Hfe'i' В 41 (О GHARAGÎERISÎIG'GONDIÎIQIS OP AGGRAVATION AND AMELIORATION AFTER BÖNNINGHAUSEN К > EDITED BY eFjennings lee, m. d. THE HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Supplement, No. 4. 4884. PREFACE. In this little volume the conditions by which patients are affected are given as found in the celebrated Therapeutic Pocket-Book of Bönning- hausen. Under each heading only those reme- dies are mentioned which are especially and distinctively characterized by their aggravation or amelioration from the given condition (cause). Bönninghausen wrote: "All of these indica- tions are so trustworthy and have been verified by such manifold experience that there are hardly any others that can equal them in rank- to say nothing of surpassing them. But the most valuable fact respecting them is this: that this charactei-istic is not confined to one or another symp- tom, but, like a red thread, it runs through all the morbid symptoms of a given remedy which are as- sociated with any kind of pain whatever, or even with a sensation of discomfort, and hence it is available for both internal and external symp- toms of the most varied character." Therefore, nothing more need be said as to the value and the reliability of these characteristic conditions. The conditions have been arranged so as to bring related subjects together under one head- ing. Aggravation and amelioration from the same cause follow one another so as to be readily compared. Indications for some of the new remedies have been added with the greatest care. Alternate pages have been left for notes and addi- tions by each physician as he uses the book. 3 4 Preface. The type is necessarily fine, in order to allow ôf much matter in little space—the work can be easily carried in one's vest pocket. Two kinds of type are used to represent the different grades of value: the first is italics; thus, Aeon, in this book represents same grade as ACON, in Bönninghausen^ work. Aeon, here represents Acon. in that book. A third class is sometimes given in parenthesis; these corres- pond to the third class of Bönninghausen, or (Acon.) here equals Aeon, there. E. J. L. BEMEDIES. Aeon. Aconitum napellus. iEsc-h. JEsculus hippocastanum. Agar. Agaricus muscarius. Agnus. Agnus castus. Ailan. Ailanthus. Aloe. Aloe socotrina. Alum. Alumina. Ambr. Ambra grísea. Am-c. Ammonium carbonicum. Am-m. Ammonium muriaticum. Anac. Anacardium. Ang. Angustura. Ant-cr. Antimonium crudum. Ant-t. Antimonium tartaricum. Apis. Apis mellifica. Arg. Argentum. Arg-n. Argentum nitricum. Am. Arnica. Ars. Arsenicum album. Arum-t. Arum triphyllum. Asaf. Asafœtida. Asar. Agarum europaeum. Asclepias. Asclepias tuberosa. Bapt. Baptisia. Bar. Baryta carbónica. Bell. Belladonna. Benz-ас. Benzoicum acidum. Bism. Bismuthum. Borax. Borax. Boletus. Boletus laricus. 6 Remedies. Bov. Bo vista. Brom. Bromium. Bry. Bryonia alba. Cact-gr. Cactus grandifloras. Calad. Caladium. Cale. Calcárea carbonicum. Cale-ph. Calcárea phosphorica. Camph. Camphora. Cann-s. Cannabis sativa. Canth. Cantharis. Caps. Capsicum annuum. Carb-an. Carbo animalis. Carb-v. Carbo vegetabilis. Castor. Castoreum. Caus. Causticum. Cham. Chamomilla. Chel. Chelidonium majus. Chin. China officinalis. Cic. Cicuta virosa. Ciña. -Ciña. Cinnab. Cinnabaris. Cistus. Cistus Canadensis. Clem. Clematis erecta. Cocc. Cocculus. Coc-cac. Coceus cacti. Coff. Coffea. Col eh. Colchicum. Coloc. Colocynthis. Colost. Colostrum. Con. Conium maculatum. Corn-cir. Cornus circinata. Copaib. Copaiba. Creos. Creosotnm. Croc. Crocus sativus. Crot-tig. Crotón tiglium. Cubeb. Cubeba. Cupr. Cuprum metal H cu m. Remedies. 