.281-010 05.05.05 PRINTER OPERATOR, BLACK-AND-WHITE (photofinish.) 976.682-014 * 05.10.05 PRINTER, PLASTIC (coated fabrics; fabric. plastics prod.) 651.382–026 06.02.09 PRINTER-SLOTTER HELPER (paper goods) 659.686-014 06.04.04 PRINTER-SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods) 659.662-010 * 06.02.04 print finisher PHOTOGRAPH FINISHER 976.487-0 1 0 * 05.10.05 printing-card-punch operator :KEYPUNCH OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-030 * 07.06.02 printing-equipment mechanic COMPOSING-ROOM MACHIN- IST (print. & pub.); 627.261-010 05.05.09 printing-equipment-mechanic apprentice :MACHINIST AP- PRENTICE, COMPOSING ROOM (print. & pub.); 627.261- O 1 4 05.05.09 printing-machine operator 652.382-0 1 0 06.02.09 PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, FOLDING RULES (cut. & tools) 652.685-074 06.04.03 PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, TAPE RULES (cut. & tools) 652.662-010 06.02.09 Printing-Plate Clerk (print. & pub.) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 printing-plate router :ROUTER (print. & pub.): 979.682-026 06.02.02 printing-punch operator :KEYPUNCH OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-030 * 07.06.02 PRINTING-ROLLER HANDLER 06.04.05 PRINTING-ROLLER POLISHER (mach. shop) 603.382-030 06.02.09 Printing Supervisor (coated fabrics; COATING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; 589. 130-01 4 06.01.01 PRINT INSPECTOR (photofinish.) 976.687-022 06.03.02 PRINT INSPECTOR (pottery & porc.) 77.4.687-018 06.03.02 PRINT-LINE FEEDER (furn.) 652.686-026 06.04.03 PRINT-LINE INSPECTOR (furn.) 652.687-034 06.03.02 PRINT-LINE OPERATOR (build. board; furn.) 652.562-010 06.02.18 print-line supervisor PRINT-LINE OPERATOR (build. board; furn.): 652.562-010 06.02.18 PRINT-LINE TAILER (furn.) 652.686-030 06.04.03 PRINTMAKER (profess. & kin.) 144.061-014 01.02.03 PRINT-SHOP HELPER (print. & pub.) 979.684-026 05.12.18 PRINT WASHER (photofinish.) 976.684-022 05.10.05 (floor covering, n.e.c.) (photofinish.): :CLOTH PRINTER (any ind.): (textile) 652.385-010 felt goods) :FABRIC- felt goods): Prism Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, PRECISION (optical goods): 716.381-010 06.01.05 PRISONER-CLASSIFICATION INTERVIEWER (profess. & kin.) 166.267-022 11.03.04 prison librarian :INSTITUTION LIBRARIAN 100. 167–022 11.02.04 PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.) 822.38 1-018 05.05.05 Private-Branch-Exchange Installer, Mobile Radio (tel. & tel.) :PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.38 1-018 05.05.05 private-branch-exchange operator :TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical): 235.662-022 07.04.06 PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER 822.281-022 05.05.05 PRIVATE-BRANCH-ExCHANGE SERVICE ADVISER (tel. & tel.) 235.222-010 07.04.05 - Private-Branch-Exchange Teletypewriter :PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 private pilot :EXECUTIVE PILOT (any ind.): 05.04.01 PRIZE COORDINATOR (radio & tv broad.) 07.01.02 prize jacker :HYDRAULIC-PRESS OPERATOR (tobacco): 920.685-062 06.04.38 PRIZER (tobacco) 920.687-142 06.04.38 PROBATE CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.362-030 07.02.02 Probate Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 1 1 1. 107-010 11.04.01 Probate Trust Officer (finan. inst.) :TRUST OFFICER (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-074 11.06.05 PROBATION OFFICER (profess. 07.01.01 PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.) 559.132-042 06.01.01 PROCESS ARTIST (print. & pub.) 972.281-010 01.06.01 PROCESS-ARTIST APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 972.281-018 01.06.01 process attendant :FORMING-PROCESS WORKER (elec. equip.): 590.362-010 06.02.11 process-camera operator :OFFSET-PLATE MAKER (print. & pub.): 971.381-018 01.06.01 PROCESS CHECKER (ammunition) 737.364-010 06.03.01 (library): (tel. & tel.) (tel. & tel.) (tel. & 196.263-030 162. 167–026 & kin.) 195. 167–034 process control supervisor SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (plastics mat.); 559.137-038 06.02.01 Process-Description Writer (profess. & kin.) WRITER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.): 13 1.267- 026 11.08.02 processed-stock inspector :SALVAGE INSPECTOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; motor. & bicycles): 806.287-010 06.01.05 process helper :LABORER, PETROLEUM REFINERY (petrol. refin.); 549.687-018 05.12.03 process inspector :INSPECTOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 559.38 1-0 10 06.03.01 PROCESS INSPECTOR (ordnance) 736.381-018 * 06.01.05 process inspector :INSPECTOR (sports equip.): 732.364-010 06.03.01 PROCESS-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-050 06.04.04 process operator :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 process operator :PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chem.; plastics mat.); 559,382-046 * 02.04.01 process operator :EFFERVESCENT-SALTS COMPOUNDER (drug. prep. & rel, prod.); 559.685-058 06.04.11 process operator :PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives): 590.464-010 * 06.02.32 process operator, atomic energy :ATOMIC-FUEL ASSEM- BLER (chem.): 709.38 1-0 10 06.01.04 585 processor TOOL PLANNER (any ind.): 012.167-074 05.01.06 processor :PAD-EXTRACTOR TENDER (knit goods): 589.485-0 1 0 06.04.16 PROCESSOR (synthetic fibers) 557.685-018 06.04.13 PROCESSOR, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-254 06.04.15 PROCESSOR HELPER (grain & feed mill.) 521.686-050 06.04.15 PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives) 590.464- 010 * 06.02.32 - process planner PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 0 1 2. 167–050 05.01.06 - process projectionist :MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTIONIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.): 960.362-010 05.10.05 process pumper :STILL-PUMP OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.362-010 06.02.12 PROCESS SERVER (bus. ser.) 249.367–062 07.07.02 PROCESS STRIPPER (print. & pub.) 972.281-014 01.06.01 process supervisor GENERAL SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 183. 167-018 06.01.01 process treater :METAL-CLEANER, IMMERSION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 PROCTOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-086 PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical) 249.367-066 07.01.02 PROCUREMENT ENGINEER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 162. 157-034 05.03.03 procurement inspector :INSPECTOR, QUALITY ASSURANCE (gov. ser.): 168.287-01405.03.06 Produce Clerk (ret. tr.) I :SALES CLERK, FOOD (ret. tr.): 290.477-018 09.04.02 Produce Clerk (ret. tr.) II :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687–058 * 05.09.01 Produce-Department Manager (ret. tr.) :MANAGER, DE- PARTMENT (ret. tr.): 299.137-010 * 11.11.05 PRODUCER (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167-178 01.03.01 PRODUCER (motion pic.),187.167-174 01.01.01 PRODUCER (radio & twº broad.) 159.1 17-010 01.03.01 PRODUCER, ASSISTANT (motion pic.) 187.167-182 11.05.02 Producer-Director (radio & tv broad.) :DIRECTOR, TELEVI- SION (radio & tv broad.): 159.067-014 01.03.01 Produce Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF-SER- VICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-01405.09.01 PRODUCE WEIGHER (ret. tr.) 299.587-010 09.04.02 Product-Development Worker (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 product inspector :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 PRODUCTION ASSEMBLER (ordnance) 737.684-034 06.04.23 PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (explosives) 221.387–050 05.09.02 production assistant :PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio & tw broad.): 962. 167-014 01.03.01 production broacher BROACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 605.682-01406.02.02 production checker :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical) 221.382-018 05.03.03 production clerk PRODUCTION SCHEDULER, PAPER- BOARD PRODUCTS (paper goods): 221.162-010 05.03.03 Production Clerk, Lace Tearing (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 production-control clerk PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 production-control clerk :CONTROL CLERK (clock & watch): 221.387-018 05.09.02 production controller PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 Production-Control Pegboard Clerk (garment) :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 production control worker :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-014 05.09.02 PRODUCTION COORDINATOR 05.09.02 production coordinator PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio & tw broad.): 962. 167-014 01.03.01 production-drilling-machine operator :DRILL-PRESS OPERA- TOR (mach. shop): 606.682-01406.02.02 Production Engineer (petrol. production) :PETROLEUM EN- GINEER (petrol. production): 010.061-018 05.01.08 PRODUCTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167-046 05.01.06 production engineer :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–070 05.01.06 production estimator :ESTIMATOR (profess. & kin.): 160.267- 018 05.03.02 production expediter :PRODUCTION (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 production expert :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0 1 2. 167–070 05.01.06 production-gear cutter :GEAR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 602.685-010 06.04.02 production grinder GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-062 06.02.02 Production Grip (motion pic.) :GRIP (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 962.687–022 05.12.04 PRODUCTION HARDENER 06.04.10 production helper :METAL-FABRICATING-SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 PRODUCTION HELPER (can. & preserv.; food prep., n.e.c.) 529.686-070 06.04.15 production helper :PRODUCTION-SUPPLY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (food prep., n.e.c.): 921.685-050 06.04.15 (clerical) 221. 167-018 COORDINATOR (heat treat.) 504.685-026 PRODUCTION HELPER (insulated wire) 691.687-010 06.04.40 production-honing-machine operator :HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. 06.02.02 production illustrator :TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 017.281-034 05.03.02 production-machine operator :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop): 609.685-018 + 06.04.02 PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (mach. shop) 609.685- 018 * 06.04.02 PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (nut & bolt) 619.365- 0 1 0 06.04.02 PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER, GLASS CUTTING-OR- GRINDING (glass mfg.) 679.685-014 06.04.08 PRODUCTION MANAGER, REPRODUCTION pub.) 652.137-010 05.10.05 Production Mechanic, Tin Cans (tinvare) :MULTI-OPERA- TION-FORMING-MACHINE SETTER (any ind.); 616.260- O 14 * 06.01.02 production operator :CRUDE-OIL TREATER (petrol. produc- tion): 541.382-014 06.02.12 production planner PRODUCTION SCHEDULER, PAPER- BOARD PRODUCTS (paper goods): 221.162-010 05.03.03 PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.) 012.167–050 05.01.06 production-planning supervisor :PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–050 05.01.06 production-posting clerk :PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical): 221.382-018 05.03.03 PRODUCTION PROOFREADER (print. 247.667-0 1 0 07.05.02 PRODUCTION REPAIRER (electronics) 726.381-01 4 05.10.03 production repairer :THERMOSTAT REPAIRER (inst. & app.): 710:381-050 05.10.02 shop): 603.482-034 (print. & & pub.; ret. tr.) 586 production scheduler PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221.167 ro 18 05.09.02 production scheduler PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–050 05.01.06 PRODUCTION SCHEDULER, PAPERBOARD PRODUCTS (paper goods) 221.162-010 05.03.03 production solderer SOLDERER-ASSEMBLER 8 13.684-01 4 06.02.22 Production-Statistical Clerk (clerical) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.) 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 production superintendent, hydro :HYDROELECTRIC-STA- TION OPERATOR, CHIEF (light, heat, & power): 952.137- 0 1 4 05.06.01 - production supervisor GENERAL SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 183. 16.7-018 06.01.01 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 06.02.01 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR, ANHYDROUS AMMONIA (chem.) 559.132-046 06.01.01 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR, DEFLUORINATED PHOSPHATE (chem.) 559. 132-050 06.02.01 PRODUCTION-SUPPLY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 921.685-050 06.04.15 production tester :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 Product Representative (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02.03 PRODUCT-SAFETY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.061- 0 1 0 05.01.02 (welding): (any ind.) 699. 130-010 PRODUCT TESTER, FIBERGLASS (textile) 589.384-010 06.03.01 PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.) 153.34.1-010 12.01.03 professional shopper :PERSONAL SHOPPER (ret. tr.): 296.357-0 1 0 09.04.02 Professor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 11.02.01 professor, dance INSTRUCTOR, DANCING (education): 15 1.027-01 4 01.05.01 professor, music TEACHER, MUSIC (education): 152.021-010 01.04.01 profile grinder CONTOUR GRINDER (stonework): 675.682- 0 1 0 06.02.08 PROFILE-GRINDER TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 601.482- 0 1 0 05.05.07 Profile-Mill Operator, Tape Control (mach. shop) :MILLING- MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 605.380-010 06.01.03 profiler PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) I: 605.280-01406.02.02 profiler PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) II: 605.382-026 06.02.02 PROFILER, HAND (clock & watch) 715.685-054 06.02.02 PROFILE-SAW OPERATOR (silverware) 700.682-0 18 06.02.02 PROFILE-SHAPER OPERATOR, (woodworking) 665.682-026 PROFILE-STITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR 786.685-026 06.04.05 PROFILE TRIMMER (silverware) 607.682-014 06.02.02 PROFILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & 605.685-038 06.02.02 PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach, shop) I 605.280–01 4 06.02.02 PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) II 605.382-026 06.02.02 PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 605.280-018 06.01.03 AUTOMATIC (garment) watch) PROGRAM AIDE, GROUP WORK (social ser.) 195.227-010 10.02.02 Program Analyst (gov. ser.) :ACCOUNTANT, BUDGET (profess. & kin.): 160.167-014 11.06.01 PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio & tv broad.) 962. 167-014 01.03.01 program checker :BROADCAST CHECKER (radio & tw broad.): 249.387-0 1 0 1 1.10.02 program coder PROGRAMER, DETAIL (clerical): 219.367- 026 * 11.01.01 Program Director (profess. & kin.) :SUPERVISOR, VOLUN- TEER SERVICES (profess. & kin.): 187.137-014 11.07.01 PROGRAM DIRECTOR, GROUP WORK (profess. & kin.) 187. 1 1 7-046 11.07.01 Program Director, Scouting (nonprofit organ.) :PROGRAM DIRECTOR, GROUP WORK (profess. & kin.): 187.1 17-046 11.07.01 Programer-Analyst (profess. & kin.) :SYSTEMS ANALYST, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.): 0 1 2. 16.7-066 * 11.01.01 PROGRAMER, BUSINESS (profess. & kin.) 020.162-014 * 11.01.01 PROGRAMER, CHIEF, BUSINESS (profess. & kin.) 020. 167– 018 11.01.01 PROGRAMER, DETAIL (clerical) 219.367-026 * 11.01.01 PROGRAMER, ENGINEERING AND SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.) 020. 167–022 * 11.01.01 PROGRAMER, INFORMATION SYSTEM (profess. & kin.) 020. 187-0 1 0 1 1.01.01 PROGRAMER, PROCESS CONTROL 020. 187-014 11.01.01 programer trainee :PROGRAMER, 219.367–026 * 11.01.01 PROGRAM MANAGER 11.05.02 program schedule clerk :TELEVISION-SCHEDULE COOR- DINATOR (radio & twº broad.): 199.387-010 07.05.01 progress clerk :JOB TRACER (clerical): 221.387-034 05.09.02 progress clerk PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 16.7-018 05.09.02 PROGRESS CLERK (const.) 221.362-022 07.05.03 PROGRESSIVE ASSEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.) 801.684-022 06.04.22 Progressive-Die Maker (mach. shop) :DIE MAKER, BENCH, STAMPING (mach. shop): 601.281-010 05.05.07 PROJECT-CREW WORKER (any ind.) 891.687-018 05.11.01 PROJECT DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 189.1 17-030 11.05.02 PROJECT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019. 167-014 05.01.08 projection-camera operator :PROJECTION PRINTER (photofinish.): 976.381-018 05.10.05 projectionist :MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTIONIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.): 960.362-010 05.10.05 PROJECTION PRINTER (photofinish.) 976.381-018 05.10.05 Projection-Welding-Machine Operator (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, RESISTANCE (welding): 812.682- 0 1 0 06.02.19 project manager :PROJECT DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.): 189.1 17-030 1 1.05.02 PROJECT MANAGER, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH (profess. & kin.) 029, 167-01402.01.02 (profess. & kin.) DETAIL (clerical): (profess. & kin.) 189.167-030 Projector Assembler (photo. apparatus) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (photo, apparatus): 714.684-010 06.02.23 promotor, group-ticket sales :GROUP-SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE (amuse. & rec.): 259.357-010 08.02.08 PROMPTER (amuse. & rec.) 152.367-010 01.04.02 Pronger (jewelry) :STONE SETTER (jewelry): 735.687-034 06.04.30 proof clerk :PROOF-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. 21 7.382-0 1 0 * 07.06.02 inst.): 587 PROOF-COIN COLLECTOR (gov. ser.) 709.687-030 06.03.02 proofer PROOF-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.582- 0 1 0 05.05.13 proofer apprentice :LITHOGRAPHIC-PROOFER PRENTICE (print. & pub.): 651.582-014 05.05.13 proofer apprentice :PHOTOENGRAVING-PROOFER AP- PRENTICE (print. & pub.): 971.381-040 05.05.13 Proofer, Black and White (print. & pub.) :PHOTOENGRAVING PROOFER (print. & pub.): 971.381- 038 05.05.13 Proofer, Color (print. & pub.) :PHOTOENGRAVING PROOFER (print. & pub.): 971.381-038 05.05.13 Proofing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) :CLOTH PRINTER (any ind.): 652.382-010 06.02.09 PROOF INSPECTOR (firearms) 736.384-010 06.03.01 proof-load tester :LOAD-TEST MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 929.382-010 06.03.01 PROOF-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. inst.) 217.382-010 * 07.06.02 PROOF-MACHINE-OPERATOR SUPERVISOR (finan. inst.) 217. 132-0 1 0 07.06.02 proof operator :PROOF-MACHINE OPERATOR (finan. inst.): 217.382-0 1 0 * 07.06.02 proof-plate maker :PHOTOENGRAVING PRINTER (print. & pub.): 971.381-034 01.06.01 PROOF-PRESS OPERATOR (print. 05.05.13 proofreader :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687-010 * 07.05.02 PROOFREADER (print. & pub.) 209.387-030 * 07.05.02 proof runner :MESSENGER, COPY (print. & pub.): 239.677- 0 1 0 07.07.02 PROOFSHEET CORRECTOR (print. & pub.) 973.381-030 05.05.13 proof sorter :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 PROOF TECHNICIAN (ammunition; firearms) 02.04.01 PROOF-TECHNICIAN HELPER 736.387-0 1 4 06.03.01 proof tester :PROOF INSPECTOR (firearms): 06.03.01 PROPELLANT-CHARGE LOADER (ammunition) 737.487- 010 06.04.34 PROPELLANT-CHARGE-ZONE ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687-1 10 06.04.23 Propeller Inspector (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :INSPECTOR, FLOOR (mach. shop): 609.361-010 05.07.01 PROPELLER LAY-OUT WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 600.38 1-0 1 0 06.02.31 Property-and-Equipment Clerk (petrol. refin.) :INVENTORY CLERK (clerical): 222.387–026 05.09.01 PROPERTY CLERK (gov. ser.) 222.367–054 07.05.03 PROPERTY COORDINATOR (amuse. & rec.; radio & tv broad.) 962. 167-018 05.02.06 property custodian :PROPERTY CLERK (gov. ser.): 222.367- O54 07.05.03 PROPERTY CUSTODIAN (motion pic.) 222.387-042 05.09.01 PROPERTY-DISPOSAL OFFICER (any ind.) 163.167–026 11.05.04 property handler GRIP (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962.687–022 05.12.04 property investor :BUSINESS-OPPORTUNITY-AND-PROPER- TY-INVESTMENT BROKER (bus. ser.; real estate): 189. 157-0 1 0 08.01.03 Property-Loss-Insurance-Claim Adjuster (clerical) :CLAIM AD- JUSTER (bus. ser.; insurance): 241.217-010 * 11.12.01 Property Manager (gov. ser.) :MANAGER, LAND DEVELOP- MENT (real estate): 186.1 17-042 11.05.01 PROPERTY-UTILIZATION OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-122 11.12.02 AP- & pub.) 651.582-010 199.17 1-0 10 (ammunition; firearms) 736. 384-01 O PROP MAKER (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.) 962.281-010 01.06.02 proposition player :CARD PLAYER (amuse. & rec.): 343.367- 0 1 0 09.04.02 Proprietor-Manager, Retail Automotive Service (ret. tr.) :MANAGER, AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION (ret. tr.): 185. 16.7-0 14 * 11.11.05 PROPULSION-MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR (auto. ser.) 72 1.28 1-026 05.05.10 prosecuting attorney :DISTRICT 1 1 0. 1 17-0 1 0 1 1.04.02 prosecutor :DISTRICT ATTORNEY (gov. ser.): 110. 117-010 11.04.02 PROSPECTING DRILLER (petrol. production) 930.382-018 - Prospecting-Driller Helper (petrol. production) :OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.364-0 1 0 PROSPECTOR (any ind.) 024.284-010 05.03.04 REPAIRER ATTORNEY (gov. ser.): prosthetic dentist :PROSTHODONTIST (medical ser.): 072. 101-034 02.03.02 PROSTHETICS ASSISTANT (per. protect. & med. dev.) 078.36 1–026 05.05.11 PROSTHETICS TECHNICIAN (per. protect. & med. dev.) 7 12.38 1-038 05.05.11 PROSTHETIST (per. 05.05.11 PROSTHODONTIST (medical ser.) 072.101-034 02.03.02 protection chief, industrial plant :SUPERINTENDENT, PLANT PROTECTION (any ind.): 189.167-050 11.05.02 PROTECTION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 003. 167–054 05.01.03 - protective-clothing-and-equipment specialist :SAFETY - CLOTHING-AND-EQUIPMENT DEVELOPER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-038 05.01.07 PROTECTIVE OFFICER (gov. ser.) 372.363-010 04.02.02 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL INSTALLER (bus. ser.) 822.361-018 05.05.05 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL-INSTALLER HELPER 822.664-0 1 0 05.10.03 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL OPERATOR (any ind.) 379.362-014 07.04.05 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL REPAIRER (bus. ser.) 822.361-022 05.05.05 protect. & med. dev.) 078.261-022 (bus. ser.) PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL-REPAIRER HELPER (bus. ser.) 822.684-01 4 05.10.03 PROTECTIVE-SIGNAL SUPERINTENDENT (bus. ser.) 822. 131-022 05.02.02 PROTECTOR-PLATE ATTACHER (cut. & tools) 692.685-138 06.04.09 PROTOTYPE-DEICER ASSEMBLER (rubber goods) 759.261- 0 1 0 06.01.05 prototype-machine operator :ENGRAVER, PANTOGRAPH (engraving) I: 704.382-010 05.10.05 Protozoologist (profess. & kin.) :PARASITOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-070 02.02.01 prover :PHOTOENGRAVING PROOFER (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-038 05.05.13 Provider (iron & steel) :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387-046 05.09.02 provost ACADEMIC DEAN (education): 090. 117-010 11.07.03 Prune Washer (food prep., n.e.c.) :DRIED FRUIT WASHER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-1 10 06.04.15 PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical ser.) 355.377-014 * 10.03.02 psychiatric attendant :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical ser.): 355.377-0 14 * 10.03.02 PSYCHIATRIST (medical ser.) 070. 107-014 02.03.01 PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-018 01.07.01 588 Psychological Anthropologist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-010 11.03.03 Psychological Stress Evaluator (profess. & kin.) :POLY GRAPH EXAMINER (profess. & kin.): 199.267-026 02.04.02 PSYCHOLOGIST, CLINICAL (profess. & kin.) 045.107-022 10.01.02 Psychologist, Comparative (profess. & kin.) :PSYCHOLOGIST, EXPERIMENTAL (profess. & kin.): 045.061-018 11.03.01 PSYCHOLOGIST, COUNSELING (profess. & kin.) 045. 107- 026 10.01.02 PSYCHOLOGIST, DEVELOPMENTAL (profess. 04.5.061-010 11.03.01 PSYCHOLOGIST, EDUCATIONAL (profess. & kin.) 045.067- 010 11.03.01 PSYCHOLOGIST, ENGINEERING (profess. & kin.) 045.061- 014 11.03.01 - PSYCHOLOGIST, EXPERIMENTAL 04.5.061-018 11.03.01 & kin.) (profess. & kin.) PSYCHOLOGIST, INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (profess. & kin.) 045. 107-030 11.03.01 Psychologist, Military Personnel (profess. & kin.) :PSYCHOLOGIST, INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONA (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-030 11.03.01 - Psychologist, Personnel (profess. & kin.) :PSYCHOLOGIST, INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (profess. & kin.): 045. 107-030 11.03.01 Psychologist, Physiological (profess. & kin.) :PSYCHOLOGIST, EXPERIMENTAL (profess. & kin.): 045.061-018 11.03.01 PSYCHOLOGIST, SCHOOL (profess. & kin.) 045.107-034 10.01.02 PSYCHOLOGIST, SOCIAL (profess. 11.03.01 PSYCHOMETRIST (profess. & kin.) 045,067-018 11.03.01 public-address announcer ANNOUNCER (amuse. & rec.): 159,347-010 01.07.02 PUBLIC-ADDRESS SERVICER 05.05.10 public-address-system operator :PUBLIC-ADDRESS SER- VICER (any ind.): 823.261-010 05.05.10 Public Affairs Officer (gov. ser.) :FOREIGN-SERVICE OF- FICER (gov. ser.): 188.11 7-106 11.09.03 publications-distribution clerk :DISTRIBUTING CLERK (clerical): 222.587-018 07.07.02 public-bath attendant :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 3.35.677-01 4 09.05.01 Public Finance Specialist (gov. ser.) :ACCOUNTANT, BUDGET (profess. & kin.): 160.167-014 11.06.01 PUBLIC-HEALTH DENTIST (medical ser.) 072.101-038 02.03.02 PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR (profess. & kin.) 079.117-014 11.07.02 public-health engineer :SANITARY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 005.061-030 05.01.03 PUBLIC-HEALTH MICROBIOLOGIST (gov. ser.) 041.261- 010 02.04.02 public-health nurse :NURSE, STAFF, COMMUNITY HEALTH (medical ser.): 075. 124-014 10.02.01 PUBLIC HEALTH REGISTRAR (gov. 07.04.03 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) 187.117- 050 11.10.03 public improvement inspector :STREET-OPENINGS INSPEC- TOR (light, heat, & power): 859.267-010 05.07.01 Public Information Officer (profess. & kin.) :PUBLIC-RELA- TIONS REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.): 165,067-010 11.09.03 public interviewer SURVEY WORKER (clerical): 205.367-054 * 07.04.01 & kin.) 045.067-014 (any ind.) 823.261-010 ser.) 169.167-046 public-relations player :CARD PLAYER (amuse. & rec.): 343.367-010 09.04.02 public-relations practitioner :PUBLIC-RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.): 165,067-010 11.09.03 PUBLIC-RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE (profess. & kin.) 165.067-010 11.09.03 Public Stenographer (clerical) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 public-works commissioner COMMISSIONER, PUBLIC WORKS (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-030 11.05.03 puddler MIXER HELPER (build, board): 530.384-010 06.04.34 Puddler, Pile Driving (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 puffer PUFF IRONER (laund.): 363.687-018 06.04.27 PUFF IRONER (laund.) 363.687-018 06.04.27 Puff-Iron Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) I SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 Puff-Iron Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) II :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 pugger helper :PUG-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.685-074 06.04.17 pugg maker :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 690.686-034 06.04.05 Pugmill Operator (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) :BRICK-AND- TILE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brick & tile): 575.382-010 06.02.17 Pug-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 - PUG-MILL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685- 022 06.04.10 PUG-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.685-074 06.04.17 Pullboat Engineer (logging) :YARDING ENGINEER (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 Puller (found.) :CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) II: 514.685-014 06.04.10 Puller (laund.) :WASHING-MACHINE LOADER-AND- PULLER (laund.): 361.686-010 06.04.35 puller SLIDE-FASTENER-CHAIN ASSEMBLER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 734.687-074 06.04.23 PULLER AND LASTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 788.684- O86 06.04.27 PULLER, MACHINE (fur dressing) 589.685-078 06.04.16 PULLER OVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 788.684-090 06.04.27 PULLER-THROUGH (glove & mit.) 782.687-030 06.04.27 PULLEY MAINTAINER (mining & quarrying) 630.687-010 05.12.08 - PULLEY-MORTISER OPERATOR (plan. mill) 666.482-010 06.02.03 pulling-machine operator :WELL PULLER (petrol. produc- tion): 930.382-030 05.11.03 Pullman Attendant (r. r. trans.) trans.): 315.381-018 05.10.08 pullman clerk :CAR CLERK, PULLMAN (r.r. trans.): 215. 16.7- 010 07.05.01 PULL-OUT OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.687-162 06.04.40 pull-out operator :ROLL-TENSION TESTER (plastics mat.): 559.584-010 06.03.02 Pull-Socket Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRI- CAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 Pull-Through Hooker (slaught. & meat pack.) :DEHAIRING- MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-018 06.04.15 PULP-AND-PAPER TESTER (paper & pulp) 539.364-010 06.03.01 :COOK, RAILROAD (r. r. 589 pulp drier BACK TENDER, INSULATION BOARD (build. board): 532.685.s010 06.04.14 PULP-DRIER FIRER (sugar) 523.585-030 06.04.15 PULPER (build. board; paper & pulp) 530.685-01406.04.14 PULPER, SYNTHETIC SOIL BLOCKS (paper & pulp) 530.582-010 06.02.14 PULPER TENDER (can. & preserv.) 521.685-262 06.04.15 PULP GRINDER AND BLENDER (build. board) 530.682-010 06.02.14 pulping-machine operator 555.685-010 06.04.11 pulp-machine operator :WET-MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp): 539.685-030 06.04.14 pulp-making-plant operator :DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 532.686-010 06.04.18 PULP PILER (logging) 922.687-082 05.12.03 PULP-PRESS TENDER (paper & pulp) 532.685-026 06.04.14 PULP-PRESS TENDER (sugar) 521.685-258 06.04.15 PULP-REFINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 530.382-010 06.02.14 pulp roller PULP PILER (logging): 922.687-082 05.12.03 pulp-screen operator :POACHER OPERATOR (explosives): 551.685-106 06.02.18 Pulp Tester (paper & pulp) :PULP-AND-PAPER TESTER (paper & pulp): 539.364-010 06.03.01 - Pulpwood Cutter (logging) :TREE CUTTER (agric.; logging): 454.684-026 03.04.02 Pulpwood Scaler (paper & pulp) :LOG SCALER (logging; paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 455.487-010 * 05.07.06 pulverizer :GLAZE MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.485-01 4 06.02.09 PULVERIZER (coal tar prod.) 555.685-046 06.04.11 pulverizer GRINDER (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.): 555.685-026 06.04.02 PULVERIZER (jewelry) 770.687-030 06.04.34 PULVERIZER (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-266 06.04.15 PULVERIZER-MILL OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.382-010 06.02.13 pulverizer operator :CRUSHER-AND-BLENDER OPERATOR (coke prod.): 544.582-010 06.02.08 pulverizer tender GRINDER OPERATOR (chem.); 555.685- 034 PULVERIZING-AND-SIFTING OPERATOR 550.485-026 06.02.18 Pulvi-Mixer Operator (const.) :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-026 05.11.01 Pump-and-Blower Attendant (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.): 955.585-010 05.12.07 Pump-and-Blower Operator (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362- 010 05.06.04 pump-and-still operator :AMMONIA-STILL OPERATOR (coke prod.); 559.382-010 06.02.17 pump-and-tank servicer AUTOMOTIVE-MAINTENANCE- EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any ind.): 620.281-018 05.05.09 Pump Assembler (mach. mſg.) :BLOWER AND COMPRES- SOR ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.): 801.361-010 06.02.22 PUMPER (any ind.) 914.682-010 05.06.03 pumper :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 :BEATER OPERATOR (chem.): (explosives) pumper :CRUDE-OIL TREATER (petrol. production): 541.382-014 06.02.12 pumper :OIL PUMPER (petrol. production): 914.382-010 05.06.03 PUMPER (petrol. refin.) 549.360-010 06.02.12 PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors) 914.665-01406.04.40 PUMPERECTOR (const.) 637.281-010 05.05.09 Pump-Erector Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKEU’ (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 PUMPER-GAGER (chem.; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.382" 014 05.06.04 PUMPER-GAGER APPRENTICE (chem.; petrol. refin.; pipe? lines) 914.382-018 05.06.04 Pumper, Hand (slaught. & meat pack.) :PICKLE PUMPER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.685-086 06.04.15 PUMPER, HEAD (petrol. production) 914.382-022 05.06.03 PUMPER HELPER (any ind.) 914.687-018 05.12.06 PUMPER HELPER (petrol. refin.) 549.684-010 06.04.12 pumphouse operator, chief TRANSFER-AND-PUMPHOUSE OPERATOR, CHIEF (chem.); 559.132-138 06.04.01 pumping-plant operator :PUMP-STATION OPERATOR, WATERWORKS (waterworks): 954.382-010 05.06.03 pump installation and servicer :PUMP ERECTOR (const.): 637.281-010 05.05.09 PUMP INSTALLER (any ind.) 630.684-018 05.10.01 PUMP INSTALLER-AND-TESTER (auto. mfg.) 806.384-018 06.03.02 pump-machine operator :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 PUMP MECHANIC (paper & pulp) 629.281-034 05.05.09 pump operator :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 pump operator :STILL-PUMP OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.362-010 06.02.12 pump operator, brine well (chem.); 559.685-026 06.04.11 PUMP OPERATOR, BYPRODUCTS (coke prod.) 541.362-014 06.02.17 PUMP-PRESS OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 539.685-022 06.04.14 pump repairer :PUMP SERVICER (any ind.): 630.281-018 05.05.09 pump-room operator :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-010 05.06.01 pump runner :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 PUMP SERVICER (any ind.) 630.281-018 05.05.09 PUMP-SERVICER HELPER (any ind.) 630.684-022 05.12.15 PUMP-SERVICER SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 630.131-010 05.10.02 - pump-station operator STATION ENGINEER, MAIN LINE (pipe lines): 914.362-018 05.06.03 PUMP-STATION OPERATOR, WATERWORKS (waterworks) 954.382-010 05.06.03 pump tender :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 pump tender :PUMP OPERATOR, BYPRODUCTS (coke prod.): 541.362-01406.02.17 Pump Tender (const.) :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (const.): 869.665-010 05.11.01 PUMP TENDER, CEMENT BASED MATERIALS (conc. prod.; const.) 849.665-010 05.12.06 PUMP TESTER (synthetic fibers) 557.564-01406.03.02 PUNCHBOARD ASSEMBLER (paper goods) I 794.687-042 06.04.23 PUNCHBOARD ASSEMBLER (paper goods) II 794.687-046 06.04.23 PUNCHBOARD-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR goods) 649.685-094 06.04.20 punchboard inserter :PUNCHBOARD ASSEMBLER (paper goods) I: 794.687-042 06.04.23 punchboard stuffer :PUNCHBOARD ASSEMBLER (paper goods) I: 794.687-042 06.04.23 puncher :COWPUNCHER (agric.): 410.674-01403.04.01 puncher CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 puncher :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 puncher :LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685- 266 06.04.05 :BRINE-WELL OPERATOR (paper 590 ancher CONTACT-LENS-FLASHING PUNCHER (optical goods): 713.687-01406.04.24 uncher (plan. mill) GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 PUNCHER (trim. & embroid.) 689.582-010 06.02.09 PUNCHER (woodworking) 663.685-022 06.04.03 puncher and fastener :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Punch Finisher (mach. shop) :DIE FINISHER (mach. shop): 601,381-010 05.05.07 punching-machine operator :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 Punch-Press Feeder (any ind.) :MACHINE FEEDER (any ind.): 699.686-010 06.04.09 Punch-Press Offbearer (any ind.) :MACHINE FEEDER (any ind.): 699.686-010 06.04.09 PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II 615.685-030 06.04.02 rºess OPERATOR (any ind.) III 615.682-014 06.02.02 Punch-Press Operator (any ind.) IV :POWER-PRESS TENDER (any ind.); 617.685-026 06.04.02 PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.665- 014 06.04.09 punch press operator :LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 575.685-054 06.04.13 PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC 615.482–026 06.02.02 Punch-Press-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-01406.04.24 PUNCH-PRESS SETTER (any ind.) 619.380-01406.01.02 Punch-Press Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.); 619. 130-030 06.02.01 PUPPETEER (amuse. & rec.) 159.04.1-01 4 01.03.02 purchase-order checker :INVOICE-CONTROL (clerical): 2 14.362-026 07.02.04 PURCHASE-PRICE ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 162.167-030 11.06.03 purchaser :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157- 038 11.05.04 purchaser, automotive parts :PARTS-ORDER-AND-STOCK CLERK (clerical): 249.367–058 05.09.01 purchase-request editor :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367–066 07.01.02 PURCHASING AGENT 11.05.04 PURCHASING-AND-CLAIMS SUPERVISOR (water trans.) 248.137-014 07.01.02 (any ind.) CLERK (profess. & kin.) 162. 157-038 purchasing-and-fiscal clerk :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367–066 07.01.02 purchasing clerk :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367–066 07.01.02 purchasing-contracting clerk :PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical): 249.367-066 07.01.02 pure-culture operator :SEED-YEAST OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 522.685-090 06.04.15 PURIFICATION OPERATOR (chem.) 551.362-010 06.02.11 purification operator :STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CON- TINUOUS (chem.); 552.362-022 06.02.11 PURIFICATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.) 551.685-122 06.04.12 purification operator :DISTILLATION OPERATOR (coal tar prod.); 552.462-010 06.02.18 Purification Operator (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.); 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 PURIFICATION-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.) 551.465-010 06.02.11 Purification-Operator Helper (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. refin.): 542.362-01406.02.12 Purifier (grain & feed mill.) :BOLTER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-030 06.04.15 purifying-plant operator :WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks): 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 Purse Framer (leather prod.) :HANDBAG FRAMER (leather prod.): 739.684-090 06.04.23 PURSER (water trans.) 197. 167-014 11.11.03 Purveyor (hotel & rest.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 push-bench-operator helper :DRAW-BENCH-OPERATOR HELPER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 614.686-010 06.04.40 Push-Button-Switch Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 PUSH-CONNECTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 706.687-030 06.04.23 pusher :BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.): 529.685-030 06.04.15 pusher :CHARGER OPERATOR (iron & steel): 504.565-010 06.04.10 PUSHER OPERATOR (coke prod.) 519.663-018 06.04.12 pusher runner :CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 512.683-010 06.02.10 push-up machine operator :HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-206 06.04.09 PUT-IN-BEAT ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.684-174 * 06.02.23 putter-in :BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.): 529.685-030 06.04.15 putter-out, machine :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 putty-and-patch worker :STOCK-PARTS INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.684-070 06.03.02 PUTTY GLAZER (any ind.) 749.684-042 06.04.33 Putty Maker (paint & varn.) :MIXER (paint & varn.); 550.685- 078 06.04.11 PUTTY MIXER AND APPLIER (wood. box) 769.687-038 06.04.34 Putty Remover (smoking pipe) :SANDER (smoking pipe): 76.1.684-030 06.04.34 PUTTY TINTER-MAKER 06.02.18 PUZZLE ASSEMBLER (toys & games) 731.687-030 06.04.23 PYRIDINE OPERATOR (coke prod.) 552.382-010 06.02.11 pyridine-recovery operator :PYRIDINE OPERATOR (coke prod.); 552.382-010 06.02.11 pyroglazer :DECORATOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.): 740.381- 010 01.06.03 pyrometer operator SHRINK-PIT OPERATOR (firearms): 619.662-010 06.02.10 (paint & varn.) 559.482-014 pyrotechnic assembler :FIREWORKS ASSEMBLER (fireworks): 737.587-014 * 06.04.23 Pyrotechnic-Loading Supervisor (fireworks) :SUPERVISOR, FIREWORKS ASSEMBLY (fireworks): 737.131-010 06.02.01 Pyrotechnic Mixer (fireworks) :MIXER (fireworks): 737.687- 090 06.04.34 Q quad stayer :FOUR-CORNER-STAYER-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper goods): 641.685-054 06.04.04 Quail Farmer (agric.) :GAME-BIRD FARMER (agric.): 4 12.161-010 03.01.02 - quality auditor :STORAGE BATTERY INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.381-022 06.01.05 591 quality-control-assembly-test technician :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-01406.01.05 QUALITY-CONTROL CHECKER (garment) 06.03.01 QUALITY-CONTROL CLERK (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 229.587-014 07.05.03 QUALITY-CONTROL COORDINATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 168.167-066 05.02.03 QUALITY-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167- 054 O5.01.04 QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (bake. prod.) 529.367.018 06.03.01 QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (cut. & tools) 701.261- 010 06.01.05 QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 725.687-026 06.03.02 quality control inspector :ELECTRONICS (electronics) I: 726.381-010 * 06.01.05 QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (glass mfg.) 579.367-010 06.03.01 quality-control inspector :INSPECTOR, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper goods): 649.367-010 06.03.01 QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (phonograph) 194.387- 010 06.03.01 - QUALITY-CONTROL INSPECTOR (rubber tire & tube) 750.367-010 06.03.01 789.387-010 INSPECTOR quality-control inspector :WALLPAPER INSPECTOR (wallpaper): 652.687-042 06.03.02 quality-control-inspector, heading :HEAD INSPECTOR (cooperage): 764.387-010 06.03.01 quality-control projectionist :FILM INSPECTOR (photofinish.): 976.362-010 05.10.05 quality-control supervisor :INSPECTION SUPERVISOR (mach. shop): 609.131-010 06.01.01 QUALITY-CONTROL SUPERVISOR (plastics mat.) 559.131- 014 06.02.01 quality-control supervisor :DIRECTOR, QUALITY CONTROL (profess. & kin.): 012.167-01405.02.03 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (coin mach.) 637.684- 01 4 06.03.02 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (distilled liquors) 529.367–022 05.09.02 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.387-030 06.03.01 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (glass mfg.) 579.367-014 06.03.01 quality-control technician : BOTTLE-HOUSE QUALITY-CON- TROL TECHNICIAN (malt liquors): 029.361-010 02.04.02 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (photofinish.) 976.267- 010 05.10.05 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN 0.12.261-01 4 02.04.01 quality-control tester :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 QUALITY-CONTROL TESTER 06.03.01 QUALITY-CONTROL TESTER (paper goods; plastics mat.) 559.367-010 06.03.01 QUALITY TECHNICIAN, FIBERGLASS (glass mfg.) 579.384- 01 4 06.03.01 Quantometer Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :MANOMETER TECHNICIAN (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.387-010 06.03.01 QUARRY PLUG-AND-FEATHER DRILLER (mining & quar- rying) 930.684-022 05.12.02 QUARRY SUPERVISOR, DIMENSION STONE (mining & quarrying) 930. 134-010 05.11.02 QUARRY SUPERVISOR, OPEN PIT (mining & quarrying) 939. 131-010 05.02.05 (profess. & kin.) (hosiery) 684.384-010 QUARRY WORKER (mining & quarrying) 939.667-014 05.12.03 quarter doper :DRESSER (boot & shoe): 788.687-038 06.04.33 quarter folder CEMENTER AND FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-070 06.04.05 Quarter Former (boot & shoe) :COUNTER FORMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-098 06.04.05 Quarter Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 Quarter-Lining Smoother (boot & shoe) :SEAM-RUBBING- MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 Quarter-Lining Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 QUARTERMASTER (water trans.) 911.363-014 05.04.02 Quarter-Section Ironer (hat & cap) :SEAM PRESSER (hat & cap): 583.685-098 06.04.05 Quebracho Tanner (leather mfg.) TANNING-DRUM OPERA- TOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 Queen Producer (agric.) :BEEKEEPER (agric.): 413.161-010 03.01.02 Quick-Mixer Operator (choc. & cocoa) :COCOA-POWDER- MIXER OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa): 520.685-074 06.04.15 QUICK SKETCH ARTIST (amuse. & rec.) 149,041-010 01.02.02 - QUILL-BUNCHER-AND-SORTER (house furn.) 734.687-066 06.03.02 Quill Changer (narrow fabrics) :SHUTTLE HAND (textile): 689.686-038 06.04.06 quill cleaner :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-01406.04.06 quill cleaner, hand :BOBBIN CLEANER, HAND (any ind.): 689.687-014 06.04.39 quill-cleaning-machine operator :BOBBIN-CLEANING- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-01406.04.06 quiller :QUILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (textile): 681.685-074 06.04.06 quiller hand :QUILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (textile): 681.685-074 06.04.06 Quiller-Machine Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 QUILLER OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-070 06.04.06 quiller tender :QUILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (textile): 681.685-074 06.04.06 QUILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (textile) 681.685-074 06.04.06 quill inspector :YARN EXAMINER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 681.687-030 06.03.02 quill-machine tender :QUILLER OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-070 06.04.06 Quill-Picking-Machine Operator (house furn.) :FEATHER SEPARATOR (house furn.); 589.685-054 06.04.09 quill skinner :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-01406.04.06 quill stripper :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-01406.04.06 Quill Winder (narrow fabrics) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-1.54 * 06.04.06 QUILTER FIXER (house furn.) 689.260-014 06.01.02 quilting-machine helper :AUTOMATIC-PAD-MAKING- MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (waste & batting): 689.686-010 06.04.05 QUILTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glove & mit.; house furn.; trim. & embroid.; waste & batting) 689.685-106 06.04.05 Quilt Sewer (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 Quilt Sewer, Hand (house furn.) :EMBROIDERER, HAND (trim. & embroid.): 782.684-018 06.02.27 QUILT STUFFER (house furn.) 789.687-130 06.04.23 592 DUILT STUFFER, MACHINE (house furn.; tex, prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-102 06.04.05 Iuirk sander WOOD-HEEL BACK-LINER (boot & shoe): 662.685-042 06.04.03 uote clerk TELEPHONE-OUOTATION CLERK (finan. inst.): 237.367-046 07.04.04 R abbi :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.): 120.007-010 º, abbit Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 410.161-010 03.01.02 abbit Dresser (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERA- TOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 Čabbit Flesher (fur dressing) :FLESHER (fur dressing): 585.681-010 06.01.04 {ABBLE-FURNACE TENDER (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 553.685-090 06.02.18 &ACEHORSE TRAINER 03.03.01 acing-board marker :BOARD ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 249.587-010 09.05.05 CING SECRETARY AND HANDICAPPER (amuse. & rec.) 153.167-018 12.01.02 &ack Carrier (paper goods) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * &ack Cleaner (electroplating) :LABORER, ELECTROPLAT- ING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 &ack Cleaner (textile) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687–01 4 06.04.39 RACKER (amuse. & rec.) 340.477-010 09.05.05 Racker (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any 929.687-030 * RACKER (bake. prod.) 524.687-018 06.04.28 RACKER (clock & watch) 715.687-106 06.04.34 Racker (electroplating) :LABORER, ELECTROPLATING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 acker :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 acker (iron & Steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & Steel): 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 ACKER (jewelry) 735.687-026 06.04.34 acker :RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors): 920.665-014 06.04.38 acker :POCKETED-SPRING ASSEMBLER (matt. spring): 780.684-090 06.04.27 (amuse. & rec.) 153.224-014 ind.): & bed- acker :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 acker (plan. mill; sawmill) :LUMBER SORTER (woodworking): 922.687-074 06.03.02 RACKER (sports equip.) 749.587-010 06.04.34 racker :FRESH-WORK INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.687-090 06.03.02 RACKER (wallpaper) 659.687-010 06.04.26 racker :LUMBER SORTER (woodworking): 06.03.02 RACKER, OCTAVE BOARD (musical 06.02.23 RACKER, SILK-SCREEN PRINTING (any ind.) 659.687-014 06.03.02 RACKET STRINGER (sports equip.) 732.684-094 06.02.32 Rack Loader (elec. equip.) :LEAD-BURNER HELPER (elec. equip.): 727.687-070 06.04.23 RACK LOADER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.687-018 06.04.40 RACK LOADER (tobacco) I 529.686-074 06.04.40 Rack Loader (tobacco) II :FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco): 529.686-038 06.04.40 RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors) 920.665-01406.04.38 Radar Mechanic (any ind.) :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 radiagraph operator :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 816.482-010 06.02.19 RADIAL-ARM-SAW OPERATOR (const.; woodworking) 667.682-054 06.02.03 Radial-Drill Operator (stonework) :STONE DRILLER (stonework): 676.682-01406.02.08 RADIATION MONITOR (profess. 05.03.08 radiation protection man :RADIATION MONITOR (profess. & kin.): 199.167-010 * 05.03.08 - radiator repairer AUTOMOBILE-RADIATOR MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.381-010 05.10.02 RADIOACTIVITY-INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNI- CIAN (petrol. production) 828.281-022 05.05.11 radioactivity technician RADIOACTIVITY-INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (petrol. production): 828.281-022 05.05.11 Radio-and-Electrical Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 825.381-026 06.01.05 radio-and-electrical mechanic : AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 823.281-010 05.05.10 Radio-and-Television-Cabinet Inspector (furn.) :FINISHED- STOCK INSPECTOR (furn.): 763.687–026 06.03.02 Radio Announcer (radio & tv broad.) : ANNOUNCER (radio & tv broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 radio-communications mechanician :ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.): 823.281-01405.05.05 Radio-Division Captain (gov. ser.) RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (gov. 05.02.04 Radio-Division Lieutenant (gov. ser.) :SUPERINTENDENT, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (gov. ser.): 193.167-018 05.02.04 radio-equipment installer AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 823.281-010 05.05.10 RADIOGRAPHER (any ind.) 199.361-010 * 05.03.05 Radio Installer (tel. & tel.) :PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 Radio Installer, Automobile (auto. Ser.) : AUTOMOBILE-AC- CESSORIES INSTALLER (auto. ser.): 806.684-038 05.10.02 RADIO-INTELLIGENCE OPERATOR (gov. ser.) 193.362-014 05.03.05 RADIO INTERFERENCE 823.261-01 4 05.05.05 radio-interference trouble shooter :RADIO INTERFERENCE INVESTIGATOR (electronics): 823.261-01405.05.05 RADIOISOTOPE-PRODUCTION OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 015.362-022 02.04.01 radioisotope technologist :NUCLEAR MEDICAL TECHNOLO- GIST (medical ser.): 078.361-018 10.02.02 Radiological Instrument Technician (gov. ser.) :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 + 05.05.10 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.362-026 * 10.02.02 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST, CHIEF 078.162-010 1 0.02.02 RADIOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-090 02.03.01 radio-maintenance repairer AVIONICS TECHNICIAN (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 823.281-010 05.05.10 radio mechanic :ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.): 823.281- O 1 4 05.05.05 RADIO MECHANIC (any ind.) 823.261-018 05.05.10 Radio Mechanic, Ground Installation (any ind.) MECHANIC (any ind.): 823.261-018 + 05.05.10 RADIO-MESSAGE ROUTER (tel. & tel.) 07.05.04 RADIO OFFICER (water trans.) 193.262-022 07.04.05 radio operator : RADIO OFFICER (water trans.): 193.262-022 07.04.05 & kin.) 199.167-010 :SUPERINTENDENT, ser.): 193.167-018 INVESTIGATOR (electronics) (medical ser.) :RADIO 922.687–074 inst.) 730.684-062 235.387-010 593 radio operator, ground :RADIO STATION OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 193.262-026 07.04.05 radiophone operator :RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR (any ind.): 193.262-034 05.03.05 radio-photo technician :PHOTORADIO OPERATOR (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.): 193.362-010 07.04.05 Radio Police Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 Radio Producer (radio & tv broad.) :PRODUCER (radio & tv broad.): 159.1 17-0 10 01.03.01 RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.) 720.281-010 * 05.10.03 Radio Repairer, Domestic (any ind.) :RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.): 720.281-010 * 05.10.03 RADIO STATION OPERATOR 193.262-026 07.04.05 radiotelegraphist :RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 193.262-030 07.04.05 RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR (tel. & tel.) 193.262-030 07.04.05 Radiotelegraph Operator-Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.): 823.281-014 05.05.05 (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR (any ind.) 193.262-034 05.03.05 radiotelephone-technical operator :RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR (any ind.): 193.262-034 05.03.05 radius grinder ABRASIVE GRINDER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 673.685-010 06.02.09 RAFTER (logging) 455.664-010 03.04.02 RAFTER-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 669.382-01 4 06.02.03 Rag Baler (laund.) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-0 1 0 06.04.38 RAG-CUTTING-MACHINE FEEDER (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.666-010 06.04.05 RAG-CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (felt goods; paper & pulp) 530.665-01406.04.05 RAG INSPECTOR (paper & pulp) 530.687-010 06.03.02 Rag Sorter (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 RAG SORTER AND CUTTER (waste & batting) 789.687-134 06.03.02 Rag Washer (laund.) :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): 361.665- 0 1 0 06.04.35 rag-willow operator :THRASHER FEEDER (paper & pulp): 533.685-030 06.04.05 - Rail Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 Rail-Car Operator (logging) :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 9 19.663–01 4 05.11.04 rail-doweling-machine operator :DOWEL-INSERTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (plan. mill): 669.682-042 Rail-Express Clerk (r.r. trans.) :EXPRESS CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 222.367–022 07.03.01 Rail-Flaw-Detector-Car Operator (r.r. trans.) :LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-014 05.08.02 RAIL-FLAW-DETECTOR OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.263- 0 1 0 05.07.01 rail gang supervisor TRACK-LAYING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 134-022 05.11.01 Rail Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 1 0 * 06.03.01 railroad-car-cleaning supervisor CAR-CLEANING SUPER- VISOR (r.r. trans.): 910. 137-014 05.12.18 railroad-car inspector :CAR INSPECTOR (loco. & car blag. & rep.): 910.667-010 05.07.01 (mfa. blags.) RAILROAD-CAR INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.387-014 05.07.01 RAILROAD-CAR LETTERER (r. r. trans.) 845.681-010 01.06.03 railroad-car loader :CHUTE LOADER (mining & quarrying 932.687-0 1 0 railroad-car retarder operator :CAR-RETARDER OPERATO (r. r. trans.): 910.382-0 1 0 05.12.05 RAILROAD-CAR-TRUCK BUILDER (loco. & car blóg. rep.) 806.684-114 06.04.22 RAILROAD-CONSTRUCTION DIRECTOR 182. 16.7-018 05.02.02 railroad-crane operator :LOCOMOTIVE-CRANE OPERATO (any ind.): 921.663-038 05.11.04 RAILROAD ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.07 RAILROAD-MAINTENANCE CLERK (r. r. trans.) 221.36 026 07.05.03 Railroad Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amus & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 railroad supervisor of engines :ROAD SUPERVISOR OF E GINES (r. r. trans.): 910. 137-034 05.08.02 RAILROAD WHEELS AND AXLE INSPECTOR (loco. & ca blog. & rep.) 622.381-034 06.01.05 Rail Splitter (logging) :RIVER (logging): 454.684-022 03.04.0 RAIL-TRACTOR OPERATOR (iron & steel) 9 19.683-01 {05.11.04 RAILWAY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 859.683 018 05.11.01 Raimann-Machine Operator (veneer & plywood) :VENEE REPAIRER, MACHINE (veneer & plywood): 669.685-09 06.04.03 RAISED PRINTER (print. & pub.) 652.686-034 06.04.21 raise driller :ROOF BOLTER (mining & quarrying): 930.683 026 05.11.02 Raise Miner (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 raiser BARREL RAISER (cooperage): 764,684-018 06.04.22 raiser :LETTERER (type founding): 979.681-010 01.06.03 raiser helper :BARREL-RAISER HELPER (cooperage) 764.687-038 06.04.22 Raisin-Separator Operator (confection.) :FACTORY HELPE (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 Raisin Washer (food prep., n.e.c.) :DRIED FRUIT WASHE (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-1 10 06.04.15 RAKER (carpet & rug) 789.687-138 06.04.27 RAKER, BUFFING WHEEL (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 589.684-01 06.03.02 ram-die maker :PLASTER-DIE MAKER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-026 06.02.30 RAM-PRESS OPERATOR (pottery & porc.) 575.682-02. {}6.02.08 ramrod :TOP SCREW (agric.): 410.137-01403.04.01 ranch hand, livestock :FARMWORKER, LIVESTOCK (agric.) 4 10.664-0 10 03.04.01 - ranch rider :COWPUNCHER (agric.): 410.674-014 03.04.01 rand butter :WELT BUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685–474 06.04.05 rand-butting-machine operator :WELT BUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-474 06.04.05 Rand Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE AP PLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Rand Sewer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Rand Tacker (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Range Conservationist (profess. & kin.) :RANGE MANAGE (profess. & kin.): 040.061-046 02.02.02 range feeder :CLOTH FEEDER (textile): 589.686-014 06.04.1 range-management specialist :RANGE MANAGER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-046 02.02.02 RANGE MANAGER (profess. & kin.) 040.061-046 02.02.02 range master :MANAGER, GUN CLUB (amuse. & rec.) 187. 167- 1 18 11.11.02 (r. r. trans. & kin.) 005.061-02 594 ange operator :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (textile): 589.562-010 06.04.16 anger :PARK RANGER (gov. ser.): 169.167-042 04.02.03 apid-extractor operator :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 581.685-038 06.04.16 &apid-Outsole Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 apier-Insertion Loom Fixer (textile) :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 apper :DUST COLLECTOR-TREATER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1.687-014 06.04.09 Raschel-Knitting-Machine Operator (knit goods) :WARP- KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665- 018 * 06.02.06 Raspberry Grower (agric.) :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-014 03.01.01 RASPER (boot & shoe) 788.684-094 06.04.27 rasper-machine operator :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Rat Breeder (agric.) :ANIMAL BREEDER (agric.): 410.161- 0 1 0 03.01.02 Rate Analyst (gov. ser.) :DIRECTOR, UTILITY ACCOUNTS (gov. ser.): 160.267-014 11.06.03 RATE ANALYST, FREIGHT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) 214.267-0 1 0 1 1.06.03 rate-and-cost analyst COST-AND-SALES-RECORD SUPER- VISOR (light, heat, & power): 216. 137-010 07.02.03 rate clerk : TRAFFIC-RATE CLERK (clerical): 214.362-038 07.02.04 RATE CLERK, PASSENGER (motor 07.04.04 Rate Engineer (profess. & kin.) :ACCOUNTANT, COST (profess. & kin.): 160. 167-018 11.06.01 rate inserter :RATER (insurance): 214.482-022 07.02.04 rate marker :TELEGRAPH-SERVICE RATER (tel. & tel.): 214.587-0 1 0 07.07.03 RATER (insurance) 214.482-022 07.02.04 RATE REVIEWER (light, heat, & power) 11.06.03 RATER, TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS (profess. & kin.) 168.367-0 14 11.10.05 RATE SUPERVISOR (clerical) 214. 137-018 07.02.02 rating clerk :RATER (insurance): 214.482-022 07.02.04 rating clerk, chief :PAYROLL CLERK, CHIEF (clerical): 215. 1 37-01 4 07.02.05 Rattan Worker (basketry) :WEAVER (basketry): 769.684-054 06.04.34 Rattan Worker (furn.) :WICKER WORKER (furn.): 763.684- O78 06.04.25 Rattlesnake Farmer (agric.) 4 13.161-01 4 03.01.02 - RAVELER (knit goods) 782.687- Raw-Calender Operator (coated fabrics) :CALENDER OPERA- TOR, ARTIFICIAL LEATHER (coated fabrics): 584.685-010 06.04.16 RAW-CHEESE WORKER (dairy prod.) 529.686-078 06.04.28 trans.) 214.362-030 214.387-014 :REPTILE FARMER (agric.): Raw-Finish-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 RAWHIDE-BONE ROLLER (leather prod.) 789.684-042 06.04.27 Raw-Hide Trimmer (leather mfg.) TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 RAW-JUICE WEIGHER (sugar) 529.685-194 06.04.15 RAW SAMPLER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.484-014 02.04.01 RAW SHELLFISH PREPARER (hotel & rest.) 31 1.674-014 09.05.02 RAW-SILK GRADER (textile) 689.687-062 06.03.02 RAW-STOCK-DRIER TENDER (textile) 581.685-046 06.04.16 Raw-Stock-Dyeing-Machine Tender (textile) :PACKAGE-DYE- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 RAW-STOCK-MACHINE LOADER (textile) 582.686-018 06.04.16 reactor-kettle operator :KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.): 558.382-042 06.02.13 reactor operator :CAUSTICISER (chem.); 558.382-022 06.02.11 reactor operator :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 reactor operator :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II: 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 reactor operator :POWER-REACTOR OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-022 05.06.01 Reactor Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :CALCINER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 513.362-010 06.02.10 REACTOR OPERATOR, TEST-AND-RESEARCH (profess. & kin.) 0 15.362-026 02.04.01 reactor-service operator GAMMA-FACILITIES OPERATOR (profess. & kin.): 015.362-01402.04.01 READER (bus. ser.) 249.387–022 07.05.02 READER (motion pic.; radio & twbroad.) 13 1.087-014 01.01.01 Readers'-Advisory-Service Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN (library): 100. 127-014 * 11.02.04 ready-mix-truck driver :CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 900.683-010 05.08.03 REAGENT TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-046 06.04.10 REAGENT TENDER HELPER (ore dress., smeit., & refin.) 51 1,686-0 10 06.04.10 REAL-ESTATE AGENT 11.12.02 real-estate agent :SALES AGENT, REAL ESTATE (real estate): 250.357-018 * 08.02.04 Real-Estate Broker (real estate) :SALES AGENT, REAL ESTATE (real estate): 250.357-018 * 08.02.04 REAL-ESTATE CLERK (clerical) 219.362-046 07.01.04 Real-Estate-Utilization Officer (gov. ser.) :PROPERTY- UTILIZATION OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-122 11.12.02 Reamer (clock & watch) :DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch): 606.685-030 * 06.02.02 reamer ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687-014 06.04.23 REAMER, CENTER HOLE (clock & watch) 715.687-1 10 06.02.24 REAMER, HAND (mach. shop) 709.684-058 06.02.24 Reamer Operator (mach. shop) :DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (mach. shop): 606.682-014 06.02.02 REAMING-MACHINE TENDER (nonfer. 606.685-034 06.04.02 rebeamer : BEAMER (textile): 68 1.585-010 06.04.06 rebrander :DEBRANDER (boot & shoe): 753.687-0 1 4 REBRANDER (rubber goods) 559.685-150 06.04.07 rebut-machine tail offbearer :TRIMMER HELPER (sawmill): 667.686-018 06.04.03 RECEIPT-AND-REPORT CLERK (water trans.) 216.382-054 07.02.03 receiver, bulk system :CONVEYOR TENDER (any 921.685-026 06.04.40 RECEIVER-DISPATCHER 07.04.05 RECEIVER, FERMENTING CELLARS 522.662–0 1 0 06.02.15 Receiver Setter (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 RECEIVING-BARN CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 349.367- 0 1 4 09.05.04 * (profess. & kin.) 186.1 17-058 metal alloys) ind.): (nonprofit organ.) 239.367-022 (malt liquors) 595 receiving checker :MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687–026 05.09.01 RECEIVING CHECKER (clerical) 222.687-018 05.09.03 Receiving Clerk (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical): 222.387-050 05.09.01 receiving-distribution-station operator SUBSTATION OPERA- TOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-026 * 05.06.01 receiving inspector :RECEIVING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-018 05.09.03 - Receiving Inspector (inst. & app.) :INSPECTOR, MECHANI- CAL AND ELECTRICAL (inst. & app.): 710.381-038 + 06.01.05 Receiving, Marking, and Washing Supervisor (laund.) :SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 receiving-room clerk :ROOM-SERVICE CLERK (hotel & rest.): 324.577-010 09.05.03 Receiving Supervisor (clerical) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 137-030 05.09.01 Receiving-Tank Operator (sugar) :TANK TENDER (sugar): 529.585-014 06.04.15 Receiving Weigher (clerical) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 reception clerk APPOINTMENT CLERK (clerical): 237.367- 010 07.04.04 reception clerk :RECEPTIONIST (clerical): 237.367–038 07.04.04 reception interviewer :EMPLOYMENT CLERK (clerical): 205.362-014 * receptionist :HOST/HOSTESS (any ind.): 352.667-010 09.01.01 RECEPTIONIST (clerical) 237.367-038 07.04.04 RECEPTIONIST, AIRLINE LOUNGE (air trans.) 352.677-014 09.01.03 Receptionist, Doctor's Office (medical ser.) :RECEPTIONIST (clerical): 237.367–038 07.04.04 recessing-machine operator :PROFILING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (clock & watch): 605.685-038 06.02.02 Rechecker (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 Reciprocating-Drill Operator (any ind.) :ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) I: 850.683-034 05.11.01 reclaimer :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687-022 06.04.40 RECLAMATION KETTLE TENDER, METAL (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.685-022 06.04.10 RECLAMATION SUPERVISOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 512. 132-01 4 06.04.01 reclamation supervisor SUPERVISOR, SALVAGE (petrol. refin.): 929. 131-010 05.10.01 RECLAMATION WORKER (whole. tr.) 621.684-014 05.12.12 recoater :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381- 0 1 0 05.05.08 recoil spring winder SPIRAL SPRING WINDER (spring): 616.685-070 06.04.02 RECONCILEMENT CLERK 07.02.01 RECONSIGNMENT CLERK (clerical) 209.367-042 07.05.04 record-changer adjuster :ASSEMBLY ADJUSTER (phonograph): 720.684-010 06.04.34 RECORD-CHANGER ASSEMBLER (phonograph) 720.687- 0 1 0 06.04.23 RECORD-CHANGER TESTER (phonograph) 06.03.02 record clerk :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 Record Clerk (hotel & rest.) TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 * 07.06.02 RECORD CLERK (textile) 206.387–022 07.07.01 RECORDER (iron & steel) 221.367–050 05.09.02 RECORDER (knit goods) 221.587-026 05.09.03 (finan. inst.) 210.382-058 720.687-014 recorder, gravity prospecting :OBSERVER, GRAVIT PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 0.10.261-018 05.03.04 recorder helper, gravity prospecting :OBSERVER HELPE GRAVITY PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.66 0 1 0 05.08.03 recorder helper, seismograph :OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMI PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.364-010 05.12.03 recording clerk :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATO (clerical) I: 210.382-022 * 07.02.01 recording clerk :BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATO (clerical) II: 2 1 0.382-026 07.02.01 RECORDING ENGINEER (phonograph; radio & twº broad 194.362-010 05.10.05 recordings librarian AUDIOVISUAL LIBRARIAN (library 100. 16.7-0 1 0 1 1.02.04 RECORDING STUDIO SET-UP WORKER (phonograph 962.664–01 4 05. 12.03 RECORDIST (motion pic.) 962.382-010 05.10.05 RECORDIST, CHIEF (motion pic.) 962. 134-010 05.10.05 RECORD-PRESS TENDER (phonograph) 556.685-070 06.04.13 records-change clerk :POLICY-CHANGE CLERK (insurance 219.362-042 07.02.02 RECORDS CUSTODIAN (finan. inst.) 206.387–026 07.05.03 RECORDS-MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin. 161.267–022 11.06.02 records-section supervisor SUPERVISOR, FILES (clerical 206. 1 37-010 07.07.01 RECORD TESTER (phonograph) 194.387-01406.03.01 RECOVERY OPERATOR (explosives) 558.682-022 06.04.11 RECOVERY OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin. 519.582-010 06.02.10 RECOVERY OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 552.362-01 06.02.11 RECOVERY-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., refin.) 519.485-014 06.04.10 recovery-unit operator :CRACKING-UNIT (plastics mat.); 558.682-010 06.02.13 RECREATIONAL THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076.124-01 RECREATION-FACILITY ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec. 341 .367-010 07.04.03 RECREATION LEADER (social ser.) 195.227-014 09.01.01 recreation specialist :RECREATION SUPERVISOR (profess. kin.): 187.137-010 1 1.07.04 RECREATION SUPERVISOR (profess. & kin.) 187.137-01 11.07.04 recruitment clerk :CIVIL-SERVICE CLERK 205.362–0 1 0 ( Rectangular-Tank Cooper (cooperage) :TANK ASSEMBLE (cooperage): 764.684-030 06.02.25 RECTIFICATION PRINTER (any ind.) 976.682-018 05.10.05 Rectifier Operator (chem.) :SWITCHBOARD OPERATO (chem.): 952.362-038 * 05.06.01 Rectifier-Plate Charger (electronics) :ELECTRONIC WORKER (electronics): 726.687-0 10 06.04.34 Rectifying Attendant (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR BLENDE (distilled liquors): 522.382-018 06.02.15 rectifying operator :STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CON TINUOUS (chem.); 552.362-022 06.02.11 Rector (profess. & kin.) :CLERGY MEMBER (profess. kin.): 120.007-0 1 0 10.01.01 redcap :PORTER (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 357.677 0 1 0 09.05.03 redistribution-and-marketing officer :PROPERTY-DISPOSAL OFFICER (any ind.): 163.167–026 11.05.04 RED-LEAD BURNER (paint & varn.) 558.685-054 06.04.11 Red-Mud Thickener Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin. :THICKENER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.485-01 4 06.04.10 OPERATO (gov. Ser.) 596 Redraw Operator (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 REDRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.662-014 06.02.15 reducer THINNER (paint & varn.): 550.585-038 06.04.11 REDUCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (optical goods) 614.685- 018 06.04.02 REDUCING-SALON ATTENDANT (per. ser.) 359.567-010 09.05.01 REDUCTION-FURNACE OPERATOR (chem.) 553.682-022 06.02.15 REDUCTION-FURNACE-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.; oils & fats) 559.686-038 06.04.11 REDUCTION-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512. 130-010 06.04.01 REDYE HAND (hosiery) 789.687-142 06.03.02 reed cleaner :REED REPAIRER (textile): 628.484-010 05.10.02 reed cleaner :HARNESS CLEANER (textile): 699.687-010 06.04.39 Reeding-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 - REED MAKER (mach. miſg.) 709.381-038 06.01.04 reed maker :REED REPAIRER (textile): 628.484-010 05.10.02 reed polisher :REED REPAIRER (textile): 628.484-010 05.10.02 REED-PRESS FEEDER (build. board) 669.686-022 06.04.20 REED REPAIRER (textile) 628.484-010 05.10.02 Reed Worker (furn.) :WICKER WORKER (furn.): 763.684-078 06.04.25 - Reefer Engineer (water trans.) :REFRIGERATING ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.362-01405.06.02 reel assembler :FISHING-REEL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-062 06.04.23 REEL ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.484-010 06.04.22 REEL-BLADE-BENDER FURNACE TENDER (agric. equip.) 504.685-030 06.04.10 reel Cutter :PAPER-REEL OPERATOR 640.685-046 06.04.04 REELER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 549.685-022 06.04.09 reeler :COILER (cord. & twine): 681.685-034 06.04.06 reeler :REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685- 078 06.04.06 REELER (wallpaper) 640.685-054 06.04.04 REELER (woodworking) 769.684-034 06.04.25 reeler operator :REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.682-014 06.02.02 Reel Fabricator (agric. equip.) :BENCH ASSEMBLER (agric. equip.): 706.684-042 06.04.23 reel-film inspector :FILM INSPECTOR (photofinish.): 976.362- 0 1 0 05.10.05 Reeling-and-Tubing-Machine Operator (textile) WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.682-014 06.02.02 REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.06 reeling-machine operator :CLOTH REELER (textile): 689.685- 042 06.04.06 reel operator :PAPER-REEL OPERATOR (paper 640.685-046 06.04.04 Reel Oven Tender (bake. prod.) :OVEN OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (bake. prod.; cereal): 526.682-030 06.02.15 reel slitter :CUTTER, BARREL DRUM (house furn.): 690.682- 026 06.02.02 Reel Tender (insulated wire) :UTILITY WORKER, EXTRU- SION (insulated wire): 691.685-030 06.04.09 reel tender :REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR 681.685-078 06.04.06 reexaminer : REINSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.687-014 06.03.02 (paper goods): :CLOTH 681.685-078 (textile) goods): (textile): referee :UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.): 153.267-018 12.01.02 referee :PIT STEWARD (amuse. & rec.): 153. 167-04 12.01.02 referee :HEARING OFFICER (gov. ser.): 119.10704-010 11.04.01 Referee (profess. & kin.) ARBITRATOR (profess. & kin.): 169. 107-0 1 0 1 1.04.03 Reference Librarian (library) :LIBRARIAN (library): 100. 127- 014 * 11.02.04 - REFERRAL-AND-INFORMATION AIDE (gov. ser.) 237.367- 042 07.04.02 REFINED-SIRUP OPERATOR (sugar) 520.485-022 06.02.15 REFINER (medical ser.) 712.684-038 06.04.24 refiner bleacher :PRESSROOM WORKER, FAT (grease & tal- low): 559.685-146 06.04.19 REFINERY OPERATOR (corn prod.) 521.362-018 06.02.15 refinery operator :LINSEED-OIL REFINER (oils & fats): 559.382-030 06.02.11 REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 .* Refinery Operator, Alkylation (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 REFINERY OPERATOR, ASSISTANT (corn prod.) 521.462- 0 1 0 06.02.15 Refinery Operator, Coking (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.); 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Cracking Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Crude Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Gas Plant (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 REFINERY OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. refin.) 542.362-014 06.02.12 Refinery Operator Helper, Cracking Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. refin.): 542.362- 01 4 06.02.12 Refinery Operator Helper, Crude Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. refin.): 542.362- 01 4 06.02.12 Refinery Operator, Light-Ends Recovery (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Polymerization Plant (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.); 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 - Refinery Operator, Reforming Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Vapor Recovery Unit (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Operator, Visbreaking (petrol. refin.) :REFINERY OPERATOR (petrol. refin.); 549.260-010 * 06.01.03 Refinery Supervisor (oils & fats) :SUPERVISOR (oils & fats): 529. 137-030 06.01.01 REFINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (choc. & cocoa) 521.682- 034 06.02.15 - REFINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (oils & fats) 529.685-198 06.04.15 refining-still operator 552.682-0 1 0 06.04.11 refinisher :FINISH PATCHER (furn.): 763.684-034 05.10.01 refinisher :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381- 0 1 0 05.05.08 REFRACTORY-GRINDER OPERATOR 677.682-01 4 06.02.08 REFRACTORY MIXER (iron & steel) 570.685-078 06.04.08 refractory specialist :CLAY-STRUCTURE BUILDER AND SERVICER (glass mfg.): 579.664-010 05.10.01 :DISTILLER (wood distil. & char.): (brick & tile) 597 Refrigerated-Cargo Clerk (water trans.) :BOOKING CLERK (water trans.): 248.367-014 07.05.01 REFRIGERATING ENGINEER (any 05.06.02 REFRIGERATING ENGINEER, HEAD (any ind.) 950.131-010 05.06.02 Refrigerating Technician (profess. & kin.) :HEAT-TRANSFER TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 007. 181-010 05.03.07 REFRIGERATION MECHANIC (any ind.) 637.261-026 05.05.09 REFRIGERATION MECHANIC (refrigerat. equip.) 827.361- 01 4 05.05.09 refrigeration-mechanic apprentice :PIPE-FITTER PRENTICE (const.): 862.381-026 05.05.03 REFRIGERATION-MECHANIC HELPER (any ind.) 637.687- 0 1 4 05.12.12 Refrigeration Operator (comp. & liquefied gases) :LIQUEFACTION-PLANT OPERATOR (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.362-018 06.02.12 refrigeration operator, head :REFRIGERATING ENGINEER, HEAD (any ind.): 950.131-010 05.06.02 refrigeration supervisor :REFRIGERATING ENGINEER, HEAD (any ind.): 950.131-010 05.06.02 Refrigeration-System Installer (any ind.) :REFRIGERATION MECHANIC (any ind.): 637.261-026 05.05.09 ind.) 950.362-014 AP– REFRIGERATION UNIT REPAIRER (refrigerat. equip.) 637.381-01 4 05.10.02 Refrigerator Cabinetmaker (refrigerat. equip.) :CABINETMAKER (woodworking): 660.280–010 * 05.05.08 refrigerator-car icer :CAR ICER (ice; slaught. & meat pack.): 910.687-018 05.12.03 Refrigerator Crater (refrigerat. equip.) :CRATER (any ind.): 920.484-010 06.04.38 REFRIGERATOR GLAZIER (refrigerat. equip.) 865.684-022 06.02.22 Refrigerator-Room Clerk (clerical) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 REFRIGERATOR TESTER (refrigerat. equip.) 827.384-010 06.03.01 regeneration operator :CONTACT-ACID-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.); 558.585-018 06.02.11 REGENERATOR OPERATOR (sugar) 573.685-034 06.04.17 regional coordinator for aging :DIRECTOR, COUNCIL ON AGING (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-058 11.07.01 regional extension-service specialist :DISTRICT EXTENSION SERVICE AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 167-010 11.07.03 REGISTERED-MAIL CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.587-038 07.05.04 registered pharmacist :PHARMACIST (profess. & kin.): 074, 161-010 * registered representative :SALES AGENT, SECURITIES (finan. inst.): 251. 157-010 11.06.04 REGISTER REPAIRER (r. r. trans.) 710.681-018 05.10.02 REGISTRAR (gov. ser.) 205.367-038 07.04.03 REGISTRAR, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY 090. 167–030 11.07.03 registrar, nurses’ registry :DIRECTOR, NURSES’ REGISTRY (medical ser.): 187. 167–034 07.01.02 REGISTRATION CLERK (gov. ser.) 205.367-042 07.04.01 REGISTRATION CLERK (library) 249.365-010 07.04.03 Regrinder Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) :GRINDER (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 555.685-026 06.04.02 regrind mill operator :ROD-MILL TENDER (cement; dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.685-030 06.04.08 regulation supervisor :PRESSURE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 953.137-01405.06.03 regulator assembler :COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 724.684-030 06.02.24 REGULATOR INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 820.361- 018 05.05.05 (education) OTC REGULATORY ADMINISTRATOR (tel. & tel.) 168. 167–070 11.10.05 REHABILITATION CENTER MANAGER (gov. ser.) 195. 16.7- 038 11.07.01 REHABILITATION CLERK (nonprofit organ.) 205.367-046 07.04.01 rehabilitation officer :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTA- TIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187. 167-19810.01.02 rehabilitation technician :SHOE-REPAIR SUPERVISOR (per. ser.): 365. 131-010 05.05.15 Reindeer Rancher (agric.) :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): 4 10.161-018 03.01.01 Reinforced-Concrete Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION IN- SPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 reinforcing-bar setter :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 reinforcing-iron worker :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 Reinforcing-Iron-Worker Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.) 05.05.06 reinforcing-steel erector :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 REINFORCING-STEEL-MACHINE 859.683-022 05.11.01 reinforcing-steel placer :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 reinforcing-steel setter :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 reinforcing-steel worker :REINFORCING-METAL WORKER (const.): 801.684-026 05.05.06 Reinforcing-Steel Worker, :CONSTRUCTION WORKER 05.12.03 reinspector :FINAL INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 753.687-018 06.03.02 REINSPECTOR (hosiery) 684.687-01406.03.02 reinstatement clerk :REVIVAL CLERK (insurance): 219.362- O50 07.05.02 Reinstatement Underwriter (insurance) (insurance): 169. 167–058 * 11.06.03 REINSURANCE CLERK (insurance) 219.482-018 07.02.04 rejected-items clerk :RETURNED-ITEM CLERK (finan. inst.): 21 6.382-058 07.02.02 REJECT OPENER (tobacco) 790.687-026 06.04.28 reject opener and filler :REJECT OPENER (tobacco): 790.687- 026 06.04.28 - relaster SLIP LASTER (boot & shoe): 788.684-106 06.04.27 Relay Adjuster (elec. equip.) ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 Relay Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-CONTROL AS- SEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 Relay Checker (elec. equip.) :ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 Relay Engineer (light, heat, & power) :PROTECTION EN- GINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–054 05.01.03 RELAY-RECORD CLERK (light, heat, & power) 221.367–054 07.05.03 Relay Repairer (elec. equip.) :REPAIRER, SWITCHGEAR (elec. equip.): 729.684-038 05.10.03 - RELAY-SHOP SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 729.131- 0 1 4 05.05.10 relay-shop tester :RELAY TESTER (light, heat, & power): 729.281-038 05.05.05 RELAY TECHNICIAN (light, heat, & power) 821.261-018 05.05.05 RELAY TESTER (light, heat, & power) 729.281-038 05.05.05 Relay-Tester Helper (light, heat, & power) :LABORATORY HELPER (light, heat, & power): 821.564-010 05.12.16 801.684-026 OPERATOR (const.) Wire Mesh (const.) II: (const.) 869.687-026 :UNDERWRITER 598 Release Clerk (clerical) :MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. inst.): 249.382-0 1 0 07.01.04 RELIABILITY ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.04 reliability inspector :INSPECTOR, TIMING (clock & watch): 715.685-034 * 06.01.05 RELIEF-MAP MODELER (any ind.) 777.381-042 01.06.02 RELISH BLENDER (can. & preserv.) 520.685-194 06.04.15 relish maker :RELISH BLENDER (can. & preserv.): 520.685- 194 06.04.15 RELOCATION COMMISSIONER (gov. 07.01.01 Remelt-Centrifugal Operator (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERA- TOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 REMELTER (elec. equip.; print. & pub.; type founding) 502.685-01 4 06.04.10 REMELT-FURNACE EXPEDITER 5 12. 1 32-018 06.04.01 remelt operator :FURNACE TENDER (found.; nonfer. metal alloys): 512.685-010 06.04.10 Remelt-Pan-Tank Operator (sugar) :TANK TENDER (sugar): 529.585-01 4 06.04.15 Remelt-Sugar Boiler 522.382-034 06.02.15 Remelt-Sugar Cutter (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 Remittance-Account Clerk (finan. inst.) (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 Remittance Clerk (finan. inst.; insurance) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 remittance clerk :TELLER (light, heat, & power): 21 1.462-034 07.03.01 Remittance-on-Farm-Rental-and-Soil-Conservation Auditor (insurance) :AUDIT CLERK (clerical): 210.382-010 * 07.02.01 Remittance Supervisor (finan. inst.) :SUPERVISOR, TRUST ACCOUNTS (finan. inst.): 219. 132-01 4 07.02.02 REMNANTS CUTTER (textile) 789.687-150 06.04.27 REMNANT SORTER (textile) 789.687-146 06.03.02 remodeler :LAST REMODELER-REPAIRER (boot & shoe; lasts & rel. forms): 739.684-106 05.10.01 Remote-Control Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL- COMBUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & tur- bine): 706.481-010 06.02.22 remover :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 renderer :DELINEATOR (profess. & kin.): 970.281-014 01.02.03 RENDERING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685-202 06.04.15 Renovation-Plant Supervisor OPERATOR SUPERVISOR 06.02.01 RENOVATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 589.685- O82 06.04.19 rental agent :LEASING AGENT, RESIDENCE (real estate): 250.357-01 4 08.02.04 rental clerk, tool-and-equipment :TOOL-AND-EQUIPMENT- RENTAL CLERK (bus. ser.; ret. tr.): 295.357-014 09.04.02 RENTAL MANAGER, PUBLIC EVENTS FACILITIES (bus. ser.) 186.1 17-062 11.12.02 Rent and Miscellaneous Remittance Clerk (insurance) :ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 REPACK-ROOM WORKER (distilled liquors; malt liquors) 920.687-146 06.04.38 repair clerk :COMPLAINT CLERK (boot & shoe): 221.387- 01 4 05.09.02 repairer :GUNSMITH (any ind.): 632.281-010 05.05.09 repairer :YARN CLEANER (any ind.): 681.687-026 06.03.02 REPAIRER (boot & shoe) 753.684-026 06.04.29 REPAIRER (chem.) I 630.261-018 05.10.02 & kin.) 019.081-022 ser.) 188. 167–070 (nonfer. metal alloys) (sugar) :SUGAR BOILER (sugar): :CLERK-TYPIST :EXPLOSIVE- 694. 1 32-010 (ammunition) (ammunition): REPAIRER (chem.) II 630.684-026 05.10.02 repairer :LEAK HUNTER (distilled liquors; malt liquors): 764.687-090 05.12.12 repairer APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 REPAIRER (furn.) 709.684-062 05.10.01 repairer :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 REPAIRER (mining & quarrying) 630.281-022 05.05.09 REPAIRER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.281-026 05.10.02 repairer :PATCHER (smoking pipe): 739.687-146 06.04.34 Repairer and Checker (firearms) :STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) I: 761.381-034 01.06.02 REPAIRER, ART OBJECTS (any ind.) 779.381-018 01.06.02 REPAIRER, ASSEMBLED WOOD PRODUCTS (woodworking) 769.684-038 05.10.01 Repairer, Assembly Line (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUBASSEMBLY REPAIRER (motor. & bicycles): 620.684- 026 05.10.02 REPAIRER, AUTO CLOCKS (clock & watch) 715.584-014 06.04.34 Repairer, Cylinder Heads (welding) :WELDER, COMBINA- TION (welding): 819.384-010 * 05.05.06 Repairer, Electric Motors (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-022 * 06.04.23 Repairer, Evaporator (chem.) :REPAIRER (chem.) I: 630.261- 018 05.10.02 REPAIRER, FINISHED METAL (any 06.02.24 REPAIRER, GENERAL (auto. mfg.) 806.684-118 06.04.22 REPAIRER, GYROSCOPE (inst. & app.) 710.681-022 06.02.32 Repairer, Hairspring (clock & watch) :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281-010 * 06.01.04 REPAIRER, HANDTOOLS (cut. & tools) 05.10.02 REPAIRER, HEAVY (auto. mfg.) 620.381-022 05.05.09 REPAIRER HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 630.664-010 {).5.12.15 REPAIRER, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS (mfd, blógs.; trans. equip.) 869.384-010 05.10.01 Repairer, Mirror and Picture Frame (mirror & pic. frames) :REPAIRER, ASSEMBLED WOOD PRODUCTS (woodworking): 769.684-038 05.10.01 REPAIRER, PENS AND PENCILS (pen & pencil) 733.384- 0 1 0 06.02.32 Repairer, Pump (chem.) :REPAIRER (chem.) I: 630.261-018 05.10.02 Repairer, Resistance-Welding Machines (welding) :REPAIRER, WELDING, BRAZING, AND BURNING MACHINES (welding): 626.361-010 05.05.09 Repairer, Sash and Door (plan. mill) :REPAIRER, ASSEM- ind.) 809.684-034 70 ! .38 1-0 1 0 BLED WOOD PRODUCTS (woodworking): 769,684-038 05.10.01 REPAIRER, SHOE STICKS (rubber goods) 619.685-074 06.04.02 Repairer, Still (chem.) : REPAIRER (chem.) I: 630.261-018 05.10.02 REPAIRER, SWITCHGEAR (elec. equip.) 729.684-038 05.10.03 REPAIRER, TYPEWRITER (office mach.) 706.381-030 06.02.24 Repairer, Watch cases (clock & watch) :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281-010 * 06.01.04 REPAIRER, WELDING, BRAZING, AND MACHINES (welding) 626.361-010 05.05.09 REPAIRER, WELDING EQUIPMENT (welding) 626.381-022 05.10.02 Repairer, Wood Furniture (furn.) :REPAIRER, ASSEMBLED WOOD PRODUCTS (woodworking): 769.684-038 05.10.01 BURNING 599 repair helper :MAINTENANCE-MECHANIC HELPER (any ind.): 638.684.018 05.12.15 repair mechanic :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 REPAIR OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-214 06.02.05 REPAIR-ORDER CLERK (clerical) 221.382-022 07.05.03 repair-service clerk :SERVICE CLERK (clerical): 221.367–070 07.04.05 Repair Supervisor (sports equip.) equip.): 732. 130-010 06.02.01 repair weaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 REPEAT CHIEF (print. & pub.) 970.361-01405.10.05 repeater attendant :TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNI- CIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 :SUPERVISOR (sports repeater operator :PATTERN DUPLICATOR (textile): 683.685-026 06.04.06 REPEAT-PHOTOCOMPOSING-MACHINE. OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 971.382-018 01.06.01 report checker :CHECKER (clerical) II: 07.05.02 report clerk :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 REPORTER (print. & pub.; radio & tv broad.) 131.267-018 11.08.02 REPORTS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 161.267-026 11.06.02 REPOSSESSOR (clerical) 241.367-022 04.02.03 Representative, Government Relations (profess. :ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE (profess. & kin.): 0 1 0 1 1.05.01 REPRESENTATIVE, PERSONAL SERVICE (tel. 236.252-0 1 0 05.02.06 reprint sorter :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 Reproducer Operator, Data Processing (clerical):AUXILIARY- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, DATA PROCESSING (clerical): 213.685-010 05.12.19 REPRODUCTION ORDER PROCESSOR (clerical) 221.367- 058 07.05.03 REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN 05.10.05 REPTILE FARMER (agric.) 413.161-01403.01.02 Reptile Keeper (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 412.674-010 03.03.02 RERECORDING MIXER (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 194.362-01 4 05.10.05 reroller, hand :PATCH WORKER (tobacco): 06.04.28 reroll tender :LINER REROLL TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.685-022 06.04.07 Resaw Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 resaw-machine operator :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-058 resawyer :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 209.687-010 * & kin.) 189. 1 1 7- & tel.) (any ind.) 976.361-010 790.684-0 18 research assembler :AIRCRAFT-PHOTOGRAPHIC-EQUIP- MENT MECHANIC (photo. apparatus): 714.281-010 05.05.09 Research Assistant (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (profess. & kin.) 109.267-010 11.03.03 research assistant :SCIENTIFIC HELPER (profess. & kin.): 199.364-01 4 02.04.01 RESEARCH-CONTRACTS SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.) 162. 1 17- 030 1 1.12.04 Research Director (profess. & kin.) :ASSOCIATION EXECU- TIVE (profess. & kin.): 189.1 17-010 11.05.01 research engineer, geophysical laboratory :GEOPHYSICAL- LABORATORY CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 024.167-010 02.04.01 RESEARCH ENGINEER, MARINE EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 0 14.061-018 05.01.01 RESEARCH ENGINEER, MINING-AND-OIL-WELL EQUIP- MENT (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 0.10.061-022 05.01.01 - RESEARCH ENGINEER, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 0 15.061-018 05.01.01 Research Forester (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 Research-Home Economist (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 0.96.121-014 11.02.03 research manager :PROJECT DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.): 189. 1 1 7-030 1 1.05.02 research-manufacturing operator :PILOT-CONTROL OPERA- TOR (chem.; plastics mat.); 559.382-046 * 02.04.01 RESEARCH MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.280- 0 1 0 05.01.04 research mechanic :EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) I: 693.281-010 05.05.07 research mechanic :AIRCRAFT-PHOTOGRAPHIC-EQUIP- MENT MECHANIC (photo. apparatus): 714.281-010 05.05.09 research nutritionist :DIETITIAN, RESEARCH (profess. & kin.): 077.061-010 02.02.04 research-test-engine evaluator :TEST-ENGINE EVALUATOR (petrol. refin.): 0.10.261-026 05.01.04 research-test-engine operator :TEST-ENGINE OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 029.261-018 05.03.07 research-test mechanic, hydraulic :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 862.38 1–010 * 05.10.02 RESEARCH WORKER, ENCYCLOPEDIA (profess. & kin.) 109.267-014 11.08.02 research worker, kitchen :ANALYST, FOOD AND BEVERAGE (hotel & rest.): 310.267-010 05.05.17 RESEARCH WORKER, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.) 054.067-0 1 0 1 1.03.02 reservation clerk :TICKET AGENT (any ind.): 238.367–026 ° 07.03.01 RESERVATION CLERK (clerical) 238.362-01 4 07.05.01 Reservation Clerk (hotel & rest.) :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * 07.04.03 RESERVATION CLERK (r. r. trans.) 238.367-014 07.05.01 RESERVATIONS AGENT (air trans.) 238.367-018 07.04.03 RESERVE OFFICER (finan. inst.; insurance) 186. 167–054 11.06.03 reserve operator :UTILITY OPERATOR (garment): 786.682- 262 06.02.05 RESERVE OPERATOR (tobacco) 529.685-206 06.04.15 RESERVES CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.362-034 07.02.01 reservoir caretaker :WATERSHED TENDER (waterworks): 95.4.382-018 05.06.03 Reservoir Engineer (petrol. production) :PETROLEUM EN- GINEER (petrol. production): 010.061-018 05.01.08 Reshipping Clerk (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical): 222.387–050 05.09.01 RESIDENCE COUNSELOR (education) 045. 107-038 10.01.02 RESIDENCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 187.167-186 11.07.01 Residential Building Inspector (gov. ser.) :INSPECTOR, BUILDING (gov. ser.): 168. 167–030 05.03.06 RESIN COATER (cork prod.) 562.687-014 06.04.33 Resin Compounder, Batch Lot (plastics mat.) MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. mat.); 550.485-01406.04.13 Resin Filterer (paint & varn.) :FILTER-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 551.685-082 06.04.11 :MIXING- plastics prod.; plastics 600 resin maker :POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 558.382-050 06.02.13 Resin worker (slaught. & meat pack.) :SHAVER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-094 06.04.28 Resistor Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 Resistor Tester (elec. equip.) TESTER, ELECTRICAL CON- TINUITY (elec. equip.): 729.684-058 06.03.02 Resistor Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 Resistor Winder (elec. equip.; electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 resizer operator :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-058 06.02.03 Resource Agent (gov. ser.) :COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 096. 127-010 1 1.02.03 RESPIRATORY THERAPIST (medical ser.) 079.361-010 * restoration technician :PROSTHETICS TECHNICIAN (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.381-038 05.05.11 RESTORER, LACE AND TEXTILES (museum) 102.361-010 01.06.02 RESTRICTIVE-PREPARATION OPERATOR (ordnance) 559.685-154 06.04.11 Restrike-Hammer Operator (forging) :DROP-HAMMER OPERATOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 RESTROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.) 358.677-018 09.05.07 Retaining-Room Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) :FINAL- DRESSING CUTTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-026 06.04.28 Retanned-Leather Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 retanner TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather 582.482-018 06.02.16 retarder operator :CAR-RETARDER OPERATOR (r.r. trans.): 910.382-010 05.12.05 RETICLE INSPECTOR (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods) 719.361-010 06.01.05 Reticle Inspector, Coated Parts (electronics; inst. & app.; opti- cal goods) :RETICLE INSPECTOR (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 719.361-010 06.01.05 Reticle Inspector, Etched Parts (electronics; inst. & app.; opti- cal goods) :RETICLE INSPECTOR (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 719.361-010 06.01.05 Reticle Inspector, Patterns and Masks (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods) :RETICLE INSPECTOR (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 719.361-010 06.01.05 Reticle Maker (optical goods) :CONTACT PRINTER, PHO- TORESIST (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 719.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.11 RETIREMENT OFFICER (gov. ser.) 166.267-030 07.01.01 RETORT-CONDENSER ATTENDANT (wood distil. & char.) 552.685-022 06.02.18 retort engineer TREATING ENGINEER (wood preserving): 561.362-0 1 0 06.02.18 Retort Feeder, Ground Bone (bone, carbon, & lampblack) :BONE-CHAR OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack): 553.686-0 1 0 06.04.19 retort forker : RETORT UNLOADER (wood distil. & char.): 569,686-034 06.04.40 Retort-Kiln Burner (brick & tile) :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-010 06.04.17 Retort Loader (wood distil. & char.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * RETORT-LOAD EXPEDITER (wood preserving) 221. 167-022 05.09.02 RETORT OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 526.682-034 06.02.15 retort operator :STEAM-BOX OPERATOR (woodworking): 562.665–01 4 06.04.18 mfg.): RETORT-OR-CONDENSER PRESS OPERATOR (brick & tile) 575.382-026 06.02.17 RETORT UNLOADER (wood distil. & char.) 569.686-034 06.04.40 retoucher TOUCH-UP PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 740.684- 026 06.04.33 retoucher :FINISH PATCHER (furn.): 763.684-034 05.10.01 retoucher :PHOTOGRAPH RETOUCHER (photofinish.): 970.281-018 01.06.03 RETOUCHER, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.) 970.381- 030 01.06.01 - Retouching Operator (hat & cap) :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 retreader :TIRE BUILDER (auto. ser.): 750.684-022 05.12.12 retread-mold operator :TIRE MOLDER (rubber tire & tube): 553.685-102 06.04.13 RETREAD SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube) 750. 132-010 06.02.01 retrimmer SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-106 06.04.28 Return Checker (laund.) :CHECKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-014 05.09.03 RETURNED-CASE INSPECTOR (malt liquors) 929.687-038 06.04.39 Returned-Goods Inspector (house furn.) FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-01406.03.02 Returned-Goods Receiving Clerk (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical): 222.387.050 05.09.01 returned-goods repairer SOLDERER-ASSEMBLER (welding): 8 13.684-01 4 06.02.22 RETURNED-GOODS SORTER (textile) 922.687-086 06.03.02 RETURNED-ITEM CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.382-058 07.02.02 RETURNED-TELEPHONE-EQUIPMENT APPRAISER (elec. equip.) 222.387-046 06.03.01 Returner (agric.) :COTTON TIER (agric.): 03.04.01 returner, lasts :LAST PUTTER-AWAY (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 922.687-066 05.09.01 returning officer :ELECTION CLERK (gov. ser.): 205.367-030 07.04.03 returns clerk :COMPLAINT CLERK (boot & shoe): 221.387- 0 1 4 05.09.02 returns clerk :RETURN-TO-FACTORY CLERK (clerical): 209.587-042 07.05.03 RETURN-TO-FACTORY CLERK 07.05.03 REVENUE AGENT (gov. ser.) 160.167–050 11.06.01 REVENUE OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.167-074 11.10.01 REVENUE-SETTLEMENTS ADMINISTRATOR (tel. & tel.) 184. 11 7-074 11.12.01 revenue-stamp clerk :TAX CLERK (clerical) I: 219.487-010 07.02.04 Revenue-Stamp Cutter (distilled liquors) (distilled liquors): 640.565-010 06.04.04 Reversal-Print Inspector (photofinish.) :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-014 06.03.02 Reverser (house furn.) TURNER (any ind.): 789.687-182 06.04.27 REVERSER (sports equip.) 732.687-066 06.04.34 Reversing-Mill Roller (iron & steel) :COLD-MILL OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.462-010 * 06.02.10 REVIEWER (insurance) 209.687-018 07.05.02 REVIEWING OFFICER, DRIVER'S LICENSE (gov. 168. 167–074 11.10.03 REVISING CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. 07.02.04 REVIVAL CLERK (insurance) 219.362-050 07.05.02 revolving field assembler SPIDER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-026 06.02.23 reweaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 :INSPECTOR, 920.687-074 (clerical) 209.587-042 :PAPER CUTTER ser.) trans.) 214.382-026 601 rewinder :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 rewinder SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-0 10 06.04.09 Rewinder (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) II: 976.685-018 05.12.14 rewinder :REWINDER OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685- 058 * 06.04.04 rewinder :WRAPPER (wirework): 920.685-102 06.04.38 REWINDER OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-058 + 06.04.04 rewinder-operator helper SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-010 06.04.09 rework operator :PRODUCTION REPAIRER 726.381-01 4 05.10.03 rewriter :NEWSWRITER (print. & pub.; radio & twº broad.): 13 1.267-0 14 11.08.02 Rheostat Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 Rhinestone Setter (garment; trim. & embroid.) :ORNAMENT SETTER (garment; trim. & embroid.): 789.685-010 06.04.34 Rhinestone Setter (jewelry) :STONE SETTER (jewelry): 735.687-034 06.04.30 Rhinologist (medical ser.) :OTOLARYNGOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-062 02.03.01 Rib Bender (musical inst.) :BENDER, (woodworking): 569.685-014 06.04.03 ribber :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 Ribbon Blocker (narrow fabrics) :BLOCKER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics): 689.685-01 4 06.04.05 Ribbon Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Ribbon Cutter (hat & cap) :MATERIAL ASSEMBLER (hat & cap): 784.687-050 06.03.02 RIBBON CUTTER (narrow fabrics) 781.687-050 06.04.27 Rib Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 RIBBON-HANKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.385-010 06.04.04 RIBBON INKER (pen & pencil) 692.685-142 06.04.16 RIBBON-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 680.685-086 06.04.06 Ribbon-Sweatband Operator (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 Ribbon Weaver (narrow fabrics) :WEAVER, NARROW FABRICS (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics): 683.682-046 06.02.06 RIBBON WINDER (pen & pencil) 733.685-022 06.04.09 Rib Builder (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOOD- WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 Rib-Cloth Knitter (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665-014 * 06.04.06 rib matcher and fitter :FITTER, VENTILATED RIB (firearms): 736.381-01 4 06.02.24 rib-stiffener and heel-dipper :INSOLE-AND-HEEL-STIFFENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-062 06.04.27 Rib-Trim Separator (knit goods) :CLIPPER 789.687-030 06.03.02 RICE CLEANING MACHINE TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.665–022 06.04.15 Rice-Drier Operator (grain & feed mill.) :GRAIN-DRIER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-090 06.04.15 Rice Farmer (agric.) 401. 161-0 1 0 03.01.01 RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685–270 06.04.15 RIDE ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 342.677-010 09.05.08 RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010 05.10.02 rider :COWPUNCHER (agric.): 410.674-01403.04.01 (electronics): MACHINE (any ind.): :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): Riding Double (amuse. & rec.) :DOUBLE (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 961.364-010 01.08.01 RIDING-SILKS CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-014 09.05.07 Riffler Tender (paper & pulp) :SCREEN TENDER (paper & pulp): 533.685-022 06.04.18 Rifle-Case Repairer (leather prod.) (leather prod.): 783.684-026 06.02.27 rigger ACROBATIC RIGGER (amuse. & rec.): 962.684-010 05.10.01 RIGGER (any ind.) 921.260-010 05.11.04 RIGGER (canvas goods) 789.684-046 06.04.34 RIGGER (const.) 869.683-014 05.11.01 rigger .NET REPAIRER (fish.): 449.664-010 05.10.01 RIGGER (logging) 921.664-01405.12.04 RIGGER (radio & tv broad.) 823.28 1-022 05.05.06 RIGGER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.261-01405.05.06 RIGGER APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.261- 018 05.05.06 rigger, chief :RIGGER SUPERVISOR (radio & tv broad.; tel. & tel.): 823.131-014 05.05.06 RIGGER HELPER (any ind.) 921.687-026 05.12.04 RIGGER HELPER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 806.684-122 05.05.06 RIGGER SUPERVISOR (radio & tv broad.; tel. 823. 1 31-0 14 05.05.06 RIGGER, THIRD (logging) 921.687-030 05.12.04 Rigging-Loft Repairer (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :RIGGER HELPER (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 806.684-122 05.05.06 RIGGING SLINGER (logging) 921.364-010 05.12.04 RIGGING SUPERVISOR (const.) 921. 130-010 05.11.01 RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT (any ind.) 191. 117-046 11.12.02 Right-of-Way Inspector (r.r. trans.) :PATROLLER (r.r. trans.): 376.667-018 04.02.02 RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPERVISOR 11.12.02 right-of-way supervisor CLEARING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 133-0 10 05.11.01 rig operator :WELL PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382- 030 rim-fire charger operator :RIM-FIRE-PRIMING OPERATOR (ammunition): 694.685-050 06.04.09 RIM-FIRE-PRIMING OPERATOR (ammunition) 694,685-050 06.04.09 RIM-FIRE-PRIMING TOOL SETTER (ammunition) 632.380- 022 06.01.02 Rim-Roller Setter (auto. mfg.) :MULTI-OPERATION-FORM- ING-MACHINE SETTER (any ind.); 616.260-014 * 06.01.02 Rim-Strip Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 RIM-TURNING FINISHER (clock & watch) 604.685-030 06.02.02 - Ring Attacher (house furn.) :PLEATER (house furn.): 787.685- 026 06.04.05 Ring-Barker Operator (sawmill) :POWER-BARKER OPERA- TOR (paper & pulp; sawmill): 669.485-010 06.04.03 RING CONDUCTOR (amuse. & rec.) 159.367-010 01.07.02 Ring Facer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Ring-Grinder Operator (paper & pulp) :WOOD GRINDER OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 530.662-014 06.02.14 Ring Maker (chem.) :CELL MAKER (chem.): 844.681-010 06.02.30 RING MAKER (jewelry) 700.381-042 * 06.01.04 ring maker ARBORER (jewelry): 700.684-010 06.04.24 RING-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-098 06.04.04 Ring Packer (agric.; whole. tr.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 :LEATHER WORKER & tel.) (any ind.) 191. 117-050 602 RING-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 690.682-066 06.02.07 - Ring Sewer (canvas goods) :LABORER, CANVAS SHOP (canvas goods): 789.687-090 06.04.27 ring-shear operator :ROTARY-SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.): 615.482-030 06.02.02 RING STAMPER (jewelry) 700.684-066 06.02.24 ring striker :RING STAMPER (jewelry): 700.684-066 06.02.24 RIP-AND-GROOVE-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.) 667.682- 062 RIPENING-ROOM ATTENDANT (plastics fibers) 559.682-038 06.02.13 ripening-room hand :TANKROOM TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.585-018 06.04.13 Ripening-Room Operator (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers) :TANKROOM TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.585-018 06.04.13 rip-machine operator SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 RIPPER (furn.) 617.685-030 06.04.20 mat.; synthetic RIPPER (garment; ret. tr.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 782.687-038 06.04.27 ripper :TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 ripper operator : DEFECTIVE-CIGARETTE SLITTER (tobacco): 529.685-090 06.04.15 Riprap Placer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Ripsaw Grader (woodworking) (woodworking): 667.382-010 06.02.03 Ripsaw Matcher (woodworking) :RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-066 06.02.03 RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-066 ripsawyer :RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-066 06.02.03 RISK AND INSURANCE MANAGER (any ind.) 186.1 17-066 11.06.03 RIVER (logging) 454.684-022 03.04.02 riverboat captain :MASTER, RIVERBOAT (water trans.): 197.163-018 05.04.02 River-Crossing Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPER- VISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899. 131-010 05.12.01 river tester :EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC, OUTBOARD MOTORS (engine & turbine): 623.261-010 05.05.09 rivet bucker : RIVETER HELPER (any ind.): 800.687-010 05.12.12 rivet catcher :RIVETER HELPER (any ind.): 05.12.12 RIVETER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) 800.684-010 05.10.01 riveter :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 RIVETER (light, fix.) 616.685-054 06.04.20 Riveter, Automobile Brakes (auto. ser.) : BONDER, AUTOMO- BILE BRAKES (auto. ser.): 620.685-010 05.12.10 RIVETER, HAND (any ind.) 709.684-066 06.04.22 RIVETER, HAND (garment) 789.687-154 06.04.27 RIVETER HELPER (any ind.) 800.687-010 05.12.12 RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.) 800.662-010 06.02.02 RIVETER, PNEUMATIC (any ind.) 800.684-01405.10.01 Riveter, Portable Machine (any ind.) :RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.): 800.662-010 06.02.02 RIVETER, PORTABLE PINCH 06.02.02 - rivet-hammer-machine operator :RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.); 616.685-058 06.04.20 RIVET HEATER (heat treat.) 504.485-010 05.12.10 Rivet Heater, Electric (heat treat.) :RIVET HEATER (heat treat.): 504.485-010 05.12.10 :STOCK GRADER 800.687-010 (any ind.) 800.682-010 Rivet Heater, Gas (heat treat.) :RIVET HEATER (heat treat.): 504.485-010 05.12.10 rivet-hole-machine operator :RIVET-HOLE (garment): 686.685-054 06.04.05 RIVET-HOLE PUNCHER (garment) 686.685-054 06.04.05 RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 699.482-010 06.02.02 RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 699.685-030 06.04.20 RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.20 Rivet Maker (nut & bolt) :MULTI-OPERATION-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 612.462-010 06.01.03 Rivet Spinner (any ind.) :RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 699.685-030 06.04.20 rivet sticker :RIVETER HELPER (any ind.): 800.687-010 05.12.12 - roadability-machine operator :MOTOR AND CHASSIS IN- SPECTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.281-042 06.01.05 Road Clerk (r. r. trans.) :RAILROAD-MAINTENANCE CLERK (r. r. trans.): 221.362-026 07.05.03 Road Engineer, Freight (r.r. trans.) :LOCOMOTIVE EN- GINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-01 4 05.08.02 Road Engineer, Passenger (r.r. trans.) :LOCOMOTIVE EN- GINEER (r. r. trans.): 910.363-014 05.08.02 Road-Freight Firer (r.r. trans.) :FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE (r.r. trans.): 910.363-010 05.08.02 PUNCHER (furn.) 616.685-058 road grader :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663–022 05.11.01 road-hogger operator :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 Road Manager (amuse. & rec.) :MANAGER, TOURING PRODUCTION (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-038 11.11.04 ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.) 859.683-026 05.11.01 road-oil distributor :ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 853.663-018 05.11.01 ROAD-OILING-TRUCK 05.11.01 Road–Passenger Firer (r. r. trans.) :FIRER, LOCOMOTIVE (r.r. trans.): 910.363-010 05.08.02 ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.) 859.683-030 05.11.01 Road-Roller Operator, Hot Mix (const.) :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 ROADS SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.) 188.167-078 05.02.02 ROAD SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 9 13.133-010 09.03.03 ROAD SUPERVISOR OF ENGINES (r. r. trans.) 9 10.137-034 05.08.02 road tester 06.03.01 roaster :ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (cement; chem.; minerals & earths): 573.382-010 06.02.17 roaster :NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 06.04.15 ROASTER, GRAIN (cereal) 523.585-034 06.04.15 roaster helper :COCOA-BEAN-ROASTER HELPER (choc. & cocoa): 523.666-010 06.04.15 Roaster Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :CONVERTER SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 513. 132-010 06.04.01 roast tier :TIER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-118 06.04.28 Rockboard Lather (const.) :LATHER (const.): 842.361-010 * 05.10.01 ROCK BREAKER (ret. tr.; stonework) 770.687-034 05.12.07 Rock Contractor (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarrying) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) I 850.683-034 05.11.01 ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) II 850.662-01 4 05.11.01 ROCK-DUST SPRAYER (mining & quarrying) 939.687-026 05.12.14 Rocket-Assembly Operator (explosives) :PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives): 590.464-010 * 06.02.32 DRIVER (const.) 853.663-018 :TEST DRIVER (auto. mfg.) I: 806.281-050 603 Rocket-Control Technician (profess. & kin.) :INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0.03.261-0 1 0 05.01.01 ROCKET-ENGINE-COMPONENT MECHANIC aerospace mfg.) 621.281-030 05.05.09 (aircraft- ROCKET-ENGINE MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 693.28 1–026 05.05.07 Rocket-Engine Mechanic, Liquid (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :ROCKET-ENGINE MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.28.1-026 05.05.07 Rocket-Engine Mechanic, Solid (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :ROCKET-ENGINE MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.28 1-026 05.05.07 ROCKET-TEST-FIRE WORKER (ordnance) 806.384-022 05.11.04 rock splitter :QUARRY PLUG-AND-FEATHER DRILLER (mining & quarrying): 930.684-022 05.12.02 ROCK SPLITTER (stonework) 771.684-010 05.12.07 ROD-AND-TUBE STRAIGHTENER (plastics mat.) 559.587- 010 06.04.24 Rod-Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) I :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.482-010 06.02.02 Rod-Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) II :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 617.685-010 06.04.02 RODDING-ANODE WORKER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.687-034 06.04.34 Rod-Drawing Supervisor (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) :SUPERVISOR, DRAWING (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys; wire): 614. 132-010 06.04.01 Rodent Exterminator (any ind.) :EXTERMINATOR (any ind.): 389.684-010 * 05.10.09 RODEO PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-014 12.02.01 Rod Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 - Rod-Machine Operator (paper & pulp) :SCREEN TENDER (paper & pulp): 533.685-022 06.04.18 Rod-Mill Operator (any ind.) :MILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-058 06.04.10 ROD-MILL TENDER (cement; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.685-030 06.04.08 ROD-PULLER AND COILER (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.685- 078 06.04.02 roentgenologist :RADIOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070. 101-090 02.03.01 roll attendant :CRUSHER TENDER (any ind.): 570.685-022 06.04.08 ROLL BUILDER (iron & steel) 801.564-010 05.05.06 ROLL BUILDER (rubber goods) 759.484-010 06.04.29 roll-calender tender :CALENDER OPERATOR (felt goods; tex. bag; textile): 583.685-026 06.04.16 roll changer :CALENDER-WIND-UP TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.665-010 06.04.07 roll-coating-machine operator :COATING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (carpet & rug; felt goods): 584.562-010 06.02.21 roll-contour grinder :ROLL GRINDER (rubber reclaim.): 629.682-0 1 0 06.02.02 - ROLL COVERER, BURLAP (textile) 929.687-042 06.04.38 ROLL CUTTER (rubber goods) 690.685-322 06.04.07 roll-cutting operator SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 roll-dough divider :DIVIDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.685-086 06.04.15 Roll-Edge Stitcher, Hand (matt. & bedspring) :MATTRESS FINISHER (matt. & bedspring): 780.684-070 06.02.27 Rolled-Gold Plater (jewelry) :BRAZER, FURNACE (welding): 8 13.482-0 1 0 06.02.10 Rolled-Ham Lacer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CASING TIER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 Rolled-Oats-Mill Operator (grain & feed mill.) GRINDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-122 06.04.15 :FEED roller operator Rolled-Seat Trimmer (boot & shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 roll-embosser operator :EMBOSSER OPERATOR goods; wallpaper): 649.682-022 06.02.09 roller CLOTH WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 ROLLER (confection.) I 520.684-014 06.04.28 Roller (confection.) II :GARNISHER (confection.): 524.687- 0 1 4 06.04.28 ROLLER (jewelry) 613.682-018 06.02.02 roller :WIRE DRAWER (jewelry): 735.687-042 06.04.24 ROLLER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.687-046 06.04.27 (paper roller : BULL-GANG WORKER (tobacco): 922.687-026 06.04.40 roller-bearing assembler ROLLER-BEARING INSPECTOR (mach. mfg.; motor. & bicycles): 706.687-034 06.03.02 ROLLER-BEARING INSPECTOR (mach. mſg.; motor. & bicy- cles) 706.687-034 06.03.02 Roller, Billet Mill (iron & steel) :ROLLER, PRIMARY MILL (iron & steel): 613.362-01 4 06.02.10 Roller, Blooming Mill (iron & steel) :ROLLER, PRIMARY MILL (iron & steel): 613.362-01406.02.10 ROLLER CHECKER (textile) 682.684-010 06.03.02 ROLLER CLEANER (textile) 680.687-014 06.04.39 Roller-Coaster Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 ROLLER COVERER (textile) 628.682-010 06.02.09 Roller-Die-Cutting-Machine Operator (rubber :MOLDED-RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER (rubber 690.685-290 06.04.07 roller embosser :EMBOSSER (any ind.); 583.685-030 06.04.02 ROLLER ENGRAVER, HAND (print. & pub.) 979.681-018 01.06.01 ROLLER, GOLD LEAF (gold 06.04.34 Roller Hand (phonograph) :COMPOUND (phonograph): 559.686-010 06.04.13 ROLLER, HAND (tobacco) 790.684-022 06.04.28 Roller Inspector (textile) :ROLLER REPAIRER 979.38 1-026 01.06.01 roller inspector and mender : ROLLER REPAIRER (textile): 979.38 1-026 01.06.01 ROLLER-LEVELER OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.685-022 06.04.02 ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.) 583.685-094 06.04.16 ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.02.02 ROLLER MAKER (print. & pub.) 759.664-018 06.02.32 goods) goods): leaf & foil) 709.685-018 WORKER (textile): (spring) 611.482-014 roller maker : ROLLER COVERER (textile): 628.682-010 06.02.09 roller, merchant mill SUPERVISOR, MERCHANT-MILL ROLLING AND FINISHING (iron & steel): 613. 130-014 06.02.01 roller-mill operator :GRINDER OPERATOR (grain & feed mill.): 521.682-026 06.02.15 ROLLER-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varn.) 555.682-014 06.02.11 Roller-Mill Tender (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING- MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 550.685-090 06.04.11 roller operator :ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 520.685-198 06.04.15 roller operator :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 ROLLER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 580.685-046 06.04.05 :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (spring) 61 1.482-01 4 06.02.02 roller operator STEM-ROLLER-OR-CRUSHER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-330 06.04.15 ROLLER OPERATOR (toys & games) 652.685-078 06.04.21 604 roller painter :STAGER (print. & pub.): 971.684-01405.12.14 Roller, Plate Mill (iron & steel) :SUPERVISOR, STRUC- TURAL ROLLING-AND-FINISHING (iron & steel): 613. 130-018 06.01.01 roller, pneumatic :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 roller-presser operator :PRESS FEEDER (knit goods; textile): 583.686-030 06.04.16 ROLLER, PRIMARY MILL (iron & steel) 613.362-014 06.02.10 roller printer ROLLER-PRINT TENDER (print. & pub.): 971.685-010 05.10.05 roller printer :ROTARY-SCREEN-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 652.582-01406.02.06 ROLLER-PRINT TENDER (print. & pub.) 05.10.05 ROLLER REPAIRER (textile) 979.381-026 01.06.01 roller-shop worker :ROLLER COVERER (textile): 628.682-010 06.02.09 ROLLER-SKATE ASSEMBLER (sports equip.) 732.684-098 06.04.23 ROLLER-SKATE REPAIRER (any ind.) 732.684-102 Roller, Slabbing Mill (iron & steel) :ROLLER, PRIMARY MILL (iron & steel): 613.362-014 06.02.10 Roller Stainer (leather prod.) :EDGE STAINER (leather prod.) II: 749.684-022 06.04.33 Roller Staker (clock & watch) :STAKER (clock & watch): 71 5.684-182 * 06.04.23 ROLLER-STITCHER (boot & shoe) 753.684-030 06.04.29 971.685-010 roller, structural mill SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL ROLLING-AND-FINISHING (iron & steel): 613. 130-018 06.01.01 roller tender :MEAL-GRINDER TENDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-2 10 06.04.15 ROLLER VARNISHER (print. & pub.) 979.682-022 06.02.21 ROLL EXAMINER (paper & pulp) 640.687-010 06.03.02 Roll Filler (leather mfg.) :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (leather mfg.): 629.280-010 05.05.09 ROLL FINISHER (paper & pulp) 920.685-090 06.04.38 roll forger :FORGING-ROLL OPERATOR (forging): 612.682- 0 1 4 06.02.02 roll former :ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.362-014 05.05.06 ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 617.482-018 06.02.02 ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 617.685-034 06.04.02 ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE SET-UP MECHANIC (any ind.) 6 13.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 Roll-Forming Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.); 619. 130-030 06.02.01 Roll Grinder (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER- FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 ROLL GRINDER (rubber reclaim.) 629.682-010 06.02.02 Roll Grinder Operator (mach. shop) :GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-010 06.01.03 Roll Guider, Mold Goods (floor covering, n.e.c.) :GUIDER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.686-014 06.04.40 Roii Icer (bake. prod.) :ICER, HAND (bake. prod.): 524.684- 022 06.04.28 Roll Icer, Machine (bake. prod.) :ICER, MACHINE (bake. prod.): 524.685-034 06.04.15 ROLLING ATTENDANT (iron & steel) 613.662-010 06.01.03 ROLLING-DOWN-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; tex- tile) 589.685-086 06.04.05 rolling-machine operator :CLOTH WINDER 689.685-046 06.04.06 ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 520.685-198 06.04.15 (any ind.): rolling-machine operator :FORGING-ROLL OPERATOR (forging): 612.682-01406.02.02 ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.16 ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wallpaper) 640.685-070 06.04.04 Rolling-Machine Operator, Automatic (any ind.) :SPINNING- LATHE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.); 619.685-082 06.04.02 ROLLING-MACHINE TENDER (knit goods) 689.685-114 06.04.05 ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 613.462- 018 * 06.01.03 ROLLING-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal alloys) 6.13.685-026 06.04.10 rolling-mill plugger :PLUGGER (iron & steel): 613.687-010 06.04.02 rolling supervisor, continuous-pipe mill SUPERVISOR, CON- TINUOUS-WELD-PIPE MILL (iron & steel): 619. 130-022 06.02.01 rolling-up-machine operator :CALENDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 580.485-010 06.04.05 ROLL INSPECTOR (plastics mat.) 554.587-010 06.03.02 roll-machine attendant :SOAP-DRIER OPERATOR (soap): 553.685-098 06.04.19 roll-machine operator :DIVIDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.685-086 06.04.15 roll-mill operator :MULTI-OPERATION-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 616.685-042 * 06.04.02 roll molder :COMPOSITION-ROLL MAKER AND CUTTER (rubber goods): 559.482-010 06.02.07 ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I 619.362-014 05.05.06 roll operator :FLAKING-ROLL OPERATOR (cereal): 520.685- 102 06.04.15 roll operator :ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683- 030 05.11.01 roll operator :EXPELLER OPERATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; oils & fats): 529.685-106 06.04.15 ROLL OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 554.682-018 06.02.13 Roll-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-014 06.04.24 Roll Operator, Sheet Metal (any ind.) : ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.362-014 05.05.06 ROLL-OR-TAPE-EDGE-MACHINE OPERATOR bedspring) 787.682-038 06.02.05 roll-over loader :LENS INSERTER (optical goods): 713.687- 026 06.04.23 ROLL-OVER-PRESS OPERATOR (optical goods) 690.685-326 06.04.02 roll picker 06.04.39 roll-press operator :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 ROLL RECLAIMER (paper goods) 640.685-062 06.04.04 Roll Repairer (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :REPAIRER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 630.281-026 05.10.02 Rolls Baker (hotel & rest.) :BAKER (hotel & rest.): 3 13.381 - 0 1 0 05.10.08 roll setter :ROLL-TUBE SETTER (iron & steel): 613.360-014 06.01.02 roll-setter, pipe mill ROLL-TUBE SETTER (iron & steel): 6 13.360-01 4 06.01.02 ROLL-SHEETING CUTTER (coated fabrics) 699.682-026 06.02.09 roll skinner CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539.686–010 06.04.14 ROLL-SLICING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 640.685- 066 06.04.04 ROLL TENDER (glue) 559.362-030 06.02.18 (textile) 585.685-078 (matt. & :ROLLER CLEANER (textile): 680.687-014 605 ROLL-TENSION TESTER 06.03.02 roll tester :STRIKE-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 652.685-090 06.04.05 ROLL-THREADER OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 619.462-010 06.02.02 ROLL-TUBE SETTER (iron & steel) 613.360-014 06.01.02 ROLL TURNER (knit goods) 689.685-1 10 06.04.06 ROLL-UP-GUIDER OPERATOR (floor covering, 590.685-050 06.04.09 roll-up helper :INSPECTION CLERK (floor covering, n.e.c.): 739.587-010 06.04.37 roll-up operator :WINDER OPERATOR (floor n.e.c.): 590.665-018 06.04.09 Roll Weigher (paper & pulp; paper goods; plastics mat.) 559.584-010 mat.) (plastics n.e.c.) covering, :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 roll winder :REELER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 549.685-022 06.04.09 roll winder :REWINDER OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685- 058 * 06.04.04 roll wrapper :ROLL FINISHER (paper & pulp): 920.685-090 06.04.38 ROOF ASSEMBLER (mfä. blags.) I 869.684-042 06.04.22 Roof Assembler (mfü, blógs.) II :ASSEMBLER, SUBAS- SEMBLY (mfä, blógs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-018 06.04.22 ROOF BOLTER (mining & quarrying) 930.683-026 05.11.02 ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT MAKER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550.382-030 06.02.18 ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT-MAKER HELPER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 550.686-038 06.04.11 ROOFER (const.) 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 ROOFER APPLICATOR (const.) 866.684-010 05.12.14 ROOFER APPRENTICE (const.) 866.381-014 05.10.01 Roofer, Gypsum (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 Roofer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869,687-026 05.12.03 Roofer Helper, Vinyl Coating (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Roofer, Metal (const.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 Roofer, Vinyl Coating (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 ROOF FITTER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806.684-126 06.02.22 Roof Framer (mfä. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfü. blogs.; trans, equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 ROOFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. 554.682-022 06.02.18 ROOFING SUPERVISOR (const.) 866. 131-010 05.10.01 Roofing-Tile Burner (brick & tile) :KILN BURNER (brick & tile): 573.682-010 06.04.17 Roofing-Tile Sorter (brick & tile) :SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687-034 06.03.02 Roof-Panel Hanger (mfö. blogs.; trans, equip.) :METAL HANGER (mfd, blógs.; trans. equip.): 809.684-030 06.02.22 Roof-Promenade-Tile Setter (const.) :TILE SETTER (const.): 861.38 1-054 05.05.01 ROOF-TRUSS-MACHINE TENDER (mfa, blags.) 669,685-070 06.04.20 - room boss :SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-018 05.02.05 Room Clerk (hotel & rest.) :HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.): 238.362-010 * Rooming-House Inspector (gov. ser.) :LICENSE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-066 11.10.03 Room Service Assistant (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM AT- TENDANT (hotel & rest.): 311.677-018 09.05.02 mat., n.e.c.) ROOM-SERVICE CLERK 3.24.577-010 09.05.03 ROOTER OPERATOR (hairwork) 731.685-010 06.04.09 ROPE CLEANER (textile) 699.687-022 06.04.27 rope-coiling-machine operator :ROPE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 681.685-086 06.04.06 ROPE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & 681.685-086 06.04.06 ROPE-MACHINE SETTER (cord. & twine) 681.380-010 06.01.02 ROPE MAKER, MACHINE (asbestos prod.) 681.685-082 06.04.06 - ROPE-MAKER, ROPEWALK (cord. & twine) 681.682-014 06.02.09 Roper (agric.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687- 030 * roper :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) I: 580.684-010 06.02.27 roper :LINKER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-150 06.04.28 rope rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 roper operator :DRIER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) I: 559.562- 010 06.02.13 ROPE-SILICA-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-114 06.04.16 rope-twisting-machine operator :ROPE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 681.685-086 06.04.06 Roping Machine Tender (artif, flower) :WREATH MACHINE TENDER (artif, flower): 739.685-058 06.04.09 Rose-Farm Laborer (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL WORKER (agric.) II: 405.687-01403.04.04 Rose Grader (agric.) :INSPECTOR-GRADER, AGRICUL- TURAL ESTABLISHMENT (agric.): 409.687-010 03.04.01 Rose Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405.161-01403.01.03 ROSIN-BARREL FILLER (turp. & rosin) 920.687-150 06.04.36 rotary-bar operator :SEAMLESS-TUBE ROLLER (iron & steel): 619.682-042 06.02.02 ROTARY CUTTER (boot & shoe) 585.685-082 06.04.05 ROTARY-CUTTER FEEDER (paper & pulp) 640.686-010 06.04.04 ROTARY-CUTTER OPERATOR (rubber goods) 551.585-022 06.04.05 ROTARY DERRICK OPERATOR 930.382-022 ROTARY-DRIER FEEDER (chem.) 553.686-038 06.04.11 rotary-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) III: 553,685-050 06.04.11 rotary-drier operator :DRIER TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511.565-01 4 06.04.10 ROTARY DRILLER (petrol. ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production) 930.684- 026 * Rotary Driller, Marine Operations :ROTARY DRILLER (petrol. rotary driller, prospecting :PROSPECTING DRILLER (petrol production): 930.382-018 05.11.03 Rotary-Drill Operator (const.; mining & quarrying) :DRILLER MACHINE (const.; mining & quarrying): 930.382-01 05.11.02 rotary-drill-rig operator :WELL-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) 859.362-010 Rotary-Drum Dyer (hosiery; knit goods) :DYE-TUB OPERA TOR (hosiery; knit goods): 582.585-01406.04.16 Rotary-Dump Operator (coke prod.; mining & quarrying :DUMP OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.685-038 05.11.04 Rotary-Envelope-Machine Operator (paper :ENVELOPE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper 649.685-042 06.04.04 (hotel & rest.) twine) (petrol. production) production). 930.382-026 production) 930.382-026 (petrol. production): goods goods) 606 rotary-filter operator :DECKER OPERATOR (paper & pulp): 533.682-010 06.02.14 rotary-furnace operator :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 ROTARY-FURNACE TENDER (chem.) 553.685-094 06.04.11 ROTARY-HEAD-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.382-030 06.02.02 rotary helper :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. produc- tion): 930.684-026 * ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (cement; earths) 573.382-010 06.02.17 Rotary-Kiln Operator (lime) :LIME-KILN OPERATOR (lime): 573.462-010 06.02.18 ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., 5 13.682-010 06.04.10 Rotary-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) :CRACKER-AND- COOKY-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 520.482-010 06.02.15 Rotary-Peel Oven Tender (bake. prod.) (bake. prod.): 526.685-030 06.04.15 Rotary Planer Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) :PLANER SET- UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 605.282-014 06.02.02 Rotary Preformer (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 Rotary-Pump Operator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Rotary-Pump Set-Up Mechanic (electronics) :EXHAUST EQUIPMENT SET-UP MECHANIC (electronics): 599.380- 0 1 0 06.01.03 chem.; minerals & & refin.) :OVEN TENDER ROTARY-RIG ENGINE OPERATOR (petrol. production) 950.382-022 05.06.02 Rotary-Rock-Drilling-Machine Operator (any ind.) :ROCK- DRILL OPERATOR (const.) I: 850.683-034 05.11.01 rotary-saw operator :CIRCULAR SAWYER, (stonework): 677.462-010 06.02.08 ROTARY-SCREEN-PRINTING-MACHINE (textile) 652.582-014 06.02.06 ROTARY-SHEAR OPERATOR 06.02.02 rotary-slicing-machine operator :VENEER-LATHE OPERA- TOR (basketry; veneer & plywood): 664.662-010 06.02.03 rotary-soil-stabilizer operator :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683–026 05.11.01 rotary-surface grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SUR- FACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 rotary-surface grinder GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-01406.01.03 Rotary-Swaging-Machine Operator (forging) :FORGING-ROLL OPERATOR (forging): 612.682-01406.02.02 rotary-veneer-machine operator :VENEER-LATHE OPERA- TOR (basketry; veneer & plywood): 664.662-010 rotating field assembler :SPIDER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.684-026 06.02.23 STONE OPERATOR 615.482-030 (any ind.) ROTOGRAVURE-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 65 1.362-026 05.05.13 roto-mixer operator :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683-026 05.11.01 rotor-and-armature bander ARMATURE BANDER (any ind.): 724.684-0 1 0 06.02.24 ROTOR ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.687-1 14 06.04.23 Rotor Balancer (elec. equip.) :STATIC BALANCER (any ind.): 724.384-01 4 06.03.01 ROTOR CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. 502.482-018 06.02.10 Rotor-Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Rotor-Core Assembler (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 equip.) rotor-lamination inspector :LAMINATION SPINNER (elec. equip.): 729.687-018 06.04.34 Rotor Winder (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.): 721.484-010 06.02.23 Rouge Mixer (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 550.685-090 06.04.11 ROUGE MIXER (optical goods) 570.685-082 06.04.19 rouge presser COSMETICS PRESSER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 556.685-026 06.04.09 ROUGE SIFTER AND MILLER (optical goods) 579.685-046 06.04.09 - ROUGH-AND-TRUEING-MACHINE OPERATOR equip.) 690.685-330 06.04.09 roughener :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 ROUGHER (iron & steel) 613.362-018 06.02.02 Rougher (mirror) :BEVELER (glass mfg.; mirror): 775.684-010 06.02.30 Rougher, Bar Mill (iron & steel) :ROUGHER (iron & steel): 6 13.362-018 06.02.02 Rougher For Cement (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Rougher, Hot-Strip Mill (iron & steel) :ROUGHER (iron & steel): 613.362-018 06.02.02 Rougher, Merchant Mill (iron & steel) :ROUGHER (iron & steel): 613.362-018 06.02.02 ROUGHER OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.662-014 06.02.02 Rough-Lumber Grader (woodworking) :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 roughneck :ROUSTABOUT (petrol. production): 869.684-046 05.10.01 roughneck :ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. production): 930.684-026 * ROUGH OPENER, JEWEL HOLE (clock & watch) 770.684- 018 06.02.30 Rough Patcher (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 Rough Patcher (smoking pipe) :PATCHER (smoking pipe): 739.687-146 06.04.34 ROUGH-RICE GRADER (grain & feed mill.) 529.367–026 06.03.01 ROUGH-RICE TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685-274 06.04.15 ROUGH-ROUNDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-334 06.04.05 Rough Sander (smoking pipe) 76.1.684-030 06.04.34 Roulette Dealer (amuse. & rec.) :GAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.): 343.467-018 09.04.02 Round Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 ROUND-CORNER-CUTTER OPERATOR (paper 640.685-074 06.04.04 round-cutter operator :ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex, prod., n.e.c.); 585.685-086 06.04.05 ROUNDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-338 06.04.05 rounder :ROUGH-ROUNDER, MACHINE (boot & 690,685–334 06.04.05 rounder :ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.); 585.685-086 06.04.05 rounder :ROUNDING-AND-BACKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (print, & pub.); 653.685-026 06.02.09 rounder and backer :ROUNDING-AND-BACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.); 653.685-026 06.02.09 ROUNDER, HAND (hat & cap) 784.684-050 06.04.27 ROUNDING-AND-BACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.685-026 06.02.09 rounding-machine operator :TURNING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (basketry; cooperage): 667.685-066 06.04.03 (sports :SANDER (smoking pipe): goods) shoe): 607 ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 585.685;086 06.04.05 Rounding-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 ROUNDING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 663.685-026 06.04.03 round-kiln drawer :KILN DRAWER 573.667-0 1 0 06.04.17 ROUND-UP-RING HAND (conc. prod.) 579.587-010 06.04.22 roustabout :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686- 026 06.04.27 ROUSTABOUT (petrol. production) 869.684-046 05.10.01 roustabout :LABORER (petrol. production): 939.687-018 05.12.03 roustabout, head :SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINES (petrol. produc- tion): 862. 131-022 05.11.01 ROUTE AIDE (tel. & tel.) 239.687-010 07.07.02 route clerk :ROUTING CLERK (clerical): 07.07.02 ROUTE-DELIVERY CLERK (clerical) 222.587-034 07.05.04 route driver :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.353-0 1 0 * 08.02.07 route driver, coin machines :COIN COLLECTOR (bus. ser.): 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 route driver helper :DRIVER HELPER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.667-010 08.02.07 router :ROUTING CLERK (clerical): 222.687-022 07.07.02 ROUTER (clerical) 222.587-038 07.07.02 ROUTER (print. & pub.) 979.682-026 06.02.02 Route Returner (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical): 222.387-050 05.09.0 i ROUTER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 605.382-034 06.02.02 ROUTER OPERATOR (stonework) 676.462-010 06.02.08 ROUTER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-030 ROUTER OPERATOR, PORTABLE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; loco. & car blog. & rep.) 804.684-0 l 8 06.02.24 ROUTER OPERATOR, RADIAL (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 605.682-0 || 8 06.02.02 Router Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 ROUTER SET-UP OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop) 605.360-010 06.01.03 route supervisor SUPERVISOR, ROUTE SALES-DELIVERY DRIVERS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292.137-014 08.02.07 ROUTE SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 239.137-018 07.05.04 ROUTING CLERK (clerical) 222.687–022 07.07.02 routing clerk :ROUTER (clerical): 222.587-038 07.07.02 ROUTING CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.567-018 07.05.04 ROUTING CLERK (nonprofit organ.) 249.367-070 07.05.04 (pottery & porc.): 222.687–022 SETTER ROUTING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (grain & feed mill.) 521.685–278 06.04.40 routing-machine operator :ROUTER OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-030 06.02.03 roving changer :FRAME CHANGER (textile): 689.686-026 06.04.06 roving-frame tender SPEEDER TENDER (textile): 681.685- 106 06.04. 16 ROVING INSPECTOR (inst. & app.) 710.367-010 06.03.01 roving selector :END FINDER, ROVING DEPARTMENT (glass mſg.): 689.687-038 06.04.27 ROVING SIZER (textile) 680.367-010 06.03.01 Roving Stock Handler (textile) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * roving technician :PRODUCT TESTER, (textile): 589.384-010 06.03.01 roving tender SLUBBER TENDER (textile): 06.04.06 roving tester, laboratory :LABORATORY TESTER (textile): 689.384-01 4 06.03.01 FIBERGLASS 680.685-098 ROVING-WEIGHT GAGER (textile) 680.687-018 06.03.02 ROVING WINDER, FIBERGLASS (textile) 681.485-010 06.04.06 row boss :GROUP LEADER (agric.): 180.167–022 03.01.01 ROW BOSS, HOEING (agric.) 409. 137-01403.04.01 RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames) 742.684-010 06.04.25 rubber :WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 rubber :MASSEUR/MASSEUSE (per. ser.): 09.05.01 RUBBER (per. ser.) 334.677-010 09.05.01 rubber and pounder :SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 Rubber Attacher (sports equip.) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687- 014 * 06.04.34 rubber ball finisher :BOWLING-BALL FINISHER (sports equip.); 690.685-038 06.04.09 rubber-calender helper :CALENDER-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.686-018 06.04.13 Rubber Compounder (insulated wire; plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 Rubber-Compounder Supervisor (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) II: 559.137-014 06.02.01 Rubber-Compounder Supervisor (rubber reclaim.) :SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim.); 559. 32-058 06.02.01 Rubber-Compounder Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-0 || 0 06.02.01 rubber coverer :COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 68 .685-038 * 06.04.09 rubber-covering-machine operator :COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-038 * 06.04.09 334.374-010 rubber curer :HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 RUBBER CUTTER (rubber goods: rubber tire & tube) 559.685- 58 $36.04.07 rubber cut tº F : S. . . . . . . . . [...'" TTY; ; , ºf ºn tº wº, ; ; ; 01.06.01 rubber cutter and shape carver :SANDBLASTER, STONE (stonework): 673.382-010 05.10.01 ** * * **) & ºn, ſº . 7 : . 28 -) {} RUBBER-CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods) 690.685-342 06.04.07 Rubber-Flap Cutter (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE CUTTER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.685-446 06.04.07 Rubber-Flap Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 Rubber-Gasket Inspector-Trimmer (rubber goods) :RUBBER- GOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 RUBBER-GOODS ASSEMBLER (rubber goods) 752.684-038 06.04.23 RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER-FINISHER 690.680-0 1 0 06.01.03 rubber-goods finisher :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER-FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 Rubber-Goods Finisher (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS IN- SPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 RUBBER-GOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 Rubber-Goods Inspector-Trimmer (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 RUBBER-GOODS REPAIRER 06.02.29 RUBBER-GOODS TESTER (elec. equip.; light, heat, & power) 759.38 1-0 1 0 06.01.05 (rubber goods) (any ind.) 759.684-054 608 Rubber-Goods Tester, Water (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBERGOODS INSPECTOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 Rubber-Heel-and-Sole Press Tender (rubber goods) :PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube; sports equip.): 556.685-066 * 06.04.13 rubber insulator :RUBBER LINER (mach. mſg.): 759.684-050 06.02.29 RUBBERIZING MECHANIC (any ind.) 630.281-030 05.10.02 RUBBER LINER (mach. mſg.) 759.684-050 06.02.29 RUBBER-MILL OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.682-042 06.02.13 RUBBER-MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube) 550.685-102 06.04.13 RUBBER MOLDER (model & pattern) 556.684-026 06.02.29 RUBBER-MOLD MAKER (jewelry) 559.684-018 06.04.32 rubber-off :POLISHER (jewelry): 700.687-058 * 06.04.24 RUBBER-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 652.462-010 06.02.09 RUBBER-ROLLER GRINDER (pen & pencil) 690.686-050 06.04.07 rubber-stamp assembler :STAMP MOUNTER (pen & pencil): 733.684-018 06.04.34 RUBBER-STAMP MAKER 06.01.04 RUBBER TESTER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 559.381- 0 1 4 06.01.05 RUBBER-THREAD SPOOLER (sports equip.) 681.685-090 06.04.07 Rubber-Tile-Floor Layer (const.; ret. tr.) :FLOOR LAYER (const.; ret. tr.): 864.481-010 * 05.10.01 rubber-tubing backer :HOSE-TUBING BACKER goods): 559.686-018 06.04.07 RUBBER-TUBING SPLICER (rubber 06.04.29 rubbing-bed operator :BED RUBBER (stonework): 673.685- 0 1 4 06.02.08 rubbish-collection supervisor :GARBAGE-COLLECTION SU- PERVISOR (motor trans.): 909. 137-014 05.08.03 ruching-machine operator :TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.682-082 06.02.05 ruffer :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 ruffler :SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any 787.682-078 06.02.05 ruffler :SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (house furn.): 787.685-038 06.04.05 Ruffling Hemmer, Automatic (house furn.) :HEMMER, AUTO- MATIC (house furn.): 787.685-018 06.04.05 RUG-BACKING STENCILER (carpet & rug) 781.687-054 06.04.27 RUG BRAIDER, HAND (carpet & rug) 782.687-042 06.04.27 RUG CLEANER (carpet & rug) 689.687-066 06.02.16 RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.) 369.384-014 06.02.27 RUG-CLEANER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.686-014 06.04.35 RUG CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.) 361.682- 0 1 0 06.02.18 RUG CLIPPER (carpet & rug) 781.684-046 06.04.27 RUG CUTTER (carpet & rug) 686.662-010 06.02.05 rug cutter :RUG CLIPPER (carpet & rug): 781.684-046 06.04.27 rug cutter :CARPET CUTTER (carpet & rug) I: 781.684-010 06.02.27 RUG CUTTER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.687-022 06.04.24 RUG-CUTTER HELPER (carpet & rug) 686.686-01406.04.05 Rug Designer (carpet & rug) :CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-014 01.02.03 (pen & pencil) 733.381-014 (rubber goods) 752.684-042 ind.): RUG-DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug) 581.685-050 06.04.16 RUG-DRY-ROOM ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.) 369.685-026 06.04.35 RUG DYER (clean., dye., & press.) I 364.361-01405.05.16 RUG DYER (clean., dye., & press.) II 364.684-010 05.10.07 RUG-DYER HELPER (clean., dye., & press.) 364.687-014 05.12.14 RUG-FRAME MOUNTER 06.04.27 RUG HOOKER (carpet & rug) 687.684-010 06.02.27 Rug Hooker, Hand (carpet & rug) :RUG HOOKER (carpet & rug): 687.684-010 06.02.27 RUG INSPECTOR (carpet & rug) I 689.667-010 06.03.02 RUG INSPECTOR (carpet & rug) II 789.587-022 06.03.02 RUG INSPECTOR (clean., dye., & press.) 369.687-030 06.03.02 RUG INSPECTOR (felt goods) 585.685-090 06.03.02 Rug Inspector (floor covering, n.e.c.) :INSPECTOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.367-010 06.03.01 RUG-INSPECTOR HELPER (carpet & 06.04.40 RUG-INSPECTOR HELPER (felt goods) 589.686-038 06.03.02 RUG MEASURER (clean., dye., & press.; ret. tr.) 369.367-014 05.09.02 Rug Mender (carpet & rug) :MENDER (carpet & rug; textile): 782.684-042 * 06.02.27 rug-receiving clerk :RUG MEASURER (clean., dye., & press.; ret. tr.): 369.367-014 05.09.02 rug renovator :RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., press.): 369.384-014 06.02.27 RUG REPAIRER (clean., dye., & press.) 782.381-018 05.05.15 RUG-SAMPLE BEVELER (carpet & rug) 781.684-050 06.04.27 rug scratcher :RAKER (carpet & rug): 789.687-138 06.04.27 rug scrubber :RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.): 369.384-01 4 06.02.27 RUG SETTER, AXMINSTER (carpet & rug) 681.682-018 06.02.06 Rug Setter, Six-Quarter SETTER, AXMINSTER 06.02.06 Rug Setter, Three-Quarter Machine (carpet & rug) SETTER, AXMINSTER (carpet & rug): 06.02.06 Rug Setter, Velvet (carpet & rug) :RUG SETTER, AX- MINSTER (carpet & rug): 681.682-018 06.02.06 rug shampooer :RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.): 369.384-014 06.02.27 687.464-0 1 0 (carpet & rug) rug) 789.687-158 dye., & Machine (carpet & (carpet & rug): rug) :RUG 681.682-018 :RUG 681.682-0.18 rug stretcher :ORIENTAL-RUG STRETCHER (any ind.): 580.687-010 06.04.27 Rug-Underlay-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :SPONGE- PRESS OPERATOR (rubber goods): 559.682-050 06.02.13 rug washer :RUG CLEANER, HAND (clean., dye., & press.): 369.384-01 4 06.02.27 - RULING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods; print. & pub.) 659.682-022 06.02.04 Rump Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 Run-Boat Operator (water trans.) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 91 1.663-010 05.08.04 Runner (finan. inst.) :OFFICE HELPER (clerical): 239.567-010 07.07.03 Runner (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-018 09.05.02 runner :ROOM-SERVICE CLERK (hotel & rest.): 324.577-010 09.05.03 runner :PAGE (library): 249.687-014 07.07.02 runner :SHIP RUNNER (water trans.): 222.567-014 05.09.01 609 runstitching-machine operator :PROFILE-STITCHING- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-026 06.04.05 RURAL-MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.) 230.363-010 07.05.04 Rural-Service Engineer (light, heat, & power) :POWER-DIS- TRIBUTION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power): 003.16.7- 046 05.01.03 Rural Sociologist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 Russet-Leather Sorter (leather mfg.) :INSPECTOR AND SORTER (leather mfg.): 589.387-010 06.03.01 Russet Repairer (boot & shoe) :BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & shoe): 788.684-022 06.04.33 Russian Rubber (per. ser.) :RUBBER (per. ser.): 334.677-010 09.05.01 Rust Proofer (auto. mfg.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 rust proofer 05.12.14 :UNDERCOATER (auto. ser.): 843.684-014 S sack-cleaning hand :BAGGING SALVAGER (textile): 689.687- 0 1 0 06.04.38 SACK-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.) 229. 1 37-0 1 0 05.09.01 Sack Keeper (clerical) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 sack mender 06.04.27 SACK REPAIRER (any ind.) 782.687-046 06.04.27 Sack Sewer, Hand (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 Sack Sewer, Machine (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 Sack Sorter (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 Sack Stenciler (any ind.) :STENCILER (any ind.): 920.687-178 06.04.37 SADDLE-AND-SIDE WIRE STITCHER 692.685-146 06.04.04 Saddle-Lining Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 SADDLE MAKER (leather prod.) 783.381-026 05.05.15 Saddler (leather prod.; ret. tr.) :SADDLE MAKER (leather prod.): 783.381-026 05.05.15 Saddle Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Saddle-Stitching-Machine Feeder-Offbearer (print. & pub.) :STITCHING-MACHINE FEEDER-OFFBEARER (print. & pub.); 653.686-026 06.04.04 SADDLE-STITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.662-010 06.02.04 SAFE-AND-VAULT SERVICE MECHANIC (bus. ser.; whole. tr.) 869.381-022 05.05.06 Safe-Deposit-Box Bookkeeper (finan, inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 210.382-018 07.02.01 SAFE-DEPOSIT-BOX RENTAL CLERK (finan. inst.) 295.36.7- 022 07.03.01 safe repairer SAFE-AND-VAULT SERVICE MECHANIC (bus. ser.; whole. tr.): 869.381-022 05.05.06 SAFETY-CLOTHING-AND-EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 142.061-038 05.01.07 SAFETY COORDINATOR (motor 11.10.05 safety engineer SAFETY INSPECTOR (insurance): 168. 167- O78 11.10.03 SAFETY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.061-01405.01.02 safety engineer, elevators :INSPECTOR, ELEVATORS (gov. ser.): 168. 167–038 05.03.06 :SACK REPAIRER (any ind.): 782.687-046 (print. & pub.) DEVELOPER trans.) 909. 127-010 SAFETY ENGINEER, MINES (mining & quarrying) 010.061- 026 05.01.02 safety-engineer, pressure vessels :INSPECTOR, (profess. & kin.): 168.167-026 05.03.06 safety-equipment tester :RUBBER-GOODS TESTER (elec. equip.; light, heat, & power): 759.381-010 06.01.05 SAFETY-GLASS INSTALLER (aircraft-aerospace 865.484-010 06.04.30 safety-grooving-machine operator :JOINT-CLEANING-AND- GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.683-018 05.11.01 SAFETY INSPECTOR (any ind.) 168.264-014 11.10.03 SAFETY INSPECTOR (insurance) 168. 167-078 11.10.03 SAFETY INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 821.367-014 05.03.06 safety inspector :MINE INSPECTOR (mining & quarrying): 168.267-074 11.10.03 SAFETY INSPECTOR, TRUCK (auto. 9 19.687-018 05.07.01 SAFETY-LAMP KEEPER (mining & quarrying) 729.684-042 05.09.01 SAFETY MANAGER (profess. & kin.) 012.167-058 05.01.02 Safety-Net Maker (cord. & twine) :NET MAKER (cord. & twine): 789.684-030 06.04.27 SAFETY-PIN-ASSEMBLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 616.482-010 06.02.02 safety-sealer :MIXER HELPER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 550.686- 026 (06.04.19 Safety-Stitch-Machine Operator (garment) :OVERLOCK SEW- ING MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-194 06.02.05 safety technician :SAFETY INSPECTOR (any ind.): 168.264- 014 11.10.03 sagger filler :KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.): 573.686-026 * 06.04.17 - Sagger Former (pottery & porc.) :THROWER (pottery & porc.): 774.381-010 06.02.30 SAGGER MAKER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-030 06.04.30 SAGGER PREPARER (pottery & porc.) 570.685-086 06.04.17 sagger soak :SAGGER PREPARER (pottery & porc.): 570.685- 086 06.04.17 SAIL CUTTER (canvas goods) 781.384-018 06.02.27 Sail Finisher, Hand (canvas goods) :FINISHER, HAND (canvas goods): 789.484-01406.02.27 Sail Finisher, Machine (canvas goods; tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (canvas goods): 787.682- 062 06.02.05 SAIL-LAY-OUT WORKER 05.05.15 Sailmaker (canvas goods; ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :CANVAS WORKER (canvas goods; ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 739.381-010 06.01.04 SAILOR, PLEASURE CRAFT (water trans.) 91 1.664-014 05.12.18 sail, tent, and awning-maker apprentice :CANVAS-WORKER APPRENTICE (canvas goods; ship & boat blog. & rep.): 739.381-01 4 06.01.04 Salad Counter Attendant (hotel & rest.) :COUNTER ATTEN- DANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-014 * 09.05.02 Salad Maker (hotel & rest.) :PANTRY GOODS MAKER (hotel & rest.): 317.684-014 05.10.08 SALAD MAKER (water trans.) 3.17.384-010 05.10.08 SALES AGENT, BUSINESS SERVICES (bus. ser.) 251.357- 0 1 0 08.02.06 Sales Agent, Casualty Insurance (insurance) :SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 sales agent, credit services :SALES AGENT, FINANCIAL-RE- PORT SERVICE (bus. ser.): 251.357-014 08.01.02 BOILER mfg.) ser.; motor trans.) (canvas goods) 781.381-030 610 sales agent, exterminating service :SALES AGENT, PEST CONTROL SERVICE (bus. ser.): 251.357-018 08.02.06 SALES AGENT, FINANCIAL-REPORT SERVICE (bus. ser.) 251.357-014 08.01.02 SALES AGENT, FINANCIAL SERVICES 251.257-010 08.01.02 Sales Agent, Fire Insurance (insurance) :SALES AGENT, IN- SURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 Sales Agent, Food-Vending Service (whole. tr.) AGENT, BUSINESS SERVICES (bus. ser.): 08.02.06 SALES AGENT, 08.01.02 Sales Agent, Life Insurance (insurance) :SALES AGENT, IN- SURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 Sales Agent, Marine Insurance (insurance) :SALES AGENT, INSURANCE (insurance): 250.257-010 08.01.02 SALES AGENT, PEST CONTROL SERVICE (bus. 251.357-018 08.02.06 Sales Agent, Protective Service (bus. ser.) :SALES AGENT, BUSINESS SERVICES (bus. ser.): 251.357-010 08.02.06 SALES AGENT, PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AND INDUSTRI- AL RELATIONS (bus. ser.; print. & pub.) 251.257-014 08.01.02 - SALES AGENT, REAL ESTATE (real estate) 250.357-018 * 08.02.04 SALES AGENT, SECURITIES (finan. 11.06.04 Sales Agent, Trading Stamps (bus. ser.) :SALES AGENT, BUSINESS SERVICES (bus. ser.): 251.357-010 08.02.06 sales associate, garage service :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SER- VICE ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-018 05.07.02 SALES ATTENDANT (ret. tr.) 299.677-010 09.04.02 SALES CLERK (ret. tr.) 290.477-014 * 09.04.02 Sales Clerk, Fish (ret. tr.) :SALES CLERK, FOOD (ret. tr.): 290.477-018 09.04.02 SALES CLERK, FOOD (ret. tr.) 290.477-018 09.04.02 Sales Clerk, Fresh Poultry (ret. tr.) :BUTCHER, CHICKEN AND FISH (hotel & rest.): 316.684-010 05.10.08 Sales-Correspondence Clerk (clerical) :CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical): 209.262-010 07.04.02 SALES CORRESPONDENT (clerical) 221.367-062 05.09.02 SALES ENGINEER, AERONAUTICAL PRODUCTS (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 002. 151-010 05.01.05 SALES ENGINEER, AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 013. 151-010 05.01.05 SALES ENGINEER, CERAMIC PRODUCTS (profess. & kin.) 006. 151-0 1 0 05.01.05 SALES-ENGINEER, ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS (profess. & kin.) 003. 151-010 05.01.05 SALES-ENGINEER, ELECTRONICS PRODUCTS SYSTEMS (profess. & kin.) 003. 151-01405.01.05 SALES ENGINEER, MARINE EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 014, 151-0 1 0 05.01.05 SALES ENGINEER, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (light, heat, & power) 007.151-010 05.01.05 - SALES ENGINEER, MINING-AND-OIL-WELL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 010. 151-0 1 0 05.01.05 SALES ENGINEER, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) O15. 151-010 05.01.05 SALES EXHIBITOR (nonprofit organ.) 279.357-010 08.02.02 salesperson apprentice, meats :MEAT-CUTTER APPRENTICE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 31 6.684-022 05.10.08 SALESPERSON, ART OBJECTS (ret. tr.) 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.357-030 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, AUTOMOBILES 08.02.02 (finan. inst.) :SALES 251 .357-010 INSURANCE (insurance) 250.257-010 ser.) inst.) 251. 157-010 AND 277.457-010 (ret. tr.) 273.353–010 SALESPERSON, BOOKS (ret. tr.) 277.357-034 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, BURIAL NEEDS (ret. tr.) 279.357-042 08.02.02 Salesperson, Burial Plots (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, BURIAL NEEDS (ret. tr.): 279.357-042 08.02.02 salesperson, cars :SALESPERSON, AUTOMOBILES (ret. tr.): 273.353-010 08.02.02 salesperson, cemetery :SALESPERSON, BURIAL NEEDS (ret. tr.): 279.357-042 08.02.02 Salesperson, Children's Shoes (ret. tr.) SHOES (ret. tr.): 261.357-062 08.02.02 Salesperson, China and Glassware (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, CHINA AND SILVERWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 270.357-018 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, CHINA AND SILVERWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 270.357-018 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, CORSETS (ret. tr.) 261.354–010 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, COSMETICS AND TOILETRIES (ret. tr.) 262.357-018 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES (ret. tr.) 270.357-022 08.02.02 Salesperson, Custom Draperies (ret. tr.) CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES (ret. 08.02.02 SALESPERSON-DEMONSTRATOR, PARTY PLAN (ret. tr.) 279.357-038 08.02.05 SALESPERSON, ELECTRIC MOTORS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 271.354-0 10 08.02.03 Salesperson, Fashion Accessories (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261.357-066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, FLOOR COVERINGS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 270.357-026 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, FLORIST SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357- 054 (08.02.01 SALESPERSON, FLOWERS (ret. tr.) 260.357-026 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, FLYING SQUAD (ret. tr.) 279.357-046 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, FURNITURE (ret. tr.) 270.357-030 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, FURS (ret. tr.) 261.357-042 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, GENERAL HARDWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-050 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, GENERAL MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-0.54 * 08.02.03 Salesperson, Grave Coverings and Markers (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, BURIAL NEEDS (ret. tr.): 279.357-042 08.02.02 Salesperson, Handbags (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261.357.066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, HEARING AIDS (ret. tr.) 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, HORTICULTURAL AND NURSERY PRODUCTS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 272.357-022 08.02.03 Salesperson, Hosiery (ret. tr.) SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S :SALESPERSON, :SALESPERSON, tr.): 270.357-022 276.354–010 APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261.357-066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES (ret. tr.) 270.357-034 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, INFANTS’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR (ret. tr.) 261.357-046 08.02.02 - - SALESPERSON, JEWELRY (ret. tr.) 279.357-058 08.02.02 salesperson, ladies’ wear :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S AP- PAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261.357-066 08.02.02 Salesperson, Lingerie (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261.357-066 08.02.02 - salesperson, meats :MEAT CUTTER (ret. tr.; 3 16.684-018 * 05.10.08 whole. tr.): 611 SALESPERSON, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING (ret. tr.) 261.357-050 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, MEN'S FURNISHINGS (ret. tr.) 261.357-054 08.02.02 Salesperson, Men's Hats (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, MEN'S FURNISHINGS (ret. tr.): 261.357-054 08.02.02 Salesperson, Men's Shoes (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, SHOES (ret. tr.): 261.357-062 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, MILLINERY (ret. tr.) 261.357-058 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSO- RIES (ret. tr.) 277.357-038 08.02.02 Salesperson, Neckties (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, MEN'S FURNISHINGS (ret. tr.): 261.357-054 08.02.02 Salesperson, New Cars (ret. tr.) SALESPERSON, AUTOMO- BILES (ret. tr.): 273.353-010 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, ORTHOPEDIC SHOES (ret. tr.) 276.257-018 08.02.02 Salesperson, Paint (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, GENERAL HARDWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 279.357-050 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, PARTS (ret. tr., whole. tr.) 279.357-062 * 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 277.357-042 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, PHONOGRAPH RECORDS AND TAPE RECORDINGS (ret. tr.) 277.357-046 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES AND EQUIP- MENT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 277.357-050 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, PIANOS AND ORGANS (ret. tr.) 277.354- 0 1 0 08.02.02 salesperson, recreational vehicles SALESPERSON, TRAILERS AND MOTOR HOMES (ret. tr.): 273.357-034 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, SEWING MACHINES (ret. tr.) 270.352-010 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, SHOES (ret. tr.) 261.357-062 08.02.02 Salesperson, Silverware (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, CHINA AND SILVERWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 270.357-018 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, SPORTING GOODS (ret. tr.) 277.357-058 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, STAMPS OR COINS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 277.357-062 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, STEREO EQUIPMENT (ret. tr.) 270.357-038 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, SURGICAL APPLIANCES (ret. tr.) 276.257- 022 08.02.02 Salesperson, Terrazzo Tiles (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, FLOOR COVERINGS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 270.357-026 08.02.03 SALESPERSON, TOY TRAINS AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.) 277.357-066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, TRAILERS AND MOTOR HOMES (ret. tr.) 273.357-034 08.02.02 Salesperson, Used Cars (ret. tr.) SALESPERSON, AUTOMO- BILES (ret. tr.): 273.353-010 08.02.02 salesperson, utility staff SALESPERSON, FLYING SQUAD (ret. tr.): 279.357-046 08.02.02 Salesperson, Wall Coverings (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALESPERSON, GENERAL HARDWARE (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 279.357-050 08.02.03 - (ret. tr.) SHEET MUSIC (ret. tr.) 277.357-054 SALESPERSON, WIGS (per, ser.; ret. tr.) 261.351-010 08.02.02 Salesperson, Women's Apparel (ret. tr.) SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. 261.357-066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.) 261.357-066 08.02.02 tr.): Salesperson, Women's Dresses (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 26 1.357-066 08.02.02 salesperson, women's hats :SALESPERSON, MILLINERY (ret. tr.): 261.357-058 08.02.02 Salesperson, Women's Shoes (ret. tr.) SHOES (ret. tr.): 261.357-062 08.02.02 Salesperson, Women's Sportswear (ret. tr.) :SALESPERSON, :SALESPERSON, WOMEN'S APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES (ret. tr.): 261 .357-066 08.02.02 SALESPERSON, YARD GOODS (ret. tr.) 261.357-070 08.02.02 sales promotion director :MANAGER, ADVERTISING (any ind.): 164. 1 17-0 1 0 1 1.09.01 SALES-PROMOTION REPRESENTATIVE (whole. tr.) 269. 357-018 08.02.01 Sales-Record Clerk (clerical) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 sales representative TRAFFIC AGENT (air trans.; trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 252.257-010 08.01.02 sales representative SUPERINTENDENT, SALES (const.): 250. 157-010 08.02.04 sales representative :SPECIAL AGENT (insurance): 166. 16.7- 046 11.05.02 - motor SALES REPRESENTATIVE (motor trans.) 250.357-022 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ABRASIVES (whole. tr.) 274.357-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Adding Machines (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Addressing Machines (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.) 254.357-01 4 08.01.02 - SALES REPRESENTATIVE, AIRCRAFT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.253-0 1 0 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT AND PARTS (whole. tr.) 273.357-010 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ANIMAL-FEED PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 272.357-010 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, APPAREL TRIMMINGS (whole. tr.) 261.357-010 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ARCHITECTURAL AND EN- GINEERING SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 276.357-010 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, AUDIOVISUAL PROGRAM PRODUCTIONS (motion pic.) 259.157-010 08.02.06 Sales Representative, Automobile Parts and Supplies (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MOTOR VEHICLES AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 273.357-022 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, AUTOMOTIVE-LEASING (bus. ser.) 273.357-014 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, EQUIPMENT 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BOATS AND MARINE SUP- PLIES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 273.357-018 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Bookkeeping-and-Accounting Machines (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BOTTLES AND BOTTLING EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 274.357-014 08.02.01 - Sales Representative, Bottles and Jars (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BOTTLES AND BOTTLING EQUIP- MENT (whole. tr.): 274.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Bottling Equipment (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BOTTLES AND BOTTLING EQUIP- MENT (whole. tr.): 274.357-014 08.02.01 BARBER AND BEAUTY AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-010 612 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BUILDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 274.357-018 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Business Courses (education) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, EDUCATION COURSES (education): 259.257-0 1 0 08.01.02 Sales Representative, Calculating Machines (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CANVAS PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 261.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Cash Registers (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Cattle-and-Poultry Feed Supplements (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ANIMAL-FEED PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 272.357-010 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Check-Endorsing-and-Signing Machines (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CHEMICALS AND DRUGS (whole. tr.) 262.357-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Church Furniture (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CHURCH FURNITURE AND RELI- GIOUS SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 275.357-014 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CHURCH FURNITURE AND RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Classified Advertising (print. & pub.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ADVERTISING (print. & pub.): 254.357-014 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-018 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, COMMUNICATION EQUIP- MENT (whole. tr.) 27.1.257-010 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, COMPUTERS SYSTEMS (whole. tr.) 275.257-010 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY (whole. tr.) 274.357-022 * 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CONTAINERS 27.4.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CORDAGE (whole. tr.) 275.357- 022 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Correspondence Courses (education) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, EDUCATION COURSES (education): 259.257-010 08.01.02 Sales Representative, Credit Card (finan. inst.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TRAVELERS’ CHECKS (finan. inst.): 251.257-018 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DAIRY SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-030 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DANCING (education) 259.357-014 08.02.05 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DENTAL AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 276.257-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Dental Equipment and Supplies (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DENTAL AND MEDI- CAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 276.257- 0 1 0 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Dental Prosthetics (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DENTAL AND MEDICAL EQUIP- MENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 276.257-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Dictating Machines (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Display Advertising (print. :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ADVERTISING pub.): 254.357-014 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DOOR-TO-DOOR 29 .357-#} |(} {}8.62.08 AND EDP (whole. tr.) INSTRUCTIONS & pub.) (print. & (ret. tr.) Sales Representative, Duplicating Machines (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, EDUCATION (education) 259.257-010 08.01.02 Sales Representative, Electric Service (light, heat, & power) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 253.357-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ELECTRONICS PARTS (whole. tr.) 271.357-010 08.01.01 - SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ELECTROPLATING (whole. tr.) 259.257-01 4 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ELEVATORS, ESCALATORS, AND DUMBWAITERS (whole. tr.) 274. 157-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Envelope (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 279.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FARM AND GARDEN EQUIP- MENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 272.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Flour and Cereals (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FOOD PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 260.357-0 1 4 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FOOD PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 260.357-01 4 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, 26 1.357-018 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 274.257-010 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FRANCHISE (bus. ser.) 251.357- 022 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, FUELS (ret. tr.; 269.357-010 08.02.03 sales representative, funeral equipment :SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE, MORTICIAN SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 275.357-030 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Gas Service (light, heat, & power) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 253.357-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, GENERAL MERCHANDISE (whole. tr.) 279.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Girls’ Apparel (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WOMEN'S AND GIRLS" APPAREL (whole. tr.): 261.357-038 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, GRAPHIC ART (bus. 254.25 1-0 1 0 08.01.01 Sales Representative, REPRESENTATIVE, 260.357-014 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HARDWARE SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 274.357-034 08.02.01 sales representative, heavy equipment :SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE, CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY (whole. tr.): 27.4.357-022 * 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HERBICIDE SERVICE (bus. ser.) 251.357-026 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOBBIES AND CRAFTS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 277.357-010 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOME FURNISHINGS (whole. tr.) 270.357-010 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOTEL SERVICES (hotel & rest.) 259. 157-014 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES (whole. tr.) 270.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Industrial Lubricants (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 269,357-014 08.02.01 COURSES FOOTWEAR (whole. tr.) whole. tr.) ser.) :SALES (whole. tr.): Groceries (whole. tr.) FOOD PRODUCTS 6.13 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY (whole. tr.) 274.357-038 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, INDUSTRIAL RUBBER GOODS (whole. tr.) 274.357-042 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, JEWELRY (whole. tr.) 279.357- 018 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, LEATHER GOODS (whole. tr.) 279.357-022 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, 260.257-010 08.01.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, LUBRICATING EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 274.357-046 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MALT LIQUORS (whole. tr.) 260.357-018 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Marine Supplies (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, BOATS AND MARINE SUP- PLIES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 273.357-018 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MATERIAL-HANDLING EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 274.357-050 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Meats (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESEN- TATIVE, FOOD PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 260.357-014 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL (whole. tr.) 261.357-022 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, METALS (whole. tr.) 274.357- 054 (08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MORTICIAN SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-030 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MOTOR VEHICLES AND SUP- PLIES (whole. tr.) 273.357-022 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES (whole. tr.) 277.357-014 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, NOVELTIES (whole. tr.) 277.357-018 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 275.357-034 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Oilfield Supplies (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OILFIELD SUPPLIES AND EQUIP- MENT (whole. tr.): 274.357-058 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OILFIELD SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT (whole, tr.) 274.357-058 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Oil-Well Equipment Rentals (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OILFIELD SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT (whole, tr.): 274.357-058 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Oil-Well Services (whole, tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OILFIELD SUPPLIES AND EQUIP- MENT (whole. tr.): 274.357-058 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PAPER AND PRODUCTS (whole, tr.) 279.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 269.357-014 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PLASTIC PRODUCTS (whole. tr.) 279.357-030 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Playground Equipment (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RECREATION AND SPORT- ING GOODS (whole. tr.): 277.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, POULTRY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 272.357-018 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PRECISION INSTRUMENTS (whole. tr.) 276.357-014 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PRESSURE-SENSITIVE TAPE (whole. tr.) 275.357-038 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PRINTING (whole. tr.) 254.357– 018 08.01.02 Sales Representative, Printing Paper (whole. tr.) SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS (whole. tr.): 279.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PRINTING SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 274.357-062 08.02.01 LIVESTOCK (whole. tr.) PAPER Sales Representative, Prosthetic and Orthotic Appliances (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DENTAL AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 276.257-010 (98.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLICATIONS (whole. tr.) 277.357-022 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 253.357-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RADIO AND TELEVISION TIME (radio & twº broad.) 259.357-018 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RADIOGRAPHIC-INSPECTION EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES (whole. tr.) 271.352-010 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RAILROAD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 273.357-026 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Raw Fibers (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TEXTILES (whole. tr.): 261.357-030 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RECREATION AND SPORTING GOODS (whole. tr.) 277.357-026 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Religious Supplies (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, CHURCH FURNITURE AND RELI- GIOUS SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 275.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Rural Power (light, heat, & power) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 253.357-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SAFETY APPAREL AND EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 261.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SCHOOL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 275.357-042 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SHIPPING SERVICES (motor trans.) 252.357-014 08.01.02 •. SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SHOE LEATHER AND FINDINGS (whole. tr.) 275.357-046 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SIGNS (signs) 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SIGNS AND DISPLAYS (signs) 254.257-010 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Sporting Goods (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RECREATION AND SPORTING GOODS (whole. tr.): 277.357-026 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Stenographic Machines (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 Sales Representative, Telephone and Telegraph Services (tel. & tel.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, PUBLIC UTILITIES (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 253.357-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TELEPHONE SERVICES (tel. & tel.) 253.257-010 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TELEVISION CABLE SERVICE (radio & tw broad.) 259.357-022 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TEXTILE DESIGNS (whole. tr.) 27.4.357-066 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TEXTILE MACHINERY (whole. tr.) 274.357-070 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TEXTILES (whole. tr.) 261.357- 030 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKING SUPPLIES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 260.357-022 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TOILET PREPARATIONS (whole. tr.) 262.357-014 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Toys and Games (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, RECREATION AND SPORT- ING GOODS (whole. tr.): 277.357-026 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, TRAVELERS’ CHECKS (finan. inst.) 251.257-018 08.01.01 Sales Representative, Typewriters (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE MACHINES (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 275.357-034 08.02.03 254.357-022 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 271.352-014 08.01.01 sales representative, undertaker supplies :SALES REPRESEN- TATIVE, MORTICIAN SUPPLIES (whole. tr.): 275.357-030 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, UNIFORMS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 261.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, UPHOLSTERY AND FURNI- TURE REPAIR (ret. tr.) 259.357-026 08.02.06 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, VENDING AND COIN MACHINES (whole. tr.) 275.357-050 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, VETERINARIAN SUPPLIES (whole. tr.) 276.357-018 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, VIDEOTAPE 271.357-01 4 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WATER-SOFTENING EQUIP- MENT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 279.357-034 08.02.03 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WEATHER-FORECASTING SERVICE (bus. ser.) 259.357-030 08.01.02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WEIGHING AND FORCE-MEA- SUREMENT INSTRUMENTS (whole. tr.) 276.257-014 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WELDING EQUIPMENT (whole. tr.) 274.357-074 08.01.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WIRE ROPE 27.4.357-078 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WOMEN'S AND GIRLS" AP- PAREL (whole. tr.) 261.357-038 08.02.01 Sales Representative, Women's Apparel (whole. tr.) :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WOMEN'S AND GIRLS" APPAREL (whole. tr.): 261.357-038 08.02.01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, WRITING AND MARKING PENS (whole. tr.) 277.357-030 08.02.01 (whole. tr.) (whole. tr.) sales-review clerk :REVIEWER (insurance): 209.687-0 18 07.05.02 SALES-SERVICE PROMOTER (any ind.) 165. 167-010 11.09.01 SALES-SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE, MILKING MACHINES (ret. tr.) 299.251-010 08.02.02 sales-service supervisor SUPERVISOR, ORDER TAKERS (clerical): 249.137-026 07.04.02 Sales-Slip Sorter (clerical) :SORTER (clerical): 209.687-022 * 07.07.02 SALES SUPERVISOR, MALT LIQUORS (whole. tr.) 299. 137- O1 4 08.02.01 salicylic-acid blender :PULVERIZER (coal tar prod.): 555.685- O46 06.04.11 Salt-Bellies Overhauler (slaught. & meat pack.) :DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-026 06.04.28 Salt Cutter (chem.; salt production) :CENTRIFUGAL-DRIER OPERATOR (chem.); 551.685-026 06.04.11 salter :DRY CURER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-026 06.04.28 salt operator :CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (soap): 551.685-030 06.04.19 Salt-Plant Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II: 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 salt spreader HIDE HANDLER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-038 06.04.27 SALT WASHER (salt production) 551.685-126 06.04.11 Salt Washer, Harvesting Station (salt production) WASHER (salt production): 551.685-126 06.04.11 Salt Washer, Processing Station (salt production) WASHER (salt production): 551.685-126 06.04.11 Salvage Clerk (clerical) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387- O58 * 05.09.02 salvage clerk :REPAIRER, PENS AND PENCILS (pen & pen- cil): 733.384-010 06.02.32 salvage cutter THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) II: * 6,684–ſ, 1 O {}5. A 2.11 :SALT :SALT salvage diver :SCUBA DIVER (any ind.): 379.384-010 05.10.01 SALVAGE ENGINEER (mach. mfg.) 600.131-01406.01.01 Salvage Grinder (chew. gum) :CHICLE-GRINDER FEEDER (chew. gum): 521.686-018 06.04.15 SALVAGE INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; motor. & bicycles) 806.287-010 06.01.05 salvage inspector :INSPECTOR, RETURNED MATERIALS (auto. mſg.): 806.384-01406.03.01 SALVAGE INSPECTOR (can. & preserv.) 06.03.02 SALVAGE INSPECTOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622.38 1- 038 06.01.05 salvage inspector, wood parts :WOODWORK-SALVAGE IN- SPECTOR (firearms): 769.387-010 06.03.01 SALVAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.382- 0 1 0 06.02.20 salvage-machine operator :INSPECTOR, (ammunition): 737.684-026 06.04.34 salvage mechanic :SALVAGE INSPECTOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; motor. & bicycles): 806.287-010 06.01.05 salvage painter TOUCH-UP PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 740.684-026 06.04.33 SALVAGER (ammunition) I 737.687-1 14 06.03.02 SALVAGER (ammunition) II 737.687-1 18 06.03.02 salvager :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687-022 06.04.40 SALVAGER (light, heat, & power) 729.687-030 05.12.18 SALVAGER (optical goods) 713.687-038 06.04.34 SALVAGER (petrol. refin.) 709.684-070 05.10.02 Salvage Repairer (light, heat, & power) I :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 SALVAGE REPAIRER (light, heat, & power) II 729.384-018 05.10.03 salvage repairer SALVAGER (petrol. refin.): 05.10.02 SALVAGER HELPER (petrol. refin.) 709.687-034 05.12.15 Salvager, Inserts (nonfer. metal alloys) :SCRAP SORTER (nonfer. metal alloys): 509.686-018 05.12.03 SALVAGE SUPERVISOR (paint & varn.) 06.01.01 Salvage Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 SALVAGE WINDER AND 649.685-102 06.03.02 salvage worker :REPAIRER (furn.): 709.684-062 05.10.01 SALVAGE WORKER (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.387-010 06.03.01 SAMPLE-BODY BUILDER (auto mfg.) 693.380-01405.05.07 SAMPLE-BODY-BUILDER APPRENTICE (auto. mfg.) 693.380-018 05.05.07 SAMPLE-BOOK MAKER (wallpaper) 659.685-014 06.02.04 sample carrier :RAW-SAMPLER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.484-01 4 02.04.01 SAMPLE CHECKER (carpet & rug; textile) 229,687-010 05.09.03 SAMPLE CLERK (textile) 789.587-026 06.04.27 SAMPLE CLERK, HANDKERCHIEF (garment) 920.587-022 06.04.38 SAMPLE CLERK, PAPER (paper & pulp; paper goods) 209.587-046 06.04.26 SAMPLE COLLECTOR (chem.) 550.587-0 14 06.04.17 SAMPLE-COLOR MAKER (paint & varn.) 550.584-014 06.04.34 sample cutter :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 Sample Cutter (garment; textile) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 SAMPLE-DISPLAY PREPARER 05.09.01 529.687-174 SALVAGE 709.684-070 559. 1 37-010 INSPECTOR (paper goods) (hosiery) 222.687-026 o 15 Sample Distributor (any ind.) ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTOR (any ind.): 230.687-010 07.07.02 Sample Driller (tobacco) :TOBACCO-SAMPLE PULLER (tobacco): 529.587-022 06.04.28 sample dyer :DYER (clean., dye., & press.): 364.361-010 05.05.16 SAMPLE FINISHER (carpet & rug) 789.687-162 06.04.27 sample gatherer :LABORATORY-SAMPLE CARRIER (any ind.): 922.687–054 05.09.03 Sample Maker (carpet & rug) :RUG HOOKER (carpet & rug): 687.684-0 1 0 06.02.27 sample maker :MODEL MAKER, FIREARMS (firearms): 600.260-018 05.05.07 sample maker :SAMPLE STITCHER (garment): 785.361-018 05.05.15 SAMPLE MAKER (jewelry) I 700.381-046 01.06.02 SAMPLE MAKER (jewelry) II 735.381-018 05.03.02 SAMPLE MAKER, APPLIANCES (elec. equip.) 600.280-054 05.05.07 SAMPLE MAKER, HAND 06.04.26 sample maker, original 785.361-018 05.05.15 SAMPLE MAKER, VENEER (veneer & plywood) 769.684-042 06.04.25 Sample Mounter (any ind.) :GLUER (any ind.): 795.687-014 * 06.04.34 Sample Processor (carpet & rug) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682- 0 1 0 06.02.05 sample puller TOBACCO-SAMPLE PULLER 529.587-022 06.04.28 sampler :COTTON SAMPLER (agric.; textile): 922.687-042 06.04.27 sampler :MILK SAMPLER (agric.): 410.357-010 03.04.05 sampler :LABORATORY-SAMPLE CARRIER (any 922.687–054 05.09.03 SAMPLER (coke prod.) 599.684-01406.03.02 SAMPLER (elec. equip.) 549.587-018 05.12.07 sampler TEST PREPARER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 509.584-010 06.04.02 SAMPLER (malt liquors) 529.687-178 06.04.40 SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quarrying) 579.484- 010 02.04.01 SAMPLER (oils & fats) 529.387-034 06.03.01 SAMPLER (petrol. refin.) 549.587-01406.04.40 SAMPLER, FIRST (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 619.682-038 06.02.02 SAMPLER, HEAD (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-014 06.04.01 (paper goods) 794.684-030 :SAMPLE STITCHER (garment): (tobacco): ind.): SAMPLE-ROOM SUPERVISOR (textile) 299. 137-0 18 06.02.01 Sampler, Ovens (coke prod.) :SAMPLER (coke prod.): 599.684-01 4 06.03.02 sampler, pickup :SAMPLER (malt liquors): 529.687-178 06.04.40 Sampler, Radioactive Waste (chem.) :LABORATORY-SAM- PLE CARRIER (any ind.): 922.687-054 05.09.03 SAMPLER-TESTER (asbestos prod.) 579.585-010 06.03.02 SAMPLER, WOOL (whole. tr.) 222.587-042 05.09.03 SAMPLE SAWYER (brick & tile) 677.685-034 06.04.08 SAMPLE SELECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789.387-014 06.02.27 sample sewer SAMPLE STITCHER (garment): 785.361-018 05.05.15 - SAMPLE SHOE INSPECTOR AND REWORKER (boot & shoe) 788.684-098 06.03.02 sample steamer :PATCH WASHER (textile): 06.04.16 SAMPLE STITCHER (garment) 785.361-018 05.05.15 sample supervisor SAMPLE-ROOM SUPERVISOR (textile): 299. 1 37-018 06.02.01 582.685-1 10 sample tailor SAMPLE STITCHER (garment): 785.361-018 05.05.15 SAMPLE-TAKER OPERATOR (petrol. production) 931.361- 0 1 0 05.12.02 SAMPLE TESTER (chem.) 553.364-010 02.04.01 sample tester INSPECTOR, PLATING (electroplating): 500.287-010 06.03.01 SAMPLE TESTER-GRINDER (mining & quarrying) 519.585- 018 05.12.07 SAMPLE WASHER (petrol. production) 939.687-030 05.12.07 Sample Weaver (textile) :WEAVER (asbestos prod.; textile): 683.682-038 * 06.02.06 SAMPLE WORKER (any ind.) 920.687-154 06.04.38 Sampling Inspector (office mach.) :MACHINE TESTER (office mach.): 706.387-014 06.03.01 Sand-and-Gravel-Plant Operator (const.) :PLANT OPERATOR (conc. prod.; const.); 570.682-01405.11.02 SANDBLASTER (any ind.) 503.687-010 05.12.18 Sandblaster, Glass (glass mfg.; glass prod.) :GLASS DECORA- TOR (glass mfg.; glass prod.): 775.381-014 01.06.01 SANDBLASTER, STONE (stonework) 673.382-010 05.10.01 SANDBLASTER, STONE APPRENTICE (stonework) 673.382- 01 4 05.10.01 SANDBLAST 06.04.02 sandblast operator :SANDBLASTER, STONE (stonework): 673.382-010 05.10.01 SANDBLAST-OR-SHOTBLAST-EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.) 503.685-042 05.12.18 sand caster :MOLDER, BENCH 06.04.01 sand-caster apprentice :BENCH-MOLDER APPRENTICE (jewelry): 518.381-010 06.02.24 sand-cleaning-machine operator :WATER-FILTER CLEANER (waterworks): 954.587-010 05.12.18 sand conditioner, machine :SAND MIXER, MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 SAND-CUTTER OPERATOR (found.) 570.683-014 06.04.08 sand-cutting-machine operator :SAND-CUTTER OPERATOR (found.): 570.683-014 06.04.08 sander :PAINTER HELPER, AUTOMOTIVE (auto. 845.684-01 4 sander :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Sander (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 669.682-01 4 06.02.20 sander :GLASS SANDER, BELT (glass prod.; mirror): 775.684- 042 06.04.30 sander :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-014 06.04.05 SANDER (smoking pipe) 761.684-030 06.04.34 SANDER (sports equip.) 690.685-346 06.04.09 sander :CLOTH SANDER (textile): 581.685-010 06.04.16 SANDER-AND-BUFFER (musical inst.) 730.684-066 06.04.25 sander and filer :FILER AND SANDER (woodworking): 705.684-018 06.04.24 sander and polisher :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 SANDER, HAND (woodworking) 761.687-010 06.04.25 Sander Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLER HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking) 761.682-014 SANDER, PORTABLE MACHINE (woodworking) 761.684- 034 06.04.25 Sander Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 sander-up :BEDDER (pottery & porc.): 573.687-010 06.04.30 Sander, Wooden Pencils (pen & pencil) :CYLINDER-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking): 662.685-01406.04.03 SAND FILLER (mining & quarrying) 939.687-034 05.12.03 SANDFILL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 939.485-010 05. 12.07 OPERATOR (ammunition) 503.685-038 (jewelry): 518.381-022 ser.): SETTER 616 Sandfill Operator, Surface (mining & quarrying) :SANDFILL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 939.485-010 05.12.07 Sandfill Operator, Underground (mining & quarrying) :SANDFILL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 939.485-010 05.12.07 SANDING-MACHINE BUFFER (cork prod.) 662.685-022 06.04.09 SANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 524.665-010 06.04.15 sanding machine operator 581.685-010 06.04.16 sanding-machine operator, automatic :TURNING-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking): 662.685-038 06.04.03 Sanding-Machine Operator Helper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 SANDING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.) 662.685-026 06.04.09 SAND-MILL GRINDER (paint & varn.) 555.682-018 06.02.11 sand mill operator :SAND MIXER, MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 Sand-Mill Operator, Core-Sand (found.) MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 Sand-Mill Operator, Facing-Sand (found.) MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 Sand-Mill Operator, Molding-Sand (found.) :SAND MIXER, MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 SAND MIXER, MACHINE (found.) 570.682-018 06.02.10 sand-mixer operator :SAND-CUTTER OPERATOR (found.): 570.683-01 4 06.04.08 sand molder :MOLDER (found.): 518.361-010 * 06.01.04 sand-molder apprentice :MOLDER APPRENTICE (found.): 5 18.361-01 4 06.01.04 SAND PLANT ATTENDANT (conc. prod.; mining & quarry- ing) 934.685-01405.12.07 Sand-Screener Operator (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 Sand Shoveler (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 SAND-SLINGER OPERATOR 06.04.08 Sandstone Splitter (mining & quarrying) :QUARRY PLUG- AND-FEATHER DRILLER (mining & quarrying): 930.684- 022 05.12.02 - sand-system operator :SAND MIXER, MACHINE (found.): 570.682-018 06.02.10 sand technologist SAND TESTER (found.): 06.01.05 SAND TESTER (found.) 777.381-046 06.01.05 Sand Wheeler (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 w SANDWICH-BOARD CARRIER 08.03.02 sandwich-counter attendant SANDWICH MAKER (hotel & rest.): 317.684-018 05.12.17 SANDWICH-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 529.685- 2 1 0 06.04.15 SANDWICH MAKER (hotel & rest.) 3.17.684-018 05.12.17 sandwich seller :LOUNGE-CAR ATTENDANT (r. r. trans.): 291.457-01 4 08.03.01 SANITARIAN (any ind.) 529. 137-014 11.10.03 sanitarian :MOSQUITO SPRAYER (gov. ser.): 379.687-014 03.04.05 SANITARIAN (profess. & kin.) 079.117-018 11.10.03 SANITARY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-030 05.01.03 Sanitary Inspector (gov. ser.) :FOOD AND DRUG INSPEC- TOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-042 11.10.03 SANITARY LANDFILL OPERATOR (sanitary ser.) 955.463- 0 1 0 05.11.01 :CLOTH SANDER (textile): :SAND MIXER, :SAND MIXER, (found.) 518.683-010 * 777.381-046 (any ind.) 299.687-014 SANITARY-LANDFILL SUPERVISOR (sanitary ser.) 955. 133- 0 1 0 05.11.01 SANITARY-NAPKIN-MACHINE TENDER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 692.685-150 06.04.09 sanitation supervisor :SANITARIAN (any ind.): 529. 137-014 11.10.03 Sanitizer (boot & shoe) :SHOE CLEANER (boot & shoe): 788.687-122 06.04.39 sanitor :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-0 18 05.12.18 - Santa's Helper (any ind.) :IMPERSONATOR, CHARACTER (any ind.): 299.647-010 01.07.02 Santa Claus (any ind.) :IMPERSONATOR, CHARACTER (any ind.): 299.647-010 01.07.02 SAPPHIRE-STYLUS GRINDER (phonograph) 770.381-038 06.01.04 Sash Assembler (plan. mill) :KNOCK-UP ASSEMBLER (woodworking): 762.687-050 06.04.22 Sash-Clamp Operator (plan. mill) :CLAMPER (woodworking): 669.685-030 06.04.20 Sash-Gang-Saw Operator (sawmill) (sawmill): 667.682-030 Sash Maker (plan. mill) :MACHINIST, WOOD (woodworking): 669.380-0 14 * 05.05.08 Sash Repairer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 807.381-026 05.10.04 Satin Finisher (furn.; mirror & pic. frames) :RUBBER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames): 742.684-010 06.04.25 SATURATION-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR n.e.c.) 582.665-022 06.04.19 saturator :ABSORPTION OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.): 551.382-0 1 0 06.02.11 - saturator :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (coated fabrics): 584.382-010 06.02.21 SATURATOR OPERATOR (chem.; coke prod.) 558.362-018 06.02.11 SATURATOR TENDER (build. mat., 06.02.18 sauce maker :SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext. & sirup): 520.485-026 06.02.15 SAUSAGE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.587-014 06.03.02 sausage linker :LINKER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-150 06.04.28 SAUSAGE MAKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-202 06.04.15 SAUSAGE-MEAT TRIMMER 521.687-106 06.04.28 SAUSAGE MIXER (slaught. 