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They subsequently settled at Groton (pronounced Graw-tun), across the river from New London, Conn., and there lived until they died. Their descendants are known as the Groton Averys. The descendants of Dr. William Avery of Dedham, Mass., are known as “Dedham Averys.” The Dedham tribe is not nearly so numerous as the Groton tribe. The founders of the two tribes lived at the same time in Massachusetts, but the relationship between them | is not yet known. - Mr. Sweet's history of the Averys of Groton was indexed in many | different parts, making search very difficult. Probably fewer than two-thirds of the names were indexed at all. The present family historian has had made, at considerable cost, a card index of every name in the book and of every name reported to him. New names are indexed as fast as received. Once in a while I receive a letter from an Avery whom I can not | yet “hitch" to the Groton or the Dedham line. Such letters are put on file as “Unidentified Averys.” Further information from their au- thors, or some new addition to the card index, may take the letter out of that list, and enroll another member of the tribe any day. - The page and number references used in this magazine are to , Sweet's History of “The Averys of Groton.” f | Sweet's history of “The Averys of Groton” is out of print, and 3 can be secured only as a stray copy is picked up. A clean copy read- | ily sells now for fifteen dollars, three times the subscription price. < * 183195 Č k . . . . . . . . . . . &s Many persons are now trying to get copies of Mr. Sweet's his- tory of the Groton Averys at prices much greater than the subscrip- tion price. And yet Mr. Sweet was not able to get four hundred subscribers to his work The family historian has a few pamphlets containing the appendix to Sweet’s “The Averys of Groton,” and relating to “Avery Coats of Arms" (with illustrations of four coats) and to “The Avery º º F amily in England and France.” These pamphlets will be furnished, as long as the supply lasts, at fifty cents per copy. === * A GENEALOGICAL METHOD ILLUSTRATED. Last October, I received a letter from a lady in Michigan who - -- had heard from Groton, Conn., that I was the historian of the Avery family. She desired to trace the connection of her family with the Groton Averys, if such a connection existed. We, therefore, entered into correspondence for that purpose. They knew little of their an- cestry; their grandfather's name was Benjamin Perkins Avery; they had a cousin by the name of Bissell, descended from Benjamin P. Avery's sister; their people came from Vermont by way of Palmyra, Search of the records in my possession revealed several things : . . Mr. Sweet’s history of “ The Averys of Groton,” page 434, showed that a Nathan Avery had gone from Connecticut to Vermont, and thence to Palmyra, N. Y., where he applied for a pension. He had a son by the name of Benjamin Pearson Avery, and a daughter “Betsey who married a Mr. Russell.” After Nathan's death, his widow went back to Vermont and there died, after applying for a pension. This removal from Vermont to Palmyra, N. Y., was com- - mon to both parts of the broken chain for which we were seeking ; : - the connecting link, and suggested careful study on both sides of the break. In a case like this, Mrs. Avery has a faculty of “observation and inference” worthy of Sherlock Holmes. Study of the applica- tions for a pension showed that Nathan's widow returned to Vermont “to be with some of her other children, among - whom was Betsey Bissell." Evidently, the family record had been printed wrong, and the daughter Betsey had married a Mr. Bissell, and not “a Mr. Russell,” made stronger the probability that “the missing link" had been not “Benjamin Perkins.” nd; but “Benjamin Pearson’’ was # * .. . - Further correspondence with the parties in Michigan brought out the % - fact that the name of the father of - Benjamin Perkins Avery was Nathan. The probability now was very strong, Still further corre- spondence and study established the fact that Benjamin Perkins * Avery and the alleged “Benjamin Pearson Avery” were identical, Nathan Avery, the father, had married a Miss Pearson, and it would . ported to him as Benjamin P. Avery should be amplified into “ Ben- jamin Pearson Avery.” The information at his hand was scanty enough. However the error arose, it was detected; and the claim of º Groton was definitely established. º HELP FROM THE GENEALOGIES OF OTHER FAMILIES. sweet's history of the Groton Averys does not record a Hezekiah *- ( 5.) Hezekiah's brothers married Burhans and Snyder are also Dutch names; family environment counts for something. Richard and Blandine (Burhans) Snyder, born October 14, 1834, who of birth of this Hezekiah Avery, but careful study of the record of from 1830. . (4.) His daughter's name was Carrie. Avery Notes AND QUERIES. 