7 Cyc. Cyclamen. Dig. Digitalis. Diosc. Dioscorea. Dros. Drosera. Dulc. Dulcamara. Elaps. Elaps corallinus. Elater. Elaterium. Euphor. Euphorbia corallata. Euphm. Euphorbium. Euphr. Euphrasia off. Ferr. Ferrum metallicum. Fluor-ас. Fluoricum acidum. Gamb. Gambogia. Gels. Gelsemium. Graph. Graphites. Grat. Gratiola. Guai. Guaiacum. Hamam. Hamamelis. Hell. Helleborus niger. Hepar. Hepar sulphuris calcareum. Hipp-m. Hippomane mancinella. Hyos. Hyosciamus niger. Ign. Ignatia. Iod. Iodium. Ipec. Ipecacuanha. Iris. Iris versicolor. Jabor. Jaborandi. Jalap. Jalapa. Jatr. Jatropha curcas. Kali. Kali carbonicum. Kali-b. Kali bichromicum. Kali brom. Kali bromatum. Lach. Lachesis. Laur. Laurocerasus. Led. Ledum palustre. Leptan. Leptandra. Lil-tig. Lilium tigrinum. 8 Remedies. Lobel. Lobelia inflate,. Lyc. Lycopodium. Mag-c. Magnesia carbónica. Mag-m. Magnesia muriatica. Mag-s. Magnesia sulphurica. Mang. Mangairam acet. Mane. See Hipp-m. Mar. Marum verum teucrium. Men. Menyanthes. Merc. Mercurius. Merc-c. Mercurius corrosivus. Mezer. Mezereum (daphne). Millef. Millefolium. Mosch. Moschus. Mur-ас. Muriaticum acidum. Nat-c. Natrum carbonicum. Nat-m. Natrum muriaticum. Nat-sul. Natrum sulphuricum. Nice. Niccolinum. Nitr. Nitrum. Nitr-ac. Nitricum acidum. Nuphar. Nuphar luteum. Nux-m. Nux moschata. Nux-v. Nux vomica. Olean. Oleander. Op. Opium. Opunt. Opuntia vulgaris. Oxal-ac. Oxalicum acidum. Par. Paris quadrifolia. Pauli. Pallinia sorb. Petr. Petroleum. Phos. Phosphorus. Ph-ac. Phosphoricum acidum. Phyt. Phytolacca. Picrie-ac. Picricum acidum. Plant. Plantago. Plat. Platina. Remedies. 9 Plb. Plumbum. Podo. Podophyllum. Psor. Psorinum. Puis. Pulsatilla. Ran-b. Ranunculus bulbosus. Ran-sc. Ranunculus sceleratus. Raph. Raphanus. Ratan. Ratanhia. Rheum. Rheum. Rhod. Rhododendron. Rhus. Rhus toxicodendron. Rumex. Rumex crispus. Ruta. Ruta graveolens. Sabad. Sabadilla. Sabin. Sabina. Sang. Sanguinaria. Sars. Sarsaparilla Seeale Seeale cornutum. Selen. Selenium Seneg. Senega. Sep. Sepia. Sil. Silícea. Spig. Spigelia. Spong. Spongia. Squil. Squilla maritima. Stann. Stannum. Staph. Staphisagria. S tram. Stramonium. Sulph. Sulphur. Sul-ac. Sulphuricum acidum. Tabac. Tabacum. Tarent. Tarentula. Tar. Taraxacum. Tereb. Terebinthina. Thu. Thuja. Tromb. Trombidium. Valer. Valeriana. Remedies. Verat. Veratrum album. Verb. Verbascum. Viol-od. Viola odorata. Viol-tr. Viola tricolor. Zinc. Zincum. Zing. Zingiber. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 5 TIME AT WHICH SYMPTOMS APPEAR OR ARE AGGRAVATED. Morning: aeon, aesc-h. agar, agnus. aloe. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-cr. ant-t. apoc-c. arn. aur. berb. cede. carb-v. chel. cimic. coif. con. creos. croc. dros. eup-per. euphr. guai. hepar, hydras ign. kali, kali-b. kobalt. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. squil. staph, stram. stront. tarax. verat. verb. Forenoon: arg. cann-s. carb-v. guai. hepar, laur. mang. marum. nat-c. nat-m. nux-m. sobad, sep. sil. spig. staph. sul-ac. valer, viol-tr. Afternoon: agar. alum. am-c. ant-cr. arg. asaf. asar. bell. bism. canth. chel. cic. coloc. croc. ign. laur. lyc. marum. mosch. mur-ас. nitr-ac. nitr. mix-v. puis, ran-b. sars. seien, sil. staph, thu. valer, viol-tr. zinc. Evening: aeon. ambr. am-c. am-m. ang. ant-cr. ant-t. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calad, cale. caps, carb-an. cam. cepa. cham. cocc. colch. coloc. croc. cycl. dulc. euphr. gamb. guai. hell, hepar, hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kali. kalm. loch. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. meny. mere. mener, nat-c. nitr-ac. nitr. nux-m. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis, ran-b. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. sil. stann. str&nt. sulph. ml-ac. thu. valer. zinc. Evening Twilight: am-m. ars. berb. calc. puis, (rhus.) Night: aeon. aloe, ant-cr. ant-t. arg-n. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cina. coif, colch. con. croc. cupr. dros. dulc. euphr. J'err. graph, hell, hepar, ign iod. kali. kali-b. lach, laelm. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. mere. mezer. nat-m. nitr-ac. olean, op. phos. plb. puis, rheum. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 7 rhus. sabad. samb. sécale, seien. si'Z.spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. sul-ac. thu. Before Midnight: ant-t. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. chain, graph, lach. led. lyc. mang, mezer. mur-ас. phos. puis. ran-b. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. spig. spong. staph, stront. valer. After Midnight: ars. calc. cann-s. cocc. dros. ferr. ign. kali, mag-c. mang. mere. nitr. nux-v. ph-ac. ran-sc. rhus. samb. squil. thu. Periodical: alum. anac. ant-cr. arn. ars. bar. calc. canth. caps, carb-v. chin. ign. ipec. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. plb. puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. staph, sulph. verat. AILMENTS FROM AFFECTIONS ANT> PAS- SIONS. From mental emotions (in general): aeon. aur. bell. bry. caus. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, staph, verat. From anger (vexation, chagrin): aeon. ars. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. ign. lyc. nux-v. op. phos plat. puis. staph. with anxiety: aeon, ars bell. cham. cupr. ign. nux-v. plat. puis. with fright: aeon. bell. ign. nux-v. op. phos. plat. puis. with silent grief and sorrow: cocc. coloc. ign. lyc. ph-ac. staph. with indignation: coloc. nux-v. staph, (ipec. plat.) with passion (vehemence) : aeon. bry. cham. coff. nux-v. (aur. bell. lyc. phos.) After contradiction: aur. (ign. nux-v. olean.) Talking about unpleasant topics, aggr. from : calc. mar um. (cic. ign.) Complaints aggr. When thinking of them: alum. hell. bar. oxal-ac. nitr-ac. ran-b. (calc. sabad. spig. spong. staph.) Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 9 Complaints amel. when thinking of them: camph. hell. (cic. mag-c. prunus.) Occupying one's self (attention), amel. from: nat-c. sep. (agar. chin. croc. ferr. helon. stram. thu.) Touched or looked at, does not want to be : ant-cr. ars. cham. (cina.) Ill-humor worse from kind words (or friendly persuasion): calc-p. nat-m. sep. sil. (bell. calc. chin. ign. kali. mere, nux-v. plat.) Worse on (or dislikes) being spoken to: ars. cham. gels, nat-m. nat-sul. nux-v. rhus. After a fright: aeon. bell. caus. coff. cupr. hyos. ign. nux-v. op. plat. puis. (arn. ars. bry. cham. gels. lach. lyc. nat-m. phos. samb. sécale, stram. verat. zinc.) From grief and sorrow (care): coloc. hyos. ign. ph-ac. puis, staph, verat. (ars. cocc. eye. graph, lyc. nux-v.) From affronts or offenses (from others) : cham. coloc. ign. nat-m. ph-ac. seneg. staph, (aur. bell. bry. lyc. mere. nux-v. plat. puis, sulph.) From jealousy: hyos. ign. (apis. lach, ph-ac.) From excessive joy: coff, puis, (op.) From unhappy love: coff. hyos. ign. ph-ac. staph. From reproaches (wounded self-love): ign. op. staph. (coloc. ph-ac.) From wrath (anger): aur. bry. cham. coloc. nux-v. (aeon, bell. coff. ferr. hyos. lyc. nat-m. olean, phos. plat, verat.) ATMOSPHERE. Open air, aggr. in: agar, camph. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chel. chin. cocc. coff. con. creos. ferr. guai. lach, m arum. nux-m. nux-v. petr. seien, sil. spig. stram. valer. Open air, amel. in: aeon, agnus. alurn. anac. ant-cr. arg. asaf. asar. cepa. croc. hell. iod. mag-c. mag-m. mezer. phos. puls, ran-sc. eabin. spong. Draught of air, aggr. from a: bett. calc. caps. chin. hepar, kali, seien, sil. sulph. (aeon.) Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 11 Evening or night air, aggr. from: mere. (am-c. carb-v. nitr-ac. sulph.) Air of a room, agg. from. See amel. in open air. Air of a room, amel. from. See aggr. in open air. Foul air of a crowded room, aggr. from the : hell. lyc. mag-c. phos. puis. sep. sulph. Air of cellars or vaults, aggr. from : ars. bry. carb-an. puh. sep. stram. (calc. caus. lyc.) Cloudy or gloomy weather, aggr. from: cham. chin. mang. nux-m. rhus. sep. (bry. mere. rhod. sulph.) Stormy weather, aggr. in: natr-c. rhod. sil. (caus. lach. nitr-ac. phos.) Storm, aggr. during a: aeon. cham. chin. lach, mur-ac. nux-m. phos. nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. (ars. asar. aur. bell, rhus.) Before thunderstorm, aggr. just: agar. gels, hydras. petr. phos. rhod. sil. Thunderstorm, aggr. during: nat-c. phos. rhod. sü. (bry. caus. lach. petr. nat-m. nitr-ac.) Damp weather, aggr. from: am-c. calc. dulc. lach. lyc. mang. mere, nux-m. rhus. ruta, stront sulph. verat. Damp weather, amel. during: aeon. asar. bry. сам». hepar, ipec. nux-v. sabad. spong. (ars. sep. sil.) Dry (clear) weather, aggr. from. See amel. from damp weather. Dry weather, amel. from. See aggr. from damp weather. Changeable weather, aggr. from: bry. mang nux-m. phos. rhod. rhus. sil. (calc. graph, mere, nitr-ac. sulph.) CObD. Cold (ingeneral), aggr. from: aeon. agar. am-c. ars. aur. bar. bell, borax, camph. caps. caus. cic. cocc. con. dubs. hell, hepar, hyos. ign. halt, mag-c. mang. mosch. nux-m. nux-v. petr. ran-b. rhod. rhus. sabad. sil. stront. Cold (in general), amel. from: a t-t. dros. iod. led. pule.' sécale, seneg. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 13 Cold air, aggr. from : aeon. agar. am-c. ars. aur. bar. bell, bry. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. caus. cocc. colch. con. dulc. hell, hepar, hyos ign. kali. lyc. mang. mere, mocsh. nux-m. nux-v. petr. phos. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. stront. verat. Cold air, amel. from: asar, colch. iod. lyc. puis, sulph. (lach.) Going into cold air, aggr. on: ars. nux-v. ran-b. sabad. verb (camph. carb-v. caus. dulc.) Becoming cold, aggr. on : am ars. aur. bry. camph. caus. dulc. graph, hepar, hyos. kali. lyc. mosch. nux-v. phos. rhus. sabad. sep. (sil.) stront. Becoming cold, amel. on: bry. cham. dros. iod. led. lyc. mere. puis, sabin. sécale, sulph. verat. Frosty air, aggr. from exposure to: calc. con. lyc. ph-ac. puis. sep. sil. sulph. (caus. nux-v. rhus ) Part of body (as arm or leg), aggr. from exposure of a: bell. hell, hepar, rhus. sep. sil. (cham. led. puis.) Getting cold (being exposed), aggr. after: aeon, ant-cr. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. coff. coloc. con. eye. dulc. graph, hepar, hyos. ipec. lyc. mang. mere, nat-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. samb. sep. sil. spig. sulph. verat. Getting head cold, aggr. after: bell. sep. (led. puis.) Getting feet cold, aggr. after: puis. sil. (cham.) DRESS OK COVERINGS. Undressing (uncovering), aggr. on: ars. aur. cic. clem. cocc. colch. con. hepar, nux-m. nux-v. rhod. rhus. samb. squil. sil. stront. After undressing, aggr. : ars. cocc. dros. nux-v. oleand. puis. rhus. spong. Wrapping up warmly, aggr. from : aeon. asar, borax. calc. ferr. iod. lyc. spig. verat. Wrapping up warmly, amel. from. See aggr. on undressing (uncovering). Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 15 Covering the head, aggr. on: aeon, borax, calc. ferr. iod. lyc. puis. spig. verat. (asar, carb-v. chin. ign. op. phos. sécale, seneg. sulph. thu.) Uncovering the head, aggr. on: aur. bell, colch. con. hepar, hyos. nux-m. nux-v. rhus. samb. squil. sil. stront. (ars. cic. clem. cocc. mag-c. sep.) Pressure of hat, aggr. from: carb-v. nitr-ac. sil. valer. (hepar, lyc.) Uncovering a portion of the body, aggr. on : hepar. rhus sil. (stront.) Pulling off one's boots, aggr. on: calc. graph. DIGESTION. Eating, aggr. while: am-c. bar. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cocc. con. ferr. graph, hepar, kali. lyc. mag-m nat-c. nat-m. nitr-ac. phos puis. sep. Eating, amel. while: alum. ambr. anac. caps. chel. croc. ign. lach, mezer. spig. zinc. Before eating, aggr. : ambr. bov. calc. cann-s. chel. chin. croc. ferr. graph, ign. iod. lach law. nat-c. phos. plb. puis. rhus. sabad. sep. stront. sulph. tarax. After eating, aggr: am-m. anac. ars. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. con. eye. graph, kali. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sep. sil. sulph zinc. After eating, amel. : bov. cann-s. chel. ferr. ign. iod. laur. nat-c. phos. sabad. stront. (hepar.) Eating to satiety, aggr. after: calc. lyc. sulph. (carb-v. sep. sil.) amel.: iod. (ars. phos.) Eating quickly, aggr. from: ipec. nux-v. (ars. led. sulph.) Drinking, aggr. on : bell. bry. canth. cina. hyos. iod. lach. phos. stram. (anac. colch. laur. mere. rhus. sabad.) After drinking, aggr.: aeon, ant-t. arn. ars. bry. chin. cocc. coloc. croc. ferr. hepar, marum. nat-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puls. rhus. eil. sulph. tarax. verat. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 17 After drinking, amel.: bry. phos. sil. (carb-an. ferr. graph, ipec. nux-v. olean, rhus. spig. tarax.) Drinking quickly, aggr. on: ars. nitr-ac. nux-v. sü. (ipec. nat-m. sulph.) Chewing (masticating\ aggr. on : alum. am-c. am-m. bry. euphr. guai. hepar, hyos. ign. meny. nat-m. olean, phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sabin. sep. staph, thu. verb. zinc. After chewing, aggr.: (sabin. staph.) Swallowing, aggr. on: bar. bry. cocc. croc, hepar, mere. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. thu. Swallowing, amel. on: ambr. am. caps. ign. lach. led. spong. (alum. chel. dig. graph, laur. mang. mere. mezer. nux-v. par. ph-ac. puis, rheum, sabad. sabin. stann. staph, sul-ac. tarax. zinc.) Swallowing saliva, aggr. on: bry. cocc. hepar, lach. mere. puls. rhus. (arg. bar. nux-v. ruta, sulph. thu.) Food, aggr. on swallowing: bar. bry. hepar, nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. Drinks, aggr. on swallowing: bell, canth. iod. lach. mere. phos. (cina. ign. hyos. lach.) After swallowing the food, aggr.: ambr. bry. nux-v. phos. puis, rhusrsulph. zinc. (bar. hepar, sep.) Before breakfast (while fasting), aggr. : bar. calc. chel. croc. ign. iod. lach. plat, ran-b. sabad. sep. spig. staph. tarax. verb. amel.: bry. caus. chain, chin. con. dig. kali, nat-m. nux-m. ph-ac. sil. zinc. When hungry, aggr.: iod. kali. spig. (aur. caus. graph, olean, rhus.) After breakfast, aggr.: am-m. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. con. dig. graph, kali, nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph. After breakfast, amel. See aggr. before breakfast. Passing flatus, amel. on.: carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. ign. lyc. nuxyv. plb. puis, rhocl. staph, verat. (anac. ant-t. am. asaf. aur. bism. bry. con. graph, hyos. kali, nux-m. phos. rheum, sep.) Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 19 Eructations, aggr. after: agar, cann-s. cham. cocc. lach. phos. rhus. sep. verb. zinc. (am-c. bar. bry. caps, hepar. kali. plb. puis. rhod. spong.) Eructations, amel. after: ant-t. aur. bar. bry. canth. carb-v. cocc. dig. graph, ign. kali. lyc. nat-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. plat. sil. sulph. (alum. ambr. colch. iod. lach. mosch. par. phos. rhod. sabin. sul-ac.) "Vomiting, aggr. after or from: ars. asar. bry. calc. colch. cupr. dros. hyos. ipec. lyc. nux-v. phos. plb. puis. sars. sep. sulph. verat. (ant-t. arn. caps, china, coloc. dig. graph, nat-m. op. sécale, sil.) Vomiting, amel. after: dig. sécale, (aeon, colch. hyos. nux-v. puis, sanguin.) Before stool, aggr.: ant-t. bar. borax, bry. caps. caus. cham. dulc. kali. mere, mezer. op. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. spig. verat. During stool, aggr.: ant-cr. ars. calc. caps, carb-v. cham. chin, coloc. dulc. ferr. hepar, ipec. mere, nat-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. spig. staph, sulph. verat. After stool, aggr.: ars. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. kali. lach, mag-m. mere, mezer. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. rheum, seien, staph, sulph. verat. Before urinating, aggr.: ant-t. arn. borax, bry. coloc. dig. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sulph. Beginning to urinate, aggr. on: mere, (canth. caus. clem.) On urinating, aggr.: aeon. alum, cann-s. canth. colch. con. hepar, ipec. lyc. mere, nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. sars. sep. sulph. thu. verat. Ceasing to urinate, aggr. on: canth. (bry. petr. phos. sulph.) After urinating, aggr.: anac. arn. bell, bo v. calc. cann-s. canth. caps. chin, coloc. con. dig. hepar, mere, natr-m. nux-v. par. puis. ruta, staph, sulph. thu. zinc. Conditions or Aggravation and Amelioration. 21 EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. Washing, aggr. from: am-c. ant-cr. bell. cale, canth. carb-v. cham. clem. lyc. mere. nitr. nitr-ac. rhus. sars. sep. spig. stront. sulph. (sil. sul ас. zinc.) Washing, amel. from: am-m. asar. caus. chel. euphr. puis. spig. — the face, amel. : asar, (mezer. sabad.) — with tepid water, aggr. : ang. Bathing, aggr. from: ant-cr. nitr-ac. rhus. (calc. carb-v. caus. sep.) — In cold water, aggr.: bell, nitr-ac. rhu#. sep. (sars.) — In salt (sea) water, aggr. : rhus. (ars. sep.) Getting wet, aggr. from: bell. bry. calc. colch. dulc. hepar, ipec. lyc. nux-m. puis. rhus. sars. sep. while in a sweat: aeon. dulc. rhus. вер. (calc.) the head wet: bell. puis. (led. bar.) the feet wet: puis. sep. stt. (cham. mere, nat-c. rhus.) EXERTION. Exertion of body (unusual or violent) aggr.: am. ars. bry. cann-s. cocc. lyc. nat-m. rheum, rhtis. ruta, sabin. sil. sulph. zinc. Exertion of body, amel.: ign. sep. (canth. nat-m. sil. stann.) Physical fatigue, aggr.: am. coff. rhus. (ars. cann-s. chin, verat.) Manual labor, aggr.: am-m. bov. lach, nat-m. sil. verat. Sewing, aggr.: nat-m. (lach, sul-ac.) Shaving, toothache from: carb an. AILMENTS FROM FOOD AND DRINK. Beer: bapt. ferr. nux-v. rhus. (ars. bell, coloc. lyc. marum. mezer. puis. sep. stram. sulph. verat.) — fresh (new) beer: (chin. lyc. marum. puis.) Conditions of Aggravation and Amélioration. 