3 ; ; * * : * > ~~~ & y &/~ & 4evºy tº , sº i t . . . ; ; Ś * : ). 27.1/v. 4, 6 Nº & S → ~~ - 2 & 7% t N s: a º & © º TIEEE e ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AVEW YORK Hom(pathic Micăl Cºllege and Hospital CONSTITUTION AND BY-LPAWS, LIST OF MEMBERS WITH B DDRESSES H.HST OF DFFHTERS, - LIST OF PASSOCIRTE ODECOPERS. O JANUARY, 1894. a - .” I TEITE z - 22 y : ; ;- //, ... ', 222 : / …"' w . . - ... ºn . . . A 24. 3. º-" ºf . * : * –- "---" " O ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE AVE II: York Hºmſºnathic Meſſical Cºllege and Hºspital cosmuſon and BY-LPAWS, LIST OF MEMBERS WITH ADDRESSES v.AND H.HST (DIF 4DFFHTERS, \VITEI LIST OF PASSOCIATE ODECO PERS. Q. — HOPEWELL, N. J.: C. E. VoorhEES, NEwsPAPER, Book AND Jon PRINTER. JANUARY, 1894. CONSTITUTION. A RTICLE I. This organization shall be known as the Alumni Association of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. ARTICLE II. The objects of this Association shall be: Sec. 1. To promote the interests and extend the influence of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. Sec. 2. Mutual Benefit—intellectual and social. ARTICLE III. Sec. 1. Any person who may have been regularly graduated from the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, shall be eligible to election, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Sec. 2. Any one so recommended may become a member upon paying the initiation fee after having received the elective vote of the Association. - Sec. 3. All members of the Faculty of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, not alumni, shall be honorary 4 members. Such honorary members shall have all the privileges of members except voting and eligibility to office. (Adopted *Pº 16th, 1885.) Sec. 4. Past members of the Governing Faculty and Censors of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, not alumni, shall be honorary members. (Adopted April 15th, 1886.) (Amend- ed April 10, 1891.) Sec. 5. Any regularly graduated physician interested in promoting the welfare of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hos- pital shall be eligible to election as an Associate member upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. (Adopted April 10, 1890.) Sec. 6. Any physician recommended by the Executive Committee for Associate Membership may become a member upon receiving the elective vote of the Association, and paying the initiation fee. Such Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership, except voting and eligibility to office. (Adopted April 10th, 1890.) ARTICLE IV. Thirty members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum, but ten members shall constitute a quorum to adopt or table reports of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE V. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding and Recording Secretary, a Treas- urer, a Necrologist, an Alumnus Trustee, a Chairman of the Execuſ tive Committee, and an Executive Committee composed of thirteen members, of which the Chairman, the President, and two Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Necrologist, and the Alumnus Trustee are ex-officio members. (Adopted April 10th, 1891.) A RTICLE VI. O This Constitution and the annexed By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a vote of three-quarters of a quorum present, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been given in the call for such meeting. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary, in the call for any meeting, to give notice of such amend- ments as were proposed at the last meeting. ARTICLE VII. No member shall hold the same office in the Association more than three consecutive years, except the Alumnus Trustee, who shall be elected when a vacancy occurs. 7 BY-LAVVS. ARTICLE 1.-MEETINGS. The Annual Meeting of this Association shall be held in the City of New York during Commencement week. ARTICLE II.-ELECTIONS. Sec. 1. All the officers, excepting the Alumnus Trustee and the Executive Committee, shall be elected annually. Sec. 2. The Alumnus Trustees shall be elected whenever a vacancy OCCUITS. - Sec. 3. The six members of the Executive Committee shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be elected annually, excepting the first year, when one class shall be elected for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. OSec. 4. At least one month before each annual meeting the Execu- tive Committee shall nominate two or more members for each office, and immediately furnish a list of the same to the Secretary, who shall, without delay, send a printed copy to each member of the Association. S Sec. 5. Voting for officers of the Association shall be exclusively by ballots cast previous to the annual meeting. To that end, members not in arrears, desiring to vote, must do so by sending the Corresponding Secretary, at least five days before the annual meeting, a list of persons for whom they desire to vote. (Adopted May 11th, 1893. Sec. 6. The polls shall be declared closed three days before the annual meeting. (Adopted May 11th, 1893.) Sec. 7. The Secretary shall be prepared to report to the meeting the result of the ballots previously cast. Sec. 8. No member shall be eligible to the office of President who shall not have been graduated ten years. ARTICLE III. —DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all the meetings of the Association, and to call the same when necessary, or when he shall be requested to do so, in writing by ten members, or by the Executive Committee. Sec. 2. The Vice-Presidents shall, in the temporary absence of the President, preside and perform his duties according to their rank in election. Sec. 3. The Secretaries, Treasurer, and Necrologist shall perform such duties as their respective offices may require. Sec. 4. The Executive Committee shall be vested with the follow- ing general powers: O a. To transact in detail the affairs of the Association. b. To provide by appointment for the performance of the duties of an office upon the occurrence of a vacancy in such office, or upon the failure of an incumbent to act. 9 c. To keep a record of the proceedings of the Committee, and to CŞP" the same at any meeting of the Association when called for. d. To make, keep, and from time to time revise a roll of members of the Association; their action in such regards to take effect only upon report to and ratification by the Association, which roll shall be the official Register of the Association. A RTICLE IV.