REPERTORY TO THE MATERIA MEDICA. THIS repertory is arranged on a new plan. A perfect repertory ought to contain a reference to every symptom under every rubric where it may be looked for; and in each rubric we should find all the medicines which have a resem- blance in that particular point. I have endeavored to effect this by the plan of collective headings. It is arranged in six sections. I. Contains the symptoms arranged according to their specific character. II. According to their anatomi- cal region. III. According to general character and direc- tion. IV. According to condition. V. According to Con- comitants. And VI. contains peculiar symptoms which could not be well arranged elsewhere. Besides this, all symptoms belonging only to section II. & are placed in I. with the cipher of the anatomical region º' attached, so as to give a collective view of the medicines º producing the symptom in the eye, or any part of it. Within § each section there are also collective groups; thus, under es “lachrymations” are found not only the medicines which § are stated to possess lachrymation simply ; but also those § which produce any varieties of it, e.g. “acrid lachrymation.” WN l, n, and r ſ (in italics) signify that the symptom has oc. Scurred in right or left eye, or both separately, without me. cessarily implying that it has not also occurred in both to: gether. Medicines printed in italics in the “Conditions,” signify amelioration by. This repertory will necessarily contain errors both of omis. sion and commission; of Omission, arising from omissions in the Materia Medica; of commission, arising from wrong translations. These I cannot help. I have, however, en- deavored to make it as perfect as I could from the materials at my command. I shall be glad to receive any advice relative to the plan, etc., of this repertory, as I am now pre- paring the “head "chapters on a similar plan. sy 13 Hardman Street, Liverpool, Ewſland. j j ſ/ 2 - t - ! - &#~ w j § 2's * * {...} * , * -º H -- 'A' i. 4, ...”.” 4. CHAPTER I.-EYES. Light of Candle, peculiar appearance of. Alternately light and dark, anac. Blue. hippomanes. JBrighter. dig. Colored. arg—nit. Double. nicc. plumb. Flickers. anac. cuprum. Halo. alum. anac. bar-c. bell. Calc. cic. dig. euphorb. kali. kali-nit. lach. magn-m. phos. phOS-ac. puls. ruta. Sars. Sep. Stann. 'staph. stront. Sulph. Ver-vir. zinc. — blue. lach. blue-red. lach. colored. Cic. fiery. lach. green. mag-m. phos. ruta. Sep. Ver-vir. becoming red on closing eyes. Ver-vir, painbow. bar-c. bell. kali-nit, Ted. Commoclad. P. ruta, star-like. puls. Larger. dig. Osmium. Mist. arg—nit. nitr-ac. tilia. Obscured. euphr. iod. Osmium. Rainbow. bar-c. bell. ferr-mag, kali-Init. mice. Stann. Rays around. bell. kali. lach. Ray eactending to eye. cham. Shining points in a black circle, caust. Trembling. acon. lyc. Wheel, like a red, sulph. Yellow. petiveria. e=º- Moon, peculiar appearance of. Halo round, calc. Objects, appearance of. Black, bell. caps. Cic. galv. merc. letters seem black rings. merc. Elue. bell. galv. hippomanes, iod. nice. r. stram, stront. distant objects. iod. — letters seem blue and gold, bell. — blue and red margins. stront. 5 Blue. light of candle. hippomanes. red things seem blue. galv. Brighter. Camph. Carb-v. Com. dig. galv. hyos, nux. Val. Colored wrongly. stram. Confused. Cainca. caust. Chin. cocc. Con. eleis. eug. r. fluor-ac. gels. graph. iod. lach. lact-v. led, lyc. natr-m. phOS. plat. rhus-r. sil. Stram. distant objects. China.gels. as from alcohol. gels. chiefly in right half of vision. rhus-r. outlines, phos. Dark. hep. nitr-ac. verb. light of day seems darker. verb. Diffused. Stram. JDowble. aeth, agar. am-c. aur. bar-c. bell. Gham. cic. Cimicif. con. Cycl. daph-ind. dig. eug. euphorb. gels. gins. graph. hyos. iod. kali. led. lyc, m-aust. merc. merc- corr. matr-m. nice. mitr-ac. Oleand. petr. plumb. puls. sec. Seneg. spong. Stram. Sulph. therid. Verat, ver-vir. of one eye. cham. - horizontal. Oleand. mitrac. —— distant objects. nitr-ac. candle flame. nicc. plumb. pointed things have two points. merc. . a little higher and to one side. stram. —— a second Smaller Swn below the real ome. Seneg. Fall, phos-ac. False sight, bell. bov. eupat-purp. euphorb. hyos. kali. plat. Stram. º Far, too. anac. cann-ind. Carb-v. Cic. matr-m. nux-m. Ox-ac. phos. stann. Stram. Sulph, therid. linear objects. Ox-ac. alternately near awd distant. cic. Green. Gina. dig. galv. magn-m. merc. tab, blue seems green. galv. red seems greer. galv. Grey. Stram. black seems grey. stram. reddish-grey border round white things. stram. Indistinct. Camm. phytola.c. stram. Inverted. bell. bov. eug. Large, {00, aeth. berb. Camm-ind. caust. dig. euphorb. hyos. laur. nice. Osmium. Ox-ac, plat. Staph. verb. — linear objects. Ox-ac. – Large. distant objects, nice. till touched. laur. she seems to herselſ too tall, plat. Dow down, too. Cann-ind. Staph. Move. bapt. bell. cic. Con. euphr. hyos. ign, laur, lyc, mgs. meny, merc. mosch. nux. Oleand. paris, petr. sabad. sep. sil. Stram. ºp and down. Com. sil. from side to side. Cic. Multiplied. bell. iod. stram. Pale, too. agar. chin. Croc. dig. dros. puls, rhus. Tuta. sil. letters seem pale with white border, and confluent, chim, Red. bell. con. Croc. galv. hep. hyos. magn-m. Sars. Stram. Stl’Ont. blue seems red. galv. white paper seems red. Croc. sars. weddish-grey border round white things. Stram. red and blue marſſºns. Stront. together, arg—nit. aur. bell. bry. Caust. Chin. Clem. cic. cobalt. dros. gins. graph. haematox. hyos. kali. lyc. meph. mercurial. natr. natr-m. Seneg, sil. Stram. tilia. viol-Od. Shadowy. Seneg. Slanting. Stram. Small, too. Carb-v. glon. hyos. merc-corr, petr, l, plat. stram. thuy. 7. Swaying. ign. Swimming. thuy. Trembling. dros. eug. lyc. pctr. phos, Sabin. Seneg. thuy. Turn. cic. Triple. con. dig. Sec. Unsteady. Calc. caust. cic. hyos. iod. meny. merc. stram. Variegated. bell. cic. euphorb. kali. stram, sulph. letters seem blue and gold color. bell. colored areola. cic. White. China. dig. grat. plumb. staph. white border. chin. covered with white gauze, as ſ. staph. faced objects. plumb. Wide apart. carb-an. Yellow. alum. ars, bell. canth, dig. galv. hyos. kali-bich. tab. letters seem gold and blue. bell. — blue seems yellow. galv. – Ra lſ? 2, Objects, vision of imaginary. dig. Arches. Con. Black spots. acon. agar. l. alum. am-c. am-m. bar-C. Calc. l. caust. Carb-an. Carb-v. Chin. chin-sulph. cimicif. cocc. cupr-ars, elaps. gins. glon. kali. lyc. magn. merc. merc-iod. mosch. natr. natr-m. Inux. petr. phos. Sec. sep. sil. Staph. Sulph. tabac. tereb. thuy. val. Verat. ball. kali. clouds. merc-iod. flashes. Staph. flickering. lach. large. am-C. elaps. lines of black and yellow points. carb-an. accompanies the letters. calc. —flying. am-m. Carb-v. kali, nitr-ac. phos. sil. fall alongside of eye. thuy. hovering. natr. phos. Sep. Sulph, thuy. moving amongst each other. thuy. moving in front, low down. merc. near eyes. lyc. Sulph. hindering sight. thuy. — figure, twºrning with her. COcc. shining points. thuy. stripes. phOS-ac. Blue spots. kali. dazzling light. Crotal-casc. Bright spots or sparks. acon. ant-t. ars, asaf, aur, bar-c. bell. calc. caust. chel. Chin-Sulph. Col. Con. Croc. Crotal- casc. cupr-ars. dig. dulc. glon. hura. iod. kali. kali- chlor. lyc. mgs, merc. mez. natr. natr-m. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux. ol-an. Oleand. Op. petr. phos-ac. Sec. Seneg. Sep. sil. spig. stront. thuy. Val. Verat. Zinc, shining bodies. dig. black Shining points. thuy. bright disc. thuy. bright disc with dark centre, moving with eye. thuy. with lachrymation when looking into it. chel. fiery points. merc. natr-m. shining points. Ol-an. — Shining spots on wall. Seneg. — high up. merc. 8 Bright. moving with eye. nat-m, fiery balls hover in half circles. zinc. electric sparks. bell. sho0ting stars. mgs. — bright light aſ side of and below eye. Col. r. — blue dazzling light. Crotal-casc. — brighlness. eug. — ſall alongside of eye. thuy. ſ/lillering yellow-pointed Sºnall bodies, matr-s. — a sºlotcy plain, to which ſiery points descend, them a fiery plain to which shºwing while points descend. phos-ac. laminous appearance. kali-chlor, lake dazzling of 8,000. Oleand. &mpeding sight, thuy. bright light as if he could set objects. Val. JBrown spots, agar. l. natr-m. Ciphers. phOS,-ac. a numeral digit gradually increasing. Sulph. Circles. Cact. cann. Col. ign. phos. puls. Sep. tax-b. thuy, luminous, in constan ( /notion. tax-b. fiery. Col. puls. yed light, obscuring sight. Cact. zigzags. ign. dridescent. phos. with rays, Shimavering. Col. 7. zigzagged wreath of colors. Sep. white flaming irradiation by side of visual ray, causing he/niopia and dim sight. Cann. Vlouds. com. Imerc-iod. Ol-an, Sabin, thuy. black. merc-iod, silver. bell. — dark. Ol-an. 'rising. Sabin. Colors various, dig. kali. e twinkling light of red, ſ/rceſ, yellow, dig. Curls. iod. kali. Curved fiery rays, shooting downwards. iod. JDark spots. asclep-tub. com. evon. hyos. matr-m. Sul. Gupr-ars. Feathers, alum. r. cale. kreas, lyc. magn. matr. matr-m. phy- tolac. Someg. Spig. *//podºlſ, sight. lyc. Fiery, ann-G, arg—nit.ars. aur, bart-c. bell. bry. Calc. Gann. carb-v. caust. Chann. Col. con. Croc. dig. dulc. eug. graph. hyos. iod. kali. Ings, m-arct. Inang. merc, mez, matr. natr-um. = 2 9 Fiery, nux. Oleand. Op. petr. phos, phos-ac. puls. Sec. sep. sil. spig, staph, stram, stront, sulph. val, verat, viol-od. Z]]].C. bodies. arg—nit. column. Staph. points. merc. natr-rm. balls hovering in half circles. zinc. — circles. Col. puls. blood-red. spig. — zigzags. Imatr-m. — ºutpeding sight. spig. Semicircle. viol-od. sparks like wheels, becoming black on looking at lighf. mang. — curved rays, sho0ting downwards. iod. Flashes, arg—n. bell. brom. Croc. glom. kali. mgs, m-arct. natr. mair-m. mux. Oleand. Sec, spig, staph. zinc. black. staph. Flames. bell. bry. Fly. agar. l. Gocc. dig inerc. Figures, (faces grinnaces) agar, amb, bell. bry, calc. carb-v. caust. chin. cocc. con, hep. hyos. merc. Op. petiveria. phos. phos-ac. Thus, samb. Sec. sil, stram. sulph. Verat. — curious. Camph. dig. phos-ac. — black. turning with her, cocc. horrible. Garb-v. Gaust. Green spots. kali. mitr-ac. Stront. oblong. Stront. by the side of each letter. nitrºac. Grey spots. arg—nit...lachnanth. l. nitr-ac. mux. moving. lachmanth. l. — impeding sight. nitr-ac. faced rings. lachmanth. l. Grass, blade of mere. Hairs. alum. Spig. Halo. chin-sulph. Jnsects, movements like a swarm of caust. Leaf, white, imped; nº sight, matrºs. r. Light in dark. alum. Val. Light, col. r. phos. aside of and belo (c eſſe. Col. P. — blue dazzlinuſ, crotal-case. brightness. eug. as iſ he could see objects, val. 10 Jightning, arg nit. brom, croc. fluor-ac. matr. staph. Luminous vibrations. acon. aescul-hipp. aloes. alum. am-c. anac. ant-t. ars. bell. borax. calc. carb-v. Caust. cham. chin. Clem. Cobalt. col. Con. dig. dros. fluor-ac. gels. graph. hura. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kalmia. led. lyc. lach. mgs. merc. meZ. mur-ac. nux. Oleand. petr, phos. phos-ac. plat, puls. Sang. Sars. Sec. Seneg. Sep. staph. Stront. Sulph, tab. tilia. therid. Verat. Vinca. Zinc. Zingib. black flickering, lach. — blazing. therid. glittering. Col. glimmering. gels. kalmia. Sang. Seneg. Zingib. — twinkling. am-c. carb-v. dig. hep. iod, lyc, mur-ac, plat. Sep. waves of light. borax. calc. caust. hura. flöckering. aescul, hipp. aloes. ant-t. chin, clem, lach. merc. Sars. therid. Vinca. On one side of visual ray. mgs. especially left. mux. — whirling motions. zinc. — a jerking light, crossing itself like lightning, — red sparklings crossing each other. fluor-ac. — dark sparkling. therid. luminous flashes. zinc. — twinkling light of red, green, yellow, dig. — flickering zigzags. ign. hindering sight. lach. Muscae volitantes. agar. am-m. ant-t. aur, bell. calc. cann. caust. Chin. cobalt. cocc. coff con. dig. dulc. hep. hyos. itu. lact-v. magn. merc. matr.m. nitr'ac. op. phos. plumb, puls. Thus, ruta, sec. sep. sil. spig, stram. Sulph. tereb. thuy. zinc. Net. Carb-an. chin-sulph. kali. Iye. Points or spots. arg—nit. caust. kali. petr, stront. 7moving before eyes. kalm. Rain. kali. natr. matr-m. Fed. Cact. elaps, fluor-ac. dotted with black spots, elaps. fiery points. elaps. circle of light. Cact. —— bar. elaps. disc. elaps. Rºngs, carb-V fluor-ac. iod. kali. lachmanth. matr. phos. 'nner edge brightest. carb-v. = 11 Rings transient. fluor-ac. grey faced. lachnanth. Serpents. arg—nit. ign. Semicircle, fiery. viol-od. Shadows. ruta. Seneg. Silver clouds. bell. Spider's web. agar. kali. mercurial. nitr-ac. Snow-flakes, lach. Oleand. phOS-ac. stront. snowy plain ſo which fiery points descend, then fiery plain to which shining white points descend. Scin/illations, like dazzling of snow. Oleand. Stars. alum. am-c. bell. Castoreum. Croc. kali. mgs. In-arct. phos. shooting stars. mgs, m-arct. Stripes. Carduus. Con. iod. phos-ac. thuy. colored. Con. black. phos-ac. Threads. Carb-an. Con r, elaps. kali. lach. Seneg. spig. white. elaps. Turning sensation. Squill. Vibrations, tremulous. bell, con, led. lyc, phos, plat. Sabin. Seneg. stram. thuy. viol-od. Af Vertiginous sensation before eyes. Sulph-ac. Wheels. kali. kali-nitr, mang. zinc. colored. kali-nitr. fevolving and increasing in size, with yellou, and white ways. kali. yellow, blue and ſreen. zinc. fiery sparks like wheels, becoming black when looking at light. mang. White spots. ars, gins. kali, rat. Sulph. Żmpeding sight. rat. falling before eyes. kali. leaf matrºs. r. Wavering irregular lines, rhus-r. Whirling motions. zinc. Yellow spots. am-m. carb-am. - Zigzags. Com. graph. hura, ign, matr-m. rhus-r, sep. viol-od. flickering. ign. circle of ign. fiery. natr-m. - 'n lower half of objects, rhus-r. Objects (imaginary) moving with eye, matr.m. thuy. 12 Objects (imaginary) impeding sight. alum, cact, lach, nitr-ac. petr. phos. rat. Sep, spig, thuy. Right to left. borax. Above downwards, borax Photomania. acon, alm-lm, bell, gels. ruta. Stram. Phoſophobia. acon. aeth, agar. agnus. alum. allium-Cep. am-C. am-m. ammoniac. anac. ant-C. arg—mit. arm. ars. arum-tr. apis. bar-c. bell. berb. borax. brom. bry. Calc. calc-caust. camph. Carb-am. Gastoreum. caust. cervibraz. Cham. chim. cic.cina. Clem. Coff. Colch. commoclad. prum-ac. dig. dros. euphr. eupat-perf. elaps.gels. gins. graph, gamb. hell. hep. hyos. ign. kali-bich. kali. kali- hydr. kali-nitr. laur. lobel-c. lith-a, lyc, m-arct. magn. magn-m. magm-s. mang. mercurial, merc. merc-bini. mur-ac. natr. matr-m. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux-m. nux. Ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. pSOricum. puls. Thus-r. rhus-t. rhus-vernix. Sars. Scutell. Seneg. sep. sil. Spig. staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax, therid. Zinc Zingib. Zizia-aurec. lo artificial light. borax. Calc. Comsclad. dros. gels. lobel-c. lye, mere, mercurial. phos, sulph. Snow dazzles eſſes. ars. puts his hand to eyes, as iſ ſo shade thern from lighl, which, however, does not affect them. kali-hydr. alternates will inflammalion and lachrymation. sil. Fallſ/ve of sighl. agar. alum. asar. phos. rheum, rhod, ruta. Sep. stront. Sulph. tab. thuy. Verat. Zinc. Easily tired, petr. Impai ped sight. aur. carb-v. coff. hyos. hydr-ac. Blackness, darkness. acon. ambr. am-c. am-m. l. anac. ars. bell. borax l. Calc. carb-an. Carduus. caust. chin. chin-sulph. Con. Croc. coff cobalt. dulc. eug. eupat- perf ferr, graph. hep. hedeom-pul. hyos. iod. kali-nitr. 13 Blackness. kalmia. lach, lachnanth. laur. lact-v. lyc. magn. r. mang. meny. matr. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux. Oleand. Op. petr. phos. plumb. psoricum. puls. ruta-r. rhus. Ver. Sabad. Sec. Sep. sil. l. stram. Sulph. thuy. Vinca. zinc. Blindness, continued, acon. ant-c. ars, bell. cadm-S. caps. Chin. con. dig. gels. hyos. hydr-ac. kali-hydr. merc. nux-m. Op. plumb. Sec. verat. Blindness, transient, acon. agar. alum. ambr. anac. ant-t. arg. - arg—nit. arm. ars, asar. asaf, aur. bell. borax. bry. brom. cact. Calc. camph. Cann. caps, caust. carb-an. chel. cham. chin. chim-sulph. cic. cina. Clem. Coch- lear. con. Crotal. croc. cuprum. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. grat. gent-l. guiac. graph.hep. hyos. iod. kali.lach. laur. led. lyc. m-aust, mang. magn. magn-m. merc. meny. mez, mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. nitr. nux. Op. Oleand. phos. petr. plat. plumb. puls. Tan-bulb. ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sang. Sep. Sec. Seneg. sil. Squill. spig. staph. stram. Sulph. tab. tilia. thuy. Verat, viol- tr. Viper-t. Zinc. Blindness, periodical. acon. am-c. anac. ant-c. ant-t. bar-c. bell. Calc. caust. chel.chin. Con. Croc. dig. euphr. graph. hyos. lyc. merc. matr. matr-m. nitr. nux. petr. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. Sec. Sep. sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. sulph. Verat. every half hour. merc. Night blindness. bell. cadm-s. chel, dig. hyos. merc. ruta. Stram. Verat. Day-blindness. ant-c. phos. sil. Verat. Dazzling, acon. ars, bar-c. calc. carb-am. caust, camph. chel. cic. Con. dig. dros. euphr. euphorb. graph. hyos, ign. kali. lyc. mang. merc. mercurial. matr. nitr-ac. nux. Oleand. phos. phOS-ac. Seneg. Sep. sil. stram. sulph. val. Dimness. acon. aeth. agar. aloes, alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. ammoniac. anac. ang, ascl-f. arg-nit. arm. ars. arum-tr. apis. asaf asar. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. borax. brucea. bry. cact. cann. canth. caps. Carduus. carb-an. carb-v. Caulloph. caust, cham. chel. chim. cic. cina. clem. cobalt. cocc. col. con. Croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. eug. r. euphorb. euphorb-coroll. evon. euphr. eupat-purp. ferr. glon, gram. graph. hep, hura. hyos. hydr-ac. ign. iod. ipec. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kalmia, kreas. lach. lachnanth. lact-v. lamium. laur. led. lyc, m-aust. magn. magn-m. mang, meny. merel. 14 Dinness. merc-biniod. 'mosch. mimosa. matr. natr-m. natr-s. nicc. nitr-ac. nux. Ol-an. Op. petr. phos. phos-ac. phy- tolac. phell. plantago. plat. plumb. puls. petiveria. rheum. rhod. rhus-t. ruta: Sabad. Sacch-alb. sang. Sars. sec. Selen. Seneg. Sep. sil. Spig. Squill. Stann. Staph. stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. taren. tereb. thuy. val. Verat. Ver-vir. verb. Vinca. viol-od. viol-tr. viper-r. zinc. periodical. cactus. Žncreasing and decreasing in paroa-ysms. lyc. paroacySmal. puls. as if full of water. anac. Spig. staph. verb. as from mucus. lyc. matr-m. tab. dimness round eyes, darkness in front. Croc. w Presbyopia. alum. am-c. ang, arg—nit. bell. bry. Calc. calc-ac. carb-an. caust. Con. dros. fluor-ac. grat. hyos. lach. lyc. magn-m. mez. natr-m. nux. petr. phOS-ac. phyt. puls. Sep. sil. Spig, stram. Sulph. Val. Hemiopia. aur. calc. cann. caust. lob-in. lye. mur-ac. matr-m. rhus-r. Sep. horizontal. aur. vertical. aur. Calc. caust. cham. lith-C, lyc. mur-ac. matr—m. fight half invisible. lith-c. Mist or clouds before eye. acon. agar. alum. ambr. am-m. ang. arg—nit. arum-tr. asaf, bell. Cact. Cainca. calc. Castor- eum. canth. caust. Chin-sulph. Col. 7. Groc. croton. cycl. dig. gels. gins. graph. grat. haematox, hydr-ac. kali. kalmia. lach. magn. r. mercurial. merc-iod. merc. mill. mosch, nice. nitr-ac. ol-an. 7... pimpernel. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhus-r. Sabin. Sars. Sec. Solan- nig. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Vinca. Zinc. floating. merc-iod. Ayellow, Shining, tremulous. kali. Part only of an object seen. Caust. kali. stram. staph. Short sight, agar. am-c. anac. ang...ant-t. berb. cact. calc. carb-v. Chin. cimicif, con. cycl. euphorb. euphr. eupat- purp. gels, graph, grat, hep. hyos. lach. lyc. mang, mez. mill. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls, plumb. ruta. Selen. sil. Spong, stram, sulph, sulph-ac. thuy. verb. val. viol-od. viol-tr. Objects seen only sideways. chin-sulph. Veil before eyes. acon, agar, alcohol-sulph. alum. ambr. am-m. anac. ang, ant-t. arn, arg. ars. arum-tr. asaf, aur, bar-c. = 15 Yeil before eyes. bell. berb. bism. borax. bov. bry. bufo. calc. cann. carb-an. Caust. chel. Chin. cina. Con. Croc. Croton. cycl. cuprum. dig. dros. dulc. elaps. r. euphorb. euphr. gent-cr. graph. haematox. hep. hyos. hydr-ac. ign. r. iod. kali. kreas. lact-v. laur. lepidium. lyc. magn. m-aust. m-arct. merc. mercurial. morph-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. r. Op. paris. petr. phos. r. phos-ac. plat. l. plumb. puls. rat. rhod. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. Sabin. Sars. l. Sec. Seneg. Sep. sil. Spig. staph. Stram. sulph. tab. thuy. therid. tilia. verb. vinca. viol-tr. zinc. like a grey cover over eye. phos. sil. black gauze, phos. r. — bluish-white gauze. elaps. r. white gauze. lepidium. grey gauze. elaps. Weak sight, agar. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. arg—nit. ars. asaf. l. aur. bar-c. bell. borax. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. Carb-v. Gastoreum. chel. cham. chin. cic. cinc. clem. COccus. Coff con. Croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphor. graph. gran. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. iod. ign. kali. kreas. lach, laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. meph. merc. Inatr. r. natr-m. nice. nitr-ac. nux-m. osmium. paris. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rat. r. rheum. rhus. rhod. ruta. Sabad. sars. Sec. sep. Seneg. Spig. staph. Stram. Stann. stront. Sulph, tab. tilia. thuy. verb. Verat. Zinc. zing. Cannot see Small things. Stram. Sulph. Cannot read Small print. Cadm-s. meth. matr. Sees small things best. calc. Puts needle in wrong place. hyos. Unsteady sight, as after crying. paris. Has to eacert his eyes. ammoniac. As if a film were drawn over inner canthi, caust. As ºf a pellicle of gum were over eyes. Croc. Inclined to look only with one eye. phos. Smoky appearance, gels. Cannot place anything till after looking at it for a few seconds. bapt. Sensation of whirling around in sight. apis. When moving eyes, sight is slow in following movement, ob- jects seeming blurred at first, and eye remaining un- fia:ed. gels. 16 Jmproved sight. acon. agar. anac. ang. asparag. calc-ac. coff colocyn- thin. fluor-ac. gamb. hyos, kali-chlor. mez. mill. raph. Stram. viol-od. feel strong. kali-chlor. lva wrious enjoyment on looking. Appearance and Ea:pression. Absence of eacpression, acon. Anaxious. aloes. arm. Astonished. camph. Bloated, brucea. hura. petiveria. puls. rheum. Bright, sparkling. acon. aeth. aloes. arg—nit. bapt. bell. bry. canth. croton. cuprum. eupat-perf. hydr-ac. hyos. lach. lachnanth. merc-corr. mill. morp-ac. mosch. nux. Op. plumb. Solan-nig. Stram. Val. viper-t. Crying, as if from. hyos. kreas. lach. teucr. Drunken. hyos. mercurial. Dull, ant-t. arm. ars. asar. bell. berb. bov. brom. brucea. bry. carb-an. Clem. cinnab. cham. Con. Guprum. Cupr-ars. cycl. commoclad. Cornus-circ. daphn-ind. dig. elaps. eryngium. ferr. glon. hep. hyos. kali-hydr. kreas. lyc. magn-s. mercurial. merc. merc-corr. mosch. Inatr-s. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. Sabin. Sang. Seneg. Spig. Spong, stram. stamm. Verat. Zinc. Faint. kreas. lach. lyc. phos. phos-ac. Spig. Stann. Verat. Glassy. bell. bry. Commoclad. elaps. Op. phos-ac. Sep. Sulph. Humid. Calc. Op. sep Solan-nigr. verat. watery, as iſ covered with albumen. Verat. Sad. plumb. stram. Shine like fire. cham. Sleepy. eug. lyc. Staring. acon. aeth. alum, alcohol-s: am-c. amygd. eug. ant-t. arm. ars, asar. bar-m. bell. bry. brucea. Camph. canth. cham. chin. cina. cic. clem. con. Croc. Crotal-casc. croton. Cuprum. cupr-ac. cupr-carb. dig. eupat-purp. glon. hydr-ac. hell. hyos. hep. ign. kali. laur. lachnath. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mercurial. merc-corr. merc. mez. mill. mosch. mur-ac. mux. nux-m. Op. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. ruta. Sec. Seneg, sep. sil, squill. stram. Sulph. tab. Verat. zinc. Strange. aeth. Tired, asclep-tub. asterias. 17 Trembling. con. Unsteady. aloºs. bell. eug. glon, mercurial. paris. Sec. Wacant, lifeless. aeth. crotal-casc. mercurial. plumb. Wºld. ars, bell. Camph. Cuprum. glon. Op. plumb. Sec. viper-t. Abscess. gº natr. (La”). puls. (La.”). — as if a fistula would form, puls. (Ca2). Closing. Involuntary, acon. aeth. agar. alum, ant-t. ars. bell. bar-c. brucea, carb-V. caust, chel. Chin. cocc. gels. hura. lith-c. natr-m. petiveria. plat. Spig. Sulph-ac. tax-b. l, thuy. Heaviness from. alum. alcohol-S. asaf ars. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. cann. caust. Chin. Sulph. cinnab. Croc. cuprum. dig. euphorb. ferr. glon. graph. hep. ign. ind. kali- nit. merc. mercurial. meZ. mur-ac. natr. nux. nux-m. Oleand. OX-ac. phell. plat. phos-ac. rhus. rhus-r. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. Staph. Sulph. tax-b. tarax. viol-od. viol-t. Zlſ] G. Spasmodic. acon. alum. ars, borax. brom. cham. Con. Croc. Croton. (Ca.). Cycl. euphr. graph. (Ca"). hep. hyos. kreas. kali. laur. lyc. r. merc. natr. matr-m. plumb. rhod. l. Sep. sil. Spig. Spong. l. staph, stram. Sulph. tab. viol-od. viol-tr. Sleepiness from. hyos. Pain in forehead from. aloes. Pressed down from headache. thuy. l. (L'). Feel as if they would close. caust. Desire to close eyes, ant-t. apis. Croc. elaps. Ox-ac. firmly. Croc. to partly close, as if to steady eyes. gels. One open, other closed, chin. graph. plumb. Verat. Left closed, right open, from facial palsy, graph. Left, then right. bar-c. Closing difficult. acon. borax. eug. nux-m. Op. 18 Coldness. acon. aesc. l. alum. am-c. arg—nit, asaf asar, r. (Ca') berb. brom. (L) calc. cinnab. Con. Croc. fluor-ac. graph. hura. (L) kali. (L.) lachnanth. lith-c. r. (Ca”) lyc, m-arct. m-aust. micc. (Ca') paris. r. phos-ac. (T. O." C.") plat. r. pimpernel. rhus-r. Seneg. squill. tab. . thuy. as from cold wind, asaf, asar. r (Ca') arg—nit. cinnab. Croc. fluor-ac. m-arct. thuy. dº from head through eye. thuy. cold waler. berb. nice. (Ca.") squill. as from salt. lith-c. r. (Ca.”) from r. ſorehead to r. eye. arg—nit. Color. Blue. ars. (O') ars-hydr. (O") aur. (Ca.”) badiaga. (T) dig, (L) euphr. (Cr) plumb. (S) sars. (Ca.”) sec. (L) tax-b. (L. L.') Verat. Divid, plumb. Red, acon. aeth. agar. alum. r. allium-cep. aloes. alcohol-s. (T) ambr. am-C. am-m. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. apocyn-can. ars. arg-nit. arg. (L. T) asar. asterias. aur. (L) bar-c. bapt. bell. berb. bov.borax (O") brucea.bry. buſo. calc. calc-ac. (Cº) cann-ind. caps. carb-v. (T) caust. (L. L.') cham. chin. chin-hydrocy. cinnab. clem, coff commo- clad. Colch. (T) cimicif. con. corall. Crotal. Croton. coccus. (C) cuprum. cupr-ac. cupr-c. dig. eug. (C.') euphorb. (L') euphr. eryngium. l. elaps. eupat-perf. (T) eupat-purp. ferr. gamb. (Ca.) gent-l. glon. graph. grat. (Ca.*) haem. hep. hell. (L) hura. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. iod. (L) ipec. iris-V. kali. kali-bich. kali-chl. kali- hydr. kali-nitr. kreas. (Ca.) lach. lachmanth. l. (L') lact-v. lepid. lye, m-arct. magn. magn-m. merc. mer- curialis. (T. C*) merc-corr. meph. morph-ac. mur- ac. matr-m. matr-S. nice. nitr-ac. nux. Op. pedic. peti- Veria. phos. phos-ac. (L”) plumb. psoricum. puls. (L) ran-bulb. l. (Ca") ran-sc. raph. rhod. (L.) rhus. rhus-r. (L.) rhus-ver. Sabad. (T) sars. sep, sil. spig. Spong. Stann. Stront. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. sol-t- aegr. (L) tab. teucr. thuy. Val. (T) vinca. (L.) viper-t. Verat. Y. Zinc. zizia. !ellowish-red, eupat-perſ. (S.) dark red. bry. *==== 19 Ted spots. camph. r. puls. Yellow. acon. (S.) agar. ars. ars-hydr. bell. blatta. (S.) canth. cham. chin. Clem. Con. Crotal. cornus-circ. eupat-purp. gels. gram. (S) iod. kali-bich (S) lach. magn-m. myrica. Inux. phos. phos-ac. plumb. Sep. sulph. Verat. Viper-r. dirty. iod. (S) kali-bich. (S) spot. phOS-ac. - Spols, yellow brown. kali-bich. brown. kali-bich. r. (C’) | dark, nitr-ac. (Cr) Congestion. acon. aeth. aloes. am-c. ant-t. apis. (S) ars. (S) arg—nit. aur. bell. Cann. (Cr) cann-ind. cimicif. commoclad. gels. (L) hydrast. (C.”) iod. (S.) kali-bich, laur. l. (Ca.” C.') myrica. magn. r. (Ca.”) phos. plumb. plumb-ac. (Cr.) phOS-ac. (C.”) Seneg. sep. Spig. Sulph. Sol-t-aegr. tab. (Cr.) thuy. (Cr.) Waricose veins. Sach-alb. Blue veins. ign. (L.') Contraction. borax (L.) cann-ind. (L.) Croton, m-aust. plumb. (L.) sep. rhod. (L.) spasmodic. rhod. (L.) Convulsions. acom.aeth. agar. l. alum. amygd. arg—nit.ars. bell. camph. canth. Calc. cham. Chin. Cic. Cocc. cycl. cuprum. dig. eryngium, hydr-ac. hyos. ign. kali-hydr. lach. laur. m-arct. merc. merc-Corr. meny. mill. mosch. matr-m. (L.) Op. petr. phOS-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhod. (L.) Thus-r. ruta. (L. L.”) sec. Seneg, (L’) sil. Stram. spig. Verat. — wbwards. agar, ars. Camph. mosch. Spig. Verat. downwards. aeth. outwards. Camph. Distortion. acon. agar. bell. Camph. cham. chin. cic, hydr-ac. hyos. laur. Op. lach. plumb. plat. phOS-ac. puls. Sec. sil. Spig, stram. Verat. alternates with vomiting. cic. t 2O feeling of petr. Move involuntarily, spig. feeling of calc. Very movable. merc-corr, Uneasy motion. m-arct. Feel unsteady. rhus-r, Spasm. aeth. Croc. (L.) meny. (L.) matr-m. r. (D.) rhod. (L.) ruta. (L.”) stram. (L.) viol-od. (L.) spasmodic contraction. rhod. (L.) like tonic spasm, meny. (L.) drawing open. matr-m. r. (L.) hangs down as from. Stram. (L.') Squinting. acon. alum. aeth. Cycl. eryngium, hyos. plumb, SeC. sensation of meny. puls, Turn inwards. plumb. r. wpwards. amygd, cic, cuprum. mill. Op. Verat. to left. dig. |Wandering. cuprum. Rotation, agar. canth. Creeping. agar. r. ars. (O.”) asar. (L.') bell. berb. (T.”) chin cina. (L.) croc. l. (B.) mill. l. (Ca.”) natr-s. l. nux ol-an. phell. r. (B.) plat. (Ca. Ca.”) Scng. (L.) Sep. (O.” O.") spig. like an insect. matr-S. l. Depressed—feel as if. Cann. (B.) Discharge. aeth. (T") agar. (Ca.") alum. alcohol.s. am-c. am-m. ang. ant-c, apis. arg—nit. ars. arum-tr. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. (T,) borax. bov. bry. calc. calc-ac. carb-an. carb- v. Cham. (L.) chel. China. (Ca.") cinchon-S. cic. Gina. coccus. coff. (Ca”) con. Croc. dig. dros. (L) eryngium. cupat-perf. (T.") euphras. (Ca.) euphorb. ferr. (L.) graph. grat. gamb. guiac. (L.) hep. hydrast, ign. ipec. (Ca.) iod. (L.) kali. kali-bich. (Ca.) kali-hydr. kreas. laur. lact-v. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. (L.) m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. mang. merc. mercurial. mill. mur-ac. matr. (L') matr-m. matr-S. nicc.nitr-ac. nux. (Ca.) Ol-an. Ox-ac. paris. phos. phOS-ac. phytolac. (L.) plat. puls. rhod. rhus, rhus-r. Sabad. (Ca.") Sars, Sep, sil. Spig. Spong. 21 staph. (Ca.”) stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tarax, thuy. Verat. (L.) viol-tr. (Ca.) zinc. Hardening eye gum. aeth. (T.") alum. ant-c. (L. Ca.) arg- nit. ars-tersulph. (Ca.) bar-c. bism. (Ca.) calc. (T.) caust. cinchon-S. coff (Ca.) con. dig. (Ca.) hell. (Ca.) kali. kreas. (Ca.) natr. (Ca.) (Ca.) ox-ac. paris. phos-ac. Seneg. (T." Ca.) staph. (Ca.”) sulph. (T.") — Mucous. aeth. (T.") agar. (Ca.'.”.)alum. r. alcohol-s. ant c. apis. r. arg—nit. bar-c. (L.) bism. (Ca.) calc-ac. caust. (Ca.) cham. chim. (Ca.") coff. (Ca.”) con. dig. euphorb. (Ca.") eupat-perf. (T") euphr. (Ca.) ferr. (L.) graph. grat. guiac. (L. Ca.) hep. ign. ipec. (Ca.") kali-bich. (Ca.) kali-hydr. lact-v. lyc. mgs. magn. magn-m. natr. (L.) matr-m. (Ca.") nitr-ac. nux. (Ca.") phos. r. puls. plat. rhod. (Ca.”) sabad. (Ca.") sil. Seneg. (T′) spig. staph. (Ca.”) sulph. tarax, thuy. (Ca.”) viol-tr. (Ca.) — Purulent. ars. bry. bell. calc. cham. (Ca.) eryngium. /. euphr. grat. (Ca.) graph. kali-hydr. led. lyc. nux. plat. Spong. Sulph. Zinc. (Ca.”) — Gumminess. agar. (L.) calc-ac. (L.) cham. (L.) eupat- perſ. (T.") led. (L.) mercurial. natr. nitr-ac. spig. (L.) Sealing lids, aeth. (T) agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ang, ant-c. apis, arg—nit. ars. arum-tr. bar-C. (L. Cal.) bell. borax. bov. bry. calc. carb-am. l. carb-v. Castoreum. caust. cham. (L) chel. cic. cima. coccus. Con. (Ca.”) Croc. dig. dros. (L) eryngium. l. erigeron. (L.) euphorb. r. euphr. , ſerr. graph, grat. (I) gamb. hep. hydrast. (L) ign. iod. (L) kali. kali-nitr. r. kali-bich.kreas.laur, led. leptandr. (L) lyc, m-arct. (L.) magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mercurial. (L.) mill. mur-ac. matr. matrim. matr-S. mice. nitr-ac. nux. (Cal.) nux-m. ol-an. phos. r. phos-ae. phytolacc. (L) puls. puls-mutt. (L.) rhod, rhus. Thus. r. sars. Sep. sil, stann. Stram. staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tarax. thuy. Verat. (L) zinc. Zizia. (L) white. alcohol-s. berb. (T) lachmanth. hydrast. thick. hydrast. foam. berb. (T) watery. mercurial. petr. (Ca.) dampness. arg-nit. m-aust. natr-S. rhod. — foºtid, led. corrosive. lyc. 'ſellow. agar. Zizia. (L) hinders sighl. arg—nit. Feel agglutimated. carb-v. l. caust. Colch. gymnocl, l, m-aust, Initr. r. nicc. plat. * 22 Distension, fulness. aeth. arg—nit. aur. Cann-ind. (L') cinnab. gels. (L) Illl NC-1}l. ſeeling oſ. ant-t, asar. bapt. bism. Cann-ind. caust. guiac. hep. hyos. matr. nux-m. paris, plumb. Spig, Seneg, thuy. Drynless. acon. (L') agar. alum. ammoniac, aug. (L') arg—nit. arm. (L') ars. asaſ, asar. bar-c. bell. berb. Carb- v. (L') calend. (T) caust. chin. chin-s. cina. Clem. cobalt. cocc. (L) col. Corrall. Croc. crotal. Cycl. (L) daphn. (L) elaps. euphorb. (L. Ca.) euphr. gamb, gels. graph. (L) grat, hippom-manc. (L) ipec, (L) ign. (L') kali. kali-bich (L). kreas. lachnanth. lach. laur. lith-c. lyc. mgs. (L.) m-arct. (L), m-aust. (L.) magn-c. magn-m. mang. merc-COrr. mercurial. meZ. matr. matr-m. matr-S. nice. nitr-ac. (L') mux-m. nux. Ol-am. pallad. phell. petr. (L*) paeon. pho. puls. rhod. rhus. (L. Caº). Sars. (L) Seneg, sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph, thuy. tongo. Verat. Zinc. as if they rubbed against lids. ars, sulph. look dry. kreas. feel dry. graph. (L.) lith-c. mercurial. (L). nux-m. Jºruptions. aeth. (Cr) aloes. (Ca.") alcohol-s. (L') am m. alum. (L*) ant-c. ars-hyd. (B) aur, (T′) bar-c. brom. (L'), bry. (L'. Ca.”) camph. canth. (L') cainca. (L*) caust. (B.L.') chel. (L'), cinnab. (L') cobalt. (L') euphras. (O") fluor. ac. (B) guiac. (B) hep. (L') iod. (B) kali (B) kali-bich, lyc. (L') lach. (L') lachmanth. (L') merc. m-arct. (T) mill, mosch. (L') matrim. (B. O’. T.) natris. (C".) nitrºac. (L. Cr.) phos. (O’) petr. (L) puls, ran-sc. (B) rhod. (B). Sep. (L'Or.) Seneg (T) selen. (B.T) spong. (B) stann. (B) staph. Sulph. (L. C') tax-b. (Ca') tarax. (B) thuy. (T. B.) Boil. bry. (Ca”) iod. r. (B.) matr-m. (O’.) phos. (O’.) Herpetic. bry. (L'.) sep. (L') tax-b. l. (Cal.) lſoist. ant-c. Pimples. aur. r. (Tº.) alum. (L*.) bry. l. (L*.) bar-c. (Cº.) canth. (L'.) cinnab. l. (L'.) guiac. (B.) hep. (L'.) kali. l. (B) 23 Pimples. lach. l. (L'.) lyc. (L') mosch. (L'.) mill. matr-m. (T.) nitrºac. (L'.) petr. (L.) ran-sc. l. (B.) rhod. l. (B.) stann. (B.) staph. (O’.) sulph. (L.) sars. (L.) tarax. (B.) thuy. (Tº.) hard, guiac. r. (T3.) ran-sc. (B.) Pustules. aeth. (Cr) alcohol-s. (L'.) aloes, r. (Cal.) caimc. *. (L*.) chel. (L'.) kali-bich. (C". Cr.) lyc. (L.) merc. sep. (Cr.) thuy. (B.) Scabs. sep. (B.) spong. (B.) Scales. cobalt. (L'.) fluor-ac. (B.) sep. (B.) Souſs. merc. (T. O’.) Spots, brown. kali-bich. T. (Cº.) dark. milr-ac. (Cr.) ºred. Camph. puls. yellow. kali-bich. Urlicaria. sars. (L.) - Vesicles. am-m. bar-c. brom. r. (L'.) canth. lachmanth. l. (L'.) m-arct. (T".) selen. (B. T.) Senega. l. (T".), sulph. (Cº.) Warts. caust. (B. L.) mitr-ac. (L.) TWhilening. ars-hyd. (B.) Elevated red blotches. fluor-ac. (B.) Hard knots. lachnanth. l. (L'.) staph. Burning. alcohol-s. (L'.) stann. (B.) sars. (L.) (after rubbing.) Painful to touch. cinnab. l. (L'.) stann. (B.) Painful lubercle, thuy. (B.) Slinging. Sars. (L). Itching. alcohol-s. (L'.) selen. (B. T.) sars. (L.) Blister-like elevations. matr-s. (Cº.) False Sensations. Dust. ambr. bar-c. cocc. dig. (Ca”.) ign. (Cal.) hura. lxali-mitt. lach. lachmanth. lyc. magn-m. Theum. l. Thus, sars. zinc. r. Crumbs. hura. Hard body, oleand. Cutting body. merc. ("oreign body, agar, l. (Ca, Ca.") alum. ', ammoniac. anac. apis, aur. borax. bov. Calc. calc-phos. caps. Carb-an. . cin- nab. Croc. gels. kali-bich. kreas. lye. meny. (L’.) meph. matr-m. matr-s, oleand. phos. plumb. puls. Thod. stamm. r. staph. l. sulph-ac. (Cal.) tarax, thuy. viol- tr. (L'.) 24 Hair. coccus. kali-nitr. l. m-aust. natr. puls. ran-bulb. Sang. tab. * Sand. alum. (Ca.**) anac. (L'.) arg-nit. ars. l. asaf apocy- Pus. e cann. asclep-tub. amphisbaen. r. bar-c. (Ca.'.) bell. berb. borax. brucea. bry. calc. calc-caust. caust. carb-v. chin. cina. Con. cobalt. (L.) crotal-casc. (Ca.') corall. dig. euphorb. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. l. grat. graph. (L.) haem. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kali-bich. kali. kali-nitr. kreas. lith-c. m-arct. magn-m. merc. mosch. natr-m. nicc. nitr-ac. ol-an. Ox-ac. l. phytolac. peti- veria. petr. phos-ac. l. phos. plat. r. puls. pediculus. rheum. l. rhod. r. (Ca3.) rhus. Sars. l. Seneg. (L.) selen. (L*.) Sep. r. sil. spig. stann. (L'.) staph. (L'.) stront. r. tarax. r. (Ca.”.) teucr. r. thuy. tongo. r. (Ca.”.) urt-ur. viol-tr. zinc. Zingib. l. g uphorb. r. Grease. Calc. Mucus. apis. l. puls. Ball lying in eye, magn-S. l. Insect. Lentil. rheum. l. crawling, natr-S. l. natr-S. l. Lime-dust. rhus r. Acrid vapor. Sang. Smoke. allium-cepa. As iſ fresh wind were blowing on them. fluor-ac. A thorn. calc-caust. As if a pendulum moved in eye. mgs. Feel surrounded by stones. kali-nitr. Something rising in eye. am-m. Hindering sight, am m. carb-v. puls. Hemorrhage. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. Crotal. elaps nux. Ecchymosis. arm. (L.) bell. Crotal. Flairs. Fall out. agar. (B.) alum. (T".) plumb. (B.) selen. (B.) Irregular. borax. (T".) Inverted. borax. (T".) Hardness. acon. (L.) spig. (L.) badiaga. (T".) 25 JHeat, acon. aeth. agar, allium-cepa (B.) ammoniac. arg—nit. ars. (O’.) asar. asterias. apocyn-cann. bar-c. bell. benz- ac. berb. bov.bry. (L.) calc.cann-ind. caust. cham. chin. cimiciſ. (L'.) cic. (O.) clem. con. corall. dig. dulc. eug. fluor-ac. (O") glon. l. graph. hydr-ac. kali. kali- bich. kreas. lach. lith-c. laur. lyc. mang. mercurial. merc. meph. meZ. murure. matr. matr-s. nice. paris. . (L.) petr. phos. phos-ac. (L'.) plat. plumbago. psoric. puls-nutt. rhod. Thus r. ruta. Sabin. Sep. sil. spig. staph. Sulph. tab. thuy. (Ca.'.) tilia. Verat. verb. viol- 'od. viper-t. º as if in warm vapor. bell. Verat. as from Smoke. aeth. º * as if heat were coming out. cham. natr-s. as if fire were coming out. cham. clem. dulc. eug. as if bathed in tears. Corall. moves quickly through eye. Con. Beaviness. acon. (L)aescul-hipp. aloes. alcohol-s(L)apis. r. ars-met. arum-tr. bell. berb. (L) brom. (L) borax. calc. (L) calc-caust. (L) carb-v. caust. chim. Cimicif. cinnab. col, (L) croc. croton. commoclad. Cornus-circ. crotal- casc. (L) daphn. (L) dig, (L) euphorb. (L) glon. (L') gels, (L) gins. (L) graph. (L) haem. hipp-manc. kali- bich. lachnanth, lyc. mercurial. mur-ac. (L') mitchell. myrica. matr. (L') matris. (L) phos-ac. (L) phos. plumb. podoph. pallad. l. puls-nutt. (L) petiveria. (L.) rhus. (L) rhus-r. Sep. (I) spig, (L) spong. (L.) Sulph. thuy. viol-od. (L) Sleepiness. borax. kali. rhus-r, staph, stram. As if he had not slept long enough, thuy. As ºf a weight were on eyes. carb-v. Hollow—sunken. ambr, anac. arg—nit. ars, ars-hydr. berb. Calc. Camph. chin. cinchon-s, cic, col, cornus-circ. Grotal. cuprum. cupr-ac. cycl. dros. ferr, glon, gran. hyos. iod. iris-v. kali, lach, lyc, morph-ae, nitr-ac. mux. Oleand. Op. phos. phos-ac. phytolac, plumb. podoph. puls, raph. sec. spong, stann, staph. Sulph, teucr. tilia, verat. viper-t. * 26 feeling of chin. cinchon-s. gent-cr. iod, lyc. zinc. at intervals. Cinchon-s. Inflammation. acon, ath. (T) alum. ambr. am-c. ant-c. apis. arg—nit. ars. ars-met, asar. badiaga, bapt. bar-c. bar.m. (L) bell. borax. (T") bov. brom. bry. brucea. (Ca) calc. calc-ac. (Cº) camph. canth. caps. carb-v. r. caust. cham. chel. cimicif. (L.) cinnab. r. clem. commoclad. COccus. col. Con. convul-duart. l. cuprum. cupr-ac. cupr-ars. daphn.dig. dulc. elaps. eryngium. l. euphorb. euphras. eug. r. gels, gran, graph. grat. hep. hyos, hura. l. ign. l, ind. (Tº) ipec. iod. iris-v. (L) kali. (L) kali-bich. kali-hydr. kalm. kreas. lach. l. led. lyc. mgs. (L.) m- aust. (T) magn. magn-m. merc. merc-corr. merc- biniod. r. merc-ac. (Ca) mimosa. l. mur-ac. matr. matr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. (C) Op. paullin. . petr. phos. r. phOS-ac. phytolac. l. plumb. plumbago. l. psoric. (L) puls, rat. rhus. rhus-r. Sacch-alb. Sars. (L) sep. sil. Spig, (L) staph. Stram. Sulph. tarax. teucr. thuy. Val. (T) verat. ')". Z]]]C. 7”. Chemosis. acon. kali-hydr. Granules, eryngium. l. (C) kali-bich. (C) Like pterygium, rat. Periodical, caust. Inflammatory softening. thuy. (C") Alternates with photophobia. sil. Numb. Insensibility. ars-hydr. (B) lach. plumb. (L) cinnab. mercurial. (L) plat. Itching. acon. aeth. (B) agar. T. agnus. allium-cepa, alcohol-s. alum. ambr. am-m. ant-C. apis. l. arg. (Ca L') arg—nit. l. arm. (Ca) arS. arum-m. asaf, asclep-tub. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. (Ca) berb. borax. brom, bow. brucea. bry. (L) bufo. Calc. calc-ac. camph. (L) carb-an. carb-v. caust. canth. Carduus. chim. (B L) chel. cima. (T) cinnab. clem. (Ca) Col. colocynthin. con. (T) croc. (L) Croton. (L) crotal (Ca) erotal-case. (Ca) cuprum. cycl. dros, (L)elaps, l.eug, euphorb. (T. Ca)ferr. fluor-ac.l. r. 2'ſ gamb. gins. (L. T) glon. (Ca”) graph. grat. (L. T.) gran. (Ca) hell. (Ca.) hyos. (Ca) hura. (L) ign. iod. (L) indig. (Ca) jatroph. (T) juncus. (T) kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. (L) kali-nit. kalmia.kreas. lach. lamium.(Lº Ca) laur. lachnanth. (L. Ca”) led. (Ca”) lepidium. lye. lobel-in. (Ca) mgs. (L.) m-arct. m-aust. (L.) magn. magn-m. mang. merc. merc-ac. (Ca) mercurial. mez. (Ca” Tº) mill. mimosa. mosch. mur-ac. natr. matr-m. matr-S. mice. nitrºac. nux. ol-an. (Lº Ca”) oleand. Op. (L”) paeon. pallad. pedicul. (L) petr. phos. phos-ac. phell. phytolac. plat. plumb. (L' Ca”) plumb-ac. (Ca) prunus. (Ca T) puls. ran-bulb. rat. (L*) rhod. rhus. (L') rhus r. ruta. (T Ca”) sars. (O”) selen. (T) sep. sil. spig. l. r. spong. (L) squill. staph. (T Ca”) stront. l. stann. l. Sulph. Sulph-ac. (LP) tab. (Ca”) tax-b. tilia, (L Ca") tongo. (Ca”) viol-tr. zinc. -— corrosive. agnus. (B L) ars. Jachrymation. acon. agar, agnus. allium-cepa, aloes. alcohol-s. alum. ambr. am-C. am-m. amphisb. l. anac. ant-t. apis. r. arn. arum-tr. ars, asar. aur. bapt. bar-c. bell. berb. blatta. borax. bov. branca. bry. Cadm-s. calc. calc-caust. camph. Canth. Cauloph. Caps. Carb-a. Carb-v. r. cas- toreum. caust. chel. Chin. Chin-sulph. chim-hydrocy. cimicif. cima. cinnab. T. Clem. Cobalt. Colch. commo- clad. Col. Con, corall. Croc. Croton. Crotal. Crotal-case. cuprum, cupr-ars. daphn. dig. eug. eupat-purp. eupat- perſ. euphorb. euphras. ferr., ferr-mag. fluor-ac. gamb. gins. gels, grat. graph. gymnocl. hell. hep. hydrast. iod. iris-V. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kreas. lach. lachmanth. laur. led. leptand. lepid. lyc. mgs. m-arct. Im-aust. Imagm. magn-m. magn-S. merc- biniod. r. merc. mercurial. meny. meZ. mill. mosch. matr. matr-S. matr-m. nicc. nitr-ac. mux. Oleand. Ol-an. op. osmium. paris. paullin. . . petiveria. petr. phell. phytolac. l. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb, plumb-ac. plumbago. puls. l. puls-nutt. ran-bulb. ran-sc. rhus. rhus-r. l. rhus-ven. rheum. rhod. ruta. l. Sabad. Sabin. sang. r. sars. Sec. Seneg. Senecio-aur. Selen. sil. Spong. spig. Sol-t-ægr. squill. Stann. Staph, stram. Stront. sulph. Sulph-ac. l. tax- b. tarax. tab. teucr: thuy, l. tongo. val. Verat. Ver-vir. viol-Od. Xanthox. Zinc, Zing. Z1718. 28 Acrid. ars, bell. calc. l. Col. con. dig. euphr. gamb. (Ca”) graph. ign. kali-nit. r. kreas. led. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. plumb. plumb-ac. puls, rhus. Sabin. Sep, spig, staph. Sulph. * * like pepper. eug. as if catarrh were coming on, mercurial, cold. lach. l. • * — greasy. Sulph. - Scalding. arm. phos-ac, — burning. arn. Cadm-S. euphr. natrºs, phos-ac, saltish. bell. kreas. rhus, Tedrs remain standing in eye. thuy. |Watery eyes. ant-t. carb-an. cinnab, kali-hydr, m-aust. magn. merc-biniod. mercurial. Op. paris, phell, rheum. rhus. sil. l. Squill. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. Zing. Zizia. As ºf lachrymation would come on. ars-iod. bar-c, croc. plat. Sep. Spig. Eyes feel watery. Chin, cinnab, l, corall, mercurial. mitch, nitr-ac. sil, Sulph, Eyes feel as from crying. arum-tr, Croc, Left then right, bar.c. Followed by coryza. Sang. - Alternates with photophobia. sil. Preventing sight. matr.S. r. Open less than usual. agar. am-c. arn. arg-nit, bapt. cham. hydr-ac. laur. lyc. Op. petiveria. plumb. Squill, l. from pain in head, am-c. Open more than usual. ant-c. asaf bell. brucea. hydr-ac. laur. lyc. natr-m. plumb. staph. r. squill. Half open during sleep. ant-t. bell. bry. chin. Col. ferr. hell, ign, ipec, op. phos-ac. Samb. stram. Sulph. Verat, one open, other closed, chin. One open, other closed, plumb. Verat, Opened unequally, ehin. plumb. 29 Difficu Opening—difficulty of agar. alum. l. ambr. am-c. arg—nit. ars. bar-c. bell, borax. bov. brom. carb-v. caps. caust, cham. cina. cocc, con. Croc. cuprum, dros. elaps. euphorb. ferr, gels, gins. hell, hep, hyos. kali. lach, lith-C, lyc. magn. magn-m. mercurial. merc. natr. natr-m. nice, nitriac, nux-m. paon. petr, phos, puls, rhus, sep. sil, Spig, Spong, l, sulph ac, thuy. Verat, Paralysis. alum. (L') am-c. (L) bar-m. bell, (L') brucea. dulc. (L') gins. (L') hydr-ac. lach. (L.) laur, mercurial, nitr. ac. nux-m. (L) op. plumb. rhus. (L) sep. (L.) Spig, (L) stram. (L') verat. (L') zinc. (L') lt to move. am-c. (L) hydr-ac. mercurial. nux-m, (L) from pressure, am-c. (L) Immovable, bar-m. brucea. laur, nitr-ac. Op. plumb, Remai n wherever turned from weakness. Spig. Feel lame. alum. (L') Pulsation. rheum. Seneg. Projecting. acon. aeth, aloes. amygd. ang. arm. r. ars, aur. bell. borax. brom. brucea, canth. caps. Chin. Cic. cocc. con. cuprum. glon. gymnocl. guiac. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. laur. m-arct. merc. merc-corr. mercurial. morph-ac. mosch. nux. Op. plumb. rhus. Spig, spong. Squill. stann. Staph. Stram. Verat. Viper-r. viper-t. Feel projecting. bell. commoclad. r. glon, guiac, rhus. Scutell. Restlessness. cuprum. glon. kali-hydr. zinc. l. Sensitiveness. acon. aloes. (O) ant-t. bell. l. (Ca”) bov) (O2) bry. Calad. Chin-sulph. cinnab. Clem. col. cuprars. dig. elaps, eryng. l. hep. kali. (L) kali-bich. magn-m. mang. (L.) merc. (L.) matr. matr-m." (O”) nice. nux. r. (B) phytolac, rhus-ven. Sang. r. thuy. 3O to open air, acon. to cold air. cinnab. clem. to cold water. elaps. to touch. acon. arg—nit. bell. bov. (O") bry. Calad. chin- sulph. hep. kali. (L) kali-bich. magn-m, mang, (L) merc. (L.) matr. natr.m. nice. nux. (B) phytolac. Sang. r. thuy. r. to pressure. eryngium. l. Stiffness. alum. (L) berb. calc. l. cinnab. (L') caust, kalm. lach. meny. mercurial. phos-ac. rhus. (L) seneg. spig, (L) verat. (L) Stye. alum. (L') apis. aur. (L) colch. (L*) con. (L) dig, (L) elaps. l. ferr. (L') graph. (L*) lach (L") lyc. (L.) matr-m. (Ca”) phos. (IP) phos-ac. (L') puls. (L.) rhus. (L*) Seneg. (L”) sep. (L) sulph. (L' Ca”) solan-ol. (L*) zizia. (L') feeling of meny. (L) Swelling. acon. (L) ath. agar. (L. Ca' **) allium-cepa. (O”) alum. (L) ant-t. apis. (B L) arg. (LT) arg—nit. (C Ca") arn. (L) ars, ars-met. (L.) arum-tr. (T) asar. (L') aur. (L) bar-c. bar-m. (L) bell. (Lº La Ca") brom. (Laº) bry. buſo. calc. (L. Ca) carb-v. l. cainca. (L') cham. cimicif. (L) cinchon-s. cinnab. (Ca”) cochlear. cocc. colch, (L) col. commoclad. Croc. Croton. (L) cycl., (L) dig. (L*) eleis. l. r. eryngium. l. euphorb. (L.) euphr. (L.) eupat. purp. ferr. (L) ſerr-mag. (L*) glon. (L*) graph. (L. La") guiac. hell. (L.) hep. hyos. hura. (L*) ign. (L) iod. (L) kali. r. kali-bich. kali-hydr. (LC) kreas. (LT) lach. (L") lachnanth. (T) led. (CS) lup. lyc. (L.) m.aust. (T") magn. magn-m. (L.) mang. merc. (L.La") merc-corr. merc-biniod. morph-ac. (L') mosch. (L') mur-ac. (L) matr. (L.) matr-m. (Laº) nice. nitr-ac. nux. Op. (L*) petr. (Laº) phytolac. (L) phos. r. phos-ac. (LP) plumb. (L) psoric. (L) puls. ram-bulb. (Ca") raph. (L*) rhod. (L) rhus. rhus-r. (L.) rhus-ven. Sacch-alb. (L) sars. r. (Ca”) sec. (L) sil. (La”*) Seneg, (L) sep. Squill. (L') stann. (Ca”) stram. Spig. (O") spong. (L) teucr. (L') thuy. (L) tilia. urt-ur. (L) val. (L.) viper-r. (L) zinc. (L') 31 erysipelatous. Thus. like dropsy of eye. magn. — 02dematous. apis. (L) ars. (L.) Cainca. (L') croton. (L) hura. (LP) iod. (L) kali-bich. (L) kali-hydr. (L.) rhus- r. (L.) rhus-ven. Sacch-alb. (L) urt-ur. (L) as if from much weeping. Croc. emphysematous. phos. (L') red, hard. acon. (L) thuy. (L) reddish blue. phytolac. (L) Look swelled. magn. Feel swelled. acom. apis. (O’”) bapt. berb. (L) carduus. caust. (L) cinnab. (L) cirnicif. Col. Colch. coccus. (T) croc. cycl. (L) guiac. hyos. ipec. lach. magn. meny. mez. mercurial. matr-m. nice. nux-m. Op. paris. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. (L. Ca”) rhus-r. (L.) Sarracen. Seneg. spig. tarax. (L) thuy. Val. (T) Twitching, jerking, quivering. alcohol-s. (L) alum. am-m. amphisb. (L') anac. (L) ang. (B) ant-c. (L. Ca") apis. l. ars. l. arum-tr. (L') asaf. (L) asar. (L' *) asterias. (L) bell. (L) berb. (L) bry. (i.) calc. (L*) canth. (LP) camph. (L. Ca") carb-an. carb-v. (L") carduus. (L') caust. (B) cham. chin. cic. (L*) cina. (BL) col. colch. (L*) coccus. (L*) con. (L') croton. crotal-casc. (B) croc. (L) cuprum. (L) dulc. (L) fluor- ac. (O") glon. grat. (B I) gran. (L') hell. (B L) hura. (L*) hyos. hydr-ac. (L') ind. (L) iod. ipec, (L).jatropha. (L) kali. (B) kali-bich. (L) kali-chlor. (Ca”) kali-hydr. (L*) kreas. (L.) lach. r. lachnanth. (L' Ca) lyc. (L) mgs. (L*) m-arct. (L.) magn. (L.) magn-m. (L') mang. merc. (L.) mercurial. (L') meny. (L.) mez. (L') mur-ac. * (L') matr. (L.) matr-m. nice. nitr-ac. (L'O') nux. (L) ol-an. (B L) op. (L) paris. (L') petr. phos. (L. Ca") phos-ac. (LP) phell. (L) plat, (L) plumb. puls. (L.) rat. r. rheum. (L.) rhod. (L') rhus. (L.) rhus-r. (L') ruta. (B) sabin. (L') sars. r. (L') seneg, (L. Ca") selen. l. sep. (L’ O’) sil. (L) stann. stront. (L') sulph, sulph-ac. (Ca") sol-t-aegr. (L') tab. (L') thuy, r, therid, r, tongo. (L') verat. (L) zinc. l. as if it would jump out, alum, l feeling of diadem. Ulceration. ant-c. (Ca.) ars. (Cr) borax. (T") bell. (Cr) calc. (Cr) calc-ac.(Cal) clem. (T) colch.(Tº)col.(C)croton. (CCr) 32 euphr. (T) hep. (Cr) kali. (Ca) lach. (Cr) lyc. (L) merc. (Ca T Cr) mercurial. (T) matr. (C’ Cr) natr- m. (L. Ca) sil (Cr) spig. (L.T.) stram. (L) sulph. (T Cr) zinc. (Ca") º Weariness, fatigue, weakness. amphisb. ang. ant-t. atham. apis. bar-c. calc. caust. cina. graph. hura. indig. iod. lepid. (T,) lyc. natr-S. mitr-ac. pedic. petr. rheum. Zinc. Winking. am-c. ant-c. anac. arg—nit. bell. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. caust. chin. Con. Croc. cuprum. euphr. fluor-ac. glon. hep. mercurial. mez. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. plat. r. spig. Stann. Staph. Paºms. Undefined or aching. aloes. (O Ms) alum. amphisb. apis. arg- mit. ars. (L'T) ars-met. asclep-tub. badiaga. (G") bar-c. bapt. brom.. bufo. calc. calc-caust. (L') caust. canth. (L") caulloph. Carb-v. (Ms) chin. cinchon-s. cina. cinnab. cimicif. clem. cobalt. croc. commoclad, croton. crotal-c. (B O') cornus-circ. delph. (B) daphn. dig. elaps. (B O’) eryng. eupat-perf. l. ferr. gels. gins. (L') graph. gymnocl. hep. hippom. hydrast. (B) hura. (Ca”) hyper. iod. (O) iris-V. (B) janiph. (O) kali. kali-bich. kali-chlor. (L') kalm. lach. (Ca”) lepid. lobel-inf. lith-C. leptand. (L') lyc. mang. mercurial. merc. merc-iod. (O) merc-biniod. r. meph. mez. matr. (O”) natr-m. (Laº) nitr-ac. nux. (B) oleand. Ox-ac. paull. (B) phos. (T) phos-ac, plat. plumb. (O) ran-bulb. Ian-sc. rhus. rhus-r. (Ca' B)rhus-ver. ruta. Sabin. sang. r. sars. selen. (O") sep. spig. Solan-ol. (Ca”) staph. (O’) stram. sulph. tab. triost. urt-ur. r. val. (L) verat. Xanthox. (L') zinc. as ºf from reading too much. Oleand. from insufficient sleep. val. from looking through too sharp spectacles, croc. from sleepiness, ferr. from Smoke. nitr-ac. — from fullness of blood, nitr-ac. — from Over-ealertion. meph. ruta. as if a stye would form, meph. (T) * 33 violent. alum. badiaga. cupr-ars. (O”) 'ntermitting. badiaga. Sabad. transient. asclep-tub. from above downwards.gels. (G°) — from within outwards. asterias. across brows. cinnab. (Ca”) to temple. bar-c. l. cinnab. (La') lith-c. (B) to temples. badiaga. to forehead. hura. (O) badiaga. to left side of head. badiaga. to occiput. cimicif. r. comoclad. (G") to supra-orbital region. acon. (G°) to brain, acon. (G°) to ear. bar-c. l. lith-c. (B) — from head to eyes, puls. — from temple to orbit. lith-c. from forehead to eyes. badiaga. phos. — from nose to eye. gels. Burning. acon. aescul-hipp. (Ca” G*) ath. agar. agnus. allium- cepa, alum, aloes, alcohol-s. (T) ambr. r. am-C. am-m. ant-t. ang. apis. r. arg—nit. arn. ars. ars-iod, asaf asar. aur. bapt. bar-c. bell. berb. borax. l.bov, brom.brucea. bry. l calc. calc-ac. (L') calc-caust. Canth. Calad. Caps. carb-an, carb-v. Castoreum. cann-ind. caust. cham. chenopod, cic, cina. (L. T. Caº) cinnab. (Ca”) clem. cobalt. coccus. (LT) col. l. colch. (T) con. Corrall. crotal, croton, crocus. cycl. cuprum, diadem. dig. (B. Ca' *) dros. l. elaps. eryng, eug, ferr, fluor-ac. gamb. gels. (Ca”) gins. (L) glon, (Caº) gran. (Ca") graph, gymnocl. l. hell. hipp-mane.hura. (Caº) hydrast. ign. indig. (L*) iris-v. (Ca”) iter. (L) kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kreas. kalm. l. lach. lact-v. lach- manth. laur, led. lepid. lob-c. lob-inf. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-m, magn-s, mang. mercurial. merc. merc- corr. merc-ac. (Ca) merc-biniod. meph. meny. (B L') mez. (L”) mill. matr. natr-m. natr-S. mice. nitr-ac. mux. nux-jugl. nux-mosch. ol-an, oleand. (L.) osmium, paeon. paris. petiveria. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. pimpernel. plat. plumb. (O') puls, puls-nutt. ram-bulb. (L”) ran-sc. (T) rat. rheum. (T) rhod, rhus. rhus-r. rhus-ven. r. sabad. sang. r. sars. (L) seneg. (LT) sil. sol-t-aegr. spig. Spong. l. squill. (Ca") stann. Staph. stram. Stront. Stict. (L) sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. l. 34. tax-b. (L) thuy. r. therid. (G") tongo. val. vinca. (L) viol-Od. zinc. Zingib. as from alcohol lotion. rhus-ven. as from something corrosive. Sabad. l. as from hot air. aloes. as from smoke. aeth. thuy. as if burnt. nux. (B) as from lime. Sulph. as if a burning pellicle were forming towards centre of eye. rat. as if they gave out heat. matris. intermitting. asaf, Sabad. periodical. rhod. lengthways. borax. l. diagonally. dros. from r. Ca' to ear. staph. a burning spark shoots from r. O" to root of mose. bar-c. — in alternate eyes. Guprum. frow teeth to orbits and ears. Sulph. followed by coryza. Sang. alternating with pressing. Sars. (L) Eroding. ars. kreas. r. m-aust. mang. (Ca") mu-ac. (Ca") rheum. plat. (B) puls. (L) As if raw. aeth. (L O’) alum. (G°) col. (L.) matr-m. nux. (T) nux-m. ol-an. (Ca”) plat. (O”) spig. (Ca” G") verat. (L) Scraping. laur. (Ca) plumb. (Ca”) puls. sil. (L*) stann. Sulph. as if rubbed with a woolen cloth. Stann. Smarting like a sore. acon. (L) aescul-hipp. aeth. (L O’) agar. agnus. alum. (T Ca”) ambr. ant-t. (Ca”) ang. (L) apis. arn. (T") arum-tr. arg-nit.asar. bapt. bar-c. bell. borax. (T) bry. bufo. calc. (L*) canth. carb-an. carb-v. caust. (Lº Ca”) cham. (Ca") cina. cinnab. clem. cobalt. coccus. con. (Ca”) colch. comoclad. cornus-circ. corall. croc. cuprum. cupr-ars. (O") dig, (T Ca") dros. (L*) eupat- perf. euphorb. erigeron. eryng. gels, gins. (LT) glon. graph. gran, (Ca) guiac. gymnocl. hell. (Ca) hep. (Ca") hura. (Laº) hydrast. ign. (Ca") iod. jatroph. (T) kali. kali-bich. kreas. led. (L*) leptand. lith-c. lob-c. lob- inf. lye. m-aust. (L. Ca”) mang. (Ca") merc-iod. (O) mercurial. meZ. mur-ac. (Ca) natr. r. natr-m. nicc. (Ca”) nitr-ac. l. nux. (T Ca”) oleand. (B) ox-ac. paeon. pedicul, phos. phos-ac. phytolac. pimpernel. r. plantag. (L) plat. r. podoph. puls. (Ca”) puls-nutt. (L.) ran-bulb. T. ran-Sc. rhod. r. rhus. (L.) Thus-T. rhus-ven, rumex. 35 ruta. Saracen-p. sep. sil. (L. Ca O') spig. Sticta. stront. sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. teucr. thuy. Val. (LT) verat. (L) zinc. Zingib. Zizia. as from alcohol lotion. rhus-ven. as from wind. mercurial. as from weeping. pedicul. periodical. rhod. r. Stinging, biting. acon. agnus-allium. cepa. alum. ambr. ant-t. (Ca”) apis. r. arg-nit. l. ars. asparag. asar. (Ca) aur. (L') bell. berb. bry. calc. calnd (T) camph. (L. Cal) canth. caps. carb-an. Carb-v. l. Castoreum. caust. chin. cinnab. cimicif. (L) clem. Col. Colch. (Ca+) croc. Croton. dig. eug. euphr.. ferr. ferr-mag. (Ca) gamb. gent-lut. (L') graph. grat. (Ca”) gymnocl. r. hell. hep. (L') kali. kali-hydr. r. kali-nit. kalm. kreas. ign. (T Ca") indig. (Ca”) lach. laur, lact-v. lyc. r. mgs. m-arct. (Ca) magn. l, magn-m. magn-S. mercurial. merc. mez. (Ca) mosch. mur-ac. (Ca”) natr-m. nice. (Ca”) nitr-ac. nux. ol-an. oleand. l. Oxal-ac. (Ca”) petiveria. (O") petr. phyto- lac. phell. phos. plumb. r. puls, ran-bulb. r. ran-sc. rat. r. rhod. r. rhus. Thus-r. (Ca”) ruta. (Ca”) sang. sars. Selen. Seneg. sep. r. sil. (Ca) spig. (L. Ca” G**) spong. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tarax. teucr. (Ca”) thuy, tongo. (L') val. verat. (Cº) viol-tr. l. zinc. Zingib. as from something acid, graph, mgs. phell. as from hartshorn. asfrom horseradish. mercurial. merc.phell. (L')phytolac. as from pepper. eug. — as from salts. Canth. caust. Chin. kali-nit. laur. nux. ol-an. phos. (Ca") viol-tr. l. — as from acid. rhus. as from acid vapor. Sang. as from Soap. alum. l. Croc. Seneg. as from smoke, calend. (T) croc. lyc. r. mosch. petr. ran-bulb. val. as from snuff. plumb. r. periodical. ran-Sc. (Ca) Ulcerative. asclep-tub. (LP) dros. (L. B) kali. (B) nitrºac. as if pressing on an ulcer. nitr-ac. Contractive, agar. bism. bov. bry. (B L') cornus-circ. (O2) crotal-casc. dulc. (B O”) eug. (Ca”) euphr. grat. haem. hell. (B) leptand. natr. nitr-ac. l. plumb, rat. Thus, sep. Spig. r. Squill. r. stann. (L) staph. (L') verb. (O) Constrictive, amphisb. l. 36 Pinching. croc. (L*) euphorb. (Ca") kali. nitr-ac. rhod. (B) Squeezing. arg. berb. (L) croton. (L.) lyc. nitr-ac. r. plat. phos-ac. (B) rat. r. spig. (O") verat. viol-od. as if compressed, phos-ac. plat. feels as if faced in a vice, though it can move in reality. rat. Cramp-like. agar. (B O') arn. (B) asaf. (B) col. hell. (B) kali- chlor. l. phos-ac. (O°) plat. (O’) sil. zinc. — from mose to eye. arn. zinc. from l. malar bone to eye. col. Spasmodic. aur. (G") cannab. eug. (Ca”) viol-Od. (L) Bruised as if acon. agnus. ant-t. cuprum. (O") cocc. gels. hep. lyc. magn-m. (O") nux. l. petiveria. r. plat. (B) plan- tago. (B) rhus. (O”) sulph. urt-ur. Verat. (Ca') Boring. apis. bism. calc-ac. (B) calc-caust. (O") coff. r. colch. cupr-ars. (O”) hep. (O") iod. (G°) kali. merc. matrim. ol-an. (O’) petiveria. (L') phos. puls. tab. thuy. Broken as if sil. Digging up. phos. tab. Drawing. agar. allium-Cepa. (G”) aloes. (B) arm. r. ars, asar. asaf. (B) bell. l. berb. (L) borax. cann. canth. r. carb-v. (L') cina. cinnab. r. (Ca”) coccus. r. colch. con. corall. fluor-ac.(O”)graph.hell. (B) jacarand. kali-hydr. (BO") lach. r. laur. (TG) lith-c. (O') lob-inf. mgs. m-arct. (L) nitr-ac. nux. (L.) Ol-an. phos-ac. (L) plat. l. plumb. po- dolph. puls. (L.) rheum. (L.) rhod. Sabad. Selen. Seneg. spong. (Ca') stann. (O) stront, stram, sulph. (O) tab. l. tax-b. tarax. r. thuy. tongo. (L*) val. (O”) as if squinting would ensue. podoph. from below upwards. bell. l. Sabad. r. outwards to leſt eye. aloes. (B) 'nto forehead. agar. over r. eye through head. Carb-v. 'nto head. graph. lach. r. to jaw. jacarand. — from l. O' to under malar bone. corall. from r. Ca” to ear. cinnab. from head to eye. kreas. stront. forehead to eye. borax. thuy. l. cheek into eye, allium-cepa. l. mouth to eye. lob-inf. r. teeth to brow. tarax. r. nape into eye, selen, l. = = 37 Dull. carb-v. l. cina. cimicif. Croc. erigeron. gels. (O) hep. jacarand. (B) merc-iod. (O°) mosch. (B) myrica. natr. r. nuphar. (O) oleand. (B) pallad. l. phos. (O') puls- nutt. rhus-ven. xanthox. Gnawing. hyos. (B) ign. (T) kreas. r. Ox-ac. ran-Sc. Pecking. petr. (B) Pressing, aeth. agar. aloes. T. alcohol-s. l. alum. l. ambr. am-c. = = wº-ºº- (L) ammoniac. (G') anac. anagall. (G’) ang. r. ant-c. (B) ant-t. (Ca) apis. (G") arm. arg—nit. arum-tr. r. asaf. (L) aur. r. bar-ac. (G’) bar-c. bell. berb. bism. borax. (L) brom. bry. r. calc. calc-ac. (Ca) calad. Cainca. camph. Cann. Carb-an. Carb-v. l. Cauloph. (G") caust. cham. (L') chel. chin. cic. (Ca+) cina. cinchon-s. cinnab. clem. l. cocc. coccus. r. l. cobalt. Colch. r. col. r. coff. con. Corall. Croc. crotal. (B) crotal-case. cuprum. cycl. (L) dig. dulc. evon. euphr. ferr. fer-mag. (L') fluor-ac. (O") gels. (O') gent-cr. glon. gins.graph.grat. gymnocl. haem. hell. (Ca”) hep. hura. (O) hyos. (B) ign. (Ca") ind. iod. (G°) kali. kali-bich. kali-chlor. kalm. T. kreas. lach. lact-v. lam. led. lob-inf: lyc, m-aust. magn-m. magn-s. mang. meny. meph. merc-biniod. l. mercurial. merc. merc-corr. meZ. mill. morp-ac. (O’) mosch.(B) mur-ac. matr. (L') matr-m. natr-S. nicc. nitr-ac. nux-m. (L.) ol-an. Oleand. l. Ox-ac.(G') paris. petr. phos-ac. phos. phytolac. plat. psoric. puls, r. ran-bulb. ran-Sc. rat. (L') rheum. (LT") rhod. Thus, rhus-r. (Ca”) sabad. Selin. (B) sang. Sars, scutell. Sec. Selen. Seneg, sep. sil. Spig. l. Spong. stann. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. (B L' Ca”) teucr. l. thuy. therid. (G") urt-ur. val. verat. Zinc. r. Zingib. l. as if from bright light. ang. nitr-ac. as from spring water in them. bell. as from a stye. caust. (L') con. Stann. l. Val. r. like two fingers. natris. (O’) as from reading much. mang. meph. Oleand. as from looking too long. phos-ac. ruta. as from heat. puls. as if a fluid flowed into eyes and distended them. Seneg. as from catarrh.. sil. as from sleepiness, chim. euphr. plat. Sulph. as if pressed upwards.rat. (L') as iſ pressed into. (Ca") phos-ac. as if pressed down. Caust. (L') stupefying pressure, calad. plat. (O") 38 periodical. nitr-ac. (Cº) 'ntermitting. arn. paroacySºmal. hep. alternating. cuprum. ran-bulb- transient. aloes. r. severe, aloes. r. from before backwards. anac. bism. Col. corall. phos-ac. from behind forwards. aloes. Camph. l. cann. puls. r. from below upwards. bism. Cainc. from above downwards. atham. anac. aur. r. bry. r. Cainc. carb-an. (O’) carb-v. chel. Col. r. oleand. l. paris, (L') ran-bulb. spig. l. from within outwards. berb. cann. caust. Scutell. staph. O3 * * ºnwards. acon. (L') aur, caust. Col. r. gins, haem. kreas. Spig. (O") — left then right. bar-c. thuy. (O) 'm a small spot. meny. matr-m. eye to occiput. tab. r. — inlo forehead. agar. — alternately in r. O, and forehead, bell. forehead to eyes. bov. Calc. r. vertea, to eye. sil. — from within outwards from temple to L. borax. — nape into eye. Selen. l. — nose to eye. arn. alternating with burning. Sars. (L) Rheumatic. coccus. Zinc. r. to ſorehead. COccus. Plug, as from a. anac. asar. nitr-ac. from within outwards. asar. Tingling. bov. (O') croc. (B) croton. paris. (T) spig. Cutting. am-c. borax. l. calc. carduus. (B) col. r. hep. (Ca") iod. l. kali-hydr. (Ca') lach. merc. (G') mur-ac. r. ol-an. petr. puls. rhus. sep. Spig. (T") staph. (L') sulph. r. thuy. (L') verat. viol-tr. r. zinc. r. Zingib. (T) from above downwards. Zingib. (T) outwards. iod. lengthways. borax. to root of nose. Col. r. Pricking. acon. (L) agar. alum. am-c. ammoniac. amphisb. ant-c. apis. arg. (Ca) arn. (L) berb. (Ca O’) caps. caust. cinnab. (Lº Ca”) col. (Ca”) crotal. (B) cycl. dros. l. elaps. (B Ca”) hedysar. hura. indig. (Ca”) kali-bich. (Cr) lach. lepid. lyc, m-arct, m-austr. (L.) mang. (B) 39 meph, mercurialis. mez. (T) natr. nice. (Ca") nux. oleand. (L') paull. l. puls. (Ca”) rhus-r. (Ca” L’) sabin. (T" ") sep. Sol-t-aegr. spig. (T) spong. (O”) stann. (Ca”) squill. (Ca') staph. (Ca”) tax-b. (L) zinc. l L* and r. Lº. zinc. Shooting. acon. (O’) ath. (O) allium-cepa. l. alcohol-s. r. alum. amphisb. (Ca) anagall. ang. (L') ant-c. l. ant-t. (Ca.) apis. arg. (L' Cajarn. ars, asaf, aur. bar-c. (B Ca” O’) bell. berb. blatta. (Ca) borax. l. brom. l. bry. calc. calc-ac. r. calc-caust. camph. (L) canth. (L*) carb-an. carb-v. Carduus. (Ca”) cham. cic. r. cinnab. (Lº Caº ) cist. l. clem. (Ca”) cobalt. cocc. col. commoclad. (Ca) con (Ca”) croc. (L') croton. crotal. (B) cycl. r. dros. elaps. eug. (Ca”) euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. (O") gels. gins. glon. l. graph. r. grat (Ca”) hep. hippom. hyper. r. ign. r. iod. l. iter. (O) kali. r. kali-chlor. kali-hydr. (L*) kalm. lach. laur. lepid. lith-C. r. lyc. mgs, l, m-aust. magn. magn-m. mang. r. meny. meph. merc. merc- biniod. l. mercurial. mill. mur-ac. natr. matr-m. matr.s. nicc. (Ca) nitr-ac. r. nux. Ol-an. paeon. (L') paris. paull. petr. phell, phos. phos-ac. (L. Ca Gº O') phytolac. l. plumb. puls, l, rat. (L') rhod. r. rhus-r. sang. (L') sars. Selen. Senec-aur. l. sil. Spig. r. spong. Stann. l. Staph. sulph. r. sulph-ac. (L*) tab. (T' O”) tarax. r. l. tax-b. (L) thuy. l. tong. (L') val. Verat. (L. Ca) viol-tr. r. zinc. T. Zingib. (L. C*) Zizia. (O) — like needles. allium-cepa. (B) meph. rhus-r. — like red hot needles. rhod. r. like electric sparks, ant-t. (Ca”) mice. (T) ol-am. Gl º fro, causing a pleasing tickling. mang. r. throbbing. brom. left then right, thuy. — from above downwards, carb-an. gels. r. to and fro. mang. . wnwards. (fr. Ca' to Caº) petr. outwards. iod. l. — from centre to angle, gels. — from within outwards. aur. calc. cocc. dros. gels. mur- ac, natr. nitr-ac. rhod. Senecio-aur. l. sil. Sulph. val. from without inwards. bell. graph. hyper. r. mang. (B) to occiput. cic. r. spig, thuy. ‘nto brain. paull. (O”) — O' to forehead, temples, cheeks, molars. acon. 40 to fromtal eminence (supra-orbital nerve.) calc-caust. to forehead. berb. to verteac. lagh. r. phytolac. l. from l. L' to forehead and l. temple. brom. to jaw. mgs. l. — L' to malar bone. mur-ac. hot stitches from brows to lashes. lach. from outer T" to inner and into O. tab. from centre of brain through eye. thuy. forehead to eyes. berb. gels. —— temples to eyes. anagall. berb. graph. head to eye. lach. vertea, to eye, calc. r. over, eye to eye. apis. r. nape into eye. Selen. l. — teeth to 0 and ear. Sulph. nose to Ca”, calc-caust. alternates with throbbing, calc. Piercing. natr-s. Tearing, alum, ambr. r. am-m. anac. l. ant-t, arg—nit. arn. ars. asar. (G") aur. (Ca” O’) aur-m. l. bar-c. bell. (Ca”) berb. bism. (G" O') borax. bov. bry. (T) calc. calc-ac. r. calc-Gaust, cann. (L') canth. Carb-v. l. Castoreum. (Ca) caust. Chin. (Ca) clem. (T) coccus. Colch. r. croc. dros. l, euphorb. (B) grat, hyos. (Ca) hyper. r. ign. (Ca) iod. (O”) kali. kali-nitr. (Ca”) lach. (B) led. lyc. r. mgs. magn, magn-S. meny. (Ca”) mercurial. r. mez. mur-ac. (O”) matr. (L*) matr-s. (Ca”) nicc. (Ca”) nux. ol-an. l. paris. phell. (B L’ O’) phos. plumb. l. prun. puls, rat. (Ca”) ruta. Sabin. (B) sep. (O) sil. Squill. staph. (Laº) sulph. thuy. r. tongo. (O”) val. r. Verat. Zinc. — as iſ torn asunder, prun. — paroacy&mdl ars. — intermitting. berb. — outwards. matr. (L*) from within outwards. bov. r. — l. Ca” down side of nose. nicc. Supra-orbital region along Ca” to ala nasi. calc-caust. Ca” to upper lip. calc-caust. to orbit and L'. zinc. — through forehead from within outwards. bov. r. to Occiput. Colch. l. over forehead, coccus. l. — forehead to l. eye, arg—nit. 41 Breaking. matr-s. (Cº) Bursting. acon. aur. (Ca”) camph. r. matr-m. (O") staph. (O’”) Eacpanding. asar. bufo. (O) Stretching. aeth. ant-t. (G) caust. r. lact-v. natr. Tensive. acon. (L') alum. (Ca O”) am-c. (L') ang. asaf, aur. borax. l. calc. camph. Croc. dros. l. grat. (Ca' *) hell. (B) hyper. iod. (B) led. lye. l. meny. (L') mercurial. mill. (L') natr-m. micC. nitr-ac. nux. nux-m. (L. O*) Oleand. (L. Ca”) ox-ac. phell. (L*) phos. plat. Sabin. Seneg. sil. Spig. l. Spong. l. Stann. l. staph. (Ca") stram. sulph. (C") sulph-ac. (L) tab. l. thuy. (O") tongo. (L*) viol-tr. (G) zinc. r. lengthways. borax. l. diagonally. dros. from behind forwards, alternately in both eyes. ang. Blows, bry. camph. l. m-aust. Stann. (O’) staph. from behind forwards. camph. Jerking. arm. ars. bar-c. (L' Ca") calc. Camph. (Ca") croton. glon. (O") kali. (L) kalm. lach. r. laur. (L*) magn. (L) mang. (L') mur-ac. l. natr-m. mice. nitr-ac. (O") plumb. l, rhus. (L') rhus-r. (T. Ca”) rhod. (L*) sep. (O") stann. (O) sulph-ac. (Ca”) thuy. — intermitting. Calc. 770Se to eye. arm. occiput to eye (painless) mur-ac. Hammering. am-m. (O”) Throbbing. ars, asar. (G') bell. (L') benz-ac. berb. brom. (L') bry. r. calc. coccus. dig. (O) hura. (LO) lith.c. (O" ") petr. r. rheum. Seneg, (L*) sulph. therid. r. 'ntermitting. Calc. to temple and occiput. COccus. from left L' to brow, ſorehead and left temple, brom. — teeth to orbits and ear. Sulph. alternating with Shooting, calc. Undulating, acon, plat. (O’) ANATOM1CAL REGIONS. Ms = Muscles. Pain. aloes. carb-v. Tensive. Calc. Shooting and twitching here and there, alcohol-s, 42 Ms% = Muscles Inferiorly. As if too short. Sabin. Ms' = Muscles Internally. As ºf too short. Sabin. Drawing from before backwards. plumb. Ms” = Moscles Orbicular. Spasm. ruta. Twitching. cic. Smarting. alcohol-s. r. B = Eyebroncs. Deadness. ars-hydr. Creeping. croc. l, phell. r. like a fly crawling. phell. r. Eruptions. ars-hydr. bar-c. Croc. l. caust. fluor-ac. guiac. iod. kali. natr-m. ran-Sc. l. rhod. l. Selen. Sep. Spong. Stann. tarax. thuy. l. boil. iod. r. blotches (elevated and red). fluor-ac. — pimples. guiac. r. kali. l. ran-sc. l. rhod. l. Stann. tarax. hard, guiac. r. ran-Sc. — pustules. thuy. Scabs. Sep. Spong. Scales. fluor-ac. sep. tubercle (painful). thuy. l. wesicles. selen. whitening. ars-hydr. 2007'ís. CauSt. burning. Stann. aching when touched. Stann. 7tching. Selen. Pſeat. allium-cepa. l. Itching. aeth. agar. agnus, apis, r, allium-cepa, berb. chin. fluor-ac. r. kali-nitr. laur. l. natr-m, rhod, r. sil. spig. ºr. Sulph. viol-tr. l. erodºng. agnus. Redness. elaps. Sensitive to touch. nux. r. thuy, l, Swelling. apis. Tightness. paris, *- 43 Twitching quivering. alum. ang. caust. l. cin. Crotal-casc. grat. hell. kali. r. ol-an. ruta. zinc. l. Płairs fall out. agar. plumb. Selen. Something seems to start from brows through lashes. lach. Drawn up. lachnanth. Drawn down. elaps. ! Feel depressed. cann. Pain. Crotal-casc. l. delph. r. elaps. l. hydrast. iris-V. lith-c. r. nux. r. paull. rhus-r. l. transient. delph. to temple and ear. lith-C. r. Burning. agar. allium-cepa, asaf, l. berb. bry. dig. dros. elaps. fluor-ac. r. meny. l. merc. r. spig. Sulph. As ºf burnt. nux. l. Sore pain. Oleand. r. JEroding. plat. Smarting. guiac. Oleand. r. plat. Stinging. apis. r. berb. caust. Ulcerative. dros. l. kali. l. Contractive. bry. r. dulc. bell. Pinching. rhod. r. Squeezing. phos-ac. l. Cramp-like. agar. r. arm. l. asaf bell. Boring. calc-ac. JBruised as if, plantago. l. plat. r. Drawing. aloes. asaf, caust. cic. dros. grat. hell. kali-hydr. r. outwards to left eye, aloes. Dull, jacarand. r. mosch. l. Oleand. Gnawing. hyos. Pressing. agar. ambr. ant-c. l. brom. Camph. r. cann. carb-an. chel. chim. Crotal. dig. r. evon. ferr. graph. r. hep. hyos. kali. r. mercurial. mosch. l. Oleand. Ol-an. phos- ac. ran-bulb. Sabin. l. Sulph. tarax. l. from without inwards. chel. Pecking. petr. Cutting. carduus. Pricking. Crotal. elaps. fluor-ac. hell. mang. r. Shooting. ant-c. l. allium-cepa, bar-c. berb. calc-ac. cic. Crotal. mang. r. ol-am. petr. viol-tr. l. zinc. l. — like needles. allium-cepa. from without inwards. mang. r. Tearing. alum. anac. arm. euphorb. kali. r. lach. l. magn. mercurial. phell. r. Sabin. l. thuy. l. zinc. l. Tensive. hell. iod. plat. 44 L = Eyelids. Coldness. alum. brom. hura. kali. rhus-r. Color, blue. dig. sec. tax-b. Convulsions. ign. meny. ruta. Stram. like tomic spasms. meny. Contraction. cann-ind. plumb. Creeping. cina. Seneg. Discharge. agar. ant-c. r. arg—nit. bar-C. bry. Calc. calc-ac. caust. cham. dros. erigeron. euphorb. grat. hydrast. iod. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali. l. kreas. lact-v. leptand. led. lyc. m-arct. magn. mercurialis, merc. natr. nitr-ac. phytolac. puls-nutt. Spig. Verat. Zizia. — mucous. bar-c. kali-hydr. lact-v. lyc. hardening. ant-C. r. caust. phos-ac. sealing lids. agar. arg—nit. bar-c. bry. Calc. cham. dros. euphorb. erigeron. grat. hydrast. iod. kali. l. kali- bich. kreas. leptand. lyc. m-arct. magn. merc. Imer- curial. phytolac. puls-nutt. Verat. Zizia. gumminess. agar. calc-ac. cham. led. mercurial. natr. nitr-ac. Spig. yellow. agar. JFeel agglutinated, plat. Congestion. gels. JEcchymosed. arn. Granular. kali-bich. JDryness. alum. ars, asar. berb. cina. cocc. cycl. daphn. euphorb. graph. hippom-manc. ipec. kali-bich. mgs. m-arct.m-aust. magn-m. mang. mux. puls. rhus. Sars. staph. Verat. Zinc. l. feeling of graph. mercurial. Fruption. Camph. kali-bich. lyc. petr, sulph. — pimples. petr. Sars. Sulph. pustules. lyc. Ted spots. Camph. — wrticaria. Sars. — itching. Sars. — stinging. Sars. burning after rubbing. Sars. Fullness. gels. Foreign body under (feeling of..) caulloph, plumb. Feeling of sand under. cobalt. graph. Press on eyes. euphorb. laur. Lids rub against eyes, ars, kali-bich, 45 Seem smaller. kreas. Heat. benz-ac. berb. bry. glon. graph. paris, rhus-r. Heaviness. acon. alcohol-s. apis. arum-tr. berb. brom. calc. calc-caust. Col. cornus-circ. Crotal-casc. daphn. dig. euphorb. gels. gins. graph. lye. mercurial. natr-s. phos- ac. petiveria. puls-nutt. Thus. Sep. Spig. Spong, thuy. viol-od. JHardness. Spig. Inflammation. ars. ars-met. bar-C. bar-m. bry. caust. cimiciſ. cham. Con. dig. euphorb. iris-V. kali-bich. kali. T. hep. lach. lyc. mgs. matr. phos-ac. psoric. rhus. sacch-alb. Sars. Seneg. r. Sep. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. erysipelatous. apis. Itching. acon. agnus. alcohol-s. alum. ambr. apis. r. l. asclep- tub. r. berb. bry. Camph. caust. Chin. cinnab. Col. Croc. Croton. Cycl. dros. euphorb. hura. gins. grat. iod. kali- bich. kali-hydr. kreas. lach. mgs. m-aust. mercurial. matr. matr-m. nux. petr. pedic. l. phos. puls. rhus-r. Sep. sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. tax. tilia. Verat. Vinca. zinc. corrosºve. agnus. Insensible, numb. mercurial. plumb. Paralysis. hydr-ac. lach. mercurial. plumb. rhus. Sep. spig. Verat. feeling of bapt. Cannot open them from pressure. am-c. JDifficult to move, as if drawn together. mercurial. While awake at night, cannot open lids at once : they feel numb, and do not become pliable and ready to open till rubbed. mercurial. JDifficult to move. mercurialis. nux-m. Thus. Redness. allium-cepa, ant-c. apis. arg. aur. berb, bry. Calc. caust. cham. Comoclad. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hura. iod. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kreas. lyc. magn-m. merc. mur-ac. matr-m. nicc. plumb. puls. Thod. Thus, rhus-r. Sep. Sol-t-aegr. sulph. vimca. JRoughness. kali-bich. Sensitive to touch. hep. kali-bich. mang. merc. Stiffness. alum. kalm. meny. Thus. Verat. Spasm. Croc. viol-Od. Spasmodic contraction. Thod. As ºf pulled to outer side. Croc. r. l. l'. As ºf drawn together. haem. mercurial. nitr-ac. JFeel drawn down. indig. Feel pressed down. hell. zinc. r. 46 Urging to press lids together. ant-t. matr-m. As ºf opened by force. fluor-ac. Swelling. acon. agar. alum. allium-cepa. apis. arg. ars, ars- met. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bry. Calc. cham. coloh. Croton. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hyos. ign. iod. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kreas. lyc. magn-m. mang. merc. mur-ac. matr. micc. nitr-ac. phytolac. plumb. psoric. puls. rhod. rhus. Thus-r. Sacch-alb. Sec. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stram. Sulph. tilia. thuy. Val. viper-t. urt-ur. Teddish blue. phytolac. Ted, hard, acon. thuy. — adematous. apis. ars, crotom. iod. kali-bich. kali-hydr. phytolac. plumb. rhus-r. Sacch-alb. urt-ur. like a bag between lids and brows. kali. feeling of berb. caust. cinnab. Croc. cycl. memy. Thus-r. tarax. r. thuy. Styes. aur. Con. dig. lyc. puls. Sep feeling of meny. Tension. Sulph-ac. Twitching, jerking, quivering. aesc-hipp. agar. alcohol-S. anac. ant-c. l. ars. asterias. bell. berb. bry. Canth. caust. cham. cina. Croc. Croton. Cuprum. dulc. grat. hell. indig. iod. ipec. kali-bich. kreas. lyc. l. m-arct. magn. l. meny. merc. matr. matr-m. nux. Ol-an. Op. petr. phell. l, phos. l. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. Seneg. Selen. sep. sil. Sulph. thuy. Verat. Ulceration, lyc. matr-m. Spig. Stram. Weariness. lepid. Pains. chin. lyc. mang. Sulph. Val. Burning. allium-cepa, alum. ambr. ars, asar. berb. bry. Carb-v. caust. chemop. cin. Clem. COccus. Colo. Croc. dros. l. gins. graph. hydrast. iter. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nit. r. lach. lact-v. laur. mercurial. merc. r. nitr-ac. nux. Oleand. r. paeon. phell. phos-ac. phytolac. puls. puls-nutt. rhus-r. l. Sars. Seneg. sil. Sol-t-aegr. stann. r. Sticta. Sulph, tarax. l. tax-b. thuy, Vinc. zinc. l. sparks. Sulph. alternating with pressing. Sars. Eroding. puls. Faw. aeth. Col. verat. - Smarting. acon. ang. apis. Cobalt. Croc. gins. kali. m-aust. phytolac. plantago. puls-nutt. rhus. rhus-r. sil. Val. Verat. Zinc. Zizia. 47 Stinging. apis. l. berb. camph. canth. carb-v. cimicif. kali-nit. ºr. kreas. Ol-an. Spig. thuy. Val. zinc. Contractive. leptand. plumb. rhus. stann. Squeezing. berb. Croton. Cramp-like. Croton. Spasmodic, viol-od. Bruised. Sulph. Drawing. berb. m-arct. nux. phos-ac. puls. rheum. Pressing. alum. am-c. bry. cin. Cuprum. cycl. graph. hep. kali. lyc. meph. matr-m. nitr-ac. nux-m. rheum. Sars. Seneg. sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alternating with burning. Sars. Pressure as from sleep. nux-m. Tºngling. cina. Seneg. Cutting. Calc. Pricking. acon, apis. r. arm, hura, m-arct. Solt-aegr. tax-b. Z111C. left L', right L.” zinc. Shooting. berb. camph. Cycl. gels. r. phos-ac. stann. r. tax-b. l. Verat. Zingib. vertically, gels. r. Tearing. anac. berb. kali. nux. plumb. Tensive. dros. l. lyc. mercurial. nitr-ac, nux-m. oleand. r. l. sulph-ac. Beating. hura. Jerking. kali. magn. Thus-r. Sulph. Paralytic. graph. Uncomfortable sensation. aeth. As if muscles were too short. cinnab. As if strings held lids together, and Snapped on opening them. cobalt. A L' = Upper Eyelid. Color blue. tax-b. l. blue-veined. ign. Contraction. borax. Creeping. asar. Drymess. acon. ang. arn. Carb-V. Crotal. l. ign, nitrºac. Verat. zinc. l. Eruptions. alcohol-s, brom. r. bry, caust. Canth. chel. cinnab. cobalt. hep. lach. l. lachnanth. l. lye. mosch, nitr-ac. sep. staph, sulph. — herpetic. bry. Sep. — hard knobs, lachnath, l, staph. 48 Eruptions, pimples. canth. cinnab. l. hep. lach. l. lye. mosch. nitr-ac. Sulph. — pustule. alcohol-s. chel. wesicle. brom. r. lachmanth. l. Scales. Cobalt. warts. caust. nitr-ac. Witching and burning. alcohol-s. — sore to touch. cinnab. l. Feeling of sand beneath. anac. calc. calc-caust. Spig. r. stann. staph. l. Sharp body. merc. l. foreign body. COccus. Fullness (feeling of). cann-ind. Hardness. acon. Pſeat. cann-ind. cimiciſ. r. phos-ac. r. Heaviness. acon. bell. calc. caust. l. Col. l. Croc. Croton. gins. glon. kali-bich. mur-ac. matr. phOS-ac. Sep. lies heavy on eye. Col. l. Inflammation. hep. natr. r. Itching. agnus. allium-cepa, ang. apis. r. borax. bry. Chin. l. Croc. l. fluor-ac. lachnanth. l. laur. r. lyc. magn-m. nitr-ac. Oleand. l. phos. r. paeon. r. plumb. l. rhus. r. rhus-r. r. sil. eroding. agnus. periodical. paeon. Paralysis. alum. bell. dulc. gins. mercurial. nitr-ac. Op. plumb. Sep. Spig. Stram. Zinc. feeling of lameness. alum. Redness. acon. Cainc. l. Caust. Crotal. l. hep. lachmanth. l. merc. Sep. r. Sulph. teucr. Zinc. Stiffness. Cinnab. Spig. Swelling, acon. apis.asar. l. Cainca, l.cimiciſ. r. col. l. cycl. hep. ign. kali.lach. l. magn-m. merc. morph-ac. mosch. natr. 7. nitr-ac. phos. r. l. Sep. r. Squill. l. Sulph, teucr. thuy. Z111C. — Cedematous. Cainc. l. —— emphysematous. phos. Feel Swelled, caust, rhus, r. Twitching, dºc. alum. amphisb, apis. r. ars. arum-tr. asaf, asar. bell. Calc. camph. Carb-an. Carb-v. l. Carduus. Col. r. Colch. r. con. Croc. hydr-ac. gram. r. jatroph, l. lach- nanth. magn-m. mercurial. meZ. l. mill. l. mur-ac. natr-m. r. micC. l. nitr-ac. r. ol-an. l. paris. plumb. r. = 49 rat. r. rhod. r. rhus-r. l. Sabin. Sars. r. seneg. r. stront. l. sulph. Sol-t-aegr. tab. l. tongo. r. thuy. r. Sye. alum. ferr. lach, phos-ac. puls, sulph. zizia. Depression. Spig. Pressed down from headache. thuy. l. Hangs down as from spasm. stram. Drawn open spasmodically. natr-m. r. Drawn upwards. lachnanth. Turned upwards, ign. Pains. ars. calc-caust. canth. cimicif, gins. kali-chlor. leptand. Spig. xanthox. r. Burning. allium-cepa, r. bry. calc-ac. l. cann-ind. caust. l. clem. r. cobalt. Col. r. crotal. l. lach. lyc. meny. l. Oleand. r. phell. l. phos-ac, phos. spig. r. sulph. r. tongo. l. zinc. l. Smarting, caust. l. cobalt. pimpernel. zinc. r. Stinging. aur. l. caust. gent-lut. hep. lach. phell. l. rhus. r. tongo. r. — like horseradish. phell. l. Ulcerative. dros. l. Contractive. bry. euphr. staph. Boring. petiveria. r. Drawing. Carb-v. r. Pressing. acon. asaf, borax. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caust. cham. chel. r. col. r. ferr-mag. hep. lach. r. lyc. r. mosch.natr. r. natr-m. r. nux. paris. phos-ac. r. phos. r. rat. rhus. r. Seneg, r. sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. tarax. verat. Zinc. l. as from a stye. Caust. as if pressed down, caust. wpwards, impeding sight, rat. from without inwards, acon. from above downwards. paris. Cutting. Staph. l. thuy. Pricking. oleand, l. zinc. l. Shooting, ang. arg, l. aur. l. bar-c. brom. calc-caust. carb-an. Croc, l, cycl. lach. mang, paeon. r. rat. l. sang, sil. Spig. l. tongo. r. l. Verat. Tearing. alum. bar-C. r. l. Cann. caust. kali. Tensive. acon. am-c. canth. meny. l. mill. l. Jerking. bar-c. mang. mur-ac. rhus. Sulph. r. Throbbing. brom. mang. r. Feels elongated, alum. 50 L* = Lower Eyelid, Convulsions. ruta. Seneg. Creeping. agar. l. Dryness. petr. Eruptions. alum. bry. l. cainc. r. pºmples. alum. bry. l. pustule. Cainc. r. Feel agglutinated. caust. Foreign body (feeling of) anac. meny. l. Selen. as of a grain of sand. Selen. Heaviness. caust. Inflammation. bell. bry. calc. l. graph. magn. Solan-ol. Sulph. Itching, tickling. agar. l. alcohol-s. r. caust.cinnab. r.euphorb. l. gamb. l. lach. l. lam. ol-an. Oleand. petr. phell. l. rat. T. Sulph-ac. Redness. bry, glon. graph. lach. natr-m. phos-ac. Sep. Swelling. ars. aur. bell. bry. Cainc. calc. colch. l. dig. euphr. glon. hura. ferr-mag. lach. magn. merc. l. Op. phos-ac. raph. Sep. Oedematous. Cainc. r. hura. raph. Feeling of swelling. col. rhus-r. l. Styes. Colch. l. graph. phos. l. rhus. l. Seneg, r. Solan-ol. r. Spasm. ruta. Drawn down. phytolac. Twitching, agar. r. am-m. asar. r. canth. chin. l. cic. cocGus. l. Colch. l. hura. l. indig. iod. kali-hydr. lyc. mgs. merc. l. phos-ac. rat. r. Seneg. Sep. l. Sulph. thuy. l. zinc. l. Ulceration. natr-m. r. Paºms. Burning. caust. Col. r. croc. l. indig. laur. r. merc. l. oleand, phell. l. ran-bulb. r. sep. sil. r. spong. l. stann. l. ºn a small spot. phell. Scraping. sil. r. Smarting. calc. dros. r. led. natr.m. r. ran-bulb. r. sil. r. Stinging. alum. apis. r. phell. l. rhus. Sulph-ac. Ulcerative. asclep-tub. Contractive. rhus. r. Pinching. croc. l. Drawing. Colch. l. graph, tongo. l. Dull. Croc. l. Pressing. bry. cinnab. r. col. nux-m. phos-ac. l. rhus. l. Sep. Cutting. col. r. 51 Pricking. cinnab. r. rhus-r. l. zinc. r. - Shooting. alum. apis. calc. l. canth. cinnab. l. Croc. l. kali- hydr. l. phos. l. Sulph-ac. Tearing. magn. natr. r. phell. r. Tensive. nux-m. phell. l. tongo. l. 'n a small spot. phell. Jerking. laur. r. magn. rhod. T. Throbbing. bell. calc. l. Seneg. r. T = Tarsal Edges. Coldness. phos-ac. Color, blue. badiaga. Discharge. aeth. apis. berb. calc. merc. mercurial. Ox-ac. hardening. calc. Ox-ac. Sealing lids. aeth. apis. merc. like white foam. berb. purulent. mercurial. Dryness. arm. ars. calend. cham. pallad. Sulph JEruptions. merg. matr-m, selen, pºmples. natr-m. Scurfs, merc, vesicles (itching.) selen. Feat. rhus-r. Inflammation. aeth. clem. Comoclad. euphr, graph. m-aust, puls. Spig. staph. val. Itching. am-c. bry. l. calc. carb-v. cin. Con. jatroph. junc, gins. kali. r. kali-bich. kreas. m-arct. merc. prun. rhus-r. Selen. staph. Redness. alcohol-s. arg. asterias. calc, carb-v. Colch. Comocl. eupat-perf. kali-bich, mercurial. Sabad. Stram. Val. Swelling. arg. arum-tr. kreas. lachnanth, nicc. puls. Swelling (feeling of). coccus. val. Ulceration. Clem. euphr. merc. mercurial. spig. sulph. Pain. ars. phos. as if a stye would form. meph. Burning. alcohol-s. apis. ars. bry. caust. cinn. coccus. Colch. kali-bich. merc. meph, mez. nicc. petiveria. ran-sc. Seneg. Raw. nux-V. ...” Smarting. apis. arn. borax. bry, canth. clem. coccus. dig. gins, jatroph. lith-C. nux. Thus-r, spig. Sulph. val. Stinging. Calend. ign. kreas. Spig. Val, as from Smoke, calend. 52 Gnawing. ign. Pressing. anac. Selen. Cutting (as if cut through). Zingib. from above downwards. Zingib. Pricking. hura, mez. Stitching (like electric sparks.) nicc. Tearing. bry, clem. T} = Upper Tarsal Edge, Dryness. lith-c, r, Vesicles. m-arct. Seneg. l. Itching. bar-c, cin. spig. r. staph. Zinc, l. Burning, cin. Col. 7, rheum, Seneg. Sore. lith-c, r, JDrawing, laur. Pressing. rheum, Seneg, l, Tºngling. paris, r, Pricking. spig. r. Shooting. Col. 1, tab, from outer edge to inner and into O. tab. Tº = Lower Tarsal Edge, Creeping, berb, Pimple. aur, r, matr-m. thuy. Inflammation, cham. puls. Itching. meZ. ruta. Swelling, cham. puls. Burning. mez. Sep. Stinging. berb. Pressing. zinc. l. Cutting, spig. l. Pricking. mez. Sabin. Jerking—pulling. berb. T*= Meibomian Glands. Discharge, mucous. aeth, eupat-perf. ign, seneg. glutinous. eupat-perf. JDryness. cham. Fiard. badiaga. Inflammation. borax, dig. puls. lower lid, indigo. Ulceration. borax. lower lid. Colch. l. 53 Burning, rheum. Pressing, rheum, T4 = Cºlºae. Discharge, hardening, arg-nit, graph, kali, Seneg, staph. sulph. Itching. grat. Inverted towards eyeball. borax, Irregular. borax. Fall out. alum. Ca = Canth'. Creeping. plat. Discharge. ant-Cr. ars-tersulph.bism, calc-ac. caust, cham. Coff. dig. euphr. graph. grat. guiac. r, hell. kali-bich, kali- hydr. kreas. lachnanth. lyc. matr. nitr-ac. nux. paris. petr. Seneg. viol-tr. — mucous, ant-G. bism. calc-ac. caust. cham, euphr, guiac. r. kali-bich. kali-hydr. viol-tr. — white mucus. lachnanth. — Sealing lids. lyc. — purulent. cham. grat. nux. watery. petr. Bryness, euphorb. Inflammation. bov. brucea. Calc. l. merc-ac. Itching. aeth. alum, arg. arg—nit. arn. asclep-tub. r. berb. benz-ac. r. borax. brucea. bry. Calc. calc-ac. caust. cina. clem. Crotal. Crotal-casc. euphorb. fluor-ac. hell. hyos. gran. iod. kali-bich. lam. lob-infl. l. lyc. magn. merc-ac. mur-ac. plumb-ac. prun. Sulph. Biting—itching. kali. Carb-v. Redness. arg—nit. bov. bruc. cinnab. Crotal. gamb. kali-nitr. magn-C. matr. Quivering—biting. hyos. Swelling. calc. l. Twitching. Grotal. lachnanth. r. Ulceration. ant-c. kali. merc. natr-m. a small humid spot, where sweat touches it. ant-c. Spasmodic closure. Croton. Burning. agar. alum. am-m. asar. carb-v. hell. gran. kali-nitr. magn. mercurial. merc-ac. matr. Ol-an, phos-ac. thuy, Scraping. laur. r. Smarting. alum. apis. carb-v. gram. hell. l. kali. mez. mur-ac. nux. ran-bulb. sil. Sulph. 54. Stinging. alum.asar. berb. castoreum. ferr-mag. hell. lact-v. l. m-arct. merc. meZ. nux. ran-Sc. sep. sil. thuy. as from Salt. nux. periodical. ran-Sc. Griping. mosch. Pressing. calc-ac. carb-v. grat. magn-n. mosch. Pricking. alum. arg. l. berb. Shooting. alum. ant-tr. arg. blatta. l. calc-ac. Croton. natr-m. petr. phOS-ac. Verat. Tearing. castoreum. hyos. Ca' = Eacternal Canthus. Coldness. asar. r. nicc. cold wind. asar. r. cold water. nicc. JDischarge. ant-C. r. ars. bar-c. borax. r. calc-ac. chim. euphorb. ºr. hep. ign. ipec. natr-m. nux. l. puls. Sabad. Sep. Staph. — mucous. ant-c. r. calc-ac. chin. euphorb. r. hep. ipec. natr-m. nux. l. Sabad. staph. Sealing lids. ars. bar-C. borax. r. ign. lyc. nux. puls, sep. Moist place. ant-c. JDryness. thuy. r. l. Eruption aloes. r. tax-b. l. herpetc. tax-b. l. pustule. aloes. r. As if from a foreign body. agar. apis. l. Sulph-ac. dust. ign. l. sand. alum. bar-c. con. Crotal-c. nitr-ac. thuy. r. Heat. glon. r. thuy l. Inflammation. berb. borax. r. graph. Itching. aeth. ant. borax. bry. l. calc-ac. r. carb-v. r. cina. cinnab. euphorb. l. gran. mur-ac. r. matr-m. l. puls. rhus. r. sep. l. Spong. Squill. l. Sulph. tax-b. l. tilia. Redness. kali-bich. merc. nux. l. ran-bulb. l. Sulph. Swelling. ran-bulb. l. Twitching, dºc. camph. matr-m. nicc. l. phos. l. Seneg. r. Ulceration. calc-ac. kali. l. zinc. Spasmodic closure. graph. Lachrymation. arum-tr. sil. Pain. rhus-r. Burning. Carb-an. Cin. dig. gran. kali. kali-nit. laur. l. ol-an. r. Sep. Spig. r. squill. Stann. r. staph. r. stront. Sulph. tarax. l. thuy. l. paroſcysmal. staph. 55 Eroding. mur-ac. l. mang. Smarting. arg—nit. carb-v. carb-an. cham. cobalt. dig. hep. ign. kali. kali-bich. mang. ran-bulb. r. ſ. sep. l. zinc. as from hot water. Cobalt. Stinging. arg—nit. r. bry. l. camph. Carb-v. r. colch. r. gamb. ign. lact-v. lyc. mang. mur-ac. l. phos. r. ran-bulb. r. ran-Sc. r. sulph. Zinc. as from Smoke. lyc. mang. mur-ac. l. as from salts. phos. r. Pinching. euphorb. l. Bruised. Verat. r. Drawing. spong. l. Pressing. agar. l. anac. l. bar-c. carb-v. r. chin. Con. ign. nitr-ac. puls. Sulph-ac. thuy. l. Cutting. hep. kali-hydr. r. Pinching. nicc. l. squill. l. Shooting. amphisb. l. bar-c. calc-ac. cinnab. Comocl. l. elaps. l. ign. kali. laur. l. mur-ac. r. ol-an. l. nice. l. Spong. l. stann. r. staph. Sulph. tarax. transient, rapidly moving from below upwards. Comocl. l. Tearing. am-m. aur. r. chin. l. ign. Tensive. grat. Spong. l. staph. Jerking. bar-c. camph. natr-m. l. Ca” = Internal Canthus. Cool feeling as from salt, lith-c. r Color, blue. aur. Sars. livid. plumb. Turgid vessels, laur. l. magn. r. Creeping. mill. l. plat. r. Discharge. agar. alum. ant-c. borax. l. cin. Coff con. euphr. hell. graph. lyc. magn. Inic.c. phos. puls. rhod. rhus, sil. Staph. thuy. Zinc. r. — mucous. agar. alum. ant-c. coff euphr. lyc. magn. rhod. sil. Staph. thuy. — purulent. graph, zinc. r. – hardening. hell, sealing lids. agar. borax. l. cin, con, magn. nice, phos, puls. Thus, staph. Zinc. Dryness, alum, asar. berb. matrim. nux. Thus, lachrymose. cham. r. Abscess, as if a fistula would form. puls. JBoil. bry. * 56 Feeling of foreign body. agar. l. dust, dig. sand. alum. rhod. r. tarax. r. tongo. r. thuy. r. Heat. graph. Sep. l. Inflammation. am-c. r. berb. borax. l. calc. l. clem. eug. graph. magn. natr. Itching. aeth. apis. l. aur. r. bell. borax. brom. brucea. calc. r. calc-ac. carb-v. l. caust. r. cin. cinnab. r. fluor-ac. r. l. gamb. glon. graph. grat. ign. ind. lachnanth. laur. l. led. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-m. r. meZ. mill. mur-ac. r. natr-m. l. nitr-ac.nux.ol-an.phell. phOS-ac. phytolac. plumb. puls, rhus-r. ruta. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. stront. Sulph. r. tab. r. tongo. l. Zinc. tingling, as from a feather. mill. l. Redness. ant-t. r. cinnab. l. glon, graph. grat. Thus. l. Sep. l. teucr. Zinc. r. Sensitive to touch. bell, l. Swelling. agar, calc. cinnab. l. Sars. Sep. l. stann. l. like lachrymal fistula. stann. l. feeling oſ, rhus. r. Stye. matr-m, r. Sulph. Twitching. kali-chlor. rat, r. stann, r. Pain. alum. cinnab. l. hura, l. lach. Solan-Ol. across brows, cinnab. violent. hura. l. Burning. aescul-hipp. agar. ang. ant-t. r. asar. aur. r. bar-c berb. calc. caust. cin. cinnab. r. clem. l. Col. r. dig. fluor-ac. r. gels. r. glon. graph. hell. hura. r. iris-V. kali-bich. magn. r. natr-m. petr. phell. phos-ac. rhod. rhus-r. l. Stann. l. tab. tarax. r. Raw. Ol-an. Spig. Scraping. laur. plumb. l. Smarting. alum. ant-t. bry. carb-am. l. caust. Con. graph. hell. m-aust. magn. r. mice. nux. phytolac. puls. Sep. staph. teucr. Zinc. Stinging. ant-t. r. apis. l. carb-an. l. Carb-v. l. cinnab. graph. grat. indig. lact-v. magn. r. magn-S. r. mur-ac. nice. º nux, ol-an, ox-ac. l. puls. ruta, rhus-r. l. Sep. l. Spig, staph. l. Sulph, teucr. zinc. r. Contractive. eug, Spasmodic, eug, Boring, thuy. r. Drawing to ear. cinnab. r. Pressing. agar. l. anac. r. amphisb r. berb. carb-an. cic. r. cinnab. r. euphr. l. hell. r. lyc. natr-m. petr. phos-ac. 57 puls. rhod. r. rhus-r. sil. l. stann. l. staph. r. tarax. r. zinc. r. Pressing, as from a stye. anac. r. amphisb. r. stann. l. Pricking. cinnab. r. col. r. elaps. fluor-ac. r. indig. puls. rhus-r. l. stann. l. staph. Shooting. arn. ant-t. arg. l. aur. l. bell. Calc. calc-ac. carb-an. l. carduus. cinnab. r. l. Clem. Con. eug. grat. laur. r. l. magn-m. r. meny. natr. nitr-ac. l. phell. phos. Spig. r. thuy. r. l. val. like electric sparks. ant-t. Sticking like a splinter. elat. l. Tearing. bell. kali-nitr. meny. matr-S. micc. l. rat. r. Bursting. aur. l. Tensive. grat. oleand. * as if eye were turned too much outwards. Oleand. Jerking. rhus-r. r. sulph-ac. r. Throbbing. calc. Caº = Carumcula. Redness. arg—mit. haem. Suppuration. bell. Swelling. agar. arg—nit. bell. Burning. bell. Smarting. kali-bich, r. Pressing. bell. La' = Puncta Lachrymalia. Inflammation. bell. l. hura. l. Itching. hura. Swelling. bell. l. Pain, violent. apis. l. to temple, cinnab. r. Burning. bell. J. Smarting. hura. Pressing. bell. l. Sticking. cinnab. (upper lid.) La”= Lachrymal Bone. Inflammation. merc. Swelling. merc. As if something separated itself, followed by a bruised, dull feeling, eactending to left eye. lachnanth. l. 58 La” = Lachrymal sac. Abscess of natr. puls. Inflammation. petr. Swelling. matr-m. petr. sil. r. Pain. matr-m. Ta’ = Lachrymal Gland. Sensitive. ferr-mag. Swelling. brom. r. graph. sil. r. Pressing. staph. Tearing. staph. G' = Eyeball, superiorly. Dryness. Sulph. Foreign body, feeling of COccus. stann. viol-tr. Feeling of sand. Cobalt. ign. phytolac. l. Smoke. allium-cepa. hair. COccus. Inflammation ign. Pains. ars. cimicif. Crotal. casc. between eye and orbit. cimiciſ. Neuralgic. (to nose) allium-cepa. r. Burning. phos-ac. pimpernel. Spig, thuy. l. Stinging. Spig. Drawing. laur. Pressing. ammoniac. aur. carb-an. Carb-v, chel. l. lob-infl. mercurial. ox-ac. phytolac. Sep. staph. r. stront. l. spig, thuy. l. Tºngling. ammoniac. Pricking. hell. Shooting. ars. l. carb-an. iod. l. phos-ac. Senecio-aur. l. — like electric sparks. phos-ac. Cutting. merc. Tearing, am-m. Bursting, acon. G*= Eyeball, inferiorly, Color, yellow. nux. Dryness. Sulph. Smoky feeling. chin. JBurning, ang, Stinging. Spig, 59 Smarting. zinc. l. Pressing. apis. l. phos-ac. Sep. r. Seneg. Spig. Pricking. zinc. l. G* = Eyeball, eaternally. Burning. phos-ac. r. stann. r. tarax. Stinging. Stann. r. Boring. iod. l. JBruised. verat. r. (paroxysmal.) Pressing. iod. l. spong. l. Shooting. cycl. phos-ac. r. Pricking. tarax. G*= Eyeball, internally. Dryness. cina. Itching. ign. Spasmodic contraction. eug. Burning. ang. tarax. r. thuy. l. therid. Pressing. ruta. l. Pressed out. aur. G* = Eyeball, interiorly. Dryness. asar. Heat. alcohol-s. Pain. acon. ars. Cimicif, gels. lith-c. to brow and brain. acon. Burning. merc. Smarting. ran-bulb. r. Raw. alum. Spig. Boring. colch. Drawing. allium-cepa. l. Colch. Sabad. r. from cheek to eye. allium-cepa. l. r. meny.merc. mercurial. Seneg. l. Stram. Forcing. coccus. l. Shooting. ars. r. gels. kali. rhod. from centre to angle. gels. to inner canthus. rhod. r. Tearing. asar. Bursting. acon. Throbbing. asar. 60 G" = Eyeball, posteriorly. Soreness. Sarracem-purp. Spasmodic. aur. l. Drawing from left forehead to G". thuy. ' Dull, heavy. pallad. l. Boring. thuy. Pressing. aur. l. cann. Cauloph. fluor-ac. led. mercurial. phos-ac. therid. Shooting. phos. Tearing, bism. Squill. Pain undefined. asclep-tub. l.badiaga. r. cobalt. comoclad. r. fluor-ac. Spig. transient. asclep-tub. l. intermitting. badiaga, r. to occiput. Comoclad. r. 'nto upper jaw. fluor-ac. G’ = Eyeball, anteriorly. Burning. Sulph-ac. Pressing. Sulph-ac. Pricking. ant-c. G*= Eyeball, circumference. Pains winding round, gels. r. Burning. aescul-hipp. l. Stinging. aescul-hipp. l. Cutting. Crotal-casc. O = Orbºt, Fullness, ſeeling of gels. Itching. bufo. Fleaviness. Crotal-casc. hura. l. nuphar. Sensitive. aloes. Feel drawn together. verb. Pain. aloes, gels, hura. r. janiph. lith-c. merc-iod. r. phos. plumb. Zizia. r. violent. gels. merc-iod. r. plumb. zizia. r. from left temple to orbit. lith-c. shifting to forehead, hura. Burning. col, l. Sore. merc-iod. r. Bruised, cuprum. 61 JDull, gels. nuphar. Pressing. aloes. alcohol.s. apis. l. bar-c. chel. col. l. chin- sulph. gels. hura. lach. thuy. l. r. Stupefying presswre from without inwards. chel. Pressing, pushing, bar-c. Shooting. aeth. itu. l. zizia. Eacpansive. bufo. Tensive. thuy. l. r. Throbbing. dig. hura. r. l. As ºf too narrow. lach, paris. O' = Orbit, interiorly. Fullness, feeling of morph. morph-ac. plumb. Heat. tab. Sensitive to touch. bov. Whirling sensation (deep sealed.) bow. Pain. Con. Crotal-casc. iod. ox-ac. Selen. Spig. Smarting. sil. Contractive. verb. Squeezing. spig. l. Cramp-like. agar. Bruised, cuprum. Drawing. lith-c. r. sulph. Dull, phos. Pressing. ang. r. bell. bov. caust. Col. con. Crotal, fluor-ac. r. glon. r. hell. kali. lach. Inez, phos. Seneg. Sep. sil. stront. Sulph. tab. —— as if eyes would be forced out. hell. Tºngling. bov. Shooting. aeth. aur. bov. fluor-ac. r. glon. r. phos-ac. Tearing. anac. bism. kali. r. meZ. Sep. Tensive, thuy. Jerking. glon. l. O*= Orbit, around. Color, blue, staph. stront. red. stront. Creeping. ars. Sep. Eruptions. euphr. merc. staph, phos. boil. phos. — pimples. Staph. scwºf merc. Beat. cic. glon. 62 Itching, ambr. apis, l. ars, berb. carb-v. con. lach. lyc, phos. S8,TS. Redness. borax, sil. stront. Swelling. allium-cepa, elaps. rhus, rhus-ven. oºdematous, rhus. rhus-ven. erysipelatous, rhus. bloated. elaps. Feel swelled. apis. l. Stiffness. kalm. Tumor. phos Twitching. mez. |Weight. cornus-circ. Pain. apis. elaps. natr. phos. Burning. apis. l. ars. Cic. phos. rhus-ven. staph. l. Smarting. aeth. m-aust. pedicul. Stinging. apis. l. berb. brom. Raw. aeth. Contractive. cornus-circ. dulc. Bruised. rhus. Drawing. fluor-ac. lith-c. r. sulph. val. Zingib. painless, plat. l. Dull. asaf. l. cocc. Pressing. arn. asaf. l. cocc. magn. mercurial. mez. l. natr. m. l. phell. rhod. l. spig. r. staph. l. 'ntermitling. arn. phell. from without inwards. Spig. r. Pricking. berb. spong. Shooting. aeth. apis. brom. phos-ac. rhod. l. Tearing. ambr. calc. coloh. iod. lyc. mercurial. mur-ac. Breaking. natr-s. Tensive. alum. nux-m. Jerking. Stann. Throbbing. lith-c. r. O°– Orbit, superiorly. Boil. natr-m. Fleat. acon. ars. Itching. allium-cepa. kali-nitr. Ol-an. Sensitive to pressure. natr.m. r. Swelling (feeling of.) apis. r. Pain. chin. merc-iod. l. merc-biniod. r. spig. staph. r. sharp. cupr-ars. r. merc-iod. l. Burning. allium-cepa, apis. l. Sulph. Raw. plat. 63 Sorencss. cupr-ars. l. Stinging. apis. r. Crampy. phos-ac. l. Contractive. nitr-ac. Spasmodic. cist. r. Boring. calc-caust. Cupr-ars. l. hep. Ol-am. r. Drawing. kali-hydr. r. lith-c. r. l. rhod. l. stann. l. Zingib. Dull. merc-iod. l. oleand. Gnawing. hyos. plat. Pressing. carb-an.chin.hura. morph-ac. Oleand. paris, phos-ac. l, phytolac. ruta, spong, stann. l. staph. thuy. l. r. Z11) C. 7°. — from without inwards. chin. downwards. carb-an. from within outwards. staph. alternately increasing and decreasing. Oleand. like two fingers. natr-S. l. As if something were repeatedly pressing on under surface of. matrim. Y. Undulating stupefying pressure. plat. r. Pressure as from a plug. anac. Piercing. (spasmodic.) cist. r. Shooting. acom. bar-c. calc-ac. carb am. paull. tab. thuy. l. r. to brain. paull. Sticking. ol-an. r. Tearing. alum. magn. phell. r. tongo. r. Bursting. matr-m. r. staph. r. Tensive. iod. r. plat. Hammering. am-m. Jerking. stann. Throbbing. lith-c. r. O* = Orbit, inferiorly. Color, blue. ars, ars-hydr. FHeat. fluor-ac. Itching. agnus. natr-m. l. Spong. l. corroSºve. agnus. Sensitive to touch. thuy. r. Swelling. ars. Comoclad. Oleand. Sep. 'red. Oleand. Sep. Feel bloated. nux-m. r. Burning. Croc. plumb. l. ruta. l. 64 Stinging. matr.m. l. petiveria. l. spong. l. Sharp. merc-iod. r. l. Pinching. croc. sil. Bruised. magn-m. Gnawing. kali-hydr. Pressing. apis. l. cina. phytolac, spong, thuy. r. Shooting. paull. r. plumb. l. rhus. Tearing. matr-s. l. teucr. r. phos. Jerking. nitr-ac. r. sep. O* = Orbit eacternally. Itching. fluor-ac. l. Swelling. Spig. Quivering. fluor-ac. l. Burning. fluor-ac. l. Smarting, spig. Cramp-like. plat. r. Drawing. lith-c. r. spong, l. eactending round 0° and 0° to Caº.spong, l. Pressing. asaf, led. spig. Sticking, eactending round O’ and O' to €a” spong. . Tearing. aur. Blows. Stann. l. Tensive. spong. l. Throbbing. lith-c. r. O°– Orbit, internally. Coldness. phos-ac. Creeping. Sep. l. Boring. thuy. r. Shooting. phos-ac. Pressing. col. C = Conjunctiva. Dim. lyc. Puckered, arg—nit. brom. Rough. eryng. l. Inflammation. (see Section I.) granular. eryng. l. kali-bich. Swelling. arg-nit. bry. kali-bich. led. Sulph. Ulceration, col. croton. 65 C = Conjunctiva – Inner Canthus. Color, yellow, phos-ac. Congestion. acon. laur. phos-ac. Dryness. berb. Pustules. kali-bich. l. Inflammation. puls, rhus-r. Redness. acon. arg—nit. cham. r. eug. haem. kali-bich. l. Swelling. arg—nit. Pressing. berb. * = Conjunctiva—Outer Canthus. Brown spot. kali-bich. r. Inflammation. calc-ac. puls. Redness. calc-ac. sars. broad red stripe from Cr to Ca". Sars. C*= Conjunctiva around Cornea. Pimple. bar-c. |Vesicle. Sulph. Redness. arg-nit. cinnab. puls, thuy. l. Ulceration. natr. C* = Conjunctiva–Palpebral. Coldness. phos-ac. Congestion. hydrast. kali-bich. Dryness. arn. nitr-ac. ol-an. Sulph. Blister-like elevations. natr-s. Granular. kali-bich. Heat. berb. puls-nutt. Inflammation. arg-nit. ars. bar-c. col. l. Ol-an. rhus-r. sulph. Itching. caust. Verat. º Redness. arg-nit. berb. calc-caust. kali-bich. mercurial. sulph. Inflammatory softening. thuy. Ulceration. Col. i. Puckered. arg-nit. Tensive. Sulph. Burning. berb. Con. Sulph. Smarting, lob-inf sulph. Stinging. Verat, Sore arm. Pressing (periodical). nitrac. 66 Shooting. col. r. Zingib. Pricking. col. l. C* = Conjunctiva— Upper Lid. Smarting. Cobalt. C*= Conjunctiva—Lower Lid. Biting. rhus. S = Sclerotic. Congestion. apis. ars, iod. nux. Color, blue. plumb. Yellow. acon. ars, blatta. Con. gran. dirty. kali-bich. iod. Ayellowish red. eupat-perf. red. Comocl. elaps. hura, merc. rhus. mux. Öand. nux. streaks. elaps. pink. Stram. Interstitial distention. bell. Inflammation. ars, led. nux. Sugillations. nux. Swelling. led. kali-bich. Beating pressure, hura. -** *-*º -** I= Iris. Inflammation. clem. merc. Cr = Cornea. Color, blue. euphr. Injected, am-c. cann. plumb-ac. tab. thuy. Dark spots. nitr-ac. Pustules, aeth. kali-bich. l. sep. Thickening. bell. Inflammation. apis. croton. euphr. kali-bich. l. spig. Specks. ars. aur. bell. calc. cann. cin. hep. ruta. sil. Sulph. Opacity. apis. arg-nit. calc. con. Croton. chel.chin. euphr. hep. kali-bich.l. magn. puls. Sacch-alb. Seneg. Sulph. Zingib. caused by a network of dilated vessels. cann. plumb. Ulceration. ars. bell, calc. croton. hep, lach, merc. natr. sil, sulph. Pricking. kali-bich. l. Hypopion. Croton. plumb, '67 L = Lens. Pressure. meny. P = Pupils. Contracted, acom. agar. amygd. anac. r. ang, ant-t. arg. arg-nit. arn. ars. aur. bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caps. cham. chel. chin. cic. cinc. cocc. con. Croc. croton. cupr-ac. daphn. dig. dros. gins. glon. gran. haem. hell. hyos. ign. laur. led. m-arct. mang. meny. merc-corr. mosch. morph. morph-ac. mur-ac. natr. mux-rm. nux. Oleand. Op. phos. phytolac. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. rhod. l. ruta. Samb. Sec. Seneg. Sep. sil. Squill. Stann. stram. staph. Sulph. tab. tarax, thuy. Verat. viol-Od. viol-tr. zinc. spasmodic. Sec. feeling of nux-m. Contracted, then dilated. anac. camph. Cann, caust, cic. gins. lam. meny. mur-ac. plumb. puls. Sabin. Samb. Seneg. stann. Staph. tarax. Contracted and dilated alternately. bar-ac. cann. mur-ac. Solan-nigr. Dilated. acon. aeth. agar. agnus. alcohol-s, anac. ang. arn. arg—nit. ars, asaf, aur. bell. brom. calc. camph. caps. carb-an. l. canth. Caust. cham. Chin. cic, cin. cocc. con. Croc. crotal, cuprum. Cycl. cubebs. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. gels, gins. glon. gran. guiac. hell. hyper. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. ipeg. iod. kali-brom. kali- hydr. kreas. lachnanth. lach. lact-v. lact-s, laur. led. lyc. mgs, m-arct. m-aust. mang. meny. mercurial. merc. mez, mosch. mur-ac morph. morph-a2. natr. nitr'ac. nux. Oleand. Op. paris. pedicul. petr. phos. phos-ac. r. plumb. puls. raph. rheum. rhus. rhod. samb. sang. Sars. Scutell. Sec. Spig. squill. Solan-nigr. stann. Staph. Stront. tab. tarax. tax-b. thuy. Val. verat. ... . . verb. zinc. , , , - Right dilated, left contracted, rhod. i tº e — more dilated than left. laur. mang, phos-ac. ‘s. Dilated, then contracted agar. bell. calc-ac. chin-sulph. oleand. Insensible. acon. aeth. amygd. arg—nit. arn. bar-c. bell. cham. chin. Guprum. dig, ferr. hyos. hydr-ac. lach. laur. lyc. m-arct. nitrºac. plumb. ran-bulb. op. Seneg, spig, stram. 68 Insensible and dilated. aeth. dig. laur. hydr-ac. op. plumb. Stram. and contracted. merc-corr. Seneg. stram. Sluggish. cham. gran. Too mobile. bell. cham. ign. ipec, op. plumb. sulph. Irregular. bar-ac. lach. merc.corr. sulph. l. Dimness. spig. White leaflet in. bell. Cataract, acon. agar. am-c. am-m. anac. ang, ant-t. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. Calc. cann. caps, caust, chel. chin. cinc. con. Croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphras. hep. hyos. ign. kreas, lyc. magn. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. nitrac. Op. phos. plumb. puls rhus. ruta. Sars. Sang. Sep. sil. Spig. stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. tarax. tellur. val. verat. viridis. phos. plumb. reticularis. caust. plumb. GENERAL CHARACTER AND DIRECTION. Frequent. sars. Violent. apis. arg. arg-nit. arn, aur. cham.chin. Croton. daphn. dig. graph. kali-chlor. magn-m. ran-bulb. ran-sc. Sars. Transient. asaf asclep-tub. Col. Paroacysmal. ars. hep. staph. therid. Verat. Intermitting. arn. asaf badiaga. berb. Calc. ram-Sc. sabad. sil. alternate days. Sars. every day at 4 p. m. sil, Periodical. paeon. ran-sc. rhod. Alternately increasing and decreasing. oleand. In a small spot, croc. meny. natr-m. phell. Deep sealed, ars. bar-ac. bar-c. bell. Colch. glon. mercurial. merc. Seneg. From within outwards. asar. asterias. aur. berb. borax. bov. cann. carduus. caust. cocc. dros. eug. gels. mur-ac. nitr-ac. rhod. Scutell senecio-aur. staph. val. viol-tr. From without inwards. acon. aur. bell. caust. chel. chin. gins. graph. haem. hyper. kreas. mang. Spig. From above downwards. anac. asar. atham. aur. bry. Cainc. carb-v. chel. col. gels. Oleand. paris. ran-bulb. spig. Zingib. From below upwards. bell. bism. Cainc. sabad. From before backwards. anac. bism. Col. corall. phos-ac. From behind forwards. ang. Camph, cann. puls, From centre of brain through eye. thuy, 69 From head downwards. puls. Lengthways. borax. dros. phos-ac. Outwards, iod. natr. To and fro. mang. From Cal to Caº petr. Diagonally. dros. zinc. Right then left. agar. Left then right. bar-c. sars thuy. Alternately in either eye. agar. ang, cuprum. natr-s, ran-bulb. From eye to head. acon. agar. ars. badiaga, bar.c. bell. berb. bov.brom. carb-v. calc-caust. cic. cinnab. Colch.coccus. graph. lith-c. lyc. lach. phytolac. Sang. Spig. tab. thuy. to occiput. cic. cimicif. r. coccus. Colch. Comocl. r. tab. thuv. to forehead, acon. agar. badiaga. bell. berb. brom. calc-caust. coccus lyc, Sang. to temple. acon. badiaga. bar-c, brom. cinnab. r. coccus. lith-c. r. to verteac. phytolac. Eye to ear, bar-c. cinnab. r. lith-c. r. staph. Jºye to nose. allium-cepa. r. bar-c. calc-caust. Col. r. nicc. Eye to face. acon. calc-caust, corall. lyc. mur-ac Bye to neck. ars, mgs. Eye to jaw. fluor-ac. jacarand. mgs. right lower jaw. jacarand. Bye to teeth. acon. lyc. Eye to upper lip. calc-caust. Eye to chest. mgs. Eye to abdomen. mgs. JEye to leg. mgs. Eye to hip. mgs. Eyebrow to lashes. lach. Outer T" to inner and orbit. tab. Eyelid to brow. brom. Fyelid then orbit. borax. From head to eye, anagall. apis. arg—nit. badiaga. bell. berb. borax. bov. brom. calc. graph. lach. lith-c. kreas. mur-ac. natr. phos. puls. sil. stront. zinc. — temple to eye. anagall. berb. borax. graph. lith-c. forehead to eye. arg-nit. badiaga. berb. borax, bov. calc.r. gels. natr. phos. thuy. l. zinc. side of head to eye. bov. r. brom. r. occiput to eye. mur-ac. — vertea to eye. Calc. r. sil. 7O From centre of brain through eye. thuy. Nose to eye. arm. calc-caust. gels. zinc. Face to eye. allium-cepa. l. col. l. rhod. l. Mouth to eye. lob-inf. Teeth to eye. nux. Sulph. tarax. Upper jaw to orbit. mgs. Neck to eye. selen. Pain changing character. calc. croc. sars. Alternates with colic. euphr. Photophobia alternates with lachrymation and inflamma- tion. sil Changing fronn eye to jaws. hura. from orbits to forehead. hura. Vomiting, alternating with distorted eyes. cic. Fye then head (same pain.) acon. Headache, then pain in eyes, then loss of sight, con. sil. Nausea, then dartings from eye to occiput. cic. Pain, then dim sight. Croc. JEar, then eye. arn. Staring, ther loss of sense and sight. cic. Eye symptoms followed by coryza. sang. Dim sight, then vertigo and headache, stram. CONDITIONS. Day, alum. gamb, hura, ign, lact-v. led. lye, phos. Sars. Sep. Stann. ZInc. Night. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. apis. arg. arg-nit. ars, bell. Cadmºs. calc. cast. carb-v. chelid. cina. cinchon-s. cobalt. cocc. croc. crotal-casc. eug. euphorb. euphr. ſerr. gamb. gels. hep. hyos. ign. kali. kreas. led. lepid. lyc. magn-m mercurial. merc. matr-m. matr-s. nitr-ac. nux. Ol-an. phos. puls. raf. ran-SC. rhus. rhus-r. Sep. sil. stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Midnight. acon. Morning.acon. agar. alum. C. arn-m. ammoniac. anac. ang. ant-c. apis. arg—nit. ars. arum-tr. bar-c. bell. berb. * borax. bov. bry. Calc. calc-ac. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. caust. cham. chel. Gina. cimicif. coccus. coff. Col. con. Croc. dig. elaps, euphorb. eug. gamb. glon, gins.graph: gymnocl. hell. hep. ign. kali.kali-bich. kali-nitr. kreas. lach. lachnanth. lact-v. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-aust. magn. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meph. merc. mill. mur-ac. natr. matr-m. matr-S. nitr-ac. nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. paris. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. plat. plumb. 7| Morning. puls, puls-mutt. rat. Thus, rhus, rhus-r. Sabad. Sars. Seneg. Sep. sil. Spong. staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tarax. thuy. Val. zinc. early. Calc. Col. graph. kali. magn. magn-m. Afternoon. alum. ang, arg. badiaga. borax. bry, caust. cinnab. ign. iod. laur. lyc. merc-biniod. matr. matr-S. micc. ol-an. phos. phos-ac. ran-bulb. sang. Sars. Sil. Spig. Sulph. tongo. zinc. Noon. natr-s. Evening. agar, agnus.allium-cepa, amphisb. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. berb. borax. bov. Calc. Carb-an. carb-v. chenopod. chin. cimicif. cina. cinnab. Cobalt. coccus. Col. comoclad. Con. Corall. Croc. dig. eug. euphorb. ferr. fluor-ac. gamb. gels, glom. graph. hep. hura. ign. indig. ipec. kali. kali-bich. kali-chlor. kali- hydr. kali-nitr. kalm. lach.laur.led. lyc.magn. magn-m. mang. merc. mercurialis. meph. meZ. mill. mur-ac. matr. natr-m. natrºs. mice. nitr-ac. nux. ol-am. oleand. ox-ac. pallad. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rat. rhod. rhus, rhus-r. Tume N. ruta. Sars. Seneg, sil. staph. Sulph. tab. tarax, tilia, tongo. Val. Zll] C. In a room. aeth. agnus. alum. am-m. caust. cinnab. con. Croc. dig. dros. dulc. phos. plat. ruta. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tax-b. In hot room. allium-cepa, arg—nit. puls, sulph-ac. On entering a warm room. selen. In open air. acon. aeth. agar. alum. am-m. arg-nit. bry. Calc. calc-caust. canth. caust. Carb-v. Con. Colch. Cobalt. col. comoclad. dig. euphr. gamb. graph. haem. jacarand. kali. kali-bich. kalm. lach. lach. meny. merc. mercurial. matr-m. matr-s. nitr-ac. Ol-an. petr. phos. phytolac. puls. puls-nutt. rheum. rhod. Thus, rhus. ruta. Sars. Sars. Sabad. Sabin. Senecio-aur. Seneg. Sep. sil. Staph. Sulph. sulph-ac. tax-b. tereb. teucr. thuy. zinc. In bed, hura. sil. When touched, agar, agnus. ant-t. arg—nit. aur. bar-C. bry. bufo. Caust. caust. chel. Chin. Cuprum. Cupr-ars. dig. dros. guiac. hell. hep. hyos. kali. lye. meny. merc. merc-iod. natr-m. nice. nux. Oleand. Sang, sil. Spig. Spong, tarax, thuy. thwy. When pressed upon. alum. bar-c. bry. bry. Col. dros. evon. ; petr. phos-ac. rhus. Sars. Sulph. Verat. verat. When pressed upwards. bell. YWhen pressing closed eyes. Sars. 72 By rubbing. agar. agnus. allium-cepa, alum. am-c. am-m. apis. boraac. calc-ac. carb-an. caps. caust. caust. chin. cina. cobalt. coccus. col. croc. euphorb. fluor-ac. gamb. gamb. grat. gymnocl. hyos. indig. kalû-bich. kalû-hydr. kalm. kreas. lam. lact-v. lach. laur. magn. magn-m. mercurial. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-S. nua... ol-an. phell. phos. phos-ac. phos-ac. phytolac. plat. plumb. puls. puls. ran-bulb. ran-bulb. rat, rhus. ruta. Seneg. sep. Spig. Spig. Stann. Staph. stront. Stront. tab. tax-b. thuy, tongo. viol-tr. wrt-wr. zinc. zing. Wiping. agar. alum. kreas. kreas. lach. matr. Seneg. Scratching. carb-an. fluor-ac. gymnocl. laur. puls. Lying. caust. fluor-ac. led. on left side. merciod. Standing. caust. Sitting. led. natr. phos. After long sitting. Sars. At rest. comoclad, croc. dros. mur-ac. Moving eyes, acon. arg—nit. arn. ars. badiaga. berb. bry. Calc. calc-ac. calc-caust. camph. caust. chin. cham. Col. comocl. corall. Crotal. cuprum. dig. hep. hippom. kali. kali-bich. kalm. lach. lyc. magn-s. mang. meph. merc. nitr-ac. nitr-ac, ox-ac. phos. phos. plumb. ran-bulb. ran-Sc. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. Stann. Stann. Sticta. stront. Sulph. tab. Val. viol-tr. Zizia. Zinc. quickly. ran-Sc. — Quickly up and down. phos. — wipwards. zinc. — upwards and inwards. mang. to the Side. col. sil. to right side. dig. magn-S. sep. to left side. magn-s. Moving lids. alcohol-s. bell. chin. corall. lach. mang. stann. Opening eyes. acon. alum. arg-nit. asar. borax. canth. clem. cobalt. Croc. elaps. fluor-ac. graph. ign. kali-bich. magn-m. rhus-r. phos-ac. therid. widely. arg-nit. Closing eyes, agar. alum. alum. asar. aur. bar-ac. bell. berb. calc. camph. carb-v. caust. caust. chel. cic. cimicif. clem. comoclad. Con. Corall. Croc. croc. dig. elaps. fluor-ac. gels. grat. hell. hipp-manc. hura. ign. lach- nanth. lob-inf. lye. lyc. mang, matr-m. nitr-ac. petiv. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. plat, rhus-r. sars. Seneg. sep. sil. Staph. Sticta. Sulph. therid. thuy. Closing one eye, gels. — when falling asleep. con. Winking. caust. Looking fixedly agar, alum. alum. am-e, am-m. anac, anac. aur. bar-ac. bar-c. carb-v. carb-v. Castoreum. cham. chin-sulph. cic. cinc. cinnab. cobalt. dros. eug. eug. gels. gins. kali-bich. kreas. lact-v. lachnanth. laur. lyc. magn. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. petr. phos-ac. rheum. rhod. rhus. Thus-v. Seneg. spig. Spong, staph. stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tax-b. thuy. Looking long. agar. caust. lachnanth. rheum. ruta. Jooking sharply. calc. merc. Looking up. alum, alum. ars. bar-ac. carb-v. Croton. kali. mang. Sabad. Sabin. zinc. Looking down. acon. alum. bar-ac. kalm. Jooking around, acon. bar-ac. Looking straight. Seneg. Looking Sideways. chin-sulph. magn-s. Oleand. Seneg, stront. Looking into air. sulph. Looking out of window. am-m. Looking at near objects. mang. Looking at distant objects. cactus. dig. rat. Looking up the wall. cinnab. Looking at white things. graph. phos. tab. Looking at Snow. ars. kali. phos. Looking into light. amphisb. ars. euphr. kali. kreas. lyc, magn-m. Sabad. therid. Looking at bright things. comoclad. grat. phos-ac. J,00king into fire. magn-m. Looking at small things. dros. eupat-perſ. Dooking suddenly in dark. phos-ac. Looking away for a moment. phos-ac. Holding a finger vertically before nose. gels. Wearing spectacles. borax. |Weeping. borax. calc. spig. Eacerting eyes. alum. bar-c. carb-v. Croc. dros. mang, nicc. petr. phos. plat. ruta. Sars. Staph. stront. Reading. agar. agnus. alum. alcohol-s, am-c. apis. asar. ars. ars-met.bell. berb. branca. brom. bry. calc. calc-caust. caust. chin. cina. Comoclad. Con. Crotal. croc. cycl. dros. dulc. gent-cr. gins, graph. grat. hep. haem. hyos. ign. kali. kalm, lach. lachnanth. lith-c. lyc. magn. mang. memy. mercurial. merc. mez. mill. matr. matrim. matr-S. nitr-ac. Oleand. petr. phos. phytolac. 74. Reading. puls. rhod. rhus-v. rhus-ven. ruta. Sars. Seneg, sep. sil. stram. staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tongo, thuy. viol-od. zinc. small print. coff meph. by candle light. lach. After reading. lith-c. Writing. alum. arg-nit. calc. canth. clem. cobalt. ferr. grat. graph. hep. kali. kali-bich. lachnath, lact-v. lyc. mercurial. mez. natr. natr-m. ol-an. phos-ac. rhod. rhus-ven, Seneg. Sep. staph. thuy. Zing. Sewing. am-m. lact-v. mercurial. Light. am-m. asar. bar-c. bell. bry. calc, caust, cobalt. Croc. dig. eryng. euphr. graph. hep. kali-bich. kreas, lyc. magn. magn-m. mang, mercurial. merc. nux, phytolac. puls. Sabad. Sars. Sep. staph. Stram. Sulph-ac. therid. thuy. Sunlight, asar. cobalt. graph. hep.m-arct, magn-m, mercurial. puls, stram. Sulph. Zinc, Artificial light, am-m. arg-nit. ars, asclep-tub. berb. borax. bov. calc, calc-caust. carb-an. cina. comoclad. Corall. croc. eleis, graph, graph. ign. kali. laur, lob-C. lye. magn-m, magn-s, mang. merc. mercurialis. natr-s. nice. nitriac.nux-m.ol-an.petr.phos. phos-ac.phytolac, plat. puls, rat. rhus-r. ruta. Sars. Seneg, sep. Sulph. tilia. On coming into light from room. cobalt. Twilight. acon, am-m. arg-nit. bar-c. dig, lyc. matr-m. phos. sulph-ac. thuy. Shading eye from light. phos. Dark. alum. am-m. arg—nit. bar-c. calc. lyc, phos. staph. stront. thuy. Val. Moving head. cham. comoclad. puls. Moving head suddenly. lachnanth. Turning head backwards. Seneg. Inclining head to shoulder. gels. Baising head. ars. Moving facial muscles. spig. Rising. ant-t. hep. ol-an. Ox-āc. puls, staph. Verat. Rising from bed, cina. merc-iod. After rising from bed, cimicif. merc-iod. ran-bulb. rhus, rhus-r. val. Zizia. Lifting. tereb. Stooping. acon.colb. col. colch.comoclad. dros. fluor-ac.lact-v. mercurial. merc-iod. matr-m. Seneg. therid. val. zizia. Exercise. Sulph. 75 Violent exercise. calc. Getting warm from eacercise. puls. Motion. cuprum, phytolac. Spig. tab. Walking. acon. agar. anac. ant-t. carb-v. Con. dulc. elaps. euphr. gamb. hep.lach. lach. led. natr-m. matr-m. ol-am. ox-ac. puls-nutt. Sabad. sep. sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tereb. thuy. Verat-vir. Zizia. Going up stairs. cimicif. Anger. Sep. By effort of will. gels. Mental exertion. cina. Cryng. mony. ran-bulb. Noise. merc-iod. Blowing nose. alum. caust. matr-m. natr-s. Smelling camphor. kali-nitr. |When eating. lith-c. merc. natr-s. Sulph. After food. agar, bar-c. Calc. dig. grat, ign. lact-v. lith-c. magn. meny, meny, matr. natr-s: olan, op. phell. phos. sulph. Verat. ZimC. By wine, agar. By coffee, allium-gepa. |Womiting. raph. tab. After vomiting. ant-t. After wrinating. eug. • º Before menses. bell. lyc. During menses. Calc. Castoreum, gins, graph. lith-c. lyc. magn. mice. nitr'ac. puls. Sep. sil. Talking. merc-iod. Coughing. eupat-perf. kali. kali-clor. Sabad. Sneezing. am-c. kali-chlor. Yawning. Sabad. staph. Sars. On going to sleep. Col. Con. lyc. natr-c. During sleep. Verat. After sleep, croc. After siesta, calc. chim. Com. ign. lye. magn-m. verat. On waking. 8th. alum. am-c. am-m. apocyn-cann. arg—mit. calc-ac. Cainca. Caust. cham. cina. coccus. Croc. dig. elaps. euphorb. hell. hep. hydrast. kali. kali-bich. kreas. lyc. magn. natr. micc. . phos. plumb. puls. rat. Theum, rhod, rhus-r, rhus-v. Sars. Sep. sol-t-aegr. staph. Sulph, tarax, thuy. therid. zinc. Hot weather. Sulph. Warmth. bry. comoclad. eryng. Near fire. matr-s. Damp. crotal. 76 Wind, asar, euphr. lyc. matr-m. phos. puls. thuy. Cold air. allium-cepa, clem. cobalt. dig dulc. Cold. arg-nit. asar, dulc. JDraft of air. thuy. Catching cold. dulc. Washing. laur. matris, Cold washing. alum. alwm. am-m. am-m. caust. elaps. kali-nit. kali-nitr. kali. magn-m. mur-ac. nice. nicc. phos-ac. Sep. thuy. Application of saliva. Tatr. Riding in carriage. natr.m. Driving. lith-c. TWarm covering. thuy. Uncovered. thuy. During the chill (of fever.) cinchon-s. eupat-purp. After the chill. micc. JDuring the ſever. bell. cupat-purp. By touching the object looked at. laur. From pain. Sabad. After suppressed syphills. nitr-ac. From abuse of mercury. nitr-ac. From foreign bodies. acon. sulph. From being wounded. euphr. After surgical operations. Croc. CONCOMITANTS. Loss of consciousness. Sars. Absence of mind. Zinc. Anaciety. arg-nit. Calc. JDull temper. Sars. Loss of ideas. nux-m. Inability to work. phos. Mental eaccitement. phos. Gloominess of head, rheum. Confusion of head. carb-v. chin-S. natr. S. nux-j. nux-m. phos-ac. rhod. thuy. zinc. Stupefaction. acon, ars. Cicc. cycl. mosch. matr-S. nitr-ac. nux. phos. Sec. stann. thuy. zinc. Vertigo. acon. ant-t. bapt. Carb-v. Cicc. Coff. Comoclad. Croton. dig. euphorb. evon. gels. gins, gram. hura. hydr-ac. lach. magn. meny. merc. mosch. natr. matr-m. op. ox-ac. phytolac. phell. phos. puls. ran-bulb. raph. rhus-r. Sabad. Sabin. Spig. Stram. Sulph. tab. tereb. tilia. Vinca. Zinc. 77 Headache. acon. agar. agnus. allium-cepa, aloes. arg. badiaga. bell. bism. bov. calend. canth. cann. carb-v. caulloph. cistus. cimicif. cobalt. con. cocc. croc. crotal. euphr. gins. glon.hippom.indig. kali.lach. lith-c. lyc. magn-m. meph. mercurial. merc-iod. natr. natr.m. nitr-ac. nux-j. phos. plat. puls. puls-nutt. Sep. Spong, sulph. tab. tax-b. viol-Od. zinc. Zingib. Headache. (same pain.) acon. arg. bism, calc. cimieif, col. con. Croc. Crotal gins. led. lyc. myrica. nice. Ox-ac. puls. ran-bulb. Senecio-aur. Selen. Sep. stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. zinc. Shooting headache. lyc. Drawing digging shooting. OX-ac. Frontal headache. arum-tr. cobalt. ox-ac. plantago. Jerking frontal headache. borax. Frontal headache. (same pain.) agar. aloes. bism. cimicif. Col. erigeron. gent-lut. hura. merc-biniod. mercurial. Ox-ac. phytolac. stront. tab. urt-ur. Pain over left eye. sep. (Same pain.) acon. Pain on verteac. cobalt. Right parietal bone (same pain.) urt-ur. Crampy, one sided. sars. Temples. (same pain.) badiaga. mercurial. podoph. Pain in temples. lith-c. podoph. 'n R. temple. Sabad. zinc. Żd L. temple. anac. nitr-ac. Senecio-aur. (same pain.) gymnocl. Tearing in temples. Spong. Scalp (same pain.) calc. Pain in frontal scalp when touched. lach. Congestion of head. carb-v. lach. Fullness of head. cinnab. Heaviness of head. gins. natr. nux-m. Heat of head. sep. stram. Itching of head. calc. Oppression of head. Sars. Head pressed backwards. merc. Throbbing of temporal arteries. podoph. JEarache. dros. nitr-ac. (same pain) cimicif. Burning in ear. Croton. Beating in ear. sil. Deafness. ars, hydr-ac, plumb, puls. Sec. sep. stram. Noise in ears. indig. phos. sil. Verat. 78 Every word reverberates in head. sars. Itching of ears. bov. natris. — of opposite ear. natr-s. Pain in nose. agar. bism. bry. cuprars. l. caulloph. Crotal. ram-bulb. rhus-r. (same pain.) cupr-ars. l. Itching of nose. eug. Sars. Sulph. Swelled mose. COcc. Dryness of nose. bell. of R. nostril. petr. Coryza. allium-copa. cinnab. cobalt. lyc. magn. mercurial tellCr. acrid, allium-cepa. As if coryza were coming. alum. Epistawis. ferr. Ox-ac. Stopped ºp. Sars. |Wretched look. zinc. Face ache. lyc. (same pain.) merc. biniod. Heat of face, aloes. arg-nit. bov. grat. hell. mercurialis. Verat. Inflamed face. Croton. Swelled face. bell. bry. cinnab. natr. sulph. stram. Vipe-r. Viper-t. feeling of alum. lach. Face convulsed. acon. bell. dry. petr. — red. bell. Cimiciſ, lachnanth. merc-corr. Op. Straum. Verat. — pale. Camph. Caps. hura. puls. Sabin. teucr. — sweat 077. matr-S. Sulph. Pimples at corners of lips. rhod. Pain in malar bone. Col. merc-iod. Olcand. (same pain.) merc-iod. l. Col. r. Pain in upper jaw. tab. Pain inside lower jaw. Senecio-aur. Mouth dry. bell. waters. tab. spasm, hindering speech, mOSch. Tongue swelled. Stram. Toothache. Croc. indig. Grinding of teeth. Stram. Throat, mucus in. ran-bulb. smarting in. ran-bulb. dry. bell. (same pain.) merc-biniod. 79 Stomach, emptinesss of tax-b. pain in. lith-C. tab. Loss of appetite. Stram. Verat. Nausea. ars, borax, calc. cimicif. kalm. kali, lith-c. magn-m. natr. matr-S. puls. Sep. tab. therid. Fructation. kalm. natr. petr. ran-bulb. velat, Sour. petr. Thirst. allium cepa, stram. Abdomen, pains in. bell. kalm. Stram. Hypochondria, pressure in. Sulph. Tenesmus with stool. natr. Pºles. lach. Urethra, burning in, matr. Seawal desire. matr. Slow breathing. nux. Dyspnoea. Sep. Chest (same pain) gymnocl. oppression of matr-S. JBack (same pain.) Cobalt. Neck convulsed. ars, ‘tching. Calc, Jimbs, weariness of sars, Jimbs, tearing ºn. Sep. Cramps, alternate in hands and feet, bell. Arms, pains in. kalm. convulsed. bell, Shoulders, pain in, lach. Hands, pains in. kalm. cold, therid. Raises hands above head. Verat. Jegs. pain in. kreas. lach. Feet, pains in. kalm. sang. (same pain.) Sang. cold. cham. Legs convulsed. bell. Sleepiness. acon, agar. eryng, euphor. eupat-purp. ipec. kali. lith-c. lyc. magn-S. mang. mur-ac. matr. Ol-am. phell. plumb. plat. Spong, stram, tarax. zinc. Sleeplessness. acon. Verat Yawning. ran-bulb. Chilliness. cham. kreas. rhus. Pulse quick. alcohol-s, phos. slow. asclep-tub. Heat, lach. Sep. Verat. 8O Jºvening fever, led. Sweats. Calc. Ox-ac. stram. |Weakness. therid. Weariness. bell. kreas. Sars. Trembling. bell. Faintness. Croton. sil. Sulph-ac. Compels to lie down. ars. Sars. therid. Jºpilepsy. aeth. sil. Sulph. - With sensations as if the objects were near him without look. 'ng. Val. As ºf he would fall. matr-s. PECULIAIR SYMPTOMS. Pinching pain in head as if eyes would fall out. cham. As ºf eye would fall out. crotal-casc. were coming out. acon. alum. Cann-ind. kali-mit. lach. magn-m. Imang-S. nux. bored into with fingers and torn out. allium-cepa. — forced out. aur, bell. berb. bry. carb-v. calc-caust. camph. Carduus. caust. cocc. comoclad. Crotal-casc. gymnocl. l. hell. laur. led, lyc, m-arct. magn. mercurial. matrim. paris. petiveria. phos-ac. ran-bulb. rhus. Seneg. Sep. sil. thuy. Zingib. — pressed as under. asar, turned up by force. arn. pressed into head, acon. asterias. bapt. bell. borax. calc. caust. Corall, kali. phos-ac. zinc. —— — on top, downwards and outwards, bapt. As if he had not slept. benz-ac. guiac. Inclined to wipe eyes. agar. croc. close eyes, ant-t. Calc. Croc. As ºf something moved in eye. carb-an. cist. Feel loose. carb-an. As ºf something hung before eyes. Castoreum. As if a skin were drawn over eyes. caust. Ol-an. As ºf something were on eye that ought to be wiped off. Croc. As ºf fallen in. China. As ºf smaller. Croc. grat. mercurial. merc-corr. Look Smaller. Crotal. dig. r. As if from weeping. Croc. hyos. kreas. matr-m. spig, teucr. As ºf blood pressed on optic nerve. aur. Pressure around, as iſ eyes were held fast. borax. Pressure inwards, as iſ closed too tightly, or lying deep in Sockels. ambr. teucr. -*. 81 JBubbling. berb. As ºf she ought to press them in. calc. Disposed to eacert eyes by looking sharply. castoreum. Feel as if looking through concave glasses. mez. As if eyes were drawn together, compelling to wink. evon. euphr. Keeps eyes closed from dislike to see things. hell. Uneasiness as when opened under water. kali-bich. Difficult to look away from an object. kali. Frontal scalp drawn up with opening of eyes, then drawing down of skin with closing of eyes. lyc. As if scraped with a knife from head downwards. puls. Feel too large. cimicif.comoclad. r. lach. laur. mercurial. mez. Op. paris. phos-ac. phytolac. plumb. Seneg. Spig. As ºf a band were round eyeballs. laur. As ºf eye would fly to pieces. magn. l. As ºf something were closing eyes. mercurial. Violent pain, as if a thread from centre of eye to head were put on the stretch. paris. As if eye were pulled towards temple by a thread, crotal-casc. Left eye smaller than right. squill. Difficult to look down, with disagreeable feeling. rhus-ven. As if a fluid flowed into eyes and distended them. Senega. Paralytic pain. graph. As if drawn into head. bov. hep. Rolling in eyes. eug. As if depressed. cann. (B.) Neuralgic pains. puls-nutt. As ºf congested. Sarrac-p. As if a round weight were resting on it. lepid. r. Constriction, as if strung together with a cord. amphisb. r. As if something were passing around in eyes. cist. As ºf the eye hung loose posteriorly by a string. allium-cepa. Throbbing from eye into temple and occiput, as though a liquid were injected into a small vessel by successive strokes of a piston. Cocºus. 82 CHAPTER II.-HEAD. IN this chapter I have made some alterations in the ar- rangement, as follows:— 1st. Doubtful symptoms are enclosed in brackets. 2d. The ciphers of the anatomical regions have been omitted, and the symptoms to which they would otherwise have been attached, are enclosed in brackets. If, therefore, the name of a medicine is in brackets, it sig- nifies either that the symptom is doubtful, or that the medi- cine does not strictly belong to that rubric; in the latter case the medicine will be found under its appropriate rubric. 3d. The “direction” of symptoms has been entirely trans- ferred to Section III. r or l in Section I. signifies that the symptom is stated in the provings to affect the whole of the right or left hemisphere of head. Medicines in Section I., not in brackets, refer to the “head,” or “brain” (so stated in the provings.) sºmºsºmºsºsºsºsº. SECTION I.-GENERAL CHARACTER. Anaciety. 88.I’S. Brittle feeling. matr-m. Coldness. (acon.) (agar.) (agn.) (alum.) am-c. (arg-nit.) (arg) arm. (asar.) (bar-c.) (bell.) (berb.) calc. (cann.) (caps.) (chel.) (con.) (croc.) (crotal.) (electr.) (glon.) (graph.) (grat.) (gamb.) hura. (hyp.) janipha. kali. (kali-hyd.) (lach.) (laur.) (lob-infl.)(lyc.) (mang.) (merc.) mosch. (natr-m.) (nux.) (ol-an.) paull. (pedic.) (petr.) (phell.) phos. (phos-ac.) phytolac. (plat.) (rhod.) (rhus-r.) (Sabad.) (seneg.) (sulph.) (tilia.) (val.) (verat.) As if brain froze, phos. Alternates with heat. phos. 83 Confusion. acon. (Bescul-hipp.) ath. agar. agn. alcohol-sulph. (allium-cepa) (aloes.)alum. ambr. ammoniac. am-carb. am-caust. am-mur. (amygd.) anac. ang. ang-sp. antha. kok. ant-t. apis. aranea. arg. arg—nit. arn. ars. (ars-cit.) (ars-iod.) (ars-met.)(arum-tr.) asaf asar. aspar. (atham.) aur. bapt. bar-ac. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. berb. bism. borax. bov. brom. bry. (calad.) (calc-ac.) calc. calc-caust. calc-phos. (calend.) camph. Cann. Canth. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. Card. Casc. caust. (caulloph.) (cham.) (chel.) chenop. chin. chin-sulph. (chlor.) cic. (cimicif.) cimex. (cinnab.) cinch-sulph. (clem.) (cobalt.) coccus. cocc. coff, colch. col. con. Corall. cornus-circ. croc. crotal. Croton. (Cupr.) (cupr-ars.) (cupr-iod.) (cycl.) dig. dioSc. dros. (dulc)(electr.) eugen. euphr. (eupat-purp.) ferr. fluor-ac. galv. gent-Cr. gent-lut. gins. graph. (gran.) grat. guiac. haem. hell. (hep.) hura. hydr-ac. hydrast. hyos. ign. (indig) iod. (iris-v.) (jatroph.) kali-bich. kali-brom. kali. kali-chlor. kali- nitr. (kalm.) (kisseng.) kreas. lach. (lachnanth.) lact-v. (lam.) laur. lob-infl. (lupul.) lyc. m-arct. m-aust. magn-C. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meny. (meph.) merc. (merc-corr.) (merc-iod.) (merc-biniod.) mez. (mitch.) morph. morph-ac. mosch. murex. mur-ac. narcot. natr. hatr-m.natr-n, natr-S. (nicc.) nitr-ac, nux.nux-j.nux-m. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. ox-ac, paeon. (paris.) pedic, petr.phell. phos. phos-ac. phyt. pimp. (plat.) plumb. (podoph.) pothos. (psor.) (puls.) (ran-bulb) ran-scel. raph. (rat.) rheum. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. (rhus-ven.) (rumex.) ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sang, (Sarrac-purp.) sars.(scrof).sec.selen. (seneg.) Sep. Serp. sil. Solan-lyc. Solan-taegr. (spig.) (spiggur.) Spong. (Squill.) stann, staph. (sticta.) stram. stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. (tax-b.) (tepl.) tereb. teucr. (thea.) therid, thuy. til, tongo. (urtic-ur). val. verat. verb. (viol-od.) viol-tr. Wisb. zinc. zinc-ox. Dull feeling. acon. aesc-hipp. allium-cepa (aloes) (apis.) ant-t. arg-nit. arn, ars, ars-iod. (ars-met.) arum-tr. asaf bapt. calc. calend. carb-v. Caulloph. chin. cimicif. cinnab. coccus. Cobalt. Croc. Crotal. Croton, cupr. cupr-ars. cupr-iod. dig. dioSc. eupat-purp. ferr. (fluor-ac.) graph. haem. hydrast. (hydr-ac.) iod. kali. kali-nitr. kalm. kreas. lachnanth. lact-v. lam. laur. lup. lyc. magn-m. magn-S. mang, meny. meph. merc. merc-biniod. 84 merc-iod. meZ. mitch. morph-ac. mosch. natr, matrim. natr-S. mice. nitr-ac. nux. nux-j. nux-m. ox-ac. op. paeon. paris. petr. phos. phos-ac. phyt. plat. plumb. podoph. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. rhus-ven. Tumex. Sabad. sang. Sarrac-purp. sars. Scrof. Sec. Seneg. Sep. Serp. sil. Staph. Sticta. Sulph. (sulph-ac.) (thea.) thuy. til. Val. urt-ur. * Cloudiness. arn. ars, atham. bar-c. bell. bry. calad. cann. caps. Casc. chel. cic. (clem.) cocc. coloh. Col. croc. Croton. dig, gins. gran. (graph.) hell. hyos. kali. kiss. lact-v. meny. natr-m. nux. nux-m. Op. petr. phell. phos-ac. pimp. psor. rheum. Sep. sulph. thuy. val. Depressing feeling. cupr. JDrowsy stolid feeling. merc-bin. Maziness. kali-bich. Muddled feeling. acon. anac. ant. c. arg. berb. bov. bry. calc. camph. chin. coccus. Col. (croc.) dulc. euphor. ferr. galv. gran. grat. hell. ign. iod. kali. kali-brom. kali-chlor. kiss. kreas. lact-v. lam. led. mgs. magn-m. mercurial. merc. mez. natr. natr-S. nux. Op. phell. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. Sec. spig. staph. Sulph. tepl. thuy. til. verb. viol.-od. viol-tr. zinc. Zingib. Narcotized feeling of brain. hydrast. iris-v. Oppression. therid. Sars. Prepossession. brom. mang. Stupid feeling. aeth. alum. ang, arg. arg—nit. ars, asar. (atham.) bapt. bar-ac. bar-c. berb. bov. bry. calc-ac. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-v. caust. cham. Cic. Cimex. Cobalt. cocc. coccus. croc. dulc. electr. ferr. graph. grat. hel. hep. indig. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. laur. magn-m. magn.S. meny. merc. meZ. mitch. mosch. matr. matr-m. natr-S. nice. nux-m. Ol-am. paris. petr. phell. phos. plumb. psor. puls. rat. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sars. Sep. sil. Solan-lyc. Spong. Stann. Staph. stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tepl. teucr. thuy. tongo. val. verat. verb. Stupefaction. acon. aeth. agar. alum. am-carb. ant-t. arg. arg—nit. arn. ars, ars-cit. bell. bov. bry. Calc. Carb-an. chel. chlor. chin, chin-sulph. cic. Coff. Col. con, cupr. cycl. dulc. ferr. fluor-ac. galv. gram. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. jatroph. kreas. lach. lact-S. laur. led. lupul. magn-c. magn-m. merc-corr. meZ. morph-ac. mosch. nux.nux-m. oleand. Op. phos. ( pimp. plumb. 85 psor. puls, rhod. rhus. ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sec. Seneg. Sep. Spig. spiggur. Squill. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab, tax-b. thuy. til. Val. verat. zinc. As from eating too much. Scrof. As from want of sleep. ars. kali. Op. rhod. rhus. Sulph. As after a debauch. alcohol-sulph. ang. bry. calend. cimicif. COccus. dulc. kali. kali-nitr. kreas. nicc. Op. psor. rheum. rhod. Sabad. Sabin. squill. As if a board were before forehead, acon. plat. As from drinking spirits. bell. puls. As from smoking. bell. Spig. As ºf inflated. mercurial. Jºmbarrassing. arg—nit. alcohol-s. Coloc. sulph. Giddy. arg. coff. pimp. As from a skin stretched over brain. ang. As if brain were bound up. aeth. ant-t. magn-s. As after turning in a circle. calc-ac. Painful. arg-nit. asar. calc. graph. Rising like a vapor from occiput. atham. - As if drunk. bell. caust. chim. cocc. Corall, croc.dig, ign. kali. mosch. phell. rat. rhus. As if a hoop were round it. brom. As if screwed in. bry. Caust. magn-s. As ºf bownd up, magn-s. Like a stretching outwards. Carb-v. As from a damp room, where washed clothes were drying, caust. As from coryza, chemop. chin. Solan-t-aegr. As from approaching headache. cimex. As ºf brain did not fill skull. Con. As from disordered stomach. lyc. As from eaccessive coitus. phos-ac. As after eaccessive pollutions. mez. As from too much blood in it. sil. Sulph. As from too rapid work. ars. Congestion. acon. aloes. (ambr.) (am-carb.) (ang.) ang-sp. anac. ant-c. (apis.) (arg—nit.) asaf (aster.) (asar.) aur. aur-mur. (badiaga.) (bapt.) bar-c. (bell.) (berb.) (borax.) (bry.) cact. (calc.) (camph.) (canth.) (cann.) (carb-an.) (carb-v.) (caust.) caulloph, chin. (cimicif.) cinnab. (cinch-sulph.) coccus. (coff) (copaib.) (corall.) cornus cir. (crotal.) croton. (Cupr.) Cupr-ac. cycl. (daph.) dulc. elaps. 86 (electr.) (eug) (eupat-perf.) (eupat-purp.) ferr. fluor-ac. galv. glon. graph. (grat) (gymnocl.) (hell.) (hura.) (hydr-ac.) (hydrast) hyos. ign. iod. (jacarand.) kali. kali-chlor. (kali-nit.) (kali-bich.) (kiss.) (kreas.) lach. laur. (lob-c.) (lupul) lyc. m-arct. (m-aust.) magn-c. magn-m. (magn-s)mang. merc.(merc-corr.) (merc-iod.) (mill.) (morph.) (morph-ac.) (morph-m.) mosch. (mur- ac.) natr. matr-m. nitr-ac. nux. (ol-an.) Op. (ox-ac.) paeon. (petr.) phos. (pimp.) piper. (plant.) plumb. (po- doph.) psor. puls.(puls-nutt.)ran-bulb. (ran-Sc.) (rhus.) (rhus-glab.)rhus-r. Sabin. sang. Sars. Sec. (seneg.) (Sep.) sil. (Solan-arrab.) spong, stram. Strychn. Sulph. tab. (tepl.) (therid.) (thuy.) (til.) trombid. (urt-ur.) val. (verat.) viol-od. Zingib. (Zizia.) Rush of blood. ambr. apis. arg—nit. aster. aur. bell. (borax.) bry. Calc. camph, cann. canth. carb-an. Carb. v. Caust. cinnab. coccus. coff copaib. corall. Crotal. eugen. eupat-perf. ferr. fluor-ac. glon. grat. hell. hura. iod. kali. kali-nitr. kiss. lach, lupul, lyc. (magn-c.) m-aust. mang. merc-corr. merc-iod. mill. morph. morph-m. mosch. matr. nitr-ac. nux. (ol-an.) op. OX-ac. pason. petr. phos. pimp. piper. plumb. puls, ran-bulb. rhus. sang. Seneg, sep. sil. Solan-arrab. spong, stram. Sulph. tepl. Val verat. urt-ur. Zingib. zizia. across head. eupat-perf. as ºf blood stagnated in head. bar-c. as iſ head would burst. tepl. Ebullition of blood. calc. camph. caust. cinch-s, coff electr. hydr-ac. kali-bich. kali. paeon. Sabin. Sars. sil. Sulph. Wave like motion of blood. (merc-p-iod.) Pulsation of cerebral arteries. (asar.) (aur-m.) bell. (borax.) caust. (cinnab.) (crotal.) (cupr-ac.) cycl glon. (hell.) (mur-ac.) Op. psor. puls. (rhus.) audible to himselſ, op. Swelling of bloodvessels of head. bell. (caulloph.) ferr. (glon.) Sang. (thuy.) Blood rises from chest to head. sulph. As iſ blood forced itselſ through head at every pulse, hell. As iſ blood were streaming from below upwards, or within outwards. Ox-ac. As ºf the inflamed brain beat against skull. daph. Irrºtation of brain. morph, morph-ac. plant. Feeling of inflammation of brain. daph. Inflamed brain. Camph. canth. cupr. (Cupr-ac.) (hyos.) 8 7 Apoplectic feeling. fl-x. tepl. Apoplexy. (Cupr.) morph-ac. nux. stram. Creeping. (alum.) (ang-sp.) arg. bar-c. (berb.) (chel.) (coleh.) laur. m-aust. (nitr-ac.) (phos.) psor. (puls.) rhus. (rhod.) (sulph.) (tax-b.) thuy. (zinc.) cold (rhod.) — like a worm crawling. alum. Dryness. —— feeling of cubebs. Emptiness, hollowness. acon. agar, ambr. am-carb. anac. arg. ars, asaf aster. bell. berb. bov. Cact. Calc. camph. caps. chin-sulph. coccus. cocc. corall. cupr. dulc. ign. (mercurial.) (matr.) matr-m. nux. Ox-ac. phos. piper. puls, Seneg. (Sep.) Spig. (Sulph.) (stann.) Zingib, -- as after intoxication, acon. agar. ambr. as from catarrh.. ars. Head feels like a lantern. ars. puls. Fullmess. acon, a scul-hipp. (am-carb.) am-mur. (ang.) ang-sp. apocyn-andr. (apis.) arg—nit. ars-met. arum-tr. aster. bapt. berb. blatta. borax. bry. calc. calc-iod. calc-phos. camph. Caps. Carb-v. Caulloph. Clem. cinnab. (cimicif.) cobalt. collinson. Cornus-circ. Croton. daph. (elaps.) (eupat-purp.), glon, graph.grat. gymnocl. hamam. helonias. hura. hydrast. iris-v. jacaranda. juglans-cin. kali. kali-bich. kiss. (kreas.) lach. lact-v. laur. (lob-infi.) (lob-c.) magn-m. mercurial. merc. merc-iod. merc-bin. merc-sulph. mitch. (natr-m.) nice. nitrac. petiv. petr. phell. phos. (piper.) (plant.) psor. (puls-nutt.) polygonum. ran-bulb. ran-Scel. rhus. rhus-v. rhus-ven. (rhus-glab.) rumex. (sang.) Sarrac- purp. scutel. sil, spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tell, tereb. til. Val. urt-ur. Xanthox. zizia. ascends from chest or neck. glom. as if brain were pressed against Skull, calc-phos. kali. 88 as if skull would burst. daph. nitr-ac. petiv. - as though all the blood had rushed to it. elaps. glon. Sulph. seems to force out the eyes. Inatr-m. as if brain were earpanding or moving in waves, glon. as from fluid, piper. Foreign body. As if a lump 19ere in brain. con. Hardness. Brain feels hard, glon. (mez.) PHeat. acon. aescul-hipp. aeth. alum. (alcohol-s) ambr. (am- mur.) anagall. ang, ant-c. ant-t. apocyn-andr. arg-nit. arm. aster. (badiaga.)(bapt.) bar-c. bell. berb.borax. bry. cact. Calad. Calc. calc-caust. calc-phos. (calend.) Camph. cann. Canth. carb-a. (carb-v.) caust. Casc. Cervus. chel. China. cimicif. cinnab. cinch-sulph. coccus. Col. con. Cornus-circ. (crotal-casc.) cubebs. (Cupr.) (Cupr- ars.) cycl. daph. dig. dioSc. dros. dulc. electr. euphr. eupat-perf (fluor-ac.) galv. gamb. gins, graph. grat. gymnocl. haem. hell. (hep.) hippomanes.hura. hydr-ac. hydrast. hyos. hyper. (indig.) ign. iod. iris-v. jatroph. kali. (kali-bich.) kali-hyd. (kali-nit.) kalm. kiss. (kreas.) (lact-v.) lach. laur. led. lepid. (lob-infl.) lupul. lyc, m-arct. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meph. mercurial. merc. merc-bin. meZ. mimosa. morph-ac. morph-m. mosch. natr. natr-m. (natr-s.) nice. nitr-ac. nux-j. nux-m. Ol-an. Op. paeon. pedic. petiv. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phytolac. pimp. plat. plant. plumb. plumbago. (podoph.) (puls-nutt.) (ram-bulb.) rat. rhus. rhus-r. ruta, Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sarrac-purp. sep. Serp. sil. Sol-t-aegr. spig. Spong. Squill. Stann. Stram. stront. sulph. tab. (tax-b.) thuy. therid. til. tongo. (val.) Verat. (viol-Od.) (vinca.) Zingib. zinc. (zinc-ox.) as if the air around head were hot. aster. miased with coldness. bar-c. verat. pleasant. Camph. cann, nicc. as if tied up in a hot cloth. petiveria. as from wine. Thus-r. — like hot water in head. petiveria. 89 \, Flushes of heat, aeth, am-mur. (calend.) chel. cornus-circ. cubebs. (electr.) magn-m. matr-m. tab. Val. zinc-ox. Heat rising up, aeth. anagall. ang. Calad. gamb. kali. magn-c. mang. matr-S. (nux-m.) rheum. Sep. Sol-t-aegr. Sulph. tab. —— from back. phos. from abdomen. indig. natr-S. plumb. from chest. glom. phos. from Stomach. alum. indig. magn-m. from neck. glom. Heaviness or Weight. acon. aescul-hipp. (aeth.) agar, agnus. alcohol-s. alum. (aloes.)ambr (amphisb.) (amygd.) anac. (ang.) (ang-sp.) anthrak. ant-t. apis. apocy-Cann. arg-nit. aristol. arn.ars. (ars-met.)arum-tr. (aspar.) aster. (asclep-tub.) bapt. bar-a. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bism. blatta. borax. bov. brom. bry. bufo. (cact.) Cainc. calc-ac. calc. calc-phos. (calc-iod.) calend. camph. Camm. Cann-ind. canth. carb-a. carb-v. card. Castor. caust. Cervus. cham. Chin. Chin-sulph. cinnab. cic. (Cistus.) cinch-sulph. Clem. cocc. coff. Col. comocl. con. Convolv. (cornus-circ.) croc. Croton. Crotal-casc. cubebS. cupr. dros. dulc.(elaps.) (electr.) (eupat-perf) ferr. fluor-ac. gels. gent-lut. gins. glon. gran. grat. gamb. (haem.) hell. hep. (hippomanes.) hipp-manc. hura. hydrast, hydr-ac. hyos. hyp. ign. indig. ipec. iris-V. (iter.) jacarand. jatroph. (kali.) kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. (kalm.) kiss. (kreas.) lach. lachnanth. lact-v. laur. lepid. (lith-c.) lob-infl. lyc, m-arct, m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. magn-s, mang. meny. (meph.) mercurial. merc. merc-bin. merc-corr. merc-iod. merc-sulph.meZ. morph, morph-ac. mosch. murex. mur-ac. murure, myrist. narcot. matr. matr-m. natr-S. nice. nitr-ac. nuphar. mux. mux-j.nux-m. Oleand. ol-am. Onisc. Op. ox-ac. pason. panac, paris. paull. pedic. petiv. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phyt. pimp. piper. plumb, plantago. plumbag. prunus. psor. puls, puls- nutt. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rat. rheum. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. rhus-vern. rhus-vem. ruta. Sabad. Sabin. sang. Sarrac- purp. Sars. Scrof. Sec. (Selen.)"Seneg. Senna. Sep. serp, sil. Solan-lyc. Solan-t-aegr. spig. spiggur. Spong. Squill. Stann, staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. 90 **w-e (tax-b.) tarax. tell. (thea) therid. thuy. til tongo. (triost) verat. verat-vir. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. Vip-t. wisb. xanthox. Zingib. Zinc, (zinc-ox.) through shoulders, chest, legs. phytolac. as if crushed by a weight. cubebs. as if drunk. asar. bell. nux. as after intowication, acon. agar. cocc. laur. kali-nitr. Sabin. as if a weight were sinking down in head. mux. as if a weight fell ſorwards. nux, rhus. as iſ brain ſell forwards, rhus-r. brain ſeels heavy. gels. as if brain were pressed down. ars. as iſ pressed down by a weight. mercurial. as iſ something heavy were loose in head, asar. as ſrom sleepiness. bell. as aſter a long illness, Calend. like a pressure forward from mape into head, grat. as if too full of blood, ign. like a commencing catarrh, laur. like a pressure forwards. laur. as after eating too much. Scrof. as from rush of blood into head. mitrºac. Intoacication. acon. aescul-hipp. agar. alum. amygd. ant-c. (arg.) (arg—nit.) ars, asaf (aur.) bell. berb. bry. Cann. Cann- ind. Camph. caps. caust. Chin-sulph. cic. (coccus.) coff. (Col.) con. Croc. cupr. cupr-ars. eug. ferr. gels. gent- lut. graph. grat. hell. hydrast. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. iris-V. kali. (kali-hydr.) (kali-chlor.) kiss. led. m-arct. (magn-c.) magn-m. mercurial. merc. merc-corr. mez. mill. morph. morph-m. nabulus. nux. (nux-j.) nux-m. Op. paris. phell. phos-ac. phytolac. puls. rhod. Thus. rhus-r. Sec. sil. spig, stram. tab. tereb. (thuy.) til. (tongo.) (val.) Verat. agreeable. agar. easy. alum. bell. Col. com. kali-chlor, tereb. eaccited. kali-hydr. morph-m. nux-j. gºddy, arg. arg—mit. Caust. coccus, led, magn-C, nux-m. puls. tab. Val. happy. mcz. hypochondriac, aur. 91 — lazy. eug, loquacious. eug. meZ. sleepy. arg. tereb. tongo. — stupid. arg. bell. caust. mez. rhod. tab. thuy, til. — unruly, led. — from rush of blood to head. kali. Itching (in brain only.) (dig.) (sabad.) (sars.) Sep. tarax. Lightness. calc-iod. cinnab. cornus-circ. Crotal, electr. eupat-purp. gels. grat. hippomanes. Kali. Ox-ac. sec. Senecio-aur. stram. trombid. affecting whole body. eupat-purp. as if head floated in air, op. Motion in brain. Looseness of brain. acon. am-carb. asar, bar-ac. bar-c. bry. carb-an. caust. cic. Col. Con. Croc. glon, graph. guiac. hyos. kali. kali-nitr. (kalm.) lact-v. laur. magn-s. mez. mur-ac. matr-m. natr-s nice. nux-m. Thus, stann, staph. (sulph-ac.) As if lying loose in its cavity, staph. Moving of brain. ars. bar-ac. (bry.) cycl. guiac. kali. magn-s. (phell.) rheum. rhus. Sep. Shaking. ars. bar-c. calc. calc-ac. caust. chemop. cic. cocc. crotal. (elaps). electr. hyos, kali. lact-v. led. lye. m-arct. magn. S. mang. meZ. matrim. nuIN. nu N-m. nuphar. plat, piper. rhod. Sep. spig. tab. viol-tr. like an echo in head. calc-ac. Vibration. grat. indig. (kali.) lyc. magn-c. nux. sil. (stront.) (sulph.) verb. zinc. gurgling. (kali.) Undulation. acon. alum. Chin. (cina.) graph. hyos, indig. magn-m. mang, (merc.) mill, paris. petr. piper. sars. Selen. Sulph. —— from nape over vertea to forehead, mang, synchronous with pulse. alum. beating. Chin. Wavering. nux. Quivering. cann. 92 As ºf brain swung about.acon. bell. Col. lact-v. fell here and there. bar-c, croc. lyc. nux-m. sil. (sulph-ac.) fell from Side to side. am-carb. nicc. (sulph-ac.) tepl. fell forwards, alum. (berb.) (bry.) carb-an. cham. coff. dig. (grat.) kali. laur. magn-s, nicc. nux, rhus. Sulph-ac, fell to left temple. matris, turned over. plant. As if brain knocked against skull. ars, chin. Col. daph. hydr-ac. mez. (natr-m.) nux m. plat. rhus. Stann. Sulph. (Sulph-ac.) Rolling about in brain. eug. As if brain jumped about. lepid. Solan-t-aegr. As if something moved in brain. (alum) (crotal-casc.) hyp. mosch. petr. phos. rhus. sil. — turned round in brain. (kali.) rhus. like a worm crawling under skull. alum. as if something walked round interior of head, crotal casc. Splashing. (asaf)bell. (carb-an.) hep. hyos. nux. rhus. Solan. t-aegr. Spig. Squill. Swashing. hyp. hyos. Bubbling. (asaf) (bry.) (juncus.) nux. paris. petr. (spig.) Swinging. (crotal.) Tºngling like vibration of a steel spring. grat. As if something were alive and tickling the brain. hyper. As if something alive turned about in brain. petr. sil. Tickling undulating ebullitions. indig. Balancing in head, aescul-hipp. As if brain were balancing. chemop. As ºf a current of air were rushing through head. aur. As if brain were moving in waves. glon. As if everything in head were alive. petr. As if brain went up and down (bell.) cobalt. As if waves surged up from neck into head, cann-ind. Dull tremor. sars. © As if a ball were rolling round. (hura.) As if a hot body fell forwards. (kali.) Whirling motion. Sabad. As if something went round from before backwards. (cann-ind.) Movements of Head. Mobility. lam. Unsteadiness. (ſeeling oſ.) Thus r. 93 Shaking, bell. bry. Cocc. (Cupr.) hyos. ign. Sep. tab. Rolling. podoph. Tosses about. cupr. Trembles. ant-t, cupr. ign. Op. Frequent raising from pillow. stram. Boring head into pillow. apis. bell. hell. Cannot hold up head, aeth. ars, gels. mgs. sep. Falls here and there. cubebs. op. phell. Moves here and there. stram. Convulsive movements. stram. Feels as if his head would fall. bell. bry, croc. mang, op. phell. puls. sil. Solam-t-aegr. Jerking. cic. Op. Sep. stram. —— throwing head to right. matr.s. Rises and sinks. bell. Nods backwards and forwards. aur, caust. cham. Hangs forward. ign. Falls forward. calc-ac. caust. clem. cupr. elaps. hippomanes. matr-m. paris. paull. plat. Sars. viol-od. ºnclination to. agn. bar-c. calc. cupr. hippomanes. lepid. Op. paull. phos-ac. plumb. Sars,, thuy, viol-tr. Drawing forward, feeling of berb. Oleand. sang. Jerking forwards. Sep. Falls backward. aeth. camph. chim. dig. kali, lam, led. Op. SOl Q', º to. Camm-ind. Chin, chim-sulph. led, phos-ac. rhod. Spig. Stram. Drawing backwards. acom. camph. Cann-ind. cic. cupr. (eupat.) hep, morph, nitr-ac. phell. Samb. tongo. feeling oſcastor. magn-c. matr. nitr-ac. phell. Spig. tongo. Jerks backwards. sep. Convulsive bending backwards. bell. ign, stram. Turned awry. Cupr. to one side. Colch. lyc. to left side. lyc. Shakes from side to side. aur. bell. Drawn sideways. Camph. Cistus. Cupr. hyos. sil. Stram. Falls to side. cina. tarax. — feeling of phell. Spong. Falls to right side. tarax. feeling of ferr. tarax. Falls to left side. calc-ac. tarax. ſeeling of anac. calc-ac. sil, tarax. Jerks to left side. kali. 94. Jerks to right side, matris, backwards. bov. Cinc. Feels as if head were shaken backwards and forwards, pallad, As if head would sink in every direction. m-arct, cupr, Moves head about from pain. corrall. Restlessness of head, plant. Noises. Bubbling. (asaf) (bry) (juncus.) nux. paris. puls. Buzzing. (calc.) hyper. natr-s, phos. (sulph.) (verat.) (viol-tr.) as after a bell has been struck, sars. Chirping. (ang-sp.) like grasshoppers. bry. Clicking. (carb-v.) Cracking. (cham.) (coff) galv. sep. as if something broke in head. Sep. Cracking crash. dig. Crepitation. (calc.) as from gold tânsel (acon.) synchronous with pulse. (coff) puls. Gurgling. (kali.) pimp. Sars. Humming. acon. (ambr.) cocc. byp. kali. kali-bich. kreas. lach. lact-v. lyc. mgs, m-arct. mang. mur-ac. (nux.) nitr-ac. Op. phOS-ac. phos. puls. rhus, stram. Stapb. (sulph.) tepl. (thuy.) (verat.) zinc. like bees. carb-v. as from dull distant noises, kali-bich. Noise. carb-v. chin-sulph. Rattling. (cham.) Rasping. (rhus-r.) Ringing. Sulph. Roaring. caust. cinnab. (electr.) far. galv. graph. hydrast. kreas. natr. nice. nitr-ac. nux. Op. petr. phos. pimp. puls. tepl. like a river. aur. like boiling water. acon. (magn-m.) Rushing. coff ferr. tepl. like a river. aur. like boiling water. acon, bar-c. magn-m. Snapping. (con.) Sounding. (sars.) Singing, phos. Simmering like boiling water. bar-c. 95 Splashing. (asaſ.) bell. (carb-an.) hep. hyos, nux. rhus. Solan-t-aegr. spig. Squill. Whirring. kali, lact-v. Noise like a whirlwind, croc. like wind among distant trees. rhus-r. like an explosion. petiv. Sound as from striking a loose wire, phell. Twang like a harp string. lyc. Tones as if in an empty cask. pimp. Resonance and vibration of voice. Sars. zinc. Pulse in head audible. puls. Eacternal moises vibrate in head. stann. Numbness. (acon.) (alum.) ant-t. (aust.) bapt. bell. (berb.) (calc.) (carb-an.) (con.) (cupr.) cubebs. dig, fluor-ac. (glon.) graph. (hamam.) hura. (lach.) (itu.) (magn-m.) meph. mercurial. mez. (mur-ac.) (nitr-ac.) (ol-an.) petiv. (petr.) phos. plat. piper. Sarrac-purp. (sil.) thuy. as after electric shocks. fluor-ac. as if asleep. (alum.) carb-an. Con. (mitr-ac.) torpid feeling. Con. (mur-ac.) dead feeling. (sil.) thuy. — as if made of wood. (petr.) as if tied up. (plat.) — pithy. (graph.) Sensitiveness. (col.) glon. gent-cr. nitrºac. Small feeling of head. aCOm. grat. of Örain. glon. grat. as if brain were smaller than skull, con. l. glon, staph. Stiffness. (apocyn-andr.) caust, (kali-nitr.) Swelling. (For swelling of head see Integuments. Sec. II.) Fnlargement of head, calc. sil. 96 Feels enlarged. aeth. arg—nit. ars-met. bapt. berb. bov. (bry.) (calc.) cobalt. coccus. corrall. daph. (dulc.) glon. (hura.) lact-v. lachmanth. laur. lith-c. (magn-c.) mang. meph. mercurial. mimosa. matr-m. (nux-m.) paris. phell. ram-bulb. ran-scel. rhus-r. therid, til. tongo. Zingib. Feels elongated. hyper. Feels thick. therid. (nux.m.) Enlarged feeling of brain. bell. cinch-sulph, coccin, dulc. glon. natr-m. tarax. JBrain feels too large for skull. cimicif, scutell. Head feels swollen inwardly. matr-m. As if she had a strange head on, or something else on it, therid. Sweat. (See Integument. Section II.) Tickling (internally.) hyper. indig, phos. Trembling (internally.) copaib. lith-c. petr. Twitching. (aeth.) croton. sil. Vertigo. acon. aescul-hipp. aeth. agar. agnus. alcohol-sulph. aloes. alum. ambr. am-carb. am-mur. amphisb. amygd. anac. ang, ang-sp. anis. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arg—nit. arn. ars. ars-met. ars-cit. ars-hyd. arum-tr. asaf, asar. aspar. asclep-tub. aster. atham. aur. bapt. badiaga, bar-ac. bar-c. bar-m. benz ac. bell. berb. bism. borax. bov. branc. brom.. bufo. bry. cact. caine. celad. calc. calc-ac. calc-caust. Calc-phos. camph. cann. cann-ind. canth. caps. carb-an. Carb-v. card. casc. caulloph. caust. cervus. cham. chel. Chin. chin-sulph. chlor. cic. cinc. cinch-Sulph. cinnab. clem, cobalt, cocc. coccus, coff. Col. comocl. con. convol. cornus-circ. Croc. Croton. Crotal. cubebs. cupr. cupr-ac. cupr-ars. cycl. dig. dioSc. dros. dulc. elaps. 97 electr. eryngium.eugen. euphorb. euphorb-corr. evon. eupat-purp. ferr. fluor-ac. galv. gamb. gels. gent-cr. gent-lut.gins, glon, gran.graph.grat. guiac.gymnocl. guano. haem. hell. hep. helonias, hippomanes. hipp- manc. hura. hydr-ac. hyos. hyp. ign. indig. iod. ipec. itu. janiph. jatroph. juncus. kali. kali-bich. kali-br. kali-chlor. kali-nitr. kalm. kiss. kreas. lach. lach- nanth. lact-v. laur. led. leptand. lepid. lob-c. lob- infl. lup. lye. mgs, m-arct. m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. melast. meny, meph. mercurial. merc. merc-bin. merc-corr. merc-iod. merc-sulph. mez. mill. mimosa. morph. morph-ac. morph-m. mosch. mur- ac. myrist. narcot. narcot-m. natr. natr-m. matr-s. nice. nitr-ac. nux. Inux-j. nux-m. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. ox-ac. paeon. panac. paris. paull. pedic. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phyt. pinp. piper. plat. plumb. plum- bag. podoph. polygonum, prunus. psor, puls. ran- bulb. ran-Scel. raph. rheum. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. rhus- ven. ruta. Sabad. Sacch-alb. Sabin. Samb. sang. Sars. scrof. Scutell. Selen. Sec. Seneg. sep. Senecio-aur. sil. Solan-arrab. Solan-nigr. Spig. spiggur. Spong. Squill. stann. Staph. Stilling. Stram. Stront. Strychn. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tarax tax-b. tepl. tell. tereb. teucr. thea. therid. thuy. til. tradesc. triost. trombid. urt- ur. Val. verat. Verat-vir. verb. vinca. viol-od. viol-tr. vip-t. wisb. zinc. zinc-ox. Zingib. zizia. like a wave from occiput to forehead. Senecio-aur. Everything seems to go round. acon. agnus. alum. am-carb. arg—nit. arn. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. calc-caust. cann. cann-ind. carb-an. caust. cic. cocc. con. dros. euphorb. euphorb-corr. ferr. grat. guano. hep. hydr-ac. juncus. kali. kali-bich. kreas. lact-v. laur. lepid. lye, magn-c. mercurial. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. matr-S. nux. Oleand. Op. paris. phos. phos-ac, psor. ran-bulb. rhod. rhus. ruta. Sabad. selen. sep. sil. Spig, staph, sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tepl. thuy. Val. verat, vinca. zinc. in a half circle. staph. slowly. hydr-ac. Slowly, them quickly. mosch. Everything seems to move, carb-an. cic. eug. hydr-ac. mosch. oleand. Sep. til. wisb. Everything seems to sway hi her &nd thither. bell. cic. eug. grat, mosch. tepl. til. Wisb. zinc. 13 98 to left. grat. - Whirling in head, acon. am-carb. anac. arg—nit. arn. asaf. bell. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. cann. carb-v. caust. chin-sulph. Con. Croc. croton. cupr. cycl. evon. fluor- ac. gent-cr. kreas, m-arct. mercurial. merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac. myrist. natr. nice. nux. (oleand.) pedic. phos. puls. ran-Scel. Sep. sil. Spong, stann. staph. Sulph. (tarax.) therid. Verat. viol-od. wisb. from right to left. myrist. As if head moved. cann. carb-v. zinc. from side to side. cann. from before backwards. carb-v. zinc. backwards and forwards. grat. in all directions. eupat-purp. Weakness of head. bufo. canth. caust. graph. (kali.) merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. zinc. Reeling in head. paeon. Spinning. cupr. Swimming of head. ang. asclep-tub. bapt. calc-phos. cann. cann-ind. caust. caulloph. euphorb-corr. gels. kali- bich, natr-s. Ox-ac. rhus-r. Zizia. As if proceeding from Stomatch. kali. As if something turned in head. merc-bin. As if something in forehead were revolving. merc. As if something in head went hither and thither, sil. As if body Swam. lact-v. As if floating in air, mosch. nux-j. Sep. tepl. As if flying round and round. eupat-purp. As if raised up. calc. phos. rhus. sil. As if sitting too high. aloes. As if feet would slip. nice. As if ground Sank. matr-m. tepl. As if ground were unsteady, asar. Sulph. tepl. As if falling down. mosch. Sulph-ac. As if falling from a height. mosch. As if thrown over. natr-m. As if shaken longitudinally, merc. As if driving in a coach. cycl. ferr. As if unsteady. asar. calc-ac. camph. cic, fluor-ac. spig. tarax. As if swaying backwards and forwards. ign. kali. rhod. thuy. As if being whirled round. anac. ang. bry. grat, mosch. phos. tepl. til. As after whirling round. alum. bell. natr-m. puls, squill. thuy. As if he stood on his head. phos-ac. 99 As if on a swing. merc. As if about to faint. berb. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. cina. convolv. cupr-ac. galv. guiac. hep. magn-c. mez. matr. nux. pedic. Sabad. sil. Sulph. tepl. As if about to have a fit. lach. Sep. tepl. zinc. As if drunk, acon. agar. alum. amphisb. amygd. arg—nit. ars. ars-cit, asar. aur. bry. cann-ind. carb-v. caust. cham. (croc.) cocc. ferr. hyos. kali. kali-nitr. kreas. led, lyc. m-arct. m-aust. mel. merc. mosch. nux-m. phell. puls. rhod. rhus. Sec. selen. Spig. spong. Stram. stront. tab. tarax. tepl. til. Val. Swaying feeling in brain. acon. Oscillations from Side to side. amphisb. Stupefying, ang, arg. Op. sil. Painful. ol-an. As if smoke had got into brain. arg. Everything seems about to fall. arn. phos-ac. As on waking after a debauch. bell. As if brain turned. bism. cycl. stann. Sulph. As if front half of brain revolved. bism. As if pushed from right to left. borax. As if pushed forward. calc. ferr. As if blood rushed to head. bry. eug. mosch. puls, urt-ur. As if in a dream. calc. As from moving head about. carb-an. As from catarrh.. caust. As if the bed went round. con. nux. As if the bed swayed. zinc. As if turned to the right, grat. As if he would fall into an imaginary gulf behind him. kali. As if the roof were falling. lepid. As if something revolved in body, lyc. Like a jerk through head. mgs. As if Sinking. merc. As if something moved before eyes quickly up and down, mosch. Imagines he cannot take hold of something. puls. As if he danced. puls. As from tobacco. rhod. zinc. On going forwards, imagines he is going backwards. Sep. As if he did not touch the ground. tepl. As from want of Sleep. zinc. Affecting whole body. eupat-purp. Mistiness in brain, affecting perception but not thought, gels. So that his foot is drawn towards the stream. brom. |00 Weariness of Brain. apis. plant. natr-m. Weakness as after a fever. Sars. Sinking. glom. Tired feeling. sil. JPains. Undefined, acon. (aescul-hipp.) aeth. (agnus.) aloes. alum. alcohol-sulph. amphisb. amygd. anac. ang. (ang sp.) anis. ant-c. ant-t. (apis.) apocy-andr. aran. arg—nit. arn. ars, ars-met. ars-iod. (arum-tr.) asaf asar. (asclep-tub.) (aster.) (aur.) ba- diag. (bapt.) bar-c. bar-m. bell. benz-ac. bism. (blatta.) borax. bov. (branca.) brom. bry. bufo. cact. cainca. calc. calc-ac. calc-caust. calc-phos. calc-iod. cadmi Sulph. calend. camph. cancer. Cann. cann-ind. caps. carb-an. Carb-v. r. (carduus.) castor. caust. cham. (chin-sulph.) chin. chlor. cic. cimex. cimicif. cina. cinch-sulph. cinnab. (cist.) cocc. coccus. cochl. coff. coleh. coloc. (collinson.) (comoclad.) con. convolv. copaib. corall. cornus-circ. croc. crotal. crotal-case. croton. cubebs. cupr. cupr-ac. cupr-ars. cycl. daph. delph. dig. (dios.c.) (dros.) dulc. elaps, electr. erigeron. (eryngium.) eupat-perf. (eupat-purp.) euphorb. euphr. evon. ferr-mag. fluor-ac. galv. gamb. (gels.) gent-cr. gins, glon. (gran.) graph. grat. guano. (gymnocl.) (haem.) hell. (helonias.) hedeom-pul. hippomanes. hipp-manc. hura. hydr-ac. (hydrast.) hyos. ign. indig. iod. (ipec.) (iris-v.) (janiph.) jalap. jatroph. (jacarand.) jugl-cin. kali. kali-bich. (kali-br.) kali- nitr. kalm. kreas. kiss. lach. (lachnanth.) lact-v. lam. led. lepid. (leptand.) (lith-c.) lob-infl. lye. mgs. m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. (magn-S.) melast, meph. mercurial. merc. (merc-bin.) merc-corr, (merc-iod.) mez. mill. mimosa. (hitch.) morph. morph-ac. morph- m. mosch. mur-ac. murex. murure. myrica. Inabulus. narcot. narcot-ac. natr. matr-m. natr-S. nicc, nitr-ac. nux. nux-j. nux-m. ol-an. Op. (Osmium.) ox-ac. (paeon.) panac. paris. pallad. paull, pedic, petiv. phell. phos. phos-ac. phyt. (plat-chlor.) (plant.) plumbago. (pimp.) pod. (polygon.) pothos. (prunus.) psor. puls, puls- nutt. ran-bulb. raph. rhod. Thus, rhus-glab. Thus-r. rumex, (ruta.) Sabad. Sabin. (Sacch-alb.) sang. Sarrac- 101 purp. sars. (scrof) scutell. Sec. sed. Selen. Seneg, serp. sil. Solan-arrab. Solan-nigr. solan-ol. Solan-t-aegr. spig. spiggur. Spong. Squill. Stann. Stilling. Stram. Strychn. sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. (tax-b.) (tell.) tepl. thea. therid. (thuy.) tongo. triost. (trombid.) val. verat. Verat-vir. vinea, vip-r: vip-t. wisb. (xanthox.) zingib. zinc. Zll] C-OX. Zl Zla. A marrow strip of pain round head. merc. Zingib. Indescribable. therid. Like commencing catarrh.. ambr. aur. (berb.) carb-v. (col.) diose. eupat-purp. galv. ign. lach. (lyc.) (mgs.) (m- aust.) (merc-bin.) (mez.) mur-ac. nitr-ac. (nux-j.) phos. puls. rhod. Samb. (Sep.) (sil.) (sulph.) Abscess, as from. (borax.) (carb-v.) (castor.) (hep.) (juncus.) mang. (nux.) (Sep.) Burning, acon. (alum.) (am-mur.) apis. arg. arn, arist. (aran.) (ars.) (asaf) bar-c. (bism.) (bry.) (calc.) (caps.) (carb-v.) camph. canth. (caust.) (chin.) (cinnab.) (clem.) (cobalt.) cocc. (coccus.) coff col. (convolv.) (Groton.) (crotal-casc.) cubebs. (cupr.) (dros.) eug. (graph.) (grat.) haem. hell. (hep.) (hyp.) kali. kali- bich. (kali-nitr.) (lach.) lachnanth. (lact-v.) (laur.) (lyc.) (m-aust.) (magn-m.) (magn-s.) mang. (meny.) mercurial. merc. (merc-bin.) (mez.) (mur-ac.) matr. (natr-m.) (matr-nit.) matr-S. (nitr-ac.) nux. nux-j. (oleand.) Ol-an. (paeon.) (paris.) (petiv.) phos. phos-ac. (phell.) (phyt.) (pimp.) piper. plat. psor. (rat.) (ran- bulb.) rhod. rhus. (rhus-r.) ruta. Sabad. sep. sil. (spig.) (spong.) (stann.) (staph.) (sulph.) tab. tarax. tax-b. (tepl., (teucr.) (thuy.) (verb.) (viola-tr.) (vinea.) (Zingib.) (zinc.) as from boiling water, acon. burning points. nitr-ac. JRaw. (anac.) Sore. camph. canth. carb-v. chin. eupat-perf glon, ign, (lyc.) (magn-e.) mgs. merc-sulph. Imosch. (mur-ae.) playt. (Zingib.) zinc. as from exposure to Sun, hipp-manc. Stinging. (Cupr.) elaps. (hydrast,) (ign.) kali-nitr. (kali- bich.) (lyc.) mang, paris, puls. (rhus.) (rhus-r.) sars. (selen.) (Sep.) Squill. (therid.) til. Val. Zingib. zinc. Ulcerative. acon. am-carb. bov. (cale.) caust. (castor.) (col.) kali. magn-c. merc. (mur-ac.) (nux.) stront. (Sulph.) Compressive. (acon.) ath. (alum.) (anac.) ant-t, asaf (asar.) 102 (bov.) bry. calc. (cann.) carb-v. caust. cervus. chin. (cimicif... (cinc.) cocc. (con.) (col.) crotal. daph. (dulc.) (fluor-ac.) (graph.) hep. hyper. (kali-bich.) (kali-nitr.) lach. (lact-v.) (lepid.) (lyc.) m-arct. (magn-s.) meny. merc-iod. mosch. natr-m.) (nitr-ac.) (nux-m.)(oleand.) (pedic.) (petiveria.) petr. phos-ac. (plat.) (ran-Scel.) (rhus.) (rhus-r.) (ruta.) (sars.) (Sabad.) (Sep.) sil. (spig.) (spong.) (stann.) staph. (stront.) (sulph-ac.) tab. tepl. (therid.) thuy. (tongo.) Compressed from all sides. acon. caust. lam. natr-m. prunus. Sabad. Brain feels compressed, arg. asaf, camph. As if brain were pressed on by an iron helmet. crotal-case. Compressed laterally, alum. bov. chin. cic. gamb. hell. magn-m. magn-S. meny, matr-m. phell. Sars. Solan-lyc. from before and behind. nux-m. spong. As from an iron Skull-cap. cann-ind. As if head were covered with a cap. acon. berb. Sulph. on which some one knocked. paull. As if something were stretched over brain. ang, asaf cycl. hell. As if compressed by a hot cloth. petiv. As if head were tightly bound. ant-t. bry. carb-v. cocc. (indig.) gymnocl. magn-s. merc. nitr-ac. Oleand. petr. pimp. plat. puls. Sars. Spig. zizia. As if brain were bound up. aeth. Constrictive. (anac.) ant-t. asaf (aster.) (atham.) (berb.) (bry.) cadm-sulph. camph. Cann-ind. (carb-v.) (chin.) cocc. (Colch.) (crotal.) (cubebs.) (elaps.) (eupat-purp.) gent-cr. (graph.) (haem.). (hipp-manc.) hura. (hyos.) (ipec.) (iris-v.) (k-nitr.) (lach.) lepid. Op. petr. phos. (phyt.) (plat.) (puls.) (stann.) (sulph-ac.) tarax. (Val.) Verat. - As if head were encircled by a tight band. acon. anac. cervus. gels. (helonias.) iod. merc. (nitr-ac.) plat. Stann. (sulph.) by a hoop. brom. guano. kali. lam. lepid. Sulph. (therid.) by a hot iron. acon. — by a strºng. matr-m. psor. like a tight cord over head. mosch. (kalm.) by a hot band. (coccus.) Contractive. acon. (aeth.) agnus. (alum.) ang. (ars.) (asar.) (aster.) (bell.) (berb.) (bism.) bov. (carb-am.) (carb-v.) (caulloph.) (caust.) (chin.) chel. (coff) (con.) (croc.) (dig.) (fluor-ac.) (gels.) (graph.) grat, hep. (hell.) 103 (hura.) (ign.) (iris-v.) (kali-bich.) (kali-nitr.) (kiss.) laur. (lyc.) (m-aust.) (mang.) (merc.) matr. natr-m. (nux-m.) (oleand.) (paris.) (pedic.) (phell.) (phos.) plat. (plumb.) psor. (puls.) (ran-scel.) (rhus.) (Sep.) (spig.) (squill.) (stann.) staph.) (sulph.) (tab.) (tarax.) (thuy.) \tongo.) (verat-vir.) Grasping. (matr-S.) puls. Pinching. (acon.) (alum.) (carb-an.) (carb-v.) caust. (chel.) colch. (lyc.) (merc.) (mez.) petr. phos. (phos-ae.) (pimp.) rhod.) (rhus-r.) sep. sil. (sulph.) (verb.) Screwing together. (acon.) ath. alum. am-mur. bell. (berb.) (bov.) castor, caust. (chel.) cina. cinnab. (cocc.) col.) euphorb. graph. (grat.) indig. kali. kali-hydr. (lyc.) magn-c. magn-s. (mere.) mill.) nice. (ox-ac.) (panac.) petr. pimp. plat.) ran-Seel. rat. Sabad. Sars. Stann. (sulph.) (sulph-ac.) til. tongo. zinc. by a bolt passing through head. (hamam.) of brain. bov. Squeezing. (acon.) (ant-t.) (am-mur.) (arg.) (asaf) (bell.) (bry.) (calc.) (calc-ac.) (carb-a.) (carb-v.) Col. (crotal.) (croc. (eug.) (fluor-ac.) (graph.) hura. (ign.) (indig.) kali. (laur.) lact-v.) lyc. (magn-m.) (meny.) (mez.) (murex.) (matr-m.) (matr-s.) nitr-ac. nux. (oleand.) (prunus.) (ran-Scel.) (rheum.) (sars.) (Sep.) solam-lye. (Squill.) strain. tax-b. teucr. Zine. Like a vise. aeth. alum. bar-c. bry. merc. (puls.) rat. Cramp. (acon.) (agar.) ann-carb. (anac.) ang. (calc.) carb-v. (chin.) (cina.) (cocc.) (cubebs.) galv. (graph.) (hep.) (lyc.) (m-aust.) (mang.) mosch. (natr.) nitr-ac. (petr.) & (plat.) psor. (sars.) Stann. (stront.) (zinc.) Spasmodic. (croc.) Beaten, bruised. acon. (aescul-hipp.) alum. (ang.) (ars.) aur. (bapt. bov. (brom.) camph. (carb-an.) (caust.) cham. chin. (cic.) cobalt. (cott.) (coccus.) con. (crotal.) (cro- tal-case.) cupr. (Cuprars.) (elect.) euphorb.) euphr. (gaunb.) gels. glon, graph. (grat.) (gymnocl.) (haem.) hell. (hep.) hipp-mame. ign. (iod.) ipec. (kali-nitr.) (lach.) lachnanth.) (laur.) led. Imgs. m-arct. (m-aust.) (magn-c. (magn-s. mere. (merc-iod.) natr-c. (natr-m.) niec. (nitr-ac.) nux. (petr.) phos. (phos-ac.) (phyt.) plant. plat.) (puls.) (rat. (rhod.) (rhus.) (ruta.) (Sabad.) (sil.) (sulph.) (sulph-ac.) (tab.) (thuy.) val. verat. (zinc.) f Boring. (agar.) (alum.) (am-carb.) (am-mur.) (ant.c.) (ant-t.) I04. (apis.)(arg.) (arum-tr.) (aster.) (aur.) bell. (bism.) (bor- ax.) (bov. ) (calc-ac.) (camph.) calad.)carb-an. (carb-v.) (caust.) (cimicif.), clem.) \coccus.) (coleh.) (col.) (coch- lear.) cocc. (dros.) (dulc.) (elaps.) (grat.) (hell.) (hep.) (ipec.) (iris-v.) (kali.) (lach.) (laur.) lepid.) (lyc.) (m- arct.) (magn-c.) (magn-m.) (magn-S.) (mang.) merc.) (mez.) mosch. (mur-ac.) (matr-m.) (matr-S.) (nice.) (nitr-ac.) (nuphar.) (ol-an.) Oleand. (Onisc.) (op.) petr. (phos-ac.) (phos.) (plant.) (plat.) (psor.) (puls.) (ran- scel.) (rhod.) (ruta.) Sabin. (Sabad.) (sang.) Seneg. (Sep. (sil.) (Solan-lyc.) (spig.) Spiggur. (Spong.) (stann.) staph. (stront.) (sulph.) (tepl.) thuy. (triost.) (zinc.) Broken. aeth. (aur.). (matr-S.) - Crushed. aeth. alum. aster. (caust.) coff. (graph.) ign. (m- arct.) mur-ac. phos. Sep. Stann. Stront. Sulph-ac. Verat. Digging. agar. (anac.) (ang-sp.) ant-t. arg—nit. aur. (bar-ac.) (bell.) (berb.) (bism.) (bov.) (bry.) calc. (calc-ac.) caust. (chin.) (chin-sulph.) (cinnab.) clem. r. cocc. (coccus.) (col.) (dulc.) hep. ign.) jacarand.) (juncus.) kali-bich. (kali-hydr.) lyc. mgs. nn-aust. (mang.) (mang-m.) (merc.) (mez.) (natr-m.) nux. (ol-an.) (phell.) (phos.) (plat.) (rat.) rhus. Sabin. Sep. (spig.) (squill.) (til.) Drawing. (acon.) (aeth.) agar. (alum.) (alcohol-sulph.) ambr. am-carb. ant-t. (ant-c.) (anac.) (ang.) (apis.) aranea. arg—nit. (arg.) (arm.) ſars.) asar. (asaf (atham.) (aur- mur.) (badiag.) (bar-ac.) (bar-c.) bell. bism. (borax.) bov. (brom.) (bry.) (cact.) (calad.) (calc-ac.) calc. r. (camph.) (cann.) canth. (caps.) carb-an. carb-v. (cas- tor.) (caust.) (caulloph.) (cham.) (chenop.) (chel.) (china.) (chin-sulph.) (cic.) cina. l. (cinnab.) (cinnex.) (clem.) (coccus.) (coff) (coleh.) (col.) con. (cornus- circ.) (croc.) (crotal.) (cycl.) cupr. (dig.) (dros.) (dulc.) (eryng.) eug. (evon.) ferr., (fluor-ac.) gamb.) (gels.) (glon.) graph. (grat.) guiac, hell. (helist.) (hep.) (ign.) ipec. (indig.) juncus. (kali.) (kali-bich.) (kali- chlor.) (kali-nitr.) kalm. (kiss.) kreas. lach. (lact-v.) (laur.) \lam.) (lepid.) lupul, m-arct. m-aust.) magn-c. mang. (meny.) merc. (merc-bin. mosch. (mur-ac.) matr-c. (natr-m.) nitr-ac. nux. (oleand.) ol-an. (Op.) (paris.) petr. phos. (phos-ac.) (phyt.) (plat.) (pothos.) (psor.) puls. (rat.) (ran-bulb.) (ran-scel.) (rheum.) (rhôd.) rhus. (ruta.) (Sabad.) Sabin. (Sang.) (sars.) 105 sep. (seneg.) (selen.) (sil.) (solan-t-aegr.) (spig.) (spong.) (squill.) stann. (staph.) stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. (tab.) (tarax.) thuy. (til.) tongo. (val.) verat. (verat-vir.) (verb.) (viol-od.) (viol-tr.) zingib. (zinc.) Dull, acon. (aescul-hipp.) (aeth.) agar, alum. (alcohol-sulph.) anac. ant-c. (ant-t.) apis. arg. (arn.) (ars.) arum-tr. (asaf) asar. (asclep-tub.) atham. (bapt.) (bar-ac.) (bar-c.) bell. berb. bism. (borax.) bow, brom. (bry.) (calc-ac.) calc. (calc-caust.) (calc-iod.) (calend.) canth. (casc.) (carb-v.) (camph.) (caust.) (caulloph.) cham. (chel.) chin. chin-sulph. (cimicif.)cina. (cist.) (cinnab.) cocc. coccus. (coccin.) (collinson.) con. cornus-circ. (cupr—ars.) (cycl.) (diosc.) dulc. (elat.) eriger. (eryng.) (euphorb.) eupat-purp. (ferr.) fluor-ac. gels. gent-lut. glon. (graph.) (gymnocl.) guiac. (hamam.) hedeom- pul. hell. hep. hydrast. (hydr-ac.) hyos. ign. ipec. (iris-v.).jacarand. kali-bich. (kali-hydr.) (kalm.) lach. lachnanth. lact-v. led. lepid. (leptand.) lob-c. (lob- infl.) lup, lyc. (m-aust.) magn-m. magn-S. mang. meny. (merc.) merc-bin. merc-iod. (mercurial.) (mez.) (meph.) (mitch.) (morph-ac.) mosch. (myrica.) matr natr-m. nitr-ac. (nuphar.) (nux.) nux-j. (oleand.) (ol- an.) (Op.) ox-ac. (petiv.) pedic. petr. phell. phos. (phos-ac.) phyt. (plat.) (plumb.) (podoph.) polygon. (psor.) (puls.) (puls-nutt.) (raph.) (ran-Scel.) (rheum.) rhod. rhus-glab. rhus-r. (rhus-ven.) rumex. (Sabad.) (Sabin.) (samb.) sang. (Sarrac-purp.) Sars. Scutell. Sec. (selen.) Seneg. Sep. (Serp.) Spig. (spong.) Squill. (stilling.) (staph.) stram. Stront. (Sulph-ac.) (tab.) (tarax.) tereb, teuer. (therid.) thuy. (tongo.) (trom- bid.) urt-ur. (val.) (verat.) verat-vir. viol-od. viol-tr. (Zingib.) (zinc.) (zinc-ox.) (Zizia.) Beavy. (calc iod.) cornus-circ. (eupat-purp.) (iris-V.) (rhus- ven.) (sarrac-purp.) (stilling.) * Gnawing. alum. (bov.) (calc.) (cinnab.) (dros.) (kali-hydr.) (merc-bin.) (natr-m.) (niec.) (ol-an.) OX-ac. paeon. (paris.) (phos.) (ran-scel.) (ruta.) (zinc.) Pecking. (arist.) ars. (carb-an.) ign. (magn-s.) (mosch.) nux. (Op.) rhus. (sulph.) (verb.) Pressing. acon. aescul-hipp. (aeth.) (agn.) agar, alcohol-sulph. (aloes.)alum. annbr. ammoniac. (alm-caust.) (am-mur.) (amygd.) anac. (anagall.) ang, anthrak. (ant-c.) (ant- t.) apis. aranea. (arg.) arg—nit. arn. ars, ars-hydr. (arum-mac.) arum-tr. asaf, asar. (asparag.) (aster.) 14 I06 atham. aur. (bapt.) bar-ac. r. bell. berb. (benz-ac.) bism. (blatta.) (borax.)bov. brom. bry, (bufo.) (cact.) (cainca.) (calad.) calc-ac. (calc.) calc-caust. camph. cann. (canth.) (caps.) carb-an. carb-V. card. (castor- eum.) (caulloph.) caust. cham. (chel.) (chemop.) chin. (chin-sulph.) cina, cinnab. cinch-sulph. cist. clem. r. (cobalt.) coccus. cocc. (coff) (col.) cochl. corall. con. (convolv.) cornus-circ. (croc.) (crotal.) (crotal-case.) (croton.) (cycl.) cubebs, cuprum. dig. dros. dulc. (electr.) (eug.) (euphorb.) euphr. (evon.) ferr. fluor-ac. galv. gamb. gels. (gent-cr.) gent-lut. (gins.) glon. gram. (grat.) graph. guiac. (gymnocl.) (haem.) (ha- mam.) hell. hep. (hippomanes.) (hura.) (hydrast.) hydr-ac. (hyos.) ign. indig. iod. ipec, (itu.) (jacarand.) (jatroph.) juncus. kali. kali-bich. kali-nit. (kalm.) (kiss.) lach. (lachnanth.) (lact-v.) laur. led. (lith-c.) lob-infl. lyc. (lycopus.) (lupul.) m-arct. (m-aust.) magn-c. (magn-m.) magn-S. mang, meny, (meph.) mercurial. merc. merc-bin. (merc-iod.) mez. r. (mi- mosa.) morph-ac. mosch. (murex.) mur-ac. (mabu- lus.) matr. natr-m. (natr-S.) nitr-ac. (nuphar.) nux. nux-j. (nux-m.) Oleand. Ol-an. (Onisc.) Op. (Ox-ac.) (paeon.) (panacea.) paris. petiv. petr. (phell.) phos. phOS-ac. phyt. (pimp.) piper. plat. (podoph.) (pothos.) prunus. psor. puls. (ran-bulb.) (ran-Scel.) (raph.) rheum. rhod, rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. Sabin. (Sang.) Samb. Sars. Scrof. Seneg. Sep. Serp. sil. (Solan-t-àegr. Spig. Spong. Squill. Stann. (Sticta.) (staph.) Stram. stront. Sulph. (sulph-ac.) (tab.) (tax-b.) tarax. tepl. tereb. (teucr.) (therid.) thuy, (til.) tongo. val. Verat. verb. vinca. (viol-od.) viol-tr. (xanthox.) Zingib. zinc. (zinc-ox.) (Zizia.) As if relieved from a pressure from without, mitch. Pressing inwards. (alum.) anac. (ant-c.) ant-t. l. (asaf.) asar. (bapt.) (bell.) (calc-ac.) (cocc.) hell. (ign.) (kali.) (laur.) (lith-c.) (mez.) (natr.) (natr-m.) (natr-S.) (natr-nitr.) nice. nitr-ac. (nux.) (nux-m.) (ol-an.) (Oleand.) (Ox-ac.) (piper.) (plat.) (ran-scel.) (rhod.) Sabin.) Sabad. Spig. (stann.) (sulph.) (sulph-ac.) (tepl.) (thuy.) (val.) zingib. (zinc.) Pressing downwards. (ambr.) (am-mur.) (anac.) (ant-t.) (asar.) (bar-c.) (bell.) (bry.) (cine.) cocc. (con.) (croton.) (cuprum.) (glon.) graph. hura. mgs. m-arct. mang. meny. (mercurial.) merc. (mur-ac.) nitr-ac. (nux.) 107 (ol-an.) (oleand.) (phos-ac.) (pimp.) (rhus.) (sabad.) sulph. As if a board lay on head. (aescul-hipp.) calc. (earb-an.) (cocc.) (dulc.) (eug.) (op.) (plat.) (sulph.) (tab.) Zingib. Pressing outwards. acon. (alcohol-sulph.) (alum.) (aloes.) (anac.) (asaf) (asar.) (atham.) (bar-ac.) (bar-e.) bell. (berb.) (bism.) (borax.) bry. (calc-ac.) (calc.) camph. (canth.) (caps.) (carb-v.)(caust.)(chel.) (chin.) (eimex.) (cinc.) (cimicif.) (col.) (con.) (corall.) (dros.) dule. fluor-ac. (gent-lut.) (glon.) (graph.) (hell.) (helonias.) hep. (hydrast.) (ign.) (ipec.) kali. kreas. (lach.) (lact- v.) (lachnanth.) (laur.) (lob-infl.) (lycopus.) (m-aust.) (magn-m.) (meny.) (merc.) mez. (myrist.) (mur-ac.) (natr.) (natr-m.) (nux.) (nux-m.) (oleand.) (Op.) paris. (paull.) (petiv.) (phos.) (phos-ac.) (psor.) prunus. (ran-bulb.) (ran-scel.) (rhod.) (rhus.) Sabin. Sabad. samb. (Senecio-aur.) sep. (sil.) (solan-lyc.) (spig.) (Spong.) (stann.) (staph.) (stront.) (sulph.) tarax. (verb.) (viol-tr.) As if brain was pressed out with a plug. prunus. Pressing forwards, agn. bry. canth, mur-ac. nitrºac. (nux.) (ol-an.) paull. (phos-ac.) (plumb.) (Sabad.) sil. (stront.) thuy. Pressing asunder, am-carb. bell. bry. (calc-ac.) (chin-sulph.) (corall.) euphorb. (hell.) (juncus.) (kali-nitr.) (lyc.) m-arct. merc. (mez.) morph-ac. nux. prunus. (ran- bulb.) (rhus.) Sabad. (Sabin.) sil. (spig.) stann. (staph.) (zinc.) Pressing upwards. (coccus.) (dulc.) fluor-ac. gent-lut. guiae. meph. (mercurial.) (oleand.) phos-ac. (rhus.) (rhus-r.) taraX. A Pressure as from a stone. bell. (con.) (natr-s.) as with fingers. (lachn.) neph. (nitr-ac.)(ol-an.) (stront.) as with an instrument. (anac.) (asaf) (cale.) (cann.) dulc. (hep.) (indig.) mgs. (oleand.) paull. (plat.) psor. thuy. — like a nail, (agar.) (carb-v.) (coff) (hep.) (ign.) (kiss.) (natr-m.) (nux.) (puls-nutt.) ruta. (thuy.) outwards. (ign.) As from deranged stomach. coccus. Oppressive. cist. Rheumatic. (bar-c.) (calc-caust.) caust. (coccus.) (coff) galv. nux. (staph.) Stupefying. (acon.) Sescul-hipp. agar, (alum.) anac, ant-c. |08 (ant-t.) apocyn-cann. arn. (ars.) ars-hyd. asaf, asar. aur. (bar-ac.) (bow.) (brom.) bry. calc. calc-ac. (calad.) (eann.) (carb-an.) (caust.) chin. (chel.) cina. (cinnab.) (con.) (croton.) dulc. (evon.) (euphorb.) gels. hell. hydrast. hydr-ac. (hyos.) (ign.) (iris-V.)itu. laur. led. lyc. mgs. (magn-c.) (mang.) (meny.) meZ. mosch. (mur-ac.) (natr.) matr-m. niec. nux. Oleand. (ol-an.) (paris.) phos. (phos-ac.) (plat.) (podoph.) puls. Theum. rhod. rhus. (ruta.) Sabad. (Sabin.) Samb. (Seneg.) (stann.) staph. (Sulph.) (sulph-ac.) (tarax.) (tepl.) thuy, wal. verb. zinc. Tingling. arg. (Cuprum.) (grat.) rhus. like a vibrating steel spring. grat. Twisting. kali. natr-m. Sabad. Cutting. (agar.) alum. ambr. (arg.) (arg—nit.) arm. (aur.) bell. bism. (calc.) (calc-ac.) (camph.) canth. (caps.) (carb-v.) (card.) (caust.) (chin.) (col.) (coccus.) (cupr.) (diose.) (dros.) (eupat-purp.) (ferr.) (glon.) (hydrast.) (iris-v.) kali-bich. kali-chlor. (mur-ac.) matr-m. nitr- ac. puls. (puls-nutt.) (Senecio-aur.) (sil.) (sulph.) (tongo.) Rºnife-thrust, alum. (arm.) bar-c. bell. (calc-ac.) (camph.) (con.) (glon.) (indig.) kali-bich. lach. magn-C. magn-S. (merc-iod.) natr-m. (petiv.) (Sabin.) (tepl.) (verb.) As if head were half out through. mosch. Head seems divided to nose. xanthox. As if a piece were cut off. (lach.) Lacerating. agar. (caust.) coff ferr. ign, mur-ac. nice. (nux.) Op. plat. puls. (rhus.) staph. (thuy.) zinc. Neuralgic. (aescul-hipp.) cubebs. (leptand.) piper. Pricking. (am-carb.) (apis.) (asaf.) (asclep-tub.) (aur.) bar-c. (calc.) (calc-ac.) (caulloph.) cham. (chin-sulph.) (cin- nab.) (cocc.) con. (dros.) eug. (euphr.) (hep.) hydrast. (hyos.) (kali.) lachnanth. (lam.) (laur.) lepid (lyc.) (mang.) (melast.) (natr-m.) (nicc.) piper. (plat.) (phos.) phos-ac. rhus. (rhus-r.) (Sep.) (spiggur.) (spong.) (staph.) (tarax.) thuy. (verb.) (viol-Od.) (viol-tr.) (zinc.) like mails. asclep-tub. Raking. (kreas.) puls. Shooting. acon. (aescul-hipp.) ath. (agar.) (agn.) (alcohol- sulph.) alum. (aloes.) ambr. am-carb. (am-mur.) anac. (anagall.) (ang.) ang-sp. (ant-c.) ant-t. (apis.) arg. (arg—nit.) arist. arn. (ars-cit.) (arum-tr.) asaf, aster. 109 (bapt.) (bar-ac.) bar-c. bell. berb. (blatta.) (borax.) bow. (brom.) bry. (bufo.)(cadm sulph.)( (calad.) Calc. (calc-ac.) (calc-caust.) (camph.) (cancer.) (cann.) canth. caps. (carb-an.) (carb-v.) (card.) castoreum. caust. cham. (chel.) (chemop.) chin. (chin-sulph.) (cic.) (cimex.) (cimicif.) (cinnab.) coccus. (cocc.) (coccin.) Col. con. (comoclad.) cornus-circ. croc. (cro- tal.) (crotal-casc.) (croton.) cubebs. (cuprum.) (Cupr- ars.) (cycl.) (daphn.) (dig.) (dioSc.) dulc. (elaps.) (electr.) (eryng.) (evon.) (euphorb.) ferr. (fluor-ac.) (gamb.) (gels.) (gent-cr.) (gins.) (glon.) gran. (grat.) guiac. (gymnocl.) (hell.) hep. hipp-manc. hura. hy- drast. hydr-ac. hyos. (hyp.) ign. (indig.) (iod.) ipec. (iris-V.) (itu.) (jacarand.) (jatroph.) kali. kali-bich. kali-nitr. (kali-hydr.) (kalm.) (kreas.) lach. (lact-v.) lam. laur. (led.) (lepid.) (lob-c.) (lob-infl.) lyc. (m- arct.) (m-aust.) magn-c. (magn-m.) magn-s. (mang.) (melast.) (meny.) merc. (merc-corr.) (merc-bin.) merc- iod. merc-sulph. mercurial. (mez.) (mill.) (mosch.) mur-ac. natr. matr-m. nice. nitr-ac. (nuphar.) nux. (nux-m.) (Oleand.) Ol-an. Op. paris. (paull.) pediculus. (petiveria.) petr. (phell.) phos. phos-ac. (phyt.)(pimp.) (plat.) (plumb.) plumbago.(plant.)(podoph.)(prunus.) (psor.) (raph.) rat. (ran-scel.) (rheum.) rhod. (rhus.) rhus-r. (rumex.) (ruta.) (Sabad.) Sabin. (Sang.) (sar- racen-purp.) Sars. Seneg. (Senecio-aur.) (selen.) Sep. Serp. sil. (Solan-t-aegr.) (Spong.) (spiggur.) (squill.) (stann.) Staph. (stilling.) stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. (tab.) (tarax.) (tax-b.) tepl. (tereb.) teuer, thuy. (til.) tongo. (trombid.) val. (verat.) verb. (Vinca.) (viol-tr.) vip-t. (Zingib.) zinc. (zinc-OX.) as if all round brain. alum. Tearing. (acon.) ath. (agar.) (agn.) (alcohol-sulph.) alum. ambr. am-carb. (am-mur.) (ammoniac.) anac. (ang.) ant-c. (ant-t.) arg. (arg—nit.) (arm.) ars, ars-hydr. (arum-tr.) (asar.) aur. (bar-c.) bell. berb. (bism.) (borax.) bow. (bry.) calad. Calc. (calc-ac.) (calc-caust.) camph. canth. (caps.) carb-an. (carb-v.) (castor.) caust. cham. (chel.) chin. cina. l. (cobalt.) cocc. (coc- cus.) (coccin.) (coff) (coleh.) col. (con.) (eroton.) (cuprum.) (dig.) (dros.) (dulc.) (electr.) (euphorb.) (gamb.) (gram.) (graph.) (grat.) (guiac.) (hell.) hyos. (hyp.) (ign.) (indig.) ipec, (iod.) kali. (kali-bich.) (kali-nitr.) (kali-hyd.)kalm. kreas. lach. (lachnanth.) II.0 (lact-v.) lam. laur. led. lyc. mgs. (m-arct.) (m-aust.) magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. (mang.) (meny.) (mercu- rial.) merc. (merc-bin.) (mez.) (mill.) (mosch.) (mur- ag.) natr. (natr-m.) (natr-S.) nice. (nitr-ac.) nux. ol- an. (Op.) (phell.) phos. phos-ac. (phyt.) (plumb.) psor. (puls.) (ran-bulb.) rat. rheum. (rhod.) rhus. (ruta.) Sabin. l. (Samb.) Sars. Selen. (Seneg.) (sep.) sil. (Spig.) (Spong.) Squill. (stann.) (staph.) stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. (tarax.) tereb. tepl. (teucr.) til. (thuy.) tongo. Verat. (verb.) (vinca.) viol-tr. vip-t. zinc. (zinc-Ox.) Bursting. (am-carb.) (am-caust.) (am-mur.) (ant-c.) ars. bar- ac. bell. bov. caps. (carb-an.) (castor.) cham. chin. chin-sulph. cobalt. con. (crotal-casc.) daph. (dig.) euphr. (ferr.) gent-cr. (graph.) guano. gymnoclad. hep. hydrast, ign. (kali.) (kali-bich.) (kali-hyd.) lyc. merc. meZ. morph-ac. (natr.) natr-m. (matr-s.) (nice.) nux. (oleand.) (petiv.) (petr.) phos. phos-ac. (piper.) (psor.) puls, rat. (rhus-r.) (sang.) Sep. sil. (spig.) (Spong.) staph. (stront.) Sulph. Sulph-ac. (zinc.) As if broken. aeth. Expansive. (bism.) (bry.) (coccin.) (eryng.) stront. (tarax.) Forcing outwards. cale. (chel.) merc. mosch. rhod. sil. Splitting. am-carb. (am-mur.) (ant-c.) aster. (bar-c.) (berb.) (brom.) (carb-an) con. kali-nitr. (mez.) (natr-s.) nux. paull. (puls.) (sulph.) (zinc.) As if split by a wedge from outside to within. lachnanth. Stretching. calc. (cinc.) (dig.) (mosch.) stann. tarax. outwards. arm. bell. caps. Spig. stront. As if brain were stretched. plantago. Stuffed. graph. Tensive. (acon.) ath. (alum.) (agn.) ambr. (am-c.) (ang.) (ant-t.) (apis.) arg-nitr. ars, asaf, asar. (bar-ac.) (bell.) berb. bov. bry. (cact.) (calc.) (cann.) carb-v. caust. (chenop.) (clem.) (coccus.) coff. (coleh.) (col.) (con.) cornus-circ. (croton.) (crotal-casc.) (dig.) (dros.) (dulc.) (euphorb.) (fluor-ac.) galv. gels. (gent-cr.) (gent-lut.) glon, graph. (grat.) (hell.) (hep.) (hydr- ac.) (hyp.) ipec, (kali-chlor.) (kali-hyd.) kali-nitr. kreas. lach. (lact-v.) (lith-c.) lob-infl. lye. (m-arct.) m-aust. (magn-c.) mang. (meny.) mercurial. merc. (mez.) morph, morph-ac. mosch. (mur-ac.) natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux. (ol-an.) Op. paris. petr. (pimp.) phos-ac. (plat.) puls, rheum, (rhod.) Sabad. Samb III (sars.) Sep. sil. (spig.) stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. (tongo.) (val.) (verat.) (verb.) (zinc-ox.) * like lightning. Sars. Panging. aeth. (alum.) (am-carb.) (ang.) (arg-nitr.) bow. indig. (kali-bich.) (magn-m.) mill. (Sabin.) zinc. Blows. (aeth.) am-carb. (bar-ac.) (bell.) calc. (calc-ac.) (cas- tor.) caust. (chel.) (croc.) crotal. ferr. (gins.) (graph.) (lach.) (laur.) (lyc.) (m-arct.) (m-aust.) mgs. merc. (mill.) matr-m. nitr-ac. nux. (oleand.) paull. phos. phos-ac. (prunus.) psor. (puls.) (ran-bulb.) (rhus-r.) (sabad.) (spig.) (squill.) Sulph. (Sulph-ae.) thuy. tongo. As if a plug were driven in by blows. Sulph-ac. Concussion. led. mang. Płacking. kali-nitr. phos-ac. Bammering. (alcohol-sulph.) (am-mur.) ang. (ars.) (chin.) (cic.) clem. cupr-ac. eleis. ferr. (glon.) hep. hipp- manc. indig. lepid. magn-S. mice. nitr-ac. (oleand.) (ol-an.) (paull.) (phos.) psor. Sars. Sulph. (verb.) (vinca.) Jerking. (acon.) (aeth.) (agar.) (alcohol-sulph.) (alum.) ambr. (am-mur.) (anac.) (ant-t.) (arg—nit.) (arn.) (bar-ac.) (bar-c.) bell. (berb.) (borax.) (bov.) (brom,) bry. cale. (calc-ac.) (canth.) (carb-an.) carb-V. (castor.) caust. (cham.) chin. (coccus.) (croc.) croton. (cuprum.) dig. (dulc.) (fluor-ac.) (gent-cr.) (gram.) (grat.) ign. (indig.) kali. (kali-chlor.) (kali-hyd.) (kali-nitr.) (kreas.) (lact-v.) lyc. mgs. m-aust. magn-c. (magn-m.) (magn- S.) (meny.) (merc.) (mur-ac.) matr. natr-m. (nicc.) nitr-ac. nux. (nux-m.) (ox-ac.) (petr.) phos. phos-ac. (plat.) (plumb.) (prunus.) (puls.) (ran-Scel.) rat. rhod. rhus. (Sabad.) Samb. Sep. sil. Spig. (Spong.) (squill.) stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. (teucr.) thuy. (val.) (verb.) (zinc.) Pulsative. acon. aeth. alum, am-c. (ang.) (ant-t.) (apocyn- andr.) (arg—nit.) (asar.) bell. bov. (brom.) bry. cact. (calc.) (calc-ac.) camph., cann. (cadm-S.) (canth.) (carb-v.) cham. (chel.) (chin.) (cinnab.) (con.) (cornus- circ.) croc. (cubebs.) (daphn.) (dig.) eupat-purp. eug. euphr, ferr, ferr-mag. glon. (hell.) (helonias.) (hep.) hipp-manc. (hyp.) (hyos.) ign. iod. (kali-bich.) (kalm.) (kreas.) lach. laur, led. (lepid.) lyc. (m-aust.) magn-c.) (merc.) (merc-bin.) (natr.) natr-m. natr-s. §:. (ol-an.) (oleand.) Op. (paris.) (petr.) phos. II 2 phos-ac. plumb. polygonum. puls. (rheum.) Sang. Sars. (Sep.) sil. (Spig.) (spong.) Squill. (staph.) (stann.) (stram.) sulph. thuy. (zinc.) like waves. hyos. Shocks. (croc.) hydr-ac. (kalm.) lob-infl. magn-S. natr-m. nice, phos-ac. (sulph-ac.) Verat. Throbbing. (acon.) (ascul-hipp.) ath. alum. (agar.) (am-c.) (amphisb.) (anagall.) (ang.) (ant-t.) apis. (arg.) (arg- mit.) (arm.) ars. (ars-citr.) (asaf.) (asar.) asterias. (aur.) (bar-c.) bell. (berb.) borax. bov. (brom.) bry. calc. (calc-caust.) camph. Cann. (cann-ind.) (canth.) caps. carb-an. carb-v. (castoreum.) caust. chann. chin. cinicif. (cinnab.) (cinch-sulph.) (clem.) (coccus.) (cocc.) coff. (col.) collinson. (con.) (cornus-circ.) (cupr- ars.) daphn. (dig.) (dulc.) electr. (eupat-perf.) ferr. (fluor-ac.) (gamb.) (gels.) gent-lut. glon. (graph.) grat. (gymnocl.) (hell.) (hep.) (hura.) (hydrast.) (hy- per.) ign. indig. iod. (itu.) kali. kali-bich. (kali-chlor.) (kali-nitr.) (lach.) (lachmanth.) lanlium. (laur.) (lepid.) lith-c. (lob-card.) (m-aust.) (magn-c.) magn- m. magn-S. mang. (merc.) merc-iod. (mez.) (mitch.) morph-ac. matr. natr-m. (nitr-ac.) (nux.) (nux-m.) (oleand.) (ol-an.) paris. (pedic.) (petiv.) petr. (phell.) phos. phos-ac. piper. (plumb.) puls. (ran-bulb.) rheum. rhod. rhus, rhus-r. (ruta.) Sabin. (Sabad.) Sang. Sars. Sec. Seneg. Sep. sil. (Solan-t-aegr.) (spong.) stilling. (stann.) (stram.) Sulph. (Sulph-ac.) (tab.) tepl. (therid.) tongo. Verat. Xanthox. zinc. (Zingib. as from a large artery. (ang.) Undulating. ferr. (fluor-ac.) magn-m. paris. (plat.) PECULIAR PAINs. Painfulness of brain. arg. calc-ac. caust. Col. dros. mosch, rhod. Electric Shocks, asterias. (fluor-ac.) (mitch.) (matr-s.) (sang.) Sarracen-purp. Like electric vibration. cubebs. Prickling like electric stream. nux-m. As if a ball were rising from throat into brain. plumb. The pains in heart eatend to head. lith-c. Feels palpitation of heart in head. lith-c. As if eyes would come out. acon. cham. cocc. gymnocl. lach- manth. m-arct. nux. psoric. Sep. sil. Zingib. r. II3 As if brain would fall out. sil. staph. As if brain were raised up. acon. mgs. As from displacement of flatulence. Sulph. As from wind blowing through head. col. corall. (croc.) puls. Sabin. (zinc.) cold wind. (croc.) (zinc.) Curious feeling. glon. Strychn. therid. Indescribable feeling (not pain.) therid. As if blood were forced through brain at each pulse (pressing, drawing.) hell. As if brain were torm. coff (hep.) mur-ac. puls. (thuy.) dashed to pieces. coff. g demolished. mur-ac. Grinding pain. xanthox. Like water in head. am-c. bell. lach. plat. Samb. (sedint.) As if a met were drawn through brain. (cinch-sulph.) Like a worm crawling. (sulph.) ** Like a thread drawn through brain longitudinally. Sabad. Like the Stroke of a rusty Saw. (panacea.) As if a bud were slowly expanding there. (bry.) As if the blood stopped. (chel.) (sulph.) As if head and spine were pressed together by an elastic body, so that he involuntarily bends forward. (benz-ac.) As if a fluid were injected into a bloodvessel. (coceus.) As if a nerve were torm. (arg.) Like a blow on ulnar nerve. (fluor-ac.) As if arteries had to overcome an obstacle. (spig.) As of a vapor rising. (atham.) As in fever. (con.) As if dislocated. (prunus.) As if a thread from eye to brain were stretched. (paris.) Paralytic. (cina.) (lyc.) (sarracen-purp.) SECTION II.-ANATOMICAL REGIONS. ANTERIOR HEAD. Cloudiness, bell. rheum. Confusion. ang sp. coff col. mez, phos. rhod, sep. squill. VIII C8, Zl El C-OX. Dull feeling. mez. paris. Stupid feeling. croc. Stupefaction. arg. mez. t 15 114 Creeping, phos-ac. Congestion. ran-bulb. widl-od. Fulness, ang. hydrast, sang. Rush of blood. fluor-ac. As if full of blood. ran-bulb. JHeat. cinnab. Heaviness. ang-sp. kali. kreas. laur. rhod. tongo. zinc-ox. Numbness as after a blow. plat. Pain. branca, brom. crotal. kali. phyt...sang. as from coryza coming on. berb. Faw, m-arct. prunus. Sore. bapt. Compressive. plat. sil. Constrictive. cann. plat. Contractive. mang. merc. Screwing in. merc. nice. Squeezing, anac. laur. til. Boring. carb-V. micc. ol-an. Bruised. ang. ars, m-arct. As from a blow, plat. Digging. bry. dule. magn-m. merc. ol-an, plat. Drawing. ant-t. bry. carb-v. chin-s, graph, guaiac. heliot. kali. mang. merc. Sep. Dull. ant-c. canth. ign. mere. mez. mitch. phell. phos-ac. plat. rheum. rhus-r. Sabad. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Pressing. anac. ant-t. arg. asar. berb. brom. bry. cainca. calc. camph. carb-v. elem. cocc. col. corall, croton. fluor-ac. gent-lut. heliot. ign. kali. kali-nitr. magn-c. magn-m. mang. merc. mercurial, mez. mur-ac. nitr- ac. nux-m. phos-ac. prunus, rheum. ruta. Sabad. Seneg. spig. Squill. Stann, teucr. til. zinc. Čnwards. bell. downwards. ant-t. wpwards. gent-lut. backwards. tab. outwards. cuprum. dulc. prunus. asunder. mez. Stupefying. brom. cina. Cutting. bell. Lacerating. graph. Shooting. ant-t. arn. bell. brom. canth. croton. cycl. dulc. kali. laur. mang, phos. plat. plumb, sulph-ac. Tearing. bell. carb-v. grat. guaiac. merc. sil. zinc. As if it would burst, am-c. - 115 Forcing. gent-lut. out, prunus. t Tensive. ant-t. cann. clem. croton. dig. kali-chlor. mer- curial. merc. plat. Banging. Sabin. Jerking. arn. dulc. phos. stann. Throbbing. brom. grat. kali. lye. morph-ac. rheum. zinc. As if a met were drawn through brain. Cinch-s. FoREHEAD. Coldness (internally). cistus. Cloudiness, clem. graph. hell. nux-m. thuy. Confusion. acon. r. alcohol-s. alum. arg—nit. bar-ac. brom. bry. canth. chin. clem. col. r. coccus. Croc. electr. gent-lut. haem. hura. kali-bich. kali-nitr. laur. lobel- infl. mang. nux-m. ol-an. Op. phos. plat. rat. rhod. ruta. Sabin. Solan-t-àegr. til. Val. Dull feeling, aloes. arum-tr. ars-met. nux, op. ox-ae. phyt. plat. Thus-r. Sep. thea. Muddled feeling. croc. Stupid feeling. hell. mur-ac. - * . Stupefaction. bell. fluor-ac. hep. phos. phos-ac. psor. l. tilia. Creeping. Colch. phos. puls. tarax. zinc. Congestion. badiag, cinnab, fluor-ac. Spong. Pulsation of vessels. bell. hell. JRush of blood. bell. fluor-ac. r. magn-c. JEmptiness. caust. - Pulness. acon. am-c. asterias. berb. borax. bry. Calc. calc- iod. cinnab. glon. r. hydrast. laur. lobel-c. magn-s. ran-Scel. Sulph. til. Hardness (of brain). mez. Heat. alcohol-s. ant-t. badiag, bapt. calc. calend. carb-an. Carb-V. caust. coccus. cupr-ars. euphr. fluor- ac. graph. hep. kali. kali-bich. kali-nitr. kreas. lact-v. laur. magn-m. magn-S. natr. natr-m. mice. petiv. phell. l. phos. ran-bulb. sil. Spong, stamn. tax-b. viol-od. flying, calend. electr. Heaviness. acon. aeth, agar. am-c. am-m. amphisb. amygd. ang. arn. ars-met. arum-tr. asparag. bar-C. r. berb. bism. bov. l. brom. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. Castoreum. cervus. clem. col. comoclad. con. dulc, elaps, electr. gamb, glon, grat, haem, hep, hura. II6 hydrast. jacarand. itu. kali-bich. kali-hydr. l. kali- nitr. kreas. lach. laur. magn-c. magn-m. magn-s. mang. (merc-bin.) morph-ac. matr-m. l. nicc. nuphar. r. nux. Ox-ac. panacea. petiv. phos. phyt. plumb. rhus-r. rhus-t. ruta. Sars. sil. Solan-t-aegr. stront. sulph. thea. tongo. Zingib. Itching. Sabad. Motion, as if brain were loose. natr-m. l. nice. Sulph-ac. as if brain moved. phell. dull movements. bry. as if brain shook. natr-m. w as if brain fell forwards. berb. bry. coff grat. kali. laur. magn-s. as if brain fell from side to side. Sulph-ac. as if brain knocked against Skull. natr-m. as if brain rose and sank. bell. as if something fell here and there. Sulph-ac. as if something turned round. kali. as if a ball were rolling round. hura. as if a hot body fell forwards. kali. — undulation. cina. merc. petr. Splashing. asaf. bubbling. asaf. Noises, bubbling. asaf. buzzing. Sulph. veratr. viol-tr. crepitation, as from gold tânsel. acon. — humming. nux. Sulph. Verat. Splashing. asaf. – whirring. lact-v. r. Numbness, fluor-ac. hamam. itu. magn-m. mur-ac. sil. Dead feeling. sil. Torpor. mur-ac. Swollen feeling. calc. magn-s. mercurial. nux-m. Vertigo. alcohol-s. arn. ars, asparag. borax. camph. cervus. carb-v. convolv. evon. gamb. kali-bich. mercurial. oleand. phos. prunus. ran-bulb. rhod. rhus-r, thea. as if drunk. croc. Weakness of head. kali. |Whirling. bism. croton. evon. merc. mosch. nicc. oleand. staph. Pain. . r. aescul-hipp. aeth. alcohol-S. ant-t. ang-sp. apis. ars-iod. (asaf.) asclep-tub. asar. l. (badiag.) bapt. bism. borax. brom.. bufo. calc-iod. camph. calend. cann-ind. canth. caps. castor, chin. chin-s. (cimicif.) II 7 cinch-S. r. cinnab. cistus, cobalt. coccus. col. convolv. croc. croton. Crotal. r. cupr-ars. dig. dioSc. dros. elaps. electr. eupat-perf. l. (eupat-purp.) fluor-ac. r. l. gels. glon. r. l. gran. guano. gymnocl. haem. l. hipp- mang. hura, hydrast, ign. indig. iod. janiph. kali. kali-bich. r. l. kali-chlor. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kalmia. (lachnanth.) lepid. leptand. lyc. merc-bin. merc-iod. meZ. morph-ac. r. mur-ac. myrica. nabulus. natr. natr-m. natr-S. r. nux-j. nux-m. l. Ox-ac. l. panacea. pedic. petiv. petr. phell. l. (phos.) phos-ae. phyt. r. plumbago. podoph. (polygon.) psor. raph. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. r. 1. rumex. r. sabad. Sang. (sars.) scrof. Seneg. Solan-t-aegr. spig. tax. b. thuy. triost. r. as from intoxication. laur. r. lupul, phos-ac. rhus. Squill. Sulph. tarax. º as from a boil. hep. as if coryza were coming on. Col. mez. nux-j. Sep. sil. distracting. asar. as if something were pushed between bone and brain. CauSt. As from an abscess. hep. juncus. Burning. alum. aranea. caust. r. carb-v. convolv. crotal- case. cuprum. l. grat. r. lact-v. magn-S. mang. meny. merc. merc-bin. mur-ac. matr-m. nux. phos. psor. rhus. Spig. r. l. Spong. Stann. Stront. Sulph-ac. Raw. alum. ars. r. lye. matr—m. Spig. Sulph. Stinging. (ign.) Sars. (Sep.) til. (val.) Ulcerative. colch. l. nux. * Compressive. aeth. cocc. r. l. col. lach. lepid. lyc. mosch. nitr-ac. oleand. petiv. plat. Spig. Spong. staph. Constrictive. anac. berb. bry. Chin. r. (eupat-purp.) (haem.) (helenias.) hipp-manc. (indig.) iris-V. lepid. (merc.) phyt. plat. Sulph-ac. Val. as if tightly bound. indig. like a band across. helonias. merc. Pinching. Staph. Squeezing. acon, calc, eug. mez. Sars. Screwing together, chel. grat. magn-s, plat. Sulph. Cramping. anac. r. calc. (natr.) plat. Blow, as from a. ant-t. arn. l. ars. Oleand. plat. psor. Sabad. sulph-ac. r. from an aace. nux. JBoring. am-m. ant-c. arg. l. (bism.) (bow.) calc-ac. l. cocc. r. cochl. (dros.) (dulc.) (hell.) mang. merc. l. mez. II8 mosch. natr-S. l. nuphar. l. ruta. r. sep. sil. Solar-lyc. Spig. (spong.) (staph.) tepl. Bruised, bapt. Cobalt. coff glon. . hep. iod. magn-S. phos-ac. plat. puls. (thuy.) Crushed as if coff stann. Stront. Clawing. arg—nit. Con. Digging. anac. arg—nit. l. bar-ac. (bism.) chin. l. chin-s. coccus. dulc. ign. jacarand. l. juncus. merc. phell. !. plat. l. Sep. Spig. r. squill. as from a blunt instrument ; an alternate contraction and an expansion extending to point of nose. bism. Drawing. agar. r. l. (alcohol-s.) ant-c. l. (ambr.) anac. arg. l. ars. r. asaf, l. asar. aur-mur. badiag. bell. borax. bry. calc-ac. canth. caps. carb-v. castor. caust. (chel.) chin. Cimex. r. cina. l. clem. l. coff, col. Croc. cycl. r. l. graph. guaiac. hell. (juncus.) kali. kali-chlor. lact-v. lepid. magn-c. mang. meny. r. l. merc-bin. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. nux. petr. plat. l. phos. r. rat. r. rhod. ruta. r. Sabin. Sang. Sars. Seneg. (Sep.) Squill. stann. Staph. l. Sulph. tab. l. tarax, thuy, tongo. l. val. verat-vir. zinc. Zingib. Drawing in two lines from parietals to glabella. pothos. Dull, aescul-hipp. ath. agar. alcohol-s. anac. ant-t, asaf asar. asclep-tub. bapt. brom. bry. calc. calc-caust. calc-ac. l. calc-iod. (camph.) chel. caulloph. cinnab. coccus. cocc. l. col. collinson. cornus-circ. dioSc. dulc. erige- ron. eryngium. euphor. eupat-purp. gent-lut. glon. r. graph. hamam. hell. hyos. hydr-ac. hydrast. (ign.) iris-v. jacarand. kali-bich. kali-hydr. lach. lachnanth. lact-v. leptandr. lobel-c. lupul, lyc, m-aust. l. merc- bin. merc-iod. r. meny. mez. l. morph-ac. r. mosch. r. myrica. natr. natr-m. l. nuphar. nux. Ol-an. Olean. l. ox-ac. phos-ac. phyt. plat. l. plumb. podoph. psor. puls, raph. rhus-glab. rhus—t. Thus-ven. rumex. Sabad. Sarrac-purp. Selen. Seneg. r. spig. Stann. staph, stilling, tab. tarax, thuy, verat-v. zinc. Z] ]] C-OX. Gnawing. merc-bin. ruta. (zinc.) as from worms. Zine. Pſard. caulloph. Beavy, calc-iod. eupat-purp. iris-V, rhus-ven. Sarracen-purp. stilling. Numb. (cinnab.) Pecking, carb-an. l. nux, Op. 119 JPressing. acon. ascul-hipp. ath. agar. r. l. agnus. alcohol-s. aloes. alum. ambr. ammoniac. am-caust. am-m. anac. anagall. ang. ant-t. t. apis. aranea. arg—nit. arm. r. ars. r. arum-tr. asaf, l. asar. aster. asparag. aur. l. bapt. bar-ac. bar-c. r. bell. r. l. berb. bism. bor. l. brom. r. bry. bufo. r. cact. calad. calc-ac. r. l. calc. calc-caust, cistus. cocc. coccus. cochlear. coff. col. l. con. convolv. corall. croc. crotal. r. croton. l. eyel. r. l. dig. dulc. l. eug. euphorb. r. ferr. fluor-ac. gent-er. gent-lut. glon. l. gran, graph. grat. r. l. guaiac. (gym- noclad.) hell. hura, hydr-ac. r. l. hyos. ign. r. l. iod. ºr. l. iter. (juncus.) kali. kali-bich. kalmia, r. lach. r. lachnanth. lact-v. laur. l. led. lupul. lye. lycopus. m-arct. l. magn-c. ſ. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meny. r. mercurial. merc. r. merc-iod. merc-bin. mosch. r. murex. mur-ac. natr. l. natr-m. l. natr-s. r. nitr-ac. nuphar. nux. Gleand. Ol-an. r. º. op. r. paeon. paris. petr. phell. r. l. phos. r. phos-ac. l. phytolae. plat. l. psor. l. prunus. 1. puls, ran-bulb. raph. rhod. l. rhus. rhus-r. l. ruta. r. sabad. Sabin. r. ſ. samb. sang. r. Sars. l. Scrof. Seneg. r. l. Sep. Serp. r. sil. Solan-t-aegr. Spig. Spong. l. Squill. Stann. r. ſ. staph. r. ſ. Sticta. stront. Sulph. r. sulph-ac. tab. tarax. tepl. l. teuer. r. thuy. til. tongo. l. val. r. l. Verat. verb. r. ſ. viol- tr. xanthox. Zingib. zinc. zinc-ox. Pressing inwards. alum. ant-c. l. bapt. bell. laur. nux. ran- scel. plat. l. stann. Pressing downwards. ambr. (am-m.) anac. (ant-t.) asar. bell. bry. cinc. cocc. glon. mur-ac. phos-ae. Pressing outwards. acon. alum. anac. r. asaf, r. bar-ae. bar-c. bell. l. berb. borax. bry. cale. calc-ac. camph. canth. caps. chel. chin. cina. r. col. corall. (Cuprum.) dros. gent-lut. graph. hell. r. ign. kali. laur, lycopus. magn-m. meny. mere. mur-ac. l. natr-m. oleand. Op. prunus. r. l. psor. ran-bulb. rhod. Senecio-aur. sil. Solan-lyc. spig. Spong. l. statin. Staph. l. Sulph. tab. tarax. verb. viol-tr. Pressing asunder. hell. juncus. kali-nitr. l. lye. ran-bulb. rhus. r. staph. l. As if a finger were pressed in. Ol-an. r. As if a weight lay there, asar, bell, gram. meny, plat. thuy. viol-tr. As from a hard substance. natr-s. As from a plug. jacarand. r. I 20 Like a board upon it. carb-an. cocc. dulc. op. plat. sulph. Rheumatic. (coccus.) Stupefying. acon. agar. anac. ant-c. arn. ars, r. bov. brom. calad. calc. calc-ac r. carb-an, caust. chin, con. euphorb. r. hyos. laur, magn-c. l. mang. meny. mosch. mur-ac. matr. Oleand. paris l. phos. phos-ac. ruta. r. sabad. Sabin. Stann. Staph. tax-b. tepl. Val. verb. r. l. Cutting. agar. calc. camph. caps. diosc. r. dros. ferr. (natr-m.) Sulph. Knife-thrusts across forehead. tepl. As if a knife were thrust out at forehead. tepl. Lacerated, as if coff hep. (thuy.) Neuralgic. aescul-hipp. Pricking. (apis.) aur. calc-ac. l. chin-S. cinnab. cocc. r. dros. hep. hyos. l. kali. lye, mang. l. natr-m. nice. r. sep. (spong.) thuy, verb. r. viol-od. like pins, caulloph. Piercing. matr–s. l. Shooting. acon. aescul-hipp. aeth. alcohol-s, alum. am-m. l. ant-t. arn. arg—nit. l. ars.cit. r. asaf asterias, bell. berb. r. bov. r. (brom.) bry. l. calc. calc-ac. l. (calc- caust.) camph. canth. caust. (cham.) (chel.) chin. r. l, chin-S. cinnab. coccin. (col.) con, cuprum. l. cycl. dig. (dioSc.) electr. euphorb. l. ferr. fluor-ac. l. (gels.) glon. r. (gran.) grat. gymnoclad. (hell.) ign. ipec. iris-V. iter. r. jacarand. jatroph. r. l. kali. kali-hydr. r. kali-nitr. l. (kalmia.) lact-v. lobel-c. lye. l. m-arct. l, m-aust. l. magn-c. magn-m, mang. l. (meny.) merc. l, merc-bin. merc-corr. merc-iod. (mez.) mosch. mur- ac. natr-m. r. l. nice. nux. nuphar. l. Op. r. ol-an. l. pedic. petr. phell. r. phos. l. plumb. podoph. (pru- nus.) psor. r. l. puls. rat. r. rhod. rhus-V. ruta. r. Sabad. Sang. r. sars. Selen. Senecio-aur. Sep. Serp. sil. Solan-t-8egr. spig. Spong. Squill. r. stann. l. (staph.) stilling, stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. l. tax-b. tepl. tereb. til. Val. verat. verb. l. Zingib. zinc. — like needles, mang, l. * = fine Stitches. Zingib. sticking. mere-bin. as if a mail were driven in. acon. . jacarand. r. . calc. caust, mosch. rhus. something pointed an instrument Tearing. agar, agnus. alcohol-S. alum. ambr. am-m. anac. I2] ant-t. arg—nit. arum-tr. r. asar. aur. l. bell. berb. bow. r. bry. calc-caust. camph. l. canth. carb-v. cas- tor r. caust. l. cham. coccin. cocc. coff colch. l. con. (croton.) (cuprum.) dros. (electr.) euphorb. l. gran. graph. grat. l. guaiac. hyos. ign, indig, ipec, kali. kali-hydr. r. kalmia. l. (lach.) lachnanth. (laur.) lyc. m-aust. r. magn-c. magn-m. l. magn-S. mercurial. merc. l. merc-bin. mez. mur-ac. natr. (natr-m.) nux. ol-an. r. l. Op. phell. r. phos. phos-ac. plumb. rat. rhod. (Samb.) sars. Seneg. l. (Sep.) sil. Spig. r. stann. T. Staph. l. Sulph. Sulph-ac. r. tarax. l. tereb. thuy. p. zinc. r. l. Bursting. am-c. am-caust. ant-c. bell. castor. Crotal-casc. ferr. graph. kali. lye. natr. matr-s. nice. Oleand. etr. rat. Sang. Staph. Zinc. As if all would come out there. acon. arn. bar-c. bell. bry. canth. carb-V. caust. cochl. cuprum. hydrast. kreas. magn-m. magn-S. mang. nux. phos. plat. psor. puls. rhod. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stront. tepl. thuy, verb. Zingib. JEvpansive. bism. bry. l. eryngium. tarax. Forcing. (phos.) outwards. arg—nit. r. castor. r. laur. magn-S. mercurial. meZ. natr-m. nux-m. Split in two, as if puls. Tearing asunder, caps. Tensive. acon. agnus. ang, ant-t, asaf, bell. r. l. berb. calc. chenop. col. colch. dig, dros. euphorb. gent-lut. grat. hell. hydr-ae. kali-chlor. (m-arct.) mercurial. mur-ac. nux, paris, plat. puls, rhod. Sabad. Sep. sil. spig. sulph. zinc-Ox. as if in a vice, puls. - As if brain were rolled up into a ball. arn. ant-t. r. l. Banging, ang. JBlows. laur. m-aust. r. natr-m. Oleand. rhus-r. Sabad. Plammering. cic. magn-s. nice. r. oleand. Jerking, acon. alcohol-S. arn. borax. bry. caust. r. cham. chin, lyc. magn-m. magn-s. (prunus.) Sabad. Sep. sil. Spong. Stann. l. Squill. thuy. Val. Pulsative, acon. l. ant-t. r. arg—nit. l. asar. canth. carb-v. glon. kalmia. kreas. magn-C. merc. oleand. paris. l. petr. sil. Spig. Spong. thuy. as if a pulse were beating. kalmia. Shock. Croc. oleand. Sulph-ae. 16 I22 Throbbing, acon, r. aeth. l. alum. am-c. amphisb. r. anagall. ant-t. r. arg—nit. ars, ars-cit. r. asar, bar-c. berb. borax. (brom.) bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. castor. caust. cinnab. cinch-S. r. clem. cocc. col. con. dulc. (gamb.) gent-lut. glon. l. graph. grat. hura. iod. kali, kali-bich. kali-chlor. kali-nitr. laur. lepid. l. lobel-c. (magn-c.) magn-m. magn-s. merc. mez. natr- m. l. nux, oleand. paris. l. phos. puls. rhod. l. ruta. Sabad. r. sars. r. seneg. sil. l. (therid.) zinc. r. — like a pulse, magn-c. Undulating. arg—nit. asaf, l. cocc. l. col. l. sep. viol-tr. Paralytic. Sep. As from bubbles of water. Sedin. JElectric shock. sang. Like a worm crawling (drawing). Sulph. MIDDLE OF FOREHEAD. Coldness (internally), bell. Confusion. Staph. Stupid feeling. Staph. Creeping. m-aust. Pain. cinch-s. colch. crotal. psor. Grasping. natr-s. JBoring. calc-ac. plat. Breaking. matr-s. Digging. mez. Drawing. con. (croc.) laur. Sulph-ac. ăn a marrow Stripe downwards. Croc. like a thread drawn through brain. Sabad. Dull. anac. elater. phos-ac. Pressing. anac. camph. chin. Col. (croc.) dig. evon. gent-lut. laur. mez. sil. Stann. teucr. (zinc.) ăn a narrow stripe downwards. Croc. as if a weight lay there. carb-an. dig. staph. as if all would come out there. rat. Shooting. bov. calc. (kali.) laur, m-aust, magn-m. (phos-ac.) rat. (sars.) val. fine Stitches. Sars. As if a nail were driven in. lyc. Tearing. bov. castor. caust. (chel.) laur. stront. Jerking. sil. Val. Throbbing, lyc. Like a leaden bullet which will not come loose, staph, I23 UPPER FOREHEAD. Muddled feeling. spig. Emptiness. Spig. Pulness, glon. Heaviness. bell. fluor-ac. janiph. Sep. Pain, glon. Burning. chin. Compressive. cina. Constrictive. hyos. Contractive. con. Boring. petiveria. Sang. Dull. diosc. mang, puls-nutt. JHard. (puls-nutt.) Pressive. berb. bry. Con. jacarand. led. mang. mosch. Samb. Sep. As if a Stone lay there, con. Stupefying. hyos. Shooting. chin. kali. petiv. Tearing. Samb. Sep. r. Bursting. (apis.) As if all would come out. brom. Throbbing. glon. ABOVE EYES. Confusion. agnus. kali-bich. laur, lyc, phos-ac. Dulness. apis. Creeping. berb. l. Pulmess. Cimicif, gymnoclad. Ox-ac. podoph. IHeat, cinch-S. rhus-r. l. JHeaviness, bell. cact. r. calc-iod. cinnab. cistus. crotal-case. elaps. fluor-ac. glon, hura. kali. natr-m. paull. l. tax-b. r. Vibrating jerk. magn-c. l. Whirling. bov. l. Pain. acon. l. aescul-hipp. ang-sp. l. ars. l. bapt. r. l. bell. brom. l. bry. calc-iod. chin. cinnab. l. cimicif. r. coloh, cornus-circ. r. croc. crotal. diosc. dros. fluor- ac. r. glon. r. (gymnoclad.) hydrast. l. kali. kali- bich. kali-nitr. kalmia. kiss. l. lach. r. lepid. lith-c. lyc. merc-bin. meph, nabulus, nux-j. l. Ox-ac. l. paull. phos. l. phos-ac. plat. l. phyt. plumbago. plant. l. raph. ran-bulb. r. rhus-r. r. rumex, r. sang. r. Scrof. l24. scutell. r. sulph. tax-b. (tell.) (therid.) xanthox. Zingib. r. Zizia. — linear. tell. as from coryza. Sulph. Burning. asaf, l. magn-m. l. meny. l. rhus-r. l. Sabad. Sore. Zingib. l. Stinging. rhus-r. l. Selen. l. Zingib. l. Compressive. alum. bry. cann. Constrictive. aster. ipec. l. Contractive. alum. bov. l. puls. Pinching. haematox. r. l. Squeezing. asaf bry. r. lact-v. Bruised. gels. Boring. aster. l. (bow.) cimicif. l. (dulc.) elaps. r. ipec. (kali.) laur. magn-S. l. Digging. anac. r. berb. l. natr-m. l. Drawing. ant-t. l. asaf bar-c. l. bell. r. borax. bry. r. l. calc-ac. r. l. caulloph. l. mang. r. nitr-ac. r. pothos. puls. sil. Stann. l. (Staph.) sulph. r. verat-vir. l. Zingib. l. Dull. ant-t. apis. arn. l. asaf, l, borax. bov. l. brom. l. caust. cina. eryngium. l. euphorb. l. glon. r. hydrast. jac- arand. r. kali-bich. lob-infl. phos-ac. raph. Spig. spong. urt-ur. Zingib. l. Pecking. ign. r. Pressing. acon. r. agar, aloes. alum. ambr. l. ammoniac. amygd. ang, ant-t. ant-e. l. arg. arg-nitr. r. arn. l. asaf, l. asterias. bar-ac. r. borax. bov. r. l. brom. bry. r. l. calc-ac. l. camph. l. caust. r. carb-V. chin. chin-S. cistus. coccus. Croton. Crotal. r. dig. dulc. r. euphorb. l. glon, r. gymnoclad. haematox. r. l. hydr- ac. r. ign. l. iod. kali. kiss. r. l. (kreas.) lach. r. lye. m-arct. magn-c. mercurial. merc-bin. l. mez, morph- ac. mosch. l. natr-m. l. nux-j. nux-m. l. nux. r. l. Oniscus. Op. r. phos. r. phos-ac. phyt. plat. r. puls. raph. rheum. Sabad. l. Sep. l. sil. r. Solan-t-aegr. spig. r. (spong.) stann. l. stront. r. sulph. l. tab. r. tereb. l. teucr. (therid. l.) til. val. verb. l. viol-tr. xanthox. Zingib. l. zinc. r. Pressing inwards, bell. kali. l. Pressing downwards. bell. mur-ac. rhus-t. r. As if a weight lay there. magn-s, rhus-t. r. sil. Pressing outwards, bell. bry. l. calc-ac. l. chel. r. con, ipec, kali. l. natr-m. nux-m. l. phOS. * I25 Pressing asunder. lye. As if a heavy body were forced in. anac. r. As if finger were pressed in. stront. r. As if a mail were pressed in. puls-nutt. l. As if a pointed body were driven in. hell. l. magn-S. l. mosch. sulph-ac. l. As if a wedge were driven in, acon. Stupefying. chel. r. cinnab. r. croton, evon. r. mosch. l. plat. r. stann. Cutting. (bism.) carduus. Senecio-aur. Pricking, as from needles. am-c. Shooting. (acon.) agar. aloes. am-c. l. anac. r. ang, ant-c. l. (apis.) arum-tr. l. bell. r. berb. l. borax. bov. l. bry. r. caps. Carb-v. r. caust. l. cic. r. (cinnab.) cina. COcc. r. Croton. r. eryngium. l. gins. r. hipp-manc. l. hyos. r. ign. ipec, kali-bich. l. kali-hyd. l. lach. lepid. l. lye. r. mang. r. mang-s, l, mercurial. mur-ac. matr-m. r. l. nitr-ac. Ol-an. Op. r. petr. phos-ac. r. pimp. (rhus.) rhus-r. Sarracen-purp. Sep. l. sil. (sulph.) tab. r. Val. Zingib. l. zinc. l. Tearing. aeth. am-m. r. anac. r. bell. r. berb. l. bism. r. bow. calc-caust. lach. lye. r. iod. l. mang. r. mur-ac. r. phos. r. sep. thuy. tongo. r. verb. l. zinc. l. Bursting. kali-bich. Forcing out. mercurial. As if all would come out. ang. Sabad. Splitting. ant-c. r. bar-ac. sulph. r. Tensive. ant-t. l. apis. bry. l. dule. r. mercurial. puls, sil. staph. Beating. am-m. r. glon. Flammering. am-m. r. paull. l. Jerking. ant-t. l. berb. l. (brom.) magn-c. l. mur-ac. r. sulph. r. Pulsative. lach. r. (nux-m.) Spig. l. Throbbing. caust. gymnoclad. l. kali-bich. lach. l. lyc. matr. w nux-m. l. petr. (therid. l.) Verat. l. Undulating. plat. r. Like the Stroke of a rusty Saw. panacea. As if a bud were slowly expanding there (drawing, tensive). brv. l. As if sº one tapped with finger on forehead, natr-m. \ ABOVE ROOT OF NoSE. JHeaviness. bov. Mumbness. con. 126 Whirling. merc. tarax. Pain. (ang-sp.) cale. kali-bich. lach. lye. merc-iod. phos. viol-tr. xanthox. - as if coryza were coming Om. col. Raw, ars. Stinging. kali-bich. (rhus.) Compressive. mosch. Constrictive. camph. Contractive. (bov.) m-aust. tarax. Pinching. rhus-r. Squeezing. acon, ign. As from a hoop. therid. Cramping. acon. m-aust. Boring. (hep.) Bruised. ars. carb-an. Drawing. borax. carb-V. caust, cina. ign. kali. (kiss.) lepid. meny. (matr-m.) nux. phyt. (pothos.) Zingib. Dull. ant-t. bar-ac. calc-iod, dulc. ferr, gymnoclad. peti- veria. tab. Pressing. ambr. ant-t. asar. bar-ac. bell. bism. borax. bov. brom. caps. caust. chel. Cistus. coccus. Col. hamam. hell. hydrast, ign. iod. kali. lact-v. meny, mercurial. (mosch.) Oniscus. r. l. Op. phyt. raph. ruta. sil. Sticta. tab. therid. xanthox. Like a pressing band. therid. As if a weight lay there. Staph. Outpressing. verb. Stupefying. (ant-t.) bar-ac. mosch. phos. As if a wedge were driven in. kali-hydr. Shooting. indig. kali-bich. Tearing. agar. bov. chel. thuy. Forcing. phos. Splitting. mez. Tensive. (ant-t.) aeth. caust. hep. m-arct. as if bound with a ligature diagonally, ant-t. Jerking. (brom.) (phos.) Throbbing, ars, bow. camph. glon. (phos.) FRONTAL SINUSEs. As if cold air entered. zinc. Pain. hydrast. lach. l. ram-bulb. r. Paw. lach. l. Drawing. (kreas.) lach. psor. 127 Pressing. agar. corall, magn-m. pedic. Pricking. verb. l. Shooting. calc-caust. kali-hydr. l. Tearing. aeth. l. kali-hydr. l. Forcing (in an arch corresponding to superior and lateral boundaries of sinuses). col. l. Tensive. natr. r. Jerking. aeth, l, kali-hydr. l. Throbbing. calc-caust. hydrast. FRONTAL EMINENCEs. Creeping, chel. Heat, lact-v. magn-m. r. Motion as if brain were loose. Sulph-ac. as if brain struck against Skull, sulph-ac. Pain. coccus. l. croc. l. fluor-ac. r. kiss, lach. l. mez. r. myrist. phytolac. rhus-r. l. zinc. l. Raw. Sabin. r. sulph-ac. l. Stinging. Sars. r. l. Compressive. anac. l. fluor-ac. r. Screwing together. bov. Squeezing, croc. l. As from a blow, plat. r. sulph-ac. l. Boring. am-c. r. ant-t. r. bell. r. (bism.) ol-an. l. Sabin. r. zinc. r. Digging. agar. l. arg—nit. l. ign. r. ol-an. l. Drawing. arg. r. l. arg—nit. l. bry. r. l. (cina.) croc. l. dulc. l. guaiac. l. ign. r. rheum, tongo. r. verb, l. viol-od. l. Dull. ant-t. r. asaf, l. bar-c. l. calc-caust. l. dulc. l. kali- bich. r. spong. r. sulph-ac. l. zinc. r. Gnawing. bov. r. JWumb. Val. Pecking. arist. r. verb. l. Pressing, acon. r. agnus. !. ambr. l. anac. l. ant-t. l. arg. l. asaf, l. bar-ac. bell, r. calc-ac. r. cann. l. caust. r. cu- prum. dulc. l. gram. l. guaiac. r. hell. r. ign. l. magn- S. l. mez. r. natr-nitr. l. nitr-ac. nux-m. I. oleand, r. (Op.) paris. r. phos-ac. l. plat. r. ran-bulb. raph. Sabin. r. l. Sars. r. l. spig. l. Squill. l. teucr. r. l. thuy. r. l. verb. r. l. zinc. r. l. Pressing inwards. Sabin. l. spig. l. As if a weight lay there. Spig. l. Pressing outwards, anac. r. bell. l. Cimex. l. dulc. l. myrist. r. 128 Oleand. l. phos-ac. r. prunus. r. spig. r. spong. r. stann. staph. l. As if all would come out there, am-c. r. Pressing asunder. Sabin. r. Rnife thrusts. Sabin. r. As if an arrow were pressed in. Croc. l. Pricking. asaf, l. Shooting. alum. l. am-c. r. ang-sp. r. arg—nit. l. arm. l. asaf, l. bar-c. l. (bar-ac.) bell. r. berb. r. (bow.) calc-caust. l. castor. r. chel. l. cocc. l. evon. l. gran. l. grat. (gins.) guaiac. r. l. kali-hydr. l. lact-v. l. laur. r. l. led. r. (magn-m.) meny, l, mez. l. mur-ac. (natr.) nitr-ac. l. nuphar. l. Ol-an. l. plumb. l. Sabin. r. l. Spig, r. (Squill.) staph. l. (stront.) Sulph-ac. l. verb. l. zinc. r. I’ine Stitches. Sars. r. Tearing. agnus. l. alum. l. ambr. r. arg. l. bell. l. (bow.) chel. l. chin. r. cina. r. l. kali. l. lye. l. mang. l. mez. l. mill. l. (natr.) Sabin. r. sep. l. Spig. r. l. zinc. r. l. Bursting. bell. Splitting. bar-ac. Tensive. bry. r. l. Spig. l. Val. Blows. Croc. l. Squill. l. Banging. am-C. r. Hammering. verb. l. Jerking. chin. Croc. l. Spig. r. sulph-ae. t. thuy. r. l. Throbbing. aescul-hipp. r. asaf. r. bar-c. (cann.) cocc. l. nitr- ac. l. ran-bulb. r. Undulating. ant-t. r. Paralytic. cima. r. l. BEHIND ORBITS. Heaviness. therid. Pain, nabulus. r. kali-nitr. r. l. therid. Squeezing, acon. Bruised. gels. Dull, therid. Pressing. caulloph. kali-nitr. r. l. rhus, therid. Pressing outwards. rhus. l. Shooting. dig. kali-nitr. r. Tearing. bism. r. (kali-nitr.) As if torn. rhus. Tensive, acon. I29 TEMPLEs. Confusion, asar. l. bar-ac. col. r. l. kali-bich. r. Dull feeling. Op. Coldness. berb. ol-an. l. plat. r. Cold creeping. rhod. Congestion. Zingib. Rush of blood. sil. r. Zingib. Swelling of arteries, caulloph, thuy. Throbbing of arteries. aur-m. crotal. cupr-ac. glon. hell. mur- 8,C. 7°. Creeping. Sulph. Fulness. cinnab. glon. hydrast, jacarand. r. l. plant. Heat, hura. lye. mercurial. l. natr-m. l. Zingib. Beaviness. agar. bell. bism. bov. cact. r. carb-an. l. cinnab. glon. kali-hydr. r. nitr-ac. nuphar, phyt, rhus. Sars. l. Sep. tax-b. r. l. Zingib. Motion, as if brain fell forwards, coff. Vibration. stront. Gurgling vibration. kali. r. JBubbling. bry. Sensitiveness. Col. Noises, bubbling. bry. chirping. ang-sp. l. crepitation like gold timsel. acon. — gurgling. kali. r. humming. ambr. Numbness. Zingib. Swelling (feeling of). berb. r. of brain. coccin. Twitching. chin. Whirling. sulph. Pain. acon. ang-sp. r. apis. l. asar, badiag. bapt. (bar-c.) benz-ac. blatt. bov. l. brom. l. bry. calc-iod. r. l. cann-ind. (cimicif.) cinnab. l. chin. cobalt. l. coccus. collinson. r. convolv-d. l. cornus-circ. (cupr-ars.) elat. euphr. glon. r. guano. (gymnoclad.)hamam. helonias. hura. hydrast. indig. r. jacarand. r. l. kali-bich. kali- chlor. l. kali-nitr, l, kalmia. l. lach. lepid. lith-c. lye. mercurial. l. merc-bin. merc-iod. r. mez, mosch. murex. nux-m. l. nux. ol-an. l. Ox-ac. l. panacea. paull. r. l. phyt. r. plumbago. prunus. r. rhod. rhus- r. r. l. rumex. l. (Sabin.) (sars.) Seneg, serp. triost. r. trombid. zizia. 17 130 Pain, as from coryza. chin, m-aust. mez. as from a foreign body, elaps. r. as after intoxication. laur. r. Burning. alum. r. am-m. l. bar-c. r. caust. r. cinnab. coccus. Croton. l. cuprum. l. mang. r. merc. l. natr-nitr. l. phell. phos. pimp. plat. l. rhus. r. rhus-r. Sabad. Spig. l, staph. l. Sulph-ac. verb. l. Zingib. Raw. alum. r. lamium. m-arct. tab. Smarting, anac. gymnoclad. l. Stinging. hydrast. iris-V. kali-bich. Sars. therid. l. Compressive. anac. ant-t, asar. l. bov. (bry.) chin. col. con. fluor-ac. kali-bich. lach. l. meny. natr-m. ran-Scel. rhus. Sars. Stann. tab. therid. as if crushed together, caulloph. Comstrictive. elaps. ipec. l. phos-ac. puls. Contractive, acon. agnus. asar. carb-an. dig. hell. mang. plat. r. l. Squill. Sulph. tab. Pinching. carb-an. merc. r. mez. petr. l. phos-ac. sulph. verb. Screwed in. acon. cocc. col. lyc. panacea. plat. Screwed together by a bolt passing through. hamam. Squeezing. ant-t. arg. r. calc-ac. r. l. (calc.) carb-an. Crotal. r. indig. l. kali. l. mez. matr-m. Oleand. r. phos-ac. r. l. (prunus.) rhus. r. l. zinc. r. l. Springing outwards. berb. r. Cramp-like. cina. (natr-m.) petr. l. plat. r. l. zinc. Bruised. agnus. cobalt. (coccus.) haem. l. (lachnanth.) m- arct. phOS-ac. plant. Sulph-ac. Boring. alum. r. l. (ant-c.) ang. apis. Calad. l. calc-ac. l. camph. r. carb-V. l. clem. l. dulc. l. grat. hep. l. ipec. m-arct. r. mang. (paeon.) phOS-ac. l. plant. psor. l. rhod, l. stann. r. tepl. triost. r. l. Clawing. magn-m. Digging. bar-ac. bov. l. calc-ac. l. col. mang. Drawing. acon. l. aeth. l. agar, alcohol-s. l. alum. l. ang. ant-Cr. l. ant-t. r. arg. l. asar. (bell.) bry. calc-ac. calc-c. l. Casc. caust. cina. coccus. Con. r. crotal. r. cuprum. l. cycl. l. dulc. l. gamb. glon. l. hep. kali. l. kreas. l. (lact-v.) lamium. l. m-arct. r. merc. r. mosch. r. nitr-ac. r. nux, oleand. l. Ol-an. l. petr. r. l. phos. l. phos-ac. l. phyt. r. plat. l. rhod. r. l. ran-bulb. rhus. Sabad. Sabin. r. l. (Seneg.) Spig. l. Squill. r. stann. stront. r. sulph. (tab.) tarax, l, thuy. l. til. l. Zingib. l. as if a worm crept there. Sulph. 131 Dragging downwards, bell. Dull. aescul-hipp. l. agar. r. alcohol-s. ant-t. apis. r. l. asaf, r. bapt. bry. calc-ac. calc. camph. carb-v. Casc. chel. chin. cimicif. l. cobalt. coccin. Col. cupr-ars. cycl. r. dioSc. eupat-purp. l. fluor-ac. r. glon. hydr-ac, jaca- rand. r. l. kali-bich. lact-v. l. lachnanth. led. leptandr. mercurial. r. merc-iod. r. l. myrica. natr. matr-m. nitr-ac. r. petiv. l. phos-ac. l. plumb. r. puls-nutt. r. rheum. rhus-r. spig, stront. r. val. r. Zingib. l. zinc. r. Gnawing. ran-scel. r. JHeavy. iris-V. Pressing. acon. aescul-hipp. r. agar. r. l. agnus. r. alcohol-s. T. am-caust. anac. r. l. ang, ant-t. r. apis. aranea. arg. r. l. arn. ars. r. ſ. anm-m. l. asaf, r. asar. l. asparag. l. aster. aur. bapt. r. bar-ac. l. bell. r. berb. ºr. bism. r. blatta. borax. r. bov. r. brom. l. bry. l. Calad. r. calc-ac. r. l. Camph. Cann. caps. carb-an. carb-v. Carduus. caust. r. chel. r. chenop. chin. l. cina. l. cinnab. r. cobalt. coccus. r. l. coff. col. l. con. corall. Crotal. l. crotal-case. Croton. cubebs, cuprum. l, cycl. 1. dig. l. dros. r. dulc. l. evon. r. ferr. fluor- ac. l. gels, gent-cr: gins, glon, gran. graph. l. guiac. T. l. hell. r. hep. hippomanes. hura. l. hydr-ac. ign. r. indig. l. iod. jatroph. kali-bich. kali. r. l. kali-nitr. r. kalmia. lach. l. lachnanth. r. lamium. r. laur. l. lith-c. l. lyc. r. l. m-arct. r. m-aust. mang. l. meny. l. mercurial. r. l. merc. l. merc-iod. mez. l. mimosa. r. mosch. r. murex. r. mur-ae. l. natr-m. nitr-ac. r. nux-m. l. nuphar. Ol-an. r. l. Ox-ac. r. paris. r. l. petiv. petr. r. l. phell. r. phos-ac. r. l. phos. phyt. (pimp.) plat. l. podoph. pothos. psor. l. ram-bulb. ran-scel. r. rheum. r. rhod. l. rhus. r. sabad. r. l. Sabin. r. sars. r. l. Sedin. (Seneg.) sil. l. spig. r. l. Stann. r. l. staph. r. sulph. l. tab. tarax. r. tax-b. l. teucr. r. l. thuy. r. l. til. Verat. verb. r. vinca. viol- tr. l. zinc. r. l. Zingib. l. Pressing inwards, acon. l. alum. r. anac. l. ant-t. l. asaf, l. bell. l. cocc. l. kali. l. lith-c. mez. l. natr. matr-nitr. l. ol-an. r. piper. plat. l. ran-Scel. rhod. l. Sabin. r. spig. r. stann. Sulph-ac. tepl. l. thuy. Val. r. zinc. r. Pressing inwards and outwards at once. calc-ac. l. Pressing upwards. coccus. mercurial. r. oleand. l. rhus. r. Pressing downwards, rhus, oleand. l. Sabad. l. Pressing forwards, stront. l32 Pressing outwards, acon. (alcohol-s.) aloes, asaf, l. atham. bar-ac. l. bell. berb. bism. bry. l. calc-ac. l. carb-v. l. caust, dros. r. fluor-ac. l. glon, hell. hydrast, ign. ipec. kali. r. kreas. l. lach. lact-v. l. lobel-infl. mez. l. mur-ac. natr. r. natr-m. nux-m. petiv. phos-ac. r. prunus. r. ran-scel. rhod. r. rhus. Sabad. r. Sabin. r. l. Senecio-aur. spong. r. stann. stront. teuer. viol-tr. Pressing asunder. chin-s, m-arct. Pressing as with a finger. nitr-ac, petiv. r. staph. l. as with a blunt instrument, ant-t. cocc. r. dulc. r. l. jacarand. r. • * as with a mail. (ign.) Screwing. Sabad. Stupefying. acon. l. alum. r. calad. r. cina. r. podoph. Stann. verb. r. Twisting. Sabad. Cutting. (arg.) (bell.) camph. (chin.) coccus. col. diose. r. (glon.) hydrast. iris-V. puls-nutt. Knife-thrusts, bell. calc-ac. l. camph. glon, lach. (merc-iod.) petiv. verb. Neuralgic. leptand. r. verat-vir. r. Pinching. (apis.) cocc. l. euphr. r. lamium. l. nice, plat. l. rhus-r. l. staph. l. tarax. l. thuy. zinc. l. Penetrating. anac. calc-iod. r. rhus-r. r. sars. r. Shooting. acon. aescul-hipp. l. aeth. l. agar. r. agnus. alcohol-s. l, aloes. l. alum. r. ambr. l. am-c. l. am-m. l. anac. r. l. (anagall.) ant-t. ang-sp. r. (arg.) arm. l. ars, l. arum- tr. r. l. asaf, l. aster. r. bar-c. r. bell. r. berb. r. l. blatta. borax. r. bov. l. (brom.) (bry.) bufo. l. cadm-s. cainca. r. calad. r. l. calc. l. calc-caust. camph. r. cancer. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. Carduus. caust. l. chel. l. chenop. chin. r. l. (cimicif.) cina. r. cinnab. l. cocc. coccus. l. comoclad. l. Crotal. l. Crotal-casc. l. croton, r. cuprum. l. cupr-ars. cycl. r. ſ. daphn, dig. r. l. electr. r. evon. r. eupat-perf gels, gent-cr. l. glon. r. graph. l. grat. guiac. hell. l. hipp-manc. l. hura. hydrast, hyper. r. l. ign. r. indig. r. l. iris-V. r. kali-bich. r. l. kali. r. kali-hydr. l. kali-nitr. l. kreas. lach. l. laur. l. lepid. l. lob-infl. lye. r. magn-c. l. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meny. l. mercurial. r. l. merc-iod. mur-ac. l. (natr-m.) nitr-ac. r. l. nux-m. r. l. nux. Ol-an. l. paris. l. pedic. l. petiv. r. l. phell. l. phos. r. (phos-ac.) phyt. r. pimp. plat. r. 1. plumb. r. l. psor. l. puls. ran-scel. l. rheum. rhod. l. rhus-r. 133 Sabad. r. sang. l. Sars. r. senecio-aur. l. Sep. l. serp. l. sil. Spig. l. Squill. l. stann. Sticta. stront. r. l. tab. l. tarax. l. lepl. thuy, verb. l. (vinca.) zinc. r. zinc-ox. r. Spreading in all directions. stront. r. spreading out in a circle each time. caust. l. As if a mail were driven in. anac. arn. As if a coarse-pointed instrument were thrust in. alum. r. am-c. l. asaf, l. Sulph-ac. r. Tearing, acon. l. aeth. r. agar. r. agnus. r. l. (alcohol-s.) alum. r. ſ. am-c. (am-m.) (ambr.) anac. r. ſ. ang. arg. !. (arg—nit.) arm. l. ars. l. arum-tr. r. asar. l. aur. bell. r. berb. r. bism. r. bov. P. l. calc-ac. calc. calc-caust. camph. r. canth. carb-v. r. castor. r. caust. r. l. cham. chin. r. l. cina. r. l. cobalt. r. colch. r. con. Croton. r. cuprum. dig. r. dulc. l. gamb. l. (gran.) grat, hyp. r. indig. r. l. iod. r. l. kali. r. l. kali-bich. kali-hydr. l. kali-nitr. r. l. (kalmi.) kreas. r. l. (lach- nanth.) lact-v. (laur.) lyc. r. m-aust. l. magn-c. r. l. magn-m. l. magn-S. l. nang. l. (merc.) mercurial. r. l. matr. r. natr-S. r. nicc. r. ol-an. l. phos. (phos-ac.) phyt. l. plumb. r. l. puls, rat. r. l. ran-bulb. r. rhod. l. rhus. r. (Seneg.) (Sep.) Spig. r. spong. l. (sulph.) Sulph-ac. r. l. tepl. teucr. til. r. zinc. r. l. zinc-ox. r. radiating to r. half of head. lye. r. asunder. puls. As if something were torn out. aeth. l. kreas. l. Bursting. (bell.) chin, phos. Forcing out. ign. mercurial. r. natr-m. prunus. Stretching. cina. r. Tensive. alum. r. ambr. ant-t. berb. l. bov. cann. caust. r. col. r. dig. l. hell. hyp. lith-c. mercurial. mur-ac. r. natr-m. l. ol-an. plat. rheum. Verat. Banging. bov. l. magn-m. Beating. glon. natr-s. Blows, aeth. l. bar-ac. l. (chel.) croc. P. lach, m-aust, oleand. l. phos-ac. r. spig. r. sulph-ae. r. thuy. synchronous with pulse, chel. r. Hammering, alcohol-s, ars, chin. eleis. paull. l. psor. Jerking. acon. l. (am-m.) anac. l. arm. l. bar-ac. l. bov. l. calc. r. calc-ac. (castor.) chin. r. cycl. T. l. dig. kali. l. lact-v. (lyc.) merc. r. nux-m. l. Ox-ac. r. l. phos. l. plumb. r. puls. Spig. (spong.) (squill.) Stann. l. Sulph- ac. r. val. r. zinc. l. radiating into l. half of head, lyc. r. 134. Pulsative. alum. r. ang. r. cadm-s. cact. chel. chin. cornus- circ. daphn. ferr. glon. l. hell. l. (lach.) natr-m. l. rheum. r. l. Spig. l. stann, thuy. as if Skull would burst. cact. Shocks. Croc. sulph-ac. Throbbing. acon. aeth. l. alum. r. am-c. apis. arn, borax. r. (bov.) (brom.) bry. Calc. camph. cann. r. canth. caps. carb-v. castor. r. caust. r. chin. cinnab. r. coccus. col. l. cornus-circ. cupr-ars. daphn. fluor-ac. r. glon. l. hell. l. hep. r. hura. r. l. hydrast. hyp. l. itu. r. kali- chlor. lach. laur. r. merc-iod. r. nitr-ac. r. pedic. r. petiv. l. phos. Sabad. l. Sep. Solan-t-aegr. l. Spong. l. stann. Stram. r. sulph. Sulph-ac. r. tab. tepl. l. Zingib. l. Undulating. plat. l. Paralytic. lye. As if the blood stopped. chel. l. As if a worm crept there (drawing). Sulph. UPPER PART OF HEAD. . Creeping. colch. r. Coldness. val. Fulness. apis. JFHeaviness. apis. Uneasiness, like weariness of limbs after exertion, aster. Pain. aescul-hipp. carb-an. Colch. r. glon. iod. kali. podoph. rhus-r. Sang. as if after intoxication. glon. as from catarrh.. lye, m-aust. Burning. phell. phos. l. phos-ac. Compressive. nux-m. Sep. Constrictive. anac. crotal. stann. As if tightly bound with a cord. kalmi. Contractive. fluor-ac. r. nux-m. phell. Sep. Squeezing. kali. l. Cramping. calc. JBoring. colch. r. oleand. Bruised. phos-ac. phyt. Digging. phell. l. phos. Dull. glon. hell. merc. nuphar. petiv. l. Drawing. calc. caust. l. colch. l. hell. iod. l. kali. zinc. Pressing. ambr. am-c. calc. carb-v. ferr. hell. iod. l. kali. lyc, m-aust, mosch. nux-m. phell. l. phos. Sars. Sep. sil. Stann. zinc. 135 As if a weight lay there, cann. laur. mosch. phos-ac. tepſ. As if pressed on by something angular. prunus. r. Like pressure of thumb. nitr-ac. Pressing inwards. nux-m. Pressure on upper head and spine, as if they were pressed together by an elastic body so that he bends involum- tarily forwards. benz-ac. Smashed, as if caust. Stupefying, calc. Lacerating. caust. Racking. kreas. r. Shooting, anac. l. asaf, r. carb-v. cina. l. hura. indig. iod. mur-ac. natr-m, nice. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. r. phos. l. phyt. rhus-r. zinc. - Like a mail driven in. hell. niec. Tearing. ambr. Colch. r. kali. kalmia. laur. l. lyc. ol-an. r. l. phos. rhus. til. r. zinc. asunder. nitr-ac. Bursting. kali-hydr. rhus-r. spig. Forcing out. Sep. Stretching. mosch. Tensive. calc. kali-hydr. Jerking. anac. l. kali-hydr. kreas. r. sil. Spong. Throbbing. glon. lyc. matr. phos. Sep. sil. VERTEX. Coldness, as if a ball rose from umbilical region and diffused a cool air in vertea and Occiput. acon. as if cranium were open. arum-tr. Compression. coccus, cornus-circ. kali-bich. phos. Dulness, coccus. Creeping, ang-sp. colch. r. l. Distress. (eupat-perf.) Fulness. am-c. cimicif. eupat-purp. glon. kali-bich, rhus- glab. Val. Rush of blood, cinnab. ran-bulb. Wave-like motion of blood. merc-iod. IHeat, acon. calc. coccus, cornus-circ. (crotal-casc.) daphn. eupat-perf grat. hep. hyp. laur. lepid. magn-S. natr. (natrºs.) (nux-m.) podoph. rhus-r, solan-t-egr. stram. Zl Il C. rising up. nux-m. $ red-hot iron in verteac. crotal-casc. 136 Heaviness. acon. aloes. alum. cact. cann. canth. carb-an. castor. cornus-circ. hippomanes. indig. jacarand. kali-bich. kali-hydr. laur. lith-c. m-aust. magn-c. meny. mercurial. Ox-ac. pedic. petiv. phell. phyt. rhus. Serp. sol-t-aegr. squill. Sulph. Zingib. l. Motion, looseness of brain. kalmia. shaking of brain. Crotal. l. elaps. rhod. dull movements. bry. — whirling motion. Sabad. Swinging of brain. crotal. l. Noises, buzzing. calc. cracking. coff. — humming. Sulph. roaring. electr. Snapping. Con. Numbness, arist. graph. plat. Pithy, graph. Enlarged feeling. lachnanth. Vertigo, scrof. Swimming. rhus-r. Whirling. bell. mercurial. ' Pain. acon. aeth. ang-sp. badiaga. borax. bufo. cann-ind. chlor. (cimicif.) cobalt. colch. convolv-d. cornus-circ. crotal-case. cuprum. elaps. eupat-perf. fluor-ac. r. (gels.) glon. hell. hura. hydrast. kali-bich. kali-nitr. lact-v. lob-infl. merc-iod. mez. mosch. matr. (Op.) ox- ac. phyt. Sabad. r. sep. sil. Sol-t-aegr. Sulph. tepl. xanthox. as from a Smoky atmosphere, agnus. Burning. arn. bry. carb-v. caust. chin. chin-S. coccus. - cuprum. graph. hyp. mercurial. natr-m. petiv. phell. phos. phos-ac. (pimp.) rat. Sep. Sabad. viol-t. r. zinc. Faw. Sep. Spig. As from Suppuration. natr-s. Ulcerative. castor. Compressive. acon. dulc. graph. meny. Constrictive. carb-v. Contractive. (ign.) kali-bich. kali-nitr, laur, mang. (phell.) plat. Staph. (val.) Pinching. pimp. Squeezing, bell. r. eug. magn-m. ran-Scel, rheum. Sep. Screwed together, grat. - Clawing, arg—nit. Cramping. calc. chin. I37 tº As if it would break. aster. Bruised, caust. gamb. lach. petiv. val. As after bearing a weight on it. tepl. Boring. agar. borax. colch. r. l. elaps. lach. (lepid.) magn-s. r, mosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Op. phos-ac. puls. sil. Spig. stann. (staph.) Sulph. tepl. Digging, ang-sp. bar-ac. bell. Sabin. Spig. l. Drawing. anac. l. ant-t. bov. calc. (cinnab.) clem. (colch.) (crotal.) (dulc.) gamb. grat. (iod.) nux. (ol-an.) phos. phos-ac. r. ran-Scel. Sep. sil. Spig. r. spong. tab. (thuy.) Dull. (acon.) ath. ant-c. arum-tr. asclep-tub. calc-caust. carb-V. cinnab. cornus-circ. glon, graph. guiac. hy- drast. lact-v. mosch. r. Op. ox-ac. petiv. petr. phos. rheum. rhus-glab. tongo. verat. Gnawing. (bell.) ran-scel. l. Pressing. acon. aloes. ambr. ant-t. arn. asaf, aur. l. (bar-c.) bell. r. l. (benz-ac.) berb. bov. calc. (calc-ac.) calc- caust. carb-an. Carb-v. Castor. caust. chel. cina. clem. cocc. coccus. coff col. croc. croton. cycl. dig. dule. l. eug. ferr. gent-cr. glon. r. guiac. hep. hura. hydr- ac. r. l. hyos. ign. iod. kali-bich. kali-nitr. kreas. laur. l. led. l. lyc, magn-m. natr. natr—m. nice. nux-m. nux, ol-an. Op. r. l. (panac.) petr. phos. phos-ac. r. l. phyt. (pimp.) ran-Scel. l. rheum. rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. r. (sil.) Spig. r. spong. Stann. l. staph. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tongo. val. verat. verb. l. viol-tr. r. Zll] C. 7”. ZIZla. Pressing outwards. hydrast. Pressing downwards. ambr. bar-c. bell. r. cina. croton. cu- prum. nux. pimp. Sulph. Pressing inwards. Ox-ac. plat. Sulph. Pressing outwards. cimicif. helonias, lachnanth. lycopus. (Op.) phos-ac. Stann. Pressing asunder, ran-bulb. As from a weight. alum. carb-V. cina. kali-bich. kali-nitr. meny. petiv. plat. As from a board. aescul-hipp. tab. As with the hand. nice. wº As with a blunt instrument. anac. l. dulc. l. As from a finger. lachnanth. l. As from something pointed. hell. ran-Scel. As if a mail were driven in. evon. r. hura. lact-v. (mgs.) nux. thuy. 18 138 Stupefying. bov. dulc. l. phos. Val. Tingling. cuprum. Cutting. aur. r. bell. calc-ac. Verat. Pricking. melast. phos. spiggur. r. thuy. Shooting. acon. aeth. (agar.) alum. ann-m. (bar-c.) bell. berb. borax. l. bov. r. l. bry. calc. caps. carb-an. caust. l. chel. chin. (cimicif.) con, cuprum. dig. electr. guiac. (graph.) hyp. ipec, kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. l. lach. laur. lob-infl. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. r. melast. mez. mill. natr-m. (nicc.) nitr-ac. oleand. r. ol-an. l. paris. l. petr. phell. r. phos. phOS-ac. l. (phyt.) pimp. raph. rat. (Sars.) Sep. sil. Spig. staph. Sticta. Stront. sulph. tab. tepl. tongo. Val. zinc. Stitches. Sars. r. spreads over head. bar-c. bov. from both sides of vertea to middle. graph. Tearing. (agar.) ambr. am-c., ang. aur. r. l. bar-c. bell. r. borax. bov. canth. carb-v. Castor. caust. l. colch. r. l. eroton. dulc. hyp. indig. lachnanth. laur. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. merc. mur-ac. nux. Ol-an. r. phell. r. (phos.) phos-ac. ran-bulb. rat. Spig. l. Stann. l. (thuy.) (til.) Vinca. zinc. r. Bursting. am-m. carb-an. phos. piper, psor. rhus-r, stront. As if all would come out, caust. As if top would come off. cimicif, cobalt. eupat-purp. xanthox. As if top were driven upwards. lachmanth. As if raised up. rhus-r. Forcing outwards. calc. phOS-ac. Forcing forwards. Inang. Splitting. am-m. carb-an, matr-S. zinc. Out-stretching. arn. Tensive. ant-t. bell. l. (cact.) crotal-case. gent-cr. meny. mer- curial. rheum. (stront.) tongo. verat. verb. l. Banging. alum. (Zinc.) like beating of waves. Zinc. Beating. glon. Blows. calc. lyc. matr-m. tongo. As if a sharp Stone fell on it. caust. Flammering. glon. (paull.) phos. (Vinca.) Jerking. bov. bry. gent-cr. magn-c. meny, mur-ac. petr. ran-scel. rat. Spig. Stront. thuy. Throbbing, aeth. agar. alum. r. berb. bry, calc-ac. cann-ind. carb-an. caust. (cinnab.) cornus-circ. glon, grat. hura. hyp. kreas. magn-m. (merc-bin.) natr. nux. phell. phos. (Sars.) Sep. tongo. Verat. Zingib. p. 139 Like an electric shock. natr-s. r. As if there was not room enough for top of Urain (pressing up and out.) cimicif. CORONAL REGION. Dulness. Sarracen-purp. Pain. rhus-r. Sarracen-purp. Maddening. acon. Burning. mitch. Raw. natr-m. Soreness. glon. Contractive. acon. Screwing together. Sulph. Bruised. glon. Dull. Camph. Drawing. ars. Pressing. acon. Camph. chin. Col. juncus. natr-m. Sang. Pressing outwards. oleand. Cutting. Senecio-aur. Penetrating. rhus-r. Tearing. zinc. Shooting. eryngium. natr-m. Sulph. JBursting. cinch-s. As if a sharp Stone fell there. caust. SAGITTAL SUTURE. Pressing. asar. col. HEAD LATER ALLY. Coldness. calc. r. phos. l. Confusion. amygd. l. anac. r. l. arg—nit. l. arn. asar. l. calc- caust. l. Col. r. l. Con. l. Croton. r. fluor-ac. r. kreas. l, rhus-r. l. spig. r. Dull feeling. hydrast. r. hydr-ac. r. sulph-ac. r. Stupefaction. ant-t l. Emptiness. mercurial. l. stann. l. Pulness. arg—nit. Heat, am-m. r. calc. l. cinnab. r. natr-m. r. phell. l. thuy. l. Heaviness. am-c. r. l. amphisb. arg—nit. asclep-tub. bov. r. cact. r. elaps. r. grat. l. hydrast. r. kali. l. kali-hydr. kalm. r. l. Sabin. Stann. Sulph-ac. xanthox. Itching. dig. Sars. r. 140 Motion, as if brain struck against skull. col. looseness of brain. laur. l. something going round in head from before backwards. cann-ind. r. Splashing. Carb-an. l. Noises, humming like boiling water on side lain on, magn-m. humming. thuy. l. cracking. cham. l. — crepitations synchronous with pulse. coff. — rattling, cham. l. — roaring. nicc. r. -— Sounding. Sars. r. Splashing, carb-an. l. Mumbness. hura. l. Ol-an. l. thuy. l. Swelling, feeling of hura. nux-m. l. Twitchings. aeth. l. Vertigo. fluor-ac. r. Paralytic feeling. ol-an. l. Uneasy feeling. lepid. l. JPain. alum. l. apocyn-andr. l. ars. (ars-met.) arum-tr. aster. r. (badiag.) brom. l. bufo. (cact.) calc-ac. r. calc. carb-v. r. chlor. l. cic. cinnab. l. cistus. cochlear. coff. col. convolv-d. l. croc. r. crotal. r. eupat-perf. l. ferr- mag. r. gins. r. glon. l. graph. grat. r. hipp-manc. r. hura. l. hydrast. l. kali. kali-bich. kali-nitr. l. kalm. 1. lach. r. l. lepid. l. mang. merc-bin. r. l. merc-iod. r. l. mez. morph. r. morph-ac. r. nux. paull. l. petr. r. phyt. r. plant. l. puls. Sabad. r. l. Sacch-alb. sang. l. Sec. l. Sep. spiggur. triost. r. Zingib. Zizia r. as from a foreign body, con. r. as from coryza. merc-bin. l. Burning. calc. (canth.) mang, m-aust. l. ol-an. l. phos. Glowing. Sulph. r. JRaw. rhod. l. (rhus.) Seraping. indig. r. Stinging. (cupr.) (sars.) (Sep.) zinc. as with a needle. cuprum. r. Ulcerative. Sulph. Compressive. acon. l. Calc. l. Constrictive. atham. Contractive. berb. r. (croc.) merc. l. Pinching. Sep. zinc. r. Screwing together. alum. r. kali-hydr. r. mill. r. sulph. l. Squeezing. calc. l. Crotal. l. Squill. I4] Cramping. Sars. thuy. l. Boring. arum-tr. r. aur. bell. r. bov. r. (hep.) laur. l. magn-c. !. r. magn-m. l. magn-S. l. natr-m. ol-an. Stann. l. zinc. r. l. Bruised. ars. bov. r. (brom.) chin. con. (crotal.) (grat.) gymnoclad. l. laur. l. mgs, m-arct. magn-c. nux. r. plant. l. plat. r. rat. r. JRurrowing. phos. r. Crushed, as if m-arct. Digging. arg—nit. r. l. aur. bry. r. chin. l. kali-hydr. l. phos. 7”. rat. 7”. Drawing, acon. r. 88th. l. ang. r. (ant-t.) arg. r. l. (arm.) atham. bell. r. brom. l. camph. r. caps. l. cham. colch. l. croc. r. crotal. l. cycl. ſ. dig. (dros. r. l.) fluor-ac. r. grat. l. (guiac.) (hell.) indig. r. (iod.) lach. r. m-arct. l. m-aust. l. mang. l. (meny.) merc-bin. l. phos. r. plat. (Spong.) Sulph. Sulph-ac r. val. r. verb. l. zinc. Dull. ars, bov. l. croc. l. dros. l. gels. r. laur. l. merc-bin. l. merc-iod. r. phos. l. Spong. r. zinc. l. Zingib. l. Pecking. magn-S. r. Pressing. agar. l. alum. r. ammoniac. am-m. l. ang. r. l. anac. r. arg—nit. r. asaf, r. asar. l. aur. r. bell. berb. 1'. bov. r. l. bry. r. calad. calc. r. cann. caps. carb-v. r. (caust.)chin. cic. cinnab. r. crotal. l. cuprum. r. l. dig. r. euphorb. l. fluor-ac. l. guiac. r. hep. r. hydr-ae. r. ign. r. iod. l. kali-bich. r. (kalm.) kreas. r. lach. r. laur. l. lob-infl. l. m-aust. l. mang. meny. r. merc-bin. l. mur-ac. l. natr-m. r. natr-S. r. oleand. r. paeon. l. phos. rhod. r. l. (Sabad.) Sabin. Sars. r. l. sep. spig. r. l. Spong. r. stann, r. ſ. staph. Z. stront, l. tab. r. tepl. l. val. verat. verb. r. l. zinc. r. l. Zingib. l. Pressing downwards, con. Pressing inwards. kali. r. natr-s. r. oleand. r. Pressing asunder. Spig, r. Pressing outwards, asaf, l, asar. bell. l. calc-ac. r. ſ. m-aust. l, stann. r. verb. r. viol-tr. r. As if a board lay there. eug. r. As if a blunt instrument pressed in. asaf, l. (calc.) hep. in- dig, oleand. '. — by jerks downwards, cale. r. As if a nail were pressed in agar. r. carb-v. coff hep. ign. nate-m. l. out. ign. 142 Rheumatic. arn. (guiac.) Screwing. Sabad. r. Stupefying. asaf, l. Oleand. r. stann. l. sulph-ac. r. verb. l. Twisting. Sabad. r. Cutting. (arg—nit. l.) cupr. l. natr-m. r. As if a piece were cut off. lach. r. Rºnife-thrusts. (arn.) (bell.) Lacerating. kali-bich. r. nux. r. sulph. Penetrating, piercing. matr-s. l. Pricking. calc. l. laur. l. Shooting. acon. r. aeth. l. alum. r. am-c. r. am-m. l. anac. r. l. arg—nit. l. arist...l. (bar-ac.) bar-c. l. bell. r. borax. r. bov. r. brom. r. calc-ac. r. (calc. r.) camph. r. caps. carb-v. (castor.) caust. r. l. cham. r. (chin.) cinnab. l. cocc. r. dig. (elaps.) evon. l. (eupat-perf) ferr. l. (fluor- ac.) gamb. r. grat. l. (guiac.) (hura.) indig. r. kali- bich. r. kali. l. kalm. r. lach. r. l. laur. r. m-aust. l. magn-c. r. ſ. magn-m. r. l. (meny.) mez. l. mill. r. natr. l. (natr-m.) nicc. r. nitr-ac. r. (nux.) Ol-an. r. l. paris. r. petiv. l. phos. r. l. plat. l. plumb. r. puls. rat. r. l. rhod. l. rumex. l. Sabin. l. Sars. r. l. Sep. l. spig. l. spiggur. l. stront. r. l. Sulph. tab. l. tarax. l. (thuy.) tongo. r. l. tromb. r. verb. l. zinc. r. Sticking. merc-bin. l. Tearing. acon. r. aeth. r. l. agar. l. alum. r. ammoniac, am-m. r. anac. r. ant-t. r. l. arg. r. l. aur. r. borax. l. (bow.) bry. l. camph. caps. l. carb-an. r. carb-v. chin. r. colch. l. con. dig. l. gran. r. grat. guiac. r. l. hell. laur. l. lyc. r. l. m-aust. l. magn-c. r. magn-m. r. ſ. mang. r. l. (merc.) mercurial. l. mill. r. mosch. r. natr. l.nicc. r. l. Ol-an. r. l. phell. r. (phos.) puls. rat. l. rhod. r. Sars. r. l. Sep. l. sil. Spig. l. staph. l. stann, r. stront. r. Sulph. r. tereb. r. teucr. r. thuy. r. til. l. tongo. r. verb. r. zinc. r. l. asunder. bar-ac. l. Bursting. dig. nicc. phos. Sulph. Forcing. fluor-ac. l. Splitting. berb. r. brom. l. Stretching. dig. Tensive... ant-t. l. asaf, l. calc. r. caust. l. crotal. l. (dig.) fluor-ac. r. Banging. arg—nit. r. bov. r. Beating. Sars. r. Like beating of waves. dig. 143 Blows. graph. r. laur. r. l. m-arct. prunus. r. puls. r. spig. l. sulph. r. Płacking. aur. Hammering. glon. Ol-an. Jerking. acon. r. aeth. r. alum. r. (arg—nit.) calc-ac. r. caust. r. coccus. r. cuprum. l. dig. r. gran. r. graph. r. lye. r. nice. r. (nitr-ac.) (nux.) plat. prunus. r. puls. r. spig. l. teucr. r. verb. l. Jumping. natr-m. l. Knocking. bov. l. Pulsative. brom. l. cham. (Croc.) dig. m-aust. r. ol-an. phos. 7°. ZIſlC. ?’. Throbbing. aeth. r. alum. r. am-c. l. arg. r. arg—nit. r. (ars.) aur. bell. r. bov. r. brom. l. bry. r. canth. (cham.) cinch-S. l. coccus. r. cornus-circ. dig. gels. P. glon. l. graph. r. indig. kalm. l. kali. laur. r. l. m-aust. r. magn-c. r. magn-m. l. magn-S. r. natr. l. nitr-ac. l. ol-an. phos. l. plumb. r. rhod. r. rhus. r. sars. r. sep. sulph-ac. r. tongo. l. zinc. r. like an abscess. bov. r. Undulating. fluor-ac. l. Paralytic. (Sarrac-purp.) As if a nerve were torm. arg. l. As if a fluid were injected into a bloodvessel. coccus. r. PARIETAL REGION. Pain. asar. (cann-ind.) coccus. cuprum. glon. l. hura. l. merc-iod. r. mimosa. nux-j. paull. r. Burning, staph. l. Corrosive. plat. l. Stinging. urt-ur. r. Compressive. rhus-r. l. Squeezing. phos-ac. Boring. zinc. r. l. Bruised. plat. l. Digging. (arg—nit.) (coccus. r.) Spig. l. in paroxysms like waves. COccus. r. Drawing. bry. r. l. (guiac.) (stann.) Dull. arm. guiac. l. mez. l. thuy. '. Pressing. agnus. l. arn. Cann. (carb-an.) caust. r. euphorb. r. laur. r. mez. l. phos-ac. plat. r. (Stann.) tab. thuy. l. — outwards, cina. r. kreas. l. mere. paull. r. spong. r. 144 Pressing asunder, corall. — like a peg. asaf, r. plat. r. like a nail driven in. coff. kiss. r. nux, thuy. r. As if something lay there. fluor-ac. l. Cutting. coccus. Knife thrusts. indig. r. Penetrating. elaps. r. Shooting. aeth. r. (arg—nit.) calc-ac. l. castor. r. l. (cimex) coccus. r. con. l. euphorb. r. evon. r. l. gels. (guiac.) magn-C. r. (mang.) mill. r. l. mur-ac. r. pedic. r. plat. l. plumb. r. prunus. l. Sars. Staph. (tab.) til. tongo r. l. Tearing. agnus. l. bar-c. l. (con.) kali. l. (mang.) (mur-ac.) plumb. r. Sars. sil. Stann. l. (tongo.) zinc. l. . Bursting. petiv. r. zinc. r. Tensive. bry. r. l. Beating. glon. l. Blows. mill. r. Jerking. chin. prunus. !. Pulsative. calc-ac. l. cornus-circ. - Throbbing. aeth. r. castor. r. chin. l. hura. mitch. r. (tongo.) Like a blow on ulnar nerve. fluor-ac. r. Like electric shock. fluor-ac. r. - As if electricity were passing out. mitch. r. ABOVE EARS. Cracking. ars. Fulness. Sarracen-purp. Pain. nux. r. plumbago. r. Burning. Staph. l. Constrictive. lach. Screwed together. Sulph-ac. l. Squeezing. carb-v. l. hura. Like a pressing band, therid. Drawing. (arg.) arn. l. asaf, r. (gamb.) (lach.) nitr-ac. l. Pressive. agar. l. (arg.) arm. l. merc-bin, nux-m. staph. l. Stupefying. dulc. l. Shooting. asaf, r. (chin.) hura. l. magn-c. r. merc-bin. mur- ac. r. plant. Sep. Tearing. (lach.) (nux.) Tensive. asar. Pulsative. Spong. Thumping. (eupat-perf.) 145 PARIETAL PROTUBERANCES. Pain. (gels.) lob-infl. l. Boring. iris-V. r. Dull. iris-V. r. Drawing. bry. r. Pressive. agnus, l. Shooting. verb. Tearing. berb. r. Pſammering. iris-V. r. Throbbing. bry. r. CoRONAL SUTURE (LATERALLY). Pain. glon. l. Pressive. fluor-ac. l. Shooting. coccus. r. (hell.) FRONT OF EAR. Stinging, as with a bristle. Sars. l. Ulcerative. Sars. l. - OCCIPUT. Coldness. (acon.) (chel.) dulc. phos. as if frozen. nux. Confusion. ambr. arg—nit. atham. carb-V. croc. fluor-ac. r. hydr-ac. lob-infl. mang. mez. natr. phell, pimp. Sep. l. Spig. Squill. tongo. zinc. Dull feeling. bapt. fluor-ac. nux. Muddled feeling. bov. kali-chlor. Stupid feeling. atham, mez. Congestion. lye. piper. Rush of blood. borax. cinnab. fluor-ac. ol-an. Pulsation of arteries, asar. borax. rhus. Distress. (eupat-perf.) JEmptiness. natr. Sep. Sulph. Pulness. apis. bapt. cinnab. (glon.) kreas. lob-c. puls-nutt. therid. (aescul-hipp.) Beat. cinnab. coccus. (fluor-ac.) (glon.) indig. lob-infl. rhus-r. Spong. ZInc. r. Fleaviness. aeth. ant-t. apis. aur. bar-ac. bell. bism. bov. calc. carb-an. con. dulc. (eupat-perf.) hydrast. l. indig. kali. kali-hyd. kali-nitr. kreas. lach. lact-v. laur, lyc. magn-m. mang. meph. mez. mur-ac. natr- m. nice. nuphar. r. Op. paeon. petr. phOS-ac. piper. 19 146 plumb. Sabin. Selen. Sep. spig. Spong. stann. tab. tarax, thuy. til. triost. Lightness. Sec. Motion, looseness of brain. con. Shaking of brain. calc. r. electr. Surging to forehead. cann-ind. vibration. Sulph. bubbling. juncus. r. spig. as if something fell. ant-t. kali. Noises, bubbling. juncus. r. clicking. carb-v. crepitation. Calc. rasping. rhus-r. roaring. pimp. like wind among distant trees. rhus–r. Numbness. arist. mercurial. as if tied in. plat. Stiffness. apocyn-andr. kali-nitr. Swelling, feeling of bry. dulc. of brain. coccin. - - Vertigo. (ang.) carb-V. chin. fluor-ac. petr. ran-bulb. (Senecio- aur.) (sil.) Spiggur. Zinc. Pain. acon. agar. l. anac. apocyn-andr. ars, asar. bapt. branca. Cact. calc. cann-ind. carduus. chin-s. (cimi- cif.) cinnab. l. cobalt. colch. (comoclad.) (cubebs.) dulc. elaps. r. (eryng.) eupat-perf. l. ferr. gels. l. (glom.) helonias. hura. hydrast, ign. r. iod. ipec. jugl-cin. kali-bich. kali-brom. kali-chlor. lact-v. lob- infl. m-aust. merc-iod. (mez.) mitch. Imorph-ac. mosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Op. phyt. pimp. plant. plat- chlor. prunus. l. ran-bulb. raph. rhus-r. r. Thus. (sars.) Seneg. Spig. triost. Verat. Abscess, like am. borax. carb-v. Castor. juncus. mang. r. nux. SGTO. Burninºv. cuprum. kali. magn-m. r. mang. phell. rhus. rhus-r. Sabad. Staph. Raw. bry. (eupat-perf) mez. nice. (prunus.) rhus. Sabad. l. Sep. l. Stinging. petr. Sars. l. Compressive. kali-nitr. lach. r. lact-v. magn-S. natr-S. pedic. stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac. tab. tepl. tongo. Constrictive. camph. chin. Colch. graph. haem. l. hura. kali- nitr. - As if a String were bound round. psor. 147 As if a hot band were stretched round. coccus. As from a band. anac. Contractive. mang. phell. Stann. r. tongo. Pinching. carb-V. chel. r. l. petr. Screwing-in. am-m. grat. magn-C. merc. as if skull were too small. berb. Squeezing. am-m. fluor-ac. l. laur. magn-m. meny. murex. natr-S. phos-ac. Cramping. (plat.) Boring. bov. magn-c. merc. mosch. natr-m. natr-S. nice. l. ol-an. Op. phos-ac. r. Sabin. l. Sol-lyc. l. Spig. stront. 7. Strychn. Bruised. aescul-hipp. alum. coff crotal-casc. elect. gins. grat. l. hell. merc-iod. nice. nitr-ac. nux. rhus. thuy. Z10 C. As after severe pressure. Sabad. Digging. (coccus.) juncus. Ol-an. phos-ac. r. spig, til. Dislocated. prunus. r. Drawing. agar. alum. r. (ambr.) anac. arg. arm. (bar-ac.) bry. l. cact. calad. calc. calc-ac. l. cann. carb-v. l. caust. r. chel. l. chin. l. coccus. coff. l. Col. cornus- circ. Croc. r. dros. eryng, graph. guiac. indig. l. kali. r. kali-nitr. kiss. l. laur. r. magn-C. mang. meny. r. merc. (mosch.) mur-ac. natr. r. nux. phos- ac. r. (plat.) ran-bulb. (rhod.) rhus. Sabad. Sars. (Selen.) Sep. r. l. Spig. r. Squill. Staph. Sulph. (tongo.) val. zinc. r. l. as if freezing. mux. . As if a thread were drawn through brain from forehead to Occiput. Sabad. from occiput down spine. mosch. Dull. aescul-hipp. aeth. r. alum. apis. bov. bry. calc. calc- caust. calend. carb-V. chin. cic. (cimicif.) coccin. cornus-circ. cupr-ars. cycl. eryng, fluor-ac. r. gels. glon, hydrast. l. juncus. r. kali-bich. kalm. lact-v. lachnanth. lob-infl. lob-c. mang. meph. mitch. mosch. T. matr. matr—m. nuphar. r. Oleand. Pan-Scel. rhod. rhus-r. rumex. Sabin. Samb. Sarrac-purp. Sec. Sep. Serp. spong. Stram. tromb. urt-ur. zinc. zizia. Gnawing. calc. nice. l. Ol-an. r. Pecking. mosch. Thus. Pressive. acon. aeth. r. agar. ambr. am-caust. anac. ang. apis. arg. (arn.) asaf, l. (asar.) aster. r. aur. bell. l- berb. bism. bov. bry. l. Cainc. calc. calc-ac. l. calc. |48 caust. calend. Camph. l. cann. (caps.) carb-an. l. carb-v. r. carduus. Castor. l. caust. r. chel. l. Chenop. chin. Chin-s. cic. cinch-S. cinnab. coccus. coloh. r. col. croton. cuprum. dig. electr. fluor-ac. r. l. glon. l. gran. grat. l. graph. hell. hydr-ac. ign. r. iod. (ipec.) juncus. r. kali-bich. T. Kali. kali-nitr. kiss. kreas. lact-v. lach. r. lob-infl. lyc, m-aust. magn-m. magn-s. mang, meph, merc. mez. l. mosch. (mur-ac.) matr. r. matr-m. natr-S. nitr-ac. mux. Ol-an. l. Oleand. Op. Ox- ac. paeon. paris. petiv. r. petr. phell. phos-ac. phos. pimp. prunus. pSOr. r. puls. l. rheum. rhod. r. rhus-r. r. l. rhus. Sabin. r. l. Sars. Seneg. Sep. r. l. Serp. sil. Spig. Spong. l. Squill. Stann. l. stront. Sulph-ac. l. tab, teucr. thuy. til. Val. verb. zinc. r. Zingib. Pressive, inwards. ign. Spig. 1. forwards. nux. Ol-an. phOS-ac. plumb. Sabad. backwards. prunus. wpwards. dulc. rhus-r. — downwards. mercurial. Ol-an. — outwards. bry. Calc-ac. r. ſ. chin. mez. l. nux. phos-ac. r. prunus. !. psor. Stann. l. staph. asunder, calc-ac. nux. Staph. Zinc. P. As if a finger were pressed in. meph. As if a weight lay there. grat. l. As if something sharp were pressed in. Calc. As if a wedge were driven in. bov. As if something were driven in. (mosch.) rhod. Rheumatic. bar-c. calc-caust, coff. l. staph. Stupefying. cina. Con. dulc. Seneg. Sulph. Tºngling. rhus. * - Cutting. bism. calc. (camph.) (caps.) (chin.) (eupat-purp.) tongo. - Knife thrusts, bell. con. matr-m. Lacerating. thuy. Penetrating. Val. Shooting. acon. (aeth.) (agar.) alum. (ambr.) arist. arn. arum-tr. asaf aster. bell. l. bov. l. calc. r. carb-an. r. carb-v. castor. r. caust. chel. l. (cic.) (cimicif.) cin- nab, dig. (dulc.) evon. r. grat. l. hep. indig. r. º. iod. kali. kali-bich. r. kali-nitr. l. laur. r. lyc. magn-C. r. magn-m. r. meny, mill. 7: l. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. T. l. ol-an. Op. r. petr. l. phell. r. phos. pinp. prunus. puls. ran-bulb. Samb. l. (Sars.) Sep. sil. Spong. Squill. (staph.) stront. Sulph-ac. l. tab. teucr. (thuy.) tongo. r. l. verb. ſ. viol-tr. l. zinc. 149 Shooting, burning. (staph.) like a needle that was always drawn back again. dulc. i. Tearing. acon. (aeth.) agar. l. (ambr.) (anac.) ars. aur. r. bar-C. l. berb. l. bov. l. calc-ac. calc-caust. camph. l. Canth. Carb-an. r. ſ. carb-v. r. ſ. castor. r. chel. r. (Ghin.) (colch.) con. l. cuprum. electr. grat. guiac. r. hyos. hyp. ign. iod. kali. r. l. kali-nitr. laur. lyc. magn-C. r. magn-m. 1'. merc. Imur-ac. matr-S. r. ol-an. phell. phos-ac. puls. l. (ran-bulb.) (rat.) rheum. Samb. !. (Sep.) Spig. Squill. Stann. l. stront. r. tarax, thuy. T. zinc. r. l. As if brain were torm. con. Bursting. Spong. l. zinc. r. Eacpansive. bry. l. coccin. Forcing outwards. til. forwards. caps. (mang.) nux. as if all would come out at forehead. mang. As if all would come out there. bov. carb-v. Ramming. pimp. Tensive. alum. r. bar-ac. berb. cann. chemop. (ipec.) lach. r. lact-v. lob-infl. lyc. magn-c. mez. l. mosch. Imur-ac. natr. r. (pimp.) tongo. r. Beating. eupat-perf glon. Banging, like beating of waves. zinc. r. Blows. castor. r. gins. ran-bulb. l. Jerking. acon. amac. (arg—nit.) bell. (calc-ac.) canth. carb- an. l. magn-C. magn-m. P. prunus. (rat.) (rhod.) rhus. Spig. Stann, stront. Sulph. l. thuy. r. painless. (mur-ac.) Pulsative. apocyn-andr. asar. calc. con. Cornus-circ. eupat- perf. glon. hep. natr-m. petr. Sep. Sulph. l. Shocks. kalm. Throbbing. alum. r. am-c. l. (bar-c.) bell. l. (borax.) bry. camph. carb-am. Carb-V. castor. l. caust. r. (coccus.) eupat-perf gels, glon. hura. indig. kali. P. laur. l. lob-c. lyc. magn-m. mang. P. mitch. nitr-ac. pedic. petr. phos. l. puls. ran-bulb. r. sep. Zingib. l. as if it would suppuratc. borax. As if arteries had to overcome an obstacle. Spig. As of a vapor rising. atham. As in fever. Con. Like a stoppage of blood. Sulph. l. As if a sharp wind penetrated it. Sabin. (. 150 UPPER OCCIPUT. Pain. glon. Burning. Sep. Raw. Sep. Compressive. stann. Squeezing. Sep. Dull. calend. canth. Q Pressing. kali-nitr. Pressing in. (ox-ac.) Shooting. canth. Blows. Sabad. OCCIPITAL PROTUBERANCE. Pain. (dioSc.) glon. mur-ac. Burning. cubebs. l. ol-an. Cramp-like. cubebs. l. Digging. phell. Drawing. (bry.) Pressive. bry. col. gran. verb. Cutting. bell. Shooting. magn-m. (nitr-ac.) pimp. Tearing. ol-an. Pulsative. cubebs. l. LOWER OCCIPUT. Pain. iris-V. mez. natr. Ox-ac. Constrictive. graph. Crushed, as if graph. Drawing. puls. Sep. Dull. chin. merc-bin. Pressing. carb-an. carb-v. Col. fluor-ac. iod. kali. merc-bin. Sulph. tarax. e asunder. zinc. l. Shooting. canth. hell. iris-V. r. serp. tongo. Tearing. (anac.) merc. mez. Tensive. Col. thea. Pulsative. hell. Throbbing. lob-c. mez. BEIIIND EARS. , Pulness. therid. Oppressive. therid. Pain. Castor. gels. hura. r. ign. lyc. matr-m. r. op. l. phyt. l. (zizia.) 151 Burning. grat. natr-m. r. sabad. thuy. r. JRaw. anac. Smarting. (cic.) lyc. r. magn-c. r. mur-ac. as from a blow. cic. l. Stinging, lyc. r. Ulcerative. calc. l. Compressive. asar. Sabin. Contractive. asar. natr-m. Pinching. lye. mere. Screwing in. Ox-ac. Squeezing. carb-v. l. kali. r. murex. zinc. Cramp. lyc. mang. l. Spasmodic. Croc. - Boring. am-m. caust. l. coccus. l. cuprum. mosch. Onisc. r. ran-Scel. r. Sabad. JBruised. cic. r. (lachn.) Digging. coccus. Drawing. anac. l. apis. l. arg. r. ars. chin. coccus. l. col. crotal. r. (fluor-ac.) mur-ac. Dull. elat. (eryng.) Gnawing. dros. kali-hydr. l. Pressing. asar, bell. r. bov. r. canth. r. coccus. l. col. graph. l. hell. hydr-ac. r. iod. r. lye. r. mez. r. mosch. natr- m. phOS-ac. l. tarax. thuy. r. l. verb. r. viol-Od. l. as with the thumb. acon. as from a peg. cann. r. Cutting. carb-v. l. Pricking. viol-tr. l. Shooting. aeth. (arm.) bell. carb-an. r. (caust.) coccus. l. dig. kali-nitr. l. magn-c. r. mur-ac. natr. l. nitr-ac. l. phos. phos-ac. Sabin. Spong. l. tab. l. tarax. r. verat. long obtuse Shoots. arn. like boring Stabs. caust. Tearing. agar. r. ambr. l. (am-c.) ars. bar-c. r. bell. r. caps. l, carb-v. r. coccus. l. colch. ign. l. iod. r. kali. kali- nitr. lyc. l. m-arct. r. l. m-aust. l. niez. l. natr. l. nitr-ac. l. Ol-an. r. phell. l. rhus. l. Sep. l. (Sars.) sil. r. tarax. r. verb. r. Tensive. am-c. r. (apis.) caust. coccus. l. kali-nitr. r. l. lyc. magn-c. r. mez. l. Blows. m-arct. l. r. Jerking. agar. r. am-m. bar-c. r. fluor-ac. l. kali, kreas. l. Iſle I’C. Pulsative. kreas. l. 152 Throbbing. (ang.) caust. l. mez. r. phos. — as from a large artery. ang. Undulating. coccus. MASTOID PROCESS. Ulcerative. mur-ac. Beaten, as if ruta. Pressing. bell. caust. mur-ac. Stann. As if a peg were driven in. Oleand. Cutting. bell. mur-ac. sil. Shooting. agar. l. cann. caust. r. con. meny. Dull Stitches. Sars. r. Tearing. canth. mang. r. meny, tongo. r. Tensive. con. JBlows. bell. Jerking. sil. ROUND EARS. Burning. calc. Like a pressing band. therid. Squeezing. graph. l. Boring. rhod. Drawing. rhod. Dull. bry. l. Pressing. Sep. Shooting. rhod. r. Tearing. kali. l. mur-ac. r. tongo. ". BASE OF BRAIN. Disagreeable feeling. glon. Fulness. glon. Heaviness. merc-bin. nuphar. Pain. (cimicif.) Pressive. asclep-tub. Throbbing at each pulse. (glon.) CENTRE OF BRAIN. As if something fell here and there. lach. Vertigo. ram-bulb. Pain. bov. cinnab. crotal-casc. (hydrast.) merc-bin. Pressing. (gram.) Shooting. (thuy.) Tearing. (carb-v.) I 53 CRANIAL BONES. Caries, mez, phos-ac. staph. Sulph. Creeping. (kali-bich.) Jºacostosis. aur. merc. Itching. kali. (mang.) Open fontanelles, calc. Sep. sil. Sulph. Swelling. (benz-ac.) (calc.) mez. staph. Sulph. feeling of cubebs. (plant.) Suppuration. Staph. Sensitive to touch. cinnab. kali-bich. (lact-v.) (magn-S.) mez. Twitching. lye. . Pain. (ant-c.) aur. (bry.) (cham.) cubebs. (cuprum.) (evon.) (hydrast.) (kali-bich.) (kiss.) (merc.) (merc-iod.) mez. nitr-ac. phos-ac. (ran-bulb.) (sedin.) (tab.) (tromb.) Burning. (bar-c.) (mang.) phos-ae. (rhus.) (sars.) (staph.) (viol-tr.) Raw. (natr-m.) (oleand.) (staph.) Seraped with a knife, as if phos-ac. Sore. aster. (cupr-ars.) kali-bich. lye. (paris.) (Sarrac-purp.) Stinging. merc. (sars.) staph. Suppurating, as if (kreas.) Compressive. (nux-m.) Comstricted by a tape. nitr-ac. Sulph. Contractive. con. nux-m. Spig, thuy. Pinching. acon. rhod. Squeezing. acon. Boring. (carb-an.) (coccus.) (mang.) (phos-ac.) spiggur. (stann.) Broken, as if aur. Bruised. (grat.) (ipec.) (matr-m.) (paris.) ruta. (viol-tr.) Cracking. merc-iod. Digging. (coccus.) (kali.) Dislocated. (caust.) Dragging. (aur.) Drawing. agar. (arg.) (bell.) (calc-ac.) (canth.) (chin.) (con.) (com.) (guaiac.), kali-bich. (kreas.) (lact-v.) lach. (mang.) (nitr-ac.) (phos-ac.) rhod. (ruta.) (staph.) (thuy.) Dull. (bar-ac.) Gnawing. matr-m. (paris.) (phos.) Numb. (caust.) (cina.) Pressing. (alcohol-s.) arg. (bar-ac.) (bar-c.) (berb.) (calc.) (cann.) (caust.) (cic.) (cina.) clem. r. (coccus.) (con.) 20 154 (dulc.) (fluor-ac.) (kali-bich.) (lact-v.) (lyc.) (nitr-ac.) (nux-m.) (ran-bulb.) (ran-scel.) (rhod.) (rhus.) (sabin.) (Samb.) (sars.) (spig.) (stann.) staph. (thuy.) Zingib. Pressing inwards. (calc-ac.) (hell.) (nux-m.) (thuy.) outwards. (calc-ac.) (kali-bich.) (m-arct.) As if pressed by thumb. (rhod.) Cutting. (arg.) carb-v. l. (caust.) f Shooting. (acon.) (aeth.) (agnus.) (arg.) (aur.) (bov.) (canth.) (caust.) (cic.) (coccus.) (com.) (guaiac.) (kali-hyd.) (kreas.) (magn-m.) mang. (mur-ac.) natr-m. (oleand.) (ruta.) (sars.) (spig.) Spiggur. l. (staph.) (sulph.) as if bone would be forced out. (staph.) as if a needle were thrust through. kali-bich. Tearing. agar. arg. (bar-c.) (berb.) (bism.) (calc-caust.) carb-an. (guaiac.) (indig.) (lach.) (lyc.) (magn-S.) (mang.) (mercurial.) merc. (mill.) rhod. (ruta.) (Sabin.) (samb.) (sars.) (spig.) staph. Tensive. º clem. r. (coccus.) (Kalihyd) (mill.) (oleand.) (rhod.) As if bones would separate, arg—nit. kali-bich. As if bone would be forced out. (staph.) Beating. indig. Banging. (indig.) (kali-bich.) Blows. (indig.) Hacking. (calc.) Flammering. cubebs. Jerking. (fluor-ac.) (indig.) (kali-chlor.) (kali-nit.) (lyc.) (natr-m.) Pulsative. (kali-bich.) (staph.) Thumping. (eupat-purp.) Throbbing. (aeth.) (coccus.) (kali.) (kreas.) (natr.) (phos.) Undulating. (cina.) As if the bones were resting on lower jaw bones. piper. FRONTAL BONE. Heaviness. merc-bin. Sensitive to touch. magn-S. r. Pain. cham. merc. Sedin. Burning. staph. viol-tr. Ičaw. natr-m. Scraped sore, as if paris. Sore. Sarracen-purp. Contractive. Con. Pinching. acon, rhod. 155 Squeezing. acon. Boring. mang. Digging. kali. l. Drawing. arg.bell, caps. r. (evon.)(guaiac.) ran-bulb. rhod. l. ruta. Zingib. Dragging. aur. Gnawing. paris. l. As if knocked. nux. l. Pressing, caust. cic. l. cina. con. fluor-ac. (lyc.) ran-bulb. rhod. Sabin. l. spig. zingib. as by thumb. rhod. l. Cutting. caust. Shooting. aur. cic. natr-m. ruta. staph. Sulph. viol-tr. Tearing. guaiac. l. lach. (lye) magn-s. r. mang. l. merc. rhod. Sabin. l. spig. Tensive. rhod. l. Hacked to pieces, as if calc. l. Jerking. fluor-ac. r. kali-chlor. lyc. r. Throbbing. kali. l. Undulation like beating of waves, cina. TEMPORAL BONES. Bubbling. (kreas.) Creeping. kali-bich. Pain. evon. l. ran-bulb. Burning. rhus. r. sars. l. Stinging. Sars. l. Boring. (carb-an.) Blow, as from a grat. l. Digging. (coccus.) rawing. arg. r. l. calc-ac. l. canth. con, kreas. l. mang. ruta. Sars. r. staph. l. Pecking. Sulph. * Pressing. arg. l. (berb.) (calc-ac.) coccus. l. kali-bich. l. ran- bulb. rhod. l. rhus. r. Sabin. l. Samb. l. sars. r. Čnwards and outwards at Same time. calc-ac. l. Cutting. (arg.) Shooting. (caust.) coccus. l. (evon.) hura. r. mang. l. ruta. staph. sºng Čn a circle. caust. l. as if bone would be forced out, staph. r. Stitches. Sars. l. Tearing, arg. r. l. ruta. Sabin. l. Samb. l. staph. l. 156 Tensive. coccus. Banging. kali-bich. l. Jerking. matr-m. l. Pulsative. staph. l. Throbbing. (kreas.) UPPER SKULL. Eleaviness. merc-bin. Baw. Oleand. Compressive. nux-m. Contractive. nux-m. Boring. phos-ac. Pressing inwards, hell. thuy. Throbbing. natr. As if skull were quite thin. bell. As if open. carb-an. PARIETAL BONES. Itching. mang. r. Sensitive to touch. lact-v. r. Swollen (feeling of). plant. Pain. (ant-c.) cuprum. merc-iod. r. tab. r. as if pericranium were swollen. ant-c. l. Burning. bar-c. l. mang. r. Baw. Staph. r. Sore. cupr-ars. l. paris. l. Stinging. Sars. r. l. Contractive. Spig. l. Beaten, as if ipec. natr-m. paris. l. viol-tr. Drawing. canth. lact-v. r. nitr-ac. l. Sars. r. thuy. r. Dull. bar-ac. r. Gnawing. phos. r. Numb. cina. r. Pressing. alcohol-S. r. arg. bar-ac. r. cann. clem. r. fluor-ac. kali-bich. l. lact-v. nitr-ac. l. thuy. r. ânwards. nux-m. r. Cutting. kali-bich. r. As if a bit were cut off. lach. r. Shooting. aeth. r. bov. l. canth. caust. evon. r.l. kali-hydr. r. magn-m. l. mang. l. mur-ac. r. natr-m. Spig. l. Tearing. bar-c. r. l. mercurial. r. mill. r. ruta. r. sars. l. Spig. l. Tensive. bar-c. l. clem. r. mill. r. Banging. kali-bich. l. 157 Blows. indig. l. Jerking. indig. r. Pulsative. kali-bich. l. Throbbing. aeth. r. phos. r. OCCIPITAL BONE. Pain. bry. l. kiss. merc. Soreness. cupr-ars. r. Suppurating, as if kreas. l. Contractive. thuy. Boring. Stann. Dislocated, as if caust. Drawing. (arg.) chin. phos-ac. Dull. bar-ac. r. Numb. caust. Pressing. bar-ac. r. cann. r. dulc. l. ran-Scel. (Sabin.) stann. l. ânwards. nux-m. r. Shooting. acon. kali-hydr. oleand. Tearing. bar-c. l. bism. l. mercurial. (Sabin.) stann. l. Tensive. kali-hydr. oleand. Banging. indig. l. Jerking. kali-nit. Thumping. eupat-purp. l. As if one part overlapped another. kiss. UPPER OCCTPUT. Shooting. aeth. r. Throbbing. aeth. r. OCCIPITAL JOINT. Drawing. chin. Pressing outwards. m-arct. MASTOID PROCESS. Pain. (hydrast.) trombid. l. Boring. (coccus.) Drawing. (sars.) Pressing. coccus. l. outwards. kali-bich. Shooting. evon. r. (Sars.) tepl. r. Tearing, arg. l. Tensive. coccus. Throbbing. coccus. l. 158 BEHIND EARS. Swelling. calc. l. of periosteum. benz-ac. Tearing. calc-caust. r. indig. INTEGUMENTS OF HEAD. Adherent to Skull, feeling as if (arn.) (Sabin.) Bleeds on Scratching. (ars.) Coldness. agnus. (agar.) (arn.) (asar.) (bar-c.) calc. (cist.) (con.) (electr.)(gamb.) (glon.) graph. (grat.) (hydrast.) (hyper.) (kali-hydr.) (lach.) (lachnanth.) (laur.) (lob- infl.) (mang.) (merc.) (natr-m.) (nux.) (phos.) phos-ac. (plat.) Sabad. Sacch-alb. Sep. (stront.) (sulph.) til. (val.) (verat.) — to touch, with feeling of heat. (hydrast.) with warmth at Same time. (bar-c.) verat. with warmth to touch. (kali-hyd.) As if cold wind blew on it. (coccus.) (laur.) petr. As if drops of cold water fell on it. cann. (croc.) As if deluged with cold water. Sabad. Icy coldness. (agar.) (bar-c.) calc. (glon.) (hyp.) (laur.) (lach- nanth.) (merc.) with warmth at Same time. (bar-c.) As from a cold thumb. (arn.) As from a cold wet cloth. (gamb.) Rigor. (agnus.) (alum.) (arg.) (berb.) caps. Crotal. merc. (pedic.) (rhus-r.) Seneg. til. (Verat.) — with warmth to touch. agnus. Rush of blood, as from. Op. Contraction, feeling of coccus. Creeping. acon. (aescul-hipp.) alum. am-c. arg—nit. (arn.) (ars.) bar-c. (brom.) (bry.) calc, calc-ac. cann. (caust.) chel. (chin.) (cic.) coccus. (col.) (crotal.) (cuprum.) (dulc.) electr. ferr. hyos. (kali.) kali-bich. lach. (laur.) (m-aust.) nitr-ac. (nux.) (plat.) (ran-bulb.) (ran-Scel.) (ran-rep.) (rheum.) (rhod.) rhus. Sabad. (spig.) tab. (thuy.) (A, like a jºu. punning. ran-bulb. ran-Scel. as if asleep. (cuprum). like worms. (Cuprum.) DrymeSS. phos. feeling of (m-aust.) 159 Eruptions (undefined.) calc. cic. (clem.) lyc. merc. (natr-m.) phos. rhus-r. (Sulph.) sulph-ac. Blotches, psor. Boils. anac. arg—nit. (ars.) (aur.) bar-c. (bry.) calc. (carb-an.) (caust.) (con.) (cobalt.) (hep.) (kali.) (led.) (lyc.) (mez.) (mur-ac.) (natr.) natr-m. (ruta.) burning, biting. ars. Sore. hep. mez. Suppurating. Calc. Cracking of skin. (sars.) Crusta lactea, brom. chel. ruta. (sars.) Dandruff badiag. canth. magn-c. (mez.) white dry. mez. Desq warnation. lach. oleand. wisb. Dry, ars. bar-c. (led.) merc. mez, psor. (Sep.) (sil.) (sulph.) thuy, wisb. Elevations, cinnab. (coccus.) (hep.) (kali.)(lyc.) (ruta.) (selen.) like mosquito bites. rhus-r. Erysipelas. (ruta.) Petid, graph. hep. (lyc.) (merc.) natr-m. psor. rhus. (Sep.) (sil.) staph. (sulph.) Glutinous fluid, forming moist Scabs. graph. Herpetic. (bar-c.) (ipec.) (natr-m.) tepl. thuy. Lice. mgs. mez. Vinca. Miliary rash. (rheum.) (rhus.) Spig. tepl. Moist, bar-c. calc. (clem.) graph. hell. hep. lye. mere. mez. matr-m. (nitr-ac.) oleand. psor. rhus. ruta. (sars.) Sep. Staph. Vinca. Nodosities. hep. Pimples. agar. alcohol-S. (alum.) , (am-m.) (ambr.) ant-t. (arg.) (arg—nit.) ars, bar-c. (bufo.) (calc.) (calc-phos.) (cann.) (carb-v.) (clem.) (cobalt.) (coccus.) (con.) crotal. (cycl.) (dros.) ferr-mag. (graph.) (hell.) hep. (hura.) kali. kali-bich. kali-nitr. (led.) mgs. m-arct. merc-bin. (mur-ac.) (murure.) (natr-m.) (natr-s.) nux. Oleand. (paris.) (pedic.) petr. phos. (phos-ac.) (psor.) (ran-Scel.) (Sabad.) (Sep.) sil. Staph. Sulph. (tarax.) Zl Il C. ânflamed. (pedic.) red. (ant-c.) ars, (bell.) (carb-v.) (lachnanth.) (natr.) (Sep.) (Zingib.) — white. (ant-c.) (carb-v.) (pedic.) Sore. hep. * — Smarting. alcohol-s. 160 Pustules. (arn.) ars. (carb-an.) (calc-phos.) (cubebs.) (eu- phorb.) (kali.) merc-bin. (mur-ac.) (natr.) nux. (rhod.) sil. itching. sil. sensitive. sil. like variola. cubebs. Roughness. ars. (matr-m.) (Sep.) Scabs. ars, calc. (dulc.) (electr.) ferr-mag. graph. kali-nitr. (lyc.) (magn-c.) merc. merc-bin. (mez.) (mur-ac. (natr-m.) paris. rhus. ruta. (Sep.) (sil.) staph. (sulph.) til. viol-tr. chalky, mez. dry. mez. fetid. graph. natr-m. rhus. — moist. ruta. very large. calc. — burning. rhus. itching. rhus. — thick. dulc. thick, leatherlike, with pus undermeath. mez. elevated white, with ichor undermeath. mez. with pus underneath. calc. yellow. (merc.) Scales. (calc.) canth. (clem.) crotal. graph. lyc. natr-m. (mez.) (oleand.) phos. Sep. (thuy.) wisb. — moist. natr-m. Oleand. dry white. ars, mez, thuy, wisb. biting. Oleand. itching. Oleand. peeling off. thuy. easudation of clear glutinous fluid, forming moist Scales. graph. Scurf bar-c. moist. bar-c. hell. fetid, graph. painful to touch. graph. white. graph. Spots. (convolv.) elevated. (ant-c.) red. (ant-c.) (mosch.) yellow Scabby. (kali.) Swellings, inflammatory, Suppurating, or carious. nitr-ac. Tinea. (eupat-perf.) Tubercles. (natr-m.) sil. (thuy.) | 6 || | Tumors, calc. (cinnab.) (hell.) kali. (magn-m.) (nux.) (petr.) (phos.) puls. ruta. (tepl.) wisb. Suppurating, puls. Soft. petr. tepl. Ulcers. ars. cubebs. ruta. (Sep.) Vesicles. (chin.) (lob-c.) (pedic.) (phos.) rhus. til. with black apices. (pedic.) Warts. (thuy.) Wheals. hep. Wens. graph. Bleeding. (lyc.) (nitr-ac.) (sulph.) Biting. ars, oleand. Burning. ars. hep. (lyc.) (merc.) rhus. (sil.) (sulph.) Itching. (clem.) hep. (natr-m.) (nitr-ac.) oleand. rhus. (Sep.) sil. (staph.) Scalding. (staph.) Sore. alcohol-s. (clem.) (cobalt.) hep. mez. (nitr-ac.) (sep.) (sil.) (sulph.) Stinging. (clem.) (merc.) (nitr-ac.) (Sep.) Tingling. (clem.) (Sep.) False Sensations. as if a drop of water ran down. (verat.) Flair, Symptoms of. Brittle, wisb. Color, becomes gray. graph. hyos. lyc, phos-ac. spiggur. sulph-ac. —flazer. phos-ac. — blanched. Cubebs. red hair turns chestnut. iod. Corrosion. merc. Curling. branc. Dryness. alum. badiag. hippomanes. kali. plumb. psor. sulph. of roots. phOS. Electrified, as if (verat.) Electricity, loss of psor. Entanglements. borax, fluor-ac. natr-m. psor. (sars.) vinca. glued together. mez. Falls out. alum. ambr. apis, ars, asclep-tub. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. caust. cinch-s. colch. con. cubebs dule. ferr, ferr-mag., fluor-ac. graph. hep. hell, hippomanes. hyp. ign. iod. kali. kali-bich. 21 | 62 kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kreas. lach. lyc. magn-c. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Osmium. paris. pedic. petr. phos. phOS-ac. plumb, rhus. Sars. Sec. Selen. Sep. sil. spiggur. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tepl. wisb. zinc. Falls out, bald spots. hep. phos. head white and smooth. phos. Greasiness. branc. bry. phos-ac. plumb. Growth increased. electr. lach. Sacch-alb. wisb. Hardmess. Wisb. Painfulness. nux. of 100ts. elaps. Painful when touched. alum. (ambr.) ann-c. ars. (carb-v.) cinnab. ferr. mez. matr-m. natt-S. nux. paris. (phos.) sol-t-aegr. spig. Sulph. (thuy.) (zinc.) of roots. calc-ac. caps. Chin. Col. (nitr-ac.) Sep. Sol-t-aegr. sulph. Pulled, as if (bry.) leptand. (lyc.) (phos.) phos-ac. rhus. Sec. a single hair. (lyc.) Pulled upwards, as if (alum.) (bar-c.) (calc-caust.) (col.) (indig.) (kali-mit.) (laur.) (magn-c.) (magn-lm.) (magn-S.) (mur-ac.) pedic. (phos.) Pulled out, as if (arm.) (canth.) (indig.) (kreas.) lyc. (magn-c.) (sulph.) tepl. Single hairs. indig. Sensitiveness. acon. ambr. alm-c. asar. Initr-ae. Sars. Verat. - of roots. acon. Softness. iod. Smell, mouldy, natr-m. Stand on end. coccus. crotal. (hyp.) (kali-bich.) (mang.) nux. (Sulph.) feeling of acon. am-c. arm. bar-ac. (COcc.) (dulc.) lach- nanth. (lob-infl.) merc. mez. mur-ac. (ran-bulb.) (pedic.) sil. (Spig.) (spong.) (Verat.) Heat. (aescul-hipp.) arm. bell. carb-v. caust. dig. (cupat-perf.) graph. (gymnoclad.) (lact-V.) (laur.) (1merc-bin.) mez. ol-an. Op. (petiv.) (phos.) (piper.) (rat.) (spong.) (stann.) (sulph.) (tongo.) Vinca. objective only. (merc-bin.) like hot water. petiv. Immovable. arm. berb. mercurial. (paris.) (tarax.) Itching. agar, agn. alcohol-s. alum. ammoniac. ann-c. am-m. (ang.) (anis.) (arg.) (arg—nit.) arm. ars. (ars-met.) (asar.) (aur-mur.) bar-c. (bell.) benz-ac. (brom.) bry. calc. calc-ac. calc-phos. (canth.) caps. carb-an. carb-v. | 63 caust. (cham.) (chel.) chin. (cinnab.) clem. cobalt. coccus. cod. coff. Col. con. (croc.) crotal. cubebs. cupr—ars. dros. elaps. eupat-purp. ferr-mag. fluor-ac. gels, graph. grat. hep. hura. (jacarand.) kali. kali bich. kiss. lach. laur. led. (lepid.) lyc, m-arct. magn- c. merc. merc-iod. mez. mosch. (mur-ac.) natr-m. (nitr-ac.) nux. Oleand. Ol-an. paris. (paull.) pedic. petr. (phell.) phos. phos-ac. (psor.) puls. ran-Scel. rhod. rhus. rhus–r. (rhus-ven.) ruta. Sabad. (samb.) Sars. Selen. Seneg. sep. sil. (Spig.) Spong. (Squill.) staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. therid. thuy. til. (tongo.) tromb. Verat. Vinc. (viol-tr.) wisb. Zingib. (zinc.) Itching, corrosive. comoclad. Vinca. changing place on Scratching. cycl. sars. Desire to scratch without itehing, fluor-ac. I,00Seness, feeling of calc. kiss. (Sang.) sulph. Movements, forwards, caust. Sulph. backwards and forwards. matr. matr-m. Sep. convulsive. (evon.) Noise. (rhus.) (rhus-r.) Numbness, acon. ambr. berb. (calc.) (con.) glon. (lach.) mercurial. merc-iod. mez. Initr-ac. as if asleep. alum. (Cuprum.) nitr-ac. as if made of wood. petr. Oozing. kali. Selen. Peels off. staph. Quivering. (castor.) (caust.) (kalm.) merc. (op.) Seneg, Roughness, Sensation of (pallad.) Sensitive to touch. acon. (aloes.) (alum.) ambr. am-c. (arist.) ars. arum-tr. (badiag.) bar-ac. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. (bufo.) cale. (caps.) (carb-an.) carb-v. (castor.) caust. (cham.) chin. chin-S. cinnab. coccus. col. eroton. (crotal.) crotal-case. ferr. gent-cr. hep. ign. (kali- hydr.) kali-nitr. kreas, lachnanth. (lach.) (lact-v.) lepid. lith-c. lye. (mgs.) m-aret. (magn-c.) magn-m. mang. melast. mere.(mercurial.)(mez.) matr-m. matr–s. (nice.) nitr-ac. nux. nux-m. paris. (petr.) (phos.) rhod. Thus, rhus-r. ruta. (Sabin.) sars. Sep. sil. Sol-t- agr. spig, (squill.) staph, sulph, sulph-ae. (feuer.) thuy. tongo. Zingib. to pressure of hat. (hep.) to movement. calc-ac. (lach.) Spig. Spong. to cold. (acon.) am-c. ars, borax. grat, lye. Stiffness. (jatroph.) | 64 Sweat, acon. (anag.) apis. berb. bufo. calc. chin. (eupat- purp.) gamb. graph. lach. (laur.) led. meZ. mosch. matr-m. matr-S. nitr-ac. Ol-an. petr. phell. podoph. puls. raph. (ruta.) Sacch-alb. (Sars.) (sec.) sil. Sulph. val. wisb. cold. (asaf) benz-ac. cina. (cocc.) (croc.) (kali-bich.) lepid. (phyt.) (puls.) (Verat.) cold clammy. hep. clammy, merc. phos. Hot. cham. (dios.c.) (glon.) clammy, cham. Oily. bry. merc. Profuse. sil. Sinells of homey, thuy. putrid. Staph. fetid. merc. (nux.) (puls.) acid. graph. offensive, graph. wrime. Col. Sour. bry. merc. Sep. sil. pungent, bell. Swelling. ars. bell. (calc.) (caps.) (caust.) (cham.) crotal. cuprum. dig. euphorb. lach. merc. merc-corr. (nitr- ac.) puls. rhus. (rhus-V.) rhus-ven. (Sep.) (stram.) (tab.) purplish red. Cuprum. dark red. Stram. feeling of acon. berb. coccus, guaiac. phos-ac. Sugillation, feeling of bar-c. Thick, feels. (paris.) Tickling. (acon.) (aur-mur.) (brom.) calc-ac. (cann.) (grat.) (laur.) (magn-c.) (tereb.) as from a hair. (grat.) Tightness. (bar-ac.) (bov.) bry. cann-ind. coccus. dulc. (gels.) (hell.) m-arct. (phos.) Selen. (sol-lyc.) stront. As iſ Scalp were forced together into one part. (tepl.) zinc. As if a handful of Skin were grasped. (chin.) As ºf all the Skin were drawn up thus. (staph.) Twitching. (agar.) (crotal.) glon. (kali.) (mill.) (op.) (sars.) (Zingib.) Wrinkles. (carb-an.) (cham.) (graph.) (grat.) (hell.) (lachn.) (lyc.) (rheum.) (viol-od.) Pains, undefined. (ambr.) caust. Col. (eupat-perf) ferr, gins. (graph.) hura. (hydr-ac.) (hyp.) (ipec.) iod. Iach. 165 (lyc.) magn-c. (mang.) mercurial. (morph.) (nabulus.) (matr.) (plumb.) (rhus-r.) (Sabin.) (sil.) Spig. (thuy.) Abscess, as from. (asaf) (hep.) (iod.) rhus. Stann. Burning. (alum.) ars. (asaf) calc. caps. (caust.) (clem.) cobalt. (coccus.) col. cubebs. (cuprum.) (dros.) hep. kali. kali-bich. (kali-nit.) lach. (laur.) lyc. (meny.) merc. (mercurial.) mez. (mur-ac.) (natr-m.) Oleand. ol-an. paeon. paris. phos-ac. (phyt.) (ran-bulb.) rhod. (rhus.) ruta. Sabad. (sars.) Sep. sil. (spig.) (spong.) (stann.) staph. (sulph.) (tepl.) (teucr.) vinca. viol-tr. Burnt, as if ars. (lach.) Biting. Col. mez. nux. Oleand. (phos-ac.) puls. ran-scel. rhod. ruta. Sec. Sep. staph. (sulph.) verat. Vinca. wisb. beginning elsewhere on Scratching. mez. Corrosive. dros. (rhus.) (sabad.) (squill.) (thuy.) Raw. ambr. arg. ars, ars-met. bell. (bry.) (castor.) (calc.) %, (cinnab.) (col.) cornus-circ. (Cupr-ars.) (daph.) (dros.) ) ) eryng. (elaps.) (eupat-perf.) eupat-purp. (glom. graph. kali. (kali-bich.) (laur.) magn-m. (meny. mosch. (nitr-ac.) nux. Oleand. petr. phOS-ac. ran-Scel. rhod. (ruta.) sang. Sarrac-purp. sil. (staph.) (sulph.) ZIIl C. * Scalding. lyc. Seraping. (bell.) lyc. Smarting. (arg—nit.) bry. Col. (dros.) (iod.) m-arct. (merc.) Oleand. paeon. puls. ran-Scel. (spig.) (thuy.) (vimca.) wisb. Stinging. cycl. (sars.) thuy. As if stung with nettles. calc. paeon. Suppuration, like. (carb-an.) (petr.) (rhod.) (Sep.) (sulph.) zinc.) vº agar. am-c. ars. (calc-ac.) kali-hyd. (kreas.) magn-c. merc. (mur-ac.) nitr-ac. (puls.) (rhus.) Sulph- ac. (tongo.) As if an ulcer was healing. nux. As if hair had been pulled. bell. pulled out. caps. Compressive. natr-m. ruta. Sars. (staph.) (thuy.) Contractive. aeth. ars. (aster.) bell. (carb-an.) carb-v. (caul- loph.) (chin.) (gels.) (hura.) iris-V. kali-bich. (kali- mit.) kiss. lye. merc. natr-m. (oleand.) (paris.) pedic. (phos.) plat. ran-scel. rhus. Spig. Verat-vir. Constrictive. (carb-v.) Pinching. alum. (chel.) 166 Squeezing. (bell.) Clawing. alum. g Cramp. (agar.) (cocc.) graph. (hep.) (psor.) Spasmodic. (phos.) Boring. (alum.) (col.) dros. lye. (phos.) (Sep.) Bruised. (ang.) ars. (bow.) (carb-an.) (caust.) cupr-ars. (dig.) (euphorb.) gymnoclad. (hell.) (ign.) (kali-mit.) m-aust. (magn-c.) matr. (nicc.) (nitr-ac.) nux. petr. phos-ac. plant. rat. rhod. (ruta.) (sil.) (spig.) (sulph.) (tab.) Drawing. agar. (am-c.) (bar-ac.) (cact.) (calc-ac.) (carb-an.) carb-v. Chenop. (chin.) (cic.) col. (con.) (grat.) (ign.) (indig.) (kali-bich.) (lach.) magn-m. mez. (natr-m.) nitr-ac. nux. (Op.) plat. (phos.) puls. (ran-Scel.) (rhus.) (ruta.) (sabad.) (sang.) (sars.) (Sep.) Sol-t-aegr. (stann.) staph. (sulph-ac.) (thuy.) (zinc.) Du/l. petiv. phOS-ac. Ecchymosis, as from. ferr. (phos.) Gnawing. agnus. ars, bar-c. (bell.) bry. (canth.) caps. (cham.) (dros.) hyos. lyc. (meny.) (phos-ac.) (ran- Scel.) (spong.) (zinc.) Pressing. (alum.) (anac.) (arm.) (aur.) (bism.) (calc-ac.) (camph.) (carb-v.) (castor.) (chin.) (cic.) cina. (cin- nab.) con. (dig.) (dros.) (euphorb.) (euphr.) (grat.) (hep.) (hydrast.) hyos. (kali.) (led.) (lyc.) (m-arct.) mercurial. (mur-ac.) Op. (oleand.) phos. phos-ac. (plumb.) (rhus.) Sars. (Spig.) (Spong.) (sulph.) (teucr.) (thuy.) (verb.) Zingib. Strained. ambr. (staph.) Stupefying. (cic.) cina. (led.) (paris.) ruta. (verb.) Stones, as if from lying on. (lam.) (phos-ac.) plat. Cutting. (clem.) lyc. (magn-c.) sars. (tereb.) Knife thrusts, ammoniac. Prieking. ammoniae. (ang.) (ars-cit.) (asar.) (aur.) (bry.) (calad.) cinnab. (crotal.) (eupat-purp.) (euphr.) hell. (hep.) (lepid.) magn-c. (mang.) (matr-m.) (nux-m.) (prunus.) (ran-bulb.) (Sabad.) (Sars.) (spong.) staph. (verat.) (verb.) pleasurable. eupat-purp. begins elsewhere on Scratching. Sars. Shooting. acon, agnus. (ang.) ant-c. arn. (asaf.) (aur.) bar-ac. (bell.) (calc-ac.) (chel.) Chenop. chin. (cic.) coccus. (col.) cycl. (dig.) (euphorb.) (euphr.) (guaiac.) (hell.) indig. kali. (lach.) (lyc.) (magn-c.) (mang.) (meny.) mez. (mur-ac.) (matr-m.) micC. nitr-ac. (paris.) phos- | 67 ac. prun. (ran-bulb.) (ran-scel.) ruta. (Sabad.) (sars.) (spig.) (spong.) (staph.) (stann.) (tarax.) (thuy.) (tongo.) verat. (verb.) viol-tr. (zinc.) As if something stuck in. (ars-cit.) (tepl.) As from a splinter. nitr-ac. Tearing. agar. (alum.) (ang.) (bell.) (bism.) (bry.) cale. carb-an. (carb-v.) (caust.) chemop. colch. (Cuprum.) cycl. (dig.) (euphr.) graph. (guaiac.) (kali-bich.) lach. lye. (m-aust.) (magn-c.) (mang.) (meny.) merc. (mercurial.) (mur-ac.) (phos.) Thus, ruta. (Sabad.) Sars. (Sep.) sil. (sol-t-aegr.) (stann.) staph. (tarax.) (tongo.) (zinc.) Tensive, agnus. (ang.) (ars-cit.) asar. (bapt.) (bar-c.) berb. (bry.) (carb-an.) (carb-v.) caust. (croc.) (erotal.) (evon.) (grat.) (hura.) (kali-bich.) kiss. (lach.) (laur.) merc. mercurial. (mur-ac.) (matr.) nitr-ac. (paris.) ran-scel. (ruta.) sabad. Selen. Spig. (stann.) stront. (tarax.) (teucr.) viol-od. Jerking. (ang.) (bry.) (hep.) (hell.) (magn-c.) (mang.) (phos.) (rat.) (Sep.) (stann.) (verb.) Pulsative. (ant-c.) guaiac. (hell.) (sars.) Throbbing. (castor.) guaiac. (kali.) (kali-mit.) (phos.) sulph. Like waves beating on skull. dig. FRONTAL INTEGUMENTS. Adherent to skull, feels. arn. Sabin. Bleeds on Scratching. ars. Coldness. agar. P. arm. Cistus, glon. hyp. laur. like a cold thumb. arn. like an ice-cold hand. hyp. like ice, agar. P. laur. like iced-water. glon. like cold wind. laur. Creeping. arn. chin. cic. kali. lach. P. laur. led. mux, ran- rep. rhus. Sabad. Spig. Dried feeling. m-aust. Eruptions (undefined). natr-m. Sulph. Boils. aur. l. bar-c. calc. carb-an, con. led. Elevations. hep. kali. lyc. ruta, selen. red. ant-c. Erysipelas. ruta. Herpetic. badiag. bar-c. ipec, natr-m. 168 Miliary, led. rheum, rhus. tepl. dry. led. Pimples. alum. ambr. ars. bufo. calc. calc-phos. carb-v. clem. coccus. r. con. hell. l. hep. hura. kali. l. led. mur-ac. paris. pedic. psor. Sep. staph. Sulph. red. carb-v. lachnanth. natr. Sep. Zingib. white. ant-c. carb-v. pedic. Pustules. arn. Carb-an. l. euphorb. r. kali. l. nur-ac. natr. rhod. Scabs. ars, merc. mur-ac. yellow, merc. Spots, convolv. red. mosch. red elevated. ant-c. Scaly yellow. kali. Tubercles. natr-m. Tumors. hell. nux. (phos.) Shining, painless, phos. Vesicles. lob-c. with black apices. pedic. Yellow. kali. merc. Dry, merc. Burning. merc. Sars. JFetid. merc. Itching. Sars. Stinging. merc. Hair (on anterior part of head). falls off. natr-m. phos. — standing on end, feeling of ran-bulb. spig. as if drawn upwards. calc-caust. as if pulled out. kreas. Heat. caust. gymnoclad. lact-V. laur. piper, rat. Spong. -- Stann, tongo. Immobility. paris. Ilching. ang. arg. ars, ars-lmet. aur-m. bell. bry. r. canth. caust. cham. chel. dros. hura. jacarand. kali-bich. laur. l. led. l. merc. matr-m. pedic, phos-ac. psor. rhus-r, rhus. Samb. spig. Squill. Sulph. Verat. Movements, convulsive. evon. Noise accompanying motion of muscles, rhus-r. As if eyebrow were pulled down. Cann. Quivering. Op. Roughness. Sep. feeling of pallad. 169 Sensitive to touch. alum. bry. bufo. col. kali-hydr. lach, lyc. mercurial. natr-m. Spig, teucr. to pressure of hat. hep. Stiffness, jatroph. Sweat. anag. (eupat-purp.) laur. mosch. natr-S. nitr-ac. ol-an. phell. Sars. Sec. Val. cold. asaf, cina. cocc. croc. kali-bich. phyt. Verat. hot, clammy, cham. warm. dioSc. glon. Swelling. caust. l. rhus-ven. Sep. Thickness, feeling of paris. | Tickling. aur-m. brom. l. (grat.) magn-c. r. as from a hair. grat. Tightness, feeling of phos. as if skim was too Scanty. bov. Twitching. agar. r. mill. Wrinkles. carb-an. cham. graph. grat, hell. lachnanth. lyc. rheum. viol-Od. longitudinal ridges from immer corner of brows upwards. lachnanth. - Pain. lye. mercurial. Sabin. Abscess, like am. asaf, hep. iod. Biting. phos-ac. Burning. ars, asaf clem. l. coccus. Col. kali-bich. meny. r. mercurial. l. mur-ac. l. phos-ac. l. rhus. Sabad. Stann. r. teucr. Corrosive. rhus. Squill. Raw. dros. r. glon. graph. pod. ran-bulb. Scraping, bell. Smarting. col. spig. l. Ulcerative. kreas. r. mur-ac. Constriction. carb-v. Contraction. aster, cauloph. hura. paris. Verat-vir. Cramp-like. hep. Bruised. carb-an. Drawing. am-c. carb-an. cic, con. Op. Sabad. Sep. stann. l. Gnawing. ars, cham. dros. phos-ac. Pressing. anac. l. aur, camph. carb-v. cic, cina, con. dig. l. dros. euphorb. l. euphr, grat, led. m-arct. r. mur-ac. l. phos-ac. plumb. spong. r. teuer. verb. wpwards, between Skin and muscle. cinnab. outwards. alum. as from a tight hat. alum. Stupefying. cic, cina. led. paris. l. verb. k 22 I70 Cutting. clem. l. magn-c. Pricking. ars-cit. r. aur. bry. r. calad. hep. natr-m. Sabad. Spong. l. Verat. Shooting. ang. asaf (aur.) cic. Col. dig. l. euphr. r. hell. r. l. (magn-c.) meny. r. paris. r. sabad. l. Sars. Stann. tarax. l. zinc. l. - Tearing. bell. lyc. r. meny. r. merc. Sabad. l. Sep. Stann l. tongo. r. zinc. l. Stretched, as if sol-lyc. Tensive. bapt. bar-c. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caust. Crotal. con. grat, hura. laur. paris. Stann. r. viol-od. - drawn to occiput. bapt. Jerking. hep. Sep. Stann. l. Pulsative. hell. Sars. MIDDLE OF FOREHEAD. Cold wind, as from. laur. Feels contracted. gels. OVER EYES. Cold air, feeling of arg—nit. r. Twitching. Zingib. r. Pain, bruised, dull, plant. l. FRONTAL EMINENCES. Creeping. chel. JHeat. lact. v. r. l. Itching. chel. croc. l. laur. Pain. morph. Burning. laur. l. teucr. r. l. JRaw, dros. l. Stinging. Sars. l. Compressive. thuy. l. Squeezing. bell. Drawing. grat. l. Gnawing. bell. t Pressive. chin. r. l. spig. l. teucr. r. l. thuy. l. as from a Sharp point, paris. r. Shooting. bell. l. chim. r. l. Sabad. l. stann. l. Tensive. Croc. l. teucr. r. l. / TEMPLES. Coldness. (gamb.) plat. Sep. as from a wet cloth. gamb. l. 171 Creeping. acon. aescul-hipp. alum. plat. r. rheum. rhod. tab. l. Eruptions undefined. natr-m. JBoils. calc. r. l. bell. mur-ac. l. Bleeding. zinc. Burning. merc. Itching. zinc. Foetid. merc. Pimples, arg. l. ars, l. carb-v. ran-scel. tarax. r. red. ant-c. l. bell. inflamed. pedic. with red areola, anac. l. JPustules. mur-ac. Scabs, merc. Sore. zinc. Stinging. merc. zinc. Tubercles, red. thuy. Vesicles with black apices. pedic. Yellow. merc. - False Sensations ; as if a drop of water ram down. Verat. Flair, falls off. Calc, kali. lyc. merc. natr-m. as if pulled. bry. phos. as if pulled out. canth. Itching. ang, anis. l. asar. l. chel. lepid, lyc. r. merc. pedic. l. puls. Sep. Quivering. caust. r. Roughness. natr-m. Sensitive to touch. arist. bufo. cham. l. col. lach. l. mercurial. ImeZ. natr-m. nux-m. when moved. lach. l. Swelling. caust. l. cham. l. sep. Tickling. cann. tereb. l. Twitching. agar. r. crotal. kali. r. op. Pain. hyp. plumb. r. ~ * JBiting. puls. Burning. alum. r. lye. r. mur-ac. phyt. l. Sars. l. spig. r. l. tepl. r. verb. l. viol-tr. r. As if burnt. lach. l. Raw, castor. daphn. dros. l. hedeom-pul. l. meny. l. Sore. cupr-ars. r. Stinging. Sars. r. Ulcerative. mur-ac. As from subcutaneous ulceration. puls. Cramping. agar. l. cocc. l. psor. r. 172 JBoring. Col. Sep. Bruised. ign. nicc. r. Drawing. calc-ac. r. ign. kali-bich. r. l. lach. r. l. nitr-ac. Sars. r. Sep. Sulph-ac. l. thuy. Gnawing. canth. Pressing. aur. l. bism. r. calc-ac. r. cina. euphorb. kali. led. m-arct. l. phos-ac. r. sars. r. spong. as by a finger. Staph. l. Stupefying. cina. Tingling. puls. Sulph. Cutting. tereb. l. Pricking. ang. r. asar. l. euphr. l. lepid. verb. l. Shooting. acon. r. ang. ant-c. l. col. dig. l. euphorb. lyc. r. mang. r. mur-ac. r. ran-bulb. l. Sabad. l. Sars. l. (spong.) staph. r. thuy. l. verb. r. ſ. viol-tr. l. Tearing. alum. r. ang, bism. r. (bry.) carb-v. l. dig. l. guaiac. l. kali-bich. r. lyc. r. mercurial. l. nur-ac. r. sep. As if flesh were torm or scraped off. natr-m. r. Stretching (in a fibre). bry. r. Tensive. ang. carb-v. caust. kali-bich. viol-od. As if something were drawn tightly over. bar-ac. Jerking. (bry.) rat. r. verb. r. l. in a fibre. bry. r. Pulsative. ant-c. l. hell. UPPER PART OF HEAD. Sensitive to touch. rhus. As if a handful of Skin were grasped, chin. Tearing. rhus. - VERTEX. Coldness, electr. grat. (kali-hyd.) matr-m. Sep. Val. verat. warm to touch. kali-hydr. cold spot. mang. Sulph. as if ice lay there. agar. laur. Creeping. arn, caust. cuprum. hyos, m-aust. nux. spig. as if asleep. cuprum. as from worms. cuprum. Eruptions, boils. aur. —— bleeding. nitr-ac. with cracks. Sep. dry. Sep. elevations, coccus. 173 Eruptions, eacuding. graph. foetid. Sep. âtching. nitr-ac. Sep. moist. nitr-ac. Sore. nitr-ac. Sep. Stinging. nitr-ac. Sep. Scales. Calc. tingling. Sep. Hair, falls out. graph. lyc. sep. zinc. painful to touch. carb-v. natr-m. paris. zinc. — roots. nitr-ac. — as if pulled. phos. — as if pulled out. canth. indig. magn-c, sulph. — as if drawn upwards. alum. col. indig. kali-nitr. magn- C. magn-m. magn-S. mur-ae. phos. — as if moved. Spong. Stann. — Stand on end. hyp. kali-bich. mang. Sulph. feeling of Spong. Heat. eupat-perf merc-bin. matr-s. Sulph. objective only. merc-bin. Immovable. tarax. Itching. mez, mur-ac. Sabad. Sep. spig. vinca. zinc. Noise, crackling. kalm. Numbness. plat. Quivering. Op. Sensitive to touch. alum. bov. carb-an. castor. cinnab. crotal. kali-hydr. kali-nitr, lach. lact-v. mgs. magn-c. magn- m. mez. nice. paris. petr. phos. Sabin. Spig. Squill. staph. Sulph. tongo. zinc, Zingib. l. Shivering. kalm. Sweat. phell. ruta. Tickling. acon. - Pain. eupat-perf. lyc. ruta. Biting. Sulph. Burning. caust. dros. mercurial. natr—m. oleand. Sabad. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Corrosive. Sabad. Smarting. dros. vinca. Sore. cinnab. col. kali-bich. laur. magn-m. Sulph. zinc. Suppurating, as if rhod. Ulcerative. agar. Spig. zinc. Comstrictive. carb-v. Contractive. carb-an. = 174 Bruised. bov. caust. hell. kali-nitr, magn-c. nice. nux. petr sil. Ecchymosed, as if phos. Drawing. indig. Op. ran-Scel. ruta. zinc. Gnawing. dros. meny, ran-Scel. spong. Pressive. arn. dros. euphr. sulph. Tºngling. cuprum. Sulph. Pricking. crotal. staph. Shooting. calc-ac. phos-ac. ran-Scel. ruta. stann. Tearing. ang, carb-v. Caust. m-aust. magn-c. phos. Sol-t-aegr. tongo. - Tensive. carb-an. tarax. As if all the skin were drawn up there, staph. Jerking. hell. magn-c. phos. CoRONAL REGION, SUPERIOR. Burning. viol-tr. Cutting. lyc. Stretched. lam. SIDES OF HEAD. Cold. calc. r. con. lach. lob-infl. l. with burning feeling. bar-c. r. like ice. calc. r. to touch. nux. cold spot, asar. l. as if a drop of cold water fell. cann. croc. l. Horripilation. arg. r. pedic. l. verat. r. Creeping. acon. l. brom. l. bry. chel. col. l. lach. l. m-aust. l. nitr-ac. l. - Eruptions, boils. calc, r. kali. r. ruta. r. foºtid. staph. * itching. Staph. — moist. Staph. pimples. ars. l. Scabs, electr. l. magn-c. l. Scalding. Staph. wlcers. ruta. l. Hair, falls off. calc. graph. merc. phos. standing on end, feeling of lob-infl. l. pedic. l. verat. r. painful to touch. ambr. r. phos. as if drawn up. bar-c. r. as if pulled out. canth. as if a single hair were pulled. lyc. l. I75 Hair, as if electrified. Verat. r. Itching. col. l. dros. laur. r. l. ruta. l. sil. l. L00Seness, feeling of º; !. Numb. (calc.) con. lach. l. petr. Čn a spot. calc. r. Sensitive to touch. hura. r. nice. petr. Sweat, cold. puls. foetid, nux. puls. Swelling. caust. l. Itching. brom. l. Pain. lye. l. natr. Biting. ruta. l. thuy. r. Burning. dros. phos-ac. ran-bulb. spong. Corrosive. dros. thuy. r. Raw. dros. r. petr. zinc. r. Smarting. thuy. r. Suppurating, as if carb-an. l. petr. l. Sulph. l. zinc. Spasmodic, phos. Boring. phos. r. as with a bodkin. alum. l. Bruised, ang. l. nicc. nitr-ac. r. rat. r. sulph. tab. As if from a blow. ruta. As if from a fall. ruta. Drawing. lach. r. (natr-m.) phos. (rhus.) ruta. sang, sep. . Pressive, rhus. l. Pricking. (nux-m.) ran-bulb. r. - like electricity. nux-m. l. Shooting. chin. l. lach. r. Tearing. phos. tongo. r. Tensive. kiss. l. lach. r. mur-ac. l. ruta. Jerking, ang. l. Throbbing. kali. l. phos. r. PARIETAL. Soreness. eupat-perf. r. Stinging. Sars. r. Drawing. sars, r. Pressing. hydrast. l. ABOVE EAR. Scabs. staph. Bald spot, phos. Płairs stand on end, feeling as if zinc. 176 OCCIPUT. Coldness. plat. cold wind. coccus. Horripilation. alum. berb. rhus-r. Creeping. ars, crotal. dulc, rhus. thuy. Eruptions undefined. clem. natr-m. biting. Oleand. — bleeding. lye. Sulph. boils. cobalt. lyc. natr. natr-m. burning, lyc. sil. Sulph. cracks with. Sep. Sulph. dry. Sep. sil. Sulph. - — foetid. lye. Sep. sil. Staph. Sulph. - itching. clem, oleand. Sep. sil. Staph. — lump. magn-m. — moist. clem. lye. Staph. pimples, am-m. r. arg—nit. cann. cobalt. cycl. kali-nitr. IOſll] I’Ul I’é. — pus, discharge of sil. Scabs. lyc. Sep. sil. Sulph. Scales. clem. Oleand. Scalding. Staph. Sore. clem. cobalt. Sep. sil. Sulph. Stinging. clem. Sep. wlcers. ruta. Sep. Hair falls off. staph. standing on end, feeling of cocc. l. dulc. lachnanth. as if hairs moved. carb-v. as if roots moved. ars. painful. nux. roots, elaps. painful to touch. thuy. as if pulled upwards. laur. r. as if torn out. arn. tepl. Heat. aescul-hipp. Immobility. paris. Itching. am-c. arg—nit. ars. calc. chel. cinnab. hura. kali. merc. mez. matr-m. oleand. paull. ruta. l. Sars, sil. r. staph. tongo. Movements. plat-chlor. & Noise on moving muscle. rhus. rhus-r. Quivering. Castor. Sensitive to touch. magn-s. natr. Spig. tongo. 177 Sweat, calc. mosch. Tickling. brom. l. laur. r. Twitching. Sars. l. Pain. ambr. hydr-ac. ipec. mang, nabulus. matr. rhus-r. sil. thuy. l. Biting. oleand. ruta. staph. thuy. JBurning. cupr. kali-nit. l. lyc. Oleand. sil. Sulph. Corrosive. thuy. Raw. bry. calc-ac. elaps. Staph. Smarting. arg—nit. iod. r. merc. Sore. eupat-perf oleand. ruta. l. Suppurating, as if Sep. Ulcerative. am-m. ars, calc-ac. rhus. magn-c. l. tongo. r. As if there were a wound, and the adherent thread of charpie had got loose. tepl. Like touching a pustule. asclep-t. l. Compressive. Staph. Contractive. chin. l. Pinching. chel. l. Bruised. dig. euphorb. l. hell, phos-ac. (rhod.) spig. Drawing. cact. carb-v. r. chin. r. paris. r. sep. Staph. Gnawing. zinc. r. # Pressing. (cast.) (hep.) lyc. r. oleand. l. spig. l. in a spot, but spreading internally, castor. l. as from a tight hat. alum, rhus. As if lying on Something hard. lam. phos-ac. Stretched, as if dulc. As if drawn down tightly. hell. As if drawn together. tepl. Strained, as if staph. l. Pricking. hell, mang. r. prunus. Shooting. chel. l. euphr, guaiac. l. natr-m. r. spig. l. tongo. r. As if something stuck in. ars-cit. r. tepl. Tearing. carb-v. r. cupr. euphr. kali-bich. r. lye. r. mang. taraX. Tensive. ars-cit. r. laur. r. natr. paris. viol-od. Jerking. hell. mang. Throbbing. (castor.) kali-nit. l. in a spot, but spreading internally. castor. l. Like electric Shocks. arn. BEHIND EARS. Creeping. Sabad. 23 L78 Eruptions, bleeding. Sulph. boils. (bry.) caust. thuy. hard. bry. — burning. Sulph. — foetid. staph. Sulph. âtching. natr-m. staph. lumps. (hard.) cinnab. l. mattery. Calc. r. kali. miliary. natr-m. moist. staph. thuy. pimples. alum. r. dros. l. graph. mur-ac. matr-m. l. natr-S. phOS-ac. r. Sabad. r. staph. Sore to touch. graph. natr-s. large. phos-ac. r. staph. with white head. staph. — — Small. natr-m. l. Sabad. r. — pustules. calc-phos. l. rhagades. petr. viol-t. Scabs. sil. staph. Sulph. viol-t. Scalding. Staph. Sore. graph. matr-S. Sulph. vesicles. chin. phos. warts. thuy. Itching. alum. brom. calc. l. carb-v. graph. mur-ac. matr-m. r. nitr-ac. l. phell. l. puls. rhod. l. rhus-ven. l. (therid.) til. viol-t. l. Redness, nitr-ac. l. petr. tab. l. thuy. Sensitive to touch. calc. l. merc. l. Swelling. calc. l. nitr-ac. l. tab. l. Ulceration. graph. Biting. puls. Rawness. nitr-ac. petr. Tingling. puls. Shooting. dig. - - - MASTOIDS. Itehing. hura. l. Sensitive to touch. caps. lach. Swelling. caps. feeling of lach. Pain, rhus-r. r. l. Stinging. (sars.) Drawing. bar-ac. l. (sars.) Shooting. bar-ac. l. I79 SECTION III.-GENERAL CHARACTER, Course, AND DIRECTION. Violent. Pains, undefined. bell. cact. cimex. cimicif. cinnab. corall. cupr. gymnoclad. hedeom-pul. hippomanes. mere iod. mill. puls-nutt. rhus-glab. zizia. l. ân forehead. apis. cimicif, cobalt. cupr. dioSc. gymno- clad. hydrast. leptand. mere-iod. mitch. puls-nutt. stilling. verat-vir. above eyes. acon. l. cimicif. r. scutell. r. Zizia. r. temples, apis. l. glon, r. hamam. lith-c. mere-iod. r. Zl Z18,. )". verteac. badiag. cobalt. crotal-casc. cupr. lith-c. merc- iod. xanthox. laterally. cact. merc-iod. r. lower occiput. iris-v. Pressing, forehead. apis. aster. above eyes. aster. temples. apis. Tearing, forehead. ipec. Transient. Heat. tab. val. Vertigo. agar. alum. bov, calc. calc-ac. col. dulc. hydr-ac. lach. laur. phos. phyt. ran-bulb. tereb. thea. Pain. morph. pothos. above eyes. cimicif. 7. occiput. iod. Constrictive. cann-ind. Drawing, temples, lact-v. Tearing. camph. frontal eminences. arg. ". temples. alcohol-S. r. hyp. r. Throbbing, laterally, cham. Continued. Confusion. calc. sep. Intocication. alum. arg—n. morph-m. nux-m. sil. Vertigo, alum. bism. hydr-ac.led. Sabin. Sec. selen. sil. stram. Pain in lateral region. cinnab. Intermittent, at Irregular Intervals. Creeping, frontal eminence. chel. I80 * Beaviness. hydr-ac. Vertigo, col. gamb. natr-m. plat. Sang. tepl. thuy. Viper t. Pain. ars, ign. pedic. puls. Sang. above eyes, rhus-r. verteac. cimicif. occiput, phell. Contractive, parietal bone. Spig. l. Constrictive, upper forehead. hyos. Cramping. Stront. Boring, forehead. arg. l. nice. l. JBruised. Verat. Digging. agar. Drawing, forehead. agar. Pecking, frontal eminence. verb. l. Pressing. agar. Sulph. Verat. frontal eminence. ign. l. verb. l. verteac. cina. phos-ac. l. occiput, phell. Pressing-out, frontal eminence. myrist. r. Pressing-in, temples. asaf, l. Stupefying, upper forehead. hyos. frontal eminence. ign. l. Pricking, forehead, verb. r. Shooting, forehead. merc. l. rhus-r. temples, comoclad. l. magn-S. verteac. phOS-ac. l. parietal bone. Spig. l. Tearing. rheum. tereb. forehead, agar. hyos. Spig. temples. alcohol-s. l. bov. r. dule. l. occiput. Sep. l. parietal bone. Spig. l. Jerking, vertex. kreas. r. Throbbing. Verat. frontal eminence, asaf, r. Periodical. Confusion. hell. Heat. ambr. Vertigo. ang. kali-bich. phos. Sep. stram. Pain. aeth. aloes. ars, bell. benz-ac. cimicif. (cupr.) eupat- perf. lob-infl. matr-m. nice. phos. rhus-r. Sang. Selen. Spig. 18I. Pain, forehead. natr-s. r. phos. above eyes. phos. laterally. kali-bich. Sacch-alb. Compressive. acon. Constrictive. phos. Boring, temples. calc-ac. l. Oppressive. iris-v. Pressing. Sulph. forehead. matr-s. r. ruta. verteac. calc. occipital bone. bar-c. r. Pressing from both sides of occiput. natr-s. Shooting. mur-ac. above nose. kali-bich. temples. iris-V. verteac. ol-an. Tearing. anac. mur-ac. forehead. cham. occiput, Scalp. mang. Tensive, verteac. cact. Jerking, above nose. phos. Occiput, Scalp, mang. Pulsative, temples. Spig. # Throbbing, above nose, phos. Every two hours. Vertigo. kali-bich. Every half hour. Shooting, temples. iris-V. Alternate days. Pleat. ambr. Pain. cimicif. eupat-perf. Constrictive. phos. Pressing. Sulph. Tensive, verteac. cact. Every third day. Tearing. anac. JEvery Seven days. Pain. Sacch-alb. 182 Every fourteen days. Pain, nicc. Each third attack worse. Pain. lob-infl. Remitting. Cutting, forehead. diosc. r. Shooting, forehead, dioSc. r. IIere and there. Sensitive to touch, Scalp. acon. aloes. Pain, cochl. poth. Sang. Pinching, colch. Dull. aesc. Pressing. anac. ox-ac. Shooting. bapt. Tearing. Sulph. In a small spot. Coldness, Scalp, vertex. mang. Sulph. Side. asar. l. Numb, Scalp, Side, calc. r. Pain. cochl. poth. above eyes, acon. l. bry. temples, lith-c. r. verteac. cochl. r. lact-v. laterally, kali-bich. Burning. nitr-ac. vertex. graph. parietal bone. bar-c. l. Contractive, parietal bone. Spig. l. Pinching. colch. IBoring, verteac. borax. laterally. hep. occiput, stront. r. Bruised, parietal. plat. l. Drawing, laterally, phos. r. parietal bone. lact-v. r. Dull, verteac. lact-v. Gnawing. cinnab. verteac. ran-Scel. l. I83 Pressing. anac. dulc. forehead. bov. l. zinc. — middle forehead. zinc. above eyes. dig. nux-m. l. above nose. iod. verteac. ran-Scel. l. laterally. bry. r. kalm. r. parietal. carb-a. occiput. ambr. carb-a. colch. r. Pressing out, above eyes. ipec. nux-m. l. temples. ipec. Pressing in, vertex. Ox-ac. Shooting, above eyes. bov. werteac. kali-bich. laterally, castor. r. dig. parietal bone. Spig. l. Tearing, temples. m-aust. l. rat. l. parietal, bar-c. l. occiput. coloh. r. l. parietal bone. bar-c. l. Tensive, laterally, dig. Blows, laterally, laur. l. Knocking, laterally. bov. l. Shock, forehead. oleand. Deep. Pain. therid. above eyes. nabulus. r. Drawing, vertex. ol-an. Dull, forehead. leptand. ºverteac. COrnus-C. Pressing. cochl. forehead. bov. l. Shooting, verteac, phos-ac. l. Tearing, middle forehead. laur. Slowly increasing and decreasing. Pressing, vertex. sars. Pressing-in, forehead, plat. temples. plat. Eacpansive. stront. Suddenly appearing, slowly decreasing. Pain, temples. Sabin. r. I84 Outward. Stinging, forehead. Sep. Boring. dulc. puls. Sep. forehead. bov. l. dros. dulc. spig. spong. l. staph. l. above eyes. bov. l. dulc. r. frontal eminence. bism. temples. ant-c. calc-ac. l. dulc. vertea. Spig. staph. Occiput. Spig. mastoid process. coccus. l. Drawing. acon. above nose. pothos. Cutting, temples. bell. Pricking, forehead. spong. l. Shooting. alum. arn. rhus. forehead. Con. gran. lyc. Senec-aur. sil. staph. Sulph. Scalp. aur. magn-C. r. middle forehead. kali, phos-ac. above eyes. bov. l. rhus. Sep. l. fromtal eminences. bar-c. r. bell, magn-m. r. temples. bell. l. calc. r. dulc. lach. lyc. nux-m. l. rhus. l. sil. Staph. r. sulph. verteac. staph. Sides. magn-c. r. magn-m. l. Tearing, forehead. sulph. temples. Sulph. Hammering, verteac. vinca. Throbbing. glon. lepid. Inwards. Boring, above eyes. kali. l. temples. hep. r. pæon. r. Sides. hep. Shooting. carb-v. cinnab. temples. arg. r. arn. berb. r. borax. r. calc. l. calc-ac. kali. l. phos-ac. r. rhus. r. staph. r. tepl. l. verb. r. Sides. (deep into brain.) anac. l. Jerking. Spig. Upwards. Pain, temples. rhus-r. r. Drawing, forehead. nitr-ac. staph. above nose. kiss. natr-m. 185 Drawing, temples. Oleand. l. occiput. rhod. r. behind ears, fluor-ac. r. Shooting. guaiac. sil. forehead. phos-ac. l. temples, ang. berb. r. calc-caust. rhus-r. r. werteac. berb. - Sides, meny. l. coronal region, laterally. hell. r. above ears. chin. occiput. ambr. kali. Sep. Staph. Tearing, forehead. berb. l. temples. alum. laur. r. magn-c. l. mercurial. r. sides. phos. r. behind ears. Sars. l. Jerking, occiput. rhod. r. Downwards. Drawing, temples. Oleand. l. Sides. Spong. r. Shooting, temples. ang. mill. l. ^jerteac. natr—m. Tearing, temples. kalm. r. sides. phell. r. above ears. nux. Jerking, temples. anac. l. Backwards. Boring, Sides. magn-c. r. Drawing, forehead. juncus. magn-c. sides. dros. r. above ears. arg. r. Cutting, forehead. natr-m. l. above eyes. bism. r. Knife thrust, sides. bell. r. Shooting, forehead, asaf, bell. bry. calc-caust. cupr. natr-m. Op. prun. r. serp. tab. sides. bar-ac. l. magn-c. r. nux. l. tab. tongo. r. temporal bone. evon. r. Tearing, forehead. bov. l. kali-nitr. r. spig. l. sides. Ol-an. Jerking, forehead. prun. r. sides. nitr-ac. l. nux. l. 24 I86 Pulsations, forehead. cornus-circ. Throbbing. bell. forehead. (therid.) Forwards. Vertigo, Occiput. ang. carb-v. Senecio-aur. sil. Pain, temples, rhus-r. r. Digging, sides, arg—n. l. Drawing. Sulph. viol-tr. sides. ant-t. l. guaiac. r. l. Occiput. tongo. r. Cutting, temples, arg. l. sides. arg—n. l. Occiput. camph. l. caps. Chin. Knife thrusts, sides, bell. r. Shooting, temples. arn. arg. l. berb. r. borax. r. bry. glon. r. natr-m. r. phos-ac. r. ran-Scel. r. rhus-r. r. Squill. r. sides. kali. r. mur-ac. r. thuy. r. tongo. r. verb. r. occiput, aeth. chel. r. l. cinnab. l. natr—m. temporal bones, arg. l. parietal bones. agnus. temporal, Scalp. Spong. l. Stinging, drawing, Occiput. Sars. Tearing, Sides, ant-t. l. con. l. guaiac. r. occiput. aeth. ambr. aur. r. carb-v. chin. r. merc. lower Occiput. anac. r. } Blows, upper occiput. Sabad. Jerking, Sides. arg—n. l. nitr-ac. l. Occiput. arg—n. Throbbing, occiput. bar-c. Diagonally. Pain, forehead. rhus-r. above nose, ang-sp. Boring, forehead. hell. Drawing, forehead. chel. Pressing, forehead. mez. occipital bone. bar-c. r. Stupefying, above nose. ant-t. Shooting, forehead. chel. hell. To Sides. Throbbing. bell. 187 To each other. Shooting, parietal. magn-c. Across. Rush of blood. eupat-perf. Pain, temples. lepid. Drawing, sides. atham. Shooting, temples. bell. Occiput, agar. Tearing, occiput. agar. Right to Left. Pressing, occiput. dig. Shooting, forehead. mez. temples. plat. sides. (eupat-perf.) Left to Right. Drawing, Occiput. Squill. Shooting, forehead. squill. Sides. elaps. temples. calc. gymnoclad. Knife thrusts, sides. arn. Throbbing, temples. tepl. First Right, then Left. Pain. Sabad. above eyes. bapt. glon. temples, cinnab, jacarand, hydrast. Sides. merc-bin. Sabad. Occiput. hydrast. Boring, verteac. colch. Drawing, forehead. cycl. parietal eminence. cycl. Dull, temples. apis. Pressing, forehead, cycl. ign. Ol-an. verteac. bell. Sides. cupr. Shooting, temples. petiv. parietal bone. evon. Tearing, vertez. colch. I88 First Left, then Right. Pinching, above eyes. haem. Drawing, above eyes. bry. Pressing, above eyes. haem. above nose. Oniscus. verteac. hydr-ac. Shooting, temples. cycl. Scalp. verb. parietal. mill. Tearing, temples. iod. Jerking, temples. Cycl. Scalp. verb. Forehead to occiput. Heat. cinnab. Pain. eupat-perf. eupat-purp. lachnanth. T. merc-bin. myrica. Dull. cinnab. mosch. r. over vertea to occiput, glon. Drawing. magn-c. Pressing. coccus. juncus. Zingib. Cutting. matr-m. l. Piercing. matr-S. l. Shooting. asaf, bell. bry. calc-caust, cupr. Op. prun. r. serp. tab. Tearing. bov. Jerking. prun. r. Pulsating. cornus-c. Throbbing. (therid.) Forehead to Verteac. Beaviness. merc-bin. Drawing. Sep. Dull. mosch. r. Pressing. gymnoclad. Shooting. caust. meny. Sep. Tearing. laur. Sep. Tensive, umercurial. Forehead to Temples. Pain. Cimicif. Drawing. alcohol-s, plat. l. rhod. I89 Dull. camph. JWumb. cinnab. r. Pressing. alcohol-s. rhod. l. Shooting. mur-ac. Tearing. alcohol-s. croton. r. kalm. l. rhod. Tensive. mercurial. Forehead to Sides of Head. Drawing. alcohol-s. l. Tearing. caust. r. Porehead to Entire Head. Pain. asaf. Pressing. stront. Val. r. Middle Forehead to Verter. Tearing. chel. Above Eyes to Verter. Pain. cimicif. r. triangularly, gymnoclad. Jerking. brom. Above Eyes to Temple. Pain. cimicif. r. Above Eyes to Occiput. Pain. Cimicif. l. Pressing. kreos. r. spong. Cutting. bism. r. Above Nose to Right Frontal Eminence. Contractive. bov. l. Above Nose to Verteac. Jerking. brom. Frontal Eminence to Temple. Tearing. arg. r. mang. l. I90 Frontal Eminence to Side of Head. Shooting. stront. l. Frontal Ehninence to Occiput. Pressing. Spig. l. Shooting. matr. l. Tearing. natr. l. spig. l. Behind Orbit to Occiput. Pressing. kali-nit. r. Tearing. kali-nit. r. Temples to Forehead. Pain (meeting in centre of forehead), cupr-ars. Squeezing. Calc. l. Drawing. ath. l. calc. l. lact-v. Pressing. Seneg. Verat. Shooting. anac. P. arn. bry. Squill. P. Spong. l. to left forehead. borax. r. Tearing, phos-ac. /. Bursting. bell. ". Jerking. Squill. ". Temples to Vertex. Pain. gymnoclad. l. Drawing. tab. l. Pressing. coccus. Pressing out. alcohol-s. Shooting. berb. r. tab. l. | Tearing. ambr. l. laur. l. mercurial. r. matr-S. r. Temples to Sides. Tearing. Sep. l. Temples to Occiput. Pressing. Coff phos-ac. l. pimp. Shooting. alcohol-s. l. iris-V. bones. evon. ). Temples to Entire Head. Pressing. pSOr. l. 191 Verteac to Forehead Contractive. ign. phell. Pressive. hydr-ac. ign. Shooting. nice. Throbbing. cinnab. Verter to Temples. Burning. pimp. Drawing. iod. l. Dull. acon. Pressive. iod. l. pimp. Shooting. pimp. Hammering. paull. Verter to Sides. Shooting. micc. Verter to Occiput. Pain. gels. Drawing. cinnab. Pressing. ol-an. Shooting. magn-c. Vertea to Entire Head. Contractive. Val. Pressing. bar-c. Verter to Centre of Braim Drawing. thuy. Tearing. thuy. Sides to Forehead. Drawing. guaiac. r. Knife thrusts. bell. r. Shooting. guaiac. r. Tearing. guaiac. r. Sides to Temple. Drawing. dros. l. Shooting, fluor-ac. l. hura. l. natr-m. I Jerking. nitr-ac. l. L92 Sides to Verteac. Knife thrusts. bell. r. Tearing. colch. l. Sides to Occiput. Boring. magn-c. r. Drawing. dros. r. Knife thrusts. bell. r. Shooting. magn-c. r. nux. l. ol-an. Tearing. ol-an. Parietal to Forehead. Drawing. guaiac. l. Shooting. guaiac. l. Tearing. con. l. Parietal to Verteac. Shooting. mang. l. Tearing. mang. l. Parietal to Occiput. Shooting. tab. tongo. r. Above Ears to Verteac. Drawing. gamb. r. lach. r. Tearing. lach. Occiput to Forehead. Confusion. atham. lob-infl. Beaviness. carb-an. Vertigo. ang. carb-v. Senec-aur. sil. Pain. cubebs, glon. Drawing. natr. Sars. in bones, to r. frontal, in a crooked line over r. temple. 2,I'Q'. pºsiºn. r. bov. camph. l. caps. mur-ac. in bones, to l. frontal, in a curved line over l, temple. Sabin. l. Cutting. camph. l. Shooting. cinnab. Sars. Tearing. ambr. aur. r. chin. r. merc. in bones, to l. frontal, in a crooked line over l. temple. Sabin. l. I93 Tensive. mur-ac. Throbbing. bar-c. Occiput to Temple. Pain. Seneg. Tearing. anac. Occiput to Vertex. Pain. glon. Dull. cimicif. Pressing. carb-an. dig. Shooting. Sep. Tearing. ambr. magn-m. rat. Throbbing. magn-m. Occiput to Sides. Confusion. hydr-ac. r. Pain. Spig. l. Pressing. asar. l. in bone. bar-C. r. Tearing (to right. Side). aeth. l. Occiput into Entire Head. Fulness, glon. Heat. glon. Pain. glon. Seneg. Tearing. aeth. r. carb-v. Occiput to Centre of Brain. Jerking. arg—n. § Upper Occiput to Forehead. Blows. Sabad. Lower Occiput to Forehead. Tearing. anac. r. Mastoid (Scalp) to Left Forehead. Drawing. Sars, r. Stinging. Sars. 1. Base of Brain to Vertex. Throbbing. glon. g Centre of Brain to Parietal. Pain. hydrast. r. 25 194 Centre of Brain to Occiput. Pressing. gram. r. To Eyes from Head. Pain. puls. Seneg. Cramping. Stront. — Digging, calc. — Drawing. kreas, stront. — Pressing. calc. — Shooting. lach. — Tearing. ars. Tensive. nitr-ac. Forehead. Pain. badiag. phos. Cramping. matr. — Dºll. ign. — Pressing. agar. bov. Calc. P. ign. r. kali. mosch. Val. r. — Pressing down. ant-t. — Shooting. berb. gels. Tºaring, arg—n. kali, natr. rhod. Above eyes. Shooting. apis. r. Frontal eminence. Pressing. thuy. r. Jerking. thuy. 7. Temples. Pressing. berb. coccus. !. Shooting, anag. berb. r. graph. r. Tearing. gran. r. Verte.c. Pain. op. Drawing. Crotal. 4 — Pressing. calc-ac. ign. panac. sil. Shooting. calc. Lateral. Pain. brom. l. merc-iod. r. Bruised. bronn. r. (diagonally.) — Pressing, caust. 1. Spig. r. — Shooting. calc. r. hura. l. magn-m. r. Tearing. magn-m. r. Occiput. Jerking (not pain). mur-ac. Pain. eryng. To Orbits from Head. Shooting. hura. Forehead. Pain. polygonum. Pressing, val. Temples. Pain. lith-c. l. Cutting. chin. — Pulsative. lach. r. 195 Vertex. Boring. elaps. Pressing out. Op. Laterally. Pain. lepid. l. polygonum. Bruised. Crotal. l. Parietal. Pressing, stann. r. Tearing. mur-ac. r. Occiput. Cutting, chin. To Left External Canthus from Above nose. Stinging. kali-bich. Pressing. kali-bich. To Brow from Frontal bone. Pressing. lye. r. Tearing. lye. r. Jerking. lyc. r. To Ears from Head. Pain. galv. Shooting. hura. Forehead. Constrictive. haem. l. Shooting. diosc. r. Tearing. tereb. Above eyes. Paim. osmium. Shooting, cinnab. 1. Promiaſ eminence. Shooting. bov. 7. Tearing. bov. r. Temples. Pain. gymnoclad. l. — Compressive. Sars. — Squeezing. prun. r. — Pressing. Sars. — Cutting. glon. /T] º Tearing. bov. 1. Vertex. Boring. lepid. l. Pressing. bell. r. — Shooting. agar. Tºaring. agar. Lateral. Contractive, croc. l. Bruised. grat. r. — Shooting. indig. ... kali-bich. r. nate-m. l. ol-an. Tearing, lyc. (, ol-an. Occiput. Heaf. aese. Digging, coccus. !. I96 Occiput. Pressing. lyc. Shooting, puls. Scalp. Boring. sep Drawing. Sep. To Nose from Head. Digging. calc. Pressing. calc. Shooting. lach. JForehead. Dull. dios.c. : Pressive. lyc. r. mosch. — Shooting. col. dig. — Tearing. lach. lyc. r. Jerking. lyc. r. Throbbing. gamb. Above eyes. Pain. ran-bulb. r. Above nose. Pressing. mosch. Frontal eminence. Pressing. Op. Shooting. Squill. 1. Temples. Pain. hydrast. l. Verteac. Drawing. colch. l. dulc. Throbbing. merc-bin. r. Lateral. Tearing. carb-v. l. Occiput. Drawing. cornus-circ. To Root of Nose from Head. Digging. ant-t. Drawing. agar. Lacerating. nux. Forehead. Drawing. agar. borax. kali. nux. Pressing. borax. bov. kali. Op. — Pressing down. am-m. — Tearing. bov. kali. Tensive. m-arct. Frontal eminence. Drawing. cina. l. Lateral. Shooting. phos. r. To Point of Nose from Head. Constrictive. cubebs. Forehead. Cramping. matr. Boring. bism. — Digging, bism. I97 Forehead. Pressing. op. — Tearing. natr. Frontal eminence. Drawing. dulc. To Nasal Cavities from Forehead. Pressive. ign. To Face from Head. Pain. carb-v. r. Constrictive. cubebs. Forehead. Pain. haem. l. Dull. merc-iod. Tearing. ambr. Temples. Drawing. Seneg. Tearing. am-m. r. arg—m. r. kali. l. kreos. l. lachnanth. Y. laur. l. Seneg. Vertex. Tearing. (left face.) til. r. To Cheeks from Head. Digging. calc. Drawing. bry. calc. r. graph. — Pressing. calc. — Tearing. kreos. Jerking. bry. Throbbing. Spong. Forehead. Pressing. ign. Tearing. electr. guaiac. l. ipec. Lateral. Shooting. kali-bich. 1. Tearing. bry. r. (Scalp.) Drawing. natr-m. To Malar Bomes from Above mose. Stinging. rhus. Pressing. mosch. Temples. Shooting. kali. l. Frontal bone. Drawing. evon. l. To Zygoma from JHead. Shooting. cina. I98 * Temples. Drawing. ant-t. r. Shooting. Vinca. l. Vertex. Tearing. phos. Parietal. Digging. arg—n. l. Shooting. arg—n. l. To Mazillary Joint from Temples. Shooting. mercurial. l. Tearing. kali. l. To Jaws from Head. Pain. kali-chlor. Drawing. bry. calc. r. Jerking. bry. Above eyes. Shooting. Sulph. r. Frontal sinus. Drawing. kreas. r. Lateral. Tearing. bry. r. Parietal. Shooting. cimex. r. Occiput. Pain. kali-chlor. Shooting. nitr-ac. To Upper Jaw from Plead. Tearing. kreas. nux. Above eyes. Pressing. Spong. Shooting. acon. Temples. Drawing. ant-t. r. Zingib. l. Tearing. kreas. Jerking. chin. Verteac. Tensive. stront. To Lower Jaw from Head. Drawing. aran. Forehead. Pressing. val. r. Shooting. brom. Temples. Pain. Ox-ac. l. Throbbing. kreas. l. Lateral. Shooting. hura. l. Occiput. Drawing. bar-c. plat. l. tongo. r. Tearing. ran-bulb. l. Scalp, forehead. Squeezing. bell. Scalp, temple. Creeping. plat. As if flesh was torn off. natr-m. r. 199 To Submarillary Region from Temples. Shooting. arum-tr. r. To Teeth from Head. Digging. calc. Pressing. calc. Shooting. hura. l. Forehead. Paim. haem. l. Temples. Cramp-like. natr-m. l. Tearing. cupr. kreas. r. l. laur. l. Lateral. Bruised. Crotal. l. Occiput. Raw, prun, l, rhus. Drawing. mosch. Pressing. prun. l. Scalp. Boring. Sep. Drawing. Sep. To Upper Teeth from JForehead. Pain. kalm. ". Tearing. electr. Temples. Tearing. lachn. l. Lateral. Shooting. dig, Tensive, dig. To Lower Teeth from Temples. Stinging. sars. r. Digging. coccus. !. Lateral. Pressive. (left teeth.) sabad. r. To Root of Tongue from Head, Bruised. ipec. To Palate from Vertex. Shooting. mafr—m. To Throat from Lateral. Contractive. croc. l. 200 To Chest from Płead. Shooting. natr-m. Porehead. Pain. cinnab. l. Shooting. cham. Tearing. cham. Temples. Bruised. coccus. l. Occiput. Constrictive. graph. To Neck from Plead. Drawing. graph. Shooting. matr-m. Tearing. Spong. Forehead. Pain. kalm. Temples. Pressing. bov. r. JBruised. coccus. !. — Digginſ. COccus. !. — Tearing. merc. l. Throbbing. bov. r. Lateral. Pain, lach. r. merc-iod. r. Occiput. Pressive. hep. To Nape from JForehead. Drawing. borax. Pressing. borax. Above Eyes. Pressing. Spong. Temples. Pain. merc-iod, r. Pressing. pimp. Tearing. kali-hydr. l. Lateral. Stinging. Sars. l. Occiput. Drawing. bry. Pressing. ipec. pimp. — Pressing out. calc-ac. l. — Tearing, ambr. l. ran-bulb. l. — Tensive. ipec. pimp. Jerking. calc-ac. l. To Sides of Neck from Above eyes. Shooting. cinnab. r. eryng. l. To Cervical Vertebra from Lateral. Shooting. bar-ac. l. 2Ol To Back from Occiput. Constrictive. graph. To Spine from Vertex. Pressive. benz-ac. To Clavicle from Temples. Bruised, coccus. l. Digging. coccus l. To Scapula from Occiput scalp. Pressive. hep. To Shoulder from Above eyes. Shooting. eryng. l. Lateral. Pain. lach. r. Occiput. Drawing. gels. Pressing. ipec. Tensive. ipec. Mastoid. Pain. hydrast. Through Aacillae to Arm from Parietal. Cimex. r. To Ball of Right Hand. Lateral. Shooting. phos. r. JFrom Nose to Forehead. Tearing. matr-m. Occiput. Shooting. cic. From Ear to Verter. Drawing. gamb. From Left Malar Bone to Temples. Tearing. bry, r. Jerking. bry. r. 26 202 JFrom Lower Jaw to Head. Tearing. magn-s. & From Teeth to Temples. Tearing. cupr. From Chest to Head. Pain. glon. JFrom Heart to JHead. Pain. lith-c. JFrom Abdomen to Head. Pulsative. rheum. From Neck to Head. Pain. glon. Sang. Stupefying. bell. Lateral. Tensive. apis. l. From Nape to Head. Vertigo. sil. Pain, verat-vir. — Drawing. Calc. ferr. — Pressing. fluor-ac. Bursting. sil. Forehead. Pain. mez. Drawing. ambr. Tearing. electr. tepl. Throbbing. tepl. Vertex. Pressing, guaiac. Jerking. rat. Occiput. Shooting. kali. From Back to Head. Shooting. Sep. From Shoulder to Occiput. Cutting. eupat-purp. 203 Alternating Symptons in Head. Heat, with Cold. berb. phos. Humming, with Stitches in temple, mang. r. Temples. Pressing, with Shooting. tab. Pressing, with pressing in 1'. forehead. teucr. r. — Pressing, with pressing in verteac. phos. Compressive, with drawing in Occiput. bry. Sides. Shooting, with pressure over eyes. matr-m. l. Occiput Scalp. Bruised, with drawing, rhod. r. Alternating with other parts of Body. Clearness of ideas, with heaviness of head. murex. Eacalted imagination, with stupefying constrictive pain in forehead. hyos. Right orbit and forehead. Pressing. bell. Toothache, with drawing and pressing above eyes. bry. r. with pain in forehead. kalm. Swelling of abdomen, with pain in head. Stram. Diarrhoea, with pain in head. podoph. Cough, with pain in head. lach. Cramp in chest, with pain in forehead. lachmanth. Pain in back, with pain in forehead. brom. pressing in vertex. Op. l. Pain in mape, with pain in head. hyos. Pain in loins, with intoxication. alum. with pain in head. brom. CONDITIONS. Day. ant-c. Night. acon. agar, alum. ambr. alm-c. anac. ang. ant-t. arg—n. arn. ars. ars-hyd. aster. bell. bov. bov. bry. cact. calc. camph. canth. carb an: caust. cham. chin. cic. cimicif. cinnab. Col. Con. Cormus-c. Croc. cupr-ars. cycl. daphn. dig. dulc. elaps. eug. fluor-ac. glon. grat. guaiac. hep. hura, hyp, indig, jugl-cin. kali. kali-bromu. Kali-hyd. kali-lit. lam. laur. lob-infl. lye. m-aust. magn-C. magn-C. magn-S. mang. merc. merc- bin. merc-iod, mez. matr, matr-m. matr–S. matr—S. mice. nitr-ac. mux, ol-an. Oleand. Op. paris. paull. petr. phos. plat. psor. puls. puls-nutt. raph. rat. rhus. rhus-r. Sars. Sep. sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuy. til. Verat. viol-tr. zinc. 204 Morning. acon. agar. alcohol-s. alum. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arg—n. arn. ars. asar, aster. aur. badiag. bar-ac. bar-c. bell. berb. bism. borax. bov. bov. brom. bry. Calc. calc-ac. calc- phOS. calad. calend. camph. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Castor. caust. Cervus. cham. chin. cic. cimi- cif. cinc. cinch-S. cinnab. cinnab. clem. cobalt. cocc. coccus. coff col. commoclad. con. convolv. Croc. croton, crotal. cupr. cycl. daphn. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. eupat-purp. ferr, fluor-ac. galv. gamb. glon, gran. graph, guano. guaiac. hell. hep. hipp-manc. hura. hyos. hyp. ign, indig. iod. ipec. jacarand. jatroph. juncus. jugl-cin. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kalm. lachnanth. lact-v. lam. laur. led. lepid. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn-c. magn-m. magn-s. magm-S. mang. merc. mercurial. mez. mur- ac. murex. myrist. matr. matr-rm. natr-S. mice. nitr-ac. muphar. nux-m. nux. Ol-an. Ol-an. Ox-ac, paeon. pallad. panac. paull, pedic. petiv. petr. phos. phos-ac. phell. pimp. plumb. plumbago. podophl. psoric. puls. puls- nutt. ran-bulb. ran-Scel. raph. rheum. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. Samb. Sars. Sarrac-p.scrof. Seneg. Sep. sil. Sol-t-gegr. Spig. Squill. Stam. Staph. Stram. stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tell. therid, thuy. tongo. triost. Verat. Zingib. zinc. Forenoon. acon. alum. ambr. am-C. am-lm. ang-sp. ant-c. arg—n. aur. badiag. bar-ac. bar-c. borax. bov. brom. bry. Calc. cann. canth, carb-an. Castor, chel. chin. cimicif. cinnab. cobalt. cocc. col. con. dig. dulc. euphorb. fluor-ac. gamb. graph. hep. indig. kali. kali-bich. kali-nit. lach. lact-v. lob-infl. lyc, m-arct. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. merc-iod. Imatr. natr-m. natr-S. mice. nux. nux-j. nux-m. pedic. petiv. phell. phos. phOS-ac. plumb, ran-bulb. rhus-r, rumex. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Serp. sil, spiggur. staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tongo. Val, zinc. Noon. aeth, ant-c. arg. ars, aster, berb. bry. cale. carb-v. cervus. cinnab. cobalt. con. dig. dulc. eupat-purp. fluor-ac. kalm. lachnanth. merc. myrist. natr. natr- m. Inuphar. mux-m. Ol-an. petiv. phos. psor. puls. rhus-r. Sars. Sol-t-aegr. Spong, stront. tepl. Val, zin- gib. zinc. Afternoon. aeth. agar. alcohol-S. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang, ang-sp. arg—n. ars, asaf aster. aur. badiag. 205 bar-ac. bar-ac. benz-ac. berb. borax. bov. brom. bry. bufo calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. castor. caust. caust. chin. cic. cimicif. cinch-s. cobalt. coccus. coff. col. dig. elaps. euphr. ferr. gamb. graph. grat. guano. hell. hep. hyp. ign. indig. iod. janiph. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. lach. lact-v. laur. lepid. lyc. m-arct. m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. merc-bin. mez. mur-ac. matr. matr-m. natr-S. matr-8. nice. nitr-ac. nux. nux-j. Ol-an. Ol-am. Op. pallad. pedic. petiv. petr. phell, phos. phos-ac. pimp. plat. plumb. puls-nutt. ram-bulb. rhus, rhus-r. rhus-r. Sang. Sars. Selen. Senec-aur. Sep. sil. Sol-t-degr. spong. Staph. stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. thuy. Val. zinc. — 3 p.m. staph. — 4 natr-S. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. lyc. I'vening. acon. agnus. alcohol-s, allium-cep, alum, alum. ambr. am-c. ann-m. anac. anac. ang, ang-sp. ant-c. ant-t. aran. arg. arg—n. arist. ars, aur. badiag, bar-c. bell. bism. borax. bov. branc. bufo, calc. calc. calc-ac. calc-phos. calend. Camph. Caps. carb-am. carb-V. castor, caust. cham. chin. chin. Chin-S. cimieif. cine. cinch-S. cinch-S. cinnab. cist, clem. cocc. coccus. Col. col. convolv. cornus-circ. crotal. Croc. dig. dulc. eryng, eug. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. gent-c. graph. hep. hura. hyos. hyp. ign. indig. indig. iod. jacarand. kali. kali-bich. Kali-bich. kali-chlor. kali-hydr. kali- nitr, kalm. kreos. lach. lachnanth. lam, laur. lepid. lob-infl. lyc. nigs, m-aust. magn-c. magm-c. magn-m. magn-s, mang. meny. merc. merc-bin. merc-bin. merc-iod. mercurial. meZ. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr- m. nice. nitr-ac. nuphar. nux. nºta. nux-j. Ol-an. Ole- and paeon. panac. paris. paull. pedic. petr. phos. phOS- ac. plat. plumbag. plumb podoph. psor. puls. Pan- bulb. ran-rep, ran-scel, rat. rhod. Thus, rhus. rhus-r. rhus-ven. ruta. ruta, Sang. Sars. Sars. Seneg. Selen. serp. sep. sil. Sol-lyc, Sol-t-aegr. Sol-l-agr. Spig. Spong. stann. stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tereb. therid. thea, thuy, tongo. trombid. Val. verat. Wisb. zinc. Before midnight, am-m. anac. caust. chin. coccus, dule. lach. puls. rhus. Sep. Midnight. coccus. After midnight. ars. bry. carb-an. cimicif. ferr, hep. kali. mere, psor. puls. Sep. sil. thuy. triost. 206 In a room. acon. ð. aeth. agar, agar. alcohol-s, allium-cep. am-C. am-m. apis. arg. ars. aur. bell. bov. bov. carb-v. caust. caust. chim. cimicif, cobalt. cocc. coff, croc. cycl. eupat-perf. ferr. fluor-ac. grat. grat. hep. hep. hyos, jatroph. kreas. lach. lact-v. laur. lyc, m-aust. m-aust. magn-C. magn-m. Tragm-S. mang, mang. meny. merc. mere. meZ. mosch. mur-ac. matr. natr-m. nice. ol-an. Ol-an. paeon. phell. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhod, rhus. Sabad. Selen. Seneg. Sep. sil, spong, staph, stram. Sulph, sulph-ae, tab. tongo. val. Zingib. zinc. In a warm room. am-c. cinnab. coccus. hydrast, lact-v. magn-m. matr-m. nual. phos. phOS-ac. plat. plant. puls. Seneg. Sil. Sulph. Zinc, Zingib. 2ingib. On entering a 7'00m. bov. natr-s. ol-an. Sitting still in warm room. mere. Entering warm room from cold air. ran-bulb. spong, verb. Entering cold air from warm room. ran-bulb. verb. In open air, acon. acon. aeth. (eth. agar. alcohol-S. allium-cep. alum. alum. ambr. am-c. am-c. am-m. anag, ang, ang. ant-C. ant-c. aram. arg. arg—n. arn. ars, ars, ars-cit. asar. (aster.) aur. aur. bar-c. bell. bell. berb. boraac. bov. bov. branc. bry. cadm-S. calc. calc. calc-ac. calc- phos. camph. canth. carb-an. Castor, caust. caust. cham. chel. chin. chim-s. cimicif. cina. cinnab. cobalt. cobalt. cocc. coccus, coff coff. col. col. comoclad. con. corall. crotal. Croton, croton. dioSc. dros. dulc. dule. eupat- perf. euphorb. ferr. fluor-ac. gamb. grat. grat, heliot. hell. hell. hep. hep. hydrast, hydr-ac. ign. indig. iod. jacarand. jacarand. Jatroph. kali. kali. kali-bich. Kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-mit. kalm. kreas. lach. lach. lachnanth. lam. laur. laur. led. lith-c. lob-infl. lyc. lye, m-arct. m-aust. m-aust, magn-C. magm-m. magn-S. mang, mang. meny, meny, merc. mere, mez, mosch. mur-ac. myrist, matr. natr-m. matrºn. nice, nice. nitr- ac. muphar. nux, oleand. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. paris. petr. phell. phell, phos. phos. plat. plat. plumb, podoph. puls. ran-bulb. rat. rhod. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. ruta. Sars. Sars. Seneg. Senec-aur. Sep. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spiggur. Spong. Stann. Stann. Staph. Staph. Sulph. Sulph. Sulph- ac. Sulph-ac, tab. tarax, taraz. tepl. thea. thuy. Val. viol-t. wisb. 2ine. Zingib. . On first going into open air. eupat-perf. 207 In cold air. anac. ant-t, camph. caps. carb-a. dros. hydrast. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux. phos. puls. sil. Stront. Zingib. In bed. agar. alum. am-c. bell. borax. bry. carb-an. Carb-v. coccus. Col. dulc. hell. graph. hyp. ign. jugl-cin. kali-nit. lam. laur. lye. m-aust. magn-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. merc. merc-iod. matr. matr-m. matr-S. nice. nitr-ac. nux. nux-j. Ol-an. petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. ran-bulb. rhod. rhus. rhus–r. Sabad. Sarracen-p. sep. spig, stann. Staph. stront. Sulph. tab. tereb. Zl Il C. When warm in bed. ant–t. apis. carb-v. clem. cocc. merc. puls. rhus. sil. Staph. Sulph. In church. merc-iod. Zingib. By touch. acon. agar. agnus. anis, arg. ars, asaf aur. bar-a. bar-c. berb. bov. bry. carb-an. caust. chin. col. con. cubebs. Cupr. daphn. dros. euphorb. graph. grat. hep. hyos. ign. kali-nit. lact-v. magn-m. mang. mang. merc. merc. merc-iod. mez, mosch. mur-ac. mur-ac. natr-m. natr–S. nit-ac. nux. nux-m. paris. petr. phos- ac. rhod. rhus. ruta. Sabad. Sang. Sars. Sars. Sep. sil. staph. Sulph. thuy, tongo. viol-t. zimgib. By pressure. (eth, agar. alum. am-c. am-c. am-m. am-m. anac. ang. ant-C. ant-C. apis. aram. arg. arg—n. ars, aspar. b § bell. bism. bry. cact. calc. calc. calc-ac. calad. camph. camph. carb-am. castor. castor. caust. chel. chin. chim. cina. cinnab. cinnab. coccus. com. croc. cupr. cupr—ars. cycl. dioSc. dioSc. eupat-perf glon, glom. grat. guaiac. hell. hep. hydrast. hydrast, ipec, ipec. kali. kali-hyd. kali-nit. lach. lach. laur. lepid. lye. magn-C. magm-c. magn-m. magm-m. mang. meny. meny, merc. merc-iod. mez. mur-ac. mur-ac. murex. natr. matr. natr-m. matr-m. matr S. nitr-ac. nwar. mur- m. oleand. Op. paris. petiv. phos. phos. phos-ac. phos- ac. plant. podoph. prun. puls. ran-Scel. Sabad. Sabin. Sabin. Sars. Sep. sil. Spig. Stamm. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. teucr. thuy, urt-wr. verat. verb. viol-t. By pressure of hat. carb-v. croton. glon. hydrast. nitr-ac. sil. Sulph. val. By binding head. arg—n. branc. cale. hep, magm-m. sil. By pressing head into pillow. ang. cinnab. cinnab. cupr-ars. Supporting head. aram. bell. dros, gymnoclad. kali-bich. matr- m. nur. Seneg. Sol-lyc, Staph, tongo. verb. Leaming against something. cic. cycl. Leaning painless side against Something. cann. º 208 Leaning left cheek on hand. verb. Laying hand on head. bell. electr. hydrast, mere. warm hand. cinnab. cold hand. hydrast. Taking hold with hand. natr-m. Laying head on table. ang. merc. rhod. Sabad. Sulph. By rubbing. (eth. alum. ars, caust. chel. dros. laur. nice. ol- an. phos. phos-ac. plat. staph. tereb. urt-ur. By Scratching. agar, agnus. ars. bar-c. bar-c. brom. caps. caps. chel. chim. clem. cobalt. hep. kali. kali-hydr. laur. laur. lyc. mang. merc. mez. mez. mosch. nitr-ac. ol-an. Oleand. paris. petr. phos. rhod. ruta. Samnb. Sars. Selen. Sep. sil. Squill. Staph. Sulph. Sulph. thuy, tongo. Vinc. wish, zinc. After Scratching. lach., rhod. Sulph. Not relieved by Scratching. Sars. By lying. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-t. apis. arm. arg. ars. asar. asclep-t. aur. bell. bell. borax. bov. brom. calc. camph. camph. canth. carb-am. carb-v. carb-v. chim. chin-s. (cimicif.) cinc. cinnab. cinnab. clem. con. con. cupr. cycl. dig. dule. euphorb. euphr. ferr. ferr. fluor-ac. fluor-ac. glom. grat. hell. hep. ign, iod. kali. kali. kali-bich. lach. lachnanth. lam. lith-c. lye. lye. mgs. magn-C. magm-c. magn-m. magn-S. mang. mer- curial. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. matr. natr-m. matr-m. nicc. nitr-ac. nitr-ac. nux. nual. nux-m. nux-j. Oleand. ox-ac. petiv. petr. petr. phell. phos. phos. phos-ac. puls. rhod. Thus, rhus. rhus-r. Sabad. Sang. Sep. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spig. Spiggur. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tepl. therid, thuy, thuy, tongo. verat. wisb. zinc. on back, cinnab. col. ign. mere. nux, nur. petr, sep. Spong. Sulph. verat. R horizontally. Spong. Spig. — with head low. petr. stront. — with head high. caps, natr-m. Spig. Sulph. on side. calad. calc. carb-v. ign. magn-c. mere, puls. Sep. Spong. — on left side. cinnab. — on right side. cinnab. — on painful part. bar-c. euphorb. graph. hippomanes. âgn. nux. muz. phos-ac. plant, puls, rhus. Sep. Sep. sil. Spig. stam. Staph. Sulph, thuy. 209 on painless part, brom, graph. magn-c. nux, nuz, puls. SéIO. 2n ºrong position. anac. merc. Still. dulc. merc. Sang. Stram, tell. after slight exercise. iod. quiet in bed. Colch. After lying. alum. (eupat-purp.) By kneeling. magn-c. By Standing. acon. agar. alum. apis. arg. ars. aur. bov. bry. calc. calc. calc-ac. calc-ac. cann. canth. Castor, caust. chin. cic, col. cycl. dig. euphorb. glon. graph. guaiac. kali. kali-bich. lach. led. m-arct. magn-c. mang. mercurial. merc. merc-sulph. mur-ac. nicc. oleand. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. plumb. plumb. podophl. ran-bulb. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. Sabin. Sang. Sars. scrof. sil. Spig. stann. Staph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. taraac. teuer. tepl. thuy. Val. Verat. zinc. zingib. at window. Sars. By leaning back. Spig. By Sitting. acon. aeth. agar. alcohol-S. alum. am-m. anac. ang-sp. apis. arān, arg. ars, ars, asar, bar-c. bell. bell. bism. borax. bov. branc. bry. bry. calad. calc. calc-ac. canth. carb-an. Carb-V. castor. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. coff coff. col. con. dig. eug. evon. fluor-ac. gent-cr. grat. guaiac. hydrast, ign. indig. iod. kali. lach. lach. lam. led. lith-c, lyc, m-arct. m-aust. magn-c. magn-c. magn-m. magn-m. mang. mang. meny, meph. mercurial. merc. merc. merc-bin. mosch. natr. natr- m. natr-m. natr-S. nicc. muſc. Op. paris. petiv. phell. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. puls. ran-bulb. ran-Scel. rat. rhod. rhus. ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Seneg. Sep. Sep. sil. Spig. Spig. Spong. Squill. Sulph. tarax. tepl. tereb. triost. Verat. verat. viol-od. viol-t, zinc. By sitting up in bed. acon. arn. ars. bry. canth. cham. cocc. cupr. guaiac. kali. mur-ac. matr-m. ran-rep. rhus. Sep. sil. Stann. zinc. By sitting still in room. Sulph-ac. On sitting up late at night. zinc. After long sitting. Sars. By Sitting up, aloes. ars, bell. cic. haem, ign. guaiac, m-aust. mang. merc. mur-ac. tell. Verat. By sitting erect. ant-t. By sitting bent. ant-t. eryng. By Sitting after walking. colch. 27 210 By sitting with head and shoulders supported on a high pil- low. gels. By rest, acon, agar. alcohol-S. ant-t. arn. arg. arg. arg—nit. bell. benz-ac. brom. bry. calc. caps. chel. cic. cupr- ars. cycl. gamb. gent-c. glon. hell. hep. hydrast, ign. iris-V. kali. kali-bich. kali-nit. kali-mit. lact-v. lye. lye. natr. matr-m. natr-S. nual. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhod. rhod. rhus. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Staph. Sulph. sulph. thuy. Val. After resting. lach. By moving head, alcohol-s. ann-c. arn. ars, asar. bar-ac. bar-c. cact. calc. Cann. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cina. clem. coccus. cocc. col. con. con. Croc. fluor-ac. gent-cr. glon. graph. hell. ipec, kali. kali-bich. lach. lact-v. magn. mang. meZ. mosch. natr-m. nux. nux-j. nux-m. Ol-an. pedic. plat. rhod. rhus. rhus-v. Samb. sars. Sep. Spig. Squill. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tepl. therid. viol-Od. from Side to side, cupr. — up and down. Chin. — quickly. Sang. — when lying. (therid.) to left. magn. By shaking head, acon. apis, asar. bell, carb-v. caust. coc- cus. corall. Cornus-circ. dig, gels, glon. hep. lact-v. lob-c. lyc, m-aust. natr-m. nitr-ac, nux. nux-m. phell. rhus. Sep. Spig. wisb. By turning head. aeth, agar. amphisb. bar-ac. calc. canth. chin-S. coccus. Col. Con, glon, graph. hyos. kali. lyc. magn-S. mang, natr. natr—m. petiv. phos-ac. plant. sep. sil. Spig. staph. tell. quickly, calc. kali, natr. to right. aeth. By nodding. coccus. By raising head. ang. arn, ars, bry. bry. caps. carb-an. carb-v. card. clem. Croc. grat. ign. kali. mang. nux. squill. Sulph. Verat. viol-t. from pillow. cact. By bending head back. anac. aur. bar-c. bell. bell, cact. chin. chim. clem. dig. elaps. #. kali-bich. kali-nit, lyc. mang. murex, plant, phos-ac. rhus. Spig. thuy. Val. Øerdi. By bending head forward. apis. asar. bar-ac. bell. cupr. dig. dig. elaps. hyos. phos-ac. rhus-r. Staph. Sulph. 2II By bending head to one side. chin. meny. panac. tab. right. cubebs. left. bell. By bending head down while Stooping. commoclad. By laying head on One Side. meny. memy. G By rocking head. corall. By holding up head. bar-ac. dros. morph-ac. Sol-t-aegr. spong. taraX. By moving Scalp. cinnab. hyos. rhus-r. Sabin. frontal Scalp. mang. By pinching up Scalp. ars-met. By drawing Scalp smooth. clem. By pressing skin towards temples. hydrast. By pressing skin towards mid-forehead. hydrast, By holding hands near head. Sulph-ac. By frowning. ars, calc-caust. natr-m. phos. Sulph. By pulling hair. ars-met. By combing hair. bry. eryng. kreas. merc-iod. matr-S. rhus-r. Sars. Selen. Sol-t-aegr. By cutting hair. bell. By pushing hair back. puls. rhus. By Stroking hair. am-c. ars-cit. puls, rhus. By letting down hair. kali-mit. By moving hands. coccus. By moving arms. ferr-mag. Sep. Spong. By eacerting arms, caust. coccus. matr-s. By raising arms. bar-c. By turning round. agar. am-c. cham. fluor-ac. glon. ipec. kali. kalm. kreas. mez. matr-m. phos. plant. therid. By turning in bed. carb-v. con. meph. By turning quickly. kali. By Stooping. acon. alcohol-s. alum. am-C. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arn. asar. aur, bapt. bar-c. bell. bell. berb. borax. bov. brom. bry. calc. calc-ac. calc-caust. calc- iod. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. card. caust. caust. cham. chel. chin. chin-S. cie. cinch-S. cima. cin- nab. cobalt. coff colch. Col. con. com. corall. cornus- circ. cupr. cycl. dig. dig. dros. dros. dulc. elaps. electr. eryng, ferr-mag. fluor-ac. gels, glon, graph. grat. guano. helonias. hell. hep. hipp-manc. hydrast. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. ign. indig. indig. ipec, itu. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. kali-nitr. kalm. kreas. lach. lact-v. laur. laur. led. lye, m-awst. magn-m. magn-s. mang, mang. meny, meph. mercurial. merc. mez. 212 mill. mosch. myrica. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nice. nitr-ac. nux. nux-m. ol-an. Op. paris. pedic. petiv. petr. phos. phos-ac. phyt. plat. plumb. prun. puls, rat. Thus, rhus, rhus-r. rhus-ven. Samb. sang. serieg. Sep. sil. Sol-t-8egr. spig. Spong. staph. Sulph. tab. taraa.. tepl. teucr.therid. thuy, tongo. val. verat. veral. verb. viol-t, wisb. zinc. Zingib. After Stooping. Calc. graph. lach. lyc. By leaning forward. m-aust, mang. veral. By bending backwards. m-aust. Stann. thuy. Verat. By bending to right. magn-m. By rising fron Stooping. ang. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. Cale, calc-ac. carb-an. caust, cinnab. con. con. dig. grat. hell. hep. ign. indig. kali. kali. lam. laur. laur. lyc. magn-m. magn-S. meny, merc. mill. mosch. mur-ac. nice. nitr-ac. nux. rhus-r. Sulph-ac. tarax. tongo. viol-t. zinc. By rising from Sitting. acon. aeth. (eth. ant-t. ars, asar. aur. bov. bry. Cobalt. con. cupr-ac. dig. fluor-ac. glon. grat. iod. kali, kali-bich. lach. lam. laur, lyc. mang. merc. merc-iod. matr-S. matr-S. nitr-ac. Ox-ac. petr. phos-ac. phos. puls. Sabad. Selen. sil. Sulph. By rising from lying. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ars, asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. Calc. Castor, caust. cham. clem. cine. Con. Croc. cupr-ac. dig. dule. eug. gamb. gran. hep. hura. iod. kali-bich. kali-hyd. lach. lact-v. lye. magn. magn-m. nice. nitr-ac. Oleand. petr. phos. phos-ac. pimp. puls. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. Samb. sep. sil. Squill. Stram. Stront. Sulph. tab. (therid.) tongo. triost. By rising up in bed. Cocc. lye. Selen. By rising from bed. agar. alum. am-c. am-c. am-m. anac. apis. arn. ars, asar. aur. bar-ac. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. calc-ac. carb-an. carb-an. Carb-V. carb-v. caust. cham. cham. cinnab. cinnab. cobalt. col. con. cycl. dig. dulc. eryng. eupal-perf gels. glon, graph. graph. hep. hep. hipp-manc. hydrast. ign. ign. ipec. jugl-cin. Jugl-cin. kali. kali-bich. kali-hyd. kali-hyd. kali-nitr. kalm. lach. lam. lye, mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-m. magn-s. magn-S. merc. merc. merc-iod. merc-bin. murex. mur- ac. myrica. natr. natr-m. matr-m. natr-S. nice. nice. nitr-ac. nitr-ac. nux. nual. Ol-an. Oleand. pedic. petr. phos. phos. phos-ac. podophl. puls. ran-bulb. raph. 213 rhod. rhod. rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sep. Sep. sil. spig. Spig. squill. stront. Sulph. tab. tell. thuy, tongo. verat. By Stretching. agar. hep. By change of position. ign. val. By walking. acon. acon. agar. alcohol-S. aloes. alum. ambr. am-C. am-c. anac. ang. ang-sp. ant-C. ant-c. ant-t. aran. arg. arn. ars. ars, ars-cit. asar. asar. aster. (aster.) atham. aur. bell. berb. bov. bov. bry. bry. calc. calc. calc-ac. calc-ac. calc-phos. cann. cann-ind. canth. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-V. castor. caust. chani. cham. chel. chin. chim. Chin-S. cic. cina. cinnab. clem. cobalt. cocc. coccus. coff col. con. corall. cornus-circ. crotal. crotal. cupr-ars. dioSc. dros. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. glon. gran, graph. grat. guaiac. guaiac. hell. heliot. hep. hep. hippomanes. hyos. hura. ign. iod. ipec. junc. kali. kali-bich. kali-bich. kali-chlor. kali-nitr. lach. lam. laur. leptand. led. lyc. lye. m- arct. m-aust, magn. magm. magn-m. magn-S. mang. mang. merc. merc-Sulph. mill. mosch. mur-ac. matr. matr-m. matrim. natr-S. matr–S. nitr-ac. nux. Oleand. paeon. paris. pedic. petiv. petiv. petr. phell. phos. phos-ac. phyt. plat. plat. plumb. plumbago. puls. puls. ran-bulb. ram-bulb. rat. rheum. rhod. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. rhus-ven. ruta. Sabad. Sang. Sars. Scrof. selen. sep. Sep. sil. Spig. Spig. Spiggur. Spong. Stann. Staph. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. tarax. taraac. tell. tepl. tepl. thea. therid. thuy, thuy, verat. verb. viol-t. wisb. 2ine. Zingib. By walking fast, bell. chel. iod. Sep. By walking slowly, agar. mill. puls. Sep. After walking. calc. caust. kali. lach. mercurial. tab. After rising, walking across room, and sitting down again. olon. By walking in Swn. hippomanes. Selen. By walking in cold damp air. Zingib. By walking in open air. aeth. chin. cinc. coff corall. cycl. diosc. dros. euphorb. glom. graph. graph. grat. hydrast. led. magm-m. mang. merc-bin. mur-ac. nux, phos. puls. ruta. Sars. Sep. Sulph-ac, thuy. By walking slowly in open air. lye. By walking in cold wind. mur-ac. By walking in warm room. col. By getting warm from walking. graph. in open air, lyc. º-º- 214 After walking in open air. Spong. At every step. aloes. bell. bry. cobalt. Col. con. glon, hell. kali. lach. lye. meny. natr-m. nuphar. phos. rhus. Sep. Spig. Spong. Sulph. By Stepping hard. chin. coccus, nitr-ac. sil. Spig. By Stepping down. phyt. By a false step. led. By Stumbling. bar-c. led. Sep. sil. Spig. By Stamping on ground. alcohol-s. By ascending. aster. lach. By going up a hill. borax. calc. Sulph. By going up Stairs. alum. ant-c. arn. ars-hyd. bell. borax. cainc. cimicif, crotal. cupr-ars. dig. electr. ferr-mag. glon. hell. hydrast. kalm. lob-infla. lye, m-arct. meny. mosch. natr-m. paris, phos-ac. rhus. Sabad. Sulph. By descending. ferr. By going down stain's. con. ferr. meny. mercurial. merc-iod. By running. Calad. matr-m. By eacercise. ant-t. By violent eacercise. kali-chlor. / By eacertion. ambr. anac. atham. hell. mez. matr. nitr-ac. rhus-r. Zingib. By noving, acon. agnus. alum. am-c. am-m. ambr. anac. ant-t. apis. arg—n. ars, asclep-tub. aur. bapt. bar-ac. bell. berb. bism. bov. branc. bry. Calc. calc-phos. camph. canth. caps. carb-V. caust. chel. Chenop. chin. chin-s, cinch-s, cinnab, cobalt. coccus. colch. como-, clad. con. corall. corall. cycl. cupr. dros. dros. dulc. euphorb. fluor-ac. gamb. gels. gent-c. glon. gran. graph. grat. hell. hep. hura. hydrast, ign. indig. indig. iod. kali. kali-bich. lach. lach. lact-v. lob-c. lob-infl. lyc. magn. magn. magn-m. magn-m. magn-S. mang. meph. merc. mez. mez. mosch. mur-ac. myrica. natr. matr. natr-m. matr–S. mice. nux. nux-j. paeon. petiv. petr. petr. phell. phos. phOS-ac. phos-ac. piper. plat, prun. puls. rat. rheum. rhod. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. rumex. Sabad. Sang. Sars. Seneg. Sep. sil. Spig. Spong. stann. Stann. staph. Sulph. tab. therid. thuy. Verat. Zingib. By beginning to move. iris-v. therid. By continuing to move. iris-v. After moving. kali-chlor. On first moving after rising. glon. By the least motion. therid. 215 If others move over the floor, therid. By the least shaking, phos-ac. By a jar. cobalt. 2727a. By overlifting. calc. By lifting. ant-t. . By sewing. petr. Sulph-ac. By spinning. carb-an. gamb. By work. matr. Sol-t-aegr. By carrying a load. magn-s. By drawing a load. mur-ac. By anger. mez. petr. By eaccitement, eryng. After a pleasant surprise. coff. By mental emotion. natr-m. By vexation. castor. mgs, magn, phos. ran-bulb. By fright. mur-ac. By ill-humor. mgs. By grief phos-ac. By reading. agnus. alcohol-S. am-c. ang. apis, arg. arn. aur. borax. branc. bry. calc. carb-V. caust. cina. cinnab. cocc. coff cupr. eryng. gran. grat. ign, kiss. lyc. merc-iod. mez. morph-ac. matr-m. natr-S. paris. phos-ac. pimp. tab. By writing. arg—n. aur. borax. calc. carb-an, caust, dros. eryng. gent-l. hipp-manc. ign. kali, lye. natr-m. ran-bulb. rhod. rhus-r. sil. Spiggur. Vinc. By thinking. agar. ang. arg. arm. asar. calc-ac. calc-ac. cin- nab. cocc. coff dig, gran. hipp-manc. ign. lact-v. mez. natr. matr-m. ol-an. phos-ac. puls, rhus-r. Sa- bad. sil. terib. JBy mental exertion. anac. aur. calc. chin. cina. Colch. dig. hydrast, lyc. magn. natr. natr-m. nux, paris. petr. puls. sil. By intellectual work. agar. arg—n. asar. aur. calc-ac. calc-ac. cham. chin. cina, cocc. colch, daphn. dig. gent-cr. hell. ign, mgs. m-aust. magn. meZ. morph-ae. matr. natr-m. nitrºac. nux, paris. phos. phos-ac. pimp. psor. rhus-r. Sabad. Scutell. Sep. Sulph. By thinking of it. ant. c. camph. cic, hell. hydrast, prun. By distraction of mind. hell. By concussion of brain. cic. By opening eyes. alum. bry. chim. cochlear. ign. Imgs. petiv. rhus. sil. Py shutting eyes. apis. arm. bry, calc. con. ferr. grat, hep. 216 ipec. lach. nux. petr. phos. phOS-ac. plant. Sabin. Sep. sil. therid. thuy. JBy moving eyes, badiag. bell. bry. caps. Chin. chin-s. cinnab. cupr. dig. dros. hell. ign. kali. m-arct. mur-ac. nux. nux-j. Op. plat. puls, rhus. Sang. Sep. sil. Val. — upwards. arum-tr. caps. lepid. plumb. puls. sil. Sulph. thuy, thuy. Sideways. con. thuy. By moving lids, mosch. By looking intently, caust. gent-c. glon. helonias. lith-c. mur-ac. Oleand. paris. puls. Sabad. Sars. Spong. long. Sars. at Small objects. Scutell. — whowards. arn. Calc. caust. Cupr. glon, gran. graph. lach. lepid. m-arct. petr. plumb. puls. Sang. Sep. sil. sulph. thuy. downwards. kalm. Oleand. phyt. Spig. Sulph. Sideways. Spig. round. Con. out of a window. Ox-ac. at running water. ferr. at anything turning round. lyc. By music. ambr. phos. By noise. acon, bapt. bar-c. bell, bufo. cact. con. ign. iod. m-arct. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. Sang. Spig. therid. Zingib. Zizia. By sound of talking. cact. By hoise of hammer. hipp-manc. By blowing nose. aster. chel. euphr. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Sulph. By Smell of alcohol. Sol-t-ægr. By strong Smells. Selen. By eachalation from dirty clothes, carb-an. By Smell of coffee. lach. By epistazis. bufo. cinnab. kali-bich. JBy stopping nasal discharge, kali-bich. By opening mouth. ang. Spig. By moving jaw. calc-ac. kali. By masticating. ambr. am-m. phos. Sulph. thuy. By cheek swelling. lye. By gargling throat. carb-v. By Swallowing. magn. By hunger. sil. By being kept waiting for dinner, cist. When eating. alum. am-c anac. aran. arg—n. arn. Calend. = 217 carb-am. castor. cham. chel. chim. cinnab. con. com, dulc. graph. grat. hep. hipp-manc. kali-bich. kiss. lith-c. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. natr-m. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux. phell. phos. phos-ac. psor. ran-bulb. rhus. Sabin. Sars. sil. tab. tax-b. verb. zinc. During breakfast. coccus. During dinner, am-c. magn-m. Sars. After eating. alum. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-c. aran. arg—n. ars, bell. berb. bov, calend. carb-v. Castor. caust. caust. cham. chlor. cinnab. cimmab. cist. cocc. coff col. con. com. eryng. graph. grat. hipp-manc. ign. indig. kali. kali-bich. kali-hydr. lach. lach. lachn. lob-infl. lye. magn. magn-m. magn-S. merc. mez. natr. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux. muſc-j. nux-m. Op. petr. petr. phell. phos. phos. phyt. plumb. puls. rhus. Sars. Sec. Sep. sulph. tab. til. zinc. After breakfast. badiag. bufo. cinnab. coccus. gels. hydrast, jugl-cin. lyc. merc-sulph. nux-m. Sars. Scutell. Selen. After dinner. agar. alum. am-c. arum-tr. bar-c. bell. berb. brom. carb-an. carb-am. carb-v. Castor, caust. cina. cinnab. coccus. graph. kali. kali-bich. kali-nit. lach. lob-infl. magn. magn-m. magn-S. merc-bin. merc-iod. mur-ac. natr. matrim. natr-S. nux. nux-j. Ol-an. paeon, pedic, phos. phyt. puls. ruta. Sars. Selen. Seneg. Sol-t-aegr. tab. tongo. Val. zinc. Zingib. After Supper. carb-v. colch. hydrast, ran-bulb. After eating too much. nux-m. By eating bread. Zingib. fat food. puls. veal. kali-nit. warm things. magn. When drinking. acon. bry. cimex, cocc. lye. merc. Sep. By drinking cold drinks. dig. warm water. (therid.) vinegar. morph-ac. tongo. lemonade. Selen. coffee, arg—nit. arum-tr. cham. cocc. ign. kali-nit, natr–S. nux. — milk. brom. wine. alc-s. kali-chlor. matr. Ox-ac. rhod. Selen. zinc, — intoxicating drinks. ign. ruta. beer, calc-caust. coccus. Col. kali-chlor, rhus. Soup. phos. tea. kali-bich. Selen. Py mercury. puls. 28 218 By Smoking. ant-c. aran. calc-caust, calad. caust. cocc. gels. ign. magm. paris. Sil. zinc. By taking snuff. ign. sil. By eruetation. bry, cinnab. lach. gent-c. lach. nux. By vomiting. arn. asar. bar-m. eug. kali-bich. lach. phyt. raph. Samg. tal. viper-r. By yetching. asar. By discharge of flatus. aeth. cic. . It stool. cobalt. Col. cupr. cupr. phos. rat. Sulph, tongo. By Straining at Stool. rat. Spig. By frequent Small stools. Con. After Stool. agar, aloes. am-caust. cormºus-circ. oºc-ac. (therid.) By urination. Col. gels. Hereb. After pollutions. lach. Before menses. alum. calc. carb-an. ferr. graph. hep. iod. lach. natr. natir-m. Sars. Sil. Verat. IJuring memses. alum. am-m. berb. borax. brom. Calc. carb-an, carb-v. caust. gent-c. graph. hyos. kali. kali-hyd. kali-nit. kreas. laur, lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-S. matr. matr-m. natr-S. nitr-ac. nux. Ol-an. phos. rat. rhod. Sang. Sep. Sulph, thuy. Veral. zinc. After menses, lyc. magn. mercurial. natr-m. Ol-an. JDuring pregnancy, lach. After parturition. lye. By speaking. acon. aur. cham. chin. cocc. coff con. dig. dule, eupat-perſ, graph. ign. iod. mang, mez. natr- m. nux-j. petiv. phOS-ac. Sars. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. . (therid.) wisb. zinc. Zingib. By reading aloud. paris. By Smeezing. am-m. arn. cale. grat. hydrast. kali. magm-m. mur-ac. natr-m. nux. Sulph. By coughing. asclep-tub. ant-t. arm. aur. bell. chel. Cimex. ferr. hydrast. hyos. iris-V. Kali. lact-V. lyc. magn-s. matr-m. nux. phos-ac. ruta. Sep. Spig. Sulph. tax-b. By laughing. ars-met. iris-V. phos. tongo. zinc. Zingib. By Singing. alum. By inspiring, anac. rat. By yawning. bry. On going to Sleep. tell. thwy. During sleep. agnus. ars-met. bry. Camph. cham, dig. ferr. graph, led. magn. petr. podoph. On waking, aeth. acon, acon. agar. alcohol-S. alum. ambr. anac. anac. ant-t. apis. arg. arg—n. arn. ars, ars-met. arum-tr. asar. aur. badiag. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. berb. bov. brom. bry. cadmis. calad. calc. calc-iod. calc- 219 phos. camph. camph. Canna. Caps. carb-an. carb-v. caust. cham. Chin. cinnab. cinnab. cina. cobalt. coc- cus. coccus. cocc. coff. Col. con. Croc. cupr—ars. dig. eri- geron. Cupat-perf. fluor-ac. galv. graph. graph. grat. hell. hep. hydrast. hyp. ign. kali. kali-bich. kali-nit. kalm. kreas. lach. lact-v. lam. laur. lepid. lith-c. lith-c. lyc, mgs. Im-arct. magn. magn-m. magn-S. mang. merc. merc-bin. merc-iod. murex. myrist. matr. matr- m. nice. nitr-ac. nux. nux-m. Ol-an. Op. Ox-ac. pallad. paris. petiv. 1)etr. phos. phOS-ac. puls. puls. pSOr. raph. rhod. Thus, rhus-r. rumex. ruta. Sang. Sang. Sep. Sep. Sol-t-ægr. Spong. Squill. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. tab. thuy. thuy, trombid. Verat. zinc. zinc-OX. Lifter sleep during day. merc-bin. By heat, acom. aloes. ant-t. arn. aur. bar-C. bov. brom. bry. caps, caust. cinnab. coccus. colch. cubebs. dros. euphorb. graph, grat. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ka/i. kali- hyd. lach. lact-v. lyc. Inez. nat-m. nuc-in. plat. rhºts. selen. Sep. stront. verb. By dry heat. rhod. JBy heat of sum. bar-c. brom. hipp-manc. strout. When heated. am-c. mosch. petr. staph. By heat of Stove. bar-c. connoclad. Im warm air. iod. From warm spring to cold autumn weather. (glon.) By cold. acon. aeth. aloes, ant-l. brom. carb-am. grat. kali- bich. lye. mez. nux-m. Thus. Sency. By a chill. calc. dulc. hyos. mosch. sil. Py head becoming cool. euphorb. in open air. sil. By cool air touching it. ferr. By cold things touching it. cubebs. cubels. plant. By cool air. hyos. lye. Imatrim. By catching cold. bell, carb-v. By getting cold in open air. graph. By cold weather. rhod. Sulph. By damp weather. broun. carb-an. magn. rhod. Sulph. By change of temperature, phos. piper, ran-bulb. wiper-t. By Stormy weather. rhod. By thunderstorm. rhod. By wind. calc-phos. cham. chin. mur-ac. nux. By cold north wind. Sep. By riding against a cold wind. calc-iod. By a draught, bell. benz-ac. cadm-s. chin. nux. nux-m. sil. val. verb. 220 '3"Sół5-666333333 By a draught after being heated. kali. During summer, cubebs. By light, acon. bufo. cact. Croc. ign. Sang. zizia. In the shade. brom. In darkness. acom. By candle-light. bov. croc. By Sun’s rays. agar. cadm-S. glon. lach, natr. nux. Val. In Sunlight, agar. euphr. ign. natr. nux. By Sun-Stroke. camph. (therid.) Following the sum. kali-ferrocy. glon. Spig. After bathing. ant-c. sol-arrab. By cold water. acon. ant-l. ars. coccus. Convolv. Cycl. matrim. matr-S. psor. Spig. Sulph. tepl. zinc. By washing. ant-t. asar. cinnab. magn. By getting head wet. puls, rhus. Sep. Among many persons. magn. By walking beside water. ang. By crossing a stream. ang. brom. natr-m. Sulph. By walking along a narrow path. bar-c. When driving. acon. cocc. col. graph. hep. iod. kali. kali- nit. meph. nitr-ac. Selen. sil. wisb. By jarring of the cars. glon. After driving. Sulph. When riding. brom. phyt, rhus-r, sil. in open air. kali-nitr. By undressing. corall. Oleand. puls. sil. By covering head. grat. hep. led, nux. psor. Sil, stront. Zingib. warmly. cham. magn-m. nux. rhod. Sil. thwy. By covering head with hat. cubebs. wal. By uncovering head. benz-ac. ſlom. lob-infl. lye, natr-m. phos. sil. Sulph. thuy. zingib. JBefore the chill. (eupat-perf.) (eupat-purp.) During the chill, caps. chlor. Cimex. crotal. (eupat-perf.) (eupat-purp.) hell. During fever. (eupat-perf) (eupat-purp.) lach. Sabad. During the Sweat. (eupat-perf.) By Sweat, bow, cinnab. graph. hep, magn-m. matr-m. psor. Sabad. thuy, wisb. on forehead. natr-s. During ague. (eupat-perf.) After ague. cina. Before epilepsy. cina. After epilepsy, cina, cupr. After pertussis. cina.