23 ■Brandy: ars. lei. nux-v. op. ran-b. rhus. stram. Bread: bry. nat-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sars. sep. sulph. zinc, (helon.) — rye bread: kali. lyc. ph-ac. puis. — and batter: chin, nitr-ас. puis. sep. — buckwheat: puis. (ipec. verat.) Butter: ars. carb-v. eye.puis. sep. tarax. Cabbage: bry. chin. lyc. petr. — sour-ltrout: bry. calc. chin. lyc. petr. phos. puis. Carrots: calc. lyc. Cheese (spoilt): ars. bry. Coffee: acet-ac. (arg-n.) canth. cans. cham. hepar, ign. ipec. lyc. mere, nux-v. puis, sulph. — smell of coffee: lach, (sul-ac.) Cold food: ars. con. creos. graph, lyc. mang. nux-m. nux-v. rhod. rhus. spig. sulph. verat. Dry food: calc. lyc. nat-c. puis, (bapt.) Eggs: colch. (ferr.) Fat food: ars. asaf. carb-v. colch. eye. dros. ferr. hell. (ipec.) mag-m. nitr-ac. (nux-v.) puis. sep. spong. sulph. tarax. ihn. Fish: plb. (carb-an. kali.) — stale: carb-v. puis. Flatulent food: bry. lyc. petr. Fruits: ars. borax, bry. carb-v. chin, mag-m. nat-c. puis. seien, sep. verat. Ice (iced food): ars. puis. Legumes (peas, etc. ): bry. calc. lyc. petr. Lemonade: seien. Meat: colch. ferr. pule. — fresh: caus. — putrid: carb-v. puis. — smoked: cale. sil. — smell of: (ars.) colch. Milk: ambr. ang. ars. (brom.) bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chel. chin. con. cupr. kali. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nice. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 25 Oil: puis. (bry. canth. ) Onions: (tlm.) Oysters: brom. lyc. puis. Pancakes: bry. puis. (kali. ipec. verat.) Pastry: (ars. carb-v. puis.) Pears: verat. (borax, bry.) Pepper: cina. (ars. nat-c. sep. sil.) Pork: carb-v. colch. ipec. nat-c. nat-m. puis. sep. thu. Potatoes: alum. (am-m. coloc.) sep. verat. Salad: calc. (ars. bry. carb-v. lach, lyc.) Salted food: carb-v. dros. (ars. calc. lyc. nux-v.) Sausages, poisoned: ars. bell. bry. (ph-ac. rhus.) Smoked food: cale. sil. Shells (muscles): lyc. Sour smells: dros. Sour food: ant-cr. ars bell. ferr. sep. sulph. Spirituous liquors: agar, ant-cr. ars. bell. calc. chel. chin. coff. ign. lach, lac-can. led. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. op. puis, ran-b. rhod. rhus ruta, seien. sil. spig. stram. verat. zinc. Sweets: arg-n. cham. ign. mere, (oxal-ac. thu.) Tea: ferr. seien, thu. (chin. coff. lach, verat.) Tobáceo: ant-cr. clem. cocc. eye euphr. (gels.) ign. ipec lach, nat-m. nux-v. par. phos. puis. ruta, seien, spong. staph, tarax. — chewing of: ars. Turnips: bry. puis. Uncooked meats: puis. ruta, verat. (ars. bry. lyc.) Veal: calc. caus. ipec. nitr. sep. zinc. Vegetables: bry. hell, nat-c. (ars. cistus. cupr. helon. verat.) Vinegar: ant-cr. ars. bell. ferr. sep. sulph. Warm food: amb. anac. bar. bell. bry. carb-v. euphor. kali. lach, mezer. phos. ph-ac. puis. Water, cold: alum. ars. bell, canth. croc. ign. lyc. marum. nux-v. rhod. rhm. spig. sulph. Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration. 27 Wine: ant-cr. arn. ars. calc. 'coff. lach. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. op. ran-b. sabad. seien, sil. zinc. Wine impregnated with lead: bell. op. sulph. with sulphur: mere. puis. (ars. sep.) — sour: ant-cr. ars. (ferr. sep. sulph.) AMELIORATION FROM FOOD AN© DRINK. Bacon: ran-b. (ran sc.) Bread: caus. nat-c. (laur. phos.) Coffee: ars. cham. coloc. '(ambr. anac. bar. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. euphor. glon. kali. ign. mezer. phos. ph-ac. puis ) Cold food: ambr. anac. bar. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. euphor. kali, mezer. phos. ph-ac. puis. Fruits: lach. Meat: (verat.) Milk: (ars. apis. chel. verat.) Salt food: