Doradocondadors TAAT STAA zawadiadau ANDA MENDA Saara милилитихихихихихихихихихихихихуткахме \ .. (1; Α Ν ACCOUNT OF THE Numbers of Men able to bear Arms in the Provinces and Towns of France, taken by the King's Orders in 1743 AND ALSO Of the King of France's Revenue and Ex- pences in the Years 1741, and 1742, (with a Table, ſhewing the State of his Revenue in the different Years of 1712, 1734, and 1740) in which may be ſeen the Amount of each Article of the pub- lick Expence, and the Produce of each particular Tax laid on that Nation. 1 To which is added, An Account of the Military Forces of France for both Land and Sea. Service, as ſettled by the Council of State on May 1, 1743. I O N D ON: Printed for M. COOPER, at the Globe in Pater- nofter-row. MDCCXLIV. [Price One Shilling.] t i HJ 1081 AIG 13655485-190 PREFACE. IS E States, before they engage in War, always conſider their Enemy's Power as well as their owu, in order to form a Fudgment whether they may be likely to carry it on with Succeſs, and to terminate it with Honour. On this Account the Number, Wealth, Condition, and Situation of a People have been the Subje&t of Confideration in all Ages : But in the preſent, when it is not ſo much the ſharpeſt Sword, as the longeſt Purſe, which decides the Fate and Event of a War, it is neceſary likewiſe to examine into the Nature and Amount of the Taxes which are laid on a Na. tion, with their Effeets on its Trade and Tranqui- lity, into the Debts and Incumbrances of a State, and into its ordinary and extraordinary Revenue and Expences. As all Appearances bid us foon expect a War with France, and the Accounts given of the Condition and Abilities of that Kingdom differ prodigiouſly, according to the different Views, Inclinations, or Preposſeſſions of our political Writers, it is thought proper to publiſh to the World the following Ac- counts, as well of the Numbers of Men able to bear Arms, and fit to be employed in the Service of the War, as of the Nature and Amount of the parti- cular Taxes paid by the People, of the neat Pro- duce of the King of France's Revenue, of his Ex- pences for the two laſt years, and of the Quantity of the Debt with which his Revenue is incumbered. Theſe PRE FACE. Theſe Accounts are faithfully tranſlated from the Originals delivered in, the former to the Office of War, the latter to the Board of the Treaſury of France, and may ſerve for a Rule whereby to form a juft Judgment of the Condition, Force, and Abi- lity of thet Kingdom. The Tranfator propoſes only to inforin the Reader in theſe Points, and leaves it to him to make his own Reflektions and Obſerva- tions thereon. He thinks it however not improper to take Notice, that the Taxes in France are raiſed at different Rates, from 5 s. to 12 s: in the Pound; and on that, as well as other Accounts, there is raiſed upon the People at leaſt twice as much as comes into the King's Coffers. Here Taxes are raiſed at a cheaper Rate, as indeed they are in all limited Governments, which in this Reſpect have a valt Advantage over abſolute Morarchies, where infiiite Ņumbers of ſuperfluous Oficers and Exciſe- 997672 are ever employed. But whatever is to be said as to the charge of colletting, France lies un- der 120 Diſadvantage in ihe Adminiſtration of ber Revenue. There is not a Penny of it funk among thoſe that have the Direktion of the Treafury, or embezzeled or miſapplied in any Monner. Тbe King is: at no idle Expences, and be buys every Thing for the publick Service cheaper than any Man to his Replm can for his private Occaſions ; and. there is not a Country upon Earth, where the pub- Lick Money is iſſued out or disburſed with greater Care, Judgmeñit, Frugality, and Oecononny' . 5 An 1 1 An ACCOUNT of the Numbers of Unmarried Men in France, taken by the King's Orders in 1743. T HIS Account takes in all the un- married Youths from 10 to 16 Years of Age, and all Bachelors able to bear Arms between the Ages of 16 and 40, that were entered upon the Rolls of the Commiſſaries appointed for this Purpoſe, in all the Towns, Villages, and Pariſhes of the Kingdom, in the firſt three Months of the Year 1.743, purſuant to the King's Order of October 30, 1742, and his Majeſty's circular Letters fent to the Intendants of the ſeveral Provinces on November the 6th following. It muſt be obſerved, that tho' the King's Or ders were executed with great Exactneſs, and perhaps with too much Rigour, in order to take a juft Account of the Number of the Bachelors able to bear Arms in all the Towns of the King dom that were formerly exempt from furniſhing Men to the Militia, and in the Country Pariſhes, within the reſpective Ages above-mentioned, that were enrolled in the firſt three Months of 1743; yet the Commiſſaries employed in this Work, could not poſſibly give the Court an ex- act Account, by reaſon of the great Number of B Fugitives, [ 21 Fugitives, abundance of which were ſeized and diſperſed in the Battalions of the Militia of their Provinces. But with regard to the Numbers of ſuch unmarried Men between the Ages of 10 and 16, and of 16 and 40, able to bear Arms, that were actually enrolled, according to the Accounts fent by the ſeveral. Intendants to the Court, the fol- lowing Particulars will exhibit an uſeful Abridg- ment thereof. To have given an Account of their Numbers in the Order of the Generalities, Towns, Villages, and Pariſhes, as it was ſent to the Secretary of War, would have taken up at leaſt ten Volumes in Quarto of 200 Pages cach, it was therefore thought proper to give only that of the Genera- lities; with regard to which it muſt be obſerved, 1. That this Account doth not take in the Gene- rality of Pau, becauſe it maintains a Corps of the national Troops every Year in Times both of Peace and War, as is explained in the Article of that Generality. Nor, 2. is that of Lorraine comprehended therein, becauſe King Staniſlaus, the now Sovereign of the Dutchies of Lorraine and Bar, has raiſed the Militia thereof for the Service of France. And, 3. all Towns, Villages, and Pariſhes ſituated within three Leagues of the Ocean, from Calais to the Extremity of the Lower Navarre, and of the Mediterranean from Leucate in Languedoc (all the Province of Rouſ- fillon being comprehended therein) to Antibes in the furtheſt Part of Provence, are not taken into this Account, becauſe all the Men and Bachelors in thoſe Towns, Villages, and Pariſhes, from 15 or 16, to 60 Years of Age, able to bear Arms, are a ſtanding Militia for the Guard of the Coaſts and the Sea Service ; on which account they are ſupplied 1 A 1 [ 3 ] ſupplied by the King with Ammunition Bread, whenever they march out of their Captainrys for his Service, and enjoy an Exemption from the Exciſe, as their Oficers, who are Gentlemen of the Country, do a ſmall Allowance of Pay; and the Provinces where thoſe Places are ſituated, furniſh them with Forage for the Horſe and Dragoons, an uniform Cloathing for the Officers, and Head-pieces for the Companies of this Mi- litia. In order to this Enrolment, they obliged, in great Towns, all Fathers of Families, Maſter- workmen, trading Companies, Burgeſſes, &c. to bring their Male Children, Apprentices, and Servants, to the Commiſſaries appointed for that Purpoſe : But in little Towns and Villages, to avoid alarming Families too generally, they took out of the Regiſters of Chriſtenings, the Names and Sirnames of ſuch as were between 10 and 16 Years old, in order to prevent the Trouble of another Enrolment, in caſe the King ſhould be hereafter forced to raiſe the Militia ; and with regard to thoſe between 16 and 40 Years of Age, that were capable of bearing Arms, they cauſed the Provoſt, Bailiff, Mayor, Seneſchal, or other Officer appointed to keep the Regiſter or Rolls of the Bachelors that were then in being there, to take notice of, and to mark exactly, from time to time, ſuch of them as ſhould either marry, or lift in the Troops, or quit the Pariſh, with the Reaſons of ſuch Quitting, or ſhould die : in a word, whatever Fate ſhould attend any Bachelor ſubject to the Militia. In this Account Care will be taken, when the Numbers of unmarried Males come to be ſummed up, to diſtinguiſh thoſe from 10 to 16, and thoſe B 2 from V } [4] from 16 to 40 Years old, to make up the general Total as computed in the Recapitulation made by Order of the Miniſter of the War, in June 11743, upon the Memoirs of the Intendants, in order to be preſented to the King. Number of Bachelors in the Generality of Paris. As the Number of thoſe enroled in the City of Paris, on occaſion of the Militia raiſed at the latter end of April, and in the beginning of May. 1743, deſerves a particular Attention, we ſhall give an exact Detail thereof in each Ward or Quarter of that City, viz. Quarters of Paris. Number of Bachelors enrolled. The City Thé Louvre St. Euftace 5497 The Palace Royal Montmartre 4881 The Greve 5064 St. James de la Boucherie St. Opportune The Halls 4450 3746 4428 5310 4938 2812 St. Avoye 3108 4389 2338 St. Paul The Marais 4242 Place Maubert -2985 St. Benoit St. Denis 4047 St. Martin 3612 St. Andre des Arts 2846 The Luxemburg 2424 St. Germain des Prez 3648 Fauxbourg St. lntoine 5880 The whole Number regiſtered at Paris 80645 Of theſe the Bachelors, from 10 to 16, 26450 amount to Theſe [5] 1 1 -- Theſe laſt did not appear before the Commiſſaries, but were regiſtered on their Parents Declarations, ſo that thoſe who were given in by the Com- miffaries to the Lieutenant de Police, in order to the raiſing of the Militia, amounted but to 54195 But before the drawing of the Militia, theſe having been viſited by the Sur- geons and Phyſicians of the Hoſpital of the Invalids, the Lieutenant de Police, on account of Illneſs, Diſeaſes, Infirmities, and Weakneſs of Body, ſtruck out of this Number 9648 ; ſo that the whole Number of the un- married Men of Paris that drew for the Militia, was 44547 Of theſe 44547 every fixth Man was drawn by Lot, which made 7424 Militia Men, without reckoning ſuch as had fled away, and been ſeized in their Flight. Out of theſe were formed the three Battalions of 600 Men each, which the King had demanded of the Town of Paris ; and there were ſtill left above 6000 unmarried Men to be fent back, by reaſon of the Number of Fugitives who were ſeized and incorporated into theſe Bat- talions, though moſt of them got excuſed from marching, either through Favour, Force of Mo- ney, or ſome other Means. Tis certain that the greateſt Part of theſe paid each of them 3 or 400 Livres, more or leſs; which ſerved the Lieutenant de Police for a Fund to cloth the Offi- cers and Soldiers of thoſe three Battalions, and to pay the Salaries of the Commiſſaries and others who had been employed in the regiſtering of the unmarried (6) unmarried Men, and in the drawing for the Militia. About 6 or 800 likewiſe of theſe Fu- gitives were, on their own Requeſt and voluntary Offer, allowed to inliſt in the King's Regiment of Foot, to ſerve in it for fix Years. N. B. The Children of Gentlemen, of Fami- lies that enjoyed any Magiſtracy or Offices, of ſuch as were employed on the King's Account, and of other Families that were by the King's Ordinance exempted from drawing to the Mili- tia, and their Servants, make almoſt half of the 44547 Militia Men of Paris, including therein the Students in the Univerſities, Colleges, and Academies, Free Towns in the Generality of Paris. St. Denis 417 St. Germaine en Laye 1808 Verſailles 1304 Fontainebleau Beauvais 800 Compeigne 648 Senlis 306 Meaux 701 Sens 670 810 In all 7464 Country Towns and Villages of the ſaid } 56543 Generality 108554 > Total of unmarried Men regiſtered there 64007 Which with the 44547 of the Town of Paris, make }; Of the 64007 in the Free Towns and Country Pariſhes of the Generality of Paris, there were from 10 to 16 Years old 37400 And from 16 to 40, able to bear Arms 26607 1 64007 Generality (2) Generality of Soiffons. Soiſons Laon Noyon Country Towns and Pariſhes 712 410 623 32973 34718 Of theſe unmarried Men from 10 to 16-21612 From 16 to 40.,- 13106 ! 34718 Generality of Amiens. Amiens Abbeville Arras St. Omer Country Towns and Pariſhes 4358 1930 1540 1216 46538 55582 Of theſe from io to 16 33500 16 to 40 22082 55582 The Countries about Calais and Boulogne, and fome Pariſhes in the Election of Abbeville, are ſubject to the Militia for guarding the Sea Coaſt. Generality of Orleans. Orleans 4335 Chartres 1718 Blois 713 Country Towns and Pariſhes 44926 51685 Of theſe from .10 to 16 29225 22460 1 16 to 49 51685 Generality (8) Generality of Chaalons ſur Marne. Chaalons 2500 Troyes 3242 Rheims 3723 Langres 310 Country Towns and Pariſhes 46799 56765 Of theſe from 10 to 16 32406 24359 } 16 to 40 56765 Generality of Bourges. Bourges Other Towns and Pariſhes 1426 24693 26119 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 15235 10884 26119 Generality of Tours. Tours Richelieu Angers Saumur Other Towns and Pariſhes 5740 102 1517 2 II'I 50847 11 60317 Of theſe from 10 to 16 28712 31605 : 16 to 40 60317 Generality [99 ) Generality of Riomo Rion Other Towns and Pariſhes 1680 28997 29679 Of theſe from 10 to 16 -16 to 40 18587 11092 . 29679 A Generality of Moulins. 1 1 Moulins Nevers Other Towns and Pariſhes .807 :56,7 26642 28016 Of theſe from 10 to 16 t .-16-to 40 16370 11646 28016 Generality of Lyon. Lyon Other Towns and Parifhes 12416 -29036 41452 Of theſe from 10 to 16 -16 19 4.0 27028 14424 41452 c Generality [ 10 ] 1 Generality of Grenoble. Grenoble Vienne Other Towns and Pariſhes 5800 1722 23483 * 31005 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 17086 13919 31005 Generality of Poictiers. Poixtiers Other Towns and Pariſhes 3814 32324 36138 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 20165 15973 36138 Generality of Rochelle. Rochelle contributes only to guard the Coaſts: Saintes 826 Other Pariſhes not ſubject to guard } 15997 the Coaſt 16823 Of theſe from 10 to 16 10396 6427 16823 16 to 40 Generality ( 11 ) Generality of Limoges. Limoges Other Towns and Pariſhes 1144 28 196 29340 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 15440 13900 29340 Generality of Bourdeaux. Bourdeaux contributes only to guard the Coaſts. Other Towns and Pariſhes not contributing thereto not} } 60018 Of theſe from 10 to 16 42548 17490 16 to 40 60018 Generalities of Auche and Pau under the ſame Intendant.. Auche 400 Other Towns and Pariſhes 41953 42353 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 26898 15455 42353 The Generality of Pau, a Country which has its Affemblies of the three Eſtates, contains the Provinces of Bearn, the Lower Navarre, Bigorre, Soule, the Nebouzan, and the Compoſition Towns. C 2 There 1 [ 12 ) 1 1 There was no Account taken of the Numbers of unmarried Men in this Generality, becauſe it maintains annually, at all times, à Regiment of 3000 Foot, including the Officers; which in 1742 was augmented by 786 Men, and ſerves to guard the Fortreſſes in this Generality. The Country of Labour, and Town of Ba- yonne, included in this Generality, contribute- to the Militia for guarding the Coafts ; and on that Account do not contribute to the Pay of this Regiment, which is called Bandes Bernoiſes. Generality of Montauban. Montauban 2340 Other Towns and Pariſhes 43504 45844 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 25723 20121 16 to 40 45844 Generality of Rouen. Rouen . 8860 Other Towns not guarding the Coaſts 54515 63375 Of theſe from 10 to 16 28000 35375 -63375 Generality of Caen. Caen contributes only to guarding the Coaſt. Other Towns not contributing thereto 46826 Of theſe from 10 to 16 22260 24566 46826 Generality & 16 to 40 [ 13.) 7 I Generality of Alençon. 1 __ Alençon Other Towns, &c. 1712 56361 58073 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 24307 33766 58073 Generality of Burgundy, a Country of Eſtates. Dijon 3568 Other Towns, &C. 64895 68463 Of theſe from 10 to 16 33475 34988 68463 16 to 40 Generality of Bretagne, a Country of Eſtates. Rennes 6207 Nantes 3514 Breſt contributes to guard the Coaſt. Other Towns, &c. not ſubject to ditto 77607 87328 Of theſe from 10 to 16 39811 47517 87328 I 6 50 40 Generality t ( 14 ) 6884 Generality of Languedoc, a Country of Estates. Toulouſe Montpellier 2008 Other Towns, &c. not guarding} 76740 the Coaſt 85632 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 41964 43668 85632 Generality of Provence, a Country of Eſtates. Marſeilles and Toulon contribute to guard the Coaſts. Aix 3085 Other Towns, &c. not guarding} 35310 the Coaſt 38395 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 26009 12386 38395 Generality of Lille, a conquered Country. Lille 4274 Cambray 1400 Douay 622 Other Towns, &C. 15262 li 21558 Of theſe from 10 to 16 13418 16 to 40 8140 21558 Generality ( 15 ) Generality of Valenciennes, a conquered Country. Valenciennes Other Towns, &c. 989 18102 19091 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 9942 9149 19091 Generality of Metz, a conquered Country. Metz Toul Verdun Other Towns, &c. 5840 482 510 42451 1 1 49283 Of theſe from 10 to 16 16 to 40 22746 26537 49283 48 Generality of Beſançon, a conquered Country. Beſançon 864 Dole Other Towns, &c. 60703 61615 Of theſe froin 10 to 16 33341 28274 61615 Generality 16 to 40 1 [16] Generality of Straſburg, a conquered Country. Straſburg, Capital of Low Alface Colmar, Capital of High Alface 2585 Other Towns, &C. 9448 1 31506 43539 Of theſe from' 10 to 16 16 to 40 24507 19032 43539 The Generality of Perpignan, a conquered Country, was not numbered, becauſe it contri- butes to the Militia that guard the Coaſt. Nor were the Provinces of Lorraine and Bar, becauſe King Staniſlaus, - their Sovereign, raiſed their Militia for the Service of France. 16 to 40. General Recapitulation of the Numbers of unmar- ried Men from 10 to 16, and from 16 to.40 Years old (i. e. ſuch of the last as are able to bear Arms) regiſtered in the Towns and Pro- vinces of France, in the three first Months 1743, as before ſpecified. From From Generalities. Total. 10 to 16. Paris Town 26450 44547 70997 Country -37400 26607 64007 Soiſſons 21612 34718 Amiens 33500 22082 Orleans 29225 -22460 51685 Chaalons 32406 24359 56765 Bourges 15235 10884 26119 Riom 18587 I1092 29679 Tours 28712 Moulins * 13106 55582 31605 60317 . [ 17 ] Generalities. 16 to 40. + | 16823 From From Total. 10 to 16. 16370 11646 28016 27028 14424 41452 17086 13919 31005 20165 15973 36138 10396 6427 15440 13900 29340 42548 17470 60018 26898 15455 42353 00000 00000 00000 25723 20121 45844 2 8000 35375 22260 24566 46826 24307 33766 58073 33475 34988 68463 39811 47517 87328 41964 85632 26009 12386 38395 21558 9942 9149 19091 22746 26537 49283 33341 28274 61615 24507 Ig032 43539 764561 659475 1424036 Moulins Lyon Grenoble PoiEtiers La Rochelle Limoges Bourdeaux Auche Pau Montauban Rouen Caen Alençon Burgundy Bretagne Languedoc Provence Lille Valenciennes Metz Beſançon Straſburg 63375 43668 13418 8140 Totals Out of the 659475 unmarried Men from 16 to 40 Years old, able to bear Arms, there were 60000 raiſed in the Provinces and Towns of France, in the firſt three or four Months of A. D. 1743, for the Militia of that Year ; ſo that there were ſtill left 599475 unmarried Men able to bear Arms. Of this laſt Number, ac- cording to the Notes added to the Accounts fent D by [ 18 ] 1 by the Intendants to the Court, there are about 150000 under Size, but well-looked, ſtrong, robuſt, and able to ſupport the Fatigues of War. N. B. The Children of Gentlemen, of Families that enjoy Magiſtracies and Offices, or are em- ployed on the King's Account, and of other Fa- milies excuſed by the King's Ordinance from drawing to the Militia, make near a third or fourth Part of the Number of unmarried Men between 16 and 40 Years of Age, that are re- giſtered in the Towns and Provinces ſubject to the Militia, according to the Account taken thereof on the Spot by the Intendants in their reſpective Generalities, including therein the Students in the Univerſities, Colleges, and Aca- demies, &c. AB [ 19 ] An Account of the King of France's Receipts and Expences in the Years 1741 and 1742. T an Short Account of the King's Revenue in 1741. HE Demeſnes and Woods (otherwiſe cal- led the Waters and Foreſts) of the Crown vary from one Year to another in their Produce, which is more or leſs according to the Quantity and Quality of the Wood that is fallen in the different Foreſts belonging to the King, and is ſold by Auction. The Sale produced in that Year 2,315000 Livres. The Tailles (or Talliages) in the Countries of Election, produced in the Generalities of The Sum of Paris 3500000 Soillons I100000 Amiens and Artois 22 30000 Chaalons 1 500000 Orleans 2600000 Tours 2700000 Rouen 2300000 Caen 1890000 Alençon 1800000 Bourges I 200000 Moulins 1400000 Poitiers 1370000 Lyon 2700000 D 2 Rion 1 [ 20 ] Riom Grenoble Limoges Bordeaux La Rochelle Montauban Auche and Pau 1500000 1600000 I000000 2000000 910000 1500000 1300000 Total of the Tailles in the Countries of Election }36100000 The Tailles in Countries of Eſtates. Livres. Burgundy 1600000 Languedoc 2300000 Bretagne 2000000 Provence 1 I I00000 7000000 The Tailles in recovered and conquered Countries. Metz recove $ 1300000 Lorraine and Barois 2400000 Lille 1400000 Valenciennes I000000 Straſbourg conquered I 800oco Bezançon I 200000 Perpignan 700000 9800000 The Capitation in the Countries of Election. Paris 1100000 Soiſſons 400000 Amiens and Artois 800000 Chaolons 670000 Orleans I200000 Tours [ 21 ] 1 Tours Rouen Caen Alençon Bourges Moulins Poitiers Lyon Rionz Grenoble Limoges Bordeaux La Rochelle Montauban Auche and Pau 920000 800000 560000 530000 320000 510000 370000 I 200000 410000 500000 310000 620000 220000 610000 550000 porn E 12600000 1 1 The Capitation in the Countries of Estates. Burgundy 490000 Languedoc 660000 Bretagne 620000 Provence 430000 2000000 The Capitation in the recovered and conquered Countries. Metz 600000 Lorraine and Barrois II00000 Lille 710000 Valenciennes 420000 Straſbourg 740000 Bezançon 480000 Perpignan 240000 4300000 Capitation [.22 ) Capitation of the City of Paris 4600000 Total of theſe three Articles, viz. Demeſne and Woods 2315000 Tailles 52900000 Capitation 23700000 78915000 3 I Capitation of the King and Queen's t's} Houfhold and Court 112550 the Miniſtry and Penſions 76400 Troops of the Houſhold 83600 Dukes, Peers, and General Officers 415600 the Marine and Gallies 95518 Chief Courts of Juſtice боооо Intendants and Officers employed in the Branches of the Revenue 149805 Farmers General, Clerks, &c. 231381 1 2 Officers of the Police, Marechauffé,} 94460 1 1385929 To which add the above 78915000 the Total is 80300929 Subſidies of the Clergy of France. Tenths and Capitation of French Clergy } 12310000 Free Gifts of ditto per Year 2400000 Tenths and Capitations of Clergy of Alface, Metz, Toul, Verdun, and 752000 Perpignan Free Gifts of ditto 400000 . 15862000 Fres [ 23 ] > I100000 0 0 8. Tenth Penny of the Revenue of 7415228 Free Gifts of Countries of Eſtates. . Burgundy Languedoc I 800000 Bretagne 1600000 Provence 900000 54000000 Neat Revenue of Colonies and Plan-} 1400000 tations, all Charges deducted Profits of Mines, Salaries and } 1765000 Charges deducted Caſual Revenues 61 8000 Theſe fix groſs Sums make together 105345929 The Tenth Penny of the three laſt Months of 1741. } Eſtates in France in general Compoſition for Tenths of the Clergy} 2250000 of France Tenth Penny of the Clergy of Alface, Metz, Toul, Verdun, and Per 125000 pignan Ditto, of Salaries of thoſe employed}157384 Ditto, of Wages and Penſions, raiſed conſtantly ſince A. D. 1709, for 2410000 the whole Year 1741. Total 117703541 The [ 24 ] TH The FARM E S. HE general Farmes united according to the Leaſe thereof made by M. Orry Comptrol- ler General of the Finances, in the King's Behalf, to James de Forceville Leaſee of the ſaid Farmes, on the Security of 40 Farmers General in OEtober 1736, for ſix Years, of which 1742 was the laſt, on Condition of renewing the ſaid Leaſe every two Years, and either raiſing it for the King's Profit, or lowering it in Favour of the Leafee, according to the Variation of Times, and Situa- tion of Affairs ; including therein the particular Farmes re-united in 1736; the Particulars of which, as well as of the general Farmes, are ſet forth in a Manuſcript entitled, The Produce of ibe General Farmes in 1741. This Leafe was in Otober 1739, renewed for the Years 1740, 1741, and 1742, with a Proviſo that the King ſhould indemnify the Leaſee for all unforeſeen Accidents that fhould happen in thoſe three Years, and produced for 1741. 84000000 The Farme of Tobacco leaſed alſo in Otober 1739, to the Farmers General for the ſame three Years, at Farme of the Gates and Meffa- geries ſet to ſix Farmers General in Etober 1739, for the ſame three Years, at 4200000 The different Farmes of Coaches and Royal Tolls, ſet to ſeveral Per- fons at different Times, yield in 1741 2600000 I 1000000 Total of ordinary Revenue for 1741. 219503541 The 1 1 [ 25 ] The extraordinary Expences for the Land and Sea Seivice in 1741, obliged the King to create Annui- ties for Life of 600000 Livres a Year, diſtributed into ſeveral Claf- ſes, according to the different Ages of Perſons, from the 7th to the 13th Penny, (at an Average about 10 per Cent.) by his Edict of Otober 1740; the Money for the Purchaſe thereof paid in January 1741, was 6000000 N. B. By an Edict in Ost. 1741, there was a Creation of the like Annuities of 820000 l. but the Money not being paid in till 1742, it is not computed till that Year. The Gift of the India Company to the King for continuing their excluſive Privilege of certain Mer- chandize of the IndiaTrade (which had been granted in 1718) to the Year 1760 incluſive, amounted to - 10000000 The Farmers General had pro- miſed Cardinal de Fleury to lend the King 25 Millions at 51 per Cent. and to pay this Sum into the Trea-- ſury between November 1, 1741, and March 31, 1742. They paid of this Sum on December 24, 1741,-- 8000000 N. B. The other 17 Millions not being paid till 1742, are not ac- compted till that Year. The ordinary Revenue for 1741, amounting to 219503541 The Loans, Gifts, &c. as above for ditto 24000000 Total of Receipts in 1741, is 243503541 E Short 1 [ 26 ] 1 Short State of the King's Expences in 1741. 6800000 The Houhold. The Charge of the Tables for the King, Queen, Princes of the Blood, Officers, Servants, Salaries, and in general all Expences paid by the Treaſurers of the King and Queen's Houſhold, amounts to Plate, and the King's Pocket- Money, or Privy-Purſe The King's Stables and Liveries Offerings and Alms Hunting, hawking Dogs, and Equi page Pocket-Money for the Queen Dauphin I 200000 2000000 600000 a 1200000 I 20000 60000 Total of Charge of the Houſhold 11980000 The Troops of the Houſhold, Pay of the Guards, the Light-Horſe, the Gendarmes of the Guard, Muſ. quetaires, Horſe Grenadiers, Com- panies of Genſdarmes, including their Arms and Cloaths, the annual Recruits of Horſes become unſer- a When the King aſſiſts at the Pariſh Maſſes, he diſtributes a certain Sum among the Prielts after having been at the Offering. He gives alſo a Sum to the Poor on the Eves of the four great Feſtivals, beſides the uſual Alms on Maundy, Thur ſday, pious Works, and Sums ſent to Jeruſalem and poor Roman Catholic Families in Infidel and Proteſtant Coun- tries, or granted to Miſſionaries in foreign Parts, poor Con- vents, I loſpitals, &c. viceable, [ 27 ] / viceable, and the Penſions granted to old Officers, amount to 4200000 To the b Guards of the Gate and Prevoté of the Hotel 300000 To the 100 Suiſſes 250000 Pay of the ſix Battalions of French and Suiſe Guards, including their Cloaths, Arms, annual recruiting of theſe two Regiments, and Pen- ſions to old Officers 3815000 Total of Charge of Houſhold Troops 8565000 Pay of Mareſchals of France, General Officers in the Armies, Go- vernors, and Commandants of Pro- vinces, and Places, General and other Officers there, including the additional Pay and Tables for the General Officers ſerving in the Ar- mies of Bavaria and the Meuſe Charges of the Extraordinary of the War, including Penſions to old Officers of Marching Regiments, Forage for the Horſe and Dra- goons, and other Extraordinaries 5932000 ; 36812000 b The Guards of the Gate keep the Gate and Avenues of the Palace where the King reſides till Night comes on, when they are relieved by the Gardes du Corps. The Prevoté of the Hotel, is a Company that always attends the Court for the Safety of the King's Perſon. • The Independant Companies, remounting the Horſe, Dragoons, and Huſſars, recruiting the Troops, Forage, Sa- laries to Commiſſaries of War, Chaplains, Phyſicians, and Apothecaries of the Hoſpitals, Surgeons, Magazines, and Charges of Priſoners of War, and military Executions. E 2 Maintaining [ 28 ] 2000000 2462800 Maintaining the Militia in Time of Peace Other Extraordinaries on Ac- count of the Armies of Bavaria and Meuſe, taking the Field in July and Auguſt 1721, viz. For augmenting the Infantry with 30000 Men, at the Rate of 30 Livres a Man Liſting Money, and 30 for Cloaths and Arms, inclu- ding the Premiums to Officers who had their Companies compleat by the Time fixed, in all For Ammunition Bread to the Troops in the Armies of Bavaria, and the Meuſe, and in Garriſon, (over and above the Officers and Soldiers Pay) paid by the King For Fleſh Meat to the Troops in Bavaria, and on the Meuſe, (over and above what is deducted out of the Officers and Soldiers Pay) on the King's Accompt Surplus of Expences in furniſhing Forage to the General and Foot Officers, and to the Horſe and Dra- goons during a Campaign, (inclu- ding the Forage in the Magazines of the Armies of Bavaria, and the Meuſe, for ſupplying them in the two or three firſt Months of 1742) 5245000 2 100000 1830000 d Since A. D. 1718. the King has kept up a Militia of 30000 Men at one Sola Day per Man. "Their Number is doubled in Time. of War, and they are ready to march on the firſt Orders. Salaries [ 29 ] t Salaries of Intendants of the Armies, Commiffaries of War, and grand Prevots of the Archers 308000 Expences of Hoſpitals (including the Salaries of thoſe employed in them) over and above all Deduc- tions from the Soldiers Pay 1065412 Charge and extraordinary Payº for the Augmentation of the Troops from July 1, to the End of 1741--- 1450000 Ditto, for the Battalions of Mi- litia fent out of their Provinces at different Times ſince July 1, to guard the Frontier Towns, and re- lieve the old Troops deſigned for the Armies 2200000 Cloaths and Arms for 30000 Men of the Militia 900000 Charge of Magazines for Bread and Meat to the Troops in their March, (over and above all Deduc- tions out of the Officers and Sol- diers Pay at that Time) 1980000 Gratifications to the Troops of the Arinies 800000 Total of the Extraordinary of the War 59548212 Ordinary Expence of the Artil- lery 2800000 Extraordinary Charge of Encamp- ments, and the Armies, including Salaries of thoſe employed in-them 620000 Total of the Artillery 3420000 In 1740 his Majeſty granted to the Horſe Dragoons and all the Soldiers of the Army 2 Sols a Day, additional Pay per Man for four Months, on Account of the extraordinary Dear- neſs of Bread, Total A e [ 30 ] Total of the Houſhold Troops General Officers Extraordinary of War Artillery 8565000 5932000 59548212 3420000 77465212 160ooooo 7300000 2200000 60000 1660000 900000 2100000 Ordinary Charge of the Marine Extraordinary ditto Ordinary of the Gallies Extraordinary ditto Salaries of the firſt Miniſters, Secre- taries and Councellors of State, and inferior Officers in the Mini- ſtry Ditto to Embaſadors and Miniſters in foreign Courts To ditto for ſecret Affairs and fo- reign Penſions Remittances to Mareſchal de Belliſe Embaſſador at Francfort at the Emperor's Election, for Expences and Preſents made by him on that Occaſion, and in the Courts of Germany by the King's Orders To the Treaſurer of the Suiſe Can- tons To the Turkilo Embaſſador from his Arrival at Marſeille to Jan.i. 1742. Penlions to the Princes and Prin- cefies of the Blood Orders of Holy Ghoſt and St. Louis On the Royal Treaſury To King Staniſlavs 3400000 600000 1 200000 1485000 990000 3600000 2000000 . Salaries [ 31 ] 4100000 100000 Salaries to the Parliament, Exche- quer, Mint, Aides, grand Coun- cil, and other ſovereign Courts and Councils, to the Officers of the Chatelet of Paris, and other Royal Juriſdictions Ditto to Officers in the Chancery, Book-Office, and Expences Ditto to Officers and others em- ployed on the Affairs of Com- merce Ditto to Intendants of Provinces and Officers of the Revenue, and Charge of collecting the Tailles Publick Works, viz. Fortifications Charge of Bridges and Cauſeways The King's Houſes, &c. Piers, Moles, and Banks 1866000 5794000 4600000 4800000 5200000 780000 15380000 400000 22 140000 The King's Libraries, Archives, and Charge of Printing Annuities perpetual, paid at the Town-houſe of Paris For Life, including the 600000 cre- ated at the End of 1740 To pay the Dividends of Actions Charges of Operas, Plays, &c.- Charges of the Baſtille and other Royal Priſons, and Maintenance of State Priſoners, and other Ex- pences of the State and Police To maintain Priſoners in the Goals of France 25112720 8000000 1866000 1000000 1 800000 Salaries [ 32 ] 818000 1 300000 380000 Salaries to Secretaries of the King's Cloſet, Voyages of Couriers or- dinary and extraordinary Additional Bounty to the Invalids and St. Cyr Charge of managing the roth Penny for the three laſt Months of 1741 Draughts on the Treaſury in favour of ſeveral Perſons, for Monies ad- vanced by them to provide Corn, powdered Beef, Bacon, Brandy, and other Proviſions, which they laid into the Magazines of the Sea-Port Towns, by Order of M. de Maurepas Secretary of State for the Naval Affairs 6000000 Total of the King's Expences for 1741 227260932 1 Indemnifications, Remittances, &c. Allowed to the Undertaker of pro- viding Bread for the Hoſpital of the Invalids on Account of Lofles he ſuffered in 1739 and 1740, by reaſon of the unuſual Dearneſs of Corn I 100000 Allowed to the Undertakers for Am- munition Bread to the Troops for their Loſſes by Corn's conti- nuing dear this Year 2600000 Allowed to Undertakers for the mi- litary Hoſpitals of the Kingdom for the like Loffes in 1739 and 1740, and to other Perſons for Indemnifications in different Ca- ſes, and Recompences 2500000 Allowed 1 1 1 ber 1740 ( 33 ) Allowed to the Farmers General to indemnify-the Sub-farmers of the Aides in the Vine Countries for the want of Conſumption of Wines this Year, the Vintage of 1740 being ruined by the Froſts 2800000 Abated on the Tailles for Loffes ſuf- tained in abundance of Pariſhes, in different Pariſhes whoſe Effects and Eſtates were carried away or deſtroyed by the Floods in Decem- 4600000 Abated to abundance of Military Officers, noble Families, and Ser- vants of their Majeſties, whoſe Houſes Goods and Effects were carried away by the fame Floods, on Condition of repairing the faid Houſes and Effects before the End 80oooo Total of Indemnifications 14400000 Subfidies to foreign Powers in 1741 22200000 The Total of Expences this Year, amounting to 227300932 Indemnifications &c. 14400000 Foreign Subſidies 22200000 The whole of the King's Expence in 1741, is 263800932 And his Receipts, amounting to 243503541 The King is indebted 20297397 a There was no getting a juft Account of the Diſtribution of this Sum, but ’tis certain ſeveral great Remittances were made this Year for the King of Sweden and Elector of Bao. varia, and two others to two Electors and Princes of the Empire. F Which of 1742 [ 34 ]' 2200000 Which Sum will be repaid in 1742, according to the Proviſion made for that Purpoſe by Cardinal de Fluery. Short State of the King's Revenue in 1742. Demefnes and Foreſts 1840000 Tailles in the Countries of Election, 36100000 Ditto Eftates 7000000 Ditto in the conquered Countries 9800000 Capitation in Countries of Election 12600ooo Ditto Eſtates Ditto in the conquered Countries 4300000 Capitation of the City of Paris 4600000 Particular Capitations 1720000 Free Gifts of the Clergy of France 2400000 Tenths and Capitations of Ditto -- 12200000 Ditto of Clergy of Alſace, Perpignan, Metz, Toul and Verdunz 752000 Free Gifts of ſaid Clergy. 95912000 Free Gifts of Burgundy 1300000 Lauguedoc 1200000 Bretagne I Sooooo Provence 1000000 400000 3 6300000 Revenue of Colonies, all Charges deducted 1512600 Tenth Penny on Eſtates of the Kingdom in general, not inclu- ding the Clergy 21784914 Compoſition for ditto of the Clergy of France at nine Millions, but on Account of the Lofles of In- cumbents by the Floods in 1740, reduced to 6750000 Compoſition [ 35 ] + Compoſition of the Clergy of Cam- bray, Arras, St.Omer Metz, Toul, Verdun, Straſbourg, and Perpig- 11ап I 125534 1 2417682 84000000 11000000 4200000 2400000 215000 Tenth Penny on Salaries and Pen- ſions Farms General united of Tobacco of Poſts and Carriers of Coaches and Royal Tolls Caſual Revenues Free Gifts extraordinary of Clergy of France Ditto of the Frontier Churches Tax on Induſtry for the laſt three Months of 1741, and the whole Year of 1742 Remainder of Louis XVth's happy Acceſſion to the Crown I 2000000 1240000 12065400 2000000 Total of the King's Revenue in 1742 264924130 Beſides this Revenue of 264 Millions, the King to provide for the Expences of 1742, has bor- rowed the following Sums, viz. By creating Life Annuities of 820000 in ſeveral Claſſes, according to different Ages, from the 7th to the 13th Penny, by the Edict of OEtober 1741, a Principal was raiſed of 8200000 The Commiſſioners for getting in this Money having private Orders from Court to go as far as 1200000 of ſuch Annuities, there was raiſed a further Principal of 3800000 Lent F 2 [ 36 ] Lent by the Farmers General at 57 per Cent. according to their Agree- ment with Card. de Fleury in Nov. ! 741, the Remainder (above the eight Millions advanced Dec. 24, 1741) 170.00000 By creating 600000 hereditary Rents on the Farm of the Poſts at 5 per Cent, was raiſed repayable in 13 Years by a Lottery 12000000 Total of Money raiſed by Loans 41000000 The King's Revenue in 1742 264924130 Total of the King's Receipts in 1742 305924120 Short State of the King's Expences in 1742, The Houſhold Expences (paid by the Treaſurers of the King and Queen's Houſhold (being reduced this Year 800000.) come but to 6000000 The King's Plate and Privy Purſe 94000g Stables, Stud, and Liveries 1800000 Hunting, Hawking, &c. The Queen's Privy Purſe The Dauphin's ditto 60000 1000000 120000 10320000 Pay, Cloaths, Arms, Recruits of Horſes, and Penſions to old Officers of The Life Horſe Guards 2100000 Genſdarmes 410000 Light Horſe Guards 410000 Muſquetaires 520000 The ( 37 ) The Horſe Grenadiers Companies of Genſdarmes 180000 600000 : 4220009 1 4110000 Pay, Cloaths, Arms, and Recruits for the French and Suiſe' Foot Guards, with Penfion's to old Officers Guards of the Gate, and Prevoté of the Hotel The 100 Suiſſes Total Charge of Houſhold Troops 260000 250000 1 8840000 6600000 Pay, Tables, and Penfions to the Mareſchals of France, General Officers, Governors and Com- mandants of Provinces and Pla- ces, &c. with the additional Al- lowances of Pay and Tables to General Officers ſerving in the Armies For the ordinary Charge of the Army in Bavaria, and. Pay of the Regiments of Horſe, Foot, and Dragoons (the furniſhing of Bread and Fleſh deducted) inclu- ding the Penſions to old Officers, and what the King allows for Bread and Meat, over and above what is deducted out of the Offi- cers and Soldiers Pay. For the general Proviſion of Forage to that Army 15600000 I 200000 Charges [ 38 ] 1 Charges extraordinary, viz. Hoſpi- tals, Convoỳs, Carriages, Work- 1 men, &c. 2200000 Saláries to Intendants of the Army, Commiffaries of War, Provoſt General, and his Archers, and Perſons employed in the Hoſpi- -tals, or about Proviſions and Fo- rage For ſecret Expences of that Army 1 500000 200000 Total Expence of the Army in Bavaria 19700000 Ordinary Charge of M. de Maillebois's Army on the Meuſe, including the Troops poſted on that River from Verdun to Givet, and in the Coun- tries adjacent, viz. Pay, Arms, Cloaths, Penſions to old Officers, and what the King al- lows for Bread and Meat, over and above what is deducted out of the Soldiers-Pay for that Uſe 17000000 General Proviſion of Forage for ditto Extraordinary Charges, Hoſpitals, Convoys, &c. 2700000 Salaries to Intendants and Commif- ſaries, Grand Provoſt, Archers, and Perſons employed in the Hoſpitals, &c. 500000 Secret Expences of this Army 200000 Total Expence of the Army on the Meuse 1000000 . on} 21600000 Pay 1 [ 39 ]' Pay of the Troops in Garriſon, in- cluding what theKing allows above what is ſtopped from the Soldiers Pay for their Ammunition Bread, the Charge of Forage, Magazines, and Penſions to Officers, and ex- traordinary Charges; as alſo the Pay of the Militia on Foot, or to be levied in February next, for their Pay, Arms, and Cloath- ing Extraordinary Charge for unforeſeen Expences this Year - Gratifications to the Troops Theſe five Articles of the Extraor- dinary of the. War, come to The Artillery, ordinary and extraor- dinary The Houſhold Troops, amounting to · General Officers 19500000 12000000 1600000 4000000 8840000 6600000 The whole of the military Expences 93840000 Charge ordinary and extraordinary of the Sea Service 24600000 Ditto of the Gallies 3400000 Salaries to the Miniſters 1660000 Ditto to Embaſſadors and Agents in foreign Courts 930000 To ditto for ſecret Service and foreign Penſions 2570000 a The Funds for theſe two laft Articles, making together 31500000, ſerve for thoſe 1400000 a Month Augmentation to the Funds ordered for the Army in Bavaria, for the Sub- Ghance of the ſecond Body of Troops ſent thither in March 1742, to commence from April the ift that Year. Το ( 40 ) 1 To the Treaſurer of the Suiſſe Can- tons 600ooo 360000 2000000 1455000 1010000 To the Turkiſh Embaſſador from Jan. 1. to his Departure To King Staniſlaus Penſions to Princes of the Blood Ditto to Orders of Holy Ghoſt and St. Louis Ditto on the Treaſury Salaries to the ſovereign Courts of Juſtice, &C. Ditto to Officers of the Chancery and Book-Office Ditto to the Officers of Commerce Ditto to Intendants of Provinces, and Officers of the Revenue 3956000 4100000 80000 1400000 5500000 2800000 2600000 500000 4600000 Publick Works, viz. The King's Houſes Bridges and Cauſeways Piers, Moles, and Banks Fortifications Libraries, Archives, and Royal Printing-Houſes The Mint for Medals The Academies of the Kingdom The Marſhalſey and Conſtablerý Perpetual Annuities Life Annuities created in 1740 and 1741 Dividends of the India Company Expence of Operas, Plays, &c. Ditto of Royal Priſons, Matters of State and Police Expence of inferior Priſons 500000 350000 230000 I 200000 22140000 25282640 8000000 200000 960000 530000 Charges ! [ 41 ] 1 840000 500000 1580000 Charges of Secretaries of the Cabinet and Couriers Additional Bounty to the Houſes of Invalids and St. Cyr Charge of managing the Tenth Penny Abatements this Year in the Tenth Penny to many Families totally ruined by the Floods in 1740 Rewards and Indemnifications to Perſons who have done Service, or ſuffered Loſſes in ſerving the State 3500000 600000 235093640 Total of Expences in 1742 Subſidies to foreign Princes this Year 29572000 Additional Expences ordered in Oct. 1742. viz. The King's Order on the Treaſury to pay M. de Maurepas Secretary of State for the Marine, to be laid out in building and refitting Men of War, and augmenting the Marine Forces 6000000 Three Orders on ditto to pay ditto for erecting Magazines of Corn and Proviſions in Toulon, Breſt, and Rochfort Order to pay ditto for the like Ma- gazines in the American Planta- tions, and uſe of Marine Forces there 2000000 1 2000000 G Eight " 0 ! ( 42 ) 6 Eight Orders to pay to eight Inten- dants for erecting the like Maga- žines for Uſe of the Troops in their reſpective Generalities, viz. Amiens Lille Valenciennes Chaalons Metz Straſbourg Bezançon Grenoble 850000 2400000 2700000 500000 950000 I 800000 400000 400000 10000000 Total of Orders for additional Ex- pençes 20000000 Ditto Expences ordinary and extra- ordinary 235093640 Foreign Subſidies 29572000 So that the whole Expence of 1742 being 284665640 And the whole of the Receipts being 305924130 The King had Dec. 31, 1742, in } 21258490 his Treaſury in Caſh, To pay the Debt of 20297391, contracted in 1741; the Payment of which was thus pro- vided for by Cardinal de Fleury; ſo that being near a Ballance, the King had at the End of 1742, no more Caſh in his Treaſury than the Sum of 961099 Livres. A [ 43 ] 4. Ditto À Table Sheirwing the Revenues of France in A. D. 1712, 17343 and 1740. Articles: Kind of Revenue. 1712. 1734 1740. I. Demeſnes and Cafual Affairs 3122840 2.304000 2304000 2. Waters and Foreſts 1450000 I 300000 1045000 3. Taille in Countries of Election 36891500 37000000 37000000 Eſtates 9998000 7200000 7000000 5: Ditto in Countries recovered or conquered 5990000 5400000 6900000 6. Capitation in Countries of Election 12580000 1 2608712 1 2600000 7. Ditto in Countries of Eſtates 3660000 22 12818 2200000 8. Ditto conquered 4455842 5082000 6300000 9. Ditto in the City of Paris 4500000 5000000 4800000 10. Ditto upon Penſions 110000 66000 II. Ditto of the King and Queen's Houſhold: 104000 I 12525 12. Ditto of the Houſhold Troops 90000 94615 83800 ·13. Ditto of Dukes, Peers, Mareſchals of France, Governors of Towns and Provinces 105000 92500 65761 14. Ditto of the extraordinary of the Wars 1130000 1120000 340000 11 72000 I 20000 [ 44 ] 17122 120000 66000 1734. 85600 66000 17402 82000 60000 148580 228000 } 148000 142000 148000 185000 81680 220000 Articles, Kind of Revenue. 15. Ditto of the Navy and Gallies 16. Ditto of the Parliaments 17. Dicto of Offices,' Fortifications, Bridges, Cauſeways, Piers, Banks, &C 18. Ditto of the Farms General 19. Ditto of Officers of the Police, Watch, and Marſhalſea 20. Subſidies of the Clergy 21. Free Gifts of Countries of Eſtates 22. The Farmes General united 23. Farm of Tobacco 24. Poſts and Carriers 25 Coaches and Royal Tolls 26. Produce of Colonies, Charges deducted 27. The Mint 28. Controlle of Gold and Silver 29. Duties on the Manufactures of France 30. Controlle of the Acts of Notaries. 31. Farm of Oils, Sewet, and Soap 19620000 5458800 56500000 3000000 3800000 2550000 1400000 1700000 1800000 1185112 not laid. 1800000 103122 16700000 4600000 68000000 8000000 360000.0 2220000 1600000 1400000 1300000 1110000 I 200000 1.600.000 99000 16600000 4000000 84000000 I1000000 4200000 2300000 1851200 1 800000 United to Farmes General. ITI0000 I 200COO 1600000 11 ( 45 ) 1 1734.. 1000000 1 400000 49000000 1471000 1712. 650000 1600000 53000000 1906000 3000000 2400000 1500000 870000 1379554 1740. 1000000 1400000 49000000 1471000 Articles. Kind of Revenues. 32. The Stamps on Iron 33. Duty on Leather, Fowl, and Game 34. Tenth Penny on all Eftates in France- 35. Ditto on Salaries and Penſions 36. Extraordinary Subſidies of the Clergy Tax on Tradeſmen Offices 39. Pories Cocheres - 40. on Cattle · 41. Borrowed by the Secretaries of State, $c. in 1712, at 30 per cent, but repaid by the King in 1715 42. Borrowed on the Tontines Total 37. 38. 20000000 10000000 270625028 254968630 204881866 N. B. The King's Receipts in 1740, were And his Expences that Year being but 204881866 197675538 7206328 His Receipts exceeded his Expences 1 [ 46 ] Explanation of the Table. Art. 1. Caſual Affairs.] Theſe are, 1. Fines for Alienation of Lands of Soccage Tenure lying in Manors holding of the Crown. 2. Droits d' Aubeine, i. e. the King's Right of inheriting the Eſtates of Foreigners not naturalized, Ba- ſtards, and Perſons dying without Heirs. 3 Quint cinquieme denier & le requint, i. e. the Fifth of the Fifth is due to the King out of all Lands of a noble Tenure lying in his De- meſnes. 4. Droits de relief, i. e. a yearly Payment to the King out of Fiefs of a noble Tenure, 5. Rachapt, i. e. the firſt Year's Revenue when a new Lord comes to an Eſtate of a noble Tenure. 6 Nouveaux acquets, i.e. an annual Payment to the King for the Soc- cage Lands held by Eccleſiaſticks. 7. Amor- tiſſemens, i. e. Payments made to the King at the End of every ten Years, and alſo at his Acceſſion to the Throne. 8. Confifcation, i. e. the Eſtates of Criminals condemned to Death, and the Seizures of Merchandize, which are forfeited to the King. 9. Regale, i. e. by which the King enjoys the Revenues of all Conſiſtorial Benefices during their Vacancy. 10. Paulette, i. e. a Duty on the Sale of all Offices, and on the Entries of Barley, Oates, and Proviſions, except Wheat. Art. 2. Waters and Foreſts.] i. e. Fines due to the King for Offences committed in Foreſts, Pools, Rivers, Fountains, Fiſheries, Hunting, cutting Woods, beſides other Duties out of Tolls, Ferries, and Boats. Art. 3. Taille.] This is an arbitrary Tax laid on all Perſons who are not Gentlemen, chiefly in. the 20 Generalities following, Paris, Soiſſons, Amiens, (on which Artois depends) Cbaalons, Orleans, + ( 47 ) 1 Orleans, Tours, Rouen, Caen, Alençon, Bourgess Moulins, Lyon, Poitiers, Limoges, Grenoble, Bourdeaux, Rochelle, Montauban, and Auche, on which Bearn depends. The Intendant of each Generality makes the Afeſſment of this Tax at his pleaſure, either by himſelf or his Deputy ; ſo that Spleen and Paſſion have but too often a Share in its Diſtribution ; which might be prevented by a fixed and invariable Rate on real Eſtates. Paris and the other t great Cities of France, neither pay to the Taille nor furniſh ordinarily Men for the Militia. Art. 4. Countries of Eſtates.] Theſe are Burgun- dy, Languedoc, Bretagne, and Proverice, where the Clergy, Gentry, Officers, Merchants, Tradeſmen, and Artificiers, pay the Taille for their Soccage Eſtates. Day-labourers and the Poor are not charged to it. Art. 5. The Countries recovered, are the Biſhopricks of Metz, Toul and Verdun, Lorraine and the Barrois. The Conquered, are Flanders, Hain- ault, Alſace, the Franche-Comté, and Rouſſillon; in all which the Talle is laid, as in the Countries of Eſtates; but with much more Lenity in the five conquered Generalities, becauſe they bor- der upon foreign Countries. Art. 6. The Capitation was firſt laid in 1695. All the World, as well Gentlemen as Plebeians, pay it, except the Invalids and Suiſſes. Art. 20. Subſidies of the Clergy.] Theſe are ſettled by the General Aſſembly of the Clergy, which is held every ten Years, and are paid by the Clergy of France and the Conquered Countries, and by the Order of Malta. Art. 21. The Free Gifts of Countries of Eſtates, are given for the Conſervation of their Privi- leges, and are ſettled every two Years. [ 48 ] Årt. 22. Farmes General.] The King has farnied to private Perſons ſeveral Branches of his Re- venue, viz. the Aides, a Duty laid upon Wines and all Drinkables; the Gabelles, or Salt, which the Farmers have at a ſmall Price, and ſell at cleven Sols a Pound; except in the recovered and conquered Countries ; and the Douanne, or Duties upon the Import and Export of all Sorts of Merchandize. The raiſing of theſe Farms ſo many Millions higher than they were in 1734, or in 1712, is owing to the Re-union of Lorraine to the Crown in 1736, and to the uniting of the Caſual Affairs to the General Farms, as well as the Controlle of Gold and Silver, and Acts of Notaries, the Farm of Oils, Marques de Fers, Leather and other Merchan- dize, &c. Art. 23. The Farm of Tobacco is charged with 8 Millons for paying the Dividends of Scock in the India Company. Art. 40. In 1709 they began to pay at Paris 30 Livres for every Porte Cochere opening to the Street, and in other Towns exempt from the Taille 20 Livres. The fame Year chere was a Tax likewiſe laid on all Cattle with cloven Feet, but in 1714 it was incorporated with the others. Art. 41. Beſides this Loan of 200 Millions in 1712, his Majeſty borrowed 1308 Millions be- tween the Years 1630 and 1712, for which, in Proportion as it was lent, he ſettled Annuities at 5 per Cent, and paid every Year 65400000 Livres. Theſe Annuities were in 1722 redu- ced from 5 to 21 per Cent. But as this great Loan was not ſufficient, his Majeſty was obli- ged to alienate the beſt Part of his Demeſnes, by. ( 49 ) 1 by which he raiſed 320 Millions: The King may redeem the Lands thus mortgaged by re- paying the Sum borrowed, but in the mean Time thoſe who enjoy them may bear their Name ; and tho' the King can't ſell his De- meſnes out-right, yet he may mortgage them for their Value. Art. 42. In 1733 and 1734, the King to maintaini the War, borrowed 20 Millions on creating the Tontines, which are paid in Annuities for Life. The Table takes no notice of the Remainders falling into the King by the Death of Annuis. tants for Life, nor of the joyful Acceffion, nor of the Queen's Ceinture, or the Tax on the Wine at Paris, ſo called 30. N. B. Some ſmall Taxes for cleaning the Streets; Lanthorns, &c. are put into the Article of the Police. A. D. 1642, the laſt Year of the Reign of Louis XIII. and the firſt of Louis XIV. the Receipt of the King's Lands, Mannours and Woods, amounted to is gooooo His , Rents, Taxes, and Impoſts, much the ſame as thoſe in the Table, came to 69129000 He had allo in 1642 the 25th penny of all the Revenues of the King- dom, about 18600000 To theſe Sums add what Card. Richlieu borrowed in the King's Name 8000000 Total 1 24429000 The Expence amounting that Year 118000000 The Receipts exceeded the Expence 6429000 HI Obſerve, 1 ( to [ 50 ] Obſerve that the preſent Crown of 6 Livres, was then worth but 3 Livres intrinſick Value; ſo that 124 Millions then, would now be double, and make 248 Millions. [200 State of the Military Forces of France, b9 Land and Sea, on May 1, 1743. Horſe. 4 Companies of the Gardes du Corps 1600 i ditto of Genſdarmes of the Guard 230 ditto of Muſquetaires 420 16 ditto of Gendarmerie 960 I ditto of Horſe. Grenadiers 150 164 old Squadrons 19680 10 new Squadrons 24240 Dragoons. 60 old Squadrons 9600 1600 16 independent Companies of ditto 1724 12924 Foot. 6 Battalions of French Guards 4 ditto of Suiſa 3120 i Company of 100 Suiſſe 193 Battalions, including the 5 of Artil- lery 172200 I ditto of Miquelets 500 10 Companies of Fuſeliers 600 12 Independant ditto of Suilles 60a Io new ditto 5480 IOO 1 82600 Militia, ( 51 ) 1 Militia. 50 old Battalions of 600 each 38 Battalions of new Militia 30 new Regiments 30000 22000 23000 75000 160 Independent Companies of Invalids, excluſive of thoſe that remain in the Hoſpital 9296 Sea Forces. i Company of Gentlemen Guards to the Admiral Flag 120 6 ditto of Gentlemen Guards of the Ma- rine 360 4. Companies of Cannoneers 200 4 ditto of Bombardiers 200 150 of Militia, of 120 Men each, drawn out of the Militia for Guard of the Coaſt 18000 Mariners choſen out of the ſaid Militia -6000 Mariners drawn by Lot out of the Mi- litia for Guard of the Coaſt, 6000 of which do Duty alternately every three Months 6000 30 Independent Companies of Soldiers of the Gallies 2400 1 Company of Gentlemen, Şoldiers in the Gallies 60 150 Independent Companies for Sea Ser- vice 1 9000 42440 * The King of France has ſince this Eſtabliſhment, between laft Auguſt 1, and this Time, raiſed 100000 Men more for the Land Service. F I N I S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00576 6590 Pendhuis Apht? 9400 (SES) 这次​次​XXXX次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次​次 ​是​的 ​KEKT KXTREKR 次​次​次​次​次​次 ​y