06.04.15 sausage stuffer :STUFFER (slaught. & meat pack.): 520.685- 2 10 06.04.15 SAVE-ALL OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 533.685-018 06.04.14 Savings-Bond Clerk (finan. inst.) :BOND CLERK (finan. inst.): 21 6.362–0 1 0 07.01.04 Savings Bookkeeper (finan. inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) II: 2 1 0.382-018 07.02.01 saw boss :SUPERVISOR, FELLING-BUCKING 454. 1 34-0 1 0 03.04.02 Sawdust Drier (electroplating) :LABORER, ELECTROPLAT- ING (electroplating): 500.686-010 06.04.21 saw-dust machine operator :FUR CLEANER, MACHINE (clean., dye., & press.; fur goods; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 369.685-01 4 06.04.35 sawdust-machine operator :FUR CLEANER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.684-014 06.02.27 SAW-EDGE FUSER, CIRCULAR (cut. & tools) 701.684-026 06.04.32 SAW FILER (any ind.) 701.381-014 05.05.07 :GANG SAWYER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 582.685-118 (slaught. & meat pack.) & meat pack.) 520.685–206 (logging): 617 saw filer :LINTER-SAW SHARPENER (oils & fats): 603.682- 018 06.02.02 Saw-Handle Assembler (woodworking) :HANDLE ASSEM- BLER (woodworking): 762.687-042 06.04.22 SAW MAKER (cut. & tools) 601.381-034 05.05.07 saw maker :SAW SETTER (stonework): 701.684-022 05.10.01 saw mechanic :SAW MAKER (cut. & tools): 601.381-034 05.05.07 Sawmill-Relief Worker (sawmill) (sawmill): 667.686-01406.04.40 SAWMILL WORKER (sawmill) 667.686-014 06.04.40 Saw Offbearer (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669.686-034 06.04.03 SAW OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 607.682-018 06.02.02 SAW SETTER (stonework) 701.684-022 05.10.01 Sawsmith (cut. & tools) :SAW MAKER (cut. 601.38 1-034 05.05.07 SAWYER (asbestos prod.) 677.685-038 06.04.08 SAWYER (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 690.482-010 06.02.02 sawyer :LATHE HAND (jewelry): 700.682-014 06.02.02 sawyer :LATHE OPERATOR (jewelry): 770.382-010 06.02.08 sawyer :STRIPPER-CUTTER, MACHINE (macaroni & rel. prod.): 521.685-342 06.04.15 SAWYER (pipe & boiler cov.) 677.686-010 06.04.09 SAWYER, CORKSLABS (cork prod.) 667.685-046 06.04.09 SAWYER, OPTICAL GLASS (optical goods) 677.382-014 06.02.08 Saxophone Assembler (musical inst.) :BRASS-WIND-INSTRU- MENT MAKER (musical inst.): 730.381-018 05.05.12 Scaffold Builder (const.; ship & boat blog. & :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 Scaffold Builder, Metal (const.) :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 scaffold worker TANKER (wood preserving): 561.665-010 06.04.18 SCAGLIOLA MECHANIC (stat. & art goods) 556.484-010 06.02.30 Scalder (can. & preserv.) :LYE-PEEL OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 521.685-206 06.04.15 Scalder (slaught. & meat pack.) :DEHAIRING-MACHINE TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-018 06.04.15 scale-and-skip-car operator :SKIP OPERATOR (iron & steel): 921.683-062 06.04.40 SCALE ASSEMBLY SET-UP WORKER (bal. & 7 10.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 scale clerk :GIN CLERK (agric.): 221.467-010 05.09.02 scale clerk :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 SCALE MECHANIC (any ind.) 633.281-026 05.05.09 SCALE OPERATOR (glue) 555.687-010 06.03.02 Scaler (r.r. trans.) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 SCALE-RECLAMATION TENDER (ore dress., refin.) 515.585-010 06.04.10 SCALER-PACKER (slaught. 06.03.02 Scaler, Sliced Bacon (slaught. & meat pack.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 Scale Shooter (forging) :FORGE HELPER (forging): 619.666- 010 06.04.40 scale-tank operator :WEIGH-TANK OPERATOR (oils & fats): 529.485-026 06.03.02 scaling-machine operator :BATTER SCALER (bake. prod.): 526.682-010 06.02.15 SCALLOP CUTTER, MACHINE (trim. & embroid.) 686.685- 058 06.04.05 Scallop Dredger (fish.) :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 :SAWMILL WORKER & tools): rep.) scales) smelt., & & meat pack.) 929.687-046 Scallop Raker (fish.) 446.684-01 4 03.04.03 Scallop Shucker (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.): 521.687-122 06.04.28 SCALPER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 605.682-022 06.02.02 scalp-machine operator :SCALPER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 605.682-022 06.02.02 scalp specialist :SCALP-TREATMENT OPERATOR (per. ser.): 339.37 1-0 1 4 09.02.01 SCALP-TREATMENT OPERATOR (per, ser.) 339.371-014 09.02.01 SCANNER (profess. & kin.) 015.384-010 02.04.01 SCANNER OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 972.282-010 05.10.05 scarfer :SKIVER, BLOCKERS (boot & shoe): 585.685-1 10 06.04.05 scarfer :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 scarfer operator :PLYWOOD-SCARFER TENDER (veneer & plywood): 665.685-022 06.04.03 SCARF GLUER (veneer & plywood) 762.684-054 06.04.25 Scarifier Operator (any ind.) :BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 scenario writer :SCREEN WRITER (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.087-018 01.01.02 Scenic Artist (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) :PAINTER (profess. & kin.): 144.061-010 01.02.02 scenic designer SET DESIGNER (amuse. & rec.): 142.061-050 01.02.03 schedule clerk :PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 schedule clerk :DISPATCHER, SERVICE (light, power): 959.167-010 07.04.05 schedule clerk ADVERTISING-DISPATCH CLERK (print. & pub.): 247.387-014 07.05.01 schedule clerk : TRAIN CLERK (r. r. 07.05.03 SCHEDULE MAKER (motor trans.) 913. 167-018 07.05.01 scheduler :LINE-UP WORKER (auto. mfg.): 221.367–026 05.09.02 scheduler :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167– O 1 4 05.09.02 :SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.): heat, & trans.): 219.462-014 scheduler :PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 scheduler :PRODUCTION SCHEDULER, PAPERBOARD PRODUCTS (paper goods): 221.162-010 05.03.03 scheduler :PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. 0 1 2.167–050 05.01.06 scheduler and planner :PERSONNEL SCHEDULER (clerical): 215.367–01 4 07.05.01 - scheduler, conveyor :LINE-UP WORKER (auto. mfg.): 221.367–026 05.09.02 & kin.): SCHEDULER, MAINTENANCE (clerical) 221.367–066 07.05.01 Scheme examiner :MAIL-DISTRIBUTION-SCHEME EX- AMINER (gov. ser.): 239.367-018 07.01.07 Scholarship Counselor (education) :FINANCIAL-AID COUN- SELOR (education): 169.267-018 07.01.01 school adjustment counselor :SOCIAL WORKER, SCHOOL (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-038 10.01.02 SCHOOL BUS MONITOR (gov. ser.) 372.667-042 04.02.03 School examiner :CERTIFICATION AND SELECTION SPE- CIALIST (education): 099.167-010 11.03.04 SCHOOL-PLANT CONSULTANT (education) 001. 167-010 05.01.08 SCHOOL SECRETARY (education) 201.362-022 07.01.03 SCIENTIFIC GLASS BLOWER (glass prod.) 006.261-010 05.05.11 SCIENTIFIC HELPER (profess. & kin.) 199.364-014 02.04.01 618 SCIENTIFIC LINGUIST (profess. & kin.) 059.067-014 11.03.02 scientologist :DIANETIC COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 199.207-0 1 0 10.01.02 scientology auditor :DIANETIC COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 199.207-010 10.01.02 Scissors Grinder (any ind.) TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I: 701.381-018 05.05.07 SCOOPING-MACHINE 06.04.03 scoop-machine operator :ZIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685–270 06.04.02 SCOREBOARD OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 349.665-010 07.04.05 SCORER (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-014 12.01.02 SCORER (paper goods) 641.685-070 06.04.04 Scorer, Double (paper goods) :SCORER (paper 64 1.685-070 06.04.04 SCORER HELPER (paper goods) 641.686-030 06.04.04 Scorer, Single (paper goods) :SCORER (paper 64 1.685-070 06.04.04 scoring-machine-operator helper :SCORER HELPER (paper goods): 641.686-030 06.04.04 scourer :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 . scourer :BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-010 06.04.30 scouring-machine operator :SCOURING-TRAIN OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 589.662-010 06.02.18 TENDER (furn.) 665.685-026 goods): goods): SCOURING-TRAIN OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile) 589.662-010 06.02.18 Scouring-Train Operator, Chief (carpet & rug; textile) :SCOURING-TRAIN OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 589.662-010 06.02.18 SCOUT (agric.) 408.381-010 03.04.05 SCOUT (petrol. production) 0.10.267-010 05.03.04 SCOUT, PROFESSIONAL SPORTS (amuse. & rec.) 153.1 17- 018 12.01.01 scow captain :BARGE CAPTAIN (water trans.): 91 1. 137-010 05.12.03 Scow Deckhand (water trans.) :DECKHAND (water trans.): 911.687-022 05.08.04 scow-derrick operator :DERRICK-BOAT OPERATOR (water trans.): 921 .683-034 05.11.04 Scrap Baler (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) :BALING- MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 SCRAP BALLER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.685- 046 06.04.02 Scrap Breaker (iron & steel) :LABORER, GENERAL (iron & steel): 509.686-010 * 06.04.40 Scrap-Bunch Maker (tobacco) :BUNCH MAKER, MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-038 06.04.15 Scrap Burner (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 scrap burner :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) II: 8 16.684-010 05.12.11 Scrap-Crane Operator (iron & steel) I :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Scrap-Crane Operator (iron & steel) II :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 scrap crusher :CRUSHER TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 555.685-022 06.04.09 scrap cutter :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) II: 8 16.684-010 05.12.11 scrap cutter, machine :FILLER SHREDDER, MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-1 10 06.04.15 SCRAPER (jewelry) 700.687-066 06.04.24 705.384-010 scraper :SCRAPER, HAND (mach. shop): 06.02.24 scraper :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-014 05.12.03 scraper :BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-010 06.04.30 scraper burrer :BURRER (clock & watch): 715.684-042 * 06.02.24 scraper, hand SHAPER, HAND (furn.): 761.684-038 06.02.25 SCRAPER, HAND (mach. shop) 705.384-010 06.02.24 SCRAPER-LOADER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 921.663-050 05.11.02 Scraper, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-014 06.04.28 SCRAPER OPERATOR (const.) 850.683-038 05.11.01 Scraper Operator (mining & quarrying) :BULLDOZER OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 850.683-010 05.11.01 scraper tender SCOOPING-MACHINE TENDER 665.685-026 06.04.03 scrap-filler-cigar roller, machine EXAMINER, SOFT WORK (tobacco): 06.04.15 SCRAP HANDLER (any ind.) 509.685-050 06.04.09 Scrapper (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 SCRAPPER (paper goods) 794.687-050 * 06.04.39 scrap picker :PICKER (tobacco): 521.687-098 06.03.02 scrap preparer :FILLER MIXER (tobacco): 520.687-030 06.04.28 Scrap Sawyer (plan. 667,685-022 06.04.03 SCRAP SEPARATOR (macaroni & rel. prod.) 529.587-0 18 06.03.02 Scrap-Shear Operator (any ind.) :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 Scrap Sorter (any ind.) :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687–022 06.04.40 SCRAP SORTER (boot & shoe) 788.687-106 06.03.02 SCRAP SORTER (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.686-018 05.12.03 Scrap Sorter (tobacco) :PICKER (tobacco): 521.687-098 06.03.02 Scrap Stripper, Hand (tobacco) :STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): 521.687-134 * 06.04.28 Scrap-Tire Shearer (rubber reclaim.) SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 Scrap Wheeler (mach. shop) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * scratch brusher :DIAL BRUSHER (clock & watch): 7 : 5.687– O22 06.04.33 Scratch Brusher (jewelry) :POLISHER (jewelry): 700.687–058 * 06.04.24 scratcher :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-014 06.04.05 scratcher, metal patterns :PATTERNMAKER, METAL, BENCH (found.): 693.281-018 05.05.06 SCRATCHER TENDER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 555.685-050 06.04.09 Scratch Polisher (mirror) :POLISHER (glass mfg.; mirror): 775.684–058 06.04.30 Screed Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 SCREEN-AND-CYCLONE REPAIRER (mining & quarrying) 630.664-01 4 05.10.01 SCREEN CLEANER (build. board) 569.687-018 06.04.39 Screen Coach (profess. & kin.) :DRAMATIC COACH (profess. & kin.): 150.027-010 01.03.01 screen cutter and trimmer :SHEARER AND TRIMMER, WIRE SCREEN AND FABRIC (wirework): 709.684-074 06.04.24 screener :SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 SCREENER-AND-BLENDER OPERATOR (coke prod.) 549.685-026 06.04.12 SCREENER OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-082 06.04.09 SCREENER-PERFUMER (soap) 559.685-162 06.04.19 (furn.): :WRAPPER-LAYER-AND- 529.685–270 * mill; sawmill) :BOLTER (sawmill): 619 Screen-Frame Enameler (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 SCREEN HANDLER (paper & pulp) 539.685-026 06.04.14 screening representative :AIRLINE SECURITY REPRESENTA- TIVE (air trans.): 372.667-010 04.02.02 Screen Installer (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 SCREEN MAKER (wallpaper) 739.684-150 06.04.34 SCREEN MAKER, PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS (any ind.) 971.381-042 05.10.05 SCREEN MAKER, TEXTILE (textile) 971.381-046 05.10.05 Screen Operator (cement) :CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any indr): 921.683-026 05.11.04 SCREEN OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-130 06.04.11 SCREEN OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1,685- 050 06.04.08 Screen Photographer (wallpaper) :SCREEN MAKER, PHOTO- GRAPHIC PROCESS (any ind.): 971.381-042 05.10.05 SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.) 979.684-034 06.04.34 SCREEN PRINTER (textile) 979.684-030 06.02.27 SCREEN PRINTER HELPER (any ind.) 979.687-022 06.04.34 SCREEN-PRINTING-EQUIPMENT SETTER (wallpaper) 979.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 SCREEN-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 652.682-018 06.02.09 SCREEN-PRINTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (textile) 652.686-038 06.02.06 SCREEN REPAIRER, CRUSHER 630.684-030 05.12.12 Screen Roller (plan. mill) :SCREEN TACKER (plan. mill): 762.687–058 06.04.34 screen-room operator :SCREEN TENDER (paper & pulp): 533.685-022 06.04.18 SCREEN-ROOM OPERATOR (sugar) 521.685-282 06.04.15 Screen Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :FILTER- PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1, 1 35-0 1 0 06.04.01 SCREEN TACKER (plan. mill) 762.687-058 06.04.34 SCREEN TENDER (build. board; paper & pulp) 534.665-010 06.04.14 SCREEN TENDER (paper & pulp) 533.685-022 06.04.18 SCREEN TENDER, CHIPS (paper & pulp) 533.685-026 06.04.03 SCREEN-TENDER HELPER (paper & pulp) 533.687-010 06.04.14 Screen-Vent Binder (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682- 0 1 0 06.02.05 screen washer :SCREEN-TENDER HELPER (paper & pulp): 533.687-0 1 0 06.04.14 SCREEN WRITER (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 131.087- 018 01.01.02 SCREWDOWN OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.382-018 * 06.02.02 SCREW-EYE 06.04.23 screwhead polisher :POLISHER, BALANCE SCREWHEAD (clock & watch): 715.685-046 06.02.02 SCREWHEAD POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.381-090 06.01.04 screwhead stoner and polisher :STONER AND POLISHER, BEVEL FACE (clock & watch): 603.685-082 06.02.02 Screw Inspector (clock & watch) :INSPECTOR, WATCH PARTS (clock & watch): 715.384-022 06.01.04 Screw-Machine Adjuster, Automatic (ammunition) :MACHINE REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE (any ind.): 626.281-010 05.05.09 screw-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.380-022 * 06.01.03 (mining & quarrying) ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.687–122 screw-machine operator :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. shop): 604.280-014 06.01.03 SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, (mach. shop) 604.382-010 06.02.02 SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, shop) 604.685-034 06.04.02 SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop) 604.382-01406.02.02 SCREW-MACHINE OPERATOR, SWISS-TYPE (clock & watch) 604.682-010 06.02.02 Screw-Machine Repairer (mach. REPAIRER, MAINTENANCE (any 05.05.09 g screw-machine setter TOR, MULTIPLE SPINDLE (mach. 06.01.03 SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, MULTIPLE SPIN- DLE (mach. shop) 604.280-01406.01.03 SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop) 604.380-022 * 06.01.03 SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (mach. shop) 604.280-018 06.01.03 SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, (clock & watch) 604.260-0 10 06.01.03 Screw-Machine Set-Up Operator, Tool (mach. shop) :TURRET- LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-022 * 06.01.03 - SCREWMAKER, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch) 609.682-030 06.02.02 SCREW REMOVER (boot & shoe) 788.684-102 06.04.27 SCREW SUPERVISOR (clock & watch) 609, 130-014 06.02.01 SCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cut. & tools) 605.685- 042 06.04.02 script artist :ENGROSSER (profess. & kin.): 01.06.03 script reader :READER (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 13 1.087-014 01.01.01 SCRIPT READER (radio & tv broad.) 131.267-022 07.05.02 SCRIPT SUPERVISOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 201.362-026 01.03.01 script writer :SCREEN WRITER (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 13 1.087-018 01.01.02 SCROLL ASSEMBLER (bal. & scales) 7 10.584-010 06.04.23 SCROLL-MACHINE OPERATOR (struct. & ornam. metal- work) 616.685-062 06.04.02 scroll-saw operator :JIGSAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-042 scroll-saw operator :BAND-SCROLL-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-010 06.02.03 scrubber :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * scrubber :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 MULTIPLE SPINDLE PRODUCTION (mach. :MACHINE 626.281-010 shop) ind.): :SCREW-MACHINE SET-UP OPERA- shop): 604.280-014 SWISS-TYPE 970.66 1-0 10 scrubber :BLOCKER (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.685-026 06.04.08 scrubber-system attendant :VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 Scrubbing-Machine Operator (any ind.) :CLEANER, COM- MERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * 05.12.18 SCRUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR 582.685-1 22 06.04.05 SCUBA DIVER (any ind.) 379.384-010 05.10.01 scudding inspector :BEAMING INSPECTOR (leather mfg.): 585.687-0 10 06.03.02 SCULLION (water trans.) 3 18.687-014 05.12.18 Scullion Chief (water trans.) :SCULLION (water 3.18.687-014 SCULPTOR (profess. & kin.) 144,061-018 01.02.02 (cord. & twine) trans.): 620 sculptor :STONE CARVER (stonework): 77.1.281-014 01.06.02 SCUTCHER TENDER (textile) 589.685-090 06.04.16 sea-foam-kiss maker :KISS SETTER, HAND (confection.): 529.687-122 06.04.28 Sealant Mixer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :GLUE MIXER (glue): 550.685-062 06.04.19 Seal Driver (fish.) SEALER (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-010 03.04.03 SEALER (bal. & scales) 7 10.684-038 06.02.24 sealer :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; electronics): 726.684- 030 06.04.24 SEALER (elec. equip.) I 727.684-030 06.04.34 Sealer (elec. equip.) II :LIGHT-BULB ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 692.685-118 * 06.04.20 SEALER (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-010 03.04.03 sealer, aircraft :PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 806.684-1 10 06.02.24 sealer and stripper :KILN-DOOR BUILDER (brick & tile): 573.684-010 05.10.01 SEALER, DRY CELL (elec. equip.) 692.685-158 06.04.09 sealer operator :SEALER, DRY CELL (elec. equip.); 692.685- 158 06.04.09 SEAL-EXTRUSION OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.685-154 06.04.36 SEALING-AND-CANCELING-MACHINE (clerical) 208.685-026 05.12.19 SEALING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.685-162 06.04.19 SEALING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685-074 06.04.21 Seal Killer (fish.) 03.04.03 SEAL MIXER (elec. equip.) 540.687-010 06.04.34 seal-mixing operator :SEAL MIXER (elec. equip.): 540.687-010 06.04.34 Seal Skinner (fish.) :SEALER (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-010 03.04.03 Seam checker :CAN INSPECTOR liquors): 920.687-050 06.03.02 seamer :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Seamer (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 Seamer :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR 787.682-066 06.02.05 seamer :CRIMPER (rubber goods): 690.686-026 06.04.07 Seamer (wirework) :SHEARER AND TRIMMER, WIRE SCREEN AND FABRIC (wirework): 709.684-074 06.04.24 Seamer, Elastic Band (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 Seamer, Pantyhose (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 SEAM HAMMERER (musical inst.) 730,684-070 06.02.24 Seaming Inspector (hosiery) :STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 Seaming-Machine Operator (tinware) :FORMING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-046 06.04.02 SEAMLESS-HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery) 684.685-010 * 06.02.06 seamless sizer SIZER (hosiery): 684.687-018 06.03.02 seamless-tube drawer :TUBE DRAWER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 614.685-022 06.04.02 seamless-tube-mill operator :SEAMLESS-TUBE ROLLER (iron & steel): 619.682-042 06.02.02 OPERATOR :SEALER (hunt. & trap.): 461.684-010 (can. & preserv.; malt (house furn.): SEAMLESS-TUBE ROLLER (iron & steel) 619.682-042 06.02.02 Seam Presser (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684–0 l 8 * {}{.{}4.35 SEAM PRESSER (hat & cap) 583.685-098 96.04.05 Seam-Press Operator (boot & shoe) :SEAM-RUBBING- MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 seam roller :SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & 690.685-350 06.04.05 Seam-Stay Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 SEAM STEAMER (garment) 789.687-166 06.04.27 Seam Taper, Machine (boot & shoe) :TAPER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-414 06.04.05 searcher :PICKER (tobacco): 521.687-098 06.03.02 seasoner, hand :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687- 0 1 0 06.04.27 SEASONING MIXER (chem.) 550.685-106 06.04.11 SEASONING MIXER (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.687-054 06.04.28 Seasoning Sprayer (leather mfg.) :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-01406.04.27 Seat Assembler (furn.) :ASSEMBLER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 seat coverer :CUSHION BUILDER (auto. mfg.): 780.684-050 06.04.22 Seat Installer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 SEAT JOINER, CHAINSTITCH 06.02.05 Seat-Pack Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :HARNESS-AND-BAG INSPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-086 06.03.02 shoe.) (garment) 786.682-218 seat padder :PADDER, CUSHION (furn.): 780.684-078 06.04.22 seat scooper, machine :SCOOPING-MACHINE TENDER (furn.): 665.685-026 06.04.03 Seat Trimmer (boot & shoe) :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 SECOND (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-018 09.05.01 Secondary Connector, Armature (elec. equip.) :ARMATURE CONNECTOR (elec. equip.) II: 724.684-014 06.04.23 second assistant engineer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, EN- GINE (water trans.): 623.281-034 05.05.09 Second-Calender Operator (coated fabrics) :CALENDER OPERATOR, ARTIFICIAL LEATHER (coated fabrics): 584.685-0 1 0 06.04.16 SECOND COOK AND BAKER (water trans.) 3.15.381-026 05.10.08 SECOND CUTTER (glass mfg.) 779.684-054 06.04.30 Second Facing Baster (garment) :FACING BASTER, JUMP- BASTING (garment): 786.682-102 06.02.05 SECOND-FLOOR OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 557.685-022 06.04.13 second hand, paper machine :BACK TENDER, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 534.662-010 * 06.02.14 SECOND HELPER (iron & steel) 512.684-010 * 06.04.10 second loader :LOG LOADER HELPER (logging): 921.687- 022 05.12.04 Second Operator (chem.) :STILL-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.); 552.685-030 06.04.11 SECOND OPERATOR, MILL TENDER (chem.) 555.685-054 06.04.11 Second-Ride-Fare Collector (amuse. & rec.) :TICKET SELLER (clerical): 211 .467–030 07.03.01 second rigger :RIGGER (logging): 921.664-01405.12.04 seconds grader :CLOTH GRADER (textile): 689.387-010 06.03.01 SECONDS HANDLER (knit goods) 782.687-050 06.03.02 Seconds Inspector (garment; knit goods) :GARMENT INSPEC- TOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 seconds inspector :CLOTH GRADER (textile): 689.387-010 06.03.0 i 621 (water (water Second Steward/Stewardess, :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, 350, 1 37-022 09.01.04 secretarial stenographer SECRETARY (clerical): 201.362-030 07.01.03 SECRETARY (clerical) 201,362-030 07.01.03 SECRETARY, BOARD-OF-EDUCATION 169.267-022 07.01.02 SECRETARY OF POLICE (gov. ser.) 375.137-022 07.01.02 SECRETARY OF STATE (gov, ser.) 188.167-082 11.05.03 secretary to board of commissioners :SECRETARY OF PO- LICE (gov. ser.): 375. 137-022 07.01.02 secret-code expert :CRYPTANALYST (gov. ser.): 199.267-014 11.08.04 SECTIONAL-BELT-MOLD ASSEMBLER 752,685-0 l O O6.04.07 SECTIONAL CENTER MANAGER, POSTAL SERVICE (gov. ser.) 188. I 67–086 11.05.03 section beamer : BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTOMATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685- 018 06.04.06 section beamer :LONG-CHAIN BEAMER (textile): 681.685- 058 06.04.06 Section-Crews-Activities Clerk (r. r. trans.) :RAILROAD-MAIN- TENANCE CLERK (r.r. trans.): 221.362-026 07.05.03 section-gang worker :TRACK REPAIRER (r. r. trans.): 910.682- 0 1 0 05.12. 12 SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER 689.260-0 || 8 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Cards (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-018 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Drawing and Combers (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-018 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Opening and Picking (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-018 06.01.02 SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER, POLISHING (textile) 689.260-022 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Roving Frames (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-0 || 8 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Spinning (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-018 06.01.02 Section Leader and Machine Setter, Winding and Twisting (textile) :SECTION LEADER AND MACHINE SETTER (textile): 689.260-018 06.01.02 SECTION LEADER, SCREEN PRINTING (textile) 652.260- 0 1 0 06.01.02 Section Maintainer (tel. & tel.) :STATION INSTALLER-AND- REPAIRER (tel, & tei.): 822.261-022 05.05.05 section-plotter operator :OBSERVER, SEISMIC PROSPECT- ING (petrol, production): 010, 161-018 05.03.04 SECTION-PLOTTER OPERATOR (petrol, 194.382-0 1 0 (95.10.05 SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying) 939. 137-018 05.02.65 section warper :BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTOMATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685- 018 06.04.06 section weaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.381-022 05.05.15 securities adviser SALES AGENT, SECURITIES (finan, inst.): 251.1 57-0 1 0 1 1.06.04 securities analyst :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan, inst.; in- surance): 020. 167-014 11.01.02 securities auditor :TRUST-VAULT CLERK (finan. 21 6.367-0 1 4 07.02.02 Night SECOND trans.) trans.): (education) (rubber goods) (textile) production) inst.): SECURITIES CLERK (clerical) 210.382-062 07.02.03 SECURITIES CLERK (finan. inst.) 219.362-054 07.01.04 securities-research analyst :FINANCIAL ANALYST (finan. inst.; insurance): 020. 167-014 11.01.02 Securities Supervisor (finan. inst.) :SUPERVISOR, TRUST AC- COUNTS (finan. inst.): 219. 132-014 07.02.02 SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) I 162. 157-042 11.06.03 SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) II 186. 167–058 11.06.03 security agent :ALARM INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.367- 0 1 0 04.02.04 | Security Chief, Museum (museum) :GUARD, CHIEF (any ind.): 372. 167-014 04.01.01 security clerk :IDENTIFICATION CLERK (clerical): 205.362- 022 07.04.01 security guard :MERCHANT PATROLLER 372.667–038 04.02.02 Security-Index Clerk (finan. inst.) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 security inspector :PROTECTIVE OFFICER 372.363-010 04.02.02 security manager SUPERINTENDENT, PLANT PROTEC- TION (any ind.): 189.167-050 11.05.02 SECURITY OFFICER (any ind.) 189.167-034 11.05.02 security officer :HOUSE OFFICER (hotel & rest.): 376.367-018 04.02.03 security technician :PROTECTIVE OFFICER (gov. 372.363-010 04.02.02 SEED ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 040.361-01402.04.02 Seed and Havana-Scrap Preparer (tobacco) :FILLER MIXER (tobacco): 520.687-030 06.04.28 seed cleaner :SEED-CLEANER OPERATOR (agric.; oils & fats): 599.665-010 06.04.09 SEED-CLEANER OPERATOR (agric.; oils & fats) 599.665- 0 1 0 06.04.09 seed-cleaning-machine operator :SEED-CLEANER OPERA- TOR (agric.; oils & fats): 599.665-010 06.04.09 Seed-Cone Picker (forestry) :FOREST-PRODUCTS GATHERER (agric.; forestry): 453,687-010 03.04.02 SEED CUTTER (agric.) 404.686-010 03.04.01 Seed Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405. 161-01403.01.03 SEEDLING PULLER (forestry) 451.687-018 03.04.02 SEEDLING SORTER (forestry) 451.687-022 03.04.02 Seed Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 SEED-POTATO ARRANGER (agric.) 404.685-010 03.04.01 Seed Sorter (agric.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 SEED-YEAST OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-090 06.04.15 Segregator (agric.; whole, tr.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Seismic Prospector (petrol. production) :GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTOR (petrol. production): 024.061-026 02.01.02 seismograph-operator helper :OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.364-010 05.12.03 SEISMOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-050 02.01.01 SELECTOR (glass mfg.) 579.687-030 * 06.03.02 selector :HIDE TRIMMER (grease & tallow; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-046 06.04.39 selector :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 SELECTOR (smoking pipe) 739.687-166 06.03.02 selector :LEAF SORTER (tobacco): 529.687-134 06.03.02 selector :FRESH-WORK INSPECTOR (tobacco): 529.687-090 06.03.02 Selenium-Plant Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :SLIME- PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II: 5 11.685-054 06.04.12 Self-Propelled Dredge Operator (fish.) :SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fish.): 446.663-010 03.04.03 (bus. ser.): (gov. ser.): ser.): 622 Self-Rising-Flour Mixer (grain & feed mill.) :FLOUR MIXER (grain & feed mill.): 520.485-010 06.04.15 SELF-SEALING-FUEL-TANK BUILDER (rubber goods) 752.684-046 Ó6.02.29 SELF-SEALING-FUEL-TANK REPAIRER (rubber goods) 759.384-010 (96.04.29 SELF-SERVICE-LAUNDRY-AND-DRY-CLEANING ATTEN- DANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) 369.677-010 09.04.02 SELVAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-094 06.04.06 semiautomatic-stitcher operator :STITCHER OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-114 06.04.04 semiautomatic-taper operator TAPER OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-126 06.04.04 SEMICONDUCTOR-DEVELOPMENT TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 003.161-018 05.01.01 Semiconductor Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS SPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics) 590.684-022 06.04.19 Senior Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) :ANIMAL TRAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.224-0 10 03.03.01 senior collection clerk :SUPERVISOR, CREDIT AND LOAN COLLECTIONS (clerical): 241.137-010 07.02.03 SENIOR-COMMISSARY AGENT (air trans.) 922. 137-010 05.09.01 senior console operator :SUPERVISOR, COMPUTER OPERA- TIONS (clerical): 213. 132-010 07.06.01 senior gate agent :SUPERVISOR, GATE SERVICES (air trans.): 238.137-018 09.05.04 senior librarian :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DEPART- MENT (library): 100.127-010 11.07.04 senior passenger agent :SUPERVISOR, TICKET SALES (air trans.): 238.137-022 07.03.01 senior radio operator :AIRLINE-RADIO OPERATOR, CHIEF (air trans.; bus. ser.): 193.162-022 07.04.05 SENIOR RESERVATIONS AGENT (air trans.) 238.137-014 07.05.01 SENIOR TECHNICIAN, CONTROLS (pipe lines) 828.261-018 05.01.08 senior ticket-sales agent :SUPERVISOR, TICKET SALES (air trans.): 238.137-022 07.03.01 SENSITIZED-PAPER TESTER (photo. apparatus) 714.667-010 06.03.02 sensitizer :PAPER-COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (photo. apparatus): 534.582-010 06.02.14 Sensitizer and Printer (inst. & app.) :CONTACT PRINTER, PHOTORESIST (electronics; inst. & app.; optical goods): 719.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.11 Sensitometrist (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.) I: 976.381-010 02.04.01 separator :NITROGLYCERIN-SEPARATOR (explosives): 551.685-102 06.02.18 separator CLASSIFIER (laund.): 361.687-014 * 06.03.02 separator :TRANSFER CONTROLLER (sawmill): 921.682-022 05.12.04 separator :LUMBER SORTER (woodworking): 922.687-074 06.03.02 Separator Inserter (elec. equip.) :BATTERY-PARTS ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 727.687-038 06.04.23 separator-machine operator :SCREENER OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-082 06.04.09 SEPARATOR OPERATOR (button) 692.685-166 06.04.09 SEPARATOR OPERATOR (corn prod.) 521.382-014 06.02.15 IN- OPERATOR Separator Operator (dairy prod.) :DAIRY-PROCESSING- EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy prod.): 529.382-018 06.02.15 SEPARATOR OPERATOR (glue) 5.59.685-166 06.04.19 SEPARATOR OPERATOR, SHELLFISH MEATS (can. & preserv.) 521.685–286 06.04.15 SEPARATOR TENDER (corn prod.) 521.685-290 06.04.15 Separator Tender (grain & feed mill.) :PROCESSOR, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-254 06.04.15 - SEPTIC-TANK INSTALLER (const.) 851.663-010 05.11.0 Septic-Tank Servicer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Sequence-Control Checker (inst. & app.) :INSTRUMENT CHECKER (inst. & app.): 710.687-026 06.03.02 SEQUINS STRINGER (fabric. plastics prod.) 754.687-014 06.04.24 sequins winder :SPOOLER, SEQUINS (fabric. plastics prod.): 920.686-046 06.04.38 sergeant :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375. 133-010 04.01.01 SERGING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 787.685-030 06.04.05 Serology Technician (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-LABORATO- RY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.381-014 * 02.04.01 Serology Technologist (medical ser.) :MEDICAL TECHNOLO- GIST (medical ser.): 078.361-014 * 02.04.02 server :COUNTER ATTENDANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-014 * 09.05.02 service aide :RECEIVER-DISPATCHER (nonprofit organ.): 239.367–022 07.04.05 service attendant, cafeteria :CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-010 09.05.02 SERVICE ATTENDANT, SLEEPING CAR (r. r. trans.) 351.677-010 09.01.04 service auditor :SHOPPING INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.267–022 11.10.05 Service-Bar Cashier (hotel & rest.) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 Service Bartender (hotel & rest.) :BARTENDER (hotel & rest.): 312.474-010 09.04.01 service-car operator :ELEVATOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 388.663-010 09.05.09 service center manager GENERAL AGENT, OPERATIONS (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 184.167-042 11.05.02 service-center supervisor CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPER- VISOR (tel. & tel.): 822.131-014 05.05.05 service-claims inspector :INSPECTOR, RETURNED MATERI- ALS (auto. mfg.): 806.384-01406.03.01 SERVICE CLERK (clerical) 221.367–070 07.04.05 service coordinator :TRANSPORTATION AGENT (air trans.): 9 12.367-014 * 07.05.01 Service Correspondent (clerical) SALES CORRESPONDENT (clerical): 221.367–062 05.09.02 Service-Crew Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :MAINS-AND- SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 862. 137-010 05.05.03 service-crew supervisor :ANODE-CREW SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 630. 1 34-010 05.10.02 service dismantler :INSPECTOR, RETURNED MATERIALS (auto. mfg.): 806.384-014 06.03.01 f service engineer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines): 620.281-046 05.05.09 service engineer :MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE REPRESEN- TATIVE (mach. mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 638.261-018 * 05.05.09 SERVICE-ESTABLISHMENT ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.; per. ser.) 369.477-014 09.04.02 service inspector :ELECTRICAL-INSTALLATION SUPER- VISOR (light, heat, & power): 821.131-010 05.05.05 service inspector :TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 168. 167–082 11.10.05 service inspector :DINING-SERVICE INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.): 168.267-030 1 1.10.05 Service Investigator (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 ~23 SERVICE-LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 221.367-074 07.05.01 SERVICE MANAGER (auto. ser.) 185. 167–058 05.10.02 SERVICE MECHANIC (auto. mfg.) 807.381-022 05.10.01 SERVICE MECHANIC, COMPRESSED-GAS EQUIPMENT (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.281-034 05.05.09 SERVICE-MECHANIC HELPER, COMPRESSED-GAS EQUIPMENT (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.664-018 05.12.15 SERVICE OBSERVER (tel. & tel.) 239.367–026 07.04.05 SERVICE OBSERVER, CHIEF (tel. & tel.) 239. 137-022 07.04.05 Service Officer :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187. 167-19810.01.02 service-order dispatcher :SERVICE CLERK (clerical): 221.367- O70 07.04.05 service-order dispatcher, chief :DISPATCHER, SERVICE, CHIEF (light, heat, & power): 959. 137-014 07.04.05 Service-Parts Driver (auto. ser.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 servicer :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.12.03 servicer, coin machines :COIN COLLECTOR (bus. ser.): 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (auto. mfg.) 191. 167–022 11.12.01 service representative :CUSTOMER-SERVICE REPRESENTA- TIVE (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.; waterworks): 239.367-0 1 0 07.04.01 SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power; water- works) 959.574-010 05.10.01 service representative :MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (mach, mfg.; mach. tool & access.): 638.261-018 * 05.05.09 SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE, ELEVATORS, TORS, AND DUMBWAITERS (whole. 08.01.01 SERVICE RESTORER, EMERGENCY (r. r. trans.) 821.261- 022 05.05.05 Servicer, Travel Trailers (trans. equip.) :REPAIRER, MANU- FACTURED BUILDINGS (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869. 384-0 1 0 05.10.01 SERVICES CLERK (water trans.) 214.387-018 07.02.04 services engineer :CUSTOMER-EOUIPMENT ENGINEER (tel. & tel.): 003. 187-018 05.01.08 service-station attendant :AUTOMOBILE-SERVICE-STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.467-010 * 05.10.02 service supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, SERVICE (hotel & rest.): 329. 137-010 09.01.04 SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) I 953. 137-018 05.10.02 SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) II 821.131-018 05.05.05 SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) III 184.167– 126 05.02.02 service supervisor :MANAGER, SERVICE DEPARTMENT (whole, tr.): 187. 167–142 11.11.04 SERVICE SUPERVISOR, LEASED MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (any ind.) 183.167-030 11.11.05 service tester :VOLTAGE TESTER (light, heat, & power): 821.38 1-0 1 4 05.05.05 Service-Transformer-Repair Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 829. 131-014 05.05.05 SERVICE-UNIT OPERATOR, OIL WELL (petrol. production) 930.361-0 1 0 05.11.03 service writer :AUTOMOBILE-REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMA- TOR (auto. ser.): 620.26 i-018 05.07.02 SET DECORATOR (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 142.061- 042 @ 1,02,03 ESCALA- tr.) 259.257-018 SET DESIGNER (amuse. & rec.) 142.061-050 01.02.03 SET DESIGNER (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 142.061-046 01.02.03 set electrician, assistant chief :LIGHT TECHNICIAN (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962.362-01405.10.03 SET-KEY DRIVER (clock & watch) 715.687-1 18 06.04.23 set-making-machine operator :COLLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.); 653.585-010 06.04.04 set-model builder :MINIATURE-SET CONSTRUCTOR (motion pic.): 962.381-018 01.06.02 Set-Off Blocker (hat & cap) :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-01 4 06.04.27 Set-Off-Press Operator (hat & cap) :BRIM PRESSER (hat & cap) I: 583.685-018 06.04.05 set rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 SET-STAFF FITTER (clock & watch) 715.684-178 06.04.23 setter CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 SETTER (brick & tile) 573.684-014 06.04.40 setter :MONUMENT SETTER (const.): 861.361-014 05.05.01 setter : BED SETTER (stonework): 679.664-0 10 05.12.12 Setter, Automatic-Spinning-and-Beading-Lathe (any ind.) :SETTER, AUTOMATIC-SPINNING LATHE (any ind.): 604.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 SETTER, AUTOMATIC-SPINNING LATHE (any ind.) 604.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 SETTER, COLD-ROLLING MACHINE (mach. shop) 617.682- 022 06.02.02 SETTER HELPER (brick & tile) 573.687-030 06.04.40 setter-in :KILN PLACER (pottery & porc.): 573.686-026 + 06.04.17 SETTER, INDUCTION-HEATING EQUIPMENT (welding) 8 13.360-01 4 06.01.02 setter, machine :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 SETTER, MOLDING-AND-COREMAKING MACHINES (found.) 518.380-010 06.01.02 setter-off :FIREWORKS DISPLAY SPECIALIST (fireworks): 969.664-0 1 0 05.10.06 setter, plastics-molding machine :MOLD SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; phonograph): 556.380-010 06.01.02 SETTER, TV TUBE COATING AND BAKING (electronics) 574.382-0 1 0 06.02.18 setter-up :BARREL RAISER 06.04.22 setter-up : FIREWORKS DISPLAY SPECIALIST (fireworks): 969.664-0 10 05.10.06 setter-up, silk-screen frame :SILK-SCREEN-FRAME ASSEM- BLER (any ind.): 709.484-010 06.04.23 setting-up-and-windlass-machine operator :BARREL RAISER (cooperage): 764.684-018 06.04.22 setting-up-and-windlass-machine-operator helper :BARREL- RAISER HELPER (cooperage): 764.687-038 06.04.22 SETTLEMENT CLERK (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 214.382- 030 07.02.04 Settlement technician SPECIAL-CERTIFICATE DICTATOR (insurance): 209.382-014 07.05.03 set-up and charger :CHARGER (jewelry) II: 06.04.23 set-up man :JIG BUILDER (wood. box): 761.381-01405.10.01 SET-UP MECHANIC (pen & pencil) 692.380-010 06.01.02 SET-UP MECHANIC, AUTOMATIC LINE (pen & pencil) 692.380-01 4 06.01.02 Set-Up Mechanic, Coating Machines (pen & pencil) :SET-UP MECHANIC (pen & pencil): 692.380-010 06.01.02 SET-UP MECHANIC, COIL-WINDING MACHINES (elec. equip.) 724.360-010 06.01.02 SET-UP MECHANIC, CROWN ASSEMBLY MACHINE (any ind. } 692.362-0 l () {}6.02.20 (cooperage): 764.684-018 700.687–026 624 Set-Up Mechanic, Heading Machines (pen & pencil) :SET-UP MECHANIC (pen & pencil): 692.380-010 06.01.02 Set-Up Mechanic, Stamping Machines (pen & pencil) :SET-UP MECHANIC (pen & pencil): 692.380-010 06.01.02 set-up-operator, tool :TOOL-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 601.280-054 05.05.07 SET-UP WORKER (clock & watch) 715.660-010 06.01.02 SEWAGE-DISPOSAL WORKER (sanitary ser.) 955.687-010 05.12.18 sewage-plant attendant :WASTEWATER-TREATMENT- | PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.): 955.585-010 05.12.07 sewage-plant operator :WASTEWATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362-010 05.06.04 sewage plant supervisor SUPERVISORY WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.130. 010 05.02.01 sewer FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 sewer :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Sewer-and-Cutter, Finger-Buff Material (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 787.685-014 06.04.05 SEWER AND INSPECTOR (hosiery) 684.682-014 06.03.02 SEWER, HAND (any ind.) 782.684-058 06.04.27 sewer, hand :PASSEMENTERIE WORKER (trim. & embroid.): 782.684-050 06.04.27 Sewer, Head (agric.) :BALE SEWER (agric.): 920.687-022 06.04.38 Sewer, Linen Room (hotel & rest.) :MENDER (any ind.): 787.682-030 06.02.05 SEWER-PIPE CLEANER (bus. ser.) 899.664-0 14 05.12.12 Sewer-Pipe-Press Operator (brick & tile) :AUGER PRESS OPERATOR, MANUAL CONTROL (brick & tile): 575.462- 0 1 0 06.02.08 Sewer-Pipe Sorter (brick & tile) :SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687-034 06.03.02 Sewer Tapper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Sewing-Department Supervisor (leather prod.) :SUPERVISOR (leather prod.): 783. 132-010 06.02.01 Sewing Inspector (clean., dye., & press.) .INSPECTOR (clean., dye., & press.): 369.687-022 * 06.03.02 sewing-machine adjuster SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRER (any ind.): 639.281-018 ° 05.10.02 SEWING-MACHINE ASSEMBLER (mach, mſg.) 706.381-034 06.02.23 Sewing-Machine Attachment Tester (mach. mfg.) SEWING- MACHINE TESTER (mach. mfg.): 709.382-010 06.03.01 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.682-046 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (canvas goods) 787.682-062 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery) 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.) 787.682-066 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.) 783.682-014 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR 780.682-0 1 0 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (per. protect. & med, dev.) 787.682-050 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 787.682- 058 06.02.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (toys & games) 787.682-054 06.02.05 (matt. & bedspring) bag) 787.682-042 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & embroid.) 787.682- 070 06.02.05 sewing-machine operator, carpet and rugs :CARPET SEWER (carpet & rug; ret. tr.): 787.682-01406.02.05 Sewing-Machine Operator, Plastic Zipper (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ZIPPER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 787.685-034 06.04.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, (garment) 786.685-030 06.04.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (matt. & bedspring) 689.685-118 06.04.05 SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ZIPPER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 787.685-034 06.04.05 SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRER (any ind.) 639.281-018 * 05.10.02 SEWING-MACHINE-REPAIRER HELPER (any ind.) 639.684- 0 1 0 05.12.15 SEWING-MACHINE TESTER (mach. mſg.) 06.03.01 Sewing Room Grip (motion pic.) :GRIP (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962.687-022 05.12.04 SEWING SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 787. 132-010 06.02.01 sew-out operator :LINING SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment): 786.682-166 06.02.05 SEXTON (nonprofit organ.) 389.667-010 05.12.18 SHACKLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-086 06.04.40 SHACTOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.361-010 06.03.01 SHACTOR HELPER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-090 06.04.28 - shade-and-quality checker :COLOR CHECKER, ROVING OR YARN (textile): 582.387-010 06.03.01 shade classifier :TILE SHADER (brick & tile): 574.367-010 06.03.01 SHADE-CLOTH FINISHER (window shade & fix.) 585.687- 026 06.04.33 SHADE MATCHER (textile) 582.687-022 06.03.02 shader :TINTER (paint & varn.); 550.381-014 06.02.11 shader and folder :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile): 781.687-014 06.03.02 shader and toner :FRAME TRIMMER (mirror & pic. frames) I: 749.684-030 06.04.33 shadowgraph operator :COMPARATOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.384-010 06.03.01 SEMI-AUTOMATIC 709.382-010 SHADOWGRAPH-SCALE OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.687-126 06.03.02 Shadowgraph-Weight Operator (sports equip.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 Shafting Cleaner (any ind.) :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-0 1 4 06.04.39 Shaft Inspector (elec. equip.) :WINDING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 729.384-022 06.03.01 SHAFT MECHANIC (mining & quarrying) 05.10.01 shaft repairer SHAFT MECHANIC (mining & quarrying): 899.684-034 05.10.01 Shaft Sinker (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 shaft tender SHAFT MECHANIC (mining & quarrying): 899.684-034 05.10.01 SHAKE BACKBOARD NOTCHER (sawmill) 06.04.03 Shake Feeder (sawmill) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 Shake-Out Worker (found.) :FOUNDRY GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 Shake Packer (sawmill) :SHINGLE PACKER 920.687-158 06.04.38 SHAKER (hat & cap) 589.685-094 06.04.16 SHAKER (tobacco) 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 899.684-034 663.685-030 WORKER, (sawmill): 625 Shaker, Flatwork (laund.) :FLATWORK FINISHER (laund.): 363.686-0 1 0 * 06.04.35 shaker operator SHAKER TENDER (coke prod.): 541.665-010 06.04.12 w SHAKER-PLATE OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.685-014 06.03.02 SHAKER REPAIRER (corn prod.) 769.664-010 06.04.25 shaker-screen operator :SCREEN OPERATOR (chem.): 551.685-130 06.04.11 SHAKER TENDER (coke prod.) 541.665-010 06.04.12 SHAKER TENDER (conc. prod.; mining & quarrying) 934.685-018 05.12.07 SHAKER WASHER (corn prod.) 521.687-114 06.04.39 SHAKER, WEARING APPAREL (laund.) 361.687-026 06.04.35 SHAKE SAWYER (sawmill) 667.682-070 Shake Splitter (logging) :RIVER (logging): 454.684-022 03.04.02 - SHALE PLANER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.663- 0 1 0 SHALE PLANER OPERATOR HELPER (mining & quarrying) 930.667-0 1 0 05.12.02 Shampooer (per. ser.) :COSMETOLOGIST (per. ser.): 332.27 1-0 1 0 * 09.02.01 Shank Beveler (boot & shoe) :FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE 06.04.05 Shank Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 Shank Burnisher (boot & shoe) :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685-058 06.04.05 Shank Cementer, Hand (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 shanker :SHANK-PIECE TACKER (boot & shoe): 788.687-1 18 06.04.27 SHANK INSPECTOR (boot & shoe) 788.687-1 10 06.03.02 shank paperer :SHANK TAPER (boot & shoe): 788.687-114 06.04.27 shank picker SHANK INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.687- 1 10 06.03.02 SHANK-PIECE TACKER (boot & shoe) 788.687-1 18 06.04.27 Shank Sander (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): , 690.685-046 06.04.05 Shank Sander (smoking pipe) 761.684-030 06.04.34 shank sorter :SHANK INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.687– 110 06.03.02 Y Shank Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Shank Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 shank tacker :SHANK-PIECE TACKER (boot & 788.687-1 18 06.04.27 SHANK TAPER (boot & shoe) 788.687-1 14 06.04.27 SHANK THREADER (smoking pipe) 739.685-034 06.04.03 Shape-Brick Molder (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 shape carver :STENCIL CUTTER (stonework): 77.1.281-010 01.06.01 shape hand :PLUG SHAPER, HAND (tobacco): 520.687-050 06.04.28 shaper :FEATHER SHAPER (artif, flower): 06.04.34 shaper :STOCK MAKER, CUSTOM (firearms): 761.381-038 01.06.02 shaper :FILER (jewelry): 700.684-034 06.04.24 shaper :FINISHER (pottery & porc.): 774,684-018 06.04.30 shaper :SANDBLASTER, STONE (stonework): 673.382-010 05.10.01 SHAPER AND PRESSER (garment) 583.685-102 06.04.05 (boot & shoe): 690.685-166 :SANDER (smoking pipe): shoe): 734.684-010 SHAPER, BASEBALL GLOVE (sports equip.) 732.684-10 06.04.27 SHAPER, HAND (furn.) 761.684-038 06.02.25 shaper machine hand SHAPER SET-UP OPERATOR, TOO (mach. shop): 605.382-038 06.02.02 shaper operator SHAPER SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mac shop): 605.382-038 06.02.02 SHAPER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-034 05.05.08 Shaper Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE SETTE (woodworking): 669.280-010 06.01.02 SHAPER SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 605.382 038 06.02.02 SHAPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. 690.685–354 06.04.02 shaping-machine operator SHAPER SET-UP OPERATOR TOOL (mach. shop): 605.382-038 06.02.02 shaping-machine tender :ROUNDING-MACHINE TENDE (pen & pencil): 663.685-026 06.04.03 sharpener :LINTER-SAW SHARPENER (oils & fats): 603.682 018 06.02.02 Sharples-Machine Operator (oils & fats) :REFINING MACHINE OPERATOR (oils & fats): 529.685-19806.04.15 shaver :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.) 585.685-11 4 06.04.05 shaver :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-43 06.04.05 SHAVER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.687-018 06.04.35 shaver :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685-046 06.04.05 SHAVER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-094 06.04.28 SHAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fur dressing; leather mfg. 585.685-094 O6.04.16 Shear Assembler (cut. & tools) :ASSEMBLER (cut. & tools): 701.687-010 06.04.23 plastics prod. shearer :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 shearer :SHEARING-MACHINE FEEDER (fur dressing): 585.685-098 06.04.16 . shearer :FUR-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-046 06.04.05 shearer :TRIMMER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685-126 06.04.16 SHEARER AND TRIMMER, WIRE SCREEN AND FABRIC (wirework) 709.684-074 06.04.24 shearer, screen measurer and trimmer TRIMMER, WIRE SCREEN 709.684-074 O6.04.24 SHEAR-GRINDER OPERATOR 06.02.02 SHEAR-GRINDER-OPERATOR HELPER (textile) 628.687- 0 1 4 06.04.02 SHEARING-MACHINE FEEDER (fur dressing) 585.685-098 06.04.16 - SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile) 585.685-102 06.04.06 Shearing-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 585.685-094 06.04.16 shearing-machine operator :BOOK TRIMMER (print. & pub.): 640.685-010 06.04.04 SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I 615.482-034 06.02.02 SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II 615.685-034 06.04.02 shear operator :SHEARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 585.685-102 06.04.06 Shear Operator, Automatic (any ind.) I :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-034 06.02.02 Shear Operator, Automatic (any ind.) II :MACHINE FEEDER (any ind.): 699.686-010 06.04.09 Shear-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-014 06.04.24 :SHEARER AND AND FABRIC (wirework): (textile) 628.382-014 (leather (fur mfg.) :SHAVING- dressing; leather mfg.): 626 HEAR SETTER (any ind.) 615.380-010 06.01.02 hear tender CLOTH TRIMMER, MACHINE (textile): 585.685- - Sheather (const.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381- 042 05.05.02 hed boss :SUPERVISOR, SHED WORKERS (agric.): 404.131- 01 4 03.04.01 Sheep Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 heep clipper :SHEEP SHEARER (agric.): s 03.04.01 SHEEP HERDER (agric.) 410.687-022 03.04.01 sheep or Calf Grader (slaught. & meat pack.) :GRADER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.387-010 06.03.01 Sheep Rancher (agric.) LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): 410.161-018 03.01.01 ; SHEARER (agric.) 410.684-01403.04.01 HEEPSKIN PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.) 582.685-126 06.04.16 Sheep Sticker (slaught. & meat pack.) STICKER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-050 06.04.28 sheet Cleaner (house furn.) :OIL-SPOT WASHER (house furn.; textile): 689.687-050 06.04.39 sheet-combining operator :PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 690.682-058 06.02.02 shee; Cutter (house furn.) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Sheet Cutter (tex. bag) :FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTOMATIC | (any ind.): 787.685-01406.04.05 - sheet-cutting operator :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 686.585-010 06.04.05 sheeter :PAPER-REEL OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685- 046 06.04.04 sheeter helper :LAYBOY TENDER (paper & pulp; paper goods; print. & pub.): 649.685-066 06.04.04 Sheeter-Machine Operator (wallpaper) MAKER (wallpaper): 659.685-01406.02.04 sheeter operator :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682- 018 06.02.09 Sheeter Operator (paper & pulp) :EMBOSSER OPERATOR (paper goods; wallpaper): 649.682-022 06.02.09 SHEETER OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 690.382-010 06.02.02 sheeter-waxer operator :WAXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 534.482-010 06.02.14 Sheet Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Sheet Hanger (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) TANK-HOUSE- OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.565- O 1 4 06.04.10 Sheeting Puller (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 Sheet Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 Sheet-Metal-Fabricating-Machine Operator (any ind.) :MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.360-018 06.01.03 sheet-metal finisher :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01406.02.02 Sheet-Metal Installer (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 Sheet-Metal Lay-Out Worker (any ind.) :LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) I: 809.281-010 * 05.05.06 sheet-metal mechanic :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 SHEET-METAL-PATTERN CUTTER (musical inst.) 730.684- 074 06.02.24 Sheet-Metal Production Worker (any ind.) :MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-062 * 06.04.02 Sheet-Metal-Shop Helper (any ind.) :METAL-FABRICATING- SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 4 10.684-014 :SAMPLE-BOOK Sheet-Metal-Shop Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-01405.10.01 sheet-metal smoother :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01 4 06.02.02 SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.) 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 SHEET-METAL-WORKER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 804.281- 0 1 4 05.05.06 Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 SHEET-MILL SUPERVISOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 619. 132- Sheet-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 Sheet-Pile-Hammer Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Sheet-Pile-Hammer-Operator Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 SHEETROCK APPLICATOR (mfö. blogs.) 869.684-050 06.04.34 sheetrock installer :DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (const.; mfci. blags.): 842.681-010 05.10.01 sheetrock taper TAPER (const.; mfc. blogs.): 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 Sheet Sewer (house furn.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682-026 06.02.05 Sheet-Steel Inspector (mach, shop) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 - Sheet Straightener (plastics mat.) :PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastics mat.): 690.682-058 06.02.02 sheet taker :CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539.686-010 06.04.14 Sheet Tester (iron & steel) 0 1 1.361-010 02.04.01 SHEET TURNER (veneer & plywood) 762.687-062 06.04.40 SHEET WRITER (amuse. & rec.) 211.467–026 07.03.01 shelf-drier operator :VACUUM-DRIER TENDER (chem.): 553.685-106 06.04.11 SHELLACKER (ammunition) 737.687-130 06.04.33 Shellac Polisher (smoking pipe) :BUFFER (smoking pipe): 739.684-026 06.04.34 SHELL ASSEMBLER (ammunition) 737.684-038 06.04.23 Shell-Core-and-Molding Supervisor (found.) :FOUNDRY SU- PERVISOR (found.): 519. 131-010 06.01.01 Shell Coremaker (found.) :SHELL MOLDER 5 18.685-026 06.04.17 Sheller (mfü. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 SHELLER (nut process.) I 521.687-1 18 06.04.28 SHELLER (nut process.) II 521.685-294 06.04.15 SHELLFISH-BED WORKER (fish.) 446.684-014 03.04.03 Shellfish Checker (can. & preserv.) :LABORER, SHELLFISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.): 529.686-058 + 06.04.40 SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fish.) 446.663-010 03.04.03 SHELLFISH GROWER (fish.) 446. 161-014 03.01.02 shellfish harvester :SHELLFISH DREDGE OPERATOR (fish.): 446.663-010 03.04.03 Shellfish Packer (can. & preserv.) :LABORER, SHELLFISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.): 529.686-058 + 06.04.40 :TESTER (profess. & kin.): (found.): SHELLFISH-PROCESSING-MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.) 529.685-214 06.04.15 SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.) 521.687-122 06.04.28 Shellfish Sorter (can. & preserv.) :LABORER, SHELLFISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.): 529.686-058 + 06.04.40 Shellfish Weigher (can. & preserv.) :LABORER, SHELLFISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.): 529.686-058 + 06.04.40 627 shell-freezing-machine operator :FREEZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel, prod.); 559.685-090 06.04.11 SHELL-GRADER (button) 734.687-070 06.03.02 shell-house operator :SHELL-MACHINE OPERATOR (explosives): 649.682-030 06.02.09 SHELL-MACHINE OPERATOR (explosives) 649.682-030 06.02.09 - - Shell Maker, Lockstitch (garment) :LOCKSTITCH-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR, COMPLETE GARMENT (garment): 786.682-174 06.02.05 - shell mold bonder SHELL-MOLD-BONDING-MAthinE OPERATOR (found.): 518.685-030 06.04.08 SHELL-MOLD-BONDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) 518.685-030 06.04.08 SHELL MOLDER (found.) 518.685-026 06.04.17 shell-press operator :PLANISHING-PRESS (plastics mat.); 690.682-058 06.02.02 shell-reprint operator :SHOTGUN-SHELL-REPRINTING-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition): 659.685-018 06.04.37 OPERATOR SHELL-SHOP SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 619. 132-018 06.02.01 SHELL-SIEVE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694,585-010 06.04.09 shell sorter :SHELL-GRADER (button); 734.687-070 06.03.02 shell-trim operator :TRIM-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 609.685-026 06.04.02 shell-trim tool setter :TRIM-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition): 609.280–010 06.01.02 Shelter Management Officer (gov. ser.) :CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (gov. ser.): 188.1 17-022 11.05.03 shelver :PAGE (library): 249.687-014 07.07.02 shelving clerk :PAGE (library): 249.687-014 07.07.02 SHELVING SUPERVISOR (library) 109.137-010 11.02.04 shepherd :SHEEP HERDER (agric.): 410.687-022 03.04.01 SHERIFF, DEPUTY (gov. ser.) 377.263-010 04.01.02 SHERIFF, DEPUTY, CHIEF (gov. ser.) 377.117-010 04.01.01 shield operator :SHIELD RUNNER (const.): 850.682-010 05.11.01 SHIELD RUNNER (const.) 850.682-010 05.11.01 shift adjuster ALUMINA-PLANT SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 51 1. 130-010 06.02.01 shift boss :SECTION SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 1 37-018 05.02.05 shifter SUPERVISOR, TUNNEL HEADING (const.): 859. 137- 018 05.12.02 SHIFT SUPERINTENDENT, CAUSTIC CRESYLATE (chem.) 552. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.11 Shift Supervisor, Inspection :SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION 183.161-010 06.01.01 shift supervisor, melting SUPERVISOR, RECEIVING AND PROCESSING (glass mfg.): 579.137-026 06.02.01 shill :CARD PLAYER (amuse. & rec.): 343.367-010 09.04.02 Shingle-Bolt Cutter (logging) :RIVER (logging): 454.684-022 03.04.02 Shingle-Machine Supervisor (build. mat., :SUPERVISOR, ROOFING PLANT (build. mat., 590. 130-018 06.02.01 SHINGLE PACKER (sawmill) 920.687-158 06.04.38 SHINGLE SAWYER (sawmill) 667.485-010 SHINGLE TRIMMER (sawmill) 667.685-050 06.02.02 shingle weaver :SHINGLE PACKER (sawmill): 920.687-158 06.04.38 ship's captain :MASTER, SHIP (water trans.): 05.04.02 ship boss :HEADER (water trans.): 05.12.01 SHIPFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.381-046 * 05.05.06 mfg.) mfg.): (aircraft-aerospace (aircraft-aerospace n.e.c.) n.e.c.): 197. 16.7-010 SHIPFITTER APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & 806.38 1-050 05.05.06 SHIPFITTER HELPER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.687-05 05.12.12 ship officer :MATE, SHIP (water trans.): 197.133-022 05.04.0 SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK (clerical) 222.387-05 05.09.01 SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING 222. 1 37-030 05.09.01 SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical) 222.36 058 05.09.01 SHIPPING CHECKER (clerical) 222.687-030 05.09.01 Shipping Clerk (clerical) :SHIPPING AND RECEIVIN CLERK (clerical): 222.387–050 05.09.01 Shipping Hand (chem.) :LABORER, PROCESSING (chem.); 559.687-050 06.04.40 SHIPPING-ORDER CLERK (clerical) 219.367–030 07.05.04 SHIPPING PROCESSOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 920.687-16 06.04.38 shipping-room supervisor 559. 132-058 06.02.01 Shipping Supervisor (clerical) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVIN SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 137-030 05.09.01 Shipping Weigher (clerical) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVIN WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 ship purser :PURSER (water trans.): 197.167-014 11.11.03 SHIP RUNNER (water trans.) 222.567-014 05.09.01 ship surveyor MARINE SURVEYOR (profess. 014, 167–0 l () 05.03.06 SHIPWRIGHT (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.381-05 05.05.02 SHIPWRIGHT APPRENTICE (ship & boat blåg. & 860.38 1-062 05.05.02 SHIPWRIGHT HELPER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860.664 018 05.12.12 Shipwright Supervisor (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :DOCK SU PERVISOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 891. 131-01 05.12.18 SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.682-07 06.02.05 SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (hous furn.) 787.685-038 06.04.05 * shirring tender CASING-RUNNING-MACHINE TENDE (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.685-01406.04.15 Shirt-Collar-and-Cuff Presser (laund.) :SHIRT PRESSE (laund.): 363.685-026 * 06.04.35 Shirt Creaser (garment) :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATO (garment): 583.685-042 06.04.05 Shirt Finisher (garment) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.) 363.682-018 + 06.04.05 Shirt Folder (garment; knit goods) :GARMENT FOLDE (garment; knit goods): 789.687-066 * 06.04.38 - Shirt Folder (laund.) I :FOLDER (laund.): 369.687-0 18 06.04.35 Shirt Folder (laund.) II :SHIRT PRESSER (laund.): 363.685 026 * 06.04.35 SHIRT-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; laund. 369.685-030 06.04.05 Shirt-Ironer Supervisor (laund.) (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 Shirt Marker (garment) :MARKER (any ind.) I: 781.384-01 06.02.31 - SHIRT PRESSER (laund.) 363.685-026 06.04.35 Shirt Presser, Automatic (laund.) :PRESSER, AUTOMATI (laund.): 363.685-014 06.04.35 Shirt Sorter (garment) :GARMENT SORTER (garment) 222.687–01 4 06.03.02 Shirt Turner (garment; knit goods) :GARMENT TURNE (garment; knit goods): 789.687-074 06.04.27 rep SUPERVISOR (clerica CHEMICA :SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim. & kin.) rep. :SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY 628 shochet SHACTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.361-010 06.03.01 - Shoder Filler (gold leaf & foil) :LABORER, GOLD LEAF (gold leaf & foil): 700.687-038 06.04.24 SHOE CLEANER (boot & shoe) 788.687-122 06.04.39 SHOE COVERER (boot & shoe) 788.687-126 06.04.27 hoe cutter :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 Shoe Designer (boot & shoe) :CLOTHES DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-018 * 01.02.03 hoe dresser :DRESSER (boot & shoe): 788.687-038 06.04.33 Shoe-Dressing Maker (chem.) :MIXER (chem.); 559.665-026 06.04.11 SHOE DYER (per. ser.) 364.684-01405.12.14 hoe hammerer SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 shoe handler :SHOE PACKER (boot & shoe): 920.687-166 06.04.38 shoe ironer :VAMP-STRAP IRONER (boot & shoe): 788.687– 158 06.04.27 shoelace tipper :SHOELACE-TIPPING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (narrow fabrics): 686.685-062 06.04.20 SHOELACE-TIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR fabrics) 686.685-062 06.04.20 SHOE-LAY-OUT PLANNER (boot & 05.03.02 shoemaker 05.05.15 SHOEMAKER, CUSTOM (boot & shoe) 788.381-014 05.05.15 SHOE PACKER (boot & shoe) 920.687-166 06.04.38 Shoe-Parts Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 shoe planner SHOE-LAY-OUT PLANNER (boot & shoe): 0 1 2. 187-0 1 4 (35.03.02 shoe polisher SHOE SHINER (per, ser. $º . , 99.95.57 snoe repaircr:CO3BLER (boot & shoe): 788.381-610 06.02.27 shoe rerº: ; c. :B; F MISH REMOVER (boot & shoe): 788.684- Ö 22 SHOE REPAIRER (per. ser.) 365.361-01405.05.15 SHOE-REPAIRER HELPER (per. ser.) 365.674-010 05.05.15 SHOE-REPAIR SUPERVISOR (per, ser.) 365.131-010 05.05.15 SHOE SHINER (per. ser.) 366.677-010 09.05.07 shoe singer :FLAMER (boot & shoe): 788.684-050 06.04.27 shoe stitcher, odd :COBBLER (boot & shoe): 788.381-010 06.02.27 shoe tinter :SHOE DYER (per. ser.): 364.684-01405.12.14 SHOE TURNER (boot & shoe) 788.687-130 06.04.27 shohet :SHACTOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.361-010 (narrow shoe) 012. 187-014 :SHOE REPAIRER (per, ser.): 365.361-014 06.03.01 shook splicer :CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 shooter :BLASTER (any ind.): 859.261-010 05.10.06 shooter :GUNNER (cereal): 523.382-010 06.02.15 shooter :PROOF INSPECTOR (firearms): 736.384-010 06.03.01 shooter :BLASTER (mining & quarrying): 93 1.261-010 05.10.06 SHOOTER (petrol. production) 931.361-01405.10.06 shooter's helper :BLASTER HELPER (any ind.): 859.687-010 05.12.02 Shooter Helper, Seismograph (petrol. production) :OBSERVER HELPER, SEISMIC PROSPECTING (petrol. production): 939.364-0 1 0 05.12.03 SHOOTER, SEISMOGRAPH (petrol. production) 931.361-018 05.10.06 Shooter, Water Well (const.) :BLASTER (any ind.): 859.261- 0 1 0 05.10.06 Shooting Gallery Operator (amuse. & rec.) :GAME ATTEN- DANT (amuse. & rec.): 342.457-010 09.04.02 shop blacksmith :MINE-CAR REPAIRER (mining & quarry- ing): 622.381-030 05.05.06 Shop Clerk (clerical) :ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical): 219.362-010 * 07.01.02 shop clerk :PARTS CLERK (clerical): 222.367-042 05.09.01 shop cooper :COOPER (cooperage): 764.684-022 05.10.01 SHOP ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.) 807.267-010 05.07.01 shop mechanic :MAINTENANCE MACHINIST (any ind.): 600.280-042 05.05.07 Shop Mechanic (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.281-010 * 05.05.06 shop mechanic :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines): 620.281-046 05.05.09 shop-mechanic helper :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC HELPER (const.; petrol. production; pipe lines): 620.664-014 05.10.02 shopper's aid :PERSONAL SHOPPER (ret. tr.): 296.357-010 09.04.02 shopping inspector :SHOPPING INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376,267–022 11.10.05 SHOPPING INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.) 376.267-022 11.10.05 shop repairer INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 722.28 1-0 1 0 05.05.10 shop superintendent SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE (motor trans.): 184.167-170 05.02.02 shop supervisor :MECHANICAL-MAINTENANCE SUPER- VISOR (any ind.): 638.131-026 05.05.09 shop supervisor SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-01 4 05.1 (3.0 SHOP SUPERVISOR (struct & errº: a sºvork) 619. 131- 0 1 4 05. (;. (; ; SHOP TA}}_{}º ºrnie : … . . . . . . . . . . 4:2: 95.95. 5 S}_{C} - " ' " . . . . ; } {{F * : * ~ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " '' S, \ , , ; – $25 35.3%. 15 - shop teacher TEACHER, INDUSTRIAL A&TS sº. . . . . . . . 09 1.221-0 1 0 1 1.02.02 SHORE HAND, DREDGE OR BARGE (const.; mining & quar- rying) 939.667-018 05.12.04 Shorer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 shore-working supervisor SUCTION-DREDGE-PIPE-LINE- PLACING SUPERVISOR (const.): 862. 134-010 05.05.03 shortage worker :ODD-PIECE CHECKER (knit goods): 221.587-018 05.09.01 Shortening Mixer (oils & fats) :CHURN OPERATOR, MAR- GARINE (oils & fats): 520.685-070 06.04.15 short-filler-bunch-machine operator :BUNCH MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-038 06.04.15 SHORTHAND REPORTER (clerical) 202.362-010 07.05.03 short-log-bolter operator :BOLTER (sawmill): 667.685-022 06.04.03 short piece handler CLOTH DOFFER (textile): 689.586-010 06.04.06 Shorts Sifter (tobacco) :RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685–270 06.04.15 SHOT BAGGER (ammunition) 920.687-170 06.04.36 Shotblaster (any ind.) :SANDBLASTER (any ind.): 503.687- 0 1 0 05.12.18 shotblast-or-sandblast-tumbler operator :SANDBLAST-OR- SHOTBLAST-EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 503.685- 042 05.12.18 SHOT-COAT TENDER (conc. prod.) 575.665-018 06.04.21 shot-core-drill operator :CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 930.682-0 10 05.11.02 shot-core-drill-operator helper :CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 930.687-01405.12.02 SHOT DROPPER (ammunition) 502.362-010 06.02.10 shot firer :BLASTER (mining & quarrying): 93 1.261-010 05.10.06 WORKER (const.) I: MAKER, 629 SHOT-GRINDER OPERATOR (ammunition) 603.685-074 06.04.02 SHOTGUN-SHELL-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 6 16.360-030 06.01.02 SHOTGUN-SHELL-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.385-010 06.02.20 - SHOTGUN-SHELL-LOADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.665-010 06.04.09 SHOTCUN-SHELL-REPRINTING-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition) 659.685-018 06.04.37 shot-hole driller :PROSPECTING DRILLER (petrol. produc- tion): 930.382-018 05.11.03 shot-hole shooter :SHOOTER, SEISMOGRAPH production): 931.361-018 05.10.06 shot lighter :BLASTER (mining & quarrying): 93 1.261-010 05.10.06 shot packer 06.04.36 SHOT-PEENING OPERATOR, TAPE CONTROL (aircraft- aerospace mfg.) 617.280-010 06.02.02 (petrol. :SHOT BAGGER (ammunition): 920.687-170 Shot-Peen Operator (any ind.) :SANDBLAST-OR-SHOT- BLAST-EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 503.685-042 05.12.18 SHOT POLISHER AND INSPECTOR (ammunition) 509.485- O 1 4 06.02.02 shot-tube-machine tender :BB SHOT PACKER (ammunition): 920.685-018 06.04.38 SHOT-TUBE-MACHINE TENDER (paper goods) 649.685-106 06.04.04 Shoulder Boner (slaught. & meat pack.) :BONER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-010 06.04.28 SHOULDER JOINER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-222 06.02.05 Shoulder Puncher (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 Shoulder Sawyer (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 Shoveler (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-014 05.12.03 Shovel-Handle Assembler (woodworking) :HANDLE ASSEM- BLER (woodworking): 762.687-042 06.04.22 Shovel-Loader Operator (logging) :LOG LOADER (logging): 921.683-058 05.11.04 shovel operator :MECHANICAL-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 932.683-018 05.11.02 show-card writer :SIGN WRITER, HAND (any ind.): 970.281- 022 01.06.03 Showcase Trimmer (ret. tr.) :DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 298.081-010 01.02.03 Shower Attendant (per. ser.) :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 335.677-014 09.05.01 Shower-Enclosure Installer 865.38 1-0 1 0 * 05.10.01 shower room attendant :CHANGE-HOUSE ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.687-010 05.12.18 SHOW GIRL (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-022 01.08.01 SHOW-HORSE DRIVER (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-018 12.02.01 Show Inspector (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 Showplace Manager (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 1 17-014 11.12.03 shredded-filler cigar-maker, machine :WRAPPER-LAYER- AND-EXAMINER, SOFT WORK (tobacco): 529.685-270 * 06.04.15 shredded-filler-cutter operator :FILLER MACHINE (tobacco): 529.685-1 10 06.04.15 SHREDDED-FILLER HOPPER-FEEDER (tobacco) 529.687– 182 06.04.28 (const.) :GLAZIER (const.): SHREDDER, shredded-filler-machine wrapper-layer :WRAPPER-LAYER- AND-EXAMINER, SOFT WORK (tobacco): 529.685–270 * 06.04.15 Shredder :PICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR 680.685-082 06.04.06 shredder operator :HAMMER-MILL OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 515.687-0 10 06.04.24 SHREDDER OPERATOR (synthetic 06.04.09 shredder picker :MACHINE FEEDER, RAW STOCK (felt goods; house furn.; textile; waste & batting): 680.686-018 06.04.16 SHREDDER TENDER (glue) 555.665-010 06.04.19 SHREDDER TENDER, PEAT (agric.) 599.685-086 03.04.01 (any ind.): fibers) 555.685-058 SHREDDING-FLOOR-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 559.382-050 06.02.13 shredding-machine-knife changer :KNIFE CHANGER (tobacco): 638.684-010 06.04.15 shredding-machine operator :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-338 06.04.15 shredding-machine tender :EXCELSIOR-MACHINE TENDER (excelsior): 663.685-014 06.04.03 Shrimp Blancher (can. & preserv.) PROCESSING-MACHINE TENDER (can. 529.685–21 4 06.04.15 SHRIMP-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.682-038 06.02.15 Shrimp-Peeling-Machine Tender (can. & preserv.) :SHELLFISH-PROCESSING-MACHINE TENDER (can. & preserv.): 529.685-214 06.04.15 Shrimp Pond Laborer (fish.) :LABORER, AQUATIC LIFE (fish.): 446.687-014 03.04.03 shrinker :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 586.685- 034 06.04.16 SHRINK-PIT OPERATOR (firearms) 619.662-010 06.02.10 SHRINK-PIT SUPERVISOR (firearms) 619. 131-018 06.02.01 SHROUDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.587-010 06.04.38 Shroud-Line Tier (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PARACHUTE-LINE TIER (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-1 18 06.04.27 Shroud-Web Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PARACHUTE IN- SPECTOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-114 06.03.02 Shrub Grower (agric.) :HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY GROWER, FIELD (agric.): 405.161-01403.01.03 shucker :SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.): 521.687- 1 22 06.04.28 - SHUTTLE-CAR OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 932.683- 022 05.11.02 shuttlecock assembler :FIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.): 732.685-018 06.04.20 Shuttlecock-Feather Trimmer (sports equip.) MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 shuttle filler :SHUTTLE HAND (textile): 689.686-038 06.04.06 SHUTTLE FIXER (textile) 628.684-026 06.02.32 SHUTTLE HAND (textile) 689.686-038 06.04.06 shuttle inspector :SHUTTLE FIXER (textile): 06.02.32 SHUTTLE INSPECTOR (woodworking) 769.684-046 06.03.01 shuttleless-loom weaver :WEAVER, NEEDLE LOOM (narrow fabrics): 683.665-010 06.02.06 SHUTTLER (trim. & embroid.) 689.687-070 06.04.06 shuttle repairer :SHUTTLE FIXER (textile): 628.684-026 06.02.32 SHUTTLE SPOTTER (woodworking) 664.685-026 06.04.03 shuttle threader :SHUTTLE HAND (textile): 689.686-038 06.04.06 Side Boss (logging) :SUPERVISOR, LOGGING (logging): 459. 133-0 1 0 03.02.02 :SHELLFISH- & preserv.): OPERATOR :CUTTER, 628.684-026 630 Side Framer (mfö. blags.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfd. blogs.; trans, equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 Side Framer (trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, CAMPER (trans. equip.): 806.684-018 06.04.22 - Side Gluer (musical inst.) :PIANO CASE AND BENCH AS- SEMBLER (musical inst.): 763.684-058 06.04.25 Side Guider (floor covering, n.e.c.) :GUIDER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.686-014 06.04.40 side hemmer :HEMMER, AUTOMATIC 787.685-018 06.04.05 SIDE LASTER, CEMENT (boot & shoe) 690.685-358 06.04.05 SIDE LASTER, STAPLE (boot & shoe) 690.685-362 06.04.05 Side Laster, Tack (boot & shoe) :SIDE LASTER, STAPLE (boot & shoe): 690.685-362 06.04.05 Side-Panel Hanger (mfa. blags.; trans. equip.) :METAL HANGER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 809.684-030 06.02.22 Side-Panel Padder (furn.) :PANEL COVERER, METAL FUR- NITURE (furn.): 780.684-082 06.04.22 side-piece coverer :PANEL COVERER, METAL FURNITURE (furn.): 780.684-082 06.04.22 SIDER (const.; ret. tr.; mfc. blags.) 863.684-01405.10.01 SIDER (mfa. blógs.) 860.684-014 05.10.01 SIDEROGRAPHER (print. & pub.) 979.381-030 01.06.01 Side-Seam-Envelope-Machine Operator (paper goods) :ENVELOPE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-042 06.04.04 Side-Seam Tender (welding) :WELDING-MACHINE TENDER (welding): 819.685-010 06.02.19 Side-Shearing-Machine Operator (salt production) :CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.683-01405.11.02 Side-Show Entertainer (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK ENTERTAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 Side Splitter (slaught. & meat pack.) :CARCASS SPLITTER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-018 06.04.28 side stapler SIDE LASTER, STAPLE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 362 06.04.05 Side-Stitcher (matt. & bedspring) :MATTRESS FINISHER (matt. & bedspring): 780.684-070 06.02.27 Side-Stitching-Machine Feeder-Offbearer (print. & pub.) :STITCHING-MACHINE FEEDER-OFFBEARER (print. & pub.); 653.686-026 06.04.04 SIDE-STITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. 653,562-010 06.02.04 side trimmer :INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-238 06.04.05 siding applicator :SIDER (const.; ret, tr.; mfc. blags.): 863.684- O 1 4 05.10.01 Siding-Coreboard Inspector (build. board; paper & pulp) :CONTROL INSPECTOR (build, board; paper & pulp): 539.667-0 1 0 06.03.02 SIDING STAPLER (veneer & plywood) 762.684-058 06.04.25 SIEVE-GRADER TENDER (can. & preserv.) 521.665-026 06.04.15 SIEVE MAKER (grain & feed mill,) 529.684-018 06.04.25 Sieve Repairer (grain & feed mill.) :SIEVE MAKER (grain & feed mill.): 529.684-018 06.04.25 SIFTER (drug. prep. & rel, prod.) 551.687-030 06.04.34 sifter and miller :ROUGE SIFTER AND MILLER (optical goods): 579.685-046 06.04.09 sifter operator :BOLTER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-030 06.04.15 SIGHT-EFFECTS SPECIALIST (amuse. & rec.) 962.267-010 05.10.03 sighter TARGETEER (firearms): 736.684-042 06.03.02 SIGHT MOUNTER (firearms) 736,481-010 06.02.24 Sightseeing-Boat Operator (water trans.) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 91 1.663-010 05.08.04 signaler :LABORER, HOISTING (any ind.): 05.12.04 SIGNALER (const.) 869.667-014 05.12.04 (house furn.): & pub.) 921,667–022 signal inspector :SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.): 822.281- 026 05.05.05 SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r, trans.) 822.28 1-026 05.05.05 SIGNAL MAINTAINER HELPFR (r. r. trans.) 822.684-018 05.12.16 - signal repairer SIGNAL MAINTAINER (r.r. trans.): 822.281- O26 05.05.05 SIGNAL SUPERVISOR (r. r. trans.) 822. 131-026 05.05.05 signal timer PROTECTIVE-SIGNAA. OPERATOR (any ind.): 379.362-() 4 07.04.05 signal-tower operator 9 : 0.362-0 l () 05.03.03 SIGN ERECTOR (signs) I 869.38 1-026 05.05.06 SIGN ERECTOR (signs) II 869.684-054 05.10.01 SIGN ERECTOR-AND-REPAIRER (signs) 05.05.06 sign hanger SIGN ERECTOR (signs) I: 869.381-026 05.05.06 Sign Maker (signs) :SIGN ERECTOR (signs) I: 869.381-026 05.05.06 sign poster :BILLPOSTER (any ind.): 299.667-010 05.12.12 sign printer SIGN WRITER, MACHINE (any ind.): 659.682- 026 06.02.09 SIGN WRITER, HAND (any ind.) 970.28 1-022 01.06.03 SIGN WRITER, MACHINE (any ind.) 659.682-026 06.02.09 silencer :DEADENER (auto mfg.): 845.687-010 06.04.33 Silent Bit Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :EXTRA (amuse, & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 1.59.647-0 l 4 01.08.01 SILHOUETTE ARTIST (amuse. & rec.) 149.05 1-0 l () 01.02.02 Silica-Dry-Press Helper (brick & tile) :DRY-PRESS-OPERA- TOR HELPER (brick & tile): 575,686-0 i () 06.04.17 Silica-Dry-Press Operator (brick & tile) :DRY-PRESS OPERA- TOR (brick & tile): 575.662-010 G6.02.17 SILICA-FILTER OPERATOR (malt liquors) 06.02.15 Silica-Mixer Operator (brick & tile) :MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.382-010 06.02.17 SILICA-SPRAY MIXER (ore dress., smelt., & refin, ) 570.685- 090 06.04.17 Silicator (chem.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind, ) II: 741.687- 018 06.04.33 Silk Beamer (textile) 68 l .685-058 06.04.06 Silk Brusher (textile) :NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile): 585.685-070 06.04. 16 Silk-Crepe-Machine Operator (textile) :EMBOSSER (any ind.): 583,685-030 06.04.02 Silk Examiner (textile) :CLOTH EXAMiNER, (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 :TOWER OPERATOR (r. r. trans.): 869.36 1-0 18 521.582-0 1 0 :LONG-CHAIN BEAMER (textile): MACHINE SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.) 363.68 1-0 10 * 06.04.35 Silk Folder (textile) :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.585-014 {}6.04.05 Silk-Lining Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe; hat & cap; leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Silk Presser (garment) I :PRESSER, HAND (any ind,): 363,684-0 | 8 * 06.04.35 Silk Presser (garment) II :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-0 l 8 * 06.04.05 silk-screen artist :SCREEN MAKER, PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS (any ind.): 971,381-042 05.10.05 SILK-SCREEN CUTTER (any ind.) 979.68 1-022 01.06.01 Silk Screener (optical goods) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 SILK-SCREEN ETCHER (engraving) 704.684-014 06.04.24 SILK-SCREEN-FRAME ASSEMBLER (any ind.) 709.484-010 06.04.23 Silk-Screen-Layout Drafter (any ind, ) :SILK-SCREEN CUTTER (any ind.): 979.681-022 01.06.01 631 silk-screen maker :SILK-SCREEN CUTTER (any ind.): 979.681-022 01.06.01 silk-screen operator :SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684- 034 06.04.34 silk-screen painter :SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 SILK-SCREEN PRINTER (electronics) 726.687-018 06.04.34 silk-screen printer :SCREEN PRINTER (textile): 979.684-030 06.02.27 - SILK-SCREEN PRINTER, MACHINE (any ind.) 652.665-010 06.02.09 silk screen processor SCREEN MAKER, PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS (any ind.): 971.381-042 05.10.05 SILK-SCREEN REPAIRER (any ind.) 979.684-038 05.10.05 Silk Spotter (clean., dye., & press.) SPOTTER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.381-010 06.02.27 SILK SPREADER (textile) 680.685-090 06.04.06 silk-top-hat-body maker TOP-HAT-BODY MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-074 06.04.27 Silo Erector (const.) :BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381-018 * 05.05.01 SILO OPERATOR (tobacco) 529.682-030 06.02.15 SILO TBNDER (cement) 579.685-050 06.04.40 SILVERER (mirror) 574.684-014 06.04.33 silverer :OPTICAL-GLASS SILVERER 574.484-010 06.04.33 SILVERING APPLICATOR (mirror) 574.582-010 06.02.21 (optical goods): Silver Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380-010 06.02.21 Silversmith (jewelry) :JEWELER (jewelry): 700.281-010 01.06.02 SILVERSMITH (silverware) 700.281-022 01.06.02 SILVER-SOLUTION MIXER (chem.) 550.684-026 06.04.34 SILVER SPRAY WORKER (phonograph) 500.684-022 06.04.33 SILVER STRIPPER, MACHINE (mirror) 579.685-054 06.04.39 SILVERWARE ASSEMBLER (silverware) 700.684-070 06.04.23 Silverware Washer (hotel & rest.) :KITCHEN HELPER (hotel & rest.): 318.687-010 05.12.18 Silverware Washer (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687–01 4 05.12.18 SILVER WRAPPER (hotel & rest.) 3 18.687-018 SILVICULTURIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-050 02.62.92 singeing-torch operator :FLAMER (boot & shoe): 788.684-050 06.04.27 SINGER (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 152.047–022 01.04.03 SINGER (hat & cap) 784.687-062 06.04.27 SINGER (narrow fabrics) 585.687-030 06.04.27 SINGER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-098 06.04.28 SINGER (textile) 585.685-106 06.04.16 singer and unloader :FLAMER (boot & shoe): 788.684-050 06.04.27 Singer Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010 06.04.16 SINGE WINDER (textile) 681.585-018 06.04.06 Single-Beam Clicker (boot & shoe; hat & cap; leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Single-Corner Cutter (paper goods) :CORNER CUTTER (paper goods): 640.685-030 06.04.04 Single-Ending-Machine Operator (paper goods) MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.04.04 Single-End Sewer (paper goods) :BAG SEWER (paper goods): 787.686-010 06.04.04 Single-End-Trimming-and-Boring-Machine Operator (woodworking) :DOUBLE-END-TRIMMER-AND-BORING- MACHINE OPERATOR (furn.): 669.682-038 06.02.03 :BACK TENDER (textile): :ENDING- 64 1.685-042 Single-Facing-Corrugating-Machine Operator (paper goods) :CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.562-010 * 06.02.04 Single-Fold-Machine Operator (paper goods) MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.02.04 single-needle operator :LOCKSTITCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.682-170 06.02.05 Single-Needle Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Single-Pass-Soil-Stabilizer Operator (const.) :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683–026 05.11.01 single-pointed operator :PHONOGRAPH-NEEDLE-TIP MAKER (phonograph): 770.382-01406.02.08 Single-Stroke Preformer (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 single-wire-saw operator :WIRE SAWYER 677.462-01 4 06.02.08 SINK CUTTER (stonework) 677.682-018 06.04.08 sinker puller :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 SINKER WINDER (sports equip.) 732.685-030 06.04.20 SINTER FEEDER (iron & steel) 513.685-010 06.04.10 SINTERING-PRESS OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 617.685-038 06.04.10 SINTER-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 510.685-026 06.04.10 siphoner :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 SIPHON OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.) 599.687–026 02.04.02 S-Iron Worker (wood preserving) :ANTICHECKING-IRON WORKER (wood preserving): 563.687-010 06.04.25 Sirup Blender (flav. ext, & sirup) :SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext. & sirup): 520.485-026 06.02.15 Sirup Crystallizer (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 siruper PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE preserv.): 529.685-190 06.04.15 Siruper, Machine (can. & preserv.) :PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE (can. & preserv.): 529.685-190 06.04.15 Sirup Filterer (flav. ext, & sirup) :SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext, & sirup): 520.485-026 06.02.15 sirup-kettle operator :POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERA-" TOR (plastics mat.); 558.382-050 06.02.13 SIRUP MAKER (choc. & cocoa) 529.482-022 06.02.15 SIRUP MAKER (flav. ext. & sirup) 520.485-026 06.02.15 SIRUP MIXER (corn prod.) 529.462-010 06.02.15 :FOLDING- 649.685-046 * (stonework): :FACTORY HELPER (can. & SIRUP-MIXER ASSISTANT (corn prod.) 520.687–058 06.04.40 sisal operator :STAPLER, HAND (matt. & bedspring): 780.687-042 06.04.22 Sisal Picker (matt. & bedspring) :PICKER-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (matt. & bedspring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 site planner :LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (profess. & kin.): 001.061-018 05.01.07 Six-Horse Hitch Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 9 19.664-010 03.04.05 six-pack-loader operator :CASE-LOADER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 920.685-042 06.04.38 six-pack packer :CASE-LOADER OPERATOR (malt liquors): 920.685-042 06.04.38 Six-Section Blower (hat & cap) :FUR-BLOWER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 680.685-046 06.04.06 size cutter :SWEATBAND SEPARATOR (hat & cap): 585.685- 122 06.04.05 SIZE MAKER (paper & pulp) 550.682-010 06.04.14 Size Maker (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585- 018 06.04.11 sizer :STARCHER (artif. flower): 739.687–178 06.04.34 632 sizer ;SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-034 06.04.16 size, :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 izer SIZER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684-054 06.04.27 IZER (hosiery) 684.687-018 06.03.02 izer ARBORER (jewelry): 700.684-010 06.04.24 j :LENS-BLANK GAGER (optical goods): 716.687-026 06.03.02 siž. (textile) 582.687–026 06.04.16 sizer SLASHER TENDER (textile): 582.562-010 06.04.16 º, grader :GRADER (woodworking): 669.587-010 06.03.02 sº HAND (hat & cap) 784.684-054 06.04.27 izer helper SLASHER-TENDER HELPER (textile): 582.686- 026 06.04.16 sižňr. MACHINE (hat & cap) 784.684-058 06.04.16 * MACHINE (optical goods) 716.360-010 06.01.02 ize tester SIZER (hosiery): 684.687-018 06.03.02 . brusher STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589,687-038 06.04.27 izing end-bander :ENDBAND CUTTER, HAND (hat & cap): s 784.687–026 06.04.27 IZING-MACHINE-AND-DRIER OPERATOR (felt goods) 582,665–026 06.04.16 Sizing-Machine-and-Drier-Operator Helper (felt goods) :MACHINE HELPER (felt goods): 586.686-022 06.04.05 IZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 554.685-026 06.04.21 IZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 649.582-014 06.02.18 izing-machine operator : IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 izing-machine operator :SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 521.685-318 06.04.15 IZING-MACHINE TENDER (clock & watch) 690.685-366 06.04.02 SIZING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 662.685-030 06.04.03 o SIZING-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 584.665-018 06.04.16 sizing sponger STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 Sizing Sprayer (window shade & fix.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 SKATE-SHOP ATTENDANT (amuse. 09.04.02 Skein Drier (synthetic fibers) :DRIER OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 581.685-018 06.04.16 SKEINER (narrow fabrics) 681.685-102 06.04.06 skein inspector :YARN EXAMINER, SKEINS 689.687-082 06.03.02 skein-mercerizing-machine operator :YARN-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile) I: 584.685-054 06.04.16 skein reeler :REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-078 06.04.06 Skein Washer (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 SKEIN WINDER (elec. equip.) 721.484-022 06.02.32 skein winder :SKEINER (narrow fabrics): 681.685-102 06.04.06 skein winder :REELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-078 06.04.06 - SKEIN WINDER (textile) 681.685-098 06.04.06 SKEIN-WINDING OPERATOR (any ind.) 06.04.27 - SKEIN-YARN DRIER (textile) 581.685-054 06.04.16 SKEIN-YARN DYER (textile) 582.685-130 06.04.16 SKEIN-YARN-DYER HELPER (textile) 582.686-022 06.04.16 sketcher :LETTERER (type founding): 979.681-010 01.06.03 Sketch Liner (pottery & porc.) :PAINTER, HAND (any ind.): 970.381 -022 01.06.03 sketch maker :ILLUSTRATOR, SET (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 141.061-030 01.02.03 SKETCH MAKER (print. & pub.) I 979.381-034 01.06.01 & rec.) 341.464-010 (textile): 559.687–054 SKETCH MAKER (print. & pub.) II 972.381-018 01.06.01 SKETCH MAKER, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.) 970.281-026 01.02.03 SKI BASE TRIMMER (sports equip.) 732.684-110 06.04.34 Skidder Operator (forestry; logging) :LOGGING-TRACTOR OPERATOR (forestry; logging; sawmill): 929.683-010 03.04.02 Skid-Grapple Operator (logging) :LOGGING-TRACTOR OPERATOR (forestry; logging; sawmill): 929.683-010 03.04.02 skid-machine operator :ENGRAVER, TIRE MOLD (mach. shop): 605.382-01406.02.02 SKIFF OPERATOR (fish.) 441.683-010 03.04.03 ski-lift operator SKI-TOW OPERATOR (amuse. 341.665-010 09.05.08 SKI MAKER, WOOD (sports equip.) 761.381-026 06.02.25 Skimmer (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687–022 * 06.04.32 SKIMMER, REVERBERATORY (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.687–022 06.04.34 Skimmer-Scoop Operator (any ind.) :POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any ind.): 850.683-030 05.11.01 SKI MOLDER (sports equip.) 732.684-114 06.02.32 skin bumper :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 617.682-01 4 06.02.02 skin bundler :SKIN GRADER (slaught. 525.687-102 06.03.02 - Skin Carver (furn.) :CARVER, HAND (furn.; plan. mill): 76.1.281-010 01.06.02 skin-drying-room attendant :DRYING-OVEN (hat & cap): 581.686-022 06.04.16 SKIN FITTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 806.381-054 06.01.04 SKIN FORMER (rubber goods) 752.684-050 06.04.32 SKIN GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-102 06.03.02 SKIN-LAP BONDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.684-130 06.04.24 SKIN LIFTER, BACON (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.687-126 06.04.28 - skinner SKIN FITTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 806.381 -054 06.01.04 skinner TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 skinner :CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539.686- 010 06.04.14 SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-046 06.04.28 skinner, pelts :PELTER (agric.): 410.687-018 03.04.03 SKINNING-MACHINE FEEDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.686-022 06.04.15 SKIN-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (slaught. pack.) 525.685-030 06.04.15 skin specialist :DERMATOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.101-018 02.03.01 SKI PATROLLER (amuse. & rec.) 379.664-010 04.02.03 Skip-Hoist Operator (any ind.) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 SKIP OPERATOR (iron & steel) 921.683-062 06.04.40 skipper CAPTAIN, FISHING VESSEL (fish.): 197.133-010 05.04.02 skip tender 05.12.04 Skip Tender, Concrete Mixing or :CONSTRUCTION WORKER 05.12.03 SKIP TRACER (clerical) 241.367–026 07.04.01 SKI REPAIRER, PRODUCTION (sports equip.) 732.684-118 06.02.24 SKI TOPPER (sports equip.) 692.685-170 06.04.20 SKI-TOP TRIMMER (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.685-370 06.04.02 - SKI-TOW OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 341,665-010 09.05.08 & rec.): & meat pack.): ATTENDANT & meat :CAGER (mining & quarrying): 939.667-010 Batch Plant (const.) (const.) II: 869.687-026 633 SKIVER (leather prod.) 690.685-374 06.04.05 skiver SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 SKIVER, BLOCKERS (boot & shoe) 585.685-1 10 06.04.05 Skiver, Box-Toe (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Counter (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Flare (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Hand (leather prod.) :SKIVER (leather prod.): 690.685- 374 OG.04.05 Skiver, Heel Tap (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods) 690.685-378 06.04.05 - skiver-machine operator :BEVELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 690.686-010 06.04.05 Skiver, Sock Linings (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Tuck (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Uppers or Linings (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiver, Welt-End (boot & shoe) :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 Skiving-machine operator :SKIVER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; rubber goods): 690.685-378 06.04.05 SKIVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (firearms) 664.682-018 06.02.03 Skoog-Machine Operator (veneer & plywood) :VENEER REPAIRER, MACHINE (veneer & plywood): 669.685-098 {}6.04.03 SKULL GRINDER (slaught. & meat pack.) 521.687-130 06.04.39 Skycap (air trans.) :PORTER (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 357.677-010 09.05.03 Sky-Line Yarder (logging) :YARDING ENGINEER (logging): 921.663-066 05. 11.04 - SLABBER (soap) 559.686-042 06.04.09 Slabber, Light (soap) :SLABBER (soap): 559.686-042 06.04.09 slabbing-machine operator :SLABBER (soap): 559.686-042 06.04.09 Slabbing-Mill Recorder (iron & steel) :RECORDER (iron & steel): 221 .367–050 05.09.02 SLAB-CONDITIONER SUPERVISOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 609. 132-010 06.02.01 SLAB-DEPILER OPERATOR (iron & 06.04.10 SLAB GRINDER (Stonework) 673.682-030 06.02.08 Siab inspector (rubber reclaim.) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 slab lifting engineer :LIFT-SLAB OPERATOR 869.662–0 1 0 05.12.04 slab lifting supervisor 869.662–0 1 0 05.12.04 slab-miller operator :PLANER-TYPE-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 605.282-018 06.02.02 Slab-Off Mill Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) :RUBBER-MILL TENDER (plastics mat.; rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 550.685-102 06.04.13 Slab Picker (sawmill) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Slab Polisher (stonework) 673.682-030 06.02.08 slab worker : ROLLER (confection.) I: 520.684-014 06.04.28 Slack Cooper (cooperage) :COOPER (cooperage): 764.684-022 05.10.01 steel) 504.665-010 (const.): :LIFT-SLAB OPERATOR (const.): :SLAB GRINDER (Stonework): slackline operator TOWER-EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (const.): 850.683–042 05.11.04 Slack-Line Yarder (logging) :YARDING ENGINEER (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 slag expander GRANULATOR TENDER (iron & steel): 519.665-010 06.04.10 Slag Scraper (welding) 819.666-010 05.12.11 Slag Worker (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 slasher :WELT BEATER (boot & shoe): 690.685-470 06.04.05 SLASHER (plastics mat.) 690.665-010 06.04.02 SLASHER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; sawmill) 667.685-054 06.04.03 slasher sawyer :SLASHER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; saw- mill): 667.685-054 06.04.03 SLASHER TENDER (textile) 582.562-010 06.04.16 SLASHER-TENDER HELPER (textile) 582.686–026 06.04.16 SLAT-BASKET MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (basketry) 669.686–026 06.04.20 SLAT-BASKET MAKER, MACHINE (basketry) 669.685-074 06.04.20 Slat-Basket-Top Maker (basketry) (basketry) I: 669.685-01406.04.03 Slate Cutter (stonework) :STONE DRILLER (stonework): 676.682-01 4 06.02.08 Slate-Cutter Operator (stonework) :CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 677.462-010 06.02.08 SLATE MIXER (build. mat., n.e.c.) 570.685-094 06.04.08 Slate Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 Slate Splitter (stonework) 771.684-010 05.12.07 slate trimmer :STONE TRIMMER (stonework): 670.685-010 06.04.08 slat grader :WOOL-AND-PELT GRADER (slaught. & meat pack.); 589.387-018 06.03.01 slat pickler :SHEEPSKIN PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 582.685-126 06.04.16 SLAT TWISTER (matt. & bedspring) 616.685-066 06.04.02 slaughter-and-butcher apprentice :BUTCHER APPRENTICE (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.381-010 06.02.28 Sleeping-Bag Filler (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 780.684-066 06.04.23 Sleeping Room Cleaner (hotel & rest.) :CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING (any ind.): 323.687-01405.12.18 Sleeve Baster (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684- 058 06.04.27 Sleeve-Bottom Feller (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684–058 06.04.27 sleeve machine operator :BOX PRINTER (any ind.): 652.682- 0 1 0 06.02.09 Sleeve-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) :CELL TUBER, MACHINE (elec. equip.); 692.685-046 06.04.09 sleeve maker :BELT MAKER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 776.684-010 06.04.34 SLEEVE MAKER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-226 06.02.05 Sleever (elec. equip.) 691.685-018 06.04.34 SLEEVER (paper goods) 641.686-034 06.04.04 Sleeve Separator (knit goods) :CLIPPER (any ind.): 789.687- 030 06.03.02 SLEEVE SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-230 06.02.05 SLEEVE SETTER, OVERLOCK 06.02.05 Sleeve Setter, Safety-Stitch (garment) :SLEEVE SETTER, OVERLOCK (garment): 786.682-234 06.02.05 :MACHINE HELPER (welding): :BASKET ASSEMBLER :ROCK SPLITTER (stonework): :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): (garment) 786.682-234 634 leeve Tailor (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 leeve Turner (garment; knit goods) :GARMENT TURNER (garment; knit goods): 789.687- eeve wheel maker :BELT MAKER (abrasive & polish. prod.): 776.684-010 06.04.34 ice-cutting-machine operator :SLICE-PLUG-CUTTER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-298 06.04.15 ice-cutting-machine-operator helper :SLICE-PLUG-CUTTER- OPERATOR HELPER (tobacco): 521.686-054 06.04.15 LICE-PLUG-CUTTER OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685-298 06.04.15 LICE-PLUG-CUTTER-OPERATOR 521,686-054 06.04.15 icer STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 icer (const.) CONSTRUCTION *::. 05.12.03 icer-Machine Operator (nut process.) : ALMOND-CUTTING- |MACHINE TENDER (nut process.): 521.685-018 06.04.15 icing-machine feeder :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 LICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 521.685-302 06.04.15 LICING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.08 LICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.; slaught. & meat pack.) 521.685-306 06.04.15 LICING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.) 663.686-026 06.04.09 LICING-MACHINE TENDER 663.685-034 06.04.03 ICKER (hat & cap) 784.684-062 06.04.33 LIDE-FASTENER-CHAIN ASSEMBLER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734,687-074 06.04.23 LIDE-FASTENER REPAIRER (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 734,684-022 06.04.24 ide-forming-machine operator :FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.382-018 06.02.02 ide-forming-machine tender :FOUR-SLIDE-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 619.685-050 06.04.02 LIDE-MACHINE TENDER (match) 641.685-078 06.04.04 LIDE PROCESSOR (inst. & app.) 574.684-018 06.02.30 LIDER ASSEMBLER (garment; needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 734.687-078 06.04.23 ider attacher SLIDER ASSEMBLER (garment; needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 734.687-078 06.04.23 LIDING-JOINT MAKER (musical inst.) 730.684-078 06.02.24 LIME-PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) I 5 10.685-030 06.04.10 - LIME-PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) II 51 1.685-054 OG.04.12 LIME-PLANT-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-058 06.04.10 limer (can. & preserv.; fish.) :FISH CLEANER (can. & preserv.; fish.): 525.684-030 * 06.04.28 linger :RIGGER (any ind.): 921.260-010 05.11.04 HELPER (tobacco) WORKER (const.) II: (button) 692.685–174 (window shade & fix.) LINGER, SEQUINS (fabric. plastics prod.) 692.685-178 06.04.09 LIPCOVER CUTTER (house furn.; ret. tr.) 780.381-034 05.05.15 lip-Cover Estimator (ret. tr.) :DRAPERY AND UPHOL- STERY MEASURER (ret. tr.): 299.364-010 05.09.02 LIP-COVER SEWER (house furn.) 780.682-01 4 06.02.05 lip feeder :POND WORKER (paper & pulp; sawmill; veneer & plywood): 921.686-022 05.12.04 LIP LASTER (boot & Shoe) 788.684-106 06.04.27 lip maker :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.482-010 06.04.17 slip mixer :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.482-010 06.04.17 slip mixer AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 SLIP-SEAT COVERER (furn.) 780.684-094 06.04.27 slipstitch-machine operator .NECKTIE-CENTRALIZING- MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) II: 786.682-190 06.02.05 slip tender BRIDGE OPERATOR, SLIP (r.r. trans.): 919.682- 010 05.11.04 slit-roll inspector :ROLL INSPECTOR (plastics mat.); 554.587- 0 1 0 06.03.02 slitter STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 SLITTER (hosiery) 781.684-054 06.04.27 Slitter-and-Cutter Operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) :SLITTER-SCORER-CUT-OFF OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.682-038 06.02.04 slitter-and-rewinder :SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-010 06.04.09 slitter-and-rewinder-machine operator SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 SLITTER-CREASER-SLOTTER HELPER (paper 649.686-030 06.04.04 SLITTER-CREASER-SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-034 06.02.04 slitter helper SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I: 699.587-010 06.04.09 slitter operator :SHEETER OPERATOR (plastics 690.382-010 06.02.02 Slitter, Processed Film (photofinish.) SPLICER (photofinish.): 976.684-026 06.04.34 SLITTER-SCORER-CUT-OFF OPERATOR 649.682-038 06.02.04 SLITTER SERVICE AND SETTER (tinvare) 615.280–010 06.01.02 slitting-machine coiler :COILER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys); 613.685-010 06.04.02 slitting-machine feeder :DEFECTIVE-CIGARETTE SLITTER (tobacco): 529.685-090 06.04.15 SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 699.682-030 06.02.09 SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 615,662-010 * 06.02.02 slitting-machine operator SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 SLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.) I 699.587-010 06.04.09 Slitting-Machine-Operator Helper (any ind.) II :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-01406.04.24 sliver chopper :STAPLE CUTTER (textile): 06.04.06 Sliver former :FIBER-MACHINE TENDER 575,685-030 06.04.13 Sliver handler :FIBER-MACHINE TENDER 575.685-030 06.04.13 SLIVER-LAP-MACHINE TENDER 06.04.06 Sliver-Machine Operator (nut process.) ALMOND-CUTTING- MACHINE TENDER (nut process.): 521.685-018 06.04.15 Slope-Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 SLOT ROUTER (furn.) 763.684-066 06.04.25 SLOT-TAG INSERTER (clerical) 222.567-018 07.07.02 SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-078 06.04.04 SLOTTER-OPERATOR HELPER (paper goods) 640.686-014 06.04.26 slubber :SLUBBER TENDER (textile): 680.685-098 06.04.06 Slubber Doffer (textile) :DOFFER (textile): 689.686-022 * 06.04.06 goods) mat.): (paper goods) G80.685-102 (glass mfg.): (glass mfg.): (textile) 4. 680.685-094 635 slubber-frame changer :FRAME CHANGER (textile): 689.686- 026 06.04.06 slubber hand SLUBBER TENDER (textile): 06.04.06 SLUBBER TENDER (textile) 680.685-098 06.04.06 slub picker :BURLER (carpet & rug; textile): 689.684-010 * 06.03.02 680.685-098 Sludge-Control Attendant (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.): 955.585-0 1 0 05.12.07 Sludge-Control Operator (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362- 0 1 0 05.06.04 sludge-filter operator 551.685-078 (96.04.19 Sludge-Filtration Attendant (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- :FILTER OPERATOR (any ind.): TREATMENT-PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.): 955.585-0 1 0 05.12.07 Sludge-Filtration Operator (sanitary ser.) :WASTEWATER- TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362- 0 1 0 05.06.04 slug-furnace operator 06.02.02 slugger :FISH-NET STRINGER (cord. & twine): 782.684-026 06.04.27 - :HEATER (forging): 619.682-022 SLUG-PRESS OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 556.685-074 06.04.19 sluice tender :MINER, PLACER (mining & quarrying): 939.684-01 4 slumber-room attendant :COOLING-ROOM ATTEND ANT (per. ser.): 335.677-010 09.05.01 SLUNK-SKIN CURER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-106 06.04.34 Slunk Skinner (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 slurry blender :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 SLURRY-CONTROL TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 10.465-01 4 06.02.10 SLURRY MIXER (ammunition) 539.362-018 06.02.18 slurry-plant operator :SILICA-SPRAY MIXER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-090 06.04.17 slurry-tank tender :AUXILIARY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (cement): 570.685-010 06.04.17 slush caster CASTER (jewelry): 502.381-010 06.02.24 slusher :PORCELAIN-ENAMEL REPAIRER (any 74 1.684-030 06.04.33 slusher :FORM MAKER, PLASTER (fabric. plastics prod.): 777.684-0 1 0 06.02.30 slusher operator :PULPER (build. board; paper & pulp): 530.685-01 4 06.04.14 slusher operator SCRAPER-LOADER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-050 05.11.02 small-appliance repairer :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE REPAIRER (any ind.): 723.381-010 05.10.03 SMALL-ENGINE MECHANIC (any ind.) 625.281-034 * 05.05.09 small kick-press operator ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PEN- CILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil): 733.687-014 06.04.23 Small-Parts-Shaper Operator (woodworking) OPERATOR (woodworking): 665.682-034 05.05.08 small-piece cutter :WASTE SALVAGER (garment): 781.684- 062 06.02.27 - small press operator ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PENCILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil): 733.687-014 06.04.23 Small-Scale-Computer Operator (clerical) OPERATOR (clerical): 213.362-010 * 07.06.01 ind.): :SHAPER :COMPUTER Small-Stock Facer (slaught. & meat pack.) :SKINNER (slaugh & meat pack.): 525.684-046 06.04.28 Small-Tool Designer (profess. & kin.) :TOOL DESIGN (profess. & kin.): 0.07.061-026 05.01.07 SMASH HAND (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.684-026 06.02.2 smearer STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 smearer :STAINER (leather prod.): 589.687-034 06.04.27 smeller :INSPECTOR, CANNED FOOD RECONDITIONIN (can. & preserv.): 529.687-1 18 06.03.02 smocker :CRUSHER (mort. goods): 780.684-042 06.04.27 Smocking-Machine Operator (garment) :MULTINEEDL CHAINSTITCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (garmen 786.682-1 78 06.02.05 SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pac 525.587-0 1 4 06.04.28 smoke eater :FOREST-FIRE FIGHTER (forestry): 452.687-0 03.04.02 smokehouse attendant :SMOKER (slaught. & meat pack 525.682-0 1 0 06.02.15 SMOKE JUMPER (forestry) 452.364-014 04.02.04 SMOKE JUMPER SUPERVISOR (forestry) 04.02.04 SMOKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.682-010 06.02.15 SMOKE-ROOM OPERATOR (hat & cap) 784.687-0 06.04.34 SMOKE TESTER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 0 12.28 1-0 02.04.01 SMOKING-PIPE DRILLER AND THREADER (smoking pi 669.685-078 06.02.03 SMOKING-PIPE LINER (smoking pipe) 739.687-170 06.04. SMOKING-PIPE MAKER (smoking pipe) 761.38 1-0 SMOKING-PIPE REPAIRER (any ind.) 739.484-018 05.10.0 452. 1 34-0 SMOKING-TOBACCO-CUTTER OPERATOR (tobac 521.685-310 06.04.15 Smoking-Tobacco Packer, Hand (tobacco) PACK (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 Smoking-Tobacco-Packing-Machine Hand (tobac :TOBACCO-PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacc 920.685-098 06.04.38 smoother :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircraft-aerospace mf 61 7.682-01 4 06.02.02 SMOOTHER (hat & cap) 784.684-066 06.04.27 Smoother (mirror) :BEVELER (glass mfg.; mirror): 775.6 0 1 0 06.02.30 SMOOTHER (pen & pencil) 733.685-026 06.04.24 smoothing-hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR (aircr aerospace mfg.); 617.682-01406.02.02 smoothing-machine operator :SEAM-RUBBING-MACHI OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685–350 06.04.05 smooth plater :EMBOSSER (leather mfg.; leather 690.682-030 06.02.05 smutter :PROCESSOR, GRAIN (grain & feed mill.): 521.6 254 06.04.15 - snagger SNAG GRINDER (found.): 705.684-074 06.04.24 SNAG GRINDER (found.) 705.684-074 06.04.24 SNAILER (clock & watch) 603.685-078 06.02.02 Snake Charmer (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK TERTAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-0 10 01.07.03 Snaker (logging) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 9 19.664- 03.04.05 Snap Attacher (any ind.) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 Snap-Fastener-Machine Operator (any ind.) :EYEL MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.0 snapper-on :PAIL BAILER (tinvare): 703.685-010 06.04.02 Snath-Handle Assembler (woodworking) :HANDLE ASS BLER (woodworking): 762.687-042 06.04.22 Sneller, Hand (sports equip.) :LEADER TIER (sports equ 732.687–038 06.04.34 pro 636 snipper :NICKER (boot & shoe): 690.685-298 06.04.05 snipper TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 Snout Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) HEAD TRIMMER (slaught & meat pack.); 525.684-03406.04.28 |Snow-Plow Operator, Truck (gov. ser.) HIGHWAY-MAIN- TENANCE WORKER (gov. ser.): 899.684-01405.12.12 Snow-Plow Tractor Operator (gov. ser.) :HIGHWAY-MAIN- TENANCE WORKER (gov. ser.): 899.684-01405.12.12 Snow Ranger (gov. ser.) :PARK RANGER (gov. ser.): 169.167– 042 04.02.03 snow remover SNOW SHOVELER (gov. ser.): 955.687-014 05.12.18 SNOW-REMOVING SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.) 955.137-010 05.11.01 SNOW SHOVELER (gov. ser.) 955.687-01405.12.18 SNUFF-BOX FINISHER (tobacco) 920.687-174 06.04.38 SNUFF.CONTAINER INSPECTOR (tobacco) 920.667-014 06.03.02 Snuff Drier (tobacco) :TOBACCO-DRIER OPERATOR (tobacco): 523.685-1 18 06.04.15 SNUFF GRINDER AND SCREENER (tobacco) 521.685-314 06.04.15 SNUFF-PACKING-MACHINE 920.685-094 06.04.38 Soaker (textile) :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 SOAKER, HIDES (slaught. & meat pack.) 582.685-134 06.04.16 Soaker, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 soaker-soda worker STEAMER (malt liquors): 529.685-226 06.04.39 soaking-pit operator :FURNACE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys). 613.462-01406.02.10 Soaking-Pit Recorder (iron & steel) :RECORDER (iron & steel): 221.367–050 05.09.02 soaking-room operator SODA-ROOM OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 551.687-034 06.04.19 soap boiler SOAP MAKER (soap): 559.382-054 06.02.18 SOAP CHIPPER (soap) 555.686-01406.04.09 SOAP-DRIER OPERATOR (soap) 553.685-098 06.04.19 soaper :BALLOON DIPPER (rubber goods): 599.687-010 06.04.27 SOAP GRINDER (soap) 555.685-062 06.04.19 SOAPING-DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (textile) 582. 132- 0 1 4 06.02.01 Soaping-Machine Back-Tender (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 SOAP INSPECTOR (soap) 559.687-058 06.03.02 SOAP MAKER (soap) 559.382-054 06.02.18 Soap Mixer (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585- 018 06.04.11 soap-press feeder :PRESSER (soap): 559.685-142 06.04.09 soap slabber SLABBER (soap): 559.686-042 06.04.09 Soap Worker (nonfer. metal alloys) :LABORER, GENERAL (nonfer. metal alloys): 519.686-010 06.04.10 Soccer Ball Assembler (sports equip.) :BALL ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 Social Ecologist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 SOCIAL GROUP WORKER (Social ser.) 195. 107-022 10.01.02 Social Problems Specialist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 SOCIAL SECRETARY (clerical) 201.162-010 07.01.03 Social-Work Consultant, Casework (social :CASEWORKER (social ser.): 195. 107-010 * 10.01.02 social worker, clinical :SOCIAL WORKER, PSYCHIATRIC (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-034 10.01.02 OPERATOR (tobacco) (textile) :BACK TENDER ser.) social worker, clinical :SOCIAL WORKER, MEDICAL (profess. & kin.): 195.107-030 10.01.02 SOCIAL WORKER, DELINQUENCY PREVENTION (social ser.) 195. 107-026 10.01.02 social worker, health services :SOCIAL WORKER, MEDICAL (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-030 10.01.02 SOCIAL WORKER, MEDICAL (profess. & kin.) 195. 107-030 10.01.02 social worker, mental :SOCIAL WORKER, PSYCHIATRIC (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-034 10.01.02 SOCIAL WORKER, PSYCHIATRIC (profess. & kin.) 195. 107- O34 10.01.02 SOCIAL WORKER, SCHOOL (profess. & kin.) 195. 107-038 10.01.02 SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 sock-and-stocking ironer :IRONER, SOCK (laund.): 363.687– 0 1 4 06.04.35 SOCK BOARDER (hosiery) 589.686-042 06.04. 6 sock drier :IRONER, SOCK (laund.): 363.687-014 06.04.35 SOCKET PULLER (musical inst.) 730.682-010 06.02.02 Sock Examiner (hosiery) :STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery): 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 sock folder :IRONER, SOCK (laund.): 363.687-014 06.04.35 Sock Knitter (hosiery) :SEAMLESS-HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery): 684.685-010 * 06.02.06 sock-knitting-machine operator :SEAMLESS-HOSIERY KNITTER (hosiery): 684.685-010 * 06.02.06 Sock Liner (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 Sock-Lining and Heel-Pad Embosser (boot & :EMBOSSER (boot & shoe): 690.685-158 06.04.05 Sock-Lining Examiner (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 Sock-Lining Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 soda clerk :FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.): 319.474-010 * 09.04.01 SODA-COLUMN OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-054 06.02.11 SODA DIALYZER (synthetic fibers) 551.685-134 06.04.13 soda dispenser :FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.): 319.474- 0 1 0 * 09.04.01 Soda-Drier Feeder (chem.) (chem.); 553.686-038 06.04.11 Soda-Dry-House Operator (explosives) :DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (explosives): 559.685-046 06.04.19 Soda Flaker (chem.) :FLAKER OPERATOR (chem.; coal tar prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.); 559.685-074 06.04.11 soda jerker :FOUNTAIN SERVER (hotel & rest.): 319.474-010 * 09.04.01 SODA-ROOM OPERATOR 06.04.11 SODA-ROOM OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 551.687-034 06.04.19 soda worker :STEAMER (malt liquors): 529.685–226 06.04.39 Sodium-Chlorite Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559,382-018 * 06.01.03 Sodium-Methylate Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II; 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 Sofa-Cover Inspector (furn.) :COVER INSPECTOR (furn.): 789.687-038 06.03.02 Sofa Inspector (furn.) :FINISHED-STOCK (furn.): 763.687–026 06.03.02 SOFTBALL CORE MOLDER (sports equip.) 732.687-070 06.04.32 Softball Winder (sports equip.) WINDER (sports equip.): 692.685–246 06.04.09 SOFT CRAB SHEDDER (fish.) 446.684-018 03.04.03 Soft-Drink-Powder Mixer (flav. ext, & sirup) :MIXER OPERA- TOR (flav. ext. & sirup): 520.685-146 06.04.15 shoe) :ROTARY-DRIER FEEDER (malt liquors) 559.682-046 INSPECTOR 637 softener DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 softener DRUMMER (hat & cap): 589.685-034 06.04.16 Soft-Hat Binder (hat & cap) :BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 soft-iron inspector CASTING INSPECTOR (found.): 514.687– 0 1 0 06.03.02 Soft-Mud Molder (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 Soft-Sugar Boiler (sugar) :SUGAR BOILER (sugar): 522.382- 034 06.02.15 Soft-Sugar Cutter (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 SOFT-SUGAR OPERATOR, HEAD 06.02.15 SOFT-TILE SETTER (const.; ret. tr.) 861.381-034 05.05.01 Soft-work-cigar-machine operator :WRAPPER-LAYER-AND- EXAMINER, SOFT WORK (tobacco): 529.685-270 + 06.04.15 SOIL CONSERVATIONIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-054 02.02.02 Soiled linen distributor :CLASSIFIER (laund.): 361.687-014 + 06.03.02 Soil Fertility Expert (profess. & kin.) (profess. & kin.): 040.061-058 02.02.02 Soils Analyst (profess. & kin.) :ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 029.081-010 02.01.02 SOIL SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-058 02.02.02 Soils Tester (profess. & kin.) :LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.): 029.261-010 * Solder. Cream Maker (nonfer. SOLDER MAKING (nonfer. 06.04.24 SOLDERER (clock & watch) 715.685-058 06.02.02 SOLDERER (jewelry) 700.381-050 06.01.04 SOLDERER-ASSEMBLER (welding) 813.684-014 06.02.22 Solderer, Assembly Repair (welding) :SOLDERER-ASSEM- BLER (welding): 813.684-01406.02.22 SOLDERER, BARREL RIBS (firearms) 736.684-038 SOLDERER-DIPPER (welding) 813.684-018 06.04.31 solderer, electronic BRAZER, INDUCTION (welding): 813.382-010 06.02.10 solderer, furnace :BRAZER, FURNACE (welding): 813.482- 010 06.02.10 Solderer, Induction (welding) (welding): 8 13.382-010 06.02.10 SOLDERER, PRODUCTION LINE (welding) 813.684-022 * SOLDERER, TORCH (welding) I 813.684-026 06.04.31 Solderer, Torch (welding) II :BRAZER, ASSEMBLER (welding): 8 13.684-010 06.02.22 SOLDERER, ULTRASONIC, HAND (welding) 813.684-030 06.04.31 Soldering-Machine Feeder (welding) (welding): 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 Soldering-Machine Operator (welding) :BRAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 8 13.382-014 06.02.19 soldering-machine operator, automatic : BRAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 8 13.382-01406.02.19 Soldering-Machine-Operator Helper (welding) HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 Solder Sprayer (any ind.) :METAL SPRAYER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 505.684-01406.04.33 sole beater :WELT BEATER (boot & shoe): 690.685-470 06.04.05 sole blacker :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-234 06.04.21 Sole Buffer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & Shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 (sugar) 521.565-018 :SOIL SCIENTIST metal metal :LABORER, 519.667-014 alloys) alloys): :BRAZER, INDUCTION : MACHINE FEEDER :MACHINE SOLE-CONFORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.682-070 06.02.05 sole cutter STOCK FITTER (boot & shoe): 788.685-01 06.02.27 Sole-Cutting-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTE (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 sole dyer :INKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–23 06.04.21 Sole-Edge Inker, Machine (boot & shoe) :INKER, MACHIN (boot & shoe): 690.685–234 06.04.21 Sole Layer (boot & shoe) CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINE (boot & Shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Sole Layer, Hand (boot & shoe) CEMENTER, HAND (boo & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 Sole-Leather-Cutting-Machine Operator (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-382 06.04.05 sole-leveling-machine operator SOLE LEVELER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-382 06.04.05 Sole-molding-machine operator MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & 06.02.05 sole pretrimmer :EDGE TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 150 06.04.05 Sole Rougher (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685- 046 06.04.05 sole rounder :ROUNDER (boot & shoe): 690.685–338 06.04.05 sole rounder :ROUGH-ROUNDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–334 06.04.05 sole-rounding-machine operator 690.685–338 06.04.05 SOLE SCRAPER (boot & shoe) 788.687-134 06.04.27 SOLE SEWER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-1 10 06.02.27 Sole Splitter (boot & shoe) SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.); 585.685-114 06.04.05 sole stainer :PAINTER, BOTTOM (boot & shoe): 788.687-098 06.04.33 Sole Stapler, Welt (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Sole Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & Shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 sole stitcher, hand :SOLE SEWER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-1 10 06.02.27 Sole-Stock Cutter (leather prod.) :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 Sole Trimmer (boot & shoe) TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) II: 690.682-086 06.02.07 Sole Wetter (boot & shoe) :LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-090 06.04.27 solicitor :LAWYER (profess. & kin.): 110.107-010 11.04.02 solicitor :SALES REPRESENTATIVE, DOOR-TO-DOOR (ret. tr.): 291.357-010 08.02.08 solicitor, city or state :DISTRICT ATTORNEY (gov. ser.): 1 10.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.04.02 solicitor, patent :LAWYER, PATENT (profess. 110.1 17–026 11.04.02 solid center winder WINDER (sports equip.); 692.685–246 06.04.09 Solid-Die Cutter (paper goods) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 solid-fiber-paster operator COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods): 534.682-026 06.02.09 solid-glass-rod-dowel-machine operator :FIBERGLASS DOWEL-DRAWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 575.682-010 06.04.13 Solid-Tire Finisher (rubber tire & tube) :TIRE TRIMMER HAND (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-034 06.04.29 :SOLE-CONFORMING- shoe): 690.682-070 :ROUNDER (boot & shoe): & kin.): 638 Solid-Tire Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 690.662-014 06.02.07 solid waste facility operator :SANITARY LANDFILL OPERA- TOR (sanitary ser.): 955.463-010 05.11.01 solid waste facility supervisor :SANITARY-LANDFILL SUPER- VISOR (sanitary ser.): 955. 133-010 05.11.01 solution-make-up operator :MAKE-UP OPERATOR (chem.): 559.382-034 06.02.11 Solution Mixer (electronics) 550.685-082 solution mixer :CHEMICAL MIXER (photofinish.); 550.485- 0 1 0 06.02.11 Solution Mixer (plastics mat.) :MIXING-MACHINE OPERA- :MIXER OPERATOR (chem.): TOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 550.485-014 06.04.13 SOLUTIONS OPERATOR (plastics mat.) 550.382-034 06.02.13 solvent-plant operator :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR, SOLVENT PROCESS (chem.); 551.685-062 06.04.11 Solvent-Plant Treater (petrol. refin.) :TREATER refin.); 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 Solvent Recoverer (plastics mat.) :STILL TENDER (any ind.): 552.685-026 06.02.18 solvent-station attendant :PIGMENT reclaim.): 914.665-010 05.12.06 sommelier :WINE STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.): 3.10.357-0 1 0 09.05.02 SONG PLUGGER (radio & tv broad.) 165. 157-010 08.02.08 song writer :LYRICIST (profess. & kin.): 13 1.067–034 01.01.02 SORTER (boot & shoe) 753.587-010 06.03.02 SORTER (brick & tile) 573.687-034 06.03.02 SORTER (button) 734.687-082 06.03.02 Sorter (can. & preserv.) :CANNERY WORKER (can. & preserv.): 529.686-014 * 06.04.15 SORTER (clerical) 209.687-022 * 07.07.02 SORTER (cork prod.) I 569.687-022 06.03.02 SORTER (cork prod.) II 769.687-042 06.03.02 SORTER (jewelry) 735.687-030 06.03.02 Sorter (mach. shop) :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-01 4 06.04.39 sorter :GRIZZLY WORKER (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 933.687-010 05.12.07 SORTER (office mach.) 706.587-014 06.03.02 sorter :PAPER SORTER AND COUNTER (paper & pulp): 649.687-0 1 0 * 06.03.02 Sorter (synthetic fibers) :THREAD INSPECTOR (synthetic fibers): 681.687-018 06.03.02 Sorter (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :REMNANT SORTER (textile): 789.687-146 06.03.02 SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE preserv.; whole. tr.) 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 sorter, food products :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 sorter, laundry articles CLASSIFIER (laund.): 361.687-014 * 06.03.02 Sorter-Lumber Straightener (sawmill) STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 SORTER, MACHINE (button) 692.685-182 06.04.09 sorter-machine operator :SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-030 05.12.19 SORTER OPERATOR (sawmill) 921.685-054 05.07.06 sorter-packer :PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY WORKER (photofinish.): 976.687-018 06.03.02 SORTER-PRICER (nonprofit organ.) 222.387–054 05.09.03 (petrol. PUMPER (rubber (agric.; can. & :LUMBER SORTER, UPHOLSTERY PARTS (furn.) 780.587-010 06.03.02 Sorting-and-Folding Supervisor (laund.) :SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 SORTING-GRAPPLE OPERATOR 921 .683-066 05.11.04 sorting-machine attendant :SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.): 521.685-318 06.04.15 SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685- 3 18 06.04.15 SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 05.12.19 SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.665-010 06.03.02 SORTING SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 920. 137-014 06.02.01 SOUND CONTROLLER (amuse. & rec.) 194.262-014 05. 10.03 - SOUND CUTTER (motion pic.) 962.382-014 01.06.02 sound-effects supervisor :MANAGER, SOUND EFFECTS (radio & tv broad.): 962. 167-010 01.06.02 SOUND-EFFECTS TECHNICIAN (radio & tv broad.) 962.28 1- 0 1 4 01.06.02 sound engineer :AUDIO OPERATOR (radio & twº broad.): 194.262-010 05.10.05 SOUNDER (any ind.) 9 11.667-018 05.12.05 Sound installation worker :TECHNICAL TESTING ENGINEER (motion pic.): 194.381-010 05.10.03 SOUND MIXER (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & twº broad.) 194.262-018 05.10.05 soundproofer :DEADENER (auto. mfg.): 845.687-010 06.04.33 sound recording technician :RECORDING ENGINEER (phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.362-010 05.10.05 SOUND TECHNICIAN (any ind.) 829.281-022 05.05.05 Sound-Truck Operator (any ind.) :PUBLIC-ADDRESS SER- VICER (any ind.): 823.261-010 05.05.10 Sour-Bleaching Pleater (textile) :PLEATER (textile): 589.685- 074 06.04.16 SOUS CHEF (hotel & rest.) 3 13.131-026 05.05.17 SOUS CHEF (water trans.) 315. 137-014 05.05.17 SOUVENIR AND NOVELTY MAKER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 739.38 1-050 01.06.02 Souvenir assembler :SOUVENIR AND NOVELTY MAKER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.): 739.381-050 01.06.02 Soybean Grower (agric.) :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): 401. 1 6 1–0 10 03.01.01 SPACE-AND-STORAGE CLERK (ammunition) 219.387–026 07.05.03 space clerk ADVERTISING-SPACE CLERK (print. & pub.): 247.387-018 01.06.01 Spacer, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office mach.) :ASSEMBLER, TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT (office mach.): 706.684-026 06.02.23 SPACE SCHEDULER (clerical) 238.367–022 07.05.01 Spade-Winding-Machine Adjuster (electronics) :JOB SETTER (electronics): 616.380–014 06.01.02 SPAGHETTI-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.682-074 06.02.20 spaghetti press helper :LONG-GOODS HELPER, MACHINE (macaroni & rel. prod.): 529.686-062 06.04.15 Spanisher (leather prod.) :LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.): 781.381-018 01.06.02 SPANNER (trim. & embroid.) 689.687–074 06.04.06 Spar Builder (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOOD- WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 spare-parts clerk :PARTS CLERK (clerical): 222.367-042 05.09.01 Spareribs Trimmer (slaught. & meat pack.) TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-054 06.04.28 Spares Scheduler (clerical) :PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 sparker and patcher SPARK TESTER (elec. equip.; insulated wire): 728.684-018 06.03.02 SPARK-PLUG ASSEMBLER 06.04.23 (logging) (clerical) 208.685-030 (elec. equip.) 729.684-046 639 SPARK TESTER (elec. equip.; insulated wire) 728.684-018 06.03.02 SPARK TESTER (elec. equip.) 727.687-078 06.03.02 SPAR-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood preserving) 664.682-022 06.02.03 SPAR-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood preserving) 664.685-030 06.04.03 Speaking-Unit Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL-CON- TROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 spearer FISHER, SPEAR (fish.): 443.684-010 03.04.03 Special Ability Extra (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) :EXTRA (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 159.647-014 01.08.01 SPECIAL AGENT (gov. ser.) 375. 167-042 04.01.02 SPECIAL AGENT (insurance) 166. 167-046 11.05.02 SPECIAL AGENT (r. r. trans.) 372.267-010 04.02.02 SPECIAL AGENT, CUSTOMS (gov. ser.) 188.167-090 04.01.02 Special Agent, Fbi (gov. ser.) :SPECIAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 375.167-042 04.01.02 SPECIAL AGENT, GROUP INSURANCE (insurance) 169. 167–050 08.01.02 SPECIAL AGENT-IN-CHARGE (r. r. trans.) 376. 167-010 04.01.01 Special Agent, Irs (gov. ser.) :SPECIAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 375. 167-042 04.01.02 Special Agent, Secret Service (gov. ser.) :SPECIAL AGENT (gov. ser.): 375.167-042 04.01.02 Special-Barrel Processor (firearms) :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (elec. equip.; firearms; mach. shop): 600.380- 018 06.01.03 SPECIAL-CERTIFICATE DICTATOR (insurance) 209.382- 01 4 07.05.03 Special-Delivery Carrier (gov. ser.) :MAIL CARRIER (gov. ser.): 230.367-010 07.05.04 Special-Diet Worker (medical WORKER, HOSPITAL (medical 09.05.02 Special-Distribution Clerk (gov. ser.) :MAIL HANDLER (gov. ser.): 209.687-014 * 07.05.04 SPECIAL EFFECTS SPECIALIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962.281-018 01.06.02 special-gas-and-electric service investigator :CUSTOMER SER- VICE REPRESENTATIVE (light, heat, & power): 959.361- 0 1 0 05.10.04 special inspecting-and-testing supervisor :ELECTRICIAN SU- PERVISOR, SUBSTATION (light, heat, & power): 820.131- 0 1 0 05.05.05 Specialist (finan. inst.) :BROKER'S FLOOR REPRESENTA- TIVE (finan. inst.): 162. 157-014 11.06.04 SPECIALIST-IN-CHARGE, EXTENSION SERVICE (gov. ser.) 096. 167-014 11.02.03 specialist, sheet metal :SKIN FITTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 806.381-054 06.01.04 Special-Lining Applier (any ind.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 special-machine operator :DENTAL-AMALGAM PROCESSOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 509.382-01406.02.09 special officer HOUSE OFFICER (hotel & rest.): 376.367-018 04.02.03 Special Officer, Automat (hotel & rest.) :DETECTIVE (any ind.) II: 376.667-014 04.02.03 special police officer :GUARD, 372.667–034 04.02.02 Special-Risks Underwriter (insurance) (insurance): 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 special-service representative :COMMUNICATIONS CON- SULTANT (tel. & tel.): 253. 157-010 08.01.01 special shopper :PERSONAL SHOPPER (ret. tr.): 296.357-010 09.04.02 :FOOD-SERVICE 355.677-0 1 0 + ser.) ser.): SECURITY (any ind.): :UNDERWRITER SPECIAL TESTER (tobacco) 529.487-010 06.03.01 SPECIALTIES OPERATOR (chem.) 559.582-014 06.02.11 Special-Trackwork Blacksmith (r. r. trans.) :BLACKSMIT (forging): 610.381-010 05.05.06 Specialty Molder (fabric. plastics prod.) :MOLDER, PIP COVERING (fabric. plastics prod.); 556.665-018 06.04.13 Specialty-Transformer Assembler (elec. equip :TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 820.381-01 06.01.04 - specialty trimmer 06.04.27 - SPECIFICATION WRITER (profess. & kin.) 019.267-01 05.03.02 Specimen Boss (mining & quarrying) :SECTION SUPERVISO (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-018 05.02.05 Spectacles Adjuster (ret. tr.) :OPTICIAN, DISPENSING (re tr.) II: 299.474-010 05.10.01 spectrographer :SPECTROSCOPIST (profess. & kin.): 01.1.28 0 1 4 02.04.01 spectrographic analyst :SPECTROSCOPIST (profess. & kin. 0 1 1.281-01 4 02.04.01 SPECTROSCOPIST (profess. & kin.) 011.281-01402.04.01 speech clinician SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (profess. & kin. 076. 107-0 1 0 (02.03.04 SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (profess. 02.03.04 speech therapist :SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (profess. & kin. 076. 107-0 1 0 (02.03.04 - SPEED-BELT-SANDER TENDER (woodworking) 662.685-0 06.04.03 Speedboat Operator (amuse. & rec.) (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 speeder-frame changer :FRAME CHANGER (textile): 689.68 026 06.04.06 - SPEEDER TENDER (textile) 681.685-106 06.04.16 Speedometer Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. app.); 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 Speedometer Calibrator (inst. & app.) :CALIBRATOR (inst. app.) I: 710.681-014 06.01.04 SPEEDOMETER INSPECTOR (inst. 06.03.02 SPEED OPERATOR (iron & steel) 613.362-022 06.02.10 spent-grain dryer :GRAIN DRIER (malt liquors): 523.685-0 06.04.15 spice blender SPICE MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.585-0 06.04.15 SPICE CLEANER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-322 06.04.15 SPICE FUMIGATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-218 06.04. spice grinder SPICE MILLER (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-3 06.04.15 - spice-grinding-mill operator :SPICE n.e.c.): 521.685-326 06.04.15 SPICE MILLER (food prep., n.e.c.) 521.685-326 06.04.15 Spice Miller, Hammer Mill (food prep., n.e.c.) :SPICE MILL (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-326 06.04.15 Spice Miller, Rolling Mill (food prep., n.e.c.) :SPICE MILL (food prep., n.e.c.): 521.685-326 06.04.15 SPICE MIXER (can. & preserv.) 520.687-062 06.04.28 SPICE MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.585-026 06.04.15 spice mixer SEASONING MIXER (slaught. & meat pac 520.687–054 O6.04.28 SPIDER ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 721.684-026 06.02.23 Spider-Coil Winder (elec. equip.) :COIL WINDER (el equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 spieler BARKER (amuse. & rec.): 342.657-010 01.07.02 spieler GUIDE, SIGHTSEEING (per. ser.): 353.363-0 09.01.02 SPIKE-MACHINE FEEDER (nail) 612.666-010 06.04.02 SPIKE-MACHINE HEATER (nail) 619.686-026 06.04.02 SPIKE-MACHINE OPERATOR (nail) 612.662-010 06.02.02 :TRIMMER (hat & cap): 784.684-07 & kin.) 076. 107-01 :RIDE OPERATO & app.) 710.687-0 MILLER (food pre 640 SPIKEMAKING SUPERVISOR (nail) 612. 130-010 06.01.01 SPINDLE CARVER (woodworking) 761.682-018 06.02.03 SPINDLE PLUMBER (textile) 628.684-030 06.02.24 spindler :BUTTON SPINDLER (button): 740.687-010 06.04.33 Spindle Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, MACHINE (woodworking): 761.682-014 spindle setter SPINDLE PLUMBER (textile): 628.684-030 06.02.24 spindle tester SPINDLE PLUMBER (textile): 628.684-030 06.02.24 spinner SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; textile): 682.685- 0 1 0 * 06.04.06 SPINNER (confection.) 520.682-030 06.04.15 SPINNER (jewelry) 700.684-074 06.02.24 SPINNER (synthetic fibers) 557.685-026 06.04.13 Spinner, Box (synthetic fibers) :SPINNER (synthetic fibers): 557.685-026 06.04.13 Spinner, Cap Frame (textile) :SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; textile): 682.685-010 * 06.04.06 -- spinner, concrete pipe CENTRIFUGAL SPINNER (conc. prod.): 575.664-010 06.04.21 Spinner, Continuous (synthetic fibers) fibers): 557.685-026 06.04.13 spinnerette cleaner :JET HANDLER 557.684-0 1 0 06.04.39 SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; textile) 682.685-010 * 06.04.06 SPINNER, HAND (any ind.) 619.362-018 06.02.02 Spinner Helper (confection.) :FACTORY (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 SPINNER, HYDRAULIC (any ind.) 619.362-022 06.02.02 :LAMINATION SPINNER :SPINNER (synthetic (synthetic fibers): HELPER spinner, iron (elec. equip.): 729.687-018 06.04.34 SPINNER, MULE (asbestos prod.; textile) 682.685-014 06.04.06 Spinner, Open-End (textile) :SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; textile): 682.685-010 * 06.04.06 Spinner, Ring Frame (textile) :SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; textile): 682.685-010 * 06.04.06 SPINNING-BATH PATROLLER (synthetic fibers) 557.685-030 06.04.11 Spinning Doffer (textile) :DOFFER (textile): 689.686-022 * 06.04.06 spinning-frame changer 689,.686–026 06.04.06 Spinning-Frame Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-0 1 0 06.01.02 spinning-frame tender SPINNER, FRAME (asbestos prod.; tex- tile): 682.685-010 * 06.04.06 spinning-lathe operator SPINNER, HAND (any ind.); 619.362- 018 06.02.02 SPINNING-LATHE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any 619.685-082 06.04.02 spinning-lathe-operator, hydraulic (any ind.); 619.362-022 06.02.02 SPINNING-MACHINE TENDER (cord. & twine) 681.685-1 10 06.04.16 spinning operator SPINNER (synthetic fibers); 557.685-026 06.04.13 :FRAME CHANGER (textile): ind.) :SPINNER, HYDRAULIC SPIN-TABLE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 732.687-074 06.04.24 spin-tank tender TANKROOM TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.585-018 06.04.13 SPIRAL BINDER (paper goods; print. & pub.) 653.685-030 06.04.09 spiral-gear generator GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERA- TOR, SPIRAL BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382-014 06.02.02 SPIRAL-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 692.685-186 06.04.09 SPIRAL RUNNER (mining & quarrying) 934.685-022 05.12.07 SPIRAL SPRING WINDER (spring) 616.685-070 06.04.02 SPIRAL-TUBE WINDER (paper goods) 640.682-022 06.02.04 SPIRAL-TUBE-WINDER HELPER (paper goods) 640.687-014 06.04.26 SPIRAL WEAVER (wirework) 616.685-074 06.04.02 spiral winder :PAINT-ROLLER WINDER (brush & broom): 739.685-030 06.04.05 spiral-winding-machine helper :SPIRAL-TUBE-WINDER HELPER (paper goods): 640.687-01406.04.26 SPLASH-LINE OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 559.665- 034 06.04.19 splicer CABLE SPLICER (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829.361-010 05.05.05 SPLICER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.687-010 06.04.34 splicer :WEAVER, HAND (narrow fabrics; textile): 782.684- 062 06.02.27 SPLICER (photofinish.) 976.684-026 06.04.34 splicer :RUBBER-TUBING SPLICER (rubber goods): 752.684- 042 06.04.29 SPLICER (rubber tire & tube) 759.684-058 06.04.29 splicer SPLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 689.682-018 06.02.05 splicer apprentice :CABLE-SPLICER APPRENTICE (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829.361-01405.05.05 splicer-machine operator :CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 splicer matcher :VENEER MATCHER (veneer & plywood): 769.687-046 06.03.02 SPLICER OPERATOR (veneer & plywood) 569.685-062 06.04.03 SPLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.682-018 06.02.05 - SPLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.685-122 06.04.05 Splicing Supervisor (wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-01 4 06.02.01 Spliner (struct. & ornam. metalwork) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (struct. & ornam. metalwork): 809.684-010 06.04.22 split-leather mosser :LEATHER COATER (leather 584.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 splitter SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 585.685-1 14 06.04.05 - mfg.): splitter :STONE SPLITTER (conc. prod.): 677.685-050 06.04.08 splitter DIAMOND CLEAVER (jewelry): 770.381-014 05.05.14 splitter :MICA SPLITTER (minerals & earths): 779.681-010 * 06.02.30 splitter :RESAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 06.02.03 SPLITTER, HAND (button) 734.687–086 06.04.34 Splitter, Head (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.) 585.685- 1 1 4 06.04.05 splitter operator SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 SPLITTER OPERATOR (stonework) 677.685-042 SPLITTER TENDER (sawmill) 663.685-038 06.04.03 SPLITTING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather mfg.) 690.686-054 06.04.05 SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 690.685-386 06.04.07 SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (stonework) 677.685-046 06.02.08 SPLITTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER 677.666-010 06.04.08 SPLITTING-MACHINE TENDER (cork prod.) 663.685-042 06.04.09 667.682-058 (any (stonework) 641 SPOILAGE WORKER (tinvare) 709.587-014 06.03.02 Spoke Maker (toys & games) :NAIL-MAKING-MACHINE TENDER (nail): 617.665-010 06.04.02 SPONGE BUFFER (fabric. plastics 06.04.02 SPONGE CLIPPER (fish.; whole. tr.) 447.687-026 03.04.03 Sponge Diver (fish.) :FISHER, DIVING (fish.): 443.664-010 03.04.03 SPONGE HOOKER (fish.) 447.684-010 03.04.03 Sponge Packer (whole. tr.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-0 18 * 06.04.38 SPONGE-PRESS OPERATOR (rubber goods) 559.682-050 06.02.13 Sponger (leather mfg.) :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 sponger :FINISHER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-018 06.04.30 sponger :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 spool cleaner, hand :BOBBIN CLEANER, HAND (any ind.): 689.687-0 1 4 06.04.39 spooler :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 spooler :WARP SPOOLER (narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685- 1 42 06.04.06 Spooler (narrow fabrics; tex. prod., n.e.c.) :BLOCKER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics): 689.685-01406.04.05 spooler :RIBBON WINDER (pen & pencil): 733.685-022 06.04.09 spooler :SKEIN WINDER (textile): 681.685-098 06.04.06 spooler SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & em- broid.): 681.685-114 06.04.38 Spooler and Coiler (insulated wire) :UTILITY WORKER, EX- TRUSION (insulated wire): 691.685-030 06.04.09 SPOOLER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (textile) 681.686-018 * 06.04.06 spooler, rubber strand :LATEX SPOOLER (rubber goods): 559.685-1 1 4 06.04.07 SPOOLER, SEQUINS (fabric. 06.04.38 SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire; work) 691.685-026 06.04.02 SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR 681.685-1 1 4 06.04.38 Spooling Supervisor (wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-0 14 06.02.01 SPOOL MAKER (paper goods) 641.685-082 06.04.04 spool salvager :BOBBIN SORTER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 922.687-018 06.03.02 Spool Sander (woodworking) :SANDER, (woodworking): 761.682-014 06.02.03 SPOOL WINDER (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.485-010 06.04.02 Spool Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 spool winder THREAD WINDER, AUTOMATIC (textile): 681.685-1 22 06.04.06 Sports Announcer (radio & twº broad.) : ANNOUNCER (radio & twº broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 Sports-Bookmaker (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKMAKER (amuse. & rec.): 187.1 67-014 11.06.03 Sports Cartoonist (print. & pub.) :CARTOONIST (print. & pub.): 141.061-010 01.02.03 SPORTS-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any 05.10.04 SPORT-SHOE-SPIKE ASSEMBLER (boot & shoe) 690.685- 394 06.04.05 SPOT CLEANER (garment; knit goods) 582.684-014 06.04.27 Spot Cutter (any ind.) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 spot-machine operator :CROWN-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 692.685-062 06.04.09 prod.) 690.685-390 plastics prod.) 920.686-046 wire- (trim. & embroid.) MACHINE ind.) 732.684-122 spot picker :SPOT PICKER, MOLDED GOODS (floor cover- ing, n.e.c.): 739.667-010 06.03.02 SPOT PICKER, MOLDED GOODS (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.667-0 10 06.03.02 spot sprayer :PAINTER, TOUCH-UP (any ind.): 749.684-038 05.10.07 Spotter (any 07.02.05 spotter :PARKING-LOT ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.473- 0 1 0 09.04.02 spotter :SHOPPING INVESTIGATOR (bus. ser.): 376.267-022 11.10.05 SPOTTER (clean., dye., & press.) 362.381-010 06.02.27 spotter TABLE WORKER (floor covering, n.e.c.): 739.687– 182 06.03.02 SPOTTER (glass mfg.) 772.687-01406.03.02 SPOTTER (laund.) 361.684-018 06.02.27 SPOTTER (mach. tool & access.) 770.381-042 05.05.14 SPOTTER, PHOTOGRAPHIC (photofinish.) 970.381-034 01.06.03 spot washer :OIL-SPOT WASHER (house furn.; 689.687–050 06.04.39 Spout Positioner (any ind.) :DUMPER (any ind.): 921.667-018 05.12.03 SPOUT TENDER (chem.) 921.685-058 05.12.04 SPOUT TENDER (salt production) 932.664-01405.12.03 SPOUT WORKER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514.667-0 18 06.04.10 spragger :CAR DROPPER (mining & quarrying): 932.683-010 05.12.03 Spray Blender (any ind.) :PAINT MIXER, HAND (any ind.): 550.684-018 06.04.34 Spray Cementer (leather prod.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 spray drier :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) IV: 553.685-054 06.04.11 SPRAY-DRIER OPERATOR (brick & 06.02.17 - Spray-Drier-Operator Helper (chem.) (chem.); 553.687-010 06.04.11 spray dyer :SPRAYER, LEATHER (clean., dye., & press.): 364.684-018 05.12.14 sprayer :METAL-SPRAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTO- MATIC (any ind.) II: 505.685-01406.04.21 sprayer :HEEL SPRAYER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 590.685- 038 06.04.21 Sprayer (boot & shoe) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 Sprayer (found.) :CENTRIFUGAL-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (found.) II: 514.685-014 06.04.10 sprayer, automatic spray machine :SPRAY-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (pottery & porc.): 574.682-014 06.02.21 Sprayer, Auto Parts (auto. mfg.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 SPRAYER, HAND (agric.) 408.684-01403.04.04 SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.) 584.687-01406.04.27 ind.) :TIMEKEEPER (clerical): 215.367-022 textile): tile) 573.382-014 :DRIER HELPER sprayer helper :PAINTER HELPER, SPRAY (any ind.): 741.687-0 1 4 sprayer, insecticide :MOSQUITO SPRAYER (gov. ser.): 379.687-0 1 4 03.04.05 SPRAYER, LEATHER (clean., dye., & press.) 364.684-018 05.12.14 Sprayer, Light Bulbs (elec. equip.) :SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.): 599.686-01406.04.21 SPRAYER, MACHINE (leather mfg.) 599.685-094 06.04.21 SPRAYER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 505.682- 0 1 0 06.02.10 Sprayer, Railroad Car (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r.r. trans.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 642 spray-gun operator :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684- 026 05.10.07 SPRAY-GUN REPAIRER (any ind.) 630.381-026 05.10.02 SPRAY-GUN-REPAIRER HELPER (any ind.) 630.684-034 05.12.15 spray-gun 06.04.27 - SPRAY-MACHINE LOADER (pottery & porc.) 574.686-010 06.04.21 spray-machine operator :PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-074 06.04.21 spray-machine operator :PAINT-SPRAYER OPERATOR, AU- TOMATIC (any ind.): 599.382-010 06.02.21 spray-machine operator :SPRAYER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 599.685-094 06.04.21 SPRAY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.) 574.682- 0 1 4 06.02.21 SPRAY-MACHINE 06.04.16 SPRAY-MACHINE TENDER (tinvare) 599.685-090 06.04.21 Spray-Painter, Machine (build. board) :PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-074 06.04.21 SPRAY-PAINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 74 1.685-010 06.04.09 spray silencer :DEADENER (auto. mfg.): 845.687-010 06.04.33 Spray Stainer (leather prod.) :EDGE STAINER (leather prod.) II: 749.684-022 06.04.33 Spray Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, SPRAY, LAWN AND TREE SERVICE (agric.): 408.131-010 03.02.03 SPRAY-UNIT FEEDER (any ind.) 599.686-01406.04.21 SPREADER (any ind.) I 781.687-058 06.04.27 SPREADER (hat & cap) 581.687-022 06.04.27 SPREADER (plastics mat.) 554.687-010 06.04.27 spreader box operator :STONE-SPREADER OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-022 05.11.01 SPREADER, MACHINE (any ind.) 781.685-010 06.04.05 spreader machine tender :CALENDER OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.362-010 06.02.13 Spreader Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 SPREADER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (tobacco) 529.685- 222 06.04.40 spreading-machine operator :DEPOSITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 524.682-010 06.02.15 SPREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glue) 559.685-170 06.04.19 - spreading-machine operator SILK SPREADER 680.685-090 06.04.06 sprigger STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): 521.687-134 * 06.04.28 - SPRING ASSEMBLER (furn.; matt. & bedspring) 780.684-098 06.04.22 SPRING ASSEMBLER (spring) 706.684-090 06.04.22 Spring-Assembler Supervisor (matt. & bedspring) :SUPERVISOR, STEEL DIVISION (matt. & bedspring): 616. 130-022 06.02.01 Spring Bender (per, protect. & med. dev.) :ASSEMBLER, SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.684-0 1 0 06.02.23 spring bender SPRING FORMER, MACHINE 617.482-022 06.02.02 SPRING CLIPPER (furn.) 780.684-102 06.04.24 SPRING COILER (spring) 616.485-014 06.04.02 Spring Coiler, Hand (spring) :LATHE WINDER (spring): 619.482–0 1 0 06.02.02 SPRING COILING MACHINE SETTER (spring) 616.260-018 06.01.02 SPRING COVERER (furn.) 780.687-038 06.04.27 Spring Crater (matt, & bedspring) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 ° 06.04.38 sizer STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-138 (any ind.) (textile): (spring): spring encaser :MATTRESS-SPRING ENCASER (matt. & bed- spring): 780.687-030 06.04.22 SPRINGER (furn.) 780.684-106 06.02.32 SPRING FITTER (spring) 709.684-078 06.02.24 spring-fitter helper :SPRING-REPAIRER HELPER, HAND (auto. ser.): 620.584-010 05.12.12 SPRING FORMER, HAND (spring) 709.381-042 06.02.24 SPRING FORMER, MACHINE (spring) 617.482-022 06.02.02 SPRING INSPECTOR (spring) I 616.361-010 06.01.05 SPRING INSPECTOR (spring) II 709.687-038 06.03.02 SPRING LAYER (clock & watch) 715.687-122 06.02.24 SPRING MAKER (spring) 616.280-010 06.01.03 spring-maker helper, hand SPRING-REPAIRER HELPER, HAND (auto. ser.): 620.584-010 05.12.12 SPRING-MANUFACTURING SET-UP TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 619.280-018 06.01.03 SPRING REPAIRER, HAND (auto. ser.) 619.380-018 05.05.06 SPRING-REPAIRER HELPER, HAND (auto. ser.) 620.584- 0 1 0 05.12.12 SPRING SALVAGE WORKER (spring) 610.684-01406.04.02 spring setter SPRINGER (furn.): 780.684-106 06.02.32 spring tacker :SPRINGER (furn.): 780.684-106 06.02.32 SPRING TESTER (spring) I 612.685-01406.03.02 SPRING TESTER (spring) II 709.687-042 06.03.02 spring tier SPRINGER (furn.): 780.684-106 06.02.32 spring upholsterer :SPRINGER (furn.): 780.684-106 06.02.32 Sprinkler-and-Irrigation-System Installer (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 SPRINKLER-IRRIGATION-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (agric. equip.) 624.361-01405.10.01 Sprinkler-Truck Driver (any ind.) :TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.): 906.683-022 05.08.01 Sprue-Cutting-Press Operator (found.) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 Sprue Knocker (found.) :FOUNDRY WORKER, GENERAL (found.): 519.687-022 * 06.04.32 spudder :WOOD HACKER (match; paper & pulp): 569.687- 026 06.04.25 SPUN-PASTE-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.685- 190 06.04.21 squad leader :DEPUTY SHERIFF, COMMANDER, CRIMINAL AND PATROL DIVISION (gov. ser.): 377.137- 0 1 4 04.01.01 squad sergeant :POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT (gov. ser.) I: 375. 133-0 1 0 04.01.01 Square-Shear Operator (any ind.) I :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-034 06.02.02 Square-Shear Operator (any ind.) II :SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-034 06.04.02 SQUARING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685-046 06.02.02 SQUEAK, RATTLE, AND LEAK REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 620.364-0 1 0 05.12.15 Squeegee Finisher (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Squeegee-Machine Operator (glass mfg.) :SILK-SCREEN PRINTER, MACHINE (any ind.): 652.665-010 06.02.09 squeegeer and former :LAMINATOR, PREFORMS (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.484-010 06.04.24 SQUEEGEE TENDER (rubber tire & 06.04.07 SQUEEZER OPERATOR (wood. box) 669.685-082 06.04.20 squirt-machine operator :LUMITE INJECTOR (boot & shoe): 690.685–278 06.04.05 Stabilizer Assembler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) WOODWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 06.01.04 stabilizer operator :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR 859,683-026 05.11.01 tube) 750.685-010 :AIRPLANE 769,281 -010 (const.): 643 stabilizing-machine operator :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const.): 859.683026 05.11.01 STABLE ATTENDANT (any ind.) 410.674-022 03.03.02 stable manager BARN BOSS (any ind.): 410.131-010 03.02.04 STAB SETTER AND DRILLER (cut. & tools) 709.684-082 06.02.02 stack clerk :PAGE (library): 249.687-014 07.07.02 stacker :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * 05.12.03 stacker :PLATE STACKER, HAND (elec. equip.): 729.687-026 06.04.40 stacker :LAMINATION ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.484- 0 1 0 06.02.23 STACKER (leather prod.) 222.587-046 05.09.03 stacker :RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors): 920.665-014 06.04.38 stacker :STACKER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685-066 06.04.03 - STACKER-AND-SORTER OPERATOR (sawmill) 921.682-018 05.12.04 stacker attendant :BOOM-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-014 05.12.04 STACKER, MACHINE (woodworking) 569.685-066 06.04.03 Stacker Operator (any ind.) :BOOM-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-01405.12.04 Stacker-Straightener (sawmill) :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 STACKER TENDER (veneer & plywood) 921.685-062 06.04.40 stacking assembler :LAMINATION ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 STACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I 692.682-054 06.02.20 STACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II 739.685-038 06.04.02 stack matcher 06.03.02 stack puller :MOLDING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (confection.): 520.686-030 06.04.15 Stack Supervisor (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :PRECIPITATOR SUPERVISOR (iron & steel; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 5 1 1. 132-0 1 0 05.10.02 stage manager :PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio & tv broad.): 962. 16.7-0 1 4 01.03.01 STAGER (print. & pub.) 971.684-01405.12.14 STAIN APPLICATOR (wood preserving) 06.04.21 Stain Dipper (furn.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 STAINED GLASS ARTIST (profess. & kin.) 142.061-054 01.02.02 STAINER (furn.; mirror & pic. frames) 742.684-014 06.04.33 STAINER (leather prod.) 589.687-034 06.04.27 STAINER (smoking pipe) 739.687- STAINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 582.685- 142 06.04.16 Stain Maker (paint & varn.) 550.585-038 06.04.11 Stain Remover (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Stain Wiper (furn.) WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 Stair Builder (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.38 1-022 * 05.05.02 STAKER (clock & watch) 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 STAKER, MACHINE (leather mfg.) 580.685-050 06.04.16 Staker, Surveying (any ind.) :SURVEYOR HELPER (any ind.): 869.567-0 1 0 05.12.02 stakes player :CARD PLAYER (amuse. & rec.): 343.367-010 09.04.02 staking-machine operator :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684- 182 * 06.04.23 582.687-022 :SHADE MATCHER (textile): 561.585-010 :THINNER (paint & varn.): staking-press operator :STAKER (clock & watch): 715.684-182 * 06.04.23 Stallion Keeper (agric.) :STABLE ATTENDANT (any ind.): 4 10.674-022 03.03.02 STAMP ANALYST (ret. tr.) 299.387-014 07.07.02 STAMP CLASSIFIER (ret. tr.) 299.387-018 05.09.01 stamp cutter :PAPER CUTTER (distilled liquors): 640.565-010 06.04.04 stamper :MARKER (any ind.) II: 920.687-126 * 06.04.37 Stamper (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587- 018 * 06.04.38 stamper :EMBOSSER (boot & shoe): 690.685-158 06.04.05 STAMPER (button) 734.685-010 06.04.25 STAMPER (chem.) 556.685-078 06.04.11 stamper :MOLDER (hat & cap): 580.685-042 06.04.05 STAMPER (house furn.) 652.685-082 06.04.05 stamper :RACK-ROOM WORKER (malt liquors): 920.665-014 06.04.38 STAMPER (trim. & embroid.) 781.687-062 06.04.27 stamper blocker :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 STAMPER, MACHINE (pottery & porc.) 06.02.08 stamping-die maker, bench :DIE MAKER, BENCH, STAMP- ING (mach. shop): 601.281-010 05.05.07 STAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685- 398 06.04.05 - Stamping-Machine Operator (clerical) :SEALING-AND-CAN- CELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-026 05.12.19 STAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.685- 194 06.04.09 STAMPING-MILL TENDER (ore dress., 5 15.685-018 06.04.02 Stamping-Press Operator (any ind.) :POWER-PRESS TENDER (any ind.); 617.685-026 06.04.02 stamping-press operator :EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.): 652.685-030 06.04.09 stamping-press operator :LEAF STAMPER (any ind.): 979.682- O 18 06.04.09 stamp maker :RUBBER-STAMP MAKER (pen & pencil): 733.381-01 4 06.01.04 STAMP MOUNTER (pen & pencil) 733.684-018 06.04.34 STAMP-PAD FINISHER (pen & pencil) 733.687-066 06.04.23 STAMP-PAD MAKER (pen & pencil) 733.687-070 06.04.23 Stamp Presser (distilled liquors) :BOTTLING-LINE ATTEN- DANT (distilled liquors): 920.687-042 06.04.38 652.682-022 smelt., & refin.) stamp-press operator :STAMPER (chem.); 556.685-078 06.04.11 Standard-Practice Analyst (profess. & kin.) :WRITER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.): 13 1.267- 026 11.08.02 STANDARDS ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.06 standards laboratory technician :CALIBRATION LABORATO- RY TECHNICIAN (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; electronics): 0.19.28 1-0 1 0 (02.04.01 Stand-By (motion pic.) :CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-0 10 09.05.03 Stand Grinder (found.) :SNAG GRINDER (found.): 705.684- 074 06.04.24 STAND-IN (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) 961.667-014 01.08.01 STANDPIPE TENDER (coke prod.) 519.665-014 06.04.12 STAPLE CUTTER (textile) 680.685-102 06.04.06 Staple-Fiber-Machine Tender (glass mfg.) :FIBER-MACHINE TENDER (glass mfg.): 575.685-030 06.04.13 Staple Fiber Washer (synthetic fibers) :WASHER (synthetic fibers): 582.685-162 06.04.16 & kin.) 0 1 2.061-018 644 taple laster :SIDE LASTER, STAPLE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 362 06.04.05 STAPLE-PROCESSING-MACHINE 680.585-01 4 06.04.06 tapler FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 stapler, Coil Unit (matt & bedspring) STAPLER, HAND (matt, & bedspring): 780.687-042 06.04.22 STAPLER, HAND (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-042 06.04.22 STAPLER, MACHINE (furn.; matt & bedspring) 692.685-198 06.04.20 Staple-shear operator (nail) SHEAR OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-034 06.02.02 STAPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 692.685-202 06.04.20 starch and prosize mixer SIZE MAKER (paper & pulp): 550.682-0 1 0 06.04.14 starch crab :DEPOSITING-MACHINE (confection.): 529.682-018 06.02.15 Starch Dumper (confection.) MOLDING-MACHINE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (confection.): 520.686-030 06.04.15 STARCHER (artif. flower) 739.687-178 06.04.34 starcher :SIZER (textile): 582.687–026 06.04.16 starcher-and-tenter-range feeder :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile): 589.665-01406.04.16 STARCHMAKER (confection.) 526.687-014 06.04.28 STARCHMAKER (corn prod.) 520.485-030 06.02.15 Starch-Mangle Tender (textile) :MANGLE TENDER (textile): 584.685-042 06.04.16 Starch Presser (corn prod.) :DRIP-BOX TENDER (corn prod.): 521.687-038 06.04.15 STARCH-TREATING ASSISTANT (corn prod.) 520.665-018 06.04.15 starter :HORSE-RACE STARTER (amuse. & rec.): 010 12.01.02 STARTER (amuse. & rec.) 153.667-0 1 0 12.01.02 starter :ELEVATOR STARTER (any ind.): 09.05.09 starter SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-034 06.04.16 starter SIZER, MACHINE (hat & cap): 784.684-058 06.04.16 Starter Adjuster (elec. equip.) ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 Starter-Cup-Powder Mixer (fireworks) :MIXER (fireworks): 737.687-090 06.04.34 starter, weaving :LOOM STARTER (textile): 06.01.02 Starting-Sheet-Tank Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :TANK-HOUSE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 5.19.362-01 4 06.02.10 state's attorney :DISTRICT ATTORNEY (gov. ser.): 110.1 17- 0 1 0 1 1.04.02 State Editor (print. & pub.) :EDITOR, CITY (print. & pub.): 132.037-014 11.08.01 STATE-HIGHWAY POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) 375.263-018 04.01.02 STATEMENT CLERK (finan. inst.) 219.362-058 07.02.02 STATEMENT-REQUEST CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.382-018 07.05.03 State-Surplus-Commodity-and-Property Representative ser.) :PROPERTY-UTILIZATION OFFICER (gov. 188. 11 7-122 11.12.02 state trooper :STATE-HIGHWAY POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.): 375.263-018 04.01.02 STATIC BALANCER (any ind.) 724.384-014 06.03.01 STATION AGENT (r. r. trans.) I 910. 137-038 07.01.02 OPERATOR (textile) OPERATOR 153.267- 388.367-010 683.360-014 (gov. ser.): Station Agent (r.r. trans.) II :TICKET SELLER (clerical): 2 11.467–030 07.03.01 STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.) 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 STATIONARY-ENGINEER APPRENTICE (any ind.) 950.382- 030 05.06.02 stationary engineer, refrigeration :REFRIGERATING EN- GINEER (any ind.): 950.362-01405.06.02 STATIONARY-ENGINEER SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 950.131- 0 1 4 05.06.02 station attendant :AUTOMOBILE-SELF-SERVE-SERVICE- STATION ATTENDANT (auto. ser.): 915.477-010 09.04.02 station chief :STATION ENGINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines): 914. 1 32-01 4 05.06.03 STATION ENGINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines) 914. 132-014 05.06.03 STATION ENGINEER, MAIN LINE (pipe lines) 914.362-018 05.06.03 Station Engineer, Operating Chief (pipe lines) :STATION EN- GINEER, CHIEF (pipe lines): 914. 132-01405.06.03 Station-House Clerk (gov. ser.) :POLICE AIDE (gov. ser.): 243.362-01 4 07.04.05 Station Installer (tel. & tel.) :STATION INSTALLER-AND- REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.261-022 05.05.05 STATION INSTALLER-AND-REPAIRER (tel. & 822.261-022 05.05.05 STATION MANAGER (r. r. trans.) 184.167-130 1 1.11.03 station mechanic :BOILERHOUSE MECHANIC (any ind.): 805.361-010 05.05.06 station mechanic :ELECTRICIAN, RADIO (any ind.): 823.28.1- 0 1 4 05.05.05 station mechanic :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (light, heat, & power): 631.261-014 05.05.09 station-mechanic apprentice :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC AP- PRENTICE (light, heat, & power): 631.261-018 05.05.09 station mechanic helper :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 station operator :DISPATCHER, RADIO (gov. ser.): 379.362- 0 1 0 07.04.05 station operator :STATION ENGINEER, MAIN LINE (pipe lines): 914.362-018 05.06.03 Station Patroller (r. r. trans.) 376.667-018 04.02.02 Station Repairer (tel. & tel.) :STATION INSTALLER-AND- REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.261-022 05.05.05 STATIONS-RELATIONS-CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (radio & tv broad.) 184.167-134 11.05.02 station supervisor STATIONARY-ENGINEER SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 950.131-01405.06.02 station telegrapher :TELEGRAPHER AGENT (r.r. 236.562-01 4 07.04.05 STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical) 216.382-062 07.02.03 STATISTICAL CLERK, ADVERTISING (ret. tr.) 216.382-066 07.02.03 STATISTICAL-MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.) 633.281-030 05.05.09 Statistical Typist (clerical) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 + 07.06.02 statistician :COST-AND-SALES-RECORD (light, heat, & power): 216. 137-010 07.02.03 Statistician, Analytical (profess. & kin.) :STATISTICIAN, AP- PLIED (profess. & kin.): 020. 167–026 11.01.02 STATISTICIAN, APPLIED (profess. & kin.) 020.167-026 11.01.02 Statistician, Engineering and Physical Science (profess. & kin.) :STATISTICIAN, APPLIED (profess. & kin.): 020. 167–026 11.01.02 STATISTICIAN, MATHEMATICAL (profess. & kin.) 020.067- 022 11.01.01 statistician, theoretical :STATISTICIAN, MATHEMATICAL (profess. & kin.): 020.067–022 11.01.01 Stator Connector (elec. equip.) :COIL CONNECTOR (elec. equip.): 721.684-018 06.02.32 tel.) :PATROLLER (r. r. trans.): trans.): SUPERVISOR 645 Stator-Core Assembler (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEM- BLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 Stator Repairer (any ind.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR REPAIRER (any ind.): 721.281-018 05.05.05 Stator Tester (elec. equip.) :WINDING INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 724.364-010 06.03.01 Stator Winder (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR WINDER (elec. equip.): 721.484-010 06.02.23 statue maker :SCULPTOR (profess. 01.02.02 Stave-Block Splitter (logging) :RIVER (logging): 454.684-022 03.04.02 STAVE-BOLT EQUALIZER (sawmill) 667.682-074 06.04.03 stave grader :MATERIAL INSPECTOR (cooperage): 764.387- 0 1 4 05.07.06 stave inspector :MATERIAL 764.387-0 1 4 05.07.06 stave inspector and culler :CULLER (cooperage): 764.687–054 06.03.02 STAVE JOINTER (cooperage) 665.685-030 06.04.03 STAVE-LOG-CUT-OFF SAW OPERATOR (sawmill) 667.682- 078 06.02.03 STAVE-LOG-RIPSAW OPERATOR (sawmill) 667.685-058 06.04.03 STAVE-MACHINE TENDER (basketry) 663.685-046 06.04.03 stave matcher :CULLER (cooperage): 764.687-054 06.03.02 STAVE-PLANER TENDER (sawmill) 665.686-014 06.04.03 STAVE-SAW OPERATOR (cooperage) 667.685-062 06.04.03 stave steamer :STEAM-BOX OPERATOR (woodworking): 562.665–01 4 06.04.18 stayer :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 stayer TAPER, MACHINE (boot & 06.04.05 stayer :BONER (garment; per protect. & med. dev.): 789.687- 018 06.04.34 staying-machine & kin.): 144.061-018 INSPECTOR (cooperage): shoe): 690.685-414 operator :FOUR-CORNER-STAYER- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.685-054 06.04.04 STEAK SAUCE MAKER (can. & preserv.) 529.484-010 06.02.28 STEAK TENDERIZER, MACHINE (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.686-082 06.04.15 steam blocker :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 Steam-Bone-Press Tender (glue) :BONE CRUSHER (glue): 555.685-01 4 06.04.19 STEAM-BOX OPERATOR (woodworking) 562.665-014 06.04.18 steam-box tender :ORDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.682-014 06.02.15 steam-brush operator :BRUSH OPERATOR (textile): 587.685- 010 06.04.05 STEAM CLEANER (auto. ser.) 915.687-026 05.12.18 Steam Cleaner (furn.) :UPHOLSTERY CLEANER (furn.): 780.687–058 06.04.39 steam cleaner, machine 361.665-010 06.04.35 STEAM–CLEANING-MACHINE 891.685-010 05.11.01 Steam-Clean-Machine Operator (forging) :STEAM CLEANER (auto. ser.): 915.687-026 05.12.18 steam conditioner, filling :CONDITIONER TENDER (textile): 587.685-022 06.04.16 - STEAM-CONDITIONER OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.685-094 06.04.15 - STEAM-DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 862. 1 37-01 4 05.05.03 steam drier :DRIER ATTENDANT (can. & preserv.; corn prod.; grain & feed mill.): 523.685-058 06.04.15 :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): OPERATOR (const.) steam-drier operator :SKEIN-YARN DRIER (textile): 581.685- 054 06.04.16 STEAM-DRIER TENDER 06.04.16 Steamer (hat & cap) :STRAW-HAT-WASHER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 784.687-078 06.04.27 STEAMER (malt liquors) 529.685–226 06.04.39 STEAMER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-1 10 06.04.39 (carpet & rug) 581.685-058 steamer CONDITIONER TENDER (textile): 587.685-022 06.04.16 steamer :ORDERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.682-01 4 06.02.15 STEAMER (trim. & embroid.) 789.687-170 06.04.16 steamer and shaper :SHAPER, BASEBALL GLOVE (sports equip.): 732.684-106 06.04.27 STEAMER-BLOCKER (hat & cap; knit goods) 784.684-070 06.04.27 Steamer, Gum Candy (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 steamer operator :STEAM-OVEN OPERATOR preserv.); 526.382-026 06.02.15 steamer operator :NUT STEAMER (nut process.): 521.687-090 06.04.28 STEAMER TENDER (textile) 582.685-146 06.04.16 steam finisher :BRIM RAISER (hat & cap): 784.687-010 06.04.27 Steam Fitter (const.) :PIPE FITTER (const.): 862.381-018 * 05.05.03 steam-fitter apprentice :PIPE-FITTER APPRENTICE (const.): 862.381-026 05.05.03 Steam-Fitter Helper (const.) : PIPE-FITTER HELPER (const.): 862.684-022 05.12.12 Steam-Fitter Supervisor (const.) :PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (const.): 862. 131-010 05.05.03 Steam-Fitter Supervisor, Maintenance (any ind.) :PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (const.): 862. 131-010 05.05.03 steam flattener :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 steam-frame operator TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-0 1 0 06.04.16 Steam-Generating-Powerplant Mechanic (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (light, heat, & power): 631.261-014 05.05.09 Steam-Generating-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (light, heat, & power): 631.684-010 05.12.15 Steam Gigger (textile) :GIG TENDER (textile): 585.685-054 06.04.16 Steam-Hammer Operator (forging) :DROP-HAMMER OPERA- TOR (forging): 610.462-010 06.02.02 steam hand :GARMENT STEAMER (knit goods): 582.685-078 06.04.05 - steam-heated-power-press operator :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Steam-Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 STEAMING-CABINET TENDER (garment) 582.685-150 06.04.16 steaming-machine operator 580.685-01 4 06.04.05 Steam-Iron Assembler (elec. equip.): 723.684-010 06.04.23 Steam-Meter Reader (light, heat, & power) :METER READER (light, heat, & power; waterworks): 209.567-010 05.09.03 STEAM-OVEN OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 526.382-026 06.02.15 Steam-Pan Sponger (textile) :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 Steam-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 :FACTORY HELPER (can. & :CLOTH DRIER (knit goods): equip.) :ASSEMBLER (elec. 646 Steam-Plant Records Clerk (light, heat, & power) :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 steam-power-plant operator :BOILER OPERATOR (any ind.): 950.382-010 05.06.02 Steam-Powerplant Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 631.131-010 05.05.05 steam presser :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 steam-press operator :PRESSER, MACHINE 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 - STEAM-PRESS TENDER (rubber goods) I 553.665-046 06.04.13 sTEAM-PREss TENDER (rubber 06.04.13 STEAM-PRESS TENDER (textile) 583.685-106 06.04.05 steam-pressure-chamber operator :VACUUM-CONDITIONER OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685-102 06.04.15 Steam-Room Attendant (per. ser.) :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 335.677-014 09.05.01 STEAM SERVICE INSPECTOR 862.361-022 05.05.03 steam setter :CRIMP SETTER (textile): 680.685-026 06.04.06 steam-station supervisor STATIONARY-ENGINEER SUPER- VISOR (any ind.): 950. 131-01405.06.02 steamtable attendant :COUNTER ATTENDANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 311.677-014 * 09.05.02 Steamtable Attendant, Railroad (r. r. trans.) :COUNTER AT- TENDANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-014 * 09.05.02 Steamtable Worker (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTEN- DANT (hotel & rest.): 311.677-018 09.05.02 STEAM-TANK OPERATOR (asbestos prod.) 573.683-010 06.04.16 STEAM-TUNNEL FEEDER (sawmill) 562.686-010 06.04.18 steam-tunnel feeder :STEAM-BOX OPERATOR (woodworking): 562.665-014 06.04.18 steam-vat tender :LOG COOKER (basketry; 562.665-010 06.04.18 STEEL-BARREL REAMER (cooperage) 703.687-022 06.04.24 STEEL-BOX-TOE INSERTER (boot & shoe) 788.687-138 06.04.27 STEEL-DIE PRINTER (print. & pub.) 651.382-030 05.10.05 Steel-Door Setter (const.) :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 steel-erecting pusher SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL-STEEL ERECTION (const.): 809. 131-018 05.05.06 steel erector :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 steel-erector apprentice :STRUCTURAL-STEEL-WORKER APPRENTICE (const.): 801.361-018 05.05.06 steel fabricating supervisor SUPERVISOR, FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-01405.10.01 steel-floor-pan-placing supervisor STEEL-PAN-FORM-PLAC- ING SUPERVISOR (&onst.): 869.131-026 05.10.01 steel inspector :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.381-010 * 06.03.01 STEEL-PAN-FORM-PLACING 869. 131-026 05.10.01 STEEL-PLATE CALKER (any ind.) 843.684-010 05.12.14 STEEL-POST INSTALLER (light, heat, & power) 821.687-010 05.12.12 STEEL-POST-INSTALLER SUPERVISOR power) 821.131-022 05.05.05 STEEL POURER (iron & steel) 502.664-014 06.02.24 STEEL-POURER HELPER (iron & steel) 502.664-0 18 06.02.24 steel-rule die maker :DIE MAKER (paper goods): 739.381-018 * 05.05.06 (any ind.): goods) II 553.665-050 (light, heat, & power) wood. box): (const.): METAL SUPERVISOR (const.) (light, heat, & steel-rule-die-maker apprentice :DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (paper goods): 739.381-022 05.05.06 Steel-Rule Inspector (cut. & tools) tools): 709.587-010 06.03.02 steel sampler TEST PREPARER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 509.584-010 06.04.02 Steel-Sash Erector (const.) :ORNAMENTAL-IRON WORKER (const.): 809.381-022 * 05.05.06 STEEL-SHOT-HEADER OPERATOR (ammunition) 61 1.682- 010 06.02.02 Steel-Spar Operator (logging) (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 STEEL-TIE ADJUSTER, AUTOMATIC 649.685-1 10 06.04.09 Steel-Wheel Engraver (glass prod.) :ENGRAVER (glass prod.; mirror): 775.381-010 01.06.01 STEEL-WOOL-MACHINE OPERATOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) 605.482-010 06.02.02 steeper :BARLEY STEEPER (malt 06.04.15 steeping-press operator :SODA-ROOM OPERATOR (synthetic fibers): 551.687-034 06.04.19 STEEPING-PRESS TENDER (synthetic fibers) 551.685-138 06.04.18 STEEPLE JACK (const.) 869.381-030 05.05.06 STEEP TENDER (corn prod.) 522.465-010 06.04.15 stem assembler ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687-01406.04.23 stem-cleaning-machine feeder :THRESHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-362 06.04.15 :INSPECTOR (cut. & :YARDING ENGINEER (paper goods) liquors): 522.585-010 STEM-DRYER MAINTAINER (tobacco) 529.685-230 06.04.39 stem frazer :END FRAZER (smoking pipe): 665.685-014 06.04.03 STEMHOLE BORER (smoking pipe) 666.685-010 06.04.03 Stemhole-Borer-and-Topper (smoking pipe) :STEMHOLE BORER (smoking pipe): 666.685-010 06.04.03 Stem-Lead Former (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 Stem Maker (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 stem-making machine adjuster :FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; electronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 STEMMER, HAND (tobacco) 521.687-134 06.04.28 STEMMER, MACHINE (tobacco) 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 STEM MOUNTER (elec. equip.) 725.684-018 06.04.23 stem-mounting-machine operator :MOUNTER (elec. equip.) I: 692.686-050 06.04.20 STEM-PROCESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (smoking pipe) 739.685-042 06.04.03 STEM-ROLLER-OR-CRUSHER 521.685–330 06.04.15 OPERATOR (tobacco) stem setter ASSEMBLER, CORNCOB PIPES (smoking pipe): 739.687-014 06.04.23 STEM SIZER (brush & broom) 692.686-062 06.04.09 stem-threshing-machine operator :THRESHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-362 06.04.15 stencil cutter SILK-SCREEN CUTTER (any ind.): 979.681-022 01.06.01 Stencil Cutter (clerical) 07.06.02 STENCIL CUTTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 970.381-038 01.06.03 STENCIL CUTTER (stonework) 77.1.281-010 01.06.01. Stencil Cutter, Machine (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 STENCILER (any ind.) 920.687-178 06.04.37 Stenciler (carpet & rug) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 - Stenciler (furn.) :DECORATOR (furn.): 749.684-01 4 01.06.03 :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 + 647 STENCILER (garment; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 781.687-066 06.04.27 Stenciling-Machine Tender (glass mfg.; glass prod.) :SILK- SCREEN PRINTER, MACHINE (any ind.): 652.665-010 06.02.09 STENCIL INSPECTOR (pen & pencil) 733.687-074 06.03.02 S’’ ENCIL-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 652.685-086 06.04.06 STENCIL MAKER (carpet & rug) 979.381-038 01.06.02 Stencil Maker (engraving) :ENGRAVER, HAND, HARD METALS (engraving): 704.381-026 01.06.01 stencil sprayer :SPRAYER, HAND (leather mfg.): 584.687-014 06.04.27 STENOGRAPHER (clerical) 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 Stenographer, Automatic Reproduction (clerical) :STENOGRAPHER (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 STENOGRAPHER, PRINT SHOP (print. & pub.) 202.362-018 07.05.03 stenotype-machine operator :STENOTYPE (clerical): 202.362-022 07.05.03 STENOTYPE OPERATOR (clerical) 202.362-022 07.05.03 steno-typist :STENOTYPE OPERATOR (clerical): 202.362-022 07.05.03 STEP-AND-REPEAT REDUCTION CAMERA. OPERATOR (electronics) 971.382-022 05.10.05 Step Finisher (const.) :CEMENT MASON (const.): 844.364- 010 * 05.05.01 stereo operator :STEREO-PLOTTER OPERATOR (profess. & kin.): 018.281-010 05.03.02 STEREO-PLOTTER OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 018.281- 0 1 0 05.03.02 stereoptic projection topographer :STEREO-PLOTTER OPERATOR (profess. & kin.): 018.281-010 05.03.02 Stereotype Caster (print. & pub.) :STEREOTYPER (print. & pub.): 974.382-014 * 05.05.13 Stereotype Molder (print. & pub.) :STEREOTYPER (print. & pub.): 974.382-014 * 05.05.13 STEREOTYPER (print. & pub.) 974.382-014 05.05.13 STEREOTYPER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 974.382-010 05.05.13 Stereotyper Helper (print. & pub.) :PRINT-SHOP HELPER (print. & pub.): 979.684-026 STERILE-PRODUCTS PROCESSOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.682-054 06.02.18 STERILIZER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.; medical ser.; per pro- tect. & med. dev.) 599.585-010 06.04.19 Sterilizer :RENOVATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR furn.): 589.685-082 06.04.19 STERILIZER (vinous liquors) 920.687-182 06.04.39 STERILIZER OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 523.685-114 06.04.15 sterilizer operator :FUMIGATOR AND STERILIZER (matt. & bedspring): 582.685-074 06.04.19 sterilizer operator :STERILIZER (vinous liquors): 920.687-182 06.04.39 STEVEDORE (water trans.) I 91 1.663-014 05.11.04 STEVEDORE (water trans.) II 922.687-090 05.12.03 Stevedore, Dock (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) II: 922.687-090 05.12.03 Stevedore, Front (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) II: 922.687-090 Stevedore, Hold (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) II: 922.687-090 05.12.03 Stevedoring Superintendent, Container Handling (water trans.) :SUPERINTENDENT, STEVEDORING (water trans.): 911. 1 37-022 05.11.04 stevedoring supervisor :HEADER (water trans.): 91 1.137-018 05.12.01 OPERATOR (house STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.) 310.137-018 05.12.17 STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.) 350.677-022 09.01.04 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, BANOUET rest.) 3.10.1 37-022 09.05.02 STEWARD/ STEWARDESS, BATH (water trans.) 350.677-0 18 05.12.18 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, CHIEF, CARGO VESSEL (water trans.) 350. 137-014 07.01.02 (hotel & STEWARD/STEWARDESS, CHIEF, PASSENGER SHIP (water trans.) 350. 137-018 05.12.17 Steward/Stewardess, Club Car (r. r. trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, RAILROAD DINING CAR (r.r. trans.): 310.137-026 11.11.04 Steward/Stewardess, Deck (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.): 350.677–022 09.01.04 steward/stewardess, dining room :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 Steward/Stewardess, Economy Class (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, SECOND (water trans.): 350. 1 37-022 09.01.04 Steward/Stewardess, Lounge (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.): 350.677-022 09.01.04 Steward/Stewardess, Night (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.): 350.677–022 09.01.04 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, RAILROAD DINING CAR (r.r. trans.) 310.137-026 11.11.04 Steward/Stewardess, Room (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.): 350.677-022 09.01.04 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, SECOND (water trans.) 350. 137- 022 09.01.04 Steward/Stewardess, Second Class (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, SECOND (water trans.): 350. 137-022 09.01.04 Steward/Stewardess, Smoke Room (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS (water trans.): 350.677-022 09.01.04 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, THIRD (water trans.) 350. 137- 026 05.12.18 Steward/Stewardess, Third Class (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, SECOND (water trans.): 350.137-022 09.01.04 Steward/Stewardess, Tourist Class (water trans.) :STEWARD/STEWARDESS, SECOND (water trans.): 350. 137-022 09.01.04 STEWARD/STEWARDESS, WINE (water trans.) 350.677-026 09.05.02 STEWARD, RACETRACK (amuse. & rec.) 153. 1 17-022 12.01.02 stick-candy puller SPINNER (confection.): 520.682-030 06.04.15 STICKER (artif. flower) 734.687-090 06.04.23. Sticker (bake. prod.) :RACKER (bake. prod.): 524.687-018 06.04.28 sticker :NOVELTY WORKER (dairy prod.): 06.04.28 STICKER (hat & cap) 784.687-070 06.04.27 sticker :HANDLER (pottery & porc.): 774.684-022 06.02.30 STICKER (sawmill) 563.686-010 06.04.03 sticker :POULTRY KILLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684- 042 06.04.28 Sticker :STONE REPAIRER 05.10.01 STICKER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-050 06.04.28 sticker-on :STICKER (hat & cap): 784.687-070 06.04.27 STICKER-ON (stat. & art goods) 774.684-034 06.04.30 stick feeder :RACK LOADER (tobacco) I: 529.686-074 06.04.40 524.686-014 (stonework): 779.684-058 648 tick Inserter (dairy prod.) BRINE-TANK TENDER (dairy prod.): 529.685-030 06.04.15 tick roller :ROLLER (confection.) I: 520.684-01406.04.28 tick spinner SPINNER (confection.): 520.682-030 06.04.15 TIFFENER (hat & cap) 589.687-038 06.04.27 stiff-Leg Derrick Operator (wood preserving) OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-022 05.11.04 tiff-neck loader :JAMMER OPERATOR (logging): 921.683- 054 05.11.04 tiff-straw-hat washer :STRAW-HAT-WASHER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 784.687-078 06.04.27 till and Tank Inspector (petrol. refin.) :MECHANICAL IN- SPECTOR (petrol. refin.); 549.261-010 05.07.01 till Cleaner, Tube (petrol. refin.) :TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687-030 05.12.18 TILL OPERATOR (agric.; can. & preserv.) 522.685-098 06.04.15 STILL OPERATOR (build. mat., n.e.c.) 543.682-026 06.02.18 STILL OPERATOR (distilled liquors) 522.382-026 06.02.15 STILL OPERATOR (vinous liquors) 522.382-030 06.02.15 STILL OPERATOR, BATCH OR CONTINUOUS (chem.) 552.362-022 06.02.11 Still Operator, Brandy (distilled liquors) :STILL OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 522.382-026 06.02.15 Still Operator, Gin (distilled liquors) (distilled liquors): 522.382-026 06.02.15 STILL-OPERATOR HELPER (chem.) 552.685-030 06.04.11 Still Operator, Whisky (distilled liquors) :STILL OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 522.382-026 06.02.15 STILL-PUMP OPERATOR (petrol. 06.02.12 still runner STILL OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 522.382-026 06.02.15 STILL TENDER (any ind.) 552.685-026 06.02.18 still tender :DISTILLER (wood distil. & char.); 552.682-010 06.04.11 STITCH-BONDING-MACHINE TENDER 126 06.04.05 STITCH-BONDING-MACHINE-TENDER HELPER 689.686-042 06.04.05 stitchdown-thread laster :THREAD LASTER (boot & shoe): 788.684- 1 1 4 06.04.05 stitchdown-thread-lasting-machine operator :THREAD LASTER (boot & shoe): 788.684-114 06.04.05 stitcher :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & 690.682-078 06.02.05 stitcher :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 stitcher :QUILTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glove & mit.; house furn.; trim. & embroid.; waste & batting): 689.685-106 06.04.05 STITCHER (trim. & embroid.) 689.682-022 06.02.05 Stitcher Feeder (wood. box) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669,686-030 06.04.03 stitcher, hand :MATTRESS FINISHER (matt. & bedspring): 780.684-070 06.02.27 STITCHER, HAND (print. & pub.) 977.684-022 06.04.26 stitcher, hand :FEATHER STITCHER (sports equip.): 732.684- 050 06.04.34 Stitcher Operator (basketry) (basketry) I: 669.685-014 06.04.03 STITCHER OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-114 06.04.04 stitcher operator SADDLE-AND-SIDE WIRE STITCHER (print. & pub.): 692.685-146 06.04.04 stitcher operator CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking): 669.685-042 06.04.20 Stitcher Set-Up Operator, Automatic (paper goods) :MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, PAPER GOODS (paper goods): 649.380-0 1 0 * 06.01.02 :DERRICK :STILL OPERATOR refin.) 549.362-010 (textile) 689.685- (textile) shoe): :BASKET ASSEMBLER STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.682-078 06.02.05 STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.682- 082 * 06.02.05 Stitcher, Utility (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 stitch fudger :WELT WHEELER (boot & shoe): 690.685-482 06.04.05 stitching-machine adjuster :STITCHING-MACHINE SETTER (print. & pub.); 653.680-010 06.01.02 STITCHING-MACHINE FEEDER-OFFBEARER (print. & pub.) 653.686-026 06.04.04 stitching-machine operator :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 STITCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cooperage) 669.685- 086 06.04.20 stitching-machine operator :BOX-BLANK-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (wood. box): 669.662-010 06.02.20 STITCHING-MACHINE SETTER (print. & pub.) 653.680-010 06.01.02 stitch marker :MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 282 06.04.05 Stitch Separator (boot & shoe) :WELT WHEELER (boot & shoe): 690.685-482 06.04.05 stitch wheeler :WELT WHEELER (boot & shoe): 690.685-482 06.04.05 stock blender :OPENER TENDER (textile): 680.685-070 06.04.06 stockbroker :SALES AGENT, SECURITIES (finan. inst.): 251. 157-0 1 0 1 1.06.04 Stock Buyer (any ind.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 Stock chaser :MATERIAL COORDINATOR 221. 167–01 4 05.09.02 stock chaser :MATERIAL EXPEDITER (clerical): 221.367-042 * 05.09.02 stock checker 05.09.02 STOCK CHECKER, APPAREL (ret. tr.) 299.667-014 05.09.03 STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) I 761.381-034 01.06.02 STOCK CHECKERER (firearms) II 665.685-034 06.04.03 STOCK CLERK (clerical) 222.387–058 05.09.02 Stock Clerk, Makeup (motion pic.) :PROPERTY CUSTODIAN (motion pic.): 222.387-042 05.09.01 STOCK CLERK, SELF-SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.) 299.367- 0 1 4 05.09.01 stock clipper 03.04.01 STOCK-CONTROL CLERK (clerical) 219.367–034 07.05.03 STOCK-CONTROL SUPERVISOR (clerical) 222. 137-038 07.05.03 Stock-Crane Operator (iron & steel) :MONORAIL CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-042 06.04.40 STOCK CUTTER (plan. mill) 667.482-018 stock cutter :CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods): 751.684-014 06.04.34 stock cutter 06.04.06 stock-drier tender :RAW-STOCK-DRIER TENDER (textile): 581.685-046 06.04.16 stock editor :MATERIAL CLERK (clerical): 05.09.03 STOCK FITTER (boot & shoe) 788.685-018 06.02.27 STOCK GRADER (woodworking) 667.382-010 STOCKING-AND-BOX-SHOP SUPERVISOR (firearms) 769. 1 37-010 06.02.01 STOCKING INSPECTOR (hosiery) 684.684-010 * 06.03.02 STOCKLAYER (boot & shoe) 753.687-042 06.04.34 STOCK MAKER, CUSTOM (firearms) 761.381-038 01.06.02 (clerical): :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * :SHEEP SHEARER (agric.): 410.684-014 :STAPLE CUTTER (textile): 680.685-102 222.387-034 649 Stock Mixer (asbestos prod.) :PREPARATION-ROOM WORKER (asbestos prod.): 570.686-018 06.04.19 Stock Mixer (felt goods; textile) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-01406.03.02 stock-order lister :STOCK-CONTROL CLERK 219.367–034 07.05.03 STOCK-PARTS FABRICATOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 769.684-050 06.02.25 STOCK-PARTS INSPECTOR (furn.) 763.684-070 06.03.02 STOCK PATCHER (firearms) 761.684-042 06.02.25 STOCK-PATCH SAWYER (woodworking) 667.682-082 Stock Pitcher (paper & pulp) :LABORER, RAGS (paper & pulp): 539.587-010 06.04.40 Stock-Preparation Supervisor (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) II: 559.137-01406.02.01 Stock-Preparation Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 STOCK PREPARER (fabric. plastics prod.) 751.387-010 06.04.34 stock-record clerk :MATERIAL CLERK (clerical): 222.387- 034 05.09.03 stock repairer STOCK PATCHER (firearms): 761.684-042 06.02.25 stock roller :SPLICER (rubber tire & 06.04.29 stockroom clerk :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 (clerical): tube): 759.684–058 stockroom supervisor :STOCK SUPERVISOR (clerical): 222. 137-034 05.09.01 stock rustler :MATERIAL COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-0 1 4 05.09.62 stock-saw operator :STOCK CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-018 06.02.03 stock selector :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687–058 * 05.09.01 STOCK SHAPER (firearms) 761.684-046 06.04.25 STOCK SHEETS CLEANER-INSPECTOR (mirror) 779.687- 034 06.03.02 stock supervisor :MATERIAL-HANDLING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921. 133-018 05.12.01 STOCK SUPERVISOR (clerical) 222. 137-034 05.09.01 Stock Trader (finan. inst.) :SECURITIES TRADER (finan. inst.) II: 186.167–058 11.06.03 STOCK-TRANSFER CLERK 07.02.02 STOCK-TRANSFER CLERK, HEAD (finan. inst.) 216. 137-014 07.01.02 Stock Turner (firearms) :COPY-LATHE (woodworking): 664.685-018 06.04.03 stogie maker, hand CIGAR MAKER (tobacco): 790.684-014 06.04.28 Stogie Packer (tobacco) :CIGAR PACKER (tobacco): 790.687- 014 06.04.28 stoker :FIRER, HIGH PRESSURE (any ind.): 951.685-010 05.06.02 STOKER ERECTOR-AND-SERVICER (any ind.) 637.281-014 05.05.09 stoker-installation mechanic :STOKER ERECTOR-AND-SER- VICER (any ind.): 637.281-01405.05.09 Stone-and-Concrete Washer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 stone-and-plate-preparer apprentice :PLATE-GRAINER AP- PRENTICE (print. & pub.): 972.682-01406.02.02 stone banker :BED SETTER (stonework): 679.664-010 05.12.12 STONE CARVER (stonework) 77.1.281-014 01.06.02 STONE CLEANER (malt liquors) 529.687-190 06.04.39 stonecutter :MILLER, HEAD, WET PROCESS (corn prod.): 629,261-01 4 05.05.01 (finan. inst.) 216.382-070 TENDER stonecutter :GEM CUTTER (jewelry): 770.281-01405.05.14 STONECUTTER APPRENTICE, HAND (stonework) 771.381- 0 1 0 05.05.01 stonecutter, assistant :MILLER, HEAD, ASSISTANT, WET PROCESS (corn prod.): 629.684-01406.04.30 STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework) 771.381-014 05.05.01 STONECUTTER, MACHINE (stonework) 677.682-022 06.02.08 stone dresser :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381- 0 1 4 05.05.01 STONE DRILLER (stonework) 676.682-014 06.02.08 STONE-DRILLER HELPER (stonework) 676.686–010 06.04.08 stone finisher :STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework): 673.382-018 06.02.08 stone finisher :STONE POLISHER, HAND 775.664-010 06.04.30 Stone Gluer (jewelry) :STONE SETTER (jewelry): 735.687-034 06.04.30 STONE GRADER (mining & quarrying) 679.567-010 06.03.02 STONE GRADER (stonework) 670.384-010 05.07.01 stone-grinder operator :STONE-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varn.): 555.682-022 06.02.11 stone hand :MAKE-UP ARRANGER (print. & pub.): 973.381- 026 05.10.05 STONE-LATHE 06.02.08 Stone-Lathe Polisher (stonework) :STONE-LATHE OPERA- TOR (stonework): 674.662-010 06.02.08 STONE LAYOUT MARKER (stonework) 06.02.31 STONEMASON (const.) 861.381-038 05.05.01 STONEMASON APPRENTICE (const.) 861.381-042 05.05.01 Stonemason Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 STONEMASON SUPERVISOR (const.) 861.131-018 05.05.01 STONE-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varn.) 555.682-022 06.02.11 stone operator :STONE ROUGHER (optical goods): 673.685- 074 06.04.08 Stone Polisher (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework) 775.664-010 06.04.30 STONE POLISHER, MACHINE (stonework) 673.382-018 06.02.08 STONE POLISHER, MACHINE APPRENTICE (stonework) 673.382-022 06.02.08 STONER (jewelry) 735.684-01406.04.24 STONER AND POLISHER, BEVEL FACE (clock & watch) 603.685-082 06.02.02 STONE REPAIRER (stonework) 779.684-058 05.10.01 STONER, HAND (clock & watch) 715.584-018 06.02.24 stone rigger :STONEMASON APPRENTICE (const.): 861.381- 042 05.05.01 STONE ROUGHER (optical goods) 673.685-074 06.04.08 stone rubber :STONE POLISHER, HAND (stonework): 775.664-0 10 06.04.30 stone sawyer :GANG SAWYER, STONE (stonework): 670.362- 0 1 0 06.02.08 Stone Setter (const.) :STONEMASON (const.): 861.381-038 05.05.01 STONE SETTER 05.05.14 STONE SETTER (jewelry) 735.687-034 06.04.30 stone-setter apprentice :STONEMASON APPRENTICE (const.): 861.381-042 05.05.01 STONE-SETTER APPRENTICE 700.38 1-058 05.05.14 Stone Setter, Metal Optical Frames (optical goods) :STONE SETTER (jewelry; optical goods): 700,381-054 05.05.14 (stonework): OPERATOR (stonework) 674.662-010 670.587-010 (jewelry; optical goods) 700.381-054 (jewelry; optical goods) 650 STONE SPLITTER (conc. prod.) 677.685-050 06.04.08 stone splitter SPLITTER OPERATOR (stonework): 677.685- 042 05.12.13 STONE-SPREADER OPERATOR 05.11.01 STONE TRIMMER (stonework) 670.685-010 06.04.08 Stone Unloader (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 stoneworker :STONECUTTER, HAND (stonework): 771.381 - 0 1 4 05.05.01 STOP ATTACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692.685–206 06.04.20 STOPBOARD ASSEMBLER 06.02.23 Stope Miner (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 Stopper Grinder (glass mfg.) :GLASS GRINDER (glass mfg.): 775.684-034 06.04.30 STOPPER MAKER (iron & steel) 519.684-022 06.04.30 STOPPER-MAKER HELPER (iron & steel) 519.687-038 06.04.30 stopper-rod maker :STOPPER MAKER (iron & steel): 519.684- 022 06.04.30 STOPPING BUILDER (mining & quarrying) 869.684-058 05.10.01 storage-battery charger 727.381-01 4 05.10.03 STORAGE BATTERY INSPECTOR equip.) 727.381-022 06.01.05 storage-bin adjuster :MONITOR-AND-STORAGE-BIN TENDER (grain & feed mill.): 521.685-230 06.04.15 storage brine worker :OLIVE BRINE TESTER (can. & preserv.): 522.584-010 06.03.02 Storage-Garage Attendant (auto. ser.) :PARKING-LOT AT- TENDANT (auto, ser.): 915.473-010 09.04.02 storage laborer :OLIVE BRINE TESTER (can. & preserv.): 522.584-0 1 0 06.03.02 Storage-Receipt Poster (clerical) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 storage-wharfage clerk :INCOMING-FREIGHT CLERK (water trans.): 248.362-010 07.02.04 Store Cashier (clerical) :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 Store Detective (ret. tr.) :DETECTIVE (any ind.) I: 376.367- 0 1 4 04.02.02 storekeeper :MANAGER, WAREHOUSE (any ind.): 184.167- 114 (const.) 853.663–022 (musical inst.) 730.684-082 :BATTERY REPAIRER (any ind.): AND TESTER (elec. storekeeper :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 storekeeper SUPPLY CLERK (per. ser.): 339.687-010 05.09.01 STOREKEEPER (water trans.) 222.387-062 05.09.01 Storekeeper, Deck (water trans.) :STOREKEEPER (water trans.): 222.387-062 05.09.01 Storekeeper, Engineering (water trans.) (water trans.): 222.387-062 05.09.01 Storekeeper, Steward (water trans.) :STOREKEEPER (water trans.): 222.387-062 05.09.01 storeroom clerk :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 05.09.02 storeroom food-checker :KITCHEN CLERK (hotel & rest.): 222.587-022 05.09.03 storeroom keeper :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 storeroom supervisor 222. 1 37-034 05.09.01 stores-auditor clerk :MATERIAL CLERK (clerical): 222.387- O34 05.09.03 - stores clerk :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 :STOREKEEPER 222.387–058 * :STOCK SUPERVISOR (clerical): story analyst :READER (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 13 1.087-014 01.01.01 STORY EDITOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 132.037-026 01.01.01 STOVE-BOTTOM WORKER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.667- 0 1 0 06.04.19 STOVE-CARRIAGE OPERATOR 590.662-022 06.02.18 STOVE REFINISHER (any ind.) 749.684-046 05.12.14 STOVE TENDER (iron & steel) 512.382-014 06.02.10 straddle buggy operator :STRADDLE-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-070 06.04.40 STRADDLE-TRUCK OPERATOR (any 06.04.40 straight cutter :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 (floor covering, n.e.c.) ind.) 921.683-070 straight cutter :GLASS CUTTER (any ind.): 775.684-022 06.02.30 Straight Cutter, Machine (trim. & embroid.) SLITTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 Straightedge-Machine-Operator Helper (glass mfg.; mirror) :BEVELING-AND-EDGING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.686-010 06.04.08 straight edger :STRAIGHT-LINE EDGER (glass mfg.; mirror): 673.685-078 06.04.08 straight edger TRIMMER (silverware): 705.682-01406.02.02 straightener :STRAIGHTENING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.); 617.482-026 ° 06.02.02 - straightener .NEEDLE STRAIGHTENER (knit goods): 628.684-018 06.02.24 straightener-and-aliner :FRAME STRAIGHTENER (motor. & bicycles): 807.484-010 05.10.01 Straightener, Gun Parts (firearms) :STRAIGHTENER, HAND (any ind.): 709.484-01406.02.24 STRAIGHTENER, HAND (any ind.) 709.484-014 06.02.24 straightener, torch :TORCH-STRAIGHTENER-AND HEATER (any ind.): 709.684-086 05.10.01 Straightening-Machine Feeder (any ind.) :MACHINE FEEDER (any ind.): 699.686-010 06.04.09 straightening-machine operator :STRAIGHTENING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.); 613.462-022 06.02.02 STRAIGHTENING-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) 617.482- 026 * 06.02.02 Straightening-Press Operator (fabric. plastics prod.) :PRESS OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.682-062 06.02.02 Straightening-Press-Operator Helper (any ind.) :MACHINE HELPER (any ind.); 619.687-014 06.04.24 STRAIGHTENING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) 613.462-022 06.02.02 Straight-Knife Cutter, Machine (any ind.) MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 STRAIGHT-LINE EDGER (glass mfg.; mirror) 673.685-078 06.04.08 - STRAIGHT-LINE-PRESS SETTER (ammunition) 616.360-034 06.01.02 - STRAIGHT-PIN-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR pin, & rel. prod.) 609.482-014 06.02.02 straight-slicing-machine operator :VENEER-SLICING- MACHINE OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 663.682-018 straight-tooth-gear-generator operator :GEAR-GENERATOR SET-UP OPERATOR, STRAIGHT BEVEL (mach. shop): 602.382-018 06.02.02 - Strainer (paint & varn.) :LABORER, GENERAL (paint & varn.): 559.685-1 10 06.04.11 strainer cleaner :FILTER WASHER (explosives): 559.687-042 06.04.39 strainer-mill operator :STRAINER TENDER (rubber reclaim.): 551.365-010 06.02.07 STRAINER TENDER (rubber reclaim.) 551.365-010 06.02.07 :CUTTER, (needle, 651 STRAND-AND-BINDER CONTROLLER (build. board) 680.685-106 06.04.06 Strand Buncher, Fine Wire (elec. equip.) :STRANDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wire- work): 616.682-034 06.02.02 strander CATCHER (iron & steel): 613.686-010 06.04.02 strander operator :STRANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework); 616.682-034 06.02.02 STRAND-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 681.685-1 18 06.04.06 strand galvanizer :WIRE-COATING OPERATOR, METAL (galvanizing): 501.485-010 06.04.21 STRANDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework) 616.682-034 06.02.02 STRANDING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wirework) 616.687-0 1 0 06.04.02 Stranding Supervisor (wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-0 14 06.02.01 strand-machine operator :STRANDING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (elec. equip.; insulated wire; wirework); 616.682-034 06.02.02 STRAP BUCKLER, 06.04.05 Strap Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 STRAP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber 690.685-402 06.04.07 STRAP-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber 554.485-01 4 06.04.07 STRAP-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 534.682-034 06.02.05 Strap-Machine Operator, Automatic (garment) :FOLDER- SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 787.685-01406.04.05 strap-making-machine operator :STRAP-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper goods): 534.682-034 06.02.05 Strap Nailer (wood. box) :NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 669.682-058 Strapper (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-0 1 0 * 06.02.05 strapper :STRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 692.682-058 06.04.38 Strapper and Buffer (woodworking) :BUFFER (any ind.) I: 705.684-01 4 06.04.24 STRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box) 692.682- 058 06.04.38 MACHINE (garment) 689.665-010 goods) goods) Strap Recesser (wood. box) :DADO OPERATOR (woodworking): 669.382-010 05.05.08 Strap Setter (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) : ANODE REBUILDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 630.684-010 05.10.01 Strap Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 STRATIGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 024.061-054 02.01.01 Strawberry Grower (agric.) :FARMER, VINE-FRUIT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-01403.01.01 Straw-Hat Blocker (hat & cap) :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-01406.04.27 straw-hat-blocking operator :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-01 4 06.04.27 Straw-Hat-Brim-Cutter Operator (hat & cap) :ROUNDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 585.685-086 06.04.05 straw-hat-brim-raiser operator :BRIM RAISER (hat & cap): 784.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 STRAW-HAT BRUSHER (hat & cap) 784.687-074 06.04.39 straw-hat finishing operator :BRIM RAISER (hat & cap): 784.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 Straw-Hat-Hydraulic-Press Operator (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 Straw-Hat Inspector and Packer (hat & cap) :INSPECTOR- PACKER (hat & cap): 784.687-042 06.03.02 Straw-Hat-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 STRAW-HAT-PLUNGER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 583.685- 11 4 06.04.09 straw-hat presser :STRAW-HAT-PLUNGER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 583.685-114 06.04.09 STRAW-HAT PRESSER, MACHINE (hat & cap) 583.685-1 10 06.04.09 Straw-Hat Sizer (hat & cap) 589.687-038 06.04.27 STRAW-HAT-WASHER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 784.687– 078 06.04.27 Streaker :ENROBING-MACHINE CORDER 524.684-018 06.04.28 streaker-off, hand :LEATHER COATER 584.687-0 1 0 06.04.27 STREETCAR OPERATOR (r. r. trans.) 9 13.463-014 09.03.01 STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 807.381- 026 05. 10.04 STREETCAR-REPAIRER HELPER (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 807.687–01 4 Streetcar Sandbox and Lifeguard-Unit Repairer (loco. & car blag. & rep.) :STREETCAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blóg. & rep.): 807.381-026 05.10.04 STREET CLEANER (gov. ser.) 955.687-018 05.12.18 street-light changer-and-renewer :STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power) 952.667- 0 1 0 05.12.18 street-light inspector :STREET-LIGHT CLEANER (light, heat, & power): 952.667-010 05.12.18 STREET-LIGHT REPAIRER (light, heat, & power) 729.381- 018 05.05.05 street-light repairer :STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (light, heat, & power): 824.381-010 05.05.05 STREET-LIGHT-REPAIRER HELPER (light, heat, & power) 729.684-050 05.12.16 STREET-LIGHT SERVICER (light, heat, & power) 824.381- 0 1 0 05.05.05 STREET-LIGHT-SERVICER HELPER (light, heat, & power) 824.664-0 1 0 05.12.16 :STIFFENER (hat & cap): (confection.): (leather mfg.): STREET-LIGHT-SERVICER SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 824.137-01405.05.05 STREET-OPENINGS INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 859.267-0 1 0 05.07.01 street sweeper :STREET CLEANER (gov. ser.): 955.687-018 05.12.18 STREET-SWEEPER OPERATOR 05.11.01 STRESS ANALYST (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 002.061-030 05.01.04 - STRETCH-BOX TENDER (textile) 680.685-1 10 06.04.06 STRETCHER (hat & cap) 580.685-054 06.04.16 STRETCHER (jewelry) 700.684-078 06.04.24 stretcher TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585- 0 1 0 06.04.16 stretcher :PASTER, SCREEN PRINTING (textile): 652.687- 026 06.04.27 stretcher :CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile): 781.687-014 06.03.02 stretcher and drier :SPREADER (hat & cap): 581.687-022 06.04.27 STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., laund.) 363.687–022 06.04.35 STRETCHER-LEVELER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.582-0 1 0 06.02.02 STRETCHER-LEVELER-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal alloys) 619.686-030 06.04.02 (gov. ser.) 9 19.683-022 dye., & press.; 652 tretcher operator :STRETCHER-DRIER OPERATOR (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 363.687-022 06.04.35 TRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & 580.685-058 06.04.05 tretching-Machine Tender, Frame (leather mfg.) :STAKER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 580.685-050 06.04.16 Stretching-Press Operator (any ind.) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) I: 615.482-022 * 06.02.02 STRETCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. 559.682.058 tretch-Press Operator (any ind.) :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 96.02.02 TRICKLER ATTENDANT (floor covering, n.e.c.) 652.665- 0 1 4 06.02.09 Strike-Off-Machine Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-01 4 05.11.01 STRIKE-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 652.685-090 06.04.05 STRIKE-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 587.685-030 06.04.16 strike-plate attacher :PROTECTOR-PLATE ATTACHER (cut. & tools): 692.685-138 06.04.09 Striker :BLACKSMITH HELPER 05.12.10 striker :MARINE OILER (water trans.): 91 1.584-010 05.12.08 striker-out, machine :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 string cutter :LACING-STRING CUTTER (boot & shoe): 788.687–074 06.04.27 Stringed-Instrument Assembler (musical inst.) :ASSEMBLER, twine) plastics prod.) (forging): 610.684-010 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.): 730.684-010 06.02.23 stringer :ENROBING-MACHINE CORDER (confection.): 524.684-018 06.04.28 STRINGER (jewelry) 509.687-018 06.04.34 STRINGER (paper goods) 794.687-054 06.04.23 STRINGER-MACHINE TENDER (per. protect. & med, dev.) 692.485-010 06.04.09 Stringer-Up, Soldering Machine (jewelry) :STRINGER (jewelry): 509.687-018 06.04.34 string-glue-and-printing-machine operator TAPE-MAKING- MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 689.685-138 06.04.04 Stringing-Machine Operator (paper goods) :KNOTTING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-054 06.04.04 STRINGING-MACHINE TENDER (tex. bag) 689.585-018 06.04.05 STRING LASTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-406 06.04.09 string picker :BURLER (carpet & rug; textile): 689.684-010 * 06.03.02 STRING-TOP SEALER (paper goods) 641.685-086 06.04.02 STRING-WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (musical inst.) 692.682-062 06.02.09 strip cleaner :PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any ind.): 503.362-010 06.02.10 STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 686.685- 066 06.04.05 STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685- 338 06.04.15 STRIPE MATCHER (knit goods) 689.662-014 06.02.05 Striper (furn.) :DECORATOR (furn.): 749.684-014 01.06.03 STRIPER (paper goods) 651.682-018 06.02.04 STRIPER, HAND (any ind.) 740.484-010 01.06.03 STRIPER, MACHINE (motor. & bicycles) 06.04.33 STRIPER, SPRAY GUN (any ind.) 741.687–022 06.04.33 strip feeder SPREADER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (tobacco): 529.685-222 06.04.40 STRIPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire) 652.682– 026 06.02.09 Strip-Machine Tender (match) :DIPPER (match): 590.685-022 {}6.04.21 STRIP-METAL-PUNCH-AND-STRAIGHTENER OPERATOR (wood. box) 615.685-038 06.04.02 strip-mine supervisor :PIT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 1 37-014 (95.02.05 stripper :SPLITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe; leather prod.): 585.685-1 14 {}6.04.05 STRIPPER (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods) 556.686-018 {}6.04. i3 STRIPPER (furn.) 749.687-030 06.04.39 stripper :BONER (garment; per protect. & med. dev.): 789.687-018 06.04.34 STRIPPER (glass mfg.) 673.666-01406.04.08 stripper :FRAME STRIPPER (glue): 559.687-046 06.04.19 Stripper (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-014 05.12.03 Stripper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :TANK-HOUSE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.565-014 06.04.10 STRIPPER (print. & pub.) 971.381-050 * 01.06.01 stripper-and-opaquer apprentice :STRIPPER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-054 01.06.01 stripper and printer :PHOTOENGRAVING PRINTER (print. & pub.): 971.381-034 01.06.01 STRIPPER AND TAPER (rubber goods) 899.684-038 06.04.29 STRIPPER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 971.381-054 01.06.01 Stripper, Black and White (print. & pub.) :STRIPPER (print. & pub.): 971.381-050 * 01.06.01 Stripper, Color (print. & pub.) :STRIPPER (print. & pub.): 971.38 1-050 * 01.06.01 STRIPPER-CUTTER, MACHINE (macaroni & rel. 521.685-342 06.04.15 Stripper, Latex (rubber goods) :STRIPPER (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods): 556.686-018 06.04.13 stripper-machine operator :CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.): 521.685-102 06.02.15 STRIPPER, PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC (print. & pub.) 972.381- 022 01.06.03 stripper, preliminary 556.686–01 4 06.04.20 Stripper, Soft Plastic (fabric. plastics prod.) :STRIPPER (fabric. plastics prod.; rubber goods): 556.686-018 06.04.13 Stripper Truck Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 stripping-and-booking-machine operator MACHINE (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 STRIPPING CUTTER AND WINDER (boot & shoe) 585.685- 1 18 06.04.05 STRIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685- 090 06.04.04 stripping-machine operator COVER STRIPPER (paper goods): 64 1.685-034 06.04.04 STRIPPING-SHOVEL OILER (mining & quarrying) 850.684- 018 05.12.08 STRIPPING-SHOVEL OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 850.663–026 (95.11.02 STRIP POLISHER (stonework) 673.685-082 06.04.08 STRIP PRESSER (boot & shoe) 583.685-118 ()6.04.05 STRIP ROLLER (spring) 613.682-022 06.02.02 strip shader SHADE MATCHER (textile): 06.03.02 Strip-Stamp Straightener (distilled liquors) :BOTTLING-LINE ATTENDANT (distilled liquors): 920.687-042 06.04.38 STRIP-TANK TENDER (firearms) 503.685-046 06.04.10 prod.) :CELL STRIPPER (plastics mat.): :STEMMER, 749.686-0 || 0 582.687–022 653 Strip-Tease Dancer (amuse. & rec.) :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): 15 1.047d,010 01.05.02 stroboroma operator :STROBOSCOPE OPERATOR (textile): 689.364-0 1 0 06.03.01 STROBOSCOPE OPERATOR (textile) 689.364-010 06.03.01 strobotac operator :STROBOSCOPE OPERATOR (textile): 689.364-0 1 0 06.03.01 STROKE-BELT-SANDER 662.682-018 06.02.03 Stroker :ENROBING-MACHINE CORDER 524.684-018 06.04.28 Stroller rental clerk :BABY-STROLLER AND WHEELCHAIR RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.): 295.367-0 1 4 09.04.02 STRONG-NITRIC OPERATOR (explosives) 559.682-062 06.02.18 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (const.) 005.061-034 05.01.08 structural inspector :INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 structural-iron erector :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 structural-iron worker :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 structural-metal-fabricator apprentice :METAL-FABRICATOR APPRENTICE (any ind.); 619.360-018 05.05.06 Structural-Mill Recorder (iron & steel) :RECORDER (iron & steel): 221.367–050 05.09.02 STRUCTURAL-MILL SUPERVISOR (nonfer. 619. 1 32-022 06.02.01 structural-shop helper :METAL-FABRICATING-SHOP HELPER (any ind.); 619.686-022 06.04.02 Structural-Steel-Equipment Erector (const.) :STRUCTURAL- STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 structural-steel erector :STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.): 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 Structural-Steel Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPEC- TOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 OPERATOR (woodworking) (confection.): metal alloys) Structural-Steel Lay-Out Worker (any ind.) :LAY-OUT WORKER (any ind.) I: 809.281-010 * 05.05.06 Structural-Steel-Shop Supervisor (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-014 05.10.01 STRUCTURAL-STEEL WORKER (const.) 801.361-014 * 05.05.06 STRUCTURAL-STEEL-WORKER APPRENTICE 801.361-018 05.05.06 Structural-Steel-Worker Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 STUBBER (ret. tr.) 222.687-034 05.09.03 STUCCO MASON (const.) 842.381-01405.05.04 stucco worker :STUCCO MASON (const.): 05.05.04 STUDDER, HAIRSPRING (clock & watch) 715.684-186 06.04.23 Stud Driver (ore dress., REBUILDER (ore dress., 05.10.01 student-activities adviser :DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (education): 090. 167–022 11.07.03 student-union consultant :DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (education): 090. 167–022 11.07.03 Studio-Couch-Frame Builder (matt. & bedspring) :WOODEN- FRAME BUILDER (matt. & bedspring): 762.684-066 06.04.25 studio engineer :SOUND MIXER (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.262-018 05.10.05 studio engineer, audio control AUDIO OPERATOR (radio & tv broad.): 194.262-010 05.10.05 studio technician :SOUND MIXER (motion pic.; phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.262-018 05.10.05 stud setter :ORNAMENT SETTER (garment; trim. & em- broid.): 789.685-010 06.04.34 (const.) 842.381-014 refin.) : ANODE 630.684–010 smelt., & smelt., & refin.): stuffed-casing tier :CASING TIER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.687-034 * 06.04.28 Stuffed-Toy Joiner (toys & games) :TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 STUFFER (house furn.) 780.687-046 06.04.23 stuffer :FILLER (house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 780.684-066 06.04.23 STUFFER (slaught. & meat pack.) 520.685-2 10 06.04.15 STUFFER (toys & games) 731.685-01406.04.34 stuffer, machine :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 stuffer, vertical hydraulic :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 557.382-010 * 06.02.13 STUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (auto. mfg.; matt. & bed- spring) 780.685-01406.04.36 stuffing-machine operator MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.20 STUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 732.685- 034 06.04.05 STULL INSTALLER (conc. prod.) 869.684-062 05.12.12 stummel selector :SELECTOR (smoking pipe): 739.687-166 06.03.02 stumper :SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-034 06.04.16 stumper :SIZER, MACHINE (hat & 06.04.16 stumper-feller :FALLER (logging) II: 454.684-01403.04.02 STUNNER, ANIMAL (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-114 06.04.28 STUNT PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 159.34 1-0 14 12.02.01 Styrene-Continuous-Still Utility Operator (chem.) :UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) I: 559.682-066 06.02.11 Styrene-Dehydration-Reactor Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II; 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 Styrene Operator, Chief (chem.; petrol. refin.) :SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.): 559.132-078 06.01.01 subassembler :BENCH ASSEMBLER (agric. equip.): 706.684- 042 06.04.23 SUBASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 729.684-054 06.04.23 subassembler :ASSEMBLER (firearms) II: 736.684-014 06.04.23 SUBASSEMBLER (mach. mſg.) 706.381-038 06.02.24 SUBASSEMBLER (office mach.) 706.684-094 06.02.23 Subassembly Supervisor (mfa. blogs.; trans. :SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.131-030 06.02.01 Subgrade-Roller Operator (const.) :ROAD-ROLLER OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.683-030 05.11.01 Subgrader Operator (const.) :MOTOR-GRADER OPERATOR (const.): 850.663-022 05.11.01 Subgrade Tester (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 SUBLIMER (coal tar prod.) 542.685-01406.04.11 submarine operator SPRING FORMER, MACHINE (spring): 617.482-022 06.02.02 . submarine worker :DIVER (any ind.): 899.261-010 05.10.01 Subscription Clerk (clerical) :FILE CLERK (clerical) I: 206.362-010 07.07.01 subscription clerk :CIRCULATION CLERK (print. & pub.): 209.362-010 07.05.03 SUBSCRIPTION CREW LEADER (ret. :PUNCHBOARD-FILLING- (paper goods): 649.685-094 cap): 784.684-058 equip.) (mfc. tr.) 291. 157-010 08.02.08 subsorter ASSEMBLER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-010 * 06.03.02 Substation Engineer (light, heat, & power) :POWER-DIS- TRIBUTION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power): 003.16.7- 046 05.01.03 654 SUBSTATION INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 952.261- 0 1 0 05.06.01 Substation Inspector, Automatic :SUBSTATION INSPECTOR 952.261-010 05.06.01 SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362- 026 * 05.06.01 SUBSTATION OPERATOR APPRENTICE (light, heat, & power) 952.362-030 05.06.01 | Substation Operator, Automatic (light, heat, & power) :SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362- 026 * 05.06.01 substation OPERATOR, CHIEF (light, heat, & power) 952.131-010 05.06.01 | Substation Operator, Conversion (light, heat, & power) SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362- 026 - 05.06.01 | Substation Operator, Distribution (light, heat, & power; r.r. trans.) :SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-026 * 05.06.01 Substation Operator, Generation (light, heat, & power) SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362- 026 + 05.06.01 SUBSTATION-OPERATOR HELPER (light, heat, & power) 952.687-01 4 05.06.01 (light, (light, heat, & power) heat, & power): Substation Operator Helper, Generator (light, heat, & power) SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power): 952.367-01405.06.01 | Substation Operator, Transforming (light, heat, & power) :SUBSTATION OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362- 026 * 05.06.01 subwarehouse supervisor CISTERN-ROOM OPERATOR (distilled liquors): 520.382-010 06.02.15 SUCKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (confection.) 529.685-234 06.04.15 suction-dredge-dumping supervisor SUCTION-DREDGE-PIPE- LINE-PLACING SUPERVISOR (const.): 862. 134-010 05.05.03 SUCTION-DREDGE-PIPE-LINE-PLACING SUPERVISOR (const.) 862. 134-010 05.05.03 Suction-Drum-Drier Operator (textile) :DRYING-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 581.685-030 06.04.16 suction-machine operator :EXTRACTOR (textile): 581.685-042 06.04.16 Suction Operator (agric.) :CONVEYOR OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-026 05.11.04 SUCTION-PLATE-CARRIER CLEANER (tobacco) 529.687– 194 06.04.39 suction-plate roller, hand 790.684-022 06.04.28 suction roller :ROLLER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684-022 06.04.28 - sueding-and-buffing-machine operator :BUFFING-AND-SUED- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 753.684-010 06.04.05 Sueding-Machine Tender (textile) :NAPPER TENDER (felt goods; textile): 585.685-070 06.04.16 Sueding-Wheel Operator (leather mfg.) :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685-018 06.04.16 SUGAR BOILER (sugar) 522.382-034 06.02.15 Sugarcane Planter (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.1 6 1-0 1 0 03.01.01 SUGAR-CHIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR 521.685–354 06.04.15 Sugar-Coating Hand (confection.) (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 SUGAR CONTROLLER (sugar) 529.565-010 06.02.15 SUGAR DRIER (corn prod.) 523.665-010 06.04.15 sugar drier :GRANULATOR OPERATOR (sugar): 523.685-098 06.04.15 OPERATOR :ROLLER, HAND (tobacco): (corn prod.) :FACTORY HELPER sugar-end supervisor SUPERVISOR, REFINING (sugar): 529. 130-034 06.01.01 sugar grinder SUGAR-CHIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (corn prod.): 521.685–354 06.04.15 SUGAR GRINDER (sugar) 521.685-346 06.04.15 SUGAR PRESSER (corn prod.) 521.685-350 06.04.15 SUGAR-REPROCESS OPERATOR, HEAD (sugar) 529.137- 018 06.02.01 Sugar Trucker (corn prod.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * Sugar-Wafer-Machine Operator (bake. prod.) MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 06.04.15 SUGGESTION CLERK (clerical) 209.387-034 07.05.03 suit attendant :LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. 358.677-01 4 09.05.07 Suit Finisher (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Suit maker :WADER-BOOT-TOP ASSEMBLER goods): 795.684-026 06.04.29 SULFATE DRIER-MACHINE OPERATOR 551.685-142 06.04.11 sulfate operator :SATURATOR OPERATOR (chem.; prod.); 558.362-018 06.02.11 Sulfonation Equipment Operator (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL COMPOUNDER (coal tar prod.): 559.682-018 06.02.18 Sulfonator Operator (chem.) :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) III: 559.382-018 * 06.01.03 Sulfur Burner (chem.) :ROTARY-FURNACE TENDER (chem.); 553.685-094 06.04.11 Sulfur-Chloride Operator (chem.) :CHLORINATOR OPERA- TOR (chem.); 558.382-030 06.02.11 Sulfur Feeder (chem.) :ROTARY-DRIER FEEDER (chem.): 553.686-038 06.04.11 sulfuric-acid-plant operator :CONTACT-ACID-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.); 558.585-018 06.02.11 SULKY DRIVER (amuse. & rec.) 153.244-014 12.01.03 Sumac Tanner (leather mfg.) :TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 SUMATRA OPENER (tobacco) 529.687-198 06.04.28 SUNGLASS-CLIP ATTACHER (optical goods) 713.687-042 06.04.23 SUPERCALENDER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 534.682-038 06.02.04 Supercalender-Operator Helper (paper & pulp) :PAPER- PROCESSING-MACHINE HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper): 534.686-010 06.04.14 SUPERCARGO (water trans.) 248. 167-010 05.09.02 Supercharger Mechanic (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.) :AIRFRAME-AND-POWER-PLANT MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.281-014 * 05.05.09 :WAFER- 526.685-066 ser.): (rubber (coke prod.) coke SUPERCHARGER-REPAIR SUPERVISOR (air trans.) 621. 131-0 10 05.05.09 SUPERINTENDENT (agric.; can. & preserv.) 180.167–054 03.01.01 superintendent, airport :MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.): 184. 11 7-026 11.05.01 Superintendent, Airport-Buildings-Maintenance (air trans.) :MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.): 184. 117-026 11.05.01 Superintendent, Airport-Facilities-Repair-and-Maintenance (air trans.) :MANAGER, AIRPORT (air trans.): 184. 11 7-026 11.05.01 SUPERINTENDENT, AMMUNITION (ammunition) 189. 167–038 05.02.07 superintendent, automotive :SUPERINTENDENT, TRANS- PORTATION (any ind.): 184.167-226 11.05.02 Superintendent, Board Mill (paper & pulp) :SUPERVISOR, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, BUILDING (any ind.) 187.167-190 05.02.02 - STORAGE 655 superintendent, building :JANITOR (any ind.): 382.664-010 05.12.18 superintendent, camp :MANAGER, AGRICULTURAL-LABOR CAMP (profess. & kin.): 187. 167–050 11.11.04 SUPERINTENDENT, CAR CONSTRUCTION (loco. & car blag. & rep.) 183.167-034 05.02.03 superintendent, cemetery :MANAGER, CEMETERY (per. ser.): 187.1 67-074 11.11.04 Superintendent, Circus (amuse. & rec.) :GENERAL MANAGER, ROAD PRODUCTION 187. 11 7-034 11.11.04 superintendent, city plant :SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBU- TION (light, heat, & power) II: 184.167-154 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, COLD STORAGE (any ind.) 184.167- 142 05.06.02 superintendent, colliery :MINE SUPERINTENDENT (mining & quarrying): 181. 117-01405.02.05 SUPERINTENDENT, COMMISSARY (water trans.) 184.1 17- 078 11.05.02 SUPERINTENDENT, COMMUNICATIONS 184. 11 7-082 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, COMPRESSOR STATIONS (pipe lines) 184. 167- 146 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, CONCRETE-MIXING PLANT (const.) 182. 167–022 05.02.03 SUPERINTENDENT, CONSTRUCTION (const.) 182. 167–026 05.02.02 Superintendent, Container Terminal (water trans.) :SUPERINTENDENT, TERMINAL (water trans.): 184.167– 214 SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) I 184. 167-1 50 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) II 184. 167-154 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, DIVISION (motor trans.; r.r. 184.167-158 11.05.02 superintendent, drilling :TOOL PUSHER (petrol. production): 930. 130-0 1 0 05.02.05 SUPERINTENDENT, DRILLING AND (petrol. production) 181. 167-01405.02.01 superintendent, drivers :ROAD SUPERVISOR (motor trans.): 913. 133-0 1 0 09.03.03 superintendent, dyeing :DYER, SUPERVISOR 582. 131-01 4 05.10.07 superintendent, electrical department :SUPERINTENDENT, POWER (r.r. trans.): 184.167-202 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, ELECTRIC POWER (light, power) 184.167-162 05.02.01 superintendent, factory :PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 superintendent, fish hatchery :MANAGER, FISH HATCHERY (fish.): 180.167–030 03.01.02 superintendent, gas distribution :SUPERINTENDENT, DIS- TRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) II: 184.167-154 05.02.01 superintendent, general PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-01405.02.03 SUPERINTENDENT, GENERATING PLANT (light, heat, & power) 184.167-166 05.02.01 (amuse. & rec.): (tel. & tel.) trans.) PRODUCTION ind.): (any heat, & superintendent, geophysical laboratory :GEOPHYSICAL- LABORATORY CHIEF (profess. & kin.): 024. 167-010 02.04.01 SUPERINTENDENT, GRAIN ELEVATOR (corn prod.; grain & feed mill.; malt liquors) 529. 137-022 06.01.01 SUPERINTENDENT, GREENS (amuse. & rec.) 406. 137-014 03.01.03 superintendent, hospital :ADMINISTRATOR, HOSPITAL (medical ser.): 187.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 superintendent, house SUPERINTENDENT, SERVICE (hotel & rest.): 329. 137-010 09.01.04 SUPERINTENDENT, INDUSTRIES, CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (gov. ser.) 188.167-094 11.07.01 - superintendent, institution :DIRECTOR, INSTITUTION (any ind.): 187.1 17-018 11.07.01 superintendent, job :SUPERINTENDENT, CONSTRUCTION (const.): 182. 167–026 05.02.02 SUPERINTENDENT, LABOR UTILIZATION 189. 167–042 11.05.02 superintendent, land department :MANAGER, LEASING (petrol. production): 186.1 17-046 11.12.02 superintendent, landfill operations :MANAGER, SOLID- WASTE-DISPOSAL (gov. ser.): 184.167-078 05.02.06 SUPERINTENDENT, LAUNDRY (laund.) 187. 167-194 11.11.04 SUPERINTENDENT, LOCAL (light, heat, & power) 952.137- 018 05.05.05 SUPERINTENDENT, 05.02.05 SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE (air trans.) 174 05.02.02 SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE (any ind.) 189.167-046 05.02.02 (any ind.) LOGGING 183. 167–038 (logging) 184. 167– SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE (motor trans.) 184.1 67- 1 70 05.02.02 superintendent, maintenance, airports :AIRPORT-MAIN- TENANCE CHIEF (air trans.): 899. 137-010 05.10.04 SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 184. 167-178 11.11.03 SUPERINTENDENT, MAINTENANCE OF WAY (r. r. trans.) 182. 167–030 05.02.02 SUPERINTENDENT, MARINE (water trans.) 11.11.03 SUPERINTENDENT, MARINE OIL TERMINAL trans.) 184.167-186 05.02.07 Superintendent, Materials-and-Apparatus Tests (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, heat, & power): 184. 167-2 18 05.01.03 SUPERINTENDENT, MEASUREMENT (petrol. production; pipe lines) 184.167-190 05.02.01 superintendent, mechanical :PLANT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 007. 167-014 05.01.08 superintendent, menagerie :ANIMAL KEEPER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.): 412. 137-010 03.03.02 184. 167-182 (water SUPERINTENDENT, METERS (light, heat, & power) 184. 167-194 05.10.02 Superintendent, Meter Tests (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, heat, & power): 184.167–21 8 05.01.03 superintendent, mill PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 superintendent, nonselling :DIRECTOR, SERVICE (ret. tr.): 189. 16.7-014 11.05.02 SUPERINTENDENT OF GENERATION (light, heat, & power) 184, 167-138 05.02.01 Superintendent, Oil-Field Drilling (petrol. production) :SUPERINTENDENT, DRILLING AND PRODUCTION (petrol. production): 181. 167-01405.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, OIL-WELL SERVICES (petrol. produc- tion) 010. 167-018 05.02.01 superintendent, operating :DIRECTOR, SERVICE (ret. tr.): 189. 16.7-014 11.05.02 superintendent, operations :SUPERINTENDENT OF GENERA- TION (light, heat, & power): 184.167-138 05.02.01 superintendent, operations division :SUPERINTENDENT, DIS- TRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) II: 184.167-154 05.02.01 Superintendent, Overhead Distribution (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) I: 184.167-150 05.02.01 656 perintendent, Payroll Section (light, heat, & power) :PAYROLL CLERK, CHIEF (clerical): 215.137-014 07.02.05 perintendent, Pier (water trans.) SUPERINTENDENT, TER- MINAL (water trans.): 184.167-214 11.11.03 JPERINTENDENT, PIPE-LINES (pipe lines) 184.167-198 05.02.01 perintendent, plant PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-0 14 05.02.03 UPERINTENDENT, PLANT PROTECTION (any ind.) 189.167-050 11.05.02 Iperintendent, police :POLICE CHIEF (gov. ser.): 375.1 17- 010 04.01.01 UPERINTENDENT, POWER (r. r. trans.) 184.167-202 05.02.01 perintendent, pressure :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) II: 914. 167-010 05.02.01 UPERINTENDENT, PRODUCTION (agric.) 180.167-058 03.01.01 uperintendent, production :PRODUCTION SUPERINTEN- DENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-014 05.02.03 uperintendent, Production (petrol. production) :SUPERINTENDENT, DRILLING AND PRODUCTION (petrol. production): 181. 167-01405.02.01 uperintendent, quarry :MINE SUPERINTENDENT (mining & quarrying): 181.1 17-01405.02.05 SUPERINTENDENT, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (gov. ser.) 193. 16.7-018 05.02.04 SUPERINTENDENT, RECREATION (gov. ser.) 187.117-054 11.07.04 Superintendent, Refuse Disposal (gov. :SUPERINTENDENT, SANITATION (gov. ser.): 098 05.02.01 - Superintendent, Research-and-Fault-Analysis Tests (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, heat, & power): 184.167-218 05.01.03 SUPERINTENDENT, SALES (const.) 250. 157-010 08.02.04 SUPERINTENDENT, SANITATION (gov. ser.) 188.167-098 05.02.01 superintendent, scheduling :DISPATCHER, CHIEF (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) I: 184.167-038 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, SCHOOLS (education) 099.1 17-022 11.07.03 SUPERINTENDENT, SERVICE (hotel & rest.) 329. 137-010 09.01.04 superintendent, service :SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) I: 953.137-018 05.10.02 Superintendent, Sewage-Treatment (gov. :SUPERINTENDENT, SANITATION (gov. ser.): 098 05.02.01 superintendent, shop :PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any ind.): 183.1 17-01405.02.03 Superintendent, Station-and-Protection-System Tests (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, heat, & power): 184.167-218 05.01.03 SUPERINTENDENT, STATIONS (motor trans.; r. r. 184. 167-206 11.05.02 SUPERINTENDENT, STEVEDORING (water trans.) 9 11.137- 022 05.11.04 superintendent, storage area :MANAGER, WAREHOUSE (any ind.): 184. 167-114 SUPERINTENDENT, SYSTEM OPERATION (light, heat, & power) 184.167-210 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, TERMINAL (water trans.) 184.167-214 SUPERINTENDENT, TESTS (light, heat, & power) 184.167– 218 05.01.03 SUPERINTENDENT, TRACK (const.) 899. 137-014 05.12.01 ser.) 188. 167– ser.) 188. 16.7- trans.) SUPERINTENDENT, TRANSMISSION (light, heat, & power) 184. 167-222 05.02.01 SUPERINTENDENT, TRANSPORTATION (any ind.) 184. 167–226 11.05.02 Superintendent, Underground Distribution (light, heat, & power) :SUPERINTENDENT, DISTRIBUTION (light, heat, & power) I: 184.167-150 05.02.01 superintendent, warehouse :MANAGER, WAREHOUSE (any ind.): 184. 167-114 11.11.03 SUPERINTENDENT, WATER-AND-SEWER (waterworks) 184.161-014 05.02.01 Superior-Court Judge (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 11 1. 107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 Supermarket Stock Clerk (ret. tr.) :STOCK CLERK, SELF- SERVICE STORE (ret. tr.): 299.367-014 05.09.01 SUPERVISING AIRPLANE PILOT (gov. ser.) 196.163-014 05.04.01 Supervising Chef (hotel & rest.) :SOUS CHEF (hotel & rest.): 3.13.131-026 05.05.17 supervising-chef assistant 3 13.131-026 05.05.17 Supervising Editor, Feature (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :SUPERVISING FILM EDITOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962. 137-01 4 01.01.01 Supervising Editor, News Reel (radio & twº broad.) :SUPERVISING FILM EDITOR (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 962. 137-014 01.01.01 Supervising Editor, Trailer (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) :SUPERVISING FILM EDITOR (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.): 962. 1 37-014 01.01.01 SUPERVISING FILM EDITOR (motion pic.; broad.) 962. 1 37-014 01.01.01 supervising librarian :CHIEF LIBRARIAN, BRANCH OR DE- PARTMENT (library): 100. 127-010 11.07.04 SYSTEMS :SOUS CHEF (hotel & rest.): radio & tw SUPERVISOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) I 692. 132-010 06.02.01 - SUPERVISOR (abrasive & polish. prod.) II 692.132-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 737.137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (artif. flower) 734.131-0 10 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR (asbestos prod.) 579. 132-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (boot & shoe) 788.131-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (button) 690. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (canvas goods; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789. 132-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (cement) 579. 137-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR (chem.) 550. 132-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (chew. gum) 920. 137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (clock & watch) 715.131-010 06.01.04 SUPERVISOR (coal tar prod.) 559. 132-054 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (cut. & tools) 615. 130-0 14 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (electroplating; iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys) 500. 131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.) 556. 130- 0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (fuel briquettes) 549. 132-014 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR (glove & mit.) 784. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (gold leaf & foil) 700. 131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.) 188.137-010 11.05.03 SUPERVISOR (hosiery) 684. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (house furn.) 789. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (insulated wire) 691. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (jewelry cases) 700. 131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (leather prod.) 783. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (minerals & earths) 570. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (model & pattern) 739.131-014 01.06.02 supervisor :SAFETY COORDINATOR (motor trans.): 909. 127- 0 1 0 1 1.10.05 SUPERVISOR (musical inst.) 730. 131-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 692. 130-018 06.02.01 657 SUPERVISOR (nut & bolt) 616. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (office mach.) 706.131-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (oils & fats) 529. 137-030 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (optical goods) 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (pipe & boiler cov.) I 575. 130-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR (pipe & boiler cov.) II 692. 130-022 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (plumb. supplies) 609. 130-018 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) I 759. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) II 559.137-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (rubber reclaim.) 559. 132-058 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube) 750. 130-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (silverware) 700. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR (sports equip.) 732. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (stat. & art goods) 779. 131-010 01.06.02 SUPERVISOR (stonework) 679. 130-0 10 05.05.01 SUPERVISOR (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 617. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (tex. bag) 789. 132-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 789. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (tobacco) 529. 137-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (umbrella) 739. 131-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR (waste & batting) 589. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ABATTOIR (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.131- 010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ACCOUNTING CLERKS (clerical) 216. 132- 010 07.02.02 SUPERVISOR, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (light, heat, & power; waterworks) 214. 137-022 07.02.02 SUPERVISOR, ACOUSTICAL TILE CARPENTERS (const.) 860. 131-0 1 0 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, ADJUSTABLE-STEEL-JOIST-SETTING (const.) 869. 134-014 05.05.06 Supervisor, Adult Education (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDU- CATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 SUPERVISOR, ADVERTISING-DISPATCH CLERKS (print. & pub.) 247.137-010 07.05.01 SUPERVISOR, ADVERTISING-MATERIAL DISTRIBUTORS (bus. ser.) 230.137-010 07.07.02 SUPERVISOR, AGENCY APPOINTMENTS 209. 1 37-018 07.05.03 Supervisor, Agricultural Education (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 SUPERVISOR, AIRCRAFT CLEANING (air trans.) 891. 137- 0 1 4 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE aerospace mfg.; air trans.) 621.131-01405.05.09 SUPERVISOR, AIRPLANE-FLIGHT ATTENDANT (air trans.) 352. 137-010 09.01.04 SUPERVISOR, ALTERATION WORKROOM 785. 131-0 1 0 05.05.15 SUPERVISOR, ALUMINUM BOAT ASSEMBLY (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806. 131-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ALUMINUM FABRICATION (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 619. 130-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ALUM PLANT (chem.) 559. 132-062 06.02.01 Supervisor, Ammunition-Loading (ammunition) :SUPERVISOR (ammunition): 737. 137-018 06.02.01 (insurance) (aircraft- (ret. tr.) SUPERVISOR, ANIMAL CRUELTY INVESTIGATION (nonprofit organ.) 379.137-010 11.10.03 Supervisor, Anodizing (electroplating) :SUPERVISOR (electroplating; iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 500. 131- 010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, AREA (agric.) 401. 137-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ARTIFICIAL BREEDING RANCH (agric.) .410.131-01 4 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASBESTOS-CEMENT SHEET (asbestos prod.) 679. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASBESTOS PIPE (asbestos prod.) 679.130-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASBESTOS TEXTILE 579. 1 37-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASPHALT PAVING 05.11.01 Supervisor, Assembling (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubbel goods) I: 759.137-010 06.02.01 (asbestos prod. (const.) assissol SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (agric. equip.) 801. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (bal. & scales) 710. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (motor. & bicycles) 806.131-014 06.02.01 Supervisor, Assembly (office mach.) :SUPERVISOR (office mach.): 706. 131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (pen & pencil) 733.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY-AND-PACKING (cut. 701. 137-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT (struct. & ornam. metalwork) 809. 130-010 06.02.01 supervisor, assembly line :SUPERVISOR, SMALL APPLIANCE ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.): 723.131-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Assembly Line (inst. & app.) :SUPERVISOR, THERMOSTATIC CONTROLS (inst. & app.): 710.131-042 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY ROOM (mort. goods) 739. 134- 0 10 06.04.01 Supervisor, Assembly Room (print. & pub.) :SUPERVISOR, BINDERY (print. & pub.); 653.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY ROOM (window shade & fix.) 669. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY STOCK (clerical) 222.137-042 05.09.02 SUPERVISOR, AUDIT CLERKS 07.02.01 supervisor, automatic cutting machines :GLASS-CUT-OFF SU- PERVISOR (glass mfg.): 677.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, AUTOMATIC MACHINES (clock & watch) 609. 130-022 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY 806. 1 34-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE BODY REPAIR (auto. ser.) 807. 1 37-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, AVIONICS SHOP (air trans.) 823.131-018 05.05.10 - Supervisor, Backfilling (const.) SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (const.): 850. 137-014 05.12.04 Supervisor, Back Shop (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND- HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Bakery Sanitation (bake. prod.) :SANITARIAN (any ind.): 529.137-014 11.10.03 Supervisor, Baking (coke prod.) :SUPERVISOR, CARBON ELECTRODES (coke prod.): 549.137-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Barrel Assembly (cooperage) :SUPERVISOR, COOPERAGE SHOP (cooperage): 764. 134-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Battery Assembly (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, BURNING, FORMING, AND ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.): 727. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BEAM DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.) 589.134- 0 1 0 06.04.01. SUPERVISOR, BEATER ROOM (paper & pulp) 530. 132-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BEEHIVE KILN 563. 1 37-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BEET END (sugar) 529. 132-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BELT-AND-LINK ASSEMBLY (ammunition) 737. 137-022 06.02.01 ASSEMBLY (woodworking) 769. 137-014 & tools) (clerical) 210. 132-010 (auto. mfg.) (wood distil. & char.) 658 Supervisor, Benzene-Refining (petrol. refin.) SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.); 549. 132-030 06.01.01 . SUPERVISOR, BILLPOSTING (bus. ser.) 841. 137-010 05.12.14 SUPERVISOR, BINDERY (print. & pub.) 653.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BIT AND SHANK DEPARTMENT (smoking pipe) 739. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BLAST FURNACE (iron & steel) 519. 132-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, BLAST FURNACE (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 512.132-022 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, BLAST-FURNACE-AUXILIARIES steel) 519. 132-01406.04.01 upervisor, Blasting (mining & quarrying) :PIT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-01405.02.05 UPERVISOR, BLEACH (chem.) 559.137-018 06.02.01 upervisor, Bleach Plant (paper & pulp) :SUPERVISOR, PULP PLANT (paper & pulp): 539. 132-01406.01.01 UPERVISOR, BLOOD-DONOR RECRUITERS (medical ser.) 293. 1 37-0 1 0 1 1.09.02 UPERVISOR, BLOOMING MILL (iron & steel) 613. 130-0 10 06.02.01 (iron & SUPERVISOR, BLUEPRINTING-AND-PHOTOCOPY (any ind.) 979. 130-010 05.10.05 Supervisor, Boarding (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery): 684. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BOARD MILL (build. board) 579. 130-010 06.02.01 - SUPERVISOR, BOATBUILDERS, WOOD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 860.131-01405.05.02 SUPERVISOR, BOAT OUTFITTING (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806.131-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Body Department (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Body-Line Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BOILERMAKING (boilermaking) 805.131-010 05.05.06 Supervisor, Boilermaking Shop (boilermaking) :SUPERVISOR, BOILERMAKING (boilermaking): 805.131-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, BOILER REPAIR (any ind.) 805.137-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, BONE PLANT (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559. 1 32-066 06.02.01 Supervisor, Border Department (matt. & bedspring) :SUPERVISOR, MATTRESS AND BOXSPRINGS (matt. & bedspring): 780.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BOTTLE-HOUSE CLEANERS (malt liquors) 529. 1 32-022 06.02.01 Supervisor, Bottle Machines (glass mfg.) FORMING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.) I: 06.02.01 Supervisor, Braid Department (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Braiding (pipe & boiler cov.) :SUPERVISOR (pipe & boiler cov.) II: 692. 130-022 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, BREW HOUSE (malt liquors) 529. 132-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BRIAR SHOP (smoking pipe) 76.1. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS (r.r. 182. 167–034 05.02.02 SUPERVISOR, BRINE (chem.) 558. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BRINEYARD (can. & preserv.) 522. 134-010 06.02.01 - :SUPERVISOR, 575. 130-0 18 trans.) Supervisor, Broadloom (carpet & rug) :SUPERVISOR, TUFT- ING (carpet & rug): 687. 132-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Brooder Farm (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BROOMMAKING (brush & broom) 692. 130- 026 06.02.01 Supervisor, Buffing-and-Pasting (leather mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, SPLIT LEATHER DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.): 589. 130- 030 06.02.01 supervisor, building maintenance :SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES (any ind.): 381.137-010 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, BURNING, FORMING, AND ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.) 727. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, BY PRODUCTS (coke prod.) 542. 132-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, CAB (motor trans.) 9 13.133-014 09.03.03 Supervisor, Calcining (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :SUPERVISOR, SINTERING PLANT (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519. 130-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CALENDERING (paper & pulp) 534. 132-010 06.02.04 Supervisor, Calibration (inst. & app.) :SUPERVISOR, THER- MOSTATIC CONTROLS (inst. & app.): 710.131-042 06.01.01 Supervisor, Camp Department (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 787. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CANAL-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (waterworks) 899. 130-010 05.06.03 SUPERVISOR, CANDLE MAKING 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CANDY (confection.) 529. 130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Canvas Products (canvas goods) :SUPERVISOR (canvas goods; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789. 132-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Capacitor Processing (electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS PROCESSING (electronics): 590. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap) 784. 130-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CARBON ELECTRODES 549. 137-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CARBON-PAPER-COATING (pen & pencil) 534. 1 37-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CARDING (textile) 680. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CARDROOM (amuse. & rec.) 343.137-014 09.04.02 SUPERVISOR, CAR INSTALLATIONS (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 806. 137-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Car-Loading-and-Unloading (motor trans.) :WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (motor trans.): 929. 137-0 18 SUPERVISOR, CARPENTERS (const.) 860. 131-018 05.05.02 SUPERVISOR, CARTOGRAPHY (profess. & kin.) 018.131- 0 1 0 05.03.02 SUPERVISOR, CARTON AND CAN SUPPLY (malt liquors) 920. 132-01 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Case Loading (malt liquors) :SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 SUPERVISOR, CASHIERS (hotel & rest.; ret. tr.) 211.137-010 07.03.01 SUPERVISOR, CASTING-AND-PASTING 502. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CD-AREA (chem.) 559. 132-070 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CELLARS (malt liquors) 914.132-018 05.12.06 SUPERVISOR, CELL-EFFICIENCY (chem.) 558. 134-018 06.02.01 - Supervisor, Cell Maintenance (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :ANODE-CREW SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 630. 1 34-0 1 0 05.10.02 (candle) 590. 132-010 (coke prod.) (elec. equip.) 659 SUPERVISOR, CELL OPERATION (ore dress., refin.) 519. 132-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CELL ROOM (chem.) 558. 134-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CEMETERY WORKERS (real estate) 406. 134- 0 1 0 03.02.03 SUPERVISOR, CENTRAL SUPPLY (medical ser.) 079. 164- 0 1 0 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, CEREAL (cereal) 529. 132-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CHANNEL PROCESS (bone, carbon, & lamp- black) 559. 137-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CHAR HOUSE (sugar) 523. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CHEMICAL (plastics mat.) 558.132-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Chicken Hatchery (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 411. 137-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CHIMNEY CONSTRUCTION (const.) 801. 131-0 1 0 05.05.01 supervisor, chipping :WOOD-CREW SUPERVISOR (sawmill; wood distil. & char.): 564. 132-010 06.02.03 Supervisor, Chlorine-Liquefaction (comp. & liquefied gases) :SUPERVISOR, LIQUEFACTION (comp. & liquefied gases): 559. 132-106 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CHOCOLATE-AND-COCOA PROCESSING (choc. & cocoa) 529. 130-01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CHRISTMAS-TREE FARM (forestry) 451.137- 0 1 4 03.02.01 smelt., & Supervisor, Cigarette-Filter Making Department (tobacco) :SUPERVISOR (tobacco): 529. 137-026 06.02.01 Supervisor, Cigarette-Making Department (tobacco) :SUPERVISOR (tobacco): 529. 137-026 06.02.01 Supervisor, Cigarette-Packing Department (tobacco) :SUPERVISOR (tobacco): 529. 137-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CIGAR MAKING, HAND (tobacco) 790. 134- 0 1 0 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, CIGAR-MAKING MACHINE 529. 1 32-034 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CIGAR TOBACCO PROCESSING (tobacco) 529. 1 37-034 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CIRCUS (amuse. & rec.) 969. 137-010 05.12.01 Supervisor, Clam-Bed (fish.) SUPERVISOR, SHELLFISH FARMING (fish.): 446. 133-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (print. & pub.) 247. 1 37-01 4 07.05.02 SUPERVISOR, CLAY PREPARATION (pottery & porc.) 570. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CLAY SHOP (pottery & porc.) 774. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CLEANING (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; macaroni & rel, prod.; malt liquors) 699. 137-010 06.04.01 Supervisor, Cleaning and Annealing (iron & steel) :SUPERVISOR, COLD ROLLING (iron & steel): 619. 130- 018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CLOTH WINDING (tex. 06.02.01 supervisor, coal handling :COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921. 137-010 05.12.01 SUPERVISOR, COAL HANDLING (coke prod.) 549. 132-0 18 06.04.01 (tobacco) bag) 689. 130-022 SUPERVISOR, COATING (photo. apparatus) 534. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COATING (plastics mat.) 554. 137-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CODING CLERKS (clerical) 209. 137-022 07.01.02 SUPERVISOR, COFFEE (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 130-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Coil and Armature Inspection (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION AND TESTING (elec. equip.): 721. 131-0 1 4 06.02.01 supervisor, coil springs :SUPERVISOR, HOT-WOUND SPRI PRODUCTION (spring): 619. 130-026 06.02.01 Supervisor, Coil Winding (elec. equip.; electronic :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONIC COILS (elec. equip.; ele tronics): 724. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, COIL WINDING (elec. equip.) 724.131-0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COIN-MACHINE (coin mach.) 706. 130-0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, COKE HANDLING (coke prod.) 549. 132-0 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, COLD ROLLING (iron & steel) 619. 130-0 06.02.01 supervisor, color making SUPERVISOR, PIGMENT MAKIN (chem.); 559. 132-122 06.02.01 Supervisor, Color Making (coal tar prod.) :SUPERVISOR (cc tar prod.); 559. 132-054 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, COLOR-PASTE MIXING (textile) 550. 135-0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Commercial Fish Hatchery (fish.) :SUPERVISO FISH HATCHERY (fish.): 446. 134-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COMMISSARY PRODUCTION (hotel & res 3.19. 1 37-022 11.11.04 supervisor, communication center SUPERVISOR, WOR PROCESSING (clerical): 203.137-010 07.06.02 SUPERVISOR, COMPONENT ASSEMBLER (mfä, blóg: 762. 134-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COMPOSING-ROOM (print. & pub.) 97.3.13 0 1 0 05.05.13 SUPERVISOR, COMPOUNDING-AND-FINISHING 550. 1 37-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, COMPRESSED YEAST (food prep., n.e. 520. 132-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COMPUTER 213. 132-0 1 0 07.06.01 SUPERVISOR, CONCRETE BLOCK PLANT (conc. proc 579. 130-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CONCRETE PIPE PLANT (conc. 579. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CONCRETE-STONE FABRICATING (co prod.) 575..131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CONCRETE-STONE FINISHING (conc. prod 775. 131-0 1 0 05.05.01 SUPERVISOR, CONDITIONING YARD 619. 1 34-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, CONTACT AND SERVICE CLERKS (lig heat, & power) 249. 137-014 07.04.02 (chem OPERATIONS (clerica proc (iron & Stee Supervisor, Contact Lens (optical goods) :SUPERVISC (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CONTINGENTS (ret. tr.) 205.367-0; 07.04.01 SUPERVISOR, CONTINUOUS-WELD-PIPE MILL (iron steel) 619. 130-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COOK HOUSE (glue) 559. 132-074 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COOK ROOM (can. & preserv.) 529. 132-0. 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, COOLER SERVICE (coin mach.) 637.131-0. 05.10.03 SUPERVISOR, COOPERAGE SHOP (cooperage) 764. 134-0) 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CORDUROY CUTTING (textile) 585. 130-0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, CORE DRILLING (const.) 850. 137-0. 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, COREMAKER (paper & pulp) 640. 132-0. 06.02.04 - Supervisor, Core Shop (sports equip.) :SUPERVISOR, S, PRODUCTION (sports equip.): 692. 132-018 06.02.09 SUPERVISOR, CORNCOB PIPE MANUFACTURI (smoking pipe) 739. 132-010 06.02.01 660 SUPERVISOR, CORRESPONDENCE SECTION (insurance) 249. 1 37-018 07.05.03 SUPERVISOR, COSTUMING (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 962. 1 37-018 01.02.03 supervisor, counseling and guidance :DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (education): 045. 117- 0 1 0 1 1.07.03 SUPERVISOR, COVERING AND LINING (mort. 780. 1 34-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Crack-Off (glass mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (glass mfg.): 775. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CREDIT AND LOAN COLLECTIONS (clerical) 241.137-010 07.02.03 Supervisor, Culvert Laying (const.) :SUPERVISOR, GRADING (const.): 859.137-010 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, CURED-MEAT PACKING (slaught. & meat pack.) 529. 135-01406.04.01 SUPERVISOR, CURED MEATS (slaught. 525. 132-0 1 0 06.02.01 goods) & meat pack.) SUPERVISOR, CURING ROOM (tobacco) 529. 137-038 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT SERVICE (clerical) 241.137-014 07.04.02 SUPERVISOR, CUSTOMER RECORDS DIVISION (light, heat, & power) 249.137-022 07.04.02 SUPERVISOR, CUSTOMER SERVICES (motor trans.) 248. 1 37-018 07.01.02 SUPERVISOR, CUTTING AND BONING (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.131-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CUTTING-AND-SEWING DEPARTMENT (furn.) 780. 131-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Cutting-and-Sewing Room (matt. & bedspring) :SUPERVISOR, MATTRESS AND BOXSPRINGS (matt. & bedspring): 780. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CUTTING AND SPLICING photofinish.) 976. 134-010 05.12.01 SUPERVISOR, CUTTING DEPARTMENT (any ind.) 781. 134- 0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Cutting Department (furn.) :SUPERVISOR, CUTTING-AND-SEWING DEPARTMENT (furn.): 780. 131- 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, CUTTING DEPARTMENT (pen & pencil) 669. 130-01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, DAIRY FARM (agric.) 410.131-018 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DAIRY PROCESSING (dairy prod.) 529.131- 0 1 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Dairy Sanitation (dairy prod.) :SANITARIAN (any ind.): 529. 137-014 11.10.03 SUPERVISOR, DATA-CONTROL CLERK (clerical) 219. 137- 0 1 4 07.05.01 supervisor, data processing SUPERVISOR, COMPUTER OPERATIONS (clerical): 213. 132-010 07.06.01 Supervisor, Decaling (pottery & porc.) :SUPERVISOR, DECORATING (pottery & porc.): 749. 131-010 01.06.03 SUPERVISOR, DECORATING (glass mfg.) 652. 130-010 01.06.03 SUPERVISOR, DECORATING (pottery & porc.) 749.131-010 01.06.03 SUPERVISOR, DEHYDROGENATION (chem.; petrol. refin.) 559. 132-078 06.01.01 (motion pic.; SUPERVISOR, DELIVERY DEPARTMENT (tel. & tel.) 230. 1 37-0 1 4 07.07.02 SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.) 712. 131-0 1 0 05.05.11 Supervisor, Denture Department (medical ser.) :SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.): 712. 131-010 05.05.11 SUPERVISOR, DETASSELING CREW (agric.) 401. 137-014 03.04.01 - SUPERVISOR, DIALS (clock & watch) 715. 131-0 14 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DIAMOND FINISHING (jewelry) 770.131-014 05.05.14 SUPERVISOR, DIE CASTING (found.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 514. 130-01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, DIMENSION WAREHOUSE (furn.) 769. 134- 0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Ditching (const.) :SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (const.): 850. 137-014 05.12.04 SUPERVISOR, DIVERSIFIED CROPS (agric.) 407.131-010 03.02.01 Supervisor, Dock (coke prod.) :COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921. 137-010 05.12.01 SUPERVISOR, DOCK (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.137-018 05.12.06 SUPERVISOR, DOG LICENSE OFFICER (nonprofit organ.) 379. 1 37-014 07.04.03 SUPERVISOR, DOPING (const.) 843. 134-010 05.10.07 Supervisor, Drapery Hanging (motion pic.) :SUPERVISOR, PROP-MAKING (motion pic.): 962. 137-022 01.06.02 SUPERVISOR, DRAWING (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire) 614. 132-010 06.04.01 Supervisor, Drawing (textile) (textile): 680. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Drawing-in Department (textile) :SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION DEPARTMENT (textile): 681.130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DRIED YEAST (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132- 042 06.02.01 Supervisor, Drilling and Shooting (mining & quarrying) :PIT SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying): 939. 137-01405.02.05 SUPERVISOR, DRY-CELL ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.) 727, 1 37-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DRY CLEANING (clean., dye., & press.) 369. 1 37-010 06.04.39 SUPERVISOR, DRYING (veneer & plywood) 563. 135-010 06.02.01 - Supervisor, Drying-and-Softening (leather mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, SPLIT LEATHER DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.): 589. 130- 030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DRY PASTE (glue) 559.132-082 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DRY-STARCH (corn prod.) 529.132-046 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, DRY-WALL APPLICATION (const.) 842. 131- 0 1 0 05.05.04 Supervisor, Dumping (const.) (const.): 859. 137-010 05.11.01 Supervisor, Dyeing and Finishing Department (smoking pipe) :SUPERVISOR, PIPE MANUFACTURE (smoking pipe): 739. 1 37-018 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, EDGING (glass prod.; mirror) 673. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 11.07.03 supervisor, education and custody :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) II: 375.367-010 04.02.01 SUPERVISOR, EGG PROCESSING (can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) 529. 137-042 06.01.01 Supervisor, Egg-Producing Farm (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.131-010 03.02.01 :SUPERVISOR, CARDING :SUPERVISOR, GRADING EDUCATION (education) 099. 1 1 7-026 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLIES (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.) 826. 131-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.) 729. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRICAL REPAIR AND TELEPHONE LINE MAINTENANCE (light, heat, & power) 829. 131-022 05.05.05 Supervisor, Electric Motor Testing (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION AND TESTING (elec. equip.): 721, 13 1–01 4 06.02.01 -> 661 Supervisor, Electrolytic Tinning (nonfer. metal alloys) :SUPERVISOR (electroplating; iron & steel; nonfer. metal al- loys): 500.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONIC COILS (elec. tronics) 724. 130-010 06.01.01 supervisor, electronic-data processing :SUPERVISOR, COM- PUTER OPERATIONS (clerical): 213. 132-010 07.06.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics) 726. 130-010 * 06.01.01 Supervisor, Electronics Assembly (electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics): 726. 130-010 * 06.01.01 Supervisor, Electronics Inspection (electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics): 726. 130-010 * 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS PROCESSING (electronics) 590. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE (any ind.) 828.161-010 05.05.05 Supervisor, Electronics Testing (electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics): 726. 130-010 * 06.01.01 Supervisor, Electron-Tube Processing (electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS PROCESSING (electronics): 590. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ELECTROTYPING AND STEREOTYPING (print. & pub.) 974.131-010 05.05.13 Supervisor, Elementary Education (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 SUPERVISOR, ENDLESS TRACK VEHICLE (auto. 620. 131-0 1 0 05.05.09 Supervisor, Engine Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AU- TOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ENGINE ASSEMBLY (engine & turbine) 806. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, ENGINE-REPAIR (engine & turbine) 625.131- 0 1 4 05.05.09 SUPERVISOR, ENGRAVING (pen & pencil) 704.131-014 01.06.01 Supervisor, Enrobing (confection.) :SUPERVISOR, CANDY (confection.): 529. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ERECTION SHOP (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 806. 1 31-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ESTERS-AND-EMULSIFIERS 559. 132-086 06.02.01 - SUPERVISOR, ESTIMATOR AND DRAFTER (light, heat, & power) 019.161-010 05.03.02 SUPERVISOR, EVAPORATOR (chem.) 559.137-026 06.04.01 supervisor, excavating :SUPERVISOR, GRADING (const.): 859. 137-0 1 0 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, EXTERMINATION (bus. ser.) 389. 134-010 05.10.09 SUPERVISOR, EXTRUDING DEPARTMENT (fabric. plastics prod.) 557.130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Extrusion (coke prod.) :SUPERVISOR, CARBON ELECTRODES (coke prod.): 549.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, EXTRUSION (forging) 614. 132-01406.02.02 SUPERVISOR, FABRICATION (mirror & pic. frames) 769. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Fabrication (office mach.) :SUPERVISOR (office mach.): 706. 131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY equip.) 809. 131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FABRICATION DEPARTMENT (light. fix.) 723. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FACEPIECE LINE (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712. 1 37-0 1 0 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, FARM-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (agric. equip.) 624.131-010 05.05.09 SUPERVISOR, FEED HOUSE (corn prod.) 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FEED MILL (grain & feed mill.) 529. 132-054 06.01.01 equip.; elec- ser.) (chem.) (sports 529. 132-050 SUPERVISOR, FELLING-BUCKING (logging) 454.134-010 03.04.02 SUPERVISOR, FENCE MANUFACTURE (wirework) 617. 130-01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, FERMENTING CELLARS (malt liquors) 529. 132-058 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FERRY TERMINAL (water trans.) 91 1. 137- 026 - SUPERVISOR, FERTILIZER (chem.) 559. 132-090 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, FERTILIZER PROCESSING (chem.) 559. 130- 0 1 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FIBERGLASS BOAT ASSEMBLY (ship & boat blag. & rep.) 806. 134-01406.02.01 Supervisor, Fiberglass-Ship-Component Assembly (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :SUPERVISOR, FIBERGLASS BOAT AS- SEMBLY (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806. 134-01406.02.01 Supervisor, Field Assembly-and-Erection (boilermaking) :SUPERVISOR, BOILERMAKING (boilermaking): 805.131- 0 1 0 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, FIELD-CROP FARMING (agric.) 404.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FIELD-PIPE-LINES (pipe lines) 914. 132-022 05.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FILES (clerical) 206. 137-010 07.07.01 SUPERVISOR, FILLING-AND-PACKING 920. 137-022 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, FILM PROCESSING (motion pic.; photofinish.; radio & twº broad.) 976. 131-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, FILM PROCESSING (photofinish.) 976. 132- 0 1 0 05.10.05 Supervisor, Filter Assembly (elec. equip.; electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONIC COILS (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 724. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, FILTRATION (sugar) 529.130-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINAL ASSEMBLY AND PACKING (per. pro- tect. & med. dev.) 712. 137-014 06.02.01 Supervisor, Final-Line Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 134-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Fine Grading (const.) :SUPERVISOR, GRADING (const.): 859. 137-010 05.11.01 Supervisor, Finish-End (furn.) :SUPERVISOR, MACHINING (woodworking): 669. 130-022 05.05.08 Supervisor, Finishing (carpet & rug) :SUPERVISOR, TUFTING (carpet & rug): 687. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (furn.) 742. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (glass mfg.) 775. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (mort. goods) 749. 134-010 06.02.01 (paint & varn.) Supervisor, Finishing (pipe & boiler cov.) :SUPERVISOR (pipe & boiler cov.) II: 692. 130-022 06.01.01 Supervisor, Finishing (sports equip.) :SUPERVISOR, SKI PRODUCTION (sports equip.); 692. 132-018 06.02.09 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING-AND-SHIPPING (iron & 619. 1 32-026 06.01.01 Supervisor, Finishing Department (garment) :SUPERVISOR, GARMENT MANUFACTURING (garment): 786. 132-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Finishing Department (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-010 06.02.01 supervisor, finishing department :SUPERVISOR, STORAGE (malt liquors): 529.132-098 05.02.07 Supervisor, Finishing Department (matt. & bedspring) :SUPERVISOR, MATTRESS AND BOXSPRINGS (matt. & bedspring): 780. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING DEPARTMENT (pen & pencil) 733. 1 37-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING DEPARTMENT 976. 1 37-014 05.09.01 steel) TANK (photofinish.) 662 SUPERVISOR, FINISHING DEPARTMENT (pipe & boiler cov.) 679.137-010 06.02.01 suPERVISOR, FINISHING ROOM (leather mfg.) 589.130-018 06.02.01 - SUPERVISOR, FINISHING ROOM (print. & pub.) 979.137- 010 06.02.01 suPERVISOR, FIREWORKS 737.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FISH BAIT PROCESSING (sports equip.) 550.132-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FISH HATCHERY 03.02.01 suPERVISOR, FISH PROCESSING (can. & preserv.) 525.134- 010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, FITTING (any ind.) 801.131-01406.02.01 Supervisor, Fleshing (fur dressing) :SUPERVISOR, FUR DRESSING (fur dressing): 589. 130-022 06.01.01 supervisor, floor assembly :MACHINING-AND-ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (elec. equip.); 619.131-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Flushing (coal tar prod.) :SUPERVISOR (coal tar prod.); 559.132-054 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, FOOD CHECKERS AND CASHIERS (hotel & rest.) 21 1.137-014 07.03.01 SUPERVISOR, FORCE ADJUSTMENT (tel. & tel.) 215. 137- 018 07.05.01 Supervisor, Forming and Tempering (spring) :SUPERVISOR, SPRING PRODUCTION (spring): 616. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FORMING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.) I 575. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FORMING DEPARTMENT (glass mfg.) II 579. 130-022 06.02.01 Supervisor, Frame Assembly (motor. & bicycles) :SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (motor. & bicycles): 806.131- 01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FRAMING MILL (wood preserving) 669. 130- 018 06.02.01 ASSEMBLY (fireworks) (fish.) 446. 134-010 SUPERVISOR, FRUIT GRADING (whole. tr.) 529. 137-046 06.03.02 Supervisor, Fryer Farm (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FUR DRESSING (fur dressing) 589. 130-022 06.01.01 Supervisor, Fur-Floor Worker (fur dressing) :SUPERVISOR, FUR DRESSING (fur dressing): 589. 130-022 06.01.01 supervisor, furnace SUPERVISOR, RECEIVING AND PROCESSING (glass mfg.): 579.137-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FURNACE PROCESS (bone, carbon, & lamp- black) 559. 132-094 06.02.01 supervisor, furnace room SUPERVISOR, RECEIVING AND PROCESSING (glass mfg.): 579. 137-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, FURRIER SHOP (fur goods) 783.131-010 05.05.15 Supervisor, Fusing Room (optical goods) (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, GAME FARM (agric.) 412. 131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, GARAGE (auto. ser.) 620. 131-014 05.05.09 SUPERVISOR, GARMENT MANUFACTURING (garment) 786. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, GAS METER REPAIR (light, heat, & power) 710. 131-0 1 0 05.10.02 SUPERVISOR, GATE SERVICES (air trans.) 238.137-018 09.05.04 - SUPERVISOR, GEAR REPAIR (water trans.) 623.131-014 05.10.02 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 supervisor, general SUPERVISOR, MINE (mining & quarry- ing): 181.167-018 05.02.05 SUPERVISOR, GLAZING DEPARTMENT (textile) 582. 130- 0 1 0 06.02.01 :SUPERVISOR GELATIN PLANT (glue) 559.137-030 SUPERVISOR, GLUE SPECIALTY (glue) 559.137-034 06.02.01 Supervisor, Gluing (woodworking) :SUPERVISOR, AS- SEMBLY (woodworking): 769.137-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, GLYCERIN (soap) 559.132-098 06.02.01 Supervisor, Gold Department (medical ser.) :SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.): 712. 131-010 05.05.11 SUPERVISOR, GRADING (const.) 859. 137-010 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, GRAIN AND YEAST PLANTS (malt liquors) 529. 1 32-062 06.02.01 Supervisor, Graphite (coke prod.) :SUPERVISOR, CARBON ELECTRODES (coke prod.); 549. 137-010 06.02.01 supervisor, grease making :GREASE MAKER, HEAD (petrol. refin.): 549. 132-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, GREASE REFINING 553. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, GREEN END DEPARTMENT (veneer & plywood) 663. 132-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Grid-Casting-and-Pasting (elec. :SUPERVISOR, CASTING-AND-PASTING (elec. 502. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, GRINDING (any ind.) 603.130-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Grinding (glass mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (glass mfg.): 775. 130-010 06.02.01 supervisor, grinding :MILL SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 515. 130-0 10 06.02.01 Supervisor, Grinding (paint & varn.) :SUPERVISOR, PAINT (paint & varn.); 559. 132-1 14 06.01.01 Supervisor, Grinding and Polishing (optical :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, GRINDING AND SPRAYING (struct. ornam. metalwork) 809. 134-010 06.02.01 supervisor, grips :GRIP BOSS (motion pic.): 05.12.01 supervisor, groundwood mill :WOOD GRINDER, HEAD (paper & pulp): 530. 132-022 06.02.01 (grease & tallow) equip.) equip.): goods) & 962. 1 37-010 supervisor, grove SUPERVISOR, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT FARMING (agric.): 403.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HAIRSPRING FABRICATION (clock & watch) 715.131-018 06.01.04 SUPERVISOR, HAND SILVERING (mirror) 574. 134-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Hand Workers (jewelry cases) :SUPERVISOR (jewelry cases): 700. 131-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Hanging-and-Trimming (leather mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, SPLIT LEATHER DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.): 589. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HARDBOARD 06.02.01 Supervisor, Hard Candy (confection.) SUPERVISOR, CANDY (confection.): 529. 130-010 06.02.01 supervisor, hardening :HEAT-TREAT SUPERVISOR (heat treat.): 504. 131-0 10 06.01.01 Supervisor, Harvest-Hat Department (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR, CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HARVESTING (salt production) 939.137-022 05.12.01 Supervisor, Heading (cooperage) :SUPERVISOR, COOPERAGE SHOP (cooperage): 764. 134-010 06.02.01 supervisor, heat treating :HEAT-TREAT SUPERVISOR (heat. treat.): 504. 13 1-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, HIDE HOUSE (leather mfg.) 922. 137-014 06.02.01 (build. board) 539. 130-0 1 0 SUPERVISOR, HISTORIC SITES (gov. ser.) 102.117-010 11.05.03 Supervisor, Home Economics (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 0.99. 117-026 11.07.03 663 SUPERVISOR, HORTICULTURAL-SPECIALTY FARMING (agric.) 405.131 u010 03.02.03 SUPERVISOR, HOSPITALITY HOUSE (amuse. & 359. 1 37-0 1 0 09.01.01 SUPERVISOR, HOT-DIP PLATING (galvanizing) 501. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HOT-DIP-TINNING (iron & steel) 501. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HOT-STRIP MILL (iron & steel) 613. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HOT-WOUND (spring) 619. 130-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.) 323.137-010 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, HYDROCHLORIC AREA (chem.) 558. 134- 022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ICE HOUSE (ice) 523.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ICE STORAGE, SALE, AND DELIVERY (ice) 299. 1 37-022 09.04.02 SUPERVISOR, IDENTIFICATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (gov. ser.) 377.134-010 07.01.06 Supervisor, Incising (wood preserving) :TREATING-PLANT SUPERVISOR (wood preserving): 561.131-010 06.02.01 rec.) SPRING PRODUCTION Supervisor, Industrial Arts Education (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 supervisor, industrial garment :LINEN-ROOM SUPERVISOR (laund.): 222. 137-014 05.09.01 SUPERVISOR, INSECT AND DISEASE INSPECTION (agric.) 408.1 37-0 1 0 03.02.04 SUPERVISOR, INSECTICIDE (chem.) 559. 132-102 06.02.01 Supervisor, Inspecting (knit goods) :SUPERVISOR, KNITTING (knit goods): 685. 130-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Inspecting (optical goods) :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTING (wailpaper) 979. 1 37-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (agric. equip.) 801. 137-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 183.161-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (clock & watch) 715. 131-022 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 Supervisor, Inspection (inst. & app.) :SUPERVISOR, THER- MOSTATIC CONTROLS (inst. & app.): 710.131-042 06.01.01 Supervisor, Inspection (office mach.) :SUPERVISOR (office mach.): 706. 131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (pen & pencil) 733.137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION AND TESTING (elec. equip.) 721. 131-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION AND TESTING (motor. & bicy- cles) 806. 131-026 06.01.01 Supervisor, Inspection Department (garment) :SUPERVISOR, INSPECTION (glass mfg.) 579. 134-010 INSPECTION (plastics mat.) 559.137-038 GARMENT MANUFACTURING (garment): 786. 132-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Inspection Room (chew. gum) :SUPERVISOR (chew. gum): 920. 137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE (any ind.) 7 10.131-0 1 4 05.05.11 SUPERVISOR, INSTRUMENT MECHANICS (light, heat, & power) 710.131-018 05.05.10 SUPERVISOR, INSTRUMENT REPAIR (any ind.) 710.131- 022 05.05.10 SUPERVISOR, 590. 130-01 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, INSULATION (const.) 863. 134-014 05.10.01 Supervisor, Intermediates (coal tar prod.) :SUPERVISOR (coa tar prod.): 559. 132-054 06.01.01 supervisor, ironworking :SUPERVISOR, REINFORCED STEEL-PLACING (const.): 801. 134-010 05.05.06 supervisor, irrigation :IRRIGATOR, HEAD (agric.): 409. 137 0 1 0 03.04.05 SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES (any ind.) 381.137 0 1 0 05. 12.18 SUPERVISOR, JEWELRY DEPARTMENT (jewelry) 700. 131 0 1 8 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, JOINERS (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 860. 131 022 05.05.02 supervisor, kashruth SUPERVISOR, KOSHER DIETARY SER VICE (hotel & rest.): 319. 137-026 05.10.08 Supervisor, Knitting (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR 684. 37-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, KNITTING (knit goods) 685. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, KOSHER DIETARY SERVICE (hotel & rest. 3 l 9. 1 37-026 05.10.08 SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG 05. 12.18 SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG (const.) 850. 137-014 05.12.04 SUPERVISOR, LACE TEARING (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689. 134 0 1 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LAMP SHADES (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739. 137 0 1 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LAST-MODEL DEPARTMENT (lasts & re forms) 76.1. 131-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, LATHING (const.) 842. 131-0 14 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY (laund.) 361.137-010 05.09.02 supervisor, layout SUPERVISOR, PUBLICATIONS PRODUC TION (print. & pub.): 979.131-010 01.02.03 Supervisor, Lead Burning (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, BURN ING, FORMING, AND ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.): 727.130 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LEAD REFINERY (ore dress., smelt., & refin. 519. 130-018 06.01.01 Supervisor, Leaf-Spring Fabrication (spring) :SUPERVISOR SPRING PRODUCTION (spring): 616. 130-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Leaf-Spring Repair (spring) :SUPERVISOR SPRING PRODUCTION (spring): 616. 130-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Lens Generating (optical goods) :SUPERVISO] (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, LIME (lime) 579. 132-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.) 619. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LINE DEPARTMENT (r. r. trans.) 825. 137-01 05.05.05 SUPERVISOR, LIQUEFACTION (comp. & liquefied gases 559. 132-106 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LIQUEFACTION-AND-REGASIFICATION (light, heat, & power) 953. 132-010 05.06.04 SUPERVISOR, LIQUID YEAST (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.132 066 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LIQUOR STORES AND AGENCIES (gov. ser. 185. 167–062 11.05.03 SUPERVISOR, LITHARGE (paint & 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, LIVESTOCK-YARD (any ind.) 410.134-01 03.02.04 - Supervisor, Loading (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 supervisor, loading :MATERIAL-CREW SUPERVISOR (const mfa. blogs.): 921.137-01405.11.04 SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind. 922. 1 37-018 05.12.03 SUPERVISOR, LOGGING (logging) 459. 133-010 03.02.02 INSULATION (build. board) (hosiery. (any ind.) 899. 133-01 varn.) 559. 132-11 664 SUPERVISOR, LOG SORTING (logging; veneer & plywood) 455. 1 34-0 1 0 03.04.02 Supervisor, Looping 684. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Looping (knit goods) :SUPERVISOR, KNITTING (knit goods): 685. 130-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Lost and Found (air trans.; motor trans.) :SUPERVISOR, CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT SERVICE (clerical): 24.1. 137-014 07.04.02 SUPERVISOR, LUBRICATION 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, LUMP ROOM (tobacco) 520. 137-0 1 0 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, MACHINE-RECORDS UNIT (clerical) 213. 1 32-01 4 07.06.02 SUPERVISOR, MACHINE SETTER (any ind.) 619. 130-034 05.05.06 supervisor, machine-tabulating unit SUPERVISOR, MACHINE- RECORDS UNIT (clerical): 213. 132-01 4 07.06.02 Supervisor, Machine Workers (jewelry cases) :SUPERVISOR (jewelry cases): 700. 131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MACHINING (woodworking) 05.05.08 SUPERVISOR, MAIL CARRIERS (gov. ser.) 230. 137-018 07.05.04 - SUPERVISOR, MAILS (gov. ser.) 243.137-010 07.05.04 (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery): (any ind.) 699. 131-010 669. 130-022 SUPERVISOR, MAINSPRING FABRICATION (clock & watch) 715.131-026 06.01.04 SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (chem.) 382. 137-010 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (petrol. refin.) 899. 137-018 05.12.18 Supervisor, Maintenance and Custodians :SUPERVISOR, JANITORIAL SERVICES 381. 1 37-0 1 0 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, MAJOR APPLIANCE ASSEMBLY equip.) 827. 131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MALTED MILK (dairy prod.) 529.132-070 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MALT HOUSE (malt liquors) 522. 132-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS (mfä. blogs.; trans. equip.) 869.131-030 06.02.01 (education) (any ind.): (elec. SUPERVISOR, MAPLE PRODUCTS (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 1 37-050 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MAPPING (petrol. production; pipe lines) 018. 167–030 05.03.02 SUPERVISOR, MARBLE (const.) 861. 131-022 05.05.01 SUPERVISOR, MARINA SALES AND SERVICE (ret. tr.) 299. 1 37-026 09.04.02 SUPERVISOR, MARKING ROOM (ret. tr.) 05.09.03 SUPERVISOR, MATRIX (phonograph) 500. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MATTRESS AND BOXSPRINGS (matt. & bedspring) 780. 137-010 06.02.01 Supervisor Mechanic, Boilermaking (boilermaking) :SUPERVISOR, BOILERMAKING (boilermaking): 805.131- 0 1 0 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, MELT HOUSE (sugar) 522. 130-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Mending (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery): 684. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Mending (knit goods) :SUPERVISOR, KNITTING (knit goods): 685. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, MERCHANT-MILL ROLLING AND FINISH- ING (iron & steel) 613, 130-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, METAL CANS (tinvare) 703. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.) 809. 130- 01 4 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, METAL FURNITURE ASSEMBLY (furn.) 709. 1 34-0 1 0 06.02.01 209. 1 37–026 Supervisor, Metal Furniture Fabrication (furn.) :SUPERVISOR, LINE (any ind.); 619. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, METAL HANGING (mfa. blogs.) 809. 134-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, METALIZING (any ind.) 505.130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, METALLURGICAL-AND-QUALITY-CON- TROL-TESTING (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.161-010 02.04.01 supervisor, metal placing :SUPERVISOR, REINFORCED- STEEL-PLACING (const.): 801. 134-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, METER-AND-REGULATOR SHOP heat, & power; petrol. refin.) 710.137-01405.10.02 SUPERVISOR, METER REPAIR SHOP (light, heat, & power) 7 10.131-026 05.05.10 SUPERVISOR, METER SHOP (waterworks) 05.10.02 SUPERVISOR, MICROFILM DUPLICATING UNIT (bus. ser.) 976. 1 31-018 05.10.05 SUPERVISOR, MICROWAVE (radio & twº broad.) 003. 16.7- 058 05.01.03 SUPERVISOR, MILL (cord. & twine) 589. 130-026 06.04.01 (light, 710. 131 -030 SUPERVISOR, MILL HOUSE (corn prod.) 529. 132-074 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MINE (mining & quarrying) 181. 167-0 18 05.02.05 SUPERVISOR, MIRROR FABRICATION (glass prod.; mirror) 679. 137-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MIRROR MANUFACTURING DEPART- MENT (mirror) 579.131-0 10 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MIXING (felt goods) 680. 135-010 06.04.01 Supervisor, Mixing (paint & varn.) :SUPERVISOR, PAINT (paint & varn.); 559. 132-1 14 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, MIXING (textile) 680. 130-0 14 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MIXING PLACE (const.) 853. 137-010 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, MODEL MAKING (clock & watch) 693. 130- 0 1 0 05.05.07 Supervisor, Model Making (toys & games) :SUPERVISOR, TOY ASSEMBLY (toys & games): 731. 131-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Modern Languages (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 SUPERVISOR, MOLD CLEANING AND STORAGE (glass mfg.) 579. 137-018 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, MOLD CONSTRUCTION (conc. prod.) 860. 13 1–026 06.01.01 Supervisor, Molding (asbestos prod.) :SUPERVISOR, ASBESTOS PIPE (asbestos prod.): 679.130-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MOLD MAKING (glass mfg.) 609. 131-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, MOLD-MAKING PLASTICS SHEETS (plastics mat.) 579. 137-022 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, MOLD SHOP 05.05.07 SUPERVISOR, MOLD SHOP (pottery & porc.) 777.131-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, MOLD YARD (iron & 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, MONEY-ROOM (amuse. & rec.) 21:1. 137-018 07.02.02 SUPERVISOR, MOTION-PICTURE EQUIPMENT pic.; photo. apparatus) 71.4.131-010 05.05.11 Supervisor, Motorcycle and Wheel Assembly (motor. & bicy- cles) :SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (motor. & bicycles): 806. 13 1–01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, MOTORCYCLE REPAIR SHOP (auto. ser.) 620. 131-018 05.05.09 Supervisor, Multifocal Lens (optical goods) :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, NATURAL-GAS-FIELD PROCESSING (petrol. production; pipe lines) 549. 131-0 10 06.01.01 (glass mfg.) 609. 131-0 18 steel) 519. 137-010 (motion 665 SUPERVISOR, NATURAL-GAS PLANT 542. 130-0 1 0 05.06.04 SUPERVISOR, NET MAKING (sports equip.) 789. 132-022 06.02.01 Supervisor, Newspaper Deliveries (whole. tr.) :SUPERVISOR, ROUTE SALES-DELIVERY DRIVERS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 292. 1 37-01 4 08.02.07 SUPERVISOR, NUT PROCESSING (nut process.) 529. 130-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, NUTRITIONAL YEAST (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132-078 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR OF COMMUNICATIONS (any ind.) 184.167- 230 05.02.04 SUPERVISOR, OFFSET-PLATE PREPARATION (print. & pub.) 972. 130-010 01.06.01 supervisor of guidance and testing :DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (education): 045. 1 17- O 1 0 1 1.07.03 - supervisor of research :DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (education): 045. 1 17-010 1 1.07.03 SUPERVISOR OF SALES (bus. ser.) 185.157-014 11.09.01 SUPERVISOR OF WAY (r. r. trans.) 184.167-234 05.02.02 SUPERVISOR, OPEN-HEARTH STOCKYARD (iron & steel) 922. 1 37-022 05.12.03 Supervisor, Opening and Picking (textile) CARDING (textile): 680. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, OPTICAL INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLY (inst. & app.) 06.02.01 supervisor, orchard SUPERVISOR, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT FARMING (agric.): 403.131-010 03.02.01 (petrol. refin.) :SUPERVISOR, SUPERVISOR, ORDER TAKERS (clerical) 249. 137-026 07.04.02 SUPERVISOR, ORDNANCE TRUCK INSTALLATION (ordnance) 806. 137-01405.10.01 supervisor, ore dressing :MILL SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 515. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ORNAMENTAL IRONWORKING 809. 131-0 14 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, OVENS (coke prod.) 542. 132-01406.04.01 Supervisor, Oyster Farm (fish.) :SUPERVISOR, SHELLFISH FARMING (fish.): 446. 133-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PACKING (boot & 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PACKING (sugar) 920. 130-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, PACKING ROOM (leather mfg.) 589.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAINT (paint & varn.) 559.132-1 14 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PAINT DEPARTMENT (any ind.) 749.131-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAINTING (const.) 840. 131-0 10 05.10.07 SUPERVISOR, PAINTING DEPARTMENT (pen & pencil) 692. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAINTING, SHIPYARD (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 840. 131-01405.10.07 SUPERVISOR, PAINT ROLLER COVERS (brush & broom) 692. 130-030 06.02.01 Supervisor, Pairing and Inspecting (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery): 684.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAPER COATING (paper & pulp; goods) 534. 132-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAPER MACHINE (paper & pulp) 539. 132- 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAPER PRODUCTS (paper goods) 649. 130- 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PAPER TESTING (paper & pulp; paper goods) 539. 1 34-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PARACHUTE MANUFACTURING prod., n.e.c.) 789. 132-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PARKING LOT (auto. 09.04.02 (const.) shoe) 788. 137-010 paper (tex. ser.) 9 15.133-010 SUPERVISOR, PARK WORKERS (gov. ser.; museum; water- works) 406. 134-01 4 03.02.03 Supervisor, Partial Denture Department (medical ser.) :SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.): 712. 131-0 1 0 05.05.11 SUPERVISOR, PARTICLE BOARD (build. board) 569. 132- 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PASTE MIXING (chem.) 550.137-014 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, PASTE PLANT (coke prod.) 549. 132-026 06.02.01 Supervisor, Patching (const.) :SUPERVISOR, ASPHALT PAV- ING (const.): 853. 133-0 10 05.11.01 Supervisor, Patching Department (smoking pipe) :SUPERVISOR, PIPE MANUFACTURE (smoking pipe): 739. 1 37-018 06.04.01 - SUPERVISOR, PATTERN MARKING (garment) 781.131-010 05.03.02 supervisor, permits, easements, and right-of-way :RIGHT-OF- WAY SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 191. 117-050 11.12.02 SUPERVISOR, PERSONNEL CLERKS (clerical) 209. 132-010 07.05.03 SUPERVISOR, PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER (chem.) 558.130- 0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PHOSPHORIC ACID (chem.) 558. 132-014 06.04.11 SUPERVISOR, PHOSPHORUS 559. 132-1 18 06.02.01 Supervisor, Photocomposition (print. & pub.) :SUPERVISOR, TYPESETTING (print. & pub.): 650. 132-010 07.06.02 SUPERVISOR, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.) 97.1.131- 0 1 0 01.06.01 Supervisor, Photostat (any ind.) :SUPERVISOR, BLUEPRINT- ING-AND-PHOTOCOPY (any ind.): 979. 130-010 05.10.05 SUPERVISOR, PICKING (tobacco) 521.137-010 06.04.39 SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.) 409. 131-010 03.04.01 SUPERVISOR, PIG-MACHINE (iron & steel) 51.4.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PILE DRIVING (const.) 859. 137-014 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, PIPE FINISHING (iron & steel) 619. 130-038 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.02 SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINE MAINTENANCE 869. 1 34-018 05.12.12 SUPERVISOR, PIPE-LINES (petrol. production) 862. 131-022 05.11.01 PROCESSING (chem.) PIGMENT MAKING (chem.) 559. 132-122 PIPE JOINTS (brick & tile) 590. 134-010 (pipe lines) SUPERVISOR, PIPE MANUFACTURE (smoking pipe) 739. 1 37-018 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, PIT-AND-AUXILIARIES (iron & steel) 514. 1 37-014 06.04.10 SUPERVISOR, PLASTERING (const.) 842. 131-018 05.05.04 SUPERVISOR, PLASTICS (toys & games) 556.130-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PLASTIC SHEETS (fabric. 557. 130-01 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Plate Forming (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, BURNING, FORMING, AND ASSEMBLY (elec. equip.): 727. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PLATE HEATING, ROLLING, AND FINISH- ING (iron & steel) 619. 132-030 06.02.01 Supervisor, Plate Pasting (elec. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, CAST- ING-AND-PASTING (elec. equip.): 502.130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PLATING AND POINT ASSEMBLY (pen & pencil) 733. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PLEATING (trim. & embroid.) 583. 137-010 06.04.01 plastics prod.) 666 upervisor, Pole Yard (wood preserving) SUPERVISOR, FRAMING MILL (wood preserving): 669. 130-018 06.02.01 UPERVISOR, POLICY-CHANGE CLERKS (insurance) 219. 132-0 1 0 07.02.02 upervisor, Polishing (glass mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, FINISHING (glass mfg.): 775. 130-010 06.02.01 UPERVISOR, POND (salt production) 939. 130-010 05.12.01 upervisor, Porcelain Department (medical ser.) :SUPERVISOR, DENTAL LABORATORY (medical ser.): | 712. 1 31-0 1 0 05.05.11 UPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM 03.02.01 UPERVISOR, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.) 4.11.137-010 03.02.01 UPERVISOR, POULTRY PROCESSING (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.134-01406.04.01 upervisor, Powder-and-Primer-Canning (ammunition) :SUPERVISOR (ammunition): 737. 137-018 06.02.01 :UPERVISOR, POWDERED METAL (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509. 130-010 06.02.01 ;UPERVISOR, POWDERED SUGAR (sugar) 521. 130-014 06.02.01 ;UPERVISOR, 06.01.01 ;UPERVISOR, PRECAST AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (conc. prod.) 575..131-01405.05.01 Supervisor, Precision Optical Elements (optical goods) :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716. 130-010 06.01.01 UPERVISOR, PREPARATION DEPARTMENT (textile) 681. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION PLANT (mining & quarrying) 549. 137-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PRESSING 583. 132-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PRESS ROOM (print. & pub.) 651.130-010 05.05.13 Supervisor, Printed-Circuit-Board Processing :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics): 590. 130-0 10 06.01.01 Supervisor, Printing (rubber goods) :SUPERVISOR (rubber goods) I: 759.137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PRINTING AND STAMPING (jewelry cases) 652. 130–01 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Printing Department (print. & pub.) :SUPERVISOR, PRESS ROOM (print. & pub.): 651. 130-010 05.05.13 SUPERVISOR, PRINTING-SHOP (print. & pub.) 659.130-010 05.05.13 SUPERVISOR, PROCESSING (salt production) 551. 130-010 06.04.01 Supervisor, Process Testing (electronics) ELECTRONICS PROCESSING (electronics): 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PRODUCT INSPECTION (textile) 689. 134-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION (petrol. production) 939.131- 01 4 05.02.02 upervisor, production :EMBROIDERY SUPERVISOR (trim. & embroid.): 689. 130-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION 06.02.01 |UPERVISOR, PRODUCTION CLERKS (clerical) 221.137- 01 4 07.02.03 |UPERVISOR, PRODUCTION CONTROL (clerical) 221.137- 018 05.09.02 UPERVISOR, PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT aerospace mfg.) 621. 131-018 06.01.01 (agric.) 4.1 1. 131-010 POWER-REACTOR (chem.) 509. 130-014 DEPARTMENT (garment) (electronics) PROCESSING :SUPERVISOR, 590. 130-0 1 0 (house furn.) 589. 135-010 979. 1 37-0 18 ( wallpaper) (aircraft- Supervisor, Propellant-Charge-Loading (ammunition) :SUPERVISOR (ammunition): 737. 137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PROPERTIES (motion pic.) 962. 137-026 05.12.03 SUPERVISOR, PROP-MAKING (motion pic.) 962. 137-022 01.06.02 supervisor, publications :EDITOR, TECHNICAL AND SCIEN- TIFIC PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.): 132.017-018 11.08.01 SUPERVISOR, PUBLICATIONS PRODUCTION (print. & pub.) 979.131-010 01.02.03 supervisor, public-health nursing :NURSE, SUPERVISOR, COMMUNITY-HEALTH NURSING (medical ser.): 075. 127- 026 10.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC MESSAGE SERVICE (tel. & tel.) 239. 1 37-026 07.05.04 Supervisor, Pullet Farm (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PULP HOUSE (sugar) 529. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PULP PLANT (paper & pulp) 539. 132-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PUMPING 914. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PUMPING STATION (waterworks) 954. 130- 0 1 0 05.06.03 SUPERVISOR, PUNCH-AND-ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT (elec. equip.) 619. 130-042 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, PURIFICATION (petrol. refin.) 549.132-030 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, PUTTY AND CALKING (paint & 559. 1 37-042 06.02.01 Supervisor, Pyrotechnic-Loading (ammunition) :SUPERVISOR (ammunition): 737.137-018 06.02.01 . SUPERVISOR, QUALITY CONTROL (furn.) 763. 134-010 06.02.01 - SUPERVISOR, QUALITY CONTROL (photofinish.) 976. 131- 022 05.10.05 SUPERVISOR, QUILTING (textile) 689. 134-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, RADIO INTERFERENCE (electronics) 823. 1 31-022 05.05.05 SUPERVISOR, RAG ROOM (paper & pulp) 539.137-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, RAILROAD CAR REPAIR (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622.131-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, REACTOR FUELING 05.12.01 SUPERVISOR, READY-MIXED FOOD PREPARATION (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.137-054 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, RECEIVING AND PROCESSING (glass mfg.) 579. 137-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, RECLAMATION 850. 133-010 05.11.02 SUPERVISOR, RECLAMATION (whole. 05.05.09 SUPERVISOR, RECORD PRESS (phonograph) 559.130-018 06.02.01 supervisor, records change SUPERVISOR, POLICY-CHANGE CLERKS (insurance): 219. 132-010 07.02.02 SUPERVISOR, REFINING (salt production) 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, REFINING (sugar) 529.130-034 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, REINFORCED-STEEL-PLACING (const.) 801. 1 34-010 05.05.06 Supervisor, Remelt (sugar) :SUPERVISOR, MELT HOUSE (sugar): 522. 130-010 06.01.01 - SUPERVISOR, REPULPING (paper & pulp) 539.132-018 06.02.01 supervisor, research shop SUPERVISOR, SHOP (petrol. production): 710.131-034 05.05.10 (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) varn.) (chem.) 929. 132-010 (mining & quarrying) tr.) 621. 137-010 559. 132-126 667 SUPERVISOR, REVERBERATORY FURNACE (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-022 06.04.01 Supervisor, Rework (inst. & app.) :SUPERVISOR, THERMO- STATIC CONTROLS (inst. & app.): 710.131-042 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, RICE MILLING (grain & feed mill.) 521.131- 0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, RIDE ASSEMBLY (amuse. & rec.) 801. 131- 018 05.12.15 SUPERVISOR, RIDES (amuse. & rec.) 342.137-010 05.10.02 SUPERVISOR, RIGGER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 806. 131- 030 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, RIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE (light, heat, & power) 859. 133-010 05.12.12 SUPERVISOR, RIPRAP PLACING (const.) 850. 137-018 05.12.04 Supervisor, Riveting (const.) :SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL- STEEL ERECTION (const.): 809. 131-018 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, ROCKET PROPELLANT PLANT (ordnance) 559. 1 37-046 06.02.01 supervisor, rod placing :SUPERVISOR, REINFORCED-STEEL- PLACING (const.): 801. 134-010 05.05.06 SUPERVISOR, ROLLER PRINTING (textile) 652. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ROLLER SHOP (textile) 979.131-014 06.02.01 supervisor, rolling room SUPERVISOR, LUMP ROOM (tobacco): 520. 137-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, ROLL SHOP (iron & 06.02.01 steel) 604. 130-010 SUPERVISOR, ROOFING PLANT (build. mat., n.e.c.) 590. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ROSE-GRADING (agric.) 405.137-010 03.04.04 Supervisor, Rough-End (furn.) SUPERVISOR, MACHINING (woodworking): 669. 130-022 05.05.08 Supervisor, Rough Grading (const.) :SUPERVISOR, GRADING (const.): 859.137-010 05.11.01 SUPERVISOR, ROUNDHOUSE (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 622. 131-01 4 05.05.09 SUPERVISOR, ROUTE SALES-DELIVERY DRIVERS (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 292. 137-014 08.02.07 Supervisor, Roving (textile) :SUPERVISOR, CARDING (textile): 680. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, ROVING DEPARTMENT (textile) 689. 130- 026 06.01.01 Supervisor, Rubber Covering (textile) :SUPERVISOR, WIND- ING AND TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile): 681. 130- 014 06.01.01 w SUPERVISOR, RUBBER STAMPS AND DIES (pen & pencil) 733. 1 31-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, RUG CLEANING (clean., 369. 1 37-014 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, SAFETY DEPOSIT (finan. inst.) 186. 137-010 07.01.02 SUPERVISOR, 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, SAMPLE (plastics mat.) 754. 137-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, SAMPLE PREPARATION (textile) 979. 137- 022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SANDBLASTER (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 503. 1 37-010 05.12.18 Supervisor, Sanding (sports equip.) :SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION (sports equip.): 692. 132-018 06.02.09 SUPERVISOR, SANDING (woodworking) 662. 132-010 06.02.03 Supervisor, Sanding Department (smoking pipe) :SUPERVISOR, PIPE MANUFACTURE (smoking pipe): 739.137-018 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, SAWMILL (sawmill) 669. 130-026 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SCENIC ARTS (motion pic.; radio & tv broad.) 1 49.031-0 1 0 01.02.03 dye., & press.) SALVAGE (petrol. refin.) 929. 131-010 SKI SUPERVISOR, SCOURING PADS (abrasive & polish. prod. 759. 1 35-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SCRAP PREPARATION (iron & steel 519. 1 37-014 06.04.40 SUPERVISOR, SCREEN MAKING (textile) 971. 131-01. 05.10.05 SUPERVISOR, SCREEN PRINTING (textile) 652.137-01. 06.02.01 Supervisor, Seaming 684. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SECURITIES VAULT (finan. inst.) 216. 132 0 1 4 07.02.02 Supervisor, Self-Service Store (gov. ser.) :SUPERVISOR LIQUOR STORES AND AGENCIES (gov. ser.): 185. 167 062 11.05.03 Supervisor, Semiconductor Processing :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONICS (electronics): 590. 130-0 10 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SEWER MAINTENANCE (gov. ser.) 851. 137 014 05.12.12 SUPERVISOR, SEWER SYSTEM (waterworks) 184.167-238 05.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SEWING DEPARTMENT (carpet & rug 689. 1 37-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Sewing Department (furn.) :SUPERVISOR CUTTING-AND-SEWING DEPARTMENT (furn.): 780. 131 0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Sewing Department (hat & cap) :SUPERVISOR CAP-AND-HAT PRODUCTION (hat & cap): 784. 130-01( 06.02.01 Supervisor, Sewing Room (garment) MENT MANUFACTURING 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SEWING ROOM (mort. goods) 787.132-014 06.02.01 Supervisor, Shaving-and-Splitting (leather mfg.) :SUPERVISOR SPLIT LEATHER DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.): 589.130. 030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHEARING (any ind.) 615. 132-010 06.01.01 Supervisor, Shearing (fur dressing) :SUPERVISOR, FUR DRESSING (fur dressing): 589.1.30-022 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SHED WORKERS (agric.) 03.04.01 SUPERVISOR, SHEET MANUFACTURING smelt., & refin.) 500. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHELLFISH FARMING (fish.) 446. 133-01( 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHIPFITTERS (ship & boat blåg. & rep. 806. 131-034 05.05.06 supervisor, ship maintenance services :DOCK SUPERVISOR (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 891. 131-010 05.12.18 Supervisor, Shipping (bake. prod.) :SUPERVISOR, LOADINC AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 SUPERVISOR, SHIPPING (glue) 550.137-018 06.04.01 Supervisor, Shipping (plastics mat.) :SUPERVISOR, SLITTING. AND-SHIPPING (plastics mat.): 690. 130-014 06.02.01 Supervisor, Shipping Room (malt liquors) :SUPERVISOR LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922.137-018 05.12.03 - SUPERVISOR, SHIPPING TRACK (loco. & car blag. & rep. 806. 1 37-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHOP 05.05.10 - Supervisor, Shrimp Pond (fish.) :SUPERVISOR, SHELLFISH FARMING (fish.): 446. 133-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHUTTLE FITTING (woodworking) 669.130 030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SHUTTLE PREPARATION (woodworking 669. 130-034 06.02.01 (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery) (electronics PROCESSINC :SUPERVISOR, GAR (garment): 786. 132-01 ( 404. 13 1-014 (ore dress. (petrol. production) 710. 131-034 668 SUPERVISOR, SHUTTLE VENEERING 669. 130-038 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SILK-SCREEN CUTTING AND PRINTING (any ind.) 979.131-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SILVERING DEPARTMENT (mirror) 574. 132- 01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SINTERING PLANT (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-026 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SIRUP SHED (sugar) 529.137-058 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SKI PRODUCTION (sports equip.) 692.132- 018 06.02.09 - Supervisor, Slashing Department PREPARATION DEPARTMENT 06.02.01 * SUPERVISOR, SLATE SPLITTING (stonework) 77.1. 137-010 06.04.01 Supervisor, Sleeping-Bag Department (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :SEWING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 787.132-010 06.02.01 suPERVISOR, SLITTING-AND-SHIPPING (plastics mat.) 690. 130-01 4 06.02.01 suPERVISOR, SMALL APPLIANCE Assembly (elec. equip.) 723.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SOAKERS (malt liquors) 529.132-082 06.04.01 suPERvisor, SOAKING PITS (iron & steel) 509. 132-010 06.04.01 SUPERVISOR, SOFT SUGAR (sugar) 529. 130-038 06.02.01 Supervisor, Soldering (office mach.) :SUPERVISOR (office mach.): 706.131-01406.02.01 suPERvisor, SOLDER MAKING (nonfer. metal alloys) 519. 132-022 06.04.01 (woodworking) :SUPERVISOR, 681. 130-010 (textile) (textile): supervisor, SPECIAL ASSEMBLIES (inst. & app.) 710.131-038 06.01.01 | Supervisor, Special Effects (motion pic.) :SUPERVISOR, PROP-MAKING (motion pic.): 962. 137-022 01.06.02 SUPERVISOR, SPECIAL SERVICES (education) 169.267-026 07.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SPECIALTY FOOD PRODUCTS (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.137-062 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING (iron & steel) 616. 130-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SPECIALTY PLANT (petrol. refin.) 549.137- 018 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SPINNING (textile) 682. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SPLIT AND DRUM ROOM (leather mfg.) 589. 132-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SPLIT LEATHER DEPARTMENT (leather mfg.) 589. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SPRAY, LAWN AND TREE SERVICE (agric.) 408.131-0 1 0 03.02.03 SUPERVISOR, SPRING PRODUCTION (spring) 616. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SPRING-UP (furn.) 780. 134-014 06.02.01 Supervisor, Stage Carpentry (motion pic.) :SUPERVISOR, PROP-MAKING (motion pic.): 962. 137-022 01.06.02 Supervisor, Stave Finishing (cooperage) :SUPERVISOR, COOPERAGE SHOP (cooperage): 764. 134-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, STEEL DIVISION (matt. & bedspring) 616. 130-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, STEFFEN HOUSE (sugar) 529. 132-086 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, STENO POOL (clerical) 202. 132-010 07.05.03 SUPERVISOR, STITCHING DEPARTMENT (trim. & em- broid.) 787. 132-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, STOCK RANCH (agric.) 410.131-022 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL ROLLING-AND-FINISHING (iron & steel) 613. 130-018 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL-STEEL ERECTION 809. 131-018 05.05.06 Supervisor, Stuffed-Toy Shells (toys & games) :SEWING SU- PERVISOR (any ind.): 787.132-010 06.02.01 (const.) SUPERVISOR, SUGAR HOUSE (corn prod.) 529. 132-090 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SUGAR REFINERY (corn prod.) 529.132-094 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SULFURIC-ACID PLANT (chem.) 558. 132- 018 06.01.01 Supervisor, Sunglasses (optical goods) :SUPERVISOR (optical goods): 716.130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, SURGICAL GARMENT ASSEMBLY (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712. 132-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, SURVEY WORKERS (clerical) 205. 137-014 07.04.01 SUPERVISOR, TANK CLEANING (paint & varn.) 559.137- 050 06.04.01 Supervisor, Tank Cleaning (petrol. refin.) :SUPERVISOR, MAINTENANCE (petrol. refin.): 899.137-018 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, TANK CLEANING (water trans.) 891. 137-018 05.12.18 SUPERVISOR, TANK HOUSE (slaught. 525. 132-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TANK STORAGE (malt liquors) 529. 132-098 05.02.07 SUPERVISOR, TAN ROOM 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TAPING (const.) 842. 134-010 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, TAR DISTILLATION (coal tar prod.) 542. 130- 0 1 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, TEA AND SPICE (food prep., n.e.c.) 529. 132- 102 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TELEGRAPHIC-TYPEWRITER OPERATORS (clerical) 203. 132-010 07.06.02 Supervisor, Telephone-Answering-Service (bus. ser.) :TELEPHONE OPERATOR, CHIEF (clerical): 235. 137-010 07.04.06 SUPERVISOR, TELEPHONE CLERKS (tel. & tel.) 239. 132- 0 1 0 07.04.06 SUPERVISOR, TELEPHONE INFORMATION (motor trans.) 237. 137-010 07.04.04 SUPERVISOR, TELLERS (light, heat, & power) 211.137-022 07.03.01 SUPERVISOR, TERMINAL OPERATIONS (motor 184. 16.7-2.42 SUPERVISOR, TERRAZZO (const.) 861.131-026 05.05.01 Supervisor, Test and Inspection (elec. equip.; electronics) :SUPERVISOR, ELECTRONIC COILS (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 724. 130-0 1 0 06.01.01 Supervisor, Testing (rubber goods) goods) I: 759. 137-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, THERMOSTATIC CONTROLS (inst. & app.) 7 10.131-042 06.01.01 Supervisor, Thinning-Tinting (paint & varn.) :SUPERVISOR, PAINT (paint & varn.): 559. 132-114 06.01.01 & meat pack.) (leather mfg.) 582. 132-018 trans.) :SUPERVISOR (rubber SUPERVISOR, THRESHING DEPARTMENT (tobacco) 521. 1 32-01 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Throwing Department (textile) :SUPERVISOR, WINDING AND TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile): 681. 130–01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, TICKET SALES (air trans.) 238.137-022 07.03.01 Supervisor, Tie Yard (wood preserving) :SUPERVISOR, FRAMING MILL (wood preserving): 669. 130-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TILE-AND-MOTTLE (floor covering, n.e.c.) 559. 130-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TOILET-AND-LAUNDRY 559. 132-130 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, TOWER (petrol. refin.) 549. 130-010 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, TOY ASSEMBLY (toys & games) 731.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TOY PARTS FORMER (toys 692. 130-034 06.01.01 SOAP (soap) & games) 669 Supervisor, Trade and Industrial Education (education) :SUPERVISOR, EDUCATION (education): 099.1 17-026 11.07.03 SUPERVISOR, TRANSCRIBING OPERATORS 203. 132-01 4 07.06.02 Supervisor, Transferring and Boxing (hosiery) :SUPERVISOR (hosiery): 684. 137-010 06.02.01 Supervisor, Transmission and Fork Assembly (motor. & bicy- (clerical) cles) :SUPERVISOR, ASSEMBLY (motor. & bicycles): 806. 13 1–01 4 06.02.01 Supervisor, Transmission Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 1 34-0 1 0 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TRAVEL-INFORMATION CENTER (gov. ser.) 237. 137-014 07.04.04 Supervisor, Travel Trailer (trans. equip.) :SUPERVISOR, MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869. 1 31-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TREATING AND PUMPING (petrol. refin.) 549. 1 32-034 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT FARMING (agric.) 403.131-0 1 0 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TREE-TRIMMING (light, heat, & power) 408. 1 37-01 4 03.04.05 Supervisor, Trim-and-Cushion Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 1 34-0 1 0 06.02.01 Supervisor, Truck-Trailer Assembly (auto. mfg.) :SUPERVISOR, AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.): 806. 1 34-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TRUST ACCOUNTS (finan. inst.) 219. 132-014 07.02.02 SUPERVISOR, TRUST EVALUATION (finan. inst.) 219. 132- 018 07.02.03 SUPERVISOR, TUFTING 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TUMBLERS (ammunition; firearms) 599. 132- 010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TUMBLING AND ROLLING (clock & watch) 715. 13 1-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TUNNEL HEADING 05.12.02 Supervisor, Turkey Farm (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY FARM (agric.): 411.131-010 03.02.01 Supervisor, Turkey Hatchery (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, POULTRY HATCHERY (agric.): 411.137-010 03.02.01 Supervisor, Twisting Department (textile) :SUPERVISOR, WINDING AND TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile): 681. 130–01 4 06.01.01 Supervisor, Type-Bar-and-Segment (office :SUPERVISOR (office mach.): 706. 131-01406.02.01 SUPERVISOR, TYPESETTING (print. & pub.) 650. 132-010 07.06.02 SUPERVISOR, UNDERWRITING CLERKS 219. 132-022 07.02.02 Supervisor, Unloading (any ind.) SUPERVISOR, LOADING AND UNLOADING (any ind.): 922. 137-018 05.12.03 Supervisor, Unwrapping Room (chew. gum) :SUPERVISOR (chew. gum): 920.137-018 06.02.01 Supervisor, Upholstering (motion pic.) :SUPERVISOR, PROP- MAKING (motion pic.): 962. 137-022 01.06.02 SUPERVISOR, UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT (any 780. 131-014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, URANIUM PROCESSING (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519. 130-030 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, VACUUM METALIZING (any ind.) 505. 130- 014 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, VARNISH 06.02.01 (carpet & rug) 687. 132-010 (const.) 859. 137-018 mach.) (insurance) ind.) (paint & varn.) 559. 132-134 SUPERVISOR, VAT HOUSE (glue; leather mfg.) 582. 132-022 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, VEGETABLE FARMING (agric.) 402.131-010 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 05.03.06 SUPERVISOR, 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, VINE-FRUIT FARMING (agric.) 403.131-014 03.02.01 SUPERVISOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES (profess. & kin.) 187. 1 37-014 11.07.01 SUPERVISOR, WALL MIRROR DEPARTMENT (mirror) 739. 1 37-022 06.02.01 VENDOR QUALITY (any ind.) 012.167-062 VENEER (veneer & plywood) 569. 135-010 Supervisor, Warping Department (textile) :SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION DEPARTMENT (textile): 681. 130-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WASH HOUSE (malt liquors) 529. 132-106. 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WATERPROOFING (const.) 843.137-010 05.10.07 SUPERVISOR, WATER SOFTENER SERVICE (bus. ser.) 862. 1 34-01 4 05.10.01 SUPERVISOR, WATERWORKS (waterworks) 184.167-246 05.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WEAVING (carpet & rug) 689. 130-030 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WEBBING (cord. & twine) 789. 137-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WET END (build. board) 539.131-010 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WET POUR (conc. prod.) 575. 137-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WET ROOM (paper & pulp) 539. 130-014 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WHEEL SHOP (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622. 131-018 05.05.07 SUPERVISOR, WHIPPED TOPPING (dairy prod.) 529.137- 066 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WHITE SUGAR (sugar) 529. 130-042 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WINDING AND TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile) 681. 130-014 06.01.01 Supervisor, Winding Department (textile) :SUPERVISOR, WINDING AND TWISTING DEPARTMENT (textile): 681. 130-01 4 06.01.01 SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION 691. 130-01 4 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, WOOD-CREW (sawmill) 669.137-010 03.02.02 SUPERVISOR, WOOD ROOM (paper & pulp) 530. 132-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, 03.04.01 SUPERVISOR, WORD PROCESSING (clerical) 203.137-010 07.06.02 Supervisor, Wrapping Room (chew. gum) (chew. gum): 920. 137-018 06.02.01 SUPERVISOR, YARD (malt liquors) 529.137-070 06.04.01 supervisory park ranger :PARK SUPERINTENDENT (gov. ser.): 188. 167–062 04.01.01 SUPERVISORY WASTEWATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.) 955.130-010 05.02.01 SUPPLIES PACKER (any ind.) 9 19.687-022 03.04.05 supply clerk :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 * 05.09.02 SUPPLY CLERK (per. ser.) 339.687-010 05.09.01 SUPPLY CONTROLLER (build. board) 570.382-018 06.02.18 Supply Representative, Dry Gas (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) :MANAGER, CONTRACTS (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 163. 117-010 11.05.02 (wirework) WOOL-SHEARING (agric.) 410.134-014 :SUPERVISOR 670 supply representative, petroleum products :MANAGER, CON- TRACTS (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 163. 11 7-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 Supply Requirements Officer (gov. ser.) :PURCHASING AGENT (profess. & kin.): 162. 157-038 11.05.04 supply-room clerk :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387-058 + 05.09.02 supply service worker :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 Suppository Molder (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) :MOLDER, TOILET PRODUCTS (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 556.687-022 06.04.11 SUPPOSITORY-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR prep. & rel. prod.) 556.686-022 06.04.11 Suppression-Crew Leader (forestry) :FOREST-FIRE FIGHTER (forestry): 452.687-01403.04.02 Supreme-Court Justice (gov. ser.) :JUDGE (gov. ser.): 1 1 1. 107- 0 1 0 1 1.04.01 Surface Carpenter (const.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 surface grinder GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-01406.01.03 surface grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 Surface-Grinder Operator, Production (mach. shop) :GRINDER OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 603.685-062 06.02.02 surface-grinding-machine hand GRINDER OPERATOR, SUR- FACE, TOOL (mach. shop): 603.280-014 06.01.03 (drug. surface-grinding-machine operator :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, SURFACE (mach. shop): 603.482-022 06.02.02 Surface-Lay-Out Technician (optical goods) :LAY-OUT TECHNICIAN (optical goods): 716.381-01406.01.04 SURFACE-PLATE FINISHER (stonework) 775.281-010 05.05.01 surface-plate inspector :INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 601.28 1-022 05.07.01 surface printer WALLPAPER PRINTER 652.662-01 4 06.02.04 surfacer operator :STONECUTTER, MACHINE (stonework): 677.682-022 06.02.08 SURFACE SUPERVISOR (mining & quarrying) 932. 132-014 05.11.02 surfacing-machine operator :STONECUTTER, MACHINE (stonework): 677.682-022 06.02.08 SURFBOARD MAKER (sports equip.) 732.684-126 06.04.24 SURGEON (medical ser.) I 070. 101-094 02.03.01 Surgeon (medical ser.) II :GENERAL PRACTITIONER (medical ser.): 070. 101-022 * Surgeon's Assistant (medical ser.) :PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.79.364-018 10.02.01 surgeon, chief :POLICE SURGEON (gov. ser.): 070. 101-082 02.03.01 surgical-appliance fitter SALESPERSON, SURGICAL AP- PLIANCES (ret. tr.): 276.257-022 08.02.02 SURGICAL-DRESSING MAKER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 689.685-130 06.04.05 - SURGICAL-ELASTIC KNITTER, HAND FRAME (per. pro- tect. & med. dev.) 685.382-010 06.02.06 SURGICAL-FORCEPS FABRICATOR (inst. & app.) 712.681- 026 06.02.23 surgical orderly SURGICAL TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): O79.374-022 * 10.03.02 Surgical Pathologist (medical ser.) :PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.): 070.061-010 02.02.01 SURGICAL TECHNICIAN (medical 10.03.02 surplus-property disposal agent :PROPERTY-DISPOSAL OF- FICER (any ind.): 163.167-026 11.05.04 (wallpaper) I: ser.) 079.374-022 * surplus sales officer PROPERTY-DISPOSAL OFFICER (any ind.): 163. 167–026 11.05.04 Survey Compiler (clerical) :COMPILER (clerical): 209.387-014 07.05.03 - survey hand :MACHINE-STOPPAGE-FREQUENCY CHECKER (textile): 221.367–034 05.09.03 SURVEYOR ASSISTANT, INSTRUMENTS (profess. & kin.) 0 18. 167–034 05.03.01 SURVEYOR, GEODETIC (profess. 05.03.01 SURVEYOR, GEOPHYSICAL production) 018. 167-042 05.03.01 SURVEYOR HELPER (any ind.) 869.567-010 05.12.02 Surveyor Helper, Chain (any ind.) :SURVEYOR HELPER (any ind.): 869.567-010 05.12.02 Surveyor Helper, Rod (any ind.) :SURVEYOR HELPER (any ind.): 869.567-010 05.12.02 surveyor, hydrographic :SURVEYOR, MARINE (profess. & kin.): 018. 167-046 05.03.01 SURVEYOR, MARINE (profess. & kin.) 018.167-046 05.03.01 SURVEYOR, MINE (profess. & kin.) 018.167-050 05.03.01 SURVEYOR, OIL-WELL DIRECTIONAL (petrol. production) O 1 0.261 -022 05.03.04 SURVEY WORKER (clerical) 205.367–054 * 07.04.01 SURVIVAL-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (gov. ser.) 739.381-054 05. 10.01 Suspender Cutter (garment) :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 Suspense Clerk (light, heat, & power) :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 Suspension-Cord Tier (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :PARACHUTE-LINE TIER (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-1 18 06.04.27 suture gager :GAGER (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.687-0 18 06.03.02 suture measurer :GAGER (per. protect. & med. dev.): 712.687- 018 06.03.02 - SUTURE POLISHER (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.687-030 06.04.34 SUTURE WINDER, HAND (per. 712.687-034 06.04.23 swabber :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687-010 06.04.27 Swabber (petrol. production) :CLEAN-OUT DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.363-010 05.11.03 Swager and Piercer (clock & watch) :PUNCH-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.) II: 615.685-030 06.04.02 SWAGER OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 616.685-078 06.04.02 SWAGE TENDER (firearms) 617.685-042 06.04.02 & kin.) 018. 167–038 PROSPECTING (petrol. protect. & med. dev.) SWage toolsetter :SWAGING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition); 617.360-014 06.01.02 Swaging-and-Plastic Supervisor (wirework) :SUPERVISOR, WIRE-ROPE FABRICATION (wirework): 691. 130-014 06.02.01 SWAGING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 617.360-014 06.01.02 swaging-machine operator :CABLE SWAGER aerospace mfg.): 806.684-042 06.02.22 SWAGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 61 7.585- 0 1 0 06.04.02 swamper :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 swamper :LABORER, BRUSH CLEARING (any ind.): 4.59.687-0 10 03.04.02 swamper :SAWMILL WORKER 06.04.40 SWATCH CHECKER (textile) 683.260-022 06.01.02 SWATCH CLERK (garment) 222.587-050 05.09.03 SWEATBAND-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR cap) 690.686-062 06.04.05 Sweatband-Decorating-Machine Operator (hat & :EMBOSSER (any ind.); 583.685-030 06.04.02 (aircraft- (sawmill): 667.686-014 (hat & cap) 671 sweatband drummer : BEAD-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 583.686-010 06.04.05 SWEATBAND FLANGER (hat & cap) 690.686-058 06.04.05 Sweatband Maker (hat & cap) :EYELET-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 699.685-018 06.04.05 sweatband perforator :PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hat & cap): 686.685-038 06.04.05 Sweatband Printer (hat & cap) :EMBOSSING-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 652.685-030 06.04.09 SWEATBAND SEPARATOR (hat & 06.04.05 sweat-box attendant :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 3.35.677-0 1 4 09.05.01 sweater operator :PARAFFIN-PLANT-SWEATER OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 543.682-022 06.02.12 cap) 585.685-122 swedger COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 724.684-030 06.02.24 SWEDGER (jewelry) 735.687-038 06.04.23 swedging-machine operator :CABLE SWAGER (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 806.684-042 06.02.22 sweeper :CLEANER, COMMERCIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL (any ind.): 381.687-014 * sweeper :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687-018 05.12.18 SWEEPER-BRUSH MAKER, MACHINE (brush & broom) 692.682-066 06.02.09 SWEEPER-CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.) 389.683-010 05.12.18 - Sweeper Operator, Highways (const.) :STREET-SWEEPER OPERATOR (gov. ser.): 919.683-022 05.11.01 SWEEPING-COMPOUND BLENDER (chem.) 550.685-110 06.04.11 SWEEP-PRESS OPERATOR (clock & watch) 616.685-082 06.02.02 Sweet-Dough Mixer (bake. prod.) :DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.582-010 06.02.15 SWEET-GOODS-MACHINE 520.685-21 4 06.04.15 Sweet-Pickled-Fruit Maker (can. & preserv.) :PICKLER (can. & preserv.): 522.684-010 06.04.28 Sweet-Pickle Maker (can. & preserv.) preserv.): 522.684-010 06.04.28 SWEET-POTATO DISINTEGRATOR 521.685–358 06.04.15 swift tender :SKEIN WINDER (textile): 681.685-098 06.04.06 Swimming Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 SWIMMING-POOL SERVICER (any ind.) 891.684-018 05.10.04 Swine Rancher (agric.) 4 10.161-018 03.01.01 swing-folding-machine operator :ROLLING-DOWN-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods; textile): 589.685-086 06.04.05 swing-frame-grinder operator SNAG GRINDER (found.): 705.684-074 06.04.24 swing grinder SNAG GRINDER 06.04.24 Swinging-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF- SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 Swing-Ride Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 swing tender :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 SWING-TYPE-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking) 664.382- 0 1 0 06.02.03 - Switch Adjuster (elec. equip.) ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 Switchboard Assembler (elec. equip.) :WIRER, CABLE (elec. equip.): 729.381-022 05.10.03 switchboard contact assembler :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 OPERATOR (bake. prod.) :PICKLER (can. & (can. & preserv.) :LIVESTOCK RANCHER (agric.): (found.): 705.684-074 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 05.06.01 switchboard operator TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical): 235.662-022 07.04.06 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362- 034 05.06.01 switchboard operator :CENTRAL-OFFICE OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 235.462-010 * 07.04.06 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power) 952.367-01405.06.01 switchboard-operator helper :SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ASSISTANT (light, heat, & power): 952.367-01405.06.01 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, POLICE DISTRICT (gov. ser.) 235.562-01 4 07.04.05 & SWITCHBOX ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) I 722.687-010 06.04.23 - | Switchbox Assembler (elec. equip.) II :ELECTRICAL-con- TROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.684-026 06.02.23 switch-house operator :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 Switching Clerk (r. r. trans.) :CAR CHECKER (r.r. trans.): 222.387-0 1 4 05.09.03 switching operator DIRECTOR, TECHNICAL (radio & tv broad.): 962. 162-010 05.02.04 | SWITCH INSPECTOR (light, heat, & power) 952.381-010 05.10.03 switchpanel mounter :COIN-MACHINE ASSEMBLER (coin mach.): 731.684-010 06.04.23 SWITCH REPAIRER (r. r. trans.) 622.684-018 05.10.02 SWITCH TENDER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.667-026 05.12.05 Sword Swallower (amuse. & rec.) :AMUSEMENT PARK EN- TERTAINER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-010 01.07.03 (chem.) 952.362-038 * Synchro Assembler (photo. apparatus) :ASSEMBLER, PRODUCTION LINE (photo. apparatus): 714.684-010 06.02.23 Synchro-Unit Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR- CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381-014 06.01.04 synthetic department supervisor :CHEMICAL-PROCESSING SUPERVISOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 559.130-010 06.01.01 SYNTHETIC-FILAMENT EXTRUDER (synthetic fibers) 557.565-01 4 06.04.13 SYNTHETIC-GEM-PRESS OPERATOR (jewelry) 575.685-078 06.04.02 synthetic-resin operator :POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERATOR (plastics mat.); 558.382-050 06.02.13 - SYNTHETIC-STAPLE EXTRUDER (synthetic fibers) 557.665- 010 06.04.13 system dispatcher :LOAD DISPATCHER (light, power): 952. 167-01405.06.01 - system operator :LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952. 16.7-0 14 05.06.01 system operator, chief :CHIEF LOAD DISPATCHER (light, heat, & power): 952. 137-010 05.06.01 system-planning engineer :ENGINEER DEVELOPMENT (light, heat, & 05.01.03 systems analyst :MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 16.1. 167-0 1 0 05.01.06 SYSTEMS ANALYST, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.) 012. 167-066 * 11.01.01 systems analyst, engineering-scientific :ENGINEERING ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 020.067-010 11.01.01 Systems Assembler, Prototype (electronics) :ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, DEVELOPMENTAL (electronics): 726.261- 0 1 0 05.05.05 SYSTEMS ENGINEER, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (profess. & kin.) 003. 167-062 05.01.03 heat, & OF power): SYSTEM 003. 167–026 672 f ystems inspector :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) I: 726.381 no 10 * 06.01.05 Systems-Testing-Laboratory Technician (profess. & kin.) :ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 003.161- 014 * 05.01.01 T TABBER (paper goods) 794.687–058 06.04.23 TAB-CARD-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.382-034 05.10.05 Table-and-Desk Finisher (furn.) (furn.): 709.687-014 06.04.39 table and slab depiler :SLAB-DEPILER OPERATOR (iron & steel): 504.665-010 06.04.10 Table Assembler, Metal (furn.) :ASSEMBLER, METAL FUR- NITURE (furn.): 709.684-014 * 06.04.22 table attendant :RACKER (amuse. & 09.05.05 able attendant, cafeteria :CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-010 09.05.02 TABLE-COVER FOLDER (house furn.) 920.687-186 06.04.27 Table cut-of-saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 table draper :PINNER (garment; trim. & embroid.): 782.687- 026 06.04.27 Table Filler (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 TABLE HAND (tobacco) 521.687-138 06.04.40 table inspector :CLOTH GRADER (textile): 06.03.01 table inspector :FRESH-WORK 529.687-090 06.03.02 TABLE OPERATOR (iron & steel; 6.13.682-026 06.04.02 Table Operator (iron & steel) :RAIL-TRACTOR OPERATOR (iron & steel): 919.683-018 05.11.04 tabler :LAY-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR 781.684-034 06.04.27 Table Setter (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 311.677-018 09.05.02 tablet coater :COATER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 554.382-010 06.02.21 TABLE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685-062 06.04.10 Table Tender, Sludge (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :TABLE TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 511.685-062 06.04.10 TABLET-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod.) 529.685-238 06.04.15 tablet-machine operator :PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.; plastics mat.); 556.685-058 06.04.13 :CLEANER, FURNITURE rec.): 340.477-010 689.387-0 1 0 INSPECTOR (tobacco): nonfer. metal alloys) (house furn.): TABLET-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-042 06.02.04 TABLE-TOP TILE SETTER (brick & tile) 763.684-074 06.04.30 TABLET TESTER (drug. prep. & rel. prod.) 559.667-010 06.03.02 Table Worker (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 TABLE WORKER (boot & shoe) 788.687-142 06.04.27 TABLE WORKER (floor covering, n.e.c.) 739.687-182 06.03.02 TABLE WORKER (leather prod.) 783.687-030 06.04.27 table worker :FOLDER, HAND (paper goods): 794.687-022 06.04.26 table worker :BINDERY WORKER (print. & pub.); 653.685- 010 * 06.04.04 table worker :ASSEMBLER (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 734.687-014 06.04.23 table worker, sewing :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 TAB-MACHINE OPERATOR 754.685-010 06.04.02 Tabular Typist (clerical) TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 ° 07.06.02 tabulating clerk :STATISTICAL CLERK (clerical): 216.382- 062 07.02.03 Tabulating-Equipment Mechanic (any ind.) :STATISTICAL- MACHINE SERVICER (any ind.): 633.281-030 05.05.09 tabulating-equipment operator :TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 213.682-010 * 07.06.01 TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 213.682-010 * 07.06.01 tabulating supervisor SUPERVISOR, MACHINE-RECORDS UNIT (clerical): 213. 132-01 4 07.06.02 tabulator operator :TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 213.682-010 * 07.06.01 Tachometer Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 tacker :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Tacker (elec. equip.) TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 Tacker (fabric. plastics prod.) TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.685-438 06.04.09 Tacker (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 tacker :UMBRELLA TIPPER, HAND (umbrella): 739.684-162 06.04.27 tacker :WELDER, TACK (welding): 810.684-010 05.10.01 Tacker, Elastic Band (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.685-042 06.04.05 TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.685-034 06.04.05 Tacking-Stitch Remover (textile) :UTILITY WORKER, WOOLEN MILL (textile): 689.686-050 06.04.40 TACK PULLER (boot & shoe) 788.687-146 06.04.27 TACK PULLER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-410 06.04.05 Taco Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :MEXICAN FOOD MAKER, HAND (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.687-046 06.04.28 Taffy-Candy Maker (confection.) :CANDY (confection.): 529.361-014 06.02.28 Taffy Puller (confection.) :CANDY PULLER (confection.): 520.685-046 06.04.15 tagger :MARKER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-026 05.09.01 Tagger (forestry) :BUNDLER, (forestry): 920.687-046 03.04.04 (abrasive & polish. prod.) MAKER SEASONAL GREENERY tagger TABBER (paper goods): 794.687–058 06.04.23 tagger :TICKETER (textile): 229.587-018 05.09.03 TAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-118 06.04.37 tag-meter operator :MOISTURE-METER OPERATOR (tobacco): 529.687-162 06.03.02 TAG-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-046 06.02.04 tail-end rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 TAILER (mining & quarrying) 930.666-014 05.12.02 tailer :WOODWORKING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669.686-034 06.04.03 tailing hand :BOBBIN-CLEANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.686-014 06.04.06 Tailing-Machine Operator (textile) ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 TAILINGS-DAM LABORER (ore dress., 5 1 1.687–026 06.04.34 :YARN WINDER (any smelt., & refin.) 673 Tailings-Dam Pumper (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 Tailing-Thickener Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :THICKENER OPERATOR (ore dress., Smelt., & refin.): 51 1.485-01 4 06.04.10 tailor CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; 785.261-01 4 05.05.15 TAILOR APPRENTICE, ALTERATION (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-018 05.05.15 TAILOR APPRENTICE, CUSTOM (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.) 785.261-022 05.05.15 Tailor, Men's Ready-To-Wear :ALTERATION TAILOR 785.261-010 05.05.15 Tailor, Women's-Garment Alteration (ret. tr.) ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-010 05.05.15 take-away attendant :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 Take-Down Inspector (photofinish.) :PHOTO CHECKER AND ASSEMBLER (photofinish.): 976.687-01406.03.02 TAKE-DOWN SORTER (photofinish.) 976.665-010 05.10.05 taker-off TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (cord. & twine): 589.686-046 06.04.16 Taker-Off, Braker Machine (cord. & twine) :TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (cord. & twine): 589.686-046 06.04.16 Taker-Off, Drying Kiln (cord. & twine) :TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (cord. & twine): 589.686-046 06.04.16 TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (cord. & twine) 589,686-046 06.04.16 Taker-Off, Scutcher Machine (cord. & twine) :TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (cord. & twine): 589.686-046 06.04.16 Take-Up Supervisor (const.) :LABOR-CREW SUPERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power): 899.131-010 05.12.01 talent agent ARTIST'S MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117- 0 1 0 talent director DIRECTOR, CASTING (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.): 159.267-010 01.03.01 TALLIER (clerical) 221.587-030 05.09.01 Tallow Pumper (slaught. & meat pack.) :RENDERING-EQUIP- MENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 529.685–202 06.04.15 TAMALE-MACHINE FEEDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.686- 038 06.04.15 Tamale Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :MEXICAN FOOD MAKER, HAND (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.687-046 06.04.28 tamper operator TAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 869.683-018 05.11.01 TAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR 05.11.01 Tamping-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :CARBON-AND- GRAPHITE-BRUSH-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 692.482–0 1 0 06.02.09 Tamping-Machine Operator (r.r. trans.) :RAILWAY-EQUIP- MENT OPERATOR (r. r. trans.): 859.683-018 05.11.01 tamping-machine operator, road forms :FORM-TAMPER OPERATOR (const.): 869.683-010 05.11.01 tanbark peeler :LABORER, TANBARK (logging): 454.687-014 03.04.02 Tandem-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal alloys) :ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal alloys): 613.462-018 * 06.01.03 Tandem-Mill Roller (iron & steel) :COLD-MILL OPERATOR (iron & Steel): 613.462-010 * 06.02.10 Tandem-Taping-and-Paper-Wrapping-Machine Operator (insulated wire) :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 tangled-yarn-spool straightener :YARN CLEANER (any ind.): 681.687–026 06.03.02 Tankage-Grinder Operator (slaught. & meat ;RENDERING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (slaught. pack.); 529.685-202 06.04.15 per. Ser.; ret. tr.): Garment (garment; per. tr.) tr.): (ret. Ser.; ret. (const.) 869.683-018 pack.) & meat TANKAGE SUPERVISOR (const.) 869.131-034 05.05.06 tank-and-batch operator :BATCH-AND-FURNACE OPERA TOR (glass mſg.): 572.382-010 06.02.13 TANK ASSEMBLER (cooperage) 764.684-030 06.02.25 Tank-Bottom Assembler (cooperage) :TANK ASSEMBLEF (cooperage): 764.684-030 06.02.25 tank builder TANK SETTER (petrol. production): 801.361 022 05.05.06 TANK BUILDER AND ERECTOR (const.) 860.381-066 05.05.02 tank-builder helper TANK-SETTER HELPER (petrol. produc tion): 801.687-018 05.12.12 tank-builder supervisor TANKAGE SUPERVISOR (const.) 869. 131-034 05.05.06 TANK CALIBRATOR (bus. ser.) 229.387-014 05.09.03 Tank-Car Cleaner (petrol. refin.) TANK CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687–022 05.12.18 TANK-CAR INSPECTOR (comp. & liquefied gases) 622.684. 022 05.12.12 TANK-CAR INSPECTOR (petrol. refin.) 910.384-010 05.10.02 tank-car loader :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 Tank-Car Repairer (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) :CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.381-01405.05.06 tank charger COOKER LOADER (grease & tallow): 921.685- 030 06.04.40 Tank Charger (slaught. & meat pack.) :RENDERING-EQUIP- MENT TENDER (slaught. & meat pack.); 529.685–202 06.04.15 TANK CLEANER (any ind.) 891.687-022 05.12.18 TANK CLEANER (chem.; plastics mat.) 559.687-062 06.04.39 Tank Cleaner (elec. equip.) :FORMING-PROCESS-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.): 727.687–058 06.04.24 TANK CLEANER (paint & varn.) 559.684-022 06.04.39 tank cooper TANK ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 764,684-030 06.02.25 tanker :ENCAPSULATOR (elec. equip.; electronics): 726.684- 030 06.04.24 TANKER (wood preserving) 561.665-010 06.04.18 TANK ERECTOR (const.) 860.381-070 05.05.02 TANK-FARM ATTENDANT (chem.) 559.665–038 06.04.11 tank-farm gager :GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.384-010 05.06.03 Tank-Furnace Operator (glass mfg.) :BATCH-AND-FURNACE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 572.382-010 06.02.13 TANK-HOUSE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.362-01 4 06.02.10 TANK-HOUSE-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.565-014 06.04.10 Tank Insulator, Rubber (mach. mfg.) :RUBBER LINER (mach. mfg.): 759.684-050 06.02.29 tank maker, wood :TANK BUILDER AND ERECTOR (const.): 860.38 1-066 05.05.02 - - tank operator :SATURATION-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.); 582.665-022 06.04.19 TANK PROCESSOR (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 891.687-026 05.12.18 TANK PUMPER, PANELBOARD (distilled liquors) 529.685- 242 06.04.15 tank refinisher :GLASS-LINED TANK REPAIRER (malt liquors): 779.684-026 05.10.01 tankroom supervisor SUPERVISOR, VARNISH (paint & varn.); 559.132-134 06.02.01 TANKROOM TENDER (plastics 559.585-018 06.04.13 TANK SETTER (petrol. production) 801.361-022 05.05.06 TANK-SETTER HELPER (petrol. production) 801.687-018 05.12.12 Tank-Shop Supervisor (any ind.) SUPERVISOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.): 809. 130-01405.10.01 mat.; synthetic fibers) 674 Tank-Stave Assembler (cooperage) :TANK ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 764.684r()30 06.02.25 TANK TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & 06.04.10 TANK TENDER (sugar) 529.585-014 06.04.15 TANK-TRUCK DRIVER (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 903.683-018 * 05.08.01 Tank Worker (synthetic fibers) :CHURN TENDER (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 550.685-034 06.04.13 tanned-hide-cutter, machine :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (leather prod.); 585.685-038 06.04.05 tanner :FUR DRESSER (fur dressing): 589.361-010 06.01.04 tanner TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482-018 06.02.16 TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CONTINUOUS PROCESS (leather mfg.) 582.482-01406.02.16 tannery gummer :LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.): 584.687- 0 1 0 06.04.27 TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.) 582.482-018 06.02.16 TANNING-SOLUTION 06.04.11 Tanning Supervisor (fur dressing) :DYE-HOUSE SUPERVISOR (fur dressing): 582. 131-0 10 06.02.01 - Tanning-Wheel Filler (leather mfg.) :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 TAP-AND-DIE-MAKER TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 601.280-034 05.05.07 Tap Dancer (amuse. & rec.) 15 1.047-0 1 0 01.05.02 tape armorer ARMORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.685-010 06.04.09 tape calender :CALENDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (asbestos prod.): 583.585-010 06.04.05 TAPE COATER (abrasive & polish. prod.) 692.685-210 06.04.21 Tape Control Skin-or-Spar-Mill Operator (mach. shop) :MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CON- TROL (mach. shop): 605.380-010 06.01.03 Tape Cutter (garment; knit goods) :SLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 699.682-030 06.02.09 Tape Cutter (garment) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-01 4 06.04.09 Tape-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment; trim. & embroid.) :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 686.685-066 06.04.05 tape duplicator :TAPE TRANSFERRER (phonograph; radio & tv broad.): 194.382-01 4 05.10.05 TAPE-FASTENER-MACHINE OPERATOR 649.685-1 22 06.04.04 TAPE-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; trim. & embroid.) 689.685-134 06.04.05 tape handler :COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (clerical): 213.382-010 07.06.01 Tape Keller Operator (mach. shop) :MILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 605.380-0 1 0 06.01.03 TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical) 206.387-030 07.05.03 TAPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & 689.685-138 06.04.04 taper :MASKER (any ind.): 749.687-018 06.04.34 taper BINDER (any ind.): 787.682-010 06.02.05 refin.) 509.685-054 MAKER (chem.) 550.682-0 l 4 :DANCER (amuse. & rec.): (paper goods) twine) taper CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 taper TAPER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-414 06.04.05 TAPER (const.; mfö. blogs.) 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 Taper (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726,687-0 1 0 06.04.34 taper :FRAME BANDER (textile): 628.684-01406.04.34 taper :CLOTH-BOLT BANDER 920.587-0 1 0 06.04.38 taper and bedder TAPER (const.; mfc. blogs.): 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 taper and floater TAPER (const.; mfö. blogs.): 842.664-010 * 05.10.01 TAPE-RECORDER REPAIRER 05.10.03 Tape-Recording-Machine Operator (phonograph; radio & tv broad.) :RECORDING ENGINEER (phonograph; radio & tw broad.): 194.362-010 05.10.05 TAPER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-4 14 06.04.05 TAPER, MACHINE (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 692.685-214 06.04.09 TAPER OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-126 06.04.04 tape-sewing-machine operator :BOOK-SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) I: 653.685-014 06.02.04 Tape Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 TAPE STRINGER (garment; knit goods) 782.687-054 06.04.27 TAPE TRANSFERRER (phonograph; radio & tv broad.) 194.382-01 4 05.10.05 Tape Weaver (asbestos prod.; NARROW FABRICS (asbestos 683.682-046 06.02.06 Tape Winder (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics) :BLOCKER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics): 689.685-01406.04.05 Taping-Machine Operator (house furn.) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (house furn.): 787.682-066 06.02.05 Tap-Out Operator (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage): 669.682-014 06.02.20 Tapper (clock & watch) I :LATHE OPERATOR, PRODUC- TION (mach. shop): 604.685-026 06.04.02 TAPPER (clock & watch) II 715.685-062 06.02.02 TAPPER (malt liquors) 529.685–246 06.04.15 TAPPER (nonfer. metal alloys; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 5 14.664-01 4 06.04.10 TAPPER, BALANCE-WHEEL SCREW HOLE watch) 715.682-022 06.02.02 TAPPER, BIT (smoking pipe) 739.685-046 06.04.34 TAPPER, HAND (ammunition) 737.687-134 06.04.24 Tapper Operator (mach. shop) :DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (mach. shop): 606.682-014 06.02.02 TAPPER OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 606.682-022 06.02.02 TAPPER, SHANK (smoking pipe) 739.685-050 06.04.20 TAPPER SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51.4.134- 0 1 0 06.04.01 Tapping-Machine Operator (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 Tapping-Machine Operator, Automatic (clock & watch) :DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (clock & watch): 606.685-030 * 06.02.02 Tapping-Machine Operator, Automatic (nut & bolt) :PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (nut & bolt); 619.365- 0 1 0 06.04.02 - (textile): (any ind.) 720.281-014 narrow fabrics) :WEAVER, prod.; narrow fabrics): (clock & TAPROOM ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 3 12.677-010 09.05.02 tar-and-ammonia pump operator :PUMP OPERATOR, BY PRODUCTS (coke prod.): 541.362-01 4 06.02.17 tar chaser :CHASER, TAR (coke prod.); 549.687-010 06.04.39 TARE WEIGHER (slaught. & meat pack.; sugar; tobacco) 22 1.587-034 05.09.02 TARGETEER (firearms) 736.684-042 06.03.02 Target-Face Maker (sports equip.) :SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 TARGET TRIMMER (sports equip.) 732.687-078 06.04.34 Tar Heater (const.) :KETTLE TENDER (build. mat., n.e.c.): 869.685-010 05.12.10 Tar-Heater Operator (coal tar prod.) :DISTILLATION OPERA- TOR (coal tar prod.); 552.462-010 06.02.18 675 Tar Heat-Exchanger Cleaner (petrol. refin.) TUBE CLEANER (any ind.): 891.687-030 05.12.18 TARIFF INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 214.362-034 11.10.01 TARIFF PUBLISHING AGENT (bus. ser.) 184.167-250 11.04.04 TARRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine) 584.685- 046 06.04.16 tar runner :CHASER, TAR (coke prod.); 549.687-010 06.04.39 TASSEL-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & em- broid.) 689.685-142 06.04.05 TASTER (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.281-010 06.01.05 TATTOO ARTIST (per. ser.) 339.57 1-010 01.06.02 tattooer TATTOO ARTIST (per. ser.): 339.57 1-010 01.06.02 tattooist :TATTOO ARTIST (per. ser.): 339.571-010 01.06.02 Tavern Inspector (gov. ser.) :LICENSE INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 168.267-066 11.10.03 tawer TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 582.482- 018 06.02.16 tax agent TAX ATTORNEY (profess. & kin.): 110.117-038 11.04.02 Tax Analyst (gov. ser.) AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.): 160. 167–038 11.06.01 TAX ATTORNEY (profess. & kin.) 110.117-038 11.04.02 TAX CLERK (clerical) I 219.487-010 07.02.04 Tax Clerk (clerical) II :MORTGAGE CLERK (finan. inst.): 249,382-0 1 0 07.01.04 Tax Economist (profess. & kin.) :ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 050.067-010 1 1.03.05 Tax Examiner (gov. ser.) :AUDITOR, TAX (profess. & kin.): 160. 167–038 11.06.01 TAXICAB COORDINATOR 07.05.03 TAXICAB STARTER (motor trans.) 9 13.367-010 07.04.05 TAXIDERMIST (profess. & kin.) 199.261-010 01.06.02 TAXI DRIVER (motor trans.) 9 13.463-018 09.03.02 TAXIMETER REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 710.281-038 05.05.11 TAXI SERVICER (motor trans.) 915.687-030 05.12.18 Tax-Record Clerk (light, heat, & power) :ACCOUNTING CLERK (clerical): 216.482-010 07.02.02 tax representative :TAX ATTORNEY 1 10.1 ! 7–038 11.04.02 Tax Searcher (real estate) :TITLE SEARCHER (real estate): 209.367-046 07.05.02 - to operator :STRONG-NITRIC OPERATOR 559.682-062 06.02.18 Tea-Bag-Machine Tender (food prep., n.e.c.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 Tea Blender (food prep., n.e.c.) :SPICE MIXER (food prep., n.e.c.): 520.585-026 06.04.15 TEACHER, ADULT EDUCATION (education) 099.227-030 11.02.01 TEACHER AIDE (education) I 099.327-010 1 1.02.01 TEACHER AIDE (education) II 249.367-074 * 07.01.02 Teacher Aide, Elementary School (education) :TEACHER AIDE (education) II: 249.367–074 * 07.01.02 Teacher Aide, Primary School (education) :TEACHER AIDE (education) I: 099.327-010 1 1.02.01 - Teacher Aide, Secondary School (education) I TEACHER AIDE (education) I: 099.327-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 Teacher Aide, Secondary School (education) II :TEACHER AIDE (education) II: 249.367-074 * 07.01.02 TEACHER, ART (education) 149.02 1-0 10 01.02.01 teacher, aurally handicapped :TEACHER, DEAF (education): 094.224-0 1 0 10.02.03 Teacher, Ballet (education) (education): 15 1.027-014 01.05.01 TEACHER, BLIND (education) 0.94.227-014 10.02.03 teacher, braille TEACHER, BLIND (education): 094.227-014 (motor trans.) 215.367-018 (profess. & kin.): (explosives): :INSTRUCTOR, DANCING Teacher, Child Development Center (education) :TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.227-018 10.02.03 Teacher, Citizenship (education) :TEACHER, ADULT EDU- CATION (education): 0.99.227-030 1 1.02.01 teacher, dancing :INSTRUCTOR, DANCING (education): 15 1.027-014 01.05.01 Teacher, Day Care Center (education) :TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.227-018 10.02.03 TEACHER, DEAF (education) 0.94.224-0 1 0 10.02.03 TEACHER, DRAMA (education) 150.027-014 01.03.01 teacher, dramatics :TEACHER, DRAMA (education): 150.027- 0 1 4 01.03.01 teacher, driver education :INSTRUCTOR, (education): 0.99.223-010 09.03.03 Teacher, Early Childhood Education (education) :TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.227-018 10.02.03 teacher, educable mentally retarded :TEACHER, MENTALLY RETARDED (education): 0.94.227-022 10.02.03 teacher, educationally handicapped :EDUCATIONAL THERAPIST (education): 0.94.227-010 10.02.03 TEACHER, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (education) 092.227- 0 1 0 1 1.02.01 teacher, exceptional children :TEACHER, HANDICAPPED STUDENTS (education): 0.94.227-018 10.02.03 TEACHER, HANDICAPPED STUDENTS 0.94.227-0 18 10.02.03 teacher, high school :TEACHER, SECONDARY SCHOOL (education): 09 1.227-010 * 11.02.01 DRIVING (education) TEACHER, INDUSTRIAL ARTS (education) 09 1.221-010 11.02.02 Teacher, Instrumental (education) :TEACHER, MUSIC (education): 152.021-010 01.04.01 Teacher, Junior College (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 11.02.01 TEACHER, 10.02.03 Teacher, Lip Reading (education) (education): 0.94.224-0 1 0 10.02.03 TEACHER, MENTALLY RETARDED (education) 0.94.227- 022 - TEACHER, MUSIC (education) 152.02 1-0 10 01.04.01 Teacher, Nursery School (education) :TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education): 092.227-018 10.02.03 teacher, oral-deaf :TEACHER, DEAF (education): 094.224-010 10.02.03 teacher, orthopedically handicapped :TEACHER, HAN- DICAPPED STUDENTS (education): 0.94.227-018 10.02.03 Teacher, Painting-and-Drawing (education) :TEACHER, ART (education): 149.02 1-0 10 01.02.01 teacher, physical education :INSTRUCTOR, PHYSICAL EDU- CATION (education): 0.99.224-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education) 092.227-018 10.02.03 teacher, primary :TEACHER, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (education): 092.227-010 * 11.02.01 teacher, private :TUTOR (education): 099.227-034 11.02.01 teacher, public health :PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR (profess. & kin.): 0.79.117-014 11.07.02 Teacher, Sculpturing (education) (education): 149.021-010 01.02.01 - TEACHER, SECONDARY SCHOOL (education) 09 1.227-010 11.02.01 teacher selection specialist :CERTIFICATION AND SELEC- TION SPECIALIST (education): 099.167-010 1 1.03.04 teacher, theater arts :TEACHER, DRAMA (education): 150.027-014 01.03.01 teacher, visually handicapped :TEACHER, BLIND (education): 0.94.227-014 10.02.03 Teacher, Vocal (education) :TEACHER, MUSIC (education): 152.02 1-0 10 01.04.01 KINDERGARTEN (education) 092.227-014 :TEACHER, DEAF :TEACHER, ART 676 | eacher, vocational training :INSTRUCTOR, VOCATIONAL TRAINING (education): 097.227-014 11.02.02 Teaching Assistant (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-010 11.02.01 Tea-Leaf Reader (amuse. & rec.) :PSYCHIC READER (amuse. & rec.): 159.647-018 01.07.01 - eam driver :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 TEAMSTER (any ind.) 9 19.664-010 03.04.05 ear-down matcher :SHADE MATCHER (textile): 582.687–022 06.03.02 fearer :CLOTH TEARER (garment): 781.687-018 06.04.27 earer, press clipping :CUTTER-AND-PASTER, PRESS CLIPPINGS (bus. ser.): 249.587-014 07.07.03 tear-up worker, spring :SPRING-REPAIRER HELPER, HAND (auto. ser.): 620.584-010 05.12.12 Tea Taster (food prep., n.e.c.) :TASTER (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.28 1-0 1 0 06.01.05 TECHNICAL COORDINATOR 07.05.03 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, CHEMICAL PLANT (profess. & kin.) 008. 167-010 05.01.08 TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 017.281-034 05.03.02 technical-maintenance technician :PHOTOGRAPHIC-EQUIP- MENT-MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (photo. apparatus): 714.28 1-026 05.05.09 technical manager, chemical plant :TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, CHEMICAL PLANT (profess. & kin.): 008. 167-010 05.01.08 TECHNICAL OPERATOR (petrol. production) 930. 167-010 05.03.04 Technical Operator, Grain Preparation (explosives) :PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (explosives): 590.464- 0 1 0 * 06.02.32 technical representative 828.261-01405.05.05 Technical Specialist, Aircraft Systems (air trans.) :FIELD-SER- VICE REPRESENTATIVE (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; air trans.): 621.221-010 05.05.09 Technical Stenographer (clerical) (clerical): 202.362-014 * 07.05.03 TECHNICAL TESTING ENGINEER (motion pic.) 194.381- 0 1 0 05.10.03 technical writer :WRITER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.): 131.267-026 11.08.02 technician :QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (glass mfg.): 579.367-0 1 4 06.03.01 technician, automated equipment :AUTOMATED EQUIP- MENT ENGINEER-TECHNICIAN (mach. mfg.): 638.261- 0 1 0 05.05.05 technician, automatic :AUTOMATIC-EQUIPMENT TECHNI- CIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.281-010 05.05.05 TECHNICIAN, PLANT AND MAINTENANCE (radio & tv broad.) 822.281-030 05.05.05 TECHNICIAN, SUBMARINE CABLE EQUIPMENT (tel. & tel.) 822.28 1-034 05.05.05 technician, terminal and repeater TESTING-AND-REGULAT- ING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 technician, test systems :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.28 1-0 1 4 06.01.05 technologist, biochemistry :CHEMISTRY TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.261-010 02.04.02 Tectonophysicist (profess. & kin.) :GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-030 02.01.01 TELECINE OPERATOR (radio & tv broad.) 05.10.05 Telegram Messenger (tel. & tel.) :DELIVERER, OUTSIDE (clerical): 230.667-010 07.07.02 telegraph-equipment maintainer AUTOMATIC-EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.281-010 05.05.05 TELEGRAPHER (r. r. trans.) 236.562-010 07.04.05 (gov. Ser.) 209,132-014 :FIELD ENGINEER (electronics): :STENOGRAPHER 194.362-0 18 TELEGRAPHER AGENT (r. r. trans.) 236.562-014 07.04.05 Telegraphic-Instrument Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :INSTRUMENT- SHOP SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 722. 131-010 05.05.10 Telegraphic-Service Dispatcher (tel. & tel.) :DISPATCHER, SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 959. 167-010 07.04.05 Telegraphic-Typewriter Installer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT IN- STALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-010 05.05.05 TELEGRAPHIC-TYPEWRITER OPERATOR 203.582-050 07.06.02 telegraphic-typewriter operator, chief :SUPERVISOR, TELE- GRAPHIC-TYPEWRITER OPERATORS (clerical): 203. 132- O 1 0 07.06.02 Telegraphic-Typewriter Repairer (tel. & tel.) :AUTOMATIC- EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.281-010 05.05.05 telegraph operator, automatic :TELEGRAPHIC-TYPEWRITER OPERATOR (clerical): 203.582-050 07.06.02 TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.) 822.38 1- 022 05.05.05 Telegraph-Repeater Installer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT IN- STALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-010 05.05.05 Telegraph-Repeater Technician (tel. & tel.) :TESTING-AND- REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 - TELEGRAPH-SERVICE RATER 07.07.03 Telephone Ad-Taker (print. & pub.) :CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK (print. & pub.) I: 247.367-010 * 07.04.02 TELEPHONE-ANSWERING-SERVICE OPERATOR ser.) 235.662-026 07.04.06 TELEPHONE CLERK, TELEGRAPH OFFICE (tel. & tel.) 239.362-010 07.04.05 Telephone Coin-Box Collector (tel. & tel.) :COIN-MACHINE COLLECTOR (bus. ser.; gov. ser.; tel. & tel.): 292.687-010 07.07.03 Telephone-Diaphragm Assembler (elec. :ELECTRICAL-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. 729.684-026 06.02.23 TELEPHONE-DIRECTORY DELIVERER (bus. ser.) 230.667- 0 1 4 07.07.02 TELEPHONE-DIRECTORY-DISTRIBUTOR DRIVER ser.) 906.683-018 05.08.03 telephone-information clerk :TELEPHONE-QUOTATION CLERK (finan. inst.): 237.367-046 07.04.04 Telephone-Instrument Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :INSTRUMENT- SHOP SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 722. 131-0 10 05.05.10 telephone-interceptor operator :TELEPHONE-ANSWERING- SERVICE OPERATOR (bus. ser.): 235.662-026 * 07.04.06 TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical) 235.662-022 07.04.06 telephone operator :CENTRAL-OFFICE OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 235.462-010 * 07.04.06 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, CHIEF (clerical) 235. 137-010 07.04.06 Telephone-Order Clerk (clerical) :ORDER CLERK (clerical): 249.367–054 07.05.03 Telephone-Order Clerk, Drive-in (hotel & rest.) :ORDER CLERK, FOOD AND BEVERAGE (hotel & rest.): 209.567- 0 1 4 07.04.02 Telephone-Order Clerk, Room Service (hotel & rest.) :ORDER CLERK, FOOD AND BEVERAGE (hotel & rest.): 209.567- 0 1 4 07.04.02 Telephone-Order Dispatcher (clerical) (clerical): 249.367–054 07.05.03 telephone-plant power operator :POWER OPERATOR (tel. & tel.): 952.382-01 4 05.06.01 TELEPHONE-QUOTATION CLERK (finan. inst.) 237.367-046 07.04.04 telephoner 07.04.05 (clerical) (tel. & tel.) 214.587-010 (bus. equip.) equip.): (bus. :ORDER CLERK :TELEGRAPHER (r. r. trans.): 236.562-010 677 telephone repairer :PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.281-022 05.05.05 telephone-sales agent :RESERVATIONS AGENT (air trans.): 238.367-018 07.04.03 telephone sales representative TELEPHONE SOLICITOR (any ind.): 299.357-014 08.02.08 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR (any ind.) 299.357-014 08.02.08 telephone supervisor SUPERVISOR, TELEPHONE CLERKS (tel. & tel.): 239. 132-010 07.04.06 telephone-switchboard operator TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical): 235.662-022 07.04.06 Telephone-Switch Repairer (elec. equip.) :REPAIRER, SWITCHGEAR (elec. equip.): 729.684-038 05.10.03 telephoto engineer :PHOTORADIO OPERATOR (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.): 193.362-010 07.04.05 Telephoto Installer (tel. & tel.) :PRIVATE-BRANCH- EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 telephoto operator :WIRE-PHOTO OPERATOR, NEWS (print. & pub.): 239.382-010 05.10.05 Teleprinter Installer (tel. & tel.) :PRIVATE-BRANCH- EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 teleticketing agent :TICKETING CLERK (air trans.): 248.382- 0 1 0 07.02.04 Teletype Installer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.38 1-0 10 05.05.05 teletypesetter monitor TYPESETTING-MACHINE TENDER (print. & pub.): 650.685-010 05.10.05 teletype-telegrapher TELEGRAPHER (r.r. trans.): 236.562- 0 1 0 07.04.05 TELEVISION-AND-RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.) 720.281- 018 * 05.10.03 Television Announcer (radio & tv broad.) : ANNOUNCER (radio & tv broad.): 159. 147-010 01.03.03 Television-Cabinet Finisher (woodworking) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 TELEVISION-CABLE INSTALLER (any ind.) 821.281-010 05.10.03 - Television-Chassis Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS IN- SPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 TELEVISION INSTALLER (any ind.) 823.361-010 05.10.03 television-picture-tube rebuilder :TUBE REBUILDER (electronics): 725.381-010 05.05.10 Television Producer (radio & tv broad.) :PRODUCER (radio & tv broad.): 159.1 17-0 10 01.03.01 Television-Receiver Analyzer (electronics) TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-01406.01.05 television repairer TELEVISION-AND-RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.): 720.281-018 + 05.10.03 TELEVISION-SCHEDULE COORDINATOR broad.) 199.387-010 07.05.01 Television-Tube Inspector (glass mfg.) :WARE TESTER (glass mfg.): 579.384-018 06.03.01 TELLER (finan. inst.) 211.362-018 * 07.03.01 TELLER (light, heat, & power) 211.462-034 07.03.01 Teller, Bond (finan. inst.) TELLER, COLLECTION AND EXCHANGE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-022 07.02.02 Teller, Collateral (finan. inst.) :TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-026 07.03.01 TELLER, COLLECTION AND EXCHANGE (finan. 21 1.362-022 07.02.02 Teller, Collection and Exchange, Head (finan. inst.) TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.): 211.132-010 07.03.01 Teller, Commercial Note (finan. inst.) :TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-026 07.03.01 Teller, Contract Collections (finan. inst.) :TELLER, COLLEC- TION AND EXCHANGE (finan. inst.); 2 1 1.362-022 07.02.02 (radio & tv inst.) :ELECTRONICS Teller, Discount (finan. inst.) :TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.): 2 11.362-026 07.03.01 Teller, Domestic Exchange (finan. inst.) TELLER, COLLEC- TION AND EXCHANGE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-022 07.02.02 Teller, Foreign Exchange (finan. inst.) TELLER, COLLEC- TION AND EXCHANGE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-022 07.02.02 Teller, Foreign Exchange, Head (finan. inst.) TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.): 21 1. 132-010 07.03.01 TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.) 211.132-010 07.03.01 Teller, Mail Credit (finan. inst.) :TELLER (finan. 2 11.362-018 * 07.03.01 TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.) 21 1.362-026 07.03.01 Teller, Note, Head (finan. inst.) :TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.): 21 1. 132-0 1 0 07.03.01 Teller, Paying and Receiving (finan. inst.) TELLER (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-018 * 07.03.01 Teller, Paying and Receiving, Head (finan. inst.) TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.): 21 1.132-010 07.03.01 Teller, Payroll (finan. inst.) TELLER (finan. inst.); 21 1.362- 018 * 07.03.01 Teller, Real Estate Loan (finan. inst.) :TELLER, NOTE (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-026 07.03.01 inst.): Teller, Return Items (finan. inst.) TELLER (finan. inst.): 2 11.362-018 * 07.03.01 Teller, Savings (finan. inst.) TELLER (finan. inst.): 21 1.362- 018 * 07.03.01 Teller, Savings, Head (finan. inst.) :TELLER, HEAD (finan. inst.): 21 1.132-010 07.03.01 Teller, Special Deposits (finan. inst.) :TELLER (finan. inst.): 21 1.362-018 * 07.03.01 TEMPERATURE-CONTROL INSPECTOR (synthetic fibers) 559.467-0 1 0 06.03.01 TEMPERATURE INSPECTOR (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-202 06.03.02 TEMPERATURE REGULATOR, PYROMETER (found.) 5 12.667–0 10 06.03.02 temperer :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 TEMPERER (heat treat.) 504.682-026 06.02.10 tempering-kiln tender HEAT-TREATER HELPER treat.): 504.685-018 06.04.10 tempering-machine operator :CHOCOLATE TEMPERER (choc. & cocoa; confection.): 523.682-010 06.02.15 Temper-Mill Roller (iron & steel) :COLD-MILL OPERATOR (iron & steel): 613.462-010 * 06.02.10 TEMPLATE CUTTER (cut. & tools) 703.684-018 06.04.24 Template Inspector (any ind.) :INSPECTOR, METAL FABRICATING (any ind.); 619.261-010 06.01.05 TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.) 601.381-038 05.05.07 (heat Template Maker, Aircraft (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.): 601.381-038 05.05.07 TEMPLATE MAKER, EXTRUSION DIE (mach. shop) 60.1 .280–038 05.05.07 Template Maker, Sheet Metal (any ind.) :TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.): 601.381-038 05.05.07 Template Maker, Shipbuilding (ship & boat blog. & :TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.): 601.381-038 05.05.07 Template Maker, Structural Steel (any ind.) :TEMPLATE MAKER (any ind.): 601.381-038 05.05.07 TEMPLATE MAKER, TRACK (any ind.) 05.10.01 TEMPLATE REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN aerospace mfg.) 971.381-058 06.02.31 Template-Storage Clerk (clerical) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 Temple-Meat Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 rep.) 809.484-014 (aircraft- 678 empler, head :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 enant relations coordinator :COMMUNITY-RELATIONS- AND-SERVICES ADVISOR, PUBLIC HOUSING (social ser.): 195. 167-014 11.07.01 enderizer tender :CORE-COMPOSER FEEDER (veneer & plywood): 669,685-038 06.04.03 TENNIS-BALL-COVER CEMENTER (sports equip.) 795.687– 030 06.04.34 TENNIS-BALL COVERER, HAND (sports equip.) 795.687– 026 06.04.27 - - Tennis Coach (amuse. & rec.) :COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.): 153.227-010 12.01.01 Tennis-Court Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :RECREATION- FACILITY ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.): 341.367-010 07.04.03 Tennis-Net Maker (cord. & twine) :NET MAKER (cord. & twine): 789.684-030 06.04.27 Tennis-Racket Repairer (any ind.) SPORTS-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 732.684-122 05.10.04 Tenoner Offbearer (woodworking) :WOODWORKING- MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking): 669.686-034 06.04.03 º OPERATOR (build. board) 677.682-026 06.02.09 TENONER OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.382-018 05.05.08 ension checker :WARP-TENSION TESTER (textile): 683.687– 034 06.03.02 TENSIONING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.) 616.665- 010 06.04.02 ension machine operator :MACHINE OPERATOR, GENERAL (paper goods): 649.685-070 06.02.04 ". rººm Regulator (print. & pub.) :WEB-PRESS OPERATOR r (print. & pub.): 651.362-030 * 05.05.13 ent Assembler (canvas goods) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (canvas goods): 787.682-062 06.02.05 Tenter-Frame Back-Tender (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589,686–010 06.04.16 Tenter-Frame Feeder (textile) 589.686–01 4 06.04.16 TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile) 580.585-010 06.04.16 :entering-machine off-bearer BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-0 1 0 06.04.16 tentering-machine operator TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile): 580.585-010 06.04.16 tentering-machine rear-end operator :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686–010 06.04.16 tenter-machine tailer :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686–010 06.04.16 Tent Finisher (canvas goods) goods): 789.484-01406.02.27 Tentmaker (canvas goods) :CANVAS WORKER (canvas goods; ship & boat blåg. & rep.); 739.381-010 06.01.04 Terminal-Block Assembler (elec. equip.) : ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 terminal gager :GAGER (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.384-010 05.06.03 terminal-gager supervisor :SUPERVISOR, FIELD-PIPE-LINES (pipe lines): 914. 132-022 05.02.01 TERMINAL-MAKEUP OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 208.382- 0 1 0 07.06.01 terminal manager :MANAGER, TRUCK TERMINAL (motor trans.): 184. 167-1 10 1 1.1 1.03 TERMINAL OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-054 07.06.01 terminal superintendent :MANAGER, BULK PLANT (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.): 18.1. 117-0 1 0 05.02.07 TERMINAL SUPERINTENDENT (r. r. terminal supervisor TRANSFER-AND-PUMPHOUSE OPERA- TOR, CHIEF (chem.); 559. 132-138 06.04.01 - :CLOTH FEEDER (textile): :FINISHER, HAND (canvas trans.) 184.167-254 terminal supervisor SUPERVISOR, DOCK (petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914.137-018 05.12.06 TERMINAL-SYSTEM OPERATOR 07.06.01 termination clerk :CANCELLATION CLERK (insurance): 203.382-01 4 07.02.02 termite treater :EXTERMINATOR, TERMITE (bus. 383.364-0 10 05.10.09 termite-treater helper :EXTERMINATOR HELPER, TERMITE (bus. ser.): 383.687-010 05.12.03 Terra-Cotta Mason (const.) : BRICKLAYER (const.): 861.381 - 018 * 05.05.01 Terrazzo Finisher (const.) :TERRAZZO WORKER (const.): 861.381-046 05.05.01 Terrazzo Polisher (const.) :TERRAZZO WORKER (const.): 861 .381–046 05.05.01 TERRAZZO-TILE MAKER (brick & 06.04.32 TERRAZZO WORKER (const.) 861.381-046 05.05.01 TERRAZZO-WORKER APPRENTICE (const.) 861.381-050 05.05.01 Terrazzo-Worker Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Terry-Cloth Cutter, Hand (house furn.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) I: 781.584-014 06.02.27 Terry Cloth Cutter, Machine (house furn.) MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-01406.02.27 test analyst, aircraft :RESEARCH MECHANIC (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 002.280-010 05.01.04 test assembler : TEST PREPARER (iron & Steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 509.584-010 06.04.02 test-bore helper CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 930.687-014 05.12.02 test borer CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 930.682-010 05.11.02 test-boring crew chief SUPERVISOR, CORE DRILLING (const.): 850. 137-010 05.11.01 test carrier :TEST PREPARER (iron & Steel; nonfer. metal al- loys): 509.584-010 06.04.02 - test clerk :GRADING CLERK (education): 07.02.03 TEST-DEPARTMENT HELPER (elec. equip.) 729.664-010 05.12.16 TEST-DESK SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 822. 131-030 05.05.05 TEST DRIVER (auto mfg.) I 806.281-050 06.03.01 TEST DRIVER (auto mfg.) II 806.283-010 05.07.02 TEST ENGINEER, AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 0 13.061-022 05.01.04 TEST ENGINEER, MARINE EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) O 14.061-022 05.01.04 TEST ENGINEER, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 007. 161-034 05.01.04 TEST ENGINEER, MINING-AND-OILFIELD EQUIPMENT (mining & quarrying; petrol. production) 0.10.061-030 05.01.04 TEST ENGINEER, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 0.15.061-022 05.01.04 TEST-ENGINE EVALUATOR (petrol. 05.01.04 TEST-ENGINE OPERATOR 05.03.07 tester :INSPECTOR AND TESTER (agric. equip.); 624.361- 0 1 0 06.01.05 Tester (cut. & tools) :LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR-AND- TESTER (cut. & tools): 701.687–026 06.03.02 tester SAMPLER (minerals & earths; mining & quarrying): 579,484-010 02.04.01 TESTER (musical inst.) 730.684-086 06.03.02 TESTER (petrol. refin.) 029.261-022 02.04.01 TESTER (profess. & kin.) 011.361-010 02.04.01 (clerical) 203.362-018 ser.): tile) 575.684-046 :CUTTER, 219.467-010 refin.) Q10.261-026 (petrol. refin.) 029.261-018 679 TESTER (rubber goods) 899.487-010 06.03.01 tester :GLUED WOOD TESTER (woodworking): 762.384-010 06.03.01 Tester, Ammonia Shipping (comp. & liquefied gases) :LABORATORY TESTER (any ind.): 029.261-010 * 02.04.01 - TESTER AND INSPECTOR, LAMPS (light fix.) 723.687-014 06.03.02 tester, armature or fields :ARMATURE TESTER (elec. equip.) I: 724.384-0 1 0 05.10.03 TESTER, COMPRESSED GASES (comp. & liquefied gases) 549.364-0 1 0 06.03.01 TESTER, CONVERTIBLE SOFA BEDSPRING (matt. & bed- spring) 780.684-1 10 06.02.24 tester, electrical accessories :ELECTRICAL-EQUIPMENT TESTER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 729.381-010 06.01.05 TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.) 729.684-058 06.03.02 TESTER, ELECTRONIC SCALE (bal. & scales) 7 10.381-046 05.10.03 tester, equipment :TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNI- CIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 TESTER, FOOD PRODUCTS (any ind.) 199.251-010 05.05.17 tester helper :CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any ind.): 381.687–022 05.12.18 TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.) 806.384-026 06.03.01 TESTER, MOTORS AND CONTROLS (elec. equip.) 721.281- 030 06.01.05 TESTER OPERATOR (nonfer. 06.03.02 tester operator CIGARETTE TESTER (tobacco): 529.387-014 06.03.01 TESTER-OPERATOR HELPER 614.686–01 4 06.04.02 TESTER, PLUMBING SYSTEMS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 806.28 1-054 06.01.05 TESTER, REGULATOR (per. protect. & med. dev.; sports equip.) 710.387-010 06.03.01 TESTER, ROCKET ENGINE 806.261-022 06.01.05 TESTER, SOUND (mach. mfg.) 706.382-01406.03.01 tester, systems :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.28 1-0 1 4 06.01.05 tester, vibrator equipment :VIBRATOR-EQUIPMENT TESTER (mach. mſg.): 825.361-01406.01.05 TESTER, WASTE DISPOSAL LEAKAGE 723.687-018 06.03.02 test examiner TEST TECHNICIAN (clerical): 07.01.07 test-hole driller CORE-DRILL OPERATOR 930.682-0 1 0 TESTING AND ANALYSIS DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR (nut process.) 523.131-010 06.01.01 TESTING-AND-REGULATING CHIEF (tel. & tel.) 184.167- 258 05.02.01 TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.) 822.261-026 05.05.05 testing-machine operator :ELECTRONICS (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods) 586.685-038 06.03.02 testing-machine operator :TESTER (profess. & kin.): 0 1 1.361- 0 1 0 (02.04.01 TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.03.02 testing-tool operator :FORMATION-TESTING OPERATOR (petrol. production): 930.261-01405.07.05 Test-Kitchen-Home Economist (profess. & kin.) :HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.): 096. 121-014 11.02,03 TEST PILOT (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 196.263-042 05.04.01 metal alloys) 614.684-014 (nonfer. metal alloys) (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) (elec. equip.) 249.367-078 (any ind.): TESTER (tinvare) 703.685-014 TEST PREPARER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 509.584- 0 1 0 06.04.02 test puller TOBACCO-SAMPLE PULLER (tobacco): 529.587- 022 06.04.28 test rack operator :TRIPLE-AIR-VALVE TESTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.); 622.382-010 05.07.02 Test Rider (motor. & bicycles) :FINAL INSPECTOR, MOTOR- CYLES (motor. & bicycles): 806.281-018 06.01.05 TEST-SKEIN WINDER (glass mfg.) 575.685-082 06.04.16 test-structures mechanic :FLIGHT-TEST SHOP MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 621.381-010 05.05.09 TEST TECHNICIAN (agric. equip.) 019.261-022 05.03.07 TEST TECHNICIAN (clerical) 249.367-078 07.01.07 test technician :STORAGE BATTERY INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.): 727.381-022 06.01.05 test technician :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.28 1-0 1 4 06.01.05 TEST TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 019.161-01405.01.04 TEST WORKER (found.) 519.687-042 06.04.24 Tetryl-Blender Operator (explosives) :BLENDER (explosives): 550.665-010 06.04.11 Tetryl-Boiling-Tub Operator (explosives) OPERATOR (chem.); 551.685-014 06.04.11 TETRYL-DISSOLVER OPERATOR (explosives) 550.685-114 Tetryl-Nitrator Operator (explosives) :NITRATOR OPERATOR (explosives): 558.382-046 06.02.11 f TETRYL-SCREEN OPERATOR (explosives) 551.685-146 06.04.11 tetryl-wringer operator 551.685-162 06.04.11 textile-scrap salvager :BAG CUTTER (tex. bag): 789.687-010 06.04.27 textile stylist :CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061- 0 1 4 01.02.03 THAW-SHED HEATER TENDER (coke prod.) 543.685-022 06.04. 12 Theater Coach (profess. & kin.) :DRAMATIC COACH (profess. & kin.): 150.027-010 01.03.01 theater projectionist :MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTIONIST (amuse. & rec.; motion pic.): 960.362-010 05.10.05 theatrical-scenic designer SET DESIGNER (amuse. & rec.): 142.061-050 01.02.03 Theatrical Variety Agent (amuse. & rec.) :BOOKING MANAGER (amuse. & rec.): 191. 117-014 11.12.03 therapist for blind :ORIENTATION THERAPIST FOR THE BLIND (education): 076.221-0 1 0 10.02.02 :BOILING-TUB :WRINGER OPERATOR (chem.): THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I 816.464-010 05.10.01 THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) II 816.684-010 Thermal-Cutter Helper (welding) :WELDER HELPER (welding): 819.687-01405.12.11 THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding) 8 16.482-010 06.02.19 Thermal-Cutting-Tracer-Machine Operator (welding) :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 81 6.482–0 1 0 06.02.19 THERMAL MOLDER (rubber goods) 553.585-022 06.04.13 THERMAL-SURFACING-MACHINE OPERATOR (stonework) 679.685-018 05.12.10 Thermite-Bomb Loader (ammunition) (ammunition): 737.684-014 06.02.22 - thermo-cementing-folder operator :CEMENTER AND FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-070 06.04.05 Thermodynamics Engineer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AERODYNAMIST (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 002.061-010 05.01.01 :BOMB LOADER 680 Thermoelectric-Heat-Sealing-Machine Operator (trim. & em- broid.) :ASSEMBLER (fabric. plastics prod.): 754.684-010 06.04.24 thermograph operator :RAISED PRINTER (print. & pub.): 652.686-034 06.04.21 THERMOMETER MAKER (inst. & app.) 710.681-026 06.02.30 THERMOMETER TESTER (inst. & app.) 710.384-030 06.03.01 thermoplastic fabricator :PLASTICS BENCH MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; fabric. plastics prod.): 754.381-018 06.01.04 THERMOSCREW OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 526.685-058 06.04.15 - Thermospray Operator (any ind.) :METAL SPRAYER, MACHINED PARTS (any ind.): 505.380-010 06.01.03 Thermostat Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.): 710.681-010 * 06.01.04 THERMOSTAT-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE TENDER, AUTO- MATIC (inst. & app.) 692.685-218 06.04.20 Thermostat Calibrator (inst. & app.) :INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 710.381-034 06.01.05 Thermostat Checker (inst. & app.) :INSTRUMENT CHECKER (inst. & app.): 710.687-026 06.03.02 Thermostat Inspector (any ind.) :INSPECTOR, GENERAL (any ind.): 609.684-010 06.03.02 THERMOSTAT REPAIRER (inst. & 05.10.02 Thermostat Setter (inst. & app.) :CALIBRATOR (inst. & app.) I: 710,681-01 4 06.01.04 Thermostat Tester (inst. & app.) :INSPECTOR (inst. & app.): 7 10.381-034 06.01.05 app.) 710.381-050 THICKENER OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511 .485-01 4 06.04.10 Thimble-Press Operator (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :ASSEMBLY CLEANER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 519.664-0 1 0 06.04.24 THINNER (paint & varn.) 550.585-038 06.04.11 Thinner Sprayer (auto. mfg.) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 74 1.684-026 05.10.07 third assistant engineer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, EN- GINE (water trans.): 623.281-034 05.05.09 Third-Calender Operator (coated fabrics) :CALENDER OPERATOR, ARTIFICIAL LEATHER (coated fabrics): 584.685-0 1 0 06.04.16 THIRD DRY-CELL-ASSEMBLING-MACHINE (elec. equip.) 692.686-066 06.04.20 THIRD HELPER (iron & steel) 512.687-014 06.04.10 THIRD-RAIL INSTALLER (r. r. trans.) 825.381-038 05.10.01 THRASHER FEEDER (paper & pulp) 533.685-030 06.04.05 THREAD CUTTER (any ind.) 789.684-050 06.04.27 thread cutter :MATCH-UP WORKER (garment): 782.684-038 06.04.27 THREAD-CUTTER TENDER (tex. prod., n.e.c.; trim. & em- broid.) 689.665-014 06.04.05 thread drawer THREAD SEPARATOR (tex. prod., n.e.c.): 789.687-174 06.04.27 thread dresser :DRESSER TENDER (textile): 06.02.06 THREADER (knit goods) 685.680-010 06.02.27 THREADER (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 689.687-078 06.04.06 thread grinder GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD (mach. shop): 603.482-026 06.02.02 thread-grinder, tool :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD TOOL (mach. shop): 603.240–010 06.01.03 TENDER 681 .682-010 THREADING-MACHINE FEEDER, AUTOMATIC (mach. shop) I 604.666-010 06.04.02 Threading-Machine Feeder, Automatic (mach. shop) II :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-014 06.04.39 THREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 604.685- 038 06.04.02 THREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 604.682- 0 1 4 06.02.02 - THREADING-MACHINE SETTER (mach. shop) 609.380-014 06.01.02 - THREADING-MACHINE TENDER (carpet & rug) 683.685- 030 06.04.06 THREAD INSPECTOR (petrol. 05.07.01 THREAD INSPECTOR (synthetic fibers) 681.687-018 06.03.02 THREAD LASTER (boot & shoe) 788.684-1 14 06.04.05 Thread-Machine Operator (rubber goods) :LATEX-RIBBON- MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods): 559.682-034 06.02.13 THREAD MARKER (garment) 782.687-058 06.04.27 THREAD-MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 605.382-042 06.02.02 thread puller :PICK REMOVER 06.04.27 THREAD-PULLING-MACHINE 689.686-046 06.04.05 THREAD SEPARATOR (tex. 06.04.27 thread singer :GASSER (textile): 585.685-050 06.04.16 thread spooler :RUBBER-THREAD SPOOLER (sports equip.): 681.685-090 06.04.07 thread weaver :WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.): 782.38 1-022 05.05.15 THREAD WINDER, AUTOMATIC 06.04.06 three-dimensional-map modeler (any ind.): 777.381-042 01.06.02 THRESHER, BROOMCORN (agric.) 429.685-01403.04.01 THRESHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685-362 06.04.15 THRILL PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-018 12.02.01 THROWER (pottery & porc.) 774.381-010 06.02.30 THROW-OUT CLERK (ret. tr.) 241.367-030 07.05.02 Thumb Sewer (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 Ticker Installer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-010 05.05.05 ticket agent :TICKETING CLERK (air trans.): 248.382-010 07.02.04 TICKET AGENT (any ind.) 238.367-026 + 07.03.01 TICKET BROKER (amuse. & rec.) 259.357-034 11.06.04 production) 862.38 1-038 (textile): 689.687–058 ATTENDANT (garment) prod., n.e.c.) 789.687-174 (textile) 681.685-122 :RELIEF-MAP MODELER TICKET-CHOPPER ASSEMBLER (furn.) 739.684-154 06.04.22 ticket clerk :TICKET AGENT (any ind.): 238.367–026 + 07.03.01 ticket clerk :CASHIER (clerical) II: 21 1.462-010 07.03.01 ticket counter :PARIMUTUEL-TICKET CHECKER (amuse. & rec.): 219.587-0 1 0 07.05.02 TICKET-DISPENSER CHANGER (amuse. & rec.) 349.680- 0 1 0 05.12.15 TICKETER (any ind.) 652.685-098 06.04.37 ticketer :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387-046 05.09.02 TICKETER (textile) 229.587-018 05.09.03 TICKETING CLERK (air trans.) 248.382-0 1 0 07.02.04 Ticketing Clerk (finan. inst.) TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-066 * 07.06.02 ticket maker :TICKETER (any ind.): 652.685-098 06.04.37 ticket maker :MARKER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 209.587-034 05.09.03 TICKET MARKER (whole. tr.) 216.567-0 1 0 05.09.03 ticket printer :TICKETER (any ind.): 652.685-098 06.04.37 TICKET PRINTER AND TAGGER (garment) 652.685-094 06.04.37 - - TICKET PULLER (tobacco) 221.687-O 14 05.09.03 681 ticket sales instructor :INSTRUCTOR, GROUND SERVICES (air trans.): 0.99.227-018 11.02.02 TICKET SCHEDULER (boot & shoe) 22 1.587-038 05.09.03 ticket seller :TICKET AGENT (any ind.): 238.367–026 ° 07.03.01 TICKET SELLER (clerical) 211.467–030 07.03.01 ticket stamper :TICKETER (textile): 229.587-018 05.09.03 TICKET TAKER (amuse. & rec.) 344.667-0 10 09.05.08 TICKET TAKER, FERRYBOAT (water trans.) 9 11.677-010 05.12.04 TICKET WORKER (tobacco) 221.482-018 05.09.02 tick sewer :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bed- spring): 780.682-010 06.02.05 Tie-Back Sewer, Automatic (house furn.) :FOLDER-SEAMER, AUTOMATIC (any ind.): 787.685-014 06.04.05 TIE BINDER (garment) 920.687-190 06.04.38 tie fastener TAPE-FASTENER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-122 06.04.04 Tie Handler (wood preserving) :LABORER, WOOD- PRESERVING PLANT (wood preserving): 561.686-010 06.04.18 TIE INSPECTOR (sawmill) 669.687-026 03.04.02 Tie-Knitter Helper (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods): 685.686-014 06.04.06 tie-mill operator : ADZING-AND-BORING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (wood preserving): 669.682-010 tie-out worker :COTTON TIER (agric.): 920.687-074 03.04.01 Tie Presser (clean., dye., & press.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 TIE PRESSER (knit goods) 789.687-178 06.04.27 tie puller BALING-MACHINE TENDER (any ind.): 920.685- 0 1 0 06.04.38 tier ASSEMBLER (garment; 06.03.02 TIER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-1 18 06.04.28 TIER-AND-DETONATOR (mining & quarrying) 93 1.664-010 05.12.02 Tier-Lift-Truck Operator (any ind.) :INDUSTRIAL-TRUCK OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-050 * 06.04.40 Tier, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 tie-tape-machine operator TAPE-FASTENER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-122 06.04.04 TIE-UP WORKER (bal. & scales) 7 10.687-034 06.04.38 tiger-machine operator :STRIKE-OUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-030 06.04.16 Tight Cooper (cooperage) :COOPER (cooperage): 764.684-022 05.10.01 TIGHTENING-MACHINE 640.685-082 06.04.04 tight-rope walker :WIRE WALKER (amuse. & rec.): 159.347- 022 12.02.01 glove & mit.): 781.687-010 OPERATOR goods) (paper Tile-and-Terra-Cotta Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.38 1-0 1 0 * 05.10.01 tile classifier :TILE SHADER (brick & tile): 574.367-010 06.03.01 TILE-CONDUIT LAYER (const.) 861.38 1-062 05.10.01 TILE DECORATOR (brick & tile) 773.381-010 01.06.03 tile edger :FETTLER (brick & tile): 779.684-018 * 06.04.30 tile fitter :TILE SETTER (const.): 861.38 1-054 05.05.01 TILE GRINDER (brick & tile) 679.685-022 06.04.08 Tile Inspector (floor covering, n.e.c.) :INSPECTOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.367-010 06.03.01 Tile Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :INSTALLER (mfa. blags.; trans. equip.): 869.684-026 06.02.22 tile layer :TILE SETTER (const.): 861.38 1-054 05.05.01 Tile-Machine Operator (build. board) :HIGH-DENSITY FINISHING OPERATOR (build. board): 539.562-010 06.02.18 tile mason :TILE SETTER (const.): 861.38 1-054 05.05.01 Tile-Molder, Hand (brick & tile) :MOLDER, HAND (brick & tile): 575.684-042 06.02.30 tile paster :PASTER (brick & tile): 773.684-014 * 06.04.30 TILE-POWER-SHEAR OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 692.685-222 06.04.09 TILE SETTER (const.) 861.38 1-054 05.05.01 tile setter :SOFT-TILE SETTER (const.; ret. tr.): 861.38 1-034 05.05.01 TILE SETTER (mfa. blogs.) 861.684-018 05.12.09 | TILE SETTER APPRENTICE (const.) 861.38 1-058 05.10.01 Tile Setter Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-014 * 05.10.01 Tile Setter Supervisor (const.) :BRICKLAYER SUPERVISOR (const.): 861. 131-0 10 05.05.01 TILE SHADER (brick & tile) 574.367-010 06.03.01 TILE SORTER (brick & tile) 573.687-038 * 06.03.02 Tile Sprayer (brick & tile) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 74 1.687-018 06.04.33 Tilting-Furnace Operator, Oil or Gas (found.) :FURNACE OPERATOR (found.; iron & steel): 512.362-018 06.02.10 tilting-head band-sawyer :BAND-SCROLL-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-010 06.02.03 Tilting-Saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 Tilting-Table Operator (iron & steel) :TABLE OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 613.682-026 06.04.02 Tilt-Wall Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 131-0 14 05.05.01 timber cruiser ;CRUISER (forestry; 03.01.04 Timber Cutter (mining & quarrying) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERA- TOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 TIMBER FRAMER (mining & quarrying) 05.05.02 TIMBER-FRAMER HELPER (mining & quarrying) 869.687- 042 05.12.12 Timber-Incisor Operator (wood preserving) MACHINE OPERATOR (wood preserving): 06.02.18 Timbering Supervisor (const.) :SUPERVISOR, CARPENTERS (const.): 860. 131-018 05.05.02 Timber-Management Specialist (profess. & kin.) :FORESTER (profess. & kin.): 040.061-034 * 03.01.04 TIMBER PACKER (sawmill) 922.687-094 05.12.03 timber repairer :TIMBER FRAMER (mining & quarrying): 869.38 1-034 05.05.02 logging): 459.387-010 869.38 1-034 :INCISING- 569.662-010 Timber Setter (const.) :CARPENTER, ROUGH (const.): 860.381-042 05.05.02 TIMBER-SIZER OPERATOR (plan. mill) 665.482-018 06.02.03 Timber Sprinkler (mining & quarrying) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 741.687-018 06.04.33 - timber supervisor :SUPERVISOR, (logging): 454. 134-010 03.04.02 timber-treating-tank operator :TREATING ENGINEER (wood preserving): 561.362-010 06.02.18 timber trimmer CUT-OFF SAWYER, LOG (paper & pulp; sawmill): 667.685-034 03.04.02 Time-Analysis Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 Time Checker (clerical) :TIMEKEEPER (clerical): 215.36.7- 022 07.02.05 Time-Clock Repairer (clock & watch) :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281-010 * 06.01.04 Time Clock Repairer (elec. equip.) :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-014 05.05.05 TIMEKEEPER (clerical) 215.367-022 07.02.05 timekeeper, chief :PAYROLL CLERK, CHIEF (clerical): 215. 1 37-0 1 4 07.02.05 FELLING-BUCKING :STATISTICAL CLERK 682 Timer (amuse. & rec.) :SCORER (amuse. & rec.): 153.387-014 12.01.02 - imer :INSPECTOR, TIMING (clock & watch): 715.685-034 * 06.01.05 Timer (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (motion pic.) I: 976.381-010 02.04.01 imer checker :INSTRUMENT CHECKER (inst. & app.): 7 10.687–026 06.03.02 Time-Signal Wirer (tel. & tel.) :EQUIPMENT INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-010 05.05.05 Time-Study Analyst (profess. & kin.) :INDUSTRIAL EN- GINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.): 0.12.267-010 * 05.03.06 ime-study analyst :TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–070 05.01.06 TIME-STUDY ENGINEER (profess. 05.01.06 <- TIMING ADJUSTER (clock & watch) 715.681-010 06.02.24 iming-machine operator :INSPECTOR, TIMING (clock & watch): 715.685-034 * 06.01.05 in-can feeder :PACKING-MACHINE (tobacco): 920.686-030 06.04.38 TIN-CONTAINER STRIAGHTENER (tobacco) 709.687-046 06.04.24 Tin Dipper (galvanizing) :PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing): 501.685-010 06.04.21 - Tinner (electronics) :ELECTRONICS WORKER (electronics): 726.687-0 1 0 06.04.34 Tinner, Automatic (galvanizing) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (galvanizing): 501.362-010 06.02.10 Tinner Operator, Connecting Rods (auto. mfg.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 TINNING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (elec. equip.) 501.685-014 06.04.21 - TINNING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.682-022 06.02.09 Tin Plater (electroplating) :PLATER (electroplating): 500.380- 0 1 0 06.02.21 TIN RECOVERY WORKER (ore dress., 5 12.382-018 06.02.10 TIN ROLLER, HOT MILL (iron & 06.01.03 TINSEL-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.685–226 06.04.09 Tinsmith (any ind.) :SHEET-METAL WORKER (any ind.): 804.28 1-0 1 0 * 05.05.06 TIN STACKER (tinvare) 922.687-098 06.04.40 TINTER (paint & varn.) 550.381-01406.02.11 tinter, photograph :COLORIST, PHOTOGRAPHY (photofinish.): 970.381-010 01.06.03 tin-tie-machine operator, automatic :STEEL-TIE ADJUSTER, AUTOMATIC (paper goods): 649.685-110 06.04.09 tint layer :BEN-DAY ARTIST (print. & pub.): 970.681-010 01.06.03 TIN-WHIZ-MACHINE OPERATOR 06.04.16 TIP BANDER (pen & pencil) 733.685-030 06.04.21 tip-banding-machine operator :TIP BANDER (pen & pencil): 733.685-030 06.04.21 Tip Burnisher (boot & shoe) :BURNISHER (boot & shoe): 690.685–058 06.04.05 tip cementer :FOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (boot & shoe): 788.685-01 4 06.04.05 TIP FINISHER (boot & shoe) 690.685-418 06.04.05 TIP INSERTER (woodworking) 669.682-066 06.02.09 TIP-LENGTH CHECKER (tobacco) 529.467-010 06.03.01 Tip Maker (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 tipper :POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687–070 06.04.28 & kin.) 012. 167–070 CAN FEEDER smelt., & refin.) steel) 613.360-018 n.e.c.) (fabric. prod., (textile) 582.685-154 Tipper (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-010 * 06.02.05 tipper :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 tipper :TIPSTRETCHER (hat & cap): 580.685-062 06.04.05 tipper :TIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil): 733.685-034 06.04.20 TIPPER (print. & pub.) 795.684-022 06.04.26 tipper :TRIMMER (silverware): 705.682-01406.02.02 tipping-machine operator :TIP STRETCHER (hat & cap): 580.685-062 06.04.05 tipping-machine operator :FELT-TIPPING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil): 686.686-010 06.04.09 TIPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 733.685-034 06.04.20 Tipping-Machine Operator (umbrella) :FASTENER-SEWING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-010 06.04.05 tipping-machine operator, automatic :SHOELACE-TIPPING- MACHINE OPERATOR (narrow fabrics): 686.685-062 06.04.20 TIPPLE OPERATOR (sawmill) 921.662-026 05.12.04 Tipple Repairer (mining & quarrying) :REPAIRER (mining & quarrying): 630.281-022 05.05.09 tipple supervisor SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION PLANT (mining & quarrying): 549. 137-01406.01.01 TIPPLE TENDER (corn prod.) 521.685-366 06.04.40 TIPPLE TENDER (veneer & plywood) 669.685-090 06.04.40 tipple worker :DUMP OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.685-038 05.11.04 TIP PRINTER (hat & cap) 651.682-022 06.04.37 Tip Puncher (boot & shoe) :CUT-OUT-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-1 14 06.04.05 Tip Sewer (glove & mit.) TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 787.685-042 06.04.05 Tip Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 TIP STRETCHER (hat & cap) 580.685-062 06.04.05 tip tester :TIP-LENGTH CHECKER (tobacco): 529.467-010 06.03.01 tip tightener ASSEMBLER, MECHANICAL PENCILS AND BALLPOINT PENS (pen & pencil): 733.687-01406.04.23 TIRE ADJUSTER (ret. tr.) 241.367–034 05.09.01 tire-and-tube repairer :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684- 0 1 0 05.12.15 tire-and-tube servicer :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684- 0 1 0 05.12.15 tire assembler :TIRE MOUNTER (fabric. 739.684-158 06.04.23 TIRE BALANCER (rubber tire & tube) 750.687-014 06.04.29 TIRE-BLADDER MAKER (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-042 06.04.29 TIRE BUFFER (auto. ser.) 690.685-422 05.12.13 Tire Buffer (rubber tire & tube) :BUFFER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 759.684-022 06.04.29 TIRE BUILDER (auto. ser.) 750.684-022 05.12.12 prod., n.e.c.): TIRE BUILDER, AUTOMOBILE (rubber tire & tube) 750.384-010 * 06.02.29 Tire Builder, Heavy Service (rubber tire & tube) :TIRE BUILDER, AUTOMOBILE (rubber tire & tube): 750.384- 0 1 0 * 06.02.29 Tire-Building Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-0 10 06.02.01 Tire Changer (auto. ser.) :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. 9 15.684-0 1 0 05.12.15 Tire Changer, Aircraft (air trans.) :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684-010 05.12.15 Tire Changer, Road Service (auto. ser.) (auto. ser.): 915.684-010 05.12.15 TIRE CLASSIFIER (rubber tire & tube) 750.387-010 06.03.01 ser.): :TIRE REPAIRER 683 Tire Debeader (rubber reclaim.) SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 Tire-Fabric-Impregnating-Range Back-Tender (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-010 06.04.16 TIRE-FABRIC-IMPREGNATING-RANGE OPERATOR, CHIEF (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 589.662-014 06.02.16 Tire-Fabric-Impregnating-Range Tender (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE TENDER (textile): 589.685- 026 06.04.16 Tire-Fabric Inspector (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 Tire-Finishing Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 tire fixer :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684-0 1 0 05.12.15 TIRE GROOVER (auto. ser.) 750.684-026 05.12.13 TIRE INSPECTOR (auto. ser.) 750.687-018 06.03.02 TIRE INSPECTOR (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-030 06.03.02 Tire Mold Engraver, Numerical Control (mach. shop) :ENGRAVER, TIRE MOLD (mach. shop): 605.382-014 06.02.02 TIRE MOLDER (rubber tire & tube) 553.685-102 06.04.13 TIRE MOUNTER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684-158 06.04.23 tire rebuilder :TIRE BUILDER (auto. ser.): 750.684-022 05.12.12 TIRE RECAPPER (auto. ser.) 750.685-014 05.12.12 TIRE-REGROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (auto. 690.662-010 05.12.13 TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.) 9 15.684-0 1 0 05.12.15 TIRE REPAIRER (rubber tire & tube) 750.681-010 06.02.29 Tire-Room Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-010 06.02.01 ser.) tire servicer :TIRE REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 915.684-010 05.12.15 TIRE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (auto. ser.) 915.134-010 05.12.01 TIRE SETTER (toys & games) 731.685-018 06.04.34 TIRE SORTER (rubber tire & tube) 750.687-022 06.03.02 tire spotter :TIRE BALANCER (rubber tire & tube): 750.687- 0 1 4 06.04.29 TIRE TECHNICIAN 06.03.01 TIRE TRIMMER, HAND (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-034 06.04.29 Tire Trucker (rubber tire & tube) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * TIRE VULCANIZER (auto. ser.) 750.684-038 05.12.12 Tire Wrapper (auto. ser.; rubber tire & tube) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 Tissue Inserter (hosiery) :CARDBOARD INSERTER (hosiery): 920.687-062 06.04.27 Tissue Technician (medical ser.) :MEDICAL-LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (medical ser.): 078.381-014 * 02.04.01 TISSUE TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.361-030 02.04.02 title abstractor :ABSTRACTOR (profess. & kin.): 119.267-010 11.04.04 title and beneficiary clerk :POLICY-CHANGE CLERK (insurance): 219.362-042 07.02.02 Title Artist (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.) :ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.): 141.061-022 * 01.02.03 TITLE ATTORNEY (profess. & kin.) 110.117-042 11.04.02 TITLE CLERK (petrol. production; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 162.267-0 1 0 07.01.05 Title Clerk, Automobile (clerical) :TYPIST (clerical): 203.582- 066 * 07.06.02 title examiner :TITLE ATTORNEY (profess. & kin.): 110.1 17- 042 11.04.02 TITLE EXAMINER (profess. & kin.) 119.287-010 07.01.05 TITLE SEARCHER (real estate) 209.367-046 07.05.02 (rubber tire & tube) 750.382-010 TITLE SUPERVISOR (profess. & kin.) 119.167-018 07.01.05 titrator :CHEMICAL-STRENGTH TESTER (textile): 582.587 0 1 0 06.03.02 TNT-LINE SUPERVISOR (explosives) 559.131-018 06.02.01 Toaster-Element Repairer (elec. equip.) :APPLIANC REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 Toaster Operator (tobacco) :TOBACCO-DRIER OPERATOI (tobacco): 523.685-1 18 06.04.15 Tobacco Baler (tobacco) :BALING-MACHINE TENDER (an ind.): 920.685-010 06.04.38 TOBACCO BLENDER (ret. tr.) 790.381-010 05.10.08 Tobacco-Checkout Clerk (whole. tr.) :SHIPPING CHECKER (clerical): 222.687-030 05.09.01 - tobacco cleaner :RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685 270 06.04.15 TOBACCO-CLOTH RECLAIMER (waste & batting) 589.686 050 06.04.05 tobacco conditioner 522.687–026 06.04.28 TOBACCO CURER (agric.) 523.682-038 06.02.15 tobacco curer :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): 522.687-02 06.04.28 tobacco Cutter :SLICE-PLUG-CUTTER (tobacco): 521.685-298 06.04.15 tobacco cutter :SMOKING-TOBACCO-CUTTER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-310 06.04.15 tobacco cutter :STRIP-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685-338 06.04.15 - tobacco dipper :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): 522.687-026 06.04.28 :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco) OPERATOR TOBACCO-DRIER OPERATOR (tobacco) 523.685-1 18 06.04.15 tobacco drying-machine operator :REDRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.662-014 06.02.15 Tobacco Farmworker (agric.) :FARMWORKER, FIELD CROP (agric.) II: 404.687-010 03.04.01 tobacco flavorer :CASING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685-030 06.04.15 Tobacco Grader (agric.) :INSPECTOR-GRADER, AGRICUL- TURAL ESTABLISHMENT (agric.): 409.687-010 03.04.01 Tobacco Grower (agric.) :FARMER, FIELD CROP (agric.): 404.1 6 1-0 10 03.01.01 Tobacco Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 TOBACCO-PACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) 920.685-098 06.04.38 tobacco roller :TWISTER, HAND (tobacco): 790.687-030 06.04.28 TOBACCO-SAMPLE PULLER (tobacco) 529.587-022 06.04.28 Tobacco-Scrap Sifter (tobacco) :RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685–270 06.04.15 tobacco shaker :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-1 10 06.04.28 tobacco-sieve operator :RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco): 521.685–270 06.04.15 tobacco sprayer :WRAPPER-HANDS SPRAYER (tobacco): 522.687-042 06.04.28 Tobacco-Stem-Drier Operator (tobacco) :TOBACCO-DRIER OPERATOR (tobacco): 523.685-118 06.04.15 tobacco stemmer, machine :STEMMER, MACHINE (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 tobacco stripper, hand 521.687-134 * 06.04.28 tobacco-stripping-machine operator (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 :STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): :STEMMER, MACHINE TOBACCO-WAREHOUSE AGENT (bus. ser.) 259.357-038 08.01.02 Tobacco Weigher (clerical) :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 684 toe and heel laster :BED LASTER (boot & shoe): 690.682-018 06.02.05 TOE-CLOSING-MACHINE TENDER (hosiery) 787.685-046 06.04.05 TOE FORMER, STITCHDOWNS (boot & shoe) 690.685-426 06.04.05 toe laster, automatic :TOE FORMER, STITCHDOWNS (boot & shoe): 690.685-426 06.04.05 TOE LASTER, AUTOMATIC (boot & shoe) 690.685-430 06.04.05 Toe-Lining Closer (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Toe Pounder (boot & shoe) :POUNDER (boot & 690.685-31 4 06.04.05 Toe Puller (slaught. & meat pack.) :SHAVER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-094 06.04.28 Toe Sewer (hosiery) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery): 787.682-074 * 06.02.05 Toe Stapler (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Toe Stripper (lasts & rel. forms) :LAST TRIMMER (lasts & rel. forms): 669.682-054 06.02.03 TOGGLE-PRESS FOLDER-AND-FEEDER (boot & 690.686-066 06.04.05 toggle-press operator :PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any ind.); 617.260-010 06.02.02 toggler :LABORER, GENERAL (leather mfg.): 589.686-026 06.04.27 toilet attendant : RESTROOM ATTENDANT 358.677-018 09.05.07 Toibing Clerk (tel. & tel.) :BILLING TYPIST (clerical): 214.382-014 07.02.04 Toll-Bridge Attendant (gov. ser.) TOLL COLLECTOR (gov. ser.): 21 1.462-038 07.03.01 TOLL COLLECTOR (gov. ser.) 211.462-038 07.03.01 Toll-Line Repairer (tel. & tel.) :LINE INSTALLER-REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-014 05.05.05 Toll Repairer, Central Office (tel. & tel.) :CENTRAL-OFFICE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.): 822.281-014 * 05.05.05 Tomato Grader (can. & preserv.) :GRADER (can. & preserv.): 529.687–098 06.03.02 Tomato Grader (whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Tomato-Paste Maker (can. & preserv.) :EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.; sugar): 521.382- 0 1 0 06.02.15 Tomato-Pulper Operator (can. & preserv.) :PULPER TENDER (can. & preserv.): 521.685-262 06.04.15 tombstone setter :MONUMENT SETTER (const.): 861.361-014 05.05.01 tonal regulator 05.05.12 Ton-Container Filler (comp. & liquefied gases) :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 Ton-Container Shipper (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED-GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587-010 06.04.40 Ton-Cylinder Inspector (comp. & liquefied gases) :CYLINDER INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (comp. & liquefied gases): 953.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 tone artist :PROCESS ARTIST (print. & pub.): 972.281-010 * 01.06.01 tone-artist apprentice :PROCESS-ARTIST APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 972.281-018 01.06.01 TONE CABINET ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730.684-090 06.02.23 TONE REGULATOR (musical inst.) 730.684-094 06.04.34 shoe): shoe) (any ind.): :PIANO TUNER (any ind.): 730.361-010 Tongue-and-Groove-Machine Feeder (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 TONGUE-AND-GROOVE-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.662-018 06.02.03 Tongue-and-Groove-Machine Setter (woodworking) :MACHINE SETTER (woodworking): 669.280–010 06.01.02 Tongue and Quarter Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 - Tongue Cutter (slaught. & meat pack.) :HEAD TRIMMER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-034 06.04.28 Tongue-Lining Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 TONGUE PRESSER (boot & shoe) 788.685-022 06.04.05 Tongue Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 TONNAGE-COMPILATION CLERK (water trans.) 248.387– 0 1 4 07.02.04 tonsorial artist :BARBER (per. ser.): 330.371-010 * 09.02.02 tool-and-die inspector :INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 601.28 1-022 05.07.01 TOOL-AND-DIE MAKER (mach. shop) 601.280-046 * 05.05.07 TOOL-AND-DIE-MAKER APPRENTICE (mach. shop) 60.1 .280-050 05.05.07 Tool-and-Die Repairer (mach. shop) :TOOL-AND-DIE MAKER (mach. shop): 601.280-046 ° 05.05.07 TOOL-AND-DIE SUPERVISOR (mach. shop) 601. 130-010 05.05.07 tool-and-equipment design specialist (profess. & kin.): 0.07.061-026 05.01.07 TOOL-AND-EQUIPMENT-RENTAL CLERK (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 295.357-014 09.04.02 tool-and-gage inspector :INSPECTOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 601.28 1-022 05.07.01 tool-and-machine maintainer :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any ind.): 638.281-014 * 05.05.09 tool-and-production planner :PRODUCTION (profess. & kin.): 012. 167–050 05.01.06 tool-and-production planner, numerical control :TOOL PRO- GRAMER, NUMERICAL CONTROL (any ind.): 007. 16.7- O 1 8 * 05.01.06 Tool Bender, Hand (any ind.) :FORMER, HAND (any ind.): 619.361-010 05.05.06 Tool Chaser (any ind.) 922.687–058 * 05.09.01 tool clerk :TOOL-CRIB ATTENDANT (clerical): 222.367-062 05.09.01 - TOOL-CRIB ATTENDANT (clerical) 222.367–062 05.09.01 TOOL-CRIB SUPERVISOR (clerical) 222. 137-046 05.09.01 TOOL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 007.061-026 05.01.07 TOOL-DESIGNER APPRENTICE (profess. & kin.) 007.061- 030 05.01.07 TOOL-DRAWING CHECKER 007. 167–022 05.03.02 TOOL DRESSER (any ind.) 601.682-010 06.04.02 Tool-Dresser (forging) :BLACKSMITH (forging): 610.381-010 05.05.06 tool dresser :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop): 603.682-014 06.02.02 tool dresser :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. 603.280-038 06.01.03 tooler :LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.): 781.381-018 01.06.02 TOOL FILER (pottery & porc.) 701.684-030 05.12.13 tool filer, hand :FILER, HAND, TOOL (mach. shop): 705.484- 0 1 0 05.05.07 TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I 701.381-018 05.05.07 TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II 603.664-010 06.02.01 :TOOL DESIGNER PLANNER :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) shop): 685 tool grinder :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop): 603.682-014 06.02.02 tool grinder TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. Shop): 603.280–038 06.01.03 TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. 06.01.03 tool-grinding-machine operator :TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280-038 06.01.03 TOOLING COORDINATOR, PRODUCTION ENGINEERING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 169.167–054 05.02.03 TOOL-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. 601.280–054 05.05.07 t TOOL-MAINTENANCE WORKER (office mach.) 701.384- 0 1 0 06.02.24 TOOL MAKER (mach. shop) 601.280-042 05.05.07 TOOL-MAKER APPRENTICE (mach. shop) 601.280-058 05.05.07 TOOL MAKER, BENCH (mach. shop) 601.281-026 05.05.07 Tool Marker (mach. shop) :LABORER, GENERAL (mach. shop): 609.684-01406.04.39 TOOL PLANNER (any ind.) 012.167-074 05.01.06 tool procurement coordinator :TOOLING COORDINATOR, PRODUCTION ENGINEERING (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 169. 167–054 05.02.03 - tool programer, automatic :TOOL PROGRAMER, NUMERI- CAL CONTROL (any ind.): 007. 167-018 + 05.01.06 TOOL PROGRAMER, NUMERICAL CONTROL (any ind.) 007. 16.7-018 * 05.01.06 tool programer, tape :TOOL PROGRAMER, NUMERICAL CONTROL (any ind.): 007. 167-018 + 05.01.06 TOOL PUSHER (petrol. production) 930. 130-010 05.02.05 Tool Pusher, Shallow-Exploratory Drilling (petrol. production) :TOOL PUSHER (petrol. production): 930. 130-010 05.02.05 Tool Repairer (mach. shop) :TOOL MAKER (mach. shop): 601.280-042 05.05.07 - TOOL REPAIRER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 519.684-026 06.02.32 Tool Repairer, Bench (mach. shop) :TOOL MAKER, BENCH (mach. shop): 601.281-026 05.05.07 tool-room gear-machine operator :GEAR-CUTTING- MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 602.280–010 06.01.03 tool-room-lathe operator :ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERA- TOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-010 06.01.03 tool setter :KICK PRESS SETTER (button); 617.380-010 06.01.02 tool setter :JOB SETTER (fabric. plastics prod.; mach. mfg.; mach. shop): 600.380-01406.01.02 tool setter :PRESS-HAND SUPERVISOR (jewelry): 615. 130- 0 1 0 06.02.02 tool sharpener TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) II: 603.664-010 06.02.01 tool sharpener TOOL GRINDER (any ind.) I: 701.381-018 05.05.07 tool sharpener :KNIFE GRINDER (mach. shop): 603.682-014 06.02.02 tool sharpener TOOL-GRINDER OPERATOR (mach. shop): 603.280–038 06.01.03 Tool Straightener (any ind.) :STRAIGHTENER, HAND (any ind.): 709.484-01 4 06.02.24 Tooth-Brush-Boring-and-Filling-Machine Operator (brush & broom) :BORING-AND-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom): 692.682-018 06.02.09 TOOTH CLERK (medical ser.) 222.687-038 05.12.19 TOOTH CUTTER (clock & watch) 605.685-050 06.02.02 Tooth Cutter, Clutch (clock & watch) :TOOTH CUTTER (clock & watch): 605.685-050 06.02.02 Tooth Cutter, Contact Wheel (clock & watch) :TOOTH CUTTER, ESCAPE WHEEL (clock & watch): 605.682-026 06.02.02 shop) 603.280-038 shop) TOOTH CUTTER, ESCAPE WHEEL 605.682-026 06.02.02 Tooth Cutter, Hobbing Machine (clock & watch) :TOOTH CUTTER (clock & watch): 605.685-050 06.02.02 Tooth Cutter, Pinion (clock & watch) :TOOTH CUTTER (clock & watch): 605.685-050 06.02.02 - Tooth Cutter, Spur (clock & watch) :TOOTH CUTTER (clock & watch): 605.685-050 06.02.02 TOOTH INSPECTOR (medical ser.) 712.687-038 ± 06.03.02 TOOTH POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.682-026 06.02.02 top-and-seat-cover fitter :AUTOMOBILE-SEAT-COVER-AND- CONVERTIBLE-TOP INSTALLER (auto. ser.): 780.384-010 05.05.15 - top-bottom-attaching-machine operator :BUTTON.—AT- TACHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; hat & cap): 699.685-0 1 0 06.04.05 Top Cager (mining & quarrying) :CAGER (mining & quarry- ing): 939.667-010 05.12.04 Top-Cap Filler (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 . Top Case Assembler (musical inst.) :PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.): 763.684-058 06.04.25 top cleaner ROLLER CLEANER (textile): 680.687-014 06.04.39 Top-Collar Baster (garment) 782.684-058 06.04.27 Top-Collar Maker (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 (clock & watch) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): Top Coverer (mort. goods) :CASKET COVERER (mort. goods): 780.684-026 06.04.27 TOP-DYEING-MACHINE LOADER (felt goods; textile) 582.686-030 06.04.16 Top-Dyeing-Machine Tender (textile) :PACKAGE-DYEING- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 Top-Edge Beveler (any ind.) :LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.): 705.687-01406.04.34 top flavor attendant :CASING-MATERIAL WEIGHER (tobacco): 520.687–026 06.04.28 TOP FORMER (boot & shoe) 788.685-026 06.04.05 Top-Frame Coverer (mort. goods) :CASKET COVERER (mort. goods): 780.684-026 06.04.27 Top-Frame Fitter (mort. goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort. goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 Top-Frame Maker (mort, goods) :CASKET ASSEMBLER (mort, goods): 739.481-010 06.02.22 TOP-HAT-BODY MAKER (hat & cap) 784.684-074 06.04.27 top icer :ICER (whole. tr.): 922.687-046 05.12.03 Top Installer (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERER (auto. ser.): 780.381-010 05.05.15 top ironer TOP FORMER (boot & 06.04.05 top-lift and automatic-window repairer :AUTOMATIC-WIN- DOW-SEAT-AND-TOP-LIFT REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 825.381-01 4 05.10.03 Top-Lift Compressor (boot & shoe) :HEEL COMPRESSOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-2 10 06.04.05 Top-Lift Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 * - Top-Lift Nailer (boot & shoe) :FASTENER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-162 06.04.05 Top-Lift Scourer (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & 690.685-046 06.04.05 Top-Lift Trimmer (boot & shoe) TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 topline-beading-machine tender :FOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (boot & shoe): 788.685-014 06.04.05 topographic computer GEODETIC COMPUTER (profess. & kin.): 0 18. 167-014 05.03.01 TOPPER (knit goods) 685.687–026 06.04.27 shoe): 788.685-026 shoe): 686 opper :WIRE-BORDER ASSEMBLER (matt. & bedspring): 780.685-018 06.04.20 opper :SANDER (smoking pipe): 761.684-030 06.04.34 Topper Packer (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Topper-Press Operator (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 ſopper-Press Operator, Automatic (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 + 06.04.05 Toppiece Chopper (boot & shoe) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) II: 699.685-014 06.04.09 Toppiece Cutter (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 TOP POLISHER (stonework) 673.662-010 06.02.08 TOP-PRECIPITATOR OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.465-010 06.02.10 TOP-PRECIPITATOR-OPERATOR HELPER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511.586-010 06.04.10 TOP SCREW (agric.) 410.137-01403.04.01 ſopside Inspector (optical goods) :INSPECTOR, MULTIFO- CAL LENS (optical goods): 716.687-018 06.03.02 Top Steep Tender (corn prod.) :STEEP TENDER (corn prod.): 522.465-010 06.04.15 Top Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Top Stitcher (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 Top Stitcher (sports equip.) :FEATHER STITCHER (sports equip.): 732.684-050 06.04.34 OPSTITCHER, LOCKSTITCH 06.02.05 TOPSTITCHER, ZIGZAG (garment) 786.682-242 06.02.05 Top-Stop Attacher (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) :STOP AT- TACHER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 692.685-206 06.04.20 Top Taper, Machine (boot & shoe) :TAPER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685-414 06.04.05 top-tile decorator :COLORER (brick & tile): 773.684-010 01.06.03 Top Trimmer (boot & shoe) I TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Top Trimmer (boot & shoe) II :TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) II: 690.682-086 06.02.07 top waddy TOP SCREW (agric.): 410.137-01403.04.01 torch brazer :BRAZER, ASSEMBLER (welding): 813.684-010 06.02.22 torch cutter :THERMAL CUTTER, HAND (welding) I: 8 16.464-0 1 0 05.10.01 TORCH-STRAIGHTENER-AND HEATER (any ind.) 709.684- 086 05.10.01 Toroidal-Coil Winder (elec. equip.; electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 torpedo shooter :SHOOTER (petrol. production): 931.361-014 05.10.06 Torpedo Specialist (gov. ser.) :ORDNANCE ARTIFICER (gov. ser.): 632.261-018 05.10.02 TORQUE TESTER (clock & watch) 715.685-066 06.03.02 TORSION SPRING COILING MACHINE SETTER (spring) 61 6.260-022 06.01.02 Tortilla Maker (food prep., n.e.c.) :CORN-PRESS OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.685-078 06.04.15 toter :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-0 10 03.04.05 touch-up finisher, metal :AUTOMOBILE-BODY REPAIRER (auto. ser.): 807.381-010 * 05.05.06 TOUCH-UP PAINTER, HAND (any 06.04.33 | touch-up worker :CLEANER-TOUCH-UP WORKER (office mach.): 706.587-010 06.03.02 touring counselor TRAVEL COUNSELOR, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.): 238.167-014 07.05.01 (garment) 786.682-238 ind.) 740.684-026 tourist-camp attendant :ATTENDANT, LODGING FACILI- TIES (hotel & rest.): 329.467-010 05.10.04 TOURIST-INFORMATION ASSISTANT (gov. ser.) 237.367- 050 07.04.04 tow-car driver :TOW-TRUCK OPERATOR 9 19.663-026 05.08.03 Towel Bander (paper goods) :BANDER, HAND (paper goods): 920.687-026 06.04.38 TOWEL-CABINET REPAIRER 05.10.01 Towel Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Towel Inspector (house furn.) :INSPECTOR, FABRIC (any ind.): 789.587-014 06.03.02 TOWEL INSPECTOR (textile) 652.686-042 06.03.02 Towel-Rack Assembler (woodworking) :WOODENWARE AS- SEMBLER (woodworking): 762.687-070 06.04.22 towel-rolling-machine operator :CONTINUOUS-TOWEL ROLLER (laund.): 361.685-014 06.04.35 Towel Sewer (house furn.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682-026 06.02.05 TOWER ATTENDANT (paper & pulp) 559.666-010 06.04.14 TOWER-CRANE OPERATOR (const.) 921.663-054 05.11.01 tower-dragline operator TOWER-EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (const.): 850.683–042 05.11.04 TOWER ERECTOR (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.361-038 05.05.05 TOWER ERECTOR HELPER (const.; light, heat, & power) 821.684-01 4 05.10.01 TOWER-EXCAVATOR OPERATOR 05.11.04 TOWER HELPER (chem.) 558.385-014 06.02.11 Tower-Hoist Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERA- TOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 TOWER-LOADER OPERATOR (water trans.) 921.683-074 05.11.04 Tower Operator (chem.) II :CHEMICAL OPERATOR (chem.) II: 558.585-014 * 06.04.11 TOWER OPERATOR (r.r. trans.) 9 10.362-010 05.03.03 TOWER OPERATOR (soap) 559.362-034 06.02.18 Tower Supervisor (const.) :SUPERVISOR, STRUCTURAL- STEEL ERECTION (const.): 809. 131-018 05.05.06 Tower-Truck Driver (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.): 905.663-01405.08.01 Tower-Whirler Operator (any ind.) :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY- CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Tow Feeder (cord. & twine) :FIRST-BREAKER FEEDER (cord. & twine): 680.686-014 06.04.16 TOWN CLERK (gov. ser.) 243.367-018 07.01.02 town planner :URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.): 199.167- 014 11.03.02 Tow Picker (matt, & bedspring) :PICKER-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (matt. & bedspring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 Tow-Picker Operator (furn.) :PICKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 680.685-082 06.04.06 TOW-TRUCK OPERATOR (auto. ser.) 9 19.663–026 05.08.03 TOY ASSEMBLER (ret. tr.) 731.684-018 05.12.15 TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games) 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 Toy Assembler, Plastic (toys & games) :TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 Toy Assembler, Wood (toys & games) :TOY ASSEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 Toy-Department Manager (ret. tr.) :MANAGER, DEPART- MENT (ret. tr.): 299. 1 37-0 1 0 + 11.11.05 TOY-ELECTRIC-TRAIN REPAIRER (ret. tr.) 731.684-022 05.10.03 Toy Sorter (confection.) :FACTORY HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 toy stuffer :STUFFER (toys & games): 731.685-014 06.04.34 tracer SKIP TRACER (clerical): 241.367–026 07.04.01 (auto. ser.): (bus. ser.) 709.364-014 (const.) 850.683-042 687 TRACER (const.; stonework) 779.38 1-022 01.06.02 tracer CEPHALOMETRIC ANALYST (medical 078. 384-0 1 0 (02.04.02 tracer-bullet assembly-machine tool setter :STRAIGHT-LINE- PRESS SETTER (ammunition); 616.360-034 06.01.02 ser.): TRACER-BULLET-CHARGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 694.382-014 06.02.09 TRACER-BULLET-SECTION SUPERVISOR (ammunition) 694. 131-0 1 0 06.01.01 Tracer Clerk (clerical) :CUSTOMER-COMPLAINT CLERK (clerical): 241.367-014 07.05.02 - tracer-controlled-milling-machine operator :PROFILING- MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 605.280–01 8 06.01.03 tracer-lathe set-up operator :ENGINE-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-010 06.01.03 TRACER-POWDER BLENDER (explosives) 550.585-042 06.04.11 Tracing-Lathe Set-Up Operator (mach. shop) :ENGINE- LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop): 604.380-018 06.01.03 Track-Broom Operator (r. r. trans.) :RAILWAY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (r. r. trans.): 859.683-018 05.11.01 track-grinder operator :GRINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PORTABLE (r.r. trans.): 910.684-010 05.10.01 track inspector :WAY INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.): 910.367-030 05.07.01 Track Layer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 track layer, head :TRACK-LAYING SUPERVISOR (const.): 869. 1 34-022 05.11.01 track-laying-machine operator OPERATOR (const.; 05.11.01 TRACK-LAYING 05.11.01 track leader :TRACK-LAYING SUPERVISOR 869. 1 34-022 05.11.01 Track-Liner Operator (const.) :TRACK-SURFACING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 910.683-018 05.11.01 TRACKMOBILE OPERATOR (any ind.) 9 19.683-026 05.08.02 TRACK-MOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (const.; mining & quarrying) 9 10.663-010 05.11.01 TRACK OILER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.687–026 05.12.18 TRACK REPAIRER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.682-010 05.12.12 Track-Repairer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 TRACK SUPERVISOR (grain & feed mill.) 921. 132-010 track supervisor :WAY INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.): 910.367-030 05.07.01 TRACK-SURFACING-MACHINE 9 10.683-018 05.11.01 Track-Template-Thermal-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) :THERMAL-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (welding): 8 16.482–0 1 0 06.02.19 tractor-crane engineer :TRACTOR-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-058 05.11.04 TRACTOR-CRANE OPERATOR 05.11.04 Tractor-Drill Operator (const.; mining & quarrying) :DRILLER, MACHINE (const.; mining & quarrying): 930.382-010 TRACTOR MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.281-058 05.05.09 TRACTOR-MECHANIC HELPER (auto. ser.) 620.684-030 05.12.15 TRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.) 929.683-01405.11.04 Tractor Operator (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) I: 9 11.663-01 4 05.11.04 :TRACK-MOVING-MACHINE mining & quarrying): 910.663-010 SUPERVISOR (const.) 869. 1 34-022 (const.): OPERATOR (const.) (any ind.) 921.663-058 Tractor Operator, Battery (mining & quarrying) :TRACTO OPERATOR (any ind.): 929.683-01405.11.04 tractor-sweeper driver :STREET-SWEEPER OPERATOR (go ser.): 9 19.683–022 05.11.01 TRACTOR-TRAILER-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.) 904.38 0 1 0 * 05.08.01 Trade-Show Representative (any ind.) :EXHIBIT-DISPLA REPRESENTATIVE (any ind.): 297.367-010 09.01.02 TRAFFIC AGENT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; wat trans.) 252.257-010 08.01.02 TRAFFIC CHECKER (gov. ser.) 205.367–058 07.04.01 traffic chief :MANAGER, TRAFFIC (tel. & tel.) II: 184. 167 106 TRAFFIC CLERK (bus. ser.) 221.367-078 07.05.01 TRAFFIC CLERK (clerical) 214.587-014 07.02.04 TRAFFIC CLERK (radio & tw broad.) 209.382-022 07.05.03 traffic controller, cable SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC MESSAG SERVICE (tel. & tel.): 239. 137-026 07.05.04 traffic-control operator :TRAIN DISPATCHER (r.r. trans. 184. 167–262 07.04.05 traffic control signaler 05.12.20 Traffic-Court Magistrate (gov. ser.) :MAGISTRATE (gov. ser. 1 1 1. 107-014 11.04.01 V. Traffic Engineer (gov. ser.) :TRANSPORTATION ENGINEE (profess. & kin.): 005.061-038 05.01.08 traffic engineer :COMMERCIAL ENGINEER (radio & t broad.): 003. 187-014 05.01.03 Traffic Enumerator (clerical) (clerical): 216.382-062 07.02.03 TRAFFIC INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r. r. trans.) 184.163-01 11.10.05 TRAFFIC LIEUTENANT (gov. ser.) 375. 167-046 04.01.01 Traffic-Maintenance Officer (gov. ser.) :TRAFFIC-MAIN TENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.): 869.137-010 05.10.01 TRAFFIC-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. Ser. 869. 1 37-010 05.10.01 traffic officer :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser.) I: 375.263-014 04.01.02 Traffic Police Officer (gov. ser.) :POLICE OFFICER (gov. ser. I: 375.263-014 * 04.01.02 TRAFFIC-RATE CLERK (clerical) 214.362-038 07.02.04 TRAFFIC-SAFETY ADMINISTRATOR (gov. ser.) 188. 167 102 11.07.02 TRAFFIC SERGEANT (gov. ser.) 375. 137-026 04.01.01 Traffic-Signal Repairer (light, heat, & power) :STREET-LIGH SERVICER (light, heat, & power): 824.381-010 05.05.05 Traffic-Signal Supervisor, Maintenance (gov. ser.) :TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.): 869.137-01( 05.10.01 Traffic-Sign Erection Supervisor (gov. ser.) :TRAFFIC-MAIN TENANCE SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.): 869. 137-010 05.10.01 traffic superintendent :MANAGER, TRAFFIC (tel. & tel.) II 184.167 - 106 traffic supervisor :MATERIAL-HANDLING SUPERVISO (any ind.): 921. 133-018 05.12.01 TRAFFIC TECHNICIAN (gov. ser.) 199.267-030 05.03.06 trailer :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 TRAILER ASSEMBLER (auto. mfg.) 806.38 1-058 * 06.02.22 Trailer-Body Assembler (auto. mfg.) :TRAILER ASSEMBLE (auto. mfg.): 806.381-058 * 06.02.22 Trailer Chief (photofinish.) :LABORATORY (photofinish.): 976. 131-010 05.10.05 TRAILER-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.) 295.467–022 09.04.02 trailer-sections assembler :MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER (auto mfg.): 806.684-082 06.02.22 Trailer Steerer (logging) :LOG-TRUCK DRIVER (logging) 904.683–0 1 0 05.08.01 :FLAGGER (const.): 372.667–02 :STATISTICAL CLER CHIE 688 'railer-Tank-Truck Driver (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.) :TANK-TRUCK DRIVER (petrol. refin.; ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 903.683-018 * 05.08.01 railer-truck driver TRACTOR-TRAILER-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904.383-010 * 05.08.01 "RAIN CLERK (r. r. trans.) 219.462-014 07.05.03 rain conductor :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 "RAIN DISPATCHER (r. r. trans.) 184.167-262 07.04.05 raining instructor :TRAINING REPRESENTATIVE (education): 166.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.02 RAINING REPRESENTATIVE (education) 166.227-010 11.02.02 Train Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 rammer :DINKEY OPERATOR (any ind.): 919.663-014 05.11.04 ranscriber :ARRANGER (profess. & kin.): 152.067-010 01.04.02 ranscribing clerk :POSTING CLERK (clerical): 216.587-014 07.02.02 TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582- 058 07.06.02 ranscribing operator, head :SUPERVISOR, TRANSCRIBING OPERATORS (clerical): 203. 132-014 07.06.02 ranscripter :ARRANGER (profess. & kin.): 01.04.02 ransfer and line-up worker :LINE-UP WORKER (auto. mſg.): 221.367–026 05.09.02 ransfer-and-pumphouse operator :TANK-FARM ATTENDANT (chem.); 559.665-038 06.04.11 TRANSFER-AND-PUMPHOUSE OPERATOR, CHIEF (chem.) 559. 132-138 06.04.01 TRANSFER-CAR OPERATOR (brick & tile) 921.683-078 05.11.04 RANSFER-CAR OPERATOR, DRIER (pipe & boiler cov.) 921 .583-0 1 0 05.11.04 TRANSFER CONTROLLER (sawmill) 921.682-022 05.12.04 Transfer Engineer (logging) :HOISTING ENGINEER (any ind.): 921.663-030 05.11.04 transfer-iron operator TRANSFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery; house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.): 659.685-022 06.04.37 transfer knitter :KNITTER, FULL-FASHIONED GARMENT (knit goods): 685.665-010 06.04.06 TRANSFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (hosiery; house furn.; tex. prod., n.e.c.) 659.685-022 06.04.37 TRANSFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (mach. shop) 609.685- 022 06.02.02 TRANSFER OPERATOR 06.04.40 TRANSFER OPERATOR 05.10.05 transfer operator : KHLN-TRANSFER (woodworking): 569.683-010 05.11.04 TRANSFERRER (clock & watch) 715.684-190 06.01.04 TRANSFERRER (print. & pub.) 972.381-026 01.06.01 Transfer-Table Operator (iron & steel) :TABLE OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys); 613.682-026 06.04.02 TRANSFER-TABLE OPERATOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r. r. trans.) 9 10.683-022 05.11.04 152.067-010 (paper & pulp) 921.685-066 (print. & pub.) 651.382-038 OPERATOR TRANSFER-TABLE OPERATOR HELPER (loco. & car blog. & rep.; r.r. trans.) 9 10.667-030 05.12.04 transformer assembler :TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (any ind.): 724.381-018 05.10.03 TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLER (elec. 06.01.04 ransformer assembler :POWER-TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (light, heat, & power): 821.361-034 05.05.05 equip.) 820.381-014 Prototype (electronics) DEVELOPMENTAL Transformer Assembler, :ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLER, (electronics): 726.261-010 05.05.05 TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR (elec. equip.) 820. 1 37-010 06.02.01 Transformer-Coil Assembler (electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 Transformer-Coil Winder (elec. equip.; electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724,684-026 ° 06.04.23 Transformer-Coil Winder (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 Transformer-Core Assembler (elec. equip.) :LAMINATION ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 729.484-010 06.02.23 Transformer Inspector (elec. equip.) :CIRCULATING PROCESS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.): 829.361-018 06.01.05 Transformer Molder (elec. equip.) :MOLD OPERATOR (elec. equip.): 729.684-030 06.02.32 transformer rebuilder TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (any ind.): 724.381-018 05.10.03 TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (any ind.) 724.381-018 05.10.03 TRANSFORMER SHOP SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 724.131-014 05.05.10 TRANSFORMER-STOCK CLERK (light, heat, & power) 222.587-054 05.09.01 - Transformer Tester (elec. equip.) :TESTER, MOTORS AND CONTROLS (elec. equip.): 721.281-030 06.01.05 TRANSFORMER TESTER (light, heat, & power) 724.281-010 06.01.05 TRANSIT CLERK (finan. inst.) 217.382-01 4 07.06.02 transit-mix operator :CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (const.): 900.683-010 05.08.03 - transit-operations supervisor :DISPATCHER, BUS AND TROL- LEY (motor trans.): 913. 167-014 07.04.05 TRANSLATOR (profess. & kin.) 137.267-018 11.08.04 translator, deaf :INTERPRETER, DEAF (profess. & kin.): 137.267-01 4 01.03.02 ** Transliterator (profess. & kin.) :TRANSLATOR (profess. & kin.): 137.267-018 11.08.04 transmission-and-coordination engineer :POWER-TRANSMIS- SION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–050 05.01.03 TRANSMISSION-AND-PROTECTION ENGINEER tel.) 003. 167-066 05.01.03 Transmission Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE (tel. & SUBASSEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-094 06.04.22 transmission engineer :ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, STUDIO OPERATIONS (radio & tv broad.): 003. 167–030 05.01.03 transmission engineer :TRANSMISSION-AND-PROTECTION ENGINEER (tel. & tel.): 003. 167-066 05.01.03 transmission-line engineer :POWER-TRANSMISSION EN- GINEER (light, heat, & power): 003. 167–050 05.01.03 Transmission-Maintenance Supervisor (tel. & tel.) :CUSTOMER-FACILITIES SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-01 4 05.05.05 TRANSMISSION MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.28 1-062 05. 10.02 Transmission Repairer (auto. mfg.) :REPAIRER, HEAVY (auto. mfg.): 620.381-022 05.05.09 Transmission Repairer (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE SUBASSEMBLY REPAIRER (motor. & bicycles): 620.684- 026 05.10.02 TRANSMISSION TESTER (auto. mfg.) 806.684-134 06.03.02 TRANSMISSION TESTER (tel. & tel.) 822.361-026 05.07.03 Transmitter Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC-MOTOR- CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381-014 06.01.04 transmitter engineer :ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, MITTER (radio & twº broad.): 003. 167–034 05.01.03 TRANS- 689 transmitter engineer TRANSMITTER OPERATOR (radio & tw broad.): 193.262-038 05.03.05 TRANSMITTER OPERATOR (radio & twº broad.) 193.262-038 05.03.05 Transmitter Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-014 06.01.05 - TRANSPLANTER, ORCHID (agric.) 405.687-018 03.04.04 TRANSPORTATION AGENT (air trans.) 912.367-014 + 07.05.01 transportation clerk :TRAVEL CLERK 238.367-030 07.04.04 transportation consultant :FREIGHT-TRAFFIC CONSULTANT (bus. ser.): 184.267-0 1 0 1 1.05.02 transportation department head :SUPERINTENDENT, TRANS- PORTATION (any ind.): 184.167-226 11.05.02 transportation-department supervisor SUPERVISOR, GARAGE (auto. ser.): 620. 131-01 4 05.05.09 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061- 038 05.01.08 TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r.r. 168. 167–082 11.10.05 transportation inspector :TRAFFIC INSPECTOR (motor trans.; r. r. trans.): 184.163-010 11.10.05 (hotel & rest.): trans.) TRANSPORTATION-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 184.1 67–266 05.02.02 Transportation Planning Engineer (gov. ser.) :TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 005.061-038 05.01.08 Transport Driver (motor trans.) :TRACTOR-TRAILER-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904.383-010 * 05.08.01 Transport Pilot (air trans.) :AIRPLANE PILOT, COMMER- CIAL (air trans.): 196.263-014 05.04.01 trapeze artist AERIALIST (amuse. & 12.02.01 trapeze performer AERIALIST (amuse. & rec.): 159.247-014 12.02.01 TRAPPER, ANIMAL (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-01403.04.03 TRAPPER, BIRD (hunt. & trap.) 461.684-018 03.04.03 trash-collection supervisor :GARBAGE-COLLECTION SUPER- VISOR (motor trans.): 909. 137-014 05.08.03 trash collector :CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687- 018 05.12.18 trash collector :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687-022 06.04.40 Trash Collector (motor trans.) :GARBAGE COLLECTOR (motor trans.): 909.687-010 05.12.03 trauma coordinator :EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (medical ser.): 0.79.1 17-0 1 0 1 1.07.02 TRAVEL AGENT (bus. ser.; ret. tr.) 252. 157-010 08.02.06 travel clerk :RESERVATION CLERK (clerical): 238.362-014 07.05.01 TRAVEL CLERK (gov. ser.) 238.167-010 07.05.01 TRAVEL CLERK (hotel & rest.). 238.367–030 07.04.04 travel clerk :INFORMATION CLERK (motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 237.367-018 07.04.04 travel counselor :TRAVEL AGENT (bus. 252.1 57-010 08.02.06 TRAVEL COUNSELOR, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.) 238.167-014 07.05.01 TRAVELER CHANGER (textile) 682.687-010 06.04.06 traveling cleaner, maintenance :OVERHEAD CLEANER MAINTAINER (textile): 628.684-022 05.10.01 traveling clerk :TRAVEL COUNSELOR, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.): 238.167-014 07.05.01 - traveling-crane operator :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 Traveling-Freight-and-Passenger Agent (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.) :TRAFFIC AGENT (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 252.257-010 08.01.02 rec.): 159.247-014 ser.; ret. tr.): Traveling-Maintenance Supervisor (any ind.) :MECHANICA MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 638.131-02 05.05.09 traveling-plant operator :ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (const. 859.683–026 05.11.01 Travel-Ticketing Reviewer (nonprofit organ.) :TRAVE COUNSELOR, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ. 238. 16.7-0 1 4 07.05.01 TRAVERSE-ROD ASSEMBLER 739.687-186 06.04.23 TRAWL NET MAKER (cord. & twine) 789.381-018 06.01.04 (window shade & fix TRAY-CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy prod 520.685-2 18 06.04.15 TRAY DRIER (hosiery) 581.686-038 06.04.16 TRAY-DRIER OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblac 553.665–054 06.04.19 TRAY FILLER (tobacco) 920.686-050 06.04.15 Tray-Line Supervisor (medical ser.) :FOOD-SERVICE SUPE VISOR (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 319. 137-010 * 09.05.0 | Tray-Line Worker (medical ser.) :FOOD-SERVICE WORKER HOSPITAL (medical ser.): 355.677-010 * 09.05.02 tray packer :TRAY FILLER (tobacco): 920.686-050 06.04.15 tray setter :FOOD ASSEMBLER, KITCHEN (hotel & rest medical ser.): 319.484-010 05.12.17 tray thickener operator :CLASSIFIER OPERATOR (ore dress smelt., & refin.): 511.562-010 06.04.10 : tray worker :FOOD-SERVICE WORKER, HOSPITAL (medica ser.): 355.677-010 * 09.05.02 Treadle-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 06.02.03 Treadmill Inspector (agric. equip.) :INSPECTOR ANI TESTER (agric. equip.); 624.361-010 06.01.05 Tread-Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire & tube) :TUBER MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.662-01 4 06.02.07 TREASURER (profess. & kin.) 161.1 17-018 11.06.03 TREASURER, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. 186. 1 17-070 1 1.06.05 Treasurer, Savings-and-Loan Association (finan. :TREASURER, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. 186.1 ! 7-070 1 1.06.05 treasury representative 161.117-018 11.06.03 TREATER (any ind.) 582.687-030 06.04.33 treater :CRUDE-OIL TREATER (petrol. production): 541.382 01 4 06.02.12 TREATER (petrol. refin.) 549.362-014 06.02.12 treater :CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile) 589.665-01 4 06.04.16 TREATER HELPER (petrol. refin.) 549.685-030 06.04.12 treating and pumping supervisor SUPERVISOR, TREATINC AND PUMPING (petrol. refin.): 549. 132-034 06.01.01 TREATING ENGINEER (wood preserving) 561.362-01( 06.02.18 - - TREATING-ENGINEER HELPER (wood preserving) 561.685 0 1 0 06.04.18 TREATING INSPECTOR (wood preserving) 05.07.06 TREATING-PLANT OPERATOR (build. board) 563.662-01( 06.02.18 treating-plant operator :TREATER (petrol. refin.): 549.362-014 06.02.12 inst. inst. inst.) :TREASURER (profess. & kin.) 569.367-01 ( treating-plant operator :TREATING ENGINEER (wood preserving): 561.362-010 06.02.18 TREATING-PLANT SUPERVISOR (wood preserving 561. 131-0 1 0 06.02.01 TREATMENT-PLANT MECHANIC (waterworks) 630.281-038 05.05.09 TREE CUTTER (agric.; logging) 454.684-026 03.04.02 TREE DRILLER (boot & shoe) 788.684-118 06.04.27 690 ree Loader, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 REE PLANTER (forestry) 452.687-018 03.04.02 REE PRUNER (agric.) 408.684-018 03.04.05 ree puller SEEDLING PULLER (forestry): 451.687-018 03.04.02 º :SHOE CLEANER (boot & shoe): 788.687-122 06.04.39 ree service Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, SPRAY, LAWN AND TREE SERVICE (agric.): 408.131-010 03.02.03 REE-SHEAR OPERATOR (logging) 454.683-010 03.04.02 ee sorter SEEDLING SORTER (forestry): 451.687-022 03.04.02 FREE SURGEON (agric.) 408.181-010 03.01.03 Tree-Surgeon Helper (agric.) I TREE PRUNER (agric.): | 408.684-018 03.04.05 TREE-SURGEON HELPER (agric.) II 408.687-018 03.04.04 TREE TRIMMER (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.) 408.664- 010 03.04.05 - TREE-TRIMMER HELPER (light, heat, & power) 408.667-010 03.04.05 ree trimmer helper, line clearance :TREE-TRIMMER HELPER (light, heat, & power). 408.667-010 os.oa,0s ree trimmer, line clearance :TREE TRIMMER (light, heat, & power, tel. & tel.): 408.664-010 03.04.05 ree-trimming-line technician TREE TRIMMER (light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 408.664-010 03.04.05 Tree Wrapper (agric.) :PACKER, AGRICULTURAL | PRODUCE (agric.; whole. tr.): 920.687-134 * 03.04.01 Trench Trimmer, Fine (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 trichologist SCALP-TREATMENT OPERATOR (per. ser.): 339.37 1-01 4 09.02.01 Tricot Knitting Machine Operator (knit goods) :WARP- KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods): 685.665- 018 06.02.06 tricot-warper tender :BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTO- MATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685-018 06.04.06 trim and burr operator :TRIM-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition): 609.685-026 06.04.02 Trim-and-Cover Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, FABRICATION (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.361-022 06.01.05 TRIM ATTACHER (cut. & tools) 692.685-230 06.04.20 Trim-Crew Supervisor (mfa. blógs.) :FIELD-ASSEMBLY SU- PERVISOR (mfö. blógs.): 869.131-018 05.10.01 trim die maker :DIE MAKER, TRIM (mach. shop): 601.280- O 1 4 05.05.07 Irim Installer (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blag. & rep.): 806.484-01405.10.01 FRIM-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ammunition) 609.280–010 06.01.02 TRIM-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 609.685-026 06.04.02 rimmer :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 rimmer GARMENT INSPECTOR (any ind.): 789.687-070 06.03.02 rimmer :BLUEPRINT TRIMMER (any ind.): 920.687-038 06.04.26 rimmer : VINYL-TOP INSTALLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.): 806.684-138 06.04.27 rimmer TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 Trimmer (can. & preserv.) :CANNERY WORKER (can. & preserv.): 529.686-014 * 06.04.15 TRIMMER (fabric. plastics prod.) 690.482-01406.02.02 Trimmer (forestry) :BUNDLER, SEASONAL GREENERY (forestry): 920.687-046 03.04.04 rimmer :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-010 06.03.01 TRIMMER (hat & cap) 784.684-078 06.04.27 TRIMMER (mfa. blógs.) 869.684-066 06.04.25 Trimmer (mining & quarrying) :COMPANY LABORER (mining & quarrying): 939.687-01405.12.03 trimmer :SIZING-MACHINE TENDER (pen 662.685-030 06.04.03 TRIMMER (silverware) 705.682-014 06.02.02 trimmer :FINISHER (trim. & embroid.): 789.687-050 06.03.02 trimmer and reinforcer :INSOLE REINFORCER (boot & shoe): 690.685–246 06.04.05 & pencil): trimmer and sorter :TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 Trimmer, Buffing Wheel (tex. prod., n.e.c.) :ROUNDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. 585.685-086 06.04.05 TRIMMER, HAND (any ind.) 781.687-070 06.04.27 TRIMMER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.687-150 06.04.27 TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.) 585.684-010 06.04.27 TRIMMER, HAND (paper goods) 794.687-062 06.04.26 trimmer, hand :CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods): 751.684-014 06.04.34 TRIMMER HELPER (sawmill) 667.686-018 06.04.03 Trimmer Loader (sawmill) :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I 690.685-434 06.04.05 TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) II 690.682-086 06.02.07 TRIMMER, MACHINE (garment; knit goods) 781.682-010 06.02.05 TRIMMER, MACHINE (leather mfg.) 585.685-126 06.04.16 trimmer, machine :TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.): 732.685-038 06.04.05 trimmer maker :DIE MAKER, TRIM (mach. shop): 601.280- 0 1 4 05.05.07 TRIMMER, MEAT (slaught. 06.04.28 TRIMMER OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 619.462-014 06.02.02 trimmer operator :CUT-OFF-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-022 trimmer operator, three knife :BOOK TRIMMER (print. & pub.): 640.685-010 06.04.04 trimmer, press clippings :CUTTER-AND-PASTER, PRESS CLIPPINGS (bus. ser.): 249.587-014 07.07.03 TRIMMER SAWYER (sawmill) 667.482-022 Trimmer Tailer (sawmill) :LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (sawmill): 669.687-018 06.04.40 TRIMMING ASSEMBLER (furn.) 780.684-1 14 06.02.23 Trimming Cutter (garment) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682- 022 * 06.02.09 Trimming Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 Trimming-Department Blocker (hat & cap) :BLOCKER, HAND (hat & cap) II: 580.684-014 06.04.27 Trimming Finisher (garment) :SEWER, HAND (any ind.): 782.684-058 06.04.27 Trimming Inspector (hat & cap) :INSPECTOR (hat & cap): 784.387-0 1 0 06.03.01 trimming-machine operator :THREAD CUTTER (any ind.): 789.684-050 06.04.27 TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button) 690.682-090 06.02.02 TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; knit goods) 583.685-1 22 06.04.05 trimming-machine operator :CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-034 06.04.04 trimming-machine operator :SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sports equip.) 732.685- 038 06.04.05 TRIMMING SEWER, AUTOMATIC (garment; house furn.; trim. & embroid.) 787.685-050 06.04.05 - prod., n.e.c.): & meat pack.) 525.684-054 691 Trimming Supervisor (coated fabrics; felt goods) :FABRIC- COATING SUPERVISOR (coated fabrics; felt goods): 589. 130-01 4 06.01.01 Trim Mounter (optical goods) I :EMBOSSER (optical goods): 7 13.684-022 06.04.37 Trim Mounter (optical goods) II :LENS MOUNTER (optical goods) II: 713.681-010 05.05.11 Trim Mounter (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER, BILLIARD- TABLE (sports equip.): 732.384-010 05.10.01 trim operator :ROLL-SHEETING CUTTER (coated fabrics): 699.682-026 06.02.09 trim preparer :MATERIAL ASSEMBLER (hat & cap): 784.687-050 06.03.02 trim sawyer :STOCK CUTTER (plan. mill): 667.482-018 06.02.03 Trim Setter (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.38 1-022 * 05.05.02 trim-setter helper :FORGE HELPER (forging): 619.666-010 06.04.40 TRIM-STENCIL MAKER (any ind.) 781.684-058 06.04.26 TRIPE COOKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 526.685-062 06.04.15 TRIP FOLLOWER (air trans.) 209.367–050 07.04.05 trip-hammer operator :BUMPER OPERATOR aerospace mfg.); 617.682-01406.02.02 TRIPLE-AIR-VALVE TESTER (loco. & car blåg. & rep.) 622.382-0 1 0 05.07.02 Triple-Drum Operator (logging) (logging): 921.663-066 05.11.04 Tripod-Drill Operator (mining & quarrying) :JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 930.684-018 05.12.02 tripoler :BUFFER (smoking pipe): 739.684-026 06.04.34 trip rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 trolley-car operator :STREETCAR OPERATOR (r.r. trans.): 913.463-01 4 09.03.01 TROLLEY CLEANER (slaught. & meat pack.) 529.687-206 06.04.39 Trolley-Coach Driver (motor trans.) :BUS DRIVER (motor trans.): 913.463-010 09.03.01 TROLLEY OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 524.565-010 06.04.40 TROMBONE-SLIDE ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730.381-054 06.01.04 TROMMEL TENDER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.685- 066 06.04.10 tromper :WOOL SACKER (agric.): 920.687-198 03.04.01 TROPHY ASSEMBLER (jewelry) 735.684-018 06.02.24 trouble dispatcher :DISPATCHER, SERVICE OR WORK (light, heat, & power): 952. 167-010 07.04.05 trouble dispatcher :DISPATCHER, SERVICE (light, heat, & power): 959. 167-010 07.04.05 TROUBLE LOCATOR, TEST DESK (tel. & tel.) 822.361-030 05.06.01 trouble shooter :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-01 4 06.01.05 TROUBLE SHOOTER (light, heat, & power) I 952.364-010 05.10.03 TROUBLE SHOOTER (light, heat, & power) II 821.261-026 05.05.05 trouble shooter, electrical :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-014 05.05.05 trouble shooter, radio :RADIO REPAIRER (any ind.): 720.281 - 010 * 05.10.03 Trout Farmer (fish.) 03.01.02 truant officer :ATTENDANCE OFFICER (education): 168.367- 010 07.01.06 truck-and-trailer-body-builder apprentice :TRUCK-BODY- BUILDER APPRENTICE (auto. mfg.; auto. ser.): 807.281- 01 4 05.05.06 (aircraft- :YARDING ENGINEER :FISH FARMER (fish.): 446. 161-010 TRUCK-BODY BUILDER (auto. mfg.; auto. ser.) 807.281-01 05.05.06 TRUCK-BODY-BUILDER APPRENTICE (auto. mfg.; autº ser.) 807.281-014 05.05.06 TRUCK-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.) 921.663-062 05.11.0 Truck-Crane-Operator Helper (any ind.) :LABORER, HOIST ING (any ind.): 921.667-022 05.12.04 Truck Driver, Flatbed (logging) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAv. (any ind.): 905.663-01405.08.01 TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.) 905.663-01405.08.01 TRUCK-DRIVER HELPER (any ind.) 905.687-010 05.12.04 TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any ind.) 906.683-022 05.08.01 truck driver, sales route :DRIVER, SALES ROUTE (ret. tr whole. tr.): 292.353-010 * 08.02.07 Trucker, Hand (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.) 929.687-030 * trucker helper :TRUCK-DRIVER HELPER (any ind.): 905.687 0 1 0 06.04.40 Truck Farmer (agric.) 402.1 6 1-0 10 03.01.01 Truck-Headlight Assembler (light. fix.) 'Motor-vehicle LIGHT ASSEMBLER (light. fix.): 729.684-034 06.04.23 TRUCKLOAD CHECKER (const.) 222.367-066 05.09.03 truck loader :LOADER (any ind.) I: 914.667-010 06.04.40 Truck Mechanic (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.261-010 * 05.05.09 Truck-Mechanic Helper (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC HELPER (auto. ser.): 620.684-014 05.12.15 Truck-Rental Clerk (auto. ser.) :TRAILER-RENTAL CLERK (auto. ser.): 295.467-022 09.04.02 truck repairer :MECHANIC, INDUSTRIAL TRUCK (any ind.) 620.281-050 05.05.09 Truck-Repair-Service Estimator (auto. ser.) :AUTOMOBILE REPAIR-SERVICE ESTIMATOR (auto. ser.): 620.261-01. 05.07.02 TRUCK SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 909. 137-018 05.12.04 Truck-Tire Inspector (rubber tire & tube) :TIRE INSPECTOR (rubber tire & tube): 750.684-030 06.03.02 Truck Washer (dairy prod.) :CLEANER (any ind.) II: 919.687 0 1 4 05.12.18 Truer (optical goods) :PRECISION-LENS GENERATOF (optical goods): 716.682-01406.02.08 TRUER (spring) 616.484-010 06.03.02 TRUER, PINION AND WHEEL (clock & watch) 715.684-19. 06.01.04 Trunk Repairer (any ind.) :LUGGAGE REPAIRER (any ind.) 365.361-010 05.10.01 Truss Assembler (per. protect. & med. dev.) :ASSEMBLER SURGICAL GARMENT (per. protect. & med. dev.) 712.684-010 06.02.23 TRUSS ASSEMBLER (plan. mill) 762.684-062 05.10.01 :FARMER, VEGETABLE (agric.) Truss Driver (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLEH (cooperage): 669.682-014 06.02.20 Truss-Driver Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLEF HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 Truss Puller (cooperage) :BARREL ASSEMBLER (cooperage) 669.682-01 4 06.02.20 Truss-Puller Helper (cooperage) :BARREL-ASSEMBLEH HELPER (cooperage): 669.685-010 06.04.03 trust administrator :TRUST OFFICER (finan. inst.): 186.1 17 074 11.06.05 Trust Bookkeeper (finan. inst.) :BOOKKEEPER (clerical) I 2 10.382-018 07.02.01 - trust investment officer 186.1 17-074 11.06.05 TRUST-MAIL CLERK (finan. inst.) 209.562-014 07.05.04 TRUST OFFICER (finan. inst.) 186.1 17-074 11.06.05 Trust-Remittance Clerk (finan. inst.) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 :TRUST OFFICER (finan. inst.) 692 TRUST-SAVINGS-ACCOUNT CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.382- 074 07.02.02 TRUST-SECURITIES CLERK 07.02.02 TRUST-VAULT CLERK (finan. inst.) 216.367-0 14 07.02.02 Try-on Baster (garment) :CUSTOM TAILOR (garment; per. ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-014 05.05.15 tub attendant :HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 335.677- O 1 4 09.05.01 - TUBBER (jewelry) 599.685-098 06.04.02 tub chucker :BUCKET CHUCKER (cooperage): 664.685-014 06.04.03 TUBE-AND-MANIFOLD BUILDER (rubber goods) 759.684- 062 06.02.29 tube-and-rod straightener :ROD-AND-TUBE STRAIGHTENER (plastics mat.); 559.587-010 06.04.24 TUBE ASSEMBLER, CATHODE RAY (electronics) 725.684- 022 06.02.23 º TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics) 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 tube backer :HOSE-TUBING BACKER 559.686-018 06.04.07 TUBE BALANCER (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-046 06.04.29 TUBE BENDER, BRASS-WIND INSTRUMENTS (musical inst.) 617.382-010 06.02.02 TUBE BENDER, HAND (any ind.) I 709.684-090 06.02.24 TUBE BENDER, HAND (any ind.) II 709.687-050 06.04.24 tube-Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) I :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 617.482-010 06.02.02 Tube-Bending-Machine Operator (any ind.) II :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 617.685-010 06.04.02 TUBE BUILDER, AIRPLANE (rubber tire & tube) 750.384- 0 1 4 06.02.29 (finan. inst.) 219.362-062 (rubber goods): TUBE-BUILDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 559.685-174 06.04.05 TUBE CLEANER (any ind.) 891.687-030 05.12.18 TUBE CLEANER (textile) 589.687-042 06.04.27 TUBE-CLEANING OPERATOR (found.) 5 14.685-026 06.04.02 tube clerk :TUBE OPERATOR (clerical): 239.687-014 07.07.02 tube closing machine operator :GLAZING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (glass mfg.): 573.685-018 06.04.13 TUBE COATER (fabric. metal prod., n.e.c.) 599.685-102 06.04.21 Tube-Component Assembler (electronics) :TUBE ASSEM- BLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 tube coremaker :COREMAKER, MACHINE (found.) II: 5 18.685-018 06.04.08 TUBE COVERER (textile) 589.687-046 06.04.27 tube cutter :CUT-OFF-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 640.685-034 06.04.04 tube depatcher TUBE SORTER (rubber reclaim.); 559.687- 066 06.03.02 tube dispatcher TUBE OPERATOR (clerical): 239.687-014 07.07.02 TUBE DRAWER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 614.685- 022 06.04.02 tube-draw helper :DRAW-BENCH-OPERATOR HELPER (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys): 614.686-010 06.04.40 Tube-Drawing Supervisor (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire) :SUPERVISOR, DRAWING (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire): 614. 132-010 06.04.01 tube filler PITCH FILLER (any ind.); 619.687-018 05. 12.10 Tube-Filling-Machine Operator (can. & preserv.; chem.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 Tube Finisher (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELECTRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 tube finishing machine operator :GLAZING-MACHINE OPERATOR (glass mfg.): 573.685-018 06.04.13 TUBE HANDLER (textile) 582.686-034 06.04.27 Tube Inspector (electronics) :ELECTRONICS INSPECTOR (electronics) II: 726.684-022 * 06.03.02 Tube Inspector (paper goods) :INSPECTOR, PRODUCTS (paper goods): 649.367-010 06.03.01 Tube Laminator (electronics) :TUBE ASSEMBLER, ELEC- TRON (electronics): 725.384-010 * 06.01.04 tube-machine operator :EXTRUDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.382-010 * 06.02.09 TUBE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.662-014 06.02.04 - tube-machine operator :DIE PRESSER (pottery & porc.): 575.685-026 06.02.08 TUBE-MACHINE-OPERATOR 64 1.686-038 06.04.04 tube maker :TUBE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 64 1.662-01 4 06.02.04 tube maker :TUBE WINDER, HAND (pipe & boiler cov.): 692.685–234 06.04.09 tube-making-machine operator :TUBE-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.662-014 06.02.04 Tube-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685-046 06.04.08 TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS 690.685-438 06.04.09 TUBE OPERATOR (clerical) 239.687-014 07.07.02 Tube Packer (rubber tire & tube) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 tube puller :WELL PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382-030 tuber :CLOTH WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 tuber :INNER-TUBE INSERTER (rubber tire & tube): 750.687-0 1 0 06.04.29 TUBE REBUILDER (electronics) 725.381-010 05.05.10 TUBE REPAIRER (rubber tire & tube) 750.684-050 06.04.29 Tuber Feeder (insulated wire) :UTILITY WORKER, EXTRU- SION (insulated wire): 691.685-030 06.04.09 tuber helper :TUBE-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (paper goods): 641.686-038 06.04.04 TUBER-MACHINE CUTTER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.685-446 06.04.07 TUBER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube) 690.662-01 4 06.02.07 TUBER-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER rubber tire & tube) 690.686-070 06.04.07 Tube Roller (fabric. plastics prod.) TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.685-438 06.04.09 tube roller :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 690.686-034 06.04.05 tube roller :SEAMLESS-TUBE ROLLER 619.682-042 06.02.02 Tube-Room Supervisor (rubber tire & tube) :SUPERVISOR (rubber tire & tube): 750. 130-0 10 06.02.01 tuber operator :EXTRUDER OPERATOR (fabric. prod.; plastics mat.); 557.382-010 * 06.02.13 tuber operator :STRAINER TENDER (rubber 551.365-0 1 0 06.02.07 TUBE SIZER-AND-CUTTER OPERATOR 640.685-086 06.04.04 TUBE SORTER (rubber reclaim.) 559.687-066 06.03.02 TUBE SPLICER (rubber tire & tube) 690.685-442 06.04.07 tube-station attendant :TUBE OPERATOR (clerical): 239.687- 0 1 4 07.07.02 Tube Tester (electronics) :ELECTRONICS (electronics) II: 726.684-026 06.03.02 Tube-Test Technician (electronics) :ELECTRONICS TESTER (electronics) I: 726.281-014 06.01.05 PAPER HELPER goods) (paper (fabric. plastics prod.) (rubber goods; (iron & steel): plastics reclaim.): (ammunition) TESTER 693 Tube-Trailer Filler (comp. & liquefied gases) :CYLINDER FILLER (comp. & liquefied gases): 559.565-010 06.02.12 tube turner ROLL TURNER (knit goods): 689.685-110 06.04.06 Tube Winder (any ind.) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685- 1.54 * 06.04.06 TUBE WINDER, HAND (pipe & boiler cov.) 692.685-234 06.04.09 tubing drier :DRYING-MACHINE TENDER (textile): 581.685- 030 06.04.16 Tubing Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 1 0 * 06.03.01 tubing-installation assembler :AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, PLUMBING AND HYDRAULICS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 862.38 1-0 1 0 * 05.10.02 TUBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys) 613.685-030 06.04.02 TUBING-MACHINE TENDER (clock & watch) 715.685-070 06.02.24 Tubing-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) :CELL TUBER, MACHINE (elec. equip.); 692.685-046 06.04.09 Tubing-Mill Operator (any ind.) I :MULTI-OPERATION- FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 616.685- 042 * 06.04.02 Tubing-Mill Operator (any ind.) II :MULTI-OPERATION- FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.360- 026 06.01.03 Tubing-Mill Setter (any ind.) :MULTI-OPERATION-FORM- ING-MACHINE SETTER (any ind.); 616.260-014 * 06.01.02 TUBING OILER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 699.685-034 06.04.21 Tub Operator (coal tar prod.) :CHEMICAL COMPOUNDER (coal tar prod.); 559.682-018 06.02.18 tub rider :BRAKE HOLDER (any ind.): 932.664-010 05.12.03 tub turner BUCKET TURNER (cooperage): 669.682-018 06.04.03 Tubular-Products Fabricator (any ind.) :FABRICATOR-AS- SEMBLER, METAL PRODUCTS (any ind.): 809.381-010 06.02.24 TUBULAR-SPLITTING-MACHINE TENDER 686.685-070 06.04.05 tubulating machine adjuster :FIRESETTER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 692.360-018 * 06.01.02 (knit goods) Tub Washer (textile) :WASHER (any ind.): 599.687-030 06.04.39 Tuck-and-Insole Cementer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 TUCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 787.682-082 06.02.05 Tuck Pointer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 TUFTER (matt. & bedspring) 687.684-01406.04.05 TUFTER, HAND (matt. & bedspring) 780.687-050 06.04.27 tufter operator :TUFTER (matt. & bedspring): 687.684-014 06.04.05 Tufting-Machine Fixer (carpet & rug) (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; 687.685-018 06.02.05 TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 687.685-01 4 06.04.05 TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, SINGLE-NEEDLE (carpet & rug) 687.685-022 06.04.05 TUFT-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; house furn.) 687.682-01 4 06.02.05 TUGBOAT CAPTAIN (water trans.) 197. 133-030 05.04.02 Tugboat Deckhand (water trans.) :DECKHAND (water trans.): 91 1.687–022 05.08.04 :MACHINE FIXER textile) (matt. & bedspring) Tugboat Engineer (water trans.) :ENGINEER (water trans.) 197. 130-010 * 05.06.02 TUGBOAT MATE (water trans.) 197. 133-034 05.04.02 Tugger Operator (mining & quarrying) :HOIST OPERATOR (mining & quarrying): 921.663-026 05.11.02 tumblast-barrel operator :SANDBLAST-OR-SHOTBLAST EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 503.685-042 05.12.18 tumblast operator :SANDBLAST-OR-SHOTBLAST-EQUIP. MENT TENDER (any ind.): 503.685-042 05.12.18 tumbler :ACROBAT (amuse. & rec.): 159.247-0 1 0 12.02.01 TUMBLER (clock & watch) 599.685-106 06.04.02 tumbler-drier operator :TUMBLER OPERATOR (clean., dye. & press.; laund.): 369.685-034 06.04.35 tumbler-dyeing-machine operator :DYE-TUB OPERATO (hosiery; knit goods): 582.585-01406.04.16 tumbler-machine operator :FEATHER WASHER (house furn.): 582.685-066 06.04.19 TUMBLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 559.685- 178 06.04.07 TUMBLER OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-1 10 06.04.09 TUMBLER OPERATOR (clean., 369.685-034 06.04.35 TUMBLER OPERATOR (fireworks) 550.685-118 06.04.11 tumbler operator :CONDITIONER-TUMBLER OPERATOR (laund.): 361.685-010 06.04.35 TUMBLER OPERATOR (rubber goods) 553.585-026 06.04.13 tumbler plater :PLATER, BARREL (electroplating): 500.362- 0 1 4 06.02.21 - Tumbler-Switch Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES (elec. equip.) I: 729.687-010 * 06.04.23 dye., & press.; laund) TUMBLER TENDER (food prep., n.e.c.) 520.685-222 06.04.15 TUMBLER TENDER (hosiery; knit goods) 581.685-062 06.04.16 tuner :PIANO TUNER (any ind.): 730.361-010 05.05.12 tuner TESTER, MOTOR (auto. mfg.): 806.384-026 06.03.01 TUNER, PERCUSSION (musical inst.) 730.38 1-058 05.05.12 TUNE-UP MECHANIC (auto. ser.) 620.28 1-066 05.05.09 Tung-Nut Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 TUNGSTEN REFINER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 1.382- 0 1 0 06.02.10 tunnel-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.) II: 553.582- 0 1 0 06.02.11 TUNNEL-ELASTIC OPERATOR, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682–246 06.02.05 - TUNNEL-ELASTIC OPERATOR, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-250 06.02.05 TUNNEL-ELASTIC 786.682-254 06.02.05 Tunnel-Form-Placing Supervisor (const.) :CONCRETING SU- PERVISOR (const.): 869.131-01 4 05.05.01 Tunnel-Heading Inspector (const.) :CONSTRUCTION INSPEC- TOR (const.): 182.267-010 05.03.06 tunneling-machine operator :HORIZONTAL-EARTH-BORING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 850.662-010 05.11.01 Tunnel-Kiln Drawer (pottery & porc.) :KILN DRAWER (pottery & porc.): 573.667-010 06.04.17 OPERATOR, ZIGZAG (garment) TUNNEL-KILN OPERATOR (brick & tile) 573.382-0 18 06.02.17 Tunnel-Kiln Repairer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) :BRICKLAYER (brick & tile): 861.381-014 05.05.01 Tunnel Miner (mining & quarrying) :MINER (mining & quarry- ing) I: 939.281-010 05.11.02 turbinated-bone grinder :SKULL GRINDER (slaught. & meat pack.): 521.687-130 06.04.39 TURBINE ATTENDANT (light, heat, & power) 952.567-010 05.09.03 694 TURBINE-BLADE ASSEMBLER (engine & turbine) 600.380- 026 06.01.03 Turbine Inspector (engine & turbine) :INSPECTOR, FLOOR (mach. shop): 609.361-010 05.07.01 TURBINE OPERATOR (light, heat, & power) 952.362-042 05.06.01 TURBINE OPERATOR, HEAD (light, heat, & power) 952. 1 37-022 05.06.01 TURBINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine) 706.381-042 06.02.22 turbogenerator operator TURBINE OPERATOR (light, heat, & power): 952.362-042 * 05.06.01 Turkey Cleaner (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY | EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-074 06.04.28 Turkey Dresser (slaught. & meat pack.) :POULTRY DRESSER (agric.; slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-070 06.04.28 Turkey Farmer (agric.) :POULTRY FARMER | 4 || 1.161-018 03.01.01 TURKEY-ROLL MAKER (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.684-058 06.04.28 Turkish-Line Attendant (tobacco) :BLENDING-LINE ATTEN- DANT (tobacco): 520.685-026 06.04.15 Turkish Rubber (per ser.) :RUBBER (per. ser.): 334.677-010 09.05.01 TURNER (any ind.) 789.687-182 06.04.27 turner :OFFBEARER, SEWER PIPE (brick & tile): 579.686- 026 06.04.17 TURNER (can. & preserv.) 522.687-038 06.04.40 turner ROLL TURNER (knit goods): 689.685-1 10 06.04.06 TURNER (pottery & porc.) 774,684-038 06.02.30 TURNER (smoking pipe) 669.685-094 06.04.03 turner :REVERSER (sports equip.): 732.687-066 06.04.34 (agric.): turner :STONE-LATHE OPERATOR (stonework): 674.662- 0 1 0 06.02.08 turner TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 689.685-146 06.04.05 Turner (woodworking) :WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking): 669.686-030 06.04.03 turner and former, automatic :GLOVE TURNER AND FORMER, AUTOMATIC (glove & mit.); 583.686-018 06.04.05 TURNER, MACHINE (clock & watch) 770.685-034 06.04.08 turner-machine operator :TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (basketry; cooperage): 667.685-066 06.04.03 turner-splitter-machine operator :SPLITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.); 690.685-386 06.04.07 TURNING-AND-BEADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 679.685-026 06.04.09 Turning-Machine Operator (any ind.) TENDER. (any ind.); 617.685-026 06.04.02 TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (basketry; 667.685-066 06.04.03 turning-machine operator :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 690.686-034 06.04.05 turning-machine operator :ROLL TURNER (knit 689.685-1 1 0 06.04.06 TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. 06.04.05 TURNING-MACHINE-OPERATOR cooperage) 667.686-022 06.04.03 TURNING-SANDER OPERATOR (woodworking) 662.685-038 06.04.03 turn keeper :DISPATCHER (mining & quarrying): 932. 167-010 07.04.05 turnkey JAILER (gov. ser.): 372.367-014 04.02.01 turn-machine operator :POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-074 06.04.16 :POWER-PRESS cooperage) goods): bag) 689.685-146 HELPER (basketry; turn-out worker :FLOOR ATTENDANT (glass mfg.): 579.687- 018 06.04.40 Turnstile Attendant (amuse. & rec.) :TICKET TAKER (amuse. & rec.): 344.667-010 09.05.08 Turnstile Collector (water trans.) TOLL COLLECTOR (gov. ser.): 21 1.462-038 07.03.01 Turret Lathe Operator, Numerical Control (mach. shop) :LATHE OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTROL (mach. shop): 604.362-010 06.01.03 turret-lathe operator, production :LATHE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (mach. shop): 604.685-026 06.04.02 TURRET-LATHE OPERATOR, TUMBLE TAILSTOCK (clock & watch) 604.685-042 06.02.02 TURRET-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR (mach. shop) 604.380- 026 06.01.03 TURRET-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop) 604.280-022 * 06.01.03 Turret-Lathe Set-Up Operator, Tool, Vertical (mach. shop) :TURRET-LATHE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (mach. shop): 604.280-022 * 06.01.03 TURRET-PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) 615.482-038 06.02.02 TURRET-PUNCH-PRESS OPERATOR, (any ind.) 615.685-042 06.04.02 TUTOR (education) 099.227-034 11.02.01 Twenty-One Dealer (amuse. & rec.) :GAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.): 343.467-018 09.04.02 - Twin-Beam Clicker (boot & shoe; hat & cap; leather prod.) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 twine operator TAPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 689.685-138 06.04.04 Twine-Reeling-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) :REELING- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 681.685-078 06.04.06 Twine Winder (cord. & twine) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-1.54 * 06.04.06 TWISTER (cord. & twine) 681.685-126 06.04.06 Twister Doffer (textile) :DOFFER (textile): 689.686-022 * 06.04.06 - TWISTER, HAND (tobacco) 790.687-030 06.04.28 TWISTER TENDER (asbestos prod.; glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile) 681.685-130 * 06.04.06 TWISTER TENDER, PAPER (cord. & 06.04.04 twisthand :LEVERS-LACE MACHINE OPERATOR prod., n.e.c.); 683.682-026 * 06.02.06 twisting-frame changer :FRAME CHANGER (textile): 689.686- 026 06.04.06 Twisting-Frame Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 619.485-014 06.04.02 TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.682-070 06.02.20 TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 691.686- 0 1 0 06.04.09 Twisting-Press Operator (forging) :FORGING-PRESS OPERA- TOR (forging) II: 611.685-010 06.04.02 twisting-tube selector :END FINDER, TWISTING DEPART- MENT (textile): 689.687-042 06.04.27 TAPE-CONTROL twine) 681.685-134 (tex. (brush & broom) twist maker :TWISTER, HAND (tobacco): 790.687-030 06.04.28 Twist Packer (tobacco) :PACKER (tobacco): 920.687-130 06.04.38 TWITCHELL OPERATOR (chem.) 558.585-042 06.04.11 Two-Stage, Steel-Bender Annealer (sports equip.) :BENDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) II: 617.685-010 06.04.02 tying-in-machine operator :WARP-TYING-MACHINE TENDER (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.685-034 06.04.06 Tying-Machine Operator (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 * 06.04.38 695 TYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (canvas goods; paper goods) 929.685-01 4 06.04.38 TYING-MACHINE OPERATOR, LUMBER (woodworking) 929.685-018 06.04.38 type caster CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.; type founding): 654.382-010 05.10.05 TYPE-CASTING MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 654.582-0 1 0 05.10.05 TYPE-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (office mach.) 619.382–022 06.02.02 typesetter :PHOTOCOMPOSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 650.582-018 05.10.05 typesetter :PHOTOLETTERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 652.585-010 05.12.19 typesetter :COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.): 973.381-010 * 05.05.13 typesetter apprentice COMPOSITOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.): 973.381-01405.05.13 TYPESETTER-PERFORATOR OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 203.582-062 * 07.06.02 TYPESETTING-MACHINE TENDER (print. & pub.) 650.685- 0 1 0 05.10.05 TYPE-SOLDERING-MACHINE TENDER (office mach.) 706.685-0 1 0 06.04.20 Typewriter Operator, Automatic (clerical) : PERFORATOR TYPIST (clerical): 203.582-038 07.06.02 typewriter-ribbon winder :RIBBON WINDER (pen & pencil): 733.685-022 06.04.09 Typewriter Servicer (any ind.) :OFFICE-MACHINE SER- VICER (any ind.): 633.281-018 + 05.05.09 Typing Checker (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) II: 209.687- 0 1 0 * 07.05.02 TYPING SECTION CHIEF (clerical) 203.137-014 07.06.02 TYPIST (clerical) 203.582-066 * 07.06.02 typographer :COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.): 973.381-010 * 05.05.13 U Ultrasonic Cleaner (any ind.) :METAL-CLEANER, IMMER- SION (any ind.): 503.685-030 06.04.39 ULTRASONIC-SEAMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682–258 06.02.05 ULTRASONIC-SEAMING-MACHINE OPERATOR, SEMI-AU- TOMATIC (garment) 786.685-038 06.04.05 ULTRASONIC TESTER (chem.) 709.687-054 06.03.01 ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.364-010 02.04.01 UMBRELLA FINISHER (umbrella) 739.687-190 06.04.34 UMBRELLA REPAIRER (any ind.) 369.684-018 05.10.01 UMBRELLA TIPPER, HAND (umbrella) 739.684-162 06.04.27 UMBRELLA TIPPER, MACHINE (umbrella) 739.685-054 06.04.20 UMPIRE (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-018 12.01.02 Umpire (profess. & kin.) ARBITRATOR (profess. & kin.): 169. 107-0 1 0 1 1.04.03 unbundler :TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY OFFICER (gov. ser.) 188.167-106 11.12.01 uncrater :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.): 827.584-010 05.12.16 Underbaster (garment) :FACING BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment): 786.682-102 06.02.05 undercoat applier :DEADENER (auto. 06.04.33 UNDERCOATER (auto. ser.) 843.684-01 4 05.12.14 Undercoat Sprayer (aircraft-aerospace mfg.; auto. :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) I: 741.684-026 05.10.07 mfg.): 845.687-010 mfg.) Undercollar Baster (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILO (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Undercollar Maker (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILO (garment; ret. tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 undercover agent :INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE (bus. ser.) 376.267-018 04.01.02 undercover agent :TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR (moto trans.; r. r. trans.): 168. 167–082 11.10.05 undercover agent :UNDERCOVER OPERATOR (ret. 376.367–026 04.02.03 undercover operator :INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE (bus. ser.) 376.267-018 04.01.02 UNDERCOVER OPERATOR (ret. tr.) 376.367–026 undercutter :CUTTER OPERATOR (mining & quarrying) 930.683-01 4 05.11.02 Underground-Distribution Engineer (light, :POWER-DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER power): 003. 167-046 05.01.03 Underground Repairer (light, heat, & power) :ELECTRICA REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 Underground Supervisor (light, heat, & power) :CABLE SU PERVISOR (const.; light, heat, & power; tel. & tel.): 829. 131-0 10 05.05.05 Underlay Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Underpresser, Hand (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 Undersheriff (gov. ser.) :SHERIFF, DEPUTY, CHIEF (gov. ser.): 377.1 17-0 10 04.01.01 undertaker :DIRECTOR, FUNERAL (per. ser.): 187. 167-030 * 11.11.04 undertaker assistant :FUNERAL ATTENDANT (per. 3.59.677-0 1 4 09.01.04 UNDERWATER HUNTER-TRAPPER 461.664-0 1 0 03.04.03 UNDERWRITER (insurance) 169.167–058 * 11.06.03 underwriting analyst :UNDERWRITING CLERK (insurance): 219.367–038 07.01.04 UNDERWRITING CLERK (insurance) 219.367–038 07.01.04 Unemployment-Insurance-Hearing Officer (gov. ser.) :HEARING OFFICER (gov. ser.): 119. 107-010 11.04.01 unhairing inspector :BEAMING INSPECTOR (leather mfg.): 585.687-0 10 06.03.02 Unhairing-Machine Operator MACHINE OPERATOR 585.685-094 06.04.16 uniform attendant :LINEN-ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.; medical ser.): 222.387-030 05.09.01 Uniform-Cap Operator (hat & cap) :CAP MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-018 06.04.27 uniformer :COLOR MATCHER (boot & shoe): 788.687-034 06.03.02 uniform-force captain :POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (gov. ser.): 375. 167–034 04.01.01 unit assembler : BEARING-RING ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.): 706.684-038 06.04.23 united states attorney :DISTRICT ATTORNEY (gov. ser.): 1 1 0. 11 7-0 1 0 1 1.04.02 UNIT OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 542.685-018 06.04.19 - unit tender :CELL TENDER (chem.); 558.382-026 06.02.11 universal grinder, tool :GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, UNIVERSAL (mach. shop): 603.280-030 06.01.03 universal-saw operator :VARIETY-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking): 667.682-086 05.05.08 Universal-Winding-Machine Operator (elec. equip.; electronics) :COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electronics): 724.684-026 * 06.04.23 university dean ACADEMIC DEAN (education): 090. 117-010 11.07.03 tr.) heat, (light, & power heat, & ser.): (hunt. & trap.) (leather (fur mfg.) :SHAVING- dressing; leather mfg.): 696 JNLEAVENED-DOUGH MIXER (bake. prod.) 520.685-226 06.04.15 inloading checker :RECEIVING CHECKER 222.687-018 05.09.03 UNSCRAMBLER (can. & preserv.) 921.685-070 06.04.40 (clerical): Unstacker (woodworking) :STACKER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685-066 06.04.03 ipfitter :HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (furn.): 763.684-042 06.04.22 UPHOLSTERER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 869.684-070 06.02.27 upholsterer :FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER (any ind.): 780.381-018 05.05.15 upholsterer :CUSHION BUILDER (furn.): 780.684-046 06.04.22 Upholsterer (r.r. trans.) :FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER (any ind.): 780.381-018 05.05.15 upholsterer apprentice :FURNITURE-UPHOLSTERER AP- PRENTICE (any ind.): 780.381-022 05.05.15 upholsterer apprentice :AUTOMOBILE-UPHOLSTERER AP- PRENTICE (auto. ser.): 780.381-014 05.05.15 UPHOLSTERER HELPER (any ind.) 780.687-054 06.04.27 upholsterer helper :BACK PADDER (furn.): 780.684-010 06.04.27 UPHOLSTERER, INSIDE (furn.) 780.681-010 * 06.02.27 UPHOLSTERER, OUTSIDE (furn.) 780.684-1 18 06.04.27 upholstery and drapery measurer :DRAPERY AND UPHOL- STERY MEASURER (ret. tr.): 299.364-010 05.09.02 Upholstery-and-Trim Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 806.281-022 * 06.01.05 upholstery bundler :SORTER, UPHOLSTERY PARTS (furn.): 780.587-0 10 06.03.02 UPHOLSTERY CLEANER (furn.) 780.687–058 06.04.39 Upholstery Cutter, Machine (furn.) :CUTTER, MACHINE (any ind.) I: 781.684-014 06.02.27 Upholstery Estimator (ret. tr.) :DRAPERY AND UPHOL- STERY ESTIMATOR (ret. tr.): 299.387-010 05.09.02 upholstery handler :SORTER, UPHOLSTERY PARTS (furn.): 780.587-0 1 0 06.03.02 UPHOLSTERY REPAIRER (furn.) 780.684-122 05.05.15 UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.) 780.682-018 06.02.05 UPHOLSTERY TRIMMER (furn.) 780.684-126 06.04.27 upkeep mechanic :FORMING-MACHINE UPKEEP MECHANIC (glass mfg.): 575.380-010 06.01.02 UPPER-AND-BOTTOM LACER, HAND (boot & 788.684-122 06.04.27 Upper Cutter, Machine (boot & shoe) :DIE CUTTER (any ind.): 699.682-022 * 06.02.09 upper cutter-out :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 Upper Doubler (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.687-030 * 06.04.27 upper edger :EDGE BURNISHER, UPPERS (boot & shoe): 690.685-138 06.04.05 Upper Inspector (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-0 1 0 06.03.01 upper-leather cutter :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 UPPER-LEATHER SORTER (boot & 06.03.01 Upper-Lining Cementer (boot & MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & 06.04.05 upper marker :MARKER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.584-014 06.04.27 Upper Muller (boot & shoe) :LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-090 06.04.27 upper shaper TOP FORMER (boot & shoe): 788.685-026 06.04.05 - shoe) shoe) 788.387-010 :CEMENTER, 690.686-0 18 shoe) shoe): upper stamper :STAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685–398 06.04.05 Upper Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Upper Trimmer (boot & shoe) TRIMMER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) I: 690.685-434 06.04.05 UPSETTER (forging) 611.462-010 06.02.02 Upsetter Helper (forging) :FORGE HELPER 619.666-010 06.04.40 Upsetter Setter-Up (forging) :DIE SETTER (forging): 612.360- 0 1 0 06.01.02 Upset-Welding-Machine Operator (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, RESISTANCE (welding): 812.682- 0 1 0 06.02.19 UPTWISTER TENDER (textile) 681.685-138 06.04.06 uptwist spinner :UPTWISTER TENDER (textile): 681.685-138 06.04.06 Urban Anthropologist (profess. & kin.) :ANTHROPOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 0.55.067-010 11.03.03 URBAN PLANNER (profess. & kin.) 199.167-014 11.03.02 Urban Sociologist (profess. & kin.) SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 054.067-014 * 11.03.02 Urologic Physician Assistant (medical ser.) :PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (medical ser.): 0.79.364-018 10.02.01 UROLOGIST (medical ser.) 070. 101-098 02.03.01 used-car conditioner :USED-CAR RENOVATOR (ret. 620.684-034 05.10.04 used-car-lot attendant :PORTER, USED-CAR LOT (ret. tr.; whole. tr.): 915.687–022 05.12.18 USED-CAR RENOVATOR (ret. tr.) 620.684-034 05.10.04 USHER (amuse. & rec.) 344.677-014 09.05.08 usher :FUNERAL ATTENDANT (per. ser.): 09.01.04 USHER, HEAD (amuse. & rec.) 344.137-010 09.05.08 UTILITIES-AND-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 899. 131-018 05.06.02 utilities operator :WASTEWATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.): 955.362-010 05.06.04 UTILITIES SERVICE INVESTIGATOR (light, heat, & power) 821.364-010 05.10.02 Utility Assembler (motor. & bicycles) :MOTORCYCLE AS- SEMBLER (motor. & bicycles): 806.684-090 06.02.22 UTILITY BAG ASSEMBLER (leather prod.) 783.684-030 06.04.23 Utility-Bill-Collection Clerk (light, heat, & power) :COLLECTION CLERK (clerical): 241.357-010 07.04.02 (forging): tr.): 3.59.677-014 Utility-Bill Collector (clerical) :COLLECTOR (clerical): 241.367-010 07.03.01 Utility Hand (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687-01 4 - Utility Inspector (light, heat, & power) : HOUSE-PIPING IN- SPECTOR (light, heat, & power): 953.367-018 05.07.01 Utility Inspector (office mach.) :MACHINE TESTER (office mach.): 706.387-014 06.03.01 UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) I 559.682-066 06.02.11 UTILITY OPERATOR (chem.) II 709.684-094 05.12.12 UTILITY OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-262 06.02.05 utility repairer, factory or mill :MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, FACTORY OR MILL (any ind.): 899.281-014 * 05.10.04 UTILITY SUPERVISOR, BOAT AND PLANT (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 899.131-022 06.01.01 UTILITY-TRACTOR OPERATOR 05.11.01 utility worker :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * UTILITY WORKER (chew. gum) 529.686-086 06.04.15 UTILITY WORKER (mfö. blags.; trans. equip.) 869.684-074 06.02.22 UTILITY WORKER, CLOTH PRINTING (textile) 652.586-010 06.04.05 - (const.) 850.683–046 697 UTILITY WORKER, EXTRUSION (insulated wire) 691.685- 030 06.04.09 UTILITY WORKER, 976.685-030 06.04.19 UTILITY WORKER, FORGE (forging) 612.684-010 05.12.10 UTILITY WORKER, LINE ASSEMBLY (auto. mfg.) 806.367- 0 1 0 06.04.01 UTILITY WORKER, MERCHANT MILL (iron & 801.664-01 4 05.12.15 UTILITY WORKER, ROLLER SHOP (textile) 628.684-034 05.10.04 UTILITY WORKER, WOOLEN MILL (textile) 689.686-050 06.04.40 UTILIZATION ENGINEER (light, heat, & power) 007.061-034 05.01.06 utilization supervisor APPLIANCE-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power): 187. 167-010 05.02.06 FILM PROCESSING (photofinish.) steel) V VACUUM-APPLICATOR OPERATOR (signs) 692.685-238 06.04.21 VACUUM-BOTTLE ASSEMBLER (glass prod.) 739.687-194 06.04.23 VACUUM CASTER (found.) 514.582-010 06.02.10 vacuum cleaner CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any 381.687-018 05.12.18 vacuum-cleaner operator :SWEEPER-CLEANER, INDUSTRI- AL (any ind.): 389.683-010 05.12.18 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRER (any ind.) 723.381-014 05.10.03 Vacuum-Cleaner Repairer (elec. equip.) :APPLIANCE REPAIRER (elec. equip.): 723.584-010 05.10.03 VACUUM-CONDITIONER OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.685- 102 06.04.15 Vacuum-Cooker Operator (confection.) :CONFECTIONERY COOKER (chew. gum; confection.): 526.382-01406.02.15 VACUUM DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 523.685-122 06.04.15 VACUUM-DRIER OPERATOR 06.04.16 VACUUM-DRIER TENDER (chem.) 553.685-106 06.04.11 vacuum-drum-drier operator :DRIER OPERATOR (chem.; drug. prep. & rel. prod.); 553.685-042 06.04.11 Vacuum-Evaporation Operator (electronics) :ELECTRONIC- COMPONENT PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-014 06.04.19 - - vacuum-extractor operator :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (textile): 581.685-042 06.04.16 vacuum-filter operator :FILTER OPERATOR 551.685-078 06.04.19 vacuum-forming-machine operator :B.AGGER (fabric. plastics prod.): 553.685-01406.04.13 vacuum-frame operator :REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN (any ind.): 976.361-010 05.10.05 VACUUM-METALIZER OPERATOR (any ind.) 505.685-018 06.04.21 vacuum-pan operator :EVAPORATOR OPERATOR (chem.; glue): 553.382-018 06.02.11 ind.): (felt goods) 581.685-066 (any ind.): VACUUM-PAN OPERATOR (explosives) I 551.685-150 06.04.11 VACUUM-PAN OPERATOR (explosives) II 551.685-154 06.04.11 VACUUM-PAN OPERATOR (salt production) 559.585-022 06.04.11 VACUUM PLASTIC-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. plastics prod.) 556.685-082 06.04.13 Vacuum-Spindle Sander (furn.; woodworking) :LATHE SANDER (woodworking): 761.682-010 06.04.25 VACUUM-TANK TENDER (textile) 689.665-018 06.04.16 | VACUUM TESTER, CANS (can. & preserv.) 920.687-19 06.03.02 Vacuum Worker (hotel & rest.) :HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.): 323.687-018 05.12.18 Valance Shirrer (house furn.) :SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERA TOR, AUTOMATIC (house furn.): 787.685-038 06.04.05 Valet Manager (hotel & rest.) SUPERVISOR, DRY CLEAN ING (clean., dye., & press.): 369.137-010 06.04.39 Valuation Engineer (profess. & kin.) :ACCOUNTANT, COS' (profess. & kin.): 160.167-018 11.06.01 value engineer COST-ANALYSIS ENGINEER aerospace mfg.): 002. 167-010 05.01.06 Valve Assembler (inst. & app.) :ASSEMBLER (inst. & app.) 7 10.681-010 * 06.01.04 VALVE GRINDER (mach. shop) 706.684-098 06.02.24 valve inspector :VALVE REPAIRER (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.381-030 05.10.02 valve inspector-and-assembler :VALVE REPAIRER (comp. . liquefied gases): 630.381-030 05.10.02 valve lapper :VALVE GRINDER (mach. shop): 706.684-09: 06.02.24 Valve Liner, Rubber (mach. mfg.) :RUBBER LINER (mach mfg.): 759.684-050 06.02.29 Valve Maker (musical inst.) I :BRASS-WIND-INSTRUMENT MAKER (musical inst.): 730.381-018 05.05.12 VALVE MAKER (musical inst.) II 730.681-018 06.02.24 (aircraf VALVE REPAIRER (comp. & liquefied gases) 630.381-03 05.10.02 - valve repairer, reclamation :SALVAGER (petrol. refin.) 709.684-070 05.10.02 Valve Steamer (comp. & liquefied gases) :COMPRESSED. GAS-PLANT WORKER (comp. & liquefied gases): 549.587. 0 1 0 06.04.40 VALVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685. 094 06.04.04 vamp-and-whole-shoe cutter, hand :OUTSIDE CUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe): 788.684-082 06.02.24 VAMP CREASER (boot & shoe) 788.687-154 06.04.05 vamper :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 Vamp Marker (boot & shoe) :MARKER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685–282 06.04.05 Vamp Presser (boot & shoe) :SEAM-RUBBING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe): 690.685-350 06.04.05 Vamp Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 VAMP-STRAP IRONER (boot & shoe) 788.687-158 06.04.27 Vamp Wetter (boot & shoe) :LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-090 06.04.27 VAN DRIVER (motor trans.) 905.663-018 05.08.03 VAN-DRIVER HELPER (motor trans.) 905.687-014 05.12.03 van helper :VAN-DRIVER HELPER (motor trans.): 905.687- 0 1 4 Vanilla-Chocolate-Coin Counter (confection.) HELPER (confection.): 529.686-034 06.04.15 vapor coater :VACUUM-METALIZER OPERATOR (any ind.): 505.685-018 06.04.21 variety-lathe operator SWING-TYPE-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking): 664.382-010 VARIETY-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 05.05.08 VARITYPE OPERATOR (clerical) 203.382-026 07.06.02 varnish blender :VARNISH MAKER (paint & varn.); 553.382- 022 06.02.11 Varnish-Cambric-Covering-Machine Operator (insulated wire) :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 varnish cooker :VARNISH MAKER (paint & varn.); 553.382- 022 06.02.11 :FACTORY 667.682-086 698 Warnish Dipper (furn.) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 Warnisher (const.) :PAINTER (const.): 840.381-010 * 05.10.07 Warnisher (hat & cap) :STIFFENER (hat & cap): 589.687-038 06.04.27 WARNISHER (smoking pipe) 569.685-070 06.04.21 arnisher-Plasticoater (match) :COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; wallpaper): 534.682-018 06.02.14 arnish Filterer (paint & varn.) I CENTRIFUGE OPERATOR (paint & varn.); 551.685-034 06.04.11 arnish Filterer (paint & varn.) II :FILTER-PRESS OPERA- TOR (any ind.); 551.685-082 06.04.11 arnishing-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685- 046 06.04.21 ARNISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR 534.685-030 06.04.21 ARNISHING-UNIT OPERATOR (ammunition) 737.687-138 06.04.33 ARNISHING-UNIT TOOL SETTER (ammunition) 632.380- 026 06.01.02 VARNISH INSPECTOR (paint & varn.) 559.584-014 06.03.02 VARNISH MAKER (paint & varn.) 553.382-022 06.02.11 VARNISH-MAKER HELPER (paint & varn.) 553.686-042 06.04.11 varnish melter :VARNISH MAKER (paint & varn.); 553.382- 022 06.02.11 Varnish Thinner (paint & varn.) THINNER (paint & varn.): 550.585-038 06.04.11 vat overhauler :PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.687-034 06.04.28 vat packer :PICKLER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.687-034 06.04.28 Vat Tender (glue) :TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CONTINU- OUS PROCESS (leather mfg.): 582.482-01406.02.16 vat tender :DYE-REEL OPERATOR (textile): 582.665-014 06.04.16 VAULT ATTENDANT (finan. inst.) 249.677-010 09.05.04 VAULT CASHIER (bus. ser.) 222. 137-050 07.01.04 VAULT CUSTODIAN (clean., dye., & press.) 369.587-010 05.09.03 vault custodian :TRUST-VAULT CLERK 21 6.367-0 1 4 07.02.02 vault mechanic :SAFE-AND-VAULT SERVICE MECHANIC (bus. ser.; whole. tr.): 869.381-022 05.05.06 vault supervisor :VAULT CASHIER (bus. ser.): 222. 137-050 07.01.04 VAULT WORKER (bus. ser.) 222.587-058 07.05.04 V-BELT BUILDER (rubber goods) 759.684-066 06.02.29 V-BELT COVERER (rubber goods) 690.685-450 * 06.04.05 V-BELT CURER (rubber goods) 553.682-026 06.02.13 V-BELT FINISHER (rubber goods) 690.685-454 06.04.07 V-Belt Inspector (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS INSPEC- TOR-TESTER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube): 759.584-010 * 06.03.02 v-belt mold assembler and curer :SECTIONAL-BELT-MOLD ASSEMBLER (rubber goods): 752.685-010 06.04.07 V-BELT SKIVER (rubber goods) 690.685-458 06.04.07 vegetable grower :FARMER, VEGETABLE (agric.): 402.161- 010 03.01.01 Vegetable Scullion (water trans.) :SCULLION (water trans.): 3.18.687-0 1 4 05.12.18 Vegetable Sorter (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.) :SORTER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; whole. tr.): 529.687-186 * 03.04.01 Vegetable Vendor (ret. tr.) :PEDDLER (ret. tr.): 291.457-018 08.03.01 vegetable worker :FARMWORKER, VEGETABLE (agric.) II: 402.687-0 1 0 03.04.01 (print. & pub.) (finan. inst.): Vehicle-Fare Collector (motor trans.; water trans.) :TOLL COLLECTOR (gov. ser.): 211.462-038 07.03.01 VEHICLE-FUEL-SYSTEMS CONVERTER (auto. ser.) 620.28 1-070 05.10.02 Vehicle Instrumentation Technician (inst. & app.) :BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (inst. & app.; medical ser.): 719.261-010 05.05.11 vehicle-safety inspector :AUTOMOBILE TESTER (gov. ser.): 379.364-0 1 0 05.07.02 Vehicle Unloader (any ind.) :MATERIAL HANDLER (any ind.): 929.687-030 * vein pumper :PICKLE PUMPER (slaught. & meat pack.): 522.685-086 06.04.15 Velvet Steamer (clean., dye., & press.) :SILK FINISHER (clean., dye., & press.): 363.681-010 * 06.04.35 Velvet Weaver (carpet & rug) :CARPET WEAVER (carpet & rug): 683.682-010 06.02.06 vending-enterprises supervisor :VENDING-STAND SUPER- VISOR (gov. ser.): 185.167-066 09.04.01 VENDING-MACHINE ASSEMBLER (coin mach.) 706.684- 102 06.02.23 Vending-Machine Coin Collector (bus. ser.) :COIN COLLEC- TOR (bus. ser.): 292.483-010 * 05.08.03 vending-machine repairer :COIN-MACHINE-SERVICE REPAIRER (coin mach.): 639.281-014 * 05.10.02 VENDING-STAND SUPERVISOR (gov. ser.) 185.167-066 09.04.01 - VENDOR (amuse. & rec.) 291.457-022 08.03.01 vendor :PEDDLER (ret. tr.): 291.457-018 08.03.01 vendor :LOUNGE-CAR ATTENDANT (r. r. trans.): 291.457- 0 1 4 08.03.01 VENEER CLIPPER (veneer & plywood) 663.585-014 06.04.03 VENEER-CLIPPER HELPER (veneer & plywood) 663.686- 030 06.04.03 veneer cutter :VENEER CLIPPER (veneer & plywood): 663.585-01 4 06.04.03 VENEER DRIER (veneer & plywood) 563.685-022 06.04.18 VENEER-DRIER FEEDER (veneer & plywood) 563.686-014 06.04.18 veneer-drier tailer :VENEER DRIER (veneer & plywood): 563.685-022 06.04.18 veneer-edge bander :EDGE BANDER, HAND (furn.): 762.684- 038 06.04.22 veneer-glue-jointer feedback :VENEER-JOINTER HELPER (veneer & plywood): 665.686-018 06.04.03 veneer gluer :GLUE SPREADER, VENEER veneer & plywood): 569.685-042 06.04.03 VENEER GRADER (veneer & plywood) 569.587-010 06.03.02 veneer joiner VENEER TAPER (veneer & plywood): 569.685- 074 06.04.03 VENEER JOINTER (veneer & plywood) 665.682-038 06.02.03 (build. board; VENEER-JOINTER HELPER (veneer & plywood) 665.686- 018 06.04.03 VENEER-JOINTER OFFBEARER 665.686-022 06.04.03 veneer-jointer returner :VENEER-JOINTER HELPER (veneer & plywood): 665.686-018 06.04.03 VENEER-LATHE OPERATOR (basketry; veneer & plywood) 664.662-010 06.02.03 Veneer Marker (woodworking) :PATTERN MARKER (woodworking) II: 761.684-022 06.04.25 Veneer Matcher (furn.) :VENEER MATCHER (veneer & plywood): 769.687-046 06.03.02 (veneer & plywood) VENEER MATCHER (veneer & plywood) 769.687-046 06.03.02 veneer-press operator :HOT-PLATE-PLYWOOD-PRESS OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 569.685-054 06.04.03 VENEER REDRIER (veneer & plywood) 563.685-026 06.04.18 699 VENEER REPAIRER, MACHINE 669.685-098 06.04.03 Veneer Sander (woodworking) :MULTIPLE-DRUM SANDER (woodworking): 662.682-01406.02.03 VENEER-SLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR plywood) 663.682-018 Veneer Sorter (veneer & plywood) :SORTER OPERATOR (sawmill): 921.685-054 05.07.06 - veneer splicer SPLICER OPERATOR (veneer & plywood): 569.685-062 06.04.03 Veneer Stacker (veneer & plywood) :CLAMP REMOVER (veneer & plywood): 569.687-010 06.04.40 VENEER STAPLER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 869.684-078 06.04.25 VENEER-STOCK GRADER (basketry; wood. box) 769.687- 050 06.03.02 VENEER-STOCK LAYER (veneer & plywood) 762.687-066 06.04.25 VENEER TAPER (veneer & plywood) 569.685-074 06.04.03 veneer-taping-machine operator :VENEER TAPER (veneer & plywood): 569.685-074 06.04.03 veneer trimmer :VENEER CLIPPER (veneer & plywood): 663.585-01 4 06.04.03 , - VENETIAN-BLIND ASSEMBLER (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 739.684-166 * 06.04.22 VENETIAN-BLIND CLEANER AND REPAIRER (any ind.) 739.687-198 05.12.18 VENETIAN-BLIND INSTALLER (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.) 869.484-018 05.10.01 Venetian-Blind-Tape Cutter (window shade & fix.) :CUTTER, HAND (any ind.) II: 781.687-026 06.04.27 VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.) 950.585- 010 05.06.02 ventilation mechanic :VENTILATION EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 950.585-010 05.06.02 ventilation worker :STOPPING BUILDER (mining & quarry- ing): 869.684-058 05.10.01 VENTILATOR (hairwork) 739.384-022 06.02.32 VENTRILOQUIST (amuse. & rec.) 159.044-010 01.03.02 verger :SEXTON (nonprofit organ.): 389.667-010 05.12.18 Verification-and-Proxy Clerk (finan. inst.) :CLERK-TYPIST (clerical): 203.362-010 * 07.06.02 VERIFIER OPERATOR (clerical) 203.582-070 07.06.02 verifier-sorter operator :SORTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical): 208.685-030 05.12.19 vermin exterminator :EXTERMINATOR (any ind.): 389.684- O 10 * 05.10.09 Vertical-Kiln Operator (lime) :LIME-KILN OPERATOR (lime): 573.462-010 06.02.18 Vertical-Mill Operator (cement) :MILLER (cement): 570.685- 046 06.04.08 Vertical-Roll Operator (any ind.) :ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 619.362-014 05.05.06 Vertical-Shade Assembler (window shade & fix.) :VENETIAN- BLIND ASSEMBLER (ret. tr.; window shade & fix.): 739.684-166 * 06.04.22 Vertical-Stretching-Machine Operator (cord. & twine) :STRETCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cord. & twine): 580.685-058 06.04.05 Vessel Liner (iron & steel) :BRICKLAYER, FIREBRICK AND REFRACTORY TILE (const.): 861.381-026 05.05.01 vessel ventilation system operator :PANELBOARD OPERA- TOR (chem.): 950.562-010 05.06.04 Vest Busheler (ret. tr.) :ALTERATION TAILOR (garment; per. ser.; ret. tr.): 785.261-010 05.05.15 Vest-Front Presser (garment) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Vest Presser (garment):PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684- 018 * 06.04.35 (veneer & plywood) (veneer & Vest Tailor (garment; ret. tr.) :SHOP TAILOR (garment; ret tr.): 785.361-022 05.05.15 Veteran's Guardianship Officer (gov. ser.) :TRUST OFFICEF (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-074 11.06.05 veterans’ claims representative :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187. 167- 19: 10.01.02 - veterans’ coordinator :SUPERVISOR, SPECIAL ERVICE (education): 169.267-026 07.01.01 veterans’ counselor :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTA TIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187.167-19810.01.02 veterans’ Service Officer :VETERANS CONTACT REPRESEN TATIVE (nonprofit organ.): 187.167-198 10.01.02 VETERANS CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE organ.) 187.167-198 10.01.02 VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073. 101-010 * VETERINARIAN, laboratory animal care , medical ser.) 073.061-010 02.02.01 VETERINARIAN, POULTRY (agric.) 073. 101-01402.03.03 Veterinarian, Public Health (gov. ser.) :VETERINARIAN (medical ser.): 073. 101-010 * VETERINARY ANATOMIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061-014 02.02.01 VETERINARY BACTERIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061- 018 02.02.01 VETERINARY EPIDEMIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061- 022 02.02.01 - Veterinary-Hospital Attendant (medical ser.) CARETAKER (any ind.): 410.674-010 03.03.02 VETERINARY LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 073.161- 0 1 0 (02.03.03 VETERINARY MEAT-INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) 073.264-010 02.03.03 * Veterinary Milk-Specialist (gov. ser.) :VETERINARY MEAT- INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 073.264-010 02.03.03 VETERINARY PARASITOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061- 026 02.02.01 VETERINARY PATHOLOGIST (medical ser.) 073.061-030 02.02.01 VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGIST 073.061-034 02.02.01 VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061-038 02.02.01 Veterinary-Poultry Inspector (gov. ser.) :VETERINARY MEAT-INSPECTOR (gov. ser.): 073.264-010 02.03.03 Veterinary Radiologist (medical ser.) :VETERINARIAN (medical ser.): 073. 101-010 * VETERINARY VIROLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 073.061-042 02.02.01 VETERINARY VIRUS-SERUM 07.3.261-0 1 0 (02.03.03 Vial Gager (cut. & tools) :LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR-AND- TESTER (cut. & tools): 701.687–026 06.03.02 - Vibrating-Screed Operator (const.) :CONCRETE-PAVING- MACHINE OPERATOR (const.): 853.663-014 05.11.01 vibrating-screen operator :SCREEN OPERATOR (chem.): 551.685-130 06.04.11 Vibrator Assembler (mach. miſg.) :ASSEMBLER (mach. mfg.): 706.361-010 06.02.22 VIBRATOR-EQUIPMENT TESTER (mach. mfg.) 825.361-014 06.01.05 VICE PRESIDENT (any ind.) 189.1 17-034 11.05.02 (nonprofi :ANIMAL (profess. & kin.) INSPECTOR (gov. ser.) Vice President, Bank (finan. inst.) :VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-078 11.05.02 VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.) 186.1 1 7-078 11.05.02 Vice President, Financial Services Company (finan. inst.) :VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-078 11.05.02 700 wice president for institutional research :DIRECTOR OF IN- STITUTIONAL RESEARCH (education): 090. 167-018 11.07.03 vice president for instruction :ACADEMIC DEAN (education): 090. 1 1 7-0 1 0 1 1.07.03 vice president, industrial relations :DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (profess. & kin.): 166. 117-010 11.05.02 ice President, Mortgage Banking Company (finan. inst.) :VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-078 11.05.02 vice president of student affairs :DEAN OF STUDENTS (education) I: 090.1 17-018 10.01.02 ice President, Savings-and-Loan Association (finan. inst.) :VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17-078 11.05.02 Vice President, Trust Company (finan. inst.) :VICE PRE- SIDENT, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (finan. inst.): 186.1 17- 078 11.05.02 vice-squad police officer :INVESTIGATOR, VICE (gov. ser.): 375,267-022 04.01.02 video engineer :VIDEO OPERATOR (radio & 194.282-010 05.03.05 Video Installer (tel. & tel.) :PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE INSTALLER (tel. & tel.): 822.381-018 05.05.05 VIDEO OPERATOR (radio & twº broad.) 194.282-010 05.03.05 | Videotape-Recording Engineer (radio & twº broad.) :RECORDING ENGINEER (phonograph; radio & twº broad.): 194.362-010 05.10.05 VINEGAR MAKER (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.382-038 06.02.15 Vinegar Maker (vinous liquors) :WINE MAKER (vinous liquors): 183.161-01405.02.03 VINE PRUNER (agric.) 403.687-022 03.04.01 Viner Mechanic (agric. equip.) :FARM-EQUIPMENT | MECHANIC (agric. equip.) I. 624.281-010 05.05.09 Vineyard Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, VINE-FRUIT FARMING (agric.): 403.131-01403.02.01 Vinyl Dipper (rubber goods) :DIPPER (any ind.): 599.685-026 06.04.21 tv broad.): VINYL-TOP INSTALLER, AUTOMOBILE (auto. mfg.) 806.684-138 06.04.27 Violinist (amuse. & rec.) :MUSICIAN, INSTRUMENTAL (amuse. & rec.): 152.04.1-010 01.04.04 VIOLIN MAKER, HAND (musical inst.) 730.281-046 05.05.12 VIOLIN REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.281-050 05.05.12 Violin Restorer (musical inst.) :VIOLIN MAKER, HAND (musical inst.): 730.281-046 05.05.12 Virginia-Line Attendant (tobacco) :BLENDING-LINE ATTEN- DANT (tobacco): 520.685-026 06.04.15 Virologist (profess. & kin.) :MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.): 041.061-058 02.02.03 Viscera Washer (slaught. & meat pack.) :OFFAL SEPARATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.684-038 06.04.28 Viscose-Cellar Attendant (synthetic fibers) :RIPENING-ROOM ATTENDANT (plastics mat.; synthetic fibers): 559.682-038 06.02.13 vise hand :MACHINE BUILDER (mach. mſg.; mach. tool & ac- cess.): 600.281-022 05.05.09 Visiting Professor (education) :FACULTY MEMBER, COL- LEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education): 090.227-0 1 0 1 1.02.01 visiting-student counselor :FOREIGN-STUDENT ADVISER (education): 090. 107-0 1 0 10.01.02 visiting teacher SOCIAL WORKER, SCHOOL (profess. & kin.): 195. 107-038 10.01.02 vocational adviser COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107- 0 1 0 + 10.01.02 vocational counselor COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.): 045. 107- 0 1 0 * 10.01.02 VOCATIONAL-REHABILITATION COUNSELOR (gov. ser.) 045. 107-042 10.01.02 voicer :ORGAN-PIPE VOICER (musical inst.): 730.381-038 05.05.12 Volcanologist (profess. & kin.) :GEOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.): 024.061-030 02.01.01 Volleyball Assembler (sports equip.) (sports equip.): 732.684-026 06.04.23 Voltage-Regulator Assembler (elec. equip.) :ELECTRIC- MOTOR-CONTROL ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.): 721.381- 0 1 4 06.01.04 VOLTAGE TESTER (light, 05.05.05 volumetric weigher :SHOT BAGGER (ammunition): 920.687- 1 70 06.04.36 volunteer coordinator :COORDINATOR, VOLUNTEER SER- VICES (social ser.): 187. 167–022 11.07.01 volunteer services assistant :SUPERVISOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES (profess. & kin.): 187.137-014 11.07.01 Vortex Operator (sugar) :COOLER TENDER (sugar): 520.585- 018 06.04.15 VOTATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (oils & fats; slaught. & meat pack.) 529.685-250 06.04.15 Voting-Machine Repairer (gov. ser.) :ELECTRONICS MECHANIC (any ind.): 828.281-010 * 05.05.10 VOUCHER CLERK (r. r. trans.) 219.362-066 07.02.04 VULCANIZED-FIBER-UNIT OPERATOR (paper 539.565-010 06.02.04 - VULCANIZER (boot & shoe) 690.685-462 06.04.13 vulcanizer operator :HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire & tube); 553.665-038 06.04.13 Vulcanizer, Rubber Plate (pen & pencil; print. & pub.) :PLATE MOLDER (pen & pencil; print. & pub.); 556.582-010 06.02.18 VULCANIZING-PRESS OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685- 466 06.04.07 :BALL ASSEMBLER heat, & power) 821.381-014 goods) W WAD-BLANKING-PRESS ADJUSTER (ammunition) 690.360- 0 1 0 06.01.02 WAD-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR-ADJUSTER (ammunition) 535.482–0 1 0 06.02.18 WADER-BOOT-TOP ASSEMBLER (rubber goods) 795.684- 026 06.04.29 WAD IMPREGNATOR (ammunition) 590.685-054 06.04.14 WAD LUBRICATOR (ammunition) 590.685-058 06.04.14 WAD-PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (ammunition) 652.685-102 06.04.37 Wafer-Batter Mixer (bake. prod.) :BATTER MIXER (bake. prod.): 520.685-010 06.04.15 wafer-cell-battery assembler :WAFER-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.): 727.687-082 06.04.23 Wafer Cutter (bake. prod.) :SLICING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 521.685-302 06.04.15 WAFER-LINE WORKER (elec. equip.) 727.687-082 06.04.23 WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.) 526.685-066 06.04.15 WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.662-018 06.02.09 waffle baker :WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 526.685-066 06.04.15 waffle-machine operator :WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (bake. prod.): 526.685-066 06.04.15 wage and salary administrator :MANAGER, COMPENSATION (profess. & kin.): 166. 167-022 11.05.02 Wagon-Drill Operator (const.; mining & quarrying) :DRILLER, MACHINE (const.; mining & quarrying): 930.382-010 Wagon Driver (any ind.) :TEAMSTER (any ind.): 919.664-010 03.04.05 701 WAISTBAND SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-266 06.02.05 WAISTLINE JOINER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-270 06.02.05 WAISTLINE JOINER, OVERLOCK (garment) 786.682-274 06.02.05 WAIST PLEATER (trim. & embroid.) 583.684-01 4 06.04.27 Waist Presser (garment) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.) 350.677-030 09.05.02 Waiter/Waitress, Banquet (hotel & rest.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, FORMAL (hotel & rest.): 31 1.477– 026 09.04.01 WAITER/WAITRESS, BANOUET, HEAD (hotel & rest.) 3 11.1 37-01 4 09.01.03 WAITER/WAITRESS, BAR (hotel & rest.) 311 .477-018 09.04.01 WAITER/WAITRESS, BUFFET (hotel & rest.) 311.674-018 09.05.02 Waiter/Waitress, Cabin Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677–030 09.05.02 waiter/waitress, cafeteria :CAFETERIA ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-010 09.05.02 WAITER/WAITRESS, CAPTAIN (hotel & rest.) 311. 137-018 09.01.03 WAITER/WAITRESS, CLUB (hotel & rest.) 352.677-0 18 09.05.02 - waiter/waitress, cocktail lounge :WAITER/WAITRESS, BAR (hotel & rest.): 31 1.477-018 09.04.01 waiter/waitress, COunter :COUNTER ATTENDANT, LUNCHROOM OR COFFEE SHOP (hotel & rest.): 31 1.477- 014 * 09.04.01 WAITER/WAITRESS, DINING CAR (r. r. trans.) 311.477-022 09.04.01 Waiter/Waitress, Economy Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 Waiter/Waitress, First Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 WAITER/WAITRESS, FORMAL (hotel & rest.) 311 .477-026 09.04.01 waiter/waitress, head :HOST/HOSTESS, RESTAURANT (hotel & rest.): 310.137-010 09.01.03 WAITER/WAITRESS, HEAD (hotel & 09.01.03 WAITER/WAITRESS, INFORMAL (hotel & rest.) 311.477- 030 * 09.04.01 rest.) 311. 137-022 WAITER/WAITRESS, ROOM SERVICE (hotel & rest.) 3 11.477-034 09.05.02 Waiter/Waitress, Second Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 WAITER/WAITRESS, TAKE OUT (hotel & rest.) 311.477-038 09.04.01 Waiter/Waitress, Tavern (hotel & rest.) :WAITER/WAITRESS, BAR (hotel & rest.): 31 1.477-018 09.04.01 Waiter/Waitress, Third Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 Waiter/Waitress, Tourist Class (water trans.) :WAITER/WAITRESS (water trans.): 350.677-030 09.05.02 Walking-Dragline Oiler (mining & quarrying) :STRIPPING- SHOVEL OILER (mining & quarrying): 850.684-018 05.12.08 Walking-Dragline Operator (any ind.) :DRAGLINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 850.683-018 05.11.04 walk-through operator :FUN-HOUSE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.665-010 05.12.15 wall attendant :BOARD ATTENDANT (amuse. & 249.587-0 1 0 09.05.05 Wall–Crane Operator (found.) :BRIDGE-OR-GANTRY-CRANE OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.663-010 * 05.11.04 rec.): Wallet Assembler (leather prod.) :ASSEMBLER, LEATHE GOODS (leather prod.) I: 783.684-010 06.02.27 wallpaper cleaner CLEANER, WALL (any ind.): 381.687-02 05.12.18 wallpaper-embosser helper :ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOI (wallpaper): 640.685-070 06.04.04 I WALLPAPER INSPECTOR (wallpaper) 652.687-042 06.03.02 WALLPAPER INSPECTOR AND SHIPPER (wallpaper 652.687-046 06.03.02 WALLPAPER PRINTER (wallpaper) I 652.662-01406.02.04 Wallpaper Printer (wallpaper) II :SCREEN PRINTER (any ind.): 979.684-034 06.04.34 WALLPAPER-PRINTER HELPER (wallpaper) 652.687-05( 06.04.26 Wallpaper Remover, Steam (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 wall washer :CLEANER, WALL (any ind.): 05.12.18 Wall Washer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II. 869.687-026 05.12.03 Walnut-Dehydrator Operator (nut process.) :DRIER TENDER (nut process.): 523.685-066 06.04.15 Walnut Grower (agric.) :FARMER, TREE-FRUIT-AND-NUT CROPS (agric.): 403.161-010 03.01.01 Warble-Saw Operator (woodworking) (woodworking): 669.382-010 05.05.08 ward attendant :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical ser.): 355.377- 014 * 10.03.02 WARD CLERK (medical ser.) 245.362-014 * 07.05.03 Warden (gov. ser.) :DIRECTOR, INSTITUTION (any ind.): 187.1 17-0 18 11.07.01 wardrobe draper :COSTUMER ASSISTANT (motion pic.; radio & twº broad.): 346.374-010 09.05.07 WARDROBE-SPECIALTY WORKER (motion pic.; radio & tw broad.) 969.381-010 05.05.15 WARDROBE SUPERVISOR (amuse. & 09.05.07 WARD-SERVICE SUPERVISOR (medical ser.) 245. 137-010 07.01.02 Ward Supervisor (medical ser.) :PSYCHIATRIC AIDE (medical ser.): 355.377-014 * 10.03.02 WARE CLEANER (pottery & porc.) 774.687-022 06.04.30 WARE DRESSER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-042 06.04.30 WARE FINISHER (glass mfg.) 772.381-018 06.01.04 Warehouse Checker (clerical) :CHECKER (clerical) I: 222.687-0 1 0 07.07.02 Warehouse Cutter (glass mfg.) mfg.): 779.684-054 06.04.30 Warehouse Guard (any ind.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 Warehouse-Record Clerk (clerical) (clerical): 222.387-034 05.09.03 WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (any ind.) 929.137-022 05.09.01 warehouse supervisor :MATERIAL-HANDLING SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 921.133-018 05.12.01 warehouse supervisor STOCK SUPERVISOR 222. 1 37-034 05.09.01 WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (motor 05.12.03 WAREHOUSE TRAFFIC SUPERVISOR (whole. tr.) 922. 137- 026 05.12.03 warehouse worker :LABORER, STORES (any ind.): 922.687– O58 * 05.09.01 WARE SERVER (glass mfg.) 652.686-046 06.04.37 Wares Sorter (nonprofit organ.) :SORTER-PRICER (nonprofit organ.): 222.387-054 05.09.03 WARE TESTER (glass mfg.) 579.384-018 06.03.01 Ware Washer (pottery & porc.) :WASHER (any ind.): 599.687- 030 06.04.39 WARM-IN WORKER (glass mfg.) 772.684-018 06.04.30 381.687–026 :DADO OPERATOR rec.) 346.361-010 :SECOND CUTTER (glass :MATERIAL CLERK (clerical): trans.) 929. 137-018 702 arp-Bleaching-Vat Tender (textile) :WARP-DYEING-VAT TENDER (textile): 582.685-158 06.04.16 warp changer :LOOM CHANGER (textile): 683.360-010 06.01.02 warp clamper :BEAM RACKER (textile): 681.686-010 06.04.05 WARP COILER (textile) 582.686-038 06.04.16 warp drawer :DRAWER-IN, HAND (textile): 683.684-014 06.02.06 warp dresser :DRESSER TENDER (textile): 681.682-010 06.02.06 WARP-DYEING-VAT TENDER (textile) 582.685-158 06.04.16 WARPER (narrow fabrics) 681.685-146 06.04.06 warper tender :BEAM-WARPER TENDER, AUTOMATIC (asbestos prod.; knit goods; narrow fabrics; textile): 681.685- 018 06.04.06 warper tender 06.02.06 warp hanger :BEAM RACKER (textile): 681.686-010 06.04.05 warp hanger :HARNESS PLACER (textile): 683.680-010 06.01.02 warping-mill operator :DRESSER TENDER (textile): 681.682- 0 1 0 06.02.06 - Warp-Knitter Helper (knit goods) :KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR HELPER (knit goods): 685.686-01406.04.06 WARP-KNITTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (knit goods) 685.665-018 * 06.02.06 warp placer :BEAM RACKER (textile): 681.686-010 06.04.05 Warp-Scouring-Vat Tender (textile) :WARP-DYEING-VAT TENDER (textile): 582.685-158 06.04.16 :DRESSER TENDER (textile): 681.682-010 WARP SPOOLER (narrow fabrics; textile) 681.685-142 06.04.06 Warp-Spool Slasher (narrow fabrics) :SLASHER TENDER (textile): 582.562-010 06.04.16 warp starter :LOOM STARTER (textile): 683.360-014 06.01.02 warp starter :HARNESS PULLER (textile): 683.684-018 06.03.02 WARP-TENSION TESTER (textile) 683.687-034 06.03.02 warp tier :HARNESS PLACER (textile): 683.680-010 06.01.02 warp trucker :BEAM RACKER (textile): 681.686-010 06.04.05 warp-tying-machine knotter :WARP-TYING-MACHINE TENDER (narrow fabrics; textile): 683.685-034 06.04.06 WARP-TYING-MACHINE TENDER (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.685-034 06.04.06 WARP-YARN SORTER (textile) 681.687-022 06.03.02 washateria attendant :SELF-SERVICE-LAUNDRY-AND-DRY- CLEANING ATTENDANT (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.677-0 1 0 09.04.02 wash-barrel leader SUPERVISOR, TUMBLERS (ammunition; firearms): 599. 132-010 06.02.01 wash-box operator :COAL WASHER (mining & quarrying): 541.382-0 1 0 06.02.18 wash-box operator :PANELBOARD OPERATOR (mining & quarrying; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 939.362-01406.02.18 Wash-Clothes Presser (clean., dye., & press.) : PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 * 06.04.05 Washcloth Folder (house furn.) :CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (house furn.; textile): 589.687-014 06.04.27 Washcoat Wiper (furn.) :WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 wash driller :CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any ind.): 930.682- 0 1 0 05.11.02 wash-driller helper CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any ind.): 930.687-014 05.12.02 WASHER (any ind.) 599.687-030 06.04.39 WASHER (clock & watch) 715.687-126 06.04.39 WASHER (corn prod.) 529.687-2 10 06.04.39 washer SPOT CLEANER (garment; knit goods): 582.684-014 06.04.27 WASHER (optical goods) 713.684-042 06.04.39 WASHER (pen & pencil) 733.687-078 06.04.39 WASHER (synthetic fibers) 582.685-162 06.04.16 WASHER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.) 529.685-258 06.04.39 washer-and-capper-machine operator CAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.); 692.685-042 06.04.20 WASHER-AND-CRUSHER TENDER (mining & quarrying) 939.685-014 05.12.07 Washer, Blanket (laund.) 361.665-010 06.04.35 WASHER, CARCASS (slaught. & meat pack.) 525.687-122 06.04.39 - Washer Cutter (rubber goods) :RUBBER-GOODS CUTTER- FINISHER (rubber goods): 690.680-010 06.01.03 washer driver :DELIVERER, CAR RENTAL (auto. ser.; ret. tr.): 9 19.663-010 05.08.03 Washer-Dryer Preparer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-APPLIANCE PREPARER (any ind.): 827.584-010 05.12.16 WASHER ENGINEER (paper & pulp) 533.685-034 06.04.14 WASHER-ENGINEER HELPER (paper & pulp) 533.686-014 06.04.14 WASHER, HAND (laund.) 361.687-030 06.04.35 Washer Helper, Machine (laund.) :WASHING-MACHINE LOADER-AND-PULLER (laund.): 361.686-010 06.04.35 WASHER, MACHINE (any ind.) 599.685-114 06.04.39 WASHER, MACHINE (laund.) 361.665-010 06.04.35 Washer, Meat (slaught. & meat pack.) :SMOKED MEAT PREPARER (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.587-01406.04.28 washer-off :DIPPER (jewelry): 735.687-010 06.04.39 washer operator :COAL WASHER (mining & quarrying): 541.382-010 06.02.18 washery boss SUPERVISOR, PREPARATION PLANT (mining & quarrying): 549. 137-014 06.01.01 WASH HELPER (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.665-042 06.04.19 WASH-HOUSE WORKER (malt liquors) 529.685-254 06.04.39 WASHING-AND-SCREENING PLANT SUPERVISOR (const.) 570. 132-018 06.02.01 Washing-and-Waxing-Machine Operator (agric.; whole. tr.) :WASHER, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (agric.; can. & preserv.; sugar; whole. tr.): 529.685-258 06.04.39 Washing-Machine Assembler (elec. equip.) APPLIANCE AS- SEMBLER, LINE (elec. equip.; refrigerat. equip.): 827.684- 0 1 0 * 06.02.22 Washing-Machine Loader (laund.) I :WASHING-MACHINE LOADER-AND-PULLER (laund.): 361.686-0 1 0 06.04.35 Washing-Machine Loader (laund.) II : LAUNDRY LABORER (laund.): 361.687-018 06.04.35 WASHING-MACHINE LOADER-AND-PULLER 36 1.686-0 1 0 06.04.35 WASHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) 599.685-118 06.04.39 washing-machine operator :AMPOULE-WASHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel, prod.); 559.685-022 06.04.39 - Washing-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) :DRUM ATTEN- DANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 washing-machine operator :PRESS OPERATOR (rubber reclaim.); 559.685-138 06.04.13 washing-machine operator :CLOTH-WASHER OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-030 06.04.16 Washing-Machine Servicer (any ind.) :ELECTRICAL-AP- PLIANCE SERVICER (any ind.): 827.261-010 05.05.10 Washing-Machine Striper (elec. equip.) :STRIPER, SPRAY GUN (any ind.): 741.687-022 06.04.33 washing-tub operator :BOILING-TUB OPERATOR (chem.): 551.685-01 4 WASH-MILL OPERATOR (glue) 559.485-010 06.04.19 wash-oil-cooler operator :WASH-OIL-PUMP OPERATOR (coke prod.); 549.382-018 06.02.17 can. & :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): (laund.) 703 WASH-OIL-PUMP OPERATOR (coke prod.) 549.382-018 06.02.17 WASH-OIL-PUMP OPERATOR HELPER 549.685-034 06.04.12 WASH OPERATOR (bone, carbon, & lampblack) 559.662-014 06.02.18 washroom attendant :RESTROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-018 09.05.07 WASHROOM CLEANER (sugar) 529.687-214 06.04.39 WASHROOM OPERATOR (sugar) 529.665-014 06.04.15 Washroom Supervisor (laund.) :SUPERVISOR, LAUNDRY * (laund.): 361.137-010 05.09.02 WASH-TANK TENDER (explosives) 559.685-182 06.04.11 wash-test checker :CLOTH-SHRINKING TESTER (textile): 587.384-0 1 0 06.03.01 waste baler :BALING-MACHINE TENDER 920.685-010 06.04.38 waste chopper :STAPLE CUTTER (textile): 06.04.06 - WASTE CHOPPER (waste & batting) 689.686-054 06.04.16 waste collector CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any ind.): 381.687- 018 05.12.18 waste collector :LABORER, SALVAGE (any ind.): 929.687- 022 06.04.40 waste-cotton cleaner :WASTE-MACHINE TENDER (textile; waste & batting): 680.685-114 06.04.06 WASTE-DISPOSAL ATTENDANT (any ind.) 955.383-010 05.12.03 waste duster :WASTE-MACHINE TENDER (textile; waste & batting): 680.685-114 06.04.06 waste filling remover :PICK-PULLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.685-094 06.04.06 waste-house operator :DYNAMITE RECLAIMER (explosives): 551.687-018 06.04.34 WASTE-MACHINE OFFBEARER (waste & batting) 680.686- 022 06.04.16 waste-machine operator :GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 680.685-050 06.04.06 WASTE-MACHINE TENDER 680.685-1 1 4 06.04.06 WASTE-PAPER-HAMMERMILL OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 530,686-018 06.04.14 WASTE SALVAGER (garment) 781.684-062 06.02.27 (coke prod.) (any ind.): 680.685-102 (textile; waste & batting) WASTE-TREATMENT OPERATOR (chem.) 955.382-014 06.02.11 WASTEWATER-TREATMENT-PLANT ATTENDANT (sanitary ser.) 955.585-010 05.12.07 WASTEWATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (sanitary ser.) 955.362-010 05.06.04 watch adjuster :WATCH REPAIRER 715.28 1-0 1 0 * 06.01.04 WATCH-AND-CLOCK-REPAIR CLERK (ret. tr.) 299.367-0 18 05.09.02 WATCH ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.381-094 06.01.04 watch-assembly inspector :FINAL INSPECTOR (clock & watch): 715.381-050 06.01.05 Watch Balance Assembly Manufacturing Supervisor (clock & watch) :WATCH MANUFACTURING SUPERVISOR (clock & watch): 609. 130-026 06.01.01 WATCH-BAND ASSEMBLER (jewelry) 700.684-082 06.04.23 watch commander :DEPUTY SHERIFF, COMMANDER, CRIMINAL AND PATROL DIVISION (gov. ser.): 377.137- 01 4 04.01.01 WATCH-CRYSTAL EDGE GRINDER (glass prod.) 775.684- 062 06.04.30 - WATCH-CRYSTAL MOLDER (glass 06.02.32 watch-dial maker :DIAL MAKER (clock & watch): 715.381 - 046 06.01.04 (clock & watch): prod.) 772.684-022 watch-dial printer TRANSFERRER (clock & watch): 715.684 190 06.01.04 Watch-Dial Stoner (clock & watch) :POLISHER, DIAL (clock & watch): 715.684-170 06.02.24 Watch Electrician (tel. & tel.) :ELECTRICAL REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-014 05.05.05 watch engineer STATIONARY-ENGINEER SUPERVISOR (any ind.): 950.131-01405.06.02 watch engineer :STATIONARY ENGINEER 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 WATCHER, AUTOMAT (trim. & embroid.) 689.685-15C 06.04.05 * Watcher, Automat, Frame Goods (trim. & embroid.) :WATCHER, AUTOMAT (trim. & embroid.): 689.685-150 06.04.05 Watcher, Automat, Long Goods (trim. & embroid. :WATCHER, AUTOMAT (trim. & embroid.): 689.685-150 06.04.05 watcher, lookout tower :FIRE LOOKOUT (forestry): 452.367- 0 1 0 07.04.05 WATCHER, PANTOGRAPH (trim. & embroid.) 689.685-154 06.04.05 watchguard GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667-034 04.02.02 watch guard, gate :GATE TENDER (any ind.): 372.667-030 04.02.02 Watchguard, Racetrack (amuse. & rec.) :GUARD, SECURITY (any ind.): 372.667–034 04.02.02 watch-hairspring assembler HAIRSPRING ASSEMBLER (clock & watch): 715.38 1-054 06.01.04 Watch Hairspring Manufacturing Supervisor (clock & watch) :WATCH MANUFACTURING SUPERVISOR (clock & watch): 609. 130-026 06.01.01 watch inspector, final movement :FINAL INSPECTOR (clock & watch): 715.381-050 06.01.05 watchmaker :WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch): 715.281- 0 1 0 * 05.05.11 watchmaker apprentice :WATCH REPAIRER APPRENTICE (clock & watch): 715.281-01 4 06.01.04 WATCH MANUFACTURING SUPERVISOR (clock & watch). 609. 130-026 06.01.01 Watch Metal Dial Manufacturing Supervisor (clock & watch) :WATCH MANUFACTURING SUPERVISOR (clock & watch): 609. 130-026 06.01.01 WATCH REPAIRER (clock & watch) 715.281-010 * 05.05.11 WATCH REPAIRER APPRENTICE (clock & watch) 715.281 - O 1 4 05.05.11 Watchstander (water trans.) : ABLE SEAMAN (water trans.): 9 1 1.364-0 10 watch supervisor :AIRLINE-RADIO OPERATOR, CHIEF (air trans.; bus. ser.): 193.162-022 07.04.05 WATER-AND-SEWER-SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR (waterworks) 862. 1 37-018 05.05.03 Water Chaser (logging) 05.12.04 water-control-station engineer :WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks): 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 WATER CONTROL SUPERVISOR (waterworks) 184.167-270 05.02.01 - WATER-FILTER CLEANER 05.12.18 water filterer :WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks): 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 water-filterer helper :WATER-FILTER (waterworks): 954.587-010 05.12.18 Water Hauler (logging) :TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any ind.): 905.663-01 4 05.08.01 Water-Jet Loom Fixer (textile) :LOOM FIXER (asbestos prod.; narrow fabrics; textile): 683.260-018 * 06.01.02 (any ind.) :CHASER (logging): 921.667-014 (waterworks) 954.587-010 CLEANER 704 water-maintenance supervisor :WATER-AND-SEWER- SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR (waterworks): 862. 1 37-0 18 05.05.03 Water-Mangle Tender (textile) :MANGLE TENDER (textile): 584.685-042 06.04.16 Watermelon-Harvesting Supervisor (agric.) :SUPERVISOR, PICKING CREW (agric.): 409. 131-010 03.04.01 Watermelon Inspector (agric.) :INSPECTOR-GRADER, AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT (agric.): 409.687-010 03.04.01 WATER-METER 05.10.01 Water-Meter Reader (waterworks) :METER READER (light, heat, & power; waterworks): 209.567-010 05.09.03 water-plant-pump operator :PUMP-STATION OPERATOR, WATERWORKS (waterworks): 954.382-010 05.06.03 water-plant-pump-operator supervisor SUPERVISOR, PUMP- ING STATION (waterworks): 954. 130-010 05.06.03 Waterproof-Bag-Cutting-Machine Operator (tex. bag) CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 686.585-010 06.04.05 Waterproof-Bag Sewer (tex. bag) :SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. bag): 787.682-042 06.02.05 Waterproof-Coating-Machine Tender (wallpaper) :COATING- MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; wallpaper): 534.682- 018 06.02.14 Waterproofer (boot & shoe) :PAINTER, SPRAY (any ind.) II: 74 1.687-018 06.04.33 Waterproofer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 || 4 * 05.10.01 Waterproofer Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687-026 05.12.03 Waterproofing-Machine Operator (textile) :CLOTH-FINISH- ING-RANGE OPERATOR (textile): 589.665-01 4 06.04.16 Waterproofing Mixer (textile) :CHEMICAL MIXER (textile): 550.585-018 06.04.11 waterproof-material folder :FOLDER (tex. bag): 789.687-058 06.04.27 Water-Pump Assembler (engine & turbine) :INTERNAL-COM- BUSTION-ENGINE SUBASSEMBLER (engine & turbine): 706.48 1-0 1 0 06.02.22 Water-Pumping-Station Engineer (any ind.) :STATIONARY ENGINEER (any ind.): 950.382-026 * 05.06.02 Water-Pump Servicer (any ind.) :PUMP SERVICER (any ind.): 630.28 1-018 05.05.09 water purifier :WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks): 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 Water Quality Analyst (profess. & kin.) :ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 029.081-010 02.01.02 Water Quality-Control Engineer (profess. & kin.) :POLLUTION-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 0.19.08 1-018 05.01.02 WATER-QUALITY TESTER (paper & pulp) 539.367-014 05.07.04 WATER REGULATOR AND (waterworks) 862.684-030 05.10.02 Water Server (hotel & rest.) :DINING ROOM ATTENDANT (hotel & rest.): 31 1.677-018 09.05.02 WATER-SERVICE DISPATCHER (waterworks) 954.367-010 07.04.05 water-service supervisor :WATER-AND-SEWER-SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR (waterworks): 862. 137-018 05.05.03 WATERSHED TENDER (waterworks) 954.382-018 05.06.03 Water-Ski Assembler (sports equip.) :ASSEMBLER (sports equip.): 732.684-01406.04.23 WATER-SOFTENER SERVICER-AND-INSTALLER ser.) 862.684-034 05.10.01 water sponger CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 INSTALLER (waterworks) 954.564-0 10 VALVE REPAIRER (bus. water supervisor :WATER-AND-SEWER-SYSTEMS SUPER- VISOR (waterworks): 862. 137-018 05.05.03 Water-Taxi Driver (water trans.) :MOTORBOAT OPERATOR (any ind.): 91 1.663-010 05.08.04 WATER TENDER (any ind.) 599.685-122 05.12.06 water tender :DITCH RIDER (waterworks): 954.362-010 05.06.03 WATER-TEST RIDER (auto. mfg.) 807.587-010 06.03.02 Water-Treatment-Plant Engineer (profess. & kin.) :SANITARY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.): 005.061-030 05.01.03 water-treatment-plant mechanic :TREATMENT-PLANT MECHANIC (waterworks): 630.281-038 05.05.09 WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (chem.) 551.485-010 * 06.02.11 WATER-TREATMENT-PLANT OPERATOR (waterworks) 954.382-014 * 05.06.04 Water-Truck Driver (const.; petrol. production) I : TRACTOR- TRAILER-TRUCK DRIVER (any ind.): 904.383-010 * 05.08.01 WATER-TRUCK DRIVER (const.; petrol. production) II 905.683-010 05.08.01 WATERWAY TRAFFIC CHECKER (water trans.) 248.367- O30 07.04.05 water-well driller :WELL-DRILL OPERATOR 859.362-010 WAX-BALL KNOCK-OUT WORKER (sports equip.) 732.687- 082 06.04.39 WAX BLEACHER (chem.) 551.685-158 06.04.11 WAX BLENDER (candle) 550.585-046 06.04.19 wax-coating-machine tender :WAXING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (paper goods): 534.482-010 06.02.14 Waxed-Bag-Machine Operator (paper goods) :BAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 649.685-014 * 06.04.04 WAXER (glass prod.) 779.687-038 06.04.33 waxer :GREASER OPERATOR (hat & cap): 06.04.16 WAXER, FLOOR (any ind.) 381.687-034 05.12.18 waxer, metal, partial denture :DENTURE WAXER (medical ser.): 712.681-010 06.02.32 waxer operator :WAXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 534.482-010 06.02.14 Waxer Tender (motion pic.) :FILM LABORATORY TECHNI- CIAN (motion pic.) II: 976.685-018 05.12.14 Wax Impregnator (electronics) :IMPREGNATOR (electronics): 590.682-01 4 06.02.18 Waxing-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) :IMPREGNATING- TANK OPERATOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 WAXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 534.482-010 06.02.14 Waxing-Machine-Operator Helper (paper goods) :PAPER- PROCESSING-MACHINE HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods; wallpaper): 534.686-010 06.04.14 WAX-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 584.685-050 06.04.16 WAX MOLDER (found.; jewelry) 549.685-038 06.04.09 WAX-PATTERN ASSEMBLER (found.) 518.684-022 06.02.24 WAX-PATTERN COATER (found.) 518.687-022 06.04.32 WAX-PATTERN REPAIRER (found.) 518.684-026 06.02.24 WAX-POT TENDER (found.) 553.685-1 10 06.04.32 WAX POURER (fireworks) 737.685-018 06.04.19 wax pumper :PARAFFIN-PLANT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.): 541.682-0 1 0 06.02.12 Wax-Room Supervisor (found.) (found.): 519. 131-010 06.01.01 Wax Treater (petrol. refin.) :TREATER 549.362-01 4 06.02.12 Waybill Clerk (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.) :DOCUMENTATION-BILLING CLERK (air trans.; motor trans.; r. r. trans.; water trans.): 214.362-01 4 07.02.04 WAY INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 9 10.367-030 05.07.01 (const.): 582.685-082 :FOUNDRY SUPERVISOR (petrol. refin.): 705 ways operator :MARINE RAILWAY OPERATOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.): 921.662-022 05.11.04 Wearing-Apparel Assembler (clean., dye., & press.; laund.) :ASSEMBLER (clean., dye., & press.; laund.): 369.687-010 * 06.03.02 Wearing-Apparel Finisher, Hand (laund.) :PRESSER, HAND (any ind.): 363.684-018 * 06.04.35 Wearing-Apparel Folder (laund.) :FOLDER (laund.): 369.687- 018 06.04.35 wearing-apparel presser :PRESS OPERATOR (laund.): 363.685-0 1 0 06.04.35 Weasand Rodder (slaught. & meat pack.) :ANIMAL EVISCERATOR (slaught. & meat pack.): 525.687-010 06.04.28 WEATHER CLERK (air trans.) 248.362-01 4 07.07.03 WEATHER OBSERVER (profess. & kin.) 025.267-014 02.04.01 WEATHERSTRIP-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 690.382-01 4 06.02.09 Weather Stripper (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 WEAVE-DEFECT-CHARTING CLERK (textile) 221.587-042 07.07.03 WEAVER (asbestos prod.; textile) 683.682-038 * 06.02.06 WEAVER (basketry) 769.684-054 06.04.34 weaver :INTERLACER (boot & shoe): 788.684-070 06.04.27 WEAVER (carpet & rug) 683.682-034 06.02.06 weaver :CANER (furn.) I: 763.684-018 06.02.32 WEAVER (hairwork) 739.684-170 06.02.32 weaver :WOOD-WEB-WEAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (window shade & fix.): 692.685-262 06.04.09 WEAVER APPRENTICE (asbestos prod.; textile) 683.682-042 06.02.06 WEAVER, AXMINSTER (carpet & rug) 683.685-038 06.04.06 WEAVER, BENCH LOOM (wirework) 616.681-010 06.02.02 weaver, broadloom :WEAVER (asbestos prod.; textile): 683.682-038 * 06.02.06 Weaver, Dobby Loom (textile) :WEAVER (asbestos prod.; tex- tile): 683.682-038 * 06.02.06 WEAVER, HAND (narrow fabrics; 06.02.27 WEAVER, HAND (per. ser.) 782.381-022 05.05.15 WEAVER, HAND LOOM (carpet & rug; textile) 683.684-030 06.02.27 WEAVER, NARROW FABRICS (asbestos fabrics) 683.682-046 06.02.06 WEAVER, NEEDLE LOOM (narrow fabrics) 683.665-010 06.02.06 WEAVE-ROOM SUPERVISOR (carpet & rug) 683. 130-018 06.02.01 Weaver, Rapier-Insertion Loom (textile) :PLUSH WEAVER (textile): 683.682-030 06.02.06 textile) 782.684-062 prod.; narrow WEAVER, TIRE CORD (tex. prod., n.e.c.) 683.682-050 06.02.06 Weaver, Wire Loom (textile) :PLUSH WEAVER (textile): 683.682-030 06.02.06 WEAVING INSPECTOR (carpet & rug; textile) 683.684-034 06.02.06 weaving-machine operator :PAPERBACK-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (wirework): 616.685-046 06.04.09 WEAVING SUPERVISOR (asbestos prod.; textile) 683. 130- 022 06.01.01 - Webbing Seamer, Pound Net (cord. & twine) :FISH-NET STRINGER (cord. & twine): 782.684-026 06.04.27 WEBBING TACKER (furn.) 780.684-130 06.04.27 Webb Layer (basketry) :BASKET ASSEMBLER (basketry) I: 669.685-01 4 06.04.03 web-machine tender :CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539.686-010 06.04.14 WEB-PRESS OPERATOR (print. 05.05.13 WEB-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE 651.362-034 05.05.13 web-press-operator assistant :ASSISTANT-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.): 651.585-010 05.05.13 Web Sizer (textile) :ROVING-WEIGHT GAGER (textile) 680.687-018 06.03.02 web worker :NET REPAIRER (fish.): 449.664-010 05.10.01 WEDDING CONSULTANT (ret. tr.) 299.357-018 08.02.06 wedger-and-gluer :GLUER-AND-WEDGER (woodworking): 762.687-038 06.04.25 & pub.) 651.362-030 * (print. & pub.) WEDGER, MACHINE (cut. & tools) 701.687-034 06.04.23 weed-cooking operator :IRISH-MOSS OPERATOR (chem.): 529.382-030 06.02.11 WEEDER-THINNER (agric.) 409.687-018 03.04.01 WEED INSPECTOR (agric.) 408.381-01403.04.05 weft maker :WEAVER (hairwork): 739.684-170 06.02.32 WEFT STRAIGHTENER (textile) 580.682-010 06.04.16 weigh and charge worker :DEVULCANIZER CHARGER (rubber reclaim.); 558.666-010 06.04.13 weigher TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 Weigher (phonograph) :COMPOUND WORKER (phonograph): 559.686-010 06.04.13 WEIGHER (sports equip.) 732.687-086 06.04.34 WEIGHER, ALLOY (nonfer. metal alloys) 509.687-022 06.03.02 Weigher-and-Charger (floor covering, n.e.c.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 WEIGHER-AND-CRUSHER (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 51 5.567-010 06.04.08 WEIGHER AND GRADER 06.03.02 WEIGHER AND MIXER (chem.) 550.685-122 06.04.11 WEIGHER-BULKER (chem.) 550.582-014 06.02.11 WEIGHER OPERATOR (chem.; explosives) 559.687-070 06.03.02 Weigher, Packing (any ind.) :WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.): 929.587-014 06.03.02 WEIGHER, PRODUCTION (any ind.) 929.587-014 06.03.02 weigh-station inspector :INSPECTOR, MOTOR VEHICLES (gov. ser.): 168.267-058 * 11.10.03 WEIGHT ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 020.187-018 07.02.03 weight-and-test-bar clerk :MELTER CLERK (found.): 221.387- 042 05.09.02 (turp. & rosin) 559.567-014 WEIGH-TANK OPERATOR (oils & fats) 529.485-026 06.03.02 Weight Calculator (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) :CALCULATING-MACHINE (clerical): OPERATOR 21 6.482-022 * 07.02.02 - Weight Caller (clerical) :ORDER CALLER (clerical): 209.667- 0 1 4 05.09.03 weight checker :BAKERY WORKER (bake. prod.): 929.686- 0 1 0 * 06.04.38 weight clerk :TALLIER (clerical): 221.587-030 05.09.01 Weight-Count Operator (electronics) :ELECTRONIC-COM- PONENT PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-014 06.04.19 weight engineer :WEIGHT ANALYST (profess. & kin.): 020. 187-018 07.02.03 weighter :GOLF-CLUB WEIGHTER (sports equip.): 732.687- 026 06.04.34 WEIGHT GUESSER (amuse. & rec.) 342.357-010 01.07.03 weight recorder :SHIPPING-AND-RECEIVING WEIGHER (clerical): 222.367–058 05.09.01 WEIGHT TESTER (paper & pulp) 539.485-010 06.03.01 weight tester :WEIGHER (sports equip.): 732.687-086 06.04.34 WEIGHT-YARDAGE CHECKER (textile) 589.487-010 06.03.01 welcome-wagon host/hostess :GOODWILL AMBASSADOR (bus. ser.): 293.357-018 11.09.01 706 Welded-Parts Inspector (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :INSPECTOR, FABRICATION (aircraft-aerospace mſg.): 806.361-022 06.01.05 Welder, Acetylene (welding) :WELDER, GAS (welding): 81 1.684-01 4 05.05.06 WELDER APPRENTICE, 05.05.06 WELDER APPRENTICE, COMBINATION (welding) 819.384- 008 05.05.06 WELDER APPRENTICE, 05.05.06 WELDER, ARC (welding) 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 WELDER-ASSEMBLER (mach. mſg.) 819.381-010 05.05.06 Welder, Boilermaker (boilermaking) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 Welder, Carbon Arc (welding) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 81 0.384-0 || 4 * 05.05.06 WELDER, COMBINATION (welding) 819.384-010 * 05.05.06 WELDER, EXPERIMENTAL (welding) 819.281-022 05.05.06 WELDER, EXPLOSION (welding) 814.684-0 '0 06.02.24 WELDER-FITTER (welding) 819.361-010 05.09.06 WELDER-FITTER APPRENTICE (welding) 819.361-014 05.05.06 . Welder-Fitter, Arc (welding) :WELDER-FITTER (welding): 819.361-010 05.05.06 Welder-Fitter, Gas (welding) 819.36 1-0 1 0 05.05.06 welder-fitter helper :FITTER HELPER (any ind.): 801.687-014 05.12.12 Welder, Flux-Cored Arc (welding) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 WELDER, GAS (welding) 81 1.684-014 05.05.06 welder, gas, automatic :WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, GAS (welding): 81 1.482-010 06.02.19 Welder, Gas-Metal Arc (welding) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 8 10.384-014 * 05.05.06 Welder, Gas-Tungsten Arc (welding) (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 WELDER, GUN (welding) 810.664-010 06.04.31 Welder, Hand, Submerged Arc (welding) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 WELDER HELPER (welding) 819.687-01405.12.11 Welder, Oxyacetylene (welding) :WELDER, GAS (welding): 81 1,684-01 4 05.05.06 Welder, Oxyhydrogen (welding) :WELDER, GAS (welding): 811.684-01 4 05.05.06 - Welder, Pipe Making (iron & steel) :MULTI-OPERATION- FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.360- O26 06.01.03 Welder, Plasma Arc (welding) :WELDER, ARC (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 ARC (welding) 810.384-010 GAS (welding) 81 1.684-010 :WELDER-FITTER (welding): :WELDER, ARC welder, plastic :HEAT WELDER, PLASTICS (fabric. plastics prod.); 553.684-010 06.04.31 WELDER, PRODUCTION LINE (welding) 819.684-010 * 06.04.31 Welder, Production Line, Arc (welding) :WELDER, PRODUC- TION LINE (welding): 819.684-010 * 06.04.31 Welder, Production Line, Combination (welding) :WELDER, PRODUCTION LINE (welding): 819.684-010 * Welder, Production Line, Gas (welding) :WELDER, PRODUC- TION LINE (welding): 819.684-010 * 06.04.31 Welder, Repair (welding) :WELDER, COMBINATION (welding): 819.384-010 * 05.05.06 WELDER SETTER, ELECTRON-BEAM MACHINE (welding) 815.380-0 1 0 06.01.02 WELDER SETTER, RESISTANCE MACHINE 8 12.360-0 1 0 06.01.02 Welder, Shielded-Metal Arc (welding) (welding): 810.384-014 * 05.05.06 (welding) :WELDER, ARC Welder, Structural Repair (welding) :WELDER-FITTER (welding): 819.361-010 05.05.06 WELDER, TACK (welding) 810.684-010 05.10.01 Welder, Tool and Die (welding) :WELDER-FITTER (welding): 819.361-010 05.05.06 - WELDING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 01:1.061-026 05.01.08 Welding-Machine Assembler (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER AND WIRER, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (elec. equip.; mach. mfg.): 826.361-010 * 06.01.04 Welding-Machine Feeder (welding) (welding): 819.686-010 * 06.04.31 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding) 810.382- 0 1 0 06.02.19 Welding-Machine Operator, Electro-Gas (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding): 810.382-010 06.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, (welding) 815.382-010 06.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, (welding) 815.382-01406.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, FRICTION 814.382-010 06.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, GAS (welding) 81 1.482- 0 1 0 06.02.19 :MACHINE FEEDER ELECTRON BEAM ELECTROSLAG (welding) Welding-Machine Operator, Gas-Metal Arc (welding) :WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding): 8 1 O.382-010 06.02.19 Welding-Machine Operator, Gas-Tungsten Arc (welding) :WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding): 810.382-0 1 0 06.02.19 Welding-Machine-Operator Helper, Arc (welding) :MACHINE HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 Welding-Machine-Operator Helper, Gas (welding) :MACHINE HELPER (welding): 819.666-010 05.12.11 Welding-Machine Operator, Plasma Arc (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding): 810.382-010 06.02.19 - WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, RESISTANCE (welding) 8 12.682-010 06.02.19 Welding-Machine Operator, Submerged Arc (welding) :WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ARC (welding): 8 10.382-010 06.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, THERMIT (welding) 81 5.682-01 4 05.10.01 WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ULTRASONIC (welding) 814.682-010 06.02.19 WELDING-MACHINE TENDER (welding) 819.685-010 06.02.19 WELDING-ROD COATER (elec. equip.) 505.382-014 06.02.21 WELDING SUPERVISOR (welding) 819. 131-014 06.02.01 Welding Supervisor, Electric-Weld Pipe Mill (welding) :WELDING SUPERVISOR (welding): 819. 131-014 06.02.01 WELDING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 0 1 1.261-014 05.01.01 - welding tester :WELD INSPECTOR (welding) I: 819.281-018 06.01.05 WELD INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 724,685-01406.03.02 WELD INSPECTOR (welding) I 819.281-018 06.01.05 WELD INSPECTOR (welding) II 819.687-010 06.03.02 WELFARE DIRECTOR (gov. ser.) 188.1 17-126 11.07.01 well cleaner CLEAN-OUT DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.363-0 10 Well Digger (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 Well-Digger Helper (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 . well driller :ROTARY DRILLER (petrol. production): 930.382- 026 WELL-DRILL OPERATOR (const.) 859.362-010 05.11.03 707 Well-Drill Operator, Cable Tool (const.) OPERATOR (const.): 859.362-010 05.11.03 Well-Drill-Operator Helper, Cable :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 05.10.01 Well-Drill-Operator Helper, Rotary :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 05.10.01 Well-Drill Operator, Rotary Drill (const.) OPERATOR (const.): 859.362-010 WELL-LOGGING CAPTAIN, MUD ANALYSIS production) 0.10.131-010 02.04.01 WELL-LOGGING OPERATOR, MUD ANALYSIS (petrol. production) 0.10.281-022 02.04.01 WELL-POINT PUMPING SUPERVISOR (const.) 862. 132-010 05.12.06 WELL PULLER (petrol. production) 930.382-030 05.11.03 WELL PULLER, HEAD (petrol. production) 939.131-018 05.12.02 Well-Reactivator Operator (const.) :WELL-DRILL OPERA- TOR (const.): 859.362-010 05.11.03 well shooter :SHOOTER (petrol. production): 931.361-014 05.10.06 WELT BEATER (boot & shoe) 690.685-470 06.04.05 WELT-BUTTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.687-162 06.04.27 WELT BUTTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-474 06.04.05 WELT CUTTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-478 06.04.05 welt cutter :WELT-TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 686.685-074 06.04.05 welt-edge rounder :ROUNDER, HAND (hat & cap): 784.684- 050 06.04.27 welter :STITCHER, SPECIAL MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-078 06.02.05 Welting Stitcher, Front (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STAN- DARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 welt-insole channeler :CHANNELER, INSOLE (boot & shoe): 690.685-086 06.04.05 welt maker :WELT CUTTER (boot & shoe): 690.685-478 06.04.05 welt-pocket-machine operator :PIPED-POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment): 786.685-022 06.04.05 :WELL-DRILL Tool (const.) $69.664-014 * Drill (const.) 869.664-0 14 * :WELL-DRILL (petrol. Welt Rougher (boot & shoe) :BUFFER (boot & shoe): 690.685-046 06.04.05 Welt Sewer (furn.) :UPHOLSTERY SEWER (any ind.): 780.682-018 06.02.05 Welt-Sole Layer (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE JOINER (boot & shoe): 690.685-074 06.04.05 Welt-Strip Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) :CEMENTER, MACHINE APPLICATOR (boot & shoe): 690.686-018 06.04.05 Welt Treater (boot & shoe) :LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe): 788.687-090 06.04.27 welt trimmer :INSEAM TRIMMER (boot & shoe): 690.685-238 06.04.05 WELT-TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR 686.685-074 06.04.05 - WELT WHEELER (boot & shoe) 690.685-482 06.04.05 western-felt-hat blocker :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 Western-Saddle Maker (leather prod.) :SADDLE MAKER (leather prod.): 783.381-026 05.05.15 WET-AND-DRY-SUGAR-BIN OPERATOR (sugar) 529.665- 018 06.04.15 Wet-Char Conveyor Tender (sugar) :CHAR-CONVEYOR TENDER (sugar): 529.685-050 06.04.40 wet cleaner, machine :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): 361.665- 0 1 0 06.04.35 -- - T WET-COTTON FEEDER (textile) 581.686-042 06.04.16 (hat & cap) wet-crown-blocking operator :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 WET-END HELPER (build. board) 534.685-034 06.04.14 WET-END OPERATOR (plastics mat.) I 559.685-186 06.04.13 WET-END OPERATOR (plastics mat.) II 559.685-190 06.04.13 Wet-End Tester (paper & pulp) :PULP-AND-PAPER TESTER (paper & pulp): 539.364-010 06.03.01 wet finisher, wool :FULLER (textile): 586.682-010 06.02.16 WET INSPECTOR, OPTICAL GLASS (optical goods) 716.687-034 06.03.02 WET-MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp) 539.685-030 06.04.14 wet-milling-wheel operator :DRUM ATTENDANT (felt goods; leather mfg.): 582.685-050 06.04.16 wet mixer :CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.): 570.482-010 06.04.17 WET MIXER (chem.) 550.685-126 06.04.11 wet mixer :PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, WET (explosives): 550.582-0 1 0 06.02.18 WET-MIX OPERATOR (chem.) 558.382-058 06.02.11 wet-mix operator :GRANULATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (drug. prep. & rel. prod.): 559.382-026 06.04.11 Wet-Pan Mixer (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.) :MUD- MIXER OPERATOR (coke prod.; ore dress., smelt., & refin.): 570.685-070 06.04.17 WET-PLANT OPERATOR (ore dress., 519.665-018 06.04.10 wet-press tender :CUTTER, WET MACHINE (paper & pulp): 539.686-0 10 06.04.14 Wet Roaster (nut process.) :NUT ROASTER (nut process.): 529.685-174 O6.04.15 Wet Roller (leather mfg.) :ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.): 583.685-094 06.04.16 Wet Trimmer (leather mfg.) TRIMMER, HAND (leather mfg.): 585.684-010 06.04.27 wet washer, machine :WASHER, MACHINE (laund.): 361.665- 0 1 0 06.04.35 WHARF ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 342.667-010 09.04.02. wharf hand :LABORER, WHARF (can. & preserv.): 922.687- 062 06.04.40 wharf hand :BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 91 1.364-014 05.12.06 wharf helper :BOAT-LOADER HELPER 911.687-0 10 05.12.06 WHARFINGER (water trans.) 1.84.387-010 07.02.04 WHARFINGER, CHIEF (water trans.) 184.167-274 11.11.03 wharf operator :BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 911.364-014 05.12.06 WHARF TENDER (coke prod.) 542.667-010 06.04.12 wharf tender BOAT LOADER (water trans.) I: 9.11.364-014 05.12.06 - wharf tender, head :SUPERVISOR, DOCK (petrol. refin.; pipe lines): 914. 137-018 05.12.06 wharf-tender helper :BOAT-LOADER HELPER (water trans.): 911.687-0 1 0 05.12.06 WHARF WORKER (water trans.) 921.667–026 05.12.03 WHEAT CLEANER (cereal) 529.685-262 06.04.15 Wheat Grower (agric.) :FARMER, CASH GRAIN (agric.): 40 l. 1 6 1-0 1 0 03.01.01 wheelabrator operator :SANDBLAST-OR-SHOTBLAST- EQUIPMENT TENDER (any ind.): 503.685-042 05.12.18 wheel-alinement mechanic :FRONT-END MECHANIC (auto. ser.): 620.281-038 05.10.01 - wheel and axle inspector :RAILROAD WHEELS AND AXLE INSPECTOR (loco. & car blog. & rep.): 622.381-034 06.01.05 WHEEL-AND-CASTER REPAIRER (any ind.) 630.684-038 05.12.15 smelt., & refin.) (water trans.): 708 | WHEEL ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) 809.684-038 06.04.22 - wheel assembler :WHEEL LACER AND TRUER (motor. & bicycles): 706.684-106 06.02.23 Wheel Assembler, Baby Carriage (toys & games) :TOY AS- SEMBLER (toys & games): 731.687-034 * 06.04.23 wheel blocker :PATTERN WHEEL MAKER (knit goods): 685.684-0 1 0 06.02.27 wheelchair and baby-stroller rental clerk :BABY-STROLLER AND WHEELCHAIR RENTAL CLERK (ret. tr.): 295.36.7- 0 1 4 09.04.02 HEEL CUTTER (clock & watch) 605.682-030 06.02.02 heel engraver :ENGRAVER (glass prod.; mirror): 775.381- 0 1 0 01.06.01 heeler (chem.) :LABORER, CHEMICAL PROCESSING (chem.); 559.687-050 06.04.40 Wheel Filler (auto. mfg.) :PUTTY GLAZER (any 749.684–042 06.04.33 Wheel Fitter (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :CAR REPAIRER (loco. & car blog. & rep.); 622.381-014 05.05.06 Wheel Inspector (iron & steel) :INSPECTOR (iron & steel): 619.38 1-0 1 0 * 06.03.01 WHEEL INSPECTOR (r. r. trans.) 806.387-0 1 4 05.07.01 Wheel Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) :ASSEMBLER (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.): 869.684-010 06.02.22 WHEEL LACER AND TRUER (motor. & bicycles) 706.684- 106 06.02.23 wheel loader operator :FRONT-END LOADER OPERATOR (any ind.): 921.683-042 05.11.04 WHEEL-MILL OPERATOR (explosives) 555.685-066 06.04.11 WHEEL-PRESS CLERK (loco. & car blog. & rep.) 221.587- 046 05.09.02 Wheel-Press Operator (loco. & car blóg. & rep.) :ARBOR- PRESS OPERATOR (any ind.) I: 616.682-010 06.02.20 wheel setter :POLISHING-WHEEL SETTER (any 776.684-01 4 05.10.04 wheel truer :WHEEL LACER AND TRUER (motor. & bicy- cles): 706.684-106 06.02.23 WHEEL-TRUING MACHINE TENDER (motor. & bicycles) 706.685-01 4 06.04.24 WHEELWRIGHT (auto. ser.) 706.381-046 05.10.01 Whip Operator (amuse. & rec.) :RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.): 342.663-010 05.10.02 WHIPPED-TOPPING FINISHER (oils 06.02.15 whipper-beater CANDY-MAKER HELPER 520.685-050 06.04.15 whirling-machine operator :CHINCHILLA-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (textile): 585.685-022 06.04.16 Whisky Filterer (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR BLENDER (distilled liquors): 522.382-018 06.02.15 Whisky Inspector (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR INSPECTOR (distilled liquors): 522.667-010 06.03.02 Whisky-Proof Reader (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR BLENDER (distilled liquors): 522.382-018 06.02.15 Whisky-Regager (distilled liquors) :LIQUOR BLENDER (distilled liquors): 522.382-018 06.02.15 White-Kid Buffer (leather mfg.) :BUFFER, MACHINE (leather mfg.): 585.685-018 06.04.16 white-metal corrosion proofer 500.682-0 1 0 06.02.21 Whitener (mirror & pic. frames) :FURNITURE FINISHER (woodworking): 763.381-010 05.05.08 whiteprinting-machine operator :BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 979.682-01405.10.05 White-Shoe Examiner (boot & shoe) :INSPECTOR (boot & shoe): 788.384-010 06.03.01 WHITE-SHOE RAGGER (boot & shoe) 788.687-166 06.04.33 White-Sidewall-Tire Buffer (rubber tire & tube) :BUFFER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 759.684-022 06.04.29 ind.): ind.): & fats) 529.682-034 (confection.): :ANODIZER (any ind.): White-Sugar Boiler (sugar) :SUGAR BOILER (sugar): 522.382- 034 06.02.15 - White-Sugar Centrifugal Operator (sugar) :CENTRIFUGAL OPERATOR (corn prod.; sugar): 521.682-010 06.02.15 White-Sugar-Pan-Tank Operator (sugar) :TANK TENDER (sugar): 529.585-01406.04.15 - White-Sugar-Sirup Operator (sugar) :TANK TENDER (sugar): 529.585-01 4 06.04.15 - White Washer (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) II: 869.687–026 05.12.03 White-Washer Piler (textile) :BACK TENDER (textile): 589.686-0 1 0 06.04.16 white-work cleaner CLEANER (engraving): 704.687-010 06.04.39 WHITING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mirror & pic. frames) 562.485-010 06.04.21 whittling-room operator :PATTERNMAKER (hat & cap): 784.361-010 01.06.02 WHIZZER (hat & cap) 581.685-070 06.04.16 whizzer operator : WHIZZER (hat & cap): 581.685-070 06.04.16 WHOLESALER (whole. tr.) I 185. 167-070 1 1.05.04 WHOLESALER (whole. tr.) II 185. 157-018 11.05.04 WICK-AND-BASE ASSEMBLER (candle) 739.687-202 06.04.23 wick cutter :CANDLE CUTTER (candle): 739.687-050 06.04.34 WICKER, MOLDED CANDLES (candle) 692.685–242 06.04.09 wicker worker :WEAVER (basketry): 769.684-054 06.04.34 WICKER WORKER (furn.) 763.684-078 06.04.25 wick tender :WICKER, MOLDED CANDLES 692.685–242 06.04.09 wide-cloth folder :CLOTH-DOUBLING-AND-WINDING- MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 689.685-050 06.04.06 Wide-Piece-Goods Inspector (floor covering, n.e.c.) :INSPECTOR (floor covering, n.e.c.): 590.367-010 06.03.01 (candle): WIDTH STRIPPER (boot & shoe) 690.685-486 06.04.05 width stripper :CUT-LACE-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 585.685-038 06.04.05 Wig Comber (toys & games) :HACKLER, DOLL WIGS (toys & games): 731.687-018 06.04.34 WIG DRESSER (hairwork; per ser.) 332.361-010 01.06.02 WIG MAKER (hairwork) 739.381-058 05.05.15 Wig Stylist (per. ser.) :SALESPERSON, WIGS (per. ser.; ret. tr.): 261.351-0 10 08.02.02 wildlife AGENT, REGIONAL (gov. ser) 379,137-018 04.01.02 r WILDLIFE CONTROL AGENT (gov. ser.) 379.267-010 03.01.02 will-call clerk :LAY AWAY CLERK (ret. tr.): 299.467-010 07.03.01 willower :PICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 680.685-082 06.04.06 willow-machine operator :WASTE-MACHINE TENDER (textile; waste & batting): 680.685-114 06.04.06 willow-machine tender :WASTE-MACHINE TENDER (textile; waste & batting): 680.685-114 06.04.06 Willow Worker (basketry) :WEAVER (basketry): 769.684-054 06.04.34 Willow Worker (furn.) :WICKER WORKER (furn.): 763.684- 078 06.04.25 Wilton Weaver (carpet & rug) :CARPET WEAVER, JACQUARD LOOM (carpet & rug): 683.682-014 06.02.06 WINCH DRIVER (water trans.) 921.683-082 05.11.04 Wincher (any ind.) :DUMPER (any ind.): 921.667-0 18 05.12.03 Wincher (wood preserving) :LABORER, WOOD-PRESERV- ING PLANT (wood preserving): 561.686-010 06.04.18 709 winch operator :HOIST OPERATOR (petrol. production): 932.363-0 1 0 05.11.02 Winch Operator (water trans.) :STEVEDORE (water trans.) I: 9 11.663-01 4 05.11.04 winder :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 winder :BROOMMAKER (brush & broom): 739.684-018 06.04.34 WINDER (clock & watch) 715.687-130 06.03.02 winder TRIMMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment; knit goods): 583.685-122 06.04.05 winder SPIRAL-TUBE WINDER (paper goods): 640.682-022 06.02.04 winder CARBON-PAPER INTERLEAFER (pen & pencil): 640.685-018 06.04.04 WINDER (sports equip.) 692.685–246 06.04.09 winder :SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (trim. & em- broid.): 681.685-11 4 06.04.38 - Winder Fixer (textile) :MACHINE FIXER (textile): 689.260- 0 1 0 06.01.02 winder, gammeter 06.04.09 WINDER HELPER (paper & pulp) 539.685-034 06.04.14 winder helper :SPIRAL-TUBE-WINDER HELPER (paper goods): 640.687-01406.04.26 winder operator :REELER (build. mat., n.e.c.); 549.685-022 06.04.09 WINDER OPERATOR (floor covering, n.e.c.) 590.665-018 06.04.09 winder operator :TUBE WINDER, HAND (pipe & boiler cov.): 692.685-234 06.04.09 WINDER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (textile) 681.685-150 06.04.06 WINDING INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 729.384-022 06.03.01 WINDING INSPECTOR AND TESTER (elec. equip.) 724.364- 0 1 0 06.03.01 WINDING-LATHE OPERATOR (ammunition) 619.685-086 06.04.02 :WINDER (sports equip.); 692.685–246 winding-machine operator :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-1.54 * 06.04.06 winding-machine operator :CLOTH WINDER (any ind.): 689.685-046 06.04.06 WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (conc. prod.) 619.665-010 06.04.02 winding-machine operator SPOOLING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (trim. & embroid.): 681.685-1 14 06.04.38 WINDING-RACK OPERATOR (coated fabrics) 581.685-074 06.04.16 Winding-Rack-Operator Helper (coated fabrics) :LABORER, GENERAL (coated fabrics): 589.687-026 06.04.05 WIND-INSTRUMENT REPAIRER (any ind.) 730.281-054 05.05. 12 windlace-machine operator :WEATHERSTRIP-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods): 690.382-01406.02.09 Window Assembler (plan. mill) :GLASS INSTALLER (furn.; plan. mill): 865.684-01406.04.30 Window Dresser (ret. tr.) :DISPLAYER, MERCHANDISE (ret. tr.): 298.081-010 01.02.03 window-glass cutter off :GLASS CUT-OFF TENDER (glass mfg.): 677.685-030 06.04.08 Window Installer (mfa. blogs.; trans. equip.) HANGER (mfä. blogs.; trans. equip.): 809.684-030 06.02.22 Window Installer (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :BOAT OUT- FITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484-01405. 10.01 window-machine operator :PATCH-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 641.685-066 06.04.04 WINDOW REPAIRER (any ind.) 899.684-042 05.12.12 Window-Shade-Cloth Sewer (window shade & fix.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682-026 06.02.05 WINDOW-SHADE CUTTER AND MOUNTER (window shade & fix.) 692.685-250 06.04.09 :METAL Window-Shade Estimator (ret. tr.) :DRAPERY AND UPHOL: STERY MEASURER (ret. tr.): 299.364-010 05.09.02 window-shade-ring coverer :WINDOW-SHADE-RING SEWER (window shade & fix.): 692.685-254 06.04.09 WINDOW-SHADE-RING SEWER (window shade & fix.) 692.685-254 06.04.09 window washer :CLEANER, WINDOW (any ind.): 389.687-014 05. 12.18 windshield installer :GLASS INSTALLER (auto. ser.): 865.684- 0 1 0 05.10.01 Windshield Installer (ship & boat blóg. & rep.) :BOAT OUT- FITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484-01405.10.01 Windshield-Wiper Repairer (auto. ser.) :ELECTRICIAN, AU- TOMOTIVE (auto. ser.): 825.281-022 05.05.10 Windshield-Wiper Repairer (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :MECHANICAL-UNIT REPAIRER (auto. ser.; loco. & car blog. & rep.): 620.381-018 05.05.09 WIND-TUNNEL MECHANIC (aircraft-aerospace 827.38 1-0 1 4 05.10.02 wind-up operator :CALENDER-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube); 554.686-018 06.04.13 wine-bottle inspector :DEFLECTOR OPERATOR (malt liquors; vinous liquors): 529.687-058 06.03.02 Wine-Cellar Stock Clerk (hotel & rest.) (clerical): 222.387–058 * 05.09.02 WINE MAKER (vinous liquors) 183.161-01405.02.03 WINE PASTEURIZER (vinous liquors) 523.685-126 06.04.15 WINERY WORKER (vinous liquors) 521.685-370 06.04.15 WINE STEWARD/STEWARDESS (hotel & rest.) 310.357-010 09.05.02 Wing Assembler (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :AIRPLANE WOOD- WORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 769.281-010 06.01.04 WING-MAILER-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 208.685-034 WINK-CUTTER OPERATOR (rubber goods) 557.382-014 06.02.07 WINTERIZER (oils & fats) 521.685-374 06.04.15 wiper :MACHINE CLEANER (any ind.): 699.687-01406.04.39 WIPER (furn.) 742.687-0 10 06.04.25 WIPER (light, fix.) 723.687-022 06.04.39 wiper CLEANER (smoking pipe): 739.687-058 06.04.39 wiper-blender WIPER (furn.): 742.687-010 06.04.25 Wiping-Rag Washer (waste & batting) :LAUNDRY WORKER (any ind.) II: 361.685-018 06.04.35 wire-and-repeater technician :TESTING-AND-REGULATING TECHNICIAN (tel. & tel.): 822.261-026 05.05.05 WIRE-BASKET MAKER (wirework) 709.687-062 06.04.24 Wire Bender (elec. equip.) :ASSEMBLER, DRY CELL AND BATTERY (elec. equip.): 727.687-022 * 06.04.23 WIRE BENDER (matt. & bedspring) 709.687-058 06.04.24 Wire Bender (wood. box) :BOX-BLANK-MACHINE-OPERA- TOR HELPER (wood. box): 669.686-014 06.04.20 Wire Bender, Hand (any ind.) :TUBE BENDER, HAND (any ind.) II: 709.687–050 06.04.24 WIRE-BORDER ASSEMBLER (matt. & bedspring) 780.685- 018 06.04.20 Wire-Bound-Box-Machine Helper (wood. box) :BOX-BLANK- MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood. box): 669.686-014 06.04.20 Wire-Bound-Box-Machine Operator (wood. box) :BOX- BLANK-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box): 669.662-010 06.02.20 Wire-Brush-Boring-and-Filling-Machine Operator (brush & broom) :BORING-AND-FILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (brush & broom): 692.682-018 06.02.09 Wire Brusher (any ind.) :LABORER, GRINDING AND POLISHING (any ind.): 705.687-014 06.04.34 wire-brushing-machine operator :DEBURRER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 603.685-050 06.04.02 mfg.) :STOCK CLERK 710 | wire-brush maker :MOTOR-AND-GENERATOR-BRUSH MAKER (elec. equip.): 724.684-038 06.02.24 WIRE CHARGER (elec. equip.) 614.586-010 06.04.21 wire chief :CENTRAL-OFFICE-REPAIRER SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.): 822. 131-010 05.05.05 Wire Coater (electronics) :IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 599.685-046 06.04.21 IRE-COATING OPERATOR, METAL (galvanizing) 501.485- 010 06.04.21 WIRE COILER (elec. equip.) 724.361-010 06.02.02 WIRE COINER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.) 616.685-086 06.04.02 WIRE CUTTER (coin mach.) 731.687-038 06.04.24 Wire Cutter (elec. equip.) :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 691.685-018 06.04.34 WIRE DRAWER (clock & watch) 614.382-014 * 06.02.02 WIRE DRAWER (jewelry) 735.687-042 06.04.24 WIRE DRAWER (wire) 614.382-010 06.02.02 Wire-Drawing-Machine Tender (welding) :WELDING- MACHINE TENDER (welding): 819.685-010 06.02.19 WIRE-DRAWING-MACHINE TENDER (wire) 614.685-026 06.04.02 Wire-Drawing Supervisor (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire) :SUPERVISOR, DRAWING (iron & steel; nonfer. metal alloys; wire): 614. 132-010 06.04.01 wire-draw operator :WIRE DRAWER (wire): 614.382-010 06.02.02 wire dropper :DROP-WIRE HANGER (textile): 683.687-014 06.04.06 wired-sweatband cutter :SWEATBAND SEPARATOR (hat & cap): 585.685-122 06.04.05 wire-fence builder :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684-022 05.10.01 Wire-Fence Erector (const.) 869.684-022 05.10.01 wire former :ASSEMBLER, ELECTRICAL WIRE GROUP (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 728.384-010 06.02.23 WIRE-FRAME DIPPER (artif. flower) 734.684-026 06.04.33 WIRE-FRAME-LAMP-SHADE MAKER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 709.684-098 06.02.24 WIRE-FRAME MAKER (artif. flower) 734.481-010 06.04.24 wire galvanizer WIRE-COATING OPERATOR, METAL (galvanizing): 501.485-010 06.04.21 wire-harness assembler :CABLE MAKER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 728.684-010 * 06.02.32 WIRE INSERTER (hat & cap) 784.687-082 06.04.34 wire-loop-machine operator :BALE-TIE-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (wirework): 616.682-014 06.02.02 Wire-Machine Operator (hat & cap) :HAT-AND-CAP SEWER (hat & cap): 784.682-014 * 06.02.05 WIRE-MESH-FILTER FABRICATOR (wirework) 709.381-046 06.02.24 WIRE-PHOTO OPERATOR, NEWS (print. & pub.) 239.382- 0 1 0 05.10.05 wire-preparation worker :WIREWORKER (elec. equip.; elec- tronics): 728.687-010 06.04.24 wirer :ELECTRICIAN (any ind.): 824.261-010 * 05.05.05 wirer :BODY WIRER (auto. mfg.; trans. equip.): 829.684-014 05.05.05 WIRER (office mach.) 729.281-042 06.02.32 wirer ASSEMBLER (tel. & tel.): 722.38 1-0 10 06.01.04 WIRER, CABLE (elec. equip.) 729.381-022 05.10.03 WIRE REPAIRER (carpet & rug) 628.684-038 06.04.24 wirer helper :ELECTRICIAN HELPER (any ind.): 829.684-022 05.12.16 Wirer Helper (light, heat, & power) :HELPER, ELECTRICAL (light, heat, & power): 821.667-010 05. 12.16 Wirer, Maintenance (light, heat, & power) REPAIRER (any ind.): 829.281-01405.05.05 :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): :ELECTRICAL WIRE-ROPE-SLING MAKER (wirework) 709.684-102 06.02.24 Wirer, Passenger Car (loco. & car blog. & rep.) :ELECTRICIAN, LOCOMOTIVE (loco. & car blåg. & rep.): 825.28.1-026 05.05.05 WIRER, STREET LIGHT (light, heat, & power) 821.684-018 05.12.16 WIRER, 06.02.23 wire-saw operator :WIRE SAWYER (stonework): 677.462-014 06.02.08 WIRE SAWYER (stonework) 677.462-014 06.02.08 WIRE SETTER (glass mfg.) 579.665-018 06.04.02 Wire-Shape Maker (hat & cap) :FOUNDATION MAKER (hat & cap): 784.684-030 06.04.34 wire-spiral binder :SPIRAL BINDER (paper goods; print. & pub.): 653.685-030 06.04.09 Wire-Spring-Relay Adjuster (elec. equip.) ADJUSTER, ELEC- TRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.): 724.381-010 05.10.03 wire stitcher, hand :STAPLER, HAND (matt. & bedspring): 780.687-042 06.04.22 wire-stitcher, machine :STAPLER, MACHINE (furn.; matt. & bedspring): 692.685-198 06.04.20 wire-stitcher operator :STAPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.): 692.685-202 06.04.20 Wire Stockkeeper (wirework) :STOCK CLERK (clerical): 222.387–058 + 05.09.02 Wire-Straightening-Machine Operator (any ind.) :STRAIGHTENING-ROLL OPERATOR (any ind.); 613.462- 022 06.02.02 WIRES-TRANSFER CLERK 07.06.02 Wire Stripper (elec. equip.) :LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.): 69 1.685-018 06.04.34 Wire Stripper (electronics) :ELECTRONICS (electronics): 726.687-010 06.04.34 WIRE-STRIPPING-AND-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (any ind.) 69 1.485-010 06.04.09 wire-taping-machine operator :INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (insulated wire): 691.682-018 * 06.02.09 WIRE THREADER (clock & watch) 604.686-010 06.02.02 Wire Tinner (galvanizing) :WIRE-COATING OPERATOR, METAL (galvanizing): 501.485-010 06.04.21 WIRE-TURNING-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.685–258 06.04.09 WIRE WALKER (amuse. & rec.) 159.347–022 12.02.01 wire weaver :WIRE WEAVER, CLOTH (wirework): 616.382- 0 1 4 06.02.02 WIRE WEAVER, CLOTH (wirework) 616.382-01 4 06.02.02 WIRE-WEAVER HELPER (wirework) 616.687-0 14 06.04.02 wire winder :WIRE-WINDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods): 690.685-490 06.04.09 SUBASSEMBLIES (office mach.) 729.684-062 (finan. inst.) 203.562-010 WORKER (wood. box) WIRE-WINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. box) 619.685-090 06.04.02 WIRE-WINDING-MACHINE TENDER (rubber goods) 690.685-490 06.04.09 WIREWORKER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) 709.684-106 06.02.22 WIREWORKER (elec. equip.; electronics) 728.687-010 06.04.24 WIREWORKER SUPERVISOR (light, heat, & power) 821.131- 026 05.05.05 WIRE-WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR 692.662-022 06.02.09 Wiring Inspector (elec. equip.) :CIRCULATING PROCESS IN- SPECTOR (elec. equip.): 829.361-018 06.01.05 Wiring-Machine Operator (paper goods) MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods): 06.04.04 (office mach.) :KNOTTING- 649.685-054 711 Wolf Hunter (hunt. & trap.) :PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (hunt. & trap.): 461.661-010 03.04.03 Women's-Activities Adviser (education) :DIRECTOR OF STU- DENT AFFAIRS (education): 090. 167–022 11.07.03 Women's Garment Fitter (ret. tr.) :GARMENT FITTER (ret. tr.): 785.361-014 05.05.15 Women's Leather-Belt Maker (leather prod.) :LEATHER- BELT MAKER (leather prod.): 690.685-266 06.04.05 Wood and Hardware Outfitter (ship & boat blog. & rep.) :BOAT OUTFITTER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.): 806.484- 0 1 4 05.10.01 wood barker :WOOD HACKER (match; paper & pulp): 569.687–026 06.04.25 Wood Buffer (musical 76.1.684-026 06.04.25 WOOD CALKER (ship & boat blóg. & 05.12.14 inst.) :POLISHER (woodworking): rep.) 843.384-010 wood carver, hand CARVER, HAND (furn.; plan. mill): 76.1.28 1-0 1 0 01.06.02 WOOD-CARVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.382-018 06.02.03 Wood-Club-Neck Whipper (sports equip.) :GRIP WRAPPER (sports equip.): 732.684-082 06.04.27 wood cooker :LOG COOKER (basketry; wood. box): 562.665- 0 1 0 06.04.18 WOOD-CREW SUPERVISOR (sawmill; wood distil. & char.) 564. 1 32-0 1 0 06.02.03 wood-cut engraver :ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. & pub.): 979.281 -01 4 01.06.01 Wooden-Fence Erector (const.) :FENCE ERECTOR (const.): 869.684-022 05.10.01 WOODEN-FRAME BUILDER (matt. & bedspring) 762.684- 066 06.04.25 - Wooden-Heel Beveler (boot & shoe) :GROOVER AND TURNER (boot & shoe): 690.685-198 06.04.09 WOODEN-SHADE HARDWARE INSTALLER (window shade & fix.) 739.684-174 06.02.22 WOODENWARE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-070 06.04.22 wood finisher :FURNITURE FINISHER 763.38 1-0 1 0 05.05.08 wood-finisher apprentice :FURNITURE-FINISHER PRENTICE (woodworking): 763.381-01405.05.08 wood-form builder :FORM BUILDER (const.): 860.381-046 05.05.02 WOOD GRINDER, HEAD 06.02.01 WOOD GRINDER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 530.662-014 06.02.14 WOOD HACKER 06.04.25 WOOD HANDLER (paper & pulp) 921.687-034 05.12.04 WOOD-HEEL BACK-LINER (boot & shoe) 662.685-042 06.04.03 wood-heel cementer :HEEL ATTACHER, WOOD (boot & shoe): 788.684-058 06.04.34 Wood-Heel Cementer (boot & shoe) :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe): 788.684-126 06.04.27 Wood-Heel-Cover Ironer (boot & shoe) :WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe): 788.684-130 06.04.27 WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe) 788.684-126 06.04.27 wood-heel fitter, machine :HEEL-SEAT FITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-046 06.02.05 Wood-Heel-Flap Inserter (boot & shoe) :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe): 788.684-126 06.04.27 Wood-Heel-Flap Rubber (boot & shoe) :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe): 788.684-126 06.04.27 Wood-Heel-Flap Trimmer (boot & shoe) :WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe): 788.684-126 06.04.27 WOOD INSPECTOR (paper & pulp) 663.687-010 06.03.02 (woodworking): AP- (paper & pulp) 530. 132-022 (match; paper & pulp) 569.687-026 | wood-lathe operator :WOOD-TURNING-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking): 664.382-014 06.02.03 Wood Lather (const.) :LATHER (const.): 05.10.01 wood-mill supervisor SUPERVISOR, WOOD ROOM (paper & pulp): 530. 132-018 06.02.01 Wood-Pile-Driver Operator (const.) :PILE-DRIVER OPERA TOR (const.): 859.682-018 05.11.01 wood piler STACKER, MACHINE (woodworking): 569.685. 066 06.04.03 WOOD-POLE TREATER 06.04.25 wood-preparation supervisor SUPERVISOR, WOOD ROOM (paper & pulp): 530. 132-018 06.02.01 Wood-Sash-and-Frame Carpenter (const.) (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 WOODS BOSS (logging) 459. 137-010 03.02.02 Wood-Shingle Roofer (const.) :ROOFER (const.): 866.381-010 * 05.10.01 842.36 1–0 1 0 * (wood preserving) 561.687-010 :CARPENTER woods overseer :WOODS BOSS (logging): 459. 137-010 03.01.04 wood-stock-blank handler :DRY-HOUSE ATTEND ANT (woodworking): 563.685-018 06.04.18 Wood-Strip-Block Floor Installer (const.) :CARPENTER (const.): 860.381-022 * 05.05.02 WOOD TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-062 02.02.02 - Wood-Tool Maker (aircraft-aerospace mfg.) :FORM BUILDER (aircraft-aerospace mfg.): 693.280-010 05.05.07 WOOD-TURNING-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking) 664.382-01 4 wood-type finisher :ENGRAVER, BLOCK (print. & pub.): 979.28 1-0 1 4 01.06.01 WOOD-WEB-WEAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR shade & fix.) 692.685-262 06.04.09 Woodwind-Instrument Repairer (any ind.) :WIND-INSTRU- MENT REPAIRER (any ind.): 730.281-054 05.05.12 woodworker :SHIPWRIGHT (ship & boat blog. & 860.381 -058 05.05.02 woodworker helper :SHIPWRIGHT HELPER (ship & boat blag. & rep.): 860.664-018 05.12.12 WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER 669.686-030 06.04.03 WOODWORKING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking) 669.686-034 06.04.03 - woodworking-machine operator :MACHINIST, (woodworking): 669.380-014 * 05.05.08 WOODWORKING-SHOP HAND (woodworking) 769.687–054 06.04.25 woodworking-shop laborer :WOODWORKING-SHOP HAND (woodworking): 769.687-054 06.04.25 WOODWORK-SALVAGE INSPECTOR (firearms) 769.387- 0 1 0 06.03.01 WOOL-AND-PELT GRADER 589.387-018 06.03.01 wool-batting worker :QUILT STUFFER (house furn.): 789.687– 130 06.04.23 Woolens Examiner (textile) :CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile): 689.685-038 06.03.02 woolen-suiting shrinker :CLOTH-SHRINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 587.685-018 06.04.16 WOOL-FLEECE GRADER (agric.) 589.687-054 06.03.02 WOOL-FLEECE SORTER (agric.) 410.687-026 03.04.01 Wool-Hat Blocker (hat & cap) :HAT-BLOCKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) I: 580.685-026 06.04.05 Wool-Hat Finisher (hat & cap) :HAT FINISHER (hat & cap): 589.685-062 06.04.16 Wool-Hat Flanger (hat & cap) 784.684-026 06.04.27 (window rep.): (woodworking) WOOD (slaught. & meat pack.) :FLANGER (hat & cap): 712 Wool-Hat-Forming-Machine Tender (hat & cap) :HAT-FORM- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap): 586.685-030 06.04.16 Wool-Hat Hydraulicker (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 wool-hat-sanding-machine operator :BUFFER (hat & cap): 585.685-01 4 06.04.05 wooling-machine operator :PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (matt. & bedspring): 680.685-078 06.04.06 Wool-Picker Operator (textile) :PICKING-MACHINE OPERA- TOR (any ind.): 680.685-082 06.04.06 Wool Presser (clean., dye., & press.) :PRESSER, MACHINE (any ind.): 363.682-018 ° 06.04.05 WOOL PULLER (leather mfg.; slaught. & meat pack.) 589.687–050 06.03.02 WOOL SACKER (agric.) 920.687-198 03.04.01 wool shearer :SHEEP SHEARER (agric.): 410.684-014 03.04.01 WOOL SORTER (textile) 589.387-014 06.03.01 Wool Spotter (clean., dye., & press.) SPOTTER (clean., dye., & press.): 362.381-010 06.02.27 wool tamper :WOOL SACKER (agric.): 920.687-198 03.04.01 WOOL-WASHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685- 166 06.04.05 Work Checker (clerical) :TIMEKEEPER (clerical): 215.36.7- 022 07.02.05 Work Coordinator, Tower Control (auto. ser.) :PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical): 221. 167-018 05.09.02 working second hand :SECTION LEADER, SCREEN PRINT- ING (textile): 652.260-010 06.01.02 work-measurement engineer :TIME-STUDY (profess. & kin.): 012.167-070 05.01.06 work-order clerk :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387-046 05.09.02 work-order clerk :REPAIR-ORDER CLERK 22 1.382-022 07.05.03 work-order detailer :ORDER DETAILER (clerical): 221.387- 046 05.09.02 WORK-ORDER-SORTING CLERK (light, 22 1.367-082 07.05.04 work-over rig operator :WELL PULLER (petrol. production): 930.382-030 WORK-TICKET DISTRIBUTOR (knit 05.09.02 World-Travel Counselor (nonprofit organ.) :TRAVEL COUN- SELOR, AUTOMOBILE CLUB (nonprofit organ.): 238.16.7- 0 1 4 07.05.01 worm-bed attendant 41 3.687-0 1 4 03.04.01 WORM-FARM LABORER (agric.) 4.13.687-01403.04.01 WORM GROWER (agric.) 413.161-018 03.01.02 WORM PACKER (agric.) 920.687-202 03.04.01 WORM PICKER (agric.) 4.13.687-010 03.04.01 worm raiser :WORM-FARM LABORER (agric.): 413.687-014 03.04.01 worm sorter :WORM PACKER (agric.): 920.687-202 03.04.01 Worsted Winder (textile) :YARN WINDER (any ind.): 681.685-1.54 * 06.04.06 WORT EXTRACTOR (dairy prod.) 526.485-010 06.02.15 Wort Pumper (malt liquors) :PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors): 914.665-014 06.04.40 Woven-Blind-Loom Tender (window shade & fix.) :WOOD- WEB-WEAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (window shade & fix.): 692.685-262 06.04.09 Woven-Label Designer (narrow fabrics) :CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.): 142.061-014 01.02.03 Woven-Paper-Hat-Hydraulic-Press Operator Finisher (hat & cap) :HYDRAULIC BLOCKER (hat & cap): 580.685-038 06.04.09 ENGINEER (clerical): heat, & power) goods) 221.667-010 :WORM-FARM LABORER (agric.): Woven-Paper-Hat Mender (hat & cap) :MENDER (hat & cap): 784.684-046 06.04.34 WOVEN-WOOD SHADE ASSEMBLER (window shade & fix.) 739.684-178 06.02.27 Wrap Checker (any ind.) :CHECKROOM ATTENDANT (any ind.): 358.677-010 09.05.03 Wrapper (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587- O 18 * 06.04.38 - Wrapper (fabric. plastics prod.) :TUBE MOLDER, FIBERGLASS (fabric. plastics prod.): 690.685-438 06.04.09 wrapper :GIFT WRAPPER (ret. tr.): 299.364-014 01.06.03 wrapper :EMBLEM DRAWER-IN (trim. & embroid.): 689.380- 0 1 0 06.01.02 WRAPPER (wirework) 920.685-102 06.04.38 wrapper-and-bagger, sheeting :ROLL COVERER, BURLAP (textile): 929.687-042 06.04.38 wrapper and preserver :SHIPPING PROCESSOR (aircraft- aerospace mfg.): 920.687-162 06.04.38 Wrapper Cases (tobacco) :LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco): 522.687-026 06.04.28 WRAPPER COUNTER (tobacco) 929.687-050 06.04.38 wrapper dipper :WRINGER OPERATOR (tobacco): 522.685- 106 06.04.15 Wrapper, Hand (can. & preserv.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-018 * 06.04.38 wrapper, hand :ROLLER, HAND (tobacco): 790.684-022 06.04.28 WRAPPER-HANDS SPRAYER (tobacco) 522.687-042 06.04.28 wrapper laster :FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.685- 174 06.04.05 WRAPPER LAYER (tobacco) 529.685-266 06.04.15 WRAPPER-LAYER-AND-EXAMINER, SOFT (tobacco) 529.685–270 06.04.15 wrapper-leaf inspector :LEAF SORTER (tobacco): 529.687-134 06.03.02 Wrapper Opener (tobacco) :SHAKER (tobacco): 521.687-110 06.04.28 WRAPPER OPERATOR (spring) 706.684-1 10 06.04.22 wrapper rewinder :LINER REROLL TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire & tube): 554.685-022 06.04.07 WRAPPER SELECTOR (tobacco) 529.687-2 18 06.03.02 Wrapper Sheeter (any ind.) :CUTTER OPERATOR (any ind.): 699.682-018 06.02.09 wrapper sizer :WRAPPER SELECTOR (tobacco): 529.687-218 06.03.02 wrapper sorter :WRAPPER SELECTOR (tobacco): 529.687- 218 06.03.02 wrapper stemmer, hand 52 1.687-1 34 * 06.04.28 wrapper-stemmer operator :STEMMER, MACHINE (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 Wrapper Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 Wrapper Stripper (tobacco) :STEMMER, MACHINE (tobacco): 521.685-334 * 06.04.15 Wrapper Stripper, Hand (tobacco) (tobacco): 521.687-134 * 06.04.28 Wrapping-and-Packing-Machine Operator :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 06.04.38 work :STEMMER, HAND (tobacco): :STEMMER, HAND (any ind.) 920,685-078 + WRAPPING MACHINE HELPER (tobacco) 529.687-222 06.04.28 Wrapping-Machine Operator (any ind.) :PACKAGER, MACHINE (any ind.): 920.685-078 + 06.04.38 wrapping-machine operator :COVER STRIPPER (paper goods): 64 1.685-034 06.04.04 WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685- 098 06.04.04 713 Wrapping-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) :CELL TUBER, MACHINE (elec. equip.); 692.685-046 06.04.09 Wrapping Remover (any ind.) :PACKAGER, HAND (any ind.): 920.587-0 18 * 06.04.38 WRAP TURNER (boot & shoe) 788.685-030 06.04.05 WREATH AND GARLAND MAKER (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) 739.684-182 06.04.23 Wreath and Garland Maker, Hand (artif. flower) : ARTIFICIAL- FLOWER MAKER (artif. flower): 739.684-014 06.04.34 Wreath-Machine Operator (fabric. prod., n.e.c.) :GARLAND- MACHINE OPERATOR (fabric. prod., n.e.c.): 692.685-090 06.04.09 WREATH MACHINE TENDER (artif. flower) 739.685-058 06.04.09 Wreath Wrapper, Machine (artif, flower) :WREATH MACHINE TENDER (artif. flower): 739.685-058 06.04.09 Wrecker (const.) :CONSTRUCTION WORKER (const.) I: 869.664-0 14 * 05.10.01 wrecker operator :TOW-TRUCK OPERATOR (auto. 9 19.663-026 05.08.03 wrecking mechanic :AUTOMOBILE WRECKER (whole. tr.): 620.684-0 1 0 05.12.15 WRECKING SUPERVISOR (const.) 869. 137-014 05.11.01 wringer :EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any ind.); 581.685-038 06.04.16 wringer and setter :WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.): 589.685-098 06.04.16 WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (felt goods; leather mfg.) 589.685-098 06.04.16 WRINGER OPERATOR (chem.) 551.685-162 06.04.11 WRINGER OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.685-106 06.04.15 WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe) 788.684-130 06.04.27 Wrist Closer (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-0 1 0 * 06.02.05 Wrister (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-0 1 0 * 06.02.05 Wrist Hemmer (glove & mit.) :HEMMER (any ind.): 787.682- 026 06.02.05 Wrist Liner (glove & mit.) :GLOVE SEWER (glove & mit.): 784.682-0 1 0 * 06.02.05 writer :WRITER, PROSE, FICTION AND NONFICTION (profess. & kin.): 13 1.067-046 01.01.02 writer's representative :LITERARY AGENT 191. 11 7-034 WRITER, PROSE, FICTION AND NONFICTION (profess. & kin.) 13 1.067-046 01.01.02 WRITER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (profess. 13 1.267-026 11.08.02 WRONG-ADDRESS CLERK (ret. tr.) 209.587-050 07.07.02 ser.): (bus. ser.): & kin.) X x-ray consultant :X-RAY-EQUIPMENT TESTER (any ind.): 729.281 -046 06.01.05 X-Ray-Control-Equipment Repairer (any ind.) :INSTRUMENT MECHANIC (any ind.): 710.281-026 ° 05.05.10 X-Ray-Developing-Machine Operator (medical ser.) :DEVELOPER, AUTOMATIC (photofinish.): 976.685-014 06.04.19 x-ray equipment servicer X-RAY-EQUIPMENT TESTER (any ind.): 729.281-046 06.01.05 X-RAY-EQUIPMENT TESTER 06.01.05 X-RAY INSPECTOR (can. & preserv.; tobacco) 529.685-274 06.03.02 X-Ray-Machine Operator (electronics) :SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSOR (electronics): 590.684-022 06.04.19 x-ray service engineer :X-RAY-EQUIPMENT TESTER (any ind.): 729.281-046 06.01.05 (any ind.) 729.281-046 X-Ray Technician (any ind.) :RADIOGRAPHER (any ind.): 199.36 1-0 1 0 * 05.03.05 x-ray technologist :RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.): 078.362-026 * 10.02.02 Y Yardage Caller (textile) :ORDER CALLER (clerical): 209.667- 0 1 4 05.09.03 - YARDAGE-CONTROL CLERK (carpet & rug) 221.587-050 05.09.02 YARDAGE-CONTROL OPERATOR, FORMING (glass mfg.) 575.662-01 4 06.02.13 YARDAGE ESTIMATOR (garment) 221.484-010 05.09.02 yardage-machine operator :HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile): 689.685-078 06.03.02 yardage-tufting-machine operator :TUFTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; textile): 687.685-018 06.02.05 YARD CLERK (r. r. trans.) 209.367–054 07.05.03 YARD COUPLER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.664-010 05.12.05 YARD ENGINEER (r. r. trans.) 9 10.363-018 05.08.02 Yarder (conc. prod.) :LABORER, CONCRETE PLANT (conc. prod.): 579.686-010 06.04.40 yarder operator :YARDING ENGINEER (logging): 921.663- 066 05.11.04 yarding-and-folding-machine operator :HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile): 689.685-078 06.03.02 YARDING ENGINEER (logging) 921.663-066 05.11.04 - yarding supervisor SUPERINTENDENT, LOGGING (logging): 183. 167–038 05.02.05 yarding supervisor SUPERVISOR, 459. 1 33-0 1 0 03.02.02 YARD INSPECTOR (ship & boat blog. & rep.) 869.281-018 05.07.01 yard laborer GROUNDSKEEPER, INDUSTRIAL-COMMER- CIAL (any ind.): 406.684-01403.04.04 YARD LABORER (paper & pulp) 922.687-102 05.12.03 yard-labor supervisor SUPERVISOR, LABOR GANG ind.): 899. 133-010 05.12.18 YARD MANAGER (any ind.) 9 10.137-046 05.12.01 YARD MANAGER (r. r. trans.) 184.167-278 11.11.03 Yard Patroller (r. r. trans.) : PATROLLER (r. r. trans.): 376.667- 018 04.02.02 yard pipe grader 06.03.02 Yard Pumper (any ind.) :PUMPER (any ind.): 914.682-010 05.06.03 yard rigger :RIGGER (any ind.): 921.260-010 05.11.04 yard spotter :HOSTLER (motor trans.): 909.663-010 05.08.03 YARD SUPERVISOR (const.) 229. 137-014 05.09.02 YARD SUPERVISOR (forestry) 922. 137-030 05.09.01 YARD SUPERVISOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 929. 137-026 05.12.02 YARD SUPERVISOR (paper & pulp; woodworking) 929. 133- 0 1 0 05.12.03 yard supervisor :CONDUCTOR, YARD (r. r. trans.): 910. 137- 022 05.08.02 YARD SUPERVISOR, BUILDING MATERIALS OR LUMBER (ret. tr.; whole. tr.) 929. 137-030 05.12.03 YARD SUPERVISOR, COTTON GIN (agric.) 929.137-034 05.12.03 YARD WORKER (agric.) 929.583-010 05.11.04 yard worker :LABORER, GENERAL (brick & tile): 579.667- 0 1 0 06.04.30 YARD WORKER (dom. ser.) 301.687-018 03.04.04 YARD WORKER (ship & boat blåg. & rep.) 921.683-086 05.12.04 YARD WORKER, USED BUILDING MATERIALS (ret. tr.) 922.667-010 05.09.01 LOGGING (logging): (any :SORTER (brick & tile): 573.687-034 714 arn-Bleaching-Machine Operator (textile) :PACKAGE-DYE- ING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile): 582.685-102 06.02.16 (ARN CLEANER (any ind.) 681.687-026 06.03.02 arn conditioner CONDITIONER TENDER (textile): 587.685- 022 06.04.16 farn-dry-room worker :SKEIN-YARN DRIER (textile): 581.685-054 06.04.16 yarn dyer :SKEIN-YARN DYER (textile); 582,685-130 06.04.16 ARN EXAMINER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile) 681.687-030 06.03.02 ARN EXAMINER, SKEINS (textile) 689.687-082 06.03.02 arn inspector :YARN EXAMINER (glass mfg.; synthetic fibers; textile): 681.687-030 06.03.02 arn inspector :YARN EXAMINER, 689.687–082 06.03.02 ARN-MERCERIZER OPERATOR 06.04.16 ARN-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile) II 584.685-058 06.02.16 YARN-MERCERIZER-OPERATOR 584.686–010 06.04.16 YARN-POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 583.685- 126 06.04.16 yarn salvager 06.03.02 YARN SORTER (textile) 689,.687-086 06.03.02 yarn tester :LABORATORY TESTER (textile): 689.384-014 06.03.01 Yarn-Texturing Machine Fixer (textile) ſ (textile): 689.260-010 06.01.02 Y SKEINS (textile): (textile) I 584.685-054 HELPER (textile) :YARN CLEANER (any ind.): 681.687-026 :MACHINE FIXER ARN-TEXTURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (synthetic fibers) 589.685-102 * 06.04.16 YARN-TEXTURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) I 681.685-158 06.04.16 YARN-TEXTURING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) II 689.685-158 06.04.16 Yarn-Weight-and-Strength Tester (textile) :LABORATORY TESTER (textile): 689.384-01 4 06.03.01 YARN WINDER (any ind.) 681.685-154 * 06.04.06 yeast-cake Cutter :YEAST-CUTTING-AND-WRAPPING- | MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.665-022 06.04.15 YEAST-CULTURE DEVELOPER (malt liquors) 022.381-010 02.04.02 yeast-culture operator :SEED-YEAST OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.): 522.685-090 06.04.15 YEAST-CUTTING-AND-WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.665-022 06.04.15 YEAST DISTILLER (distilled liquors) 522.362-010 06.02.15 Yeast-Drier Operator, Drum (food prep., n.e.c.) :DRIER OPERATOR, DRUM (food prep., n.e.c.): 529.685-098 06.04.15 YEAST-FERMENTATION ATTENDANT (food prep., n.e.c.) 522.685-1 10 06.04.15 yeast maker : YEAST DISTILLER (distilled liquors): 522.362- 010 06.02.15 Yeast Pumper (malt liquors) :PUMPER, BREWERY (malt liquors): 914.665-01406.04.40 YEAST PUSHER (malt liquors) 522.665-01406.04.15 yeast stacker GENERAL HELPER (food prep., 522.686-014 06.04.40 YEAST WASHER (food prep., n.e.c.) 529.685-278 06.04.15 yield clerk :CHART CLERK (clerical): 221.382-010 07.02.03 YIELD-LOSS INSPECTOR (corn prod.) 529.367-030 06.03.01 Yoke Presser (laund.) :SHIRT PRESSER (laund.): 363.685-026 * 06.04.35 Yolk Spray Drier (can. & preserv.) :DRIER OPERATOR (can. & preserv.; dairy prod.): 523.682-022 06.02.15 YOUNG-ADULT LIBRARIAN (library) 100.167-034 11.02.04 Youth Agent (education) :FOUR-H CLUB AGENT (education): 096. 127-022 11.02.03 n.e.c.): Z zanjero :DITCH RIDER (waterworks): 954.362-010 05.06.03 ZIGZAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-278 06.02.05 Zig-Zag-Spring-Machine Operator (wirework) :CRIMPING- MACHINE OPERATOR (any ind.); 616.682-022 06.02.02 Zig-Zag Stitcher (boot & shoe) :STITCHER, STANDARD MACHINE (boot & shoe): 690.682-082 * 06.02.05 ZINC-CHLORIDE OPERATOR (ore dress., smelt., & refin.) 511 .385-010 06.02.10 Zinc Etcher (print. & pub.) :ETCHER, PHOTOENGRAVING (print. & pub.): 971.381-01 4 01.06.01 zinc-plate grainer :PLATE GRAINER (print. & pub.): 972.682- 0 1 0 06.02.02 ZINC-PLATING-MACHINE 500.485-010 06.02.21 ZIPPER CUTTER (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 616.685-090 06.04.02 zipper ironer :IRONER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 590.685-042 06.04.02 zipper joiner SLIDE-FASTENER-CHAIN ASSEMBLER (needle, pin, & rel, prod.): 734.687-074 06.04.23 zipper-lining folder :FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather prod.): 690.685-178 06.04.05 ZIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 692.685–270 06.04.02 zipper measurer ZIPPER TRIMMER, HAND (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 734.687-094 06.04.24 zipper repairer SLIDE-FASTENER REPAIRER (needle, pin, & rel. prod.): 734,684-022 06.04.24 ZIPPER SETTER (any ind.) 787.682-086 06.02.05 ZIPPER SETTER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-282 06.02.05 ZIPPER SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 06.02.05 zipper-slide attacher SLIDER ASSEMBLER (garment; needle, pin, & rel, prod.): 734.687-078 06.04.23 ZIPPER TRIMMER, HAND (needle, 734.687-094 06.04.24 ZIPPER TRIMMER, MACHINE (needle, pin, & rel, prod.) 692.685-266 06.04.34 zoo caretaker : ANIMAL KEEPER (amuse. & rec.): 41 2.674- 0 1 0 03.03.02 ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090 02.02.01 Zyglo Inspector (any ind.) : INSPECTOR, MAGNETIC AND ZYGLO (any ind.): 709.364-010 06.03.01 OPERATOR (electroplating) 786.682-286 pin, & rel, prod.) ¥ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1979 o–293-901 715 .*s*. 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