3. have been natural for Mr. Sweet to assume that the name of a son re. these Michigan Averys to a descent from Captain James Avery of In looking hurriedly over the Burhans' Genealogy. in a library at º Buffalo, N. Y., I noticed the record of a Louise Snyder, daughter of married January I5, 1860, a Hezekiah Avery, who was born January - 30, 1830. They had a daughter Carrie, born October 27, 1860. Mr. Avery who married a Louise Snyder, but it does mention a Hezekiah Avery who married a Louise Burnham, time and place not given, her birth and parentage not given, and who had a daughter Carrie, birth not given. Mr. Sweet had not given the date or place Hezekiah's father showed that the son must have been born not far The following facts suggested, in spite of Mr. Sweet's record, that this was the Hezekiah who married Louise Snyder: (1.) He was born about the right time. (2.) His parents lived in the right neighborhood. - (3.) His wife's name was Louise. . . . . . . positor, to change a carelessly written “Burhans” into “Burnham,” Avery NotEs AND QUERLEs. maiden name of the daughter(Snyder), and that is just what was done. Thus we gain the date of Hezekiah’s birth, the date of his mar- riage, the real name of his wife, the names of her parents, and the date of the birth of the daughter, Carrie. If, in some family genealogy, please copy the record, making reference to page and title of the book, and send it to the historian of the Avery family. The club treasury should be full enough to enable the emp loyment of copyists to make such transcripts at the congressional and other great Ameri- can libraries. See page eight. . . . . . . . . you find an Avery connection, Judge Edward Avery (page 132) was a member of the supreme court of Ohio from 1846 to 1851, when he resigned. A biographical - sketch of him, written by U. S. District Judge Martin Welker, may be found in Proceedings of Ohio State Bar Association, July, 1889. In the seventeenth century, the name Avery was often written Averill. For instance, the letter that Joanna Greenslade took from the church at Boston to the church at Gloucester, speaks of her as “now the wife of James Averill.” Please send to the family historian for a supply of his little circu- lar, “Are You an Avery?” and then hand one to every Avery you meet. Be sure to read the article printed on-the eighth page of this magazine. . . . Please send to the family historian the name and address of every living Avery or Avery descendant that you know. Send him a marked copy of any newspaper that contains a notice of an Avery. Marriage and obituary notices are especially desirable. If a change by birth, marriage or death occurs in your family, report it promptly to the family historian. The opening chapter of sweet’s “The Averys of Groton" con- wages) will be furnished by and to use the maiden name of the mother (Burhans) instead of the tains all that is known of Christopher and James, the founders of the Groton Averys. There are a few pamphlets containing this chap. ter, and a view of the “Hive of the Averys.” These pamphlets (20 s) will be furnished by the family historian, as long as the supply. A v ERY NOTES AND QUERIEs. 5 Many corrections reported show errors in dates as printed in the family history. Most of these errors are in giving January for June, or June for January. Of course, the source of the error lies in the similar appearance of the written abbreviations, Jan. and Jun. It is safer to write the words out in full, or, at least, to write Jan'y. THE HIvE of THE AvKRys. The house that Captain James Avery built at Groton in 1656 was occupied by eight successive generations of Averys. It was burned to the ground on the night of July 20, 1894. It was often called “The Hive of the Averys,” and never passed out of the posses- sion of a member of the family. The “Avery Memorial Association” was incorporated by the Connecticut Legislature, and has built a beautiful granite and bronze memorial on the site of “The Hive.” I hope to give other pictures of the old house and of the present memorial in later numbers of NoTEs AND QUERIEs. Avery Notes AND QUERTEs. QUERIES, 1643. Nothing is known of her ancestry. t to the family historian. caté i when and where did he die; who were his parents: was each of her ten children born ? ried Ebenezer Avery , June 19, 1708 (No. 14, page 3o). Her sister Abigail married Christopher Avery, December 19, 1794 (No. 15, Captain James Avery, the founder of the family known as the Groton Averys, married Joanna Greenslade of Boston, November 10, . . . If you find anything that you think may throw any light upon her ancestry, please communi- Sarah Avery, daughter of James and Deborah (Stallyon) Avery, was born May 10, 1688. She married a Mr. Latham (No. 19, page 29). What were the dates of her death and marriage? What was the full name of Mr. Latham : When and where was he born ? Benajah Avery, son of Edward and Joanna (Rose) Avery, was born October 12, 1710 (No. 36, page 30). What is his further record? Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Thankfui (Avery; Avery was born July 29, 1742; married Captain Hubbard Burrows (No. 78, page 32). What was the date of her marriage? When and where page 31), when and where were Dorothy and Abigail born; what If you have not access to a copy of Mr. Sweet's book, I will send you a brief, type-written copy of your line back to the founders . ... . . . º (Christopher and his son James Avery, A. D. 1630), for fifty cents, or for one dollar; provided I can ascertain just where you come into the line. The profits of this “business” will be used in pushing the investigations of the Groton Avery History Club. See page eight. :ſ I am under great obligations to many correspondents who have taken pains to hunt up the information for which I have asked. Some have very kindly undertaken to secure the records of a grand- father and of all his descendants. They soon learn something of the trials of a family historian, and are led into helpful sympathy with their thousands of descendants. To all who have thus given help, º- the Groton Averys. This means you, unless you have already written ancestry in the Avery line. AvRRY NOTES AND QUERLEs. ". . “ There may be, and there often is, a regard for ancestry which nourishes a weak pride, but there is also a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors which eleva the heart.”—Daniel Webster. tes the character and improves - - Many families of Averys and Avery descendants have expressed surprise and regret at the omission of their names, and the names of their parents, from Mr. Sweet's book, while the records and letters sent to me by Mr. Sweet's executor show that the omission was due to the refusal or neglect on the part of parents to answer the inquiries of the family historian. Every genealogist finds his most discourag- ing experience in unanswered letters. Some persons thought that Mr. Sweet's self-sacrificing efforts were part of a money-making . . . . . . . . . . . scheme ! I have, similarly, been offered Bible for a money consideration. “These sought their register among those that were reckoned by a copy of a family record in a genealogy, but it was not found; therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.”—AWehemiah vii., 64. Join the History Club. It is desirable that search be made in England for the connection between the Groton Averys in Ameriea and the Avery family in the mother country. It is hoped that an expert genealogist will be put at this work this year. Many searches ought to be made on this side of the Atlantic for items relating to members of the tribe, such as exam- inations of the records of colonial, revolutionary and other wars, in- cluding the civil war (in which many Averys fought honestly and bravely on both sides), pension lists, town histories, family histories, city directories and the records of hereditary societies, such as the Society of the Colonial Wars, the Colonial Dames, the Sons and the Daughters of the American Revolution, etc., etc. But such mining enterprises require a considerable outlay of money—for which the ; : Groton Avery History Club is waiting. See page eight. - - - NoTES AND QUERLEs ought to bring every Groton Avery, and every Avery descendant who does not know that he belongs to some other Avery branch, into direct communication with the historian of to him, giving your post-office address and what you know of your 8 Avery NotEs AND QUERIES. Hvery Notes and Queries. Subscription Price, Fifty cents per year. Fifteen cents per copy. TO THE GROTON Averys–GREETING. since the death of Mr. Homer De Lois sweet of Syracuse, N.Y., I have become, by common consent, the family historian. No one else seemed willing to do the work and bear the expense without any possibility of pecuniary compensation. I entered upon the work with enthusiastic zeal, and have already secured much in the way of cor- Sweet's thirty years' labor. Methods of collecting, arranging and utilizing genealogical material that Mr. Sweet did not employ, largely - because of the pecuniary losses that came to him in his later years, have been adopted by me for the reason that you are not willing to wait another thirty years for a second edition of the family history. In the year 1897, - . - taking; I do not regret it, but two things I do regret : 1. I can not afford such an outlay every year. 2. I see ways in which I could advantageously spend a larger sum. Some of these are mentioned in other columns of this paper. : . I shall keep ri ght on, doing the best that I can without any help. I would not take a cent for my labor; it is a labor of love. But if you feel, as I know that some of you do feel, that the burden ought rections and additions to the printed record that was the result of Mr. ar 1897, I put more than a thousand dollars into the under- , not to be borne by one, and that the work should go forward as rapidly as possible, I would respectfully call your attention to the ranging from one to ten dollars, each member to fix the exact amount for Let us organize the Groton Avery History Club, with annual dues himselfor herself. All dues shall be payable to the family historian, to be used by him for the sole purpose of defraying the cost of col- lecting and arranging for publication all available material for a com- plete and satisfactory family history. The historian shall record in a book kept for that purpose each payment of dues, giving the name of the member, and the date and amount of the payment; said record for each quarter year shall be printed in Notes AND QUERIES, a copy - the club, or, if that shall not be practicable, to be appointed by the probate judge of Cuyahoga county, Ohio. The report of said au- diting committee shall be printed in NotEs AND QUERIES. little more than a device for sparing the feelings of the family histo- rian, who really holds all the club offices. It does what seems practi- cable in the way of business checks, but, after all, it implies confidence in his honesty. If you do not know him personally or by reputation, you may make inquiry of any bank in Cleveland; of any judge or . . . . . . . . . . . . other magistrate at Cleveland; of any official of the Cleveland Cham- ber of Commerce; of any Cleveland daily paper; or of his publishers, Sheldon & Company, 43–45 East 12th street, New York City (please º move every doubt that all moneys paid in as dues to the club will be spent honestly for the purposes above indicated, of course, you ought not to pay such dues. * , . . . . . . . . . Will you not copy from your city directory the names and ad- dresses of the Averys that appear therein and send them to the family historian, Elroy McKendree Avery, 657 Woodland Hills Avenue, . place. It is not a picture of Captain J ames Avery, the founder of Samuel Avery that faces page 558 should face page 598. The picture - of William Avery that faces page 609 should face page 458. These º mistakes of the binder probably would not have been made had it not been for the death of Mr. Sweet just before the completion of his thirty years’ work. . Not every modest man can maintain a personal “organ” like Notes AND QUERies. Ave RY NotEs AND QUERLEs. 9 of which shall be mailed to each member of the club. At the end of each year, the account of receipts and expenditures shall be examined by an auditing committee of three, to be chosen by the members of I agree not to take as compensation for my services any of the money sent to the club. If, with this understanding, you are willing . to join the club, please make your remittances for dues, as above in- .* º dicăted, to the self-appointed treasurer of the club, . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . º ELRoy McKENDREE Avery, ar” 657 Woodland Hills Avenue, - • º Cleveland, Ohio. UC *JM It will be noticed that the “Club" plan outlined on page eight is " enclose stamped and addressed envelope for reply). If you cannot re- Cleveland, Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . . . The portrait of James Avery facing page 14 is out of its proper the family. I do not know what James it represents. The picture of Avery Notes AND QUERLEs. coloniaL ROSTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lineal descent from any person mentioned under this leading constitutes eligibility for membership in the “Colonial Dames” or in citations of authorities, are desired. of Groton.” * in 1714 ; captain in October, 1730; deputy to the general court of “... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecticut, 1724 and 1725; justice; town clerk in 1730. See Colonial Records of Connecticut ( printed). His colonial record does not appear in “The Averys of Groton.” . . . - 3. Christopher Avery (No. 53, page 39, son of No. 15, above given), commissioned captain of the eighth Connecticut regiment, '. October, I 735 ; lieutenant-colonel, same regiment, October, 1739; colonel, same regiment, October, 1746; deputy to the general court of Connecticut, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1738 to 1764 inclusive; speaker of the house, 1751; justice. 1732 to 1768; town clerk of Groton for - . . many years, the last term being in 1768. See Coloniai Records of - Connecticut (printed). His colonial record does not appear in “The Averys of Groton.” . . . . 4. Theophilus Avery (No. 35. page 35), commissioned ensign of first company, fifth Connecticut regiment, October, 1746, by the general assembly; lieutenant of the second Groton company, 1749. See Colonial Records of Connecticut (printed). His colonial record 5. . Chi rles Avery, private in 1756 in Ebenezer Billings' - com- . pany; sergeant in 1758 in Captain Benadam Gallup’s company; com- missioned ensign by the general assembly of Connecticut in 17 58, in the eighth company (John Stanton's), second regiment; lieutenant, the “Society of Colonial Wars.” Brief records like th ose below, with 1. Captain James Avery, the founder of the tribe known as the Groton Averys. See the opening chapter of Sweet’s “The Averys 2. Christopher Avery (No. 15, page 31), commissioned lieutenant 1759, in the second company (Israel Putnam's), fourth regiment; lieutenant, 1760, in Captain John Tyler's company. The fourth reg- iment was raised in 1759 to invade Canada by way of Crown Point. See Colonial Records of Connecticut (printed). Was not this Charles Avery, No. 61, page 42; (to be continued.) Lineal descent from any person mentioned under this heading Ave RY Notes AND QUERIEs. constitutes eligibility - - for membership in the “Daughters of the - and similar societies. Brief rec- ords of Revolutionary service, with citations of authorities, are dren of the American Revolution, 1. Joshua Avery............76...Sandwich, Mass..... … 3 gº John Avery.............. 82. ... ' - - . . . . . . Jonathan Avery.......84. Mansford Avery........85. . Rufus Avery............ .81. s 2. 19. 21. . Constant Avery....... .81 . Roger Avery.............79. . John H. Avery..........79. , Christopher Avery.....75. Ezekiel Avery............77. George Avery............ 70. Denison Avery..........90. Benjamin Avery........82. Williams Avery.........76. . Abraham Avery........76. Marietta Avery.........75. * Mary Avery...............84. • . . . . . . . . . -. . - ..Groton, Conn.....................(No. 280, page 98) FROM U. S. NAME. . . AGE. Mary Avery..............7.1. Ebenezer Avery......... 78. Oliver Avery.............83. David Avery........... ..75. . Abel Avery...............79. Daniel Avery.............. 78. 5. Peter Every...............76. Stephen Every...........77. * , CENsus of PENsroNERs, 1840. RESIDENCE, “the Averys of Groton.” .Conway, Mass....... … • * * * * g : J 4 is ........................ . .Charlemont, Mass. .............(No. 92, page 337) - Southampton, Mass.......................................... 1, page 86) ..Groton, Conn..................... (No. 26 ..Groton, Conn.............sº gº ºr sº tº & A. m. s is a s = * * • .. ..................... ..Preston, Conn....................(No. 153, page 64) . N. Stonington, Conn............(No. 185, page 70) ...Lebanon, Conn. ................................................. ..Coventry, Conn..... … ...Newbury, Vt • * * * * . ............... (No. 158, page 65) ...Eaton, N. Y....:........... tº gº & E tº . tº e & & tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...…......." ... " ...Royalton, N. Y....................(No. 231, page 78) ..Preston, N. Y................ … … ..Warren, Pa............... ~~~~~ - .Wilson Co., Tenn.................... ~ Salina, N. Y.........................(No. 82, page 48) . Lyons, N. Y............ ....... ......(No. 230, page 77) . . . .Cairo, N. Y.............. .......... * * * * * * * * * * … Hamilton, N. Y..................(No. 55, page 416) ..Mentz, N. Y............ u sº a ºn e º 'º º is a ſº º ºr a * * * * = a - a u ------ tº º ſº tº." - ºr * * . . . . -- ". - • Barnstead, N. H.................. … - : :"...' Manheim, N.Y....................(No. 96, page 578) º, The su rnames given for the twen ty-fif th and twenty-sixth in the send the information to the family historian. --" * = . . . . . . . . . . above list are misspellings for Avery. They have been fully identified. It is possible that the ninth in the above list is identical with . David, No. 212, page 447; that the eleventh is identical with Daniel, * No. 175, page 437; and that the twenty-first is identical with Wil- liam, No.82, page 423. If you can identify any of the above, please I2 Avery Notes AND QUEries. The next issue of Notes AND QUERIEs will give a list of other Avery pensioners taken from the census rolls of 1832. It is thought that these rosters, continued from quarter to quarter, will be very valuable to the readers of Notes AND QUERIEs. (To BE continued.) ENGLISH RECORDS. The name Avere appears in the Domesday Book, Vol. I., pp. 44 and 46. The Domesday Book was completed about A. D. Io94. - From Salisbury Church Records: . - “1591 Buriel, Mary, wife to Christopher Aveyre.” Mr. H. Hatcher, the antiquarian who copied the record in 1842, wrote: “There were Averys in the town within my recollec- tion.” See Mass. Hist. Collections, 3d. series, Vol. X., p. 139. From London Marriage Licenses: • - “Dudley Avery of St. Michael, Bassishaw, citizen and merchant- taylor, of London, bachelor, 23, with consent of his father, the right worshipful Samuel Avery, alderman of London, and Jane Large of Camberwell, Surrey, spinster, above 16, dau. of Thomas Large, late of the same, Esq., deceased, with consent of her mother, Elizabeth Whorwood, at Camberwell or St. Mary, Newington, Surrey, or St. Peter, Paul’s wharf, London, 28 Feb. 1647-8.” . - - “St. Michael's, Cornhill, William Avery and Elizabeth Harbye, Dec. 13, 1573.” - “St. James', Clerkenwell, Nov. 1, 1635, William Avery and Joane Cooper.” . - “ St. James', Clerkenwell, July 3, 1603, Richard Avery and Katharine Harmon.” . y - From Parish Register of St. Thomas, the Apostle : Jane, daughter of Edward Avery, christened Jan. 6, 1560. Margaret, daughter of Edward Avery, died Jan. 16, 1561. Jane, daughter of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 6, 1561. Mary, daughter of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 14, 1561. Garret, daughter of Edward Avery, buried Sept. 29, 1561. John, son of Edward Avery, buried Oct. 1, 1561. Edward Avery, cloth maker, buried March 30, 1580. Avery. Notes AND QUERIES. I3 Robert Brinklow and Elizabeth Avery, married, Nov. 17, I 588. Thomas Fletcher and Luce Avery, married Dec. 8, 1567. From Gray's Inn Admission Register: “Admitted, April 6, 1657, Robert Avery, son of Robert Avery of Witheredge, County Devon, gent.” (Page 281.) “May 6, 1647, William Avery, son of Samuel Avery, citizen and alderman of London.” (Page 244.) - “William Avery, son of — Avery, late of Itchington Bishops, County Warwick, gent.” (Page 245.) From the Register of the University of Oxford, England, Vol. I., Page 200, A. D. 1541—“Avery, William, chap., sup. for B. A. 1541,-1 adm. 12 March, Sup, for M.A., 14 June, 1544." Page 598—" Avery, Thomas, supplicated for B. A., 31 March, i 1452. Anstay, 521.” (Note—“Anstay, 52 i "is a book-reference.) In Index—“Avery, John, Fasti, 6, 20.” (Note—“Fasti” is a letter-book, containing names of undergraduates from A. D. I422 to I5O3.} - - * - (to be continued.) A SUGGESTIVE ANACHRONISM. MR. ELRoy M. Avery, - 657 Woodland Hills Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, DEAR SIR: Please enrol me as a member of the Groton Avery History Club. Enclosed here with, find postal order for dollars, which I send as my dues for the year 1898. * Yours truly, CHRISTOPHER Avery. * Salem, Massachusetts Bay, June 12, 1630. The best time to forward corrections or new matter is at the earliest possible moment. Many corrections may be made by persons now living; the data should be secured and put on my record before , these persons die. If you know of such a case, please “lend a hand,” and do so now. In this way, I have connected several families that Mr. Sweet necessarily dropped several generations back. These families alone have added hundreds of names to the record. I4 Avery NoTES AND QUERIEs. The family historian takes pleasure in introducing to the Groton tribe, one of their blood who was lost from the fold several genera- tions ago, and who has recently worked his way back, bringing an DR. A. B. AVERY. cestors and descendants with him. Dr. Aaron B. Avery of Pontiac, Michigan, and his wife, Lillian (Drake) Avery, have been very effi- cient and kind in the aid given to the family historian. His portrait is given here with. # . . . I intend to make the records of the daughters of the tribe some- what more complete than Mr. Sweet did. In every case, when the Avery Notes AND Queries. lowing: were