--DUES. Sec. 1. The admission fee of each member of the Association shall be one dollar; but the Executive Committee shall have power to levy additional assessments as required from time to time, such additional assessments not to exceed two dollars per year. - Sec. 2. The annual dues of each member shall be one dollar, but the dues shall be remitted during the fiscal year in which membership is acquired. Sec. 3. Any member five years in arrears shall be dropped from the roll of membership. (Adopted April 10, 1891.) Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall notify all members five years in arrears one month before the annual dinner, of their indebtedness, and pre- sent the names of all delinquent members at the following annual meeting. (Adopted April 10, 1891.) Sec. 5. Any member dropped from the roll cannot be reinstated until all arrears are paid. (Adopted April 10, 1891.) ARTICLE W.—ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Reading minutes of previous meeting. 2. Proposal and election of new members. O 3. Election of Officers. . 4. Reports of Officers and Committees. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New business. 7. Adjournment. (Adopted April 10th, 1891.) LIST OF PACTIVE MEMBERS. [Members are requested to inform the Corresponding Secretary of any change in their address or in the address of any other alumnus.) 1872 1891 1890 1884 1893 1890 1887 1885 1888 1883 1889 1870 I888 1893 1891 1877 I88 I O1882 1887 1885 1874 1885 ^- Abercrombie, W. H., 114 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Ackerman, C. W., 122 W, 132d St , N. Y. City. Ackerman, J. F., Asbury Park, N. J. Adams, Charles F., Hackensack, N. J. Adams, C. V. S. Adams, D. C., Plainfield, N. J. Adams, M. J., 175 Grand St., New Haven, Conn. Adams, M. M., Watertown, N. Y. Allen, J. H., Norwich, Conn, Allen, Lamson, Worcester, Mass. Allen, Paul, to East 36th St., N. Y. City. Allen, W. A., Flushing, N. Y. Allen, W. C., Cranford, N. J. Ambler, J. E., Homoeo. Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. Andrew, Richard M., Bathgate Ave., N. Y. City. Andrews, B. P., Dansville, N. Y. Angell, Augustus, Hartford, Conn. Angell, M. H., Salt Point, N. Y. Arthur, D. H., Asylum for Insane, Middletown, N. Y. Atwell, D. R., 238 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N. J. Babcock, D. A., Fall River, Mass. Babcock, William D., East Hampton, Conn. 12 1891 I888 I893 1875 I891 1879 1871 I882 I862 1890 1891 1892 1872 1878 1877 1878 I882 1879 1887 1883 1877 1891 1887 1885 1887 I88O 1891 1887 I884 I868 1883 I868 Baily, Chas. Lee, Niantic, R. I. Baker, A. E., Auburn, N. Y. () Baker, C. R., 843 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. City. Baldwin, Harry D., Montrose, Pa. Baldwin, Wm. Pitt, New Haven, Conn. Banker, Pierre A., Elizabeth, N. J. Barber, Oscar M., Mystic, Conn. Babbitt, O. H., Cooperstown, N. Y. Barden, John M., Mansfield, Pa. Ball, H. J., 126 W. 129th St., N. Y. City. Ball, Geo. Russell, Williamstown, Mass. Backman, G. A., Homoeo. Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. Beach, C. L., 253 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Beals, Herbert J., 16o Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Beebe, W. B., 273 Noble Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Beldin, Charles K., Jamaica, N. Y. Bell, W. N., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Benedict, F. L., Portsmouth, N. H. Benedix, F. W. R., 69 E. Ist St., N. Y. City. Bennett, F. M., Chicopee, Mass. Bennett, N. K., 142 Wilson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bennett, W. H., Fitchburg, Mass. Bergen, A. Winifred, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Best, Frederick W., Port Jervis, N. Y. Best, George B., Englewood, N. J. Beyea, James L., 217 2nd Ave., N. Y. City. Bierbauer, Bruno W., 85 Pierpont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bigelow, Frank A., 124 East 123d Street, N. Y. City. O Bigelow, W. S., Phillipsburg, Centre Co., Pa. Birdsall, Stephen T., Glens Falls, N. Y. Birdsall, William G., Cornwall, N. Y. Bishop, Alonson, Ithaca, N. Y. 1867 1877 1887 1885 1883 1891 1887 1889 1877 I874 I874 1883 1890 1892 I879 1883 1884 I864 1879 1890 1871 1885 1887 1873 I88 I I884 1889 1872 I891 I864 1884." I888 •D 13 Bishop, H. M., Los Angeles, Cal, Blackman, W. W., 519 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ** Bleecker, W. H., Essex St., near Belmont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bolan, Lorenzo W., 663 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bond, A. J., Adams, Mass. Boocock, Robert, Flatbush, L. I. Bowen, George R., San Antonio, Texas. Bower, Horace, 260 Barrow St, Jersey City. Boyle, Charles C., 66 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Boynton, Frank H., 36 W. 50th St., N. Y. City. Brainard, Lucien L., Little Falls, N. Y. Bray, C. S., White River Junction, Vt. Breck, W. B., 276 6th Ave., N, Y City. Brinkerhoff, A. S., 544 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brewster, F, D., Scranton, Pa. Briggs, Elmer E., 20 Washington Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Brittan, J. E., Potsdam, N. Y. Brooks, J. B., Hot Springs, Ark. Brown, L. S., Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Pa. Bryan, J. H., Asbury Park, N. J. Bryant, Wm. Cullen, 54 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Buck, Champlin F., 329 Franklin Sureet, Buffalo, N. Y. Bucklyn, J. K., Mystic Bridge, Conn. Buffum, J. H., IOO State Street, Chicago, Ill, Bull, Louis A., S19 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Bulmer, George W., 12 IO Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bunn, F. C., Orange, N. J. Butler, Clarence W., Montclair, N. J. Calisch, Alex C., Sharon Springs, N. Y. Campbell, Charles E., 31.4 East 18th Street, N. Y. City. Campbell, C. E., Elmira, N. Y. Campbell, John Bright, I 14 South 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 14 1879 I893 I893 1871 1887 I893 1865 1878 I88I 1887 1871 1889 1872 1890 1889 1885 1869 I88 I I888 1876 1885 1864 I88 I 1890 1885 I868 1872 I893 1887 1889 1869 1884 Candee, J. W., 76 Warren Street, Syracuse, N. Y. . Capen, S. R., Swampscott, Mass. $) Carney, T. G. C., 924 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Carleton, Edmund, 53 W. 45th Street, N. Y. City. Carr, H. L., 856 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carson, W. M., Homoeo. Hospital, Ward's Island, N. Y. Case, Walter Rush, 92 Cannon Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Chapin, Edward, 21 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chapman, Arthur E., 234 West 43d Street, N. Y. City. Chase, J. Oscoe, 214 E. 53d St., N. Y. City. Church, Charles A., Passaic, N. J. Church, H. A., Canton, N. Y. Clapp, W. F., Fairport, N. Y. Clark, F. W., Williamson, N. Y. Clark, Homer, Wollaston, Mass. Clark, Jephtha C., Andover, N. J. Clark, Lyman A., Cambridge, N. Y. Clark, S. Wellman, IOO Mercer Street, Jersey City, N. J. Clausen, Bernard, 736 Garden St., Hoboken, N. J. Claypool, Albert, Toledo, Ohio. Close, Stuart, 641 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coburn, E. S., 91 Fourth Street, Troy, N. Y. Coffin, Henry W., Glens Falls, N. Y. Conkling, E. G., 224 Belleville Ave., Newark, N. J. Connelly, William H., Kingston, N. Y. Cooke, Charles P., I I I Warren Street, Hudson, N. Y. Coon, H. C., Alfred Centre, N. Y. Copeland, E. H., Northampton, Mass. O Cornell, Clarence W., 354 West 58th St., N. Y. City. Cornell, John, 86% Bowers St., Hoboken, N. J. Cossaart, A. B., 1378 Lexington Ave., N. Y. City. Couch, F. M., Dalton, Mass. 15 I874 Couch, Louis B., Nyack, N. Y. O 1877 Cowl, Walter Y., 35 Dorotheen Strasse, Berlin, Germany. I884 Crisand, Carl, Worcester, Mass. 1891 Crompton, Chas. W., 2057 Boston Ave., N. Y. City. 1887 Crooks, James, Io2 Washington St., Patterson, N. J. 1892 Cropsy, C. G., 586 Jersey Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 1888 Cummins, Frank M., Warwick, N. Y. 1889 Curran, E. J., Franklin, Pa. 1878 Curtiss, Alexander, 309 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1881 Curtis, H. N., Marietta, Ohio. 1872 Cushing, Ira B., Brookline, Mass. 1878 Custis, J. B. Gregg, I IO East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. 1882 Daniels, J. H., 51 W. 127th St., N. Y. City. 1861 Darling, H. H., Keene, N. H. 1875 Dart, James M., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1877 Davis, John E. L., 4 E. 63d St., N. Y. City. 1893 Davis, W. B., Fourth Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 1890 Day, L. A. L., 20 State St., Chicago, Ill. 1876 Deady, Charles, IIo W. 48th St., N. Y. City. 1890 Dean, L. W., Waterville, N. Y. 1885 De Baun, Edwin, Passaic, N. J. 1892 De Camp, F. H., Horseheads, N. Y. 1878 Denison, R. N., 170 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 Dennison, Ira W., I I I4 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. 1892 Denslow, M. H., 174 Keap St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1875 Deschere, Martin, 334 W, 58th St., N. Y. City. 1893 Detweiler, W. K., Easton, Pa. © 1880 Dewey, Willis A., 170 W. 54th St., N. Y. City. 1891 Diehl, Wm., Jr., 36 McGibben St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886 Dodge, C. E., Manchester, N. H. 1884 Doty, George H., 129 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889 Dowe, F. Le. C., Decatur Avenue, Bedford Park. 16 I886 I886 1891 1887 1889 1889 1878 I882 1885 1884 I888 1890 1863 I893 1879 I886 1877 I892 1887 I868 1889 I864 1887 I88O 1890 1890 1883 I888 1891 1872 1879 Dowling, George B., “The Margaret, ”Columbia Heights, Brook- lyn, N. Y. ()) Dowling, J. Wm., 41 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. Doyle, H. Harrison, Pittsburg, Pa. Dudman, G. B., Yarmouth, N. S., Canada. Dunlevy, D. C., 166 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dunn, J. A., Titusville, Pa. Durrie, W. A., Jr., 661 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Dutcher, Merritt T., Owego, N. Y. Dyer, Charles L., 63 W. 52d St., N. Y. City. Elebash, Carl P., 228 East 19th Street, N. Y. City. Elliot, Amos H., 482 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Enloe, B. H., Vendome Building, Nashville, Tenn, Ermentraut, John P., 261 East 4th Street, N. Y. City. Evans, C, D. S., 162 W. 122d St., N. Y. City. Everett, Edward, 587 Warren Avenue, Newark, N. J. Faust, Frederick A., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Faust, Louis, Schenectady, N. Y. Fawdrey, J. W., 196 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fay, R. P., Yonkers, N. Y. Finch, E. M., New Rochelle, N. Y. Finerty, J. W., 134 3d St., Long Island City, N. Y. Fiske, W. M. L., 484 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fitch, E. D., 37 Pearl St., Worcester, Mass. Flagg, Robert N., Yonkers, N. Y. Flint, C. B., Hamilton, N. Y. Flint, W. J., Gouverneur, N. Y. Forbes, Charles H., Athol, Mass. ())) Foster, Alonzo B., Fouda, N. Y. Foster, Herbert West, Montclair, N. J. Fowler, W. P., 63 South Clinton Street, Rochester, N. Y. Franklin, E. D., 331 West 14th Street, N. Y. City. 17 1891 D”5 1877 I882 I882 I881 1868 1883 1887 1878 1879 1871 I866 ISSO 1869 1867 1891 I886 I888 1881 1883 1885 1875 1889 I886 1893 I888 O1884 1890 1890 1889 1884 Frazer, Francis M., The Scarboro, 223 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. Freer, James A., 924 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. Friess, Frederick, 317 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J. Gardner, Frank A., IoI6 I4th St., N, W., Washington, D. C. Garrison, John B., III East 7oth Street, N. Y. City. Gee, O. A., Brandon, Vt. Gerrie, James, 357 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Getman, A. D., Richfield Spa, N. Y. Gill, J. W., Flushing, N. Y. Gould, H. D., New Boston, N. H. Goodell, J. F., Rhinebeck, N. Y. Goodrich, S. Wardell, 488 West 153d Street, N. Y. Graham, W. G., Winfield, Kansas. Green, Arba R., 17 Second St., Troy, N. Y. Green, Nathaniel, Newport, R. I. Greenleaf, J. T., Owego, N. Y. e Griffeth, Alex. Randell, 535 Wellington St., Montreal, W. Dak. Grimm, Albert C. F., 1262 Lexington Ave., N. Y. City. Gwynn, Chas. A., Auburn, N. Y. Groves, C. A., East Orange, N. J. Hall, E. C. M., Fairhaven, Conn. Hall, Matthew J., Mannaroneck, N. Y. Hall, S. L., Port Chester, N. Y. Hallett, G. DeW., 81 W. 87th St., N. Y. City, Hallock, J. Henry, 414 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. Hallock, T. M., Io9 Cumberland St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hamlin, Frederick W., Io? W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Hanchett, Henry G., 226 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hanford, H. W., 51 West 52d St. - Harder, Geo. W., Troy, N. Y. Hardy, W. J., Belmont, N. Y. Hart, A. H., 201 East 23d Street, N. Y. City. | S I875 I893 1865 I868 I888 I86 I I888 I886 1892 1885 1884 1887 [886 1884 I888 1890 I888 I893 I888 I874 1889 I893 1883 1891 1892 1883 I88I I88I 1887 1884 1879 I886 Hartley, William G., 345 W. 34th St., N. Y. City, Harvey, F. F., Clinton, Mass, Hasbrouck, Everitt, 369 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hasbrouck, Stephen, Morris Park, Westchester Co., N. Y. Hatch, Elmer M., Detroit, Mich. Hathaway, Henry S., 146 W. 92d St., N. Y. City. Haviland, Willis H., 31 East Granite St., Butte, Mont. Hawley, Geo. T., Corning, N. Y. Hawley, H. R., 46 Concord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Heberton, William W., 36 Tudham St., Dayton, Ohio. Helfrich, Charies H., 136 W, 48th St., N. Y. City. Helmuth, William Tod, Jr., 299 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Hiller, James L., 73 West 83d Street, N. Y. City. Hinks, W. S., Hyde Park, Mass. Hinman, Robert E., Charlotte, N. C. Hitchcock, F. W., Goshen, N. Y. Hoag, Alva A., Bridgeport, Conn. * Holloway, J. W., Io9 Cumberland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Holly, Alonzo P. B., Gonaires, Hayte, W. I. Holmes, C. B., Rahway, N. J. Honan, W. F., IO4 W. 64th Street, N. Y. City. Hopkins, W. W., Wards Island, Homoeo. Hospital. Hopper, C. Percy, 41 I River Street, Paterson, N. J. Hopper, Magnus Tate, Io'70 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Horton, C. A., Buffalo Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Horton, E. T., Whitehall, N. Y. Hough, W. D., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Houghton, Burr L., 1395 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Houghton, Neidhard H., 544 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Howard, Clarence C., 51 W. 51st St., N. Y. City. Howe, J. M., 58 West 47th Street, N. Y. City. Hudson, William T., 218 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y. } }} 1889 Hull, G. A., 210 W. I Ith St., N. Y. City. O 1872 Hull, George S., Bristol, Conn. 1873 Hunt, Dwight B., 159 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. 1886 Hunt, Orrin G., 134 E. 19th Street, N. Y. City. 1885 Husson, John, 1.35 East 123d Street, N. Y. City. 1861 Hutchins, H. S., Batavia, N. Y. 1890 Iler, G. H., 455 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1893 Ingalls, D. W., 307 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. 1879 Ingersoll, W. K., 4003 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1888 Jackson, John C., Fort Plain, N. Y. 1888 Jacobson, Frank A., Newbury, N. Y. 1887 Jacobus, Samuel, Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 1884 Jaeckel, C. E., Mount Moor, N. Y. 1876 Jenkins, Olin L., Plainfield, N. J. 1887 Jenkins, Ralph, 1732 Mass, Ave., Washington, D. C. 1888 Jewett, Howard C., Haverhill, Mass. 1887 Johnson, W. W., Pittsford, N. Y. 1887 Jones, D. L., 426 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892 Jones, E. A., Webster, Mass. 1888 Jones, Herbert S., Oradell, N. J. 1874 Jones, L. P., Greenwich, Conn. 1886 Jones, Walter H., 202 \V. 74th St., N. Y. City, 1878 Kastendieck, John, Schenectady, N. Y. 1888 Kastendieck, Julius T. W., 504 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881 Keator, Bruce S., Asbury Park, N. J. 1886 Keeler, E. Elmer, Syracuse, N. Y. 1866 Keep, J. Lester, 460 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. (O1891 Kellogg, Folw. R., Hartford, Conn. 1887 Kellogg, Frank B, 279 Main St., Hartford, Conn. I880 King, Emmet C., Unionville, Conn. 1882 King, W. H., 64. W. 51st St., N. Y. City. 1872 Kinne, Porter S., Paterson, N. J. 2() I879 I888 1891 ISS6 1873 1889 I890 I882 1883 1883 I88I 1873 1885 1883 1891 1879 I862 1891 1892 1889 I88O 1876 1891 I884 1883 I893 I88 I I888 1863 I890 I886 1875 Kinney, C. Spencer, Middletown, Orange Co., N. Y. Kline, Andrew K., Princeton, N. J. ())) Knickerbocker, H. DeL., Watertown, N. Y. Knight, Stephen H., Detroit, Mich. Krause, W. H., 329 East 14th Street, N. Y. City. Krogstadt, Henry, 915 16th St., Washington, D. C. Laidlaw, G. F., 137 W. 41st St., N. Y. City. Lambert, E. B., Port Jervis, N. Y. Lane, Charles E., 280 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Lane, Irving J., Sing Sing, N. Y. - Latimer, W. C., 4 Io9% Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawrence, G. W., Colorado Springs, Col. Lawrence, Jerome B., 289 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawshë, John Z., Atlanta, Ga. Leach, Albert E., Lyons, N. Y. Leal, Malcolm, 144 West 48th St., N. Y. City. Lee, L. M., Dorchester District, Boston, Mass. Leonard, Wm. H., Cortland, N. Y. Lewis, F. D., Buffalo, N. Y. Lewis, N. H., 2.46 East 26th Street, N. Y. City. Lilienthal, James E., 1316 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Linnell, E. H., Norwich, Conn. Linquist, Maurice F., Jr., Buffalo, N. Y. Low, S. D., 17th and Aropohoa St., Denver, Col. Luscomb, Arthur, Waterbury, Conn. Lockett, A. R. - Macy, Charles S., 117 West 12th Street, N. Y. City. Mandeville, Frederick A., 940 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. { } Mandeville, F. B., 940 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Martin, G. F., Lowell, Mass. Martin, Lynn A., Binghamton, N. Y. Mason, Perley H., Peekskill, N. Y. I879 ( ) I88O I888 1889 1884 1887 1879 1877 1871 I886 1884 1884 ISS8 1889 I S61 I888 1887 1878 1890 IS8O 1877 1878 I886 1885 I888 I888 1884 O 1888 1892 1878 1883 1890 •) } Mead, Byron E., 373 State Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, Gardner L., Providence, R. I. Miller, Harry T., Springfield, Ohio. Mills, W. S., Stanford, Conn. Miner, W. S., 338 Alexander Avenue, N. Y. City. . Minton, H. B., 165 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Moffat, Edgar V., 476 Main St., Orange, N. J. Moffat, John L., 17 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Monmonier, Julius L., 128 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Monroe, Francis H., Meriden, Conn. Moody, C. W., 1°lainville, Conn. Moore, James Herbert, Brookline, Mass. Moriarty, Pierre Colon, Brown Block, Onnaha, Neb. Morrison, Caldwell, Orange, N. J. Mossman, Nathan A., 32 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. Mowbray, J. Lincoln, Walton, N. Y. Müller, C. W., 225 F. S3d St., N. Y. City. Musits, Henry von, 49 East 83 St., N. Y. City, McConaughy, Francis, Somerville, N. J. McDonald, Roderick E., I 17 West 44th St., N. Y. Clty. McDougall, Joseph H., Middletown, Conn, McDowell, Charles, I 16 W. 13th St., N. Y. City. McDowell, George W.’ I 5 I West 130th St., N. Y. City. McFarland, Ralph L., Woodhaven, N. Y. McGeary, George H., Homestead, Pa. McGraw, Dewitt H., Binghamton, N. Y. McGuire, J. F., Alpena, Mich. McIntosh, Sherwood D., 446 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. McIvoe, J. H., 215 I Seventh Ave., N. Y. City. McLenathan, W. H., IoI Division Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. McMichael, A. R., 969 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. McMichael, D. A., 67 W. 96th St., N. Y. City. I886 1887 1887 1878 1887 - 1887 1892 I890 I88 I 1872 1877 I886 1887 1889 1885 1873 I868 1892 I862 I88I 1884 1883 I888 I86 I 1892 I868 1885 1876 1885 1891 1877 1891 * > . ) ** * MeMillan, John Wales, 313 Webster Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Neefus, Peter W., Io 3 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. O Nelden, A. L., Montclair, N. J. - Nevin, J. Lawrence, 158 Bowers St., Jersey City, N. J. Nevin, W. R., 932 Summit Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Nichols, H. F., 297 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J. Noble, D. C., Middlebury, Vt. Noble, E. H., 432 Penn. Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Norton, Arthur B., 16 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. Norton, Claude R., 700 North 4oth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nott, Frederick J., 554 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Oley, S. Willard, Danbury, Conn. Olmstead, E. M., Waverly, N. Y. Opdyke, C. P., Ior Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Opdyke, L. Andrew, 55 Clinton Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Ostrom, Homer I, 42 W, 48th Street, N. Y. City. Otis, John C., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Otis, John H., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Packard, L. D., 538 B'way, Boston, Mass. Packer, H. E., Barre, Vt. Paige. H. Worthington, 146 W, 57th St., N. Y. City. Palmer, A. Worrall, IoI W. 81st St., N. Y. City. Parker, Edwin K., West Corwall, Vt. Parkhurst, G. H., 768 A. Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Palmer, J. B., 155 North St., N. Y. City. Patchen, G. H., 71 E. 59th St., N. Y. City, Payne, Clarence N., Bridgeport, Conn. Pearsall, John A., Saratogo Springs, N. Y. (). Pearsall, William S., 128 West 78th St., N. Y. City. Pease, Chas. G., Ior W. 72d St., N. Y. City, Phillips, R. Oliver, Yonkers, N. Y. Pierce, Willard Ide, 64. W. 126th St., N. Y. City. 1884 ( 1883 IS68 1865 I888 1890 1892 1885 I88I 1883 1889 I888 1883 1883 1878 1884 I888 1884 I892 1884 I886 1885 1870 I865 1873 1889 I886 O1882 1886 1889 I88O * } 3 Pierron, H. J., 438 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pierson, W. H., IoI McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Piersons, A. M., 24 Fast 127th Street, N. Y. City. Pitts, David W., Johnsonville, N. Y. Platt, Clarence N., Astoria, N. Y. Poole, L. E., 539 Summit Ave, Jersey City, N. J. Porter, C. W., Homes Hospital, W. I. Porter, Eugene H., 181 W. 73d St., N. Y. City. Pratt, E. J., 7 W. 39th Street, N. Y. City. Pulver, H. J., Torrington, Conn. Quackenbush, E. M., Fort Edwan, N. Y. Queen, Louis A., 8 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Rabe, Frederick E., 227 W. 42d Street, N. Y. City. Rand, John P., 49 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. Rand, N. W., Monson, Mass. Rannefeld, A. H., 85 Seventh St., N. Y. City. Rathbun, Greenville A., Franklin, N. Y. Ray, Dwarka Nath, Calcutta, India. Raymond, L. A., Homoeo. Hospital, W. I. Reed, J. A., Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. Reynolds, Warren U., 224 Second Ave., N. Y. City. Richards, George H., Orange, N. J. Richardson, André J., 39 East 83d Street, N. Y. City. Richardson, B. M., care of 39 E. 83d St., N. Y. City, Richardson, G. W., 138 East 79th St., N. Y. City. Risley, F. E., 355 Jefferson Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ritch, O. S., 314 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ritchie, F. G., 201 E. 23d St., N. Y. City. Roberts, David J., New Rochelle, N. Y. Roberts, G. W., 137 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. Roberts, G. F., Minneapolis, Minn. 24 1885 I888 1876 I874 1875 1883 I882 I886 1887 I893 1891 I888 1889 1889 1884 I86 I 1873 1887 I88O 1883 1869 1889 1885 1883 1873 1877 1884 I89 I I893 1883 I862 Robinson, Nathaniel, Cor. Nostrand Ave. and Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. @) Robinson, Wilhelmus B., Shelburne Falls, Mass, Rose, W. H., Westerly, R. I. Rounds, William E., 154 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Rowell, Charles E., Stamford, Conn. Royal, F. Cooke, Ballston Spa, N. Y. Royal, George, Des Moines, Iowa. Russell, Herbert E., 76th Street and Madison Ave., N. Y. City, Russell, J. J., Putnann, Conn. - . Sackett, H. R., Homoeo. Hospital, Wards Island, N. Y. Sage, Henry P., New Haven, Conn. Sawyer, Willis H., 314 Warren Street, Boston, Mass. Schafmiester, J. A., Sing Sing, N. Y. Schell, F. M., Greely, Col. Schenck, Herbert D., 247 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Schley, E. B., Columbus, Ga. Schmucker, F. R., Reading, Pa. Schumann, Carl, Delhi, N. Y. Shelton, Charles H., Montclair, N. J. Shelton, George G., 52 I Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Sherman, James T., 748 Studley St., Boston, Mass. Sherman, LeRoy B., 355 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. Sherwin, A. Proctor, Suffield, Conn. Shipman, Leander K., Io9% State St., New London, Conn, Simmons, Daniel, 97 Lee Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Simmons, H. R., 561 Bramhall Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Simmons, R. S., 129 East 59th Street, N. Y. City. (j) ) Simmonson, Jeremiah T., 61 East 83d Street, N. Y. City. Sinnetter, T. Skiff, Walter C., 192 York Street, New Haven, Conn, Smith, C. Carleton, 875 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 25 ISSS I 888 1876 1890 1892 1869 I SS6 ISSO 1887 1891 1884 I88O 1892 ISSI 1878 1878 1887 1885 1887 1891 1892 IS92 1871 1874 I SSS 1889 1872 1890 1884 1884 I SS6 1887 Smith, Charles W., 255 13th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith, Edward S., 307 State Street, Bridgeport, Ct. Smith, Hugh M., 78 Orange St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith, M. M., 219 E. 81st Street, N. Y. City. Smith, Sidney E., 136 Cleveland Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith, St. Clair, 8 West 38th Street, N. Y. City. Smoot, Peter G., Maysville, Ky. Smyth, Samuel H., I 14 East Ioth Street, N. Y. City. Snyder, C. F., Morristown, N. J. Spang, Henry A., New Haven, Conn. Spoor, F. W., North Creek, Warren Co., N. Y. Sprague, Charles G., 1812 Dodge Street, Omaha, Neb. St. John, A. H., Walton, N. Y. St. John, Theodore, Thomaston, Conn. Stark, C. E., Norwich, Conn. Stearns, George R., 201 Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Stewart, A. C., Ridgewood, Reading, Pa. Stewart, James A., Iogo Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stilwell, B. W., Yonkers, N. Y. - Storer, J. H., 30 Edgecourt Avenue, N. Y. City, Street, H. E., 98 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Strong, E. S., 1662 B'way, Buffalo, N. Y. Strong, T. Morris, Homoeo. Hospital, Boston, Mass. Strunk, Edward P., Brewsters, N. Y. Sweet, Robert V., Rochester, N. H., Sword, G. P., Huntington, L. I, Talcott, Selden H., Middletown, N. Y. Talcott, Wm. S., 223 W. 135th Street, N. Y. City. Talmage, A. L., 8 Park Street, New Haven, Conn. Teets, Charles E., 217 W. 23d Street, N. Y. City, Telford, John Walter, Margaretville, N. Y. Thayer, A. J., 168 Centre Ave., Newark, N. J I862 IS86 I893 1887 I S82 1883 1869 1879 1889 1873 1875 1889 1887 I SSS 1893 1879 1879 I SSS I866 I 888 1893 1878 1887 1883 I S6S 1883 1870 1887 I SS6 1890 1865 1879 Thompson, Virgil, 32 Wost 19th St., N. Y. City. Thorpe, Walter Elbert, Bristol, Conn. Townsend, Chas. W., Io9 Cumberland Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Townsend, Irving, 56 W. 46th Street, N. Y. City, Townsend, R. E., 786 Lexington Avenue, N. Y. City. Tracy, Aurelius M., Hudson, N. Y. Tucker, Henry, Brattleborough, Vt. Turner, Thomas S., Reed Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tuttle, E. G., 56 W. 46th Street, N. Y. City. Tytler, George E., I 13 W. 126th Street, N. Y. City. Valentine, Richard S., 258th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Van Bergen, Henry, Carbondale, Pa. Van Denburg, W. H., Windsor Hotel, N. Y. City. Van Derwerker, Hiram W., Sandy Hill, N. Y. Van Loon, A. B., Homoeo. Hospital, W. I., N. Y. Vansant, I. T., Paris, Ky. Vehslage, Samuel H., I 17 W. 43d Street, N. Y. City. Ver Nooy, Charles, 148 W. 64th St., N. Y. City. Vishno, Charles, 9 Olive Street, New Haven, Conn. Wakeley, William A., Orange, N. J. - Wall, F. M., 56 W. 49th St., N. Y. City. Walters, Charles A., I I I Milton St., Greenpoint, N. Y. \Vard, C. A., Binghamton, N. Y. ..Ward, J. W., 924 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Wareheim, Edward, Glen Rock, Pa. Warner, Alton, G., 194 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Warren, J. K., Worcester, Mass. Watts, Pliny R., Stafford Springs, Conn. Wentworth, William P., Pittsfield, Mass. Whaley, C. B., Savannah, Ga. \\'hite, J. Ralsey, Rochester, N. Y. \V hite, W. Storm, Port Cliester, N. Y. s ) re- 27 1879 Whitmarsh, H. A., Providence, R. I. 1863 Whittier, D. B., Fitchburg, Mass. * 1888 Wiggins, Theodore C., 79 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1884 Wilcox, Frederick E., \Villimantic, Conn. 1880 Wilcox, Sidney F., 5 I West 52d Street, N. Y. City. 1867 Wilder, Alexander, 565 Orange St., Newark, N. J. 1883 Wilkins, George H., Palmer, Mass. 1884 Williams, Frank B., 583 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883 Williams, F. F., Canton, N. Y. . ISSI Williams, Thomas C., 151 W. 47th Street, N. Y. City. 1883 Wilson, John E., Bloomfield, N. J. 187 I Wilson, Milton A., North East, Pa. 1888 Winans, Howard E., Newburgh, N. Y. 1886 Winchell, Walter B., 137 Berkley Place, N. Y. City. 1886 Witte, Eugene B., 240 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, N. J. 1881 Wolcott, Edwin H., 96 East Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. 1885 Woodruff, Alden J., Babylon, N. Y. IS87 Woodruff, Frank C., 563 Orange St., Newark, N. J. 1888 Woodruff, Jas. M., Cor. Roseville and 7th Ave., Newark, N. J. 1875 Wyman, F. L., Manchester Center, \'t. O ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Andrews, Wm. J., 15 Park Street, Newark, N. J. Baldwin, Jared G., 8 East 41st Street, N. Y. City. Bishop, Wm. H., 465 Lexington Ave., N. Y. City. Butler, Wm. Morris, 507 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clark, B. G., 162 West 122d Street, N. Y. City. Cornell, G. R., 192 Sixth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dearborn, Henry M., 146 W. 57th Street, N. Y. City. Fralick, Wilfred G., 7.45 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Hoffman, Jas., 260 Grove St., Jersey City, N. J. Hoyt, Eugene F., 36 W. 27th St., N. Y. City. - Johnston, Chas. L., 467 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Land, Jos. F., 130 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. Mac Bride, N. L., I 14 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Moffat, R. C., 17 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pardee, Ward C., 86 Monroe Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Parker, Abraham A., 307 East 7oth St., N. Y. City. Parkhurst, G., Greene, N. Y. Schley, J. M., I F. 42d St., N. Y. City. Scott, W. H., 104 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Shepard, Geo. A., 16 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. º Thompson, John H., 36 E. 30th St., N. Y. City. Watson, Jas. L., 9 Elm Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. \\'ilder, Louis De V., The Alpine, 55 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. \\'interburn, Geo. W., 230 W. 132d St., N. Y. City. 1870 1865 1889 1872 I882 I 88 I 1883 1887 1878 1878 ISSO 1874 1865 1870 I SS2 1870 I SS2 1885 1868 DECEASED. Bennett, Asahel M. Benson, P. O. B. Best, S. F. Bossert, Charles. Bowen, John G. Brooks, Homer. Burnett, D. VV. Burtis, C. F. Butler, John. Camp, Arthur A. Capron, W. J. B. Case, E, E. - Chiever, D. A. Conger, A. B. Davis, Charles G. Drake, Jason W. Dunning, Charles H. Fulton, Frederick S. Gordon, P. A. 32 1873 1883 1883 1883 I88O I886 1884 1889 1885 1885 1872 I86 I 1887 1866 I 866 1890 1875 1870 1887 1885 1875 1875 1867 1886 1888 1889 Griffin, John F. Grove, D. B. Hoffman, J. R. Hollister, Wm. C. Howard, Thomas T. Keep, S. Hopkins. Kenney, Arthur. Low, C. E. McCune, William E. Norton, Charles O. Norton, George S. Pratt, William M. Reed, J. O. Sanders, W. H. Schell, F. M. Schuppan, Geo. Edward. Selleck, William. Shenstone, B. C. Smith, Geo. M. Stacy, Frederick J. Sullivan, R. H. Terhune, George A. Tibbles, George N. Van Alstyne, Frank W. Whitley, Edgar \V. Wilcox, Charles E 33 HONORARY MEMBERS. PARTICLE III. OF THE CONSTITUTION. Sec. 3. All members of the Faculty of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and HOSp1tal, not alumni, Shall be honorary members. Such honorary members shall have all the privileges of members except voting and eligibility to office. (Adopted April 16th, 1885.) Sec. 4. Past members of the Governing Faculty and Censors of the New York Homoeo- pathic Medical College and Hospital, not alumni, shall be honorary members. (Adopted April 15th, 1886.) Amended April 10th, 1893. Allen, Timothy Field, Io East 36th Street, N. Y. City. Baldwin, J. G., 8 East 41st Street, N. Y. City. * Bradford, Frank S., Morristown, N. J. Danforth, Loomis L., 35 West 51st Street, N. Y. City. Doughty, Francis E., 512 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Hallock, Lewis, 34 East 39th Street, N. Y. City. Helmuth, Wm. Tod, 299 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Kinne, Theodore Y., Paterson, N. J. Marcy, E. E., 353 5th Avenue, N. Y. City. McDonald, Wm. O., I 17 West 44th Street, N. Y. City. McMurray, 234 Second Ave., N. Y. City. Wetmore, John McE., 41 East 29th Street, N. Y. City. 34 PRESIDENTS OF THE ASSOCIATION SINCE IT'S ORGANIZATION, 1883–4 Wm. M. Pratt, M. D., '61. 1884–5 Selden H. Talcott, M. D., 72. 1885–6 W. M. L. Fiske, M. D., '64. 1886–7 George S. Norton, M. D., '72. 1887–8 F. B. Mandeville, M. D., '63. 1888–9 St. Clair Smith, M. D., '69. 1889–90 J. Lester Keep, M. D., '66. 1890-1 Everitt Hasbrouck, M. D., '65. 1891–2 Clarence Willard Butler, M. D., '65. 1892–3 Frederick J. Nott, M. D., '77. 1893–4 Sidney F. Wilcox, M. D., '80. OPPICERS POR 1893-4, President, * ſº e Sidney F. Wilcox, M. D., '80, First Vice-President, . . J. G. Greenleaf, M. D., '67. Second “ { { . . S. A. Stacy, M. D., '86. O Third “ { { º e Jas. L. Beyea, M. D., '80. Corresponding Secretary, e Geo. W. McDowell, M. D., '86. Recording Secretary, tº e John B. Garrison, M. D., '82. Treasurer, e & * g Irving Townsend, M. D., '87. Alumnus Trustee, . g * Frederick Josiah Nott, M. D., '77. Necrologist, e g º H. Worthington Paige, M. D., '84. Chairman of Executive Committee, Charles Deady, M. D., '76. | Geo. W. Roberts, M. D., '89. D. J. Roberts, M. D., '86. | J. Wm. Dowling, M. D., '86. Charles Francis Adams, M. D., '84. L. A. Opdyke, M. D., '85. | Walter B. Winchell, M. D., '86. Executive Committee, 36 CORRECTIONS. NAMES UNINTENTIONALLY OM ITTED. 1888 Fletcher, Z. P., 23 Cottage Street, Jersey City, N. J. 1867 Kellogg, Edward W., 748 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. 1871 Ubelacker, A., Morristown, N. J. 1889 Connell, John, was misspelled—Cornell. 1893 Sackett, A. R., “ { { —Lockett. A DD RESSES CORRECTEI), 1890 Breck, W. B., 276 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1887 Kellogg, Frank B., Tacoma, Washington. 1892 Palmer, J. B., 155 Worth Street, N. Y. City. 1886 Smoot, Peter G., Flemingsburg, Ky. 1875 Valentine, Richard K., instead of Richard S. 1891 Griffith, Alex R. NOTE:-The committee on prlnting is aware that errors exist in this work, and asks the indulgence of the Alumni, and begs that each member will be prompt to note any errors of OmlSS10m Or COmmission that he may See, and notify the Secretary, that they may be cor- rected in the next 15Sue. APPENDIX. A D DITION A. L N A M ES Of those accidentally omitted and those who joined the Association May 3, 1894. I894 1894 1894 1889 1894 1892 1893 I888 1894 1892 IS94 1894 1894 I894 I894 I894 1894 1867 I894 1894 1894 1884 I894 I894 1894 I894 I894 I894 I894 I894 Babcock, F. C., 123 E. 76th St., N. Y. City. Bedford, F. R., Glenham, N. Y. - Brennan, F. E., 76 East Ave., L. I. Citv, N. Y. Herghaus, A., (associate member) 138 E. 65th Street, N. Y. City. Connel, John, 86% Bowers St., Hoboken, N. J. Drver, F. H. Kingsbridge, N. Y. Dillingham, T. M., (associate member) 46 \V. 36th St., N. Y. City. Ensey, W. Webster. Eurich, C., (associate member) 209 E. 87th Street, N. Y. City. Foster, W. E., Metropolitan Hospital, N. Y. City. Fletcher, Z. P., 23 Cottage St., Jersey City, N. J. Gillingham, H. P., 123 E. 76th St., N. Y. City, Hawley, H. Reed, 46 Concord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hall, C. B., Carthage, N. Y. Haywood, C. W., Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y. Holden, G. P., Flower Hospital, N. Y. City. Houston, S. W., 49 Morton St., N. Y. City. Hyde, L. D., Owego, N. Y. Jardin, R. du, 134o 3d Ave., N. Y. City. Keith, H. G., 223 Monroe Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Kellogg, E. W., 748 Asylum Ave., Hartford, Conn. Little, William, Cabin Hill, N. Y. Love, Wm. L., Io9 Cumberland St., Brooklyn, N. Y. McGeoch, Ralph, Shenshan, N. Y. Merriam, H. E., Waverly, N. Y. Munson, E., 155 Worth St., N. Y. City. Pearn, G., Trinity Villa P. O., Jamaica, West Indies. Powelson, A. P., Middletown, N. Y. Purcell, J. M., Sandy Hill, N. Y. Roberts, E. P., 158 E. 53rd St., N. Y. City. Stewart, Wm. A., Flower Hospital, N. Y. City. Sherman, I. P., 114 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Stoutenburg, A. W., Owego, N. Y. 2 1894 Sunderland, P. U., Danbury, Conn. I894 Sumner, C. O., Pottsdam, N. Y. I87 I Ubelacker, A., Morristown, N. J. 1894 Valentine, E. J. G., 40 Cottage St., Jersey City, N. J. I894 Vibbard, A. A., Johnstown, N. Y. 1894 Wait, O. B., 412 9th Ave., N. Y. City. 1894 Walmsley, R. F., 491 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1894 Young, W. D., 217 E. 59th St., N. Y. City. —e X-o-º-e-o-; o— A DD FESSES CO FR FECTED. Ball, H. J., Scott, N. Y. Breck, W. B., 276 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Buffum, J. H., 34 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill, Calisch, Alex C , 22 I E. 62d St., N. Y. City. Carson, W. M., Metropolitan Hospital, B. I., N. Y. City. Dowling, Geo. B., QoI Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Davis, J. F. L., 61 E. 65th Street, N. Y. Citv. Dewey, W. A., 52 W. 25th Street, N. Y. City. Flint, C. B., Hahnemann Hospital, N. Y. City. Grimm, A. C., 1812 Lexington Avenue, N. Y. City. Griffith, Alex R., 535 Wellington Street, Montreal, Canada. Hallet, DeWayne, ro7 W. 82d Street, N. Y. City. Howard, C. C., 57 W. 51st Street, N. Y. City. Hawley, H. R., 252O 13th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Jones, E. A., Slatersville, N. J. Kellogg, E. R., Chicago, Ills. Miner, W. S., 271 Lenox Avenue, N. Y. City. Porter, C. W., Pleasantville, N. Y. Palmer, J. B., 116 E. 25th Street, N. Y. City. Paige, H. Worthington, The Rutland, 256 W. 57th Street, N. Y. City. Reynolds, W. U., 123 W. 132d Street, N. Y. City. Richardson, B. M., T 27 Noble Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Roberts, G. W., “The Strathmore,” Broadway and 52d St., N. Y. City. Shepard, Geo. A., “The Strathmore,” Broadway and 52d St., N. Y. City. Sackett, A. R., Holyoke, Mass. Sureth, T., Danville, Pa. Smoot, Peter G., Flemingsburg, Ky. Townsend, Chas., 16 W. 45th Street, N. Y. City. Thompson, J. W., 104 W. 58th Street, N. Y. City. Wall, F. M., 60 W. 56th Street, N. Y. City. Watts, P. R., 925 Toth Street, Sacramento, Cal. Hospital, not alumni, shall be honorary members. the privileges of members except voting and eligibility to office. pathic Medical College and Hospital, not alumni, shall be honorary members. HONORARY MEMBERS. ARTICLE III. OF THE CONSTITUTION, Sec. 3. All members of the Faculty of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Such honorary members shall have all (Adopted April 16th, 1885.) Sec. 4. Past members of the Governing Faculty and Censors of the New York Homoeo- 15th, 1886). Amended April 10th, 1893. Allen, Timothy Field, Io East 36th Street, N. Y. City. Arculdrius, P. E., IO4 W. 44th Street, N. Y. City. Baruch, Emanuel, 57 E. 77th Street, N. Y. City. Bishop, W. H., I to E. 47th St. N. Y. City. Beebe, Clarence E., 23 W. 33th St., N. Y. City. Bassett, John S., I I W. 30th St., N. Y. City. Raldwin, J. G., 8 Fast 41st Street, N. Y. City. Bradford, Frank S. Morristown, N. J. Danforth, Loomis L., 35 West 51st Street, N. Y. City. Doughty, Francis E. S. 12 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Dearborn, H. M., 146 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. Dillow, Geo. M., The Rutland, 57th and Broadway, N. Y. City, Friedburg, L, H., 384 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Houghton, Henry C., 7 W. 39th St., N. Y. City. Hallock, Lewis, 34 East 39th Street, N. Y. City. Helmuth, Wm. Tod, 200 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Kinne, Theodore Y , Paterson, N. J. Kellogg, E. M. 122 E. 19th Street, N. Y. City. Lvon, Roger H., 17O Broadwav, N. Y. City. Marcy, F. E., 353 5th Avenue, N. Y. City. McDonald, Wm. O., I 17 West 44th Street, N. Y. City. McMurray, Robert, 234 Second Ave., N. Y. City. O'Connor, J. T., 18 W, 43rd St., N. Y. City. Schley, James M., I F. 42d St., N. Y. City. Wetmore, John McF., 41 East 29th Street, N. Y. City. (Adopted April 4 PRESIDENTS OF THE DSSOCIPATION SINCE IT'S ORGD NIZATION, 1883–4 Wm. M. Pratt, M. D., '61. 1884–5 Selden H. Talcott, M. D., 72. 1885–6 W. M. L. Fiske, M. D., '64. 1886–7 George S. Norton, M. D., '72. 1887–8 F. B. Mandeville, M. D., '63. 1888–9 St. Clair Smith, M. D., '69. 1889–90 J. Lester Keep, M. D., '66. 1890–1 Everitt Hasbrouck, M. D., '65. 1891–2 Clarence Willard Butler, M. D., '65. 1892–3 Frederick J. Nott, M. D., '77. 1893–4 Sidney F. Wilcox, M. D., '80. OFFICERS FOR 1894–95 President, - - *- - - GEO. G. SHELTON, M. D., '83 First Vice-President, - - " - CHA R LES DEADY, M. D., ‘7 Second Vice-President, - - CAR L CR ISSAND, M. D., '84 Third Vice-President, - * - RALPH J ENK INs, M. D., '87 Corresponding Secretary, - - GEO. W. McDow ELL, M. D., '86 Recording Secretary, - - - E. G. TUTTLE, M. D., '89 Treasurer, º - - - s Joh N B. GAR R isoN, M. D., '82 Necrologist, - - - - - H. W. PAIGE, M. D., '84 Earecufive Committee. F. J. PRATT, M. D., '81, Chairman. To Serve One Year. CHARLES F. ADAMS, M. D., '84, j. W. Dow LING, M. D., '86 To Sey've Two Years. º L. A. OPDY KE, M. D., '85, W. B. WINCHELL, M. D., '86 To Serve Three Years. CHARLEs McDow ELL, M. D., '78, IRVING Towns END, M. D., '87 ||||||||||||||