married, the date and place of his birth and death, his parentage, each, and the name of the person whom each married. Calvin, the son of Gardner and Amy (Newell) Avery, was born April * known, a woman, whose name even was unknown. They had two when and where this first wife died. Calvin A very married à. secon d º t , unsatisfactory? # i -ſ \, he is much more like a clearing house than a bank of issue. that is complete. Then do your share; see that your own family is properly recorded; then look up ‘ - aunts,” et al., to the best of your ability. - ‘your sisters, your causins and your daughter marries, I desire to “carry her forward,' just as Mr. Sweet did with the married sons, giving the record of her marriage, of her . * husband's birth and parentage, and the records of their children. As these children do not bear the Avery name, and as the line must be drawn somewhere, I desire to tell when and where each was born and died, and whom each married This will make it much more easy for their descendants to “catch on” to the Avery line. For instance, on - page 135, Mr. Sweet gives as the only record of N o. 1 I 79, the fol- | “Mary Minerva Avery, born June 27, 1825; died May 8, 1890.” From a letter written in 1868, and sent to me by Mr. Sweet's execu- tor, I learn that she married Willard J. Deacock, February 11, 1845. * I should like to learn (so that I may complete the record) where they the names of their children, with date and place of birth and death of As an illustration of the work of completing the printed . record left by Mr. Sweet, the case of No. 561, on page 142, may be cited. 27, 1785; died February 12, 1859. He married, time and place un- children; names, dates and places of birth not given. It is not stated wife, time, place and name unknown. They had three children, names, dates and places of birth not given. Could a record be more - . . . k Chiefly through the instrumentality of Mr. Trueman Gardiner Avery of Buffalo, the record of this family has been completed to the present time, thus adding scores of names to the roll of the tribe. | | | No family historian can write a satisfactory family history. Such a work is necessarily co-operative . The family histo rian may do his . best in the way of direction and persuasion, but, in the last analysis, \ Undoubtedly you would like to see a history of the Groton Averys Avery Notes and Queries I have numerous requests for an immediate publication of the second edition of the “Averys of Groton.” They who make such re- ‘. . quest probably do not realize the magnitude of the work involved in the revision, and the importance of the time element in the solution of the many problems. Even if I could devote myself to this work exclusively, time is needed for research in many fields. The work is going on rapidly, but, at the very best and with abundant means (see - - page eight), it will require a few years to get the records into sha pe . that would justify printing them. In the meantime, I shall try to make Notes AND Queries as valuable as possible. . . . In the preparation of a second edition, I shall have the advantage of Mr. Sweet's work; I shall be able to begin where he stopped. I shall correct as many of the errors and omissions of the first edition as possible. I shall try to give the date and place of birth of every member of the family ; the date and place of death of each who has died; the post-office address of each who is living. I shall try to extend the record of female members of the family, giving at least one generation of their descendants after the change from the Avery name. I want only one index, that to contain every name in the book. I shall modify the form of arrangement, and adhere closely to the form recommended by the New England Historical and Gen- ealogical Society and generally adopted by genealogists. * - - . Have you seen “ Singing Verses for Children,” written by Mrs. Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, and published by the Macmillan Com- nursery songs, set to music, and illustrated in colors. Decidedly the best Physical Science Text-Books (Physics and Chemistry) are those written by the Hon. Elroy M. Avery, Ph. D., LL.D., and published by Sheldon & Company, 43 and 45 - - - - East 12th street, New York, and 262 and 264 Wabash avenue, Chicago, to whom all inquiries should be addressed. | Newspapers that receive copies of Notes and Queries are respect- All Averys, and Averys descendants, are requested to send their . roy M. Ave ry of C . e ve lan d, O hio ry family. & º º º º sº 3. * Fº .# º Lºw WFRSITY GF MICHAECAM: |||||||||| O15 OO566 1684